> /*■ \ ^ti X ^B* ,^ V- ^i^ I.S . \ ■■'J -jt^j^h ;6" -f*\ V. ^' V *" "vr i,- THE GIFT OF A. JJfM.M.^ ^/'Hf^.- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. LIST OF BOOKS REUTING TO HAWAII '(INOLIIIIlNG REFERENCES TO'COLLBCTBD, WORKS -AND PERIODICALS), BX Jl. IP. O. G-RIFPI]Sr, : ASSISTAMT LIBRARIAN OF CONafeESS. W:4«HINGT(>N: PRINT 1S98. GOVBRNMBNT PRINTING OFFICE. if M^ B Cornell University The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029599622 us -LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO HAWAII (INCLUDING REFERENCES TO COLLECTED WORKS AND PERIODICALS), BT A. P. C. Q-RIFFIlSr, ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1898. /\,\\^^H^ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Mat 12, 1898. Sir: I have the honor to present for your consideration a list of books with references to articles in periodical literature, relating to Hawaii, prepared by A. P. C. GriflBn, Assistant Librarian. The body of the list contains titles of books treating directly of the islands of Hawaii, and the introduction summarizes the bibliography of the geographical and scientific explorations. Yours, very truly, John Kussell Young, Librarian of Congress, Hon. George Peabody Wetmorb, Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library, United States Senate. Washington, D. C. 3 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. ' May 10, 1898. Dbak Sir: I beg leave to present herewith a report upon the boots in the Library of Congress relating to Hawaii. Very truly, yours, A. P. C. Griffin, Assistant Librarian. Hon. John Eussbll Young, Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. 5 INTRODUCTION. The first definite information about the Hawaiian Islands was given oy Oook in his " A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by com- mand of His Majesty for making discoveries in the northern hemi- spheres, in the years 1776-1780," London, 1784, 3 vols., 4°. There are numerous editions of Cook's accounts of his voyages, of which the Library has several. In 1786 the islands were visited by Portlock and Dixon, both of ■whom wrote narratives of the voyage, published independently at Lon- don in 1789 under identical titles : "Voyage round the world, but more particularly to the northwest coast of America, in 1785-88." La P^rouse made a short stop at the island of Maui in May, 1786, described in his "Voyage autour du monde," Paris, 1797 (English ed., London, 1799), Meares, in his "Voyages made in 1788 and 1789," describes a visit of a month's duration in 1788 at Hawaii. Lieut. George Mortimer, in his "Observations and remarks made during a voyage to the islands of Teneriffe, Otaheite, Sandwich Islands," London, 1791, gives a brief account of a short sojourn at one of the islands. Captain Ingraham, an American naval officer, describes in "Journal of the voyage of the Sope " (manuscript preserved in the State Department) a visit in the spring of 1791. Marchand, in " Voyage autour du monde, pendant les anuses 1790, 1791, et 1792," Paris, 1798-1800, gives a notice of a visit in October, 1791. Capt. James Oolnett made several visits to Hawaii in 1791-1793, described in his "Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean," London, 1798 and 1804. Vancouver made visits, extending over periods of several weeks, in 1792, 1793, 1794, recorded in his "A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world, in 1790-95," London, 1798, 3 vols., 4°; 1 vol., F°. Captain Broughtou touched at the islands in 1796, as related in his "Voyage of discovery in the Dcedalus, to the North Pacific Ocean, 1795-98," London, 1804 (French ed., Paris, 1807). Turn- bull's "Voyage round the world in 1800-1804" describes a stay of one month (December 1, 1802-January 1, 1803) on the islands. Richard J. Cleveland's "A narrative of voyages and commercial enterprises," Cambiidge, 1842, records the events of a trading visit In 1803. Kru- senstern, the Eussian navigator, spent three days only at the islands on his voyage round the world in 1804, as related in his "Voyage autour du monde," St. Petersburg, 1809-1812 (English ed„ London, 7 8 INTRODUCTION. 1813). Lisianski, another Eussian officer, made a short stay in 1804; an English edition of his narrative was published at London in 1804 under the title, "Voyage round the world in 1803-6." Mariner's "Account of the natives of the Tonga Islands," etc., London, 1818, 2 vols., has a note on a visit made iu September, 1806. Archibald Campbell's "Voyage round the world, 1806-12," Edinburgh, 1816, describes a stay among the islands from January 27, 1809, to March 4, 1810. A. Delano's "A narrative of voyages and travels," Boston, 1817, has a chapter giving an account of a visit in 1809. Peter Conway's experiences in Hawaii in 1815-1817 are related in MacCarthy's "Choix de voyages," Paris, 1821-22. Kotzebue, on his voyage to Russian America, made explorations about the islands, which he describes in his narrative published at St. Petersburg in 1821-1823; an English edition published at London in 1821 in 3 vols. Choris, the artist of Kotzebue's expedition, published his productions in "Voyage pitto- resque autour da monde," Paris, 1821-1823, in folio. A French expedi- tion round the world, under the command of L. C. de Freycinet, visited the islands in 1819, as reported in his "Voyage autour du monde, fait par le ordre du roi, pendant les ann<§es 1817-20," Paris, 1824H844; the scientific results of this expedition are given in Arago's "Promenade autour du monde," Paris, 1823. Two missionaries, Daniel Tyerman and G-eorge Dennet, record their experiences in the islands in 1822 in "Journal of voyages and travels in the South Sea islands," London, 1831, and Boston, 1832. The Eussian expedition under Kotzebue iu 1823-1826 visited Hawaii; see his "Journey round the world," London, 1830, 2 vols. Capt. Benjamin Cowell's "Narrative of four voyages," New York, 1832, gives an account of, a week spent in Hawaii in June, 1825. Capt. F. W. Beechey was at Honolulu in May, 1826, and from January to March, 1827; see his "Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Bering Strait, in 1825, 1826, 1827, and 1828," London, 1831. Duhaut-Cilly's "Voyage autour du monde, principalement a la Oali- fornie et aux iles Sandwich, 1826-29," contains account of a visit of two months in 1828. Lafond de Lurcy's "Voyages," Paris, 1834-35, has notes on a visit made in May, 1828. In 1829 the islands were explored by an expedition under command of Hiram Paulding, the results of which are given in Paulding's " Journal of the cruise of the United States schooner Dolphin,^' New York, 1831. The principal suc- ceeding voyages of exploration in chronological order are reported in: Meyer's "Eeise um die erde," Berlin, 1834^35 (visits in 1828, 1831, 1833, and 1837); Eeynolds's "Voyage of the United States frigate Potomac, New York, 1835; Warriner's "Journal of a cruise in the United States frigate Potomac,^' New York, 1835; Fanning's "Voyages round the world," New York, 1835 (4th ed., 1838); Bennett's "Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from 1833 to 1836," London, 1840; Ruschenberger's " Narrative of a voyage round the world," Philadel- phia and London, 1839; Vaillant's "Voyage autour du monde 1836 et INTRODUCTION. V 1837," Paris, 1839 (records valuable scientific results) ; Sir Edw. Bel- cher's " Narrative of a voyage round the world, 1836-42," London, 1843; Du Petit-Thouar's "Voyage autour du inonde sur la frigate la VSnus, 1838-39," Paris, 1841-1849 ; Laplace's "Campagnede circumnavigation de la fregate PArtemise,''^ Paris, 1841. The expedition under Wilkes made extensive explorations and scientific investigations on the islands, which are fully recorded in "Narrative of the United States exploring expedition, executed in the years 1838 to 1842, under Gh. Wilkes, U. S. N.," Philadelphia, 1845, 6 vols., and in the special reports of the scientists who accompanied the expedition, viz : Baird (Herpetology), Brackenridge (Cryptogamia), Oassin (Mammalogy and Ornithology), Dana (Crustacea), Gould (Mollusca), Gray (Phanerogamia), Hale (Eth- nology), Pickering (Races of men), Wilkes (Hydrography). The above constitute the principal accounts by navigators and explorers, to which Martin's "Catalogue d'ouvrages relatifs aux iles Hawaii," Paris, 1867, has been a helpful source of information. The books treating more directly of Hawaii are enumerated in the foUowiug list, which it has been my aim to make as complete as con- sistent with preparation in a given time, particularly as to more impor- tant books. Books Relating to Hawaii. Alexander, James MoKinney. Tlie islands of the Pacific. From the old to the new. A compendious sketch of missions in the Pacific. Amerioan Tract Society, Xew York, IISOS"}. 515pp. Plates (^photographs). 5". Mission life in Hawaii. Memoir of Rev. William P. Alexander. OaTcland, California. Pamfie Press publishing company, 1888. 196 pp. Por- trait. 8". Alexander, William DeWitt. A brief history of the Hawaiian people. Published by order of the Board of Education of the Hawaiian Kingdom. New ¥orlc,etc. American hook company. [1891.1 341pp. Woodcuts. Map. 8". ■ and Alatan T. Atkinson. An historical sketch of education in the Hawaiian islands. Bonolulu, 1888. lS,{l)pp. 8". — History of the later years of the Hawaiian monarchy and the Revolution of 1893. Honolulu : Hawaiian gazette eo. 1898. 8°. [Ordered.^ Anderson, Mary E. Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands and California. Boston: The American Tract Society. I1865.~i 2S8 pp. Woodcut. 16°. Anderson, Rufus. The Hawaiian Islands : their progress and condition under mis- sionary labor. 3d edition. Boston: Gould 4' Lincoln. 1865. 4^0 pp. Portrait. Map. IS". Andre'ws, Lorrin. A dictionary of the Hawaiian Language, to which is appended an English-Hawaiian vocabulary, and a chronological table of remark- able events. Honolulu, H. I. Printed ly H. M. Whitney,- 1865. 559 pp. 8". [ ] A vocabulary of woMs in the Hawaiian language. Lehainaluna. Press of the High School. 1836. iv., 131 pp. 8". [Bates, G. W.] Sandwich island notes. By a HaoliS. New York. Harper 4" Prothers, 1854. 493 pp. Woodcuts. 8". Bingham, Hiram. A residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands ; or the civil, religious, and political history of those islands : comprising a par- ticular view of the missionary operations connected with the introduction and progress of Christianity and civilization among the Hawaiian people. Hartford: HezeMah Huntington; New York: S. Converse. 1847. 616 pp. Folded maps. Portrait. Plates. 8°. Same. 2d Edition. Hartford and New York, 1848. Same pagination. 8°. Bishop, Isabella L. Bird. The Hawaiian archipelago. Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, & volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. With illustra- tions. London, 1875. viii, (4), 473 pp. Folded Map. 8". 11 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Bishop, Isabella L. Bird. The Hawaiian Archipelago. Six months among the palm . groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. First Ameri- can edition, reprinted from the fifth English edition. Illustrated. Neiv Torlc, 1S94. 4$S pp. Folded map. S". Bliss, William Root. Paradise in the Pacific ; a, hook of travel, adventure, and facts in the Sandwich Islands. New York : Sheldon and company. 1873. ^07 pp. 16". Brigham, William T. Hawaiian flora. {In Boston Society of Natural History Proceedings, vol. 1'2, pp. 158-161. Boston, 1S6S.) [Burnett, Cbarles C] The land of the 0-0. Facts, figures, fables, and fancies.. By Ash Slivers, Sr., Lumberman. Cumberland, Ohio, 1892. SlQpp. Photogravures. 8<>. Byron, George Anson, 7th Baron. Voyage of H. M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the years 1824-25. London: J. Murray. 1825. xi, (1), B60 pp. Plates. Chart. 4°. Chambers, Henry Edward. Constitutional history of Hawaii. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. Jan. 1896. 40 pp. (Johns Hopkins Uni- rersitj] studies in historical and political science. 14th series, no. 1.) 8". Chaney, George Leonard. "Alo'ha!" A Hawaiian salutation. Boston, 1880. ix, (3), 299 pp. Woodcut. Folded maps. 12". Cheever Henry Theodore. The island world of the Pacific: being the personal narrative and results of travel through the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands, and other parts of Polynesia. With engravings. New York: Harper cf brothers. 1851. {4), 406 pp. Woodcuts. Folded Map. 12". Clifford, Edward. Father Damien. A journey from Cashmere to his home in Hawaii. London: Maemillan and co. 1889. (10), 176 pp. Portraits. Facsimile. 12°. Coan, Titns. Life in Hawaii; an autobiographic sketch of mission life and labors (1835-1881). New York, [^1882']. viii, 340 pp. Portrait. 12°. Coke, Henry John. A ride over the Rocky mountains to Oregon and California, with a glance at some of the tropical islands, including the West Indies and the Sandwich Islands. London : Richard Bentley. 1852. x, 388, (2) pp. Portrait. 8°. Curtis, William Eleroy. The United States and foreign powers. Meadville, Penna. Flood and Vincent. 1892. 313 pp. 12". Pp. 296-307 " Kelations "with the Congo States and the Hawaiian lalauds." Damon, Samuel Cheney. Morning Star Papers. Honolulu: Printed fm' the Hawaiian Missionary Society. 1861. 78,(1) pp. Woodcut. 8". Sana, James Dwight. Characteristics of volcanoes, with contributions of facts and principles from the Hawaiian islands, including a historical review of Hawaiian volcanic action for the past sixty-seven years: a discussion of the relations of volcanic islands to deep-sea topography, and a chapter on volcanic island denudation. Illustrated by maps of the islands a bathymetric map of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and views of caves craters, lava fountains, etc. New York : Dodd, Mead f company. 1890. xvi, 399 pp. Plates (photo- gravures). 8°. BOOKS RELATING TO HAWAII. 13 Dibble, Sheldon. History and general view of the Sandwich Islands' mission. Neri) York: PuMished J>y Taylor ^ Dodd. 1839. ^68 pp. IS". History of the Sandwich Islands. Lahainaluna. Press of the mission seminary. 1843. vi, 461 pp. IS". [Ellis, William.] A journal of a tour around Hawaii, the largest of the Sandwich Islands. By a deputation from the mission on those islands. Boston: Crocker f Brewster. 1828. $64 pp. Plates. Folded Map. Portrait. U". Narrative of a tour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee ; with observations on the natural history of the Sandwich Islands, and remarks on the manners, customs, traditions, history, and language of their inhabitants. 2d edi- tion, enlarged. London. : B. Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson. 1827. (8), 480pp. Plates. 2 folded maps. 8". Polynesiaji researches, during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. Second edition, enlarged and improved. London: Fisher, son, Sf Jackson. 11840 ^ 4 vols. Plates. Folded maps. Engraved title pages. 16". Same. A new edition, enlarged and improved. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1859. 4 vols. Plates. Portrait. Folded Maps. Engraved title pages. 16". Fornauder, Abraham. An account of the Polynesian race ; its origin and migrations and the ancient history of the Hawaiian people to the times of Kame- hameha I. vol. 3. London: Triibner 4" cp- 1885. 8". Gerstaecker, Friedrich. Narrative of a journey round the world, comprising a wiuter-passage across the Andes to Chili, with a visit to . . . the South Sea Islands, .Java, &c. London: Hurst and Blackett. 1863. 3 vols. 8". Honolulu, pp. 77-121. Gibson, William Murray. Address to the Hawaiian people. Honolulu, 1876. 8 pp. 8", Gilbert, Charles Henry, and Frank Cramer. Report on the fishes dredged in deep water near the Hawaiian islands, with descriptions and figures of twenty- three new species. {In Smithsonian Institution. U. S. National Museum. Proceedings, vol, 19, pp,. 403-435. Washington, 1897.) Gillis, J. A. The Hawaiian incident. An examination of Mr. Cleveland's attitude towards the revolution of 1893. Boston: Lee and Shepard. 1897. 106 pp. Plan. 8". Godfrey, Frank. Godfrey's ready reference to voting districts and precincts in tlie Republic, and Directory of registered voters for Senators and Represen- tatives on the island of Oahu. With map of voting districts. Honolulu: B. Grieve. 1898. 37 pp. 32". Green, William L. The Hawaiian islands on the reseau triangulaire. A-letter to William T. Brigham. Boston: 1877. 7 pp. Diagrams in the text. Folded map. 4". Hawaii. Constitution. Constitution of the Hawaiian Islands, signed by his Majesty Kalakaua, July 6, and promulgated July 7, 1887. Honolulu, 1887. 20 pp. 8". 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Hawaii. Ke kuniii Kauawai, a me na Kanawai o ko Hawaii paeaiua. [The Consti- tution and Laws of Hawaii.] Ua kania i ke kan ia Kamehameha III. Honolulu, Oahu, 1841. iv, 156, (1) pp. Iff'. Attorney general. Eeport of the Attorney geaeral, 1886. Honolulu, 1886. S". Biennial report, 1888-98. Honolulu, 1888, 97. 6 pplis. 8". Board of Health. Eeport of the President of the, 1886. Honolulu, 1886. S".. Board of Health. Leprosy. Eeport of the President of the Board of Health (With Appendix). Honolulu, 1886. Z ppha. 8". Leprosy in Hawaii. Extracts' from reports of Presidents of the board of healtli, government physicians and others, and from official rec- ords, in regard to leprosy before and after the passage of the "Act to pre- vent the spread of leprosy," approved January 3rd, 1865. The laws and regulations in regard to leprosy in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Honolulu, 1886. 192 pp. 8". Supplement to the Report of the President of the Board of Health. 1886. Biennial report of the President of the Board of health to the legis- ture of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Session of 1888, 90, 92. Honolulu: Gazette publishing company . 1888-92. S pphs. 8°. Eeport of the President of the Board of health for the twenty-one months ending December 31, 1895. Honolulu: Hawaiian gazelle oompany, 1896. 122 pp. 3 folded sheets. 8°. '- Eeport on the sewerage of Honolulu, to the Board of health by Frank S. Dodge. Honolulu: Hawaiian gazette company. 1896. SI pp. 8°. Special report of the Board of health upon the cholera epidemic in Honolulu, in August and September, 1895. Honolulu: Hawaiian gazette co.'s print. 1896. 101pp. Folded sheet. 8°. Bureau of Immigration. Eeport of the President of the Bureau of immigra- tion, 1888,92. Honolulu, 1888, 92. 8°. Collector General of Customs. Annual report. 1896-97. Honolulu, 1897, 98. 2 pphs. 8". Custom House statistics, 1881, 84. Honolulu \_1S82, 84^. 2 pphs. 8". •==-^— Department of Public Instruction. Eeport of the general superintendent of the census, 1896. Honolulu, 1897. 127 pp. 8". Hawaiian tariff and digest of laws relating to the administration of customs. Honolulu, 1897. 8". if blister of Finance. Biennial repoi-t for the period ending Dec. 31, 1897. Honolulu, 1898. 8". BOOKS RELATING TO HAWAII. 15 Ha'waii. Minister of foreign affairs. Report of the, to the legislative assembly of 1884. Honolulu, 1884. S,cxlmiipp. 8". Report of the, to the legislative assembly of, 1886. Honolulu, 1886. SS,ccxv, 7 pp. 8". Report of the Minister of foreign affairs to the Hawaiian legislature, Session of 1888. Honolulu, 1888. {4), 10, {S), xvii pp. 8". Report for the biennial period ending Dec. 31st, 1897. Honolulu, 1898. S". Leprosy in foreign countries. Summary of reports furnished by foreign governments to his Hawaiian majesty's authorities, as to the prevalence of leprosy in India and other countries, and the measures adopted for the social and medical treatment of persons afflicted with the disease. Honolulu: Daily Bulletin press. 1886. 241 pp. 8", Minister of the Interior. Report for the biennial period ending December 31, 1897. Honolulu, 1898. 8". Patent laws of the republic of Haw^aii, and rules of practice in the patent office. 4th ed. Honolulu. S. Grieve, printer. 1894. SS pp. 8". The railway laws of the republic of Hawaii, and the contract between the Oahu railway and laud company and the republic of Hawaii. Honolulu, 1898. 8". Ha-waiian almanac and annual for 1875, 76, 83, 88, 97. A handbook of valuable and statistical information relating to the Hawaiian islands. Compiled by T. G. Thrum. Honolulu, 1875-97. 6 vols. 8". Hawaiian historical society. Papers. No. 10. [Honolulu, 1897.] SZ pp. 8". Contents ; Honolulu in 1853, by "Warren Goodale ; supplementary article, by Tlios. G. ■Thrum. Haviraiian experiment station. Lavas, and soils of the Hawaiian islands. Investi- gations of the Hawaiian experimental station and laboratories. By "Walter Maxwell, direfitor and chief chemist. Honolulu: Hawaiian gazette company, 1898. 186pp. Plates. Map. S". Hawaiian immigration society. Report of the Secretary, with a map of the Hawaiian islands. Honolulu, July, 1874. S^ pp. 8". Hawaiian sugar planters' association. Report of the forestry committee, 1898. Honolulu, 1897. 8". Hill, S. S. Travels in the Sandwich and Society islands. London: Chapman and Hall. \_1856.'] xii,4SSpp. Folded Map. 8°. History of the Sandw^ich islands: with an account of the American Mission established there in 1820. Revised by the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday School union. American Sunday School union. Philadelphia 1831. 197 pp. Woodcut. 16°, 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. HolUday, Frederick W. M. Letters of travel through the West Indies, Mexico, Sandwich islands, United States and territories. Made in 1882. Baltimore: printed hy John Murphy 4- CO. \_1897.'] xii, 434 pp. 8". Sandwioli Islands, pp. 174-221. Honolulu almanac and directory for 1884. Containing an astronomical, civil and ecclesiastical calendar for the year. An official and business directory of Honolulu: with statistical and general information relating to the Hawaiian islands. Honolulu: printed for the proprietors at the P. C. Advertiser office. (1883.) 8°. Hopkins, Manley. Hawaii: the past, present, and future of its island-kingdom. An historical account of the Sandwich Islands (Polynesia). With a pref- ace hy the Bishop of Oxford. London: Longmann Green letc.'\. 1862. xxiii, (1), 4S3 pp. Plates (woodcuts). Folded map. Portraits. 8°. Hunt, Timothy Dwight. The past and present of the Sandwich islands ; being a series of lectures to the First congregational church, San Francisco. San Francisco: WhUton, Towne ^ CO., printers. 1853. 189pp. 16". Irvine, Leigh H. The palace of the Sun, and other sketches. NewYorlc: The Crown publishing company [^1894.'] 32 pp. 16°. Note. — "The Palace of the Sun is the largest extinct crater in the world. It is on the island of Maui." Jarves, James Jackson. History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands, embracing their antiquities, mythology, legends, discovery by Europeans iu the six- teenth century, re-discovery by Cook, with their civil, religious and polit- ical history, from the earliest traditionary period to the present time. Boston, Tappan and Dennet. 1843. xx, 407pp. Plates {woodcuts). Portraits. Folded map. 8°. Si>me. 3d edition. Honolulu. C.E.Hitchcock, 1847. S40pp. 8°. Scenes and scenery in the Sandwich Islands, and a trip through Central Amer- ica : being observations from my note-book during the years 1837-1842. Boston: James Munro ^ Co. 1844. 341 pp. Map. IS". Jouan, Henri. Notes sur I'archipel hawaiien (lies Sandwich). (In Memoires de la So(A^t6 nationale de Cherbourg. T. 17, pp. 1-104. Paris, 1873.) Principally on the physical features, geology, and botany. Judd, Laura Fish. Honolulu. Sketches of life, social, political, and religious, in the Hawaiian islands from 1828 to 1861. With a supplementary sketch of events to the present time. New York, 1880. xiv, S58 pp. Portrait. 12". JKalakaua, King of Hawaii. The legends and myths of Hawaii. The fables and folk-lore of a strange people. By his Hawaiian majesty Kalakana. Edited and with an introduction by R. M. Daggett. Jeio York: Charles L. Webster ^ co. 1SS8. 530 pp. Plates. Portraits, Woodcuts. 8". Kellogg, Eva M. C. Australia and the island of the sea. Edited by Larkiu Dun ton. New York, \_etc.'\, 1897. 448 pp. Illustrations. IS". ("The world and its people, book VIII.") Hawaiian Islands, pp. 418-431. Kirchhoff, Theodor. Eine Reise nach Hawaii. Mit einer Karte der Sandwiohinselii und dem Bilde des Konigs Kalakaua. Altona. Schliltersohe Buehhandlung . . . . Neu York. E. Steiger 4- Co. xii 199 pp. 8". ' ' BOOKS RELATING TO HAWAII. 17 Kotzebue, Otto von. A new voyage round the world, in the years 1823, 24, 25 and 26. London: Henry Coliurn and Bichard Bentley. 1S30. 3 vols. 2 plaics. J folded charts. 1-2". Sandwich Islands, vol. 2, pp. 151-26ii. A voyage of discovery, into the South Sea and Bering's straits, for the pur- pose of exploring a north-east passage, undertaken in the years 1815- 1818. . . . Illustrated with numerous [colored] plates and maps. London : printed for Longman, Hurst, {etc.). 1821. 3 cols. 8°. Sandwich Islands, vol. 1, pp. 291-358; vol. 3, pp. 229-260. LUioukalani. Hawaii's story hy Hawaii's queen, Lilioukalaui. Illustrated. Boston: Lee and Shepard. 1898. riii, 409 pp. 8". Mahan, .Vlfred Thayer. The interest of America in sea power, present and future. Boston : Little, Brown if Co. 1897. ri, (6), J13 pp. Maps. 16". Pages 31-55 contain "Hawaii aud onr future sea power." Martin, William. Catalogue d'ouvrages relatifs aux ties Hawaii. Essai de hiblio- ographie Hawaienne. Paris: Challamel aine. 1867. ri, (2), 93 pp. 16". Mather, Helen . One summer in Hawaii. Xetr York, 11891}. ix, {1), 298 pp. Plates. Woodcuts. 8". Mathisou, Gilbert Farquhar. Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chili, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, during 1821-22. London: C. Knight, IS 2'). xiii, 478 pp. Plates {colored). Map. 8". Maun, Horace. Flora of the Hawaiian islands. (7)1 Proceedings of the Essex institute, rol. 5, pp. 113-144; 233-Z48 ; vol. 6, pp. 105-111. Salem, 1866-70.) Enumeration of Hawaiian plants. {In American academy of arts and sciences. Proceedings, rol. 7, pp. 143-235. Boston, 1868.) Monnier, Marcel. Un printemps, sur le Pacifique. lies Hawaii. Paris: Plon. 1885. (4), £69, (5) pp. Plates {woodcuts). Folded map. 16". Musick, John E. Hawaii. Our new possessions. An account of travels and adventure, with sketches of the scenery, customs and manners, mythology and history of Hawaii to the present, and an appendix containing the treaty of annexation to the United States. Illustrated with 56 full page plates .... and a map of the Hawaiian Islands. Funk if IVagnalls company. Xcw York, 1898. xxii, {2),.'i24pp. 8". Nicholson, H. AVhalley. From sword to share; or a fortune in five years at Hawaii. With map and illustrations. London: TV. M. Mien f co., 1881. xviii, {2), S4S pp. Photographs. Portraits. 12". ■'•ame. 2il edition. London, 1889. xriii,{2),348 pp. i;.*'. Nordhofif, Charles. Northern California, Oregon, and Sandwich Islands. Xew York: Hooper and Brothers. 1874. 256pp. Portrait. Map. 8". Nottage, Charles George. In search of a climate. With thirty photographic illus- trations. London: Sampson Low, Marston if company. 1894. xiv,(2),S51 pp. Miip of the Hawaiian islands. Portrait of LUioukalani. 8". Pp. 22-223 describe the Hawaiian islands, with au account of the i^evolution of 1893. 5890 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Oahu college. Catalogue, 1896-7. Sonoluhi, 1S97. 12". Olmsted, Francia Allyn. Incidents of a whaling voyage; to which are added, Observations on the scenery, manners and customs, and missionary stations of the Sandwich and Society Islands. New York: B. Appleton and CO. 1841. 360pp. Flates. IS". Palmer, .Julius A., jr. Again iu Hawaii. February-May 1895. Boston: Lee and Shepard. 1895, xv, {1), 44])p. 8". Consists of articles written to the N. T. Evening Post, with introductory essay. Palmer, Julius A., jr. Memories of Hawaii, and Hawaiian correspondence. Boston: Lee and Shejiard. 1S94. {4), 138, (1), pp. 8". Reprint of articles published In the Boston Transcript giving an account of the writer's views of the revolution of 1893. Perkins, Edward T. Na Motu: or reef roviugs in the South seas. A narrative of adventures at the Hawaiian, Georgian and Society islands, with maps and an appendix. New Yorlc : Fudney L^- Rtissell . 1854. 456 pp. Plates (litlwgraphs), illustra- tions, 8". Prescott, Anne M. Hawaii. San Francisco : C. A. Murdock 4- Co. 1891. 133 pp. I, S'\ Pages 361-397 contain an outline history of the relations of the United States with Hawaii from the first annexation project in 1850 to 1895, mainly derived from the documents, ISTos. 47, 48 of the Kfty -third Congress. There are given brief extracts from the diplomatic correspondence in regard to annexation and treaty negotiations, prior to the downfall of the monarchy: with fuller exposition of the transactions subsequent to that event. Pages 165-169 contain the text of the treaties of 1875 and 1884. Stevens, John Leavitt, and W. B. Oleson. Picturesque Hawaii: a charming description of her unique history, strange people, exquisite climate, won- drous volcanoes, luxurious productions, beautiful cities, corrupt mon- archy, recent revolution and provisional government. Profusely enriched with photographs. 1894. Huhbard Puhlishing CO., Philadelphia, Pa. {2), 126 pp. Plates {photo- graphs), obi. 4°. Stevenson, Robert Louis. In the South Seas. Beiug an account of experiences and observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert islands in the course of two cruises on the yacht "Casco," (1888), and the schooner "Equator" (1889). New YorTi: C. Scribner's Sons. 1896. viii, (S), 370 pp. Folded map. 1S°. Father Dainien. An open letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu Feb. 25, 1890. (/« his " Kovels and tales,'' vol. 4,pp. 411-4.S3. Xew York, 1895.) Stewart, Charles Samuel. Private journal of a voyage to the Pacific ocean, and residence at the Sandwich islands, in the years 1822, 1823, 1824, and 1825. yew York: J. P. Haven. 182S. 406pp. Plates. Folded map. 8". A visit to the South Seas, in the U. S. ship A''incennes, during the years 1829 and 1830; with scenes in Brazil, Peru, Manilla the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena. Neiv York: J. F. Haven. 1831. 2 vols. IS". Sandwich Islands, vol. 2, pp. 61-282. Stoddard, Charles Warren. Hawaiian life: being lazy letters from low latitudes. F.Tennyson Neely, Chicago ; Neio York, 1894. gS8 pp. IS''. A trip to Hawaii. [San Franclseo.1 1885. (6), 48 pp. Map. 1^. Published by the Passenger Department of the Oceanic Steamship Company, San Francisco. Thurston, Lorrin Andrews. A handbook on the annexation of Hawaii. [A.B.Morse Company, printers, St. Joseph, Mich. 1897.] iv,S3pp. Maps on covers. 8". Contentit: Shall Hawaii he annexed? Arguments in favor of annexation; A brief description of Hawaii, its people, etc. ; Twenty objections to annexation and replies thereto ; A digest of the official opinions of American presidents, secretaries of state, mini.sters, and mililary and naval officers, concerning annexation; President Harri- son's message advocating annexation; President McKinley's message; Keport of Secretary Sherman; A digest of the acts of Congress, and of Hawaii concerning American control or annexation ; Text of the Hawaiian treaties of 1854, 1893, and 1897 ; and of the reciprocity and Pearl harbor treaties of 1875 and 1887. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Towuseud, Jolm Kirk. Narrative of :i journey across the Rocky luountains, to Columbia river, and a visit to tlie Sandwiili islands, C'liili, &c. "With scieutitic appendix. Philadelphia : Heiirij J'fylins. ISS9. ooipp. JToodciit. S: Tyler, Cliavlcs Marion. The island world of the Pacific ocean. San Francisco, Cal. Howard .f' PariKer, publishers, ISSo. dS7 pp. Plates. Map. S". Same. San Fra7icisco, Cal. S. Carson .^- Co. 1SS7. 337 pages. Plates. Map. 8". Sandwich Islands, pp. 159-172. United States. Correspondence with diplomatic and naval officers concerning the relations of the United .States to the Hawaiian islands, inclnding a reprint of Senate executive documents No. 76 and 77, Fifty-second Congress, sec- ond session. Washington: (iori'rnnunt printing office. 1S9S. {3), S09 pp. 8". Message from the President, transmitting a treaty of annexation eouiluded on the 14th day of February, 1893, between the United States and the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. [ Washington , lS9S'i . 65 pp. 8". Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a treaty of annexation concluded on the 14th day of February, 1893, between the U. S. and the provisional government of the Hawaiian islands, Feb. 15, 1893. 69 pp. S£nd Congress, 2nd session, Senate doc. Xo. 70. Note. — Only siicli' Government documents as appear in the Library separate from the Congressional documents arc hero noted. The catalogue issued by the superin- tendent of documents will serve as a guide to these. Varigny, Charles Crosier de. Quatorze ans aux lies Sandwich. Paris: Hachette. 1874. (2), Hi, {!), S50 pp. S folded maps. 16". Department of Aj;ricalture. Circular Xo. 7. Possible influence of impor- tation of Hawaiian sugar or beet sugar production iu United States, Jan. 17, 1898. 'iWashington,lS98.'] 4 pp. S". Wallace, .\lfred Russell. Australasia. London: Edward Stanford, 1879. xriii, (1), 672 pp. Illustrations, maps. 8". {Stanford's compendium of geography.) Hawaii, pp. 526-1)32. Webster, Daniel. Independence of the Sandwich Islands. Letter from Daniel Webster, Sec'y of State, to Commissioners on behalf of the King of the Hawaiian Islands, Deo. 19, 1842. (In Wehster's Worls, rol.6,pp. 477-J7S.) Message from the President, John Tyler, on the subject of the trade and commerce of the United States with the Sandwich Islands, Dec. 31, 1842. {In Wihstei''s Works, vol. 6, pp. 46.1-467.) Whitney, Henry Martin. The Hawaiian guide book, for travelers : containing a brief description of the Hawaiian islands, their harbors, agricultural resources, plantations, scenery, volcanoes, climate, population, and com- merce. First edition. Honolulu, 1S7S. 144pp. Folded map. 16". BOOKS RELATING TO HAWAII. 21 Whitney, Henry Martin. The tourists' guide through the Hawaiian islands, descrip- tion of their scenes and scenery. San Francisco, NewYork, Honohthi, 1890. xil, 176 pp. Plates. 4 maps. 8". Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States exploring expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Philadelphia : printed hy C. Sherman. 1844. 5 vols. 4". Atlas, 1 vol. I^. "Vol. 4, pp. 1-307 devoted to the "Hawaiian Group." Same. Philadelphia: Lee and Blanchard, 1845. 5 vols. 8". Atlas, 4". Same. In 5 vols. Philadelphia, 18-50. Plates. Folded maps. 8". Note.— Tlie narrative forms vols. 1-5 of the series of Eeports of the Wilkes Expe- dition. The scientific reports follow : Tol. 6. Hale, H. Ethnography and philology. 1840. xii, 668 pp., 2 maps. 4". Vol. 7. Dana, J. D. Zoophytes. Text, 740 pp. 4". Atlas, E". Yol. 8. C'assin, J. Mammalogy and ornithology. 1858. Text xiii, 466 pp. 4°. Atlas E°. Vol. 9. Pickering, C. Eaces of man. 1848. 447 pp. Map. Col. plates. 4". Vol. 10. Dana, J. D. Geology. 1849. Text. 4". Vol. 11. Wilkes, C. Meteorology. 1851. 4». Yol. 12. Gould, A. A. MoUusca and shells. Text, xv, 510 jip. 4''. Atlas, E°. Yol. 13-14. Dana, J. D. Crustacea. 1 vol. in 2. viii, 1618 pjj. 4°. Atlas, E°. Yol. 15. Gray, A. Botany. Phanerogamia. 1854-56. Text. 777 pp. 4". Atlas, E». Yol. 16. Brackenridge, "W. D. Botany. Cryptogamia. 1854-56. Text, viii, 357 pp. 4". Atlas, F". A'ol. 17. Gray, A. Botany. Cryptogamia and phanerogamia. 1874. (2), 514 pp. 4". Yol. 18. Not published. Yol. 19. Not published. Yol. 20. Baird, S. F. Herpetology. 1S5S. Text, xv, 492 pp. Atlas, E". Yol. 21, 22. Not published. Yol. 23. Wilkes, C. Hydrography. 1858-61. Tfjxt. 4». Atlas, 2 v. E». Voyage around the world, embracing the principal events of the narrative of the United States exploring expedition. In one volume. Illustrated with one hundred and seventy-eight engravings on wood. New York: Georrje P. Putnam. 1851. xx, 668pp. 8°. Wilmot, Sj'dney Mason Eardley. Our journal in the Pacific, by the officers of H. M. S. Zealous. With a map and numerous illustrations. London: Longmans, Green [eic.]. 1873. xiii, (1), 333, (i), xx pp. 8". Honolulu, pp. 148-169. Woods, George W. On some peculiar diseases encountered in naval cruising and ocean observations in Hawaiian leprosy. {In Pan-America/n Medical Congress, Trans., pt. $, pp. 2038-W48, Washington, 1895.) Articles in Periodicals. 1839. Les lies Sandwich. Adolphe Barrot. Hevue des deux Mondes, vol. S9 (Aug. 1, 15, 1839), 290, 5S1. 1849. The .Sauflwioh or Hawaiian islands, their history and relation to the rest of the world. H. T. Cheever. Biblical Bepos. 3d sm:, vol. 5, {July, 1849) 431. 1849. Un voyageur anglais aux ties Sandwich, la civilization dans I'archipel. fimile Mont^gut. Eevue des deux Mondes, vol. 110 (Deo. 15, 1856), 904. 1857. Sandwich islands, climate, population, etc. R. W. Wood, De Bow's Review, vol. -22 (Mar. 1857), 289. 1858. The Hawaiian islands. Frauds Poe. De Bows Keview, vol. 24 (May 1858), 347. 1858. The Hawaiian or Sandwich islands. P. Cumiugs. National Mag., vol. 37 (Aug. 1858), 405. 1859. Les Europ^ens dans l'0c6anie. Easai d'(5ducatiou morale et religieuse dans . . . les lies Sandwich. A. Jacobs. Bevne des deux Mondes, vol. 23 (Sept. 1, 1869), 135. 1868. Hawaiian CiVilizatiou. G. B. Merrill. Overland M., vol. 1 (July 1868), 697. 1881. Las islas Hawaii. R. Beltram y Rozpide. (In Boletin de la Sociedad geogrdfiea de Madrid. T. 11 (July, 1881), pp. 7-54. Madrid, 1881.) 1885. Emma, reine des lies Hawaii. C. de Variguy. lievne des deux Mondes (Nov. 1, 1885). 1893. The revolution in Hawaii. E. L. Godkiu. Tlie Nation, vol. 56 (Feb. 9, 1893), 96. 1893. Sandwich Islands. The advantages of annexation. L. A. Thurston. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 156 (Mar. 1893), 265. 1893. Hawaii Aniiexatiou. Is it coustitutional. G.T.Curtis. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 156 (Mar. 1893), 282. 1893. Hawaii aud our future sea power. A. T. Mahan. Forum, vol. 15 (Mar. 1893), 1. 1893. America in Hawaii. The strategic position of the islands and the history of American diplomacy and influence in Hawaiian affairs. S. Bishop. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 7 (Mar. 1893), 180. 22 BOOKS RELATING TO HAWAII, 23 1893. The Hawaiian fiasco. R. Ogden. The Nation, col. 56 (Mar. 2, 1S9S), 154. 1893. Hawaii again. "VV. P. Garrison. The Xation, vol. 56 {Mar. 16, 189S), 190. 1893. The Hawaiian islands. A. A. Black. Chantanquan, vol. 17 (Apr. 1893), 53. 1893. "Our flag hauled down.' R. Ogden. Xaiion, vol. 56 (Apr. ,?0, 1893), S86. 1893. Hawaii. Hauling down the stars and stripes. Pnblic Opinion, vol. 15 {Jpr. «, 1893), 69. 1893. The Hawaiian revolution. T. H. Davis. Nineteenth Centuri/, rol. 33 {May 1893), 830. 1893. The Hawaiian situation. T. H. Davis. No. Amer. Rev., rol. 156 {May 1893), 605. 1893. United States and Hawaii. Piiblic Opinion, rol. 15 {May IS, 1893), 145; {June 10, 1893), MZ 1893. Hawaii and British interests. G. R. Parkin. Nation, vol. 56 {May 18, 1893), 362. 1893. .Japan in Hawaii. W. B. Oleson. Public Opinion, vol. 15 {May 20, 1893), 169. 1893. The rise and decline of the Hawaiian monarchy. H. H. Gowen. Cosmopolitan, rol. IS {June 1893), 159. 1893. Grave obstacles to Hawaiian annexation. T. M. Cooley. Forum, vol. 15 {June 1893), 389. 1893. Hawaiian annexation. Puilic Opinion, vol. 15 {June 3, 1893), 217 1893. General Harrison on Hawaii. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 57 {Nov. 23, 1893), 384. 1893. Hawaii. Our present duty. W. M. Springer. No. Amer. Her., vol. 157 {Dec. 1893), 745. 1893. The invasion of Hawaii. E. T. Chamberlin. No. Amer. Rev., rol. 157 {Dec. 1893), 731. 1893. Hawaii. Stevens's defence. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol, 57 {Dec. 7, 1893), 422. 1893. A plea for annexation. J. Ij. Stevens. No. Amer. Her., vol. 157 {Dec. 1893), 736. 1893. President Cleveland and Hawaii. Public Opinion, vol. 16 {Dec. 21, 1893), 287; {Dec. 28, 1893), 306. 1894. What to do with Hawaii. E..L. Godkin. Nation, rol. 58 {Jan. IS, 1894), 42. 1894. Recognition of Hawaiian republic. Diplomatic correspondence. Foreign Relations, 1894, pp. 358-360. 1894. A review of the Hawaiian controversy. .T. Schouler. Forum, vol. ifiSFeS. 1894), 670. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1894. The law and the policy for Hawaii. T. f^. Woolsey. Tale Eeviexo, rol. 3 (Feh. 1894), 347. 1894. The Hawaiian failure. R. Ogilen. Nation, rol. 58 (Fei. S, 1894), UC. 1894. A glimpse of the Hawaiian islands. A. W. Gulich. Eeview of Heriews, rol. 9 {May 1894), 672. 1894. Hawaii "Playing the missionary for all he is worth." R. Ogden. Xaiioii, vol. 58 {May 24, 1894), 380. 1894. The Hawaiian Question. Press comments, action of Congress, etc. Pub. Opinion, rol. 16 {Jan. 4, Mar. 8, 1894), 330, 545. 1895. Practical and legal aspects of legislation. Charles J. Swift. Overland, 2d Ser., vol. 36 (June 1895), 586-696. 1895. Hawaii for tourists. John D. Spreckles. Overland, 2d Ser., vol. 36 {.June 1895), 660-663. 1895. Kaiuehameha the Great. Joaquin Miller. Overland, 2d Ser., vol. 25 {June 1896), 639-638. 1895. Will it pay the United States to annex Hawaii? P. C. Jones. Overland, 2(1 Ser., vol. 36 {June 1896), 580-585. 1895. Hawaiian climate. Ctirtis J. Lyons. Orerland, 2d Ser., vol. 25 {June 1896), 603-613. 1895. Kalakaua's trip around the world. W.N.Armstrong. Overland, 2d Ser., vol.35 {June 1895), 644-652. 1895. The .sugar industry in Hawaii. H.P.Baldwin. Orerland, 2d Ser., vol. 35 {June 1896), 662-668. 1895. How has Hawaii become Americanized? L.E. Bishop. Orerland, 2d Sei-., vol. 35 {June 1895), 597-601. 1895. Hawaiian cable. Hugh Craig. Overland, 2d Ser., vol. 25 {June 1895), 653-660. 1895. Evolution of Hawaiian land tenures. Sanford B. Dole. Overland, 2d Sei:, rol. 35 {June 1896), 565-570. 1895. Commercial development. Thomas G. Thrum. Overland, 2d Ser., vol. 36 {June 1895), 613-627. 1895. Pakua the outlaw. A peep into aucient Hawaii. N. B. Emerson. Overland, 3d Ser., rol. 35 {June 189.5), 638-641. 1895. Coffee planting in Hawaii. Cbarles D. Miller. Overland, 2d Ser., vol. 26 {June 1896), 669-675. 1895. School in Hawaii. W. R. Castle. Overland, 2d Ser., vol. 36 {Oct. 1895), S99. 1897. Hawaii and the changing front of the world. J.R.Procter. Forum, vol. 34 {Sejjt. 1897), 34. 1897. Hawaii. The policy of annexation for America. J. Bryce. Forum, vol. 24 {Dee. 1897), 386. 1897. How are we to govern Hawaii? The Xation, rol. 65 {Dec. 2, 1897), 432. BOOKS RELATING TO HAWAII. 25 1897. Annexation and leprosy. The Nation, vol. 65 {Dec. S, 189'/), 428. 1897. Annexation and the Hawaiians. Independent, vol. 49 {Dec. S, 1897), 1570. 1897. Annexation. Harper's Weekly, vol. 41 {Dec. 4, 1897), 1190. 1897. Empire can wait. Thomas Brackett Eeed. In Illustrated American, December 4, 1897. pp. 71S-714. Opj>osea annexation. 1897. Kahulin auf der Insel Maui Hawaii — Inseln. J. H. Stege. Annalen d. Hydrographie, vol. S5 {1897), 469. 1897. The Hawaiian question. Current history, vol. 7 {June SO, 1897), S25. 1897. A plea for the annexation of Hawaii. F. L. Coombs. Overland monthly, vol. SO {Sept. 1897), Z7S. 1897. The policy of annexation for America (Hawaii & Cuba). ,T. Bryce. Forum, vol. M {I)ec. 1897), S85. 1897. Unconstitutionality of the Hawaiian treaty. D. Agnew. Fornm, vol. U {Dec. 1897), 461. 1897. The President's message on Hawaii. The Nation, vol. 65 {Dec. 9, 1897), 448. 1897. Annexation from a military and naval point of view. The Nation, vol. 65 {Dec. 16, 1897), 468. 1897. Annexation. The Independent, vol. 49 {Dec. 16, 1897), 165'J. 1897. Naturalist's sojourn in the crater of Manna Loa. H. B. Gappy. So. Amer. SuppL, vol. 44 {Dec. 11, 1897), ISSO. 1897. The San Domingo precedent. The Nation, vol. 65 {Dec. 16, 1897), 469. 1897. President's plea against immediate annexation. C. Schnrz. Harper's Weekly, rot. 41 {Dec. IS, 1897), 12S9. 1897. Japan anil another war scare. A. B. de Guerville. Dlus. Amer., vol. :iS {Dec. 25, 1897), 801. 1898. Education in Hawaii. H. S. Townsend. Forum, vol. U {Jan. 1898), 612. 1898. Education in Hawaii. F. B. Dressier. Educational Rev., vol. 15 {Jan. 1898), 50. 1898. Hawaii aud sea power. C. Schnrz. Eev. of Reviews, vol. 17 {Jan. 1898), 78. 1898. Arguments against annexation. E. S. Clark. Independent, vol. SO {Jan. IS, 1898), IS. 1898. Annexation : straight lines. The Nation, vol. 66 {Jan. IS, 1898), 23. 1898. Hawaiian annexation. G. E. Belknap. Independent, vol. 50 {Jan. 20, 1898), 74. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1898. Annexation and the sugar trast. J. Jennings. Independent, vol. 50 {Jan. W, 1S98), 78. 1898. Latest phase of annexation. The Nation, vol. 66 {Jan. SO, 1898), 542. 1898. Hawaii and the partition of China. C. Schurz. Barpei-'s Weekly, vol. 4S {Jan. SS, 1898), 75. 1898. Hawaiian literary bureau. Tlie Nation, vol. 66 {Jan.S7, 1898), 63. 1898. Shall the United States annex Hawaii? F. Leslie's Weekly, vol. 66 {Jan. S7,'1S9S), 30. 1898. Hawaiian annexation : twenty-five reasons against. J. Benton. F. Leslie's wtekhj, vol. 86 {Jan. Z7, 1898), 58. 1898. Flora of Hawaii. Fop. Science Mo., vol. 53 {Feb. 1898), 671. 1898. Hawaii and the sugar question, etc. Rerieiv of Revieu's, rol. 17 {Feh. 1898), 142. 1898. Hawaiian annexation. M.C.Humphreys. Harper's Weekly, rol. 42 {Fel>. 5, 1898), 1S6. 1898. Hawaii as it is. "\V. S. Kahnweiler. lllns. Amer.. vol. :iS {Feh. 5, 1898), 170. 1898. Annexation to the United States, the folly of it. F. Bansman. The Nation, vol. 66 {Feh. 10, 1898), 107. 1898. President Dole's opinion of annexation. J. Bonner. F. Leslie's Weekly, vol. 86 {Feb. 10, 1S9S), 98. 1898. "Cold Facts" and Hawaii. C. Schurz. Harper's Weekly, vol. 4> {Feb. U, 1898), 147. 1898. Annexing Hawaii by joint resolution. C. Schurz. Harper's Weekly, rol. 42 {Feb. 26, 1S9S), 195. 1898. Our future on the Paciiic. What we have there to hold and win. G. W. Melville. No. Amer. Reriew, vol. 166 {Mar. 1898), 281. 1898. The Hawaiian question; The treaty in the Senate; Japan and Hawaii; Reso- lution substituted for treaty. Current liisiory, vol. 8 {Jan.-Apr. 1898), 54. 1898. Shall we annex leprosy? Cosmopolitan, vol. 24 {Mar. 1898), 557. 1898. Annexation duty of the United States. J. T. Morgan. Forum, vol. 25 {Mar. 1898), 11. 1898. Our own naval station in the Pacific. F. Bausuian. The Nation, vol. 66 {Mar. 17, 1898), 1206. 1898. United States and Hawaii. M. H. ICrout. Chantauquan, vol. 17 {May 1898), 176. 1898. On the summit of Mauna Loa. Pop. Science Mo., vol. S3 {May 1898), 138. Z4706 .U58™" """"""" "-'""^ 3 1924 029 599 622 T^ '''• f .^ ^^ * )^il>^ •X / 1 \ A- f'^^A >. ry\ ^\r^'jp \k \ v 4 ■