Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Cornell University Library BX5918.C7E6 The Records of Convocation, A.D. 1790-A. 3 1924 012 613 240 - *?&0 &**-&} - — —tew*- 0^w- ~ rf£*, <£? Jtt-y 0^£r^£* £ \~Z2-^ 7 & ' ?-s3-&f- A PAGE FROM THE "RECORDS" Containing the Approval of the Union of the Church in America Biocese of Connecticut THE Records of Convocation A.D. 1790— A. D. 1848 EDITED AND ANNOTATED FOR THE DIOCESAN COMMISSION ON ARCHIVES The REVEREND JOSEPH HOOPER, M.A. NEW HAVEN : Printed for the Convention mcmiv THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. PREFACE. With the printing of these "Records" the documentary history of the Diocese is made more complete. Some acts of the earlier Conventions seem obscure until explained by the discus- sions and conclusions of the Bishop and clergy in Convocation. While the "Records" have been recognized as of great historic value by all Connecticut Churchmen, and especially by those who have carefully studied "the spotless history," as Bishop Williams styled it, of this the mother diocese of the American Church, there has been but one previous proposal to publish them. This was in 1851, when the lovable and erudite Rev. Dr. Alonzo B. Chapin, editor of The Calendar, contemplated issuing them with some historical notes after publishing extracts in the columns of The Calendar; and for this purpose had a copy made which apparently has disappeared. The historian of the Church in Connecticut, the revered and learned Dr. Eben Edwards Beardsley, consulted them while preparing; h is "Histo ry" and incorporated some extracts into reely in his "Life" of our first CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF Prof. Kenneth Walter Cameron le permanent Commission upon ril 10, 1899, it was resolved that ing Records of the Convocations with notes for preservation." 1 to bring the subject before the 'Records" was resumed at the ission on May 13, 1902. The ously reaffirmed and a member ) present it to the Convention. Diocese held in Trinity Church, e present publication was unani- THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & T, NEW HAVEN, CO PREFACE. With the printing of these "Records" the documentary history of the Diocese is made more complete. Some acts of the earlier Conventions seem obscure until explained by the discus- sions and conclusions of the Bishop and clergy in Convocation. While the "Records" have been recognized as of great historic value by all Connecticut Churchmen, and especially by those who have carefully studied "the spotless history," as Bishop Williams styled it, of this the mother diocese of the American Church, there has been but one previous proposal to publish them. This was in 1851, when the lovable and erudite Rev. Dr. Alonzo B. Chapin, editor of The Calendar, contemplated issuing them with some historical notes after publishing extracts in the columns of The Calendar; and for this purpose had a copy made which apparently has disappeared. The historian of the Church in Connecticut, the revered and learned Dr. Eben Edwards Beardsley, consulted them while preparing his "History" and incorporated some extracts into his text. He also used them freely in his "Life" of our first Bishop, Dr. Samuel Seabury. At the annual meeting of the permanent Commission upon Parochial Archives held on April 10, 1899, it was resolved that the Convention "have the existing Records of the Convocations of the clergy carefully printed with notes for preservation." No measures were then taken to bring the subject before the Convention. The consideration of the "Records" was resumed at the annual meeting of the Commission on May 13, 1902. The former resolution was unanimously reaffirmed and a member of the Commission appointed to present it to the Convention. At the Convention of the Diocese held in Trinity Church, Hartford, on June 10, 1902, the present publication was unani- mously authorized. — 4— The Commission subsequently appointed the Rev. Dr. Samuel Hart, Registrar of the Diocese, and the Rev. Joseph Hooper, a committee to superintend its annotation and publication. The desire of the Committee to verify every detail of both the text and the notes has made an earlier publication imprac- ticable. , The Committee has in all matters connected with the pub- lication acted as a unit. Dr. Hart kindly undertook the comparison of the transcript with the original and read the proof of the text also with the original. Mr. Hooper is responsible for the "Introduction," which is intended to give such information as is available con- cerning the "Voluntary Conventions" and earlier Convocations in Connecticut. He has also compiled such "Notes" as seemed necessary. He gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to his colleague's profound knowledge of our history. The "Records" are printed exactly as found in the original minute books with these exceptions : the years are inserted in bold-faced type and a few emendations necessary to complete the sense have been made. They are enclosed in square brackets. J. H. June, 1904. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. It was the custom of the clergy of the Church of England in the Colony of Connecticut to meet from time to time in "volun- tary convention." At these meetings matters of common interest were discussed, and often protests were made and measures taken to maintain the rights of oppressed Churchmen in some of the towns. Although a yearly gathering of the clergy in each colony or province, or if there were very few in any colony the clergy of two or more colonies, was favored by the venerable Propa- gation Society, the Conventions were held at irregular intervals until the middle of the eighteenth century. Each meeting in New England generally, and in Connecticut especially, had the warrant of some special need of their various cures or the pres- ence of some danger or menace to the Church of which they were ministers. The same irregularity is noticed in the Conventions in the other North American colonies and provinces until after 1750. At that time the agitation for an American Episcopate became more active, and appeals and plans for its successful accom- plishment were frequently sent to the venerable Society, "his Grace of Canterbury" or "my Lord of London." An organized opposition to this design, and the union against it of all those dissenting from the Church of England, caused the clergy of the more northern colonies to meet more frequently until the Revolution. We know certainly from letters of missionaries, notices in the newspapers, and the formal documents sent "home" to the venerable Society or the Bishop of London, that seventeen Con- ventions were held in Connecticut from 1739 to 1776. Probably there were other meetings more purely social in their character of which no record was made. The first recorded Convention is that held at "Fairfield in New England" on March 20, 1739. It was attended by seven clergy- men, the six then laboring in Connecticut and the Rector of Christ Church, Rye, New York, who ministered to the Connecti- cut Churchmen on the border of New York at Horse Neck (now Greenwich), and Stamford. 1 From the "representation" sent to the venerable Society the meeting was occasioned by the aggressions of the "Standing Order" upon Churchmen. Taxes for the support of the ministry were levied in every town. These taxes were to be the provision for the salary of the ministers of the "Standing Order," that is, those who subscribed and conformed to the Saybrook Platform of 1708. All "sober dis- senters," including Churchmen, who were certified to belong to other religious bodies could have their ministerial taxes paid to their respective pastors. In practice very few towns were willing to divert any portion of their tax from the local pastor without a formal suit and mandamus. The particular case of aggression in 1739 was that of the Churchmen in Horse Neck and Stamford, where the collectors refused to pay their pro- portion of the tax to Mr. Wetmore. This treatment of a just claim demanded redress. The Convention also mentioned the indignity offered to the Rev. Mr. Arnold of West Haven and his servants, who were forcibly ejected by a mob of about one hundred and fifty people from the "Gregson Glebe" in New Haven, of which he was taking possession by ploughing. This plot had been deeded to the Rev. Jonathan Arnold by Mr. William Gregson of London in trust for the Church of England in New Haven. The actual title was obscure and disputed. 2 1 The Rev. Samuel Johnson, of Stratford ; John Beach, of Newtown ; Samuel Seabury, of New London ; Jonathan Arnold, of West Haven ; Ebenezer Punderson, of North Groton ; Henry Caner, of Fairfield ; James Wetmore, of Rye, New York. 2 The " Representation" is on pp. 166-169 of Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. I. Con- necticut. Francis L. Hawks, D.D.,LL.D., William Stevens Perry, A.M., Editors. Vol.1. New York, James Pott, 1863. Usually quoted as " Con- necticut Church Documents." For the "Gregson Glebe," see pp. 114, 115, 168, 170, 171, 224, 227 of The History of the Episcopal Church in Con- necticut, from the Settlement of the Colony to the death of Bishop Seabury. By E. E. Beardsley, D.D. Vol. I. Third edition. New York, Hurd and Houghton, 1874. Also pp. 19, 20, 22, The Beginning of the Episcopal Church in New Haven. By Edwin Harwood, D.D. 1894. — 7— The second Convention was held at New London on May 4, 1740. It was attended by representatives of the clergy through- out New England. An extract from its proceedings relating to the establishment of a parish at "Hopkinston," probably the town in Massachusetts, is the only item concerning its delibera- tions available. 1 At Hopkinston, Mass., the Rev. Commissary Price of King's Chapel, Boston, afterward built and endowed with a glebe a commodious church. 2 On August 24, 1742, the clergy of Connecticut met at Fair- field. Their special object was to ask the Bishop of London to appoint a Commissary for Connecticut. The Rector of Stratford, the Rev. Samuel Johnson, was nominated to Dr. Edmund Gibson, their diocesan, as the most suitable person. The chief reason for such an appointment was : "our distances from the Commissary at Boston is such as makes it impracticable for us to attend upon the yearly Convention, and, consequently to receive the benefits of that appointment." 3 The research of Mr. George E. Hoadley has enriched the archives of the Diocese with these particulars of several Con- ventions from the files of The Connecticut Courant. As the files are not complete it is probable that other sessions were mentioned in the Courant. [Courant, Monday, June 10, 1765.] Hebron, June 6th, 1765. Yesterday being the Wednesday after Trinity Sunday, there was in this town a convention of the Clergy of the Church of England, belonging to Conn. The Rev. Mr. Learning of Norwalk preached an ingenious and pathetic Sermon on 1st Cor. IV 1 to great satisfaction. The Rev. Mr. Hubbard of Guilford read prayers with much approbation. The Convention for the year 1766 is appointed to be held at New Milford, when the Rev'd Mr. Mansfield of Derby is nominated to preach. 1 p. 170, Connecticut Church Documents, I. 'p. 73, Annals of the American Pulpit, V '. Wm. B. Sprague, D.D. New York, Robert Carter and Brother, 1861. 8 pp. 181, 182, Connecticut Church Documents, I. pp. 135, 136, Dr. Beardsley's "History," I. [Courant, June 2, 1766.] Wallingford, May 29, 1766. Yesterday in this town was a meeting of the Clergy of Conn, when a very rational sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Mansfield of Darby. Prayers were read by the Rev. Mr. Learning of Norwalk. [Courant, June 29, 1767.] Turkey Hills in Simsbury, June 18, 1767. Yesterday was held in this place the annual Convention of the Church Clergy in Connecticut, before whom a sermon was preached by the Rev'd Mr. Newton of Ripton in Stratford. Prayers were read by the Rev'd Mr. Jarvis of Middletown. [Courant, June 5, 1769.] On Wednesday the 24th last, was a full convention of the Church Clergy at New Milford, at which two sermons were preached by the Rev. Mess. Scovil and Kneeland respectively. [Courant, Tuesday, May 28, 1771.] On Wednesday last there was a Convention of the Church Clergy of this Colony at Norwich. The Service of the Church was read by Mr. Bostwick of Great Barrington, and a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrews of Wallingford. [Courant, Tuesday, June 30, 1772.] Wednesday of last week was the annual Convention of the Church of England Clergy, when more than twenty Gentlemen of that Character met at Fairfield, to whom a Sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Viets of Simsbury. An interesting Convention was held on July 23, 1776, at the house of the Rev. Bela Hubbard in New Haven. The Church of England clergy in the colony were firm loyalists with scarcely an exception. When arms were taken up against the King their consciences would not allow them at the bidding of the patriots to omit the prayers for the King and Royal Family in public worship. Threats and imprisonment did not frighten them or cause them to decline "mutilating" the Prayer Book. They could not break their oath of allegiance taken at their solemn ordination, they were reluctant to close their churches provided they could keep them open with comparative safety to them- selves and their parishioners. After much deliberation they devised a form of service which dispensed with the use of the Book of Common Prayer, and which the Convention authorized for use. "It was voted, that the following mode of public wor- ship should be carried out in their respective churches. I st singing. 2^ a chapter out of the Old Testament. 3 r Connecticut Church Documents, II. pp. 299, 300, Dr. Beards- ley's " Bishop Seabury," from Bp. Seabury's MS. Letter Book. 8 p. 305, Dr. Beardsley's " Bishop Seabury." 3 p. 315, Dr. Beardsley's "Bishop Seabury." 4 This letter is dated November 15, 1787. p. 315, Dr. Beardsley's " Bishop Seabury." —23— elegantly finished. The Bishop had on his royal attire. The Crown and Mitre were refulgent. The reading Psalms were beautifully chanted. The most of the clergy present were clothed in their robes, and the whole day was pleasing." 1 It was probably at this meeting that Bishop Seabury com- municated the letter of Bishop Skinner in answer to that he had written from Wallingford. Bishop Skinner had waited until he could collect the opinions of the Bishops before answering the very grave question of Bishop Seabury. He counselled patience and expressed his opinion that the "English conse- crate" would not stand aloof from the Bishop of Connecticut. If they did, then the Scottish College could not hesitate. "But fain would we hope better things of these your American brethren, and that there will be no occasion for two separate communions among the Episcopalians of the United States." 2 The discussion of this letter is probably referred to in the allusion to the Convocation in Mr. Baldwin's letter. Dr. Seabury and the parochial clergy of Connecticut were quietly awaiting overtures of sympathy and union from their brethren. No formal action could be taken by those associated in a general convention until the spring of 1789 when the Convention was to meet. It was, then, with no expectation of friendly overtures that the Convocation met in St. John's Church, North Haven, on Wednesday, October 22, 1788, when the Rev. Samuel Nisbett and David Foot were advanced to the priest- hood. Only routine business seems to have been transacted. The divided state of the Church in America was a matter of anxious concern to thoughtful Churchmen both in New Eng- land and in the other parts of the Union. As the differences and discontent in the State had been composed by the adoption of the Federal Constitution, many hoped that the Church would also adopt measures for godly union and concord. The amiable Bishop of Pennsylvania, the devoted Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, and the active President of Washington College, Maryland are the three men who saw most clearly the 1 p. 318, Dr. Beardsley's "Bishop Seabury." This is said to have been the first occasion on which Bishop Seabury wore his mitre. It is now in the Library of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. '' p. 297, Dr. Beardsley's " Bishop Seabury." The whole letter is on pp. 295-298. —2 4 — sin and folly of permanent separation, who contributed by their personal influence with the delegates to the General Con- vention and by their wise plans which did not compromise any principle, by their ready willingness to give up any notion incon- sistent with soundness in the faith and ancient customs of the Church which might thoughtlessly have been temporarily enter- tained, or been embodied in conventional action, to a more Chris- tian and brotherly attitude on the part of the Convention. To them should be added of our Connecticut clergy the venerable Dr. Learning, whose letters to Bishop White are strong and convincing. 1 Early in the Spring of 1789 it was evident that much of the bitterness against Bishop Seabury and his clergy was subsiding. While the attitude of the Bishop of New York was still unfriendly, the Diocese under the leadership of Dr. Benjamin Moore looked with favor upon the complete union of the Church. This acceptable change was soon known in Connecticut and caused much rejoicing. A letter of Bishop White to Bishop Seabury written in December, 1788, was so cordial and expressed so fully a desire for unity, that in writing to Dr. Parker on April 10, 1789, Bishop Seabury says: "I believe we shall send two Clergymen to the Philadelphia Convention, to see whether a union can be effected. If it fail, the point I believe will here be altogether given up." 2 It was under these encour- aging circumstances that the Bishop and Clergy met in Convo- cation at St. Paul's Church, Norwalk on June 3, 1789. A letter from Bishop Seabury gives clearly their attitude: "The clergy supposed that in your Constitution, any representation from them would be inadmissible without Lay delegates, nor could they submit to offer themselves to make a part of any meeting where the authority of their Bishop had been disputed by one Bishop, and probably by his influence, by a number of others who were to compose that meeting. They therefore must consider themselves excluded, till that point shall be set- tled to their satisfaction which they hope will be done by your Convention." 3 1 See pp. 305-308, 311-313, 331, 332. 347, 348 Dr. Beardsley's "Bishop Seabury." 2 p. 327, Connecticut Church Documents, II. Also : p. 347, Dr. Beards- ley's " Bishop Seabury." s Bishop Seabury to Bishop White, New London, June 29, 1789. p. 350, Dr. Beardley's "Bishop Seabury." —25— A convention of "Lay delegates from our several congrega- tions" was to meet in the Spring of 1789 to consider "{he support of their Bishop" and "the practicability of instituting an Episcopal Academy in this State." Bishop Seabury and the clergy generally thought that "the point of sending Lay dele- gates to the General Convention should come fairly before them." Bishop Seabury thus outlines their action : "When the matter was proposed to the Lay convention, after some conver- sation, they declined every interference in Church government or in reformation of Liturgies. They supposed the government of the Church to be fixed, and that they had no right to alter it by introducing a new power into it. They hoped the old Liturgy would be retained with little alteration; and these matters they thought belonged to the Bishops and Clergy and not to them. They therefore could send no delegates, though they wished for unity among the Churches, and for uniformity of worship; but could not see why these great objects could not be better secured on the old ground than on the new ground that had been taken with you." Bishop Seabury with impres- sive dignity says in the same letter to Bishop White: "For my own part, gladly would I contribute to the union and uniformity of all our Churches; but while Bishop Provoost disputes the validity of my consecration I can take no step towards the accomplishment of so great and desirable an object." 1 Dr. Parker had devised a plan which he thought would effectually unite the Church in New England with the Church in the rest of the United States. It was the election of a Bishop for Massachusetts and New Hampshire and a request by Memorial to the General Convention for the three Bishops then in the United States to join in his Consecration. The five other clergymen then resident in those states readily agreed to it. A convention of the Clergy was held at Salem, Mass., on June 4, 1789, when the Rev d Edward Bass, Rector of St. Paul's church, Newburyport, Mass. was duly elected. Those present then joined in the preparation of "An Act of the Clergy of Massachusetts and New Hampshire," in which they rejoiced that the good Providence of Almighty God "had supplied the Church in the United States with "a complete and entire 1 Bishop Seabury to Bishop White, " New London, June 29, 1789." p. 350, Dr. Beardsley's "Bishop Seabury." — 20— Ministry," cited the facts of the election of Mr. Bass, and requested that "the Right Reverend the Bishops in the States of Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania" give "their united assistance in consecrating our said Brother and canoni- cally investing him with the apostolic offices and powers." 1 Dr. Parker was appointed to transmit the "Act" to the Bishops named and as agent of the Convention to attend "any Convention to be holden at Philadelphia or New York, and to treat upon any measures that may tend to promote an Union of the Episcopal Church throughout the United States of America." 2 When this "Act" was brought before the General Convention, which met in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Tues- day, July 28, 1789, there was almost immediate approval of it and the passage of a resolution affirming the validity of Dr. Seabury's Consecration. After long discussion in the com- mittee of the whole upon the best method to bring about the union, a series of resolutions offered by Dr. William Smith, President of Washington College, Maryland, and former Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, were adopted. They declared that "a complete order of Bishops derived as well under the English as the Scots line of Episcopacy doth now subsist within the United States of America." It was declared that these three Bishops "are fully competent to every proper act and duty of the Episcopal Office and character in these United States." It was affirmed that Chris- tian charity as well as duty required them to supply the wants of "their sister churches in these States :" therefore the "Right Rev. Dr. White and the Right Rev. Dr. Provoost be and they are hereby requested to join with the Right Rev. Dr. Seabury in complying with the prayer of the Clergy of the States of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, for the consecration of the Rev. Edward Bass, Bishop-elect of the Churches in the said States." Should the Bishops consecrated at Lambeth feel "any difficulty or delicacy" in respect to an implied pledge to the Bishops and Archbishops in England that there should be three Bishops of the English line consecrated for the United States before there was any transatlantic consecration by them, "this Convention will address the Archbishops and Bishops, and hope 1 P- 334) Connecticut Church Documents, II. * P- 335> Connecticut Church Documents, II. —27— thereby to remove the difficulty." 1 The Convention then adopted a body of Canons, and a Constitution in which a pro- vision was made for a House of Bishops when three should be members of the General Convention. It was to act as a house of revision but had no power to originate legislation for the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies. The Convention adjourned on August 8 to meet again on September 29 with the full expectation that its members would then welcome Bishop Seabury and deputies from New England. The proceedings of the Convention were transmitted to Connecticut very soon after its adjournment. A formal letter signed by the special committee of invitation, Bishop White, Dr. William Smith, Dr. Samuel Magaw, the Hon. Francis Hop- kinson, and the Hon. Tench Coxe, was sent on August 16 to Bishop Seabury detailing what had been done and indicating the liberty allowed in the Constitution adopted for any state to be represented only by clergymen. It disclaimed for the Convention in the past any act implying the invalidity of Dr. Seabury's consecration, asserting that its course in the matter had been misunderstood. As a proof of "respect for our sister Churches" everything had been postponed "except what was intended immediately to open the door of union" until the session of September 29, "in the full confidence of then meeting a representation from all the Churches in the Eastern States, for the purpose of devising and executing such measures as through the blessing of God may concentre all our future labours in the promotion of truth and righteousness, and for preserving our Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace." 2 Bishop White wrote an affectionate personal letter to Bishop Seabury on August 11. In it he comments upon the deeds and temper of the Convention. He defers answering Bishop Seabury's recent letter as he has "y e Expectation of our soon discussing y e weighty contents of it more fully and effectually than can be done in correspondence." He cannot suppose that the Bishop "will see cause to decline y" unanimous invitation 1 PP- 53> 54> Journals of the General Convention, 1785-1817. Bioren's reprint, 1817. * pp. 347-349, Connecticut Church Documents, II. The copy followed is the original draft in the papers of Dr. William Smith. —28— which you will herewith receive from y e Convention to their adjourned meeting." 1 Dr. Smith in a very cordial letter gave some of the inner history of the Convention, especially concerning the meaning of the "five resolves" which he had offered. He also invited the Bishop of Connecticut to his house during his stay in Phila- delphia. 2 Until the arrival of these letters Bishop Seabury and the Connecticut clergy were in great perplexity as to the result of Dr. Parker's proposal. In a letter to him written by Bishop Seabury on August 26 there is this inquiry : "Have you yet heard the result of your application to the Southern Bishops respecting Mr. Bass's Consecration?" The Bishop comments upon the information given him by Dr. Moore and debates the question whether he should keep an appointment for Portsmouth or defer it and go to Philadelphia. Before he finished the letter the mail brought him the three communications already epitomised and he closes with these words : "I have determined to go to Phila- delphia, and hope to see you there. Time will not permit me to add more than that I am Your affectionate, Humble Servant, S. Bp. Connect." 3 Bishop Seabury wrote immediately to Bishop White his accept- ance of the invitation to the adjourned Convention. He fears as "the time is so short" that "we shall not be able to get our dispersed clergy together ; but everything shall be done that can be done, and I presume on so sudden an emergency any little informality in the appointment of their representatives will be overlooked."* The summons of the Bishop brought together a large number of the clergy in a special Convocation at Stratfield (now Bridge- port) on September 15, 1789. As the Bishop did not attend, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Learning was chosen President and the 1 PP- 337. 338, Connecticut Church Documents, II. 2 pp. 345, 346, Connecticut Church Documents, II. "August 16, 1789." 3 pp. 349, 350, Connecticut Church Documents, II., from the Bishop Parker Correspondence. Also : Bishop Perry's Journals of the General Conven- tion, 1785-1835. p. 408, volume third, Historical Notes and Documents. 4 P- 351, Connecticut Church Documents, II. Also, p. 409, Historical Notes and Documents. —29— Rev. Mr. Jarvis retained his office of Secretary. The letters and documents received from Philadelphia were submitted to the Convocation for discussion and action. The Rev. Dr. John Bowden, then residing in Stratford, whose word always had great weight, moved that the Diocese be represented by clerical proctors, which was adopted. After some informal discussion the Convocation adjourned to the following day. The Rev. Bela Hubbard, of Trinity Church, New Haven and the Rev. Abraham Jarvis, of Christ Church, Middletown, were then elected as "proctors," or clerical depu- ties, to the adjourned General Convention to be holden in Philadelphia on Tuesday, September 29, 1789. They were "empowered to confer with the General Conven- tion on the subject of making alterations in the Book of Common Prayer." The Convocation expressly stipulated that "the ratification of such alterations was expressly reserved to rest with the Bishops and clergy of this Church." 1 An account of the proceedings of this adjourned session of the General Convention, and the consummation of the continen- tal union of the Church in America will be found elsewhere in this volume. 2 The table of voluntary Conventions and meetings of the Convocation to 1790 appended to this introduction is that given in the Convention Journal of 1891, with the benefit of careful revision by Dr. Hart, the compiler. 1 These particulars are given by Dr. Beardsley on pp. 409, 410 of his History, I. Also on pp. 367, 368 of his Life of Bishop Seabury. The quo- tation marks are as above. Dr. Beardsley does not mention his authority. 8 See Note V. — 3°— VOLUNTARY CONVENTIONS OF THE CLERGY OF CONNECTICUT. A.D. 1739— A.D. 1785. 1739, March 29 Fairfield. 1740, May 4 New London. 1742, August 24 Fairfield. 1743, May 16 Stratford. 1744, March 28 Norwalk. 1760, June 4 New Haven. 1765, June 5 Hebron. 1766, May 28 Wallingford. 1766, October 8 Stratford. 1767, June 17 Turkey Hills in Simsbury. 1769, May 24 New Milford. 1770, June 13 Litchfield. 1771, May 22 Norwich. 1772, June 24 Fairfield. 1773, September 8 1776, July 23 New Haven. 1782, May 29 Middletown. 1783, March 25 Woodbury. 1784, January 13 Wallingford. 1785, August 2 Middletown. MEETINGS OF THE CONVOCATION OF THE CLERGY OF CONNECTICUT. A.D. 1785— A.D. 1790. 1785, August 3 Middletown. September 14 New Haven. 1786, September 22 Derby. 1787, February 27 Wallingford. May 31 Stamford. 1788, October 22 North Haven. 1789, June 3 Norwalk. September 15 Stratfield. Records of the Convocation Connecticut Records of the Convocation Connecticut [1790] At a Convocation of the Clergy of Connecticut, holden at Litchfield, on the 2 a . day of June 1790 — Prefent, The Bishop Rev'd Mefs rs . Hubbard The Rev'd Mefs™. Ives Jarvis Prindle Bostwick Foot Sayre Clarke Shelton Hull Baldwin Marsh Perry Edw a . Sol n . Blakeslee Blakeslee 1 The Clergy met at 11. "clock, & by particular defire attended Divine Service at the Presbyterian Meeting-House. 2 The Rev'd M r . Sayre read Prayers — The Rev'd M r . Truman Marsh was ordained Priest — And a Sermon was preached by the Bishop, the Rt. Rev'd Doct r . Samuel Seabury. — At 4. "clock P. M. the Clergy met again at the Rev'd M r . Baldwin's ; & the* Rev'd M r . Sayre was chofen Secretary. Refolved, that a Blank-Book be provided at the expence of Convocation, in which, minutes of their proceedings shall be entered by the Secretary — And that the said Book shall be pro- duced, by the Secretary, at every Convocation. Adjourned, to meet tomorrow-morning. 1 Note 1. * Note 11. 3 —34— Met June 3 d - 9. "clock A. M. as p r . adjournment. The Rev'd M r . Sayre refigned the office of Secretary: — and The Rev'd M r . Perry was chosen in his place. — On motion, it was agreed, that the Constitution & Canons of the Church, formed by the late General Convention at Phila- delphia, be read: Which, after a short examination, were deferred for further consideration, at the adjourned Convoca- tion, to be holden on the 26 th . of Aug*. — Doct r . David Perry, Layman, was admitted as a candidate for Holy Orders — & being examined by Mess™. Jarvis, Bostwick, & Baldwin, was found worthy to receive Deacon's Orders. Voted, That a Committee be appointed to draw up rules & Canons for regulating the discipline of the Church in Connecti- cut: — and that the Rev'd Docf. Learning, The Rev'd Mess™ Jarvis, Mansfield, & Hubbard be a Committee for the purpose — & that they prepare the fame against the next Convocation. June 4 th . met at 9. "clock, A. M. — and adjourned to the 26 th . of Aug 4 , to meet at The Rev'd M r . Perry's at Newtown. Sunday, June 6 th . Doct r . David Perry was ordained Deacon by the R'. Rev'd Samuel, Bish p . of Connecticut. 3 — At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut, holden by adjournment, at the Rev'd M r . Perry's at Newtown, on the last day of Sept r . 1790. Prefent.- The Rev'd Mefs™ Mansfield The Rev'd Mefs 18 - Brunson Hubbard Prindle Bostwick Foot Sayre Clarke Shelton Hull Perry Marsh Ives Ed d - Blakeslee The Clergy met at 7. "clock in the Evening — & chose the Rev'd M r . Mansfield President- Voted, That the Constitution & Canons of the Church, agreed to by the General Convention at Philadelphia, in Octob r . 2 a . 1789, be read, & considered, — agreeably to a vote of the Convo- 3 Note in. —35— cation at Litchfield on the 2 d . da)' of June 1790. — Upon which the Constitution & Canons were read, & the Convocation adjourned till to-morrow 10. "clock. — Octob r . I st Met according to adjournment in the Church. After morning Prayer, read by R a . M r . Shelton, the Constitu- tion & Canons were examined & considered. After which a motion was made, to take a vote of the prefent members, Whether the Constitution & Canons should be adopted. The motion was not agreed to, as the majority of the Convocation wished for further consideration. Adjourned till the Afternoon. The R*. Rev'd Bishop Seabury — The Rev'd Mess rB . Fogg, Tyler, & Todd, joined the Convocation Met in the Church at 3. "clock — And the Bishop took his seat as Prefident, ex officio. — The Rev'd M r . Ogilvie took his Seat as a member of the Convocation. — * The alterations in the Book of Common Prayer, made by the General Convention at Philadelphia, were read & considered. — On motion, The question was put, in these words, "Whether "we confirm the doings of our Proctors in the General Conven- "tion at Philadelphia, on the 2 d - day of Octob y . 1789." 5 Which pafsed in the affirmative by the votes of every member prefent, the Rev'd M r . Sayre excepted: — Who then entered the following Protest against the aforesaid Vote & proceedings of the Convocation, which Protest is here recorded at his defire by order of the Convocation, viz. — "In the Name of our Lord Jefus Christ, Amen. "I James Sayre, a Minister, in Presbyter's Orders, of the "Church of England, of late having officiated as a Presbyter of "the Church of England in Connecticut, & having been a mem- "ber of a Convention of the Clergy of Connecticut, for the pur- "pose of considering an Invitation of the Episcopal Clergy in "the Southern States, to the Episcopal Clergy in Connecticut, to "unite with them in a general, ecclesiastical System for the Epis- copalians in the United States, — at which Convention, two "Proctors were chosen by ballot, to meet the Episcopal Clergy "at a General Convention held at Philadelphia from the 29 th . of "Sept r . to the i6 tb . Octob 1 . 1789. — & to treat with them upon "terms of union, — but, with this restriction of the power dele- gated to the faid Proctors, or to this effect, "That their pro- 4 Note iv. 6 Note v. -36- "ceedings in the s a . Treaty should not be deemed conclusive, till "they should be considered & approved by the body of the "Clergy, their Constituents" do folemnly protest against the "signature of the "General Constitution of the Protestant Epis- "copal Church in the United States of America, made by the "said Proctors, on the second day of Octob r . 1789, in the City "of Philadelphia,— and against the Vote of the Episcopal Clergy "in Connecticut, this day made & taken, whereby the said signa- ture of the aforesaid Constitution by the said Proctors has been "approved & adopted : For Reasons alledging, — "i. 3t That the said General Constitution of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United States of America, does not import "in it, that Form of the Government of the Church of Christ, "which it's blefsed & glorious Head imprefsed upon it; which "is therefore, it's proper, & only right Government ; — which was "committed to the Apostles & their succefsors in office, fince "their day stiled Bishops ; & which has therefore obtained the "name of the Episcopal Government of the Church ; but that the "s d . general Constitution signed & approved as aforesaid, is "repugnant to the above-described proper, only right, & episcopal "Government of the Church. — And, altho' I think this reason of "sufficient force, tho' it ftood alone ; Yet I alledge, 2 diy "That, the faid Constitution will be found disagreeable & "distrefsing to great numbers of good Christians, lately members "of the Church of England in Connecticut, & will have the most "probable tendency to occasion divisions & feparations. 2 aiy That, by the aforesaid "General Constitution," all the "sacred matters of the Church, her Doctrines, Discipline, Lit- "nrgy, Sacraments, Rites, & Offices, are fubjected to the utmost "hazard ; as they must naturally be fupposed to be in the power "of the same hands in which the government of the Church is "lodged; and which Hazard, it is my opinion, the authorized "Stewards of God are not warranted to encounter, and "Lastly, "That the alteration of any fystem of long ftanding "has ever been productive of more or lefs inconvenience & dam- "age; & that, therefore, old fystems should not be changed "without necefsity." — "In witnefs whereof I have hereunto fet my Hand this I st . day "of Octob r . in the year of our Lord 1790 — "at Newtown — James Sayre" —37— The foregoing Protest being read, & ordered to be recorded by defire of the Rev'd M r . Sayre: — The Convocation was then adjourned to 9. "clock to-morrow, morning. — OctoR 2 d . This morning the Rev'd M r . Sayre withdrew & left the Convocation. — Met in the Church at 9. "clock Morning Prayer being read by Rev'd M r . Prindle, A motion was made, that the Convocation should determine on a mode of introducing the Constitution & Canons & Liturgy in our several parishes : — When it was agreed that each of the Clergy should take that method that should appear to him the most eligible. Agreed, also, that in the use of the New-Prayer-Book, we be as uniform as pofsible, — & for that purpose, that we approach as near the Old Liturgy, as a compliance with the Rubrics of the New will allow. — Agreed, that the Secretary write letters to the Churches of Woodbury & Salem, recommending to them, an union with the Church at Waterbury, for the purpose of settling a Minister. 6 Refolved, by a Vote of the Convocation, that a College of Doc- tors of Divinity be established, by the Bishop & Clergy of Con- necticut: And that the College of Doctors shall be considered as the Bishop's Council, — to be consulted on any emergency that may arise : — and that the Rev'd Mefsrs. Dibble, Mansfield, Hub- bard, & Jarvis, be the first four Doctors.'' The Rev'd M r . Ogilvie, Deacon, offered himself as a candidate for Priest's Orders : — His title, letters of recommendation &c being produced & read, were deemed fatisfactory. The Rev'd Mefs 18 - Hubbard & Perry were appointed his examiners — and on Sunday morning, Octob r . 3 d . he was ordained (in Christ's Church, Newtown) to the order of Priest, by the R'. Rev'd Samuel B p . Connecticut. [1791] At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connect*, holden at the Rev'd M r . Prindle's, at Watertown, on Wednesday 5 th . of Octob 1 . 1791— 11. "clock A. M. 6 Note vi. ' Note vn. -38- Prefent. • The Rev'd Mefs™ Mansfield The Rev'd Mefs™. Clarke Hubbard Todd Shelton Hull Perry Ogilvie Ives Prindle Rev'd M r . Mansfield chosen President, p. t. 2. "clock P. M. proceeded to the Church. — Prayers were read by the Rev'd M r . Todd ;— & a fermon delivered by the Rev'd M r . Perry.— After fervice, returned to Rev'd M r . Prindle's — When the Convocation was joined by the R*. Rev'd Bishop Seabury, Rev'd Mefs". Jarvis & Tyler,— & Rev'd M r . Perry, Deacon.— Proceeded to businefs. Voted ; That a Standing Committee be appointed, as required by the 6 th . Canon agreed on by the Gen 1 . Convent , at Philadel- phia in Oct r . 1789. & that the Committee consist of the Rev'd Mefs 18 . Mansfield, Hubbard, Shelton, Ives, & P. Perry. 8 — Voted ; That those who shall hereafter prefent themselves to this Convocation to be admitted as Candidates for Holy Orders, fhall, previous to their admifsion, be examined by the Convoca- tion, or the Standing Committee of Convocation. Voted ; That the 6 th - Canon of the General Convention af ore- faid, be the general rule to direct the Convocation, or Standing Committee, in their examination of perfons to be admitted as Candidates. Voted ; That every Candidate for orders fhall have been a Communicant in this Church, one year at least, previous to his recommendation for orders, & that this fhall be a necefsary quali- fication. Adjourned at 9. "clock this evening, — to meet at 9. "clock, to-morrow-morning in the Church. Thursday, Octob 1 . 6 th . met in the Church at 9. "clock A. M. according to adjournment. — When, Prayers having been read by the Rev'd M r . Ogilvie, the Convocation proceeded to bufiness. — The Convocation having attended to the application of M r . R. B. Marfhall to be admitted a Candidate for H. Orders, recom- mend to him, to apply to his ftudies for one year, that he may qualify himfelf, as the 7 th - Canon of the general Convention at 8 Note viii. —39— Philadelphia requires; & then the Convocation will chearfully encourage him & admit him a Candidate for orders, provided he obtain a title, & proper testimonials, agreeably to the 6 th - Canon aforefaid. Rev'd Mefs 13 . Bostwick, Baldwin & Marsh joined the Convo- cation. — Voted ; That M r . Seth Hart be recommended for examination for the order of a Deacon.- — Adjourned to 2. o clock P. M. — 2. "clock P. M. afsembled as p r . adjournment. — Voted : That, in the use of the Common Prayer Book, we will use the Nicene-Creed on Communion Days ; & the Apostle's Creed on all other days. Voted : That the College of Doctors shall consist of a limited number : Which number shall never be lefs than four ; (allowing six months to fupply a vacancy which may be caused by death or removal) — & shall never exceed six, unlefs by the content of the Convocation. Voted; That the instalment of the Doctors shall be by Diploma from the College of Doctors, which shall be announced by the Bishop in public, at the next Convocation. — Voted ; That the Acts of this Convocation relative to the Col- lege of Doctors, shall be published in the Connecticut- Journal. 9 The Committee, appointed by the Convocation, in June 1790, to prepare Canons for the internal government of the Church in this State, made their report. Voted : That the Canons reported by said committee, be revised & completed by the Bishop, & the College of Doctors ; & laid before the next Convocation. Adjourned ; to meet at 9. "clock tomorrow-morning in the Church. 9. "clock met as p r . adjournment. Prayers having been read by the Rev'd M r . Marsh — the Con- vocation proceeded to businefs. — Voted; That we will prefent a memorial to the General Afsembly of this State, praying for a repeal of the Certificate, or Conscience Act, pafsed at their last fefsion in May. Voted; That the Rev'd Doct rs . Mansfield & Hubbard be a committee with the Bishop, to confer & concur with Jon 11 . Inger- foll Esq r . in drawing a memorial to be presented to the Afsembly in behalf of this Convocation for the aforesaid purpose. — 9 Note ix. —40— Voted ; That a Committee be appointed to meet at Reading on the 10 th . inst. to enquire into the state of the feveral Churches of Reading, Ridgefield & Danbury relative to their uniting & fet- tling the Rev'd D. Perry, Deacon, to be their Minister ; — & that the Rev'd Mefs rs . Bowden, Shelton, Ogilvie, Clarke, & Perry, be a Committee for the purpose. In purfuance of which, — Voted ; That the Secretary be directed to fend a notification of s a . meeting to the Wardens & Vestry of the aforefaid Churches, & request their attendance, or of Committees in their ftead from s a . Churches Voted ; That each Clergyman recommend it to the people of his Cure, to choose one or more persons to reprefent them at a Convocation to be holden at the Church in N. Haven on the 30 th . of May next at 10. "clock, A. M. which reprefentatives are to be considered as a Comm ttee . of conference, to confer with the Convocation, at that time & place, on all matters that respect the temporal interest of the Church. — Sunday 9 th . of Octob r . M r . Seth Hart was ordained Deacon at Watertown. 10 — Sunday 16 th . of Oct 1 , the Rev'd D. Perry was ordained Priest at Stratfield by the R'. Rev'd Samuel B D . Connect*. [1792] At a Convocation holden at East Haddam, on the 15 th . of Feb y . 1792. Prefent The R*. Rev'd Bishop Seabury The Rev'd Mefs rs . Hubbard Rev'd Mefs"- Prindle Bowden Clarke Shelton Ogilvie Baldwin E. Blakeley Brunfon S. Blakely Convocation being opened at 10. "clock. A. M. the Rev'd M r . Shelton was chosen Secretary (pro hac vice). Voted; That unlefs the Wardens & Vestrymen of Christ's Church in Stratford, shall transmit to the R 4 . Rev'd the Bishop of Connecticut, within 14 days after Easter-Monday next, a 10 Note x. —4i— Notification, that the congregation of s a - Church, have adopted the constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church, as settled by the general Convention at Philadelphia, in Octob 1 . 1789, they (the Congregation) will be confidered as having totally feparated themselves from the Church of Connecticut. Voted ; That the Rev'd M r . Shelton acting as Secretary to the Convocation, shall transmit to the Wardens & Vestrymen of Christ's Church in Stratford, the above vote. — Voted ; That the feveral Clergy make enquiry of their neigh- bouring Towns, & fee what could be done towards erecting an Episcopal Academy ; & make report to the next Convocation. — Voted ; That a Notitia Parochialis be made out, and exhibited to the next Convocation, for the year past. Voted; That the next State Convocation be holden at New Haven, on the first Wednesday of June next, at 10. "clock in the morning. Proposed as Lay-Delegates to the Gen 1 . Convention at New York in Sept r . next, Mefs ra . Jon 11 . Ingerfoll Esq r . Thomas Belden Esq r . Philip Nichols Esq r . John Wooster Esq r - Mark Prindle Esq r . & Ebenezar Baldwin. — Thursday 11. "clock went to Church. The Rev'd M r . Bald- win read prayers : — and the R*. Reverend the Bishop of Connec- ticut, preached the Sermon. — 'After Dinner, the Convocation rose. — At a Convocation of the Epis 1 . Clergy of Connect*, holden in Trinity Church, New Haven on the 6 th - of June 1792 — Prefent — The Right Rev'd the Bishop The Rev'd Mefs rs . Dibble- Rev'd Mefs rs . Ives Mansfield Clarke Hubbard Foot Jarvis Brunfon Bowden Todd Shelton Hull Baldwin Marsh Perry Ogilvie Prindle Blakelee Blakelee Hart —42— On application of M r . Herschel to be admitted as a Candidate for Holy Order s, he was referred to the Standing Committee : — who after due inquiry & examination, came to the following determination — "The Committee, for reasons laid before them, do not think proper to admit M r . Herschel at prefent into the List of Candidates: & do direct that he fhall not continue to read prayers at Branford." — A copy of the foregoing, by defire of the Committee, was transmitted by the Secr y . of Convoc 11 . to M r . Herschel. — Mefs rs . Rufsel Catlin & David Butler on due examination were found qualified for the order of Deacons : — and on Sunday fol- lowing were ordained to the fame in Trinity Church, by the R*. Rev'd B p . Seabury. 11 At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut, holden at Huntington on the 10 th . of Octob r . 1792. Prefent. The R\ Rev'd the Bishop The Rev'd D r . Mansfield The Rev'd Mefs ra . Brunfon The Rev'd Mefs rs . Hubbard Ives Bowden Clarke Tyler Ogilvie Shelton Todd Perry Blakeslee Prindle At 11. "clock A. M. proceeded to bufinefs. — Upon an applica- tion from a number of Episcopalians in the Parish of Exeter, & town of Lebanon, (who have formed themselves into a Society, & chosen for their Wardens M r . Israel Williams & D r . Noah Coleman) praying the Bishop & Clergy to confider them as a feparate ecclefiastical Society, & to allow them the privileges pertaining thereto: — Voted, — That faid people be confidered as a feparate ecclefiastical fociety, provided they annex themfelves to the Cure of Hebron. — Voted, That Mefs rs . Greens, Printers in New Haven, have the refusal of printing an Edition of the Common Prayer-Book : — & that the Rev'd Mefs ra Hubbard & Bowden be a Committee to negotiate the bufiness with faid Printers. And they are hereby authorised to afsure f d - Printers, that they with any perfons, 11 Note xi. —43— whom they may choose as partners in the businefs, fhall have the exclusive privilege of being recommended to the standing Committee of the General Convention for a Licence. 12 At 9. "clock in the evening adjourned — to meet at 9. "clock to-morrow-morning, in the Church. Thursday, — Met according to adjournment. — The Rev'd M r . Shelton read Prayers. — Voted, That a Committee be appointed to make out a revifion of the Articles, & prefent it to the next Convoc 11 . for their appro- bation : & that faid Committee consist of the Rev'd M r . Bowden, Rev'd D r . Mansfield, Rev'd Mefs 18 . Hubbard & Jarvis.— Voted, That fhould an Act be obtained of the Gen 1 . Afsembly incorporating any number of perfons as Trustees of a Fund for the Bishop's fupport, it is our wish, that The Rev'd D r . Mans- field, Rev'd Mefs 18 . Hubbard, Bowden, Jarvis, Baldwin, Tyler, Perry & Shelton, may be members of that Corporation: And it is our defire further, that at least an equal number of Lay- men fhould be included in the Corporation. 13 — Voted, That, the fame perfons, who were appointed a Stand- ing Committee at the last Convocation, be continued to the next. The Rev'd M r . Hart, Deacon, prefented himself to be admitted to the order of Priest ; & after due examination, — was on Sun- day 14 th . Octob r . ordained to the fame in S'. Paul's Church, Huntington, by the R*. Rev'd D r . Seabury. — An ordination fer- mon was preached by the Rev'd M r . Shelton. [1793] At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut, holden at Middletown on Wednesday June 5 th - 1793. — Prefent. The R'. Rev'd Bishop Seabury The Rev'd Mefs 18 . Hubbard The Rev'd Mefs ra . Brunfon Jarvis Ives Tyler Marsh Bostwick Ogilvie Bowden Hart Shelton E. Blakeflee Baldwin S. Blakeflee Perry Butler Catlin 12 Note xn. 13 Note xm. a o o 3 —44— M r . Charles Seabury; & M r . Daniel Boerhance (of Lanesbor- ough) prefented themfelves for admission to the order of Dea- cons. Being found qualified by due examination ; — They were ordained, in Christ's Church by the R 4 . Rev'd Samuel, B p . of Connecticut. 14 The Committee appointed at the last Convocat". to make out a revision of the Articles of Religion, laid the fame before the Convocation : Which revision being examined & considered was, with a few alterations, approved as far as the 17 th - Article; — which, with those that follow, was laid over for further confid- eration, at the next Convocation. Information being given to the Convocation, that the Rev'd M r . Belden, Deacon, had, in feveral instances, officiated in the parish of another Clergyman, without proper permifsion: — Voted, That the Secretary be directed to write to Mr. Belden, & transmit to him that Canon of the General Convention, which forbids such irregular proceeding. Voted, That the Secretary write to the Rev'd D a . Perry, on the subject of his not attending the stated Conventions, or Convocations; & fignify to him, that it is the wish of his Brethren, that he would not neglect to attend, whenever cir- cumstances will pofsibly admit. The Rev'd Mefs rs . E. Blakeflee, & S. Blackeflee,— Butler & Catlin, Deacons, being examined for admifsion to the holy Order of Priests, were, on Sunday 9 th . of June ordained to the fame by the R e . Rev'd the Bishop of Connecticut. — The Convocation adjourned, to meet at New Milford on the last Wednesday of Sept r . next. At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut, holden at New Milford, Sept r . 25-1793. Prefent, The Rt. Rev'd Bp. Seabury Rev'd Mefs" Jarvis Prindle Brunson Ives Rev'd Mefs 19 . Marsh Ogilvie Hart Butler Voted— That the Rev'd Seth Hart act as Secretary— pro tempore. 14 Note xiv. —45— Voted — That, whenever a certain paper relative to the Rev'd M r . James Sayre be transmitted by the Bishop to the feveral Clergymen of the Church in Connecticut, they fhall read it in the feveral Congregations under their care, on the first funday fubfequent to their receiving it. — 15 Voted, — That, the Clergy, in the execution of their ministerial office, can not pay any attention to the Church at Woodbury, until they accede to the Constitution of the Church in Connec- ticut. — Voted. — That M r . Smith Miles be admitted as a Candidate for Holy Orders. — Voted. — That, no Clergyman fhall organize any newly formed religious Congregation, until the next annual Convention : — and that it be recommended to any number of people wishing to be acknowledged a distinct Congregation in the Church, that they be reprefented at the next annual Convention, by one or more delegates, authorized to accede to the Constitution of the Church in Connecticut. [1794] At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut, holden in Trinity Church, N. Haven, June 5 th 1794. — Prefent The Rt Rev'd Bishop Seabury The Rev'd Doct 13 . Mansfield The Rev'd Mefs™ . Brunfon Hubbard Todd Jarvis Prindle The Rev'd Mefs ra . Tyler Marsh Bowden Ogilvie Shelton Hart Baldwin E. Blakelee P. Perry r Butler Ives Deacons - Seabury 1 Burhans Prayers were read by the Rev'd M r . Todd. Voted, That the Rev'd Mefs rs . Bowden, Shelton, & Baldwin be a Committee to examine Candidates, & to transact fuch other 16 Note xv. — 46 — businefs as may properly come before them till the next Con- vocation. — Voted, That, Whereas a Petition has been prefented by a num- ber of persons belonging to the Church in Pauqutannok, to this Convocation, — praying for liberty to admit M r . King & others of his denomination into f.d Church for the purpose of per- forming divine fervice — After a full discufsion of the fubject: — Voted, That this Convocation do not consider themfelves vested with power fufficient to judge & determine on the request of the Petitioners. Voted, That the Rev'd Mefs rs . Ives, Marsh & P. Perry be a Committee for the purpose of accommodating matters with the Ep 1 . Congregation at Woodbury & reconciling them to a union with the Protest*. Episcopal Church. M r . Griswold admitted (after due examination) as a Can- didate for Holy Orders. Voted, That the Secretary write to the Rev'd David Perry, & inform him, that, if he does not attend the next Convocation, he must expect to fall under the Cenfure of the Church. Adjourned without day At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut, holden at the Rev'd M r . Ives' in Cheshire on the 12 th . of Novem*. 1794— Prefent The Rt Rev'd Bishop Seabury Rev'd Doct rs . Mansfield The Rev'd Mef". Todd Hubbard Prindle Jarvis Marsh Rev'd Mefs rB . Bowden Ogilvie Shelton Hart Baldwin E. Blakelee P- Perry S. Blakelee Ives Deacons \ Belden Brunson eacons j g ea ^ ury Prayers read by the Rev'd M r . Shelton. A fermon preached by the Rt. Rev'd the Bishop. Voted, That we will pay our equal proportion of the expence —47— that may accrue for the fupport of a fon of the Rev'd M*. Bost- wick deceased, at the Academy in Stratford, till the month of June 1795.— On application of the Churches of Barrington, Salisbury, Canaan, & Sandersfield to this Convocation, that M r . Smith Miles might be admitted into Holy Orders — Voted, That, Whereas M r . Smith Miles has by intense appli- cation to ftudy, induced upon himfelf a debilitated ftate of body, which has, at times, been accompanied with fome derangement of mind, The Clergy of the Church in Connecticut, therefore, do not think that it would be a prudent meafure at prefent, to recom- mend him to the Bishop for Holy Orders : — But choose to defer his recommendation till his health fhall appear to be fufficiently confirmed to render him capable of performing the laborious duties of a Clergyman. Voted, That the Rt. Rev'd the Bishop be requested to admon- ish the Rev'd David Perry of Ridgfield for his neglect in not attending the ftated Convocations & annual Conventions. And that the Secretary be directed to write to the Episcopal Parishes of Ridgfield, Danbury, & Reading acquainting them with the fame,'& informing them, that unlefs the f.d Rev'd David Perry does attend the next annual Convention to be holden at Strat- ford the first Wednesday in June next, at 10. "clock A. M. he will be fuspended from his clerical office, on account of his contumacy. — Agreably to this Vote, the Rt. Rev'd the Bishop lent to the Rev'd David Perry a Letter of admonition, — of which the fol- lowing is a true copy: — Cheshire Nov 1 . 14, 1794. Rev'd Sir, In compliance with a request of the Clergy afsembled in Convocation at this place, & in purfuance of my own duty, I am to admonish you of your neglect in attending the meetings of your brethren, & on account of the apparent contempt you have thereby thrown on them, & on your Bishop, especially as you have been frequently put in mind of your duty in this respect, by their Secretary, at their particular instance. They wish to enquire of you concerning feveral reports which are circulating - 4 8- in the Country to your disadvantage as a Clergyman; and unless you do attend on their next meeting according to the notification of their Secretary, a fuspension from your Clerical Office will be ifsued against you. I am, Rev'd Sir, your humble Serv*- S. Bp. Connect. & Rho. HI.— The Rev'd D. Perry. Adjourned without Day [1795] At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut holden in Stratford June 3 d . 1795. Prefent — The Rt. Rev. Bishop Seabury; The Rev. Dr. Mansfield. Rev. Mefs™. Clarke, Provid. Rev. Mefs rs . Hubbard Marsh Tyler Ogilvie Bowden Hart Shelton D. Perry Baldwin E. Blakslee Perry S. Blakslee Ives Butler, Deac 11 - Brunson Seabury, Deac". Prindle Prayers read by Mr. Butler. Mr. Amos Purdee, after examination (by the Rev. Mefs™. Shelton & Brunson) was admitted as a Candidate for Holy Orders. — Voted, To recommend Mr. Smith Miles, Mr. Caleb Childs, & Mr. Viets Griswold, to the Bishop, for the order of Deacons. 16 Whereas the Rev. David Perry has requested of the Bishop & his Clergy in Convocation, liberty to resign the pastoral charge of the parishes of Ridgfield, Reading, & Danbury, as well as to relinquish totally the exercise of the Ecclesiastical Function — therefore — Voted, That his request be granted, & the resignation of his Letters of Orders be accepted. 16 Note xvi. —49— Mr. D. Perry was furnished with a Copy of this vote. Voted, That the Rev. Mefs rs - Ogilvie, Shelton, & Perry be a Committee, to make enquiry into the state of the parishes of Ridgfield, Reading & Danbury, in fuch way & manner, & at such time and place, as they (the s a . Committee) shall judge proper & expedient. — Adjourned without Day. — At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut, holden at Bristol, Octb r . 2i 8t . & at Harwington Oct r . 22 — 1795. Present : The Rt. Rev. Dr. Seabury : — The Rev. Mefs ra . Hubbard Rev. Mefs rs . , E. Blakslee Shelton S. Blakslee Baldwin Hart Perry Butler Ives Griswold Prindle i Green Todd Deacons < ~~. '" { Miles Brunson A new Church (by the name of St. Matthew's Church) was consecrated, at Bristol, by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Seabury : — Who also preached an excellent Sermon on the occafion. The Rev. Mr. Griswold was admitted to the holy order of Priest. M r . Jonathan Bartlet, upon the report of the standing Com- mittee, was admitted as a Candidate for holy Orders ; — 8©" but soon changed his mind. Adjourned to meet at Harwington at 11. °cl. to morrow morning. — Thursday morning met as p r . adjournment. A New Church (by the name of St. Mark's Ch h .) was consecrated by the Bishop at Harwington, — who also preached the Consecration Sermon. — After divine Service met at M r . Bradley's Voted, That the Bishop be requested to compose two Collects, for the use of the Clergy in this State, one to be used at the sitting of the Gen 1 . Afsembly; — & the other to be used at the Courts, & that they be printed. — " 11 Note xvn. 4 — 5o— Voted, That we will pay the expence of Harry Bostwic's schooling till next June.— & that information shall be given to his friends, that his fupport will probably not be continued, unlefs some aid be afforded by the Laity. — Voted, That the Bishop be requested to recommend to the fev- eral Congregations in his Diocese, the making collections for the fupport of Harry Bostwick at the Academy. — Adjourned without Day [1796] At a Convention of the Clergy of the ,P. E. Church in Con- necticut, at Rev. Mr. Hubbard's N. Haven Oct*. 20—1796— Prefent. Rev. Dr. Mansfield Rev Mefs ra - Brunson Rev Mefs 18 . Hubbard Ives Jarvis E. Blakflee Tyler Todd Bowden Butler Shelton Seabury Baldwin Griswold Perry Green Prindle Smith, N. Port After divine Service performed in the Church by the Rev. Mr. Baldwin. — Refolved, That the Rev. Mr Butler be requested to inform the friends of Harry Bostwick, that if f.d Bostwick chooses not to pursue the Study of Divinity, we can do nothing further towards defraying the expence of his education. Refolved, That a Letter of thanks be written to the Bishop of Landaff, for his excellent Apology for the Bible, (in answer to Thorn 8 . Paine's Age of Reason) signed by the President & counterfigned by the Secretary in behalf of this Convention. — Refolved, That Rev. Mr. Baldwin be requested to draw up an addrefs agreeably to the foregoing resolve. — Refolved, That each Clergyman shall propose to his parish, or parishes, the making of a Collection, fome time previous to the next annual Convention, for defraying the expense of the Bishop Elect in obtaining Consecration. —5i— Resolved, That Rev. Mr. Bowden (Bishop Elect) be requested to folicit aid of fuch pious & charitable perfons, or focieties, as it may be convenient for him to make application to, in his Tour to Philadelphia, for the encouragement, fupport, & benefit of the Episcopal Academy in Connecticut. Refolved, That the standing Committee of this Church be requested to write a letter in answer to the Letter which they received from the Standing Committee of the Church in Rhode Island. — Refolved, That, in the opinion of this Convention, it is expe- dient that a Presbyter of this Church should attend the Bishop Elect to Philadelphia, when he shall go for Consecration. Voted, That the Rev. Mr. Baldwin be requested to attend the Bishop elect agreeably to the preceding Refolve: — And that an attempt be made to make provision for defraying his expences, in the manner before provided for defraying the expence of the Bp. Elect.— Adjourned to the next annual Convent" of the Clerical & Lay Delegates — [1797] At a Convention of the Episcopal Clergy in Connecticut, holden at Derby on the I st . Wednesday of June 1797 Prefent. — The Rev. Dr. Manfield, President. Rev. Mr. Hubbard Rev Mefs rs . Prindle Rev. Dr. Bowden Ives Rev. Dr. Smith Brunson Rev. Mefs 13 . Shelton Marsh Baldwin E. Blakslee Perry S. Blakslee Butler Seabury Green Miles Rev. Mr. Butler read prayers. Rev. Mr. Marsh preached. Refolved, That the Secretary be directed to write to the Vestry of the Church in Salisbury, & desire them to inform the Stand- —52— ing Committee of this Church, as to the truth of a report which has been circulated, that the Rev. Mr. Child has advanced fen- timents contrary to the doctrines of our Church. — Refolved, That the Rev. Mr. Marsh be requested to answer a Petition from a Church in Washington respecting certain Lands, which are claimed by faid Church, & also by the Church in Litchfield. — Refolved, That, if the Rev. Mr. Jarvis, the Bishop Elect, should go to Philadelphia for Consecration, the Rev. Mr. Bald- win be requested to attend him : — And that it be recommended to the feveral Churches in the State to have collections for defraying the expences of both, by the I st . Sunday in Aug', next, & that the money be fent to the Rev. Mr. Hubbard by the 3 d - of s d . month. Refolved, That the Rev. Mr. Smith be requested to write to the Convention of the Church in Rhode-Island, & inform them, that we shall be happy to continue in union with them, under the episcopal care of the Rev. Mr. Jarvis, (our Bishop elect) as before under Bishop Seabury. Refolved, That the Rev. Mefs ra . Baldwin, Shelton & Smith be the ftanding Committee for the year enfuing. Adjourned fine die. [1798] At a meeting of the Bishop & Presbyters of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticut* at the house of M r Thaddeus Clark at Oyster River on Wednesday the 22 d day of August 1798.— 18 Prefent Right Rev d Abraham Jarvis, Bishop. Doctor Jeremiah Learning Doctor Richard Mansfield Doctor John Bowden Mefs Hubbard Baldwin Shelton Ives Prindle.— 18 Note xviii. —53— M* Baldwin was chosen Secretary — Mefs Smith, Shelton & Baldwin were appointed a Committee to frame Articles of Religion to be laid before the next State Convention — M r Bethel Judd was recommended to the Bishop for Deacon's Orders. — M r Jasper D Jones was admitted a Candidate for holy Orders — Reverd M r . Baldwin was requested to address the President of the United States in behalf of this Convocation — 19 Divine Service was attended at the Church in West Haven — Rev d M r Baldwin read prayers. The Bishop delivered a Ser- mon & attended Confirmation. — Convocation Adjourn'd Sine Die Ashbel Baldwin Secretary [1799] At a Convocation of the Episcopal Clergy of the State of Connecticut hoi den at Derby on the 20 th Nov. 1799 — Present The R*. Rev a . Bishop Jarvis.— D r . Bowden M r . Prindle Manffield Todd Hubbard Hart Smith Griswold M r . Shelton Butler Baldwin Bourhanse Ives White Brunson Judd — Rev d D r . Hubbard read prayers, & R*. Rev d . the Bishop preached. Voted — that the thanks of this Convocation be presented to the Bishop for his Se'rmon this day delivered at the Confecration of the new Church, & that the Secretary be defired to deliver the same. Voted — that the Bishop with D r . Bowden, Mefs rs . Ives, Hub- bard & Brunson be a Committee for the purpose of framing a 19 Note xix. —54— Canon to regulate Clerical attendance upon State Conventions & Convocations ; — and also to addrefs certain clergymen of this Diocese upon the Subject of their neglect of those clerical meetings. R d . M r . Hart prefented a Vote pafsed by the Episcopal churches of Wethersfield & Worthington, adopting the Consti- tution of the Prot. Epifc. Ch. in this Diocese. The Secretary prefented an Office of Induction for the con- fideration of this houfe. The Convocation refolved itself into a Committee of the whole, D r . Bowden in the chair, in order to examine the proposed Office, paragraph by paragraph. The Chairman of the Committee reported to the President of Convocation, that the Committee approved of the proposed Office. Voted — That the proposed Office of Induction be adopted by this houfe & that the thanks of the same be prefented to D r . Smith for the same — that it be printed without delay, & that the Bishop be defired to transmit a Copy of the same to the several Bishops in the U. S. & to the Standing Committees of those States, in which there are no Bishops. 20 Voted — That Mefs 18 . Shelton and Smith be Auditors to exam- ine & pafs M r . Baldwin's Acco*'. of Conventional monies. — Adjourned fine die — William Smith Sec y [Two leaves have been left blank here. There was a meeting of the Clergy at New London, October 15, 1800.] [I80I] At a Meeting of the Bishop & Clergy of the Diocese of Con- necticut in Convocation holden at (New Town) the 2 a . day of June 1 80 1 ,0 Note xx. —55— Present Right Rev d . Abraham Jarvis, Bishop of Con. Rev a - Mefs Mansfield DD Bowden DD Deacons Hubbard Judd Shelton Burges Baldwin Thatcher Prindle Jones Brownson Rogers Marsh Butler Griswold Burhans Mr. Baldwin was appointed Secretary. M r . Camp & M r . Basfield petitioned to be admitted Candidates, and were negatived. — Capt Chittenden presented a Vote passed by the Episcopal Congregation in Salisbury, adopting the constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church of this Diocese. — The report of the Standing Committee upon the complaint exhibited to them against Deacon Caleb Childs, was agreed to by this Convocation and the Bishop was requested to publish his sentence of degradation in such way & manner as he shall judge proper. — Adjourned Sine Die Ashbel Baldwin Secretary At a meeting of the Bishop & Clergy of the Diocese of Connec- ticut^ in Convocation holeden at the City of Hartford the 10 th . day of Nov r . 1801. — Present Right. Rev d . Bishop Jarvis, D.D. Doctor Bowden Fogg Tyler Deacons Shelton Jones Baldwin Prindle Seabury -56- Doctor Marsh Burhans Griswold Reyner Bntler Warner Rogers M r . Baldwin was elected Secretary. — The following order of proceedings was agree'd upon for to morrow. — (viz) A procefsion from M r Reyner's to the Church. Consecration Service by the Bishop. Morning Service by M r Seabury Deed of Consecration by M r Burhans Induction Service by M r Shelton Sermon — by Mr Baldwin Convocation adjourn'd untill 9 OClock to morrow Opened agreeable to adjournment — when a procefsion was made agreeable to the order proposed last evening — from the house of M r Reyner to the Church — when the office of Conse- cration & Induction was performed — 21 After Dinner the Con- vocation met at M r Reyner's at 6 OClock P. M. — On motion, Voted that the Bishop present the thanks of Con- vocation to Mr. Baldwin for his Sermon delivered before them this day. — Voted, That the Rev d - M r Hubbard be requested to call on Deacon Bradley, & demand his Letters of Orders. — Voted that M r Whitlock be requested to call on Deacon Bel- den, & enquire of him whether he intends to relinquish his Clerical Office & if he intends to do so, demand his Letters of Orders — and if he does not intend to give up his Letters, that M r Whitlock inform him of the Cannon of degradation, pafsed by the last General Convention. — Resolved — That Mefs Tyler, Seabury, & Rogers be a Com- mittee to call on M r Solomon Blakesley & enquire of him the reasons for his not attending the State Conventions & Convo- cations. — Adjournd Sine Die Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. 21 Note xxi. —57— [The following, on a slip of paper, is pinned into the book : On motion Resolved, that the Rev a . Ammi Rogers produce Testi- monials from the Brethren in the State of New York, previous to his taking a seat in the Convocation. Ordered, that the above be kept on file, but not entered on the Journals. — ] [1802] At a Meeting of the Bishop & Clergy in Convocation holden at Cheshire at the house of the Rev a . Reuben Ives April 12 th . 1802 Prefent— Bishop Jarvis Doctor Mansfield Deacons Hubbard Jones Shelton Whitlock Baldwin Burges Ives Kilbourn Prindle Perry. — Brownson Todd Blakesley Griswold E. Rogers Warner Rayner Mr. Baldwin was chosen Secretary A petition from Rev a Evan Rogers was presented to the Con- vocation, to be removed from his Parish at Hebron, which was granted. Yeas 15 — Nays 3 — Adjourned Sine Die Ashbel Baldwin Secretary At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, & Deacons of the Diocese of Connecticutt holden at the house of the Rev a . Ambrose Tood in Huntington on Wednesday the 2 a . day of June 1802 -58- Prefent Bishop Jarvis Doctor Mansfield Doctor Smith Shelton Baldwin Prindle Brownson Deacons Todd Brownson Marsh Griswold Reyner Burges Whitlock M r Baldwin was chosen Secretary. — The Bishop presented the following fentence of degradation which was agreed to by the Convocation, directed to be read publickly in the Churches of Stamford, Norwalk & Canaan, & orderd to be recorded by the Secretary — Whereas Caleb Childs Deacon, hath been accused of holding Errors in Faith & of being guilty of immoralities & vices injur- ious to Christianity & disgraceful to the Character of a Clergy- man. — And whereas a Committee hath been appointed to hear and consider the truth & merits of the Facts, exhibited in charge against him, whose fummons for that purpose he utterly disre- garded, & treated the whole ecclesiastical Authority with pub- lick and avowed contempt — And whereas the Committee afore- said, after a fair and full examination, have reported, that the crimes and misdemeanors charged upon him, were clearly & fully proved. From all which it appears that he hath rendered himself unworthy of the office of a Deacon. — Therefore by these presents, be it known unto all whom it may concern, that the s a Caleb Childs, is degraded from the exercise of the office of a Deacon, & is hereby forbidden to execute the same in any instance whatever in future — Of which, all Churches in the Diocese & all the Ministers thereof are called upon to take proper notice. — Done in Convocation at Huntington this 3 a - day of June 1802, & in the 5 th . year of our Consecration Abraham Bishop Conect. — Convocation adjourned sine die. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary —59— [i8o 3 ] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticutt holden at the house of James Clark Esq r . in Danbury on the I st . day of June 1803.— Present Right Rev a . Bishop Tarvis D.D.— Rev a - Doctor Mansfield Bela Hubbard Philo Shelton Ashbel Baldwin Tillotson Brownson Chauncey Prindle Ambrose Todd Truman Marsh Charles Seabury David Butler Daniel Burhans Visiting Brethren Rev d Joseph Warren Rev a Amos Pardee Deacon Abraham Brownson. — Rsolved that the Rev a M r . Hubbard, Rev a M r . Shelton & the Rev a - M r . Baldwin be a Committee to receive any informa- tion from M r . Rogers, & the Lay Delegates accompanying him, which they may wish to communicate to the Convocation & report thereupon. — Resolved that the Bishop of this Diocese be requested to require of the Rev d Ammi Rogers that he produce Testimonials from the Bishop & standing Committee in the State of New York previous to his being admitted a member of this Convo- cation. — 22 Convocation adjourn'd untill 8 OClock to morrow morning. — Thursday Morning. — On motion from M r . Shelton — Resolved that the Secretary, transmit to the Parishes of Branford, Wallingford, & East- Haven the resolve of this Convocation, respecting the Rev d - Ammi Rogers. — Convocation adjourned Sine Die. — Ashbel Baldwin Secretary 22 Note xxn. [i8o 3 ] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, and Deacons of the Episcopal Church of Connecticut holden at the house of M* Steele in Chewstown, Derby on the 5 th . day of October 1803 Present. — Right Rev d Bishop Jarvis Rev d Doctor Mansfield Rev a Bela Hubbard Rev d Doctor Smith Rev a Philo Shelton Rev d Ashbel Baldwin Rev d Chauncey Prindle Rev d Tillitson Brownson Rev d Reuben Ives Rev d Ambrose Todd Rev d David Butler Rev d Solomon Blakesley Rev d . Daniel Burhans Rev d . Henry Whitlock Rev d Alexander V Griswold Divine Service was attended in the Church Mr Whitlock read prayers — M r Butler delivered a Sermon — After fervice the members of the Convocation convened at the house of M r Steele. — On Motion, Voted that the Bishop be requested to return thanks to M r Butler for his Sermon delivered before the Con- vocation. — Voted that M r Samuel Griswold be recommended to the Bishop for holy Orders. — Voted that the Testimonials presented by Joshua Dudley Esq re . in behalf of the Rev d . Ammi Rogers, are not (in the opinion of this Convocation), agreeable to the requirements, made in their resolve pafsed at Danbury. Voted the thanks of this Convocation to President, & Secre- tary for their attendance & Services. Convocation Adjourned Sine. Die. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. — — 6i— [1804] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, and Deacons of the Episcopal Church, in Convocation at the house of the Rev d Truman Marsh in Litchfield on the 6 th . day of June 1804 — Present Right Rev d Bishop Jarvis D D Rev a . Bela Hubbard John Tyler William Smith D D Visiting Brethren Philo Shelton Rev a Amos Pardee Ashbel Baldwin Dea n Samuel Griswold Chauncey Prindle Reuben Ives Tillotson Brownson Charles Seabury David Butler Truman Marsh Menzies Rayner Daniel Burhans Henry Whitlock Nathan B Burgis Deacon Clemment Meriam Convocation adjourned untill 7 OClock to morrow morn- ing.— Thursday 7 OClock A. M. Convocation opened agreeable to adjournment. Rev d Ashbel Baldwin chosen Secretary. — On-motion Voted that Mefs Baldwin, Burhans Rayner, Smith, & Ives be a committee to digest some plan for the future publication of the Churchman's Magazine, & report to this Convocation. — 23 Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock P M. — Thursday 8 o'clock P. M.— Convocation opened agreeable to adjourn'. The Committee appointed to digest a plan for publishing the Magazine, reported, that in their opinion, it would be advisable 23 Note xxin. —62— for the Convocation to appoint a permanent Committee, to meet as often as it shall be necessary at Cheshire & New Haven, to superintend the publishing the Churchman's Ma[ga]zine, which Committee shall be entitled to a reasonable compensation for their services, when the profits arising from the publication will admit of it. — The above report was accepted by the Convocation & Mefs Smith Ives, Baldwin, Meriam, Shelton, Brownson Burhans & Rayner were appointed the Committee — On Motion, Resolved unanimously, that the Bishop, be re- quested to degrade Deacon Bradley from the office of Deacon. — On Motion, Resolved unanimously, that the Bishop be re- quested to suspend the Rev d Ammi Rogers from the use of the Churches in this Diocese. — Convocation voted thanks to the President & Secretary for their attendance & fervices Convocation Adjourned fine die. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. At a meeting of the Bishop & Presbyters of the Protestant Epis. Church of Connecticut in Convocation at the house of the Rev a . Doctor William Smith in Cheshire on the 3 d . day of October 1804 Present. Right Rev a Bishop Jarvis Rev a . Bela Hubbard D. D. Rev a . William Smith D. D. Rev a . Philo Shelton Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin Rev d . Reuben Ives Visiting Brethre[n] Rev a . Chauncy Prindle Rev a . Bethuel Chittenden Rev a - Tillotson Brownson Rev a - Calvin White. Rev d . Ambrose Todd Rev a . Daniel Burhans Rev a . Menzies Rayner Rev a A Baldwin was chosen Secretary. — A procefsion was formed by the Clergy & the Students of the Academy, & moved from the Academy to the Episcopal Church, where Divine Service was attended. — Rev a M r . Rayner read -63- Prayers, & the Rev d - M r Burhans delivered a Sermon before the Convocation. — Met at the house of Doctor Smith and adjourned untill 6 OClock P. M.— 6 OClock P. M.— Met agreeable to adjournment. — Mefs Baldwin, Ives, Brownson, Burhans, Shelton, Rayner, & Burgis, were appointed as Committee to negotiate with a Printer to publish the Churchman's Magazine the ensuing Year & also to contract with an Editor for the same, & it is to be understood that any five of the above named Persons may form a quorum for transacting the businefs. Bishop Jarvis presented a sentence of degradation against the Rev d Ammi Rogers which was unanimously approved of, and ordered the same to be published in usual Form. — 24 Voted the thanks of Convocation to the President & Secretary for their attendance & fervices. — Convocation adjourned fine die Ashbel Baldwin Secretary By the Bishop of Connecticutt The Rev a . Ammi Rogers, now residing in the Diocese hath for a long time conducted himself in such a way as is contrary to the rules of the Church, & disgraceful to his Office, therefore, by the advice, & at the desire of the Clergy of Connecticut, We the Bishop, do by these presents forbid, & direct the Clergy of this Diocese to forbid the s d . Rogers in future to officiate in their Churches & within their Parishes, & in all vacant Parishes the Wardens are desired to do the same, an[d] the Congregations are exhorted not to give countenance to a Man whose disorderly & refractory conduct is subversive of the harmony & peace of the Church. — Abraham, Bishop of Conct. New Haven, June II th . 1804 A true Coppy of the Bishops Circular Ashbel Baldwin Secretary of Convocation 24 Note xxiv. -6 4 - [i8o 5 ] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, and Deacon of the Episcopal Church in Connecticutt in Convocation, holden at the house of the Rev d . Clemment Merriam in the city of Middle- town on the 4 th . day of June 1805 — Present. Right Rev a Bishop Jarvis D. D. Rev d Doctor Bela Hubbard Rev d Doctor William Smith Rev a . Philo Shelton Rev a Ashbel Baldwin Rev d C[h]auncey Prindle Rev d Tillotson Brownson Deacons Rev d Reuben Ives Clement Merriam Rev d Truman Marsh Asa Cornwall Rev d . Charles Seabury Samuel Griswold Rev d . Nathan B Burgis Rev d Henry Whitlock Rev d Menzies Rayner Rev d Ambrose Todd Rev a Nathan B. Burgis Rev d . Daniel Burhans Rev a Smith Miles Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow morning — Met agreeable to adjournment. Mefs Deacon Clement Merriam Deacon Samuel Griswold Deacon Hilliar were recommended to the Bishop for the order of Priests. — Mefs Duncan Barber Wheeler Searl Buckley were recommended to the Bishop for the order of Deacons. — Voted Thanks to the President & Secretary for their Attend- ance & Services. — Convocation adjourned Sine. die. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary -65- At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, and Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Connecticutt, in Convocation, holden at the house of the Widow Sarah Munday, in Stamford on Tuesday the 14 th - day of October 1805. — Present Right Rev d . Bishop Jarvis. D.D. Rev d Bela Hubbard. D.D. Rev a . Philo Shelton Rev a Ashbel Baldwin Rev a . Chauncy Prindle Visiting Brethren Rev d Tillotson Brownson Rev d John H Hobart Rev a . Ambrose Todd New York. Rev a . Daniel Burhans Rev a . Evan Rogers Rev a . Calvin White Rye. — Rev d . Henry Whitlock Deacon Rufsell Wheeler Deacon Buckley. Rev a M r Baldwin was elected Secretary. Resolved that the Rev a . John H Hobart from New York, & the Rev. Evan Rogers from Rye be requested to take their seats in the Convocation as visiting Brethren. — Resolved that Notification be given to Mefs Cary Leeds, Alexander Bishop, David Marsh, David Waterbury, Isaac Hawley, & others in Stamford, who are disfatisfied with the ecclesiastical proceedings of this Diocese, in regard to M r Ammi Rogers, that the Convocation are now in fefsion, & that if they are desirous of having any interview with the Convocation, they will have an opportunity of being heard at 10 OClock A. M. to morrow at the place where the Convocation is now in Session, or such other place as shall be agree'd upon. — Resolved that Notification be given to M r Cary Leeds, that the Convocation are willing to enter into a conference with him, on the subject of the ecclesiastical proceeding of this Diocese, in regard to M r Am[m]i Rogers at 10 OClock, A. M. to morrow at the place of the present fefsion, or any other place that may be agreed upon. — Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock A. M. to morrow. — 5 Wednesday 8 OClock A. M. Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. — Upon a Communication received from M r . Cary Leeds. — Mefs Rev d Ambrose Todd & Daniel Burhans were appointed a Committee, to inform M r . Cary Leeds that the Convocation are now ready to enter into a conference with him, respecting the ecclesiastical proceedings of this State, in regard to M r Ammi Rogers. — By request from the Convocation the Bishop transmitted to M r Cary Leeds & others the following requisition (viz) — Mefs Cary Leeds, Isaac Holly, Alexander Bishop &c. Gentlemen — "As I am informed that you have the Key "of St John's Church in your keeping, & on the present occa- sion, having need of the use of the Church, for the convenience "of the Convocation now afsembled in this Town, it is requested "that you send the key of s a . Church to the Bishop for the above "purpose. — Your compliance in this particular will be in strict "conformity to ecclesiastical duty. — Abraham. — Bishop — Connecticutt. Stamford October 16 th . 1805. The Committee appointed to have a conference with M r Cary Leeds & others, made the following report — (viz) That they had attended to the subject of their appointment, & that M r Leeds informed them that he could have no personal con- ference with the Convocation: — The following Communication was made by the Bishop, to M r . Ammi Rogers by the request of the Convocation. — Stamford Oct r . 16 th . 1805. Sir— I have this morning requested Mefs Cary Leeds, Isaac Hawley, & Alexander Bishop to deliver me the Key's of St John's Church in Stamford for the purpose of holding a Con- vocation in s d . Church — to which I have received for answer, that the s a . keys are exclusively subject to your controul — As Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut, I now direct you to deliver me the Keys of said Church. Abraham — Bishop — Connecticut. -6 7 - Resolved — That M r . Cary Leeds be informed that they have just received a communication from him ; & acquaint him that they have an important communication to make him upon the subject of his last letter, which they will be ready to give him at 7 OClock this Evening. — Convocation adjourned untill 6 OClock P. M. 6 OClock P. M. Convocation Met agreeable to adjournment. Mefs Rev d . Philo Shelton, Rev a . Daniel Burhans & Rev a . Tillotson Brownson were appointed a Committee to draft an answer to the last communication from Cary Leeds to this Convocation. — The Committee appointed to draft an answer to the last communication from Cary Leeds — made the following report, which was unanimously approved of, ordered to be engrofsed upon the journals of the Convocation, & a coppy thereof to be immediately sent to M r . Cary Leeds, which was accordingly done. To Carey Leeds, Alexander Bishop & others who are disfat- isfied with the ecclesiastical proceedings of the Bishop & Clergy of the Diocese of Connecticut in regard to M r . Ammi Rogers. — The Bishop & Clergy of the diocese of Connecticut sincerely desirous, to promote the peace & preserve the authority of the church have met at Stamford in the hope that by a friendly conference with you, it would be in their power to satisfy you of the propriety and duty of submitting to the sentence pro- nounced upon M r Ammi Rogers. — They regret that your refusal to engage in a personal conference has prevented that full, & fair discufsion of the subject, which in every point of view was so desirable. — By persons who profess themselves Churchmen, in principles & in practice ; they still cherish the hope that the fol- lowing statement of facts from the authority of the church will be duly regarded. — It appears from page 17 of the journals of the house of Bishops a copy of which we herewith transmit to you ; that on Friday Sep r . 14 1804 — "a memorial was laid on the table from the Rev Ammi Rogers, accompanied with sundry doc- ument, and a letter requesting that a day may be appointed for the consideration of the points therein stated" — And it further —68— appears that the following Monday was afsigned for the pur- pose, & notice thereof given to M r Rogers. — From page 19, it appears, that the house of Bishops resolved to go into an inves- tigation of the matters which M r . Rogers had bro't before them, in presence of such members of the house of Clerical & Lay Deputies as should pofsefs any information on the subject. — From page 20 it appears that the Clerical members from the state of Connecticut were admitted to a hearing on the subject of M r . Rogers in his presence, documents on both sides were read, and a hearing was given to the parties concerned — From page 21 & 22 it appears that in consequence of an application from M r Rogers made in the absence of the clergy from Con- necticutt ; the house of Bishops resolved that nothing should be done in the businefs except in the presence of both parties, & that on a further application of a Clerical Member from Connec- ticut, both parties were introduced on the folio wing, day, & a further hearing was given. — From page 23 it appears that at 7 OClock of the same day the house of Bishops met, & that the Right Rev a Bishop White, the Right Rev a Bishop More, & the Right Rev d Bishop Parker were present, & that the Bishops came to a determination of which the following is an extract — "After a full inquiry &c. — to degradation from the minis- try"— 21 By recurring to the Journals, you will find that the above is an impartial statement of facts, & that the following particulars undeniably result from it — M r . Ammi Rogers brought this busi- nefs himself before the house of Bishops, & in the words of his memorial declared that — "he has never shunned investigation, but on the contrary has always requested it, and now prays that a candid & impartial enquiry may be made as to his conduct and character" — It appears that M r . Rogers presented to the house his documents ; and that a full hearing of the case, was at dif- ferent times made in the presence of both parties; that M r Rogers confirmed the wish that he exprefsed for an enquiry by always attending for the purpose. And it was not untill the close of the enquiry, & untill he had reason to fear the unfavor- able result to himself, that he exprefsed to the Bishops that he did not wish them to Come to any decision. — Now as persons deeply interested for the peace of the church, & your spiritual 24 Note xxiv. — 69 — welfare, we intreat your conscientious attention to the follow- ing considerations. — Can you suppose, that if M r Rogers did not wish for an enquiry into his conduct by the house of Bishops ; he would have permitted them to engage in it. without entering his solemn protest against it? Can you suppose that the Right Revd. Bishop White whose impartiality and mildness are so universally acknowledged, That Bishop More, who had been represented by M r . Rogers, as friendly to him — that Bishop Parker, who had just made his solemn vows at the Altar, would have forced M r . Rogers to an enquiry if he had not solicited it; would declare that they had made a full enquiry, and fair exam- ination of the subject, if such enquiry & examination had not been made? — Can you suppose that these Bishops of the church, would have violated every obligation of truth & justice as well as the most solemn vows of office, by condemning an innocent man? — Could Mr. Rogers have had a trial before a more impartial tribunal? — Or can you suppose that after the house of Bishops, had made a full enquiry, & pronounced their opinion, any thing else was left to the Bishop of Connecticut than to carry their decision into effect? M r Rogers made an appeal to the house of Bishops — They tho't proper to investi- gate his conduct & to pronounce a decision. — The cannons of the church of Connecticut in regard to the trial of Clergymen could here have no operation. — The Bishop of Connecticut was the agent to carry the decision of the house of Bishops into effect — M r Rogers has been solemnly degraded from the minis- try after a full investigation of his conduct, & a discufsion in regard to him by the highest authority of the Church — We entreat you as friends to the peace of society & the order & har- mony of the church; we entreat you by your character as Church [men] — by the memory of your forefather who cherished the church with inviolable fidelity — we entreat you by the prospect of that awful tribunal at which all mankind must be judged, to regard the divine injunction — "Hear the church" — In the language of the Apostle we exhort you, Brethren, "Put from you that unworthy person" — Remember the injunction of our Lord — "If any man refuse to hear the church, let him be unto you as a heathan man & a publican" — In the spirit of meeknefs & affection we entreat you "Rend not that divine body the church which your Redeemer purchased with his — 7o— blood — For ourselves we most solemnly declare, that mindful of the comifsion given to us by our divine Master, & relying on his promise, that He will be with His church alway, even to the end of the world, we shall esteem it our sacred duty to pre- serve inviolate the authority committed to us, — And we trust that what is there "done" by the lawful Governors of the church "on Earth will be ratified in Heaven" — Tillotson Brownson Chairman of Commi. Rev a Tillotson Brownson, Doctor Bela Hubbard & Rev a Ashbel Baldwin were appointed a Committee with full power to confer with Oliver Steele & Co printers of the Churchmans Magazine on the subject of a future publication of s d . Maga- zine. — Mefs Rev a A Baldwin, Rev d P Shelton, Rev a A Todd, & Rev a D Burhans were appointed a Committee to publish such part or parts of the Journals of the present Convocation as they shall think proper. — 25 Mefs Rev a A Baldwin, Rev a P Shelton, Rev a A Todd & Rev a D Burhans were appointed a Committee to publish a history of the ecclesiastical proceedings, in regard to M r Ammi Rogers. — Convocation adjourned untill 9 OClock A. M. to morrow. — Thursday Morning 9 OClock A. M. — Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. — Resolved — That M r Carey Leeds be informed that the Con- vocation have received his communication of October 16 th - accompanied with a certain vote of a meeting held at St John's Church in Stamford on the 27 th . day of May 1805 attested by Isaac Holly Jn r . by which they have declared that they are not under the direction nor ameniable to the Authority of any Bishop. — This Convocation have therefore no further commu- nications to make to M r Leeds on this subject. — Resolved. That this Convocation have a grateful sense of the attention of their Brethren in the Diocese of the State of New York, by requesting several Presbyters of their body, to make a Visit to this Convocation, with a view to promote a friendly intercourse, & that this Convocation will most cheer- fully unite with them in promoting that desirable Object. — aB Note xxv. — 7 i— Resolved — That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Con- vocation to give information to the Bishop of the state of New York of the time & place of their meetings. — Rev d M r A Baldwin, Rev Doctor Hubbard & Rev d . P Shelton were requested to attend the next Convocation in the State of New York. — Voted the thanks of Convocation to the President & Secretary for their attendance & fervices. — Convocation Adjourned without day. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary [1806] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, and Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Connecticutt holden at the house of the Rev a . Reuben Ives in Cheshire on the 3 d day of June 1806. — Present — Right Rev a . Bishop Jarvis D D. Rev d . Bela Hubbard D D Rev d . William Smith D D , Rev d . John Tyler Rev d . Philo Shelton Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin Rev a . Chauncey Prindle Rev a . Tillotson Brownson Rev d . Reuben Ives Rev d . Charles Seabury Deacons Rev d . Solomon Blakeley Rufsel Wheeler Rev d . Truman Marsh Roger Searl Rev d . Menzies Rayner Virgil. H Barber. Rev d . Clement Merriam Rev d . Charles White Rev d . Henry Whitlock Rev d Ashbel Baldwin was chosen Secretary. — On motion by Mr. Baldwin — Resolved, that in future no person shall be considered as a Candidate in this Diocese, untill he has been examined by the Bishop, or such of his Presbyters as he may appoint and that previous to any such examination —72— being had the person offering himself to become a Candidate, shall have studied with the Bishop, the Principal of the Acad- emy or some other Presbyter in the Diocese at least one year, if he has received the honors of some College, or incorporate Academy, or the term of two Years if he has not received such honors. — Convocation adjourned untill 6 OClock A. M. to morrow. — Thursday Morning 6 OClock Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. — But as there appeared to be no businefs, to be laid before them, it was adjourned without day. — Ashbel Baldwin Secretary At a meeting of the Bishop & Presbyters of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticutt holden at the house of the Rev a . Daniel Burhans in NewTown the 7 th - day of October 1806.— Present Right Rev a . A Jarvis D D Rev a . Doctor Mansfield Rev d . Doctor Hubbard Rev a . Philo Shelton Deacons Rev a . Ashbel Baldwin Rufsel Wheeler Rev a . Chauncey Prindle Virgil H Barber Rev a Tillotson Brownson Rev a Reuben Ives Visiting Brethren Rev d Truman Marsh Jonathan Judd Rev d . Daniel Burhans from the State of Rev 4 . Calvin White New York — Rev a Minzies Rayner Rev a . Roger Searle Rev a Ashbel Baldwin was chosen Secretary. Voted that all regular Clergymen, belonging to the Episcopal Church, who may be present during the fession, be invited to take a seat as visiting Brethren. — The Rev a Truman Marsh, Rev a Menzies [Rayner,] Rev 3 Ashbel Baldwin & Rev d - Tillotson Brownson were appointed a Committee to enquire into the state of the Church in the Diocese & report to this or the next Convocation. — Convocation adjourned untill to morrow at 8 OClock A. M. — —73— Wednesday 8 OClock A. M. Convocation meet agreeable to Adjournment. Convocation adjourned untill 6 OClock P. M. — 6 o'clock P. M. Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. — Whereas the Convention of the Episcopal Church holden at NewTown this 8 th . day of October, decided that they were not competent to judge respecting the suspension & degradation of Ammi Rogers.— Resolved by the Convocation that in their opinion the only proper board for redrefs of grievances complained of by s d Rogers in consequence of his suspension & degradation is the House of Bishops, to whose decifsion the Convocation are ever ready to submit. — Rv a M r Brownson, Rev a M r . Whitlock & Rev d M r Rayner be appointed a committee to write to Bishop White, Bishop Clagget, & Bishop Moore & request their opinion on the sub- ject of Ammi Rogers — Leave of Absence was granted to the Rev a . M r . Baldwin dur- ing the remainder of the Sefsion .Rev d . Mr. Shelton appointed Secretary Pro. Tem. The committee appointed to write to the Bishops, reported the following letter, which was directed to be signed by the secre- tary & transmitted to the several Bishops who were present at the last General Convention. — Right Rev d Sir.— The Bishop of Connecticutt with the advice of his Presbyters in Convocation afsembled at Cheshire in the Month of October of the Year 1804, pafsed sentence of degredation against M 1 Ammi Rogers. In taking this step, the Bishop conceived him- self warranted by the proceedings had with regard to the said M r Rogers before the House of Bishops at New York. — This opinion was formed on the consideration of the full, & solemn hearings that were given to M 1 Rogers & the Delegation from Connecticutt: & on the conceived impropriety of again calling in question facts which the highest ecclesiastical authority in our Church, had said were proved. — Having nothing in view, as is hoped & believed, but the honour of God's Church & the pros- —74— perity of true religion, it is found with regret that a different opinion has been exprefsed by two of the members of the house of Bishops ; in their affidavits given to M r Rogers ; which has exposed the Church in Connecticut to much inconvenience & trouble, & the danger of an unhappy fcism greatly increased by the efforts now carried on by the s a M r Rogers & his adherents. If these evils are to be ascribed to the Governors of the Church in Connecticut in consequence of their erroneous con- clusions from what was done at New York, they flatter them- selves that it was the error of the head, & not of the heart; But however this may be, they stand ready to be corrected by the competent authority. — And being disposed to do every thing in their power for the peace of the Church they do hereby request that you will, in conjunction, with the other Bishops concerned, transmit a statement of your view of the whole sub- ject, together with your advice to Connecticut, how it would be prudent in the present state of things, to proceed; & particu- larly whether it would be advisable to give M r Rogers a new Trial on the ground of Nulity in the act of degradation. Your advice on this, or any other point, that may tend to remove the unhappy embarasments, under which the Church is laboring will be thankfully received & seriously weighed, & considered. — Convocation adjourned without day. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. [1807] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters and Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Connecticutt holden at the house of Deacon Rufsel Wheeler in Watertown on the 2 a . Day of June 1807. — Present Right Rev a . Bishop Jarvis Rev d . John Tyler Rev a . Philo Shelton Rev a . Ashbel Baldwin Deacons — Rev a Chauncey Prindle Rufsel Wheeler Rev d - Tillitson Brownson Cornwall Rev a Reuben Ives Horace V Barber Rev a . Truman Marsh —75— Rev a . Daniel Burhans Rev a Menzies Rayner Rev d Henry Whitlock Rev d Nathan B Burgis Rev a . M r Buckley from Poukeepsiee in the State of New York was present & requested to take a seat. — Rev a M r Baldwin was chosen Secretary. — A letter from the Rev a Doctor Hobart of New York, respect- ing the Churchmans Magazine was read— & Mefs the Rev d . M p . Shelton, Rev d M r Marsh, & the Rev a Mr Brownson were appointed a committee to answer the same. — Convocation adjourned untill 7 OQock to Morrow Morn- ing- Wednesday June 3 a . 7 OClock A M. Convocation opened agreeable to the adjournment Letters from Bishop White, Bishop Clagget, & Bishop More were read, and ordered to be kept on file. — An Addrefs from Ammi Rogers to the Convocation was read, and ordered to be kept on file. — Voted the thanks of the Convocation to the Rev a Daniel Burhans for his sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev a M r Wheeler.— Convocation Adjourned without day. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Connecticut, in Convocation holden at the house of the Rev a . John Tyler in Norwich on the 7 th day of October 1807. — Present. Right Rev a Bishop Jarvis D. D. Rev d Bela Hubbard D. D. Rev d John Tyler Rev a Ashbel Baldwin Rev a Truman Marsh Rev d Charles Seabury Rev a Daniel Burhans Rev d Menzies Rayner Rev a Asa Cornwal - 7 6- Deacons Rev d Elijah G Plum Rev a David Baldwin Rev d Benj n Burham Visiting Brethren Rev d - Alexander V Griswold — Bristol Deacon John Ward — NewPort On motion — Voted, that the Rev d M r Griswold & Deacon John Ward from the Diocese of Rode Iseland be requested to take a seat in this Convocation as visiting Brethren. — Voted, That in future the Deacons shall be admitted to vote in Convocation, in all cases excepting when the Bishop decides it will be improper for them to act. — Voted That Bishop Jarvis, Mefs Baldwin & Burhans be appointed a Committee with full powers to secure a copy rite for the Churchman's magazine, for the Bishop & Clergfy] of this Diocese, upon condition such copy rite can be legally secured to them & upon condition such a measure shall meet with the approbation of the clergy in New York — and that they be empowered by this body, to negociate with the Printers, & others concerned the manner of its future publication. — 25 Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock tomorrow morning. Thursday Morning 8 OClock Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment Convocation adjourned to attend publick fervice. A Procession was made to Christs Church, when Morning Prayers were said by the Rev a Asa Cornwal, & a Sermon was delivered by the Rev d Menzies Rayner. — Thursday 6 OClock P. M. On motion. — Voted the thanks of this Convocation to the Rev d M r Rayner for his sermon delivered before them. — Voted the thanks of the Convocation, to the President & Sec- retary for their attendance, and services. — Convocation adjourned without day Ashbel Baldwin Secretary 85 Note xxv. —77— [i8o8] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticut in Convocation holden at the house of the Rev a Henry Whitlock in Norwalk on the 30 th . day of August 1808. — Present Right Rev a Bishop Jarvis D. D. Rev d Bela Hubbard D. D. Visiting Brethren Rev d Philo Shelton from Maryland Rev a Alhbel Baldwin Rev d John Kewley M.D. Rev d Daniel Burhans Rev d Bethel Judd Rev d Menzies Rayner from New York State Rev d . Calvin White Rev d . George Strebeck Rev d Asa Cornwall Rev d Evan Rogers Rev d Henry Whitlock Rev d Ambrose Todd Deacons — Rev d Elijah G Plumb Rev d Benjamin Benham Rev d Zalmon Wheaton The Rev d Ashbel Baldwin was elected Secretary. — The Rev d John Kewley of Chester Parish & the Rev d . Bethel Judd of St Ann's at Anapolis in Maryland were present & requested to take a Seat in Convocation as visiting Brethren. — Voted, that the Committee appointed at the last Convocation respecting the Churchman's Magazine be discharged from any further consideration of that subject. — Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow Morning. — Wednesday 8 OClock A. M. Convocation opened agreeable to adjournment The Rev d . George Strebeck from New York & the Rev d Evan Rogers from Rye were present, & were requested to take their seats as visiting Brethren. Convocation adjourned to attend publick Service. — Morning Prayers were read by the Rev d . Menzies Rayner & a sermon was delivered by the Rev d Daniel Burhans & Deacons Benjamin Benham & Elijah G Plumb were admitted to the holy Order of Priests. — - 7 8- Wednesday 5 OClock P. M. Convocation opened in due form. — The Rev a . Henry Whitlock & the Rev a Salmon Wheaton were requested by the Convocation to attend the Convocation in New York.— Voted the thanks of this Convocation to the Rev a Daniel Burhans for his Sermon delivered before them. — Voted the thanks of Convocation to the President and Secre- tary for their attendance & fervices. Adjourned sine Die Ashbel Baldwin Secretary [1809] A Convocation of the Presbyters of the Episcopal Church in Cohneeticutt was holden at the house of Cap'. Timothy Johnson in Guilford on the 6 th . day of June 1809 — Present. Rev a . John Tyler — President Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin Rev a . Chauncey Prindle Rev d . Tillotson Brownson Rev a . Reuben Ives Rev a . Truman Marsh Rev a . Daniel Burhans Rev d . Nathan B Burges Rev a . Menzies Rayner Rev a . Rufsel Wheeler Rev a - Benjamin Benham Rev a . Virgil H Barber Rev a - John Kewley Rev a David Baldwin Visiting Brethren. Rev a Abraham Beach D. D. from New York Rev a Abraham Brownson from Vermont Rev a . Ashbel Baldwin was elected Secretary. — Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow Morning. — —79— Wednesday Morning 8 OClock Convocation meet agreeable to the Adjournment. Rev d . Elijah G. Plumb Rev d Charles Seabury Rev a . Philo Shelton ) took their seats.- Resolved that the Rev d Doctor Beach & the Rev d - M r . Brown- son he requested to take their seats with the Convocation as visiting Brethren during its present fefsion. — On motion by M r . Ives, resolved unanimously that the Bishop be requested to appoint a meeting of Convocation at Cheshire on the First Wednesday of October next. — Convocation adjourned untill 7 OClock P. M. for the purpose of attending publick service in the Church — A procefsion was then formed from the house of Capt Johnson to the Episcopal Church by the Clergy & Lay Delegates — Morning Prayers was read by the Rev d . Rufsel Wheeler, & a Sermon was delivered by the Rev d Ashbel Baldwin — The Revd. David Baldwin was duly & canonically instituted into the Rectorship of Christ's Church in Guilford, & the Churches of North Guilford, and North Killingsworth. — 26 Wednesday 7 OClock P. M. Convocation meet agreeable to the adjournment. Rev d . M r Baldwin & the Rev d M r Shelton were requested to attend the State Convention in New York. — Convocation adjourned untill to morrow at 11 OClock A. M. Thursday 11 OClock. Convocation met agreeable to the adjournment. Voted the thanks of Convocation to the President & Secre- tary for their Attendance & Services. Adjourned Sine Die Ashbel Baldwin Secretary New Haven October 26 th . 1809 At a meeting of the Bishop & Presbyters of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticutt in Convocation holden at Trinity Church in New Haven on Wednesday the 26 th . day of October 1809. 58 Note xxvi. Present. Right Rev a - Bishop Jarvis. D. D. Rev d . Richard Mansfield D D Rev d . Bela Hubbard D D. Rev d - Philo Shelton Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin Rev d . Tillotson Brownson Rev a - Truman Marsh Rev d . Chauncey Prindle Rev a - Daniel Burhans Rev a . Solomon Blakesley Rev a . Rogers Searle Rev d . Calvin White Rev d . Rufsel Wheeler Rev a . Virgil H Barber Rev a . Nathan B Burges Rev a . Asa Cornwall Rev a - David Baldwin Rev d . Joseph D. Welton — Deacon. — Morning Prayers were read by the Rev d . Doctor Hubbard. — Rev d . M r . Barber was appointed secretary Pro. Tern. Voted that this Convocation be adjourned untill 9 OClock to Morrow morning, then to meet at the House of Bishop Jarvis. — Thursday 9 OClock A. M. Convocation meet agreeable to the adjournment And as there was no businefs laid before the Convocasion it was adjourned without day. — Ashbel Baldwin Secretary [1810] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters, & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticut holden at the house of Capt Amzi Talmage in Plymouth on the First Tuesday of June 1810. Present. Right Rev a . Bishop Jarvis Rev a - Richard Mansfield D D Rev d . Bela Hubbard D D — Si- Rev 3 . Philo Shelton Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin Rev d . Channcey Prindle Rev d . Tillotson Brownson Rev d . Daniel Burhans Rev d . Henry Whitlock Rev d . Menzies Rayner Rev a . David Baldwin Rev d . Benjamin Benham Rev a - Rufsel Wheeler Rev a . Virgel H Barber Rev d - Roger Searle Rev d Salmon Wheaton Rev d - Solomon Blakesley Rev d . Smith Miles Deacons Rev d . Joseph D Welton Rev d . Sturgis Gilbert Rev d . Daniel M°Donald Rev d . Samuel F Jarvis Rev d - Reuben Hubbard Convocation adjourned to meet at 8 OClock to morrow. — Wednesday 8 OClock A. M. Convocation meet agreeable to the adjournment. A procefsion was formed to the Church. Morning Prayers was read by the Rev a . Samuel F Jarvis, and a sermon delivered by the Rev a - Chauncey Prindle, and the Rev d . Roger Searle was duly, and canonically instituted into the Rectorship of St. Matthews & St. Peters Churches in Plymouth, by the Rev a Philo Shelton.— Voted the thanks of Convocation [to] the President and Sec- retary for their attendance & fervices Convocation adjourned without day Ashbel Baldwin Secretary —82— [1812] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Convocation holden at the house of the Rev d . Henry Whitlock in New Haven on Wednes- day the 19. of Feb 7 . 1812. — Members Present. Right Rev 4 - Bishop Jarvis, D. D. Rev a - Bela Hubbard, D. D. Rev a . Philo Shelton. Rev a - Ashbel Baldwin. Rev a Daniel Burhans. Rev d . Henry Whitlock. Rev a - Bethel Judd. Rev a . Virgel H Barber. Rev d - Rufsel Wheeler. Rev a . David Baldwin. Rev a . Roger Searl. Rev d Elijah G Plumb. Rev a . Joseph D Welton. Convocation was opened at 9 OClock A. M. and prayers were read by the Secretary. The following rules were adopted. — Rules of Order. — I st - In all Convocations in this State, in case of the Bishop's absence; the Senior Clergyman shall preside, and be stiled the President. — 2. Prayers shall be attended at the opening of the Convoca- tion, & at all times to which the same shall be adjourned in the Morning. — 3. The President shall take the chair, & proceed to businefs at the hour appointed. — 4. Every member disposed to move any question, or to speak upon any question already moved shall rise & respectfully addrefs himself to the presiding Officer. — 5 No member shall be permitted to speak more than twice upon any question without consent of the Convocation. — 6. Every member shall attend to the businefs of the Convo- cation. — -83- 7 No member shall leave the Convocation without permifsion of the President. — 8. No member shall interrupt another when speaking. — 9 The President shall determine all questions of order. — io. At the opening of every Convocation the foregoing Rules shall be read. — The Bishop delivered an Addrefs to the Convocation. The Bishop retired, & the Rev d . Doctor Hubbard took the chair. — On motion, resolved unanimously that the President return the thanks of this House to the Bishop for his affectionate Addrefs delivered to the Convocation. — The Bishop returned & took his seat. — The Rev d Doctor Hubbard, Rev a . M r Judd & the Rev d . M 1 Shelton were appointed a Committee, to report on that part of the Bishops addrefs respecting the present state of the Diocese of New York. — On motion, Resolved that the Bishop be requested to notify the meetings of Convocation, by a Circular addrefsed to the Presbyters & Deacons. — Rev d M r Burhans appeared & took his seat. — Convocation adjourned untill 3 OClock P. M. Wednesday 3 OClock Convocation meet agreeable to Adjournment. — Rev d David Baldwin appeared & took his seat. — The Committee appointed to report on the Bishops addrefs, made the following, which was accepted. — The Committee appointed to report on that part of the Bishops addrefs, which relates to the unhappy difficulties existing in the Diocese of the State of New York, beg leave to report, that a Committee be appointed to advise with our Brethren of that Diocese, & to take such prudential measures to remove those difficulties as by the blefsing of God may be in their power. — Bela Hubbard ) Philo Shelton V Committee Bethel Judd ) The Rev d . Tillotson Brownson, Rev d Philo Shelton, Rev d . Bethel Judd, Rev d - Daniel Burhans were appointed a committee to carry the design of the foregoing Report into effect. — 2T 21 Note xxvii. —84— Convocation adjourned one hour. Wednesday 8 OClock P M. Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. Resolved, That a Petition be preferred by the Bishop & Clergy of the Diocese of Conncut., with the consent & approbation of the board of Trustees of the Episcopal Academy, to the next Legislature, praying that said Academy may be erected into a College. — 28 The Rev a . M r Brownson, Rev a . M r Chase, Rev a . M r . A Bald- win, Rev a M r Whitlock, & Rev a - M r . Judd were appointed a Committee to draft said Petition & advocate the same before the Legislator. Voted the Thanks of Convocation to the President & Secre- tary for attendance & services. Convocation adjourned without day. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary [Two pages have been left blank here, apparently by mistake.] At a meeting of the Bishop, Presbyters & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Connecticut in Convocation holden at the house of John Morgan Esq. in Hartford on the 2 a . day of June 1812. — Present Right Rev a Bishop Jarvis D. D. Rev a . Bela Hubbard D. D. Rev a Philo Shelton Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin Rev a - Tillotson Brownson Rev a . Reuben Ives Rev d - Chauncey Prindle Rev a . Charles Seabury Rev a . Truman Marsh Rev d Daniel Burhans Rev a . Philander Chase Rev a Menzies Rayner Rev d . Smith Miles Rev a . Henry Whitlock Rev a . Rufsel Wheeler 88 Note xxviii. -«5- Rev a - Virgil H Barber Rev a . Benjamin Benham Rev d Asa Cornwall Rev a . David Baldwin Rev d Roger Searle Rev a Joseph D Welton Deacons Rev a . Daniel M c Donald Rev d Frederick Holcomb Rev a - Nathaniel Huse Rev a . Birdsey G Nobles Rev a . Isaac Jones Mefs Brownson, Shelton, & Searle were appointed a Com- mittee to frame a Cannon for the regulation of Easther Meet- ings. — Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow Morning then to meet in the Church. — Wednesday June 3 d . 8 OClock A. M. Convocation meet agreeable to the adjour[n]ment. The Committee appointed to frame a Cannon to regulate Easter meetings, proposed the following which was unani- mously agreed to, & recommended to the Convention for their consideration, and adoption. — A Cannon regulating Easter Meetings There shall be a Meeting in Easter Week, of the Wardens, Vestrymen & Parishioners of each Parish in the Diocese for the purpose of appointing the Wardens & Vestrymen, & transacting all other businefs that may canonically come before said meet- ing. — And at every such meeting it shall be the duty of the Rector to preside agreeable to ancient usage, & in case of a vacancy, or necessary absence of the Rector, the seniour Officer present shall preside. — Convocation adjourned without day Ashbel Baldwin Secretary —86— [I8i3] At a meeting of the Presbyters, & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Convocation holden at the house of the Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin in Stratford on the First day of June 1813 at 8 OClock P. M.— Present Rev d . Richard Mansfield D. D. Rev a William Smith— D. D. Rev d - Philo Shelton Rev d Ashbel Baldwin Rev d . Tillotson Brownson Rev d Chauncey Prindle Rev d . Reuben Ives Rev d - Daniel Burhans Rev d . Calvin White Rev d . Philander Chase Rev d . Smith Miles Rev d . Charles Seabury Rev d - Bethel Judd Rev d Menzies Rayner Rev d . Henry Whitlock Rev d . Roger Searl Rev d . Rufsel Wheeler Rev d Asa Cornwal Rev d . Vergil H Barber Rev d . Jonathan Judd Rev d . Elijah G Plumb Rev d . Benjamin Benham Rev d . David Baldwin Rev d . Joseph D Welton Rev d . Reuben Hubbard Rev d . Daniel M°Donald Rev d . Frederic Holcomb Deacons Rev d . Isaac Jones Rev d Birdsey G Nobles The Rev d Doctor Mansfield desired to be excused from serv- -8 7 - ing as President on account of his Age & infirmities; which excuse was accepted by the Brethren. — The Rev a . Philo Shelton being the next oldest Presbyter, took the chair. — Rev a . A Baldwin was elected Secretary. On motion by M r M c Donald. Resolved, that every Presbyter, Deacon, & Candidate in this Diocese be expected to pay an annual subscription to any volun- tary amount, to a purchasing Committee, appointed for that pur- pose, in order to augment, & maintain the Somaster's Library, belonging to the Clergy, & now deposited in the Episcopal Academy. — 29 M r . M c Donald was requested to draft a subscription for the above purpose & present it to the Clergy in the morning. — Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow Morn- ing.— Wednesday June 2 a . 8 OClock A. M. Convocation opened agreeable to adjournment. M r McDon- ald presented a subscription paper which was not. accepted by the clergy. — Rev a . Henry Whitlock, Rev a . Tillotson Brownson Rev a Daniel M°Donald was appointed a Committee to carry into effect, the Resolution respecting Somasters Library. — Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock P. M. Wednesday 8 OClock P. M. Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. On motion by M r . M°.Donald — Resolved to reconsider the Resolution pafsed last evening respecting Somasters Library. — M r . McDonald was requested to draft a subscription for the purpose of increasing the Somasters Library, & present it to the Clergy at the next Convocation. — Convocation adjourned without day. — Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. At a Convocation of the Presbyters & Deacons of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church in Connecticut holden at the house of the Rev d . Henry Whitlock in New Haven on the 3 d . day of June 1813. — 29 Note xxix. —88— Present. Rev d Philo Shelton, President. Rev d William Smith, D. D. Rev a - Ashbel Baldwin. Rev a . Chauncey Prindle. Rev d . Tillotson Brownson, P. E. A. Rev d Daniel Burhans. Rev a . Calvin White. Rev d Philander Chase. Rev a . Smith Miles. Rev a - Charles Seabury. Rev d Menzies Rayner. Rev a . Henry Whitlock. Rev a Roger Searle. Rev a . Rufsel Wheeler. Rev a . Asa Cornwal. Rev a . Virgil H Barber. Rev d . Jonathan Judd. Rev a . Elijah G Plumb. Rev a - Benjamin Benham. Rev a . David Baldwin. Rev d - Joseph D Welton. Rev d . Reuben Hubbard. Rev d . Daniel M c Donald A. E. A. Rev d Frederick Holcomb. Rev d . Sturgis Gilbert. Rev d . Birdsey G. Nobles, Deacon. [The following resolution has been entered and erased, fol- lowed by the words "Expunged by Order" : Resolved by this Convocation, that all the Presbyters, and Deacons residing in this Diocese are entitled to a Vote in the election of a Bishop. — Convocation adjourned without day Ashbel Baldwin Secretary At a meeting of the Presbyters, & Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Convocation at the house of the Rev 4 . Henry Whitlock in New Haven on Tuesday the 23 d . day of November 181 3 -8 9 - Present Rev a . Philo Shelton. Rev a . Ashbel Baldwin. Rev d - Tillotson Brownson D. D. Rev 4 . Reuben Ives. Rev a - Daniel Burhans. Rev a . Calvin White. Rev d . Philander Chase. Rev d . Menzies Rayner. Rev a - Solomon Blakesley. Rev d . Henry Whitlock. Rev d - Roger Searle. Rev a . Joseph D Welton. Rev d Asa Cornwal. Rev d . Virgil H Barber. Rev d . Bethel Judd. Rev a - Jonathan Judd. Rev 3 . Elijah G Plumb. Rev d - Benjamin Benham. Rev d . Reuben Hubbard Rev d - Birsey G. Nobles — Deacon Rev a . Philo Shelton being the oldest Presbyter took the chair as President. On motion by M r . Rayner. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convocation, the Presbyters & Deacons officiating by ecclesiastical authority in this Diocefs, are constitutionally entitled to a Vote for a Bishop.— 30 Convocation adjourned untill half past 8 OClock to morrow. — Wednesday Nov r . 24 th . half past 8 OClock, A. M. — Convoca- tion opened, & adjourned without day Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. [1814] At a meeting of the Convocation of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Connecticutt, at the house of the Rev d . Joseph D Welton, in Woodbury on Tuesday the 31 st day of June [May] 1814. 30 Note xxx. Present Rev d . Philo Shelton Rev a . Ashbel Baldwin Rev d . Tillotson Brownson D. D. Rev d . Reuben Ives Rev d - Chauncey Prindle Rev d . Daniel Burhans Rev d . Bethel Judd Rev d - Treeman Marsh Rev d . Philander Chase Rev d - Menzies Rayner Rev d . Benjamin Benham Rev d - Jasper D Jones Rev d Roger Searle Rev d . David Baldwin Rev d Elijah G Plumb Rev d . Asa Cornwal Rev d . Sturgis Gilbert Rev d . Reuben Hubbard Rev d - Joseph D Welton Rev d . Frederick Holcomb Rev d . Nathaniel Huse Rev d . Isaac Jones Rev d . Birdsey G Nobles Rev d - M r . Perry from the Diocese of New York The Rev d . M r . Shelton being the oldest Presbyter present, took the chair as President. — The Rev d . M r . Baldwin was elected Secretary. — Convocation was adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow Morning. Wednesday 8 OClock A. M. Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock P. M. Wednesday 8 OClock P. M Convocation meet agreeable to adjournment. — On motion, Resolved Unanimously, That so soon as a Bishop shall be consecrated for this Diocese the members of the Convocation —9i— will use their influence in the Convention to obtain the follow- ing alteration in third Article of the Constitution of the Church in this State, (viz), after the words "There shall be a meeting of — "All instituted Presbyters, Afsistant Ministers, Presbyters "employed in incorporated Seminaries of Learning, Presbyters "having no house of publick worship," &c 31 Convocation adjourned without day. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary At a meeting of the Presbyters, & Deacons of the Diocefs of Connecticut in Convocation holden at the house of the late Bishop Jarvis in New Haven on the 25. day of October 1814 at 5 OClock P. M.— Present. Rev a . William Smith D. D. Rev d . Philo Shelton Rev d . Ashbel Baldwin Rev d . Tillotson Brownson D. D. Rev d . Daniel Burhans Rev d . Calvin White Rev a . Menzies Rayner Rev d - Bethel Judd Rev d . Jonathan Judd Rev d - Elijah G Plumb Rev d . Roger Searle Rev d . David Baldwin Rev a . Reuben Hubbard Rev d . Joseph D Welton Rev a . Frederick Holcomb Rev d . Birdsey G. Nobles — Deacon Visiting Bretheren Rev d Rudd from New Jersey. Rev a Aron Humphry Dea[c]on Mafsachusetts Rev a . Philo Shelton took the Chair. — Rev a - Bethel Judd was requested to deliver a Sermon at the opening of the Convention to morrow — And the Rev a . Menzies Rayner was requested to read the morning Prayers. — 81 Note xxxi. —92- On motion by M r . Nobles — Resolved that the 2 a appointed Preacher for the next Convention, be the Reader, in case the first comes prepared to deliver a Sermon. — Adjourned without day. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. [1816] At a Convocation of the Presbyters & Deacons of the Protest- ant Episcopal Church of Connecticut holden at New Haven on the 4 th . day of June 1816 7 OClock P. M — Rev d . Rev a Rev a . Rev d . Rev d . Rev d - Rev a . Rev a . Rev d . Rev a . Rev a . Rev a . Rev a . Rev a . Rev d . Rev a . Rev a . Rev a . Rev a . Rev a . Rev a - Rev a . Rev a Rev a . Rev d . Rev d . Rev a . Rev a - Rev a . Present William Smith D. D. Philo Shelton Ashbel Baldwin Tillotson Brownson D. D. Chauncey Prindle Reuben Ives Daniel Burhans Truman Marsh Bethel Judd Smith Miles Menzies Rayner Jonathan Judd Roger Searle Benjamin Benham Solomon Blakeley David Baldwin Elijah G Plumb Reuben Hubbard Isaac Jones Asa Cornwal Jasper D Jones Joseph D Welton Sturgis Gilbert Frederick Holcomb Nathaniel Huse Birdsey G Nobles Alpheus Gear Harry Croswel Aron Humphrey Deacons Rev a . Reuben Sherwood Rev a . William J Buckley Rev a . David Belden —93— A Petition from M r Ammi Rogers was handed in, read, and ordered to lie on the Table. Adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow. — Wednesday Morning 8 OClock June 5. Meet agreeable to adjournment. Adjourned untill 7 OClock P. M. 7 OClock P. M. Meet agreeable to adjournment. The Petition of M r . Ammi Rogers together with the docu- ments attending the same, were attended to, and after a full examination of the same. Resolved That in the Opinion of this House, they are not competent to take cognizance of said Petition, & that the said Petition & Papers be returned to M r . Rogers. — 32 Convocation adjourned without day. — Ashbel Baldwin Secretary At a Convocation of the Presbyters & Deacons of the P E Church in Connecticut holden at New Haven on the 15 th - day of October 1816. Present Rev a .Philo Shelton Rev a William Smith D. D. Rev a Ashbel Baldwin Rev a . Tillotson Brownson D. D. P. E. A Rev a . Reuben Ives Rev a Chauncey Prindle Rev a . Daniel Burhans Rev a . Smith Miles Rev a . Menzies Rayner Rev a . Jonathan Judd Rev a Roger Searle Rev a . Philander Chase Rev a . Benjamin Burham Rev d . David Baldwin Rev a . Elijah G Plumb Rev a . Asa Cornwall A. E. A. 82 Note xxxii. —94— Rev a Isaac Jones Rev d - Joseph D Welton Rev a . Frederick Holcomb Rev d . Birdsey G. Nobles Rev d . Alpheus Gear Rev d . Harry Croswell Rev d . Aron Humphrey Deacons Rev d . Reuben Sherwood Rev d . William J. Buckley Visiting Brethren Rev a . Barzilla Buckley -\ Rev d . Alanson Welton [■ Dioces of New York Rev a . Joseph Perry J Rev a . William Cranson, Deacon, State of Georgia Rev a . Philo Shelton, President Resolved— That Rev a . M r Croswill & Rev a . M r Burhans be a Committee to wait on the Right Rev a . Bishop Hobart & invite him to take a seat in this Convocation. — The Right Rev d . Bishop Hobart took a seat accordingly. — Convocation adjourned untill 9 OClock to morrow. — Wednesday 16 th Convocation opened agreeable to adjournment Adjourned without day. Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. [1817] At a Convocation of the Presbyters & Deacons of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church of Connecticut holden at the house of the Rev. David Baldwin in Guilford on the 3 d . day of June 1817. Rev. Philo Shelton Chairman Rev Birdsey G. Noble Sec Pro. Tem. Subject moved for consideration — Can we constitutionally proceed to the election of a Bishop at the annual Convention to be holden to morrow. —95— The decision of this question was postponed untill to morrow. Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock to morrow Morn- ing.— Wednesday June 4 th 8 OClock A. M. Convocation opened. Present Rev. Philo Shelton Ashbel Baldwin Tillotson Brownson D D. P. E. A. Daniel Burhans Smith Miles Calvin White Solomon Blakely Jonathan Judd Roger Searle Menzies Rayner Elijah G Plumb Benjamin Benham Jasper D Jones Nathan B Burgis David Baldwin Reuben Hubbard Frederick Holcomb Birdsey G Noble Sturgis G Gilbert Aaron Humphrey Alpheus Gear Reuben Sherwood Harry Croswell Charles Smith ) Jonathan Wainright i Deacons Rev. Philo Shelton in the Chair Rev Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. The question as to the constitutionality of proceeding to the election of a Bishop at the anual Convention was indefinately postponed. Convocation adjourned without day Ashbel Baldwin Secretary -96- [1821] At a Convocation of the Bishop, Presbyters, and Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Connecticut holden at the house of the Rev Alpheus Gear in Waterbury on the 5 M . day of June 1821 at 8 OClock P. M. Present Right Rev. Thomas C Brownell D. D. L L D. Rev. Philo Shelton Rv. Isaac Jones Ashbel Baldwin " Birdsey G Noble Tillotson Brownson P. E. A " Stirges Gilbert Reuben Ives " Joseph D Welton Chauncey Prindle " Alpheus Gear Truman Marsh " Harry Croswell Daniel Burhans " Reuben Sherwood Menzies Reyner " Charles Smith Asa Cornwall A E A " Joseph Perry Benjamin Benham " Rodney Rofsiter Smith Miles " Peter G Clark David Baldwin " ' Nath S Wheaton Jonathan Judd " Origen P Holcomb Nathan B Burgis Frederick Holcomb Deacons Rev. Daniel Summers " Ambrose Todd " Beardsley Northrop " George B Andrews The Rev. Reuben Ives, Rev Truman Marsh, & Rev Benjamin Benham were appointed a Committee, to prepare a Constitution for the establishment of a Society for the relief of decayed Clergymen, & the necesitous Widows & Orphans of Clergy- men. — Convocation adjourned untill 8 OClock to Morrow Morning. — Wednesday 8. OClock A. M. The Committee appointed to prepare a plan of a Constitution for the Society to be called the Society for the relief of decayed Clergymen &c. made a report, which was read & ordered to lie on the Table. — 38 88 Note xxxiii. —97— Convocation adjourned untill 7 OClock to morrow morning. Thursday 7 OClock A. M. Convocation opened agreeable to adjournment. The Report of the Committee on the subject of the establish- ment of a Society for relief of decayed Clergymen &c. was read by Paragraphs. — On motion Resolved, that a further consideration of s d . Report be postponed untill the next meeting of Convocation. — Convocation adjourned untill the. first Wednesday in Sep- tember, then to be holden in the Town of Cheshire. — Ashbel Baldwin Secretary. Rec a . Dec 29 th . 1824 At a Convocation held at Cheshire Sept 6. 182 1, agreeably to the appointment of the Bishop at 8 o'clock P. M. Present. The Rt Rev T C Brownel, D D. L L D. The Rev T. Brownson — D. D. D. Burhans. T. Marsh M Rayner R. Ives A. Cornwall F. Holcomb D. Baldwin S. Miles B G Noble H. Croswell E. Gear — R. Rofsiter O. Holcomb C. Smith G. Andrews A. Todd J. Jones The Rev B G Noble was appointed secretary in the absence of the Secretary of the Convention. Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to take — 9&— into consideration such known diversities of practice, as may exist among the clergy of this Diocese, & to suggest those particulars on which in their judgment it is desirable there should be uniformity. The Rev. M ef8ra . Marsh, Rayner and Burhans were appointed on this committee The Convocation adjourned to eight o'clock P. M. The Convocation afsembled pursuant to adjournment. The following resolutions were adopted Resolved that the Clergy use the anti Communion Service every Sunday in the year — except under those circumstances which necefsarily prevent Resolved that it be recommended to the Clergy to read the anti communion Service from the Chancel on Communion Sundays. Resolved that the Congregation be dismifsed, previous to the Communion Service with a Collect & the shorter benediction. Resolved, unanimously, that the Lord's prayer be omitted before Sermon. Resolved unanimously, that a Collect be used before sermon. Resolved, that the Clergy instruct their choir to close every Psalm & Hymn with the doxology. The following communication was received from the Trustees of the Episcopal Academy by their secretary. Resolved that the Convocation of the clergy of this Diocefs be requested to enquire into the course & modes of study pursued in this Academy, & that the said committee be requested to give their opinion concerning the general state of the Institution. Resolved, that the above request be complied with. Dr. Bronson was requested to nominate the Committee. The Rev. M 688 ™. Marsh, F. Holcomb, & Wheaton were nomi- nated and appoint [ed]. The Convocation adjourned sine die. T. C. Brownell President B G Noble Sec. [1822] Journal of the proceedings of the special Convocation of the Clergy of the Diocese held at the house of the Rt. Rev T. C Brownell DD. LL.D. New Haven Dec. 18. 1822. —99— Present. Rt. Rev. T. C Brownell, D. D. Rev. T.. Bronson DD. " P.. Shelton R.. Ives M.. Rayner D.. Baldwin F.. Holcomb B G. Noble H. Croswell R. Sherwood A. Cornwall J. Perrey O P. Holcomb D.. Northrop N. S. Wheaton Garfield J. Buckley H. R Judah The Rev. B. G Noble Secretary. Resolved unanimously that it is expedient to establish a College in this State which shall be under the direction of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this Diocese. 84 Resolved That a Committee be appointed to draw up a memorial pray- ing the Legislature for a charter on Condition that funds to the amount of $35,000 be obtained, to procure subscribers & to lay the memorial before the next legislature of this state. Resolved That the several Clergymen of this Diocese, in aid of the Committee shall request their parishoners to sign said memorial. That the said Committee consist of three Clergymen and three laymen — The Rt. Rev T. C. Brownell The Rev. H. Croswell The Rev N. S. Wheaton The Hon E. Boardman Nathan Smith Charles Sigourney Esqs 84 Note xxxiv. — IOO — were appointed with power to fill up the vacancies which may occur in their number. Resolved that New Haven, Middletown & Hartford be the places named for the Location in the memorial. Resolved That the final Location be determined by the Convention. Reconsidered. Resolved, that the final location be determined by the Trus- tees to be appointed by the Convention. After Prayers by the Bishop the Convocation adjourned Attest. B G Noble Sec. [One page is left blank here.] [1824] Cheshire Nov.. 24.. 1824 The Convocation afsembled agreeably to appointment by the Bishop, & 2. O'clock attended divine Service in St. Peters Church. Prayers were read by the Rev M r Doane & a sermon deliv- ered by the Bishop. The Convocation met at the house of the Rev A Cornwall, at 6 O'clock P. M. Present Rt Rev. T. C. Brownell D. D. Rev. T. Bronson D D. R. Ives P. Shelton D. Burhans A. Baldwin A. Cornwall Rev. R. Rofsiter D. Baldwin J. Keeler B G Noble A. Todd H. Croswell L. Hull R. Sherwood Doane A. Gear H M. Mason N. S. Wheaton E— Ives P. G. Clarke W" 1 - Jarvis O P. Holcomb — 101 — The Rev. B. G. Noble was Chosen Secretary The Bishop from the Chair proposed for the consideration of the Convention the subject of reviving the Churchman's Maga- zine. He then presented & read a Letter from the Rev D r . Jarvis containing propositions from the Editors of the Gospel Advocate for the union of the two works. The Bishop then requested the Rev B. G Noble to lay before the Convocation the plan for reviving the magazine which he had exhibited to him. The plan was to divide the Cost of pub- lication into shares & to put the Magazine to the Holders of shares at Cost, to increase the size of the work to 40 pages & the price to $2.00. After some discussion the plan was rejected. , The union proposed by the Editors of the Gospel advocate was also rejected. Resolved That it is expedient to revive the Magazine in this Diocese — 8S That an Editor be appointed by ballot. On balloting the Rev D 1 . Bronson was appointed A contribution was then taken up in Convention [Convoca- tion] to afsist in defraying the expenses of printing prospectus &c, amount obtained was $2.75. which was placed in the hands of the Editor. On motion by the Rev M r Croswell the thanks of the Con- vocation was presented to the Bishop for his discourse delivered before the Convocation. After Prayers by the Bishop the Convention adjourned Sine Die. Birdsey G Noble Secretary. Cheshire Nov. 24, 1824. [1825] Nov.. 10.. 1825. The Convocation at the house of the Rev Sturgis Gilbert Woodbury, this day at 4. OClock, agreeably to appointment by the Bishop 36 Note xxxv. — 102 — Present. The Rt. Rev T. C. Brownell D D Rev T Bronson D. Burhans T. Marsh M. Rayner A. Cornwall J. Jones E. J. Ives B. Benham Somers S. Gilbert R. Rofsiter N. S. Wheaton . The Secretary being absent the Rev N. S. Wheaton was chosen Secretary pro. Tempore. Resolved that it is expedient to altar the Constitution so that the Annual Convention of this Diocese shall be held on the second Wednesday in May. The Convocation adjourned until 7. O'clock. The convocation met at 7 O'clock & after a desultory con- versation adjourned Sine Die N. S. Wheaton Sec pro. tem. Nov. 11.. 1825. True Copy of the original Record Birdsey G. Noble Secretary Middletown, Jan y . 27.. 1826 [Eleven pages are left blank here.] At a Convocation of the Clergy of the Diocese of Connecticut held at the house of the Rt. Rev. T. C. Brownell D. D. L. L. D. Hartford on Wednesday June i Bt . 1825. Present The Rt. Rev. T. C. Brownell DDLLD. The Rev. G. B Andrews " " A. Baldwin " " D. Baldwin " " S. Beach — io3— The Rev. B. Benham " T. Bronson. D D. " " N. Burgesf " " D. Burhans " " P. G. Clarke " " H. Croswell " " G. W. Doane " " J. M. Garfield " " A. Gear " " S. Gilbert " " F. Holcomb " " O. P. Holcomb " " Lem 1 . B Hull " Hector Humphrey " " R. Ives " " E. J. Ives " " W Jarvis " " S. Jewett " " J. Jones " " H R Judah " " B. Judd " " T. Marsh " " B G Noble "SB Paddock " " R Rofsiter " R. Sherwood " " A. Steele " " A S. Todd " R. Warner " " N. S Wheaton Resolved that this Convocation entertain a deep sense of the lofs they have sustained in the death of their late Brethren the Rev Philo Shelton & the Rev Davis Welton ; & that the Presi- dent & secretary communicate to the widows & families of the deceased, the afsurance of their Condolence & sympathy under this afflicting dispensation of Divine Providence. Some observations & enquiries were made Concerning the Churchmans Magazine. The Convocation adjourned sine Die. T. C. Brownel President B G Noble. Sec — 104 — Agreeably to the Resolution of the Convocation the President & Secretary addrefsed the following Letters to M ra . Shelton & M re . Welton. Copy of the Letter to M rs . Shelton. Hartford June 2.. 1825 Dear Madam. The absence of your late husband from the recent Convention of the Church, could not fail to excite in the minds of his sur- viving brethren a painful sense of the lofs which they, in com- mon with yourself, your family & the Church, have sustained in his decease. We transmit you the enclosed resolution, expres- sive of their estimation of his worth, & of their sympathy in your affliction under your bereavement. We beg you will accept it as a token of our affectionate respect & consideration, though we trust you needed no such formal expression of our sentiments. Forty years of faithful labour in the vineyard of his divine Master, a manifest devotion to the best interests of the Church, & a character distinguished for Christian symplicity, had secured for your deceased husband a united & affectionate attachment of his clerical Brethren, which few of his survivors can hope to surpafs. It must be some consolation to you that his memory is duly Cherished, but it is a still higher consolation to reflect, that all those amiable qualities & Christian virtues which endeared him to his earthly friends, served to Constitute his preparation for that better world, where they will find their appropriate sphere, & where they will be perfected for a still more elevated service of his God and his Redeemer. Permit us Dear Madam to add the afsurance of our personal respect & esteem ; & may that gracious being who is the widows God, & the orphans Father, blefs, preserve & keep you, & may he sanctify to you & your children, as well as to the surviving clergy of the Diocese, the present afflictive dispensation of his providence. T. C. Brownell B G Noble M 18 . Shelton —105— Copy of the Letter to M ra Welton Hartford, June 5.. 1825 Dear Madam; — We enclose a resolution expressive of the sense which the clergy of the Diocese of Connecticut entertain of the worth of their deceased Brother, your late Husband, & of their sympathy in your affliction under the present bereavement. Permit us to add our prayers that he who orders all things in wisdom & in mercy, may fill your heart with all the consolations of the Gospel, & that he may sanctify to you & the surviving Brethren of the deceased this dispensation of his Providence. T. C Brownell M re . Welton B G Noble [1826] [Newtown,] June 6.. 1826.. The Convocation met agreeably to appointment at the house of the Rev D. Burhans. Prayers by the secretary. Adjourned until eight O'clock to morrow Wednesday 8. O'clock A M The Convocation afsembled in the town house Present the Bishop & several of the Clergy. A constitution for the Society for the relief of the widows & orphans of Clergymen lying upon the table was read. The consideration of the subject was posponed. The subject of the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge was taken up informally & after some discufsion was posponed. The subject of Sunday Schools was presented for considera- tion & a committee was appointed to report on the subject. The Rev B G Noble & the Rev B. Judd were appointed on that committee. The Rev. M r Rayner obtained liberty to make a statement in relation to a law suit in which he was interested. The Rev. M r Barlow obtained liberty to address the Con- vocation on a plan for a society which he had originated, but — 106 — in consequence of want of time, & at his own request it was defered in order to be made to the Convention. 86 The Convention adjourned Sine Die T. C. Brownel Pres. B G Noble Sec. [Another record of this meeting will be found on pages 118, 119.] [One page is left blank here.] 1826.. New Haven Teusday Oct 3 d . 1826 The Convocation afsembled at the Lecture room of the Rev. M r . Croswell at 10. O'clock agreeably to appointment by the Bishop. Present the Rev Truman Marsh Isaac Jones James Keeler Peter. G. Clarke Reuben Sherwood Nathaniel Bruce Edward Rutledge W m . Shelton Rev. Nathaniel S. Wheaton George Shelton Birdsey G Noble Potter Harry Croswell George W Doane Lem 1 . B Hull Menzies Rayner Hector Humphreys Joseph Perry Fred*. Holcomb Asa Cornwall Daniel Burhans. Ashbell Baldwin David Baldwin W m . Jarvis J. M Garfield Orson V. Howell The Bishop was prevented from attending by the illnefs of a member of his family. The Rev. Truman Marsh was appointed to the chair. The Secretary opened the Convocation by Prayers. Resolved That a Committee of two be appointed to confer with the 36 Note xxxvi. — 107 — Rev. B. G. Noble on the subject of the Churchmans Magazine, & that they report at the adjourned meeting of the Convocation such measure as they may judge expedient to be adopted to secure its continuance. The Rev M r Hull & the Rev M r Croswell were appointed on this Committee. It having been stated that the Rev. M r Doane who was appointed to preach before the Convocation would probably be unable to fulfill the appointment, it was — Resolved that the Rev M r Croswell be requested in that case to obtain a preacher. The lofs which this Convocation & the Church in Connecticut have sustained in the death of our much respected & venerable Brother the Rev Tillotson Bronson D. D.. Principal of the Episcopal Academy & Editor of the Churchman's Magazine having been stated, it was Resolved that blank be a Committee to addrefs a Letter of condolence to the family of our Late Brother. The Rev B G Noble & the Rev A Cornwall were appointed on this Committee. The Rev M r Rutledge stated that he had documents in his pofsefsion, to shew that the Somaster Library now deposited in the Episcopal Academy at Cheshire by a resolution of the Con- vocation, belonged to the Parish of Church at Strat- ford — whereupon the following preamble & resolution, after reading the documents, were adopted — Whereas it appears that the books presented heretofore by the Convocation to the Library of Cheshire Academy, by Docu- ments laid before us, appear to have been given for the benefit of the Parish at Stratford, & not to the Diocese of Connecticut — Therefore Resolved that said Books be delivered to such person, or per- sons as may be authorized by said Parish to receive them. The subject of a general Sunday School Society was men- tioned with reference to the circular ifsued by the P. E. Sund. S. Soc. of Philadelphia, & after some discusion the following resolution was adopted. Resolved that be a Committee on the Subject of a General Sunday school Society. — io8— The Rev B G Noble & the Rev Edward Rutledge were appointed on this Committee. Resolved that be a Committee on the subject of the publication of Tracts. The Rev H. Croswell & the Rev. N. S. Wheaton were ap- pointed on this Committee. Teusday 2. O'clock P. M. Public Service was attended in Trinity Church Prayers were Read by the Rev George Shelton & a Sermon delivered by the Rev E Rutledge. The Convocation afsembled after Divine Service in the Tower of the church. The Committee on the subject of the Churchman's Magazine reported verbally that the Rev B G Noble had generously vol- unteered to conduct the magazine through the remaining six Nos of the present volume, with the afsistance of the Clergy, & to publish two numbers a month, in order to complete the volume by the first of January, that the way may be opened for a new paper, & that the family of the late Editor may be saved from lofs. The Committee also reported that they deemed its continuance in some shape expedient & that they concurred in the expediency of a weekly paper under a new title. In con- sequence of a correspondence between the Editor of the Gos. Advocate & the Rev B G Noble in relation to a union of the publications in which they were respectfully concerned, no decisive measure was adopted. A Letter from the Bishop was received & read. Resolved that the Letter be referred to blank Committee. The Rev H. Croswell & Rev N. S Wheaton were appointed on this Committee The Convocation adjourned to meet at the Lecture room at half past six O'clock. The Committee on the subjects of the Bishop's Letter to the Convocation submitted the following Report, which was adopted. Resolved, That the Bishop of the Diocese be requested with the aid & advice of such of his Presbyters as he may see fit to consult on the subject, to concert measures for establishing a periodical publication devoted to the interests of the Church either in Connection with, or independently of the Eastern — 109 — Diocese, & that such publication Commence on the discontin- uance of the Churchman's Magazine, or as soon after as may be practicable. The Committee on the Subject of a General Sunday School [Society] submitted the following Report which was adopted. Whereas this Convocation have understood from a Circular if sued in Philadelphia that one of the objects which will occupy the attention of the next General Convention is the establish- ment of a General Sunday [School] Society, Therefore Resolved, that the Delegates from this State be requested to give afsurance of the hearty approval of such an object on the part of this meeting & to aid in accomplishing it. The Committee on the Subject of tracts submitted the fol- lowing report which was adopted. Resolved that the Bishop with [ ], be a committee to select & prepare for Publication such tracts as they may deem useful to the Church, & that they be & hereby are authorized to contract with some bookseller for the publication of said Tracts, on his own responsibility, in the same manner & at the same rate as the tracts of the American tract Society. 37 Resolved that we will use our endeavours to promote the circulation of said Tracts in our respective Parishes. The Rev M r Croswell & the Rev M r Doane were appointed with the Bishop on this Committee. The Rev B G Noble introduced the subject of Washington College & stated the interest which in our individual & collective capacity we were bound to feel in the Prosperity of that Institu- tion. And in consequence of the discusion which took place the following resolution offered by M r . Doane was adopted. Resolved that the Bishop & the clerical delegates to the next General Convention be a committee to devise a plan for afsisting indigent & deserving young men members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in obtaining a Collegiate Education at Institu- tions under the control of that Church Birdsey G. Noble Secretary of Convocation. Copy of the Letter addrefsed to the family of the Rev T. Bronson D. D. late a member of the Convocation 31 Note xxxvn. — no — Middletown Nov. 1826 To the Children of the Late D r . T. Bronson Beloved : The absence of your late venerable & excellent Father from the Convocation of the Clergy of this Diocese afsembled at New Haven Oct. 3 d . could not but excite in the breast of 88 [The rest of this page is blank.] [1827] Hartford June 5 th . 1827 Agreeably to appointment by the Bishop, the Convocation afsembled at his house in the afternoon, & without coming [to] order agreed to meet on Wednesday morning at eight O'clock June 6.. 1827 — Wednesday June 6 th . 8 O'clock P. M. [A. M.] The Convocation afsembled in Christ Church Prayers by the Rev. B G Noble. The Bishop took the chair. The list of the clergy was called over. [A blank space is left here.] An enquiry was made concerning the publication of Tracts. A statement was made concerning the Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union. The Bishop presented for consideration the subject of a General Education Society. The subject of Cheshire Academy was introduced & was dis- cussed at some length. The Rev A Baldwin in the chair in the absence of the Bishop. On motion the Convocation adjourned to half past 6 O'clock in the afternoon. half past 6 O'clock P. M. The Convocation afsembled pursuant to adjournment — On motion the Convocation adjourned Sine Die B G Noble Secretary. 88 Note xxxviii. — Ill — Convocation at Stratford. The Rev G. W. Doane, was appointed Secretary pro tem. — [The rest of this page and three following pages are left blank.] [1828] Norwalk June s tt . 1828 The Convocation afsembled agreeably to appointment at the house of the Rev. R. Sherwood. Present the Bishop and several of the Clergy. Prayers by the Secretary. Adjourned to 8 oclock on the 6 th - June 6 th ' 8 oclock A. M. The Convocation afsembled in the Academy. Moved that a committee be appointed to take into considera- tion the state of the Parishes & to report to this Convocation such measures as they may deem expedient. The Committee were The Rev D. Burhans H. Croswell N. S. Wheaton Moved that a society be formed for the relief of the widows & orphans of Clergyman. Moved that a Committee be appointed to report a plan for the formation of such a Society to the next convocation. The Committe 6 were The Rev. M r . Rutledge " " Sherwood The Rev. Ashbel Baldwin in the chair On motion the Convocation adjourned subject to the order of the Bishop. — [End of the records in the first volume.] 112 [The following records are from the second volume.] [1829] Cheshire Oct.. 14.. 1829. The Convocation afsembled agreeably to appointment by the Bishop, & at half past 10 O'clock attended Divine Service in S*. Peter's Church. Prayers were read by the Rev. M r . Hull, & a sermon delivered by the Rev. H. Potter. The Convocation adjourned to meet at the Episcopal Acad- emy at 3 O'clock this afternoon. The Convocation met according to adjournment. Prayers by the Bishop. Present. The Rt Rev. T. C. Brownell D.D.L.L.D. The Rev. Ashbel Baldwin The Rev. Rodney Rofsiter " David Baldwin " " Nathaniel S Wheaton " W m . Barlow " Daniel Burhans The Rev. M r . Adams from " Peter G. Clarke the Diocese of New York " Asa Cornwall was invited to attend the " Harry Croswell sittings of the Convoca- " C. F. Cruse tion. " Alpheus Geer " Frederick Holcomb " Lemuel B. Hull " Hector Humphreys Reuben Ives. " W m . Jarvis " James Keeler " Horatio Potter " W m - T. Potter The subject of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge was introduced by the Rev. M r . Wheaton, & after some discufsion as to the best mode of increasing its funds, The following resolution was on motion adopted. Resolved that a Committee be appointed to take into consid- eration the propriety of revising the constitution of the "Society —ii 3 — for p[r]omoting Christian Knowledge," with power to make such alterations as may be deemed expedient, & to report the same to the next Convention. The Standing Committee were appointed to perform that duty. The subject of a contemplated mifsion to Western & South- western States by the R*. Rev. Bp. Brownell agreeably to a request of the Board of Directors of the Domestic & Foreign Mifsionary Society was brought before the Convocation. On motion, Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed to frame a report in relation to the measure proposed above. The Rev. M r . Croswell, the Rev. M r . Burhans & the Rev. M r . Wheaton were appointed. On Motion the following resolution was passed unanimously, Resolved by the Convocation, that the clergy will present with their Parochial reports to the next Annual Convention, a particu- lar account of their respective Sunday Schools, which shall indi- cate the number of Teachers employed, & of the children instructed; & especially the course of instruction pursued, & the date, wherever such shall be the fact, of their connexion with the Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union. On motion adjourned till 7 O'clock this evening. — 7 O'clock P. M. The Convocation met pursuant to adjournmt. — The committee appointed on the subject of the R'. Rev. Bp. Brownell's contemplated tour, reported the following Preamble & Resolution, which were unanimously adopted, & ordered to be published in the Episcopal Watchman : — Whereas the Rt. Rev. Bishop of this Diocese has been re- quested by the Board of Directors of the Domestic & Foreign Mifsionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church to "visit that portion of our Country which lie 8 West & South of the Alleghany Mountains, to perform Episcopal services wher- ever they may be desired, to examine into the condition of the Mifsions established by the Board, & to take a general survey of the country, for the purpose of designating such Mifsionary Stations as may hereafter be usefully established:" & whereas the Executive Committee of the said Society have expressed a "hope that the Clergy of this Diocese, now afsembled in Convo- cation may be induced to grant to their Bishop a free release from his Diocesan duties, in consideration of the great good which may be done by him to our scattered and destitute breth- —114— ren, in the performance of the duties of this mifsion :" — There- fore, Resolved unanimously, that the clergy of Connecticut in Convocation afsembled, do highly approve of the proposed visi- tation, & cheerfully comply with the wishes of the Executive Committee of the Domestic & Foreign Mifsionary Society in granting a free release from his Diocesan duties during the said Visitation — humbly & affectionately commending him, & the cause in which he is engaged, to the great Head of the Church. — 39 It was moved and seconded that a new Committee be appointed on the subject of forming a Constitution for the relief of destitute Widows & Orphans of deceased Clergymen. Accordingly the Rev. M r . Sherwood, the Rev. Mr. Hull, & the Rev. M r . Burhans were appointed. On Motion the Convocation adjourned after the customary devotional exercises. William Jarvis Secretary. [1830] Middletown November 17 th . 1830. Agreeably to appointment by the Bishop, the Convocation afsembled in Christ Church in this city at half past 10 O'Clock A. M. Divine service was performed by the Rev. M r . Sherwood, & a sermon delivered by the Rev. M r - Croswell. After the Con- gregation was dismifsed, the Convocation was called to order by the Bishop, & on motion, was adjourned to meet at the house of M r . Francis, at 3 O'Clock this afternoon. The Convocation met pursuant to adjournment, & the roll being called, the following persons answered to their names. The R*. Rev. T. C. Brownell, D.D. LL.D. The Rev. David Baldwin, " " Nathan B. Burgefs, " Joseph T. Clark, " " Harry Croswell, " " Alpheus Geer, " Hector Humphreys, " William Jarvis, !9 Note xxxix. The Rev. Horatio Potter, " Smith Pyne, " Rodney Rofsiter, Reuben Sherwood, " " Ashbel Steele, " Ransom Warner, " " N. S. Wheaton, The Rev. Henry S. Attwater, Ch s . W m . Bradley. —ii5— The following resolution was offered by the Rev. M r . Croswell. "The Bishop & Clergy of the Diocese" "of Connecticut in Convocation, Nov. 17, 1830." On motion, resolved, that the book of "Chants adapted to the service of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States" compiled by Mr. John H. Phoebus, of New Haven, is recom- mended by this Convocation to the churches throughout the Diocese, as a work well calculated to effect the objects proposed by the compiler, by promoting a correct & tasteful execution of the chants, & aiding the congregations generally in this portion of the devotions of the church. 40 On motion, it was resolved that the above resolution should be referred to a Committee of three, to report to morrow morning. The Rev. Messrs. Humphreys, Wheaton, & Pyne were ap- pointed that Committee. — On motion, the Rev. Mefsrs. Sherwood & Humphreys, & M r . Samuel Huntington, were appointed a Committee to draft the Constitution of "a society for the relief of destitute widows & orphans of deceased clergymen." The subject of the agency of the Rev. Mefsrs. Pyne & Hawks, in behalf of Washington College, was introduced & discufsed at some length. The interests of that institution were shown to be intimately connected with those of the Church, & the conse- quent duty of every Episcopalian, & especially of every Clergy- man, in the Diocese, to extend to it his most efficient patronage, was ably enforced. — On motion, the Convocation adjourned to meet the same place at 9 O'clock tomorrow morning. Middletown November 18 th . 1830. The Convocation met pursuant to adjournment. The Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Resolution of the Rev. M r . Croswell approving and recom- mending the Book of Chants, compiled by M r . John H. Phoebus, was in favor of adopting that resolution, & on motion, was unani- mously accepted. — The Convocation adjourned. William Jarvis, Secretary 40 Note xl. — ii<5— [1837] New Haven June 12 th . 1837. The Convocation assembled in the basement room of St. Paul's Chapel, when after being called to order by the Bishop, and after prayers, by the Secretary, the Bishop took the Chair. A communication was read from A. B. Chapin Esqr. Editor of the Chronicle of the Church, whereupon a Committee was appointed to take the communication into consideration con- sisting of Rev. Dr Croswell Rev Messrs. Beach Watson Burges & Holcomb, and they were directed to report to the Convention, to com- mence its sittings to-morrow. 41 The Rev. Dr. Jarvis made a statement in regard to the Chris- tian Knowledge Society, which was laid over for consideration. After which the Convocation adjourned leaving the time and place for calling another to the discretion of the Bishop. Attest A. C. Morgan, Secr y . [1847] Hartford, June 8 a , 1847. A Convocation of the Clergy was held on the evening of this day in the Chapel of Christ Church Hartford. After having been called to order by the Bishop, the Secretary by direction of the chair read prayers. The Rubrics in the Baptismal Service, & especially the proper postures of the officiating minister, formed the subject of con- sideration & discussion. The Secretary was ordered not to make a record of the par- ticulars. Attest W m . Payne, Secretary. 41 Note xli. —ii7— [1848] New Haven, June 13 th 1848 The Bishop called a Convocation on the evening of this day in St. Paul's Church. In his absence the Rev. Dr. Fuller in the Chair, who opened the meeting with Prayer. The affairs of the Christian Knowledge society formed the subject of deliberations. 42 A committee was appointed to bring the business discussed before Convention on the following day. Attest, W m . Payne Secretary. 42 Note xlii. — n8— Newtown. June 6 th . 1826 The Convocation met at the house of the Rev. Daniel Burhans at half past seven O'clock by appointment. The secretary opened the meeting with prayers. On motion by the Rev. M r Hull the meeting was adjourned to seven o'clock to morrow morning. Wednesday June 7 th . The Convocation met at the town house agreeably to ad- journment at 7 O'clock A. M. Present. Rt. Rev. T. C. Brownell Rev. A. Baldwin D: Burhans Prindle T. Marsh D. Baldwin B. G. Noble B. Judd H Croswell P, . G. Clark 0. . P. Holcomb F Holcomb A- Gear Hull Beach Andrews A. , Todd W m Jarvis Potter Rev M r . Barlow Johnson M r Coit M r . Wells The Bishop read the following communication from the Rev. D r . Jarvis. Upon which the following resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolved that the Rt. Rev. Bishop Brownell be requested to express to the Rev D r . Jarvis the regret of this convocation that he was unable to attend the present meeting when they might have personally taken leave of him previous to his departure for Europe, & to afsure of the affectionate interest which they take in his welfare. —ii9— On motion by the Rev. Truman Marsh the resolution passed at the last meeting concerning the alteration of the Constitution was reconsidered. The resolution was indefinitely posponed. The Rev. Mr. Barlow from the Diocese of South Carolina had leave to bring his plan for the publication of Books before the Convocation. Some desultory conversation took place on the subject of a Society for the relief of the widows and orphans, of Clergymen — the constitution was called up & again laid upon the table. The Society for the promotion of Christian Knowledge was proposed for consideration — & some desultory conversation took place & the subject referred to the Convention. The subject of Sunday Schools was taken up & On motion by the Rev. Mr. Judd — Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed on the sub- ject of Sunday Schools. The Rev. M r Judd Croswell Noble. The Convocation adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock on Thursday morning. Notes Note I SKETCHES OF MEMBERS OF THE CONVOCATION The Right Reverend SAMUEL SEABURY, D.D. Samuel, the second son of Samuel and Abigail (Mumford) Seabury, was born at North Groton (now Ledyard), Connecticut, on November 30, 1729. His father was then officiating as a licentiate of the "Standing Order" in the meeting house of the Second Ecclesiastical Society of Groton located in North Groton, but soon after conformed to the Church of England, was ordained in England and became the first incumbent of St. James' Church, New London. The future bishop was educated by his father and in the common schools of the town until his father's removal to Hempstead, Long Island, in 1742. He entered Yale College in 1744, and graduated with honor in 1748. Mr. Seabury was sent by his father to Huntington, Long Island, as "catechist" in 1748, in which position he was confirmed by the Venerable Society with a salary of ten pounds sterling per annum. He commenced the study of medicine while at Huntington and in 1752 went to Edinburgh to continue his medical course until of age to present himself to the Bishop of London for ordination. He was made deacon in the Chapel of Fulham Palace on St. Thomas' Day, December 21, 1753, by the Rt. Rev. John Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, acting for the infirm Bishop of London, Dr. Thomas Sherlock. He was ordained priest in the same chapel on Sunday, December 23, 1753, by the Rt. Rev. Richard Osbaldiston, Bishop of Carlisle. He was immediately appointed by the Propagation Society to the mission of Christ Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey. In 1757 he went to Grace Church, Jamaica, from which he removed in 1766 to the Rectorship of St. Peter's Church, Westchester County, New York. To add to his small income he opened while at Westchester a classical school. As the Revolution approached, with his friends Dr. Chandler, Dr. Inglis, and the Hon. Isaac Wilkins, he allied himself with the cause of the united British Empire, which to his mind included the welfare of the Church of England, and wrote strongly in its favor. His "Letters of a Westchester Farmer" are an excellent specimen of his style in political controversy. He was also for several years the Secretary of the Voluntary Conventions of the Clergy of New York and New Jersey which some from Connecticut occasionally attended. — 124 — He was roughly treated by the patriots in his neighborhood, compelled at various times to conceal himself and on one occasion was taken to New Haven and treated with much indignity. Upon his release from confinement he returned to Westchester, but was soon obliged, early in 1776, to close the churches in his parish and join the numerous loyalists in the city of New York. After the departure of General Washington from Manhattan Island in September, 1776, he officiated, in turn with other clergymen who had left their parishes, for the refugees in the old City Hall on Wall Street. In 1778 he was appointed to the charge of St. Andrew's Church, Staten Island, but found it unsafe to take up his residence there. His support for seven years came from the stipend of fifty pounds a year from the Venerable Society, the practice of medicine, and his chaplaincy of the Royal American Regiment of Colonel Edmund Fan- ning. He was made a Doctor in Divinity by Oxford University in 1778. With his election and acceptance of the Bishopric of Connecticut came a new period in Dr. Seabury's life. He went to England in July, 1783, in the flagship of Admiral Digby. His noble and unceasing efforts to induce the Bishops in England to rise above political and traditional precedents and consecrate him under a special act of Parliament, form a chapter of pathetic interest in our annals. In the summer of 1784 he made a formal application to the Bishops of the Church in Scotland to consecrate him. Upon their favorable answer he journeyed to Aberdeen and was consecrated a Bishop in the Church of God, in Bishop Skinner's chapel in Long Acre, Aberdeen on Sunday, November 14, 1784 by the Primus, Dr. Robert Kilgour of Aberdeen, Dr. Arthur Petrie of Moray and Ross, and Dr. John Skinner, Coadjutor Bishop of Aberdeen. He returned to London immediately after and sailed for America in March, 1785. He spent some weeks among relatives in Nova Scotia and arrived at Newport, Rhode Island, on June 20, 1785. It is unnecessary here to trace the events of his Episcopate, some details of which will be found in the introduction and text of these "Records". Bishop Seabury died suddenly on February 25, 1796 in the sixty- seventh year of his age. The Reverend BELA HUBBARD, D.D. Bela, a son of Daniel and Diana (Ward) Hubbard, was born in Guil- ford, Connecticut, on August 27, 1739. He was prepared for college in the common schools and at home. In his fourteenth year he entered Yale College, from which he was graduated in 1758. He then enjoyed a year of theological study with his relative by marriage, the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, President of King's College, New York. In 1761 he became lay reader at Christ Church in his native town, under the oversight of the Rev. Ebenezer Punderson, of New Haven, whose missionary circuit included Guilford. In the fall of 1763, in company with Abraham Jarvis, his life-long friend, and William Walter of Roxbury, Massachusetts, he went "home" to England for ordination. —125— On Sunday, February 5, 1764, in "the Royal Chapel of St. James, Westminster," he was made deacon by the Rt. Rev. Frederick Keppel, Bishop of Exeter, acting for the infirm Bishop of London, Dr. Richard Osbaldiston. On Sunday, February 19, 1764, in "the parish Church of St. James, Westminster," he was ordained priest by the Rt. Rev. Charles Lyttleton, Bishop of Carlisle, acting for the Bishop of London. Upon his return he took charge of Christ Church, Guilford, and St. John's, North Guilford, to which he soon added a congregation in Killingworth, now Clinton, "a seaport Town 10 miles distant." He occasionally officiated in remoter places, as Saybrook, Branford, New Haven, Litchfield. His work was fruitful and acceptable. His salary came wholly from his parishioners and was only thirty pounds sterling per annum. The Venerable Society at that time did not think it expedient to form any new missions in New England and would not make any appropriation for Guilford. In 1767 he accepted the joint rectorship of Trinity Church, New Haven, and Christ Church, West Haven, at an increased salary. He was a resident of New Haven in the critical days of the Revolution. Although a pronounced loyalist, he retained the full esteem of the patriots. His services to the Church in Connecticut at the formative period are great and deserve recognition. His ability as a parish priest and his theological learning were recognized by his alma mater by the degree of Doctor in Divinity in 1804. After an incumbency of forty-five years in one parish Bela Hubbard rested from his earthly labors on Sunday, December 6, 1812, in the seventy-fourth year of his age and the forty- eighth of his ministry. In the present Trinity Church, New Haven, which his zeal and tact made possible, there is in the chancel an appropriate monument setting forth his excellencies. The Right Reverend ABRAHAM JARVIS, D.D. Abraham, the sixth son and ninth child of Captain Samuel and Naomi (Brush) Jarvis, was born at Norwalk, Connecticut, on May 5, 1739. He was carefully trained in the district school and at home, and then placed under the tuition of the Rev. Noah Wells, the Congregational minister of Stratford, to be prepared for college. He became a student at Yale when eighteen and graduated with honor in 1761. He went immediately after to Middletown to officiate as lay reader in Christ Church. He also pursued by himself a course in theology, pre- sumably set forth for him by the learned Dr. Samuel Johnson. About 1762 it becoming necessary to leave his work to be inoculated for the small pox, he resided for several months at Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, in the family of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Bradbury Chandler, the well-read theologian and acute pleader for an American Episcopate. Under him he probably completed his course in theology. In the fall of 1763, in company with his intimate friend, Bela Hubbard, and William Walter of Roxbury, Massachusetts, he sailed for England — 126 to seek holy orders. His expenses were defrayed by a subscription of the members of the Middletown parish. He was made deacon in "the royal Chapel of St. James, Westminster,'' on Sunday, February 5, 1764, by the Rt. Rev. Frederick Keppel, Bishop of Exeter. He was ordained priest in "the parish Church of St. James, West- minster," on Sunday, February 19, 1764, by the Rt. Rev. Charles Lyttle- ton, Bishop of Carlisle. Both of these ordinations, at which his companions also were ordained, were by special commission from the aged and feeble Bishop of London, Dr. Richard Osbaldiston, who, as had his predecessors, exercised jurisdic- tion over the American Colonies. He sailed for America in April and was again at work in June. He had been duly chosen as Rector of Christ Church, Middletown. An annual salary of seventy pounds ster- ling was pledged to him by the parish. For some reason not now to be ascertained, the Venerable Society declined to continue the stipend of twenty pounds which had been allowed to the Rev. Ichabod Camp, the first Rector and Missionary. Mr. Jarvis became a true pastor not only for the people in Middletown, but in all the surrounding country. He greatly encouraged the small band of churchmen in Hartford by his presence, his services and his advice. There would have been rapid growth in Hartford had the suggestion to make Middletown and Hart- ford a mission under Mr. Jarvis met with the approval of the authorities in England. His energy and success as a parish priest are shown by a memorandum made a few years after his ordination, in which three hundred and sixty- five souls, of whom one hundred and fifty were communicants, are recorded as under his charge. The esteem in which Mr. Jarvis was held by his brethren and the active part he took in the organization of the Church in Connecticut, his wisdom and prudence in all the steps taken for a true General Convention, are detailed in the introduction to these "Records." With the continued regard and affection of his parishioners he served them in holy things for thirty-five years. Upon the death of Bishop Seabury, at the special Convention held in Trinity Church, New Haven, on May 5, 1796, he was chosen Bishop. As there had been a diversity of opinion among the clergy and some opposi- tion by prominent laymen, he immediately declined the election. When Dr. Bowden, who in October, 1796, had been elected, finally declined the Episcopate, Mr. Jarvis was unanimously elected for the third time, by his brethren at the annual convention held in St. James's Church, Derby, on June 7, 1797. He accepted and was consecrated in Trinity Church, New Haven, on the feast of St. Luke, October 18, 1797. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. William Smith, of St. Paul's Church, Norwalk. It is one of the five instances in the history of the American Church when the sermon at the consecration of a Bishop has been by a priest. 1 1 The others are : The Rev. Dr. William Smith, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, preached at the consecration of Dr. Claggett, 1792 ; Dr. Robert Smith, 1795 ; and Dr. Bass, 1797. The Rev. Dr. Frederick Beasley preached at the consecration of Mr. Chase in 1819. — 127 — The consecrators were the presiding Bishop, Dr. William White, and the Bishop of New York (Dr. Provoost), and the Bishop of Massachu- setts (Dr. Bass). Yale College conferred on him, in 1797, the degree of Doctor in Divinity. The second Bishop of Connecticut was faithful in his administration of the Diocese and saw a moderate but real growth. During his later years he was afflicted with asthma and any clerical duty was done with difficulty, but he never allowed his bodily infirmity to interfere with his official and religious obligations. In 1799 he removed to Cheshire, where the Episcopal Academy, under Dr. Bowden, was coming into favorable knowledge of the people. The "Records" give particulars of the unhappy incident of his Epis- copate, the career of Ammi Rogers in the Diocese, and other events of diocesan life in which the Bishop took an active part. In 1803 Bishop Jarvis removed to New Haven, where he passed the remainder of his days. He departed this life at New Haven on May 3, 1813, having lived nearly seventy-four years. When the present Trinity Church was erected his body was removed from the public cemetery and buried beneath the chancel. An elegant Gothic monument with a classic and affectionate Latin inscription written by his son, the distinguished scholar, Dr. Samuel Farmar Jarvis, adorns the walls of the Church. The Reverend GIDEON BOSTWICK, M.A. Gideon, the fifth son and eighth child of Captain Nathaniel and Esther (Hitchcock) Bostwick, was born in New Milford, Connecticut, on Sep- tember 21, 1742. He was strictly brought up in the pious ways of the "Standing Order." He was educated principally at home and then fitted for college by the celebrated Nathaniel Taylor, the Congregational minis- ter of New Milford. He entered Yale College in 1758, sustained a high rank throughout his course and graduated with honor in 1762. He had, under the influence of an intimate friend and classmate, "declared" for the Church of England. As then there was little prospect of a new mis- sion being erected in any part of New England by the Venerable Society, he went, at the suggestion of the Rev. Thomas Davies, Rector of St. John's, New Milford, and an ardent missionary, to Great Barrington, Massachusetts. A small and vigorous parish had been founded there under the auspices of the Rev. Solomon Palmer and the Rev. Thomas Davies. Mr. Bostwick became the lay reader and opened a classical school, which from the first was successful. The young candidate was not content with merely reading the service on Sunday, but did such pastoral work as a layman could, and went into the surrounding country to seek out the lost or strayed sheep of Christ. In 1769 such strength had been developed that it seemed expedient to the clergy of Connecticut, with which the work had always been con- nected, to make an effort to obtain a grant from the Venerable Society —128— and the erection by it of a mission to include Great Barrington and Lanesborough in Berkshire County, together with Nobletown and New Concord on the New York side of the Berkshire Hills, in what was aptly called "a wilderness country." A petition from the four congregations was prepared and universally signed, asking for recognition by the Society, a stipend, and the ordina- tion of Mr. Bostwick. With this and a commendatory letter from the clergy of New York, Mr. Bostwick went to England late in 1769. He was successful in his quest. The Society broke its rule, erected the Berk- shire Mission, assigned to it a stipend of twenty-five pounds sterling per annum and appointed Mr. Bostwick the Missionary upon his ordination. After due examination he was made deacon by the Bishop of Lon- don, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Terrick, on St. Matthias' Day, February 24, 1770, in the royal Chapel of St. James. He was ordained priest by the same Bishop on Sunday, March 11, 1770, "in the Chapel Royal at Saint James's Palace in Westminster." 1 After a pleasant passage of six weeks, he arrived at New York on May 29, and reached his mission on June 4. From that day he was abundant in labors laying foundations to be afterward built upon. He made a house to house visitation in the newly settled towns of what is now Columbia County, New York, Bennington County, Vermont, and Berkshire County, Massachusetts. For the earlier years of his ministry his services were almost daily. His letters show him to be active, diligent, and discerning. His influence over those who had moved into this northern portion of New England after the old French war was very great. His private register records in his ministry of twenty-three years the baptism of two thousand two hundred and seventy- four children and eighty-one adults, the marriage of one hundred and twenty-seven couples and the burials of eighty-four persons. There is hardly another record equal to it in the missionary annals of our coun- try. The "Records" show that Mr. Bostwick was honored in the Dio- cese. Much of his work was ephemeral for many promising settlements never attained maturity, but enough remains to keep green the memory of a true herald of the Cross, notably St. James's, Great Barrington, Trinity, Lenox, and Christ Church, Hudson, New York. Upon his return from the Convocation and Convention at Middletown on June 5, 1793, where he had presented his friend and lay reader at Lanesborough, Mr. Daniel Burhans, for ordination, he rode a hard-trotting horse. When he arrived at his old home in New Milford, he was taken violently and dangerously ill as the result. After lingering in much pain for some days, he entered into the rest of Paradise on June 13, 1793, in the fifty-first year of his age. Over his grave in the lower cemetery at Great Barrington, friends erected a handsome marble monument appropriately inscribed. 1 Mr. Bostwick's letter of Orders as priest is in the custody of the writer. — 129 — The Reverend JAMES SAYRE, M.A. James Sayre is supposed to have been born in Scotland in 1745. He is said to have come to America with his older brother John, while a boy. He studied at the College of Philadelphia when that institution was under the presidency of Dr. William Smith. He was graduated in 1765 in the same class with Bishop White. Removing to New York City, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1771. His brother John had been ordained in 1768 and taken charge of an extensive mission on the west bank of the Hudson, which included Newburgh, New Windsor, and Walden. He was laborious and successful. It was possibly through his persuasion and influence that Mr. Sayre abandoned the law and sailed in the summer of 1774 for England. He was ordained in the fall of that year and was licensed to officiate in the Plantations on September 21, 1774. A manuscript note on the margin of the Book of Licenses of the Diocese of London assigns him to "Fredericksburgh precinct." This term evidently indicates the region bordering on Connecticut east of Poughkeepsie, Peekskill, Fishkill, and other towns on the east bank of the Hudson. It was sparsely settled and spiritually destitute. There had been intermittent church work in the river towns from I 76s, when the Rev. Samuel Seabury made a missionary tour and held the first services. The Rev. John Beardsley became, in 1761, the missionary in Dutchess County, and in 1766 was promoted to the rector- ship of Poughkeepsie. Probably it was to assist him by caring for the "back country," as Mr. Beardsley's work was over a wide area, that Mr. Sayre was ordained. The commencement of actual hostilities with England taking place soon after his return, it is extremely doubtful if he remained long in the precinct. In 1775 he accepted a commission as chaplain to one of the loyalist battalions raised by Colonel De Lancey. Camp life and the monotony of service in and near the city of New York, to which the British were principally confined, was irksome. His power as a preacher was acknowl- edged by all who heard him and his reading of the service was impres- sive and solemn. He felt that it was a great relief to be asked to officiate for the few churchmen at Brooklyn Ferry, then a hamlet of about sixty houses and less than two thousand people. Previously they had traveled the long distance to Grace Church, Jamaica, or crossed the East River to worship in Trinity Church or one of its chapels. Mr. Sayre commenced his work in Brooklyn in 1778 and continued it for five years. His success in the little village, now part of a great city, can only be inferred from the fact that in 1787 a parish was organized. The archives of St. Ann's, the mother parish of Brooklyn, contain the record of only one official act of Mr. Sayre. It is a copy of a baptismal certificate dated August 20, 1783, and signed "James Sayre, Minister of the Church at Brooklyn Ferry." 9 — 13°— Upon the evacuation of New York City by the British on November 25, 1783, Mr. Sayre, with many other loyalists, went under the escort of the fleet to St. John, New Brunswick. Here a tract of land had been assigned him. He does not appear to have had any settled congregation or sought any parish. He evidently was not placed on the list of the Venerable Society's missionaries and the poor refugees were unable to give adequate salaries to their ministers. After an experience not altogether pleasant, he returned to the United States and seems to have been in Connecticut in the spring of 1784. In June, 1784, he became the minister of Trinity Church, Branford, Christ Church, Guilford, and St. John's, North Guilford. He resided in Bran- ford, giving three-quarters of his time to Branford and Guilford and the other quarter to North Guilford. He was both active and popular. In the following year efforts were made to induce him to live in Guilford, but without success. He resigned in the spring of 1786 and went to live in Fairfield, where the Rev. Philo Shelton was Rector. In July, 1786, Bishop Seabury recommended him to the vestry of Trinity Church, Newport, one of the important parishes of New England, as "a worthy and prudent man," of "good understanding" who "reads prayers much to my satisfaction." Mr. Sayre accepted the invitation to visit Newport sent during the summer and removed to that town in October, 1786. For nearly a year he was beloved and respected by all his parishioners. An unhappy conflict with some of the prominent laymen in the parish then occurred, principally concerning the revision of the Prayer Book, and for two years there was bitter controversy and mutual discontent. Finally, by the intervention of Bishop Seabury, the pastoral relation was dissolved and Mr. Sayre returned to Fairfield in the early days of 1789. The parish at Stratford became vacant by the resignation of Mr. Learning in 1790. Its members esteemed Mr. Sayre highly and had endeavored to have him visit them during the Revolution, but permission was refused by the civil authority. They were now glad to call him as their rector. His services were peculiarly acceptable to them and they gave him a loyal and sincere support. The fixed conviction of Mr. Sayre that the revision of the Prayer Book at Philadelphia was unnecessary and deprived it of essential features; that laymen should never have any influence or authority in the Church, or sit in ecclesiastical conventions, he so strongly impressed upon the people of Christ Church that they determined never to use the new book or to approve the union of the Church in the United States. The text of the "Records" shows the serious and unpleasant conse- quences of this course. The Rev. John Bowden was then living in Stratford. He had the cordial good will and respect of the churchmen of the parish. With the desire of convincing them of their error and leading them to see the absurdity of their position, he wrote in March, 1792, an affectionate and logical "Address" and a "Letter" to Mr. Sayre. 1 His letter to Mr. Sayre 1 An Address from John Bowden, A.M. to the Members of the Episcopal Church in Stratford, to which is added a Letter to the Rev. Mr. James Sayre. * * * New Haven : Printed by T. and S. Green, n. d. i2mo, pp. 39. —i3i— rehearses the manner in which Mr. Bowden was welcomed by Mr. Sayre, and their pleasant relations until Mr. Sayre made his "Protest." The change that then occurred is noted, Mr. Sayre's abuse of his brethren mentioned, and he is asked to reconsider and pause before lead- ing "a congregation into a separation that must in a few years end in their ruin." The effect of the "Address" upon the parish was slowly apparent and Mr. Sayre was compelled to resign at Easter, 1793. He removed to Woodbury and became the rector of St. Paul's Church. Here again he aroused the people of that staid old parish to open defiance of the whole Diocese and refusal to submit to the constituted authorities. But in July, 1794, Woodbury conformed and Mr. Sayre was once more obliged to leave his home. He spent the remainder of his days in Fairfield. It is said that he continued to denounce bitterly the Bishop and clergy, finally renouncing the Church of his fathers. He died in 1798, in the fifty-third year of his age. It was learned after his death, that he had been for some years mentally unbalanced. His life is a sad instance of perverted energy and misdirected zeal. The Reverend PHILO SHELTON, M.A. Philo, a son of Samuel Shelton, was born in Ripton (now Hunt- ington), Connecticut, on May 5. 1754. His ancestors had been church- men in the days when it meant persecution and much personal abuse. His grandfather, Daniel Shelton, a pioneer of the town and a large land owner, had been one of the founders and benefactors of St. Paul's Church in that village. Mr. Shelton was carefully trained in the ways of the Church. He attended the district school, where only a slight knowledge of the rudi- ments of education could be obtained. He also came under the instruc- tion of his pastor, the Rev. Christopher Newton, aand when seventeen years old was ready for college. He was graduated with honor from Yale College in 1775. He had early determined to study for the holy ministry. His son, the Rev. Dr. William Shelton, states that his theological course was pursued with the Rev. James Scovill, Rector of St. John's, Waterbury, a man of excellent attainments and sound judgment. The condition of Con- necticut during the Revolution did not allow any new church work to be undertaken. As noted in the "Introduction," several clergymen were able to keep open their churches. It is probable that Mr. Shelton while with Mr. Scovill aided him as lay reader in his widely extended parish, which included Waterbury, Westbury (now Watertown), Northbury (now Plymouth), and New Cambridge (now Bristol). On July 8, 1779, Fairfield was burned by the British under General Tryon, when the church, rectory, meeting houses, and many dwellings were destroyed. The minister of Trinity Church, —132— the Rev. John Sayre, with his family, lost everything and became a refugee in New York. On August 24, 1779, a meeting of members of the parish was held at the house of Mr. John Sherwood at Greenfield. It was resolved "to apply to Mr. Shelton at Ripton in order to hire him to officiate for them if Mr. Shelton will please to come." A regular routine for the three sections of the parish, Fairfield, Strat- field (now Bridgeport), and North Fairfield (now Weston), was made out. Mr. Shelton accepted and for six years faithfully read the service according to the routine, visited the people in every part of the parish and accumulated much experience for his future ministry. With several other Connecticut candidates, Mr. Shelton patiently waited for the return of the Bishop-designate invested with the Episcopal character. On August 3, 1785, he was presented in Christ Church, Middletown, to "Samuel, Bishop of Connecticut," to be made deacon. The others ordained at this memorable first ordination by a Bishop of the American Church were : Ashbel Baldwin, of Litchfield ; Henry Van Dyck, of Mil- ford, and Colin Ferguson, of Maryland. The evidence of these "Records" and the tradition of Mr. Shelton's descendants and the older clergy of the Diocese show that he was the first deacon ordained in the Church in the United States. Mr. Shelton was ordained priest by Bishop Seabury in Trinity Church, New Haven, on September 16, 1785. Upon his return home, he entered upon the rectorship of the parish he had served as lay reader. His incumbency continued throughout his life. The work done by him was large and encouraging. His "Parochiales Notitiae" show that in the forty years of his ministry he baptized nineteen hundred and seventy-eight persons, four hundred and fifty-four persons were confirmed, five hundred and eighty persons had become communicants, and eight hundred and thirty-eight persons had been buried. 1 New churches were built in Fairfield in 1790, and in the borough of Bridgeport in 1801. Mr. Shelton paid much attention to developing the Church in the new borough, which was rapidly filling up with an intel- ligent population. He was, however, zealous in maintaining the work in the other portions of the parish. At Easter, 1824, as he felt the growing infirmities of age, he resigned the charge of St. John's, Bridgeport, and confined his attention to Fair- field. Mr. Shelton died on February 27, 1825, in the seventy-first year of his age. He was buried under the chancel of Trinity Church on Mill Plain, Fairfield. A tablet to his memory was placed in the church. Subsequently his body was removed to Mountain Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport, where an elaborate monument of Italian marble suitably inscribed has been erected. 1 The Rev. Dr. Guilbert in his "Annals of an Old Parish " (New York : T. Whittaker, 1898) has printed this valuable document as Appendix I., pp. 183-273. The original is in the possession of Mr. Hamilton Shelton of Bridgeport. —133— Few clergymen were more beloved, honored and trusted. He held many responsible offices in the gift of the Convention and of the Con- vocation. He was almost continuously from 1795 a member of the Standing Committee, and from 1801 a deputy to the General Convention. During the vacancy in the Episcopate from 1813-1816, he as senior presbyter presided in the Diocesan Convention. In a letter to Mrs. Shelton, Bishop Brownell gives this estimate of his character: "I feel that I have lost one of my best friends and counsellors, and that the Diocese has lost one of its best patterns of ministerial faithfulness and Christian simplicity." The Reverend ASHBEL BALDWIN, MA. Ashbel, a son of Isaac Baldwin, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, on March 7, 1757. His father, a graduate of Yale in 1735, had commenced life as licentiate for the Congregational ministry and preached for some time in that portion of Litchfield County now the town of Washington. He abandoned the ministry for farming and became a useful and public spirited citizen of Litchfield. Mr. Baldwin sent two of his sons to Yale College after they had been prepared in the common schools and under his own direction. Isaac, the elder, was graduated in 1774, and Ashbel, the younger, in 1776. Both achieved distinction in their classes. It was in the early days of the Revolution and Litchfield County was thoroughly patriotic. The young graduate with several of his class- mates was eager to enter the army. Circumstances, however, compelled Mr. Ashbel Baldwin to accept a private tutorship, as have many other of Yale's brightest men. He was pleasantly situated in a delightful home in Dutchess County, New York, near the Hudson River. The family were members of the Church of England. It was at that time customary for the tutors in the old colonial families to conduct the family worship, and when the house was remote from church to read the service and a sermon to the household and neighbors. When called upon for this duty, Mr. Baldwin, who had been brought up a strict Congregationalist, was perplexed, for his ignorance of the Prayer Book was profound. A friendly gardener on the place, whom he consulted, made him familiar with the Book. He then read the service with fervor and intelligence. From admiration of the pure English and devotional fervor of the prayers he advanced to a belief in the doctrines expressed in the Prayer Book. By study and examination, he became thoroughly convinced that the Church of England was a pure branch of the Catholic Church of Christ, and conformed to it. At the close of his tutorship, about 1778, he secured a position as quartermaster in the commissary department of the Connecticut line of the Continental army, and was stationed at Litchfield in charge of a large depot of stores, many of which had been surrendered at Saratoga by General Burgoyne. Much to his regret, he could not engage in active —134— service, as imprudence in swimming when a boy had brought on a permanent lameness and shortening of one of his legs. His studies for the ministry were probably pursued by himself with the advice of his friend and neighbor, the Rev. Richard Clarke of New Milford. He was in attendance as a spectator at the convocation of the clergy at Woodbury, on the feast of the Annunciation, 1783, when the first Bishop of Connecticut was chosen. During the absence of the incum- bent, the Rev. James Nichols, in some other part of his mission, Mr. Baldwin read the service at Litchfield. When Mr. Nichols removed to Sandgate, Vermont, Mr. Baldwin was invited to take charge as lay reader. A parish by the name of Saint Michael's Church, Litchfield, was incorporated under the state law in October, 1784. Mr. Baldwin was invited by representatives of St. John's, North Guilford, and Christ Church, Guilford, in November, 1784, to take the lay readership in those parishes at *. salary of eighty pounds, Connecticut currency, which was then equal to forty pounds sterling, and the rector- ship when ordained. As he had already commenced his work at Litch- field, he felt obliged to decline. At the first ordination by Bishop Seabury in Christ Church, Middle- town, on August 3, 1785, he, with three others, was made deacon. He was ordained priest in Trinity Church, New Haven, on September 18, 1785, by the same Bishop. He immediately entered upon the rectorship of St. Michael's, Litch- field. His work was well planned and carefully carried out, both in the parish and county. He went all over the beautiful hills of Litchfield County reviving the courage of neglected and depressed Church folk. He saw that closed churches were opened, officiated in them himself, and, whenever possible, had the parochial organization completed and clergymen provided for them. With sound wisdom he continued the excellent work of those ardent missionaries, Solomon Palmer, Thomas Davies, and Richard Clarke. In 1793 he became Rector of Christ Church, Stratford, and spent thirty years of faithful service in that parish, adding to his labors some success- ful missionary effort in the surrounding region. For many years he took charge of Christ Church, Tashua, which as North Stratford had once been part of the mother parish. As Mr. Baldwin grew older he felt that the work of the parish needed a younger man, and in 1824 he resigned. But to one full of energy, although verging on old age, idleness was impossible, and Mr. Baldwin began to officiate at Southington and Meriden, where the Church was beginning to make progress. These places quickly felt the benefit of his ministrations. In 1827 he took charge of St. John's, North Haven, and St. Paul's, Wallingford. After five years of gratifying prosperity for these ancient parishes, he accepted temporarily the rectorship of St. Peter's, Oxford, and Christ Church, Quaker Farms. Here amid rural and pleasant sur- —135— roundings, he spent two years. In 1834 he found that his eyesight was failing and other marks of old age were so apparent that active work for him must cease. For a few years after his resignation he lived in New Haven, Bridgeport, and Stratford. To the Convention of the Diocese in 1837 Mr. Baldwin sent a touch- ing and pathetic letter, resigning his office as trustee of the Episcopal Academy, in which he graphically contrasted the condition of the Church in Connecticut when he was ordained and its rapid progress in fifty- two years. "My days of pilgrimage, I know, are almost closed, and I can do no more than to be in readiness by the grace of God to leave the Church Militant in peace. May I be permitted, Sir, to ask the prayers of my Bishop and his clergy that my last days may be happy?" His closing years were spent in the family of an old friend who had removed from Connecticut to Rochester, New York, and who gladly made cheerful for him the weary hours of inaction. He ended his earthly life on Sunday, February 8, 1846, having nearly reached the age of eighty-nine years. Mr. Baldwin had a clear and logical mind. He was a ready speaker and could put into writing important papers, resolu- tions, or debates, with accurate rapidity. This made his service as secretary of the Convocation, as secretary of the Convention of the Diocese for thirty years, and as secretary of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies of the General Convention for twelve years, invaluable. Mr. Baldwin held nearly every position in the gift of the Diocese and filled each with efficiency and dignity. At the time of his death he was the oldest clergyman of the American Church and the oldest graduate of Yale College. The Reverend PHILO PERRY, M.A. Philo, a son of Dr. Joseph and Ruth (Preston) Perry, was born in Woodbury, Connecticut, on December 22, 1752. His father was a well known physician. His early education was received in the common schools and under the careful guidance of his father. In his twenty-first year he entered Yale College and was graduated in 1777. He studied medicine and settled in Stratford, where he built up an extensive practice. It is probable that he attended Christ Church, then lovingly served by the Rev. Jeremiah Learning, and through his influence entered upon a course of theology. With David Belden, "Tilley" Bronson and Reuben Ives, he was recommended for ordination by the Convocation at Derby in September, 1786. The four candidates were made deacons on the feast of St. Matthew, September 21, 1786, in Christ Church, Derby, by Bishop Seabury. On January 9, 1787, Mr. Perry became the Rector of Trinity Church, Newtown. This parish, one of the very oldest in the Diocese, had been organized in 1732 by the Rev. John Beach, of blessed memory, whose long and —136— brave witness for the truth as this Church hath received the same, had built up congregations in Newtown and Redding, which were the largest of our communion in the colony. The four years since the death of Mr. Beach, on March 19, 1782, and the ravages of the Revolution had somewhat impaired its strength. Mr. Perry entered upon his work with great enthusiasm; by faithful industry, patience and tact he repaired the waste places of the parish. Mr. Perry was ordained priest in St. John's Church, Stamford, on Trinity Sunday, June 3, 1787, by Bishop Seabury, "upon a Title," says the Bishop's Register, "from Christ's Church, Newton, and from the Church at Newberry." 1 As a pastor Mr. Perry was constant, both in personal appeals for holiness of life and frequent in his visitations of his parishioners. He is represented as a man of genial manners, a modest demeanor, and sufficient learning. His ability as a preacher can be partly judged by an extract of a manuscript sermon of Mr. Perry in the possession of the writer from the text: "Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Ephesians iv, 3. After considering the circumstances under which the Epistle was written he develops the theme : "We cannot preserve 'the unity of the Spirit' unless we hold to the doctrines taught by the Spirit." In the course of his argument, he insists upon true Christian charity to all men and the duty of Christian forgiveness. In conclusion, he says : "Now, to sum up the whole in a few words : If we have any regard to the welfare of the Church, if we have any regard to our own welfare in the present life, and to our complete felicity in the next, let us all, my friends & Brethren, endeavour, by all the means in our power, 'to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.' As to doctrines, let us 'be perfectly joined together in the same mind & in the same judgment,' — unanimously grounded & settled in the truly excellent and apostolical doctrines of our Church; — not being 'tossed to & fro, & carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, & cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive ; for this never fails to end in schism and separation. "As to our behaviour one toward another; let it be always such as to show forth that meek & quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price,' that heavenly wisdom which is peaceable, gentle & easy to be entreated. Let us put away all bitterness & wrath & anger & clamour & evil speaking with all malice; & be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us.' If we will thus be directed & governed by the Gospel law of Charity, it will be no difficult matter to preserve unity, peace, & concord in the Ch h which that we may do, & finally be united with the Church triumphant in Heaven, God of his infinite mercy grant, thro our Lord Jesus Christ. To whom &c, &c."2 1 P. 6. A Reprint in full of the Registry of Ordinations by Bishops Seabury and J arvis. As published in the Journal of A. D. 1882, by order of the Convention. 2 From a collection of manuscript sermons, made by the Rev. Dr. Burhans. This sermon is endorsed : Newtown, Nov. 6, 1791, and Sept'. 29, 1793. Another sermon of Mr. Perry from Romans viii, 16, is endorsed : Newtown, Aug'. 7, 1796, Aug'. 13, 1797, and Brook- field, May 6, 1798. — 137 — Within five years after Mr. Perry's settlement in Newtown a new church seemed necessary. It replaced that built in 1746, which was forty- six feet long and thirty-five feet wide. The new church was considered very spacious and elegant and served the parish for nearly eighty years. The consecration was on Thursday, September 19, 1793, by Bishop Seabury, it being the fifth church consecrated by him in the Diocese. Mr. Perry continued for five years more to minister in holy things to the people of Newtown, but in the midst of his usefulness he departed this life on October 26, 1798, in the forty-sixth year of his age. While still young in his ministry, he had obtained the confidence and regard of his Bishop and brethren of the clergy. He was secretary of the Convocation, secretary of the Convention, a member and secretary of the Standing Committee, and a deputy to the General Convention. When the present Trinity Church, Newtown, was consecrated on June 8, 1882, there were unveiled four mural tablets of marble and brass commemorating the founder and three other rectors of the parish. Upon that in memory of Mr. Perry there is this truthful inscription: "He was the devoted and efficient Rector of this Parish — and a Clergy- man of eminence in the Councils of the Church." The Reverend REUBEN IVES, M.A. Reuben, a son of Mr. Zachariah Ives, was born in Cheshire, Connecti- cut, on October 26, 1762. His early life and preliminary education were in his native town. In his twentieth year he entered Yale College, from which he was graduated in 1786. It had been from boyhood his cherished desire to enter the holy ministry. The lack of clergymen was so great in the Diocese that Bishop Seabury was willing to ordain him without full theological preparation with the understanding that he would give attention to such studies during his diaconate. Mr. Ives was recommended for ordination by the Convocation during its meeting at Derby in September, 1786. On St. Matthew's Day, September 21, 1786, he was made deacon with three others, in Christ Church, Derby, by Bishop Seabury. The great privilege was accorded to the young deacon of becoming a member of the Bishop's household and pursuing under his direction a thorough course in patristic and Anglican theology, liturgies and Church history. Mr. Ives also had practical instruction in pastoral theology by acting as the Bishop's assistant in St. James's Church, New London, and during the necessary absences of the Bishop taking charge of the pastoral work. On St. Matthias' Day, February 24, 1788, Reuben Ives, Tillotson Bronson and Chauncey Prindle were ordained priests, and Edward Blakeslee made deacon in St. James's Church, New London, by Bishop Seabury. He became at once Rector of St. Peter's Church, Cheshire. —138— The earliest services of the Church in that town, which was until 1780 "the western society of Wallingford," although the name New Cheshire was given to it from 1720, were about 1750. It formed part of the mission field of the Rev. Ichabod Camp, Rector of Christ Church, Middletown, from 1752 to 1760. It was faithfully served by him for eight years. It then came under the care of the Rev. Samuel Andrews, missionary at Wallingford, who took great pains to implant true Church principles in the people of Cheshire. The first church, which was a square building, forty-two by forty-two feet, and very high, was erected in 1760. Upon Mr. Andrews' removal to Nova Scotia in 1785, there had been only occasional services until Mr. Ives was summoned home to be the first resident rector. By agreement he gave to Cheshire two- thirds of his time and spent the remainder in officiating in the neighbor- ing towns, particularly Wallingford and North Haven. By his faithful ministrations the congregations were so increased that in 1795 an enlargement of the church was necessary. There was long current among the elder clergy of the Diocese a story that when Bishop Seabury on a visitation to Cheshire was told by one of the parishioners that the parish was intending to add a steeple to the church, he quickly replied with one of his bright flashes of wit: "You had better build a Church to your steeple. When the plan for an Academy for the education of the children of the Church was proposed by Bishop Seabury and some of the clergy, Mr. Ives was one of its firmest supporters. He thought that Cheshire pos- sessed many advantages and was instrumental in locating there the Episcopal Academy. Until 1820 he was diligent in labor and careful in the administration of the parish. The causes of his resignation are only thus alluded to by Dr. Beardsley, the historian of the parish: "Circumstances then, of which it is needless now to speak, led to a dissolution of a connection which had existed for a period of more than thirty years. During this time, the Church had apparently been visited with the love and favor of God." 1 Mr. Ives' work did not cease in other parts of the county when he resigned the rectorship of Cheshire, and it is the testimony of those who know that several parishes in the county of New Haven were by him rescued from an almost moribund condition and restored to vigor and prosperity. Mr. Ives died at his home in Cheshire on October 14, 1836, having nearly reached his seventy-fourth year. He was one of the humble and meek of the earth, whose work and labor of love were indeed appreciated by his contemporaries, but did not make him well known to the Church at large. 1 P. 10. A Historical Sermon delivered in St. Peter's Church, Cheshire, July 28 th , 1839 ; it being the last Sunday on which divine service was performed in the old Church. By Rev. E. E. Beardsley, Rector of the Parish. * * * Hartford ; Printed by Case, Tiffany & Co., Pearl Street, 1839. 8vo, pp. 16. —139— The Reverend CHAUNCEY PRINDLE, M.A. Chauncey, the only son of Eleazar and Anna (Scovill) Prindle, was born in that part of Waterbury, Connecticut, then called Westbury, now Watertown, on July 13, 1753. After being instructed in the district schools he was carefully prepared for college by his uncle, the Rev. James Scovill, Rector of St. John's, Waterbury. He entered Yale College in his nineteenth year and graduated with honor in 1776. During the years of the Revolution he remained at home, and like other young men who could not serve in the Continental Army, cultivated his father's farm to supply a portion of the food needed by the troops in the field. It is also probable that he assisted his uncle in the wide missionary circuit assigned to Waterbury. With Philo Shelton he studied theology under his uncle's direction. After due examination he was recommended for ordination by the convocation at its meeting in Stamford on May 31, 1787. With Ambrose Todd and Bethuel Chittenden he was made deacon in St. John's Church, Stamford, on Friday, June 1, 1787. His uncle had in the fall of 1785 received an offer from the Venerable Society to settle in New Brunswick, with a competent salary. The neces- sities of his family by the withdrawal from Missionaries of the Venera- ble Society remaining in the United States of the stipends they had received induced him to accept. During his absences in New Bruns- wick, Mr. Prindle supplied his place. When finally Mr. Scovill gave up his temporary arrangement of spending the winters in Waterbury and the summers in his new parish of Kingston, New Brunswick, and in March, 1788, settled permanently in New Brunswick, Mr. Prindle was able to officiate until a rector was called for Waterbury. Mr. Prindle had been lay reader in Watertown for some years previous to his ordination. On February 15, 1788, he was formally called to be minister of St. Peter's, Northbury (now Plymouth), at a salary of thirty-seven pounds and ten shillings. During the same month he was also called to be minister of Christ Church, Watertown, at a salary of thirty pounds. It was stipulated that his time should be equitably divided between them. Mr. Prindle went to New London soon after accepting the calls and was, at the same time with Reuben Ives and Tillotson Bronson, ordained priest on St. Matthias' Day, February 24, 1788, in St. James's Church, by Bishop Seabury. His work in Watertown and Plymouth was earnest, judicious, and successful. So rapid was the growth of the parish that the church built in 1765, whose dimensions were thirty-seven by forty- five feet, was too small. A new church was determined upon, a better site procured for it and a building larger and upon "a more elegant plan" was erected. It was occupied in the fall of 1793, and consecrated by Bishop Seabury on November 18, 1794. This served the parish until 1855, when a beautiful Gothic church was completed and consecrated. At Plymouth the increase was equally gratifying. A church was needed to replace that which had been built about 1740. The only difficulty was in agreeing upon a suitable location; finally the new — 140 — St. Peter's was built in 1796, and opened during the fall of that year. It was consecrated on November 2, 1797, by Bishop Jarvis, being the second of those consecrated by that prelate. It still stands upon its hill- top and its doors are still open for the service of prayer and praise. Mr. Prindle continued to be the able pastor and persuasive preacher at Watertown until 1804, when he resigned to give his time more fully to Plymouth, which had felt severely the loss of many of its families who had removed to the "western wilderness," which was then in the neighborhood of Whitestown, a few miles beyond Utica, New York. In his farewell sermon at Christ Church, Watertown, Mr. Prindle stated that thirty families had been added to the congregation, there had been three hundred and eighty-one baptisms, eighty-six marriages and sixty- six burials. An incident of his pastoral work was long told in Watertown as show- ing his determination to overcome obstacles. He had promised to preach at St. John's Church and to baptize some children in Waterbury whose parents were about to remove to the West. It was the mid- summer of 179S, and there was no clergyman in Waterbury. Between Watertown and Waterbury flows the Naugatuck river, which is about a third of a. mile wide. It was usually crossed in a canoe or forded by travellers on horseback. Some distance beyond the village was a bridge. Mr. Prindle expected to cross in the canoe, but upon reaching the place where it was kept he found that the summer rains had so swollen the river that the canoe had disappeared. To retrace his steps and cross by the bridge would make him late for his appointment. He plunged boldly into the rapid stream and swam across in time to meet his friends, baptize their children and send them to their new home rejoicing. In 1806 Mr. Prindle resigned the charge of Plymouth, where he had been able in the two years he devoted to that work to build up again the congregation. During the eighteen years of his pastorate he had baptized three hundred and thirty-nine persons, married seventeen couples, and buried sixty persons. In 1806 he became rector of St. Michael's Church, Salem (now Naugatuck), and also of St. Peter's, Oxford. His charge of Salem continued until 1814, but he remained at Oxford to the close of his life, the same clear and sound preacher and good pastor as in his first charge. A church was soon commenced at Salem, and that in Oxford improved. St. Peter's, Oxford, was consecrated by Bishop Hobart on his memorable first visitation of the Diocese, on October 21, 1816. Mr. Prindle was a real missionary and in every hamlet near his home was well known and honored. For some years he held services in Amity in Woodbridge, and in the later years of his life Christ Church, Bethany received his ministrations. Until extreme old age he labored in the Gospel without diminution of energy or fervor. He died at his home in North Oxford on August 25, 1833, in the eighty-first year of his age and was buried in the old cemetery at Gunn- town. —I4i— The Reverend DAVID FOOTE, M.A. David, a son of Asa Foote, and a direct descendant of Nathaniel Foote, one of the original settlers of Wethersfield, Connecticut, was born in that part of Colchester now Marlborough, on October 5, 1760. His early years were spent in his native town, where he was fitted for college. In his twelfth year he entered Dartmouth College and was graduated in 1776. This college in the woods of New Hampshire had under Dr. Eleazar Wheelock, its first president, an enviable reputation for scholarship. There is no account of his occupations during twelve years after his graduation. The parish of St. Peter, Hebron, was the nearest to Colchester, and the few churchmen in that town attended its services. The greater part of St. Peter's congregation were patriots, but its rector, the Rev. Samuel Peters, one of the celebrities of the colony for his missionary zeal, intense dislike of the "Standing Order," and his literary ability, was an outspoken and aggressive loyalist. He went to England in 1774. It is possible that Mr. Foote officiated at St. Peter's although no traditions or records for that period of the parish history have been preserved. The Rev. John Tyler, of Christ Church, Norwich, went out from that centre into all the surrounding country upon periodical missionary journeys. Mr. Tyler may have encouraged Mr. Foote to study for holy orders and superintended his studies. In June, 1788, the rector of Nor- wich presented him to the Bishop at New London for examination for the order of deacon. This ordeal was successfully passed, and on St. Barnabas Day, June 11, 1788, David Foote was made deacon by Bishop Seabury in St. James's Church, New London. Mr. Foote was licensed to preach and was appointed "to serve in the congregations of Hebron and Chatham." The congregation that is meant in Chatham is evidently that at Middle Haddam, where a parish was formed in 1785 and a church built in 1787; for the parish in the portion of Chatham known now as Portland was not organized until September, 1788. There seems to be no records of Mr. Foote's ministrations in the archives of either parish in the town of Chatham. Christ Church, Middle Haddam, was until 1791 under the charge of the Rev. Dr. Jarvis of Middletown, as was also Trinity Church, Portland. The first rector mentioned in the annals of the parishes who was resident is the Rev. Tillotson Bronson, in 1791. Mr. Foote, although he has been almost forgotten, did diligently in Chatham and Hebron the varied duties of the ministry. From his work of restoration and upbuilding he was called to the ancient parish of Grace (now Christ) Church, Rye, Westchester County, New York. In this well ordered and settled community he found his efforts for greater temporal prosperity and spiritual growth fully seconded by the — 142 members of his new parish. A large increase in attendants and com- municants was soon apparent. But as he was maturing plans for the future he was suddenly taken from this world on August I, 1793, in the thirty-third year of his age. His brief ministry showed his courage, his endurance, and his patience and held large promise of a brilliant and faithful career. Mr. Foote retained his interest in the Diocese of Connecticut, attended regularly its convocations and conventions and was reckoned among its clergy. His name is also found upon the clergy list of the Diocese of New York. The Reverend ABRAHAM LYNSEN CLARKE, M.A. Abraham Lynsen Clarke is said to have been a native of Milford, Connecticut, but his parentage, date of birth, and the events of his early years do not seem to be known. He was graduated from Yale College in 1785, and then, according to tradition, became lay reader in St. Peter's Church in his native town. When the Rev Henry Van Dyck left Milford to assume the rectorship of Christ Church, Poughkeepsie and Trinity Church, Fishkill, Mr. Clarke was left in charge of St. Peter's Church. With Bryan Fairfax, of Vir- ginia, he was made deacon by Bishop Seabury in Christ Church, Stam- ford, on June 9, 1786. In the spring of 1787 he became rector of St. Paul's Church, Huntington, in succession to the Rev. Christopher New- ton, who had died on February 6, 1787. He was also rector of Christ Church, Tashua, to which he gave one-third of his time. He served these parishes with devotion and discretion during his diaconate. Upon Trinity Sunday, June 7, 1789, in St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, with the Rev. Ambrose Todd and the Rev. Ambrose Hull, he was ordained priest by Bishop Seabury. A new church was commenced at Tashua in 1789. It was fifty feet in length, thirty feet in breadth, and twenty-four feet in height. The church was finished in 1790 and consecrated by Bishop Seabury on June 8, 1795- The death in September, 1792, of the Rev. Moses Badger, rector of King's Chapel, Providence, Rhode Island, made a vacancy in that important and desirable parish. The vestry followed the suggestion of the Rev. William Smith, then at Newport, and invited the Rev. John Bowden to the parish. His loss of voice compelled him to decline and he cordially commended Mr. Clarke as a clergyman who would fill admirably the rectorship of that parish. Bishop Seabury wrote to the vestry that Mr. Clarke was "not only a gentleman of good character and understanding, but also of easy and polite manners, and of diligence in his profession." Mr. Clarke commenced his duties on Easter Day, March 31, 1793, and remained with growing appreciation in Providence for seven years. There was increase in the congregation and general prosperity in the parish during his incumbency. In 1794 the name of the corporation was changed from King's Chapel to St. John's Church. —143— Mr. Clarke resigned on March 30, 1800, and soon after took charge of St. Michael's Church, Bristol, Rhode Island. This was one of the oldest parishes in New England, having been founded in 1719. The beloved and venerated John Usher was then rector. He was the first child baptized in the parish, and after the death of his father, the Rev. John Usher, in 1775, whose connection with St. Michael's extended over fifty-two years, had kept it alive by reading the service. Mr. Usher in his seventy-third year received holy orders and with all the energy of a young man maintained the services and did his parish work. Feeling in his eightieth year the need of some relief, Mr. Clarke was called to his assistance. Mr. Clarke's work was commendable and he showed great considera- tion to his colleague. From some cause not fully ascertainable dissension arose in the parish and early in 1803 Mr. Clarke resigned. He accepted the united ^parishes of St. James, Newtown, and St. George's, Flushing, on Long Island, and was inducted into them in the spring of 1803. The Church of England had been established on Long Island in the beginning of the eighteenth century. Jamaica was the chief parish at the western end of the island. Newtown and Flushing had from their organi- zation been associated with it under the charge of one incumbent. The blindness and other infirmities of the Rev. William Hammell, rector in 1794, led to a severing of the long connection between Jamaica and the outlying parishes. The Rev. Henry Van Dyck became in 1795 rector of St. James, Newtown, and also officiated at Flushing. The resignation of Mr. Van Dyck in the winter of 1802-03 led to a formal union of the two congregations at Newtown and Flushing. It was probably due to the knowledge Mr. Van Dyck had of Mr. Clarke that the call was made by the vestries of these parishes. In the exacting but pleasant and varied duties of a country parson Mr. Clarke spent the remainder of his life. He died at St. James's parsonage, Newtown, on December 31, 1810. The Reverend AMBROSE HULL, M.A. Ambrose Hull is, traditionally, a native of Cheshire, Connecticut. No authentic documents are available concerning his ancestry, early years, and many events of his life. He is known to have been graduated from Harvard College in 1785, and afterward to have pursued the study of theology. He was recom- mended by the convocation at its meeting in North Haven on October 22, 1788. The entry in the Bishop's register gives the date of the ordi- nation of Mr. Hull as deacon as "Sunday the 12th day of October, 1788," in Trinity Church, New Haven. The candidate was presented by the Rev. Jeremiah Learning. To the entry in his register Bishop Seabury appends this : ''Note : The following registry of the ordinations of Mr. Foot and Dr. Nesbitt ought to have preceded that of Mr. Hull." 1 The 1 P. 7. A Reprint in full of the Registry of Ordinations by Bishops Seabury and Jarvis. —144— exact date of the ordination it is impossible now to ascertain. Mr. Hull was licensed to preach and "appointed to officiate as Deacon at Reading." The parish of Christ Church, Reading, is one of the oldest in the Diocese. Under the fostering care of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson the Rev. Henry Caner established Church of England services there in 1727. The congregation came under the pastoral oversight of the Rev. John Beach, that noble confessor, until his death in 1782. The first church was built in 1732, but as the congregation increased rapidly a larger church was erected in 1750. After the Revolution the Rev. Richard S. Clarke of New Milford officiated occasionally. Mr. Truman Marsh, of Litchfield, acted as lay reader until 1786, when Mr. David Belden was made deacon and began a brief ministry. On June 7th, 1789, Mr. Hull was made priest in St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, by Bishop Seabury at the same time with the Rev. Abraham Lynsen Clarke and the Rev. Ambrose Todd. Mr. Hull continued in charge of Reading until 1791, when he resigned. It is not certain that he took another parish immediately. In 1792 he was rector of the "Episcopal Church of Brooklyn," afterward St. Ann's Church. He suc- ceeded the Rev. Elijah D. Rattoone, who had become a professor in Columbia College. The incompleteness of the records of St. Ann's Church for this period is an obstacle to ascertaining the cause of Mr. Hull's sudden resigna- tion early in January, 1793. Mr. Hull's name does not appear in the Journal of any diocese or of the General Convention after 1792. There is no record of his deposition and there is no reason to suppose any moral delinquency on his part. Like two or three other clergymen of that period, notably the Rev. James Kilbourn, deacon, who became after a brief ministerial career a prominent politician in Ohio, Mr. Hull apparently ceased to execute the priest's office. His later years are said to have been spent in South Carolina, Ohio, and Florida. He is reported to have won political honors and ascended the judicial bench in East Florida, where it is supposed he died in 1821. The Reverend TRUMAN MARSH, M.A. Truman Marsh was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, on February 24, 1768. After completing the course in the common schools he was well fitted for college by the Rev. George Beckwith, the Congregational minister of Litchfield South Farms (now Morris). He was graduated from Yale College in 1786. It was then customary for Yale graduates to seek employment as tutors in the southern states. Mr. Marsh went to Maryland and became an instructor in Cokesbury College, near Baltimore, under the Rev. Levi Heath. Mr. Heath gave him a full theological course, and probably was his presenter when he was made deacon by Bishop White on March 5, 1789. —145— After his ordination, in addition to his duties in the college, he assisted Mr. Heath in the parochial work of St. John's parish, Baltimore. For various reasons Mr. Marsh was desirous to become a clergyman in his native state and on that account refused the principalship of Cokesbury College. In a letter to Bishop Seabury written from Philadelphia on August II, 1789, Bishop White refers to the ordination of Mr. Marsh and his work in Maryland, which was earnest and acceptable. The Bishop also says : "I believe him to be a deserving young man and of unblemished morals."* The ancient and influential parish of St. John's, New Milford, founded in 1742 by the Rev. John Beach, became vacant by the removal of the Rev. Tillotson Bronson, who had been temporarily in charge. Mr. Marsh was invited in 1790 to become its rector and accepted. He entered upon his duties soon after his ordination to the priesthood. The "Records" show that this service was in the old "meeting house" near the Litchfield Green on June 2, 1790, by Bishop Seabury, and that Mr. Marsh had been recommended by the clergy of Connecticut. Mr. Marsh's work in New Milford, Roxbury, and New Preston, which were included in his cure, was characterized by tact, zeal and success. The second church building in New Milford, erected in 1765, had remained unfinished. The sale by the town of "highway lands" and the division of the proceeds among the several "ecclesiastical societies" of the town materially benefited the parish. Ultimately the share of St. John's Church was forty-six pounds. With twenty-seven pounds, which had been paid in 1793, and other contributions, the church was com- pleted. Among the "improvements" was a front gallery and a high pulpit with winding stairs. The church was consecrated by Bishop Seabury on September 25, 1793. In 1799 the Rev. David Butler resigned his charge of St. Michael's, Litchfield. Mr. Marsh's townsmen appreciated him and he was asked to become the successor of Mr. Butler. Mr. Marsh removed to Litchfield late in 1799. He there spent the remainder of his life; thirty years of it in hard and exacting work. He was ever punctual in the performance of his duty and went into every nook and corner of the town. He was known and beloved by every one. As his health and endurance began to fail after 1810, he was obliged to have the help of assistants; among them were the Rev. Dr. Isaac Jones, the Rev. Dr. John S. Stone and the Rev. William Lucas. In 1830, having fallen into a state of nervous hypochondria, he felt obliged to resign, very much to the regret of his parishioners. It is said that during the later months of his active ministry he became so much depressed that he shrank from officiating. A simple remedy administered by his wife encouraged him. He mounted his horse and attended by his man servant proceeded to church, where he read the 1 P. 338. Connecticut Church Documents, II. — 146 — service with dignity arid preached with logical power and eloquence two admirable sermons. In his retirement he did not wholly omit clerical duty. He remained to be the confidant and adviser of many of his former parishioners, the counsellor and friend of his successors in the parish, and a venerable and respected senior among his brethren of the clergy. Mr. Marsh ended his earthly life on March 28, 1851, in the eighty- fourth year of his age. His funeral was largely attended from the Congregational church, as the old St. Michael's had been demolished and the new one was not completed. The full Church service was used and a funeral sermon preached by the Rev. Benjamin W. Stone, rector of the parish. Mr. Marsh was entrusted with various diocesan offices, among them membership on the Standing Committee, trusteeship in several boards, and a clerical deputyship in the General Convention. In his Convention address in 1851, Bishop Brownell says : "Few of his brethren have surpassed him for clearness of mind, simplicity of char- acter, purity of life, and faithfulness to the trust committed to him. This venerable brother has been taken from us like a shock of corn fully ripe." The Rev. Alonzo B. Chapin in his "Sketches of the Early Clergy" gives this characterization: "a fine scholar, an acceptable preacher, an able instructor, a man of pure character and unblemished reputation." 1 The Reverend EDWARD BLAKESLEE, M.A. Edward, a son of Abraham Blakeslee, was born in North Haven, Connecticut, on June 27, 1766. He was educated in the common schools, and entered Yale College, where he took a high rank, before his twentieth year. He was compelled to leave college in his Junior year on account of the sickness and death of his parents. From 1786 he had acted as lay reader for St. John's Church, North Haven. The congregation were very much pleased with his manner of conducting the service and wished him to obtain holy orders. At "a meeting in the red school house near Dr. Trumbull's Church," Mr. Blakeslee was requested to ride to New London and be ordained. Three dollars were voted for his expenses. Mr. Blakeslee went to New London bearing letters of commendation from the Rev. Drs. Mansfield, Learning, and Hubbard, also the votes of the meeting of the congregation of St. John's Church. He had a pleasant interview with Bishop Seabury and successfully passed the required examinations. On Sunday, February 24, 1788, the feast of St. Matthias, he was made deacon in St. James's Church, New London, by Bishop Seabury. At the same service the Rev. Reuben Ives, the Rev. Chauncey Prindle, and the Rev. Tillotson Bronson were ordained priests. Mr. Blakeslee was expected by the people of St. John's to become their minister. He, however, accepted the invitation of Trinity Church, Bran- 1 The Calendar, August 19, 1854. —147— ford, and for two years worked with faithful diligence in that parish, with which were then associated Christ Church, Guilford, and St. John's, North Guilford. To properly care for them required much riding and constant vigilance. In 1790 Mr. Blakeslee resigned, returned to his native town, and accepted the pastorate of St. John's and St. Andrew's, Northford. He was also expected to explore the surrounding country for churchmen and organize new congregations wherever it could be done. During his ministry a parish was formed at Hamden and named Grace Church. In 1791 Mr. Blakeslee became assistant to the Rev. Dr. Mansfield at Derby. He was to assist in the services, preach occasionally, and also to visit and hold service in remote parts of the town. On Sunday, July 9, 1793, Mr. Blakeslee was ordained priest by Bishop Seabury at the same time with Rev. Solomon Blakeslee, the Rev. Russel Catling, and the Rev. David Butler in Christ Church, Middletown. In the Bishop's register is noted that he was appointed "to the cure of Woodbridge for one-half his time, the other half as assistant to the Rev'd Dr. Mansfield at Derby.'' In this double duty he was diligent and faithful. In that part of Derby then known as Chusetown, afterward Humphreysville (now Seymour), a parish was organized in February, 1797. With this the congregation worshipping on Great Hill was united and the new corporation took the name of Union Church. Mr. Blakeslee laid the corner-stone of a church building for that parish during the early spring of 1797 which was framed and enclosed before the following winter. It was not fully completed and ready for consecration until 1817, when, on September 2, it was consecrated by Bishop Hobart. The ancient frame still remains sound. Upon it in 1857 a new church was built and consecrated by Bishop Williams on May 11, 1858, as Trinity Church, Seymour. Mr. Blakeslee died on July 15, 1797, in the thirty-first year of his age. His death was felt as a personal loss by many both in Derby and wher- ever he was known. His clerical brethren mourned for him and grieved that his earthly ministry had so soon ended, as they had anticipated for him a brilliant future. This brief extract from a manuscript sermon upon fasting will show his method of sermonizing. His text is from St. Luke v. 34, 35. "Can ye make the children of the bridechamber fast while the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days." He first states the circumstances under which our Lord spoke these words and then shows the necessity for joy while the Bridegroom is with His dis- ciples, and the reason for sadness and fasting when the light of His coun- tenance is withdrawn from them. He considers the reasons why Christians should fast and alludes to the practice of the Primitive Church and the obligation resting upon all Christians to follow its example. He then says : "Again this Duty is too often abused by considering y e bare per- formance of it acceptable to God, without regard to those other Religious —148— exercises w h are inseparably connected with it — for Fasting consider 4 in y e Abstract is but A Colateral Duty, & enjoined for no other Purpose y n to assist us in y e great & essential Duties of Prayer, Almsgiving & an holy life, & is intended to be wholly subservient thereto. If ergo we flatter ourselves with y 8 Notion, y* having modified our Appetites for a little Time, we may y n indulge y m at large, till y e return of the next stated Season of Fasting & Humiliation we grossely Deceive ourselves & add to our own Condemnation, by turning y 4 w h is intended for an Assistant to Virtue & Godliness, into an Instrument of Impiety & Wicked- ness; since He who lives A good life without fasting, is a much better Man y n He who abstains from Meat only, without regarding those other ends, w h y* Abstinence was designed to promote. Notwithstanding, ergo, this as well as many other Religious Duties is often neglected or Abused, yet, let us not, for this Reason lay aside j* Use of it, but Deliberately consider those good Purposes for w h it was originally Designed, & y e great advantages y* will arise to us from a regular & conscientious Discharge of it. Fasting, it must be acknowl^ edged, is a very fit & becoming Act of Humiliation to God for our past Offences against his Divine Majesty. The best of us all have abundant reason to pray with y e Devout Publican in y 6 Gospel, L d be merciful, &c.'" The Reverend SOLOMON BLAKESLEE, MA. Solomon, a son of Zophar Blakeslee, was born at North Haven, Connecticut, on November 9, 1762. He was educated in the schools of the town and when nineteen years old entered Yale College, where he maintained a creditable rank and was graduated in 1785. He probably studied theology with the Rev. Dr. Mansfield of Derby, but was, like other candidates of the period, better versed in the practical duties of the ministry than in systematic divinity. The lack of ordained clergymen compelled the students to read the service in parishes which otherwise would be wholly without the ministrations of the Church. His time seems to have been spent largely in Claremont, New Hampshire, where a parish had been formed as early as 1770 and a church com- menced in 1773. Among the earliest services in Claremont were those of the Rev. Samuel Peters, of Hebron, Connecticut, who made a mis- sionary tour in 1770 which included Claremont. The parish then was occasionally visited by the itinerant missionary in New Hampshire, the Rev. Moses Badger, and in 1773 the Rev. Ranna Cositt became rector and missionary. An outspoken loyalist, Mr. Cossit finally became a mis- sionary in Sydney, Cape Breton Island. There is evidence that Mr. Blakeslee was in New Hampshire in the closing months of 1788 and that he officiated until the time of his ordination. Mr. Blakeslee entered heartily into the work and did good service not only in Claremont but also in the new settlements of New Hampshire and Vermont. He is known to have made several journeys to Connecticut, where he officiated at North 1 Dr. Burhans' Collection of Manuscript Sermons. The sermon is thus endorsed : Amity, March n, 1792 ; Great Hill, March 18, 1792 ; Derby, April x Bt , 1792. —149— Haven and other places after his cousin, the Rev. Edward Blakeslee, had in 1791 gone to Derby. A recent writer upon North Haven says that he was "rather in advance of the older people, and locally known as the man who whistled on the sabbath day." 1 For three years he was in New Hampshire during the greater portion of his time. The last services by him in Claremont are in September, 1792. What he did for the upbuilding of the Church and the searching out of the scattered and uncared for people in the wilderness towns and hamlets merits high praise. A parish by the name of St. Stephen's Church had been formed at Haddam, on the Connecticut river, under the auspices of the Rev. Dr. Abraham Jarvis of Middletown in April, 1791. Dr. Jarvis in addition to his other onerous duties had cheerfully served it until 1792. On March 1st, 1793, Mr. Blakeslee accepted the charge of it. He was a devoted parish priest and a preacher of sound common sense. He possessed a practical knowledge of men which made him attractive to his parish- ioners. Mr. Blakeslee was ordained priest in Christ Church, Middletown, on Sunday, June 9, 1793 by Bishop Seabury at the same time with Edward Blakeslee, Russel Catling and David Butler. A church was planned in February, 1792, which was to be "fifty-four feet long, thirty-seven feet wide, and twenty-one feet posts, with a steeple." This church was not finished and ready for consecration until October, 1795. The consecration was on St. Luke's Day, October 18, 1795. It served the parish for nearly a hundred years until the erection and consecration of the present St. Stephen's, which is nearer the "Landing," in 1890. It still stands, a witness to the zeal of the fathers, and a conspicuous and cherished object to all vessels passing up or down the river. Mr. Blakeslee in 1803 was one of six clergymen who united in a memorial to Bishop Jarvis concerning the right of the Rev. Ammi Rogers to a seat in the Convention of the Diocese; basing their plea upon the principle that "each parish has a right to choose its own rector," subject to the approval of the Bishop. For one of his parishes the memorial stated Mr. Rogers had obtained approval. 2 In thus joining with five of his brethren of undoubted loyalty to the Diocese and conspicuously successful as parish priests, Mr. Blakeslee did not intend to prejudge the case of Mr. Rogers or oppose the deci- sion of the Bishop. The rector of East Haddam had the pleasure of seeing the church well filled and new families of intelligence inquiring into the principles of the American Church, many of whom became earnest and consistent churchmen. In 1815 the Rev. Charles Seabury, who had succeeded his father, the 1 P. i55- North Haven A unals, * * * by Sheldon B. Thorpe. New Haven : 1892. The Rev. Wm. Lusk's sketch of St. John's Church. 3 P. 31. Dr. Beardsley's "History" II. The other clergymen were the Rev. Dr. Mans- field, of Derby ; the Rev. John Tyler, of Norwich ; the Rev. Ambrose Todd, of Hunting- ton ; the Rev. Joseph Warren, of Middletown : and the Rev. Smith Miles, of Chatham. —ISO- Bishop, as rector of St. James's Church, New London, resigned. On March 27, 1815, Mr. Blakeslee was chosen as his successor. He accepted immediately and soon after removed to New London. During his three years incumbency there was much activity and abundant life in the old parish. In 1816 the gallery in St. James's Church was lowered' and in 1817 a small organ of English manufacture and of excellent tone, was presented to the parish and placed in the gallery. Previously the music had been entirely vocal. This was the first organ in New London. Mr. Blakeslee's advocacy of the deposed priest, Ammi Rogers, in which his neighbor, the Rev. John Tyler, of Norwich, joined, brought him into disfavor with some of his brethren. It seemed expedient for him to resign St. James's Church, which he did early in 1818. East Haddam had been vacant since Mr. Blakeslee's departure for New London and had relied upon him for various clerical offices. Yielding to the wishes of his former parishioners, he accepted in April, 1818, the call made by them and continued to serve the parish until October, 1821. Mr. Blakeslee then went to St. James's Church, Great Barrington, Mas- sachusetts, where he did excellent work until May, 1827. In 1828 he returned to Connecticut but without taking any parochial charge, and soon after removed to the state of New York. He made his home at New Lisbon, Otsego County, in that picturesque region made famous by the pen of James Fenimore Cooper. It was that part of the state long blessed with the unceasing labors of that apostolic missionary affection- ately known as "Father Nash." Mr. Blakeslee as he had health and opportunity engaged in mission' work in Otsego and Chenango Counties with much acceptance and success. He died at New Lisbon on April 10, 1835, in the seventy-third year of his age. Bishop Onderdonk of New York in his Convention address for 1835 says of him: "He had been for several years residing on an estate in Otsego County, and rendered important gratuitous service to the mis- sionary cause in this Diocese. * * * I am personally cognisant of much good which he had done to the Church in our Diocese.'' The Rev. Dr. Robert Hallam, who was a boy in St. James's in New London during Mr. Blakeslee's rectorship, gives these recollections of Mr. Blakeslee in his valuable "Annals of St. James's Church, New London": "He was a man of peculiarly cheerful, genial, and social temperament, an agreeable companion and associate ; but was thought to be by many, perhaps not without reason, somewhat deficient in the gravity and seriousness which became his calling." 1 1 P. 88. Annals of St. James's Church, New London, for one hundred and fifty years ; by Robert A. Hallam, D.D., Rector. The Church Press: M. H. Mallory & Co., Hartford, Conn,, 1873. izmo, pp. v, 120. Note II The edifice in which the opening service of the Convocation was held and the Rev. Truman Marsh was ordained priest, was the second built for the First Ecclesiastical Society of Litchfield. Its first house was commenced in April, 1723, and finished in 1726. It was a neat but plain building without a steeple, forty-five feet long and thirty-five feet wide. The second house was completed in 1762, and was a much more stately structure with a steeple. Its dimensions were sixty feet by forty-five feet. It stood until 1829. Its location was nearly in the centre of the Green. The Court House stood about opposite the centre of Town street with the "meeting house'' on the east and the school house on the west. The Rev. Judah Champion, a native of East Haddam, Connecticut, who had been settled on July 4, 1753, was then the pastor. Mr. Cham- pion was the firm and helpful friend of the Continental soldiers, many of whom passed through Litchfield on their way to the American camps on the Hudson and in the Jersies. He often gave them substantial meals and provided clothing and other necessities. The story was long told in Litchfield of a Sabbath afternoon of weaving and knitting by the women of his congregation when the capture of St. John's New Brunswick, and the destitute condition of the American troops had been announced from the pulpit in the morning. A prayer of Mr. Champion's in which he implored the destruction of the enemies of America and the safety of its defenders has often been quoted. Mr. Champion served for some time as a chaplain in the Con- tinental Army. He retired from active service in the ministry in October, 1798, and died in 1810, in his eighty-first year. Throughout his long life he was socially and religiously a power in the community. The first St. Michael's Church was built in 1747, on a hill about a mile west of the centre of the village. The second church was built upon one of the main streets in 1812. It was consecrated in 1824, by Bishop Brownell. The third church was built upon the same site in 1851 and consecrated by Bishop Brownell on December 16, 1851. 1 T The Rev. Dr. Seymour, the present Rector of St. Michael's, has furnished some inter esting particulars for this note. Note III David, a son of Micah and Grace (Sturgis) Perry, was born in 1747. His ancestors were well known in Fairfield County and traced their descent from Richard Perry, an eminent lawyer, who had emigrated from England in 1637, settled in New Haven in 1642 and had acquired large tracts of land in Fairfield County. David Perry studied medicine, and at the age of twenty-five settled in Ridgefield. He soon had an extensive practice in that pleasant town and the surrounding region. He is said to have been both bold and successful in the trial of new remedies. Dr. Perry was a stanch supporter of St. Stephen's Church. This parish owes its existence to the missionary zeal of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, who visited the town in 1725. It was faithfully served by the Rev. Henry Caner, the Rev. John Beach, the Rev. James Wet- more, the Rev. Joseph Lawson, the Rev. Richard Clark, and the Rev. Epenetus Townsend during the Colonial period. Mr. Townsend left Ridgefield early in July, 1776. The services were then suspended. The first church had been built in 1740 "directly in front of the Sturtevant lot." It became a storehouse for supplies for the American Army and was burned by the British in April, 1777, on their return from the raid on Danbury. No regular services of the church seem to have been held until after the Revolution, when Dr. Perry acted as lay reader. A meeting to consider the building of a new church was held on June 19, 1784. Dr. Perry seems to have been very active in arousing the latent energy of the parish and his name heads the call for this meeting. It was then determined to build a new church whose dimensions were to be "forty by thirty feet with eighteen foqt posts" at "the northeast corner of the Sturtevant lot so called adjoining the town street in the first society of Ridgefield on a piece of ground given by Benjamin Smith for that pur- pose." While the frame of the church was finished and the building occupied in 1785, it was not fully completed and furnished until 1791. After the brief incumbency of four months in 1788 by the Rev. David Belden, deacon, Dr. Perry resumed his duties as lay reader, to the great satisfaction of the congregation. At a parish meeting held at the Town House on the first Monday in August, 1789, it was "voted that Doct. David Perry receive Holy Orders for this Society." The "Records'' give the fact of his ordination as Deacon on June 6, 1790. In the "Register" the Bishop records the ordination as "special." The candidate had been recommended by the clergy and was "licensed to preach." 1 The double duty of priest and physician seems at first to have been performed with much vigor. Three parishes were under his care, Ridge- 1 P. 8, Registry of Ordinations^ by Bishops Seabury and Jarvis. —153— field, Redding, and Danbury. He fully earned the higher office of priest- hood to which he was ordained in St. John's Church, Stratfield (now Bridgeport), on October 16, 1791. * His presenter was the Rev. Philo Shelton. The growth of the congregations made necessary more supervision than such a busy man as Dr. Perry could give. Discontent arose in some portions of the parish. Rumors of it at last reached the ears of the Bishop and his clerical brethren. They had been grieved that he did not attend the meetings of either the Convention or Convocation. Severe comments were made upon his conduct and urgent requests sent to him to show respect and regard for his brethren by attendance. The Convocation finally took action in 1794, as the "Records" show. To the Bishop's letter of admonition a reply was received from Dr. Perry, in which he declared his intention of resigning immediately his pastoral charge and relinquishing the exercise of his ministry. This letter, as the text of the Records informs us, was laid before the Convocation on June 3, I79S- There seems to have been no more formal act of deposition than the resolution entered upon the "Records." 2 Dr. Perry continued in lay communion, devoting all his time to the practice of medicine, until his death on May 8, 1822. His son and grandson became well known physicians in Ridgefield, where his descendants were for many years faithful members of the parish which he had served. 1 P. 8, Registry of Ordinations. 2 See pp. 44, 45, 46, 47, ante. Note IV The Reverend DANIEL FOGG. Daniel Fogg, the son of a prosperous farmer, was born at Rye, New Hampshire, on August 18, 1743. The death of his father and mother while he was a child placed him at an early age under the care of his uncle, the Rev. Jeremiah Fogg, who was the Congregational minister of Kensington, a neighboring town. By him the boy was carefully trained, and in 1760 entered Harvard College. He maintained a high rank in his class and also excelled in all athletic sports, being, it is said, the best football player of his time. Mr. Fogg was graduated with high honors in 1764. It was while in college that he studied the doctrines and polity of the Church of England, and probably learned much of her excellencies from the energetic young missionary of Christ Church, Cambridge, the Rev. East Apthorp, who was both a scholar and a busy parish priest. Becoming convinced of the primitive truth and apostolic order of the Church, he "declared" for it and studied theology under the Rev. Dr. Henry Caner of King's Chapel, Boston. This course of the nephew is represented as not displeasing to his uncle, who was "one of the small minority of his denomination holding Armenian tenets, thus naturally without any extreme antipathy to that very uncalvanistic body, the Communion of the Church of England in America." 1 To support himself he opened a school of high grade in Newburyport, which was well patronized. In the spring of 1770 he "went home" to England to receive Holy Orders. He was duly confirmed, passed successfully the Bishop of London's examination, and was made deacon on August 19, 1770, and was ordained priest on August 24, 1770, by the Rt. Rev. Richard Terrick, Bishop of London. Upon his return he became temporarily assistant to Dr. Caner. After a brief service in Boston, Mr. Fogg went to North Carolina, where he did faithful work as a missionary and a teacher. Ill health obliged him to seek again a Northern climate, and in May, 1772, he accepted the incumbency of Trinity Church, Brooklyn, in the town of Pomfret, Connecticut. The story of the building of this church through the determination of Colonel Godfrey Malbone, who owned a large estate in Pomfret, is one of the romantic incidents of our Connecticut Church history. Mr. Fogg was an industrious and painstaking pastor. During the Revolution he remained in Brooklyn, which was also the home of the patriot General Putnam, sharing with Colonel Malbone the 1 The Rev. Thomas Brinley Fogg, in The Herald^ New London, Archdeaconry Quar- terly, March, 1891, Vol. I, No. 3. — 155 — odium of being a Tory. Neither was molested. While the church had to be closed, there was no disturbance of the services held at the house of Colonel Malbone. Mr. Fogg was one of the ten clergymen who, on the Feast of the Annunciation, 1783, met at Woodbury to elect a Bishop for Connecticut. The importance of his letters on the subject has been already noted. In the quiet discharge of his duty in a parish which was neither wealthy nor able to expand largely, he passed the remainder of his life. He is described as the kind friend and adviser of his parishioners, fond of society and an agreeable companion. His sermons, it is said, were highly esteemed by persons of good judgment. Mr. Fogg departed this life on June 29, 1815, in the seventy-second year of his age. The burial was in Trinity Churchyard on July 2. The Rev. Philander Chase came from Hartford to perform this last office for his brother in the ministry. The Reverend JOHN TYLER. John, a son of John and Mary (Doolittle) Tyler, was born in Walling- ford, Connecticut, on August 15, 1742. He was descended from Roger Tyler, one of the original proprietors of Wallingford. Mr. Tyler was graduated from Yale College in 1765 with distinction and pronounced the valedictory oration. He took a post graduate course at King's College, New York City (now Columbia University), under that versatile, accomplished man, President Miles Cooper. This was then very unusual. He received both the Bachelor's .and Master's degrees from that institution. Like many other young men in Con- necticut, he abandoned the "Standing Order" in which he had been brought up, declared for the Church, and studied theology under the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, then enjoying a well earned rest at Stratford. He assisted Dr. Johnson on Sundays, and by some of the people of Christ Church was thought worthy to be the successor of that Nestor of the Colonial Church. He had also read the services in Dr. Johnson's native town, Guilford, vacant by the removal of the Rev. Bela Hubbard to New Haven. Mr. Tyler went to England on May 10, 1768, sailing from New York in the ship Edward. He bore testimonials from Dr. Johnson and the Connecticut clergy to the Bishop of London and the Venerable Society. He also carried a petition from the Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Guilford, for the erection of a new mission, of which Guilford should be the central station and the appointment of Mr. Tyler as the missionary. Upon his arrival in England he sought first the powerful personal aid of the Hon. William Samuel Johnson, a son of Dr. Johnson, then the agent of the Colony of Connecticut in London. By him he was intro- duced to many persons of influence and the object of his quest facilitated. He was examined on June 20, by Dr. Carr, chaplain to the Bishop of London. On Friday, June 24, the feast of St. John Baptist, "at nine -156- o'clock in the morning," Mr. Tyler was made deacon by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Terrick, Bishop of London. On Wednesday, June 29, St. Peter's Day, he was ordained priest in Fulham Chapel by the same prelate. It was a very great disappointment that Dr. Burton, the Secretary, and other authorities of the Venerable Propagation Society would not erect Guilford into a mission. Mr. Tyler was chosen by the Society for the mission at Norwich, made vacant by the removal of the Rev. John Beardsley to Poughkeepsie, New York, with a salary of thirty pounds a year. Mr. Tyler sailed for New York on August 2 in the same vessel in which he went to England. After a stormy passage and much detention by contrary winds, the Edward reached New York on September 26, 1768. He made several visits to friends in New York and Stratford, spent some days with his family at the home in Wallingford, and commenced his duties at Norwich on November 1. A journal kept by him during the six months he spent in obtaining Holy Orders, which give many interesting glimpses of his life on ship- board and sojourn in London, was privately printed in 1894 by Mr. Tyler's grandson, the Rev. Dr. Alfred L. Brewer, the founder of St. Matthew's Hall, San Mateo, California. Mr. Tyler was an earnest and faithful pastor. When Trinity Church, Pomfret, was ready for use, Colonel Malbone invited Mr. Tyler to preach the opening sermon. It is said that the service of opening "was made as nearly one of consecration as was possible." During the Revolution the Rector of Norwich remained in his parish. The church was closed from 1776 to 1779, but services were held in the Rector's house. He suffered little indignity from the patriots, although it is traditional that there were attempts to poison his well. In 1779 Mr. Tyler, after consultation with his parishioners, agreed to open the church and use the prayer for Congress, provided the congrega- tion desired it. The church was then opened, to the great satisfaction of the people. There were no startling events in the parish of Christ Church. Harmony and progress were apparent. As the years went on, Mr. Tyler became more endeared to the people. He practiced medicine freely among the poor, and this often won them to a true religious life. Upon Sunday, February 28, 1796, Mr. Tyler had the distinction of officiating at the funeral of the first Bishop of the American Church, Dr. Samuel Seabury, at New London. Mr. Tyler died on January 20, 1823, in the eighty-first year of his age. Two sermons of Mr. Tyler's were printed, that at the "Opening of Trinity Church, Pomfret, April 5, 1771," and one upon "The Blessing of Peace," preached at Christ Church, Norwich, on the "Continental Thanksgiving," February 19, 1795. An extract from the sermon on Peace will show his style : "I might, indeed, upon this Occasion congratulate with Views of our National Prosperity — of the extensiveness of our Territory — of the various and happy Climates in it — of our rapidly growing Numbers — of —157— the great Increase of New Settlements— of the Security we enjoy by being so distant from powerful and corrupted Nations — of our various great and increasing Resources for Wealth or War. I might remind you that the natural means of our Subsistence are so great, that in a measure we are become the Granary of other Nations — that Knowledge and all useful arts are making great Progress among us — and I might boast of the Liberality and Prosperity of our free and happy Constitution of Gov- ernment. But what are all these things without the divine Blessing and Protection? And what purpose would all this Adulation serve, but, instead of promoting real Gratitude to God, rather perhaps to excite and encourage pride; which is the great Bane of Man: and it is one great Purpose of God, in national as well as private Judgments to hide Pride from Man. I might indeed have said little else, except what would con- tribute something to promote the Arrogance of National Prosperity. But perhaps I should have fallen under the condemnation of the false Prophets in Judah; of whom Jehovah of Hosts said, — They have healed the hurt of the daughter of my People slightly, saying Peace, peace, when there is no Peace. For says the Prophet There is no Peace, saith my God, to the wicked. This last is what innumerable Facts in every Age have proclaimed. But more especially this holds true in free popular Governments, like ours. For there must be public Virtue, or they can not flourish with Peace and Prosperity. There must also be' private Virtue or there will be no such thing as public Virtue. There must be Religion, or there will be neither public nor private Virtue. There must be true Religion, otherwise there will be generally abundance of false Religion. And there must be attendance on the Worship of God, otherwise there will soon be no Religion at all." 1 The Reverend AMBROSE TODD, M.A. Ambrose Todd was born in that portion of the town of Branford, Connecticut, known as Northford, on December 7, 1764. He was educated in the common schools, studied assiduously to pre- pare himself for college and was graduated with honor from Yale College in 1786. He spent a year pursuing a course of theology and was made deacon by Bishop Seabury in St. John's Church, Stamford, on June 1, 1787, at the same time as Mr. Chauncy Prindle and Mr. Bethuel Chit- tenden. 2 He at once took charge of St. Andrew's Church, Simsbury (now St. Andrew's, Bloomfield) , which was vacant by the final removal in 1787 of the Rev. Roger Viets, one of the most accomplished clergymen in the State and Diocese, to Digby, Nova Scotia. Mr. Todd was ordained priest in St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, by Bishop Seabury, on Trinity Sunday, June 7, 1789, at the same time as the Rev. Ambrose Hall and the Rev. Abram Lynsen Clark." 1 Pp. 17, 18, The Blessing of Peace, * * * by John Tyler, A.M., 8vo, pp. 20. Printed by John Trumbull, Norwich, MDCCXCV. 2 P. 6, Registry of Ordinations. 3 P. 8, Registry of Ordinations. -158- Mr. Todd's work in Simsbury, Granby and other places in the vicinity was both conscientious and successful. He was a man of profound earnestness and strict in his attention to all the duties of his ministry. His direct and plain speaking caused Mr. Alexander Viets Griswold, a nephew of the Rev. Roger Viets, to study for the ministry. The whole Church knows the result ; a faithful priesthood, followed by an energetic episcopate in the association of dioceses, know*n as the Eastern Diocese, which revived the Church in the greater part of New England. After eleven years of hard work, to the great sorrow of his par- ishioners, Mr. Todd accepted the rectorship of St. Paul's Church, Hunt- ington, Connecticut, where he remained until the close of his earthly life, using all faithful diligence in building up the parish. Mr. Todd died of consumption, after an illness of three months, on July 25, 1809, in the forty-fifth year of his age. A writer in The Churchman's Magazine describes Mr. Todd as "prudent in his secular concerns, and an active and faithful servant in the vineyard. He was much beloved by his parishioners, heard with attention and treated with respect, and died much lamented. His life and conversation were such as to leave a lasting impression." 1 Two of his sons entered the ministry. The Rev. Charles Jarvis Todd was for many years a missionary in Illinois, where he died in 1859. The Rev. Ambrose Seymour Todd spent two years as rector of Christ Church, Redding, and St. James' Church, Danbury, and then became the honored and beloved rector of St. John's Church, Stamford, for nearly forty years. He died in 1861. The Reverend GEORGE OGILVIE, M.A. George, a son of the Rev. John and Catharine (Symes) Ogilvie, was born at Albany, New York, in 1758. His father, probably the most finished pulpit orator in the Colonial Church, was then the incumbent of St. Peter's Church, Albany, and missionary to the Mohawk Indians. Dr. Ogilvie in 1764 became an assistant minister of Trinity Church, New York City. His son George was very carefully educated at home and in the best schools of the city. He was graduated from King^ College (now Columbia University), of which his father was a governor, in 1774- Great responsibility came to him at this early age, for his father died suddenly of apoplexy on November 26, 1774. During the Revolution, like many others in the City of New York, it is said that he joined the Royal American Regiment of Colonel Edmund Fanning and became a commissioned officer. It is traditional that at the close of the war he went to England, but his visit could not have been a long one, as he was living in Newark, New Jersey, in 1785, and studying theology under the Rev. Dr. Uzal Ogden, Rector of Trinity Church, Newark. At the second Convention of the Diocese of New Jersey, which was held in St. Peter's Church, Perth Amboy, on May 16, 1785, Mr. Ogilvie was a lay delegate. 1 P. 374, The Churchman's Magazine^ September and October, 1809, Vol. 6, No. 5. —159— At the first ordination held by Bishop Provoost on July 15, 1787, in St. George's Chapel, New York City, Mr. Ogilvie was made deacon at the same time with Mr. Joseph Grove John Bend and Mr. Richard Channing Moore. Mr. Ogilvie became minister of Christ Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey, soon after his ordination. He was a good reader of the service and a preacher of marked originality. He had a pleasant manner, and in person is said to. have resembled his father, who was a large, portly man with a highly intellectual countenance. St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, Connecticut, to its very sincere regret, had accepted the resignation of the Rev. Dr. John Bowden, whose health required a total cessation from work, in the summer of 1789. At the termination of a six months' engagement with the Rev. David Foote in May, 1790, Mr. Ogilvie was invited to the rectorship. Upon his arrival in that pleasant shore town he found some of the congregation who still recalled with pleasure the brief term forty years before when Dr. John Ogilvie had officiated. Mr. Ogilvie was energetic and industrious. The congregation generously seconded his plans for the improvement and completion of the church edifice, which had taken the place of the one burned by the British during the Revolution, and which had been conse- crated by Bishop Seabury in 1786, on the first occasion when the office of consecration was used in the United States. The six years spent by him in this parish were pleasant and profitable to both priest and people. Mr. Ogilvie resigned the rectorship of St. Paul's in October, 1796. It was accepted by the Vestry with expressions of unqualified respect and appreciation. Upon October 26, 1796, a call was extended by the Vestry of Christ Church, Rye, Westchester County, New York. This was one of the most ancient parishes in that diocese and had been served by many strong and eminent men, among them the Rev. George Muirson, the first clergy- man of the Church who held regularly services in the Colony of Con- necticut. Mr. Ogilvie assumed his new duties in the fall of 1796 and was rapidly gaining the affection of his parishioners when, after a brief illness, he died on April 3, 1797, in the fortieth year of his age and the tenth of his ministry. He was buried in the plot reserved in the old cemetery of the parish for its rectors and sincerely mourned by all his friends. Note V The adjourned session of the General Convention of 1789 met in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, September 29, 1789, the feast of St. Michael and All Angels. As there was no quorum present, the Conven- tion adjourned until Wednesday, September 30, when the representatives of the Church in New England, Bishop Seabury, Dr. Parker, Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Jarvis, were cordially welcomed. The Rt. Rev. Dr. White of Pennsylvania presided, ex officio. The testimonials of the New England deputation were read and "deemed satisfactory." Bishop Seabury then "produced his letters of consecration to the holy office of a Bishop in this Church,'* which after being read were ordered to be recorded. A resolution to go into committee of the whole on the subject of the proposed union with the Churches in the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut, as now represented in the Convention, was then unanimously adopted. On Thursday, October 1, the Committee of the Whole sat with the Rev. Dr. Robert Smith of Charleston, South Carolina, in the chair. The discussion was long but without bitterness. Bishop White had some apprehension that political considerations might enter into the debate, as several of the lay deputies were ardent patriots and held high positions in the State and nation. There was still a feeling of bitterness toward all who had sympathized with England. Bishop Seabury had not only given his sympathy, but had ably argued in pamphlets the cause of a United British Empire. He had also served as chaplain to the Royal American Regiment of Colonel Edmund Fanning and received from the British Government a half-pay pension. The scruples of some who approached Bishop White with this objection to his eligibility to sit in the Convention were met by that wise and amiable prelate with the state- ment that Bishop Seabury received his pension for past and not present or future services; that it was no bar to his being a citizen of Con- necticut, with all its rights and privileges, and that he or any other citizen of that State similarly circumstanced could be returned as a member of Congress. This satisfied them and no objection on that score was raised in the Convention. 1 The final action of the Committee was to report a resolution that, for the better promotion of an union with the deputies from the Eastern 1 Pp. 167, 168, Memoirs of the Churck. William White, D.D. Edition of 1880. New York : E. P. Dutton & Co. — i6i— Churches," the General Constitution previously established was open to amendment. Upon its report to the Convention the resolution, after a division had been called for, passed in the affirmative. The Rev. Dr. William Smith, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, the Rev. Dr. Robert Smith, Rector of St. Philip's Church, Charleston, South Carolina, the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Moore, of Trinity Church, New York, the Hon. Richard Harison, of New York City, and the Hon. Tench Coxe of Philadelphia, were appointed a Committee of Conference with the Eastern representa- tives. The chief objection of Bishop Seabury and the New England clergy was to the impairment of the rights of the Episcopal office. They con- tended that the Bishops should deliberate by themselves, have the right to originate business, and the power to veto any proposition from the lower house, and that no act should be valid without the concurrence of the two houses. The proposed Book of Common Prayer was too very objectionable. It was hoped that the Convention would remedy its defects and return to the sounder presentation of doctrine in the English Book. A spirit of harmony and conciliation was apparent at the formal con- ference held on Thursday evening, October I. The full Episcopal negative was granted and a House of Bishops was to be organized when there were three Bishops or more. Dr. William Smith drew up the report in which these changes in Article III of the Constitution were proposed. The Episcopal negative was said to be "desirable in itself," and would have "a tendency to give greater stability to the Constitution without diminishing any security that is now possessed by the clergy or laity.'' In the course of the debate there was manifest reluctance to yield all power to the upper house, although every one admitted the necessity of a union of the Church in the United States. Finally the article was amended so as to require that the Episcopal veto should be subject to revision by the lower house, and any act could be passed over the veto by four-fifths of the house of clerical and lay deputies. The Bishops were also to send in writing the reasons for their disapproval. To this modification, which was largely due to the attitude and argu- ment of Mr. Robert Andrews of Virginia, who said that the full negative would not be allowed or upheld in his State, "the Eastern gentle- men acquiesced, but reluctantly," 1 The granting of the full negative was left to the consideration of the several dioceses for action at the next General Convention. The amended Constitution was submitted to Bishop Seabury and the Eastern deputies, who gave their assent in this brief document : 1 P. 170. Memoirs of the Church. Bishop White. 1 62 We do hereby agree to the Constitution of the Church as Modified this Day in the Convention — 2d October 1789 Samuel Seabury, D.D. Bp. Epl Ch'ch Connect. Connecticut — Abraham Jarvis A. M. Rector of Christ's Church, Middletown Bela Hubbard, A.M. Rector of Trinity Church, New Haven. Samuel Parker, D.D. Rect r Trin»y Church Boston Massachusetts & Clerical Deputy for Massachusetts & New Hampsh re . The original is written on a half sheet of letter paper, five and three- quarters by seven inches in size. It is among the most precious docu- ment preserved in the archives of the General Convention and is the witness to the final union of the Church in America. 1 Bishop Seabury and the Eastern deputies then took their seats as members of the Convention, amid general rejoicing. After adding Dr. Parker and Mr. Jarvis to the committee on the revision of the Canons, the Convention adjourned for the day. Upon Saturday the Convention met, and after prayers read by the Rev. Uzal Ogden of Newark, New Jersey, and listening to some letters from the Rt. Rev. Dr. Provoost of New York, who was detained by illness, resolved that there was now in this Convention, agreeably to the revised Constitution, a separate House of Bishops. The Bishops withdrew to another room in the State House, where the sessions had been held since Friday. Both houses considered the revision of the Prayer Book, or rather the setting forth of a new book. By general consent the proposed Book was not mentioned. The lower house proceeded on the assumption that they were preparing an entirely distinct form of Common Prayer according to their resolutions. In the House of Bishops, over which the Bishop of Connecticut presided, the English Book served as the basis with such modifications as seemed necessary to adapt it to the circum- stances of the American Church. It is not intended to detail here what was then done. The work of the Convention gave to the American Church the Prayer Book as it was until the revision of 1892. In that work Bishop Seabury and the Connecticut deputies had an influential part. That nearly a year should have elapsed before any action was taken by this Diocese is to be explained by the fact that the new standard Prayer 1 For the action of the Convention, see pp. 70-74, Bioren's reprint of Journals 0/ the General Convention : also pp. 356-359, Connecticut Church. Documents. II. For the agree- ment, see p. 74, Bioren's reprint of Journals ; also p. 355, Connecticut Church Documents II. It is given in reduced fac-simile in Fac-Similes 0/ Church Documents. Papers issued by the Historical Club of the American Church. 1874-1879, privately printed. — 163— Book was not issued from the press of Hall & Sellers in Philadelphia until August, 1790. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Farmar Jarvis has preserved this interesting statement taken from the manuscripts of his father, Bishop Jarvis, one of the proctors of the Connecticut clergy : "With respect to the extent of the proposed alterations the Convention was equally divided. The delegates from five of the States, viz: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, were averse from any alterations, except the omission or adaptation of particular prayers in the daily service to the Government of the United States. Of the two Bishops present (Bishops Seabury and White), the former advocated the alteration in the Communion Service and the addition of some occasional prayers; in all other particulars he strenu- ously opposed even such as were verbal. Strong impressions that a disunion would work ruin to the American Church induced that part of the Convention most attached to her interest and sound doctrine to submit to a compromise, in hopes that at some future day the real friends of the Church would be enabled to correct these defects to which the want of right principles and the fervor for innovation in their opponents had obliged them reluctantly to consent. This may account for all the departures from the English Prayer Book, and for the latitude given in many rubrics to the officiating minister which laid the foundation of diversity in the use of the Liturgy." 1 Dr. Jarvis adds to these written words of his father the substance of many conversations in which he learned fully the events of the critical period of the American Church, and states "the remarkable fact that notwithstanding all the prejudice against Bishop Seabury which existed in the minds of some of the deputies, principally of the laity from the State of Pennsylvania, Virginia and South Carolina, all the alterations which he advocated were passed without a dissenting voice. I look with devout thankfulness to God that the Prayer of Consecration from the Connecticut Liturgy, modelled as I have said on that of 1549, was admitted without opposition and in silence, if not in reverence. In common with the clergy and laity of the five Northern States the Bishop lamented the exclusion of the Athanasian Creed, the displacement of the Nicene as the Creed of Communion and the false views of absolution which broke down the distinction between Communicants and Non-Com- municants." 2 1 Pp. 25, 26, A Voice from Connecticut. 2 Pp. 26, 27, A Voice from Connecticut. For an account of the alterations see : pp. 104-107, Bp. Perry's "Early American Prayer Books" in u The Genesis of the American Prayer Book" edited by C Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L. New York : James Pott & Co. 1893. i2mo, pp. xi, 169. Liturgiae Americanae, or the Book of Common Prayer as used in the United States of Amenca, compared with the Proposed Book of 1786 and with the Prayer Book of the Church of England, and An Historical Account and Documents . . . by William McGarvey, B.D. 8vo, pp. lxxxiii, 4go + 90. Philadelphia: MDCCCXCV. Npte VI. St. James's Church (now St. John's), Waterbury, was then vacant by the final removal of the Rev. James Scovill to Kingston, New Brunswick. He seems to have officiated in Connecticut for the last time in May, 1788. Mr. Scovill served Kingston for twenty years, building up a strong and extensive parish. He died on December 19, 1808, in the seventy-sixth year of his age and the fiftieth year of his ministry. It is an interest- ing fact that he was succeeded in turn by his son and grandson, their united ministry extending over a period of ninety years. St. Paul's Church, Woodbury, was then vacant by the death of that gentle scholar, benevolent friend, and conscientious parish priest, the Rev. John Rutgers Marshall, on January 21, 1789, in the nineteenth year of his ministry and the forty-fifth of his age. St. Michael's Church had been established in that part of Salem Society (now Naugatuck) known as Gunntown, on February 16, 1786, by fourteen persons at the house of Jobannah Gunn. It was visited monthly by Mr. Scovill as long as he remained in Waterbury, and on the other Sundays Mr. Gunn or some other layman acted as lay reader. A church forty-four by thirty-four feet was built on the hill fifty feet west of Mr. Gunn's in 1803. > The advice of the Convocation seems to have been followed, as the records of St. John's, Waterbury, show services for brief periods held in that parish at that time by the Rev. Chauncy Prindle, the Rev. David Foote and the Rev. Solomon Blakeslee. The records of St. Paul's, Woodbury, mention these clergymen as officiating. The services at Gunntown were maintained until 1806 in connection with Waterbury, when the Rev. Chauncy Prindle took charge of the parish, giving it one-half of his time. The Rev. Seth Hart, deacon, was placed in charge of St. John's, Waterbury, in October, 1791. The Rev. James Sayre became the incumbent of St. Paul's, Woodbury, in the spring of 1793. Note VII The earliest degrees in divinity were conferred by the University of Paris in 1150. The first recipients of that of doctor in divinity were the famous Peter Lombard Gilbert de la Portree according to the authority of the learned English antiquarian, Antony de Wood. Other continental universities soon followed its example. Divinity degrees were introduced into England either during the reign of King John (1199-1216), or that of King Henry III (1216-1272), the actual date being uncertain. They were conferred only by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. King Henry VIII (1509-1547), bestowed upon the Archbishop of Canterbury the right of conferring such degrees. It has been exercised by the various Archbishops infrequently and discreetly, for a "Lambeth degree" has not in England the same significance as one conferred by a university. It was the theory of the middle ages that the Pope was the head of the Visible Church. An outcome of that theory was the acknowledgment of him as the head of all the universities of learning. This gave to him the power to bestow degrees, which he sometimes exercised, but usually delegated to the universities. This was a perversion of the Episcopal prerogative by which each Bishop in his own Diocese exercised authority over both religion and learning. The manner in which the Bishops in Scotland governed their dioceses greatly impressed Bishop Seabury. The Bishops formed a college and acted as one body, but in their respective jurisdictions they called upon three or four of the most learned of their clergy to advise them in matters of diocesan interests or controversy. It was evidently the intention of the Bishop of Connecticut to have the College of Doctors perform similar duties, and especially to approve and examine candidates for Holy Orders. The "Records" bear witness to the activity and usefulness of the college. Each one of the four chosen for this honor received afterward the degree of Doctor in Divinity from an incorporated university, Dr. Mansfield, Dr. Jarvis, Dr. Hubbard from Yale College and Dr. Dibblee from Columbia College. Note VIII This canon provides for the recommendation to the Bishop "by a Standing Committee of the Convention of the State wherein he resides" of every candidate for Holy Orders, and gives a form of the testimonial to be signed by at least a majority of the Standing Committee. It also makes necessary the presentation by the candidate to the Standing Committee of testimonials of "good morals and orderly conduct" from the minister and rector of the parish in which he lives. 1 The essential features of this Canon are embodied in the present Title I, Canon 3 "Of Candidates for Holy Orders" of the Digest of Canons. 2 More detailed information is now required to be given, and there are various additional regulations which the experience of more than a century have shown to be prudent. Note IX A careful search of the files of the Journal shows that the publica- tion here ordered was never made. 1 P. 95, Bioren's Reprint of the Journals of the General Convention. 3 Pp. 19-25, Digest of the Canons, appended to the Journal of the General Convention of 7901. Note X The Reverend SETH HART, M.A. Seth Hart was born at Berlin, Connecticut, on June 21, 1763. After his preliminary course in the common schools and privately, he entered Yale College, from which he was graduated in 1784. During his period of waiting for ordination he probably acted as lay reader under the direction of the Rev. Chauncy Prindle. He was made deacon in Christ Church, Westbury (now Watertown), on Sunday, October 9, 1791. 1 He was at once placed in charge of St. James's Church (now St. John's), Waterbury, which served with Salem (now Naugatuck) until 1793. The "Records" give an account of his ordination as priest in St. Paul's Church, Huntington, on Sunday, October 14, 1792.' In 1794 he became Rector of St. Paul's Church, Wallingford, and St. John's Church, North Haven. He served these parishes with abun- dant zeal. In 1798 he resigned St. John's Church and took charge of the churches in Worthington (now New Britain) and Wethersfield (now Newington). With three parishes to care for, he found leisure to instruct several young men in the classics and mathematics, and prepare them for college. The old Colonial parish of St. George, Hemp- stead, Long Island, where the Rev. Samuel Seabury, father of the Bishop, had served for many years, became vacant in the fall of 1800 by the resignation of the Rev. John Henry Hobart after a brief incumbency. Mr. Hobart was willing to delay his departure for New York until his successor was appointed. Mr. Hart was commended by Bishop Jarvis, the Rev. Dr. Beach of Trinity Church, New York, and the Rev. Ambrose Hull, to the Vestry of St. George's. Mr. Hart was duly elected, and entered upon his new duties on the feast of St. Thomas, Sunday, December 21, 1800. The parish was an extensive one, its boundaries stretching for fourteen miles in one direction and with two places of worship some miles apart. It was estimated by Mr. Hobart that one thousand souls were under his pastoral care, and the number had increased when the new rector came to Hempstead. During his incum- bency, Christ Church, Manhansett, was built and set off as a separate parish, and a new church erected in Hempstead. In addition to his parish work Mr. Hart continued to receive and educate pupils in his own house. He was considered a successful teacher. A stroke of paralysis in January, 1829, caused Mr. Hart to resign the rectorship of St. George's on February 16, 1829. He was given a small retiring annuity, and lived in Hempstead until his death on March 14, 1832, in the sixty-ninth year of his age and the forty-first of his ministry. Mr. Hart was a sound and practical preacher and a careful pastor. He was "a good classical scholar and an amiable man of a cheerful and almost jovial temperament." 3 ' P. 8, Registry of Ordinations. 2 P. 43, ante. 3 P. 197, History of St. George's Church, Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., by the Rev. Wm H. Moore, D.D., Rector of St. George's Church, Hempstead, N. Y. E. P. Dutton & Company. 1881. rano, pp. 508. Note XI The Reverend RUSSELL CATLIN. The personal history of Mr. Catlin is almost unknown. He was born in Harwinton, Connecticut. He became after his ordination the incum- bent of St. James's Church, Arlington, Vermont. The Church in that State had received in the Colonial period and after the Revolution the services of several Connecticut clergymen, notably the Rev. Dr. Mans- field, the Rev. Samuel Peters, the Rev. Samuel Andrews, and the Rev.. Gideon Bostwick. Arlington was largely settled from Litchfield County. The first Convention of clergymen and laymen was held at Arlington in September, 1790, with the Rev. Daniel Barber of Arlington, who had been ordained by Bishop Seabury, and the Rev. James Nichols of Sandgate, and representatives from eight towns in attendance. Mr. Catlin was ordained priest on Sunday, June 9, 1793, by Bishop Seabury in Christ Church, Middletown. Mr. Catlin seems to have succeeded Mr. Barber when that ardent missionary removed to Clare- mont, New Hampshire, and been a laborious and successful clergyman. In the Convention of Vermont Mr. Catlin was prominent, serving upon the Standing Committee, acting as its President, and being appointed upon important committees, Previous to 1804 Mr. Catlin removed to Hartland, Vermont, and organized a parish at Plainfield, New Hampshire. In 1804 he was recognized by the diocesan convention of New Hampshire and declared to be entitled to the leases of the glebe lands in that town. 1 Mr. Catlin was the preacher at the Convention of Vermont held at Man- chester on September 24, 1806. 2 The last mention of Mr. Catlin is in August, 1808, when he is censured by the New Hampshire Convention as acting in "an irregular and improper manner" concerning the glebe lands. The Convention does "not consider him as a clergyman of this State, he not having a parish or cure within the same." 8 This makes it probable that the organization at Plainfield was only temporary. There appears to be no definite information as to his subsequent life, and there is no record of his deposition. The Reverend DAVID BUTLER, D.D. David Butler was born in Harwinton, Connecticut, in 1763. While a very young man he learned a mechanical trade which he abandoned temporarily to serve in the Connecticut line of the American army 1 P. 13, Journals of the first Twenty Eight Conventions of the Diocese of New Hamp~ shire . Tilton : George Burnham Munsey. MDCCCLXXX1II. 8vo, pp. 290. 2 P. 103, The Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Vermont. New York : Pott & Amey. 1870. 8vo, pp. 418. 3 P. 23, Journals of the first Twenty Eight Conventions. — 169 — during the later months of the Revolution. At its close he resumed his trade with every prospect of success. He had been much impressed with the beauty of the church service, although a member of the "Standing Order," and his intimacy with the Rev. Ashbel Baldwin caused him to examine the claims of the Church, and especially the origin of the Episcopate. He became convinced of the truth of her doctrines and polity, and soon conformed. He became a candidate for holy orders and was made deacon by Bishop Seabury, as noted in the "Records." Mr. Butler immediately began his work as incumbent of Christ Church, Guilford, St. John's, North Guilford, and the Church at Killingworth (now Clinton). There are no details of his ministra- tions available. We only know that Mr. Butler lived in the new parsonage at North Guilford, and that he was diligent in his visiting every portion of his hard and laborious mission field, Killingworth (now Clinton) being sixteen miles southeast of his home. The Bishop visited the parishes on October 17, 18 and 19, 1792, when seven persons were confirmed in North Guilford, one in Guilford, and five in Killingworth; a second visitation was made in June, 1794, when twenty-four were confirmed in North Guilford, four in Guilford, and twenty-seven in Killingworth. This shows honest and faithful work. Mr. Butler was ordained priest on Sunday, June 9, 1793, in Christ Church, Middletown, at the same time with the Rev. Solomon Blakeslee, the Rev. Edward Blakeslee, and the Rev. Russell Catling. 1 The parishes felt keenly the loss of such an energetic pastor, when in the fall of 1794 Mr. Butler resigned to accept St. Michael's Church, Litchfield, which had been without a rector for a year, as Mr. Baldwin had gone to Stratford in November, 1793. Mr. Butler found the people cordial and pleasant, the work exacting and the results gratifying. The secession of some families in 1797 who built a church at Bradleyville (now Bantam) rendered it expedient for him to resign, which he did on February 21, 1799. He had already been called to Christ Church, Reading. In this position he served with great fidelity, doing much missionary work for five years. In 1804 he received an urgent request from the Hon. Mr. Buel and other churchmen in the new village of Troy, six miles above Albany, New York, to be their pastor. Mr. Eliakim Warren and other men of ability and wealth were removing from Norwalk to Troy. Mr. Butler was earnestly desired by them to be the pioneer priest in Troy and the region round about. They sailed in a sloop from Norwalk through the Sound, the East River, and the Hudson River to Troy. The services of the Church had been com- menced twelve years before by the Rev. Thomas Ellison, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Albany. During his residence with Mr. Ellison, from 1796 to 1798, as a student in divinity, Philander Chase, afterwards Bishop of Ohio, officiated as lay reader. No parochial organization, apparently, was effected until Mr. Butler arrived, when St. Paul's Church was organized, of which Mr. Warren 1 P. 9, Registry of Ordinations. — 170 — became the senior warden. Mr. Butler showed in his labors for the Church in Troy, Lansingburgh and Waterford, sound judgment, patient tact, persevering energy. Under him the Church, both in the growing village and neighboring towns, was firmly established. In 1827 the present spacious Gothic church of St. Paul's parish was built. He became recognized in the town as a leader in every good work and his missionary zeal led him into many places remote from Troy. His intense application had undermined his health, and in 1834 he resigned his rectorship, retaining, however, a fatherly interest in the rapid expansion of the Church in Troy and watching with interest the moral and material growth of the city. Dr. Butler died in his eighty-first year and the fiftieth of his ministry, on July 11, 1842. A parishioner who knew him well gives this description : "His personal appearance was at once commanding and attractive. He had a well built, well proportioned frame, indicating a habit of activity and more than common power of endurance. His eye was large and dark, and his whole visage indicative at once of a vigorous intellect and an amiable and genial temper." 1 Mr. Butler received the degree of Doctor in Divinity from Washington (now Trinity) College, Hartford, in 1832. Dr. Butler published several sermons, including one delivered before a Masonic Lodge in St. Paul's Church, Woodbury, on the feast of St. John, December 27, 1804. A son of Dr. Butler, the Rev. Clement M. Butler, D.D., filled many positions of eminence in the Church, and died recently while Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Philadelphia Divinity School. 1 Letter of Judge David Buel of Troy in sketch of the Rev. Dr. Butler on p. 390, Annals of the American Pulpit, V, by the Rev. William B. Sprague, D.D. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers. 1861. 8vo, pp. xxi, 822. Note XII No action seems to have been taken under this vote. The only editions of the American Book of Common Prayer known to have been published in the eighteenth century are those by Hall & Sellers in Philadelphia, which included the standard already noticed and a "twenty-fourmo" (24mo) book in 1791 and 1794; the second standard published by Hugh Gains in New York in 1793, an octavo volume, and a folio Prayer Book in 1795, and a "twenty-fourmo" edition in 1798; Thomas & Andrews in Boston published a "twelvemo" edition in 1794 and a "sixteenmo" edition in 1800; Young & Omrod of Philadelphia published a "twenty- fourmo" book in 1795 ; T. Allen of New York published a "twenty-four mo'' book in 1797; and Peter Brynberg of Wilmington a "twenty- fourmo" book in 1800. 1 Other editions may have escaped the research of the custodian of the Standard Prayer Book, Dr. Samuel Hart, and his able coadjutors, the Rev. Dr. L. C. Manchester and Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. The "Family Prayer Book" prepared by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Brownell, the third Bishop of the Diocese, appears to be the first issued in Connecticut. This valuable compilation gave the full text of the Prayer Book with notes and comnents, which were distinct from the text. It was issued from Sidney's Press, New Haven, in 1823, in a large quarto volume. Other editions were published in Hartford, and finally Stanford & Swords, in New York City, became the publishers. The earliest edition of the Prayer Book without commentary with a Connecticut imprint is one in thirty-two mo published by Andrus & Judd in Hartford in 1826; in the same year a forty-eightmo edition appeared from the press of S. Andrus in Hartford. Other editions, or new impres- sions from the same plates, by the same publishers, appeared in 1831, 1832, 1837, 1844, 1845. Gurdon Robbins, of Hartford, published a thirty-two mo edition in 1843, which was reprinted in 1844 by Robbins & Smith of the same city. Sumner & Goodman of Hartford published a sixteen mo edition in 1848. In 1851 A. C. Goodman & Co. of Hartford printed a sixteenmo edition. 2 This completes the list of known editions of the Book of Common Prayer printed in Connecticut 1 See Appendix to the Report of the Custodian of the Standard Prayer Book, p. 535, Journal of tke General Convention, i8g8. 2 See pp. 536, 537, 538, 539, 540 of Journal of General Convention 1898, for entries in Cata- ogue of Custodian's Collection. Note XIII No proceedings were taken under this vote. The subject of the Bishop's support was one which was much discussed both in Con- vocation and Convention, and resolutions appointing a committee to memorialise the General Assembly were adopted at the second Conven- tion of the Diocese, held in Middletown on June 5, 1793. Twenty trustees, eight clergymen and twelve laymen were then appointed. 1 Nothing was done and the motion was renewed in 1794. Finally, after special convention in New Haven, October 18, 1797, a formal motion to continue the Committee on the Memorial with directions to apply to the May session of 1798, was adopted. It would seem that the Memorial was not presented until May, 1799, when it was favorably received and a resolution incorporating "The Trustees for receiving Donations for the Support of the Bishop" was passed and approved. 1 The formal thanks of the Convention were given on June 6, 1799, to Messrs. Isaac Beers, Elias Shipman, Ephraim Kirby and the Rev. Ambrose Todd, "for their liberal and spirited exertions before the Legis- lature, to obtain an act of Incorporation for the Bishop's Fund." The Trustees named in the resolution were : the Rev. Dr. Bela Hub- bard, the Hon. Jonathan Ingersoll, Mr. John Morgan, the Hon. Samuel William Johnson, Mr. William Herron, Mr. Jonathan Starr, and Mr. Evan Malbone. 1 Pp. 6, 7, Journals of the Annual Conventions of ' tke Diocese of Connecticut, 1792-1820 New Haven : Printed and published by Stanley & Chapin. 1842. 2 Pp. 8, 11, 13, 19, Journals, 1790-1820. For a copy of the Resolution see pp. 326, 347 Private Laws, 1789-1830, pp. 23, 24. Note XIV The Rev. Dr. Burhans has preserved this interesting account of his examination for Holy Orders : "On the first of June I accompanied the Rev. Mr. Bostwick to Middle- town, Ct, to attend the annual Convention of that Diocese, who intro- duced me as a candidate for holy orders. The next morning I was examined in the presence of the Bishop by the late venerable Rev. Richard Mansfield, D.D., Rev. Dr. Hubbard & Rev. Mr. Fogg. They were courteous & familiar. I was soon at ease & unembarrassed, sup- porting myself [with] confidence, with becoming humility. The most puzzling and difficult question was put by Dr. Mansfield as follows : 'Aside from the fulfilment of Prophecy & Miracles, on what ground would you defend Divine Revelation?' By its internal effects upon the external conduct. Contrast the Civilization & Morality of nations who receive & make the Bible the measure (P) 1 of their Council, with the Nations destitute of the Holy Scriptures ; you have ocular demonstration of the prosperity of the one & the depression of the other. These with a few of the conclusive arguments of Soame Jennings in his unanswerable defence of Christianity from its Internal Evidence. This was perfectly satisfactory, & Testimonials were cheerfully signed with many flattering remarks. — In time & due form a Procession of the Bishop, Clergy & Laity proceed to the Church where I was soon robed & presented to the Bishop with his son Charles & received the Order [of] Deacon, June 5, 1793 in the 30th year of my age. The mingled sensations of joy & fear under the high responsibilities of the office is better realized by the Novitiate properly impressed than by any language he can express. The next day I parted from the Bishop & Clergy with mutual and Christian wishes." 2 The Reverend DANIEL BURHANS, D.D. Daniel, a son of Henry Burhans, an officer in the British army during the "old French war," was born at Sherman, Connecticut, on July 7, 1763. As his father had a large family to support by his work upon a small farm, the only opportunity his son Daniel had for education was in the district school during the brief winter terms. He early showed a desire for knowledge and so impressed his teachers that one of them promised to aid, provided Mr. Burhans would consent to send his son to college. This he finally agreed to do. When seventeen he commenced 1 This word is abbreviated in the manuscript. It may be " medium." 2 An extract of a portion of the MS. Autobiography of the Rev. Daniel Burhans, D.D., in possession of the writer. —174— his preparation for college, combining with it work upon the farm in summer and teaching in the winter. At the end of two years he was ready for college, but upon visiting his old teacher found him dying. This disappointment was severe, but determined him in a newer part of the country to make his own way and secure an education. He went to Lanesborough, Massachusetts, in the heart of the Berkshires. Here at first working for his board he attended a school of high grade and made as rapid progress as the incompetence of the teacher would permit. Finally his natural ability and acquired knowledge was recognized. The teacher was dismissed and Mr. Burhans offered the principalship, which he accepted. The school grew and flourished and a large brick school house was built for him. Lanesborough was a part of the missionary circuit of the Rev. Gideon Bostwick. During a revival in the Congregational Church, which Mr. Burhans attended, several theological and philosophical questions con- cerning Regeneration, Election, and the Means of Grace, were brought before him. In his examination of these abstruse subjects he found that his views of them were widely different from those of his fellow worship- pers. While his mind was puzzled with the problems, the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion were put into his hands by a friend, but without his knowing with what body of Christians they originated. Their state- ments seemed to him forcible, just, and true. When informed of their origin he immediately sought out Mr. Bostwick, found in him a friend and counsellor, became an attendant and soon a communicant in St. Luke's Church. So fully had his thoughts dwelt upon religious matters that he determined to study for the holy ministry. 1 It was, however, ten years before his intention was carried out. In the meantime he had aided Mr. Bostwick by reading the service at Lanesborough on three Sundays in each month. For some months he read the service at Lebanon Springs, Columbia County, New York, on the western slope of the Berkshires, ten miles from his home, then becoming a fashionable resort. After his ordination he became the minister in charge of Lanes- borough and Lenox, for Mr. Bostwick had died at New Milford on June 13, 1793- Dr. Burhans vividly pictures his work in Berkshire County and the surrounding country. It was thorough and faithful. He was ordained priest in Trinity Church, New Haven, by Bishop Seabury on Whitsun- Day, June 8, 1794. In August, 1799, he accepted the rectorship of Trinity Church, New- town, vacant by the death of the Rev. Philo Perry. He entered upon his duties in October and began a long course of usefulness. "The church," he records, "was filled to overflowing. I had a large number of candi- dates for Communion at Easter, & to have all things done decently & in order according to the excellent provision made in the Rubrics I invite [d the Bishop] to hold a Confirmation, & rising of eighty were confirmed. And a great proportion of [them] were admitted [to] the 1 This religious experience is stated in very nearly the exact words of Dr. Burhans in his communication to Dr. Pitkin, who prepared his funeral sermon. —175— Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. At this Revival while there was a Jubilee in the Church, the sectarians stared with astonishment! And were ready [to cry] out '[Is] Saul among the Prophets'?" 1 Dr. Burhans became very active in Diocesan affairs and was honored with many offices. He was especially energetic as an agent in securing funds for the General Theological Seminary, both at its inception in 1817 and when in the Diocese from 1820 to 1822. Upon the verge of old age he resigned his parish on November 1, 1830. Without accepting another charge he officiated in St. Paul's, Woodbury, Christ Church, Bethlehem, and Christ Church, Roxbury. In 1831 he became rector of St. Peter's Church, Plymouth, where he served six years, when he resigned, as the infirmities of old age were increasing upon him. He temporarily served at Oxford and Zoar for some time, and in 1844 ne retired from the active duties of the ministry and spent the remaining years of his life at Pough- keepsie, New York. He retained his vigor of mind and body to the last. In his ninety-first year he commenced his "Autobiography," of which only a portion seems to have been preserved. He was a storehouse of information upon all matters of Connecticut diocesan history, and his recollections of Bishop Seabury and Bishop Jarvis, recorded in Dr. Sprague's "Annals of the American Pulpit," are graphic and lifelike. He departed this life peacefully on December 30, 1853, in the ninety-first year of his age and the sixty-first of his ministry. He received from Washington (now Trinity) College the degree of Doctor in Divinity, in 183 1. While he wrote much he seems to have published only one sermon : The Scripture Doctrine of the Election of Jacob and the Rejection of Esau Considered? The Rev. Dr. Buel, Rector of Christ Church, Poughkeepsie, at the time of Dr. Burhans' residence, says that he was "a man of com- manding personal appearance, of a large and well built frame, of a healthy and ruddy countenance, of a nervous temperament and somewhat quick in his movements. His manners, though not highly polished, were simple and natural, and evinced what he actually possessed, a fine genial spirit." 3 Dr. Burhans was the last survivor of those ordained by Bishop Sea- bury. During the session of the General Convention of 1853 in the City of New York he was formally welcomed in the House of Bishops. The Reverend CHARLES SEABURY. Charles, the youngest son of the Rt. Rev. Samuel and Mary (Hicks) Seabury, was born at Westchester, New York, on May 20, 1770. When he was five years old he was taken by his father to New York City, where the family remained during the Revolution and until Bishop Seabury assumed his Episcopal duties and made his home at New London. 1 MS. Autobiography of Dr. Burhans. 2 Vergennes, 1810 ; reprinted, 1828. 8vo, pp. 32. 3 P. 414, Dr. Wm, B. Sprague's A nnals of the American Pulpit, V. — 176 — He studied theology under the Rev. Dr. Mansfield and the Rev. Dr. William Smith the younger, then at Narragansett, Rhode Island. With these well read divines he was made ready for ordination. Upon his return to New London he pursued a special course of systematic divinity with his father. He was made a deacon, as the "Records" note, on June 5, 1793. He spent the year after his ordination at Ripton (now Huntington) in charge of St. Paul's Church. He assisted his father in New London during his frequent absences until the fall of 1795, when he was called for six months to Grace Church, Jamaica, Long Island. Here his services were appreciated and he found much parish work to be done. The sudden death of his father on February 26, 1796, summoned him once more to New London. On March 28, 1796, he was called to the rectorship of St. James's Church, New London, which he accepted. Without the force and grace of his father or the profound knowledge of men and books which made the Bishop preeminent, his son Charles was an excellent parish priest. Few events occurred during his rectorship, which covered the period of depres- sion, financial and spiritual, immediately preceding and during the War of 1812. On July 17, 1796, Mr. Seabury was ordained priest by Bishop Provoost in St. George's Chapel, New York City. In 1814 Mr. Seabury removed to Long Island and became Rector of Caroline Church, Setauket. Here, in pleasant surroundings, in the busy and unnoted cares of a rural parish he spent the remainder of his days. For several years he had charge also of Huntington and Islip. t In 1843 he resigned and accepted a retiring pension from the Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund of the Diocese of New York. His home was still in Setauket, where he died on December 29, 1844, in the seventy- fourth year of his age, fifty-first of his ministry. Bishop Onderdonk, in announcing his retirement to the Convention, said that he had since he was commissioned to the ministry given him- self to his Master's work, "unweariedly, disinterestedly, and with no small share of trial and self sacrifice." 1 Dr. Hallam says : "His was the fate of too many of our clergy even now, whose life is but the trial of the varieties of starvation, and it is believed that his removal to Setauket brought with it little alleviation of his con- dition, so that his whole life, that of a good, kind-hearted, sensible and faithful man, was but a long struggle with adversity, which after being maintained for more than half a century with a zeal and ardor which trouble and privation could not abate, and age could scarcely dull, has ended at last we doubt not in a better and enduring substance." 2 Mr. Seabury was the third in the illustrious line of clergymen in one family, his grandfather, Samuel Seabury, having been the first resident missionary in New London. His son was the well known Dr. Samuel Seabury, editor, theologian, and professor, and his grandson is the present senior professor in the General Theological Seminary, Dr. William Jones Seabury, the eminent canonist. 1 P. 401, Sprague's A xnais, V. 2 P. 83, Annals a/ St. James's, New London. Note XV This refers to an inhibition of Mr. Sayre from officiating in any of the churches of the Diocese until he accedes to the Constitution of the Church and conforms to the Book of Common Prayer of the American Church. No copies of this paper seem to be in existence. Note XVI The Reverend CALEB CHILD. Nothing seems to be known of the birth or parentage of Mr. Child. He was made deacon in Christ Church, Stratford, on the first Sunday after Trinity, June 7, 1795, at the last ordination held by Bishop Sea- bury. 1 He was placed in charge of St. James's Church, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, where he remained for nearly two years. He seems to have returned to Connecticut and officiated wherever there was a vacancy. As early as 1800 rumors affecting his character were in circulation and a formal complaint made to the Convocation. The report of the Com- mittee was made at Newtown on June 2, 1801. It had found the charges true and the Bishop was asked to publish his sentence of degradation in such way and manner as he shall judge proper. 1 The sentence was pronounced on Wednesday, June 2, 1802, by the Bishop of the Diocese and entered on the "Records." 3 No details of his subsequent life have been found after a careful investigation of probable sources of information. The Reverend SMITH MILES, M. A. Manoah Smith Miles was born in Derby on March 19, 1766. He was educated in the schools of the town and studied by himself and under competent tutors until ready for college. He was graduated with honor from Yale College in 1791. He evidently soon determined to study for the ministry, as the "Records" show. He was made deacon on June 7, 1795, in Christ Church, Stratford, by Bishop Seabury, at the same time with Mr. Caleb Childs and Mr. Alexander Viets Griswold. 1 1 P. 10, Registry of Ordinations. 2 P. 55, ante. 3 P. 58, ante. * P. 10, Registry 0/ Ordinations. 12 -i 7 8- Mr. Miles took charge of Trinity Church, Branford, Christ Church, Guilford, and St. John's, North Guilford. His work was difficult and required much effort, as the parishes were several miles from each other. He made here full proof of his ministry. In 1796 he became the min- ister in charge of Christ Church, Middle Haddam, and Trinity Church, Chatham. In this field of labor he was most earnest and successful. His charge of Middle Haddam continued until 1810, when he devoted himself wholly to Chatham. He was a good pastor and considered an instructive preacher. Like many of the country parsons he kept for many years a classical school, which gained a high reputation. After a ministry of nearly thirty-four years, he died on January 30, 1830, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. The Right Revebend ALEXANDER VIETS GRISWOLD, D.D. Alexander Viets, a son of Elisha and Eunice (Viets) Griswold, was born in Simsbury, Connecticut, on April 22, 1766. His ancestry was distinguished in the annals of the Colony, and his father was a man of high reputation in the community. His mother had the charge of his early education and taught him carefully the rudiments of what was then considered essential for one not designed for the law or ministry. He then came under the instruction of his uncle, the Rev. Roger Viets, Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Simsbury, whose attainments in both literature and the classics were remarkable. It was intended by the family and Mr. Griswold that he should accompany his uncle to Nova Scotia, where he accepted the parish of Digby. Mr. Griswold's early marriage, however, interfered with their plan. He temporarily aban- doned the study of theology and commenced to read law. It was the faithfulness of his pastor, the Rev. Ambrose Todd, that brought him to a renewed sense of his duty and led to his becoming a candidate for holy orders. He was made deacon in Christ Church, Stratford, on June 7, I79S- 1 His first charge was at Cambridge (now Bristol), Harwinton and Northfield. The stations were eight miles distant from each other. He gave to Trinity Church, Northfield, and to St. Mark's, Harwinton, one- quarter each of his time. The remainder he devoted to St. Matthew's, East Plymouth, to which church the people of Cambridge then came. In this work Mr. Griswold was extremely useful. He was honored and respected by every one in a wide region of country. A few months after his incumbency the new church of St. Matthew's was ready for conse- cration. The Convocation met on October 22, 1795, and, as the Records state, the Church of St. Matthew's was consecrated and the Rev. Mr. Griswold ordained priest. 2 "Then, too, it was, though with no thought or expectation of such a thing, that the clergy proposed to the Bishop and to myself that I should 1 P. 10, Registry of Ordinations. 2 P. 10, Registry of Ordinations. P. 49, ante. —179— be ordained priest, which was accordingly done." 1 Mr. Griswold now redoubled his efforts, and by his long missionary journeys extended a knowledge of the Church to many hamlets very remote from his home. In June, 1804, after much solicitation he accepted the very pressing call of St. Michael's Church, Bristol, Rhode Island. Here, amid happy sur- roundings, with a parish compact and aggressive, he spent twenty-six years. He was the most prominent clergyman in Rhode Island, although his extreme modesty and self-distrust caused him to shun publicity. In 1810 he was about to accept the charge of St. Michael's, Litchfield, as the Rev. Truman Marsh was unable to do full duty, when, to his surprise, he was informed of his election on May 29, 1810, as Bishop of the Eastern Diocese, that confederation of the existing dioceses of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont which had been made necessary by the extreme feebleness of the Church in them. The consecration of Dr. Griswold took place in Trinity Church, New York City, on May 29, 181 1 by Bishop White, Bishop Provoost and Bishop Jarvis. At the same time the Rev. John Henry Hobart was consecrated assistant Bishop of New York. This event was the turning point in the history of the American Church, the end of the period of extreme depression and the beginning of a constant growth and expansion. It is unnecessary here to follow minutely the details of Bishop Griswold's work as Bishop. It was wise, judicious, fruitful. The Church recovered from her despondency throughout New England. The design of the Eastern Diocese was accomplished. Bishop Griswold became Presiding Bishop of the American Church on the death of Bishop White in 1830. From 1830 to 1835 he was Rector of St. Peter's Church, Salem, Massa- chusetts. He then relinquished all parochial cares and removed to Boston, giving himself fully to his Episcopal functions. Upon the morning of February 15, 1843, he made a call upon his recently conse- crated coadjutor in Massachusetts, Dr. Eastburn, and fell upon his door- step and died instantly. He was in the seventy-sixth year of his age and the thirty-fourth of his Episcopate. Bishop Griswold published a few sermons and charges, among them one before the General Convention of 1817. He received from Brown University, Princeton University and Har- vard University the degree of Doctor in Divinity. 1 P. 70, Extracts from Bp. Griswold's Autobiography in Memoirs 0/ the Life of the Rt. Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D.D., by John S. Stone, D.D. Philadelphia: Stavely & McCalla, 1844. 8vo, pp. xl, 620. Note XVII The Bishop had early in his Episcopate set forth prayers for the Civil authorities. 1 These prayers for the use of the Courts do not appear to have been printed. Manuscript copies may have been sent to the clergy who desired them. They are printed here through the courtesy of the Rev. Professor Seabury. Occasional Prayers prepared by Right Reverend Samuel Seabury, D.D. Bishop of Connecticut and recorded in his handwriting in a manuscript book entitled, Occasional Prayers and Offices. "OCCASIONAL PRAYERS. At the opening of a Court of Justice. Remember no (sic) Lord our offences, etc: Liturgy. O Lord, We beseech Thee mercifully hear our prayers etc — Commination. O God, Who art the Author of Peace &c: ') Morning O Lord, our Heavenly Father &c ) Prayer. The Prayer for the President. The Prayer for all conditions of men. This Collect. Almighty God, Who upholdest and governest all things in heaven and on earth ; Hear the humble supplications which we make before thy divine Majesty in behalf of the Court now opened for the administration of Justice to thy People. Let thy wisdom guide and direct all their determinations ; that impartiality and truth being the directors of all their proceedings, they may promote the peace, order, and happiness of Civil Society: and that we and all thy People being in constant safety under the protection of thy good providence, may, under the impartial administration of just and equal laws, lead godly and quiet lives in this world; and, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life in the world to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. General Thanksgiving. Aim. God, the fountain of all wisdom etc : Post Communion. The Lord's Prayer & Blessing. OCCASIONAL PRAYERS. At the supreme Court, New London September 1793. Enter not into judgment etc: Ps. cxliii. 2 or If we say we have no sin etc: 1 John 1. 8, 9. 1 See pp. 29, 30 of Dr. Hart's Bishop Seabury 's Communion Office. — 181 — Collect for Ashwednesday. Almighty and everlasting God etc: Lord's Prayer. Our Father etc: Collect for Peace, Morning Prayer. O God, from whom etc : Prayer for the President 6- all in authority. O Lord, our heavenly Father, the high and mighty etc: Prayer for the people & government of the U. States. O Almighty & everlasting God, we make our supplications to thy divine majesty, humbly imploring thy protection & blessing on the people and government of the United States of America, and especially on the people & government of this State in which we live — entreating thy favour and gracious goodness towards them. Particularly we make our prayers to thee in behalf of this Court, by thy good providence, now assembled for the administration of justice to thy people. Look with favour, O God, on the Judges of the Court, on the subordinate officers belonging to it, and on all concerned in the administration of justice in it. Direct them by thy grace in whatever business shall come before them ; and grant that all their decisions may be grounded on the principles of truth and equity: So that peace and happiness, justice and righteousness, religion and piety may flourish among us for all genera- tions : And that thy people being secure, thro' the protection of equal laws and the administration of impartial justice, may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness, and may live in peace and unity with each other, and in peace and friendship with all mankind. Hear us, we beseech thee, O God, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Saviour. Amen. Prayer for all conditions of men. O God the Creator and Preserver of all mankind etc : General Thanksgiving. Almighty God, Father of all mercies etc : 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ etc: Amen." I certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original manuscript in my possession, and that the same is in all respects a true copy of the said original and of the whole thereof, except that the words "Occasional Prayers" have been in one case omitted (as the heading of a page in the original not needed in the copy), and^ except that the character "&" has been sometimes written out as "and." Dated New York, November 27th, 1903. Wm. J. Seabury. 13 Note XVIII Oyster River was a part of the boundary between New Haven and Orange, in which the ancient parish of Christ Church, West Haven, was situated. It also gave its name to a locality where were many church- men, prominent among them the descendants of Thomas Clark, one of the founders of the parish in 1732. Thaddeus Clark afterwards removed to Genesee County, N. Y., where he continued to do a good work for the Church in a pioneer community. Note XIX The Hon. John Adams, President of the United States, was at this time making a tour through New England on his way to the seat of Government at Philadelphia. It was the custom for all public bodies and towns to present to the President a formal address. No publication of that period contains that from the Convocation, Mr. Adams does not refer to it in his "Diary," nor does his biographer allude to any address from religious organizations. Note XX The need of such an office had been long felt. The comparative insecurity of the tenure of office by the clergy, it was thought, would be taken away if such a solemn service of induction was used. The com- piler was the Rev. Dr. William Smith, then Rector of St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, a native of Scotland, a man of varied accomplishments and a liturgical scholar at a period when few knew much of such an abtruse subject as liturgies. The Office, after its adoption, was used in the Diocese. It formed the basis of the New York Office of 1802, and with a few changes was set forth for general use by the General Convention of 1804. In 1868 its title was changed to "An Office of Institution." Its use was compulsory by Canon until 1832. Note XXL The early history of the Church in Hartford, the organization of Christ Church and some particulars of the consecration will be found in the carefully compiled volume of the present senior warden of Christ Church, Dr. Gurdon W. Russell, entitled Contributions to the History of Christ Church, Hartford. 1 The first church edifice was erected on land which had been originally purchased for the newly organized parish in 1762, and comprehended the northeast corner of the lot on which the present church building stands. The French and Indian War, soon followed by the Revolution, made it impossible to build as originally intended. After the Revolution the land, which had passed out of the possession of the churchmen of Hartford, was reclaimed. On November 28, 1786, a subscription paper was issued and a little more than three hundred pounds obtained. In March, 1792, a contract was entered into with Ebenezer Clark, joiner, to build the frame of the church, which was raised in June, 1792. It was ninety feet by forty-four in breadth. It was incomplete in 1795, when five hundred and seventy-five dollars were secured to finish it. Mr. Calvin Whiting, of Needham, Massachusetts, served as lay reader from July to October, T 79S- There seems to have been no settled clergyman in the parish until July 1801, when the Rev. Menzies Rayner of Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, took charge. The parish had previously sought to obtain the services of the Rev. Ashbel Baldwin, and the Rev. Ammi Rogers. The formal organization as a parish under the charge of the Bishop was on September 15, 1796, when thirty-four gentlemen signed the articles of incorporation. Among them were Mr. John Morgan, M r - Wm. Imlay, Mr. Wm. Burr, Mr. Thomas Sanford, Jr., Horace Church, John Bull, John McCracken. 2 The day of the consecration was very rainy. Dr. Russell gives the contemporary account of the service from the Courant and a fac simile of the sentence of consecration. The Instrument of Donation was read by Mr. John Morgan, the Senior Warden. 3 1 Hartford : Belknap & Warfield. 3 P. 54. Contributions. 1898. 8vo, pp. 787. 3 Pp' 55, 56, Contributions. Note XXII This is the first formal mention of this erratic and pestilent man, the disturber of the peace of the Church in Connecticut. Ammi Rogers, a native of Branford, had studied theology with the Rev. Mr. Jarvis, of Middletown. Detected in a flagrant act of immor- ality, he was sent from the home of the Rector. For a short time he studied with the Rev. Dr. Mansfield and the Rev. Edward Blakeslee at Derby. He then went into the recently settled region about Saratoga, locating at Ballston. His work seems remarkable, and much of it was permanent. When he sought Holy Orders in New York in the summer of 1792 rumors of his misconduct had reached Dr. Beach, an influential member of the Standing Committee, and he demanded a certificate of good moral character from the Bishop and clergy of Connecticut. This Mr. Rogers did not obtain, but he did secure from a friend who was visiting the Rev. Philo Perry, Secretary of the Standing Committee, a certificate in the name of Mr. Perry that no proceedings had ever been taken against him. Made deacon on June 24, 1792, by Bishop Provoost in Trinity Church, New York City, he remained at Ballston for nine years longer and then returned to Branford in August, 1801. He took charge of Trinity, Branford, St. John's, Northford, St. Paul's, Wallingford, and East Haven. Mr. Rogers attributes the hostility and suspicion of the Bishop and clergy to politics. "Although I have never interfered in politics, yet I now thought it best for the Bishop and all the clergy, to join with the republicans and vote for Colonel Ephraim Kirby to be Governor of Con- necticut, that he was a worthy man, a well informed Churchman, and would without doubt use his best endeavors to have those offensive laws repealed which gave to one sect or party a superiority. At this the Bishop and some of the clergy were very much displeased; and this has been the cause of persecution, slander and abuse, of civil prosecution, of distress, of imprisonment, of disgrace and ruin to myself, to my chil- dren and friends." 1 Mr. Rogers claimed that he was a clergyman in good standing and had presented in his behalf to the Convocation at Danbury in June, 1803, a petition from the churches in Branford, East Haven, Northford, Wal- lingford, Durham, and also one from Dr. Mansfield, Mr. Tyler, Mr. Blakeslee, Mr. Todd, Mr. Mills and Mr. Warren, stating their knowledge of Mr. Rogers, his character and standing in the Church, of the union and uncommon prosperity of the churches under his care, "and prayed the Bishop and clergy to be reconciled to him, or to bring forward their 1 Pp. 37, 38, Memoirs oj 'the Rev. Ammi Rogers . . . Composed, compiled and written by the Rev. Ammi Rogers. i2mo. Published for subscribers by the Author. 1824. -i8 5 - accusations, if any they had. In answer to which the Bishop arose and standing within the rails of the altar, and near the communion table in the church in Danbury, and as president of the Convention in 1803, declared and said, We (meaning the Bishop and clergy) have nothing against Mr. Rogers. We acknowledge his character and authority to be good, and on receiving a single line from the Bishop of New York we would receive him with open arms.' "* Mr. Rogers's statements are not corroborated by any member of the Convention or Convocation. Note XXIII This is the first periodical publication of the American Church. It was issued with the cordial approval and aid of Bishop Jarvis. Its articles were clear and direct and their teaching was sound and practical. The first number appeared in January, 1804, with a well written address stating its objects. Several of the clergy of literary ability, including Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Rayner, Mr. Burhans, Dr. Mansfield and others, con- tributed to its pages. The first editor was the Rev. Dr. William Smith, then the Principal of the Episcopal Academy at Cheshire, Commenced as a private enterprise^ its promoters felt the need of the support of the whole Church in Connecticut, and knew that through the Convocation this could be obtained. Its original title was The Churchman's Magazine or Treasury of Divine and Useful Knowledge, edited by a Committee of the Convocation of Connecticut A. D. 1804. Its publishers were Oliver Steele & Co., New Haven. 1 P. 39, Memoir. Note XXIV The action of Bishop Jarvis was based upon the decision of the House of Bishops in September, 1804, to which Mr. Rogers had appealed. There was a full hearing of both the representatives of Mr. Rogers and the Church in Connecticut. Finally the conduct of Mr. Rogers was declared during his residence in Connecticut to have been "insulting, refractory, and schismatical in the highest degree." The action of the Church in Connecticut was approved and the Bishops were of opinion "that he deserves a severe ecclesiastical censure — that of degradation from the ministry. Upon the question as to what authority Mr. Rogers was amenable, they were unanimous in declaring that, as there was no Canon regulating clerical removals until that Convention, he was amenable to the authority of that diocese exclusively." 1 Note XXV No action seems to have been taken under this appointment, nor does it appear that the same committee prepared a history of the action relating to Mr. Rogers. Note XXVa After 1808 the Churchman's Magazine was published in Connecticut, but with the cooperation and financial aid of Dr. Hobart and others in the City of New York. Dr. Hobart had been anxious for its removal to that city. The publication had never commanded the support, literary and pecuniary, which it deserved. This action was only preliminary to the transfer of the publication, which took place early in 1808, when the Rev. Dr. Hobart became its editor. 1 The full decision is in Bioren's Reprint Journals 0/ the General Convention ; also pp. 34-36 Dr. Beardsley's History. Note XXVI The Reverend DAVID BALDWIN. David, a son of William Baldwin, was born in Litchfield on February 4, 1780. While carefully educated, he did not enjoy the advantages of a college course. He was a student in theology with his cousin, Dr. Ashbel Baldwin, and is known to have been officiating as lay reader in Guilford and North Guilford in November, 1806. In March, 1807, he was called to be the minister of Christ Church, Guilford, but was not made deacon until September 1, 1807. 1 Mr. Baldwin served with great fidelity and unwearied patience the three parishes of Guilford, North Guilford and North Killingworth, sometimes called North Bristol. There are still living those who remember him with gratitude and affection. At Easter 1834 he resigned the charge of Guilford, but retained the other parishes and added Branford until 1838. In 1851 he resigned North Guilford. He continued to serve Zion Church, North Branford, and Union Church, Killingworth, until 1858, when his age and infirmities made his retire- ment from all active service necessary. Bishop Williams said of him then, that he was "the senior presbyter of the Diocese and carried with him into his retirement the affectionate veneration of his brethren, and the blessing of those to whom he had so long and faithfully ministered." He died at Guilford on August 2, 1862, in the eighty-third year of his age and the fifty-sixth of his ministry. The present Rector of Christ Church, in his history of the parish, says of him that "he was to all men a model of Christian fidelity, and the members of his widely scattered flock, whom he never neglected in heat or cold, in sunshine or storm, though often exposed as he went to and fro on horseback, to severe hardship, and to whom his house was open for unstinted hospitality, found in him a noble example of that unswerving devotion to pastoral duty which distinguished the early representatives of Connecticut Churchmanship." 2 1 Registry of Ordinations. 3 P. 70, History of Christ Episcopal Church. Note XXVII The condition which led to this appointment was the controversy aroused in May, 1811, by the publication of the Rev. Cave Jones, an assist- ant minister of Trinity Church, New York City, of "A Solemn Appeal to the Church." In it he arraigned Dr. Hobart, his colleague, for over- bearing and insulting conduct ; he accuses him of love of power and with a desire to make the whole diocese yield to his will. This aroused a fierce controversy and pamphlet war, which was continued for nearly two years and divided the Church in New York City and throughout the State. The overtures of this Committee of the Convocation were received with coldness by the authorities in New York and no conference was ever held. Connecticut was even accused of "officious meddling." But, as Dr. Beardsley well says, "It was not officious meddling in them to wish that the parties involved might correct their misunderstandings, sacrifice their worldly resentments, if they had any, at the foot of the Master's Cross, and henceforth proceed hand in hand, as champions of the faith, to build up the Kingdom, whose sublime watchword was 'Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace, good will towards Note XXVIII This was one of several unsuccessful attempts to obtain a charter for Seabury College, a cherished plan of our spiritual ancestors. Note XXIX The origin of this Library is obscure. It is claimed that the intention was to form a collection for the benefit of the clergy of Christ Church, Stratford, and for others in Fairfield County. There is no tradition remaining concerning it in Stratford, and nothing appears upon the records of Christ Church in regard to it. None of the books are now in the library of the Episcopal Academy. 1 P. 78, Dr. Beardsley 's History \ II ; see also Case of Cave Jones. New York, 1813. Note XXX The question of the propriety of allowing deacons who had not been instituted into any parish to vote in Convention and take part in the election of a Bishop had been very widely and acrimoniously discussed. The Rev. Philander Chase of Hartford had written upon the subject to Bishop Claggett of Maryland. He evidently led the opposition to the practice. Note XXXI Article 3 of the Constitution of the Diocese as adopted on June 6, 1792, by the first Convention of the clergy and laity of the Diocese reads : When the Episcopate of this Church shall become vacant by death or otherwise, the Presbyters, Deacons, and Lay Deputies from the several Churches in the Diocese, shall meet within three months of the time when said vacancy shall happen, either at New Haven or Middletown, in order to elect a person to fill the Episcopal Chair, and the time and place of such meeting shall be notified by a Standing Committee annually to be appointed for that and other purposes, by publishing the same in two or more Newspapers in this State, at least four weeks successively, previous to said Meeting. And whosoever shall be elected by a majority of the votes of the clergy then present, shall be considered as duly elected, provided the person chosen shall be approved by a majority of the Lay Deputies. 1 The Constitution was evidently quoted from memory by the mover of this resolution. The new paragraph would follow in the original con- stitution the words : "by death, or otherwise." It was intended to exclude unemployed deacons. 1 P. 4, Reprint of tke Journals, 1792-1820. Note XXXII The career of defiance to constituted authority pursued by Mr. Ammi Rogers can be followed in the pages of Dr. Beardsley's admirable "History." 1 This attempt to force recognition of his claims upon the clergy is the last made by him. He thought that when the Diocese came under the charge of Bishop Hobart that his case could be reopened. In this he was mistaken and the Convocation took the only proper and consistent course. Mr. Rogers' Memoirs contain letters written at this time by the Rev. Solomon Blakeslee and the Rev. John Tyler pleading for the degraded priest. There is also one from Mr. Rogers to Bishop Hobart, plausible and full of pious and fervent expressions. 2 Note XXXIII The needs of the poorer clergymen in their old age had been much considered in private. The deaths of several whose families had been left destitute brought the matter before the clergy at this time. But no method suggested seemed feasible, and even the fuller and more acceptable plan presented in 1823 met with little favor. In 1845 the necessities of the aged clergy were brought before the Convention again and a fund was created by Canon to be disbursed by the Bishop and Standing Committee. There was such an accumulation of money that in 1855 a separate board called "The Trustees of the Aged and Infirm Clergy and Widows Fund" was incorporated. The management and increase of that fund is still under their wise and prudent care. 1 See pp. 47-53, 54-89, 154-159, History, II. 2 Pp. 54-63, Memoirs. Note XXXIV The successive steps taken to establish a second college in the State of Connecticut, one which should be under the exclusive control of the Church, are well detailed by Dr. Beardsley in his historical address on the twenty-fifth anniversary of Trinity College. 1 To all petitions and memorials presented on behalf of the Episcopal Academy to confer upon it collegiate privileges and rights the full negative of the Senate, then called Council, defeated the large majority in its favor in the Assembly. With the consecration of Dr. Brownell as Bishop the opportunity came. The more liberal Constitution of the State adopted in 1818 made it possible to urge the plan, which was well matured. The members of the Committee of the Convocation and a general committee selected by Bishop Brownell and Dr. Wheaton were men of much sagacity and knew what could be accomplished. A memorial to the General Assembly was drawn up and copies widely circulated throughout the parishes of the Diocese. It was largely signed and presented on May 13, 1823. The charter applied for was granted in the lower house on May 16, and soon after approved by the Senate and signed by the Governor. It incorporated a body politic to be known as the "Trustees of Washington College." Bishop Brownell was chosen President of the College, and with him were associated as professors the Rev. George W. Doane, Belles Lettres and Oratory; Mr. Frederick Hall, Chemistry and Mineralogy; Mr. Horatio Hickok, Agriculture and Political Economy; the Rev. Hector Humphrey, Greek and Latin. The Trustees named in the Charter were : Thomas C. Brownell, Harry Croswell, Elijah Boardman, Samuel W. Johnson, Birdsey G. Noble, Samuel Merwin, Nathaniel S. Wheaton, Elisha Cushman, Charles Sigourney, Thomas Macdonough, Richard Adams, David Watkinson, Ebenezer Young, Jonathan Starr, Jr., Nathan Smith, John Thompson Peters, Asa Chapman, Elias Perkins, John S. Peters, Luther Loomis. The College was located upon an elevated plateau in the City of Hart- ford, the people of that city having made the largest subscription. The grounds were carefully laid out and ornamented under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Wheaton, who succeeded Bishop Brownell in the presidency. To both of these founders the Church in this Diocese owes a debt of gratitude. In 1848 the name was changed to Trinity College. The original site of the college is now occupied by the Capitol of the State. 1 An Historical Address pronounced before the House of Convocation of Trinity Col- lege, Christ Church, Hartford. July 30th, 1851, on the occasion of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Commencement of that Institution, by the Rev. E. E. Beardsley, M.A. Hartford : Han- mer & Co., Calendar Press, 1851. 8vo, pp. 30. Note XXXV The first series of the Churchman's Magazine ended with December 1811. The second series commenced in 1813, with the Rev. John C. Rudd of Elizabeth Town as editor. It ended in 1816. Bishop Hobart established in 1817 in New York City The Christian Journal to be his official organ. It contained much general church news and original and valuable articles, and obtained a wide circulation. This periodical con- tinued until 1831, when The Churchman, a weekly paper, was established by Bishop Onderdonk. Connecticut churchmen had always regretted the necessity which com- pelled them to consent to the transfer of the Magazine to New York. In 1821 Bishop Brownell and other clergymen of literary talent com- menced the publication of a new series of The Churchman's Magazine after the Convention of 1820 had formally requested them. All loss or deficiency was to fall upon the publishers, without any direct or indirect obligation on the part of the Convention to make up losses or deficiencies. This third series was issued until 1823, when for lack of support the publication was suspended. The final series, under the editorship of Dr. Bronson, became a source of strength to the Diocese. Its articles were eminently readable and its comments on Church events fresh and entertaining. It was continued until the close of 1826. Note XXXVI Mr. Barlow's plan, which he carefully worked out and presented in an attractive manner, was for an American society similar to the well- known Christian Knowledge Society in England. Its chief function was to be the publication of books of information upon the Church, brief and popular tracts and sometimes reprint standard English Church classics. He had received much encouragement from Bishops and other clergymen. The plan was presented to the General Convention of 1826 and referred to a committee to report, but no practical action was taken. Its chief features were used in the establishment three years later of the Protestant Episcopal Press in New York City. Mr. Barlow's printed scheme is a plain and practical document. It is entitled "Consideration on the Employment of the Press as a means of dif- fusing the Principles of the Church, with the Plan of a Society and the draft of a proposed Constitution adapted to that object," by the Rev. William Barlow, Rector of Claremont. 1 1 New York : T. & J. Swords, 1826. 8vo, pp. 24. Note XXXVII So far as can now be known the Committee never carried out this plan. Note XXXVIII The remainder of this letter cannot be found. Note XXXIX This tour was the outcome of Bishop Brownell's sermon before the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society in Philadelphia in August, 1829. It was upon "Christian Zeal" and referred feelingly to "the vast territory of our Union, spreading to the west and south," not then under the jurisdiction of any Protestant Bishop. The needs of the southwest, while not urged as frequently and ably as those of the west, were nevertheless pressing. Many opportunities were lost because no Bishop has visited them. The proposal was to send Bishop Brownell to make a thorough exploration. The Directors requested him to take the journey, perform Episcopal functions and inquire into the condition of the few missions there. After some deliberation he accepted the duty laid upon him. He left Hartford on November 5, 1829, went by boat to New York, and was joined by the Rev. William Richmond, a man of intense zeal and missionary energy. Their route was from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans. On their way they visited all the churches. The Bishop ordained some, confirmed others and blessed all. In the course of his journey of six thousand miles he consecrated six churches, ordained one priest, confirmed one hundred and forty-two persons, preached or assisted in the services seventy-four times, bap- tized twenty-two children and twelve adults. It was a journey of great extent, free from any serious illness or accident, and set forward the Church in that region. The Bishop pre- sided at the organization of the dioceses of Louisiana and Alabama. He returned to his home in Hartford on March 14, 1830. A detailed account from his Journal was published in The Spirit of Missions in 1830. Note XL Mr. Phoebus was the organist of Trinity Church, New Haven. He had acquired much celebrity as a musician. His small publication of chants was long used both in New Haven and elsewhere. Its title page is : Chants adapted to the Service of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States Compiled by John H. Phoebus New Haven Pub- lished by Durrie and Peck 1831 i2mo pp 24 Baldwin and Treadway print In his preface he says: "The following compilation is offered to the public in compliance with a wish expressed by many Episcopalians of this city, that the chants commonly used in the Church, might be published in such form, and on such terms as would induce the members of the parish generally to procure them. Considering it also as better the whole congregation should join in the chants, no less than in the responses of our services, the compiler endeavored to select such pieces as may be easily learned; admitting only those which are calculated to give expression force & solemnity to the language of devotion." Note XLI The Chronicle of the Church was a weekly paper of high character, the first work undertaken by Mr. A. B. Chapin for the Church. Its contents were well arranged and readable. The report of the Com- mittee to the Convention embodied resolutions calling for new and vigorous efforts for its support, urging the duty of the clergy to con- tribute more largely to its literary support, and the third that political intelligence should be omitted in the civil summary. The resolutions led to a debate upon the general question of supporting Church periodi- cals and commending the Chronicle. 1 This paper continued until 1842 in several forms and was succeeded by The Calendar. 1 Pp. 194, 195, The Chronicle, 1837. Note XLII The Society was organized in 1818, reorganized in 1837, and had charge of the mission work of the Diocese. With a changed title it still cares for the missionary work. Its present style is the Board of Directors of the Missionary Society of the Diocese of Connecticut NOTICES OF UNRECORDED MEETINGS OF THE CONVENTION. [l800] The Convocation of the Episcopal clergy was held in the City of New London on the 15th inst agreeably to the order of the Bishop. Divine Service was performed by the Rev. Mr. Griswold, a discourse and charge to the clergy was delivered by the Rt. Rev. Abraham Jarvis, from whom the Apostolic rite of Confirmation was received by nearly fifty. The day following the Rev. Evan Rogers, was ordained a Priest, and is soon to be inducted Rector of the Church in Hebron. It appears from the statement of the Clergy to the Bishop, that the Church in this State is generally flourishing and respectable. 1 [1827] In consonance with the ancient custom of the diocese, the semi-annual Convocation of the clergy of Connecticut was held in Christ Church, Stratford, on Tuesday, Nov. 6, as appointed by the Bishop. The evening service was performed by the Rev. Ambrose S. Todd, Rector of St. John's Church, Stamford, and the sermon preached by the Rev. Professor Doane, of Washington College, from 1 Peter, v. 2, 3, 4. In the absence of the Secretary of the Convention, the Rev. Professor Doane was appointed Secretary. The attendance of the Clergy, though very respectable, was not as large as on- some former occasions— a cir- cumstance always to be regretted, as the opportunities thus afforded of mutual encouragement and advice is eminently valuable. The Con- vocation, in addition to the usual business transacted at such meetings, giving information as to the state of the several parishes, making pro- vision for the supply of such as are vacant, consulting together on questions of discipline and order, &c, &c, united in a suitable tribute of respect to the memory of the late lamented Bishop of Maryland. The Rev. Dr. Wainwright and the Rev. Mr. Bulkley of New York were present as visitors. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to record our decided and earnest approbation of the practice peculiar, we believe, to our own diocese, of periodical assemblies of the clergy. ' American Mercury. Published by Elisha Babcock. [Vol. xvii], Thursday, October 23, 1800. [No. 851J — 196 — The best possible opportunity is thus afforded for giving such informa- tion as will enable the Episcopal head to set in order such things as are wanting, while the members, besides being strengthened in their Master's work, by the interchange of free and friendly advice and encouragement, are thus more closely bound together in unity of spirit, of doctrine and of practice. Behold, saith the Psalmist, and God grant that our diocese may always continue to be, as it has always been, an apt illustration of its truth and beauty, behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. 1 The clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Connecticut, assembled in Convocation at Stratford on Tuesday, November 6, unanimously adopted the following Preamble and Reso- lutions Whereas the Convocation have heard with deep and unfeigned regret of the late melancholy decease of that distinguished and faithful servant of God, the Rt. Rev. James Kemp, D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Maryland. Therefore Resolved, that this Convocation do heartily sympathize with their brethren, the Clergy and laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Maryland, in the late afflictive dispensation of Divine Providence by which that Diocese has been deprived of its venerated head and the Church of its brightest ornaments and firmest and most able supporters ; and that they do most devoutly offer up their prayers that the Great Head of the Church will, in His mercy, visit this sorrowing portion of His household with the spirit of peace and consolation, of wisdom and ghostly Counsel, that they may be sustained and comforted in their present bereavement, and that a successor apt and meet, under God, and with his heavenly blessing, to promote its interests and build it up in peace and holiness, and all spiritual grace and blessedness, may speedily be raised up. Resolved that the Secretary of the Convocation transmit this preamble and these resolutions to the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Maryland, and cause a copy of the same to be inserted in The Episcopal Watchman. G. W. Doane, Secretary Hartford, Nov. 6, 1827 2 1 P. 370, Episcopal Watchman, Nov. 12, 1827. 2 Episcopal Watchman, p. 371. Hartford, Nov. 12, 1827. Vol. 1, No. 34. Index INDEX. Titles and degrees are given to clergymen and others acquired sub- sequently to events mentioned in these "Records." A. Aberdeen, Scotland 21, 124 Adams, the Rev. Jasper, D.D 112 Hon. John 53, 182 Richard 191 Addison, the Rev. Daniel D., D.D. Life and Times of Edward Bass 15 Address of the Connecticut Clergy, 1785 12 Alabama 193 Albany, N. Y 169 American Church 3, 163, 185 Amity, Conn 140, 148 Andrews, the Rev. George B 96, 97, 102, 108 Robert 161 the Rev. Samuel 8, 138, 168 the Rev. William G., D.D A History of Christ Episcopal Church in Guilford, Connecticut 187 Apthorp, the Rev. East, D.D 154 Archives, Diocese of Connecticut 9 Commission on 3, 4 Arianism 19 Arlington, Vt 168 Armor, the Rev. Samuel 17 Arnold, the Rev. Jonathan 6 Articles of Confederation of the United States 20 Articles of Religion, proposed revision of 43, S3 Athanasian Creed 163 Atkins, Dudley 15 Attwater, the Rev. Henry S 1 14 14 -200 B. Badger, the Rev. Moses 143 Baldwin, the Rev. Ashbel, sketch of 133-135 mentioned 22, 23, 33, 39, 40, 41, 43, 46, 48, 49, So, Si, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 8s, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 100, 102, 106, 112, 118, 132, 168, 183, 185 the Rev. David, sketch of 187 mentioned 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91,92,93,94,96,97,99, 100, 102, 106, 112, 114, 118 Ebenezer 41 Isaac 133 Baldwin and Treadway 194 Ballston, N. Y 184 Barber, the Rev. Daniel 168 the Rev. Virgil H 64, 71, 72, 74, 78, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 88, 89 Barlow, the Rev. William 105, 112, 118, 119, 192 Considerations on the Employment of the Press. . . . 192 Bartlet, Jonathan 49 Basfield, Mr 55 Bass, the Rt. Rev. Edward, D.D 15, 25, 26, 28, 126, 127 Batchelder, the Rev. Charles R. The Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Vermont 168 Beach, the Rev. Abraham, D.D 78, 167, 184 the Rev. John 6, 9, 135, 144, 145, 152 the Rev. Stephen 102, 116, 118 Beardsley, the Rev. Eben Edwards, D.D., LL.D. mentioned 3, 6, 10, 12, 188, 190, 191 History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut 3, 6, 7, 149, 188, 190 Life of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury 3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24 History of St. Peter's Church, Cheshire 138 Historical Address, Trinity College 191 the Rev. John 129 Beasley, the Rev. Frederic, D.D 126 Beckwith, the Rev. George 144 Beers, Isaac 172 Belden, the Rev. David 44, 46, 50, 92, 135, 152 Thomas 41 Bend, the Rev. Joseph G. J., D.D 159 — 201 — Benham, the Rev. Benjamin 77, 78, 81, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95. 96, 102, 103 Bennington County, Vt 128 Berkshire County, Mass 174 Berlin, Conn 167 Bioren, John, Reprint — Journal of the General Convention 166, 186 Bishop, Mr. Alexander 65, 66 Blakeslee, Abraham 146 the Rev. Edward, sketch of 146-148 mentioned 33, 34, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, Si, 137, 169, 184 the Rev. Solomon, sketch of 148-150 mentioned 33, 40, 43, 46, 48, 49, 51, 56, 57, 60, 71, 80, 81, 92, 95, 164, 169, 184, 190 Zophar 148 Boardman, Hon. Elijah 99, 191 Boston, Mass 7, 12, 14, 15, 179 Bostwick, Esther 127 the Rev. Gideon, sketch of 127, 128 mentioned 8, 9, 33, 34, 39, 43, 168, 174, Harry 47,50 Captain Nathaniel 127 Bowden, the Rev. John, D.D 29, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 127, 130, 131, 142, 159 Bradley, the Rev. Charles William 114 the Rev. Ezra 56, 62 Mr 49 Bradleyville, Conn 169 Branford, Conn 42, 125, 184 Brewer, the Rev. Alfred L., D.D 156 Bridgeport, Conn 132, 135 Bristol, Conn 49, 131 Bronson, the Rev. Abraham, D.D 59, 78 the Rev. Tillotson, D.D 22, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, Si. 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 109, 135, 137, 139, 141, 146 Brooklyn Ferry, N. Y 129 202 Brownell, the Rt. Rev. Thomas C, D.D., LL.D 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, no, in, 112, 116, 117, 118, 133, 146, 151, 192, 193 The Family Prayer Book 171 Southwestern Missionary tour 113, 114, 193 Brown University 179 Bruce, the Rev. Nathaniel F 106 Buckley [Bulkely], the Rev. Barzillai 64, 65, 75, 94, 195 the Rev. Wm. J 92, 94, 99 Buel, Hon. David 170 the Rev. Samuel, D.D 175 Bull, John 183 Burhans, the Rev. Daniel, D.D. sketch of I73-I7S account of his examination for Orders 173 mentioned 9, 44. 45. 53. 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72. 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, in, 112, 114, 118, 128, 185 The Scripture Doctrine of the Election of Jacob and the Rejection of Esau 175 Henry 173 Burgis [Burgess], the Rev. Nathan B 64 Burgess, the Rev. Nathan B 55, 57, 61, 63, 75, 78, 80, 95, 96, 103, 114 Burgoyne, General John 133 Burham [Benham], the Rev. Benjamin 76 Burr, William 183 Burton, the Rev. Daniel, D.D 156 Butler, the Rev. David, D.D. sketch of 168-170 mentioned 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 147, 149 the Rev. Clement M., D.D 170 Calendar, The 3, 146, 194 Cambridge, Conn 178 Camp, the Rev. Ichabod 126 Mr 55 Canaan 47, 58 Caner, the Rev. Henry, D.D 144, 152, 154 Canterbury, Archbishop of 5, 10, 12, 165 — 203— Carr, the Rev. Dr iSS Catlin, the Rev. Russell, sketch of , 168 mentioned 42, 43, 44, 147, 149, 169 Champion, the Rev. Judah 151 Chandler, the Rev. Thomas B., D.D 123, 125 Chapman, Asa 191 Chapin, the Rev. Alonzo B., D.D 3. "6, 146, 194 Sketches of the Early Clergy 146 The Chronicle of the Church * 194 Chase, the Rt. Rev. Philander, D.D 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93, ISS. 169. 189 Chatham, Conn 14 1 ) J 78 Chenango County, N. Y 150 Cheshire, Conn 71, 97, ioo, 112, 138 Chewstown, Conn 60 Child, the Rev. Caleb, sketch of 177 mentioned 48, 5 2 degradation of 58 Chittenden, the Rev. Bethuel 62, 139 Captain SS Christian Knowledge Society, The 195 Christian Journal, The '92 CHURCHES. Connecticut — Christ, Bethany 14° Christ, Bethlehem I7S Trinity, Branford 59, 129. 130, 146, 178, 184 St. John's, Bridgeport 132, ISS St. Matthew's, Bristol 49 Trinity, Brooklyn 154 Trinity, Chatham 178 St. Peter's, Cheshire 62, 100, no, 137 Christ, Derby 137 St. James's, Derby 51 Christ, East Haven 59 St. Stephen's, East Haddam 41, 149, 150 St. Matthew's, East Plymouth 178 Trinity, Fairfield 131, 132 Christ, Hartford 56,183 consecration of So St. Mark's, Harwinton 49, 178 St. Peter's, Hebron 141 St. Paul's, Huntington 43, 81, 131, 142, 158, 167, 176 Union Church, Killingworth 79, 187 St. Michael's, Litchfield 134, *45, 151. 169, 179 Christ, Middle Haddam 141, 178 — 204 — Connecticut— Christ, Middletown 9, 11, 12, 112, 125, 126, 147, 149. 168, 169 St. Peter's, Milford 142 St. Paul's Chapel, New Haven 116 St. Paul's Church, New Haven 117 Trinity, New Haven 16, 17, 40, 41, 45, 79, 108, 125, 126, 132, 134. 143. 174 St. James's, New London 22, 123, 137, 139, 141. 150, 176 St. John's, New Milford 127, 145 Trinity, Newtown 35, I3S, 137. 174 Zion Church, North Branford 187 St. Peter's, Northbury 139. 140, 175 St. John's, Northford 184 Trinity, Northfield 178 St. John's, North Guilford 79, 130, 134, 146, 169, 178 St. John's, North Haven 23, 134, 146 St. Paul's, Norwalk 24, 58, 144, 157, 159 Christ, Norwich 141. 156 St. Peter's, Oxford 134. 140 St. Peter's, Plymouth 81, 112 Trinity, Portland 141 Christ, Quaker Farms 134, T S3 Christ, Redding 169 St. Stephen's, Ridgefield 152 Christ, Roxbury 175 St. Michael's, Salem 140. 164 St. John's, Salisbury 51, 53 Trinity, Seymour 147 Union, Seymour 147 St. Andrew's, Simsbury 157, 178 St. John's, Stamford 58, 134, 136, 157, 158, 195 Christ, Stratford 40, 48, 130, 131, 134, 135, 142, 155, 177, 178, 195 Christ, Tashua 134, 142 St. Paul's, Wallingford 59, 134, 184 Christ, West Haven S3, 125, 182 Christ, Wethersfield 54 St. Paul's, Woodbury 131, 164, 175 England — Royal Chapel of St. James, Westminster 125, 126, 128 Parish Church of St. James, Westminster 125, 126, 128 Maryland — St. John's, Baltimore 145 Massachusetts — King's Chapel, Boston 7, 154 Trinity, Boston 10, 23 Christ, Cambridge 154 St. Paul's, Dedham 9 St. James, Great Barrington 128, 150, 177 St. Luke's, Lanesborough 174 Trinity, Lenox 128 —205— Massachusetts— St. Paul's, Newburyport 25 St. Peter's, Salem 179 New York— St. Peter's, Albany 158, 169 St. Ann's, Brooklyn 129, 144 Trinity, Fishkill 142 St. George's, Flushing 143 St. George's, Hempstead 167 Christ, Hudson 128 Grace, Jamaica 123, 129, 176 Christ, Manhansett 167 St. James's, Newtown 143 Christ, Poughkeepsie 142 Christ, Rye 5, 159 Grace, Rye , . . . • 141 Caroline, Setauket 176 St. Andrew's, Staten Island 123 St. Paul's, Troy 169 St. George's Chapel, New York City 169 Trinity, New York City n, 129, 158, 167, 184, 188 St. Peter's, Westchester 123 New Jersey — Trinity, Newark 158 Christ, New Brunswick 123 St. Peter's, Perth Amboy 158 Pennsylvania — Christ, Philadelphia 26, 160 Rhode Island — King's Chapel, Providence 142 St. Michael's, Bristol 143, 179 Trinity, Newport 129 Scotland — Bishop Skinner's Chapel, Long Acre, Aberdeen .... 124 Churchman, The 192 Churchman's Magazine, The 11, 61, 62, 63, 75, 76, 77, 101, 107, 108, 158, 185, 186, 192 Church, Horace 183 Claggett, the Rt. Rev. Thomas J., D.D 75, 126, 189 Claremont, N. H 148 Clarke, the Rev. Abraham L., sketch of 142, 143 mentioned 33, 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 48, 141, 157 the Rev. Peter G 96, 100, 103, 106, 112, 114 the Rev. Richard S 134, 145, 169 the Rev. William 9 Clark, Ebenezer 183 James 59 the Rev. Joseph P 114 Thaddeus 182 Coit, the Rev. Thomas W., D.D., LL.D 118 Cokesbury College 144 Colchester, Conn 141 206 Coleman, Dr. Noah 42 College of Philadelphia 129 Columbia College, New York City 144, 165 Columbia County, N. Y 128 Commissary requested 7 Concordate with the Bishops in Scotland 17 Connecticut, Diocese of, see Diocese of Connecticut, Church Documents 6, 7, 16, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28 General Assembly of 172, 190 State Capitol of 191 mentioned 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 160, 162, 163 Connecticut Courant, The 7, 8, 183 Connecticut Journal, The 39, 166 Convocation, term denned as used in England 12 powers and duties in England 13 Convocation of the Clergy of Connecticut 12 convoked by the Bishop 12 powers and duties 13 list of early meetings 30 Records of 33-120 mentioned, see Records of Convocation. Action of, on Constitution and Canons of the American Church 34, 33 Prayer Book of 1789 37, 39 College of Doctors 37, 39 Articles of Religion 43, S3 Candidates for Holy Orders 38 Office of Induction 54 Requirements for election of a Bishop 88, 89, 90, 91 establishment .of a College 99 proposed Society for decayed Clergymen 96, 97 proposed Society for relief of the widows and orphans of Clergymen 105, m, 114, 190 Sunday Schools 107, 109, 119 Christian Knowledge Society 105, 112, 116, 117, 119 proposed new Church periodical 108 mentioned 135, 137 Cooper, James Fenimore 150 the Rev. Myles, LL.D 155 Cornwall, the Rev. Asa 64, 74, 75, 76, yy, 80, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, 100, 102, 106, 112 Cossit, the Rev. Ranna 148 Cranson [Cranston], the Rev. William 94 Croswell, the Rev. Harry, D.D 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106, 108, in, 112, 114, 115, "6, 118, 119, 191 Cruse, the Rev. Christian F ! I2 Cushman, Elisha I o I — 207 — D. Danbury, Conn 40, 48, 49, 59, 153. 184 Dartmouth College 141 Da vies, the Rev. Thomas 127, 134 Dedham, Mass ~ 9 Degrees in Divinity 165 Deism 19 DeLancey, Col. Oliver 129 Dexter, Professor Franklin B 17 Dibblee, the Rev. Ebenezer, D.D 37, 41, 165 Digby, Admiral 124 Digby, Nova Scotia 157, 178 Diocese of Connecticut, Bishop's Fund of 172 Candidates for Orders in 71 Constitution of 45 Article III of Constitution of 189 Standing Committee of 51, 133, 146, 165, 184, 190 Trustees for receiving Donations 172 mentioned 38 Diocese of New Hampshire 168 Diocese of New Jersey 158 Diocese of New York, Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund of 176 Office of Induction in 182 Standing Committee of 184 Doane, the Rt. Rev. George W., D.D 100, 103, 106, 190, 195, 196 Doctors, College of 37, 39 Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticut 6 Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society 192 Dudley, Joshua 60 Duncan, the Rev. * 64 Durham, Conn 184 E. Eastburn, the Rt. Rev. Manton, D.D 179 Eastern Churches 161 East Haddam, Conn 4° East Haven, Conn 184 Edinburgh, Scotland 123 Ellison, the Rev. Thomas 169 England 154, 158, 160 Church of 5, 35, 36, 154 Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn. discussion of ■ • • • • no 1 This entry on the "Records" is evidently a mistake of the Secretary and should be: Blackburn, the Rev. John Lynn. — 208— Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn. petition to erect into a college 84 inquiry requested 98 mentioned 25, 41, 51, 62, 112, 127, 135, 138, 185 Episcopal Watchman, The 196 Exeter, Conn 42 England 125, 126 F. Fairfax, the Rev. Bryan 142 Fairfield, Conn 6, 7, 8, 130, 131 County 152 Fanning, Col. Edmund 124, 158, 160 Ferguson, the Rev. Colin, D.D 132 First Ecclesiastical Society, Litchfield, Conn 151 Fishkill, N. Y 129 Florida 144 Fogg, the Rev. Daniel, sketch of 154, 15S mentioned 10, 35, 55, 173 the Rev. Jeremiah IS4 Foote, the Rev. David, sketch of 141, 142 mentioned 23, 33, 34, 41, 164 Nathaniel 141 Fredericksburgh Precinct 129 French and Indian War 183 Fulham, London, England, Chapel 150 Palace 123 Fundamental Principles 19 G. Garfield, the Rev. John M 99, 103, 106 Gear, [Geer], the Rev. Alpheus 92, 94, 96, 97, 100, 103, 112, 114, 118 General Convention, the, Adjourned session, 1789 160 Amendment of Constitution 161 Assent of the New England deputies 162 Canon VI, 1789 38, 166 Constitution and Canons of 34, 186 Digest of Canons, 1901 166 House of Bishops formed 162 mentioned 68, 69, 73 Office of Induction , 182 Office of Institution 182 mentioned 19, 24, 26, 27, 38, 40, 67, 135, 137, 144, 146, I7S, 176 — 2og — General Education Society no General Sunday School Union no Gibson, the Rt. Rev. Edmund, D.D 7 Gilbert, the Rev. Sturgis 81, 88, go, 92, 95, 96, 101, 102, 103 de la Portree 165 Granby, Conn 158 Great Barrington, Mass 47, 127 Great Hill, Conn 148 Green, T. and T 42 the Rev. William 49, SO, 51 Greenwich, Conn 6 Gregson, William 6 Glebe 6 Griswold, the Rt. Rev. Alexander Viets, D.D., sketch of 178, 179 consecration of 179 Presiding Bishop 179 mentioned 46, 48, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 76, 158, 177, I9S Elisha 178 Eunice (Viets) 178 the Rev. Samuel 60, 61, 64 Guilbert, the Rev. Edmund, D.D., Annals of an Old Parish 132 Guilford, Conn 78, 94, 124, 155, 187 Gunn, Jobannah 164 H. Hall, Prof. Frederick 191 Hall and Sellers 163, 170 Hallam, the Rev. Robert A., D.D., Annals of St. James's Church, New London 150, 176 Hammell, the Rev. William 143 Hanmer, and Co 191 Harison, Hon. Richard 161 Hart, the Rev. Seth, sketch of 167 mentioned 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 54, 57, 164 the Rev. Samuel, D.D., D.C.L., The Seabury Centenary 10 The Election of Bishop Seabury 10 Convention Sermon, 1896 10 Bishop Seabury 's Communion Office 14, 180 Report of the Custodian of the Standard Prayer Book, 1898 171 Hartford, Conn 55, 84, 100, no, 116, 126, 189, 191, 193, 196 Hartland, Vt 168 Harvard College 143, 154 University 179 2IO Harwinton, Conn 49, 168, 178 Harwood, the Rev. Edwin, D.D., The Beginning of the Episcopal Church in New Haven 6 Hawks, the Rev. Francis L., D.D 6 Hawley, Isaac 65, 66 Heath, the Rev. Levi 144 Hebron, Conn 7, 42, 45, 46, 48, 141, 148 Hempstead, N. Y 123 Henry III, of England 165 VIII, of England 165 Herron, Wm 172 Herschel, Mr '. 42 Hickok, Prof. Horatio 191 Hilliar [Hilliard] , the Rev. Timothy 64 Hoadley, George E 7 Hobart, the Rt. Rev. John Henry, D.D 65, 75, 94, 140, 147, 167, 179, 186, 188, 190 Holcomb, the Rev. Frederick, D.D 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 106, 112, 118 the Rev. Origen P., D.D 96, 97, 99, 103, 118 Holly [Hawley], Isaac 66 Holmes, the Rev. Abiel, D.D 17 Hopkinson, Hon. Francis 27 Hopkinston, Mass. ? 7 Horse Neck, Conn 6 Howell, the Rev. - Orson V 106 Hubbard, the Rev. Bela, D.D., sketch of 124, 125 mentioned 7, 8, 9, 12, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. 49, So, Si, 52, S3, 55, 57. 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 70, 71, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 146, 155, 160, 162, 165, 172, 173 Daniel 124 Diana (Ward) 124 the Rev. Reuben 81, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95 Hudson River 151 Hull, the Rev. Ambrose, sketch of 143, 144 mentioned 33, 34, 38, 118, 142, 157 the Rev. Lemuel B 100, 103, 106, 112, 114, 115 Humphrey, the Rev. Aaron 92, 94, 95 the Rev. Prof. Hector, D.D 103, 106, 112, 114, 115, 191 Humphreyille 147 Humphry [Humphrey], the Rev. Aaron 91 Huntington, Conn 42 Long Island, N. Y 123 the Hon. Samuel 18 Huse, the Rev. Nathaniel 85, 90, 92 211 I. Imlay, William 183 Ingersoix, the Hon. Jonathan 39, 41, 172 Ives, the Rev. Edward J 100, 102, 103 the Rev. Reuben, sketch of 137-139 mentioned 33, 34, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, SO, Si. 52, S3, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 71, 72, 74, 78, 79, 84, 86, 89, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, 103, 112, 135, 146 Zachariah 137 J. Jarvis, the Right Rev. Abraham, D.D., sketch of 125-127 mentioned 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 29, 33, 37, 41, 43, 44, 46, 50, 52, S3, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 7i, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 84, 91, 124, 149, 160, 162, 165, 177, 184, 186, 195 Registry of Ordinations 187 Naomi (Brush) 125 Capt. Samuel 125 the Rev. Samuel Farmar, D.D 81, 118, 127 A Voice from Connecticut 163 the Rev. William 100, 103, 106, 112, 114, 118 John, King of England 165 Johnson, the Rev. Samuel, D.D 6, 7, 124, 125, 144, 152, 155 Hon. Samuel William 172, 191 Capt. Timothy 78 the Rev. 118 Jones, the Rev. Cave 188 the Rev. Isaac, D.D 85, 86, 90, 92, 94, 96, 102, 103, 106, 145 the Rev. Jasper D S3, 55, 57, 90, 92, 95, 97 Judah, the Rev. Henry R 99, 103 Judd, the Rev. Bethel, D.D 53, 55, 77, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 103, 105, 118, 119 the Rev. Jonathan 72, 86, 89, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96 K. Keeler, the Rev. James no, 112 Kemp, the Rt. Rev. James, D.D 196 Kensington, N. H 154 Keppel, the Rt. Rev. Frederick, D. D 125, 126 Kewley, the Rev. John, M.D 77, 78 Kilbourn, the Rev. James 57, 144 — 212 — Kilgour, the Rt. Rev. Robert, D.D 124 Killingworth, Conn 169 King, the Rev. 46 King's College, N. Y 124, 155, 158 Kingston, N. B Kirby, Col. Ephraira 172, 184 Kneeland, the Rev. Ebenezer 8 L. Lambeth degree 165 England 26 Landaff [Llandaff], Bishop of, thanked 50 Lanesborough, Mass 44, 128, 174 Lansingburgh, N. Y 170 Lawson [Lamson], the Rev. Joseph 152 Lay Delegates, Convention of 25 Leaming, the Rev. Jeremiah, D.D 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 21, 24, 52, 130, 135, 143, 146 Lebanon, Conn 42 Lebanon Springs, N. Y 174 Leeds, Carey 65, 66, 67, 70 Lenox, Mass 174 Litchfield, Conn 33, 61, 125, 133, 134, 145, 187 London, England 155 Bishop of 5, 123, 154, 155 Long Acre, Aberdeen, Scotland 124 Long Island 123 Sound 169 Louisiana 193 Lucas, the Rev. William 145 Lyttleton, the Rt. Rev. Charles, D.D 125, 126 M. Macdonough, Commodore Thomas 191 Magaw, the Rev. Samuel, D.D 27 Malbone, Evan 172 Col. Godfrey 154, 156 Manchester, the Rev. Dr. L. C 171 Mansfield, the Rev. Richard, D.D 7, 17, 21, 34, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45. 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 72, 80, 84, 90, 92, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 106, 118, 119, 146, 147, 148, 149, 165, 168, 173, 175, 184, 185 Markham, the Most Rev. William, D.D 10 Marlborough, Conn 141 —213— Marsh, David 65 the Rev. Truman, sketch of 144, 146 mentioned 33, 34, 39, 41. 43, 44. 45, 46, 48, Si, SS, 56, 58, 61, 64, 72, 74, 75, 78, 80, 84, go, 92, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 106, 118, 119, 145, 151, 179 Marshall, the Rev. John Rutgers 10 164 R- B 3 8 Maryland j^ 2 Massachusetts, 7>9t ^o, 162, 163 Mason, the Rev. Henry M., D.D 100 McCracken, John 183 McDonald, the Rev. Daniel, D.D 85, 86, 87, 88 McGarvey, the Rev. William, Liturgiae Americanae 163 Merriam, the Rev. Clement 61, 62, 64, 71 Meriden, Conn 3^4 Merwin, Samuel 191 Middletown, Conn 11, 12, 14, 43, 64, 100, 114, 115, 125, 126, 161 Middle Haddam, Conn 141 Miles, the Rev. Smith, sketch of 177, 178 mentioned 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 64, 81, 84, 86, 88, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 149, 184 Mohawk Indians 158 Moore, the Rt. Rev. Benjamin, D.D 11, 13, 14, 28, 68, 69, 75, 161 the Most Rev. John, D.D 10 the Rt. Rev. Richard C, D.D 159 the Rev. Wm. H., D.D., History of St George's Church, Hempstead, Long Island 167 Morris, Conn 144 Morgan, John 84, 172, 183 J. Pierpont 171 Munday, widow Sarah 65 Muirson, the Rev. George 159 Munsey, George Burnham, Journals of the first twenty-eight Conventions of the Diocese of New Hampshire 168 N. Narragansett, R. 1 176 Nash, the Rev. Daniel 150 Newark, N. J 158 New Brunswick, N. J 139 Newburgh, N. Y. 129 — 214 — Newburyport, Mass 154 New Concord, N. Y 128 New Hampshire, Diocese of 14, 25, 160, 168 New Haven, Conn 6, 8, 14, 16, 29, 40, 41, 42, 50, 62, 82, 87, 88, 93. 98, 100, 106, 116, 124, 135, 194 New Lisbon, N. Y 150 New London, Conn 6, 7, 10, 14, 22, 54, 139, 156, 175, 176, 195 New Milford, Conn 7. 44, 127, 144 New Orleans, La 193 New Preston, Conn 145 Newport, R. 1 124, 142 Newton, the Rev. Christopher 8, 131, 142 Newtown, Conn 6, 34, 54, 72, 105, 118, 136, 137, 146, 177 New York 5, 6, 9, 21, 78, 124, 156, 17s, 186, 192 City of 124, 175, 186, 192 Diocese of 176, 182, 184 Nichols., the Rev. James 134, 168 the Hon. Philip 41 Nisbett, the Rev. Samuel, M.D 23, 143 Noble, the Rev. Birdsey G 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, no, 118, 119, 191 Nobles [Noble], the Rev. Birdsey G 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94 Nobletown, N. Y 128 North Bristol, Conn 187 North Carolina 154 Northfield, Conn 178 Northford, Conn 184 North Groton, Conn 6 North Guilford, Conn 125, 187 North Haven, Conn 23, 138, 143, 146, 149 North Killingworth, Conn 187 North Oxford, Conn 140 Norwalk, Conn 8, 77, no, 144, 169 Academy in Norwich, Conn 8, 75, 141, 156, 157 Notitia Parochialis 41 Nova Scotia 124, 138 O. Office of Induction 54, 182 Ogden, the Rev. Uzal, D.D 158, 162 Ogilvie, Catharine (Symes) 158 the Rev. George, sketch of 158, 159 mentioned 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49 the Rev. John, D.D 158 Ohio 144 River 193 —215— Old French War 128 Oliver, the Rev. Thomas F 17 Onderdonk, the Rt. Rev. Benjamin T., D.D 150 Osbaldiston, the Rt. Rev. Richard, D.D 123, 125, 126 Otsego County, N. Y 150 Oxford, Conn 175 Oyster River, Conn 52 P. Paddock, the Rev. Seth B 103 Palmer, the Rev. Solomon 127, 134 Pardee, the Rev. Amos 59, 61 Parker, the Rt. Rev. Samuel, D.D 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 21, 23, 25, 26, 68, 160, 162 Pauquatannok [Poquetanuck], Conn 46 Peekskill, N. Y 129 Pennsylvania 20, 26, 163 Perkins, Elias 191 Perry, the Rev. David, M.D., sketch of 152, LS3 mentioned 34, 40, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49 Grace (Sturgis) 152 Joseph, M.D 135 the Rev. Joseph 57, 90, 94, 96, 99, 106 Micah 152 the Rev. Philo, sketch of 135, 137 mentioned 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, I74> 184 Richard 152 Ruth (Preston) 135 the Rt. Rev. William S., D.D., LL.D 6 Historical Notes and Documents 16 Peter Lombard 165 Peters, John Thompson 191 Hon. John S 191 the Rev. Samuel, LL.D 141, 148, 168 Petrie, the Rt. Rev. Arthur, D.D 124 Philadelphia, Penn 26, 28, 51, 52, 145, 193 Phoebus, John H 115 Chants adapted to the Service of the Protestant Episcopal Church 115, 194 Pittsburgh, Penna 193 Plainfield, N. H 168 Plumb, the Rev. Elijah G 76, 77, 79, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95 Plymouth, Conn 80, 81, 131, 139 Pomfret, Conn 155, J 56 Potter, the Rt. Rev. Horatio, D.D., D.C.L 106, 112, 114 William T 118 15 — 2l6 PoUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y 129, 175 Prayer Book, the, English IS American 19 Proposed Book 19, 162 Changes proposed 14, 15, 20, 162, 163 Changes adopted 163 Use of 39 First edition of 162 Early editions of I7 1 Connecticut edition proposed 42, 161 editions issued Vj\ Prindle, Anna (Scovill) 139 the Rev. Chauncey, sketch of 139. 141 mentioned 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, SO, Si, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 71, 72, 74, 80, 81, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 93, 96, 118, 137, 146, 164, 167 Eleazar 139 Propagation Society, the venerable 5, 6, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 139, 156 Protestant Episcopal Press, the 192 Providence, R. 1 142 Provoost, the Rt. Rev. Samuel, D.D 11, 20, 21, 127, 159, 162, 184 Price, the Rev. Roger , 7 Pyne, the Rev. Smith, D.D 114, 115 Punderson, the Rev. Ebenezer 124 Purdee [Pardee], the Rev. Amos 48 R- Rattoone, the Rev. Elijah D., D.D 144 Rayner, the Rev. Menzies Tj, 78, 81, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 105, 183, 185 Reading [Redding], Conn 40, 48, 49, 144 Records of Convocation, mentioned 3, 123, 124, 127, 153, 165, 167, 175, 177, 178 Redding Ridge, Conn 9, 136 Revolution, the American 5, 9, 123, 125, 130, 154, 157, 175, 183 Reyner [Rayner], the Rev. Menzies ... .56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64, 71, 72, 75, 76 Rhode Island 12, 14 Church in 52 Richmond, the Rev. Wm 193 Ridgefield, Conn 40, 49, 152, 153 Ripton, Conn 8, 131 Rochester, N. Y 135 — 217 — Rogers, the Rev. Ammi 56, 57, 59, 65, 66, 67, 73, 75, 127 suspension of with sentence 62, 63 degradation of 63 petition of 93 mentioned 149, 150, 183, 184, 185, 186 the Rev. Evan 55, 57, 65, 77 Rossiter, the Rev. Rodney 96, 97, 100, 103, 112, 114 Roxbury, Conn 145 Mass. : 124, 125 Royal American Regiment 124, 158, 160 Rudd, the Rev. John C, D.D 91, 192 Rutledge, the Rev. Edward 106, 108, m Rye, N. Y 5,65 S. Salem, Conn 37, 167 Mass 25- Salisbury, Conn 47 Sandersfield [Sandisfield], Mass '. 47 Sandgate, Vt 168 Sanford, Thomas 183 Saybrook 125 Platform 6 Sayre, the Rev. James, sketch of 129, 131 protest of 35, 36 Inhibition of 45, 177 mentioned 33, 34, 164 the Rev. John 129 Scotland 21, 123, 124, 129 Scovill, the Rev. James 8, 131, 139, 164 Seabury, Abigail (Mumford) 123 the Rev. Charles, sketch of 175, 176 mentioned 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 56, 58, 64, 71, 75, 79, 84, 86, 88 Mary (Hicks) *.... 175 the Rev. Samuel 123, 126, 167, 176 the Rt. Rev. Samuel, D.D., sketch of 123, 124 Consecration of 11 first ordination of 12 first charge of 12 second charge of 19 mitre of 23 burial of 156 The Communion Office 18 Collects for Courts of Justice 49, 180, 181 — 2I&— Seabury, Registry of Ordinations 152, 167, 169, 177 Letters of a Westchester Farmer 123 mentioned 3, 10, u, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. 44, 45. 46, 48, 49. 52, 129, 130, 132, 134, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 152, 153, 157, 160, 161, 162, 165, 168, 169, 174. 175, 177 the Rev. Samuel, D.D 176 the Rev. William J., D.D., The Election in Order to Consecration of the First Bishop of Connecticut 10 mentioned 176, 180, 181 Searle, the Rev. Roger 64, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 142 Service, form of, during the Revolution 9 Setauket, Long Island 176 Seymour, Conn 147 Shelton, Daniel 131 the Rev. George 106 Hamilton 132 the Rev. Philo, sketch of 131-133 mentioned 17. 33, 34. 38, 40. 41. 42, 43. 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 139, 153 Mrs. Philo 104, 133 Samuel 131 the Rev. William, D.D 106, 131 Sherlock, the Rt. Rev. Thomas, D.D 123 Sherman, Conn 173 Sherwood, John 132 the Rev. Reuben, D.D 92, 94, 95, 96, 99, 100, 103, 106, in, 114 Shipman, Elias 172 Sigourney, Charles 99 Simsbury, Conn 8, 178 Skinner, the Rt. Rev. John, D.D 21, 23, 124 Slafter, the Rev. Edmund F., D.D 9 Smith, the Rev. Charles 95, 96, 97 Hon. Nathan 99 the Rt. Rev. Robert, D.D 126, 160, 161 the Rev. William, D.D 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 161 the Rev. William, D.D., of Connecticut 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 71, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 126 — 2ig — Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, See Propagation Society. Som aster's Library 87, 107, 188 Somers, the Rev. Daniel 96, 102 South Carolina 144 Southington, Conn 134 Spraggs, the Rev. Samuel 17 Sprague, the Rev. Wm. B., D.D., Annals of the American Pulpit, V 7, 170, 175 Stamford, Conn 6, 22, 65, 66, in Standing Order 6, 123, 141, 155, 169 Starr, Jonathan 172 State Prayers 14, 17 Steele, the Rev. Ashbel 114 Stevens, the Rev. C. Ellis, LL.D., D.C.L., The^ Genesis of the American Prayer Book 163 Stiles, the Rev. Ezra, D.D. The Literary Diary 17 St. John, New Brunswick 130, 151 Stone, the Rev. Benjamin W 146 the Rev. John S„ D.D 145 Memoir of the Rt. Rev. Alexander Viets Griszvold, D.D. 179 Stratfield [Bridgeport] , Conn 28, 40, 132 Stratford, Conn 6, 7, 30, 48, 86, 11 1, 130, 135, 195 Strebeck, the Rev. George 77 Sydney, Cape Breton 148 T. Talmage, Captain Amzi 80 Terrick, the Rt. Rev. Richard, D.D 128, 154, 156 Thomas, the Rt. Rev. John, D.D 123 Thorpe, Sheldon B., Annals of North Haven 149 Todd, the Rev. Ambrose, sketch of 157, 158 mentioned 35, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 70, 77, 96, 97, 100, 118, 139, 142, 144, 149, 172, 178, 184 the Rev. Ambrose Seymour, D.D 96, 97, 100, 158, 195 the Rev. Charles Jarvis 158 Tood [Todd], the Rev. Ambrose 57 Townsend, the Rev. Epenetus 152 Tracy, John 15 Trinity College, Hartford, Conn 23 See Washington College. Troy, N. Y 169 Trumbull, the Rev. Benjamin, D.D 146 John 157 220 Tryon, General William 131 Turkey Hills [in Simsbury], Conn 8 Twiss, Sir Travers, D.C.L 12 Tyler, the Rev. John, sketch of 155, 157 mentioned 35, 38, 42, 43, 48, 50, 55, 56, 61, 71, 74. 141, 149, 150, 184, 190 The Blessing of Peace 156, 157 John 155 Mary (Doolittle) 155 U. United British Empire 160 University, Brown 179 Cambridge, England 165 Harvard 179 Oxford, England 124, 165 Paris, France 165 Princeton 179 Usher, the Rev. John 143 the Rev. John, Jr 143 V. Van Dyck, the Rev. Henry 132, 142, 143 Van Dyke [Van Dyck], the Rev. Henry 17 Vermont 9, 128, 148, 168 Diocese of 168 Vergennes, Vt 175 Viets, the Rev. Roger 8, 21, 157, 158, 178 W. Wainwright, the Rt. Rev. Jonathan M., D.D 95, 195 Walden, N. Y 129 • Wallingford, Conn 8, 10, 20, 138, 156, 184 Walter, the Rev. William, D.D 124, 125 Ward, the Rev. John 76 Warner [Warren] , the Rev. Joseph 56, 57 the Rev. Ransom 103, 114 Warren, Eliakim 169 the Rev. Joseph ' 59, 149, 184 Waterbury, Conn 37, 96, 131, 139 Waterbury, David 65 Waterford, N. Y 170 Watertown, Conn 37, 40, 74, 131, 139 Watkinson, David 191 Watson, the Rev. William, D.D 1 16 Washington, Conn 133 — 221 — Washington College, Hartford, proposed 99 mentioned 115, 170, 175, 195 chartered 191 Name changed to Trinity College 191 See Trinity College. Washington College, Maryland 23, 26 Wells, the Rev. E. M. P., D.D 118 the Rev. Noah 125 Welton, the Rev. Alanson ' 94 the Rev. Joseph D 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96 Mrs. Joseph D 105 Westchester, N. Y 123, 17s West Haven, Conn 6 Weston, Conn 132 Wethersfield, Conn 167 Wetmore, the Rev. James '. 6, 152 Wheaton, the Rev. Nathaniel S., D.D 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 108, in, 112, 114, us, 191 the Rev. Salmon, D.D 77 Wheeler, the Rev. Russell 64, 65, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 88 Wheelock, the Rev. Eleazar, D.D 141 White, the Rev. Calvin 53, 62, 65, 71, 77, 80, 86, 88, 89, 91, 95 the Rt. Rev. William, D.D 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 68, 69, 72, 75, 127, 129, 144, 145 Memoirs of the Church 160 Whitestown, N. Y 140 Whiting, Calvin 183 Whitlock, the Rev. Henry 57, 60, 61, 64, 65, 71, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89 Wilkins, the Rev. Isaac, D.D 123 Williams, Israel 42 the Rt. Rev. John, D.D., LL.D 3, 10, 18, 147 Men for the Times 10 The Wise Ruler 18 deWood, Antony 165 Woodbury, Conn 10, 37, 45, 46, 89, 101, 131, 134, 155 Wooster, Hon. John 41 Worthington [New Britain], Conn 167 Y. Yale College 124, 125, 127, 131, 133, 135, 137, 146, 148, 155, 157, 165, 167, 177 York, Archbishop of 10, 12 Young, Ebenezer 191 Zoar, Conn 175 ERRATA. The Reader is asked to make these Corrections. Page 142. Stratford for Stamford. 152. Lamson for Lawson. 157- Hull for Hall. 179. 1836 for 1830. 182. 1808 for 1868. 184. Miles for Mills. 186. 1805 for 1808. 191. 1845 for 1848. 195- Convocation for Convention