BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME PROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Hetirg US. Sage iS9r A..2r.2^..s.../.j:... ^.4?.//./.As.. Cornell University Library PR2419.B2A6 1S38a The chief promises of God unto man GOD' 3 1924 013 127 422 '^1 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. (Job's K^romiees Cl)e CuUor jTac^tmile %txts (gob's promises By JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY Date of Original, 1538 Reproduced in Facsimile, 1908 %\it Cubdr jTacgtrntle tlDeytg Unc/er the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER trfje C|)i£f ^romt0e6 of (®oD unto iEan By JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY 1538 Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII :b A. ■x'i'&trfb %\)t Cl)ief jaromises of (gob unto JKan By JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY The original of this facsimile is in the British Museum {Press-mark C. 34, c. 2) ; it is the only known copy of the first edition. It formed part of the Garrick collection, and probably it came to the famous eighteenth-century actor from the Harley library through Robert Dodsley the anti- quarian bookseller, who speaks of having found it in " the Harleian Collection of Old Plays, consisting of between 600 and 700, which are now in my possession." " God^s Promises " was reprinted in 1 577, the first edition being so entirely forgotten by then that the new impression was described as " now fyrst imprynted." This play has been frequently reprinted in modern times. John Bale — " bilious Bale " — was a notable figure in his time, a strenuous and not altogether consistent supporter and exponent of the Reformation. He was unscrupulous in attack and violent in speech. Born in 1495 he died in 1563, having, at the age of 64, confessed himself "an old and worn-out man." I have in my edition of " The Dramatic Writings of John Bale " {Early English Drama Society, 1 907) dwelt at length upon the life and times of this hard-hitting acerhous prelate. To this source of reference may be added " The Dictionary of National Biography " {as a matter of course"), the introduction to the facsimile reprint of Bale's " Three Laws " {Tudor Facsimile Texts), Herford's " Literary Relations of England and Germany in the i tth Century^'' SneWs " Age of Transition" Schroer's Introduction to " The Three Laws" {Halle, 1882), &c. &c. Mr. J. A. Herbert of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum after comparing this facsimile with the original copy reports that " it must not be considered one of the greatest successes " of the series. He adds, however, " it was exceptionally difficult to reproduce, no doubt" This difficulty arises, for the most part, from the mutilated and stained condition of the original : even the yellow-tinted official stamp of the British Museum has in two instances made darker what is perfectly clear in the original. To this general criticism there is little to add. (i) Title-page, line 2, the " D " is/" " (SoD " is clearer in original : as will be seen the page is muti- lated, only the top half being left, mounted on a leaf of blank paper. (2) 3» ij. recto, lines 2 and 3, the last words are clearer in original: in line 2, *'COngt ♦ . enc"" \Congruence\ ; line 3, "getcfie Of CO . ♦" Concerning this page Mr. Herbert makes the following remark : — " Not very successful where the page has been repaired. This applies not only to this page, but also to those which follow." (3) 3. ijt verso, /ines 3, 4, 5, 10, a/?^ 21, //^f" obliterated words at commencement are re- spectively «ai0(," «m|)gcl)," "€;J)eg come," "antJ tfijlQf," and «*JFor" [^/^^ JF ««^ imperfect^ but unmistakable\ (4) 3. iij» verso, //«£> 1 6, ?/^^ initial is "JF" [For ot^-]. (5) TB* i. verso, line 21," JFOt," ^0^ o/" Jf wanting, but the letter is unmistakable. (6) B. 25/. verso, line 4, ^c/ m,, "^e" ?j ^/az/z (7) ^» I^'] verso, /«;^ 4, Z/^^'re' /j «o ^a-z^; in MS. : the mark on margin has been introduced by some flaw in printing. (8) C. iv. recto, line 4, third word, " at," the " t " is faint in original but legible. JOHN S. FARMER. •vu M ^t^gc{)|)c 01 ptetlu&e ', -manrftHyng tl)t i Ijcftpjoifty fra of6|^ .■s '^-i. 1. ■ -,•, . vnto man By all OQte in tU oltt f4 we, from tht fail if 'J. 4v 3[t>4m to thtincavtmcycn of cbc lottnr. jf / Ct)«fl. Compy Icb by lobrttt ^rtU , 3f nno " ^ / ' *.'^t5'j *^f (Bob) >: JWitfWf : 0(A. iBalcus prolocutor, (^l c7c ^t ,. fytoryc, 3tni> bet* e f otr « tymc* 4i f mod? more c< f(8 l7Muenlyc« !3ts ctwfc mattcrct Att,thAt tht (BofpcU fpccyfyc, # 'XCHtbouc wbofc tnowl5<,tto man to cbc «« cb< 4 tTor to th< lyft pcrpctuaU. 5or \)t tbac^itowctb noctbe lyuyftgc )>0Tt> tbif forC^oob frynb<8)"jf louyttg^'^ tTowayc fod>cin4alier6oa8n>yUb<«>tterct> b^ ■Of wbomc y< m«tyej^t<,to batic no tryfciiti 2»^ fantafycs foyneb^nor fod?< iyt< gaubyit)^)* , Snt tbe tbyng<« ib«>t f balUyour mwrnrbc jlom<%% %o ttioytt in (5ob,for your tuff yfycacyom ^; Stttb rtlone in C brijl^to bopeforjrour falurtcyon* % 3i>ert,firff ye f twU bmwitbeetjtrnaU ^cneracyon, -Of Cbrtfi lyte 45 jfobamin byS f tr|l d?i " wrf gbe# 2lnb cottfe^incnttye^of man tbe f irff creacyott, ^be -. -■■J ^n^ :j?.' From Cbttflc* btrtbe* (hall to l^yd be^tlbe cottcluie* Patcrcoelcfti*. ; v* \ "^ rt tl?c brgynnyitcfc^bcfou cbeJbeaums tww Jtt mc 4ttb of mM(»48 my fonite fcmpytcrtwlL Wicb tb< boly ' er,mont be^e-, Muht-,by ct> wy U compell me ,45Uccyon . 25ytroiibbufew4rt:<,by ^y a <>Jtly< fw£4« f b4ll,ptrouybc by« foob <«ttb rrtymcuit } ^;^ )?<4,y«m:i|ibcb^»«^ortityfbme«t* i (IO*|lKrrybI< bc4ll bryn^e by w » by«mbe» ^o «4c^c byw bt>w b<)by« lofbe s6<>b.f bull o(f<».bc» j ■.►'..' • ■ ) Hicprxceps in tcrramcadit A damusyacpoftqiiartum ' ^ ^ ucrfum dcniio rcrurgit, 1^ )5 ^ Adam primus homoi /\~ /\^ (J^iccyfuW^rttbetr^tby pyticfuUcfrrtctf egtmbe, rf^ «» %o tnc Mttfuii wtetdjcwbyd? b4u< nwfore 4bufeb, f rttft< ^by precept b«rtbynct<,-{> lorbe, jf myftbc to t ys but (I fmud i Pater cceleftis. . **:'•!!..% ,g^ 7woctti:iafo,yet4rtt:b«ttolejr€f4ulry«, ^**^f ^b4 tb» b4bby (J bene m4be, of m4tter mod) ittcre wortby t# jT 94ue cbM'e4fon^4nb tvycee to Vitber fi4nbe> u be sootf from tbe euyll. Znt> notto t4te*on b4ttbe, -Of 4 br4yrtclcj je myjtbe,tb< tby ft^e wby4> jf forb4b tbt* ■ A Jam primus homo, ©ocb b^4wye fort«tte,b ^cb ct>cfclyc dxtunccb me, • r* i ^ortbtcjfwuUfc^comyiteowtelybercc. A i >^ .. ^Patcr cceleftis, ^ . <■ ! 'IS '-'' A. ^^n4nt^thUmtU^< vanb tbe funltt t|>u tttycfi to mef ^ / Adam primus homo« '^ tT<»ye)rtll jfiifcribcromy otVttc fmbecyllyt*, rjp fitultc in tb< torbe^but in my inf tfmy«, ?2|ttb wtcflmy5ooi>tt<([e,tob«u« mmorerc5^bt,folow3c<«tbuwcrtp:cfcnt* - * ^, Jtttwb^wtbMwnrtttoncjTfeUtofynncbyaiibby* p^^nb tb< byfpU<»fe 3 rtg< tbc wctcy, Paterccc!cftis« * v ^jti!?" (TMtbyc fot f ttWtb «« - Pater ccelcfti* [ i ^ *w fmmtttrtbl*,^^ m4yc djmtge «o b«rc . I xrbnrMtbyc(jrfrtyc)wicl;o«t cb» b^ft ctt^ti* ^"^ f tby»w ownc Jmrtsrc^wt 4«cw ftm m< tby b«Wt ' Pa«f ' ■' ' ' , . . i' . ,' ■ •■' .1* Pater cccleftis Adam primus homo«. Pater ccelcftit ^han xoyll "J ull tht^xobm lotrb^tb<«: jTmrty* tlb«?4fttr g*, . Pater coeleidis ^byd yd my C0aewtttnutoth* 4fi beftcbcceyucbby tbe r<:t^cut> f tt>yZlp«i:tw»ct>,bcnft)ivt byttt for by« boyw5<4 2itttl> tbc woman tyitbc^'itb^y fb^tll b<»?<»f««^by|fme* t^ys fc f brtll |>«(fc bowwc^b^'^e^t^^o tbe flfro«rt^*» *1^iu,hyd(u33ciiyon6'iromyfe,t\>itb«tUtbymtt»m:bepowr<* | 5yJ^w«ly-< < b«»y< 4ttb bontre* ' ^ ^i%t>tbyr4(tMcyott»tti[vyUb»r«cnirc tby peace -> witt? moflbygb flfracctn my fy^W ) ^o« tb« trufX to it,*mb bolbt not tb< matter ty^bt. Adam primus homo, BwetcIorb< tbromyf<»tb4ttbyrcffb, f4tc yet one fentencc voith th<* Adampn'mushomo, 2lt tby plcrtftttc (wt»e,4U cbyns<6 mygbt cucr I>e# Pater coeleftis 5otr tb4t my pwmyfc, nutyc b4wc tl?< beper effect, jftt tU faytht of t:l7e,4nb All thy gcncrrtcyoit* ^<^< tl>y« fy «t»C Wttb it 43 4f<4Uttl><»^tO cottncctt Crepef b4lUbc ©cirpcntjfot iye ahhomytiacycn* ^b€Wcm4nfb4Uforowc,tttp4yncfiiUfroprtcfrtcyo«« Cite 43 tbufbaltfyn^tythye ttut in oi« t»4t:b< xvcilrfttsfm &otbynHtb^otptv,thottQbith<t4yfyn5c,to tb< mo(lbe4U«iIye fotbc* 5or tby« tby focotjr<,4ttt> »nbc,for cuer jf fb«lb t>cc4y<, lottt tb« t^cfcf «c f! mc^of tby bcnyttoUnce, 2tttt> b4f? fJirouybebifor mt rt r ^ytbyapf9yntmmt4i^ta6'^b<«rtb t>4fnpW4cy»tt# ^bwugb tny owitc woclrytt^e.iot: J coftfybtrc tby mcrcye* 2tnb |>yttefuUmyitt>c,formy wboU ^cncMcyott, Je is tbu fwcw lorbe,tbcayc,<%3aynt to ht t^cuyaeb* St:om giroitttbc of my b^trctbys fi^^U not be jrcmo«ct)« 2 bycttc«,tb4tpiroccby5bcfl» uad^ynQc fourtb witb fttbcnce, Finit Adus primus, 3 pater i 1 rvccusiecimaus* ^"^ Pater coelrftis Sm&^lcfttZb(im4ntbys (ami crtrtbly m4ftfyoff# 5or Tvby« be b«tb botrcto mc byfptcrtfucee m4nye> 3tnb wyll ttot rtmctttcbye lyf c tit 4nye conbycyort, rto rcfpcct b<»tb b^^to my TVott>e ttormottycyoii. 23ttt botb vohbof< blotibt from tht cm^tbcbotb call to me for vett^crtffce nto mc moc^c ^tnaxmo^ <*5rtn£yttt>c 18 but f lefbe^tt bys wboU t>«tUy4ttttC6# 3m»>ycecncrcrtfctb,ittby»ticotttyntTrtI[yc^ . , XTotbjmJjV be re^rtrbctb^to wrtltc vrtto my 5loryc# y8 crttt|reo m^tycc, by 6 curfcb coitcto«fencf|c» Ii::>y8 te|Je4lcct?ero«fc,by«»ettgertble tyrrttmye, '*^trtcrcy^U moi«:tb«r,rtnb otbet^ wt^ot>lyrfcfle« f wyll t>e(?troy< bym,for by^ otitrrt^oufncjfc* not bytttottlycbnt 4U tb««tott car tbc bo (fere* tre,tb*«: eucr jf mrtbc tbrte» f^itt^av^ct^ notjhntwi«|fc moue* Pater ccelcftis. rio wc* . . luftus Noah Hofthym not yctlorbc , tboucf b b< b<»tb t>c|>ely< fwwntVi "J BnoTve tby tmrcycis fvwrc 4bouc by» I'ttbcfielfc* ' 35eytt^c ittfynya,48 rtU otber tbyrt3"«6 wc in tbc » , J::>y d folyc tbcrfor^now p4rboitc of tby g^oob«<(|lc» 3lttb me«tfurc it ttot,Wyor»t>c tby cfot>iy« py tic , ^jlemc ttot bye faultcf^rbctr tbrte||e f oirbc,t;cmcmbrc tby ^ce/J.wttb tbyfwcte ptromyfc bcaucitlyc* &mncfaU tboa^btbey wcre^aret) tbctr lyucs nc^lys^wt. J r/towe tbrtt mercycwitb tbc is }>c>?m4ttettt^ 2lttt> wyll be cucr,fo Iojt^c 43 tbe wotlbc citbutc, ^btn clofe not tby b^nbcfrom m4nb fo bryrtgc bym to£tj:tutlrt ;i i?i .:i shLL^:^td '^ " A^iis Secuftcfiis ""^ *0t« tly< from m Gitimwbrttto «f tby wyfe,tby tij-fottttca <«tb tb«tr wyuca, 2tnt> of y4?€ tyntx iwo^to mrtyntcync yow htt:afuv ♦ JuftusNoah. !^lc jfcb b< tby itrttttMiiofl my^btyc mctJcyf wUmrtf 4y( 4nb boure* I IuftusNoah« 6 thy^Uafatt w,fo iny^htitalxcayts be, 5oJ^ wybettbetb" trc tby« cowcnwnt for m tvmii conf ii mrtcyotr, : -Of Prajfcnns 'Tngctdix, '^ luftusNoah^ jf wyli bUflc^ lotbc, Witt my wbolclb^^rt rtftt> myntc* Pater ccelcfti's, S^tvotU than iufi rio cfoobncfjc wbcferuct), Jljy pwmyfe t» f4n Zbame memory^, ^mcUtdytbtclAui>,inZhd6innocmcyt, ^^JAyt^e in tbrttpromyfc, 4Mbc 3lt>rtmt»cb tttjiyfyc, Jtt tjrtt promyfe frtytl?c,mrtt>e i^ua t© f>ropbccye. Jrtyt|?to«cb2lbcUnno«ttt, - jnth^tptomyfi f«ytbc,mrtt>c6«bf«Uobcbyi>,witbbymitttoprtrrtbyrc, ^ ^nbjifbysoffprynctctopetryfbcitttbcffoot), 5<»ytbc m tbjit promyfc.prcfcrucb botb me *mb mync. eowyli ttrti/ tbcm,n>byd? folowe tbefmne lyttc, :^ttm«b ttrtiro,rbyticcuctkf?ynlutfupra» Vcl Angh'cc fub co dcm tono* 4> mod oticttt cU«tt<(r<»«mt> ly^btf^ytiyttst of the (cmpi' imudth^r3htmift,4^dw€(anm of iu|lyc< rtJtb bcaamlyt ry^bwufttctfe^come by cbe»^ lc4fiire,mii|l ncb<« rettitriM to mam Cottfyberytt^c tbe fyttttc^tbat b< botb b^yc by b4y«* 5oi? tteytbcr tyrtbcncffcttotr c j^tccme brtnbdyn^e c , jftjow tbe tytiK of rio^bito tbys (<*»« commyfcb» TTb^n beof bys f4tbp,tbccit(; 19^^4ie» 5>«tfl?rtU jf »yfy«,tbc»r fynttca tvitbocbci? marKr* J Abraham fi'dehs, ^ ct tmtcyfuU lorbc^tby ^trtcyoufncfT^ rcwcmbre* ^o itxtm 4nt) Hortb^botb ttt tby worbc lofettottbcfowlc6,ofmcttittfo3tc4t:nombrc^ i 25ut fitue tbyn^ otvnc wotf c, of tby mo (I byfcrcte Qcc\>m8l \ 3^wo«tby'»nct:cyca,*itc plenty fuUrttit>cnblc6* i ricMcrc4tttbcyt>y€,notrfrtylc,tbyrclfcnbiit;yngc5 ; ^bys btbyf?ccfc,ft»Icttto«f€bl«mycttt;fylt,cmifcbotb tby cbylbren&r (ttnantts^ f n my^wrtyes to wrtltcrtnb ts:ijfJt>nto my coucttrtuntWi ^b<»t jf nwye pcrfontmctpttb tbc my amfi promes. ' - ' Abraham ■fidelis. ,\ 3mtb4twyUjfbo,by<;(ry(lcn«oftby«roobttca. • ^"^^ Pater cceleftis. Stem ©obom notfprtuctbc f>l4«,fot: tb^fc fyftyc t^yshtccufi fitf cf 23e it fnt> 21b to C4(f «tw4ye7tbc tujlmcrt witb tbc rect>clc|fc# 2lnb fo to t>cj?i:oy <,tbc 300b wttb tbe ww^obly c ♦ jf rt tbc ittb5< of rtlljbe nl«« wyU jrf|>4t;c»fotr tb" . 3" tA^rt vpon me^to f|>c4^( bcre in tby jjtcfcttcc^ iA^orc tbtrt tccome mclorbe j>4trboft my mglygcwce. jf rtitt but 4fbe6)plye tbmv thy Xc>hoU mynhcant fporc mc not b Zhmham,fov jf tnowc tfey f«tytb< fa ry cjVt* Abra him fi dell's, Ho Uflc JfttppofcDtb^ttt twcttty c< |]f fy ttt>< twenty, tbrtt cy tic wolbc jf fmtc* Abraham fidelis* 4itte8 yet wy II jf fpert« ttot to vttet^fo fttodje 48 tbu b<«(l in (?otr«. Abraham fidehs, ./ 2nt> wf? notbe(?royct>if-or tbcir nobomynrtcyon* Abraham fidehs* ^ fiKfcyfttU ttirtf cr^modjc i« tby toUerucyon* ' j 3(nt>fn|fcr4Uttccoffyttne.7re,"y xoyll belyuer 4(1, $0^ t^yjbteoufne | je (ah w byae^> C.ot^tte|]<* Pater coeieftis ^f nutnyepco^k6.thcfAtb(v jf wyll Mwtc tb«* SlUgcmirtcyorts^ trt tbyr<2t>c f Mlbebleffyb, 2l6 cbc |^<«ric5 of bc4ttctt,fo f b^tU tby tyuct :b be, Slttb by tb« r<«»M< jVbc.tb^ wotlOe fb^U be rcbrc jfi>tc(j«l>t 3l6 in a fwre fcrtlcto ptcm my piomyfc ant-, piynt tbyB in tby f*»y«^b«. 4ttbitft?4lUby f^wU tr.uucr Abraham fidel is, t . jrwyUnotofte7o«,Cotb4y<9 obebyettc, ^by Uwc0 to fuUffU,4nbmofl ptrccyoitfc comtiwunbemcnt. Pater ccekftis ' Jrtirwete Zhtaham. fot bc4re t«t pU« jf l<4uc tbmy fe^to tby mojt gloryoufc tutmu rOiyyd^ f4ucby(l3tba, tbtousbfaytbHntbyrwcteptomed, ^f tb< wom4tmye»ffbc.3lnbnow confimtcd tbcfamc, JfT tb< fcb< of mt. Jofotb S^^tat is tby goobnc^ •7 C4itnotpcrctyue,biutb4t tby mcrcyc i« «r%t>lc«» ^0 fod? 4« fcrtrc tb?-* in eucry fjenerncyon, 5o»it enbwretbiWttboMtrtbi'cuyrtcyon* 'ffby^ brtuc jf prynteb ittbcfc confyberrtcyottf Xh w^fl^if m<\mv7GAn vact it out of mynbt« S^t cnte it tV)y U b<, tbe fynail nftauvacycn^ Of 3lt»rtm rtttb itlK^rvuh otbcr tb^t l;.^tl? fynbe* )?<4,tb« f«ve bclttc^rtnb r4yfc of rtUmrtu^ytfbe* ktl^t bue^cs to neglect, IBiitlctc mc f bc\»e fortbitby cotnmctttrtcyone frc, 6tO}>p< not my tvynbc pypc8,bnt gcuc tbcm lybtrte, ^0 jounbe to tby n*imc, wby d? t« moff cf mcyoMfc, 2nt> ittttrcfoyccTvitb b,tbeb<«rberocfc anbttne corner flone^tb^tef two mrttetb one,\2ny nge tbe ^fewes wftb tbe ^entylcs in cnt »t>iir(^e, come now c wbcmtbu brt/| fotir met* of tbe v>yU emrtbe . Finif adus tertius. Incipitadus Qiiartus, Pater cceleftis, -^^ Sl^yU foincreflferb,tbe wycrcbneffeof tti4ttr^IIISS that J ctri^ll, atttt) 4? fau irt myitbe, wttb b^tef iiU mutbet inftct* ^be fottttcd of jf4cob,w tti fles vittMOimll fell, 3lttb tttto 4^crypt«,t)cb tbey tbetr btrotbolUe,3am f^ytbfuU rcuetrcttcc, l>mrt wt,tbt;ou5b 0i4)cm6 wyoUttce, ^ 51ubctt 4bttfe$ bys frttbet;^ concubyite, Titb^scfrttt 4>ylt>i;ett,of by6 owtiebou^bwr tftl4w«, J> lyttc, l^ysfebe -OiWttfpyltt^bysbrotberd rwme w witbbrylt>«it,of jTft ael rtbufe my powre, jftt foi?yU ttMiter^tb^t tbey mouc m< lc,m,fcmrcet«fleof tbyne yre* 5or wbom tbu brtfi fbe wct>^fod?e totcnd €«yb«nt» Cott«ct:tyncfetbydt:obbc,wto«lyi«lycfcitt, p 3lnb tb« i^mc fctpcttt,i»to tby» robt^ *icf l4gt8i4e Xr^**'^ t?«*^< becUre* 26y bloubc,|iiMff^e6,&: lycciby flye8,bc4tb.botd?c,&: blrty»t<# 25y b4?»i»'brst»?«iflbi>j>«t;d?by bmrfcnc j]c,4itb by Mtt . !By rt Q'^tnpla^c^Ml thtiv f trfl^ottert wore, 2^bofttw#«tton tb«t tby iJeoplijWitbolbc *rot trow tby 3oo6«c|fe, ^^_^^^^^_ Pater cceleft IS, sattyfyt tbc^my c^ofeit fcrurtunt <*5of. . 2lnt> bc4t:< witb tb«i^ f4ultc8, of tby gre^t bountcoiifntiit, Jrt rt l^rtmyjt^c b«fit>2.M«y«t5c to tb«m ceffJcct, ^b« <*|>poytttct>t(J me,tb8 Icbe^ T^bcte pb4t4oe6 boofctbc ^oube ouctw>birt fy te tbufbewebefl tbeir W4yc» ^b»r<»t«l^ tbem (^yctotyc» ^'- % Mofesfancfliis* <^|J5rtoryo«feflti| b4ylye rt>etvebe}l tbem,m4ftye totma of^vcat lone. fCbe br4ren ferpeitt^tbu ^mcfi tbem for tbeir bealyitcfc, - atitb ^4l44ms c«rfe,tb» turttebefltttto 4 btelfytt^c. jf bopc tbu wylt ttot,by fb4ytte to belpe tbem jlyll, Pater ccxleftfs 3a4ue tbem preceptee.wbyd? tbey wyll not fulfyll, nor yet tftowleb^e me,for tbetr (Bob 4ttb 500b lorbf, ©0 \>9 tbetr »yle bebed^wttbtbeir wycCeb b4rte6 rtccorbc, IfVpYl^ tb« b^(? t4lteb,wttb me f4myly4rlye. « Iq Jn ■: I \^«irc twmcbito f(? t bey 6*^«c,fc« vp rt^oltxtt Crtlfc. Mofesfandus, £ctt ine f*»ycl(?rtlfe; Patercozleftis; jT wyl! fit- fl cottclubcrtnb tbC)l?ut Crtlcb rtnb jfofuc, Mofesfandus* ' ■■'■:'■: 'S'by e«t?tt4U wyl(, cucmioicfii If yWcb be. 5ot^ t>yfobcbycncc,tl7tt flcwcff ttefonttesof^frtfcwf* ^bc crtrtb^fwcUoweb iriibotb Sbatb^tt rtrtb 3.btrom ^be cb rcbefof. Pater coelefti's, rtcuct wyll jf fpittctbc ciii'fcb inycjuyte^ -Of yboUtt^ycfov no cmifctbti ntrtyjl «rufl ttt<* Mofesfandus, 5or5«jc t^jcm yet lorb€,f ot tby 6 ty mc tf tt may c b<. Pater cpeleftis. ^byn^efl tbutb^t jf wyll,fo forte d?4ttcj< my becrcr tld,no,f ryttbe (^ofc6 fo lyjbt tb« f b^lt not fy nbc m«i Jf wyllponnyfl; tbem,rt(l l^frrtel fDrtll it f<» Mofes fandtis* jT worctby po?« clerttt*. 53itc cbufl?4lcfiot jo.foi: J tnowc wb^ttbu boc|tmc4}>c. Co tOucc m/pc^plcmym ^tn^cU jMlrtilyfi tbt> 21 ri> f-'oi: thi ttm 5eU,tb«t tb« to my people be tbys cdUcnrtunt,t>nto my promyfc« paft. 2i tyfc tbcm \>j> 3 wylU4 pwpbctc from anwnsc tl)(m, n>; (?;tlf ^c to cbe^to fpcatc my wotbes ritto tbem, IVoifibc xtub rtoctb *c be fb^^lt fpeitte in my namc^ "T w;U ircucttgs it, to hys pcrptturtU ftjamt. |rKp4ifcoiKr(4!nVe>wyUbc4co&cttiu(l, ^ > a 4>f vbyi fltoitjc coucftrtimt. 9:bye b««« "JcUrelye oy|cu|t, Jjtmy 4;>poyrttms«t, tbys bouw for your t>clyucr4Uttc<. MofcsfanAus; Xliixtt tDdll tbyd tbyttcre,t>«mo(i bouttteoufet J?c«i>for jf |44c,iu by6 byjtrejfe 4mortgc. ^0 7«'^ob tbu wcrt,4gybemo|l5r4cyoufe, jTofepb tb 1 r4uebejl,from b4uttgeroufe bc4blye wron^fe. :ld>trebect?4ttb jfob,felt tby gre4t goobnelfe Ifrongc, &o beb ^oob 0rtr4.rcbecc4,4nb fttyre Kad^eU . TPitbBcpbor4mywvfc^tbebougbterofA.45ucl» tTo ptrtyfe t be fwete lorbe my f4y tbc borb me compell, 5or tby coHen4imte!' f^tte^wberiit ref? our frtlimcyofi. febe febe of promyfe^rtll otbcr fcbcd ejgcclU for *^^ . '. :^ ^^i ■-.■'- .w»..-»~ .--^ „_,__ .u. jv A(fiusQuartus# Sot tU^ini^ttfUtyntth^ottv full ittfiyfycacy^tu Svom Tibatn 4ttb Hort^^tt Stbtrab^tiw Qcnttnacycn* ^brttfcbe ^tocmtth^ powt^c* , Jor tb< r*itn< fcbeu (Vitc^ jf wyll fyttS* wow tbytf bow«# Clara tunc uoce Antiphonam mci'pit,0 EmanueUquam chorusprofequetur cumorganis, Vel Anglice canal* •^ ll>y5btyn«r< i^ttuinmUdc ctw Ugt lot^ttthc longc tiK my^btyc (emct-% Finitadws Quarms, . Iricipitaflusqui'miw, '^ ■ Pater cceleftis, FJ^t «tM tb« f4tt«tr,jr brtwe f fjcweb jr(r«t' Xcmcmbre yet (orb ctby wottby* fftrtimmt COo(k^ Tt)4ltyncj< m tby fygbt,wttbout trebnte of tbd ^otb 3l4roft,3<«ro, 4?lc45rtr,4nb p btncc6, if ucrmorc ft4rcb,tooffettbc tby tttrtcjeffc. C^odbtb«corj 4ttb ITM^jCby <««wyca put to fmort. I ^ pratfcnt/s Tragoediae# 5oUc6„thy people bcb co«irt, 6<;mfon t J?c ftrong tb< fvovouQh tnyfd}cfin thy fyQht^ |?5c voae a pa^ancMyt not th tb< «>rtyc« *f *^y5bt> So t)cb i?^wyctcb folye* Pater cceleftis, 5 can no£aBybe,tb< t>ycc of ybofattyes^ - '^ trbougbj ftsulb f«ffci:,an otbctwyUanyc, 'Xl'b,tby r ygbtconfe ponnyf btttcnti . 3|ttb fot as mod? ae they Mb tvydcbly confcnt, Jo tbc Pale flynee^anb Cbanany te8 t>ttgoblyc, - jbolatf r8 tatynge^to fbem in mat rymonye, tbu tbreweU tbcm *>nt>rc,tbe iyn^t of OOefoporamye^ after tbu fubtiKbe^tbem,fortbeirjfbolatryc. ^ygbtene year8 to i^^hn^tht tyncfe of a:>oabytc«r, 3["<> SS' K«»^s to jfabitt^tbc tynge of €battanyte84 ^ppteffcb tbey were.vtj. years oftbe (^abyanytea* 3["b S*>ttj.year8t>cj5eb,of tbecrucll ammonytes. Jttttf.grcatbattayles^ofiii.fcore tbo«r*»»^^ ^nb (yuu *rf (?y6 tby p%cfi?<^tcbcy,b<»«e ^ucttrtSce. Jb4utb m/ fct;u4U}«,(«m«>b<»t mu,l ]f frtyc to tbc «oJ tb^t cbtt Uwlye^b^tfi wfoitjbr fo^ o4'%yt<» " ^ . • fDauidrcxpms. ff^^ ©j>4rcJtOtl>lertcb lotbcbutptyc tby pUrtfwe tome* r>^ ^* Pater creleitis. 1 ffiA^j' ^fUt«b4yc?itb«b4|Ji»wyfufct>33erf*^yc,4nl> fUyn« by»n i« tbc fy c!b<. Dauid rex pius, <*?«?cy« lorbc mcrcycf or boub clc ji« jT 4m bu^ttm'^,ftom B4ul wby* W4a tby crtcmye* ytHyXntny f 4U€r,fo moct? tb» bcbyff < vceK, %b4t of tby <»«my<6, jf 54nc tbc \>y ctotye . P4lcffyftc3 4ftt> ©yry4'te8,to cbc c4mc «rybut4rye. TCPby b4(I tbtt tbcrt wroti^btifod? f olyc in my fy3 bt? J>c())y jyn^c my wo;t><,454yn^ all ^obtyc rygbt* Daui'd rex pais, 3f b4«cfyntt,fot tby « my^wyte, 5ot tby rb tbu tbe wotfc cjlcmcb. 5romtbybowfcfottby«:-tb«rwct;bcf^Unotbcp4trt< Dauidrex pais, jT 4m fotrye lorbe^f rom tb< bottom of my h<^u Pater coelcftfs. ^0 fwrtbcJf 4n5c^ tbtJ nwntbrctbe people ofJftmW Swppofc(l in tby myntm.tbcvin tbu b*»jTbottc wcUf Dauid rex puis, jt crttt ttot frtyc ttrtycbtit jf b^tie bone vnbyfcrye/ Daut'd rex plus, Cot^c rtt tby plcrtfure^fbtr tbu mrt f uK of iwreyf < pater ccelefti's. ^^f4p«»^< fi/«U come, fottb yfTwyn^e from tby bobyc, Tpbomj wyU*?b«mince,rpontbyrc4tcfot;<«er, ,^ ny« troncftrtll become,^ fe«;te of b«ttio tb4t accyott wotrt^yc, jTn toten tb«t Cb«|f >mtiff fynyfb euety tby wge, Dauidrcxpius. JmmottAll 5lotye,totbe,moff beitucttlyetyrt^c* 5ot; tb^t tbtt b^ jl 5ettCrt,conty«urtU vyctotye, %o me tby fectt4uttt,e«ei: fens my anoyntynst* 3lnt) rtlfo bef ore,by manye coftquc|le« wottb/e* a bemre 4ttt> lyotuJfUxoc thvomh tby flrenstb^ttlyCf "Yftcwe (BoU|.cubite6 lort^e, Stfrtyitfltby emmye8,tbttm4t>eflme euetr fironge. tboubtbtt vyfytebefl,my fyitnefulneffe Atnonsu yOith pe jlyUttt pU3t6,nnt> otber vnquyctnefle* 3Petneuetr totefl tbu,from me tbe pU«tteoufwefl<, -Oftby ffoMyfptete.wbyd^tbtt in me beby ff pUm:# .. jf b^ttyn^e iremotce,tby g»^«ce coulbe neuer wttto me.fotr «U my wycfcb fynne* :2Lnb baft ptomyfeb bere,by ptoteflacyon conjtmint, ^b«t one of my febe,n?rtll fod? by^b f<>t:tnne wynne, ,. ^8 neuet beb m4n,fen8 tbys wotib< beb becjy nne . aSy by8 po wetr be ftxtii^ut e^tb^m f»^om by8 bolbe, jfttmoyc«wbewf,tofyn5ewyUjMbolbc. Ganort — &' Ctnora UOCe tunc indpit Antiphonam, O Adonai, Qnam fumtym«rtpct;tmbia|pbemy€a,. ^ ^ Ptouotetbme to b4tc,by tbcit yboUtrycs* '^(^t bebc tomy wotbee^yc tyj^auntesof 0obomyrcontctttjr4m,witbyowbci3 now become v Jtf^y tbfalU 3tttb het cottbycyottSirtjre turrteb vp fo bowrte . t^etr ly f< is Dttcb*tfl» ber 4cted be very hntttfulU t>tt: muttber 4ftb tb^f ti brttbbrttteneb ber ttnowne^ Co»ctowfc«W4rbc8jbotbfo tbwcortfcyence ht;5C8,t,o tlx|t*gyb«8 *«tt> mottmrt^cff, ntoTO Ijrtiic tbcy ff oTOtc ty»^€8,yet rtrc t()cy wydfeb Jly W> " 2lnb wyU iit no \t)yfc^my flcpiottt kwc» fnlfylU 2((i\74yc8 tbcy rtpplycto yboUcs wotf byppynge* 5*^o»nt:b< »yUbc3;j«*^'to tb« *woytt«t>tyngc, Efaias Prcpheta* 5ortb<«c4«f€t:bubta:ofoIymyt«m<6^ jfttbotb thf(c ciin«rcycs,« ^bc fiJ^fJof 5^ub4,w«8 wyrfcb tytt« Xobortm> 4>f jTfVrtcl tS ffrfl,W48 tb«t ctmil nicroboitm, Slbm tb cbc i^^trybcs bcb,trt tb< Unbcof 0rtitt«try*# , "t I fp4:c ofo.tcb4ye,ft|ly cboufaftbrnetf jf flcwc, ubfcaf cbttc cyctCiJirtlfo jf ouercbfcwc, 2ltt0 Icfc tbc peoplcmfo^ captyuytt, fTb^t wrtUtb£wa:li)€7tb«y wyjl ttotwbytberttffe. ^b< otb«»^ ti- ttrybes,wb twcntye* "XOite flaytuAt one tymc^fottbcit ybot«brcb tbottfrtrtbe ,ftrom tbetta were crtptyue U^^ ^'^ir ^0 >t>es byfpcf fcb, ^ ; ©etOomtbey frtyle icbuteytb^J? tbe ^^cy«ttte8» t>4tte thtm iu bottbagjiot ele tbe 3t(ryre«ined« 3l.ftb rtlotte tb«y m4ye,tb;tnte tbetr yboUtryc. Efaus Prophcta, tOiU^ytt hlt^eb lotbeTreleac tbem wttb tby mei^cye. ti'boii^b tbcy b^iiebene yU>by otber pry/tcee brtye0# 3?et jo>b ^uc^trt5,b4tbtycc6 4re tbe gtc4rter« sP tOe^'ienlye (orbe tbet*for,f wyU belyacr.tby people 411 tog-ycber, y>c pkftitsB 4rtb clotibeeU,4ff4trtB,for tbyd t^y fybclyce, 21 couenrtuntof l?pcn whom Alvoayts^tht (putt of the lot:be fbofl wowby< mrttctTirtitb tyftg< of b««« of Irtte^m ^ Auib tby ttxit fcrummt, ^ntf ttow conf ttrmbd,tl?4t W43 to tbe ry^bt J^ufmtnt* ' ?oqS%l^t.yc;tbur.yfcbe^.p tjdx<^^ ^&t7tcrttf4lcin,«nbt«tcf4ytbcbyanbbycy^ ! 5ottbcUyc lygbt^tbat f^all fatJc rbc.ta commynse. I lbefonncoftbelotbc,apcryebe T^^ntynse.' SbvVelMfc fi^omfynnc^iinb tby wbol^ ry^btmifttefre, Km?itnby8fongc.totnowlcb5e bya ffrcnt 5oot>m(JV. ConCinna tunc uoce Antiphonam mchoat, O radix Icflc, Quam chorus profequetur cum organiS, t;j,^ Vel Anslicehocmodocanft. ^m ;>#:■:.;► . .' • V ; • • ';.., momb<8,TX>limtbe -' ,■■■ 'ka'. -—: :^ ?vauf5epfitSti»r Pater coelcftis _ Titt^ tomcs» , tttbcbeJtl>yb)r,mjjf CO jfotc:OTc»» ^0 wyrtitc bytn to 3^j;4*;«>botb mrrcj^e^fit* ryjbtcoufrtetf. ji b^uc evcrcy ft ammht, ©ball 5^ itoTv lofe bym.ot f b^iU T bym bcfmbtc 3^ft bys mo(I myfdjtfcmo il by^rb cf mcc w/U jf r<«^<» ^ooucrcomc b/ f^iiourctf tt m^ye be, lOttb byB4bijfyort3,ito b.'Tcf Tf writ jf contmbct 25«tnowacci>m^ly[b,m/ fttrfl wyll uttb btcvc, iO/tvotbe bcy;t^c fiif b>from bets fb^U fstt byrt< f»J*# t^ymtcad^yit^ca. vo^yc, ofpctfy^htcy^htzoafncifc, ^b«t b«rbet?yj>i}t by^ w;4?CJKJfe* . . lomn -s bapnfta, , 2(^mott^b4iK non> nomot€ 4 bo. jf oUc8>m4y€ now no fvurtbcr ao, ^b< two falfc iiibges^4HJ> ^bon rb4U tbebyfplc4f«t nomote. •(Tbt^^ fcott yiitvts 4tjb tctt,tby pW ffes were (Uytt,t\}t\; tvdifnti came to itotby«9 ■(Tbc fTrmgtb4nb bewcyt^of tby^^ ownc bcf et4g'C, ^b««bcbe(ltbal<4u< cb2rt.mmyfcir4Wc bonb4^.» 1 4>ftb4btbcywmrttynfumty)n«byii?«d?ieU I 3tJTbotb<»^i>*^^b<«6»4ff4^f4yc4nbbicrcmyc, 1 • 0»m:ymt ,1 prx(cnh*sTragaij?f» ■ > ^i:mtytnthyli>AnkUfuintymchy -C^fcanh'JchcU :by Hrtbtim rtnt> 0O\d>t Xcrticmbtrc jro(tA8,wbyct) tof c tb< <»bbomytTacyon. 5t:om tbc people tbf K«t?rtb cottfybtctbc f«ytbfuU (jcncrrtcyott, mjo towync bryntyngctto frynbf bypp< ttygbt c5(Tr<»y!wJ 3^.eof trutbe ccrtrtync, ' orobrtbcl tbcptyncc^wbycbtJcbrcfxirctbcKiitple, nb jf cfws lofcbcd^^of verm tb* cjfcwple* Confybrc ncbcmirts^atib iiff bras tbc goob fcrybc, iVTcf cy f iiU 'J'obtrts rtitb con fJrtUtti: <}Oati>cd>m$. lf«bitb«nb qticnc t?cff cr,o{rbc frtttic ^obly ttybc^ %<«<►«« (??rttbrtrbw6,rtnb J«bb«« to f0CTOe,4TO4yc before cbcfdce^ 4>f my moff bctrc fot«te,wbyci> wylt come tbe »tttyU# L— prert^etotb<|>copl«^«bueyfT^e tbw itccflyjfence, h5&o}>|>e them m w.»ter,tbey f «towlebcfyn«re tbeir offertcc. ^nOpfycvnto tb♦ l—^-^-^ , loannes Baptifta* X^nmut lotrbe jf 4m, Qijia P"^'^ ^2° ^"™« 2(tt otbct; tbc4te ttt tb< befwtpUcc* t:bu mujlbo tbet^fo>,4S 5 Ml tbe 4buyfe, 4Utbe tteiter f4y(c, ^be fprete of bea48,b4ue J ^euett tbc 4Urcbye» Perfu4be tbe, w^yc^ wyll t^cfort to jTottxtu?' ' "^ Pater crcleftts; jftt tby wtotbctrd tvombc, of bym b«tbbc|l thn co^wycy W4 loannesBapttfta, 3(?«»,tb4tW48wri>wtc,jfwolbc now tnowc t)y$ptv(ott,\ Pater cceleftjs, 1 ' tyaitt tha no fcavt jrob(irt>bymn?4lt tb« tttowe fwU nxW* j 2lttb oitc ff>ccy4U £ot<»t,rtfbre wyll j tbc tcU, i Super quern uiieris Ipiritum dcfcendcntcm dC manentcm '4 Super cum,lnc eft qui bapti'zat fpir 1 tu fandlo -1 itrn^rtcfc 411 otbc«?,wbom tbu fbrtlt brtptyfc tibctrt, ^po!t wboiit tbtt rcyf?,tbe boly (Bbo jl bcfccttbe, TnP?*tj>f>c of 4 bducrcff yrt^c »pott bys (t}ttlbtve, v ^-j Ooibc bym fot; tb« r4me,tb^c fb^ill tbc worlbc 4fnettbc» I6y bAptym of fprccc, 4nb Alfo to mutt cyftcnbc-, ^ofl)f>tcy4Ugfr4ce.5o*be mii(?trcp4trc^ys f4[l, Jic^oryrtg^c 454yit;c,tbe ittflyceoirygyjwU* 'cnt4uncc,4ttb tb<«rt tbc people b4ptyfe# loannesbaptifta, . i:^yctbbortouV,wotfbypp,4rtb glotye be witto tbc COy (Bob et lycf bt,to yow 4pptocb€tb f^ff 5 f>4ue f4ytbe,4ttb 4ppIye>nonj to receywc bym bolbelye, jT 4>nttoi: tbely^bcbut to beare telly m wye, : 4>f bym,4m jT (tnctb^t ail nun mttye bcleiie^ ^b»it b/8 bloubc b; wylUfou thziv rcbcmp; yon geiic, Deis fo.t> »tly3b'>«3 rtUmmborbUhimyrie, rr i£: 0} Zl{ J Mtht xooilht hi nut^t.hy hys mygb^yc power hettynet 3lttb yet tbac rube wotlbcwyll not tnowe tvbrtt ^ ta. f:>y««nwic (?c Cttttt7n5e,t8 not te^rtt^ct* of by^, ^brcff fUiyn^ jfn fputc regcner4«-.ant> rtH ^rtc< fijrtU nttAynt , (hoitye t>o trcctcn, tb«c jf Job^n ^rtptyfJ rtm be. JXccyucb rtfc tbcyi *inb tl^t wyU*tptre in fT;>acc^ ftbougb b< come rtftcr^yct W43 bcion^c afore me» tOt ai^c wce purd?<,web->tbrtteuerfc (gob (tfote> Itt'by 4> ttow incut Ifynbe^ttmnny a trtiync wy U refJote* t>tlptmt to ffeue tbttn^ea^o tb«t lotbe eii ermotc* tVbyh rtw *>«to Cbrif{i4 cry#ir« Voyce in tbe bcfmrtv ^0 |»t«p4r< tbe |>4tb<«^«tnb by «rb vonytB bym b^fore^ 5or by « belygbt ««» on tbe poort fywipte h<^c . ^bat irtnoccnt f rtmbcf rom fod? try U neue» bep^tCf 3l8 wyU faytbf MUye^receyue bymwitb goob tnynbe* Cetc our i?oyc5c tbmiib>«inb by^b fceptnr e <^ tbe fyif* ♦rfb of jf4cob,wby<^^«ti<(f rt«^»omn((cyon» i-, ■ ■ ' I BalcusProIocutor, — — - — -- TV^cmattevs mrc foc^.tb^twe b>tl?cy bcdJ$fott(4^«« Our (on fat\} crs w;i;< .rrtbtrc the cbubc of brtr^encs, tjnb viuo Cbn(l«6 b4yc3,btb m tbcfo^bboTOC remityix, 3^«t wit:zthcy not lcft>forof bym tbcy b^b^toims, ' 2m tb«y«ccyueb,«'jT« fpttrycu^ll febyncfc b«ubtt<«. ^b:y broft&e of tb^- rodfcwbyi? tbcm to lyfc vcfvcffyebt $oj^9nc\'m.%ri8(eb€,v9iXty fl,wbyct? {l}c\x>cb tbct>ery km^. . ^bdu^btbeyfcrtfarrcyctaUtbsyb^bofrctujIycCf ' v- •Om (5^*iffc€43 tbcy call itMnbittCbt^tjlonc f^^ctyfyce* -' 3t man cun nothetC',t» '3ob bob trb<»rt ott tbya to grounbc bys fiVfthc^nbvnbevilanbyn^t, S^v all tbc wotlbc6fyntT«,rtEortc Cb»*tf! prtvcb £b« pjyce, Jtt bysottfysbc^tcb^^TfAstiwunyelyfcrtlwrtycs fcflytt^* ^ttb not tn try (! ivojte8,nc: y^r inmennya bcfctuyngc, ^bc Iygf;t of owr frtycbcmatc tbye tbyng* cwybcnt, ' « - # I r. ' " ^^ ^ ^^''^'''^i^m^'—.':- ' WbkrbrrbfTi''ff>o;t,tb«yr*^c4tti>droTWrtcpte<>f«^-^^ ' J)ig 0oob of tl>cwr«luc8^rl?3uarb gT4cc (wC^ fc rt^fmtv Stitt) brt«cgoot>iiwctrtc6.tbctt^m4bncffewtbtomc4fuirt, ^bc wyH of tbc /?e,t8 proucb bcf « r»n4U mwjfbre, '. tv ' ; ^ %n\> fo id mrttwye wyUifor t\>t gr^ce of (5ob t»o{;j[?rt^^ -^^ , ^ '' if^ g ^t^'l^. ;;.ykb by 3?^ ^^^ ^^f^'tl:'^ r b«Wt23