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the United States on the use of the text.
By far the larger portion of the ensuing work is drawn
from a source of which the existence at least is well known
to all students of seventeenth-century history. The remarks
of Dr. Routh ^ and Miss Strickland 2, of Lord Macaulay ^, Pro-
fessor Von Ranke *, and Dr. Osmund Airy ^, have emphasized
the fact that there exist in the British Museum fragments of
Dr. Burnet's History, derived from an original version which
differs in many respects from the text as eventually published.
The observations of Von Ranke, notwithstanding their value,
were in one respect unfortunate ; his report has been errone-
ously accepted as exhaustive ; and, despite his own ardently
expressed aspiration for a complete edition of the manuscript,
it has been assumed that he had noticed the chief differences
between the early version and the received text. As a matter
of fact the quotations of the distinguished German refer ex-
clusively to two important passages ° ; he states specifically
that he became acquainted with the document very late in the
progress of his monumental work ; and his language leaves us
in doubt whether he had ever seen either the original papers
or a complete transcript.
* Preface to Burnet's History, ed. quotations of Miss Strickland. The
1823, p. xviii. MS. is described near the beginning
^ Queens of England, vol. viii. (1845) of the second instalment, issued in
p. 444 ; vol. X. (1847) pp. 290, 356 1855 ; in the course of which it is
(and note), 414 ; vol. xi. (1847) pp. 17, frequently mentioned (see ed. 1858,
68, 70, 199,307,319. The description vol. iv. pp. 19, 20, 56, 66, 81, 278 ; v.
of the MS. is on p. 356, vol. x, note. 32, 133 ; vi. 166, 172, 176, 206-7, 211,
^ As Macaulay did not employ the 276, 372).
Harleian MS. in the preparation of * Eng. Gesch. ed. Leipzig, vol. vii.
that first instalment of his History 1868, App. ii. pp. 184-99.
which ends with the Revolution settle- » See his quotation of Von Ranke,
ment, and which appeared in 1848, Did. Nat. Biog. vol. vii. p. 405.
there seems some reason to believe ° The 'Characters' of the English
that his attention was originally di- Court in 1663, and the Post-Revolu-
rected to it by the comments and tion Settlement.
vi Introduction
The manuscript is described as No. 6584 in the catalogue
of the Harleian Library; which collection, formed by the first
and second Earls of Oxford between the years 1705 and
1 741, was acquired for the nation in 1753. The papers in
question constitute a substantial folio volume containing 350
leaves, the great majority of which bear writing on both sides.
The cover, till within the last few years, was a British Museum
binding of the eighteenth century ; and though the authorities
lay no stress on the circumstance, the present editor inclines
to deduce that the papers reached the Museum in loose
quires, and were there arranged for the binder. It is at least
certain that about June 6, 1781 1, Dr. Gififord (assistant
librarian to the British Museum from 1757 to 1784) perused
the manuscript ; that he divided the work, after a somewhat
arbitrary fashion, into eight ' Numbers ' (of which the second is
obviously misplaced) ; and that he prefaced each ' Number '
by a small inserted sheet of his own memoranda, in which
attention is drawn to a few of the more salient discrepancies
between the succeeding 'Number' and the published text.
Not content with this, he has inscribed, in ink, and upon the
margin of the actual manuscript, occasional references to the
printed version ^ ; while in two instances he has taken upon
himself to add, in a similar manner, substantial annotations.
Upon a close investigation, the original manuscript falls
into three main divisions.
I. Folio a is a separate sheet, headed 'Materials,' and
including some citations from the ensuing manuscript, with
comments derogatory to the Whig party. The query ap-
pended by Dr. Ghiford, ' Whether this is not y= Bishop's own
handwriting ? ' may be unhesitatingly answered in the nega-
tive ; but it approximates in a marked degree to the some-
what peculiar script of Robert Harley, founder of the Harleian
collection; and Mr. Cartwright, whose familiarity with Harley's
hand is probably unique, ' feels no doubt whatever ' that the
writing is in Harley's autograph.
a. (A) Nos. I, 3, 4, a (the first three named of which are
in one and the same clerical hand, all four being corrected by
1 Date appended to Dr. Gifford's ^ He quotes the pagination of an
notes on f. i. early octavo edition.
On the Text of Burnet's History vif
the pen of Burnet himself i) are clearly distinct fragments of
a single clerical copy, which we shall designate throughout
this work as Transcript A. Of these fragments the earliest
includes events from 1660 to 1664 ; the next in date relates to
the year 1683 ; the third is concerned with events from the
end of 1684 to the autumn of 1686 ; the last named narrates
incidents from the middle of the year 1689 to the close of 1695.
(B) Nos. 5-8, on the other hand, compose a single continuous
fragment (ranging in subject-matter from 1684 to 1696) of
a later transcript, which we shall designate as Transcript B ;
and which was evidently copied from the preceding version ^ by
a number of clerks working, it would appear, simultaneously ^.
There are no author's corrections, though this copy, like the
former, betrays in many places (and in some portions with
peculiar frequency) the characteristic mistakes of hasty and
illiterate scribes ; but a few of the pages present slight
emendations or notes, apparently in the hand of Harley *.
So much for the Harleian manuscript ; but investigations
in the Bodleian Library have unearthed additional material, of
great interest in this connexion. Among the mass of Burnet
papers acquired by the University in the year 1 835 for a total
sum of ;fi'aio * (which include the now well-known ' autograph '
» There can be no reasonable doubt ' The minute slips of paper gummed
on the subject ; though the separation on ff. 93 and 146 respectively were
of the individual letters for purposes probably used as markers. On one is
of clearness differentiates the writing written, ' Russel's trial. E. of Essex ' ;
somewhat from Burnet's current on the other ' To L'^ Oxford. Russell's
hand. The revision has been rather execution.' The first is now (1902)
carelessly made ; two corrections, on missing.
ff. 129 [V) and 55 (a) respectively, are " Catalogue ofacquisitions. The papers
obviously erroneous. (Mus. Add. D. 15-24) in all probability
= Cf. ff. 119 (a) and 120 (6) with originally descended to David Mitchell,
ff. 164 (o) and 167 (a) respectively. brother-in-law of Sir Thomas Burnet ;
In each case it will be found that cf. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 11404, f. loi
Transcript B carelessly adopts both the with Hist. i. 32-3, note (we give the
original reading and Burnet's cor- folio pagination). Those of the Bur-
rection of the same. net M SS. which (as we must suppose)
^ The narrative is continuous, but were rejected by the Bodleian authori-
is in a great variety of hands. The fresh ties seem to have been sold at Evans',
writing always fo^«s at the top of a July2i-6, 1838(366 Auction Catalogue,
folio, and the opening words generally, Nos. 1015-22, 1025, 1027-8) ; and the
if not always, coincide with the com- British Museum then acquired Add.
mencement of a folio in Transcript A ; MSS. 11402-4, 11569, 11570. The
on the other hand, the portion assigned source of Mr. Morrison's three auto-
to any one hand frequently terminates graphs is not known. As late as April,
halifway down the folio. 1887, the British Museum purchased
viii Introduction
copy of the published History'^) there was found a long
autograph fragment of Burnet's original draught, extending
from the battle of Oudenarde to the conclusion of the work ;
and also the original draught of the Bishop's own Autobio-
graphy, on which the Life by his son is principally founded.
The historical fragment seems to have hitherto escaped the
notice of students ; the Autobiography is, we find, twice cursorily
mentioned in the notes appended by Dr. Routh to the edition
of Burnet's History (so far as it relates to the reign of James II)
which he published in 1853 from the Bodleian autograph
of the History.
The questions suggested by the preceding details may be
thus briefly summarized. In what manner can we account
for the existence of the two Harleian transcripts, and under
what circumstances can they have fallen into the hands of the
Harley family ? What is the historical relation between this
early draught and the work as eventually published ? To
what extent do the two versions correspond ? in what respects
do they differ? and how far can the variations be said to
throw light upon the origin of the so-called ' editorial castra-
tions ' which have occasioned so much comment ?
Three preliminary facts, of great interest, can be at once
established. This first draught, or original Memoir, which
constituted the basis of Burnet's published History and was
commenced in the year 1683 ^, when Burnet was forty years
old, may be confidently identified with the 'Apology,' ' Memoir,'
or 'History' of which Burnet, anno 1687, in his published
correspondence with Lord Middleton, threatened the pub-
lication. We find, moreover, that in October, 1688, Burnet,
anticipating possible disaster to the impending expedition of
the Prince of Orange, left private directions '"^ for the post-
humous publication of the work, which he had brought up
to date ; and, in the last place, that the narrative was continued
at irregular intervals from that period, first to the Peace of
Ryswick, and finally to that of Utrecht.
an early manuscript version of the Press edition of the History now in
Lives of the Hamiltons from a Dr. Lipp- progress.
mann (Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33259). " Hist., Airy's ed., ii. 474 ; infra, p. i.
1 Used as the basis for Dr. Routh's ^ See infra, Appendix HI.
Burttefs James //, and the Clarendon
On the Text of Burnet's History
The portion of this original draught which we assume to
have ended with the Peace of Ryswick, and within which fall
the entire series of the Harleian fragments, first demands our
attention ; since it appears probable, that this initial portion
was on its first completion regarded as an integral whole ; and
that its fortunes were at once more complicated and more
curious than those of the subsequent part,
^ There can be no doubt that the ' Secret History ' (as Burnet
himself terms it) was throughout originally committed to
paper by Burnet's own hand. The Harleian fragments show
that he revised at least one clerical copy of the portion anterior
to the Peace of Ryswick ^ ; and the motives for such a duplica-
tion are not far to seek. Burnet, with characteristic garrulfty,
seems to have freely advertised the existence of his ' secret '
Memoirs ^ ; and as — partly perhaps in deference to impor-
tunate curiosity ^, partly on design to obtain critical sugges-
tions * — he appears to have shown it, in confidence, to several
of his acquaintance ^, common prudence must have suggested
the preparation of a duplicate.
The question now arises, whether among those to whom
Burnet, during the closing years of the seventeenth century,
submitted the first portion of the original draught we must
include Robert Harley. The circumstance could throw no
light upon Harley 's possessio7t of the fragments, which must
in any case have been secured subsequently, and from a
surreptitious source ; but it is not in itself altogether improbable.
The Bishop, in earlier years, had been intimate with Harley 's
family ° ; and though, by 1699, the trial of Fen wick had
proved for both a parting of the ways (so that Burnet ranked
as a staunch if independent supporter of the Court, while
Harley led the antiministerial opposition), still the final
identification of Harley with the Tory party' remained a
' The writer of the Occasional Letter, ' Ibid.
who says there was only one' clerical ' See the interesting correspondence
transcript (see ««/^ra, p. XV, note I ), may published by the Hist. MSS. Comm.,
allude either to the original draught, or Longleat MSS., vol. i.
a first recension. ' To which we owe the unfavour-
' Preface to the Elliot Specimens, able comments of Burnet's published
p. 6. ^ Ibid. History, see vol. ii. 109, 255, 270,
* Hist. i. 3-4 (folio pagination) and 291, 381, 486-97, 553-62 (folio pagi-
Dartmouth's note. nation), and the virulent juvenile
X Introduction
remote contingency ; and his extensive knowledge of Parlia-
mentary forms would have lent to his criticism of a work, so
frequently concerned with parliamentary proceedings, a special
value. That Harley, during the summer of 1699, did, whether
in legitimate or clandestine fashion, peruse Burnet's Memoirs,
is at any rate certain. Mrs. S. C. Lomas, who has kindly devoted
some study to the sheet of rough and almost illegible notes ^
prefixed to the Harl. MSS. 6584, argues very conclusively
that the initial dates represent the period of their composition ;
and show us Harley, during the recess of 1699^ collecting from
Burnet's original Memoirs materials for the renewed attack
on the administration, which he carried into effect during the
ensuing session.
But, as we have already hinted, it is not altogether necessary
to conclude that Mr. Harley derived his knowledge of the
Burnet Memoirs from an act of confidence on the part of
their author. A remarkable anecdote is extant, which may
throw light upon a possible source of Harley's knowledge,
and the probable genesis of the second Harleian transcript.
Itwas towards the closeof the seventeenth century — probably
between 1697 and 1700 ^ — that Burnet temporarily confided
his Memoirs — presumably the Harleian clerical transcript
satires of Burnet's son. See also the 29, 1699 ; Beauties of England and
bitter observations of Oxford himself, Wales, vi.494, xv. (i) 604-5). 3- That
Hist. MSS. Com. Rep., XI. pt. v. p. the affair of the Royal Oak Lottery
322. _ took place in the spring of 169^ (see
' Printed infra, as Appendix VII. Commons Journals, xii. 497, 588
The references to the Burnet Memoirs 623-4, 644, 646, 665 ; Statutes at Large
have been appended as notes. We (1769), iv. 15 ; and a curious little
may here add— i. That S' W' Y» is tract called The Arraignment, Trial
probably Sir Walter Yonge, who long and Condemnation of Squire Lottery,
represented Honiton in the Whig alias Royal Oak Lottery. Printed and
interest. 2. That the list of charters sold by A. Baldwin . . . 1699). 4. That
given is presumably the list of char- ' marshal ' law is military, not ' mar-
ters granted by William III. Such a tial' law; and that the Mutiny Act
list was demanded by a committee of was in abeyance for nearly four years
the House ofCommons (which included from April 10, 1698.
Harley) during the ensuing session ; ' Dr. Cockburn, Specimen, pp 64--;
was laid before the House, Feb. 7, says he had seen the extracts ' about
^^ ; and should appear in the nine or ten years before 1705' (Mr
Journals, from which however it is Airy, note to Hist. i. xxi. of his edi-
absent (Com. Joum. vol. xiii. pp. 8, tion, misreads the passage). But few
164, 176, 183, 203, 220, 224. See memories are accurate at a distance of
also Registers of the Privy Council, twenty years ; the Specimen is dated
Feb. J, i69f, May 18, June 15, Aug. 1724.
On the Teo^t of Burnefs History xi
which we describe as A — to the custody of a certain Lord
W. P. ; who is very plausibly identified by Dr. Bliss with
Lord William Paulet, second son of the Duke of Bolton ^. In
him the work appears to have excited an interest which pre-
vailed over the punctilios of honour. Desirous of retaining
a copy, he hired, before the return of the manuscript, a number
of clerks ; and dividing among them, with every possible pre-
caution of secresy, the papers in question, he managed to
secure, within a very short time, a complete transcript ; which,
from the circumstances of its origin, must necessarily have
presented many of the peculiarities observable in our Transcript
B. We know nothing of the relations existing between
Paulet and Harley ; but it does not appear incredible that
the clandestine copy may have been lent by the one to the
Meanwhile, the indiscretion of Paulet was destined to bear
fruit elsewhere. Among his hirelings was an impoverished
Scotch nonjuror, in episcopal orders, of the name of Elliot ^
who had been compelled by want to assume lay attire and
labours ; and who, exasperated by the tendencies of the work,
political and religious, found means to record, upon 'some
clean paper,' which he had concealed under, his cuff, a few
illicit extracts from the sheets before him. These evidently
related to the years 1679-81, and are, as it happens, missing
from the Harleian fragments ^.
These extracts Elliot seems to have almost immediately *
communicated to a former acquaintance of Dr. Burnet, Dr.
Cockburn the nonjuring pamphleteer, a nephew of Bishop
Scougall of Aberdeen. The act was represented as a mark
of peculiar confidence on the part of Elliot, who was under
obligations to Cockburn; and we presume it was intended
» Preface to the History, ed. 1823. 27 Aug. 1690 for refusing the oaths.
Lord William was a pall-bearer at the = All this from the anonymous preface
Duke of Gloucester's funeral, Aug. 9, to the Elliot Specimens.
noo- sat in Parliament 1688-1729 ; • Probably during the year i697,when
became a Teller of the Exchequer Cockburn, who spent almost the whole
1715; and died Sept. 25. 1729, aged of the period between 1696 and 1709
63 (Collins' Peerage, 1812, ii. 382). in exile, happened to be in England.
» See Hew Scott's Fasti Ecclesiae Cf. p. xiv, note 2, with the Kev.
Scoticanae, vol. i. pt. 2, p. 552; Robert Alexander Gordon's article on Cock-
Elliot, minister of Lessuden, deprived burn. Diet. Nat, Btog. xi. 189-91.
xii Introduction
that the latter should make some controversial use of this
material. Cockburn, however, finding that the papers owed
their existence to a double, breach of trust, very properly
refused his countenance ; and recommended their destruction,
or at least suppression. Elliot', 'disappointed and disgusted,'
declined the hint ; and himself drew up, between August,
1699, and August, 1700^, some exceedingly virulent annota-
tions, which he appended to the extracts. He then placed
the whole in the hands of an anonymous friend ; a ' brother '
(whether brother in blood, in law, or in orders does not appear)
of the celebrated Jacobite controversialist Charles Leslie.
This nameless recipient*, before returning the manuscript,
took a complete copy.
Within the next few years, Elliot seems to have died ; and
his papers, in some unexplained fashion, fell into the hands
of his friend Leslie. Among them, Leslie found Elliot's auto-
graph copy of the Burnet extracts *. How far Leslie himself
was aware of the circumstances under which they had been
obtained is not perfectly clear; but he certainly knew that
the transaction was clandestine^.
It was in the winter session of 1703-3 that the Bishop of
Salisbury (who, in the eyes of nonjuring Anglicans in general
and of Leslie in especial ", had long been the most obnoxious
of living divines) filled the cup of his ecclesiastical iniquities
by a strenuous opposition to the first Bill against Occasional
Conformity. At a moment of such acute crisis, when Burnet
stood exposed to clerical odium as a supposed renegade to
the interests of his order, the temptation of publishing certain
sweeping strictures on the clergy, included in the Elliot ex-
tracts, proved too strong for Charles Leslie. To a tract
' All this from Cockburn, Specimen , preface to the Elliot Specimens,
of Remarks, p. 64. His statement that ' This, and a fair copy, are probably
the extracts contained great part of in the Bodleian ; see infra, p. Ixiii.
the Preface to the History is clearly a = See New Association, Pari II, p. 2a ;
lapse of memory. Cassandra, No. ii. p. 23.
" There are allusions to the trial of » See infra, p. xxii. note 2. (R. F.
the Bishop of St. David's, Aug. 3, 1699 ; Leslie's Life of Leslie, which is strongly
and to Burnet's charge of the Duke of biassed, and seldom gives authorities
Gloucester, w^hich lapsed vifith the should be read with caution.) Lath-
boy's death, Aug. 1700. bury's Nonjurors, pp. 210-1' is valu-
' Who places the incident about able on the main question.
' fifteen years ' before 1715. See the
On the Text of Burnet's History xiii
entitled The New Association, Part II, which probably
appeared in the first days of April, 1703 ', he appended the
sub-title ' With . . . the Discovery of a certain Secret History
not yet published ' ; and in the body of the work, without
actually mentioning names, he animadverted, in sufficiently
intelligible fashion, upon the author of this ' most virulent and
voluminous Secret History.' Part of it, Leslie explains, he
has already seen ; the author ' dares not publish [it] whilst it
may be disproved. But intends to leave it as a legacy and
libel against the Church and the Crown ... so much of it as
I have seen ... is the lewdest libel that ever my eyes saw
drop from the pen of any atheist, or the most spiteful dissenter,
against the Church and the Crown, and all clergymen whatever,
of whatever degree or profession.' He proceeded to quote
a selection from the passages most likely to prove offensive
in the eyes of his readers ; compared his author to Archbishop
Williams as described in Clarendon's newly published History ;
contrived to insert a trenchant reference to Burnet's early
papers on polygamy and divorce ; and described the circum-
stances which had brought the extracts into his own possession
as providential ^.
It is clear that a publication of this kind could not long escape
the notice of Burnet himself. We are informed, in fact, that
' as soon as he read it he knew himself to be the person meant,
which put him, as any one may believe, into a passion ; nor
was he long aguessing how his Secret History came to be
known ; which made a rupture of old friendship, and was like
to have produced other ill-effects ^.' Whether, on discovering
Lord W[illiam]'s indiscretion, Burnet may have insisted on
the return of the illegitimate copy; whether he then may
have made arrangements for the destruction of this, and his
own clerical transcript ; whether his arrangements can have
been in part frustrated by the treachery of an agent; and
whether imperfect fragments rescued from the intended holo-
caust can have been offered to Harley, when he became known
as a collector of historical MSS., we have no means of knowing ;
' The ' Supplement ' (written after » New Association, Part 11, pp. 5,
thebodyoftheworkhadgonetopress) 22.
is dated March 25, 1703. ' Cockburn, p. 65.
xiv Introduction
but such a supposition would at least afford a plausible ex-
planation of the Harleian fragments ^.
The question next arises, can any connexion be traced
between Leslie's pamphlet and Burnet's first revision of his
manuscript History ? It seems unlikely that Leslie's revelation
occasioned the recension ; since we have Burnet's own evidence
to the fact that the task was undertaken before the appearance
of the Leslie tract, though possibly but a few days previously ^.
For such a revision indeed there must have already existed
quite sufficient motives. A resolution of imitating the method
of de Thou ^ by placing the events of the author's life as
a supplement to those of his time (which is specifically ad-
duced both by himself and his biographer), must have involved
the complete remodelling of a narrative, in which the two
strands were originally interwoven ; while the criticism of his
friends * — the emulation inspired by the stately eloquence of
Clarendon's History, which had appeared during the preceding
year ^ — a desire of repelling the charge of literary negligence,
so delicately (we might almost say so flatteringly) insinuated
by one of the two distinguished men who, during Burnet's
life, had shed a lustre on the title of Halifax^, may have
induced a critical review of his own pedestrian narrative.
But if Mr. Leslie's tract did not supply the impulse for the
revision, it probably affected its character. The recension of
the reign of Charles II, within which fall the passages cen-
sured by Leslie, was completed by the month of August,
1703; and in this recension'' the passages stigmatized by Leslie,
with others of a similar tenor, are sensibly modified ; while
^TheHarleianfragmentsarenotmen- Hon appeared in April, 1703; see
tioned in thecopiousmanuscriptmemo- supra^ p. xiii, note 1.
randa of Humphrey Wanley, Harley's ^ See infra, p. 451 ; Life in Hist.
librarian ; which extend, with some ii. 671 ; the anonymous Occasional
breaks (July 18, 1716-Jan. 11, 17^ Letter oi t-jq^, p. 13.
July is-Oct. 28, 1721), from March 2, ' Hist. i. 4.
I7if> t° i^^^ 23, 1726, and contain 'See Burnet'sspeechofDec.3, 1703;
notices of all acquisitions as made Hist., Airy's ed., vol. i. p. 53, note b.
(Brit. Mus. Lans. MSB. 771-2). ' See Life in Hist. ii. 725-6. The
' It was probably begun in the character may possibly be by Monr
spring of 1702-3 ; i.e. before March tagu.
25. 1703. Cf. heading of Bodl. Add. ' Contained in the original readings
MSS. D. 18 (1702) with Hist. i. i, ii. of the Bodleian autograph and quoted
474 in Airy's edition ; 1683 + 20 = 1 703. in the textual notes to Airy's ed.
The second part of the New Associa-
On the Text of Burnet's History
the Preface, written (or at least rewritten) on the occasion,
excuses such censures on the clergy as remain.
Nor does it appear that Leslie's influence in the matter
ended here. A pamphlet, by an anonymous author, which,
without naming the Bishop, undertook his defence ^ was
answered by Leslie, anonymously, in the second number of
Cassandra (1704). In this work, to which he appended the
sarcastic portrait of Burnet entitled the 'Character of an
Enthusiast,' he contrived to insert, not very consequently,
all the remaining 'Elliot' extracts. One of these, which
described the murder of Archbishop Sharp, probably evoked
the resentful intervention of the Archbishop's son Sir William,
who wrung from Burnet a promise that the strictures it con-
tained should be modified * ; and the passage in question has,
it appears, actually undergone a second and final recension ^
Meanwhile, during the course of these alterations the
first revision was rapidly proceeding. On Sept. 15, 1704,
Burnet completed the recast narrative, as far as the end of
the fourth book in the reign of William and Mary. On the
first of May, 1705, he resumed his pen * ; and the period of the
Peace of Ryswick was reached by June 15 in that year ^.
Moreover, concurrently with this elaborate revision of the
earlier portion, the rough draught of the later History went
steadily on. In June, 1708, as his son tells us [Hist. ii. 669) ",
Burnet wrote his so-called 'Conclusion' ; in 17 10 he executed
the proposed autobiographical appendix.; and with 17 13 the
work reached its termination. The revision of the latter portion
' The Occasional Letter, No. i of uponsecond-orthird-handinformation.
1704, Leslie's biographer treats the ^ See Cockburn, who however sup-
author 'as Burnet's apologist or atnan- posed, no doubt erroneously, that
uensis,' if not ' Burnet himself ' ; the Sharp had seen the extract in MS.
latter a quite inadmissible hypothesis. ^ See on this the curious letter from
The occasional writer describes Leslie's Canon William Stratford to Edward
extracts as either false, or at best Lord Harley, Nov. 15, 1723 (Portland
grossly exaggerated, though the work, MSS., vol. vii. Hist. MSS. Com. Rep,
so he maintains, remains unaltered. He 367-8). Leslie's tracts arealsoprobably
says the author never had more than the source whence the quotations in
one copy taken, and that by a person }i\c'k&s^'PTefa.c&ioThree Short Treatises
yetalive, whose attestation to the effect (1709) are derived; also tht Examiner,
that he had never revealed its con- Nos. 41, 50, 51 ; Spec. Saris., p. 10.
tents the writer had seen. This * Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 19, f. 126.
account is clearly either misinformed ' Zbid. {. 235.
or disingenuous, and probably merely ^ On Burnet's own authority ; see
emanatesfromsomepartyhack, writing last page of the Bodleian transcript.
xvi Introduction
probably occupied the last two years of the Bishop's life ; but
it was never extended to the autobiographical supplement
We now come to the interesting and important question, upon
which circumstances have already compelled us to trench, How
far and in what respects does the earlier draught differ from the
first recension ? And are these differences of such a nature as
to render the earlier version of other than literary interest ?
We must preface our remarks by the explanation, which
can excite no surprise, that the variations decrease in impor-
tance as the interval between composition and correction
lessens. The divergences are extensive in the earliest of the
Harleian fragments (i 661-4) and very considerable in the
remainder (1683-96) ; the Bodleian draught, concluded only
two years before the Bishop's death, is of much inferior
interest ; while the original of the famous ' Conclusion ' differs
very little from the version eventually published. This
premised, we may pronounce —
I. That, in the first place (as we have already observed), the
recension is marked by an entire change of plan. The Life
of the author, which in the original sketch had formed the
thread by which the various episodes were connected, was
now postponed to an appendix ; and it will be observed that,
throughout the published History, Burnet's own experience
appears to be cited only where it becomes desirable to throw
light upon the sources of his information, or to exonerate his
public character from charges publicly made ^. The fact that
he had omitted much matter relating to himself is mentioned
by Canon Stratford in the letter quoted below ^ ; who states
(on what authority he does not say) that these alterations
' The revised ' Conclusion ' is miss- Burnet, Reflections, p. 68 ; Dartmouth's
ingfrom the autograph History (Bodl. andAiry's notes to Hist. i. 33. (c) For
Add. MSS. D. 20). Burnet and the flight of James II
2 See Hist. i. 595. Of the necessity {Hist. i. 799) see Hickes, Some
for such self-defence a few instances discourses, p. 25 ; Burnet's Reflections
may be given : {a) For the episode of p. 128 ; Burnet to Herbert, Eg. MSs!
the crown matrimonial {Hist. i. 692-3) 2621, f. 83 {infra, App. IV, p. 536). (rf)
see Hickes, Some discourses, pp. ia-3, For Burnet's attitude towards Scotch
and Burnet's Reflections on the Episcopalians {Hist. ii. 25-6) see
same, p. 55. (6) For Burnet and the pp. 66, 80; Burnet, Reflections,' t,.
copy of Magna Charta {Hist. i. 32-3, 114.
812) zeetUckss, Some discourses,^. 21; ' Infra, pp. xxiv-v.
On the Text of Burnet's History xvii
were made on the advice of Secretary Johnstone ^. We thus
discover in the first draught, more especially in the earlier
portions, much valuable autobiographical information missing
from the final version, and sensibly modified even in the
original Autobiography. Moreover, the abandonment of the
original design has destroyed to a great extent the unity of
the work. In the pages of the published History the various
episodes, severed from their original context (that is, from the
order in which they came to Burnet's own knowledge), are
arranged without either art or insight in a series professedly
chronological ; they lose the ingenuous simplicity, of the
Memoirs, without attaining to the organic coherence of a
literary or scientific masterpiece. We notice, too, that the
transposition has been in some cases very carelessly executed ;
and confusing repetitions or discrepancies are not uncommon ^.
II. We have next to consider another class of alterations —
the deliberate substantial modification of statements originally
made. Such changes are very much more numerous than
Burnet's own assertion, on p. 3 of his Preface, can in any way
suggest ; and we must charitably suppose that the passage in
question, written at the moment when he began to recast the
work, eventually escaped his notice.
The variations to which we refer may be roughly grouped
as follows : —
{a) Amplifications and corrections inserted in the final
version on the strength of subsequent information or recollec-
tion. These are very frequent ; and often correct obvious
errors, fill up considerable gaps, or supply needful subsidiary
details lacking in the original narrative.
{b) The necessary omission of prophecies, reflections, or
censure, falsified by. the event.
{c) Omission of subsidiary detail, often vivid and charac-
' Portland MSS., vol. vii. Hist. MSS. landing and the close of the session is
Com. Rep. 367-8. mentioned three times (ibid. 639, 640,
2 instances :— the list of politico- 641) ; Admiral Russell's mission is
religious crises given in Hist. i. described twice in slightly different
310-21 does not tally with p. 656 ; language {ibid. 746, 763) ; the reasons
the reference to Monmouth's sale of for filling the sees of the deprived
his jewels is twice given {ibid. 631, bishops are reiterated {ibid. ii. 71,
640) ; the connexion between his 76).
teristic, in some cases through a respect for the delicacy of
the persons concerned \ in other cases as obviously from an
excessive respect for the dignity of history. In certain cases
the eventual excision has been so rigorously or so carelessly
done that the curtailed, narrative of the printed History does
not make sense '^.
(d) Changes due to the desire of deprecating censure,
whether deserved or undeserved. Among these we may
mention —
(i) The softening of those diatribes against the characteristic
errprs of the Anglican clergy, to which we have already
referred, and which had raised such a storm of re-
(a) The lessened space devoted to members of Burnet's
own family — to George Hutcheson, Lord Warriston, and
' Secretary ' Johnstone.
(3) The omission of various references bearing on Burnet's
early intimacy with Lauderdale ^- These alterations,
though natural enough, are not in all instances perfectly
(4) In general, the more lenient treatment accorded,
throughout the History, to individual character. We shall
see reason to suppose that in a second revision the process
was carried further.
(e) Alterations due to a change of standpoint on the part
of the writer. These, though of great interest and importance,
are by no means so extensive as Von Ranke's imperfect
researches led him to suppose. The principal classes are —
(i) Changes occasioned by the modification of Burnet's
views on the subject of passive obedience. For this see
Appendix I, infra. .
{%) Changes occasioned by the gradual transformation and
definition of parties, which had occupied the whole reign
' As in the case of the graceful fate of Fairfoul and the comments it
<;haracter of Lady Russell, wrho sur- evoked {ibid. 134) ; the escape of Lord
vived the Bishop ; the portraits of Grey {ibid. 549).
Lady Balcarres and Lady Essex are ' See for instance Harl. M SS. 6584,
also to the point. ff. 10 (6), 11 (6), 14 (d) (three times),
'' Instances : — Leighton's motives for 16 («-4), 23 (6), 45 (A) ; infra, pp. 17,
preaching in Latin [Hist. i. 136) ; the 18, 23-4, 25, 41, 98.
On the Text of Burnet's History xix
of William, and which had practically reached its final
stage early in the reign of Anne. This process, which
found Burnet, though a warm adherent of the Revolution,
yet detached from party ties, left him identified with the
reconstituted Whig section, of which Lords Marlborough
and Godolphin were allies and Lord Nottingham an
opponent ^. The alterations (which mainly occur in the
account of the Revolution, and the subsequent settlement,
and are most noticeable in the references to Churchill,
Nottingham, Bancroft, and possibly to Portland ^) are, as
Von Ranke says ^, very significant ; they impair the his-
torical value and the self-consistency of the final narrative ;
they reflect upon Burnet's political judgement ; in some
instances they are hardly to be reconciled with those
professions of a ' full and free impartiality * ' in which Von
Ranke traces something of ' clerical unction ' {geistlichcr
Pathos). But regarded as a whole, the severe strictures of
the distinguished German seem somewhat overstrained.
Twelve agitated years of fluctuating political relations,
of unsparing political conflict, and bitter party recrimina-
tion, are apt to modify our estimate of men, measures,
and events ; and though the omission of Nottingham's
domestic virtues and the condonation of Churchill's
public vices cannot be defended, it must be admitted that '
these instances of partiality are practically unique. Nor
should it be forgotten that Burnet's intimacy with the
Marlboroughs (which followed on his admission, as tutor
to the Duke of Gloucester, to the household of the Princess
Anne) had placed him under considerable obligations to
Churchill's friendship^; and had exposed him, in full
measure, to the fascinating influence of the most seductive
intellect in Europe. A curious instance of his gradual
subjection is to be found in his account of Marlborough's
disgrace. Originally this was ascribed to detected
' Even Swyt admits that it was Wliig junto in the severe proceedings
only during the last ten years of his relative to the Partition Treaty, 1701.
life that Burnet can be described as ' Eng. Gesch. ed. 1868, vii. App. ii.
party mad {Works, ed. 1824, xii. 189). pp. 184-9.
2 See Appendix VI, infra. Portland * History (Preface), i. pp. 2-4.
was of course associated with the ° See infra, p. 494, and note.
b Q,
treachery, of which Burnet had been informed by Wilh'am
himself; next, Burnet concedes that a discontented man
may be unjustly aspersed by the interpretations of
political go-betweens ; finally, the charge is dismissed
as quite unfounded, and the Churchill version of the
affair is accepted without demur ^.
III. In the third place, we are concerned with the changes
of phraseology, which are almost innumerable. It is clear
that the style was throughout revised with an anxious and
painful deliberation ^ ; and we can only regret that the result,
by general consent, should prove so singularly unsuccessful.
The truth appears to be that Burnet, by temper and training
an orator, never expressed himself with the force, the lucidity,
and the eloquence which constitute a fine literary style,
save when under the immediate influence of strong, though
restrained, emotion. His Essay upon IVTary II, his diary of
Lord Russell's imprisonment, the noble exhortation with
which his History concludes, are admirable in their respective
kinds. On a lower level, he was capable of rendering with
considerable vivacity any keen immediate impression ; and the
' Characters,' as originally sketched (upon which Von Ranke
has passed so high an eulogy), often evince the happy strokes
of a quick and practised observer. But what Burnet was
capable of doing upon the spur of the moment, or under the
stimulus of mental and emotional excitement, he was quite
incapable of doing in cold blood ; he had some literary
instinct; but of literary tact or literary judgement none. This
explains the astonishing inferiority of the laborious published
Characters — an inferiority which Von Ranke regards as inex-
plicable {rdtkselkaft). Burnet's untiringexertions have rectified
structural errors, corrected grammatical blunders, removed
provincial peculiarities, averted verbal repetition ; but they have
blurred and distorted the sharpness of the original outline
and rendered the general literary effect at once feeble and in-
coherent. The unsatisfactory result is intensified by a curious
distaste, which seems to have grown upon Burnet in later
years, for the use of conjunctive particles. This gives to the
> See infra, p. 373 and note. ' Cf. Autobiography, infra, p. 487.
On the Text of Burnetts History xxi
History in its final form an oddly disjointed character ; and
often renders it difficult to trace the connexion of events ^.
We have thus discussed at length the relation between the
original Memoirs of Burnet and the first recension of the
History. Two points remain for consideration ; the nature
of the second revision (commenced in the year 17 ii), to
which Burnet himself is witness ^, with its bearing upon the
authenticity of the so-called ' editorial castrations ' ; and the
circumstances which led to the substitution of the well-known
' Life ' by his son for Burnet's own autobiographical appendix.
To elucidate these questions, we must refer to events con-
nected with the first publication of the History.
The Bodleian autograph of the History, which represents
the first recension, contains numerous alterations (mostly of
a literary tenor, but in some cases calculated to minimize
personal censure) in the hand of Burnet himself. These are
embodied in the text of the edition now in progress, the
original readings being relegated to the textual notes ; and
the Preface ^ regards the text so amended as authoritative.
This conclusion is, however, misleading. The text of the
present edition, though of first-rate value for historical
purposes, is unquestionably not the text which Burnet finally
sanctioned. In a codicil to his will, dated Oct. 24, 171 1, and
published (apparently by his family*) within a year of his
death, the Bishop bequeathed to his second son, Gilbert, all his
private papers, with directions that none should be published
save ' a Book entitled Essays and Meditations on Morality and
Religion ^ ' and ' the History of my own Time, together with
the Conclusion and the History of my own Life.' Of this
History, so the Bishop explains, he leaves two copies, ' one in
my own hands {sic) and another -in the hand of a servant.
In the reading these over ' (he proceeds) ' I have made several
amendments, deletions and additions, having read over some-
times the one copy and sometimes the other ; so I order the two
' This was carried still further in • The biographical sketch which
the second revision. Can Burnet accompanies it is usually ascribed to
have been influenced by the strictures his son Thomas ; the original of the will
of Swift? See Works, ed. 1824, iv. 184. is at Somerset House (Fagg, 58).
= History, Airy's edition, ii. 474. ' See Autobiography, mfra, p. 489,
= Airy's ed., i. p. ix, note. and Appendix III, tnfra, p. 526.
xxii Introduction
copies to be compared together, that so all the alterations that
I have made may be taken into the printed edition . . . [This
is to appear] six years after my death, and . . . not . . . sooner.
But as to the printing it after six years or the delaying it longer,
I refer that to such directions asT may give him by word of
mouth, only I require him to print it faithfully, as I leave it with-
out adding suppressing or altering it in any particular, for this
is my positive charge and command.' The publication of the
will had been no doubt necessitated by the curiosity as to the
contents of the Bishop's posthumous History, which the Leslie
revelations had occasioned ^. This excitement was now further
stimulated by the republication of the ' Elliot ' extracts (from
the secondary copy described stipra, p. xii) with a dedication
to Leslie, and the explanatory preface of the nameless ' brother '
above mentioned ; and by a series of ribald skits on the deceased
historian, of which the wittiest is ascribed to Dr. Arbuthnot ^.
The six years mentioned in the Bishop's .will expired with
the year 1730, O. S. ; and we may presume that Mr. Gilbert
Burnet, then Rector of East Barnet, commenced thereupon to
prepare for the publication. It seems certain that he obtained
some editorial assistance ^ ; and a Jacobite rumour, current at
Paris, named as his colleagues the Bishop's cousin, Mr.
' Secretary ' Johnstone, then living in extreme old age in
retirement at Twickenham, and a Mr. Cunningham (query the
historian ?) *. We give the story for what it is worth ; as
' The pamphlet containing the will * Journal des Sfava»s,Pa.ris,'I., 367-8 ; cf. Hist. i. 382
the printed History, vol. i, with the MS. (Lord Dartmouth's note).
' On the Text of Burnet's History xxv
of the Elliot extracts? or does he refer to Blackbourne's MSS.?
Hardly, since few of the ' castrations ' relate to Burnet. Then
had he seen the Harleian fragments either in Paulet's or
Harley's custody ? If so, was Harley's own son (as the form
of the sentence suggests) ignorant of their existence ?
Nor were these charges of fraud made only in private circles.
As early as Nov. 1736 the Parisian journal already mentioned,
while reviewing in a strong Jacobite strain the French
translation of 1725, maintained that the editors 'en ont re-
tranche un grand nombre d'endroits injurieux 4 des personnes
respectables ' ; adding sarcastically : ' ce qu'ils ont laisse fait
assez voir I'indulgence de ces reviseurs.' Again, in the year
1733, the anonymous editor of the Memoirs and Characters
of John Macky the spy (in a preface of which the political
animus may be guessed from the terms of the dedication to
Frederick Prince of Wales) taunted the Bishop's youngest son
Thomas, on whom, by the death of his elder brothers, the
editorship had devolved, with the non-appearance of the
second and of a (mythical) third volume ; and made a direct
assertion that the History had been largely falsified ^-
It does certainly appear that the violent storm of party
resentment excited by the contents of the first volume ^ had
intimidated the Bishop's family ; who seem moreover to have
had some reason to suppose that the publication was not very
favourably regarded in high government quarters. The
pecuniary straits of the family were however pressing ; and
necessitated in 1734 the issue of the second and final volume ^-
1 For Macky see the above work ; been altered after the composition of
also M^Cormick, Carstares Papers ; and the original draught, the corresponding
cf. his Memorial, pp. 138-40, with Hist. portion of which is not now extant ;
ii. 93. Macky has been wrongly iden- but as the autograph and published
tified by Miss Strickland with John versions of the History exactly corre-
Mackney, the Bishop's steward (Q««eKS spond, the editors are here at least
of England, viii. 374, note). His blameless. The introduction of Bur-
editor's remarks apply to the sup- net's affairs into Macky's volume is
posed omission of certain 'characters' gratuitous and suggests personal malig-
from the History (he says Macky's nity.
own'characters,'butthisisabsurd)and ' See the various pamphlets eVoked
the suppression of the Bishop's early by it ; also Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. XIII.
opinions on polygamy and divorce, iv. 496.
which he reprints from a previous ^ See Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, f.
publication of the original MS. The 156 et seq. ; Brit. Mus. Add. MSS.
existing account, Hist. i. 261, may have 11404, ff. 62-3.
xxvi Introduction
In the ' printer's copy ^ ' of this, as of the former volume, are
many deletions, which however have been prudently obli-
terated, or in some cases altogether erased. These ' castra-
tions ' have never been published ; the original readings are for
the most part still legible in the Autograph, and will no doubt
be reproduced in the edition now in progress. The proposed
autobiographical appendix meanwhile had, as we have seen,
never been revised by its author ; and the circumstance
afforded a specious, perhaps a legitimate pretext, for the
substitution of a ' Life ' by the editor, founded on this and
other sources. Motives more remote may however be
suspected. The Autobiography, which is both garrulous and
imperfect, evinces in a high degree that mixture of childlike
self-complacency and childlike self-reproach which had so
often brought upon the author the charge of excessive
egotism ; while the fragment unluckily concluded with the
Bishop's devout reflections upon the exemplary success which,
up to the year 1710, had attended his efforts for the due
education of his family. As it chanced, the subsequent
stages of Mr. Thomas Burnet's youth had not been such as
to rejoice the heart of an anxious parent; from lyia to 1715
he had been notorious among the ' men about town ' of his
generation ^ ; and though, by the year 1 734, he had long since
carried into effect that ' reformation ' of his own manners
which he had once wittily contemplated as ' a greater work
than his father's ^,' and was to die some twenty years later
in the odour of judicial sanctity, it was natural he should wish
to avert the laughter of the town by the suppression of so
premature a paean.
To this second volume of the History, which, with its
accompanying ' Life,' appeared in 1 734, Mr. Burnet prefixed
a renewal of his brother's promise to deposit the MS. in some
public collection ; and more particularly specified the Cotton
Library. Two years later, the non-fulfilment of this promise
evoked an anonymous ' Letter to Thomas Burnet, Esq.,' usually
' It is hard to explain a curious is probablyatentative editorial version,
transcript of Hist. ii. 1-293 in Thomas '^ Swift, Works, ed. 1824, iii. 5 ; the
Burnet's hand (Bodl. Add. MSS. D. Notes ... of the Six Days; and various
17). It differs both from his father's other contemporary skits,
autograph and the printer's copy, and = Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, iii. 353-
On the Text of Burnet's History xxvii
ascribed to Mr. Philip Beach, son of a nonjuring Dr. Beach,
between whom and Bishop Burnet a somewhat notorious
controversy had existed ^. This pamphleteer, whose informa-
tion was presumably derived from Mr. Blackb'ourne ^,
asserted that he had before him 'an authentic collection of
very many passages castrated in the manuscript from which
this book was printed . . . after the Bishop's decease. . . . The
manuscript meant is that which was wrote by the Bishop's
amanuensis and corrected throughout by the Bishop himself.'
Of these so-called ' castrations ' the pamphleteer gave a pre-
liminary selection, with references to the MS., which coincide
with the pagination of the printer's copy ; and he threatened
that unless the MS. should be laid open to the public, the
whole of them should be published by himself. The answer
to this challenge, which issued during the same year under
the name of ' J. Sinclair,' is not very convincing ; it insinuates,
without actually asseverating, that all the deletions were really
made by the Bishop, upon charitable motives ; affirms in so
many words that the passage on the misfortunes of the
Dalrymples, printed in Beach's pamphlet, had been so ex-
punged ; and makes a ' palpable hit ' by the insinuation that
the deposition of the MS. would at this conjuncture become
the signal for a publication of the most authentic deletions.
Mr. Beach's retort, however, ruthlessly analyses the arguments
of Sinclair, and quotes a further instalment of the reputed
'castrations.' There, for the time being, the controversy
closed. Rumour continued to assert that the second volume,
of which no ' castrations ' had become public, had been manipu-
lated at the instance of the Duchess of Marlborough ^ ; but
Mr. Burnet held his peace, and kept the manuscript*; and
it was not till forty years after his death, in the year 1795,
that the European Magazine published some further specimens
of passages ' suppressed ' in the first volume ^. The original
> See Life in Hist. ii. pp. 311-3; * The edition of 1753 (misprinted as
Hickes, Some rf«sco«»-s«5, pp. IS, 16, and 1755 in the preface to the edition of
Appendix; His/. il/5S. Cow. if«/. XIII. 1823) seems to be merely a pirated
vl. 29 ; Bodl. Add. iVISS. D. 23, f. 55. venture.
^ Who survived till 1741. = Beach's first selection of pas-
= See Dartmouth's note on Hist. sages included the ' castrations ' of
ii. 90 ; Hardwicke's on Hist. ii. 91. Hist. i. 28, 35, 39, 97, 189, 203, 207,
xxviii Introduction
source of this publication seems to have been a transcript in
the possession of Lord Hardwicke, of which, previously to
1775, Lord Onslow had obtained a copy; into this copy, at
some date before 1788, by Lord Lansdowne's permission, the
Swift notes had been transcribed ; and the indiscretion of
his copyist may have occasioned the eventual appearance of
the excerpts in the pages of the Magazine. Finally, in the
Clarendon Press edition of 1823 the 'castrations' of the
first volume were for the first time included in the text, from
a collation of the ' Onslow ' and ' Bowyer ' transcripts ^-
On a review of the whole evidence it seems impossible to
avoid the conclusion that some, though by no means the
whole ^, of the ' suppressed passages ' were in fact unwarrantably
deleted. It may indeed be fairly urged that all the variations
can be paralleled by changes avowedly licensed — that they
could all be sufficiently explained by the Bishop's own desire
of averting censure or resentment, by the growing timidity,
the more lenient charity, the stricter decorum of old age.
Nor can it be denied that the action of Mr. Beach was
calculated to place an honest no less than a dishonest editor
on the horns of a dilemma. The suppression of the Autobio-
graphy may perhaps be adduced as an argument on either
side ; since if it evinces on any hypothesis a defiance of the
Bishop's instructions, it is none the less possible to argue
that, where such defiance seemed imperative, it was at least
frankly avowed. On the whole, however, it seems difficult to
believe that the editors did not, as a matter of fact, introduce
some unwarranted changes, substantial as well as grammatical
into the text pi'epared for the printers. The reduced circum-
stances of Burnet's family and the pecuniary dangers of
257, 297, 320, 328, 357> 369, 380, generally known that Dr. Birch had
382, 508, 511, 524. His second in- also a complete copy of the castrations
stalment referred to Hist. i. 89, 177, (Brit. Mus. Sloane MSS. 4238.
267, 414, 416. The European Magazine ^ The following only among the so-
for 1795 (pp. 39-41, 158-9, 374) called 'editorial castrations' of the first
quotes three of the above (//«/. i. 28, 35, volume are deleted in the Bodleian
39) ; and adds Hist. i. 26, 27, 30, 34, autograph— i//s<. i. 2Q{sexies),zo{bis),
39 (Montrose), 40, 52, 59, 102, 126. 39. 77, I43. 267,396, 433, 669, 764 (i 31
43-4. 465
229-30, 242
. 230-1
232-5, 241
• 234-5
■ 138-9
/. Synopsis of
Hist. I.
Anecdotes concerning the Hispaniola affair
Cromwell and continental protestantism
The Syndercomb affair
Cromwell's fanaticism and casuistry
His patriotic zeal ....
Monk and the Restoration .
Southampton and Charles II
• 235-6
• 237-40
230, 241
234, 240-1
(Reign of Charles II.)
91. Burnet is less full as regards English affairs '
93-4. Character of Charles II
94. „ the duchess of Cleveland
94-5. „ chancellor Clarendon
95. „ the duke of Ormond .
95-6. ,, the earl of Southampton
96-7. „ the earl of Shaftesbury
97. „ the earl of Anglesey .
97-8. „ lord Holies
98. The presbyterians and the Restoration
98. Character of Monk, duke of Albemarle
99. „ secretary Morrice
99. ,, secretary Nicholas .
99. ,, the earl of Arlington
99. ,, the earl of Falmouth
100. „ the duke of Buckingham .
loo-i. „ the earl of Bristol .
107. The citadels in Scotland
107-8. Lauderdale and presbytery .
128-30. Middleton goes to court ; his proceedings
130. Argyll's estate
130-4. Restoration of episcopacy
134-8. Bishop Leighton^s character and career . 9-15,30
139-43. Settlement of episcopacy in Scotland . .
143-6. A Scotch session : (i) Ecclesiastical affairs
146-7. » (2) The act of indemnity and the
renunciation of the Covenant
147-8. „ (3) The second draught of the act of
148-9- !, (4) Condemnation of lord Lorn
I49-50' ,, (5) The 'billeting'
151-2. The king and the incapacitating act
152-5. The ecclesiastical revolution in Scotland
Parallel References
Hist. I.
1 7 1-2.
Bumet is offered a benefice .
Character of the Presbyterian niinisters
Their political opinions ....
Prejudices infused against episcopacy .
Burnet's first introduction to English politics
Moderation of Clarendon ....
Venner's rising; the guards
Murmurs of the cavaliers ....
Clarendon^ Southampton, and the king's mistress
Incorruptibility of Clarendon
Character of the duke of York
Character of the duke of Gloucester
Character of the princess royal (princess of Orange)
Reflections upon the deaths in the royal family
Dunkirk, and Tangier .
The king's marriage ; his wife
I/is mistress
The settlement of Ireland .
Characters of Anglesey and Orrery
„ Sheldon and Morley
The question of toleration : Clarendon's view
„ „ Southampton' s view
„ „ the bishops' view
„ „ the king's view
„ „ the papists' view
The Savoy conference .
The new terms of conformity
The presbyterians anxious to conform
The name ' latitudinarians ^ ' .
Lloyd's influence on Burnet's style
Sheldon undertakes to fill the pulpits
St. Bartholomew's day .
Character of Robert Boyle .
Schemes of the dissenters, protestant
trigues of the earl of Bristol
The act concerning the king's religion
Observations of Peter Walsh .
The parliament is against toleration
Wild schemes of the earl of Bristol
Repeal of the triennial act .
Arrest of W arris ton .
Burnet and English affairs .
The account of them given in the History does not appear.
28, 466
58, 76-8
50-2, 78
68-9, 71
Hist. I.
/. Synopsis of
90, 93. 95
2 (see also
Fall of Middleton ' •
Execution of Warriston . . . 1 .
A Scotch session
Lord Lorn restored to his honours and estates .
Lntrigues among the Scotch statesmen at Whitehall
Character of archbishop Btirnet
Btcrnet travels
Burnet returns
Nairn declines a bishopric
Character of Nairn
Character of Charteris .
Burnet's obligations to Nairn and Chan
Conduct of the Scotch bishops censured
Burnet's memorial to them .
Death of the earl of Falmouth
Character of John de Witt .
Errors of the town of Amsterdam
De Witt and the navy
Conduct of the earl of Cassillis
Intrigues of Henry Sidney .
Licentiousness of the duke of York
A saying of the earl of Northumberland
Religious state of the western parts
Pessimistn of Mr. Charteris
Death of the earl of Southampton
Clarendon and the king's marriage
Marvell and Parker
Burnet and Wilmot, earl of Rochester
Character of Orrery
The p7'ince of Orange visits England
Religious condition of the west of Scotland
Proposals of Leighton ....
Hutcheson, by marriage a cousin-germane to Burnet
Religious opinions of the duchess of Hamilton .
Violence of the presbyterians ....
Nisbet's character
Burnet, being at Hamilton, writes an important letter
Burnet and the divinity professorship at Glasgow
Burnet and the Hamilton Memoirs
Intrigues between the English and French courts
Intrigues of the French court ....
The Anglo-French intrigue bears fruit .
First crisis of the protestant religion
;, 467-8
98, 468
1 80
Parallel References
Hist. I.
31 1 -3. Third crisis of the protestant religion
314. Fourth „ „
314-8. Dissensions in the United Provinces
319-20. De Witt's administration
320-1. Youth of the prince of Orange
321-2. Invasion of the United Provinces .
322-3. Negotiations
323-5. Desperation of the Dutch
325-6. Murder of the De Witts
326-7. Elevation of the prince ; his heroism
327-8. Character of Fagel
328. Waldeck's character
328. Dyckveldt's character .
328-9. Halewyn's character
330. Van Benning's character
330-1. Errors of Amsterdam .
332-3. The French king returns ;• the French garrison the
fortresses ; character of Luxembourg
334. Character of lord Ossory
338-9. Burnet's relations with the Lauderdales in 1672
354-6. Burnet in London, 1673
356-60. His court favour ....
359. Toleration and the duke of York .
360. His memoirs . . •.
360. His immorality ....
360. His despotic temper and treatment of enemies
362-3. Breach between Burnet and the Lauderdales
368. Early popularity of the- second duchess of York
372. The duke of York warns Burnet, who resigns his post
373, 379, I Burnet betrays Lauderdale's confidence, and is lost at
380. ) court ; his reflections on this
380. He obtains the preachership at the Rolls
389. Burnefs intercourse with sir Thomas- Littleton
391-2- Montagu and the French subsidies
392. Character of Crew, bishop of Durham
395. The Coleman conference ....
395-6. The publication of the Hamilton Memoirs, Burnet
urged to write the ' History of the Reformation
408-10. Marriage of the prince of Orange
434. Burnet is offered the bishopric of Chichester
438, A saying of Charles II
45S"-9- The exclusion bill . . .
461-2, Controversy in 1679
172, 174
174-S. 177
• 178-9
. I 80-1
i8i, 183
Hist. I.
, 496.
/. Synopsis of
The bishops and the earl of Danbfs trial
Murder of archbishop Sharp
Reflections on the duke of Lauderdale .
Character of Godolphin ....
Exclusion intrigues
The prince of Orange and the bill of excbision
Burnet receives thanks for his ' History of the Reforma'
tion ' ; Dr. Sprat's sermon and character .
Passing of the Habeas Corpus act
The duchess of Portsmouth and the exclusion bill
The regency project
Dissolution of the Oxford parliament .
Burnet applies himself to chemical experiments
Burnet's devotional retirement, 1681 .
A declaration and addresses thereupon
Burnet refuses offers of preferment
Censures upon Hatton
Burnet's attitude towards resistance, as subsequently
The ' Rye House ' assassination plot {imperfect)
Treachery of Keeling
The story concocted by West and Rumsey .
The story gets abroad
Major Wildman's cannon ....
Lord Howard's protestations
West and Rumsey arrested ....
The king summoned; various arrests
Trenchard and the plot ....
Arrest and conduct of Russell ; Howard's behaviour ;
arrest of Hampden and Essex s suicide of the latter 118-20
RusselVs trial and conduct after conviction [imperfect) 1 26-3 1
Confession of Walcotj fate of the inferior con-
spirators log.
The two plots confounded ....
Russell and the popish plot ....
Burnet charged with Russell's last speech .
The Braddon affair
An anecdote of Charles H .
HoUoway's confession
The duke overshadows the king .
Burnet has declined compromising confidences
Dolien's character
A jest of Halifax ... . .
2, U3-6
2 1 4-5
Parallel References xli
Hist. I. pages
596-7. Bumet dismissed from the Rolls ; he resolves to go
abroad 490
S98-9. Roswell's trial {imperfect) 132
599-600. Hayes' trial 132
600. The St. John trial 140
600-1. The Clancarty marriage '34-5
601-3. Sunderland's Irish policy ; affair of Col. Maccarty . 133-5
603-4. The affair of the Siamese missionary . . . . 138
604-5. Intrigues at the duchess of Portsmouth's s her as-
cendency 133, 135
605. The marquis of HaHfax and the earl of Rochester . 134
606. The king's health 138
606-9. The king's ilhiess . . 140-1
609. His private hoard 140
609. His death 141
609-10. Suspicions of poison; his funeral .... 143-4
611-4. His character 48,141-2
614-5. His posthumous papers 1 70- 1
(Reign of James II.)
618. The earl of Northumberland's care of James when
duke of York 78
620-1. Proclamation of James II ; his first speech ; addresses 142-3
621. The new ministry 144-5
621-2. The customs 147-8
622-3. Reception of the Whigs 145
623. Apparent opposition of James II to France . . 145, 146
623. Character of Skelton 161, 256
624. The king's reputation rises ; his course of life . . 146
624. The prince dismisses Monmouth 145-6
625. Burnet d^courages Monmouth's partisans . . . 1 5 1-2
625. Preparations for the coronation 150
625-6. Parliamentary elections 148-9
627. Opinions on foreign policy I49~5°
627. The breaking of the officers in Holland . . ■ 146-7
627-8. Views on the domestic crisis 15°
628. Coronation -15°
628-9. Burnet's own contemporary fortunes . . . 151-2,490
629-30. The preparations of Argyll 155-7
630-1. The preparations of Monmouth 161
631. Burnet leaves England for Paris . . . 157
631-4. Rebellion of Argyll 158-60
Hist. I.
/. Synopsis of
Scotch politics
Fate of Oates and Dangerfield
A session in England .
Monmouth starts, and lands
His attainder
His manifesto
His first steps
Cowardice of Grey
Conduct of Ferguson
The dttke delays; result
The preparations of the king
Question of the generalissimo ; Sedgemoor ; fate of
Monmouth ....
Fate of Grey ....
Brandon's trial ....
The ' campaigns ' of Kirk and Jeffreys
Business of the Test
Conversion of Perth and Melfort ; fall of Queensberry
Fall of Halifax ....
Fall of Ormond; affairs in Ireland
Burnet in France
He converses with Montagu
Revocation of the edict of Nantes, and fifth crisis of
the protestant religion
Mission of Ruvigny the elder to England
The dragonades
Burnet leaves Paris
He travels to Italy with Stoupe
Fate of the principality of Orange
Some refugees come over
This affects public opinion here .
A session of parliament in England . '
North and Jeffreys ....
The session continued, and closeting .
Trial of Delamere ....
The Hales trial, and character of chief justice Herbert 209-10
Conduct of admiral Herbert . , . .210, 280-1
The tests set aside 210
Character of Petre 259
The religious controversy, and the proselytes . . 210
The Sharp affair 211
The ecclesiastical commission appointed . , . 211
Character of the bishop of Durham . . . . 212
154-5, 160
160, 161-2
227, 490
136, 227
172, 229,
247, 490
172, 207
Parallel References
Hist. I.
fate of the two
Death of archbishop Dolben 214
Trial of the bishop of London
Sentence ; the princess intervenes
Marriage of lord Perth ; a riot in Edinburgh
A parliament in Scotland ; firmness of all parties
Ill-health of the queen
Attempts at conversion ; Mulgrave's retort
Norfolk's firmness ....
Rochester's favour ; its cause (the loan)
His fall, as described by his enemies .
The loan spent on the fleet j consequent rumours
Burnet's travels j his reflections on the state ofprotestani
piety 227, 247-9, 490-1
250, 308, 491
223, 491
1 7 1-2
Burnet settles at the Hague ; his reception
The prince's courage, and predestination
His character .....
Character of the princess
The king's parsimony towards her
Burnefs love of toleration .
The hundredth penny .
The princess hesitates to interfere re bishop of London 213, 491
The king warns the prince and princess against Burnet 250, 491
Burnet advises the princess re the crown matrimonial . 308-9
Penn's embassy 218-9, 226, 227
Deaths of Pearson and Fell ; character of Pearson
Cariwright, Parker, and Massey
Death of the president of Magdalen College
Attack on the university of Cambridge
„ Magdalen College
The king breaks with the church and courts the dis-
senters j characters of the dissenting bodies
The condition of the army
Petre and the cardinal's hat
White [D'Albeville'l succeeds Skelton ....
Burnet is forbidden the society of the prince and
The negotiations of Dyckveldt and D'Albeville ; the
Li&ge letter 256-8, 494
The Scotch indulgence 253-4
The English indulgence, and addresses on it ; the king
designs a progress ; the nuncio received ; events of
/. Synopsis of
Hist. I.
the progress ; a pamphlet war ; changes in the
magistracy ; electors questioned ; the king's resolu-
tions 263-5
Firmness of princess Anne 153
Polemical correspondence between the king and the
princess Mary 266-8
Proceedings against Burnet j his second marriage 251-3, 492
D'Albeville and the business of Bantam . . . 268
Further proceedings against Burnet .... 268-9
The Fagel-Stuart correspondence .... 258-9
The king will have all or nothing .... 226
Influence of Petrej the fesuits and the secular priests 259-60
Folly of D'Albeville
Publication of the Fagel letter ; recall of the six regi'
Arrogance of Petre
The second declaration of indulgence, and its results
up to the acquittal of the bishops ; further citations
Mission of Edward Russell . . . .
State of the country and army ....
The prince's answer ; Burnet's observations
Death of the elector of Brandenburg ; his character
succession of his son .
The queetts ill-health ....
Her jealousy ; its political result .
Her dislike of Fitz-James ; his character
The queen's movements
The \Lorett6\ vow
Precautions observed ....
Reticence of the queen ....
Suspicions expressed ; the queen's retort
Her supposed disappointment
Story told by lady Clarendon
Movements of the princess Anne .
Birth of the child ; the queen's reserve
The story of Chamberlain .
Health of the infant ....
Burnet's authorities ; he alludes to various reports
Strange conduct of the court ; coldness of the people
reception of the news by the prince and princess
Anecdote of the princess
Prayers for the infant countermanded ; preparations
feeling of the nation and forces
277, 494
Parallel References klv
756. Supposed collusion between Sunderland and the prince 295
756. Soft counsels the more insidious 277
756. Conduct of the judges 278
757-61. Conduct of.the German princes ; death of the elector
of Cologne and subsequent intrigues . . . 279-80
762. Herberts mission and character 280-2
762. Mordaunt's character 287-8
762-3. Shrewsbury's character 288
763. RusseUs character and Tnission 288-90
763-4. Henry Sidney's character and importance . . 284, 494
764. Johnstone and the Revolution 415
764. Halifax declines 291
764. Danby and Compton concur 290
764. Nottingham's character and conduct .... 290-1
764-5. Adhesion of Churchill, Kirk, and the Trelawneys . 291
765. The Churchills 291-2
766. Churchill answers for the prince and princess of Den-
mark 291
766-7. Fidelity of the conspirators ; France gives the alarm ;
mutiny in Berwick's regiment 282
768. The French offer ships 282
768-9. Folly of D' Albeville J the French proclaim an alliance;
Skelton's disgrace 282
769. Episode of sir William Trumball 377-8
769-74. Strange conduct of France; she declares war ; marshal
Schomberg 283
774-6. Final arrangements ; the declaration . . . 284-5, 495
776. Burnet's ' Enquiry ' ; he will accompany the expedition 286
776. Burnet's reason's for declining premature confidence . 287
776-8. Advice from England; views oj the prince and Herbert 292
778-9. Affairs in the United Provinces . . . 292-3, 494-5
779. Herbert's orders 285
780-1. Disputes concerning the declaration . . . 294, 495
781. Secrecy at the Hague ; the fleet shipped ; relations of
the prince and Bentinck 294, 196
782-90. The prince takes leave of the States ; the first abortive
start ; state of affairs in England ; inquiry into the
birth of the infant ; course of the expedition up to
the disembarkation 294-8
790. Reception at Exeter 298
790. Conduct of the clergy 495
790-1. Combury deserts 298-9
791. The king's spies 299
Hist. I.
Hist. H.
/. Synopsis of
queen's flight
The rising of the North
Desertion of Churchill and Grafton, of prince George
and others . . ...
Flight of the princess Anne \ Lilibulero-
All Devonshire comes in to the prince
The association ....
Oxford congratulates the prince .
The prince's plans for the West .
The kingh preci'pitate return
The earl of Bath's adhesion .
The forged declaration .
The prentices rise
A treaty advised and inaugurated ; the
the king follows her ; reflections
Orders for the disbanding of the army
The king stopped ; events until the prince's arrival at
St. James's ; the beginnings of discontent ; good order
kept in London 301-3
Consultations concerning the settlement ; a convention
summoned ; second flight of the king
Affairs of Scotland
„ Ireland
Preparations for the convention ; its proceedings
Danby's letter to the princess
The prince declares himself; Burnet intervenes
Further discussions in the convention .
Proclamation of William and Mary .
(Reign of William and Mary.)
The king's health and behaviour .
A new ministry ; the earl of Shrew sbicry
The chancery is put in commission
The earl of Danby and the marquis of Halifax
Lord Mordaicnt and lord Godolphin
Prevalence of the Whigs ....
Judicial appointments
Herbert and the admiralty ....
The convention turned into a parliament
Eight bishops withdraw ....
The movement in favour of comprehension .
Nottingham had prepared the toleration bill and
comprehension bill
312, 496
312, 313
- 381
312, 314
312, 313
312, 313
312, 313
Parallel References xlvii
Hist. II. pages
7-8. The bill of oaths 315-6
8. Burnet is made bishop of Sarum ; queen Mary's com-
ments 326-7, 497
8. Burnet in the house of lords ; hjs views on the situa-
tion 316, 327, 498
8-9. Discussion concerning the bill of oaths . 316,327,498
10. Alteration in Burnet's view on that subject . . . 327
10. The toleration act ; Burnet is for it . . .317,327,498
10. His views as to Church reform and convocation . . 498
10. Subscription to be modified 317
lo-i. The posture of kneeling and the cross at the sacraments 317
11, Disingenuousness of the High Church party . . 317-8
II. The Jacobites against the toleration .... 318
II. Disingenuousness of the extreme Whigs . . 318, 495
11. Animosity of the clergy to the dissenters . . . 317
12. Views of the wiser part and of the king . . . 317
12-3. Revenue matters ; the chimney money . . . . 318-9
14. The militia bill ; the Dutch costs 319
14-5. The act of indemnity 319
17. Intrigues at the French court 365
17-8. Officers and money sent over to Ireland . . . 320
18-9. Advice offered concerning siege of Derry . . 320
19. Treachery of Lundy ; its result ; resolution of the nieti
of Derry and Inniskilling J their relief . . . 320-1
19-21. Schomberg's campaign ; affairs at sea .... 321-2
21-3. Scotch affairs ; the settlement and claim of rights . 322-3
23. Montgomery and Hamilton 323
24-5. The ministry in Scotland ; a faction formed ; Hamilton
and presbytery ; Burnet intervenes in vain . . 323-4
26. Burnet blamed for Scotch ecclesiastical policy by the
episcopal party 327
26-7. The question of the judges ; Killiecrankie . . . 324-5
28. Affairs at sea ; foreign affairs 325
28-9. Affairs of the clergy ; the latitudinarians charged with
Socinianism ; the filling of vacant sees . . . 326
29. A defence of the king's ecclesiastical policy in Scotland ;
violence shown by Melville and Crawford ; censures
on this 328-9
30-4. A comprehension designed ; the preliminary confer-
ence ; the convocation meets; the matter is dropped ;
reflections on this 331-3, 494. S°3-4
34-8. A session of parliament ; Montgomery's plot ; it is dis-
covered ; the revenue 333-7
Hist. II.
/. Synopsis of
The struggle between Whig and Tory over the corpora-
tion act J effects on the king; he resigns his schemes
for Holland, resolves for Ireland, and dissolves the
The elections ; changes in the lieutenancy of London ;
parliament meets ; ' recognizing ' bill
Revenue debates ; the act putting queen in administra-
tion ; the lieutenancy address ; the abjuration act ;
Shrewsbury resolves to retire ; the second abjuration
bill ; city of London bill ; Jacobite intrigues .
The king's sense of affairs ; his tenderness of king
James ; he goes to Ireland ; events to the eve of the
battle of the Boyne 343
The queen in the administration 343
Progress of events until the queen hears of the battle of
the Boyne ; the king pressed to return . . . 344-6
The king in Ireland ; supposed assassination plot . 348
Narrow escapes of the king; Irish affairs till the
termination of the siege of Limerick . . . 348-50
Depressing effect of this failure 350
The king's stoicism 350
Marlborough's proposal ; the king returns ; Marl-
borough's campaign ; state of Ireland . . . 350
Scotch affairs ; foreign affairs 346-7
The king's plans ; session opens ; debates on arbitrary
imprisonments 351
Debates on Irish affairs ; on lord Torrington's business ;
on impeachments 352-3
Failure of the attack on the marquis of Carmarthen ;
the Preston filot ; treatment of those implicated . 353-5
The king Mid the vacant sees 355
Congress at the Hague ; affairs on the continent
Mons falls ; a scheme settled for the war
Scotch affairs. ....
The sees of the deprived bishops filled
Affairs in Flanders
Affairs at sea
The campaign in Ireland
Limerick surrenders
The articles of Limerick, and end of war
The king's motive
Indignation of the English ; GinkeVs reward
Affairs abroad ; Hungary, Germany, Savoy, Flanders
360, 366
361, 366
Parallel References xHx
Hist. II. pages
85. Opening of the session ; complaints of the standing
army and the king's Dutch proclivities ; the king's
conduct 367-8
85-90. Condtict of Marlborough ; unpopularity of the Dutch ;
events to end of session ; parliament in Ireland ;
Scotch affairs aftd Glencoej an inquiry ordered . 36S-73
90. Result of the inquiry 415
90. Marlborough's disgrace . .... 373
91. His wife's power over Anne 373
91. Quarrel between the sisters 373-4
92-102. Naval affairs; the campaign on sea, including La
Hogue ; the assassination plot ; campaign on land ;
Trumball's advice ; affairs in Piedmont ; great earth-
quakes ; general corruption of manners . . . 374-9
102-7. The session 379-81
107-8. Ministerial changes; the chancery ; appointtnenis of
Somers and Trenchard alone mentioned . . .381-2
109. Character of Foley 402
1 10-3. The war by sea and land to the end of the battle of
Landen 382-5
1 13-4. Fall of Charleroi ; sufferings of France ; peace overtures 394
1 14-7. Events at sea ; jealousies, especially of Rochester . 3S5-6
1 1 7-8. Censures of Rochester on the government of the Church ;
intrigues against Tillotson ; criticisms on the bishops
and Burnet; apprehensions concerning the impend-
ing session 3S6-8
118-20. Affairs oi Ireland ; the William and Mary College .388-90
120-2. State of Scotland 391-3
122-3. MiddletorC s errand J a new declaration fro7n king James 393
123. French overtures to Spain ; a change of ministry, due
to Sunderland ; his arguments 394
124-5. The Whigs in power; a session ; visit of the prince of
Baden 394-5
125-6. Attacks on the judges and bishops .... 395-6
126-32. The Norfolk divorce ; the campaign ; peace overtures . 396-9
132-3. Opening of the session; supply; the triennial bill 399-400
133-4. Virtues of the queen 39°
134-8. Deaths of Tillotson and Bancroft; appointment of
Tenison ; the queen's sickness and death . . 404-5
138. The king's grief ; and good resolutions . . . 406
1 40- 1. State of the coin; complaints 401-2
141. The bill of treasons introduced 401
I41-4. The Lancashire plot ; complaints of the bank . . 401
1 /. Synopsis of
Hist. II. pages
144-7. Inquiries into corruption; Foley Speaker; the East
India company scandals ; close of session' . . 402-3
149, Appointment of seven lords justices .... 408
149-50. Deaths of Hafnilion, Queensberry, and Halifax . . 407-8
150. Nature of the commission granted to the lords justices . 408
1 50. The campaign begins 408
150. Death of Waldeck 385
150-6. The history of the campaign 408-10
156-60. Affairs of Scotland and lrt\3in^; factions everywhere. 410-2
160-2. The preparations for the session in Englandj itseventsj
the Darien outcry j the king's action; change of
ministry in Scotland j indignation there . . . 412-5
210-1. Burnet and the household of the duke of Gloucester . 493
227. Burnet keeps his work on the Articles for some years
by him 507
228. His reasons for writing it 507
228. Answers are made to it 508
237. An attack on Burnet in parliament fails . . . 508
245-6. Death of the duke of Gloucester 508
284-5. The work on the Articles attacked in Convocation . 507-8
292. Courage of James II 51
292. Character of his intellect 51
292. His good qualities 50-1
293. His immorahty 51
304. Imperfect education of WiUiam III .... 190
304. His reticence . 190
304. His memory and judgement 190
304-5. His courage ....'..... 191
305. His love of building 192
305. His resentments 191
305. His religious views 192
305. His belief in predestination 191
305. His zeal for toleration 192
305. His hatred of France 193
306. His affection for Portland 196
306. Reticence of the latter 196
(Reign of Anne.)
337. Motives for the occasional conformity act . . . 502
364. Burnet's opposition to the same ..... 502
505-11. Events of the campaign in 1708 from the battle of
Oudenarde to the investment of Ghent . . . 416-7
Parallel References
bill ; an act
Hist. II.
511. Providential weather at siege of Lisle .
5 1 1-2. Siege and fall of Ghent ; a severe winter
S12-6. Campaign elsewhere; death and character of prince
George; ministerial changes; parliament meets
choice of a Speaker
S 16-7. English business of the session ....
517-9. Scotch business ofthe session (to Queensberry's appoint-
520-4. A trial in Scotland ; consequent treason
of grace ; the bank ; our trade .
525. Miseries of France ....
525. Lord Halifax and his address
525-6. Convocation
526-8. Negotiations s Townsend's appointment
528-30. The preliminaries ; the negotiation fails ; French minis
terial changes ; Chamillard retires .
531. The miseries of France
531. The war resumed ; campaign in Spain .
531. Campaign in Dauphin^ and Germany ...
532-3. Campaign in Flanders ; Malplaquet ; Mons invested
533. Mons falls
533. Policy of the Pope
533. Mission of Albano
533-6. Affairs in Spain and Sweden ; character of the king
(For the guarantee see p. 430-1)
536. State of the North of Europe ....
536. Position of Charles XII of Sweden
536-7. Affairs in Hungary ..'...
537-48. Naval matters ; a parliamentary session ; Sacheverell
change in the ministry; Burnet remonstrates with
the queen
548. Marlborough goes beyond sea ; his schemes .
548. Operations in Flanders, up to the siege of Douay
548. Fall of Douay and Fort Escarp .
548. Burnet's reason for continuing his narrative
549. Negotiations between Paris and the Hague
550. The French appeal to the States .
550. The French equivalent .
551. Conferences at Gertruydenberg
552. The negotiations fall through
552. French motive for continuing war
552-4. Further ministerial changes; Sacheverell's progress
additional removes
d a
428, 430
/. Synopsis of
Hist. II.
The queen's sense of these changes
Parliamentary elections ; the lieutenancy of London
Comments on the situation .
State of public credit
Language of the new ministry
King Philip confronts king Charles
The battle of Almanara
Subsequent situation in Spain
Staremberg's campaign ; battle of Villa
Intrigues of Medina Celi
Bethune, Aire, and St. Venant taken
Success of the czar
The guarantee ....
The session of parliament up to the recess
The session after the recess, up to the passing of the
lottery bills ....
Results oj the lottery bills
The duke of Marlborough still commands ; events up
to Guiscard's attempt, and its effect on the queen
King William's grants
Inquiries into the accounts
436, 437-8
Deaths of the dauphin and emperor ; foreign affairs . 436
A convocation 436-7
The South Sea trade ; accounts investigated . . 437-8
Affairs abroad, and events to dismissal of count Gallas 438-9
Townsend recalled ; events to introduction of new peers 440-1
Remainder of session; negotiations, and general events
to the cessation 441-5
Elections to the order of the Garter ; and events to the
imprisonment of Charles XII 445-7
Signature of the treaty ; it is discussed in parliament . 447-8
Events to termination of session 449
The conclusion 449-50
(For the abuses of patronage, censured on p. 646, see
also p. 331 ; for the good address of Charles II
and James II, mentioned on p. 661, see also p. 48)
Life in
Hist. II.
671. How Burnet followed the example of Thuanus . . 451
671. Burnet's Autobiography a rough draft only . . . 451
671. Reasons why Burnet' s life should be written . . 451
672. Character of Robert Burnet the elder , father of the bishop 452-3
Parallel References
Life in
Hist. II.
672. His intimacy with Grotius ....
Character of the bishop's mother .
Character of Warriston ; his severity .
Gilbert Burnet's education ....
He passes his trials as expectant preacher;
His father becomes a judge ....
Burnet is offered a living j he refuses it
Death of the elder Robert Burnet .
Death of the younger Robert Burnet ; Gilbert's family
recommend the law ; he declines . . . .
His friendship with Nairn, who instructs
preaching, and advises him to read the
Burnet's debt to Hooker
The Scotch bishops go North
Burnet's debt to Leighton .
Burnet's obligations to Charteris .
His gifts of education .
„ nature
His visit to England in 1663
His introduction to sir Robert Fletcher,
a benefice
His travels in 1664
• 458
him in
2, 460-
• 17,461
■II, 30,461-2
. 2, 462
. 468-9
43-7, 463-6
offers hitn
85, 89, 466
90-8, 467-8
He settles at Saltoun; his labours there; the Memorial 469-72
A change of ministry in 1668 475
His introduction to the Hamiltons; he is appointed
divinity professor at Glasgow ; his discomforts there,
and his professorial labours ; he writes the Hamilton
Memoirs and is summoned to London by Lauderdale ;
he is offered a bishopric 476-80
His first marriage ; intercourse of lady Margaret and
the duchess of Hamilton 475, 480-1
His intercourse with Lauderdale in 1672 . . . 481-2
„ „ „ 1673, and hisfavour
at court 482-3
The breach with the Lauderdales ; Burnet loses favour
at court ; kindness of the duke of York ; he resigns
his chair 483-4
He obtains a settlement at the Rolls chapel . . . 484
He studies the Roman controversy ; the Coleman con-
ference 485-6
liv /. Synopsis of Parallel References
Life in
Hist. II,
71 1-2.
He writes the ' History of the Reformation ' . . . 486
Acts as spirihial adviser to Wilmot, earl of Rochester 486-7
Is offered the bishopric of Chichester .... 488
Is offered the mastership of the Temple . . . 108
His reasons for undertaking a course of chemical studies 489
Is offered a living by lord Essex 488
His prudence in the year 1683, and his views of resis-
tance (as subsequently stated) . . . .130, 488-9
His answer to the apprehensions of his friends . . 489
He is dismissed from the Rolls chapel .... 490
Goes abroad, and lives at Paris in retirement ; goes to
Italy ; his conduct at Geneva . . 157,205,247,490-1
His reception in Holland; the king's resentment. 250-1, 491
His second jiiarriage 251,492-3
The affair of the bishopric of Durham ; he is appointed
bishop of Salisbury 326, 496-7
He forms a plan of his episcopal duties . . 329,497
His view of confirination ; and his visitation tours
329-30, 498-500, 506
He preaches constantly 498, 506
Attempts to reform the consistorial court . . 331, 503
Ordination examinations ..... 330, 502-3
His theological college .
His views on phcralities
His toleration of the nonjurors
His relations with the dissenters
The prebendary bonds .
The ecclesiastical commission of 1695
His appointment to the preceptorship of the duke of
His third marriage
His work on the Articles
His constant health
He supervises the religious studies of his children
His affectionate care of lady Margaret .
The education of his children ....
He founds a charity school .....
He does not enrich himself by the property of the see
His generosity in the matter of fines .
329, 500-1
I. The Memoirs.
(Events previous to Restoration.)
Character of Cromwell ; his early career 230-1
England's true policy on the American continent .... 236
A reflection of Macchiavelli applied to Cromwell .... 239
Burnet describes his character of Cromwell as the first accurate
one 242
(Reign of Charles II.)
Character of Mr. Hutcheson 3-4
Primrose advises Middleton to attack Lauderdale .... 26
Personal fortunes of Burnet, 1662-3 ; his friendship with lady
Balcarres 28-31
The Scotch presbyterians and the doctrine of political resistance ;
Burnet defends the principle of passive obedience (1683) . 32-9
Burnet's conduct, winter of 1662-3 39-41
Burnet's friendship with Mr. Drummond ; character of the latter 44-5
Burnet's cause for reticence concerning the king and the duke of
York {1683) 47
Burnet's reflections upon the order of the succession to the crown
(1683) 75-6
Characters of Mr. Pierrepoint and the earl of Northumberland . 77-8
Character of lady Margaret Kennedy (Burnet's first wife) . . 84-5
Character of sir Robert Fletcher S5-6
The story of Thauler's conversion, as told by Charteris ; its effect
on Burnet 86-9
Burnet's censure of men in power go
His detailed account of his stay in Holland (1664) . . . 90-5
„ „ „ France (1664) .... 95-8
Lauderdale intrigues against Hyde 98-9
Burnet reflects on the clergy loi
He condemns episcopal interference in politics .... 102-3
Ivi //. Synopsis of
He again reflects on the clergy ... ... 104-5
He refuses a City living worth ^500 a year 108
His intercourse with Cochrane, when the latter absconds in
1683, after the Rye House plot .... .112
The arrests of ' commissary ' Munro and Mr. Shepherd . . 114
Armstrong absconds in Southampton house; fortunes of Walcot,
lord Delamere, lord Brandon, and major Bremen . . . 115
The character of lady Russell 1 17-8
Attempts to make political capital out of the death of lord Essex . 120-2
Implication of Speke and Atkins in the Braddon affair . . . 122-3
Reflections upon Walcot's confession 124-5
Burnet describes his own faculty of abstraction .... 126
The duchess of Portsmouth's medal 136
Lord Halifax and the religion of Charles II 138
General reluctance to believe in the perversion of Charles II . 141
(Reign of James II.)
Burnet's reason for doubting the intentions of the new king . . 143
Halifax discusses the situation 149-50
Illness and death of lady Margaret Burnet 151
Burnet's fear lest lady Russell should be compromised by the
adherents of Monmouth .151
Reasons for an optimistic attitude in 1685 152
Contemporary belief in the probability of the queen's continued
childlessness (presumably early in the year 1687) . . . 152-3
Apprehensions lest the princess Anne should turn papist and
supplant her sister prove to be groundless . . . 153
Insinuations against the memory of Argyll . . 1 k6-Q iiasstm
Mention of Monmouth's success at Philip's Norton . . . 167
James II desires the arrest of Ferguson i58
Remarks on the political functions of the English house of
commons jgjj
Insinuations against Des Marets of Groningen . . . 186-7
The quarrel between Montagu and Danby . . . 189-90
The character of Mr. Bentinck . . .... ig5
The ascendency of Amsterdam discussed igS-Q
Reflections upon the political position of an English common-
wealth, made by Burnet and Cardinal Mazarin . . 1 99-200^
Additional Subjects {Memoirs) Ivii
Error of the States in not exacting a parliamentary ratification of
the Anglo-Dutch alliance
Additional reflections upon the invasion of the principality of
Orange, and upon king James's parsimonious treatment of his
Additional reflections on the dissolution of James II's first parlia-
Additional anecdotes concerning the bishop of Durham
Supposed destination of the temporalities of York
Burnet's polemical relations with Parker and Cartwright
Rivalry of the Dutch and English at Bantam
Herbert and the state of the English fleet ....
Comparison of James II's treatment of lord Rochester to 'the
Italian's revenge'
Supposed intrigues in favour of Berwick's succession .
Supposed attempts to invalidate the king's first marriage
Proposals of compromise rejected by the king
Characters of Louis XIV and madame de Maintenon .
Burnet declines to write the life of Louis XIV
Reflections of the count of Dohna on European revolutions .
Burnet has learnt from marshal Schomberg a strange anecdote of
the Portuguese court
Burnet's anonymous letters concerning Italy ....
Further reflections on the state of religion at home and abroad
Character of Burnet's second wife ; account of his naturalization
Burnet comments on the negotiations of Albeville and Dyckveldt
on the English situation ; on the dilemma of the prince of
Orange ; on the report that the queen is with child
Additional reflections, St. Stephen's day, 1687
Further comments on the trial of the bishops
Suggestions as to the parentage of the Pretender .
Henry Sidney is regarded as the future favourite .
Burnet's reflections before leaving the Hague, Oct. 3, 1688 .
His qualifications for narrating the history of the Revolution de
Reflections on the date selected for the proclamation of William
and Mary
(Reign of William and Mary.)
Reflections upon the appointment of Nottingham . . . . 314-5
Dr. Walker and the siege of Londonderry 321
Ecclesiastical inconveniences involved in a union with Scotland . 322
Iviii //. Synopsis of Additional Subjects
Queen Mary's views as to the conduct of clergymen's wives
Reflections on the laxity of the English clergy
Burnet's negotiations with the Dutch clergy before leaving
Bentinck in favour of the prerogative .
His extreme unpopularity
The king's opinion of the Whigs and Tories
Fuller and Crone
The king and the marquis of Carmarthen
Character of the duke of Bavaria .
Advancement of the dijke of Leinster .
Beveridge and the see of Bath and Wells ; various appointments
Reflections on the European situation, August, 1691 .
The errors of the French in the war . ...
A mediation proposed
Ability of the elector of Hanover
Why the rank and file of the English army hate the Dutch .
Various Scotch appointments ....
Character of secretary Johnstone . ....
Johnstone and ^ih^ first Glencoe inquiry (of 1692-3)
Additional reflections'on the prevalent corruption of manners, 1693
Intrigues of the Halewyn brothers
Observations on the situation (end of the campaign, 1693)
Burnet's ecclesiastical activity ; the pastoral letter
His veneration for queen Mary
Johnstone and the Scotch session of 1693
Reflections dated September 9, 1693
Comments upon the conduct of Sunderland
Popularity of the prince of Baden .
Eulogy of lord Somers .
Burnet's grief for queen Mary
(Reign of Williaji III, 1695-6 only.)
Additional details concerning the king's resolutions
Lord Portland and the massacre of Glencoe
Additional reflections on the elections of 1695, and on the re-
coinage bill
Reflections on the fall of secretary Johnstone . . . .
(Reign of Anne, 1708-13 only.)
Censures passed on Marlborough's campaign of 1708 .
Reduced state of France in 1709
(Memoirs and Autobiography) lix
Additional details concerning the state of Hungary . . 426
Censures passed on king Charles of Spain .... 429
Burnet's experience of a blessing on his prayers before preaching 449
A decline of the judicial spirit in parliament 449
Lord Somers and the codification of the English law . . . 449-50
II. The Autobiography.
Burnet gives his motive for writing his own life . . . . '451
Points wherein he {a) resembles Thuanus, and (b) diverges from
that historian's method 452
Description of the elder Burnet in his retirement .... 453
His affectionate rigour 454
His desire to have three sons in three professions .... 454
His advice to Burnet concerning the clerical function . . 455
Burnet's early delight in scholasticism 455
The reasons for his good health 45^
Speech of the elder Burnet on taking his seat as a lord of session 457
His eagerness for his son's immediate settlement ; Burnet reflects
on his own prudence in declining it , . . . • 457-8
The elder Burnet's view of the situation, ecclesiastical and political,
in 1660-1 458
His deathbed .... 458-9
Political errors of Warriston 459
The occasion for Burnet's insight into presbyterianism ; his view
of contemporary sermons 460
Nairn's love of epistolary literature ... . 461
Burnet's mathematical studies 461
The sermons of Mr. Charteris ... ... 462
Characters of Baxter and Manton ... . • 4^3
Censure on Dr. Bernard .... ... 464
Burnet's opinion of the English universities . ... 464
The aims of Robert Boyle 464
Friendship between Burnet and Mr. Drummond . . . 465-6
Burnet's good resolutions upon taking orders ; his mathematical
work interrupted by the death of sir Robert Fletcher . . 468-9
Burnet's devotional studies 469-70
Results of his catechetical exercises .... .471
His method of studying scripture 47 1
Ix //. Synopsis of
He abandons the pursuit of abstract learning .... 472-3
He studies the mystics, but realizes the connexion between apparent
ecstasy and morbid physical conditions ; an instance of this
comes before him ; his asceticism and its spiritual results . 473*5
Burnet is the more unpopular in Glasgow from his friendship with
Leighton 477
His initial reason for an interest in the elder duke Hamilton . 479
Clarendon's History and the character of Charles I . . • 479
The motives and clandestine circumstances of Burnet's first
marriage 480-1
His marriage becomes public concurrently with his appointment
to the Rolls ; his account of his ministry there . . . 484-5
Wilmot lord Rochester's censure on clerical ambition ; he repeats
to Burnet a saying of Charles H 486
Burnet's amenability to criticism ; popularity of his pamphlets . 487
A saying of Charles II concerning Burnet, and Burnet's retort . 488
A providential windfall comes to Burnet in 1683 through the
Russell family 489
He writes a book on the evidences of religion .... 489-90
His sentiments on the death of Charles II 49°
His first wife's illness and death 49"
Additional reflections on the state of religion at Geneva and in
Switzerland 491
The circumstances of his second marriage, with two anecdotes of
successful fortune-telling 492-3
Details relating to his second wife, and to her death . . . 493
His relations with the Churchills 494
Bentinck and the English malcontents in 1687-8 .... 494
Burnet in 1688 doubts the liberality of the Church party . . 495
The irreligion of the ultra-Whigs 495
Censures passed on the prince's retention of Dutch ecclesiastical
forms, on his way to London 495
Danger of a reaction in 1688-9 ; unpopularity of the prince and
Bentinck 495-6
Burnet offends the new king by his remonstrances . . . 496
Compton and the bishopric of Durham 496-7
Burnet's good resolutions on the eve of consecration . . . 497
Queen Mary and Mrs. Burnet 497-8
Burnet's opinion of synodical meetings 498
He finds his diocesan conferences of little effect .... 499
His unpopularity with his clergy 499
The clergy and confirmation 499
He inspects his charity-school at regular intervals . . . 500
Additional Subjects (Autobiography) Ixi
University opposition compels him to disband his theological
college 501
Unpopularity of his opposition to pluralities 501
His popularity with the dissenters 501-2
Scriptural ignorance of candidates for ordination .... 502
He urges devotional preparation on candidates for ordination . 503
Uselessness of testimonials to character ; defectiveness of the best
methods practicable for the conduct of ordinations . . 503
He bewails the scanty result of all his efforts .... 503
Remarks upon the appointment of Tillotson and Sharp ; unfavour-
able comments on the latter 504
Final reflections of Burnet on his episcopal labours . . . 505
Attendance in parliament a load on the episcopate . . . 505-6
His treatise on the ' Pastoral Care ' ; reflections on charges of heresy
brought against those who are in earnest for reform . . 506
Leslie and ' Tempora Mutantur ' 506-7
Absurdity of the Arminian outcry against Burnet's work on the
Thirty-nine Articles 508
Additional details concerning Burnet's third wife and her ' Method
of Devotion'; he admits that he 'dictated,' in great part, Dr.
Goodwyn's account of her 509
His children do him credit 510
His special motives for care of his children and for treating them
with indulgence ; his reasons for educating them at home ;
details of their literary education 5 10-2
He dilates on the promise shown by the youths . . . . 512
His untoward interference in the Salisbury election, anno 1 705 . 512-3
He concludes with a catalogue of his [more important] works . 513-4
While this work was in the Press, the editor's attention was called
(by the courtesy of Mr. W. H. Allnutt) to certain Burnet entries in
the newly published Catalogue of Rawlinson MSS. D. Among the
papers there described is a MS. copy of the Elliot extracts and
comments, which may be confidently identified as Elliot's own
draught ; and attention is drawn to a duplicate (Rawl. B. 453, f. 45)
which is probably his fair copy. These identifications derive stress
from the fact that the text, in certain trivial instances, is that of
Leslie, who used Elliot's papers, and not that of the anonymous
editor (17 15), who employed his own transcript. How Rawlinson
became possessed of the papers does not appear; himself a non-
juror, he had facilities for acquiring such MSS. The title differs
entirely from that adopted in 1715 ; it runs as follows : 'A Sample
or Proof sheet Being a Collection and faithful relation of a few
passages taken out of a Voluminous History written by Dr.
Gilbert Burnet, representing the Affairs of Church and State
within Britain and Ireland in his time, and design'd to be published
for a postumus {sic) work, with some Remarkes upon them [by a
hater of lies and falshood ^]. Dedicated to all true Churchmen of
England.' (The mottos are, Hor. Car. III. vi. 45-7; Ps. lii. 3
et seq.)
The following variations from the edition of 1715 (quoted on
pp. 98-109) affect the actual quotations : —
P. 100, 1. 3 from bottom, read 'these and the present time '; last
line, /or ' ran ' read ' run.'
P. loi, 1. 8, for 'either' read 'neither'; and adopt all Leslie's
P. 102, 1. ?>,for 'with' read 'in'; 1. 18 transpose 'only' to after
^ Added, as an afterthought, in the fair copy only.
ixiv Addenda
p. 103, 1. i?>,for 'were' read 'was.'
P. 104, I. 10, for ' a ' read ' the ' ; de/ore ' fate ' insert ' dismal.'
(N.B. 'on' /or 'in' (1. 9) and the omission / 'passing into •
before 'an unchangeable' (1. 12) are slips of the present editor >i
P. 106, 1. 8, omit 'house.'
P. 107, 1. 4, after 'fulsome' Insert 'stuff'; 1. 9, before 'health'
insert 'good'; 1. xZ,for 'as he should' read 'which he would ever.'
P. 9, n. I, add ' A generous recantation of his censures on
Leighton will be found in Hickes' unpublished retort to Burnet's
Vindication (Bodl. MSS. Rawlinson D. 841, p. 48).'
Pp. 40-1, ' Burnet's projects of reform,' add reference to Hist. ii.
P. 108, 1. 4 from bottom, add ' (see however supra, p. vii, n. 4).'
Introduction, p. viii, 1. 8. The Editor learns that since Dr. Ro'uth's
time, the 'Autobiography' has been used by Mr. H. W. C. Davis,
M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, in a Lecture on Bishop
Burnet, delivered at St. Margaret's, Westminster, during the early
part of the year 1901, and printed (pp. 147-91) in Typical English
Churchmen, published in 1902 by the Church Historical Society
through the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
Text, p. 91, 11. 12- IT,, for 'Ahoab and Musaphia [? Mustapha] '
read 'Aboab and Musaphia,' and add this note: —
' Isaac Aboab de Fonseca (Isaac Avu haf), a Portuguese Jew,
b. 1 606, was carried to Amsterdam in his seventh year. He migrated,
about the year 1642, in the capacity of Rabbi, with a band of Jewish
colonists to the Dutch possessions in Brazil; where he remained till
the discreditable abandonment of those colonies in 1652, — for which
see Burnet, Supplement, infra, p. 199. He became one of the heads
of the Jewish community at Amsterdam (in which capacity he helped
to excommunicate Spinoza), and was a leading light of the great
Jewish college in that city ; where he died in 1693. He left behind
him a few translations from the Spanish into Hebrew, and vice versa ;
with some 886 sermons. Graetz describes him as a distinguished
and popular preacher, but as very deficient in originality of concep-
tion and force of character ; and stigmatizes his influence over the
Jewish community in Amsterdam as little less than disastrous.
'Dyonis (Benjamin) Musaphia, b. 1616, d. 1675, a physician,
scientist, and lexicographer, spent some years in the service of the
Danish king. Christian IV. He had philosophic leanings ; allowed
himself some heterodox doubts; and was regarded as "half a
Spinozist.'' None the less he engaged in active controversy with
Christians ; figured at Amsterdam, in later life, in the character
of Rabbi; and about the time of Burnet's visit fell, together with
the above-mentioned Aboab, under the spell of the pseudo-messias
For the sources of this correction and note (Jocher ; Allgemeines
Gelehrtenlexicon, i, p. 670, and Continuation, v. 243 ; Graetz :
Geschichte der Juden, x. 9, 11, 24, 27-8, 129, 175-7, 202, 226-7,
243-4), the editor is obliged to the courtesy of a learned correspondent.
SupplemenI to Burnet.
(From Harl. MSS. 6584 ; the Specimens of Robert Elliot ; and
Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21)
[Since the opening 47 folios — amounting, on a rough calculation,
to about 47,000 words — are missing from the initial ' Number ' of the
Harl. MSS. 6584, the first portion of Burnet's original Memoirs, ex-
tending from his birth in 1643 to about the year 1661, is not available.
We may however conclude, with little fear of error, that ff. 195-9 of
the Autobiographical Appendix, printed in Part 11, give a fairly repre-
sentative, though very much condensed rendering of the more personal
details contained in the lost fragment. This . fragment must almost
certainly have further included some form of Preface ; a ' Summary
recapitulation of the affairs in Scotland ... to the Restoration of King
Charles II ' (see printed History, i. S-21, 26-45, 49-65, 83-9 ; nearly
all the passages omitted in this list emerge at a later stage in the
original Memoirs) ; with the characters of the leading Scottish statesmen
at the time of the Restoration (see ibid. 101-5) and the career of the
'Drunken Administration' (ibid. 105-7, 108-28).
The earliest portion of the original Memoirs which is yet extant, and
which is printed below, is contained in the initial folios of the existing
. Harleian MSS. 6584. It forms part of Transcript A (see Preface), and
represents 'No. i' of Dr. Gifford's eight sections ; beginning abruptly with
p. 94, and concluding abruptly with p. 179 of the original pagination
(ff. 3-45 of the present enumeration). The leaves are written on both
sides, in a neat clerical hand, corrected throughout by Dr. Burnet himself
(see Preface). Incidental allusions to the recent marriage of the Princess
Anne, with the impending sixth anniversary of her sister's wedding,
restrict the period of composition within the terminal dates July 28 and
Nov. 4, 1683 (O.S.) ; but an explicit statement on f. 38 (a) that a certain
brief passage at that point was added after the doctor's return from
France, which took place about Oct. 20 {Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. vii.
291 b) in that year, suggests that the bulk of the narrative was actually
written during the early part of August, 1683, at the end of which month
he had started for France {ibid. 289 b, 366 a, 290 b). The most probable
inference would seem to be that Burnet commenced his Memoirs after the
2 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661
execution of Lord Russell, July 21, 1683, perhaps in consequence of the
satisfaction expressed by the dead man's family with the terms of the little
' Journal ' of Russell's last days, which Burnet had drawn up for them.
It is, however, possible that the initial and now missing portions of
the Memoir, though certainly composed in 1683 (see Hist., ed. Airy, ii.
474), may have been written earlier in the year. Roughly speaking, the
contents of the present fragment fall within the years 1661-4, and
correspond, though with innurnerable variations as well in substance as
in arrangement, to Hist. i. 93-101, 128-208. The first imperfect sentence
alludes to the benefits Burnet had derived from his introduction to Nairne
and Charteris.]
HARL. MSS. 6584, f. 3.
[Obligations to Nairn and Charteris; the Edinburgh ministers^
[That I fell into such hands after I had so long cast off]
" all restraint \ and was now beginning to take my ply, was
so great a blessing to me" and had such effects on me, that
to this day I count myself bound in my daily thanksgiving
to God to thank him for the happy providence of my falling
into their acquaintance and friendship ; and though I had
but two or three days' conversation with Mr, Charteris at
this time, yet the impressions that it made were very deep.
For the other ministers of Edinburgh, I neither admired their
persons nor their sermons, and much less their conversation
which was all made up of news. Their sermons were subtle
divisions of very ordinary matter hung full of quotations of
Scripture, but there was nothing in them that struck either
on my fancy or reason, or that went to my heart ; they were
plain dull things sometimes set off with an appearance of
quickness and wit, which made them rather worse than better.
[Characters of Douglas and Hutcheson.']
The two eminentest of them were Mr. Douglas ^ and
Mr. Hutcheson ; ""the former was a bastard of a bastard, but
" Cf. Hist, fo. ed., i. 216 (Airy's ed. i. 386). ^ Ibid. 34.
' In the History, Burnet introduces 17 (4) ; Article on Robert Douglas (by
his obligations to these two divines A. C. Bickley'), Did. Nat. Biog., where
sub anno 1665, in connexion with the the Harl. MS. is quoted ; Mr. Airy's
later intimacy which resulted from notes on Hist. i. 34, 109 (fol. pagina-
his settlement at Salton, in their t\on); Lauderdale Papers,\. ^j&ni'mtro-
common neighbourhood. duction ; also Lauderdale Papers, i. 34,
'■' For Robert Douglas see itt/ra, f. 36, 54-90 {passim), 29a, 295, Ixxxii.
i66t] Harleian MSS, 6584, ff. 3 (a)-3 (<5>) 3
it is believed his father was Mary queen of Scotland's son,
for he was born soon after she was conveyed out of the castle
of Lochleven, and was educated with great care by the gentle-
man that helped her away, so that it was believed there
were more than ordinary endearments between them, and
that this son was the fruit of these. It is certain Mr. Douglas
was not ill-pleased to have this story pass ; he had something
very great in his countenance, his looks showed both much
wisdom and great thoughtfulness, but withal a vast pride;
he was generally very silent, I confess I never admired any-
thing he said. I wondered to see him express such mean
compliances with some silly women of their party, as I have
seen him do to my own mother and sister. He went over
when he was a young man chaplain to a regiment in
Germany, where, for want of other books, he got the
Scripture so by heart that he could not only repeat any
part of it but could have readily quoted chapter and verse
for every passage in it " ; and this was his great faculty in
preaching, that he laid all the Scriptures relating to any
point together, but it was a skeleton of bones, for he neither
connected them well nor made he lively reflections on them ;
his chief excellence in preaching was that he would have
made his matter look towards the present times with such
dexterity that though it was visible what he meant, yet he
could not be questioned upon it. He was a man of great
personal courage [/. 3 (^)] which he shewed often in Germany
more signally than became his profession, yet he was a very
mild good-natured man (though that did not appear much
in his countenance) and he was of an unblamable conver-
sation as to all private matters. The other ^ has written
many books ; as, on Job and St. John's Gospel two folios, and
» Hist. i. 34.
» For George Hutcheson, by mar- to ibid. 51, 109, 276, 281 ; Lauder-
riage Burnet's cousin-germane, of dale Papers, i. 4, 34, 77, 83, 295;
whom, in the printed History, no Pearson, Life of Leighlon {Works
character is given, see Hist. i. 276, of Leighton, 1835, i. 36 and note).
a8i, 390-1, 295-7 ; Mr. Airy's notes
B 3
4 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1661
3 books in octavo on the 12 lesser prophets; he had a great
subtlety in his preaching and drew out one thing very in-
geniously from another, vi^hich I thought was like wire
drawing and ever despised it; he affected great mirth and
was much given to raillery, but it was neither grave nor
witty and he seemed to be a very proud man. * He married
my cousin-germane * so that I was well acquainted with him,
but could never have any great value of him ; yet the duchess
of Hamilton ^, and some others whom I esteem very much,
have told me that he was a much better man than he appeared
to be upon a general acquaintance, and that the more any one
knew him, they would value him the more.
\Burnet''s family recommend the /aw.]
This is all that is particular to myself that fell out this
year, only in the beginning of the next year '(my brother
Robert dying of a fever) all our family set on me to return
to the study of the law ; they flattered themselves and me
so as to think that I might grow eminent in that profession ;
and they, being zealous presbyterians, were afraid of my
conforming and so desired to see me in another employ-
ment, but I thank God their importunities had no effect
on me, so I went on. But now I will give an account of
public affairs.
\Middleton goes to Court.]
Cf. Hisl., fo. ed., i. 128-30 (Airy's ed. i. 230-2) {from 'Middleton went
up' to 'unusual and so unreasonable').
After 'pride' add 'he reckoned that Lauderdale and Crawford could not
stand long before him, and^'
\f. 4 (a)] For • The earl of Crawford still pressed ' read ' Crawford, who
told me all this story, pressed.'
Om. ' The earl of Crawford was glad . . . excuse him.'
For ' prison ' read ' the castle of Edinburgh.'
Om. ' that was not a time . . , insist on it.'
For ' as fully satisfied the king' read 'that nothing could be made of them.'
" Cf Bist. i. 276. •> Cf. Life (appended to Hist, ii), p. 674.
• See Hist. i. 295. ' Cf. Lauderdale Papers, i. 105.
i66i] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 3 {b)-^ {b) 5
For 'he was set at liberty ' read ' he was confined to his house' which lasted
till the next sessions of parliament ' ; and om. next sentence.
After ' because ' read ' a few days before he left Scotland.'
After 'from Tweeddale' add 'at his house of Pinkey, 4 miles from Edin-
burgh' ; and om. ' upon the complaint . . . ready at hand.'
For 'Middleton was now raising the guards . . . granted by the parliament'
read ' Middleton was made general of the forces that were now a raising (for
the English garrisons were removed, and the citadels which they had built in
Scotland were slighted) ' (cf. Hist. i. 107).
After 'himself as general' add 'and delivered by them to the paymasters of
the army.'
[/ 4 {by] After ' opposed this' add ' (and was seconded in it by Lauderdale).'
Om. 'with great advantage . . . treasury.'
For ' and as to what .... king was master ' read ' that the ;^40,ooo was the
best and surest branch of the revenue, that though a great part of it was to go
to the establishing of the forces, yet it was not able to be so employed.'
After 'to the treasury' add 'for the payment of the guards and preferring
them to other' payments ' ; and om. ' But the earl of Middleton knew . . .
year's end.'
For 'unless . . . masters of the army' read 'except in time of war. These
things were unanswerable.'
After ' unreasonable ' add ' for it had been a much easier thing for him to have
got himself made treasurer than to have gained such a point.'
[Lord Lorn's estate.l
" The next particular brought in debate was concerning the
estate of Argyll. The king had great inclinations to restore
the lord Lorn, so that much pains was taken to persuade
him that all the zeal that he had expressed for his service
was only an artifice between his father and him to secure the
estate, which way soever the world might turn ; but in
managing this they committed great errors, for it was said
that Lorn had searched the king's pockets and locked him
up as a prisoner while he was in Scotland ; this the king
knew to be so false, that it made the other things laid to his
charge to be the less believed. So they, finding that this
was not like to take effect, betook themselves to another
method that was likely to be more effectual. The late mar-
qufs of Argyll had designed to raise his family to an absolute
» Hist. i. 130.
' For the reason of this see Lau- ' house at Bothans,' not the ' house of
derdale Papers, i. 102. This was the Pinkey' specifically mentioned below.
6 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661
power over the Highlands ; and the marquis of Huntly being
the next in power to him, he intended to take his estate into
his own hands, which he eiifected in this manner. The
marquis of Huntly had married his sister, so during their
friendship he was bound with him for some of his debts.
Afterwards Huntly both neglecting his affairs and engaging
in the king's service, (by which he was likely to be ruined
considering the violence of that time) Argyll pretended that
for securing himself he was forced to buy in prior debts and
mortgages, for which he said he had paid great sums of
money, but it was said by others that he had them almost
for nothing ; it is like he never paid so much himself as he
said, nor so little as his enemies gave out, but in conclusion
he transacted for about ;£"20,ooo of his debts, and made his
son bind with him for the payment of these debts. So now
it was moved that the king ought in honour and justice to
restore the marquis of Huntly, and then they reckoned
those debts [/. 5 («)] of his for which the lord Lorn was bound
would sink him. Lorn upon this offered to clear the accounts
between his father and Huntly, and that he would not pretend
to a farthing, but that which he should prove his father had
in effect payed for Huntly's debts, but that was not much
considered. So Huntly had a grant given him of all that
part of Argyll's forfeiture that concerned his estate, by which
he was neither liable to his own grandfather's debts, nor to
those for which Lorn was engaged ; and this was the true
occasion of all the hardship that Lorn was afterwards put on
which raised such a clamour against him ^- After this Mont-
rose put in his claim upon this account ; when the late marquis
of Montrose was in armes his men had wasted and burnt
Argyll's estate, upon which Argyll got Montrose's estate
to be charged with that damage, and possessed it till his son
compounded with him for it, so he now pretended that Jie
ought to have all that restored to him and got a grant of
a part of Argyll's estate to reimburse him worth between
' See infra J i. 120 (a).
i66i] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 4 {b)-^ (b) ^
5 or ;^6,ooo. After that a great many others put in their
claims, pretending their estates had been ruined by Argyll's
means for their adhering to the king's service, and it being
easy to swell up an account of losses, they put in such pre-
tensions that all Argyll's estate could not have satisfied
them. To all this Lorn answered that if the king intended
any grace for him, a stop must be put to all further grants
out of his father's estate, otherwise it would be quickly out of
the king's power to give him anything, especially considering
the great debts that lay on it ; so a stop was put, and Middle-
ton saw it was in vain to press the matter further.
Consultations concerning episcopacy.
Cf. Hist. i. 130 ijrom ' The point of the greatest importance ' io p. 132, end
of paragraph).
Out. ' and honester.'
Insert ' that ' before ' one synod ' and ' many others.'
Om. ' Sharp assured . . . indemnity passed.'
For ' and that the supporting it . . . engaged in ' substitute the following
passage (ef. with Hist. i. 107-8) : ' and that after that the keeping of Scot-
land quiet would be all that the government there could do ; whereas if the
king w^ould let them alone with their beloved presbytery, he might have the
hearts and affections of the nation entirely united to his service in all other
things ; and that Scotland being a poor kingdom, all that the king could expect
from it was the hearts and hands of so many people ; [/ 5 (A)] this Lauderdale
made his constant topic to the king, that whatsoever he intended to do at any
time in England, he might govern Scotland so as to have them all sure to assist
him in it ; and showed him how certainly his father might have made himself
master of England if it had not been for the trouble he brought on himself from
Om. ' The king went . . . design '.'
For ' and having called . . . the way of that nation ' read ' and was only appre-
hensive of some disorder that might follow on the change.'
After ' inclinations of the nation ' insert the episode of the letter in while ink
{Hist. i. 108); reading instead of ' a daughter of the earl . . . among her papers'
only ' her whom I afterwards married which I have in my hands ^ ' ; and for ' he
saw the king was indifferent ' io the end of the passage, reading ' pressing her to
take care to have many of the presbyterians to signify to the king their aversion
to episcopacy and their firmness to him in all other things if he would not
' The passage is also omitted in ff. 208-9. Burnet's assertion there-
Airy's edition. fore, in the published History, that he
^ Lady Margaret was living when found the letter after her death must be
Burnet wrote this, though in a state of a slip of the pen, unless we suppose
imbecility ; for she died early in 1685 ; the anecdote to be a subsequent in-
see infra, f. 117, and Autobiography, sertion.
8 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661
touch them in that point; but he pressed her to engage them to make full
declarations of their affection in all other things ; so that in this letter it both
appears that he had at that time a great zeal for presbytery, and that he was
beginning to possess the king with that which he esteemed afterwards his
masterpiece, that the chief use the king ought to make of Scotland was to
engage them to assist him in any design that he might come to have in
England.' '
Then resume p. 1^2 from ' The result of the debate.'
For ' that might have such effects . . . affairs ' read ' in so important a thing.'
For ' the main body of read ' the whole.'
[Men sought mti to be bishops^
Cf. Hist. i. 13S-4 {to ' dealt falsely in the covenant ').
Begin 'And thus was the matter concluded. [/. 5 («)] So nothing remained
but the calling up such a number of men as might be first consecrated in
England and then sent down to consecrate the rest ' ; then {omitting from
' Sheldon and the English bishops ' to ' that matter wholly to him,' p. 133)
proceed ' Sharp now took off the mask and owned,' &'c.
After ' love and moderation ' return to p. 132, ' There was but one of the old
bishops,' dr=c. , and after ' Galloway ' insert (cf. Hist. i. 26) ' that was a very
learned and good man and one on whom old age had a very extraordinary effect,
for he who was hot and fierce beyond expression in his youth, was now become
very mild and gentle in his old age, but he was always more a scholar than
a wise man, and he was now under some of the ill effects of age, for he was
beginning to sink much.'
Om. ' he had come up . . . primacy of Scotland.'
After ' episcopally ordained ' insert ' and the bishops required some uneasy
conditions of those whom they ordained.'
Om. ' with others . . . about him.'
After ' of ordaining ' read ' in his chamber.'
For from 'and that without demanding ' to end of following paragraph read
' without requiring any conditions of them ; for all that he took was fees. This
was so foul a thing, so like simony, and so contrary to all ecclesiastical orders,
that nothing but regard to his old age, and the merit of his former life and his
sufferings, kept them from proceeding against him ; so it was resolved [see -p. 133]
that he should only be made bishop of Orkney which has a good revenue, and
it was intended he should never go thither.'
For ' The former of these . . . own function ' read 'The former was a prudent
and good-natured man, very facetious, and of a most obliging behaviour; he
was also a very good physician, which gave him a great interest in the country
where he lived, but it was never thought he had a deep sense of religion, nor
was his life exact.'
Om. ' very good.'
[/ 6 (i)] For ' he, who had passed his whole life . . . almost a changeling '
read ' he very soon lost both his understanding and his memory. Whether it
was that he was falling under the infirmities of old age, or that he indulged
himself too freely in eating, drinking, and sleeping, I know not ; certain
it is, that he became very soon the object of all people's scorn or pity.'
After ' himself from suspicion ' insert ' and to keep his benefice.'
i66i] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 5 (^)-7 {d) 9
After ' sacrament ' insert ' he used to renew it, with this ceremony.'
After ' falsely in the covenant ' add ' He was designed to be bishop of
Galloway, and it was thought the respect to his birth would make him the
better received there ; he was also a good plain preacher and a man of estate. '
Bishop LeightorCs character.
" But there was another Scotch clergyman ^ then in England
who for his health had gone to The Bath, on whom, because
I have known him so particularly and esteem him beyond all
the churchmen I ever yet knew, I will dwell a little longer.
He was son to Dr. Leighton, a Scotchman that lived in
England, and was censured in the Star-chamber for a seditious
book that he had writ against the bishops of England: he
was sent by him to be educated in the college of Edinburgh,
because he looked on the English universities as much cor-
rupted ; so "^ he was bred under all the prejudices to episcopacy
and the church of England that a father of hot principles and
inflamed by ill-usage could infuse into him. " He was a man
of a most quick and piercing apprehension, he had a life in
his thoughts and expressions that were inimitable, * only his
language was too fine, too much laboured, and too full of
figures and sentences : this was the effect of study in his
youth, and became a habit, or rather nature, in his old age.
* He spoke Latin with a readiness and purity that I never knew
in any except sir James Langham ^, and he was a great master
of the Greek, \_f. 7 (a)] and had almost all their poets by heart ;
he had the Hebrew very well, so that I have met with many
curious criticisms from him which I have found never in any
• Cf. Hist. i. 134. '' Ibid. 135. " Ibid. 134. d Ibid. 135.
' Ibid. 134.
' It will be remembered that when the world during Burnet's lifetime in
this was written Leighton, who died the Preface to the Life of Bedel
June 28, 1684, was still alive. To Mr. and the Pastoral Care, drew upon him
Ally's note. Hist, in loco, we may add, the bitterest censures of the Jaco-
that traces of correspondence between bite High-churchmen, who regarded
Burnet and Leighton survive in Hist. Leighton as a fanatic (see Some dis-
MSS. Com. Rep. xi. pt. 6, p. 148, Brit. courses on Dr. Burnet and Dr. Tilloison
Mus. Add. MSS. 23135, f. 96, and [1695], by [George Hickes, D.D.], pp.
Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, if. 34-54, of 23-4). We see trace of a desire to de-
which the two latter are shortly to be precate such a view, in the variations
published by the Scottish Historical betwe'enthe original and laterversions.
Society; and that Burnet's enthusiastic ' See Hist. i. 267, and Mr. Airy's
admiration of Leighton, intimated to note on that passage.
lo Burnet's Original Memoirs [i66r
author ; » he spoke French Hke one born in France ", though
it is now 45 years since he came out of it. He had read the
fathers so exactly that *> I never happened to talk with him of
any particular relating to ecclesiastical learning, but he was
as ready at it as if he had just come from studying it *> ; and
he was most conversant in the lives of all the devout men
that have been of all religions, and out of them all he formed
the highest idea of devotion that I ever yet met with ; for he
had laid together with great judgement all the extraordinary
passages of bishops and churchmen, and had read most of
the lives written in the latter ages, and had picked out of
them what was most remarkable and imitable among them,
and used to say that when he met with a good passage, he
did not much care whether it was true or not, so that it raised
in him some good thoughts. He was sent again by his
father into Scotland in the year [i6]38 [?], and was at the
assembly of Glasgow ; he told me he was even then dis-
gusted with their heats and the manner of their proceedings,
but these prejudices were not yet strong enough in him to
overcome education. Some time after that ■= he took presby-
terian ordination" and signed the covenant, '^and was minister
at Newbottle within four miles of Edinburgh, " where the earl
of Lothian dwelt. * He led so exemplary a life, that it was
rather like a pattern framed out of fancy, than what a man
could really attain to. He entered upon a course of ^ almost per-
petual fasting s, for though he had a quick and craving appetite,
he never eat above what seemed necessary to keep him alive ;
he never allowed himself any sort of diversion, except riding
abroad ; ^ he was never merry, nor familiar with any, but
lived in a perpetual reserve and silence, and every word he
spoke had an impression of religion on it. Those that knew
him before me and ' I that have now lived one and twenty years
in greater intimacy with him than he has been ever observed
to live in with any person, must say this of him, ''that I
" Cf. Hist. I. 135. •> Ibid. 134. <> Ibid. 135. =1 Ibid.
• Ibid. 136. ' Ibid, supra. ^ Ibid. 134. •> Ibid. 135.
i Ibid. 135, 138. k Ibid. 135.
i66i] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. T (a^T (b) 11
never saw him angry at anything, « nor ever perceived in him
any concern for anything in this world, or the least appearance
of pride or vanity ; ^ and I scarce ever heard him speak an
idle word '', and never once found him in any other temper, but
such as I would wish to be in when I were to die. He has
a heart the fullest [/. 7 (3)] of all the melting affections and
devotions in religion, and yet has nothing of enthusiasm, or
of a schismatical temper under it ; ''he had the most universal
charity for persons and things that I ever knew in man. ^ He
had such a way in preaching that I [n]ever knew any come near
it ; his thoughts were the most ravishing, his style the most
beautiful (if not too fine), but his way of uttering them so grave,
and so tender together, that I never heard him preach without
trembling for one great part of the sermon, and weeping for
another ; and I confess his way of preaching was so much above
all others that I had ever heard, or anything that I could ever
hope to attain to, that for some time after every sermon that
I heard of his I both preached myself and heard all others
with a sort of indignation ; and yet he really seemed so to
undervalue himself that he always chose to preach to mean
auditories, and when he was tied to a charge he used to
employ every man he could get to preach for him*. And
though he never made any so much his own friend as he
did me, yet he was a friend to a great many, and was very
full of tenderness and Christian concern for them, and I see
it still lives with him, * He soon came to see the follies of the
presbyterians ; he hated their covenant and their rebellion
against the king, their imposing of oaths, and their fury
against all that differed from them, and their rough sourness
and narrowness of soul, and he openly preached up an uni-
versal charity ; he would never meddle in their matters, but
withdrew from them, and only minded his pastoral care in his
own parish °- They saw he grew to hate their ways, but the
reputation he was in was such that they durst not let it be
thought that he was against their courses; ^'yet he openly
» Cf. Hist. i. 134. ' Ibid. 135. « Ibid, infra. ^ Ibid, infra.
« Ibid. 135-6. ' Ibid. 136.
12 Burnefs Original Memoirs [i66r
declared himself for the engagement in the year [i6]48 that
was made for delivering the king ; and when after the defeat
of that army some that were in it came to profess their repen-
tance for it, in his church, according to the order of the
general assembly, he, being to exhort them to a true repen-
tance, told them they had been in an expedition in which he
was afraid they had been guilty of much swearing, drunken-
ness, oppression and other sins, besides the neglect of God
and religion, and charged them to repent seriously for those
things, but did not say one word of the unlawfulness of the
expedition. He likewise openly owned his esteem of all the
episcopal party*, and when my father was absconding [/. 8 (a)]
for refusing to swear the covenant ^ he visited him often ; he
wished that the presbyterians would have questioned him for
these things or put him again to renew the covenant that
so he might have found a fair colour for breaking with them,
but they thought it more advisable to let him alone. ''At last
he grew so weary of mixing with them that he left his
charge, and retired into England ; he would never engage in
janglings, so he would not declare against them, but thought it
was better to leave them''. He likewise found that his English
accent, and that politeness to which he had accustomed
himself, made him less capable of doing good among the
commons ; and so he thought he could not hold a living
with a good conscience, where he was as a stranger and
almost a barbarian to the greater part. " Soon after that the
mastership of the college of Edinburgh fell vacant, and that
being in the town's gift the offer of it was made him. It was
an employment separated from all ecclesiastical matters, so
he accepted of it " ; but though the heads of the college were
generally considered as members of the presbytery, yet he
never went to their meetings, and continued to live in great
reservedness with all people. The English judges and
officers then in Scotland courted him much, and endeavoured
° Cf. Hist. i. 136. li Ibid, infra. " Ibid, infra.
^ His reasons for doing this will be found in Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, flf. 124-5.
i66i] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. T (bya (b) 13
often to hear him preach ; upon that he gave over all preach-
ing in the pulpits of Edinburgh (for which "the lowness of
his voice furnished him with a very good excuse), but ''he
preached often within the college, and did it for the most
part once a week ; but finding crowds break in upon them
from the 1;own '', he ordered that the gates should be shut when
he preached ; yet the judges were too great to be shut out,
so once when he came into the pulpit, and saw them there,
•^ instead of preaching in English he did it in Latin ", and so was
delivered from their company. * He went often into England
in vacation time, and once or twice over into Flanders ;
he grew a little acquainted with all the great preachers about
London and the high-flown men about Cromwell's court ;
but he often told me, he could never be taken with anything
he observed among them, and that all he heard from them
was dry unsavoury bombast stuff. He was much taken with
some religious men he saw in FlandSrs ; some of them were
Jansenius's followers, and he thought they were men of
extraordinary tempers ; he did not stick to declare himself
freely against the humour of magnifying and widening con-
troversies * of all hands, not excepting those with the papists,
and did often preach up a greater largeness of charity \ [/. 8 (5)]
^ Thus he had lived above twenty years in Scotland, and was
the most admired man that was in that kingdom. He had
a brother, sir Elisha Leighton, very like him in face and wit,
but the most unlike him in better things that could be, for
though he will talk of the highest notions of religion, and
heat himself with them as if he were in a rapture, yet he is
a very bad man in all respects =. He has a vast deal of wit,
but by his rambling way of discourse he will sometimes run
out into great impertinences, pursuing wit when he cannot
• Cf. Hist. i. 135. " Ibid. 136. ° Ibid. ^ Ibid. 137. ° Ibid. 136.
> Burnet, in his published History Leighton met for the last time, a few
(see i. 137), has somewhat extenuated months after this passage was wntten,
Leighton's complacency towards the Burnet had found his old friend much
Church of Rome as suggested above more strongly impressed with the
and on f. 8. It must however be errors of Popery. See Htst. 1. 138-9,
remembered, that when Burnet and 589.
14 Burnet's Original Memoirs [i66r
hit on it ; he is an eternal talker, and will often say as lively
things as ever I heard ; I will set down at present, for a taste,
one of the best of his sayings that occurs to me. "He is
a papist — that is to say he goes to mass — (having declared
himself one when he thought it was his interest to do so),
*but he believes nothing of popery. " So one askecj him once
if he believed transubstantiation ; he answered, he did not
know whether he himself believed it or not, but he was sure
the king believed it ; and when the king asked him how he
came to think that, he said, ' Sir, you believe Christ is present
in an unconceivable manner ' ; to which the king assenting,
he said, ' Then you must believe transubstantiation, for that
is the most unconceivable manner that ever was yet hit on.'
He was a man of a facetious conversation, ^ and was much with
the earl of Bristol and the lord Aubigny, and knew the
secret of the duke's being a papist, for he was his secretary ;
®but his great design Vas to raise himself °; for he had no
spite nor ill-nature in him, and thought of nothing but plenty
and pleasure, and would have stuck at nothing that could
have procured him these. ' He, seeing that his brother was
not only episcopal, but had tender and favourable thoughts
of many things in the church of Rome, resolved that he
would get him to be made a bishop, and fancied he would
soon be the eminentest man in Scotland, and this would help
to support him at court. So he pressed my lord Aubigny
and all the popish party to put the king on making him
a bishop. His brother was truly the most averse from it that
could be ', for he hated both pomp and business, and was often
running away from London, having come thither from The
Bath in his way to Scotland.
Sir Elisha at first thought this was only a shyness of his
brother's, but when he saw how positive he was in it, he was
almost mad at it, and got it to be so much pressed on him
by all hands that he at last yielded to it. ^The English
clergy found him more learned and [/. 9 («)] more thoroughly
' Cf. Hist. i. 136. t Ibid. 137. <> Ibid. 138. « Ibii. 136.
e Ibid. 137. ' Ibid. e iJ^id. 138,
i66i] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 8 {b)-^ (b) 15
theirs in the business of the common prayer than any other
of the Scotch clergy, and though they did not much Hke his
strictness, yet they thought that such a man as he was might
give a credit to episcopacy at its first entry into Scotland.
Lauderdale was not much concerned, only he saw he did not
love Sharp whom he hated, and so he hoped he would balance
him. "Leighton, seeing what the state of the bishoprics of
Scotland were, found that Dumblane was a very small diocese
consisting of about 24 parishes, that the revenue of it was
very low (not ;^2oo a year), and the deanery of the king's
chapel was united to it ; so he made choice of that, and
resolved to have set up common prayer in the chapel'*.
This made Middleton very desirous of engaging him to it,
for he could not find any of the rest that were willing to
undertake so hard a province. Thus he was pressed to it on
all hands. '' The secret of this matter was never known, and
is not too honourable for his memory, yet I set it down
frankly as I had it both from himself and his brother, but it
will soon appear how much they were mistaken in him that
pressed his advancement in hopes of his favouring popery,
" The truth on it is he was much charmed with his brother ",
and it was long before he thought he was so ill a man as he
afterwards to his great grief knew him to be.
[ TTie Scottish bishops consecrated^
Cf. Hist. i. 139-40 {to ' new modelling of a church ').
for ' Sharp was very uneasy at this' read 'Sharp seemed to resent this very
much and spoke big, as if he would never submit to it.'
Om. ' who thought it went too far , . . fierceness.'
For 'The English bishops did also say' read' To this it was answered.'
[/ 9 (*)] Om. ' thrown off that order . . . greater matters.'
Om. ' He did not think orders . . . being of a church. But.'
\LeightorCs schemes?^
^ After that he had some private discourses with Sharp,
about the method in which they intended to proceed; but
he was surprised to find that he had laid down no scheme at
all, but only this, that they should be established by next
* Cf Hist. i. 138. * Ibid, infra. ' Ibid. 137. •* Ibid. 140.
i6 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661
sessions of parliament, and so be lodged in their bishoprics,
and then every man must do the best he could. "As for
Fairfoul he could never endure to talk with him, for he had
always some merry tale ready, and this was all he could ever
get of him. So he found the two things that he designed
were never like to take effect ; '' the one was to set a higher
spirit of religion and devotion on foot ^ both among the clergy
and laity, and to look well to the universities, particularly to
the professions of divinity, that so those who were trained up
for holy orders might be well formed and prepared, whereby
the nation might see they were like to be the better for that
order ; "= the other was that some reasonable terms might be
offered to such of the presbyterians, who could not be induced
to submit to that order, '^that so they might not be turned
out but suffered to die out, and so in little more than twenty
years most of them would be gone off the stage, and they
dropping thus one after another, if care was taken to have
worthy men ready to put in their rooms, he thought the
change would be more insensible to the nation, whereas if
they went more violently to work it would raise a great
fermentation, which perhaps would never be quite laid to
sleep. But all that he proposed signified nothing.
[Leigkton loses heart.l
Cf. Hist. i. 141 (' By these means ' to end of paragraph).
After ' that affair ' add ' and in all that has been done since.'
For ' and that they were not . . . church' read ' in the way in which [/ lo (a)]
they set it up.'
For 'He who . . . hand in if read 'The churchman that managed the
design (Sharp) ' ; am. 'and the rest. . . selfish.'
[Tke meetings of the firesbyteries forbidden^
Cf. Hist. i. 1 41-2.
For ' were of a piece with this melancholy beginning ' read ' helped to fix this
melancholy prospect in his mind.'
For ' openly ' read ' more openly ' and om. ' and to prepare . . . against them ' ;
and for 'Some were ' talking ' read ' [Sharp] fear[ed] lest in presbyteries
they might have entered.* *
For ' since the king . . . episcopacy ' read ' a letter might be sent from the
king to the council ordering.'
" Cf. Hist. i. 141. •> Ibid. 140. ' Ibid, supra. i Cf. with this,
ibid. 273-6.
1661-2] Had. MSS. 6584, f. 9 {b)-ii (a) 17
For ' the ministers ' mad ' some of them (i.e. the presbyterians). '
for 'once' «arf' secretly.'
For ' without any advice ' read ' without so much as communicating it with
the other bishops.'
Before ' when king James' insert ' if, as ' ; and for ' some of them protested
... no remedy ' read ' they would have sat still, pretending that their sitting
there with a bishop was but like a submission granted in civil things to an
Om. ' by a sort of connivance . . . legal authority.'
Om. from ' which was too great a turn ' io end of paragraph.
1662. Episcopacy settled in Scotland.
Cf. Hist. i. 14a ('The bishops came down' to p. 143, 'end of paragraph).
For ' soon after their consecration ' read ' in March.'
For ' a few days before them ' read ' privately, only with his man. '
[/. 10 (fi)] For ' and was not easy . . . forced it on him ' read ' nor would he
ever go before men of quality.'
After ' function ' add ' and I was full of many sad thoughts upon it. '
After ' arrival' add ' Middleton came down and.'
Before ' Sharp hoped ' insert ' Lauderdale told me that. '
Om, 'but he would enter . . . one Wishart,' and read 'Afterwards one
Wishart, a weak and insignificant but candid and good-natured old man, was
preferred to it.'
For ' that it seemed but justice ' read ' so Middleton thought it was but
justice ' (cf. Mr. Airy^s edition').
[They were brought into parliament^
Cf. Hist. i. 143 ('The session of parliament ' to p. 144, end of paragraph).
Om. ' by the earl of Middleton ' and ' the king ... so much.'
For ' something before them . . '. or to the church ' read ' some extraordinary
Om. the siutile of the harpies.
Om. ' This was plainly . . . negative voice upon them ' (M« sentence inserted
is merely repetition).
For ' Nor did it escape censure ' read ' Others made a more pleasant but
malicious observation.'
Om.from end of sentence to ' imposing upon conscience.'
[/ II (a)] For' had never carried ... by this act' «arf' thought the clergy
ought to have their share in the exercise of all ecclesiastical authority, and
that therefore it ought not to have been vested singly in the bishop.'
For ' and submitting ' read ' the government as it was established by law, since
that was an. approving of the bishops having the sole power of jurisdiction.'
For ' All the bishops ... fit to assume ' read ' even when the bishops them-
selves intended not to pretend to anything more than a negative vote.'
[Scruples concerning the oath of allegiance.\
Cf. Hist. i. 144 {Jrom 'Soon after' to 'and supremacy').
Om. ' for their words . . . senses.'
i8 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
[Conduct of the earl of Cassillis^.]
»In the former session of parliament the acknowledging
the king's supremacy in ecclesiastical matters was added to
the oath of allegiance, and not kept a distinct oath by itself
as it is in England ; upon which the earl of Cassillis, when it
was tendered to him, desired to have leave to offer an explana-
tion of it, which should be no other than that which was
established by law in England. Middleton was willing to
let him say what he pleased, but would not suffer him to put
it in writing. He said he could not swear it except he were
suffered to make the one as lasting and as public as the other
was, so he rose and left the parliament, and went and resigned
his places to the king, *" but gave [him ?] positive assurances
of his constant fidelity, and so got under his hand an order that
no oaths should be put to him ; and he, perceiving the change
that was like to be made in the church, got likewise licence to
keep what chaplain he [/. 1 1 (3)] pleased for himself and his
own family.
[T/te act explanatory rejected.^
Cf. Hist. i. 145-6 ('The ministers to whom . . . denied allegiance to the
king,' omitting end of paragraph).
Om. 'This was the first time that.'
Om. ' He said the land . . . taken. '
For ' and he thought . . . offenders for a word ' read ' he thought that this
nation, as they took the expressions from England, so ought to shew rather
more tenderness on this occasion than had been shewed to papists in England.'
Om. ' it ill became ... all his party ' ; and for ' for they designed ' read ' for
he designed.'
Om. ' So the ministers' . . . sense upon it. '
After ' king ' add ' though they declared they were ready to swear that part
of it which concerned their allegiance."
Some passages relating to the lord Balmerino's trial.
Cf. Hist. i. 21-5.
Begin ' Upon this invidious mixing things of different natures together
I will set down a long story, which I had from the duke of Lauderdale *, who
" Cf Hist. i. 144-5. " Ibid. 227.
> Cassillis, it will be remembered, ^ In the printed History, i. 25, the
was the father of Burnet's first wife, story is said to be derived from Bur-
Lady Margaret Kennedy. net's father (to whom the above saying
1633] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. n (a)-i2 {a) 19
assured me that there was not any one thing that had a greater influence on
the disposing people's minds to the late wars than it had. When the late king
was in Scotland in the year [i6]33 an act of parliament was brought in from
[the lords of] the articles,' &c.
Before ' the royal prerogative ' insert ' several branches of ; om. • as it had
been . . . 1606,' and ' passed in tlie year 1609,' ""d ' with their own consent."
After 'thing to king James' om. to 'drawn into one'; and read 'and was
now declared to be perpetually inherent in the crown, so all the puritan party
resolved to oppose it'
Afier ' Rothes, who ' read ' spake first when it came to his turn to give his
vote, and said he voted to the act in all its points, except the last, which he
thought belonged to the church ; and so he desired it might be divided from
the rest, and put in an act by itself, for otherwise it would be given out that
those who voted against the act were enemies to the prerogative, though it was
only upon the account of that single clause [/ 12 (a)] that they were against
it ; but the king himself answered him that it was all but one act, and he must
either give his consent to it or deny it as it stood ; so after some hot words had
passed about it, he declared that though he voted against it, it was only upon
the account of that addition.'
After ' Some few lords ' add ' of that party. '
I-br ' Almost . . . negative ' read ' So then all the puritans voted against it ;
they were inferior in number till it came to the gentry and burgesses, but it
was carried in the negative.'
After ' Rothes ' add ' who had also taken notes' ; and after .' negative ' add
' and desired a second scrutiny. '
After ' venture on that ' add ' for if upon a second calling of the roll any
had retracted their votes, and given them otherwise than they had done before,
then he was gone.'
After ' was published ' read ' and it was given out that all the puritans had
voted against the prerogative ' ; and om. ' The king . . . opposition.'
After ' the lords ' add ' and other heads of the puritan party.'
for 'if the clerk of register might declare' read 'if it was in the clerk of
register's power to make an act of parliament by declaring' ; and om. 'and
that no scrutiny was allowed.'
For ' a zealous . . . party ' read ' a great puritan.'
for ' setting forth . . . redress ' read ' representing to the king all the hard
and illegal things that he had been put on \_sic'] against them, and all the patience
and duty with which they had borne them ; and concluded with a prayer that he
would rightly consider what their laws were, and not suffer himself to be
wrought on by the ill advices of wicked men.'
is ascribed) in consequence of his in- in the textual notes to Mr. Airy's
timacy with the father of Duke Lauder- edition respectively, that Burnet re-
dale ; Dr. Burnet having at the time vised the whole on obtaining, after the
when he rewrote his History no desire second version had been written, the
to lay stress on his own intercourse copy of the original record {Hist. i.
with the duke. It is also clear, from 26). The great difference in detail
a comparison of the narrative as it between the three versions and the
appears in Harl. MSS. 6584, in the greater vividness of the present nar-
ordinary text of Burnet's History, and rative render it of interest,
C a
20 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1634
For from ' he shewed this ' to ' from whom he had it ' (p. 23) '"f"''
only 'he put it in the lord Balraerino's hands, who gave it to the earl of
Rothes, [/. 12 (A)] and he shewed it to the king, but after the king had read
a few lines in it he flung it away. The party were resolved not to let it go so,
and intended to get many hands to it, and so to send it after the king ; yet the
thing cooled, and perhaps would have gone no further ; but the next winter,
Balmerino being in his own house, a neighbour of his,' &c., as in Mr. Airy's
edition, i. 34, note b, with these variations : for ' kindly received by him '
read ' entertained without any witness of him ' ; om. ' not suspecting . . .
neighbour ' ; for ' The Petition . . . Act ' read ' A petition to the king' ; for ' and
the other . . . fair ' read ' and made haste to be gone.'
After ' St. Andrews ' add ' who hated Balmerino ' ; and om. ' who . . .
alarmed at it, and ' ; also ' beginning . . . within this act.'
Om. ' so it was thought . . . parliament.'
After ' In Scotland ' add ' a peer is tried as a commoner ; only.'
Om. 'At this time . . . the lord Balmerino's trial.'
Om. ' The court was created . . . poor.'
After ' jury' add ' there lie challenges in that kingdom against all, peers as
well as commoners, but the prisoner must give the reason of every challenge,
and must prove it instantly ; so a list was made of such peers as they thought
would be very pliant, but because he might give reasons for his challenging
some, the old earl of Lauderdale was a peer that they had in reserve to be one
of the jury, since ' ; and om. ' in which so great ... of that title ' ; and after
' yet' add ' after he had challenged some and got them cast.'
After ' exceptione major ' add ' As for the seven gentlemen, they were so
chosen that he had nothing in particular to object to them.'
Om. '.It was long considered . . . counsel.'
For ' So it was settled . . . insist only on this ' read ' In his indictment it
was set out.'
For ' The court . , . was clear ' read ' And the lord Balmerino was
either the contriver, or assistant in the contrivance, or was the divulger, or was '
the concealer of it, and which of these soever were true he was guilty of
death ; but [Haig's confession considered] there was no proof of the first
of the branches of the crime ; upon which the king's advocate fixed on
the last.'
After ' discover him ' add ' since he ought to have brought it to some privy
councillor or magistrate ' ; and for ' He pleaded . . . court gave it in their
favour ' read only ' He answered he had delivered it to Rothes, who was by
inheritance sheriff of that county, and that he had shewed it to the king ; but
this was not admitted, because it ought to have been brought to some legal
magistrate. There was also great arguing upon the substance of the paper to
prove that it did not fall within those statutes ; but all [/ 13 (a)] that was
overruled by the court.'
For ' forty-three years before ' read ' in his youth ' ; for ' in the murder . , .
Murray ' read ' the marquis of Huntly in the turning of Dunnibrissel, where
the earl of Murray was killed.'
For ' in being ' read ' that so mean a man should be/
For 'and they would feel . . . lived' read ' and therefore he must tell them
what the horror was that followed innocent blood.'
1662] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 12 {a)~i^ {a) 21
Before 'blood' add 'innocent.'
For ' but it cost ... day and night ' read ' yet the terror of that pursued him
After ' Traquair ' add ' who was then treasurer and was one of the jury,
though it was known that he had undertaken to get Balmerino condemned.'
After ' argument ' read ' vehemently ; [though !] the proof was one single
testimony of a base man that had found it on his table, and that the paper looked
like his hand ' ; and om. ' and said . . . paper or not.'
After ' argument against him ' add ' and though he had then a business of
great consequence lying before the king, yet he resolved rather to put all to
hazard than be wanting to his duty ' ; and om. ' and urged . . . Upon those
[f. 13 (6)] Om. ' some undertaking . . . houses.
After ' pardon' add 'after a while's imprisonment'; om. 'with which . . .
ingratitude ' ; and for ' but he thought . . . account ' read ' but he never
considered the king's pardon as either mercy or kindness to him, but as done
to preserve his own party ; for there were no guards then in Scotland, and the
nobility was still powerful.'
For ' My father . . . curious matter' read 'This is the true account of that
matter as I had it, and I hope this is neither an. impertinent nor unpleasant
TAe acl of indemnity^
Cf. Hist. i. 146 ('The main business' to p. 147, end of paragraph^).
Begin ' But I now return to the parliament of Scotland. All that now remained
was to pass,' &c.
For ' or to other punishments . . . life ' read ' and so to clog the indemnity
with it. Lauderdale understood the meaning of this well enough, that,' &c.
For ' This matter was debated . . . argued against it. They ' read ' so he
opposed it much in council, and one day, he being sick, the debate lay upon
Crawford. It was.'
For ' that had . . . suffered much for it ' read ' [that] had been beforehand with
England in redeeming all past offences ; they had sent an army in [i6]48, for the
delivering the late king ; they had called home the present king, and had lost two
armies for him at Dunbar and Worcester, and had been enslaved ten years ;
they had all as one joined with Monk in hopes that he would declare for
the king.'
Om. ' since made lord Tarbot'
For 'vivacity of parts' read 'quickness of apprehension and of extra-
ordinary parts.'
For ' who has had the art . . . fifty years ' read ' and set on raising himself by
all [/ 14 (a)] means possible. He has talked often to me as if.'
For ' but they are only ... at all times ' read ' but whenever they are put to
any trial it appears that interest is above all things with him. He was con-
sidered by Middleton as the most extraordinary man of Scotland, and.'
After ' cautious ' add 'and not being able to drink hard he could not preserve
his interest ' ; om. remainder of paragraph and first sentence of next.
22 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
// was desired that some might be incapacitated.
Mackenzie " proposed to Middleton to send up another
draft of an act of indemnity, in which, besides the fining of
many, a clause was put of incapacitating twelve from public
trust ; '' so two drafts were made ; the one, according
to the king's instructions, containing exceptions only of
persons to be fined ; the other had the additional clause for
incapacitating. They were both carried up by Mackenzie,
and laid before the king as the drafts agreed to by the
parliament ; and when Lauderdale objected the difference
between them, Mackenzie said the parliament would be satis-
fied with the one, which was all that Middleton had power to
grant, but they desired the other, to which Middleton could
not give way till he knew the king's pleasure in it. So
Lauderdale, never imagining that it was designed against
himself, neither objected against it nor proposed any restric-
tions to it ; but in general drew an instruction allowing
Middleton to consent to the incapacitating of twelve'' Mac-
kenzie told me afterwards that he was surprised to see Lau-
derdale pass that so carelessly and without any limitations ;
and said to the English chancellor (then present) that he
wondered to see him consent to so large an instruction who
had so much provoked the parliament of Scotland. But in
this Middleton and Mackenzie committed a strange error;
for there had been no such desire made by the parliament,
which yet was so entirely in their hands that they could have
procured it for a word. " Middleton afterwards pretended that
many members of parliament had made that desire to him in
private", and yet when that came to be examined he could
find but twelve that would own it. ^ Mackenzie was at that
time much considered at court, for Lauderdale was much
^hated, and everybody looked on him as one that was come
to accuse him, and indeed Lauderdale's interest then was so
» Cf. Hist. i. 147. l> Ibid. 148. ' Ibid, supra. <^ Ibid, infra.
1692] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 14 (a)-i5 («) 23
low, and he had so few friends, that nothing but the method
Middleton took afterwards to ruin him could have preserved
Om. from ' So lord Tarbot ' to ' reputation.'
\Condemnation of lord Lorn.l
Hist. i. 148-9 {to ' though he had no instruction for it ').
For ' One instance of unusual severity was . . . parliament, and complained of
as ' read ' While Middleton was gone from the court, Lorn thought it was now
a fit time to reckon his own pretensions, so he took care to find out by what
means he could get chancellor Hyde to be his friend, or at least not to be his
enemy. The earl of Berkshire, who was poor and made great court to the
chancellor, [/ 14 (A)] undertook to soften him ; for which he was to have
a thousand pound. Upon this Lorn, being pressed by some of his friends in
Scotland to let them know the state of his affairs, writ a very indiscreet
letter, full of reflections on his enemies, and said he had already convinced the
king of many of their lies, and hoped to. do it more efifectually now that he
had gained him upon whom the chief of them depended. This letter was
intercepted and complained of in parliament as,' &c.
Om. 'since ... to the king.'
After 'tried upon it' read 'and sent up the copy of his letter to court.
When Mackenzie brought it to the king.'
After ' parole' add ' (and, as I remember, Lauderdale was bound for him).'
For ' the execution . . . against him ' read ' execution, as he would be answer-
able for it.'
For ' upon his appearance . . . prisoner ' read ' came to Edinburgh, some
days vrithin the time assigned him, and entered [? rendered] himself a
.4/?«»' ' leasing-making ■ arfrf ' and his letters (I think that were intercepted)
were brought for evidence.'
After ' speech ' add ' which he showed me.'
After 'provocation' add 'and much affliction.'
Before ' printed ' add ' writ and some.'
Om. ' some of these . . . the king's own hands. '
Ont. ' passed on him . . . tragical conclusion ' .'
For ' in this age ' read ' that ever was.' Om. 'or rather of the mockery ' ; and
after 'justice ' add ' I never spoke with any of those that judged him, but
such as abhorred it.' For 'All that was said . . . proceeding' read 'That with
which they covered themselves. '
[f. 15 («)] After ' news ' add ' if the particulars in it proved not to be true.
Lauderdale took advantages against Middleton for suffering the day of execution
to be left to him ; whereas it ought to have been left to the king. Yet in this
' Argyll, be it remembered, at the date when Burnet first wrote was alive,
though an exile.
24 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1662
he aggravated the matter too much, for the leaving it to him, as the king's
commissioner, was upon this matter the leaving it to the king.'
After ' attainted ' for 'hy parliament . . . unhe{ird-of ' read ' this gave Lauder-
dale another advantage against Middleton, since it was the laying ' ; and om.
' This the earl . . . extend to life.'
{Further proceedings concerning the indemnity^
Cf. Hist. i. 149 {from 'A committee ' to end of -p. 150, 'in this form').
For ' A committee . . . fines ' read ' The act of indemnity came in the last
place to be finished, in which there was an exception put both for the persons
that were to be fined, and for those that were to be incapacitated, which was
to pass in two different acts. For the former.'
For ' had been abroad ' read ' were men of known loyalty.'
Om. ' for the meaning . . . paid the fine,' and ' which [or that] was . . . hurry.'
For ' carried further . . . designed it ' read ' tenderer ' ; and then insert (cf. p.
148) ' The duke of Richmond and the earl of Newburgh came down during that
session, and never was there seen a time of more extravagant madness and
drinking ; every night produced some new disorder or other ; but the turn
that was to be served by them was the possessing of all people with an opinion
that the king was weary,' &=c., as on p. 150.
For ' falling upon a minister ' read ' tearing a minister from him without a
trial or any sort of form.'
After ' expedients ' add ' and indeed his strength lies in the finding out
dexterous methods.'
For ' by ballot' read 'in a billet.'
[/ 15 (6)] After ' in a paper ; and that ' add ' all those being gathered in a box ' ;
and for ' three ' read ' two ' ' ; and for ' and that they, without making . . .
indemnity ' read only ' and to draw out of them the names of those upon whom
most votes should fall.'
After ' any one had voted ' add ' I was told some of the billets were not
unpleasant ; no man was required to sign his billet, nor to show it ; so some
put in white paper, others disguising their hands excepted twelve of the
bishops, others were for incapacitating Middleton and twelve of his chief
friends. '
Om. ' By this means . . . list, that so ' ; also ' might be three . . . majority
For ' The earl of Middleton . . . form ' read ' and with [the above proviso]
Middleton thought he would be in no danger by giving the royal assent to it, and it
was done, and upon that the parliament was adjourned for some months.' Then
add (cf. Hist. i. 146, paragraph on the subject) 'Another act passed for a test or
declaration (to be signed by all that were in any public trust) for renouncing both
the national covenant and the league and covenant, and the doctrine^ of the
lawfulness of resistance. This was particularly levelled against Crawford for
the turning him out of the treasury, in case the act for incapacitating should
' ' Two ' is the reading also of Mr. Airy's edition.
' See infra, p. 32, note 2.
1662] Harl MSS. 6584, J. 15 {a)-i6 (b) 25
The king- was displeased with the incapacitating act.
Cf. Hist, i.from beginning of ^. 151 /o p. 152 ('of all [that] he had done').
For ' for they reckoned ... or his party. So they * read only ' so that Lau-
derdale's friends could not give him notice of it so early as was to be wished.
And Middleton."
For 'sent one . . . Durh&m' read only 'got one to provide himself of a very
good horse, that held out with him till he got into Yorkshire, and then he took
post' ; andom. ' three days.'
After ' court ' add ' to give the king an account of the business and to put the
act of incapacity in his hands. If. 16 («)] They carried up likewise a letter
signed by ten of the bishops ' {see p. 151, infra ; only for ' and his care of them
all ' read ' both in what he had already done, and in what he was then going
about to do' ; and after 'minister' add 'for Middleton saw the step he made
was so bold that it must either ruin Lauderdale, or turn upon himself and be
his own ruin ' ; tken return supra to where the narrative broke off at ' got to
court ').
For ' He carried it presently to the king, who ' read ' As soon as Lauderdale
got the news he was surprised, and the king having gone that day to dine at a
house of the earl of St. Albans some miles from London, he took sir Robert
Moray with him and went to find him out, and taking him aside after dinner,
he gave him an account of what had passed in Scotland. The king at first.'
After ' Middleton ' add ' for Lauderdale, reckoning himself safe, saw this was
the best opportunity he could ever expect of ruining his enemy, and in that he
was never cold nor slack.'
For 'From him, by his orders, he' read 'In conclusion the king ordered
him to give an account of it to the chancellor, and to bring him his sense of it ;
so Lauderdale returned in a much easier temper than he was in when he went
out Chancellor Hyde was then out of town, and came not in for two days. As
soon as he came Lauderdale.'
For ' was amazed . . . and said ' read ' at first said it was not possible ; then
he said pleasantly.'
For ' he was sure ' read ' he hoped ' ; and for ' otherwise no man could serve
him ' read ' and all his ministers must agree in it ' ; and after ' suffer him ' add
[/ 16 (6)] ' So far had Lauderdale engaged Hyde. That very night the duke
of Richmond and Mackenzie came to London. As soon as Hyde saw them
he asked them if they were mad, and plainly told them that they had changed
the scene now, and that instead of attacking Lauderdale they must now betake
themselves to a defensive ; for all that could now be done was to set out
Middleton's zeal and services so advantageously as to obtain a pardon for this
last error ; but they had now established Lauderdale ; so with this melancholy
prospect of ill success they came to wait on the king. He received them,'
&c., as in concluding sentences ofy. 151, whence continue.
After ' incapacity ' add ' sealed ' ; and after ' he ' add ' laid it down, and.'
Om. ' both,' also ' safety and his,' and ' the incapacity act . . . judgement ' ; and
read after ' honour' 'The king's way is not to speak much upon such occasions ;
[so because],' and om. ' and, without . . . dismissed them ' ; and for ' they hoped '
read 'Mackenzie thought'; and after 'mollified him' add 'but he quickly
found that he was mistaken.'
26 • Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
Otn. ' the earl of Middleton and.'
For ' even the Athenians were ashamed of it ' read ' and it appeared what
a way of proceeding it was ' ; and om. ' and they . . . after.'
For ' studied ' read ' took another way.'
Before ' The change ' read ' He laid before the king [that].'
[Primrose advises Middleton.']
[/. 17 («)] Primrose told me that he advised Middleton to go
up immediately and to attack Lauderdale with courage and
force, and he drew up for him an accusation, of which he told
me the heads. The preamble was reflecting on his family, par-
ticularly his unclcj secretary Maitland ; who was not only
attainted, but the very name Maitland was condemned in an
unprinted act of parliament that passed during the minority
of king James. Then followed an enumeration of all the
violences he had been guilty of during the rebellion^, with
this conclusion, that his turning to the king was not an effect
of loyalty, but of resentment for an affront put on him by
some independents in the army. From that it went to shew
his enmity to all the king's friends, and his protecting his
enemies ever since his restoration. But when Mackenzie
came down they were forced to lay all these thoughts aside ;
and Middleton was advised to stay in Scotland as long as he
could ; and though Lauderdale got " the king to write to
him to come up, and give an account of affairs there, yet he
found new excuses still for delaying his journey ; and it was
hoped that a little time would serve to weather this storm *.
So he continued in Scotland some months ; but at last he
went up about Christmas.
A general character of the presbyterian ministers and an
account of their ruin in Scotland^.
Cf. Hist. i. 152 {from ' One act ' to near end of ^. 155, 'and in good repair').
Begin ' I am next to tell what all this service was for the church in which
he was now so much employed ; for opening which I must let the reader know
that the presbyterians were great enemies to all lay patronages, but the
« Cf. Hist. i. 152.
* See Lauderdale Papers, i. 125, " The marginal heading in the History
127; also Hisl., Mr. Airy's edition, runs: 'The presbyterian ministers
i. 359, note 2. silenced.'
1662] HarL MSS. 6584, ff. 16 (5)-i8 {b) 27
nobility and gentry were so much concerned in them that, till the parliament
in the year [i6]49 came, they could not obtain their desire of having them
put down, and then was the election of ministers put,' Qfc.
Om. ' only it . . . past,' and 'who was obliged . . . demanded.'
For ' One clause . . . declared ' read ' In this last sessions of Parliament an act
passed declaring.'
[/ 17 (*)] Om. ' This took ... hot men : so,' and ' had many ... in which
Om. 'whereas . . . part were' ; and om. 'main body of the.'
For ' and to look on, and ' read ' and all men were in expectation to.'
For ' and that was heightened . . . law' read ' and it was the great argument
now used for his preservation at court, that he was carrying on the service of
the church with such zeal (for that is always the name that every party
bestows on the violence of those that support it) ; this it is likely sharpened
him more at that time.'
Om. ' and all about him,' and put rest of sentence in singular.
For 'the heads of the presbyterians ' read 'Douglas, and the other heads
of the party at Edinburgh.'
Om. ' if there were such . . . service in it.'
Om. ' all the wiser of.'
For 'was, that the bishops . . . room' read 'as the more dangerous method,
was that some few eminent men would be silenced, and that the state would
go on by degrees still singhng out a few.'
Retain the reading ' insensihle,' and add '[and] which would have been the
surer way,' omitting rest of sentence,
Om. ' and do their duty . . . connived at.'
For ' and according . . . received ' read ' and the nobility and gentry that were
well affected to them gathered such companies as they could bring together
about them, to give them public receptions, of which they were generally very
Om. 'before Michaelmas' ; after ' privy council' add 'at Glasgow.'
Om. ' or serving . . . immediately.'
For ' This was opposed . . . William Lockhart ' read ' Duke Hamilton and
sir James Lockhart, father to the famous sir William Lockhart, who was a
judge and a privy councillor, and had, especially in his old age, [/. i8 (a)] great
inclinations to that party, opposed this much.'
For ' had come . . . [i6]49 ' read ' fell within the act.'
For 'but the immediate . . . law ' read ' but the law, and the meritoriousness
of a zealous execution of it.'
For ' So the proclamation . . . out ' read ' So it was carried, and next day it
was printed.'
After ' turned out ' add ' on another act.'
Om. ' considering the consequence of it, or.'
After ' Sharp said' add ' often.'
After ' print ' add ' and said he was struck with it ; and he used always to
lay the load of all the disorders that followed afterwards upon that rash act ;
but I ever thought that was only because.'
Om. 'and all that sort of people.'
After 'honour' add ' So that I could never see why that law might not have
28 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
been executed as well as others ; and I make no doubt, but if he had been
present that council day, he had not only concurred in this act, but had set it on ' ;
and for ' The earl . . . submission of the presbyterians ' read ' The obedience
given to this act put Middleton to new measures.'
Om. ' and that some . . . preserve the church.'
After ' shewed ' add ' about a month before.'
After ' executed ' add ' but that he undertook to fill the churches of London
better than ever' (cf. Hist. i. 193).
For ' From thence ... at nothing ' read ' So they resolved to follow that
Om. {for the moment) 'and among others . . . protection.'
For ' well endowed ' read ' of the value of ;^6o a year.'
{Personal fortunes of Bicrnet, 1662-3.]
"■At that time Glencairn sent for me, and obliged me to be
oft with him ; he also made me acquainted with Mackenzie "
(known best in Scotland by the title of lord Tarbot, for he
was a judge, or, as we call them, a lord of the session). He
was a man of fine notions, and had the beginnings of very
valuable parts of learning ; so I delighted much in his com-
pany ; but I soon grew weary of Glencairn, '^ for he was dull
and haughty. " They both pressed me much to have accepted
[/. 18 (b')\ a benefice in the west" ; but I thank God that pre-
served me from it, the reasons of which will appear afterwards.
Now I began to be known to great men, and have ever since
been much in their company, which has brought much envy
and censure on me from other clergymen, who fancied that I
used odd arts to compass it. But I can give no other account
of that matter but this ; I never sought the acquaintance of
a great man in my whole life, but have often declined it ;
many loved me for my father's sake ; and I had a facetiousness
and easiness in conversation that was entertaining ; I had
read a variety of things, and could dress them in easy words,
so that many liked my company. I never imposed it on any ;
but I do not deny that I had great vanity in finding my com-
pany so much desired ; I talked much, and was in many things
very foolish and very faulty ; yet I began early to set myself
to serve all people that were low or in affliction. I waited often
» Cf. Hist. i. 155. b See ibid. 58. <: Ibid. 155.
1662-3] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. 18 (a)-i8 (b) 29
on Lorn ^ this winter [1662-3] in the castle of Edinburgh,
and conversed much both with him and Swinton '^ ; that which
carried me into Lorn's acquaintance was a friendship into
which the countess of Balcarres received me, who was then
a widow 3 ; both her lord and she had a great value for my
father ; and she, having heard no ill things of me, sent for me,
and we grew soon acquainted. I found her a woman of
great piety and worth * ; she was not bigoted to presbytery,
though she liked it better than episcopacy ; she has a fine
understanding, a pleasant temper, and having lived almost ten
year in the court ', she could talk of many things that were
quite new to me. In short, though I have found since that
she was mistaken in many things, yet the great conversation
I had with her this winter was a very good preparation for my
journey to London next year. From an acquaintance we en-
tered into a very great friendship (if this is not too proud and
too levelling a word) ; and it continues to this day very great,
though she has thought fit sometimes to let it fall ; yet when-
ever we meet it is the same it was.; and it would be greater
now than ever it was, both because she is now in affliction ",
and in her last troubles by the attainder of the earl of Argyll
' Lord Lorn (condemned to death Robert Moray (who had married her
Aug. 26, 1662) was not released from husband's sister), as well as with
prison till June 4, 1663. In October, Baxter, Cowley, &c. How well she
1663, he was restored to the family deserved the esteem accorded to her
title as ninth Earl of Argyll. by these distinguished men is shown
" See Lauderdale Papers, i. 64 ; and in Lord Lindsay's charming Memoir of
Mr. Airy's notes to i. 194, 229 of the Lady Anna Mackenzie. See also Lau-
Hist. in his edition. derdale Papers, i. 28, Mr. Airy's note ;
' Anna Mackenzie, daughter of Colin Hist., Mr. Airy's edition, i. 104, note.
Earl of Seaforth, married first Alex- * Baxter says 'her great wisdom,
ander second Lord Lindsay, afterwards modesty, piety, and sincerity made her
first Earl of Balcarres ; and secondly, accountedthesaintattheCourt'(quoted
in 1670, two years after the death of in Lord Lindsay's Memoir, pp. 52-3X
his first wife, that Earl of Argyll to 'From 1653, when, with her husband,
whom, as Lord Lorn, she had intro- she joined the exiled Court, to 1662,
duced Burnet. At the time we are w^hen she left London,whither she had
now considering, she had just settled returned on the Restoration pp. 32, 59
as a widow of a little over forty at ifbid.").
Balcarres ; her first husband, a mode- ' The second attainder of Argyll,
rate Presbyterian, or ' Resolutioner ' in 1681, reduced her and her children
loyalist, having died in 1659 in exile. almost to starvation ; and in Dec. 1683
She was related by birth or marriage she was questioned before the Privy
to the leading Scottish nobility of Council for corresponding with her
the day ; being very intimate with Sir husband {ibid. p. 124).
30 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
(whose wife she is now) I interposed to serve her with much
zeal, though not with equal success ^- Her friendship not only
led me into Lorn's acquaintance, but likewise opened a way
for me to some very useful friendships when I went to Eng-
land. » But that which of all my other friendships has proved
the greatest blessing of my life, was begun this summer
with bishop Leighton". I had heard him preach and was
ravished with him ; it was beyond all that I had ever heard, so
I found a way to be admitted into his [/. 1 9 (a)] acquaintance,
and I can truly say it, I never was with him but ''I felt
within me a commentary on these words, ' Did not our hearts
burn within us, while he talked with us ? "^ ' He led me into
higher thoughts than I had formerly known, both of a more
total deadness to the world, and of a more entire dedication
of my whole life to the service of God and to the good of
souls ; he quite emancipated me from the servility I was yet
somewhat in to systems and received opinions, and spoke
always of religion as a thing above opinions and parties, and
that these things were of no great consequence. He also
spake much to me of humility, of abasement, of being nothing
in one's eyes, and of being willing to be nothing in the eyes
of all the world ; these discourses of his, and the sad scene
that the country presented by the revolutions of affairs in it,
filled me with many serious thoughts. I had some uneasiness
at home, for my mother and all our family (being highly and
indiscreetly presbyterian) were much troubled to see me
episcopal, though I did not make haste to declare myself;
all these things cast me into a deep melancholy. I spent
whole days in silence and devotion, and the nights were
tedious to me. I set myself to study mathematics that
winter, and made a considerable progress with the help of
George Keith ^ that is now a quaker ; he is a great mathema-
' Cf. Hist. i. 138. ' Ibid. 135.
^ Hist. i. 520-1. matical and oriental learning. De-
' Keith, who had been a class- signed for the Presbyterian ministry,
fellow of Burnet's at Aberdeen between he became a Quaker between 1662 and
1653 and les'j, had distinguished him- 1664, but in 1700 finally seceded to
self there by his attainments in mathe- Anglicanism, and, becoming a mis-
i662] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 18 (6)-i9 {b) 31
tician, and a very extraordinary man, only too fanciful and
enthusiastical. He was then a presbyterian, and I took him
off from that, but he never settled to anything till he turned
quaker, yet in many things he differs from them.
\The presbyterian ministers described.^
But now I return to the public. " The presbyterian ministers
were now turned out ; they ^ were generally a grave and sober
sort of men ; ^ they had little learning among them " but that
of systems, commentaries ", and the Aristotelian philosophy ;
the reformers were the ancientest authors they read. ^ They
had much of the Scripture by heart ^ ; and their sermons were
full of quotations out of them, though they were seldom
critical in the application of them ; their ° way of preaching
was plain and intelligible, but very dull ; it went generally
on [?] doctrine, reason and use, only those of a more exalted
■ form ran out much into subtilties, about scruples which they
called cases of conscience "- They prayed long and with much
fervour ; they preached twice on Sunday, and for most part
once on a week-day ; they catechised all their people at least
once a year before their communions, ^and they used to visit the
families in their parishes oft, and to pray to them, and exhort
them in secret. They had also frequent private meetings
where those that were of a higher dispensation than the rest
.[/■ 19 W] "^^t' sometimes without the minister and sometimes
with him, and used to propose their cases and discourse about
them, and pray concerning them ; and by these means the
people (especially in the west where those practices were
frequenter) grew to that readiness both in discoursing about
sacred things and in praying that it has astonished me oft to
• Cf. Hist. i. 156. »" Ibid. 157. ' Ibid. 34. ^ Ibid. 156. » Ibid.
156 and 34. ' Ibid. 156.
sionary of the S. P. G., died in 1716, but able work, A modest and free
almost his latest published work bear- Conference betwixt a Conformist and
ing upon mathematical subjects (Rev. a Nonconformist about the present
Al. Gordon in Diet. Nat. Biog. xxx. distempers of Scotland, published by
318-21 ; Hist. ii. 348-9). him anonymously in .1669 at the age
' With this passage should be com- of twenty-six. This early estimate is
pared pp. 12-29 °f Burnet's youthful of course far less judicial in tone.
32 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
overhear them at these exercises; not but that they had
many impertinences among them, yet it was a wonderful thing
to me, and perhaps not to be paralleled anywhere, that the
generality of the commons should have been able to pray
extempore sometimes for a whole hour together. "Besides
this there was great severity in punishing some sins, such as
whoredoms, drunkenness, swearing, and breach of sabbath ;
and the church session and the pillar of repentance were
great terrors. For fornication one was to make public pro-
fession of repentance for three several Lord's days *, and this
was executed on all without respect of persons ; the present
duke Hamilton submitted to it before his marriage. ''They
were held in great esteem with the people ; they were likewise
for [the] most part men either of birth themselves, or had
married with gentlemen's families ; and they lived very
decently in the country. By all these things they had so
great an interest both with the gentry and commonalty, " that
it was no wonder if the turning out so many all at once made
great impressions on them. •* Their faults and defects were
not so conspicuous ; they were generally little men that had
narrow souls and low notions; many of them were fawning
and servile, especially to the ladies that were much esteemed
for piety ^ ; they were affected in their behaviour, and ex-
tremely apt to censure all that differed from them, and to
believe and report everything they heard to their prejudice,
and were a sour and supercilious sort of people.
Their opinions concerning civil governments ''-
®The greatest part of them had very ill principles as to
civil government ", of which there were two classes. The one
was of those that thought the people had an unalienable right
to them to assert their liberty and religion, in opposition
• Cf. Hist. i. 157. t Ibid. 156. = Ibid. 158. * Ibid. 157. • Ibid.
' This clause was omitted in the A note on this subject, too long to be
final revision only ; see Mr. Airy's inserted here, will be found among
edition, i. 273, note a. the Appendices to this volume.
• Burnet's views on non-resistance.
1662] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 19 {b)-2.o {a) 33
both to king and parliament, and to all the laws that could
be made ; and ever after the rising of the western counties in
the year [i6]48 against the parliament and their committee all
the high men amongst them have been forced, in order to the
justifying of that, [/. 20 (a)] to assert this principle, which
seemed ever to me the most destructive to the peace of man-
kind that could be. For if such a number of people as
find themselves in a capacity to resist the government may
lawfully do it then all governments are left to an eternal
danger ; since it is not possible to govern so, but very many
will be dissatisfied ; and these will think the ends of govern-
ment are broken by every ill administration. And as for
religion (that is of a spiritual nature, in which we are to ex-
pect only such rewards as are in this life internal and spiritual
and that will be eternal hereafter), it is certain we are to cast
that care on Him whose providence governs all human affairs,
and are to think it enough if we are truly religious ourselves,
and diffuse it among such as are about us ; but there being
such a vast difference of opinion concerning religion it is
certainly inconsistent with the peace of mankind (the pre-
serving which must be a great part of religion) that men
should raise commotions on that account. And this is yet
much clearer in the Christian religion ; in which, as we have
the declaration of our Saviour that his kingdom was not of
this world (for otherwise his servants would have fought for
him), and his practice likewise in reproving St. Peter when
he drew his sword in his defence, so it is also plain (both from
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans and St. Peter's first Epistle)
that the. Apostles condemned all resistance ; for indeed words
can scarce be found out that are more express and plain than
theirs are upon the subject. The nature of the Christian
religion proves this yet more fully than any particular text
can do ; it is a doctrine of faith, patience, humility, self-denial,
contempt of the world, and resignation to the will of God ;
we are called in it to bear crosses, to suffer persecution, and
to be ready to offer up our lives with joy for it ; so that I
much less wonder to find men that are very serious Christians
34 Burners Original Memoirs [1662
to be against all wars whatsoever than to see them led into
opinions about the lawfulness of resistance on that account.
It is also clear from the practice of all nations and from
what is set down both in the Old and New Testaments that
a state of slavery is neither contrary to laws of nature, nor re-
ligion, nor to the Christian doctrine ; for in the New Testament
masters are nowhere charged to [manumit] ^ their servants
but only to use them well, and St. Paul thought himself
obliged to send Onesimus back to Philemon, for a servant
having by a fair bargain given up his liberty was ever there-
after subject to his master; and by a greater congruity of
reason, if a nation had chosen representatives who had con-
sented to laws that gave away their liberty in the matter of
resistance [/. 3o (i5)] the thing is done, and can never be
reversed but by the same authority that established it. So
far I have given my sense of this very dangerous opinion that
many of them hold.
A .digression concerning government.
The second opinion was that the king and the law were
never to be resisted — that is, the king [and] ^ parliament, or
the king governing according to law — but that laws were the
measures of subjects' submission as well as of their obedience,
and that the king was as much bound to his people by his
coronation oath, as they were bound to him by the oath of
allegiance ; and therefore when he brake the one they were
absolved from the other and might defend themselves, par-
ticularly if there were any provisos in the law that seemed to
reserve this right to them. This becomes a question of law :
Whether the king is the head of the government or is only
trusted with it as the chief minister in it. In our case this
seemed to me to be out of doubt ; for a king among us has
his full power before he is crowned, so that, whatever coro-
nations might have been anciently, they are now only the
' ' Emancipate' is the original reading ; corrected by Burnet to 'manumit.'
' This seems preferable to the ' or' of the MS.
1662] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 20 (a)-2i (a) 35
pompous declarations of his power and not the investitures
by which he receives it ; and therefore his oath is only an
obligation on himself to God. And since by plain and express
laws all the power of the militia is vested singly in the king
(with as positive exclusions of the subjects using force against
him as can be contrived in words) all this falls to the ground ;
and whatever power of self-preservation may be supposed to be
in men before such laws were made, yet, these being once made,
all that ceases and the liberty of the subject is in so far given
up. This has been always my opinion in this matter ; yet I do
not deny, but the thing will bear a great debate from the
nature and ends of government, in cases where they are visibly
violated by high degrees of rage and cruelty. But all I can
say in that case is, that it is certain a madman ceases to be
a man and naturally falls under guardians and tutors, and
every man has a right to stop him, if he runs about to do
mischief ; so the rage of a monstrous tyrant may be presumed
to be really phrensy, and in that case he may be restrained
and the next heir is guardian ; not so much because his
people cease to be subjects as because he ceases to be a man.
But this falls out so seldom that it signifies nothing to the
debate as it is stated amongst us. I will go a little further
on this head because I studied it much with Mr. Nair[n ?]
[/. 31 («)] at this time and have since that time applied my
thoughts so much to it that if I am able to search any one
thing to the bottom, I have done it in this matter ; and indeed
my aversion to the ill conduct of affairs, and somewhat of
natural heat and carelessness in my temper, has given me the
bias rather in favour of resistance than against it ; so that
nothing but the force of reason and conscience has determined
me against it. I confess I could never understand what they
meant who settled monarchy or the power of princes upon
a divine right. Indeed, under the Mosaical dispensation (in
which the Jews had the land of Canaan by an immediate
grant from Heaven) God did reserve the supreme civil
government to himself, and by prophets (solemnly authorized)
he declared on whom he would have it fall. So it was done
D a
36 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
in the cases of Saul, David, Jeroboam, and Jehu ; therefore
all that is in the Old Testament concerning civil government
belonged only to the policy of the Jews and signifies nothing
to the present matter. But in the New Testament there are
no particular forms of government prescribed, only general
rules both for governors and subjects are given. The Roman
government was then in one person, not only by conquest,
but by the surrender the senate had made to Augustus, which
gave him and his family a good title. I was for sometimes
\sic] pleased with Dr. Hammond's notion ^, that the power of
the sword must be from God since the people could never
devolve it, for no man can give that which he has not ; since
then no man has a right either to kill himself, or to kill
another, the right of killing can only come from God. This
looked fine and plausible, but I thought it too fine and at
last found the flaw in it. In order to the opening this, I shall
give the best account I can of the beginning and nature of
government. Certainly every father had an absolute power
over his children, but upon his death they were all free ; for
primogeniture cannot be supposed by the law of nature to
give the elder brother any sort of authority over his younger
brethren. So upon the multiplication of mankind (their first
seats growing too narrow for them) we cannot but suppose
that they hived \sic\ out to the next fields, and countries ;
and the first possession gave a man as much right to any
fields as he that came "first could employ or manage ; and he
that came next had a right to sit down at a competent dis-
tance from him. Now self-preservation being a part of the
law of nature, every man has it entire that is a free man ; and
such were all men upon the death of their father. There are
two branches in self-preservation ; the one is a right [/. 21 (b)^
to beat off a violent and unjust aggressor ; the other is a
right to take reparation of any sudden or violent invasion ;
and without the second the first cannot effect its end (which
' The allusion is probably to the tract by Hammond, Of resisting the
famous Practical Catechism, Book II, lawful magistrate under colour ^ reli-
sect. V. There is, however, also a gion, published at Oxford in 1644.
1662] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 21 (a)-2i {h) 37
is self-preservation) ; and a man's whole property comes
under the general notion of himself. Every man likewise
owes his neighbour assistance in the case of invasion, both as
it is an act of humanity to another and as it is a mean to
cover himself; for he cannot expect that another should assist
him but as he is ready likewise to give him assistance when
he needs it. Now, government or civil society is nothing,
but a compromise for the use of this second branch of self-
preservation (that is the taking just revenge, or reparation)
in which men reserve the first part entire still of covering
themselves from an unjust aggressor (for that will not admit
of delays nor stay for forms) ; but they resign up the other.
Therefore I think, with reverence to Dr. Hammond (whose
memory I highly honour '), that every man had a right to the
sword against his neighbour that invaded him, both for self-
defence and for just revenge ; and that government is the
resigning up the second of these to be managed in such a
method as shall be agreed on. Now the first occasion of
these compacts seems to have risen from the loose companies
of robbers who lived on spoil and entered into combinations
for the managing their designs and dividing the spoil ; and as
they prevailed over the weaker and more industrious part of
mankind, that gave themselves to agriculture, so conquest and
absolute monarchies did grow and spread itself \sic\ by those
troops of successful robbers ; and the combination[s] of the more
industrious seem to have given the beginnings to common-
wealths which [oft times or at times ^] were eaten up by con-
querors. Another beginning of governments seems to have risen
out of the industry and success of some and the laziness and
unsuccessfulness of others, who were thereby reduced to such
extremities, as to sell themselves to the others ; and by this
means a rich man like Abraham came to have a great family,
and with his 318 males he must have grown up quickly to a
vast empire, since we see to what a number seventy-two souls
1 For Burnet's high sense of Ham- ed by Burnet, in correction of the
mond's virtues see Hist. i. 177. words ' at time ' written by the tran-
" The phrase in brackets is insert- scriber.
38 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662
increased in Egypt in 400 years' time. So it is probable that
those masters of numerous families took large countries and
gave their servants a great deal of their liberty again ; but
retained still a dominion over their properties or lives though
they did not always use it ; and out of this the more regular
and lasting monarchies seem to have risen. [/. 11 («)] But
upon the whole matter, since property and liberty are things
alienable, we are not now to examine what were the first
fountains or beginnings of this power, but must take things as
we now find them. Those who assert a divine right had best
shew where God has declared it, how it has come into such
a family, how it comes to go in some governments to the
heir general, and in others only to the heir male, besides
many other vast diversities that are in government ; and how
to derive all these from God, is that which I could never con-
ceive. But on the other hand, though I do not derive my
property to my goods from the law of God but hold it only
by the law of the land where I live, yet having this property
once vested in me, the law of God sets a fence about it and
binds up all men's consciences, so that they cannot break in
upon this property without sinning against God. So likewise
though I can see no -divine right on which the king can found
his title (there being no declaration made by God — unless it
be in his supernatural curing the king's evil on which I
believe he would not willingly ground his title — ) yet he has
otherwise a very good right. First, a long and immemorial
possession which is the first title to any property ; this has
been often confirmed in his ancestors and in himself by plain
and express laws, and is more particularly bound upon the
consciences of his people by the oath of allegiance, all which
are indeed human titles, but they vest in him the same right
to the crown, and to all the prerogatives of it, and in particular
to that of the militia, that any other man has in his property ;
and as the law of God secures every man in his property
so that it is theft or robbery for another to invade it, so the
same rule secures the king in his, so that it is usurpation and
rebellion to invade any part of it. And thus I have taken
1662-3] Harl. MSS. 6584, f. 21 (Z>)-22 (b) 39
occasion to give this full and plain account of my opinion as
to civil government and all rebellion against it ; which I
have so openly and frequently declared both in books, in
sermons, and in familiar discourses, that if I had not seen too
much of the injustice and baseness of the world to wonder at
anything I should wonder much to find myself aspersed as
a favourer of rebellion ; whereas I think there is no man
living whose principles determine him more steadily against
it. But I leave this digression and return to the change
now made in Scotland.
[Prejudices infused against episcopacy I\
Cf. Hist. i. 158 (' The people were much troubled . . . before he died ').
For ' infusing . . . both in public and private ' read ' preaching to the people.'
For ' was to destroy . . . vice ' read ' flowed from an enmity to Christ and to
the power of religion.'
[/ 22 (fi)] For 'aimed . . . immoral' read 'were to be raised above their
brethren ; and so they made their hearers believe that all zeal and strictness
in religion was \sic\ to be borne down among them.'
After 'northern parts' add 'such as had only taught schools there, and
many of them could not get so high.'
Otn. ' the most concerned ' ; and from ' I have thus opened ' to end of para-
\Burnefs own conduct {winter of 1662-3),]
I was all this winter at Edinburgh, and went very little
abroad ; I read besides mathematics ^ several of the fathers,
and went through the tomes of the Councils in a series, till
I came down to the second Nicene Council ; and out of the
canons that I found there I formed an idea of church
government that quite spoiled me as to all preferment.
I made a large abstract of what I liked best in all those
ages, and I took up then such notions as I could never since
that time lay down. I grew to hate all opinions that tended
to raise the wealth and the secular power of the clergy, and
insensibly came to love a monastic state of life.' I hated our
contentions at home, and my melancholy prevailed so upon
me, that nothing but clear and strong principles could have
preserved me from going over to the church of Rome, and
See ante, p. 30.
40 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1662-3
entering into a religious order. I writ an unsubscribed'
letter to. Sharp, setting before him the miserable state [/. 23 (<«)]
in which we were falling, and begged him to think on some-
what to heal our breaches, and to settle us again. I sent it
by my man, who did not come away so quick but he was
examined and owned that he came from me. Sharp bid him
tell me that he would be glad to speak with me, so two days
after I went to him. I had never seen him before ; I kneeled
for his blessing, so by that he saw I was episcopal. He
treated rqje roughly, and asked me what I had to propose for
the settlement of the government or church. I told him
remedies could be easily found out, if there were once
a disposition to seek for them ; but being pressed by him
to offer somewhat, I proposed the suffering all the presby-
terians to return to such churches as were not yet planted,
and then seeking expedients for keeping matters in some
unity till they should die out, and in the meanwhile to be
taking care of a good breed ^. He grew a little calm at last,
and told me that young men understood not government and
ought not to meddle in it ; he believed I had good intentions,
but charged me not to talk of that that passed between us to
any person ; and so dismissed me with some civilities. I con-
fess a disease had now got into my mind which held me above
ten years. It was an opinion that I had that mankind was
capable of amendment, and that churches and churchmen
could be reformed, and that abuses might be so laid open that
they should grow generally odious to all the world. With
these things I pleased as well as I vexed myself very long,
and I made it my chief business in the study of antiquity
to pick up everything that might fortify these notions ; and
I have had many discourses with bishop Leighton concerning
'■ This ' letter ' which was ' unsub- which was not known to exist, has
scribed' and written before Burnet's been found among the Burnet MSS.
introduction to Sharp (see f. 23(a) iK/ra) in the Bodleian (Add. MSS. D. 23, ff.
must not be confounded with the 103-10), and will be published by the
signed 'Memorial' sent by Burnet in Scottish Historical Society in their
1666 to all the bishops of Burnet's ac- next Miscellany,
quaintance (see Hist. i. 217, and Mr. ^ This was Leighton's scheme ; see
Airy's note in loco, i. c. vol. i. p. 387 supra, p. 16 ; and Hist. i. 274-6.
of his edition). A copy of the latter.
1662-3] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 22 (3)-23 {b) 41
them, who had heat enough that way. *Mr. Charteris had
always the true notion of this matter, that it was a vain thing
to dream of mending the world" (and chiefly that which is
generally the worst part of it, I mean churchmen) ; so that
all that a wise or good man ought to do was to possess his
own mind with good notions and to infuse them in some few
individuals that were prepared for them, or were capable of
them ; and that it was a fruitless labour to hope to propagate
them to the world, or to do any good on great numbers. But
these things did not cool me ; time and experience have at
last done it ; for I have now for many years laid down all
these thoughts upon which I had formerly raised many
schemes and formed many models.
In the beginning of the next year 1663 ''a plot was dis-
covered in London, and one that was taken for it said to
the king that if he would save his life he would tell him
where the lord Warriston was ; upon which it being found
that he was at Rouen, one was sent to the court of France for
a warrant to seize him ; and that being granted, he was taken
and brought over to [/. 33 {b)'\ the Tower of London ''. When
the news of this came to Scotland my mother (who loved her
brother to a very high degree) desired me to go to London to
be assistant to his lady, hoping that I might have easy access
to Lauderdale ; so I went thither. It fell in an ill time ; for
Lauderdale, being then in his struggle for mastery with
Middleton, would not meddle in any sort to do us any service.
We solicited all the hungry courtiers ; many that had a great
mind to our money tried what could be done ; but they all
found it was a thing too big for them to meddle with ; so after
five months' fruitless attendance ''he was sent down to Scot-
land, but the end of his business shall be told in its proper
place ".
Middleton disgraced.
Cf. Hist. i. 200 {from ' But now I return ' io p. 203, ' for all his high character ').
For ' But now I return . . . received by the king ' read ' At this time several
papers passed between Lauderdale and Middleton, for as soon asthe latter came up.'
For ' The lord Clarendon . . . fortnight ' read only ' which was done about
a fortnight after.'
» Cf. Hist. i. 248. '■ Ibid. 198. Ibid.
42 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1662-3
Aftey ' writing ' add ' that so he might prepare an answer for them. Lauder-
dale sent his paper to him within two days.'
For ' all on design . . . they had done ' read ' Clarendon advised his delaying
it as long as could be.'
For ' Sheldon . . . errors ' read ' both Sheldon, who was then in high favour,
and Monk were set on the king, to mitigate his displeasure against Middleton.'
For ' who knew Scotland . . . service ' read ' said it would discontent all the
cavalier interest.'
Om. (for the time) ' And to support all this ... go up ' ; reading only ' During
this contest. Sharp came up.'
Om. ' and that he would lay . . . advice sent to him.'
For ' When he reproached . . . denied all ' read ' He protested to him he had
opposed the billeting ', and had put in a billet of white paper.'
After ' shewed it to Sharp ' add ' written all with his own hand, and signed
by him and nine other bishops.'
For ' in a most abject manner' read ' like a child that was to be whipped.'
After ' power ' add ' and they that were not yet well settled and knew they
had so many enemies durst not provoke him and his friends, which was all
the party they had.'
Om. ' would forgive . . . past, and ' ; also ' So Sharp . . . wholly his.'
[/ 24 (a)] After ' the next day ' insert ' for he grew very soon to put some
confidence in me, and to speak to me of public affairs.'
For ' Sharp . . . well ' read ' So that Sharp began to think it might be more
for their interest to have Middleton changed than continued ; he found.'
Om. 'which he was uneasy . . . resist it ' ; and 'for the lord Lauderdale . . .
readily do.'
Om. ' desiring him . . . kept down.'
After ' king's hand ' add ' and signet.'
After ' mind in the matter ' add ' Lauderdale represented this to the king as
a strange piece of insolence.' '
Om. 'when his head , . . mind it ;' and for 'bid him . , . master of him-
self read 'said somewhat, which he fancied amounted to a warrant to recall
his letter.'
Om. ' The queen-mother . . . end of May ' and substitute ' Middleton gave
in his answer [cf. Hist. i. 200] in which he laid all upon the parliament, and
said he thought he had taken the safest way, by which, as he gratified so loyal
a parliament, so he kept the thing entire to the king to do with it what he
pleased. Within two or three days after he had given in his answer [/ 24 (6)]
Lauderdale had a reply ready, which was soon put in his hands ; and he took
as much time to answer that, as he did for the former. In the meantime
many letters came from Scotland [cf. ibid, infra'] of the insolencies of the
presbyterian party, and that the churchmen who built all their expectations
on Middleton's zeal and steadiness were quite discouraged ; all the cavaliers
and the clergy about the court had this in their mouths perpetually, and Lauder-
dale expostulated with Sharp, as giving the credit, if not the being, to these
discourses ; and he knew him too well to believe his protestations to the
contrary for his own vindication. At last, in the beginning of May, Middleton
' Cf. Lauderdale Papers, i. 112 3.
1663] Harl. MSS. 6584-, ff. 23 {by-z^ {a) 43
gave in his second paper of answers, and so they both left the matter before
the king, and on the 22nd of May.'
After ' trust ' add ' in which Monk spake the most.'
Om. ' Yet he promised . . . honest man.'
After ' after that ' add ' on the agth of May.'
For ' after a sort . . . injustice ' read ' [his] greatness overset him.'
Om. ' He and his company . . . anything like it, so.'
For ' great magnificence . . . many ' read • the highest magnificence of any
commissioner I ever saw in Scotland.'
Om. 'and he was a firm . . . enemy.'
For ' trust him ' read ' trust him too much ; ' and for ' and kept . . . high
character ' read ' for holding another session of parliament. Crawford also
resigned up the treasury, and Rothes was made treasurer. Sir Robert Moray
was appointed to officiate as secretary in Lauderdale's absence \'
[Burnet in England, 1663".]
But now I shall give some account of myself during my
stay at London. I contracted two friendships that proved
of great use to me ; " one was with sir Robert Moray * and
the other with Mr. Drummond, and they were both of that
importance that in the daily enumeration I make in my
thanksgivings to God for the signal blessings of my life I
never forgot \sic\ them. Sir Robert Moray ^ was a wonderful
composition [/". 35 (a)] of a man ; there was nothing of art or
form in him, all was simple and natural. "" He had a great
strength of apprehension and vivacity of mind '' in pursuing
lively notions ; he knew mankind well, and though he never
spake hardly of any man, yet when he gave characters of
men to a friend, it appeared he did it with great judgement.
He was not imposed upon by vulgar opinions or prejudices,
but had a most unclouded clearness of mind. " He had
studied Epictetus much and had wrought up his mind to
all his maxims, so that things without him seemed to make
no impressions on him, and he was ever the same, so well
poised that I never saw him in different tempers ". He could
pass from business to learning, from that to pious discourses,
« Cf. Life {Hist, ii), p. 676. >> Cf. Hist. i. 59. = Ibid, supra.
1 See Mr. Airy's notes, Hist, in loco. ^ The reader should compare the
" ForthisepisodeseeaK/^,p. 41; Au- characters of Moray given in Hist. i.
tobiography, infra, ff. 199, 200 ; the Life 59 ; Life {Hist, ii), p. 676 ; Auto, infra,
by Thomas Burnet(appended to //«<.ii), f. 200 ; and Scottish Review, Jan., 1885
p. 676 ; Hist. i. 200, and Routh's note. (Mr. Airy).
44 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1663
and then go into familiar prating, and go round again, with
that easiness that it was visible nothing went deeper into his
thoughts than as he had a mind it should go. " He had noble
and generous thoughts of God and religion*. The chief
exercise of his devotion was every night to review what he
had seen that day, with acts of adoration, celebrating such
of the divine attributes as appeared to him in the new
occurrences of providence ; and this he did commonly in an
audible discourse which he said heated his fancy and fixed
his thoughts. He had some favourable characters written to
him of me by the countess of Balcarres ^, and after a whiles
general conversation, he took me into his bosom, and carried
me always about with him ; so that I spent the half of the
day in his company ; and he gave me more good rules for
human life than I had ever heard before. One thing in him
was quite new to me, which was the receiving all that came to
him with an open and cheerful visage as if he had known
them long, and his talking of indifferent things frankly to
them ; this was very obliging, and took off that restraint
of bashfulness that is on modest men. '^ His greatest act
of kindness was to me in reproving what he saw amiss in
me * ; which was, too much talk, and a bold way of speaking ;
a readiness to censure others, and to set a value on myself,
and to affect to talk eloquently ^ ; of this last he cured me
quite, and shewed me how far plain simple reason was
beyond all laboured stuff; but my other faults were too
deeply rooted to be soon cured. My other friend was
Mr. Drummond ^, who had lived above ten year in London,
and had done great services to many of his countrymen
" Cf. Hisl. i. 59. I- Ibid, and Life {Hist, ii), p. 676.
' See ante, p. 29, note 3. correspondent of Sharp (see Lauder-
^ Cf. with tiiis frank self-condemna- dale Papers, i. 3, 36, 41-56, 60, 64-90,
tion the very amusing and garrulous 93, 94^. A Presbyterian minister
reminiscences of Cockburn, who had ■ Uving in London, he had acted as a
known Burnet in early youth, and channel between Sharp, before his de-
speaks much of his self-conceit (A fection, and the English Presbyterians ;
specimen of some free andinipartial re- andalsoservedoccasionallyastheinter-
marks . . . occasioned by Dr. Burnet's mediary between Sharp in Scotland
'History,' Remark II, pp. 27-30). and Lauderdale in England {ibid. 79,
'i.e. Mr. Patrick Drummond, the 88, 90, and see Auto. !"/)•«, f. 200;.
1663] Harl MSS. 6584, J. 25 (a)-25 (b) 45
(especially to Lauderdale and Crawford in their imprison-
ment) and had been Sharp's particular friend and confidant.
He lived then in sir Thomas Viner's house ^ as his friend,
and was very low in a consumption ; it was believed he had
an ulcer in his lungs, and it was not thought he could have
lived a month to an end ; but [/ 25 (3)] a chemical medicine
had a wonderful effect on him, for it recovered him so that he
lived ten years after, but he had never perfect health. He
was a generous and worthy man, and set himself much to
do good ; his heart was full of religion ; he was free of all
superstition and bigotry, and saw through the errors and
follies of all parties. He was a man of great understanding
and of a true judgement. He likewise took me to task, for he
was morose and used to chide me for my faults a little too
much ; but between him and sir Robert Moray I had many
a severe chiding ; and though I mended but slowly upon it,
yet they found I took all in such good part that they were
much encouraged to go on with me ; and indeed they both
took as much pains on me to form me right as if I had been
their brother, which was an invaluable blessing to me. For
now I was all in a fermentation ; my devotion was much
rubbed off, and I was swelled up with pride and vanity ; so
mercifully did God deal with me in providing me with two
such faithful friends and prudent monitors. I made at this
time great acquaintance among all sorts of people. I resolved
to know some of the more select of all parties, as Thurscrosse^
and Thorndike ^ among the high episcopal men ; " Wilkins *,
» Cf. Life {Hist, ii), p. 676.
' One of Sharp's letters is addressed note; see also Auto, infra, f. 199).
to him 'at Mr. Thomas Viner, his ' Herbert Thorndike (1598-1672),
shop in Lombard Street, London.' the distinguished scholar and divine
' Dr.Timothy Thurscrosse (or Thirst- (whose works have been republished in
crosse), a fellow of Magdalen College, theLibraryof Anglo-CatholicTheology,
is mentioned in the Life of Barwick as and whose views on the Eucharist
a person of great piety, who in 1660 were regarded by Newman, after his
was living in Westminster. He sub- secession, as essentially orthodox), was
sequently (?) became Prebendary of a fellow of Trinity, Cambridge, and
York, and is said to have had some con- spent the years 1662-6 in the Uni-
nexion with the Charterhouse ; in versity (see Did. Nat. Biog. and
1670 he was a fellow of Eton (note Auto, infra, i. 199).
communicated by Mr. Doble, from * John • Wilkins (1614-72), who
Fasti Oxonienses, ed. Bliss, col. 408, under the Commonwealth had been
Burnet's Original Memoirs
Whitchcot ^ Tillotson 2, and Stillingfleet ^ among the moderate
episcopal men, " who were then called Latitudinarians ^ ; and
Baxter * and Manton ^ among the presbyterians ; •" and I went
to both universities. At Cambridge I conversed most with
Dr. More ^, whose candour and philosophic temper charmed
me much '' ; I went also to Dr. Gunning '', but could not bear
with his disputations and scholastical way. The new philo-
sophy was then much in all people's discourse and the Royal
Society was much talked of, and I knew enough of those
matters to make some appearance * ; and indeed I concealed
nothing I knew. ° At Oxford I found ecclesiastical learning
" Cf. Hist. i. 188. •> Cf. Life {Hist, ii), p. 676. <= Cf. ibid.
successively Warden of Wadham and
Master of Trinity, Cambridge, had
been deprived of the latter ofSce at
the Restoration ; and was at this
time Secretary of the Royal Society
(incorporated, principally at his in-
stance, a few months earlier). About
four years after this date he became
Vicar of St. Lawrence, Jewry, and
shortly after was raised to the See
of Chester {Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Hist. i.
186-7, 3i^d Mr. Airy 's note; Auto. infra,
f. 199).
' Benjamin Whichcote (1609-83),
distinguished under the Common-
wealth (as Vice-chancellor of Cam-
bridge and Provost of King's) for his
moderate conduct and ' Rational '
theology, had been ejected on the
Restoration ; but on complying with
the Act of Uniformity he had been
appointed, a few months before this
date, to the cure of St. Anne's, Black-
friars {Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Hist. i. 186-7,
and Mr. Airy's note ; and Auto, infra,
f. 199).
' John Tillotson (1630-94), sub-
sequently Archbishop of Canterbury,
had been ejected in 1660 (in favour of
Gunning, who is said to have been
himself previously ejected) from a
fellowship at Clare Hall, Cambridge.
He then took orders, and conformed,
and was at this date Rector of Ke-
dington, Suffolk {Diet. Nat. Biog. ;
Hist. i. 189, and Mr. Airy's note ; Auto.
infra, f. 199).
^ Edward Stillingfleet (1635-99),
at this time Rector of Sutton
and subsequently Bishop of Wor-
cester, was already, despite his
youth, known on account of his Ireni-
cum (1659) and Origines (1662) as
a man of learning and original ability
{Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Hist. i. 189, and Mr.
Airy's note ; Auto, infra, f. 199).
* Richard Baxter (having been driven
from the Church by the Act of Uni-
formity) was at this time living in
retirement at Acton, Middlesex {Diet.
Nat. Biog., and Auto, infra, f. 199).
^ Thomas Manton (1620-77), the
' Prelate of the Presbyterians,' had
left the living of St. Paul's, Covent
Garden, rather than conform ;^and had
apparently by this time opened a con-
venticle {Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Hist. i.
259, 308 ; Auto, infra, f. 199).
' Henry More, the famous ' Christian
Platonist ' (1614-87), was a fellow of
Christ's, Cambridge (Diet. Nat. Biog. ;
Hist. i. 187-8, and Mr. Airy's note ;
Auto, infra, f. 199).
' For Peter Gunning (1614-84),
afterwards Bishop of Ely, see Hist.
i. 181, 436 (and Mr. Airy's notes in
lods), 590. He was at this time head
of St. John's, Cambridge, and Regius
Professor of Divinity. His high
Royalist and Anglican views, and his
opposition to Baxter at the Savoy
conference, are well known {Diet.
Nat. Biog. ; Auto, infra, f. 199).
° Cf. A Discourse on the Memory
of . . . Sir Robert Fletcher of Saltoun
. . . 1665, p. 65 ; Hist. i. 500 ; Life
by Thomas Burnet, appended to Hist.
ii. 690, and the Auto, infra, f. 209.
1663] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 25 (6)-26 (a) 47
more in request ; and there my study of antiquity (I being
then so young) did me some service *, or rather it advanced
my vanity. I was much dehghted with the spirit I saw in
Dr. Fell ^ and Dr. Allestry ^, who were two of the devoutest
men I saw in England ; they were much mortified to the
world and fasted and prayed much ; only they were too
hot as I thought in some little matters. My declaring for
Lauderdale and ^ my being much with Dr. Wallis ** (to whom
sir Robert Moray recommended me) made me pass for
a presbyterian '^ with them ; so they were reserved to me
[/. 26 [d)\ ; or perhaps they looked on me as a vain confident
boy, who had a little knowledge and a vast deal of pride.
" From the universities I returned to London ", where I needed
some of the mortifications that my two friends there gave me.
^ But now I came to understand a little the state of the court
and church of England, and I shall give a true account of it
all, ' in which the reader is not to expect things so punctual
as he found concerning Scotland ^.
I begin with a character of the king and the duke, but
I must give these at present very imperfect, otherwise
what I write may happen to be seized on, and I know not
what may be made of that ^ ; but I will venture on a good
deal now, and if ever I outlive them I will say the rest then
when it will be more safe.
" Cf. Life {Hist, ii), p. 676. •> Cf. ibid. « Cf. ibid. ^ Cf. Hist. i. 159,
200. ® Ibid. 91.
1 John Fell (1625-86), expelled as Duty of Man (see Did. Nat. Biog.,
a student from Oxford for his fervent and Mr. Doble in Academy for Nov.
royalism, had taken orders in 1647 and 1884 ; Hist. ii. 644 ; Auto, infra, i. 199).
writh Dolben, Allestree, &c. kept up the * John Wallis (i6i6-i703\ the
Anglican tradition at Oxford. At the celebrated mathematician, Savilian
Restoration he became Canon and Professor of Geometry at O.xford from
Dean of Christ Church and chaplain 1649, and a founder of the Royal
to the king; and was Bishop of Society, had been ordained in 1640,
Oxford 1675-86 {Did. Nat. Biog. ; had held livings under the Common-
Hist. i. 601, 694-5 ; Auto, infra, f. 199). .wealth, had acted as secretary to the
^ The learned Richard Allestree Westminster Assembly, and bore the
(1619-81), a friend and associate of title of D.D. {Diet. Nat. Biog., and
Fell's, became on the Restoration Canon Aato. infra, {. 199%
of Christ Church and Regius Professor. * He evidently alludes to the pos-
He was subsequently Provost of Eton ; sibihty of his own arrest, in conse-
and has been now identified with the quence of his connexion with Russell
anonymous author of the Whole some weeks before; there can be no
48 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
The kings character *:
* The king is certainly the best bred man in the world * ; for
the queen-mother observed often the great defects of the late
king's breeding and the stiff roughness that was in him, by
which he disobliged very many and did often prejudice his
affairs very much ; so she gave strict orders that the young
princes should be bred to a wonderful civility. '' The king is
civil rather .to an excess and has a softness and gentleness
with him, both in his air and expressions, that has a charm
in it. " The duke would also pass for an extraordinary civil
and sweet tempered man if the king were not much above
him in it", who is more naturally and universally civil than the
duke. The king has a vast deal of wit (indeed no man has
more), and a great deal of judgement when he thinks fit to
employ it ; he has strange command of himself, he can pass
from business to pleasure and from pleasure to business in
so easy a manner that all things seem alike to him ; he has
the greatest art of concealing himself of any man alive, so
that those about him cannot tell when he is ill or well pleased,
and in private discourse he will hear all sorts of things in such
a manner that a man cannot know whether he hears them or
not, or whether he is well or ill pleased at them. ^ He is very
affable not only in public but in private, only ' he talks too
much and runs out too long and too far. He has a very ill
opinion both of men and women, and so is infinitely distrust-
ful ; he thinks the world is governed wholly by interest ", and
indeed he has known so much of the baseness of mankind that
no wonder if he has hard thoughts of them ; but when he is
satisfied that his interests are likewise become the interests of
" Cf. Hist. i. 612 ; ii. 66i. >> Ibid, and i. 93. " Cf. ibid. ii. 661.
* Ibid. i. 93. " Ibid. 94 and 612-3.
specific reference to the papers of vol. vii, Appendix II, p. i8g. The
Algernon Sidney, unless this passage reader should compare, not only the
was added after his trial in Nov., portraits mentioned by Mr. Airy in
1683. his note to Hist. i. p. 166 of his edi-
^ Printed previously by Von Ranke, tion, but the admirable character of
EngUsche Geschichte, ed. Leipzig, i868, Charles II by the Marquis of Halifax.
1683] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 26 (a)-26 ip) 49
his ministers then he delivers [/. 36 (3)] himself up to them in
all their humours and revenges : for excusing this he has often
said, that he must oblige his ministers and support their credit
as necessary for his service ; yet he has often kept up differences
amongst his ministers and has balanced his favours pretty
equally among them, which (considering his temper) must be
uneasy to him, except it be that there is art necessary and he
naturally inclines to refinings and loves an intrigue. * His love
of pleasure and his vast expense with his women*, together with
the great influence they have had in all his affairs both at home
and abroad, is the chief load that will lay on him ; for not only
the women themselves have great power, but his court is full
of pimps and bawds, and all matters in which one desires to
succeed must be put in their hands. ^ He has very merciful
inclinations'" when one submits wholly to him, but is severe
enough on those that oppose him, and speaks of all people
with a sharpness that is not suitable to the greatness of
a prince. He is apt to believe what is told him, so that the
first impression goes deepest, for he thinks all apologies are
lies. ■= He has knowledge in many things, chiefly in all naval
affairs ; even in the architecture of ships he judges as critically
as any of the trade can do, and knows the smallest things
belonging to it ; he understands much natural philosophy and
is a good chymist ; he knows many mechanical things and
the inferior parts of the mathematics, but not the demonstra-
tive ; *he is very little conversant in books, and, young and old,
he could never apply himself to literature*. He is very kind
to those he loves, but never thinks of doing anything for
them, so that if they can find things for themselves he will
easily enough grant them, but he never sets himself to find out
anything for them ; and I never heard of above three or four
instances of any places that he gave of his own motion, so
that those who have received most of his bounty think they
owe the thanks more to their instruments than to himself.
'He never entefs upon business with any himself, but if his
» Cf. Hist. i. 94. •> Ibid. 612 contradicts this. ■= Ibid. 94. « Cf.
ibid, and 611. " Cf. ibidg^.
50 * Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
ministers can once draw him into business, they may hold him
at it as long as they will. * He loves his ease so much, that
the great secret of all his ministers is to find out his temper
exactly and to be easy to him. ^ He has many odd opinions
about religion and morality ; he thinks an implicitness in
religion is necessary for the safety of government, and he
looks [y; 27 («)] upon all inquisitiveness into those things as
mischievous to the state ; " he thinks all appetites are free
and that God will never damn a man for allowing himself
a little pleasure", and on this he has so fixed his thoughts that
no disorders of any kind have ever been seen to give him any
trouble when they were over, and in sickness (except in his
ague in [16] 7 9'^) he seemed to have no concern on his mind.
■^And yet I believe he is no atheist"^, but that rather he has
formed an odd idea of the goodness of God in his mind ; ®he
thinks, to be wicked and to design mischief, is the only thing
that God hates, and has said to me often, that he was sure he
was not guilty of that". I think I have gone pretty far, and
scarce know how I should scape under the present chief
justice^, if this should happen to be seized on.
The duke's character^.
I go next to the duke ; he has not the king's wit nor quick-
ness, but that is made up by great application and industry,
^ insomuch that he keeps a journal of all that passes, of which
he shewed me once a great deal, and he had employed the late
duchess to write it out in the style of a history, for she writ
very correctly, and he intended to have made me prosecute
what she had begun, which he shewed me. ^ He has jiaturally
a candour and a justice in his temper very great, and is a firm
» Cf. Hist. i. 93. b Ibid. « Ibid. d Ibid. ' Ibid. 438.
' Ibid. 168, 170. E Ibid. 168-9 and "• 292-3.
* See Hist. i. 474. vacant from June 19, 1683, till Jeffreys'
' Qu. Pemberton, C.J. Common appointment, Sept. 29, 1683.
Pleas, who had sentenced Russell, or " Printed by Von Ranke, vii, Ap-
Jeffreys! The King's Bench was pendix II. p. 191.
1683] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 26 {b~2^ (b) 51
friend, but a heavy enemy, and will keep things long in his
mind and wait for a fit opportunity. "He has a strange
notion of government, that everything is to be carried on in
a high Way and that no r.egard is to be had to the pleasing the
people ; and he has an ill opinion of any that proposes soft
methods, and thinks that is popularity * ; but at the same time
he always talks of law and justice. He is apt enough to re-
ceive an enemy upon an absolute submission, but ^ he will strain
hard to ruin an enemy that stands out, and when I knew him
he scorned to use arts to take them off (as the phrase at court
was of bringing over leading men in the house of commons to
their party ''), nor will he receive any upon half submissions,
and " he thinks that all who oppose the king in parliament are
rebels". He understands business better than is generally be-
lieved, for ^ though he is not a man of wit nor fancy, yet he
generally judges well when things are laid before him, except
when the violence of his spirit gives him a bias, which it does
too often. ° He is a prince of great courage" and very serene
in action, and naturally hates a coward, unless it be to make use
of him in the conduct of his amours ; he abhors drunkenness,
he never swears nor talks [/. 37 (^)] irreligiously ; ' he has pur-
sued many secret pleasures, but never with an open avowing
them, and he does condemn himself for it, but yet he is ever
going on from one intrigue to another, 8 though it is generally
thought that these have been very fatal to him and that the
death of so many of his children is owing to that. ^ He is
a zealous and hearty papist, of which he gave me this account :
when he was in Flanders, being in a nunnery, a nun pressed
him much about religion, and begged him to use this prayer
every day to God, that if he was not in the right way he would
bring him to it ; which he said sunk deep in his mind and
raised scruples in him ^ I asked him, if he was in love with
the, nun, but he assured me, she was no tempting object. He
was reconciled to the church of Rome » while he was in
" Cf. Hist. i. 169, 360. •> Ibid. 169. " Ibid. 360. ^ Cf. Hist. ii. 292.
• Cf. ibid. i. 168 ; ii. 292. ' liid. ii. 293 ; i. 169, 228. ' Ibid. i. aa8.
>» Ibid. 169. ' This conflicts with Hist. i. 169.
E 2
52 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1683
Flanders, " but he dissembled the matter long after that. ^ The
truth was, he had some tinctures in his education that disposed
him the more to this ; he was bred to believe a mysterious
sort of real presence in the sacrament, so that he thdught he
made no great step, when he believed transubstantiation, and
there was infused in him very early a great reverence for the
church and a great submission to it * ; this was done on design
to possess him with prejudices against presbytery (for that was
the thing of which the clergy was then most afraid), but it had
this ill effect, that " he came to think, if a church was to be sub-
mitted to, it was more reasonable that it should be the church
of Rome than the church of England. He is very firm in his
persuasion, but he has not inquired much into it and is very
much devoted to his priests, ^ yet when I knew him he seemed
very positive in his opinion against all persecution for con-
science sake, but I looked on that only as a thing put in his
mouth by his priests, for certainly he must be of another
mind, if he comes to have power in his hands ^; yet I have
wondered much at one thing, that being so firm as he is in his
religion, he left his daughters so entirely in the hands of the
divines of the church of England that he never made any
attempt on them to persuade them to change, of which the
princess of Orange assured Dr. Lloyd when he waited on her
over into Holland. It is very hard to reconcile this with so
much zeal as he has expressed for that religion. " He had
indeed an answer ready to another thing, which I took the
freedom to object to him, which was, that the rest of his life
was not so exact that so high a zeal as he has shewetMn
his religion could be believed to flow from an inward sense
of his duty to God, otherwise that would appear in [/. a8 (a)]
other things. His answer was, that a. man might have a per-
suasion of his duty to God so as to restrain him from dis-
sembling with God and man In professing himself to be of
another religion than that which he believed was true, though
it did not yet restrain all his. appetites. He was so far from
° Cf. Hist. i. 170. i" Ibid. 169. ■= Ibid. * Ibid. 179, 339.
" Cf. ibid. 360.
i683] Harl. MSS. 6584^ ff. 27 {b)-2& (a) 53
being displeased with me for the freedom of speaking to him
upon so tender a point, that he not only seemed to take it
well from me but he has spoken very kindly of me to many
others upon that very account.
Monk's character i.
* As for Monk he deserves not a character so much for his
own merit, as for the luck he had, to be so great an instrument
in the bringing home the king ". He was a good officer, had
much desperate courage, but was an illiterate and injudicious
man, and was neither a man of religion nor strict virtue ; ''.he
was by force put on a glorious action after he saw there was
nothing else to be done, for the stream run so strong for bring-
ing home the king, that it could not be resisted *", so sir Tho,.
Clarges and his wife ^ put him on to that noble resolution
" which brought so much wealth and honour on him while
alive, and has left so much fame on his name. The king car-
ried himself always with great respect to him, but he had no
value for him in his heart.
The earl of Clarendon's character'^ -
* The great man with the king was chancellor Hyde, after-
wards made earl of Clarendon *. He had been in the beginning
of the long parliament very high against the judges upon the
account of the ship-money and became then a considerable
man ; he spake well, his style had no flaw in it, but had a just
mixture of wit and sense, only he spoke too copiously ; he
had a great pleasantness in his spirit, which carried him some-
times too far into raillery, in which ^ he sometimes shewed more
wit than discretion. ^ He went over to the court party when
the war was like to break out, and was much in the late king's
councils and confidence during the war *■; though he was always
• Cf. Hist. i. 89. " Ibid. ' Ibid. 98. ^ Ibid. 94. » Ibid. 95. 'Ibid. 94.
1 Printed by Von Ranke, vii, App. II. in the interval between the date when
p i„3 Burnet first composed, this character
^ But see Hist. i. 99, where this (1683) and that at which he revised it
advice is ascribe'd to Morrice. (1705) Clarendon's own History had
3 Printedby Von Ranke, vii, App. II. appeared (i'302>
p. 193. It should be remembered that
54 Burners Original Memoirs [1683
of the party that pressed the king to treat, and so was not in
good terms with the queen. The late king recommended
him to this king as the person on whose advices he wished
him to rely most, and » he was about the king all the while
that he was beyond sea », except a little that he was ambassador
in Spain ; he managed all the king's correspondences in Eng-
land, both in the little designs that the cavaliers were some-
times engaged in, and chiefly in procuring money for the king's
subsistence, in which Dr. Sheldon was very active ; he had
nothing so much before his eyes as the king's service and
doated on him beyond expression : he had been a sort of
governor to him and had given him many lectures on the
politics '' and was thought to assume and dictate too much *•.
He was in ill terms with the duke in Flanders [/. a8 (3)], but
the duke's marrying his daughter took all that away ; " he
seemed to be wholly a stranger to all that affair, when it broke
out ", though that was not generally believed ; but after that was
done it was a great error in him to have any meddling in the
matter of the king's marriage, and it being easy to persuade
the world that men do those things on design that turn to be
much for their interest, ^ it was generally cast on him that he
made the king's match upon some informations he had that
the queen was not like to bring any children, yet that must
be false '^, for Dr. Willis said to a friend of mine that the queen
had no visible cause of barrenness about her, and that all the
stories that were spread of her person were false ; " he also told
Dr. Lloyd that the queen once miscarried of a child that was
so far formed that if it had been carefully handled the sex
might have been distinguished, ' and I saw a letter that the
king writ the day after their marriage to Clarendon, in which
he seemed wonderfully well pleased with her and by which it
appeared that the marriage was consummated ^. But to pursue
Clarendon's character: he was a man that knew England
well, and was s lawyer good enough to be an able chancellor,
and was certainly a very incorrupt man. In all the king's
" Cf. Hist. i. 94. n Ibid. ■: Ibid. 168. ■> Ibid. 251. » Ibid. 174.
' Ibid, supra. e Ibid. 95.
1683] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 28 (a)-29 {a) 55
foreign negotiations he meddled too much, for I have been
told that he had not a right notion of foreign matters, » but he
could not be gained to serve the interests of other princes ^
Mr. Fouquet sent him over a present of 10,000 pounds after
the king's restoration and assured him he would renew that
every year, but though both the king and the 'duke advised him
to take it he very worthily refused it ». He took too much upon
him and meddled in everything, which was his greatest error.
''He fell under the hatred of most of the cavaliers upon two
accounts. The one was the act of indemnity which cut off all
their hopes of repairing themselves of the estates of those that
had been in the rebellion, but he said it was the offer of the
indemnity that brought in the king and it was the observing ■
of it that must keep him in, so he would never kt that be
touched, "and many that had been deeply engaged in the late
times having expiated it by their zeal of bringing home the
king were . promoted by his means, such as Manchester,
Anglesey, Orrery, Ashley, Holies, and several others. * The
other thing was that, there being an infinite number of pre-
tenders to employments and rewards for their services and
sufferings, so that the king could only satisfy some few of
them, " he upon that, to stand between the king and the dis-
pleasure which those disappointments had given, spoke slightly
of many of them ° and took it upon him that their petitions
[/. 29 («)] were not granted ; and some of them having procured
several warrants from the secretaries for the same thing (the
secretaries considering nothing but their fees), he who knew
on whom the king intended that the grant should fall, took all
upon him, so that those who were disappointed laid the blame
' Cf. Hist. i. 167. t Ibid. 165. " Ibid. 98. A lud. 164.
" Ibid. 165 and 95.
' ' The description given in the levity in his wit, and did not always
printed text is nothing but an ill- observe the decorum of his post." I
natured excerpt from this; it runs thus : think the original is much better in this
" he never seemed to understand case also. The really instructive part
foreignaffairs well, andyet he meddled is dropped in the later form' (note
too muchinthem." (The "meddled " of translated from Von Ranke,vii, App. II.
the original refers to his interference in p. 194).
personal matters.) "He had too much
56 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
chiefly if not wholly upon him. * He was apt to talk very
imperiously and unmercifully, so that his manner of dealing
with people was as provoking as the hard things themselves
were * ; but upon the whole matter he was a true Englishman
and a sincere protestant, and what has passed at court since
his disgrace has sufficiently vindicated him from all ill designs.
In one thing it appeared that he had changed his mind much ;
he penned the declaration at Breda, in which the king
promised indulgence and ease to tender consciences, and pur-
suant to that ''he penned a long declaration concerning eccle-
siastical affairs after the king was restored, which was drawn
up with that prudence and temper, that by all appearance, if
the king had stuck to it, both church and state had been
very quickly happy ; but it was observed that immediately
after the duke's marriage broke out Clarendon changed his
measures, and set on his own creatures to arraign that declara-
tion in the house of commons, of which this account was
given me : the bishops had stuck to him in the matter of
that marriage, by letting the king know, that it could not be
broken neither by the laws of God nor man, that he there-
upon delivered himself up to their counsels in the affairs of
the church and so did whatever they had mind to do. This
gave his friend the earl of Southampton much trouble ^, whose
character I shall next give.
The earl of Southatnpton^s character'^.
He was a high assertor of the rights of his country in the
business of the ship-money, and in the beginning of the long
parliament was a leading man in the house of lords, but
after the king had passed the bill for triennial parliaments
(together with some other things), he with a great many more
peers turned about and declared as highly for the king as
they had done before for their country. "= When the war brake
out he followed the king to the last " without making one false
» Cf. Hisi. i. 94. t> /^^ J ^8. « Ibid. 95.
' Printed by Von Ranke, vii, App. II. p. 195.
i683l Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 29 (a)-29 {b) 57
step, and was always one of those (or rather the head of them)
that were driving on a treaty. He was with the king in the
Isle of Wight, and was one of those that after the dismal
murder of that blessed prince waited on his body and saw it
buried at Windsor. He lived private during the usurpation,
but "was still sending over large supplies to the king beyond
sea ; so his great parts together with his great merit made
him be now considered as one of the first men of England.
He was made treasurer", and Clarendon was proud of his
friendship and valued himself upon it. '' He scorned to make
those advantages of his place that others had done, and so
came to an agreement with the king, that he should [/. 29 {b)]
have ;^8,ooo a year for the place, and that all the offices that
used to be given, or to speak plain, that were sold by the
treasurer, which was the chief advantage of that place, should
be given by the king ; this he observed during his life, but
since that time the treasurers or commissioners have both
:£'8,ooo and likewise do really dispose of these places, though
they pass through the king's hands. " He quickly grew dis-
gusted of the way in which he saw matters were carried at
court, and scarce minded business, ^ but turned over the affairs
of the treasury on his secretary sir Philip Warwick, who, though
he was a weak man and by being a pretender to wit^ he
appeared much weaker than he would have otherwise been
thought, yet was a generous and worthy man, and in the seven
years in which he governed the treasury, though it was then
very full of money, he made not so much advantage as others
have done since that time in one year. ® Southampton was
for healing the church by concessions ^ on both hands, but when
he saw that all that affair was put in Sheldon's hands, he with-
drew from the meetings that were held about it and declared
against their methods. The bishops laid the blame of this
on the great ascendant that Ashley was observed to have over
' Cf. Hist. i. 95. •> Ibid. 96. " Ibid. 95. ^ Ibid. 96. ° Ibid. 178.
' Notice the absence of an allusion subsequenfly inserted in the History
to Warwick's memoirs (printed in when revised.
1 701, see Mr. Airy's note in loco)
58 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
him, and were much troubled to see so unexceptionable a man
as he was displeased with their maxims. I have heard it also
said that ' he was sorry when he saw the king raise so many
guards ^ and that the parliament was pouring all things into
the hands of the court, *and that if he had not prevailed with
Clarendon not to set on these things further, he would have
openly stood up for the interests of his country. " But he with-
drew himself much from affairs, for which he had too visible an
excuse, for he fell under most terrible pains by a confirmed
stone in his bladder, * of which he died afterwards *.
The earl of Shaftesbury's character'^.
But since I have named ^ the lord Ashley, afterwards the
earl of Shaftesbury (that had married his niece and was much
in his favour), and since he has made such a figure in the
world, I shall enlarge more on his character ; because I knew
him well ° and so build not on what I have heard from others,
as I did in the former ones. He was a man of much wit, and
' as long as the conversation run in a general ramble he was
very entertaining company, s He knew England well and all
the interests in it s, and had a competent skill in law, ^ but as to
all matters of knowledge the quickness of his thoughts was
such, that he never went to the bottom of anything, but
snatched at some hints, which he improved by his fancy, and
so he committed vast errors when he talked of matters of
learning. ' As to religion he was a deist ', and seemed to be-
lieve [/30 (fl)] nothing of Christianity, but onlythat it contained
good morals ; he was against bringing in religion to the state
or imposing it on any ; he had odd notions of a future state
''and thought that our souls went into stars and animated them.
He would have talked pleasantly of those things but without
any strength of reason, for he never spake closely to anything,
° Cf. Hist. i. 161. " Ibid. 89. ' Ibid. 95. ^ Ibid. 249. » Ibid. 96.
' Ibid. 97. e Ibid, infra. •" Ibid, supra. ' Ibid. 96. ' Ibid. 97.
' Printed by Von Ranke,vii,App. II. was written Shaftesbury had been
p. 197. At the time this character dead about six months.
1683] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 2.<) (^)-3o {a) 59
but always shifted that and got into a loose ramble. His
morals were of a piece with his religion. * He was esteemed
a veiy corrupt man and false to all degrees, and that he had
no regard to anything but his own interest or rather his
vanity ", which was the most fulsome thing I ever saw ; he
turned the discourse almost always to the magnifying of him-
self, which he did in so gross and coarse a manner that it
shewed his great want of judgement ; he told so many in-
credible things of himself that it put me often out of patience ;
he was mightily overcome with flattery ; and that and his
private interests were the only things that could hold or turn
him. '' He had likewise a great dexterity of engaging plain
and well meaning men that had no depth of understanding to
admire him and to depend on him, " but even these were often
disgusted with his vanity and indiscretion. He had turned
often, but done it with dexterity and success and was proud
of that, so that he would often set out the art that he had
shewed in it and never seemed to be ashamed of the mean-
ness or levity of shifting sides so often ° ; he pretended, that
* in the beginning of the civil wars he had offered to do great
service to the late king and to put two counties wholly in his
hands, and that he was going about it, but prince Maurice not
observing articles he went over upon that to the parliament* ;
then he was much courted by Cromwell and said he did him
great service in some of his parliaments, insomuch that he
told some ^that Cromwell offered once to make him king",
but he never offered to impose so gross a thing on me ; he
pretended he had a main hand in all the confusions that
followed after Cromwell's death, for he knew these frequent
revolutions must end in restoring the king, and he always
assumed to himself and the lord Holies the merit of forcing
Monk to declare himself ^ He was certainly very active in
bringing home the king, and he made him an early present
of money, and that, together with his parts and Southampton's
« Cf. Hist. i. 97. " Ibid. 96. ' Ibid. 97. <> Ibid. 96. •> Ibid. 97.
See Hist. i. 85, 98.
6o Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
kindness to him, was to be considered ; he was made a baron
and chancellor of the exchequer, and that put him in the
way to all that followed. He lived too long, for he lost that
only part of reputation of which he was fond, which was the
being a man of interest and understanding ; * but he died in
good time for his family, '' in which astrology deceived him,
[/. 30 (3)] if he told me true, for he depended much on what
a drunken physician ^ had predicted, and said it had held
exactly true through the former parts of his life * ; he did not
tell me what was to befall him at last, but " he believed he
should be yet a greater man than he had ever been ". So
much I have said of him in this place, but I shall hereafter
have occasion to name him often.
The duke of Ormond's character ^.
As Clarendon and Southampton were the great men in
England, so the duke of Ormond was the only man in Ireland
and had likewise a large share of the affairs in England. He
was one on whose friendship Clarendon likewise valued him-
self as having been all along so faithfully and eminently
employed in the king's affairs. ^ He is a man of a pleasant
conversation and has ever lived high and at a vast expense * ;
he writes the best of any man that has no learning that I ever
knew. His friends have all of them complained much of him,
that he is a very cold friend and will neither put himself in
danger nor to trouble for them, and that he thinks it enough
to be civil and kind to them himself ; and it has been said by
many^that in the government of Ireland he has considered
the public good very little ; so that many have complained
that he was neither generous nor grateful. ^The affairs of
Ireland were very unsuccessful in his hands during the wars
ever after he began to treat with the Irish °, and both sides
complained much of him ; though it is generally a very good
argument for a man, when both extremes are displeased at
» Hist. i. 97. " Ibid. 96. ■: Ibid. 97. d Ibid. 95. " Ibid.
1 The &i/ory says 'a Dutch doctor'; 'and to espouse the EngHsh ' only)
see Christie's Shaftesbury, i. 19-20. has been printed by Von Ranke, vii,
^ This character i^as far as the words App. II. pp. 198, 199.
1683] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 30 (a)-3i (a) 61
him. " The Irish complain that he has broke his faith to them,
for when they treated with the king through his hands many-
articles were granted them about their religion and estates
and the government of Ireland, upon which they performed
their parts and put themselves in his hands and raised a great
army, which was so unexpectedly dispersed ; now they have
said upon the king's restoration those articles ought to have
been made good to them ", for though they were beaten they
could not answer for success, but they had lost their lives and
estates on the king's account and had been kept under great
slavery for twelve years. '' They had likewise another thing
to depend on when they treated with Ormond : the king was
then a prisoner,, so that he could not ratify the articles that
were granted them ; upon that the queen, being then at Paris,
got the crown of France to interpose and give their faith for
the performance of the treaty, upon which they build their
hopes to this day*", and this will furnish that crown with a
good colour for invading Ireland whenever they are on other
accounts resolved on it ' ; " but the king was bound by his
declaration from Breda to make [/. 31 (a)] good the present
settlement of Ireland, and the earls of Anglesey, Orrery, and
some others engaged the duke of Ormond to desert the Irish
interest and to espouse the English ". For which this was all
that he had to say for himself, that the popish bishops in
Ireland broke all terms with him and at last excommunicated
all that adhered to him, upon which he was forced to leave
Ireland ; so that the treaty failing on their side the king
could not be bound by it " ; and for their blood that was spilt,
and the miseries that came upon the nation, that did not.
follow upon their adhering to the king, but on the first
rebellion and massacre. Thus did Ormond justify his for-
saking the Irish, of which they made great complaints, and
said plainly that he had sold them ; yet on the other hand
the care he took to preserve some particular families of the
' Cf. Hist. i. 17s, 95. " ^bid. 175. " Ibid.
' See Hist. i. 250.
' Here the extracts of Von Ranke abruptly conclude.
62 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
Irish has made the English likewise displeased at him. I have
conversed more v^^ith his enemies than his friends, so perhaps
this may be too severe a character of him, for I have very-
little acquaintance with iiim myself, and it never went further
than very general civilities. He was very happy and very
unhappy, first in having and at last in losing such a son as
the earl of Ossory was, who had indeed no extraordinary
parts, and was too much set on some forbidden pleasures, but
was in all other respects * the bravest man and the generousest
friend that was at court ; and was indeed a great pattern
both of honour and worth "■, and was beginning in the last year
of his life to have deep reflections on religion, which seemed
strongly rooted in him during his sickness, so that it is very
likely if he had recovered he would have been a very good
Christian, and then he would have been one of the greatest
men in the nation.
The earl of Anglesey's character.
I have named the earl of Anglesey, and so shall say
somewhat of him ; * he is a man of great knowledge, he under-
stands all the parts of the law and the government of this
nation beyond any man of quality I know, and has great,
quickness of apprehension, and a faculty of speaking indefatig-
ably, but he speaks very ungracefully, and loves to rally often,
but does it in such a manner that it is insupportably odious
and dull, for raillery is a sort of poetry, and must either be
very fine or it is intolerable. He is looked upon as a very
corrupt man, as one that sticks at nothing and is ashamed of
nothing ^ and that will turn from one side to another so nimbly,
that he has often begun a speech in parliament all one way,
and (upon some secret look that wrought upon him) has
changed his note quite and concluded totally different from
his beginning. "He was very active in bringing home the
king, ■* and has gone through very eminent employments since
that time, but I never saw any one man that either loved him
or trusted him.
» Cf. Hist. i. 334. t' Ibid. 97 and 176. " Ibid. 98. * Ibid. 97.
1683] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. 31 {ay^i {b) 63
Orrery's character.
[/. 31 [b)] Orrery pretended to knowledge, but was very
ignorant, and to wit, but it was very luscious ; to eloquence, but
had the worst style in the world ; and to religion, but "was
thought a very fickle and false man, and was vain "to the pitch
of the earl of Shaftesbury.
Holies' character.
* Holies was a man of great courage and a high spirit ; he
had much knowledge and was very well acquainted with all
parliamentary records ; he had a sound judgement and a noble
sense of honour and gratitude ; he was a kind friend, and was
one of the sincerest and steadiest men in the nation ; but he
had with this a vast pride and could not bear contradiction,
so that he was not a fair arguer, and his friends knew it. He
never changed his principles for above sixty years, in which
he made a considerable figure in the world, and had the soul
of an old stubborn Roman in him ; and as far as was con-
sistent with that temper he was a very sincere and devout
Christian, allowing somewhat for pride and passion.
The duke of Buckingham's character.
"And now I have done with the men of business of that
time I will speak somewhat of some others that were Clarendon's
great enemies. The first of these that occurs to my thoughts
is the duke of Buckingham, a man of noble presence and that
has an air that at first strikes all that see him ; he has a flame
in his wit that is inimitable ; he has no manner of literature,
and all he knows is in chemistry, for he has sought long for
the philosopher's stone and with the ordinary fate of all that
have pursued it, for he has often thought he was very near
the finding it out, but has been as often deceived. He has no
sort of principle either about religion, virtue, or friendship ;
pleasure, wit, and mirth is all that he has ever laid to heart ;
he had a great ascendant over the king, but has provoked
" Cf. Bisi. i. 266 and 176. " Ibid. 98. "= Ibid. 100.
64 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
him out of measure by talking in a style of him that has
shewed equal degrees of contempt and hatred, and he is not
to be trusted with any secret ", for if he meets with a man that
happens to heat his fancy and seems to have the same notions
that he has he will pour out everything to him. ^ He was
never true either to things or persons, but forsakes every man
and departs from every maxim, sometimes out of levity and
an unsettledness of fancy and sometimes out [of] downright
falsehood ; he could never fix himself to business, but has
a [/. 3a («)] perpetual unsteadiness about him''. He is revenge-
ful to all degrees, and is, I think, one of the worst men alive,
both as to his personal deportment and as to the public.
He had conceived a mighty contempt of Clarendon, but he
was then so low in the king's thoughts that he could not
hurt him.
The earl of Bristol's character.
"^Another of Clarendon's enemies was the earl of Bristol,
a man of great courage and considerably learned ; he had
much more wit than judgement ; he was too fine a speaker,
and abounded too much both in words and fancy, which is an
odious thing in public councils. He was a papist after a form
of his own and so was incapable of business, but was ever
forming projects ; he was a great dealer in astrology, and
had a great measure of other knowledge ; he intended to
make himself considered as the head of the popish party,
and was much the best speaker they had in parliament, but
was an inconsistent man and had too great a levity in his
thoughts. He had been in ill terms with Clarendon at Oxford
(being then the chief man of the queen's party) and was now
forming many cabals against him.
The duchess of Cleveland's character [with the
earl of Falmouth' s^.
^But the strength of the opposition that was made to
Clarendon lay in mistress Palmer, since that time made first
countess of Castlemaine and then duchess of Cleveland^.
" Hist, i, 100. " Ibid. <: Ibid. loo-i. « Ibid. loo, 165.
1683] Hart. MSS. 6584, f. 31 {by^z (b) 65
I love not to give characters of women, especially when there
is nothing that is good to be said of them, as indeed I never
heard any commend her but for » her beauty, which was very
extraordinary and has been now of long continuance. In
short, she was a woman of pleasure, and stuck at nothing that
would either serve her appetites or her passions ; she was
vastly expensive, and by consequence very covetous ; she
was weak, and so was easily managed. '' He that had the
secret of this business was a young man of no extraordinary
parts, but of a generous and noble disposition ; he was the
second son to sir Charles Berkeley (afterwards made viscount
Fitzharding) ; he grew mightily into the king's favour, was
made earl of Falmouth ^, and was upon the point of being made
a duke and declared the favourite, when he " was lost at sea ;
* he had the luck to be almost equally dear both to the king
and duke'', and those that knew him well told me that they
believed he would have proved one of the best favourites that
ever was, that he would have promoted men of merit and have
*set the king on to great and worthy things **, and that he
would not have been insolent nor assumed much to himself,
but that he knew his own defects, and would have depended
on wiser men's counsels.
[Conduct of Clarendon and Southampton?^
[/• 32 (^)] Clarendon and Southampton were much
troubled to see the king so possessed by this fair mistress,
but .° resolved never to make application to her nor to let any-
thing pass in which her name was mentioned " ; so that when
she resolved to have a title of honour she was forced to get
her husband to be made an earl in Ireland, which was a
device of Orrery's (as this earl of Clarendon has told me) ;
"nor was there ever a precept brought to the treasury in her
name during Southampton's life °, so that all the money that
she -got from the king was out of the privy purse. This was
noble in both these lords, but it was a greater thing in
Clarendon ; for Southampton was not much concerned whether
• Cf. Hist. i. 94. » Ibid. loo. " Ibid. 219. ^ Ibid. 100. « Ibid. 165.
66 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1663
he lost his white staff or not, nor had he such powerful
enemies ,- but Clarendon was both more pushed at and was
more concerned to preserve himself, so that his firmness in
that matter was truly heroical.
{Characters of Nicholas and Morricei\
* Nicholas and Morrice were secretaries of state, both
virtuous men but very weak ; and it may be gathered from
this one saying what a Judgement Monk had in those matters,
when, being told that the court was weary of his cousin
Morrice and thought him not able enough for his office, he
said he did not know what they required in a secretary, but
his cousin could both speak French and write shorthand *
I have observed that the court can bear with one indifferent
secretary, and seem to be pleased to have one that is weak
and tractable (which will appear to every one that considers
what men Morrice, Williamson, and Jenkins have been) ; but
they hardly bear two very weak ones at a time; though it
seems when they were served by Jenkins and Conway at once
that this rule admits of an exception.
The earl of Arlington's character.
^ But at this time one was to be changed, and since Monk
was too great to let it fall on his kinsman Nicholas was
removed, and sir Henry Bennet (since made earl of Arlington)
was put in his room ; that was brought about by the interest
of the popish party, foY^ he has been much suspected in his
religion. He is no quick man, but has great knowledge of
the affairs of Europe, and was ever cautious and fearful ; he
quickly found out the king's temper and has been observed
to be very dexterous in managing it ; he is proud and insolent,
yet he has been generally firm to his friends, and so they
have stuck very firmly to him ; he has been a man of great
vanity and vast expense. He quickly took up this maxim,
[/• JiZ (^)] that the king ought not to shew any favour to
» Cf. Hist. i. 99. ' Ihid.
1663] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 32 {by^-^ (a) 67
popery and that nothing would spoil all his other affairs so
much as that would do; so that he soon lost the popish
party, and has been considered by them an apostate and
as a betrayer of their interests.
The characters of Sheldon and Morley.
There were two churchmen so considerable at this time that
I shall add somewhat of them. The one was * Sheldon, made
at first bishop of London, that had the greatest hand in all
that passed concerning the church ; for '' Juxon, archbishop of
Canterbury (to whom he succeeded in that see), was super-
annuated. " Sheldon was a man of great pleasantness of
conversation and cheerful rather to excess, considering his
character ; he had much wit, and was very well turned for
a court, if not too well ; he had great quickness of apprehen-
sion and strength of judgement ; he was considerably learned
before the wars and perfectly understood all he pretended to,
but the politics had worn learning out of his thoughts. He
was a generous and charitable man, he lived splendidly, and
had an art peculiar to himself of treating every one that came
to him with some particular and distinguishing civilities ;
but he seemed to have no great sense of religion, nor of the
true concerns of the church, of which he spoke commonly
rather as of a matter of policy than of conscience, and he was
thought to have allowed himself in many indecent liberties ;
he was civil to all, but friendly to very few. The other bishop
was Morley, made at first bishop of Worcester, and soon
after (upon Duppa's death) translated to Winchester. He is
a man of a lively wit and great openness of heart, and is both
a learned and devout man, and is now perhaps one of the
perfectest men of his age in the world. He was at first
known to the world in Falkland's company, and was thought
favourable to the puritans before the wars ; but he has given
such demonstrations to the contrary that, though he is a
Calvinist in the matter of decrees and grace, yet no man is
more zealous for the church of England than he is. He is
» Cf. Hist. i. 177. ' lUd. 176. ■= Ibid. 177.
F 2
68 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661
a very bountiful and generous man, and has no other fault
but that he is too credulous and too passionate, and will be
soon possessed with prejudices which cannot be easily rooted
out. He was more particularly in Clarendon's favour, having
been his chaplain, but Sheldon was thought the abler man".
The settlement of ecclesiastical 7natters in England.
[/ ?>'i ('^)] The first thing proposed after the king's restoration
was the settlement of the church. This was not to be ventured
on till that parliament that had called home the king was
dissolved, for they were for [the] most part presbyterians ;
and there was a particular reason given why that parliament
ought to be dissolved, for it was said that the essential nullity
of their being without the king's writ was such a defect, that
neither their merit in bringing home the king nor his ratifying
their actions could remove it, so that it was necessary to have
a parliament legally called ; upon which that was dissolved,
and ''a new one was summoned to which scarce any but those
that- were cavaliers or the sons of cavaliers (this was the
distinguishing name of all that had been of the king's party)
were chosen, so it was resolved to procure from this an act of
uniformity. But to prepare matters for this " a conference
was appointed to be held at the Savoy, between some of the
chief divines of both persuasions (I think they were six of
a side) in the presence of some privy councillors. ^ There
were unhappily two men of that number who were much
better fitted to widen old differences and create new ones
than to find out a temper in them ; these were doctor
Gunning, now ^ bishop of Ely, on the one side, and Mr. Baxter
on the other ; " men of such metaphysical heads and so very
disputatious that they were the best to spoil so good a design
of any I ever knew, ' and they spent often whole days in their
disputes, as if the whole business in hand had been to try
their skill at that fencing work^.' It appeared plain enough
» Cf. Hist. i. 177. ' Ibid. 178-9. ■> Ibid. 179. d md. 181.
» Ibid. 180-1. ' ibid. iSr.
• He died July 6, 1684 (Mr. Airy's note).
i66i] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 33 (a)-34 («) 69
that the presbyterians had a great mind to have conformed,
for "they generally excepted more to the expediency than
to the lawfulness of the terms of communion with the
church of England, and *> if the terms in the king's first
declaration concerning ecclesiastical affairs had been adhered
to it is very probable that not a fifth part of those that were
turned out would have left their livings. <= But I have been
told that Sheldon ^ was afraid of nothing more than their
conformity upon two reasons.
They were possessed of most of the great livings in England,
and though all those that had taken the sequestered livings
of such as had been turned out for adhering to the king
during the late wars were thrown out, as having no titles in
law to them, yet many other benefices were still in their
hands, chiefly the pulpits of London, [/. 34 («)] they had many
headships in the universities, and most of the corporations
were stocked with them, so Sheldon thought it necessary to
have all these turned out. Those of London had likewise
merited so much in the matter of the king's restoration that
if they had conformed they must have been rewarded with
dignities, so in hatred to them ^ he thought that instead of
finding ways to bring them into the church, ways were to be
contrived for throwing them out of it ^.
His other reason, which I have perceived was likewise
Dr. Morley's, was that nothing had ruined the church ^ in the
late times so much as the lecturers and other churchmen
that were only so far conformable that the law could not
reach them, and were by little indirect ways still alienating
the people from the church and making divisions everywhere °,
so that Morley has set this up for a maxim that ^ it is better
to have a schism without the church than within it. « There-
fore it was resolved not only not to abate anything of the
conformity that was required before the wars, but to add some
• Cf. Hist. i. 181. " Ibid. 178, 185. ' Ibid. 178. i Ibid. 179.
« Ibid. 178. ' Ibid, supra. « Ibid. 182.
' The History lays the blame on ' the bishops and their party.'
70 Burnetts Original Memoirs [i66i-a
new tests, that so none might be capable of any ecclesiastical
preferment that was not hearty hy everything. * It was made
necessary that all ordained without bishops should come and
receive orders from them. Of this the presbyterians have
complained much, pretending that it had not been the practice
of the church of England formerly, and that the English
bishops had looked on the presbyterian ordinations in other
churches as valid * ; but the answer to this was obvious and
hinted at before i, that great difference was to be made between
imperfect churches that were under defects which they could
not remedy, and a set of men that threw off their bishops and
set up in a schismatical and rebellious way a new form of
ordination, not only without any necessity, but against the
laws then in being.
'' To this the bishops added another test in a declaration of
an assent and consent to everything contained or prescribed
in the book of common prayer and ordinations which every
man in any office in the church was to read before the con-
gregation. Upon this great objections were raised. It was
said that many things might be submitted to for peace sake
to which men could not assent or consent, for that seemed to
import a previous approbation of those things. Others, again,
understood this assent and consent as importing only an assent
and consent to the law then made, so that it went no further
than to profess a bare submission and obedience to it. To
these another declaration was added " condemning all resisting
of the king by arms, upon what pretence soever, as unlawful,
together with a [/. 34 {b)] renunciation of the covenant as
unlawful in itself as well as imposed against law, and asserting
that there lay no obligation on any by virtue of that oath to
endeavour any change or alteration in the government either
in church or state ; but this concerning the covenant was
only to continue for twenty years. This pressed the presby-
terians ^ hard, for they, having not only sworn the covenant
» Cf. Hist. i. 183. »- Ibid. 182. <^ Ibid. 182-3.
' See Hist. i. 140 ; and ante, p. 15. » The History says ' the old men.'
i66i-2] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 34 (a)-34 [b) 71
themselves but having persuaded other people to it, were now
required to renounce it openly before their congregations",
which was a great exposing of them. It was visible that the
design of the bishops was to put the strongest bars that could
be thought on in their way to hinder their conforming,
against which ''Southampton declared openly. Clarendon
was not pleased with it, yet he left it in Sheldon's hands.
The king himself did not like it at first, and thought it
would drive things too high, but I was told that Sheldon
persuaded him to it by letting him see that, the house of
commons being composed for the greatest part of citizens and
burgesses, nothing had spoiled the late king's affairs so much
as the credit that the factious lecturers had in all corpora-
tions, for this had so great an influence on their elections that
he ascribed all the war to that half-conformity, and therefore
he said ° it was necessary in order to the having a good par-
liament that all the clergy should be hearty conformists ; and
no wonder if this satisfied the king, for it was very plausible ^.
''There were some small alterations made in the book of
common prayer, together with some additions; ^the most
important was that concerning the kneeling in the sacrament,
which had been put in the second book of common prayer set
out by Edward the 6th, but was left out by queen Elizabeth
and was now, by bishop Gauden's means, put in at the end of
the office of the communion ^ Sheldon opposed it, but Gauden
was seconded by Southampton and Morley. ' The duke com-
plained of this much to me as a puritanical thing ', and spake
severely of Gauden as a popular man for his procuring it to be
added (though I have been told that it was used in king James's
time). 8 Another addition has occasioned much raillery », and
I have also heard that the king has often wished it had never
• Cf. Hist. i. 183. " Ibid. 178. ° Ibid. 178-9. <» Ibid. 183.
Ibid, infra. ' Ibid. ' Ibid, supra.
' Burnet subsequently made large which appeared in 1696, and Calamy s
additions to his account of these Abridgment (1702). See Mr. Airy's
matters, to some extent no doubt on note to vol. i. p. 322 in his edition,
the authority of Baxter's Reliquiae,
72 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661-2
been made " in the collect during a session of parliament. The
king is prayed for by the title of our religious king, which
had not been used in the former king's time ; now how this
addition should have fallen on this king is too liable to censure,
[/ 36 («)] and he has heard enough of it by those of his bed-
chamber that have taken the liberty to be merry with him.
Thus was ""the act of uniformity prepared for the parlia-
ment ''. The book of common prayer was ordered to be read
over in the house of commons, but they resolved to debate
no part of it \ but to take it in the lump as it had been pre-
pared by the clergy ; only it was thought too implicit to pass
it without reading it, so it was read over for form's sake ; but
what opposition it met with in either house I do not know,
for I have never taken the pains to go over the journals of
parliament, not intending to write an exact and particular
history, but only to .give such general views of things as I have
laid up in my own thoughts, and which may perhaps be use-
ful to others and will give some light to a more particular
The designs of the popish party.
Cf. Hist, i. 195-6 (confidences of Peter IValsk, from ' I knew all this ' to end
of paragraph^ ; ibid. 193-5 (intrigues of Bristol) ; ibid. 174-5 (intervention of
Lady Castlemaine) ; ibid. 197 {action of the Parliament) ; ibid. 196-7 (niad
schemes of Bristol).
For ' I knew all this ' read ' One secret I must add here that I had.'
For 'who was the honestest . . . Franciscan order' read 'well known by
many books that he has published.' (This occurs later, onf. 35 (A)).
Om. ' and he said . . . come over. '
Om. ' and knew well . . . missionaries.'
For ' and that the more . . . them the less' read ' and likewise they hoped that
if the terms of our communion were made narrow then there would be many
dividers from it, and upon this they thought it would be plausible to plead for
indulgence and toleration and so they might be covered from any perse-
cution [cf. Hist. i. 179], and that might pass under the pretence of granting
some liberty to tender consciences. This agreed exactly with what I heard
oft from the duke, who was always much for a toleration [ibid. 359] but could
not speak with any patience of comprehending the dissenters \ilHd. 179].
That same priest upon that told me that.'
» Cf. Hist. i. 183. » Ibid. 184.
' See Speaker Onslow's note to Hist. 1. 184.
1662-3] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 34 (^)-36 (a) 73
Om. ' prosecution . . . harsh word of.'
After ' persecution ' add ' as the likeliest way to procure the other.'
For ' that censures ... at Rome ' read ' that the Jesuits, finding themselves
shut out by such a test, would easily have procured censures from Rome.'
[/35 (*)] Om. 'But he found ... at court.' Then return to p. 193, 'After
St. Bartholomew's day," substituting for opening sentence 'Upon the passing the
act of uniformity and the turning out near 2,000 ministers by St. Bartholomew's
day in the year [i6]62 it began to appear how great the party of the dissenters
was like to prove, particularly in the city of London, where many,' &c.
Om. ' and settling . . . plantations.'
For 'a meeting' read 'some meetings.'
After ' secrecy ' add ' (as the lord Stafford told me in the Tower).'
For ' seconded the motion ' read ' did great service in this matter.'
Om. ' He said, it was so visibly . . . the design.'
For 'Bennet . . . meddling' readonly 'and Bennet set it likewise forward.'
Om. ' but it had a deeper root . . . king himself.'
Om. from ' The wiser of the nonconformists ' to p. 195, ' proposed in
For ' But there was nothing . . . passed ' read ' [it] was the first public dis-
covery that was made of the court's kindness to papists.'
After ' victory ' insert ' and reckoned that Clarendon would certainly fall
upon it. Staflferd told me he saw it was an intrigue of Bristol's to raise
himself as the head of their party, and said that he and many others
thought if it miscarried it might draw a storm on them, who were then easy
and in no danger except they brought it on themselves; so they left him.' (Vide
p. 194.)
Om. ' But the poor priests . . . betray them.'
Then return to pp. 174-5 {.Lcdy Castlemain's affairs), from ' For some time '
to ' solemn manner,' reading instead of that passage [/. 36 (a)] ' My lady
Castlemaine was now become very insolent, for though upon the queen's
first coming over, the king's courtship of her was carried very secretly, yet
she would not rest satisfied unless she were publicly owned. So that was
done this winter, and she, finding that Clarendon would not so much as be
civil to her, much less depend on her, was easily persuaded to set forward
everything that might ruin him or Southampton.'
Then proceed to p. 197, 'The parliament expressed . . . uniformity'; and
' The parliament did pass ' to end of paragraph ; reading instead of these
passages ' But in the next session of parliament the members being still high
for the church, as they obliged the king by the repeal of the act of triennial
parliaments, which had lodged a vast power in the people of choosing a
parliament every third year in case the king should not call one, so they broke
all those designs for toleration.' (^Cf. with this also p. 196, ' The church party . . .
pointed at.')
Then revert to p. 196 {BristoVs wild schemes), from. 'He had great skill,'
beginning thus : ' Here a passage has been told me which perhaps is of too
great importance to be put in writing, nor is the conveyance of it to me so
sure that I can depend much on it, for the earl of Rochester said (but not in
his latest and best days) that he had it from the duke of Buckingham, and
they were men that stuck so little at telling a made story that pleased them,
74 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1660-3
whether true or false, that nothing is to be much built on what comes by
such a conveyance. The story was this : Bristol dealt much in astrology,' &c.
For ' opinion of it ' read ' opinion of his skill in that art, of which many
instances have been told me.'
For 'he was to fall' read 'he was in great danger of falling,' and om,
' means, if not by his.'
After 'provoke him' add 'and so would be more governed by him and his
father-in-law than ever.'
Om. 'and the duke of Buckingham . , . carried it to the king,' reading
' I tell this story as I had it, though I give no credit to it. When the parlia-
ment met in the year [i6]63, Bristol and his party found the king intended to
leave them, so he acted a mad part, he expostulated very insolently with the
For ' forsook him ' read ' forsook them.'
For ' who said . . . room ' read ' thought that he was mad, and once intended
to have sent him to the Tower, but he turned away from him.'
Om. ' It is very probable . . . fearful.'
For ' a very mixed nature . . . lords, in which ' read [/ 36 (fi)] ' a very
extravagant crime to be cast on him by a papist, that he was engaged in a
design to introduce popery, and had sent one sir Richard Belhngs ' to Rome
upon that negotiation [and].'
For ' Proclamations . . . over' read ' I left England while this was in agitation,
so I must leave this matter, for I know no more of it, but that it came to
nothing, and the earl of Bristol absconded for some time.'
Tke king was married by Aubigny.
Cf. Hist. i. 174 {from ' When the queen ' to ' witnesses to prove it ').
Begin ' But since I have sometimes named Aubigny, I shall tell one secret
of him. When the queen,' ^^c.
Om. 'The king . . . 1662.'
Before ' bigoted ' insert ' then.'
For ' Upon this . . . given. But ' read ' All this did not satisfy her, for she
would needs be married according to the Roman ritual, and the king was not
so scrupulous in this matter as she was. So.'
A/ter ' told me ' add ' as a great secret, when I was talking to him concerning
the design of putting away the queen, for which this was one main thing
pretended, that the king and she were never lawfully married.'
For ' before he told me this ' read ' before I spake of this to him.'
Om. at this place all after ' witnesses to prove it.'
[Deaths in the royal fa7nily.1
Cf. Hist. i. 170 ('The king's third brother' to end of paragraph).
Begin ' But now that the queen brought no children, a great change appeared
in all the court, for the duke was much looked at.
' See Mr. Airy's note to i. 303 of Shaftesbury, ii. 16-9, and the curious
his edition, 307 same edition ; Christie's Italian publication there quoted.
1660-3] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 36 (a)-37 (a) 75
'What are all the most promising hopes of a very flourishing family? This
has appeared very signally in the elector of Palatine's family, where of six
brothers (all graceful and personable men) there is no succession sprung but
the present elector, who has no children '. So here in England what hopes
had we of spreading a family when we had three such young princes and
two princesses, that in the world the like was not to be seen [cf. Hist. i. 1-7 1].
The duke of Gloucester died soon after the king's coming over of the small-
For ' The king's third . . . acceptable ' read only ' He was a prince of great
After ' the duke of York ' add ' but had he lived the court had very likely
been broken into great factions, for he, ' &c.
For ' But he told him ... by the king who ' read only ' and Clarendon had
much ado to divert him from it. His spirit was restless ; [/ 37 («)] so that
after the entertainments and jollities that followed upon the king's coming
in had been over, it was expected that he would be earnest for somewhat, but
he died very soon after, and the king.'
Om. ' Those who would not . . . balance him.'
For ' died likewise . , . lamented ' read only ' came over.'
Om. 'who had the art . . . queen-mother of France.'
For ' On that . . . lived in ' read ' That journey, and many unhappy accidents
in it, as it run her out of all her estate, so it engaged her in some things that
did not please the king, so when she came to die, he bore it very easily.' Otn.
remainder of paragraph.
[State of the succession in 1683.]
*Thus were two branches of this family cut off, and only
the prince of Orange left by the princess royal. The king
has no issue by the queen. The duke has had many chil-
dren ", but has buried nine or ten, of whom five were sons, so
that two only live. The eldest has been now almost six years
married to the prince of Orange ^ and no issue is come yet.
The second is just now married to prince George of Denmark ^,
by whom I pray God send us issue, for it is a melancholy
" Cf. Hist. i. 170.
' By his marriage with Elisabeth leaving three daughters (see note 5,
ofEngland, Frederic V, Elector Palatine p. ']6,infra). Of the King and Queen
and King of Bohemia, had six sons, of of Bohemia's five daughters, moreover,
whom four (Frederic Henry, Rupert, four were childless ; the only one who
Maurice, and Philip) died unmarried bore issue being (the Electress) Sophia,
before the end of 1682. The two excep- for whom see note 6, p. 76, infra.
tions were, (1) Charles Levris, who '' The Princess Mary was married
diedin i68o,leavingasonandsuccessor to the Prince of Orange, Nov. 15,
(see note 3, p. 76, infra) and a daughter 1677.
Charlotte Elisabeth (see note 4, p. 76, ^ The Princess Anne espoused Prince
infra); (2) Edward, who died in 1663, George of Denmark, July 28, 1683.
76 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661
thing to think that our crown should go to the queen of
Spain, that is the eldest daughter of the princess Henrietta,
the king's younger sister, that was married to the duke of
Orleans ; but though she has been five years ^ married there
is no issue by her. * Her younger and only sister is, as it is
thought, to be married ^ to the duke of Savoy ^ After these
comes the prince elector ^ as the next heir ; and if he has no
issue, then his sister that is now duchess of Orleans* and her
son must succeed, and after them comes prince Edward's
daughters ^ and after them the family of Lunenburgh
Hanover ^ So far have I run out in a melancholy specula-
tion of the witherings of this family that put forth so fair and
promising a blossom.
The king lost the hearts of his subjects.
'' But now I shall give some account of the civil part of the
government as far as I understand it. When the king came
first over there was a springtide of joy in all people's hearts,
and in that first run out of it the court might have had what
they had asked either as to revenue or power; "but;£^i,2oo,ooo
a year was thought enough for revenue. ^ Soon after that the
mad rising of Venner and his followers broke out, " upon which
» Cf. Hist. i. 171. •> Ibid. 159. <^ Ibid. i6o. ^ Ibid, infra.
" Ibid. 161.
' Burnet is in error by a year; second wife, Philip, Duke of Orleans;
Marie Louise, elder daughter of Philip her son was the Regent Orleans.
Duke of Orleans and his first wife ° Edward, Count Palatine (for whom
Henrietta of England, had become the see note i, p. 75, supra), became a
first wife of Charles II of Spain in the Roman Catholic, died in 1663, and left
summer of 1679, and had thus been three daughters, who became re-
married, by the summer of 1683, four spectively Princess of Salms, Princess
years. She died childless in 1689. of Conde, and Duchess of Brunswick
^ Th-e marriage of Anne Marie Lunenburg (by marriage with John-
(younger sister of the above) with Frederick, brother of Ernest Au-
Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy, gustus, and a Roman Catholic). In
actually took place April 10, 1684. consequence of their faith, they were
* i.e. Charles, son of Charles eventuallyexcludedfromthesuccession.
Lewis (see note i, p. 75, supra) ; he " Sophia, daughter of Frederic V,
died s. p. in 1685. Elector Palatine, and his wife Elisabeth,
* Charlotte Elisabeth, daughter of married in 1658 Ernest Augustus,
Charles Lewis, Elector Palatine(note i, Duke of Brunswick, and subsequently
p. 75), had become a Roman Catholic Elector of Hanover ; by whom she
in 1671, when she married, as his was mother of George I,
i66r] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 37 (a)_37 {b) 77
the king begun to form troops of guards \ This passed then
well enough ; only some men of greater spirit begun to object
against it that it was a new thing and looked like the distrust
of the nation, and that the guards which they raised were
enough to give jealousy, but not enough to give security.
He that spake the most of this strain was the old earl of
Northumberland \ who was a man of a great spirit [/. 37 {b)\
and of a high sense of honour, that lived with all the greatness
of the ancient nobility, and under much form and high civilities
kept himself on the reserve with all people. He was not a man
of much knowledge, but he had the luck to have a great
friend that was one of the knowingest men of the nation,
Mr. Pierpoint^, who knew the laws and understood the interests
and constitution of this nation beyond most I ever knew. He
was likewise a man of great form and method, and as to the
discreet and cautious part of wisdom I thought him one of
the most extraordinary men I ever saw, if he was not too full
of jealousy and foresight ; he indeed thought that nothing
was to be done for mending matters, for the nation could not
be ripe for that in a whole age, so all that he thought on was
how to stop the progress that the crown was like to make at
that time. But to return to Northumberland : he had a cloud
now upon him, for the late king had taken all possible ways
to gain him, and had made him both admiral and general ;
but he went in to the parliament's side, which the court called
high ingratitude, but he pretended it was love to his country,
for he had a high sense both of public liberty and of the
« Cf. Hist. i. 161.
' Algernon Percy, tenth Earl of 'deep foresight and prudence.' For
Northumberland, is never described at the career of this remarkable man,
length in the printed History ; but is whose character does not appear in
cursorily mentioned on pp. 40, 41, 169, the printed History, but whose name
242. occurs incidentally on pp. 16, 44, 267
^ William Pierpoint ('wise Wil- of vol. i, the reader is referred to
liam '), 1607 (?)-i678, second son of Mr. Firth's article in the Dictionary
the Earl ofKingston, the distinguished Nat. Biog. IJis daughter Gertrude
Parliamentarian described by Mrs. married George, Viscount and after-
Hutchinsonas 'oneofthevrisestcoun- wards Earl and Marquis of Hahfax,
sellors and most excellent speakers in who had been associated with Pier-
the House,' by Cromwell as ' my wise point on the ' Brook House ' Com-
friend,' by Whitelocke as being of mission of 1667.
78 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1661-2
dignity of peers. He had merited much at the duke's hands,
» by the care he had of him when he was put under his govern-
ment by order of parliament, for he had treated him with all
the nobleness and greatness that was due to his birth " ; but
though he was not in such terms with the court as to be ad-
mitted into the secret of their councils, yet they used him with
a respect beyond what they gave to any of the nobility, and
he distinguished himself in his manner as much from the rest
as his birth set him above them. He was one of the first that
began to complain of the guards, and ^ used to say it was good
for the nation that the luxury of the court increased ; for it
was better to have the treasure melt away, than to see the
king raise and pay a military force with it. " Southampton
looked on when the first guards were raised with more in-
differency, and thought it was only a piece of state and for
the king's personal safety ; but when he saw the growth
of that force he begun to apprehend it much and com-
plained of it severely to Clarendon, and told him plainly
that a white staff could not corrupt him and make him serve
in designs that tended to the subduing his country and the
governing it by a military power " ; and asked Clarendon, what
did he think that he or the law would signify if these guards
should increase into an army. Upon this it is said that
^ Clarendon made a stop, and did not set on the designs of
increasing the king's revenue and power so much as he might
have done, for the house of commons was then so well dis-
posed, that there was scarce anything that the court could
[/• 38 (^)] have asked which might not have been obtained.
[The sale of Dunkirk. '\
Cf. Hist. i. 172-3.
Postpone opening passage {see infra, p. 79) and begin ' One of the first public
things that was much cried out on was the sale of Dunkirk. The Spaniards
pretended,' iSr^f.
Om. ' The king was in no sort ... or sold ? '
For 'who were believed . . . France' readonly 'that were there.'
After ' Clarendon ' add ' as his son has told me. '
For ' To make . . . easier ' read ' and that the rather because.'
» Cf. Hist. i. 169. i" Ibid. 342. " Ibid. 161. 4 Ibid. 160-1.
1662] Harl. MSS. 6584^ ^ 37 (^>)-38 {b) .79
After ' occasions ' add ' and was, if I remember right, to be made the founda-
tion of a bank ' ; then go straight to ' it was sold.'
Om. ' among . . . venal. '
Om. ' though . . . entirely.'
Then insert those parts of the paragraph relating to Schomberg, which seem
to have been a subsequent addition ; since the passage begins with the words ' The
marshal de Schomberg told me when I was with him last at Paris that,' and
concludes with the sentence ' This is added by me after my return from France '
(i.e. after the visit Burnet paid to that country towards the end of 1683). The
variations are as follows : —
For 'As the treaty . . . from England ' read only 'he waited of the king in
his way to Portugal, not long after his restoration, and had much free discourse
with him about Dunkirk and several other things.'
After ' Paris ' add ' during the king's exile, where they had been mutual con-
fidants in some of their loose amours ' ; and omitting ' but had so great . . .
general they had,' continue 'so he now used great freedom with the king.'
Om. ' It would keep . . . affairs.'
Before ' wild ' read ' raw.'
After ' Dunkirk ' proceed to ' Schomberg advised.'
.^Z'^'' ' thoughts of it ' flrfrf 'and when I objected what I have heard some
military men say concerning the place's not being tenable, he assured me that
those vyere but made stories to cover the infamy of that action, that.'
For ' could never be taken ' read ' would never have been besieged, much
less taken.'
For ' But he was singular in that opinion ' read \J. 38 (A)] ' and [he] told me
that the king's selling it was the first thing that made his reputation sink all
Europe over. He was also very free with the king as to his pleasures, not that
he talked to him as a divine on that head, in which he has been too much
a libertine himself, but he was troubled to see that these things possessed the
king's spirit too much.'
The Spaniards were highly dissatisfied with the court,
both for this and for the king's marrying the infanta of
Portugal, but Clarendon thought that* Tangier, which was given
as a part of the queen's portion, would wash off the blot of
Dunkirk ; and considering more its general situation as it lies
in the map than the true value of the place, either as it might
be a station for ships or a foundation for subduing as much
territory as might defray the cost of keeping it, he set the
king on a vast charge about it, and for building a mole for
» Cf. Hist. i. 173.
■ See note b to p. 4, vol. ii. of History (in Mr. Airy's edition).
8o Burnet's Original Memoirs [1663
ships before it. It has hitherto been a great and constant
charge, and has involved the king in some little wars with the
Moors, but has not yet turned to any account, nor is there any
probability that it can ever be made an important place. Yet
I remember, when I knew the court first, it was talked of at
a mighty rate as the foundation of a new empire, and he
would have been a very hardy man that would have ventured
to have spoke slightly of it ; but men have been more liberal
of their discourse since that time, and it is generally believed
that, after near two millions of charge, *the king is now
resolved ^ on blowing it up and bringing over his garrison *.
And thus I have given a very copious account of all that I
learnt of the state of the court at that time. I understood
not all this then, but have picked up much of it since that
time. I will not say but in many things (especially in the
characters that I have given upon hearsay) I may have been
mistaken, but I think I have writ of all men and things with
a due caution and exactness.
A session of parliament in Scotland; [death of Warriston}.
I went down to Scotlemd in summer [i6]63, where ''one of the
first things that was done was the execution of my unfortu-
nate uncle. He was much disordered both in body and mind ^
and he shewed it too much before the 'parliament ; his head
was much turned, for by unskilful physicians and excessive
bleeding he was brought so low [/. 39 (a)] that " he had lost his
memory and sense, so that he did not so much as know his
own ^ children ". I heard his speech, with great confusion ^ ;
» Cf. Hist. i. 174. i" Ibid. 203. " Ibid.
' Secret instructions for its abandon- to kneel at' the hearing his sentence,
ment had been actually signed (July which he did, and I must confess I
2, 1683") about a month before this never saw so miserable a spectacle,
was written, but Lord Dartmouth, sent I have often heard of a man feared out
to execute them, did not return till of his wits, but never saw it before;
April, 1684 ; cf. His/., Airy's edition, yet, what he said was sense good
i. 306, note I ; ii. 437, with note 2 ; enough, but he roared and cryed and
and Reresby, Memoirs, April 15, 1684. exprest more feare than ever I saw'
" Lauderdale Papers, i. 135, 144. {Lauderdale Papers, i. 145. See also
' Lauderdale says, 'The prisoner ibid. 155, 163, 175; and Hist., Mr.
was bro[u]ght ; he was commanded Airy's edition, i. 364, notes).
1663] Harl MSS. 6584, f. 38 (^)-39 (a) 8i
* there.was a visible disorder in him, but he set it out with so
much passion that no wonder if it was not much believed nor
considered. So he was sentenced to die. Many presbyterians
came about him, and prayed for him in a style, as if he had
merited strangely at God's hands, and as if he had been
a martyr. He was very unequal in his deportment ; some-
times it was composed and at other times he was much out
of order, yet when the day of his execution came he was very
serene*- In Scotland the executions are after dinner. I dined
with him that day ; he eat cheerfully, and I remember he
called upon me twice to eat. I stayed with him, and was
now and then leaving him and returning after short intervals.
One thing I thought strange ; when I cited some passage of
scripture for his meditation not a quarter of an hour before
he was led out, he would know the chapter and verse and
turn to it, which he needed not to have done had he been
entire, for he had the whole scriptures almost by heart. I
walked with him to the scaffold (for all go to their execution
on foot in Scotland). *• He read his speech twice, which I am
sure was all of his own composing* ; then he prayed long, and
after being twice or thrice in his private devotions he was
executed ^. I have already given his character ^ ; I shall add
nothing here ; but by this relation the reader will see that I
am not biassed much by kindred. I am afraid friendship may
mislead me more, yet I shall watch over myself the best I can
even in that.
[TAe session continued; Nisbet's character^
Cf. Hist. i. 203 (' The business of the parliament ' to p. 205, ' the effects they
might have ') and p. 279 {Nisbefs character^.
After 'laid open' read ' Mackenzie laid it all upon Middleton.'
After ' the putting ' insert ' Mackenzie and Fletcher and ' ; and for ' all ' read
' most of. '
• Cf. Hist. i. 203. ^ Ibid.
Bumet had ' forced ' Lauderdale to family, which Burnet was safe-guard-
write a few lines in his favour (Lau- ing {Letters from Lady Margaret
derdale Papers, i. 156), and Lady Bumet, Bannatyne Club, 1828, p.
Margaret Kennedy, whom Bumet 31).
eventually married, pleaded earnestly ' See Morison'sfFfl;-mto«, pp. 148-9.
with the Secretary for the material ^ See Hist. i. 28; and cf. Autobio-
interests of the unfortunate man's graphy, infra, f. 197.
83 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1663
After ' employments ' msert Sir John Nisbets character {Hist. i. 279) ; read-
ing thus : ' Sir John Nisbet was made king's advocate ; he was a man of a slow
apprehension, but of a deep judgement ; and very learned, not only in the law,
but in all the other parts of learning, particularly in the Latin and Greek
tongues, and was a great lover of justice ; he had been always of the king's
side, yet his great love of money (which is his only blemish) has so entangled
him that he will never put much to hazard. But this change fell .out some
months after this ' ; then revert to p. 204, ' So an act,' omitting all about English
Conventicle Act.
[/• 39 (*)] For ' So an act . . . terms ' read ' In parliament there were two
acts passed that related to the church ; by one of them the government by
bishops was more fully confirmed, and all the subjects were required to keep
their parish churches, and fines were set upon transgressors. '
For ' zeal for the church ' read ' zeal for episcopacy ; but this did not
work much on the bishops, who thought that all this was only a little court
Om. 'There was some . . . majority.* Om. 'of all deans.'
After ' Trent ' add ' so that things could not be so much as complained of
without leave from the king, and in cases of heresy, or any disorder whatsoever,
that might at any time be supported by the court, the church's hands were
bound up.'
After ' irregular ' add ' Sharp's taking it to himself was thought very insolent.'
After 'told him of it' add 'two or three days after ^'
For ' The inferior ... a person ' read ' Others also said that there was no
shadow of liberty left to this national synod, since the one half of the com-
missioners was to be.'
Om. ' The act . . . constituted ' ; and after ' Two other ' add ' considerable.'
For ' and not having . . . goods as might ' read ' it [being] thought necessary
to do somewhat in Scotland for excluding the English commodities till they had
repealed that act, and (so).'
After ' to him ' ' add ' by which the trade of that kingdom, and the customs
arising out of it, are now wholly in the crown.'
Om. ' and so it passed . . . opposition.'
\_f. 40 (a)] For ' Nobody dreamt ... of this ' read ' Nobody dreamt ever how
to raise, to march, or to command this army.'
Om. ' to let the king . . . England.'
For ' they had not much treasure to offer him . . . good army ' read ' which
he said was neither by their treasure, nor good government, but by the
threatening of an army.'
Om. ' And of this . . . ends.'
[Conduct of Glencairn.l
"When the business of the parliament was over, it was
dissolved ». Rothes dismissed them with a dull speech that
was penned by Sharp and had figures in it that looked like
» Cf. Hist. i. 205.
' Lauderdale was at Edinburgh. ' Mr. Airy's ed. reads ' to the king.'
i663] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 39 (a)-4o (a) 83
a schoolmaster ; the chief thing he recommended to their
care was the executing those laws to which themselves had
consented that related to the church. When Rothes and
Lauderdale went back to court to give an account of affairs,
"the government of Scotland was left chiefly in Glencairn's
hands * ; he was too proud to stoop to Lauderdale ^, but on the
other hand it was not easy to find matter to turn him out ;
yet he expected it, and both Primrose and he apprehending
that they would be turned out of their places, set themselves
much to recover the favour of the people, which they had
formerly lost so much. The first thing in which Glencairn
shewed these inclinations was in my uncle Warriston's
concern ; for though he hated him out of measure, yet he was
very friendly to him and procured him the favour of much
time, and put it on the parliament as much as decently he
could to recommend hirn to the king's mercy; and after the dis-
solution of the parliament ""he was always moving in council for
the moderating of Sharp's violent conditions and propositions.
Argyll restored.
While the parliament of Scotland was almost at an end,
Lorn's business was despatched at court*; he was set at liberty
before Lauderdale came to Scotland, and went up to court
with very earnest recommendations both from Rothes and
Lauderdale ; and (that summer happening to be a time of
little business at court) sir Robert Moray ^ laid hold of the
conjuncture and pressed the king so in it that " he restored
him to his grandfather's title " ; so that he was the first earl of
Scotland, and by not being made a marquis he only lost the
precedence- of Montrose. * The king also gave him i,5co
pounds sterling a year clear out of the estate *, and gave to his
brother and sisters all that their father had settled on them ;
and for the rest of the estate he ordered it to be first charged
with that debt in which Lorn had been bound with his father
» Cf. Hist. i. 205. " Ibid. " Ibid. ^ Ibid.
' Lauderdale Papers, i. i66. _
" Who acted as Secretary this year during Lauderdale s absence.
G a
84 . Burnet's Original Memoirs [1663
(for if that had not been done all the king's favour to him
would have signified little, for he was liable to so much debt
as must have eat up his estate). [/. 40 (^)] And when that
was done * the overplus of the estate was ordered to be divided
for the payment of all the other debts proportionally; but
that was so little that presently a great outcry was raised,
which has pursued Argyll ever since " ^ ; it being said that he
was restored to his father's estate without paying his debts,
so that really the attainder has fallen on the creditors ; but
this was occasioned by the restoring Huntly without making
him liable for his just debts. So the affairs of this year are
at an end. Now I return to my own private ones.
My own concerns.
I was not a little lifted up this summer with the civilities
that Lauderdale shewed me, and I waited on him perpetually,
so there I began to have a great acquaintance with our
nobility and gentry ; and when he was one day sick (a great
court of ladies being about him), I was first acquainted with
her whom I have since married ^. She was his great friend,
a zealous presbyterian, and a woman of so great intrigue that
though I was nearly related to her and had been invited to
her acquaintance by several obliging messages from her, yet
I had still declined it. For I dislike all meddling women ;
° Cf. Hist. i. 205.
' See supra, pp. 5-7 ; and infra, her and give an attractive present-
p. 158. ment of thehigh-minded, high-spirited,
" For Lady Margaret Burnet see witty, and accompUshed woman, with
Mr. Airy's article (under her married aiTections as strong as her intelligence ;
designation) in Diet. Nat. Biog. ; his who, when reproached by her friends
note to Hist, in his edition, i. 196; for an unconventional intimacy with
Burnet's own account of their mar- Lauderdale, her own cousin- germane
riage and her death, infra, Autobio- (whose coldness towards his own
graphy, ff. 206, 208, and Harl. MSS. wife was notorious), gave ' no other
6584, f. 118(a) ; CocWoum, A specimen answer, than that her virtue wa?
of some free and impartial remarks, above suspicion ; as really it was '
pp. 46-7 ; and last, but not least, the (adds our informant Mackenzie), ' she
valuable collection of her letters to being a person whose religion ex-
Lauderdale (published in 1828 by the ceeded as far her wit. as her parts
Bannatyne Club, and edited by Mr. exceeded others of her sex' (Mac-
Airy) with the Introduction. These last kenzie's Memoirs, p. 165, quoted in
entirely confirm Burnet's character of p. ii of the Preface to her Letters),
1663] Harl. 71/55.-6584, ff. 40 (a)-4i (a) 85
upon which I said once to the duchess of Lauderdale [some-
what?] that was not ill-turned: I thought there were two
sorts of persons that ought not to meddle in affairs, though
upon very different accounts, these were churchmen and
women ; we ought to be above it ^, and women were below it.
But from a general acquaintance with my wife there grew a
great friendship between us. She was a woman of much
knowledge, had read vastly ; she understood both French,
Italian, and Spanish ; she knew the old Roman and Greek
authors well in the translations ; she was an excellent historian
and knew all our late affairs exactly well, and had many things
in her to furnish out much conversation. She was generous
to a high degree, and was a noble friend and a very tender-
hearted woman to all in misery ^, and sincere even to a nicety.
In a word she had many rare qualities, but she had some bad
ones ; she was apt to mistake little things, and to fancy that
her friends neglected her, and upon these jealousies she was
peevish and bitter ; but it was long before I observed these
defects in her.
At this time I grew acquainted with Mr. Scougall^^ after-
wards the pious and worthy bishop of Aberdeen ; he took
a great liking to me, and as I was one day standing with him on
the streets of Edinburgh, a gentleman of a pale countenance and
in a very plain garb came to us and made me a great compli-
ment " in acknowledgement of the kindness he had received
from my father at Paris*- I thought he was some ordinary
man, and did not much mind his compliment, but we went oa
in our discourse, [/. 41 («)] and he happened to say some
things that discovered both great learning and much sense.
So I asked who it was, and found it was sir Robert Fletcher * ;
» Cf.- Life (Hist, ii), p. 676.
> The ludicrous discrepancy be- = See Hist. (Airy's ed.), i. 387-8 ;
tween Burnet's doctrine and practice Diet. Nat. Biog. ; and Specimen, &c., by
on this point furnished a not unfair Cockburn (Scougall's nephew), who
topic for the bitter sarcasms of Hiclies gives a most amusing account of Scou-
{Some Discourses, p. 4). gall's sentiments concerning Burnet,
^ Her letters to Lauderdale consist both. at this date and as subsequently
largely of urgent appeals in favour of developed (pp. 28-43, SQ-Ss)-
persons in distress. ' See Burnet's anonymous Dis-
86 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1663
thus did I stumble on my first patron. We had a great deal
of discourse, and I had the luck to please him ; at which I
wonder much, for he was one of the humblest and modestest
men in the world, and I was then one of the vainest and
insolentest. His genius lay to mathematics and philosophy,
and he wanted a friend and companion in study, so he began
to resolve on having me about him. I was at this time very
uneasy at home ; for my mother and the rest of our family
were much troubled to find that I was resolved to conform
to episcopacy. So I had many sad [hard?] things said to
me on that subject ; and my mother laid it so to heart that
it put her into fits so that we thought she would have died
of them ; therefore to give her some content I promised not
to take orders yet for a year, and so we were more at ease.
The story of Thauler's conversion had a great effect on me.
At Christmas I went to the earl of Tweeddale's house in
the country, where I had much conversation with Mr. Charteris
that was his minister, and Mr. Nairn, that had retired to a
living in the country that was in Lauderdale's gift. I preached
there, and it was the first time that Mr. Charteris had ever
heard me. He is a very modest man, and was sorry to find
that some good things which he fancied he saw in me were
like to be spoilt with pride and arrogance ; and being resolved
to say something to me and yet being restrained by his
modesty, he did it in a more effectual way by telling me the
story of Thauler's ^ conversion, which I heard with such atten-
tion that I think I remember yet the very words he used.
The stops he made, his looks to me and gesture are yet fresh
in my thoughts ; and it had such an effect on me that I must
say there was never any one thing befell me in my whole life
that touched me more. And because this may be read by
such as cannot find Thauler's life^, I shall set it down in
course on the memory of this ex- ^ A life which Burnet may have seen
cellent man; Cock bum's Specimen, is ihe D. loannes Thauleri . . . sermoMes
PP- 30, 32, and infra, Autobiography, . . . Historia et ennarratio vHae . . . D.
pp. 200, 202. loamtes Thauleri, Coloniae, 1603.
' J, Tauler, the Mystic.
1663] Harl MSS. 6584, f. 41 (a)-4i (b) 87
a few words. Thauler was the most celebrated preacher in
his time, and many came from divers places to Cologne to hear
him preach. Among others a country boor came once and
desired him to preach a sermon of perfection, which he did ;
and when the boor gave him thanks for his sermon he seemed
to be much pleased with it. So the boor told him though he
preached of perfection to others he was far from it himself,
otherwise he would not be so delighted with the praises he
gave him ; at which, when Thauler grew angry, he told him
that was a further proof how little he [/. 41 (3)] had attained
to perfection, otherwise he would not be much concerned in
his opinion of him nor be displeased if he thought ill of him.
He further told him he had lewd thoughts in his mind at the
time of his sermon ; with this Thauler was struck, and said he
looked on him as sent to him of God and so surrendered
himself up to his conduct. The boor told him he must give
over preaching till he had mortified the vain temper in him-
self; upon which he gave himself wholly to devotion and
fasting and to everything that might mortify his vanity ; and
after some time his boor desired him to try how preaching
would do. So he went to the bishop's vicar and asked leave
to preach, which was granted, and a great assembly was
gathered in the cathedral upon the expectation of him ; but
as he went up to the pulpit he found his old vanity returning
upon him ; so (being resolved never to preach while he was
under the dominion of that temper) he wept and came down,
saying only a few words tending to the abasing himself.
Upon this he was generally looked on as an hypochondriacal
man ; but his boor was well pleased with what he had done, and
after some more time was spent by him in that course of intro-
version (as the mystics express it), the boor called on him to
preach again ; but the vicar would not suffer him to preach in
public till he heard how he performed in a private chapel. So
he preached in the Dominicans' chapel (being himself one of
that order), but it was not so privately carried, but that many
of the town heard of it, and came thither. His text was,
' Behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him ' ; he
88 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1663
turned the words to a mystical sense, and preached in such
a manner that all who heard him were so struck with the
impressions that his sermon made on them, that they seemed
ravished, and one died in a transport ; and so his boor told
him he saw what effects his preaching had when he set about
it with' a right spirit. This story went to my heart, and
I have been often since that time at the point of coming
down out of the pulpit or of breaking off in the middle when
I have felt violent temptations to vanity seize on me ; and I
have seldom preached on extraordinary occasions before
which I have not very heartily prayed that if the rubbing
shame on me by my miscarriage in it might contribute more
to the honour of God than my performing well, that God's
will might be done. I confess I have had another notion of
preaching ever since that time than I had before ; till then
I had only thought on a laboured and adorned discourse for
which I might [/. 4a («)] be much applauded, but from hence-
forth I have conceived that the true end of preaching was to
give men plain and easy notions of religion and to beget in
them tender and warm affections. And I went on in my
former method of accustoming myself to an extemporary way
of preaching. While I was at the earl of Tweeddale's sir
Robert Fletcher (that lived but four miles from him) came
over to see him ; and finding me there, * he invited me to
come see him at his house before I went out of the country.
So I waited on him ; and a Sunday falling to be in the time
of my visit he heard me preach .twice, and then determined
to present me to his church ». When he promised it first to
me, I was much surprised at it^ It was one of the best
benefices of those parts (but that had never great weight
with me) ; the parsonage house was not only convenient but
noble ; it was near all my friends ; but the gentleman's own
conversation was more than all these. He was an humble,
good, and worthy man ; he had a great love of learning, and
" Cf. Life {Hisi. ii), p. 676.
' See Cockburn, p. 30.
1663-4] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 41 (Z>)-42 {b) 89
had made considerable progress in it ; and his two eldest
sons ^ were then under a very exact education and in the
years most capable of it, so he intended that I should live in
the house with him, and assist both himself in his own studies
and his sons' tutor in instructing them. But that which
seemed to me the most considerable thing in that matter
was that which I ever endeavoured to follow as the safest rule
for the conduct of one's life ; and it was that from first to last
it seemed to be carried on by a series of providences. No
person had ever proposed it to the patron ; on the contrary,
I had moved the earl of Tweeddale to propose Mr. Nairn
to him, and then I resolved to have come in Mr. Nairn's
living ; but he declined the notion ; at which Tweeddale was
amazed, for there was not such another as Nairn to be found.
The excuse he made was he knew Mr. Nairn would be quickly
pulled from him, so that he should be put to choose again ;
but he did not at first speak of me (for he had not then heard
me preach) ; and when I pressed him further for Nairn, he
repeated what he had told Tweeddale, and added that my
inclinations to philosophy ^ and mathematics made him prefer
me. * I told him I intended to travel ; he said it was so much
the better ; I would be the more improved by it, and bishop
Scougall was not yet to remove for six months, so I might
accomplish it * I had designed this year a short ramble over
Holland, Flanders, and France; [/. 4a (p)'\ and on [Pin]
February I went to London, where I was received by sir
Robert Moray with more kindness than formerly. I grew
likewise to be engaged into great intimacies both with Argyll
and Tweeddale ; * and then I was carried by sir Robert to the
Royal Society and chosen a fellow ^ of it >> ; which was a new
increase to my vanity that indeed needed no addition.
" Life {Hist ii), p. 677. •■ Ihid.
• One of whom was afterwards 65 ; Hist. i. 500 ; infra. Autobiography,
famous as Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun f. aos, where he gives some account
{Hist. i. 630-1, 642, and, infra p. 161). of the mathematical studies he under-
' i.e. the New or Experimental took with Sir Robert Fletcher, and
Philosophy of which both Burnet and their fatal results.
Fletcher were devotees. See the " Mr. Burnet's Life of his father
memorial Discourse on Fletcher, p. states(followingtheAutobiography,on
go Burnet's Original Memoirs [1664
The ill state of the church in Scotland.
Hist. i. 206-7 (' He moved that a letter ' to 'given him very easily ').
Begin ' Lauderdale spake then more freely of the affairs of the church to me
than he had done formerly ; he told me all Sharp's past life,' &tc.
Om. ' for he had not . . . stop him.'
Om. 'Things would run to a height . . . jealous of me,' and revert to
' [Sharp] moved that a letter might be writ,' &=c.
For ' for in Scotland . . . person ' read ' in the procuring of which Lauderdale
confessed he was not backward, for he knew they would fall out about it.'
After ' church ' add ' He said the privy council was very remiss in looking to
these things, so that it was necessary to lodge it with a commission for whose
zeal he could be answerable.'
Om. ' though much . . . ruin them ' ; and proceed to ' Fairfoul.'
For ' near kinsman ' read ' cousin-germane ' ; for ' lord Rutherford ' read
' earl of Teviot ' {see Airy's note a, in loco).
For ' who, from being . . . Moors ' read only ' who was soon after killed by
the Moors at Tangier.'
Om. 'and knew . . . Scotland' and 'but was . . . genius.'
Om. ' I was much . . . principles.'
[Burnet and his namesake."]
He and I, though of the same name, were not akin, and
were not at all of a temper ; for he yielded to everybody, and
I had it always in my nature to oppose everything that was
uppermost. The truth is, I never saw any in power but they
abused [/. 43 (a)] it to such a degree that a man who exercised
a due freedom in the conduct of himself (and that did not con-
sult his interests in the judgements that he made of them)
could not comply with them or approve of them. So much
of our Scottish affairs.
My stay in Holland.
" Now I went beyond sea ^ ; and after I was surfeited with
the intolerable peevishness and ill-nature that I saw among our
exiles ^ at Rotterdam, and '' had run through Holland, I settled
• Cf. Hist. i. 207 ; Life, by Thomas Burnet, in Hist. ii. 677 ; and Auto-
biography, infra, f. 200. '' Life {Hist, ii), p. 677.
which it is founded) that the election 226, 227, 340 ; and more especially
took place on his return from the 117, with Mr. Airy's note (i. 213 in his
continent. edition).
* For these exiles see Hist. i. 214,
i664l Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 42 {b)-^-^ {d) 91
for six weeks at Amsterdam ». Many wondered what I meant
by my stay there. The truth was I did not admire the learn-
ing of Holland ; I found little spirit among the professors at
Ley den. I could not bear the peevishness of Voet^ and his party
at Utrecht; and though I liked Des Mares ^ at Groningen better
than any of them, yet I did not admire him. There was some
philological and rabbinical learning among them, but that
made but a dull conversation. A few Cartesian philosophers
were more entertaining ; "^ but my chief business at Amsterdam
was to be well acquainted with all the several religions there.
I conversed much with the Jews, and was two hours a day
with a master there ^, and had much discourse with Ahoab and
Musaphia [? Mustapha], that were esteemed very learned ;
but I could not converse with Ahoab except by an interpreter,
for he understood not Latin. I heard him preach, and had an
interpreter sit by me that explained the remarkablest passages
of his sermon. I shall never forget one thought which was
indeed a noble one: he was preaching on our conformity
to the nature of God, and said that God made man after
his own image, or to be a shadow to himself (according to
the Hebrew word) ; now a shadow had no substance in itself,
and was only a ruder draught of the body whose shadow it
was, and moved always as the body moved. So he applied
it thus : that a man was to have no will of his own, but that
in all things he ought to follow God, and be a sort of a repre-
sentation (though but a rude one) of his perfections. '^ I was
well acquainted with the Lutherans there " ; some of them were
» Cf. Life {^Hist. ii), p. 677. •> Ibid. " Ibid.
' Gisbert Voet (1588-1676), pro- ^ Samuel des MarSts (Maresius)
fessor of theology and oriental Ian- (1599-1673), a Frenchman, settled at
guages at Utrecht from 1634 ; head of Groningen in 1643, where he held a
the Calvinists at the synod of Dort ; theologic chair till his death thirty years
the persecutor of Descartes, and the later. Bayle admired him ; Burmann
fierce opponent of Cocceius, with described him as a man of keen in-
whose followers his disciples for a telligence and profound learning, but
hundred years disputed theologic of a violent and arrogant temper. He
pre-eminence in Holland. He was a left more than a hundred works {Biog.
voluminous writer (Biog. Universelle ; Universelle ; Paquot, Hist. Lift, des
Van der Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek Pays-Bas, i. 274-283 ; Van der Aa, xii.
der Nederlanden, xix. 296-303). 198-212'.
92 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1664
fierce and untractable, but one of them, Hoppius \ was one
of Calixtus's disciples ^ and was both moderate in his opinions
and had truly elevated thoughts of God and religion. For I
made ever this observation, that [/. 43 (^)] the moderate men
had larger and nobler thoughts of God and of the design of
the Christian religion than the zealots have ; who are often
strict indeed in their lives, and very exact to a superstition
in all outward performances, but they seem still to serve God
rather as a severe master than as a merciful Father. » I was
well acquainted with the Remonstrants", particularly with
Poelenburgh ^ ; their professors [••.•*]• They were the
men I saw in all Holland of the clearest heads and the best
tempers ; they had an excellent sense of the practical parts of
religion (particularly of love and peace), and expressed great
readiness to reunite with the Calvinists whenever they should
come to cease from their imposing of their doctrines upon
them ; and thought that in these and many other points there
ought to be more mutual forbearance. This they extended
even to the Socinians ; but they assured me they were not
Socinians themselves, yet they did not like the subtleties of
the fathers and schoolmen in mysterious points. ^ I was
likewise acquainted^ with the Socinians ^ in particular
with Zuicker ^, the author of Irenicon Irenicorum ; he was
" Cf. Life {Hist, ii), p. 677. "= Ibid.
' Evidently the ' C. Hoppe ' whose page following p. 56 and numbered
works on the ' Sacrament des Avond- 53-4 ; Van der Aa, xv. 370-1.)
maels' (1667) and on ' de Heylige * Something is here missing.
Doop ' (1669) are in the Library of the '■• Dr. Cockburn (p. 59) says Burnet's
* Evangelisch-Luthersch Seminarium * intimacy with Socinians in Holland
at Amsterdam (Catal., 1876, p. 139). gave great offence to the orthodox
^ George Calixtus(i586-i656), pro- divines, both Dutch and English; it
fessor of theology at Helmstadt, ' gave explains the subsequent charge of
his name to a sect of Lutherans, who Socinianism brought against Burnet,
imagined they could reconcile the ' Daniel Zwicker (1612-78). A
various sects cf this faith, and bore physician, he soon plunged into
also the title of Syncretists.' theological investigations, with the
^ Arnold Poelenburg (1628-66), object of reconcihng the various
minister successively at Home (1653), Christian sects. He is said to have
Rotterdam (1653), Amsterdam (1659), become successively a Socinian, an
was a copious writer oftheArminian or Arminian, and a Moravian; and died
Remonstrant party, with a reputation disappointed, and in estrangement
for learning (Paquot, ed. 1770, iii, from all recognized bodies. The
1664] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. 43 (a)-44 (a) 93
a man of clear thoughts and very composed, and was indeed
by far the devoutest man I saw in Holland. He was much
for a community of goods and for reducing Christianity in
all things to what it was in the Apostles' days ; he said it
was not a religion that could bear great multitudes, and
thought that whole nations turning Christians by the lump
had made that there were no true Christians almost left now in
the world. He was against the doctrine of the Trinity, but
did believe that Christ's death was a sacrifice for our sins. " I
knew likewise the Brownists, and Menonists or Anabaptists *,
who were subdivided into many little fractions ^ ; they were
very strict in their lives, but had narrow thoughts. The city
ministers were good, plain men. Langelius was a strain above
them all in my opinion ; they made great use of the Eng-
lish practical books in their sermons, which were very
methodical and dull. ^ One thing I drank in at Amsterdam
(which sticks still with me and is not like to leave me), which
is never to form a prejudice in my mind against any man
because he is of this or that persuasion ; for I saw so many
men of all persuasions that were, as far as I could perceive, so
truly religious that I never think the worse of [/. 44 («)] a man
for his opinions ^ Education is all, to men of weak heads ;
they never examine the first principles that were infused in
them, nor were it fit to put them upon it ; for they, believing
all alike, if they began to doubt of some things, that would
carry them to doubt of others, and so they would not stop
perhaps till they might run too far. ° I became likewise much
in love with toleration by what I saw in Holland, for there
was only a difference of opinion among them, but no heat nor
anger raised by it, every one enjoying his own conscience
without disturbance " ; and this has ever since given me a great
' Cf. Life {Hist, ii), p. 677. " Ibid. ' Cf. Hist. i. 207 ; and Life
as above. <
Irenicon was written in 1658 ; his Anabaptists that Leighton found the
Irenomastix Victtts in 1661 {Biog. supreme instance of the spirit of
Univ. ; Van der Aa, xxi. 86). sectarianism ?
'■ Was it not among the Amsterdam
94 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1664
bias for toleration, for real arguments are to me much stronger
than speculative motions [? notions] can be.
After this I ran round all the provinces except Zealand, and
stayed some time both at Leyden and the Hague, and (being
set on it by sir Robert Fletcher) I observed all their mechanical
arts and the peculiar engines and instruments they made use
of, and took notes of all these things, which has since furnished
me with a great deal of forwardness in discourse, and has
helped me to much idle talk. I also looked into as much of
their government as I could observe, and I do not deny but
it gave me some tincture of a commonwealth ; yet when I
understood the English constitution right I thought it was a
much perfecter one, where there is as much both of monarchy
and commonwealth mixed as may give all the advantages
together which are to be found in either of these governments
apart ; only the danger of a jealousy and struggle may give
us disquiet, as it has done now for some years ^. But of all
the parts of the Dutch government there was nothing that
delighted me so much as the care that was taken of the poor
in so liberal and plentiful a manner, and the method in which
this was managed, without partiality or regard to men's
religions. In fine^, I liked many things that I saw among
them ; but the rudeness of their behaviour, particularly to
strangers (even their learned men and clergymen not excepted),
was a very odious thing. Golius, the Arabic professor at
Leyden ^, was the only civil man I met with, for travelling
had polished him. Their divines did generally dictate, and
did not easily bear contradiction ; and they laid great stress
upon very inconsiderable things. The way of private colleges
' This passage bears a curious re- a Dutch embassy, in Morocco (1622).
semblance to a passage in the charac- There he collected valuable Arabic
ter of a 'Trimmer' (written about a MSS. ; became on his return Arabic
year later), and is probably derived professor ^t Leyden ; during 1625
from conversations with Halifax. travelled again in the Levant, and
2 Transcriber wrote 'some,' Burnet died at Leyden as professor of
corrects to ' sum or fin.' mathematics. His works, highly es-
^ James Golius (1596-1667), pupil teemed during his own age, are said
in Arabic of Erpenius, travelled first to be still in repute {Biog. Univer-
in France, and then, as interpreter to selle ; Van der Aa, vii. 270-3).
1664] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 44 (a)-44 (b) 95
in their universities is an excellent method foi: giving an intro-
duction to learning, [/. 44 (3)] or for a superficial view of things ;
in which, for an hour a day, in one or two months' time, the
professor gives (to such as come by an appointment together
to his chamber) a general idea and short system of his science,
or of any part of it in which they desire to be informed. So
much of my travels in Holland.
My jottrney to France.
* I went from thence through Flanders to France ". I only
saw things, but knew no considerable persons, in Flanders ;
and I was under a great constraint by reason of the company
of many Scotchmen that travelled with me from Holland to
Paris, and I was afraid that they might have made stories in
Scotland if I had conversed much, or freely, with any papists
as we passed through Flanders. But at Paris I was more at
liberty. I was recommended very particularly by sir Robert
Moray to Mr. Morus *, and he made me '' acquainted with
the lord Holies (then ambassador at Paris), who used me
kindly and continued to be a faithful and useful friend to me
to his death. He stood too much upon the points of an
ambassador, and considered more what an ambassador ought
to be than what this age can bear or that court did like ^ ; so
he was looked on there as a sort of a stubborn hero, but
as a very ill courtier. He gave me many good directions
and charged me to come oft to him. " I was once a day with
Mr. Morus ", who was a man of a great vivacity of spirit, and
had life in his conversation ; but I thought he had not deep
' Cf. Hist. i. 207 ; Life {Mist, ii), p. 677 ; and infra, Autobiography. ' Cf.
Hist. i. 207 ; and Life as above. " Cf. Life as above.
* Alexander Morus (1616-79), born coup d'^rudition et d'esprit, peu de
in languedoc of Scotch parentage, held religion et de jugement. II est mal-
various theologic chairs, and died propre, ambitieux, inquiet, changeant,
minister of Charenton ; where his hardi, pr^somptueux, et irresolu. II
sermons attracted crowds, less on sait le latin, le grec, I'hebreu, I'arabe ;
account of their eloquence than of the et ne sait pas vivre.' He was engaged
sarcasms and witticisms interspersed. in acrimonious controversy with Milton
His orthodoxy was much questioned ; {Biog. Universelle). See also /,««*>--
and Bayle says : ' M. de Morus a beau- dale Papers, i. 28.
96 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1664
impressions of religion, and we were often of different minds.
He said I was too enthusiastical and would turn hypochon-
driacal ; and I was afraid that he had too much levity in hia
mind and was too near a libertine. Mr. Daillie ^ and he;
were then in ill terms, which perhaps made Daillie less civil
to me, for I had but one long * conversation with him. I saw
in him a great genius % but too much heat in the matter of
Morus, who was certainly a very indiscreet man ; but I believe
he was very innocent of those things that were laid to ■ his
charge. I heard him preach twice ; '' he was much admired
for the fire and spirit with which he adorned and expressed
his matter, but his sermons, when stripped of that garniture,
would have appeared to be very ordinary things ''. The truth
was, the great thing that made sir Robert Moray put me
so much on going to France as he did was that I might ob-
serve their way of preaching and learn to speak my sermons
with more advantage ; for he thought if our English sermons
were pronounced as the French did theirs, the business of
preaching would be at great perfection [/. 45 («)] among us ;
and I observed this carefully. I heard many sermons of the
popish clergy ; I did not like the way of the Jesuits and the
friars, and thought it had too much of the stage in it ; too
much art and too much acting spoiled it ; but the secular priests
pleased me more, who preached more staidly and more like
men that were all the while thinking of what they were saying.
I took a good tincture of their way — indeed more than Scot-
land could well bear and much more than England could
endure ; but I have worn off some gestures that looked too
like acting, and yet the way of preaching in which I still hold
is (as some that have observed it well have told me) very like
the way of the secular clergy of the Port Royal.
While I was at Paris I could not get into the acquaintance
of any of the Jansenists ; they were then run down, and
were very reserved, so that it was not easy to get into any
• » Life (Hist, ii), p. 677. ^ Ibid.
' Jean Daille (1594-1670), minister at Saumur (1625) and Charenton (1626).
i664] Harl. MSS. 6584, ^ 44 {b)-4s {b) 97
familiarity with them. I confess I thought the French pro-
testants had no great sense of devotion, and did not imagine
that they would have stuck much to their religion. I made
some acquaintance in many religious houses, for I had then
a great inclination to that state of life ; but their worship
appeared to me to be so plainly idolatrous in many parts, and
superstitious in most other parts, that I could not bring iriyself
so much as to endure it, though I thought very well of those
who, by their education, were blindfold engaged in their
church. I did not at all like the Jesuits, but I admired the
methods of their order and their way of training up youth,
which has ever since run much in my mind. For themselves,
I knew indeed but few of them ; yet I saw a vast pride and
vanity among them, and a most horrid rage against all that
they looked on as enemies of their order. I saw nothing
among the Carthusians but dulness and stupidity. They were
overgrown with fat ; some were full of phlegm, and others
were hypochondriacal ; and no wonder, considering what
a violence it is to a Frenchman's nature to be in perpetual
silence. The Benedictines seemed a plain, honest sort of
people. They were very rich, and much despised ; but they
spoke of all orders with great contempt in comparison of their
own. The unrefoi-med Cordeliers seemed to have no sense of
religion. I was not acquainted with any of the Recollets, but
knew many Capuchins, who were much better than the un-
reformed Franciscans, but they had much wild-fire among
them. In short, the two points that most of all the [/. 45 {d)]
disputing men insisted on with me were the two least things
like to have wrought on me, which were the authority of the
church and the presence in the host. The notion I had of
Christianity made me incapable of admitting the one, and I
was too much a philosopher ever to let the possibility of the
other enter into me. But I looked often to find out some
that understood the mystical divinity, and that followed the
rules of it ; but I could never fall on any. I was told they
were persons who would not be seen ; so whether this was
only an excuse, or if there were really any such among them.
98 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1664
I do not know. I had also much conversation [with] several
nuns at grates, particularly with my lady Balcarres' daugh-
ter ', who I found had more of the mystical notions than any
I spoke with ; but I saw she was very weary of the house in
which she lived. There were many boarders in it, by which
the abbess made great advantages ; and she being concerned
to raise her nephew was so much set on that matter that she
looked very little after the strict government of the house ;
and upon that a faction was formed against her, of which my
friend was said to be the chief, and was much complained of
as very seditious. She had a warm fancy, and was enticed to
go over to them as thinking a nun's life was but a little Iow;er
than an angel's, and was very uneasy when she found it not
so. The abbess was so severe to her that she laid many
projects to get out to leave that house ; not that she intended
to change her religion, but she was weary of her prison and
of her jailor ; but none of her projects could take effect. At
last she thought of an escape. I was to have assisted her in
it, but that could not be compassed neither.
* Aftersix weeks' stay in Paris ^ I came back to England * ;
and as I had made some improvement by this short ramble,
so I did not stick to talk of it enough to weary those that fell
in my way. I stayed three months longer in England. I saw
the war with Holland was going on, at which Lauderdale was
very glad, for he hoped it would ruin chancellor Hyde, who
he believed did not understand foreign affairs. But (that he
" Cf. Hist. i. 208 ; Life (in Hist, ii), p. 677.
' Lady Anne Lindsay, converted to testimony of a Scots minister (who
Romanism by Jesuits about the English had seen her?) that 'she was' (still;
Court during the close of the year ' a knowing and virtuous person, and
1660, at the age of sixteen, and in the had retained the saving principles of
absence of her mother, was a few our religion ' {Memoir of Lady Anna
weeks later ' stolen away secretly from Mackenzie, pp. 53-6 (quoting Baxter),
hermoth"erinacoach,'carriedtoFrance, 139-40).
and placed in a nunnery, where before ^ Notice that three passages on p.
the end of the year she took the veil, 207 of the printed History (' I was much
under the name of Sistef Anna Maria. . . . principles,' ' an universal industry
Her mother retained to the last a ... satisfaction in that matter,' and
pathetic conviction of her daughter's ' This established . .. absolute power')
sincerity, and thankfully recorded the are later additions.
:679-8i] The Elliot-Leslie Extracts 99
himself might have some secret advices to give the king) he
sent over to Holland for doctor Macdonal ^ (a Scotch physiciaa
then in good employment there) and promised him great
matters. [Here the fragment ends abruptly with the folio,
' desunt ' being written in a hand which resembles that of
/> 2-]
The first fragment of the Harleian MS. ending thus abruptly at this
point, a very large portion of Burnet's early narrative (corresponding
on a geneial estimate to pp. 208-310 and 333-543 of Burnet's first volume,
and including the events of the years 1665-82) is unfortunately missing;
with the exception only of the few fragmentary passages relating to the
years 1679-81, preserved by Leslie and Elliot, as explained at length
in the preface. These are here given entire. See also infra, Autobiography,
ff. 202-7'.]
[Extract I : The exclusion intrigues (1679-81^).]
'■^ He doth acl But
the mischief on't was, these castles in the air of his were soon
blown down '' ; for when this project of his came to be proposed-
by the whole party to the king and parliament, the king very
briskly crushed it in the head, would not hear of it, and so
sent it packing out of doors ^.
[Extract II : Action of the clergy in 1679.
Upon the earl of Danby's trial Burnet explains that]
<= ' Many books came out likewise against the church of
England. This alarmed the bishops and clergy much, so they
[Leslie reads " so that they "] set up to preach against rebel-
lion and the late times in such a strain that it was visible they
meant a parallel between those and the present times [Leslie
reads " these . . . present times "] ; and this produced at last
that heat and rage into which the clergy has ran " so far that it
■ Cf. Hist. i. 496. " Ihid. 498. " Ibid. 461.
' The reverse of this is insinuated time '). For the furious indignation esc-
in Hist. i. 496, 498. Elhot probably cited by these and similar strictures
misunderstood the passage. upon the clergy, see Elliot, pp. 30-8;
* Given verbatim by Elliot, pp. 10- Cassandra^ ii. 27 ; and Speculum
I. Quoted previously in [Leslie's] Sarisburianum, pp. 13, 17 (' This
Cassandra, No. ii, published 1704, author ... by his intemperate and
pp. 26-7 ; and (down to the words contemptuous expressions for a long
' are in the nation ' only) on the time, but more especially of late, uni^
title-page oS Speculum Sarisburianum, verso clero helium indixerii'). That
by ' Philoclerus,' published in 1714 these animadversions had some
(by the latter of which it is ascribed effect on Burnet may be concluded
to a 'MS. History representing the from the transformation which the
affairs of Church and State within passage has undergone in the printed
Britain and Ireland in the author's version ; and from Hist. i. 3 {bis).
1679] ^^^ Elliot Leslie Extracts loi
IS like to end very fatally. They on their part should have
■ shewn more temper, and more of the spirit of the gospel ;
whereas, for the greatest part, they are the worst natured, the
•fiercest, indiscreetest, and most persecuting sort of people that
are in the nation. There is * a sort of them do so aspire to
■preferment, that there is nothing so mean and indecent that
they will not do to compass it » ; and when they have got into
•preferments, they take no care either of themselves or of their
■flocks committed to their charge, but do generally neglect
their parishes. If they are rich [Leslie reads " rich enough "]
they hire some pitiful curate at as low a price as they can,
and turn all over on him ; or, if their income will not bear out
that, they perform the public offices in the slightest manner
-they can, but take no care of the [Leslie reads " their "] people
in the way of private instruction or admonition, and so do
nothing to justify the character of pastors or watchmen that
feed the souls of the [Leslie reads " their"] people, or watch over
[th]em ; and they allow themselves many indecent liberties
of going to taverns and alehouses, and of railing scurrilously
against all that differ from them ; and they cherish the pro-
'faneness of their people if they but come to church, and rail
with them against dissenters, and are implacably set on the
ruin of all that separate from them if the course of their lives
were otherwise never [Leslie "ever"] so good and unblamable.
In a word, many of them are a reproach to Christianity and
to their profession, and are now perhaps one of the most
corrupt bodies of men in the nation.'
- [Extract III: On bishops voting upon capital cases^.
•■ Upon the debate on Danby's trial. Whether the bishops
;ought to sit in parliament to vote in trials of life and death H]
" Hist. i. 462. '' Cf. ibid. 462-3.
' Given verbatim by Elliot, pp. 11- virhich (from 'Their unacquaintedness '
3. [Leslie, in] New Association, ii to ' act against it ' only) is also cited
Ibid. 470-1. <■ Ibid. 478-9.
1 [Leslie in] Cassandra denies this * Elliot, p. 11. The sentences from
on the authority of the official Nar- ' I always beUeve well ' to end of ex-
ratice, and says the archbishop died tract had been previously quoted
with 'Christian courage and resolution. in The New Association, ii (1703), 23;.
... No history since St. Stephen and in the Preface to Three Short
can shew a greater example of com- Treatises now again published by Dr.
posure ofmind.' George Hickes . . . 1709, from one
' This clause was only expunged of which we may no doubt derive the
in the final revision; see Airy, Hist., paraphrase given by Swift, Works, ed.
note c, (« loco. 1824, iv. 167, as a notorious saying of
This sentence probably answers to Burnet's. For comments see Elliot,
Airy s illegible line referring to Burnet pp. 34-41 ; the other tract mentioned
himself in the Bodleian autograph of loc. cit.
the History.
j68o] The Elliot-Leslie Extracts 105
profession that I am always inclined to think ill of them till
I see cause to think otherwise.'
[Extract VI : The prince of Orange and the exclusion bill
in 1680'.]
Of the prince of Orange he writes : ■' That minheer Fagel,
to the best of my remembrance, who was sent over from the
States of Holland to the king at that time, when the bill of
■exclusion was in agitation, had particular instructions from
the prince of Orange to deal with the leading members of the
house of commons to promote the passing of that bill.
■ [Extract VII: Reception of his History of the Reformation'^^
Upon his finishing his History of the Reformation of the
Church of England [vol. i] he informs us : ''That he had such
thanks returned in a compliment from the parliament of
England ""j that never any had the like in such a case bestowed
Upon them.
[Extract VIII : Reception of his sertnon and Dr. Sprat's
before the house of commons '.]
* Upon Dr. Sprat's sermon and his, before the house of
commons, he says : That his sermon had both the applause
and thanks of the house. But of Dr. Sprat's sermon he gives
this account : That it was indeed the worst sermon that ever
• Cf. Hist. i. 482. " Ibid. 483. " Ibid.
' Elliot, p. 17; previously quoted in that Burnet had perhaps ' blabbed ' the
Cassandra, ii. 40. For comments, see secret, because, despite his great
Elliot, p. 61, who not only speaks of services, he was postponed to Tillot-
Burnetasprivy to this 'early plot,' this son and another at the Revolution.
'great secret' of the prince's, but For the history of this episode the
adds the scurrilous suggestion that editor may be permitted a reference
he was also privy to the murder plot to the Life of Halifax, i. 235, 237,
of the 'Rye House' ; and Cassandra 264-5, 267, 285-6, 306-9.
(as above), whence the sinister sug- " Elliot, p. 15 ; for his comments see
gestion originally emanates. Leslie ibid. 47-8.
lays great stress on this ' underhand ' Elliot, p. 14 ; previously cited in
attempt ' of the prince ' against his Cassandra, ii. 24, where Sprat's name
father ' ; and maliciously insinuates, is suppressed in favour of the de-
io6 Burnet's Original Memoirs [leso
he heard him preach » ; and adds this character of the doctor,
That he is a man that has little knowledge of divinity, and as
little sense of it, and *> describes him to, be a man, that is much
addicted to pleasures.
[Extract IX: Dissolution of the Oxford parliament;
a declaration J and addresses ^.]
" He writes of the king, at the dissolution of the Oxford
parhament : That he came to the parliament house in a very
indecent manner, being carried in a chair to the house of
lords, with the crown between his legs ; and having sent for
the house of commons, he pulled it out from thence — i. e. from
his codpiece, as the factious party made the story pass — and
put it on his head, and so dissolved the parliament.
■^ After the dissolution of the Oxford parliament, the king emits
a declaration, in which he endeavours to satisfy all his subjects
with his proceedings, and shews how insolent the parliament
had been in their doings ; and withal signifies to all his sub-
jects that he would ever adhere to and defend the protestant
religion, and would call parliament as often as his subjects
could desire, when he found them inclined to make a right use
of them.
The archbishop of Canterbury advised in council that this
declaration or manifesto of the king's should be read by the
clergy from their pulpits upon a Sunday ; whereupon Burnet
reflects severely upon the archbishop for giving this advice,
and the clergy for reading this declaration, as a thing whereby
they became heralds to the king, which was unsuitable to their
office : and as if it had been some horrible wickedness, or at
least some disorderly practice, he would fain persuade us that
such a thing was never done before. He says the declaration
- Cf. HUt. i. 483. i> Ibid. " Ibid. 499. ^ Ibid. 500.
cription 'a reverend and learned a good living ;' which the king said was
divine of the first figure, now living, as good as thanks of the house of
. . . who has the reputation of as commons.'
ingenious a man as any in England.' ' Elliot, pp. 15-6; see his comments,
For comments see Elliot, pp. 46-7, pp. 49-55. It was previously quoted,
who gives the further detail, that with comments, [by Leslie] in Cos-
Charles II recompensed Dr. Sprat's sandra, ii. 37.
sermon, which was full of loyalty, with
i68i] The Elliot-Leslie Extracts 107
had that effect, that the whole people of England addressed
the king from all places, signifying their resolution to stand
by the king and the hereditary succession in the true line.
* These addresses he calls fulsome, and again flies in the
face of the clergy, •• as being the contrivers or penmen of these
addresses ; and takes occasion often to renew his repeated
accusations against the clergy '', saying they were men of loose
lives, going to taverns, and their business there was ° to drink
the duke's health, and confusion to his enemies.
[Extract X : Burnet's retirement front politics in 1681 '.]
^ He writes of himself that, after the dissolution of the
Oxford parliament, he did betake himself to a more strict
course of life ^ than he had formerly accustomed himself to ;
he had formerly been too much elevated and carried away by
the applause of men, and had been given to a looseness in his
life ; and though he does not particularly mention what his
crime was, yet in general terms he does acknowledge himself
to have been an ill man, and guilty of such things as he should
for the time to come remember with sorrow of heart, as he
expressly words it. ® He writes that now he gave himself to
fasting and prayer °, and he doubts not but the fruits of it will
ever remain with him. It has made him more humble, more
watchful, more charitable to the failings of others, and many
such like words to this purpose.
[Extract XI : He declines preferment'^ i\
^ He says that he might several times have been preferred
* Cf. Hist. i. 500-1, 509. '' Cf. ibid. 501, 509. " Cf. iUd. 509. 1 Cf.
ibid. 500. ^' Ibid. ' Ibid. 507.
' Elliot, pp. 16-7 ; previously cited, in a man of Elliot's profession. It
with comments, [by Leslie] in the must however be admitted that Elliot
New Association, ii. 24 ; Cassandra, is not the only offender in this respect.
il. 27. Elliot's own remarks (pp. 55- ^ Elliot, p. 15 ; previously quoted
60) are peculiarly virulent, and tlie [by Leslie] in Cassandra, ii. p. 28.
disgraceful manner in which he dis- The comments of Elliot are on pp. 48-
torts a general confession of penitence 9 of his tract ; those of Cassandra {in
into an admission of concealed infamy, loco) are rather pertinent. He asks,
of 'some extraordinary lewdness or for instance, why the Temple should
wrickedness in his private conversa- lie less heavy on Burnet's conscience
tion,' with the disgusting insinuation than any other cure ; have lawyers no
on p. 55, seem specially discreditable souls ?
io8 Burnet's Original MeMoirs [1681
to considerable ^ livings % and in particular that the dean and
chapter of St. Paul's offered him a living within the City of ;^5oo
per ann., but he would not embrace it, because he could not
in conscience exoner himself of the vast charge which did
belong to it '^- ^ But the Temple, in appearance, being to fall
vacant at that time, he was rather desirous of that''; and so
much the rather, because he was averse to mingle himself
•with the church and clergy.
[Extract XII : Burnet reflects on the Maitlands ^.]
" He reflects severely upon the duke of Lauderdale, and
scribbles much of his insolencies '^ and the brutalities of Hatton ;
so he is pleased to express the actions of that lord, who was
brother-germane to duke Lauderdale.
[The next fragment of the original version preserved in the Harleian
MS. relates to the ' Rye House' conspiracy, and was composed (to judge
by internal evidence) between June 20, 1684, when Sir Thomas Armstrong
was executed (see infra, f. 97 {a)), and Dec. 23 in the same year, when
BaJUie (Jerviswood) suffered (see f. 95 [b)). It occupies ff. 93-106 of the
MS. and represents ' No. 3 ' in Dr. Gifford's arrangement. Though in
a different hand from the first fragment, it evidently formed part of the
same transcript ; the paper employed bears a close resemblance to that
in use for the former specimen ; and both have been corrected by
Dr. Burnet himself. On f. 92 we find a few notes by Dr. Gifford, relative
to the principal divergences between the MS. and the printed version ;
and at the bottom of the first and last sheets, in a writing which resembles
that of f. 2, 'Desunt' (which has been erroneously entered, and then
obliterated at several other points) is inscribed. On f. 93 is pasted
a minute scrap of paper, apparently employed as a marker ; it bears
a few words in the same hand, of which ' Russel's tryal ' are alone
decipherable. As the fragment begins abruptly, and as the opening
sentence corresponds with nothing in the printed History, an introductory
heading is conjecturally supplied, on the strength of James Ferguson's
Ferguson the Plotter, pp. 422-37 ; Sprat's Rye House P/^/, Appendix, p. 42.]
" Cf. Hist. i. 507. i' Ibid. " Ibid. 472. A Ibid. 523.
' See Life (in Hist, ii), p., 691 ; Life early intimacy with Lauderdale. Hat-
of Halifax, i. 230, note 4. ton he is said to have hated as being-' a
2 Leslie's paraphrase in Cassandra true friend to the episcopal church of
runs, ' taken upon him so great a cure Scotland.' The context of Burnet's
of souls.' disparaging remarks is of course merely
^ Elliot, p. 17. His remarks, pp. 62- conjectural ; he gives a veiy unfavour-
■6, are .sufficiently vituperative, and re- able view of Hatton, Hist. i. 299.
vive all the old scandals of Burnet's
1683] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 93 {a)-{b) 109
\^The duke of Monmouth and the king's murder f]
[/■ 93 (^)] Some had offered to him to do it, but he seemed
to abhor it, as Essex did extremely. " West and Rumsey did
speak often of it, as both Walcot and Holloway have confessed
at their deaths ; ^ some indeed talked of killing the king, and
not the duke, and spoke to Hone to engage him in it ^ but it
is hard to know what to make of this unless they were dis-
guised papists. " Others, as is said, and with more probability,
were for killing the duke, and it is not unlike that Rumbold
might have proposed his house, as a fit place for executing so
black a design, but I cannot think that it was ever laid <', much
less that it was so near as has been given out.
Keeling discovers all.
a. from beginning of Hist. i. 544 to ' contradict one another.'
For ' who was sinking . . . better trade ' read ' who was broken in his fortune ;
he was become desperate and run in with great fury into all the violent things
that could be proposed to him.'
. For ' often to try . . . brothers ' read ' he was engaged in these designs of
inflaming the city, but he found the turning a witness was like to be a safer
and more profitable operation.'
For 'Legge made . . . witnesses' read 'At first there was no great account
had of him and his story ; he had no other witnesses to make it out, and none
appearing to be engaged in it but a mean sort of persons, it was not much
considered ; yet he was encouraged, and bid to lay the matter so as to be sure
of another witness.'
For ' So Goodenough . . . would do ' read ' and then Goodenough, not being
distrustful of him, talked freely to him ... of seizing the Tower and many
other extravagant wicked things, which struck a horror in this other Keeling,
that had never heard such discourse in his whole life.'
[/ 93 (*)] Om. {at this point) 'but stopped at Whitehall' ; and for 'drew
him on and ' read ' engaged him, so that he could not easily get away from him ;
he stopped the hackney coach in which they went at Whitehall gate, and
pretending business with one there.'
" Cf. Hist. i. 558-9, 576. ^ Ibid. 559. " Ibid. 543.
' It has been thought advisable in the modified wording of the final
this section to record even slight varia- rendering with a distinct, if restricted,
tions of expression, where these appear belief in the existence of an important
at all significant ; the general tenor of conspiracy ; though not in the justice
the language in the earlier version of all the convictions, or in the corn-
being decidedly more compatible than plete veracity of the witnesses.
no Burnet's Original Memoirs. [1683
For ' His brother . . . heard ' read ' So the secretary took his deposition.
Upon this the secretary ought either to have kept up the witnesses, or have
sent to seize on Goodenough and the others against whom Keehng swore
treason. But.'
Before 'phlegmatic' read 'cold and"; and for 'such = work' read 'such
quick work as the discovery of a conspiracy.'
For ' and all . . . way' read ' and he both withdrew himself, and some others
went from their houses, upon advices given as is most likely by him.'
For ' and apprehending . . . contradict one another,' read only ' and so had
the conveniency of laying their story ; and they both went away.'
[Discourse on the subject^
'■^Within three days the plot broke out, and was the whole
discourse of the town : there were many examinations taken * ;
but people had become so much accustomed to discourses of
sham plots and false witnesses, that there was no great regard
had to it. * Some came to me and assured me there was
a reality in it. [/. 94 («)] Col. Fitzpatrick ^ and Mr. Brisbane ^
told me the evidence was clear and undeniable. Among others,
Howard came to see me the next day, and talked of it so much
in his spiteful way of raillery that he possessed me really with
a belief that he knew nothing of it. He said now that the
court had got sheriffs of London and, by consequence, juries
in their hands, we would not be long without false witnesses ;
and he believed many honest men would be taken off. He
wished himself beyond seas, and spake terribly of the duke
as one that would not be only worse than queen Mary, but
worse than Nero*". But I was so full of the impressions that
were given me of the truth of the plot, that I said I should be
very sorry if there had been anything of that sort among any
of them ; for I believed it would tend more to the bringing iil
of popery among us than all things else whatsoever. <= So he
lifted up his hands and eyes to heaven, and vowed to me that
he knew of no plot, and that he believed nothing of it. Two
days after that a proclamation came out for the discovery of
the con.spirators who had left their houses, and Rumsey and
" Cf. Hist. i. 546. I' Cf. ibid, infra. <= Ibid.
' Hist. i. 266 ; Dalrymple, ed. 1790, Halifax, ii. 209.
part i. bk. v, App. p. 66; Portland ^ See Life of Halifa.v, i. 178 ; Hist.,
MSS. (H. M. C), iii. 553 sq. ; Life of ed. Airy, ii. 153, note.
1683] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 93 {b)-f)^ (b) m
West were named among them ; but that very night West
rendered himself, and Rumsey came in next day. " And then
they told a long story of an insurrection that Shaftesbury had
been managing, and that had been carried on so far after he
went out of England that they came to debate whether it
should begin on the seventeenth day of November, the day of
queen Elizabeth's coming to the crown, ^ or the Sunday there-
after. " Rumsey also told of that meeting at Shepherd's,
^and both of them related a long story of the design of
assassinating the king and duke at Rye. 'They had like-
wise got a hint of the meetings of the six persons formerly
named, and of a treaty in which they were engaged with the
Scots ". It is not yet understood how they came to know any-
thing of this, whether it was [/. 94 (b)'\ by the Scottish men
that Ferguson knew it, and that he trusted it to them ; or
whether Monmouth had trusted it to Armstrong, and he had
trusted it to Rumsey and Ferguson ; ' but all that they knew
of this was only from second-hand ^ and upon report, so that
the discourse at Shepherd's was all that affected any of the
lords. sXhis gave the greatest advantage to the duke and
his party that was possible, for now they twisted the design
of murdering the king with the other consultations that were
among the lords, and made it all appear as one complicated
thing, and so the matter went over England and over all
[ Various arrests.]
Cf. Hist. i. 547 {/mm ' When the council found ' to p. 548, ' his life waa a
burden to him ').
After ' lord Russell ' add ' and Grey.'
For ' They would not . . . leave ' read ' The king's tenderness for Monmouth
was the cause of this, for they would not seize on him till they knew the king's
After ' go out ' read ' but he was ordered not to go into the house. '
For ' He heard that Rumsey ... his own mind ' read ' but though there was
^ great difference among his friends concerning his stay or his going, yet he
was positive himself in his resolution of staying. He knew he had never
trusted Rumsey with any .secrets ; he thought that discourse at Shepherd's was
» Cf. Hist. i. 544, 536-7. ^ Ibid. 545. <^ Ibid. 547. ^ Ibid. 543.
" Ibid. 547. ' Ibid. ^ Cf. Hist, i, end of p. 559 and beginning of p. 560.
112 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
so honest and well-meant, that it could be no more at worst than a conceal-
ment. So.'
For ' till the king was come : and then ' read ' and as he was at dinner.* ^
[/ 95 {")'] -^fter ' examined ' adil ' only.'
Om. from ' and said to the last ' to ' prisoner to the Tower.'
For ' but his examination . . . maxim ' read only ' who in his rough way
refused to answer the questions that the lord keeper put to him.'
For ' There was at that time . . . against law' 7-ead ' By what has appeared
since it seems his imprisonment was illegal, for unless the lord Howard ha4
at that time secretly made oath against him nobody else had done it except
from second-hand. Now though a man may be examined and keeped in a
messenger's hands upon such a remote evidence, yet no man can be imprisoned
according to the law but upon a positive evidence against him.'
For ' while the town . . . fermentation ' read ' often and kept much out of th?
For ' examined them ' read ' took a subtle method in examining them.'
A/ier ' his person ' add ' in which he believed they had no share.'
Om. ' or others in England.'
Affer ' Scotland ' add ' and concerning their commerce with Argyll.'
[/• 95 (*)] Aft^>' ' answers ' add ' against himself or others.'
For ' and he seemed . . . against him ' read ' and he shewed too rough a
neglect of all that could be done to himself, and acted the part of a philosopher
rather than of a prudent man.'
Before ' Baillie was loaded' insert ' Upon this occasion the king told him he
would order garters for his legs, which was carried about as if the 'king had
threatened him with the boots ; but that was false ; yet upon it.'
After ' burden to him' add ' But the ill usage he met with, though it brought
diseases upon him, of which he is now dying in Scotland, yet could draw
nothing from him.'
[Faie of others ijnfilicaied.l
^ Sir John Cochrane had spoken too liberally of the duke's
government in Scotland, in the hearing of some who carried it
to court ; so the king bid the secretary for Scotland write
to him to come to court, and it was intended to have given
him a reprimand, and to have ordered him to go presently to
Scotland. But he, knowing that this was coming to him, left
his lodging % and so the letter did not find him. I, in the sim-
plicity of my heart, sent and advised him to go to court, an^
to ask pardon if he had spoken anything indecently ; for I
thought the king's ordering him to be thus writ for looked as
if he had been in no danger ; but I did not know that he had
been engaged in more dangerous intrigues. He hid himself for
some time in London, ''and got beyond sea"^ before the ports
" Cf. Hist. i. 548. ^ Ibid. 549.
1683] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 94 {by^)-io2 {h) 123
While Braddon was in pursuit after these stories, and before
he had delivered his letter, * he was taken up " by order from
the council ; and both he and Speke have been prosecuted ^
for the endeavouring to spread false news, and to practise
^\-ith witnesses ; and to end all this matter at once, they have
been both tried. There was nothing against Speke but his
letter, which imports only the spreading the news ; but the
matter was carried higher against Braddon. ^ He brought the
boy and the girl into the court, who both confessed what they
had reported ; only the boy said he had lied, and the girl stood
still to it. Braddon proved that he knew not of it for several
days after they had told it, and that when he came to enquire
into it he charged the boy as well as the girl not to lie, and
cited passages of scripture to shew God's judgements against
liars ; and then, when they had repeated their stories to him,
he pressed the boy to sign a written relation of it ^ It was on
this last point that hold was laid against him, as if he had
suborned the boy; though he instructed him in no part of
that which he was to say, but only pressed him to set his hand
to that which he had reported by word of mouth, which
though it is against the civil law, yet it is an ordinary thing
in England ; for witnesses are got to make affidavits of the par-
ticulars that they are afterwards to swear in judgement when
there is occasion for it. "Yet this officiousness of his was
[/. I03 (^)] called a subornation, and so he was judged and
fined in 2,000 lib.", and Speke in one, for which they both lie
prisoners ^. But I now return to trials of another nature.
\Trials of the Rye House plotters^
At the sessions in the Old Bailey, ^ Walcot was first tried.
Rumsey and West swore full against him, and his letter to the
secretary was likewise very clear '^- He made a very slight
defence to prove he was ill of the gout at those times in which
» Cf. Hist. i. S70. *■ Ibid. " Ibid. ^ Ibid. 559.
' Hilary Term, 1683-4. Speke was afterwards nptorious as
'■ For these events see the report the author of the forged Third De-
of the trials {State Trials, ed. Cobbett, claration published after the landing of
ix ; see also Diet. Nat. Biog. art. Speke). the Prince o f Orange.
Sentence had been given in Feb. i68|.
124 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
they said he met with them, ^ so he was cast. Hone was tried
next morning, and was cast upon the same evidence, Lee
coming also in against him. Rouse was tried next ; Lee and
Keeling swore against him ^ Lee also swore against one cap-
tain Blage ^ that he was in a design of seizing on the Tower ;
but said he had only talked of the weakness of the Tower,
and how easy a thing it might be to seize on it. There was
but one witness against him, so he was acquitted ; '' but the
other was cast, and a week after they all suffered together.
Walcot positively denied that he had been in any design of
cutting off the king ; and whereas the witnesses had sworn
that he had declined to kill the king or the duke but had
undertaken to fight the guards, he positively denied that,
and said he looked on that as the same thing with the other.
He said, indeed, that West had often said to him that he
thought the surest way was the lopping, but that he had
always said he would not meddle in that, it was so infamous
a thing, and that he was confident the duke of Monmouth
would revenge his father's blood''; so that, as he confessed
he knew of West's wicked designs, it is plain he rather dis-
approved of the assassinating of the king as being a mean
and a dangerous thing than that he any way abhorred it ;
and it seems he would not have been ill-pleased if others had
done it, so he had not been engaged in it. Now when a man
confesses so ill a thing of himself, it is reasonable to believe
that he tells all ; for if he made no conscience of lying, it were
as easy to deny the whole as deny any part ; and the sin is
the same. I should not indeed be determined by a man's
positive denial of the whole matter laid to his charge, because
either some false [/. 103 («)] principles of religion or the being
so atheistical as to be raised above all checks or remorse, may
carry a man to a simple denial to cover his party or to raise
a reputation to himself after death, of which some men retain
their fondness to the last minute of their lives. Yet when
■^ Cf. Hist. i. 559. 1= Ibid.
^ For Captain William Blague, see Cobbett's State Trials, vol. ix, cols. 653-6.
i683] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 102 (6)-io4 {a) 125
a man confesses some foul and ill things, and stops there, and
denies all the rest, I am very much inclined to believe him to
be sincere in it. So that Walcot's confessing so much as he
did, and denying the rest, did in my opinion very much over-
throw the credit of the witnesses. There was one particular
in Walcot's paper on which the scribblers at that time laid
great hold. He said the plot was laid deep, and many were
concerned in it ; and so he over and over again wished that
the king might grant an act of indemnity. It is probable
he meant this of the numbers of those who were malcontented,
and might have talked of making resistance, of whom no doubt
there are great numbers ; but it is not like there were such
numbers concerned in this plot. That part of his paper that
concerns religion was writ in such a canting strain that it was
not easy to find out his meaning in it. * Hone died confessing
that he had been spoke to in general to assist in a design of
killing the king and the duke, but there was no particular
time marked out, so he knew nothing more of the plot*. He
said at the place of execution (when this was drawn out of
him not very decently by Dr. Cartwright, dean of Ripon, who
expected a bishopric by this excessive zeal of his) that '' they
thought there was less danger from the duke, who was a known
papist, than from the king. The third seemed to be more
affected with the sense of those courses than the other two
were ; he said he was never in any design against the king's
life, but the witnesses against him had let fall many wicked
things to him, and he was resolved to have discovered them,
and was only waiting till he might find out the bottom of the
design and have a consisting story to carry with him to
[/. 104 (a) ^] Whitehall ; but they had prevented him. He
vindicate'd all his other acquaintances'", and in particular sir
Thomas Player, and wished that all men would give over
factious and seditious discourses and study to be more quiet
and more dutiful to the king, for whom he prayed very
» Cf. Hist. i. 559. '' Ibid.
* f. 103 (i) is a blank.
126 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
earnestly. * These executions did so much disgrace the wit-
nesses that there has been no further use made of them * ; for it
appeared that as they had drawn others into those treasonable
discourses, so they had swelled them in evidence that they
gave much above the truth.
[Lord RusselPs irial.]
Cf. Hist. i. 553 {to p. 556, 'than that of his execution would be ').
For ' was fixed for that day ' read ' was a more important thing. '
For ' They were picked ... of that side ' read ' [being] men that, as was
generally believed, were resolved to give a very implicit obedience to all that
the king's counsel should dictate to them.'
For ' to the seizing on the guards ' read ' to that which was proposed at the
meeting ' ; and om. ' so that here . . . treason only.'
Before 'As lord Howard' inseri ' Howard delivered his evidence with much
artificial malice ; for.'
After ' defended himself add ' chiefly ' ; and after ' designs ' add [/ 104 (6)]
' but there was no great force in this ; for if a man has an opinion of the law-
fulness of resistance, his entering into such consultations was not contrary to
that character in which he was held.'
For ' Some others . . . testified ' read ' There was more force in what Anglesey,
Mr. Edward Howard, and I declared.'
After 'at first' add ' and all witnesses in plots might be thus discredited.'
After ' of less moment' read ' for then it might have been said, that he only
denied it to preserve himself and his friends.'
After ' offered ' add ' (and [he] had in particular said he was confident there
was nothing against Russell). This unnecessary lying.'
'For 'words to that effect: and' read 'since in trials for words witnesses
must swear either to some determined words, or words to such eSect, for a
man's being present in a company does not prove that he hears all that is said
in the conversation. I have been often myself so engaged in the pursuit of
one thought that has been started, that for some time I have not known what
was said about me ; though I have seemed to make general answers of smiles
and half words ; and silent men, such as Russell was, are more apt to run out
into such thoughtfulness, therefore.'
Om. ' They could not rely . . . discourses : so.'
[/ 105 (o)] Afler 'and Hale' add 'a.nd many other great lawyers ' ; and for 'and
gave . . . for it ' read ' and the reason given for it is plain ; the law makes actions
criminal according to the danger that may be in them : now, since it is in any
one man's power to murder the king, therefore it is reasonable to make every
step towards it treason, but a war not being so easily levied, every discourse
concerning it is not of such dangerous consequence.'
After ' during that reign' add 'so they are prosecuted within six months.'
Om. ' None of the witnesses . . . king's person.'
For ' So that ' read ' Here was only a constructive treason brought against
him' ; and om. 'the court ... in their way.'
> Cf. Hist. i. 559.
1683] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 104 (a)-io6 (a) 127
[/ i°5 (*)] Om. ' as the witnesses had sworn it.'
After 'of treason' add ' (the punishment of which is a praemunire).'
After ' distinguished ' add ' (and I beheve they were in the right).'
After ' suggested to him ' add ' He also shewed how unlikely it was that any
man could now raise a country ; for so great an interest as was now requisite
for that was now fallen with the greatness of the nobility, and was no more
known in England '.'
Om. 'shew his zeal and' ; and for 'but it was only . . . invectives' read
'and aggravated matters with much insolence and spleen.'
After ' soon after ' add ' Russell was cast, and received sentence the next day.'
For 'Lord Russell's behaviour. . . of the matter' read 'During his whole
trial he had expressed so just an indifference, that as there was no affectation
in his behaviour, so those who only saw him could not have imagined from
anything that [/. io6 (a)] appeared in him, that he was the person concerned.'
For ' He was a man . . . fact ; for ' read 'He spake indeed but little ; his talent
lay not in a quickness of thought, much less in a readiness of speaking ; and he
was a man of such unblemished candour.'
For 'so he left ... He said' read 'He reckoned the conclusion of his
business was resolved on before it was begun, so that he gave his thoughts
very little trouble about it ; though he told me.'
[ne last days of lord Rtisselli]
* After sentence, both his lady and father set on foot all
possible methods for mollifying the king and duke. All that
had interest with either of them were tried, and if money
could have done it there was nothing that could have been
asked that would not have been laid down. At first it was
said that nothing could be hoped for unless as he petitioned
the king he would likewise write to the duke ". He was averse
to anything of that kind, and nothing but his kindness to his
wife and his submission to his father could have prevailed with
him to have made any attempts for a pardon ; yet he was
overcome to write to the duke^. In his letter he acknow-
ledged that he had appeared so much against his interest that
he was out of countenance to ask any favour by his means ;
but he protested he had done nothing out of any personal ill-
will to [? against] him. ^ He offered to give his faith, that in case
» Hist. i. 556. » Ibid.
' This passage is very curious. In ' falling into blunders for the sake of
the reports of Russell's trial occurs effect') has amplified in melodramatic
a condensed version of it; which fashion (AfewoaVs, ed. 1790, pt. i. bk i.
Dalrymple (always, as Lord [John] p. 44).
Russell, Life of William Lord Russell, " Russell's Russell, 3rd ed., ii. 79,
3rd edition, ii. 60, happily observes, 262.
128 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
the king should think fit to pardon him, that he should live
in any place beyond sea which the king should name, and never
meddle any more in English affairs. This was also the sub-
stance of his petition to the king ^, but all was to no purpose ;
for it was determined he should die the same day sennight
after his sentence, and it is said that the duke moved that
the place of his execution should be the square before his
own house ; but that was thought cruel, and I have been told
that the king himself [/. 106 {b)] rejected that proposition as
inhuman. So Lincoln's Inn Fields was named. '^ He only
wished for two days' delay that he might have time enough to
finish a paper that he was writing, but that was denied. This
gave him some little trouble, but it went off in a moment, and
he returned to his ordinary temper. •> I waited upon him for
a great part of the afternoon every day of that last week, and
was with him the last night of his life, and went with him in
his coach and saw the last part of this tragedy ; but it was
indeed a triumph over death. There was no vanity, nor
affectation, nor sharpness, nor resentment in his discourses or
deportment ; on the contrary he was so serene and composed,
and "upon occasions, as at table or when his friends came
to see him, so decently cheerful, that it amazed me. There
was a Hfe in his thoughts and conversation that was very
extraordinary. I was with him when the sheriff[s] came and
shewed him the warrant for his execution ; he read it as he
would have done any other paper ; and when they went away
he said he thought it was not decent to be merry on such an
occasion, otherwise he would have said to sheriff Rich (who
had been a member of the last parliament, and had given his
vote for the bill of exclusion, but was now turned about) that
they would never sit again in a house of commons to vote on
that bill any more. The day before his death he was taken
twice with a bleeding at his nose, upon which he said to me,
smiling, ' I shall not need to let blood, that will be done to-
" Cf. Burnet's Diary, Russell's Russell, ii. 270. i' Cf. Hist. i. 556. <; Ibid.
' Russell's Russell, 3rd ed., ii. 78.
1683] Harl MSS. 6584, ff, 106 (a)-io7 (a) 129
morrow ' ; and at supper it rained hard, upon which he said
if that rain continued it would spoil a sight to-morrow, for
a show in a rainy day was a very dull thing. » He composed
himself to die » with the devotion of a serious Christian, as well
as with the courage of a great man. He had lived for many
years under a great sense of religion, and in a very innocent
course of life. . *• He said the sins of his youth lay heavy upon
his thoughts ; but he hoped God had forgiven them, for he was
sure he had forsaken them. He had acted with relation to
the public very sincerely, and had neither private designs nor
resentments to prompt him. It was his zeal for the protestant
religion and his love to his country (which he valued much
above his own life) that had act[uat]ed him. He had done
nothing for which his conscience reproached [/. 107 («)] him,
for he thought that, as the king was limited by law, so when
that was broke in upon the subjects might restrain him "'. He
had lived out the best part of his life, being then forty-four,
■= and he looked upon this death that was before him as a much
easier thing than the dying of a colic or some other painful
disease. He found himself now in a good temper, whereas he
was much sunk with sickness, so that ''he thought this the
more eligible way of dying : it was but to be exposed for
a while to be gazed at, and to endure a moment's pain, which
was not so great as the drawing of a tooth. ^ And then he
comforted himself with the hope that was before him. He
said often, ' What a sort of change is this 1 ' He had been
told how some that were born blind were ravished when (by
the couching their cataracts) their sight was given to them ;
but he thought how much greater would the transport be if
the first object that one saw was the rising sun ®. He had a very
firm assurance of his happiness in the next state, though ^he
said he had none of those transports that perhaps others ha.d.
He was much concerned at the cloud that seemed set over his
country, but he hoped his death should do more service to the
public than his life could have done.
Cf. Hist. i. 556. " Ibid. 557. " Cf. Burnet's Diary, Russell's
Russell, ii. 264-5. ■• Cf. Hist. i. 557. « Cf. Diary (as above), ii. 274. ' Cf.
Hist. i. 557.
130 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1683
This was the substance of his discourses both with me and
with the dean of Canterbury, Tillotson, who had been his
friend fonnerly, and was much with him that week ». As to the
public, he said often that, as he would wrong no man by dis-
covering the freedoms they had used with him, for which some
that then were in very great favour with the duke owed him
more thanks than perhaps most others did (by which it was
plain that Sunderland %as the person he meant), yet ''he assured
me there was never anything among them but embryos of
things that never came to anything nor were like to come to
anything, and had then no sort of being. " He said Howard
had sworn falsely in several particulars <=. But as to those affairs,
I not only led him into no discourse concerning them, but I
avoided it and desired his lady to tell him not to engage into
freedom in those matters with me ; for I was not willing to
have the load of such a concealment upon my conscience, so
I desired to decline the temptation to lying which the know-
ledge of their secrets and the questions that afterwards might
[/. 107 ((5)] be put to me would draw upon me. ''Both Til-
lotson and I took much pains on him to persuade him of
the unlawfulness of taking arms against the king* in any
case ^ ; but though we shook him a little, we could carry him
no further than to say if it was a sin that he prayed God to
forgive him for it ; and so he put somewhat in his paper to
that purpose, but it was so cold, and seemed put in only
to justify us, that Tillotson thought it better to leave out that
part, which he did. As for the paper that he left behind
him, " he told me, at my first being with him, the substance of
" Cf. Hist. i. 557. " Ibid. " Cf. Diary, Russell's Russell, ii. 263,
<" Hist. i. 557. - Diary, p. 266.
' This curious charge must refer to able intrigue ; see however the strange
some proposition made by Sunderland story of Monmouth's confession in
during his alliance with the Exclu- 1685, with the authorities quoted, ir\
sionists in 1680-1 ; at least, it is the Life of Halifax, i. 446, note 3.
hardly possible to suppose that '^ The reader will notice the signifi-.
Sunderland, after his reconciliation cant alteration in the printed version ;
with the Court in July, 1682, should see also infra, App. I ; Ranke, vii.
have committed himself to any treason- App. II. 166.
1683] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 107 (a)-io7 {b) 131
it ; for he had turned it much in his thoughts, expecting from
the first day of his imprisonment that .it would have this con-
clusion, for he did not doubt but the sheriffs would pack a jury
for him. » He desired me to lay his matter in a method, for
he was not so well acquainted with forms ; so I laid before him
the scheme of the heads that he had named in their right order * ;
only I suggested one particular to him '' concerning the suborna-
tion of witnesses in the matter of the popish plot, from which
he cleared himself, not only of any accession to it, but of any
suspicion of it. " He set himself to write Wednesday and
Thursday morning, for * he desired to see no company before
one o'clock^. In writing it he went on with the plain parts of
it quite through as it is printed, but when he came to the
tenderer points (such as that concerning' the bill of exclusion,
the part that related to the dissenters, and two or three other
particulars) ° he writ on other pieces of paper that which he
intended to say concerning them, and shewed them to me
before he filled up the void spaces that he had left for them °-
In some particulars I had different apprehensions from him,
but h[e] was settled in his thoughts, so that though he was
wrought to soften some expressions ^ he could be carried no
further. *' His lady saw his paper as it grew under his pen, and
the void spaces, toge[ther] with the blotted draughts of that
with which he afterw[ards] filled . . . \End of folio and
[At this point there is another gap in the narrative, of which the portion
containing events from July, 1683, to Oct., 1684, and corresponding to
the remainder of pp. 558 and 560-98 in Burnet's first published volume,
is missing. From Oct. 1684, however, to the beginning of 1696 (vol. i.
p. 598 to vol. ii. p. 163 in the printed History) the original narrative
remains unbroken; certain parts being preserved in duplicate, while
others are extant only among the fragments of one or other transcript. The
scheme placed at the beginning of the present volume gives a complete view
• Htst. i. 558. " Cf. ibid. 561. ' Cf. ibid. 558. " Cf.
ibid. 556- ° Ibid. 558. ' IHd.
1 ' But' is here erroneously inserted by Burnet himself.
K 2
132 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1684
of these details and of the dates at which the various portions were written.
Here it will suffice to say, that the part which contains the account of
events from Oct., 1684, to the end of the reign of Charles II was written
before the close of the year 1686 (see note, p. 141, infra) ; while the events of
the reign of James 1 1 till the conclusion of 1687 were chronicled at intervals
before Dec. 27 in the latter year. They are thus preserved ; Oct., 1684-
Sept., 1686 in fif. 109-46 (Transcript A), ff. 148-218 (Transcript B| ;
Sept., 1686-Dec., 1687 in ff. 219-46 (Transcript B only). As stated in
the preface the pagination of Transcript A is alone quoted in duplicate
passages. On ff. 108, 170 {a), 211, 263 are a few remarks by Dr. Gifford.]
[Fragment concerning RoswelVs iria!.]
[/. 109 (a)] Cf. Hist. i. 598-9 {from ' could remember so long a period ').
for ' I set down . . . such a defence ' read ' Here [or there] was too much
evidence to overthrow their testimony,' and om. ' urged . . . vehemence. He.'
For ' And there was a shameful rejoicing upon this ' read ' And many of our
clergy were both so wicked and so foolish as to rejoice at this, because.'
For ' since . . . might be ' read ' and they did not see that here a precedent
was made, that might quite ruin the church, when infamous persons were
received as sufficient evidence over against all the contrary proofs that were
brought [cf. Hist. i. 599]. Yet the court was ashamed of the thing, though
Jeffreys had a great mind to have him hanged.'
Om. ' though that . . . censured.'
Om. ' The impudence . . . clergy.
[Hayes' iriai.]
Cf. Htst. i. 599.
For 'The other trial was' read 'The day after this there was another trial.'
For ' that whole cabal of men, that, it seemed ' read ' the club-men ', that.'
Be/ore 'and they hoped ' add ' for it was taken for granted that all went
through his hands.'
After ' Armstrong' for ' but to another . . . had it ' read ' by his own name, but
by another name. So he said if it were his (which he still denied) yet it was
addressed to [/ 109 (i)] an innocent person, and if that person had given
it to ArmstrongjSO that it was found in his pocket, that was no proof against
him. But his main defence was that there was no entry,' &=€.
After ' in upon it ' add 'which shewed that this letter could not be imputed
to him* ; and for 'But . . . defence was' read 'And in fine he said.'
After ' as they were desired ' add ' AH that was urged by the king's counsel
was that in the letter he had writ advising Armstrong not to spend too lavishly,
which was more than a simple letter of credit ' ; and om. ' The little difference
, . . more guilty.'
For ' which mortified ' read ' [Hayes] behaved himself so well, both in his
imprisonment and at his trial, that this raised him as much as it mortified ' ;
and om. 'for they had reckoned . . . directed."
' i. e. the members of the King's bers. See Life of Halifa.t, i. 389, note
Head or Green- Ribbon Club, of which 2; Sitwell's First Whig, pp. 74-93,
the Rye conspirators weie all mem- 123-7, 197-203.
i684] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 109 (a)-io9(Z>) 133
A new intrigue with the duchess of Portsinouth.
"There was this winter a new intrigue carried on at the
duchess of Portsmouth's, to which it was believed that none
was admitted but Barillon and Sunderland ^ The duke
of Monmouth came over secretly, and though he saw not
the king, yet he went away extremely well satisfied with
his journey. [Whether]^ he engaged in this intrigue at
the duchess of Portsmouth's or not I cannot tell, but it is
certain the duke was shut out of it. Halifax saw it go
on, but he told me ''he knew nothing^ of it. "The king was
pressing the duke to make haste in his journey to Scotland,
and when the duke answered how that affairs there did not
require it so much, the king said to him that either he must
go or he himself would go c. The queen seemed to re[s]ent *
highly the dependence that was upon the duke, and the
general forsaking of the king ; for '' often in the king's
bedchamber there were not above three or four persons
besides those that were in waiting; and even the duke's
antechamber was crowded *. On several occasions the queen
seemed concerned in the duke of Monmouth and in all his
friends ; so that there was a visible coldness between her and
the duke. Now though she was not considerable enough
by her interest in the king to give any apprehensions,
yet she could still deliver him letters, and procure secret
audiences ^
The affairs of Ireland.
Cf. Hist. i. 6oi (' The earl of Rochester ' to p. 602, ' afflicted him so much ).
For ' The earl of Rochester . . . method in the government of Ireland ' read
" Hist.i. 604. •> Ibid. 605. •= Ibid, infra. " Cf. ibid. 583.
' The History also mentions Godol- " The whole of this curious passage
phin. concerning the queen has been printed
/■The 'whatever' of both tran- by Miss Strickland, j2«<'e«so/^£«^/«Krf,
scripts is an obvious error. ed. 1851-2, v. 667. See also Life of
' The reader is referred to the Life Halifax, i. 423 ; Longman's Magazine,
of Halifax, i. 422-7, for the reasons March, 1899, pp. 435-438. The queen,
which suggest that Burnet was excep- though she had bitterly opposed the
tionally ill-informed on this point, and recognition of the boy, showed ' in-
that Lord Halifax was unwilling to variable kindness' to him (Strickland,
confide in him. ed. 1851-2, v. 545, quoting Brit Mus,
* The original has 'repent'; an Lans. MSS. 1236 (77), f. up),
obvious error.
134 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1684
' Rochester was every day [sinking in] ' favour, and was to go to Ireland more
limited than any lord lieutenant had ever done.'
[/ no (a)] For 'as well . . . kingdom' read 'and they gave all the commis-
sions. It is true they gave all considerable employments, according to the
directions they had from the king ; but still.'
After ' secretaries ' add ' In short, the disposing of the places in the army was
the best perquisite of the lord lieutenant's place.'
For ' and therefore he proposed . . . check upon him ' read ' and that
therefore it were better to keep the army in an immediate dependence on
Before ' When there were ' add ' In this Sunderland was in the right ; for it
was too great a trast to put a whole kingdom in one man's hands ; and though
Before ' In this the earl of Sunderland's ' add ' But ' ; and after ' himself add
'and the profits of those commissions ^'
For ' Yet little regard ... so much ' read ' Yet in this, as in everything else
that was proposed by him, the king seemed to take a pleasure in humbling him ;
and everybody concluded that he would be no sooner in Ireland than he would
be disgraced.'
[T/ie treasury iooks.]
Cf. Hist. i. 605 (' He complained . . . turned out of all ').
Begin ' But his misfortunes grew upon him ; for a discovery was made to
After ' of those books ' add ' and these were in matters of great consequence. '
0»i. ' if not . . . way ' ; and read only ' but the king's illness took him that
daj', and so this was prevented.'
[T^e affair of col. Maccartyi\
Cf. Hist. i. 602 {from ' The first instance ') ; and ibid. 600-1 {marriage of lord
For ' The first instance . . . acceptable ; for it was that ' read ' Sunderland
began to shew the world how he intended to model the Irish army. It was raised
as a security to the English protestants, and paid out of funds given by the
parliament of Ireland for that intent, to secure the nation from the insurrections
of the Irish papists. Yet now it was resolved on to put Irish papists in
For ' in which ... at an end ' read ' [he] was now pitched on for the first
person in whose favour the law was to be broke. And he, to insinuate himself
into Sunderland's favours, undertook to make a match between Sunderland's
daughter and his nephew, whom his mother had put in the bishop of Oxford's
hands to breed a protestant, all his family before him having been papists.
So the king writ by Maccarty to the bishop,' &'c. as in p. 601.
For ' at [of] the age of consent ' read ' but sixteen.'
' Transcript A has originally' speak- = i. e. of the commissions issued
ing in,' corrected by Burnet to 'speak- direct from the king, through the
ing for' : the above is no doubt the real Secretary of State's Office,
1684] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff, 109 (6)-iio {b) 135
Oni. 'and so . . . papist' ; and for 'Thus' read 'This was strangely cried
out [/ no (6)] on, when.'
After ' very effectually ' return to p. 602, ' The king intended.'
After 'Halifax' add 'and told him that since Maccarty had lost a good post
on his account, he was resolved to make it up to him in Ireland ; but Halifax
told him that might be made up by pensions without breaking of a law ' (cf.
Hist. i. 602 infra'); and om. ' and he . . , according to law.'
Om. ' he said . . . interest.'
Om. ' Lord Halifax replied . . . jealousy.'
For ' who came ' read ' So that Maccarty (who had married Halifax's cousin-
germane') came.'
After ' lord ' add ' for opposing his preferment.'
Ont. ' when he crossed . . . inclinations.'
{Conduct of ike duchess of Porismouihl\
" The secret at the duchess of Portsmouth's went still on ;
^ the king seemed fonder of her than ever ^, though an intrigue
had been discovered between the grand prior of France and
her, in which it was said that the king (coming himself in
a little abruptly on them, where they were together in her
closet) saw more than he himself had a mind to see. Upon
that the king ordered the grand prior to go out of England
immediately '' ; but he, that had all the insolence of his country
about him (without the spirit that generally accompanies it),
began to pretend that by the laws of England the king
could banish nobody, and that therefore he would not obey
his order. But the king let him understand that the laws of
England could only be claimed by Englishmen, and so, if he
did not obey his orders in twenty-four hours' time, he would
make him feel what he could do to him. Upon this he went
away ^ ; but this, instead of diminishing the king's kindness
for the duchess of Portsmouth, as everybody expected it
would have done, increased it to that pitch, that " after this the
king kissed her often before all the world, which he was never
observed to do before this time °-
• Cf. Hist. i. 605. ' Ibid, supra. ' Ibid.
1 Lady Arabella Wentworth, dau. Anne Wentworth, sister of Lord
of the first Earl of Strafford, and Strafford). . ^. „
consequently cousin-germane to the ' Lord Ailesbury, m his Memoirs,
father of Lord Halifax (Sir William traverses this (p. 86).
Savile, son of Sir George Savile and ' See Routh, Htst. tn loco ; Klopp, u.
136 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1684
The duchess of PortsmoiMs medal j [and her political intrigties.\
And there was a medal struck for her ; her face was on the
one side, with ' Lucia Duchessa Portsmouthensis' about it ; and
on the reverse a Cupid was sitting on a globe and about him
'Omnia Vincit ^' This was insolent to all degrees, the medals
being exposed to sale by the goldsmiths. One that happened
to go by a goldsmith's shop bought one of them for me, which
I happened to shew that evening to some of the court that
came to see me ; with those reflections upon it that such an
affront done the king drew from me. Whether this was told
again or not I cannot tell, but the very next day all the
medals were called in and were never seen any more ; so
that I never saw any of them but my own, which is in silver
and of the size of half a crown. This I thought deserved
to be put in history to shew how far [/ i t i («)] the insolence
of a whore can rise. But what the design between her and
the French ambassador was at this time is not yet perfectly
known ; yet it may be guessed at by this, which I go to set
down : that was told me by my lord Montagu, with whom
I conversed much at Paris in summer [i6]85. '^ He made me
first understand the secret of her being so much for the bill
of exclusion ; and he told it to me so particularly, that
I believe he himself had a particular hand in it.
Her design in the business of exclusion.
It was then proposed to the earl of Sunderland and her in the
year [i6]8o, that if the king would agree to the exclusion, an
" Hist. i. 487.
422, 483; Hist. MSS. Com. Rep.\i\. bury' medal in 1681, two medals in
368a;L>/e o/Halifa.v,'nog; Forneion, honour of the Seven Bishops, &c.,
Louise de Keroualle, 208-15. as well as a large number of ofScial
' The British Museum has both commissions, including a satirical me-
bronze and silver specimens of this mento of the Rye House Plot. We
raremedal, which is by George Bower, can see however no reason for the
appointed in 1664 one of the en- supposition (advanced in the Medallic
gravers of the Royal Mint and em- Illustratiotis of the History of Great
bosser in oidinary. Bower, who died Britain and Ireland, Hawkins, ed.
before March, 1689-go, worked indis- Franks and Grueber, 1885, vol. i. p. 554)
criminately for Court and Opposition, that the intention of the medal is
having executed the famous ' Shaftes- sarcastic.
i68o] Harl. MSS. 6584, _f. no (b)-iii (a) 137
act might be obtained like that which had been granted to
Henry the Eighth, by which the nomination of the successor
should be left to the king ; and this would extremely raise
the king's reputation and authority and oblige all that could
pretend to it to depend on him, and even the prince of Orange *
would not be made desperate, since the king, who was so
good at promising as he was bad in performing, would not
have been wanting to give him all the assurance that words
could contain. Now the duchess of Portsmouth was made
to apprehend that '' the duke of Monmouth would certainly
set on such an act by all possible means, since it was only on
such a bottom that he could found his hopes ; and he would
no doubt assure himself that if the nomination were left to
the king, he would certainly be the person. And the
duchess of Portsmouth made herself believe that she was
so far master of the king's spirit as to engage him to name
her son. Thus the duke of Monmouth and she went into the
same game, but with very different prospects, both of them
hoping that they should have outwitted one another. And
it was thought that her journey over to France the year
following was chiefly intended to engage that court in her
interests, and to make a match between her son and
a daughter of the king's by madame de Montespan that-
is now duchess of Enghien. But Montagu added to this,
that she had brought the king so far on in the exclusion,
that she herself told him the king would pass it if the
house of commons would have given 600,000/. for it"*; but
if they would have raised it up to 8oo,occ/. the king would
be so well pleased that they might promise themselves every-
thing that they could desire from him upon it. The same
was confirmed to me by c[olonel] Titus ; but they both said
to me, that c the distrust of the king was then so great <= and
the jealousy of some of the members going into the court
to make bargains for themselves grew to be so universal, * that
none of those who led the party durst move for money,
fearing that upon that they should lose their credit '^. There-
" Cf. Hist. i. 487. " Ibid. " Ibid. * Ibid.
138 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1680-4
fore they pressed the duchess of Portsmouth to prevail with
the king once to pass the bill and after he might have as
much money as he would desire ; ^ but the king would not
trust them. And so that business fell when it was brought
so near a point '^ ; so great a transaction having failed only
upon the distrust that the king and the parliament had one
of another. Whether something like this was now again on
foot or not is that which I cannot affirm.
The state of the king's health.
Cf. Hisi. i. 606 (' All this winter . . . hold up with him ').
Discourses of his being a papist.
Cf. Hist. i. 603-4.
\_f.i\x (6)] For ' There was a great ... of France ' read ' There were many
discourses fell out this winter.'
For 'They did not . . . from Paris' read 'and one was more remarkable
For ' The occasion . . . better known ' read ' No doubt the duke set this on
all he could, that so the king and he might be more inseparably united in their
For ' one of the missionaries of Siam ' read ' a secular priest from Siam.'
For ' who was a man. . . talked of his having' read 'whohad, as was given out.'
For ' He was well received . . . desired ' read ' He had much heat in him ;
and he [was] admitted to the king in.'
After ' in which ' add ' as was said.'
For ' The confessor . . . convert him ' read ' But that priest unhappily exposed
himself so that he was quickly sent out of England. He went to see Halifax.'
Om. 'he was so vain . . . man' ; 'such' {before 'simple ') ; and 'as furnished
. . . men.'
After ' thigh ' add ' (and) he had greater occasions to use his leg.'
[/.112(a)] For ' a miracle' >-cnrf ' the half of a miracle.'
For ' and lord Halifax . . . contempt that ' read ' which Halifax carried further ;
for he not only told it to the king, but told it to the duke in the king's presence
before a great company, [so].' Om. ' and the priest ... no more.'
Halifax discovered the king's inclinations to popery so
plainly that I saw he was in great apprehensions. Many
but little things began to break out which gave great
suspicion ^. One * sir Allan Brodrick, who had been brought
up by chancellor Hyde and was much trusted and much
employed by him, became the two last years of his life
" Hist. i. 488. ^ Cf. il/id. 74.
' Cf. the remarks of Halifax in his'Character of Charles \\,^ Life and fFoj'fo, ii.347.
t68o] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. m (a)-ii2 (a) 139
a strict and a religious person : he had been very atheistical
and vicious, but was as great an example as ever I knew of
an eminent conversion before his death ^ He had opposed
the court much in parliament, which was generally imputed
to his revenge because of his patron's disgrace ; yet, coming
to die some time before the king, '' he told to one or two the
secret of the king's religion on his deathbed ; and I had it
from one of them. He said that both the brothers changed
when they were in Paris ; that " cardinal de Retz reconciled
them to the church of Rome ^at Fountainebleau'', and that after
that the king gave assurances to both the crowns at the time
of the treaty of the Pyrenees that he would declare himself
openly a catholic. He added that " chancellor Hyde knew
this * and did what he could to divert the king from it, but
that the king always denied it to him and hid it from him ;
^yet after the king's restoration the c[ardinal de] Retz
came over incognito and pressed the king to declare himself,
and that upon all these considerations the chancellor got
that act of parliament to pass by which it was declared
capital ^ for any to say that the king was a papist ^. And
that in doing this he had two ends ; the one was to restrain
all who might either know or suspect the secret from talking
of it (for he saw well how hurtful such jealousies and dis-
courses would be to the public peace) ; but ^ his main end
was to let the king see the aversion that his best friends
had to popery when they made so severe a law against such
discourses. For it was at least to infer that they who could
not bear the discourses of the king's being a papist could
less bear the thing itself s. This act indeed had all the effect
that Clarendon designed by it ; for as the king would never
declare himself, so all people were very shy of talking of this
matter ; yet the priests beyond sea talked so freely of it in all
other places that such as travelled in foreign parts came home
very full of suspicions.
" Hist. i. 74. '' Ibid. ' Ibid. 73- ^ Il"'d- 74- " Ib'd. i94-
' Ibid. e Ibid. ^__
' Cf. Mr. Airy's edition, i. 347, note a.
140 Btirnefs Original Memoirs [1684-5
The king's readiness to pardon murders.
Cf. Hist. i. 600 {from ' A trial in a matter ' to end of paragraph.)
For 'A trial . . . aftei: this' read ' The last act^ of the king's reign was of
a piece with all that had gone before it.'
[/ 112 (i5)] After 'appearing' add 'they having gone in friends to eat
After ' prevailed en ' add ' by some of the court.'
After ' do so ' add ' and only submitted himself to the king's mercy.'
After 'defence' add ' So he_ followed this advice rather than that which was
given him by his friends.'
Om. ' It was rich . . . court. So.'
After 'cost him' add 'as I was assured by those of the family'; and after
' of which ' add ' I was told.'
Otn. ' the other half. . . favour.'
For ' which cries for vengeance . . . criminal ' read ' for thereby the prince
draws still upon himself the guilt of the unrevenged blood ; yet, on the other
hand, the importunities of courtiers and ladies are such things to a tender-
hearted prince, that there will be no quiet in a court unless a prince declares
it ill if any speaks to him on such a subject. And indeed pardons for murders
ought never to be granted, unless the judge that tried the cause make such
a report of the. case that it. appears by the circumstances that there is room
for mercy without going too much against justice.'
For ' and that not . . . innocent ' ' read ' The king, that was very ready
[cf. Hist. i. 612] to pardon all other crimes, was inexorable in matters of
treason, though, these being against himself, he was more at liberty in them
than in any other. The king [cf. Hist. i. 609] had by some such methods got
a little secret treasure of about 80,000 guineas, in the disposing of which he
was so shy, that even his mistress never knew anything of it.'
The king's sickness.
Cf. Hist, i. 606-9.
Begin 'Thus matters went on at court till,' and proceed as in Hist, from 'On
the first of February.'
Om. 'he eat little . . . httle of it, and.'
For ' a physician ' read ' who was now become a very good.'
After 'wait on him' add 'The king was at this time carrying on a progress
[sic\ in his laboratory for the fixing of mercury [cf. Hist. i. 606, SHpra\i and it
was believed that this was the occasion of his sending for Dr. King.'
For ' All the king's . . . amazed at this * read ' who found him in so much
disorder, that he did not seem neither to know what he said himself, nor what
the doctor answered him. The doctor.'
For ' humour . . . staring ' read only ' confusion.'
For ' fell down . . . sudden in ' read ' sat down, and fell immediately into.'
For ' like ' read ' of ' ; and after 'head ' add ' and the veins of his head swelled,'
After ' and so ' add ' having a lancet in his pocket.'
After ' blood ' add ' All the court ran together presently upon this alarm.'
[/. 113 (a)] For 'and that it would . . . off; so they' read 'It was indeed
See Mr. Airy's note in loco. ^ Qr ' accounts ' (Airy's ed.).
1685] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 112 (a)-ii4 (a) 141
given out and printed by order of council that he was out of danger, yet those
Vvho understood better."
Om. ' partly . . . partly' and 'as too busy . . . popery.'
Om. ' that had a great hand . , . against priests.'
For 'the lodgings . . . bedchamber' rea«; ' Mr. Chiffin[ch]'s lodgings' ; aitd
om. 'and when he was told . . . with fear.'
For ' according to the relation . . . superficially ' read ' went over some
devotions with the king, and then gave him all the sacraments ; so it seems
the king's confession was very general and short '.'
Om. ' It was given out . . . sufiered to come in.'
For 'and knew .. . efiect of that' read 'and -it made some conclude that
there was a great charm in what had passed between the priest and him, since
it gave him so much quiet ; which was very extraordinary after a life led as
his had been : and it was unaccountable how a man of the king's under-
standing could satisfy himself with so slight a matter. It was given out that
the turning all out of the bedchamber was in order to the king's signing his
testament ; and after that appeared to be false, then it was said he had then
signed a farm of the excise for three years ; and there were such numbers over
England that seemed resolved not to believe him a papist that this was
generally received as the occasion of that putting out the company. When
the door was opened that the company was suffered to come in.'
Om. ' with a great . . . expression ' and ' as those . . . told me,' and ' who
seemed . . . answers to it.'
[/lis (6)] For ' nor any purpose . . . said to him ' read ' [so] that this looked
like the casting of pearls before swine."
For ' some that were in the room ' read 'some abject flatterers. '
For ' which was the only word . . . attention ' read ' After this he spoke
pretty long to the duke ; all hearkened when he came to this, and fancied ie
would have spoke of religion to him, and that he would have recommended his
people or his friends and servants to him, or that he would have spoke of the
payment of his debts, or that he would have told somewhat of his own ill-life ;
but there was nothing of all this in his discourse.'
After ' of the queen ' add ' though she had expressed a most violent concern
for him," and om. remainder of paragraph.
His death and character^-
Cf. Hist. i. 609; 61 1-2 {to 'at his restoration') ; 613 ('His person . . . made
for him ') ; 614 (' No part . . . parts of his ').
Om. (at this place) from ' There were many very apparent suspicions of
his being poisoned ' to the end of^. 610.
p. 611. Om. ' did not only . . . digestion, but ' and ' though a feeble one.'
[/ 114 (a)] For ' a good round pension ' read ' a pension of ;f 100,000 a year.'
Om. ' He spent little . . . thinking."
1 The mention of Howard's informa- written abroad 1686 {Hist. ed. Airy,
tion in the original narrative proves ii. 474), with that written in England
that this part cannot have been com- 1683, ere the king's death {supra, pp.
posed till after the autumn of 1685, 47-5°); noting p. 47, 11. 19-24, p. 50,
when Burnet was in Italy. II. 18-21.
' Cf. this posthumous character.
142 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
For ' and he had so ill . . . mistrustful of him ' read ' and he took no greater
pleasure in anything than in the deceiving of people.'
For ' scarce any virtues ' read ' no virtues '.'
A/ier ' laws, yet ' insert ' he was both lazy and fearful, so that. '
For ' but he seemed . . . became ' read ' but was really very ' ; and om. ' He
was apt . . . itself yet ' and ' after his first . . . mercy.'
For ' even from the consideration . . . pursued by him ' read ' and it was believed
that the nearest relations in blood, even that of a daughter, made no difference
in his esteem, who allowed of all appetites to all women ; and even a modest
whore was unacceptable to him, for studied brutalities were the only things
that recommended women long to him.'
Om. ' as he was certainly . . . age,'
Om. ' He loved to talk over , . . condescension in a king'.'
[/. 114 (6)] After 'Borghese' add '[who] took me with him to see those
Om. ' Few things ever went ' top. 614, ' insolent subjects,'
For ' as well as meaner than that he was ' read ' [than] the end [of it] ; for ta
see a man."
Om. ' expressing both . . . affection to it' and ' thus mocking , , , prevarica-
Om. from 'The two papers ... be forgotten' {at this place"), and the
remainder of p. 615 altogether.
\Reign of James //.] The new kmg proclaitned,
Cf. Hist. i. 620 (to ' never yet broken ').
Begin ' The duke was presently proclaimed king with the heaviest solemnity
that ever was.'
Om. 'and much liked' and 'to his parliament and.'
After ' occasions ' add ' I have it not now by me, otherwise I would insert it
For 'but with that he promised' read 'but he used more caution in the
promise he made.'
[Addresses presentedj Burnet's forebodings^
* And upon this there came up a set of addresses from all
the parts of England, in which the highest praises that could
possibly be set forth in words were offered up to the memory
of the dead king, and the new king had assurances of
obedience given him *, in such excessive terms, that I have
often wondered that the papists have not made more use
of these to reproach the church of England with them ;
chiefly of ""that from the university of Oxford, in which they
promised to obey the king without restrictions and limita-
" Cf. Hist. i. 620. " Ibid.
' See Mr. Airy's note c in loco.
1685] Harl. MSS, 6584, #114 (a)-ii5 (a) 143
tions. Some magnified the king's promise as if it had been
the freest concession that ever prince made ; and they were
thought ill courtiers who put in their addresses these words,
' our religion established by law ' ; as if these had pretended
that the king was bound by law to maintain the established
religion*. I, that knew the king looked upon queen Elizabeth
as an usurper that had no more authority than Oliver Crom-
well (which he had once said to myself), saw well enough how
far [/. ii5(«)] the king thought himself obliged by his promise;
for he looked on all these laws that established our religion
as null and void of themselves, since they were made by one
that was an usurper, in his saying. So I knew well enough
how little hold was to be laid on this general promise, with
which the nation and the church of England were then so
lifted up ; but as this was an effect of the king's confidence
in me, that he spoke so freely to me, so that I could not
decently talk of it ; so (though I had spoken of it) it would
not have signified much ; for all people took up this for
a maxim that they must trust the king, and they resolved
to go in headlong, and to give him the revenue for life, and
everything else that he could ask, in the confidence that they
had of his keeping his word.
T/te late king's funeral.
The body of the late king was quickly buried. The king
ordered his body to be '' opened in the presence of many
physicians *. I saw Dr. Lower that night, who was excessively
dissatisfied with the court, and seemed to have some jealousies
during the king's illness; but he told me that all was so
sound within that not only there appeared no marks of any
poison in any of his vitals, but that if he had let blood in
• time, he might very probably have lived to a great age.
It is true "the veins that had broke in his head had put
his brain into such a disorder, that he could make no judge-
ment of it ; and it was upon this that some have since that
time grafted a suspicion that the king, who took much snuff,
• Cf. Hist. i. 620. * Ibid. 609. " Ibid. 6io.
144 Burnet's -Original Memoirs [1685
had poison given him that way *. This was said by those who
were resolved to say somewhat, and they said this because
this was all that could be said ; for they first believe that
the king was poisoned, and therefore they fastened it upon
his snuff; but all this seemed to me to be mere malice.
'' The king's inwards were looked after with too little care, and
some parcels of fat were left in the water in which they were
washed, with great parcels of his entrails, all which were so
much neglected, that the water being poured out at a scullery
hole that went to a drain, in the mouth of which a grate lay,
these were seen for many days lying upon the grates ; and it
was thought somewhat extraordinary to see so little care
taken about the body of so great a king. His funeral was
also extremely mean ; he did not lie in state and no mourn-
ings were given ''- The rooms in Westminster where his body
lay for a week were furnished only with coarse cloth, and the
candles that burned about him were of tallow. So that
his funeral, as was believed, did not cost ;^ioo. Those
that were sharp upon his memory, said it was such as he
Ibid. 682.
1 For Lady Russell's expressed Doctor Fitzwilliam, Letters (First
sentiments on Monmouth's rebellion, Collection, seventh ed., 1809), pp..
see her letter of July 21, 1685, to 74-5.
i685l Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 118 (a)-ii8 {h) 153
ill-health made many fear she could not be long-lived ; yet
she recovered out of a languishing which almost all people
thought would be fatal to her. But if she recovered her
health, " she quickly came to lose the esteem and love of the
nation, which she had possessed hitherto to a high degree '^.
She began to grow so very haughty and ill-natured and so
bigoted and fierce in matters of religion that she is as much
hated since she was queen, as she was beloved whilst she
was duchess ; [/ ii8 ((5)] yet she lives still, and by that she
does the protestant interest more service ^ than all her ill-
affects can do it a prejudice. •> She has had many little quar-
rels with the king about his amours, which, as some say, have
been carried by her to great excesses. " But if the king doth
her wrong one way, he doth all he can to make it up another
way ; for he treats her with great respect, so that it is believed
she has a great stroke in the councils "- She has gone in
wholly into the French interests, and has espoused all the
concerns of her religion with a violence that very ill becomes
her sex. As for the princess of Denmark, she has disap-
pointed all the people as much the other way ; for it was
generally thought that she would be so complaisant to the
king as to let herself be instructed in her religion ; yet as she
has begun very early to declare to the bishops and several
others that she was resolved never to change, so ^ she seemed
to apply herself more to devotion, and to be more serious in
receiving the sacrament than formerly, and has ever since that
time behaved herself so worthily in all respects * that now all
people trust as much to her as ever they were afraid of her ; and
this in her is so much the greater virtue, that no doubt a thing
which is obvious has been suggested to her, that if she would
turn she should be put in a condition to succeed even in
a preference in her elder sister. For she being upon the place,
" Hist. i. 368, 618. "^ Ibid. 682. " Ibid. 748. ^ Ibid. 720.
1 This phrase shews that the whole lief in the probability of her continued
of the passage was written before the childlessness. Miss Strickland {op. cil.,
first report of the queen's pregnancy, 1851-2, vi. 161), quoting Fox, gives a
in the winter of 1687 ; and is there- very bad account of her health in
fore full proof of a contemporary be- 1685.
154 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
if her creatures were all over put in the government, this,
together with the assistance of France, might make a danger-
ous competition between her and her eldest sister. But it is
visible she hearkens to none of those things. So that we are
now out of that danger which I confess I apprehended more
than all other when I came out of England.
The affairs of Scotland.
A few days before I left London ^ the marquis of Queens-
berry and the earl of Perth came up from Scotland ; the
former was made a duke, ''and the king declated him his
commissioner for the parliament that was summoned in Scot-
land ; but upon this, Queensberry told the king that if he
had any thoughts of changing the religion, he himself could
not make one step in that project, and therefore the king
would do better to employ another. The king received it so
well from him, and gave him such ample assurances in his
speech to the parliament of the king's resolutions to maintain
the established religion [. . .] ^ ; but he got likewise instructions
to enact what laws might be necessary for the further securing
of it ; <> and because the law concerning the test was [■ . ■] -^ not
only in order to having of public employments but whensoever
it should be presented to them by order of council, and that
under the pain of treason. He had also instructions for many
other severe laws, by which he, who was naturally violent
and imperious, thought to make his court so dexterously
to the king that even his firmness to the protestant religion
should not do him hurt. But he found afterwards that he
reckoned wrong <= ; the king made use of him to get the
revenue confirmed, and to do some other odious things ;
''but what has fallen out since that time has showed that
the king has been strangely prevailed on by his priests * to
do the things that are the most contrary to his disposition.
For there is scarce any virtue more rooted in the king's
nature [/. 119 («)] than sincerity; and yet by the many
promises that the king made then, and his strange way of
" Hist. i. 634. " Ibid. 635. " Ibid, infra. ^ Ibid, supra.
' Some words have evidently dropped out here. See Hist, in loco.
1685] HarL MSS. 6584, ff. 118 {b)-ii^ {a) 155
observing them since that time, it must be acknowledged that
either he then made promises with an intention to break
them, or that having found a favourable conjuncture since
that time, he has thought it below him to be a slave to his
word ; and either of these two is so bad, that it is hard to
tell which of them is the worst, and the least suitable to so
sublime a dignity. I went out of England in the beginning
of May, so that I cannot since that time prosecute matters
so particularly, as I have hitherto done ; yet I shall give so
distinct a view of the state of affairs as shall still let my readers
see the errors that have been made of all hands, both by the
people on the one side and by the government on the other.
ArgylFs rehellioti in Scotland.
* Argyll had lived near two years secretly in Friesland ;
but he came often over into Amsterdam, and met there with
the rest of the Scotch exiles, the chief of whom were sir
Jo[hn] Cochrane and sir Patrick Hume". They all knew how
odious the king's person, as well as his religion, was in
Scotland ; and they reckoned that those who had felt his
severity so much when he was only a subject would very
probably apprehend it much more now that he was a king.
'' Argyll believed that if he had but money to buy a stock of
arms and ammunition he might venture into Scotland without
taking any precaution for the preparing people to it; he
thought his own interest would bring all his Highlanders
together, and he fancied the western and southern counties
were under such apprehensions, both for religion and liberty,
that they wanted nothing but arms and a head. And a rich
^ widow in Amsterdam '', who was a zealous lover both of
" Cf. Hist. i. 629. ^ Ibid.
' InTranscriptB,f.i64(o), 'English' hand of Dr. Gifford, in these words,
is inserted before 'widow.' In the ' I knew her well— A. G.' [Dr. Andrew
margin opposite are two notes : (a) Gifford (Baptist minister, numisma-
one in the same hand as that of f. 2 tist, and assistant librarian at the
(see Preface), ' Her name was Smith. British Museum from 1757 to his
She had a share in a sugar House [?]. death in 1784), born August-17, 1700,
She was ofan Anabaptist congregation. the son and grandson of Baptist
She lent money [?] to l[o]rd Mel- ministers at Bristol •^Dkt. Nat. Biog.)\
villa'; {b) and the second, in the
156 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
presbytery and of a commonwealth, » hearing that it was
believed ten thousand pound sterling might compass this
great design, laid down the money -^ Argyll now fancied
Scotland was his own, and was very insolent in all his
discourses with the other gentlemen, who really thought his
brain turned. Hume ^ knew the state of the southern and
western counties much better than he did, for many had
that opinion of Argyll that if at any time the king had .
offered him his estate again he would have made his own
peace and have betrayed all his friends ; but they had trusted
themselves to Hume, so that he was sure of above 4,000
persons, and they had engaged above the half of the garrison
that was in the castle of Edinburgh ; so that here would have
been a formidable rebellion if Argyll could have managed
it. ^ He went about the business of buying arms and his
vessel to carry them over with so much dexterity that this
passed as if it had been for the service of the Venetians. But
when he and the rest came to reason about the methods of
carrying on their business they differed in every point. Hume
was for the shortest passage, and for landing in the south. But
Argyll thought the fastnesses of his own country made that
it would be properest, since he reckoned the country would
gather to him safer there, and in short he rather dictated to
the rest than [/. 119 (^)] advised with them^ Hume thought
often to have left him, and would never trust him with the
secrets of those who he knew were waiting for a fit oppor-
tunity ; nor would he trust it to Cochrane. Monmouth hearing
of all this came to them, and though he did not like the
business and thought it was too early, yet "= he studied to make
them allfriends,and shewed great temper in his way of managing
them. He had such inclinations tohave set himself at the head
" Cf. Hist, i 629-30. '" Ibid. 630. " Ibid.
' On comparing Burnet's eventual after the failure of the expedition. If
account of Argyll's rising with that so, however, Burnet's record is in some
printed above it is difficult to avoid the respects mistaken ; compare his ac-
conclusion that his original version is count of AyloiTe's capture, jk/ra, p. 158,
founded entirely upon the verbal with Hume's own narrative printed
reports of Sir Patrick Hume, who, as in Rose's Observations, pp. 1-67, and
is well known, escaped to Holland in the Marchmont Papers, iii. 1-66.
1685] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 119 (a)-ii9 {b) 157
of them, that if Argyll had offered it to him, he seemed ready
to have accepted of the command ». But Argyll was strangely
blown up, and, as it appeared afterwards, he seemed guilty of the
folly of fancying that he could make himself king of Scotland.
He had provided all things with so much secrecy that *> the
king had not the least suspicion of him, till he heard he had
set sail ; which he knew the day before I left London, for
Arran, that came to see me in the night, told me this, and said
he had it from the king's own mouth ; so that I saw it was
time for me to be gone, since if risings were once begun I had
all reason to expect that I should be used as a suspected
person '' ; and if Argyll was gone to Scotland, it was reasonable
enough to imagine that the duke of Monmouth would be
quickly in England. « I went first to France, because I knew
that if I had gone to Holland some of the duke of Mon-
mouth's party would have perhaps found me' out, and have
either made me guilty by communicating somewhat to me ",
or at least have made me seem guilty by their having been
with me; and as things were then between the prince of
Orange and the king I could not expect to have any counten-
ance from him. ^ So France was at first my safest retreat, and
Mr. Barillon told me that I might assure myself I should be
safe there ; for he had asked the king if he was satisfied with
my going out of England and with my going to him in
France, and the king told him he was. Mr. Barillon gave
me else all the assurances that I could expect of an am-
bassador, that as soon as he perceived that the king had
any design to demand me from the court of France he should
presently give me notice of it, that so I might have time
to retire myself from thence. So I went to Paris ; where,
that I might be quiet and less suspected, I took a house
and lived by myself^- But before I enter upon the secrets
that I have discovered beyond sea I will carry on the recital
of English affairs, which I have gathered partly out of the
letters that have been writ me and partly from the persons
whom I have seen.
° Cf. Hist. i. 630. " Ibid. 631. " Ibid. 655. '» Ibid.
158 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
[^ArgylPs expedition.^
Cf. Hist. i. 631 {from ' Argyll had ' to p. 632, ' by more of his Highlanders '),
After ' voyage ' add ' and some few English went with him [see p. 632],
in particular Mr. Ayloffe and one Mr. Rumbold * (and then continue as on p. 633,
from 'that dwelt' to 'present king').
For ' this had no effect . . . sail away and' read ' but went away in such haste
[as to],' and for ' to mercy' read 'to be made prisoners.'
After ' very few days ' add ' after he sailed from Holland.'
For ' Hume ' read ' the other Scotch gentleman.'
[f 120 (a)] Om. ' who were setting . . . liberty.'
For ' he found that the early notice . . . got above ' read ' he was much
surprised to find that almost all of the gentry of the country had been called to
Edinburgh ; for the king sent the advertisement that he had received from
Holland with all haste to Scotland, upon which the privy council had sent fof
all the most considerable gentlemen of his country. He had not behaved
himself in his prosperity like a man that thought he might at some time or
another need the affections of his people ; and he felt that now, for though he
always reckoned that he was sure he could raise 5,000 men in his country, yet
he could not bring together,'
For ' Bit last , . . sea and ' read ' And when at last he should have crossed the
arm of the sea, and come to the western counties, instead of landing in them, he.'
After ' Bute' add ' a poor little island.'
[Conchisioft of the attempt !\
* He had also left his arms behind him in a castle, with
a body of men to guard it ; who were routed by a party of the
king's ^ and run away. So all his arms were taken, and then
his design was lost ; and in the whole progress of the matter
it appeared that ""he had lost both head and heart ''. His
men were now got out of the island, but a rebellion that
begins to go backward is quickly at an end ; *= he put himself
in a poor man's habit, and had almost got out of their hands ;
but at last he was shamefully taken. Yet a body of his men
stuck together and fought, so that though in that feeble
opposition which the king's troops gave them some were
wounded, others taken (amongst these were Cochrane, Ayloffe,
and Rumbold) <=, sir Patrick Hume with '^ several others fought
out their way '^ and got clear of their enemies. But now all
those in the western and southern counties who had re-
solved to rise were still in the same mind, and upon the first
news of the duke of Monmouth's success there would have
been a second and much more considerable rising. So they
lay in the way where the packets passed from London to
" Cf. Hist. i. 633. •' Ibid. <: Ibid. ^ Ibid.
1685] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff, 119 (Z>)-i2i {a) 159
Edinburgh and took two or three of them, which gave those at
the council at Edinburgh no small disorder, since there passed
so many days without their hearing any news from England.
\Fate of the prisoners?^
Cf. Hist. i. 632 {from ' Argyll was 'top. 634, ' suffered with the rest ') {the
order differs^ but is immaterial).
After ' Edinburgh ' add ' so were the other prisoners.'
0))i. ' he expressed . . . misfortunes.'
[/. 120 (6)] For ' so it was justice . . . taken from him ' read ' so that he
thought all that he did was but a just revenge.'
After ' the oath ' add ' to defend the protestant religion.'
After ' dignity ' add ' by which he concluded that a papist who could not take
the oath could not be the legal king of Scotland. He expressed a great zeal for
the protestant religion, and a very serene constancy of mind at his execution. '
Om, ' He desired . , . firmness '.'
For ' He said, he had not laid . . . administration ' read ' He discovered the
whole secret of his affair, and how he had got his money with which he bought
the arms, so he died generally pitied of all men, but esteemed by few. '
Om. ' When the day . . . serenity.'
Om.from 'at parting' to 'designs of this kind.'
For ' several stabs ' read ' 6 or 7 ' ; and om. ' it being believed . . . discoveries.'
For ' was he that dwelt . . . king ' read ' suffered next ; he shewed a wonder-
ful resolution.*
For ' the truth of that conspiracy ' read ' absolutely the Rye conspiracy,'
and om. ' He did not deny . . . resolved on.'
After ' Cochrane' insert ' was to go next, but.'
After ' made. But ' insert ' because it would look a little odd to suspect
[?see such] an eminent rebel pardoned.'
.4/??>- ' pardoned him' insert 'Everybody expected to see him set up for an
evidence to hang other people, but when nothing of that appeared, then.'
After ' negotiations with ' add ' foreign princes in particular with.'
For ' The secret . . . after ' read ' I have since understood the true secret of
this matter.'
Om. ' but could draw . . . repartee.'
For 'nephew . . . children ' frarf ' cousin-germane to the duchess.'
For 'which would . . . with the rest' read ' [but] he suffered at Tyburn '.'
[Few suffer in Scotland; insinuation against Argyll?^
[/. 121 (a)] *And thus was the rebellion in Scotland dis-
sipated with the effusion of very little blood either in the field
or on the scaffold. The greatest number of those who joined
» Hist. i. 632,
1 As Charteris did not die till 1700 Argyll's last hours. . , , „
(Hist i 216), it is probable that ^ Original note (qu. in hand of
Burnet after his return from Holland f. 2 ?), ' Mistake, it was over agamst the
obtained from him the account of Temple ' (Transcript B, f. 167 (a)).
i6o Burnetts Original Memoirs [1685
with Argyll were Highlanders, whose following their lord
was so suitable to their way of living that the government
thought it fit to be gentle to them'\ And for the other
gentlemen, they had got away, so that none were taken that
could make any great discoveries. And the truth was the
council fancied that Argyll must needs know all. And so
when they saw by him that he had no correspondence with
any in Scotland upon that matter, they concluded that there
was nothing in it ; so that many men's lives and estates were
saved who would have been very probably ruined if Argyll
had drawn all Hume's secrets out of him.
A parliament in Scotland.
Cf. Hist. 636-7 {from 'The parliament' to end of paragraph).
Oin. ' no opposition was made ' and ' and was looked on . . . church of Rome.'
For ' This put men . . . pleased ' read ' by which any man may be taken up
and examined upon oath to any matters of which he may be suspected.'
After ' Campbell ' add ' of Cesnock ' ; and after ' Melfort ' add ' Perth's brother.'
Om. ' of about ,f i,ooo a year.'
For ' any of the ' read ' two [of the].'
After 'attainted ' add ' without any further process. '
For ' four ' read ' two.'
After ' Carstares' deposition ' add ' (though it was not mentioned).'
i^oy ' Upon this . . . executed' read only 'Upon this they were both con-
demned but not executed, for ' ; and om. ' then near eighty,' ' and that he
was condemned . . . manner,' and ' upon this . . . upon all this.'
[/. 121 (i)] For 'So it was pretended . . . pardoned' read 'Upon his con-
fession he had his life and liberty.'
For ' and very probably . . . conclusion of read ' which was certainly pre-
cipitated by his long and hard imprisonment.'
For ' which was so universally . . . believe it possible ' read ' A man must
be presented with a very hard opinion of a government before he can believe
it capable of such acts of tyranny. An agreement is made with a man in torture
to persuade him to tell all he knows, and one part of it is that he shall never be
brought to be a witness against any person. And yet so barbarous an act of
parliament is made to bring about that under the colour of law, which is so
plainly contrary to all law. And thus a noble family and one of the ancientest
and worthiest gentlemen of Scotland was destroyed, though he was not
executed upon it. ' ( This passage, as it precedes the two last, will be found on
f "I («).)
The duke of Monmouth's t-ebellion. [i. His preparations^
Cf. Hist. i. 640 (' As soon as lord Argyll . . . ill-designed invasion '), reading
for this [/ 121 (6)], ' But now I return to the affairs of England, and to the
duke of Monmouth's business. As soon as Argj'll was gone he set about his
'>■ Cf. Hist. i. 632.
1685] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 121 (a)-i22 (a) 161
voyage with all the haste possible ; he wanted money extremely, and none was
remitted to him out of England, from which some about him endeavoured
to convince him that things could not be so ripe as some hot people that came
over studied to persuade him.'
Then return to Hist. i. 630 (' He had been indeed much pressed ' to p. 631,
' freighted for Spain ') '.
For ' He had been indeed much pressed ... to venture ' read ' The lord Grey,
Mr. Wade", and Ferguson pressed him vehemently to venture ; and some others
that were poor pushed him on.'
JTor ' He could not have two armies . . . equal terms ' read ' They reckoned
that if the king sent forces against him, the city, being thus left to itself, would
rise ; and with these imaginations they pleased themselves ; all which they
enforced the more since Argyll and his friends were gone to try what could
be done in Scotland ; so that they thought it unworthy of the English nation
to see such an attempt made by the Scotch without vying with them in the like
.<4/?«'»' ' Fletcher ' add ' of Saltoun, a Scotch gentleman of great parts, but very
hot and violent, and a most passionate and indiscreet assertor of public liberty
[cf. Hist, i. 630, supra'], was now much in his favour. I, that bred Fletcher^,
should have expected that he should have driven him on to the mad attempt
he made, but I know the contrary.'
After 'much against it' add 'both in private with Monmouth and in their
little councils.'
After ' reason ; but ' add ' he told him ' ; and om. ' in his enthusiastical way.'
Afier ' subject ' add ' So Fletcher told him he would run fortunes with him,
though he could not hope for great matters.'
For ' But Argyll's . . . Spain ' read ' Then Monmouth pawned all his jewels,
and raised a stock of about 10 or 12 thousand pounds. He bought his arms
and provided himself of a ship.'
[2. He sazls.]
Cf. Hist. i. 640 ('The whole company' to p. 641, 'brought from the
Hague ').
After ' eighty-two persons' add ' a small number to conquer a kingdom.'
/or 'some spies . . . arms' read 'yet Argyll's business had given such an
alarm, that Skelton, the king's envoy in Holland, got some hint of this. He was
a very insignificant minister, who, notwithstanding his long practice in foreign
affairs, had as little capacity for them as he had either good judgement or probity.'
(Cf. Hist. i. 623.)
[/ 122 (a)] Om. ' those on board . . . favouring them ' ; and for ' got . . .
Texel' read ' sailed away.'
• The reader will observe how very pears both on p. 631 and p. 640.
carelessly Burnet's revision has been ' Nathaniel Wade's confession
made at this point. A passage which (Harl. MSS. 6845, ff. 260-74) 's one
should have been continuous is not of the best and most trustworthy con-
only divided in the printed version, temporary versions ofthe affair. He was
but in so hasty a manner that a passage alawyer,who had been implicated in the
concerning the sale of Monmouth's Rye House Plot and had fled to Holland,
jewels and the purchase of arms ap- ^ See p. 89, supra.
i62 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
After ' Hague ' add ' Thus the ignorance of the king's minister exposed his
master to all the danger that he run in this matter, which was much greater
than could have been imagined.'
[3. His first stefs^
Cf. Hist. i. 641 (' Upon the duke of Monmouth's landing ' to p. 643, ' acknow-
ledgement and kindness').
For ' He had quickly . . . arms ' read ' He found that if he had brought ten times
so many arms as he had, he would have found men for them. Many blamed him
for not going straight to Exeter or Bristol, where he would have found much
wealth [cf. Hist. i. 643], and if he had been master of those places he would
very probably have been able to have made a war of it. '
Om. ' as lord lieutenant of Devonshire.'
After ' deserted ' add ' others went over to the enemy.'
For ' that he was master . . . possible ' read ' and if it is certain he erred
extremely in the main of his conduct yet the de[tail] ' was admirable. He
shewed much temper and a good judgement in all he did.'
After ' rigour ' add ' and [what it was] to be alone, without officers, arms,
ammunition, or bread ; and (which was the cause of all the rest) without
Om. the greater part of p. 643, from ' Soon after their landing' to ' preserved
for that time,' being the episodes of Grey {given later) and Fletcher {omitted
For ' enraged man, that affected . . . dry ' 7'ead only ' enraged preacher,'
After ' error, was that' insert ' seeing so few of the gentry come in to him.'
For ' and then march , . . Lime ' read ' and that he did not fight those that
were gathering the militia against him, for the beating of them would give him
a great reputation ; and being spread abroad might induce many to come to
him that would not declare till they saw some probability. He might well have
ventured countrymen that had made themselves desperate against other country-
men that were less zealous for their side than his men were. His lingering
ruined him ; for [by this means] the king,' i^c.
Before ' English and Scotch ' add ' six.'
For ' and offered . . . necessary ' add ' [and] sent over Mr. Bentinck
to offer his person, and everything that depended on him, to the king's
[T/ie king's dilemma^
"And no doubt the king was then in great straits in his own
thoughts ; for if Monmouth had got any advantage, so that it
had gone to a formed war, the king must either have taken
help from the prince of Orange or the French. If the former
had once been at the head of his troops he would have been
master of his councils, and been able to have set laws to him,
» Cf. Hist. i. 643.
^ Both transcripts read, erroneously, ' debate.'
i68s] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 122 (a)-i23 (a) 163
and in that case the French no doubt would have supported
Monmouth. But on the other hand, though no doubt the
king's heart lay more to take help from France, yet by doing
so he would have lost the whole English nation. It was
visible enough that the king was all this while in great dis-
orders, for how high soever he affects the reputation of an
extraordinary courage, all that have been about him in great
dangers have assured me he [/. 122 {b)'\ was as fearful as
other men.
\Parliament in England.']
Cf. Hist. i. 638 {from ' At last ' to p. 640, ' certainly passed ').
For • At last ' read ' Some weeks before Monmouth's landing.'
For ' term of years ' read ' from three years to three years,'
Ottt. ' the revenue was granted . . , public treasure.'
Ow. ' and the tide . . . opposition.'
For ' and set up . . . commons ' read ' and was in full hopes of succeeding the
earl of Sunderland, whose disgrace was still looked for, resolved to merit the
king.'s favour.'
For ' even , . . matters ' read ' even for their religion, which was dearer to
them than their lives.'
For ' court flatterers ' read ' other flatterers.'
For ' So in ... to them ' read ' and the house went into it ; so that both the
revenue that the late king had and some other additional revenues were given
to the king [vide Hist. i. 638, supra], and no new law was asked for religion, the
house in their address of thanks for his speech having declared that they would
rely upon his word.'
For ' When this ' read ' When the main business.'
Om. 'He said, it concerned . . . would not do.'
For ' This had no effect , . , debate ' read ' So here was a brave attempt made
but spoiled in the management, so that it had no effect.'
For ' The courtiers . . . designs ' read only ' There were several other laws
For 'by which words. . . modelled' read 'The main point was whether
words should be made treason or not. L'Estrange, and all the violent men,
pressed this most vehemently ; but.'
Om. ' and were apt . . . variation.'
For ' in drink ' read ' rashly.'
For ' therefore he hoped . . . intentions ' read ' therefore nothing ought to be
made high treason, but that in which a man's mind did evidently appear.'
After ' insisted ' add ' that words discovered men's thoughts, and.'
For ' he brought . . . words ' read ' he told them he would convince them more
fully out of a book which perhaps these gentlemen did not much study, but yet
it had a good authority in the world ; the title of it was. The New Testament ,-
in it they would find that by a very small alteration treason was made out of
our Saviour's words ; when it was sworn that he had [/ 133 (a)] said.'
Om. ' pronouncing it . . . imperceptible.'
M 2
164 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1685
After ' criminal ' add ' among the Jews,' and om. ' This made . . . time.'
Foy ' But if the duke of Monmouth . . . certainly passed ' read ' But if the
parliament had got time to sit, the act would have passed ; and as it was
drawn it would have brought everything that any man had said against any
of the king's proceedings within its compass.' (Cf. Hist. i. 639, supra.)
{Proceedings relative to the popish j>lot^
Cf. Hist. \: 640 (' The most important . . . Stafford ').
For ' The most important . . . lords ' read ' Another thing that was set on
After ' lord Stafford ' add ' which was so prepared as to carry it in [? in it]
a total discovery [? discrediting] of the whole popish plot. For Oates had
been attainted,' d^c, as from Hist. i. 637, 'Oates was convicted,' to p. 638,
' hanged for it.'
After ' formerly. So ' add ' a most terrible sentence was laid upon him. '
Om. 'he was condemned . . . from him.'
After ' rigour ' add ' the hangman being no doubt ordered to lash him to
After ' guilty ' add ' which I doubt [i. e. fear] he was. '
Om. ' and was illegal ... a precedent.'
Om. ' that I may join . . , distance of time.'
After ' And the king ' add ' resolved to shew an equahty i n his justice, for he.'
Revert to Hist. i. 640 (' It was said for it . . . session to a conclusion ').
For ' said for it ' read ' said.'
For ' house of lords ' read ' house of commons,' and om. ' that they might . . .
house of commons.'
After 'liberty' add ' (so easily are great matters brought to a conclusion at
one time which cannot be compassed at another).'
For ' the lords had no mind' read 'there were many in both houses would
have been much troubled if they had been put.'
[ T/i£ duke of Monmouth's manifesto^
Cf. Hist. i. 641.
Om. 'which was both . . . fulsome' and 'that the king's religion . . ..
Om. 'very odiously . . . of style.'
[y! 123 (6)] Om. 'both in temporals and spirituals.'
\His attainder?^
Ibid, supra.
Begin ' Upon this the parhament passed an act of attainder,' and om. 'both
houses . . . one day.'
Om. ' Some small opposition . . . severe a sentence.'
For ' which was no small . . . hurt' read {and cf. Hist. i. 639-40) ' which was
so great a happiness to the nation that some will ever reckon Monmouth's landing
to have been our preservation ; for it was plain that in the first heats of the
parliament's loyalty it would have been hard to have stemmed the tide for any-
thing the king would have asked.'
1685] Harl. MSS. 6584, f. 123 (a)-i24 (a) 165
[TAe command of the ar»iy.\
Cf. Hist. i. 643 (' Prince George . . . army lay divided ').
Before 'Prince George' read 'In a fewweeks' time the king had an army
ready to send against Monmouth ; and he gave the command of it to the earl
of Feversham.'
After 'neglect' ««Wand indeed.'
Om. ' who was a Frenchman . . . conceived.' •
After ' service ' add ' but the greatest of all was that when he was within a
few hours of Monmouth,' and om. ' and was almost . . . disorder,' reading only
' so that the duke of Monmouth had almost,' &■€.
Monmouth's defeat [and death].
Cf. Hist. i. 643 (' He now saw his error' to p. 646, ' and to favourites ').
Begin ' I am not well enough informed to describe the particulars of the
action, and I will never forget an advice which the marechal de Schomberg,' &=€.
as Hist. i. 49. 'AH that I will say is that the duke of Monmouth saw now his
error,' (fc.
For 'and to be so straitened that' read 'and so could not keep his men
together long. Therefore.'
For ' and when he came near . . . ditch ' read ' and he could not get his men
to venture the passing of a very inconsiderable ditch.'
For ' that the officers . . . dressed ' read ' otherwise by all appearance he had
quite surprised the king's army and routed it ; but.'
For 'longer . . . expected' read 'long and fought well.'
For 'upon the first charge . . . Grey' read 'which some imputed to the lord
Grey's treachery, and others to his ignorance and cowardice.'
Before ' About a thousand ' add ' yet above.'
After 'prisoners' add 'the rest dispersed themselves.'
For 'between five . . . thousand' warf' about 5,000 foot and 1,000 horse'
(this sentence occurs further on uponf. 124 (4)).
For ' a man of courage ' read ' a man of his courage,' and omit remainder of
Om. ' whom . . . him.'
[/ 124 (a)] After 'posture' «(W This was a great fall from having a few
days before suffered a foolish pageantry of a coronation made, and had assumed
the title and state of a king.' (Cf. Hist. i. 644, supra.)
For 'and his mind . . . low, that' read 'and this perhaps made him sink so
much in his courage, for.'
For ' The king's temper . . . letters ' read ' It was a great weakness in him if
he fancied his life was a thing that could not be attained, and it was as great a
meanness in him to ask that which could not be expected. In the injurious
manner in which he treated the king, and after the rebellion that he had raised,
he had put himself beyond mercy, even though the king's inclinations had been
more gentle than they were.'
Om. ' But he called . . . Tenison.'
After ' his mother. This' arfrf' when they desired him.'
For ' He shewed . . . duchess and ' read ' It is not likely that he considered
i66 Burners Original Memoirs [1685
his wife much in anything that he did ; for as he had for some years lived in a
scandalous familiarity with lady Henrietta Wentworth, the heiress of the lord
Wentworth's family, so he and she had been long in ill terms ; and upon this
occasion either'; om. 'her sex and'; and after 'circumstances' add 'or she
■was very careful to preserve herself.'
For 'would have witnesses to hear' read 'brought the earl of Clarendon
along with her to be the witness of.'
For ' to justify . . . family ' read ' She desired him likewise to declare if she
had been anyways privy to the' last attempt of his ; in this he vindicated her ;
but since he saw she was more concerned [/ 124 (6)] in herself than in him,
the conversation was soon at an end.'
For 'very coldly' read 'a little too indifferently on both hands.'
For ' They next charged him with ' read ' They fell upon another head that
was no less unpleasant to him.'
After ' consent ' add ' so he did not think himself tied by that marriage.'
After • as they did ; for' add ' though we do not practise confession, yet after
After ' as little in him ' read ' for they refused to give him the sacrament,
since he expressed so little repentance for two such heinous sins as rebellion
and adultery ; but they prayed oft with him.'
Om. ' He was much better pleased . . . dying man.'
After ' begged ' add ' them to move the king for. '
After 'that ' om. 'as,' avid for 'so it gave . . . anything' read ' and it was
thought he owed so much to his brother as to oblige him to grant this small
favour to one that had been so near and so dear to him.'
Om. ' He prayed . . . unknown.'
After 'nation' arfrf' He also said somewhat in justification of lady Henrietta.'
[^ 125 (a)] For ' and understood . . . too much given ' read ' but if he had
obtained what he aspired to he would have given himself up.'
{Reflections on his fate?\
If he had not been hurried on to this business by the lord Grey
and Mr. Wade, and forced to it at this conjuncture by Argyll,
so that he not only came to England unprovided of men, arms,
and money, but came at a time when, by reason of a session of
parliament and the term that was sitting, most of those who were
inclined to run fortunes with him were at London, and so were
clapt up (the court having good hints of his design both by what
Argyll was doing in Scotland and by some other discoveries),
this fire had not so easily been quenched. He also com-
mitted great errors ; * his landing in daylight discovered the
smallness of his company " and made it contemptible, whereas
if he had landed in the night, as his true number would not
" Cf. Hist, i. 641.
1685] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 124 (<:!!)-i25 (a) 167
have appeared, so fear arid darkness, that multiply their objects,
Would have given the first impression of this matter with
more advantage ; " and if he had marched straight either to
Exeter or Bristol he would have been soon out of those ex-
tremities that lay so heavy upon him ". If he had fought the
trained bands, or had his men pursued the advantage that they
had at Philip's Norton, matters had gone much otherwise;
but, above all, if he had not been so extremely deceived as he
was in his opinion of the lord Grey, whom he took to be
a man of courage, and '' to whom he gave the command of his
horse ^ this flame had not been so easily extinguished as it
was. ■= He sent out Grey with the first party that he ordered
and composed of some horse and foot, but Grey ran away
as soon as he saw the enemy, and was with the duke of Mon-
mouth the first of all ; he told him a false story, that their men
were defeated and had run for it ; but when it appeared after-
Wards that the foot had stood, and beat off the enemy, and that
he only out of fear had run away, Monmouth was strangely con-
founded when he saw that he was such a coward ". Afterwards,
in the engagement at Sedgemoor, he shewed that he had neither
courage nor conduct, and not only lost the whole business, but
came and persuaded Monmouth that all was gone, so that it
was necessary for him to study to preserve himself, in which
he prevailed upon the easy nature of the other ; so that it was
no wonder * he got his pardon ^, for his cowardice did the king
more service than the courage of any of his own officers had
done him.
The executions of prisone7's.
C£ Hist. i. 647 (' The king was now ' to p. 648, ' into those indecencies ').
For 'The king. . . beginnings' read 'Now the rebelhon was subdued, and
the court was so lifted up upon it, that by their way of managing the advan-
tages that they now had they lost the hearts of the nation, and quite spoilt
their design of changing their religion and subverting the government of
England ; for.'
For 'execution' r««rf ' prosecution in the way of justice.'
For ' such persons as ' read 'those few that. '
After ' examples ' add ' while the thing was yet warm in the spirits of the
' Cf. Hist i. 642. " Ibid. " Ibid. <' Ibid. 646.
i68 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
For ' and if he had but covered . . . designs ' read ' this had given such an
impression of the king and of the counsels, that it might have produced very
fatal effects to the nation.'
For ' But his own . . . him lose ' read only ' But the king's temper appeared
too visibly upon this occasion, so that he lost ' ; and for ' that were . . . recovered '
rrarf 'which it is not like he will [/ 125 (4)] ever recover.'
Om. 'The army . . . counties where' ; and for 'lived as in' rearf ' committed
such violences even upon those who were no way guilty as if they had been. '
For ' and treated . . . violence ' read ' and no complaints were so much as
heard that were carried to the superior ofBcers.'
After ' of law' add ' I haye been told they were above twenty whom he thus
murdered ; and to add to the barbarity of this fact, which was never before
practised in England, he did it at the door of the room in which he received
an entertainment.'
For ' and they were so brutal . . . called for ' read only ' and all the while
that those miserable people were thus destroyed he was in riot within, and
had his music about him.'
For 'And it was said' read 'Russell', that was once a bedchamber man to
the king, assured me.'
After ' manner of it ' add ' It is hard on the one hand to believe that the
king should have given him such an order ; yet on the other hand it is no less
hard to imagine how a chiding was all the displeasure that was expressed upon
it, if it was done without any order.'
Om. ' (Some particulars . . . mentioned by me.) '
After ' sent ' add ' two months after.'
For ' His behaviour . . . nation ' read ' [He proceeded] in a way little less
barbarous than Kirk's had been ; no judge behaved himself in such a manner.'
Om. ' liker a fury . . . judge.'
For ' he shewed no mercy ' read ' [he] threaten[ed] the juries [for not
bringing prisoners in guilty] when they saw such clear proofs.'
After 'distinction' read '[These] were all originals, and things which posterity
will hardly believe.'
Om. ' The impieties . . . treated them and ' and ' that were well affected
. . . prisoners.'
Oni. ' England . . . reckoned up.'
For ' But that which . . . and he ' read ' But that which brought this matter
near home to the king, was that he.'
For ' that he wondered . . . indecencies ' read ' to his great regret.'
Om. remainder of paragraph.
Two women executed.
Cf Hist. i. 648-50.
For ' The king apprehended . . . those who had served ' read ' The king had
a great mind to catch some prisoners that had escaped, and in particular
Ferguson and some other preachers who he thought might be able to make
great discoveries of those that had correspondence with Monmouth ; for though
the court had occasion enough to satiate [/ 126 (o)] themselves with a great
Mr. Russell, afterwards admiral.
1685] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 125 (a)-i27 (a) 169
deal of blood, yet all this brought in no booty to them ; for there were no men
of estates found to be engaged in it, yet it was thought the preachers could make
great discoveries of some rich citizens. '
Om. ' He went about . . . king had said. '
For ' her maid . . . house ' read ' [there were] some other presumptions.'
Om. ' But though . . . criminal part.'
For ' as the law directs . . . treason ' read 'but she was first strangled.'
Om. ' as well as faith . . . enemy.'
For ' And behaved . . . manner that ' read ' [and] he never saw so much com-
passion in the looks of the spectators as appeared upon that occasion for.'
Om. ' desperate ' and ' hoping . . . fortune ' and 'into France.'
For ' piety and charity ' read ' charity, and by consequence much esteemed
in her country, so ' ; /or ' Hickes . . . Nelthorp ' read ' two that had been in the
For ' She knew Hickes . . . Monmouth ' read ' One of them was a preacher ;
their names were put in no proclamation, so she knew nothing of their guilt ;
but after supper they ventured to talk of it indiscreetly.'
After ' begged it ' read ' and because her husband's guilt was like to lie
heavy upon her, proof was offered that she had expressed as great horror of
the old king's murder as any in England had done ' ; and for ' so ' read ' yet. '
[/ 126 (6)] Om. ' and though . . . guilty yet.'
Before ' not guilty ' read ' twice,' and after add ' because there was no evi-
dence to prove that she knew anything of their crime ' ; for ' But the judge . . .
attaint of jury ' read only ' upon which Jeffreys threatened the jury so heavily. '
[The behaviour of others.\
Cf. Hist. i. 650-1 {to ' impetuous and cruel temper ').
For ' most of those ' read ' And indeed all those many hundreds.'
Om. 'and such a zeal . . . danger.'
Om. ' who had been . . . sheriff,' and after ' Cornish ' add ' that had been
sheriff of London.'
Om. ' and also said that.'
After ' temper ' add ' who soon after had that reward of it to which he had so
long aspired ; for lord North, whose spirit as well as his credit at court was
much sunk [cf. Hist. i. 665], died, and Jeffreys not only had the great seal, but
was made both lord chancellor and a peer ^ of England [cf. ibid.'], and this was
the price of all the blood he had shed.'
Preparations for a new sessions of parliament.
Cf. Hist. i. 651 {from ' The king had raised ' to p. 652, ' so the motion fell ').
Begin ' But I must now turn from this dismal scene to give an account of the
session of parliament that came on in November.'
For 'raised . . . and' read 'during the rebellion.'
[/ 127 («)] For from ' the first ' to p. 652, ' it was said to be,' read only ' that
it was.'
' Original note on f. 181 (6) (in illegible].' See also Routh's Burncfs
the same hand as f. 2?), 'A mistake; James II, p. 99, note.
he was a peer before [two words
170 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
After ' idolatrous ' add ' these were the commonplaces of all the flatterers at
Om. entirely ' On the other hand . . . much altered.'
For 'did move ... or not' readonly 'spake of it twice at the council board.'
Om.from ' so the motion ' to end of paragraph.
{Same subject continued^
Cf. Hist. i. 654 (/row ' The king after he had declared ' to p. 655, ' pursue
them too far ').
For ' called for the marquis . . . turned out ' read ' and because Halifax waS
the man of the greatest weight that was like to be on the contrary side, the
king pressed him to give assurances of his concurrence ; and upon his refusing
to do it, he was turned out ; yet the king did it with as great a grace as the
matter could bear, and assured him he would never forget his past services.'
Om, 'And the earl of Sunderland . . . isle of Britain.'
For ' The Irish . . . household ' i-ead ' It was expected that Ormond should
be turned out next, but the recalling him out of Ireland was thought disgrace
enough, so he continued still lord steward, and this was left him in considera-
tion of his old age and his great services. '
For ' So sir Charles . . . pursue them too far' read 'And so one Porter, who
had got into some practice in the chancery in England, and was a fupjous man
for the court, w^as of a sudden made lord chancellor, and was generally looked
upon as a person raised to this height on design to destroy the settlement of
Ireland, in which he has since that time disappointed the expectations that were
had of him. But at this time the king said he would maintain the settlement
of Ireland ; though his promises now began less to be built on than they had
been formerly.'
Tke affairs of Scotland; \king Charles' paper s\
And that all his three chancellors might be of a piece, "the
chancellor of Scotland came up at this time ; he had fallen
out with Queensberry, who is indeed naturally very insolent,
and they came both up together to complain of one another.
It appeared clearly that Queensberry had the better in all the
points upon which they had quarrelled"; but upon that
Perth and his brother Melfort resolved to have the better of
him in one point, by which they reckoned they would carry
all the rest. ^ The king began now to shew two papers that
he had found in his brother's strong box, '^ all writ with his
o.wn hand °, in which the necessity of an infallible judge was
argued upon the common topics, but in very few words and
very well expressed. '' It was plain enough to all that knew
the late king that there was too much art and too much
° Cf. Hist. i. 652. " Ibid. " But see ibid. 615. ^ Ibid.
1685] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 127 (a)-i27 {b) 171
scripture in these to be of his production"; and they had not
the natural [/. 127 {V)\ nor lively way in them in which he used
to express himself. "^ He had to myself in discourse mentioned
several arguments that I find there almost in the same words '' ;
he proposed them to me as objections to our doctrine, and he
liad seemed satisfied with the answers I had made to them.
I fancy "^either Bristol or Aubigny writ them, and that they
prevailed with the king to copy them in order to his consider-
ing them well, since it might have been made a great crime if
such a paper had been found about the king writ in any other
man's hand. ^ But now the king began to shew them, and
Perth and his brother resolved to shew a new strain of court-
ship, and seemed to be converted by the force of those papers,
which drew a repartee from Halifax that became very public.
It happened that at the same time he was falling in disgrace,
and that Queensberry was found to have the better of Perth in
their contest ; so Perth, meeting Halifax, made him a compli-
ment as if they two were like to suffer both at the same time ;
but Halifax answered him, ' No, my lord, your faith will make
you whole,' and it proved so.
\Fate of Queensberry ^
Cf. Hist, i. 653 (' Before he declared . . . made him a sacrifice ').
For ' So well satisfied with ' read ' more inclined to ' ; oiii. ' that he was
resolved . . . dismiss him.'
Om. ' not to be too much ... at once.'
For ' between . . . Melfort ' read only ' [with] Perth.'
After 'sacrifice' for 'This sudden hatred . . . relation to religion' read 'So
far does the king depart from a branch of his brother's character, as Shaftesbury '
expressed it in one of his speeches ; that under him the unfortunate fell gently.'
[Remarriage of the earl of Perth; a tumult at Edinburgh,^
Cf. Hist. i. 678 {from 'The earl of Perth prevailed' to p. 679, 'as much
■detested ').
Begin ' Perth's lady died about this time ' ; and for ' The earl of Perth . . .
dying to change ' read ' And they forced from her, while she was in her last
agonies, a declaration of her changing.'
For ' for many years ' read ' they being both in a married state. [He] was
resolved to legitimate that matter ; for both were now in widowhood.'
Om. ' The pope said . . . such importance. .So.'
« Cf. Hist. i. 615. ' Ibid. ' Ibid. <> Ibid. 653.
' Original note on/ 181 (4) (same hand as f. 2 ?), ' Anglesea, qu.'
172 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1546-1685
[/ laS (a)] For ' The earl of Perth set up . . . alarmed at this. And ' read
only ' Some time after this Perth, being at mass, very publicly.'
For ' Mr. Macom . . . weak man ' read ' The minister is to my knowledge
a very honest man, but, as it will appear by the management of this matter, he
is a very weak man.'
[A fatal year to the p-otestant religion.}
CI Hist. i. 655 {from 'This year' to -p. 656, 'fifth great crisis of the protestant
Preface it thus : ' But here I leave the affairs of Scotland and return back to
England ; the parliament was now to be opened [cf. Hist. i. 663], and the
popish party was so confident that I saw by some long letters writ to cardinal
Howard, and which he shewed me, for I was then at Rome, that they reckoned
the matter sure [cf. ibid. 661]. Yet a remarkable revolution fell out in France
that contributed not a little to the bringing the English nation back to their
wits again [^ibid. 664].'
After ' of Nantes ' add ' and began that terrible persecution which has made
so much noise in the world.'
TAe several critical times for the protestant religion"^. The first.
Cf. Hist. i. 310 ('The first crisis').
Begin ' And I hope the reader will pardon my digression if I lead him to
look back on the former four.'
The second crisis ''.
Cf. Hist. i. 311 {from the words ' the third crisis' to end of p. 313).
[/ 128 (S)] For ' And Spain . . . stead ' read ' And the conquest of England was
then looked on as assured. For the opening of this I will acquaint my reader with
some very curious transactions relating both to Scotland and England. The
house of Guise and the king of Spain both agreed in their design of destroying
queen Elizabeth and of setting up the queen of Scots, who was niece to the
great duke of Guise ; and as queen Elizabeth gave the chief support both to
the protestants in France and to the States, so it was equally the interest of the
king of Spain and the house of Guise to destroy her, and to set up Mary of
Scotland that was the heiress.'
After ' invincible armada' insert the following : —
* It was of great consequence to this design to engage the
king of Scotland in it, so his cousin, whom he afterwards
made duke of Lennox, was sent out of France to insinuate
" Cf. Hist. i. 6.
1 It is a curious testimony to the this part of the History (Burnet being
carelessness of Burnet's revision, that no authority with regard to it) slight
while, on p. 656 of the first volume, differences of statement are here
Burnet's original computation is pre- ignored.
served, and the year 1685 represents ' On p. 311 of the printed History,
the fifth crisis ; yet in an earlier part the second crisis is placed in the reign
of the work a different division is of Mary I of England ; the second crisis
adopted ; and on pp. 310, 321 the year of the original forming the third of
1672 begins the fifth crisis. Throughout the revised version.
1586-8] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 128 (a)-i29 {a) 173
himself into his favour and to engage him into the project.
He and the French ambassador » were always representing to
him the barbarous usage of his mother, and how much it was
against nature for him to be in the interest that had first
defamed and then dethroned her, and that kept her now for
so many years a prisoner * ; they offered to assist him not
only with great pensions from France, but to engage his
mother to receive him next to herself, both in the crown of
Scotland and England ; and by these things they prevailed
so much upon him, that was always easy to favourites and
flatterers, that I find the '' court of England were very appre-
hensive of his being prevailed on at last ; " and in a paper of
Walsingham's I find they thought he was likely to turn papist
or to fall into a contempt of all religion ; upon which queen
Elizabeth took very subtle methods to give him so much work
at home that he should not be able to hurt her. She employed
both instruments and pensions to alarm all the most zealous,
both of the nobility and clergy, with the prospect of their
danger, *So that all that insolence of the assembhes and
ministers of Scotland which archbishop Spottiswood sets out
as the effect of their violence flowed from queen Elizabeth's
agents, and the great jealousies the king's conduct gave this
nation, as if he had been going into the interests [/. 139 («)] of
the house of Guise, and gives another view of all that matter **.
But queen Elizabeth was not satisfied with this. " There was
one sir Rich[ard] Wigmore, an English gentleman that was
a lover of hunting and a man of honour [? humour], so that
it was likely he might insinuate himself into king James. He
was neglected and ill-used by the queen, so that he, pretend-
ing discontent, went and lived in Scotland ; but all this was
artifice, for he was underhand sent by the queen and received
a long paper of instructions from secretary Walsingham «, of
which I have a copy ^ ; which are indeed liker a book for their
length than a memorial of instructions, and in these all this
« Cf. Hist. i. 6, supra. " Ibid. 7. ' Ibid, infra. * Ibid. 8. » Ibid. 7.
1 It is among the Burnet Papers flF. 213-22. (For other copies, see
in the Bodleian, Add. MSS. D. 23, Mr. Airy's note m loco.)
174 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1586-8
design is very plainly opened. I have also the copies ^ of
most of the French ambassador's letters (which it seems some
of the court of Scotland that were in pension to queen Eliza-
beth opened and copied for Walsingham) ; by these I see " the
court of France kept king James long from marrying ^ Both
queen Elizabeth and his own subjects pressed his marriage,
hoping that if he married to some protestant this would fix
him the more to that interest. But the French, as they saw
they could not engage the king to take a wife of their nomina-
tion and religion, so they resolved to divert him as long
as they could from marrying, which was all that could be
done at that time. Yet the French were still distrustful of
the king, for he complied sometimes with so good a grace
with the creatures of the court of England that they thought
they had lost him, ''of which the ambassador gives this instance
in one of his letters.
Here insert anecdote of Stewart, Hist. i. 312 (' king James sent . . . bedchamber,'
omitting 'But in one . . . resolutions'); and then revert to p. 311 ('AH Europe')
and proceed to ' fatal to the queen of Scots ' [/ 129 (6)] ; and continue from p. 313
('As for the pompous embassy') to 'he would do nothing upon it,' and from
' But the court of England ' to end of p. 313 ; aiit/i these alterations on p. 313 : —
After ' so powerful a fleet ' add ' though after all it was built with very little
judgement, since it was to be sent into these narrow seas ; the ships being
extreme heavy, so that it was not possible to ■work them.'
After ' London ' add ' who had a vast trade in Spain.'
For ' undertook it ' read ' brought this about in so ingenious a manner that it
is a pity that his name is lost ', which indeed deserves to be immortal.'
[/ iS"^ (")] ^0'' ' with which the great designs of Spain fell to the ground'
read ' and established the liberty of the protestant religion ; the duke of Parma
made no progress after this time, and prince Maurice, though but a very young
man when he was set at the head of the States, quickly changed the scene.'
[T/ie third crisis.]
Cf. Hist. i. 314 ; ibid. 12, 13 ; ibid. 314; ibid. 48-g.
Begin from Hist. i. 314 ' The 4th [3rd] ^ crisis was from the battle of Prague
"■ Cf. Hist. i. 7. " Ibid. 312.
1 Copies of papers in the State ^ Routh, note to Hist, in loco, identi-
Paper Office relating to Queen Eliza- fies him with Thomas Sutton, founder
beth's intrigues with Scotland are in of the Charterhouse,
the Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, ff. 202-7. ' See p. 172, note i, supra.
1613-30] Harl. MSS. 6584, f. 129 (a)-i3o (b) 175
to the year 1630,' and thett revert to the affairs of the elector palatine, p. la
('[King James] married his only daughter') to p. 13, 'without any assistance ' ■
teith these alterations : — '
(p. 12) Om. ' one . , . sincere[st, but] ' ; retain Airy's ' one of the weakest
. . . all.'
Om. < The eldest branch . . . joined to advance ' ; and for ' the son of Charles
. . . king ' read ' usurped the crown without an election.'
Om. ' But his governnftnt . . . protestants.'
(p. 13) Om. ' first to the duke ... and then.'
After ' elector palatine ' om. ' who accepted of it . . . establishment,' and read
' Never was any design better laid. The cause of the Bohemians was just in
itself, for they were an elective and free kingdom.— And at the same time and
almost upon the same reasons Hungary also revolted and chose the prince of
Transylvania their king. The elector palatine was son-in-law to the king of
England and nephew to the prince of Orange, who was then the greatest general
in the world, and had raised himself to a great height of power over the States.
— And the protestant cantons were very much in [the] interest [of the newly
elected king].' {These sentences are not continuous in the MS.)
Om. 'The English nation . . . support it.'
For ' was so possessed . . . dignity ' read only ' hat[ed] anything that looked
like a rebellion.'
for ' The jealousy . . . towards him ' read ' The electors grew jealous of the
greatness of the palatine family, since it had now two voices in the election of
the emperor,' and return [/ 130 (6)] to Hist. i. 314 (' not only the elector palatine
fell . . . Austrian yoke ') ; om. ' All attempts ... his people ' ; and after
'Breda was taken ' add 'and the Rhine was in the hands of the Spaniards.
At the same time the war of the Rochelle broke out in France, upon which
I must make another digression.' Then revert to Hist. i. 48, as follows :
When the duke of Buckingham went over to France to end
the match for the queen of England, *he made his addresses
so secretly and successfully to the queen of France " that he
obtained all favours of her, of which I know some particulars
that are not modest enough for me to write. '' This being dis-
covered, he was not suffered to return again as he intended ^,
who, what out of vanity, what out of amour, had resolved to
continue that intrigue ; and though he was in the chief
ministry, and in high favour in England, yet he had a mind
to have returned into France, but the court of France would
not suffer it, and pretended some other reason for the refusal.
*= This enraged him so much that he got all the queen of Eng-
land's French servants to be sent away. But he resolved to
» Hist. i. 48. f Ibid. ' Rid.
176 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1625-7
carry his revenges further ; he shewed the king of England
how much it was his interest to make the town of Rochelle
rebels and to form itself into a commonwealth under the
conduct of the duke of Rohan and the protection of Eng-
land. It had anciently revolted from England to France,
and so it was but just to try if it could be brought to revert
again. This seemed easy to be effected ; France had then
no fleet, and if this could be done the king would have
France open to him, and the whole protestants to depend
upon him. The design was great, and might have been easily
executed if the king of England had been a vigorous prince.
^ The duke of Rohan was sent to ^, who had all the qualities
necessary for such an undertaking, being one of the greatest
men of this age, both for the councils of peace and war ; and
all the protestants of France, who began to be ill-used, de-
pended on him. So he, who was then living in his country
house and dreamt of no such thing, was easily engaged by the
messenger that the duke of Buckingham sent to him to go into
so great a design ; ■= but when the court of France saw this,
cardinal de Richelieu, who was the master of the king's spirit,
persuaded him to order the queen to write a cajoling letter to
the duke of Buckingham, telling him that if he would let the
business of the Rochelle fall, the court of France would enter
into great confidences with him, and he should be suffered
to come over'^ as oft as he pleased to the court of France.
This letter had so powerful an effect on him that he not only
suffered some of the king's best ships to be hired by the
French, but ^ he went on so slowly and feebly that he did
nothing considerable the first year ; but finding that the
cajolery of the court of France was intended only to deceive
him, he resolved to have followed that design with more
vigour next year, but was prevented from executing it
[/. 131 (a)] by being stabbed at Portsmouth*; and so that
business of the Rochelle miscarried, and they were forced to
make the best terms they could with the crown of France, by
which they not only lost their own liberties, but by this rash
- Cf. Hist. i. 48. "> Ibid. ' Ibid. d Ibid.
I620-30] Harl MSS. 6584, /. 130 {b)-i^i (b) 177
undertaking the whole protestant party was now so exposed
to the indignation of the court, as well as become destitute of
all means of defence, that it is very probable the matter would
have been carried further against them if the exaltation of
the house of Austria and their successes had not determined
cardinal Richelieu, who was no bigot, to settle all matters
in France by a new confirmation of the edict of Nantes,
that so he might apply himself wholly to the affairs of
Germany. Thus it appears that there was at this time
a great crisis upon the reformation, but all this went off by
a hand whence it was least looked for : ^ the great Gustavus
came in * with a very small but very good army, and as he
had great successes (most of the German princes declaring for
him), so if his own unhappy fate had not cut him off while he
was in so triumphant a progress he would very likely have
given matters a great turn the other way ; yet he did enough
to break this whole storm, so this crisis went over very happily.
One great design did indeed miscarry by the king of Eng-
land's feebleness.
Heie give the episode of the Spanish Netherlands from p. 48, ' When Isabella
Clara Eugenia,' to p. 49, ' lost his head for it.' {The details are a Utile different.)
For ' stolen from him ' read ' stolen out of his pocket or cabinet (which befell
him often, and which I am apt to believe is the truth of the matter).'
After 'head for it ' arfrf' and the king of England's honour suffered extremely
in that matter ; and so far have I carried my reflections on the third crisis.'
[The fotirtk crisis j passage introductory to it}]
Cf. Hist. i. 321 ; 314-6; 14; 316-7 ; 15 ; 317-8.
Begin ' I now come to the fourth, which was in the year 1672 [cf. Hist. i.
321], when the crowns of France and England were united for the destroying
the protestant religion [f. 131 (A)], first in Holland, and then both in France
and England: I have said^ so many things concerning this formerly that I
may have seemed to have satisfied my reader about it ; yet I have still a
reserve of many particulars for a new digression : I will not run so far back as to
mention things so well known as the wars of Holland, and the character of
* Hist. i. 314.
' The fourth crisis of this version includes however much that was sub-
(1672) is the first part of the fifth sequently ranged under the fourth
crisis in the printed History, vol. i. crisis of the printed i/w/o^', 1620-30.
p. 321. As material prefatory to ' i. c. sub anno 1672, in the lost
the fourth crisis, the original version portion of the original narrative.
178 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1620-30
William, prince of Orange' ; and then revert to Hist. i. 314 and proceed from
'AH agree ' to p. 316, ' predestination firmly,' omitting ' but as he left . . . popery.'
Om. ' It seems he designed . . . prince's hands.'
For ' This was much opposed . . . methods ' read ' There is a strange thing
in the spirit of churchmen of what side soever they may be, for they go always
into violent and cruel methods '. '
Om. ' Their ministers . . . write afterwards.'
For ' When the queen . . . Leicester ' read ' So, since the earl of Leicester was
so much in queen Elizabeth's favour that it even gave matter to censure, they
offered him a new power which began and ended with him.'
Be/ore ' he as . . . landed' add [/. 133 (o)] ' He came over ; and though he
was known to be a very atheistical man ' ; om. ' went . . . counsels, and ' ; for
' people' read ' [ministers].'
After ' Holland and Zealand ' add ' before [Leicester] got to the Hague.
This was not inconsistent with the charge of supreme governor, though it was
a great check upon it ; and as Dudley was soon after as hateful as he was
popular at first, so prince Maurice became the most celebrated captain of his age.'
Om. rest of paragraph and ' Prince Maurice was for . . . political views.'
For ' Prince Maurice in private . . . Arminians ' read ' Prince Maurice, that
leaned more to Arminianism, headed the Calvinists ; at least he was as long
a trying which of them upon the division was like to be the strongest, as the
States had been in the beginning of their reformation in deliberating whether
they should authorize the Calvinist or the Lutheran confession.' Then revert to
Hist. i. 14 {Fabriciui story, derived from Charles Lewis, elector palatine) .
Om, 'the wisest . . . among them.'
For ' This that elector . . . himself had ' read only ' So little do most princes
consider religion any other way, than as it may serve to advance their own
ends.' Then return to Hist. i. 316, 'I will go no further,' to end of f. 318.
\^f. 132 (6)] For ' He hated Barneveldt . . . hands,' insert the whole story as given
in Hist. i. 15 ('The States having borrowed . . . wisdom''') ; in vihich for ' Soon
after . . . secret article, he ' read only ' Barneveldt.'
For ' and he came over . . . proposition ' read ' The sum and the interest of it
was vast ; and king James' courtiers were glad to have so much money to be
dealt among them. But his councillors thought there was no danger in a civil
offer of delivering up those places when the money should be ready, for they
fancied it would not be possible for the States, that were so deep in debt, to
raise it.'
For 'an action . . . wisdom^' read 'but as soon as ever king James found that
this had drawn on him, not only the contempt of all foreign princes, but of all
his own subjects ' {then return to p. 317, ' according to the nature,' &-■€.).
After ' carry it much further ' add ' whether it was because ' ; after ' horror '
for ' He studied . . . free state ' read ' or because the great business of
Germany was overturned (for though he had an ascendant over his nephew
the king of Bohemia in everything, yet he could neither infuse his own sense or
his courage into him), or whether he really had no further designs, I cannot
Airy's ed., i. 565, note a.
Ed. 1833 gives last clause wrongly to Onslow.
1650-72] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 131 {b)-is3 (b) 179
Om. • quickly settled . . . tenets. He,' and [/. 133 (a)] ' The States . . . rich.'
Om. ' much to the honour . . . myself have to it.'
For ' It was a common ... his widow was ' read ' which did not at all please
the princess royal, for she had no mind to make way for the widow."
Om. ' and it struck his fancy . . . stadtholdership.'
[Passage prefatory to the fourth crisis continued;
John de IVitt.]
a Upon the prince's death, those who had been sent to
Loevestein had so great credit that the government fell into
their hands, and De Witt the father got [/. 133 (b)] his second
son John, who was then a young advocate of twenty-five years
of age, made at first pensioner of Dort, and after little more
than a year made pensioner of Holland ", who continued for
twenty-two years in the ministry with the greatest applause,
but ended it with the greatest misfortunes possible.
De Witt's character.
I will give his character as I had it from Mr. Halewyn,
who knew him well and valued him highly. His being so
early brought into the government gave him not time for
making any great compass in learning, so that as he had not
travelled in his youth ''he had never time enough to read
history '', and even in his own profession he rather ° knew the
practice of the law "^ than the principles and history of it ; so
that as to all acquired dispositions for the chief ministry, he
was as ill furnished as ever man was. ^ His strength as to
learning lay in the mathematics, in which he was one of the
greatest men of the age, and made a progress in them which
astonishes all those who have been able to understand his
Elementa Curvaruvi^, and his Loca Geometrica; for it passes
imagination to see a man in the midst of so many affairs
carry his thoughts so far into abstruse matters. But to
balance all his defects he had a vivacity of apprehension and
a strength of judgement that were indeed amazing ; °he made
himself quickly master of everything that was laid before
him, and scarce ever took things by the wrong handle ; he
had much patience in hearing everything" that was said to
« Cf. Hist. i. 220. " Ibid. ' Ibid. ^ Ibid. " Ibid.
N a
i86 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1650-72
him, and was neither guilty of pride, passion, nor revenge ; he
was not corruptible, neither by money nor other artifices ; and
he was a man of undaunted courage, even in military matters,
which is not ordinary for a man of the robe. " He showed this
in his going to sea in the year [i6]65 and [i6]66, where Mr. de
Ruyter confessed* that he taught him many things in his
own art^, in particular a new method of drawing up the fleet
in bataglia ; and '^ as he had himself examined and sounded
the sea near the Texel, he discovered so many new channels,
that the ships could go out with many more winds than they
thought they could have done formerly ^. He laid the design of
burning the English fleet at Chatham, in which he reckoned he
was so sure, that in the orders that were to be opened at sea for
executing it, the matter was not referred to a council of war.
He was for many years as much the master of the govern-
ment of Holland as any stadtholder had ever been, but he
built his whole administration upon a very weak bottom.
[His eri-ori]
Cf. Hist. i. 319 {to ' immediately to the States').
[/ 134 («)] -^fler ' the States themselves ' add ' of whom the greater part does
not understand them.'
[Rejections on this topic^
Now this seems to be the most essential error in the whole
Dutch constitution ; for, as I have often seen it in a house
of commons in England, '^a great body is the most improper
subject of power in their hands" ; and the more numerous the-
body is the state is still the safei-, there being less room Tor
corruption in such an assembly ; for our house of commons
acts and deliberates wisely, when they examine the conduct
of the ministry, and upon that enter into the consultations either
of making laws, raising money, or of examining the grievances
of the nation; but whensoever the king thought fit to ask
their advice, it was apparent how poorly they consulted if
they happened to descend to more particular propositions.
" Cf. Hisf. i. 221. b lUd. <: Ibid. 319.
' See Hist. i. 220.
1650-72] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 133 (6)-i34 ip) 181
\De Witt's errors resumed^
Cf. Hist. i. 319 (' It had been happy . . . miscarriages on him ').
After ' of the courts ' add ' of justice.'
For ' This raised . . . hands ' read ' Another great error in his ministry was
that he engrossed the secret of all affairs, especially of foreign negotiations,
wholly to himself.'
After ' miscarriages ' add ' in [i6]72.'
[De Witfs character resttiiied.']
There was no part of the ministry in which he was so
exact as in the conduct of the revenue ; for * he had digested
that into a little table-book, that he carried always about him,
so, exactly that upon all emergencies he knew what the
state could do ; and how far their revenue would carry them
in any proposition that was made to him ". Having given
De Witt's character so largely I will not enter further into
the particulars of his ministry, neither will * I say anything
of the war with Cromwell, nor of the peace made upon it, nor ^ of
the exclusion of the prince of Orange, and the perpetual edict
made against having any moi'e stadtholders ^ ; nor will I say
anything more of " the war that he managed with the late
king of England, in which he acquired so much reputation
both as a statesman and as a commander, that the war ending
with [/. 134(3)] so much advantage and honour to the States,
all this raised his credit extremely, which was then so much
shaken by the factions that were formed against him •-■, that
a misfortune in that war had certainly sunk him.
[Neglect of the prince of Orange.]
All the world was "'amazed to see the court of England
take so little care of the prince of Orange's interests, as never
to interpose for him : ^ for the Triple Alliance gave England
a great credit in the Dutch counsels as long as our court was
true to it; and that the prince was then growing near his
majority, yet no endeavours were used to open a way for
his coming into the government of Holland. ^The prince
went over in person to try what could be hoped for from the
court of England; he had also a private business to solicit,
» Cf. i/«/. i. 220. "/Wrf. 326. 'Ibid. 319. <> Ibid. 320. "Ibid.zzi.
< Ibid. 273.
i82 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1670
which was the payment of that great debt which the king
owed him % which amounted to some millions; but he suc-
ceeded equally ill in both. It seemed very strange, to all that
observed this coldness of the court of England in his concerns ;
for it was certainly very much the king's interest to raise one
to the government of Holland, who, as might be naturally
imagined, must needs continue still in a great dependence
on him, and need his assistance very much ; since this one
thing must have raised the figure that the king made in the
affairs of Europe more than all the other projects that he
ever engaged in. I have often talked of this matter with
those who were then in the ministry and could not wonder
enough at the king's not seeing his own interest in this matter.
I knew his majesty's temper too \\ell to wonder at his want
of natural affection to his nephew, or at his want of gratitude
for all the obligations that had been put on him by the
prince's father and mother during his exile; in such things
the king had taken such care to let his nature be known, that
nobody could be surprised with new discoveries of it. But
here his interest lay so visibly that it was indeed strange to
see him mind it so little ; but all the answer that was made
to me upon this question was that the king's recommending
the prince to the States would rather have set him backward
than forward ; for if the States intended to bring him into
the government, they would make it their own act, and have
him beholden for it to them only, and not be contented that
he should owe any part of the obligation to a foreign prince.
This looked rather like an excuse than a reason ; for though
it is very probable that a public recommendation might have
been a prejudice to him, yet secret and vigorous offers under-
hand could not have hurt him. But the true reason was that
France, that still had its eje upon the conquest of Flanders,
saw that nothing could oppose them in that but the exalta-
tion of the prince of Orange, which would naturally put the
land army of the States in another posture, and have animated
them into a more martial disposition. And since it was the
» Hist. i. 273.
1670-2] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 134 (6)-i35 {b) 183
interest of France to have this so laid that it might not be an
obstacle to their designs, our court resolved to sacrifice the
interests of a nephew to so [/. 135 {aj\ dear a friendship ^
=' Perhaps the prince's firmness to the protestant religion had
a share in this aversion ; '' for he told me himself that when
he was first in England, the king discovered very plainly
to him that he was a papist, and insinuated to the prince
his advice to him to be of the same religion, which surprised
the prince extremely; and he has often wondered how the
king came to trust so young a person with so important
a secret^. As for his debts, our court, that was so lavish in
all its expense, never troubled itself with such matters ; for
though a recommendation of that to the parliament for manj'
years together would have easily procured a much greater sum,
yet our court had still so much occasion for all the money
that could be raised from a house of commons that they were
never in a condition to do justice to any or to pay their debts ;
so that the prince was abandoned by his uncle, and therefore he
was to try how to insinuate himself into the hearts of the Dutch.
\Youih of the frince of Orange^
Cf. Hist. i. 320 ('The prince was left much to himself to end of paragrapir .
For ' yet as his natural . . . recommended him much to ' read ' yet he behaved
himself so discreetly in his youth that he gained great ground, especially with.'
For ' to raise . . . happy ' read only ' for the making a party to him.'
\T}ie fotcrth crisis; elevation of the jirince j invasion of the p-ovinces.]
Cf. Hist. i. 320 {from ' When he was of full age ' to p. 322, ' Pomponne and
Louvois ').
For ' When he was of full age ' read ' At last the wars with France came on,
and then.'
Om. 'could only be meant . . . army; but/flKrf 'The court of England . . . m
their affairs.'
For ' cold . . . depend upon him' read ' civil and cold ; so that he saw his
friendship was no more to be depended on.'
After ' age ' om. ' and he believed . . . faithfully,' and add ' Soon after that
followed the vast progress that the French made ; for whereas.'
[/ 135 (*)] ■f"'"' ' "or practice . . . spirit nor courage left ' read only ' and
a long peace at land had put them out of all practice.'
After 'to be done' add 'but their delivering themselves so shamefully as
• Cf. Hist. i. 273. " Ibid- supra.
1 His interests were not ignored in the Treaty of Dover.
184 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1672
they did brought not only infemy on themselves, but the greatest danger
possible to the States, for all was set open to the king of France, who,' &^c..
For ' the Dutch with so ... up to him ' read ' such a terror in the country,
that their not being wrought on by that panic fear to deliver all up to him is one
of the wonders of the age, and the driving back such a torrent looked like the
effect of some happy star that was over the prince of Orange.'
For ' than to his own conduct ' read ' than either [to] his own valour or
For ' that, when that year . . . may be ' read ' that I make no doubt to make
it appear when I have memoirs to enable me to write more particularly of
that matter.'
After ' preserve himself ' insert ' If he had either followed the prince of Conde's
or Mr. de Turenne's advice the thing had been sure ; but he would examine the
matter rather with the ministers than with those two great captains. His army
was indeed reduced to a small number by his keeping so many places which he
ought to have dismantled' (cf. Hist. i. 332). Insert capture of Noerden and
Muyden (cf. Hist. i. 323, ' The French,' to p. 32.4, ' preserved Amsterdam ') ;
then return to p. 322, ' When he came.'
For ' Pomponne and Louvois ' read ' Louvois,' and add ' and the king was im-
patient to return to Versailles' (cf. Hist. i. 332 to ' preparing for him there ') ; and
proceed ' He left behind him the brutalest man and the most unfit for softening
the spirits of his newly conquered places that could be found, in Mr. de Luxem-
bourg' (cf. Hist. i. 333).
^Despair at the Hague; mission sent to Englatid.']
Cf. Hist. i. 323 (' It may easily be imagined ' to p. 325, ' gained the court '),
Om. ' The French possessed . . . extremities of despair ' (see supra, 11. 16-7).
Aftei' ' garrisons in them ' add ' so that they had not above 7,000 men left for
their defence.'
Om. ' and the bishop . . . spirit was left.'
Before ' Montbas' insert ' [It] gave some ground to [these] jealousies that.'
For ' married . . . sister ' read ' [was] brother-[/. 136 (a)] in-law to Mr. de
Groot (or Grotius), who had been ambassador in France the former winter.'
Om. ' which was to defend . . . sanctuary,' and for ' and the States were so
puzzled . . . and followed it ' read ' and cried out for a peace ; and since it
might be hoped that the setting up the prince would separate England from
France, which was the only thing in which they could trust.'
Om. ' And the morning in which they were dispatched away.'
For ' the prince . . . stadtholder ' read ' the raising the prince of Orange.'
Om. ' lord Arlington . . . doing it, that.'
After ' press that on them ' read ' They were ordered to see what it was that
would content the king ; but they had no power to conclude anything. Mr. de
Witt, who did not take so much care as was necessary to have good intelligence,
fancied that the court of England would insist on making the prince stadtholder.'
For ' When they came over . . . gained the court ' read ' And when Boreel
came first to them he seemed likewise assured of it ; but he quickly found his
mistake ; and indeed the ambassadors were amazed when they found that the
court of England was not concerned at the prince's interests, and that it was
not possible to separate them from France.'
1672] Harl. MSS. 6584, # 135 (6>-i36 (a) 185
7'/ie States treat with France.
* So the States were forced to treat with the king of France ;
but the debate faUing out between Mr. Pomponne and Mr. de
Louvois \ the last carried it, very happily for the Dutch. The
former proposed the danger of making the Dutch desperate,
and of engaging all Europe and perhaps England at last
in the war (since the people of England were against them,
though the king was for them). He therefore '' moved that
the king should restore all that belonged to the seven
provinces, and only ask the places that they had out of
them "^ ; that the States being brought so low, and without an
army as well as without all places, they would no more
provoke the king, who might by that means c easily make
himself master of the Spanish Netherlands, and after that
the States would be at mercy. If the king had followed
this counsel it is not likely that the Dutch would have
refused to comply with it ", and it would have certainly turned
to their utter ruin within a few years. But Mr. de Louvois
drew up the most extravagant terms that could be imagined,
in which he complied both with the bigotry and the vanity of
the French king ; for * besides the public exercise ^ that he
asked for the popish religion, he moved that the States should
send once a year an ambassador to the court of France with
a great medal acknowledging the protection that they had
received from thence. The extravagance of this'^ made both
it and the king as ridiculous as the other articles were
insupportable to the States: for they would not have been
a people if they had accepted them. But now the aversion
that the Dutch had to the De Witt family and their inclina-
tions to the prince came to a crisis. For the populace began
everywhere to make tumults and to complain of the govern-
ment, and this at last produced that great change which has
been so copiously set out that I can add nothing to that which
is generally known concerning it.
» Cf. Hist. i. 322. ^ Ibid. " Ibid. * Ibid.
' A glance at Mr. Airy's note. Hist. version is here more accurate than
«■« /oco, will shew that Burnet's original the revision. ;
i86 Burners Original Memoirs [1672
The prince of Orattge's exaltaiion,
Cf. Hist. i. 326 (' I need not relate . . . carry it any further').
For ' I need not relate . . . bound by it ' read ' The government of the towns
was changed, and the prince of Orange was declared stadtholder, and this
dignity was to descend to his posterity by inheritance'.'
After ' their town ' add \_f. 136 (A)] ' which was carried to him by Ho[o]ft ;
and no doubt it would have been followed by all the other towns.'
\^Rettirn of the Jtiission sent to England.^
Cf. Hist. i. 325 (' The Dutch . . . agitation ').
Begin ' The ambassadors that were sent to England, finding that they could not
prevail with the court, returned ^ ; but.'
For ' ran together . . . numbers ' read ' above 200 men got together.'
For ' for they heard . . . Brill ' read ' which had been infallibly executed.'
For ' the next day ' read ' that very day.'
[Mwder of the De IVttts.]
Cf. Hist. i. 325-6 (to ' greatest horror possible ').
Begin ' I love not ... so often printed (as on p. 326) ; then proceed (as on
p. 325) to the accusation of Cornelius, for ' At the same time . . . prince. There
were ' reading ' The barbarous ^ accusation against Cornelius de Witt had ' ;
for ' which was supported . . . circumstances ' read ' that I have heard many say ' ;
and for ' Yet Cornelius . . . innocence ' read ' though he was a violent obstinate
man, who had neither his brother's abilities nor virtues. '
Revert to the attack on fohn de Witt (p. 325), for ' De Witt was once . . .
spectators ' reading 'The attempt made on his brother's person, who showed as
much personal courage as presence of mind in defending himself from it, was
too severely punished, for though the crime deserved death, yet De Witt ought
to have considered better than he did what the time would bear; for the
execution of that assassin inflamed the people more against him ' ; then proceed to
' De Witt's going ' (p. 326).
For 'the prince spoke of it' read 'he speaks of it.'
Conduct of the preachers.
*Some of the ministers shewed upon this occasion that
violence which belongs to their character*- Des Mares of
Groningen^ in some printed theses insinuated that the
"• Cf. Hist. i. 326.
' This statement, erroneous as to Samuel des Marets of Groningen, who
date, was corrected in the final re- died there May 18, 1673. Seea«fe,p.9i,
vision ; see Airy, note a, Hist, in loco. note 2. He is said to have written
'' The History says they were sent a Catechesis PtMica which appeared
back. at Groningen in 1672, and a Brevis
" Qu. ' barber's ' ? Disctirsus, dated August 23, 1672.
' i. e. their function ; see supra, Query if these are the works men-
p. 178. tioned? As regards responsibility for
■' This probably refers to the famous the republication, Burnet clearly con-
1672-7] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 136 (a)-i37 {b) 187
judges had been corrupted who had not carried the judge-
ment against Cornehus de Witt further, and spoke so in
a sermon that he preached soon after at the Hague ; he
insulted upon their death, and compared them to Haman ;
and though it was too much to have said this at that time, yet
he has carried [/. 137 («)] this further, and has not struck out
the virulent expression, but has printed it among his sermons
a year ago.
\Heroisni of the prince^
Cf. tiist. i. 326 {from 'The prince's advancement put new life' to p. 327,
end of paragraph).
For ' The prince's advancement ' read ' The state of affairs in Holland took
another ply ; all that were in the former administrations had lost their credit
with the people ; but the great confidence that they all put in the prince.'
For ' tried to bring . . . very little ' read ' were sent over to mediate the peace. '
After ' so high ' insert ' and the English were so true to him. '
For ' That duke ... as of his own ' read ' Buckingham told a passage relating
to the prince to a friend of mine that cannot be enough commended ; he said
that when he was once pressing him to come into the French project, by shewing
him the advantages that he himself might find in it.'
For ' and he would never ... of his own ' read ' and he would only consider
their concerns, and not make so infamous a bargain as to sell them for his own
After ' ditch ' add ' This had indeed much of the hero in it. I will not carry
this matter further, my design in all this digression having only been to shew
how that by so unpromising a revolution as the exaltation of the prince of
Orange this great crisis that was at that time upon the protestant religion
went over.'
[^Excursus on\ the prince's marriage.
Cf. Hist. i. 408 ' ([Danby] got the prince of Orange ' to p. 409, ' very ill conse-
quences ').
For ' He got . . . campaign ' read ' But the afiSnity of the matter leads me to
set down here the secret of the prince of Orange's marriage, since upon it
the next probable revolution of Europe is like to turn ; and it was told me in
all its circumstances by Montagu, who was upon the secret of it {see p. 411].
After the campaign in the year 1677 broke up Danby advised the prince to
offer to come over to satisfy his uncle of his conduct, who was highly dis-
satisfied with him for opposing the peace.'
After ' marriage ' add ' and sent [/ 137 (6)] over an express to divert the king
from it, at least to keep him to that of giving the prince the hopes of the marriage
only after the peace was made.'
fuses Samuel with one of his sons, 89, and a favourite of the Prince of
presumably Daniel, the younger, who Orange (see Van der Aa, xu. 21a.)
was a preacher at the Hague 1662-
i88 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1677
Om. ' The campaign . . . over.'
For ' But they could not . . . left to him ' read ' Danby had desired him never
to move the marriage, but to leave that wholly to his care. The prince, after he
had stayed some weeks in England, seeing no fruit of his journey neither as to
public nor private concerns, began to grow impatient ; at last Danby took his
For 'after he had taken . . . directed' read 'he told the king that all his
friends over England had signified to him that the king had now an occasion of
getting out of all his troubles, and that if he let it slip cut of his hands, he
would hardly ever recover it again.'
For ' the king would lose . . . thanks of it ' read ' the prince vvould owe the
obligation to the parliament.'
For 'even . . . consequences' read 'it would give greater jealousies than
were at present, and would spoil all the king's affairs.'
[^Danby urges an immediate marriage?^
* In short he pressed this with so much force on the king,
that he agreed to it *. Upon that Danby insisted, and shewed
the king that if he intended to do it, the best and easiest way
was to declare it immediately; otherwise both the court of
France and his brother's priests would use all possible means
to obstn.ict it. Now an easy way of doing a thing had
always a charm in it to gain the king. Perhaps another
consideration that Danby offered had great weight, because
there was somewhat like art and artifice in it ; he said that
as the king's doing it before a session of parliament would
prepare a way to compass all his other designs, so he added
that he saw the prince was of a temper not to be wrought on
by ill-usage ; but if he used him kindly the king might gain
such an ascendant over his spirit, as to govern him, and by
that means he might govern all Europe. To all this the king
yielded so frankly that he resolved to put an end to it before
anybody thought that it was begun, so ^ he presently sent for
the duke, and told him that the treasurer had proposed
a matter to him that he saw was extremely for both their
service, that therefore he expected that he would concur
heartily with him in it, and that he would give him in this
a mark of his friendship in agreeing with him. The duke,
who did not know where all this would end, said that the
" Cf. Hist. i. 409.
1677] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 137 (^)-i38 (a) 189
king knew how ready he was to obey him in all things, so
that he needed not use so much preamble with him ; upon
which the king named the marriage. Danby saw a concern
in his looks ; » yet he complied in words heartily enough how
averse soever he might be inwardly to it. Upon this Danby '^,
who would not trust the king by himself till this was past
recalling, since the miscarriage of it would have been infallibly
his own ruin, *• sent for the prince of Orange ^, who was surprised
at this proposition, which was now [/. 138 («)] further advanced
than he could have imagined. " Danby put the king further,
and moved that an extraordinary council might be presently
called, which was done ; '^ and there the king declared his
designs, and then carried the prince to St. James' and pre-
sented him to his niece.
[French receptioti of the news.}
Cf. Hist. i. 410 (_/rom ' Barillon was amazed' to p. 411, 'above two hours').
For ' had ordered . . . husband ' read only ' besieged him so that it was im-
For ' when was the marriage . . . forsaken him ' read ' If he had no news
from England? And when Montagu told him he had none, the king told him
the news.'
For ' on the duke's part ' read ' of the duke's failing to him, and of his
For ' The prince had no mind . . . satisfied with them ' read only ' though the
last was but a general compliment.'
Om. 'As he would have done . . . army; and.'
After 'two hours ' add ' and so he told him how he managed it ' ; and out.
remainder of paragraph.
[Montagu accuses Daniy.]
A few months after that Montagu and Danby fell out
most mortally ^ ; and in an expostulation that they had
together in the king's presence, Montagu thought to' give
Danby a severe blow by telling the king that he had not
misrepresented himself worse to the king than he had done
the king to himself; since he assumed to himself the whole
praise of that marriage by which the king ought to have been
» Cf. Hisl. i. 410. ' Ibid. ' Ibid. '■ Ibid.
For this affair see His/, i. 391, 422, 439i and Mr. Airy's notes in locis.
igo Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
recommended to the affections of his people ; but he told me
the king was no more affected with it than if it had not at all
concerned him. I have told this story more particularly than
perhaps was necessary, but my design is to shew that the
greatest affairs upon which the greatest consequences depend
are sometimes brought about with less labour than perhaps
would have been needful for the procuring the smallest office
in the court. But having said so much of the prince of
Orange, and it being likely that if I have long to continue
this work ^ I may have occasion to say much more both of
him and the princess ■'', I will here give their characters.
The character of the prince of Orange '.
The prince has shewed by his conduct and action that not-
withstanding all '' the defects of his education '', and his total
want of literature, nature is capable of producing great
matters, even when she is not at all assisted by art. ° He
has a great application to affairs °, and turns them much in
his thoughts, and indeed perhaps too much ; for his slowness
in coming to a resolution is much complained of; but if he
is slow in taking up a resolution he is as firm in adhering
to it. ^ He has a vast memory, and a true judgement*, for
he [/. 138 ((5)] sees presently the critical point of any matter
that is proposed to him. " He is the closest man in the
world °, so that it is not possible so much as to guess at his
intentions, till he declares them : he is extreme calm both
in council and actions, and hears very gently things that
are said to him, even when he is not pleased with them^;
» Cf. Hist. i. 691. ^ Ibid. 68g ; and ii. 304. " Ibid. i. 689. ^ Ibid.
ii. 304, » Ibid. ; and i. 689.
1 This character, which from its date ''■ The reverse is asserted in Hist. ii.
(1686 or 1687) is of particular value, 304 ; the fact no doubt being that
should be compared not only WxVa. the William after the Revolution openly
tvifo characters mentioned above, but resented Burnet's interference (see
virith the additional passages quoted in infra\ Cunningham distorts this love
Dr. Routh's Burnet s History of James of intermeddling into a restless ' pur-
//, p. 147 note. Those features were suit of dignities,' and aflSrms that he
probably deleted, simply to avoid blackened William's character in re-
repetition, as they occur in the more venge (i 254).
elaborate character sub anno 1702.
1686-7] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 138 (a)-i38 {b) 191
but he has the haughtiness of a great mind »not to forget
too soon injuries done him, but he has never been observed
to affect revenges*, only he does not easily return to con-
fidences witli those that have offended him. '' His courage ''
is indeed greater than it ought to be, and though it was
very fit for one that had the ambition of arriving at the
reputation of his ancestors to hazard his person sometimes,
that so it might appear that he was a soldier as well as
a general, yet his great carelessness of all personal danger
both in time of peace and war has been censured as exces-
sive ; for to " see him go about with a footman or two " when
so much depends on his life has been called rather a tempting
of providence than a trusting to it. This some have * ascribed
to his belief of predestination, as if that pushed him on head-
long in this confidence that all things will be as God will have
them. But though ' he is firmly persuaded of predestination *,
yet he said to me, he never reflected upon it in any of his
counsels before things fall out ; but he owned to me, when
things fall out, the belief that God would have them so
quieted his mind much, and has helped him to bear many
misfortunes and disappointments very easily. This is his
peculiar carriage and the nature of his courage, that it does
not sink with misfortunes ; for when things have miscarried
in his hands, he has been observed to have the same calm
equality that he had upon happier occasions. He under-
stands the government of Holland exactly, and if he does
stick in some things too close to his rights as he is stadtholder,
yet he has often assured me that he has never gone beyond
them. He has great virtues ; he is temperate and sober ;
if ^ he has been guilty of any of the disorders ^ that are too
common to princes, yet he has not practised them as some
to whom he is nearly related have done, but ^ has endeavoured
to cover ^ them ^ ; though let princes be as secret as they will
• Cf. Hist. ii. 305. " Ibid. 304. = Ibid. i. 689. " Ibid, infra. ° Cf.
ibid, and ii. 305. ' Cf. Hist. i. 690. ^ Ibid.
1 Burnet's clumsy endeavour to ing portion of the printed History has
soften this charge in the correspond- laid him open to the most sinister
192 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
in such matters, they are always known. But a sincerity and
a round plainness is of all his virtues that upon which he values
himself most ; and that justly, for he is very eminent in it
even for a private man ; and this is so extraordinary a virtue
in a prince, that it is the more singular in him, since. he has
very little of it round about him. ^ He seems to have a real
sense of religion, and looks like a man that is in earnest when
he is worshipping God^ He is a hearty enemy to popery,
and in particular to the cruelty of it ; for "^ he is a great
enemy to persecution on the account of religion. "He thinks
the church of England ought to be maintained, but softened
a little both with relation to the nonconformists at home and
to the foreign churches beyond sea ". He has a coldness in his
way that damps a modest man extremely, for he hears things
with a dry silence that shows too much of distrust of those to
whom he speaks. He seems to have made it a maxim to be
slow in everything of resolution he takes, and this he carries
too far, that he makes those to whom he intends to shew
favours wait on so long that the grace of giving them is much
lost by the slowness ; and he does not seem enough to con-
sider the sourness of spirit under which men languish that are
perplexed with incertainty and want. '^ He has a true notion ^
of government and liberty '', and does not think that subjects
were made to be [/. 139 (rt)] slaves; but after the laws and
foundations of government are overturned by those who
ought to maintain them, he thinks the people may assert
their freedom. He is a close manager of his affairs, and
though ''he spends much in building", yet he is not thought
" Cf. Hist. ii. 305. •= Ibid. <= Cf. ibid. i. 691. his coldness '' will look like contempt, and that " the
English cannot bear ; and they are too impatient to digest
that slowness" that is almost become natural to him in the
most inconsiderable things ; and his silent way will pass for
superciliousness. But that which is more important, he will
be both the king of England and stadtholder; the Dutch
will perhaps think a king of England too great to be their
stadtholder, and the English will hardly be brought to trust
a prince that has an army of 30,000 men at his command so
near them. If this matter is not settled upon the first opening
his succession to the crown of England, there will arise a train
of jealousies upon it, that being fomented (as they will
certainly be) from France, may throw us into a mistrust
that will perhaps never be healed. This and another par-
ticular, that is too tender to be put in writing^, are the only
things that can hinder him from being the greatest king that
has been for many ages.
» Cf. Hist. ii. 305. •> lUd. i. 690. ' Ibid.
' i.e. in due course, as husband of ^ The allusion may be to the Villieis
the heiress-presumptive. intrigue ; see p. 191 and note, supra.
194 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
The princess's character.
The princess was born with all the advantages of nature,
* [? dignity] ^ and sweetness mixing almost equally in every-
thing that she did or said. ^ She has a vivacity of thought,
a liveliness of apprehension, and a correctness of judgment
that surprise all that see her ; " she has all the cheerfulness in
her that becomes her age ^, but tempered with such an exact-
ness of decency ° that those who had observed her deportment
long, with a sort of malicious criticalness, wishing to find
somewhat to censui'e, have protested they could never find
it. * In her devotions there is a solemn gravity that edifies
all that see her ; there is no sort of affectation in it, but yet
there is an exactness both in her secret and chapel devotions
and at sacrament that shows that she does not think the
sublimity of her rank exempts her from the strictest duty
of Christianity. "She has accomplished herself by reading
a great variety of books, both in divinity, history, ^ and poetry,
and she forgets very little of whatsoever she reads, s She has
a modesty and humility in her that wants a name, and that
gentleness with which she charms all people is of so peculiar
a composition, that at the same time she seems to invite them
to a familiarity, she inspires them with respects s. She is much
animated against popery, '' and seems to have a true notion
of government, that the chief end of power ought to be the
doing [/ 139 (^)] of good. ' She is certainly in all respects
the best wife that ever was \ the most united to the prince
in friendship, confidence, and affection, and if she governs as
well as she obeys, her reign will be the happiest that ever
was. In short, considering her age, her education, and the
company that has been always about her (who have never
been able to exalt her), she seems to be a person raised and
" Cf. Hist. i. 690. iJ Cf. ibid.; and Essay on the . . . late Queen (1695), pp.
71-3. " Essay, 6r. Hist. i. 6go ; Essay, 73, 78, 79.
' Essay, 79, 80. f Ibid. 68-71. "i Ibid. 92. ' Ibid. 125.
^ Aword seems to have been omitted to Dr. Fall, which must belong to 1686
liere. -'jj Burnet describes her as ' the most
^ She was then about twenty-six. wonderful person that I ever knew '
In an undated and unpublished letter (Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, f. i).
1686-7] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 139 («)-i39 {b) 195
prepared by God Almighty to make the nations happy ; of
which she herself thinks so little, that one ^ having " presumed
to ask her if she knew her own mind so far as to apprehend
how she could bear the king's having a son, she answered ^,
she did not care to talk of these things, lest it might seem an
affectation ; but she believed she should be very little troubled
at it, for in all these things the will of God was to be con-
sidered, and if it were not for the doing good to others, she
said for her own particular it would be perhaps better for her
to live and die what she was. ^ She is hearty to the church
of England, but will never be drawn in to like the superstition
and fierceness of some of our divines ; for she thinks we have
aggravated too much the matters of conformity^. All that
I can possibly set against this character is that "she is the
most reserved person alive, unto whose thoughts no creature
can enter further than as she discovers them " ; and that her
goodness is too general without carrying her into the particu-
larities of friendship with any person. Her closeness is the
strangest thing that ever was seen in one of her age and sex,
and gives some colour to fear there may be something under
all this secrecy. Her engaging into no friendships may be
justly enough resolved in this, that she has not yet had any
ladies about her that were capable of it ^, otherwise it looks
like a mind too much recollected within itself, when it does
not flow out into some vigorous friendship. '^ I am sensible
I have not set faults or defects ^ enough in opposition to all
the princess's virtues ; but I protest I have taken all the
pains I could to seek for them ; for I know the good I say
of her would be the better believed if I had mixed more
ill things with it, but it will appear almost incredible that
one of her birth and way of breeding should have come into
« Hist. i. 754. " Cf. Essay, 74. " Ibid. 61. * Ibid. 55-6, 89.
' Burnet himself : he ascribes the ' Her principal ladies so far had
incident to the year 1686— at a time included Elizabeth Villiers, her hus-
when the queen had no expectation band's mistress from 1680 onwards;
ofoffspring(seei/^/. i. 754)- and Jane Wroth, who became the
2 Compare Lettres et Memoires de mistress, and was at this time the
Marie Reine d' AngUtetre, 1880, p. 62. wife, of Count Zulestein.
o a
196 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
a strange country when she was but a little past fifteen, and
that "■ during her ten years' stay in it she has never said nor
done the least thing that has given any offence » to any one
person whatsoever, and that neither the difference in religion
nor the sorriness of the ministers or of some of the sects here,
nor the factions that are against the prince, have produced
the least censure of any of her actions. ''When one talked
once to her of this, she said it was a particular blessing of
God to her, for she was confident there were many others that
had fallen under much censure, that had as little deserved it ^.
I have been a little longer than ordinary on their characters,
but the great figure that they are like to make in the world
will well justify it. But to this I will add a short character of
those who have the greatest share in the prince's confidence.
Bentinck's character.
Mr. Bentinck was bred about the prince, and he observed
in him that application to business and those virtues that
made him think fit to take him into ^his particular confidence,
and to employ him in the secretest of all his concerns « as well
as the looking to all his private affairs. He is a man of a great
probity [/ 140 («)] and sincerity, and ''is as close as his master
is '^- He bears his favour with great modesty, and has nothing^
of that haughtiness that seems to belong to all favourites. He
is a virtuous and religious man, and I have heard instances
of this that are very extraordinary, chiefly in a courtier. He
has all the passion of a friend for the prince's person, as well
as ^ the fidelity of a minister in his affairs ", and makes up the
defects of his education in a great application to business ;
and as he has a true and clear judgement, so the probity of his
temper appears in all his counsels, which are just and moderate;
and this is so well known, that though commonwealths can
very ill bear any inequality of favour that is lodged in one
person, yet I never heard any that are in the government of
the towns of Holland complain of him ; nor does he make
those advantages of his favour which were ordinarily made by
' Cf. Essay, 122-4. '' Ibid. 87-8. ■= Hist. i. 781 ; ii. 5, 306. * Ibid.
306. " Ibid.
i686_7] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 139 (6)-i4o (a) 197
those that have access to princes, by employing it for those
who pay them best. I do not know him well enough to say
much concerning him ; but though I naturally hate favourites,
because all those whom I have known hitherto have made
a very ill use of their greatness, yet by all I could ever
discern, the prince has shewed a very true judgement of
persons in placing so much of his confidence on him.
Fagel's character.
" The pensioner Mr. Fagel is profoundly learned in the law,
and has quick apprehensions of things, and dispatches
matters with great easiness * (which he had needs do, for he
has a great load of affairs on him, and is very ill furnished
with secretaries). "^ He has a very copious, popular eloquence,
and. is a very fit person for carrying matters before him in a
great assembly, which made Mr. de Witt take great notice of
him and bring him up from being pensioner of Haarlem to
be the greffier or secretary to the States General, which is
one of the best places in Holland. He continued long in
a great confidence with him, and he concurred with great zeal
in the making the perpetual edict, for he negotiated that
business with those of Friesland, who opposed it most '° ; yet
he turned to the prince's interests, and has served him ever
since his elevation with great fidelity and zeal. « He is a pious
and virtuous man, only he is thought too eager and violent ■=,
and one that pushes matters with too much force. He has
not great notions, nor has he studied to raise men of merit so
much as he ought to have done, but ^ he is too partial to his
family and kindred '', who, being numerous, are raised up by
Jiim to the best employments of the state.
Dyckveldt's character.
Cf. Hist. i. 338.
For ' Dyckveldt . . . interest lay ' read only ' Mr. Dyckveldt was a man much
trusted by Mr. de Witt, but upon the French progress in the year [i6]7s he.'
Before ' Upon the French ' insert ' Yet after all that compliance lessened him
«o much that ' ; and for ' left out ' read ' turned out.'
After 'temper' add 'he being perhaps the smoothest man that ever was
bred in a commonwealth.'
» Hist. i. 327. '' Ibid. ' Ibid. 328. ■> Ibid.
198 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
Om. 'and he had a great share . . . deserved it.'
After ' Europe ' add ' and a long practice in the government at home.'
For ' and great practice . . . embassies ' read ' He is very fit for embassies,
and it is believed that he loves them.'
For ' He spoke . . . He was ' read ' He speaks long and slow, but with great
weight ; he is a man of a [/ 140 (6)] good understanding, and.'
Halewyn's character '■■
Cf. Hist. i. 328-9.
Om. ' a man . . . Dort, and.'
P/ace ' was the person . . . most ' in present tense and om. ' and was next . . .
confidence'; and continue in present tense.
For ' but most particularly . , . authors ' read ' and understands the state
of Greek and Roman commonwealths beyond any man I ever knew, except
Algernon Sidney; so that the Roman authors, being equally dear to us both,
have afforded us much matter of discourse.'
Om. 'He spoke . . . life.'
For ' the best models . . . authors ' read ' the ancient Romans.'
After ' justice ' add ' I believe his natural temper carries him to have quick
resentments of auguries ; yet he governs this so, that I could never perceive it,
though I have put him upon subjects to fish it out.'
After 'notions' insert 'of public liberty,' and om. 'Christian.'
After ' and went in' insert '[to] the common maxims of that time [and].'
After ' yet he ' insert ' has told me that he ' ; and after ''error' insert ' in their
present constitution.'
After ' sovereign power ' insert ' together with the whole legislative power.'
For ' must be ' read ' can never be upon a sure bottom till it is.'
For ' He thought it ' read ' And therefore he told me that it was.'
After 'affairs' add 'and his own unacquaintedness with them.'
After ' rank ; yet ' add ' he told me.'
For ' He observed . . . always in ' read ' He also told me that he came to
observe in the prince's whole conduct that he was in.'
[/. 141 («)] After ' themselves' add 'and therefore, though he was one of the
latest that engaged in his interests, yet he seems to be the most convinced of all
that I see, that the interests of the prince and the country are now the same.'
{Introduction to the character of Van Betming\; the error
C07nmitted by the town of Amsterdam.
" Mr. Van Beuning has appeared so oft in all the courts
of Europe, and has been so long in England, that his character
is much known. '' He bore a great stroke in the affairs of
Amsterdam for many years •= ; but before I speak of him^ I will
give some account of the interests and maxims of that great^city,
where the security of harbour and its being so uneasily come
at has brought together an infinite wealth, which is generally
• Cf. Hist. i. 330. n Ibid, infra.
1 See p. 383, infra.
1652-8] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 140 (a)-i4i {a) 199
accompanied with much city pride, which is one of the haugh-
tiest and most ungovernable things that can be imagined. It
was their adhering so long to the Spanish interest in the first
formation of the States that had almost crushed them in their
first beginning. Since that time, as the vast disproportion of
their wealth to all the other towns must needs give them
a great share in the counsels, so their want of men who have
studied or travelled enough to be statesmen, and whose views
are wide enough for government and that are not measured
by the small regard to a present interest of saving of expense,
has been the cause of many great errors in the conduct of
affairs, of which I will mention some. The West India
company was one of the best stocks of Holland: they had
sixty good ships, and had procured a good establishment in
Brazil. All the towns of Holland had a considerable share in
this, but because the ruin of this company was the raising the
East India company, of which Amsterdam had the half, and
was the depressing of many other towns, they would not
concur in the preserving it when the Portuguese, upon their
revolt from the Spanish yoke, studied to recover Brazil and
to drive the Dutch out of it ; so * the company, not being sup-
ported by the States, fell to nothing*, and Brazil was abandoned
in the year 1652, to the great prejudice of the States. After
the peace of Munster the town of Amsterdam forced the States
not only to an excessive diminution of their land forces, but
to such a neglect of the fleet that many of their men-of-war
were sold. After that, when the late king went to Scotland,
though it was visibly the interest of Holland to keep England
embroiled at that time, and not to suffer it to form itself into
a commonwealth ; yet they pressed that which is upon all
such occasions the worst counsel, which was a neutrality in
that quarrel, whereas it is plain that they should have either
entered into an alliance with the new commonwealth or they
should have openly supported the king against it, whereas they
did enough to provoke England, but not enough to depress or
weaken it. And upon this occasion I call to mind a severe
» Hist. i. 221, 330.
200 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1658
passage that is in a letter of cardinal Mazarin's, of which
Mr. Brisbane^ shewed me the copy. It was writ from
Bayonne when he was concluding the peace of the Pyrenees,
and addressed to Mr. Dehorne. He tells him that he had
held some conferences with the king of England and his
ministers, for he had gone thither to get himself to be in-
cluded in that peace. The cardinal writes that his ministers
were a [_/! 141 {b)\ set of men who, if he had a kingdom, could
well help him to lose it ; but he saw none of them that had
any views to help him to get it. Yet he adds that he was of
opinion that it would be the interest of both crowns to concur
in procuring his re-establishment, for if England could once
form itself into a commonwealth it would soon draw all the
trade and the wealth of the world to it, and therefore it was
the interest of the crowns to take care to hinder that ; and it
seems he thought there would be no great danger of that if
the king were put in possession. And according to this
maxim it was the interest of the States above all others to
hinder the forming of the commonwealth of England. But
now I return to the errors that the managery of Amsterdam
has made the States commit.
\Error with regard to Munster.]
Cf. Hist. i. 221, 'When the bishop ... up to the States,' omitting reference
to Westphalia, and adding ' so this was brought under debate ' ; then revert to
P- 330, ' It was then demonstrated . . . many milHons.'
For ' in Westphalia ' read ' if they should happen to need them. '
[Error with regard to the barrier.\
Cf. Hist. i. 331 ('Another error . . . Amsterdam made to it').
Om. ' as Halewyn '' . . . Holland over.'
Om. ' and have become . . . conduct.'
^/ter ' made to it ' add ' though the advantages of this to the States are too
visible that they need to be insisted on.'
Error with regard to the English alliance.
And in [i6]73 their haste to make a peace with England
on any terms made that they would not insist on de-
manding a ratification from the parliament of England, which
had been a thing often practised in the alliances that were
' See ante, note 2, p. no. - See Mr. Airy's note a in loco.
1673] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 141 {ci)-i^ (a) 201
made between the crown of England and the house of Bur-
gundy. This was much desired by all in England that wished
well to the States, for if the king had been held to that of pro-
curing a ratification from the parliament, so that the session
of parliament had been continued a little longer, they had
engaged him much further, and would have carried the king
not only to a peace with the Dutch, but to an alliance with
them against France. And after the peace of Nimeguen, wheii
the court of England proposed a new alliance with the States,
it was then moved that a ratification in parliament should be
demanded, but those of Amsterdam would not concur in urging
it. It must be confessed that the States had the more reason
to insist on this, since the attempt made on the Smyrna fleet ^
had shewn them how little reason they had to depend on the
king's word. It would have indeed been a great diminution
to the king, and would have shewn too plain a distrust of him,
since [though]the parliament did confirm our treaties anciently,
yet it is near 200 years since the practice was discontinued ;
but if a king will break his faith, it is [/. 142 («)] no wonder if
his neighbours ask a greater security than his own word. " But
after all this it does not appear that those of Amsterdam have
the ambition of making themselves the Rome or Venice of
the country". They do not seem to have such an elevated
ambition ; and during De Witt's government, when several of
the towns of the smallest interests and that had the fewest good
heads among them were for diminishing the authority of the
courts of the Hague, '' they of Amsterdam were not at all guilty
of it '', though the depressing of those courts is the readiest way
to make them the Venice of all the provinces. But I now
return from all this digression to Van Beuning's character.
Van Beuning's character; [conclusion of fourth crisis].
<= He has great notions and talks perpetually. He can never
be convinced by others, because he hears nobody speak but
himself ; but at the same time there appears too much levity
■ Cf. Hist. i. 221. " Ibid. " Ibid. 330.
" See Hist. i. 307.
202 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1685
ia all his own thoughts. He has changed so often, and failed
in so many of his promises, that either it flows from a great
inconstancy of temper or [a] falsehood in his nature ; though
I believe it flows rather from the former " ; but by this he is
become now as much despised as he was once esteemed by his
countrymen. I will go no further in the character of men in
Holland, but will now return to the thread of my history, from
which I have wandered so long upon the occasion that the
fourth crisis that befell the protestant religion gave, which was
when the king of France was at Utrecht, and that was so
happily dissipated by the exaltation of the prince of Orange.
The fifth crisis of the protestant religion; [Ruvigny's errand;
persecution in France].
I go next to the fifth, under which we are at present. The
court of France was not sure which way the king of England
would turn him, with relation to the affairs of Europe. Upon
which I will set down a great secret. Mr. de Ruvigny had
been, as was told, in England for many years during the war,
and no doubt he had got all possible engagement from the
king, while he was duke, to be always true to the interests of
France ; he had also penetrated so far into the duke's thoughts
that it was believed no man knew him better than he did. So
the king of France intended to send him over ; but he, who
at 82 years of age was the closest man in Europe, resolved
to manage this so artificially that the true design of his
journey could not at all appear. '' He writ to his niece the
lady Russell, and told her that, he having writ a letter of
congratulation to the king upon his coming to the crown, he
had received so obliging an answer that he saw the king
desired an occasion of shewing his kindness to him, and there-
fore he intended to come over in person to beg of him the
restitution of her son to his father's honour. " Halifax presently
took the thing right, that this was only a blind art « ; to come
over in person at that age and to ask a favour that required
no haste was such an extravagant piece of friendliness that
» Hist. i. 330. " Ibid. 657. » Bid. 658.
1685] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 142 (a)-i42 {b) 203
he was persuaded there was a mystery in it. So I being
then going over, » the answer was referred to me. I pressed
Mr. de Ruvigny not to think of it ; I told him that in such
a matter as her husband's life his niece had indeed begged
of him to undertake the journey, but that a title for her son
was too inconsiderable a thing for her to venture a life that
was so dear to her in order to the obtaining it. I pressed
this often on him, but found him always so fixed on it that
it was easy to discern there was somewhat under it [/. 14a {b)\
I knew he had an audience of the king of France of above
two hours before he went away, and in England he had some
very long audiences of the king. But though all the voyage
passed on the account of the lady Russell's son, yet a general
promise, without specifying the time when, was all that could
be obtained ; upon which nothing has followed since that time.
So that the true secret of the matter was his searching "into
the king's designs ^ ; and immediately upon the assurances
that the king of France received of his adhering firmly to his
interests* he went to finish that great design which he had
been carrying on so vigorously for several years, but which
was not yet I'eady to be finished, if the affairs of England had
not seemed to offer so promising a conjuncture. ^ For several
months the dragoons had orders to go through Beam and
Languedoc, and to live upon free quarters on those of the
Religion *", committing all possible insolencies, till they should
force them to abjure their religion. This was so violent and
so unlooked-for a method that the surprise of it, as well as
the rages that the dragoons broke out into everywhere, " had
a terrible effect on all ; [the] people, some few generous con-
fessors only excepted, complied. The court, animated by this
success ", and set on always by the assurances that they had
from England, gave now the last blow and ^ repealed the edict
of Nantes, that had passed with so much solemnities that it
was made a perpetual and irrevocable edict *, that the king had
« Cf. Hist. i. 658. •> Ibid. " Ibid. * Jbid. 659.
' The revised version of this inci- doubt obtained, after the Revolution,
dent, given in the History, vfas no from the Ruvigny's themselves.
204 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
sworn to maintain at his coronation, and that he confirmed in
almost all the edicts that he put out against the Religion,
which at the same time that they enacted the most visible
infractions of that edict that were possible, yet contained
plain and positive confirmations of it in clauses that were
as formal and express as words could make them. This
was done with a boldness of impudence that no former age
had ever seen ; and because that king will be an original in
assurance, *there was a clause put in this new edict giving those
that were of the Religion a positive promise that they should
not be disturbed in the secret exercise of it *, nor forced to any
exercises that were contrary to it ; '' and yet at the same time
troops were ordered to march into all the parts of France
where any of the Religion were to be found, and to quailer
upon them till they had eat them up ^ ; and then they were
to be thrown into prisons, where great numbers of them have
•continued ever since, firm under a course of miseries that
•cannot be matched in history.
[Further cruelties^]
Cf. Hist. i. 660 {from ' such as endeavoured' to end of paragraph).
Om. ' (for guards . . . France).'
After ' monasteries ' add ' and for such as had abjured they were required to
•assist oft at mass, and at the other functions of that reHgion ; and -when they
■were sick, they were required to receive the sacrament under the pain of death
if they should recover.'
After ' bodies should be ' add ' dragged through the towns and.'
For 'and it gave ... let fall' read 'and is the maddest part of this whole
For ' even with more . . . felt ' read only ' with horror.'
For ' with a sort of contagion ' read ' in all the parts of the kingdom. '
For ' seemed now to have laid . . . humanity ' read ' received such directions
from the court, and saw how much a rigorous diligence would recommend
them, that all France seemed a scene of brutal and barbarous fury.'
For ' The great part . . . especially ' read only ' The clergy.'
[Burner's own exj>ericitce.'\
Cf. Hist. i. 660-1 {to 'journey together').
[/ 143 («)] Begin ' I saw much of this myself; I stayed at Paris only till,' iS^c.
For ' Barillon . . . myself read • Mr. Barillon sent me three several advertise-
ments during the duke of Monmouth's business, advising me to go from Paris.'
» Cf. Hist. i. 659. '' Ibid. 658.
1685] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 142 (<^)-i43 {a) 205
For ' some . . . suspicion ' read ' fall such suspicion ' ; and after ' business ' add
' that he thought I would do well to look to myself.'
Be/ore ' Whether ' insert ' Whether this was sincerely meant or.'
For ' for in that time . . . managed. But ' read ' Therefore I writ answer that.*
For ' of concealment ' ivad ' in my thoughts, would do nothing that looked like
For ' examined and tried ' read ' taken, that so it might appear that I was
afraid of no discoveries.'
For ' Stoupe, a brigadier . . . journey together ' read ' I came by a secret way
to know certainly that « persecution was coming on ; so I was not unwilling to
take an occasion of travelling into Italy with colonel Stoupe.'
[Fate of the pri7icipaHty of Orange^
Cf. Hist. i. 663 (Jrom 'And then I went through ' to ' possession of the prince
of Orange').
For 'And then' read 'And at my return.'
For ' I intended . . . neighbouring places ' read ' That which was the strangest
of all was that many that were in the neighbourhood of the principality of
For ' who commanded . . . parts ' read ' a colonel of dragoons.'
After ' into the town ' add ' and [quartered them] upon all of both religions,
but most heavily on the protestants.'
For 'and they plied . . . done' read 'and [they] were forced to abjure.'
[Reflections on the same.l
' This was not only a plain infraction of an article of the
treaty of Nimeguen, in which the principality of Orange was
comprehended, and for the observation of which the crown
of England was guarantee ", but it was such an indignity to
the king to treat his son-in-law and his next heir in such
a manner, that '' many have concluded that the French would
never have adventured on it without they had first obtained
the king of England's leave ^ ; and in this no doubt the
French had a. deeper design than barely to rob the prince
of Orange and to ruin the principality. It is probable that
they expected that the prince, finding that the king of
England would not execute the treaty of Nimeguen in this
article, would have made great complaints of it in all the
courts of Europe, and that this might have made a breach
between them, which it was their interest to promote by all
means possible. But the prince proceeded more moderately,
and behaved himself so prudently on this occasion, that if
» Hist. i. 663. ^ Ibid.
206 BtirneVs Original Memoirs [1685
a breach comes he will have this advantage in the dispute,
that he can say he sacrificed his own concerns [/. 143 (^)]
and made no complaints (but to the king himself) upon his
abandoning him in his own particular. The king seemed to
resent the thing, and '^ ordered his envoy at Paris to give in
a memorial complaining of the invasion of Orange '^, to which
the answer that was given was that the French ambassador
had orders to satisfy the king; but no satisfactory answer
being made, the envoy had orders to put in '' a second
memorial, which was conceived in very high terms '' and
setting forth the importance of the invasion contrary to
the peace of Nimeguen, which the French king was at so
much pains to procure ; and of which the king of England
was guarantee, besides the near relation that was between
him and the prince of Orange. This was like a memorial
preparatory to a denouncing of war ; but all the answer that
was obtained was that the king of France had taken his
measures in that matter which he could not alter, and with
this the king of England was satisfied, and upon it « writ to
his daughter that he could do no more in that matter, unless
he could make a war upon it ; and he did not think it of that
importance". And thus, after two threatening memorials,
he quitted this matter so poorly that he laid himself open
either to the suspicions of having consented to it at first, which
was indeed a betraying of his son-in-law, or of a strange
lowness of spirit in submitting to whatsoever France should
impose upon him, which was an open declaration for the
French interests as well as a partial injustice [query ' parti-
cular injury or injustice'?] to the prince.
\The king's parsimoniotis treatment of the princess i\
He committed another great error with relation to the
prince; his brother had settled on him and his posterity
for ever an estate that was now above ;^i 20,000 sterling a
year ; and if one brother took such care of another, it might
have been expected that a father would not be less kind to
his own children, but that he should have divided the estate
" Cf. Hist. i. 663. t Ibid. Ibid.
1685] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 143 (a)-i44 (a) 207
that he had as duke of York between his two daughters.
*Yet as he never set off any appanage for the princess of
Orange ", so the princess of Denmark has but thirty thousand
pounds a year, which is so exhausted by a great establishment
that she is really extreme poor for one of her rank. If the
king had settled good appointments for the princess of
Orange, as the kindness of it must have made some im-
pression, so '' it would have given the nation a great jealousy
of the prince, as if the king and he had still understood one
another ; whereas the king looking on and seeing him robbed,
and assigning him nothing for supporting the princess's
dignity with more lustre, was an open declaration to the
world that the king had no regard to him '' ; which was
the worst of all the maxims that a king who was not like
to retain the affections of his people long could possibly take
up. For this naturally leads all his subjects to look to the
rising sun ; and animated them with much more spirit than
they could have ever had, if the king had managed the prince
more artificially.
[Effect of the persecution on English opinion.]
"= But to return to the parliament of England. The French
refugees were coming over in great multitudes for a month
together before the parliament met ; which tended not a little
to alarm the nation ", and both to let them see what a standing
army was, and what account was to be made of all the oaths
and promises of a prince of the Roman religion, how soon
they were broken, and ^ how much violence and cruelty was
to be expected as soon as it should have [/ I44 («)] the
upper hand : these were sensible arguments that could neither
be denied nor resisted.
A session of parliament.
Cf. Hist. i. 664 (^from ' When it was opened ' to p. 667, ' dissolved the
parliament ').
Om. ' how happy . . . appeared ' and ' for all . . . security.'
4/fe»- 'commission' arfrf ' who had not taken the tests.'
Om. ' He told them . . . promised.'
» Cf. Hist. i. 690. *■ Ibid. ' Ibid. 663-4. ^ Ibid. 664.
2o8 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685
For ' pressed by the courtiers ' read ' understood by some.'
Om. ' The lord Guilford . . . original in everything ' {/or this see supra, p. 169).
yifier ' told ' acid ' [by] those who had procured the thanks only as a matter of
Om. ' with indignation . . . reason for it.'
Om. ' above all . . . incapacity ' and ' the government . . . absolute ' and ' that
how furiously . . . tyrant, yet.'
For •' But as the scene . . . important ' read ' In the house of commons they
proceeded in the same method.'
Om. ' But to oppose . . . rebellion.'
Om. ' whereas others . . . court.'
Om. ' The reasoning . . . him and them.'
For ' So the whole house . . . vote for an ' read ' And to this the whole house
went in so unanimously that the court would [/! 144 (6)] not make a division,
fearing that by this the weakness of their party should be too sensibly dis-
covered ; so it was carried to make an.'
Om. ' and were ready . . . give. '
For ' one Cook said ' read ' one Cook studied to inflame them by telling them.'
For ' And now those ... it was probable, they ' read ' which were so laid
open, that though it was the interest of the greatest part of the house to
maintain them, yet they were resolved to.'
Om. ' By this means . . . voted out.'
For ' unless he would . . . place. So ' read ' so within a few days.'
For ' had served . . . zeal ' read ' were formerly most in favour, [and] had done
him the best services in adhering most steadily to him.'
Om. ' upon which . . . tossed about,' and ' others, though . . . steady.'
\Reflections on the dissolution.\
[This] was much such a stroke in politics as his brother's
dissolving the Long Parliament ^ had been. The surprises and
violences used in the election of this had brought together
such a pack of men that " it was scarce possible to name five
hundred worse men in all England than they were. And when
men so weak, so poor, so devoted to the court *, so void of all
religion as they were, could not be brought to agree with the
court, it was not probable that the king should succeed so
well in any new choice that could be made.
Lord Brandon tried.
Soon after the parliament was dissolved two famous trials
were brought on : the one was of the lord Brandon's, ^ who
was convicted by the testimony of the lord Grey ^ and Rumsey,
" Cf. Hist. i. 667. ^ Ibid. 646.
' i. e. the parliament which sat from 1661 to 1678.
1685-6] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 144 (a)-i45 ip) 209
-''■with some others"', to have been ia those consultations that
the duke of Monmouth had two years ago ; but he had kissed
the king's hand, all that was past had been [/. 145 (a)]
forgiven him, and he had not at all meddled in this late
business; so, though ''he was condemned ^ and that for a
great while it was doubted whether he should, be pardoned
or not, yet the court found that the nation was weary of the
many executions it had seen ; he had his pardon, but was kept
long in prison after that ^
The lord Delamere's trial.
Cf. Hist. i. 668 {from ' Soon after the prorogation ' to end of page).
Om. 'that he had designed . . . Monmouth.'
Om. ' The witness, to gain . . . destroyed the evidence.'
For ' pursuant . . . violent declamation ' read ' made a very ill use of his
After 'acquit the lord' add 'and the witness was attainted of perjury and
both set in the pillory and whipped. '
[T/te law officers cJiangedj the Hales trial.'\
Cf. Hist. i. 669-71 (to ' cause of course ').
Om. ' So that trial . . . for it,' and begin ' [Finch] had opposed the court in the
business of the test in the house of commons [see p. 668], and was continued,' &'c.
Om. ' and he acted . . . vehemence ' and ' who was . . . ill-natured man.'
For 'Now the posts . . . year began' read 'And now the judges began to be
examined, that so they might by a judgement declare in favour of the king's
power of dispensing with the law.'
Om. ' a gentleman . . . concerned. He' ; ' and to claim . . . turned out ' ; ' and
others of more pliable . . . scandal ' ; ' and feeble.'
Om. {at this point) ' There was a new chief justice ... on design to expose
and betray it.'
[/ 145 (*)] ■4fl(>' 'dispense with them' add 'And whereas an act of parlia-
ment was alleged, it was shewed [that].'
For ' it was said . . . town ' read ' it was to be [said].'
Om. ' both constituted and.'
For ' laws, made . . . dispensed with ' read ' all penal laws, which were the
security of the people as well as the crown, [especially] the act for the test.'
For ' but to the informer - . . because his ' read ' but one part went to the
informer and another to other uses.'
Om. 'and take away property.'
Om. ' for the intention . . . law.'
For ' should be made so precarious a thing ' read ' should be thus dissolved by
a decision of the judges. '
" Cf. Hist. i. 646. " Ibid.
The History ascribes his reprieve to a stipulation made by Lord Grey.
^vrROFT ^
2IO Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686
Om. ' It was said, that, though this was now . . . mouths were now filled.'
For 'even by the strongest . . . cause of course' read 'arguments; nor
indeed were these alleged with that force that will be perhaps made use of when
these judges come to be tried for this decision; which they all (one only
excepted) gave as frankly as if it had been a matter of no sort of difficulty ;
though the same grounds upon which this sentence was founded will bear
a much more extended one, and give the king an absolute disposal of the life
and properties of all his subjects [cf. Hist. i. 671, supra]. And now the books
of policy writ by some of our clergy concerning the imperial crown were turned
upon them.'
\Character of ihe chief justice J conduct of his brother j views
of the papists J the king proselytizes^
"The chief justice at this time was sir Edward Herbert", son
to the lord keeper Herbert and '' brother to admiral Herbert,
who has shewed much greater sense both of law and religion
by leaving all his employments rather than promise to give
his vote in parliament for that which his brother did now
destroy in a much more irregular manner. "Yet the chief
justice is a virtuous man of an obliging temper and a true
protestant ; but he has very high [/. 146 («)] principles
concerning the prerogative, and is very ignorant in the law.
^ Upon the decision many papists were brought into employ-
ments "^ ; yet some of them that have great estates do still avoid
them, for they know that they may be brought to a severe
reckoning for that in another reign. The king declared himself
now highly zealous for his religion, and great pains were taken
to make many converts.
\The controversial war.]
Cf. Htst. i. 673 ('And upon that there followed . . . books'), ivhere add ' upon
the point of controversy ' ; then proceed to p. 674, ' There were but very few prose-
lytes . . . church of Rome ' ; then revert to p. 673, and for ' Many of the clergy
acted . . . They examined ' read ' Upon this the English clergy began to declare
highly against the church of Rome, and both in their sermons and writings they
managed ' ; and for ' The truth is ' to end of paragraph read ' So that it was
scarce possible to be so partial but that upon the reading of the books of both
sides, every one must acknowledge, that, of which side soever the truth lies, yet
there is a dull flatness in the one, and a life and beauty in the other, ^vhich
gives a strange [strong?] prejudice for the cause that is so well defended.' Then
return to p. 674 ('The popish priests , . . contempt'), and for 'made by the
clergy . . . despised ' read ' and at the advantages that all the nation observed in
the books that were writ against them.'
" Cf. Hist. i. 669. ^ Ibid. 671. Ibid. 669. ^ Ibid. 673.
1686] Harl MSS. 6584, J. 145 (^>)-i46 (b) 211
[£>r. Sharp in trouble.]
Cf. Hisl. i. 674-5 {to ' for contempt ').
Before ' If was resolved ' insert ' And because some in their sermons pressed
these matters home.'
Om. ' was the rector . . . zeal. He.'
Om. 'as he believed' and 'touched. by him . . . sermons' and 'not knowing
. . . answer' ««rf 'and, after . . . concluded.'
Om. ' as he himself assured me.'
Om. ' immediately . . . matter.'
Om. 'yet, he said, he would . . . better understood.'
For ' Sharp went to court . . . read it ' read ' yet he did all he could do ; for
he advised Sharp to give over preaching for some time, and to go to court to
justify himself.'
[/ 146 [by] For ' yet he was let . . . contempt ' read ' Upon this the king, who
had for a great while looked upon the bishop of London with a very ill eye,
resoh'ed to lay hold on this matter.'
[An ecclesiastical commission set up.]
Cf. Hist. i. 67s ('Jeffreys . . . first sacrifice').
For ' to recommend himself . . . with full power ' read ' made a proposition
that recovered him his favour. He said the king, as supreme head of the church,
could erect a court that night take cognizance of all ecclesiastical matters ; and
though the excess of the High Commission Court in king Charles the First's time
had drawn a law upon them extinguishing that or any such court in all time to
come (so that now the clergy were only liable to the court of the King's Bench,
as all the rest of the subjects are, to be tried there according to law), yet it was
resolved now to erect a new court.'
For 'without limitations , . . proceedings' read 'The patent that constituted
them gave them a full power clogged with no limitations.'
For 'so contrary to law' read 'as contrary to law as it was to religion.'
Om. ' for they would trust . . . management.'
[Conduct of Sancroft^.]
Yet the authority of this court received a great blow in
this, that " the archbishop of Canterbury refused to come and
sit in it ; which though he did not do with that vigour that
became his post in going to the court and declaring the
reasons for which he could not come and^ [/. 219 («)] sit
among them*, yet still his refusing to act did very much
derogate from the credit of this new court.
» Cf. Hist. i. 676.
'■ The alterations in the correspond- which Burnet, after the Revolution,
ing passage of the printed History give conceived for Sancroft.
the first hint of the strong antipathy " At this point there is a lengthy
P 2
212 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686
[ Trial o/] the bishop of London ; \Jie\ is suspended,
Cf. Hist. i. 676-7 {from 'The bishop of London was the first' to end of
Om. 'was the first person that.'
For ' He was attended . . . oifence ; and ' read ' was accompanied with such
numbers of his clergy and other persons of quality, that it seemed rather to
shew the great interest he had in the nation than to lessen him in any manner.'
(N,B. This occurs lateron in thefolioi)
For ' that brutal . . . natural to him ' read ' in his abuseful way, very rudely.'
Om. 'said, here . . . nothing; so he.'
Om. 'hoping that the king . . . fall, at last' our/ 'all secret methods . . .
Om. ' poor spirited ' and ' There was not so much .... given.'
[Character of the bishop if Durham^
This last, though " descended from a puritan family % and
though the lord Crew, both father and son (his father and his
brother), were two very worthy persons, yet he is in all
respects a reproach to his birth and family ; he is a very weak
man, '' has no learning and less virtue, and 4s a fawning abject
flatterer*. He was raised by the king's^ favour in the former
reign ; but he found quickly that he was an insignificant man ;
he desired me in the time of his favour to go much to the
bishop of Durham to make somewhat of him. I went once
or twice, but I found him so excessively weak that I told the
duke that nothing could be made of him, so I gave over
all further commerce with him. He waits only for a fair
opportunity to declare himself a papist ; for he has no religion
at all. Yet when the business of the exclusion was on foot
the earl of Essex assured me that they knew if it had come
near an equal division that he would have voted for it.
" Cf. Hist. i. 392. " I hid. 39s, 676.
hiatus in Transcript A ; no. 4 (in Dr. supra. We therefore give from this
GiiTord'sarrangement) ending abruptly point forwards, till further notice, the
at the middle of the sentence, half- rendering and foliation of this inferior
way down f. 146 if). In Transcript version ; which, as the reader will
B, f. 218 {b), there is also a break at notice, has required much emendation,
exactly the same word; but fortunately ^ He apparently means by the
for us, there is no lacuna ; the narra- favourof the actual king (James), while
five being continued on f. 219 (a) by Duke of 'S'orl: ; see below, next sen-
the hand of a fresh copyist (see Introd. tence.
1686] Harl MSS. 6584, #219 (a) -219 {h) 213
The bishop of London is suspended.
Cf. Hist. i. 677 (' But the king . . . legality and justice of the sentence ').
/or 'But the king . . . point and ' r««rf ' When the king found that he was like
to be baffled in the business of the bishop of London, he,' ^c.
The princess of Orangf intercedes for the bishop of London,
hilt n'ithoHt success.
[/..219 {V)\ "While it uas in dependence the princess of
Orange writ earnestly to the king in his favours ^ He had
instructed her in her \-outh, ^ he had confirmed her and had
married her''; the matter for which he was accused was no
great crime. ° Both tlie prince and princess writ to himself
expressing the share they took in the trouble that was then
given him. And the princess also writ to the king " : it was
the first intercession she had ever made in a thing of this
consequencej and it deserved well she should begin with it.
''She was for some days in doubt whether she should write or
not, fearing that instead of doing him service it might do
him hurt ; yet she ventured on it. " But the king was not
wrought on by her intercession, unless it were to write her an
answer that was very sharp on the bishop of London, and not
very obliging to herself.
YFate of /he two divinesi]
Cf. Hist. i. 677 {from ' Dr. Sharp was admitted' to p. 678, ' lay still on him '1
Before ' Dr. Sharp ' add ' Some months after this.'
Om. 'dismissed with a gentle reprimand and.'
/or 'only the suspension lay still . . . eighty-seven' read 'and so this matter
stands to this day. The bishop does no act of jurisdiction ; but really his clergy
depend more on him than ever' {cin'th the substance of the sentence of f. 677,
' His clergy . . . before,' in present tense'^).
\Reflei tions on the king's policy^
It was presently given out, upon the suspension of the
bishop, [that] this new court would proceed to many high
things, and all the clergy feared this was to be carried much
further than has been done since that time ; for there have
been but two matters of any consequence before them, in both
" Cf. /f«i/. i. 677. ^ Ibid. ■^ Ibid. ^ Ibid. 692. "• /Airf. 677.
1 For a strong letter of remonstrance bishop in petitioning, see Life of
against the course pursued by the Halifax, i. 472-3.
214 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
which ''they have shewed the weakness of the counsels by
which they are governed. For whereas in all countries the
rights of colleges are such sacred things that these are never
disturbed* even when other things are- broke in upon, and
Oxford and Cambridge are two such vast bodies, in which the
whole nation is so much concerned that one would have
thought that these should have been the last of all to whom
this new commission should have given any trouble, yet ^ they
have begun just where they should have ended.
{Nature of the attack on the universities. I. Cambridge.^
Cf. Hist, i. 697 {from 'The Jesuits fancied ' to p. 699, ' greater effects').
Before ' The Jesuits ' insert ' Cambridge was first tal^en to task. It was re-
solved to have a college in every one of the universities ; for.'
\f. 220 (a)] Om. ' who were certainly too remiss.'
For ' which needed not ... to work ' read ' [to do ?] which both in Oxford and
Cambridge would [not ?] have raised [the king's charge ?] to above ;^5oo a year.'
(The words in brackets are conjectural; the passage is evidently con-upt ; and the
sums given in the MS. and History do not correspond.)
For ' or his priests . . . great bodies ' read ' or his inclinations carr[y] him
naturally to violent counsels.'
Om. ' Which yet would have made . . . rest.'
Om. ' which might occasion . . . contention among them.'
[/. 220 (A)] Om. ' He was treated . . . person of that body.'
For ' either of their weakness . . . talked so much about it ' read ' of their
weakness ; for a prince ought never to begin a hard thing unless he is either
sure of the justice of it, or that he is resolved to go through with it right or
wrong ; since nothing diminishes him more than the beginning such a thing and
then the letting it fall. The beginning It shews his ill intentions, and the letting
it fall his feebleness.'
For ' And now all people . . . taken ' read ' And in this I find that I took ' ; for
' they thought ' read ' I thought.'
For ' that might attend them ' read ' (for he himself does not see the con-
sequences of many propositions that are made him).'
After ' by yielding to it ' add ' Yet I see in a great many instances that the
power which his priests have over him is such that they make him venture on
many things which he quits a little too poorly when he meets with a vigorous
For 'lasted longer . . . effects' read 'has made more noise.'
[Preface to the attack on Oxford; ecclesiastical vacancies filled.'\
''The bishop of Oxford and the learned bishop of Chester
died both in i. little time one of another, ^ as Dolben, archbishop
of York, had died the year before. ° Dolben was highly
" Cf. Hist. i. 697. " Ibid. " Ibid. 694. * Ibid. 676. « Ibid. 590.
1686-7] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 219 (6)-22i {a) 215
esteemed in the north, for he performed his office very
worthily" and he had appeared in the parliament with great
vigour, so that his death was a very considerable loss to the
church. *> Pearson, bishop of Chester, was the learnedest man
of the age ; he was likewise a man of a very good lifcj and of
a gentle, sweet temper; but though he reasoned very well
of all things in general, yet he understood not the governing
part of his function ; and was so [? too] easy *> and credulous,
and too much in the power of those whom he trusted. " The
archbishopric of York is still vacant "=, and it is believed the
revenue is sent over to cardinal Howard ; though others
believe that the Jesuits have it put in their hands ; which is
more credible than the other, for the king is wholly guided by
their counsels in all matters that relate to religion. ''Cart-
wright was made bishop of Chester, who is a man of parts, and
had [/. 331 {a)\ good beginnings of learning, but he is a most
illi[beral] ^ person, and a brutal, ill-natured man. He has
valued himself now for many years upon his carrying the
king's authority above all the restraints of law, which, according
to his divinity, are only rules to which the king submits
himself as long as he thinks fit ; but the divine authority that
is lodged in him is above all law, and can warrant him to
break through all them when he thinks fit to exert his
authority to the full ^ This is good for the present occasion,
so it is no wonder, though it recommends him now at court.
He is an exact flatterer, and though it is not likely that he,
being a married man, will change his religion, yet °he will
contribute as vigorously to advance popery as if he were one
of that religion. The other vacancy in Oxford was filled by
Dr. Parker, who was at first an independent ; but on the king's
restoration he found his account in changing and striking up.
to the violentest form of the church of England. ^ He is a
" Hist. i. 590. "° Ibid. 694-5. ' Ibid. 676. > that it soon appeared
how far they would be from assisting the king if he should
go about to change the religion. All these things concurred
" Cf. Hist. i. 694, 733. b Ibid. 703.
1685-6] Harl. MSS. 6584,^ 225 (6)-226 (a) 227
to put the king upon this new project of balancing the
[/. 2%6 {djl church of England by setting up the dissenters
against them.
[Penn's emdassy.]
But before this was opened » Penn was sent over to Holland
to try how the prince of Orange would resist the proposition.
So he, who is a man of many words and much vanity in his
discourse, had a long conversation with the prince ; * who
answered him very frankly that he himself was as great an
enemy to persecution upon the account of religion as any
man could possibly be, and therefore he should be very glad
to see such methods taken that none should be disturbed for
his conscience ; but at the same time he showed as great an
aversion to the admitting of papists into any share of the
government ; and all that Penn could say did not carry him
further''. This fell out soon after I was come into Holland,
and was the first piece of "confidence which the prince
honoured me with ", and ever since that time I have known
a good deal that has passed between the prince and the court
of England.
[Burnet's own experience,']
But this leads me back to my old [? own] story, and to give
an account of all that I had met with in ^ the year of ramble that
I made between my coming out of England and my coming
to settle in Holland. " I avoided the making much acquaint-
ance in Paris °, for the king had expressed to Mr. Barillon how
ill he took the kindness that had been shewed me by Mr. de
Schomberg and some others in France, so that I did not
think it expedient to converse with any but men of learning.
^ I spent much time with my lord Montagu, and by his
means I knew many of the secrets of the court of England ^,
and was confirmed in almost all things that are in the former
part of this work ^. ^He told me that during his embassy
» Cf. Hist. J. 693. ^ Ibid. 693-4. « Ibid. 693. •>■ Ibid. 686. » Ibid.
655. ' Ibid. 5 Ibid. 391.
' It certainly does not add to the that it should have obtained the iinpri-
authenticity of Burnet's information matur of so accomplished a liar ; a
228 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1685-6
he could never enter into the secret of the money that the
king had underhand from France, " for that was all managed
by the duchess of Portsmouth. He often tried the king upon
that head, and said that he would undertake to procure him
the double of all that he had from thence. Yet the king was
so ashamed 'of it that he would never own it to him ; so he
believed all that was given came as a present to the duchess
of Portsmouth =*.
[Characters of Louis XIV and madame de Mainienon.^
Both he and Mr. de Schomberg told me many things of
the king of France, by which I saw how little he deserved
the great character that is generally given of him ; for, as his
extraordinary ignorance makes that he knows nothing but
the present course of his aifairs, so there is no way of dealing
with him [/. 2,26 {b)] but by most abject flattery. Nor has
he a true judgement. Schomberg told me that when he was
called to speak to him of matters of war, he saw that he
understood them not. The chief maxim he has is to put
nothing to hazard ; he chooses always the way of corruption
before gallanter methods ; and in all his undertakings he will
play at small game that is sure rather than at any great
project ; and yet he is so ignorant of history that he believes
himself to be the greatest hero that ever was. Madame de
Maintenon, that is a person of much wit and of a good pro-
portion of beauty for her age, has risen up by many steps.
First, from being a poor young gentlewoman, she got to be
Scarron's wife ; who was a true Esop, and had the most wit
with the worst and most misshapen body that ever met
together. After his death she became so celebrated for her
wit that she was made gouvernante to the king's daughters
by madame de Montespan, and this gave her frequent
opportunity of speaking with the king ; and she, who has
a tone of flattery that is fine as well as bewitchingj got so
°- Cf. Hist. i. 392.
very flagrant instance of whose habitual mediately and confidently quoted by
mendacity is, in point of fact, im- the ingenuous doctor.
1685-6] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 226 (a)-227 (a) 229
much into his favours, that notwithstanding all the decay of
her beauty, and of his age, she now governs him more
absolutely than all his mistresses or ministers ever did. He
spends many hours a day with her, and she employs all her
wit in making him fancy that he is in all respects the greatest
king that ever reigned. The matter is gone so far between
them that it is generally believed that she not only hinders
the king from marrying, but that there is a secret marriage
or at least an engagement between them'. The king's life
is writing by Mr. Racine and Mr. Despreaux (or Boileau) ; the
[latt]er^ has a good judgement, and the [form]er^ a great
life and diversity of thoughts ; so that between them they are
very likely to compose a work that will have as much beauty
and force as is consistent with those schemes of flattery that
must run through it. It is believed that mad. de Maintenon
has her share in this work, and that she reads it to the king.
It seems they design to have the king's life writ in all
languages ; for a creature of the archbishop's of Paris came
to me and told me if I would undertake to write the king's
history in English [/. 227 («)] I might have what rewards
I pleased. But I cut off the proposition very abruptly ;
I said the religion that I professed made that I could not
employ my pen for the honour of a prince that was employing
his whole force for the destruction of it.
[Burnet becomes acquainted with Stoupe.']
I made another acquaintance in Paris with "col. Stoupe^,
*that was once the minister of the French congregation in
London, and that was much employed and trusted by
Cromwell ''j but upon the king's restoration he, refusing to
receive the communion in the Walloon church, was informed
• Cf. Hist. i. 65, 660 ; ii. 692. ' Ibid. i. 65.
1 The king's marriage to her is sup- transposed these words in the MS.
posed to have taken place soon after " Mr. Airy's note in vol. i. pp. 115-6
the queen's death, July 30, 1683. In of his edition gives a long list of
any case, she was almost.certainly his authorities concerning this unprin-
wife by 1685. cipled intriguer.
^ The transcriber has accidentally
230 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1620-9
against as a man dangerous to the state; so he was forced
to go out of England. After some years' stay in Paris he
quitted his first employment and turned a soldier, and he is
now both colonel of a regiment of Switzers and "a brigadier ^
He is a man of pleasure and expense, and of such morals that
everything goes easily down with him in which he finds his
advantage. '' He hath loose opinions in matters of religion,
and is rather no papist than a good protestant ^. He has been
long in affairs, and has a searching curiosity after secrets ; so
<= I learnt many things from him relating to Cromwell's maxims
and designs^
\Crom'weU's character and career?^
Cromwell was a man of a str[a]ng[e] ^ composition, and
there was in him as great a mixture of good and bad as
perhaps ever met together in one man. He lived long
a private gentleman, upon a small estate, in a high strain
of strictness and piety ; and was for about ten years together
thought by all his neighbours the best and the wisest man
that was in all that country. He had scarce any knowledge
of affairs, except what related to the constitution of the
English government and the temper of the nation. He had
also read the Scriptures and the books of practical divinity
with so much care that he was able to run out both in
prayers and discourse on these heads without bounds. ^ He
had a very hot and enthusiastical temper *, and could have
prayed himself into so much warmth that he seemed to
melt away in tears ; and if he had found that which they
of that time called an enlargement of heart, then he reckoned
that God was well-pleased with him, and that he heard his
prayers and would answer them ; but if his spirits continued
still cold and oppressed in prayer, then he reckoned that God
was not pleased with him and that which he offered to him
in prayer. He got into the house of commons by the credit
which the opinion of his party had procured him ; and being
» Cf. Hist. i. 65. iJ Ibid. " Ibid. i Ibid. 79.
1 The transcriber has written 'strong.'
1643-57] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 227 (a)-227 (b) 231
Hampden's near kinsman, he was by his means made a colonel
in the army that was raised against [/. 327 (^)] the king. The
parliament's army went on very ill the first year ; they had
entertained many officers that had been in Gustavus's army,
for that alone served then to raise a man ; but these being
accustomed to the German way of plunder, thought more
of their own advantages than of the services. So after
a . conversation that was between Hampden and Cromwell
upon the misfortunes that they had met with, and their
forces not being able to stand before the king's (which seemed
to flow from this, that the king had the gentry on his side
who were pressed on by a principle of honour, whereas the
commons that were with them had not such elevated
thoughts), Cromwell set himself to model his own regiment,
so that they should be all saints. He set on among them
much praying and discoursing of spiritual matters, and he
used to go up and down among them himself, leading them
on to those exercises, with which they became so acquainted
that upon all occasions his regiment distinguished itself from
all the rest. This led others to follow his example, and by
this means that army was wrought up to a pitch of zeal, that
nothing could stand before them ; and he himself quickly got
up to be lieutenant-general, and upon Hampden's death he
became the head of the party. ' In the matter of the king's
death he was rather pushed on by Ireton (that was his son-in-
law and a severe bloody commonwealth's man) than by his
own inclinations "■ ; for it is said that he had once made his own
bargain with the king, and was to be made earl of Essex, and
to have a considerable estate given him in recompense of the
service which he undertook of setting the king again upon the
throne. But he durst not go on in his design when he saw
that Ireton would not agree to it. Fairfax sooa after that
quitting his employment of general of the army, '' Cromwell
was set at the head of a great but a very factious army*. The
disputes that he had with the Long Parliament and with the
other parliaments that he called are generally known. It
» Cf. Hist. i. 46. " Ibid. 65.
232 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1657
appeared what a [stubborn ?] thing the English [temper ?] ^ is
during his government ; for though he had a great and a brave
army and was successful in all his foreign affairs, yet he could
neither form [? force] a parliament to that point of delivering
up the government to him, nor could he bring the army to
concur with him in the design, though invited to it by the
hopes of a share in the spoil. * They had filled their heads
so with the notion not only of a commonwealth, but of Christ's
coming to reign his reign of a thousand years % and was [?were]
so sensible of the oaths they had made to be true to the
commonwealth of England, that all he could say in those
'' long [/. 228 {a)\ and dark speeches that he often made to
them * could not work upon them. " The lawyers that were
among them told them that they could never be secured
from what they had done, nor covered from the bloodshed
that was during the war, nor from the king's death, * nor be
assured of the crown lands, and the church lands that were
divided among them ^, nor the settlement of Ireland, " without
an act of parliament passed by the king, lords, and commons ^ ;
and therefore it was necessary to place the shadow at least of
kingship somewhere. And this was that at which Cromwell
aimed ; he knew well that the name of a king would in
a course of some time fetch the power after it, and this
would set the nation once again upon the old loyal constitu-
tion ; and if that were done, there was no great reason of
apprehending more danger from the old royalists, since the
nobility and gentry, whose interest made them desire a kingly
government to distinguish them from the commons, would be
in a great measure satisfied when they saw a king and a court
again, and would lose their affections to the race of the
Stewarts. The fifth-monarchy men (the chief of whom were
Lambert, Harrison, and Overton), that were in the best posts,
stood firm to their resolutions and oaths, and entered into
« Cf. Hist. i. 67, 68. 1= Ibid. 65. " Ibid. 68. d Ibid. 69. « Ibid. 68.
' Some words have evidently been omitted by tlie transcriber, and are
here conjecturally restored.
1657] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 227 (6)-228 {b) 233
consultations of dismounting Cromwell ; but though he turned
them out and clapt some of them in prison, the common-
wealth humour was sunk too deep into the hearts of the
whole army ever to endure that he, who had preached and
prayed so much against tyranny, should be in a capacity of
assuming that dignity » which he ^ had often declared to be
the great obstacle to the kingdom of Christ*. And all the
offers he made of limiting the royal power so that the king
should be a duke of Venice were looked on as the acts of an
ambitious usurper; and though he did often in his family
devotions, which he performed commonly himself, and in his
household fasts protest to God ** with many tears that he would
choose a shepherd's staff rather than a sceptre, and that he
had nothing before his eyes but the settlement of the nation *,
yet all this passed for hypocrisy. And when he argued with
any of these people to show them the necessity of having
a king for settling the nation, they re[ject ?]ed ^ all that, and
" said he was looking to the arm of flesh ", whereas they ought
to trust to the living God. ^ Yet after all it is probable that
if he had lived to another sessions of parliament he had carried
his point "* in the army as well as he had already done it in the
parliament, for ^ the kingship was offered him ®, though it was
carried against a vigorous [/. aaS {b)\ opposition that was
made to it. ''He hid his mind so artificially in that matter*',
that though it was so plain that he desired it, because all
that were in his particular confidence set it on ^, yet 8 there
fell not a word from himself intimating his inclinations ^ to
accept of it ; for he always said in his canting way that he
would seek the Lord, and that his mind was not yet opened
to him. ""But that which determined him not to adventure
» Cf. Hist. i. 68. ^ Ibid. ' Ibid. 69. * Ibid. 70. ' Ibid, supra.
' Ibid. 6 Ibid. 1 Ibid.
» The //istoo' gives this to Goodwin. any lesser title was written before
2 The MS. has ' recited.' the Revolution had made the question
^ It is curious to realize that the once more acute {Hist. i. 813, 814) ;
whole of this passage on the motives and that the preceding clause may
which might induce a successful soldier have been deliberately deleted, on ac-
to assume the title of king (when count of the curious parallel it suggests
offered it by Parliament) rather than to the incidents given in iSfi?. 818, 820.
234 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1654-8
on the accepting the crown was that the morning in which
he was to give his answer to the parliament, both Fleetwood
and Desborough (the one being his son-in-law and the other
his brother-in-law) came to him, and after they had expressed
their great aversion to the design, they offered up their com-
missions to him; for they said they could no longer serve
him''. The one was lieutenant-general and the other major-
general, so this affrighted him, since ^ he saw he was like to
be deserted by those who above all others were most con'
cerned in his exaltation ^. While he was managing [this] ^ great
project, death surprised him and put an end to it. '
{Cromweirs foreign policy ; its problem.^
Cf. Hist. i. 72 {from ' The greatest difficulty ' to p. 73, ' correspondence witH
him ').
After ' Spain ' add ' for they both courted him.'
For ' The prince of Conde . . . Cardenas : he ' read ' and as Spain by a solemn
embassy congratulated him on his being made protector, so both the courts
allowed the same rank and precedence to his ambassadors that had ever been
given to the ambassadors of the kings of England [cf. Hist. i. 80] ; nor would he
be contented with the honours given to commonwealths. Spain.'
For ' if he could restore . . . French ' read ' if he could again be master of that
key into France and of the channel.'
' Mazarin . . . character ' is omitted, apparently by the transcribe}' s error.
After ' Conde ' add ' that was then in the Spanish service.'
For ' he would make a descent . . . dictate ' read only ' to set himself at the
head of that party.'
Om. ' to talk . . . men ' and ' the oppressions . . . everjrwhere.'
For ' for Mazarin . . . particular ' read ' and enjoyed the protection of the edicts
in so ample and undisturbed a manner that there was no reason to expect they
would interrupt their own peace, or so far trust the prince of Conde as to
declare for him.'
For ' He also ' read ' Stoupe added to me that Cromwell,' &^c.
If. 229 (rt)] After ' on that prince ' add 'and [that he] was so little careful of
his secret or sure of those about him ' ; and om. ' he said upon that . . . cardinali.'
[The deciding motives^
Cromwell saw well enough that in the balance of Europe,
France was become already too hard a match for Spain ; yet
as he hoped his having once footing in Flanders would put
him in condition to turn the balance which way he pleased,
so " some private considerations of his own determined him to
» Cf. Hist. i. 70. I' Ibid. Ibid. 73.
' 'The' in the MS., corrected by a later hand.
1654-8] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. 228 (6)-229 (b) 235
side with the French ; the royal family was then in France,
so if he had broken with that crown, it was in a condition
to assist the king in making a descent in England, which
would have put Cromwell's affairs in great disorder ; for not
only the royalists would have gone to him, but even " many
of the commonwealth's men were so irritated against him,
seeing the steps he was making for his own advancement,
that they began generally to say that if they must return
back to a monarchy, it was better to call in the righteous heir *.
Cromwell saw this danger well, '' and he knew, on the other
hand, that the Spaniards were in no condition to support the
king in so great a design. So that this particular interest of
his own was so suitable [? sensible] to him that he sacrificed the
interest of the nation to it ^. " But while he was balancing all
those matters, Gage, a priest (that had been for many years in
the West Indies) •=, being struck, as he said, with an accident by
a mouse's carrying away the sacrament, was upon that moved
to doubt of his religion ; and, he having obtained leave to
come over to Spain, when he was there he goes on board
an English ship, and so came over to England. ^ He gave an
account to Cromwell of the feebleness of the Spaniards in
America, and showed him how easy a conquest that would be.
Cromwell saw well that if he succeeded in this he would have
such a treasure in his hands that he could carry on all his
designs without needing the assistance of a parliament "*- This
would also raise his fame and recommend him extremely to
the English nation. So this determined him to join with the
French against the Spaniards, which was the greatest error
he committed in his whole conduct ; for as [/. 229 (iJ)] "his
design of Hispaniola failed *, so the [Biscainers] ^ and the
" Cf. Hist. i. 69. ' Ibid. 73. c /i,y. 74. d /forf. » Jbic/. 76.
' This passage was probably sug- or Biscaniers ' is filled in by another
gested, not by Stoupe's reminiscences, hand. ' Biscainer ' or ' Biscayneer' (an
but by the Character of a Trimmer,pub- obsolete synonym for Basque or Bis-
lished in 1684 ; see Life of Halifax, cayan) is evidently the true reading ;
jj_ gg. the inhabitants of the province of Biscay
'" The -vtoxA was omitted by the beingnotedseamen and privateers: see
original transcriber and ' Buckaniers Dr. Murray's New English Dictionary.
236 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1654-5
Ostenders * took so many of the merchant ships, that by this
means he lost the hearts of the city of London.
\Stoupis anecdote concerning the Hispaniola affair^
Cf. Hist. i. 74 {from 'Stoupe, being on another' to p. 76, 'esteemed so much
as he had been ').
Begin ' Stoupe told me a curious thing concerning the design of His-
For ' in measuring distances ' read ' which he continued to examine very
exactly for some time after Stoupe was admitted.'
After ' Mexico, and ' insert ' having a good sight.'
For ' some fancied . . . element ' read only ' some said it was to take Cadiz ;
others that it was to land either at . Naples or Ostia, to job the churches
of Italy.'
After ' ambassador ' add ' Don Alonzo de Cardenas.'
For ';£^io,ooo' read 'ten thousand pistoles.'
For 'Stoupe owned . . . secret, and' read only ' but though Stoupe was not
trusted with this secret, yet he was so true to Cromwell that he.'
For ' nor did he think . . . Brussells about it ' read ' finding the offer of such
a sum could draw no discovery from him.'
For ' Stoupe writ it ' to end of incident readonly ' Yet Stoupe writ it to the prince
of Conde, with whom he had kept a correspondence ; and when the event dis-
covered that he had guessed right, this raised his credit so with the Spaniards
that he had many good presents after that from them ; and the ambassador was
disgraced for not being able to penetrate into the secret.'
[^England's Atnerican policy i\
^ Thus it appeared that so indifferent a thing as Cromwell
looking upon a map might have discovered the great secret
which Cromwell kept even from the French; "for if he had
succeeded in it, this would have put them upon new measures,
since it would have raised England so high''. And indeed
the beating of the Spaniards out of America is as [? so] easy
a thing for a king of England (who has so many of [his]
subjects already in the northern parts of that new-found world)
that, as they will [/. 230 («)] very willingly change their states
to go into richer countries, so the feebleness of the Spaniards
appears so evidently in the faint resistance that they make to
the pirates called Buccaniers, that it is plain they could not
stand before those armies that could be drawn out of our
plantations. But this is a great thing that perhaps is reserved
for a high-spirited king of England.
- Cf. Hist. i. 76. ^ Ibid. c Ibid.
1654-5] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 229 (6)-23o (a) 237
{Cromwell and the foreign proiesiants.'\
Cromwell made it the first article of his alliance with
France that the protestants should be maintained in the full
enjoyment of all their edicts, which he took care to see so
well observed, that " they, finding the happiness of the protec-
tion that they enjoyed by his means, were very naturally
caused [? carried] to speak well of him that had procured it
for them. This increased very much the prejudice that our
princes had to the protestant religion ; for the king that now
reigns told myself that he saw all the protestants of France
were rebels in their hearts, and gave this their kindness to
Cromwell as the chief evidence of it. Cromwell not only
protected the protestants in France, but ''he interposed so
[Pas] effectually for those in the valley of Piedmont. The
duke of Savoy set on a violent persecution against them ; and
he obliged the court of France to put a stop to it ''; and he
was so lifted up with the acknowledgements that these things
drew to him from beyond sea, that <= he projected the setting
[up] of a council that should watch over the interest of the
protestant religion everywhere, that should be like that at
Rome, de propaganda fide. He had marked out a fund of
;£'20o,ooo ^ per ann. to be disposed of by them as their service
should require it. They were to have correspondents in all
the places of consideration where the protestant religion was
settled. Stoupe was to have been their secretary for France,
Switzerland, Geneva, and those of Piedmont ^ ; and Cromwell
seemed to reserve the settling of it to his exaltation, for
if he had been made king he resolved to have begun his
government with this •=, which would have raised its credit very
much both at home and abroad.
[Stottpe's anecdote concerning Thurloe.']
Stoupe told me another particular, that though in itself it
does not deserve to be mentioned in history, yet the specula-
tions that arise out of it make me judge it worth the setting
" Cf. Hist. i. 73. ^ Ibid. 76. ■= Ibid. 77.
' The History says ;£'io,ooo..
» The distribution in the History differs.
238 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1656
down. * Stoupe received an advertisement from him by whose
means he kept correspondence with the prince of Conde at
Brussells, that an Irishman was gone over with a design to
assassinate Cromwell, and that he was to lodge in King
street. ^ Cromwell had often said that he abhorred [/. 230 (5)]
assassination, and therefore, though it was in his power to
destroy the king and both his brothers, yet he would never
hearken to so base a proposition ; but he said withal that if any
of the royal family began with him and set on men to murder
him, he would then reckon himself absolved from all measures,
and that he would take care to have the whole race murdered,
for he would consider that step as a state of war. It was wisely
done of him to declare this so publicly, for that restrained
many ^ brutal men who otherwise might have set on a practice
which cannot be enough detested, since it tends to the
destruction of mankind. Yet this Irishman resolved to un-
dertake the business, though it seems he could not keep his
own secret. <= Stoupe went with this notice to Cromwell, who
happened then to be shut up with his council. Stoupe writ
him a note that he had a matter of great consequence to
communicate to him that did not admit of delays ; yet
Cromwell, fancying it was only a piece of news relating to
the foreign protestants, sent his secretary Thurloe to see
what it was. Stoupe shewed him his letter, but to his great
amazement Thurloe took little notice of it, and said such a
general story could lead them to no discovery ; the searching
of so great a street could not be managed secretly, and if
there were a guilty man in it he might make his escape, and
the Protector's enemies would say that he was either haunted
with needless fears and feigned plots to cover his designs.
And Thurloe made so little account of this that he did not
so much as speak of it to Cromwell. Stoupe was mortified
to see so little notice taken of his news, and spoke of it to
the earl of Leicester ", who was then of Cromwell's council and
hated Thurloe. Some weeks after this, Syndercomb (for
this was the Irishman's name) watched his opportunity and
" Cf. Hist. i. 78. " Ibid. 65. Ibid. 78.
1656] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 230 (a)-23i (a) 239
had laid it so well,- that [he had very near succeeded in it ;
but *he being discovered^ so critically'], Cromwell considered
his preservation as a great stroke of Providence. ''When
Syndercomb was examined, it appeared he was the person
concerning whom Stoupe had received the advertisement ; so
that Leicester said this was the same man that had been
marked in Stoupe's letter. Cromwell was amazed to find that
Stoupe had given him no notice of this matter ; so he sent for
him and began to expostulate with him upon it. But when
Stoupe put him in mind of the note that he had writ him and of
his sending Thurloe to him, he was yet more surprised to find
that Thurloe had not said a word [/. 331 (a)] of it to himself,
tie sent for him in Stoupe's presence to see if he owned that
which Stoupe charged him with ; he confessed the matter was
true, but he did not think the matter of so much consequence.
Cromwell told him sternly enough that he ought to have
acquainted him with it ^ ; but added that he saw that adver-
tisements that related to his life were of no consequence. "^ So
Stoupe came away concluding that Thurloe was ruined °, and
that his credit with Cromwell would be greater than ever it
was ; but he found Macchiavel's reflection prove true in this
case, which is, that a man must be perfectly a good man or
perfectly a wicked man, and that many ill men spoil their
designs because they have some reserves of goodness which
restrained them from some ill actions which their other wicked
actions had rendered necessary. In this case "^ Cromwell had
trusted ^ this great secret concerning the kingship to ^ Thurloe,
So that it was not safe to disgrace him without murdering
him " • and therefore Cromwell, not being bad enough for that,
saw that it was necessary both to forgive and to employ
Thurloe. 'And Thurloe (re-established in his favour) made
it his business to lessen Stoupe so much in Cromwell's opinion,
that he told me he was never used by him after that as he
had been formerly K So that Stoupe found that a discovery
" Cf. Hist. i. 78. " lUd. ' Ibid. * Ibid. « Ibid. ' Ibid.
1 The passage in brackets (probably placed by the transcriber supra, be-
a marginal insertion) is erroneously tween ' Thurloe ' and ' Some weeks,'
240 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1654-8
which he hoped would have raised his fortune extremely,
set him so far back that he was almost forgot ever after
{Cromwell and the cavaliers^
* Cromwell had found a way to corrupt him that had the
secret of all the king's correspondency in England, who was
one sir Richard Willis, that was particularly trusted by
Clarendon and had the management of all the consultations
that were among the royalists ^- The corruption was some-
what extraordinary, and deserves to be mentioned. Cromwell
had no mind to have any of their lives, but only to traverse
all their designs, so that they should be in no condition to do
him any hurt, and that they should fall in such jealousies one
of another that without any violent remedies all their counsels
should be defeated. '"Willis had assurances given him that
no hurt should be done to any of the party ; and upon this
he entered into a secret commerce with Thurloe "" ; so that the
royalists found that everything that they did or said was
discovered ; and when they were near the executing of any
project, "^some of the chief of them were put in prison, but
let out within a few days ". So that they suspected there were
[/. 231 (5)] some imperfect discoveries made, and this kept
them from suspecting Willis ; for they knew that he could
have made a more ample discovery. Thus Cromwell was
often putting them in prison and letting them out again,
which made those that did not know his secret aifairs con-
clude that these were the effects of his fear and his hearkening
after little whispers ^.
{Final reflections on Cromwell^
Thus [?But] Cromwell saw that ''his bearing up the
honour of the nation '' and his supporting of the protestant
religion were so ° apt to give him the hearts of the English ",
» Cf. Hist. i. 65. ^ Ibid. ' Ibid. ^ Ibid. 80. " Ibid.
' The reader will notice how greatly History, which continues the career
this anecdote is amplified in the of Willis after Cromwell's death.
1654-8] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 231 (a)-232 (a) 241
that he reckoned that if he had but life enough before him
he must at last overcome all the opposition that was made
to him ; and in this appears the greatness of the English
nation (when it is in the hands of one that can manage it
right), that though Cromwell had the whole Scottish and
Irish nation[s] and both the royalists and the commonwealth's
men against him, yet he was clearly the master of the sea.
He beat the Dutch severely ; he was the umpire of the Baltic
Sea and * the terror of all the Mediterranean "" \ he made the
two great crowns court him by turns in a most abject manner,
and had the luck to die in the midst of all his success, when
•"he had brought his matters to an issue either of setting
himself on the throne or of losing all, by a general revolt.'';
so that since Caesar's days no man has appeared that had
the true genius of a wise usurper so much as he had. He
was very false, but he managed very artificially ; and in the
midst of all his exaltation, "when he was in private with
his old acquaintances he conversed with them in the old
familiarity, making them sit down and be covered by him,
reasoning with them in all the freedom of an equality ". He
had two notions that supported him against all the accusations
of conscience that returned oft upon him ; the one was * that
he that was once a child of God was always a child of God ;
so he reckoned that having been once in a state of grace, he
could not perish ^ ; and it appeared on many occasions, but
chiefly in his last sickness, that "no doctrine was so clear
[dear?] to him as that of the perseverance of the saints".
The other thing was that ' he thought in extraordinary cases
men were dispensed with, even from the laws of God, which
he thought were rules only [/! lofl («)] for ordinary cases ^.
By this he excused both the putting the king to death and
the falsifying his oaths in so many instances, and gave himself
a sort of quiet ; since the necessity of affairs and the public
good required that things should be done which could not
be justified in calmer times. Thus I have given a larger
- Cf. Hist. i. 81-2. ' Ibid. 70. " Ibid. 68. « Ibid. 67.
" Ibid. ' Ibid. 46, 79.
242 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1621-87
character of Cromwell than I intended, but "having learnt
a great deal of his private concerns, not only from Stoupe but
from the earl[s] of Carlisle and Orrery", who were trusted
much by him, I thought this account of him might be no un-
pleasant entertainment to the reader. Yet notwithstanding
all his crimes he will make such a figure in history, that (since
none that I know of have yet given a true representation
of his spirit and designs) this must needs be very acceptable
to those who desire to know the truth of history ^-
{ReflecHons of the count of Dohna on European revolutions.]
And upon the great figure to which he raised England
all Europe over, and the low one to which the two lawful
kings that have come since have let it sink, I will here
set down a pleasant reflection that the old count of Dohna
(whom I knew at Geneva^) ma[d]e^ on the revolutions that
had fallen out in Europe in his time ; he having seen all the
states of Europe have their turns of being both very high
» Cf. Hist. i. 65.
' This long excursus on the career 1649 to 1662. He was subsequently
ofCromwell(whichwas no doubt modi- employed in various private negotia-
fied after the publication of Clarendon's tions on behalf of his young kinsman
History in 1702) seems to have been William ; from i665 to 1668 he served
transferred to its present position in the state of Geneva, and from 1668 to
theZ/iito^^iby a late after- thought; see 1673 held diplomatic posts in Switzer-
Mr. Airy's note in his ed., vol. i. p. 3. land. From 1673 until his death in
' Evidently ' Friedrich, Reichsburg- 1688 he lived in retirement, first at
graf und Graf zu Dohna aus dem the castle of Coppet, and during the
Hause Schlobitten' (born 1621, died last few months of his life at Lutry,
1688), whose memoirs, in French, near Lausanne. Bayle, who was at one
have been lately published by H. time tutor to his sons, speaks highly
Borkowski (1898). His mother having of the count ; and he seems in fact to
been a sister of Amelia de Solmes, have been a man of high character.
Princess of Orange, he was first good abilities, agreeable manners, and
cousin once removed to William HI ; extensive cultivation. The memoirs of
while his father, a Prussian nobleman, his son Christophe (envoy from Bran-
the chamberlain and faithful follower denburg to the court of St. James,
of the hapless Frederic of Bohemia 1698-1700), which contain frequent
(being compelled, on the final ruin of allusions to the father, are repeatedly
his master, to take refuge in Holland), quoted by Macaulay ; and a brother of
was eventually appointed Governor of the old count seems to have been at
the Principality- of Orange. To this one time the Swedish representative
charge, after a military apprenticeship at our court.
in the service of the States, Friedrich ^ TheMS.has'make'; 'Ihaveheard'
succeeded, and retained the post from may be supplied before ' the old count.'
1621-87] Harl MSS. 6584, J". 232 (a)-232 (b) 243
and very low. When he was a child Spain and the house of
Austria were the terror of Europe, and since that time they
had sunk extremely ; and now again the emperor, who in
[16] 83 was upon the point of being utterly ruined (if Vienna
had been taken), is beginning to recover again. He saw France
in the minority of the present king very near a precipice ;
but it is now the terror of all its neighbours. He saw England
laid low during the wars, and recover its lustre in Cromwell's
time (which has been much eclipsed by the feebleness of the
late king and the bigotry of him that now reigns) ; the crown
of Sweden rise to such a degree [/. 233 (5)] that there is
nothing in story like it, and maintain^ its greatness long, and
the late king overrun the two neighbouring kingdoms of
Poland and Denmark ; and that crown was in the end of the
last war laid so low that it was reduced to its first contempti-
bleness. Denmark was so near being quite conquered that
every day the news of the taking of Copenhagen was expected,
which was only wanting to complete the conquest ; and since
that time the king of Denmark is become both hereditary
and absolute. The States of Holland, after they had held
the balance of Europe in their hands, were in [16] 7 a reduced
to those extremities that it looks like a dream that they have
got out of them. The Venetians were laid extreme low
by the wars of Candy, and begin now to grow very formid-
able ; and in fine the Turk, who had given a terrible blow
to the emperor twice in the distance of twenty years' time
(in [i6]6a and [16] 83), and who this last time had brought the
war to an end if the grand vizier had not strangely neglected
the advantages he had of coming almost to the ports of
Vienna, where they had no garrison but companies of burgesses
to defend the place (for if he had come on and pressed the
siege vigorously it could not have held a week, but his
feebleness gave them time to have troops sent in to them,
and he lingered so long thaf at last the king of Poland came
and raised the siege), has^ been followed ever since with
1 The transcript reads ' maintained.' ' We delete a superfluous • which.'
R 2
Burnetts Original Memoirs
such a constant series of misfortunes, that nothing preserves
the Ottoman family but the weakness of those who attack it ;
for a vigorous enemy would put an end to it. He had also
seen Portugal recover and be again on the point of being
conquered by the Spaniards,
\Strange story of the Portugtiese coteri^.J
And this causes me to tell a curious passage relating to
the revolution that happened then when the late king was
engaged in prison and the present king had both the crown
and the queen ^, which I had from Mr. [/. 2^^ {aj] de Schom-
berg. He being then general of the army and having gained
so much credit by his success against the Spaniards, the
queen sent her confessor to him to open her secret to him ;
for she was then very ill treated by the king that was
governed by the marquess of Castelmelhor, who has lived
since that time in England ; and the king had really fits of
' The extraordinary story here
told is also given on pp. 78-81 of
the anonymous Account of the Comi
of Portugal, published in 1700 and
ascribed to Dr. John Colbatch, who
had been chaplain to the British factory
at Lisbon, and in that capacity had
corresponded with Burnet (Brit. Mus.
Add. MSS. 22908, ff. 14, 25) ; but was
at the period when the book appeared
tutor to Burnet's son, at Trinity Col-
lege, Cambridge {ibid. ff. 33, 43, 45,
47, and Autobiography, infra, f. 217%
As the writer of the Account maintains
that he is assured the substance of the
anecdote ' came from the late duke of
Schomberg's own mouth,' it is presum-
able that he derived it through Burnet,
which explains its omission from the
' For this consult, beside the work
mentioned in the preceding note,
The Portugal History, 1677, ascribed
to S[amuel?] P[epys?], and the con-
temporary letters of Sir Robert South-
well (published in 1740 as an appendix
to [Carte's] History of the Revohitions
of Portugal) , which are curiously in-
teresting. The facts of the case are.
that Dom Alfonzo VI (brother of
Catherine of Braganza, queen of
Charles 11 of England), who was born
Aug. ai, 1643, and succeeded Nov. 6,
1656, married, in Aug., i666, Marie
Franfoise Elisabeth de Savoie : a few
months later (Nov. 23, 1667) he was
deposed ; his brother, the infante, was
declared Prince Regent ; on March 24
following the queen obtained a decree
of nullity of marriage from the chapter
of Lisbon ; and a few days later, under
a legate's dispensation previously ob-
tained, she contracted a marriage with
the Regent, which was confirmed by
a papal dispensation of Dec. 10, 1668.
The deposed king, who was at first
confined in the Azores, died in the
castle of Cintra fifteen years later,
Dec. II, 1683. The author of the
Account, who is very severe upon the
queen, regards the whole transaction
and the evidence brought to invalidate
the marriage as the figments of political
ambition ; Southwell supposes that the
original motive was political, but that
tfie infante eventually fell in love with
the queen : it is clear, however, that
Alfonzo was eccentric to the verge
of madness, if not beyond it.
1667] Harl MSS. 6584, ^ 232 (6) -233 (b) 245
madness, and being impotent, he was set on by his ministers
to force the queen to admit of another man, by whom she
might have children; and upon many other occasions his
madness shewed itself very evidently. Schomberg saw there
was reason enough to resolve on removing the king from the
government, and he went to the army to dispose them to
concur in the design. The queen sent one with him, by whom
he writ her a plain account of what he had done, and of the
posture in which the army was ; this letter was brought her
just as she was going into her bed, so she, that lay then
alone, would not trust the letter to those who laid her to bed,
but put it under her pillow. The next morning, when she
was called on to go to mass, the king being already gone to
it, she rose in so much haste that she forgot her letters.
The king's mass was almost done before she got to chapel,
and he went from it into her apartment. She quickly called
to mind what an error she had committed and sent her con-
fessor to her bedchamber to fetch her letters, but the king
was in it, and seemed to be in such a rage that the confessor
durst not go in, but believed he had discovered all. The
queen sent a lady of her bedchamber, who was likewise upon
the secret ; but though she went in she durst not go near
the bed, for the king lay upon it. This was dreadful to the
queen, for if the king had found the letters she and all her
party must have expected to be presently discovered. So
she did not know what course to take ; she could not decently
leave the mass till it was done [/. 233 (i^)], and in that while
the king might even by chance find the letter though he
sought not after it. The father confessor advised her to fall
as it were into a sounding [sic] fit, since that was the only
pretence that could excuse her leaving the mass before it was
quite done. This was very easy for her to counterfeit, since
the concern in which she was put her very near it. So she
seemed to fall down along upon the ground, and was taken
up in haste, and carried to her bedchamber, at which the king
started up. She lay down and quickly felt for her letters and
found they were still there, by which she got out of her fit ;
246 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1663-4
and as the king had not looked after them, so it was his
coming into the bedchamber that kept them from being
discovered, since if he had not come in, her bed had been
put in order, as it used to be when she went to mass, and
so the secret had been discovered. Things of this kind
ought to be put in history, because they tend to make people
wise and cautious.
[ The intrigue of the Spanish letter?^
Cf. Hist. i. 302-3.
Begin ' And the offering [? aflBnity] of the matter makes me set down another
secret of the French court which 1 had from Stoupe [cf. Hist. i. 301}. It is
ordinary for all persons to tear off the outward cover of letters, and to
let them fall carelessly about them,' and then proceed from 'Count de Guiche
watched,' dr=c.
Om. ' by the Spanish ambassador.'
Om. ' they sent to Holland.'
For ' in such an affront . . . king ' read ' in suffering the king to live as he
did. His amours with La Valliere were mentioned ; and many sharp reflections
on the king's person were mixed in the letter.'
For ' The lady suspected . .. ahont it ' read ' The lady, apprehending there was
an intrigue in this matter, in which she was to be the tool, carried the letter to
the king.'
For ' saw he was ... So the king ' read ' was questioned, but shewed evidently
that he had been abused in it, as well as the king was. This [/ 234 (a)] vexed
the king out of measure, so he took all the methods he could think on to dis-
cover the secret of this matter ; the number of those who could write Spanish
was not great ; so the marquis des Vardes (that was then a favourite) being
one that could do it [cf. Hist. i. 302, siipral, the king,' &^c.
After ' put on him ' read ' He was indeed upon the secret ' and revert to be-
ginning of ■p. 302 ; and for ' The king . . . graceful person ' read ' For as the king had
abandoned the countess of Soissons when he took to La Valliere, so she had
entered into an intrigue with Des Vardes ; [and] she, being set on revenge ',
had joined with the count de Guiche, who acted likewise in complacency with
the duchess of Orleans ; to whom likewise the king, in the beginning of his
amour with La Valliere, who was then about her, seemed to make love ; though,
as it proved afterwards, it was only a blind to hide the other ; and she took
this so ill, that she likewise vowed a revenge.'
Om. 'When the treaty . . . weak a woman she was,' and proceed from 'The
ladies now rejoiced, ' for from here to the end of the story reading only, ' So the secret
lying amongst those two ladies and their two gallants, the king could not find
it out ; but the duchess of Orleans came to like Des Vardes ; and because
he did not answer her invitations, but pretended a fidelity to madame de
Soissons, she in revenge discovered all to the king.'
The transcript places the ' and ' after ' revenge.'
1685-6] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 233 (6)-234 (a) 247
[Burnet's travels j his rejections on the religiotis state of Europe.}
I will say nothing more of the "ramble that I made over
Italy", having writ a book ^ upon it with all possible freedom
and sincerity, and having since that time put several things
that were too mean ^ to be owned by. me in some other
letters ^ concerning the present state of Italy, which I have
not owned, but which I writ out of the memoirs that
Mr. Sidney* and Dr. Hutton^ brought me out of Italy, in
which I mixed several things that I had found out myself,
I shall only add one thing here, which has given me many
sad thoughts. '' I have seen now the greatest part of all the
reformed churches. I saw those of France in their best state,
that is when they were looking for this sad storm that has
scattered them up and down the world. I came and stayed
at Geneva, where the miseries of the refugees that were
coming thither every day out of France and the apprehen-
" /f«/. i. 661-2, 686. ^ Ibid. 686,
' The well-known Letters (to Mr.
Boyle), published in 1686 and frequent-
ly reprinted under the title Travels.
' We should perhaps read ' main.'
It was the significance, not the insigni-
ficance of the subjects in question
(Quietism, the Inquisition, and the
politics of Italy), which made Burnet,
whose avowed Travels had excited suf-
ficient irritation at the English court
(Hist. i. 726), afraid of handling them.
Johnson gives ' important' as the final
synonym of main ' ; and quotes Milton,
' so main to our success.'
^ These are the anonymous ' Three
Letters concerning the present state of
Italy ,written in the year 1687. I. Relat-
ing to the affair of Molinos and the
Quietists. II. Relating to the Inquisi-
tion and the state of Religion. III. Re-
lating to the policy and interests of
some of the States of Italy. Being a
supplement to Dr. Burnet's letters.
Printed in the year 1688.' There are
said to have been two English editions
in 1688, and in the same year a
translation was appended to a German
version of the acknowledged letters ;
while in 1689 they were republished,
togetherwith the acknowledged letters
and some other short pieces, in a two-
volume English publication entitled/))-.
Burnet's Tracts. They are not however
included in most editions of the ac-
knowledged letters, though it is pro-
bable they have been generally as-
cribed to hini. With the object no
doubt of diverting suspicion, Burnet
assumes in them the character of a
layman, who describes Dr. Burnet's as
a ' better pen ' than his own.
* Henry Sidney, afterwards earl of
Romney, \yho spent the early part of
James II's reign in Italy.
° John Hutton, a Scotch herd-boy,
graduated M.D. at Padua. Chancing
to be in Holland, and at hand when
the Princess of Orange had a fall
from her horse, he obtained the favour
of William, who on coming to the
crown made him his first physician.
Hutton seems to have subsequently
accompanied the kingon his campaigns,
and gave Burnet some account of
William's behaviour at the Boyne
(//ts/. ii. 59-60). Anne continued him
in his post, and he died in 1712 {Did.
Nat. Biog.).
248 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
sions in which they themselves were [of] ^ falling under that
tyranny* should have awakened them in a signal manner.
''I from that went over Switzerland, which except Basel is
not [/. 334 {b')\ indeed in such danger as Geneva is, yet had
still the dismal calamity of the French before their eyes, and
Basel is every day in danger of being swallowed up. After
that I saw those of Strasburg begin already to feel the storm ''
which [is ?] gathering, which will very probably break out
quickly ; " those of the palatinate see themselves also reduced
t© great dangers, and brought under a very bigoted family •=;
and from thence I am now come into ^ Holland, wh[ich] ^
having so lately come out of so great a danger of losing both
their religion and liberty, ° so that one should have expected
to have found among them, at least at such a time (in which
the- whole protestant religion run[s ?] such a risk), a more
extraordinary spirit of piety and devotion. There has indeed
appeared a very high degree of charity towards the French
that have left their country ° ; and there is a great deal of
angry zeal against popery ; but among those with whom
I have conversed, I must confess with great regret that
I have not found a spirit thriving that either agrees with
the name of the reformed churches or with the present
gloomy times ; few are repenting of their sins and forsaking
them ; even public and scandalous vices are not corrected,
and [in ?] most places are not so much as covered, but are
acted with a bare face and a high hand. Few seem very
sensible of that laziness that is upon people's spirits in the
concerns of religion ; few are setting themselves by a sublime
piety and a shining conversation to recover the credit and
beauty of our religion, which is so much darkened, or to
engage God to be again of our side, whom we have highly
dishonoured ; and churchmen seem more generally concerned
to engage men to espouse their interests, as they are a party,
» Cf. Hist. i. 686. »> Ibid. <= Ibid. d Ibid. » Ibid. 687.
• Omitted by the transcriber ; ' a' is erroneously inserted in a later hand.
^ The transcriber wrote ' who.'
1686-7] HarL MSS. 6584, ff. 234 (a)-235 (a) 249
than either to reform themselves or the flocks committed
to their charge. * Sermons are for the most part dry and
dull things ", and rather essays of wit, eloquence, and learning,
than divine instructions and exhortations. They have lost
both the beauty of a primitive simplicity and the overcoming
force of true preaching ; and though '' matters in England
have taken a different quality ^ from that in which I left them,
yet I do not hear " that there is any great change wrought
as to the religious part, or that men grow better Christians^
though they are more steady [/. 235 («)] protestants than
I fancied they would have been. ^ These things affect me
very sensibly, and make me often conclude that for as
melancholy as the outward state of the protestant religion
is at present, the inward symptoms are yet much worse* and
more desperate ; and [though ?] the prospect of the exalta-
tion of [the] prince and princess of Orange is very promising,
yet the depraved state of the protestant churches, especially
of the clergy, makes me fear after all that we are not yet ripe
for a deliverance. * The Lutherans in Germany are as averse
as ever to all sort of reconciliation with the Calvinists, ' and
the clergy of Holland are as rigid as they, in all their little
opinions, and as apt to quarrel about them, and are now
broken all into factions, ^ and upon the smallest occasions are
falling into most intemperate heats « ; and that which is yet
the most astonishing part of all this sad scene, is that '' the
French, who have forsaken their country to the hazard of the
severest punishments, who have abandoned their estates and
left that which was dearer, their children, behind them, many
of them having suffered much hardship, that these, I say, are
much less affected with all this than ought to be exp[ect]ed ^.
Their ministers preach as coldly as ever, and though one is
bound in charity to believe that they have made this sacrifice
of all that was dear to them out of a good principle ^ yet by
» Ct Hist. i. 687. ^ Ibid, infra. <' Ibid. 688. ^ Ibid. 687. « Ibid,
supra. ' Ibid, infra. s Ibid, supra. •> Ibid.
' The transcriber has written ' expressed.'
250 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1686-7
seeing and conversing with the greatest part of them one is
not much edified, though I must add, I know many very
extraordinary persons among them, which act upon the best
motives, and are indeed great examples. While I reflect on
all these things, I do not know what to think ; how strange
a matter is it, while we are very hot in disputing about some
controverted points, we as it were all agree to neglect the
great and uncontroverted duties of true holiness and a sublime
morality ; but if one wonder drives out another. I give myself
a little ease from the pain which these melancholy thoughts
raise in me by considering that it was so at all times. In the
very days of the apostles what strange corruptions both in
doctrine and morality were breaking in upon the churches
(which appears from all the epistles, and more evidently from
those short ones that are in the beginning of the Revelations) ;
in all which it appears that man is (and has been at all times)
a strange, foolish, and mad creature, and that the providence
of God and the conduct of the world are the greatest of all
[Burnet's reception at the Hague.']
^At my [/. 335 (^)] coming to Holland I found that the
prince and princess of Orange were so favourably disposed ^
towards me that they suffered me to speak freely to them
of our affairs =* ; so that for some [time ^] •• I had a free access
to them ''. I knew what would become of this ; for "= the king
began quickly to express his displeasure " at the credit which
he apprehended that I might have with them ; though I am
perhaps one of the clergymen in the world that am most
against all severity on the account of religion ; and ^ I studied
to encourage the prince and princess in their resolutions of
consenting to liberty of conscience '^ with all possible zeal. Yet
the king, who is vehement in everything that he once under-
takes, " continued by frequent repeated instances to press my
» Bist. i. 688. ' Ibid. 691. >= Ibid. 692. ■> Ibid. 691. "> Ibid. 708.
1 The Life, following the Autobio- of Lord Halifax and Lady Russell,
graphy, ascribes this to the influence ^ Inserted ; qu. by the writer of f. a ?
1687] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 235 (a) -236 {a) 251
being forbid their presence ; and in both his letters which the
prince[ss ?] ^ hath showed me, » and in his discourse of me, he
seemed to forget his own greatness *, and spake and writ of
me in a style that had more of anger and ill-nature than
of modesty in it. He gained his point, and '' I went no more
to court, " But, after that, the book I writ concerning Italy
appeared, in which my chief design was to lay open the
misery of those who lived under absolute government and
a devouring superstition ; there were many passages in it that
offended the court highly. Next after that some papers
appeared against the abolishing the test, and upon the
declarations for liberty of conscience both in England and
Scotland ^. These took so much with the nation, that the
king believed they crossed his designs ; he suspected me to
be the author, as I was indeed, though he could never find
proofs of it. This sharpened a displeasure which was already
quick enough ; but he understanding that I was like to have
one of the best matches in the Hague'' (and a person ^ that was
originally descended from a Scotch family, and that had in
her all the qualities that I could have proposed to myself
in a wife, besides a very fair estate), *he thought to have
broke this by accusing me of high treason for having had
a correspondence with Argyll, and for having conversed with
some that were condemned of high treason. The truth was,
the king writ himself to Scotland ordering his advocate to
prosecute me ^ ; and his advocate having no matter against me,
threw together such things as he could fancy might be true.
" I had the news of this from Scotland before the king's envoy
had it ^ ; and it came to me just the night before I was to
be [/. 'i-'i'^ («)] contracted ; so Mr. Halewyn proposed an
■ Hist. i. 726. " Ibid. 708. = Ibid. 726. <• lUd. " Ibid.
' Mr. Flexman's list, appended to children, see Autobiography, infra, f.
Hist. ed. 1833, vi. 357, enumerates six 210 ; infra, App. II (Meditation by
such pamphlets. See also the Collection Burnet on his wedding-day, May 25 ,
of Eighteen Papers ... by Gilbert 1687) ; infra, App. III. ; Life of the
Burnet D.D., 1689. Bishop, by her son Thomas (appended
2 For Mary Scott, second wife of to Hist, ix), p. 695 ; art. Diet. Nat.
Burnet and mother of all his surviving Biog.
252 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1687
expedient, of which the prince approved, which was that th6
next morning I should * petition the States of Holla'nd to
be naturalized. This was so reasonable, and seemed to be
so much of a piece with my contract that was to be signed
in the afternoon, that it passed without opposition ; for it
was not known that there was any other design in it ; and by
this means I came under the protection of the States. But
I studied to soften the court, and writ several letters to the
earl of Middleton in my own justification. I showed that
all the matters that were laid against me were notoriously
false in all the branches of it \sic\, which appeared so plainly
that the court let fall the pursuit. But because in my first
ktter I had writ that by my naturalization my allegiance
in these provinces translated me from his majesty to the
States, and because I added that if a sentence should pass
against me I should be forced to justify myself and give
an account of that share which I had in affairs these twenty
years past, in which I might be led to mention some things
that I was afraid might displease the king, upon this the court
ordered a citation "^ ; though it seemed strange to see the king,
who had naturalized so many strangers, make a crime of my
saying that I was at present become a subject to the States ;
and it was also absurd to say that I threatened the king, in
saying that I would be forced to write a history in my own
justification. Yet this being more specious than the matter
laid against me in the first citation, '' the court has still kept
up this against me, but has delayed proceeding to a sentence
now for several months '', to see if the terror of it would bring
me to make submission. And to frighten me the more, "^ the
English envoy has talked with several of his spies of a design
he had to carry me away, though the methods that he pro-
posed were so ridiculous, and he opened it to so many
persons, that all came to my knowledge ; from which I must
conclude that he either spoke of it to frighten me ", or that
he is one of the unfittest men in the world to manage such
a design. I have taken my own way, and ^ have not entered
» Cf. Hist. i. 726-7. " Ibid. 727. = Ibid. ^ Ibid.
1687] Harl MSS. 6sH, ff- 236 (a) -237 (a) 253
into any state of treaty, though my friends in London have
writ me word that several overtures have been made to
reconcile me to the court ; but since I have not hearkened
to any of them, I hear now sentence is passed ; and whether
[/. 236 {b)'\ upon this any of the brutal Irish that are here
in the service will endeavour to merit at the king's hands
by destroying me \ I do not know, nor am I much concerned* ;
for I am weary of life and of the world. So all my apprehen-
sions are that they may make an attempt upon me, that
shall go only half way, and of all the things in the world
an operation of surgery is that which I apprehend the most ;
but for this and all that relates to myself, ^ I resign myself
up entirely to that providence that has hitherto watched over
me with such an indulgent care, that what my enemies have
designed against me '', as the greatest mischief they could do
me by driving me out of England, ° has produced the happiest
alteration " in the course of my life that could have befallen me,
and that which gives me the perfectest quiet and content^.
But now I return to the secrets of public affairs.
[The Scotch declaration of indtelgence^
[Cf. Hist. i. 712 {from ' He sent a proclamation ' to p. 714, ' cold and general
For 'in February ' read ' in the beginning of the year [i6]87.'
Om. ' This was published . . . England.'
After 'The king' inseri 'who is bound to maintain the laws.'
For ' not only . . . authority ' read only [of] claim[ing] a power superior
to the laws.'
After ' sacred ' add ' [so] that though many princes have in effect claimed this
power, yet none that I know [/. 237 (fl)] of have ever declared so much in
plain words.'
After ' rested in him ' add ' but as this is the only precedent that I could
» Cf. Hist. i. 727. " Ibid. ' Ibid.
' See Luttrell, i. 433, 434, March, States had offered i'loo for the appre-
1687-8 • Portland MSS. (H. M. C), iii. hension of the three ruffians concerned,
40'; for'areport (in March, 1687-8) that and that Burnet was given a guard of
an attack had been made upon a Scotch soldiers. The report can hardly have
gentleman (identified with Sir Robert been true, or Burnet would surely
Hamilton) who had been severely have mentioned it m his subsequent
wounded coming out of Burnet's narrative.
house • that it was supposed the assault " He alludes of course to his second
had been intended for Burnet; that the marriage.
254 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1686-7
ever find of kings pretending to absolute power in any legal government (of which
our court will have no reason to boast much).'
For 'The requiring ' read ' Yet our court carried the matter much further by
requiring ' ; and after ' this ' add ' absolute power ; which.'
Om. ' (as indeed [that it seemed] "... jealousies).'
Ont. ' to set up conventicles . . . way.'
[/ 237 (6)] For ' addresses ' read ' an address.'
For ' they answered . . . words ' read only ' they could not prevail so far
with them.'
[A parliament in Scotland.^
Cf. Hist. i. 679 (' In summer . . . prevail on a majority') and 680-1.
For ' In summer . . , parliament had been ' read ' There had been a trial made
of a sessions of parliament in summer [ i6]86, to which the earl of Murray was sent
down commissioner.'
Om. ' and tests . . . religion. '
After ' methods ' insert ' both of fear and hope.'
After ' majority ' add ' But Murray was too weak a man to manage such a
matter ' ; and om. entirely from p. 679 (' But two accidents ') to p. 680 ('who had
it from the earl himself), and begin again at ' When the session ' (p. 680) and go
on to end of paragraph.
Om. 'he promised.'
Om. ' and so did the bishop of Galloway.'
Om. ' were silent but ' ; and after ' laws ' add ' but only one or two had the
courage to speak for them.'
For ' meanness ' read ' poorness,' and for ' of the other members ' read ' the
meanness of the commissioners for the burghs.'
After ' maintained ^ for ' yet ' read ' It went otherwise for.'
After 'from the king' add 'without any reason assigned'; and om. 'And
Paterson . . . Dunkeld.'
[Rejections on the foregoing ; state of Ireland^
Upon this * the nation, that was become extremely corrupt,
and both ignorant and insensible as to the matters of religion,
began to recover its old hatred against popery ^ And though
some ^ few '' of the ruined nobility '' have changed their religion ''
in hopes of favour from the court, yet popery is not like to make
any great progression in Scotland. "^ It is true the episcopal
clergy there is so rank, that as they are not .able to [/. 238 («)]
animate the nation much ", so few of them have the zeal or the
courage that is necessary for it. But, on the other hand, ^ the
Presbyterians maintain their rooted aversion to popery to so
high a degree, that the court has no great reason to depend
" //('.s/. i, 681. ^ Ibid. 'Ibid. •^ Ibid.
' The second reading is that of Routh's Burnet's James II.
1637] Harh MSS. 6584, ff. 237 (a)-238 (a) 255
upon them * ; and it is not understood whether the king will
go on to maintain their liberty that he has granted by his
absolute power, or whether he will try another parliament.
Yet Scotland is considered as an accessory to England,
which will follow his [? her] fortune ; ^ but Ireland is in a much
more dangerous condition ; for the lord deputy goes on in
his brutal way*", and now matters are there going on fast to
a crisis ; since the sheriffs, being generally Irish papists, have
now begun in several countries to turn the English out of
possession of their estates, which they hold by virtue of the
act of settlement, and repossess the Irish; this is already
done in a great many countries, and according to the success
they find in these small attempts, they may probably go on
to act more boldly. Yet the king continues to say that he
will maintain the settlement of Ireland, just as he says he will
maintain the church of England, at the same time that he
is doing all he can to destroy it. "= The English papists are
sensible enough of Tyrconnell's brutality ", and they thought
to have got him to be recalled, and Powis was to go in his
stead ; of which he thought himself so sure, that he owned
it to a friend of mine that he was to go thither ; but this was
eight months ago. Tyrconnell has, it seems, so established
himself in the king's confidence that there is no appearance of
a change.
\The king and the English dissenters; characters of D'Albeville
and Skeltoni]
But for the affairs of England, the king finding the church
of England so firm that he had small hopes of prevailing on
them, and [? he] resolved next to change his course, and to
try what he could expect from the dissenters. He sent over
■* Mr. D'Albeville, or rather one Mr. White, an Irish papist,
who had been for many years a spy ■* in the court of England.
He began the trade in Cromwell's days, whose spy he was,
as Stoupe told me; after that he was ''employed by the
Spaniards, by whose means he had obtained that empty
• Hist. i. 681. '' Ibid. " Ibid. 682. Ibid.
256 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1687
title of marquess ^ He served also to the States in the same
quality, but it was believed that "he was corrupted [/. 238 {b)'\
by the French " to give them false intelligence. '' Mr. Skelton
was envoy before'' ; and if a judgement is to be made of men
by their employments through which they pass, one should
conceive a very high opinion of him, for he has been now
many years in foreign negotiations. He was first sent to
Vienna to dispose the emperor to a peace to be made at
Nimeguen ; then he was sent to reside in Hamburgh and
to negotiate the affairs of the North ; after that he was
brought to Holland, and he is now in Savoy, ° and in France ".
And yet after all this ^ he is a very weak ^ and passionate
man, who neither understands the conduct of affairs, nor can
govern his tongue with any sort of temper ; for as his passion
carries him to fly out on all occasions, so his vanity is so little
governed that '^ he discovers all sorts of secrets ", even when he
can have no other design in it but to let it appear that he
knows them. ^ He had committed so many errors in Holland,
and had given ^ the prince of Orange ^ such particular reasons of
being displeased at him, that D'Albeville was sent in his room ^ ;
who had a sort of fawning and smooth [way] with him ^, and
who had made this his chief maxim, to say to every man that
which he thinks will please him ; but he doth this so coarsely
that he is soon discovered. He has all the boldness that he
thinks necessary to get through in lying and dissembling.
8 He assured the States that the king was firmly resolved to
maintain his alliance with them, and that his naval provisions
had no relation to them, but were only intended to preserve
the peace of Europe ; and he seemed troubled to find the
States so possessed with the apprehensions of those prepara-
tions that they had already^ ordered Mr. Dyckveldt to go over ^
and observe the king's motion. ' This he endeavoured all he
could to divert, for Dyckveldt was not yet gone. ^ It was but in
" Cf. Hist. i. 708.- ^ Ibid. 623, 707. « Ibid. iai. •^ Ibid, 623. « Ibid.
624. ' Ibid. 707. e Ihid. 709. 1" Ibid. 708. ■ Ibid. 709. ^ Ibid. 708,
^ The transcript reads ' fawning and smoothing with him.'
1687] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 238 (a)_24o (a) 257
vain, for *the prince had a particular design in sending him
over, which was to speak freely to the king ", and to engage
the king to speak freely likewise^.
[D'AIievilh's negotiation with, the prince and princess;
Dyckveldt's rejtort.l
Cf. Hisi. i. 709 (fyom 'In his secret negotiations' to p. 711, 'brought to
hearken to them ') .
Om. ' secret ' ; and after ' assurances ' add ' in the king's name.'
[/. 239 (a)] After ' crown ' add ' and to make it more absolute.'
For ' who had served . . . conscience ' read ' and of whose loyalty and fidelity
he was well assured; but he added, that the king was [aI]so resolved to
maintain the establishment of the church of England, and never to use any
violence in matters of conscience.'
For ' and that he spoke ' read ' and not only spoke ' ; after ' bigot ' add ' that
had lost his reason and ' ; and for ' whereas . . . maxims, and therefore he '
read 'but he had.'
After ' relief ' add ' 'Tis true in this he shewed his concern for the order of
the Jesuits ; for he said P. de la Chaise,' &c. as above.
After ' subjects ' add ' when he went over ; to whom he gave a good recep-
tion and to whom he spake very freely, and for the most part calmly, of all those
matters. He was very earnest to gain the princess's consent.'
For 'At that time ' read ' And when D'Albeville came over.'
After ' assurances ' add ' in his name.'
For ' But the king had reckoned . . . put off' read ' This was founded on the
easiness of some members who gave the king secret assurances ; but as the king
went on trying the temper of more members he found he could not come within
a great way [/. 239 (fi)] of the majority of either [of the] houses, so he
dissolved the parliament.'
After ' reasonable '/o>- ' to let papists in to sit' read ' to [take] away the tests
by which papists might come into.'
For ' of some . . . particular' read only ' of the men of that religion.'
y^fe>- ' jealousy ' add ' for the time to come.'
Om. ' it appeared . . . desired.'
For ' in so tender ... ill from them ' read only ' in matters of religion, so that
his throwing them off upon that account.'
For ' the king . . . improve the ' read ' They were sorry to see the king
neglect the great ' ; and for ' might be . . . and great' read ' of being happy.'
Om. ' best, and now the only.'
After ' true ' add ' they were extreme sorry to see the king involve himself in
designs in which he was like to meet with great difficulties at home, and in
which [f. 240 («)] the[y] could not at all concur with him.'
For 'of their answers . . . D'Albeville ' read ' of all that was said in that
" Cf. Hist. I. 708.
1 The reader will observe that there errand to the opposition, mentioned in
is here no mention of Dyckveldt's the History, i. 708-9.
258 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1687
For ' he found , . . resolution ' read ' he never found anything like good
reasoning, but only a stiff firmness.'
After ' He said ' add ' often.'
For ' so the king saw . . . Sunderland ' read only ' since that might look
like a reproaching of the king. Upon this Dyckveldt, that gave me an account
of all that negotiation, told me that Sunderland ' ; afler ' prince ' add ' and
princess ' ; and after ' concur with the king ' add ' in the matter of the tests ;
that he should have the chief stroke in all affairs.'
For ' And they engaged . . . settled ' read ' And some carried this so far as to
offer that.'
\Pyckveldt and the English opposition.]
" Dyckveldt came at this time to enter into great confidences
with many in England ^ ; and he gave them righter impressions
of the prince, * for many were possessed with hard thoughts
of him, as though he had arbitrary notions of government '',
and these [/. 240 {b)] reports were studiously enforced into
the minds of the country party by the papists, who seemed
generally to wish for a commonwealth rather than see the
prince upon the throne.
[The Liege letter.}
Cf. Hist. i. 71 1-2.
For 'great discovery' read 'pretty discovery.'
For ' by the Jesuits ' read ' by the indiscretion of the Jesuits.'
For ' in Switzerland ' read ' in Alsatia.'
After the second ' to kiss his hand ' read ' which was indeed a high strain
of bigotry.'
Om. ' The Jesuits at Fribourg . . . Geneva and Switzerland.'
For ' One of those . . . named the Liege letter ' read ' Dyckveldt mentioned
this letter to the king to convince him that the priests would not be contented
with liberty.'
Om. 'made to make . . . odious.'
Om. ' Dyckveldt thought.'
[Origin of the Fagel-Stewart correspondence.}
"But because the court of England might have misrepre-
sented the prince's thoughts in this matter [/. 241 {a)\ either
to other popish princes with whom he was united in the
common concerns of Europe or to the English nation, the
prince laid hold of an opportunity that was offered him by
■^some letters that were writ to Mr. Fagel by one Stewart,
an advocate of great esteem of the Scottish nation, who had
" Cf. Hist. i. 712. ■> Ibid. 709. « Ibid. 732. iS Ibid. 731-2.
168?] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 240 (a)-24i {U) 259
been engaged in Argyll's business, and was now invited out
of Holland, where he had stayed for some years, and had got
into some degrees of confidence with the pensioner". The
court thought that he might be of great use to them in
disposing the presbyterians in Scotland to concur with the
king in taking off the penal laws. ''He spake with the prince
before he left Holland, and gave him very positive assurances
of his fidelity to the common interest of religion. Yet when
he came to the court, the king possessed him with such an
opinion of his sincerity, and that he had no other design but
to establish a general liberty of conscience, that he undertook
to serve him in it both in Scotland and in the Hague.
\Siewarfs letter s.\
Cf. Hist. i. 731-2 {from ' He opened ' to ' gained by the court ').
Out. 'at another time.'
For ' Stewart after . . . But he found there, that ' read ' but as he found no
success in his negotiation in Scotland, [where] ' ; after ' court ' add ' so his letters
to the pensioner had no effect, which has very much displeased the court.'
For from 'The pensioner laid ' to end of paragraph read only ' for he writ a
long and full answer to them.'
S^FageFs letteri\
Cf. Hist. i. 732 {from ' He began it ' to p. 733, ' all or nothing ').
[/. 241 (6)] For ' carried by . . . brought by him into ' read only ' was read in.'
For ' but nothing . . . upon it ' read ' but hitherto it has had no effect.'
For ' ordered Stewart . . . back ' read ' said plainly to Stewart.'
[Probable issue of the affair j position of father Petre;
imprudence of D'Albeville.^
This letter, which will be published ere long, will probably
have both a great effect on the nation and " all the moderate
catholics both within and without the kingdom, and by what
I have seen writ from Rome, the pope will very probably
advise the king to accept of it. But the king is now in the
hands of the Jesuits and the French ambassador ", who has
more credit at present in our court than he had during the
last reign ; and as the king's confessor is a Jesuit, so ''he has
taken F. Petre into his particular confidence, as he hath
been long in the secret of affairs, and is now made a privy
councillor ^- He is a weak and " an ignorant man % but is all
" Cf. Hist. i. 732. i* Ibid. ' Ibid. 733. ^ /nd, o /^-rf. 6,2.
S 2,
26o Burnetts Original Memoirs [1687
made up of a violent and meddling temper, which had
rendered him formerly unacceptable to all the families in
which he had lived. *He pretends now to be made arch-
bishop of York and a cardinal ; but that is not like to be
obtained during the present pontific[ate] ^, [/. 242 (a)] '' for
the pope is so possessed against the whole order that it will
not be easy to bring him to advance any of them ; and as
he has already refused to do it very flatly, though it was most
earnestly desired of him by the king, so it is not like he will
ever be brought to grant it. " But the king, though he is
really governed by the Jesuits' cabal, yet would not absolutely
disgust the secular priests, whose head is Leyborne, that was
sent over by cardinal Howard ; so he is likewise made a privy
councillor, though he has not so great a share in the counsels
as the other has. This creates a faction among them which
has been sometimes upon the point of breaking out very
grossly ; but the king is so partial to the Jesuits that the
other must be contented. D'Albeville is now coming over
again, having been five months in England ; for it seems the
papists have no other whom they will trust with the negotia-
tion but him, which shows how low they are, and how much
they want men, for he has not at all the address that is
necessary for such tendei: matters, of which I will only set
down [one ?] instance. * When the prince was once pressing
him upon the promises that the king had made and sworn,
to maintain the laws and the established religion, he, [instead
of] pretending that the king still kept his word ^ by giving
some ambiguous sense to his promises, "said roundly that
upon such and such occasions, which he named, other princes ^
had forgot their promises *. But though in the avowing this
so frankly there was much sincerity, ^yet the prudence of
a minister will appear as little in it ' as in that which followed :
8 when the prince was arguing that the church of England
being the main body of the nation the king ought to have
" Cf. Hisl. i. 733. I' Ibid. 704. " Ibid. 733. a Ibid, infra.
' Ibid. 734. ' Ibid. 733. ' Itid. 734.
' The transcript reads ' pontificall. ' - The History differs.
1687] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 241 (by-2^ (b) 261
more regard to them, D'Albeville answered that the body
which he called the church of England would not have a being
two years to an end ; which was to speak out the designs of
the court a little too plainly \
[Burnet reflects: I. on these negotiations, as they affect the European
situation; II. on English affairs, and the princes dilemmaj III.
OH the report that the queen is with child^.]
I give the account of this negotiation the more particularly,
both because I am certainly informed of it by messages which
the prince sends me, and because this is like to be the
occasion of a rupture which may have great consequences.
France apprehends the prince's being on the throne of
England above all things ; so they will certainly push
[/ 343 {b)] on the king as far as is possible to embroil
matters both in England and between the king and prince ;
since as this keeps the king still in a dependence on them,
so it may in the end produce somewhat in which they find
their account. On the other hand, the extremity to which
the king has driven matters will throw the nation into great
confusions, which it will be very hard to manage. For either
the nation will lose heart, and then a multitude will become
the feeblest thing in the world ; or if the vigour of the
subjects is still kept up, it will be hard to govern this and
to keep it from breaking out upon great provocations, chiefly
if a force is put upon the elections of parliament men, which
strikes at all. And if there should be a comm[otion ^], or
if the violence of the Irish should create a disorder in that
island, the prince will be reduced to great difficulties; the
ties of nature will make it hard for him to head a rising
against his father-in-law ; but, on the other hand, if the king's
ill conduct throws the nation into such a violent fermentation,
" Cf. Hist. i. 734.
^ The significance of this passage iv,/'fl5s»M),with whoseimportantworlc
is discussed in the Life of Halifax, i. the author was unfortunately not ac-
492-4. The views there defended quainted. Klopp, iv.497-g, shows that
derive extraneous support from the the D'Estrees letters (Dalrymple, pt. i.
valuable authority of HerrOnno Klopp bk. i. App. pp. 122-30) are a forgery.
{Der Fall des Houses Siuart,vQ\ ' The MS. reads ' a commission.'
262 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1687
then a rebellion that prospers will turn to a commonwealth ;
and if it is subdued it will put all things in the king's hands.
So that the difficulties will be great on all hands ; for [where]
nature and honour, religion and interest, pull all different
ways it will not be easy to come to a resolution. A war at
home of any continuance will naturally bring over a French
army, in whose hands the king will put such places as are in
his power. And thus we are like to become a scene of blood
and horror again ; and the outrageous counsels of a few priests
about the king are like to bring England again to the very
brink of the precipice and very near its ruin. It is true there
is a report^, now generally believed to be true, which may
change the whole scene. It is said that the queen is with
child. This piece of news is so fit for their affairs at present
that this tempts many to doubt of it. Yet it seems to be
true ; and if [it] proves in conclusion such as they desire, it
will extremely feed the superstition of the party ; for (besides
the seasonableness of it [since] ^ it comes at a juncture in
which without this small hope their affairs were quite
desperate ') ' they give out that this conception was the
effect of a vow '^ the queen * made * to the Virgin ^ [/. 243 («)]
And indeed if the queen, that brought a great many children
in the freshness of her youth, when she came first over, which
were all so unhealthy that they died quickly, should now after
so much sickness, that has brought her so very low, bear
a healthy son, it would look on all hands as a very particular
stroke of providence that was almost a miracle. But the
history of the following years must determine this matter,
which I must now leave in the uncertainty in which it is at
present. But I go on to finish the present period of my history.
" Cf. Hist. i. 749.
^ This passage, being written on pt. 2, p. 72) ; and the Princess of
or before Dec. 26, 1687 (see infra), Orange had been informed of her step-
seems to have been recorded before mother's expectations before Nov. 29,
the proclamation of Dec. 23, 1687, O. S. (Strickland, Q. of Eng., ed.
ordering prayers for the queen's safe 1851-2, vi. 202).
delivery, reached Holland. The re- * The transcript reads ' sure.'
ports had circulated as early as Nov. " The transcript inserts ' and.'
14 (see Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. xv. ' The History says, ' her mother.'
1687] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 242 (6)-244 (a) 263:
\The English declaration of indulgence?^
Cf. Hist. i. 714 {from • In April ' /o ' concur with him in it ').
ylfier ' that limited this ' read ' for all time to come."
Om. 'as well as to . . . church party.'
I^or ' yet no limitation . . . suspension " read ' yet this was not only pretended
to be done only [sic] in the intervals of parliament.'
Om. ' And the promise . . . any such thing.'
[Addresses made upon il.]
Cf. Hist. i. 714-6 {to ' changed likewise ').
Begin 'Yet though this was a subverting the whole constitution of the
English government.'
[/ 243 (*)] -After ' dissenters' add ' to thank the king for the grace that was
contained in it.'
Om. 'being penned . . . gained.'
For ' on the clergy . . . proceedings' read 'on the church of England men.'
After ' favour ' add ' and oifered up their lives and fortunes to the king.'
For ' made the cruelty . . . discourse ' read ' broke with the church of England
in a most unmerciful manner.'
For ' to show favour . . . propositions to him ' read ' to do what he desired.'
For ' for as the persons . . . defame them ' read ' for whatsoever some violent
men might say, yet it was well known that the eminent men of the church of
England had made no such advances ; and this way of using them was thought
an extraordinary return for their past services.'
For ' But, to carry this further . . . themselves had been lately treated ' read
' Yet the design of this was clearly seen ; for the court thought to have engaged
the church of England men and dissenters into new contentions ; and they
knew that they must needs gain by that. But both sides were vriser upon this
Om. If. 244 (a)] ' that were gained by the court.'
For ' though it was visible . . . church ' read ' as if the chief hold by which
their establishment was preserved had been that promise, and as if a general
promise that was put in a declaration whose chief intent was to destroy the
church of England had been so much to be magnified.'
For ' But the bishop . . . with him in it ' read ' Yet when the bishop of
Oxford sent one to the university it was rejected there with much vigour,
only one person out of the whole body signing it ; and the reasons upon which
they refused to do it were so strong, that these addresses were not any more
encouraged by the clergy.'
For ' Some foolish men . . . peevishness ' read ' The foolish angry men that
were amongst [them'] were really vexed because they could not persecute
their brethren any more.'
For ' But the far greater part . . . remembered this ' read ' But the wiser and
better part began now to see what advantages their animosities had given the
papists ; and so they became much more moderate on those heads. If this
temper continues, so that all men grow convinced that the papists have all along
' Inserted ; qu. by the writer of f. 2I
264 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1687
fomented our differences for their own ends, this may have a very happy effect
on us in the next probable revolution '.'
For ' Now the bedchamber . . . dissenters " read ' But now the tables were
strangely turned at court, for the church of England men were extremely
decried' ; and om. 'and was venturing . . . account.'
After ' changed likewise ' add ' Upon which a new set of pamphlets came
cut ; yet all this went soon over.'
[A progress arranged^
Cf. Hist. i. 716 ('The king seeing no hope . . . counties') ; for which read
' But the main thing was the preparation of the nation for a new election of
parliament men, and in order to the softening of men's minds, the king resolved
on a progress through many of the western counties ; the queen's ill health
made it necessary for her to stay at The Bath.'
[Reception of the nuncio^
Cf. Hist. i. 716-7.
[/ 244 (6)] For ' laws were repealed ' read ' laws were ready to be repealed.'
For 'The duke of Somerset' read 'But of all the courtiers the duke of
Somerset was the only person that refused to assist in the ceremony. [He].'
For ' that no person could hear it ' read ' that I could not learn what the
substance of it was.'
[Tke king's progress y a supposed result of the Bath.l
Cf. Hist. i. 717 {from 'When this was over' to 'her course of bathing').
For ' to all sorts of people ' read ' unto them.'
For ' He ran out . . . conscience ' read ' and was always magnifying the
liberty that he had granted, and showed how much it was the interest of the
[/ 245 (a)] For ' at The Bath . . . bathing ' read 'and it is now given out, that
The Bath had so good an effect that upon their meeting she conceived.'
[A pamphlet war'.]
Cf Hist. i. 717 {from ' Many books ' to end of paragraph).
For ' Many books were now writ for ' read 'All [! At] this time all that intended
to merit at court were writing little books to persuade people to accept of the
proffer of a general ' ; and omit ' and since . . . tests gave.'
Om. ' It was never explained . . . word.'
Ont. ' ever since the Oxford parliament.'
After ' upon this ' add ' and the civilities that the king had shewed to those
of the commonwealth's party ' ; and om. ' sort of
For ' began to talk . . . nation ' read ' cherished the discourse, in order to the
gaining of that party.'
^ i. c. the political transformation vitality of the expected offspring, the
which must result from the princess's odds were still in favour of this con-
eventual accession. It must be remem- tingency.
bered, that since, even accepting the ^ See The Anatomy of an Equivalent,
report of the queen's pregnancy as by the Marquis of Halifax,
true, all depended on the sex and
1687] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 244 (a)-246 (6) 265
\Changes in the magistracy. ^
Cf. Hist. \. 718-9 {to ' reserved in the new charters').
Om. ' For great powers . . . severity and contempt.'
For ' threw off' read ' throws off.'
Om. ' which they did . . . upon the invitation.'
[/• 245 (6)] For ' dissenters ' read ' presbyterians.'
For ' put the decision . . . exception ' read ' took a very prudent method to
make those of [the] church of England concur with him ; for.'
For 'behaved himself. . . of him' read 'has hitherto behaved himself much
more prudently than could have been expected from so weak a man.'
Place next paragraph in present tense, and for ' These regulators ... in
another' read 'which were at first pretended to be put in them only to make
the corporation feel their dependence on the court, and not as if they had been
intended to be ever made use of (cf. p. 718).
^Electors questioned. \
Cf. Hist, i. 719 {to end of page in present tense').
Om. ' and freeholders.'
[/. 246 (rt)] Om. ' They said this was . . . engagement.'
For ' This, as all . . . themselves from it : for ' read ' So that the king finds
that this new and illegal way that he has taken of asking the minds of the
gentry beforehand has been so far from succeeding with them that.'
[Reflections on the foregoing^
For the present state of affairs is such that " the king must
either resolve on doing some very violent thing, either in forcing
elections, or in forcing the parliament when it meets, by his
soldiers ■*, as Cromwell did ; or if [after] all * the threatenings
that he lets fall every day that he [is] king and must be obeyed,
and that he will make those who will not consent to that feel
that he is their king '', he lets the whole matter fall and comes
to treat upon the overtures which the prince has made to him,
he will indeed sink much in the character of a hero, both at
home and abroad ; and will give credit to the insinuations of
those that do not love him, [/. 246 {b)\ who say that he is the
severest man in the world when danger is far off, but that
when it comes near him he is as much disturbed at it as other
men. It is true if he lets all his attempts upon the religion and
liberty of his people fall it will be a great happiness to them ;
for if once he lets it go he can never hope to return to it
again ; and, on the other hand, " he has run his ministers and
" Cf. Hist. i. 720. *• Ibid, infra. " Ibid, supra.
266 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1687
his party into so many illegal things that they are certainly
very uneasy till either he goes through stitch with his designs
and subdues the nation (that so they may be safe in their
crimes), or till he bring matters to an agreement (so that an
act of indemnity may be passed which may secure them for the
time to come", since the king's life and the doubtful prospect
of the queen's being with child are too uncertain tenures for
them to hold their safety by). But I am an historian to relate
what is past, and not a prophet to look into what is to come ;
therefore I must here break off and stay till time opens up all
that cloud that is at present over England ; and having con-
tinued this history now till the end of the year [i6]87, I give
over writing on St. Stephen's Day, new style [Dec. 26, 1687-
Jan. 5, 1688]. I have endeavoured all I could to watch over
myself and not to suffer the great concerns which I have for
the public or the particular injuries that are done myself to
sour my temper too much ; and as far as I can judge of my
[heart ?], I have writ with [the] equality and sincerity of
a faithful and unbiassed historian ; but it must be considered
that I am out of England, so that I now see things by other
men's eyes^.
\_Supplenient begun in Jan., i68f ; correspondence between
king and princess, 6^^:.]
Here I had put a stop to this work, but a transaction that
fell out this year being communicated to me in the beginning
of the next, seemed to me too important not to be set down,
and therefore I have resolved not to delay the inserting it to
the next time that I begin to write. But I do it now in the
beginning of January, 1688. [/. 247 («)] '' The king writ a letter
to the princess of Orange, bearing date the fourth of Novem-
ber, which yet was not delivered to her before the a4th of De-
» Cf. Hisl. i. 720. " Ibid.
' There is no break in the tran- first three months of 1688 ; see infra,
script. The following supplement and also f. 254 (6).
was written at intervals during the
1687] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 246 (^)-25i (a) 267
cember, that Mr. D'Albeville returning from England brought
it to her. »^The prince was pleased to send me both the letter
and the brouillon of the princess' answer, all writ with her own
hand »- I had but time to read them twice over, yet •> I have
carried the most considerable points of them so well in my
memory*" that I am very confident I shall give a very faithful
abstract of them, and that for a great part in the words of
the letters themselves^.
[^Abstract of the king's letier.1
Cf. Hist. i. 720-a {the verbal differences are trifling, though numerous).
[/• 247 (6)] For ' atheism ' read ' schism.'
\Reflections on the above.l
Cf. Hist. i. 722 {from ' It was easy for me' to ' greater length ').
[/ 248 (a)] After 'for I had' add 'upon many occasions.'
For ' was writ very decently and ' read ' how weak soever in the reasoning
[/. 248 (6)] After ' altered ' add ' so that her spirits [must] have been pretty
vifarm all the while that she writ it.'
{Abstract of the princess Mary's answer.]
Cf. Hist. i. 722-5 {numerous trifling verbal variations).
For ' for failing' read 'for forgetting the post day, and so failed''.'
[249 (a)] After 'professed it led ill lives' read 'Those were indeed a scandal
to it, but there were many ill men of all persuasions, though those who were
called reformed ought to shew it in their lives ^.'
[Abstract of the king's answer.]
Cf. Hist. i. 725.
[Burnet's reflections.]
Cf. Hist. i. 725-6.
[/. 250 (6)] For 'often and it' read 'so oft, that he might have conned it by
heart as a lesson which.'
[/ 251 (a)] For ' did let . . . th'at she ' read ' must needs put those who
" Cf. Hist. i. 722. ^ Ibid.
' French translations of these let- was written from memory. The order
ters, with that of a second from the of the arguments diifers a little ; in
princess, were published in 1880, a few cases Burnet has omitted or
from the Bentinck archives, at pp. misconstrued a point ; and he has
4-24 of the Lettres et Memoires de inadvertently admitted a reference to
Marie Reine d Angleterre. Burnet's the story of the nun, which he had
account (which as far as concerns the had from James himself, and to which
princess's letter was, so he tells us in no allusion is made in the letter,
the printed History, subsequently re- ^ Both of these additions are found
vised by her) is a very fair version, in the translation from the original,
especially regarding the fact that it
268 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1687
managed the popish designs on desperate counsels, since they found by the
letters that were sent on this occasion that they had to do with a princess that.'
[lyAlbeville's memorials concerning Bantam.]
Cf. Hist. i. 728 {from ' I begin ' to ' matter was let fall ').
For ' I begin the year . . . Hague. He ' read only ' D'AIbeville.'
Om. ' but nothing followed upon it.'
For ' with another . . . decently expressed ' read ' pretty high.'
[/ 251 (A)] Fo;' ' D'AIbeville after this gave in' read 'With this D'AIbeville
went away, and now he brought over.'
.After ' was conceived ' add ' and thus the king was made appear very con-
temptible ; [since] after so high a threatening he came to desire a treaty.'
For ' Yet in this . . . read it ' read only ' But in this the king has also mistaken
his measures.'
For ' When this memorial ... let fall ' read ' So this business sleeps still.'
\iyAlbevill£s memorials concerning Burnet.]
Cf. Hist. i. 728-31 {to ' fright me into some mean submission ').
After ' in a memorial ' add ' had, before he went over.'
[/. 252 (n)] After ' on the king' add ' but only, on my enemies.'
Om. ' and no person . . . persecute.'
After ' alive ' add ' But upon the first memorial I added that.'
For ' was charged with ' read ' have published.'
For ' two memorials ' read ' second memorial.'
For ' and three ' read ' [and] almost three.'
For ' I had lived . . . openly ' read ' I have lived a year [/. 252 (6)]' here in
the Hague in the sight of the king's envoys.'
Otn. ' and ordered a memorial . . . according to them.'
After ' subjects ' add ' and settlement in the country.'
After ' to my charge ' add ' according to the grounds of their law.'
For ' an affront to him ' read ' a breach of the treaty.'
[_/! 253 (fl) ] For ' and not according . . . lie ' read ' but not according to the sense
which may be used in any of the king's courts of justice ; for the lawyers of
one country are not bound to know the sense of those words that are in the
treaties, otherwise than as common use explains them. Therefore since.'
After ' from justice ' add ' the treaty must only [be] ' applied to such persons,
and is not to be explained by a trick of the law of Scotland, in which a man
that being cited does not appear is declared a fugitive and the king's rebel.'
After ' honour ' add ' for all this appears to be the effect of [unjust] ^ and
impotent passion '.'
After ' murder me ' add ' I do not believe all that has been writ to me upon
this head, [al]though * it has come from very good hands. '
Om. ' by accident ' and ' but not yet signed.'
After ' destroy me ' add ' which as he writes did so surprise him that he could
scarce believe his own eyes.'
Inserted ; qu. in hand of f. 2? leian autograph of the History; see
' The transcript reads ' a Jesuit.' Routh's Bumefs James II, p. 240, note.
This passage remains in the Bod- ' The transcript reads 'and though.'
1687-8] Harl. MSS. 6584, # 251 (a)-253 (b) 269
for ' afBrmed ' read ' in his letter.'
for ' had heard ... to convey the notice of it to me ' read only ' told the same
thing to one^'
After ' send the notice to me ' insert ' [an intimation was also sent me by the
chancellor of England] that has made some more impressions upon me ^.'
for 'in a private way ... his hands' read only 'now.'
for ' than he had done . . . send it to me, for he concluded ' read ' since the
States had given me their protection. [/. 253 (4)] The king seemed angry that
he answered so, which made a friend of mine ', to whom the chancellor told the
design to have it conveyed to me, conclude.'
[E^ec/i upon Burnet himselfi\
a But I thank God this has given me no sort of disorder ; it
has obliged me to use a little more than ordinary caution^ and
that is all the effect it has had. I offer myself up to God, and
am very willing to resign up my life to him ", if he suffers me
to fall into the hands of mine enemies. I have writ a paper
which I have ordered to be published as my dying words*,
and have settled all things that relate to me as if I f[eare]d ^
present death ; but (with all this) I must add this to the praise
of true Christianity and of philosophy, that ^ I never possessed
myself during my whole life in a more pleasant and clearer
cheerfulness of spirit *" than I do at present ^.
[Publication of FageVs letter j consequent recall of the
six regiments^
Cf. Hist. i. 734-5 {from 'What he wrote' to 'persons in the States' pay').
for ' What he wrote . . . industry ' read ' The letter that Mr. Fagel had writ
lay dead as a secret for some months, but the court of England spread a report
over the nation.'
Otii. ' This was writ . . . Hague.'
After ' prince ' add' and princess ' ; and for ' gave orders ' read ' gave secret
^ Cf. Hist. i. 731. " Ibid.
^ Thus the sentence in the original between ' very good hands ' and ' a
does not convey the impression that [gentlejman of an unblemished repu-
Prince George sent the message ; nor tation.' The present arrangement
is this asserted in the letter (Life in seems preferable.
Hist. ii. 695). As however the allu- 'BythesewordshesignifiesKirk;see
sion to the letter does not occur History in loco, and cf. with Hist. i. 647.
in this sentence as eventually revised, * This paper, which is missing, is
Captain Baxter may have asserted this mentioned in a subsequent paper print-
subsequently, ed infra, as Appendix III.
' The transcriber places that part of ' The transcript reads ' found.'
the sentence here printed in brackets " See Macaulay,ed. 1858,11. 505, note.
270 Burners Original Memoirs [1688
For ' saw themselves safe . . . them ' read ' were now taken out of the hands
of the court.'
For ' lay-papists seemed ' read ' moderate papists were ' ; for ' with it ' read
' with the proposition that was made on their behalf ; and omit ' though a free-
dom . . . appearance.'
[7C 254 («)] After ' foreign ministers ' add ' Some of the ill-natured priests
took hold of this, to drive on the king to some extreme measures ; but the
expectation of the queen's big belly put a stop to all these ; since it was said
by those who offered softer counsels ' that if the queen bore a son, the greater
part of the nation would, upon that change of the prospect of succession, change
their measures ; and this is the chief argument now made use of, to divert all
violent propositions.'
For ' and resolved , . . deep it was ' read ' Yet one thing followed upon it, In
which the king hearkened more to his passion than to his reason.'
After ' lend them to him ' add ' which was presently done.'
0>n. 'were so jealous of the king and.'
For ' the prince ... in obtaining ' read ' the interest that the prince had in
that matter made him not without some difficulty obtain.'
Om. 'There was no distinction . . . armies: so'; and for 'in those' read
' in command among the.'
For ' England . . . among them ' read ' though upon the breaking of that;
rebelHon he sent them back, yet many of them were so much wrought on that
factions were formed in most of the regiments between the popish and the pro-
testant officers.'
For 'prince, who' read 'prince; who, as he'; and for 'between the king
and him . . . command ' read ' so he found the inconveniency of their being so
much divided and of the many creatures that the king had among them.'
[/. 254 (6)] For ' The States pretended . . . part with them ' read only ' would
not part with the regiments.'
[Situation March 15, 1688; Stcpplement concludes?^
"^ In England the discourse of a parliament is taken up and
let fall so often that it is not easy to know in what all those
fluctuating counsels will end ^ The Jesuits hope to get a car-
dinal's hat for F. Petre, and when that is done it is believed
that he will be made ''the chief minister. The king has refused
accommodating the difference that is between the pope and
the king of France, upon this reason, because the pope has
refused to gratify him in that promotion ; so that if the pope
finds himself pressed by the king of France, then he will be
forced to fly to the mediation of England, which will serve to
advance F. Petre, and this will very probably precipitate our
■^ Cf. Hist. i. 735. f lUd. 735-6.
' The advice is that of Sunderland.
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 253 {by^z^e {a) 271
affairs extremely, for he is a weak but passionate and hot-
headed man, who is both hardy and indiscreet and has all the
ill qualities that are requisite to make him the incendiary of
those kingdoms, and to drive both the king and his party to
their ruin ". And with this I end for this time, on the 15th of
March, 1688 1.
[Burnet resumes his pen, Sept., 1688.]
I do again sit down to carry on this work, since the im-
portance of [the] expedition that is now upon the point of
breaking out requires it ; and since I myself am to go in it, I
thought it fit to carry on this history to the end of September,
in which I am writing it. [/. 255 («)] The affairs of Eng-
land went on till the end of April without any considerable
yrhe second declaration of indulgence !\
Cf. Hist. i. 736-8 {to ' proved in conclusion that they were ').
Om. ' as if none were intended . . . ripe.'
Offt. 'saw that the king . . . uneasy to them. They.'
For 'They began to apprehend' fo end of paragraph read only 'As long as
the king vsras entertained with hopes of carrying his point in a parliamentary
way, it was not possible to push him on to extravagancies ; therefore they had
a mind to see the end of all those expectations, that in case they failed in them,
they might take new measures.'
Om. ' And now it appeared . . . parliament '.'
Om. 'And they were at first . . . London.'
For ' that was not strong . . . breach ' read only ' since.'
For 'So it was proposed ... by making' read 'And this made many at first
[/ 255 (*)] to obey it, adding.'
Om. ' that they were bound . . . sent to them ' ; and ' and they could not
see . . . not now ' ; and ' The point at present . . . expedient thing.'
Om. 'which the king . . . assume' and 'ani the making it . . . administration.'
Om. ' and nothing they could do . . . interests ' and ' it was therefore fit . . .
After ' prevailed ' add ' with the most eminent of the clergy.'
Om. ' if any considerable . . . refuse to obey.'
[/ 256 (a)] For 'The court depended upon this' read 'And it is certain that
the court depended upon this and reckoned.'
After ' managed ' read ' with so much prudence and.'
» Cf. Hist. i. 736.
1 The transcript has no break ; and " Here again, as the reader will
places the full stop after 'for this time' J observe, an insinuation against San-
running ' 1688 ' on to ' I do again.' croft was subsequently inserted.
272 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
[The bishops petition the king; their trial.]
Cf. Hist. i. 738-40 ; 40-44 {to ' as if it had been a victory obtained ').
For ' eighteen ' read ' most ' ; and for ' concurred ' read ' concurred with him.'
For ' and was a matter . . . must amount to ' read only ' they could not concur
in any act relating to that.'
For ' by his spies . . . secret and cautious ' read only ' with other hopes.'
Om. 'And they came . . . temper of the nation.'
Om. < Lobb.'
[/. 256 (6)] After ' before the second ' add ' and so gave but a half obedience.'
On p. 740 omit entirely from ' The king did what he could ' to ' college their
president ' {near end of page), beginning again ' Thus the sense of the nation.'
For 'of father Petre . . . party' readonly 'of the priests.'
Om, 'for it was then printed ' and 'that must have been done . . . shewed it.'
[/ 257 (a)] After ' city ' add ' and country.'
Om. 'and with loud shouts . . . preservation.'
For ' pretended delivery ' read only ' delivery.'
For 'and it was given . . . vehemently' read only 'which was much pressed
by the more moderate papists.'
Om. ' upon a habeas corpus.'
Om. ' St. Peter's ... or not '.'
Om. 'and people . . . went out.'
After ' solemn ' add ' for there was not only an incredible crowd about West-
minster Hall and on the river, but.'
For ' All the streets ... at night' read ' And there appeared a most excessive
joy upon their being set at liberty, and many bonefires were made upon it, both
in London and all England over.'
After ' trial came ' add ' which was the 29th of June.'
Om. ' Westminster Hall . . . affected with the matter.'
Om. ' The trial came on . . . their being the king's counsel.'
[/• 257 (*)] Om. ' though it did not appear . . . confession.'
Om. ' in which . . . satisfied.'
For ' that this petition was a libel, tending ' read ' that by this petition they
had questioned the king's power ; [this tended].'
After ' answered ' add ' [by] their counsel.'
After ' those matters :' insert ' they also shewed from the journals of parliament
For ' so they thought they had a right ' read ' and therefore, since these things
were so well known to them, they had all reason.'
After ' reflect on the dispensing power ' add ' as that which struck at the root
of the whole government.'
Om. 'and the late king's . . . time.'
Om. ' that a paper . . . libel.'
After ' parliament ' insert ' Sawyer and Finch (being the king's attorney and
solicitor very lately) were now for the bishops ; and Williams (that had been
Speaker) was now gained to the court, who took great advantages against the
' See Routh's note, Burnet's fames JI, p. 265.
1688] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 256 (a)-258 {b) 273
iDthers, to let them see how their present pleadings contradicted their former
actions ' (cf. Hist. \. 742).
[/ 258 (a)] For ' that the witnesses . . . passage ' read ' that Sunderland ', being
sent for as a witness against them, was not only treated with much scorn, but
was believed to be in danger of his life by a tumult ; but he escaped another
Om. ' and that it was no libel.'
For ' [chief justice] Wright' . . . proved' read ' Allihone, a professed papist,
thought it was otherwise ; so did the chief justice ; yet in his charge to the jury
he represented the matter of fact fairly, and did not think the publication was
For ' The jury . . . when they were ' read only ' The jury being.'
For ' but it was thought . . . morning ' read ' but ' they resolved to continue
shut up till next morning, that so they might give their verdict to the court
[with more solemnity and gravity ?] ' ; since that there was a danger of suffering
any of their number to be practised upon if they had done it sooner ; and if any
juror had denied that he had agreed in the verdict, all must begin anew.'
Om. ' so long continued . . . city.'
[Further proceedings. 1
Cf. Hist. i. 744 {from 'And so fatally' to p. 745, 'never sat any more').
Om. ' which they hoped . . . venture on.'
After ' order of council ' add ' but this was likewise disobeyed,'
Om, ' were now so much animated . . . trial, that they.'
Om. ' but had always voted . . . side.'
[/. 258 (6)] For ' This stopped . . . stand ' read ' This gave the king a new dis-
Om. ' and they never sat any more.'
[Burnefs reflections. \
Thus the king has been prevailed on to put the whole king-
dom in a flame, and that for a point in which (if he had been
successful) he could have gained nothing by it ; for the clergy
obeying might have rendered themselves very odious to the
nation, but would not at all have advantaged his design;
whereas, on the other hand, his failing in it has both given
the alarm to the whole clergy and has animated the whole
nation against him beyond anything that could have been
[i]ma[gin]ed^ ; nor could it have been thought that anything
' The reader will note that Sunder- ^ The transcript here inserts a super-
land's appearance at the trial is sup- fluous ' that.'
pressed in the final version. '' The transcriber seems to have
» See Routh's Burnefs fames II, omitted words to this effect.
268 note. ° The transcript has ' managed.'
FOxcRorr ■*■
274 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
was wanting to cany the discontent of the nation further ;
but the address of Jesuits has a depth beyond all ordinary
measures ^-
[^Tke gtieen's delivery^.]
Cf. Hist. i. 748 ; 749-50 ; 750-2 {to ' base imposture now put on the nation ').
For ' I must now look back . . . afterwards ' read ' I have already named the
queen's delivery ; but it is too important a piece of history to be passed over
slightly ; therefore since there has been no small pains taken to gather together
all the circumstances of that whole matter which have been communicated to
me, I will give them with [the] copiousness that such a thing, that is like to
produce such consequences, deserves.'
For ' that every winter . . , having any children ' read ' and every winter was
brought so low, that all people who wished her to live (since all apprehensions
of any more children by her seemed gone) were extreme [/. 259 (a)] appre-
hensive of her ; and some thought that even the priests were weary of her, and
were contriving to get rid of her ; she had great and frequent loosenesses, and
it is said she was extremely weakened by that [form] of women's disease called
fluor albus, so that it was universally taken for granted in all lands [?on all
hands] ' that no more children were to be expected from her, or at least if
they [she]^ had any they could not be healthy, since all those she had in her
youth had languished and died soon after they were born.'
Om. herefrom 'Her spirits were now much on the fret' to p. 749, 'all was
forgiven him ' (for Berwick, see supra, p. 225).
After 'bathing' add 'while the king went his progress.'
For ' She came to Windsor . . . October. It was said ' read ' and [she] met
the king at Windsor the sixth of October. Upon their meeting they were pre-
sently shut up for some considerable time alone, and it happening ' ; and after
' son ' om. ' And.'
For ' A conception . . . suspicious ' read ' The conception was attributed by
naturalists to the virtue of The Bath; but by the bigots to the Virgin's inter-
Before ' She was not dressed ' add ' for many months.'
For ' Prince George . . . acquiesced ' it is merely intimated that no demonstration
was given, either to the princess Anne or to 'the other protestant ladies that [were]
beyond suspicion' (^for which see infra, p. 296) .
Ont. frorn ' How [just] soever this might be ' to p. 750, ' held on her course.'
For ' Lower, one of her physicians . . . upon them to advise it ' read only
[/. 259 (6)] ' but the king's vehemence carried the point ' {see however infra,
pp. 396-7, _/br the physicians' reports').
After ' May ' add ' reckoning that she would be back again many days before
the queen's time.'
' The allusion may be to the sup- the sitting of the English Privy
posed imposture ; since in the tran- Council, before which the king pro-
script there is no break between this duced the proofs of his son's birth,
and the following sentence. ' The first reading is that of the
^ The reader will observe that such transcript ; the second that of a cor-
particulars as are contained in this rector (qu. the writer of f. 2 ?).
section were all recorded previous to
1688] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. 258 (6)-26o (b) 275
After 'given ' add ' and all possible endeavours were used.'
Afier ' ready ' add 'while this was doing.'
Om. after ' Bath water ' the word ' either,' and after ' agree with the princess '
o«i. 'or the advisers ... it did not' ; andfor^ and that therefore' read 'and so
writ to court that.'
For ' to St. James's . . . good hour ' read ' that night, it being Saturday, the
ninth of June, and lie at St. James's.'
Om. 'from Whitehall' and 'and she always went that way'; and for 'by
Charing Cross . . . Pall IVIall ' read ' through the streets.'
After • to the king ' add ' to Whitehall.'
For ' no women were ' read ' no women were at first ' ; and for ' two dressers '
read ' two of the queen dowager's.'
After 'Arran' add 'her son-in-law.'
Om. 'for it happened . . . tenth of June.'
' [/. 260 (a)] For ' so here was . . . filled ' read ' so some have suspected that
a child was perhaps brought in it.'
For ' with the child . . . else ' read only ' with somewhat.'
Om. ' Chamberlain . . . could not find that any had it' (but see infra, p. 296).
For ' still in the dark ' read ' with the same mysteriousness that had been
observed in the whole progress of this matter.'
For ' This made all . . . nation ' read ' so that upon the first notice that was
given of this birth all people began to doubt of the truth of it and to suspect an
Om.from 'That still increased' to p. 753, 'another child was found.'
[Health of the cMld.^
'^ The child was strong and vigorous, and did not look like
a new-born child, as some that saw it [within] ^ two days have
assured me *. On the Tuesday it was given out that the child
was dying ; and often since that time it has been said by the
papists all about the town "^ that he had convulsion fits and
could not live ''- It was also resolved at first to breed him up
by the hand without giving him suck ; but about two months
after a nurse was given him, and since that time " he thrives
very well ; but there has been so great a secret made of all
things that even those fits [/. 26c (d)] are looked on by some
as a part of the court's device to make the child pass the better
for the queen's, since he has so ill health ; and it hath been
observed that none of his fits came upon him when the princess
was at court, whose quality was such that they could not deny
her admittance ; and in these fits all others are denied access ",
» Cf. Hist. i. 753. " Ibid. " Ibid.
1 A word is omitted ; and a later hand supplied ' in.
T a
276 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
so it is doubtful whether anything of all this is to be believed
or not. * Thus I have related all the particulars of this matter,
which came from such hands that I have good reason to be-
lieve them all true ^ ; but I do not enter into the various
reports which have been made *, some naming both father and
mother of the child, some thinking that it was a child of
the king's by one of the maids of honour, while others have
said that the first child died and that a second was put in his
room ^ ; but I only name the reports without giving any credit
to them, for when there is such an occasion given to discourse
in a matter of such consequence, stories will always be made
to supply all defects.
[Reflections on the event.]
Cf. Hist. i. 754 (from ' What truth soever ' to end of paragraph).
After ' in some places ' add ' but all that outward show of joy was far short of
that [which] appeared a few days after upon the enlargement and acquitting
of the bishops ' ; and for ' and ' read ' yet. '
\Reception of the news by the prince and princess '.]
Cf. Hist. i. 754.
[/ 261 (n)] Om. 'Upon this occasion . . . condition she was then in'
(cf. supra, p. 195).
For ' The advertisements . . . prince upon which ' read only ' but upon the
advertisements that were afterwards conveyed to them.'
After ' rupture' add 'before he was ready for it.'
[The prince designs an expedition.]
Cf. Hist. i. 754-5 {fo ' to make war on them ').
For ' The prince set himself . . . fixed in his purpose ' read ' And at this
time he entereth [? entered] into this great design, which is now so near its
» Cf. Hist. i. 753-4.
1 By this he probably indicates the absolutely certain that Mary, greatly
reports sent by the Princess Anne preoccupied by a sense of the political
to her sister, given in Dalrymple's import of the event and of the strong
Memoirs ; see Hist, in loco. politico-ecclesiastical motives which
^ e. g. histories of Hemmings and might have induced the king to coun-
Lady Clarendon (not given in the tenance an imposture, was completely
original memoirs, but subsequently convinced by the various suspicious
obtained from Lloyd ; see Hist. ii. circumstances attending the birth, and
752-3, and Routh's note to Burnefs by the report of her sister, who was
James U, p. 293). no doubt at the time a blind and
^ See Dr. Routh's note, Burnefs passive tool of Lady Churchill's am-
James H, p. 295 ; and Mary's own bition, that a fraud had been practised.
Lcttres et Me'moires, pp. 72-6. It is
16881 Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 260 ((^)-26i {b^ 277
For ' And if this heat . . . heart ' read ' and that though all men had hitherto
stuck together and stood firm, yet if the prince did not now show himself, the
nation would lose heart ; and many of those who considered religion very little
would [tr]eat ' for themselves ' (cf. Hist. i. 746).
For ' It was also visible . . . well affected ' read ' It was also manifest that the
king could not at all depend upon his army ; for [though] they were a company
of very vicious and dissolute men, and had as it were been let loose to all sorts
of disorders, and not only covered from justice [for] the crimes which they were
everywhere committing, but even encouraged in them (it being hoped that as
those disorders rendered them odious to the country, so they would come to hate
the nation, and become the instruments of enslaving it) ; yet for all [that], they
were zealous protestants, though bad Englishmen, and worse Christians ' (cf
ibid. i. 746).
For 'The king . . . visibly ' read ' and were much concerned at the imprison-
ment of the bishops, and grew so disorderly ' ; and for ' quarters ' read [/ 261 (i)]
'winter quarters.'
Om. ' and it was believed . . . mind.'
i^o;- 'on pretence . . . resolved' read 'so this obliged the king.'
For ' such offices . . . war ' read ' other offices aboard.'
For ' upon a slight pretence ' read ' upon the pretence of some indiscretion.'
For ' when some gained ' to end of paragraph, read only ' and the having
a quarrel with the Dutch.'
{Motives for hasie^
This being the state of the king's force both by sea and
land, it was thought that [if] a vigorous impression could be
made this year [it] would carry all before it ; but if the king
had another year given him he would apply himself to model
both his army and fleet, " and perhaps he might by some deceit-
ful promises lay the fears of the nation asleep \ Therefore it
seemed necessary to set about it this year. Some of the
bishops also sent the prince their opinion that they thought he
had a just cause of making a war on the king, in which opinion
I likewise was ; for it was plain that the king was now settling
about the total subversion of the government. There was
a committee appointed for regulating the corporations, who
were putting in and turning out every day as they found men
compliant or obstinate, and who were resolved to change on
tin they could find such a number of men for the magistracy
that would be sure to choose according to their directions.
» Cf. Hist. i. 756.
• The transcript has ' heaf corrected (qu. in the same hand as f. 2!) to 'shift.'
278 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
Many emissaries were sent over England to persuade all
people of the sincerity of the king's intentions, and that it was
the interest of the [/. 262 {aj] nation to comply with him in
his designs for abolishing the tests and penal laws ; but these,
though they were all dissenters, were men of no figure, and
the little which any of them had formerly was quite lost
by this employment. ''The judges, when they went the cir-
cuits, met with eminent [ma]rks [of contempt] ^ everywhere ;
and they saw that the presentments of grand juries and the
verdict of other juries were no more at their disposals All
things concurred to determine the prince to resolve on an
expedition, in which hitherto all things have been successful.
No wonder if he who believes an absolute predestination is
much wrought on by them ; for though I have no belief of that,
I cannot hinder my[self ] ^ from being struck with the success
of so many happy steps in the whole matter.
[Death of the elector of Brandenburg j his character^
Cf. Hist. i. 746 (/j-om ' He was then ill ' to p. 748, ' recommended to them
the concerns of the protestant religion ').
For ' He was then ill ... at Cleve ' read ' In May ^ the old elector of Bran-
denburg died, whom I had the honour to see for a great many days when he
[was] last at Cleve.'
For ' his interest ' read ' the sense of his judgement.'
For ' He was . . . religion ' read ' He was a very religious man, and had a
great zeal for all the concerns of the protestant religion ; which, upon the
occasion of the persecution of France, he expressed with all [the] nobleness
and bounty that became so great a prince' (cf. ibid, infra).
For ' His own life . . . blemishes ' read ' He was a man of great personal
virtues, and free of all those disorders [/. 262 (6)] that are too ordinary in princes ;
and if in his youth he went into the German custom of drinking, yet the
gout had obliged him to be temperate.'
For 'He tried all . . . reconciling' read 'He had a very ill opinion of the
Lutherans as an ill-natured sort of people ; yet he was much set on reconciling
the difference between the Calvinists and them ; and he disliked extremely the
rigidity of the divines of Holland, and of the divines [? synod] of Dort [on the
points of predestination and grace !] ; for he told me the reconciling of the two
parties struck [? stuck] only at those points ; therefore.'
» Cf. Hist. i. 756.
' The transcript reads ' such eminent ^ April 30
works everywhere.' Maylco ' Routh's note from
■■' The transcript reads ' my life.' Ra,ph_ Hist, in loco.
1688] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 261 (6)-264 (a) 279
For ' He had a . . . taxes' read only ' He affected much greatness in his court,
and it was indeed a very splendid one,'
Om, ' in all lesser . . . greater.'
For ' that the electoral . . . depend ' read only ' never to dismember any of
his dominions from his family ; having observed how both the house of Saxe
and palatine were sunk by those divisions.'
For ' And the elector having , . . great a prince ' {see supra) read only ' for
wh[ich]^ his honour was oft sacrificed ; for it was believed that she received
great presents from France. And to this all the ill steps that he made in his
last years ought to be ascribed ; yet it was no easy thing to soften him with
relation to that court after they had set on the persecution.'
Om, ' and infirmities . . . gout.'
For ' had so disjointed his court ' read ' put such a stop to the elector's good
Far ' Death . . . looked for ' read ' He had long been gouty, and at last a
dropsy came which carried him off' (cf. Hist. i. 747).
For ' to them ' read ' to his son,' and om. ' then in such universal danger.'
[Character of the new electori\
[He] upon his death began his government in such a
manner as made all people consider him as one that was not
like to make so great a figure in the affairs of Europe as his
father. He is a prince of great piety and virtue, and free of
all blemishes of all sorts ^ [/. 264 («)] His ministers govern
him much, particularly ^Dankleman, who is like to have the
greatest share of his favour and confidence, and will probably
bring all the rest into a dependence upon him. He is zealous
for the common concerns of religion and the liberty of Europe,
and will probably make as good a minister as can be expected
in a favourite. " As the elector is the prince of Orange's cousin-
germane'' by his mother and is heir by provision if he has no
children, so he not only " has a particular friendship for him •=,
but he agrees with him in the same notions and designs.
[ The pri7ice consults the new elector; conduct of the
German princes?^
Cf. Hist. i. 757 {from 'Upon the elector' to end of paragraph).
For ' He offered ' read ' for in general the prince said, upon Bentinck's
return, that he offered.'
" Cf. Hist. i. 748. ^ ibid, supra. ' Ibid.
> The transcript reads ' while.' p. 130. The transcript continues un-
2 Here breaks off abruptly the per- broken on f. 264 (a) (beginning of
tion described by Dr. Gifford as No. 7, No. 8 in Dr. Gifford's arrangement)
on f. 262 {b) ; for f. 263 see supra, in a fresh hand.
28o Burnefs Original Memoirs [i68S
For 'an army. . . all occasions' read only '13,000 with him, he laid down
a method for procuring the same number of men from the elector and some
German princes ; who were the landgrave of Hesse and the dukes of Lunen-
burg-Zell, and the Wolfenbuttel.'
For the whoU of the next paragraph {relating to Burnefs message to the court
of Hanover) read only ' Only Hanover, though the most concerned by his near-
ness to the crown of England, excused himself.'
The affairs of Cologne.
Cf. Hist. i. 758 to end of 161. (There are a number of slight variations between
the accounts, principally due to corrections or amplifications of statements in-
serted in the later version, but only the following need be noticed.)
For 'but while . . . management' read 'but while the prince was designing
After ' Hildesheim ' insert ' [though] neither the revenue nor the importance
of it are such as to be named with the other three.'
Ont. ' much set . . . philosopher's stone.'
[f. 264 (i)] After 'elector died ' add ' which fell out this year in June.'
Om. ' which the French had forced . . . bishopric'
\J. 265 (a)] For ' so he was fixed to his interests ' read ' so he could not accept
of that proposition, which probably would have taken away all occasion of
After ' this matter ' add ' (though foreign to the affairs of England) both.'
For ' and it had . . . inconsiderable beginnings ' read ' and because.'
For 'it was necessary . . . France' read ' therefore it was of the greatest im-
portance for the States to bestir themselves vigorously on this occasion.'
Character of admiral Herbert.
[/. 265 {b)'] While those preparations were carried on ^ad-
miral Herbert came over out of England'^ ; and since he is like
to bear a very considerable share in this undertaking, I shall
here give [his] ' stoiy. His father was lord keeper ^, and had
followed the late king in his exile ; so he was bred in Holland.
He went very young into the fleet, and has * served long in it
with a high reputation'' both for his valour and his conduct,
and has escaped such extraordinary dangers that one would
think him preserved for some great ends. Once a cannon
ball passed between his legs, and another time between his
thighs, but if the first did him no hurt the second was thought
mortal, yet it only carried off all the flesh between his thighs,
so that he escaped after a long and painful cure. " He had
attached himself to the king when he was duke of York, so
" Cf. Hist. i. 762. !> Ibid. 671. c Ibid.
* The transcript reads ' this story.'
" (To the exiled court) from April 6, 1653, to June, 1654.
i688] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 264 (a)-266 {a) 281
that no man stuck more firmly to him "• when the nation run
so violently upon the exclusion ; and was much considered
by the king, who made him rear admiral of England, and
gave him several other good employments ; and it was chiefly
upon his interest that his brother was promoted to be lord
chief justice. He was indeed ill-shaped to be a courtier, for
he valued himself upon his merit and services, and so he took
no great care in courting the ministers or indeed of courting
the king himself; for as ^ he is naturally very haughty '', so it was
not easy for him to see others more considered than himself.
But, as he stuck to the king when he thought the nation was
pushing at him unjustly, so, as soon as he began to see that the
king was going off from the promises that he had made, he
grew sullen, and was highly offended at his brother for the
judgement he gave in favour of the dispensing power ; and
being a man that scorns to dissemble his thoughts, it came to
the king's ears that he would not concur in the design of
repealing of the test, at the time when the king was examining
all the members of parliament in the beginning of [i 6]86 ; <= and
when the king questioned him upon it he very frankly owned
to him that he could not do it ". The king seemed surprised,
both at his answer and at the readiness of giving it ; for he
neither asked him to think on it nor did he put him off with
general words. Herbert alleged among other things that ^ he
could not in conscience do it ; at which the king laughed, for
in the point of pleasure he has been much a libertine. So the
king told him that his course of life did not look like a man
of a very strict conscience ; upon which he answered that he
could charge himself with nothing but that of which many
were as guilty as he was ''- The conversation ended very sourly,
and next day he was turned out of all; upon which he
■ withdrew with a greatness of mind that deserves so much the
higher commendations, because [/. a66 («)] it set an example
to many others to stand firm. He pressed after that ®the
clearing his accounts with the king, in all which he was used
not only very hardly but very unjustly ; and when those were
» Cf. Hist. i. 671. " Ibid. 762. " Ibid. 671. ^ Ibid. " Ibid. 762.
282 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1688
ended he came out of England in the beginning of July and
the prince received him very kindly. He is too much a slave
to pleasure, and too barefaced in owning it.
The prince his design breaks out.
Cf. Hist. i. 766 {from ' Matters went on in Holland ' io p. 767, ' appeared in
everything ').
For ' many arms ' read ' some thousands of arms and saddles.'
After ' suspicion ' insert ' It was indeed strange to see a secret of this nature,
which must be put in several hands, notwithstanding all the precautions that
could poEsibl[y] be used, so well kept, that, till the preparations themselves
discovered a design in general, nothing was found.'
for ' D'Avaux . . . hand ' read only ' which the king presently published.'
Om. ' shewed . . . fears ; for he.'
Om. ' He recalled ... at all hazards.'
For ' The seamen . . . slowly ' read ' No seamen came in, at least very few
that were expert,' and for ' in everything ' read ' in all his people.'
Tke king saw the backwardness of the army to all mixtures
of Irish among them.
Cf. Hist. i. 767-8.
For ' A new . . . Irish one ' read ' He met with a great mortification from
the oiBcers of the duke of Berwick's regiment ; for he intended to model his
army and to bring in insensibly a number of Irish into every company ; and
when that had passed, it was believed that he intended to bring French papists
next. So.'
Om. 'which being already . . . everything.'
[/. 266 (i)] After ' council of war, where ' read ' all that was done against
them was that.'
For from ' that as no more attempts were ' to p. 768, ' died soon after,' read
only ' that it was believed they diverted the king from all thoughts of bringing
over a French army ; for there had been a discourse, formerly, of hiring an
hundred ships, which plainly imported the design of transporting an army ; but
that was now let fall, since the king saw that if he went about any such thing
he would be forsaken of all the English.'
The French and English ministers give in memorials
at th£ Hagice.
Cf. Hist. i. 768 (from ' D'Albeville came over ' to p. 769, ' weaken that proof).
For ' fully persuaded that the Dutch . . . laughed at ' read ' to England and
seemed fully persuaded that the Dutch had no designs upon England. But by
the advertisements that were sent by the French ambassador, the court began
to apprehend somewhat ; so.'
For 'who was disowned . . . weaken that proof read 'who, as it is given
out, will be disgraced upon it ; though it is visible that (how foolish soever he
has been in procuring orders to be sent to the French ambassador at the
Hague for owning this matter), yet it is certain that the alliance is really made
between the two crowns : otherwise no instances that he could have made
could have engaged that court to have published it.'
1688] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 266 (a)-268 {b) 283
[Strange- conduct of the French court,]
Cf. Hisl. i. 769-70 (from ' The conduct ' to end of paragraph).
After ' in France' add ' pretending that this was necessary for encouraging
the manufacture of France.'
For 'cured with French salt' read 'carried with French ships' {probably
a cleiical error).
[/■ 267 (a)] After ' manufacture ' add ' at Leyden.'
For ' great bodies . . . wars ' read ' what by the aversion the States naturally
have to all wars'; and for 'but the height . . . fear it' read 'what by the
instruments that France has everywhere to have put a stop to all the prince's
After ' the rest ' add ' But the prohibition of the French commodities stuck
a little ; [for].'
For 'This . . . amuse' read 'by which means neither the empire nor the
States should have any reason to be afraid of the French, by reason of the
cardinal's being confirmed elector.'
The king of France declares war, both to the emperor
and to the pope.
Cf. Hist. i. 770-4 (to ' practicable and safe ').
, [/. 267 (A)] On p. 771, after 'turned into a peace,' add 'provided that those
forts which he had built for the security of his subjects might be included in it.'
( This clause appears in Routh^s Burnet's James II, in loco.)
Om. ' I have given . . . just one or not.'
On p. 772 om. 'which was like to prove fatal . . . begin a war on his
[/ a68 (a)] On p. 773 for ' This was the first public . . . birth ' read ' This
last was an odd step, for this was the first paper that appeared by authority
in which that birth was said to be questioned.'
[f. 268 (6)] After ' prince Clement ' add ' upon great occasions, especially in
favour of sovereign princes.'
On p. 774, after ' alarm the States,' add ' and all the fears that some had of
a catholic league being made up between France, Spain, and the house of
Austria in opposition to the protestant interest were now at an end.'
\Schomberg .sent to Cleve.]
Cf. Hist. i. 774.
For ' Marshal Schomberg . . . denied him ' read ' The marshal de Schom-
berg had been received by the old elector of Brandenburg in a most obliging
manner ; he refused to turn when the persecution was begun in France ; upon
After ' of popery ' add ' and so ungrateful.'
Om. ' being invited . . . Brandenburg.'
For ' By these means . . . England ' read only ' So that the States run no
danger this winter.'
Om.from ' The seas were then ' to end of paragraph.
284 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
[Henry] Sidney's character.
"A great many persons of quality had come over to him, and
both in their own names and in the names of many others
they had pressed him to undertake it. But he that was trusted
with most of those messages [/. 369 (a)] was Henry Sidney,
youngest brother to the earl of Leicester and to Algernon
Sidney. He was a graceful man, and coming in very young
into the court he had passed through many adventures in it *
with all the advantages that lewd youth could desire ; '' some
of those were very public ^ but of too great consequence to be
mentioned by me. He had in him all that could recommend
one in a court, for " he had a sweetness in his temper and was
the furthest from doing mischiefs to any ", and the readiest to
do good to all of any man of his age ; but he had another
quality very seldom to be found in courtiers, for he was a man
of great truth and candour. '' He was sent over as envoy to
Holland in [i6]79, whence he entered into particular con-
fidences with the prince, [so] that he has been ever since entirely
both in his interests and his favour ; and this being generally
understood all England over, as it has exposed him to a very
particular jealousy from the court, so all those who desired to
signify their affection to the prince have centered on him and
everything of that kind has passed through his hands ^. He
will probably be in high favour, and he has all the qualities in
him that are to be wished for in a man of that post ; for he is
neither imperious nor insolent, revengeful nor covetous. He
has a true judgement in affairs, and all his inclinations are
noble. He maybe too easy to those he loves and trusts, and
too much carried away from business to pleasure, but it is
a great happiness when all that is to be apprehended in a man
of favour is an excess of gentleness and good-nature.
\General scheme of the expedition^]
The design is thus laid by the prince ; " he has equipped out
a fleet of about [51] ^ sail, of which the greatest part are third
" Cf. Hist. i. 762, 763. '^ Ibid. ; see also ibid. 227, and note. "= Ibid. 763.
^ Ibid. 763-4. o Ibid. 774.
1 The transcript appears to read ' 151 ' ; probably a clerical error.
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, ff, 268 (^>)-269 {h) 285
and fourth rates, which is to be commanded by Dutch officers ;
only upon this occasion Herbert is to command as representing
the prince's person \ "^This fleet is to conduct and defend
another fleet of merchant vessels that are to carry over 13,000
horse and foot ", who are to land either in the west or north,
and either all in one body, or in one great body with one or
two detachments in different places, according as the last
advices from England that will be given may determine the
matter ; '' with these the prince carries a provision of arms for
about 30,coo men'' that he expects may come in to him.
[The prince's declaration.^
Cf. Hist. i. 775-6 (to ' tenth of October ').
For 'The declaration . . . too long' read only 'He has already prepared a
declaration which was put in force by Fagel the pensioner, and was put into
English by me.' (^The abstract of the declaration is of course given in the present
Om. ' according to the obligations ... his own.'
[/, 269 (6)] After ' happiness of the nation ' add ' he promises also the like
both for Scotland aud Ireland.'
Om./rom ' and he promised ' to p. 776, ' acquiesce in its decision.'
For 'This the prince . . . October' read 'This he is to sign and seal the tenth
of October, for it is already printed with that date to it.'
Om, remainder of paragraph,
[Herbert puts to sea.]
Cf. Hist. i. 779 {from 'Herbert went to sea' to end of paragraph).
For ' Herbert went to sea ' read ' He has likewise instructed Herbert to go
Om. ' of which . . . given.'
For ' or to engage . . . strong ' read ' or if they cannot be prevailed on to do
that, then to fall upon them; for at present there are not above eighteen
ship's out ; and a good blow given them [will settle ?] ' the whole business.'
For from 'but the contrary winds' /o end of paragraph read only 'But the
wind that has been in the west above six weeks is not favourable.'
[Burnet's concluding reflections, Oct. 3, 1688.]
And now the whole matter will be brought to its full
ripeness within a week or two ; so that one of the greatest
designs that has been undertaken now for many ages is
• Cf. Hist. i. 775. " Ibid.
1 The History criticizes this arrangement.
" Blank space in transcript.
286 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
brought very near a point. * I intend to go along with the
prince as his chaplain " ; for as I have been made acquainted
with his purpose ever since the beginning of July, so I made
the offer of my poor person to go along with him ^ ; ''for having
thought that it was lawful, I judged it had been a very un-
becoming fear in me to have taken care of mine own person,
when the prince ventured his. I have in one paper ^, which
is now in the press^, " writ a justification of the whole design" ;
and I have in another ^ (which I have left sealed up with my
wife) set down a very particular account of all the thoughts
which I have had upon this matter, and which I have ordered
to be published in case I should not outlive the expedition.
The design is as just as it is great, and the prince, as far as
it is possible to see into a man's heart, goes into it with great
and noble intentions ; and he seems to be marked out by
Providence for the doing of wonders ; and as his first essay
was the saving of this state, when it was almost quite overrun
by the French, so he now seems to be led by Providence to
a much nobler undertaking, in which, if God bless him with
success, and if he manages the English nation as dexterously
as he hath hitherto done the Dutch, he will be the arbiter of
all Europe, and will very quickly bring Lewis the Great to
a much humbler posture, and will acquire a much juster right
to the title of Great than the other has ever yet done. But
I must remember that I am a historian, not a prophet ;
therefore I do now interrupt the thread of this history.
Whether I shall live ever to carry it on any more is only
known to that God to whom I most humbly resign myself, my
life, and all that is dear to me. Thus I conclude at the Hague
the 3rd of October *.
" Cf. Hist. i. 776. ' Ibid, supra. <= Ibid.
' In the History it "is said the prince pendix I.
asked him, in the meditation (see ^ Printed infra, as Appendix III
Appendix III, infra) that he offered from the Morrison collection,
himself. . * There is no white line in the tran-
'^ The ' Enquiry ' ; see infra, Ap- script.
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, J. 269 (by^jo (a) 287
[Bume/ resumes his pen, Jtme, 1691, and tells how] the prince
was invited to come to England,
I begin now again in June, 1 691, to continue this work, and
have the account of a revokition to write that will appear to
posterity one of the most extraordinary scenes in history; and
this I am better able to give since I bore a considerable share
in it myself and was acquainted with all the [/ 370 («)] steps of
it. I have told already many of the previous parts of it ; but
the most important of all was that of which ^ I then took care
to be ignorant, because I resolved to know as little of the
secret of the men of England who favoured our designs as was
possible; that so in case all had miscarried or that I had fallen
into the hands of our enemies, it had not been in my power,
though put to the torture, to have discovered any person =■.
Therefore I took care to know nothing of any but those who
came openly over to us and joined with us. But ^ Mr. Russell,
who managed the invitation that was sent to the prince from
England ^ has given me a particular account of it since we came
into England.
by the lord Mordaunt.
" The lord Mordaunt was the first man of quality that came
over to try the prince with relation to the affairs of England.
He is a man of much heat, many notions, and full of discourse ;
he is both brave and generous ; but he is not a man of solid
judgement nor of a firm virtue "- He has republican principles
in him to a very high degree, but all '' his thoughts are crude
and indigested, and a little heat brings secrets easily from
him, especially to those who go into his notions and flatter
him ; for vanity is his weak side. He told the prince many
things of the affairs of England, and represented the thing [as]
so easy, that all this appeared extremely romantical to the
prince ^. In conclusion, the prince told him that so great an
undertaking must not be set about but upon a high and just
provocation and with a strength proportioned to the resistance
that might be apprehended from so great a force and so vast
a treasure as the king then had ; and * he should have his eye
» Cf. Hist. i. 776. '' Ibid. 763, 766. ° Ibid. 762. <■ Ibid. » Ibid.
288 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1688
still upon England, and should endeavour to put the afifairs in
Holland in the best posture he could to be ready when neces-
sity should force a breach ; and said that if either the king went
about the overturning the established religion, or the wronging
the princess in her right of succession, or if he went about by
forged (or as the new word was, sham) plots to destroy his
friends, he would then see what might be possible for him to do.
The earl of Shrewsbury.
This was in the year 1686; but in summer [i6]87
a man of a far different temper came over to the prince ;
the earl of Shrewsbury, who, as was told formerly, had been
bred a papist, but had forsaken the church of Rome upon
a very critical and anxious inquiry into matters of con-
troversy ^ He certainly forsook popery with all his heart,
but it is not so easy for me to affirm that he became a hearty
protestant ; I am afraid '^ he is too sceptical in matters of
religion '' ; but as to all other things he is the worthiest man
I know. " He has a considerable tincture of learning, a true
exactness of judgement, is a man of much honour and of great
integrity and truth, and of so sweet a temper that he charms
all that know him. He is so far from haughtiness and
impatience of spirit, which are the common frailties of young
men that are far above the common level of mankind, that
during his ministry I never heard that the indiscretion of
those who came to him, especially of importunate suitors,
drew one passionate answer from him. He has true notions
of government with generous principles, and a wit that is
as lively as it is [/. 270 (1^)] soft. His gentleness and modesty
suited better with the prince's temper than Mordaunt's fire
and fierceness ; yet even with him the prince went not further
than to give general assurances.
Master Russell^.
^But in May[i6]88 the matter was brought nearer an issue;
for then Mr. Russell came over, that was cousin-germane to the
' Cf. Hist, i.762. ' Ibid. /i,;^ ^62-3. d Ibid. 763, 746.
1 The reader will remark, as a sign revision of Burnet was conducted,
of the carelessness with which the that the printed History contains tu/o
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 270 (a)-27o {b) 289
lord Russell ; and having served long at sea, and having been
of the bedchamber to the king while he was duke of York,
had upon the lord Russell's death left the court and all his
employments. He is a man of much honour and of very
worthy principles ; of a good temper, and very firm and
resolute; but he is both too haughty and too lazy. *He
pressed the prince to come to a speedy resolution ; he told him
there were a great many, both courtiers, and officers at sea and
land, that stood yet firm to the interests of their religion and
country, but he durst not answer for them that they would
stand out long ; they saw plainly the design of the court was
to model the army, that quarrels would be picked against all
that showed a firmness, and that it would be impossible to
persuade them to continue steady unless they saw a certainty
of his design to appear in the quarrel. "^ To this the prince
answered more positively than before, that he could not
meddle in [the] affairs of England unless he should be invited
to it by some of the chief men of the nation. In this he said
he must satisfy both his conscience and his honour ; and he
protested (as he had often done) that no private ambition or
resentment of his own should ever prevail so far over him as
to make him break with so near a relation, or engage in a war
of which the consequences must be of the last importance to
the interest of Europe and of the protestant religion. And
when Russell laid before him the danger of putting too great
numbers upon so critical a secret ; "he said, if the invitation
came from a considerable number of the men that might be
supposed to understand best the sense of the nation he would
be satisfied". Russell spake to me of this in more general
terms. I told him if the old elector of Brandenburg should
happen to die, I * believed they might depend upon the prince's
being able to come over by the end ^ of the year '' ; but " if he
» Cf. Hist. i. 746. ° Ibid. 763. ' Ibid. 763, 746. ■" Ibid. 746.
accounts of Russell's mission (vol. i. relation.
pp. 746 and 763), both apparently 1 Two remarks may be made on this
founded on portions (sometimes iden- passage : i. Burnet has told us (««/»-«,
tical portions) of the above original p. 286) that he was inducted into the
290 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
should happen to languish long, I should scarce hope that the
thing could be performed, "Russell upon his return com-
municated the matter first with Shrewsbury, Lumley, and
Mr. Sidney ; "^ next it was opened to Danby (and many others),
who went into it heartily, and got the bishop of London to
join in it.
[Character of the earl of Nottingham \]
It was by their advice communicated to Nottingham '', who
was the heir of his father's virtues and knowledge as well as of
his honours, " He. was much considered by the clergy and
church of England party ; his life was in all parts regular and
exemplary ; he is learned in the law, he has a noble way of
expressing himself, but it is a little too long and too laboured",
and not enough neglected in common discourse ; he has. very
high notions of the prerogative and is too much soured against
the Whigs ; he is a very firm friend, and was the best son, and
IS the best brother [/, 27 1 («)] I ever knew ; and being free from
vices and passions, and a man of great application and true
judgement, was thought capable of the chief posts in the
government. The king, who neither loved him nor his father,
yet seemed willing to employ him ; but '^ he hath kept himself
at a great distance from the court all this reign '^ ; yet they had
[that ?] regard to him and to that high reputation in which he
was that " his name was still left among the privy councillors,
though he never went to that board. He upon the first
proposition that was made to him of this matter agreed to
their inviting the prince ; but at their next meeting he said he
had considered further of it, and found his conscience so
straitened that he could not go on in that affair. He confessed
those with whom he had gone so far had a . right to kill him
" Cf. Hist. i. 763. " Ibid. 764. •= Ibid. ^ Ibid, " Ibid,
prince'ssecretsin July, while Russell's introduced into this character and
mission took place in April ; s. That that of Churchill in the printed His-
in the printed History the assertion as toyy (revised when Nottingham was
to the probable date of the expedition out of favour with the Whigs and
is ascribed not to him, but to the Churchill in credit), see Von Ranke,
prince. ed. 1868, vol. vii. App. ii. pp. 186-8 ;
' For the importance of the changes and supra, Introduction.
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 270 (6)-27i (a) 291
according to Italian notions, but he assured them he would be
no informer, and that though his principles restrained him from
joining with them, yet his affections would force him to wish
well to them.
[ The marquis of Halifax.']
" Halifax was tried at a distance, but he did not encourage
a further freedom ; and upon general discourse he expressed
his dislike of the design as impracticable and depending upon
so many accidents that he thought it was a needless putting of
all things upon so dangerous an issue.
[The army tried ^ conduct of Churchill?^
^ Next to these the chief officers of the army were tried ;
Churchill, Kirk, and Trelawny went into it ; and Trelawny
got his brother that was bishop of Bristol to join in it.
" Churchill did likewise undertake for prince George and the
princess Anne" ; and those officers said they durst answer for
the much greatest part of the army, and promised to do their
utmost endeavours to bring as many as possibly they could
into it. ^ Churchill has been much censured ^ ; for as he had
risen in the king's service through several degrees up to be
a favourite, so a kindness which had begun upon the king's
commerce with his sister was now so well fixed, that ° no man
had more of personal favour and had found greater effects of
it than he had. His coming into this design had the appear-
ance of treachery and ingratitude, which has brought him
under much reproach. But as he never betrayed any of the
king's secrets to the prince, so he never set the king on violent
measures, but on the contrary,.as oft as he spake to him of
his affairs (which was indeed but seldom), he gave him always
moderate counsels ^ He had kept himself wholly out of the
counsels, and so set himself to manage his post in the army,
' in which he made great advantages *, for money had as much
power over him as he had over the king. ^ His wife is about
the princess and has gained such an ascendant over her*^, that
a Cf. Hist. i. 764, supra. ' Ibid. 764-5. ■= Ibid. 766. " Ibid. 765. « Ibid.
' Ibid, supra. ^ Ibid, infra.
u a
292 Burnet's Original Memoirs^ [1688
there never was a more absolute favourite in a court ; she is
indeed become the mistress of her thoughts and affections,
and does with her, both in her court and in all her affairs, what
she pleases. * Churchill is a very smooth man, made for a
court % and very fit for business if his own interests prevailed
not [/. 271 (3)] too much over him. ^ These were the persons
that sent an invitation in writing ^ to the prince by Sidney ;
and every one of them assured him in their letters that they .
writ to him what was the universal sense of all the good and
wise men that they knew.
[Tenor of the advice sent to Holland^
Cf. Hist. i. 776 {from ' They advised ' to p. 777, end of paragraph^.
Ont. ' The earl of Danby . . . country.'
for ' the king . . . slowly ' read ' that so the king might be surprised before a
greater fleet could be equipped out.'
[Herbert's criticisms.]
Cf. Hist. i. 778.
Om. ' and the other seamen' and read the whole passage in the singular.
After ' assistance from France ' add ' The roads were also much better up to
London. It is true the passage of the Thames might have been a matter of
much difficulty in a winter campaign ; but if all had been carried on to the
Thames the main part of the work had been done.'
for ' to have split . . . channel ' read ' to steer that way.'
[The princess views as to his force. \
Cf. Hist, i. 777.
For ' When these things ... he could ' read ' But he would.'
For ' to the king's own . . . stick to him ' read ' to anything the king could
bring against him ; therefore he thought 10,000 foot and 3,000 horse and
dragoons was the smallest force he could carry with him.'
Om. ' in the north ' ; and for ' to the west ' read ' to some other place.'
Om. ' They pressed . . . carry him over with him.'
For 'in any one part . . . whole' read 'might turn the people to the prevail-
ing side.'
The expedition was cai-ried on with great secrecy.
Cf Hist, i, 778 {from 'The prince continued' to end of ^. 779).
For ' The prince . . . Cologne. He ' read ' But to cover his design the
better he.'
" Cf. Hist. i. 765, supra. ' Ib.'d. 776.
' This celebrated invitation, signed published by Dalrymple (see pp. 107-
in cipher by Shrewsbury, Devonshire 10 of Appendix to Book V in edition
(whose name, accidentally omitted 1790"', from the original in 'King
above,was subsequently inserted in the William's chest,' isnot specilicallymen-
History), Danby, Lumley, Bishop of tioned in Burnet's final version.
London, Russell, and Sidney, and first
1638] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. 271 (a)-272 (b) 293
^/ter ' was also ordered ' add ' to be carried thither.'
[/ 272 a] For ' for so long a time ' read ' for a winter's campaign.'
For ' The main point . . . expedition ' read ' He also found a way to be
furnished with money which was managed with great dexterity.'
For ' or at least to create a delay ' read ' upon a point that goes always hardly
in a [popular?] government.'
Oiii. ' But Fagel . . . prevent this.'
For ' of the neighbourhood . . . arise there ' read ' [that] the French were
then possessed of the bishopric of Cologne.'
For ' their places . . . bad condition ' read ' the fortified places on their
For ' in four days ' read ■ presently.'
For from ' About the end ' to ' necessity of the undertaking ' read ' And
being now raised, the States ordered it to go to the English expedition ; for the
elector of Brandenburg had undertaken the war of Cologne, with the assistance
of the northern princes, so that the States reckoned themselves safe on that
side and diverted the money to another use. And though the government of
Holland consists of many negative voices, and every one of their towns being
governed by a council that consists of thirty or more persons, it could not be
imagined that a body so variously composed should have so unanimously con-
sented to an expedition in winter, that besides all other dangers had the seas and
seasons to wrestle with ; yet there was not in the Hague or in any of the
towns of Holland one dissenting voice ; nor was there any so averse to it that
it was necessary to lose any time for working on them underhand ; for all came
in frankly and readily.'
For ' Fagel . . . concurrence in this design ' read only ' The persecution of
France had united all the protestants in Holland in this design ; and the
ministers were secretly directed to take all possible methods in the several
towns to possess all people with a sense of the present extremity, and that now
or never the protestant religion must be recovered out of the extreme danger
to which it was reduced."
For ' But I was never . . . have there ' read ' yet they have generally great
credit with their people.'
For ' Those ' read ' Those among the Dutch.'
After ' religion, yet ' add 'concurred heartily in this matter ; they.'
For ' And the publication . . . they reckoned ' read ' They reckoned that if
England joined with France.'
For • All the English . . . Amsterdam ' read ' And all advices from England,
as well as all the English who lived at Amsterdam.'
For ' had such positive advices . . . hand of heaven ' read ' represented this
undertaking as so sure and so easy that all went to it as the only means of
their preservation.'
For ' Herbert . . . impracticable, but ' (see supra, p. 285) read only ' The
Dutch fleet was ordered to go to sea ; but the wind stood long at north-west,
and for some days there was so violent a storm, that [it].'
[/ 272 (6)] Om. ' and gave us . . . prospect.'
For ' Herbert ... expected ' read 'The fleet also was much weaker, than
had been promised by the admiralties, and it was generally but indiiferently
294 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1688
Debates concerning the declaration.
Cf. Hist. i. 780-1.
For ' All the English . . . Hague ' read ' These were melancholy things, and
this put many of the English, who were then all come to the Hague, in very
Om. ' Among these . . . discontent.'
For ' and on what . . . bishops ' read ' and the other violences that had been
set on against the church party.'
For ' in all which ' read ' so whatever the designs of the court might
have been.'
For ' mysterious, when ' read ' mysterious for a great while ; and it was not
easy to comprehend how.'
For ' the church party ' read ' the Tory party.'
After ' by the prince ' add ' since there was nothing in it that reflected
on them.'
For ' to secure . . . religion' read 'and suspend [y! 273 (a)] them in all
time to come, which concerned the public safety and security.'
For ' would not only carry . . . army ' read ' or on the Tory party in general,
would unite the army in England.'
For ' that was to be left to the parliament ' read ' since he was a stranger
to them.'
Om. ' as they were transmitted . . . going over.'
T/ie army all shifif>ed.
Cf. Hist. i. 781 {to ' attendance at the Hague ').
For 'In the beginning of October' read 'The fleet, after it had been out
a fortnight, was ordered in again ; and about the third of October.'
After ' Texel ' add ' which was much censured ; for though the season was
pretty cool, yet diseases are apt to break in upon multitudes that are aboard ;
for before we got to England they had been a month at sea.'
For ' Never was ... It is true some ' read ' It appeared upon this occasion
that Holland is the only country in the world in which such a design could
have been executed all of the sudden ; for the shipping is so vast that in three
days' time they had hired almost 500 ships, and everything was so soon ready
that though our impatience and the season made us complain [that] many ' ; and
for ' forgot ' lead ' ill-ordered.'
For 'it seemed much more . . . forgot' read 'the diligence of those who
managed it deserves great commendation.'
For ' Van Hulst ' read ' Mr. Harbord '.'
Om. altogether ' I waited on the princess . . . direct us.'
\Tlie firince takes leave.]
Cf. Hist. i. 782 {from ' On the sixteenth of October ' to end of paragraph).
For ' in the west ' read ' at W. and NW., that it began to make us all melan-
' Commissary-general to the force Halifa.r, i. 253 sq., 259, 272, 471 n. ;
from the time of its landing to the ii. 81, 217, 225, 226.
arrival at St. James'. See Ltfe of
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 272 (6) -274 {U) 295
[/• 273 (i)] -After ' manner ' add ' he said her deportment among them had been
such, that he need not say much concerning her ; only as to one thing.'
Ont. ' but a kind.'
After 'when he came ' add ' that night.'
The fleet sailed, but beat back with little loss.
Cf. Hist. i. 782-3.
For ' But the next daj' ' read ' But before next day at noon.'
After ' want of air ' add ' but that was soon made up.'
For ' but was calm and silent. The States ' read ' she showed great courage ',
and began to be much esteemed by the States, who.'
Disorders in the council in England.
Cf. Hist. i. 783-5.
\^f. 274 (a)] For ' He proposed rather . . . importunities ' read 'so he diverted
that which afterwards w^as represented as a sign of his being in the prince's
secret^; to this was added his great friendship with Sidney, and his constant
converse with him. [Cf. Hist. i. 756.] [By] these things.'
For ' The fleet ... so strong ' read ' Dartmouth was sent to command the
fleet ; great diligence was used in equipping out so many ships.'
For ' the Dutch fleet ' read ' ours ' ; for ' tliem ' read ' us ' ; for ' they were '
read ' our fleet had.'
Om. ' But, in order . . . nation.'
Om. ' They wished . . . protestant wind.'
After ' city of London ' add ' which had an ill grace notwithstanding ' ; for
' and' read ' [that he]' ; ' All men . . . affectation.'
Om. ' that order not being executed ' and ' which plainly showed . . . last.'
Witnesses examined concerning the birth of the frince of Wales.
Cf. Hist. i. 785-6 {to ' who named the month of May ').
[/. 274 (6)] For ' The matter . . . supported ' read ' The thing that was most
in all people's mouths.'
Om. ' now in an after-game.'
After ' together, that they ' add ' and all his people.'
[The countess of Clarendon's story; that of Windebank.}
Cf. Hist. i. 750.
Begin ' Upon which I think fit to set down a passage which I had from the
countess of Clarendon's own mouth.'
For ' On the same day . . . admittance ' read ' She told me that on Easter
Monday she, hearing the queen was ill, came into the bedchamber, where she
found the queen with very little company with her.'
' For Mary's own account of her known, in the vindicatory letter pub-
conduct see Z,e«>«s ««oiVc5 (1880), lished (by Blencowe) in H. Sidney's
pp 16-92; T>oehner's Memoirs of Mary Diary and elsewhere, made a merit
Oueen of England (1886), pp. 3-6. of it.
" 2 Sunderland himself, as is well
296 Burnet's Original Memoirs [i688
After ' Undone ' add ' and there was a great stir about her bed, she herself
and all about her seeming to be in an agony.'
For ' which she believed . . . queen ' read ' but whether it was only [linen]
or anything else she could not tell.'
For ' She was upon this . . . course ' read ' She saw she was not a welcome
person there ; so she withdrew ; and that day or the next one came to her and
desired her not to speak of that accident ; which went so far that the king,
who was gone to Chatham to view the naval preparations, was sent for [cf. idid.
supra] ; and [/. 275 (a)] Dr. Walgrave [then in chief charge of her] did own
to Dr. Windebank [as ibid.]. This I had from Mr. Geddes, chancellor of the
church of Salisbury, who told me he had it from Windebank's own mouth.' {The
certificate mentioned in the History was signed in 170s ; see note, Hist, in loco.)
[Effect of this on the evidence?^
Cf. Hist. i. 785 {from ' But if the particulars ' to p. 786, ' nation was
possessed ').
For ' since . . . considered ' read ' for upon such occasions as these modesty
must be for a while laid aside.' (A trivial detail follows, quoted from the
evidence of Mrs. Dawson, which proves, in Burnet's estimation, that the queen
could not then have been in the condition pretended.)
Out. ' She was a bedchamber woman . . . witness.'
Om. ' So that the proof . . . question.'
Om. ' for all people concluded . . . world.'
[Absence of the princess; various stories on this topici]
Cf. Hist. i. 786, 749, 752, 750-1, 754.
Begin (p. 786) ' It was much observed . . . could not hurt her ' (omitting last
sentence of paragraph), and add 'The truth was she had been strangely
used in this matter, for though when she was a maid the queen had made her
[satisfy herself], yet now that she was a competent judge and a witness who
alone would have satisfied the whole world in the matter, she was never
desired to do it.'
Then return to p. 749 ('Prince George . . . breaking with her') and add 'nor
did it appear that any woman of rank or reputation of any of the religions had
been either called on to [receive demonstrative proof, before or after].'
Then return to p. 752, reading ' And to end this matter altogether Cham-
berlain,' {^c.
For 'wondered' read 'told me.'
[/• 27s (6)] After ' custom ' add ' three days after.'
After ' plaisters ' add ' for which he had a fee of 100 guineas.'
For ' He fancied . . . had it ' read ' Upon which he, fancying that one Dr.
Brady had thrust himself into this matter, went to expostulate it with him ; but
he protested to him he knew nothing of it. My lady Bellasis, who was of the
bedchamber, told me that for three months before the birth the ladies of the bed-
chamber never gave the queen her smock ; but that was always so managed,
that it was done before they came in the morning or after they were dismissed
at night.' (Cf. Hist. i. 749.)
Then return and take from p. 750 (' Lower ') to p. 751 (' to advise it ') ; after
' told me ' adding ' that he was present at the consultation concerning the
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 274 [by^-^e (b) 297
princess's going to The Ball, ' ; /or ' he was against it ; he ■ readw^ ' he and
another (I think it was Radcliffe)'; after 'vehemence' adciini^ 'not without
showing anger against those who were of anotlier mind'; /or ' Millington
another physician' reac/mg 'Sir Thomas Millington, a learned physician'':
omitting ' from whom I had it.'
T/ien add ' I pass over all conjectural proofs, of which the bishop of St. Asaph
has gathered a vast number [cf. Hist. i. 754] ; because these amount to nothing
unless it be to weaken a matter '.'
Debates at Helvoetshiys''-
Cf. Hist. i. 786 {/rom ' This was the state ' to p. 787, end 0/ paragraph).
For ' Here Wildman . . . entertained by many ' readonly ' It was visible that
many of our English heroes were upon this occasion much dejected.'
After ' fleets ' insert ' especially when the seas are rough.'
Om. ' though both sides . . . avoided.'
A/ter ' ship them again' add 'it would dishearten not only the army but the
States, and all their allies, to see much time lost.'
[/ 276 (")] Om. 'with these things . . . quieted them.'
A/ter ' six hours together ' add ' all the morning long.'
For ' Many that have passed for heroes, yet ' read ' In all this time when
most men.'
Om. 'it calmed a little and ' and ' third rate.'
{The fleet sails again; the landing/] remarkable pvvidences
in that voyage.
Cf. Hist. i. 787-90 {to ' to guide thee right').
For ' on the third ' read ' on Saturday morning.'
A/ter ' horses ' add ' and everything else that we needed.'
For ' at noon on the fourth ' read ' on Sunday night.'
For 'The pilot thought he' read 'he thought the pilot'; and om. 'and
believed . . , orders.'
[/. S76 (6)] Om. ' whereas . . . decided.'
^ The result of the diiferences be- Mus.) 2621, ff. 49-83, and printed m/iw,
tween the earlier version and the as Appendix IV, which relate incidents
History proves (a) that the original from Oct. to Dec. 1688. Their genesis
story, which reached Burnet in Hoi- is described in Hist. i. 762 : ' The
land, treated the entire episode as a managing [Herbert] was in a great
case of fraud ; and (6) that after the measure put on me, and it was no
examination before the council had easy thing." The first (undated, f. 49)
disposed of this suggestion, and had was written after the storm had
proved the reality of the queen's beaten back the expedition, and con-
expectations, all reports were col- tains a most amusing mixture of civili-
lected and believed, which tended to ties, clerical expostulation on the re-
show that her hopes had been pre- cipient's vices, and the last news
maturely blasted, and that a recourse from England. He relates the king's
had been then had to imposture. interview with the bishops ; changes
^ We must here remind the reader of in the command of the English fleet;
a remarkable series of letters from the affections of the city ; for German
Burnet to Admiral Herbert (mentioned news his correspondent, like Mr.
in Mr. Airy's article Diet. Nat. Biog.) Sidney, will no; care,
contained in Egerton MSS. (Brit.
298 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1688
Om. ' (upon which . . . lost).'
After ' aboard the prince ' add ' to see for new orders.'
For 'which they found . . . season' read 'AH the foot were landed that
After ' cold night ' add ' which might have been expected at that time ' ; and
after ' much by it ' add ' [whereas] it proved to be one of the warmest nights
I ever knew in that season, and was indeed like a summer's night.'
For ' shook me . . . hand ' read ' looked very kindly to me.'
For ' The prince . . . asked them ' read ' The prince ordered all the fishermen
of the bay to be brought to him next morning, that he might know.'
For 'with as much baggage . . . Exeter' read 'which were above 7,000 ; for
though our cavalry and dragoons were not half so many, yet the ofiBcers' horses,
besides those which belonged to the train of artillery and the waggons, grew
up to that number.'
After ' seaport to Exeter' add ' which was but .[/ 277 (n)] a little way by
For ' philosophical ' read ' too philosophical.'
After ' venti ' add 'which at that time was Englished thus.'
Many come to him from the king's army '.
Cf Hist. i. 790 {^from ' The prince made haste ' to p. 792, ' great an effect ').
For ' Both the clergy and magistrates . . . what they did eat we ' read only
' The people came in to him in great numbers ; but as the magistrates of Exeter
were very backward, so we.'
For ' Every day . . . Abingdon ' read ' Every day some came [to him] from
London ; the first were the lord Colchester, Mr. Edward Russell, and col.
For 'The king came down. . . further' read 'In the meanwhile the king
sent his troops westward.'
After ' dragoons ' add ' that were sent as far as Salisbury.'
Om. 'the lord Cornbury . . . Langston.'
For ' But because . , . made ' read ' they did not discover it to the subaltern
officers, for they durst not trust them, but they still advanced as if they had
been sent to view our army.'
After ' Exeter and ' add ' as they were marching in the night.'
After ' Cornbury ' add ' that commanded this [/. 277 (6)] body.'
For ' So they fell . . . rode back ' read ' Many that came unto us soon after
turned back then, they being in a confusion and apprehending they were falling
into a trap, through the unskilfulness of their leaders.'
' These events are described in them '), the expected defection of Kirk
Burnet's second letter to Herbert, Eg. and the forces at Plymouth, the better
MSS. 2621, f. 51 (Exeter, Friday, Nov. temper among the clergy, and the
16, 1688). This mentions the want of fact that Portsmouth would have
transport, the Cornbury fiasco (' We surrendered had they landed there,
had swallowed down in our hopes See also the third letter (an intervening
three of the king's best regiments,' one having been lost in the post),
lost by ' the confusion of the night, which describes the situation from
with Sir Fran[cis] Compton's want Sherborne, Nov. 29 (Thursday). Ibid.
of head or heart, together with the f. 67.
vigour of some popish officers among
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, J. 276 (^>)-278 {a) 299
For ' Yet, on the other hand . . . flatteries ' read ' It struck the king at first ;
till flatterers (who will always abound about courts that love them and that
hearken to them).'
For 'The king wanted support . . . Exeter' read 'This gave the king some
quiet ; but that was quickly disturbed, for.'
^/ter ' bodies together ' add ' in the north.'
Om. ' And the ill disposition . . . depend on them.'
Afler ' at once ' add ' and his health suffered so much that it was generally
believed he could not hold out long. The last three days in which the prince
stayed at Exeter the whole country came in [cf. Hisl. i. 792], being the more
encouraged to do it because the earl of Bath with the garrison of Plymouth had
declared for him [ibid. 793]. And if he had not received daily assurances that
the greater part of the army would have declared for him, he intended to have
gone to Bristol and have secured both that town and Gloucester [ibid, supra] ;
for by that means the whole west was in his hands ; and not have ventured
through the great plains of Wiltshire, where the king, that was so superior to
him in horse, would have had a vast advantage [ibid.'] if he had been sure of them.
But though the king sent men every hour to bring intelligence, they took his
money and came with it over to the prince, but not one of them returned ' (ibid.
791). Then proceed, • At Salisbury the lord Churchill,' &'c. {ibid. 791, infra).
Om. ' At Axminster . . . king's sons '.'
For ' took notice . . . factious ' read ' The king was expostulating with him
upon the zeal he showed for religion, which in him could be nothing but faction.'
Om. ' for he had been so . . .less.'
A/ier 'had conscience' add 'This of Churchill's coming over put the king
in a vast disorder ; and within a day after, some country people came into
Salisbury and gave the alarm that the prince's army was marching with all
possible haste over the plains ; upon which the king went to London with all
the confusion imaginable' (cf. Hist. i. 793).
For ' Soon after that' read ' Next night.'
[/ 278 (a)] For ' left him . . . Sherburn ' read ' and some others, left him.'
For ' When the news . . . easily accepted ^ ' read only ' And as soon as the
princess Anne knew this she left the court and put herself into the bishop of
London's hands, who carried her first to the earl of Dorset's, and from thence
to the north.'
For ' not only ... but even ' read ' by all persons, and particularly.'
After 'treating ' add ' both him and.'
Om. ' which had a burden . . . lilibulero.'
[T/ie ■prentices; the forged declaration.]
Begin ' The prentices of London began to run together in great bodies, and
fell upon all the mass-houses, and broke down everything belonging to them '
(cf. Hist. i. 794).
Then revert to beginning of paragraph, p. 793, and proceed from ' A bold
man ' to ' nor whom to trust ' (p. 794).
For' Ahold man . . . name' read 'There was also a new declaration printed
in the prince's name, which set London in flame.'
' Routh's Burnefs Japtes II reads ° Routh'sS«r«f/'s /«»!«// adds' and
' spurious race.' was by that exposed to much censure.'
300 ' Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
Om. ' And it had as great ... by their means.'
For ' that was in . . . channels ' read ' that might secure the nation from
Om. ' And it was never . ; . thing.'
yl/ter 'consternation' add 'upon all things,' and om. ' nor whom . . . shed.'
Commissioners sent from the king to treat with the pri7ice^.
Cf. Hist. i. 794 {from ' The king now sent ' to p. 795, end of paragraph).
For ' The king now sent . . . one opinion ' read only ' AH the protestants who
were firm to him advised him.'
After ' consent to it. So ' insert ' another meeting of the nobility was called,
where the king expressed himself with much passion and confusion.'
After ' demanded ' add ' In the meanwhile the prince advanced with his
army, and every day great numbers were coming in to him ; among the rest ' ;
and after ' Clarendon ' inseii ' [who].'
For 'reflected . . . condemned' read 'had answered the king very peevishly
at the meeting of the nobility and came down full of wrath against him.'
Om. 'A day . . . answer.'
For ' The marquis of Halifax . . . both my answers ' read only ' Halifax desired
earnestly to speak with me in private ; but when I asked the prince's order, he
forbid me to do it. Yet in the crowd he asked me, but so as nobody perceived
it, whether we had a mind to have the king in our hands, or to let him go.
I answered nothing could [/. 278 (6)] be so happy as to let him go, if he had
a mind to it. Nottingham said also to me, if the prince did not take his measures
right, he would find the hardest part of his work before him at London, when
perhaps we might think he had all in his hands.'
Om. ' The prince ordered . . . had sent.'
Articles are proposed.
Cf. Hist. i. 795 [to ' satisfied with this answer ').
For ' thirty miles ' read ' twenty ' {see Routes note in Burnet's James II in
Om. ' come on to London and.'
Om. last sentence of paragraph.
^ This treaty is described in Burnet's prince's march, in which the court
fourth letter to Herbert (Eg. MSS. will be deceived, for we will still go
262i,f 69),a longandimportantmissive on. The commissioners desired to
dated Hungerford, Dec. 9, 1688. He speak in private with the prince, but
states that Halifax and Nottingham he declined it, for he said he was come
' seem very little fond of the employ- upon the business of the nation and
ment, and say that it was put on them that he had no private concern of his
by their enemies ' ; that the trumpeter own. The two first in the corn-
was detained two nights while the mission behaved themselves so, and
prince consulted his followers ; that talked so freely to myself and several
till all papists are turned out, the others in a public room, that we saw
prince will hold on his march, for they were condemned to act a part
(f 70) ' the true design of this treaty is that was very unnatural to them.'
to amuse the nation, and to stop the
1688] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. otj^ («)-279 {a) 301
[Flight of gueeti.'\
Cf. Hist. i. 795 (' But now strange counsels . . . such good terms ').
For ' But now . . . for ever ' read ' But in the meantime things took a strange
turn at London. The whole popish party saw that if a treaty was set on foot
both they and their religion would be extirpated ; and the severest laws that
could be contrived would be made against them ; and that many of them would
be made sacrifices for what they had done.'
For ' the king's mother . . . violence ' read ' [and] the impeaching queen
Mary in king Charles the First's time was not forgot; for they clearly saw that
nothing could preserve the king in a parliament but the making a sacrifice both
of his party and the interest of his religion.'
Otn. ' The midwife . . . afterwards.'
Om, ' So she went . . . France.'
After ' disguise ' add ' This was kept secret from all but those that were to
have a share in it.'
After ' answer ' add ' for the Igrds, who had it on the Monday morning, sent it
up by a courier ' (cf. Hist. i. 795, supra) ; and om. ' He ordered . . . great seal.'
T/ie king flies away in disguise.
Cf. Hist. i. 796 (' And the next morning . . . scene which he then acted ').
Before ' And the next morning ' insert ' But these did not hinder him."
Om. ' They passed . . . Foxhall.'
After ' France ' add ' And he got in it out to sea. But before he went it
seems he disposed of the great seal ; for it was cast into the river above Fox-
hall ; and was some months after that by accident drawn to the shore by some
fishermen ; but whether it was dropped there on design or lost is not yet known.'
[/. 279 a] FoJ- ' and of some black. . . supporthimself ' )-«arf ' upon the account
of the child ' and om. following paragraph.
But is taken and brought to Fevershavt.
Cf. Hist. i. 796 i^froni ' He was not got far' to p. 797, end of paragraph).
After ' far ' add ' to sea ' ; for ' watching ' read ' searching all boats ' ; and for
' came up to him ' read 'got up to the boat in which he was.'
For ' who had ruled . . . Europe ' read ' who had a few days before carried
matters so high.' ^
Om. ' Here was an accident . . . active for his interests.
Om ' who had been a little quieted . . . prince.'
For 'where they believed . . . management' read Mn a most outrageous
manner.' j 1 r u u- j •
/■o;- ' finding . . . he was now' read 'whom the king had left behind.
Om. ' he had disguised . . . But he.'
For • and after many hours . . . died soon after' ^v^rf ' and was at last com-
mitted to the Tower, which had been seized on by the lord Lucas without any
opposi ion. ^^^^ p-/„ce is invited to come to London.
Cf. Hist. i. 797-8 {to ' and ran away').
For ' he called ' read ' the lord mayor called.'
Om. 'They gave .. . peace."
302 Burnei's Original Memoirs [1688
For ' This they all signed . . . Culpepper ' read ' This message was sent by
some of the peersj of whom the bishop of Ely was one' ; and insert from
p. 793, 'Dr. Finch ... he needed it' {after 'heads of colleges' adding
\f. 279 {by] 'to congratulate his coming to England,' and omitting 'and invit-
ing . . . thither ') ; and at the end of this add ' And Mr, Seymour having
proposed an association (which contained an obligation never to separate nor
depart from that undertaking till a free parliament should be called, and that
they should revenge any attempt that might be made upon the person of the
prince upon all the other party) that was signed by all that came in to the prince
[cf. Hist. i. 792-3], those of Oxford were willing to enter into this bond like-
wise, which they afterwards signed ' ; then return fe p. 79?, ' The prince went. '
After ' thither ' add ' he was willing not to make too much haste, since there
was a treaty set on foot' ; for' of the strange catastrophe . , . till he had ' read
' of the king's leaving Whitehall, which were brought him first by flying reports,
and confirmed by.'
After ' from the king ' add ' Upon which he told me, that though I was not
much disposed to believe king Charles a prophet, yet the last time he had
seen him at Windsor he had, among other expressions of his displeasure at his
brother's heat, said he was confident that if he were once a king he would never
be able to hold it out four years to an end' (cf. Hist. i. 575).
Om. ' so he sent . . . implacable enemies ' ; but see supra, 11. 9-1 1.
Om. ' One of the prince's officers , , . expedition.'
\_Various advices.^
Cf. Hist. i. 798 {to end of p. 800).
For ' desertion ' read ' withdrawal.'
After 'hondon'' add 'to prevent the mischiefs that might arise from those
multitudes of people that in a tumultuous way were daily committing new
disorders; and, which was much more formidable, to hinder the army's dis-
banding itself according to the orders that the king had left for the earl of
Feversham, which was like to have proved the turning loose 30,000 robbers upo n
the nation' (cf. Hist. i. 796).
Oin. ' otherwise . . . killed him.'
[/. 280 («)] For 'Two gentlemen , . . met upon it ' read ' For as he came on
in three days to Windsor the privy council at London, hearing that the king
was at Feversham, met to consider what was fit to be done.'
After ' about him ' add ' that night.'
Fo?-' when the news . . . Windsor' read 'The prince was much troubled
when he heard of the accident at Feversham, and sent Mr. Zulestein immediately
with orders to set the king at liberty and to let him do what he pleased [cf.
Hist. i. 799, supra]. But the privy council had prevented him, with which he
was much displeased, for.'
After ' now come to him ' add ' from London.'
Om. ' and the officious flatterers.'
After 'deserting his people' add' [which] was looked on as so great an ad-
vantage against him according to [/. 280 (A)] the sense of all who have writ
concerning government.'
After ' secured ' add ' or at least that he should be kept till a parliament
should meet.'
i688] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 279 (a)-28i {U) 303
For ' It was thought , , . hearken ' read ' and of this opinion was Clarendon
not without great sharpness. But since his being a prisoner in England might
raise great discontents, or perhaps a violent party might in parliament move in
relation to his person, to which they saw the prince would never consent, there-
fore they advised the prince to send him over to Breda ; where, as he could
keep him more securely than he could in England, so his restraint, not being
exposed to the view of the whole nation, would not raise that compassion which
his being a prisoner within England must have occasioned. Few argued against
this till the prince himself declared his opinion ; which was that though.'
for ' now he had him in his power ' read ' the case was different.'
For ' nor did he know . . . called ' read ' and if the king were made a prisoner,
as that would beget a great party to him, so the disposing of his person might
cause such disputes in parliament as might ruin all ; for.'
[Tke i?iission of the three lords.]
Cf. Hist. i. 801 {to ' a guard went with him ').
After ' drawn off ' add ' in the night,'
Om. ' but not . . . murmuring.'
[/ 281 (a)] After ' asked them ' add ' in the king's name,'
i^of ' escape. They ' ^•rai^ ' escape ; so they,'
For ' very readily ' read ' before morning.'
For ' having ordered , . . came about him ' read ' with a small guard and a few
The prince comes to St. James\
Cf. Hist. i. 801 {from ' On the same day ' to p. 802, ' this winter ').
Om. ' And even this trifle . . . edge.'
After 'fermentation ' add' among some of the nobiUty and 9lergy.'
Om. ' when he was ready . . . everything.'
For ' the saying of ' read ' that old saying made use of by.'
Om. • disguised and designed.'
For ' the nation had never known ' read ' The country was so little accustomed
to'; a>id after 'army' add 'that generally they took nothing for their
Om. ' and the freedom . . . markets ' ; and after ' maintained ' add ' by them
during this interval of government.'
After ' winter ' add ' But upon all these accounts a discontent began to spread
itself through the whole army. It was certain that if the king had stayed at
Whitehall there might have been so high a fermentation upon it, that from
thence disorders would have arisen which would have endangered both his life
and the prince's; and [/. 281 (6)] have exposed the city both to fire and
pillage'; and om. next two paragraphs.
[Consultations about a settlement'^ ^
Cf. Hist. j. 803 (' The first thing . . . against that proposition ').
For ' The first thing . . . settled ' read ' And now every man was ready and
forward to propose his scheme,'
'Burnet's final letter to Herbert (Eg. Christmas Day, 1688, reflects on the
MSS. 2621, f. 83), dated St. James', Feversham incident, the kmg's second
304 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1688
Otn. 'which might otherwise . . . tedious.'
For ' such a step ... to raise himself ; and ' read ' the government was first
dissolved, and then deserted by king James ; and therefore if the prince should
now assume the kingship to himself, as it would very much disparage his
honour, so.'
He [is\ addressed to assume the adijiinistration, and to
call a convention of estates.
{From above, to end of paragraph.)
Ont. ' When these were . . . nation.'
For ' It was agreed ... to make an ' read only ' who did all.'
For ' though without . . . earl of Nottingham ' read only ' Some ' ; and omit
' he ' before ' moved.'
For ' Few were of his mind . . . nation ' read only ' for.'
The king went to France.
Cf. Hist. i. 804.
For ' Many that were . . . went to him, and ' read ' The prince wished him
gone ; but all his own party.'
Om. ' and to see . . . agreement.'
For ' The queen . . . ordered it to be ' read ' But letters that he got from his
queen which, with great vehemency, pressed his coming over to her, happened
to be intercepted ; they being writ in so imperious a strain for a point that was
wished for, they were.'
For.' So he gave . . . table ' read 'So he left behind him a paper.'
For ' And so . . . secretly ' read ' And a vessel being provided for him he went.'
Scotland declares for the prince.
Cf. Hist. i. 804-5 ('0 ' copy after it in England ').
For ' But before . . . governor ' read ' The affairs of Scotland were very near
in the same condition with those of England ; all the forces of that kingdom had
been brought into England, and so it was left in the hands of the militia, only
the duke of Gordon was governor of the castle of Edinburgh.'
For ' spirit ' read ' parts.'
withdrawal ('yesterday'), the discus- for you to have acted as some others
sions as to the next step (some main- have done, but whatever one may think
tain that the princess becomes queen of that we must now shut our mouths,
andshould issue writs foraPariiament ; for there is discontent enough alread3',
others advise a convention to make a and the army seem generally out of
settlement; 'This last is liable to this humour and uneasy at what they have
exception, that the slowness of it done, and you know we have not' the
may expose Holland to be lost before arts of cajolery ... it is now time for
Englandcanbesettledor readytoact'). you to be for awhile at rest till we
He expresses an evidently sincere make a new expedition into France,
commiseration for the 'poor king's' for I do verily believe the prince
situation, which Herbert he knows designs it this summer ').
shares (' I know it was not possible
1688] Harl MSS. 6584, ff, 281 (6)-282 {p) 305
[/ 28a (a)] Om. ' particularly . . . England.'
Om. ' disguised himself and.'
For ' and put in prison ' read ' and has continued a prisoner ever since.'
A/ter ' popery ' add ' and that received the news of this deliverance with joy.'
Om. ' and was printed . . . gazette.'
[The episcopalians coalesce with Dundee., in favour of James ^
[This] had rendered them very odious in Scotland; so
they, finding that the presbyterians were like to carry all
before them, resolved to make what party they could for king
James and to stick to his interests. * There was one Graham,
who had served some years in Holland, and was both a very
good officer and a man of great parts. King James had
given him considerable employments and made him earl of
Dundee ; he had taken up a violent hatred against the whole
presbyterian party, and being a proud and passionate man,
though in all other respects a man of virtue and probity,
he had executed the law and obeyed his orders when he was
quartered in the western parts of Scotland with great rigour
and severity '■■ So that now both his engagements to king
James, his principles, and his passions threw him into that
party, '' who received him as their head '' ; and thus the disposi-
tion of matters in Scotland looked very favourable to the
prince, but very cloudy towards the episcopal interest there.
\The meeting in London. \
Cf. Hist. i. 805 ('The duke of Hamilton . . . prince's hands').
The dangerous state of Ireland.
Cf. Hist. i. 805-6 {to 'supplies should come to them from England').
Om. ' and full of . . . behind them.'
[/ 282 (6)] For ' Tyrconnell . . . Upon which ' read ' After the faint resistance
that the protestants made in the field to the troops that Tyrconnell sent to
reduce the country.'
After ' military men ' add ' who came over into England.'
Om. entirely from ' I will not enlarge ' to end of folloiving paragraph.
[Subject continued?^
Cf. Hist. i. 806 {from 'As for the affairs' /o p. 809, 'and was drowned').
After ' among them ' add ' at London.'
" Cf. Hist. i. 805. " Ibid.
trnvruDFT ^^
3o5 Burnetts Original Memoirs " [1688-9
Om. 'The earl of Clarendon . . . come to a composition '.'
Om. ' and it was like him ^'
On. ' Probably . . . Tyrconnell.'
[/ 283 (a)] Om. ' (For sir William . . . figure).'
For ' officers ' read ' best officers.'
For ' He had served . . . together with a ' read ' There was a great.'
For ' Hamilton ... of war ' read ' He with the other Irish officers were then,
in a sort, prisoners of -war.'
Om. 'looking . . . terms that he could.'
After ' papist' add ' (Mountjoy was the protestant).'
Om. ' The earl of Tyrconnell pretended ... all that he asked.'
f Of 'And he now fancied' read 'or was quite altered by Hamilton's going
over; [Hamilton assured him] that there would be great divisions in the con-
vention of estates, and that king James' party would be very strong in it ; and
therefore if he stood firm.'
[/ 283 (6)] Om. 'and the earl of Clarendon . . . against it.'
A convention of estates called.
Ct Hist. i. 800 (' The sitting . . . formed about the town ').
Om. ' about the town.'
Some were for bringing back king fames.
Cf. Hist. i. 809 {from ' The one ' to ' their doctrine ').
Others are for naming u. prince regent.
Cf. Hist. i. 809 {to p. 811, ' could be according to their own principles').
Om. ' A third party . . . throne ' ; arid for ' When the archbishop . . . benches
of the temporal lords' read 'AH the bishops, the archbishop of Canterbury'
only excepted, went into this; for he would not appear at the convention.'
Om. ' in opposition . . . king.'
Om. ' and of men of no religion.'
[f. 284 (fl)] After ' house of commons ' add ' who were all those who were
called the high court party.'
For ' seemed to ' read ' did.'
But the greatest part were for declaring the throne vacant.
Cf. Hist. i. 811 {from ' The third ' to p. 815, ' tragically represent the matter 'j.
[/ 284 (6)] Om. ' This was often renewed . . . successors,'
Om. 'Nor was . . . disowned.'
Om. ' by a gentleman . . . came by it '.'
' It should perhaps be noted that ^ Some comments on this charge
a very rude note of Swift's on this will be found in the Z,i/e o/'i/a/j/a.v.
omitted passage has na" justification ; '■' The writer will again observe that
Burnet evidently means that Temple reflections on Bancroft are omitted,
had been long in credit with the * Cf. Hist. i. 32, 33, with Dart-
prince. _ mouth's, Cole's, and Airy's notes.
1688-9] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 282 (6)-286 {d) 307
[/• 285 (a)] For 'the dispensing . . , continued in it' i-ead '[These things]
were thought a dissolution of the contract between him and his people ; which
Was completed by his deserting of his people ; upon all which they inferred
that he had abdicated the government and left the throne vacant.'
Om. ' By this proposition . . . power of a king.'
For ' And it was to be presumed . . . will ' read ' The weakness of childhood
or the disorders of lunacy might be provided for this way.'
!/• 285 (6)] For ' Some among . . . rest ' read ' Two different parties appeared.'
Om. ' had his power ... by the law, and ' ; and after ' govern by law ' add
' and to protect his people. '
Om. ' In extreme . . . allowed of them.'
Om. next two paragraphs.
[Discussion as to a successor.]
Cf. Hist. i. 815-6 ('It was a more important debate . . . strictly bound to it').
For ' It was a more important debate . . . successors ' read ' This was therefore
the motion that grew most naturally to be entertained ; but in the management
of this a new debate arose : Whether upon the judging or declaring king James
to have abdicated they should not inquire who was the next heir, and put that
person on the throne. All that were against the abdication stood upon this,
that the oaths of allegiance binding the nation to the king and his heirs, then if
it could be supposed that the king had absolved the nation from their tie to
himself, yet they were still bound to his heirs ; and upon this ground they
intended to have had the business of the prince of Wales examined ; and in
this matter men were much divided.'
Om. ' it being a maxim . . . living man.'
And {tke majorityl, without examining the birth of
the prince of Wales,
Cf. Hist. i. 816 {from 'It was proposed' to p. 817, 'laid before me as to that
matter ').
[/. 286 (a)] For 'And it would have gone far . . . king James' read only
'And it would be a great article with relation to king James; but others did not
approve of this.'
For ' Upon which I was ordered ... It is true ' read ' There were many pre-
sumptive proofs brought, which I have in the former part of this history set
down very carefully ; but.'
For ' But, when this matter . . . some observed ' read ' It was said by the
prince's friends.'
For 'so, if there' read 'so since there'; and for 'and then . . . birth' read
' would do as much harm on the other side.'
For ' When this debate . . . indignation ' read only ' It took much with many
that.' This passage down to ' enemies ' occurs onf. 286 (6).
Om. ' it was also known, that . . . out.'
For ' But while these things ... in this matter. They ' read only ' But there
were others who.'
For 'Wildman thought . . . matter' read only 'This was thought by some
men a deep piece of policy and they valued themselves upon it. So.'
X a
3o8 Burnetts Original Memoirs . [1689
were fo?- putting the princess in the throne.
Cf. Hist. i. 818 {from ' The next thing in ' to p. 819, ' others for the princess ').
[/ 286 (6)] Om. ' and, that he might get . . . credit with the prince.'
Ont. entirely from ' How far the prince' to p. 819, 'and died about the end of
For 'The agents . . . knew nothing of it' read 'and here the princess of
Denmark began to make some stir, that the prince might not be set before her ;
but she quickly desisted.'
For ' The proposition . . . sovereigns ' read ' Others were for putting both the
prince and princess in the throne.'
After ' others for the princess ' read ' Danby, Shrewsbury, Sidney, and all the
moderate church of England men were for putting both in the throne. The
debate stood for several days at this.'
The prince was long silent.
Cf. Hist. i. 820 {to end of first paragraph).
[/ 287 (a)] Om. ' affectation and as a disguised.'
For 'he called for . . . some others' /-rarf ' he was prevailed on to calltogethey
five or six of those on whom he relied most.'
But at last he declared his own sense of those debates.
Cf. Hist. i. 820 {from ' He told them ' to p. 821, ' concur in such a design ').
Om. ' he himself saw . . . accept of it.'
After ' did the princess ' add ' nor reckon himself surer in her than he did.'
For 'in so cold . . . contrivance' read 'in so unconcerned and so stoical
a manner, that as many of those who were there have told me, never was any-
thing said with a more cold and indifferent air than all this was.'
For 'helped not a little to bring' readonly 'brought.'
After ' design ' add ' This was in great part removed by myself, who had a full
occasion given me to know her mind in that matter.'
The princess's sense of pjitting the prince in the administration.
^ For two years before, after my coming to Holland and that
I was admitted to talk with the prince and princess of the
affairs of England, '^ I had [/. 287 (b)^ taken the liberty to
lay before her the state of our affairs in case the succession
should descend on her ; that the prince would be only her
husband with the title but without the power of a king, and
that, as in the case of king Philip, even the title would fall
with her life. This I shewed her was a very ridiculous
posture for a man, and that therefore the jealousy of this
had made Henry VH put his right to the crown on another
foot. The princess answered me that she had never thought of
that before, and so she asked what remedy there could be found
'■ Cf. Hist. i. 688. ^ Ibid. 692.
1689] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 286 (6)-287 {b) 309
for it ; » I replied that as no mortal knew that I was to speak
to her on this subject, so I protested solemnly that if she
did not like that which I was to lay before her no mortal
should ever know it. "^ It was that she should resolve to have
the crown vested in the prince during his life'' and to reign
in conjunction with her ; I told her nobody could suffer by
this but she and her sister, and it was but too probable that
her sister could never be concerned in it. It would put the
prince in a posture becoming him ; •" and therefore I begged
she would consider well of it ; for if she once made the step
to assure the prince that she would do it, she was never to
think of retreating again. She immediately answered me
very frankly, that she would take no time to consider of any-
thing by which she might express her respect and kindness
to the prince ; for she was resolved, whatsoever change might
happen to her, she would be no more but his wife, and that
she would do all that lay in her power to make him king for
life. She allowed me to discourse the matter to the prince ;
and I discoursed it afterwards to them both together, and
she gave him the assurance very heartily that nothing could
happen to her that should ever make her more than his wife °.
It seemed necessary at this time to let this be known, upon
which I desired by Bentinck ^to know whether the prince
would allow me to speak of it ''. Bentinck told me that " the
prince would not talk with me upon that subject nor give me
any orders concerning it, but left me to my own thoughts ^ ;
and so I presumed upon the prince's[s's ?] goodness, and told
it to those who had the greatest stroke in business. And they
• assured me ^ it helped not a little to settle all people's minds ;
and it made every one that heard of it conclude that either
the princess was a wonderful good woman or a very weak
one ; for they reckoned that such an indifferency for power
and rule must either flow from an excess of goodness or
of simplicity. At her coming to England '' I told her that the
critical state of our affairs had made me venture in publishing
» Cf. Hist. i. 692-3. ■> Ibid. 692. ° Ibid. 693. ■■ Ibid. 821.
« lUd. ' Ibid.
3IO- Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
what I knew concerning her intentions ^ ; " and she justified
me in it, and seemed not only satisfied but pleased "■ with the
settlement that had been made. I have since my first writing
of this learned a very important piece of [/. 288 («)] the
secret of this history.
\Panl>y^s letter to the princess.]
Cf. Hist. i. 819 (from ' Upon this the earl of Danby ' to e7id of paragraph).
After ' Danby ' add ' was so much set on having the right of the crown vested
in the princess that he ' ; and after ' over ' add ' express.'
After ' answer to the prince ' insert ' This on both sides is no inconsiderable
part of their character.'
For 'The prince bore . . . duke' read 'and the prince his employing and
trusting Danby after this was a very extraordinary thing likewise in him.'
[Further debates.]
Cf. Hist. i. 821 {from 'There were other differences' to p. 823, 'declared
to be king and queen ').
For ' But that was overruled . . . declared to be king and queen ' read only
' But a safer way was taken, which was to declare that king James had
abdicated the government, and that the throne was vacant ; and upon that the
prince and princess of Orange were desired to accept of it ; and both houses
declared them to be their king and queen. There were many conferences
between the two houses, not only upon the main point of exauctorating king
James, but likewise upon the words Original Contract, Abdicate and Vacant.
But the commons adhered firmly to their vote, at which the lords stuck almost
three weeks ' (cf. Hist. ii. 815 and 821).
[The bill of rights.]
Cf. Hist. i. 822 {from ' But before matters ' to p. 823, end of paragraph).
Om. ' Some ofiBcious . . . Magna Charta.'
- For ' simply . . . taken away' read ' as illegal.'
.Om. ' though the main clamour ... so that.'
Om. ' upon the opposition that was made.'
After 'disputable points' add' Some thought that the stating the liberties of
England in the same instrument in which the crown was offered to the king
and queen, looked like an imposing of conditions on them ; and some that
pretended [/ 288 (6)] much zeal for them pressed, even a little indecently, that
it might not be done ; but this was soon set aside.'
The oaths are appointed to be altered.
Cf. Hist. i. 823-5 (Jo 'The far greater part of the clergy').
For'' Many arguments . . . agree to the new settlement ' read only ' Those who
had opposed the settlement said.'
" Cf Hist. ii. 821.
' For the misrepresentation sub- Burnet, Sec, p. 12. See also Doebiier,
sequently placed on his incidence see Memoirs, p. 10.
Hickes, Some discourses upon Dr.
i689] Harl. MSS. 6584, _f. 287 (6)-28^ (a) 311
i^9f ' just and reasonable ' read ' expedient.'
For ' This tenderness . . . much abused by ' read only ' But there arose after-
Om. ' and that they might act . . . de jure.'
Om. ' The truth was . . . honour or conscience.'
For ' which by its agreement . . . among them ' read ' which is both more
subtile and more sincere.'
For 'of those . . . new government' read ' of the clergy who had been so
entangled concerning their opinions [/. 289 («)] concerning sovereign power,
and were so engaged by having asserted them so often and so publicly
[cf. ibid, above], that without the help of this new theory they had all gone off
in a body.'
Om. ' This was chiefly managed . . . Worcester.'
After ' Heaven ' add ' especially when it fell on the just side.'
For ' This might . . . clergy ' read ' besides several other difficulties.'
Conclusion ^.
" And thus I have opened the grounds on which the several
parties proceeded more fully than might have been expected
from me ; ^ but, as I was in this whole matter and so spent
a great part of my time during these debates in arguing with
several sorts of people, so that I was well acquainted with
men's schemes and reasonings, so I hope it may be both
a pleasant and useful instruction to posterity to open it with
all possible clearness and fulness. After many debates in
both houses and many conferences between them, at last
a great protestation having been made against king James'
abdication, and the throne's being vacant, "the offer of the
crown was made and accepted by the prince and princess on
the 13th of February ". It happened to be Ash Wednesday ;
so some wished it might be delayed a day, and imagined it
would look inauspicious to begin a reign on a day of fasting ;
others thought it had a particular decency in it, that princes
immediately after they were set on the throne should come
and humble themselves in dust and ashes before God ; and
thought that the concurrent devotions of the nation at that
time was no unbecoming circumstance for the beginning of
a government.
" Cf. Hist. i. 82a, 825. " Ibid. 821-2. " Ibid. 825.
' The defence of the princess's ments on her behaviour and by dis-
cheerfulness, subsequently inserted, torted Whig versions of his remon-
was no doubt evoked by Jacobite com- strance ; see Cunningham, i. 103.
312 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
\Reign of William and Mary] : the king and queen
are proclaimed.
The king and queen were immediately proclaimed in
London ; and as soon as was possible over all England with
great demonstrations of joy ; for though there was a party for
king James among the nobility and gentry and clergy, yet
the body of the nation [/ 389 {b)\ had never been observed
to be so universally well satisfied with any government as
they were with this. '^ The king did not change his way in
any sort upon this new dignity ; he became only a little more
visible and accessible than he had been, but his cold silent
way was too deeply rooted in him to be changed ; he was
then in a very ill state of health ; the air and smoke of
London did not agree with him ; he had been long out
of exercise, and was fallen so very low that few believed
he should easily recover his strength again ; so he chose to
retire to Hampton Court, and there he spent the summer ;
and since he found that air agreed with him, he designed
to rebuild that old and irregular palace. '' All this was
censured'' as a withdrawing from business and the giving
himself up to ease and laziness. Nor did he study much to
accommodate himself to the humours of the nation.
A jninistry is formed.
The ministry that he first made choice of was not of
a piece, and wrought different ways. " Danby was made
marquess of Carmarthen and president of the council ;
Halifax was privy seal ; "^ Shrewsbury and Nottingham were
secretaries of state ; * Mordaunt (now made earl of Mon-
mouth) was first commissioner of the treasury ; ' the great
seal was put in commission, s and so was the admiralty ; but
though Herbert, who was made earl of Torrington, was set
at the head of it, he (who designed to be lord admiral) left his
post there 8, and Pembroke was put in it. ^Almost all the
chief places, both in the government ^ and household, were filled
" Cf. Hist. ii. 2. " Ibid. 3. <= Ibid. 4. Ibid. 5. * Ibid. - Ibid. 4.
' Ibid. e /bid. " Ibid. 3.
314 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1689
Tfte consequences npon Notiinghatn's being employed.
=■ The employing of Nottingham was very unacceptable to
all that party that had shewed the greatest zeal for the king%
and it gave a present and sensible change to the state of
affairs ; for "^ the Whigs grew sullen and became jealous upon
it'', that the king would fall in with the church party and grow
fond of prerogative motions. On the other hand, it had a very
sensible effect on the church party ; <= they had concluded that
the opposition they had given to the king's coming to the
throne, and the zeal that others had showed for it, would
throw him entirely into their hands " ; this they thought
would be so managed by the commonwealth party that
they, finding they had the king wholly in their power, would
undermine the prerogative and rob the crown of its most
important rights, and by this means they apprehended both
a subversion of the church and change of government in thef
state ; they also knew that the commonwealth party were
violent and implacable, so 'Uhey looked for severe revenges
from them for the hardships they had suffered at their hands
in king Charles' reign. This begot in them great apprehen-
sions, and put them generally in a disposition of looking
towards king James ; so Nottingham's being in the ministry
was looked upon by them as no small part of their security.
They knew that he would lay before the king the rights
and prerogatives of the crown '', and that he would represent
to him that the church party were those he must trust, who
would prove his surest and firmest friends. At the same time
that Nottingham was discoursing those things to the king
he took much pains, both by himself and all his friends, to
persuade all the clergy and the friends of the church to take
the oaths and to come into the interests of the government ;
and his endeavour had so good effects that I reckon I do not
exceed the severe rules of history when I say that Notting-
ham's being in the ministry, together with the effects that
it had, first preserved the church and then the crown. And
" Cf. Hist. ii. 3-4. t Ibid. 4. >> Ibid. 3. " Ibid.
1689] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 290 (a)-2go (p) 315
therefore those who intended to ruin both were not without
reason much troubled at his being employed ; but he went on
through the rest of the parts of this settlement in pursuance
to his own principles, which made him be still looked on
as an enemy to the government, that opposed everything that
was proposed for its defence ; and his enemies, that could not
deny that he was zealous in his office for it, said that out
of parliament he was for the king but in parliament he was
against him. And this made some impressions even on the
king himself, who looked on him as one that was too much
a bigot and too passionately wedded to a party ; this did
indeed show itself upon many occasions, but all that had
a good effect upon the whole; for it gained him so much
credit, that it put him in a capacity afterwards to bring them
almost entirely over to the king's interests. He told the king,
when he entered into his service' that he foresaw there were
many steps yet to be made in which he [/. 390 (d)] would
oppose that which would be pretended to be his service ; but
he would follow his own sense of things in parliament, though
he would be guided by the king's sense out of it ^.
ne convention turned into a parliament.
Cf. Hist. ii. 5-6 {to end of paragraph^.
For ' the Tories. They said ' read ' those who thought that.'
Om. ' So it was moved . . . election.'
[Some bishops refused the oaths.^
Cf. Hist. ii. 6 (/;-OTO 'Eight bishops' to p. 7, end of paragraph), for which read
' Eight bishops absented themselves, of whom two died soon after; and about
twelve temporal lords and a very few of the house of commons withdrew :
all the rest took the oaths,'
An act obliging all persons to take the oaths.
»The first thing upon this that was proposed was an act
obliging all such persons to take the new oaths as had been
by law obliged to take the old ones, together with penalties
and incapacities upon those that took them not by a prefixed
» Cf. Hist. ii. 7.
See Von Ranke, ed. 1868, vol. vii. App. ii. pp. 187-8.
3i6 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
day ; and in particular such of the clergy as took them not
were to be put under a suspension for the space of six
months, and deprivation afterwards (if they took them not
within that time). This was looked on by all the church
party as a design against the church of England ; for it was
then given out that the greater party would refuse the oaths ;
and this, they hoped, would either quite break or divide the
church. ^ Others of the Whig party hoped at least to bring
this matter to such a composition that the church party to
save this storm from themselves should have consented to
have taken away the sacrament test, without which no man
was capable of holding public employments. This would have
let in dissenters into places of trust % and it was represented
as a thing of such advantage to the king in the present
juncture, that '' he was advised by Mr. Hampden to recommend
it from the throne to both " houses, " which he did without
communicating it to his other ministers ; this was a great
error, for there not being any one thing upon which the
church party reckoned that their security depended more
than this, they became very jealous of the king as willing
to sacrifice the church to the dissenters. It was rejected by
both houses with so great an inequality ° that the king had
reason to look better to the motions that came from the
throne. ''But the party, finding they had [_/. 291 («)] failed
in this, set on the act about the oaths with more heat than
[Debates concerning the oaths.]
Cf. Ht'st. ii. 8 (Ji-om ' That which was long ' to p. 9, ' and so it passed ').
Begin ' So a great debate and many conferences followed upon it ' (vide ibid.
After ' oblige ^ for ' them ' read ' such as gave cause of suspicion.'
After ' by it ' add ' which was enough for the safety of the government.'
Om. ' distinctions . . . strength from them.'
Om. ' especially . . . general terms.'
Om. ' An exception . . . rejected.
Om. from ' I was the chief to end of paragraph.
•> Cf. Hist. ii. 8. * Ibid. 7. "^ Ibid. 8. arty and of the king.']
Cf. Hist. ii. 12 (' But wise and good . . . statute that enacted it ').
For 'Christian religion . . . nation' rrarf ' Christianity, and to the interest of
the protestant religion.'
Om. ' chiefly . . . nation.'
For ' gave . . . content ' read ' was very agreeable to the king's inclinations
and interest,' and place next sente)ice in present tense.
Om. 'and he was much troubled . . . nation.'
\^f. 291 (6)] Om. ' in many places of Germany and.'
Propositions for a comprehension.
'At the same time that the toleration was proposed to
both houses, the bishops who resolved to adhere to king
James's interest, moved before they left the house of lords
that heads of a comprehension might likewise be considered "
for taking in the presbyterians ; ^ which consisted chiefly in
moderating the rigour of the subscriptions, and in admitting
children to be baptized without the cross, and persons to the
sacrament without obliging them to kneel. ^ Those who pro-
posed this acted very disingenuously ; for not only they
opposed it underhand and set on all their friends against
it, but they represented such as were cordially for it as the
enemies and betrayers of the church, who intended to subvert
it. ''This, which was likewise prepared and offered to the
house of lords by Nottingham, 'passed through that house,
" Cf. Hist. ii. 10. " Ibid. ii. ' Ibid. 6. ^ Ibid. ' Ibid. ' Ibid.
lo-i. s Ibid. II. ^ Ibid. 6. ' Ibid. ii.
3i8 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1689
'^ but was let lie on the table of the house of commons ^ ; and
so it fell with the prorogation. ^A party began to be
formed in the house of commons that was secretly against
the government ; but they pretended they were for the church
of England ^ ; and they carried several smaller matters which
the other party did not much oppose, on design to represent
this to the king as "= a cabal formed against him by Nottingham.
That party carried an address for a convocation of the
clergy ; they went heavily into the toleration, and laid aside
the comprehension.
YThe dissenters, and the comprehension bill.\
Cf. Hist. ii. II (' Nor was this bill . . . fell to the ground ').
Debates concerning the revemte.
Cf. Hist. ii. 12 {from ' and the necessary supplies Vo p. 13, ' have refused it 'X
For ' both for the quota . . . Ireland ' read only ' for the war.'
For ' The next care . . . shown for him. But ' read ' But as for the main branch
of the revenue that arose out of the customs, and which was usually granted
to our kings for life.'
For ' Some Whigs . . . come off for them ' read only ' The republican party.'
Out. ' or, at most . . . years.'
Om. ' and oblige . . . grant.'
Om. ' made great use . . . success. They.'
The chimney money sicrrendered.
The king had good reason to expect a good return from
his people ; for though * the chimney money was a part of the
standing revenue and was a sure article upon which in time
of war money could always be raised, for it never sunk, " yet
he, understanding that this was a great grievance to the
people of England, had promised to the people in the west as
he marched through it that it should be taken away, and
pursuant to that he offered to the parliament to have it taken
away, which was done accordingly ; but was much opposed by
all that were of king James's party, who thought that both it
would endear the king to [/. 392 («)] the body of the people,
and also that if king James should be restored it would lay
" Cf. Hist. ii. II, infra. ^ Ibid. <= Ibid, infra. '^ Ibid. 13.
" Ibid, supra.
1689] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 291 (/^)-292 (a) 319
an obligation of him not to claim it ; yet it was carried and
passed *. Now it seemed very unjust and indecent in the
commons, who had received such an extraordinary favour
from the king, to deny him that which had been given to
all former kings ; yet they were resolved not to grant it ;
so it was pretended that '' there were many anticipations and
assignations upon the customs ; and since the petitions of
all persons concerned in those could not be considered, they
granted the customs for one year to the king, as a provisional
act till that whole matter should be settled ; but they
intended never to carry it further than from year to year.
And an act of indemnity,
Cf. Hht. ii. 14 {to p. 15, 'merciful a prince').
For ' They could not be brought ... set this on ' read ' The king did likewise
press for an act of indemnity for settling the minds of all that were either
criminals, or that apprehended they might be made so ; and here the violent party
by their fury lost the king upon another head ; or they had no mind to pass
the act of indemnity.'
For ' severe revenges . . . unjust things ' read ' to take revenge of the Tories
for many things.'
Om. ' till a better . . . offer itself.'
[T/ie militia ii//,~\
Cf. Hist. ii. 14 (' A bill . . . exalted his person ').
For ' both from the crown . . . house of lords ' read ' out of the crown ; but
this was so foolishly contrived that it was taken likewise out of the hands of
the lords lieutenants and put in the hands of the deputy lieutenants ; by this
means the peers, who are generally the lords lieutenants, were concerned.'
After ' table ' add ' [and] it fell with the prorogation.'
[TAe Dutch costs?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 14 [from ' One thing the house of commons' to cud of paragraph).
For ' One thing ... the king; they gave' read 'The last act of this session
was for repaying.'
For 'revolution' read 'for the late expedition'; ani conclude 'and so the
session ended in August.'
The state of Ireland; \Derry and Iniiiskilling].
During this session " king James was got to Ireland " ; and
that whole kingdom, except the two places formerly men-
tioned of Londonderry and Inniskilling, submitted to him ;
^ he had raised a vastly numerous army there ^, that lived upon
" Cf. Hist. ii. 13. " Ibid. ' Ibid. > Ibid. 18. " Ibid. 18-9. « Ibid. 19. « Ibid.
' Ibid. s Ibid. i> Ibid. ! Ibid.
1689] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 292 (a)-293 {a) 321
into the same resolutions. A considerable force was sent
against them, but through their courage and the cowardice
jof the Irish they held out till the end of July, » that Kirk being
sent with a fleet and army to their relief the siege was raised
and the place relieved, ''many thousands having died of
hunger '', which grew at last to all extremities possible. There
was a minister in the place, Dr. Walker \ who acted a very
noble part ■ in the government and defence of the town ; he
was but a man of ordinary parts, but they were suited to this
work, for he did wonders in this siege. I will not go further
in the particulars of this history which were very variously
represented ; those I leave to ordinary writers ; my chief end
of writing being very different from that of putting gazette[s]
together. Those of Inniskilling had some [time ?] after this,
besides many small advantages, one very considerable victory
over a great part of the Irish army ; and about a month after
that, " Schomberg, whom the king had made a duke, sailed
over with an army of 10,000 men ; ^ most of these were new
levied, and both officers and men had as much of courage
as they wanted in skill ^. Ulster was quickly reduced, except
the fort of Charlemont, which held out till next year.
No action, but our men suffered jjtuch.
Cf. Hist. ii. 20 {from 'He marched on to Dundalk' io'end of paragraph).
After ' his number ' add ' and particularly they excelled in horse.'
Om. ' much treachery . . . employed.'
Om. ' for want . . . management.'
[/ 293 («)] Om. ' Such complaints . . . venture.'
After ' retreat ' add ' and if he had succeeded, yet he could never have justified
the rashness of his venturing too much.'
For ' better judges ' read ' some military men.'
After ' quarters ' add ' and then those who had formerly blamed bis caution
were forced to confess that his care in looking after his army justified all the
high character that the world had of him.'
[Affat'rs at sea.}
Cf. Hist. ii. 20-1.
Om. ' Herbert . . . Ireland.'
After ' some of his ships ; and ' add ' they went back to Brest. Our fleet.'
■ Cf. Hist. ii. 19, supra. ' Ibid, supra. ■= Ibid. 19. ^ Ibid.
' See Routh's note in loco ; and Macaulay, v. 133, note
322 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1689
/or 'But, if we lost . . . designs' read 'And the fleet having been victualled at
an improper season, our provisions were so soon spoiled, that more seamen
died of ill food than we could have lost in a very great battle.'
The settlement of Scotland.
* At the opening the winter session of parliament in
Scotland there was likewise some disorder in our affairs.
'' In the convention the bishops and all their party opposed
all the proceedings against king James. ° The castle of
Edinburgh was in the duke of Gordon's hands, who acted
but faintly, and studied rather to gain time " than to do much
mischief. The presbyterian party struck in with zeal to make
a change of government in the church, and ^ came in great
numbers armed to Edinburgh, pretending it was necessary
to guard the convention when the castle was in an enemy's
hands ^ ; they talked big and threatened high, but did no harm
to any, even to those they hated most. ® Yet Dundee and
some others left the convention, pretending that they were
in danger of their lives. ^ There was among [them] a great
variety of opinions ; some were plainly for king James, others
were for following the method taken in England.
\The third fiariy^
Cf. Hist. ii. 21 {from 'A third party' to p. 22, end of paragraph).
\J. 293 (i)] Om. 'and were for maintaining . ..interregnum,' oW perfected or.'
Om. ' and many . . . into it.'
Om. ' since many . . . whereas.'
For from ' and quick provision ' to end of paragraph read ' It was also
visible, that since the presbyterian party was like to prevail, those in Eng-
land that were for the church, and were then jealous of the interest that
the dissenters had gained with the present government, would never consent
to have a great many more presbyterian members sent from Scotland '.'
\The settlement?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 22 {from ' They passed ' to p. 23, end of paragraph).
For ' They passed . . . tendered to them ' read ' So at last on the 13th '' of April,
which was the day on which the king and queen were crowned at Westmin-
ster, they declared that king James had so broken all the laws of Scotland,
•^ C{. Hist. ii. 25. ^ Ibid. 21. " Ibid. 22. ^ -Ibid, supra. " Ibid, infra.
' Ibid. 21.
' The reason for modifying this ' Corrected in margin (qu. in hand
passage in 1705 is obvious. of f. 2 ?) to ' n ' (the true date).
1689] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 293 («)-293 {b) 323
that he had thereby lost his right to the kingdom, so that the throne was
For ' which they pretended . , . kingdom ' nad > and another petition of
grievances, which Were occasioned bj' some oppressive laws of which they
desired a redress ; among the [first '] of these they had put the abolishing
the order of bishops.'
For ' though . . . grievance ' read ' though the king and parliament might
afterwards do in it what they pleased ^ ' ; and omit ' whereas . . , see cause.'
Om. ' to carry . . . unreasonable soever.'
After ' settlement ' add ' and thus they claimed many rights, and petitioned
for the redress of several grievances.'
[TXi? new Jiiims/ry.]
In all this matter duke Hamilton showed great zeal for
the king, and as '^ he was chosen the .president of the con-
vention, so ''he carried matters in it with much dexterity
and courage, so that the chief merit in procuring the settle-
ment fell to his share ; " and he was immediately upon it
made the king's commissioner ; the convention being turned
to a parliament. ^ Sir James Montgomery had been the
busiest man in managing and haranguing the members ^ and
was much relied on by the presbyterian party. ® He was
a man of parts, but fierce and violent ; ^ and all the episcopal
party were very apprehensive of his coming into a great post,
8 with which he flattered himself. ''Stair was the man the
king intended chiefly to trust in Scottish matters, but so many
complaints were brought against him'', particularly in the
administration of justice, that it was not advisable to make
him secretary.
Melville^ a severe presbyterian, made secretary.
' So the lord Melville, who had married the duchess of Mon-
mouth's sister^, and that had been all along a zealous presby-
terian, but was thought a cautious and moderate man, and that
had been driven out of his estate, and had continued some years
' Cf. Hist. ii. 21. " Ibid. 23. ' Ibid. 24. 'i Ibid. 23. " Ibid.
' Ibid. 24. s Ibid. 23. ^ Ibid. 24. ' Ibid.
' The ' last ' of ihe MS. is nonsense, bishops ' and ' and yet ' in the MS.).
^ These words originally, no doubt, ' Lady Katharine Lesley, cousin of
a marginal addition) were misplaced the duchess,
by the transcriber (^between ' order of
Y 3
324 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1689
in Holland, was made [sole (?)]i secretary. This has proved
the worse choice of any the king has yet made ; for as .he
is a superstitious bigot ready to [/. 294 a] sacrifice all things
to the interest of presbytery, so he is a weak, narrow-hearted *,
and low-minded man, not capable of taking wise measures
himself, and yet jealous of everybody else. ^ This choice'', and
the having a sole secretary, ""gave a universal dista[s]te.
•• Montgomery was angry to find himself disappointed, and
duke Hamilton was not pleased.
Great discontent given by that.
Cf. Hist. ii. 25 {from ' The parliament there was opened ' io p. 26, end
of paragraph).
For 'The parliament . . . resolved to "• read ' So a great party was formed in
the parliament of Scotland that was resolved to oppose everything and.*
For ' the majority ' read ' the party against him. '
Om. 'that relating . . . parliament itself.'
Om. ' proper.'
After ' desire it ' add ' and not continue during the whole parliament.'
Om. 'just ' ; and for ' pretended ' read ' believed.'
After ' away ' add ' and all the factious party struck in with them.'
For ' both to the king . . . Hke to have ' read ' upon everything.'
Before ' dark ' read ' such ' ; and after ' orders ' read ' that he saw clearly he
was resolved to expose him.'
Om. 'The revenue . . . England. But even.'
For ' though of himself . . . easily borne ' read ' was himself against it and
complained still of defective orders.'
For from ' and I took ' to p. 26, ' adhered to it there,' read only ' and I spake
to the king once or twice about it ; but I found the king had no mind to talk
with me on those matters, so I gave over any further meddling in them.'
For ' It was expected . . . instead of that' read 'But now, though the king
had changed many of those who had been judges before, yet.'
After ' done ' add ' in the ordinary way.'
For ' those who opposed everything ' read ' the parliament ' ; for ' in parlia-
ment ' read ' by them ' ; for ' they had prepared ' read ' many of the members had
After ' list ' add ' chiefly against Stair, that was named fot president.'
For ' intending . . . government ' read ' this would have been a very invidious
matter, to have a whole nomination [/. 294 (6)] that was made by the king to
be thus publicly canvassed and exposed. So.'
For ' nor did he himself read ' and he himself, who did not' ; and for 'chiefly
. . . president. So he discontinued ' {see supra) read ' not being ill-pleased to
find it so unacceptable, he obtained leave to discontinue.'
" Cf. Hist. ii. 24. t lUd. Ibid. ^ Ibid. 35.
'■ The transcript has ' lord secretary ' (a clerical error).
1689] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 293 (6)-294 {h) 325
A great rising there against the government \Killiecrankie\.
^ But while they were falling into those heats Dundee went
about the highlands and got together a considerable body
of men, many gentlemen of the low country running in to
him ; ** he was supplied from Ireland with powder and arms.
•= He pressed king James very earnestly to come over ", which
if he had done in time he had probably throwii us into a long
and dangerous war, but the ill-conduct of the siege of Derry
hindered this. ^ Mackay commanded the king's forces *,
which were then about 6^000, ^ most of them raw and new-
levied men ; he made many motions from north to south, and
found the heads of the clans so doubtful that the most of
them promised to come to his assistance ; yet they generally
went in to Dundee. At last, he pursuing him, they at last
came to an engagement at Killiecrankie, a place some miles
above Dunkeld ®- Many blamed Mackay for drawing up his
army as he did ; others justified him ; but success failed him,
for 'Dundee broke through his army, so that they run for
it, and probably, if Dundee had outlived that day, the victory
might have been far pursued ; but his side suffered more
in losing him than they gained by the victory. For Mackay
rallied his men quickly and made a good stand ' ; so that
after that, the highlanders, being ill-commanded, were beaten
in every engagement. Thus Dundee fell with great fame,
and was esteemed a second Montrose. Scotland suffered
much by this summer's war ; ^ a fort was built at Inverlochy,
called from the king's name Fort William, that did so cut off
all communication between the northern and southern high-
landers, that they were never able after this to appear in any
considerable body.
\Affairs at sea.]
Cf. Hist. ii. a8.
Om. ' not setting . . . any more.'
Om. ' We seemed , . . there.'
[Foreign affairs.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 28.
Om. ' which the French . . covered.'
* Cf. Hist. ii. 26. '' Ibid. 27. " Ibid. 26. <> Ibid. z^. " Ibid, infra.
< Ibid. e Ibid.
326 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
For ' Keiserwart . . . misfortunes on that side ' read ' The king was now-
acknowledged by all the courts of Europe, except the allies of France, and this
was the state of affairs as to civil matters in the winter [i6]89.'
The state of the clergy in England.
Cf. Hist. ii. 28 (' I now return . . . would be preferred ').
For ' I now return . . . recess ' read ' I must in the next place say somewhat
of church matters.'
For ' though with many . . . conscience ' read only ' yet.'
For ' that were with great industry . . . church of England ' read ' [that] all
king James' party spread over England, that the king was a presbyterian in
his heart.'
[T/ie laiitudinarians charged with Socinianism.\
[/• 295 («)] And because many of those were men that studied
to make out all things by principles of reason, and had with
great success both proved the truth of the Christian religion and
the grounds of morality from rational principles, ^ it was said
they denied mysteries and were Socinians ; this aspersion had
been first cast on them by papists, on design to disgrace
a knot of divines that had .both written and acted with much
strength against them ; and it was now taken up by some at
Oxford. All which was managed and secretly set on by
Clarendon and some of the bishops that were now falling
under deprivation *- The promotions that were made increased
those jealousies. A great many bishops happened to die in
a few months ; so that '' the king made six bishops in the space
of so many months — Salisbury, Chester, Bangor, Worcester,
[Chichester,] and Bristol''
I was made bishop of Salisbury.
To the first of these, that was the first that fell, the king
thought fit to promote me ; he did it of his own motion ;
for though ■= a great many of my friends, without any encourage-
ment from me, moved him in it, he made them no manner of
answer till he took occasion to speak to myself ; and he did
it in a way that was much more obliging than I could have
expected from him. When I waited on the queen she told
me she hoped I " would set a pattern to others, and ^ would
» Cf. Hist. ii. 28-9. '' Ibid. 29. "^ Ibid. 8. * Ibid.
1689] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 294 (6)-295 ip) 327
put in practice those notions with which I had taken the
liberty sometimes to entertain her ^ She also recommended
to me the making my wife an example to other clergymen's
wives, both in the simplicity and plainness of her clothes and
in the humility of her deportment \ This I mention to show
what is the queen's sense of the duties of clergymen and of
the behaviour of their wives ; the vanity and pride of those
has risen to a great excess, and I have put many out of
countenance, and have freed either them of their vanity, or
at least their husbands of the expense of it, by letting this
rule that the queen gave me be known. ""I came into the
house of lords 2 when the matter of comprehension and
toleration was in debate ^ and I went so high in those points,
that I was sometimes upon the division of the house single
against the whole bench of bishops. "But in the point of
tendering the oaths to all the clergy I did indeed oppose
that", upon this ground, that I thought ''if they joined in the
public offices of the church, and performed them sometimes
themselves, this must needs bind them as firmly to the
government as any oaths whatsoever. ° But in the progress
of the debate I changed my mind when I understood
[/". 395 (^)] that the non-swearing bishops did not pray
for the king and queen by name, but only prayed for the
king without naming him, which was plainly the praying
for king James : and so it was generally understood. ' Now
it seemed contrary to the rules of government to suffer men
to minister in holy things and to be in such eminent stations
who considered themselves under another allegiance. Upon
this I changed my mind ^. By those things s I fell under great
prejudices ^ ; but that which was the greatest of all was that
''it was generally thought that I could have hindered the
change of the government of the church that was made in
Scotland '', and that I went into it too easily. The truth was,
» Cf. Hist. ii. 8. •> Ibid. ' Ibid. g. ^ Ibid, supra. " Ibid. 9-10.
' Ibid. 9. e Ibid. 10. » Ibid. 26.
' See Autobiography, infra, f. 212.
' Here too a reflection upon Sancroft has been inserted in the History.
328 Burners Original Memoirs [1689
the king desired me to let the clergy of England understand
the necessity he lay under to consent to it, ^ since the whole
episcopal party, a very few only excepted, went into king
James's interest : and therefore, since the presbyterians were
the only party that he had there, the granting of their desires
at that time were unavoidable. But he assured me he would
take care to moderate the violence of presbytery, and this
was likewise promised very solemnly to me by Melville,
who I believe did intend it at first ; but, he seeing that those
who were engaged in a faction against him built their hopes
chiefly on their interest in that party, he resolved to take
the party out of their hands ; and that, he knew, could not
be done but by proceeding with great rigour against all the
ministers of the episcopal persuasion ; and in order to this he
entered into a close correspondence with the earl of Crawford,
whom he got to be made president of the parliament. And,
it being universally understood that he had Melville's secret,
he came to bear great sway, though he is a very weak and
passionate man in his temper, and is become furious by his
principles ; "^ so he upon every address turned out ministers
and encouraged the rabble to fall on such as gave no occasion
of complaint against them.
{Crawford's conducts effect in England^
Cf. Hist. ii. 29 {from ' the convention, when they passed ' lo p. 30, ' episcopal
For 'the next Sunday' read 'the very next day (for they voted it on a
Om. ' for the most part . . . read.'
After ' queen ' add ' by name.'
For ' much eagerness . . . afterwards. And upon ' read ' so much eagerness
and rudeness that all the violent men of the party brought in complaints
to the council of their ministers, for not reading it [/ 296 (a)] on the day
appointed, [or] for.'
After ' government ' add ' and all those were so well received that upon the
slightest proofs.'
[Burnet blamed for ih's.]
And because I had to a great many of the clergy f excused
what the king had done in Scotland from the necessity of his
" Cf. Hist. ii. 29. t Ibid. 30. " Ibid.
1689] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 295 (^)-296 {a) 329
affairs, and had assured them that the king would moderate
the fury of presbytery, this gave very bad impressions of me*
to the whole body of the clergy ; and the sense of this,
together with the principles which I had been so long forming
of the function of a bishop, made me ^ lay down a scheme
to myself" which I write here as that which shall be a witness
against me if ever I depart from it.
[Burnet draws lep a scheme of Ms duties '.]
" I reckoned that the beginning of all the reformations was
to be laid down in the education of those who were to serve
in the church ; and therefore I resolved to choose ten students
of divinity, to whom I would give 30 lib. a year apiece, and
whom I would train up at hard study, and in a course of as
much devotion as they could be brought to, with whom
I would discourse an hour a day of matters of learning and
piety, and particularly of such things as related to the
pastoral care ; that so I might have a sufficient number of
persons ready to be put in such cures as fell to my disposing" ;
and this I have hitherto kept to, and have seen the good
effects of it ^. * I resolved in the next place to go round my
diocese once every year (in a private visitation) in eleven
different places, where I should order the clergy of that
division to meet me. I intended to preach and confirm,
and after that to hold conferences with them concerning
some points of divinity, that so I might grow acquainted
with my clergy and with the state of my diocese, and that
I might have frequent opportunities to set the clergy to their
studies and to the discharge of their pastoral care. I judged
that nothing would be a likelier means to raise the spirit of
religion (that was generally sunk and dead) than the calling
on persons to be confirmed, not in their childhood upon their
» Cf. Hist. ii. 30. '' Cf. Life (appended to Hist, ii), p. 706.
■t Ibid. 708-9. * Ibid. 706.
' This should be compared, not only of the Life) ; with App. V, infra ; and
with the Life, but with the Autobio- with the Pastoral Care.
graphy (««/ra), ff. 21 i-s (which, based ^ But see Autobiography, infra,
on the above, forms the foundation f. 213 ; Life (in Hist, ii.), p. 709.
33° Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
having the church catechism by I'ote, but when they were
come to the years of discretion ; that so by an act and
sponsion of their own they might engage themselves to
Christianity ». I thought this would likewise give the clergy
an opportunity of going from house to house about their
parishes and of inquiring into their deportment, and so
entering upon such methods of treating with them as they
should find to be most effectual. [/. 496 {b)] This I have
observed on my part ; but it is not easy to bring the clergy
to desire to take pains among their people, nor are the people
very willing to submit to it, so this goes on but slowly.
•^ I resolved likewise to preach constantly every Lord's day,
not only at the place of my residence, but in as many
churches as lay within such a distance that I could decently
go to them and return on a Sunday ^- And because my diocese
consisted of two counties, Wiltshire and Berkshire, I resolved
to divide the year between them. The former is much the
bigger county, and is my seat, so I intended to be eight
months of the year at Salisbury and four at Windsor ; and
by this means I have already preached in above fifty churches
of my diocese, and confirmed at them all. ''I resolved to
ordain no persons without knowing them well, and examining
them strictly myself, and after I was satisfied by examining
them in private, I resolved to do it with the concurrence of as
great a number of the clergy as I could gather about me,
without whose approbation and consent I resolved never to
ordain any ". And this I have hitherto observed ; but I find
that the strictness of my examinations frightens the clergy,
so that few come to me. . These were the rules that I set
to myself at first, and in which I do hitherto continue.
^ I thank God I have not met with much scandal among my
clergy, but many of them are too ignorant ; they seem to
have no great sense of devotion, and none at all of the
pastoral care, but imagine they acquit themselves well when
they perform the public functions ^ Covetousness, aspiring to
preferments, and a restless seeking after great livings, which
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 706. •> Ibid. 707. ' Ibid. 707-8. Life in Hist. ii. 707. ' Hist. ii. 30. ■■ Ibid. i. 708 ; ii. 30.
332 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
the church of England for the supporting the interest of the
protestant religion ; upon which he assured them that in due
time regard should be had to them. Upon all those reasons
it was that * the prince had promised in his declaration that he
would endeavour all that in him lay to procure an union
between those of the church of England and all protestant
dissenters ^ Therefore it was resolved to lay that matter
before a convocation.
[ The preliminary conference^
Cf. Hist. ii. 30 {from ' but it seemed necessary ' to p. 33, end of paragrapK).
For ' but it seemed necessary ... So ' read only ' But to prepare it to them
a committee was named.'
On p. 31, for ' a number of read ' a commission of tlie most eminent.'
After ' several weeks ' add ' and digested an entire correction of everything
that seemed hable to any just objection in the whole common prayer-booli.
[Cf. ibid, infrai] All that lies together in Dr. Tenison's hands ', and I make no
doubt but it will be preserved till a fit opportunity comes for making use of it.
The whole was very carefully weighed, as became scholars and divines.'
For ' they ' [bis) read ' we ' ; for ' them ' read ' us.'
For ' matters . . . objection ' read ' everything was inquired into very critically,
Om. 'as well as very learned.'
Om. ' who showed herself . . . children.'
Before ' It was not offered ' add ' For instance.'
For ' that so we might draw over . . . gaining of them ' read [f. 297 (i)] ' and
therefore the present occasion was not to be neglected.'
" [/ 47 ('')] ^fer ' on both sides ' add ' Clarendon and others of.'
Om. ' and presbytery ... set up.'
For 'while it went off . . . concessions' read 'by the corrections that, were
After ' universities ' add ' particulai-Iy Oxford.'
For ' severe reflections . . . shelter themselves ' read ' and the king's interest
came to suffer considerably by it.'
" Cf. Hist. i. 776 ; ii. 30.
' In Birch's valuable account of since here begins (at Harl. MSS. 6584,
this preliminary conference, Life of f. 47) No. 2 in Dr. Gilford's arrange-
7V7to50K,&c.,i753,pp. i66-83,mention ment, and the narrative is continued
is made of the scrupulous reticence ob- in duplicate. We shall however only
servedbyTenison with regard to these give the foliation of the earlier and
papers, of which he had the custody better version. Folios 47 et sqq. are
(p. 176). They were published in a lettered in the transcriber's hand a
Parliamentary Blue Book in 1854. et sqq. successively. Folio 46 and the
^ At the words 'could not appoint upperpartoff. 47 contain some notes of
a [select] number' (which occur on the discrepancies between this portion
p. 32, vol. ii. of the published History) and the printed History, in the hand of
Transcript A becomes again available ; Dr. Gifford.
1689] Harl MSS. 6584,/: 297 (a)-(^»); 47 {a)-{b)3^
For ' a thing not known . . . times ; so ' read ' and they were so much heated
by those instruments who hoped to have weakened (if not pulled down) the
government by their means.'
[A convocation inei\ and the matter was let fall.
Cf. Hist. ii. 33-4 {to ' more hurt than good ').
Before 'message' insert ' kind and gracious.'
Om. ' But the lower house . . . message ; and.'
For ' their owning some . . . not agree to it ' read ' an expression favour-
able to those churches that had not bishops ; and though the avoiding to name
the protestant religion seemed to be a very invidious thing at that time, yet they
refused to do it rather than give the least advantage to any healing propositions.'
Om. ' and they had not their metropolitan with them.'
For ' to set things fprward ' read ' to govern the lower.'
For ' and thus ... to no purpose ' read ' which was done, and they have
never met since.'
After ' entirely forgot' add 'The clergy, on the other hand, said (to justify
themselves) that it was very visible from all the proceedings in Scotland that the
king was no friend to the church, and that therefore it was necessary for them
to stand their ground, and to stick firm to one another. By this means the high
church party became very jealous of the court.'
For 'in this matter' read 'in the miscarriage of the convocation and of the
design of comprehension.'
Om. 'Jacobite.'
A session of parliament.
Cf. Hist. ii. 34 {to ' could be grounded ').
\^f. 47 (6)] For ' In winter . . . ill-humour ' read only ' which was the parliament.'
Om. ' The ill-conduct . . ■ made on him. '
After ' Eolton' add ' and the other Whig lords.'
After ' reign ' add ' (the lord Russell's, Col. Sidney['s], and others).'
After ' charters ' add ' It appeared visibly that all this was levelled at Halifax. '
\Halifax retires; the king annoyed with the JVhigs.]
So nothing came of it, only Halifax saw such a tide raised
against him in both houses, that " he thought fit soon after to
quit his place and withdraw from business ; and ever since
he has seemed to lean to king James' party ; he has always
favoured them, and he is finding fault with everything the
government does * ; so that he is thought a Jacobite. Yet
I believe his commerce that way goes no further than that
he is laying in for a pardon, and perhaps for favour if a
revolution should happen, for he is neither a firm nor a stout
man. ^ Yet the party that was thus pursuing their old resent-
ments with so much violence'' when the necessity of affairs
■> Cf. Hist. ii. 34. " Ibid.
334 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
called all that wished well to the government to a more entire
union in their councils, '' lost much in the king's good opinion *.
But as the house of commons is the chief scene, so the pro-
ceedings there did quite alienate the king from them.
\The king demands the revenue!]
Cf. Hist. ii. 34 (' He expressed . . . unless that was done ').
For ' without that ' read ' without the power and the necessary means to
support it.'
For ' And he spoke of this . . . vehemence ' read ' And he seemed so much set
on this.'
For ' an empty name ' read ' the government.'
Om. ' he said once . . . without power.'
Jealousies of the king.
''But a jealousy was raised as if he would grow very
arbitrary if the revenue were once settled ; some began to
give out that he was hearkening after prerogative notions,
and that if he were settled on the throne he would strain for
as high a stretch of his authority'' as any that had gone
before him had done ; and both he himself and Bentinck,
whom he had made earl of Portland, spake to a great many
upon this subject in a style of such earnestness and positive-
ness that all this tended to increase the jealousy. "Those
of the Whigs who had lived long at Amsterdam" and had
been there possessed with the jealousies of that city "^told
about all the little stories they had heard of the king's sullen-
ness and arbitrariness.
[Intrigues between St. Germain and the Scots malcontents^
Cf. Hist. ii. 35 (^from 'the Scotch, who were now come up,' to end of paragraph).
For ' the Scotch . . . apprehensions ' read ' but that which made the greatest
impression came from the Scots.'
Om. ' so he was oft admitted . . . good spy.'
After ' agents ' add ' he was [/ 48 (a)] a papist.'
For ' the best spy the court had ' read only ' a good spy.'
For ' When he had gained . . . Portland ' read only ' When he [had] told as
much truth as served to give him credit, he began to tell stories for raising.'
For 'so by other hands it was ' read ' he by Payne's means got it to be.'
For ' that the court . . . them and ' read only ' that Portland.'
» Cf. Hist. ii. 34. b Ibid. 35. <= Ibid. ^ Ibid.
1689] Harl. MSS. 6584, #. 47 {b)-^8 (b) 335
Many turn about to king James.
Cf. Hist. ii. 35 (/rom ' Sir James Montgomery ' io p. 37, end of paragraph).
For 'Sir James Montgomery . . . management' read 'When sir James
Montgomery with the other lords of his party came up to justify themselves
they found the king was so possessed against them that they by Simpson's means.'
For ' princes in exile . . . power ' read only ' so this being easily granted
Afler ' close treaty ' add ' with Payne.'
Out. ' because, by duke Schomberg's . . . cut off.'
For ' and on both sides . . . secure them ' read ' who saw themselves marked
out for destruction by the violence of presbytery ; and so they pretended that
self-preservation forced them to join with any party that might secure them.
At first they seemed to design nothing by their uniting together, but the joining
interests in parliament to oppose Melville ; and this was all that the leading
men set out to those of their party; but king James was at the bottom of
it all ' (cf. ibid, infra).
For ' against Montgomery ' read ' against them, particularly sir James
Om. ' who did not know . . . lord Stair ' {but see supra).
Om. ' particularly . . . Bolton.'
For ' this wrought . . . trust him ' read ' who seemed marked out to be the
next person to be fallen upon after they had got rid of Halifax. Many of the
Whigs went much further and entered into treaty with king James.'
For ' and who endeavoured to prevent it ' read ' for he did not think it safe to
go further with me.'
After ' faintly ' add ' I let the first proposition he made of this pass as a ramble
of discourse, upon which I made no reflection ; but the second conversation
upon that subject gave me greater cause to apprehend that he was engaged
in the thing.'
For 'matters were trusted to ' read ' He trusted [/ 48 (A)] himself in it to.'
For ' and Ferguson . . . they were given ' read ' and [Monmouth] undertook
to engage a great part of the citizens into it.'
For ' weary ' read ' so weary ' ; for ' and saw his error ... as he had done '
read ' that he might be well trusted on that head.'
For ' This corrupted party . . . that the restoring him ' read ' and in a word
the restoring him was represented as that which.'
For 'that the matter . . . convinced of it' read 'that this was more than an
idle way of talking, set forth to frighten the court.'
A conspiracy discovered.
" But at last a brother of one of the -chief plotters", whose
name for certain reasons I do not think fit to write down^
* sent me some letters by a disguised name : he asked a pardon
for himself, and such of his friends as he should afterwards
o- Cf. Hist. ii. 37. " Ibid.
' Montgomery's brother ; see Hist, in loco.
336 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
name ; not to be made evidence ; and never to be named
in the whole matter ; and he undertook to discover the
whole negotiation, the articles agreed to, the methods that
were concerted ; and added that an invitation was sub-
scribed by the whole cabal to king James to come over*;
and he charged me, if discoveries were expected from him,
to speak of the matter to no person but the king only. When
I showed his letters to the king, I saw he was not surprised
at it, but was well prepared to believe all except that of
subscribing a paper. '' He did not think that probable* ; but
" he gave me leave to promise everything that had been asked,
only he stuck at the indefinite demand of his friends' pardon.
He would make no such general promise ; but even in that
the discoverer might trust his inclinations", which were not
cruel, as all the world saw. ''So upon those assurances he
came to me and told me many particulars "* which I do not
yet think fit to mention ; ^ he was in hope of putting me on
a way of finding out the original paper signed by them all ;
and after a few days he came and told me that one William-
son was gone down that day to Dover on his way to France
with all the papers; he told me where he was to lie. So
I acquainted Shrewsbury with this, and he took care to send
one down in such haste that he found Williamson abed next
morning ; there were other suspicions against him, for he
had procured a pass for Flanders, but was treating with some
to carry him to France. All his clothes and his portmantle
were strictly visited, but nothing was found. This did so
vex the discoverer, who reckoned that upon that he would
be ill looked at °, that he never came near me more, and he is
now at St. Germain. The truth was the papers were signed
and given to Williamson ; king James' party pressed that
they might be signed ; for some supplies from France and the
French fleet's coming into our seas were necessary for the
design ; those of St. Germain thought it necessary for giving
them credit in the court of France to be able to show the
subscriptions of many who [were] formerly thought enemies,
" Cf. Hisl. ii. 37. t Ibid. <= Ibid, supra. ^ Ibid. " Ibid.
1689] Harl MSS. 6584, #. 48 (b)-4g {a) 337
to persuade that court that the nations were coming about
to them. But unknown to my discoverer, * Simpson, who
resolved to go over with Williamson, told him that he knew
Kent well, and so would go down in byways to Dover ;
whereas the other, trusting to his pass, was to go down in the
stage-coach ; therefore he thought it was safer to trust the
papers to him. To [/. 49 («)] this Williamson consented
so Simpson had them ; and according to appointment he
came to Dover, when Williamson was in arrest, and upon
that he got out of the way, and so carried the letters safe tc
St. Germain ; upon which money was sent over, together
.with the promise of a larger supply ; ''but all this was after-
wards discovered ''. The only thing that the plotters could do
in winter was to alienate those with whom they had credil
all that was possible from the king, and to create "^ jealousie5
in the city", especially in the rich citizens who made the
advances of money. ''The house of commons granted the
supplies that were demanded for the reduction of Ireland
and for the fleet, and continued the gift of the revenue foi
another year ^ ; and this was all that could be obtained from
A bill concerning corporations,
Cf. Hist. ii. 38-9 {to ' little doubt was made of the passing of the act ').
For ' The Tories ... a bill, by which ' read only ' At the same time thej
carried a bill by which they thought to have established their party and.'
For ' mayors and recorders . . . London ' read only ' who had been concernec
by voting to, or procuring, the [late '] surrenders of charters.'
Om. ' for six years.'
Om. ' for they saw . . . kingdom.'
After ' severity ' add ' it was pretended in most corporations it would not be
possible to find a sufficient number to serve, if all should be incapacitated thai
had acted in that matter.'
For ' And now . . . king' read ' So now both parties looked on this as a crisis
The Tories looked upon themselves as ruined if the bill should pass.'
After ' bill passed ' add ' in the house of lords, where it was like to meal
with great difficulty.'
Om. ' And the Tories . . . dissolved.'
» Cf. Hist. ii. 38. '' Ibid, supra. " Ibid, infra, ^ Ibid.
'■ Transcript A reads, erroneously, 'later.'
338 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1689
For 'The bill . .. surrendered' read 'For upon the first points (whether
corporations could be surrendered up or not) there was a great opposition made.'
AJler ' Holt ' add ' that was chief justice.'
For ' in which the abbeys . . . regular times ' read ' in which the surrenders
of abbeys had been so much supported, that upon that all other ecclesiastical
corporations were also surrendered ; for there were no other precedents
brought but of those.'
For ' for the bill ' read ' in favour of the surrender.'
For 'after which ... act' read 'yet it was visible that the weight of the
house of commons would have carried the matter at last.'
T/te king was in great straits.
^ But now the king was much pressed by Nottingham and
all the Tory party to dissolve the parliament, and call a new
one. It was said that the corporations who saw themselves
struck at by the change which this act would have made
would not choose any of those violent men whose heat was
like to set all on fire ; the breaking upon this point, as it
would make the new elections sure to the church party in
many places, so it would oblige them to the king, since he
preserved them from the fury of this bill^ This state of
affairs looked very melancholy. The king saw the Whigs
would not trust him nor indeed support him, but in a depen-
dence upon their passions and humours ; on the other hand
he thought he could not trust the Tories, they seemed aU
linked to king James' interests and to be jealous of him.
\He resolves for Holland^
Cf. Hist. ii. 39-40 {to ' to put an end to the war in Ireland ').
For ' He was once . . . resolution ' read ', He for some days took [/. 49 (6)]
up a resolution that had been fatal if he had followed it.'
Om. ' he thought . . . the Whigs.'
For ' the Tories . . . confide in her ' read ' the party would trust the
For ' So he called . . . few more' read ' He went so far in this that he called
some of those he trusted most about him.'
For ' a convoy ' read ' three or four good ships.'
For ' since . . . brought him ' read ' This was a great surprise to them all.'
For ' to lay aside . . . necessity ' read ' not to think more of it, since it would
certainly ruin all the affairs of Europe..'
For ' among them . . . resolution ' read ' on all hands upon this occasion, but
" Cf. Hist. ii. 39.
1696] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 49 (a)-49 {b) 339
it ended well ; for the king waS pi-evailed on to lay aside all those thoughts,
and to go on with the resolution he had taken.'
Om. ' this was told me ... so nearly.'
He designed to go in person to Ireland.
* But when this came to be known a great many of both
sides were resolving to oppose it * ; the Jacobites could not
be supposed to be much concerned for his person, so their
secret reason was believed to be that ""they were, afraid he
should have too good success there ^ and bring that war too
soon to an end. "The rest were really concerned for his
person", since they reckoned that all their safety depended
upon it. ^ But upon the first motions that were made in both
houses (for by consent it was proposed in both on the same
day) the king, seeing that it would certainly have ended in
an address to him against it, came next day and prorogued
the parliament. There was not money enough given for the
whole campaign ^, so it was necessary to have another session
before the king should go ; or dissolve the parliament and call
a new one. The king by this time saw that the leading men
of the Whig party were not only resolved not to give him
the revenue, but that they were beginning to treat with king
James, and were generally standing off from advancing
money upon the credit of the money bills ; and therefore he
thought the safest course was to trust the promises that the
Tories were making him and to try a new parliament. "So
the parliament was dissolved and a new one was called °.
New parliament called.
Cf. Hist. ii. 40 {from. 'There was a great struggle' fcp. 41, ' how to manage
matters for him ').
For ' One thing . . . Tories had made ' read ' Among other things that they had
proposed to the king, to give their party a confidence in him, one.'
For ' given . . . excluded ' read ' put the military power of London into the
hands of the Whigs.'
For ' which was such a mortification . . . commission ' read ' so a change was
desired to such a degree, that the Tories should be the stronger.'
For ' the bishop ' read ' but he, who is apt to do things without advice.'
Om. ' who had been engaged . . . reign.'
" Cf. Hist. ii. 40. " Ibid. " Ibid. <^ Ibid. " Ibid.
Z 2
34° Burnetts Original Memoirs [1690
Far < to examine the list . . . approved of it ' read ' to examine and settle that
matter, and they agreed to the list. They seemed to blame the bishop of
London for talcing so little care in the preparing of it ; but they thought since
such persons [/. 50 (a)] were once named it would be an affront that would be
resented by the whole party if their names -should be struck out '.'
For ' a set of officers . . . king James ' read ' those very men who had been
the wickedest instruments in the end of king Charles, and the beginning of
king James' reign.'
For ' This matter . . . government ' read only ' Here Shrewsbury began first
to show his discontent ; for all this matter was managed by Carmarthen and
For ' The elections . , . declared ' read ' When the list of elections of parlia-
ment appeared, all that loved the government were under great apprehensions ;
for it was generally believed that the far greater part of them were in their
Om. ' The king made a change . . . money bills.'
[The 'recognising' bill.']
Cf. Hist. ii. 41 {from ' The first great debate ' to p. 42, ' it passed in two days
in that house ').
For ' The first part passed . . . warm debate ' read only ' This held long in
the house of lords.'
After ' declaratory way ' add ' [for if so] the strength of the crown was
broke. '
Om. ' and brought .... question.*
For ' times : but , . . juncture ' read ' times, [so] the want of the writs
could not be supposed to carry in it a nullity in such a juncture.'
For 'when all' read ' It was called in an interregnum, in the best method
that could then be thought of; all.'
Om. ' both ' and ' and people.'
For ' a long debate ' read ' a fourth night's debate.'
Om. ' declaring and ' (see Speaker Onslow's note. Hist, in loco).
For ' many lords ... at court ' read only ' a great part of the house of lords not
only opposed it, but protested against it.' (Th's appears earlier in the passage.)
Om. ' It was expected ... act. But ' ; and for ' in that house ' read ' in the
house of commons.'
For from 'without any debate or opposition ' /o end of paragraph, read only
' but the party that prevailed in it was willing to give the king this early assur-
ance of their fidelity to him ; and the leaders of the Tory party drew in their
followers (before they were aware of it) to consent to it ' ; and om. next
The revenue granted for a term of years.
Cf. Hist. 42-3 (from 'The house of commons' to end of paragraph).
For ' The house of commons ' read ' They also.'
After ' frequent parliaments ' add ' and they thought that such a precedent
' In the History this passage is shortened to such an extent as to become
i60o] Harl MSS. 6584, /! 49 (by^i (a) 341
might be begun with greater advantages [/ 50 (A)] in the present reign than in
any other.'
For ' and if he ' read • and since this was thought a greater security than any
bills for triennial parliaments, ifhe, that was our deliverer.'
For 'which probably . . . done ' renrf 'jior could the revenue have been
granted for life.'
Om. ' which they thought . . . running into a great arrear.'
After ' king's absence ' acid ' at any time.'
For ' to take no notice . . . nor of those who ' read ' to be so unconcerned that
she never asked after the bill, and took no notice of any person's behaviour
whether they.'
Place 'to the great grief of the Whigs' after ' lieutenancy of London,' and
proceed : ' who were no^v in so high a ferment that they hindered all their party
in London from advancing more money ; nor did the other party lend so
liberally as had been promised ; so that between the two, the government for
some time was at a stand.'
Debates for abjuring king James.
Cf. Hist. ii. 43-5 {to ' affront of its being rejected ').
For ' But the greatest debate . . . session ' read ' And then came on in both
houses a great debate.'
After ' Whigs ' add ' and some votes were passed for it.'
For ' with a great copiousness . . . arguing ' read only ' with all their strength.'
For ' and that all . . . settlement ' read ' and therefore they would not consent
to any new imposition.'
[/. 51 (a)] For 'The Whigs pressed the king' read 'But in private the
Whigs pressed the king vehemently.'
For ' At the same time . . . bestowed on it, or not ' read ' On the other hand, it
was laid before the king that this could not be easily carried ; much time would
be lost in the debates, and much heat would be raised by them ; for a great
number of men can hang long upon a debate.'
After ' service ' add ' so that it would rend both the parliament and the
After ' carried ' add ' (of which great doubt was made).'
Om. ' who might otherwise . . . neutrals.'
For ' intimation ' read ' indirect message.'
For ' and go to other matters . . . Tories ' read ' which was a wise and good
resolution, though I myself was at that time of another mind. And this, though
it enraged the Whigs, who hoped now to have all the places of trust or profit,
and by consequence the government again into their hands, yet generally it
had a good effect ; it gained the Tories more entirely to the king.'
For ' it had indeed . . . people ' read ' It gave indeed great hopes to the
French, and was given out there as a certain sign that the parliainent was for
king James.'
After ' rejected ' add ' so it animated them extremely.'
Shrewsbury withdrew from business,
Cf. Hist.^ ii. 45 (' The earl of Shrewsbury was at the head . . . eould not
be prevailed on ').
342 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1690
Om. ' or success.'
For ' such things as should have ... too much ' read ' those thiugs that should
have broken him quite with the king.'
j^fter ' word of it ' add ' as soon as might be.'
Om. 'who thought him before . . . how firm he was.'
After 'ever' add 'it would make them conclude that the king was so
entirely gone in to the Tories, that for that reason he had withdrawn himself
from the public counsels.'
After ' purpose ' add ' for he was fixed in his resolution, though [/. 51 (6)].'
For ' though he should not act . . . prevailed on ' read ' to which once
he seemed to have consented ; yet the night before the king went he sent
them to him by Russell. Thus by a very unreasonable peevishness, the best
minister that I know about the king left his service in so disobliging a manner
that I am afraid the king will not easily forget it.'
\^The second abjuration hill; end of session^
Cf. Hist. ii. 45 (/ram ' The debate for the abjuration lasted ' to p. 46, ' generally
For ' The debate . . . king James ' read ' But to return to the public ; after
the business of the abjuration was laid aside by the commons, the lords took
up a debate very like it, for such an engagement as should bind all that w^ere in
public trust to be faithful to the government in opposition to king James. This
was long and warmly debated. Halifax began upon this occasion to discover
himself, for he has ever since appeared to be in king James' interests ; though
I believe he will put nothing to hazard for them.'
For ' The Tories offered ' read ' The party that opposed all these motions
For ' with severe penalties . . . refuse it ' read ' and oifered to put this to all
persons whatsoever'.'
After ' lost the next ' add ' so that it was impossible to make any progress
in it.'
[Jacobite intrigues j Fuller.^
^ Many little discoveries were now made of the corre-
spondences and motions of the Jacobites % for so king James's
party came to be named. A little boy ^ that had been a page
and had turned papist went over to St. Germain, and offered
himself with so much spirit to manage for them that he was
trusted ; he brought over with him one Crone, an Irishman,
with many letters. It was pity that so much life as he had
" Cf. A i. 46.
' There is an obvious hiatus in the original MS.
transcript at this passage, clearly due ^ Fuller. See Macaulay, ed. 1858,
to the agqidental identification of 221-4^ 233-5 i ^f^ °f Halifax, ii.
two successive ' whatsoevers ' in the 147-8.
1690] Harl. MSS. 6584, Jf. 51 (a)-52 (b) 343^
was so ill-turned. He discovered Crone and all that negotia-
tion. Crone was condemned, but has since saved himself by
" a discovery ; it was chiefly about providing money and arms,
and the putting the party in a readiness to appear upon
a call.
The queen in the administration.
Cf. Hist. ii. 48 {from ' the queen was now ' to p. 49, ' happy under her ').
After ' administration ' add ' by the king's going for Ireland, in which she was'
so exact to the law, that she would not enter upon it till she heard that he was
upon the sea.'
[/ 52 (a)] Before ' all this was nothing to the public ' insert ' nor was she ever
uneasy or displeased with any that brought new objects in her way ; '
Om. from ' The king named ' to end of paragraph.
[The king's sense of affairs?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 46 {from ' the day before ' to ' all that he had said').
The king's tenderness of king James.
Cf. Hist. ii. 47 {first paragraph).
For 'having learned ... made to the king' read 'for one had sent by me
a proposition to him, which seemed fair.'
For ' (for he was well known to him) ' read ' (for he had served at sea and wa^
known to him).'
For ' as the king should desire . . . ashore ' read ' for he would not engage in
it unless he were assured that he were not to be made a prisoner. When
I carried this to the king,' (5r=c.
For ' king James would certainly' read ' if king James should.'
After ' the king had made ' insert ' me.'
The king goes for Ireland.
C£ Hist. ii. 47-8 {to ' things went far otherwise ').
Before ' Charlemont ' insert ' save that ' ; and om. ' Which was . . . hands.'
[f. 53 (6)] For ' they flattered . . . false hopes ' read ' as he loves to be flattered
with false news, so he was filled with them [s/c] upon this occasion and
After 'days come, before' add 'by a prisoner that was taken.'
After ' immediately ' add ' drew back his army [and].'
After ' French foot' add ' that Lauzun had brought over.'
For ' country on to Dublin ' read ' plain country to Dublin.'
For' the strengthening . . .body of foot' read 'the marching away towards
the Shannon ; the strengthening their garrisons ; and keeping only a flying
camp together.'
After ' king's transports. This ' add ' was a great design and.'
" Cf. Hist. ii. 46. :
344 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1690
The state of affairs at sea; [and on land].
Cf. Hist. ii. 49-50 (' an unhappy compliment . . . and then a rising ground ').
For 'and it was joined . . . chief command, was' read 'And Herbert, whom
the king had made earl of Torrington, was ordered to go about with the rest of
our fleet to join both the squadron at Plymouth and that which Shovel was to
bring him out of the Irish seas. He [was].'
For ' our main fleet lay long' read ' he was forced to He some days.'
[/ 53 («)] •f""'' ' so they . . . Channel' read ' Upon this advice from England
their fleet (consisting of eighty capital ships) was ordered to sail into the
Channel, which they did on the twenty-second of June.'
For 'near the Isle ' read ' at the bight of the Isle. '
For ' surprised ' read ' both surprised and destroyed.'
For ' and abandoned Dublin ' read ' they would be forced to abandon Dublin
Om. ' it would also . . . England.'
For ' for his crown ' read ' for it ; for he said he forgave the prince of Orange
all he had done against him, since he was now come to give him battle.'
Om. ' of the struggle and even.'
For ' rose . . . tide ' read ' swelled twice a day with the tide.'
T/ie king was wounded with a cannon-ball.
Cf. Hist. ii. 50 {from ' On the last of June' to p. 51, 'military men').
For ' a great body ' read ' his body ' ; for ' in the face of the enemy' read only
' in another place ' ; otn. ' a little below hira.'
The battle of the Boyne.
Cf. Hist. ii. 51 {from ' It was a complete victory ' to p. 52, ' did also capitulate ').
[/• 53 (*)] Before ' threw down ' insert ' very soon.'
For ' The army of the Irish . . . king thought ' read ' Besides, it was generally
believed that, considering the cowardice of the Irish.'
For ' a party ' read ' twenty or thirty.'
Om. ' for most . . . cut off,' and ' like another Epaminondas.'
For ' a very indecent ' read ' a great.'
Om. ' This was not . . . fled.'
For ' he rode . . . parts of his life^ read ' and left Dublin early next morning,
and rid with all the haste that was possible to Duncannon, which was about
seventy Irish miles from Dublin ; he had been so provident that he had sent
sir Patrick Trant thither to have a ship ready for him, and all the way as he rid
he was taking care to have bridges cut, and was in so much dread that when he
came to Duncannon, though the fort was of a considerable strength, yet he would
not trust himself to it, but lay aboard. Thus did his courage sink with his
affairs to so great a degree that those who believed he was brave before
concluded that there was now some extraordinary guilt upon him which has
brought him under so much fear.'
For ' their officers ' read ' their general officers.'
For ' and king James's officers . . . revenges after it' read ' The Irish marched
in their flight through Dublin in so much haste, and with so much disorder,
I690] Harl MSS. 6584, f. 52 (^»)-54 (b) 345
that whereas it was much feared that if they had been beat they would have
taken their revenges upon that town, and have plundered and burnt it, they
were now so far from that, that they made all the haste possible to be
For 'declared for the king' ?-e«rf ' declared presently for the king, who sent
immediately some troops thither to secure that city.'
A battle in Flanders IFleierus] atid at sea [Beachy Head].
Cf. Hist. ii. 5a {from ' But to balance ' to p. 53, ' pursuing his victory').
[/• 54 («)] Om. ' did at the first charge.'
For ' yet the stand , . . they able ' read ' yet their loss was believed greater ;
they were certainly so much weakened that they were not able.'
For ' This was the battle . . . consequence of it ' read ' This weakening of their
For ' On the day . . . Boyne ' read ' For about a week after that, on the last
of June.'
^//er'at sea' add ' Our fleet got under sail upon the news of the arrival of
the French fleet.'
^/ier ' at Plymouth ' add ' and that which was commanded by Shovel.'
For ' what was fittest to be done ' read ' whether our fleet [without them J
should be ordered to make towards the French and to engage them or not.'
After ' his coming in ' add ' for some time.'
For 'some began to call' read 'Now his enemies began to spread about
stories that brought.'
For ' they thought . . . mischievous to us ' read ' It was looked on as ex-
tremely unbecoming for us to bring in our fleet upon the French coming into
our seas, and to leave them masters of our coast and trade. For all our fleets
of merchantmen (reckoning that the two royal fleets would be at that time
waiting upon one another) were then coming home, and would be by this
means exposed to the enemy. It would have raised the credit of the arms of
France, and sunk ours, if we should have fled from them.'
For ' that it was reasonable . . . admiral ' read ' that we might well fight them ;
and in this they were seconded by some on whom the administration relied
much, who writ from the fleet that though the enemy exceeded them in num-
ber, yet they took ours to be the stronger fleet. It is true in the council of war
the much greater number were of Torrington's opinion. But in conclusion he
had orders.'
For ' to a council cf war ' read ' to him. So on the 30th of June.'
For ' both the Dutch . . . general opinion ' read ' The Dutch, as they had
suffered much, so they complained that they had been abandoned by Torrington ;
those of the blue squadron complained as much ; and all (except his friends)
who were in that action do Still say.'
[/. 54 (6)] For ' many of our ships ' read ' our fleet quite.'
After ' his victory ' add ' So.'
[The French masters of the sea.]
Cf. Hist. ii. S3 (from ' Our fleet came in ' to p. 55, ' French should prevail ').
After ' refitting it ' add ' and great care was had of the sick and wounded of
the Dutch.'
346 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1690
For ' seven thousand ' read ' a thousand '.'
After ' raised ' insert ' and continued out a month.'
For 'in this melancholy . . . expected' read 'The Scotch plot, as shall be
afterwards told, was both discovered and broke ; and now it appeared that
neither the taxes nor the ill success could alienate the nation from the govern-
ment, for though it was now harvest-time, yet the militias continued together
with great cheerfulness, and showed a great zeal for the service.'
Om. ' kept out of the way ' ; and after ' rabble ' add ' again.'
After ' coast ' add ' and then returned again to ours.'
After ' confederate armies ' om. ' when . . . direction.'
For ' The French . . . understood afterwards, that ' read ' During the fitting
out of our fleet, the French rid triumphing in our seas, but did us no harm..
All the while.'
For ' excused' read 'were glad to excuse.'
For ' weakened ' read ' much weakened ; they had many sick men aboard.'
[T/te queerCs behaviour upon this occasion^
Cf. Hist. ii. 55 {from ' In all this time ' to middle of following paragraph, ' re-
quired his presence here ').
[/• 55 {a)] Om. ' for I . . . Windsor.'
Om. ' she apprehended . . . danger.'
Om. ' For she told me . . . king was in Ireland.'
For 'and acquainted her' read 'he gave it her with the letters.'
After ' presence here ' add ' more than Ireland could then do.'
[A_^irs abroad.']
Cf. Hist. ii. 64-5 {Jrom ' As for affairs ' to ' carrying on the war ').
For ' As for affairs . . . alliance ' read ' At this time the allies gained upon
the duke of Savoy to enter into a confederacy.'
Om. ' with the emperor. '
For 'ripe for it. They demanded' read 'ready for it, by demanding'; and
after ' in their hands ' add ' during the war.'
Om. ' This was . . . vassal prince.'
Om. ' when their affairs require it ' and ' who had promised him nothing.'
After ' prey to the French ' add ' The war upon the Upper Rhine, where the
elector of Bavaria commanded, produced no actions, but many marches back-
wards and forwards ; and. '
Om. ' yet he ... on the war.'
The affairs of Scotland.
Cf. Hist. ii. 61 {from ' From the affairs of Ireland ' to p. 62, ' his instructions ').
Om. ' From the affairs . . . what passed.'
For ' by a Dutch officer . . . forces in Scotland ' read only ' by sir Thomas
[/ 55 (*)] For ' Lord Melville . . . post himself read ' Melville was sent down
' ' 7000 sais [sic] the printed edition ' (note by Dr. Gifford). See also f. 3
(in Appendix VII, infra).
i69o] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 54.(6)-56 {a) 347
with powers to be high commissioner for the parliament, but he stayed there
some weeks before he made use of them.'
For 'assured the king' read 'had told the king before he had went down.'
After ' carry anything' add ' So the matter was secretly managed.'
For ' would not consent ' read ' stuck a little.'
For from ' yet he found ' to end of paragraph read ' And for those he was
forced to send one over to Ireland ; and it is generally said that though he
ventured to give up those, yet he had no instructions for it. But the king is so
secret in those matters that it is not possible to find them out ; only it is visible
that he is not pleased with Melville's behaviour in parliament.'
\A parliament therei\
Cf. Hist. ii. 62 ('The Jacobites . . . second message').
For ' for many . . . swear to him ' read ' on design that thereby they might
have the greater number there, and be able to break that which they sware
to maintain.'
For ' by Paterson . . . archbishops ' read ' even [by] one of the bishops that
was in that party.'
Owz. 'for he thought . . . parliament.'
After ' prerogative ' add ' even in the point of the dispensing power.'
[A plot discovered^
Cf. Hist. ii. 62-3 [to ' ruined his fortune,' near end of paragraph).
Om. all allusions to Argyll.
Om. ' pretending, as they said afterwards, that.'
After ' pressed the king ' add ' since all was broken.'
After 'upon a full discovery' add 'This he refused to do.'
For ' discovered all . . . Scotch ' read only ' made discoveries.'
After ' against others ' add ' This was granted him, so he told all he knew.'
Before ' treated ' insert ' immediately.'
[/• 56 («)] Om. ' He continued . . . life.'
[Results of the plot^
Cf. Hist. ii. 63 {Jrom ' The lord Melville had now ' to p. 64, end of paragraph).
For ' by which . . . condemnation of it' read only ' was. the settling of pres-
For ' But it was not so easy . . . ; if ' read ' But this could not be safely done, if.'
For ' the pattern . . . 1638 ' read 'any of the former patterns ; for then.'
Before ' episcopal ' read ' for the greater part.'
For ' and all those who . . . presbyterian way ' read ' who had taken pres-
byterian ordination of late.'
For ' this was like . . . the old men ' read ' by an error that may prove fatal
to the whole party ; [because] many of the old men.'
For ' so these broke out . . . defame them ' read ' they began to raise accu-
sations against the episcopal clergy; some were grounded only upon their
being of that persuasion, others were charged with scandalous disorders ; but
in many places these were not pretended to be proved, but were only made
use of to defame those whom they intended to deprive.'
348 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1690
The progress of the war in Ireland,
Cf. Hist. ii. 55 {from ' for it was hoped the reduction of Ireland ' lo p. 57,
' decently towards him ').
For ' for ' read ' But while affairs went thus in all other places.' ^
[/ 56 (6)] For 'By these he understood . . . and ended it thus' read 'By
these it appeared that they looked upon their business as desperate before the
battle. Tyrconnell's last letter to queen Mary that had not been sent ended thus.'
Om. ' the king went to Ireland ' and ' an Irishman . . . languages well ' ; and
for ' was to be ' read ' had been sent ' ; and after ' murder the king ' add ' which
seemed to be much confirmed by this letter.'
Om. ' sir Robert Southwell . . . retaliating in that way.'
For 'The escape ... at the battle of the Boyne' read ' But as God preserved
the king from the many dangers through which he passed at the last battle
[when] ' ; and after ' friends ' add ' so God has likewise preserved him hitherto
from all secret practices.'
For ' the king was pressed . . . apprehend ' read ' The king's chief care was
now to secure a station for his transport ships ; for as he found by the letters
that had fallen into his hands that the French intended to send over some
frigates and fireships to burn them, so their advantage at sea made the execu-
tion of this easy to them ; and therefore, finding Dublin was no safe station for
them, and that Waterford was the nearest place where they could lie securely,
instead of pursuing the Irish during their first consternation to Athlone or
Limerick, to which their main body had retired, he sent only a detachment
to Athlone, and he marched himself towards Waterford ; both the town, and
Duncannon fort, which commanded the port, capitulated ; so that now his
transport fleet was safe ; though indeed it was not in so much danger as was
[/ 57 («)] Fo'' ' He fell under ' read ' And ever since that time he has been
[The situation in Ireland?^
Douglas, who led the detachment to Athlone, said he could
do nothing for want of great cannon ; though others thought
, he had no mind to make too quick an end of the war. "^ The
king sent his army forward ^ to Golding bridge near Cashill ;
'^ and he himself came back to Dublin in order to his return to
England, to which he had been pressed ** by many letters from
England. This had a very ill effect on his affairs ; for the
Irish (who are apt to believe all the lies that their priests set
on among them) were persuaded that he was forced to go
to England to defend it against the French, and that he
would be obliged to carry over his army very soon thither ;
therefore they were made believe that if they could but stand
" Cf. Hist. ii. 57. '■ Ibid.
i69o] Harl MSS, 6584, ff. 56 (a)-57 {h) 349
out a little while, the island would be soon their own again.
By these means they were wrought on to make a stand. "But
when the king came to Dublin he found letters of another
strain from England j the fitting out of the fleet went on
apace; the militias were all up, and expressed much zeal
for the government ; the most dangerous men were secured ;
and there was now no reason to apprehend a descent from the
French. So the king went back to his army, and moved
towards Limerick.
Limerick besieged.
Cf. Hist. ii. 57 {from ' Upon this, Lauzun ' to p. 59, end of first paragrapli).
For ' It was hoped ' read ' There was good reason to hope '.'
For ' he had left ' read ' he [had been] obliged to leave.'
Om. 'best'
After ' and scarce ' insert 'possible to work in [or].'
.<4/?ei- ' some great guns ' add ' which were brought very near him.'
For ' who despised . . . distance that they ' read only ' who thinking them-
selves secure ' ; and for ' and went to bed ' read ' all night, and kept very little
For ' Sarsfield ... in time' read only 'The king had a timous advertisement
that Sarsfield with a body of horse had passed the Shannon.'
[/• 57 (*)] Por 'the convoy . , . morning but they' read 'the ammunition ;
for he believed the design must be upon that ; yet (by whose fault I do not
know, for when I asked the king about it he did not answer) the orders which
he gave in the morning were not executed till it were midnight. Laniei,"
commanded it ; he marched slow and.'
Om. ' the general observation . . . side) was, that ' ; for ' they had ' read ' he
had ' ; for ' themselves ' read ' himself ' ; for ' their master ' read ' his master ' ;
and after ' conclusion of it ' read ' so he came back without doing anything.'
.After ' channel. Yet ' insert ' as soon as the cannon came up.'
After ' retired ' add ' by which the garrison took heart.'
For ' the king saw that ... he must leave ' read ' and if another body had
come the king had been forced to have left.'
For ' and it was thought . . . too much ' read ' and had exposed his person so
often that it appeared upon many new occasions that the providence of God
was as watchful over his person as he seemed careless in exposing it.'
TAe siege raised.
Cf. Hist. ii. 59 {from '.The king lay ' to end of third clause, ' disorder the
retreat ') ; for which read ' Upon all this the king saw the necessity of raising
the siege, after three weeks lost before it. They within were very happy in
their own thoughts that they had scaped so great a danger ; and, content with
» Cf. Hist. ii. 57.
' Dr. Gifford notes this difierence.
35° Burnet's Original Memoirs [1690
that, they did not think fit to venture out and disturb the king as he marched
off. He presently ordered the army to go into quarters ; only some bodies
were drawn near Cork.'
\MarlborougKs CMnpalgn?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 60 {from ' While he lay ' to p. 6i, end o/Jirst paragraph).
For ' While he . . . proposed that ' read ' For Marlborough had offered an
advice, that when our fleet should be ready to go out (upon which we- had
reason to believe that the French would go in).'
Om. 'and with the assistance . . . should try.'
For ' and ordered . . . with them ' read only ' and gave orders for it.'
Om. (at this point) ' And so he broke . . . London.'
Before ' person ' add ' only ' ; and for ' the greatest ' read ' any.' ( This occurs on
f. 58 («).)
Om. 'in a season so far advanced.'
For 'The Irish . . . divert it' read only 'But during the siege, the Irish, in
order to the diverting the forces.'
[/ 58 (n)] Om. ' which cut off . . . Ireland.'
For 'without staying . . . orders ' read ' with the first wind.'
After 'submitted to the king' add 'and lived in his quarters.'
For ' had a sad time ' read ' were like to have a terrible winter of it ' ; for
' almost quite destroyed in many places ' read ' so destroyed that a famine was
generally apprehended for the next year.'
[TAe king's return.']
The king came over to England within a few days after
the siege was raised ; and though '^ the last action of Limerick
as coming latest had very much damped the joy of the former
successes ■'', yet he was everywhere received with great expres-
sions of joy in the countries through which he passed from ^ the
place where he landed, which was near Bristol, till he came
to London '' ; his behaviour in small as well as in greater
matters had begotten in all that were about him a vast esteem
of him.
The equality of the kittg's temper.
a. Hist.i\.^<)[from 'Dr. Hutton' to p. 60, ' in restraining or concealing them').
After ' near him ' add ' in all the dangers through which he passed.'
For ' joy ' read * any indecent joy ' ; and om, ' only . . . cheerful.*
After ' compliments, as ' add ' upon much less occasions.'
For ' As soon . . . physician, he ordered ' read ' In the midst of all that were
[sic] then said to him, he did not forget to order his physician. '
[/ 58 (A)] .^fter 'Limerick' add 'he took notice of his behaviour in every
little thing after that.'
" Cf. Hist. ii. 59. i> Ibid. 60.
,i69o] Had. MSS. 6584, #. 57 (Z»)-59 (a) 351
[T^e king's arrangements^
Cf. Hist. ii. 65 {from ' The king, at his first ' to end of paragraph).
For ' at his first coming . . . campaign that he ' read only ' had once.'
Om. ' about the beginning of October.'
Great stipplies granted by the parliament.
Cf. Hist. ii. 65 {from ' Both houses ' to end of paragraph).
. After ' inconsiderable ; and ' read ' they set about the ways of raising it ; and
after a variety of propositions which were long canvassed.'
Om. ' though these proved , . . defective.'
[Various complaints^
Cf. Hist. ii. 65 {from ' Some indeed ' to p. 66, end of paragraph).
For 'but the ministry . . . should name' read 'that had been given since the
beginning of this reign ; but this lasted not long ; for the privy councillors that
were in the house consented that an act should be prepared empowering so
many members of that house.'
Om. ' vfiih all particulars . . . scandalous reports.'
ioar ' When this bill ... of their own house' read 'This was like to have
been stopped in the house of lords ; for there it was thought that the dignity of
that house required.'
For ' this was done by ballot ' read ' And this was carried ; to which pro-
bably the commons would not have consented. The peers were to be named
by billet.'
For ' firmness ' read ' obstinacy.'
For 'as it was sent up ' read 'without that addition ; which gave great con-
tent to the commons.'
After ' against them. But' insert ' though upon another occasion it is not to
be doubted but the house of commons will be careful to maintain the habeas
corpus bill yet.'
After 'house of commons' insert 'though they would not justify illegal im-
prisonments, yet.'
Om. ' and yet maintained ... act ' and ' contrary to that act.'
[Anecdote concerning the habeas corpus act.]
[/• 59 W] -A^^d since I am now upon this point (which is the
chief fence of the liberty of England), I will tell "a very odd
account of the way in which the act for the habeas corpus was
carried ^- It was vehemently pressed by the country party, but
as vehemently opposed by the court, as that which would
be a great diminution of the prerogative ; so the much greater
part of the house of lords opposed it. When it came to
the final vote the house divided upon it, and thefe being
» Cf. Hist. i. 485.
352 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1690
always two named to be the tellers of the house, one of either
side," the lords Norris (now earl of Abingdon) and Grey were
the men. Grey" believing that his side, which was for the
bill, had lost it, leaped from twenty-four to thirty-five, and so
'' told ten wrong ^ ; which the other not perceiving, the report
was made for the bill ; so by this artifice, though it was
indeed cast out by the lords, it was passed ^ and the royal
assent was given to it in the year 1679 ^,
[Irish debates.\
Cf. Hist. ii. 66 {from ' Great complaints' to p. 67, ' state of his affairs should
Before ' Great complaints' insert ' But to return to the house of commons.'
Before ' there was a great arrear ' insert ' When the king left Ireland ' ; and
after ' due to them ' add ' no pay had been sent to them all the while he was
After 'lords justices' add 'who were the lord Sidney, sir Charles Porter
(who was made chancellor of the kingdom again), and one Coningsby, the
choice of whom was much censured, for he %vas a vicious man ^ and his parts
were very indifferent.'
For 'and punished accordingly' read 'and a legal government. But, on the
other hand.'
After ' oppressed it ' add ' in a very intolerable manner.'
For ' of a very gallant . . . 'Wirtemberg ' read ' a German, the duke of Wir-
For ' so the country . . . forces' read ' so this did not give a full remedy to
that great grievance ; yet the house of commons did not think fit to take up
this matter.'
After ' in the rebellion of Ireland ' add ' since the beginning of the present
Om. ' to grant away . . . served in the war, and.'
For ' petitions were offered ' read ' difficulties arose.'
Oni. ' imitating . . . against in Ireland.'
For 'and the matter - . . commons' read 'This was near the end of the
session ; so the whole matter was let fall on [/. 59 (6)] a message sent by the
king to the commons.'
For ' assure them . . . officers ' read ' to secure them from the fears that were
suggested, that those estates would be divided among favourites, courtiers, and
" Cf. Hist. i. 485. " Ibid.
' The printed History makes the ' See Macaulay, ed. 1858, vi. 72,
fraud of Lord Grey less deliberate. 375 ; Dalrymple, Memoirs, ed. 1790,
' His friends asserted that the royal vol. iii. part iii. book i. p. 29.
assent was obtained by the exertions • ' Burnet's own correction for ' a
of the Viscount (afterwards Marquis gallant pr[ince] of Wirtemberg.' The
of) Halifax (Grey's Debates, vol. viii, History reads ' a gallant prince, one
Debate of Nov. 22, 1680). of the dukes of Wirtemberg.'
i69i] Harl. MSS. 6584, f. 59 (a)-6o (a) 353
[T/te earl of Torrington is tried^
Cf. Hist. ii. 67-8 {to end of paragraph).
After ' vest in the commissioners ' add ' The privileges of peers are things of
which the house is so tender, that these debates took up much time ; but.'
For ' who intended . . . matters ' read ' who seemed, or at least pretended, to
be highly irritated against Torrington.'
For ' which did . . . rupture ' read ' which might have broke the session.'
For ' the king was apprehensive ' read ' the government was [apprehensive] ' ;
and for ' though he ' read ' though the king.'
For ' so that ' read ' This was so highly resented by the Dutch, that.'
After ' repent of it ' add ' He is now given up to luxury and is wallowing in it.'
{Designs against the marquis of Cartnarthen.']
Cf Hist. i. 68 {from 'Another debate' to 'universal hatred').
For ' so they did not come home to the present case ' read ' so that these made
indeed against this.'
After ' act of parliament ' add ' So this was let fall.'
For ' to have the greatest credit ' read ' the only man in credit.'
For 'hatred' read 'envy and hatred.'
[The king's tactics regarding hitn.]
And though the king brought over the lord Sidney from
Ireland and made him secretary of state, and made the
lord Godolphin first commissioner of the treasury without
communicating the matter to him (these two being [/. 60 {a}]
likewise known to be his enemies), yet this did not lay the
jealousy that was taken up of his great interest at court.
[The design fails.]
Cf Hist. i. 68 {from ' In a house of commons every motion ' to p. 69, end of
Om. ' envy him ; others.'
Om. ' The thing was . . . king and his affairs.'
For 'at this time' read 'a few days before the session was ended.'
For ' so that put an end . . . present ' read ' [so] it was not thought decent to
attack a man who was serving the government so faithfully ; so he was not
A new plot discovered and the lord Preston taken.
Cf. Hist. ii. 69 {from ' The session of parliament ' to p. 70, ' some in Ashton's
For ' so they got . . . negotiation ' read ' It was thought a matter of such
consequence, that Preston undertook to go over and persuade ' king James to
hearken to it.'
^ The transcript says ' persuaded.'
354 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1691
Om. ' no time . . . James ; but.'
Om. ' if he surprised . . . news of it.'
For ' more easy ' read ' as easy ' ; for ' more sudden ' read ' as quick.'
Before ' quaker ' om. ' famous ' ; and after it add ' it is not yet known how
many more were concerned in it.'
For ' they would ' read ' he would ' ; for ' with that ' read ' [with] his prin-
ciples, that tied him to her service ' ; and for ' their ' read ' his.'
For ' a vessel ' read ' a small vessel. '
Om. ' which was only . . . France.'
For ' EL young man ' read ' a young sea-officer.'
For ' the hold . . . hid ' read ' a hole that was made to hide them.'
For ' behind him . . . signet ' read ' and seals ^ (among which one was king
James' signet) in the hole behind him.'
For ' them ' read ' the papers ' ; and for ' from him ' read ' out of his armpit ;
and both Preston and he used all possible endeavours to persuade him to let
them be thrown in the sea ; but.'
Before ' Lord Preston's mind ' add ' From the beginning.'
And \two are] condemned.
[/. 60 (5)] At their trial they were fully and fairly heard, but
" made a poor defence ^ It was said that the papers were found
in Ashton's hands; upon which Preston pretended that he
was not concerned in them ; but it was proved he treated
with the officer to throw them in the river. Some '' pretended
that a part of the evidence being a similitude of hands, the
same practice that had been condemned in Sidney's trial
was now followed ; but this was only a circumstance in the
proof; for the treason was the carrying over such advice and
papers to the king's enemies which, whether they had writ
them or not, made them still guilty ^ ; so though this was
an aggravation of the matter, yet the weight of evidence did
not turn upon it, but upon things that were fully proved.
\_Ashton suffers.]
a. Hist. ii. 70.
But Preston discovered all.
" Preston had no mind to confess all, and yet he was resolved
not to die ". He made half-confessions, which he enlarged
twice or thrice, after he had with imprecations protested that
» Cf. Hist. ii. 70. " Ibid. " Ibid. 70.
See Routh's note (from Ralph), History, in Icco.
i69i] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 60 (a)-6i {a) 355
he knew no more. In conclusion, the government was so far
satisfied of his having told all he knew that he had both his
pardon and liberty; but this whole matter is yet a secret,
so I can say nothing of it till it comes to be more public.
Preston's behaviour brought him under a great deal of con-
tempt from all hands ; for he was above two months in
a great distraction of mind. * Sometimes, when he was heated
with the importunities of his friends who were all of that
party, and his spirits were exalted with wine, he resolved
to die heroically; but when that heat went off and he saw
death before him his heart failed him " ; for without doubt
a man in those circumstances ought either to resolve to die
and to enter into no treaty for life, or he ought at first frankly
to tell all he knows.
[General reflections j treatment of those implicated^
Cf. Hist, ii. 71 {from 'The scheme he carried over' to end of following para-
After ' secret ' insert ' of his confession '.'
Om. ' would proceed . . . against him, but.'
Before ' The king had suffered ' read ' This discovery gave the king a very
just ground for filling the sees of the deprived bishops.' (Cf. Hist. ii. 71, infra.)
For ' they all the while . . . palaces ' read ' to see if any of them would
change their mind ; there was still a body of men in the nation and in the
parliament that had a tenderness for them.'
Om. entirely ' I had, by ... he withdrew.'
For ' The discovery . . . sees ' read ' So the king did want so fair an oppor-
tunity as this gave him to fill their sees. '
T/ie king went to meet some princes at the Hague.
Cf. Hist. ii. 71-2 {to end of paragraph).
For 'he ran . . . hazard ' read ' he met with a new instance of that careful
providence that has been observed still to watch over him.'
[/. 61 (a)] For ' some of his lords ' read ' five or six of his court.'
For ' And, when ' read ' He said upon that occasion a word which deserves
to be put in history as well as Caesar's ; for when.'
For ' He soon settled . . . year ' read ' At the Hague he quickly brought the
councils of state [counsels of the States ?] to the point he aimed at ; nor were
there any disputes among them this year, as there had been the former year.
Before that was over.'
» Cf. Hist. ii. 71.
^ This confession has not been re- Dalrymple, part ii. book vi. Appendix,
covered. Some details are given by p. 185.
A a 2
356 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1691
For ' that his affairs . , . promising face ' read ' that the state of his affairs is
now as promising as it seemed then ruinous.'
For ' that they did not trust . . . came back ' read ' that they resolved not to
communicate them to their own ministers, till the time of execution should
make that necessary ; I am sure the king kept the secret as to his part exactly ;
for Nottingham, upon his return, told me that he knew nothing of it. All our
court was much taken with the duke of Bavaria, in whose air and whole deport-
ment they said there was somewhat that was great and heroical ; so that the
best judges of men who saw him, believed that if the crown of Spain should
devolve on him he might put new life in that great but paralytic body'.'
Om. ' they lived . . . that ' ; and for ' upon . . . interviews ' read ' at a meeting
of so many princes.'
The election of a new pope.
Cf. Hist. 72-3.
For ' the formulary . . . 1682 ' read only ' those articles (which all the clergy
of France were required to sign).'
Om. ' This he did . . . feared them.'
For ' who had ' read ' who has.'
Af/er ' Spaniards ' add ' in the conclave.'
For ' assumed ' read ' has assumed ' ; for ' seemed ' read ' seems ' ; for ' for he
did not seek . . . raise his family ' read ' He seems not to be concerned in his
family, so probably he will stand firmly upon pope Innocent's pretensions.'
Om. ' of which the king . . . notice of that.'
Mons is taken,
Cf. Hist. ii. 73.
[/. 61 (6)] For ' To return . . . besieged ' read only ' While the princes were
with the king at the Hague the French besieged Mons.'
Om. ' broke up the congress and ' ; and for ' very soon ' read ' in a very few
After ' battle ' /or ' But ' read ' The siege was carried on very slowly ; but
the secret of this afterwards appeared ; for.'
For ' Upon that . . . the king ' read ' And upon the French going into
quarters for some weeks, the king put likewise his army into quarters and.'
For ' a few' read ' three.'
[Preparations for the next campaign.^
Cf. Hist, ii: 73 ('He gave all necessary ' to end of paragraph).
After ' chief command ' add ' He had made duke Schomberg's eldest son
duke of Leinster, and he left him to command in England ^.'
For 'which was soon ready. . . time' jvarf 'which was the strongest, the
best, and soonest equipped that had ever been known ; and he was joined with
a squadron of very good ships that was sent over from the States.'
^ See Macaulay, ed. 1858, vi. 276, Gifford?) draws attention to this inser-
note. tion.
^ A pencil note in the MS. (qu. by
1691-2] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 61 (a)-62 (a) 357
A stop is put to the violence of presbytery in Scotland.
Cf. Hist. ii. 74 {to end of first paragraph).
Before ' lords ' add ' Jacobite ' ; and for ' who had been concerned . . . came
up and ' read ' that came up the former winter, had.'
For ' to ruin * read ' to the revenges of their enemies.'
Om. ' who stood . . . parties.'
For ' and they undertook . . . serve him ' read ' and the whole episcopal party
(if they might be sure of the king's protection) would not only acknowledge
his authority, but serve him with much more zeal than could be expected from
the other party.'
For ' episcopal ministers ... to serve ' read ' the episcopal party might be
Om. ' without . . . opinion.'
[The changes made in Scotland^
^AU this did agree so well with the king's temper and
sense of things that he very easily hearkened to it '^ ; but
Melville being so entirely wedded to the presbyterian party,
it was necessary to employ another instrument for managing
it. So * Dalrymple, that was son to Stairs the president, now
made a viscount, was made conjunct secretary'' ; and he, with
several others of the nobility, were employed to bring men's
minds of all hands to a greater temper in those matters.
"The presbj^erians had held a general assembly in winter,
in which they did very much expose themselves by the weak-
ness and peevishness of their conduct ; so little learning or
prudence, such poor preaching and wretched haranguing as
was among them, their partialities to one another and their
violence against all that differed from them, and the gross
injustice of their proceedings did so sink their reputation, that^
all that had been done against presbytery in a course of
[/. 6a {a)\ many years had not so ^ effectually weaned the nation
from the fondness it had to their government ^ as their own
heat and folly had now done. But though the king is resolved
to stop the fury of their proceedings, yet he finds it no easy
thing to do it ; there is a present cessation of violence, but
that is all ; and I will now leave that scene till the next time
I sit down to prosecute this work.
» Cf. Hist. ii. 74. '' Ibid, infra. <= Ibid. 75. ■> Ibid. " Ibid.
358 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1691
The sees of the deprived bishops are filled.
Cf. Hist. ii. 75 {from ' The next thing; to p. 76, 'violence and severities on
those heads ').
For ' The next thing the king did ' read ' But the chief thing that the king
did during his short stay in England.'
Om. ' He judged right, that.'
For ' a high party . . • hated him ' read only ' the high church party.'
For 'Dr. Tillotson' read 'He pitched on Tillotson, who was then dean of
St. Paul's and clerk of the closet; who.'
Om. 'both' and 'and queen'; and for 'They had both . . . pressed him'
read ' The king had declared his intentions to him above a year before this.'
Om. 'and slander.'
Om. ' that the Jacobites . . . people with ' ; for ' whom they called ' read ' that
was looked on by his party [as] ' ; and for ' began . . . compassion ' read ' and
that would have the compassions for the unfortunate.'
For ' He had large' read ' But he [had] large.'
After ■ superstition ' add ' [and] heat.'
For - a good correspondence' read ' great friendship.'
After ' heads ' add ' which drew the hatred of all our violent men upon him.'
\Same subject continiied?\
And this they laboured to lay very heavy upon him ; but
[though] he had still gone on in his way without taking much
pains to gain them, yet he had never done anything that was
provoking to them as I had done. ''Among other prejudices
against him one was that he and I had been observed to live
for many years in close and strict friendship. He laid all
this before the king " ; he acknowledged that the leaving the
quiet station in which he then was gave him many uneasy
thoughts, but as for that which concerned himself he went
soon over it, and laid himself at the king's feet ; but he con-
tinued long after that ''to represent to him how much he
thought it against the king's service to promote him '° ; and
laid this matter so often and so fully before the king, that
though it was not strong enough to divert him from his
intentions (since ° it increased his esteem of him "), yet it served
to gain a delay. A full year was now granted, and all people
were of opinion that ^ the bishop of Ely's letters gave the king
so fair an occasion of doing it at this time that it was by
no means to be let go. So the king named him ; and the
• Cf. Hist. ii. 76. i" Ibid. " Ibid. <> Ibid.
i69i] Harl MSB. 6584, ff. 62 (a)-62 {b) 359
archbishop of York dying soon after, Sharp (now dean of
Canterbury) was promoted to that see ; so that these two
sees were in a month's time filled with two of" the greatest
prelates, ** the [/. 63 (^)] best preachers ^ and the wisest and
worthiest men ^ that perhaps ever sat in them. <> Patrick was
translated from Chichester to Ely, Grove was made bishop of
Chichester, Cumberland was made bishop of Peterborough,
More bishop of Norwich, Fowler bishop of Gloucester ", and
Kidder bishop of Bath and Wells. That see had been
first offered to Beveridge, who is a man of great learning,
a very practical preacher, and a devout man, but in the
monastic way, too superstitious and singular. He accepted
of it ; but he leaned much to the other side ; and when he
understood that Ken, who held that see, was resolved to con-
tinue in possession, he afterwards refused it ; he is a very
weak man and very rough, but honest and sincere '^. Stilling-
fleet had been made the year before bishop of Worcester ;
and ^ Hough, that was president of Magdalen, was made
bishop of Oxford "*- Ironside, that had been vice-chancellor
of the university of Oxford ^, had been made bishop of
Bristol ; Chester and Bangor had fallen vacant the first year
of the reign, and Stratford * and Humphreys ^ had been pro-
moted to those sees. * Thus in two years' time the king has
made fifteen bishops ", and excepting what is to be said as
to myself, ^ it is visible that they are the worthiest and
learnedest men, the best preachers, and the men of the
gentlest and prudentest tempers that could be found *■. And
it could not be otherwise, for both the king and queen showed
that they would have the best and fittest men sought out
« Cf. Hist. ii. 76. " Ibid. " Ibid. <^ Ibid. » Ibid. < Ibid.
' Political motives subsequently ^ See Birch's Tillotson, 1753, p. 214.
lessened Burnet's esteem for Sharp ; * Bishop of Chester, Sept. 15, 1689-
see Autobiography (i7io),f. 214; the 1707. There is a eulogistic notice of
printed History also modifies the him in the Diet. Nat. Biog., by Rev. F.
eulogy in this place. Sanders.
'^ For the importance of Beveridge's '' Bishop of Bangor, 1689-1701 ; of
refusal (the omission of which ^m Hereford, 1701-12. Mr. Thompson
the pages of the printed //wto):)'ead 'Yet the king, it seems, was not of
their minds ; for after the thing was kept long in suspense, the king dismissed
Russell from the command of the fleet, and put it in commission to.'
For ' the two first ... it was said he ' read ' the first of these had not so fair
a character as the last had ; he was believed to lean much to king James ; and
Delaval was thought a weak man, who would be much influenced by him ; so
that it was said Shovel ' ; and om. ' and that . . . anything.'
.4/'''?'' ' possessed with it' add ' but he took no notice of all this.'
Om. ' both king . . . judgement ' ; and for ' with a . . . smallest matters ' read
' and [he] went higher than ever against all that were called Whigs.'
For from ' The bills for the supply ' to end of paragraph read ' In the house of
commons the bills of supply went on very cheerfully, so that they gave near
five millions towards the charge of the next year's war. But during this session
a very ill-humour began to show itself in both houses ; the party of Whig
and Tory was higher than ever, and showed itself almost in every question.'
For ' The ill-humour . . . made to ' read ' In the house of lords a party was
formed that opposed.'
For ' the king from the Dutch ' rend ' the English from the Dutch. The king
had in his speech desired the advice of his parliament ; so.'
After ' Steinkirk ' add ' [which] was laid on the count de Solms.'
For ' by a secret management ' read ' according to what was usual to them.'
For ' and they drew . . . persecuted ' read only ' and Shrewsbury.'
For ' These lords . . . jealous of the ministry ' read ' And as all that favoured
king James went always with them, so many of the Whigs that were dis-
contented because they had not got what they pretended to.'
After ' money-bills ' add ' but that they must either be passed or thrown out
by them as they were sent up.'
After ' drawn up ' insert ' they saw plainly afterwards that ' ; and after ' bill'
add ' upon that account.'
[f. 74 («)] Om. ' which was . . . pageant.'
For ' that had never . . . civil wars ' read only ' when they were upon the
heads of advices to be offered to the king.'
For ' and they would . . . fall ' read only ' it was opposed with much zeal.'
For ' in either house of parliament ' read ' in the house of commons, where
the scene of business lay.'
1692-3] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 73 (a)-74 {b) 381
Om. ' The truth was . . . places and pensions.'
For 'When this bill. . . difficulty' read 'This was set on by a few in the
house of commons, and was opposed by none at all.'
For 'had not strength . . . parties' read only 'had not credit enough to
stop it.'
A/ier ' establish ' add ' for ever.'
The triennial bill.
Cf. Hist. ii. 106-7 \io ' refused to pass it ').
After ' was offered ' add 'hy Shrewsbury.'
For 'within a Hmited time' read 'by or before the first of January next.'
Om. ' in king Edward . . . these acts.'
For ' as a grievance . . . three years ' read ' till king Charles the First's time.'
After ' insupportable grievance ' insert ' But.'
Om. 'and were to be made . . . tyranny.'
[/• 74 (*)] For ' so well . . . only of themselves ' read only ' well, and not to
cover themselves from just debts by privilege if they were to continue but for
three years.'
Om. 'AH that was objected . . . come round.'
For ' yet it was said . . . continue longer. So ' read ' yet_the main design of the
act being the dissolution of the present parliament.'
For ' and fixed ' read ' only they prolonged ' ; and omit ' so that . . . thsmselves.'
For ' for some time ' read ' till the end of the session.'
. from ' so the session ended ' to end of paragraph.
A change in the ministry.
^Some alterations that were made did in a great measure
quiet the murmuring that was like to have risen upon the
denial of the bill. '' Upon the king's coming to the crown
all people desired to see the chancery in commission ; they
fancied it was too great a trust for one man ; so it was put
in three persons. ° But as this bred great delays, so the charge
of the court was much increased " when three sets of servants
were to be gratified. "^ Many of their decrees were also much
complained of, and were every day reversed ^ by the lords ;
whereas when one man bore the judgements of the court,
he was more circumspect. And the greatest business of
all was that, whereas a chancellor is to bear a great part
of the load of the government (especially in all related to
law and justice), the commissioners, being equal in power,
considered themselves only as so many judges in chancery ;
" Cf. Hist. ii. 107. " Ibid. 3. " Ibid. 107. n 'But now I go' /o 'whole nation ').
After ' So ' add ' immediately.'
For ' this was very acceptable . . . any effect' read 'This did so please the
English, that all the anger for not granting the triennial bill did immediately
vanish ; and with this the king went beyond sea.'
" Cf. Hist. ii. 107-8. ^ Ibid. io8. = Ibid. i. 548. '^ Ibid. ii. 108.
» Ibid. ' Ibid. 5.
1693] Harl MSB. 6584, ff. 74 (6)-75 {b) 383
\Affairs on the Rhine.]
Cf. Hist. ii. no {from 'The French had attempted' to 'the like success').
For ' and by it Franconia . . . Rhine ' read ' but they had taken no care of
the Rhine.'
After ' the like success ' add ' but count Horn yielded Furnes and Dixmuyden
more easily to them ' (see supra, p. 377, Hist. ii. 98).
Affairs in Flanders.
Cf. Hist. ii. no {from 'The campaign' to end of page").
For ' In the meanwhile . . . with the States ' read ' and if Liege had been
taken, it was given out that Maestricht would have been besieged next, to have
struck the more terror into the Dutch ; whom the French were trying by all
possible practices to draw into a separated peace ; and who had reason given
them to be jealous of England, by the humour that had lately appeared in both
houses against them.'
Intrigues of Halewyn {the younger].
There was also a secret negotiation set on by the burgo-
master of Dort, brother to that Halewyn whom I have
formerly mentioned ^. It was believed that he had hoped to
have succeeded Fagel (he being then the pensioner of Dort),
and that he was in an ill-humour ever after that disappoint-
ment. He went secretly into Switzerland and treated with
Amelot the French ambassador for bringing about a peace.
Amelot promised him that one should be sent to him from
France to concert a project and the methods of composing it ;
who came soon afterj but [brought] no project. So this
matter was in its first fermentation, when it was discovered ;
Halewyn and Roberti (the Frenchman) confessed the whole
matter without torture. Halewyn was condemned to a per-
petual imprisonment, and Roberti was to remain prisoner
during the war, and after that to be banished the States'
dominions. The elder Halewyn was suspected to be in the
matter, and was long under arrest ; but no proofs appearing
against him he was set at liberty, but put out of all his em-
ployments; for the suspicion lies still very heavy [/. 75 {b)]
upon him since it was known that he had his brother very
much under his management.
' See pp. 179, 198, 200, 251-2, supra.
384 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1693
[Affairs in Flanders resumed^
Cf. Hist. ii. {from beginning of p. m to end of paragraph).
And [affair s\ on the Rhine.
Cf. Hist. ii. Ill {from 'The dauphin' to 'all this campaign ')■
Om. 'the town . . . resistance.'
For front ' The French were not able ' to end of sentence read ' That town was
sacked, and from thence de Lorge was moving towards Frankfort ; but he was
obliged to retire, and so they joined ; and in a little time the dauphin came up
to them.'
For ' but no action . . . campaign ' read ' but that is all that this campaign
has hitherto produced upon the Rhine.'
In Sf>ain.
Cf. Hist. ii. HI {from 'The French had better' to end of paragraph) .
Om. 'and less opposition.'
After ' Rosas' add ' (which commands a bay ; but I do not know whether it
is a good station for ships or not).'
And Piedmont,
Cf. Hist. ii. Ill {from ' Affairs in Piedmont ' to ' the siege of Pignerol ').
For ' they expected ' read ' it seems they expected.'
After ' And then ' add ' in the beginning of August.'
For ' and he was master . . . siege of Pignerol ' read ' so now he is master
of it ; but it is uncertain whether he will abandon it, or whether he intends to
besiege Pignerol itself or not.'
The battle of Landen.
Cf. Hist. ii. 112' {to p. 113, 'the battalions he had sent to Liege ').
For ' lay long ' read ' lay for many weeks. '
[/ 76 (ff)] For ' and his conduct . . . enemy's ' read ' which lay just behind
For ' with the loss . . . officers' read only 'with a vast loss.'
For ' in a place . . . gave way' read only 'some bodies both of German and
Spanish horse giving way.'
For 'and so the French . . . cannon : but the king' read 'In conclusion,
when he saw the French could not be beaten out, he retired, leaving most part
of his cannon behind him ; and so.'
After ' out of reach ' add ' and the other parts of his army which came off in
different bodies, came all together, and joined him in a few days.'
For ' that it was thought . . . Boyne ' read only ' that [they] have very much
increased his reputation.'
For ' hours ' read ' days.'
For ' with a vastly . . . officers ' read ' in officers and soldiers.'
' The commencement of p. 112 is not indicated in the edition of 1833.
1693] Harl MSS. 6584, ff. 75 (6)-76 {h) 385
For 'The king's behaviour. .'. side' read 'The king has never, upon any
occasion, signalized himself more eminently than upon this ; so that his
enemies, as well as his own army, acknowledge that both the supporting the
action so long, and the prudent retreat when it was necessary, were wholly
due to him.'
Om. (Jiere)from ' and some other bodies ' to end of paragraph.
{Position oj^ affairs J remarks on Waldecks deaihi\
And the French have not undertaken anything since
that time; and in this state both armies lie when I am
now writing: they are moving from one camp to another,
watching one another's motions. This campaign has proved
the more honourable to the king because he alone has con-
ducted it ; for prince Waldeck, who had first formed him to
war and * had a great genius though with a very bad fortune
in military matters, *" had died the former winter '', He was the
only man with whom it was observed that the king advised ^ ;
and so, upon his death, many dreaded that the king's way
of resolving with himself, without talking \_f. 'j6 (^)] with any
of his general officers, might have proved as fatal as it was
distasteful to his officers, especially the English ; who could
not bear the contempt (as they fancied it to' be) of never
being let into any of the counsels, though they were raised
to great posts in the army.
Affairs at sea.
Cf. Hist. ii. 114-6 {to 'trading part of the nation').
For ' two great ports ' read ' two ports where their great ships lay ' ; and for
' fleet together ' read ' great ships from Toulo[n] ' ; and after ' again ' add
' every year.'
For 'was watching this carefully' read 'were known to have an eye on
this in winter.'
For ' a spy . . . certain persons ' read ' one being.'
For ' that kingdom ' read ' this kingdom ' (probably a clerical error).
Om. ' new excuses . . . made ; for.'
For ' a new delay . . . staying ' read ' but he was still delayed.'
For ' Yet these . . . design ' read ' Yet it was still believed that they were to
come about. In conclusion.'
Om. ' from England . . ■ designs.'
" Cf. Hist, i.328. >> Ibid. ii. 150.
1 For the relations between the two von Oranien und Georg Friedrich vail
consult D. P. L. MuUer's Wilhelm HI Waldeck, Haag, 1873.
386 Burners Original Memoirs [1693
For ' But at the secretary's . . , fleet, but ' read ' And to complete our mis-
fortunes, we did for some weeks after this know so little of the French motions,
that we beheved them to be still in Brest ; and ' ; and after ' believed ' insert
' So that.'
Om. ' when they thought . . . danger.'
[/ 77 («)] ^o'' 'but from the Toulon . . . information' read 'but from
D'Estrees' fleet. And his scouts, that were out, discovering a great many
ships, and taking a fire-shiip, the captain told them such a plausible story of
fifteen ships of war that lay there, to go and join D'Estrees, that notwithstand-
ing the improbability of it (for he told them that three French admirals were
there), yet it was too easily beheved ; and though Rooke was for standing out in
the sea, yet the merchants pressed that they might hold on their voyage. The
Dutch and most of the captains were of the same mind.'
For ' some got to Gibraltar ' read ' some few, but of great value, got to
After ' sail away' add ' for water.'
For ' first to . . . England ' read ' to Kinsale with many of the merchants.'
After ' practicable ' insert ' So after they had stayed for some time there.'
Owi. ' and in some other places.'
For ' the trading part of the nation ' read ' the whole nation.'
[Suspidotts of the ministry; Rochester; his attitude towards
the new bishops; their conduct^
Cf. Hist. ii. 116 {from 'The appearances' to p. ii8, 'very uneasy in his great
For ' rose high . . . ofBce ' read only ' went much higher.'
Om. 'It was said, that'; and for 'many particulars . . . acted like enemies'
read ' [These] were such amazing things, that I never knew men's minds more
possessed with the belief of the king and the nation's being betrayed, than at
that time. This made people lay not only all these [but many other ?] par-
ticulars together ; [which] (with the putting many men in subaltern employ-
ments through the [/ 77 (6)] whole kingdom, who discover so violent a hatred
to the government, and talk and act as if they were open enemies) are like to
raise much heat in the approaching sessions.'
From ' Our want of intelligence ' to end of pai-agraph is in present tense ; for
' a good share ' read ' the heaviest part ' ; for ' the Whigs ' read ' all that are
called Whigs ' ; for ' for being naturally . . . company ' j-ead ' for, as he allows
himself great liberties in drinking, so.'
After ' queen herself {omitting entirely ' I was in some sort . . . would have
pursued') proceed from 'He talked' to 'methods they were taking' in present
tense; for 'which he had so much promoted in' reading only 'of and omitting
conclusion of paragraph.
For ' The king had left . . . church ' read ' The matters of the church are now
almost ' ; and after ' hands ' add ' for the king has turned them over to her.'
From ' so he devolved ' to end of passage (■ great p6st ') is in present tense ;
after ' prudence ' add ' and so due a weighing of men's merits, that this gives
indeed great hopes ' ; for ' for a party was formed . . . who set themselves ' read
' for the clergy seemed to have combined ' ; after ' promoting them ' add ' with
a strictness that we never saw before ' ; om. ' if it was not . . . way ' ; for ' He
1692-3] Had. MSS. 6584, f. 76 (b)--]8 (a) 387
did not enter ... all they could ' read ' His not entering into an union with the
ministry, but living in a great freedom and equality with them, makes that they
seem all to dislike him ' ; and for ' He grew . . . post ' read ' [so] that if he could
decently do it, he would much more cheerfully retire from that post, than he
came into it.'
{Burnet's own experience. '\
" I have also received my share of mortifications " ; I continue
still (I thank God) as I began ; going every year round the
greatest part of my diocese, preaching constantly, and wasting
my wife's estate besides the spending my whole income ;
yet I find the high "" sort of churchmen cannot be gained ;
till the toleration is broke and a persecution of dissenters
is set on foot, they will still conclude that the church of
England is persecuted or at best neglected : and they cannot
with any patience bear a man that has declared himself so
openly against those things ^ as I have done ; and yet by the
pains I take " to gain upon that party " I have ^ fallen under
the displeasure of the other party ; " so hard a thing it is in
such divided times to resolve to be of no parties ; for a man
of that temper is protected by none, and pushed at by
a great many ° For, in the last sessions of [_/. 78 (a)] parlia-
ment, some began to find fault with a notion by which some
divines had urged obedience to the present government ;
that here was a conquest over king James, and that conquests
in a just war gave a good title. This some had carried so
far as to say, in all wars (just or unjust) conquests were to
be considered as God's transferring the dominion from the
conquered to the conqueror ; yet all these writers had taken
care to distinguish between a conquest of the nation and
a conquest of king James ; the latter being only that which
was pretended. That, as they said, gave the king all king
James's rights. This doctrine was condemned by a vote of
both houses, and a book that had set it forth with great
modesty and judgement-^ was in a heat condemned to be
" Cf. Hist. ii. 118. "° Ibid, supra. ' Ibid. ^ Ibid. " Ibid, infra.
1 King William and Queen Mary Macaulay gives so spirited an account
Conquerors, the anonymous tract at- {Hist. ed. 1858, vol. vi. pp. 367-9).
tributed to Charles Blount, of which
C C 3
388 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1692-3
burnt ; and because, in a treatise that I had writ immediately
after I was a bishop to persuade my clergy to take the
oaths 1, 1 had only mentioned this as a received opinion among
lawyers and put it in among other topics, but had put the
strength of all upon the lawfulness and justice of the present
establishment, they fell upon that little book and ordered it
likewise to be burnt. So it looked somewhat extraordinary
that I, who perhaps was the greatest assertor of public
liberty, from my first setting out ^, of any writer in the age,
should be so severely treated as an enemy to it. But the
truth was the Tories never liked me, and the Whigs hated me
because I went not into their notions and passions ; but even
this and worse things that may happen to me shall not, I hope,
be able to make me depart from moderate principles and the
just asserting the liberty of mankind ^. I now leave all that
remains of our affairs to the approaching sessions which I see
" coming on with great apprehensions of the ill effects that are
like to rise, partly from the king's humour, partly from the ill-
conduct of our affairs, and from the bad disposition of our
minds *.
\The affairs of Ireland.']
Cf. Hist. ii. 118 (to p. 119, ending with ' Christian princes ' at conclusion ofne.xt
After ' the lord lieutenant was ' insert ' so little fitted to struggle with peevish-
ness, and so.'
For ' and were much sharpened against them ' read ' and took all possible
advantages to fall on them.'
For 'The protecting . . . necessary' read 'Those who protected the Irish
said they did it for the good of the nation.'
After ' ill administration ' insert ' in almost all parts of the government.'
After ' stores ' add ' and of other oppressions, in all which it was thought that
Sidney was too remiss and too gentle to those that were complained of.'
For ' in England, which drew ' read ' here also in both houses ; but at that
» Cf. Hist. ii. 118.
' 'A pastoral letter writ by . . . = This passage ('it looked some-
Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum, to the what extraordinary . . . mankind ') is
clergy of his diocese, concerning the quoted by Macaulay (Hist. ed. 1858,
oaths of allegiance to k[ing] William vi. 372 note) in his account of this
and Q[ueen] Mary . . . 1689.' affair (ibid. 369-73). He comments
" Burnet's memory seems to have on the expressive reticence of the
failed him at this point ; see supra, published History.
pp. 33-9 ; and infra, Appendix I.
1692-3] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 78 (a)-78 (b) 389
time the session was near an end ; so all they did was that the matters were
laid before the king in.'
[/■ 78 (6)] J^or 'lord Capel . . . Essex' read 'sir Henry Capel, lately made
a lord ';/or' sir Cyril . . . Duncombe ' read • Mr. Duncombe that had been envoy
in Sweden, and sir Cyril Wyche, who had been secretary to several lords
lieutenants ; they are all men of virtue and probity, and of good capacity for
Afier 'disorders' add 'and immoralities'; a/ier 'poverty' add 'or other
miseries ' ; and after ' expected ' add ' They were rather worse than ever.'
After 'vacant see' add 'The queen was then in the administration.'
After ' understood ' add ' by many hands.'
After ' fit to promote him ' add ' Some attempts were made to purge him, but
the bad character could not be so easily taken off.'
\The Williain and Mary college.^
"Another piece of the queen's piety was finished this year'',
which probably may have great and good effects. ''There
came over a minister from Virginia ''. who was a man of
another stamp than commonly go to plantations ; since, to
our reproach, it must be owned, that for [the] most part
very undeserving men and such as can find no sort of em-
ployment in England go over ; and the bishops of London ^
have never yet thought fit to take care of those colonies.
Mr. Blair had gone over in king James's time and became
quickly the most acceptable man that had been in Virginia
for a great while. He observed that the want of schools and
a college there was a vast prejudice to all their youth. <= He
thought those born there had from the climate all the
advantages of genius", while they lay under the greatest
disadvantages by an ill education. He also thought that
^a good foundation in Virginia might be of great use to all
the other plantations. ^ So after he had engaged the planters
to a very liberal subscription, he came over with a project
of a public school and college, which might be endued out
of some branches of the king's revenue there that went all
into private hands, and had never been accounted for; ^yet
those who were concerned in the plantations having made
" Cf. Hist.W. 119. *■ Ibid. <■ Ibid. 120. '^ Ibid. " Ibid, iig-20.
^ Ibid. 120.
' Titular diocesans of the plantations at the period in question.
390 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1692-3
advantage of those matters, here was great opposition to be
looked [for]''. The archbishop of Canterbury did highly
approve of this motion ; and laid it before the queen, "^ who
liked it so well ^ that she gave orders to have it particularly
examined ; and informed herself so exactly of the whole
matter that she was able to argue with such as did oppose it ;
[/• 79 ('^)] who though that they clogged it with all possible
delays, yet were not able to hinder it. " The queen saw such
a probability in it of having a very good effect on the
morals and religion of those colonies, and perhaps of pre-
paring men to propagate the gospel aniong the natives, that
she resolved to set it on ; and she very easily persuaded the
king upon his coming over to be of her mind. So the patent
founding a college, together with a good revenue for its endow-
ment of .£'600 a year; was passed " ; and the good man who
projected it is now gone over to see it put in execution.
\^Viriues of the queen; Burnet's reflections on the same.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 133 (from ' The queen continued ' to p. 134, ' I had large oppor-
tunities to observe ').
J^or ' The queen continued to set ' read ' Thus the queen was not satisfied with
setting ' ; and after ' parts of it ' add ' but.'
Om. 'both to read and.'
From ' but she freed ' to end of passage is in present tense.
After ' promise she made ' add ' and so careful to remember well the promises
she makes.'
After ' opportunities to observe ' proceed as follows :
As I am sensible that I perhaps return too oft to this, so
I acknowledge it is so ^ pleasant to myself, that as it is almost
the only thing that supports my thoughts against the melan-
choly prospect which all other views of our affairs gives '\ so,,
since I intend this work not only as a bare recital of history,
but as a means of conveying the best instructions that I can
to posterity, I think the setting out this pattern in the best
and fullest lights the most useful part of my whole work.
And as I thank God that I do still feel the sense of the
Christian religion and of the reformation of it from popery to
be that which lies nearer my heart than all the things of this
" Cf. Hist. ii. 120. » Ibid. " Ibid. 'i Ibid. 134.
1692-3] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 78 (^)-79 {h) 391
world put together ; so " I cannot without a very particular
joy see that person whose present circumstances mark her out
to be both the defender and perfecter of that blessed work to be
such, in all the parts both of her private deportment and the
public administration of the government, that she seems to be
in all points fitted for that work for which she seems to have
been born ^.
\And the affairs of Scotland \]
But now I leave this subject to give an account of ''a very
disorderly scene '' with which I will end my writing for this
time, and that is of Scotland. The king had ordered
Johnstone to go down to Scotland in summer 1692, [y..79 (<5)]
and to bring him up a particular account of the state of that
kingdom. He found the whole nation so full of ° distrust of
the men that had been newly put in the government " that
they thought the king had abandoned Scotland. "^ When the
invasion was looked for, they had taken so little care to con-
ceal their inclinations ^, that those who were true to the king
intended if any such thing had happened to have begun with
them, and seized on them. And ° it looked to be unaccountable
to take men out of a plot, a part of which was to persuade
many to take the oaths to the present government with design
to betray it, and yet to trust the kingdom to them, for they
were now the masters of the counsels. ^ Hamilton was dis-
contented and came no more to town *' ; and many others
absented themselves, so that a very small force sent from
France would have mastered that kingdom. ^ The pres-
byterians saw they had lost the king and began to be sensible
of their folly, and were willing to carry themselves more
gently for the' future s. Johnstone gave them all possible
assurances that upon their submission and moderation they
might regain the king's confidence ; he also engaged '^ Hamil-
ton to return to the council ^ and got some men whom the
presbyterians trusted to be put in employments. He laid
» Cf. Hist. ii. 134. ^ Ibid. 120. " Ibid. ^ Ibid. ' Ibid. ' Ibid,
infra. s Ibid, supra. '' Ibid, infra.
' See for all this Appendix VI, infra.
392 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1692-3
before the king ''the correspondence between France and
Scotland ; in all which the easiness of the undertaking was often
insisted on if no time were lost \ And indeed the generality
of the gentry and nobility became so open in declaring for
king James, that '' it was necessary to put some stop to it ''.
More forces seemed necessary, and some parts of the revenue
were near falling off ; which were granted for years. So " a
session of parliament ° was proposed ; this was much opposed
by the other party, who knew they could not be the masters
there : yet the state of affairs made the king resolve on it.
''Hamilton was commissioner"^, and Johnstone went down,
who principally managed the sessions, and acquired by it a very
high reputation; for he showed great abilities in all debates, with
great dexterity in the conduct of business, and carried every-
thing as the king had desired ; he laid before the parliament
all the letters that had been intercepted. Most of them were
writ by Neville Payne, from which a design of bringing in a
foreign force plain appeared. He made this out by so many
circumstances that the parliament was convinced of it, and
upon that " voted supplies " for maintaining 6,000 men for
eighteen months. '' All went visibly by the strength of the
presbyterian interest ^ ; yet, according to the king's desire,
Johnstone kept them from making a representation against
the ministry, which they had a great mind to have done.
[Ecclesiastical affairs in Scotland^
Cf. Hist. ii. 121 {from ' The matters of the church ' to p. 122, end of paragraph).
For ' than was expected ' read ' beyond what could have been expected from
After ' scandal ' add ' in their life or doctrine.'
[/ 80 (ffl)] After ' assurance ' add ' by a day prefixed ' ; and otn. ' owning . . .
For ' when the session was near an end ' read ' The parliament also addressed
to the king to call a general assembly ; and thus all things went very smoothly ;
only [when] the time limited to their sitting was near expired '; and oiii. ' upon
the many letters . . . intercepted.'
For ' in many of his own letters . . . reconciling one ' read ' ready to be
offered ; but both the commissioner and the chancellor had reason to apprehend
that their sons were in the plot, and Payne said, as long as his life was his own
he would say nothing ; but if it were once the king's, he would save it by telling
» Cf. Hist. ii. 120. ^ Ibid. " Ibid. 121. d Ibid. » Ibid. f Ibid.
1693] Had. MSS. 6584, ff. 79 {by&o {b) 393
all he knew. This terrified many who were concerned ; his pretences for
a delay were easily admitted ; and his trial put oif. So the session was ended,
which was the smoothest and the kindest the king had held in any of his
dominions. But upon the conclusion of that meeting, when it was expected
that the king should have given orders for the levies, and for the other parts
of the administration, he has not yet thought fit these three months to take
any notice of their affairs or to give any orders about them.'
Place from ' so they could claim ' to end of paragraph in present tense ; and for
'so they could claim . . . benefices' read only 'so that they are now out of their
churches by law.'
Om. ' so they were easily . . . whispers.'
{^General view of the situaiionj with which Burnet concludes
for the time, Sept. 9, 1693.]
[Mean]while he seems averse to those whose interests are
twisted with his, and grows jealous of them. This becomes
now the subject of all people's observations and censure ;
and seems to be the greatest of all those dangers that hang
over his government. This winter is like to prove critical ;
the Whigs are studying to inflame all people against the
ministry; and as that is a thing in which the house of
commons is always very easily engaged, so the misfortunes of
this summer gave a handle to all attempts against them ; and
the Jacobites will go into anything that may embroil us,
hoping that the king's stiffness on the one hand and the
eagerness of the commons on the other may throw us into
distrusts and confusions. * Middleton has been sent over to
king James by the party, ''who found great fault with a
declaration that he had prepared for the invasion of the last
year in which he promised nothing and pardoned nobody.
It was indeed calculated to so high a note that it is plain
from it that his council then thought that the design was so
well laid that it could not miscarry; so that he talked in
the strain of a conqueror that had all things in his power.
But this year he has sent over one, " that as far as words can
go, give[s] a full security, for he pardons all persons, and
promises everything. [/. 80 {b)'\ And this the party think
they have in their hands, to offer to the nation <=, if they can
but once throw us into convulsions. Arise then, O Go,d, and
» Cf. Hist. ii. 122. " Ibid, infra. " Ibid. 123.
394 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1693
perfect thou that which concerns us : and do thou prosper
and estabhsh the work of thy hands among us. So I give
over on the ninth of September, 1693.
[Burnet resumes Ms pen in April, i695-]
I do begin again in April, 1695, to prosecute this history.
There was a new misfortune that concluded the campaign of
1693 ; ''Charleroi was besieged" in September.
Cliarleroi taken.
Cf. Hist. ii. 113 t^from 'the country' to 'at last').
^Situation in France. \
Cf. Hisl. ii. 113 {from 'Thus the French' to p. 114, end of paragraph).
For 'but their successes . . . balanced by' read 'but at home'; and om.
' that.'
For ' strict ' read * very good.'
For ' steps ' read ' faint steps.'
After ' posture ' add ' The allies entered into a new concert for the year [i6]g4,
and there was little to be feared, either in Holland or Germany.'
[Overtures to Spaing
Cf. Hist. ii. 123 {from ' We were also ' to end of paragraph).
For 'We were also . . . Madrid' read ' In Spain their affairs were so low that
they were in a great disposition to hearken to a proposition made them by
the French, which seemed much to their advantage.'
For ' the grandees of Spain ' read ' the greatest part there.'
After ' allies ' add ' at least for once '.'
For 'watching their conduct' read 'the mending of matters.'
Om. ' The Spaniards . . . Madrid.'
A session of parliament [expected ; a change in
the mintstry\.
Cf. Hist. ii. 123 {from ' The king came over ' io ' satisfaction of the Whigs,').
Before ' The king ' insert ' When ' ; and before ' saw ' inseii ' quickly. '
[/ 81 (a)] For ' so that went off' read ' so that matter lay in suspense for
some months.'
For ' yet the king . . . assurances that ' read ' but in concluision ' ; and for ' of
the Whigs ' read • of the nation.'
Sunderland in credit.
Cf. Hist. ii. 123 ('But the person . . . could and would support him').
For the initial ' But ' read ' Yet, after all ' (i. e. all his former conduct ?).
" Cf. Hist. ii. 113.
' The use of ' once ' (i. c. ' one time ' time,' though not recognized by John-
or 'a time') as a synonym for 'some son, is still common in Somersetshire.
1693] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 80 (6)-8i {b) 395
Om. ' who, by his long . . . ever had ' ; before ' he had brought ' ' insert ' It was
thought ' ; and for ' both trust and satisfy ' read ' comply with.'
[Com»ienis made.\
His behaviour in former reigns made people conclude that
he could not be firm himself to principles of public liberty ;
and therefore, though they were glad that, at any rate, the
king was brought about, yet a deep jealousy still remained of
the king's own inclinations.
[The Whigs in power j a session.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 124 {fmm ' so the Whigs' to p. 125, 'end of April').
0?K. ' perhaps.'
For from 'so that the king' to end of paragraph read '50 they grew to be
very hearty for the king when they saw he intended to put himself into their
hands ; they resolved to use him well ; for men grow to be either patriots or
courtiers as they happen to be well or ill used by the government. All the
money that was necessary for the war was granted by this session of parlia-
ment ; and.'
Om, ' at least in bank-notes.'
For from ' It was visible ' to end of paragraph, read ' This matter was so strongly
argued on both sides, that, I confess, I understand it not enough to form a sure
judgement upon it ; I do rather think the bank will be an advantage to the nation,
as it is certainly a great one to the king, since they furnish him with money on
much easier terms than it was formerly borrowed on.'
For 'took up . . . long' read '[was] the most troublesome business of this
For ' it seemed . . . get out' read ' it was said that it was not sent out.'
For ' for it was now the . . . favour ' read ' for it was become the business of
a party ; [so] the examination held long in both bouses ; in conclusion they were
[ Visii of the firince of Baden.]
[f. 81 {b)'\ *The prince of Baden came into England this
winter ; he stayed above two months ", much longer than he
had intended ; ^ he was treated by the king in an extra-
ordinary manner and at a vast expense '' ; he seemed to be
much pleased with it, and he was the most universally esteemed
stranger that I have ever known come into England.
[ The Tories attack the jiidges; etdogy of Somers.]
*■ The Tories began now to grow very backward in the king's
business. Rochester and Nottingham obstructed it ■= as much
» Cf. Hist. ii. 125. >> Ibid. « Ibid.
39^ Burnet's Original Memoirs [1693-4
as any, though more covertly at first, but afterwards they laid
aside the mask and opposed everything openly. ^ The judges
gave great credit to the government by their fair and im-
partial administration of justice ; and no man had ever kept
the seal ^ with a higher reputation than Somers ^ He showed
great justice and temper, discretion and good judgement, in
everything that came before him ; and was in all respects
the man whom I have ever known in a high post with the
least censure or reproach cast on him. He is really as much
and as universally esteemed as he deserves to be ; and though
the enemies of the government see what strength and lustre
he gives to it, and so hate him in proportion to that, yet they
have not hitherto found matter for slander to work upon ^ ;
but the other '' judges have been often and unmercifully but
most undeservedly fallen upon by the enemies of the govern-
ment "^ ; but there was so little grounds for all their complaints
that were made that they suffered little by them in the esteem
of the nation.
\The bishops censured /\ debates C07icerning divorce.
Cf. Hist. ii. 126 {from 'The bishops' to p. 127, end of paragraph).
Om. entirely ' it was visible . . . despised and' ; and for 'who designed . . .
betray it ' read only ' not true to the interest of the church of England.'
After ■ parliament ' insert ' in order to the opening of which I must take
a large compass ' ; and om. ' it related . . . him to marry again ' {see infra).
For ' the party that was injured ' read ' either party.'
For ' At that time . . . marriage only as ' read ' Upon that occasion many profane
people began to question the whole doctrine of marriage ; they said it was.'
For ' the consequence . . . have ' read ' that ' (i.e. the king's divorce) ; and for
' many ' 7-ead ' some.'
After ' allowed ' add ' This being premised, I come now to the present time.
The duke of Norfolk had married the earl of Peterborough's daughter, and
being very ill satisfied with her conduct had parted with her and moved,'
&c., as in Hist. ii. 126, supra ; then return to p. 127, ' a great party ' ; omitting
' In the duke . . . Jacobite ; so.'
[/. 82 (a)] For ' who were thought engaged in lewd practices ' read ' who
had been in secret engagements with her, or that were in the like with other
After ' in the bill ' insert ' ; every step that the bill made was disputed with
much heat.'
» Cf. Hist. ii. 125-6. " Ibid. 126.
' The transcript erroneously reads ^ The attacks on Somers date of
' the seals.' course from 1699,
1693-4] Harl. MSS. 6584^ ff. 81 (^>)-82 {b) 397
After ' too plain ' add ' ; though a great deal was brought to lessen the credit
of the witnesses.'
After ' reasons' add ' and it happening that.'
Om. ' and that the contrary . . . dark ages ' ; and ' though some . . . were so.'
J^or ' Here was . . . inferred ' read ' Here was a plausible colour for saying.'
After ' Rochester ' add ' and some others.'
For ' The bill . . . time ' read ' The bill could not go on in the session of [i6]92 ;
and it being again taken up in that of [i6]9[3] ' it so plainly appeared that it
could not be carried through, that it was let fall ' ; and for ' of either side '
read ' [by] the divines of that party.'
TAe campaign, 1694.
Cf. Hist. ii. 127 {from 'The king went ' to end of p. 128, ' everywhere').
^or 'The king. . . May' read 'The sessions being ended, the king went
beyond sea.'
After ' they lay ' insert ' for a great while ' ; and after ' that they intended '
insert ' after the country was eat up.'
For ' in the ordinary . . . one another ' read ' in marches and countermarches.'
For ' This design . . . Huy, who ' read ' The king followed his detachment,
but finding the design lost he sent another, commanded by the duke of
Holstein Ploen (whom he had brought to command the Dutch forces in the
room of prince Waldeck). He was ordered to attack Huy ; which he did so
successfully that [he].'
After ' bishop ' insert ' who had stuck firm to the alliance.'
For 'but that for . . . favour' read 'The cardinal of Bouillon had tried what
interest he could make, but with no success. The dispute was soon over ;
it was judged at Rome, after some delays, in favour of the elector of Cologne ;
for though.'
Om. 'upon the submission . . . 1682.'
For ' The confederates . . . but lay ' read ' And with this the campaign in
Flanders ended ; great armies laying ' ; before ' advantageously ' insert [/ 82 (A)]
' so ' ; and for ' without any action ' read ' that it was not possible to engage in
any action.'
For ' in the usual manner' read ' at the same rate.'
Om. 'which the French . . . battle.'
Om. ' only there appeared . . . Savoy.'
For 'were beat . . . posts' read 'lost a small battle.'
For ' The court of Madrid ' read ' There was an inconceivable terror at the
court of Madrid ; they.'
Om. ' All this was intended . . . make them.'
Ottr fleet in the Mediterranean.
Cf. Hist. ii. 129 {from 'but to prevent' to end of paragraph).
For ' a great fleet . . . home ' (Ja^t sentence of passage) read ' and the
whole measures, that France was in, are disconcerted by this means. And,
while I am writing this, the news is come, that the great convoy which carried
The transcript erroneously repeats ' [i6]92.'
398 Bur net's Original Memoirs [1694
to them stores and bomb vessels, together with all necessaries till September, is
happily arrived ; so that we are now in expectation of somewhat considerable,
besides the preserving of Spain.'
Attempt on Camaret.
Cf. Hist. ii. 129 {from ' But while' to end of p. 130).
For ' Camaret . . . Brest ' read ' a neck of land in Camaret Bay which might
have been easily kept.'
[./■ ^3 (")] ■^fl^'' ' Russell ' add ' in the house of lords.'
After * 600 men' add * but a wrong time of the tide was taken, and their
orders were changed just as they were going to land ' ; and for ' and ' read ' He. '
For ' it was needlessly . . . undertaking' read 'that nothing could be done.'
Om. ' very fit . . . soldiers.'
For 'so that . . . good service' read 'That, joined with his other qualities,
made him appear so dangerous a man, that some thought his loss might be
more easily borne with.'
For ' must . . . effects ' read ' might have made an end of the war.'
T/ie French coast bombarded.
Cf. Hist. ii. 131 {to ' sunk our enemies ').
For ' did great execution ' read ' set them on fire. The loss they made was
considerable ; but the terror that this gave them put them into greater distrac-
After ' had first begun ' add ' This destruction was the more considerable
because it was the first essay we had made in that way, [/ 83 (&)] and that
success in it would probably encourage us to go on in another season, and to
become more expert in the conduct and management of such designs for the
For ' The campaign . . . arms ' read ' Thus this campaign ended the most to
our advantage of any we had during the war.'
The affairs of Turkey.
Cf. Hist. ii. 131 {from ' The war in Turkey ' to p. 132, end of paragraph).
For 'The war in Turkey . . . made themselves masters of read 'The only
confederate the French had was also very unfortunate at the end of the cam-
paign. The Venetians did not only take Ciclut ' in Dalmatia, but.'
For 'that wanted people. The Turks' read 'which it was believed they
intended to do. But some months after, the Turks.'
For ' but their abandoning . . . balance ' read ' but this has come to us only
through their hands while I am now writing this, so it is not authentical ■ it
may be perhaps given out to cover their abandoning of Scio, which they did
in a very few days after the second engagement.'
Om. ' as they did every year.'
After ' provisions ; ' for but ' read ' so it was thought that Caminieck would
quickly fall. But a few months after.'
^ A frontier fort ; the Turks strained every nerve to take it. See Daru
Histoire de . . . Venise, v. 1 19.
1694] Harl MSS. 6584, J. 82 (Z))-84 (a) 399
Om. 'their queen's . . . jealousy'; and after 'business' add '[So] the
Tartarians made great excursions, and much waste, and got safe home again.'
After ' Temeswaer ' add ' It is true all Germany was put in a mighty terror,
For ' the grand signior . . . present ' read ' Whether the grand signiors
death will change their counsels, and if the present successor will carry on the
war more successfully, or take more pains to compass a peace, must be left
to time to determine it.'
[I^reHc/t attempts to procure peace?[
Cf. Hist. ii. 132 {from ' At the end ' to end of paragraph).
[/ 84 (a)] For ' the States sent . . . errand ; and ' I'ead ' [so] that this
attempt had not success enough to make it certain whether it was made or not ;
some affirming that men of note came as far as Maestricht desiring passports
to come further, and that the States sent some to meet with them secretly,
but that upon seeing their powers and instructions passports were denied
them ; while the whole matter has been disowned and denied by the French
emissaries among us ; they.'
A session of parliajnent.
''The king came over in the beginning of November, and
the parliament was opened with a calmer face than had ever
yet appeared in any session. The supplies which were
demanded amounted very near to five millions, and were agreed
to without any opposition " ; but the party that was against
the court put their strength to ^ the opposing of good and
easy fonds for the money ; everything that looked like an
excise was desired [? decried] * ; and though some steps
were made in some of those propositions, yet they were all
laid aside ; but in conclusion, after a long and tedious session,
the fonds were all found and clauses were put in the act, of
a public faith, for making them good according to the estimates
that were set upon them.
An act for triennial parliaments.
In this parliament a bill passed which by all the present
views we have of things will be a great happiness and security
to England. There were no limits yet set to the continuance
of a, parliament, so that our princes, finding one to their mind,
might continue it, and practise so [on ?] the members of it as
long as they pleased ; and since this had been the method in
« Cf Hist. ii. 132-3. " Ihid. 133.
400 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1694
king Charles the Second's time, and was generally believed to
be the practice of the present reign, it was thought reasonable
to put an effectual stop to all such methods for the future. So
" a bill was brought in for frequent parliaments ", for yearly
sessions, and a new parliament every third year ; but many
thought there might be as much danger from too many as
from too few sessions of parliament. This had been in debate
two former sessions, but the court had stopped it ; now the
act was prepared only ^ with a relation to a new parliament
every third year^ without any clause for an annual session,
<= and the present parliament was to be dissolved at the furthest
in the beginning of the year 1696^; to this the royal assent
was given. It was very acceptable to the nation ° to come
to a new election of their representatives every third year ; it
would oblige the members to have more regard to their own
credit in common matters of justice, as well as to their voting
in the house, when, at the end of three years, they were to be
all canvassed over again in their countries. It was also hoped
that when it was evident that parliaments could not be of
a long continuance ^ men would not be at such an excessive
charge in procuring themselves to be chosen. This had very
much corrupted the whole nation ; and it seemed reasonable
to believe that those who bought the votes of others intended
to sell their own when they should come to be chosen ; so it
was hoped that when men came to be chosen without expense
the character they were in and the reputation which they had
would come again to be prevailing considerations in elections ;
and this is all that can be wished for, in order to the recover-
ing the credit and integrity of a house of commons which was
now so much lost, that it was generally believed that corruption
prevailed to such a [/. 84 {b)] degree that even in the com-
monest matters money carried everything ^.
"■ Cf. Hist. ii. 133. " Ibid. " Ibid. d Ibtd.
• Some such ambiguous term (which (cf. Hist. ii. 133 and ibid. 160). Both
mightindicate either Jan. i or March 25 dates are really wrong ; the statute as
of the year 1696, N. S.) no doubt eventually passed points to November,
accounts for Burnet's discrepant 1696.
statements as to the determining date
1694-5] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 84 (a)-85 {a) 401
[The treason bill.'\
" A bill for regulating trials of treason was much pressed in
this session " upon this particular occasion.
Trials in Lancashire examined.
Cf. Hist. ii. 141 {from ' Lunt, an Irishman ' to end of ^. 143).
Begin 'There had been a discovery of treason in the former summer by an
Irishman Lunt,' dr=c., &'C. ; om. 'of a mean understanding"; and for 'letters
and messages' read ' instructions and commissions.'
For ' so he ' read ' so there wras reason to believe that he. '
After ' present government' add ' with much officious zeal.'
Om. ' the imposture ... in discovering.'
After ' houses for arms ' add ' some few were found.'
After ' depositions ' add ' which the ministry had kept very secret and.'
[/ 85 (a)] Om. ' very idly ' ; and for ' to make a fortune . . . among many till '
read ' to be another Dates, and to spread his discoveries far till.'
For ' this was sworn . . . given to him ' read ' Now though he denied this, yet
two witnesses affirmed it against him.'
After' Chester' add 'together with some of the king's learned counsel.'
For ' of late ' read ' in all my time, at least.'
After 'found to be' add ' in a great measure.'
For ' after them ' read ' after the first day.'
For ' examined into by ' read ' brought under a long examination in.'
After ' proceedings ' add ' with the concurrence only of two others, who did
them but little honour.'
{Complaints oj the bank.']
Cf. Hist. ii. 144 (to 'shaken in another').
For ''When this design ... set up' ;-rarf 'Great noise was also made'; and
for 'which began . . . credit' read 'which had been settled in the former
The bad state of the coin.
We had fallen under another real and great mischief; there
had been for six years together ^ such a general clipping of
money that it was fallen above a third part below its just value ;
" and it was not possible to give an effectual remedy to this,
but by a recoining the whole money of England and the having
no money to pass but what was milled. This required a great
fonds, and that could not be come at in the end of a session ;
" Cf. Hist. ii. 141. I' Ibid. 140. " Ibid, infra.
' The corresponding ' suppressed passage' of the History (preserved in the
Bodleian autograph) is very curious.
402 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1695
so Rochester, who together with Nottingham "led everything
which might obstruct business, "" made a loud complaint of
this ; yet all that it produced was only an act with stricter
clauses and penalties against clippers ; [/. 85 (3)] it did very
much alarm pfeople, and sunk the value of our money at a time
when it could not be effectually cured. " A great point was
[thus] carried by those who were now engaged in an opposi-
tion to the government <= ; and it appeared very evidently that
those who had preterided to a zeal in general for the pre-
rogative could act against it with as much heat as any others
had ever done when they themselves had not the manage-
ment of it.
Discoveries of corruption.
Cf. Hist. ii. 144 {from 'Towards the end of the session' to 'expelled the
house ').
Begin ' But to conclude all that relates to this session of parliament, towards,'
For 'Upon this' read 'This coming with a general complaint of corruption
For ' the secretary to the treasury ' read ' Mr. Guy, who had been secretary
to the treasury both in king Charles' and king James' time, and had also got
in again in this reign ' (cf. Hist. ii. 144, infra').
For ' turned out of his place ' read ' another got his place, though it is
generally believed he has it only in trust for him.'
Om. ' many were the more . , . because ' ; and ' he had held . . . methods '
{see supra).
i^3;'_'But the house . . . further' rearf'So from a. very casual discovery the
house resolved to enquire into corruption.'
For ' so that full . . . appeared ' read ' but besides this, a great deal had been
given secretly both by the chamber and by the orphans ; of which no discovery
has been yet made.'
[Foley becomes Speaker; his character.']
'^ And Mr. P[aul] Foley was chosen Speaker'^ : though the
court named Littleton. ^ Foley is a man of integrity " and of
particular notions, to which he is much addicted. He is
zealous for the present government, but ^much dissatisfied
with the administration. ^ He had set up for a patriot S; he
opposed most things ; and he had been every year one of the
commissioners for the public accounts.
* Cf. Hist. ii. 140, supra. ^ Ibid, infra. « Ibid. 141. d Ibid. 144.
" Ibid. ' Ibid. b Ibid. 109.
1695] HarL MSS. SsS^, ff, 85 (a)-86 {b) 403
\The East India company scandals,]
Cf. Hist. ii. 145-6 {to 'desired a present trial').
For ' the greatest part . . . among ' read ' that this had been between the court
For ' for the two preceding . . . stifle this enquiry ; but ' read only ' so they
resolved to enquire into that matter'; «Hrf ybj- ' curiosity . . . enquiries' read
only 'The curiosity of an enquiry will always prevail.'
For ' and was like . . . came in, and ' read only ' he ' ; and after ' matter ' add
[/ 86 («)] ' This act passed and the day came.'
Om. ' that should disgrace . . , favourites.'
For ' There were indeed presumptions ' read ' Only it appeared by other
examinations ' ; and for ' £5,000 ' read ' 8,000 guineas.'"
For • felt that he was ' read ' is.'
For ' while the act . . . house of lords ' read ' in opposing the act.'
For ' but now all had broke out . . . Bates swore, that he ' read ' and now
both Bates (who had managed the matter between him and Firebrace, a man
employed by the company) and he himself told a very incredible story ; that
After ' keep it to himself insert ' but that Bates desired he would order one of
his servants to receive the money, which had been done ; the money being kept
by the servant till it was restored.'
For 'it did also appear . . . come at' read 'yet that servant, in whose breast
the whole matter lay, and who, it seems, had not so tractable a conscience as
others had who were examined in this matter, was of the sudden conveyed out
of the way' ' (cf. Hist. ii. 146, infra).
For ' he, to prevent . . . justification ' read ' he had the tacit permission of the
lords to go and speak to them ; which he did,'
After ^iix. nation' add 'and this government'; and for 'in terms . , , to him-
self read 'in terms that seemed to assume too much to himself.'
Om. ' from which ... in the end.' •
{Conclusion of the matter; the session ends.]
"■ The articles were brought to the lords ; all was denied by
the duke of Leeds''; but it was too late in the session. So
^ the matter was hung up till another session ^ ; and it came
to be generally believed that the chief design of this enquiry
was to blast him. "= An act of grace came in the end of all " ;
and thus the session of parliament was concluded. There
was nothing of importance either in Scotland or Ireland
within this period that deserves to be [/. 86 {d}] mentioned ;
» Cf. Hist. ii. 146. " md. 147. <= Ibid.
' A ' suppressed passage ' of the History, still legible in the autograph and
transcript, resembles this.
D d 2
404 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1694
so I come to end this part of my relation with a very
melancholy scene. I have kept it last that I may conclude
with it, and enlarge upon it without interrupting the thread
of the history.
Tillotson's death.
Cf. Hist. ii. 134-5 ('" 'shortened his days').
For ' It was preceded . . . November " read ' About the middle of November
Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury, was taken with a fit of a dead palsy.'
For 'but not thinking ... too long' read only 'but neglected it for many
After ' will of Heaven ' add ' thus he died.'
For ' it was more decent . . . safe ' read ' it became me.'
Om. 'affectation.'
For 'subHme' read 'true'; and om. 'his thread . . . SDhd'; for 'it was
thought ' read ' I believe.'
\Sancroft's death. \
Cf. Hist. ii. 135.
Om. 'and despicable.'
For ' that some . . . raise ' read ' which the Jacobites had set on foot.'
Om. ' a parliamentary . . . and therefore.'
For 'and all that joined . . . tacit yielding to it' read only 'And now, by
Tillotson's death, the colour of a separation was taken away ' ; for ' to embroil
church and state ' read ' to separate ' ; and oui. ' and no arguments . . . from it.'
[Tentson succeeds.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 136 (from ' Both king' to 'desire Tenison ').
For 'so generous . . . good works' read only 'He was eminently generous
and charitable'.'
Om. 'she spoke . . . earnestly for him.'
i^or 'and all concurred ... no enemies' read ' so they [i.e. the Whigs 1] all
concurred [/. 87 (a)] to desire Tenison, who I hope will prove very worthy
of it.'
[Smalt-fiox in London.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 136 ('The small-po-^ . . . never had them ').
The queen's sickness and death.
Cf. Hist. ii. 136-8 {to 'but that which I knew to be strictly true ').
Om. 'but the next day . . . off.'
After 'following' add 'which was the aoth of December'; and om. 'her
illness ... on her that.'
For ' imputed . . . Radcliffe ' rend ' generally imputed to the unskilfulness and
wilfulness of Radcliflfe, an impious and vicious man, who hated the queen much,
but virtue and religion more. He was a professed Jacobite ; and was by many
' The baselessness of the insinuation History, is well shown by D'Oyley,
against Bancroft, here inserted in the Life of Sancroft, ii. 89-92.
1694] Harl MSS. 6584, j: 86 (bySj (b) 405
thought a very bad physician ; but others cried him up to the highest degree
^fter ' too late ' add ' All symptoms were bad ; only the queen still felt herself
well \'
Om. ' he came, on . . . passed it.'
For 'The day after' read 'The second day of her illness' ; and for 'a most
tender passion ' read ' the tenderest passion I had ever seen in man ' ; and for
' he burst . . . hope of the queen ' read ' he cried out very violently ; he told me
he had no hope.'
For 'could scarce refrain from' read 'bursting out into'; and for ' Ibis
hope ' read ' [so] there was an inconceivable joy spread everywhere. It.'
Om. ' whatever effect it might have.'
Oni. ' it went . . . for.'
[/• 87 (6)] For ' composed ... die ' read ' gave herself wholly to prayer ' ; for
'but said' read 'but wished she might not; she'; and otii, here 'and said
often . . . prayer.'
For 'such passages' read 'such prayers [and] such passages.'
^fler 'ineffectual' add 'she said all the while, she found nothing did her
good but prayer ; in that and nothing else she found a sensible [effect or
recruit'] that refreshed even her body.'
For ' and some words . . . break ' read ' some broken words of delirium came
sometimes from her.'
Om, ' I will add . . . character ' and ' without . . . rhetoric'
[Bitrnefs own grief for her loss^
I never admired any person so entirely as I did her. In
the course of above eight years' very particular knowledge
of her, I never saw any one thing that I could have wished to
be otherwise than it was in her. The more I knew her, I still
saw the more reason to admire both her understanding, her
piety, and her virtue, without discovering the least defect or
fault in her. The purity and the sublimity of her mind was
the peifectest thing I ever saw ; I never felt myself sink so
much under anything that had happened to me as by her
death ; it is a daily load upon my thoughts, and gives me
great apprehensions of very heavy judgements hanging over
us, for I am afraid that in losing her we have lost both our
strength and our glory *.
' This passage has been quoted by Burnet's Essay on her memory.
Miss Strickland ; and a similar, though ' The words in brackets were in-
even stronger character is among the serted by Burnet, in emendation of
still 'suppressed' passages of the the transcriber's 'reflect.' A similar
History, second volume. passage occurs in the Essay on . . .
^ The queen's freedom from suffering the late Queen.
is mentioned more than once in ' Two passages, containing similar
4o6 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1694-5
[The king's grief.}
Cf. Hisi. ii. 138 {from ' The king's aflSiction ' to ' long with him '}.
[His good resolutions?^
He began then the custom which he has observed ever
since very exactly, of going to prayers twice a day ; " he
entered upon very solemn and serious resolutions of becoming
in all things an exact Christian '^, and of breaking off all bad
practices whatsoever ^. He expressed a particular regard to
all the queen's inclinations [and ?] intentions ; he i-esolved
to keep up her family, and to carry on her charities ; and that
he might pursue that design (which of all others was the
deepest in her) of encouraging a pious and a laborious clergy,
and might [/. 88 (a)] also deliver himself from importunities
which he was not at all times able to resist, ''he granted
a commission ^ to the two archbishops, the bishop[s] of Lich-
field, Worcester, Ely, and myself, to recommend fit persons
to all ecclesiastical preferments '' ; and did charge us to seek
out the best and worthiest men we could find, that such and
only such might be promoted. This has a very good appear-
ance, and if it is continued by the king, and is well managed
by us, it may have happy effects ; though I confess my hopes
are so sunk with the queen's death that I do not flatter myself
with further expectations. If things can be kept in tolerable
order, so that we have peace and quiet in our days, I dare
» Cf. Hist. ii. 138. '' Cf. Life appended to Hist. ii. 715-6.
fears, are deleted, both in the Bodleian question. Certain it is that p. 23 of
autograph and the Bodleian transcript Tenison's very significant sermon ' On
of the i/ZstorVj ^nd very similar appre- Holy Resolutions,' preached before
hensions conclude the Essay on . . . the the king two days after his wife's
late Queen. death, and published by special royal
1 There can be little doubt that this command, contains a marked allusion
expression refers to the intrigue with to the perils of illicit ties ; and that
Elizabeth Villiers. It is surmised that William within the year gave an
the ' scrutoir ' brought by Tenison to almost ostentatious countenance to
the king contained the 'letter of strong the marriage of Elizabeth Villiers
but decent admonition ' seen by Lord (see Mr. Seccombe in Diet. Nat. Biog.
Hardwicke (see note to Hist. ii. 138), Iviii. 326).
and that this was a remonstrance (re- ^ Incidental allusions to this will be
served till no personal animus could found in /fc/.ii. 285, 317, and Luttrell
be suspected) against the relation in iii. 466. It was signed in April, 1695!
1695] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 87 (^)-88 {a) 407
look for no more ; so black a scene of providence as is now
upon us gives me " many dismal apprehensions ^ But I must
now turn from this gloomy prospect ^.
[Deaths of the dukes of Hamilton and Queensberryi\
Cf. Hisi. ii. 149.
For 'the former winter' read 'within some months of one another.'
After ' enemies ' add ' They were both proud and imperious, much set on
raising their families, and very prosperous in it.'
After ' genius ' add ' and better notions ; but the otlier understood our law
Lord Halifax died; \Burnet lays down his pen for the
time. May 2, 1695].
In England ''the marquis of Halifax died in April, 1695.
He had gone into the interests of the Jacobites after he was
put out of employments, and though he took care to presei^ve
himself from dangerous or criminal engagements, yet it very
visibly appeared that he studied to embroil matters all he
could'', and to shelter that party upon all occasions. "His
spirit was restless ", and in spite of all his pretences to
philosophy "he could not bear to be out of business'^. He
struck up, as all discontented men do, to be a patriot, but he
discovered too manifestly what lay at bottom ; ^ his vivacity
and judgement did seem to sink very much^; but while he
studied to support all with wit and mirth, without considering
what became his age and post, he lost a great deal of that
esteem which he had formerly both as to his parts and his
integrity. * He died of a gangrene occasioned by a long
neglected rupture ^. When he was warned that his condition
» Cf. Hist. ii. 138. "^ Ibid. 149. "= Ibid. ^ Ibid. « Ibid. 149-150.
' See p. 405, note 4. Burnet's lugu- any penitence the marquis might
brious prophecies became, as time express, is related by Cunningham
went on, a fertile source of amuse- {Hisi. i. 146) ; whose rooted antipathy
ment to his more malicious contem- to Burnet compels us, however, to
poraries ; see More News from Salis- receive the anecdote with some ' grains
bury, 1714. of salt-' A" allusion to the dying
'^ A most amusing story concerning declarations of Halifax can be almost
the unwillingness of Halifax to accept certainly traced in a very excellent
the death-bed ministrations of Burnet, letter from Burnet to Dr. Colbatch,
' lest ' as he himself said, ' he should written about eighteen months later
triumph over him after his death,' (Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 22908, ff. 14,
i. e. claim for himself the credit of 25).
4o8 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1695
was hopeless he showed a great firmness of mind, and com-
posed himself to die with a calm that had much of a true
philosopher in it. He professed himself to be a sincere
Christian, and expressed great resentment of many former
parts of his life, with settled resolutions of becoming quite
another man, if God should have raised him up ^. With this
I end writing on the and of May, 1695.
[Burnet resumes Ms pen.l
I begin writing again in February, [i6]96\
Lords jtcstices [appointed] in king's absence.
Cf. Hist. ii. 150 {from ' The seven lords justices were ' to end of paragraph).
At the beginning insert 'As soon as the business of the parliament was over,
the king settled the government during his absence in seven persons, who,
according to the states [? style] of Ireland, were called lords justices ' (cf.
Hist. ii. 149).
Om. ' and they avoided . . . necessary' {see infra).
[/ 88 (6)] After ' preference ' add ' They assumed no sort of state, and went
nowhere in ceremony ; so that except at the council board, where it was
unavoidable, they had no sort of distinction upon them [see supra']. This
made that.'
After ' trusted with them ' add ' The king was naturally so jealous that as
they had observed in the queen's administration a great tenderness in doing
nothing but upon express directions and orders, so.'
After ' bounds ' insert ' and to be very slow and cautious.'
Om. ' till they had . . . exactly ' and ' because . . . orders.'
For ' for though . . . disorder, when ' read ' for we being absolute masters at
sea everywhere, the Jacobites were quiet, seeing that.'
The campaign in Flanders,
Cf. Hist. ii. 150.
Om. ' Luxembourg . . . winter, so.'
For ' An attempt was made on . . . lines ' read ' It seemed of importance to
take . . . lines ; so an attempt was made upon it.'
Om. ' who was . . . before this' {vide supra, p. 385).
Namur is besieged.
Cf. Hist. ii. 150-2 {to ' came and joined the king's army').
For ' his [Vaudemont's] army ' read ' his little army.'
" Cf. Hist. ii. 150.
'■ i.e. February, i6g6, N. S. ; as John- mentioned infra, p. 414, note i, passed
stone was dismissed {see infra, p. 415) the Commons, February 23, 1696, N.S.
in January, 1696, N. S. ; and the bill
1695] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 88 (a)-9o {a) 409
foe 'but without cause. . . lost' read 'he laid the blame on the duke of
Maine, the French king's beloved son.'
For ' the garrisons ' read ' two advanced garrisons that.'
[/ 89 (a)] Om. 'without either colour or shame.'
For ' and sold . . . disgrace ' read only ' but the contrary appeared afterwards '
(cf. infra).
After ' Villeroy ' add ' finding he could attempt nothing else.'
For ' the assistance ... of them ' read ' some small assistance.'
After ' time to retire ; ' ft>r ' but ' read ' it was pretended that this was a
necessary reprisal upon our bombarding their sea-towns, and [he].'
Om. ' and troops . . . garrisons.'
After ' credit ' add ' he could do nothing.'
After ' Villeroy ; ' for ' and ' read ' The prince of Baden at the same time
sent ' ; and for ' came and joined ' read ' which came in time to join,"
Namur taken.
Cf. Hist. ii. 152-3 {to 'according to promise').
For ' with an army of read ' his army was [/ 89 (i)] not much above.'
For ' the French gave it out ' read ' and the French sent many surgeons to
lie in the neighbourhood of their army, giving it out.'
After ' during the siege ; and ' add ' all the military men do affirm that.'
Om. ' Cohorn . . . perfection during this siege.'
For ' Boufflers was first ' read ' so after he had been kept a few days he was.'
Great disorders iti the army.
Cf. Hist. ii. 153 {from 'The officers were tried ' to p. 154, end of paragrapK).
For ' The oflBcers ... they were raised ' read ' The ofiBcers were tried by
a council of war ; Ellenberg, who commanded in Dixmuyden, was beheaded ;
and O'Farrell, who commanded in Deinse, was broke with infamy [cf. Hist. ii.
152]. Many of the other officers were also broke. Men rise ' {putting remainder
of sentence in present tense).
For ' corruption . . . army ' read ' employments are generally sold.'
For ' the king did not approve . . . severity ' read ' it has been oft laid before
the king, but he is little touched with it, and does not seem to apprehend the
consequences that it may have ' ; for ' subalterns ' read [f go (a)] ' subaltern
officers and their soldiers.'
Casale is surrendered.
Cf. Hist. ii. 154 {from ' In Italy ' to end of paragraph).
Om. ' and in conclusion, that duke himself.'
After ' in Europe.' add^ More did not happen in Piedmont.'
IVe are everywhere masters at sea,
Cf. Hist. ii. 154 {from ' Our fleet was ' to p. 155, ' squadron became useless ').
For ' the French . . . than once ;' read 'We designed to destroy Marseilles
and Toulon if it was but possible ; but the French had been at an incredible
charge to defend them ; and, besides that, we had no calm nor favourable
weather. Our fleet came no sooner before them than ' ; for ' him ' read ' them ' ;
and for ' he himself read ' Russell.'
4IO Burnet's Original Memoirs [1695
For ' to our affairs ' yead ' to all the affairs of the allies.'
After ' no progress ' add ' and could not maintain what they had formerly got ;
so ' ; and after ' abandoned ' add ' both Hostalrick and.'
Om. ' for he had regiments . . . board.'
Om. ' of themselves . . . place ; for ' ; for ' in Catalonia ' read ' in a hot and
deserted country ' ; and after ' Barcelona ' add ' which was the only undertaking
that could answer the charge and fatigue they were at.'
After ' own channel ' add ' commanded by the lord Berkeley.'
[/ 90 (A)] After ' Grandville ' add ' a big town.'
Om. ' (whose father . . . title) ' and ' to secure . . . merchants.'
For ' he was . . . man ' read ' but he is a man, though of great courage yet
very extravagant.'
For ' of merchant ships ' read ' of our merchantmen.'
The losses of our i?ierchanis.
Cf Hist. ii. 155-6.
After ' also taken ' add ' by Nesmond.'
After ' ocean ' add ' and few Ships are taken in so open a sea.'
For ' at a million ' read ' much above a million.'
For ' our factory ' read ' the factory that the African company had ' ; and om.
' he took . . . had there.'
The war of Hungary.
Cf. Hist. ii. 156.
[/. 91 (rt)] For 'some slight engagements' read'tvio actions that followed
one another.'
For ' in which ' read ' the first ended almost equally ; in the second.'
For ' but nothing followed upon them ' read ' But next to the Spaniards they
are the least to be believed, in the news that is publicly given out by them, of
any in Europe ; and, in that, follow the maxims of all commonwealths, magni-
fying their advantages, and concealing their losses.'
Affairs in Scotland.
Cf. Hist. ii. 156-7 {to ' a new pardon to be passed for him ').
For ' the marquis of Tweeddale ' read ' Tweeddale, now created a marquis.'
After ' commissioner' add 'and Johnstone went thither by the king's direc-
For ' supply' read ' levies.'
For ' in enquiring into it ' read ' in ordering a further enquiry to be made
into it.'
For ' without . . . matter' read ' but that some motions would be made to
enquire into it.'
For ' This was looked on as ' read ' This looked ill, and seemed.'
For 'yet when it was complained of . . . examining into it' read 'but high
motions were made about it in parliament, all which were quieted [when].'
For ' a new practice ' read ' a treasonable practice.'
After ' castle of Edinburgh ' add ' and he was ordered to be proceeded
against for high treason ' ; and om. ' to say anything . . . credit with them.'
1695] Harl. MSS. 6584, ff. 90 (a)-gi (b) 411
[Siaie of parties in Scoiiand^.]
" But now a great party was formed in the parliament of
a very odd mixture ; the high presbyterians and the Jacobites
joining together to oppose everything'' ; and this was managed
by those who knew the secret of Portland's intentions, which
made some conclude that he had a particular reason to hinder
the enquiry into the Glencoe business ; and has brought
a great load of censure and reproach, not only on himself,
but on the king. '' The opposition that was made was not
strong enough to carry the vote ; but great heats arose *" upon
it, and the managers of it were much encouraged by Portland's
emissaries. In conclusion "the report of the whole enquiry
was made in parliament", after it had been delayed long
enough for the king to have countermanded it if he had
thought fit so to do ; but the court would not venture
upon that.
[TAe GlcTicoe report; the episcopal clergy I\
Cf. Hist. ii. 157 {fiom ' by that it appeared ' to p. 158, ' promised them by the
After 'was laid ' add ' by the Master of Stair ^.''
[/. 91 (by] After ' secretary of state's ' add ' private.'
After ' law : this ' inseii ' was much opposed ; but it.'
For ' with some address ' read ' by Johnstone with great address.'
For ' and by a very zealous . . . were brought ' read ' but this would have had
little effect if Johnstone had not gone to several of the northern counties,
where the episcopal clergy were both the most numerous and the most esteemed ;
he engaged above seventy of them.'
A Scottish East India company.
- Cf. Hist. ii. 158 {ft-om ' Another act ' to p. 159, end of paragraph).
For ' that has already . . . worse after it ' read ' that is like to have some con-
sequences ; and therefore I have reserved it to the last place.'
For ' and with all . . . projects ' read ' with the highest privileges possible.'
Om. 'at court.'
For ' There was one Paterson . . . East India trade might be set up ; so ' read
'And one Paterson, a Scotchman of mean extraction and no education, but very
good sense, with great notions of trade, and a compass of project (for he pro-
jected the Bank of England), had been long in the West Indies; and had
a secret that he valued very much ; it is thought to be a rich mine somewhere
* Cf. Hist. ii. 157. " Ibid. <= Ibid.
' See infra, Appendix VI. ^ ' Suppressed ' in Hist vol. ii.
412 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1695
in America. So he got the West Indies to be put in the draught of the act,
as well as others took care of the East Indies. Johnstone heard there was
a design projecting among the merchants, of which nothing was communi-
cated to him^ ; but he (apprehending that this might disorder the king's affairs
in England) acquainted him with it ; and whereas, by all former instructions,
full power had been given by our kings to their commissioners to pass such
bills of trade as should be offered to them".'
Parliament in Ireland.
Cf. Hist. ii. 159 {from ' In Ireland ' to p. i6o, ' entirely on himself).
[/• 349 ('')] ■^'"' ' he was too easily . . . end in it ' read ' and, as he was
naturally a vain, as well as a weak man, some who hoped to govern him, and
Ireland by his means, set him on '.'
For ' of severe . . . administration ' read ' of severer tempers ; they favoured
the English, but would not opp[ress] * the Irish ; and took little pains to court
the mobile.'
For ' all the English in Ireland ' read ' all that came from Ireland.'
Om. in loco ' was made lord deputy and ' ; and for ' this was agreed to ' read
' and he was so much supported by the Whig party at court, that the other two
were recalled, and he was made lord deputy.'
After ' removes ' add ' among the judges and in some other employments.'
For ' who had ' read ' who were believed to have.'
For ' who was beginning . . . house of commons ' read only ' it was moved.'
For ' by a majority of two to one ' read ' by a great majority ; above 140 were
for him, and about 70 only were against him ; so that matter fell.'
For from ' at so great a distance ' to end of next paragraph read ' at a great
distance from one another ; and in that broken state does Ireland lie at present ;
two factions are formed in it, which seem to be the following a maxim that the
king had set to himself, in all his affairs, as if Divide et impera were a sure
method to keep all in a balance and in a dependence on himself. But the state
of his affairs is such, that he is much liker to lose all than to gain any by this
New fiarliament in England.
Cf. Hist. ii. 160 {from ' As soon ' to ' high favour he was in ').
For ' intended ' read ' left the army, designing' ; and for ' long ' read 'many
For ' till Lady Day ' read ' yet one winter more ".'
[/ 349 W] •^'"' ' ^I' ™sn except the merchants ' read ' the nation.'
For 'Thus' read 'As soon as the king came over, [by] a proclamation.'
' This contradicts Dalrymple, Me- script A forthcoming. The narrative
moirs, ed. 1790, vol. iii. part iii. book is however continued for a few pages
vi. p. 129. by Transcript B ; f. 349 (a) of which
^ After the words ' trade of Eng- begins at the same point,
land ' (see Hist, ii, end of p. 158 and ' A ' suppressed passage ' of the
beginning of p. 159) f. 91 (6) of Had. second volume.
MSS. 6584, and, with it, no. 2 in Dr. Gif- * The transcript has 'oppose.'
ford's arrangement, come to an abrupt " See supra, p. 400, note,
end ; nor is anything further of Tran-
1695] Harl. MSS. 6584, J. 91 (b); 349 {ay{b) 413
[T/ie king's behaviour ; elections ; the session beginsl\
The country came in very thick to see the king ; for the
taking of Namur had raised his character very much ; but
though " he forced himself to a httle more civility than was
natural to him, yet his cold and disobliging way had too deep
a root in him not to return too oft and too deep upon him ^
The elections went generally for men that loved the present
constitution. In many places, those who pretended to be
chosen put themselves and their competitors likewise to
a great charge ; and everywhere there was more spent than
could have been expected in elections to a parliament that
could not sit above three years. '' The Jacobites were so
generally decried that very few of them were chosen ; but
many others were chosen, who*" though they were resolved
to preserve the constitution against France and king James,
yet some from their inclinations to republican principles,
others from dislike of the king's methods, " were in no good
temper with relation to the administration of affairs. Generally
they were men of estates, and many of them were young men ".
At their first opening, the court, seeing a great disposition in
many to continue Mr. Foley, would not raise a heat by
opposing him, that so [?so that] he ''was chosen Speaker.
The demands of the court were very great ^ ; five millions
were asked ^to carry on the war, and ^all was granted and
lodged on good fonds ® in as calm a manner as could have
been expected. ^ The state of the coin was also considered ;
the difficulty of the remedy occasioned great and long
debating upon this ; many were for raising the value of the
money ^, and this seemed to be so specious that it is scarce
to be imagined how many were inclined to follow it ; for
certainly both our exchange with all other nations must
rise, as well as the price of all things whatsoever, as much
as money is raised above its just value ; so that it might well
be the interest of tenants to have the money raised ; yet it was
unaccountable how a parliament that consists all of men of
estates could give any favour or even a patient hearing to
» Cf. Hisi. ii. 160. " Ibid. " Hid. <• Ibid. i6r. » Ibid. ' Ibid.
414 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1695
such a motion ; yet this stuck long and went [/. 350 {d)\ on
slowly, though the " nation was everywhere so much alarmed
with the apprehensions of the calling in of the clipped and
bad money, that few would take money in any payment ; the
markets were not supplied and all things at a stand, that if
there had been ill-humour then stirring in the nation, many
disorders might have been justly looked for in the different
parts of the kingdom ; but none happened, to the great
disappointment of the Jacobites, who were full of hopes upon
this occasion"'
\System of recoinage adopted^
Cf. Hist. ii. i6i {from ' All came in the end ' to end of paragraph),
Om. 'wise and happy.'
Om. ' thought ' and ' that it.'
For ' happily settled . . . apprehended from it ' read ' despatched in the parlia-
ment ; but many are still full of fears, lest there may come some new disorders
in the. execution of it, and that the new money will not be ready in time."
YThe treasons bill.'\
Cf. Hist. ii. 161 {from ' The bill cf trials ' to ' the royal assent ').
Om. ' as no doubt it was ' and ' were so desirous . . . down to them, they.'
\Election bills-l
Cf. Hist, ii. 161-2 {to end of paragraph).
Om. ' and the house judged the matter.'
. Om, ' it had been happy . . . last was ' ; and after ' future parliaments ' add
' Another bill was brought in regulating elections, of which I shall say nothing
in this place, because though the commons have done with it the lords have
not yet agreed to it '.'
{Complaints of the East India act.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 162 {from 'Great complaints' to 'in England,' end of first clause).
[The king's response ; changes in Scotlajid"-.]
The king made an answer that did very much disoblige all
his ministers in Scotland ; ^ he said he had been ill-served in
Scotland, but he hoped remedies should be found [/. 350 (5)]
to the inconveniences of that act. And a few days after that
he turned out both the secretaries *>, and it is to be believed
' Cf. Hist. ii. 161. b Ibid. 162.
^ This Act was no doubt that exacting supra, p. 408, note; Macaulay, vii.
a quaHfication in real property from 319-22,404-6; Hist. ii. 181).
all candidates. William refused the ^ See Appendix VI, infra.
royal assent, April 10, 1696 (see
1695-6] Hari: MSS. 6584, J. 349 (6)-35o (b) 415
that * Tweeddale " is also to be ^ turned out ^ ; and some others
were also turned out of the treasury. So this opportunity-
was taken to make " a great change of the ministry of Scot-
land", and a new set of men are put in who will generally
depend on Portland ; for as he had that nation once wholly
in his hands, so he seemed uneasy that he had let it go out of
his dependence. The enquiry into the Glencoe business gave
great offence, and as "^motions concerning that matter had
been ill entertained *, so it was visible that Johnstone had lost
his favour for his zeal in that matter ; " which made it be con-
cluded that it was some way favoured either by the king ® or
Portland ; and thus, though the enquiry that had been made
into it by the parliament had cleared the king of it, and left
the load wholly on Stair and some subaltern officers, yet this
method of proceeding did fetch it back on the court again.
The king called his new set of ministers together, and charged
them to avoid heats and divisions, and to go on vigorously in
his service. ^ But when it was known in Scotland that the
king had disowned the act from which the nation expected so
much wealth to flow into it, a very high fermentation arose
upon it^. The turning Johnstone out in so rough a manner
was a little irregular ; for as he had as great a share in
managing the revolution as any person whatsoever (^ having
been upon the secret of Sidney's whole negotiation 8), so he
had served the king ever since with so particular a zeal as
well as fidelity, and with equal success ; not any one thing
failing that had been ever committed to him. He had also
broke the whole practice of corruption and bribery during the
time of his ministry ; and with relation to the East India act
his caution had been great and meritorious ; but he had
trusted to his integrity and services, and had not been so
obsequious and dependent as the. court expected; and his
principles with relation to public liberty had been well known,
having been ever avowed by him. So though he preserved
his reputation, he lost his employment.
» Cf. Hist. ii. 162. i" Ibid. ' Ibid. ^ Ibid. « Ibid. ' Ibid,
e Ibid. i. 764.
4i6 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1708
Here, abruptly, about two-thirds down f. 350 {b), with a transverse stroke
of the pen, ends the Harl. MSS. 6584. It is probable (as we have argued
in the Preface) that the narrative was soon continued from Feb., 1696, to
the Peace of Ryswick ; and that it had reached that stage, when the
MS. of the original Memoirs (or Secret History) was entrusted to
Lord W[illiam] P[autet]. The date and length of the various subsequent
instalments by which the narrative was cai-ried up to the period of the battle
of Oudenarde cannot even be conjectured ; since the original draught of
Burnet's History, so far as it relates to the events .of the interval between
Jan., 1696, and Aug., 1708, and answers to Hist. ii. 162-505, is missing.
We therefore proceed direct to the hitherto unnoticed fragment of the
original draught, preserved in the Bodleian Library (Add. MSS. D. 21,
rectos of ff. 1-63, versos of fif. 63-21), which retails the events included
between the battle of Oudenarde (June 30, 1708) and the Peace of Utrecht ;
with which event, like the printed History, the original narrative
concludes. It therefore answers to pp. 505-632 of the History, second
volume. The substantial variations are of far inferior extent and im-
portance to those which occur in • the earlier portions of the Memoirs ;
since (in the very short period which intervened between composition
and revision) the standpoint and method of the writer had undergone
comparatively little transformation. Such really significant alterations
as occur, usually relate to the conduct of the duke of Marlborough, the
behaviour of the Whigs, and the necessity for a prolongation of the war
after the French proposals of 1709 ; with regard to none of which topics
does Burnet display quite so much complacency as is evinced in the
revised version. Both the fragment of the original Memoirs, and the rough
draught of the ' Conclusion,' by which it is followed (and which, except
in the instances quoted infra, differs very little indeed from the printed
version), are in the autograph of Burnet. The historical fragment opens
abruptly ; in the middle of a sentence which describes the conclusion of
the battle of Oudenarde.]
\Conclusion of the battle of Oudenarde ; and events of the
campaign^ up to the investment of Ghenii\
Cf. Hist. ii. 505 {from '[the French] posted themselves on the great canal'
to p. 511, 'from Lisle, the army marched to invest Ghent.'
[/. I («)] Om. 'of about 30,000 men' ; and from p. 505, 'but he himself,' to
p. 506, ' fit to attack them.'
Om. ' with a very strong . . . dominions ' ; and ' of the best.'
For from p. 506, ' but when he saw,' to p. 507, ' made in that,' read ' But when
he saw he continued looking on without coming to an engagement, he drew
a line before his army. This obliged him to call away so many men from the
siege that it went on slowly for some weeks.'
[/ 2 (o)] Om. ' but as their behaviour was not a little censured, so.'
Om. ' had sent some ammunition . . . enterprise depended ; he.'
On p. 508, after ' number,' add ' otherwise the loss in the pursuit might have
been greater.'
For ' saw of what importance . . . attacked that ' read only ' attacked Lef-
1708] Bodl Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. i (a)-6 {a) 417
[/ 3 (")] Om. ' the place was weak . . . resistance.'
For ' insomuch . . . Venddme ' read ' they ' ; and for ' his hands ' read ' their
Om. ' but that could not last long.'
On p. 509, after 'the latter' add 'had full powers from Versailles and' ; om.
' of his neglecting them . . . Venddme ' ; from ' He kept close ' io ' Versailles ' is
deleted ; and for ' where the accounts . . . uneasy to him ' read ' The former was
often disgusted.'
Om. ' but by the accounts we had from France.'
Afle>- ' upper Rhine ' insert ' on pretence that it was proper for him to act
there' ; and reverse the order of the two following clauses.
Before 'army of 14,000 men ' insert ' small.'
Om. ' but to deceive . . . carried to the enemy ; for.'
Om. ' he advanced . . . artillery.'
On p. 510, om. ' some of the general . . . 10,000 men ' ; and for ' their great'
read 'his great.'
[/ 4 (a)] Om. ' Whether the notice ... the world ' ; for ^ their ' read ' [The
Om. ' Those who thought of presages . . . happy one.'
On p. 511, om. 'but that in which . . . till it was taken' {for which see infra,
p. 418).
[The campaign elsewhere.']
Cf. Hist. ii. 51a {from 'The campaign in Spain' to p. 515, end of first
On p. z\B,for 'Tortosa' >««rf 'Lerida.'
[/. 5 (a)] After ' all was carried ' add ' by a very small force.'
Between ' for this service ' and ' Many were afraid ' insert ' and there was every-
where such a motion of troops that.'
On p. 513, after ' took them both ' add ' after some weeks in the siege.'
for ' he was also master of the valley of Pragelas ' read ' without apprehending
anything behind him, while he should advance.'
Om. 'and at the apprehensions . . . German army.'
For ' to see if matters . . . demands ' read ' with offers of an [/ 6 («)] accom-
modation, or rather an entire submission.'
On p. $n, for from 'In conclusion' to end of paragraph read only 'A little
time will show how this matter will come to a conclusion.'
After,' through the Ukraine ' add ' to the Borysthenes '.'
For ' only a part ' read ' a great part.'
For from ' After that, we were ' to end of paragraph read only ' We have no
certain news from thence now for six months. I must leave him far engaged in
a very wild country ; so that he must either go through with his design, and
succeed, or perish in it.'
For ' formerly ' read ' some years past.'
After ' losses ' add ' We missed some great prizes.'
[Prince George's death ana character^
Cf. Hist. ii. 515-6.
After ' in this respect ' add ' as in many others.'
1 i. e. the Dnieper ; see supra, p. 377.
FoxcROFT E e
41 8 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1708
[/ 7 («)] Aft^'' ' all vice ' add ' and had no spite nor revenges in his temper. '
For ' by those who had credit with him, who had not all of them ' read ' by
a Brother of the duke of Marlborough, who had not one of {N.B. It is thus
possible to take ' his being bred . . . matters ' as referring to Churchill) ; and for
' his favourite's ' read ' Mr. Churchill's.'
[A new ministry J f>arliainent meets ; Scotch business. "[
Cf. Hist. ii. 516 {from 'The earl of Pembroke' to p. 517, 'to have been re-
turned ').
After ' Europe depended ' insert ' and which was to be the fruit of this long
and expensive war ' ; and om. ' neither ill practices nor ' and ' though their
jealousies . . . removed.'
for 'to come to Parliament . . . managed ' read only ' to come and open the
parliament ; so it was done.'
Om. 'he was a worthy ... to the Whigs, and' ; and (at this place) from ' In
the house of commons ' to end of paragraph.
[/. 8 (a)] For from ' the duke of Queensberry ' onward read (at this place) only
' and the proceedings in that matter were not ended before February.'
[Ghent and Bruges retaken j a very hard winter^
Cf. Hist. ii. 5 1 1-2 {from 'From Lisle' to end of next paragraph) ; and p. 511
(' but that in which . . . taken ') ; for ' From Lisle . . . December ' reading
' The duke of Marlborough marched with his whole army to Ghent about the
end of December,' omitting 'This coming on . . . campaign,' and for 'many
of the chief . . . least ' reading only ' the most irreligious persons of the army ' ;
after which return to p. 511, from 'but that in which the observers' to end of
\Comf>laints concerning this campaign?^
Severe observers found matter for censure, even in this
campaign ; our not following the French after the battle of
Oudenarde (when they were [in] a great consternation, so
that probably their whole army might have been destroyed)
was much complained of; instead of that, parties were sent
to raise contributions, which was thought the common practice
of generals who love to enrich themselves by war, and not to
put an end to it. If Lisle had been invested as soon as the
resolution was taken to besiege it, so great a garrison had not
got into it ; and the sending so small a force with Webbe
(where the [/. 9 («)] enemy was so very powerful that they
might have been overpowered by a vastly superior strength),
and the not sending a second great body to support them
in that case, was thought the putting the success of the whole
campaign upon too doubtful an issue. But though the great
1708-9] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. 7 (a)-i2 {a) 419
successes of this year silenced all complaints at this time, yet
unkind observers laid them up in their minds to make use of
them when they found a proper time for it.
^Parliamentary proceedings^
Cf. Hist. ii. 516 {Jrom ' In the house of commons ' to p. 525, ' that which was
called high church ') '.
On p. 516, om. ' as the surest way . . . speedy peace.'
For ' The French . . . gave out ' read ' We know little yet of the counsels of
France ; they continue to talk very confidently' ; and finish sentence in present tense.
For 'by the Jacobites' read '[by] some'; and on p. 517 after 'Ireland' add
' so it is to be hoped an equal care is taken to prevent their designs.'
For ' things went on ' read ' things go on.'
For ' were not so much as out of countenance . . . friends ' read ' are now guilty
of the same excesses, for which they made complaints formerly. Some few men
of great integrity, who cannot allow themselves in a matter of justice (such as
an election is) to give their vote implicitly because their party would have it so,
are reproached for their integrity in that matter. Everything is carried as the
court would have it.'
For ' A petition . . . returned ' {see supra, f. 8 (o) ) read ' In the elections of
the Scotch peers great exception was taken to the duke of Queensberry's voting
among the lords of Scotland.'
[/ 10 («)] On p. 5i8,_/b»- 'As to the duke ... it was said, that' read 'The
first point was of the greatest consequence ; for.'
Om. ' a peer of England . . . seals ; but' ; and.after ' in that of Great Britain '
add ' as a lower rank in peerage sinks into a higher when advanced by the
crown. On the other hand, it was urged that the clause for electing was
general for all the peers of Scotland ; so here was a right that still remained
not cut ofi'' ; and om. ' besides, that.'
After ' against the duke of Queensberry ' add ' and the proxy he had.'
For ' some had signed these ' read ' some proxies were signed ' ; and after
• subscribing witnesses ' add ' which was prescribed by the act of the union ; so
these were set aside.'
[/. II (a)] On p. 519, after 'carried many elections against him' add 'and
joined entirely with the Whigs of England.'
After ' a breach ' add ' yet they bore what they saw could not be helped ' ; and
for ' continued still to be ' read ' grew to be ' (instead of ' were,' which is deleted).
For from p. 519, 'Another act,' to p. 520, ' was from a trial,' read only 'And to
end all that related to Scotland at once, there had been a trial ordered.'
Om. ' he did not upon that move . . . trial went on and.'
Om. ' they complained . . . fixed or certain.'
Om. 'by the Scotch members'; and after 'by the lords' add 'and occasioned
long and warm debates there.'
[/. 12 (a)] Om. ' might ' before ' put such ' ; and before ' court ' for ' a bad '
read only ' the.'
On p. 521, after ' proved immediately ' add ' the court being the judges.'
' p. 525 is not indicated in the 1833 edition of the History.
E e a
420 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1709
Om. 'who were to be twelve . . . verdict.'
After 'signed by the witnesses' add ' and the pleadings in point of law were
given in writing.'
For ' whereas . . . Reformation ' read only ' which gave great light to one who
was to write history.'
[/ 14 (a)] On p. 523, a/ier 'pretender : it was said' add 'with great force.'
Om. ' it was considered . . . formal laws.'
0« p. 524, after ' set on foot ' add ' so that many might be brought into danger,
by it.'
[/ IS («)] For ' gold in their mines ' read ' gold dust in their rivers.'
On p. 525, for ' which was called high church . . . opposition ' read only ' the
high church.'
[T/ie state of France^
There was a great dearth (next to a famine) in many parts
of Europe ; [/. 1 6 («)] but it rose to such ^ a degree of misery,
in France" that many died in the extremities of cold and
hunger ; and there were great disorders in many parts of that
oppressed kingdom. The people broke into the towns,
robbed the markets and the king's magazines ; so that
a general desolation threatened that whole kingdom; and
some undertakers who had, by great premiums and a high
interest, got great sums into their hands (by which the king's
affairs had been hitherto supported) could maintain their
credit no longer ; so they broke with a debt of many millions
(some called them forty and some fifty millions). This made
such a general breaking among all those who had trusted
them, that it was scarce^ possible for the ministers to carry
on the war any longer. The ill state of the affairs of that
kingdom was kept from the king as long as was possible
by those who considered his health and quiet more than
the interests of his people, and, indeed, more than his own
true interests ; but this could be no longer concealed. They
were now run aground ; so the ministry possessed both
madame de Maintenon and the duke of Burgundy with the
absolute ^ necessity of procuring a peace "", since it seemed not
possible to carry on the war ; but the king could not be
easily brought to resolve on submitting to the terms that he
had reason to expect the allies would insist on.
" Cf. Hist. ii. 525. " Ibid.
' Substituted by Burnet for his original ' not.'
1709] Bodl Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. 12 (a)-i7 {a) 421
[Tke Halifax address.'\
Cf. Hist. ii. 525 {from ' this gave occasion ' to end of paragraph).
For ' this gave occasion . . . lord Halifax ' read ' while we had this prospect
of an approaching peace, the lord Halifax moved the house of lords.'
For ' None durst . , . oppose this ' read ' This was opposed by none.'
For ' so both . . . allies ' read ' which was entertained by all, both within and
without doors, with an universal approbation and joy.'
[^Overtures of the French.']
In the meanwhile " the French court begun to make steps
towards a peace ", but in so ungracious a manner that *• they
designed to try if the Dutch could be brought into a separate
treaty. So one Rouille '', a president of the court of pariia-
ment, came to Antwerp, and sent to the States for a passport.
They sent two deputies to hear what his propositions were, but
they were so short of what they knew the allies would insist
on, that he sent back his secretary for fuller powers ; and
upon his return he was suffered to come nearer ; but still all
that was offered came so far short of what would satisfy, that
he sent his secretary three or four times to Versailles. And
now, as I am writing this, it seems a negotiation is like to
be opened ; for ■= Mon. Torcy (secretary of state for foreign
affairs) ", with some other ministers, is ^ come to the Hague,
and give (sic) great hope of a speedy peace ^- [/. 17 («)] Upon
prince Eugene's return from Vienna * the duke of Marlborough
came over to England *, but did not stay above three weeks ;
for ^ Rouille had begun his negotiation in his absence ^ ; and
it was much feared that the States might go in too hastily to
the overtures made by the French for a peace. So he (to put
a stop to any such resolution) went soon back, and he found
sthe Dutch in a very good disposition to adhere to their
allies, and to enter upon no negotiation but in concurrence
with them «, and after a fortnight's stay there, ^ he came back
again •■, which has made all people conclude that the offers
are such that a treaty will be opened, and that he came over
* to procure full instructions ' and powers. ^ He went back in
" Cf. Hist. ii. 526. * Ibid. 527. " Ibid, infra. "i Ibid. 528. » Ibid.
5Sl^. ' Ibid. e Ibid. " Ibid, infra. ' Ibid. " Ibid. 328.
422? Burnet's Original Memoirs , [1709
the beginning of May, with the lord Townsend joined in
commission with him ; who is the most shining person of all
our young noblemen •", being both learned and virtuous, of
a clear understanding and a fine expression. He has for
several years appeared with great advantage in the house
•of lords, and is very much considered in Norfolk, which is his
country. ^ He is free from all vice'', and seems to have a true
sense of religion, '^with very good principles ''. I do not yet
mention what offers the French are making for a peace. It
is yet a secret, and is variously reported ; so I reserve the
particulars till I am more certainly informed about them ; and
it will be more proper to mention them when they are either
entertained or rejected.
[Convocation meets j Burnet concludes for the time, May 8, 1 709.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 525-6 {to 'and under very bad influences').
Om. ' though not with such a majority.'
For ' to recommend . . . church ' read only ' to embroil us.'
For ' and so catching . . . clergy of Ireland ' read ' and they had set the same
spirit aworking in Ireland.'
Om. ' as they had no . . . convocations.'
For ' the succeeding governors ' read ' the duke of Ormond.'
Om. 'This was received . . . triumph' and 'but though . . . another.'
For ' and that though the war . . . these hopes ; but ' 7-ead only ' though the
state of her affairs obliged her to act otherwise. It is not certain that this is
not so ; for though I believe they have no hopes given them by her, yet ' {and
continue in present tense).
For' enemies . . . dissenters' read 'But here I stop, the 8th of May, 1709.'
[Burnet resumes his pen; the preliminaries of peace are settled^
Cf. Hist. ii. 528 {from 'The foundation ' to p. 530, 'was dismissed ').
[/. 18 (a)] Before ' The foundation ' insert ' The preliminaries in order to
a treaty were agreed on at the Hague."
Om. ' within two months ' and ' the time was too short, and that perhaps.'
For ' It was, upon this, insisted on . . . bringing it about ' read ' To this it was
answered, that he must first withdraw all his force from him, and must not
only suffer the allies to march through France for the reduction of Spain, but
likewise assist in it with a force of his own, and give some places as a security
for observing this ; for it was remembered how in the peace of the Pyrenees
he had sworn not to assist the Portuguese ; yet he had no regard to that, but
sent Schomberg with an army to Portugal ' (cf. Hist. ii. 529).
» Cf. Hist. ii. 528. ^ Ibid. ' Ibid.
I709] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21,/: 17 (a) -19 {a) 423
After ' the other preliminaries ' add ' were easily yielded ; [they].'
For • As all the great interests . . . entirely restored ' read only ' and no
material thing was omitted ; lesser pretensions were reserved to a treaty.'
After ' excepted ' add ' only.'
For from ' but in conclusion ' {end of p. 528) to p. 530, ' the supporting of the
king of Spain : it was said,' read only ' But the allies were firm ; .'50 all being
settled, those who had treated about this were by a day prefixed to procure the
ratification of these preliminaries from their masters. Ratifications came from
the allies; but the court of France refused to ratify them, insisting on the
article with relation to the Spanish monarchy, in which the dauphin expressed
great heat ; so it was resolved to carry on the war. There was a fermentation
in the court at Versailles, of which I know not yet the particulars ; only it is said.'
For ' appeared ' read ' appears ' ; and for ' Chamillard . . . dismissed ' read
only ' Chamillard quitted all his emplojrments.'
Om. entirely from 'but it is not certain what influence' to p. 531, 'on that
occasion ' ; and {at this place) from ' The miseries of France ' to ' miseries of his
[The war is resumed j campaign in Poriitgal and Spaing
Cf. Hist. ii. 531 {from ' Villars was sent' to end of paragraph).
Om. {at this place) ' of whom . . . never beaten.'
For ' upon some part of their southern coast ' read ' on Cadiz or some part of
[f. 19 («)] For ' though we gave them no disturbance on that side ' read
• Baker was kept so long by westerly winds (and so long at Cork to take in
some more bodies from Ireland), that he could not sail towards Spain before
the beginning of September ; so the issue of this design cannot yet be known.'
[Campaign in Dauphini and in Germany^
Cf. Hist. ii. 531 {from ' Nothing of any importance ' to end of paragraph,
omitting only the final sentence).
{Misery of France^
Cf. Hist. ii. 531 {from ' The miseries of France ' to ' miseries of his people ';.
For 'that they saw no hope nor relief read 'that they saw their miseries
were like to last another year.'
After ' men of war ' add ' in many places the people eat grass with' their
[The campaign in Flanders, including the battle of Malplaquet j
Mons is invested."]
Cf. Hist. ii. 532 {from 'The chief scene' to p. 533, ' the outworks were
carried with little resistance ').
For ' The chief scene . . . shows of peace ' read ' The duke of Marlborough
trusted so little to the steps they seemed to be making towards a peace, that he.'
For ' The army . . . Lisle ' read ' Mar[shal] Villars was sent to command the
French army ; he had been hitherto successful, for the French king said of him
he was never yet beaten [cf. Hist. ii. 531], so he was thought the fittest for
424 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1709
this command ; the elector of Bavaria had no command this year, but stayed at
Mons. The duke of Marlborough and prince Eugene drew their army together
near Lisle.'
For ' near Douay ' read ' between La Bass^e and Douay.'
For ' which was counted ... all the ground ' read ' which [/. 20 (o)] was not
only fortiSed with the utmost exactness, but (it standing on an eminence) all
the ground about [it].'
After ' cease till then ' add ' only a body of the troops was still to lie before
the place, and were to have one of the gates put into their hands.'
After ' lost in it ' add ' by the springing of mines.'
For'suvr plainly . . . dislodge them ' read 'ordered the troops employed in
the siege of Tournay to join them, and resolved to attack the French camp.'
Om. ' and cost them many men.'
For ' have always talked of this as the sharpest ' read ' reckoned this the
greatest ' ; om. ' not without reflecting . . . attack.'
For ' without giving them . . . Brussels ' read ' they offered no disturbance to
the train of artillery that was brought from Brussels. As soon as it arrived.'
Om. {at this place) ' and Mons capitulated . . . quarters.'
{A^^airs in Spain.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 533-4-
[/. 21 (a)] For ' In Catalonia ' read ' While this went on, we understood from
Catalonia that ' ; om. ' after he received . . . Italy,' and ' with which he . . .
mortified,' and' and with that . . . end.'
[Fortunes and character of the king of Sweden?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 534-6-
Om. 'resolved . . . Muscovy, and.'
Om. 'who were easily . . . czar.'
For ' and settled . . . Moldavia ' read ' who \_sic\ have him now in their
hands ; a little time will let us see how they will use him.'
Om. ' and that it was not . . . consent.'
For ' and Stanislaus . . . fortune ' read ' Stanislaus was soon forsaken by
his own party ; what figure he will hereafter make must be left to time.'
For ' that the extravagant . . . Germany ' read ' that the Swedes are Uke to
suffer severely for the extravagant humours of their king; but since England
and the States were the guaranis of the peace made in 1701, and since their
interests will lead them to maintain the balance in those seas, this may
perhaps involve us in a new war by the time that we get out of our present
For ' Dantzic was at this time ' read ' Oantzic has been of late ' ; om. ' though
fe w . . i infection ' ; for ' put ' read ' puts ' ; om. ' but it pleased ... no further.'
[/. 22 (a)] For ' many years ' read ' seven years.'
For ' Dr. Robinson . . . Bristol ' read ' the present dean of Windsor, Dr.
Robinson, who has been long the minister of this crown in those parts ^'
Dr. Robinson's letter, undated, is f. 67) ; and concludes with the request
among the miscellaneous Burnet papers that it may be regarded as strictly
in the Bodleian (Add. MSS. D. 23, confidential.
I709] BodL Add. MSS. D. 21, f. 19 {a)-24 (a) 425
[Mons falls.]
Cf. Hist, ii, 533 {from ' [the French] left our army ' to • winter quarters ') (see
supra, p. 424).
[/. 23 (a)] For ' left our army . . . little resistance ' read ' The siege of Mons
was carried on in form without any disturbance from the French army. They
were employed in making lines of an unusual strength, and they lay close
within them.'
[Affairs in Italy ; with which Burnet concludes for the time.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 533 {from 'the pope delayed' to 'acknowledged him ' only).
For ' by several . . . campaign ' read only ' as long as he could.'
[Burnet resumes his pen, May 30, 17 10; the pope sends
an embassy.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 533 {from ' He sent also ' to ' nepotism ').
Before 'He sent also' insert 'I begin now, on May 30, 17 10, to prosecute
this work ; the period that I had prefixed to myself is now out ; but since the
war does still go on I intend to continue writing till I can end it with the
relation of the conclusion of the war and of a general peace ' (cf. Hist. ii. 548) ;
and for ' He sent also ' read ' The pope sent.'
After ' Vienna ' insert ' from thence to Saxony.'
[Affairs in the north.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 536 {from 'The king of Denmark' to 'the peace of the northern
parts of the empire was secured ').
For ' it was believed . . . Rome ' read ' was diverted from going to Rome.'
After ' home ' add ' calling in at several courts there ' {sic).
Before ' king Augustus ' insert ' the czar and ' ; and after ' Augustus ' add
' There was a small Swedish army still in Poland, and it was thought that it
would not be easy for it to penetrate into Pomerania ; but Cressaw, who
commanded it, marched thither, and king Stanislaus with him, and then it was
pretended that king Augustus' resignation was null and void, since the diet of
Poland had not accepted of it, nor renounced their right to him, so he was
recalled and held a diet,' (Sr'c. {Cf with all this Hist. ii. 536 infra, 534.)
For ' upon his return home ' read ' in the beginning of winter.'
[Affairs of Charles XII j and of the Hungarians,]
[/. 24 («)] *A peace was made up between the czar and
the Turk% and it was thought that the keeping the king
of Sweden still a prisoner was a secret article in that agree-
ment; for ''he continues still at Bender'', under the show
of liberty ; but since his affairs require his hasting home,
and since he does not stir from Bender, it is concluded he
» Cf. Hist. ii. 536. " Ibid.
426 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1709
is a prisoner there. '^ The war in Hungary went on still, and
though the court of Vienna published great successes that
their arms had there*; yet there was reason to suspect the
relations they give out, ''for one sent from Hungary'' by
prince Rafalsi ' to beg the protection and mediation of our
court '' assured me that their pretended victories were either
nothing at all, or they were real losses and defeats"; but
perhaps he might exceed as much in lessening as they do
in raising their successes too much. He told me they asked
nothing but the performing those capitulations to which both
this emperor and his father had agreed ; but added that the
court of Vienna laid aside all those agreements at pleasure,
and that they could not trust them any more ; so unless they
had a distinct prince in Transylvania, and the queen and
States guaranty, they could not think themselves safe in any
promises that might be made them. He concluded they were
Christians, and so they begun with Christians, and begged
their protection ; and if this could not be obtained they must
cast themselves on the Turk, who they knew would take them
into his protection, upon their delivering up those places of
which they were possessed. This was the last remedy ; but
rather than perish they were resolved to cast themselves upon
it. The queen and the States are sending to the emperor, to
offer their mediation ^ : time must shew if it will be accepted,
and what effects it will have.
[Our fleet well conducted.^
Cf. Hist. ii. 537 {from ' Nothing of importance ' to end of paragraph).
For ' so he desired . . . down ' read ' so he withdrew from it, and had a good
pension assigned him.'
For ' at the head of read ' in " ; and after ' a commission ' read ' with such as
he should think proper for it.'
[T/te session y and SachevereW s business^
Cf. Hist. ii. {from p. 537 /o p. 546, wrf of first paragraph).
[/• 25 (o)] On p. 538, om. ' pretending it was.'
" Cf. Hist. ii. 536. " Ibid. " Ibid. 536-7.
^ S/eMS. ; probably an error for Ragotski.
'Are these the 'secret negotiations' to which vague reference is made in
Hist. ii. 537 ?
1709-10] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. 24 (a) -33 (a) 427
For ' The queen seemed . . . despised ' read only ' The queen and the ministry
were highly offended at it.'
Om. ' Eyre, then solicitor-general, and.'
Before ' chosen ' om. ' unhappily ' ; and after ' chosen ' add ' I was then in my
diocese, so I had no share in the deliberation. The reason that made the
solemn way be resolved on was this.'
\^f. 26 (a)] Ont. ' dignities . . . hold it.'
For ' under his own hand ' read ' corrected by Lesley's own hand.'
After 'judicious' add 'and learned' ; and after 'divine' aUd 'who had writ
with great temper and moderation, as well as with great force, against the
separation from the church.'
On p. 539, ftir ' with a visible superiority of argument to them all, and ' read
' and (the Rehearsal continuing to attack him).'
For ' When it vras moved ' read ' In the beginning of the session of parliament
the sermon was complained of; and it was moved.'
[/. 37 (a)] Om. 'and the tools . . . not then known.'
On p. 540, ft>r ' with unthinking people ' read ' with all the young unthinking
members ' ; om. ' though the effects . . . foreseen ' ; and after ' some weeks ' add
' and the emissaries set out by the Jacobites were everywhere at work to give
strange apprehensions of ill designs.'
[/. 29 (a)] On p. 542, ftir ' before my own door . . . they did ' read ' one
was killed before my door ; his skull was cleft with a spade.'
After ' public peace ' insei-t ' In some places resistance was made and prisoners
were taken ; but in most places.'
[/■ 30 («)] On p. 543, om. at end of paragraph ' and would take the first
occasion to shew it'
{./• 31 («)] On p. 544, om. ' and though he submitted . . . passed upon him.'
On p. 545, for ' to others it was said ' read ' to some it was secretly said.'
[/• 33 («)] For ' not only in London ' read ' nor did this madness only shew
itself in London.'
For ' greater effects ' read ' worse effects.'
[The queen's speech; changes in the ministry.^
Cf. Hist. ii. 546-7.
The queen's speech has the epithet ' very good.'
Om. ' as he gave out.'
[/• 33 («)] For'\.\ie change of principles that he had discovered in the trial
was imputed ' read ' and that he was to be the chief minister. It was said that
the view of this had made him vote as he did in the trial ; and all was imputed ' ;
om. ' him and ' ; for ' with ' read ' and.'
For ' upon that ... no more at it ' read ' upon which she has retired from the
court for some months.'
For ' but there was now too much ground given for suspicion ' read ' nothing
. has yet followed upon this step ; so those who judge the most favourably of it
think it is done on design to have a protection to the new favourite.'
[Burnet remonstrates with the queen^
Cf. Hist. ii. 547-8.
Om. 'who was in great esteem among them' ; and for 'some' read 'two.'
428 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1710
[/ 34 («)] On p. 548, after 'before the queen' add 'all this winter'; om.
' but I found . . . effect upon her ; yet ' ; and after ' I had to her ' add ' Things
are yet in the dark ; the design of that party is to have a new ministry and
a new parliament ; but how far they are like to succeed must be left to time,'
{Marlborough goes abroad; negotiations at Gertruydenberg^
^ The duke of Marlborough went beyond sea in February
to prepare for an early campaign '^ ; great care was taken to
have such magazines laid in, ^ that our army might be brought
together in April ^. The disorders into which the party broke
out in England gave great joy to the courts of St. Germain
and Versailles, and though the miseries of France were so
great that it seemed necessary for them to put an end to the
war, " yet the hopes they had from the ill-temper that showed
itself among us made them slower in their advances to
a peace. ^ There were messages all this winter going between
Paris and the Hague ; ^ the French pressed the States to open
a negotiation of peace, and to admit of plenipotentiaries from
France ; ^ but the States came to vigorous resolutions to admit
of no treaty till the preliminaries concerted the former year
should be first agreed to. ^ The French said they had an
equivalent to offer with relation to that concerning the
Spanish monarchy ; but the States would not hearken any
further to this than to suffer the French to send plenipoten-
tiaries ^ to Gertruydenberg, to make those propositions to such
deputies as they should send to them ^ ; and upon their
[/■ a Wi\ report they would examine the propositions before
they would open a treaty. They have been now above two
months at Gertruydenberg, and have often sent for a conference
with the deputies of the States, but all the propositions they
have hitherto made have not given any satisfaction to the
{Operations in Flanders j siege o/ Douay.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 548 {from ' in April [the campaign was opened] ' to'he drew off') .
For ' though they had ' read ' everywhere else ; so they by draining their
garrisons and drawing their troops from all other places."
For ' they lay before ' read ' they were brought to Bouchain, from thence to.'
» Cf. Hist. ii. 548. i> Ibid. " Ibid. 552. 4 Ibid. .549. Ibid. 550.
' Ibid, infra. s Ibid, infra. '^ Ibid. 551.
1710] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. 34 (a)-36 {a) 429,
After ' he drew off' add ' towards Arras ; and in that state they were the
9th of June, N. S., when the last letters came from thence.'
Om. {at this place) 'so the siege . . . 14th of June.'
[Disgrace of Medina Celi; condttct of king Charles j Burnet concludes
for the time, fune 8, 1 710, but adds a postscript?^
In Spain (as king Philip was going to set out to open
the campaign) *a discovery was made of some conspiracy
of the duke of Medina Celi's, then the chief minister " ; the
thing is yet secret ; ^ he was sent a prisoner to Segovia, where
he is kept very strictly, none being admitted to speak to him,
but no examination is yet made'' into the discoveries pre-
tended to be made ; this retarded the king's journey to
Arragon till the middle of May. It is given out that he
intends to besiege Balaguer. King Charles his army is
drawing together, and recruits are brought over from Italy
to him. His counsels are very weak ; he is much in the
power of his Germans, and seems to hate the Spanish nation,
and cannot yet be prevailed on to oiifer an indemnity to king
Philip's party ; who, on the other hand, renders himself very,
popular in Spain. This is the present state of affairs, 8 June,
1 7 10. I only add to this that '=Douay with the Fort Escarp
both capitulated on the 14th of June ° ; and though ^ king Philip
went to his army on the Segre to fight king Charles (who
likewise came to his army), yet after a short cannonading of
his camp, in which he lost some hundreds, he * went back ^.
[Battle of Almanara.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 555 {from 'Before the end of July' to end of page).
[/ 36(a)] Om. 'he drew his whole body together.'
After ' aoth of August ' add ' N. S.'
For ' 10,000 men ' read ' 9,000 men, [who joined him at] Tudela.'
After 'face of an army' add 'and advanced to the Tago.'
[Ji'ing Charles at Madrid^
Cf. Hist. ii. 556 {to 'supply or support him ' only).
After 'hazards' add ' From Madrid he went to Toledo, which he is fortifying ;
" Cf. Hist. ii. 557. " /A'<^- ° ^^''^- 548. * Ilnd- 555-
1 (
broke off the campaign and ' is deleted.
' So I end(?) i July (!) ' is deleted.
430 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1710
but whether he can maintain the ground he has gained seems uncertain. The
allies have not yet sent him any reinforcements, though it is now above three
months since the battle of Saragossa.'
For ' The king of France . . . supply or support him ' read ' The king of France
seems resolved to support king Philip ; he sent the duke of Venddme to command
his army ; and now that the campaign is everywhere at an end he will prob-
ably ' order troops to march into Spain.'
[Bethtme, Aire, and St. Venant taken.'\
Cf. Hist. ii. 557.
After ' of the Lys ' add ' and all the places on that river.'
Om. 'though not of such lustre . . . fought, yet^'
Om. ' Nothing considerable . . . both sides.'
[T/te Gertrtcydenberg conferences.']
[/• 37 W] "* Their plenipotentiaries stayed some weeks at
Gertruydenberg, and treated upon an equivalent for that
preliminary that related to the delivering up of Spain, and
the obliging king Philip to withdraw from it ; but their
negotiation was so apparently frau[du]lent that ^ in conclusion
all treaty with them was given up, and the States published
a full deduction of the steps they made ; by which it appeared
there was no sincere intentions in the French court to evacuate
Spain. The court of France published nothing on their part ;
for they would not openly own that they had entered on any
treaty to abandon Spain ^, lest that should have provoked the
Spaniards to abandon king Philip.
[State of Europe.]
There was a great change at Constantinople ; a new grand
vizier seemed resolved to break with the czar, and to set the
king of Sweden upon him with a great force ; but he. was
soon removed; so that design vanished, and the king of
Sweden continued still at Bender. •'The czar has reduced
all Livonia ; he took both Riga and Revel ; and now there
is a great plague in Sweden which sweeps away many of their
people. ^ There is a guarantee settled between the emperor,
" Cf. Hist. ii. 551. n Ibid. 552. <= Ibid. 557. a 7^,^. 534, 536, 557.
' Burnet's own correction of his an afterthought, inserted at the
earlier ' without doubt.' bottom of f. 35 (A).
" The remainder of the sentence is
I7IO] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. 36 (a)-39 (a) 431
the queen, the States, and the princes of the north of Germany
for securing the peace of the empire ; so though Sweden is
left exposed, their dominions in Germany will be by this
means preserved, yet it is not without difficulty that the king
of Sweden is brought to give way^ to this*. The war in
Hungary has gone on slowly this year ; the court of Vienna
publishes their successes ; but there has been no deciding
action in those parts. And now having taken a general view
of the state of Europe, I return back to England.
[Change of ministry J\
Cf. Hist. ii. 553-3 {from ' In June [the queen] dismissed ' to end of paragraph).
Om^ ' without pretending any malversation in him ' and ' in particular . . .
bank of England ' ; for ' and said this herself ... in such cases ' read only ' but ' ;
andom. 'lord Poulett . . . form, but.'
For ' and it was visible . . . minister ; and ' read ' This raised the alarm again,
and carried the jealousy much further ; for.'
[Sachevereirs progress; fresh ministerial changes^
Cf. Hist. ii. 553 (to beginning of -p. 554, 'distaste to the old ones').
\J- 38 (a)] After ' champion of the church ' add ' and was the idol of a mad
For ' they were rather favoured . . . than checked ' read ' and those who were
condemned for the riots in London were, after some reprieves, at last pardoned,
and set at liberty.'
Om. 'which Harcourt . . . had prepared.'
For ' the queen did not look . . . readily ; and ' read ' which [was] for some
time lodged with four judges ; but.'
Om. 'with some of the commissioners of the admiralty'; and for 'in whose
room others were put ' read ' but there is none yet put in his place.'
For from 'All this rose' to 'distaste to the old one' read 'Mr. Harley and
Mrs. Masham are looked on as the persons whose credit with the queen is now
so entire, that all these changes are ascribed wholly to them.'
\The elections J the lieutenancy of London \
Cf. Hist. ii. 554 {^from ' The next ' to ' Whigs were left out ').
[General political situation; sinking of credit; Burnet concludes
for the time, Nov.. 16, 1710,]
[/. 39 (fl)] *" These practices had never been known in
England before ; and by these means three parts in four
of the elections '' went for Tories ; so we are now in a gaze
» Cf. Hist. ii. 557. " Ibid. 554.
1 Burnet had originally written ' consent.'
432 Burnefs Original Memoirs [1710
to see how they will proceed when the parliament is opened.
" The queen is at present much pleased with the changes she
has made % and with the prospect she has of the approaching
parliament. ^ The new scene of the ministers talk as if they
intended to act very moderately at home, and very steadily
with relation to the war and to the alliances abroad''; but
they are under great difficulties for money. " The bank (that
used to furnish the government). is no more in condition to do
it ", for a jealousy of the present ministry is so spread (not
only through the nation but over all Europe), that many
concerned in the bank are calling out their money and selling
actions ; which has made ^ such a fall of actions that what
sold some months ago at 130 has fallen to 95 ; that is now
raised a little to loa ^, while I am ending to write at this time,
on the 1 6th of November, 17 10.
\Opening of parliaments
Cf. Hist. ii. 557-8 {to ' Christmas ').
Om. 'which shewed . . . former addresses' and 'as if they had apprehended
. . . asked of them.'
If. 40 (a)] After ' Christmas ' add ' but all this while the credit did not rise.' '
\Affairs in Spain; French account of the battle of Villa Viciosa\
At Christmas we had news of a great change of affairs in
Spain. *King Charles continued till the beginning of
December in the neighbourhood of Madrid^ and Toledo.
Then he thought fit to retire to Barcelona, and got safe
thither. ^ The army (after a show of fortifying Toledo and
giving out that they would take their winter quarters in
Castile) found such difficulties in subsisting there, and had
such apprehensions of the French coming to the Ebro and
cutting them off from Catalonia, that they resolved to march
back *'. We have yet no account from them, but the French
news is that king Philip (finding they were marching back
to Catalonia) » pursued them close in great marches ; and
overtook the rear, commanded by Stanhope, in an unfortified
» Cf. Hist. ii. 554, supra. '' Ibid. 555. " Ibid, supra. * Ibid,
« Ihid. 556. ' Ibid, infra. ^ Ibid.
J7I0-I] Bodl. Add. MSS, D. 2i,ff. 39(a)-45 (a) 433
town; "where by casting up entrenchments they defended
themselves as long as they could, but were made prisoners
of war. Staremberg, who was advanced before them, came
upon that back * to their relief, and drew up in order to fight
king Philip's army. It is acknowledged the action was sharp,
with advantage to Staremberg on one wing, but they give
out that he was routed and lost both his cannon and baggage.
This is so differently related that, till we have the account
given by both sides, we must suspend our belief. These
actions happened on the 9th and 20th December, N. S. ^ Soon
after the French had filled all places with an account of their
success in Spain, we had a truer account of it ''.
[Second version of the battle of Villa Viciosa.}
Cf. Hist. ii. 556 (from '[Stanhope] finding king Philip' to p. 557, end of
After ' to desire his assistance ' Burnet originally wrote ' who fatally missed
his way a whole day ' ; which he has deleted.
For ' Staremberg might . . . that it was conjectured ' read ' Staremberg, when
he understood the danger Stanhope was in, he drew his forces together, though
but slowly ; for.'
For ' Stanhope and his men . . . Staremberg came up ' read ' So though he
marched back he came some hours too late for that.'
For ' but Staremberg . . . nor could he ' read ' [Staremberg was not] able to.'
Om. ' the enemy . . . disturbance.'
[Debate in parliament concerning the war in Sfainj abuses
censured; sufiply^
Cf. Hist. ii. S58 {from ' During that time ' to p. 563, ' prospect of a peace ').
[/ 41 (a)] For ' During that time ... so ' read ' The queen, upon the first news
from France'; and om. 'as the public . . . particulars.'
Om. ' ordered some regiments . . . Spain, and.'
On p. SS9 om. ' and that little regard . . . opposition.'
Om. ' for he told them . . . agreed to there.'
[f. 42 (a)] On p. 560,' after ' it was carried ' insert ' by a majority of twenty-one.'
[/• 43 («)] On p. 561, after ' in the January ' insert ' ; the act passed in February,
and the money was to be raised the 25th of March.'
After 'for that service' add 'both in the year 1706 and in the year 1707.'
[/ 44 («)] After ' examination had been made ' add ' in the committee.'
On p. 562, for ' some, who voted . . . ashamed of it ; they said ' read ' all that
I heard was said in secret to excuse it, was that.'
For ' and had made a good retreat . . . diligence ' read only ' on that unhappy
» Cf. Hist. ii. 556 infra. "> Ibid. 558.
434 Burnet's Original Memoirs [171 1
[/ 45 (a)] For from ' We had likewise,' to end of paragraph read ' but it was
resolved to lay much load on him, so they put a censure upon this. How much
further they may carry their enquiries a little time must show.'
For ' Harley . . . enquire ' read ' There was an enquiry made in the house of
Om. ' the abuse . . . some have said that.'
On p. 563,forfrom ' but the abuse ' to end of paragraph read ' If this is carried
through all who practise it, it will save much money to the public ; and oblige
those who serve at sea to much frugality.'
Before ' The money did not ' insert ' All this while credit did not rise ; the'
actions of the bank did not rise above 103.'
Om. ' neither ' and ' nor on the duty laid on malt ' {for which see infra) ; for
from ' so to raise ' to end of paragraph read ' several duties (as upon hops, coals,
and candles) are voted for 32 years, for a fonds to a new lottery ; but men's
minds are possessed with such jealousies of the new ministry, that it is appre-
hended money will not be brought in, 'but upon great and exorbitant premiums,
so that a black cloud seems to hang over all our affairs ' [see also infra, p. 435].
[TAe duke of Marlborough still commanded our armies;
Burnet concludes for the time, Feb. 16, 17H
Cf. Hist. ii. 563-4.
Om. ' For this the duke . . . ministry.'
For ' for all the ill usage . . . carrying on the war' read only ' but was willmg
to continue in the command of the army, to which he was much pressed by the
States and our other allies ' ; and om. ' and finding . . . overcome.'
Om. 'in all which . . . dealt with the crown.'
After ' the last ' add ' Thus aifairs stand the i6th February, I7lx-'
[Comfilaints concerning the Palatines.^
Cf Hist. ii. 564-5. ,
[f. 46 (a)] For ' The house of commons found . . , story was, that ' read
' The next thing the house of commons took under their consideration was
the encouragement that had been given to about 10,000 poor Palatines," who
being reduced to extreme poverty (what by the miseries of war, what by the
severities of the government) came over to England in summer 1709' (then
proceed as in Hist, from ' In the year 1708 ').
After ' recommended ' add ' [by] the Lutheran ministers,'
After ' that the queen ' add ' upon his application.'
After ' of that country to ' add ' leave their poor ruined habitations and,'
Om. ' the time of our fleet's . . . distance.'
[/ 47 C'')] F°^ ' ■" 'he queen's name ' read ' by order of the cabinet couneil.'
[A bill to repeal the general naturalization j and the place bill^
Cf. Hist. ii. 565.
For ' for disabling . . . places ' read ' disabling persons in any employments
(excepting only such a number as was allowed) to sit in the house of commons.'
i7ii] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. 45 {a)-^<) (a) 435
[A bill qiialifying members to be chosen passed.^
Cf. Hist. ii. 565.
After ' Another bill ' add ' to the same intent.' '
for ';f6oo' read 'j^'soo.'
Om. 'it being pretended, that.'
For from ' This was thought ' to end of paragraph read only ' When this
was brought up to the lords it appeared that the ministry (who usually opposed
such acts) did all favour it; so that the attempt to extend the qualifications to
Scotland was not entertained ; so the bill passed.'
\An act for French wines; character of the extreme Tories;
Guiscard's attempt^
Cf. Hist. ii. 565-7 (to ' stopped by the bark ').
For ' delicate ' read ' vitiated.'
[/. 48 (a)] After ' but his own : ' add ' for he will have us trade with him.'
Om. ' that had been almost . . . happy to him ; it.'
After ' of a design ' add ' as if.'
After ' insurrection ' add ' of the papists.'
For ' with those ' read ' with the Huguenots.'
After ' in favour of the Huguenots ' add ' to draw them baclc again into
France. '
For ' and he seemed . . . liberty ' read ' He talked of public liberty with the
zeal of a Roman, and.'
For ' he seemed forward . . . put on ' read ' he seemed a desperate man and
ready to venture on any design for invading France ' ; and for ' for some years '
read 'forfourorfiveyears' ; a«rf o/?«;-' increased ' «rfrf' and that he was deep in debt.'
If, 49 (a)] On p. 567, /or ' some imputed this to ' read ' he being in.'
For ' others thought it was an artifice ' read ' which his enemies said was one
of his artifices.'
For ' It was not known . . . confessed ' read ' It is yet a secret whether he
confessed anything or not ; it is certain he seemed not disposed to tell all he
For ' her health . . , shaken ' lead ' The queen's health was at this time in
some disorder, which was probably heightened by this accident.'
[The lottery bills.'\
Cf. Hist. ii. 563 (^from ' The duty laid on malt ' to end of paragraph) ; but read
instead ' In the meanwhile the subsidy bills went on ; the duty on malt was
continued, and two lotteries were raised successively, one after another, the
first of ;^i, 500,000 and the second for about ;^2, 000,000, and the hope of benefit
tickets wrought so on the nation that the first was over-subscribed by a fifth
part, which was ordered to be returned back ; and the second is secretly
subscribed, though the bill is not yet passed ' {see also supra, p. 434),
[I^ing IVilliam's grants.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 567.
For ' and against those who had served him best ' read ' few appeared for it.'
F f 3
436 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1711
{Inquiries into the accounts,^
Cf. Hist. ii. 567-8.
For ' Their malice . . , counsel on every article * read only ' When this failed,
then they fell to examine the returns that had been made into the exchequer
of the supplies given by parliament ' {and see infra, pp. 437-8).
\_f. 50 (3)] For ' diligence ' read ' skill.'
Om. ' or on any of the Whigs.'
[Deaths of the dauphin, and the emperor '.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 568.
Om. ' and the emperor both ' ; after ' died ' insert ' suddenly ' ; and after ' small-
pox ' add ' a defluxion falling dovvrn and suffocating him ; and three days after
that, the emperor likewise died of the small-pox ; thus the two most eminent
princes of Europe died of the same disease ' ; and after ' of the month ' add ' The
duke of Burgundy is now dauphin.'
For ' the one or the other will have . . . affairs ' read ' this will have on the
counsels of France.'
For ' The electors were all resolved to ' read ' Upon the notice given of the
emperor's death, all the electors have already given assurances that they will.'
For ' A little before . . . kept up from them ' read ' And the council at Vienna
has so dexterously managed matters in Hungary, that they have prevailed on
the malcontents to receive the offers made by them of a general amnesty ; they
kept up the news of the emperor's death.'
[War imminent between the Turk and the csarj affairs
in Spain and the Netherlands^^
Cf. Hist, ii. 509.
Om. ' the Crim Tartar.'
After ' new war ' insert ' till he had filled his treasury and.'
For ' It did not yet appear . . . nor was it yet known ' read ' The differences
between the courts of Vienna and Turin are now fully settled ; so probably
the war will be carried on more vigorously on that side ; and king Charles
has [/ 51 (a)] such reinforcements already sent him (and more from Italy
are believed now to have joined him), that, as king Philip has not attempted
anjrthing, so it is believed this time king Charles has the superior force and will
be in a condition to attack him ; but it is not yet known,' St'c. (to end of paragraph).
Put next paragraph in present tense ; and for from ' nothing was yet attempted '
to ' From our temporal concerns ' read ' It is very probable that (the weather
being now so happily changed) somewhat will be soon attempted ; and this
is the present situation of our affairs with relation to our temporal concerns.'
[A convocation s Burnet lays down his pen for the time,
May 14, 1711.]
a. from Hist. ii. p. 569 to end off. 572 only.
[/ 52 (a)] On p. $io, for from ' and because the other bishops had maintained'
to end of paragraph read ' it seemed strange to put such a mark of contempt on
so many bishops ; but it was understood that they had been better pleased with
' The intervening paragraph of History (on building churches) does not appear.
1711] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, ff. 49 (a)-55 (a) 437
the former than with the present jninistry ; so it was thought fit to let them see
who were the conductors of the queen's favour and confidence.'
0« p. 571, om. ' into this he brought . . . agreed to his draught ; but."
For 'it was not settled' read 'It is not yet settled'; and om. 'for it was
known . . . former reign.'
For ' but none of these . . . houses' read ' but they are not agreed to ; so I say
nothing in this place coriceming them.'
Om. ' the professor . . . exemplary life, but.'
For ' nous ' read ' logos.'
After ' body' add ' but thought that [Uhe logos] was a creature."
[/ 53 («)] Om. ' a reference ... at a stand.'
On p. 5^a,/or 'what should be judged heresy' read 'that nothing should be
esteemed heresy but what was plainly contrary to the scriptures, or the first
four general councils' (cf. end of page in History).
Om. ' to be laid before the two houses of convocation.'
At the end of p. 572 add ' Here I left it, May 14, 1711.'
[Bttrnet, in Jati. 171 1-2, continues his account of convocation.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 573 (to ' came to an end ').
[/. 54 (n)] Begin 'I begin now in January, 1711, by our style, to continue
this work'; and for rest of paragraph read 'The upper house of convocation
drew some propositions out of Mr. Whiston's book on which they passed
a censure ; to which the lower house did not entirely agree ; but the proroga-
tion of parliament put a stop to the progress of this matter for that time.'
For ' but both ... to an end ' read ' the prorogation put an end to the session ;
and, soon after, the representation penned by Atterbury was printed, and that
gave occasion to the printing that agreed to by the bishops ; both were censured
as men stood affected.'
\Act for the South Sea trade.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 573. ■• ■' ■■
For ' aboard ; where ... by credit ' read ' abroad ; where we could not carry
on the war ' ( ' aboard,' though in ed. 1833, seems to be a priniei's error ; see Hist,
ed. 1823 in loco).
For ' high ' read ' so high that there was great loss made by it.'
\Reflections on the old ministry fully cleared?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 573-4.
For ' so to keep up a clamour . . . power of conviction ' read ' They found
that many accounts were not regularly passed in the exchequer ; though the
money collected was all brought in and well managed, yet the accounts being
so vast, with the vouchers, were not regularly passed. [/. 55 («)] The methods
of passing accounts are very sure but very slow, calculated to such a small
revenue ^s our princes had anciently ; but the supplies being now so great, it
was not possible to pass them in haste, when they had so much business on
their hands. They knew that in the gross they were right; and thus the
accounts of about thirty millions lay before them, which being to go through, so
many clerks could not be all examined ; so here a clamour was raised that five
438 Burnet's Original Memoirs [171 1
and thirty millions of the public money were not accounted for, and this was so
artificially spread through the nation, that the unthinking multitudes Were made
believe that the nation was cheated of all that vast sum, and so the nation was
confirmed in their aversion to the late administration ' (cf. with all this Hist.
ii. 567-8).
\Affairs in Spam.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 574-5.
For ' The business . . . hopes failed ' read only ' Nothing was done in Spain,
either on the side of Portugal, or of Catalonia.'
After ' had been supported ' add ' as he expected.'
Om. 'for the parliament . . . examination'; an^ {at this place) 'the duke of
Argyll . . . forces ; and.'
After ' two small places ' zve find deleted ' and took them after some time ' ;
from ' That of Cardona ' to ' baggage ' is inserted on /. 54 {b), with the addition ' In
the relation we have of this action no mention is made of any of the queen's
For ' and the duke of Vendome's army ... on that side ' read ' The duke of
Argyll was sent to command there ; he did nothing, but wrote over heavy
complaints that he was not supplied as he expected [cf. Hist. ii. 574] ; and he
fell into a quarrelling humour vsrith Staremberg.'
[ T/ie election of king Charles to be emperor.\
Cf. Hist. ii. 575-6.
Om. ' We hoped . . . common cause ' ; and {at this place) ' And Mr. St. John
. . . nothing.'
For 'was not then known' read 'is not yet known.'
[/. 56 (a)] Om. ' being now safe . . . previous to an election ; and ' ; and after
' solemnity ' add ' in the end of December.'
[T/ie duke of Marlborough passed the French lines;
siege of Bouchain.]
- Cf. Hist. ii. 576-7.
For ' and it was said, that Villars ... to the duke of Marlborough ' read ' and
after some weeks spent in small motions, it was generally thought nothing was
to be done there ; which seemed to be designed by our ministry and was spoke
aloud in the house of commons in a rash sally of Mr. St. John's, in which he
told them nothing was to be expected in Flanders' (cf. Hist. ii. 575^.
From ' the army was much fatigued ' to ' allowed for refreshment ' is added on
/ 56 {b).
[/. 57 («)] After ' venture on it ; the French ' insert ' brought their army
within a mile of the place and.'
From ' was more fatigued ' to ' the whole war. He ' «s added onf. 56 (i).
Om. 'seemed to be very busy . . . purpose ; yet.'
After ' reckoned ' inseii ' by all military men ' ; and for ' in the whole . . . war '
read ' they had ever known in war.'
For 'in those parts' read 'gloriously.'
[An expedition by sea to Canada.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 577-8.
For ' No action . . . command ' read ' I shall next give an account of the use
i7ii] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. '2i,ff. 55 (a)-6o (a) 439
that was made of the 5,000 men that were drawn out of his army. An expedition
was designed by general Hill (brother to the favourite) ; [he] had the command.'
\.f- 58 (a) For ' They sailed ... to stay ' read ' and [need] not have lost so.'
Ont. ' it was the more . . . the end of the session ' ; and ' the merchants . . .
[AJiitrs in Turkey?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 578-9.
Om. ' not without suspicion . . . money to it.'
For from ' being highly ' to end of paragraph, read only ' pretends the grand
vizier had the czar and his whole army at mercy ; and he studies to infuse this
into the grand signior; the reports are various, as is natural in things at such
a distance from us.'
[And in PomeraniaJ\
Cf. Hist. ii. 579.
For ' They sat down . . . which rendered ' read ' They are now before Wismar,
trying if they can succeed better there ; if that attempt fails likewise ' ; and after
' Denmark ' add ' will become.'
[Hurley's promotion.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 579 (to ' must bring upon him ').
[/■ 59 («)] Om. 'and important ' ; and after ' at home ' add ' that will probably
bring me to a speedy conclusion of this work. '
Om. 'and, by consequence . . . war.'
For ' flatterers ' read ' some aspiring scholars ^ ' ; and om. ' and being pre^
pared . . . direction.'
Transpose ' He saw the load . . . bring upon him ' and ' It soon appeared . . .
in the favourite ' ; for ' rewards ' read ' fair appearances ' ; and for ' foreign
affairs ' read ' affairs, now that he was at the head of them.'
[Negotiations. ]
Cf. Hist. ii. 579 {from 'so he resolved' to p. 582, end of second paragraph).
For ' The earl of Jersey . . . expect a peace ' read ' And in order to that, in
September he sent over one Prior to the court of France, who had been once
a boy in a tavern, into which the earl of Dorset happening to come, he saw him
reading Horace ; so he, who was a very generous [man], took him away from
that mean estate, and bred him up in literature ; his genius lay particularly to
poetry, and some of his composures were much esteemed. He was eari Jersey's
secretary when he was ambassador in France, and it was believed that he (as
well as the lord Jersey) continued in a close correspondence both with that
court and with the court at St. Germain.' _
After ' at Dover ' add ' because he had not a pass ' ; and for ' to set him free
read 'for his coming up.'
After ' Mesnager ' add ' now made the count of St. John.'
[/ 60 (a)] Om. 'The court . . . Windsor'; after 'copy of them was' add
' some days afterwards ■ ; and om. ' and printed . . . newspapers ' ; adding after
'out of England' these words, 'The grounds of such a seventy are not yet
■ Probably a hit at Swift, by whom the patent was drawn.
440 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1711
certainly known, therefore I write of them in these general terms ' (omitting the
following paragraph entirely).
For ' so well . . . their ends ' read ' would not be a complying tool to ill designs.'
After ' to Holland ' add ' ; who had nothing in him to qualify him for that post,
but a ready obedience with a bold insolence in his conduct '.'
For ' It was not then known' read ' It is not yet certain.'
For ' to justify . . . work ' read ' on design to show the impossibility of con-
quering Spain, or driving the French to better terms ' {omitting thus all reference
to Swiff s tract).
After 'hereditary dominions' add 'Many reproaches were thrown on the late
ministry for the conduct of the war and the alliances ' ; om. 'zealously, though
most falsely ' ; and after ' and failed us ' add ' in not furnishing their quotas. "^
[/. 61 (a)] For ' which made them conclude . . . pretender's affairs ' read
' which seemed to confirm the reports we had from Paris by many hands that it
was given out that by a secret article the pretender was to be declared heir of
the crown after the queen.'
Om. ' and by the wealth ... all about them.'
For ' but the memorial was ' read ' but his ministers took care to have the
memorial ; and.'
After ' proposed ' add ' It was well drawn, full and clear ; and showed a great
dislike of the designs of our court, but in terms full of respect to the queen.'
Om. '(seeing . . . steps)'; and place 'the session . . . granted them' after
' queen's determination.'
Om. ' this was offered . , . court to ' and ' they ' ; and for ' then ' read ' would
[Preparations Jbr the session; its history?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 582 {from ' Before the opening ' to p. 589, ' proxies were called
for ' ; and from p . 590, ' When the fourteenth,' to p. 599, ' in thirty-two years ') .
[/ 62 (a)] On p. 583, after ' carrying on the war ' add ' with vigour.'
[/ 63 ('')] ■'^<"' ' fo'' 'isi' speech ' read ' for the gracious assurances in her
speech. '
Om. ' officious courtiers.'
On p. 584, for ' three voices ' read ' five voices.'
t/ ^3 (*)] 0« p. 585, for ' the high men in the house of commons ' read ' the
body of the house of commons that went by the name of the October club.'
[/ 62 (b)'] After ' part of England ' add ' these two last clauses were in favour
of the dissenters.'
For 'and the court had agents' read 'and it was said that the lord treasurer
[had] agents.'
On p. 586, om. 'and thereby . . . before them.'
For ' a duke in England ' read ' duke of Brandon.'
Om. ' the queen might give . . . pleased,'
On p. 587, after ' constant dependence ' insert ' at so low a rate ' ; and at end
of paragraph after 'might be' add [/ 61 (6)] 'The servile union observed to
be among them in voting in every question as the court was inclined had
very much prejudiced indifferent men against them.'
' A suppressed passage of the second volume.
T71I-2] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21,/; 6o(a)-53(6) 441
[/. 60 (4)] Before ' On the twenty-second of December ' i-ead ' The bill for four
shillings in the pound went through the house of commons so quick that.'
For ' this was granted ' read 'to this the court agreed.'
On p. 588, for 'to proceed at their next meeting' read 'to make great
Om. 'and who had appeared . . . ministry.'
For ' a matter ^ read 'a man. '
^fler ' army in Flanders 'for ' made ' read ' made before with the States, was
to give.'
For ' He heard his enemies . . beyond sea : so he wrote to them ' read ' Upon
which, when he heard his enemies were taking advantages to his prejudice, he
wrote to the commissioners of accounts.'
[/■ 59 (*)] ^o*" ' which they chiefly aimed at ' read ' as if he had enriched him-
self by starving the army.'
For ' But they ' read ' But the lord treasurer.'
On p. 589, for ' sir Miles Wharton ' read ' one '; and for ' and that, whereas
. . . done by him' read 'as if his vote was to be depended on.'
Om. 'And whereas formerly Jeffreys . . . advanced to be a peer.'
For ' nor was it possible . . . ancient peers, a sense ' read ' and a great number
of the ancient peers were so entirely brought, or as some said, bought over to
the court, that it was not possible to raise in them a just sense,'
[/• 58 (*)] O" PP- 589-90, om. paragraph about prince Eugene.
After 'fourteenth of January came' insert 'the queen was indisposed and.'
After ' they were made ' insert ' [and] referring the treaty to her majesty's
wisdom.' •
For ' assured them ' read ' assured us ' (which shows Burnet was present).
\_f. 57 (6)] On p. sgi, for ' There were two ... by the one ' read ' [By] a second
article in the queen's message ' ; and omit ' by the other . . . put upon it. '
For ' whom they resolved . . . stood thus ' read ' a gentleman of Norfolk, who
had distinguished himself eminently for many years in the house of commons
and had gone through great posts ; he had been secretary of war and treasurer of
the navy.'
After 'friend of his own ' add 'one Mann.'
On p. 5g2,for 'the person concerned' read 'Mann.'
{./• 55 C*) ^] ^°'' ' insisted . . . the bill ' read ' being weary of the opposition
that he gave them, and to put him out of the way, that he might not oppose
them [cf. Hist. ii. 591] in that which was to come next before them.'
Om. ' it was often . . . much more.'
For ' so that it appeared . . . denied ' read ' yet they would not let that be put
to the vote, that the paying this to the general had been customary.'
Om. 'and paid so well for it'; and for 'by a great majority' read 'by a
majority of above a hundred.'
[/ 53 (*) ''\ On p. 593, om. ' but what this will end in . . . time.'
After ' ordnance in his room ' add ' but he found that whereas the old estab-
lishment settled ;^io a day on that office when the master of it travelled, duke
Marlborough had reduced it to four. '
' f. 56 (6), we remember, contains '' f. 54 (*) has likewise only the
only some additions to f. 57 (a). addition to f. 55 (a).
442 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1712
For ' in the late king's time ' read ' long before he had the command.'
For ' for it was . . . producing nothing ' read ' even those who favoured him
thought somewhat of this sort might have been discovered that way. He
appearing so clear in the only thing of which he was suspected, his enemies.'
After 'administration' read 'by finding nothing when they searched so
narrowly for it.'
For ' could have expected ' read ' could have done.'
Om. 'happy does . . . whole transaction.'
' Impudent ' is correct.
[/ 52 (i)] On p. 594, om. ' though it exceeded . . . very far.'
For ' Those who . . . designs ' read ' Those who managed Scottish affairs.'
Om. 'this seemed so reasonable that.'
Om. ' which in most places . . . church power ' ; and substitute ' yet it passed
with this extent.'
Om. ' it was well known . . . cover them from it ' ; and for ' since it seemed
... It was well understood' read 'because it was known.'
[/■ 51 W] On p. 595,70;- 'but those who intended to excuse ... up from the
commons ' read ' but those who intended to irritate them carried it against this ;
so the act passed ; what effect it will have must appear when the day limited
for taking the abjuration comes.'
After ' irritate them ' add ' so no opposition was made to this.'
For 'by an act of read 'in the second year of.'
For ' of a more public nature ' read ' [which] gave a more general alarm.'
Om. ' but had been taken . . . agreements with us ' and ' these were chiefly . . .
by them.' •
On p. 596, om. ' from the time . . . Pyrenees.'
[/• 50 (*) ] Om. ' during this war. '
For ' for the maintaining this ' read ' for communication with them and for
defending those places.'
For ' they also asked ' read ' they only asked [further].'
Before ' the trad? ' add' ' insensibly.'
After ' was made ' read ' [anno] 1609.'
On p. 597, for ' The mercenary writers ... to defend ' read ' The writers that
favoured. '
[/ 49 (6)] For ' whereas . . . counsels ' read ' This pointed plainly to the pre-
Om. ' and might erect . . . capable of them ' ; and for ' but it was answered
that ' read ' though. '
For ' But reason . . . taken so ' read ' But on those occasions men love not
to speak plain ; yet.'
Oh p. 598, for ' strange preludes . . . peace ' read ' a prelude to a bad peace.'
[/. 48 (6)] Om. ' but no notice . . . drew it.'
For ' This was a confutation . . . made, yet ' read ' Yet this did them little
For 'in which ... no opposition' read 'wilii success ; for the Whigs, seeing
the earl of Nottingham and his friends set on carrying it, made no opposition to it.'
Om. ' as was ordinary.'
After ' easily there ' add ' for it was reckoned that it would be rejected by the
lords ; but.'
I7I2] Bodl. Add. MSS.D. 21, f. 53 {byH{b) 443
On p. 599, after ' so many there, that ' add ' as the Whigs who had formerly
opposed the bill now promoted it, so.'
[A^at'rs (zbroadJ]
Cf. Hist. ii. 599 {from 'I look next' to p. 603, 'conversed with her').
[/ 47 (*)] Om. 'and unwillingly' ; and after 'preliminaries' add '[by] our
court ' ; and after ' named ^ add ' [by them]. '
Om. 'but they waited . . . allies.'
For ' in a very high strain ' read ' in so high a strain that, by it, they seemed
to be well assured of our court's standing by them.'
Before 'These demands' read 'AH people were amazed.'
On p. 600, after ' dying condition ' add ' though he is not yet dead.'
Om. 'as is usual . . . occasions.'
Om. ' was believed . . . chemistry, and ' before ' ambitious ' inseil ' wicked
and ' ; and after ' prince ' insert [/. 46 (6)] ' abandoned to the most execrable
vices, and capable of the worst projects ; for.'
Otn. 'and to marry . . ■ dowager.'
From ' King Philip ' to ' the original letter ' is written on the margin.
On p. 60Z, for ' These deaths . . . portend that' read 'AH observers of Provi-
dence did consider these deaths in so critical a time as very amazing things by
For ' But I will go . . . prospect ' read ' But I restrain myself from looking
too far into what is before me.'
For ' the lord treasurer ' read ' the court ' ; and for ' he saw ' read ' there was.'
Om. 'yet the doing . . . act.'
After ' in that treaty ' add ' who owned him king.'
[/ 45 (*)] "fter ' specific answers in writing ' add ' Whether this was refused
by the French on design, from the beginning of the treaty, on purpose to gain
time and to create jealousies among the allies ; or if it arose out of the many
unlooked-for deaths by which king Philip was now so near the succession to
the crown of France, so that they knew not how to frame a direct answer, is not
yet known ; but they have now, to the beginning of May, N. S., drawn out the
matter in many fruitless meetings,' ti'c, as in Hist.
For ' the negotiation there was ' read ' matters there are.'
On p. 602, before ' The preparations ' add ' In the meanwhile.'
[/ 44 (6)] For ' At this time . . . with her ' read ' The court of St. Germain
was struck with great apprehension upon the pretender's having the small-pox ;
but he recovered of them, and at the same time his sister died of them. She
was by all that saw her admired as a most extraordinary person in all respects,
so the nation here was filled with very extraordinary characters of her ; and
now while I am writing we have a report very current that the pretender him-
self is dead. If it proves true, these deaths, as well as those of the house of
Bourbon, must be looked on as very extraordinary indications of a watchful
Providence, that happily interposes to save us when we had great reason to
look on our affairs as almost desperate.'
[Convocation jneeis.l ■•
Cf. from Hist. u. 602 to p. 605, end of frst paragraph.
For ' I turn next . . . convocation ' read ' The convocation did little this winter.'
Om. ' in pursuance . . . amongst them.'
444 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1712
For ' a very defective abstract of it ' read ' some of the weakest of our arguments.'
[/ 43 (*)] On p. 603, after ' and probably this ' read ' will be settled during the
session ; which.'
For ' that he came not among us ' read ' that he did not stir from Lambeth.'
For 'but none . . . session ' read 'biit now in the end of May we have yet
received no answer ' ; and end paragraph in present tense ; omitting ' I was gone
. . . passed.'
After ' openly ' add ' and severely.'
On p. 604, om. ' nor was the dispute . . . congregations.'
[/. 42 [by] For ' among us ; and the necessity ' read ' [among us,] as to the
For ' were entertained ' tead ' and was entertained ' ; and for ' by many '
read ' by our high clergy ^ ; and for ' far out of view ' read 'so far out of view,
that this late and wild system came to work mightily on them.'
For ' but few ' read ' and some.'
\Stipply in j>arliament ; and events to June 2 (1712), w^e>t
Btirnet concludes for the time.\
Cf. Hist. ii. 605-7 ('o ' words he had used ').
[/. 41 (6)] On p. 605, /o>- ' demanded were given ' read ' went on very largely."
After ' the malt bill ' add ' [which] passed easily.'
After ' indignity on his grants : ' add ' others in friendship to the persons
concerned in those grants opposed the bill : yet ' ; and after ' two ' add ' or at
most three.'
On p. 606, after ' last reading of the bill ' read ' in a very full house ' ; and om.
' so for that . . . lost.'
[/ 40 (6)] For ' expectation ' read ' daily expectation.'
For 'That prince Eugene' read '[It] was.'
Om. ' which were not produced . . . bare reports.'
On p. 607, for ' and all were in great . . . produce ' read ' and we are now
all in expectation to see what a few days will bring forth.'
[/ 39 (6)] For ' but nothing followed . . . quick one after another ' read ' But
the day after this debate in both houses we were surprised with a relation of
what passed.'
After ' he had used ' add ' Here I stop, the 2nd of June ' ; and om. rest of
\Bumet resumes Ms f>en and describes remainder of session.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 608 (from ' On the fifth of June ' to p. 609, ' either of their ad-
dresses ').
[/• 38 (*)] On p. 608 ike stipulation about the succession in England is added
-on the margin.
For 'for communicating' read 'for her condescension in communicating.'
Om. ' who had all along protested . . . taken.'
[/• 37 (*)] On p. 609, for ' the queen in her speech ' read ' the period of the
)-33 (b) 445
\Events to the end of the year 1 7 12.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 609 {from ' The earl of Strafford ' to p. 614, end of first paragraph).
On p. 609, after ' in order to a general peace ' insert 'but when the auxiliary-
troops refused to conform themselves to the duke of Ormond's orders, there
was for some days a stop in the offer of delivering up Dunkirk ; but ' ; and
after ' place ' insert ' and then.'
[/ 36 (*)] On p. 610, f)r ' as treacherous . . . degree. The ' read ' with the
further aggravation that the.'
Om. ' and if the auxiliary . . . prevented.'
For ' by a general voice ' read ' by addresses.'
From ' that lay on both sides ' to ' his whole army ' is inserted on the margin.
[/• 35 (*)] On p. 611, /or 'would not . . . loss' read 'would not consent to
anything decisive ' {the whole clause is a subsequent insertion of the bishop's).
Om. ' with secret instructions ' ; after ' fully concluded ' add ' and is said to
be since ratified on both sides ' ; and for ' all that was published . . . return ,
was ' read ' hitherto nothing is published but.'
After ' lord Lexington to Spain ' add ' and thus a most glorious war is brought
to a most inglorious end. I still carry on my narrative, till a peace is publicly
owned '.'
For 'which, it was said . . . imperiousness ' read 'with a great indecency
both of language and behaviour ' ; om. 'to have Valenciennes demolished'; and
after ' for trade ' add ' between France and them.'
On p. 61Z, for 'The lord Lexington . . . and Strafford ' read ' With this the
earl of Strafford returned ; and soon after there was a promotion [/. 34 (A)] of
six knights of the garter ; for there were then nine vacant stalls ; so that the
order was scarce able to furnish out a decent chapter. One of these was
duke Hamilton.'
For ' high provocation ' read ' small provocation ' ; and om. ' but both . . .
On p. 613, yb>-' who was a good-natured . . . foreign affairs' read 'Thus I
have laid this all together, though it happened after other transactions which
I am next to relate.'
Om. ' one or other of.'
For ' At the same time . . . give him ' read 'A little time will show how far the
Swedes are in condition to pursue [/. 33 (6)] their victory, while at the same
time reports from Constantinople seem to threaten a. new war from thence to
the czar, which the king of Sweden is still pressing, assisted by the practices of
the French at the Porte.
For ' This gave ' read ' This must give * ; and for ' that disorders ... he had
taken to ' read ' who is studying ' ; for ' that kingdom ' read ' Hungary ' ; and after
' continue the war ' add ' who have been for some months under great distractions
with relation to that matter.'
For ' but to draw ... the more ' read ' but before the negotiation for a
general peace was to be entered on.'
On p. 614, for ' as also for obtaining . . . intercession ' read ' and that the
emperor may be also brought into the peace. In a few days we will see what
our court says in answer to this ; and in this state do our affairs now stand, in
' The second sentence probably represents a fresh start, as the ink is less faded.
446 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1712-3
the beginning of the year, a few days before the session of parliament is to be
[Postscript: death of Godolphinj events to signing of
new barrier treaty^
Cf. Hist. ii. 614-6.
Begin ' I will to this only add somewhat relating to the duke of Marlborough ;
his great friend the earl of Godolphin died,' Ss'c., as in Hist,
[f. 33 (6)] Om. ' affection and.'
For ' artful favourite ' read only ' waiting-woman ' ; and for ' of a great genius '
read ' of any one good quality.'
For ' some pretended ' read ' some thought ' ; and for ' of fear . . . himself
read ' of a mean fear.'
For ' he would be at liberty ' read ' he is at liberty ' ; and for ' might '
read ' may.'
On p. 615, for from ' Upon his going' to end of paragraph read 'How far
either of these two suits will be carried on or in what they will end [/ 31 (6)]
a little time will show.'
Om. 'And during that time . . . died.'
For ' to come into ' read ' to come in, (as the word was) into.'
After ' apprehensions of a war ' add ' between the Turk and the czar.'
For ' come down . . . Strasbourg ' read ' try If he could bring the queen to
obtain better terms for him ; the States also continued to press the restoring
of Strasbourg ; but that' ; and for 'nor did it . . . project' read 'At last the
States were brought to accept of the terms that we imposed on them ; in which
though they pressed much to have Condd demolished, yet the French refusing
it, we did not urge it.'
After ' forced to yield ' add ' to us ' ; and for ' into some confidence with them '
read ' more entirely into their dependence.'
On p. 616, for from. ' we were not able ' to end of paragraph read ' they seem,
by their behaviour, to design another campaign ; but that will now appear very
[Prorogations of parliament ; events up to March 24, I7lf ;
when Burnet concludes for the time.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 616-7 ('0 ' a house near Adrianople '),
Begin ' In the meanwhile our parliament stands prorogued now for the third
time ; though a proclamation was [f. 30 (6)] set out,' &'c., as in Hist. ; and for
' but though ' read ' and [though] ' ; and om. ' yet we were . . . three weeks.'
For from ' Many expresses ' to 'a new scene ' read ' The nation is full of
rumours that occasion great jealousies aJid fears ; but till it appears what ground
there is for them, I shall say no more concerning them.'
From ' The Swedes ' to end of paragraph is in present tense; and for 'thai, their
retreat . . . Baltic sea ' read ' that it is apprehended their retreat by land is
cut off.'
Om. ' he raised . .. . dominions ' ; and for ' but was so apt . . . whispers, that '
read 'as long as they maintained their credit with him ; but.'
On p. 617, after ' inclination ' read ' and to be very firm to the alliance against
1713] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, J. 23 {b)-2T (b) 447
France- ; and after 'time' add 'He has hitherto made the king of Sweden his
pattern ; it will soon appear what ply he will take in the affairs of Europe.'
for ' varied so often . . . end ' read ' do not increase, though ' ; and for ' but he
threw himself . . . opposed the war ' read ' but if the general peace of Europe
(which we are told is almost quite concluded) does take effect, it is not probable
that the Turks will suffer themselves to be drawn into a new war. [/ 29 (A)]
But as I am writing, we have an account of the king of Sweden's misfortunes.
The grand signior was diverted from the war with the czar, and.'
Om. 'much superior to his'; and for 'a house near Adrianople ' read '[as
was at first given out] to Thessalonica'.'
For from 'but not suffered' to end of paragraph read 'Whether this will
prove the final catastrophe of this unquiet prince, as most people think it will,
must be left to time. We are now in the sixth prorogation, and a seventh is
generally expected within two days [cf. Hist. ii. 616], for I end 24 March, I7if.'
[7%e signature of peace; and the debates upon treaty of commerce.']
Cf. Hist. ii. 617-S3 {to ' prayer of their address ').
For '13th of March' read 'March 31'; and after 'upon this' read 'after a
seventh prorogation ' {see Hist. ii. 616).
On p. 618 om. ' (which of course . . . queen) ' ; after ' out of France into '
insert ' Lorraine ; but even there he was in ' ; and after ' crown of France ' add
'but compliments are easily carried.'
[Ji 28 (6)] For ' was not yet finished ' read ' is not yet finished.'
For from ' the emperor ' to p. 619 ' his losses ; the States ' read ' but the
empire and the emperor would not accept the terms offered them ; which were,
the restoring the electors of Bavaria and Cologne, with a high demand for
their losses, and the mesne profits ; in lieu of which the emperor was to
deliver Sardinia to the elector of Bavaria. So upon the matter the empire
had nothing, the emperor had only the duchy of Milan, the kingdom of Naples,
and the property of the Netherlands, the States being to keep the fortified
places ; they.'
For ' the emperor . . . accepting of it ' read ' Reflections were soon made on
the articles of peace and commerce.'
For ' no mention . . . treaty ' read ' so this was thought a delusory article,
that amounted to nothing.'
Om. {at this place) ' at last . . . made of it ' {for which see infra, p. 448).
Om. ' The English have always . . . foreigners.'
For ' these were the reflections on the treaty of peace ; but ' read ' But as these
exceptions were very visible and of great importance.'
[/ 27 (6)] For ' but the court at that time . . . still on ' readonly 'yet the trade
with France being favoured by the court, trade went still on, though at a great
loss ' ; and om. ' and to the end ... no more parliaments.'
On p. 620 some provisions concerning a treaty of commerce are repeated from
p. 618 ; and before ' It was said that ' is inserted ' Great exceptions were taken
to all this.'
' The words in brackets are a subsequent insertion of Burnet's.'
448 Burnet's Original Memoirs [1713
Om. 'which is more than double . . . Portugal' and 'besides a great vent of
our manufactures.'
The figure is 300,000.
[/ 26 (4)] Om. ' since the cheapness . . . markets.'
Om. ' they called it faction.'
0)% p. 621, om. 'it was carried in the affirmative . . . could bear.'
Om. 'though it was as good . . , interpreted.'
[/ 25 (6)] On p. 6s2,for ' and the commissioners for trade and plantations . , .
there it was settled ' read only ' and the last project was settled without so much
as consulting with the commission for trade and plantations.'
On p. 623, for ' it was not then ' read ' [it] is not yet.'
For ' It was brought . . . step ' read ' The bill was reported by the committee ' ;
and for 'those who' read 'those called Tories who'; and after 'division' read
'of a full house (near 400)' ; and after 'importance lost' add 'on the 18 June.
What may be further done on this head must be left to time ; for I am writing
this on the 23 June ' ; and then add passage concerning Dunkirk address from
p. 619 (' It did not appear . . . explanation being made of it ') ; for ' Some weeks '
reading ' [They] began to think no answer was to be made ; [for] a fortnight ' ;
and for 'but we were still. , . made of it' reading \_f. 24 (6)] 'This answer
amazed them ; it is not yet explained ; so the event must declare it ' ; and then
return to p. 623, /raw 'But the house of commons, to soften.'
Om.from 'It was once apprehended' to end of paragraph, and the whole of
the speech, pp. 623-7.
\Demands on behalf of the civil listj address for the pretender's
removal; Burnet concludes for the time, July 4, 1713.]
Cf. Hist. ii. 628 {from ' I now go on ' to p. 629, ' with her desire on that
occasion ').
For ' I now go . . . session ' read ' This [i. e. the peculiarity of the queen's answer
to the address of the house of commons'] was observed by some ; but.'
For 'a large overplus' read ';£^6oo,ooo.'
Om. 'upon a new account . . . ;f 800,000 less; and.'
After ' due to the civil list ' add ' and the customs assigned by the civil list did
increase considerably in times of peace (see Hist. ii. 628, infra) ; so that con-
sidering what was due to the civil list, and what was owing from it, the debt
was really but about ;^30o,ooo ' {this seems to represent ' these two sums . . .
;^24o,ooo,' which does not appear).
For ' in the end of the session . . . left ' read ' when not above a third part of
the house was in town, the greater part being gone home to look after their
For ' This was thought . . , argument ' read only ' Some opposition was made
to this ' {and cf. supra).
[/ 23 (6)] For ' the ministers ' read ' the house of commons.'
On p. 629, for ' And the weight . . . agitation ' read only ' But when the session
was near an end.'
After ' nemine contradtcente ' read ' with an offer to assist and support the
queen in making those instances effectual.'
For 'all the answer . . . informed of that' read 'This I write on the 4th
of July.'
1713] Bodl. Add. D. 21, ff. 27-21 {b) ; 84 (6)-72 (b) 449
\Deaths of Sprat and Compton, and events to close of
Biirnefs historical Narrative?^
Cf. Hist. ii. 629-32.
After ' died ' add ' suddenly ' ; and om. ' to which his temper . . . profession ' ;
and for ' a great ' read ' the greatest.'
On p. 630, after ' power of others ' add ' and was neither learned, lively, nor
judicious'' ; and om. 'he was succeeded . . . Bristol.'
[/ 22 (6)] Oil p. 631, after 'addresses of both houses' add 'To endanger
advantages was an odd expression ^'
[/. 21 (i)] For ' it was fit . . . close this work ' read only ' and so have ended
my design in composing this work for the use and benefit of posterity.'
J^or ' of above three and fifty years. I ' read only ' which I ' ; and om. ' it.'
On p. 632, after the last word add ' And then I shall have attained my chief
end in writing.'
The Conclusion '■
Cf. Hist. ii. 633-69.
[/. 84 (i)] On p. 641, /o>- 'and so severe . . . dissenters' read 'and in a dis-
position to severity ; that shows itself in too visible an aversion to the dissenters,
and an uneasiness under the toleration.'
[/. 80 (i)] On p. 648, after ' better in their labours ' add ' for I have much
experience of this, that when I have prayed with more than ordinary earnestness
for a blessing on my preaching, I have often seen signal effects of it.'
[f 79 (*)] 0« p. 649, ybr ' the course of his reign ' read ' his flagitious reign.'
[f. 73 (A)] On p. 657, ' this is not true of ' is substituted for ' these dare not own
this to ' deleted.
.i4/?c»- 'and destroy religion' e[ic_/5«rf deleted 'and by false stories and subtle
methods they heighten a jealousy of them.'
After ' it is visible ' we find deleted ' to all the world ' ; and after ' acquiesce ' we
find deleted.' ani are only on the defensive, studying to preserve it.'
[/. 72 [by] 'when that is ended it may probably' is substituted for 'and that
there is a foreign management in the case. Then it will ' deleted.
On p. 658, om. ' perhaps ' before ' some of their leaders.'
After ' much the greater part ' {end of a paragraph) add ' This appears evidently
in all the controverted elections in the house of commons, and begins to show
itself too visibly in the judicature of the house of lords ; and I must say, in my
observation, that the Tories are much more grossly and indecently partial, than
ever I saw the Whigs.'
On p. 659, after ' an' entire system of our laws ' add ' There is one man yet
1 A suppressed passage of the second June, 1708; see supra, p. xv. The
volume. printed version has a few grammatical
' See preceding note. This passage, corrections ; but excepting these, and
and the passage in the History from ' It the instances quoted above, the MS.
was also observed ' -to ' protestant sue- and published History are practically
cession,' are added on the margin of identical, m wordmg as in substance.
f 22 (5) The deletions on ff. 73 (6), 72 (.6), and
' 3 Written on the versos of fi". 91-64, 68 (6) resemble in form those of the
the book being reversed. Its date is autograph of the History, first volume.
450 Burnetts Original Memoirs [1708
alive, who I hope has yet many years before him, who is the fittest person of
this or the former age [for this task]. [/. 71 (i)] If this is not done by the lord
Somers, I know not the man that can do it'.'
After * for a bishop ' add ' who has not passed for a narrow-handed man.'
[/. 68 (6)] On p. 664, after ' which render those who ' we find deleted ' hke the
present king of France ^.'
^ Lord Somers survived Burnet little ance of the History.
more than a year, dying April 26, 1 7 16, ' Louis XIV died Sept. i, 1 7 15, a few
nearly eight years before the appear- months after Burnet's death.
(Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 195-218).
The Introductio}u
I DO not write my own life out of vanity to give my selfe
a fame and a name to posterity ; but because I know I can
mixe in the account I am to give of it some useful! instruc-
tions to those who may read it, and * since I have been so
long on the stage, and have acted in so manny different
stations and have had so large a share of favour and approba-
tion from some, and of censure and obloquy from others ^ I
have reason to think that after my death some will write con-
cerning me ; some in kindnes and some out of hatred, or
some only to publish a book that may have sale, therefore I
who am best acquainted with my own concerns and may be
supposed best able to judge what may be fit to be remembred
and what not, have resolved to give such an account of my
selfe, as I hope may be of some use to the world. " I am the
more encouraged in this because I find Thuamis ^ did it. I
have made him my pattern in writing <^, and as I read most of
him manny years ago, and formed my designe in writting
from that great Original! ; so after I had ended my History,
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 671. i" Ibid. <= Ibid.
> There is no need of any intro- in the handwriting of Dr. Burnet ;
ductory note, as the circumstances and some of the folios are misplaced.
connected with the composition of The headings appear in the margin of
the Autobiography and its suppression the MS.
are discussed at length in the Intro- ^ With whose standpoint (no less
duction, supra. The MS. (Bodl. Add. than his method) our author has
MSS. D. 24, ff. 195-218) is throughout something in common.
452 Burnet's Autobiography [1643-60
I read him all over again, to see how farre I had risen up in my
imitation of him, and was not a litle pleased to find that if I did
not flatter my selfe too much, I had in some degree answered
my designe in resembling him. It is tru I have avoided
a particular recitall of warlike actions both in battles or
• sieges \ and I have not endeavoured to be so copious as he is
in the relation of forreigne affairs ^ or in the lives and writtings
of learned men. I have not had the opportunities that his
station gave him of being informed of these things ; and have
wrote on designe to be a[s] short as possible, and to point
chiefly at the good and bad of what I have known, for the
instruction of others. As I have followed that great man in
the main of my work, so I will adde such a relation of my own
particular circumstances, as I hope may serve to carry on my
designe in endeavouring to make the next generation better
and wiser by what I have observed and by what has occured
to me.
My birth and my Parents.
'^l was born at Edinburgh on the 18' of September 1643.
My Father ^ was a younger son of a family of considerable
antiquity and interest in Aberdeenshire. ' He was bred to the
law and studied seven years in France. He was learned in his
profession, but did not rise up to the first form in practise.
His judgment was good % but he had not a lively imagination,
nor a ready expression, and *■ his abilities were depressed by his
excessive modesty. " He was eminent for integrity and pro-
bity « and spoke his thoughts freely on the tenderest subjects.
When he found a cause morally injust he would not plead in
it, but pressed his client to consider his conscience more then
his interest, in which he often succeeded, for he spoke with
great authority on those occasions : '^ he was allwaies ready to
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 672. ^ Ibid. ' Ibid., and Hist. i. 2. <' Life in
Hist. ii. 672.
' For his reason see sufira, p. 165. 80 ; and Cockburn's Specimen, Remark,
^ See Von Ranke, ed. 1868, vOl. vii. ii. pp. 25-6, with the paper mentioned
App. ii. p. 155. supra, p. 12, note (to be printed by
^ For whom consult Hist. i. 2, 79- the Scottish History Society).
1643-60] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 195-6 453
plead the causes of the poor, and instead of taking fees from
them, he supplied such as he saw were injustly oppressed
very liberally. He never took any fee from a Clergyman who
sued for the rights of his Church, and he was so friendly and
generous in his practise, that he told me the full halfe of his
practise went for charity or for friendship ". He grew to be
disgusted of his profession. He studied Divinity for some
years and intended to change his gown, but ^ he was dissatis-
fied with the conduct of the Bishops. He was in high esteem
for the exemplary strictnes of his life'' and was much con-
sidered by them but " he was displeased with most of them
and delivered him selfe so plainly that " he lost the favour of
the governing Bishops : ■* and at the breaking out of the
troubles in the year 1637 he was looked on as a Puritan.
But when he saw that instead of reforming abuses, the
Order it selfe was struck at, he did adhere to it with great
zeal, " and in the warrs that followed he stuck to the rights
of the Crown without once complying in any respect with the
party that then prevailed. ^He never took the Covenant',
and left his profession and was forced three severall times to
leave the Kingdome, staying at one time five years out of it.
"^ Not that he thought that it was not lawfull to rise in armes
when the King broke the lawes, for he allwaies espoused
Barclay and Grotius' notions in that matter, but he thought
that was not the cases but that the King's authority was
invaded against law, so he relinquished his profession for
above twenty years and lived privatly up on his estate but
was a preacher of righteousnes for he catechised not only his
[/. 196] servants but his tennants frequently, at least every
Lord's day of which he was a very strict observer, and indeed
to all that came to him he recommended the practise of
religion and vertue with great earnestnes and often with many
tears. He treated those who differed from him in opinion
with great gentlenes.
« Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 672. ' Ibid., and Hist. i. 2. ■= Ibid. ■' Ibid.
" Ibid. ' Life in Hist. ii. 673. « Ibid. 672.
• See supra, p. 12 and note.
454 Burnet's Autobiography [1643-60
My Education;
" I had the chieffe advantage of his retirement for he made
the teaching me a great part of his care '' I was sent to no
school but was taught Latine by him with such successe that
before I was ten year old I was master of that tongue and of
the Classick Authors. I was five years at the Colledge of
New Aberdeen and went thro the common methods of the
Aristotelian Philosophy with no small applause, and passed
Master of Arts some moneths before I was fourteen ^ ; but all
that while my Father was my chieff tutor, for he made me rise
constantly about four. He perhaps loaded me with too much
knowledge, for I was excessively vain of it. It is true he
humbled me with much severe correction, in which how much
soever I might deserve it by manny wild frolicks yet I think
he carried that too farre, for the fear of that brought me under
too great an uneasynes and sometimes even to a hatred of my
Father. The sense of this may have perhaps carried me in
the education of my children to the other extream of too
much indulgence. But when I remember how near I was
often to the taking desperate methods this has given me a
biasse the other way.
and first studies.
When my Father desired me to choose which way I would
direct my studies I saw the advantages of the profession of
the law and was so sensible of the assistance my Father could
give me in it, that *= I choose that to my Father's great regret,
who had allwaies designed me to be a Clergyman ". I had an
elder brother who was a Lawier^, and as the eldest was
a Phisitian ^, so we being three my Father wished we might
be all of different professions, but he would use no authority
in that matter and left me to my free choice. •'For a year
together I studied the Civill and Feudall law with that advan-
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 673, and Hist. i. 1-2. •> Life in Hist. ii. 673, " Ibid.
d Ibid.
' See supra, p. 4. ed; see Hist. i. 541 ; art. on him, Diet.
^ Thomas Burnet, afterwardsknight- Nat. Biog. ; Cockburn, Specimen, p. 27.
i643-6o] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 2^,ff. 196; 195 (U) 455
tage that I find the good effects of it to this day, for without
it I should not have had just notions of humane society and of
government, and I impute the wrong notions that manny
Divines have of government to their being unacquainted with
the principles of law ^. After I had for a year run thro these
studies I told my Father I intended to change my designe
and to apply my selfe to Divinity '', He was overjoied at this
and ran out with manny tears into a heavenly discourse of the
noblenes of a function that was dedicated to God and to the
saving of souls, and charged me to study not out of vanity or
ambition but to understand the Scriptures well and to have
a tru sense of divine matters in my own mind. He continued
to the end of his dales repeating manny good instructions
to me, he told me that he had seen much ambition, great
covetousnes and violent animosities among our Bishops which
had ruined the Church. He charged me to treat all who
differed from me with gentlenes and moderation and to apply
my selfe chiefly to prayer, the reading the Scriptures, and to
the practicall part. ^ I followed for some years a hard course
of study, I went thro the Bible with severall Comentaries on
all the parts of it. I did also study controversy and read
Bellarmine and Chamier ^ in opposition to one another quite
thro ''. I fell violently into another study which had almost
undone me, " I went thro severall bodies of School Divinity •=,
and read above twenty volumes in folio of these writters and
grew fond of them. This heightned my vanity and brought
me into a false way of reasoning and everlasting wrangling
which made me despise and triumph over all who had not
suffered themselves to be entangled with that cobweb stuffe.
'' I read also manny volumes of History of all sorts '' so that
I furnished my selfe with much matter of discourse and laid it
all out upon all occasions \ [/. 195 {b)] « I had a very happy
constitution capable of much labour and hard study = and I
« Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 673. •> Ibid. ■= Ibid. Ibid.
458 Burnet's Autobiography [1660-1
his earnestnes to see me settled. ''I was presented by his
nephew Sir Alexander Burnet to a Benefice where his family
resided and in the center of all our kinred. My Father left it
to me to consider whether I would accept of it or not *, but
plainely intimated his wishes that I would. ^ There is no law
in Scotland that limits the age of a Clergy man, but by the
happy Providence of God I refused it. I thought one that
was not yet 1 8 ought not to undertake a cure of souls '', per-
sons of that age are so apt to have a good opinion of them-
selves and to desire a setlement, especially considering my
Father's infirmities and the value of the Benefice that I wonder
how I came to be so wise and so good as to refuse it. But I
have often blessed God for it since, and have observed what
a happines it was not to be engaged in such a station before
I was better prepared for it. My Father was much troubled
to see so much vice break out at the time of the Restoration,
and that men's resentments were so high for what was past.
He saw the designe laid to set up Episcopacy again in Scot-
land but from the channel in which things did then run he
did very much apprehend that great disorders would follow
upon it. Tho he preferred Episcopacy to all other forms of
government and thought it was begun in the Apostles' times,
yet he did not think it so necessary but that he could live
under another form, for indeed his principle with relation to
Church Government was Erastian. " He knew Grotius well
beyond sea'', and went in to all his notions upon those
His Death.
He did not enjoy his new dignity long, for '^he died on the
24 August 1661 ''. His sicknes lasted a week in which time he
expressed great resignation to the will of God, he seemed to
rejoice that his dissolution was so near and with wonderful!
zeal recomended to us all the fear of God and the practise of
a religious and vertuous life. I am sensible that it may be
thought I have said too much of him, but I hope the Reader
" Cf. Life in Hist, ii, 674. " Ibid. " Ibid. 672, « Ibid. 674.
i66i] Bodl Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 197-8
will allow this return of piety to one of the best Fathers that
ever man was blessed with.
My mother's family.
I must next say a little of "my Mother'. She was a
good religious woman but most violently engaged in the
Presbiterian way". Her family-^ was for above 50 years
the most eminent of any in Edinburgh that way. ''Her
brother ^ Sir Archibald Johnstone known by the title of the
Lord Warriston was esteemed the head of the party. "= He
commonly praied 5 or 6 hours a day", he had almost the
whole Scripture by heart, '' he had a heated imagination and
could not sleep above 3 hours in the 24. He was eager in
everything, and was a rank enthusiast "- He had the temper
of an Inquisitor in him* and spared no body, for tho my
Father had bred him and in his youth had managed all his
affairs, " he thought it a crime to shew any other favour to
him when he would not take their Covenant but to suffer him
to go and live beyond sea"- He did overdrive [/. 198] all
their councells and was the chieffe instrument of the ruine of
the party by the fury and cruelty of their proceedings in
which he was allwaies the principall leader. But after all
that appeared in his pyblike actings, ' he was a sincere and
selfe denied Enthusiast, and tho he had la (?)'' children he
never considered his family but was generous and charitable^
My knowledge of the Presbyterians.
By my Mother's numerous kinred and by the great esteem
they were in with the Ministers of that way I came to be well
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 672. " Ibid. 672-3. ■• Hist. i. 28. ^ Ibid.
» Life in Hist. ii. 673. ' Ibid., and Hist. i. 28.
' For Burnet's mother see supra, pp. shrewish tongue.
3, 30, 41, 86 ; Hist.K. 237 ; Cockburn, ^ See Morison's /oA«sfe« ofWarns-
Specimen, pp. 26-7 ; Elliot, Specimen, ion, 14-7.
p:62; andthestoryquoted by William " Mr. Airys statement, note 2 on
Morison in his Johnston of Warris- p. 43, vol. 1. of the i/is^. in his edition,
ton, p. 16, from Hailes, Memorials, ii. seems to be a slip of the pen.
75. The two later anecdotes suggest ' See Hist., Airy s ed. 1. 43, note i.
that the lady had a somewhat '- The Htst. says 13.
460 Burnet's Autobiography [1661
acquainted with the chieffe men of that persuasion. I could
never esteem them much I thought all was low and saw litle
of the sublime either of piety, vertue, or learning among them,
yet I must say on the other hand I saw so much sincere zeal,
such a sobriety and purety of deportment, such an application
to praier, to reading the Scriptures and a tru tho' over
scrupulous observance of the Lord's day, that this has for ever
secured me from uncharitable thoughts of them, or severe
proceedings against them. I never read their practicall
Divinity books, nor their volumes of sermons, for looking
sometimes accidentally into some of them I could not value
them nor indeed could I ever read the sermons of the Episco-
pall Divines, especially the then admired Bishop Andrews.
I began my study with relation to our home matters with
" Hooker's Ecclesiasticall Policy \sic\, which did so fixe me
that I never departed from the principles laid down by him ",
nor was I a litle delighted with the modesty and charity that
I observed in him which edified me as much as his book
instructed me. '' Soon after my Father's death my Brother
Robert died ; he was rising up to be very eminent in the law,
upon that my Mother's kinred pressed me much to return to
the study of the law, but I told them I had put my hand to
the plough, and so I could not look back ^.
My acgiiaintance with Mr. Nairti^.
At this time I grew into an acquaintance and afterwards
into a great friendship with " Mr. Nairn, then Minister of the
Abbey Church at Edinburgh. His preaching charmed me,
ther was a beauty of expression, a trueth of reasoning and
a noblenes of thought in it beyond any thing I had formerly
heard, so I resolved to make him my pattern *=. He was
a man of a warm but sweet temper, free and communicative
and decently cheerful. '' He opened a new scene to me and
put books of another sort in my hand than those I had
» Cf. Life in Hisl. ii. 675. *■ Ibid. 674-5; supra, p. 4. " LMeiaHist.ii-
675. d Ibid.
' See supra, p. 4.
i66r-2] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, / ig8 461
formetly dealt in. Smith's Select Discourses and Dr. H.
More's works were the first. He recomended also the reading
of Plato and the Platonists ^ and here I found a noble enter-
tainment. I observed he preached upon litle study tho by
hearing him I thought every word was chosen with a particular
care, upon that ''I asked him how he could perform as he did
upon so litle study. He upon that told me that he spent
much time every day in meditating and accustomed him selfe
to speak out his thoughts and to form them into proper
expressions upon all occasions'', he had made him selfe master
of the Scriptures, and of the body of Divinity, so that he was
well furnished with good materialls, he had a great purity of
expression, ''he was a man of a hevenly temper and just
principles. He was more moderate in the Presbiterian way
than any I had yet known among them ''. He submitted to
Episcopacy, but ^ would never be a Bishop himselfe, tho he
was often pressed to it ''. He read the epistles and letters of
great men and had a great collection of them, he said in these
he saw their thoughts in an originall simplicity and freedome ;
with him I spent many hours. ^ At this time I applied my
selfe to Philosophy and Mathematicks, and run thro Des
Cartes and Gassendi and George Keith, afterwards a famous
Quaker ^ and in conclusion as famous an ennemy to them, led
me -thro all the Elementary parts but not into Algebra or the
Conick Sections. "In. the year 1662 the Bishops who had
been consecrated at Westminster came down and made a
pompous entry into Edinburgh. I saw it and could not help
thinking that appearance of pride was no good beginning.
My happines in knowing Bishop Leighton,
^ I soon after made my selfe acquainted with Bishop
Leightoune in whom I saw a sublimity that amased me.
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 675. " Ibid, supra. " Cf. Hist. i. 215. ^ Ibid, supra.
« Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 675 ; Hist. i. 142-3 ; supra, p. 17. ' Cf. Hist. i. 134-9 i
Life in Hist. ii. 675 ; supra, pp. 9-i5> 3°-
' Here .begins the portion of the original Memoirs. See supra, pp. 4
Autobiography which runs parallel seq.
with the first extant fragment of the '' See supra, p. 30, and note 2.
462 Burnet's Autobiography [1662-3
I will repeat nothing concerning him that I have put in my
History, he grew very soon to so particular a liking to me
that it was the matter of universall observation and this con-
tinued without the least cloud or interruption for 22 years to
his death. He raised in me a just sense of the great end of
religion as a divine life in the soul that carried a man farre
above forms or opinions ^ I found all his words to me were
as Solomon sales of the words of the wise as nailes and goads
fastned in a sure place, for I never left him without carrying
with me a warm sense [/. 199] of those divine things with
which he had entertained me. ^ He advised me to read all
the Apologies and the short Treatises of the Fathers of the
first 3 centuries, which I did very carefully. I read also all
Binius' Collection of the Councells in a series with his notes
down to the ad Councel of Nice.
And Mr. Char ten's.
° I grew also well acquainted with Mr. Charteris, in whom
I saw a grave and solemne simplicity joined with great
pradence. '' He seemed dead to the world ""j had no mixture
of vanity or selfe conceit. He despised the greatest part of
that the world called learning ; he hated controversies and
disputes as dry and lifelesse things. ^ He loved the Misticall
Divines " and thought he found in them a . better savour of
divine matters than in most other writters. ^ There was no
affectation in him ^ his sermons were plain and easy ; litle
different from common discourse, insisting chiefly on our being
resigned in all things to the will of God and our loving and
obeying him^ and our living in the daily expectation of death
and judgment. ^ He had read all the Histories Ancient and
Modern that came in his way, ''with all books of travells 'and
the lives of great men ' ; he said these books gave him an
amusement without passion and a pleasant usefull enter-
° Cf. Hist. i. 134-9 > Life in Ht'sl. ii. 675 ; supra, pp. 9-15, 30. " Life
in HisU ii. 675. •> Ibid. 675-6. ^ Cf._ Hist. i. 215. » Ibid.
216. f Ibid. 215, and Life in Hist. ii. 675. s Cf. Life in Hist, ii.676,
and Hist. i. 216. " Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 676. i Cf. Hist. i. 216.
1663] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 198-9 463
/ went into England.
Thus I was prepared to go abroad into the world and
I resolved to see a litle of it. »■ I came to London » in the
year 16631 and studied to know as many eminent men in it
as I possibly could. "^ Thurscrosse was a devout but simple
man, Thorndike was dry and sullen. " I grew well acquainted
with Tillotson and Stillingfleet, who were then the most
eminent of the young Clergy, Whitscot and Wilkins= were
very free with me, and I easily went into the notions of the
Latitudinarians. Outram ^ and ^ Patrick ^ were then very much
and justly esteemed and were very moderate. I was also
particularly recomended to °Mr. Baxter" having read manny
of his books and having received great benefit by them, and
I was often with him. He seemed very serious in the great
matters of religion and very moderate in the points of con-
formity but I perceived he was credulous and easily heated
by those who came about him. I knew also ^Dr. Mantonf,
but he seemed to be too full of intrigues and was a more
artificiall man.
And saw both Universities.
3 1 staled some time at Cambridge and was much delighted
with Dr. More's conversation s. There was a sweet simplicity
in his whole manner that charmed me. ^ I shall never forget
one saying of his with relation to the disputes then on foot
concerning Church government and ritualls, he said none of
these things were so good as to make men good, nor so bad as
to make men bad, but might be either good or bad according
to the hands in which they fell. * Guning appeared so trifling
a man to me that I was amased to see him so much considered,
a vein of sophistry run thro all his discourses. ^ Pearson was
a man of another sort, judicious, grave and moderate. Burnet "^
who wrote the Theory of the earth " was the most considerable
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 676 ; supra, pp. 41, 43-7. ° Cf. supra, p. 45. " Supra,
pp. 45-6, and Life in Hist. ii. 676. * Life in Hist. ii. 676. ■• Supra, p. 46.
' Supra, p. 46. e Supra, p. 46, and Life in Hist. ii. 676. '' Life in
Hist. ii. 676. ' Supra, p. 46. ■■ Life in Hist. ii. 676.
• The Memoirs and Life say 1663. Master of the Charterhouse did not
' Author of De Sacrificiis. appear till 1681.
' The Telluris Theoria Sacra of the
464 Burnefs Autobiography [1663
among^those of the younger sort, Cudworth was in all
respects a great man ", but was then in a cloud as favouring
the Nonconformists. ''After I had staled some time at
Cambridge I went to Oxford. I was particularly recomerided
to Dr. Wallis and was so kyndly used by him that it gave
some jealousy of me to others, ■'yet my having read the
Fathers and Councells so much reconciled even the highest
of them to me. '' I was much delighted with Dr. Pocock's
company who was learned '\ humble ^ and moderate. " Dr. Fell
used me very kindly, he was learned, pious and very zealous,
but set too great a value on litle things. ^ There was something
nobly sweet and great in Dr. AUestry ^. Bernard had such
beginnings that I thought he would have proved a greater
man ^ than he afterwards appeared to be. » After some weeks
stay at the two Universities I returned to London s fully
undeceived of the high opinion I had formerly of them, when
I came into England I thought to have made a longer stay in
one or other of them, Cambridge answered my expectation
more, but Guning, Sparrow and Beaumon[t] carried things so-
high that I saw latitude and moderation were odious to the
greater part even there.
/ was known to Mr. Boyle.
*■ At my return to London I was by Dr. Wallis recomended
to Mr. Boyle "^ with whom I lived ever after that to his dying
day, in a close and entire friendship, 'he had the purity of an
angell in him, he was modest and humble rather to a fault.
He despised all earthly things ', he was perhaps too eager in
the pursute of knowledge, but his aim. in it all was to raise in
him a higher sense of the wisdome and glory of the Creator
and to do good to mankind, he studied the Scripture with
" Life in Hisi. ii. 676. '' Ibid., and supra, p. 47. ° Life in Hist ii. 676.
"i Ibid. " Ibid., and supra, p. 47. ' Supra, p. 47. e Supra, p. 47, and
Life in Hist. ii. 676. >> Life as above. ' Hist. i. 193.
' The modesty of the famous orient- implied disparagement of this famous
alist seems to have been proverbial. scholar.
- It is not quite easy to explain the
1663] Bodl, Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 199-200 465
great application and " practised universall love and goodnes
in the greatest extent possible % and was a great promoter of
■ love and charity among men and a declared ennemy to all
bitternes and most particularly to all [/. aoo] persecution on
the account of religion.
And to S\ir\ R. Murray.
^ My^chieffe acquaintance at London that proved of the
greatest use and advantage to me was with S[ir] Robert
Murray who indeed treated me as a father. I was with him
every day and was directed by him in all things, and which
was the most important as well as the most necessary thing
I was admonished and chid by him for every thing that he
knew or saw amisse in me. I was very forward and was too
apt to shew how much I knew of every thing so he gave me
great lessons of humility and modesty. He recommended
Epictetus much to me for he had poised his own mind with
his maxims so equally that he did not seem moved with any
thing that could happen to him. I never could observe the
least change of countenance or behaviour in him by any thing
that befell him, tho I know on manny occasions accidents
happened to him that would have shaken even a firm mind but
they did not so much as move him ^. He set me a noble
scheme of life both with relation to my studies and to the
function to which he knew I intended to dedicate my selfe.
Atid Mr. Drtimmond.
" There was another Gentleman who seemed then dying of
a consumption but lived ten year longer, Mr. Drummond who
had lived i2 year in London" and was in great esteem with
all who knew him. I was particularly recommended- to him
and found him in all things as a brother. He told me how
to make way to all the persons to whom he addressed me
he cautioned me as to every one of them, to engage them
upon the subjects that would be most pleasant to them, and
most usefull to my selfe, and he made strict enquiries into my
• Hist. i. 193. " Life in Hist. ii. 676 ; Hist. i. 59-60 ; supra, pp. 43-6.
c Supra, pp. 44-5.
466 Burnet's Autobiography [1664
behaviour and "used all the plaines of a kind and even of
a severe monitor with me. '' By these means my journey into
England, tho but of six moneths continuance, was of great use
to me*" anck: though I had designed a further journey, yet I
thought it best to come back to Scotland and to reflect on all
that I had seen and known ; and then by the next season to
travell farther. " I was much pressed to enter into Orders
and to accept of a Benefice. I was invited to go into the
Westerne parts with the offer of one of the best Churches in
the countrey : but I was happily diverted from it " for if I had
gone thither probably I might have been engaged unto the
passions and interests of a party by the provocations that
might have been given me by the perverse people in those
parts. '' Sir Robert Fletcher a Gentleman of great vertue and
very learned in the Mathematicks, had while he travelled and
was at Paris, been used by my Father who was then there,
with such particular care and kyndnes that he owned to manny
that he owed more to my Father than ever he did to man next
his own Father ; so he hearing a favorable character of me
desired to be acquainted with me ^ and invited me to his house
at Saltoun.
r was offered Saltan a Benefice in Scotland.
His Minister Mr. Scowgall was named to be Bishop of
Aberdeen, so as soon as Sir Robert heard me preach he made
the offer of that Church to me. I had indeed projected that
Mr. Nairn should come into that Church and I was resolved
to accept a smaller one in that neighbourhood, so I told Sir
Robert I could not entertain his offer but desired him to pitch
on Mr. Nairn ; I added I intended to travell for some moneths.
This did not move him for he had setled his thoughts on me,
and he said he would keep the place vacant till I returned, for
the Bishop was not Consecrated till some moneths after that.
I upon that consented to accept of it and I quickly set out to
travell again.
» Supra, p. 45. '' Life in Hist. ii. 676. " Cf. ibid. ; Hist. i. 155 ;
supra, p. 28. ^ Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 676 ; supra, pp. 85-6. " Life in
Hist. ii. t-jS--] ; supra, pp. 88-9.
x664] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 2^,ff. 200 and 202 467
/ wenl beyond sea.
* I went by London to Holland and after a ramble of some
weeks, I selled at Amsterdam, to the wonder of all who went
to Holland for their studies. I had another designe I had
a learned Jew to perfect me in the Hebrew, but my chieffe
designe was to know the best men of the severall forms of
religion there, to iestablish me in the principles of universal
charity and of thinking well of those who differed from me. I
knew the Arminiaris, the Lutherans, the Anababtists, the
Brownists, the Papists and the Unitarians ; and I must say
that I saw among them all some who were so very good that
I was by this not a litle confirmed in my resolutions never to
go in to severe methods on the account of religion "- The most
eminent men in Leyden were ^ Golius ^ and Heydanus ^.
Cocceius ^ was beginning to vent his singularities upon the
Prophets but was then very litle considered. " I saw old
Voetius, who was a sour rigid man. '' From runing round these
Provinces I went thro the Spanish Netherlands to Paris. At
Paris I made a large acquaintance I did admire Dailies
learning and Morus's eloquence Charenton was then much
divided by a quarrell between those two great [/. 20a] men.
Morus's way of preaching was much admired: he had an
inimitable fire with a great variety of thoughts that lay out
of the common roadj that both surprised and pleased the
audience, his manner was lively and looked like one inspired,
but he had too much of the stage in his way ; and those
flights that passed well in a pathetick discourse could not bear
a strict examination. I was much improved in my scheme of
preaching by what I saw in him, and found a great deal both
to imitate and to correct. " I could not bear the false eloquence
and the forced gestures of the Monks ; I heard one Secular
" Life in Hist. ii. 677 ; Hist. i. 207 ; supra, pp. 90-4. '' Supra, p. 94. ' Supra, p.
91. ■! Life in Htst. ij. 677 ; Hist. i. 207 ; supra, pp. 95-6. " Supra, pp. 96-7.
^Abraham Heydanus (1597-1678), head of the 'Hoogeschool' at Leyden
head of the ' Hoogeschool ' at Leyden from 1650 to his death. This ' immor-
from 164810 1676, a moderate man, and tal writer' {vide Van der Aa, iii. 518-
a disciple of Descartes (Van der Aa, so), whose piety was as remarkable
viii. 395-8). as his intellectual independence,
' Johannes Cocceius (1603-69) was headed the opposition to Voetius.
H h a
468 Burnetts Autobiography [1664
Priest that pleased me much. I went to manny of the Re-
ligious houses but saw nothing that pleased me among them.
•I met with none of the Mysticks : and the Jansenists were
then so much depressed that they kept them selves in great
retirement, and so I could not find a way to be admitted to
see any of them. ° The Lord Hollis then Ambassadour at the
Court of France used me with great freedome and kindnes.
^ After some weeks stay at Paris I returned back to England,
" I was then ^ recomended by Sir Robert Murray to be a
Fellow of the Royall Society" and after a course of these
small travells ^ for seven moneths I came home to Scotland in
the end of the year 1664. '^A few daies after Sir Robert
Fletcher came and carried me with him to Salton.
I prepared my selfe for holy Orders.
When I was presented to that Church I choose to continue
among them 4 moneths preaching constantly before I took
Orders : I resolved to know all the parish and to be known of
them, before I would engage my selfe to them ^. They all
came without any one exception to me and desired me to
come and labour among them ''- So I resolved to prepare my
selfe for that the best I could. I knew I had a great deal .to
answer for to God and the Church : * I had a perfeit health
capable of labour and study, I had a good memory and an
imagination that was but too lively. I had a copious fluency
of expression ", all these nature or rather the author of nature
had furnished me with. I had the greatest advantages in the
progresse of my life from my first beginings under my Father,
to that day, of any man that I knew. ' Three of the greatest
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 677 ; Hist. i. 207 ; supra, p. 95. •< Cf. Life in Hist. ii.
677 ; supra, p. 98. " Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 677 ; supra, p. 89. ^ Cf. Life in
Hist. ii. 677. " Ibid. 676. ' Ibid, supra.
' See supra, p. 89, note 3. Miscellany, iii. 393-5, show that the
^ Here concludes the portion which Bishop of Edinburgh's letter in his
runs parallel with the first Harleian favour was received Nov. 10, 1664 ;
fragtoent. that his ' trials ' were completed by
^ The ' Extracts from the . . . pro- Dec. 15, 1664 ; and that he was in-
ceedings of the Presbytery of Had- stituted by Laurence Chafteris after
dington,' printed in the Bannntyne June 15, 1665.
1664-5] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, / 202 469
Clergymen * and two of the best Laymen of the age who were
all eminent in different waies ''had concurred to finish an
education that was well began ^, so I had much to answer for
and tho I laboured under a load of selfe conceit and vanity,
and was excessivly forward in discourse, yet I thank God I
had gone long under tru and deep impressions of religion, but
I had not kept them up allwaies in one state I had been
often under great dissipation I now entred upon a more
serious view of niy selfe, and of the function to which I was to
be dedicated. I resolved to give my selfe wholly to it, and
to direct all my studies that way. A melancholy accident
happned that took out of my way the greatest diversion that
seemed to He before me. Fletcher delighted in the Mathe-
maticks, but could not break in upon Algebra, so I had
a Master at London that carried me thro Oughtred', and to
Sir Robert's great joy I taught him that. That winter a great
comet appeared and we observed it manny nights : this had
so ill an effect on him that it brought a feaver on him of which
he died ^, so here a full stop was put to my Mathematicall
studies which was a great happines to me for I was much
taken with them and I -had such a memory that I could carry
on a progresse of equations long without pen ink or paper, so
that I was pursued with them day and night. This change
put me in a better disposition to follow the duties of my
function. "I was ordained a Priest in February 1665"=, and I
set about the care of my parish in so particular a manner and
with such successe that I will set down the method I held in
for the 5 years that I continued there.
My labours in my parish.
I first consider[ed] how to preach to the edification of the
people who were of a low form two considerable families only
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 676. " Ibid. " Ibid. 678.
■ The Clavis Mathemaiica of William workj and the comments of Cock-.
Oughtred was the textbook of the burn, Specimen, pp. 30-2. He says
day on Algebra and Arithmetic. Sir Robert's family were greatly dis-
" See his funeral sermon (printed pleased with it.
anonymously), Burnet's first published
470 Burnet's Autobiography [1665-9
excepted. "■ I saw what a labour preaching was to manny who
wrote their sermons and then got them by heart, for none do
read in Scotland, so I resolved to follow a freer and easier way
the hints of which I had from Mr. Nairn \ I read the Scripture
with great application and got a great deal of it by heart and
accustomed my selfe as I was riding or walking to repeat par-
cells of it. I went thro the Bible to consider all the texts propef
to be preached on and studied to understand the literall mean-
ing of the words and the right way of expounding and applying
them. '' I accustomed my selfe on all occasions to form my
meditations into discourse and spoke aloud what occurred to
my thoughts ^, I went over the body' of Divinity frequently,
both the speculative and the practical, [/. 203] chiefly the
last, and formed a way of explaining every part of it in thef
easiest and clearest way I could, and "= I spent a great part of
every day in talking over to my selfe my thoughts of those
matters '^, but that which helped me most was that I studied
to live in frequent recollection observing my selfe and the
chain of thoughts that followed all good or bad inclinations,
and thus by a course of meditation and praier I arrived at
a great readines in preaching that has continued with me ever
from that time. To give me more life in all this I pursued
a method of praier in such a compasse that I had all my sins
and infirmities all my duties and obligations .daily in my view,
going thro a full survey of every thing relating to my selfe
and to all others in whom I was concerned with particular
meditations and praiers upon them all, and this I could enlarge
to manny hours or shorten so as to bring it within one hour
every day.
Next to my private thoughts I resolved to make the care of
my parish a constant labour to me "^ I preached twice every
Lord's day and once in the week I catechised all my parish
4 times a year"*. We catechised in Scotland all old and
young, masters of families and servants, and indeed all ex-
cept those whose education set them above the suspition of
ignorance. *= This I did 3 times a week ®, except in the seasona
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 675. ^ Ibid. <: Ibid. J Ibid. 678. » Ibid.
1665-9] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 202-3 471
of hard labour. I quickly brought all my parish to such a
degree of knowledge that they answered me to the sense of
the questions I asked without sticking to the words of any
catechisme, and in doing this I explained things copiously to
them and turned to the Scriptures proper to the severall sub-
jects which was so well received by them that great numbers
came to be catechised, and one family coming after another
I have been kept often three hours in a catecheticall exercise.
" I went round my parish at least twice a year and visited
every house and spoke with every person as there was occasion
for it, reproving, exhorting, or comforting them. I visited
every person that was sick every day *, for the Church and my
house stood almost in the center of the parish, the remotest
house not being above a mile's distance from it. '' I gave the
Sacrament 4 times a year and spoke to every individuall per-
son that desired to receive it '' : thus I gave my selfe up wholly
to the pastorall care. " I knew every person in my parish and
all their concerns : ^ and living frugally I gave all that was
over and above' my necessary subsistence in charity among
them. ® I had all their hearts to a very great degree ', even
the Presbiterians among them loved me beyond expression,
tho I was the only man that I heard of in Scotland that used
the forms of the Common praier ", not reading but repeating
My private studies were the reading the New Testament in
Greek over and over again without any Comentary to de-
termine me, but only with dictionaries and concordances that
I might by my own industry comprehend the designe of those
writings. ' I also read all the books I could find to help me
to see wliat the Primitive Constitution of the Church was, and
- Life in Hist. ii. 678. " Ibid. " Ibid, infra. ^ Ibid, supra.
» Ibid, infra. ' Ibid.
1 Alexander Cunningham, whose the other hand, fully confirms Burnet's
writings betray a personal animus -own account of his labours, his aus-
against Burnet, and who speaks of terities, and his self-conceit (S/rawOT,
his labours in his first parish with pp. 32-3)- See also Bannatyne Mts-
vindictive and irrelevant disparage- cellany, iii. 395, for the approbation
ment, maintains that he was very expressed by Burnet s elders at the
unpopular {Hist. i. 30). Cockburn, on visitation of July, 1666.
472 Burnet's Autobiography [1665-9
what were the rules by which the Bishops and Priests of those
times governed themselves. S. Cyprian was my chiefife author
but I carried my search into other writters as far as I could.
/ was much offended with the inethode the Bishops took.
By this I saw that our Bishops observed none of the
Primitive rules, while yet they fetched the chiefe arguments
for their Order from those times. *They neglected their
Diocesses ", scarce ever preached, * they were raising their own
families, and above all were persecuting those who would
not submit to them''. Of the particulars relating to this
I say no more in this place because they will be found in my
History. ''This heated me to a great degree so I drew
up a long and warm Memoriall ^ of all their abuses and sent
copies of that to all the Bishops of my acquaintance. They
treated me very severly on that occasion and threatned me
with high censures, but the thing had got abroad and was
so well liked that they thought fit to dismisse me with a
reprimend for my presumption. Upon this I resolved to
let the world see that I had done nothing on designe to make
my selfe popular. I retired from company, I staled constantly
at home, * I entered into an ascetick course of life for two
years till the whole masse of my blood was corrupted by
my ill diet, so that two great feavers in two subsequent years
convinced me that I ought not to continue longer in that
course of ill food ^ The last feaver was of 30 dales continu-
ance and for some hours * I seemed to be in the last agony",
and for some minutes lay as dead. Upon "my recovery
I returned to more compliance with my body. But one
happy thought gave a great change to the course of my
studies. I had till then pursued them in a great compasse
and had the vanity to designe to be an eminent and distin-
° Cf. Hist. i. 217. " Jbid. "= Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 678-9 ; Hist, i, 217.
•J Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 678-9. " IM.
' See Cockburn, pp. 33-43 (quoted seems to be a reference to Scougall's
by Mr. Airy, note, Hist, in loco) ; conduct in the Preface to the Life of
and supra, p. 40, note i. There Bedel.
1665-9] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 203 and 201 473
guished scholar. I had not the humility to repent of this
and to abhorre it and so I resolved for the [/. aoi] remaining
part of my life no more to pursue the vanity or curiosity
of being thought a learned man, and only to read books
as an entertainment when no better thing was to be done
and to this resolution I have adhered from that time to this
day, so that any measure of knowledge I have arrived at since
that time has come on me as my station or other circum-
stances engaged me in my hours of leisure to study.
/ studied Misticall Divinity.
With my ascetick course of life I joined the reading all
the Misticall Authors I could find ; in particular all Teresa's
works. They are all brought into a sisteme by Baker in his
Sancta Sophia^. I read also volumes of the Lives of the
Saints of the Church of Rome, but these are of such a
fabulous and ridiculous contexture, that it was no small
exercise to my patience to bear with them. The Misticks
are writters of a better strain: but being writ by recluse,
melancholy people they are full of rank Enthusiasme, and
if in the Church of Rome they had not set up the principle
of submitting to the Church and of being resigned to the
conduct of a confessor as the superiour principle to which all
are to subject themselves, their Misticall Divinity must have
led them to all the extravagancies of Enthusiasme. I have
often wondred to find that my course of life and of study
both concurring that way, I was never in danger of being
misled. But as I had nothing of the spleen or melancholy
in my naturall constitution, so my Philosophical! studies had
taught me to distinguish between the effect of a heat in the
' He alludes to the Sancta Sophia, or orthodoxy and to men of the world ;
Directions for ihe Prayer of Contempla- see Hickes, Some discourses, pp. 23-5,
Hon drawn up by FaUier Serenus Leslie's Character of an Enthusiast,
Cre'ssy from the writings of Father and the ludicrous exaggerations of.
Baker (a convert to Roman Catholi- Cunningham, Hist. i. 124, 211 ; and
cism), published at Douay in 1657. they would have been yet more offen-
The suppression of Burnet's mystical sive to eighteenth-century rationalism ;
leanings in his son's account is no see Portland MSS. (H. M. C.) vii.
doubt deliberate. They had given 367-8.
scandal in his own day, both to a rigid
474 Burnet's Autobiography [1666-9
animal spirits, which was mechanicall and that which lay in
the superiour powers of the soul.
A}i extraordinary effect of histericall fitts.
A happy accident at. that time let me see that seeming
raptures . might flow from natural] causes. The Countesse
of Belcarras with whom I had lived in great friendship for
manny years sent for me to come to her in all hast: when
I came she told nie her daughter^ had fitts of a strange
nature, in which she lay waking, but knew no body : she
spoke all the while like "one in heaven as if she had been
conversing with God and the holy Angells. She spoke
without interruption as long as the fitt lasted, and said she
had a vision of the number of hours in which that converse
with God was to last, and when the hour she had named
came, she fell into a short slumber and wakened clear in
her head, but knew nothing that she had been doing or
saying ; her spirits were sunk, for her fits lasted manny hours,
the last was about 10 hours long. She was then about 18
and was an extraordinary person in all respects. I appre-
hended there was something belonging to her sexe in the
case, so I advised her Mother to send for a phisitian. He
set nature right and she had no more fitts. I had heard
of other instances of this sort, but never knew any besides
this : in it I saw how Nuns by their state of life might be
subject to such fits, so stories of that sort among them are
not all to be rejected as fictions, nor to be entertained as
things supernaturall.
Upon the whole matter I will deliver my sense of my
course of life and studies very freely. I learned indeed to
neglect my body and to live upon litle. I grew to dispise
the world, and had so litle need of wealth that I contemned
it. I loved solitude and silence and so I avoided manny
' This must have been Lady Henri- Crawford's Memoir of Lady Anna
etta Lindsay, her youngest daughter, Mackenzie, pp. 111-38 passim. She
whose religious zeal and supposed married in 1678 Sir Duncan Campbell
prophetic visions are noted in Lord of Auchinbreclc.
1666-9] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24,^ 201 and 204 475
tentations, but I was out of measure conceited of my selfe,
vain and desirous of fame beyond expression. I grew into
a superstitious overvaluing of the severities I underwent, and
became very scrupulous in all the circumstances relating td
them : the worst of all was I undervalued those who did not
practise the same things. I never felt any internall appre-
hension of extraordinary impulses, tho I cannot deny but
I desired mightely to feel them, if such things were to be
felt, and I was sometimes very near a resolution of abandoning
the world and of going into some remote places in a dis-
guised habit where none knew me that so I might instruct
poor people as being one of themselves, and a very small
impulse would have carried me to this, for my imagination
was much heated with it. Thus I have given a very plain
and tru account of my life and labours at Salton. At the
end of my stay there "the scene of our MiTiistry was much
changed, for there was a great mildnes in the administration
and most of those [/. 204] who were then put in the Ministry
were my particular friends, so I was often called for and
advised with by them. Moderation was then the word as
much as the execution of the lawes was formei'ly driven on.
Great Moderation in the administration.
^ I had been long acquainted with Lady Margaret Kennedy,
a daughter of the Earle of Cassilis ; " she was a very extra-
ordinary woman and a most zealous Presbyterian, and in
great credit and esteem with them. '^Therfe was some kinred
between us "*, but my moderation was the chieffe thing that
recommended me to her. °She lived in a most particular
friendship with the Dutchesse of Hamilton, /who is^ a woman
of a great understanding, eminently devout and charitable
and indeed a pattern of vertue. She would never medle to
« Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 679. ■> Sttpra, pp. 84-5. "= Supra, pp. 84-5 ; Life in
Hist. ii. 681. d Supra, p. 84. " Life in Hist. ii. 681. ' Hist. i. 376.
' Anne, Duchess of Hamilton in her created Duke of Hamilton), survived
own right (married April 29, 1656, to Burnet, dying in 1716 at the age of 80.
William Douglas, Earl of Selkirk,
476 Burnet's Autobiography [1666-9
dispute in matters of speculation, but went on this ground
that the Presbiterians were better men, better preachers and
more successefuU in their labours than the Episcopall Clergy*.
Sir Robert Murray had given her such a character of me that
she being at Edinburgh ''desired my acquaintance and after
some conversation with her she desired me to come on a visit
to Hamilton. "= I staled there for some dales and I had a very
particular information of the state of the Countrey brought
me by manny hands of different sorts ; '' things there were
in a very lamentable condition, the Clergy were a sad pack
of people and were so much hated that upon the slackning
the rigorous execution of the lawes they were universally
deserted by their people. Scandalous reports passed upon
most of them and they were generally believed, the people
were running either into grosse ignorance or into wild fanati-
cisme, some of the most extravagant of their teachers drew
multitudes after them and filled their heads with nianny
strange conceits, while the more sober of that persuasion
were cautious and looked on without interposing; °so it was
proposed that these who were the more moderate of the
Presbiterians might be put into some of the vacant Churches
to keep the people in some order, ^and I was so farre con-
vinced of this that I made the motion in a letter that I wrote
to the court.
8 This came afterwards to be known and drew the hatred
of the Episcopall party on me to such a degree that I could
never overcome it. •'While I was at Hamilton I became
acquainted with him that was Rector of the University of
Glasgow. He was so well pleased with me that he proposed
to that body to choose me to be Divinity Professor there,
in this he prevailed so that they sent him to me with a Decree
choosing me to fill that chair. All my friends^ advised me
° Cf. Hist. i. 276. ' Life in Hist. ii. 679. ■= Cf. Hist. i. 280.
•> Ibid. 247, 273, 276-7. " Ibid. 276-7. ' Ibid. 280. b Ibid. 281.
" Life in Hist. ii. 679 ; Hist. i. 287.
' Cockburn maintains that Leighton frain from politics {Specimen, pp.
on this occasion urged Burnet to re- 45-6).
1669-73] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, / 204 477
to accept of it \ They thought me capable of filling the post
and of doing the Church great service in it. '' I confesse the
lamentations of the good people of Salton made my parting
with them very hard to me^. It is not easy for me to
expresse the violence of the passion they expressed nor the
manny tears that they shed on that occasion.
/ ivas made Diviitity Professor at Glasgow.
But at last I left them tho not without great uneasines,
and "in November, 1669, 1 removed to Glasgow. I continued
4 year and a halfe there in no small exercise of my patience.
The Presbiterians hated me because they thought I was
taking methods to establish Episcopacy among them, the
Episcopall party did not love moderation nor the slackning
the execution of the lawes °, so between them I had few friends
and manny enemies. The violent prejudices they took up
against Bishop Leightoun with whom I lived in an entire
confidence encreased their ill opinion of me. I preached
constantly in the town and in the places about it, and went
oft to Hamilton but I could never overcome the prejudices
of the Presbiterians. ''My chieffe busines was to form the
students of Divinity right, and I laid down a plann for if*
which made all my friends uneasy because they thought it was
not possible for me to hold out long in it, yet ° I let no part
of it fall all the while I staled there. I will set it all down,
because every one approved of the scheme, only they thought
it ought to be the work of two or three men and that it was
too much for one.
My performances there.
On Moonday I made all the students in course explain a part
of the body of Divinity in Latine with a Thesis and answer
all the arguments that the rest could make against it, arid
I concluded it with a determination of my own in Latine.
On Tuesday I had a Prelection in Latine in which I designed
• Cf. Life in Hist. ii.-679 ; Hist. i. 287. " Life, as above. -^ Ibid.,
and Hist. i. 287-8. "> Life in Hist. ii. 679. " Ibid. 679-80.
478 Burnet's Autobiography [1669-73
to go thro a body of Divinity in about 10 or 13 years time,
so that I was not gone halfe way when I left the place,
On Wednesday I went thro a Criticall Commentary on
St. Mathews Gospell for a whole hour which I delivered in
English and went quite thro that Gospell. On Thursday
I expounded a Psalm in Hebrew, comparing it with the 70,
the vulgar and our version and explained the meaning of
it, and by turns on the next Thursday I explain[ed] the
constitution and the rituall [/. ac6] of the Prinaitive Church
and made the Aposticall Canons my text bringing every
particular that I opened to them to one of these Canons.
On Fryday I made the students in course preach a short
sermon upon a text that I gave them,- and when that was
ended I shewed them what was defective or amisse in the
sermon and how the text ought to have been opened and
applied. Besides all this I called them all together in the
evening every day to praiers, and after praiers I read a parcell
of Scripture to them, and after I had explained it I made
a short sermon for a quarter an hour \sic\ upon it. I then
asked them what difficulties they met with in their studies, and
answered such questions as they put to me. Thus I applied
my selfe for 8 moneths in a year to answer the ends of
a professor with the diligence of a schoolmaster^. This
obliged me to much hard study. I rose early and studied
close from 4 to lo for six hours, but was forced to throw
up the rest of the day, partly for the use of students and
partly for hearing the complaints of the Clergy and for receiving
the applications made to me, for it was understood that I had
some credit with those who governed, so this drew much
trouble upon me.
' Burnet, like Arnold, was clearly in small admiration of the vulgar' ; and
his element as a pedagogue. Cunning- that his praises of virginity and the
ham, as usual, makes Burnet's conduct state of widowhood (after the manner
at this time the text for ill-natured gibes ; of St. Jerome) rendered his subsequent
says he preached a compound of Ar- marriages very ridiculous [Hist. i. 30).
minianism and Calvinism ' to the no
1671] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, j^ 204 and 206 479
/ wrote the memoirs of the dukes of Hamilton.
I made manny visits to Hamilton " which lay within 8 mile
of Glasgow, and ^ growing into a high measure of favour with
the Duke and Dutchesse'', and having a just esteem of them
I took pleasure to be for some dates there wher I was very
easy and free. "^ I offered my service to the Dutchesse to
examine the papers she had with relation to her Father and
her Uncle's ministry. She had kept them carefully but
had not till then found a person that she thought fit to trust
them to. She had such an entire confidence in me that she
put them all in my hands ", and I read them with great care.
I saw by all the common books that her Father had been
hated by both parties, so this inclined me to think he was the
moderate man who has comonly that fate. This gave me
first the curiosity to examine into all his actions. I say no
more here of that work having said so much of it in my other
works. Besides all that was fit to be published, I saw manny
other particulars that gave me a clear view into those times
and to the chieffe actors in them. ^ This brought the character
of King Charles the first very low with me *, but the Earl of
Clarendon's History ^ sunk it- quite. " As soon as the L[ord]
Lawderdale knew that I had entred on this work, he desired
me to come up to London and to lay it before him for he was
sure he could give it a finishing.
Upon that J went to Court.
Upon that I went to Court where I was treated by him with
so particular a confidence that if I had pleased and would have
followed the methods of a Court, I could easily have made
a great fortune under him. All the addition he gave to my
work was with relation to those passages in which he had a
share. I took them all readily from him, but could not bring
my selfe to comply with his brutall imperious humours. One
• Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 679-80. '' Ibid., and Hist. i. 298. = lUd.
Life in Hist. ii. 683 ; Hist. i. 363.
h Life in His/, ii. 683 ; Hist. i. 372.
I i a
484 Burnet's Autobiography [1674-5
I fell in Disgrace at Court.
The trueth was the D[uke] of Lauderdale had put himselfe
so much in my power by speaking So freely to me that I had
reason to believe he would shut me" up and keep me close,
" so upon that I resigned my Professorship * and resolved to
cast my selfe on the Providence of God.
[/. 304 (3)] ^ At this time the open breach between the
Duke of Lauderdale and me exposed me to an examination
before the House of Commons concerning him*". I say no
more of that in this place having said so much of it in my
History that I have nothing to adde here concerning it. It
was a great errour in me to appear in that matter and seemed
to be a great misfortune, but it has proved since a very great
blessing to me, it raised such a spirit in the Court against me
that it obliged me to so much diligence and to such caution
that in the series of my life I thank God "it has proved
a happy deliverance from Courts and intrigues in which I
was at that time so farre engaged that it was not easy by
any other way to free me from them". This delivered me
from them all. [/. 305 resumed?^
T preached long at the Rolls.
■"Not long after that the L[ord] Holies sent for me and
directed me to go to S[i]r Harbottle Grimston M[aste]r of the
Rolls and he presently entertained [me] to be Preacher at the
Rolls. The Court thought me a man of that consequence
that they sent first a Bishop and then a Secretary of State to
prevail with him to dismisse me, but he was not to be moved
in the matter. By this means I had a settlement in London
in which I continued ten year all to one Term [sic'] ^. That
which made this look to me like somewhat of a very par-
ticular Providence was, that as it came to me without any
thought or procurement of my own, so it happned at the very
time I think in the very week that my marriage came to be
° Life in Hist. ii. 683 ; Hist. i. 372. i^^ Cf. Hist. i. 373, 379-80. " Life
in Hist. ii. 684 -j'Hist. i. 380. 4 Ibid., and Life in Hist. ii. 684.
1675-84] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24,^. 205, 204 {h), 205 485
known in Scotland, so it looked as if God was watching over
me for good since I had the face of a small subsistance to
bring my wife to. Here I applied my selfe to preach with
great care, it was only in Term time that I was obliged to
preach but I was imploid in one place or another in the
vacation time. I hope I did some good there as appeared
not only by the croud at the Chappell of the Rolls but
by manny who seemed to have arrived at a better sense of
things and a change of life by my ministry there. " I happned
also in looking for a house to fall accidentally on the
next house ^ to S[i]rTho. Litleton* knowing nothing con-
cerning him. But I soon found that he was one of the
considerablest men in the Nation. He was at the head of
the opposition that was made to the Court - and '' living con-
stantly in Town he was exactly informed of every thing that
past^ He came to have an entire confidence in me so that
for six year together "^we were seldome two dales without
spending some hours together. I was by his means let in to
all their secrets ", and indeed without the assistance I had
from him I could never have seen so clearly into affairs as
I did. "^ We argued all the matters that he perceived were to
be moved in the House of Commons '^ till he thought he was
a master of all that could be said on the subject, and °it was
observed of him that in all debates in the House of Commons
he reserved himselfe to the conclusion and what he spoke
commonly determined the matter °. But tho my spirits were
much dissipated upon my coming to England for a year or
two, yet I thank God I recovered my selfe and returned to
my profession and the exercises and studies belonging to it.
^The apprehensions of Popery obliged us to study these
controversies with application, ^ and the conference in which
" Cf. Hist. i. 389. '' Ihid. ' Ibid. ^ Ibid. " Ibid, supra.
' Life in Hist. ii. 685. e Ibid., and Hist. i. 395.
' It was in Lincoln's Inn Fields, Answer to the Criminal Letters).
'near the Plow Inn ' (see the Crimi- ' For Littleton see Hist., Mr. Airy's
nal Letters against Dr. Burnet). He ed., i. 414 (and notes a and 2), 415
remained there from 1674 or 1675 till (and notes a and i) ; Dalrymple, ed.
the winter of 1681-2, when he re- 1790, vol. i. Review, chap. iv. App.
moved to Brook Buildings (see his p. 381.
486 Burnet's Autobiography [1676-80
Dr. Stillingfleet and my selfe were engaged with Mr. Coleman
and others as it made for some time great noise so it set me
as in the front of those who opposed Popery.
r -wrote severall books.
* The publishing the Memoires of the Dukes of Hamilton
made some think me capable of writting History, and that
set my friends on engaging me to write ^ the History of our
Reformation in which I took so particular a method and
succeeded so well in it, that it gave me a very generall reputa-
tion. " I was called on to assist manny who lay a dying
particularly one with whom Wilmot E[arl] of Rochester had
an ill concern. He heard that in a long attendance on
her I treated her neither with a slack indulgence nor an
affrighting severity, upon that he sent for me and in manny
discourses with him I saw into the depths of Satan, and by
a winter's conversation generally once a week I went thro
much ground with him, and as he owned to me I subdued his
understanding" but the touching his heart was that which God
reserved to himselfe and which followed some time after that ^.
He had been a malicious observer of the applications the
Clergy made at Court for preferment, and fortified himselfe
and others with prejudices against religion by the observa-
tions he made on their behaviour, and this made him so
partiall [/. 307] to me because he observed nothing of aspiring
to preferment in me. He told me he said to King Charles after
the 1st Volume of my History of the Reformation came out,
he wondered why he would use a writer of History ill, for
such people can revenge themselves, the King answered I
durst say nothing while he was alive when he was dead
he should not be the worse for what I said. He gave me
very strange impressions of that King and indeed of the
" Cf. Hist. i. 395-6. l* Ibid., and Life itTHist. ii. 683. " Cf. Life in
Hist. ii. 685.
' Burnet frequently alludes to this by the Historical Society. For un-
subject in his contemporary letters to favourable comments on the affair, see
the Marquis of Halifax (then reputed Cunningham, i. 50.
an atheist), which are to be published
i68o] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 205 and 207 487
whole Court. * After his death I was advised to write a book,
what I published concerning him ", I wrote it with the utmost
sincerity and trueth. I began now to have some fame by
writing, and I will give an account of the rules I governed
myselfe by in writting.
My rules as to the writing of Books.
''The Bishop of Worcester Dr. Lloyd had studied the
nature of language in generall and of ours in particular very
exactly when he drew the Tables for Wilkins' Philosophical!
language and Reall Character and had the truest notions of
a correct stile of any man I ever saw. He opened all these
to me'' which helped me to see manny errours that had run
thro all my former writtings. " I kept close to his rules and
so came to have the reputation of a correct writter as to stile ".
I used likewise another method. I never published any book
without shewing it to severall persons before it went to the
presse, and I was very implicite in submitting to their censure
in every thing. Tillotson and Lloyd were the persons I
generally made use of this way. I also shewed what I wrot
to some persons of a lesse knowing but judicious sort with
this intention that if they found any thing too dark or too
short I might consider how to correct that. I considered
that if I wrote any thing that my friends did not approve of,
certainly my Enemies or envious Criticks would be severe on
me for it. This in a great measure saved me from reflections
on the things that I wrote. I wrote manny litle books which
were all so well received that they sold well and helped to
support me, so that tho I had no great plenty about me yet I
was in no want of anything. I had great presents often offered
to me but refused them all except those which were made to
help me to bear the charge I was put to while I was preparing
materialls for the History of the Reformation \ Upon all
other occasions I excused my selfe in particular to the sick
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 685 ; Hist. i. 265. » Ibid. 191. " Ibid.
' Robert Boyle contributed towards his expenses in that matter.
488 Burnet's Autobiography [1683-3
^ who sent much for me ". I got thro all these years in a very
easy manner.
/ sought for no preferment.
I never sued for preferment and was so tru to my principles
that "" when the E[arl] of Essex offered me the best Benefice
in his gift worth about 300 lib a year, but upon this condition
that I would not live upon it, but stay still in town where he
said they could not bear my absence, I plainly refused it.
'=K[ing] Charles^ sent me the offer of the Bishoprick of
Chichester if I would come intirely into his interests. I said
I understood not the importance of those words, I knew what
the Oaths were which I was to take, these I should observe
faithfully but for other promises I would make none. "^ He
took great pains on me to give me good impressions of him '^,
but I knew him too well to let good words overcome me.
This made him wish to have me in his power, he said once
to D[uke] Hamilton then E[arl] of Aran after the L[ord]
Russell's death, he beleeved I would be content to be hanged
to have the pleasure to make a speech on the scaffold, but he
would order drums so that I should not be heard. I answered
when it came to that I should put my speech in such hands
that the world should see it if they could not hear it. ^ When
that unhappy matter of the E[arl] of Essex and the L[ord]
Russell broke out, those who knew in what friendship I had
lived with them did all expect to see me clapt up.
T was strict to my principles 0/ Loyalty.
^ But I had plainly told them my opinion v/as that remote
fears and bad practises, tho the tendency of them was ever so
evident, were not a just cause of resistance when the root of
our Constitution was struck at, then and not till then it seemed
to me lawfuU to enter upon such consultations sand till that
» Life in Hist. ii. 685. " Ibid. 691. "= Ibid. 685-6 ; Hist. i. 434.
'' Ibid. 508. " Life in Hist. ii. 691. ' Ibid. ; Hist. i. 540. 6 Life in
Hist. ii. 691 ; Hist. i. 585 ; supra, p. 130.
' Mr. Airy's note, Hist, in loco, seems the king, to whom the last clause of
written under a misapprehension. the preceding paragraph refers.
The ' He ' of the paragraph is clearly
1683-4] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 2^,ff. 207 and 20^ 489
was lavvfull I did not think it lawful! to conceal any thing that
might be told me of such councils. This did effectually secure
me from having any thing of that sort comunicated to me, so
that I was never charged with any thing, ^'except my accession
to the making the L[ord] Russell's speech " of which I have
given a full account in my History. One particular I will adde
because the conjuncture of Providence seemed to be [/. 209]
particular. I had bound my selfe in 150 lib. for a kinsman of
mine who was setting up in a way of trade, he broke and
I was called on to pay the money which at any other time
would have been uneasy to me, but upon L[ord] Russell's
death his Lady made me a present by his order of 100 guineas
and his Father gave me 50 guineas so I was delivered out of
that difficulty, but it taught me a piece of wisedome, never to
be bound again for any person whatsoever. ^ I grew to be
much visited and to defend my selfe against the obligation of
returning visits, I built a Laboratory ^ and for above a year
I run thro some courses of Chimistry which helped me in my
Philosophical! notions, was a pleasant amusement to me and
furnished me with a good excuse for staying much at home.
• "^ Manny from the Court came oft to see me and they all
studied to possesse me with the apprehensions of the severities
that were designed against me. I made one answer to all,
that I never troubled my selfe with the fear of what false
witnesses might swear against me for that was without all
bounds, and I was very sure no body could with trueth lay
any thing to my charge ", so I continued not only in quiet but
with that naturall cheerfullnes that arose from a good con-
stitution and a clear conscience. I writ then a large book
concerning the trueth of religion and the authority of the
books of the Scripture ^, with all the freedome of one that was
» Hist. i. 562 ; Life in Hist. ii. 691. ^ Hist. i. 499-500 ; Life in Hist. ii.
690. ° Ibid. 692.
* Thomas Burnet places this before Revolution (see infra, App. Ill) and
the Rye House Plot; following on in his last wilHsee Introduction, s«pra),
this point the order of the History. left strict directions, but which seems
' It is possible that this work may to have been suppressed by the family,
be the MS. for the publication of as it has entirely disappeared,
which Burnet, both on the eve of the
49° Burnet's Autobiography [1684-6
disengaged from parties and interest which I have lately read
over and am of the same opinion I was then as to the main of
it. In some particulars I have seen further than I did then.
My sense of King Charleys death.
^ I continued at the Rolls till December 1684 the[n] I was
by a speciall order from the Court forbid to preach more
there ". When K[ing] Charles lay a dying I saw manny under
a great terrour about it. I heartily pitied him for the state his
soul was in but with relation to the publike I could not but
think it was a deliverance, his smooth and cautious way might
have undermined us I knew what he was at bottom but he
would never have put things to hasard wheras I knew his
Brother's hot and eager temper would soon open the eyes of
the Nation. '' I saw it was convenient for me to go abroad for
some time, •= but Lady Margaret tho then brought very low
was yet alive °, she knew me not for above a year before so
I was not able to minister any comfort to her, but ^ I got her
friends' consent to trust her to the care of some in whom they
had great confidence, so I left England in May but before
I got to Paris she died.
/ went beyond Sea.
^ At Paris I lived by my selfe retired from company being
jealous indeed of all our countreymen. ^ When the journey
into Italy was proposed to me all my friends at Paris had
great apprehensions of danger in it none encouraged me to it
but the L[ord] Mountague. s I have said so much of that
journey in my letters that I will repeat nothing here. '' At
Geneva I was much grieved to see them insist so much upon
their consent of doctrine so that some were forced to leave
their countrey while others perhaps subscribed it with equivo-
cations. I spoke much to all who came to me of the folly
and wickednes of those impositions. I had then such credit
° Life in Hist. ii. 692 ; Hist. i. S96-7. '' Life in Hist. ii. 692 ; Hist. i. 597.
•: Supra, p. 151. ^ Ibid. " Life in Hist. ii. 692 ; Hist. i. 628, 655 ; supra,
p. 157. ' Cf. Hist. i. 661 ; Life in Hist. ii. 692 ; supra, p. 205. e Life as
above. •> Life in Hist. ii. 692-3 ; and see Hist. i. 687.
1686] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 209-10 491
among them that I have understood since that what I spoke
upon that subject was not without effect for they are now
released from those fetters, they are obliged to no subscriptions
but are only liable to censure if they write or preach against
the established doctrine. " The multitude and length of their
sermons disgusted me much", I thought fewer and shorter
sermons would do much better and that instead of a sermon
on one verse an explanation of a whole chapter would be
more usefull both to the preacher and the people and would
make them understand and love the Scripture the better. At
Bern they were dissolved into luxury and were very haughty
except those who had learned more civility in the French
service but if they were more civill they were likewise more
corrupt then the rest, the Divines seemed dry and conceited
Zurich and Basil had men of another temper among them.
And came and settled in Holland.
^ I came thro Germany to Holland designing upon my
coming thither an absolute retreat, but the Lady Russell and
the Lord Halifax (Saville) had got such a character of me to
be infused into the Prince and the Princesse of Orange that
I found upon my first admittance to them so full a freedome
and so entire a confidence that I saw pains had been taken to
prepare them to receive me well. I was soon taken into all
their councells. " The first thing that I proposed to the Prince
was to put the Fleet of Holland in a good case for that would
give England good hopes that they were preparing for a
rupture. I prevailed with the Princesse to write to the King
in favour of the B[isho]p of London. She ventured on it not
without a great fear of offending the King and he answered
her sharply. He began to look on me as that which he called
an ill Instrument and he wrote her some very severe letters
against me " which she shewed me and was pleased to ask me
how to [/ 210] answer them. An accident happned to me
at this time which gave a great turn to the rest of my life.
" Hist i. 687 ; supra, p. 249. ^ Life in Hist. ii. 693 ; Hist. i. 688 ; supra,
p. 250. " Life in Hist. ii. 693 ; Hist. i. 692.
492 Burnet's Aiitohiography [1687
My second marriage.
Hitherto I had lived without children and by consequence
without any great concern with relation to other persons
except it was for a few friends whom I esteemed and loved
very tenderly, but now a new scene was opened to me. "^ There
was a gentlewoman at the Hague originally of Scotch extrac-
tion but of a family long setled in Holland *. She was an
only child and was bred at a great expence as "^ one of the
best fortunes at the Hague, she was very perfect in Musick
of all sorts, she both drew and painted to great perfection.
She spoke French, Dutch, and English equally well, she had
a very good understanding and a very sweet temper, and was
well instructed in religion rather like one that had studied
Divinity than barely to be a good Christian ''. She had
continued unmaried till she was 37 year old resolving not to
marry till she saw a person that she could like. If she was
not a perfect beauty '^she was very agreable and was well
shaped ". I was desired to visit her but declined it for I had
no thoughts of marriage but was then looking for a dismall
overturning of religion and liberty, yet seeing her accidentally
I liked her conversation so well that ^ I went to visit her and
continued to see her often. I came to like her so well and
was so acceptable to her that we were married in May 1687 ^.
I must here set down somewhat that I hope will not be
unaccep[tab]Ie to the Reader. I was farre from the beliefe of
Absolute Predestination but the beleife of it brought me both
my wives. L[ady] Margaret being young and in a frolick of
a divination by letters G B came up to her as the letters of
her husband's name. She knew none so named but S[i]r
Gideon Early who had married her near kinswoman, he was
dead long before she knew me but she could not put out of
her mind the letters of my name~and that made her think
I was appointed to be her husband which as she told me after
» Life in Hist. ii. 695. •= Ibid. « Ibid.
' Upon her invitation ' is here deleted. ' See infra, App. II.
1687-98] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, / 210
our marriag[e] had gone a great way to determine her to it.
My ad wife had manny sutors but could not bring her mind
to consent to any of them. In that time which was manny
years before I knew her one of whom she had a greate opinion
told her she would be married to a Clergy man of another
Countrey, so upon seeing me and receiving my addresse she
came to think I was that person and that I was appointed
to be her husband. ''As soon as King James heard of my
intentions to marry he fancied as that would fixe me at the
Hague, so the threatning to proceed criminally against me
would terrify her and break that designe *- I was so happy
in her temper that she was not frighted, on the contrary that
brought our marriage on the sooner. "^ I found in her a
religious, discreet and good tempered friend^ who was a prudent
manager of my affairs and a very good mistris of a family ^
and she had a very particular art of making her selfe acceptable
to all people. She bore me seven children 5 boies and two
daughters that were born twins, two of the boies died the rest
are still alive she gave them all suck her selfe as long as her
health did allow of it "and was a tender mother'' to them all.
She lived with me eleven year and then after the peace she
went over to Holland to setle matters relating to her estate,
but being in a house at Rotterdam where the small pox was,
'^ she was taken with the infection and died '' on the 4th or 5th
day ® in the year 1698 ^
I was then named by the King to be Tutor or Preceptor
to the D[uke] of Glocester^- I had some intimations that
I was not acceptable to the Princesse and tho she by my
L[ord] Godolphin ''sent me assurances to the contrary '^j yet
8 1 had reason to beleive there was some ground for it, so ''I laid
hold on this domestick affliction to desire to be excused from
" Life in Hist. ii. 694 ; Hist. i. 726 ; supra, p. 251. '' Life in Hist. ii. 695.
•^ Ibid. '^ Ibid. 716. " Ibid., and Hist. ii. 210. ' Life as above.
B Hist. ii. 210. •■ Life in Hist. ii. 716-17.
> See infra, App. II and III. *C30,ooo (Luttrell, vi. 177), forms the
2 She died June 18, 1698, N. S. (Bodl. subject of much business correspon-
Add. MSS. D. 23, ff. 77-8). Her for- denceamong the Burnet family papers
tune, which seems to have amounted to in the British Museum.
494 Burnet's Autobiography [1687
it, and I wrote earnestly to that effect to my best friends but
all that was imputed to melancholy so I submitted to the
King's pleasure ^ I saw all that Court except L[or]d
Marlborogh and his Lady were against me, I lived very well
with them and I thought that was enough \ But I do now
return to affairs as they stood at the time of my marriage.
The steps made to the Revolution.
''The E[arl] of Danby the Marquis of Halifax and the
B[isho]p of London were the persons that corresponded with
the Pr[ince] of Orange, " Mr. Sidney was the man most
trusted " and Mon Benthink afterwards Earle of Portland
answered their letters, ^ the E[arl] of Shrewsbury and the
E[arl] of Devonshire came also into the correspondence,
" they i-epresented on the one hand the desperate designs of
the Court and on the other hand the firmnes of the Nation.
But [the] danger lay in the Army which tho it stood firm yet
military men have seldome such a principle of regeneration
that they can be much depended on, and if they begun once to
break there was r[eason] ^ [/. 311] to apprehend that manny
might be prevailed on to follow. ^ Among other things to
persuade the Prince they wrote to him that all the anger that
the Church party bore to the Dissenters was now much allaied
so that he would find the reconciling them a very easy matter.
Upon this he was desired to use the best means he could to
keep them from going in to the measures of the Court by
assuring them of the good disposition the Clergy were then in
to an union with them s and the Pensionary Fagell on whom
the Preachers in Holland depended entirely when he directed
them to visit all their people and to possesse them with the
» Life in Hisi. ii. i\(>-^i. ^ Hist.'i. 712 ; supra, pp. 290-1. " Hist. i. 756 ;
supra, p. 284. ^ Hist. i. 712 ; supra, p. 288. " Cf. Hist. i. 746 ; supra, p. 289.
' Cf. Hist. ii. 30 ; supra, pp. 331-2. s Hist. i. 778-9 ; supra, p. 293.
' This circumstance, together with political sympathies to modify the
tliecharm of Marlborough's manner and unfavourable and more correct estimate
the energy shown by him in defence of which Burnet had at first formed of
Burnet, when attacked by the House the famous soldier,
cf Commons in 1700 (Macaulay, viii. ^ There is a tear here in the MS.
249-51), no doubt concurred with
i688j Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 210-1
necessity of a rupture with England,-* among other things said
one eiTect of it would be the freeing their brethren the Presbi-
terians of England from any farther vexation and persecution*.
I confesse I did not easily beleeve this, I knew the virulence of
some men's tempers and the narrovvnes of their thoughts in
those matters too well easily to believe any thing could so
entirely change them, yet upon those assurances often repeated
from manny different hands ''the Prince in his Declaration
promised to endeavour a reconciliation of all Protestants ^.
The different views of some who joined in if.
I saw even in Holland those who met and joined with
Wildman were utterly against this, " they desired only
a tolleration but seemed to apprehend the Church would be
too secure and grow too strong if united, and they seemed
to make it a Maxisme to keep the Church as much divided
as could be and by that means to hold it in a dependance,
and to keep up a party in opposition to the Church °. I sus-
pected manny of these were in their hearts enemies to the
Christian religion so their views might be the enervating
Christianity by keeping up of parties among us. I say no
more of the Prince's Declaration nor of our expedition to
England in this place having said all I can say of these
matters in my History. ^ We soon found a coldnes in manny
of the Clergy which gave us the just apprehensions of what
quickly followed, ® tho the Heads of the University of Oxford
declared zealously for the Prince*. It was much censured
that all the way as we came to London the Prince had on
Sundaies sermons and praiers in the Dutch way by a French
minister, but he was then acting as Statholder of the States
so he continued in their way till he came to Windsor after
that he was constant at Church. ^ If K[ing] James had to
any tollerable degree kept up his spirits the work would have
• Supra, p. 331. " Hist. i. 776; siipm, p. 332. ■= Hist. ii. 11 ;
supra, p. 318. * Cf. Hist. i. 790. » Ibid. 793 ; supra, p. 302.
1 From here to the word 'roughness' Autobiography made in Routh's Bur-
is one of the two quotations from the nefs James U (p. 412, note).
496 Burnet's Autobiography [1688-9
been difficult if not doubtfull for *we saw how variable multi-
tudes are by the joy that was in London upon the King's
return from Feversham, "^ and the message sent by the Prince
to the King at midnight to withdraw from Whithall, " struck
a generall damp upon manny not only in London but over
the whole Nation, the compassion turned then to his side °
and if he had staled at Rochester the difficulty in the Con-
vention would have become insuperable. This gave the
Earles of Clarendon and Nottingham the handle to make
great opposition in the House of Lords, the Pr[ince] of
Orange's cold riserved way disobliged all that came near him
while his favourite Benthing provoked them beyond expres-
sion by his roughnes. I say no more of the debates in the
Convention having given those so fully in my History that
I can adde nothing here.
The King's cold way a prejudice to his affairs.
■^The trueth was the King for now the Prince was by
Declaration of Parliament put in the Throne, was under
such an ill state of health that tho it was necessary to conceal
it he was sinking under a cold and ill habit of body occasioned
by a stay of 10 weeks at S. James, the air of Hampton Court
relieved and restored him ''. I was set on by manny to speak
to him to change his cold way, but he cut me off when
I entred upon a freedome with him, so that I could not go
thro with it. I wrote him a very plain letter to let him see
the turn the Nation was making from him, this offended him
so that for some moneths after I was not admitted to speak
to him^. All our friends had designed that I should be
made B[isho]p of Durham, ®Crew having rendred himselfe
* Cf. Hist. ii. 799 ; supra, p. 302. '^ Cf. Hist. ii. 801 ; supra, p. 303.
"= Hist. i. 802. * Hist. ii. 2 ; supra, p. 312. " Life in Hist. ii. 6g6.
1 This incident, together with Bur- William probably appreciated Burnet's
net's advocacy of the princess's right fidelity and his devotion to the queen
{Hist. i. 818) and his garrulity, account [Hist. ii. 137), though he still resented
for the strong dislike which William his intrusiveness. See Routh's and
III, immediately after the Revolution, Dartmouth's notes to Hist. ii. 211 ; Life
expressed for Burnet {Life of Halifax, in Hist. ii. 699 ; Cunningham, i. 103,
ii. 216, 222, 229, 232). Later on, 130.
1689] Bodi. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff, ■2xi.--z
so obnoxious that he seemed unpardonable, the L[ord]
Mountague brought a message from him both to the Prince
and to my selfe that he would resigne in my favour, trusting
to my generosity of allowing him a thousand pound a year ".
But^ the Bishop of London who had then great merit had
asked that Bishoprick of the Prince a few dales after he came
to S. James's and he could not well deny him any thing.
Upon this the B[isho]p of Durham refused to retire and so
that matter fell, and '' soon after the Prince was put in the
Throne, I was made Bishop of Salisbury ''-
/ was named to be Bishop of Salisbury.
[_/. 213] When I saw that was resolved on " I set my selfe
seriously to form a method how I would behave my selfe in
that station ". I spent a whole week in retirement and sat up
the whole night before I was Consecrated. I set my selfe
to examine all the sins of my former life and to renew my
mournings for them I run over all the thoughts I had at any
time entertained of the duty of Bishops and made solemne
vows to God to put them in practise ^. I resolved never to
indulge losenes or luxury nor to raise fortunes to my children
out of the revenues of the Church. I resolved to abstract my
selfe from Courts and secular affairs as much as was possible,
and never to engage in the persecuting of any of what side
soever on the account of differences of religion, and to
dedicate my selfe to the functions belonging to the Order,
preaching, catechising, confirming, and ordaining and govern-
ing the Clergy in the best manner I could. Thus I studied
to prepare my selfe for taking that character upon me.
* I told all this to the Queen who was much pleased with
it, " and added only her desire that my wife should wear plain
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 696. " Ibid. ; Hist. ii. 8 ; supra, p. 326.
? Supra, p. 329. ^ Supra, pp. 326-7 ; Hist. ii. 8. » Cf. supra, p. 327.
' Dr. Rcuth's second and last allusion in the Autobiography and Life do not
to the Autobiography x^Burnet's James quite tally.
Ill P- 457i "°'^) refers to this passage ; ' His meditation on this occasion will
but he fails to notice that the accounts be found infra as App. V.
498 Burnefs Autobiography. [1689
clothes* suteable rather to what became a Bishop's wife, than
to her education, in which she found a very ready and entire
compHance with so reasonable a command.
Debates in the House of Lords concerning Comprehension.
•"I was brought in to the House of Lords at the time that
the debates both about Comprehension and ToUeration and
about obliging all persons to take the Oaths to the Govern-
ment were on foot. I was according to my fixed principle
much for gentlenes in this last particular but my zeal for the
other two took off the merit of this so entirely, that I was
scarce thanked for it. " In another particular I judged wrong,
I thought we might haye gained the majority of the Clergy in
Convocation to have consented to some moderate things, that
we were preparing to lay before them, so when it was moved
in the H[ouse] of Lords to appoint in imitation of what had
been done in K[ing] Henry the 8 and Edward the 6th's time
a select number of both Houses of Parliament, with a select
number of both Houses of Convocation to setle a body of
Ecclesiasticall lawes, I opposed this with such zeal that I very
much lost the good opinion of the Whigs by it. I am novv
convinced that if ever our Church is to be set right, it must
be by some such method, and not by a majority in Convoca-
tion °, for litle good is to be expected from the Sinodicall
meetings of the Clergy ; there is so much ambition, presump-
tion and envy among them, that they may do much mischieffe;,
but there is no probability of their being either inclined to
do, much good, or of their being able to execute it.
/ went to my Diocesse to do my duty there.
■^But now I was to go into my Diocesse, and for that
end I formed my designethus ; ° I resolvd to preach constantly
every Lord's day ^ and also to preach the weekly lecture at
Salisbury, ^ I resolved to go round my Diocesse about three
weeks or a moneth once a year, preaching and confirming
every day from Church to Church. I resolved thus once
° Cf. supra, p. 327. ^' Hist. ii. 8-11 ; supra, p. 327. <: Cf. Hist. ii. 10.
' Life in Hist. ii. 706 ; supra, p. 329, " Life in Hist. ii. 707 ; supra, p. 330.
Life as above. s Life in Hist. ii. 706 ; supra, p. 329.
J689-1710] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 212-3 499
in three years besides the formality of the Trienniall Visita-
tion to go round to all the chieffe parts of my Diocesse and
to hold conferences with my Clergy upon the chieffe heads of
Pivinity, " in which in a discourse of about two hours length
I opened all that related to the head proposed, and encouraged
them to object or propose questions relating to the subject.
In this I continued till I published my Explanation of the
Articles, and then I did not think it necessary to continue
those conferences any longer". I found the Clergy were not
much the better for them, and false stories were made and
believed of what I delivered in those conferences ^ ; and tho
''as I went round I kept an open table to all the Clergy'', yet
nothing could mollify their aversion to a man that was for
tolleration and for treating the Dissenters with gentleneg.
° I continued still to go about preaching and confirming °, so
that I have confirmed and preached in 275 Churches of my
Diocesse, and 10 or la times in all the market touns and
considerable places. ^I look upon confirmation if rightly
managed as the most effectuall mean possible for reviving
Christianity"*, but I could never prevail with the greater part
of my Clergy to think of any other way of preparing their
youth to it but to hear them repeat their catechism, they
did not study to make them consider it as the becoming
a Christian by an act of their own. *I have now setled
upon a method in which I intend to continue as long as God
continues my strength to execute it. I stay a week in a place
where every morning I go and \_f. 313] preach and confirm in
some Church within 6 or 7 mile of the place, and then at
5 a clock after evening praier I catechise some children and
explain the whole Catechisme to them, so that I go thro it all
» Life in Hist. ii. 706. " Cf. Life as above. ■= Ibid. '>■ Ibid.,
and supra, pp. 329-30. • Life in Hist. ii. 706-7.
' He obviously alludes to Leslie's Papistico-Phanatico-PrelatioColoursat
' TemporaMutantur or the great change Salisbury ; together with his great ira-
from 73 to 93 In the travels of a provement during his short stay at
Professor of Theology at Glasgow Cracovia. [Dedicated] to the Clergy
from the Primitive and Episcopal of the Diocese of Sarum [1694] ; see
Loyalty, through Italy, Geneva, &c., infra, p. 506 and note,
to the deposing doctrines under
K k a
500 Burnet's Autobiography [1689-1710
in six daies and confirm there next Lord's day, and make
presents to the value of about a crown a child to all whom
I catechised, and I have them all to dine with me on the
Lord's day. This seems to be the most profitable method
I can devise both for instructing as well as provoking the
Clergy to catechise much, and for setting a good emulation
among the younger sort to be well instructed. * I have like-
wise set up a school for 50 poor children at Salisbury who
are taught and clothed at my charge % and to whom I go
once a moneth and hear 10 of them repeat such Psalms and
parts of the New Testament as I prescribe, and give them
1 8 pence a piece for a reward, this is a mean to keep them in
good order. I set my selfe to encourage my Clergy not only
by my going often about among them '' and by assisting them
kyndly in all their concerns, but by a large share of my
income with which I have relieved their necessities ''. I never
renewed a lease but " I gave a considerable share of the fine
either to the Minister of the Parish ^ or if he was well pro-
vided to some neighbooring charity, so that I can reckon
3000 lib. given by me in larger sums among them besides
smaller ones that occurre daily.
That on which my heart was most set was that which
raised such hatred against me especially at Oxford, and
answered my expectation so litle that after I had kept it
up 5 year at the rate of 300 lib. a year I saw it was expedient
to let it fall. "^ I thought the greatest prejudice the Church
was under was from the ill education of the Clergy''. In the
Universities they for most part lost the learning they brought
with them from schools, and learned so very litle in them that
too commonly they came from them lesse knowing than
when they went to them, especially the servitors, who if they
had not a very good capacity and were very well disposed
of themselves were generally neglected by their Tutors.
They likewise learned the airs of vanity and insolence at
the Universities so that ^ I resolved to have a nursery at
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 723. •> Ibid. " Ibid. 724. <> Ibid. 708 ; supra, p. 329.
' Life in Hisf. ii. 709 ; supra, p. 329.
1689-1710] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, / 213 501
Salisbury of students in Divinity who should follow their
studies and devotions till I could provide them. I allowed
them 30 lib. a piece, and during my stay at Salisbury
I ordered them to come to me once a day and then I
answered such difificulties as occurred to them in their studies
and entertained them with some discourses either on the
Speculative or Practicall part of Divinity or some branch
of the Pastorall care. This lasted an hour, and thus I hoped
to have formed some to have served to good purpose in the
Church ; some of these have answered my expectation to the
full and continue still labouring in the Gospell. "■But they
were not all equally well chosen ; this was considered as
a present setlement that drew a better one after it, so I was
prevailed on by importu[n]ity to receive some who did not
answer expectation. Those at Oxford looked on this as
a publike affront to them and to their way of education % so
that they I'ailed at me not only in secret but in their Acts '
unmercifully for it.
Another thing encreased their prejudices against me,
•"I never refused to consent to a plurality where the Churches
lay near one another and where the endowment was small,
but promoted these all I could ; but for the heaping up of
benefice upon benefice that were well endowed, I not only
would consent to none of these but opposed them and
I openly declared against such as I found possessed of them
as robbers of the Church'', and as living in a spirituall
poligamy. This irritated not only all those who were con-
cerned but all who aspired to the like accumulation of
benefices so I was considered by them as a common ennemy
and they set themselves in a violent opposition to me. " I was
very gentle to the Dissenters and received them kyndly when
they came to see me, but I took much pains to convince them
of the sin and the bad consequences of separation and
I brought manny off from that way"'. The Dissenters all
* Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 709. ^ Ibid. ; Hist. ii. 646. ' Life in Hist ii. 711.
' The general allusion is to the ' Terrae filius ' ; see Wordsworth, Social Life
at Ike English Universities, p. 26 and index. (Note kindly contributed by Mr. Doble.)
5o5 Burners Autobiography [1689-1710
over my Diocesse treated me with great respect, they thought
it due to me in gratitude because I used them well ; they were
also well pleased to see a Bishop set himselfe as they thought
I did to advance religion. Upon this a jealousy was taken
up of me as being secretly in an understanding with them
which the malice of some carried so farre as to give it out
that I was in a secret designe to betray the Church to them,
[/. 214] and this got such credit that above halfe my Clergy
acted in such an opposition to me as if they had believed
it, but I resolved patiently to bear with what I could not
correct. All this gained yet more credit with them by ^the
opposition I gave to the Bill against Occasionall Conformity,
^ on which they had set their hearts as a breach begun upon
the Tolleration and as a mean to manage Elections of Parliar
ment. ° I shewed all possible moderation to a Jacobite meeting
that was opened at Salisbury and obtained a secret consent
from the King and Queen to connive at it, yet this did no way
soften them". They thought this was only a justice due to them,
•■wheras it was a betraying the Church to be gentle to Dissenters.
* I looked on Ordinations as the most important part of
a Bishop's care and that on which the law had laid no
restraints, for it was absolutly in the Bishop's power to
ordain or not as he judged a person qualified for it, and
so I resolved to take that matter to heart. I never turned
over the examining those who came to me for orders to
a Chaplain or an Archdeacon, ^I examined them very care-
fully my selfe. ^ I began allwaies to examine them concerning
the proof of the Christian religion and the authority of the
Scriptures and the nature of the Gospell Covenant in Christ ;
if they understood not these aright I dismissed them, but
upon a competent understanding of these I went thro the
other parts of Divinity and soon saw into the measure of
their knowledge s. One defect run through them all, even
those who "could not be called ignorant, they read the Scrip-
tures so litle that they scarce knew the most common things
« T^/si'. ii. 364. ''/ijrf. 337. "^ Lifeini/»'s/. ii. 710. "^ /&' I referred
the examining them in Greek and Latin to the Archdeacon
and brought them to a publike examination in the Chapter-
house before the Dean and Prebendaries ^ As for their
moralls we were forced to take that implicitly from the Testi-
monialls signed by the Clergy in whose neighbourhood they
had lived, in which I have found such an easines of signing
these, that unlesse I knew the men I grew to regard them
very little. This was the best method that in the present
state of our affairs I could take, yet I found it so defective
and so farre short of a due exactnes that I must confesse
the Ordination weeks were much dreaded by me and were
the most afflicting part of the whole year and of the whole
Episcopall duty. " I tried next how to regulate my Consis-
toriall Court and for some years I went constantly to it but
I found that which is crooked cannot be made straight, all
our proceedings are so dilatory and engage men into such
an expence that I did not wonder to hear them so much
cried out on as they were, they are a great Grievance both
to the Clergy and Laity so I gave over all hope of doing any
good in them and gave over going more to them". Thus
I laid my plan and have now followed it executing it almost
23 years, but I must say doing litle good with all this agitation
I have put my selfe in, yet since this is the best thing I can
do I am resolved to continue thus doing till I can see any
thing that is betjer.
^When a Convocation was opened in the year 1689 we
» Life in Hist. ii. 707-8. '' Ibid. 708 ; supra, p. 330. <= Life in Hist. ii.
707 ; Ht'st. ii. 63^ ; suprOj p. 331. ^ Hist. ii. 33 ; supra, pp. 331-3.
504 Burnet's Autobiography [1689-1710
saw the old ill humour of the Clergy shew it selfe. All the
good temper they were in and the promises they had made
in K. James's time were now forgot, they would not so much
as enter on the considerations of any alterations but resolved
to adhere firmly to the establishment made by the Act of
Uniformity, so all the hopes of a union or coalition vanished ».
The Queen hoped to have overcome the peevishnes of the
leaders of the party by preferring them but nothing could
soften them after they saw Tillotson promoted to be Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, Sharp by a great errour of Tillotson's
was made Archbishop of York. He has proved an ill
instrument and has set himselfe at the head of the
party but has suffered much by it in the opinion of manny
who looked on him before as a man of integrity and
simplicity, but few do now retain that opinion as with regret
I confessc I do not I have observed too much art and [ ^ ]
[/. 215] and designe in him to be able to think of him as
I wish I could do^. I saw no good could be done in that
present conjuncture for the healing of our breaches, this made
me apply my selfe more diligently to do all the good I could
in my own Diocesse. ^ I observed that the strength of the
Dissenters was in the market touns where the Ministers
provision was so small that according to the common observa-
tion a poor living had as poor a Clark. I resolved to remedy
this all I could, and there being manny Prebends in the
Church of Salisbury all in the Bishop's gift, I resolved to
give these to the Ministers of the market touns, but thought
it reasonable to demand a bond of them that in case th^y
should leave the market town they would resigne the Preband,
that so the Prebend might be as it were annexed to the
Church in the market town. This was done by the advice
of manny eminent Bishops and others who highly applauded
my designe, but when some '' virulent Clergy men began to
' Hist. ii. 33 ; supra, pp. 331-3. '' Life in Hist. ii.7i2.
• A word torn oiT. Anne, over whom he possessed much
^ Sharp had voted against Fenwick's influence, was regarded as a Tory. He
attainder; and after the accession of died in 1714.
i689ri7io] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 214-5 505
open against me they finding no other matter to fixe their
censures on, "declaimed against this" and in severall prints
charged it with simony. Upon which "^ to withdraw all occa-
sion from their malice I gave up all the bonds I had taken ^
and finding some whom I had provided with the best things
in my gift, had withdrawn from the poor provisions in touns
to better livings, I upon that let my designe fall '.
I know I have said that which may seem too much of my
labours in my Diocesse, if it were not to lay open the injustice
and malice of those angry men who studied to represent me
as a favourer of Dissenters, who was betraying the Church
into their hands. I had indeed considered much thro the
whole course of my life and studies what a Bishop ought to
be, and how he ought to labour so that it would have been
most inexcusable in me to have gone in the beaten road and
have followed common methods. I thought my selfe under
an indispensabl[e] obligation of applying my selfe by the best
waies I could think on to build up and heal the breaches
of this Church. So that what sins soever I have to humble
me before God I do not know any I am guilty of with
relation to the Church, unlesse it be sins of omission for
I might still have done more in every particular than I have
done. But this comfort I have, that I have studied to put
in practise the best things done by any of our Bishops since
the Reformation, and have not spared my person nor my
purse ^, but have laid them out very liberally at all times. Thus
I have lived and laboured manny years and have not abated
in any one particular of my first designes, but have rather
increased in them all, for at this age both memory and
strength of body are still entire, [/ 214 (b)^ and I have been
so " farre from encreasing my estate " that I have not saved all
the produce of my temporall estate. [/. 215] '' The attendance
on Parliaments is a great distraction and put us to a great
» Life in Hist. ii. 712. '' Ibid. "^ Ibid. 723-4. ^ Hist. ii. 660.
' See Hist. ed. 1833, vi. 367, and the ' See Bodl. MSS. Rawl. D. 1172,
catalogue of the University Library, if. 2-3.
Cambridge, ed. 1856, &c., iv. 437.
5o6 Burnet's Autobiogfaphy _ [1694
charge, besides the calling. us off the halfe of the year from
doing our duty. * I do indeed continue my practise of preach-
ing constantly while I am at London ".
T wrote concerning the Pastorall cai'e
I set my selfe soon after I was Consecrated to write of
•^ the Pastorall care, and that is the book that of all my other
writtings pleases myselfe best 1. I wrote it under deep and
serious impressions of the duties incumbent on Pastors, and
I thank God it has had a very good effect on manny persons,
but it helped not a litle to heighten the indignation of bad
Clergymen against me, they lookt on it as writ on designe
to expose them to the nation, for reformation and moderation
are the two things that bad Clergymen hate the most of all
things. A man that will magnify the authority of the Clergy
and assert all the rights of the Church how much soever
he may extend them, and that declaims bitterly against
Dissenters how weakly soever he argues, and how falsely
soever he charges them, will passe for a tru Churchman and
a champion among corrupt Clergy men. It is tru that they
will not attack a man who writes for Reformation tho they
will hate him, for they know that the world will be against
them in that. They will wait for some doctrinall point that
they may more safely charge him with Heresy. At this time
they raised a clamour against Socinianisme which was levelled
chiefly at Tillotson, and after him at my selfe, for no tru
reason but it was a word of an ill sound and so they made
noise with it, and " I publishing 4 discourses that I had made
to my Clergy, one against Infidelity, another against So-
cinianisme a 3d against Popery and a 4th against Dissenters "
to give my Clergy some instructions, for I saw much ignorance
among them, they found a rude pretender to learning who
fell on me in a very petulant stile ^ but so poorly in point
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 721. "^ Hist. ii. 637. ' Life in Hist. ii. 707.
^ Burnet's judgement may be here net's special grudge against Leslie
applauded. consult the Introduction.
" See supra, p. 499, note. For Bur-
1692-9] Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 215-6 507
of argument that he seemed [/. a 16] to have no other desigrie
in writing but to rail at me, I would not answer him, two
others did very fully.
and an exposition of t/ie 39 Articles.
^ These short treatises moved both the Queen and Tillotson
to set me on a greater work to write on the 39 Articles.
"' I set about it and by the helps my former writtings and my
papers gave me I finished it within a year after I undertook
it. Tillotson read it all over and corrected it in manny places
and approved of it all, only he thought I put a force upon
the condemnatory versicles in Athanasius' Creed which the
words could not bear ; he thought that Creed, especially those
damning propositions in it was a heavy load on our Church \
He confessed since we retained it the best sense possible
ought to be put on every part of it. " I kept that work
seven year by me before I put it in the presse, ^ manny Bishops
read it Tennison, Sharp, Stillingfleet, Patrick, Hall, and
Williams. It lay some considerable time in both Universities
and was read by manny, all approving of it and des[i]ring me
to print it. Williams only pressed me much to consider
these as Articles of peace and not as Articles of doctrinei.
The meaning of which was that they were Articles which all
men were bound to acquiesse in and not to contradict, but
were not bound to believe them. I considered this as care-
fully as I could, but tho I wish they had been so setled,
I could not think according to our Law and Constitution
that they could be so understood. At last I published that
work, for a while all were silent about it. They who on
other accounts set themselves against me when they saw it
generally well received were for a while at a stand, °but when
they were suffered to meet in Convocation they resolved
to vent their ill humours upon me ". They thought it a prcj-
sumption for any single person to expound the doctrine of
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 719 ; Hist. ii. 228. •> Life in Hist. ii. 719. "^ Ibid.
719-20 ; Hist. ii. 227. '' Life in Hist. ii. 720. <■ Ibid. ; Histi ii.
5o8 Burnet's Autobiography [1699-1700
the Church. " They did not like a latitude of sense in which
I had expounded the Articles » chiefly those that related to
Predestination to shew that men of both sides might with
a good conscience signe them. This had been more excus-
able [if] it had come from Calvinists, for the words of the
Articles do plainly favour most of their tenets, but it was
very strange when it came from Arminians and shewed they
would even wound themselves to thrust at me. That which
was most at heart with them was that I had not carried
Church power higher, that I had owned the forreigne Churches
to be tru Churches, and that I had so flatly condemned the
reall presence in the Sacrament. These were tender points
with them, but they resolved to raise a clamour and ''they
brought up a generall charge against that book to the Upper
House, but when they were pressed to assigne special! matter
they let it all fall. ''Severall books were writ against it^,
and it was reflected on in manny sermons but tho answers
were writ to these I despised them all, for indeed tho I had
read them carefully yet I did not find reason from any thing
that any of them wrot to alter so much as one period or
to change one word in my whole work"'. The matter has
been let sleep now these ten years, but whither they will
revive it or not I cannot tell. My being set about the D[uke]
of Glocester inci'eased their indignation, they thought I would
infuse ill principles in him, so ■' an attempt that they set on
in the H[ouse] of Commons^ against me failing "^ they con-
tinued very ineasy, ^but that Prince's death put an end to
that service.
My third tnarriage.
^ At that time I saw it was convenient for me to marry
again. I had 5 children ; the eldest was but 10 years old
when his mother died, and being now to live in a Court and
in a constant attendance it seemed necessary to provide a
" Life in Hist. ii. 720 ; Hist. ii. 284-5. ^ Ibid. c Hist. ii. 228.
•' Ibid. 237. " Ibid. 245-6. ' Life in Hist. ii. 718-9.
' The British Museum Co/n/cg'M^ specifies three such, dated 1702 or 1703.
' See Luttrell, iv. 592-3.
I7O0-8J Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24, ff. 216-7 509
Mistris to my family and a mother to my children". But
whither these reasons would have determined me or not
I cannot tell, if I had not known ''one of the most extra-
ordinary persons that has lived in this age both for great
knowledge and descretion, a sublime piety, a sweet temper
and one whose deportment shined in a most exemplary
manner'' in all the places wher she had lived. She had been
particularly known to my former wife, who used allwaies to
say she was a woman fitted to be my wife, and when she
went to Holland she said if she never came back she wished
me to get her to be her children's mother. I had known
her manny years, so after she had been seven year a widdow,
and I two year a widdower we were married, and both
I and my children were happy in her beyond expression, for
she was one of the strictest Christians and one of the most
heavenly minded persons I have ever known. ° Her Method
of Devotion gives her tru character", .she practised it all as
well as she wrot it. I know some think I assisted her in it,
but they are mistaken, I did indeed read it over and advised
her to leave out and shorten some things, and in some few
places and but in few I corrected the grammar of her stile,
but I gave her no other assistance in it. All [/. 217] came
from her own heart, her head and her hand. '' Before the
2d edition of that book there is an account given of her*
which I dictated for the greatest part, " Dr. Godwyn whose
name is to if only writing so much of it as to give him
a right to set his name to it at my desire. She lived with
me 8 years and 8 monethes, and bore me two daughters, both
which died soon after they were born ^.
° Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 718-9. '' Ibid. 719. ° Ibid. * Ibid. ' Ibid.
' She was Elizabeth, daughter of a pleasing picture of a devout, amiable,
Richard Blake, Knt., goddaughter of and very beneficent woman, but hints
Bishop Fell, and widow of Robert a perhaps excessive political zeal (in
Berkeley of Spetchley. The account the Whig interest), which might also
by'T.Goodwyn, archdeacon of Oxford' be suspected from Jerviswood Cor-
(afterwards Archbishop of Cashel), pre- respondence, pp. 169, 175. She re-
fixed to the second edition published in married with Dr. Burnet in 1700, and
1709, and summarized in the article from thenceforth with her husband's
devoted to her life by the Dictionary consent devoted four-fifths of an in-
of National Bographyiyu. 393-4^, gives come estimated at £800 a year (Lut-
5IO Burnefs Autobiography [1689-1710
The education of my children.
The next part of my life relates to my children, of whom
I have taken a more then ordinary care, and have, I thank
God for it, been hitherto very suceessefull in it- I will
therefore set down the methods I have followed which I hope
may give some instruction to those who read this. "At
seven year old I entered them into Latine. I had a distinct
Tutor to every one to whom as I gave 30 lib. a year, so when
I saw they deserved a Prebend in my Church I did not
lessen their allowance ^ for I thought it simony to make
them serve me in educating my children upon my giving
them Church preferment. I choose my sons' Tutors with
great care, and they answered my expectation. * I took the
instructing all my children in the principles of religion into
my own hands, and spent every morning about halfe a hour
in that work. I went thro the whole 0[ld] Testament once,
and the New Testament thrice with them, giving a per-
petuall Commentary'' to make them understand and delight
jn those sacred writtings, and this I continue to do to this
day. I watched over their moralls with all possible care.
I thought the pains my Father had taken upon me laid
a more then ordinary obligation on me to look carefully to
my children ; only remembring the ill effect his severity had
on me, my biasse lay the other way to ° a remisse gentlenes "
of which I thank God I have not yet seen any ill effects.
I determined to keep them with me at home. I know
emulation and example with lively company awakens young
" Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 722. '^ Ibid. 721. ' Ilyid. 722.
trell, iv. 649) to good works. The has by his great kindness and confi-
Colbatch Correspondence (Brit. Mus. dence deserved from me all the grati-
Add. MSS. 22908, f. 45) bears touching tude and acknowledgments of Love
testimony to her solicitude for her and Respect I can testify.' Her devo-
step-children. She predeceased her lional Method., though distinguished,
husband, Jan. 27, 1708-9, ' very much as her biographer in the Dictionary
lamented for her charity and piety ' remarks, by the inordinate length of
(Luttrell, vi. 403), and was buried near its devotions, is no less remarkable
Jier first husband ; in accordance with for a simple and elevated fervour and a
a promise, and not (as her will testifies) refreshing common sense. Her diary
' out of any want of respect or kind- whenabroadini707,andsomere]igious
ness to my present husband, who papers,areinBodl, MSS.Rawl.D.1902.
1695-1704] Bodl. Add, MSS. D. 24, / 217 511
spirits and a Bishop's table accustomed young persons to
a great variety and to much liberty. But my sons were
lively enough and learned as quick as I desired. They in
halfe the time that they must have staied at a school learned
at least 4 times as much as they would have done at one,
and yet they were not kept so long at their books as they
must have stayd at a school, for I held them to a rule of
being kept 3 hours before dinner and two hours after dinner
to their books, so both they had a full time allowed for their
childish diversions and their tutors had time for their private
studies, but they sate by them all the while they were at
their books observing them and answering th[e] questions
they put them. In lesse then 4 years time they went thro
both Latine and Greek beside the Accidence and Grammar
much shortned they went thro Corderius, most of Erasmus's
Colloquies, Justin, Phedrus, Corn. Nepos, Terence, Cesar,
Salustius and a great part of Livy, all Virgill's Eneids, with
many of his Ecclogues, Ovid's Epistles and a great part
of his Metamorphosis, many of Horace's Odes and Satires,
some of Juvenall's Satires and manny of Buchanan's Psalmes,
and to form them to a good stile of Latin as they read Cesar
twice over so they translated some parts of him into English,
and about a week after they turned it back into Latine,
and then compared their performance with Cesar. In Greek
besides the Grammar they went thro the Gospells and Acts,
some parts of Isocrates and some of Lucian's Dialogues, and
then Homer's Iliad twice over. ^ Thus they went thro the
learning of the Languages ^ with great exactness. '' I sent
my eldest son ^ to Trinity Colledge in Cambridge ^ and gave
him a very good SchoUar for his servant and 40 lib. to his
» Cf. Life in Hist. ii. 722. i" Ibid.
1 This passage relating to his sons' anonymous, but was believed to be in
education should be compared with Burnet's handwriting, must have been
the Thoughts on Education published written while he was minister of
in 1 761 from a MS. in the possession Saltoun, and is addressed to a 'lord'
of Sir Alexander Dick of Prestonfield, whose name does not transpire.
Bart., who had found it among the ^forV^^illiam Burnet, see Hutchinson,
papers of Sir John Cunninghame of HistoryofMassachusettsBay,u.z^6-6n;
Caprington, Bart. The MS., which was Biog. Brit. 2nd ed. vol. iii. pp. 38-9;
512 Burnet's Autobiography [1704-10
Tutor Dr. Colbatch 1, but after two years stay there I brought
him from thence and put him for a whole year under Mr. Craig,
who carried him a great way into Mathematicks and Philo-
sophy. " My two younger sons ^ I sent to Merton CoUedge at
Oxford, but kept a private Tutor with them besides a Tutor
in the Colledge ^ where they staied 3 year and I thank God
they came back to me from those places without any of those
taints that are too commonly given in them. ''After that
I sent them beyond sea ^, where they staied a year at Leyden,
two of them were 8 moneths at Geneva, 4 moneths at Rome,
the rest was a ramble thro Italy and Germany ^ They were
in all three years beyond sea kept by me at a great charge
that so they might go into the best companies and learn all
that was to be learned abroad. They are now come home
I thank God yet pure and free from all ill impressions, and
they have made such a progresse in knowledge that all
I shall say for them is that I do not find the labour and
expence I have been at upon them is losst. [/. 218] They
must say the rest for themselves in due time, and with that
I end this article.
I had kept my selfe in an abstraction from medling in the
Elections of Parliament all King William's time, but upon
» Cf. in Hist. ii. 722. ^ Ibid.
Diet. Nat. Biog. vii. 404 ; Brit. Mus. generosity in assisting to pay the said
Add.MSS.229o8,fr33,43,45, 47 ; ///'5/. brother's debts. (6) Thomas Burnet,
MSS. Com. Rep. V. 215-6 ; XI. App. born Feb. 19, 1694, matr. Nov. 12,1705,
iv, pp. 46, 273, 274, 296 ; XV. App. vi, fovwhomsee Alum Oxon. i. 215; Biog.
p. 61 ; Bodl, Add. MSS. D. 23, ff. 133', Brit. 2nd ed. vol. iii. p. 40 ; Diet. Nat.
138. His will is in Somerset House, Biog. vii. 410-1 ; Hist. MSS. Com. Rep.
Auber 183, dated Dec. 6, 1727. XV. App. vii, p. 212 ; Nicho\s, Literary
' See supra, p. 244, note i. Anecdotes, i. 71. iii. 353 ; True Account
^(a)Gilbert Burnet, bornatSalisbury, of the Life and Writings of Thomas
Nov. 15, 1690; matr. Nov. 6, 1703; Bumet, Esq., 1^15; Notes and Memoran-
B.A. 1706; M.A. (Cambridge) 1713 ; dums of the Six Days, i-ji$ ; Brit. Mus.
became Canon of Salisbury in 1715 ; Add, MSS. 11569-70; Eg. MSS. 921,
Chaplain to the king, 1718 ; Rector of f 87 ; Add. MSS. 27784, f. 35 ; Add.
EastBarnet, i-]ig{Alum. Oxon.i. zi^); MSS. ii394,ff. 59-61 ; Bodl. Add. MSS.
engaged in literary pursuits {Did. Nat. D. 23, ff. 142-5, 148, 151-6, 194-5.
Biog. vii. 404), edited the first volume His will, dated July 14, 1747, proved
of the i/is^ory (seesH/>«T, Introduction), Feb. 3, 1753, is in Somerset House,
and died unmarried in 1726 (Brit. Mus. See also the Introduction, supra.
Add MSS. 1 1404, f. 104, 113). The Mn May 1707 (Bjd. MSS. Rawl.0.
willof his brother William refers to his 1092, ff. 115-7, '35) r34)-
1705-10] Bodl. Add. MSB. D. 24, ff. 217-8 513
the Queen's displeasure at the attempt to tack the Bill
against Occasionall Conformity, when that Parliament came
to its conclusion, she her selfe spoke to me with relations
to the elections. She said we saw she trusted to us, and in
particular she spoke severely of Mr. Fox ^ the Citisen for
Salisbury. This made me set my whole strength to keep
him out, for I being Lord of the whole town and having laid
manny obligations on the body in the generall, and on
most of the Electors, I thought I might for once recommend
one to them. I failed in my attempt, and it raised a most
violent storm against me from the Tories, who by manny
very bad practises are now a majority in the Corporation.
I am sensible it was an errour in me occasioned by my too
forward zeal to serve and please the Queen. Things of
that sort draw very bad consequences after them. This has
raised an anger against me which will follow me as long as
I live here. I have now gone thro the most materiall passages
of my life to this day which is the 30th of November in
the year 17 10, when I am entred in the 68 year of my age,
if things hereafter shall occurre worth transmitting to posterity
I will adde them as I shall see cause. I will only now give
a Catalogue of all the Books I have written —
A Dialogue between a Conformist and Nonconformist
A Vindication of the Lawes and Constitution of Scotland
The Mystery of Iniquity Unvailed 1673.
An account given by T. K. believed to be Ken a Jesuite
of the trueth of Religion examined 1674.
The Memoirs of the Duke of Hamilton 1676 folio.
An Account of a Conference with Coleman 1676.
A Collection of Sermons and Pamphlets from the year
1678 to the year 1706 in 3 vols 4to.
1 Bishop Burnet's unfriendly relations seem to have originated with the
with his Dean, Dr. Younger {Hist. Bishop's objection toYoungersappoint-
MSS. Com. Rep. X. App. iv. p. 341 ; ment because he had been tutor to Fox
Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, ff. 30, 32), (Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, f. 9).
514 Burnet's Autobiography [1710
The History of the Reformation 3 vols, folio 1679, 1681.
The History abridged 1682.
An account of the Earl of Rochester 168 1.
The Life of Sir Mathew Hale 168a.
The Methods of Conversion by the Clergy of France
examined 1682.
The History of the Regale 1682.
The Translation of More's Utopia 1683.
The Life of Bishop Bedell 1685.
The Translation of Lactantius de mortibus Persecutorum
Letters concerning my Travells, 1687 Reflections on
Varillas 2 vols i2mo 1687.
The Pastorall Care 1692.
Four Discourses to my Clergy 1693.
Essay on Q. Mary's Character 1695.
My Vindication of Archbishop Tillotson 1696.
Explanation of the 39 Articles folio 1700.
The Church Catechisme explained 17 10.
Severall Sermons on particular occasions.
(See supra, p, 32, note 2.)
The remarkable passage which will be found on pp. 32-9, supra ',
constitutes one of the most curious episodes in Burnet's original
Memoirs ; it is not surprising that it should have been so
ruthlessly recast after the Revolution ; and it appears somewhat
strange that it should not have been expunged from the original
Memoirs when Burnet, on the eve of the Revolution, made con-
ditional arrangements for their posthumous publication. It is
of course no news to students of Burnet that the historian (pre-
sumably about a month before the pages in question were written)
had co-operated with Dr. Tillotson in an attempt to obtain from
Lord Russell, while in the condemned cell, a recantation of the
doctrine which admits of ultimate resistance to oppression ; but
the circumstances of the moment, and the somewhat disingenuous
modifications introduced by Burnet into the final version of those
events °, have tended to obscure the very radical nature of the change
in his views, and the very late period in life at which it occurred ".
Macaulay (who may have read the long excursus on which we
comment^ though, if so, he clearly regarded it as contemporary
with the events of 1661, to which it relates) confines Burnet's
belief in the doctrine of passive obedience to the days of his ' early
youth * ' ; and Von Ranke, who had certainly never seen either
this passage or the early version of the Russell affair, regards the
rendering of the latter event given in the History as representing
' Which offers a striking contrast 11. 8-9 from bottom, with Hist. i. 135;
to the serene impartiality with which and supra, p. 24, 1. 4 from bottom,
Burnet's master, Archbishop Leighton, with Hist. i. 146.
handles the respective obligations of ^ As late as 1686, in an unsigned and
rulers and people ; see Works, ed. undated letter to Dr. Fall, of great in-
1830, i. 289, 295, 314-S; ii. 66; iii. terest (Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 23, f. i),
205-12. Burnet expressed the strongest adhe-
'^ Cf. supra, p. 130, with Hist. i. sion to the doctrine of non-resistance.
540, 557 ; and cf. also supra, p. 11, * Hist. ed. 1858, ii. 435.
5i6 Burnet's Change of View with [app.
Burnet's original view '- To Burnet's contemporaries, however, his
change of standpoint was fully apparent ; and the principal Jacobite
and Tory writers of the post-Revolution period — Leslie in the
Tempora Mutantur of 1694, Hickes in Some discourses upoti Dr.
Burnet and Dr. Tillotson (1695), the pseudonymous 'Miso-Dolos'
of The Good old Cause, or, Lying in Truth (attributed to Leslie),
and Swift in his caustic censures on the published History ( Works,
1824, xii. 188) — have commented severely on a tergiversation to
which their inveterate hostility was partly due. They were enabled
to fortify their case by copious and compromising citations from his
earlier works, many of which have long since fallen into obscurity.
The Modest and Free Conference of 1669 ; a sermon on the anniver-
sary of King Charles's Martyrdom, 1672 ; the Vindication of the
Church and State of Scotland, 1673; the Life of Bedel, 1685 ■';
various treatises and sermons, notably three discourses on Judg. xix.
30, Rom. xiii. 5, 2 Sam. i. 12, afforded peculiar opportunities for
sarcasm. Burnet, on the other hand, in the curious meditation
which we print infra as Appendix III, pathetically asserts the con-
tinuity of his own political opinions ; and argues that the loophole
he had always left — a very small one, as readers of the passage we
are considering will be disposed to consider it — for the exercise of
a right of political self-preservation in extremis, precludes the charge
of inconsistency. Whatever view we may take of this argument, which
Burnet had urged before his own contemporaries in his self-vindica-
tory answer to Hickes, it must at least be admitted that Burnet
always repudiated the theories we associate with the name of Filmer.
Like Grotius, he founds the principle of passive obedience not on
an hereditary right divine, but upon motives of religious quietism
and political expedience; motives to which the memories of the
Civil Wars, in Scotland more especially, lent impressive force. Nor
can it escape remark, that even in his unregenerate days, there is
betrayed a natural bias in favour of more energetic principles (supra,
p. 35, 11. 26-31) ; with a strong sense of the appaUing practical argu-
ments which must occasionally confront the extreme advocates of
non-resistance {ibid. 11. 10-3). Burnet's own formal renunciation
' Eng. Gesch., &c., ed. 1868, vol. vii. himself. In the copies possessed by
App. ii. p. 166. the British Museum and London
- With regard to this work, Burnet, Libraries the most incriminating leaf
in his Reflexions in answer to Hickes (pp. 445-6) has been removed.
(1696, pp. 69-72), successfully defends
i] regard to Passive Obedience 517
of the doctrines which inculcate an unconditional obedience will be
found in the tract entitled ' An Enquiry into the measures of sub-
mission to the supreme authority ; and of the grounds upon which
it may be lawful or necessary for subjects to defend their religion,
lives, and liberties,' which he published anonymously on the eve of
the prince's expedition ; and to which the Meditation already men-
tioned specifically refers us. This pamphlet, of which the language
is in parts curiously reminiscent of the earlier, and very different,
passage to which our previous observations have applied, commences
(to quote its own words) with ' a true and full view of the nature of
Civil Society, and more particularly of the nature of supreme power,
whether it is lodged in one or more persons ? '
Section I explains that the law of nature acknowledges no difference
or subordination among mankind, except in respect to the relations
of parent and child', husband and wife; all men being born free,
though they may contract themselves into servitude. The Second
and Third Sections state that self-preservation (whether involving the
resistance of violent aggression, or the exacting of reparation for the
same) is a duty imposed by the law of nature ; and that government
originates in a compromise, by which the second of these rights is
surrendered to a national trustee. So far, Burnet is practically
recapitulating the argument of his Memoirs ^ ; but in the Enquiry
we find three suggestive additions to these presuppositions, viz.
(i) That the right of exacting reparation includes the right to put
such unjust persons as commit unwarranted aggressions 'out of
a capacity of doing the like injuries any more, either to ourselves,
or to any others'; (2) That the central power may be entrusted
either to 'a single person' or to 'a body of men'; (3) That the
supreme power is vested in the Legislature ; of which the executive
(in all cases where these powers are separated) is merely the
delegate. Section IV maintains that, on the principles of natural
religion, God has vouchsafed no specific authorization to any one
form of government ^ ; but that national constitutions, whatever their
nature, cannot be subverted without sin ; since power, like property*,
is confirmed to its actual possessors by the sanctions of natural
religion. The Fifth Section asserts that the authority of rulers, as of
' Cf. supra, p. 36, II. 18-22. . =■ Cf. supra, p. 35, H. 31-3-
" Cf. supra, from p. 36, 1. 28, to * Cf. supra, p. 38, II. 16-22, 34-7.
p. 37.1. 12.
5i8 Burnet's Change of View with [app.
masters, varies in specific instances, according to the terms of the
agreement on which it is founded ; there being masters of servants
and apprentices, as well as of slaves \ Section VI affirms that
a divine right to the supreme power could only be claimed by men
miraculously chosen ; and that the divine choice is not arguable
even from possession, which may be merely due to successful
usurpation. In Section VII we learn that the measures of obedi-
ence are laws, oaths, prescription; but with this reservation, that
'power must always be proved, but liberty proves itself; the one
being founded only upon a positive law, and the other upon the law
of nature.' In the Eighth Section we are reminded that Old Testa-
ment instances (as depending on miraculous warrant) cannot be cited
in this connexion". The Ninth Section maintains that in the New
Testament no regulations with regard to forms of government
can be traced; but that since by its precepts a final seal is set
upon the general rules of 'justice, order and peace' ... we are most
strictly bound by it, to observe the constitution in which we are.'
The propagation of Christianity by force, the forcible resistance of
persecution, are specifically forbidden * ; but this last only applies to
cases where persecution is authorized by the laws of the land ; for
if our religion is established by law, its undisturbed exercise becomes
a branch of our property. The Tenth Section urges that the sub-
mission preached by Christ to the Jews is defined by the fact that
the Jews, having appealed for the protection of Rome, had forfeited
all subsequent right to resent her domination. Augustus himself
certainly claimed no divine right; usurpation, sanctioned by the
subsequent acts of senate and people, constituted his only title*.
Passing thence to the English constitution, Burnet argues (Sections
XI and XII) that, since our kings admittedly possess but a share of
the legislative function, though the whole of the executive power, their
prerogative is necessarily limited, especially as regards taxation ; and
that the unlawful demands of their agents (where the issue is plain
and weighty) may be lawfully resisted. But here lies the crux (as
is acknowledged in Section XIII) ; the Militia Act (to one clause of
which all holding office are bound by oath) vests the right of using
^ The last only are mentioned supra, ° Cf. supra, p. 36, 11. 4-6.
p. 34, 11. 9-15. » Cf. supra, p. 33, 11. 31-6.
- Cf. supra, from p. 35, 1. 5 from ' Cf. supra, p. 36, U. 6-9.
bottom, to p. 36, 1. 4.
r] regard to Passive Obedience 519
force solely in the king, and explicitly condemns all resistance to his
warrant'; 'and since this has been the constant doctrine of the
Church of England, it will be a very heavy imputation on us, if it
appears, that though we [have] held those opinions as long as the
Court and the Crown have favoured us, yet as soon as the Court
turns against us, we change our principles.' In Section XIV Burnet
meets the difficulty, first, by insisting that in all obligation there is
an implicit reserve. The obedience even of children and wives
is not unUmited ; the marriage tie is held binding till death, yet few
deny that adultery dissolves the bond. Where two fundamental
principles collide, we must decide which is the more important, and
accommodate the lesser to the greater. In the controversy between
public liberty and the formal renunciation of the right to resist (made
in the official declaration above mentioned), liberty is no doubt the
superior principle, to which, if any liberty is to be retained, the
renunciation must be accommodated. 'Since it is by a law that
resistance is condemned, we ought to understand it in such a sense,
as that it does not destroy all other laws.' Thus the renunciation
can only apply to cases where the executive acts within the intention
of the legislature, and cannot extend to instances in which the
executive usurps upon the function of the legislature. Ill adminis-
tration, consequently, cannot justify resistance''; which is only
authorized by an invasion upon legislative powers or by a 'total
subversion of the government.' In these cases the agents of the
invading authority may be resisted ; since a king who subverts that
to which he owes his own power ' ceases to be king.' In the Fifteenth
Section Burnet proceeds to argue, that the greatest assertors ot
monarchical power necessarily admit certain cases in which a sove-
reign may ' fall from his power ',' or at least from the exercise of it.
Desertion of his people, an attempt to enslave, sell, or destroy his
kingdom, infancy, or phrensy ' (and in the last case he quotes the
then recent instance of Portugal) are recognized as valid causes;
and an attempt to subvert the foundations of the government must
surely, by parity of reason, entail at least a regency under the aegis
of the next heir. In the Sixteenth Section Burnet elaborately main-
tains that James II had actually attempted a total subversion of the
1 Cf. supra, p. 35, 11. 3-10. ' Supra, p. 35, 11. 10-3.
« Cf. supra, p. 33, 11. 7-12- ' Supra, p. 35, H. 13-22.
520 Burnet's Meditation on [app.
At the Hague in Holland
the 25 Mayj 1687.
Vpon my second marriage into which I am now entring.
O MY God the God of my life thou hast watcht over me for good
during the whole course of my pilgrimage to this day and tho' I am
lesse then the least of all thy mercies yet thou waits to be gracious
to me. Thou hast in a cours of so many years covered me from the
rage of my enemies so that tho' their power and their malice against
me were almost equally great yet thou who stopt the mouths of lions
has so overruled all the rages of their anger that their threatnings
has only served to discover their injustice and thy goodness to me.
Thou provided plentifully for me in the midst of all their fury so
that I have lived now for many years in a decent plenty farre from
the sense or the apprehensions of the smallest uneasiness. Thou
preserved me from those engagements in England which might have
exposed me more certainly to the storm, but at last all ties that held
me there having fallen off thou led me out of England by an Indulgent
Providence that drew me out of those difficulties into which I would
have fallen quickly thou led me thro' the severall parts of Europe
with an Indulgent tenderness that I can never enough adore. Thou
preserved me from those snares that I might have justly apprehended
in France and Italy and at last brought me safe into these parts
and I was no sooner here then I found a chain of Providences
leading me thro' many steps into this which is now near its accom-
plishment. All the concurrence of circumstances that seemed to
favour it lookt like an intimation of thy holy will and thou that
knowest all things knowest that neither the follies nor heats of nature
nor the levities of a wandring fancy nor the regard to the wealth
and abundance that accompanies the person determined me to it.
It was somewhat of thy Image that I discerned in the person herselfe
and the Characters of thy Providence that were so apparently
obvious in the progresse of it that led me into it.
Holograph, 2 pp. 410, Morrison MSS. See supra, pp. 251, 492.
"] his Second -Marriage 521
Thou O God sees into the secrets of all my hidden thoughts
tho[u] knowest that I neither designe to live in vanity nor luxury
nor do I aspire to wealth and honour, and that even the outward
decencies which I am in some sort forced to are uneasy to me.
My true design is to be building up my selfe with her who is now
to be my other selfe in our most holy faith and to be growing up in
thy love my designe is to live wholly to thee and to the advance-
ment of thy glory and the edification of the Church which is thy
body and thou my blessed Redeemer. It is to these ends that
I consecrate my time and all my faculties and those few abilities
that thou hast given me and if thou blessest me with abundance
all that is beyond that which is in some manner needfull for my own
family shall goe towards the releeving thy poor members. Thy past
mercies thy conduct of this matter and that temper in which I find
my thoughts makes me hope that all this matter comes from thee,
so that I most humbly prostrate my selfe before thee the fountain
of all blessings doe thou O God of love so knit our hearts to thee
and to one another in thee that our whole life may be a continued
course of advancing our selves in that blessed way that must make
vs not only happy here but happy for ever hereafter. Bless vs with
that calm of mind, that union of thoughts and that tender concern
in one another and chiefly in one another's soul, that our chieffe
study may be that neither of us sin against thee preserve us so
long together till our work is done here on earth and in all the
other things that relate to a married state doe to us and with us
O God what seems good in thine eyes and let thy will be alwaies
preferred by us to our own. If thou O God wilt hear and answer
this my humble praier in which I am now pouring out my heart
to thee, then doe I most solemnly vow to thee that I will be
wholly thine that I will live only to Thee and if thou honourest me
so farre as to call me to it, I will with joy offer up my life for thy
name's sake for thou art my God and my all thro' Jesus Christ my
blessed saviour and Redeemer. Amen \
1 Endorsed (in another hand- went along with the king to make his
writing and erased) : ' Mr. Burnet's progress in England and settle the
prayer upon his marriage before he nation.'
522 Burnet's Meditation on the [app.
A Meditation on my voyage for England tvhich I have writ intend-
ing it for my last ivords in case this expedition should prove
either unstcccessfull in generall or fatall to myself in my own
I WILL not say anything in this paper in justification of the designe
having done that so copiously in another Paper which is to be
printed with this Title An Enquiry into the measures of Submission,
that nothing is left for me to adde in this. I have also so fully and
heartily approved of the Prince's Declaration which was put in
English by me, that it is to these Papers that I referri those who
may desire to know the grounds upon which I have engaged in an
Vndertaking of this nature. From those and some other Papers,
especially one that I seal up with this ^, which I writ when I was
under some apprehensions of being killed or carried away by some
emissaries of the Court of England the world will see what are
the reasons that have prevailed upon me to join in this matter so
fully that I can say no more of this subject. But this I will adde,
and for this I appeal to thee, O God the searcher of hearts, that
no consideration either of resentment for Injuries done me, or
ambition have so much as moved me in this matter. I have so
watched over my own heart, to observe if the Injustice and Violence
with which the Court of England had first ordered me to be judged
in Scotland, and then to be murdered in Holland, had sharpned or
embittered my spirit : but I thank God that I have had no motions
of either anger or resentment, And that I have considered the
state of England Scotland and Ireland with the same Impartiallity
and the same cold blood that 1 should have had if I myselfe had
not at all been concerned in my own particular : Nor was I at all
' Holograph, 4 pp. folio, Morrison MSS. See supra, p. 286.
■' It is unfortunately missing.
Ill] Impending Expedition of 1688 523
wrought on by any ambitious or covetous prospect of raising my
own fortunes, by contributing to procure a Revolution in England.
It never yet appeared in {illegible] when I was much younger and so
was pushed on with a greater heat of blood, and was pressed with
a greater straitnes of fortune, that I aspired either to riches or
dignity ; so that being now in a plenty of fortune, and having a wife
in whom I have all the satisfaction which a married state can
possibly give me, and who deserves from me all the returns of
kyndnes that I can ever make her, having also a young child that
promises all that can be expected in his age, and seeing the proba-
bility of another that is coming, I am not so litle flesh and blood
as not to feel, what it is to leave these endearments, which possesse
me heare [? my heart] so much, that no earthly consideration relating
to my selfe could ever make me throw my selfe thus on Providence,
if a much more powerful did not determine nie. Nor am I set on
by any sour or ill-governed zeal against Popery. I have indeed
appeared much in opposition to that Religion [words illegible'] of
heart knows that I am farre from being heated, much lease led by
any violent and ill-tempered zeal in those points. I am none of
those who would aggravate matters, or that let my selfe be governed
by the spirit of a party. I love all men that love God, and that live
well, and can make great allowances for errours and mistakes even
of the highest order; for in that I have very large notions of the
goodnes of that God of love whose mercies I could never limit to
any one form or party of Religion, and so I am none of those that
damne all Papists : for I have known many good and religious men
among them. Therefore the aversion that I bear to Popery flows
not so much from their errours, tho' I think their Church is full both
of great and very pernicious ones, and that both in their doctrine
and worship, but above all in the casuisticall Divinity and in the
conduct of souls in the manner of their confessions and absolutions.
But the chiefle ground of my abhorrence of that Church, is that
carnall designing Ambitious, Crafty, Perfidious, and above all that
Cruell Spirit that reigns among them, chiefly arnong the Religious
Orders, and most eminently among the Jesuites, who are the Pests
of humane society, and the reproach of the Christian Religion, so
that I confesse I should not dread the progresse of Mahomitanism,
or the returne of Paganisme, soe much as I doe the authority which
that society begins to have in all the Popish Courts of Europe, and
524 Burnet's Meditation on the [app.
this is the true reason of all that warmth that I have expressed against
that Religion ; which does not at all lessen either that moderation
which I have ever professed with relation to speculative points of
Controversy, nor the esteem which I bear to the good things and the
good men which are still in that communion, notwithstanding all
their errours and corruptions. The only motive therefore that has
caried me into this matter, was that it appeared to me very visibly
by the many plain Indications that the King has' given, and the many
broad steps that he has made, that he designs to overturn both the
Religion and the Government of those kingdomes, and that he
intends to set up Popery and Tyranny, if this appeared only in a few
Instances that might be the effects of Inadvertances or passions, and
if the steps that are made were in matters justly doubtfull, I should
still have thought that, according to our Constitution, wee had been
bound to submit and suffer : but the designe being a totall subversion,
the case is plainly different. Nor have I in this departed from my
former principles, for I am still as much as ever, fixed in that
persuasion, thatthe Christian Religion gives us no warrant to defend
it by armes, but on the contrary forbids all resistance but still it is
to be understood that if this Religion has lawes on its side, in
a legall Government, where the King's Prerogative is shut up within
such limits, then as the right of professing that Religion, comes to
be one of the civil liberties, so the King by breaking thro' all the
limitts of Law, assumes an authority which he has not, and by con-
sequence he may be withstood. And all that I ever writ or preached
on the subject, of non-resistance agrees exactly with this : for I ever
founded obedience and submission on the Lawes and severall
Constitutions of Nations and I only went on the generall Topick,
that the Christian Rehgion gives no authority to maintain it by
Armes : yet after all, tho' this both is and ever was my Prmciple,
I have gone no further but to give my opinion both to the Prince
of Orange, and some other private persons, that I looked on the
thing as very Lawfull, and as aggreeing both with the Christian
Religion and the Constitution of the English Government. But
I never set my selfe to advise or presse it : for I ever said to all
those with whom I spoke in that matter, that I thought it neither
aggreed with my character', nor with the Circumstances in which
' i. c. his clerical function.
I"] Impending Expedition of 1688 525
I am, to advise or persuade any such thing : so I carried the matter
no further then to assert in generall the lawfullness of the under-
taking. It is true having asserted that, I thought it became me to
offer to wait on the Prince of Orange and to follow him as his
Domestick Chaplain, since he had intimated to me some moneths
agoe that he Intended to have me about his person in that Capacity :
and as for the danger I run in case I fall in the hands of my
Enemies from whom I expect all sort of ill usage, and an Igno-
minious death in Conclusion, I resigne my selfe up as to that, and
to the good and holy will of the only wise God, being cheerfully
resolved to glorify him in what manner so ever he will call me to
doe it whether in life or death : I leave all the quiet and satisfaction
I enjoy at home and goe whither he in his Providence leads me.
I cast not only my selfe but that which is yet dearer to me, my
dear Wife and my son upon the mercies of that God, to whom I
have consecrated my life and all that is dear to me; and I am
confident that he will doe that which is the best for him and me.
He that knowes all things knows the sincerity of my heart, that
I have made it the busines of my whole life, tho' in the midst of
many and great Imperfections to walk before him exercising my selfe
ever in this to have in all things a good conscience both towards God
and towards man. And as I am perfectly assured both of the truth
of the Christian Religion and of the Protestant Religion, so those
matters are so dear to me that if I had a thousand lives I would
venture them all with joy in this cause. I say no more concerning
any of those matters which are set forth by me in the Paper that
I writ in July 1687 for my sense of all these being at present the
same with that which I writ then I avoid repeating any part of it,
only I can never enough recommend the serious practise of true
Piety and of secret Praier : and I must sincerely Protest to the
world, that all the true joies that I have ever known have flowed
from this, as all the sorrows of my life, have flowed from my strayings
out of that way, that leads to life and blessednes. I have ever hated
and despised superstition of all sorts ; and have found a great deale
of it even among those that pretend to be the furthest from it : nor
could I ever consider Religion under any other notion, but as it
furnished me with true and solide Principles, for the Reforming my
heart, and for governing my whole life, in a course of an Exact and
sublime vertue, deadening me to the world and \_a line and a half
526 Burnefs Meditation on the [app.
illegible] and raising me to a constant love to God, and my Neigh-
bour : and a continuall desire of doing all the Good that was possible
for me to doe. I have writt the beginning of a work, which [if?] I
live I intend to finish of Essaies concerning Morality and Religion, in
which I have delivered my sense of all 'the things that I treat of,
with the same simplicity ' in which I think of them, without saying
any thing more or lesse, upon any other Consideration, but that of
Truth. I order that to be printed after my Death. I order likewise
all those short Essaies of Sermons, which are near two hundred, to
be also [printjed ; and I doe likewise order my secret History to be
Print[ed], and this is all of my writting that I allow to be made
Publi[ck] as for all other Papers of mine I order them to be kept
for my [son's] use ; but never to see the light. I recommend most
earnestly to him the study of Divinity and the work of the \words
illegibleyitst of all Imployments : and that which when rightly
followed makes a man but a little lower than the Angells : but if
undertaken upon Carnall Motives and secular designes, it is that
which brings more Guilt on the man, and more scandall on Religion,
then any other course of life whatsoever. Happy are they that love
God and that pursue the gaining of souls to him, with a labour of
love : how much trouble soever they may meet with in this world,
Great is their reward in Heaven. I continue to the last to love all
my friends, of whom I have a great many, and that with all the
tendernes and concern that is possible : for as I have lived a life of
friendships, so I find the endearments of those bonds will stick to
me to the last moment of my life : and as no man ever had greater
reasons to love a wife most tenderly then my selfe she having in all
respects deserved all the acknowledgments and kyndnes possible
from me so I will carry with me to the last moment of my life, all
the intirest affections for her of which my heart is capable : and
I doe most humbly commend her, and my son, and what she goes
with, to the blessings of the God of my life ; who I trust will take
her and them under his most Immediat Protection : and I doe
most earnestly recommend both her and them to the care and
kyndnes of all my friends, not doubting but that they will continue the
true friendship, which I am confident some of them bear me to them.
' That very simplicity probably despite the explicit direction for its
accounts for the fact that the work publication, reiterated in his last Will
was suppressed by Burnet's family, and Testament.
Ill] Impending .Expedition of it^^ 527
And now O my God I turn my thoughts wholly from the world
and all worldly objects to look up to thee, and to follow thee
whither soever thou leads me. Thou has dealt hitherto with me so
preciously that I cannot mistrust thy Providence but cast my selfe
wholly upon it : and as I dare appeal to thee of the sincerity of my
heart, and of my Intentions in this matter, so I look up to thee
for a blessing upon it. I dedicate my selfe to thee, and make this
vow to thee that if thou blesses us with successe in this matter, and
brings me safely thro' it, then I will consecrate my selfe and the
rest of my life more entirely to thy service ; and will study all that
is possible for me to shine as a Pattern of true Religion and of
Exemplary Vertue : and if thou raises me to any Eminent Post in
thy Church, I will study to be an example of Humility meakness
gentlenes to all men and of Contempt of all worldly Greatnes and
wealth, and that I will withdraw as much as may be, from all Courts
and secular affairs, and will consecrate my selfe to the work of the
Gospell, to the healing of our breaches to the care of souls and to
the raising of a spirit of true Holiness and piety both among clergy
and laity \words illegible] the advantages that thou gives me for the
advancing of thy Glory and the doing good to mankind all I can.
But O my God I throw myselfe in the dust before thee as one that
is unworthy of the meanest office in thy House : therefore let thy
name be glorified and let this great Vndertaking succeed and for me
let me be covered with all that sharte and confusion of face which
belongs to me. Let not O God my sins or the sins of any of those
who goe into it provoke thee to blast it look not O God at our
sins, but consider thy Truth, the Glory of thy name, the Kingdome of
thy Dear son and the happines of thy poor servants, that lie in the
dust before thee, and that wait for thy salvation. Arise O God and
Deliver the poor and needy, that call on thee : and let not the
Cruell and bloodthirsty men prevail. Let the time appointed to
favour and deliver thy sion come : O God, for our eyes are towards
thee. Blesse {words illegible'] I trust thou hast made strong for thy
selfe. Preserve his Person, direct his Councells, and blesse his Armes :
Give him Victory in the day of battell, and set him and the Princesse
in thy good time, on the Throne, make them to rule in thy fear,
and make them the Deliverers and Defenders of Thy Church that
their names may be blessed in the present and following Generations.
But O God if our sins are such, that thou wilt not deliver thy
528 Letters from Dr. Burnet [app.
people by our means, or if the sins of England are such that they
must be severely punished, then in every thing that thou does I will
submit and adore thy Providence and acquiesce in thy Wisdome :
and offer my selfe up to thee to be disposed of as seems good in
thine eyes ; and to glorify thee whether in death or in life, if thou
calls me to suffer, support and lead me thro' whatsoever thou suffers
my Enemies to doe to me. Give me the joies of thy salvation. Let
me find in the whole course of whatsoever Trialls thou putts me
to that thou art with me ! Lead me if thou wilt, thro' the Valley of
the Shaddow of Death : for thou art with me I fear nothing that
Devills can contrive or that men can exercise against me. Bring
me at l[ast] where thou art O my God and my all : for thither am
I continually aspiring, and am longing daily to see and enjoy thee
eternally. I am thine O my God doe with me what seems good
in thine eyes my God and my Portio[n for ev]er.
Amen Amen.
HERBERT, 1688 ^
[/ 49] ' Noble Sir,
' As bad a man as you are a man cannot hold being extreamely
concerned for you which has been so sensible to some that even
the Great and generall concern for the whole busines has not been
able to swallow it up. You have put us out of a great pain for after
the apprehensions into which these storms had put us the good
newes of your being all safe and well is to us that which a Victory
had been if you had had a happier season. I hope by this time you
have got to be clean and sweet, and that if my Cosen Johnstoune has
not had his share in the storm yet he will come in time to be a witnes
to the Glory that I hope staies for you and after all I hope you feel
sometimes somewhat within telling you that perhaps your own leud
life has contributed more to stop your voyage than either Albeville's
masses or his prayers. And if you would but grow a litle better if
' Eg. MSS. 2621 ; see Hist i. 762, and supra, pp. 297-8, 300, 303.
IV] to Admiral Herbert
you are not passt that you might hope that all things would go better
with you. No doubt you have the last newes from England of the
Kings sending for the Bishops (the Archbp. was sick and London
in the Country) he confessed passt errours to them and desired their
advices how to set[t]le the nation and that they would now show
their loyalty. Their answer was Generall and cold only Bath and
Wells told him that their were 5 things the nation could not
bear i the putting Papists in Imployments 2 th& dispensing power
3 the Ecclesiasticall Commission 4 the turning out of the Magdalen
Colledge men and 5 the regulating the Corporations. The King
seemed to yield up all to them except the dispensing power which
he said he would reserve to a Parliament to Judge of. He sent
them to the Archbishop but they did not come back that night and
this was on Fryday. This must compleat his ruine and show the
meannes of his soul your Noble Combattant ' is to come and com-
mand the Fleet and if S. R. Haddock will goe Strickland as is
thought will be recalled and S. J. Berry will be Rear Admirall but
it is positively writ that seven ships is all that the Court can pretend
to be able to set out but it is believed that they cannot go so far
and that four will be all that they can go to. The affections of the
city appear every day plainer and plainer and yet the King thinks
fit to look on so this must needs sinck his own party extreamly and
I cannot think that his softnes which comes so late can have any
other effect but to make him cheaper. I will not write you a word
of the newes of Germany for perhaps you are as Mr. Sidney is out
of patience when you see one look after any other news but those
of England the winds and the fleet. I have tried but without success
again and again to find out S^ Rowland Guinne when I can find
him I shall see what can be done with him. This is all that I can
say at present but that in spite of all your leudness I cannot hinder
myself from being with all my heart and with all possible esteem
' Right Honorable
' Your most humble most faithfull and most obedient servant
'G. Burnet.
' Tuesday Morning '
Endd. [' 1688, D. Burnet to Adm" Herbert just after the Storme.']
■ Lord Dartmouth ; see Hist. i. 762.
530 Letters from Dr. Burnet [app.
[/ 51] 'Noble Sir
' You are a strange bad man and nothing can mend you neither
storms nor our happy passage can Reform you but yet after all one
cannot hold having a most particular high value for you, though you
have some reason to accuse me for not writting but the first two dales
one had so much to doe that to say trueth I never minded it and
then I understood that you had orders to sail : so I hope you will
excuse my omission. Our numbers grow upon us every day. the
Gentry of the Countrey were a little backward at first but now they
come in apace and if the newes that wee have of the Intentions of the
Army did not make Levies here lesse necessary it were easy to
raise a great body of foot but this Countrey wants horse extreamly
and wee stick here for want of carriages for tho wee are much called
to come nearer the King's forces yet I doe not see how soon wee
can march, but it will be I hope by the midle of the next week at
furthest. Wee had swallowed doune in our hopes three of the
King's best Regiments which were very near us but the Confusion
of the night with S^ Fran Compton's want of head or heart together
with the vigour of some Popish Officers among them put all in so
much disorder that the greater part after they had marched above
60 miles to come and join us wheeled about yet Lanstoun brought
of[f] the D S* Albans Regiment entire 50 horse of Compton's and
above an 100 of Cornbury's dragoons came in likewise and yesterday
wee heard that Capt. Kirk was marching with an 100 horse Cherry '
is just now gone to Plimouth upon an advice that wee had yesterday
that it will be delivered to us and that the E[arl] of Huntingtoune
cannot be sufferred to come within the fort but is forced to lie in
the Toune wee begin to work a litle on the Clergy for they are now
promoting a Petition for a Free Parliament w<=li is understood by all
to be a Declaring for us. In short everything goes as well as our
hearts can wish I am called on to make an end so that I can adde
no more but that in spite of your ill Qualities the few good ones
that you have determine me to be for ever , q.
' Your most humble and most obedient servant
' Fryday the i6th Nov^ ' ^- Burnet.
' Query, a nickname for Captain App. p. 251, and Dartmouth MSS.
George Churchill? Cf. Darlymple, (H.M.C.) 210. (Note contributed by
Memoirs, ed. 1790, vol. ii. pt. ii. bk. vi. Mr. Doble.)
'V] to Admiral Herbert 531
' wee now know that if wee had landed at Portsmouth it had been
certainly delivered to us.'
Add. ' For the Honorable Admirall Herbert.'
£ndd. 'Novembr 16: 1688 D^ Gilbert Burnett about Publick
matters of that tyme.'
[/67]'Sir ^'
' I write you a second Letter before I left Exeter which I gave to
one that called himselfe your servant but he brought it back to me
to Crookhorn and said that you were under sail before he could find
you, so all the last newes from Exeter were losst. M'' Seimour
gr W" Portman and all the chiefe men of the Countrey came in
and were all extream hearty, there wee begun to signe the Associa-
tion of which I send you a Copy, wee left the greatest part of our
Cannon and heavy baggage at Exeter where M"" Seimour staies as
Governour for the civill part and Gibson for the Military. The E. of
Bath has at last declared with the whole garrison at Plymouth where
the E. of Huntington is prisoner who in great wrath threatens the
E. of Bath that he will bring his Habeas Corpus against him. the
Earle of Shrewsbury is gone with a Regiment of horse another of
foot and Dragoons to possesse Bristoll and Glocester where there
are none but Militias and from both the Prince has such messages
that I believe wee shall have them very cheap and perhaps the D. of
Beaufort into the bargain and E. Shrewsbury hopes to come and
join the Prince at Oxford for wee must take that road both because
the Salisbury road is quite wasted by the King's army marching
backward and forward in it and likewise to join a great body of
horse that comes from the North commanded by the E. of Devon-
shire, the E. of Danby and the L. Delamere who were when wee
heard last from them by an Expresse above 2000 strong but are now
as wee hear 6000 strong. The King was mightily struck when he
found that the D. of Grafton and the L. Churchill had left him and
next day Prince George and the D. of Ormond also left him and
after wee were in great pain having no newes of him for four dales
wee had the wellcome account last night of his being got to Shafts-
bury. So he dines to-day with the Prince at the Earle of Bristolls
where wee have been these two dales the L. Bristoll having met us
as wee came into the County with a body of all the Eminent men
M m a
532 Letters from Dr. Burnet [app.
in it Coll Strangewaies S. Jo. Morton and 20 more, who are sitting
for raising both a force and a present in money to the Prince Coll
Trelawney L Coll Churchill and almost all their officers are [?] come
in and a great many both of Trelawneys Regiment and Kirks but
unhappily poor Kirk himselfe was taken but it was only on suspicion
for as yet they have no proof against him if the King had not taken
the allarme of Churchill's going away so hot that he presently sent
for all the forces that lay at Warminster under Kirk's command wee
had got all that body of 6 or 7 Bataillons but tho as soon as
L Churchill sent us word M^ Bentinck marched all night with 400
horse and 800 dragoons to assist our friends in case of any resistance,
yet they had marched away long before and the King went up to
London in all the Confusion that was possible. He is very ill in his
health and bleeds upon every occasion at the nose and much puru-
lent matter comes out so that it is generally thought his person is in
as ill a state as his affaires are he made a Speech to the D. of
Grafton's Regiment when he set E. Litchfield at their head that he
would defend the Prot. Religion to the last drop of his blood wee
have every day many straglers dropping in to us. This is all I can
now tell you, only Frank Russell and Mr. Jepson that found me
writing to you give you their most humble service, wee remember
you very often but no man with a more particular esteem than
' Your most humble and most obedient servant
' G. Burnet.
' Sherborn Thursday the 29*^ [?] November.'
Add. As the last.
Endd. 'Sherborne Novr 29: 1688 D^^. Burnett That forses came
over to ys Prince Dayly.'
[/69] 'Sir
' I doe not know whether this shall have better luck then my
two last had which were both brought back to me and so were
destroied by me for it was said that you were under sail so that no
Letters could come to you. This I only say to you to excuse your
not hearing from me for tho upon all other occasions the miscarriage
of a letter from me could not deserve an Apology yet at this time
IV] to Admiral Herbert
since perhaps what I write might have given you some aggreable
entertainment I would have you beleeve that it was not my fault but
my misfortune that denied me the pleasure of serving you which bad
as you are, I cannot deny to be very great. Wee have had hitherto
as prosperous a march as wee could have wished for. not one ill-
accident has befallen us. the Gentry of all the Counties through
which wee have marched have come in almost all of them and both
in Dorsetshire and Wiltshire they have undertaken both to levy some
Regiments and to raise money. The coming of the D. of Grafton
and the L. Churchill did so disorder the King that he presently
retired back from Salisbury in a great consternation the Pr. of Den-
mark and the D. of Ormonds leaving him at Andover was a new
mortification and they were 4 daies gone before wee had any newes
of them which troubled us not a little but they went up the London
road and so fetched a great compasse and at last they joined at the
Earle of Bristolls at Sherborn the Princesse of Denmark left the
Cockpit the same night that the Pr. left the King and she walked
afoot in slippers to the Bp of London's house who conveyed [?] her
first to Copthall and then to the North where she is at present but
wee are put in hope that the force which received her is moving
towards us and that she may join us in three or four daies. all this
you may perhaps have heard already in the Publike newes and there-
fore I only name it, as I will doe Glocesters declaring for us and
their taking L. Lovelace out of prison and making him their
Governour, and the E. of Shrewsbury's being sent to BristoU with
some troops and his being received there with all possible joy. No
doubt you have heard of L. Delameir's rising in the north who with
a Regiment of 400 horse after a march of about 200 mile came
hither two daies agoe and joined the Prince. The D. of Beaufort
has abandoned the post he had given him to keep so all these
counties have declared for the Prince. The King upon all this
called a Councill of all the Peers about Toune and told them that
since he found that a Parliament was the generall desire of all his
people he was resolved to call one but he desired their opinion of
the way to make it effectuall so they advised a treaty with the Prince
upon which M. Hallifax E. Nottinghame and L. Godolphin were
named the two first seem very litle fond of the Employment and say
that it was put on them by their Enemies. A trumpeter was sent to
the Prince demanding passeports for them who was kept two nights
534 Letters from Dr. Burnet [app.
before he had his dispatch for the Prince sent for the Nobihty and
communicated the matter to them before he granted it. But tho
the Commissioners came to Andover while he was at Salisbury yet
he sent them to a place within 3 miles of this and so he gave them
audience yesterday in the presence of several of the Nobility, they
brought him a letter from the King containing some kind expressions
such as that as he was the King's Son in Law so he was considered
by them as a Son. Their Instructions were generall that since the
Prince referred all in his Declaration to a free Parliament the King
was resolved to grant one but desired that all Armies might be kept
at such a distance that a Parliament might be chosen and sit in free-
dome. The Prince desired them to put this in writting which they
did and this night an answer is to be sent them in writting to this
purpose that in order to the holding a free Parliament it is necessary
that all Papists be first turned out of all Imployments both in
England and Ireland and both out of the Army and the Court and
so till that is done the Prince will hold on his march for [/ 70] the
true designe of this treaty is to amuse the Nation and to stop the
Princes march in which the Court will be deceived for wee will still
goe on. The Commissioners desired to speak in private with the
Prince but he declined it for he said he was come upon the busines
of the Nation and that he had no private concern of his own. The
two first in the Commission behaved themselves so and talked so
freely to myselfe and severall others in a publike room that wee saw
they were condemned to act a part that was verry unnaturall to them.
In short the King dares not trust his army nor come to meet us and
yet he must either doe that very suddenly or he must leave London
for wee will be very near it in 8 or 10 daies. I write this at night
and was not at Court since morning which is almost two mile from
home, so I cannot tell you whether wee goe to London by Newbury
Reading and Maidenhead which is our nearest way or if wee crosse
the Thames at Wallingford bridge and so fall in to the Oxford Road
for that was then under consultation and not then resolved on.
Wee heard that the King upon our advancing hither had called back
2000 of his rear that lay at Reading which made us incline to that
road but an advice came this morning that 500 horse and Dragoons
of the King's were come back to Reading which put them upon new
Councills. And by all that wee hear the Kings Army is so litle
affectionate to him that it is scarce possible to fancy that he will
IV] to Admiral Herbert
venture with them and yet it is hard to know what else is left him.
Thus I have given you a long account of our affairs which I hope
will not be unacceptable to you and the perhaps you may have the
same things much better from other hands yet at least this will let
you [see ?] how desirous I am to doe everything that I can Imagine
will be pleasing to you. You have a more Melancholy post then
wee have but with lesse fatigue for the pleasure of seeing our matter
goe on so well the new faces that wee see every day of which the
E. of Oxford was one of the latest and the most wellcome and the
shifting of the scene makes the trouble go Insensibly tho wee have
had both bad way and ill weather except these last 3 or 4 dales that
I fancy the dull quiet in which you live is much more uneasy to you
then all this march would have been. I hope you will still be so just
as to esteem me one of your faithfullest and most humble servants.
' Hungerford the 9th of December.
'G. Burnet.'
Endd. 'Hungerford Dec: gt^ 1688 D^ Gilb' Burnet to Adm"
[/. 83] ' Noble Sir,
' I hope you have not such hard thoughts of me as to Imagine
that I doe not write but letter for letter but if I had not thought that
you might have been gone I had writ to you a great many dales
agoe. Wee have now turn upon luck the foolish men of Feversham
by stopping the King at first have thrown us into an uneasy after-
game. Compassion has begun to work especially since the Prince
sent him word to leave Whithall : and now as to the settling of the
Government there are two different Opinions for a third which was
for treating with the king has fallen by his second withdrawing
yesterday of which I say litle because you will have it all in the
common newes. Some are for calling together with the Peers all
such as have been Parliament men that so they may goe to declare
that the King having left his people and withdrawn the pretended
Prince the Princesse is Queen and so proceed to call a legall
Parliament by writts in her name others think that a Parliament
or rather a Convention is to be summoned which will be the true
representative of the kingdome and that tho they have no legall
writts yet they being returned upon a free choice this will be upon
536 Letters from Dr. Burnet to A dm. Herbert [app.
the matter a free Parliament and that this Assembly is to Judge
both the King's falling from the Crown and the birth of the Pre-
tended Prince and that then a Parliament may be legally held after
they have declared in whom the right of the Crown lies, this last is
liable to this exception that the slownes of it may expose Holland
to be losst before England can be setled or ready to act. I have not
time by reason of many Impertinent people that presse in upon me
to give you a fuller detail of our affairs your Reflections on the poor
King's misfortunes are worthy of you I could hardly have thought
that anything relating to him could have given me so much com-
passion as I find his condition has done I know it was not possible
for you to have acted as some others have done but whatever one
may think of that wee must now shut our mouths for there is
discontent enough already and the Army seem generally out of
humour and uneasy at what they have done and you know wee have
not the arts of cajolery.
'You will no doubt see the Resolutions of the Peers yesterday
so I will say nothing of it only it was so unanimous no- shew of
opposition being made to it that I believe now .the greatest part
of our difficulty is over. I am extream glad that you put me in hope
of seeing you shortly here for it is now time for you to be for a while
at rest till wee make a new expedition into France for I doe verily
believe the Prince designs it this summer and it is but just that after
you have passt thro so much hardship you should begin to receive
those returns and acknowledgements that are worthy of you. I am
much more then I dare venture to tell you unless you become
a better man
' Your most humble and most obedient servant
'G. Burnet.
' St. James's
Christmasse day
' I wish you with all my heart a merry Christmasse and a good
new year.'
Endd. 'St. James: xt masse Day 1688. Dr. Burnet w*"^ opinions
of people after y^ Kings w[i]th drawing.'
v] Burnet's Reflections on his Elevation 537
A Meditation on my Consecration the night before being
Easter Eve, March 30, 1689.
I AM now coming to thee again O my God, to be once more
dedicated to thee, and to rise up to the highest station in thy house.
But how does this strike me, when I that am not worthy to remain
in the lowest order but deserve to be cast out, as salt that has lost
its savour, am now to be exalted instead of being debased. Oh but
the Judgments of men are slight and deceitfull things. I passe for
somewhat in the world. But before thee to whom the secrets of
my whole life are known, I am nothing and lesse then nothing.
I know the corruptions of my own heart and the errours of my
life, which ought rather to drive me to a wildernes to spend the rest
of my life in mourning for what is past then to enter upon an
Imployment that is but a little lower then that of Angells. I have
had addresse enough to cover my faults, and favourable circum-
stances have concurred to hide them from the world : But they are
all known to thee, and therefore I stand trembling in thy presence
divided in my thoughts, thy Providence seems to call me out to
this station and my guilt pulls me back. I know my own unworthi-
ness, how then dare I goe on : ought not I rather to fall downe
before the Bishops, as an humble penitent to subject my selfe to
the utmost severities of Censure rather then suffer them to lay hands
on so great a sinner. Here I fall downe before thee O God to be
guided by thee, for after all how guilty soever I may be I still retain
my integrity and doe offer my selfe up to thee, all that determines
me now is that thy Providence wh^li calls me to this station is
publike and visible and my sins which pull me back are secret and
therefore it seems to be thy will that one should be followed rather
then the other. But as I came loaded with much sin before thee
so thou who knows my sins knowest likewise how bitterly I have
mourned for them, how heavy they lie on me and how seriously
» Holograph, Morrison MSS ; see supra, pp. 329, 497.
538 Burnet's Reflections on his Consecration [app.
I am resolved to change the whole course of my life, even to the
smallest particulars. I am indeed resolved to avoid all singularities
and affectations, but as I will keep sin and all objects that may lead
to it at the greatest distance so I will enter on a stricter course of
daily devotion and of seeking thee by secret praier of spending
dales in fasting and wrestling with thee as I was wont to doe many
years agoe. I will cutt off all I can the levities of vain discourse
and Indecent mirth. I will avoid every thing that looks like pride
and the setting a value on my selfe, or the undervaluing of others.
I will study to be an example first in my family to my wife and
to such children as thou shalt think fit to give me, and then to
my servants whom I will take care to Instruct in thy fear. I will
also study to shine before my clergy and to be an example to them
of humility meeknes and charity of contempt of the world, and
a neglect of my person and of all the softening as well as the defiling
pleasures of life. I will visit the sick, relieve the poor, comfort the
prisoners, and will Imploy the revenue that belongs to the Church,
as a Trust which I am to administer and for which I know I must
answer to thee, whose right it is. I will place my friendships and
favours as near as I can discern, on those that fear and love thee :
they shall be all my delight and I will study in all things to walk
before thee and be perfect : these are my resolutions which I offer
up to thee as holy vowes, doe thou O God accept of them and enable
me by thy grace to pay them to thee for after all without thee I
can doe nothing. And as for this Holy Function into which I enter
as thou hast given me high and sublime notions concerning it, so
I will by thy Grace put all these in practise I will preach in season,
both in publike and from house to house : I will not spare my selfe
much lesse will I lose that time which now in a more particular
manner [is] thine, in following a Court or any other Impertinent cares,
for I will give my [selfe ?] wholly to this great work : I will go round
and be frequent in inspecting my clergy and will apply reproofs and
censures as well as encouragments without passion or partiality.
I will be carefuU not to lay hands suddenly on any, nor become
partakers of other mens sins, for thou knowest that I have
but too many of my own to answer for. I will harden my selfe
to all entreaties and recommendations in the conferring either of
Orders or of Benefices, and I will study to form as many as I can
to a high sense of the care of souls and employ such in thy vineyard
v] Burnet's Reflections on his Consecration 539
I will lay aside the prejudices of a party and as I will not rule
over any by force or cruelty so I will shew all kyndnes not only
to such as may differ from me but even to gainsaiers : for I will
love all men : I will live with my Brethren of the Clergy in all
brotherly love and true humility. I will not act by my own single
advice but by the concurrence of the best of my Clergy, and will
doe what in me lies to carry on the Reformation of this Church
to a full perfection, by cutting off the Corruptions that doe still
remain among us, and by adding such things as are wanting : nor
will I ever suffer my selfe to be biassed by the base considerations of
Interest, and I will set my selfe to doe the work of a Bishop in my
Diocesse, without ever designing to remove [or ?] to aspire higher : for
I hope to fall here unlesse thou for the exercise of my faith and
patience calls me to suffer for thy name these are my desires and
these are the vowes which I now offer up to thee in the sincerity of
my heart.
All these are indeed my sincere resolutions yet I know they will
be as nothing if thou doest not concurre and favour me with a most
speciall measure of thy grace. O how often have I begun well
but alas the end was afflicting. All my hope is now placed in this
that I know I begin at thee my God and put my trust wholly in
thee O let my [me ?] feel this day some of the motions of that wind
that blows whensoever thou pleases make me find both in my
receiving this divine benediction and in being admitted to the
misteries of thy sons death such a measure of thy grace that I may
feel that I have a new principle within me a seed of God by which
I may grow up to thee. Doe thou breath on me O thou saviour
of the world and make thy spirit come and dwell in me for all my
hope is in thee. Doe thou but enable me to perform my duty
and then dispose of me in all other things as seems good in thine
eyes for I come not to ask great things of thee for my selfe it is
neither riches nor honour, ease, nor length of dales. How much
a nobler portion were it if thou wouldst honour me so farre to go
and carry thy crosse and to preach thy Gospell as a true follower
of Christ bearing his reproach and to seal that blessed Gospell which
he confirmed with his blood by my own. But thou O God knows
best what I am able to do and to suffer therefore I cast my selfe
on thee and dare ask thee nothing but must only say thy will be
done on me and in me. I am nothing and deserve nothing but
540 Burnetts Account of Scotch Affairs [app.
shame and wrath, but be thou my God and my all support me by
thy Grace and guide me by thy Councell I come unto thee and cast
my selfe downe before thee and make an entire surrender of my life
time and of all those talents with which thou has blesst me to thee
I will Employ them all in thy service and dwell in thy house for
ever and will be for ever aspiring to that blessed hope and glorious
recompense which thou the Shepherd and Bishop of souls has
promised to all that wait for thee. Come Lord Jesus even so come
The large amount of matter, relative to affairs in Scotland after
the Revolution, which Burnet appears to have suppressed when
revising his original Memoirs, attracts attention, and seems to require
explanation. The statements now revealed bear chiefly upon two
persons : Mr. ' Secretary ' Johnstone, and Lord Portland. The
almost entire elimination of the former personality from the pages
of the final version may be probably ascribed to a desire of averting
the charge of literary nepotism ' ; since, despite a suggestive note of
Lord Dartmouth's " and the equally suggestive character inserted by
Burnet (presumably during the revision of 1704-5) into Hist. i. 764,
there seems no reason to suppose that Burnet disapproved the
subsequent career of his kinsman, whether as a member of Tweed-
dale's ministry, or as a leader of the 'Squadrone' (1704-5). The
exact value of the new information must be gauged by those more
intimately acquainted than is the present writer with the course of
Scotch intrigue during the period in question ; but the following
points seem clear.
I. Burnet throws into relief a fact upon which historians ° are
' See Introduction, p. xviii. vol. iii. pt. iii. book x. p. 237, note ;
" See Hist. i. 4. Macaulay, ed. 1858, viii. 80.
' Dalrymple, Memoirs, ed. 1790,
VI] Burnetts Account of Scotch Affairs 541
content to touch — the preponderating influence over Scotch affairs
, exercised, during the reign of William III, in the name, at least, of
Lord Portland. That William, who himself regarded Scotch business
with a mixture of indifference and distaste, should have welcomed
the opportunity of employing his confidential favourite in a sphere
where his Presbyterianism was rather a qualification than the reverse,
and where his foreign birth, as rendering him superior to purely
English prejudice, might be considered, even by Scotchmen them-
selves, as an advantage, can excite no surprise ; that he affected to
do so is certain '. But it is a moot question how far Lord Portland
was really influential, and to what extent he was the stalking-horse of
more powerful intellects. The close alliance which existed between
Portland, Carstares '\ and Sir James and Sir John Dalrymple — the
three former of whom had been intimate during the exile of the
second and third mentioned — is undoubted ; nor is it any less
clear that after the Revolution William's Scotch policy was in fact
directed by this Scoto-Dutch group, of which the ascendency excited
from the first considerable heartburnings among the magnates of
Scotland. Its members were in fact united no less by personal
devotion to William than by political aims. All were statesmen first,
and moderate Presbyterians in the second place only; and their
policy may be summed up as contemplating, (a) the continued
ascendency of William ; (b) the pacification of Scotland, in so far
as this should prove compatible with the wider issues of European
politics ; (f) the establishment of a moderate Presbyterianism, as
combined with a general toleration. It is impossible to apportion an
exact responsibility among the several members of this political
fraternity. Lord Stair^ his son, and Carstares (the studied reticence
of the last notwithstanding) have riveted the attention of posterity.
Portland, on the other hand, bulked larger in the eyes of contem-
poraries ; and in Burnet's original narrative entirely eclipses Burnet's
own co-chaplain Carstares, of whose influence he was naturally
jealous, but who, by a refinement of ill-humour, is barely mentioned '.
2. The fluctuations in the fortunes and policy of the brotherhood
' Balcarres, Memoirs, pp. 42-3 ; Leven book x. p. 237, note ; Story's Carstares,
andMelvillePapers,passim;McCormick, pp. 182, 205-7.
Carstairs Papers, pp. 64,98; Macky, ^ Dalrymple, il/«wo(ra, part i. book i.
SecretMemoirs,^^.(>z-2,zo<)-ii;March- p.39, note, describes Carstares as Port-
won/ Papers, iii. 139, 401-7 ; Dal- land's secretary (no reference given),
rymple, ed. 1790, vol. iii. pt. iii. ^ See Hist. i. 340.
542 Burnet's Account of Scotch Affairs [app.
must now be traced. Its first trend was in the purely Presbyterian
direction ; and Melville, another member of the Scoto-Dutch .
alliance, between whom and Burnet there existed a mutual dislike ',
was certainly its nominee'''. At a very early date after the new
settlement the disastrous result of the Montgomery intrigue ° clearly
affected Portland's position*; and seems during the year 1690 to
have occasioned his temporary retirement from the management of
Scotch affairs ^. Meanwhile the rather intemperate zeal of Melville
for the Presbyterian economy, and his injudicious alliance with
Crawford, had completely alienated the episcopal interest and
rendered a ministerial reorganization necessary. The appointment
of the younger Dalrymple as conjunct Secretary in the end of 1690 "
introduced a moderating influence, and was but the prelude to the
entire shelving of Melville, which took place towards the close of the
year 1691 '' At the same time as this latter event two steps were
taken, which proved in the end incompatible. Breadalbane and several
other of the malcontent grandees — episcopal in their sympathies,
and in some cases strongly suspected of Jacobite leanings — were con-
ciliated by admission to office ; and James Johnstone found himself
appointed Dalrymple's co-secretary. But Johnstone (a son of Lord
Warriston), who had himself ranked among the exiled Scotch of
Holland and whose services to the cause of the Prince had been
considerable, proved no submissive instrument- his talents, temper,
and principles alike unfitting him for a purely subordinate part.
A man of independent convictions, and, though at one with the
moderate Presbyterianism of the governing group,^ in principle a
strong Whig ; firmly attached indeed to the Revolution settlement,
but bound to the King by no ties of individual devotion, his
personal relations with the junto at Whitehall and with the new
Ministry in Scotland could not fail to become rapidly strained.
A tragedy precipitated the breach. Within a month or two of
Johnstone's appointment occurred the massacre of Glencoe, in
which Secretary Dalrymple was the overt principal and Breadalbane
(one of the chief among the newly 'rallied' grandees) an inciting
accessory. Rumours on the subject were certainly current in London
' Leven and Melville Papers, Intro- ^ Hist. ii. 35 ; supra, p. 334.
duction, pp. xxviii-ix ; Dalrymple, * Supra, p. 335.
ed. 1790, vol. ii pt. ii. book vi. App. ■'' Leven and Melville Papers, p. 533.
p. 199 ; Macaulay, ed. 1858, vi. 193. ° Hist. ii. 74 ; supra, p. 357.
" McCormick, p. 95 ; Macky, p. 203. ' Supra, p. 370.
VI] Burnet's Account of Scotch Affairs 543
within the month ' ; and when some months later, on the eve of the
. campaign, these rumours became importunate, Johnstone, who was
sent down to Scotland as representative of the junto, seems to have
received from the king instructions, presumably secret, to investigate the
affair''. The inquiry appears to have been conducted with discretion.
The extremely quiet and satisfactory course of the next year's session,
on which Macaulay comments ', is ascribed by Burnet to the dexterity
with which Johnstone, by whom it had been proposed, soothed the
irritated susceptibilities of the Presbyterians: he adds' that Johnstone's
influence averted an attack on the ministry, i. e. the junto ". The
fact probably is that the public inquiry into the Glencoe affair, on
the absence of which Macaulay lays stress °, was staved off by hints
of an investigation in progress. The results of the session however
clearly included a dislocation of interests as between Johnstone and
the junto. The energy with which Johnstone had pursued the
Glencoe investigation — an energy which, though no doubt perfectly
sincere, may have been spurred by personal motives — must have
certainly exasperated Breadalbane and the Master of Stair; Johnstone
no doubt resented, both on private and political grounds, the cold
and scanty recognition accorded to the conduct of the session ^ ;
Carstares may have naturally disliked the self-reliant temper and
independent language ° of his supposed henchman ; for even King
William, though no stickler for form, was displeased by his uncourtly
bearing °. The juntOj in fact, found its power in part undermined '",
and the channel of influence usually available in the person of the
second Secretary no longer open. The progress of the Glencoe
affair aggravated the split. The private report for which Burnet, in
' Macaulay, vi. 220 ; McCormick, * Supra, pp. 391-2.
p. 253. Macaulay's remarks, vii. ' In fact he seems to have obtained
199-200, as to the date when the from the Parliament an address re-
outcry became urgent, are quite incom- questing the king to confer a Scotch
patible with Burnet's remarks, supra, peerage on Portland (Macaulay, vi.
pp. 372-3 ; which Macaulay must have 390); an honourwhich Portland appears
overlooked. to have desired (McCormick, p. 155).
" Supra, pp. 372-3, 391. Macaulay's ° Hist. ed. 1858, pp. 390-2. The
view (vii. 200), based on the preamble observations on p. 391 and note I
to the Commission of 1695, seems think quite incorrect. Cf. Johnstone to
misleading. Carstares, McCormick, p. 153, last line,
' Hist.ed. 1858, vi. 388-92. John- p. i54,first line, with Burnet's account,
stone's account of the session, in his ' See supra, p. 393.
letters to Portland and Carstares ° See Johnstone's letters in McCor-
{State Papers, 153-84, April i8-May mick.
27, 1693), which should be read, cor- ' McCormick, p. 93 ; supra, p. 415.
roborates Burnet. '° Supra, pp. 372-3, 4I5-
544 Burnetts Account of Scotch Affairs [app.
his original Memoirs, makes Johnstone responsible was burked ;
but when in the summer of 1695 the Scotch Parliament, after two
years' recess, met once more, the outcry became menacing ; and the
Court was compelled to grant a Parliamentary investigation. The
animus displayed in the prosecution of the affair was largely
ascribed to Johnstone ' ; and it is not surprising, though it is regret-
table, that Portland ^ and Carstares ^ should have been impelled to the
discreditable policy of shielding the guilty. The fall of Stair therefore,
though a censure mild indeed for the occasion, became for John-
stone * a triumph, for his colleagues a serious rebuff; Portland indeed
in the irritation of the moment renounced all further concern with
the affairs of Scotland ^ But his retirement, if real, was at any rate
temporary ; for when, six months later, the Darien crisis became
acute, he doubtless combined with Carstares (who disclaimed any
vindictive feeling in the matter *) in urging that the Secretary should
be ' thrown to the lions '.' If Burnet's version of events should be
even approximately correct, Johnstone's action in the Darien affair
was very ill requited; and the historian's observations, supra, p. 415,
no doubt represent the not unnatural bitterness of the discarded
Secretary. After his fall, the influence of the two friends, of whom
Ogilvy became the instrument, remained supreme, and was only
terminated in Portland's case by his voluntary withdrawal from public
life ' ; in that of Carstares by the death of William III. That Car-
stares, after his retirement, retained feelings of dislike to Johnstone is
clear from the language used by his correspondents " ; while Johnstone
is said in his later years to have made certain insinuations adverse to
Portland's fair fame '". These may possibly have referred to the mas-
sacre of Glencoe, though other interpretations were hazarded ; but it
is more probable that he merely touched upon a supposed complicity
in the arts of Parliamentary corruption, as practised in Scotland.
^ Cunningham, Htst. i. 131-2 (see stares (McCormick, p. 94 ; ibid. pp.
also pp. 365, 412-5); Macaulay,vii. 201. 269-527, /ia5«»» ; Lockhart of Carn-
^ Supra, pp. 411, 415. warth'sAfs>«o«Vs,ed. 1817, i. 72; Macky,
^ McCormick, pp. 236, 257. pp. 181-2).
' McCormick, p. 99 ; Burton, Hist. ' Story, pp. 254-5.
Scotland, i. 172 ; Caveat against the ' Macky, Secret Memoirs, p. 210
Whigs, pt. 3, p. 74. (Macky was the spy who warned
' See McCormick, p. 263. The sug- Johnstone previously to La Hogue);
gestion may have been faint. It seems Lord Minto's introduction to the Jervis-
to have been made to Ogilvy, wood Correspondence, second page.
Stair's successor, who, though intro- ' See Hist. ii. 235.
duced into business by Johnstone, ' McCormick, pp. 729, 736, 745.
was the creature of Portland and Car- •" Lockhart of Carnwarth, i. 367-8.
Notes prefixed to Harl. MSS. 6584 545
HARLEY (see Introduction, pp. vi, ix, x).
/ 2 (a). Materials.
July 17, 1699.
Sr wr Ye rem: away
Mr. Hampden's usage (the word abdicate was Hasty)
Whigs tho they had many places had not al, therefore
displeased ["].
A council for protecting the Prot[estant] Religion to be
established with 200000'! a year &c \y\.
When ministers make their masters believe, that
al they reckon to be their enemys are also the
kings, the common practice cried out ag' in ye last
reigns [«].
That men go away w[i]th vast grants the Pillage
of ye country the reward of long service to be
swallowed in a moment.
They had ruin'd y* by their Heats about the
Corporation Bill & self seeking &c. when ye 2d Parlpament]
was chosen [d]
Lieutenancy of London changed (a meer trifle)
first whigs put in, then chang[e]d for ye torys &c.
upon ye new Parliam[en]t : 1690 [ej
They outraged y* Parlia[men]t as Jacobites, yet [? y']
did more for ye governm[en]t than others
How did the whiggs oppose one anothers Elections &c.
Green & Somers
The wh[igs] desire power and use it ye worst in ye world
They set on another [act ?] of abjuration in order to
g^t al ye offices of profit in y^' hands & al power [f]
" Cf. Harl. MSS. 6584, f. 289(A) (^supra, p. 313). " Ibid. f. 230 (a) {supra,
p. 237). " Ibid. f. 48 (fl) {supra, p. 335). ^ Ibid. f. 49 (6) {supra, pp. 337-8).
' Ibid. ' Ibid. f. 51 (i) {supra, p. 342).
546 Notes prefixed to Harl. MSS. 6584 [app. vn
/. 2 {b).
July 21, 1699.
The P:[rince of] 0:[range's] declaration was ag^* surrender
of Charters and directing writts to illegal officers to choose
Parlia[ment] [''J and now have not these broken through
al those things treated [? cyted] on in ye declaration & y®
late king
^v . J Plimouth
Charters-(^ . ,
Instead of non obstantes did not they set up the
Royal oke lottery contrary to law
did not Judges go circuits to elude
the Law, to shew how near they
could go & not sin ; this ought
to be animadverted on. Howe they could
dare to set such an example
Sheriffs pricked for example Carbery to serve
England & Wales.
Marshal Law exercised when no Law for it
justified by S^ R. R. & S^ S. S. [? G.]
and so their fetters struck of[f ].
This faction have tryed to do what neither
they nor anything else can
bring about, to discredit ye Govern[men]t
for ye Beachy fight 1690 we had not
2000 men in England '^ & yet our beaten
fleet defended us, f] tho[ugh after ?] ^ pressed for
20000 here.
" Cf. Harl. MSS. 6584, f. 269 {supra, p. 285). " Ibid. ff. 53-4 {supra,
PP- 344-5) ; 63 (rt) {supra, p. 361) ; 70 (a) {supra, p. 375).
' From the fact that the Harleian the second and larger numeral may
transcripts make mention of 1000 only, have been employed by Harley merely
Mrs. Lomas argues that Harley had in antithesis to ' 20,000.'
access to a different copy. This seems ^ Letters very illegible,
overstrained ; 1000 is ' not 2000 ' ; and
Affairs, Englisi —
Temp. Q. Elizabeth, -p^. 1^2-4, 177-8;
temp. James I, 174-5, 178; temp.
Charles J, 1 75-7 ; temp. Cromwell,
229-42, 243.
Temp. Charles II-Anne :
Administrative, 76-8, 134, 144-5, 265-
6, 277-8, 312-5, 381-2, 394-6, 4°8>
427-8, 431, 439-
The Court. 74-6, 133, 135-45, 150,
152-4, 182-3, 187-90, 205-7, 225-6,
259-62, 264-6, 270-1, 274-6, 280-2,
284, 295-7, 301, 312-3, 373-4, 404-6,
427, 493-4, 508.
Diplomatic, 145-7, 15°, I57, 161, 184,
186, i8g, 200-3, 206, 221-3, 227-8,
2£5-6i, 377-8, 42 1-3, 428, 43°, 439-
40, 443, 445-8.
Ecclesiastical, 45-7, 67-74, i°°-3,
104, 106-7, '92, 210-20, 224, 226,
227, 255-61, 263-4, 266-8, 271-4,
277-8, 314-8. 326-7, 329-33, 358-60,
386-90, 396-7, 404, 406-7, 422, 426-
7, 436-7, 44°, 443-4, 449, 463-4,
494-508, 528-9, 530.
Financial, x n. 1, 76, 78, 134, 137-8,
140, 147-8, 150, 183, 206-7, 221,
227-8, 318-9, 334, 337, 401-2, 413-
4, 432, 434-6, 437-8, 441, 444, 448-
Legal, 110-6, 118-27, 132, 140,
163, 167-9, 208-18, 353-5, 381-2,
395-6, 401, 449-50-
Military, x«. i, 76-80, 98, 160-7, 193,
226, 269-70, 277, 282, 289, 291-2,
298-9, 302, 319, 320-1, 343-6, 350,
356, 360-6, 374, 376-7, 382-5, 394,
397, 408-9, 416-7, 418-9, 423-S,
428-30,432-4, 438, 440-1, 445, 530-
5- 546-
Naval, 78-80, 180, 193, 221, 223, 277,
292-5, 297-8, 312, 321-2,344-6, 353,
361, 366, 374-6, 385-6, 397-8, 409-
10, 418, 426, 434, 438-9, 528-9, 546-
Parliamentary, x/z. 1,68, 70-3, 99-100,
Affairs, English (cont.) —
101-3, 105-6, 137-8, 139, 148-50,
306-11, 313, 315-9, 337-42, 351-3,
367-9, 379-81, 396-7, 399-403, 412-
4, 418, 419-20, 426-7, 431-6, 437-8,
440-3, 444, 446-8, 449, 484-5, 508,
512-3. 536-6, 545-6.
Parties, Political :
(i) During Protectorate : Common-
wealth's party, 231-i, 235, 241 ;
Royalists, 231-2, 235, 240-1 ; Fifth
Monarchy Men, 232.
(2) temp. Charles II and James II:
Court party, 99 k., 208, 306 ; Church
party, 263-4, 290, 294 ; Tory party,
294 ; Country party (or ' the factious
party,' or ' the party,' or ' the party
that opposed the Court'), 99 and n.,
106, 121-2, 137, 147, 151, 258;
Whigs, 145; Commonwealth's party,
1 1 3, 1 1 5, 264 ; King's Head Club, 132
and n.
(3) temp. William and Mary, and
William: Church party, 314, 316,
318, 322, 338; High Church party,
333, 358, 387 ; Tories, 313-5, 319,
•337-9, 340-2, 380, 382, 388, 395;
(party against or opposed to Court),
396, 399, 402 ; "Whigs, 313-4, 316,
318-9', 333', 334-5, 338-9, 341.
369, 380, 382, 386-8, 393-5,404, 413,
546-6; Republican party, 287,313-4,
318, 369, 413; Jacobites, or King
James'sparty, 318, 326, 333, 336,339,
342, 346-7, 357-8, 371, 373, 378,
392-3, 396, 404, 407-8, 4", 413-4-
(4) temp. Anne: High Church party,
420 ; Tories, 431 , 448-9, 513; October
Club, the, 440; Whigs, 416, 418-9,
436, 442-3, 449 ; Jacobites, 419, 427.
Revolution, the, 276-7, 282, 284-311,
Affairs, Irish. —
Administrative, 60-2, 65, 133-5, I7°,
1 Where they are called ' the violent party.'
2 bis ; once they are called ' the party.'
N n 3
Affairs, Irish (cont.) —
Ecclesiastical, 389, 432.
Military, 319-21, 343-5, 348-5o> S^i-
2, 364-6, 423.
Parliamentary, 369, 412.
The Rebellion in Ireland, 60-2.
The Revolution in Ireland, 285, 305-6.
Affairs, Scotch —
Burnet's knowledge of, 47.
Administrative, 4-7, 25-6, 41-3, 82-4,
9S-9, 108,170-6, 241, 253-5, 323-5,
357. 369-73. 385. 39f-4. 403. 410-2,
414-5. 475. 479-84-
Ecclesiastical, 2-3, 7-19, 26-8, 31-3,
39. 90. i°3-4. 253-5, 259, 322-4,
327-9. 347. 357. 370-1. 393-3, 411,
452-62, 466, 470-2, 476-8.
Legal, 18-23, 268, 419-20, 435.
Military, 5, 158-9, 325, 346.
Parliamentary, 17-8, 21-4, 80-2,
160, 254-5, 322-4, 346-7. 391-3.
410-2, 414-5, 482 ; (Parliament of
Great Britain), 418-9, 435.
' Rye House ' or ' Carolina ' plot, 1 1 1 -
3, 118, 160.
Argyll's rebellion, 155-60.
The Revolution in Scotland, 285, 304-5.
Post-Revolution politics, 540-4.
Montgomery's plot, 334-7, 347.
Massacre of Glencoe, 371-3, 410-1,
415. 542-4-
The Darien scheme, 410-2, 414-5, 544.
Affairs, Colonial, 221-2, 235-6, 379,
389-90, 41 1-2, 414-5, 437, 438-9,
Afifairs, Foreign —
Bantam, 221-2, 268.
Batavia [East Indies], 221-2.
Brazil, 199.
Burgundy, 201.
Denmark, 243, 363, 425, 439; Fred-
erick IV, King of, 425, 439.
Empire, the, 243, 283, 363, 366-7,
377. 38.3-4, 399, 423, 431, 447, 529;
Emperor, the (Leopold I), 243, 366-
7, 426; (Joseph I), 417, 426, 430,
436; (Charles VI), 438, 440,445,446,
447 (see also Affairs, Foreign, Spain,
Charles III, titular King of). Austria,
243, 283. Baden,PrinceLewisof,366,
396, 409. Bavaria, Elector of, 346,
356,363. 367.417,424.447- Branden-
burg, Elector of, Frederick William,
278-9, 283, 289 ; Frederick, 279-80,
283, 293, 370 (King of Prussia), 446 ;
Electress of, 279; Bohemia, 175.
Cologne, Elector of, Maximilian
Henry, 280; Elector of, Joseph
Clement, 397, 447. Hanover, House
Affairs, Foreign (cent.) —
of, 76. Hanover, Duke of, afterwards
Elector, Ernest Augustus, 280, 363,
367. Hesse, Landgrave of, Carl,
280. Hildesheim, bishopric of, 280.
Holstein Ploen, Duke of, John
Adolph, 397. Hungary, 175, 362,
366, 377. 410, 426, 431, 436, 445.
Munster, Bishop of, 184, 200, 363.
The Palatinate, 248, 434 ; Palatine,
Elector, Frederic (afterwards King
of Bohemia), 75, 175, 178, 242 n.;
Elector Charles, 75-6 nn., 178 ;
family of, 75-6 and n. ; Princess of,
afterwards Queen of Bohemia, 175.
Prussia, Kings of (Electors of Bran-
denburg), Frederic I and Frederick
William, 446. Salzbourg, Archbishop
of, 367. Saxe, Duke of, 363. Tran-
sylvania, 426 ; Prince of, Gabriel II
(Bethlem Gabor), 175. Westphalia,
200. Wurtemberg, 352. Wolfen-
biittel, Duke of, 280. Zell, Duke of
Bmnswick-Lunenburg, 280.
Flanders, 182, 234, 366, 367, 376,
383-4, 394, 397, 4°8-9, 416-7, 423-
4, 425, 428, 436.
France,6i, 95-8, 145, 146, 157, 162-3,
172-6, 177, 182-3, 184, 185, 187-
9, 193, 197, 205-7, 221-2, 234-7,
241, 243, 256, 282, 283, 293, 341,
345, 346, 348-9. 356, 361-7. 372, 377.
378-9, 383, 384, 385, 391-2, 394.
397-8, 409, 416-20, 421-3,425, 428,
430, 432-3, 436. 438-40, 443, 445.
446, 447, 467-8, 490 ; Louis XIII,
King of, 176 ; Louis XIV, King of,
his character, 228-9 ; see also 137,
157, 183, 184, 185, 189, 202-4, 206-
7, 243, 246, 257, 270, 283, 286, 363,
365. 375. 376, 408, 420, 422-3, 430,
435. 46° ; Louis XV, Kmg of, 443 ;
the Dauphin (' Monseigneur ' Lonis),
384,423, 436; the Danphin (Louis,
Duke of Burgundy), 417, 420, 436;
Anne of Austria, Queen of France,
75. 175-6 ; Maria Theresa, Queen of
France, 246.
Geneva, 237, 242 and n., 248, 490.
Holland : see Affairs, Foreign, United
Italy, 247 and nn. 2-5, 251, 425 ;
Pope Innocent XI (Benedict Ode-
scalchi), 171, 259-60, 270, 356; Pope
Innocent XII (Pignatelli), 356 ;
Clement XI (Albano), 425; Rome,
221, 237; Venetians, the, 156, 243,
362, 398, 410.
Japan, 221.
Affairs, Foreign (cent.) —
Muscovy, Peter the Great, Czar of,
4251 430, 436, 439, 446.
Poland, 243, 362, 425 ; John So-
bieski. King of, 243 ; Marie de la
Grange D'Arquien, Queen of, 399 ;
(Frederick) Augustus I, pretender
to the crown, 425 ; Stanislaus I, pre-
tender to the crown, 424-5.
Portugal, 79, 199, 244-6, 319, 422-3,
43^1 447 i Dom Alonzo VI, King of,
244-6 and «., 519 ; Marie Fran9oise,
Queen of, 244-6 and ». ; Prince Regent
of [King Peter 11], 244 and «.
Savoy and Piedmont, 237, 256, 362,
367. 379. 384. 397. 409; I>uke of,
Victor Amadeus II, 237, 346, 363,
379. 384. 417-
Spam, 199, 234-6, 241, 243, 255, 283,
356. 362, 384. 394. 397-8, 410, 422,
423, 428-9, 430, 432, 433, 436, 438,
440; Philip II, King of, 172, 308;
Charles II, King of, 367, 394 ;
Charles III, titular King of, 429-30,
432, 438 ; Philip V, King of (Duke
of Anjou), 422-3, 429-30, 432-3, 443.
Sweden, 243, 363, 424-5, 430, 431,
446 ; Gustavus Adolphns, King of,
177,231; Charles XII, King of, 417,
Switzerland, 175, 237, 248, 491.
Turkey, 243-4, 362, 377-8, 398-9,
425-6, 430. 436, 439. 446. 447;
Grand Signior, Achmet III, 439, 447.
United Provinces, the, 90-5, 98-9,
105, 147. 150. 157. 177-S7. 193. 196,
197, 198, 199, 200-2, 221-3, 227,
241, 243, 248-9, 250, 252, 256, 269,
271, 276-7, 280, 282-8, 293, 294-7,
319. 345. 353. 356, 361. 363. 368-9.
373, 380, 383-6, 394, 399. 421, 424,
426, 429, 430-1, 434, 442-3, 445-7,
457. 49°-5- , ^ ^^.
Ahoab, a Jewish Rabbi, 91.
Airy, Dr., his edition of Burnet, xxix.
Albano, Cardinal, 425.
Albemarle, Duke of: see Monk.
Albeville : see White.
Allestry, Dr., 47 and »., 464.
Allibone, Mr. Justice, 273.
Amelia de Solms, Princess of Orange,
242, n. i.
Amelot, a French Ambassador, 383.
Amsterdam, affairs of, 198-201.
Anabaptists, Dutch, 93 ; English, 218.
Andrews, Bishop, 460.
Anglesey, Earl of : see Annesley.
Annandale, Earl of: see Johnstone,
Anne, Princess, i, 75, 152-4, 207, 247
»■ 5, 274-5, 276 nn. I and 3, 291-2,
296-7, 299, 308, 309, 373-4, 493,
533; (QueenofEngland),4i7-8,42 3,
426-7, 428, 431-5, 437, 440, 444,
448, 51.V
Annesley, Arthur, first Earl of Angle-
sey, his character, 62 ; see also 55,
61, 118, 171 «.
Arbuthnot, Dr., xxii.
Argyll : see Campbell.
Arlington : see Bennet.
Armada, Spanish, 172, 174.
Arminians, Dutch, 92 ; English, 508.
Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 108, 11 1,
"5. 132.
Arran : see Hamilton.
Ashby, Admiral Sir John, 375.
Ashton, John,a Jacobite agent, 353-4.
Atkins, Sir Robert, 122-3.
Atterbury, Dean (afterwards Bishop
of Rochester), 437.
Aubigny, Lord (Lodovic Stuart, Sieur
de), 14, 74, 171.
Augustus : i^^ Affairs, Foreign, Poland.
Aumont, Due de, 445.
Austria : ite Affairs, Foreign, The Em-
Austria, Anne of: see Affairs, Foreign,
AuTerquerque, Mr. de, 366.
Ayloffe, Mr. John, 156 «., 158, 159.
Baden, Prince of : see Affairs, Foreign,
The Empire.
Baillie [Jerviswood], Mr., 108, 11 2, 1 1 8.
Baker, Admiral John, 423.
Balmerino, Lord : see Elphinstone,
Bantam : see Affairs, Foreign.
Barbesieux, M., 376.
Barillon, M., 133, 157, 189, 205, 227.
Barley, Sir Gideon, 492.
Barne veldt, 178.
Batavia : see Affairs, Foreign.
Bates, Mr., 403.
Bath, Earl of: see Granville.
Bavaria : see Affairs, Foreign.
Baxter, Captain, 269 «. i.
Baxter, Richard, 29 nn., 46, 68, 463.
Bayle, 91 n. 2, 95 n. i, 242 «. 2.
Beach, Dr. , xxvii and «.
Beach, Philip, xxii n., xxvii n., xxviii.
Beauolerk, Charles, first Duke of St.
Albans, 530.
Beaufort, Duke of: see Somerset.
Beaumont, Dr. Joseph, 464.
Bsauvilliers, Due de, 363.
Bedel, Burnet's Life af,c^x(> and n.
Bedford, Earl of: see Russell.\
Bellasis of Osgodby, Susan, Lady, 296.
Bellings, Sir Richard, 74.
Benedictines, 97.
Bennet, Henry, first Earl of Arlington :
character, 66-7; see also 73, 184.
Bentiuok, Hans William : his char-
acter, 196-7 ; see also 162, 279, 308-
9, 494, 496, 532 ; (Earl of Portland),
xix, xxii)2.4, 334-5' 41'' 4iS> 54°-4-
Berkeley, Charles, Baron, afterwards
Earl of Berkeley, 410.
Berkeley, Sir Charles, first Viscount
Fitzhardinge and Earl ofFalmouth, 65.
Berkeley, Sir Charles (his father),
second Viscount Fitzhardinge, 65.
Berkeley, Robert, of Spetchley, 509 n.
Berkshire, Earl of: see Howard.
Bernard, Dr., 464.
Berry, Admiral Sir J., 529.
Bertie, James, Lord Norris, afterwards
first Earl of Abingdon, 352.
Berwick, Duke of : see Fitz-James.
Beveridge, Dr., 359.
Biscaniers, or Biscayneers, 235 and n.
Blaokbourne, Rev. John, xxiv, xxv,
Blague, Captain, 124.
Blair, Mr., of Virginia, 389-90.
Blount, Charles, pamphleteer, 387 n.
Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 21, 24, particu-
lars concerning, vii, viii, 416, 451 11.
Bohemia : see Affairs, Foreign.
Boileau, M., 229.
Bolton, Duke of : see Paulet.
Booth, Henry, 115; second Lord Dela-
mere, afterwards Earl of Warrington,
152. 209, 531, 533-
Boreal, William, Dutch Ambassador
in England, 184.
Borghese, Prince, 142.
Boufilers, Marshal, 360, 409.
Bouillon, Cardinal de, 397.
Bower, George, the medallist, 1 36 «.
Bowyer, Mr., the printer, xxiv.
Boyle, Hon. Robert, 464-5, 487 n.
Boyle, Roger, first Earl of Orrery : his
character, 63 ; seealsoS5,6i, 65, 242.
Braddon, Laurence, 122-3.
Brady, Dr., 296.
Brandenburg: see Affairs, Foreign,
The Empire.
Brandon, Duke of: see Hamilton.
Brandon, Lord : see Gerard.
Breadalbane, Earl of : see Campbell.
Bremen, Major, 115.
Brisbane, Mr., no, 200.
Bristol, Earl of : see Dighy.
Brodriok, Sir Allan, 138-9.
Brownists (of Amsterdam), 93.
Buooaniers, 235 n., 236.
Buckingham, Duke of: see Villiers.
Burgundy : see Affairs, Foreign.
B\irgundy, Duke of : see Affairs,
Foreign, France.
Burmann, 91 ». 2.
Burnet, Sir Alexander, 458.
Burnet, Alexander, Archbishop 01
Glasgow, 90.
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert : his Memoirs,
History, and Autobiography, particu-
lars of, Introduction passim, 1-2,
416,451-2; hisbirth, 452 ; education,
454-5 i robust health and intellectual
vigour, 455-6 ; his probationary
trials, 456-7 ; refuses a benefice, 458;
his views concerning Hooker and
Andrews, 460; his friendship for
Nairn and Charteris, 2, 460-2; his
opinions concerning the Presbyterian
ministers, i!, 31-2, 459-60; he declines
the law, 4, 460 ; his friendship with
Leighton, 9-1 1, 30, 461-2; opinion
of the Scotch bishops, 18, 461;
relations with Lauderdale, 1 8 «. 2 ;
declines a living in the west, 28, 466 ;
'intercourse with Glencairn, Tarbot,
Lorn, Lady Balcarres, Leighton, 28-
30 ; studies mathematics with Keith,
30, 461 ; his early views on passive
obedience, 32-9 and App. I ; re-
ligious enthusiasm, 39-40; letter to
Sharp and consequent interview with
him, 40 ; reforming projects, 40-1 ;
visit to London on behalf of Warris-
ton, 41, 43 ; intercourse with Boyle,
Moray, and Drummond, 43-4, 464-6 ;
his acquaintance in London, Oxford,
and Cambridge, 45-7, 463-4; opinion
of the English Universities, 464 ; goes
north in summer, 1663, 80, 466 ;
renders last services to Warriston,
80-1 ; his views of friendship and
kindred, 81 ; his intimacy with Lau-
derdale's circle, meets his first wife,
84; would exclude women and
churchmen from politics, 85 and n. ;
meets Dr. Scougall and Sir Robert
Fletcher, 85, 466; his mother per-
suades him to defer taking Orders,
he meets Nairn and Charteris at
Lord Tweeddale's, 86 ; impressed by
the story of Tauler's conversion, 86-
8 ; is offered a benefice by Sir Robert
Fletcher, 88, 466 ; accepts it, 89, 466;
goes to London and is chosen Fellow
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert {cont.) —
of Royal Society, 89, 468 ; his views
as to men in power, 90 ; his travels
in Holland, 1664, and their effect on
his opinions, his views as to learning
in Holland, moderate men and zealots,
toleration, Dutch industry and govern-
ment, the English constitution, Dutch
care for the poor, manners of the
Dutch, and Dutch collegiate system,
90-5, 467-8 ; his visit to France,
intercourse with Holies, Morus,
Daillie, he studies the methods of
the French preachers, cannot meet
with the Jansenists or the Mystics,
his view of French Protestantism in
1664, of French religious orders and
Roman polemics, his acquaintance
with Lady Anne Lindsay, a nun, 95-
8, 467-8 ; his return to England, 98 ;
and Scotland, 468 ; his self-conceit,
44, 94, 98, 468 ; his Memoirs for the
years 1665-83 missing (loss in part
supplied by Autobiography), 99 ; his
settlement at Saltoun, his sense of his
own talents, his mathematicalstudies —
these interrupted by death of Fletcher,
468-9 ; his labours at Saltoun, and
private studies, 469-72 ; his sense of
the bishops' conduct, and the Me-
morial, 40 «., 472 ; his asceticism,
he abandons the pursuit of learn-
ing, his studies in the mystical
divinity, his view of mysticism con-
firmed by .a curious incident, the
spiritual effects of his austerities, 472-
5 ; he mingles in political life, 475 ;
is introduced by Lady M. Kennedy
to the Hamiltons, 475-6; makes a
proposal concerning vacant churches,
476 ; removes to Glasgow, 476-7 ;
his discomfort there, and scholastic
labours, 477-8 ; writes the Hamilton
Memoirs, 479 ; is summoned to Lon-
don by Lauderdale, 479-80; recon-
ciles Lauderdale and Hamilton, 480 ;
his favour at court, 480 ; discusses re-
lations between the Court and Prince
of Orange, 182 ; asked to write the
Duke of York's Memoirs, 50 ; ques-
tions the duke concerning a nun, 51 ;
remonstrates with the duke, 52-3;
his intercourse with Crew, Bishop of
Durham, 212; refuses a bishopric,
480;' his first marriage, 480-1; his
intercourse with the Lauderdales and
Hamiltons in 1671-3,481-3; breach
with Lauderdale and the Court, 483-4 ;
he leaves Scotland, 484; betrays
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert {conl.) —
Lauderdale's confidence, 484 ; is
settled at the Rolls, 484-5 ; the Popish
controversy, 485-6; literary labours
and popularity, amenability to lite-
rary criticism, 487-8 ; his interest in
the Exclusion question, 99 ; his stric-
tures on the clergy, and arguments
against bishops voting in causa
sanguinis, 100-3 i writes the History
of the Reformation, 486 ; intercourse
with Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, 486-
7 ; thanked for his sermon and Hist,
of Reformation, 105 ; his project of
a regency, 100; he retires from
political activity in 1681-3, applies
himself to devotional and scientific
study, declines preferment, 107-8,
488-90 ; Elliot's scurrilous insinua-
tions against, 107-8 nn. ; advises
Cochrane in 1683, 112; his acquain-
tance with Lady Russell, 116; his
kindness to Baillie, 118; testifies for
Rnssell, 1 26 ; his absence of mind,
126; his final intercourse with Rus-
sell, 128-31 ; examined concerning
Russell's speech, 489 ; liberality of the
Russell family to, 489 ; retorts upon
a saying of Charles II, 488 ; his
connexion with the Braddon affair,
1 2 1-3; he commences his Memoirs,
1-3 ; method he pursued in them, 72 ;
views on the state of the succession
in 1683, 75-6 ; he writes a book on
the evidences of Christianity, 489-90 ;
his views on the insolence of the
Duchess of Portsmouth, 136 ; dis-
missed from the Rolls, 490 ; opinions
concerning the change of monarchs,
143, 490; his relations with the
adherents of Monmouth, 15 1-2 ; his
relations with the Court, 151; his
views on the political situation, 152,
154; he leaves England, 155, 490;
his first wife's death, 151,490; sources
of his information given, 136-7, 146,
149-50, 152, 155-6 «., I59«., 490;
goes to France in 1685, 157, 227-9,
490 ; asked to influence Ruvigny, 203 ;
his intimacy with Montagu, 227,
490; and Schomberg, 227-8, 244; is
asked to write a life of Louis XIV,
229; leaves Paris and witnesses the
dragonades, 204-5 > '^'s influence at
Geneva, 490 ; meets the old Count of
Dohna, 242 ; his Italian travels, and
accounts of the same, 247 and «., 490;
his reflections on the state of con-
tinental religion, 247-50, 490-1 ; his
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert (cont.) —
reception at the Hague, 250, 491 ; his
relations with Cartwright and Parker,
216; his opinion of Penn, 218; his
intimacy with the Prince and Princess
of Orange, 227; he discusses predes-
tination with the prince, 191, her suc-
cession and the crown matrimonial with
the princess, 195, 308-10 ; his dislike
to favourites, 197 ; love of classical
authors, 198; his second marriage
and its circumstances, 250-3, 49i-3>
520-1, 522-6 passim; Albeville's
memorials concerning him and their
effect on his mind, 268-9, 49^ > ^^^
change of view on the subject of
passive obedience and approval of
the prince's scheme, 277, 298 and n.,
517-9, 522-4 ; his interference in
the negotiations with Hanover, 280 ;
his intention of going with the prince,
286, 525; his avoidance of previous
confidences, 287 ; his negotiations with
the Dutch ministers, and view of the
English ecclesiastical situation, 331,
495 ; his reflections and dispositions
previous to the expedition, including
his opinions upon religion in general,
and the Roman Catholic religion in
particular, 286, 522-8 ; his letters to
Herbert (close of 1688), 297 «., 298
«., 300»., 303 n., 528-36; interferes
in the matter of the crown matrimo-
nial, 308-10 ; he incurs the dislike of
William by his interference in various
matters, 496 ; the affair of the bishop-
ric of Durham, 496-7 ; made Bishop
of Salisbury, 326, 497; his resolu-
tions upon his consecration, 329-31,
537-40; his views on entering the
House of Lords, 327, 498; is blamed
for ecclesiastical changes in Scotland,
327-9 ; receives warning of the Scotch
plot, 335-6 ; views on the Abjuration
Bill, 341 ; concerned in a scheme for
abducting James II; 343 ; is snubbed
by 'William for his inquisitiveness,
349 ; his exertions in his diocese, 387,
498-506 ; the affair of the pastoral
letter, 387-8; in doubt as to the
expediency of establishing a. bank,
395 ; his veneration for Queen Mary,
390-1 ; present at her death, 404-5 ;
his grief for her loss, 405 ; the com-
mission for ecclesiastical affairs, 406 ;
dismal apprehensions, 407 and n. ;
relations with Savile, Marquis of
Halifax, 407 n. ; death of his second
wife, 493; intervention in the Fen-
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert {cont^ —
wick case, 102 «., 105 nn.\ his theo-
logical treatises, 506-8 ; made pre-
ceptor to the Duke of Gloucester,
493-4 ; a parliamentary attack upon
him fails, 508 ; his third marriage,
508-9 ; change of opinion concerning
Marlborough, the Whigs, and the
peace, 416 ; reasons for continuing
History, ^2^; not concerned in the
resolution to prosecute Sacheverel,
427; remonstrates with Queen Anne,
427-8 ; present at a debate, 441 ;
reflections on deaths at Versailles
and St. Germain, 443 ; motives for
writing History, sense of the spiritual
results of prayer, 449 ; his pecuniary
liberality, 387, 450,500, 505and«.;the
education of his children, his thoughts
on education, 510-2; his injudicious
interference in a Salisbury election,
512-3; relations with his dean, SI3«.;
list of his works, 513-4; his original
account of post-Revolution politics
in Scotland, 540-4; his opinion of
Secretary Johnstone, 540; his jealousy
of Carstares, 541 ; reflections on his
Memoirs by Robert Harley, 545-6;
his will, xxi-ii ; his papers, vii «. 5.
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert : his strictures
on the clergy: (English), 100-8, 132,
178. 317, 330-1, 495, 498-508;
(Scotch Presbyterian), 2, 32, 357,406;
(Scotch Episcopal), 254, 476 ; (co-
lonial), 389 ; (continental Protestant),
94, 173, 186, 248-50, 490-1; (con-
tinental Papist), 96-7, 523-4.
Burnet, Gilbert, son of Bishop Burnet,
xxi-iv, 510-2 and n.
Burnet, [Lady] Margaret (born Ken-
nedy), first wife of Bishop Burnet :
character, 84-5 ; see also 7, 18 n. i,
80 »., 151, 475, 480-1, 490, 492.
Burnet, Mistress, sister of Bishop Bur-
net, 3.
Burnet, Mrs. (bom Johnstone), mother
of Bishop Burnet, 3, 30, 41, 86, 459.
Burnet, Mrs. Elizabeth (bom Blake),
third wife of Bishop Burnet, 508-9
and n.
Burnet, Mrs. Mary (bom Scott), second
wife of Bishop Burnet, 251 and «.,
253 and «., 327, 492-3, 497-8, 520-1,
Burnet, Robert, father of Bishop Bumet:
character, 452-9; see also 12 and «.,
18 n. i, 21, 28, 85, 510.
Burnet, Robert, brother of Bishop
Bumet, 4, 454, 460.
Burnet, Dr. Thomas, Master of the
Chatterhouse, 463,
Burnet, Sir Thomas, brother of Bishop
Bumet, 454.
Burnet, Sir Thomas, son of Bishop Bur-
net, Introduction /
449. 491. 494. 497, 529, 533-
Cond6, Prince of, Louis de Bourbon,
184. 234; 236. 238.
Confessor, Jesuit, of James II : see
Warner, Father,
Coningsby, Thomas, Lord Coningsby,
Conway, Edward, third Viscount and
first Earl Conway, 66.
Cook, Sir Thomas, 403.
Cook, or Coke, Mr. John, member for
Derby, 1685,208.
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Lord Ashley
and first Earl of Shaftesbury: char-
acter, 58-60; see also 55, 57, 63,
99-100, 103 K. 2, III, 116, 119, 171.
Cooper, Margaret (born Spencer), third
wife of above, 58.
Cordeliers, 97.
Cornbuxy, Lord : see Hyde.
Cornish, Mr., 169.
Country Party : see Affairs, English,
Parties, Political.
Court Party : see Affairs, English,
Parties, Political.
Cowley, Abraham, 29 «. 3.
Cowper, William, Lord Keeper, 431.
Craig, Mr., 512.
Crawford, Earl of : see Lindsay.
Cressaw, a Swedish general, 425.
Crew, Nathaniel, Lord, Bishop of
Durham, 212, 496-7 ; his family, 212.
Croissy, M. de, 378.
Cromwell, Oliver: character, 2 30-42;
see also 13, 59, 77 «., 113, 143, 181,
243, 255, 265.
Crone, Jacobite agent, 342-3.
Crowder, Dr., 225-6.
Cudworth, Dr., 464.
Culpepper (Colepeper), Thomas,
second Baron Culpepper or Cole-
peper, 302, 308.
Cumberland, Dr., Bishop of Peter-
borough, 359.
Cunningham, Alexander, xxii and n. 4,
190 n. 2, 191 n., 407 «. 2.
Cunningham, William, ninth Earl of
Glencairn, 28, 82-3.
Cunninghame, Sir John, of Capring-
ton, 511 ».
Cutts, John, afterwards Baron Cutts,
DailliS, Jean, 96, 467.
Dalrymple family, misfortunes of,xxvii.
Dalrymple, James, President of the
Court of Session and first Viscount
Stair, 323-4, 335, 357, 541.
Dalrymple, Sir John, second Viscount
and first Earl of Stair, 357, 372,
4". 415. 541-4-
Danby, Earl of: see Osborne.
Dankleman, Baron Eberhard Christoph
Balthazar von, 279.
Dartmouth, Earl of: see Legge.
Dauphin, the : see Affairs, Foreign,
D'Avaux, Count, 282, 378.
Dawson, Mrs., 296.
Dean of St. Paul's (Edward Stilling-
fleet), 108.
Dehome, Mr., 200.
Delamere, Lord : see Booth.
Delaval, Admiral Sir Ralph, 380.
Denmark : see Affairs, Foreign.
Denmark, Prince of : see George.
Denmark, Princess of : see Anne.
Desborough, Major-Generaljohn, 234.
Descartes, 91 n. i, 461.
Des Marets, Samuel, 91, 186-7 3"'' "■
Des MarSts, Daniel, his son, 187 n.
D'Estr^es, Jean, Vice-Admiral and
Mar^chal of France, 386.
Des Vardes, Marquis, 246.
Devonshire, Earl of : see Cavendish.
Dick, Sir Alexander, of Prestonfield,
Bart., 511 n.
Dickveldt, Everard van, 197-8, 256-8.
Digby, George, second Earl of Bristol:
his character, 64; see also 14, 72-4,
Digby, John, third Earl of Bristol, 531,
Dohna, Christophe von, 242 n. z.
Dohna, Friedrich, Reichsburggraf and
Graf zu Dohna, 242 and 7t., 243-4.
Dolben, John, Archbishop of York,
Sotiglas, James, fourth Earl, second
Marquis and Duke of Queensberry,
Douglas, Lieutenant-General James,
Douglas, Robert, 2, 3, 27.
Douglas, William, tliird Earl, first
Marquis and Duke of Queensberry,
Dorset, Earl of : see Sackville.
Drummond, James, first Earl of Perth,
154, 160, 170-2, 305.
Drummond, Jane, Countess of Perth
(bom Douglas) (first wife), 171.
Drummond, Mary, Countess of Perth
(bom Gordon) (second wife), 171.
Drummond, the Hon. John, first Earl
of Melford, 160, 170, 171.
Drummond, Mr. Patrick, 43, 44, 45,
Dudley, Lord Robert, Earl of Leicester,
Dumblane, diocese of, 15.
Dujicombe, Mr., 389, 412.
Dundee, Viscount: see Graham.
Dunkirk, sale of, 78-9.
Duppa, Brian, Bishopof Winchester, 67.
Duras, Louis de, second Earl of Fevers-
ham, 165, 302.
Sast India Company, Dutch, 199,
East India Company, English, 221-2.
Udiubtirgli, Bishop of (Dr. Young), 48 1 .
Edward VI, his Prayer-book, 71.
Elizabeth, Queen, 71, 143, 172-4, 178.
Ellenberg, General, 409.
Elliot, Mr., a Jacobite agent, 354.
Elliot, Robert, his Specimens, xi and ?«.,
xii, xxii, XXV, 99-ioS, &vA Addendum.
Elphinstone, John, second Lord Bal-
merino, 18-21.
Ely, Bishop of (Francis Turner), 147,
166, 302, 354, 358; (Simon Patrick),
Enghien, Duchess of, 137.
Envoy, our, at Paris (Trumball), 206.
Essex, Earl of: see Capel.
Eugene, Prince, 362, 416, 421, 424,
441. 445-
Eyre, Robert, Solicitor-General, 427.
Eabrioius, Johann F., 178.
Pagel, Gaspard, Pensionary: his charac-
ter, 197 ; see also 105, 258-9, 269,
285, 29.^, 383, 494-5.
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, third Lord Fair-
fax, 231.
Pairfoul, Dr., Bishop of Glasgow,. 8,
Falkland, Lord : see Cary.
Fall, Dr., 194 n. i, 515.
Falmouth, Earl of : see Berkeley.
FeU, Dr. John [Bishop of Oxford], 47
and n., 214, 464, 509 n. i.
Fenwiok, Sir John, ix, 10 1 n.
Ferguson, Robert, iii, 161, 162, 164,
168, 335.
Feversham, Earl of: see Duras.
Fihner, Sir Robert, 516.
Finch, Daniel, second Earl of Notting-
ham : character, 290-1 ; see also xix,
300 and «., 304, 312, 314-5, 317,
338, 340. 346, 356. 369. 374, 395.
401-2, 442, 496, 533-4.
Finch, Heneage, first Earl of Notting-
ham, 290.
Finoh,Hon.Heneage, Solicitor-General,
209, 272-3.
Finch, Dr., 302.
Firebraoe, Mr., 403.
Fitton, Sir Alexander, Chancellor of
Ireland, 225.
Fitzhardinge, Viscount : see Berkeley.
Fitz-James, James, Duke of Berwick,
225, 282.
Fitzpatriok, Col., no.
Fitz-Boy, Henry, first Duke of Grafton,
299. 350. S3I-2, 533-
Flanders : see Affairs, Foreign.
Fleetwood, Lieutenant - General
Charles, 234.
Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltonn, 89 ». i ,
161, 162.
Fletcher, Sir John, 81.
Fletcher, Sir Robert, of Saltoun,
85 and n., 86, 88-9, 94, 466, 468, 469.
Flexman, Mr., 251 n. i.
Foley, Paul, 402, 413.
Fouciuet, M. Nicholas, 55.
Fowler, Dr., Bishop of Gloucester, 359.
Fox, Mr., member for Salisbury, 513
and n.
France : see Affairs, Foreign.
Franciscans, 97.
Fuller, William, 342-3.
Furatemberg, Cardinal, William Egon
von, 280, 283.
Gage, Thomas, a priest, 235.
G-allas, Count of, 439-40.
Galloway, Bishop of, 1686 (James
Aitken), 254.
Gassendi, Peter, 461.
Gauden, Dr. John, Bishop of Exeter
and Worcester, 71.
Gaunt, Elizabeth, 169.
Geddes, Mr., 296.
Geneva : see Affairs, Foreign.
George, Prince of Denmark, 75,
269 »., 274, 291, 296, 417-8, 434,
53i> 533-
Gerard, Charles, Lord Brandon, after-
wards second Earl of Macclesfield,
115, 208-9.
Gibson, Col., 531.
Gifford, Dr., vi, I, 108, 132, 155 n. I,
211 n. 2, 279 n. i, 332 n. 2, 346
«. 1, 349 n. 1, 356 n. 2.
Ginkell, Godert de, Earl of Athlone,
361, 364, 366.
Glasgow, Archbishops of: see Burnet,
Alexander, Leighton, Robert, and
Gleneairn : see Cunningham.
Gloucester, Henry, Duke of (son of
Charles I), 75, 238.
Gloucester, William, Duke of (son of
Princess Anne),xii n. 2, xix, 493, 508.
Godden, vere Tylden, Dr. Thomas,
224 and n.
Godfrey, Col. C, 298.
Godolphin, Sydney, Earl of Godolphin,
xix, 104, 133 n. X, 313, 363, 446,
493. 533-4-
Golius, James, 94, 467.
Goodenough, Richard, 109, no, 116.
Goodwin, John, 233 n. 1.
Goodwyn, or Godwyn, Dr., Arch-
bishop of Cashel, 509 and n,
Gordon, George, first Duke of Gordon,
304. 322-
Gordon, George, first Marquis of
Huntley, 20.
Gordon, George, second Marquis of
Huntley, 6.
Gordon, Lewis, third Marquis of
Huntley, 6, 84.
Gordon of Buokey, 20, 21.
Grafton, Duke of : see Fitzroy.
Graham, James, first Marquis of Mont-
rose, 6.
Graham, James, fourth Marquis and
first Duke of Montrose, 419.
Graham, Sir Richard, Bart., first Vise.
Preston, 163, 353-5.
Graham of Claverhouse, John, first
Viscount Dundee, 305, 322, 325.
Grand Prior of IPranoe, the : see
Grandval, 376.
Granville, John, first Earl of Bath,
148. 299. 531-
Green, parliamentary candidate, 545.
Grey, Ford, Lord Grey ofWerke (after-
wards Earl of Tankerville) ,111,114-5,
161, 162, 165-7, 208, 209 n. I, 352.
Grimston, Sir Harbottle, 484.
Groot, or Grotius, M. de, 1S4.
Grotius, Hugo, 458, 516.
Grove, Dr., Bishop of Chichester, 359.
Guiohe, Comte de, 246.
Guiscard, the Abbe, 435.
Guise, House of, 172-3.
Gunning, Peter (Bishop of Ely), 46.
and «., 68, 463, 464.
Gustavus Adolphus : see Affairs,
Foreign, Sweden.
Guy, Mr., 402.
Haddock, Admiral Sir R., 529.
Haig, William, of Bemerside, Solicitor-
General of Scotland, 19, 20.
Hague, Courts of the, 201.
Hale, Sir Matthew, Chief Justice^ 126.
Hales, Sir Edward, 209.
Halifax, Earl of: see Montagu.
Halifax, Earl and Marquis of: see
Halewyn, Corneille Terestein de, 179,
198, 200, 251-2, 383.
Halewyn, the younger, 383.
Hall, John, Bishop of Bristol (?), 507.
Hamburgh, 256.
Hamilton, Anne, Duchess of Hamilton,
4. 47.5-6, 479.
Hamilton, James, third Marquis and
first Duke of Hamilton, 479-
Hamilton, James, Earl of Arran, 118,
157, 275,488 (fourth Duke of Hamil-
ton), 419, 440, 445.
Hamilton, James, Bishop of Galloway,
Hamilton, John, Bishop of Dunkeld,
Hamilton, Richard, 306.
Hamilton, Sir Robert, 253 K. i.
Hamilton, William, fourth Marquis
and second Duke of Hamilton, 479.
Hamilton, William Douglas, third
Duke of Hamilton, 27, 323, 324, 391-
2, 4°7. 479-8°. 482-3.
Hammond, Dr. Henry, 36, 37,
Hampden, John, the elder, 231.
Hampden, John, the younger, 119, 152.
Hampden, Richard (?), 316, 545.
Hanover, House of: see Affairs,
Foreign, The Empire.
Harbord, Mr., 294 and «.
HaroouTt, Sir Simon, 431.
Harl. MSS. 6584, particulars concern-
ing, v-xvi, xxiv-v, I, 2, 99, 108,
131-2, 211 «. i, 279 n. 2, 332 «. 2,
412 n, 2, 416.
Harley, Robert, 431, 434-5, 439;
(Earl of Oxford), 439-41, 443, 446 ;
(his notes on the Burnet Memoirs),
vi, vii, ix-xi, xiii-v, xxix, 545-6.
Harley, Edward, second Earl of Ox-
ford, vi, xxiv-v.
Harrison, Thomas, 232.
Hastings, Theophilus, seventh Earl of
Huntingdon, 530-1.
Hatton, ' Lord ' : see Maitland.
Hay, John, second Earl and first Mar-
quis of Tweeddale,'4-5, 86, 88, 89,
369, 392, 410,415.
Hay, Mr., of Naughton, 20, 21.
Hayes, Mr. Joseph, his trial, 132.
Hedges, Sir Charles, 217.
Henunings, Mr., 276 «. 2.
Henrietta, Princess, ' Madame ' (Du-
chess of Orleans), 346; her children,
76 and nn.
Henrietta Maria, Queen, 42, 48, 61,
64. nh< 176, 301-
Henry VII, King of England, 308.
Henry VIII, King of England,
Henry Frederick, Prince of Orange,
Herbert, Arthur: character, 280-2 ; see
also xxix, 210, 223, 285, 292, 293,
297 «. 2, 298 «., 300 «., 303-4 ».,
528-36 passim ; Earl of Tonington,
312> 321, 344. 345. 353, 375-
Herbert, Sir Edward, Lord Keeper,
210, 280.
Herbert, Sir Edward, Chief Justice,
209, 210, 281.
Herbert, Thomas, eighth Earl of Pem-
broke, 312,418, 426.
Hesse : see 4^2", -^<"'«'^«,The Empire.
Heydanus, Abraham, 467 and n.
Hickes, Dr. George, 9 »., 102 «., 104
». 4, 516, Addenda.
Hickes, Mr., 169.
High Church Party : see Affairs,
English, Parties, Political.
Hildesheim : see Affairs, Foreign, The
Hill, John, Major-General, 439.
Hispaniola expedition, 235-6.
Holland : see Affairs, Foreign, United
Holies, Denzil, Lord, character, 63;
see also 55, 59, 95, 468, 484.
Holies, Gilbert, third Earl of Clare,
HoUoway, James, 109.
Holstein Ploen : see Affairs, Foreign,
The Empire.
Holt, Chief Justice, 338.
Hone, William, 109, 124, 125.
Hooft (Mynheer van ?), 186.
Hooker, Dr., his Ecclesiastical Polity,
Hoppius (C. Hoppe), 92.
Horn, Count, 383.
Hough, Dr., President of Magdalen,
and Bishop of Oxford, 217, 359.
Howard, Cardinal, 141 and «., 172,
215, 260.
Howard, Charles, first Earl of Carlisle,
Howard, Henry, sixth Duke of Nor-
folk, 220, 396-7.
Howard, Lady Mary, Duchess of Nor-
folk (born Mordaunt), 396-7.
Howard, Messrs., brothers of Earl of
Berkshire, 118.
Howard, Thomas, first Earl of Berk-
shire, 23.
Howard, William, third Lord Howard
of Escrick, no, 112, 116,118,119,
120, 126, 130.
Howard, Sir William, first Lord Staf-
ford, 73, 164.
Huddleston, Father John, 141.
Hume , Sir Patrick, of Polwarth, after-
wards first Lord Polwarth and Earl of
Marchmont, 155-6 and«., 158, 160.
Humphreys, Humphrey, Bishop of
Bangor, 359.
Hungary: see Affairs, Foreign, The
Huntingdon, Earl of : see Hastings.
Hiiutley, Marquis of : see Gordon.
Hutcheson, George, xiii, 2, 3, 4.
Hutchinson, Mrs., 77 n. 2.
Hutton, Dr. John, 247 and n., 350.
Hyde, Anne, Duchess of York, 50, 54,
Hyde, Edward, Chancellor, first Earl
of Clarendon : his character, 53-6 ;
see also 22, 23, 25, 26, 42, 57, 58, 60,
63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 73, 74, 76, 78,
79, 98, 138, i39> 240, 242 »■ I, 479-
Hyde, Edward, Lord Cornbury, after-
wards third Earl of Clarendon, 298
and n., 530.
Hyde, Henrietta, Lady Rochester
(bom Boyle), 223.
Hyde, Henry, second Earl of Claren-
don, 65, 78, 120, 14s, 166, 221,
225. 3°°. 303, 306; 326, 332, 496.
Hyde, Hon. Laurence, first Earl of
Rochester, 104, 133, 134, 145, 147,
220-1, 223-6, 351, 386, 395, 401-2.
Hyde, Theodosia, Lady Clarendon
(born Capel), 276 n. 2, 295.
Independents, character of, 218.
Ireland : see Affairs, Irish.
Ireton, Henry, 231.
Ironside, Dr., Bishop of Bristol, 359.
Isabella Clara Eugenia, 177.
Italy : see Affairs, Foreign.
Jacobites : see Affairs, English,
Parties, Political.
Jamaica, earthquake in, 379.
James, King, I of England and VI of
Scotland, 19, 26, 71, 172-5, 178.
James, Duke of York : character of,
50-3 ; see also 14, 48, 54, 55, 56,
65. 7i> 72, 74, 7.5, 78, 99 n. 2, 109-
II, 124-5, I27~S, 130, 133, 138-9,
141, 482-3 ; King James II, 142-59
passim, 161-71 passim, 18S-9, 195,
202-3, 205-15, 217-27, 237-8, 243,
247 n. 2, 250-78, 280-2, 287-92,
296-304, 305-7, 310-2, 314, 317,
318-9, 320-2, 325-8, 331, 333, 335,
336, 340. 34'. 342, 343; 344. 348>
363-4. 365. 370. 371. 373. 375-8,
3S0, 387, 392-3, 413, 490-1, 493,
495-6, 519, 524. 529-36, 546.
James Edward ('the Old Pretender'),
275-6, 283, 295, 307, 420, 440, 442,
443. 447, 535-
Jane, Dr., 224.
Jansenists, 13, 96, 468.
Japan : see Affairs, Foreign.
Jefflreys, Sir George, Chief Justice,
afterwards Lord Jeffreys, 50 ». 2, 132,
168, 169, 208, 211, 212, 214, 269,
295, 301,441-
Jenkins, Secretarj', 66, no, 115, 123.
Jephson, Mr., secretary to the Prince
of Orange, 532.
Jermyn, Henry, Earl of St. Albans, 25.
Jersey, Earl of : see Villicrs.
Jesuits, 97, 214, 215, 257-9, 260, 270,
Jews (of Amsterdam), 91.
Johnstone, Sir Archibald, Lord War-
riston, xviii, 41, 80-1, S3, 459, 483 ;
his wife, 41.
Johnstone, James ('Mr. Secretary'):
his character, 370; see also xviii, xxii
and n. 4, 370, 372, 391-2, 408 n., 410,
411-2, 475, 528, 540, 542-4.
Johnstone, William, second Earl of
Annandale, 347.
Jones, a Jacobite agent, 348. ,
Juxou, Dr. William, Archbishop of
Canterbury, 67.
Keeling, John, 109, 1 10.
Keeling, Josiah, 109, no, 116, 124.
Keith, George, 30 and n. 2, 461.
Ken, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Bath and
Wells, 141, 166, 359, 5*29.
Kennedy, John, fifth Earl of Cassillis,
18 and n. i, 475.
Ker, John, fifth Earl and first Duke of
Roxburgh, 419.
K^roualle, Louise de, Duchess of
Portsmouth, 133, 135-8, 140, 228.
Kerr, Robert, second Earl and first
Marquis of Lothian, 370.
Kidder, Dr., Bishop of Bath and
Wells, 359.
King, Dr., 140.
King Street, Westminster, 238.
Kirke, Lieutenant-Colonel Percy, 168,
269 7Z. 3, 291, 321, 530, 531.
La Chaise, Father, 257.
Lambert, John, General, 232.
Langelius, a Dutch pastor, 93.
Langham, Sir James, 9.
Langston, Colonel, 298, 530.
Lanier, Lieutenant-General Sir John,
Lauderdale : see Maitland.
Lauzun, Antonine, Count of, 343.
La Valliere, Mademoiselle de, 246.
Lee, Edward Henry, first Earl of Lich-
field, 532.
Lee, Mr., 116, 124.
Leeds, Duke of : see Osborne.
Legge, George, first Earl of Dart-
mouth, 80 n. I, 109, 282, 295, 529 n.
Leicester, Earls of: see Dudley and
Leighton, Dr. Alexander (father of
Archbishop Leighton), 9.
Leighton, Sir Elisha, 13-5.
Leighton, Dr. Robert, Bishop of
Dumblane and Archbishop of Glas-
gow, ^-16 passim, 17, 18, 30, 40 and
n. I, 93 n. 2, 461-2, 477, 515 n. i.
Leinster, Duke of: see Schomberg.
Iiennox, Charles, first Duke of Rich-
mond, 137.
Iiennoz, Duke of: see Stuart, Esmi.
Iieslie, Charles, xii-v, xxii and «. 2,
xxiv, 99-108 ^3J«V«, 427, 499 n. I,
506 »., 516; his 'brother,* xii, xxii.
Leslie, John, seventh Earl of Rothes,
afterwards Duke, 19, 20 {bis), 43,
L'Estrange, Sir Roger, 163.
Ijexington, Lord : see Sutton.
Leyburn, Dr. George, 224 and n., 260.
Lichfield, Bishop of: see Lloyd.
Lichfield, Earl of : see Lee.
Lindsay, Alexander, Lord Lindsay of
Balcarres, 29 n. 3.
Lindsay, Anna, Lady Balcarres (born
Mackenzie), 29, 30, 44, 98 n., 474.
Lindsay, Lady Anne, a nun, 98 and n.
Lindsay, Lady Henrietta, 474 and n.
Lindsay, John, seventeenth Earl of
Crawford, 4, 21, 24, 43, 45.
Lindsay, William, eighteenth earl of
Crawford, 328, 542.
Linlithgow, Earl of: see Livingstone.
Lisle, Lady, 169.
Littleton, Sir Thomas, the elder, 485.
Littleton, Sir Thomas, the yoimger,
Livingston, Sir James, Bart., first
Earl of Newburgh, 24.
Livingston, Sir Thomas, afterwards
Viscount Teviot, 346, 372.
Livingstone, George, fourth Earl of
Linlithgow, 369.
Lloyd, Dr. William, Bishop of St. Asaph,
Lichfield, Coventry, and Worcester,
52, 54. 297,311.406,487.
Lobb, Stephen, .272.
Lockhart, Sir James, 27.
Lockhart, Sir William, 27.
Lorge, Marshal de, 363, 384.
Lorn: see Argyll.
Lothian, Earl of: see Kerr.
Louis XIII, XIV, XV: see Affairs,
Foreign, France.
Louisa, Princess, 443.
Louvestein party, 179.
Louvois, Franfois-Michel le Tellier,
Marquis de, 184, 185, 363, 365.
Lovelace, John, third Baron Lovelace,
Lower, Dr., 143, 274, 296.
Lucas, Robert, third Baron Lucas of
Shenstone, 301.
Lumley, Richard, Baron and Viscount
L'amley, afterwards Earl of Scar-
borough, 220, 290, 292 n.
Lundy, Colonel, 320.
Lunenburg : see Affairs, Foreign, The
Lunt, Jacobite and informer, 401.
Lutherans (of Amsterdam), 91-2 ; (of
Germany), 249, 278.
Luxembourg, M. de, 184, 375, 408.
Maoaulay, Lord, and Harl.MSS. 6584,
V. n. 3.
Maccarty, Colonel, 134-5.
Macoarty, Lady Arabella (born Went-
worth), 135 and n.
Maccarty, Donogh, fourth Earl of
Clancarty, 134-5.
Macchiavelli, 239.
Macdonal, Dr., 99.
MacDonald, Aeneas, Lord Macdonald,
99 n. I.
Macdonalds of Grlencoe, 371-2.
Maokay, Major-General Hugh, 325,
361, 376-7.
Maokenzie.Colin, first EarlofSeaforth,
29 n.
Mackenzie, Sir George, Bart., Lord
of Session (Tarbot), afterwards Vis-
count Tarbot, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
28, 81, 369.
Maoky, John, the spy, xxv and n., 544 «.
Macom, Mr., a minister, 172.
Magdalen C&Uege, Oxford, 217.
Maine, Duke of, 408.
Maintenon, Madame de : her character,
228-9 ; see also 365, 420.
Mainwaring, Dr., 427.
Maitland, Anne, first wife of first Duke
of Lauderdale (born Hume), 85.
Maitland, Charles, ' Lord ' Hatton,
afterwards third Earl of Lauderdale,
108 and n.
Maitland, Elizabeth, second wife of
first Duke of Lauderdale (bom
Murray), 481-3.
Maitland, John, first Earl of Lauder-
dale, 18 n. 2, 20, 21.
Maitland, John, second Earl and first
Duke of Lauderdale, xviii, 4, 5, 7, 8,
15-17, 18 and n. 2, 21-6, 41-5, 47,
80 nn., 82-4, 86, 90, 98-9, 108,
Maitland, Secretary, 26.
Manchester, Earl of: see Montagu.
Mann, Mr., 441.
Manton, Dr. Thomas, 46 and n., 463.
Maria Theresa, Queen of France : see
Affairs, Foreign, France.
Marie, Queen of Poland : see Affairs,
Foreign, Poland.
Marlborougli, Duke and Duchess of:
see Churchill.
Mar veil, Andrew, 216.
Mary, Princess Royal of England and
Princess of Orange (daughter of
Charles I), 75, 179.
Mary, Princess of Orange : character of
(1687), 194-6; see also i, 52, 75,
153-4. 189, 205, 206, 207, 213, 226,
247 «• 5, 249> 250-1, 257, 262 »., 264
«., idd, 267, 368, 270, 276 and «.,
295.308-11,491,537,535; (Queen of
England), 312, 322, 326-7, 338, 341,
343. 346, 358, 359-60, 373-4. 386,
389-91, 404-8, 497-8, 602, 504, 507.
Mary of Modena, Queen of James II,
145. 150, 152-3. 223, 225, 362, 264
and «., 266, 270, 274-6, 295-6, 297
»■. 304, 348. 376.
Maxy Queen of Scots, 3, 172-4.
Masham, Mrs. (bom Hill), 427, 431,
439. 446-
Massey, Dean of Christ Church, 217.
Maurice, Prince of Orange, 59, 174,
175. 178-
Maynard, Sergeant, 163.
Mazarin, Cardinal, 200, 234.
Medina Celi, Duke of, 429.
Melfort, Earl of: see Drummond.
Melville, George, Lord Melville and
Earl of Melville, 155 »., 323, 328,
335. 346-7, 357. 370, 542-
Melville, Lady (born Lady Katherine
Lesley), cousin (not sister) to the
Duchess of Monmouth, 323.
Menonists : see Anabaptists.
Mesnager, Count of St. John, 439.
Middleton, Charles, second Earl of
Middleton, 252, 393.
Middleton, John, first Earl of Middle-
ton, 4, 5, 15, 17-8, 21-8, 41-2, 81.
Millington, Sir Thomas, 297.
Milton, John, 95 «. 2.
Mitchell, Mr. (Burnet's son-in-law), vii
«■ 5-
Mohun, Charles, fourth Baron Mohim,
Monk, Christopher, second Duke of
Albemarle, 162.
Monk, George, first Duke of Albemarle :
his character, 53 ; see also 42-3, 59, 66.
Momnouth, Duke of: see Scott.
Monmouth, Earl of : see Mordaunt.
Montagu, Charles, Earl of Halifax,
xiv, 421.
Montagu, Edward, second Earl of
Manchester, 55.
Montagu, Ralph, Lord Montagu and
afterwards Duke of Montagu, 116,
136-7, 187, 188, 189, 190, 227-8 and
»., 490, 497.
Montbas, Comte de, 184.
Montespan, Madame de, 137, 228.
Montgomery, Sir James, tenth Bart,
of Skelmorlee, 323-4. 335. 347, 542 ;
his brother, 335-6.
Montrose, Marquis and Duke of: see
Moray, Sir Robert : his character, 43-
4; see also 25, 29 n. 3, 43, 45, 47,
83, 89, 95, 96, 465, 468, 476.
Mordaunt, Charles, second Viscount
Mordaunt, 287-8 ; first Earl of Mon-
mouth, 312-3, 335; third Earl of
Peterborough, 433.
Mordaunt, Henry, second Earl of Peter-
borough, 148, 396.
More, Dr. Henry, 46 and n., 461, 463.
More, Dr. John, Bishop of Norwich,
Morel, M., 376.
Morley, Dr. George, Bishop of
Worcester and Winchester, 67-9, 71.
Morrioe, Sir W., Secretary, 53 n. 2, 66.
Morrison MSS., Burnet papers in, vii
n. 5, xxix, 520-8, 537-40.
Morton, Sir Jo., 531.
Morus, Alexander, 95-6, 467.
Mouutjoy, Lord : see Stewart.
Mulgrave, Earl of : see Sheffield.
Munro, Commissary, 113, 118.
Munster: see Affairs, Foreigti, The
Munster, Peace of, 199.
Murray, Earl of : see Stewart.
Murray, Sir Robert : see Moray.
Musaphia (Mustapha?), a Jewish
Rabbi, 91.
Ifairn, Mr., 2, 35, 86, 89, 460-1,
466, 470.
Nantes, Edict of, Revocation of, 172,
Welthorpe, Richard, 169.
KTesmond, Marquis of, 410.
Wewburgh, Earl of : see Livingston.
Nicholas, Mr. Secretary, 66.
Nimeguen, Peace of, 201, 205-6, 256.
Nisbet, Sir John, 82.
Norfolk, Duke of : see Howard.
Norris, Lord : see Bertie.
North, the Hon. Sir Francis, Lord
Keeper, 112; (Lord ' North,' i.e. Lord
Guilford), 169, 208.
Northumberland, Earl of : see Percy.
Nottingham, Earls of : see Finch.
Oates, Titus, 116, 164, 401.
October Club : see Affairs, English,
Parties, Political.
O'Farrell, brigadier, 409.
Ogilby, or Ogilvy of Boyn3, Sir
Patrick, 427.
Ogilvy, Sir James, Lord Seafield, 544
and n.
Oliverian, a drnnkeu (or Dutch) phy-
sician, 60.
Orange.Princesof : set Henry Frederick,
Maurice, William I, William II,
William III.
Orange, Princesses of: see Amelia de
Soliiis; Mary, Princess Koyal of
England ; Mary, Princess of Orange.
Orange, Principality of, 205-6, 243 n.
Onslow, Sir Richard, 418.
Orleans, Philip, Duke of (the Regentl,
Ormond, Dnke of : see Butler.
Orrery, Earl of : see Boyle.
Osborne, Peregrine, Marquis of Car-
marthen (afterwards second Duke of
Leeds), 410.
Osborne, Sir Thomas, Earl of Danby,
100, loi, 187-90, 290, 292 and «.,
308, 310, 494, 531 ; (Marquis of Car-
marthen), 312-3, 338, 340, 353;
(Duke of Leeds), 403, 410.
Ossory, Earl of : see Butler.
Ostenders, 236.
Ostia, 236.
Outram, Dr., 463.
Overton, Major-Gene ral Robert, 232.
Oxford, Bishop of (1687), 263 : see
also Parker.
Oxford, Earl of; see Harley and
Vere, de.
Oxford, University of, 46-7, 214, 217-
8, 302. 332 464. 495i 5°°-'. 5"-
Paget, William, seventh Lord Paget,
Palatinate and Palatine, Elector : see
Affairs, Foreign, The Empire.
Palmer, Barbara, Lady Castlemaine
and Duchess of Cleveland (born
Villiers) : character, 64-5 ; see also
65-6. 73-
Palmer, Roger, Earl of Castlemaine,
Paris, Archbishop of, 1685 (Fran9ois
de Harlay de Clianvallon), 229.
Parker, Jacobite intriguer, 376.
Parker, Dr. Samuel, Bishop of Oxford
215-6, 263.
Parliament : ^tt Affairs, English Jrish,
and Scotch.
Parma : see Affairs. Foreign, Italy.
Paterson, John, Archbishop of Glas-
gow, 254, 347.
Paterson, William, projector, 411-1.
Patrick, Dr. (Bishop of Chichester and
of Ely), 224, 359, 406, 463, 507.
Paulet, Charles, second Marquis of
Winchester and first Duke of Bolton,
•^h 333, 335-
Paulet, Lord William, x, xi and «.,
xiii, XXV, 416.
Payne, Neville, 334-5, 392-3.
Peachall, Dr. J., Vice-Chancellor of
Cambridge, 214.
Pearson, Dr. J., Bishop of Chester,
2i4-6> 463-
Pemberton, Sir Francis, Chief Justice,
&c., 50 «. 2.
Pembroke, Earl of : see Herbert.
Pann, Admiral Sir William, 218, 219
and ».
Pdnn, William, 169, 218, 219, 227,
Pepys, Samuel, 244 «. 2.
Percy, Algernon, fourth Earl of North-
umberland, 77-8, 113.
Perth, Earl of, and Countesses of : see
Peter the Great : see Affairs, Foreign,
Peterborough, Earl of : see Mordaunt.
Petro, or Paters, Father, 259-60, 270,
Piedmont : see Affairs, Foreign, Savoy.
Philip II : see Affairs, Foreign, Spain.
Philip "V : see Affairs, Foreign, Spain.
Philip's ITorton, fight at, 167.
Philoolerus : see Speculum Saris-
Pierrepoint, Mr., 77
Plato, and the Platonists, 461.
Player, Sir Thomas, 116, 125.
Pocook, Dr. Edward, 464.
Poelenburg, Arnold, 92.
Poland : see Affairs, Foreign.
Pomponne, M. de, 184, 185, 363.
Popes : see Affairs, Foreign, Italy.
Porter, Sir Charles, 170, 225, 352, 412.
Portland, Earl of : see Bentinck.
Portman, Sir William, 531.
Portsmouth, Duchessof : s,e,e. Kiroualle .
Portugal ; see Affairs, Foreign.
Poulett, John, fourth Baron and first
Earl Poulett, 431.
Powis, Sir Thomas, Solicitor-General,
209, 255.
Presbyterians, character ofthe English,
Preston, Viscount : see Graham.
Pretender, the : see James Edward.
Primrose, Sir Archibald (Lord Car-
rington), 21, 36, 83.
Prior, Matthew, 439.
Pyrenees, Peace of, 139, 200.
Quakers, character of, 2i8.
Q,ueansberry, Marquis of, afterwards
Duke : see Douglas.
Rioine, M., 229.
BadoUflfe, Dr., 297, 404-5.
Kafalsi, Prince : see Ragotski.
Bagotski, Prince, 426.
Banke, von, and Harl. MSS. 6584, v,
Baoollets, order of, 97.
Beotor of Q-lasgow University, 476.
Eefugees, French Protestant, 247-50.
' B9ligion,The ' (the Huguenots) , 203-4.
Bemonstrants : see Arminians.
Bepublioau Party : see Affairs, Eng-
lish, Parties, Political.
Estz, Cardinal de, 139.
Bioh, Sheriff, 128.
Bichelieu, Cardinal, 176, I77-
Bichmoud, Duke of: see Stuart and
Boberti, a French intriguer, 383.
Bobinson, Dr. (Bishop of Bristol), 424
and n., 449.
Eochelle, 175-7.
Bochester, Earls of: see Hyde and
Bohan, Duke of, 176.
Booke, Admiral Sir George, 375, 3S6.
Boswell, a Dissenting preacher, 132.
Eothes, Earl of : see Leslie.
Bouill^, President, 421.
Bouse, John, 116, 124-5.
Bouth, Dr., and Harl. MSS. 6584,
V n. ; and Bodl. Add. MSS. D. 24,
viii, 495 «. I, 497 n. I.
Boxburgh, Duke of: see Ker.
Bumbold, Col. Richard, 109, 158-9.
Bumsey, Col., 109-19, 123-4, 208.
Bussell, Admiral Edward, afterwards
Earl of Orford, 168, 287, 288-90,
292 «. 1 , 297-8, 34a, 374-6, 380, 398,
409, 426.
Bussell, Mr. Francis, afterwards Lord,
younger brother of Lord Russell, 532.
Bussell, Rachel, Lady (born Wriothes-
ley) : character of, 1 17-8; see also
II5«., 116, 127, 130, 131, 151, 202-3,
350 «. I, 489, 491.
Bussell, William, fifth Earl and first
Duke of Bedford, 118, 120, 127, 489.
Bussell, William, Lord, vii n. 2, xx, 3,
47 n. 4, 108, 111-3, 115 K. 2, 116,
118, 119, 120, 126-31, 289, 333,
488-9, 515.
Bussell, Wriothesley, afterwards second
Duke of Bedford, 202-3.
Butherford, Andrew, first Lord Ruther-
ford and Earl of Teviot, 90.
Buvigny, M. de, the elder, 117, 303-3.
Buvigny, M. de, the younger, Viscount
Galway, 377.
Buyter, Admiral, 180.
Bye House Plot, 105 «. i, 108-31, 158.
Saoheverell, Dr., 436-7, 431.
Saokville, Charles, sixth Earl of Dorset,
299. 439-
St. Albans, Duke of: see Beauclerk.
St. Albans, Earl of: s,tejermyn.
St. John, Mr., his trial, 140.
St. John, Henry (afterwards Viscount
Bolingbroke), 438.
Saint Buth, General, 361.
Saltoun, parish of, 3 «., 88, 466, 468-75,
Salzbourg : see Affairs, Foreign, The
Sancroft, William, Archbishop of
Canterbury, xix, 106, sii and «.,
216 K., 271 «., 306 and »., 404, 529.
Sarsfield, Patrick, titular Earl of Lucan,
Savage, Richard, Lord Colchester
(afterwards fourth Earl Rivers), 298.
Savile, Lady Anne (born Wentworth),
135 ». 1.
Savile, George, first Marquis of
Halifax, xiv, 48 «., 77 «., 94 k. 1, 99-
100. ISS-S. 13S and »., 144, 145,
149-50 and «., 151, 170, 171, 202-3,
319 «., 250 n., 291, 300 and n., .308,
312.313. 333, 335, 342, 352 »•. 407-8.
491, 494, 533-4-
Savile, Sir George, 135 k. i.
Savile, Gertrude, Lady Halifax (born
Pierrepoint), 77 n.
Savile, Sir William, 135 «. i.
Savoy ; see Affairs, Foreign.
Savoy Conference, 68.
Sawyer, Sir Robert, 372-3.
Saxe : see Affairs, Foreign, The Empire.
Saxton, or Saxon, Thomas, a witness
against Lord Delamere, 209.
Soarron, M., 228.
Schomberg, Frederic-Arm and, Marshal
(afterwards Duke), 79, 165, 227, 228,
244-5 and «., 283, 321,335, 344, 423.
Schomberg, Meinhardt, Duke of
Leinster, 356.
Scotland: see Affairs, Scotch.
Scott, Anne, Duchess of Monmouth,
113, 114, 165-6, 323.
Scott, James, Duke of Monmouth, 109,
III, 113, 114, 119, 124, 133, 137,
145-6, 147, 151, 156-7, 158, 160-9
passim, 204, 209, 382.
Scougall, Dr. Henry (Bishop of
Aberdeen), xi, 85, 89, 466.
Seaforth, Earl of: see Mackenzie.
Secretary for Scotland, 1683 (query,
either Alexander Earl of Murray or
Charles Earl of Middleton ?), 113.
Sedgemoor, battle of, 165, 167.
Sedley, Catherine, Countess of Dor-
chester, 146, 150.
Boignelay, M. de, 363, 365.
Seymour, Charles, sixth Duke of
Somerset, 264.
Seymour, Mr., afterwards Sir Edward,
163, 302. 369, 531-
Shaftesbury, Earl and Countess of :
see Cooper.
Sharp, James, Archbishop of St. An-
drews, XV, 7, 8. 15, 16, 17, t8, 27, 28,
40, 42, 44 «., 82, 83, 90, 103-4.
Sharp , Dr. John , afterwards Archbishop
of York, 211, 213, 359, 406, 504, 507.
Sharp, Sir William, xv.
Sheffield, John, Earl of Mulgrave, after-
wards Marquis of Normanby and
Dnke of Buckinghamshire, 220, 380.
Sheldon, Gilbert, Archbishop of Can-
terbury, 8, 28, 42, 54, 57, 67-69, 71.
Shepherd, Thomas, 111, 113-5.
Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, 345, 380.
Shrewsbury, Earl of: see Talbot.
Sibbald, Sir Robert, 254.
Sidney : see Sydney.
Signior, the Grand : see A fairs,
Foreign, Turkey.
Simpson, a spy, 334, 337.
Sinclair, J., xxii n. 3, xxvii.
Bkelton, Mr., 161-2, 256, 282.
Smith, Aaron, 119 and ».
Smith, Dr., his Select Discourses, 461.
Smith, Mrs,, a rich widow in Amster-
dam, 155-6 and «., 159.
Smyrna fleet, attack on Dutch. 201.
Sobieski : see Affairs, Foreign, Poland.
Socinians (of Holland), 92.
Soissons, Comtesse de, 246.
Solms, Count, 376, 380.
Somers, Sir John, afterwards Lord,
382, 396, 418, 419, 449-50, 545[?].
Somerset, Duke of : see Seymour.
Somerset, Henry, third Marquis and
first Duke of Beaufort, 531, 533.
Southampton, Earl of : see Wriothesley.
Southwell, Sir Robert, 244 n. i, 34S.
Spain : see Affairs, Foreign.
Sparrow, Dr., 464.
Speculum Sarisburianum, 100 k. 3.
Speke, Hugh, 122-3, 299~.?°o-
Spencer, Anne, Countess of Sunder-
land (born Digby), wife of second
Earl, 275.
Spencer, Charles, third Earl of Sundt r-
land, 419, 431, 433.
Spencer, Robert, second EarlofSunder-
land, 104, 130, 133, 134, 136, 145,
163, 170, 273, 295, 394-5.
Spottiswoode, John, Bishop of St.
Andrews, 20, 173.
Sprat, Dr. (afterwards Bishop of Ro-
chester), 105-6 and «., 273, 449.
Stafford, Lord : see Howard,
Stair, Earls of : see Dalrymple,
Stanhope, James, General, afterwards
Earl Stanhope, 428, 432, 433, 434.
Stanislaus ; %^tAffairs,Foreign^ 305-6, 348, 364-
Tangier, 79-80.
Tarbot : see Mackenzie.
Tauler, or Tbauler, J., 86-8.
Temple, Sir William, 306 and n.
Tenison, Dr., afterwards Archbishop
of Cnnterbury, 165-6, 332, 404, 406
and n. i, 444.
'Ve-viot:s,ze LivingstoneanA Rzttherford.
Thorndike, Herbert, 45 and n., 463.
Thurloe, Secretary John, 237-9.
Thursorosse, Dr. Timothy, 45 and ».,
Tillotson, Dr. John (Archbishop of
Canterbury), 46 and n., 105 «., 130,
224, 358, 386-7, 390, 404, 463, 487,
504, 506-7, 515.
Titus, Colonel, 137.
Tollemaclie, or Talmash., Lieuten ant-
General Thomas, 398.
Toroy, M. de, 421-2.
Torrington, Earl of : see Herbert.
Tory Party : see Affairs, English,
Parties, Political.
Townaend, Charles, second Viscount
To^^nsend, 432, 440.
Transylvania : see Affairs, Foreign,
The Empire.
Trant, Sir Patrick, 344.
TraoLuair : see Stewart.
Trelawny, Bishop (Sirjohn, Bart.), 29 1.
Trelawny, Charles (Major-General),
291, 531-2.
Trenohard, Sir John, 382.
Trumball, Sir William, 206, 377-S.
Turenne, M. de, 184.
Turkey : see Affairs, Foreign.
Turner, Dr. : see Ely, Bishop of.
Tweeddale, Earl and Marquis of: see
Tyrconnell, Earl of: see Talbot.
Van Beuning, Mr. : his character,
198, 201-2.
Van Hulst, 294.
Vaudemont, Prince, 408.
Vaughan, Richard, second Earl of
Carbery, 546.
Vendome, Duke of, 417, 430, 438.
Vondome, Philippe de, Grand Prior
of France, 1 35.
Venetians, the : see Affairs, Foreign,
Veuner, rising of, 76.
Vere, Aubrey de, twentieth Earl of Ox-
ford, 635.
Vienna, 256 ; siege of, 243.
Villars, Marechal de, 423-4, 438.
ViUeroy, Marechal de, 409.
Villiers, Sir Edward, first Earl of
Jersey, 439.
Villiers, Elizabeth (afterwards Coun-
tess of Orkney), 191 «. i, 193 n, 2,
195 n. 2, 406 «. I.
Villiers, George, first Duke of Buck-
ingham, 175-7, 187.
Villiers, George, second Duke of Buck-
ingham : character of, 63-4 ; see
also 73-4, 113.
Viner, Sir Thomas, 45 and n.
Vizier Bassa, the, or Grand Vizier,
362, 366, 430, 439-
Voet, Gisbert ^Voetius), gi, 467.
"Wade, Nathaniel, i6i and k., 166.
■Waloot, Thomas, 109, 115, 120, 123-5.
■Waldeck, Prince, 360, 385, 397.
"Walgrave, Dr., 296.
"Walker, Dr. Obadiah, 331.
"Wallis, Dr. John, 47 and n., 464.
"Walpole, Robert, 441.
■Walsh, Ptter, 72-3.
"Walsingham, Secretary, 1 73-4.
"Warner, Father, confessor to James II,
"Warrington, Earl of : see Booth.
Warriston, Lord : see Johnstone.
"Warwick, Sir Philip, 57 and n.
"Watson, Dr , Bishop of St. David's,
xii n. 2.
"Webbe, General, 418.
"Welsh, John, 103 n. 2.
Wentworth, Henrietta, Lady, 166.
"Wentworth, Philadelphia, Lady
Wentworth (born Carey), 296.
"Wentworth, Thomas, Lord Raby,
first Viscount Strafford, 440, 445.
"West, Robert, 109, no, 111, 116, 118,
119, 123-5.
"West India Company, Dutch, 199.
"Westphalia : see Affairs, Foreign, The
"Wharton, Sir Miles, 441.
"Whichcote, Dr. Benjamin (or Whits-
cot), 46 and «., 463.
"Whig iParty: see Affairs, English,
Parties, Political.
"Whiston, Professor W., 437.
"White, Marquis D'Albeville, 252,
255-6, 257. 260-1, 266, 268, 282,
"Whiteloeke, 77 n. 2.
"Whitford, 254.
"Whitseot : see Whichcote.
"Wigmore, Sir Richard, 1 73-4.
"Wildman, Major, 113, 151, 297, 307,
"Wilkins, Dr. John (Bishop of Chester),
45 and «., 463, 487.
"William I, Prince of Orange, 178.
"William II, Prince of Orange, 1 79.
"William III, Prince of Orange : his
character, 190-3 ; see also xx, 75, 105
and n. i, 123 »., 137, 145-7, I67>
162-3, 181-98 passim, 202, 205-7,
213, 221, 227, 242 n. 2, 247 n. 5,
249, 250-2, 256-6T, 265, 267, 270,
276-80, 282-95, 298-304, 305, 311,
491, 494-6, 522, 524-5, 527; 531-
6, 546; (King of England), 312-29,
331-74. 376-7, 380-2, 384-95, 397,
399. 405-6, 408-iS, 435, 442, 443.
493-4,496-7.502. 512, 521 «., 541-4.
"Williams, John, Bishop of Chichester,
"Williams, Sir William, Speaker, 272-3.
"Williamson, a Jacobite agent, 336-7..
"Williamson, Secretary Sir Joseph,
66, 484.
"Willis, Dr., 54.
"Willis, Sir Richard, 240.
"Wilmot, John, second Earl of Rochester,
73-4, 486-7.
"Winchester, see of, 217.
"Windebank, Dr., 296.
"Wirtemberg : see Affairs, Foreign, The
"Wishart, Dr. George (Bishop of Edin-
burgh), 17.
"Witt, de, the father, 1 79.
"Witt, de, Cornelius, 186, 187.
"Witt, de, John ; his character, 1 79-80,
i8l ; see also 180, 181, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 197, 2or.
"Wolfenbiittel : see Affairs, Foreign,
The Empire.
"Worcester, Bishop of (see also Lloyd,
William), 311 ; (see also Stilling-
fieet, Edward), 406.
"Wright, Chief Justice, 273.
"Wriothesley, Rachel (born Ru-
■''g")'). Countess of Southampton,
"Wriothesley, Thomas, fourth Earl of
Southampton ; character, 56-8 ; see
also 58, 59, 60, 65, 66, 71, 73, 78,
"Wroth, Jane : see Zulestein,Jaiu.
"Wyohe, Sir Cyril, 389, 41 2.
York, Duchess of: see Hyde, Anne,
and Mary of Modetia.
■yorfc, Duke of: see James.
Young, Robert, forger, 380.
Younger, Dean, 513 «.
Zell : ste Affairs, Foreign, The Empire.
Zuicker, or Zwioker, Daniel, 92-3.
Zulestein, Count, 195 «. 3, 302.
Zulestein, Jane, Countess of (born
Wroth), 195 «. 3.
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