(ilorttcU HtttnEratta Slihtarg FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854.1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library arW3768 Catalogue of a valuable and interesting 3 1924 031 351 699 olin.anx The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031351699 OATALOaUE OF A VALUABLE AND INTERESTING COLLECTION OF BOOKS POKMED BY A PROMINEMT AMEEIOAN PLAYWEIGHT, COKSISTIHQ OF m XnTOSUAlLT CHOICE AMD DESIEABLE ASSEMBLAGE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE DIl^]>^A., SHAKESPBARIANA, HISTOEY OF THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STAGE, DRAMATIC MEMOIRS AND ANA, INCLUDING MANY EXTRA ILLUSTRATED AND UNIQUE COPIES, Others with AuToaKAPHs, Annotations, ORIGINAIi mSS., £tc. FINE ART AND ILLUSTRATED WORKS. GALLERIES, COLLECTIONS OF ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS AND CARICATURES, WORKS ON COSTUME, ARMS AND ARMOR, ARCHITECTURAL AND INTERIOR DECORATION, PORTRAITS (Thbathical and Miscellaneous), BOOKS "WITH ILLUMINATIONS In Gold and Colors. AU in Fine Condition, many in Elegant Bindings. Works Illustrated by George and Robert Cruikshank, John Leech, Doylb, Rowlandson, Phiz, Etc. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. Including a Remarkable Collection by T. ROWLANDSON. A Very Valuable Series by W. BLAKE, Etc., Etc. Criminal Trials ; Eariy Chap andJeat Books ; Folk-Lore; Legends and Superstitions; Ana; Epitaphs; ENCYCLOPEDIAS, and WORKS OP REFERENCE, Periodical Literature C With a Rare Collection of Comic Seriah and Jounwls), Standard Literature in the various Departments, Etc., Etc. The whole will be sold by jiuction, Monday, October 14th, and the following dajis, commencing at half-past seven o'clock, P.M., by GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., Auctioneers, Clinton Hall, New Yorh. CATALOGUE. CATALOGUE OF A VALUABLE AND INTERESTING COLLECTION OF BOOKS FOKMED BY A PROMINENT AMEEIOAI"^ PLAYWEIGHT, OONSIBTING OP AN TJirUSUALLT OHOIOE AND DESIRABLE ASSElfeLAaE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE DIlA.]Nd:^, SHAKESPBARIANA, HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STAGE, DRAMATIC MEMOIRS AND ANA, INCLUDING MANY MXTRA ILLUSTRATED AND UNIQUE COPIES, Othebs with Autoqbaphs, Annotations, ORIGINAL. 'SUSS., Etc. FINE ART AND ILLUSTRATED W0RK8. GALLERIES, COLLECTIONS OF ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS AND CARICATURES, WORKS ON COSTUME, ARMS AND ARMOR, ARCHITECTURAL AND INTERIOR DECORATION, PORTRAITS (Theatrical and Miscbllanbotjs), BOOKS WITH ILLUMINATIONS In Gold and Coloes. AU in Eine Condition, many . in Elegant Bindings. WoKKs Illustrated by George and Robert Cbuikshank, John Leech, Doyle, Rowlandson, Phiz, Etc. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. Including a Rbmaekablb Collection by T. ROWLANDSON. A Very Valuable Series by W. BLAKH, Etc., Etc. Oiiminal Trials ; Early Chap and Jest Books; Folk-Lore; Legends and Superstitions; Ana; Epitaphs; ENCYCLOPEDIAS, and WORKS OP RBPERBNCB, Periodical Literature ( With a Bare Collection of Comic Serials and Journals), Standard Literature in the various Departments, Etc., Etc. TJte whole iviU he sold hy A-Uction, Monday, October 14thf and the folloirinff ilai/.s, coniiiiiuciiif/ nt half-past seven o'eloek, P.M., hy GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., Auctioneers, Clinton HaJl, New yorh. vt VI A PLAYWEIQIIT S WORKING LIBEAEY. primitive size. Thus we fiad, as an examijle of the present collector's indiFidual taste and assiduity, the " Ireland's History of the New York Stage " swelled to half a score of volumes, with every sort of illustrative matter collected by his own hand, and bound in the most solid and handsome manner, until this indispensable authority on the American Drama forms no longer a work, but a shelf of works. Or, take a smaller handful, the " Thespis" of old Hugh Kelly, that glorification of Drury when in its glory. Among the engravings which have been interleaved, there are about fifty genuine portraits of Garrick alone. Richard Brinsley Peake, the dramatist, the memorialist of the Colman family, and author of most of the " Mathews at Home," finds himself ex- tended with a most plethoric padding of old play-bills, contemporary advertisements of representations, and appropriate pictures, until he appears as the memorialist not of a clique, but of an age. To come at once, though, to him who was not for an age but for all time ; every one who sees this catalogue will turn the first thing to its Shakespeariana. Here we have Knight's Pictorial, certainly the best working Shakespeare, extended from the original eight to no less than forty-four volumes, by the most fruitful process imaginable; a fine uncut cojjy being procui'ed, it has been separated into plays, and each play enriched with all that the annotator, all that the illustrator, all tliat the portrait collector, has to confer;' criticism, correction, anecdote, comment, elucidation, embel- lishment, are blent together in one rich mass, the varied yet congruous budget welded together vpith the best art of a famous binder, so that every play forms a splendid book, an entity, a microcosm, the whole splendidly expanding into the Shakespearian Cosmos ! A quarter of a huridred numbers go to the Shakespeariana in this Catalogue. But to return to the biographic and anecdotic pQrtion of the collec- tion — the portion which the stage-manager feasts on in his easy-chair, the actor when rehearsal is over, the critic when reviewing a piece, the theatre-lover after he has come home from a play. Here are Sheridan's Memoirs — Byron's "Poor Brinsy!" — Scott's "extraordinary man," for whom, the Northern Wizard says, "wit and pleasantry seemed to be the natural atmosphere ; " here are his celebrated memoirs, extended with such a wealth of illustrative material, that the large-paper copy is taxed to keep so much wealth within its liberal margins. The " Memoirs of Miss O'Neill," by Charles Inigo Jones, has every page "inlaid" (or sur- rounded with a fresh margin of large heavy paper), until from octavo it becomes a royal quarto, and the rare engravings, the colored drawings of that size are accommodated with ease. The letters (the originals, for it is not now question of a publication, but of an autograph work), writ- ten concerning the Drury Lane Tlieatrical Fund, from 1829 to 1840, from Harley, the comic actor, to George Daniell, are bound up with many portraits of Harley in all his motley, that is to say, in all the dif- ferent characters he assumed so well ; and with the play-bills, admission- tickets, and advertisements of his I'epresentations. Nay, to come down to our own times, the memorial volume fondly got up for George Hol- land, after that good man and actor had gone to his narrow bed from the " Little Church Around the Corner," is embellished with Worth's original water-color sketch of the lost player in his whimsical part of the " Fat Boy," and with enough other appropriate curiosities to double its thickness and weight, and quadruple its interest. A PLAYWRIGHT S WOEKING LUJKAEY. Vll Gibber's A.pology, the original edition, is extended with more than fifty old caricatures and rare portraits ; Arthur Mui-phy's Life, by Jesse Foote, is enlarged to two volumes by the insertion of appropriate illus- trative matter. The story of Nell Gwynne, that approachable dame, whose career, like the rolling of one of her own oranges, bjushed softly against every notable career of her day and date, is introduced to us with splendid plates collected with the best tact of the connoisseur, until in this enlarged and extended edition we seeni to move in the whole society of Grammont. Here is Molifere, translated by that painstaking and capa- ble Dr. Miller, who preceded, and some think superseded. Van Laun. The life of Reynolds, the painter, who was the best and gentlest of compan- ions and knew everybody, and painted every stage queen from Siddons to Kitty Fisher — here is the Tom Taylor biography, extended from two volumes to three by means of a wealth of beautiful plates. Again we have the lionciits AngUraiius of Downes, enlarged, inlaid, made out with rarest proofs and choicest matter, and containing a very scarce portrait of the phenomenal player, Betterton. Dr. Doran's popular book, the "Annals of the English Stage," in a large-paper edition, is illustrated .and interleaved with plates and cuts until it makes five volumes. For those who would study that obscurest of histories, the rise of the circus, we have Decastro's Memoirs, with an " analysis" of Astley. Planchg's "Recollections" — confessions of the "Rouge-Croix Pursuivant of Arms," — are embellished with half a hundred appropriate portraits. Here is Mathias' " Pursuit of Literature," a poem which George Steevens said was merely a peg to hang the "Notes" on — those satirical and per- sonal notes which were received with so much rage and so much curiosity. And, for those who love to see how wise critics were made to look foolish, here is all the matter relating to the famous Ireland forgeries of Shakespeare ; John Pliilip Kemble's copy of the " authentic narrative," with his autograph, and those of Ireland's father and mother, with many of his own worthless MS. pages — strange record of a youth's infatuation in hoax-making, the exultation of whose spirit at a clever countei-feit was such that, on finishing the Henry II. (now in Dr. Alli- bone's collection), he wrote after it the thrice-repeated brag of " Huzza ! liuzza ! huzza ! " But we must cease this tempting divagation among the treasures of a curiosity-hunter's library. Those we have mentioned are but few in comparison with what the reader of the Catalogue will discover at his own pleasure. A few words remain to be said of another feature of the collection, at first sight disconnected, but really implicated in the strongest way with the purpose of the theatrical book-collector. This is the splendid list of art-works. The grand series of sumptuous mod- ern publications — the Gazette des Beaux-Arts from its commencement ; the Spooner's Biographical History of Art, extended to four volumes by the rich additions of an English print-lover; the Curmer's Eiiangiles, flashing with the choicest designs of the early illuminators; the Mey- rick's Ancient Armour; the Pvne's Royal Residences; the Racinet's Ornament; the Strutt's Dresses' and Habits; the Vecellio's Costumes; the Viardot's Illustrated Christ; and Wallon's Joan of Arc; with the Turner Engravings ; are all in various ways useful to the scene- painter, the'costumer, or the property-man, and so come in as compo- nent parts of a good stage-library, while they richly leward the general reader and collector ; but the catholicity and intelligence of taste be- Till A PLAYWRIGHT S WORKING LIBEAKY. longing to the scholarly founder of this library are proved besides in a class of works of pure art, evidently collected for art's own sake. Of this sort are the elegant, gay, blossomy drawings and caricatures of Rowlandson — Rowlandson, sometimes almost as incisive as Gillray, sometimes almost as elegant as Leslie ; the original drawings of Blake, for Ms strange inspired prophecies; the series o^ 224 plates from the works of Stothard, that melodious poet of the brush. In betraying his love of art of this quality, the collector can no longer hide behind the histrionic mask as a dramatic enthusiast pure and simple ; his aesthetic taste of a high order stands confessed. The love of pure literature, also, by no means entirely bound to the stage, is revealed in amassing such works as the editions of Dickens, in the originals, now so anxiously sought in England ; the London Mgaro and Punch from their commencement ; the American Vanity Fair ; and last, the book-collector's books, the Dibdins, the Upcott's catalogue of a theatrical library, never matched between Burton's and the present one ; and, greatest treat of all, the Spence's Anecdotes, enlarged to three volumes with the insertion of 230 portraits, among which are forty different ones of Alexandei' Pope. The visitor who iingers over this deeply curious collection is like him who should receive the gift of visiting a past day and generation in its pride of life: he lays his hand on images that Johnson has fingered; he reads Che issue of the Morning Post in which the enthusiastic reporter narrates the trial of Dick Turpin; he touches the engravings that Hogarth may have handled ; he grasps the theatre- ticket that Sheridan or G-arrick may have conferred with their courtly bows ; he consults the advertisement which guided Johnson's steps, perhaps, to the theatre ; he hands himself the play-bill which Charles Lamb may have spelled with his near-sighted eyes ; the portraits of a world of mimetic celebri- ties are around him, and he seems to live in a masquerade of by-gone time. A collection comprising so many recondite and almost unattain- able scraps and facts, so immense a portrait gallery, so much good Art, and so many curiosities of literature, can hardly fail to interest the public. E. s. CATALOGUE. 1 Abbott, John S. C. History of Frederick the Second, called Frederick the Great. Profusely illustrated. Eoy. 8vo, new cloth. New York, Harpers, 1871. 2 A'Beckett, Gilbert A. Comic History of England, with 20 COLORED engravings and numerous woodcuts by John Leech. 2 vols, in one. Svo, doth, gilt. London, 1864. 3 A'Beckett, Gilbert A. Comic History of Rome, from the founding of the City to the end of the Commonwealth. Profusely illustrated with engravings on wood and colored plates, after designs by Leech. Bvo, cloth, gilt. London, N. D 4 Abelard and Heloise, Letters of. With a particular account of their Lives, Amours and Misfortunes. Bv John Hughes. With Poems by Pope, Madan, etc., etc. Illustrated with a fine series of copper-plate engravings after designs hy Md- ivards. Wale and Purney . 12mo, old calf, neat. London, Lovmdes, 1788. The most desirable English translation. ^*a. The present copy is additionally illustrated with 10 plates from other editions, inserted loose throughout the book. The translator, Hughes, was a prominent contributor to the "Tatler," "Spectator," and "Guardian," and the author of the '■'■Siege of Damascus" a Tragedy. Addison thought so highly of his ability, that he begged him to write the fifth act of " Cato.'" 5 AcHiLLi, Rev. Giacinto. Dealings with the Inquisition ; or, Papal Rome, her Priests and her Jesuits, with Important Disclosures. 2d edition, with appendix, etc. 8vo, half calf, crilt. London, Hall, Virtue <& Co., 1851. The author was a member of the Dominican Order, was imprisoned by the Inquisition, and released by Pope Gregory iu 1843 ; he subse- quently became converted to the Protestant faith. (i x\rKERMAN's MiCROUOSM of LoxDON, With One hundred and four colored engravings after drawings hy Pugin and Rowland- son, of the Interiors and Exteriors of the Public Buildings, and of the Manners and Customs of London. 3 vols. Roy. 4to, full russia, gilt. London, 1811. ,*^ Published at £13, 13, 0. 7 Actor (The); or, Guide to the Stage; exemplifying the whole Art of Acting ; in which the Dramatic Passions are defined, analyzed, and made easy of acquirement. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, Lowndes, 1821. S Adam, Ad. Les Pantines de Violette. Opera-Boufte en un acte. Paroles de M. Battu. Words and score. Imperial 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. Paris, JBrandus, n. d. See also Oflenbacli, Lecooq, Strauss, etc. 9 Adam, Joseph. Mountain, Loch, and Glen, illustrating " Our Life in the Highlands " from paintings expressly for this work, with an Essay on the Characteristics of Scottish Scenery. By the Rev. Norman Macleod. 15 large pho- tograjihic plates from the original pictures. Royal folio, new cloth, gilt. London, JBell & Daldy, 1869. 10 Adams, W. Davenport. Famous Books, Sketches, and the highways and byeways of English Literature, front. 1 2mo, new cloth. London, Virt^ie, 1875. 1 1 Addison. The Spectator. Sharpe's beautifully printed edition ^ii\). portrait and a series of charming vignettes, etc., after celebrated artists, including many hy Stothaud. 8 vols. cr. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, Chiswich Press, 1803. *** Large Paper copy, with brilliant impressions of the plates. 12 Adolfhus, John. Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, neat. London, Bently, 1839. *** Fine copy, Portraits, and an interesting autograph ^^letter of Ban- nister to Brayley inserted. 13 .iEscHYLUS. Hermann's New Readings, with Appendix, etc. Post 8vo, new cloth. London, Bohn, 1803. 14 Ainsworth's (William Harrison) Magazine. A miscellany of Romance, General Literature, and Art, from its com- mencement in 1842 to 1850, both inclusive. Most pro- fusdy illustrated with etchings and woodcuts, including the original impressions of the celebrated series of plates by Geo. Cruikshank. 17 vols. 8vo, half calf, neat. London, 1842-'uf) ,„*,, A fine, clean set, much sought for by collectors of Cruikshank's plates, as containing the original impressions of the plates to the "Miser's Daughter," ''Modern Chivalry," " BUiston Papers," " John Manesty," " St. James," " Guy Fawkes," etc., also numerous plates by Phiz, Franklin, Tony Johannot, etc. 15 Alden, W. L. Domestic Explosives and other " Sixth Col- umn " Fancies. 12mo, new cloth. New York, 1878. 16 Aldine (The.) A Typographic Art Journal, for the year 1872 -l?>,-lA:,-''lb, elegantly ptrinted on toned paper ^ and most profusely illustrated with the choicest engraoings on wood from original and selected designs by celebrated artists. 4 vols, folio, cloth gilt. New York, Sutton, 1872. " The Aldine has been one of the most powerful means in the revival of what is really one of the fine arts.'' 17 Alexander, William. Costume of China. Illustrated in forty-eight colored engravings. Roy. 4to, half white vellum, extra. London, 3Iiller, 18U5. 18 Alford, Henry. A Plea for the Queen's English : Stray Notes on Speaking and Spelling. 16mo, cloth. London, ISC.i. 19 Alger, "William R. The Friendships of Women. Thick 12mo, cloth. Boston, 18(;S. 20 Alger, William Eounseville. The Poetry of the Orient. 12mo, new cloth. Boston, Moberts, 1806. Alleyn, Edw. Founder of Dulwich College. Memoirs. See Collier. 22 Alfjeone, S. Austin. Poetical Quotations from Chaucer to Tenn3'Son, with copious indexes. Handsomely printed and Illustrated with 20 steel engravings. Thick Imperial 8vo, full morocco, antique, gilt edges. Philadeljjhia, 1875. 23 Allibone, S. Austin. Critical Dictionary of English Liter- ature and British and American Authors, living and de- ceased, from the earlier accounts to the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, upwards of forty-three thousand articles. 3 thick vols., imperial 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, Lipjnncott, 1871. 24 Almasaok op the Month. A Review of Everything and Kverybody. A complete set of this humorous work, .January to December, 184:6, p>rofusely illustrated with comic engravings after jOeech, Doyle, <&c. 2 vols, in one thick ]6mo, half red morocco J gilt. London, 1846. This charming ]ittle work was edited by Gilbert A. A' Beckett, and the Brothers Mayhew, and numbered among its contributors Mark Lemon, Angus B. Reach, Thackeray, &c. 2-3 Alphand, a. Parks and Promenades of Paris. Histoire, Description des Embellissements, ifec, des Bois de Boulogne et de Vincennes, Champs-Elys6es, Parks, Squares, Boule- vards, Promenades, Intirieurs de la Ville de Paris, avec une Introduction formant une etude historique et pratique sur Part des jardins, par A. Alphand. Supierbly illustrated ivith eighty large en.gravuigs on steel, 23 beautiful chkomo- LiTHOGEAPHS, and upwards of four hundnd and eighty en- gravings on wood. India Proofs from designs hy 3131. Hochereau, Davioud, Dardoize, tfcc. , others after Senoit, Catenacci, Ciceri, Clerget, ctr., etc. 2 vols, thick imperial folio, half green morocco, full gilt. Paris, Rothschild, 1870-1873. Edition db Ltjxb : The most comprehensive and beautifully executed work on the sub- ject. A large portion of the edition of this superb work, as well as the stones, were destroyed in the fire at the Hotel de Ville, during the siege of Paris. 26 A MAD IS OF Gaul, by Vasco Lobeira; from the Spanisb version of Crtirciordonez de Montalvo, translated by Robert Soiithey. 4: vols, limo, new half calf I'xtra. Scarce. London, 180.",. „*^ Best Bnglish edition. "This romance, beyond all doubt the most interesting of its class, is well known as one of the very few in Don Quixote's Library which escaped the merciless fury of the Licentiate and the Barber. Such, indeed, is its merit, that the lapse of four hundred years has not greatly diminished its attractions, and the admi- rable version of Mr. Southey, which, by rejecting or veiling the occasional indelicacy of the original, has removed the weightiest objection of Ascham, most deservedly finds admirers in the nine- teenth century. " 27 Aberckombie, Jno. On the Intellectual Powers. 16nio, cloth. ~ New York, 1842. 28 American- Cyclopedia. A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. New edition, entirely revised and corrected. I'ro- fusely illustrated. 16 thick vols. Roy. 8vo, new cloth. New York, Appleton, 1874, kc. jf* ^ Last Edition. 29 Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman History. Translated by C. D. Yonge. Post 8vo, cloth. London, JBohn, 1802. 30 Anacreon. Odes. Translated by Thomas Moore. With 04 il- lustrative designs by Girodet de Roussy. Oblong 12iuo, vellum cloth. London, Hotten, 1869. 31 Andrews, Alexander. History of British Journalism from the Foundation of the Newspaper Press in England to the Repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855, with sketches of Preas Celebrities. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf extra. London, Bentley, 1859. 32 Andersen, Hans Christian. The Story of My Life. Now first translated into English, with additional chapters, kc. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1871. 33 Angelo, Michael. The Last Judgment. Contorni delle figure del Giudizio Universale dej)into da Michael Angelo disegnato ed incito da Corrado Marterio Metz. 17 large plates in outline, giving the details of the celebrated picture. Atlas folio, half vellum. Rome, 1808. 6 34 Annals op Crime ; or New Newgate Calendar and flecord of Tragic Events, including Ancient and Modern Modes of Torture. A history of the most notorious Murderers, Traitors, Pirates, Burglars, Adulterers, Ravishers, Incen- diaries, Poachers, Swindlers, and Felons and Eogues of every description, with notes and observations. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, Clarh, 1837. 35 Annals of San Francisco ; containing a Summary of the History of the First Discovery, Settlement, Progress and Present Condition of California, and a Complete History of all the important events connected with its Great City. Profusely illustrated. Thick 8vo, Turkey morocco, gilt. New York, 1854. 36 Anstey, Christopher. The New Bath Guide ; or Memoirs of the B-nr-d Family, &c. Illustrated. 16mo, calf, gilt. London, 1801. *»* Includes the account of Lady Betty's election to Methodism by a, vxsion. 37 Anti- Jacobin Review and Magazine ; or Monthly Political and Literary Censor, from commencement, in July, 1798, to August, 1803, inclusive, with all the celebrated series of caricatures by Gillray. Fine, clean, (uul early impres- sions. 15 vols, thick Svo, half mottled calf, gilt, vellum corners, sprinkled edges. London, J. Whittle & Co., 1799-1803. :,*^ A very clean and desirable set of this well known review, number- ing among its contributors the names of GifEord, Frere, and Can- ning. 38 Appleton's Journal op Literature, Science, and Art. A complete set of this highly interesting Periodical, from its commencement, as a weekly, in April, 1869, to Vol. II. of the monthly series, June, 1877, both inclusive. Most profusely illustrated, with Engraviiu/s on steel and wood.^ executed in the most artistic mangier. 15 vols. 4to, and 2 vols. roy. Svo, new cloth, gilt. New York, 186 9-' 7 7. A library of current literature, consisting of the most popular Serials- and Tales, with wide gathering of articles of miscellaneous char- acter, by authors. 39 Apuleius (?) The New Metamorphoses ; or, the Pleasant Transformation. Being the Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius of Medaura Altered aud Improved to the Modem Times and Manners ; Exposing the Secret Fol- lies aud Vices of Maids, Wives, and Widows, Nuns, Fryars, Jesuits, Statesmen, Courtiers, &c. Frontispiece and Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, neat. London, 1708-'9. ^*^ Very scaroe. This work was reprinted, in part, in 1831, and passed off as a genuine translation of the " Golden Ass." Like its pro- totype, many of the stories in these volumes are of a character trh lihre. 40 Apuleius' Works. Metamorphoses, &c. Post 8vo, cloth. London, B. ts of Actors and Acfressi's of the 211'riod. Many being folding plates. 3 vols. 8co, handsomely hound in. half calf , gilt, yellow edges. London, Bvntley <£■ Co., 1788- '.t2. „** Apparently a perfect set of this scarce periodical. Most copies that occur for sale are wanting the plates. 1^0 mention of this work is made in Lowndes' Manual or other lists. It was eventually merged into the celebrated " Bon Ton Maga- zine, or. Microcosm of Fashion and FoUy." Among the portraits included in the above volumes, the following may- be noted : J. P. Kemble (' How to tear a speech to tatters') ; Chas. Lee Iiewes(' A Monstrous Elegant Attitude ') ; Mr. Edwin ('What Nature Ought to Be '); Mr. Quick (' An Actor of Quick Conception ') ; Mrs. Jordan (' The Comic Muse,by Goles') ; Richard Wilson (' Comic Dick ') ; Mr. Munden (As Crop in New Panto- mime) ; Mr. Blanchard (Big Sam the Prince's Porter) ; Mr. Mat- tocks (as Mrs. Warren in Road to Ruin) ; Mr. Holman (Burgundy Mad) ; Mr. Farren (Sir Peter) ; Mrs. Bland (A Merry Dance, etc.) ; Signora Storace, Erskiue, Dr. Priestley, Dr. Price, Pitt, Fox, etc. , etc. 54 Autographic Mirror. Inedited Autogi'aplis of Illustrious and Distinguished 1\J en of past and present times ; Sovereigns, Statesmen, Warriors, Divines, Historians, Lawyers, Liter- ary, Scientific, Artistic and Theatrical Celebrities. Witli numerous Sketches, etc., Biographic and Descriptive notes. Folio, half morocco. London, 1864. 55 Baker, David Erskine. Biographia Dramatica, or, A Com- panion to the Playhouse : containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and Original Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Wiiters, etc., also, an Alphabetical Account of tlieir works, the dates when printed, and occasional obser- vations on their Merits, etc. 2 vols. Swo, nevj half hive, calf extra, mar. edges. London, 178:i. The original edition was published in 1764, 2 vols. 13mo, entitled ".1 Companion to the Playhouse." 56 Baker, Geo. A., Jr. The Bad Habits of Good Society. Square IGmo, new cloth. New York, ISTC.. 57 Baker, Sir Samuel W. The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia and the Sword Hiinters of the Hamran Arabs. 3d edition. Maj), woodcuts, etc. Thick Svo, new cloth, uncut. London, 3£acmillan, 1871. 58 Ballads. A Collection of Old Ballads. Corrected from the best and most Ancient Copies extant, with Introductions, etc., copper-plates, etc. 3 vols, post Svo, halfroxb. morocco, gilt to2)s. London, 1723. Pearson 'reprint, 1871. 10 59 Ballou, Matuein M. Treasury of Thought, forming an En- cyclopedia of Quotations from Ancient and Modem Au- thors. Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, Osgood, 1872. 60 Bancroft, Geoege. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the Ameiioan Continent. Portraits, etc. 9 vols. 8-yo, new half calf, extra, marhlecl edges. Boston, 1841-'66. ,*» Early Edition. The 10th and concluding volume may be ohtain- ed separately of the publishers. Bannistee. Memoirs of. See Adolphus, Jno. 62 Barham. The Ingoldsby Legends ; or. Mirth and Marvels by Thos. Ingoldsby (Rev. R. H. Barham). Edited, with Notes, Introductory and Illustrative, by R. H. D. Barham. Elegantly printed on heavy toned paper, with frontispiece and the celebrated series of plates by Cruikshank and Leech. 2 vols, thick 8vo, neio cloth uncut. London, JBently, 1870. ^*» Library Edition. " For originality of design and diction, for quaint illustration and musical verse, they are not surpassed in the Eng- lish language. . . From the days of Hudibras to our time, the drollery invested in rhymes has never been so amply or felici- tously exemplified." 63 Baring-Gould, S. Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets, and other Old Testament characters, from various sources. 12mo, half morocco extra. New York, Holt, 1872. 64 Barrington, Sir Jonah. Historic J^Iemoirs op Ireland, Secret Records of the National Convention, Rebellion, and Union. 40^iie portraits. 2 vols. impl. ito, half russet morocco extra, gilt top>s, uncut. London, 1835. Fine Clean Copt. j*^ This remarkable work on its first appearance excited considerable sensation and was officially suppressed. 65 Bartlett, William H. The Pilgrim Fathers ; or, the Found- ers of New England in the Reign of James the First. 28 beautifid engravings on steel and numerous woodcuts. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Virtue, 1853. ^*^ Original issue, fine clean copy. ' ' Contains some very important particulars of these personages, and their connections, previous to their leaving England and Hol- land, which were entirely unknown to former writers. " 11 06 Bartlett's (W. H.) Ameruan Scenery, with Descriptions by N. P. Willis, and 120 highly finished engravings, of the most beautiful Land, Lake, and Rii-er Scenery. 2 vols. 4to, doth gilt. London, 1840. 67 Bartlett's (W. H.) Canadian Scenery, with Descriptions by N. P. Willis, and 120 highly finished engravings from Drawings hy Bartlett. 2 vols in one, 4to, hf morocco. London, 1842. 68 [ Bartlett, W. H.] Gleanings, Pictorial and Antiquarian, on the Overland Koute. Profusely illustrated. Roy. 8vo, new half brown morocco extra, uncut. London, Virtue, 1851. 69 Bayard Series, of choice companionable Pleasure Books of Literature, in History, Biography, Travel, Essays, Novel- ettes, (fee. Carefully edited and charmingly printed. 17 vols. 16mo, flexible cloth. Loudon and New York, Sampson Low, 1869, Ac. Contents : Chev. Bayard ; St. Louie ; Cowley's Essays ; Abdallah ; Na- poleon's Table-Talk ; King and Commons, by Morley ; Sterne's^ Uncle Toby ; Coleridge Poems ; Rasselas ; Ballantyne Essays ; Rochefoucauld's Meixims ; Chesterfield's Maxims ; Browne's Religio- Medici; Socrates, 2 vols. ; Wellington ; Scandinavian Ballads, &c. 70 Bayley, Thomas Haynes. Songs and Ballads, Grave and Gay, with a Memoir of the Author. Front. 12mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1844. 71 Beadle, J. H. Brigham's Destroying Angel ; or. Life of the Xt'torious Bill Hickman. Sq. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1872. 72 Beard, John R. The Autobiography of Satan. Front. ]2mo,, new cloth. London, Williams & Norgate, 1872. li Beattie, William. Castles and Abbeys of England, from the National Records, Early Chronicles, he. Upwards of 250 fine engravings on steel and wood. Imp. 8vo, cloth uncut. London, Virtue, 1855.. «*» An Elegant Volume. The Castles and Abbeys of England are justly regarded as the great fixed landmarks of history. They stand like monumental pil- lars in the stream of time, inscribed with the names of her na- 12 tive chivalry and early hierarchy, whose patriotic deeds and works o£ piety they were raised to witness and perpetuate. 74 ISeaumont and Fletcher. Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. Thick folio, old calf London, 1670. ^*^ 3nd Collected Edition. Imperfect, wanting Portrait by Marshall and title-page, also all after page 553 of Part. II. " Beaumont and Fletcher are lyrical and descriptive poets of the first order; every page of their writings is a florilegium ; there is hardly a passion, character or situation which they have not touched in their devious range, and whatever they touched they adorned with some new grace or striking feature." — Hazlitt. Beaumont and Fletuhek. See Old Dramatists. 76 iiEAUVALLET, L£oN. Kachel and the New World : a trip to the United States and Cuba. Translated from the French. 12mo, half green morocco extra. New York, Dix, 1856. 77 Bechstein, Lddwig. As Pretty as Seven and other German Tales. Illustrated hy RicMer. Square 12mo, new cloth. London, Hotten, n. d. ii* ^ A companion to Grimm's German stories. 78 Beukford. Vathek, Walpole's Castle of Otranto, Lewis' (M. G.) " Bravo of Venice." JS^niiierous vignettes, in 1 vol., 12mo, half moi'ocoo, uncut. London, 1834. " The Tale of Vathek, originally written in French, and published be- fore the author had closed his twentieth year, has for more than half a century continued in possession of all the celebrity which it at once commanded. Vathek is, indeed, without reference to the time of life when the author penned it, a very remarkable per- formance. Beethoven. Letters. See Wallace. 80 Bi;hn, Aphra. All the Histories and Novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn. 8th edition, corrected. Portrait and copper-plates. 2 vols. 12rao, old calf, neat. London, 1734. *„,* Fine clean copy, with book-plate of the Earl of Shelburne. 81 Behn, Aphra. Novels, Histories and Dramatic Works. Pof- tralts. 6 vols, post 8vo, half roxh. morocco, iinciit. London, Pearson, rcpirint, 1871. -82 Behn, Aphra. The Forc'd Marriage ; or, the Jealous Bride- groom. A Tragi-Comedy, as it is acted by His ^Majestie's 13 Servants at the Queen's Theatre. Written by A. Behn. Va mon enfant ! prend ta fortune. 4to, pp. 70, half green morocco. London, Jas. Knajdon, 1(188. »*» Original edition. This play is supposed by Langbaine to have been the first of Mrs. Behn's productions; it is also placed first by Reed, in his editioa of the " Bwg. 'Dramatica.^' "She has been accused, and that not without great justice, of inter- larding her comedies with the most indecent scenes, and giving in- dulgence in her wit to the most indelicate expressions. The best and perhaps the only true excuse that can be made for it is, .... as she wrote for a livelihood, she was obliged to comply with the corrupt taste of the times. And as she was a woman, and naturally, moreover, of an amorous complexion, and wrote in an age and to u, court of gallantry and licentiousness, the latter circumstances, added to her necessities, compelled her to indulge her audience in their favorite depravity ; and the former, assisted by a rapid flow of wit and vivacity, enabled her so to do ; so that, both together have given her plays the loose cast which it is but, too apparent they possess." 83 Bellamy, Geoege Axne. Memoirs of, including all her In- trigues ; with genuine Anecdotes of all her public and private connections. By a Gentleman of Covent-Garden Theatre. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt. London, Walker, 1785. 84 Bellamy, Thomas. Miscellanies ; in Prose and Verse. Flue Portrait of C. Dibdin. 2 vols. 8vo, new half blue calf extra, marbled edges. London, for the Author; 1794. *^ Bellamy was the projector of the "Monthly Mirror, the General Magazine and Impartial Review," 1787, , and author of " T/ie Friends, or the Benevolent Planters" acted at the Haymarket The- atre. 85 Bell Sib C. Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression, with numerous very heautifuUy executed 2}hysiognomical engrav- ings. Imp. 8wo, new cloth. London, JBohn, 1865. ^*^ The fifth edition. 86 Bellew, Mbs. Clara. The Mei-ry Circle : a Book of Games and Amusements. 200 illustrations. 12mo, new cloth. London, FlattKu, n. d. 14 S7 Beloe, Wm. Anecdotes op Literature and Scarce Books. 5 vols. 8vo, new half moroooo, gilt top, uncut. London, 1807. Beloe was the author of what was for a long period regarded as the standard English translations of Herodotus and Aulus Gellius ; having been appointed as keeper of the book department in the British Museum, where, with the wealth of material at his com- mand, the above admirable work suggested itself, the original project was to issue a yearly volume, but owing to a too obliging disposition, he was imposed upon ; valuable property was pur- loined from that in his custody, and he was in consequence dis- missed. 88 Bentley's Miscellany. A Complete Set, from its commence- ment in 1837 to the end of 1868. With Portraits of the most eminent literary persons of the day, and numerous original etchings by George Ckdikshank. 64 vols. 8\o, X-) newly bound in half calf, gilt, mai-bled edges. ^/.^'i' London, 1837-'68. j,*,j A VERY choice and complete set of this most amusing periodical, comprising the writings of Dickens, Ainsworth, Lover, and in fact all the most popular writers of the day. The earlier volumes (the first 14) are much sought for by Cruikshank collectors, for the earlier impressions of the artist's illustrations to "Oliver Twist," "Nights at Sea," "Ingoldsby Legends,'' "Jack Sheppard," "Guy Pawkes," "Stanley Thorn;" also 30 etchings to detached pieces, or a total of 139 etched plates, with some woodcuts, &c., 1837-'48. Those interested in the work of Leech will find a, large assemblage of plates by that artist, both in etchings and on wood, scattered through the earlier volumes, and far more desirable, as regards impressions, than those subse- quently published in book form. 89 Bbranger, p. J. de. Chansons anciennes et Posthumes. Nouvelle edition populaire, ornee de 161 dessins inedits et de vignettes nombreuses par Andrie%ix, Bayard, Duraiid, Giacomelli, Morin, Sauvageot, &c., efec. Impi. 8vo, new half red morocco, extra. Paris, ISCii'). •90 Bbranger, P. J. de. Memoirs, written by himself. Portrait. 8vo, half moi'occo, gilt. London, Hurst <(■ Blachetf, 185^^. The narrative terminates with the year 18:!3, and, written in 1840. the sketch of his earlier years is full and distinct. In common with all his works, it is carefully composed. . . The gooil, old, hearty 13 song-writer, sprung from the dregs of the people, and not ashamed of his origin, contrives to remind his readers that he is a consum- mate artist, and that he has exercised no inconsiderable political influence. 91 Berxard, Bayle. Life of Samuel Lover, Artistic, Literary, and Musical, with Selections from his unpublished papers and correspondence. Portrait. 2 thick vols., post Svo, new cloth, uncut. London, King cfc Co., 1S7+. Poet, Novelist, Dramatist, Painter, Etcher and Composer ! It is with this long array of titles, this evidence so rarely met with of a mani- fold capacity, that the name of Samuel Lover will be recalled. 92 Bernard, John. Eetrospections of the Stage. 2 vols, in one. 12mo, half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1832. »*j, The author was secretary to the Beef Steak Club, and for some time manager of several American Theatres. 93 Besant, Walter. The French Humorists from the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century. Handsomely printed from large type. 8vo, new cloth, uncut. London, JBentley, 1873. Contents : — The Chanson, Restebeuf the Trouvere, The Romance of the Rose, Eustache Desohamps, Rabelais, Montaigne, The Satyre Menipee, Mathurin Regnier, Saint-Amant, Voiture and Benserade, The Parasites, Scarron, La Fontaine, BoUeau, Moliere, Regnard, Gresset, Beaumarchais, and Beranger. 94 Betterton, Thomas. (V) The History of the English Stage from the Restauration to the Present Time. Including tlie Lives, Characters, and Amours of the most Eminent Ar- tors and Actresses, with Instructions for Public Speaking, etc. Portraits in the te.ct. 8vo, pp. 167. Also, Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Oldfield. Portrait on title. 8vo, pp. 86. In one volume. Extra Illustrated, having in addition to the series of portraits 2yuhlished with the work, a series of upicards of Forty fine portraits inserted, including many that are scarce and desirable. All in fine condition, and, where ne- cessary, neatly inlaid. Tico volumes in one, handsomely hound in S2}rinkled calf extra, yellow edgfs, by Fratt. London, PJ. Curll, 1741. ^*^ While bearing the name of Betterton on the title, there is reason to suppose that the works are a, compilation of the well-known 16 bookseller, B. Curll, immortalized in the "Dunciad," from mate- rials furnished him by Wm. Oldys. The dedication to the Duke of Grafton is signed E. Curll, May 39, 1741. Of Oldys it has been said by one of his biographers : '• His friendly aid and counsel were not only cheerfully rendered to Thos. Hayward for his British Muse, and to Mrs. Cooper for the Muxes' Library, but even his jot- tings for a Life of Well Gwyn were freely given to the notorious Edmund GurU, whose fame will never die, gibbeted as he has been to immortality iu the full blazon of his literary knavery. '' 95 Bewk'k, Thomas. A Pketty Book of Piotuees for Little Masters and Misses, or Tommy Trip's History of Beasts aud 43irds, with familiar Descbiption of each in Verse and Prose. To which is prefixed the History of Little Tom Trip himself, of his dog Joiiler, and of Woglog the great Giant. IVritten hy Oliver Goldsmith for John Newberry, the Philanthropic Bookseller, &c. 1 5th edition. JEmhellished with charming Engravings on Wood from the Original Blocks engraved by Thomas Bewick for T. Saint, &c., 1779, with the History, Adventures and Seclu- sion of the said Blocks for nearly 100 years, set forth in a Preface by the Publisher. Impressions of the cuts on india paper. Sq. 12mo, half roxburghe mor. uncut. London, E. Pearson, 1867. *** Only 350 copies printed, including two copies on vellum. The cuts — which are here printed from the original blocks — are the earliest executed by Bewick of animals and birds. Bewick. See Burns ' Poetical Works. 96 BIBLE. The Souldiees Pocket Bible ; containing the most (if not all) those places contained in holy Scripture, which doe shew the qualifications of his inner man, that is a fit Souldier to fight the Lord's Battels, both before he fight, in the fight, and after the fight ; &c., &c. An exact Re- print of the Original Edition of 1643 with a Prefatory note by George Livermore. " Triist lit the Zord and keep thy powder dry." Cr. 8vo, elegantly bound, in crim- son levant morocco, extra. Printed for Private Distribution. Cambridge (U. S.), 1861. Large Papee. Twenty-five copies only. Elegant copy, with Photograph of Mr. Livermore, and Portrait of Cromwell inserted. 17 " This rare tract, issued for use of the army soon after the commence- ment of the Civil War in England. Only two copies are known to be extant, Jlr. Livermore's and one subsequently discovered in the 'multitudinous rubbish-mountains of Old Civil War Pamph- lets in the British Museum.' That every soldier in Cromwell's Army was furnished with a Bible of some sort is an undoubted tradition. But it has never been satisfactorily determined what edition was so used, although some curious conjectures have been made on the subject." '••7 Bible. Old and New Testaments, witli select notes, itc. Heptinstall's large-type edition. 2 thick vols. Koy 4 to, blue mor., gilt. London, JTeptinstall, n. d. 98 BicKERSTAFF. Opinions and Lucubrations. See Steele and Addison. 99 Bickham's, George, TJniveesal Penman ; or the Art of Writing, made useful to the Gentleman and Scholar as well as to the Man of Business ; Written with the friendly assistance of se\eral of the most eminent Masters, and Engraved by Geo. Bickham. 144 large folios of beautiful )ici-qi designs loith vignettes, head and tad-pieces, tOc. FoKo, ha! f morocco, neat, London, /b)' the author, lYSS. ^*^, The earliest edition of this interesting volume ; Lowndes quotes the edition of 1743 only. 100 Bird, Joseph. Protection against Pire, and the Best Means of Putting Out Fires in Cities, Towns, and Villages, &c., (fee. 12mo, new cloth. New York, 1873. 101 Birthday Motto Book and Calendar of Nature. Selections from the poets for each day in the year. Interleaved with writing paper. 32mo, limp morocco. London, Wa.rne, n. d. 102 Blake, William. Original Drawings in Water Colors and India Ink by the celebrated William Blake {Pictor Ignotus). A Series of Ten Characteristic draioings of this remarhable artist, including some that have been 2niblished. In size about 9x12, carefully moulded on card-board. These drawings would appear to have been executed somewhere in the interval between 1800 and 1835. They are aU of a more finished character than the generality of Blake's Sketches (which were 9, 18 merely outlined in pencil or India ink, with occasional washes of color). The following notice of Blake's designs, by Henry Fuseli, is prefixed to the Edition of Blair's " Grave," edited by Cromek : " The author has endeavored to wake sensibility by touching our sym- pathies with nearer, less ambiguous, and less ludicrous imagery, than what mythology, Gothic superstition, or symbols as far- fetched as inadequate, could supply. His invention has been chiefly employed to spread a, familiar and domestic atmosphere round the most important subjects, to connect the visible and in- visible world, without provoking probability, and to lead the eye from the milder light of time to the radiations of eternity, " Such is the plan and moral part of the author's invention ; the tech- nical part, and the execution of the artist, though to be examined by other principles, and addressed to a, narrower circle, equally claim approbation, sometimes excite our wonder, and not seldom our fears, when we see him play on the very verge of legitimate invention ; but wildness so picturesque in itself, so often redeemed by taste, simplicity, and elegance, what child of fancy, what artist would wish to discharge ? The groups and single figures on their own basis, abstracted from the general composition, and considered without attention to the plan, frequently exhibit those genuine and unaffected attitudes, those simple graces which nature and the heart alone can dictate, and only an eye inspired by both dis- cover. Every class of artists, in every stage of their progress or at- tiiiiiments, from the student to the finis]i.eil master, and from the con- triver of o^-nament to the painter of history, will find here materials of art and hints of improvement. ■ »*,f An exceptional opportunity to Art-8o7iools, 2luseums, <£r. , to secure a series of drawings of this artist, that can scarcely be expected to occur again in the course of a lifetime. 103 Blake's, William, Marriage of Heaven and Hell. A re- production and fac-simile of tliis marvelons work, printed in colors, on paper made expressly for the work. 4to hf. roxburghe morocco, uncut. London, 1790 (1868). " The most curious and significant, while it is certainly the most daring in conception and gorgeous in illustration of all Blake's works." — OilchrisVs Life of Blake. 104 Blessington, Countess of. Life of the. See M.addex, K E. 10:") Blitz, Signor. Fifty years in tlie Magic Circle, being an account of the author's professional life, his wonderful tricks and feats ; with laughable incidents and adventures 19 of a magician, necromancer, and ventriloquist. By Sig- ner Blitz. Profiiai^hj illustrated. 8vo, new cloth. Hartford, Conn., 1871. **, Published by subscriptiou. 106 Blood, Thomas. Kemarks on the Life and Death of the Fam'd JMr. Blood ; giving an account of his Plot in Ire- land to surprize Dublin Castle, &c. , &c. Portrait. Sni. 4to, half calf. London, 1680; reprinted, t^nwi-ton, 1817. 107 Bloomfield, Egbert, Illustrations to the Works of. Views in Norfolk, Sixffolk, and Northamptonshire. Portraiti< and 13 Jiue engravings on copper, by Storer db Oreiij. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, Vernor, etc., 1818. 108 Boaden, James. Life of Mrs. Jordan ; including Original Private Correspondence and Numerous Anecdotes of her Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo, new half blue calf extra. London, Bvll, 1831. ^*^ Several fine portraits, play-bills, &c., loosely inserted. 109 Boaden, James. Memoirs of Mrs, Inchbald; including her correspondence with the most distinguished persons of her time, with the " Massacre " and " Case of Conscience." Portrcvit. 2 vols. 8vo, new half blue calf extra. London, Bentley, 1833. ,*^Two portraits inserted. 110 Boccace. Contes (Decameron) traduits, traits, a very large assemblage of Old Views, of Loiidmi. and other localities, Scenes, Caricatures, Autographs, cnt- tiiigs from old news2}apers, magazines, <£'c. Facsimiles of Documents, So., entleg, 1853. Full of gossip, no inconsiderable part of which is devoted to matters Theatrical in America. BuxYAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progress. Being a facsimile of the First Edition (?), with rude woodcut. Thick- 12mo, pp. 206 and 205. Antique cloth, brown edges. London, 1678. Eliot Stock, 1875. ,*„. Subsequent discovery has shown that the edition here facsimiled was not the first but a subsequent one, albeit published in the same year. A copy of the original is in the Lenox Library. BuRGoYNE, Lieut. Genl. J. Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Memoir, (fee. Illustrated. 2 vols, in one. 12ino, half morocco, gilt. London, JVhittingliani, 1808. " See the Heiress (one little morsel of false moral excepted), the most perfect and meritorious comedy, without exception, of any on our stage." Dieiirsions of Purley. Part L, Chap. 9. BuRNAND, F. C. Happy-Thought Hall. Illustrated. Sq. 12mo, new cloth. Boston, 1872. BuRNAND, F. C. Happy Thoughts. Sq. 16mo, new cloth. Boston, 1875. BoRNAND, F. C. Mokenna, A Treble Temptation. Illus- trated. Sq. 16mo, cloth. London, 1873. 26 153 Burnett, Feances Hodgeson. That Lass o' Lowrie's. II- Itistrated. 12mo, new cloth. New York, 1877. 155 BuKNETT, Frances H. Surly Tim, and other stories. Sq. 16mo, new cloth. New York, 1877. 154 BuRNEY, Charles. A General History of Music from the Earliest Ages to the present time. Plates. 4 vols. 4to, handsomely bound in half crimson morocco, extra, gilt leaves. London, 1776, &o. **;j Very Fine Copy. ' ' Between tlie rival histories, the public decision was loud and imme- diate in favor of Dr. Burney. Time has modified this opinion, and brought the merits of each work to their fair and proper level — and adjudging to Burney the palm of style, arrangement, and amusing narrative, and to Hawkins the credit of minuter accuracy and deeper research ; more particularly in the points interesting to the antiquary and the literary world in general." — Life of Burney. 15(3 Burns, Robert. Poetical Works; with his Life, ornamented with engravings on wood by Mr. Bewick, from original designs by Mr, Thurston. 2 vols, in one. l2mo, liand- somely hound in sjyrinMed calf, extra, yelloiu^edges. (Title to Vol. I. mended.) Printed for William Davison. Alnwick, 1808. *** Pine CLEAN copy. " One of Davison's finest and rarest books." No. 230 of Hugo'sCatalogue. The original blocks were in the col- lection of Mr. Thos. Hugo. 157 Burns, Robert. Poems and Songs. Handsomely printed on heavy-toned paper, and illusti-ated with nearly 100 fine engravings on wood, after Birket Forster, Weir, cloth. London, Longmans, 1870. 162 Burton, William E. Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor; con- taining choice and characteristic selections from the writingS/Oj ^ yr' of the most eminent humorists of America, Ireland, Soot- land, and England. Twenty-four fine portraits on steel, ami many hundred wood eurjrctvings. 2 vols. imi)erial 8vo, handsomel}' bound in half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 18G7. A very choice copy, bound from the original parts as issaed ; seldom met with in this condition. 163 Busk, E,. H. Roman Legends. A collection of the Fables and Folk-Lore of Rome. Thick crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, Estes, 1877. 161 BussEY, Geo. Moir. History of Napoleon. Illustrated with engravings after designs hy Horace l^ernet, liaffet, (fee 2 vols, royal d>vo, half adf extra, ma,rhled edges. ' London, 1840. ^*^ Frontispiece mounted. 165 Butler, Chas. Philological and Biographical Works, with History of the English Catholics. Portrait, :ty- four colored engravings, with descriptions. 8vo, russia gilt. London, Murray, 1814. Costume. See Albxandek. Costume. See Gallery of Fashion. Costume. See Martin. Costume. See Merripield : Dress as a Fine Art. 248 Court Theatre and Royal Dramatic Record. Being a complete History of Theatrical Entertainments at the English Ouurt from the time of King Henry the Eighth down to the termination of the series of Entertainments before Her Majesty Queen Victoria and the Court at Windsor Castle, Christmas, 1848-9. 8 fine engravings on steel, after designs by Grieve, Telbin, and Absolon. Small folio, morooco, gilt. London, n. d. 249 Cox, .Samuel S. Why we Laixgh. 12mo, new cloth. New York, 1876. 250 Craik, George L. English Causes C616bres, or Reports of Remarkable Trials. Vol. I. Sq. 12rao, half calf. London, Knight, 1840. ^\ All published. (?) Contains the Trials of Count Konigsmark, Col. James Turner, Robert Hawkins, The great Huntingtonshire case of Day m. Day, PhOip Eavl of Pembroke, Case of the Perrys, Arthur Norkott, &c., &c. 251 Crimes CfiLi;BREs, par MM. Alex. Dumas, Arnould, Fournier, Florentine, et Mallefille. Profusely illustrated with steel e7igravings. 8 vols, in four. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt. Paris, 1842, 44 Thumb, or the Seven League Boots, with 6 etchings; Jack and the Bean-stalk, with 6 etchings; Puss in Boots, 6 etchings. The 4 parts in one vol. Square \'2ino, half-green morocco, gilt. London, Routledge, n. d., 1864. **^ "Puss in Boots" was first issued in 1864 ; of the others there were three previous issues. 260 Cruikshank, George. Forty Illustrations of Lord Byron. Engraved on wood. 8vo, half-green morocco, gilt. London, Mohins & Co., 1824. ,,*a, Original Edition. See Reid's Catalogue. Note to No. 3,304. 261 Cruikshank, GrEOEGE. Illustrations op Time. A series of 35 Etchings. By George Cruikshank. Oblong quarto, paper, carefully printed from the original plates. London, 1874. »*^ Reissue. 262 Cruikshank, George. The Loving Ballad of Lord Bate- man. 12 etchings. Square l6mo, cloth. London, Bell & Daldy, 1871. **^ Originally issued in 1839. 263 Cruikshank, Geo. Omnibus, edited by Lyman Blanchard, Illustrated with one hundred engravings on steel and wood. New edition. 8vo, new cloth. London, Sell /^ /f/y 7' 46 Ckuikshank, Robert. See Daniel's Merry England. Ceuikshank, Robert. See Egan, " The Finish." OiiuiKSHANK, Robert. See Faceti^. Ceuikshank, Robert. See Idler (The). . 268 CuJiBERLAND, RicHARD. Memoirs of, written by himself, coutaiuing an account of his Life and Writings, inter- spersed with Anecdotes and Characters of several of the most distinguished ]jersons of his time. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue calf extra. London, Lackington, 1807. See also Mudford, Wm. 269 CuMMiNG, Lieut. Gordon. Wild Men and Wild Beasts. Scenes in Camp and Jungle. Beautifully Illustrated by Col. R. Baigrie and others. Sq. 8vo, new cloth. Edinburgh, 1871. 270 CuNNiNGHAii's, Peter, Story OP Nell Gwynne and the say- ings of Charles the Second. Post 8vo. '^ j^ /•! Extra Illustrated. The text carefully inlaid to imperial ^ ^ 8vo, and neatly ruled throughout. One hundred and fifty-six fine and rare engravings inserted, comprising Portraits of Nell Gwynne and other celebrities, including the Portraits of Oliver Cromwell's Porter, Doctor Busby, Oldys, Betterton, and many others. Also a choice series of Views, &c. One thick vol., Imp'l iivo, elegantly hound in full crimson levant, crushed and polished, full gilt hack, ruled sides and inside horders, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bradstreet. London, Bradhury <£• JEvans, 1852. ^*^ A very choice volume, illustrated in a most conscientious manner, with evident care as to the condition and impressions. 271 Curiosities of Street Literature. Comjjrising " Cocks," or " Catchpennies," Street Di-olleries, Squibs, Broadsides on the Royal Family, Poetical litanies. Dying Speeches and Confessions, (fee, &c. Illustrated with the original woodcuts, printed on toned paper. 4to, hf. morocco, gilt top (only 100 copies so printed). London, 1871. This curious volume comprises nearly 250 different publications, all of which are printed iierhiitiin I't literniim, in order to show in the //J^^ most genuine state the character and quality of the literature pro- duced expressly for the amusement of the lower orders by street- authors. The collection is arranged in four divisions, which may be briefly described as — I. ' ' Cocks "or " Catchpennies. " II. Royalty and Political. III. Ballads on a subject. lY. Dying Speeches and Confessional Papers. ■-'72 Curtis, Geo. William. The Potiphar Papers Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, Harpers, 1865. ''As specimens of polished invective, they are rivalled by the produc- tions of few of our modern Juvenals. " 11'i CuRWEN, Henhy. a History of Booksellers. Full Accounts of the (h-eat Publishing Houses and their P'onnders, both in London and the Provinces, the History of their Rise and Progress, and of their greatest Works. With frontis- piece and numerous Portraits and Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. London (1873). ' ' In these days, ten ordinary Histories of Kings and Courtiers were well exchanged against the 1,-nth part of one good History of Booksellers." — Thomas Cabltle. " This stout little book is unquestionably amusing. Ill-starred, indeed, must be the reader who, opening it anywhere, lights upon six con- secutive pages within the entire compass of which some good anec- dote or .smai-t repartee is not to be foxuid.:''— Saturday Beniew. 274 CuRWKX, Harry. French Love Songs and other Poems, from the originals of Baudelaire, De Musset, Hugo, C'he- nier, Beranger, itc, Arc. 12mo, cloth. New York, Carleton, 1871. 275 Cutter (Tlie). In Five Lectures upon the Art and Practice of Cutting Friends, Acquaintances, and Relations. Curi- ous colored plates by Atkinson. i2mo, calf gilt. London (1806). 276 Dagley, R. Death's Doings, with Original Contributions in Prose and Verso (by Barry Cornwall, L. E. Landon, H. Stebbing, etc.). 2,Qfine and remarkable engravings after the manner of Holhein. 2 vols, ivo, new hf morocco. Fine copi/. London, Andrews, 1827. 277 D'Alembert, M. An Account of the Destruction of the Jesuits in France. 12nio, hf. cf , gilt. London, 176(>. 48 278 Dallas, E.. C. The New Conspiracy against the Jesuits de- / ^ U tected and briefly exposed ; with a short account of their Institute ; and observations on the Danger of systems of education independent of Religion. 8vo, hf. cf., gilt. London, 1815. yL 279 Dana, David. The Fireman ; The Fire Departments of' the /f/V United States, with a full account of all Large Fires, Statistics of Losses and Expenses, Theatres Destroyed by Fire, and Accidents, Anecdotes and Incidents. Illus- trated. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1868. . 280 Daniel, George. Merry England in the Olden Time. With / a7 ^ Illustrations hy John Leech and JR. Cruikshank. Gr. 8vo, cloth. London, Tfarne, n. d. 28 1 DANIEL, George. GARRICK in the Green Room ! A bio- graphical and critical analysis of a picture painted by y y /^ ^ William Hogarth and engraved by William Ward. 8vo, pp. 33. Extra Illustrated. Having Fifty fine and rare portraits inserted, including that of the Author. One vol. 8vo, handsomely bound in sprinkled calf, extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Pratt. London, Southgate, 1829. „*» But a very small edition printed. The present is the author's copy with autograph and address. fj-J- / ^^ 282 Dante Alighieri. Divine Comedy. Translated by Henry Longfellow. 3 vols. 12mo, morocco antique, gilt leaves. Boston, Osgood, 1872. 283 Dark Blue. A Monthly Magazine of Literature, ifec, from its commencement March, 1871, to February, 1872. Edited by Jno. C. Freund. Profusely illustrated. 2 thick vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, r(/ Major's fine edition. 292 De Gu:fiRiN, Eugenie, Letters of. Edited by a. S. Trebu- tien. 12mo, cloth. London, 18C6. 293 De Maistre, Xavier. A Journey round my Room. Trans- lated from the French, with a notice of the Author's Life. 12mo, new cloth. New York, 1875. 294 Demosthenes. Oiynthiacs, &c., 1 vol. Orations on the Crown, 1 vol. Against Leptines, Midias, &c., 1 vol. Private Orations, 1 vol. Miscellaneous Orations, Index, &c., 1 vol. Translated by Kennedy. 5 vols, post 8vo, cloth. London, B. & I)., 1871, &o. 295 De Quincey's Works, Complete, comprising : English Opium Eater; Critical and Biographical Sketches; Studies on Seci'et Records, Personal and Historic ; Essays, Sceptical and Anti-Sceptical ; Leaders in Literature ; Classic Rec- ords ; Autobiogi-aphical Sketches ; On Style and Rhet- oric ; Speculations, Literary and Philosophic ; Letters and Miscellanies ; also, a cojnous Index to all the Works. Beautifully printed, with portraits, etc. ; together 16 vols, crovm 2ivo, new vellum cloth, uncut, (^ /.t-O Edinburgh, 1862, &c. Best Edition. This second edition in 16 vole, has some advantages over the first edition in 14 vols. It contains an unpublished paper on " Political Parties," and the series of Biographies contributed to the Encyclo- paedia Britannica, including the Essay on Shakespeare, of which the author writes, " No paper ever cost me so much labor: parts of it have been recomposed three times over." It further contains a general Index. — Q;aarterly Review. *' We have no richer prose, in at least the present day, than that of De Quinoey ; and no other writer, not even Carlyle himself, of more decided individuality."— Z'gaw Trench. DeQuincey. Life of. See Page (H. A.). 296 Derby, Capt. Geo. H. Phoenixiana ; or Sketches and Bur- lesques, by John Phoenix. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 18G7. Missing Page Missing Page 54 Hard Times and Reprinted Pieces. ISiver- side Edition. 2 vols, in one. Post 8vo. N. T., Hurcl & Houghton, 1869. Charles Dickens ; the Story of his Life. Illustrated. Post Svo. Hotten (1870). CHARLES Dickens as a Reader, by Chas. Kent. Post Svo. (London), PhUa., 1873. Speeches, Literary an! Social. Portraits. PoBtSvo. Hotten (1871). A Tale of Two Cities. Illustrated by H. K. Browne. 8vo. C. & Hall, 1859. if^-^^ Original Edition. Preface dated Nov., 1869. 'JiiB Mtstert of Edwin Drood, with i'or- trait and illustrations by Filths. Svo. 0. & H., 1870. *** Began in March, '70, and intended to have been completed in 12 monthly parts. The Uncommercial Traveller. Riverside Edition. Post Svo. N. T., Hurd & Houghton, 1869. ^*i( A MOST ATTKACTIVB SET. The early editions are now mucli sought after by collectors, and are made up only with the greatest difficulty and cost. Sets inferior in many respects to the present are quoted by the London booksellers at fabulous prices. 303 Dickens, Charles. Works, complete. The New and Ele- gantly printed Standard Edition in large type, on heavy paper, and most profusely illustrated with engravings on Steel and wood. 29 vols. Svo, new cloth gilt, uncut. London, Chapman . 115, half morocco. 'London, Printed for M. Wellington, 1702. 352 Elliot. Life and Letters of Sir Gilbert Elliot, First Earl of Minto, from 1751 to 1806, when his public life in Europe was closed by his appointment to the vice-royalty of India. Edited by his great-niece, the Countess of Minto. 3 vols, post Svo, new cloth, uncut. London, Longmans, 1874. 353 Elliott, Chas. Wyllys. Book of American Interiors, from existing houses, with Preliminary Essays and Letterpress Descriptions. 22 large plates in hdiotypje. Imp. 4to, new cloth, gilt. Boston, Osgood, 1876. 354 EMA>fUEL, Harry. Diamonds and Precious Stones ; their History, Value, and Distinguishing Characteristics, with tests for their identification. Plates. 12mo, new cloth. London, Hotten, 1867. 65 355 ENGRAVINGS : A choice collection of nearl'i/ One hundred fine Old Engravings hy Sherwin, TIeatJi, Earlom, Lewis, <£:c., after Claude Lorraine, Garacci, Poussin and others ^' also specimens of Cipriani, Cosway, Fuseli, y a Series of Nine Lithographic Prints from sketches taken on the spot, and a facsimile portrait of Shakespeare from the first Folio. 4to, cloth, neat. London, Zacy (1857). ,** Unpublished ; few copies printed for subscribers only. 443 Greenwood, James. " Amateur Casual." The Wilds of Lon- don. Illustrated. Post 8vo, new cloth, uncut. London, Chatto ((.'■ Winduis, 1874. 444 Gkeen, Henry. Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers ; All Exposition of their similarities of Thought and Ex- pression. Preceded bj' a View of the Emblem-Book Literature, down to A.D. 161G. Ilhostrated with nKirly 250 woodcuts and photo-liilwgraphic plates. Svo, new cloth extra. London, 1869. This work abounds in ornamental, illustrative, facsimile woodcuts and » photo-lithographs, taken from the works of Authors with several of whom Shakespeare was personally acquainted. The students and scholars of the great dramatist will here find illustrations, until now unquarried, from his marvellous writings. And in the first three chapters of the work, Bibliophilists will discover informa- tion, once lying widely scattered, now brought into compass and order. 44.5 Greville, Charles C. F. Journal of the Eeign of King George IV. and King William IV. Edited by Henry Reeve. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875. ' ' No equally important contribution to the political history of the last generation has been made by any previous writer. As a man of rank and fashion, Mr. Greville associated on terms of equality with all the statesmen of his time, and his long tenure of a per- manent ofiEce immediately outside of the circle of politics, com- pelled him to observe a neutrality which was probably congenial to his character and inclination." — Saturday Remew. 446 Grey, Lieut.-Gen. C. The Early Years of the Prince Con- sort, compiled under the direction of her Majesty the Queen. Portrnit. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1867. 447 Griffin's, Gerald, Works. Illustrated. 10 vols, fcap S-yo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. Dublin, 1857-'69. Comprising: "The Collegians," "Card-Drawing," " The Half-Sir," "Suil-Dhuv," "The Rivals," "Tracy's Ambition," " HoUautl- 80 Tide," "Duke of Monmouth," "Tales of a Jury-Room," "The Invasion," "The Christian Physiologist," Poetical Works, and his Life by his Brother. " The author of the Collegians must live ; and as an able delineator of our national feelings — as an expounder of that subtlest of problems, the Irish heart — he cannot be forgotten ; but with Carleton, and Banim, and Miss Edgeviforth, and one or two more, he will take his place in our Irish firmament, and form a portion of that galaxy to which we are wont to look with wonder and pride." — JDublin Univ. Mag. 448 Gronow, Capt. Recollections and Anecdotes of the Camp, the Court, and the Clubs, at the close of the last war with France. The Coup d'Etat. Portrait and illustra- tions. 4 series complete in 3 vols, crown 8vo, new half calf, gilt. London, Smith, Elder <& Co., 1864-'66. "These Reminiscences really bring past times back to us vividly and agreeably." — Saturday Review. 449 GuEKRABELLA, Ginevra. (Miss Genevieve Ward.) Memoir of. 8vo, pp. 63, limp cloth. New York, T. J. Groioan, 1863. " The heroiue of this memoir was the daughter of Samuel Ward, Esq., and granddaughter of the Hon. Grid. Lee, Mayor of New York, Her romantic marriage and subsequent career on the stage form the principal items of interest in this work." 450 GuERBE Illustr^e (La) et Le Siege de Paris. (A bi-weekly- illustrated journal). Complete from its commencement in March, 1870, to March 22, 1871, inc.; many hun- dred engravings on wood, illustrative of the events of the Franoo-Gei-man war. 2 vols, in one, folio, hf. mo- rocco. Paris, 1870-'71. " Les circonstances qui donnent naissance a ce journal nous dispenseut de tout programme. " " Ce drame militaire est le plus grand et le plus terrible qui se soit jamais joue. Nous ferons en sorte que notre journal soit a la hau- teur gigantesque, et nous ne negligeronp rien pour que ses informa- tions, ses dessins, ses cartes et ses plans en reproduisent avec fide- lite tous les Episodes, &o." " Ce journal sera I'histoire de la grande guerre qui commence." — La Direction. 451 GuiNOT, M. Eugene. A Summer at Baden-Baden. Numer- ous full-page enijravinys on steel and several hundred woodcuts. Impl. 8vo, new cloth. London, n. d. 81 452 GuHL, E., AND KoNER, W. The Life of the Greeks and Eo- mans, described from Antique Monuments, translated from the 3d German edition by F. Hueffer. Profusely illustrated with 543 engravings on wood, depicting the Games, Dress, Weapons, Architecture, &c., . Rice; Montressor; Pedrotti; Jos. Ward; Mme Otto; Mrs. E. S. Conner; Pickering as Aaron; Mrs. Sarah H. Timm ; W. F. Brough. Autograph Letters : Barrymore, with cast of char- acters, 3 pp. 4to, A.L.S. ; Tyrone Power, 4to, A.L.S., 1837 ; Char- lotte Cushman, A.N.S., 2 pp., 1841. Flay Bill: Am. Theatre, April 26th, 1835, Benefit of Mme Celeste. 96 Portraits, 36 Scenes, 5 Views, 13 Photographs. Vol. VI. Drawings (16) : Chippendale ; Mary Ann Keeley ; Miss Nelson (Mrs. Brougham) as GheruUni ; Mr. Edwin ; Mitchell as Jem Bags ; Mitchell (port.) ; W. T. Johnson as the Artful Dodger ; Mrs. Geo. Jones ; Mary Taylor ; Mme. Vestris as Orpheus ; Mons. and Mme. Taglioni ; Mrs. Inverarity ; Mitchell as Crummies; Mitchell as Man Fred; Barney Williams. Autographs of R. Keely ; Mrs. M. A. Keeley ; Ellen Tree (Mrs. C. Kean), 3 pp. 4to, A.L.S. ; J. Mitchell, 3 pp. 4to, A.L.S. 135 Portraits, 19 Photos, 7 Scenes, and 4 Views. Vol. VII. Drawings (6): Mrs. Wood (Paton) as Amina ; Mrs. Chas. Hill as Smike , Emily Sutton ; Palmo ; Mrs. Mowatt as Beatrice ; Anna Cruise as Miami. Autograph of A. R. Anderson, A.L.S., 4to. Play BUI, Mitchell's Olympic. 76 Portraits, 33 Scenes, 23 Photos and 7 Views, also numerous newspaper-cuttings. Vol. VIII. Drawings (5) : Chanfrau as Mose ; Signora Trufii ; B. Purdy ; Harry Watkins ; Jenny Lind as Imcie. Autographs of W. T. Russell Smith, A.L.S., 3 pp.4to, 1854; Power of Attorney, Wm. Warren to Weymess, 3 pp. fol. ; Thos. D. Price, A.L.S., 3 pp. 4to; J. Sheridan Knowles, 4to, A.L.S., 1834; James Rees, A.L.S., 3 pp. 4to, 1841; Joe Jefferson {with scene)., A.L.S., 1831; Wm. Warren, 3 pp. 4to, A.L.S. Play Bills: Mitchell's Olympic, Chanfrau ; Am. Theatre, Philadelphia, 1835 ; Ground Plan of Metropolitan Hall, N. Y. 69 Portraits, including Priuate plate of Mary Gannon, 43 Photos, 44 Scenes, 9 Views, and numerous newspaper-cuttings. Vol. IX. Drawings (10) : Sir Wm. Don ; Julia Bennett ; Mark Smith ; G. B. Locke ; Mrs. Howard as 2'opsy ; Mrs. Forrest ; Seiiorita Soto as Sana ; Lavigne ; Alboni ; Mr. Mestayer. Autographs : Manager's Letter, in re Bland Benefit, signed by Lester Wal- laok ; John Brougham ; Theo. Moss ; Barney Williams ; J. Gray ; Edw. Booth ; J. E. Hayes ; G. Wood ; H. C. Garrett, &c. 2 pp. 8vo. : — J. E. Owens, aut. sig. to portrait; Lola Montez, aut. sig. with port. — Matilda Heron, with port., aut. sig. ; J. VandenhofE, 4to, A.L.S., 1839 ; John Sefton, A.L.S., fol. ; Fanny Elsler, A.L.S., 8vo; W. C. Maoready, 4to, A.L.S. 93 Portraits, 50 Photos, 58 Scenes, 5 Views, Newspaper Cuttings, &c. , &c. Vol. X. Drawings (3) : Rosalie Durand ; Morris Barrett as Mons. 97 Jacques ; J. B. Home as Richard III. 80 Portraits ; 83 Photo- graphs ; 7 Views ; and 34 Scenes, Cuttings, Arc. 640 IRELAND, William Henry. An AUTHENTIC AC- COUNT of the SHAKESPEARE MANUSCRIPTS, <&c. 8vo, pp. 43. 'LionA.on, Printed for J. Debrett, 1790. Prefack to Voetigern, &c. 8vo, pp. 16, &c. Two 2Jarls, care f idly inlaid to royal folio. Extended and Illustrated, loith Portraits, Vietus, Vig- nettes, P^arslmHes of Shakes2')eare''s Handwritiuij, &o., &c. Autographs, Letters, £:c., djr.^ all neatly arroiiged, tvlth MS. NOTES by Ireland and J. P. Kemble, throughout the vol. Roy. folio handsomely bound in full Russia extra, broad borders of gold on the sides, full gilt backs, AND GILT LEAVES, BY ClARKE & BEDFORD. London, 1796, (fee. UNIQUE ! ! A Dramatic and Liteeaet Cukiosity of the High- est Rank. Containing the Original Shakbspeakb Papers as fabricated byW. H. Ireland, arranged by Mmself. ^*^ The following resume of the contents of this valuable volume may be of service to parties at a distance ; but the volume itself should be carefully examined to be appreciated : The copy'flt the "Authentic Naeeative " TKeLsformerlyfiie property of J. P. Kemble, and beoA's his autograph on the title, together with that of Samuel Ireland, the father of our hero. It is also enriched througlwut with numerous MS. notes, by W. H. Ireland, throwing mucJi light on the origin, progress, controversy, and eosposure of the forgery. Frontispiece, a superb impression of Vertue's portrait (1731) of Shakespeare ; Autograph letter of John Harris, friend of Ireland, describing the collection, and offering it for sale, 3 pp. 8vo, 1834 ; Autograph letter of W. H. Ireland to his friend Harris, soliciting his aid in disposing of the collection, fol., Oct. 8, 1834; Portrait of Ireland, India proof; Portrait of Shakespeare, by Cooper, 1.3mo ; Portrait of Blackstone, by Hall, brilliant india proof; Sir Ed. Cooke, by Payne, brilliant impression ; The True Portraiture of Judge Littleton, original impression ; David Garrick, by Sharp ; C. J. Fox, by Cheesman, indiaproof; Pope ; Sig. of C. J. Fox (fac), Marie Antoinette, Comte D'Artois, with autograph note of Ireland ; Queen Elizabeth, by Vertue, fol., fine impression; Shakespeare's Birth-place, proof; Clopton House (3) ; Forster Powell ; Speci- mens of the three autographs of Shakespeare, as produced to hia 7 98 father, by W. I. ; a leaf eontainiug the forged signatures of Michael Fraser, Shakespeare, James I., &c.; View of the Globe Theatre, South wark, f ol. ; Portraits of James I. , mezzotint, 4to, fine early impression, Jas. Bindley, 4to ; the celebrated '' Profession of Faith," 2 pp. 4to ; The letter of Shakespeare to William Cowley, the Comedian ; Three Signatures of Juo. Heminge, Lord South- ampton, &c. ; Love Letter to Anne Hathaway ; Love Stanzas to Anne Hathaway ; Henry, Earl of Southampton, India proof, fol. (Lodge) ; Anne Hathaway's Cottage, proof; Interior of same, proof; Dr. Samuel Parr, engraved by Skelton, fol., brilliant vrnprex- skm ; Jos. Wharton, Spurious Autographs of Elizabeth ; Specimen of the Transcript of King Leare ; Autographs of Jno. Lowin, Henry Condell, and Shakespeare's Receipt for Playing before the Earl of Leicester ; Portrait of Leicester, by Houbraken ; sig. of Leicester ; Specimen of "Vortigern," being the speech selected by Jno. P. Kemble to produce its failure ; Specimen from Grafton's Chronicle ; fao. Autographs of the Eight Gunpowder Conspirators ; Portrait of Sir Philip Sidney, fol., by Vertue ; Specimen leaf of the MS. "Hamblette;" Portrait of George Steevens, by Evans; Portrait of Chas. Macklin, set. 93 ; Book-plates of D. Garrick and Samuel Ireland, with autographs (facs. ) ; Portraits of Queen Charlotte and George III. , with signatures (facs. ) ; Prince of Wales, with sig. (Geo. IV.) ; Signature of Mrs. Jordan ; Portrait of R. B. Sher- idan, after Reynolds ; Portraits of E. Malone, Rt. Hon. Jos. Caul- field, Henry II., by Vertue, fol.; John Kemble, inoof; Mr. Wal- dron as Sir Chris. Halton ; View of Reading, colored ; Westmin- ster Abbey, folded plate ; South View of Westminster Abbey, fol.; William the Conqueror, by Vertue, fol, ; Acrostic on the name of Mary ; Signature of Mary, Queen of Scots ; The various portraits of Mary, Queen of Scots ; Portrait of Hogarth ; View of Covent Garden Theatre ; Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, exterior and interior views ; Portrait of Mrs. Jordan, engraved by Heath, proof ; Auto- graph Letter of Druton, the Actor, 4to, 1881 ; Portrait of Horace Walpole; Portrait of James Boaden, after Opie, by E. Bell, fol., mezzotint, fine proof ; Autograph production of Mrs. Ireland, mother of W. H., 4 pp. 4to; Autograph of Sir Rich'd Phillips; Portrait of Francis Grose, fol, , proof, &c. , &c. 'In the annals of literary imposture there is not a more striking in- stance of boldness on the one side and downright gullibiKty on the other, than that which is known to Shakespearian students as the Ireland Forgeries. The contriver and pei-petrator was a, young fellow, in his eighteenth year, having but a moderate acquaintance with literature of any kind, with very little knowledge of that of the Elizabethan period, and ignorant, entirely and absolutely igno- rant, of the paleography, of the manners and customs, and even 99 of the orthography of the period to which the papers that he had produced pretended to belong. On the other hand, his dupes were, the most of them, men of mature years, of literary training, and, strangest of all, in many cases scholars who had made the literature of the Shakespearian period their special study. Notwith- standing these conditions, his success was for a while almost com- plete. Only a very few scholars and Shakespearian critics stood out against the authenticity of the MSS., which he brought forward with a rapidity which alone should have alarmed credulity." — Extract from R. O. White's preface to the '' Coiifi-.i.iioiis" of W. II. Ireland. .5-1:1 Ireland, Wm. Henry. Confessions of. Containing particu- lars of his Fabrication of the Shakespeare MSS., etc. Front. Fcap. 8vo, antique boards. London (1805), reprint 1874. 642 Irving, Washington. Works. Comprising Crayon Mis- cellany ; Wolfert's Koost ; Hatch-Book ; Alhambra ; Salmagundy ; Spanish Papers ; Bracebridge Hall ; Life of Goldsmith ; Knickerbocker's New York ; Columbus, 3 vols. ; Traveller ; Life and Letter.s of Irving, 3 vols. ; The Handsojie Knickerbocker Edition, beautifully ilbis- trated. 16 vols post 8vo, ii,niformly hound in hf, nf. & extra, marh. edges. New York, 1868, &c. 543 Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. Illus- trated Edition, with numerous fine Portraits, Views, Battle- Scenes, (fee, carefully engraved on steel. 5 thick vols. roy. 8vo, hf. morocco, marbled edges. New York, 1867. 544 Jaokson, John. (Manager of the Theatre Royal of Edin- burgh.) The History of the Scottish Stage, from its first establishment to the present time, with a distinct narrative of some recent Theatrical Transactions, the whole inter- spersed with Memoirs of his Own Life. 8vo, new hf. blue calf extra. Edinburgh, P. Hill, 1793. 54-") Jacox, Francis. Shakespeare Diversions ; a JMedley of Mot- ley Wear. Handsomely printed from large type. 8vo, new cloth, gilt. London, Daldy, Isbister, 1875. 646 The Same. Second Series, from Dogberry to Ham- let. 8vo, new cloth. London, D. k I., 1877. 100 "Mr. Jacox is a consummate artist, a mosaic worker, whose skill never fails. Out of his rich materials he creates genuine books absorbing in their interest." — British Quarterly. 547 Jameson, Mrs. Chabacteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical, with vignettes. 2 vols. 8vo, tree-marbled calf extra. London, 1858. 648 Jameson, Mrs. Couit Beauties of the Reign of Charles II. From the Original in the Royal Gallery at Windsor, by Sir Peter Lely. Engraved in the highest style of Art. With Memoirs by Mrs. Jameson, Author of " Legends of the Madonna." Imp. 4to, extra cloth. London, Sotten, 1872. "This truly beautiful and splendid production is equally a gem among the Fine Arts and in Literature." — Quarterly Bemew. 549 Jameson, Mrs. Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the Fine Arts, with 55 drawmgs hy the author and 152 woodcuts. Stn. 4:to. (1867.) . Legends of the Monastic Okders. Second Edition enlarged, with 11 etchings by the author and 88 woodcuts, litn. ito. (1867.) . Sacked and Legendary Art. Illustrated with 16 etchings and numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. sm. ito. (1870.) History of Our Lord as Exemplified in Works of Art ; with chat of his types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of the Old and New Testaments. Finished by Mrs. Eastlake. 9 etchings and 138 engravings on wood,. 2 vols. sm. 4to. (1865.) Together 6 vols. sm. 4to, uniformly bound in tree-marbled calf extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere. London, Longmans, 1865-'70. ^*^ Fine uniform set. 550 Jameson, Mrs. Romance of Biography ; or, Memoirs of Women loved and celebrated by Poets, from the days of the Troubadours to the Present Age. Front. 2 vols, post 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. London, Saunders, 1837. 551 Jabvis, T. M. Accredited Ghost Stories. 16mo, half moroc- co, gilt, uncut. London, 1823. 101 552 Jeaffreson, John Cordy. Aunals of Oxford. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo, new cloth. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1871. 553 Jennings' Landscape Annual, for the years 1830 (Switzer- land ami Italy); 1831 (Italy); 1832 (Italy); 1833 (Italy); 1834 (France); 1835 (Granada); 1836 (Anda- lusia) ; 1837 (Biscay, &c.); 1838 (Spain and Morocco). Xnmerous beautiful engravings after original dramngs hy Harding, Prout, Roberts, &c. Original Impressions, with descriptions by Thos. Roscoe. 9 vols, post 8vo, green morocco, gilt. London, 1830-'38. 554 Jennings, Louis J. (formerly editor N. Y. Times). Field Paths and Green Lanes, being Country Walks, chiefly in Surrey and Sussex. Front., &c. 12mo, cloth. New York, Appleton, 1878. 555 Jennings, Mrs. Vaughan. Eahel (Levin), her Life and Let- ters, with portrait on steel. Post 8vo, new cloth. London, King SiTPPLEMENT to BoswELL, being Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson, collected by Piozzi, Haw- kins, Steeveus, E,e3'nolds, Murphy, Beattie, Cumberland, etc., etc. PJiiijrav'mgs on steel. 8vo. Further Illustr.vted bi/ tlie insertion of upwards of Fifty rare aii\ curious portraits and engravinf/s, Views, fac- similes, etc., etc. 1 thick vol. new half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, Murray, 1836. A VERY Interesting Volume aud worthy accompaniment to Bos- well's Life.- .i71 JoHNSONiANW ; Or, Snpiilemeut to Boswell, being Anecdotes and Sayings of Doctor Johnson, collected by various per- sons. Edited by J. Wilson Croker. Portraits, a Riverside Press, Boston, 1865. Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. TJuiform with the works of Bacon, Burton, D'lsraeli, Montaigne, etc. 614 Lamb, Chas. and Mary. Poetry for Clrildren,.to which are added Prince Dorus and some uncollected writings by Chas. Lamb. Edited by It. H. Shepherd. 12 mo, new cloth. (London) JSIew Yoik, 1878. " The fate of the original edition (1809) of this little book was singular. The whole edition was rapidly sold off, and it went out of print within a short time of its publication. It was, however, re- printed in Boston in 1813. Half a century had elapsed before the book, which had become ' introuvable ' in the lifetime of the authors, came fairly forth again. A copy was finally found in Adelaide, South Australia, from which the above reprint was made. " 615 Lambeth and the Vatican; or, Anecdotes of the Church of Rome, of the Reformed Churches, and of Sects and Sectaries. Portraits, £c. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1825. 616 Lampadius. Life of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Txans. from the German, i&c, by W. L. Gage. Portrait. 12mo, new cloth. New York, Leypoldt, 1865. 112 617 Langbaine, Gerard. An Account of the English Dramatick Poets ; or, Observations and Remarks on the Lives and Writings, of all those that have publish'd either Come- dies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, In- terludes, Farces, or Opera's in the English Tongue. 12mo (Svo), sjirinkled calf extra, yelloiv edges. Oxford, Geo. West, 1691. ^*^ Pine Copy : " The origin of all the later works on Dramatic Bibliography and Biography." The iirst list of Dramas was printed in 1656, and prefixed to Goflfe's tragi-comedy of The Careless Shepherdess by the publisher of that piece. It is simply a hst, with- out specifying either sizes or dates. This list was augmented in 1661 by Francis Kirkraan, a bookseller, with the same defects, however. After an interval of sixteen years Langbaine, son of the Provost of Queen's College, Oxford, produced a new catalogue in 4to, with the title Momus Trlumphans. Five hundred copies of his pamphlet were quickly sold. The remainder of the impression appeared next year with the title, ^^ A New Gatalogiie of English Plays,'" &c., 4to, 1688. At length he digested his |work anew, with great accessions in the above bnok.l "Of the several works on the subject, Langbaine's _"onlyjls to be im- plicitly relied on for its fidelity. He seems to have been scrupu- lously exact in putting down no more than he had authority for. " — Isaac Reed. 618 Langdalb, Hox. Charles. Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert, with an account of lier marriage with H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George the Fourth. Fine portrait. 8vo, tree-marhled calf extra. London, J3entley, 1856. This work was written to disprove the reflections cast upon Mrs. Fitz- herbert's character by Lord Holland, in his memoirs relating to her marriage with the Prince. 619 Laewood, Jacob. [Pseudonym of J. E. Sadler.] Stor3' of the London Parks. With numerous Illustrations, Col- oured and plain. In One thick volume, crown Svo, cloth extra. London (1873 ?) ,*» A most interesting work, giving a complete History of these favorite out-of-door resorts, from the earliest period to tlie present time. 619* Laurel Leaves. Original Poems, Stories, and Essays, by Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Bryant, J. R. Lowell,'J. 113 T. Trowbiidge, Tennyson, Swinburne, and numerous others. JBeautifully printed and illustrated. <)2<) Lavater, J. O. Essays on Physiognomy ; for the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind. Translated into English by Thos. Holoroft. Three hundred and, sixty Engravings in outline, &c. 3 thick vols. 8vo, new half calf extra. London, 1780. ii21 Lear, Edward. Illustrated Excursions in Italy. 30 beauti- fully COLORED PLATES, ht imitation of the original draw- ings by the author, exhibiting the Scenes, Landscajjes, &c.. of Italy. Also numerous engravings on wood. Small folio, half morocco. London, McLean, 184ij. G22 Leavitt, John M. New World Tragedies from Old World Life, and other poems. Printed at the Ghiswich press, London. Foolscap 8vo, new cloth. London and New York, 187G, 623 Lecocq, Charles. La Fille de Madame Angot. Opera Oomique en 3 Actes. Paroles de MM. Clairville, Sirau- din, Koning. Musical Score, dx., Imp'l 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. Paris, Brmidus (1872). ,*, Represented for the first time at Brussels, Dec. 4th, 1872. (524 La Fille de Mme. Angot. Op6ra-0omique en trois actes. Paroles de MM. Clairville, Siraudin and Koniug. J^dition illustre de costumes, coloriSs, dessin6s par A. Gi-evin. Text. Imp'l 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. Paris, Polo, 1875. ,*^ See also Offenbach, Adam, Strauss, Paer, &c. go. 5 - Fleur de The. Opera Boufie en trois actes. Paroles de MM. Diiru et Chivot. Musical Score. Imp'l 8vo, new half green morocco, gilt. Paris, Brandus (1868). *^ The first representation, Paris, April 11, 1868. 626 Lee, Henry. Memoirs of a Manager ; or, Life's Stage with 'new Scenery, briefly sketched by Henry Lee, author of " Caleb Quotem," " Gay's Chair," &c. 2 vols, in one, post 8vo, new hcdf blue calf. Taunton, 1830. G27 Lee William. Life and Newly- Discovered Writings of Daii- 'iel Defoe. Comprising Several Hundred Important Es- 8 114 says, Pamphlets, and other Writings, now first bronght to liglit, after many years' diligent search. With Facsim- iles and Illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, handsomely hound in tree-marhled calf, extra. London, Hotten, 1869. Vol. I. — A New Mbmoib op Dbpob. Vols. II. and III. — Hitherto UNKNOWN Whitings. A most valuable contribution to English History and English Literature. " There can be no two opinions as to the importance of the materials which Mr. Lee's industry and zeal have placed at our disposal." . . ' ' Articles and narratives are accumulated here in the most graphic and charming style. " . " The new list of Defoe's writings, included by Mr. Lee in his first volume, may be pro- nounced by far the most exhaustive and trustworthy that has been ever compUed." — Tlie Saturday Review, 15th May, 1869. 628 Leech, John. Follies of the Year. A series of colored Etch- ings from Punch's Pocket Books, 1844-'64, with some notes by Shirley Brooks. Oblong 8vo, half red morocco, gilt leaves. London, Sradhiiry (1864). Leeoh, John. See Bentley's Miscellany. Leech, John. See Comio Latin Grammar. Leech, John. See Dickens' Works. Collected edition. Leech, John. See Jerrold's Magazine. Leech, John. See Jerrold's Illuminated Magazine. Leech, John. See Surtee's Sporting Novels. 629 Lefanu, Alicia. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mrs. Frances Sheridan (mother of R. B. Sheridan). Criticisms and Selections from her works, &c. Portrait. Svo, half morocco, neat. London, Whittaker, 1824. 630 Le Grand D'Aussy. Fabliaux, or Tales abridged from French mss. of the Xllth and Xlllth Centuries. Trans- lated into English Verse by G. L. Way. With Preface, Notes, &c., by G. Ellis. Cuts hy Bewick. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1815. 631 Leighton, John. Paris under the Commune; or, Se^'enty- three days of the Second Siege, with numerous illustra- tions, sketches taken on the spot, and portraits from original photographs. Thick post Svo, new cloth, uncut. London, 1871. 115 632 [Lennox, Mrs. Ciias.J Shakespeare Illustrated : or, the Novels and Histories on which tlie Plays of Shakespeare are Fomided. Collected and translated from the Original Authors, with Critical Remarks, by the author ,of the "Female QiiiKote." 3 vols. 12mo, handsomely hourtd i» sprinkled calf, extra, yellow edges, by Cecil. (^ ^.i--^ London, Millar, 1753-'54. ,*» Elegant copy. This work was reviewed by Gottsohed, the well-known German dra- matic critic, in his journal, '■'■ Krituche Dichtkunst,'''' 1755, with the view of showing how poor were the dramatist's powers of in- vention, and how much use he made of the tales of other writers. 633 Lennox, Lord William. Celebrities I have Known, with Episodes, Political, Social, Sporting, and Theatrical. 2'/ Serks. 2 vols. 8vo, new cloth, uncut. London, Hurst <& Blackett, 1877. 634 Lepautke. Collection des plus belles Compositions de Lepau- tre grav6e [)ar De Cloux et Doury. 100 engraved plates, comprising several hundred examples of decorative art. Folio, half morocco. Paris, Morel, n. d. »*» A valuable work for those interested in decorative art. 635 Leuzen, Marie. Not in their Set ; or, In Different Circles of Society. Translated from the German. 12mo, new cloth. Boston, 1874. 636 L'EsPRiT FoLLET et Paris-Comique reunis, Album-Journal, Littei-aire — Artistique — Fantaisiste, October, 1871 — April, 1872 ; also in same voL, Journal Ajiusant, April to Dec, 1872. Most profusely illustrated loith humorous etchings on stone, with numerous double-page cartoons by Gouin. 2 parts in one vol. royal folio, half morocco. Paris, 1871-'72. ,,*» See also Journal Amusant. 637 LEVER, Chas. Collected WORKS. Library Edition, with the celebrated etchings by Leech, Browne, etc. 16 vols, royal &V0, 12 uniforndy bound in half green calf, extra, marbled edges, the balance in cloth. London, 1842-'73. ^*^ Best Edition. Inserted is a highly interesting and amusing au- tograph letter of the author to G. P. R. James, 4 pp., note, soliciting his aid as contributor to a new Irish magazine. 116 Contents : Jack Hiutou ; Luttrell of Arran ; Tom Burke ; One of Them ; Harry Lorrequer ; Knight of Gwynne ; Roland Cashel ; Dodd Family ; Martins of Cro' Martin ; Davenport Dunn ; Charles O'Malley ; Lord Kilgobbin ; The Bramleighs ; The Daltons ; and Con Cregan. 638 Lever, Charles. The Martins of Cm' Martin. 40 illustra- tions by Phiz. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1873. 639 Lewes, Chaeles Lee, Memoirs of. Containing Anecdotes, Historical and Biographical, of the English and Scottish Stages during a period of forty years. Written by him- self. 4 vols, in 2, 16mo, half morocco, neat. London, 1805. 640 Lewes, Geo. Henry. The Physiology of Common Life. 2 thick vols, post 8vo, new cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, Ulackwood, 1859. 641 Lewes, George Henry. Life of Goethe. 3d Edition, revised. Fine portrait. Thick 8vo, new cloth, uncut. London, Smith, Elder ct Co., 1876. Lewis, M. G. Bravo of Venice. Bound with Beckford's Vathek, which see. 642 Lewis XIV., The Private Life of, in which are contained the Principal Events, Remarkable Occurrences and Anecdotes of his Reign. Translated from the French by J. O. Jus- tamond. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, yellow edges. London, 1781. 643 LIBRARY OF PROFESSIONAL ANECDOTE. Compris- ing : Lambeth and the Vatican (The Clergy), 3 vols.; Peofessional Anecdotes (Medical), 3 vols. ; Art and Artists, 3 vols.; Concert Room (Musical), 3 vols.; Dramatic Table-Talk, 3 vols. ; Westminster Hall (Law), 3 vols. ; Poetey and Poets, 3 vols. With numerous fine portraits, views, facsimiles, dtc, <&c. Together 21 vols. 12 mo, uniformly hound in new hf. inorocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1825, &c. ^*^ A COMPLETE set of this charming series of Ana, very difficult to procure in such fine condition. The Medical Ana is a trifle stilted in the binding. 117 Gii LiEuHTENSTEiN, Pkincess Mabie. HOLLAND HousE. Ele- gantly printed on heavy paper and illustrated irith fine engravings on steel, hy C. II. Jeens, after lyaintings hy W atts and other celebrated artists, also numerous charmiiu/ engravings on wood, hy Cooper, Palmer nml others, after drawings by Delamotte, and 40 fi,ne illustrations hy the IVoodbury process. 2 vols. 4to, new hf. morocco extra, gilt. London, Maonitlan, 1874. Lakgb Paper Copy with Peoops of the steel plates. One of the most charming and readable books published of late years. C45 LiEFDE, John de. Six Months Among the Charities of Europe. Portraits and numerous charming woodcuts. 2 vols, post 8vo, new doth, uncut. London, Strahan, 186ii. 646 Life in Ireland ; or, the Day and Night Scenes, Eovings, Rambles and Sprees, Bulls, Blunders, Bodderatiou and Blarney of Brian Born, Esq., and his Elegant friend Sir Shawn O'Dogherty. Exhibiting a Real Picture of Char- acters, Manners, &c., in High and Low Life in Dublin and various parts of Ireland, i^umerous Icumm-ous col- ored etchings by Heath, Aiken, and other artists. Svo, half red calf, gilt. London, 182l'. Life in Paris. Illustrated by Cruikshank. See Carey (David). 647 Lives of the Players, by John Gait. 2 vols, post 8vo, new half calf, extra, marbled edges. l.ondon, JSentley, 1831. 648 LiVY. History of Rome. Translated by D. Spillan. 4 vols. post 8vo, new cloth. London, P. iL- D., 1872. 649 LIVES OF REMARKABLE CRIMINALS. A volume so let- tered, consisting of an extraordinary assemblage of Tracts, Newspaper Cuttings, Extracts from Books, Por- traits, Cuts, Facsimiles, Broadsides, &c., contemporary with the events cited. All carefully mounted and inlaid within ruled lines, rincipally wood- cuts, relating to the Jiooleries of London. All neatly mounted and arranged in one vol. impl. 8vo, neatly bound in bine levant morocco gilt, gilt top, rough edges. UNIQUE ! ! The collection includes several fine drawings worthy of Leech. Also, several cuts by Geo. Cruikshank. *** Every Reader of Dickens' " Oliver Twist " will remember how vividly h^ has sketched the locality known as Pield-Lane. Chick- Lane (now West Street), was the scene of Hogarth's celebrated series of pictures called " Industry and Idleness." G55 London. Tke Tricks of London laid open; being a caution for (Jonnti-ymeu and Women, &c., &c. 8vo (12mo), pp. 50, half inssia gilt. Loudon, T. Sabine, n. d. ,,** Very curious. (Circa 1710.) London. See Grant (Jas.). London. See Greenwood (Jas.). London, Old and New. See Thornbury. 656 [Lom£nie, Louis de.] Galerie des Contemporaines Illustves, par " CJii Homme de Rien " (pseudonym), avec une lettre- proface de M. de Clititeaubriand. Numerous fine p)or- traits. 10 vols. 12mo, calf gilt, carmine edges. Paris, Rene, 1844, &c. ^*, Lomenie was one time professor of French literature at the Col- lege of France. ' ' Cette publication, dout les premiers volumes out obteuu I'honneur de plusieurs editions et d'un aussi grand nom- bre de oontrefaQons etrangjres, est un monument eleve S, toutes les gloires contemporaines, a celles de I'etranger, souvent trop peu connues. Coni^u en dehors de tout e.sprit de parti, resultat de re- cherches longues et consciencieuses, oeuvre d'un seul ecrivain, jeune, plein de verve et d'avenir, ce livre a obtenu la sympathie et les eloges des hommes les plus distingues MM. de Chateau- briand, Dupin, de C'ormenin, qui representent des opinions dia- metralement opposees. " Le modeste anonyme sous lequel I'auteur a voulu se cacher est un gage de son independance. " Tons les portraits, d'abord lithographies, ont ete successivement refaits sur acier par un artiste distingue, qui a obtenu plusieurs heures de pose de la plupart des iUustres biographies. — Querard. 120 G57 Longfellow, Hknry W. Complete Poetical Woi-ks. Illus- TBATED Edition, handsomely printed on heavy toned paper, with one hundred and seventy-eight engravings on wood from designs by Gilbert. Thiok 4to, new cloth, gilt. London, Routledge, 1871. 658 Longfellow, Henry W. Poetical Works, complete Diamond Edition. Sq. 16mo, cloth. Boston, Ticknor, 1867. 6.59 Lossing, Benson J. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolu- tion ; or, Illustrations, by pen and pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for Indej)endence, ivith several hundred engravings mi wood. 2 vols, royal 8vo, new hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. New York, 1860. jf*j(. Bound from the numbers. 660 LossiNG, Benson J. The Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812 ; or, illustrations by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the Last War for American Independence. Several hundred en- gravings on wood from original sketches hy the author. Thick roy. 8vo, new hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1868. 661 Lossing, Benson J. Pictorial Field-Book of the Civil War in the United States of America. Illnstrated hy many hundred engravings on wood, from sketches hy the author and others. 3 large volumes, roy. 8 vo, , tew Aa^/'wiorocco, gilt to2M, uncut. New York, 1809. «** The three preceding lots are all uniformly bound. 662 Lossing, Benson J. Centennial Edition of the History of the United States ; from the Discovery of America to the End of the first one hundred years of American Inde- pendence, with a full account of the Centennial Celebra- tion. lUv/ininated title, and 400 engravings on steel and wood. Thick roy. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Hartford, 187G. 663 Lossing, Benson J. The American Centenary ; a Historv of the Progress of the Republic during the first one hundred years of its existence. Profusely illustrated with en- gravings on steel, thick 4to, new cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 121 . 685 Maclise's, Damel, Gallery of Illustrious Literary Char- acters. With Notes by the late William Maginx. Edited, with copious Notes, by William Bates. With 83 Splendid axd most Characteristic Portraits, now first issued in a complete form. In demy 4to, 400 pages, cloth, gilt. London, Chatto. n. d. (ISYS). »*^ A reproduction of the Portraits and Groups originally published in Fraser's Mdgmine, 1830-'-38, and of the biographico-critical sketches by which these were accompanied. Three portraits, not forming part of the original series (Hallam, Thackeray, and Mac- . lise), are added. The "Notes" are not among the least in impor- tance of the many features of this attractive volume. " Most interesting.'' — Siiturilay Review. " One of the most interesting volumes of this year's literature." — Times, Maclise, Daniel, E. A., Life of See O'Driscoll. 687 Madden, R. R. The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. Portrait. 2 vols, post Svo, hf. morocco, gilt. New York, Harper, 1855. 688 Madden, R. R. The United Irishmen, their Lives and Times. JVumerous portraits. Three Series Complete, 7 vols., post Svo, uniformly bound in hf. green morocco, gilt tops, inicut. London, Madden, 1842, &c. jj.*# Pine uniform set. 689 Madre Natura versus The Moloch of Fashion. A Societ}' Essay, with 30 illustrations by Luke Limner, Esq. 16mo, new cloth, gilt, red edges. London, Chatto <{; Windns, 1874, ■690 [Mahonv, Eev. FRANcifS S.J The Fiual Reliques of Father Pi-out. Collected and Edited by Blanchard Jerrold. Fine portrait of Maliouy. Post 8vo, new cloth, uncut. London, 1876. 691 Mahony, Rev. Francis S., " Oliver Yorke," Esq. The Eeliques of Father Prout, late P. P. of Watergrasshil), in the County of Cork, Ireland. Illustrated by " Alfred Croquis " (D. Maclise). Nevj Edition revised a,nd aug- mented. Thick 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, Holiu, 1860. ■692 Malibran, Mme., Memoirs and Letters of, by the Countess de Merlin, -with Notices of the Progress of the Musical Drama in England. 2 vols, in one, 12mo, half blue mo- rocco, gilt. Philadeljjhia,. Carey, 1840. fi93 Marcoy, Paul. Travels in South America, from che Pa- cific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean ; handsomely printed on heavy paper, and most profusely illustrated, having upwards of five hundred charming woodcuts by E. Riou, from original drawings, with twenty maps, etc. 2 large vols. roy. 4to, new cloth. New York (London), 1875. " M. Marcoy has a full share of the spirit, vivacity, and garrulity which make a French traveller the most charming of companions in his own book. With sufEcient science to write with Intelligence and exactness of the flora and fauna of the country he visits, of the ethnological and idiomatic distinctions which characterize these tribes of Indians, his strongest point and the chief attraction of his work is his great skill as a draughtsman. He sketches nearly everything which he describes, and gives us 500 pictures of the life, manners, and scenery which come under his eye. Such a book is u/ treat which the English reader does not often get." — London Times. ^94 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Ti-anslated by Long. Post 8vo, cloth. London, B. & D., 1869. ■695 Maretzek, Max. Crotchets and Quavers ; or. Revelations of an Opera Manager in America. 12qio, half morocco, gilt. New York, French; 1855. 696 Margaret, Queen of Naxarre. Heptameron. Translated, with Memoir, &c., by W. K. Kellv. Portrait. Post 8vo, new half calf, extra. London, Bolin, 1864. 1-25 •597 Marlitt, E. At the Councillor's; or, A nameless History. Tianslated from the German by Mrs. A. L. Wistar. 12mOy cloth. Philadelphia, 1876. (i98 Marlitt, E. The Little ^Moorland Princess. Translated by Mrs. A. L. Wistar. ll'ino, cloth. Philadelphia, Jyi2}]nncott, 1876. IMarlowe, C. "Works. See Old Dramatists. G99 Marmion, Shackerley. Dramatic Works ; with prefatory Memoir, Introdnctions, and Notes. Crown 8vo, vellum cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, Paterson, 1875. ' ' Marmion is not a voluminous writer ; yet we cannot help considering- him one of the best among the dramatic authors of that time. His plots are ingenious, his characters well drawn, and his language not only easy and dramatic, but full of lively wit and solid under- standing. His Plays are. The Antiquary , \&i\ \ HollcDid's Leaguer, 1632; Fine Companion, 1633. Two others, TUe Crafty Merdmnt, and The Faithful Shepherd, have been attributed to him on insuffi- cient evidence. 700 Marmontel, J. ¥. Moral Tales. Traiislated. Portraits and numerous fine old copper-plate illustrations. .3 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt. Edinburgh, 17li8. **„, The plates are after designs by Gtravelot, engraved by Boubers^ and were used in a French edition of about the same date. 701 Married. A Tale. By the author of "Wondrous Strange," " Kate Kennedy," &c. 3 vols, in one, post 8vo, cloth. London, ] 869. 702 Marryatt, Uapt. Novels. New collected edition. Jlf/nettes, engraved . illustrations on wood, etc., many hy Stanfield. 23 vols. 12mo, handsomely hound in new half calf , extra, marhled leaves. London, Routledge, 1873, &c. Contents: King's Own, Newton Forster, Midshipman Easy, Percival Keene, Little Savage, Japhet in Search of a Father, Dog Fiend, Jacob Faithful, Monsieur Violet, Masterman Ready, Settlers in Canada, Valerie, Frank Mildmay, Children of the New Forest, Peter Simple, Privateersman, Ratlin the Reefer, The Mission, Phantom Ship, OUa Podrida, Pacha of Many Tales, The Poacher, Pirate and Three Cutters. 703 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. Edited by Maria Weston Chapman. Portrait, &c. 2 closely printed vol- umes. 8vo, new cloth. Boston, Osgood, 1877. 126 704 Martial. Epigrams. Post 8vo, cloth. London, Bell, 1875. 705 Martial, Epigrams of. Englished with some other Pieces, Ancient and Modern [by Chas. Cotton]. Frontispiece by Hollar. Suo, smooth red morocco, gilt to a Roger Payne jycMern. IjonAon, Henry Honwiche, 1695. 706 Marshall, Frank A. A study of Hamlet. 8vo, new cloth, uncut. London, Ijongmans, 1875. 707 Martins, Chas. Civil Costume of England, from the Con- quest to the j)resent period, a series of 61 plates, mostly portraits of Royal and Nohle Personages, drawn from ancient 318 S., Tapestries, tfcc, Illuminated in gold and COLORS, roy. 4to, cloth, gilt. London, 1842. This elegant work, executed by the two sons of the celebrated painter, J. Martin, is the only one which presents the authentic costumes of the various ranks from the Norman Conquest to the present day. 708 Massillon, J. B. Petit CarSme et Sermons Choisis. Beauti- fully illustrated. Impl. 8vo, hf. morocco, gilt. Paris, n. d. Massinger, Philip. Works. See Old Dramatists. 709 MATTHEWS, Mrs. Anne. Anecdotes of Actors ; with other Desultory Recollections, &c., &c., &c. 8vo. Illustrated and Extended, by the addition of upwards of forty iine and scarce portraits of Dramatic Celebrities, Scenes, Views, &c., &c. One vol. 8vo, handsomely bound in sprinkled calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Pratt. London, 1844. Among other choice morceaux will be found Anecdotes of Bannister, Dowton, Russell, Munden, Quick and his Spoiled Child , Fawcett, Cooke, Suett, Knight, Talma, Mrs. Jordan, Mathews, C'olman, Theo. Hook, &c. 710 Mathews, Charles. The London Mathews: containing a copious narration of all the celebrated entertainments of the inimitable Charles Mathews ; viz. : " Master Charley's Youthful Days " ; " Travels in Air, Earth and Water "; " The Theatrical Wanderer " ; " Trip to Amer- ica " ; and " Memorandum Book " ; with all the original songs, &c. Folding p>lates in colors, gicing accurate like- 127 nesses of Mr. Mathews in the 33 (Jiffcrent eliaracters, by George Chuikshaxk and Heath. 1 2ino, cloth. London, Cole, n. d. 711 Mathews, Charles, Memoirs of the Youthful Days of, as performed at the Theatre Royal, and interspersed with the most laughable Tales, Anecdotes, and Comic Songs. 12mo, pp. 24. Also in same volume. The Modern Di'sciAD, a Satire, with notes, (fee. (Lord Byron.) 2d edition. Front. 12mo, pp. 106. Two works in one vol. 12mo, half blue morocco. . London and Edinburgh, 1815, &c. 712 Mathews, Charles, Memoirs of, by Mrs. Mathews. Por- traits, (fee. 4 thick vols. 8vo, half red morocco, extra. London, Sentley, 1839. **» Several portraits, (fee., added, includiiig a large colored folding plate of Mathews in ' ' Stories. ' ' Best Edition. It has been (1860) republished under the editorial care of Edmund Yates, who has greatly abridged it. 713 Matthias, T. J. Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem in four Dialogues, with Notes. 7th Edition, 8vo. In- terleaved and Illustrated, ivith upwards of sixty 2)or- traits of characters mentioned in the work. Thick 8vo, hf morocco, gilt. London, JBecket, 1798. 714 Maunder, Samuel. Treasuries. The complete series, com- prising Treasury of Biography, pp. 1164 ; Treasury of Knowledge, pp. 895 ; Treasury of History ; Treasury of Geography ; Scientific and Literary Treasury ; Treasury of Natural History ; Bible Knowledge ; Botany, 2 vols. Profusely illustrated. Together 9 thick vols. fcap. 8vo, new cloth. London, Longmans, 1870, (fee. The last revised Editions .of these Invaluable little manuals of refer- ence. 715 Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish Eebellion; with Memoirs of the Union, and Emmet's Insurrection in 1803. Portraits and numerous illustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo, new hf cf., extra. New York (London), n. d. **# 6th Edition. 128 716 Maxwell, W. H. The Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran and his man Mark Anthony O'Toole. Illustrated hy John Leech. Post 8vo, new cloth. London, n. d. 717 Mayhew, H. London Labour and London Pook, including the Extra Volume relating to Prostitution, and those who will not work. With numerous 2}ortraits and street scenes, from daguerreotypes. 4 vols. 8vo, new cloth, gilt. London, 1861-'62. 718 Mayhew, The Brothers. The Good Crenius that Turned Everything into Gold; or. The Queen Bee and the Magjc Dress. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 16mo, cloth. London, JBogue, 1847. ,*^ First Edition. 719 Medwin, Thos. Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron, noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa, 1821-'22. Portrait. 2 vols, in one, 12nio, new, half morocco extra. Paris, Baudry, 1824. ' ' North. ' I don't mean to call Medwin a liar ; indeed, I should be sorry to forget the best stanza in Don Juan. The captain lies, sir ; but it is only under a thousand mistakes. . . . This much is certain (and it is enough for our turn), that the book is, through- out, full of things that were not, and most resplendently, deficient quoad the things that were.' " — Noctes Ambrodana. 720 Meixers, C. History op the Female Sex, comprising the Habits, Manners, and Influence of Women, among all Nations, from the earliest ages, translated by Shorbel. 4 vols, post 8vo. Elegantly bound in Cambridge calf, extra, carmine edges. London, Colburn, 1808. ,** Choice copy. 721 M£nard, Eene (Editor of " Gazette des Beaux- Arts "). Chap- ters ON Painting. Translated under the superintendence of Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Illustrated with a series of forty superb etchings, by Flameng, Coutry, Masson, Le Rat, Jacquemart, Chauvel, ifec, the text beautifully printed by Claye, of Paris. Royal 4to, half polished levant morocco, gilt top. London, Paris, 1875. 1-29 722 M^NAUD, Ren£. French Avtists of the Present Day. A Se- ries of twelve facsimile engravings, after pictures by Gerome, Rosa Bonheiir, Corot, Pierre Billet, Legros, Ch. Jacque, Veyrassat, H6bert, Jules Breton, etc., with Bio- graphical Notices. Folio, tastefully bound in cloth, a;ilt. London, Seoh-ij. 723 MfKARD, RenI!. L'Art en Alsace-Lorraine. Beautifully pirinted on heavy paper, and .most profusely illustrated with 17 large Etchings, by Gaucherel, Lalauze, Clreux, Lanqon, etc., after Claude, Boucher, Delacroix, Boilvin, etc., etc. Several hundred charming engravings on wood, many of full-page size, illustrating every phase of art, by the best artists of the present day, etc., etc. Roy. 4to, half morocco, extra gilt edges. Paris, 1S76. ^*^ A charming volume, with a wealth of illustration perfectly bewil- dering ; a large portion of the volume is devoted to contemporary- art. 724 Mennis, John, and Smith, Jas. Musarum Delicias ; or. The Muses' Recreation, 1656; Wit Restor'd, 1(158; and Wit's Recreation, 1C40. The whole compared with the origi- nals ; with all the Wood Engravings, Plates Memoirs, and Notes. A new edition, 2 volumes, sq. 8vo, aaitique boards. London, Ilotteii, n. d. Large Paper. ^*^ "Of the Poets of the Eestoration, there are none whose works are more rare than those of Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith. The small volume entitled ' Musarum Delicise ; or. The Muses' Ee- creation, ' which contains the production of these two friends, was not accessible to Mr. Freeman when he compiled his ' Kentish Poets,' and has since become so rare that it is only found in the cabinets of the curious. A reprint cf the ' Musarum Delici^,' together with several other kindred pieces of the period, appeared in 1817, forming two volumes of Facetiae, edited by Mr. E. Dubois, author of ' The Wreath,' etc. These volumes having in turn be- come exceedingly scarce, the Publishers venture to put forth the present new edition, in which, while nothing has been omitted, no pains have been spared to render it more complete and elegant than any that has yet appeared. The type, plates, and woodcuts of the originals have been accurately followed ; the Notes of the editor of 1817 are considerably augmented, and indexes have been added, together with a portrait of Sir John Mennis, from a paint- ing by Vandyke in Lord Clarendon's Collection." 130 725 Meuian, Matthew. Neuwe Ai-ohontologia Cosmica. A se- ries of nearly 100 (92) very clever and interesting old engravings and maps, being V^iews of Cities, Towns, Villages and Old Buildings, ifec, by Merian. All care- fully mounted on lieavy paper. Oblong folio, half mo- rocco. Frankfort, n. d. (Circa 1642). »*^ Among the views Is a very fine panoramic view of London 28x8 inches, showing Old Loudon Bridge, with the Swan and Benr Oarden in the foreground. 72., 1872 823 Pine, Cuyleu. Eoce Femina ; or, The Woman Zoe. 12mo new cloth. New York, 1875 824 Planch^, J. E,. (Somerset Herald). Cyclopedia op CoS' TUME ; or, A Dictionary of Dress — Regal, Ecclesiastical Civil, and Military — from the Earliest Period in England to the reign of George the Third, including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent. Profusely Ulustrated hy fourteen full-page colored plates, some height- ened with gold, and many hundred others throughout the text, ito, full morocco, extra, very elegant. London, Chatto. ^*f, Handsome copy. "There is no subject connected with dress with which 'Somerset Herald ' is not as" familiar as ordinary men are with the ordinary themes of everyday Ufe. The gathered knowledge of many years is placed before the world in this his latest work, and there will exist no other work on the subject half so valuable. The numerous illustrations are all effective — for their accuracy the author is re- sponsible : they are well drawn and well engraved, and, while in- dispensable to a proper comprehension of the text, are satisfactory as works of art." — Art Journal. 825 Plaxoh^, J. R. (Somerset Herald), Recollections and Re- flections of; A Professional Autobiography. Portrait. 2 vols. Illustrated with upwards of Fifty additional Portraits and Plates, facsimiles, &c. 2 vols. Sfo, handsomely bound in polished calf, extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Tinsley, 1872. " Two goodly volumes, full of amusing and often instructive gossip. And if no one can gossip more pleasantly, certainly few have a better right to gossip than Mr. J. R. Planohe, who, if he has not exactly led a life of adventure, has experienced much and known many persons about which and whom it is difficult to talk without affording entertainment to a large class of readers." 826 Plato. Works. Translated by Cary and Surges. 6 vols. post 8vo, new cloth. London, B. cb D., 1872. 827 Plato, Summary and Analogies of the Dialogues of, by Alfred Day. Post 8vo, cloth. London, B. & D., 1870. 10 146 828 Playing-Oards. A Curious and Unique Collection of Cut- tings, Treatises, Caricatures, Facsimiles, Portraits, &c., ifec, on Playing-Cards. Upwards of one hundred and twenty specimens, all carefully mounted within ruled borders. Roy. 4to, dark blue morocco, extra, full gilt. V. D. ^*^ Avery desirable acquisition to any one interested in the study of the subject ; or would form a g-ood nucleus for illustrating the works of Singer or Chatto, on the History of Playing-Cards. It includes Portrait and Autograph Letter of S. W. Singer. 829 Plays. Daly, Aug. Under the Gaslight ; a Totally Origi- nal and Picturesque Drama of Life and Love in these Times. Printed for the author. New York, 1867. Griffith Gaunt ; or, Jealousy, 5 Acts, by Aug. Daly. 12mo. New York, 1868. Legend of "Norwood," or Village Life in New England, 4 Acts, by Aug. Daly. Printed for the author. New York, 1867. 3 plays in one vol. 8vo, hf. morocco, gilt. New York, 1867, i&o. ^*^ Interleaved throughout with blank paper. 830 Pliny. Natural History. Translated. Edited by Riley. 6 vols, post 8vo, new cloth. London, Pohn, 1855, ie. 831. Plutarch's Lives. Translated from the Original Greek; with Notes Critical and Historical, and a new Life of Plutarch, by J. and W Langhorne. 6 vols. 12mo, new hf. vellum, gilt top, uncut edges. London, Tegg, 1826. .,,.*^. The beautiful Chiswick Edition, with vignettes on wood, after Thurston's designs. 832 PoE, Edgar Allan. Works, including the choicest of his Critical Essays, with a study on his Life and Writings from the French of Charles Baudelaire. Portraits. Thick post 8vo, new cloth. London, Hotten, n. d. 833 PoE, Edgar Allan. Works, with Biographical Sketch by J. R. Lowell. 4 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth. New York, Widdleton, 1867. 834 Poetry and Poets ; being a collection of the Choicest Anec- dotes relative to the Poets of every age and nation, by R. Ryan. Illustrated. Three vols. 12mo, hf. cf., gilt. London, 1830. 147 835 PoLONius. A Collection of Wise Saws and Modern Instances. Sq. 12mo, clotli. London, Picherimg, 18o2. " Few books are duller than books of aphorisms and apophthegms. A Jest-book is, proverbially, no joke ; a Wit-book, perhaps, worse ; but dullest of all, probably, is the Moral-book, which this little vol- ume pretends to be." — Extraotfrcn Preface. 836 Porter, Jane. The Scottish Chiefs. Revised, Corrected and Illustrated with a new Retrospective Introduction and Notes by the author. Handsomely illustrated with en- gravings from designs hij Harvey. Thick 8vo, hf. cf., neat, yellow edges. London, ~Virtue (184-i). 837 Portfolio (The). An Artistic Periodical, edited by Philip Gilbert Hamerton, from its commencement, in 1870, to 1875, inch, with many hundred fine illustrations, consist- ing princii)al]y of Etchings by the most celebrated Etchers, French, German, and English. G vols, folio, half green morocco, gilt. London, Seeley, -Tacleson, 1870-'75. " Of the Portfolio altogether it is to be said, that not only is it the first periodioal in the English language devoted to fine art, but that it leads aU others by a very great distance., whatever the second and third of such publications may be taken to be." — The Nation. " It is characteristic of this publication that its articles are original studies of the subjects treated of, carefully and philosophically handled, and not, as has hitherto been the case in many English periodicals devoted to art topics, a mere reflection of the prevalent tastes and trading interests of the times. The Pon-tf olio's especial claim to notice, however, is the excellence of its art illustrations. These are from the best etchers and designers, and number, besides original compositions, reproductions of some of the choicest and least accessible works of the old masters. The corps of etchers includes such celebrities as Rajon, Jules Jacquemart, tJnger, Flameng, Karl Bodmer, Le Eat, Appian, &c."— iV. T. Ehiening Post. 838 Portfolio for Large Prints. An Elephant folio volume, composed of heavy sheets of cartridge paper ; size, 24x33 inches, carefully bound and guarded. Half smooth morocco. ^*, Invaluable to a Dealer or Collector of prints. 839 Portraits: Hommes et Femmes Illustres de France. A series of liOfne portraits, with scenes illustrating theprin- 148 cijml events in their lives, all beautifully colm-ed hy hand. 2 vols, royal 4to, eld green morocco, gilt. Paris, chez JBlin, n. d. *j. A very interesting series ; worthy the attention of collectors and others. PoRTKAiTS of Female Characters of Waverley Novels. See Scott. 841 Power, John. A Handy-Book about Books, for Book-Lov- ers, Book-Buyers, and Book-Sellers. Numerous facsim- iles. 8vo, fancy boards. London, 1870. ^*^ Out of print. 842 Power, Tyrone. Impressions of America during the years 183.3, '34, and 1835. Frontispieces. 2 vols, in one, thick 8vo, half morocco, extra. Londou, Jientlei/, 1836. 843 Praed, Winthrop Mackwobth. Poems, with memoir by the Rev. Derwent Coleridge. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, Widdleton, 1865. 844 Praise of Hell ; or, a Discovery of the Infernal World, de- scribing the Advantages of the Place, with regard to its Situation, Antiquity, and Duration, with a particular account of its Inhabitants, their Dresses, Customs, Man- ners, Occupations, and Diversions. In which are inclu- ded the Laws, Constitution, and Government of Hell, ifcc. Translated from the French. Front. 12mo, old calf, neat. London, n. d. ^*^ Very curious. 845 PRESCOTT, William HicKLiNG. HISTORICAL WORKS. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, with Por- traits, Maps, Plates, etc. 3 vols. Boston, 1855. History OF THE Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, with Portraits. 3 vols. Boston, 1856. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with the life of the Conqueror, Fernando Cortez, and a view of the ancient Mexican civilization, with Por- traits and Maps. 3 vols. Phila., 1868. History of the Conquest of Peru, witli a preliminary view of the civ- ilization of the Incas, with Portraits, Maps, etc. 2 vols. Phila., 186.'). Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 149 1 vol. Phila., 1865. History of the Reign of Chas. V. (Robertson). 3 vols. Boston, 1857, and Ticknor's Life of Prescott, 1 vol. Boston, 1864. Together 16 vols. 8w, uniformly bon)id in half calf, extra, viarb. edges. Boston and Phila., 18i5-'65. #** Lahge Ttpb. Library Editiok. 846 PEivosT, M. L'Abb£. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. Illustrated Edition, with numer- oits beautiful vignettes from designs by Tony Johannot. Many india inyjressions. Also, La Peau de Chagrin, par Balzac. Beautifully illustrated with woodcuts. 2 vols, in one, imp. 8vo, half morocco, neat. Paris, 1838, &c. 847 Proctor, B. W. (« Barry Cornwall.") Charles Lamb. A Memoir. Vignette on title. 12mo, new cloth. Boston, 1866. 848 Professional Anecdotes, or Ana of Medical Literature (by Ryan). Portraits, 160 899 Sangster, Wiliiam. Umbrellas and their History. Illv,8- trated. Sq. 12mo, cloth. London, n. d. 900 Sanson, Henri. Memoirs of the Sanson Family. Compiled from Private Documents in the possession of the Family (1688 to 1847). Translated from the French, with an introduction by Camille BarrSire. 2 vols, post 8vo' cloth. London, Chatto, 1876. ^*» Seven G-enekations of Executioners. "A faithful translation of this curious work, which will certainly re- pay perusal, not on the ground of its being full of horrors — for the original author seems to be rather ashamed of the technical aspect- of his profession, and is commendably reticent as to its details — but because it contains a lucid account of the most notable causes celebres from the time of Louis XIV. to a period within the memory of persons still Uving. . , . The Memoirs, if not particu- larly instructive, can scarcely fail to be extremely entertaining." — Daily Telegra/ph. " A book of great though somewhat ghastly interest. . . . Some- thing much above a mere chapter of horrors." — Oraphic. 901 Sarcey, Francisque. Paris during the Siege. Translated from the French. 12mo, cloth. London, C. <& S., 1871. 902 Satirist (The) ; or, Monthly Meteor, from its commencement in October, 1807, to December 1st, 1810, inc. A Icvrge se- ries of Caricature plates in color, dx. 7 vols. 8vo, hf. cf. London, SamH Ti2Dper, 1808-10. This scurrilous journal was edited by W. Jerdau, better known as the editor of the Literary Gazette. 903 Saunders, Fred'k. Salad for the Solitary and the Social, by an Epicure. Redressed and Compounded with sundry additional esculents, succulents, and condiments. Illus- trated with 52 designs by Americaii Artists. Thick 8vo, new cloth. jSTew York, 1872. 904 Savage-Club Papers. Edited by Andrew Alliday, hand- somely printed on toned paper, and profusely illustrated. Post 8vo, new cloth, gilt. London, Tinsley, 1867. ,*, Includes: Tales and Sketches, by J. R. Planohe, Jas. Hannay, Walter Thornbury, T. W. Robertson, H. J. Byi-on, E. L. Blanchard, Tom Hood, Artemus Ward, W. S. Scott, Arthur Sketchley, John Oxenford, J. C. Brough, Arthur Locker, and others. 161 90") Saxe, John G. The Flying Dutchman ; or, The Wrath of Herr Vonstoppelnoze. 16 comic Uliistratirmf:. 12mo, cloth. New York, Carleton, 18()2. 90G ScAKBOROuGH, Wm. A Collection of Chinese Proverbs, trans- lated and arranged, with Introduction, Notes and copious Index. 12mo, cloth. Shanghai, Am. Presbyterian 3/ier23late engravings, portrait, etc. 8vo, pol- ished calf extra, yellow edges. London, 1703. 908 SuHiLLER, Frederick. Works. Comprising Poems, 1 vol. ; Historical, 1 vol.; Histories and Dramas, 2 vols. ; Early Dramas, 1 vol. ; Essays, 1 vol. Portrait, ifec. Together 6 vols. fcap. 8vo, iinifoimly bound in tree-marbled calf extra. London, 1871, &c. »*^ The only uniform English edition. 909 Schiller, Frederick. Correspondence with KiJrner, com- prising Sketches, and Anecdotes of Goethe, the Schlegels, Wieland, and other contemporaries, with Biographical Sketches and Notes by Leonard Simpson. Portrait. .3 vols, post 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. London, BentLey, 1849. 910 Schceluher, Victor. Life of Handel. Portrait. Thick 12mo, cloth. New York, Mason, 1857. 911 Scott, Michael. Tom Cringle's Log. New Edition, with numerous illustrations. Thick 12mo, new cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, Plachwood, 1869., " Two books which we never fail to peruse every year are ' Tom Crin- gle's Log ' and the ' Cruise of the Midge,' in which humor and pathos, the most gorgeous descriptions, and the most thrilling nar- rative, so marvellously intermingle." — London Lit. 11, 1857. 912 SCOTT, Sir Walter. WAVERLEY NOVELS. The Splen- did Abbotsford Edition, wiiS/i 120 highly finished en n 162 gravings on steel and 2,000 fine woodcuts. Earliest iin- pressions: 12 vols, royal 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt to2)s, uncut edges. Edinburgh, 1842. An exceptionally choice copy, bound from the original Dumbers as pub- lished. ^*^ Inserted are several Portraits and a most interesting Atjtogkaph Letter of Scott, dated May 16, 1818, and addressed to Terry, the actor. 3 pp., 4to. 913 Suott, Sir Walter. Demonology and Witchcraft. Illus- trated with six full-page engravings on steel, by Geo. Crcikshank. 12mo, cloth. London, Tegg, 1868. ^** Editions with the plates were issued in 1830 and 1835. 914 Scott, Sir Walter, Lives of the Novelists, with Notes. 12mo, new cloth. New York, 1872. 915 Scott, Sir Walter. Portraits of the Principal Female Characters in the Waverley Novels. 40 finely engraved portraits after Leslie, Chalon, Stump, Cattermole, Land- seer, Fielding, Roberts, &c. Roy. 8vo, half red morocco. London, Tilt, 1834. 916 Scribner's Monthly. An Illustrated Magazine for the Peo- ple, conducted by J. G. Holland. Complete from its commencement in May, 1871, to April, 1877, inclusive. /Several thousand choice illustrations on wood. 12 thick vols. 8vo, uniform in half brown morocco, neat. New York, 1871-77. 917 Serviez, M. de. Roman Empresses ; or the Lives and Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the Twelve Csesars. Translated by Molesworth. 3 vols, post 8vo, calf. /Scarce. Dublin, 1752. 918 Seton, George. Gossip about Letters and Letter- Writers. 12mo, new cloth. Edinburgh, 1870. 919 Shaftesbury's Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, and Times. Baskerville's Fine Edition, printed in large and beautiful type, with portrait and vignettes, by Grignon. 3 vols, royal 9iV0, elegantly bound in smooth claret-colored morocco, gilt. Roger Payne style. Birmingham, 1776. ^*, Handsome copy. 163 920 Shah of Peksia, Diary of, during his Tour Throughout Europe in 1873, by J. W. Redhonse. A verbatim trans- lation, illuminated title and portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, Jfurrai/, 1874. ' On the whole a more interesting book can hardly be imagined. " 921 Shakespeare. The First Edition of Mr. William Shakes- peare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the True Original Copies. London. Printed by Isaac Iaggard and Ed. Blount. 162.3. An exact REPRODUCTION of the extremely rare original, in redxioed facsimile by a photographic process. Post 8vo, sheep. London, C'hatto, 1870. "A complete facsimile of the celebrated First PoUo edition of 1623. Being in a reduced form, the type is necessarily rather diminutive, but it is as distinct as in a genuine copy of the original, and will be found to be as useful and far more handy to the student." — Athe- ncBum. 922 SHAKESPEAKE'S DRAMATIC WORKS, Poems, Doubt- ful Plays, and Biography. Chas. Knight's Pictorial Edition, with the most remarkably brilliant impressions of the many hundred beautiful engravings on wood, of Views, Costumes, Old Buildings, A.ntiquities, Portraits, cfcc, cbo. 8 vols. I'oyal 8vo. Houtledge, 1867. A Collection of the Vocal Music in Shakespeare's Plays, including the whole of the Songs, Duets, Glees, Choruses, &c., from the collection of W. Ketchner, M.D., &c. Royal 8vo. Extended from Nine to Forty-pour Volumes, and Illus- trated with upwards o/ THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED plates on steel, copper, and wood, by the best engravers, comprehending every variety of illustration. Portraits of Historical Personages mentioned in the Plays; JEditors and Commentators of the text j Actors and A-ctresses in Shakespearian Hdles / a large selection of the various jportraits of Shakespeare j Topograp)hical and Picturesque Views, Architectural and other Antiqui- tiesij Plans, Facsimiles of various kinds / Costume, Arms, and Armor, JIusic ; together with an immense assemblage of the best work of English and foreign c^fj.^ ;^i/^ 16i artists who have r/iveii special attention to the grapliic ilelineation of Shakespeare'' s Works. Together 44 vols, royal 8vo, uniformly bound in full CRIMSON MOROCCO EXTRA. INSIDE BORDERS, GILT TOPS, UNc.'UT, CONTENTS LETTERED hi/ -f. Wi I tstanley , Manchester, Eng. DISTRIBUTION OF THE PLATES. . Richard III 107 , Henry VIII 121 Romeo and Juliet 9T Hamlet 113 Cymbeline 87 Othello S3 Ximon of Athens 58 King Lear 99 M.icbeth 106 Troilus and Crewide 82 Coriolanus S3 Julins Csesar 73 Anthony and Cleopatra. . . 75 PericleB 62 Titua Andronicus 68 Doubtful Plays 59 Poems, Index, &c 34 Biography, vol, 1 73 vol. 11 97 Music, vol. 1 85 vol. II 61 vol. Ill 58 " About five years ago I bought a copy of Mr. Knight's Pictorial Edi- tion, and having studied Shakespeare himself alone for so many years, I thought that I might with indifference read a commentator again. From Mr. Knighfs labors I derived great satisfaction ; his were altogether different comments from those which still fret- ted in my memory. I found that his Shakespeare and mine were the same ; and I read with a new pleasure his remarks upon the different Plays — a pleasure which I need hardly say was repeated and heightened by subsequent acquaintance with the criticisms of Coleridge, Wilson, Schlegel, and Hazlitt. But I learned from him a fact of which my determination had kept me ignorant, or rather, made me forgetful, that the text of Shakespeare before the date of his edition was filled with the alterations and interpo- lations of those very editors whose labors had impressed me so unpleasantly ; and finding that, in some of the few passages which had been obscure to me, the obscurity was of their creating, not of Shakespeare's or even his printers, I instantly began the critical study of the text."— Richard Grant White. I. Two Gentlemen of Verona. 92 Vol. XXIII II. Love's Labour's Lost 82 XXIV. III. MeiTy Wives of Windsor. . . 109 XXV. IV. 77 XXVI. V. Taming of the Shrew 89 XXVII. VI. Midsummer Night's Dream. 100 " XXVIII. VII. 107 82 81 " XXIX. VIIL All's Well, &G ... ' XXX IX. Much Ado About Nothing. . XXXI. X. Twelfth Night 94 " XXXII. XI. AsTouLikelt 121 " XXXIII. XII. Pleasure for Measure 74 " XXXIV. XIII. Winter's Tale 93 XXXV. XIV. 97 " XXXVI. XV. King John 86 " XXXVTT. XVI. King Richard II 98 " XXXVTTT XVII. King Henry IV., part I 89 " XXXIX. XVIII. " " part II.... 85 XL. XIX. " " V 99 XLL XX. " VI., part I 73 XLII. XXL " part II ... 89 XLIII. XXfl. " part III.. 69 " XLIV. 165 923 Shakespeare's Plays; with his Life, lllustrdtpjl vnil, many hundreil woodcuts, after Kenny ]\lKo, new cloth gilt. London, Jlellgious Tract Society, 1877. 171 960 SPENCE, Rev. Jois., ANECDOTES, OBSERVATIONS, AND CHARACTERS OF BOOKS AND MEN, Col- lected FROM THE Conversation of Me. Pope and OTHER Eminent Persons. Edited from the Original Papers, with Notes, and a Life of the Author, hy Samuel Weller Singer. Folio. Loiulon, W. H. Carpenter, 1820. Also, Pope Alexander's Supremacy and Infallibility Examined ; and the Errors of Scrihlerus and his Man WiUinia detected. With the Effigies of His Holiness and his Prime Minister curiously engraved on copper. (^1 4to copper-plate, the body of an /jpe, with Pope's effigies on a pedestal, leaning upon, a pile of folios, an ass sup- porting the pedestal on the lower right hitiid, with the yreoito, " Martini ScRiBhEni^' vera PJffigies.) Rare. 4to, pp. 18, and The Martiniad, 4to, pp. vi, 9. Also, Alexanderiana ; or, A Comparison between The JSccle- siastical and Poetical Pope ; with some pieces, inverse and prose, relating to the poet. 8vo, pp. 28.3-344, loith curious satirical front., representing Pope and Swift hold- ing the last vol. of the Miscellanies. Rare. Also, Pope ; his Descent and Family Connections. Facts and conjectures. l2mo, pp. 53. 185(). (The above carefully inlaid to folio, with rules, &c., to match the " Anecdotes.") Largest Paper, only Fifty Copies printed for Illustration. Extended from one to three volumes, folio, by the inser- tion of over Two Hundred and Twenty Portraits and Views, many of which are in proof condition. Engravers'' Proofs, &c. Three Vols, folio, elegantly bound in full crimson gr^s- grained levant, elaborately tooled sides, backs and ijisiJe borders, gilt leaves, by Riviere. ^** A SUPERB copy, particularly noticeable for the judgment and good taste displayed in the illustration. It is not easy to exhibit the general excellence of the illustrations in these superb volumes, by particularizing certain specimens ; for in, 172 noticing a few, it is at the risk of neglecting others quite as valu- able. Attention may, however, be called to the following : Forty dipfbrbnt portraits of Pope, including the Vertue port. , fol., a folio mezzotint, profile to left, by Faber, 1738, after Knel- ler, fine ; the Jervas portrait by Eobinson, Proofs, in two states ; a curious mezzotint, by J. Bowles, fine ; and others in various proof states. Stephen Duck, by Bickham, 8vo ; John Dormer, Esq. , fol. mezzotint, by Faber, 1733 ; Richard Mead, 4to mezzotint, by Houston after Ramsay ; Wm. Kent, fol. Proof; Vertue's series of Poets, in folio, all choice impressions ; S. Garth, fol. mezzotint, fine ; Wm. Wycherly, fol. mezzotint, by Smith ; Sir Jno. Suckling, fol. , by Vertue ; Ben Jonson, mezzotint, 4to ; "John, Earl op Rochester, aged 33 years," the Earl seated at table, with pipe in left hand, and ^ ELL GwYNNB at the opposite side of table, to ex- treme left ; G. De Vols, Luyd. pinxit. Is. Beckett /c./ S. Lyne exec. " Pecoatum Originale "—(Motto)— " This was She, That First Pluck' d Fruit from the Forbidden Tree; " Satyi' on M^oman, fol. mezzotint, 13|x9f, VERY pine and rare. — W. Congreve, fol. mez- zotint ; Corneille, unlettered proof (Knight) ; Gay, John. Deceptu Visus, by Geo. Bickham, 4to, fine; Erasmus, unlettered proof; Duchess of Cleveland, oval mezzotint ; Milton, by Quinton, 4to, stipple ; Fenflon, unlettered proof ; Bossuet, by Bdelinck ; Samuel Clarke, fol. , by Vertue, ■eery fine; Sir Isaac Newton, fol. mezzotint, fine; Sir Jno. Vanbrugh, mezzotint ; Barton Booth, by Vander Gucht; Richard Steel, mezzotint; Johannes Tillotson, after Lely, fol . ; Ed. Halley, by Faber, fol. mezzotint ; P. Rycaut, by White, after Lely, fine ; Duke of Buckingham, fol. mezzotint, very fine ; Shakespeare, mezzotint, after the Bust, 4to ; Ariosto, mezzo- tint, fol., J. Phillips, original drawing in India ink ; James I., by Smith, fol. mezzotint ; Port, and Autograph of John, 4th Duke of Argyle ; Thos., Lord Marquis of Wharton, fol. mezzotint ; Chas., Duke of Shrewsbury, fol. mezzotint ; Godfrey Kneller, fol., very fine ; Hobbes (Knight), unlettered proof ; Carlo Maratti, by Gecia- boni, fol. ; Earl Granville, fol., by T. Major ; Sir Chris. Wren, fol.; Carendon, 4to, by Picart ; Charles I., fol., by Lommelin ; Dr. John- son, fol., by Heath ; L'Estrange, fol. , by R. White ; Handel by Barto- lozzi ; Edw. Harley, by Vertue, fol. , very fine ; Duchess of Marl- borough, fol. mezzotint, J. Smith, j?;ie; Sir W. Wyndham, fol., by Houbraken ; Jno. Gay, oval fol., after Zincke, by Wm. Smith, very fine. Also a large number of plates from the Folio Edition of Lodge's Portraits. Numerous others, unlettered proofs from Knight's series. Nearly 30 choice impressions from the original Kit-Cat Club, in mezzotint, by Faber, 1735, &c., &c. " At length, after a tedious retention of one possessor, and, as we now find, a concealment by another, appear the ' Anecdotes of Spence ;' 173 an authentic collection whicli has hitherto remained unpublished^ but not unreferred to, during the many j'ears in which it has en- joyed a sort of paradoxical existence. " The history ol books is often curious, but that of the present is mys- terious ; and the mystery originates in the nature of the work it- self, which was wished to be, and not to be, suppressed. The late Duke of Newcastle was supposed, till Mr. Singer's volume appeared, to be sole possessor of the manuscript ; and his Grace having liber- ally submitted the volume to Dr. Johnson for public use, when it became a disideratum among the lovers of literary history, it was suddenly announced as a sealed book. Mr. Malone, however, was afterwards allowed to rifle it for his own purposes, and some im- perfect transcripts, or capricious selections, crept abroad from time to time. " The close of the history of this publication seems as mysterious as its progress ; for, after contending with the obstructions of half a century, TWO editions appeared on the same day ! Mr. Singer, the only person who could elucidate the matter, has not informed us how he himself obtained the manuscript, and we can only supply the vacuum by the report which has reached us. Spence, who was known to have been engaged during many years in the design of his work, had prepared it for posthumous publication, and condi- tionally sold it to Dodsley ; but his executors, among whom was his old friend Bp. Lowth, uniting with his patron. Lord Lincoln, afterwards Duke of Newcastle, prevailed on the bookseller to re- linquish his claim, as the time, it was alleged, had not yet ar- rived when the anecdotes could be safely published. Joseph Whar- ton formerly told us that ' these anecdotes were sealed up and de- livered into the hands of the late Duke of Newcastle;' and this manuscript was long appreciated as unique. It now appears that it was no such precious thing, but a transcript of 'pert of the Anecdotes which had been prepared for the press ; the originals of which, with valuable supplements, were deposited in ' a chest with all Spence's manuscript remains.' From this chest (which was in the Lowth family) we have heard that a late speculator in fine edi- tions had the dexterity to extract it, and probably designed it, like the Arabian Nights, for some splendid publication adapted to the literary dandyism of Bond street. What means he used we have not heard, and cannot pretend to guess. It was a sacred deposit, and such the late Bishop had always considered it ; for, during this long interval, no one appears to have suspected its existence. How it travelled down to the present publisher might perhaps form an amusing incident in the story. But such is the history of the- Original S2}eiioe.'" 174 961. Spenl'e, Rev. Joseph. Ajieudotes, Observations and Characters op Books and Men, collected from the conversations of Mr. Pope, and other eminent persons of his time. With JSTotes and a Life of the author by Sam- uel Weller Singer. 8vo. Extra Illustkated, containing upwards of Sixty fine Por- traits, many of considerable rarity, and for the most jjart choice impressions, a large number being India Proofs. A thick volume, 8vo, elegantly hound hy W.m. Matthews, in dark blue levant mor. crushed and polished,' with elabo- rately tooled hack, sides and inside borders, gilt top a/nd unciU edges. London, 1820. a,*^, A very choice copy of a charming book. ' ' One of the most entertaining volu.m.ea of Literary Anecdote imagina- ble ; the materials of which furnished Johnson with much of the Biography of Pope and his Contemporaries." — Diedin. 562 Spirit of Seventy-Six ; or, The Coming Woman. A Pro- phetic Drama, &c. 12mo, cloth. Boston, Little, Jirown, 1871. A. Unique 'Work of Art. 563 SPOONER, Sherjashdb, a BIOGRAPHICAL History op THE FINE ARTS ; or, Memoirs of the Lives and Works of Eminent Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects. From the earliest ages to the present time. Alphabetically arranged, and condensed from the best authorities, in- cluding the works of Vasari, Lanzi, Kugler, Dr. "Waagen, Bryan, Pilkington, Walpole, Sir Charles Eastlake, and Mrs. Jameson. With Chronological Tables of Artists and their Schools, Plates of Monograms, etc. By S. Spooner, M.D. 2 vols. Large Paper. Only 90 copies printed for subscribers. Extended to pour volumes, stout 4to, by the insertion op nearly one thousand engraved Portraits, Land- scapes, Etchings, Drawings, Woodcuts, etc. 4 very thick vols. roy. Uo, half dark morocco gilt, gilt tops. New York, Bouton, 1865. The illustrations in these volumes are of great variety and unusual ex- cellence, being the gleanings of many years by a diligent collector 1^ C O 175 from the London print collections, reinforced by numerous addi- tions of rare plates from the Continent. No prominent subject has been neglected, while of many there are various illustrations. The variety of design such a work admits of is very great, per- mitting not only portraits of the artists, but exhibitions of their works and specimens of engravers and peculiar styles of art. All of these various sources of interest have been provided for in these richly decorated volumes. They have been prepared in Loudon with great care, are all tastefully and carefully inlaid when necessary, and exhibit, as a whole, a comprehensive view of the fine arts, embracing different countries and eras, from the re- vival of painting to the present day. The cost of the preparation of such a work can be properly estimated only by those who have made similar attempts at illustration. In this country it would be impossible to procure the engravings, but wherever procured, the expense in the destruction of costly works and long-continued search must be very great. The work as perfected invites careful examination, and will well repay the attention of students of the art. Sporting Novels. See Surtees. 964 Steele, Richard, and Addison, Joseph. History, Opinions, and Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq., from the Tatler, with Introduction and ISTotes by H. R. Mont- gomery. Illustrated with photographs after Stothard, Westall, Singleton, Sc. 12 mo (post 8vo), bhie calf extra. London, Longmans, 1861. 965 Steinmetz, Andrew. The Novitiate; or, The Jesuit in Training, being a year's residence among the English Jesuits. A personal narrative. Portrait. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, Smith, Elder, 1847. This work is in reality an autobiography, the author, though a self- confessed Protestant, was for a time considered "a Jesuit in disguise." 966 Stephens, F. C. A Collection of Celebrated Flemish and French Pictures. With Notes concerning the Painters and their works. Imp. 8vo, cloth extra, bevelled hoards, gilt side and edges. London, 1875. This volume contains 24 McMnga hj famous modem French engravers, taken from the well-known pictures, most of which are in the private galleries of amateurs distinguished by their love of art. 176 967 Sterne, Laukenue. Woi-Ivh, with life of the authoi' written b_y himself. Portrait and engraved title. Thick 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. London, JBohn, 1854. Sterne, Laurence, Life of. See Fitzgerald. 968 Stevens, Geo. Alex. A Lecture on Heads, with additions, by Mr. Pilon, as delivered by Chas. Lee Lewes, to which is added an Essay on Satire, with 47 heads after Thurston. 12uio, half calf, gilt. London, Trade, \S\2. ^*^, Geo. A. Stevens, actor and dramatist, was born in Loudon, 1720. He published several poems and dramatic pieces, and in 1763 gave to the public some entertainment at the expense of his friends, Shuter and Nancy Dawson, in the Dramatic IJintory of Master Edward and Mrs. Ann, &c. For Shuter, he composed the first sketch of his '^Lecture on Heads." For some reason it was at first scarcely noticed. He however enlarged his plan, and having fur- nished himself with apparatus, he went into the country and repeated his Lecture with great success in Great Britain, Ireland and America, by which he secured himself in affluence during his life. The first genuine edition in print appeared at Oxford in 1773, the Lecture was afterwards sold to Chas. Lee Lewes. Stevens died in 1784. 909 [Stevens, Geo. Alex. J The Dramatic History of Master Edward [Shutter], Miss Ann [Nancy Dawson], Mrs. Llwhuddwhydd,and others. The extraordinaries of these Times, collected from Zaphaniel's Original Papers. Front. and curious copperplate illustrations. 12mo, sprinkled Q-Ai extra, yellow edges. London, T. Waller, 1743. »*^ Fine copy ; of the original edition. Lowndes states that "Miss Ann" was intended for Miss Catley, whereas Isaac Reed, in his edition of the Biographia Dramatica, gives that of Nancy Dawson, Lowndes also gives the date of the work as 1786, making no mention of this edition. 97(1 Stigand, W.-m. The Life Work and Opinions of Heinrich Heine. Portrait. 2 thick vols. 8vo, new cloth (pub'd at £1 8s.). London, Jjongmans, 187.5. 971 Storbr, James. Cathedrals of Great Britain, History and Antiquities of, with 256 highly finished engravings, ex- tremely accurate in the architectural details. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1814, etc. 177 97i' Story of Nell Gwyx; and the Sayings of Charles the Second, related and collected by Peter Cunningham. Woodcuts. Post 8vo. Extra Illustrated. JUighty fine and scarce portraits in- serted, all choice impressions, and, where necessary, very neatly inlaid. Thick post 8vo, handsomely bound in sprinkled calf extra, yellow edges. London, Bradhury & Evans, 1852. **, Fine copy. The story was originally published in "The Gentle- man's Magazine " for the year 1851. The above is corrected and enlarged with much additional matter. See also Cunningham. 973 Storv, William Wetmore. Graffiti D'ltalia. Handsomely printed. Fcap. 8vo, new cloth. Edinburgh, BlachvMod, 1868. 974 Story, W. W. Nero, an Historic Play. Handsomely printed on toned paper. Fcap. 8vo, new cloth. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1875. »*^ Uniform with the preceding lot. 975 STOTHARD, Thojias, WORKS. A very choice collection of Two Hundred and Twexty-four Engraved Plates ; after designs by Stothard, embracing much of his best work as a book illustrator, with numerous examples of his larger plates. All choice impressions, neatly mounted and arranged in one roy. folio volume, half bound in mo- rocco, gilt. London, v. d. ^*^ Prom the coUection.of William Boyne, Esq. Among the contents will be noted the following : Portrait of Thos. Stothard after Harlow, by Worthington, proof on India, before a3 letters. Another Portrait from the Dance collection. Illustrations to Bunyan, large series, by Strutt, 16 pi., 1788-'93. The Resurreo. tion, engraved by Sturt. Boadicea, open letter on India, engraved by W. Sharp, 1812. Illustrations to Hume's Eng., Bowyer, Ed., Illustrations to Sterne, G pi. John Gilpin, engraved by Worthing- ton, open letter impression. Heath's Shakespeare, 5 pi.; Spenser, 12 pi. ; Paradise Lost, 5 pi. Portrait of Mrs. Farren, Abingdon Siddons, Billington, &o. , in character, Telemachus, Robinson Crusoe, &c., &c., with a careful selection from the series published in Harrison's Magaziue. Stothard, who has been termed " the English Raphael," left, in more 12 178 than a thousand engraved designs, enduring witnesses of his ex- quisite taste and purity in the delineations of angelic and female forms, heroic manhood, and particularly all that is engaging and attractive in the scenes of domestic life. His vporks exhibit the imagination and the affections in their finest display, associated vrith the highest gusto of art. They have consequently been in great demand, and have become, in their best state, exceedingly rare. The present collection exhibits them in their excellence, being several hundred in number. His genius, for a series of years, gave employment to, and called forth the powers of, the best school of English engravers, from Blake, Bartolozzi, and Sharpe, to Warren and Heath. There was scarcely a classic English author whose works he did not at some time illustrate. Chaucer, Spen- ser, Milton, Dryden, Pope, Richardson, Sterne, De Foe, Fieldins", and the other novelists; the Spectator, the Dramatists, with a host of minor authors, gave employment to his pencil during a long career of half a century of active exertion, during which his pow- ers suffered no decline. Stothabd, Thos., Life of. See Bray. 976 Strabo. Geography, translated by Falconer aud Hamilton. 3 vol. post 8vo, new cloth. London, JBohn, 1854. 977 Strauss, Joan. La Reine Indigo. Opera-Bouife en trois Acfces. Pai'oles de MM. Jaime at Wilder. Musical score. Impl. Bvo, half green morocco, gilt. Paris, JTengel, n. d. 978 Strolbrs. Some Considerations on the Establishment of the French Strolers, the Behaviour of their Bully-Champions, and other Seasonable Matters at this Critical Juncture. Humbly addressed to the Public in General, but, partic- ularly to the Inhabitants of Westminster. 8vo, pp. 25, half calf, neat. London, R. Freeman (1749 ?). ^,*,i, With the book-plate of Charles Mathews, comedian. 979 STRUTT, Joseph. A Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England from the Establish- ment of the Saxons in Britain to the Present Time. Il- lustrated by engravings taken from the most Authentic Remains of Antiquity. With an Introduction, contain- ing a general Description of the Ancient Habits in Use among Mankind, from the Earliest Period of Time to the conclusion of the Seventh Century. A new and improved 179 edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes by J. R. Plaucb6, Esq., F.S.A. 153 plates, all beautifully uol- ORED. 2 vols, royal ito, half olive morocco extra, gilt tops, edges uncut. London, 1842. 980 Suetonius. Lives of the Twelve Cnesars. Translated by Thomson, &c. Post 8vo, cloth. London, JB. & D., 1872. 981 [SuRTEES, R. S.] Sporting Novels. A complete set, com- prising : Sponge's Sporting Tour ; Plain or Ringlets ; Ask Mamma; Handley Cross ; Facey Romford's Hounds. Illustrated with the celebrated series of colored etchings and woodcuts hy John IjEEOH. 5 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half crimson calf, gilt. London, l