m m '^* ^yyy^^y/zvx-ca-? FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library Z7070 .L82 + Descriptive catalogue of a portion of th 3 1924 029 619 578 olln Overs XI Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029619578 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE DR. LOUIS LOEWE, OEIENTAL LINGUIST TO THE DUKE OF SUSSEX, EXAMINEE FOR ORIENTAL LANGUAGES TO THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS, FOREIGN SECRETARY TO SIR MOSES MONTEFIORE, BART, AND PRINCIPAL OF MONTEFIORE COLLEGE, RAMSGATE. together with a Portrait, a short Biography and some rough bibhographieal Notices. BY JAMES H. LOEWE. to which is added a reprint of the Paper contributed to the Breslauer Monatsschrift by Dr. Hartwig Hirschfeld, Professor of Arabic at Montefiore College, describing the Manuscripts collected by Dr. Loewe, at present in the possession of his widow. LONDON 18 9 5 Printed in Mayence by the J oh. Wirth'sche Hofbuchdruckerei A.-G. PREFACE. The Library of my lamented Father was divided amongst my brothers — in — law, Dr. Adolph Kurrein, Chief Eabbi of Teplitz, Bohemia, Dr. Hartwig Hirschfeld, Professor of Arabic at Montefiore College, Eamsgate, and myself, the two former taking the oriental and theological works respectively, whilst I acquired the remainder. In producing the present Catalogue, I lay no claim whatever to literary merit or original research ; my object was simply to make the more intimate personal acquaintance of my books, to preserve them in proper order for the benelit of my children and friends, and thus gratefully perpetuate the name of my Father, in whose sense and spirit I feel I shall have acted if, by the help of my humble contributioa to Bibliography, I succeed in furthering, in however small a degree, the study of the life, language and literature of the Jew, as presented in the Bible, the only true basis of Religion and Education. James H. Loewe. 5 Copthall Coui't. LONDON, E. C, 1. August 1895. D. |r. Louis Loewe was born at Ziilz, in Prussian Silesia, in 1809. His Father, Marcus Jacob Loewe, was Chief Rabbi of Rosenberg. He studied under those great blas- ters. Rabbi Mordechai Benedikt or Banet and Rabbi Moshe Sofer, at Nicolsburg- and Press- burg, taking his theological diploma as Chief Rabbi at the lattef College and his secular degree at the University of Berlin, where he heard Philosophy and Humaniora under Schleierinacher, Steffens, Neander and Hengstenberg. A desire to increase his knowledge of Oriental languages induced him, in 1836, to leave Berlin for London, where, soon after his arrival, he was presented by the Secretary of the Royal Society to the Duke of Sussex and to the Earl of Munster, a son of George IV., in both of whom he found warm patrons. At Westminster, Oxford, Cambridge and Paris, he was able to prosecute his studies with great success, owing to the introductions of the Duke, which always procured him unlimi- ted access to the various libraries. His intercourse with such men as Dr. John Gilchrist, the great Hindostanee Scholar, Garcin de Tassy, and other Orientalists of renown, led to his admission to the Asiatic Societies of Paris and London — his sponsor at the latter being Sir Alexander Johnstone, a former Governor of India. Under the auspices of his Royal patrons, as well as of the Duke of Northumberland and Admiral Sir Sydney Smith, he travelled in the years 1837 — 8—9 in Egypt, Nabia, Ethiopia, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, Asia Minor and Greece, where he acquired the Arabic, ('-optic, Nubian Turkish and Cir- cassian languages. In Djouni, or the Tower of Lebanon near Zidon, he was the guest for several days of Lady Hester Stanhope, the niece of William Pitt, and his published letters contain important infoi'mation concerning this often misunderstood lady. In Eyn Zetoun, near Safed, he was cruelly tortured and robbed by the Druzes, losing both money, arms and his collected literary treasures and he was compelled to continue his journey through Palestine in the garb of a Bedawee. On his return from the East, he studied for 8 months in the Vatican, under the protection of Cardinals Mezzofanti, Angelo Mai and Lambru- schini. It was in Rome that he first met the late Sir Moses Montefiore, whom he subse- quently accompanied no less than 5 times to the Holy Land, twice to St. Petersburgh, twice to Constantinople, to Eoumania and to Rome. He was afterwards appointed Oriental Linguist to the Duke ot Sussex, Examiner for Oriental Languages to the Royal College of Preceptors, Principal of Jews College and of Judith, Ladj^ Montefiore Theological College at Ramsgate. In his capacity of Literary Executor to Sir Moses, he published the Diaries containing the authentic narratives of the Eastern pilgrimages of the great Philanthropist, whom he survived only a short time. He has left behind him a vast collection of note- books and studies, and a systematic course of publication will be pursued in connection with them. In the meantime, such of his work as is the immediate result of his resear- ches in the course of his travels in the East may be classified under the following heads: As regards the geography of Palestine, our knowledge of its descriptive, statistical and ethnological branches is considerably augmented in the first instance by his „Letters from the East" originally published in German in the „Al]gemeine Zeitung des Juden- thums", which contain many descriptions of places and institutions, customs and characte- ristics of Palestine, which have been little dealt with in other books of travel. His Sta- tistics of the Holy Land contained in tabular statements, are works of patient personal enquiry, and embrace the exact geographical location of villages and towns, as well as the fullest information respecting Agriculture in the past and its possibilities in the future, Avhilst his stay amongst the Samaritans and Caraites, as fully narrated in his Three Lec- tures constitute an important addition to the scant reports on this generally inaccessible people. His travels in Egypt have been productive of highly important work in the field of Hieroglyphics. He made translations of the inscriptions on the obelisk in the „Atmedan" for Sultan Mahmoud, and his note-books contain numerous drawings and translations of hieroglyphical inscriptions on the best as well as the least known Temples and monuments along the Nile, whilst his „ Origin of the Egyptian Language" well-known to students conclusively proves its derivation from the Hebrew. From a numismatical and bibliographical point of view, his travels in Palestine have yielded him a rich harvest in valuable coins and manuscripts — notably amongst the latter a ..Moreh Nebuchim" copied from one of Ibn Tibbons own copies, and a Fifteenth Cen- tury Bible written in the style of the Farkhi Bible at Damascus. He had. moreover, an opportunity of examining the latter at length and securing a detailed statement of its contents. His Numismatic Cabinet contains specimens of Shekalim and other Oriental coins in great variety, the British Museum having recently acquired one of them, a unique Cufic gold coin of great age. Finally, during his stay in Nubia and in the Caucasus, he com- piled a Nubian Grammar — the first ever published — and a Circassian, Turkish and English Dictionary. His diaries, extending over a period of half a century altogether abound in valuable information concerning Palestine in particular and the East in o-eneral. He also published translations of the „Matteh Dan" and „Efes Dammim", as well as a number of discourses and papers read before learned Societies. He married in 1844, Emma, the eldest daughter of Salomon Silberstein, a merchant of Breslau, Silesia, (who was the first to manufacture sugar from beet in Germany), by whom he had six sons and four daughters. Soon after the death of Sir Moses Montefiore at Ramsgate, he removed to London with the intention of completing and publishing many important studies which he had al- ready begun, but he died, after a short illness, in the strength and vigour of life in his eightieth year. — 6 — Through an unfortunata misunderstanding with regard to the prooi"Sheet;^j the Book is disfigured by a vast number of printers errors of which the following are the most important:- INSTEAD OP REiU). page 3. oriental and theological theological and oriental If 12. line 7 Venid Venice B n » 12 1689 1698 R u tt 22 1588 1678 n 13 li 15 consistory consisting K • 15 n 31 thiad daugnter third daughter n 24 No 275 1887 1876 R 26 Mo 280 6736 5636 n 36 Egypt iology Egyptology II 39 Nc 513 Sheet Street » 40 No 525 Lsgiuistact Legitimitaet n 44 No 581 5682 5602 n 47 No 644 1801 1811 J.H,L„ Bibles. Nr. 1 Bible, ty-jpn "[1"T ....... Via Sancta sive Biblia Sacra Authore Elia Huttero Germano .... Hamburg- 1587. Folio. The pages of the preface are wi'ongly bound, the concluding page is to be found at the end of the book. In addition to the 1572 pages of the text printed in black and hollow letters to distinguish radicals from serviles, it contains W^" 1) Praefatio, 2) Quadratum Etymologicum Linguae Ebraeae, 3) Specimen Har- moniae Graecae et Latinae Linguarum, 4) Cubus Alphabeticus & preface, 5) Com- monefactio, 6) Various poetical addresses to Huttei', 7) Greek Epigram, 8) 4 lines of Errata and 9) Specimen Operis Polyglotti. 2 — 6 Pentateuch, with Haphtaroth. Vienna, 1859. 4". Printed by Shelomo Netter of Jei'usalem with the following texts and commentaiies. ,D"2U>n (11 ,j;"K Sv ^iTS (10 ,Nnry px (9 rr nnja (s ,n:^p miDD (7 -nnitan .i:-neD (i4 .^o'^t^iTi ^n:v mjin hv triTB (is -pDi (i^ 7 — 11 Pentateuch. Warsaw, 1876. 8^. Piinted by Yitzchak Goldman with the following Commentaries. miiDm nmnn (5 ,Dmi2n hv2 (4 ,D'ODn ^net* (3 ,'"t!>i (s .^ppm (i 12 Genesis. Hebrew text, Avith German Translation and Commentary by Samson Eaphael Hirsch, Frankfort on the Main, 1867. 8". 13—31 Bible in 19 vols with frontispieces mSti^n m^TlJ "ISD- Prague, 5596 — 1836. Published by M. T. Landau. 8". With Hebrew text, Mendelssohn's German trans- lation in Hebrew characters, Onkelos and the following Commentaries : — I^Vtiil I'lMil f''"li^"l followed by a Hebrew Poem, and a preface .nnTlj'? mX ♦Dnj;ian nvii^iQ iiNnp mh and nf:iipn by wesseiy ,n^tr j;n '^'jno ,mo3Dn Vols 13 to 17 also contain the 5 Megilloth. Each Volume has a separate preface by Wolf Maier of Prague, and a Dictio- nary of the foreign words ; At the end of Isaiah there is a Supplement entitled nC1l2 'ITJX nD''ti>"l ^y Josef Fless of Rausnitz in Moravia being a Chronological list of Hebrew Commentators of the Bible. The Volume „Psalms" contains moreover '^j^it^' ^\^yt2t ^J J^el Brill, 3 Prefaces and 30 Representations of Musical Instruments. There are also various marginal MS notes on linguistic subjects by Dr. Louis Loewe. Tlie 5 Megilloth are repeated in a special Volume with Commentaries. 32—33 Bible, with Hebrew text and Spanish translation in Rashi Characters. Published by Franz de Schmid and Jacob Busch. Vienna, 5602 — 1842. 4". 34—38 Pentateuch. With German translation, Rashi Avith diacritical points and punc- tuation and German translation by Julius Dessauer. Ofen, 1864. 8". '1^ 39 Bible. Biblia Hebi'aica Secundum ultimam editioneni Jos. Atthiae a Johanne Leusden denuo recognitam, recensita atque ad Massoram, et correctiores Bombergi, Stephani, Plantini aliorumque editiones exquisite adornata variisque notis illustrata ab Everardo Van der Hoogt. V. D. M. Editio longe accuratissima. Amstelaedami et Ultrajecti, ediderant Boom, AVaesberge, Goethass, Borstius, Wolters, Halma, Van de Water et Broedelet 1705. 2 vols. 8». The following is from Pettigrews ,,Bibliotheca Sussexiana" p. 180. „This is an exceedingly beautiful edition and was executed with new hebrew types to which the points were affixed. The Atthias Edition of 1667 has formed the basis of this edition. The Editor states, that he himself examined each page three times, and that he employed a learned jew to correct the press. There is a very learned preface in which the Editor takes a review of preceding editions, and states wherein he has altered and amended and adds the judgment of the divines of Leyden and Franeker and that of Leydekker, Braun, Jleyer, Gurtlerius, Rhenferdius and Reland on his work. The argument of the chapters is placed in the margin in Latin. The final Massorah is at the end of the books, accompanied by a Latin interpretation; the name of the books, both in Hebrew and in Latin, and the number of the chapters, are expressed at the head of each page. The numerals are placed to the verses, and the divisions noted, which renders it the most convenient Hebrew Bible for reference. At the end of the second Book of (Chronicles, the principal variations of the Bomberg, Plantin, Athias and other editions, as observed by Van der Hooght, are added and occupy 22 leaves. Dr. Adam Clarke speaks highly of this edition. He styles it ,.an excellent work" . . This Work may be prononnced the most elegant and perfect Bible ever yet pub- lished on the Masoretic Plan." It has a double title-page; one engraved, the other printed. The type is large, distinct and bold ; and the finals are generally from two to three-eighths of an inch in length. He who possesses a copy of this edition need scarcely wish for another for private use." 40- 44 Pentateuch. With ,miro j;"k ,D"y:)'i ,^"u>-i .^ab^iT ,v"^ \n:v Dibpm* p"m pHK rn'?in amian ^j;n Berlin 5455 — 1705. so. 45— 50 . L a t e r Prophets & H a g i o g r a p h a. With Commentary nn jQ ''12?^ ^t2 and Jiid- Deutsch translation. Amsterdam 5514 -— 1754. 8^. — 8 51—54 Bible. Hebrew text only. Berlin 5470 — 1711. 32"°°. Biblia Hebraica non- punctata in Pliilebraeorum gratiam forma minima compendiose expressa e Typo- grapheo D. E. Jablonski. D. cuius etiam Praefatiuncula praemissa est. Presented to Dr. Loewe by Ruben Gumperz of Berlin in 1834. It contains ]\Iarginal MS notes by Dr. Loewe on the Egyptian Names in Genesis. 55 Later Prophets. Wilna 5613 — 1852. 4°. With .^-n ri"n2i)2 ''"U>1 /Dl'?pJ1K pna ^\^lb^^\ y'V m:t2 |V2: miltO Jtid-Deutsch translation, and 'iJnDO IIN^^ 56 Genesis. With 1,-^03 ^^ii -.553 y^D^i^ Hti^D mill 'miH Dj;i ,^"t!t1 .Dl'?pJ1K *\ir\ii nnSin Omtan h^2 ,nnDO /D'^I^^O IDOIJ ah Franlrfort on the Oder. 4''' 5523 — 1763. On the iiy-leaf there is a verse in Hebrew in the handwriting of J. Deutsch, Chief Rabbi of Beuthen, stating that the book belonged to Dr. Loewe's Father. It contains also the Hebrew Writing and drawings of Dr. Loewe as a child of 4 years of age. 57 Genesis. The only Volume published. Translated into English and with an English Commentary by D. A. De Sola, J. L. Lindenthal and Morris J. Raphall. London 1844. 8". 58—67 Prophets &Hagiographa. With -jn mi5iO /'t>1 hH'^l^ ]2 fnJT DUin ?V2£ mi^ai Warsau. 16"°. 68 Bible. Biblia en Lengua Espanola Traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad Hebrayca, por muy excelentes letrados. Vista y examinad a perel (intended for ,,examinada per el") officio de la Inquisicion. Con privilegio del Illustrissimo Senor Duque de Ferrara. En Amsterdam, Impressesadorie de Gilles loost en el Xieuwe-Straet 5606. W^" The date 5606 may be intended for 5406 = 1646, in which case this copy would be a reprint of the Second Edition of the Ferrara Bible, the date of which is accurately given on p. 605 as 15 de Sebath, 5390 = 1630, revised and cor- rected by Manasseh ben Israel. The title-page is engraved by Cornelius Muller and contains representations of the Ark, Moses and Aaron, Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and their ejectment. On the reverse of the title page is the Preface to the Edition of 1563 followed by the order of the Haphtaroth, Table of the Books, Chronological Lists (from the Seder 01am) and the Weekly portions. A similar Copy was in the Library of the Duke of Sussex, sec Pettigrew's Bibliotheca Sussexiana, Vol II p. 233. The text is Spanish printed in double columns. All the Chapters have beautiful capitals and tail-pieces. Folio. Bound and well-preserved. — — 9 — 2 69 Bible and New Testament. Coloniae 1647. IS""". Biblia Sacra Vulgatae editionis Sixti V. Pont. 31. Jussu recognita, et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita. Coloniae Agrippinae. IPF" Sumpt. Haer. Bernardi Gualteri et Sociorum MDCXXXXVII Cum privilegio S. Caesareae Maj. A\^itli tlie Index testimoniorum, Ihterpretatio Nominum and Index Biblicus. A pencil remark at the end describes this as an Editio Rarissima. 70 New Testament. Greek & English. Edited by James Scholefield M. A. for the Cambridge Syndics of the University Press. London 1850. 71 Old u. New Testaments in Spanish by Cipriano de Valera. London 1867. 8". ■ In Italian by Giovanni Diodati. London. No date. la"". 72 Psalms. Latin und Hebrew. Liber Psalmorum a Johanne Leusden Linguae Sanctae in Academia Ultrajectina Professore ordinario. Amstelodami Typis et sumptibus Josephi Athias. Anno 1666. 32"°. With an AUoquutio by Leusden, an oriental and classical Scholar of Utrecht, born in 1624. Joseph Athias the printer died in 1700. His Father Tobias Athias printed a Spanish Bible. 73 Psalms. Les Psaumes de David. Traduction litterare et juxtalineaire accompagnes d'une petite grammaire Hebraique et du Dictionnaire des Racines par M. B. Mosse. Grand Rabbin Avignon-Paris 1880. 8°. With M. S. dedication by the Author. 74 Psalms. Avignon 1878. 8". Traduction correcte litteraire des Psaumes .... par Mosse, Grand Rabbin. 75 DiePsalmen. Der Grundtext iibersetzt und kritisch hergestellt von Ferdinand Hitzig-Heidelberg 1835. 8^. Do. historisch kritisch untersucht. Heidelberg 1836. 76 Psalms. Espejo fiel de Vidas que contiene los Psalmos de David en Yerso . . . . por Daniel Israel Lopez Laguna en Londres. With approval of David Nieto & With Woodcuts. London 5480 — 1720. 4". ■^7 nhnp "I3D "^^'ith German translation & Commentary by H. Horowitz. Thorn 1867. 8". 78- n3\vi n'^JO' Das Buch der Elegieen, metrisch Iibersetzt und mit einem hebrai- schen Coijimentar von Dr. Hermann Tietz. Schrimm 1881. 8". 79 Isaiah. With German translation in Hebrew Characters, and j^ipa ,f;ijii ,>")^^ nlDQ ^'i^pT\ .^"nea Da J. Heinemann. Berlin 1842. 8». 80 Mass or a. Die Massorah zum Targum Onkelos. Dr. A. Berliner. Leipzig 1877. — 10 — 81 Tikun Sophrira. Vienna 1840. B^. 82 Tikun Hasoplier. iinipJ "^hl ■ ■ ■ ■ Xllpm ICIDH ?lpn S- Baer. Eoedelheim 1875. 40. ' . ' 83 Commeiitary on tlie Bible by Samuel Sarsal ur Aben Saneli based on the prin- ciples of Ibn Esra and ilaimonides. Mantua .5.319 — 1559. Fol. p"ty r\)i'^)i h^)^^ T'n SbiDn Donn ha nmnn '?v i^J^'^ Q''n iipD isd irasn nm nr'^isi .'^ira panS npm \m ,n:D pN ti>np ptr'?n misan V'2:r 'I '^Niar '1 DDnn icdx ^'7:?n nan D/t'jj? e]iDNn nx'? H'^i'in n,Tmoi'?ym V'r ♦ D^m pi D't2h)i? □n'^in m^pSe 'f mta Qty i"m pan n"nSr D"np niyQ "i"D3_n i"r D"np '^Niaty n"aD Donn ^"y 21 p':?D njim ^ Mm n'^T Djxrrj lob^Sij Dism ujtik nb:;a nStzraa nnn n^iDJD ns dbij I'XG TttD noiDn n''r\ n^Qnwn '"v p"D7 co'^ti^ "iiN n"i2 inox'ja mi!>x-i ♦ ibimja V'r fnii ^'jncj ■i"DDn apj?^i nnnca y'l'r ansK i"DDn ^"T The Author flourished in Spain about the year 1368. His death by burning, according to the Sefer Juchasin, was brought about by Isaac Kanpanton in the following manner. A contract of marriage was being read at a Council of Eabbis and the date ,,anno mundi" was mentioned. Saneh exclaimed that „the World had not been created, whereat Kanpanton called out why does the Bush (Saneh) not burn?" And he was thereupon consigned to the flames. This volume Avas originally in the Library of Moses Mendelssohn and bears his signature which is vouched for by the well-known Town Councillor of Berlin David Friedlander in a few lines on the fly leaf to that eifect. It was presented by D. F. to Dr. Loewe. 84 C m m e n t a 1' y on the Bible by Chayim ' Josef Vital of Calabria. Printed in Jeru- salem 5628 — 1868. Folio. rt31p''bn ISD- This is the book referred to by Professor Eohling in connection with the notorious „Tisza Eszlar Mystery" in Hungary. In a letter to the „Daily Telegraph" of 12 July 1883, Dr. Lo.ewe, after disposing of the charge of ritual murder brought against the Jews by Prof. Rohling in consequence of his false interpretation of the passage contained on page 156 a, further explains that with a view of encouraging industry in the Holy Land, Sir Moses Monteflore had presented a printing press to Israel Bak. The latter in token of gratitude refers to the gift on all books printed by him, viz : ♦ D^Dna voja nnotr: nniiTi ^"^^ nre^isJiD n^a m^t2 mein t!?3Da hv But this was maliciously construed by Eohling to mean „under the auspices of Sii- Moses Monteflore" and used by him in support of his accusations. 85 Commentary on Genesis by Jacob Culi. 5490. Constantinople 5583 — 1823. Folio. Spanish in Eashi Characters (Latino). — U — 86 Commentary on the Pentateuch by Levi ben Gershon. Venice 5307 — 1547. Folio. Printed on white paper. > ana mj;'jan m'ryinn a:; ^\^bQn nK'n Written in 1330 first Edition printed Mantua, 1480; 2nd. Ed. Pesaro 1514 3rd, Ed. Venid 1547. 86 a — The (Conciliator of Manasseh ben Israel by E. H. Lindo. 5602 — 1842. 80. 86b — With autograph letter of E. H. L. to Dr. Loewe. 86 c .1868 ijpiT pj;n ^i^naj m^ n^ti^Kin 'd h); nstz^ n^K* WUfF' 87 Commentary on the Pentateuch by Isaac ben Juda Halevi. Amsterdam 5458 — 1689. 8». ♦ |j;totr leirp n^:m p's'? n"nj njijr mntstyDN 88 Ecclesiastes. With Commentary by Moses Mendelssohn. Berlin 5530—1770. 8". rhv^nh ^'awsi ^b by aiiisn T\:2nh p^bdoi ijrp mxa ay n'rnp nSjo nso This Edition has a preface and two Commentaries. Hebrew & G-erman "nX3 m'^an Eiiid CQ^tDH 11K3 David Friedlaender's Signature and Bookplate (engra- ved by Chodowlecki) are "on the Cover. It was presented by D. F. to Dr. Loewe. 89 Commentary on Bashi on the Pentateuch by Simeon ben Isaac Uschenburg. Venice 5438 — 1588. 40. '^hn pnT T'n fiyoiy -i"n nxo ^"tyi tyn^s h); -nxn Kim Dita pan ibd ♦ pii2iiyiN De Rossi says the first Edition was printed in 1548 in Venice. 90 Commentary on Song of Solomon, Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Ahasverus (Esther) by Levi ben Gershon. Riva di Trento 5320 — 1560. 4°. The Commentaries on Song of Solomon, Ruth & Esther were incorporated in the Amsterdam Rabbinical Bible of 1724, vide De Rossi. 91 Commentary on the Bible by Abraham Azulai. Vienna or Jerusalem modern edition. 8". .V'r ^KbirK DmnK 'ia Y'^" ^V ''s disk nnn ^h:!2 -ibd 92 Preparation for Pentateuch by Emanuel Hecht. Brunswick 1858. 8". Der Pentateuch, grammatisch zergliedert, nebst sprachlichen Erlauterungen von Raschi und vollstandigen Biegungstabellen. — 12 — 93 Catechism by Immamiel TremelliUs. Geneva 5314 — 1554. le™". * ♦ ♦ ♦ p"Qh i"^ir n:u>3 'neii: :!>%•< Diistao misnDT) n^nn DBf j This is a catechism of the New Testament in a series of Dialogues between Master and Pupil in Hebrew. It has a perfect title page with engraving' and is interleaved throughout with a MS translation into Latin. — The Copy in the British Museum is defective. 94 Conjeturas Sagradas sobre los Prophetas primeras colegidas de los mas celebres Expositores y dispuestas en Contexto paraphrastico por el H. E. Yshak de Acosta, las Dirige a los muy ilustres y magniiicos S. Sres parnasim y Gabay del K. K. de Nephusoth Geuda. En Leyden en casa de Thomas Van Ge'el. 5482 — 1722. 4". Isaac Acosta, a Rabbi of Amsterdam, flourished in the early part of the 18. Century and wrote these Conjectures on Joshua, Judges, Samuel & Kings, consis- tory of a new translation of these books & a paraphrase instead of a Commentary. 95 Ben Sir a. Vienna 1814. 8». iMi2 ny n^anx m^im vjDirxi nnj? \wh2 pr^v^ xtd p ymT nasn 96 Apocrypha in English no date, no Title page. 97 Arcana Coelestia by Emanuel Swedenborg. London 1785. 8". Vol VI only from Genesis Cap. 32 to 38. First Translation into English from the original Latin by a Society of Gentlemen. 98-107 Allgemeine Bibliothek der biblischen Litteratur von Johann Gottfried Eich- horn, Hofrath u. Professor zu .Jena. Leipzig bey Weidmanns Erben & Reich 1787. Grammars and Dictionaries. 108 Hebrew Grammar by Dr. M. M. Kalisch. London 1862. 8". With author's MS dedication. 109 Hebrew Grammar by Wilhelm Gesenius. Halle 1828. 8^. 110 Hebrew Grammar by Wilhelm Gesenius. Leipzig 1842. 8". 111 Hebrew Grammar by Elyschu Halewi Ha-ashkenasi. Venice 5306 — 1546. 8°. p'Qnh n2 Vi-npj irp'^nx Th':l^p ^jni ^idj jrv^ in:im n^Jt> vhv 'isy nnyi > HN'ii^ri ne p"eS riy n:t'3 ^jn^naia hi<'n n^nn dqij nn^a'rnn ])^'\ The text is provided with diacritical points & punctuation. Also "iin^n DBD being an improved and revised edition of the n33in "IBD- Padua (f) 5317 — 1557 by the same Author, but without vowel points. 8". — 13 — 112 Sefer Hassoham. A Hebrew Grammar and Lexicon by Eabbi Moseh beu Yishak of England edited from a MS in the Bodleian Library and collated with a MS in the Imperial Library of S. Petersburg with additions & Corrections by George Wolseley Collins MA in 7 Ports. Part I. London 1883. 4». 113 Beit rage ziu- Hebraischen Grammatik im Talmud & Midrasch von Dr. A. Berliner Berlin 1879. 80. 11-4 pnif ''DDT 3- Eine Sammlung ebraeischer Aufsaetze zur Foerderung des ebraeischen Sprachstudiums von M. E. Stern. Vienna 1856. 8°. 115 Evolution of the Hebrew Language by Joseph Edkins. London 1889. 8". 116 Geist und Sprache der Hebraeer. M. J. Landau. Prag 1822. 8". 11^ '^KTtya mij^n "ISD- Eine Ermahnung die Ebraeische Sprache gramma- tisch zu erlernen J. B. Levinsohn. Wilna 1828. 8". 118 Der Deutsche in Russland. Kleines Handbuch der Eussischen Sprache. Berlin 1872. 16"°. 119 Neuer Russischer Dollmetscher fuer Deutsche. Moscow 1846. 8". 120 Hollaendische Conversations-Gramm atik.von Carl v. Eeinhardstoether. ■ Heidelberg 1871. 80. 121 Talar ni Svenska. Swedish Grammar by Christensen. Leipzig 1881. 8". 122 Der kleine Daeue. Danish Grammar Dr. Le Petit. Hamburg 1844. 123 Swedish Grammar. A. May. Stockholm 1873. 8". ( Der geschickte Hollaender] , -,■ tt 124 Der geschickte Spanier ^'^^'' ^'^ ^™'* ' "^ ^^ Lectionen zu lernen I Der geschickte Italiener | ^°^"^^^- l^""' 125 Methode pour etudier la langue grecgue moderne par Jules David. Paris 1827. 8". 126 Grammatik der Span. Sprache fuer Deutsche by A. J. Lespada. Halle 1873. 8°. 127 Le nouvean Sobrino. Grammaire de la langue Espagnole par Eugenio de Ochoa. Paris 1864. 8". 128 Grammatik der Spanischen Sprache by Rothwell & Montana. Stuttgart 1874. 129 Grammatik der Italien. Sprache von Fornasari-Verce. Vienna 1886. 8". 130 A -Grammar of the Arabick Language by John Eichardson. London 1776. 4». Presented by Arthur Lumley Davids to Dr. LoeM'e in 1835, with A. L. D's signature. — 14 — 131 A Grammar'of the Persian Language by William Jones. London 1783. 4P. 132 . A concise Grammar of the Persian Language by A. H. Bleeck. London 1867. 4«. 133 Tuerkische Sprachlehre von Artin Hindoglu. Vienna 1829. 4°. 134 G r a m m a i r e T u r k e par Arthur Lumley Davids traduite de 1' Anglais par Madame Sarah Davids mere de I'Auteur. London 1836. 40. 135 Grammatography. A manual of reference to the Alphabets of Ancient and modern Languages. Based on the German Compilation of F. Ballhorn. London 1861. Truebner ID^" The Alphabets given are the Afghan, Amharic, Anglo-Saxon, Arabic, Aramaeic, Archaeic, Armenian, Assyrian, Bengali, Bohemian, Bugis, Burmese, Canarese, Chinese, Coptic, Croato-Glagolitic, Cufic, Cyrillic, Danish, Demotic, Estrangelo, Ethiopic, Etruscan, Georgian, German, Gothic, Greek, Gugerati, Hieratic, Hieroglyphics, Hebrew, Hungarian, Illyrian, L-ish, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Lettish, Mantshu, Median, Mongolian, Numidian, Palmyrenian, Polish, Eussian, Runes, Samaritan, Sanscrit, Servian, Slavonic, Serbian, Swedish, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Turkish, Wallachian, Wendish, Zend. 136 ri''lDJ? -^riDia "IQD- Hebr.-Deutscher Briefsteller by M. H. Letteris. Vienna 1881. S^. 137 A Harmony of Primeval Alphabets by Eed. C. Forster being a comparative dia- gram of the following alphabets : Hebrew, Arabic, Sinai, Eosetta Enchorial, Hisn Ghoreb, Mareb, Hamum, Nakhb el Hajar, Etruscan, Etrurian, Phoenician, Palmyra, Double Mareb, Double Bactrian, Arrow-head Behistan, Arrow-head Persepolis, Enchorial Persepolis, Brick formed Nimroud, Enchorial Nimroud, Egyptian Nimroud, Arrow-head Nimroud, Babylon, Hieroglyphic, Central American America, Chaldaean, Celtiberian, Ab3'ssinian, Tyre & Sidon, Punic, Chozar Tartar, Saba, Axum, Abraxas, Tartaro Siberian, Nabathean. 138 Hebraisch-Deutsches Handworterbuch von Wilhelm Gesenius. Leipzig 1810 & 1812. 80. 139 Do. Do. 1815. 140 Qs'^jj U^Tia- English and Hebrew Lexicon by Michael Josephs. London 1834. With MS presentation address to Dr. Loewe. 8". 141 Hebr-Engl. & Engl-Hebrew Dictionary by Abigail, thiad daugnter of David Abarbanel Lindo. With Portrait of D. A. L. Hebrew Ode to Dr. Loewe. 142/143 njtrom H'lptzn ]Wh l^tlXn by S. J. Finn. Warsau 1884. ti^j^— X 144 Wilhelmi Schickardi Institutiones Linguae Ebraeae noviter Recognitae et Auctae accessit harmonia perpetua aliarum linguarum orientalium Chaldaeae, Syrae, — 15 — Arabicae, Aethiopicae cum indicibus necessariis opera M. Johannis Ernesti Gerhardi Jenensis. Sumtibus Ghristiani a Saber Bibliopolae Erffurtensis. Jenae, Cbaractere Georgi Sengwaldi & Caspar! Freyschmidi Anno 1647 with frontispiece. Presented by Prof. Isaacs to Dr. Loewe. 145 Bible Student's Concordance by Aaron Pick. London 1845. Fol. 146 Hebraeisches und chaldaeisches Schul-Woerterbuch ueber das Alte Testament von Dr. Julius Fuerst. Leipzig 1842. IG""". 147 Job. An dr. Danzii plp^O Sive Compendium Grammaticae Ebraeo-Cbaldaicae .... Jenae. Sumtibus Johannis Felicis Bielckii, no date, 8. Edition and by the Same Author. ||2Ji"nn Sive Interpretis Ebraeo-Chaldaei Synopsis. Jena 1746. 8". 148/149 Johnson's Dictionary. London 1799. 4°. 8. Edition with engraving by J. Heath from a Painting of Rennolds. ( English-Circassian-Turkish i Dictionary with English pronunciation by Dr. L. I English-Uircassian-Turkish i \ Circassian-English-Turkish / cassian-English-Turkish / Loewe. Edition de Luxe. London 1854. 8°. 151 Handwoerterbuch der Deutschen Sprache von Dr. Daniel Sanders. Leipzig 1869. 8". 152 Spanish Dictionary by Mariano Velasguez de la Cadena. London 1863. 4P. 153/154 Lateinisch-Deutsches Lexicon von Georges. 1837 & 1838. 8". 155/156 Deutsch-Lateinisches Lexicon von Kraft. 1843. 157 Schwedisch-Deutsches Lexicon. Leipzig 1879. 16'"°. , ^„ / English-Dutch ) -r,. ^. , ^ ^ , { Dutch-English / ^^"^^^"^"^^^y ^.Y Jaeger. Gonda 1876. 16»°, 159 Ungar-Deutsches Woerterbuch by Josef Loos. Pest 1869. 16""'. 160 Deutsch-Griechisches Handwoerterbuch v. Schmidt. Leipzig 1867. 16™». 161 Daenisch-Deutsches Woerterbuch. Leipzig 1871. 16'"". 162 Italian Dictionary by Graglia & Kenny. London, le"". 163 Spanish Dictionary by Wessely & Girones. London. 8". 164 Chinese Dialogues with English Translation published by P. P. Turms Macao 1816. 80. 16 — Liturgies. aH^- 165 Hagada. nDB h^ IID mjil With Commentary of Abarbanel & woodcuts. Sulzbacli 5515 — 1755. Folio. With partial jued-deutsch translation. 166 Hagada. ^^■^^ DlltityaND CmCD JHJaSl DVJDiyK JnJX23 HDC b^ mJH M rmnj >yti}bi< "^my^ oy ♦dbiib np:?^ nuano ^on^ Dieim n^nn N"apn With Alschech & Abarbanel. Amsterdam 5541 — 1781. 4°. 167 Prayer Book. Ganzfrieds Sidur. Derech Hachajim. 8". Vienna 1859. 168-169 Avignon Prayer Book. 5527 — 1767. 8^. nnjoi nnmr nmsi n"ni 'rinn ^o^ mbsn 'js S'jir ♦ * ♦ . n^ann no 2 Vols. , , , ;ij cniBD p"p Festival Prayer-Book for Tabernacles, published by Jehuda Shemuel Ashkenasi. Leghorn 5609 — 1849. ' The first 170 pages contain all the Laws of the Festival. 181a Thanksgiving Service for the merciful preservation of the Queen & Prince Ablert from the hand of an assassin. London 5600 — 1840. 182 Form of Service at the Installation of the Rev. Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler. London 5605 — 1845. 183 mjiti> m!:nN3 'jKie^^i min^ nr m'^an h^ n:ip S'jis ♦ . . nh^m ij?ty ^NpNiNo'r lyooa ^n^} '^n in^tr^n'? ♦ . . ♦ nt^^a -iirn ip A Collection of addresses, letters, odes & prayers, in Hebrew in connection with Sir Moses Montefiores journey to Morocco. 8°. 184 n"-i ^tir n^hsn .tt^n^B Kim iTNnmp nti^aa ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . D'^h^ ^nnr ibd ny3i ♦♦♦♦♦.., yy^ njtys p'?3i'?n -inx d^b pi db^j- >♦♦♦♦♦ dti l"n ]lB2i p"nyn ^"an '^KBI n^ bj? ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ rr-Jtl^. Jerusalem 5643—1888. 80. 18 Sermons, Religions, Books ete. 185 Discourses delivered by Dr. Loewe. Note: All discourses to follow. 186 Sermons by Dr. Adolf Kurrein, Chief Rabbi of Teplitz in German, from 1877 — 1890. 187 Fest-Eeden "f^-jp ^j1-n S^ novo mUN h^ IBD Frankfurt a. 0. 195 '^KlOtr miri' Ein Erbauungsbuch fuer Israeliten von Dr. B. J. Lipschuetz. Hamburg 5627. 8". 196 Vindiciae Hebraicae, or a defence of the Hebrew Scriptures occasioned by the recent strictures of Mr. G. Bellamy by Hyman Hurwitz. London 1820. 80. 197 La Foi d'Israel, par S. Bloch. Paris 1859. 80. 198 Faith Strengthened by Moses Mocatta. 1851. 8". 199 TheOldPathsora Comparison of the principles and doctrines of Modern Judaism with the Religion of Moses and the prophets by Alexander Mc Caul D. D. London 1837. 200 nnn -it^ND *!?:£ 'n 2W2 |r2£ naiin inti hn^^' ':'V T'f^nS my r\)!h nx 'jd'^so 'mi e]Dr p '7Xiaty 'inn m nrn icon \n::n n^v^^ p amn T'nma /iDi rm3K ^^'?N 'n '^x 2^^ it^h Nim nnwm hv^ nhia^n hv La Luce Circa la Sera. Presented to Dr. Loewe by David Friedlaender 1745. 32". 201 Sturm's Reflections. London 1839. With engraving. 8". 202-203 La Semaine Israelite on le nrKII HTH^ moderne Entretiens de Josue Hadass avec sa Famille par A. ben Baruch Crehange. Paris 1846. 4P. 204 Gebetbuch nach dem Ritus des Israel. Gemeinde in Aachen von Dr. Roth- schild. Aix-le Chapelle 5613. With MS. notes hy Dr. Loewe. 205 Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Israeliten. Stuttgart 1836. Published by the Wurtemberg Government. With Musical Accompaniments. Whatever the value of this book may be, its publication under such auspices proves the impartiality and liberalmindeduess of the Government of that country at the time. The book is probably the only one of its kind. 20 -- Talmudica. 206-217 ^'n-^ri ^pDBi ,t^"Nni 'Din ^pDsi 'Dim ^"irn 'ts or * ♦ * * 'iDi ms-in nsDO ':N'r::3 'o , nhj'? 'rxprn' im , p^a n^ytr^ 'a mnjn , D"2ainS nv^iTDn '^ei 'jNiti^^ 'nn n^a d^btoh fpm fm iiyx piy'? nbiq ,irN xrpr 'd ,jnnty:i XliS ♦ Pi'ag 5590 — 1830. 12 Vols. Fol. 218 ikS'td f|DV nan na'?tt> 'io 'no nSbj li^iTB op 'o'^tyiT ■no':n niDia nsDa ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ mxip: "rnj TKa« Dt:ra mnyn dj; njiii^Ni xr tibd '"jynjao ♦ pXOnj;'? (TT) TK^O Mayence 5635 — 1875. Fol. 219 /nxo 't!^ii> 'b sin^!:n ni3K riDoa hv 2m mK^a mm , , , . max nitay ibd ♦JnN3iva inxDrnj;'? ^I'^n utth ^n:: '2 n^^n Dnja warsau 5634 — 1874. 40. 220 1^22 "IiaSn p NySiD K32 nSDO Talmud Babylonicum Tractat Baba Mezia mit deutscher Uebersetzung und Erklaerung von Dr. Sammter. Berlin 1876. Fol. 221 Talmud Babylonicum cum Scholiis, Glossario nee non indicibus adjectis Tractatus Macot. auctore Dr. H. S. Hirschfeld. Berlin 1842. 80. 222 niihv 'nf2 *,,***.*,* ht mo KD't^ nmnti pnpin noSir nasn "ibd Nm':* Cracow 5347 — 1587. 40. 223-326 DmnN pj; KipJH t^in nN3 Qj? ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ npr py Dirs iiy:n 'hnn niya Koenigsberg- 5588 — 1828. 227 'Dk'jIS T ^BD • Introductio Methodologica in Talmud ejuspue Commentatores auctore Maleachi Cohen, Italo. Denno edidit Ephraim Herz. Berlin 5613 — 1853. 40. 228 Sj;pJK1B nnDt riNO "'Q'7^i>^■l^^ Xiaa • introductio in Talmud Hievosolymitanum auctore Z. Frankel. Breslau 5630 — 1870. 8". 229 tj^TH '3:: 2^nh mmn ^t^nn nyi paj; npr 'na D^a^ cnS 'b '^r ninx 'pnB With portrait of Eabbi Hirschel Loebel Chief Rabbi of Berlin. Berlin 1834. 80. 230 -ij; n"Na nhnpn niD ^hb^3 n^nj nn^^B d:; hidk ^pnB '?v 's m^nnn n^n na'^i!^ 13 anja '-i*? ♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ D^x-naxi o'Njn nDi n""i 'tyjK p^tSir D'^JfiStSKJ 'n ph\ nxa ♦.♦♦..♦♦♦ fXJrBIBa • , Vienna 1854. 8°. 231 .HDr mi^h 'bi nn^a'? n'jD 'b oy ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ mnx ^dib 'j'tid ns^ nnja ibd Sprueche der Vaeter, Text und Uebersetzung, mit einem hebraeischen Commentar und einem .... deutschen Commentar. J. Heiman Caro ; Rabbiner zu Wloclawek. Pietrokov. 1879. 4o. — 2] — 232 A Sketch of th e Talmud by Dr. Isidor Kalisch. New- York 1877. 8«. 233 ii^}p h)p "^ox Clamantis. La Bible, le Talmud et I'Evangile par le Eabbin. Elie Soloweyczyk. Traduit de rbebrew par L. Wogue, Paris 1870. 8°. 234 Gutmeinung ueber den Talmud der Hebraeer. Verfasset von Karl Fischer, Zensor, Eevisor und Translator im Hebraeischen Fache zu Prag. Nach einem Manuscript vom Jahre 1802. Vienna 1883. 8". 235-237 Mischna sive totius Hebraeorum juris, Eituum, Antiquitatum ac Legum Oralium systema, cum clarissimorum Eabbinorum Maimonidis et Bartenorae Commentariis Integris Latinitate donavit ac notis illustravit Guilielmus Surenhusius Amstelaedami 1698. Folio. Excudunt Gerardus & Jacobus Borstius. With Woodcuts. Presented to Dr. Loewe by Abraham Hort in 1837, with Autograph letter. 238 ,-|"0 >ii"t2 'Q QV * * * * *\ , * Q-rpO DBnJ IITIO ^DH n"K V""^ f>lK 'iJD 1BD npr pm ,nmtyn n:;tr otaM ixn ,DneN t ,-D^jpr mts:; ,n'?u-i ixa Wilna 1845. Folio. Presented to Dr. Loewe by the publishers Messrs Eomm on the occasion of his visit to their Printing Office in company of Sir Moses Montefiore. 239-241 ^^^^^^,i^22n m-iJK ^3 pp' ...... nt^hv nhnp ^trnn 'd qj; npv' VV ibd ♦ ♦ > ♦ N"nt2nm r':ionnT 'im ^"irie -hn hv^ *..... ^ah^^y mux nam oy nf2h^ p 3p:?^ . ♦ . ♦ . ^y iBi!f:i icon: n'?K '73 ♦ ♦ ♦ . . . njian iiKm !^"nm Nimo ^tynn + ♦♦.♦♦♦ v'jk m'?j mj;i wiina. 5598 — i838. 40. Also the gift of Gebr. Eomm. 242-244 nijin Dj?w . ♦ . > . D^jv^i .....,,, Dnipj DJ7 njtTo n-iD ntt>^ Ninai ♦ * ♦ . . n3DD h-2 tyKin no-ipm ..... ninpm ..... vjDt^N ....... p]DN it^K r2"B n^'jiy '10 nn: e^D n'jo tyiTci ....... mmn .p'jiyna riai mm >amK man iixa .... t3"\Ti mijisiso y'ln 'd iino Berlin 5592 — 1832. 40. ' 245-250 ^^^^Q^h ha^ii}^ irm nan bxi^^ jniNem t3\'n mi:t3i20 n 'b oy .nvjis^o n'^nj '"I [3. Warsaw 1862. 80. D^rn ^tynn n"n , n'jun ik3 'b dj; n"o 'jn tj^atrnty D^rn ^trnn ny n"N r^ Tivhm Q'v 'na D^:n ^t^nm ,naiti^n nyr ,DnBN t ,Qn-)3K StrK nny 'no Wilna 5640 — 1880 255 utK^tsj^ f^Dv p '?K-jay Diana n"K v"^- Amsterdam 5458 — 1698. le"". — 22 — Venice 5334 — 1574. 16""'. With the following concluding note. rh^ nonn '^ nrn n^Djn nson Q'StynS ^r^ ntt^K |nK mo^v^ 1i"i3 '^k'? njDtTN |nj T'arn na'?t!^ T'as pnma Kcnn iu>m [hkh nc ><::aj nj; p-c'? d^Sd [kb'jid bnjn ']ht2n nxo nrt2JtDD3ipft m'jiy n^biit ^mx p"p ^iu>ino n't it^^K riK INI iyj7 lu^x n"n^ n^Tm mityn mD':a mn 1133 ha n"y vha w]} ni!tK nSnji np^ D::iy riN onsN hv^ miT no 'ra'? irmsx iki i;Dr^ p ♦i3tt>np n^n pnn nvo nny ty^x'? n^N3 ntrr J^'? 'IJHn no anirn ,f:£-i::3nB 'f ym |t3pn nm nha * f^N '^Nun riN^na nMi-b 257 pxjn 'n nS-i onn npiyi ^m osnn niJ T\'22 Nitaj it>N ,mei nnsD hbd pKn urn ^\^:>^n:n hn-^f!?' pN ^nn innDis^ n'^j;!!!,! an Niiaj lai hhw tyati "iinnn :Tyn iniK n^ty Q'pia ^^aon n^nn iii>ND d's' Q^n iNtrai N^m na xy^)in innetran- By Esthori ben Moses Parchi. Published by Meir Frentz at Venice 4P about 1574. No date is given but Meir ben Jacob Frentz printed books in Venice in the year 5334 — 1574. This valuable "Work was presented to Dr. Loewe by the learned Samuel Heller in Safet in the year 5599 — 1839. There are throughout the book numerous Marginal MS notes by Dr. Loewe in Arabic and Hebrew. 258 inOiiKJ naSu? >♦♦♦♦> j;"^ '^'^^'P- I^emberg 1866. 4f>. 259 npim nmn pm mifD h'2 iNnn^ ^2 **..** Mh^ icd- Lemberg i860. 260 DipoT r\v hj2 'jNiti^'a ^d'? n'Di^fjn d^jh ^y^ip Nim p'piron yn^n jn'?!!? isd- Wilna 1877. 32"°. ■K^- 261 Dx^nn .♦♦♦♦♦♦ N"an mnjn 'oin ny ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ >* njtrn Sna n'^ann no .♦.♦♦♦♦ piax"! ^'^lyn ...♦.♦ ^"^ ♦♦♦♦. . mx'? Frankfui-t on the Main 5473 — 1713, 32"">. With Manuscript notes by Dr. Loewe's father, Chief Eabbi of Eosenberg in the year 1778 and by his Cousin Rabbi Isaac Mandel Loewe, the son of Joachim Loebel Loewe Chief Eabbi of Bernstadt. 262 ^jiKJ Q^:m '"v i"n □'jtrii^ p"nj? ne Q^jmin a^jn^ai niaaom niipnn nan nrrnn nyi'V iti>*<3 '"nn Drains nan ahn y"n pxn lu^x □^ti^np'? n'riy V'n '^N-nr' n"ia D^anan mn '":; antra • Jerusalem 5602 — 1842. s^. — 23 — 263 pni' ^nar Vollstaendiges Handbuch fuer Schechita und Bedika nach dem Ohel Izchak. A. Friedmann, Budapest 1881. 264 Das Schaechtfach, metliodisch bearbeitet von M. Benjamin mit Holzschnit- ten und farbiger Tafel. Leipzig 1874. 265 Maaricb -inyO Erklaerung von Fremdwoertern in den Talmuden, den Mid- raschim und dem Sohar Verfasst von E. Menachem de Lausano. Naeh der seltenen Venecianer Ausgabe von 1618. Herausgegeben von Adolf Jellinek. Leipzig 1853. 80. 266 Gems from the Talmud translated into Englisb Verse by Isldor Mayers. London 1884. 80. 267 K-n,T Iran y^han u^npn onntyn on^onn ba'? va^.i ^a inan nn^on "ibd *♦♦♦>.♦♦ y'lrr TCnn Frankfurt a. M. 5473 — 1713. 40. bound up with the KJI^JD Klin^ mnOO Nlin* hip IBD Furda 5529 — 1769. 268 Parabeln, Legenden und Gedanken aus Talmud & Midr sch von Giu- seppe Levi . . . . , aus dem Urtexte ins Deutsche uebertragen von Ludwig Seligmann. Leipzig 1868. 8". 269 274 Tyn yi amnx p 'n huMf^v "i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ "in^ntr an^on n^tyo neo nr ^«-)-|Vb Amsterdam 5500 — 1740. 8". 270 A Manuel of Judasim. detailed in a conversation between a Rabbi and his pupil by Joshua van Oven London 5595 — 1835. presented by the Author—, With M. S. notes by Dr. Loewe 271 nrn n:iy ^:v phn )h -nyi np mr [d ptyxn p'^n Nin dik noDn "leo ah'-iM TTMl amZN n"1D nnn ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ QHK Wllna 1828. Fol, 272 j;",-iK yiy 2'ZD D\"lf "''^TltyD "'312") ■'SN Wilna 5578 — 1818. Fol. On blue paper. 273 nj;"T mv "nj:0 ^mai 'hll^a Wllna 5568 — I88O. FoI. On blue paper. ''"ibn '''^nej Vienna 5644 — 1884. Folio. 275 ipJKie PpT D"'am nXO ♦♦♦♦ + . O'^Om nyir ISD Jerusalem 5636 — 1887. 276 hai^' TKO . ♦ ♦ ♦ > * ^ny fn'^ty :;nnN': arm pjid Nim phii? nxc ica pmn p'^pn 'a o"pn Safet 5596 — i836. foi. 277 niySx '^IKty npV nXO ?y""'N mpl fO^ja ^:a n"W 'a Jerusalem. 5641 — 1881, Fol. Presented by the Author, now Haham Bashi of Jerusalem. — 24 — 278 279 280 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ nrn t"^ ytjr h'^ nnon: omNm d^ititd 'jSid ^n'jsi ^ms ibd py2''r3N"n Vieuna 1819. Folio. Huszt 5741 — 1881. 40. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ nmc"! niaSnn nrx rmjN nan pan'? nmabn piDty'? ibd NUS ^Niar \2 XXS ^t'?** pnr '1 nXC Wilno, 6736 — 1876. 40. 281 >t3jioS^2 tir^ji: nt^o p pnit' nxo ♦.♦♦♦,♦♦. nban nwtj^ isd saionica 5531 — 1771, folio. 282 283 5592 — 1832. 80. 'ji^2£iao Dn'^n K'^j pnN n"ia nNO ♦♦♦♦,♦ m^a mn hv "[i:m icd p^B ''j;ty' mnoi ibo? n:tyo 'd nanan anno iiinn dj? .♦♦♦.♦ , Vienna 5582 — 1832. 4«. 284 Jad Hachasaka Containing laws concerning kings & their wars edited by Elias Soloweyczik London 1863. 8". 285 pjOTt tjp'ji'i 'd Lugrado 1842. 286-287 ,n?ro n^ ,njinD >mjna ,^"1^1 'o dj; m'rja tram minn '^j? mm ti'ma ibd Berlin. 5626 — 1866. 4°. 288 P]DV S]iyi PjDV ^V 'S DJ? Nain:n t!^-nO Warsau I873. 8». 289 Erzaehlungen Jeschurun's. (Hebrew) Charakterbilder und Sagen aus dem Talmud Bawli, Jerusalmi, Midrasch Jalkot und Sobar. Gesammelt von Isak Margolis Berlin 1877. 80. 290 Dit2:'ip y^ha ni'^ji o^'^njn itrx mx^n nyi njins mjna ny nm tyno 'd rrnp^ nnjm tynon niDi'rnn wiino. 1843. 80. 281 ronh^ D'aytsm T\r\pi:^ nianpi inrn 'd moip 'ryi n'^apn noDn '?y ms'i n^:?n nx^mja n^a ansa /'Jti> nan Dnaa nrn mann nana n2:p ixain n"ipn Dialogues sur la Kabbale et le Zohar par S. D. Luzzato. G-orice 8". 292 f)""Hjr ryai \^y 'd Leghorn 5542 ~ 1782. Folio. 293 Kr JDKCa a''? KlIT D^'n nxa nir . n^ nptr /D Lemberg 1878. — 25 — 4 294 ,.,.,, n^hH^ o^S'^is a^niyi jwm man nxioi mji^Kn en5:o ms 'd D^ai': p-r ♦♦♦♦,♦♦ omN sidn ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ i:min '?v nn^iijn ir'?v D'^p^^ Metz 5607 — 1847. 4». 295 n' '?j? ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ njitrrNn dj^c nnj? nxx' ♦♦♦♦♦♦ njhs di'? ♦ ♦ ♦ Knp'os mn'?o npNn no'?^ ^jdd ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ o^o-n: ^ir'pD mnn Lyk. ises. s". Pesikta, die aelteste Hagada redigirt in Palestina von Eab Kahana. Mit Kritischen Bemerkungen, Verbessernngen und Vergleichungen der Lesearten an- derer drei Handschriften in Oxford, Parma und Fez, nebst einer ausfuehrlichen Einleitung von Salomon Buber. 296 Supplement entlialtend Uebersicht, Register und Glossar zu Tosefsa von Dr. M. S. Zuckermandel Fasc. 1 & 2. Trier 1882. 80. 297-300 Real Encyclopaedie fuer Bibel und Talmud von Dr. J. Hamburger Land- rabbiner zu Strelitz nebst Supplementen. Strelitz 1870. 301-304 ^t::nB0K'7 pnT ♦ ♦ . ♦ ♦ mi'?in IBD ny pnT nno 'D Lampronti's Pachad Izchak ,n ,^ ,-| ,p ,2i ,a ,j; ,D ,2 H HIH * 305 {«{"i)2Jin N"i20 D'J obty mD'''?n« Slve Clavis Talmndica ...... Laline red- dita .... per Constantinum, I'Empereur ab Oppyck Lugduni Batavorum 1634. 4P. Geography, 306 Die Franzoesische Academie und die geograpMe des Talmuds von Dr. J. Morgenstern. Berlin 1870. 80. 307 ,mK tr\}n ahn mran m!iiN3 ^myooS 'n:hn r\V2 ':y2 \i\yiir D^nn mnn nt!> ^n nao Q^ro f^nxv onn nti^K c^^Nm n^mren nin oij; ,Dnm dik Vienna 5644 — 1884. 80. HK'rKpND o nKO ♦♦♦♦♦♦ p-na r\}h'h} nvn^ hb^:l nnan f*iK- Warsaw 5646 1885. 8». 308 309 Archaeologische Beschreibung Jerusalems von J. S. Kolbe, Vienna 1883. 310 '2"^ ]f2n: mt2 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ n^ninyi h^i 'o^ nm ♦♦♦♦♦'733 nrnj ^j^ "lIN^iJ^J- Warsaw. 5647 — 1887. 80. 311 Jerusalems Yearbook, by A. M. Luncz. Vienna 1881. 80. 312 Palestina. Nach dem frazoesischen von S. Munk, bearbeitet von Prof, M. A. Levy. Leipzig 1871/2. 80. 314 New Zealand by Dr. Ferdinand von Hocbstetter. Translated from the origi- nal German by Edward Santer. With maps, plates in tint and wood-cnts. Stuttgart. 1867. Folio. — 26 — 315 Mount Lebanon. A lOyears residence from 1842 to 1852 describing th& manners, customs and the Religion of its inhabitants with a full and correct ac- count of the Druse religion by Colonel Churchill. Staff Officer of the British Expedition to Syria. Vol I. 316-317 Lands of the Bible by John Wilton. With maps & illustrations. Edin- burgh. 1847. 8". 318-319 Narative Of journey round the Dead Sea and in the Bible Lands in 1850 &. 1851 by F. de Saulcy, edited by Count Edward de Warren 2"'' Edition.. London 1854. 8». 320 Palestine. Description Geographique historique et archeologique par S. Munk.. With many steel engravings. Paris 1845. 8". 321 Die Heilige Stadt und deren Bewohner von Dr. Bernhard Neumann, Ham- burg 1877. 8". 322-324 The Itinerary of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela. Translated and edited by A. Asher. London & Berlin 1840. 324 Q^ij; nimiX Til^a id 6st Itinera mundi sic dicta nempe cosmographia auctbre Abrahamo Peritsol. Latina Versione denavit & notas passim adjecit Thomas. Hyde S. T. D. e coll. Reginae Oxon. Protobibliothe carius Bodlejanus Oxford 1691. 4». 325 Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sinai by Dr. Richard Lepsius. Translated by Leonora and Joanna Horner. London 1853. S". 327-327 Cosmos. Sketch of a physical description of the Universe by Alexander von Humboldt. Translated unter the Superintendence of Lieut-Col. Edward Sabine. London 1849. 8^. 328 itrx onnono h^} nny en irxD 'pn '"a nj? hD n:iDn "^Sid fvx mirsD DDnn nm m-UNi uidtt^ mc^^n ntrx o^tynpn b'D nnpi nip 'o^a on'? rn ins'ra rjDtrx netr^ sud i^h n piK^c:?i3]xa t35;3N"iKa ntro 'n d^pSk N^tyj Leniberg 1847. 8". inn npV riNO Wilna 5577 — 1817. 80. 330 , , , , . N'^pn^T N^Din^ msoa m:^ ♦♦.*♦♦ □^'jtriTn .p^sr ,iiy^ max po The latter part of this Volume is a reprint of the Work edited by Joseph ShaUt Riqueti (vide Zeduer). 1743. 80. 331 Andenken (Albums) der Prager Josefstadt. — 27 — Biography. 332 Imagines et elogia Viiorum illustrium et eruditor et antiquis lapidibus et numismatib expressa cum annotationibus ex bibliotheca fulvii. Ursini Venetiis 1570. In aedibus Petri DebucMno, Galli. With numerous Wood-cuts. Folio. 333 Lemprires Classical Dictionary. 80. 334 'K niN rs 1°^' ^^"^^^ HNQ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ hni^' ilD^ Containing Biography of Dr. Loewe. Warsaw. 1886. 335 ine'?"!! nt2h^ 'n 'rN^n^ riKD ♦ ♦ . ♦ ♦. nnm ibd warsau. i878. 8". 336 ,,,,,,,, n'phn nvb^h phnmi ty^nn^n ^mn im nait ^j David Ganz. Continued to 1692. Frankfurt a. M. 1692. 40. The Title-page to the Second part bears the imprint Amsterdam. 337 ,»,»,,,, onsiDT QnBD ^SD tTiip mni vnnnn rnrvfn ntt^o nsin p'jnn '""ina pxjn mnjm ^nrnna onjia nr\y ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ij^nnir 'jnn nsT by Moses ben Elieser Koerner. Berlin 1833. 8*. Bound up in the same volume riJiO nW"" QJ1 mti^in 'jKir' "'ShJ miSin nN -J< .''71013 C'p'^K Metz 5588 - 1828. S". W^tiVi ^V^i Sammlung aus alten schaetzbaren Manuscripten. Herausgegeben von S. L. Heilberg. Breslau. 1847. Nebst Lebensbeschreibungen einiger beruehmter Maenner, und Beitraegen zur juedischen Literatur-Geschichte. also iji^K p pJV riNO DON I'JtS Leipzig 1843. also ,po .Q HNO "itrj? mr'jr D^anDan vpm D^m^Nn ,pN ''tr^Kn mmu^n Frankfurt a. M. 5605 — 1845. 338 Museum zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung von K. Klein. Brieg 1842. Containing biographical Sketch of Dr. Loewe. 339-340 Schlesisches S chrifsteller Lexicon von Karl Gabriel Nowack Breslau 1836. S". Containing biography of Dr. Loewe. 340a The Biographical Magazine by S. E. Thomas, S. C. L. Oxon Vol. VI. With biography of Dr. Loewe London. 1885. 341 Lippe's Bibliographisches Lexicon und Adress-Anzeiger Vienna 1879 8". — 28 — Tieste 1854. 8<». 343 Gal-ed. Grabsteimnschrifteii des prager isr. alten Friedhofs mit biographischen Notizen herausgegeben von Koppelmann Lieben. Prag. 1856 IG"". 343a Sketches of Anglo Jewish-History by James Picciotto. London 1875. 8". 344 Men of the Time. 10. Edition Thompson Cooper Rontledge. London. 1879. 8". 345 An open letter addressed to Sir Moses Montefiore and a narative of a 40 days journey in the Holy Land. 2. Edition. London. 1877. 8". 346 Diary of a tour to Jerusalem and Alexandria, in 1855. With Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, by the late Mrs. H. Guedalla. London 1890. 347 Private Journal of a visit to Egypt & Palestine by way of Italy and the Mediterranean (Lady Monteflore's Journal) not published. London 1836. 8'>. Presented to Dr Loewe by Lady Montefiore. 348 Notes from a private Journal of 2°* visit to Egypt and Palestine (Lady Mon- tefiore's Journal) London. 1844. 80. 349 Second Edition of the Foregoing. 350 Sir Moses Montefiore. A Centennial Biogi'aphy with extracts from letters and Journals, by Lucian Wolf. With Portrait. London 1884. 8'>. 351-352 Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore comprising their life and work as recorded in their diaries from 1812 to 1883. With the addresses and speeches of Sir Moses, his correspondence with Ministers, Ambassadors, and representatives of public bodies, personal naratives of his missions in the cause of humanity, firmans and edicts of Eastern monarchs, his opinions on financial, political and religious subjects and anecdotes and in- cidents referring to men of his Time as related by himself. Edited by Dr. L. Loewe. With illustrations London. 1890. 8*. 353 SirMosesMonteflore Biografla di un Centenario. Leone Racah. Livorno 1883. 80. 354 Bos we IPs Life of Johnson edited by the Rt. Hnble John Wilton CrOker. With wood cuts & engravings. London 1860. Folio. 355 p^\'s}i^ ♦♦♦♦♦.♦ n^)i 'pi 'ma nnsj ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^"tyi ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ jnTr'?in "hn ^K'rn pti^Otr riKO p"nhh Lemberg 1840. 80. 356 Moses Mendelsohn Sein Leben und Werke von Dr. M. Kayserling. Nebst einem Anhange ungedruckter Briefe von und an M. M. Leipzig. 1862. 80. — 29 — 357 Leben Abrahams nach Auffassung der juedischen Sage von Dr. B. Beer. Leipzig 1859. 8". 358 Maimonides im Kampf mit Seinem neuesten Biographen Peter Beer, von J. Bukofzer. Berlin 1844. History, 359 The Genuine Works, of Flavins Josephus the Jewish Historian by William AVhiston. A. M. — With illustrations. London (Murdoch.) 4". 360 . . . . D-nt3tyoN3 DBij prn ''D"no N'wn omax >♦♦♦♦♦♦ pcDv icd Juedisch-Deutsch. Amsterdam 5425 — 1665. With Wood-Cuts. 361 Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum Judaicarum libri XX. Impressum Francofurti ad Moenum per Wolffgangum Richterum, impensis Jo- annis Feuerabendij 1589. Vita Josephi per ipsuni conscripta. De Bello Judaico libri VII. Contra Apionem libri II. De Maccabaeis. Index. 361a The Tent of Darius or. Les Eeines de Perse aux pieds d'Alexandre The Queens of Persia at the feet of Alexander. Translated from the French of Mr. Felibien by Colonel Parsons. London. Printed by William Eedmayne for the Author, in the Old Palace Westminster, 1703. Folio. With Engiavings & Wood- cuts, by S. Gribelin, 1693. With beautiful head-pieces, & Capitals. Folio. Tliis is an explanation of the celebrated Painting of the „Tent of Darius" liy Le Brun and the plate, which is very scarce, is by Simon Gribelin. 362 miiT' I32t2^> ^Y Shelomo ben Verga. This is a very scarce edition. Unfortu- nately the first 12 pages are missing. It consists altogether of 58 pages 8**, not numbered. The last chapter commences, Avith the words D"CI2'K3tl> 3n33 mnD 'JiNiQ and finisbes Q-hvni D'-nni 'n ^3''iK h^ n2N^ p D3 h^ imx la^tt^^l \f2ii hH'ilV'i ni'in'' ■ followed by a blank page. The copy in the British Museum is similar in size, type and paper, but without the blank page; in its place there are additions by Josef ben Shelomo ben Virga. It is there- fore evident that this No. 362 is an earlier edition than that in the British Museum. In the introduction to his Edition Dr. M. Wiener of Hanover (1855) refers to this blank page and to the reference to Sultan Solimon and in agreement with Zedner considers it a Constantinople Edition of about 5310 = 1550. It would thus prove to be an editio princeps. The type is moreover exactly similar to that of the Sefer Juchasin (N° 364) which is also a Constantinople edition of that period. ■• — 30 — niprj 15503 ii)tt22n n^inj: '?Niat!^ 'i'? 3n3o .\vTMi ni'rnp '?« ij^p^yip ^xnon m-niDO rN b":; m:iiKm Q'tt>jN,T jmai!^'? mnnea ,iibd nTr: S:? nyp ,n n^v By Dr. M. Wiener. Hanover 1855. S". Bound up in this Volume is also jnnarj fnnN ^stia mti ptisan nan iod» 364 'jlBirtaJttDJip DICT ['DnV IBD • o326 = 1566. 40. by Abraham ben Samuel Zacuto. This is also an editio princeps, the same as in the British Museum. The title-page is wanting but it is otherwise perfect. The ritilpn ^ tliis edit- ion is not contained in the later editions. The last page has the decree of the Constantinople Rabbis prohibiting angone to print another edition within 10 years from the date of this one. The pages are not numbered at the top, but only at the left-hand lower corner according to binders sheets. 365 .... n'phn nt:''?^^'? phm xim xt 'onxn |o nnrp -'ih a^ry iiko ibd . • . . nrn ncK .... □■•jpr nmn . . . ♦ . dh'tn hip Mantua 5334 — 1574. It also contains njirn'? n^trn & n}^n D'pian mh nMMnti . 366 Plutarch's Lives by J. & W. Langhorne with plates. London 1846. 40. 367-374 History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon with notes by H. H. Milman. Paris 1840. S". 375-376 Geschichte der Juden in Rom von der aeltesten Zeit bis zur Gegenwart (2050 Jahre), von Dr. A. Berliner. Frankfort an Main 1893. 8". 377 in nNa nrn am i^ hnn b22 m'?: 'o^a imco nn'nm \Mi!f' nj; nmp ivnai iTQy y2 im uno nnn^ Djnnoi . . . }'hiV2f2 h^^ooap wiiuo 1886. 8». Presented by the Author to Dr. Loewe. 378 Die go ttesdienstlichen Vortraege der Juden, historisch entwickelt. . von Dr. Zunz. Berlin 1882. 8". 379-380 Allgemeine G-eschichte des Isr aelitischen Volkes Dr. J. M. Jost. Berlin 1832. 80. 381-382 Geschichte des Judenthums und seiner Sekten von D. M. Jost. Leipzig 1859. 80. 383 Pharisaeische Volkssitten und Ritualien in ihrer Entstehung und ge- schichtlichen Entwicklung von M. Bruck. Frankfurt a. M. 1840. 8". 384 Biblische-talmudische-rabbinische Blumenlese . von Dr. Bernard Fischer. Leipzig 1878. 80. — 31 — 385 (Brief e) An die Verehrer, Freunde und Schueler Jerusalem's, Spalding's, Teller's, Herders's und Loeffler's von David Friedlaender. Herausgegeben von Professor Krug. Leipzig 1823. 8". Pressented by David Friedlaender to Dr. Loewe. 386 Geschichte des Volkes Israel von der Zerstoerung des ersten Tempels bis zur Einsetzung des Maccabaeers Scliimon zum hohen Priester und Fuersten, von Dr. L. Herzfeld. Leipzig 1870. 8". 387-388 Graetz, GescMchte der Israeliten vom Tode des KSnigs Salomo bis zum Makkabi. Leipzig 1875. 389 von der dauernden Ansiedelung der Marranen in Holland (1618) bis zum Beginn der Mendelssohnischen Zeit (1760). Leipzig, 1868. 390 Handbuch der Israel. GeschicMe von der Zeit des Bibel-Abschlusses bis zur Gegenwart von Hecht, umgearbeitet von Kayserling, Leipzig, 1879. 8". IB^F" 391 A descriptive Catalogue oftbe historical pictures of the Meeting of the iirst reformed House of Commons in 1833. painted by Sir George Hayter. 1843. 392 Jahrbuch fuer die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. Schilderungen aus Eussland von Rabinowitsch, Advokat und Notar in Odessa uebersetzt von Dr. J. M. Jost. Leipzjg 1866. 8«. 393-395 The History of the Popes, by Leopold Eanke translated by E. Foster Bohn. London 1847. 396 The Jewish Question in Eussia by Prince Demidoff San-Donato translated by J. Michell, H. M. Consul, St. Petersburgh published by H. GuedaUa. London 1884. 8". 397-399 1. Papers read at the Anglo Jewish Historical Exhibinon 1887, by Graetz, Jos. Jacobs, Lucien Wolf, Francis Cohen, Walter Eye, Gross, Dr. Gaster, Dr. Adler. 2. Hebrew Deeds, by M. D. Davis. 3. A bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History by Joseph Jacobs and Lucien Wolf. 1888, 80. 399a Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England. Vol. I. 1893/4. London 1895. 4". * 400 Jews as they are. by Charles Kensington Salaman. London 1882. 401 Les Israelites de Pologne, par Leon Hollaendershi with engravings. Paris 1846. 80. 402-403 Eelation Historique des Affaires de Syrie depuis 1340 jusqu'en 1842 et procedure complete dirigee en 1840 contre les juifs de Damas par Achille Laurent. Paris 1846. — 32 — 404 -)tyx mi2 pny: o"tt itrn ^"y Kpsnxo ■'Dtyv nmnM m^n bSiD a'r'iy ntir M>iij;ij;^;^jX Warsaw 1864. 80. 405-406 Revelations of Eussia or the Emperor Nicholas and his Empire in 1844. London 1844. with Engravings. Presented by Sir Moses Montefiore to Dr. Loewe previous to his setting out for Russia. 407 Emek Habacha von E. Joseph ha Cohen aus dem Hebr. ins Deutsche ueber- setzt von Dr. M. Wiener. Leipzig 1858. 80. 408 The Inquisition and Judaism. A. Sermon addressed to Jewish Martyrs on the occasion of an Auto-dafe at Lisbon in 1705 by the Archbishop of Cranganor, also a reply to the Sermon by Carlos Vero Translated by Moses Mocatta. London 1845. 409 The History of the Jews of Spain & Portugal by E. H. Lindo. With engra- vings & facsimiles London 1848 8". With Autograph letter of the Author to Dr. Loewe. 410 rhnm n^jir^n pja tid 'sh nn^rjai on^msmi cn^nM nn^: '7^50 iini ht 'iV^'^V^'^V^^V '22: 'briQ'j PKQ nrn ovn n^ ( i428 ) y'^'s; '3 cnjio mayti^ Pressburg 5642. Nmta:ia r^'^N ^'^^JXan SnIOII^ JTIND pixn D^V Vienna, 1834. 80. 412 Gedanken aus dem Tagebuch eines Juden ueber die drei grossen Propheten der europaeischen Geschichte Hamburg. About 1836. 413 Petri Cunaeide Republica Hebraeorum libri III. Editis Novissima. Lugd. Batavor. Ex officina Elzeviriana 1632. 32»'°- Classics. 414 Horace with Smarts translation & notes. London. 16""'- 415-416 Horace by Boyd, with Notes; Cicero by Boyd with notes. London 1846. 80. 417-418 Mignet's Histoire de la Revolution. 80. — 33 — 5 419 Poetarum Sceuicorum Graecorum Aesch3'Ii, Sophoclis, Euripidis et Aris- tophanis fabulae superstites et perditarum fragmenta ex recognitione Guil. Dindorfii Editio Secunda Oorrectior. Oxford 1851. Folio. 420-461 Les Auteurs Latins et Grecs expliques par deux traductions Fran- daises avec des Sommaires et des notes .... par une Societe de Pro- fesseurs et de Latinistes. Paris 1870. 80; — 420-421 Cesar de bello gallico. 422-426 Ciceron Sur 1' ami tie. Les Catilinaires. Pour la loi Manilia. Plaidoyer pour Murena. Plaidoyer pour Archias. 427-231 Horace. Les Epitres. Les Satires. Les Odes et Epodes. L' art p66tique. 432 Ovide Choix des Metamorphoses. 433-434 Salluste Ingurtha Catilina. 435-438 Virgile L' Eneide I. II. III. IV. 438a — — Les Bucoliques. 439-444 Hom6re L' Odyssee 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ■ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 445-454 L' Iliade. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 455-461 Sophocle. Ajax. Antigone. Electre. Oedipe a Colone. Oedipe Roi. PJiiloctete Tracliiniennes. Catalogues and Books of Reference. 462 Catalogue of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, compiled by Joseph Ja- cobs & Lucien Wolf, illustrated by Frank Haes. Edition de Luxe. No. 57. London 1888. Folio. ._ Only a limited nunber printed. The negatives of the illustrations were taken by Mr. Frank Haes on the Eastman negative paper in Mckellan's roller slide. The Prints are printed in Collotype by the Autotype Co. and are the first from such negatives published in England. 463 Historisches Woerterbuch der juedischen Schrifsteller und ihrer Werke von G. B. De-Eossi aus dem Italienischen uebersetzt von Dr. C. H. Hamburger. Leipzig, 1839. 8° 464 Ch. D. Lippe's Bibliographisches Lexicon A— H. Vienna 1887. 8°. — 34 — 465 i-nira Tiair ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ?icK ♦♦♦♦♦♦ -iu>K D'^pn d^ij^j "je'? d'^:^' TiBtr icd D-int2t>aK2 ♦ . ♦ > t>iont3ur :pr 't > ♦ ♦ . ':ir ma . * ♦ . . jkibd D2 ^''Tl r\W2 ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ DNrnxn "rn ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Oiain- Amsterdam 5440 = 1680. 4P. Zedner gives the name of the Author as Shabthai ben Joseph Surnamed Bass, but the title page in my copy states distinctly that the Author's name was Shabthai ben Joseph, a bass-singer of (the Synagogue in) Prague and brother ' of Jacob Strimers. 466-468 Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A descriptive Catalogue accompanied by histori- cal and biographical notices of the MSS and printed books contained in the library of H. E. H. the Duke of Sussex in Kensington Palace. By Thomas Jo- seph Pettigrew, librarian to the Duke of Sussex. London 1827. 4"'- This is a very important Work. It was presented to Dr. Loewe by the Author. The notices of the Works ai'e of a very elaborate nature, containing not only descriptions of the books or MSS themselves but also biographies of the Authors, comparisons with similar works in other libraries, and opinions of learned men on their relative merits and value. There are numerous engravings, wood-cuts and etchings. Among the latter are some exceedingly scarce plates by George Cruikshank. In the 2""* Volume under the heading of English Bibles, p. 311 is to be found Archbishop Parkers Account of the "Bishop's Bible" addressed to Queen Elisabeth which had never before been published (i. e. prior to 1839) with a fac-simile of the Archbishop's Signature. Numismatics. 469 G-eschi cht e der juedischen Muenzen gemeinfasslich dargestellt von Dr. M. A. Levy. Mit Holzschnitten, Leipzig. 1862. 8^. 470 Mad den's Jewish Coinage, with Wood-cuts by Fairholt London 1864. 4"'- With marginal notes by Dr. LoeAve. 471 Akerman's Intuduction to the Study of Ancient and modern Coins. 80. 472 The York Medal or the Supposed Jewish iledal found in York. Deciphered by Dr. Loewe. London 1843. S^. 473 Observations on a Unique Cufic Gold Coin issued by the lO"- Caliph of the Fatimite Dynasty, by Dr. L. Loewe. London 1849. 80. 474 Notice of a Medal of the Chevalier d'Eon by W. D. Haggard 1847. 80. — 35 Egyptiology. 475 Hebrew Inscriptions from the Valleys between Egypt and Mount Sinai in their original characters, with translations and an alphabet. By Samuel Sharpe. With 20 plates. With Author's letter. London 1875. 80. 476 p3xn naSr mt2 ♦ . ♦ ♦ > ♦ a^'r^sni Drnty^n nrjiDip Mi ^n^sn ^on^a Vienne 1882. 8°. 477 A History of Egyptian Mummies and an account of the Worship and embal- ming of the Sacred animals by the Egyptians by Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, with plates by George Cruikshank. London 1834. Folio. 478 Ancient Egypt. 12. Edition, by George R Gliddon. Published by T. B. Peterson. Philadelphia Jemnary, 1848. 4'°- With many wood-cuts. A Series of Chapters on Early Egyptian History- In the Same Volume; Die Kaukasischen Glieder des Indoeuropaeischen Sprachstamms von Franz Bopp. Berlin 1847. 4'°- also Antiquarian Researches in the Ionian Islands in the year 1812 by John Lee. 1848. With plates, presented to Dr- Loewe by the Author. 4"'- 479 Eudiments of a Vocabulary of Egj^ptian Hieroglypnics by Samuel Sharpe. London 1837. 4'°- With Autograph letter. 480 Gallery of Antiquities. Selected from the British Museum by F. Arundale, Arch' and J. Bonomi. Sculp'- With descriptions by S. Birch, Assistant to the Antiq"- Deps' at the British Museum. London. 4*»- With numerous plates. 481-482 A popular account of the Ancient Egyptians, revised and abridged from his larger Work by Sir J. Gardiner Wilkinson with 500 Wood-cuts. London 1854. B". 483 Lettres de M. Champollion le Jenne ecrites pendant Son Voyage en Egypt en 1828 et 1829, Paris 1829. 80. 484-487 Fundamenta Hermaneutica Hierographiae Auctore Cataldo Jannellio and his „Tentata". Naples 1830. 80. 488 Lectures on the Elements of Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Antiquities by the Marquis Spineto. London 1829. 80. 489 Precis du Syst^me Hierogly phique des Anciens Egyptiens par M. Ghampollion le jeune. With plates 1828. 80. 490 Israel in Egypt or the Books of Genesis and Exodus illustrated by existing monuments by Willian Osburn with plates. London 1856. 80. — 36 — 491 The Eg-yptian in the time of the Pharaohs by Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson with an introduction to the Study of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs by Samuel Birch. London 1857. 80. 492 Discorveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the Desert by Austen H. Layard with Maps, plans & illustrations. London 1853. 8". 493 On a Karaite Tombstone brought from Djuffet Kalea in the Crimea, by Dr. Loewe. London 1875. 8". 494 Nineveh and its Palaces by Joseph Bonomi with numerous engravings. London 1853. 80. 495 Die Eueckkehr. Vom Verfasser der Brief e eines Verstorbenen. Erster Theil: Aegypten. By Prince Pueckler — Muskau. With illustrations. Berlin 1846. On page 220, the Prince gives an account of some interpretations of hiero- glyphic inscriptions by ChampoUion and Dr. Loewe of which the following is a translation ; — "During my enforced stay in Cairo (on account of a sprained foot) I received many visits from friends amongst whom was also Dr. Loewe .... He is a wonderful man, a genius of languages, and it was very interesting to see how he read, as fluently as if he were reading a newspaper, the copies of hiero- glyphical inscriptions which Herr von Kronstrand had taken by means of damp paper and brought with him from Thebes. At first I was not inclined to be- lieve him and I made up my mind to put him to the test. I had in my posses- sion a bronze figure entirely covered with hieroglyphics with a little history of its own. When ChampoUion came to Egypt it was given to him to decipher by the then owner and he readily gave an interpretation. Shortly afterwards the figure fell into other hands and found a home in Cairo. Now when ChampoUion, after a long stay in Upper Egypt and Nubia, returned to Cairo, the new owner also asked him to decipher the inscription on the long forgotten Isis. The learned Egyptiologist very kindly complied with the request — but strange to say — on this occasion the text differed very much from his for- mer interpretations, at which the owner laughed heartily, but without reason, for ChampoUion arrived in Egypt as a student and returned as a Master. Now as Dr. Loewe could not possibly have known anything about the two diiferent texts and as I, on purchasing the figure, had also obtained Champollions two interpretations, I hastened to ask him for his explanation of the hierogly- phics. My astonishment may well he imagined when — instead of hearing a third explanation as I had quite anticipated— Dr. Loewe read off almost word for word Champollions second text, and that without any hesitation and in very few mi- nutes. Consequently I felt great respect for and confidence in the talents of our amiable friend. In his opinion, the old Egyptian is only a corrupted off- — 37 — spring of the venerable Hebrew and his long studies of the Semitic languages have easily enabled him, building as it were upon Champollion, to find his way in the labyrinth of Hieroglyphics which will soon be easily accesible to all. Philosophy. Mathematics, Medecine, Philology, Astronomy, Miscellaneous. 496 ^"Ki-i rfihn nb^^'h^^f2 'haiii^'r] ^dv p pnr 'i'? ah-iv iid' ncc b. Gold- berg & L. Eosenkranz. Berlin 1848. 4*<'- ,Db^K 1£D SbiD /n nX n:?^ pNn Hn'tDI nJ^' with a preface by Menasche ben Israel mnH p^fi 'D 'h niiiDJ 'd /Q^ou> mpn 'd mo^i TiD 1SD ,D''jj pj;o 'D With numerous Wood-cuts. Amsterdam 5386 — 1626. 4'°. 498 "nDj;n 11D Grundlage und Festsetzung der Zeitberechnung von David Friedlaen- der. Buda-Pest 1880. 80. 499 Der Juedische Kalender historisch und astronomisch untersucht. Eine vom juedisch-theologischen Seminar gekroente Preisschrift von Dr. Adolf Schwarz. Breslau, 1872. 8". .500 A Jewish Calender for 64 years by E. H. Lindo, with autograph letter. London 1838. QO. 501 Another Copy. 502 ai'^xn IM nxo ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ Sni^^ ^nbit mn'^in ik tii one- Part. i. Vienna 5641—1881. S". 503 Einleitung in die Gesetzgebung und die Medicin des Thalmuds von Dr. M. Rabbinowicz. Aus dem Franzoesischen uebersetzt von Sigmund Mayer. Trier 1881. 80. 503a Die Zoologie des Talmud s, von Dr. L. Lewysohn. Frkft. 1858. 80. .504 Bibllsch-Talmudische Medicin von R. J. Wunderbar. Riga und Leipzig 1850. 80. — Allgemeine Einleitung, mit Einschluss der Geschichte und Literatur der Israel. Heilkunde. Materia Medica und Pharmacologic der alten israeliten. — 38 — 505 Do. Staatsarzneikunde und gericlitliclie Medicin der alten Israeliten. 506 Do. Medicnische Polizei der alten Israeliten. 507 Do. Gerichtliche Medicin. 508 > Die Sitten, Gebrauche und Krankheiten der alten Hebraeer .... von J. P. Trusen. Breslau 1853. 80. 509 Das Transcendentale, Magie und Magische Heilarten im Talmud, von Dr. Gideon Brecher. Vienna 1859. 510 ^^^^-i^ ;ia5(-n t]i5inBn nasn Kim nr'jKJ niro 'a i.t'tk 'inb din mbin nsD n'^JiTI"! man on*'- with Wood-cuts. Presented to Dr. Loewe by Shelomo Khazan Chief Eabbi of Alexandria in Egypt in 5599, Venice 5280 =^ 1520. 511 Dsnj ♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦ n^j?nt3n niNiam ni'pij^B D^^i'jr in D^pha m'?yett isd T"Dpn nJTT Npnti- Turka 5527—1767. NjitaSx p"p3 u>"ina dsi: nnvi rii? n^tyn Kiroipn anpa oan: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Altona 5409—1749. 4"'- 513 ij^ p'jn '1fl31 p ntifi' Matteh Dan y Segunda parte del Cuzari Compuesto por el H. R. David Nieto en Londes Anno 5474. Impresso por Thomas Hive, con Licenecia de los Senores del Mahamad. London 5474—1714. 4'°. Spanish & Hebrew. With the following Binder's label „John Brotherton at the Bible in Threadneedle Sheet Overagainst Mercht Taylors Hall bindeth all Sorts of Books". 514 ipp3 '^S-iJ ^jaa ♦ ♦ . ♦ ti^^^^ 'b dv ♦♦♦♦*♦ ♦ nnan ibd- Prag i838. so. 515 i^f^ p'jri ''iniDI n HIDD- The Rod of Judgment bemg a Supplement to the Book Kuzari which demonstrates by natural inferences the truth of the oral law . . . , .... by David Nieto translated from the Hebrew by Dr. L. Loewe. London 1842 80. 516 ''Ifinn 1BD herausgegeben, uebersetzt und mit einem Commentar, sowie mit emer allgemeinen Einleitung versehen, von Dr. David Cassel, 2""* Edition. Leipzig 1869. 80. € 517 + + + + + + D''mnj miO i'ls Deutsche uebersetzt von R. J. Fuerssenthal. Bres- lau 1839. 80. 518 rT\^t>r\ npj 'si ^Jiamj ntya 'b □;♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ a^suj nno-'Suizbach i828. 4'°. The Second part has a Commentary by 3KJt3D ^"'i< ^'hT\ pFlli''- — 39 — 519 Moses Maimonides mischne Thora containing ethical, theological and philosophical instructions edited by Elias Soloweyczik. London 1863. 80. 520 E. Mosis Maimonidae de Idolatria liber cum interpretatione Latina & notis Dionysii Vosii. Amsterdam 1642. 4P. 521 mirn mito in ^ib'? d^did: nna by pan px mi,T 'i ♦♦♦♦♦♦ jn mi isd Jessnitz 5504 = 1744. 16""°. 522 noitr 'B ♦♦.♦♦♦ 13 FiDinji D'ron naitrn oy > ♦ ♦ . ♦ m:;"im nuioKn NpN-ip p"pf2 ["tt> ^ro'-f n-nn^ ny^ yn 'bu w niiox- Berlin 5549 = 1739. 40. With marginal MS. notes in Arabic & Hebrew by Dr. Loewe referring to his Arabic MS. 523 ,,,,,,, "na irm nxa ♦ ♦ . ♦ . mnn'^n main niin ibd mit einer.^.... deutschen Uebersetzung nebst exegetischen Anmerkungen und einer metrisch- gereimten Uebersetzung der j.Mahnrede" von M. E. Stern. Vienna 1853. 80. 524 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ nJIISK pirn IBD i^i* deutscher Uebersetzung und mit Anmerkungen. von David Deutsh. Rabbiner zu Sohrau o/S. Sohrau 1865. 4". With autograph letter of the Translator to Dr. Loewe. 525 njiaxn "'Ipyi rnn nD"* oder theolog-pMlosoph. Abhandlungen ueber die Grund- lehren der mosaischen Eeligion In hebraeischer Sprache verfasst von M. B. Friedenthal. Im Auszuge uebersetzt von E. J. Fuerstenthal, in 4 Heften. Berlin 1842. With Portrait. also Die Legimitaet nach dem alten Testament aus mehreren hebraeischen Werken Marcus Beer Friedenthal's im Auszuge uebersetzt von R. J. Fuerstenthal. Also by the same author and translator. " Die Ur-Offenbarung." 526 Moses Mendelsohn. Sammlung theils noch ungedruckter, theils in anderen Schriften zerstreuter Aufsaetze und Briefe von ihn, an- und ueber ihm. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. J. Heinemann Leipzig 1831. 8". With engraving. Presented to Dr. Loewe by David Friedlaender. 527 Lehre und Glaube der Vorchristlichen Welt an Seelenfortdauer und Unsterb- lichkeit mit besonderer Ruecksicht auf das alte Testament von Amaa- Uus Wiessner. Leipzig 1821. 8o. 528 na''Dn 'n min- Religion und Judenthum Vernunft und Glaube, von P. L. Hurwitz Berlin 1832. 8°. 529 Saa'diah's Emunoth We-deoth uebersetzt und erlaeutert von Dr. Philipp Bloch. Munich 1879. 80. — 40 — Volume Containing. 530-631 a) Stimmen beruehmter Christen ueber den Damaszeuer Blutprocess. L. H. Loewenstein. With Autograph letter to Dr. Loewe 1843. 80. 532 b) Ueber den Ursprung der wider die Juden erhobenen Beschuldigung bei der Feier ihrer stern sich des Blutes zu bedienen Dr. Karl Ignaz Corv6. Berlin 1840. 533 c) Dogmatisch-historische Beleuchtung des alten Judenthums, von Aaron Gluenzburg 1846. With Autograph letter from L. Guenzburg Lewis. 534 d) Wort 'zu seiner Zeit oder die Autoritaet der juedischen translationslehre als des muendlichen Gesetzes. Sendschreiben an seine Glaubensgenossen von Salomon Plessner. Breslau. 535 e) Der Talmudist wie er ist oder wir sind alle Menschen. Zur Wegraeumung gehegter Vorurtheile gegen den Talmud, von A. L. Loewenstamm Ober-rabbiner zu Emden. 1822. 536 f) Derjuedische Alexandrinismus, eine Erflndung christlicher Lehrer .... von Dr. Kirschbaum. 537 g) Lecture on the Philosophy of the Jews by Arthur Lumley Davids. 538 h) Oeuvres Diverses de E. Carmoly. 539 j) fJ2NJ yV- The faithful missionary, a monthly periodical illustrating the Va- lue of Judaism, with a View of opening the eyes of Some Deluded Christians in England to the doings of the So-called „London Society" for promoting Christianity among the Jews by S. Hoga. London 1847. 540 k) Le Profezie di Daniel interpretate da Guglielmo Forli di Siena. Capolago 1845. 541 1) 1) Is the oral law of divine Origin and therefore binding on the Jews? The Advocacy of this question contested by a Member of thas Community. London 1842. 542 2) Observations addressed to the English Jews. 543 3) Rejected letters, (from the „Voice of Jacob". 1842. Volume contaiaing: — 544 a) Die Sprache der Mischnah, lexicographisch und grammatisch betrachtet von Leopolb Dukes. Esslingen 1846. With Autograph letter from L. D. to Dr. Loewe. — 41 — 6 545 b) ^1 ^j; f^iip- Pi'oben lexicalischen, Synonimischen und grammat. Inhalts aus verschiedenen Handschriften von Leopold Dukes. 546 c) ''^tyjs Proverbes, accompagne d'une introduction historique et litteraire par Leopold Dukes. Paris 1847. 547 d) Manna von M. Steinschneider. Berlin 1847. Parabeln, Erzaeblungen, Makamen, Kleinere Gedichte, Epigramme & Gno- men, nebst Anhang. 548 e) Die fremdsprachlichen Elemente im Neuhebraeischen und ihre Be- nutzung fuer die Linguistik. Vortrag gehalten in der ersten Versammlung deutscher und auslaendischer Orientalisten zu Dresden. I. Oct. 1844. von M. Steinscbneider. Prag 1845. 549 f.) Chronologisclie Tafel zur Berechnung des christlicben Kalenders, fuer die ganze Julianiscbe Periode berechnet von Berl Goldberg. Koenigsberg 1842. 550 g)Das psychologische System des Maimonides. Eine Einleitungs- schrift zu dessen More Nebuchim von Dr. Simon B. Scheyer Frankfurt a. M. 1875. 551 h)MosesbenMaimon. Studien von Dr. Abraham Geiger. 552 i.) L' inscription Pbenicienne de Marseille Traduite et Comment6e par S. Munk. With Photograph. Paris 1888. 553 j.) On Phaenician Inscriptions; by Sir Grenville Temple. 554 k) Encyclopaedia Aegyptiaca Part. I. AAH— ABo. by T. J. Pettigrew. With diagrams. London 1842. Volume Containing. 555 a) Eeden der Erbauung gebildeter Israeliten, ge.widmet von David Fried- laender. Breslau 1815. 556 b) Part 11. 557 c) Sendschreiben an Herrn Ober - Consistorial - Rath und Probst Teller zu Berlin von einigen Hausvaetern juedischer Eeligion. Verfasst von David Priedlaender. 558 d) Beantwortung von Probst Teller. Berlin 1799. 559 e) Die Legitimitaet nach dem alten Testament, M. B. Friedenthal Breslau . 1840. — 42 — m^ 560-563 f-i.) Theolog-philosoph. Abhandl. ueber die Grundlehren der mosaischen Eehgion. In hebr. verfasst von M. B. Friedenthal. Im Auszuge uebersetzt von R. J. Fuerstenthal. Breslau 1842. 564 j.) Das Eigenthum mid die Arbeit nach den Grundprincipien der Uroffenbarung. 565 k) Ueber die Notliwendigkeit der g6setzlichen Einfuehrung von Leichen- liaeusern. 566 1.) Guide du Pothetomis t e ou Mobel. par L. Terquem. Metz 1843. Bound together in I Volume containing. — 567 a) Eli all. Ein heiliges Lebensgemaelde in 19 Kanzelvortraege von Dr. Gotthold Salomon. Hamburg 1840. 8". 568 b) Israels Erbauungsstunden. Berlin 1846. 8^. Ein Buch der haeuslichen Andacht fuer die Bekenner des Judenthums. 569 c) Der neue Hi mm el mid die neue Erde oder die buergerliche Gleichstellung der Israeliten in Hamburg, von. Dr. Gottliold Salomon. Hamburg 1843. 570 d) Gott mit uns! Worte der Beruhigung nach dem grossen Brands in Ham- bui-g 1892. von Dr. N. Frankfurter. 571 e) ^{'' m ■'pm niJiO- sin Leltfaden beim Uuterrichte des praktischen theils der Religion, von Dr. J. Heinemann. Berlin 1841. SlUgr 572 f.) Minchat Ereb Poetische Paraphaasen des 8. Psalmes und „Kol Bochim" von W. Tugendhold. Wilna 1839. 573 g) The Hebrew Talismann London, printed by W. Whaley 12 Holywell Street. Strand. With a Steel engraving & fac-simile of signature of Nathan Meyer Rothcshild. Depicted standing against a pillar of the Royal Exchange with a bunch of keys in his hand. — This is a very rare pamphlet, the name of the author is not stated, nor is there any date mentioned. 574 h.-j.) Sermons by David Samocz of Breslau, Joachim Kohn of Krakau, Sammel. Vita Beer, Rome. 575 k) Installation Sermon by Rev. Dr. N. M. Adler in German & translated into English by Dr. Van Ofen. 5605—1845. 80. 576 1.) Sermon by Salomon Plessner on the death of Freduich Willian III. 577 m) Huldigungsrede von David Deutsch. 1841. — 43 — 578 n) Beit rag- zur Beantwortung der .... von preuss. Staat an saemmtliche juedische Gemeinden, den juedischen Cultus betreff. Fragen von G. S. Tiktin Rabbiner in Breslau. 1843. 579 o) Leben und Wirken Salomon Heine's, sein Testament ; Nekrolog des Herrmann Todesco ; Vermaechtniss des Thomas de Pinta. von Wolf Pascheles. Prag 1845. 580 p) Discourse by A. A. Lindo. 1839. 581 q) Do. by Isaac Lesser Philadelphia 5682—1842. 582 r) ni^tae ^'^ riats m^S to'"- 'n am ne ■'ntmt!^ no nsDa Nim natron "leoa 'jn mm ^''^^^^h ppa t'sn ibid ntro n"ia 'jn 'in n"n mn ^'jnj 'Jts> pti>t3Nnp p"pn pn is^in^'? i^r2:n ^3tta , Kt^ixn p"pT rax fa'?r na'jir n"iD 5600—1840. With autograph letter of Israel Goldschmidt. Bound up in one volume. 583 a) The Emancipation of the Jews indispensable for the maintenance of the protestant profession of the Empire .... by Col. George Gawler with auto- graph letter 1847. 584 b) The Establishment of Jewish Colonies in Palestine by Col. Gawler 1845. 585 c) Dr. Croly LL. D. versus Civil & Religions Liberty. Letter by Aaron Levy Green 1850. This is a very important pamphlet. 586 d) Ueber die Stellung der Bekenner des mosaischen Glaubens in Deutschland. von Dr. Gabriel Riesser. Altona 1831. 587 e) Anther copy. 588 f.) Vertheidigung der Buergerlichen Gleichstellung der Juden gegen Dr. H. E. G. Paulus. von Dr. Gabriel Riesser. 1831. 589 g) Der Jude, Ein Journal fuer Gewissens-Freiheit. von Dr. G. Riesser. 590 h) Erstes Heft der Zeitschrift fuer die Religioesen Interessen des Judenthums von Dr. Z. Frankel. April 1844. 591 i.) Die Aufgabe der Gegenwart, von Abraham Geiger Analekten von Dr. Zunz. (Die Gersoniden) Der Monotheismus in Sittlicher Beziehung Dr. Saal- schtitz. Das Verhaeltniss des natiirlichen Schriftsinnes zur talmudischen Schriftdeutung. Ueber die Thargumin. S. D. Luzzato. 592 j.) Zur Judenfrage in Deutschland von Dr. Wilhelm Freund. — 44 — 593 k) Suggestions to the Jews for improvement in Eeference to their Chari- ties, Education & General Government By a Jew. London 1844. 1.) Ought Baron de Rothschild to Sit in Parliament? by Dr. B. van Ofen. Bound ups in one volume. 594 a) nijra mib'' 1K pa mj;i von Frau von Genlis. Ins Hebraeische uebersetzt von David Samocz. Breslau 1843. 595 b) , . , ^^^^^ p^T s'^jnej , . . , nrn n'tirxm neo h); iiK^n 'hn^: mS'?!:; Srm no'?^ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1i2 '"i; OQlh NDIH • Hamburg 1842. 596 c) D^JIO'^O lyan Sive Anecdota Rabbinica Continentia. 1) R. Scheriral Gaonis epistolam; 2) Varias (Raschi) quaestiones; 3) Librum Ibn Esrae Chai ben Mekiz correctum illustratum Studio beati R. WoMi Heidenheim. 4) Fabulas LXX Syriacas, 5) Carmen liturgicum R. Isaaci bar Jehuda ibn Giat cum Commentario R. Simeonis ben Zemach Duran. illustravit Berl Goldberg. Berlin 1845. 597 d) nnU ''■iK "ICD- Streitrichrift ueber die Echtheit des Sohar .... von Leon Modenese. Nach einer Handschrift zum ersten mal herausgegeben von Dr. Julius Fuerst. Leipzig 1840. 598 e) rnXJp nnJO ^ pamphlet on Salomon Cohen's „Elements of Faith" by M. M. Rintel. London 5577—1817. 599 f.) D^31K DPI^ Elegische Betrachtungen von Chayim Pollak. 600 g) Die Klagelieder Jereraias uebersetzt von M. S. Pappenheim Breslau 1844. 601 h) „Words of peace & truth." a Reply to „An address to the Israelites of Great Britain by a Levite" by Rabbi Moshe Israel Hassan. Dayan of Jeru- salem. London 5606. 602 i.) nti>p mm Paris. 5606—1846. 603 j.) Capitolo XX. Delia riprovazione del Sacriflcio dei Giudei e dell' elezione del Sacramento dei Cristiani. (Stampato nella Stamperia Camerale). 604 k) naita njnjn nva Mi myts jn:a |n hn'iiD' ^jnn n^jnnjn n^jniD mpa neo jnKr'llj;'? CmnK mt2 ******** * Berlin 1846. 605 Die Legitimitat nach dem altan Testament, von Marcus Beer Friedenthal. Breslau 1840. 606 'jKsi nKO \"vh2 Q'lV'hh DJnnoi on^iun n^ n^y^ xim DnoN '^^ph ibd j-ijfP in'''?N Asmir. Hebrew & Spanish. (Ladino) 1855. In 1 Volume . — 45 — 607 a) ^3irKn f]Dv '^h c]DD ni^P 'y^ OJ p'i^J '>*n ^^'^ nir^'^aa ^strn ima ^y^ l^rXJ Ntyir nJDD^^K HKD * * ♦ ♦ ♦ Warsaw 1855. 608 b) Der Neue Jude des ISten Jahrhunderts von M. Herzberg. Gleiwitz 1845. 609 c) Ruecksprache mit alien Glaeubigen des rabbinischen Judenthums. von Jsrae] Deutsch, Rabbiner zu Beutben & David Deutscb, Rabbiner zu Mislowitz. Breslau 1843. 610 Plato translated by George Surges Bohn. London 1856. With Steel engraving. 611 Do. by Henry Davis. Bobn. London 1849. 612 Do.' by Sydenham and Taylor. 613 Aristotle on Rhetoric by T. Buckley. 614 Do. The Nicomachean Ethics by R. W. Browne. 615 Essays & Reviews by Frederich Temple, Rowland Williams, Baden Powell, Henry Bristow Wilson, Mark Pattisou & Benjamin Jowett. London 1861. 616 Las Excelencias de los Hebreos por el Doctor Ishak Cardoso — Impresso en Amsterdam en Casa de David de Castro Tartas. El anno de 1679. 617 ch'i'^ myni "IBD uebersetzt von J. Hirschfeld. Berlin 1838. 618 ^^hn \Q^'h p phr riQh'^ nxo — □"aai'? D^pis njittt!^ 'jSid ppno nphn uebersetzt und mit theologisch — philosophischen Anmerkungen versehen. Dessau 1809. 619 ♦ /. tyina dbij ,,,,,, 'j^rmaK pnr p iti>n iikd ♦ ♦ * D^jpr mts:; r\}'^2 ♦.♦♦♦. D-ntOtrOK3 * ♦ ♦ 5536 — 1779, 620 .^jtsittiK^ ^Dnna 'i 'y njim Disin n^n ha Kmn D"n»in'? mnn mSo mxa Prague 1811. 621 ^ , ^ , » * jrjn 2t2''a 'D M:. S. Ereystadt. Koenigsberg 1845. 622 Vermischte Philosophische Schriften des H. Hemsterhius. Leipzig 1782. 623 (?) nmtajan \wiii oye dbij hjj ifx van hv^ 'inid nm injm ih^n p ibd ♦ ♦>♦♦♦ Furth 5513—1753. 8'>. With juedisch-deutsch translation 624 ritian nxjpi ,yr\: tk' ,tynpn -[-n n"itr '?'n3 pniin niii icd Dessau 18I8. — 46 — 625 Die religioese Poesie der Juden in Spanien. von Dr. Michael Sachs Berlin 1845. 8°. 626 Divan des Castiliers Abut-Hasan the Juda ha-Levi. von Abraham Geiger. Breslau 1851. le"". 627-628 Weltbewegende Fragen in Politik und Fragen. Aus den letzten dreissig Jahren. von Dr. Ludwig Philippson. Leipzig 1868 & 1869. 8<*. 626-633 Bet ha-Midrasch. Sammlung kleinere Midraschim und vermischter Abhandlun- gen aus der aeltern juedischen Literatur. von Adolph Jellinek Leipzig 1853. 8". 634 Beitraege zur juedischen Alterthums = Kunde. Graphische E,ec[uisiten und Er- zeugnisse bei den Juden. von Leopold Loew. Leipzig 1871. 8". 635 Beitraege zur Eabbinischen Sprach und Alterthumskunde von Leopold Eisler. III. Theil. Wien 1882. S". 636-638 En Saio Sob re o Homem de Alexandre Pope. Traduzido verso por verso por- Francisco Bento Maria Targini, Barao de Sao Lourengo. London 1819. 4". With Many steel engravings by H. J. da Silva, Jervas, Heath, Rhodes, Uwins. A very valuable copy of Pope's Essay on Man with Portuguese translation & important notes in French by the Translator, 639 Burtons Anatomy of Melancholy 16""' Edition, printed from the Authorized Copy of 1651 with the Author's last corrections, additions. With frontispriece London 1836. 80. 640 Tertullian Translated by C. Dodson. M. A. 20. Edition. Oxford 1854. 641 The Relation between the Holy Scriptures and Some parts of Geological Science by John Pye Smith. London 1848. 80. 642 VergleichendeMythologie zum naeheren Verstaendniss vieler Bibelstellen von F. Nork. Leipzig 1836. 80. 643 'd '2^ phn , piTN-i p'rn / onjsN n^Jira b^ lao ^^yh . onox '^^ph iod pnnN Dntojipi .tynpn mjx ,ny\tT\r] nuK ,niiOKni mmi nyr ,|t3p ^irn h'^ ^rpr ^DK ^'^ Kin ph^ iK^Jtr 'ma '^njn mn ^^ nrn ^r\pn nson lana mta nV bv^ '?"i:^0 nnJO 'n 'in • Shneor Solomon ben Baruch of Ladie (?) Slobuda 1796. 80. 644 , , , jttSr 'mo ♦ * ♦ ♦ 'jn 'r\ nb^v^n ts^^N rrh^T^ ibid^ in mx :ii-i':'in ibd bnpm-^ ^anon .... . noioi nonn nnp^ □mo'? nmo'? bSin KJbni p-^ii DNf p '?"'11''''B- Dyrenfort 5571 — 1801. — 47 — 645 xi£^ nnyi n^^u^ njtya nm^p^ dbi: Dia^Ji'rp p Ditt^ai'?p '^h |n3 p>J ♦ pn2i jns fjDV nxo d^ki'?d ^:3n v'rj? icDiriJi pi'tnii 'ja'a ^jsd mN? Lemberg 1865. 8». 646 also D"':':Bn "insa It^eing ethical Sentences by Salomon ibn Gabirol & Jehuda ibn Tibbon translated by B. H. Ascher. London 1859. 647 also. Goethes Faust translated into Hebrew by Dr. Max Letteris. Vienna 1865. 648 Gellerts Schriften part 7 & 8 only. 7) Von den Vornehmsten pflicbten des Menschen. 8) Briefe. Herausgegeben von Schlegel & Heyer , Leipzig 1784. 649 Blumenlese neuhebraeischer Dichtungen. Cbronologisch geordnet von Dr. H. Graetz. Breslau 1862. 650-652 'jfii'l f»Tn '''?nBJ nKtt mXCn ■•T'ly- Die Mosaide von Hartwig Wessely Origi- nal ausgabe. Prag 1829. 653 nity m^Un Sammlung hebraeiscber Gedichte. von Joacbim Eosenfeld. Ins Deutsche uebersetzt von R. J. Fuerstentbal. Breslau 1842. 654 There Letteis by John Oxlee Curate of Stonegrave to the Lord Archbishop of Cashel on the Sepher Zohar. York 1827. 8". With the authors autograph. 655 There Letters by John Oxlee to the Archbishop of Canterbui-y on the futility of any attempt to Convert the Jews. With marginal notes by Dr. Loewe. With Autograph letter to Dr. Loewe. 656 Dr. J. Heinemann's allgemeines Archiv des Judenthums. Berlin 1842. 8°. I Vol. 657 Mose. Episches Gedicht von Dr. M. Eappaport. Leipzig 1842. 658 Tha Book of Miracles, beny an emportaut Account of the River Sambatyon, translated & Compiled by Dr. M. Edrehi of Morroco. London 1834. 8*. With portrait & diagram. 659 Treasures of Oxford. Containing poetical Comporitions by the ancient Jewish Authors in Spain and compiled from MSS. in the Bodleian Library, by H. Edel- man & Leopod Dukes and cditet by M. H. Bresslau. London 1851. 8°. 660 The Path of Good Men, a collection of parental instructions to Children, by Eabbi Judah ben Saul aben Tibbon & others rendered into Hebrew by Hirsch Edelmann. London 1852. 8". With autograph letter. also p2ip ^NlOty 'l nXtt D^nn y^l IBD Constantlnopel 5608—1848. also ^K3'a 'n fl"ia "i^DJn n^an it!>K ^"s- — 48 — 661 nnan nm- Briefe dev ausgezeichnetsten Rabbinei- und Rabbiner Collegien der vorzueglichsteii Israelitischen Gemeinden Deutschlands, Pohlen und Italien ueber den in Hamburg von einigen Individuen der dasigen Israel. Gemeinde — gegen die Gesetze des Judenthums — erricbteten „Neuen Tempel Verein". Herausgegeben von den Rabbinern der Israelitischen Gemeinde zu Hamburg aus dem Hebraeischen treu ins Deutsche uebersetzt. Altona 1819. 12""°. 662 Speeches of the Duke of Sussex, on the Roman Catholic Claims. 1828.. on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill. 1829. with notes. On the Regency 1840. An Appeal to the British Nation on behalf of the Jews, by Dr. B. Van Oven. Speech in the House of Loi'ds on the Jewish Relief Bill by Richard Whately Archbishop of Dublin. Debates in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords on the Civil Disabilities of the Jews. 1834. 663 ay t'lU'iQfin inn -ODn ha m'jxty , nn^on Qn^tr 'j'^id nip ^\^yhn ibd phaQ pv^a n"2 'rNnDj nxa ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ nrrrnrnt^n- Amsterdam i85i. 664 Petition an ein Hohes Herrnhaus .... von A. M. Levin Rabbiner in Landsberg betreffend die Revision des Juden Gesetzes. Berlin 1858. 665 Geist des Orients, von Dr. C. S. Guensburg. Breslau 1830. 666 Summary Statement of my literary labors by Julius Fuerst. Leipzg 1868. 667 Rabbinische Anthologie, von R. J. Fuerstenthal. Breslau 1834. S". 668 P rob en aus dem literarischen Nachlasse des Herrn Israel Deutsch Rabbiner zu Beuthen o. S. herausgegeben von dessen Bruedern Abraham Deutsch &, David Deutsch. With Portrait. Gleiwitz 1855. iro^a n'l^in n:ir m rh'hv Tj: niy^ 1112 nib'^inn mJK xin d^oi dbk inXfrnj?'? 1^2 pn^'' nXD- with a poem by the Author. Wilna 1839. 669 670 Efes Dammim, a Series of conversation at Jerusalem between a patriarch of the Greek Church and a Chief Rabbi of the Jews concerning the malicious charge against the Jews of using Christian Blood by J. B. Levinsohn. Transla- ted by Dr. L. Loewe. London 1841. 8". Containing also a Report of the meeting of the Board of Deputies of British Jews & others held at the residence of Sir Moses Montefiore, Grosvenor Gate, Park Lane on 21 April 1840. 671 Das Damokles Schwert. (Efes Damim) von J. B. Lewinsohn. Aus dem Russischen von M. Friedlaender. St. Petersburg 1884. 672 Damascia. Die Judenverfolgung zu Damascus, von L. M. Loewenstein. With autograph Letter. ■ — 49 — 7 673 The Koran, by George Sale. London. 674 Der Procez von Tisza-Eszlar. Verhandelt in Nyiregyhaza, in 1883. Eine genaue Darstellung der Anklage, der Zeugenverhoere, der Vertheidigung und des Urtheils. Nach authentischen Berichten bearbeitet. Mit 20 Illustrationen. Vienna 1883. 675 DieBlutbescliuldigunggegen die Juden, von Christliclier Seite beur- theilt. Vienna 1883. 676 Chrisliche Zeugnisse gegen die Blutbeschuldigung der Juden. Berlin 1882. 677 Die Leiden und Verfolgungen der Juden und ihre Beschuetzer in clirono- logischer Reihenfolge. von Pharao .1650 vor Christi G-eburt bis 1882. nach. Budapest 1882. 678 Gegen Brafmann's „Buch des Kahal". von Josef Seiberling. Vienna 1882. 679 Same with Eussian Translation. 680 Bibel & Talmud, oder 1st der rituelle Mbrd moeglich? von Jacob Kopelo- witz. Vienna 1883. WUBT 681 Zur Judenfrage. Nach den Akten des Processes Rohling-Bloch. von Dr. Josef Kopp. Abgeordneter des Oester. Reichsraths. Leipzig 1886. 682 Presse und Judenthum. von Isidor Singer. Vienna 1882. 683 Schachmatt den Blutluegnern. Rohling und Justus, von Franz Delitzsch. With autograph. Erlangen 1883. 684 Drei Galgenhu m oristische Studien ueber- den Antisemitismus. von Adolf Hertzka. Vienna 1885. iUH^ 685 Gegen die An ti - Semiten. von Dr. J. J. Bloch. 686 Der Ur sprung der Blutbeschuldigung Gegen die Juden. Vortrag beim 6ten Orieutalischen Congress von Dr. H. Oort. Leiden 1883. 687 Offene Zur echtweis ung des Rabbi Schimon Hazaddik. Sonst Haman der ■ Agag-i genannt. Von Gabia ben Psisa. Mainz 1864. 687a The Nineteenth Century. No. 81, November, 1883. Containing an im- portant historical and critical Article on the Jews and the Malicious charge of human Sacrifice, — by Dr. Charles Wright. 688 D a s L e b e n M o s i s von Philo dem Alexandriner. In neuer Uebersetzuno- von M. T. Leipzig 1865. ''■ — 50 — 689 Biograpkische Skizzen. von Dr. Ph. PMlippson. Leipzig 1864. 690 Advocacy of Jewish Freedom by William Thornborron. London 1847. Presented by the Author. 691 L y r i s c h e D i c h t u n g e n von Alexander Petoefi. Aus dem Ungarischen nach dem Original uebersetzt von K. M. Kertbeny. 692 Index Raisonne, des livres de Correspondence de feu Samuel David Luzzatto. Padoue 1878. 693 JevFs and Christians. From the French of Princess Nathalie Gortschakoff — Ouvaroff. By H. Guedalla. London 1888. 694 The Futility of Attempts to represent the Miracles recorded in Scripture as effects produced in the ordinary course of Nature, being the Hulsean Prize, Essay for 1830 by Frederic Myers. 695 n^KO '2 ')vb 'w^f-ha nan ♦♦♦♦.♦♦♦ c^Jts^en 'tJ^Nn no^rn nii^vn nia:?' niiinmiN'?- Berlin 1857. 696 Testament des Rabbi Moses Sofer. von M. Herzfeld. Vienna 1829. 697 Le Role de Jesus et des apotres par Le Dr. J. Rabbinowicz. Brussels 1866. 698 Die Exegese bei den Franzoesischen Israeliten vom 10. bis 14. Jahrhundert von Antoine Levy Rabbiner zu Bordeaux. Leipzig 1873. 699-700 Schriften des Israel.-Literat.-Ver eins. Herzberg. Der freie Wille & and ere. Honigmann. Berel Grenadier. Leipzig 1875/6. 701 Bloch. Studien zui- Geschichte der Sammlung der althebr. Literatur. 702-703 Die Rechte der Israeliten, Athener und Roemer. von Dr. Samel Mayer. Leipzig 1862. 8°. 704 Zur Lehre von den Sinnestauschungen. Prof. Dr. M. Lazarus 1867. 705 The 18 Benedictions. J. F. Stern. 706 Revue des Etudes Juives No. 8. 1882. 707-708 Geschichte der Bibl. Literatur. Dr. Jul. Fuerst. Leipzig 1868. 8». 709 Beitraege zur juedischen Alterthumskunde. von Leopold Loewe. Leipzig 1870. S". 710 Zur Romanischen Dialektologie. Ueber den juedisch- Span.- Dialekt. von Dr. M. Gruenwald. - 51 - 711 Volksausgabe, der Uebergangsperiode vom Alten zum neuen Testament, von Oskar Waldeck. Das Buch Tobit. Vienna 1888. 712 Kesearches in prehistoric and protohistoric Comparative Philology, by Hydfe Clarke. 1875. 713 Le Principe de la f oi, par Abarbanell traduit par le Grand Eabbin. Mosse. Avignon 1884 80. 714 Un Recueil de Consultations Rabbiniques. redige en Italie au XVI Si6cle par Mose Giacomo Monteflore. Paris 1885. 8°. 715 Von Heliopolisnach Berlin, oder Die Verwandschaft ferner Jahrhunderte. von Dr. S. L. Schwabacher. Odessa 1885. 716 Contribution to the Study of the Jewish- Arabic dialect of the Maghreb, by Dr. Hartwig Hirschfeld. 717 Die hebraeischen Traditionen in den Werken des Hieronymus. von Dr. Moritz Rahmer. Breslau 1861. 718 Juedischdeutshe Chrestomathie. von Dr. Max Gruenbaum. Leipzig 1882. 80. 719 Biograph. Skizzen von Dr. Ph. Philippsohn „Gotthold Salomon". Leipzig 1866. 720 Ein Psycholog. Blick in Unsere Zeit. von Prof. Dr. M. Lazarus. Berlin 1872. 721 Anti-He phata, oder Apologie der Freimaurerei. von Dr. Werdt. Leipzig 1856. 722 Hephata. 723-724 Agrippa's, von Nettesheim. Magische Werke. Stuttgart 1855. 725a ZweiVortraege ueber die Kunstleistungen der Hebraeer und alten Juden. von Dr. L. Herzfeld. Leipzig 1864. 725b vnpnvn pxa 'Nm,T m n'f2brh monvan ijn \)!t2h nb'h^ cav in n^jm ^bd nrn nnnn h^2 rnha 'n -[QV ^3 nnn hn'i pyn ha f^ax prn ^mif ahn b'D^n m 7211 na n^tram qtikdi Q^aSx nti>an njt' nan htS d^q^ mty^? '^h's^ am c^na^m •]'7n ita (2L juni 1496). .^•ip'' j?ty^ , ♦ , nrifin d'^ij? n^nn'? trtyi Nach Dr. L.'s Angabe ist die Hs. im style der bekannten Farchi-Bibel iuDamascus. 2) 578 BL, kl. 40. Schone orientalische Quadratschrift, die Seite mit zwei Columnen zu je 31 Zeilen. Kraftiger Schildkroteneinband mit Silberbeschlagen. II. Pentateuch mit den Haftaren und Massora's am Rande. Am Anfange fehlen mehrere Blatter, der Text beginnt mit Gen. 34, 15 Wort jii«] und endet in Haft, zu ^pj; Jes. 51, 2 Mitte. Die Hs. ist spater beschnitten und mit Goldrand versehen worden. Zu mehreren Wochenabschnitten ist von jungerer Hand der Anfang der betr. Haftara neben den Text geschrieben. Oeber der Ueberschrift der Haft, n'^ti^n iol. 234" ist hinzugefiigt: nyii^n ]t2 aha |XD0 '^^nnn'? mn:D pXl 'n n^^QIV, fol. 235- von derselben Hand: □msDH Q^'^^nna \a^ * 1) The article is reproduced from Monatsschrift fur Geschiclite u. Wissenschaft des Ju. dent hums vol. XXXVIII p. 360— 6, 404-14. 2) Vgl. Diaries of Sir Moses und Lady Montefiorc, ed. L. Loewe, I, p, 49, vgl. litbl. d. Or., 1850, bp. /8U — 56 — Pergament, kl. 8", 282 Blatt mit Goldschnitt und die Seite mit zwei Columnen zu je 19 Zeilen, schone deutliche spanische Quadratschrift. Laut einer Notiz auf dem Vorsa,tz- blatte wui'de die Hs. in Jerusalem gefnnden und von Mose Baumgarten aus Kremsier an Sir M. M. geschenkt, der sie Dr. L. gab. III. Propheten und Hagiographen mit beiden Massora's. Die Eeihenfolge der Biicher ist: Propheten, Chronik, Psalmen, Spruche, lob, Daniel, Esra, Nehemia, Euth, Klage- lieder, Hohelied, Esther. Fol. 1™ steht die Notiz: DHinK T^SS D'J^Jm •^p^^ h^ ISDl Ht n"nh)t\ nVlin: 'jKIOTT n"nOD N"K p • Der Text beginnt auf der folgenden Seite und. endet Esth. 3, 13 W. ij;v Fol. 283^° stelit am Rande in grosser ungescMckter Schrift = ■)t:ii ]rhv }iv ps ^nm^a ^r2 pnT p ^"^■I ^r: -jinn n d^n r^yh ^tsD'N • bi. lo? (2 K. 10, 12 xin) bis 203 (Jes. 19, 19 0^2:0) fehlen. Pei-gament, Fol., 397 Bll., die Seite mit zwei Columnen zu 31 Zeilen grosser Quad- ratschrift 14. Jahrhunderts (?). IV. Abraham Asulai's Q13K r\''12 ^h'S^y Der voile Titel lautet: I'^j;^ ibd n"noira ^"3 njtro \wn n"-i ^^h^nn nn'm a^ainsi b^k^^j mina mp hv '^Q Nim n"nhr 2"2^^\ r\)V ne ans; 'h aibir n"^^' njro nnta n"i aSit^ji m^2i^'? ■ wir haben Mer oifenbar das (1624 geschriebene) Autograph des Verfassers vor uns, der nach eigener Angabe in der Vorrede von Hebron nach Gaza fliichtete und das Werk dort zusammen- stellte. Der Codex wurde in der Familie fortgeerbt. Denn es linden sich eigenhandige Einzeichnungen nicht nur von des Verfassers Enkel ""KSlfK pn^"' p H"'!??!'"' (Titelblatt am Rande und links neben der Ueberschrift der Vorrede), sondern auch seines Ur-Urenkels Chajim Jos. David Asuali, Verfassers des a^'^nil UV- ^01 letzterem linden sich folgende^ Einzeichnungen. Auf dem Titelblatte ^ ^ . rhri^h miX nt!>^"l^ 3,m Rande ^"^ f2"ii niJ'TI' ''X'^lfX in PiaV B"n T'J^^in • Gegenliber der erwahnten Notiz Seines Grossvaters iTj;tJr'' steht zu lesen : pnT n"lO in H')}^'' 'iD in pHT mO in 111 p PIDV a"n nnV "'3iN n"n'7r mnian nil p- (Ein dritter Namenzug am Rande derselben Seite ist leider im wesentlichen zerstort.) Im Werke selbst befindet sich eine langere Randglosse von n*'!??!^^ zu Ps. 56, fol. 260™ , darunter eine kurze Notiz zu Ps. 58 von Ch. Jos. David As., wah- rend Glossen von pn2iV dem Vater des letzteren sich befinden fol. 90™ und 258™. Dass die im B'''711Jli1 Bt^) lit- N- § 50 erwahnte Hs. des Werkes unser Codex ist, diirfte somit ausser Zweifel sein. Das Werk ist iibrigens gedruckt (Wilna 1873, Gebr. Romm), was aber weder den Herausgebern von Michael's Qvpin 11K' noch Benjacob bekannt war. Papier, 343 Bll., 4^. An den ersten 4 Bll. sind die oberen Ecken bis in den Text zerstort. Deutliches spanisches Cursiv. V. nB12: 'tynn Tossafoth zum Pentateuch. Anfang n''l!>Kin nU>1B HDISi 'ITlT'n t>xo iKinj a^otyn nntr >nhr\r\ f>iKm y^m wnba «intir id^d't x^tm ah fD^nha Kin IDip B-'OT U^X 3"N .B"'0t2V Fol. 2™ Maimonides n2£0 mn'jn Cap. 2, Hall. 9—11. Fol.. 3" Glossen zu 2 Sam. 6, 10. Fol. 5 Forts, der nf'n — fol. 41, Mitte von i^^Q^j j^^Hr Fol, 42 Ueberschrift von jungerer Hand pijr'j ^ij^^ ^' hlH ^\^QD^^\n ^S^^nO B'Jpr n:;i 'D |Nnn- Fol. 42™ n"D pjj; h^ rnH-^h nmti^n und andere rr'iti^- FoI. 43™ Forts. Tiber- schrieben jici2: "'U>11''nO mDt> I'^XI ntt'lS i^lB- Fol. 81™ Ende von j;nrn '3- Fol. 81™ — 56 — l)egmnt wieder mit ^.^Kin ind endet fol. 235" Mitte von ^nib^ni- Diese zweite Samm- lung ist von anderer Hand geschrieben. Zwischen den einzelnen Wochenabschnitten sind oft Seiten leer gelassen, die z. Th. mit anderen Sachen ausgefullt sind. Ueberall sind Eandglossen und Zusatze von verschiedenen Handen. Mit dem Ausgaben der nn-nr ny-t (Livorno, 1783 und Ofen, 1834) hat die Hs. nur den Stoff gemein. ' Papier 40, 235 BIL, verschiedene spanisdi - rabbinisclie Hande, 15—16. Jhrdt. Die Rander vieler Blatter von Wurmern beschadigt. Gekauft von Moses Baumgarten in Je- rusalem, (s. N. 11). VI. Die Disputation des Nacbmanides mit Fra Paul (berausg. von Steinschneider, Berlin 1860). Auf dem zweiten Titelblatte ist folgendes zu lesen : '^-^^^ ^\p^h^f2^\ mD'l raDn hz iriu^nsi inw^z cnn n^a^n ,Tn i^a i^htin r\hvt2 "^h n^'h:i')22 ityj? ntyx I'riB nK DV '?"i£r ':anj 12 ntya m pniit^n fiN:n h-ii^n iixon nn^jcm vnnji v2:j;rT mnan nyn ,Tn'ur i:p-i:i natron m^2 h^) n^h-ivn n:^t2H hv^ nn^ann Mnma h); nx i^K hv 3n3 iDn3 ityx ana ihk '?d '?ti> mmtrm m'^xri p2:i ^T p pa ira^i "]':on ^job D^inpn ntyy^ '^'^n n^T a'pis vn innm D^^na I'^^tynn nnpo ,Tn r:n ibiD bs'^i T'^Dx imD^o Ntyjiii mn on^ nm '^ob xiddv Dy^^ ^m'q nrb^ iiicm imi ^bs Dn"13t!>103 TlX ^^^ '?X"lt>^ ''J3- Iii ahnlicher Fassung befindet sidi der Titel ferner als Palimpsest auf dem ersten Titelblatte, jedoch sind nur noch erkennbar die Worte: ^\^y\ ibis nx pm y^ir '•janj in n^o DDiiBa.m Snjin mn pn nji'^^ir-iaa ,Tn itr^x Sttj: ♦ ♦ ♦ iSdH rhyf2 ""JJ^D • Auch der (schweinslederne) Einband tragt eine Aufscbrift, an- fangend ^^QH rhvf2 'JBn nji':'!ii3 TV3 mcD3 iTHtT npi'^HDi mD^iH ^7:; nanji nxi ncD ilM "ItZ^X "• s- ^- Dieser Titel ist indessen durcb ein grosses Loch verstiimmelt, und die Schrift auch sonst vielfach verwischt. Die Erklarung von Jes. 53 schliesst mit folgenden Worten, die in der Ausg. nicht vorhanden sind . . . 'n^ '7"' J] IJriJXT Sllpl lO'CS mnos T"'DX xsn nh^v^ "n'^i □"''^tyiT'n D'^^nb n^:;nDJn n^ n^nji ax hhnn: '^xitt"' trnpai ntra '1 mn trn^ci ixn itr^x n-ny '^"■'Dty'' n":na ht in-'^tr"' nxi^ji ntitnan o^tyji nn DneiD'?! D^onpBxb 2'1Dnh nS van V'lir ^Janj in- Daran schUesst slch fol. 24^° xin Qx n":ran p]j? '^j? Dnsin □^ra'^i n^onp^Bx'? n^tynS 'rninty nn 'ai nmta nmrn tiy'? xS DXl jilt!'- I^is folgenden leeren Blatter sind zum Theil beschrieben mit der Empfehlung Ps. 67 wahrend Omerzahlens taglich zu lesen. Fol. 25''° giebt den Psalm selbst in der bekannten Leuchterform, wahrend das folgende Blatt das sich an denselben schliessende Gebet enthalt. Papier,' 56 (beschriebene und 3 leere) Bll. 80, italienischen Hand des 16. Jhrdts. Das Titelblatt tragt folgenden Besitzervermerk : hii}t2^ V'asn pHX "'JX "'pSn'? T^^ nnnxB n^^n- VII. 1. Abraham IbnEsra's niin IIDI Xlia 110' 1BD fol- 1—38" ofters ge- druckt, vgl. Steinschneider, 1. c, p. 684, Michael, 1. c, p. 72. 2. D esse lb en Qtrn IBD ^1. 38™— 50" ed. Lippmann Furth. 1834. 3. Desselben iBOa 110^ 1BD ^1. 50"— 59, gedruckt Wien 1863. 4. Desselben Eathsel iiber die liturae quiescentes nebst zwei Erklarungen, die 57 zweite iiberscMeben ^''^hin^ ^1. 60—68, vgl. Steinschueider, p. 638 '« und Michael, p. 77. 5. D ess el ben r\W:n 'hz nSD fol- 71'"— 92 zweite Eezension (vgl. Michael p, 79), die mit der Ausgabe (Konigsberg 1845) nur das Einleitungsgedicht gemein hat. Fol. 89 enthalt die Angabe der Lange und Breite von 16 Stadten der drei Welttheile. 6. Secharjah Kohen niN3p IinJO Hy-jH lOXa ^1. 93- bis 147" vgl. VIII, 4, wo- ven das Einleitungsgedicht junge Copie. Papier, 147 BIL, 8», spanisches Cursiv, 16. Jahrhundert. Schreiber Gedaljah b. Jachja (fol. 89^» und 92™). Gekauft von Schelomo Chasan, Oberrabbiner von' Alexandrieni) 4. Tischri 5599 (23. September 1838). VIII. 1. manta ma'^nn n'ha^ 'n fol- 1—6; versch. spann. rabb. Hande. 2. Jehuda b. Samuel b. Abbas 2'n: m' 'D fol- 7—40 vgl. Neubauer's Catalog No. 1280). Schluss : y^m 3inK lao ch^:^ on 2'n: TK' Nipji idj:i onn: Verf. nennt das Werk, das er im 20. Lebensjahre schrieb (fol. 7™), auch nni,T I33iy i.^"")- Viele Blatter stark versengt. 3. Levi b. Gerschon, Commentar zu Koheleth fol." 41—55, geschrieben 13. Sivan 5166 (30. Mai 1406). 4. R. Sechaijah Kohen fol. 57—75 niNJp m:t2 "ISD (cf. VII, 6). Der Anfang lautet : 13 nii}t2 ijm 3in yh-n^m mmNon ^it!^*? mp «:p '3 "^'str jhd nnsr 'i mn'? p"o 'd nr\Mi '^^itnS nnnjiD iinji V'str xnry p nninN 'i ahzit^n rmn Dsnm n'n'^r pa^o V'^^jK 1^3 DH^^y ntypnty na 'rs Sp 3^tym V'r pm -13 ntra i:3n 3in on^Ditr to bj; nvtrip iJitr'? mn2i3 ^-.0J3 i'jibSbi ina3n si'? it'thd f]'Din Kin dji vSj? n2^^n -i3rjn nnsr 'i 3in n3-i n'^nn h^nt ?innjS p]im 3tytr |bin3 i3r:n 3nn n3T mp rij^l nat^"' |n3 TlOty ''3 nj^n QJ^D 31133 ■ Es folgt eln Gedlcht von 18 Versen, Eeim {1)3 2)_ Eine Notiz am Schlusse des Werkes giebt den Todestag des Verfassers auf Donners- tag^), den 15. Kislev 5206 = November 1445 an. Der Verfasser und sein "Werk (aber ohne Titel) werden von Zunz, Literaturgesch. p. 378 erwahnt. Vollendet 25. Adar 290= 1530, Schreiber nrJJt!^ OnOK KSlin 13 Dm3N- 5. Ibn Esra riStl' mJK ^ol- 78—83 (gedr. Livorno 1830) Anfang fehlt. Vollendet Dienstag 18. Adar (^27. Febr.) 1453. Schreiber Israel Aschkenasi b. Asarjah Aschkenasi- (Vgl. Neubauer, Catalog, No. 85). 6. "-Jin ir;;'7K '"b nmnn m«''3 hv ''"B. fol. 77 und 84— leo. Supercommentar zu Ibn Esra (S. Berliner, Pletath Soferim, p. 43). Die einleitenden Verse lauten, abweichend von Steinschneider's Mittheilung (das. 52): Nnrj? 133 D13N n'3J ^iro nimo niNSs: ha -pz^ n^^ * Die Stelle am Ende von n'jti'S (fol- 234" lautet: IJTIK 131)3 Dltp IJ^'jN HXIJ nil DH^rs pKi 'jxiaty in onjB in ytrin^ in ntro nun "[3 nNiin i3n hz^ ansiNni n^m:n ') Vgl. AUg. Ztg. d. Judenth., 1839, p. 71. 2) S. Textbeilage 1. *) Der ij. Kislew -war damals aber ein Montag. Br. — 58 — nnio NU^ 11? ^ban ■no'?n ny lizr^ D^^iynom ntrx mm s^m hh:^ N2^i "dnt Knr.'jB i:':' pn:: Num. begmnt: pej^^ pT Q,,^2 p^j^^ ,j,3 ,^^^,. !,,,,_ ^ ^^^^^^ ^D nsDn N- liya'Ti-lJtt^ 101J1 • Das erste Blatt ist beim Umbinden des Cod. an eine falsche Stelle ge- rathen imd das zweite leider verloren gegangen. Sonst ist die Hs. voUstandig Schreiber nicht genannt, aber zweifellos derselbe wie No. 6. 7. 3 Blatter Index zum Moreh Nebuchim (unvollstiindig). 8. 1 Bl. (nur eine Seite beschrieben) aus einem Cominentar zum j^y^'^ 'q 9. Jeh. b. Samuel b. Abbas i) Q.^n npO Kim Vn^HO U^ hv KHpil nm,T r,TOD 'D nur 2 Blatter von derselbeu Hand geschrieben wie No. 2. Die Hss. des Codex sind schon frliher einmal zu einem Bande vereinigt gewesen ;, denn fol. 167 enthalt ein Inhaltsverzeichniss in folgender Reibenfolge 1, 2, 9, 3, 4, 8, l] 5, 6. Der Titei von 5 lautet fnnmh miDn '^D b); ':in (so) nr^^^^K '^c- IX. Samuel Garmisan, Novellen zu qv b^n'a mtS'tJr ,m'Tl33 /D'''73 rD'T ,mann ™d n^y-^tj; Anfang and Ende fehlen. Papier, fol., 93 BIL, 16. Jhrdt. X. Samuel G-armisan Q^"^^ •'laK 'd (soviel ist von einem langeren ausgestrichenen Titel stehen gelassen, welcher lautet : ^CX IBD hH'iV^'2 ^^ll? ^IXnpl IITV nON pinN DUtOJIp "iSD am im ncN izoh D^iTinx D'ontsjip los on^ nnnK ancD ^'^ u^^ nj;i onu^^a 1": ':::n rtsp D'osn nm isd m;? n^osn pty'? ibdi o^asn nai ibd n^oan nnD) Th. 1, fol. 1—92. Novellen zum Midrasch Eabba. Th. 2, Q^oon TI33 'D^) f- 93 ^^^ 204. Papier, fol., 16. Jhrhdt. (?), deutsches Cursiv. XI. Salomo Jedidjali Troki p^neK 1BD (cf- Neubauer, Catal. Boodl., No. 891 u. 892, Tb. 2 aber zu verbessern in 533J p DJ?3"'i'') geschrieben 1710, veroffentlich 1715. Das Einleitungsgedicht ist veroffentlicht in Kraft und Deutscb, Catal. Wien, p. 67 nebst Inhaltsangabe. 3) Papier, 4", 250 BlI., geschrieben 1850 von jnD HT'BN 133 nd71i?- XII. rniiT' nS3''^B '^on Jehuda Leb b. Sch'Iomo, Schlachtregeln. Die Hebr. Worter stehen in Columen hintereinander, und die deutsche Uebersetzung in Cursivschrift neben jedem Worte. Jede Seite 3 Coll., Seiteniiberschriften, und hebr. (-ommentar unterhalb des Textes. Papier, 4P 19, Bll, voriges Jahrhundert. XIII. Machsor Eitus Algier fur Neujahrsfest und Versohnungstag. Die Namen der Dichter sowie Bemerkungen zur Gebetordnung sind von spaterer Hand hinzugefiigt. Die Ordnung der Pijutim stimmt im Allgemein mit der Druckausgabe (Livorno 1855 durch nj^lty' ntyj2) 12" tlberein ; jedoch hat die letztere mehrere, die in der Hs. nicht enthalten sind, und umgekehrt wie folgt: nicht in der Hs.: Neujahr: Schacharith qiio pfa — nj;jety 'n'?K 'H — Cti^T ""T — nj;U? trnpi; versohnungstag Schacharith: nnOK — Ompn "'TDK — "[^JB rhnH inp DDo:; — yw nj?iy; Mincha: pn j^^n dbk dk —mm'' t33ti> — 3p kjn- 1) Citirt in vn n>N-, fol. 39^, also alter. Vgl. Glidemann, jiid. Uuterriclitsw., p. 59. 2) S. Tcxtbeilage 2. ') Das kleinere pncN dess. Verf.'s veriiffentlicht v. Neubauer : Aus der Petersbnrger BiMiotliek, Anh. Ueber den Verf. vgl. das. p. 79 ff. — 59 — nicht in der Druckausgabe : Neujahr: leit!^ '^ipa ',-[. Versohnungstag, Nacht: Dj^tre "["na d'''?'>ik — nxji nnx ; schacharith: manner' ^incha: — nnjonm'^jrD ^T^ J1N1X "TlXtanO- Am Ende der Hs. steht von spaterer Hand eine "ibi^ n^pn'? n'^sn- Auf dem Vorsatzblatte befindet sich der Anfang einer Inlialtsangabe, ausgearbeitet von Dr. L. Papier, 76 BIL, 40. in grosser und sorgfalltiger maghribinischer Schrift, Schreiber Josef ap^l 17. Jhrdt. XIV. Kleiner Band entbaltend Pijjutim fiir verschiedene Gelegenheiten. Anfang nD5nD\S' bx'^nnD^S J^nta rn^Z D^tare ^^nn^- ^ei vielen Pijj. sind die Dichter angege- ben, von denen manche bei Zunz, Synag. P. 357 nicht genannt sind. na^ lavB — (Dmnx) nncx mne nytr tavo — omii^ ni:^ nrx ha '^'^nx i2Vo — haw ^JK '^Ntt tsrc — c'^Kiaty) pinn nsini p-itrnn nnoty tare — nn ^S nD nxi t3VB — nmm n^i nniiBx tare — nmn'? -[Oti^ d'^j tavc — ]vhv ntr^? pir'? i:va 13TB — HTtr^n '7J*'? miK tsvB — ^^Nty nnin Jintri^ tavB — (npr) 'rrnnS ^ap na — (Akr. nnin^) ^n Sn^ nSitya ns^ hth^ t^vB — ntiv ^^n* n^ inDno^x 'i:^'?:?'? :;3to — 'ry nsn ^nSiJD iDVB - ^:k hdhk nbin ntypn — njv ■;'7 no tDTS — 'r'^rna t:vB t3VB — ^b nmn'7 inDnoK :;at3 tsvB - noDnn m^n^ tsra — d^ ^Da^n nSr'^ira tsra i^dnS 13VB — ^non ikSd: tiVB — ^^on i!£ D^pnty n '^x t:vB — 'nt2'^:^ ^mn 'in' — b'^HDi ym yt2\ tsra ^ nn hub nj?:!^ t:vB ~ nbi>*j nhawa inDncN tire - mpn "pt^ 13VB - (m) ^jitybn hibdn ^moK dk 'ovb — 'haw h^ iiv^ tiMq dv dtb ^'^^JN £JVB — ^t^Bi ^Kt> Tor tavB — nmm mar ijn ^n 'pk ^i3 idtb — ni'v ^'^kij nbtyn onaa tsra — m mmo pa 12VB — o'^yji Dana n^ha ssvb — nats^j Ss ^i'^k — nnnjr f»p': pjid aa tsra — "-^^an ''at^ t^tt isrs -- n':'**: □:; ntyir ^na tsvB — SxiJ ntyya tsvB — mo px iki tavB — ^mo^ '^jSj nnn 13vb — ip:r>yy^ay n'rj;: ti2£ tavB tsTB — nnr:?'? 'h ^^^ m;: isvb — ''rj; ki^n ']'? tara — W 'J3 t^niti^ tava — pa 'T ^in'? K^2£ia tava — ijdj itj^x iyt> tars — '^hn \a iy niv tsvB — ^ry myan ni2i — nn iSn hjk tiva — hth^ '^k'? ^n^t> inDno^K SKanb m^a ynts i5''° — maib^^n Sat!^ i3DnD'K |Kn^niiK J73t3 is™ — np^j'h 'n laK tara — tym iii>iy iTa ni:v tjva 16" —■mpn i^dn'? na dvb — ijip nnn^ ^'^y layj na ura - naipi 1^2 baty mi '^-Iji (liebr. u. arab.) tSVB — "•^llSi' '?k'? ""tJ^BJ tSVB ^IDt ^l^vh H^ tarB --plti^ab yntJ pntyn dS:;j t3va — nn'?3 Wq: ']h n' tava — yii^a D^^b^{ ^n tara — (pnr) '7Nn airr m2i D^ai hv an ava — annn ^nnj? ^Sj; ^Jinn^ idvb djj?'? pnt: is™ — (|anj) n^'^ onn ny isva — nmry px '^k i3va — (na'^ty) xj '2w n^t^hw idvb — D^aSyj rava — m^ ^jb m'^n^ ^nxn "lasnox ^ij;'? :;ni3 tara i9" — nanji mnx lava — hSd S^ pnx (T lava — ^mx na 1)^ mi: — (npr) 'ia'? mi: ^ntitn t^va — mii^a n^DW tava — (na'^tr) ni'ti> yii>a d^jjij inx tava — ^Jian mxni: '^o tava — bpj;^) pix '?3 nyn p'l n^ n2:v tava — Oinj) DiDnD^ nm lara — (aita Sra na'??!^) o^^nx n'7%y'? i^ti^ ^nb "]b S^aii^x tavB — dm'^x'? 'tj^sj nxai: inanDx jxnan :;3ia lava 22- (pn^i^) -.j;in nJDJ irx iy:r tava — nao^ i^tyn n^u^n n^a'jitir lava — n^a^a^ n:v tara — ^T^^ — 60 — •lavs — (nTj;'?K) nxD '•iimK avi: — "-jm "noa^ cnnx n'^y'' avs — (cap. u" no'^ty) 'nn^v tJ^i03 rn^ arc — ^iDtr aby^ lars — nsiji ]d nrs — -in:;D:i ]d«j -j'^d bs nntrn tars — nnt^' loti^ m^ aita no tsvs - nnnn ^k 'tv xsj'n tavs — (^mt5>^) trioa tsvs — (omn^) notj'j 'td \-!':'K ^^t^s tars — nin ^« mioi nsid tars — nna>^ Dips may no tars — ^'m ba «m3 tars ~ bbrti^) ma^i n^ar tars — mno «nx i^s^s nsr nr tars — '•'^ni nm dt3 tars — "]'? 'por "'Q n"?!;; ]nN "inanoN ynta tars 26" — nn- tars — st^':i an ^nji — nn'p nun nons tars — na'?j?n ]n nby^ tars — brn^ ms y; fjptyn r\' tars — uijnn "^ip yotJ' tars insnos ynta 29" — (pjrDE>) ^n^m nn^ u« — '^'pHQ nnxss 11:31 -jn:: tars — '•nx'D n^ tars — 'ps':' intJ^N am "^n tars — oy •;nta — n^s^s^ n^v tars — loxy ^V t^rs N^^ti^yb nnsn ynta 3r° — ^:3X5 nnitr ,t tars — (amns) nan nnti' bv dvi'pn tars - (^«iat:>) b^2 b-; □\nbN tars — myn ■j^'phn tars n"? mpy'? tars — p1I;^*^ n''na tars — (fehit stuck m der Mitte) pnir ]13dd D\n'?N tars miu 1^ no ^njr tars — (bxnti^^) uis: ni^ 1^ tars — urrn nin ^oibn ?)j;^ tars — m^^ — i^D-n ba b'^ns nnsnos ynta 35- — (a"N D"y) sn nr nin nn bip tars — {bn-wi^^) — Qnran ypb ns tars — ^mns -jSn ]«b iti'm tars — (min^) ^Sns ^jn nibjn ns' tars no tars -^ isiyn nii^ tars — (nic]it=27™) no':'yn ]n nby tars — stt'ji di ■;'?o tars liDrDN T'nn'? TNjn'p ynta 38'° — ':'«i: nu'' ""no n'' tars — nxsN nx nsn tars — iDvb |n avs — ']b bi^ti -[b tars innnoN ynta 38- — injn 'sjnn ]'^^ tars — o^pna' m)i j^cn c'^iy ]ni< tars -cnnoN ysta 39™ — ''ns^ n: my tars — n-'t^o nu'- \-io tars — poin n'?ss 'rt'no na^o tars — abi] ^t ms obiy \n':'N tars — ii«i no« 'pn tars — '•ytys mi« "jb nnsncs snN-ino N'nnjb ynta 4i- — i^r i)2± tars - i:id nipn ^dn':' tars — n'py^ — nns '?N n^ tars — "]nin nry bioN tars — n'ponn bm n' tars — ti>npi ub bn^ ynta 42- — bn:^ b^no bip tars — ^nsip n^ n^oo tars — lor^ynn ]Ybv bn tars :2rs — nnn:n it«3 mx: tars — ,]TNn s'lu rn^ tars — n^K^n b«b mis tars nnnnoN n"- ■ Dip tars — 'n^n'i n''y-i ]n« ars ]''''«Dn'? nnn: iDnnoK ynta 43"' — inr «j nb: ynta — (ni:>o) n-'S'-s'' 'bi^t^; tars "inDnos yna 43- — o'piy ]n« nyot:' tars — ■'^''Dn ^oyn n1^^y^ tars — (bsity^) in ]d ^d bitj-'o^ tars — ii«o nm: mi) um' tars nannos — nm bip*? niK' dn tars nDsnoN ynta 44- — ns^ n^s^ no tars — (b«ntJ^^) ^onSn nmo tars — 'Op b]! nrs tars — xoti^ ]iyoo ns «: Din tars — D^wb mn 'pn Dy btar tars inn Dip tars lY'm i"nyn ]nnb D^tarsbx 46- - pN I'nti' non n:r tars - ''?n 111: bb: \n'?N n^n-r tars - nb^by «ni: ]rbv 'a^ ]^^^ nnnnox ynta tars - nnin nnpb ars - biom s: Din 'n« tars — trnpon n^n ^ry ni« tars - nm 'n de? tars - 'inn Di '?« nn n:« tars — (i (]'Dn '] nn) nioToi Tt:* nnb tars — (min^) iTDn sSn mp^ tars - o'?n n:« ny n:r tars - tJ^in niwi nns ba tars D^tapibo tars so- - (nt^o)' pm mn« tars - }b no mo I'^n: n' tars — d: m notr tars - 'nno bip ^yjo n:r 's n« ':s tars - «niji Dr« b« «:« tars (hebr. u. arab.) 52- - ('Jiynx now) 'os 1) Vgl. Allg. Ztg. d. Judenth. 1839, S. 279. — 61 — ^xn Dtr ns •]n2K lavs — bsn na^ nx iiaN tavs i"nj?:i n^nan^ n^tars 54™ — n^'p^r —(11:: '] 2pv') 1J1SN ^bns j;t3* avs — ('?ni2''^) ijisj nnn y^' avs — (^^j? '] D.-ni«) — (pns^) no^j;jn n^trs avs (3"« ''d) 'n njn snpK 7^n tars — ^'? sj, pn mp tars ^^ D«S n^T3n^''l S^^i-I>*b:i tars — U't^blV^ 'r\ K^^mj?ba nitaO tars (hebr. u. arab.) 58" — (andere Hand) nh'hsU) -^i'pm ^« bii n^p2 - (cp. JRAS 1881, 293-310) i) pH^^m^ in^ns d:? D^e nnno r;Q^ tars 'n^^a b^isna ^ynx 66™ (andere Hand) n^^nn ns^ noiN. n^y-i 7T;tj^ tars,— (^nn^rij' im «n^ D\n^Nn ij? an^j^a m D^t:^ ]^^ tars — (ni^n') ]^\n t2vs — xmji nrn bs xjk n^^di^^:: rntaa tars hebr. u. arab. (cp. 52™) 670" — nar- t2vs — (]Nmx apr) :Jt^"pn ^^sui ^'?n tars 67- — («p^oa apj?^) 'jini *mn ^yj; -in^ D3nn no*) n^Sj; m n^ n' tars — (cp. 52'" ^jipon mbti^) nm nn^^ myn mars ]in3 ]n n^j^^ 68- — (pm^) d^^n ^jiv ^>* n^ tars — (n"py; ^m nsi'pn pn^^ n"ia ]1dji D^yj y^ huh mi« ars — (min^) n^s^s^ ]n nbj?^ tars — (n^^NA'?« 2pV') nya 'b^nn nrn •":« tars — (pn^f) crn-iD isie? nxr tars — )p^v^ "jay a^iy ii^' tars — (omns) ^itj'p — (n^^sa^s 2pv') nr^n sj ha ^nsB' nans tars 7000 (cp. 68-) — {pnv) nn^a's — (]«m« 3pj^^) ^mns ^a^s: nn^ N^^my*^:} rnca tars 71- (cp. 70™) — (apj?^) n^rr ^'?s ixay Diaj?) nwm mp'n n^in ijj; tars n"ij;s 'prn:}nb G''Si''2''n n'-tapiba n'-tars'^s 72"- — (niaj?) mix minn rr'aj? tars — (]«'-'': ]rj) an: mayn niu tars — (-i''''sjn ~i";a sn Knn (spanisch) 73- — (?i^n p Dm:3t<) rrnan Dmj;j nti's* s^-'aTy^:} nntaa tars 73--0 s. zunz, Lit. (c]i'?:)a) "nns yp n^:n n'' iprs 74- — spjsbii Ntn spjxbn sni spj«^i — p'Ta nnns ars 76"' — s. zunz ibid. 557 '•jsTiri Tan •'"ix'- i'? sa tars — Syn. 578 nn':' nti>pn — (r^ns ':'.siai^) TiiSn m^' nirp:} — (mnp rjor) "nap "isa^aa ntip^ 77™ — («nNjj '7S-155'") "nsti* a"j -j^Si" r\\i?p2 — {bn-w^*') im ^y-i r]ii?p:i — {hi^^^') nrti' m (-i«aj; in) nar irs^a*? nats^ y^ nm tars — (?D''''sp spv] npn mK:i "nap na^pn — fol. 84 — 86 Rezepte in arabisch, die letzten Blatter sind unbeschrieben. Papier 12°, 88 Bll. verschiedene maghribinische Hande. Eigenthiimer : Fortunato Benhaim Abitarite Lisboa 1825, geschenkt an Moses Amzalak, Lisboa 1830, im Besitze von Salome Amzalak, Lisboa, 8. Marz 1833. ILV. Kleiner Band enthaltend Pijutim, viele doppelt, einige dreimal. ]3it^' bN ars — 'n non -i«3 "t fs ars — Akr. pria □"aa-* ]si5i' ^x ars foi. v — Akr. pnx") n^"an msr:: irnns ina n" ars 2'° (cp. 93-) — nan '?y -[iij; na"aty ubr;r\ ns xnu -pD ars — 'n "jjn "jjn rr ars — (Akr. pns") "p'?n nja n" ars apj?") n^"ja ^{^itj'" nati>" ars — (Akr. nma^<) nra "nax njp nax ars — (Akr. ^t^•a) "na n" ars — (Akr. r|Dr) niTS pp" j^'^n" tars — (Akr. rjcr) -]'? ••ry n" ars — Akr. 'nVnn ^nh j?ati>" ars — (Akr. ppr) nn ^a^ ]in ^s n" ars — (Akr. rjor) "3>< -h ') Auf Grund meiner VerSffentlichung in arabischer und lateiiiischer Transscription nebst deutscher Uebersetzung herausg. v. A. Socin nnd H. Stumme ZDMG 48, S. 21 — 38. 2) Ueber ein drittes Lied desselben Charakters s. Dukes im Ltbl. d. Or. 1650 Sp, 780. — 62 — <-iTy'b«) in::i:3Ni vmip nns avs - (nmnx) nyti^ a^tr mpx ^jnx lava - (Akr. nor) ravs - (HD^jy) ^'7:n'' 'n -^m iDr£3 s- - (cmnx) mix ni^ m:3r a^^ss^x tivs - ^3x t^nsx tars 9- (Akr. pnT) ^s:: triis^ ^s hbn^ jara - (^jiio) o^in^i n^^n b±2Q avs - n> >^)}D nsDxi n^srx 'n ^lon tavs - or dv ^^mx ars - (Akr. m^^x) ^x mm ^^n rbv rbv x^ ^jiy (sic) x^ avs lo'pij^n xin n^n^ tavs - nyn niDj> 'n -inx -i^d tsvs - bin ^:3:i'v inr tavs - myai ny ny n^ ta^s - mbti> njn nt^r tars - ^ns — (i'?x nmn ^3x a'nsx i4™ - cnn tt i^o nnoi nti^r lavs - wa ^b nno -iiif n^ .nin n^ 15™ cp. 95- - ^m-b -ii^f VDm tars - in^bx Akr.) Tnj?n ^jjn lax^ max tars miaa? nx nirn in^ tars — (Akr. n^yt:^^) -non nn^f rr tars is- (Akr. j^or) nnp xj nxison 1^50 tars - bxb nnti^ lanj? o^Jiax tars - nos b^bn nos rn'< tars - (pnx^) P^j:i) xtj^T nm2 tars is- - (Akr. hai^^^) ^jrp ^n^ tars - (Akr. nm mn min tars — (Akr. in) n^bj; -n ^d nai ars — (Akr. '?x-itj^^) ^jn^nx ^siin 'a' tars - (Akr. 20- — -laT ha 's mjrnti'b i9'» — cnti' '?3 nna nos b^ ^r^tr i9" — ^xn n^r n'?r (cp. 15" abweichend) -non nnx Ti^ 23- — q^is cms Qms — ^^rz^^ -rs 'bx ams ]10?S j^r;T ha 25'° - ^':5xiji m>f -pa 25- — nin (so) am ixison i^o tars 24- cp. 17- - — ixn n ]^x 26- cp. 1- - (Akr. niT^) ]vhv biih pnnx - (Akr. nnnnx) nb^j?i nn^o nti'in ■ tars — (Akr. 2pv') nb^ja bx^t^•^ ^ot^•^ - (onnnx) tj^x'i'? bsb xts'jno ba tars \n'7X I'r'iys niT' — (]0''j:i) ''r'?''xn 'mn-; -[T-n 27- cp. 140™ (Akr. □'-••n) nn: Y2p) pnv) ]nn xo>' pns xnbx tars — Akr. n^t'X) n^bj; pia? ^bx tars - (Akr. rjor) *nx ■^x-,5J'"' 's'^x mai^i tars — (Akr. •[•'o'-jn) c'^n mix xti'T mxj:: tars 29- cp. le- (Akr. — (Akr. pnx) D^oti' p'i^' ba tars — (Akr. spr) ^njnn '7xn v^^' ors — (Akr. p^x-i) I2VS 31" cp. 25- — (Akr. n''bx) bn mm ''JX Sl-'-lSX 31- cp. 9- nicht identisch mit 14™ ovs 32- cp. - — (Akr. niin^) xj ]j;5i'o 'p:? ors — (Akr. nnnax) n"?^!;; nn^o myi b« ■Dm::x) pn pa tars - (Akr. n'-bx) •'TDn -1x2 •'i px tars 32-, 26™ - i^xui "-nx ■jt'o {Akr. ""Sl-iO) n'S''S'' n':'iy nXT ""O tars — fol. 34—84 Hohelied — mit aram. Targum und ^rabischer Uebersetzung des ietzterea nacli jedem Verse 2). Dann folgen wieder Pijutim. tars — \si:i n'ps ann ny tars — (Akr. pm') irnns ino n'- tars 93™ cp. 2- xj nn n^ 95™ cp. 15™ — (bxiti'") m^n ^npb no 'npti tars — psn^ 'ob bian nsr Akr.) ^jnanx 'smn ^o^ 96™ cp. is- — (no'pti') t^un^ bm -[ot^* 96- cp. s- - (rpr) "iSo — (Akr. pnx) nati' iDnj; a^Jiox tars — (Akr. ba-wi;') ^rnnab n^s^s" - (':'xnt2'' ■junx moby ^3 — (Akr. ba^'^') ^o^po 'yn 'rr — (Akr. nob'^) mu'^ nx nmtr — (Akr. f^DV) n^ibn -itJ ^yj? n^ — (Akr. bny^?') -jnisbo lus nbx — (Akr. bx-itr^) — (Akr. riobii;) nox ntr nti'' — (Akr. cmnx) ann^ }»'?n bx — ^jjy '-nyity^ mx tjar) mjnn '?xn yotr^ — (Akr. -irybx) ati' nx inax — (Akr. ^xn^:) ^jo n: nob ,3 tars — (Akr. ■j^o^jn) minj? -jn^n io4- cp. 27™ - cp. 28^° xoj? pns xnbx - (Akr. 1) Nicht identisch mit 9">. "^ Siehe Jew. Qu Rev, VI, 120. 63 — Fol. 106- Eathsel, iiberschrieben :inn 3inDb 'r^nUX- wovon einige arabish. Die Losungen stehen am Eande. Es folgen leere Blatter bis fol. 139", woselbst in sehr unbeholfener Scbrift melirere arabische Verse gescbrieben sind. Fol. 140 enthalt ein Brucbstuck des Eliasliedes (cp. S. 409). Fol. 142" ist der Pijut nJ3 H^ cp. 95- und 15" wiederbolt. Papier 144 Bl. 12" ziemlicb moderne maghribiniscbe Hand. Geschenk von p ntJ^ti XVI. Vollstandiges Exemplar des Moreh Nebucbim, enthaltend den arabiscben Text mit daneben gescbriebener bebr. Ueberzetzung des Ibn Tibbon. Der auf der ausseren Columne geschriebene arab. Text hat etwas grossere Scbrift, als der bebraische. obwobl beide offenbar von derselben Hand gescbrieben sind. Der Schreiber batte den arabiscben Text auf dem Vorsatzblatte angefangen, bracb aber nach 3 (Halb-) Zeilen ab und begann in etwas langeren Zeilen auf fol. 3", weil er sowobl des Verfassers, als auch des Uebersetzers Vorrede vergessen batte. Beide sind fol. 1-— 2™ nacbgeholt. Der arabiscbe Text scbeint demnacb zuerst gescbrieben zu sein. Auf dem Vorsatzblatte stebt recbts neben den oben- erwahnten 3 arab. Zeilen der Vers ■'3J?'''nn in spaniscb-magbribiniscber Zierscbrift, offenbar als blosse Scbreibiibung. Tiefer unten auf der linken Seite stebt die folgende arabiscbe Notiz in grosser maghribin. Scbrift: [nb'^t^ n pTXn^ '7'''?1 V^J'^'^^^ HIKH 'h Nt3J?K "Ip • rxD xo ^^NT fxr xai kidj; '^v' p ^^^i xtDj; p h^ Ti niiD j): n^hat^ '^x^am inn isid^ Darunter stebt der Namenzug, in dessen oberen Tbeile ^KlD^i ^^ unteren ^3"^ (X3l3 XJ!2"'D) zu lesen ist. Eine zweite links daneben am Eande quer verlaufende Notiz ist grossten- • tbeils verklebt. Derselbe Namenszug kommt nocb zweimal vor. Zunacbst am Scblusse des arabiscben Textes, der abweichend von Munk's Ausgabe also lautet : pT'Kn'< t'tX^T phD^ pn:: iDt a'^i^n mxa bnjn 3in ntro irm piicx:^ h^iQH s^^'^xn D^^iro pitr nitv^ r\^nhii^ noDx ^h); ne'^x \f2h ':'."5:r \'nr\ mn pa^o irm p"j mnD in nnin'? ^npi ■[nn iTn'^r p:;Di!> i"n h'"^^ msDn ni'in' n"3 n"2)t2r\ i"iDn ti>xi ?]D1iT irm nf^n^h- n^y nOliy D'ilX Vah'i nD ^'^'^h |m> Es folgen dann die beiden Scblussverse wie in der Ausgabe und darunter stebt derselbe Namenszug, oben '^kIO^j darunter ^''^wi^n, unten im Scbwanz ^"q. Endlicb stebt dasselbe Zeicben auf der Innenseite des Einbandes, aber umgekebrt: '^XlOti^. dabinter nocb 2 Stricbe, darunter wieder pTlJ^an und im Scbwanz 'q"q. Dieses Zeicben ist das deutlicbste. Auf derselben Seite, aber in ricbtiger Lage steben in grossen Buchstaben die Worte y'^i p syijt '^XID^S finiia^ HlXH- Das Blatt bat friiber zum Bande selbst gebort und ist nur auf die Einbanddecke geklebt worden. Ausserdem finden sich im Codex selbst folgende beacbtenswertbe Notizen. Fol. 4"'° Z. 17 (bebr.) lautet: '^''IXS (mi3 2Tti^n''l)i welches dem textlichen '^iKpSxi (Munk J fol. 5^° Z. 4 V. u.) entspricht. Zeicben iiber beiden Worten machen auf folgende Anmerkungen auf- merksam, die auf dem Zwischenraum steht: riiyiS HW TIJ^"! IDIPI ''^h p'Jipian ""JX ''h HHy "-m^n hi nmis \n3nn "|d •'d loixn 2W^'^ x^^^ nciD • '^^ixn ist offenbar aus loix^ verschrieben. Fol. 31" (cap. 46 Anf.) z. W. h^t2ll^ steht am Eande p^n \2 SxiDti^ "lOX '?'73 nJlDH mXJ irxty >:DD h^tin nm 'jHJ pSD ty^ Etwas tiefer z. W. -['?K^^^ stebt angemerkt: niXJ XIH '7U^an Hr '^XIDIT 10X- Die Scbrift dieser Anmerkungen ist dieselbe wie die des Codex. Derselbe scbeint somit von einer Hs. copirt zu sein, die von I. T. — 64 — selbst revidirt und niit den angefiihrten Aumerkungen versehen worden war. Uebrigens hat sich der Abschreiber vielfach geirrt. aber sein Werk spatei- sorgfaltig verglichen und verbessert. So hat er, den grossten Theil von I, 25 an c. 3 angeschlossen, aber dem Irr- thum rechtzeitig gemerkt und in der 2 ten Columne verbessert. Vergessene Stellen sind sorgsam am Rande uachgetragen. Die HS., die Munk tur seine Ausgabe iibrigens nicht beniitzt hat, ist sehr correct, indessen sind x, 1 und ^ gelegentlich als Vocalbuchstaben gebracht, auch ist die Verwechselung von {< und n besonders hiiuiig. In einem Falle I, 28 Ende hnvy^^ (Munk) 1. Hj;jixi (HS.). Vocalzeichen sind ofter gesetzt; die HS. bietet auch sonst allerlei textkritisches Material. Am Ende stehen das Verzeichniss der ange- fiihrten Bibelverse und die Inhaltsgabe (nicht Akharisi's) ; letztere ist jedoch nicht ganz, vollstandig. Papier, 2.32 Bll., kraftige und sehr deutliche spanische Hand, 14.— 15. Jhrdt. Eigen- thiimer: der oben erwahnte '^xioty, und zufolge einer anderen, schwer lesbaren arabischen Notiz |rri ■'Dnit: p DmnX in Bagdhad, von dem sie i. J. 1804 durch Kauf an Josef jib (?) kam. Dr. Loewe kaufte sie von Nissim Farchi in Damascus (vgl. All. Ztg. d. J, 1839 p. 83). (* XVII. 1. Jehuda b. Nissim b. Malkah's Schriften im arabischen Urtext. a. Z'lJl'^X DJK> Einleitung zu seinem Commentaren zu ^y^i 'q und iry^^x i^'il ^i5"lQ. Anfang (bis p. 40 der Pariser HS. Oratoire No. 74) und Ende (von p. 50 Z. 6 Or.) fehlen. ^- ni"*^^ 'D Hebr. Text mit darauf folgendem arabischen Commentar. Das Ende fehlt (von fol. 83™ Z. 12 Or.) c. Commentar zu nfy'^ij^ ^211 ''pIC Anfang (bis fol. 110" Z. 17 Or.) fehlt, ist aber in einem besonderen Heftchen erganzt. 2- DDi'^K IJf 2Kn3 (ed. Fleischer, Hermes Trismegistos an die menschliche Seele, Leipzig 1870, cf. Steinschneider H. B. 1862 p. 91 f und ZDMG 47, 342). Die HS. bricht in der mitte von Cap. 9 ab. Dr. L. hat viele leere Blatter einbinden lassen augenscheinlich, um die fehlenden Stticke nachzutragen, hat auch einen Anfang gemacht, spater aber v^e- nigstens genau die Stellen angegeben, an welchen zn Nr. 1 die Pariser HS. fiir Erganzungen einzusehen ist. Pol. 32^° befindet sich eine mit Gold und Blau ausgemalte, die Mondviertel und Yerfinsterungen darstellende Figur. Der arabische Text ist vielfach vocalisirt. Fol. XQTo — ]^5vo abgedruckt in meiner Arabic Chrestomathy in Hebr. Char. p. 19 — 31. Papier, 53 Bll., gr. 8°, sehr deutliche spanische Cursiv-Schrift, 15. Jhrt. ? Die Seiten sind mit goldenem Rande zwischen schwarzen Linien eingefasst. Capitelanfange und hebraische Stellen sind mit rother Tinte geschrieben. XVIII. Jacob Alasqar, homiletisch-midraschisches Werk im jiidisch-arabischen Vul- gardialekt zum Leviticus. Das Buch ist augenscheinlich nur ein Theil eines iiber den ganzen Pentateuch sich erstreckenden Werkes. Der Anfang fehlt, auch in der Mitte befinden sich hauiige Liicken. Der Verfasser hat aus Talmud und Midrasch Homilien zusammengestellt, wie aus den Proben zu ersehen ist, die ich aus dieser HS. in meiner Arabic Chrestom., p. 14_19 veroffentlicht habe. Die Schlussnotiz lautet wie folgt: ri)!l TT^K bv:? IBDH Ht *) For further information respecting 'this MS I would refer the Header to Hirschfeld's "Kritische Be- merkungen zu Munk's Ausgabe des Dalalat Alhairin" in the „Breslauer Monatsschrift" pp. 405-413 and 460-473. J- ^- ^• — 65 — 9 havti^' \w^n) trnipn ]wh2 ^anS pn^ti^ M^my pt^Sn n^nn na-in^ :?ijid Kiita'? aprS a^pni nnin ntrx inn npr' '3 innj pnno nyni ? i auiiio Trmtran ]wh Kip: man hp]^^ ah ba^v' n^ij dji npiz^x t^n iij< nvmxn mpni ip:7n "mi: imatt>^ ipti^x 'bnb nnpi h:ib mpoi D^nn ?. ♦ * ♦ b iTiiia ^nsi nnn'? mnc in^n ib pnma nn bt^ nat>^ xSk np:;' ^in^ nnj; xb ^b npr fhnMi mil: no npr^ nax |nn 3' n'? vNnp npr nnr Ki':^ '^n npy^ ^m nnyi npr 'n'?^ Qty inju>^ mii Dvn ^^ '^jr ^pv' '^J't bx npr K'ltaajn nnnnm ?riD S's^iii^'^i ni:? npj?^ ^oir nnyi n np^^ nK ^' ha^ ^n . ♦ * ^mx^T jb n^tzt^ ♦ ♦ ip^a "VVie man sieht, bezweckte dei- Verf. zugleich die Herstellung- eines arabischen Lese- buches. Jeder Wochenabschnitt ist mit einem Gediclit eingeleitet uud geschlossen. Die Sprache ist nicht rein, sondern haufig mit hebraischen und talmudischen Eedewenduugen gemischt. Dei- Orthograpliie nacli zu urtlieilen ist das AVerk maghribinischen Ursprunges. Dass Mitglieder der Familie Alasqar im Maghreb gelebt haben ist zu ersehen aus Zunz, Literaturgesch. S. 530 ; vgl. Michael 0. H. S. 529 ; s. auch Neubauer in JQR VI, 400. Papier, 4P, 131 (dabei viele spater eingebundeng leere) BIL, deutliche maghribinische Quadrats chrift, 17. oder 18. Jhrdt. XIX. Jacob b. Nissim's Commentar zum B. Jezirah. Copie Josef Guggenheimer's von Cod. Monac. 922o, geschrieben 1849. XX. Saadjah's (angebl.) Commentar zum B. J., hebr., nach Cod. monac. 49^, von dem- selben geschr. 1848. XXI. Sa'adjah's Commentar zum B. J. arab. Dr. Loewe's Copie von Cod. Bodl. Poc. 556 (Catal. Neubauer, No. 1533). Hebr. Cursiv. XXII. Dasselbe in arabischer Schrift. Textbeilagen. 1. Sechariah Kohen's Einleitungsgedicht i). (Siehe IIDI IDD i-^ |nj iu£/nN N^ TjNt noN ^3^^ : ]1DD bl flDD ni bj; IIDHN N^ ISD ^31 NtfJ-^ tt^N ^D 'JD NJ i^N 2. Samuel b. Garmisan's Vorreden zu D^D^n l^22. (Siehe X.) «npjn ^3 HT^onj n^a'? ]t2pn ^Niaa« s^n^n pi xi^t i^n ]ic3p n^T;^f^ nnnon nax f]S vn^ti"; rrn^j^ rn^^n vmns a^osn 11:12 isd nr 'mi anoi nu^ nn^^i ^t2ti?n an TO Delano i^idi D^pnoo ^y^] y't-io ^p m^^n isjy ^nax ]mj «im pis ]^a^:: vn^an ntr'^ti'^ rrp^m n^orn ii^d nna lois i^^ ib\n:3i n^^n n^i ^^; o^my anonj rsoi ■''tj^^t'tr pbn D^oDn nm ioti> '^nsnp ^jty p^n a^osn 112:3 ]m ^nsip ]wxi p^n cp'^n nm nn^ini ^2 ^2 ffc^n una nxim n^rn nr isd2 ^2 D5i> ^y* n^o^n |iti>^ loj!^ ^nxip 'jtyn p':'n dj una Dnnuo nox:: anaNii cnnni:i .tsii onn inn it^x inn c^^n dm^s pty'n ^tr^^a^n p^nm u'vmi nnn n^onn nni 'iji nuimin D^onn nni Dt^* b^' sipj ■^n^ns ^N'-nj sn^ms Y'^^ ^^d ^V Qi.^n'? ^nyin n^j?i nsio a^onn ]^t^•^ ct:* '^^^ n^onn nnnno piDsi piDS '?nn n^y^^i^n onnxon -jn mini y; y'riDn im^ ]ityNin pbn ^n b]! •'Jti'M p'^nm I'pnj'' D'-onn unn ionj^ nun xbx iinn ]''Ki n-'onn iinn rnxip ]n'7i B^N^nii nt* "''^''^'^ 'i'''^" ''■''' '"i^'i^'^i '^ *ioi^ '"'"''"i'' °'"'nn aa>n .n^V^b nsi'so n"npn nma nnt^•nc1 nnn 12^ napa i3^n n"npm c^onn nni isd Nachtrag: Zu No. V vgl. Zunz, zur Gesohiohte iind Literatur p. 87. Mss. Bible at Chicago. With reference to the Manuscript Bible described by Dr. Hirschfeld in the foregoing Paper sub N". 1, it will not be out of place here to reproduce an article sent by a cor- respondent in Chicago to the „Jewish World" of London and published by the latter in their Issue of 16. June 1893. "A correspondent at Chicago favors us with the following description of a manuscript Bible now being exhibited in this city, from the library of the late Dr. Louis Loewe, Oriental linguist to the Duke of Sussex, Private Foreign Secretary to the late Sir Moses Monteiiore, Bart., and author of many works on Orientalia, Numismatics and Lexicography. In Dr. Loewe's own rough catalague of his collections this Bible is referred to as follows : ~ "Bible brought from Constantinople, written in the year 5256—1496, most beautifully — 67 — illuminated. This Bible is written in exactly the same style as that of the Farkhi in Da^ mascus, valued at 1,000 guineas, the value of which consists in its being copied from the celebrated Bible quoted by Maimonides as having existed in Cairo". This catalogue entry and a Hebrew and Turkish inscription on the front page are all we possess in Dr. Loewe's own handwriting on the subject of this MS., but it should be borne in mind that he had the opportunity of examining at his leisure the unique Farkhi Bible in the library of Raphael Farkhi at Damascus, in the year 1837, and in his -'Me-, moires of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore" there is an account of his interview with Lady Hester Stanhope, at Djouni, or "Tower of Lebanon," near Zidon, in the Holy Land, on which occasion he gave her a full description of it. Consequently, he may be regarded as fully competent to judge in how far the Bible which he himself acquired at Constanti- nople, compared with the Damascus copy. Moreover, the great esteem in which this well-known oriental scholar and traveller in the East was held, and the gratitude which the Jews owed him for his life-long de- votion to the cause of his persecuted brethren, fully explain the opportunities which were gladly afforded him for inspecting or acquiring valuable MSS., and obtaining information concerning them. The Bible now exhibited is bound in tortoise-shell, with silver clasps, hinges and ornamentations. The back is studded with silver nails forming a verse from the Psalms. Its size is 73/^ins. by 51/21118. by 21/21118., and it contains 493 leaves. The writing is very similar to that of the celebrated scribe, Elisha Gresqas, and probably emanates from one of his family, as it is well-known that characteristics in the handwriting of professional scribes are often to be recognised in the calligraphy of their descendants. The text which has the diacritical and musical accents is In double colums, except in such places as require a different style in synagogue scrolls, for instance, in the various metri- cal portions of the Pentateuch, where the line is subdivided in thirds. The chapters and verses are separated, but there is no difference in the size of the commencing letter of each book. This absence of any distinguishing initial letter is generally regarded as a proof of antiquity (vide Pittigrew's Catalogue of the MSS. of the Duke of Sussex . It contains in the margins the Massora Gedola and Massora Ketana, the Keri and Ketib, the changes of letters and words, the large and small letters, the codices of Ben Asher and Ben Naphtali and other grammatical notes. The order of the books is a peculiar one and is as follows ; — The Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the twelve minor prohpets, and then Chronicles, Psalms Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah. The illuminations on many pages in gold, red and blue, and the margins of every page throughout the book have every variety of fanciful form, although chiefly flowers and geometrical devices, the words forming these beautiful designs being minute, but distinctly legible. The gold is laid on very thickly and still retains its original brightness; indeed the entire manuscript is in a magniflcient state of preservation. On the last page it is stated that the scribe com- pleted the writing on Tuesday, the 10th Tamuz, 5256 (=1496), but unfortunately his name as well as that of the individual for whom the Bible was written, and the place of his residence have all been erased by chemical means. Whether this was the wanton act of idle hands or was done with some good reason, it is of course, impossible to say. but it is not improbable that in earlier times when cruelty and persecution were rampant, it was — 68 — thought desirable to conceal the identity of the owiier or writer. There is also some ground for this assumption in the two last words which follow the date and signify „May He speedily bring deliverance." For whilst we frequently And some sentiment or blessing added to descriptions of names or place's, it is generally of a pleasing character, such as "May his light shine" or "May it soon be rebuilt," but in times and places of persecution a^ spirit of sadness would pervade one's every act, an in this case, the writer's surroun- dings were very probably of a depressing character and caused him to give expression to his hopes in the words refered to. A literal translation is here appended of the Hebrew inscription written by Dr. Loewe on the front page: — "I have always placed the Lord before me." My lips overflow in grateful praise to to the Creator of all for having favored His servant with this book, which I have bought for current money at the time when I was with Sir Moses Montefiore in Constantinople for the purpose of clearing our Israelitish brethren dwelling in Damascus and Ehodes from the malicious charges brought against them by the inhabitants of those towns. May these, my words, be an everlasting memorial, and bear witness before the whole world that the Lord God of Israel has dealt graciously with us and with His people, and delivered us from the hand of our enemies and brought forth our vindication as clear as the light of day. These are the words of Eliezer, the son of Mordechai, Chief Rabbi of Zulz, in Prus- sia, now residing in London, England. And I have written these lines on the day when the Sultan granted us our request. Here in Constantinole (Friday) the portion of the week Lech Lechu, 5601, 6th November, 1840, 1256 of the Hedgira, in the house of Abraham Camondo. (Signed) L. Loewe. Here follows a similar statement by him in Turkish.