THE GIFT OF ^ ../^.,.i'.i.i=f..n.<^ -2-A/i 7673-1 Cornell University Library Z8215 .T75 Chronological list of English translatio ill olin 3 1924 029 642 430 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. t^cy &^t fjt , TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DANTE SOCIETY (CAMBRIDGE, MASS.) 1905 ACCOMPANYING PAPER A Chronological List of English Translations from Dante, FROM Chaucer to the Present Day By Paget Toynbee BOSTON GINN & COMPANY (FOR THE DANTE SOCIETY) 1906 TWENTY- FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DANTE SOCIETY (CAMBRIDGE, MASS.) 1905 ACCOMPANYING PAPER A Chronological List of English Translations from Dante, FROM Chaucer to the Present Day By Paget Toynbee BOSTON GINN & COMPANY (FOR THE DANTE SOCIETY) 190^ -^ , -2, \\ <=\ 1 O Copyright, igo6 By the DANTE SOCIETY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED GINN & COMPANY • PRO- PRIETORS • BOSTON . U.S.A. OFFICERS FOR 1904-1905 CHARLES ELIOT NORTON i©ice }9tepit)ent EDWARD STEVENS SHELDON maembcts of tbe Council MISS MARY AUGUSTA SCOTT CHARLES ALLEN DINSMORE ALAIN CAMPBELL WHITE liibtacian WILLIAM COOLIDGE LANE Cambridge, Mass. ^eccetatp anb (STtcaiSucec FRED NORRIS ROBINSON Catfibridgef Mass. OFFICERS FOR 1905-1906 j9r0|siBent CHARLES ELIOT NORTON J5ice ^Kisibent EDWARD STEVENS SHELDON JBaembets of tbe ^Touncil MISS MARY AUGUSTA SCOTT ALAIN CAMPBELL WHITE WILLIAM ROSCOE 'THAYER Sibcarian WILLIAM COOLIDGE LANE Cambridge, Mass. ^tvciXxxn anti (STccajSuwr FRED NORRIS ROBINSON Cambridge, IMass. LIST OF MEMBERS HONORARY MEMBERS Elected *Adolfo Bartoli 1889 GiosuE Carducci 1889 Alessandro D'Ancona 1895 IsiDORO Del Lungo 1905 Francesco D'Ovidio 1903 Edward Moore 1889 *Theodor Paur 1889 Pio Rajna 1896 "■JoHANN Andreas Scartazzini 1889 Paget Toynbee 1905 William Warren Vernon 1889 Berthold Wiese 1903 MEMBERS Edwin H. Abbot Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Edwin H. Abbot Cambridge, Mass. ^Phillip S. Abbot Clark Hamilton Abbott New York, N.Y. *William E. Allen Melville B. Anderson Palo Alto, Cal. George A. Armour Princeton, N.J. R. E. Bassett Lawrence, Kans. Mrs. W. C. Bates Newton, Mass. * Deceased Vi LIST OF MEMBERS Thomas D. Bergen Naples, Italy Mrs. Hiram Bingham Cambridge, Mass. JMiss Louisa Blake Worcester, Mass. Lawrence Bond Boston, Mass. G. M. Borden Berkeley, Cal. Mrs. J. J. Borland Boston, Mass. R. Brindisi . Boston, Mass. Francis Bullard Boston, Mass. Le Grand S. Burton Chicago, 111. Mrs. Le Grand S. Burton Chicago, 111. A. J. Butler Weybridge, England George R. Carpenter New York, N.Y. *George W. Childs Gaetano Conte Boston, Mass. Archibald Gary Coolidge .... Cambridge, Mass. *Mrs. C. R. Corson Miss Grace Ashton Crosby .... Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. C. L. Cunningham . . . . . . Milton, Mass. *George William Curtis Mrs. Lydia W. Day Boston, Mass. Mrs. Wirt Dexter Boston, Mass. C. A. Dinsmore Boston, Mass. R. E. N. Dodge Madison, Wis. *Edmund Dwight Theodore F. Dwight Boston, Mass. A. M. Elliott Baltimore, Md. J. C. Fales Danville, Ky. E. a. Fay Washington, D.C. Miss C. Fej^rvary Hungary George H. Fisher . Philadelphia, Pa. *Willard Fiske * Deceased LIST OF MEMBERS J. B. Fletcher New York, N.Y. J. D. M. Ford Cambridge, Mass. Abbott Foster New York, N.Y. B. A. G. Fuller Cambridge, Mass. O. Gaetano Boston, Mass. Edwin B. Gager Derby, Conn. Mrs. John L. Gardner Boston, Mass. William Amory Gardner Groton, Mass. J. Geddes, Jr Boston, Mass. Miss Julia George . San Francisco, Cal. *James Gilmore John M. Gitterman New York, N.Y. C. H. Grandgent Pambridge, Mass. Edward H. Griggs Montclair, N.J. W. T. Harris Washington, D.C. A. B. Hart Cambridge, Mass. *Mrs. Alfred Hemenway Mrs. Henry L. Higginson ..... Boston, Mass. T. W. Higginson ; . . Cambridge, Mass. E. B. Holden . New York, N.Y. Mrs. J. D. Hooker . Los Angeles, Cal. Miss M. H. Jackson . Wellesley, Mass. Henry Johnson Brunswick, Me. Freeman M. Josselyn, Jr Boston, Mass. Mrs. David P. Kimball Boston, Mass. G. L. KiTTREDGE Cambridge, Mass. P. C. Knapp Boston, Mass. Mrs. p. C. Knapp Boston, Mass. Theodore W. Koch Washington, D.C. William C. Lane Cambridge, Mass. Henry R. Lang New Haven, Conn. * Deceased viii LIST OF MEMBERS Ernest F. Langley . ' Hanover, N.H. Henry C. Lea Philadelphia, Pa. MoRiTZ Levi Ann Arbor, Mich. *Charlton T. Lewis *Henry W. Longfellow- Miss M. T. LouGHLiN Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Edward J. Lowell Boston, Mass. Miss Georgina Lowell Boston, Mass. *James Russell Lowell Arthur R. Marsh Cambridge, Mass. Miss Ellen F. Mason Boston, Mass. F. J. Mather, Jr New York, N.Y. Kenneth McKenzie New Haven, Conn. LuiGi Monti New York, N.Y. Lewis F. Mott New York, N.Y. James J. Myers Cambridge, Mass. B. H. Nash Boston, Mass. Mrs. Charles H. Nettleton .... Derby, Conn. New Bedford Free Public Library . New Bedford, Mass. C. E. Norton Cambridge, Mass. Miss Grace Norton Cambridge, Mass. Austin O'Malley Notre Dame, Ind. Miss Katherine Osborn Binghamton, N.Y. C. G. Page Boston, Mass. *T. \V. Parsons Arthur S. Pease Andover, Mass. ♦Theodore C. Pease Miss Catherine M. Phillimore . . . London, England M. A. Potter Boston, Mass. Adolph Rambeau Roxbury, Mass. E. K. Rand Cambridge, Mass. * Deceased LIST OF MEMBERS ix Mrs. E. K. Rand Cambridge, Mass. Miss Katharine Reed Washington, D.C. *Miss Julia A. de Rham F. N. Robinson Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. F. N. Robinson Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. H^loise Durant Rose .... New York, N.Y. VV. H. RuDDicK Boston, Mass. G. H. Savage Wallingford, Conn. Mrs. Eben G. Scott Wilkesbarre, Pa. Miss Mary Augusta Scott .... Northampton, Mass. Miss Theodora Sedgwick Cambridge, Mass. E. S. Sheldon Cambridge, Mass. Carroll Smyth Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Mary L. Southworth .... Cleveland, Ohio C. Chauncey Stillman New York, N.Y. Clarence Stratton St. Louis, Mo. . T. Russell Sullivan Boston, Mass. G. L. Swiggett Sewanee, Tenn. LuciEN E. Taylor Boston, Mass. William R. Thayer Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. William R. Thayer Cambridge, Mass. Miss Helen E. Thom.pson Northampton, Mass. Samuel Thurber Roxbury, Mass. *Miss Anna E. Ticknor Henry A. Todd New York, N.Y. Miss Florence Traill Dixon Springs, Pa. Marvin R. Vincent New York, N.Y. Mars E. Wagar Cleveland, Ohio *E. L. Walter Raymond Weeks Columbia, Mo. Barrett Wendell Boston, Mass. * Deceased X LIST OF MEMBERS Alain C. White New York, N.Y. R. Radcliffe-Whitehead Woodstock, N.Y. *Mrs. Henry \\'hitiMan Ernest H. Wilkins Amherst, Mass. *JUSTIN WlXSOR John Woodbury Boston, Mass. Francis Wvatt New York, N.Y. Miss Mary V. Young South Hadley, Mass. * Deceased STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS (From May 17, 1904, to May 16, 1905) Balance in the hands of the Treasurer of the Society,May 17, 1904 $716 28 Membership fees till May, 1905 .... 485 00 Subscriptions to the Concordance .... 301 00 Special contribution toward expenses of the Concordance 43 00 Copyrights, etc 40 12 Paid the Treasurer of Harvard College for the increase of the Dante collection . . $150 00 Paid Messrs. Ginn & Company 134 81 Paid for bibliographical work on the Twenty- Third Report 40 00 Paid the Clarendon Press 480 00 Money refunded from sales of Dr. Fay's Concordance 42 00 Postage, printing, etc 20 38 Balance in the hands of the Treasurer, May 16, 1905 718 21 ^1585 40 $1585 40 BY-LAWS 1. This Society shall be called the Dante Society.' Its object shall be the encouragement of the study of the Life and Works of Dante. 2. Any person desirous to become a member of this Society may do so by signifying his or her wish in writing to the Secretary, and by the payment of an annual fee of five dollars. 3. An Annual Meeting for the election of officers shall be held at Cambridge on the third Tuesday of May, of which due notice shall be given to the members by the Secretary. 4. Special meetings may be held at any time appointed by vote of the members at the Annual Meeting, or by call from the President and Secretary. 5. The oificers shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and Treasurer, and a Librarian, who, together with three members thereto chosen, shall form the Council of the Society. All these officers shall be chosen at the Annual Meeting, and their term of service shall be for one year, or until their successors are elected. Vacancies in the Council shall be filled for the remainder of the year by the Council. 6. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice President, or, in the absence of both, any member of the Council, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Council. 7. The Secretary and Treasurer shall keep a record of -the meet- ings of the Society and of the Council, shall collect and receive all dues, and keep accounts of the income and expenditure of the Society, shall give notice of meetings, and shall perform all other duties appropriate to his office. 8. The Council shall hold meetings at such times as it may appoint, shall determine on the use to be made of the income of xiii XIV BY-LAIVS the Society, shall endeavor to promote the special objects of the Society in such ways as may seem most appropriate, and shall make an annual report of their proceedings, including a full statement of accounts, at each Annual Meeting. This report shall be made in print for distribution to the members. 9. No officer of the Society shall be competent to contract debts in the name of the Society, and no expenditure shall be made without a vote of the Council. 10. A majority of the Council shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. 11. Any person distinguished for his interest in the purposes of the Society, or who has rendered it valuable service, may be chosen an Honorary Member at any regular meeting of the Society, and shall be entitled to all its privileges without annual assessment. 12. The preceding rules may be changed at any time by unanimous vote of the Council. THE DANTE PRIZE The Society offers an annual prize of one hundred dollars for the best essay by a student in any department of Harvard University, or by a graduate of not more than three years' standing, on a subject drawn from the life or works of Dante. The competition is open to students and graduates of similar standing of any college or univer- sity in the United States. For the year 1905-1906 the following subjects were proposed : 1. A study of the vocabulary of Dante s Lyrics. 2. The classification of Dante's Miscellaneous Lyrics. J. The influence of Boethius on the Vita Nuova and the Convito. 4. A discussion of the authorship of LI Fiore. J. A study of Dante's influence upon English literature {or upon any single author or period^. For the year 1 906-1 907 the same list is proposed, with the following additional subjects : 1. The relation of Dante's theological doctrines to the present teachings of the Church of Rome. 2. The effect of modern scientific discovery upon Dante's conception of the divine order of the universe. J. The ?nain reasons for the increase of interest in the Divina Com- media during the past fifty years. Essays must be deposited with the Dean of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., on or before the first day of May. Essayists are at liberty to write on any one of the subjects which have been proposed in the years during which the Dante Prize has been offered, or to propose new subjects for the approval of the Council of the Society. xvi THE DAXTE PRIZE On the title-page must be written an assumed name and a state- ment of the writer's standing, i.e., whether he is a graduate or an undergraduate (and of what college or university) ; if he is an under- graduate, to what class he belongs, and to what department of the college or university. Under cover with the essay must be sent a sealed letter containing the true name and address of the writer, and superscribed with his assumed name. The essays must be written upon letter paper, of good quality, of the quarto size, with a margin of not less than one inch at the top, at the bottom, and on each side, so that they may be bound up with- out injury to the writing. The sheets on which the essay is written must be securely stitched together. The judges of the essays are a committee of the Dante Society. In case the judges decide that no essay submitted to them deserves the full prize, they are at liberty to award one or two prizes of fifty dollars, or to award no prize. The Dante Society has the privilege of retaining and depositing in the Dante Collection of the Harvard College Library any or all essays offered in competition for the Dante Prize, whether successful or not. Since its establishment the Dante Prize (in full or in part) has been awarded to the following persons : Heinrich Conrad Bierwirth .... 1887. For an essay entitled Dante's Obligations to the Schoolmen, espe- cially to Thomas Aquinas. George Rice Carpenter .... 1888. For an essay entitled The Ititerpretation and Reconciliation of the Different Accounts of his Experiences after the Death of Beatrice, given by Da7ite in the Vita Nuova and the Com'ito. Charles Sterrett Latham .... 1890. For an essay entitled A Translation into English of Dante's Letters, with Explanatory and Historical Comments. THE DANTE PRIZE xvii Kenneth McKenzie .... 1894. For an essay entitled 7%.? Rise of the Dolce Stil Ntwvo. Jeremiah Denis Matthias Ford .... 1895. For an essay entitled Dante's Influence upon Spanish Literature during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Annette Fiske .... 1897. For an essay entitled Dante's Obligations to Old French and Pro- venfal Lyric Foetry. Arthur Newton Peaslee .... 1900. For an essay entitled A Metrical Rhyming Translation of the Three Canzoni of the Convito. Henry Latimer Seaver .... 190 1. For an essay entitled A Translation of the Canzoni in the Convito. Alain Campbell White .... 1902. The Latham Prize for an essay entitled A Translation of the Quaestio de Aqua et Terra, a?td a Discussion of its Authenticity. Alphonso de Salvio .... 1902. For an essay entitled The Verse Endings in the Divina Comniedia in which Dante has made "li vocaboli direnelle sue rime altro che quello ch' erano appo gli altri dicitori usati di sprimere." Fritz Hagens .... 1903. For an essay entitled A Critical Comment of the De Vulgari Eloquio. ANNUAL REPORT The Dante Society held its twenty-fourth annual meeting at the house of Professor Norton, in Cam- bridge, on Tuesday evening. May i6, 1905. The usual business was transacted and the officers of the pre- vious year reelected, Mr. W. R. Thayer succeeding to the place of the Rev. C. A. Dinsmore on the Council. Professor Grandgent, for the Committee on Honorary Members, reported the nominations of Dr. Paget Toynbee and Signor Isidoro Del Lungo, both of whom were unanimously elected. Professor Sheldon, on behalf of the Committee on the Publication of the Concordances, reported that the Con- cordance of the Minor Italian Works was completed. The Society voted to express to him its grateful acknowl- edgment of the service he had rendered to Dante schol- arship. Shortly after the meeting the Concordance was published and copies were distributed to subscribers. The Society took a number of copies in addition to those subscribed for by individual members, and the Secretary can supply these for the original subscription price of seven dollars, with a slight additional charge for XX AA'XUAL REPORT express. It is understood that they are held to meet the demands of members of the Society and that they are not for general sale. No competitors appeared for the Dante Prize in 1905. Measures were taken during the year by a committee of the Society to make this prize better known to students of American colleges. The Council takes much pleasure in publishing with the present Report "A Chronological List of English Translations from Dante, from Chaucer to the Present Day," by Dr. Paget Toynbee. May 12, igo6 FRED NORRIS ROBINSON Secretary CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE FROM CHAUCER TO THE PRESENT DAY (13 80-1906) BY PAGET TOYNBEE, M.A., D.Litt., Oxon. Novisti forsan et ipse Traxerit ut DANTEM Phoebus per celsa nivosi Cyrrheos, mediosque sinus tacitosque recessus Naturae, coelique vias terraeque marisque, Aonios fontes, Parnasi culmen, et antra Julia, Pariseos dudum, serusque BRITANNOS. {/oan. Boccacchis ad P. Peirarcham) GINN & COMPANY BOSTON • NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES Prefatory Note v-vii Alphabetical Index of Translators with Date of First Translation viii-xi Chronological Table of English Translations of Dante's Several Works and of the Most Popular Selected Passages xii-xvii Table of the Leading Dates in the Chronology of English Translations from Dante xviii-xix Chronological List of English Translations from Dante, FROM Chaucer to the Present Day .... 1-107 Appendix 108-113 PREFATORY NOTE This list has been compiled by me concurrently with the preparation of my work on Dante in English Literature jrom Chaucer to Cary, within the scope of which all translations by English authors, down to 1844 (the date of Gary's death), fall as a matter of course. In order to give as complete a survey as possible I have, for the purposes of this table, extended the terminus ad quern down to the present year (1906), and have included all translations written in the English language, whatever the nationality of the author. Originally I had intended to confine my list strictly to English writers only, but I felt that to exclude such familiar names as those of Longfellow, Lowell, or Norton, for instance, while admitting every English translator, however obscure, would have given the work an air of incompleteness. Longfellow's translation of the Divina Commedia, and Norton's of the Vita Niiova, are at least as famil- iar to most English readers of Dante nowadays as the versions of Cary and of Rossetti. For the names of the less well-known American trans- lators I am chiefly indebted to the various bibhographical publications of Mr. T. W. Koch, the compiler of the admirable Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, my obligations to which will be found recorded repeatedly in the following pages. I have included in my list not only complete translations of Dante's several works, but also selections from any particular work, as well as what may be described as "incidental" translations of isolated passages (sometimes very brief), such as occur in the works of Chaucer, Mil- ton, Coleridge, of Macaulay, Ruskin, Carlyle, and of numerous minor writers. The total number of translators is about two hundred and fifty (of which ten belong to the sixteenth century, five to the seventeenth, sixteen to the eighteenth, and over two hundred to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries), but the total number of entries is, of course, very con- siderably higher, inasmuch as some writers have translated a great num- ber of passages in various years and in various works ; under Chaucer, for example, twenty or more passages are registered, and under Leigh Hunt as many as a hundred, while even this total is exceeded in several cases. The table is strictly chronological, in the order of the dates of com- position (when known), or of publication. The date of any particular yi PREFATORY NOTE translation mav be found without difficulty by means of the Alpha- betical Index oj Translators ,"■ where the date of the frst translation of each author is given — subsequent translations (if any) may be found by means of the cross-references in the foot-notes to the general list. On the list of translators will be found some of the most illustrious names in Enghsh literature, including Chaucer, Milton, Gray, Byron, Coleridge, and Shelley among poets; and Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, Landor, and Macaulay among essayists; three prime ministers are included in the list, viz., Grenville, Lord John Russell, and Gladstone; and two famous bishops (represented by a few lines each), Jeremy Taylor and Stillingfleet. Besides the Alphabetical Index of Translators already mentioned, I ha\-e provided a Table oj the Leading Dates in the Chronology of English Translations from Dante, ^ and a Chronological Table of Eng- lish Translations of Dante's Several Works and of the Most Popular Selected Passages^ which furnish interesting data for the history of Dante in English literature. From the last table it appears that there are twenty-two complete English translations of the Divina Comniedia, besides twenty indepen- dent translations of the Inferno alone, five of the Purgatorio, and one of the Paradiso, making in all fort3--two translations of the Inferno, twenty- seven of the Purgatorio, and twenty-three of the Paradiso. There are eight English translations of the Vila Nuova, four of the Convivio,* three of the Canzoniere, two of the De Monarchia, one of the De Vulgari Eloqiientia, two of the Epistolae, three of the Eclogae, and five (four published within the last eight years) of the Quaestio de Aqua et Terra? Of the Ugolino episode (from Inferno xxxiii), as an independent piece, there are twenty-eight translations, among them being versions by Chaucer, Gray, the two Wartons, Leigh Hunt, and Gladstone. Of the Francesca da Rimini episode (from Inferno v) there are nineteen inde- pendent translations, including versions by Byron, Lord John Russell, and Leigh Hunt. Of the first six lines of the eighth canto of the Purgatorio, the last of which is famous as having inspired the first line of Gray's Elegy, there are ten versions, among the translators being Peacock the novelist, Byron, and Rogers. Finally, of Sonnet xxxii ("Guido, vorrei che tu e Lapo ed io") there are fourteen renderings, one of which (an adaptation) is by Hayley, the first to employ terza rima in an English translation from Dante," and another by Shelley. 1 Pages viii-xi 2 Pages xviii-xix ' Pages xii-xvii. 4 One as yet unpublished (by Dr. Jackson, Rector of Exeter College, Oxford). 5 One as yet unpublished (by Dr. Shadwell, Provost of Oriel College, Oxford). 6 Harington (in 1591) rendered three lines of the Inferno in terza rima, but Hayley (in 1782) was the first who employed this metre in a sustained translation (Inferno i-iii) . PREFATORY NOTE vii This record, covering as it does more than five centuries, consti- tutes a remarkable tribute on the part of the English-speaking races to the transcendent genius of Dante. Not as yet, it seems, need Dante fear di perder viver tra colore Che questo tempo chiameranno antico ! as he expressed it to the spirit of his ancestor Cacciaguida six hundred years ago.' Fama superstes Gentibus extinctum memorat, populumque per omnem Vivet et aeterno referetur laudibus aevo. {Benvenutus Imol. in Dantem) I have aimed at making this list of translations as complete as pos- sible, but in spite of all my researches there are doubtless a number which have escaped my notice, some perhaps in magazines and reviews, others possibly in privately printed volumes. I need hardly say that I shall be glad to have my attention drawn to any errors or omissions, and that I shall be grateful for any information on doubtful points, especially such as may lead to the identification of anonymous or pseu- donymous translators. I should perhaps add, in conclusion, that I propose later to publish a volume of selected specimens from the translations here registered, to which the matter now printed may in some sort serve as an introduc- tion. Paget Toynbee. Fiveways, Burnham, Bucks, England. May, 1906. 1 Par. xvii. iig-20. *»*The line references and the numbering of the poems of the Camoniere in the Table are those of the Oxford Dante (third edition, 1904). Postscript. — A few entries which came under my notice while this list was passing through the press will be found in the Appendix. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TRANSLATORS WITH DATE OF FIRST TRANSLATION^ Anonymous . • • • (1746) Botta, Vincenzo (186s) Anonymous . . . . (1812) Boyd, Henry (1785) Anonymous . . . . (1818) Bromby, Charles Hamilton (1897) Anonymous . . . . (1821) Brooks, Charles Timothy (1858) Anonymous . . . . (1822) Brooksbank, Thomas . (1854) Anonymous . . . . (1826) Browning, John (1826) Anonymous . . . . (1830) Browning, Robert . (1845) Anonymous . . . . (1836) Bunbury, Mrs. F. J. . (1852) Anonymous . . . . (1846) Burney, Charles (1761) Anonymous . . . . (1865) Busk, Rachel Harriette (1890) Anonymous . . . . (1872) Butler, Arthur John . (1880) Anonymous . . . . (1884) Byrne, Samuel . (1889) Anonymous . . . . (1888) Byron, Lord (1891) Anster, John . . . (1896) Arnold, Matthev V . . . (1862) C, G. J. . . . ■ . (1855) Auchmuty, Arthi r Compton (1899) Calvert, George Henry . (1868) Austin, Alfred • • • (190°) Carlisle, Earl of (1773) Carlyle, John Aitken . (1849) Bannerman, Pat rick . . (1850) Carlyle, Thomas (1837) Barker, William . . . (1568) Cary, Henry Francis . (1792) Barlow, Henry ( :iark . . (1864) Cayley, Charles Bagot (1851) Barlowe, Jerome • ■ • (1527) Chapman, Elizabeth Rache (1887) Bayley,' Peter . . . (1821) Chapman, John Jay . (1890) Bent, Hugh . . . . (1862) Chaucer, Geoffrey . (c. 1380) BifE, Cinzia . . . (1890) Church, Frederick John (1879) Bland, Robert . . . (1813) Church, Richard William (185c) Blount, Constan ce . . . (1898) Clark, Mary Bayard . (i860 Boner, Charles . . . (1859) Clark, William . . . (1898) Boswell, Charles Stuart . (1895) Clarke, Sarah Freeman . (1884) 1 Dates of sub sequent translations (if any) may be found by means f the cross- references in the f oot-notes to the general ist. 2 Peter Bayley w rote under the pseudonyn 1 of Giorgione di Castel Chiuso. ANONYMOUS {iy4byjAMES0N {i8g2) IX Coan, Titus Munson . Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Collins, John Churton Cooke, Philip Pendleton Creighton, Mandelj Cross, Richard James . Da Ponte, Lorenzo . Dayman, John . De May, Frances De Peyster, John Watts Desmaizeaux, Pierre Dowe, William . Dugdale, William Stratford Edlmann, Paolina . EUaby, Ernest Ridsdale Farini, Ida . Fearon, David Robert Featherstonhaugh, George William . Federn, Karl Flower, Wickham Fontana, Lia Ford, James Forman, Alfred . Foscolo, Ugo Foxe, John . Frank, Francesco Fry, Sir Edward Furman, Richard (1874) (1817) (1901) (1847) (1873) (1901) (182s) (1843) (1902) (i88s) (173s) (1843) (1883) (1890) (1874) (1890) (1898) (1830) (1902) (1897) (1890) (1865) (1878) (1814) (1570) (1844) (1900) (1859) Gazola, Z. . . Gilder, Richard "Watson Giorgione di Castel Chiuso See Bayley, Peter Gladstone, William Ewart Gray, Francis Calley Gray, Thomas . Greene, J. Reay Greene, Robert . Grenville, Lord . GrifBn, Edward Dort . Griiifith, Sir Samuel Walker Guiney, Louise Imogen (1890) (1887) (183s) (1845) (c. 1737) (1892) (1583) (c. 1820) (1831) (i9°3) (1887) Hall, Spencer . . . (c. Hallam, Arthur Henry . Hallam, Henry . Harington, Sir John Haselfoot, Frederick Kneller Haselfoot Hayley, William Hazlitt, William . . Henderson, Henry F. . Herschel, Sir John Frederick William .... Hewlett, Maurice Henry Hillard, Katharine . Hindley, Charles Hodgkin, L. V. . . Hodgkin, Thomas . Home, Samuel . . Howard, Nathaniel . Howell, Alan George Ferrers Huggins, William . Hume, Joseph . Hunt, James Henry Leigh Gallenga,^ Antonio Carlo Napoleone .... (1841) Gardner, Edmund Garratt (1898) Garnett, Richard . . . (1896) Gamier, John Carpenter . (1901) Garrow, Joseph . . . (1846) 1 Gallenga wrote under the pseudonym of L. Mariotti, Jackson, William Walrond Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brow nell 1850?) (1831) (1818) (1591) (1887) (1782) (1814) (1903) (1868) (1896) (1889) (1842) (1902) (1901) (1899) (1807) (1890) (1760) (1812) (1819) (1905) (1892) ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TRANSLATORS Jennings, Henry Constantine Johnston, David Keper, John .... Landor, Walter Savage Latham, Charles Sterrett . Lee-Hamilton, Eugene . Lofft, Capel Longfellow, Henry Wads- worth Lowe, Edward Clarke . Lowell, James Russell . Lyell, Charles .... (1794) (1867) (1598) (1836) (1891) (1898) (1806) (1839) (1902) (1859) (1835) Macaulay, Thomas Babing- ton Macfarlane, Charles ^lariotti, Louis. See Gal- lenga, A. C. N. Martin, Theodore . Mathias, Thomas James Medwin, Thomas . . . (c, ^lerivale, John Herman Milnes, Richard Monckton Milton, John Minchin, James Innes . Montague, Francis Charles Montgomery, James Moore, Thomas Morehead, Robert . Morgan, Lady . Morley, Henry . Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson Musgrave, George . Napier, Henry Edward Norton, Charles Eliot . Nott, George Frederick (1824) (1832) (184s) (1801) 1820) (1814) (1846) (1641) (1885) (1903) (1835) (1841) (1814) (1821) (1888) (187s) (1893) (1846) (1859:) (181S) O'Donnell, E Okey, Thomas .... Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Otte, E. C P-, J Parsons, Thomas William . Paul, Charles Kegan . Peabody, J. C Peacock, Thomas Love Peaselee, A. N. ... Peck, Francis .... Pember, Edward Henry Perceval, George. See Proc- ter, George Peterson, Robert Pettie, George .... Phillimore, Catherine Mary Phillimore, John Swinnerton Pike, Warburton Pincherle, Giacomo Piozzi, Mrs. Hester Lynch Plumptre, Edward Hayes Pollock, Sir \\illiam Fred erick . . . . : Porrini, Matilde Potter, Caroline Powell, Frederick York Pri chard, Augustin Procter,^ George Pychowska, Mrs. Lucia Duncan . (1852) (1901) (1874) (1848) (1850) (1843) (1886) (1857) (1816) (1900) (1740) (1897) Ramsay, Mrs. C. H. Ricci, Luigi . Richardson, Jonathan Rogers, Charles Rogers, Samuel . Ronco, Rosa (1576) (1581) (1898) (1896) (1879) (1865) (1794) (1869) (1854) (1890) (1896) (c. 1887) (1848) (1825) (1893-4) (1862) (1903) (1719) (1782) (1830) (1890) 1 Procter wrote under the pseudonym of George Perceval. JENNINGS {/7• 33°-i) '• 332-5) 3- 336-7) >• 338-9) ). 340-1) '• 342-3) 5- 344-5) '■ 346-7) ). 348-9) 5- 350-1) '■ 352-3) >• 354-5) '• 356-7) ->■ 358-9) ). 360- (pp. 362-3) (pp. 364-5) (pp. 366-7) LYELL {i83s)-GLADST0NE {1S36) 25 1836. 1836. Charles Lyell {Continued) Son. ("Questa donna ch'andar") Son. ("Ben dico certo") . Son. xxvi ("Chi guarderk giammai" Son. ("Alessandro lascife") . Son. xxviii ("Da quella luce") . Son. xxix ("Di donne io vidi") . Ball, vi ("Io mi son pargoletta") Son. ("Deh ragioniamo") Son. XXX ("Due donne in cima") Son. ("Lo fin piacer") . Son. ("Madonna, deh vedeste") Son. ("Oimfe, Comun") . . . Son. xliv ("Per quella via") . Son ("Quando la notte abbraccia") Son. ("Se nel mio ben") . Son. ("Sonetto, se Mcuccio") . Son. ("Savete giudicar") . Son. ("Messer Brunetto") Son. xxxii ("Guido, vorrei"). Son. ("Tu che stampi") . Son. xlvi ("Poich' i non trovo") Son. xxxiv ("Io mio credea del tutto") Son. ("Savere e cortesia") . Son. ("Qual che voi siate") . Son. ("Non conoscendo, amico") Son. xliii ("Parole mie") . Son. xl ("O dolci rime") Son. xli ("Onde venite voi cosi pensose") Son. li ("Voi, donne, che pietoso") . Canz. xvii ("Morte, poich' io truovo") Canz. ("Oim^ lasso quelle trecce bionde") (PP- (PP' (PP- (PP- (pp. 368-9 (pp. 370-1 (PP- 372-3 (PP- 374-5: (PP- 376-7 (PP- 378- 380-3; 384- 386 B-9, (pp. 390-1 (pp. 392-3 (PP- 394-s: (pp. 396-7 (pp. 398-9: (pp. 400-1 (pp. 402-3 (pp. 404-s (pp. 406-7 (pp. 410-11 (pp. 412-13, (pp. 416-17 420-1 422-3 424-S 426-7 428-9: 430-1 432-3 (PP' (PP (PP (PP (PP (PP (PP' Cpp- 434-41 (pp. 442-5 William Ewart Gladstone* (1809-1898) (In Translations by Lord Lyttelton and IF. E. Gladstone ) ^ Purg. xi. 1-21 ("The Lord's Prayer") {terza rima) (ed, 1861, p. 117; ed. 1863, p. 163) Par. iii. 70-87 ("Speech of Piccarda") (terza rima) (ed. 1861, p. 119; ed. 1863, p. 165) * See also under 1837. 1 Published in i85i ; second edition, 1S63. 26 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE James Montgomery (1771-1854) 1835. (In Li]e 0/ Dante Alighieri, in The Cabinet Cyclopedia, in blank verse) Par. XV. 95-6 . Par. xxii. 107-23 Inf. XX. 7-24 . Inf. xvi. 45 Inf. xxii. 1-15 . Inf. xxi. 91-9 . Par. xvii. 55-69 Purg. xi. 133-40 Epist. ix, §§3-4 Par. XXV. i-ii . Inf. xix. 13-21 Purg. i. 115-29 V. N. § 35, 11. 1-6 Purg. xii. 88-93 Purg. V. 130-6 Purg. vi. 58-75 Inf. X. 22-114 ■ Inf. xxxiii. 150 1836. (In Translations from Dante, in Poetical Works, in blank verse) Inf. xxxii. 124-xxxiii. 75 ("Ugolino and Ruggieri") Inf. XXX. 49-148 ("Maestro Adamo") Par. viii. 13-15 ("Dante and Beatrice") Par. ii. 19-36 ("Dante and Beatrice") Par. V. 91-3 ("Dante and Beatrice") Par. ix. 64-72 ("Dante and Beatrice") Par. XXX. 46-120 ("The River of Life") Inf. iii. 1-30 ("The Portal of Hell") Inf. xxxi. 112-45 ("Anteus") Purg. xiv. 127-42 ("Cain") Inf. X. 22-114 ("Farinata") ' Ichabod Charles Wright* 1836. Purgatorio (" The Purgatorio of Dante, Translated ") {bastard terza rima) ^ Conv. i. II, 11. 59-65 (in note to Purg. iii) * See also under 1833, 1840, 1845, 1854. 1 A revised version of the same passage printed in tlie Li/e of Dante ; see above. 2 See under 1833. ■ (pp- ■ ^1 3-4) • (pp- 4-5) . (p. 10) . (p. IS) . (p. 16) . (p. 24) . (p. 25) . (p. 31) • (p- 32) . (p. ii) . (p. 36) . (p. 38) . (p. 38) . (p. 39) . (p. 45) (pp. 46-8) . (p. SI) MONTGOMERY {iSjsyANONYMOUS (i8j6) 27 Ichabod Charles Wright {Continned) 1836. Conv. iv. 14, 11. 114-21 (in note to Furg. xvi) Conv. iv. 2, 11. 88-90 (in note to Purg. xviii) Par. xviii. 22-3 (^erse) (in note to Purg. xxi) Walter Savage Landor (177S-1864) 1836. (In The Peniameron, in prose} Inf. xxxiii. 79-81 . (in First Day) Purg. xxiii. 99-102 ^ (in First Day) Purg. xxiii. 103-8 (in First Day) Inf. V. 137, 142 (in First Day) Inf. iii. 4 (in First Day) Inf. xxxiii. 40-2 (in Second Day) Par. xxiv. 82-7 (in Third Day) Par. xxvii. 127-35, 139-41 (in Third Day) Par. xxxii. 140-1 (in Third Day) Anonymous 1836. (In The Inquisitor, in the form of "Letters to Trelawney Tom- kinson " in stanzas of three blank lines) Inf. i. 22-4 . Inf. i. 79-84 Inf. ii. 1-9 . Inf. ii. 46-8 . Inf. ii. 88-93 Inf. ii. 127-9 Inf. iii. 1-9 . Inf. iii. 22-30 Inf. iii. 37-51 Inf. iii. 61-69 Inf. iii. 82-117 Inf. iii. 130-6 Inf. V. 1-142 Inf. vi. 10-12 Inf. vi. 19-21 Inf. vi. 28-33 Inf. vi. 49-51 Inf. vi. 85-7 1 Landor makes a curious slip in translating these lines • (p. 81) (pp. 81-2) (p. 85) (P- 87) (p. 87) (p. 88) (p. 96) (P-- 99) 99-100) (pp. 101-2) (pp. 104-s) (p. 106) 166-71) (P- 237) (P- 237) (p. 238) (P- 239) (p. 240) he renders in pergamo (" from PP pp. the pulpit ") as if it were in fergamena, " on parchment." 28 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS PKOM DANTE Anonymous (^Continued') 1836. Inf. vi. 91-9 (pp. 240-1) Inf. vii. 10-15 (p. 259) Inf. vii. 16-30 (p. 260) Inf. vii. 31-9 (pp. 260-1) Inf. vii. 58-60 (p. 261) Inf. vii. 61-96 (pp. 262-4) Inf, vii. 97-9 (p. 265) Edward N. Shannon 1836. Inf. i-x [terza rima) (in The Comedy of Dante Alighieri, trans- lated by Odoardo Volpi ^) William Ewart Gladstone* 1837. Inf. xxxiii. 1-78 ("Ugolino") {terza rima) (in Translations by Lord Lyttelton and W. E. Gladstone; ed. 1861, pp. 109-15)^ * See also under 1835. Thomas Carlyle* (179S-1881) 1837. (In Mirabeau, in prose) Inj. iii. 38-9, 46, 63 (ed. 1872, p. 207) * See also under 1838, 1840. John Herman Merivale * 1838. (In Poems Original and Translated, in terza rima) Inf. iii. 1-136 (" The Entrance of Heil") (Vol. ii, pp. 207-11) Inf. V. 25-141 ("Paul and Francesca") . (Vol. ii, pp. 212-16) Inf. vi. 34-100 ("Ciacco, the Glutton") (Vol. ii, pp. 216-18) Inf. viii. 31-64 ("Philippo Argenti") . (Vol. ii, pp. 218-19) Inf. X. 1-136 ("Dante and Farinata") . . (Vol. ii, pp. 220-4) Inf. xiii. 1-108 ("Peter de Vineis") . . (Vol. ii, pp. 225-8) Inf. xiii. 109-151 ("Lane and Sant' Andrea") ....'.... (Vol. ii, pp. 229-30) Purg. ii. 67-133 ("Dante and Casella") (Vol. ii, pp. 230-3) Purg. iii. 103-45 ("Manfred") . . . (Vol. ii, pp. 233-4) Purg. vi. 59-151 ("Sordello") .... (Vol. ii, pp. 235-8) * See also under 1814, 1844. 1 Pseudonym adopted by Shannon; no more than the first ten cantos of the Inferno appeared in this version. 2 Ed. 1863, pp. 155-61. ANONYMOUS {iS^byTAYLOR (1S40) 29 1838. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1840. John Herman Merivale {Continued) Purg. viii. 1-18, 109-39 ("Conrad Malaspina") (Vol. ii, pp. 238-40) Purg. xi. 91-142 ("Provenzano Salvani") (Vol. ii, pp. 240-2) Par. .XV. 97-148 ("The Praises of Ancient Florence") (Vol. ii, pp. 242-4) Par. xvii. 13-142 ("Dante and Caccia- guida") (Vol. ii, pp. 244-8) Thomas Carlyle* (In Lectures on the History of Literature, in prose) Inf. iii. 46, SI, 63 ^ (p. 86) Inf. xvii. 129 (p. 88) Inf. XV. 18-21 (pp. 88-9) Inf. xiv. 29-30 (p. 89) Inf. V. 28-9, 88-92, 100, 103, 107, 127-9, 133-6, 138 . (p. 90) Inf. xxvi. 1-3 (p- 92) Inf. XV. 55-6 (P- 92) Purg. viii. 71, 73-4 (p. 94) Inf. XXX. 132 (P- 9S) * See also under 1837, 1840. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow* (1807-1882) (In Voices of the Night, in blank verse) Purg. ii. 13-51 ("The Celestial Pilot") Purg. xxviii. 1-33 ("The Terrestrial Paradise") Purg. XXX. 13-33, 85-99 ("Beatrice") Purg. xxxi. 13-21 ("Beatrice") * See also under 1845, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867. Charles Lyell * Canzoniere (second edition) ^ * See also under 1835, 1842, 1845. John Edward Taylor (1791-1844) Ball, ix ("Poichfe saziar non posso") (unrhytned verse) (in Michael Angela considered as a Philosophic Poet) ... (p. 150) 1 In the edition of J. Reay Greene, 1892. 2 A reissue of the edition of 1835, with new title-page. 30 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Thomas Babington Macaulay* 1840. Purg. XX. 87-9 {prose) (in Essay on Ranke's History of the Popes,^ in Edinburgh Review) * See also under 1824, 1825. Thomas Carlyle* 1840. (In The Hero as Poet, in On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, in prose) Par. xvii. 59 (ed. 1873, p. 02) Inf. XV. ss-6 (pp- 83-4) Par. XXV. 3 (p- 84) Inf. vii. 14 . (p. 86) Inf. xiv. 30 (P- 86) Inf. iii. 63 (p. 88) Inf. iii. SI (p- 88) Inf. iii. 46 (p. 88) Purg. viii. 71, 73 (p- 89) Purg. X. 130, 131 (P- 89) * See also under 1837, 1838. Ichabod Charles Wright * 1840. Paradiso ("The Paradiso of Dante, Translated") {bastard terza rima ^) Conv. iii. 8, 11. 34-7 (in note to Par. iv) Conv. iii. 14, 11. 31-7 (in note to Par. v) Conv. ii. 14, 11. 98-100 (in note to Par. v) Conv. iii. 7, 11. 80-6 (in note to Par. xiii) Conv. iv. 27, 11. 56-62 (in note to Par. xiii) * See also under 1833, 1836, 1845, 1854. Richard Henry Wilde (1789-1847) c. 1840. Son. xxxii ("Guido, vorrei") {rhymed sonnet) ^ 1 Critical and Historical Essays, ed. 1866, Vol. ii, p. 133. 2 See under 1833. 8 In a projected work on TAe Italian Lyric Poets, wiiich was never completed. The above sonnet is printed by T. W. Koch, in Dante in America, p. 25 (in Fifteenth Annual Report of tlie Dante Society, Cambridge, Mass.). MACAULAY {iS4o')-TENNYSON {1842) 31 1841. Thomas Moore (1779-1852) Purg. xxvii. 94-108 ("The Dream of the Two Sisters") * (in Poeti- cal Works, ed. 1841, Vol. ix, pp. 411-12) Antonio Carlo Napoleone Gallenga* (1810-189S) 1841. (In Italy: General Views oj its History and Literature,^ in prose) Par. XXV. 1-3 (Vol. i, p. 205) Purg. i. 13, 117 . . (Vol. i, p. 214) * Gallenga wrote under the pseudonym of Louis Mariotti. Charles Lyell* 1842. "Poems of the Vita Nuova and Convito" Conv. i. I, 11. 116-40 ... . (in Conv. ii. I, 11. 24-5 .... Conv. ii. I, 11. 25-34, 42-5, 52-65 Epist. X, § 7 Conv. ii. 14, 11. 5-10, 51-64, 110-22 Conv. ii. 16, 11. 1-9, 99-103 . Conv. iii. 12, 11. 94-7 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 183-95 . . Conv. iv. 30, 11. 24-68 . Epist. X, § 15 Mon. iii. 16, 11. 129-40 . Mon. iii. i, 11. 37-44 * See also under 1835, 1840, 1845. (unrhymed verse) ' Introduction, p. xjcviii") . (p. xxviii) (p. xxix) (p. xxx) (pp. xxxi-iii) . (p. xxxiii) . (p. xxxv) . (p. xxxv) (pp. xxxv-vii) (p. xlix) (pp. liii-iv) (p. Ivii) Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) 1842. Inf. v. 121-3 (in Locksley Hall, 11. 75-6) * 1 An adaptation. 2 Reprinted in 1846 under the title /iafy, Past and Present ; the references above are to this edition. 8 Originally published in Lyell's translation of the Canzoniere (1835, 1840) ; but all the versions now printed have been recast. * A free rendering. 32 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Charles Hindley 1842. Inf. i-iv. 57 {prose) (in A Plain and Direct Translation of the Inferno) ' John Dayman* 1843. Inferno {terza rinia) ^ * See also under 1865. William Dowe 1843. Inf. xxxiii. 37-75 ("The Deatli of Ugolino") (in six eight-lined stanzas, rhyming abababcc) (in Dublin University Magazine, Vol., xxi, pp. 657-8) Thomas William Parsons* (1819-1892) Inf. i-x (in rhymed quatrains) ' * See also under 1854, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1893. Henry Francis Cary* 1844. Divina Commedia ("The Vision . . . of Dante Alighieri") (6/aw& verse) (fourth edition,'' in one vol. i2mo) * See also under 1792, 1805, 1806, 1814, 1819, 1831. John Henry Merivale* 1844. (In Poems Original and Translated, in terza rima ; same selec- tion as in edition of 1838, but revised and corrected) * See also under 1814, 1838. James Henry Leigh Hunt* 1844. (In Imagination end Fancy, in blank verse) Inf. xxxi. 34-48, 5S-6D, 67-81 .... (ed. 1845, pp. 11 ff.) Inf. xiii. 4-6 (p- 97) * See also under 1819-1821, 1825, 1846. 1 Only the above fragment was published. 2 First complete English translation of the Inferno in the terza rima of the original. 3 Parsons states that he had previously rendered " a good portion of the Divina Com- media into English triplets " but was dissatisfied with the result. •• The last edition revised by Cary, who died in this year. HINDLEY {iS42)-WJiIGHT {184s) 33 1844. Lord John Russell (1792-1878) Inf. V. 73-142 ("Francesca da Rimini") {heroic couplets) (in Lit- erary Souvenir, 1844) 1845. 1845. Francesco Frank Inf. V. {prose) (printed at Ferrara) Par. xxxi {prose) (printed at Ferrara) ^ Charles Lyell* Canzoniere ("The Lyrical Poems of Dante Alighieri, including the Poems of the Vita Nuova and Convito") (unrhymed, in metres of the original) ^ V. N. § I, 11. 1-7 . (in Analysis of the Vita Nuova, p. xviii) Poems of the Vita Nuova . Poems of the Convito . Canzoniere Sest. iii ("Amor mi mena") Sest. iv ("Gran nobihk") . Son. xlvii ("Poiche sguardando") Son. xxxix ("Nulla mi parrk mai") Son. xlviii ("Se'l bello aspetto") . Canz. ("Poscia ch' i' ho perduta") Canz. ("lo non posso celar") . Son. ("Giovinetta gentil") Son. xlii ("Ora che '1 mondo") . Son. ("Se gli occhi miei") Son. xlv ("Per villania") . Son. ("Se'l Dio d' Amor") . . * See also under 1835, 1840, 1842. . (pp. 1-22) (PP- 23-30) (pp. 31-IIQ) (pp. 62-3) (pp. 63-4) ■ (P- 73) • (P- 74) • (P- 75) (pp. 84-6) (pp. 86-8) ■(P- loS) ■ (p- 105) ■ (p- 109) • (p- 114) • (P- IIS) Ichabod Charles Wright* 1845. Divina Commedia ("Dante Translated") {bastard lerza rima) (first collected edition, in 3 vols. i2mo) Epist. ix, §§ 3, 4 . . (in Memoir of Dante, Vol. i, pp. xiii-xiv) Conv. iv. 24, 11. 123-6 .... (in note to Inf. i, Vol. i, p. 8) * See also under 1833, 1836, 1840, 1854. 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, pp. 45, 236. 2 The lyrics translated in this edition are the same as those in the editions of 1835 and 1840, but many of the versions have been revised, and twelve poems (noted above) have 34 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Theodore Martin* (1816- ) 1845. Poems of the Vita Nuova {rhymed verse) (in Dante and Beatrice, in Tait's Edinburgh Magazine) * See also under 1862, 1864, 1893. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow* 1845. (In The Poets and Poetry oj Europe) V. E. i. 10, II. 72-85 (pp. 501-2) Purg. xxvi. 1 12-14 {blank verse) (p. 507) Par. XXV. 1-2 {blank verse) (p- 5^°) * See also under 1839, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867. Francis Galley Gray 1845. Par. xxiii. 1-34 ("Beatrice") {terza rima) (in Longfellow's Poets and Poetry oj Europe, p. 524) ' Robert Browning* (1812-1889) 1845. Purg- V. 52-7 {blank verse) (in Letter to E. B. Barrett, December, 1845) * See also under 1862. Thomas Wade (180S-1875) 1845-6. Inferno {terza rima) (unpublished) ^ Anonymous 1846. Inf. xxxiii. 1-78 (free rendering) (in Southern Literary Messenger,^ September, 1846) been added. Two issues of this edition appeared in 1845 ; one in i2mo (to which the page references above are given) and another in roy. 8vo. This is the last edition which was published of Lyell's work. 1 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 84. 2 The MS. is in the possession of H. Buxton Forman, who printed Wade's version of Inf. xxxiv. 127-139, in Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. i, p. 65. 3 See T. W. Koch, A List of Danteiana in American Libraries, p. 29, in Eighteenth Annual Report of the Dante Society, Cambridge, Mass. MARTIN (_i84syHUNT {1846) 35 James Henry Leigh Hunt * 1846. (In Stories jrom the Italian Poets) Conv. iv. 14, 11. 105-7 . Son. vii (V. N. § 14), 1-4 {prose) Par. xvii. 58-60 (prose) ' Conv. i. 3, 11. 15-43 Epist. ix . . . Purg. vi. 66 (prose) Par. xxvii. 5 (prose) Inf. i. 79-90 (prose) Inf. ii. 127-9 (ierza rima) Inf. iii. 1-9 (prose) . Inf. iii. 12, 14-18 (prose) Inf. iii. 43-4, 47-51, 84-9, 94-6 (prose) Inf. iv. 13-21 (prose) Inf. iv. 80-1, 86-90, 94-6, 100-2 (prose) Inf. V. 50-63 (prose) . Inf. V. 82-7 (ierza rima)^ Inf. V. 100-7, 112-42 (prose) Inf. vii. I, 8-12 (prose Inf. vii. 121-4 (prose) Inf. viii. 18-21, 33, 35-9, 42-63 (^ro^e) Inf. ix. 45-8, 52, 55-7, 73-5, 91-9 (prose] Inf. X. 49-51, 58-63, 67-9 (prose) Inf. xiii. 35, 37-9 (prose) Inf. xiv. 51-2, 62-6 (prose) Inf. xix. 52-4 (prose) . Inf. xix. 115-17 (prose) Inf. XX. 28-30 (prose) . Inf. xxiv. 122-9, ^3°~5'^ (prose) Inf. XXV. 3-7, 10-15 (prose) . Inf. XXV. 46-8, 68-9, 94-141 (prose) Inf. xxvi. 1-3, 47-8, 52-6 (prose) Inf. xxvii. 119, 121-2 (prose) . Inf. xxviii. 106-9, 1 11-26, 130-6, 139-42 (prose) Inf. xxix. 7-12, 22-4, 31-6 (prose) * See also under 1819-1821, 1825, 18 ■ (Vol. i, p. 5) . (Vol. i, p. 10) . (Vol. i, p. 20) (Vol. i, pp. 22-3) (Vol. i, pp. 24-6) . (Vol. i, p. 72) . (Vol. i, p. 72) . (Vol. i, p. 85) . (Vol. i, p. 86) . (Vol. i, p. 87) . (Vol. i, p. 87) . (Vol. i, p. 89) . (Vol. i, p. 90) (Vol. i, p. 92) (Vol. i, pp. 95-6) . (Vol. i, p. 97) (Vol. i, pp. 97-100) (Vol. i, pp. 101-2) . (Vol. i, p. 103 (Vol. i, pp. 103-5) (Vol. i, pp. 106-8) . (Vol. i, p. 109) . (Vol. i, p. 112) . (Vol. i, p. 114) . (Vol. i, p. 117) (Vol. i, pp. 1 1 7-18) . (Vol. i, p. 118) . (Vol. i, p. 123) (Vol. i, pp. 123-4) (Vol. i, pp. 125-8) (Vol. i, pp. 128-9) (Vol. i, pp. 129-30) (Vol. i, pp. 131-3) (Vol. i, pp. 331-4) ^ Many of Leigh Hunt's prose renderings are somewhat free. 2 This translation is repeated on p. 394, but with a different rendering of 1. 82. 36 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE James Henry Leigh Hunt (^Continued') 1846. Inf. xxxi. 12-13, i6~i9) 3i~3) 70-81 {prose) Inf. xxxii. 1-15, 19-21, 79-81, 106-24 {prose) Inf. xxxiii. 1-89 {prose) Inf. xxxiii. 94-9, 121-3, 129-32, 136-5 {prose) Inf. xxxiv. 1-2, 68-9 {prose) Purg. i. 19-21, 23-7, 31-48 {prose) Purg. i. 13-27 {lerza rima) Purg. i. 115- 17 {lerza rima) . Purg. ii. 10-54, 59-60, 76-86, 106-14 (/)ro.?e) Canz. vii (Conv. iii), 1-2 {verse) Purg. iv. 109-14 {prose) Purg. V. 130-6 {prose) . Purg. V. 130-6 {lerza rima) Purg. vi. 49, 58-60, 64-84 {prose) Purg. viii. 1-6 {prose) . Purg. viii. 1-6 (lerza rima) Purg. viii, 37-9, 97-108 {prose) Purg. ix. 94-105 {prose) . Purg. X. 77-93, 121-6, 130-4, 138-9 (prose Purg. X. 124-6 (lerza rima) Purg. xi. 79-ri4, 119-141 (prose) Purg. xii. 70-2, 77, 79 (prose) . Purg. xiii. 50-1, 109, 117-38 (prose) Purg. xiv. 25-8, 43-57, 88-93, 97-125 {prose) (Vol. i, pp. Purg. XV. 87-93, 104-13 (prose) .... (Vol. i, pp. Purg. xix. 7-36 (prose) (Vol. i, pp. Purg. XX. 19, 22-7, 43-5, 49-54, 65-75, 79-81, 86-8, 91-123 (prose) . Purg. xxii. 141-6, 148-54 (prose) . Purg. xxiii. 98-108, 115-19, 121-6 (prose) Purg. xxiv. 37, 40-1, 43-5, 49-57, 63 (prose) Purg. xxiv. 52-4 (lerza rima) .... Purg. xxiv. 1 2 1-5 (prose) Purg. XXV. 127-35 (prose) Purg. xxvii. 35-6, 49-51, 53-4, 58, 61-2, 101-5, 108 (prose) Purg. xxviii. 22-5, 28-33, 35-72 (prose) . (Vol. i, pp. 136-7) (Vol. i, pp. 138-41 (Vol. i, pp. 142-4 (Vol. i, pp. I45--7 (Vol. i, pp. 147, 149 (Vol. i, pp. 153-6; (Vol. i, pp. 154-5 (Vol. i, p. 157, (Vol. i, pp. 158-9 (Vol. i, p. 160 . (Vol. i, p. 163; (Vol. i, pp. 164-5 . (Vol. i, p. 165 (Vol. i, pp. 166-7 . (Vol. i, p. 170 . (Vol. i, p. 170; (Vol. i, pp. 171-2 (Vol. i, pp. 173-4 (Vol. i, pp. 175-7; (Vol. i, p. 177 (Vol. i, pp. 178-80; (Vol. i, pp. 181-2 (Vol. i, pp. 183-4; 185-7 188-9 191-2 (Vol. i, pp. 193-6' . (Vol. i, p. 198 (Vol. i, pp. 200-1 (Vol. i, pp. 202-3 . (Vol. i, p. 203 (Vol. i, p. 205 . (Vol. i, p. 206; . (Vol. i, pp. 208-9' (Vol. i, pp. 211-12 HUNT {iS46)-GARROW {1S46) 17 James Henry Leigh Hunt {Continued') 1846. Purg. XXX. 55-7, 70-5, 115-45 {prose) . Purg. xxxi. 1-2, 5, 22-6, 34-6, 49-63, 67-9 (prose) Purg. xxxiii. 145 {prose) Par. vi. 133-5, 140-2 {prose) . Par. vii. 1-3 {terza rima) . Par. XV. 28-30, 88-148 {prose) Par. xvi. 46-78, 88-120, 136-48 {prose) Par. xvii. 46-51, 55-99, 106-142 {prose) Par. xviii. 5-9, 19-21, 70-8, 91-8, 100-2 {prose) Par. xix. 34-8, 91-148 {prose) . Par. XX. 13-75 (prose) . Par. xxi. 34-9, 105-11, 113-42 (prose) Par. xxi. 139-42 (terza rima) Par. xxii. 124-54 (prose) . Par. xxiii. 1-9, 19-30, 34-60, 70-84, 97- 118-23, 127-9 ipi'ose) Par. XXV. 1-12 (prose) . Par. xxvii. 13-15, 19-75 (pfose) Par. XXX. 40-2, 46-51, 58-146 (prose) Par. xxxi. 1-18, 31-40, 127-36 (prose) Par. xxxii. 4-33, 46-8 (prose) ... Par. xxxiii. 55-7, 61-3, 106-8, 115-32, 143-5 (prose) Inf. v. 70-142 ("Story of Paulo and Francesca") (terza rima) . Inf. xxxii. 124-xxxiii. 90 ("Story of Ugo lino") (heroic couplets) .... Par. XV. 97-129 ("Picture of Florence in the time of Dante's ancestors") (blank verse) (Vol. i, pp. 213-15) (Vol. i, pp. 215-17) . (Vol. i, p. 218) (Vol. i, pp. 224-s) . (Vol. i, p. 225) (Vol. i, pp. 232-6) (Vol. i, pp. 236-9) (Vol. i, pp. 240-4) (Vol. i, pp. 244-6) (Vol. i, pp. 247-9) (Vol. i, pp. 250-2) (Vol. i, pp. 254-6) . (Vol. i, p. 256) (Vol. i, pp. 257-8) (Vol. i, pp. 259-63) . (Vol. i, pp. 264-5) . (Vol. i, pp. 267-9) . (Vol. i, pp. 270-3) . (Vol. i, pp. 273-5) . (Vol. i, pp. 275-6) . (Vol. i, pp. 277-9) (Vol. i, pp. 393-5) (Vol. i, pp. 404-7) .(Vol. i, pp. 410-11) Joseph Garrow 1846. Vita Nuova ("The Early Life of Dante Alighieri") ^ (lyrics, in rhymed verse) Conv. ii. 13, 11. 5-9, 27-9, 70-2. ... (in Preface, p. xiii) Conv. ii. 9, 11. 133-6 (in Preface, p. xiv) Conv. ii. 6, 11. 140-3 (in note to § 2, p. 5) 1 The first English translation of the Vita Nuova ; printed at Florence by F. Le Monnier. 38 ENGLISH TKANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Henry Edward Kapier (1789-1853) 1846. (In his Florentine History, in blank verse) Inf. xiii. 148-9 Par. xvi. I48-54* Inf. xxxi. 55-7 Par. xvi. 136-47 Inf. xxxii. 119-20 Inf. xvi. 34-8 . Inf. xxxii. 79-81 Inf. X. 89-93 . Purg. iii. 112-14 Inf. xxxii. 121-3 Inf. xxiii. 103-8 Inf. xii. 118-20 Inf. xix. 67-72 Par. XV. 103-5 Inf. xxvi. 1-3 . Purg. vi. 127-51 Inf. xxxiii. 1-90 Purg. xxiv. 79-90 Purg. xxiii. 91-102 Purg. ii. 1 12-14 Inf. X. 67-72 . Purg. xi. 97-9 . Par. xxii. 112-20 Purg. xi. 100-6 (Vol. . P- 37) . (Vol. i, p. 121) (Vol. i, P- 131) (Vol. i, P- 193) (Vol. i, p. 228) (Vol. i, p. 241) . (Vol. i, p. 249) . (Vol. i, P- 259) . (Vol. i, p. 268) . (Vol. i, p. 272) . (Vol. i, P- 273) . (Vol. i, p. 284) . (Vol. i, p. 290) . (Vol. i P- 321) . (Vol. i P- 394) . (Vol. i p. 640) (Vol, i, pF • 641-3) . (Vol. i P- 643) . , (Vol. ii P- 633) . (Vol. ii P- 635) . (Vol. ii p. 636) . (Vol. ii P- 637) . (Vol. ii p. 662) . (Vol. ii p. 664) 1846. Richard Monckton Milnes (1809-1885) Canz. ii. (V. N. § 23), 11. 33-84 (verse) (in Poems oj Many Years^ Boston, 1846, pp. 265-7) Philip Pendleton Cooke 1847. Inf. xxxiii. 1-90 ("Story of Ugolino") {rhymed nine-lined stanzas) (in Froissart Ballads and Other Poems,^ pp. 210-16) 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. ii, p. 508. 2 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, pp. 49, 193. NAPIER {iS46)-CAJiLYLE (/. 39 1848. 1848. 1849. Elizabeth Juliana Sabine (1807-1879) (In Cosmos: Sketch of a Physical Description 0} the Universe. From the German of Alexander von Humboldt) Par. XXX. 64-8 (prose) (Vol. ii, p. 51) Augustin Prichard (In KQ2M0S: A General Survey of the Physical Phenomena of the Universe. From the German of A. von Humboldt) (in loosely rhymed quatrains) Par. XXX. 65, 67-9 {prose) (Vol. ii, p. 50) Purg. i. 25-8 (Vol. ii, p. 102) Purg. i. 115-17; V. 109-11; Par. xxx. 61-9 (Vol. ii, p. 117) Inf. iv. 130-2 : . (Vol. ii, p. 426) Purg. i. 22-4 (Vol. ii, p. 329) E. C. Ottfe (In Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. From the German of A. von Humboldt) (in prose) Par. xxx. 61-9 (Vol. ii, pp. 418-19) Par. xii. 29-30 (Vol. ii, p. 629) Purg. i. 23-4 (Vol. ii, p. 667) Purg. xxxi. 106 (Vol. ii, p. 668) John Aitken Carlyle * (1801-1879) Inferno ("Dante's Divine Comedy: Epist. X, § lo- V. E. ii. 4, 11. 38-40 . . . Conv. ii. 4, 11. 9-17, 25 Conv. iv. 23, 11. 92-4 . Conv. iv. 6, 11. 33-s, 41-7 . Canz. ("La bella Stella"), 1. i Conv. iv. 2, 11. 47-9 . Conv. iv. 22, 11. 135-7, 140-1 Conv. iii. 5, 11. 54-6 . The Inferno")' {prose) (in Introd. p. xvi) (in Introd. p. xvi) (in Introd. pp. xxxix-xl) . (in note to Inf. i, p. 2) . (in note to Inf. i, p. 9) (in note to Inf. ii, p. 18) (in note to Inf. ii, p. 18) (in note to Inf. ii, p. 21) (in note to Inf. iv, p. 45) * See also under 1867. 1 Carlyle intended to translate the whole of the Commedia, and actually finished " the greater part of the Purgatorio," as he states in the Preface to his second edition (1867) ; but no more was published. 40 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE 1849. 1850. 1850. John Aitken Carlyle {^Continued) Conv. iv. 6, 11. 71-2 (in note to /«/. iv, p. 45) Conv. iv. 20, 11. 14-15 Conv. ii. s, 11. 33-S . Conv. i. 3, 11. 21-5 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 15-31 Conv. iii. 5, 11. 71-5 . (in note to In], v, p. 54) (in note to /«/. vii, pp. 76-7) (in note to In], xxiii, p. 278) (in note to In], .x.xvii, p. 326) (in note to In], xxxiv, p. 420) Richard William Church (1815-1890) (In Dante, An Essay, in Christian Remembrancer, January, 1850)' • (P- 54)' (pp. 76-7) • (p- 82) V. X. § 43, 11- 1-17 • • Conv. i. 3, U. 20-43 Conv. ii. 15, 11. 166-70, 179-84 Mon. i. 16, 11. 1-38 Mon. ii. I, 11. 7-48 . . . Mon. ii. 5, 11. 128-34 . Mon. ii. 4, 11. 1-4, 28-30 . Epist. X, 11. 133-58, 162-75 Conv, ii. I, 11. 42-65 Conv. i. II, 11. 144-51 . Conv. i. 13, 11. 59-67 . . Patrick Bannerman (PP- 92-3) (pp. 93-4) • (p- 94) ■ (P- 95) (pp. 98-9) (pp. 99-100) (p. 116) (pp. 116-17) Divina Commedia ("The Comedy of Dante Alighieri") (heroic verse, irregularly rhymed) Anonymous: "J. P." 1850. Inf. V. 73-142 ("Francesca da Rimini") (blank verse) (in Tail's Edinburgh Magazine, ^lay, 1850; Vol. xvii, p. 269) Spencer Hall c. 1850? Inf. V. 97 ff. ("Francesca da Rimini") (irregular verse)^ Charles Bagot Cayley * (1823-1883) 1851. Inferno ("Dante's Divine Comedy: The Vision of Hell") (tcr:a rima) * See also under 1853, 1854, 1855. 1 First published in book form in 1854 ; reprinted 1878. 2 Page references are to the edition of 1878. 3 See T. W. Koch, A List of Danteiana in American Libraries, pp. 9, 37, I85I. CARLYLE {iS^gySIMMS {18^3) Leonard Francis Simpson 41 (In The Literature of Italy) V. E. i. 12, 11. 15-35 (p. 26) Inf. V. 97-107, 116-20 {terza rima) . . ■ •(p-.^^;) Inf. V. 121-42 {terza rima) . . . . . (p. 56) V. N. § I, 11. 1-7 . . (p. 80) V. N. § 23, 11. 1-127 . (pp. 81-4) V. N. § 32, 11. 1-5 . .(p. 87) Conv. i. 1, 11. loi-io .... . . (pp. 88-9) Conv. ii. I, 11. 17-19, 20, 40, 42, 52 (pp. 89-90) Conv. ii. I, 11. 23-30, 36-45, 52-7 . (p. 90) Mrs. F. J. Bunbury 1852. (In Life and Times of Dante. From the Italian of Count Cesare Balbo) Sundry passages from the Vita Nuova, Convivio, De Monarchia, Epistles, and Eclogues (in prose) E. O'Donnell 1852. Divina Commedia ("Translation of the Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri") {prose) Charles Bagot Cayley* 1853. Purgatorio "(Dante's Divine Comedy: The Purgatory") {terza rima) V. N. § 43, 11. 1-6 (in Appendix, p. iii) Conv. ii. I, 11. 14-34, 36-79, 119-26 (in Appendix, pp. iii-v) V. N. § 2, 11. 19-32 (in Appendix, p. xxviii) Conv. ii. 16, 11. 100-3 (^fi Appendix, p. xxxvi) * See also undf r 1851, 1854, 1855. William Gilmore Simms 1853. Inf. V. 73-142 (" Francesca da Rimini") {terza rima) (in Poems, Descriptive, Dramatic, Legendary, and Contemplative, Vol. ii, pp. 356-60) ^ 1 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 87. 42 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Ichabod Charles Wright* 1854. Divina Commedia ("The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated into English Verse") (third edition, in one volume cr. 8vo, revised) Conv. i. 1, 11. 67-72 (in Introduction, p. ix) Conv. iii. 5, 11. 202-9 ■ • ■ • (in Extracts from Dante's Prose Works, p. x) Men. i. 8, 11. 6-17 {ibid.) Mon. i. 3, 11. 21-9 {ibid.) Mon. iii. 16, 11. 43-63 {ibid.) Mon. i. 12, 11. 1-2, 5-7, 39-44 {ibid.) Mon. iii. 10, 11. 50-4 . {ibid.) Mon. iii. 3, 11. 128-34 {ibid. p. xi) Mon. iii. 3, U. 75-6, 92-3, 108-10 {ibid.) Mon. iii. 14, 11. 27-37 {ibid.) Mon. i. 4, 11. 16-18, 22-5 {ibid.) Conv. iv. 4, 11. 22-7, 30-43, 62- 77, 79-81 {ibid.) Mon. iii. 5, 11. 146-7 ; 6, 11. 37-44 ; 8,11.55-61, 67-71; 11,11. 15- 16; 15, 11. 28-9, 34-6, 39-40, 59-62; 16, 11. 1 14-17 . Mon. iii. 10, 11. 39-42, 127-31 Conv. ii. 16, 11. 79-83; iii. 12 11. 11-13, 94-7; 13,11. iio-is Conv. iii. i, 11. 16-20 Conv. iii. 7 11. 157-60 Conv. ii. 8, 11. 34-41 Conv. ii. 9, 11. 115-20 Conv. ii. 9, 11. 56-62 Conv. iii. 6, 11. 71-9 Conv. i. 4, 11. 17-24 Conv. i. I, 11. 51-4 Conv. ii. 8, 11. 20-6 Conv. i. 8, 11. 13-17 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 181-4 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 16-22 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 1 2 1-4 Conv. iv. 5, 11. 140-2 Canz. vi (Conv. iv), 11. 136-8 {ibid. p. ::ii) . {ibid.) . {ibid.) . {ibid.) . {ibid.) . . (ibid.) . {ibid.) {ibid. p. xiii) . {ibid.) . {ibid.) . {ibid.) . {ibid.) . {ibid.) (in notes to Inf. i) (in notes to Inf. xxvii) (in notes to Purg. i) (in notes to Purg. i) (in notes to Purg. xxiii) * See also under 1833, 1836, 1840, 1845. WRIGHT {iSs4)-CAYLAy {iSss) 43 Ichabod Charles Wright {Continued) 1854. Conv. iii. 15, 11. 21-2, 34-6 ... (in notes to Fwg. xxvii) Conv. iv. 12, 11. 39-48 (in notes to Purg. xxx) Conv. ii. 4, 11. 20-7 .... (in introduction to Paradiso) Conv. ii. 7, 11. 89-92 {ibid.) Conv. ii. 6, 11. 31-3, 38-46, 50-5 {ibid.) Epist. X, § 23 (in notes to Par. i) Conv. iv. 22, 11. 55-6, 60-1 .... (in notes to Par. xi) Conv. iv. 13, 11. 122-3 (in notes to Par. xi) Conv. iv. 29, 11. 10-13 (if notes to Par. xvi) Conv. iv. 12, 11. 170-6 (in notes to Par. xxviii) Conv. iv. 21, 11. 100-5, ii3~i7 ... (in notes to Par. xxix) Conv. ii. 14, 11. 28-30 (in notes to Par. xxxiii) Thomas William Parsons* 1854. Par. xxi. 106-35 {poetical paraphrase) (in Poems, 1854, pp. 50-4)' * See also under 1843, and note. Charles Bagot Cayley* 1854. Paradiso ("Dante's Divine Comedy: The Paradise ")('e''zo rima) * See also under 1851, 1853, 1855. Thomas Brooksbank 1854. Inferno ("Dante's Divine Comedy, the First Part: Hell") ^ {lerza rima) Sir William Frederick Pollock (1815-1888) 1854. Divina Commedia ("The Divine Comedy; or, The Inferno, Pur- gatory, and Paradise of Dante Alighieri") {blank verse) Charles Bagot Cayley * 1855. (In Notes on Dante's Divine Comedy) Conv. iv. 5, 11. 1-69 (in note to Inj. ii. 23) V. N. § 3, 11. 1-59 (in note to Inf. ii. 61) Conv. ii. 15, 11. 47-55 .... (in note to Inj. xvii. 106) Epist. X, § 10 (in note to Inj. xxi. 2) V. E. i. II, 11. 44-7 (in note to Inj. xxii. 86) Conv. iv. 28, 11. T21-3 (in note to Purg. i. 68) * See also under 1851, 1853, 1854. 1 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 88. 2 No more was published. 44 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Charles Bagot Cayley (^Continued) (in note to Purg. xiii. 39) (in note to Purg. xvi. 85) (in note to Purg. xvi. 99)' (in note to Purg. xvi. 106) . (in note to Purg. xx. 25) (in note to Purg. xxviii. 103) 1855. Conv. iv. 24, 11. 43-59 . Conv. iv. 12, 11. 138-69 . Mon. i. II, 11. 78-84, 87-90 Mon. iii. 16, 11. 14-82 Conv. iv. 5, 11. 107-10 Conv. ii. 3, 11. 36-46 V.N. § 2,11. 1-23, 38-45; § 14, 11. 1-34; § 10, 11. 14-16; § 12, 11. 58-9 (in note to Purg. xxx. 39) Son. vii (V. N. § 14), 1. i ... (in note to Purg. xxxi. 74) V. N. § 2, 11. S3-8 (in note to Purg. xxxiii. 25) Conv. ii. 3, 11. 16-27, ,36"48; 4, 11. 1-27, 30-2, 35-9 fin note to Par. i. 76) Conv. iii. 3, 11. 6-40 (in note to Par. i. 105) Conv. i. I, II. 46-54 (in note to^Par. ii. 11) Conv. ii. 14, 11. 72-6 (in note to Par. ii. 60) Conv. ii. 4, 11. 48-75 (in note to Par. v. 87) Mon. ii. II, 11. 22-36 (in note to Par. vi. 39) Mon. ii. 4, 11. 42-9 (in note to Par. vi. 44) Conv. iv. 5, 11. 147-50, 118-21, 130-3 (in note to Par. vi. 46) Mon. ii. 5, 11. 140-58 (in note to Par. vi. 46) Conv. iv. 5, 11. 164-71 (in note to Par. vi. 52) Mon. ii. 13, 11. 1-3, 6-8, 11-16, 29-63 (in note to Par. vi. 86) Epist. X, § I (in note to Par. xvii. 85) Conv. ii. 14, 11. 198-204 .... (in note to Par. xviii. 68) Mon. ii. 13, 11. 66-Q (in note to Par. xx. 55) Anonymous 1855. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) ("Tanto gentile") (rhymed sonnet) (inCayley's Notes on Dante's Divine Comedy, p. 12) ^ Anonymous: "G. J. C." 1855. Inf. xxxii. 124-39; xxxiii. 1-83 ("The Tower of Famine") (terza rima) (in Eraser's Magazine, September, 1855, Vol. Iii, pp. 350-1) 1 Wrongly quoted by Cayley as from the Convito. - Described by Cayley as " by a friend," CAYLEY [i8s5')-B ROOKS (iSjS) 45 John Ruskin* (1819-1900) 1856. (In Vol. iii of Modern Painters, in prose) ' Purg. xxix. 122-3 (Chap, viii, § 7) Inf. xviii. 4; xiv. 82-3; xv. 11; viii. 69 . . (Chap, xiv, § 29) Purg. X. 24 (Chap, xiv, § 31) Inf. i. 77-8 (Chap, xiv, § 32) Inf- i- 5-7 (Chap, xiv, § 33) Purg. xxvii. 131-2 ^ (Chap, xiv, § 34) Purg. xxviii. 68-9, 41 (Chap, xiv, § 35) Purg. xxxii. 58 (Chap, xiv, § 46) Inf. iv. 118 (Chap, xiv, § 48) Purg. vii. 73-8; viii. 28 (Chap, xiv, § 49) Purg. i. 103-S (Chap, xiv, § 53) Inf. vii. 108; xviii. 2; Purg. ix. 115. . . (Chap, xv, § 7) Inf. xi. 2; xii. 4-9, 28-9 (Chap, xv, § 13) Inf. xxxiii. 30 (Chap, xv, § 17) Purg. i. 117; Par. i. 61-2, 80-1 .... (Chap, xv, § 20) * See also under i860, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1874. Whitley Stokes (i83C^ ) 1857. Son. xxxii ("Guido, vorrei") (rhymed sonnet) (in Fraser's Maga- zine, January, 1857, Vol. Iv, pp. 26-7; in art. Tuscan Proverbs) ' J. C. Peabody 1857. Inf. i-x (blank verse, "a line for line literal translation") Inf. i (ierza rima) * Charles Timothy Brooks 1858. Canz. vii (Conv. iii) (verse) (in the Crayon, February, 1858, Vol. v, p. 39) ' 1 Sometimes in the form of paraphrase. 2 Ruskin makes a curious mistranslation here, rendering arte as " art," instead of " narrow " (ways) — " Fuor sei dell' erte vie, fuor sei dell' arte." 8 This version was recast by Theodore Martin, and utilized by him in his translation of the Vita Nuova (1862) . •• See T. W. Koch, Daxte in America, pp. 89-90. " See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 90. 46 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Charles Boner (181S-1870) 1859. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) ("Tanto gentile") {verse) (in Dank Alighieri's Lyrische Gedichte, ubersetzt von C. Kraft, p. 519) ' James Russell Lowell * (1819-1891) 1859. (In the article "Dante" in New American Encydopcedia) Par. xvii. 55-60 {blank verse) Epist. ix, §§ 3, 4 V. E. ii. 6, 11. 35-9 Epist. V, § 6 Epist. X, §§ 7, 8, 10 * See also under 1876. Richard Furman 1859. Inf. xxxiii. 1-90 ("Count Ugoline") {rhymed verse) (in The Pleas- ures 0} Piety, and Other Poems, pp. 178-84) ^ Charles Eliot Norton* (1827- ) 1859. Vita Nuova ("The New Life")^ (selections) (in Atlantic Monthly, January, February, March, 1859, Vol. iii, pp. 62-9, 202-12, 330-9) * See also under 1867, 1891, 1892, 1897, 1902. John Wesley Thomas* 1859. Inferno ("The Trilogy; or Dante's Three Visions — Inferno, or the Vision of Hell") {terza rima) Conv. i. 3, 11. 15-43 (in Life oj Dante, p. xxxi) Epist. ix, § 4 (in Lije oj Dante, p. xxxiii) Par. xxiv. 35-147 {prose) ... (in Religious Opinions of Dante, p. xlvi) Inf. ii. 28-31 {prose) aud.) Purg. vii. 7-8 {prose) {^ud.) * See also under 1862, 1866. 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 79. 2 See T. W. Koch, A List of Danteiana in American Libraries, p. 9. 3 Reprinted, with additions, in book form in the same year. BONER {i8sg)-ARN0LD {i8bi) 47 John Wesley Thomas (^Continued) 1859. Purg. xxii. 60 (prose) {ibid. p. xlvii) Purg. V. 107 (prose) (ibid.) Purg. iii. 118-35 (ibid.) Mon. iii. 10, II. 50-3 (ibid.) Conv. ii. 9, II. 115-20 (ibid.) Son. X (V. N. § 20), I. I ("Amore e' I cor gentil") (in notes to Inf. v. 100) Conv. iv. 20, II. 13-14 (in note to Inf. vii. 103) Conv. iv. 16, U. 65-71 (in note to In}, xx. 118) Conv. iv. 28, II. 14-24 ... (in note to Inf. xxvii. 81) Mon. iii. 10, II. 1-6 (in note to /»/. xxvii. 95) Bruce Whyte* 1859. Inferno ("A Free Translation, in Verse, of the Inferno of Dante") (terza rima) * See Appendix under 1841. Thomas Love Peacock* i860. Par. xxxi. 70-2 iferza rima) (in Gryll Grange) * See also under 1816. John Ruskin * i860. (In Unto this Last, in Cornhill Magazine, August-November, i860, in prose) .Par. xviii. 91-3 (in Essay iii) Inf. vii. 13-14 (in Essay iv) * See also under 1856, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1874. Charles James Rowe c. i860? Son. XV (V. N. § 26) (verse) ' Matthew Arnold* (1822-1888) 1861. Inf. xvi. 61-3 (prose) (in On Translating Homer, Lecture ii, P- S8) * See also under 1862. 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, pp. 79, 81 ; Vol. ii, p. 411. 48 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Dante Gabriel Rossetti* (1828-1882) 1861. Vita Nuova ("The New Life") {peems in rhymed verse) (in Early Italian Poets, pp. 223-309) Son. ("Messer Brunette") (p- 310) Son. xxix (P- 3") Son. xli (P- 312) Son. li (P- 313) Ball, ix (P- 314) Canz. xvii (PP- 31S-17) Son. ("Un disi venne") (p. 318) Son. xxxiv (P- 319) Son. xlvi (P- 321) Son. xxx (p. 323) Sest. i (pP- 324-6) Son. xxxiii (p- 327) Son. xxxii (p. 34°) Son. xxxvii (p. 436) Son. lii ("Bicci novel") (p. 439) Son. liv ("Chi udisse tossir") (p- 44o) * See also under 1870, 1874, 1B79, 1881. William Michael Rossetti* (1829- ) 1861. Inf. X. 55-63, 67-72, 109-14 (blank verse) ' (in D. G. Rossetti's Early Italian Poets, pp. 199-200) * See also under 1865, 1878. John Wesley Thomas * 1862. Purgatorio ("The Trilogy; or Dante's Three Visions — Purga- torio, or the Vision of Purgatory") (terza rima) Epist. X, §§ II, 15 (in Introduction, p. xxiv) Conv. i. I, U. 66-79 ... (in Introduction, pp. xxiv-v) Epist. X, § 7 (in note to Purg. ii. 46) Conv. i. II, 11. 58-65 (in note to Purg. iii, 84) Mon. i. 12, 11. 1-2 (in note to Purg. xvi. 78) V. E. ii. 4, 11. 29-33 (i'l "^ots '° Purg. xvi. 129) * See also under 1859, 1B66. I This rendering was somewhat modified when the complete translation of the Inferno was published in 1865. ROSSETTI {i86i)-KAiMSA V {1S62) 49 John Wesley Thomas {Continued) 1862. Conv. iii. 6, 11. 71-80 .... (in note to Purg. xviii. t,^ Mon. ii. 5, 11. 97-9 . Conv. iv. 21, 11. 105-10 Conv. iv. 21, 11. 122-33 Conv. iv. 12, 11. 39-48 . V. N. § 41, 11. 41-S1 • . (in note to Furg. xx. 25 (in note to Purg. xxix. 50' (in note to Purg. xxx. 120^ (in note to Purg. xxx. 132 (in note to Piwg. xxxiii. 78 Theodore Martin * 1862. Vita Nuova {poems in rhymed verse) Inf. ii. 103-5 {terza rima) .... (in Introduction, p. ix^ Purg. xxiv. 52-4 {terza rima) ... (in Introduction, p. ix Canz. iii (V. N. § 32), 11. 55-6 ... (in Introduction, p. xxv Son. xxxiii. 5-14 ' .... (in Introduction, pp. xxxv-vi Purg. xxx. 115-38 {terza rima) {in Introduction, '^"p.xxyiVm-ix Purg. xxxi. 49-63 {terza rima) ... (in Introduction, p. xl Canz. (" lo miro i crespi") . (in Introduction, pp. xlvi-1 Conv. i. 7, 11. 91-5 (in Introduction, p. Ivi' Son. xxxii (in Notes, pp. 88 Son. xlviii (in Notes, p. 90^ Canz. xvi (in Notes, pp. 91-3 Son. xxvii (in Notes, p. 96^ Son. xxxiii ' (in Notes, pp. 96-7 Son. XXXV (in Notes, p. 97 Son. xlvii (in Notes, pp. 97-8 Canz. xiii (in Notes, pp. 98-102 Son. xxix (in Notes, pp. 102-3^ Son. Ii (in Notes, pp. 104-5 Ball, ii (in Notes, pp. 105-6' Canz. xvii (in Notes, pp. 107-10 Conv. ii. 2, 11. 1-3 (in Notes, pp. 111-12 Conv. ii. 13, 11. 4-52 (in Notes, pp. 113-14; Son. xxxiv (in Notes, pp. 1 15-16; * See also under 1845, 1864, 1893. Mrs. C. H. Ramsay* 1862. Inferno (" Dante's Divina Commedia : laitmo") {terza rima) Purgatorio ("Dante's Divina Commedia: Purgatorio") {terza ■rima) V. N. §§ 18, 19, 11. 1-12 ... (in note to Purg. xxiv. 51) * See also under 1863. 1 These two renderings differ slightly. 50 ENGLISH TJiAXSLATIONS FROM DANTE William P. Wilkie 1862. Inferno (" Dante's Divina Commedia: the Inferno ")^ (irregular blank verse) Matthew Arnold * 1862. (In On Translating Homer: Last Words, in prose) Purg. xxiii. 124-6, 127-9 (P- 34) Inf. xxxiii. 49-50 (P- 64) * See also under T.861. Robert Browning* 1862. Conv. ii. 9, 11. 132-6 (written in his wife's Testament) ^ * See also under 1845. Hugh Bent 1862. Inferno (terza rima) ' Mrs. C. H. Ramsay* 1863. Paradiso ("Dante's Divina Commedia: Paradiso") (terza rima) V. E. ii. 6, 11. 81-4 (in note to Par. \. 121-3) Epist. X, § 10 (in note to Par. xvii. 70-2) * See also under 1862, Henry Clark Barlow (1806-1876) 1864. (In Critical, Historical, and Philosophical Contributions to the Study oj the Divina Commedia) Conv. i. I, 11. 111-18 (pp. 379-80) Par. xxiv. 70-8, 79-81, 106-8 {prose) . . . (pp. 509-10) Epist. v, 11. 1-13 (p. 559) Epist. vii, 11, 31-2 (p. 564) 1 Xo more was published. " Quoted by Browning in a letter written in 1876 to a lady " who believed herself dying" ; printed in Contemporary Review, Vol. Ix, p. 881, in article on " The Religious Opinions of Robert Browning," by Mrs. Sutherland-Orr. 3 Printed, but not published. See note by J. Bouchier, in Notes and Queries, sth Series, viii, 366. Nov. 10, 1877. Hugh Bent had previously (in 1859) published a verse trans- lation " in octaves " of Tasso's " Jerusalem Delivered." WILKIE {i862)-PAJiS0NS {i86s) 51 Theodore Martin* 1864. Vita Nuova and Lyrical Poems (second edition) ^ * See also under 1845, 1862, 1893. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow* 1864. Par. xxiii-xxv {blank verse) (in Atlantic Monthly, January, 1864, Vol. xiii, pp. 47-SS) 1865. Inferno {blank verse) ^ * See also under 1839, 1845, i866, 1867. Anonymous 1865. (In Cornhill Magazine, August, 1865, pp. 243-56) Inf. xix. 115-17 {prose) .... Par. xxvii. 22-5, 40-2, 45-57 {prose) Son. xxxii ("Guido, vorrei") {prose V. N. § II, 11. 1-9; § 12, 11. 3-8; § 43, 11. i-i Purg. XXX. 22-33, 12 1-3 {prose Purg. vi. 126 {blank verse) Inf. X. 46-8 {prose) . Inf. xxxii. 97-9 {prose) . Par. xvii. 58-60 {blank verse) Conv. i. 3, 11. 28-43 • Conv. iv. 9, 11. 100-8 Epist. V, §§ 2, 5 . . . Purg. i. 1-3, 5-6 {prose) Epist. ix, §§ 1-4 . Eel. i. 42-4 {prose) (P- 243) (P- 243) <.P- 245) (p. 246) (p. 246) (p. 246) (P 247) (p. 248) (p. 249) (p. 249) (P- 250) (P- 250) (p. 250) (P- 251) (P- 256) Thomas William Parsons* 1865. Seventeen Cantos of the Inferno {rhymed quatrains) ' * See also under 1843, and note. 1 First published in 1862. 2 Privately printed (ten copies, of which five were sent to Italy — in commemoration of the sixth centenary of Dante's birth). See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 94. From an entry in Longfellow's Journal it appears that his translation of the Divina Commedla was completed on April 16, 1863 ; the Purgatorio and Paradiso were translated first, the Inferno last. 8 Privately printed, in commemoration of " the six-hundredth birthday of Dante." See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 94. 52 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE John Dayman* 1865. Divina Commedia (" The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri") (terza rima) ^ * See also under 1843. William Michael Rossetti* 1865. Inferno ("The Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Part i — the Hell")" (blank verse) * See also under 1861, 1878. James Ford * 1865. Inferno (" The Inferno of Dante, Translated in the Metre of the Original") (terza rima) * See also under 1870. Giacomo Pincherle* 1865. (In Omaggio a Dante: Dante's Memorial, Trieste, 1865, pp. 4-9) ^ Son. i (V. N. § 3) Son. xlviii Son. XX.X * See also under 1881. Vincenzo Botta 1865. (In Dante as Philosopher, Patriot, and Poet) * Sundry passages from the Vita Niiova, Convivio, De Monarchia, De Vulgari Eloquentia, Epistles, and Eclogues (in prose) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow* 1866. Purgatorio (blank verse) ^ * See also under 1839, 1864, 1865, 1867. Thomas William Parsons * 1866. Inf. xxvi. 79-142 ("The Story of Ulysses") (rhymed quatrains) (in the Galaxy, .August, 1866, Vol. i, pp. 605-7) ° * See also under 1843, and note. 1 The version of the Inferno, which was first published in 1843, is here issued in a revised form. ^ No more was published. 3 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of tke Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 80 ; Vol. ii, p. 379- "* Reissued in 1887, with the title Introduction to the Study of Dante. 5 Privately printed (ten copies). See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 96. 6 See T. W. Koch, Dante In America, p. 96. DAYMAN {i86s)-LONGFELLOW {1867) 53 John Wesley Thomas* 1866. 1866. Paradise or the Epist. X, §§ 21-3 . Conv. iii. 3, 11. 5-13 Conv. ii. 4, 11. 21-7 Conv. i. I, 11. 51-4 Conv. ii. 14, U. 72-6 Conv. iii. 14, 11. 31-7 Mon. ii. 6, 11. 56-8 Conv. ii. 4, 11. 68-75 Conv. ii. 7, 11. go-2 Conv. ii. 4, 11. 78-83, 97-8 Conv. iii. 3, 11. 21-30 Conv. iii. 7, 11. 11-16 Conv. ii. IS, 11. 47-Si, 55-6, 69-76 Conv. ii. 14, 11. 188-204 Conv. iii. 12, 11. 52-6 . Mon. ii. 13, 11. 66-9 Conv. iv. 21, 11. 101-5 ■ * See also under 1859, 1S62 Mary Bayard Clark (In Mosses from a Rolling Stone) ' Son. X (V. N. § 20) ("What is Love?") Son. XXX ("Beauty and Virtue") Inf. V. 115-38 ("Francesca da Rimini") Henry Wadsworth Longfellow* ("The Trilogy; or Dante's Three Visions — Paradiso, Vision of Paradise") (terza rima) (in note to. Par. i. 2) . (in note to Par. i. 114) . (in note to Par. i. 123) . (in note to Par. ii. 11) . (in note to Par. ii. 60) . (in note to Par. v. 12) . (in note to Par. v. ^2) . (in note to Par. v. 87) (in note to Par. vii. 140) (in note to Par. viii. 4) (in note to Par. viii. 141) (in note to Par. xiii. 72) (in note to Par. xiv. 98) (in note to Par. xviii. 68) . '(in note to Par. xx. 6) (in note to Par. xx. 56) (in note to Par. xxix. 65) (p. 158) (p. 158) (p. 161) 1867. Paradiso (blank verse) ^ Divina Commedia ("The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Translated") (blank verse) (in three volumes cr. 8vo) ' V. N. § 43, 11. 1-17 . (in Notes to Inferno, Vol. i, p. 115) Epist. X, §§ 7, 8 (ibid. p. 116) Conv. iv. 24, 11. 123-7 (in note to Inf. i. 2) * See also under 1839, 1845, 1864, 1865, 1866. 1 See T. W. Koch, .4 List of Danteiana in American Libraries, pp. 9, 15, 28. 2 Privately printed (ten copies). See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 97. 3 Now first published. A limited edition, in three volumes, royal 8vo, was issued in the same year. 54 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1867. Canz. ("La bella stella, che il tempo misura") Conv. iv. 20, 11. 14-15 Conv. ii. 16, 11. 6-8 Conv. iv. 16, 11. 69-71 Conv. iv. 23, 11. 105-7 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 15-19 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 121-3, 159~63 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 98-103 V. E. i. 15, 11. 9-14 . Conv. iv. 23, 11. 47-64 Conv. iv. 20, 11. 51-79 . Conv. iv. 12, 11. 138-69 Conv. iv. 17, 11. 85-9 . Conv. ii. 4, 11. 1-30 Conv. ii. 14, 11. 51-64 . Conv. iii. 2, 11. 47-50, 56- Conv. iii. 6, 11. 71-80 . Conv. iii. 2, 11. 114-22 . Conv. ii. 14, 11. 67-87 . Conv. i. 1, 11. 5-11, 51-3 Conv. ii. 14, 11. 72-6 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 9-12, 12-2 Conv. ii. 14, 11. 90-109 Conv. i. II, 11. 58-70 . Conv. ii, 14, 11. 98-100 Conv. iii. 8, 11. 71-112 Conv. iii. 7, 11. 46-64 . Conv. iii. 7, 11. 74-8, 83-6 Conv. ii. 14, 11. 110-22 Conv. ii. 4, 11. 78-82 . Conv. ii. 6, 11. 145-51 . Conv. ii. 5, 11. 4-8; 6, 11. 105-c Conv. iii. 14, 11. 31-48 Conv. iii. 5, 11. 54-6 . Conv. iii. 3, 11. 21-30 . Conv, ii. 14, 11. 123-53 Conv. iv. 13, 11. 107-21 Conv ii 14, 11. 154-93 Conv. ii. 15, 11. 45-77 . (^Contittued) . (in note to Inj. ii. 55) (in note to Inj. v. 89) . (in note to Inj. v. 121) . (in note to Inj. xx. 118) (in note to Inf. xxi. 112) (in note to Inj. xxvii. 81) . (in note to Purg. i. 31) . (in note to Purg. i. 78) (in note to Purg. vi. 74) (in note to Purg. xiii. 114) (in note to Purg. xv. 67) (in note to Purg. xvi. 92) (in note to Purg. xxvii. 93) . (in note to Par. i. 1) . (in note to Par. i. i) (in note to Par. i. 7) (in note to Par. i. 7) . (in note to Par. i. 141) (in note to Par. ii. i) . (in note to Par. ii. 11) (in note to Par. ii. 59) (in note to Par. iv. 139) (in note to Par. v. 1) . (in note to Par. v. 80) . (in note to Par. v. 129) . (in note to Par. vii. 17) . (in note to Par. vii. 67) (in note to Par. vii. 76) . (in note to Par. viii. 1) . (in note to Par. viii. 3) . (in note to Par. viii. 3) (in note to Par. viii. 37) (in note to Par. viii. 97) (in note to Par. viii. 120) (in note to Par. viii. 141) (in note to Par. x. 1) . (in note to Par. xi. 67) (in note to Par. xiv. 86) (in note to Par. xiv. 99) LONGFELLOW {iSb^yjOHNSTON (/, 55 1867. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Conv. iv. 23, 11. 149-52, 156-9 Conv. i. 10, II. 89-92 . V. N. § 26, II. 14-19 . Conv. ii. 14, II. 194-223 Conv. ii. 14, II. 224-53 Conv. ii. 15, II. 4-108 . Conv. ii. 14, II. 1 19-201 Conv. ii. 4, U. 21-7 V. E. i. 4, II. 26-31 Conv. ii. 15, II. 122-64 Conv. ii. 6, II. 39-55 . Conv. i. 1, II. 8-10 Conv. ii. 4, II. 35-43 . Conv. ii. 15, II. 165-84 Conv. ii. 7, II. 54-8 ( Continued) . (in note to Par. xv. 98) (in note to Par. xv. 100) (in note to Par. xviii. 63) (in note to Par. xviii. 67) . (in note to Par. xix. i) (in note to Par. xxii. 119) (in note to Par. xxii. 145) (in note to Par. xxiv. 132) (in note to Par. xxvi. 134) (in note to Par. xxvii. 1) (in note to Par. xxviii. 34) (in note to Par. xxviii. .110) . (in note to Par. xxx. 1) (in note to Par. xxx. 38) (in note to Par. xxxii. 107) 1867. George Washington Greene Epist. vii (in Longfellow's translation "of the Divina Commedia, ed. 1867, Vol. ii, p. 455) 1867. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1868. Thomas William Parsons * Inferno (in rhymed quatrains) * See also under 1843, and note. John Aitken Carlyle* Inferno {prose) ("second edition, carefully revised") ' * See also under 1849. Charles Eliot Norton* Vita Nuova {poems in rhymed verse) ^ * See also under 1859, iSgi, 1892, 1897, 1902. David Johnston * Inferno ("A Translation of Dante's Inferno") {blank verse) Purgatorio ("A Translation of Dante's Purgatorio") {blank verse) * See also under 1869. 1 The first edition was published in 1849. 2 Second edition. 56 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE George Henry Calvert 1868. (In Putnam's Magazine, February, 1868, N. S. Vol. i, pp. 15S ff.) ' (in octosyllabic blank verse) Inf. iii. 1-9 Inf. V. 115-42 Inf. xxxiii. 46-75 Par. xxxiii. 1-8 Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) 1868. Inf. i {terza rima) (in Cornhill Magazine, July, 1868, Vol. xviii, pp. 38-42) Thomas William Parsons * 1869. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) (rhymed sonnet) (in Catholic World, Jan- uary, 1869, Vol. viii, p. 545) ^ * See also under 1843, and note. 1869. Edward Hayes Plumpt re* (1821-1891) (In Quarterly Review, April, 1869, Vol. cxxvi) (in terza rima) Inf. XV. 82-5 .... (p. 418) Inf. iv. 42 (p. 419) Purg. ii. 106-17 (p. 421) Inf. xxii. 1-7 (p. 422) V. N. § 23, 11. 17-19, 43-4, 67-8 (p. 422) Purg. XXX. 121-38 .... (p. 424) Par. XXV. 1-9 (p. 441) Inf. xxxiii. 149-50 .... (p. 446) * See also under 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1887. David Johnston * Paradiso ("A Translation of Dante's Paradiso") {blank verse) * See also under 1867, 1868. 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 161. 2 See T. \V. Koch, Dante in America, p. loi. CALVERT {i868)-ROSSETTI {1871) 57 Thomas William Parsons * 1870. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) {rhymed sonnet) ^ (in The Old House at Sudbury, p. 86) Par. V. 73-80 (verse) (in The Old House at Sudbury, p. 100) 1870. Purg. i (rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, November, 1870, Vol. xii, pp. 145-9) ^ * See also under 1843, and note. Dante Gabriel Rossetti* 1870. (Prefixed to Dante at Verona, in Poems, 1870) Par. xvii. 58-60 (terza rima) Purg. XXX. 73 (verse) * See also under 1861, 1874, 1879, 1881. James Ford* 1870. Divina Commedia ("The Divina Commedia of Dante, Translated into English Verse") (terza rima) ' * See also under 1865. John Ruskin * 1870. Inf. V. ig-20 (in Verona, ch. iii, § 9, in prose) * See also under 1856, i860, 1871, 1872, 1874. Maria Francesca Rossetti (1827-1876) 1871. (In A Shadow of Dante) V. N. § 2, 11. 1-18, 38-59 (pp. 18-19) V. N. § 3, 11. 1-22 (p. 20) V. N. § 22, 11. 2-18; § 29, 11. 6-11 (p. 21) Conv. ii. 16, 11. 100-3; "■ i3j ''• 4~5^ .... (pp. 22-3) V. N. § 43, 11- 2-17 (p- 25) Epist. ix, 11. 27-52 (p. 29) Mon. iii. 16, 11. 15-17, 37-91 . . ' . . . . (pp. 38-9) Conv. ii. 9, 11. 55-62 (p. 48) Conv. iv. 17, 11. 71-2, 50-2 (p- 52) Canz.vii. 63-7 (6/ow^; Conv. iii. 15,11. 115-131 . (p. 55) Epist. X, 11. 167-75 (p- 112) 1 Revised version. See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. loi. 2 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. loi. 3 The Inferno alone was published in 1865. 58 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE 1871. 1871. 1872. 1872. 1872. 1872. Maria Francesca Rossetti (^Continued) Purg. vii. 122-3 (prose) Conv. ii. 14, 11. 99-100 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 9-20 (P- 137) (p. 203) (p. 207) John Ruskin * Inf. vii. 54 (prose) (in Fors Clavigerd, No. viii, August, 187 1) Inf. xxi. 7-9, 16-40, 42-58 (prose) (in Fors Clavigera, No. xviii, June, 1872) Inf. ix. 52 (prose) (in Fors Clavigera, No. xxiv, December, 1872) Purg. xxxii. 2 (prose) (in Eagle's Nest, Lecture ix, § 177) * See also under 1856, i860, 1870, 1874. Thomas William Parsons* Purg. ii, iii, v (rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, January, 1872, Vol. xiv, pp. 503-6; September, 1872, Vol. xv, pp. 730-3; December, 1872, Vol. xvi, pp. 319-22) ' * See also under 1843, and note. Anonymous Purg. xii-xiii (terza rima) (in Monthly Packet, January, April, 1872, N. S. Vol. xiii, pp. 2-6, 313-17) John Afldington'Symonds* (1840-1893) (In Introduction to the Study of Dante, in prose ^) Par. xvi. 44-5 (ed. Par. XXV. 7-9 . Purg. ii. 106-8 . Purg. XXX. 34-48 . Conv. ii. 13, 11. 9-22, 30-52 Par. XXX. 28-30 Par. xxvi. 13-15 . Par. xvi. 145-7 Par. xvii. 61-9 . Purg. vi. 97-g . Mon. i. 2, 11. 3-7 . Purg. xxxiii. 58-60. * See also under 1874. 1 See T. W. Koch, Davte in America^ p. 102. 2 Except where otherwise indicated. 1890, p. 34) ■ (P- 35) • (P-37) (PP- 39-40) (pp. 49- -50) . (p. 52) (P- 52) (P- 54) (P- 68) (P- 74) (P- 75) (P- 77) ROSSETTI {iSjiySYMONDS {1872) S9 John Addington Symonds {Continued) 1872. Mon. iii. i, 11. 42-4 Mon. iii. 16, 11. 129-40 Epist. vi, tit., §§ 2, 3 Epist. vii, tit., § 7 . Epist. ix, §§ 3, 4 . Eel. i. 42-4 . Par. XXV. 1-9 Epist. X, § 8 Epist. X, § 10 Epist. X, § 15 Purg. vii. 53-4 Purg. ix. 94-105 {blank verse) Purg. i. 71-S . Inf. xiv. 43-4 Inf. i. 79; ii. 58 Purg. vii. 16, 18 Inf. ii. 140; iv. 73; X. 4; xi. 91 Inf. vii. 3; viii. 7; xvi. 62; Purg. iii. 22; xii 3; xiii. 75; xviii. 2; xxiii. 4; xxx. 50; Par XV. 26 Par. i. 85; ii. 26-7; iii. i, 23-4, 126; iv. 118 xviii. 8; xxv. 49; xxviii. 3; xxx. 75 Inf. iv. 31-42 {blank verse) Purg. vii. 28-36 {blank verse) Purg. xiv. 37-8 .... Purg. vl. 127 .... Par. xxxi. 37-9 .... Par. xxvii. 22-7 {blank verse) Par. xxvii. 28-36 {blank verse) Inf. viii. 37-42, 52-4, 60 Purg. iii. 133-5 {blank verse) Inf. xvi. 46-8, 50, 58-60 Par. xvii. 124-8, 130-5 Inf. XV. 35-6 Purg. xiii. 133-8 Par. vi. 112-14 • Purg. xi. 1 15-17 Inf. X. 36 Inf. V. 65-6 . Inf. xxix. 46-51, 58-62, 67-9 . (p. 78) • (P- 79) . (p. 80) (pp. 81-2) (pp. 84-5) • (p. 87) . (p. 88) (pp. 103-4) (pp. 106-7) ■ (p- no) ■ (P- 117) (p. 119) ■ (p- 121) . (p. 129) • (P- 130) • (P- 131) ■ (P- 131) • (P- 131) ■ (P- 132) (pp. 134-5) ■ (P- 135) • (P- 143) • (P- 143) • (P- 143) ■ (p. 146) • (p. 148) ■ (P- 149) • (P- IS5) • (P- 157) (pp. 157-8) . (p. 158) . (p. 160) . (p. 160) . (p. 161) • (p- 164) . (p. 166) ■ (P- 167) 6o ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE John Addington Symonds (^Continued') 1872. Par. ix. 72-3 .... Purg. xii. 112-14 {\)lank verse) Purg. viii. 13-15 {blank verse) Purg. xi. 31-6 .... Purg. viii. 70-4 .... Purg. vi. 61-6 {blank verse) Purg. xxi. 97-9 .... Purg. xxi. 103-8, 124-6 Purg. xxii. 64-73 • Purg. xxiii. 85-93 • ■ • Par. V. 106-8; ix. 70-1 Par. XXX. 39-42 {blank verse) Par. xxi. 55-6; xx. 16; xxii. 29; 22, 100; ix. 37, 77; xii. 2 Par. V. 105; vi. 118-23 Par. vi. 124-6; iii. 85-90 Par. xxiii. 1 12-14 Par. xi. 37-9, 50-4 Par. xii. 55-7 . Par. xvii. 55-60 Par. XXX. 61-9, 91-6 {blank Par. xxxi. 13-15 Par. xxxii. 107-8 Par. xxxiii. 143-5 {blank verse Purg. xxxiii. 139-41 Purg. xii. 88-90 Purg. i. 115-17, 121-3 Purg. XV. 139-41 Purg. ix. 13-19 . Par. xxiii. 1-9 . Purg. xxvii. 80-1 Purg. iii. 79-84 . Par. XX. 73-5 . Purg. xvii. 1-6 . Par. iii. 10-15 ■ Purg. vi. 66, 149-51 Purg. ix. 142-5 . Purg. xxxiii.. 53-4 Par. xvii. 104-5 Purg. xxiv. 52-4 • (P- 172) • (P- 172) • (P- 173) (pp. 173-4) ■ (P- 174) • (p- 176) . (p. 176) • (P- 177) . (p. 178) (pp. 178-9) . (p. 180) (pp. 180-1) . (p. 181) . (p. 182) . (p. 183) (pp. 184-s) . (p. 188) . (p. 188) . (p. 189) (pp. 192-3) • (P- 193) • (P- 193) ■ (P- 194) . (p. 200) . (p. 208) ■ (p- 211) ■ (P- 212) (pp. 212-13) . (p. 216) . (p. 216) ■ (p. 217) ■ (p- 217) . (p. 218) . (p. 218) ■ (?■ 219) • (P- 219) . (p. 220) . (p. 221) . (p. 221) SYMONDS {i872)-PAKS0NS (^1873) 61 1872. 1873- 1873- John Addington Symonds {Continued) Par. xxiii. 49-51 (p. 221) Purg- XX. I (p. 221) Purg. V. 14-18 (p. 222) Par. xvii. 37-42 (p. 223) Par. xii. 3 (p. 224) Par. xviii. 40-2 (p. 225) Par. xxvi. 97-9 (p. 225) Par. xxiii. 130-2 (p. 226) Par. xxxii. 70-2 (p. 226) Par. xxxii. 139-41 . . (p. 227) Par. xvii. 129 (p. 227) Par. xii. 114 (p. 227) Par. xxi. 16-18 (p. 228) Par. xxiv. 26-7 (p. 229) Par. xxix. 1-6 (p. 230) Purg. xii, 49-54, 58-60, 40-3, 67-9 (p. 242) Purg. X. 28-45 (PP- 243-4) V. N. § 25, 11. 40-51 (p. 278) V. E. i. 10, 11. 28-9 (p. ,279) Purg. xxvi. 97-9 (p. 280) Mandell Creighton* (1843-1901) (In Danie, his Life, his Writings. Part i, in Macmillan's Magazine, Vol. xxix, pp. 554-63; reprinted in Historical Essays and Reviews,^ pp. 1-25) Purg. xxx. 130-2 (blank verse) (P- 13) Par. xvii. 58-60 (prose) (p- 18) Epist, V, 11. 23-39 (pp. 19-20) Epist. ix, 11. 27-52 ' . . . . (p. 21) Par. XXV. 2-3 (prose) (p. 22) Par. xxxi. 37-9 (prose) (p. 23) * See also under 1874. Thomas William Parsons* Purg. vi-ix, xi, xiv (rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, Feb- ruary, 1873, Vol. xvi, pp. 581-4; April, May, June, 1873, Vol. xvii, pp. 24-7, 158-61, 304-7; November, December, 1873, Vol. xviii, pp. 166-70, 299-302) ^ * See also under 1843, and note. > Published in 1902. 2 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, pp. 102-3. 62 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Thomas William Parsons {Continued) 1874. Purg. xii, xiv {rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, February, 1874, Vol. xviii, pp. 589-90; July, 1874; Vol. xix, pp. 450-3) ' Dante Gabriel Eossetti* 1874. Vita Nuova {poems in rhymed verse) (in Dante and his Circle^ pp. 29-109) Purg. xi. 94-9 {terza rima) ^ . . . (in Introdtiction, p. 10) Son. ("Messer Brunette")* Son. xxix ^ . . . . Son. xli Ball, ix Son. li Canz. ("Poichfe ti place") ° {rhymed verse) Canz. xvii ' . . . . Son. ("Un di si venne") Son. xxxiv .... Son. xlvi .... Son. XXX . ... Sest. i Son. xxxiii .... Son. xxxii .... Son. xxxvii .... Son. liv ("Bicci novel") Son. lii ("Chi udisse tossir") * See also under 1861, 1870, 1879, 1881 • (p. no) • (P- III) ■ (P- 112) • (P- 114) • (P- 113) (pp. 115-17) (pp. 118-20) • (P- 121) • (P- 122) • (P- 124) . (p. 126) (pp. 127-9) ■ (P- 130) ■ (P"- 143) • (P- 240) ■ (P- 243) ■ (P- 244) John Addington Symonds* 1874. (In Sketches in Italy and Greece, in prose) Purg. xii. 34-6 Purg. xxviii. 40-1, 49-51 Inf. ix. 76-8 * See also under 1872. (P- 49) (p. 258) (p. 258) 1 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, pp. 10Z-3. 2 A new edition, " revised and rearranged," of the Early Italian Poets, published in 1861. 3 Cayley's version of these lines is given in the earlier edition. ^ Last line altered. 6 Eighth line altered. 6 Not included in the Early Italian Poets. ^ In 1. 7 " decern " substituted for " discern." PASSONS {i874)-OLIPHANT {1874) 63 1874. 1874. 1874. 1874. Titus Munson Coan Son. xi (V. N. § 21) ("Dante praises Beatrice") {verse) (inLippin- coit's Magazine, August, 1874, Vol. xiv, p. 191) ' John Ruskin * Purg. xvi. ri5-i6, 118-20 (prose) (in Val d' Arno, Lecture i, § 2) * See also under 1S56, i860, 1870, 1871, 1872. Ernest Ridsdale EUaby (d. 1896) Inferno i-x ("The Inferno of Dante Alighieri, Translated into Eng- lish Verse") (Cantos i-iii, in irregularly rhymed terza rima;- Cantos iv-x, in blank verse with occasional rhymes) ^ Charles Tomlinson* (1808-1897) (In The Sonnet : Its Origin, Structure, and Place in Poetry) {rhymed sonnets) Son. xi (V. N. § 21) • ■ (PP- 6-7) Son. XXX . . . (p. 46) Son. xxxix . . (pp. 46-7) Son. xxix • • (pp- s°-i) Son. xvi (V. N. § 27)^ • • ■ (p- 53) Son. XV (V. N. § 26)' . . . (p. 64) * See also under 1877, 1882, 1894. Margaret Oliphant Oliphant * (1828-1897) 1874. (In Makers 0} Florence) V. N. § 2, 11. 38-52 (ed. 188s, pp. 18-19) V. N. § 3, 11. 1-2, 5-15, 18-27, 66-74, 96-104 . . (pp. 19-20) ■ V. N. § 18, 11. 1-64 (pp. 23-4) V. N. § 43, 11. 2-17 (p. 29) Par. xvii. 61-9 {terza rima) (p- 64) Conv. i. 3, 11. 20-43 (P- 66) Epist. X, §§ I, 2 (p. 84) * See also under 1877. 1 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 103. 2 T\Jo more was published. 3 Together with 11. 27-44 of P^ose (pp. 53-4). * Together with ^J i, 2 (11. 19-52), 11 (11. 1-9, 17-29), 26 (11. 1-36), 27 (11. i-ii), of prose (pp. 61-65). 64 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Mandell Creighton* 1874. (In Danle, his Life, his Writings. Part ii, in Macmillan's Maga- zine, Vol. XXX, pp. 56-67; reprinted in Historical Essays and Reviews,^ pp. 26-54) V. E. i. I, II. 1-12 (pp. 34-5^ Epist. X, 11. 267-70 (p. 41) Par. xxxiii 143-5 {blank verse) (p. 43) Inf. XX. 28-30 {blank verse) (P- 45) Inf. iv. 114 {blank verse) (p- 49) Inf. xxiv. 4-15 {blank verse) (pp. 50-1) Purg. vi. 1-9; Inf. xxv. 64-6; xxx. 136-8; Purg. i, 115-17 {blank verse) (P- 5^) Purg. xvii. 1-3 {blank verse) (P- 5^) Purg. xxvii. 139-42 {blank verse) (p- 54) * See also under 1873. Thomas WiUiam Parsons * 1875. Canz. iii (V. N. § 32), U. 15-28 ("Beatris") {verse) (in The Willey House, and Sonnets, p. 27) ^ Purg. i-x ("The Antepurgatorio") {rhymed quatrains)^ * See also under 1843, and note. Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead ' 1875. (In Dante. An Essay) * Eclogue i. 42-4 {rhymed couplets) Par. xxv. 1-9 {Spenserian stanzas) Par. xii. 3 {blank verse) . Purg. V. 134-6 {blank verse) . Purg. viii. 6 {blank verse) Inf. V, 70-142 {Spenserian stanzas) Inf. xxx. 58-69 {rhymed couplets) Inf. xxxiii. 1-75 {Spenserian stanzas) Inf. xxvi. 85-142 {Spenserian stanzas) * See also under 1884, 1885, 1903, 1904. 1 Published in 1902. 2 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 104. 3 An edition was also published in London in the next year. See T. W. Koch, Cata- logue 'of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 48. * Privately printed. . . (p. 5) . . (p. 5) • (p. 10) . (p. 13) • (p- 14) (pp. 18-20) (p. 20) (pp. 21-3) (PP- 23-5) CREIGHTON (^iSyfy-LOW ELL {1876) 65 James Russell Lowell* 1876. (In Among my Books. Second Series) Inf. XV. 85 {prose) Conv. iii. 11, 11. 102-9, 120-7 Conv. i. 3, 11. 28-32, 33-43 Epist. ix, §§ 3-4 . . . Dante's Epitaph {rhymed couplets) Par. xvii. 55-60 {blank verse) V. E. ii. 6, 11. 36-9 Epist. V, § 6 Epist. X, §§ 7, 8, 10 Epist. V, § I Epist. X, § 24 Epist. X, § 9 Conv. i. II, 11. 127-30 Conv. i. 8, 11. 47-8 Par. X. 138 {prose) Conv. ii. 16, 11. 65-8 Inf. viii. 36 {prose) Conv. iv. I, 11. 35-9 Conv. iv. 29, 11. 75-80 Par. xvii. 23-4 {prose) V. E. i. 6, 11. 17-23 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 82-9 Conv. i. 2, 11. 98-9, 105-8 Conv. iii. 13, 11. 1 12-15 Conv. i. 5, 11. 92-5 Conv. iii. 14, 11. 86-8, 14-1 Conv. iii. 11, 11. 92-4 . Conv. iii. 12, 11. 94-102 Conv. iii. 12, 11. 51-2 . Conv. iii. 12, 11. 106-8 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 13-20 Conv. iii. 14, 11. 123-41 Conv. i. I, 11. 106-8 Conv. ii. 12, 11. 23-4 . Conv. iv. 22, 11. 103-14, 134-2 Conv. iii. 6, 11. 71-80 Conv. iii. 2, 11. 50-70, 1 14-21 Conv. iv. 21, 11. 71-6, 92-7 * See also under 1859. (PP- (p. 6) (P-7) (P- 14) (pp. 15-16) (P- 17) (P- 19) (p. 28) (p. 29) 34) 42) 43) 44) 45) (p. 46) -7) 50) SI) 51) 51) 52) 53) 54) 54) (P- 54) (P- 55) SS) S6) S6) S6) (P- 57) (P- 57) (P- 57) (P- 57) (P- 57) (pp. 58-9) (pp. 59-60) . (p. 60) (pp. 60-1) 66 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE James Russell Lowell {Continued) 1876. Conv. iii. 3, 11. 76-g, 84-7, 92-100 Conv. iv. 17, 11. 85-92 Conv, ii. 8, 11. 34-6, 38-48 Purg. XXX. 133 {blank verse) V. N. § 25, 11. 106-11 Conv. ii. II, 11. 74-5 . Conv. iii. 15, 11. 123-8 Conv. i. 13, 11. 38-9 . Conv. ii. 2, 11. 6-8 . . Conv. iii. 9, U. 151-3 . V. N. § 39, 11. 33-7, 41-51 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 93-100 Conv. ii. 4, 11. 21-5 Conv. ii. 15, 11. 165-70 Conv. ii. 9, II. 56-8, 132-4 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 68-74 Conv. iv. II, 11. 76-82 . Par. xvii. 58-9 {prose) Canz. vi (Conv. ii), 11. 53-61 {rhymed verse) Conv. iii. 14, 11. 65-7 . Conv. iii. 15, 11. 54-5 . Conv. iv. 12, 11. 138-201 V. E. i. 17, 11. 35-8 . Conv. iv. 30, 11. 66-8 . Conv. iv. 28, 11. 7-10, 33-44 Mon. ii. I, 11. 21-4 V. N. § 41, 11. 2-3 . . Son. xxiv (V. N. § 41), 1. 3 {prose) Conv. iv. 5, 180-4 Conv. i. 7, 11. 91-5 Son. XXV (V. N. § 42) {rhymed sonnet) V. N. § 42, 11. 14-16 . V. N. § 43, 11- 1-7 ■ Mon. iii. 16, U. 34-52, 75-6 Conv. iv. 7, 11. 119-24, 106-7, 133-8 Epist. vi, § 2 Mon. i. 12, U. 6-7 . Conv. iv. 7, 11. 39-42 . Mon. iii. 16, 11. 130-40 Mon. ii. 12, 11. 15-18 . (pp. 61-2) (P- 63) (P- 63) (p. 64) (p. 65) (p. 6S) (p. 66) (P- 67) (P- 67) (p. 68) (p. 69) (P- 70) (P- 71) (P- 71) (P- 74) (P- 75) (P- 77) (P- 77) (p. 78) (P- 79) (p. 80) (pp. 80-2) (p. 82) (p. 83) (P- 83) (p. 84) (p. 84) (p. 84) (p. 84) (p. 85) (pp. 85-6) (p. 85) (p. 86) (p. 87J (P- 91) (P- 92) (p. 102) (pp. 102-3) (pp. 103-4) (p. 104) LOWELL {iS^byrOMLINSON {1877) 67 1876. c. 1876. James Russell Lowell (^Continued) Mon. i. 4, 11. 7-22 . Mon. i. 12, 11. 59-61 Mon. i. 16, 11. 31-4 Par. xvi. 67-8 {prose) Mon. iii. 8, 11. 47-9 , Mon. ii. 4, 11. 1-2, 30-3 Mon. ii. 8, 11. 23-35 Epist. X, § 2 Par. i. 70-1 (prose) Inf. XXX. 66 (prose) Conv. iv. 14, 11. 105-7 Conv. iv. 2, 11. 147-9 Inf. iv. 80 (prose) . (p. 106) (p. 107) (p. 107) (p. 107) (p. 109) (p. no) (pp. 111-12) (P- lis) (p. 118) (p. 121) (P- 123) (P- 123) (p. 124) Son. XV (V, P.5)' George William Rusden N. § 26) (verse) (in Translations and Fragments, Charles Tomlinson * 1877. Inferno ("A Vision of Hell") (terza rima) (In Dante and his Translators,^ pp. 1-37, in blank verse and prose) Inf. V. 88 . Inf. i. 22-4 . Inf. xxvi. 141-2 Inf. XXV. 142-4 Inf. vi. 84 Inf. iii. 29 Inf. ii. 1-9 (terza rima) Inf. xxiv. 1-3 Inf. ix. 1-2 . Inf. i. 3, 5 . Inf. iii. 112-14 Inf. V. 137 . Inf. iii. 10-12 Inf. xiv. 9 Inf. XV. 8s . * See also under 1874, 1882, 1894. 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. 2 Prefixed to the translation of the Inferno. " Slightly modified from the version printed in the translation. (p. 8) (p. 8) (P-9) (P-9) (p. 10) (p. 11) (p. 12) (P- I'S) (P- 13) (P- 14) (p. 20) (p. 21) (p. 21) (p. 21) (p. 22) , p- 81. 68 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Charles Tomlinson (^Continued) 1877. Inf. xxiv. 3 . Inf. vi. 24 . Inf. xiv. 37-9 Inf. XXV. 84 . Inf. V. 40-5 Inf. i. ii, 42 Inf. i. 20 Inf. V. 74-S . Inf. XV. I Inf. V. 133-6 Inf. xxxiii. 1-3, 38-40 Inf. V. 25-30 . . (p. (p. (P^ (P (P (p. (P (P (p. (p. (P^ (p. 22) 24) 24) 24) 26) 28) 29) 29) 30) 3°) 32) 32) Margaret Oliphant Oliphant* 1877. (In Bante jor English Readers — the passages from the Commedia in terza rima) Canz. i (V. N. § 19) [rhymed verse) Canz. (V. N. § 28) {rhymed verse) Canz. iii (V. N. § 32), 11. 1-30, 71-6 (rhymed verse) Inf. i. 61-84 Inf. ii. 52-117 Inf. iii. 22-51 Inf. iv. 7-45 Inf. V. 73-142 Inf. viii. 28-64 Inf. ix. 64-96, 100-2 Inf. X. 22-93 Inf. xiii. 1-6, 22-54 Inf. xiv. 1-30, 37-42 Inf. XV. 13-60 . Inf. xxiv. 1-15 . Purg. i. 13-21, 115-17 Purg. ii. 67-93, 106-18 Purg. vi. 61-75 Purg. vii. 1-2 1 . Purg. viii. 1-6 . Purg. xii. 76-99 * See also under 1874. (PP- 2i-S (pp. 40-1 (pp. 44-5 • (P- 55 (pP- 57-9' (pp. 60-1 (pp. 62-3; (PP- 65-7 (pp. 69-70; (PP- 72-3' (PP- 75-7 . (p. 80: (pp. 82-3 (PP- 83-5 (pp. 97-8 (pp. 111-13 • (P- 115 . (p. 120 . (p. 121 . (p. 122 (pp. 128-9; TOMLINSON {i877)-TIiOLLOPE {1877) 69 Margaret Oliphant Oliphant {Continued) 1877. Purg. xiv. 109-11, 124-6 . Purg. xvi. 85-93, 106-12, 127-9 Purg. xix. 106-35 • Purg. xxi. 103-35 . Purg. xxiv. 145-54 Purg. XXX. 22-54 . Purg. xxxiii. 134-45 Par. iii. 34-75, 88-90 Par. viii. 13-57 . Par. ix. 67-72 . Par. xiv. 85-108 Par. xviii. 7-21 Par. xxii. 1-12 . Par. xxiii. 1-15 Par. XXV. 1-12 . Par. xxvii. 1-9 . Par. XXX. 19-32 Par. xxxi. 52-93 Par. xxxiii. 58-75 Canz. vi (Conv. ii), 11. 1-9 {rhymed verse Conv. ii. 9, 11. 49-136 V. E. i. 6, 11. 11-59 Mon. i. 16, 11. 1-29 • (P' 132) (PP- 135-6) (PP- 139-40) (pp. 142-3) • (P- 146) (PP- 152-3) • (p. 156) (pp. 161-2) (pp. 165-6) . (p. 167) (pp. 171-2) • (P- 174) • (P- 177) (pp. 179-80) (pp. 183-4) ■ (P- 185) (pp. 187-8) (pp. 190-1) • (P- 193) ■ (p. 198) (pp. 199-201) (pp. 204-5) (pp. 206-7) Thomas Adolphus Trollope (1810-1892) 1877. (In Belgravia,^ March, 1877, Vol. xxxii, in prose) Par. xvii. 58-60 Par. XXV. 5 . Par. XV. 97, 99 Son. xxxii. 1-4, 12-14 Inf. XV. 55-60, 82-7 Inf. XXX. 64-6 . Par. xxi. 106-11 Epist. ix, § 4 . Par. XXV. 1-9 . (p. 69) (p. 69) (P- 70) (P- 75) (p. 76) (p. 82) (p. 86) (p. 88) (p. 89) 1 Reprinted in 1881 in Homes and Haunts of the Italian Poets, Vol. i, pp. 4-47 70 ENGLISH TRANSLATIOXS FROM DANTE Thomas William Parsons* 1877. Purg. XV {rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, May, 1877, Vol. XXV, pp. 171-4)^ 1878. Purg. xvi-xvii (rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, May, July, 1878, Vol. xxvii, pp. 272-5, 498-501)' * See also under 1843, and note. William Michael Rossetti * 1878. Inf. xxxiii. 91 *-io8 * (six interpolated terzine) (blank verse) (in AthencBum, Sept. 7, 1878) * See also under 1861, 1865. Alfred Forman 1878. Inferno i, iii; Purg. i; Par. i (dissyllabic-rhymed terza rima) (in The Metre of Dante's Comedy discussed and exemplified,^ pp. ii-is, 18-22, 25-9, 36-41) Dante Gabriel Rossetti* 1879. Inf.v. 112-42 (" Francesca da Rimini") (/erzonma) (in ^//jewiZMOT, Jan. II, 1879) * See also under 1861, 1870, 1B74, 1881. Thomas William Parsons * 1879. Purg. X (rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, June, 1879, Vol. xxix, pp. 289-92)' Purg. xiii (rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, December, 1879, Vol. XXX, pp. 350-3)' * See also under 1843, and note. Frederick John Church (1854-1888) 1879. De Monarchia (in Dante. An Essay, by R. W. Church, pp. 177- 3°8) 1 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America^ p. 105. 2 Privately printed. 2 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. io5. PARSONS {i877)-ANONYMOUS {iSyg) yi Warburton Pike* 1879. (In Translations jrom Dante, Petrarch, Michael Angela, and Vitto- ria ColonnaY Inf. i. 1-136; iii. 1-51; iv. 1-120; v. 1-142; ix. 106-33; ^- i~i36; xviii. 1-18; xix. 1-133; xxii. 13-151; xxvi. 13-142; xxxii. 124-39; xxxiii. 1-150 {terza rima) .... (pp. 5-57) Purg. ii. 67-133; vi. 58-151; viii. 1-6; xi. 1-99; XXX. 22-145; xxxi. 1-66 {terza rima) . . (pp. 59-77) Par. XV. 85-148; xvii. 1-142 {terza rima) . . . (pp. 79-87) Canz. XX ("Tre donne intorno al cor")^ {rhymed verse) (pp. 95-9) Canz.xviii ("Opatriadegna")^ (rfeymeJi/erje) . . (pp. 100-3) Son. xxxii {" G-aido, -voutV'Y {rhymed sonnet) . . . (p. 104) Son. X (V. N. § 20) {rhymed sonnet)^ (p. 105) Son. xiv (V. N. § 24) {rhymed sonnet)' (p. 106) ' Son. XV (V. N. § 26) {rhymed sonnet)'' (p. 107) Son. xxii (V. N. § 39) {rhymed sonnet)^ . . . . . (p. 108) Son. xlix ("Se vedi gli occhi miei")° {rhymed sonnet) (p. 109) Son. xxxiv ("Lo mi credea del tutto")'° {rhymed sonnet) (p. no) * See also under 1881. Anonymous 1879. ^^^- xxxiii {terza rima) (in Translations jrom Dante, Petrarch, etc., by Warburton Pike/^ pp. 88-93) 1 Published anonymously. The authorsliip was avowed in the preface to the transla- tion of the Inferno, published by Warburton Pike in 1881. 2 Numbered Canz. xix by the translator. 8 Numbered Canz. xx. * Numbered Son. ii. 5 Numbered Son. x, in octosyllabic lines. 6 Numbered Son. xvi, in octosyllabic lines. ' Numbered Son. xvii, in octosyllabic lines. 8 Numbered Son. xxviii, in octosyllabic Hues. s Numbered Son. xxxvii. 1" Numbered Son. xl, in octosyllabic lines. 11 See Preface, p. v : ' the translation of the last canto of the Paradiso is by a lady.' ^2 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE William Thomas Thornton (1813-1880) 1879. Inf. V. 70-138 ("Paolo and Francesca") (ierza rima) (in Spectator, June 7, 1879, Vol. lii, p. 725) Philip Henry Wicksteed* (1844- ) 1879. (In Six Sermons on Dante, in proseY Inf. iii. 40-2 {terza rima), 51 Par. xvii. 55-60 Purg. vi. 76-110, 112-26 Par. XXX. 136-8 Par. XXV. 52-3 . Inf. i. 115-20 . Epist. ix, 11. 27-52 A. T. § I, 11. s-io Canz. viii, 11. 121-40 (unrhymed verse) Par. XXV. 5 . Epist. X, § 8 Inf. ii. 1-6 . Inf. XX. 27-8 Inf. iii. 1-9 Inf. iv. 25-7 Inf. V. 88, 91-2 Inf. XXX. 64-6 . Inf. vii. 121-6 . Inf. xix. 19-21 . Inf. xxvii. 23-4, 98-124 Purg. V. 104-8 . Inf. xxxiv. 136-9 Purg. i. 1-6 Purg. xix. 76-7; V. 55 Purg. xii. 112-13 Purg. ii. 120-3 . Purg. iv. 44-5 . Purg. ix. 95-102 Purg. X. 130-9; xiii. 133-8 Purg. xix. 103-14; viii. 71-2; xxiii. 85-93 * See also under 1896, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1 Except where otherwise stated. (p. 18) (p. 20) (pp. 27-9) (P- 29) (P- 3°) (P- 32) (PP- 36-7) (p. 38) (PP- 39-40) (P- 42) (P- 47) (P- 47) (P- 50) (P- 53) (P- 54) (P- SS) (P- 57) (p. S8) (p. 60) (pp. 60-1) (p. 62) (p- 63) (P- 67) (p. 69) (P- 70) (P- 71) (p. 72) (P- 73) (P- 74) (P- 77) 1906. THORNTON (^iSyq)-ROSSETTI {i88/) 71 Philip Henry Wicksteed {Continued) 1879. Purg. xix. 7-24; xxii. 64-73 Purg. XXX. i. 46-8, 55-7 . Par. ii. 1-15 .... Par. i. 1-12; xxxiii. 58-63 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 13-16 Par. xxiii. 1-15 Par. X. 139-48; xi. 1-12 . Par. iii. 64-90 .... Par. vi. 124-6; xxvii. 22-7 Par. xviii. 124-6 Par. xix. 70-8 .... Par. XXX. 40-2 .... (pp. 79-80) • (p-83) (pp. 89-90) • (P- 91) (p. 92) (P- 93) (P- 95) (p. 96) (P- 97) (p. 100) (p. lOl) (P- 103) 1880. Arthur John Butler* (1844- ) Purgatorio ("The Purgatory of Dante Alighieri") (prose) * See also under 1885, 1891, 1892, 1893. 1880. Matthew Eussell Par. xxxiii. 1-36 ("Dante's Prayer to the Blessed Virgin")* (in stanzas oj three rhymed lines) (in Madonna: Verses on Our Lady and the Saints, pp. 45-6)^ Thomas William Parsons * 1880. Purg. xviii-xx {rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, April, July, 1880, yd. xxxi, pp. 17-20, 450-3; December, 1880, Vol. xxxii, pp. 420-4)^ 1881. Purg. xxi {rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, December, 1881, Vol. xxxiv, pp. 416-ig)^ * See also under 1843, and note. Dante Gabriel Rossetti* Purg. V. 130-6 ("La Pia") {lerza rima) (in Poems, 1881) * See also under i85i, 1870, 1874, 1879. 1 Not Dante's, but St. Bernard's prayer. 2 See T. W. Koch, A List of Danteiana in American Libraries, p. 9. 8 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, pp. 106-7. 74 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Warburton Pike* 1881. Inferno ("The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Inferno")' (lerza rima) Inf. ii. 122 . . . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 205) Inf. iv. 32-6 . . . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 206) Inf. X. 82 . (three alternative renderings, in Notes, p. 209) Inf. xiii. 21 (two alternative renderings, in Notes, pp. 209-10) Inf. xviii. 51 . . . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 210) Inf. xviii. 134-5 . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 211) Inf. xxviii. 135 . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 213) Inf. xxxi. 136-8 . . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 213) Inf. xxxii. 47 . . . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 214) Inf. xxxii. 70-1 . . (alternative rendering, in Notes, p. 214) * See also under 1879. Edward Hayes Plumptre * 1881. (In Two Studies in Dante, in Contemporary Review, 1881, Vol. xl, pp. 843-64, in terza rima) Par. X. 136-8 Inf. XV. 4-6 Inf. xii. 118-20; Purg. vii. 130-2; Par. 121-3; Inf. xxviii. 133-5 Par. xvii. 58-60 .... Inf. xxiii. 61-3 ...._. Par. ii. 145-8 Par. ii. 97-9; xxvii. 142-4; xiii. 124-6 Par. xix. 70-5 Par. xi. 124-32; xxvii. 49-S4; x. 133-5 Purg. ii. 108 Par. xxii. 1 12-14 .... Inf. xvi. 106-8; Par. xxiv. 46-8 Inf. xiii. 64-6; Purg. vii. 121-^ Canz. viii. ri2-i8 (rhyme) * See also under 1869, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1887, James Pincherle * 1881. Son. XV (V. N, § 26)^ * See also under 1865. 1 Xo more was published, 2 Published on a sheet at Trieste, together with the Italian, in 1881 (copy in the British Museum), (ecember, • (p. 844) (p- 845) (p. 846) (p. 847) (p. 849) . (p. 851) (p. 852) • (p. 853) (P- 854) • (p. 855) . (p. 856) (p. 857) . (p. 861) . (p. 862) PIKE {iSSiyPARSONS {1883) 75 Charles Tomlinson * 1882. (In The Leading Idea of the Divine Comedy, in The Modern Review, January, 1882, Vol. iii. 93-118) Purg. V. 133-6 {blank verse) (P- 94) Purg. viii. 1-6 {terza rima) (p. 100) Inf. i. 4-7 {terza rima) (p. loi) Inf. i. 63, 82-7, 122-3 {terza rima) (p. 102) Inf. ii. 52-70, 85-120, 76-8 {terza rima) .... (pp. 103-4) V. N. § i; § 2, 11. 1-8, 15-59; § 3, 11- 1-22 . . (pp. 106-7) V. N. § 10, 11. 11-19; § ". 11- 1-6, 25-9 ... (p. 108) Son. xi (V. N. § 21) {rhymed sonnet) .... (pp. 108-9) V. N. § 43 (p. 109) V. N. § 26 (p. Ill) Son. XV (V. N. § 26) {rhymed sonnet) . (pp. 111-12) V. N. § 27, 11. i-io; Son. xvi (§ 27) {rhymed sonnet) (p. 112) Son. xxix {rhymed sonnet) (p. 113) Purg. XXX. 136-141 {blank verse) (p. 115) Inf. ii. 92-3 {blank verse) (p. 116) Purg. xxxi. 106-8 {blank verse) (p. 116) Par. xviii. 16-21 {blank verse) (p. 117) Inf. i. 6 {blank verse) (p. 117) * See also under 1874, 1877, 1894. 1882. Charles Lancelot Shadwell * (1840- ) Inf. xxvi. 90-142 ("Ulysses") {Marvellian stanzas)^ * See also under 1892, 1899, 1904. Minot Judson Savage Son. XV (V. N. § 26) ("Dante's Praise of Beatrice") (free version, not in sonnet form) (in Poems, 1882)^ Thomas William Parsons * 1883. Purg. XXX {rhymed quatrains) (in Catholic World, April, 1883, Vol. xxxvii, pp. 19-22)^ * See also under 1843, and note. 1 Not published. 2 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 107. 3 See T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. 108. 76 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE William Stratford Dugdale (d. 1882) 1883. Purgatorio ("Dante's Divine Comedy — the Purgatorio. A Prose Translation")' Canz. vii (Conv. ii), 1. i . . . . (in note to Purg. ii. 112) Canz. i (V. N. § 19), I. i . . . . (in note to Pitrg. xxiv. 51) Edward Hayes Plumptre* 1883. (In Samples of a New Translation of the Divina Commedia, in terza rima) Inf. i-iv; v. 73-142; xxxiii. 1-75 (pp. 5-23) * See also under 1869, 1881, 1884, 1886, 1887. Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead * 1884. Purg. ii. 55-133 ("Dante and Casella") {Spenserian stanzas) (in Oxford Magazine, Feb. 20, 1884, Vol. ii, p. 103) * See also under 1875, 1885, 1903, 1904. Anonymous 1884. Inf. V {bastard terza rima) (in Oxford Magazine, May 7, 1884, Vol. ii, pp. 215-16) Edward Hayes Plumptre* 1884. (In Contemporary Review, September, 1884, Vol. xlvi, pp. 322-42, in terza rima) Inf. vii. 1x5-21; Purg. i. 1-6, 13-20, 1 15-17 . . . (p. 323) Purg. i. 58-72; V. 7-21; X. 130-40; xi. 61-4 . . (p. 324) Purg. xi. 85-104, 115-19; xiii. 133-8; xxx. 37-9. . (p. 325) Purg. xxx. 43-8, 55-7, 64-81, 91-9, 103-8, 115-45 (pp- 326-7) Purg. xxxi. 1-67 (pp. 327-9) Purg. ii. 7-9, 13-15; vii. 43-5, 73-81; viii. 1-6 . . (p. 330) Purg. ix. 1-13; xiii. 16-21; xiv. 148-50; xxiv. 1:45-5°; xxvii. 88-93 ■ (pp. 330-1) Purg. xxvii. 124-42; .xxviii. 1-21; i. 94-9, 126-8, i°37S ■ ■ ■ • (pp. 331-3) Purg. ix. 31-3, 46-8, 82-4, 94-102, 109-14, 127-32 (pp. 333-5) * See also under 1869, 1881, 1883, 1886, 1887. 1 Published posthumously. DUGDALE {i88s)-DE PEYSTER {i88f) 77 Edward Hayes Plumptre {Continued') 1884. Purg. ii. 46-7, 106-14; ix. 109-15 (pp. 335-6) Purg. xi. 1-24; xii. 110-14; xv. 37-9; xvi. 19-24; xxvii. 67-9 (p. 337) Purg. xxvii. 20-1, 25-7, 49-54, 55-60 Purg. xxix. 1-3; XXX. 10-33 Purg. xxxi. 91-105, 124-45 ■ • • Purg. xxxiii. 85-7, 91-3, 110-45 • • (P- 338) ■ (P- 339) ■ (P- 340) (PP- 341-2) Sarah Freeman Clarke Epist. ix (in Notes on the Exile 0/ Dante, in Century, April, 1884, Vol. xxvii, p. 839) 1884. 1885. James Romanes Sibbald Inferno ("The Divine Comedy of Dante (terza rima) Purg. iii. 122 {prose) .... Canz. i (V. N. § 19), 1. 1 {prose) Conv. ii. 13, 11. s-52 . Conv. iv. 20, 11. 38-43 Canz. viii (Conv. iv), 11. 121-39 {prose) Purg. xi. 94-6 {terza rima) Purg. XX. 76 {prose) . Epist. ix, §§ 3, 4 . . Conv. i. 3, 11. 25-30, 37-40 Epist. ii, § 3' . Par. ii. 1-2, 5-6 {prose) . Par. xxiv. 86, 145 {prose) Par. XXV. 1-9 {terza rima) Conv. iv. 6, 11. 43-5 . Conv. iv. 16, 11. 78-81 Conv. iv. II, 11. 70-1 Conv. iv. 20, 11. 14-16 Conv. iii. 2, 11. 47-50 Conv. iii. 5, 11. 61-9, 71-5 Alighieri — the Inferno")' (in Introduction, p. xlii) (p. Ivii) (pp. Ix-lxi) (p. Ixiv) (p. Ixiv) . (p. Ixviii) (p. Ixxviii) (pp. Ixxxvii-viii) (pp. xc-xci) . . (p. xci) (p. xciv) . . (p. cvi) . . (p. cix) (in note to Inj. i. 85) (in note to Inj. iii. 106) (in note to Inj. iv. 69) (in note to Inj. v. 103) (in note to Inj. xxv. 102) (in note to Inj. xxxiv. 114) John Watts de Peyster Inf. v. 73-123 ("Francesca da Rimini") {blank versef 1 No more was published. 2 Privately printed ; see T. W. Koch, Dante in America, p. no. 78 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead* 1885. Purg. iii. 91-145 ("Manfred of Sicily") (Spenserian stanzas) (in Oxford Magazine, Feb. 25, 1885, Vol. iii, p. 106) * See also under 1875, 1884, 1903, 1904. Arthur John Butler* 1885. Paradise ("The Paradise of Dante Alighieri") {prose) * See also under 1880, 1S91, 1S92, 1893. James Innes Minchin 1885. Divina Commedia ("The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri") (terza rima) ' Charles Kegan Paul ■ (d. 1902) 1886. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) {rhymed sonnet) (in the Sonnets of Europe, edited by Samuel Waddington, p. 247) Arabella Shore (d. 1900) 1886. (In Dante for Beginners, in blank verse ) ^ Inf. i. 22-7, 67-78, 98-105, 114-26 .... (pp. 21-3) Inf. ii. 52-7, 70-2, io6-i3»ii6-i7, 127-9, i39~40) 142 (pp. 24-5) Inf. iii. 1-3, 10-20, 22-30, 36-9, 46-51, 63, 84-7, 103-5, 112-17, 121-36 (pp. 25-8) Inf. iv. 19-22, 25-39, 46-56, 61, 64-6, 94-6, 112-20, m, 150-1 (pp. 28-30) Inf. V. 15, 25-36, 40-51, 82-96, 97-142 {rhymed stanzas of five lines each) (pp. 30-3) Inf. vi. 8-11, 85-99 (pp. 33-5) Inf. vii. 17-18, 64-6, 91-6, 121-6 (pp. 35-6) Inf. viii. 4-6, 8-9, 13-15, 70-2, 73-4, 128, 130 . (pp. 37-9) Inf. ix. 7-9 {prose), 79-123 (pp. 39-41) Inf. X. 22-36, 49-51, 60-81, 88-93, 106-14, 127-35 . (pp. 41-5) Inf. xii. 4-9, 34-45, 63 (pp. 46-7) Inf. xiii. 4-6, 55-9, 91-2, 118-21 {prose), 151 . (pp. 48-51) 1 First completed in 1857. 2 Except where otherwise specified. MORSHEAD {i88s)-SHORE {1886) 79 Arabella Shore {Continued) 1886. Inf. xiv. 10, 40-2, 46-51, S9-60, 94-105 Inf. XV. 9, 18-19, SS-68, 70-8 . Inf. xvi. 1 2 1-3 {prose) Inf. xvii. 22-4 Inf. xix. 46-51, 52-117, 131-3 . . . Inf. XX. 4-9, 28, 47-51, 115-17 {prose) Inf. xxi. 16-33, 95-6 Inf. xxii. 1-13, 19-21 Inf. xxiii. 1-3, 24-7, 67, 82-90, 109-11, 141-4 {prose Inf. xxiv. 4-15, 112-18, 133-9 ■ ■ Inf. XXV. 17-23, 46-8, 58-84, 100-141 Inf. xxvi. 1-3, 7-12, 25-48, 58-60, 85-111 Inf. xxvii. 1-2, 25-30, 36-45, 52-133 . Inf. xxviii. 1-2, 7-21, 43-60, 111-17 . Inf. xxix. 1-3, 18-36, 43-4 .... Inf. xxx. 62-85, 88-90, 136-42, 148 . Inf. xixi. 10-13, i6-4S, 49-57, 73-5 106-11, 142-5 Inf. xxxii. 7-9, 19-21 Inf. xxxiii. 13-21, 22-84 {bastard terza 94-9, 108-14, 139-47 • • • Inf. xxxiv. 1-2, 66, 129-31, 138-9 Purg. i. 15-20, 22-7, 40-8, 70-5, 117, 130-2 . Purg. ii. 17-18, 22-33, 37-56, 61-2, 106-11 . Purg. iii. 37-45, 49-51, 60, 79-85, 118-45 . Purg. iv. 19-21, 92-3 Purg. v. 13-18, 34-41, 61-3, 88-108, 125-9 . Purg. vi. 1-12, 58-66, 74-5, 91-126, 148-51 . Purg. vii. 4-21, 25-36, 73-83, 91-6 . . . Purg. viii. 1-6 {terza rima), 10-18, 22-36, 43-S, 70-3- i°3-8, 117-32. 136-9 ■ ■ • ■ Purg. ix. 16-33, 40-3. 46-63, 79-84, 140-4 • . Purg. X. 1-4, 7-9, 34-45, 59-93, 112-14; 121-39 Purg. xi. 49-60 {prose), 115-17 {prose) Purg. xii. 16-24, 30, 40-5, 70-2, 88-91, 100-5 Purg. xiii. 25-7, 94-102, 118-23, 130-8 {prose) 151-4 {prose) Purg. xiv. 1-6, 25-8 {prose), 29-55, 57-66, 81-2, 88-95, 103-4, 109-10, 138, 148-51 . {prose) rima) (PP- 51-2) (PP- 53-4) • (P- 57) • (p. 58) (pp. 60-2) (pp. 62-4) (pp. 64-5) (pp. 65-6) (pp. 67-9) (pp. 69-71) (PP- 72-3) (pp. 74-6) (pp. 77-80) (pp. 80-2) ■ (p-83) (pp. 85-6) (pp. 86-9) (pp. 89-90) (pp. 91-4) (PP- 95-7) (pp. 98-101) (pp. 101-3) (pp. 104-6) (pp. 107-8) (pp. 108-11) (pp. 111-14) (pp. 114-16) (pp. 117-20) (pp. 120-2) (pp. 122-5) (pp. 125-7) (pp. 128-9) (pp. 130-3) (PP- 13.3-6) 8o ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Arabella Shore (^Continued) 1886. Purg. XV. 67-75, III Purg. xvi. 1-5, 22-6 {prose), 31-6 {prose) 46-8 {prose), 64-114, 136-41 {prose), 142-5 Purg. xvii. 1-9, 13-18, 22-7, 31-6, 40-70, 76-80, 91-102, 127-37 Purg. xviii. 92-3, 141-5 Purg. xix. 23-4, 46-9, 91-6, 103-11, 134-s 139-41 Purg. XX. 3, 13-15, 38-9, 48, 94-6, 133-6, 139-42, 145-51 ■ ■ • Purg. xxi. 16-18, 40-72, 88-90, 94-8, 103-36 Purg. xxii. 19-24 {prose), 64-73, 76-93 ■ Purg. xxiii. 2-3 {prose), 22-4, 31, 70-2, 85-93 i3°-3 Purg. xxiv. 4-6, 13-15 {prose), 37-63, 75-81 94-7, 106-11 Purg. XXV. 10-12, 17-18, 91-107 Purg. xxvi. 121-6 .... Purg. xxvii. 16-18, 20-1, 35-45 87-113, 121-42 .... Purg. xxviii. 1-63, 142-3 . Purg. xxix. 1-9, 16, 31-6, 58-60, Purg. XXX. 13-145 .... Purg. xxxi. 1-30, 139-45 . . Purg. xxxii. 1-9, 52-6, 73-85, 100-2, 129 Purg. xxxiii. 39, 76-84, 91-102 {prose), 112 38, 142-5 Par. i. 10-15, 22-33, 48, 64-71, 73-s, 108-13 121-3, 127-35, 142 Par. ii. 1-7, 10-15, 19-36, 43-5, 127-32 • Par. iii. 10-24, 46-51, 55-6, 67-9, 97-9, 103- 30 Par. iv. 7-13, 115-20, 124-42 . Par. V. 91-3, 103-8, 124-9, 133-8 Par. vi. 4-9, 31-53, 55-120, 124-42 Par. vii. 7-9, 25-7, 58-60, 112-14 Par. viii. 16-21, 25-7, 36-9, 46-8, 52-7, 80-1 {prose) Par. ix. 25-36, 55-60, 73-9, 103-s, 127-42 54, 76-81 143-4 • (PP- 137-8) (pp. 138-41) . (pp. 141-4) • (PP- 145-6) . (pp. 146-8) (pp. 148-51) (pp. 152-4) (pp. 154-5) (pp. 156-7) (pp. 157-9) (pp. 160-1) . (p. 162) (pp. 162-5) (pp. 165-7) (pp. 167-9) (pp. 169-72) (pp. 172-3) (pp. 174-5) (pp. 176-8) (pp. 179-81) • (PP- 18 1-3) ■ (PP- 183-6) . (pp. 186-8) (pp. 189-90) ■ (PP- 191-3) ■ • (P- 194) • (PP- 194-6) (pp. 197-200) SHORE {i. 8i Arabella Shore {Continued) 1886. Par. X. 34-9, 45, 49-81, 91-9, 103-8, 127-9, 134-S. 139-48 Par. xi. 64-6, 76-82, 91-3, 109-21, 124-9 Par. xii. 10-15, 19-21, 28 {prose), 37-57. 82-113, 115-26 Par. xiii. 112-23, 126 {prose), 130-42 Par. xiv. 37-81, 95-129 Par. XV. 7-24, 49-51, 70-2, 85-9, 97-148 Par. xvi. 1-9, 16-27, 82-4, 90-1, 94-6, iio- II, 115-17, 138-54 Par. xvii. 13, 16-18, 23-4, 27, 48-60, 70-5 82-3, 91-3, 106-24, 133-4 • • • Par. xviii. 19-21, 58-69, 73-7, 1.18-36 Par. xix. 1-6, 22-4, 34-40, 58-63, 91-9, 109- M Par. XX. 1-12, 16-21, 38, 73-84, 94-9, 104-5, 142-8 Par. xxi. 12, 91-9, 124-35 .... Par. xxii. 7-18, 37-4S, 49-5 1. 56-7, 61-3, 70-7, 88-93, 117-23, 151, 153-4 • • Par. xxiii. 1-12, 19-21, 25-35, 37-9, 49-52 70-5, 97-120, 121-39 • Par. xxiv. 1-9, 53-64 {prose), 97-9 (prose). 103-5 (prose) Par. XXV. 1-11, 19-21, 79-87, 91-6, 103-7 iio-ii, 118-39 Par. xxvi. 1-3, 43-5, 55-69, 82-90, 137-8 Par. xxvii. 1-6, 15-18, 22-30, 46-60, 64-75 91-6 Par. xxviii. 1-3, 16-18, 134-5 Par. xxix. 13-21 (prose), 103-20, 124-6. 136-45 .• • • • Par. XXX. 4-11, 25-33, 40-2, 58-63, 63-g, 76-8 (prose), 91-6, 109-14, 118-26, 128- 30, 133-48 Par. xxxi. 1-12, 37-40, 43-8, 67-72, 91-3, 130-5, 140-2 Par. xxxii. 46-8, 55-7, 61-6, 100-5, ^34 Par. xxxiii. 1-30, 34-42, 46-51, 58-66, 91-6, 106-20, 127-31, 136-45 .... . (pp. 201-3) • (PP-. 203-4) . (pp. 205-7) . (pp. 208-9) (pp. 209-11) (pp. 211-14) (pp. 214-17) (pp. 217-20) . (pp. 221-3) • (PP- 223-4) . (pp. 225-7) . (pp. 228-9) • (pP- 230-3) (pp. 233-6) (pp. 236-7) (pp. 237-40) . (pp. 240-1) . (pp. 242-4) • (pp- 244-5) (pp. 245-7) (pp. 248-50) ■ (pp- 251-2) (pp- 253-4) • (pp- 254-6) 82 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Samuel Waddington 1886. Son. XXX ("Due donne in cima della mente mia") {rhymed sonnet) (in The Sonnets 0} Europe, p. 247) Edward Hayes Plumptre * 1886. Inferno and Purgatorio (in "The Commedia and Canzoniere of Dante Alighieri," Vol. i) {tcrza rima) 1887. Paradiso (in "The Commedia and Canzoniere of Dante Alighi- eri," Vol. ii, pp. 1-196) (terza rima) Canzoniere ^ (in the same, pp. 199-317) (rhymed verse) Credo, Sacramenta, Decalogus, Septem Peccata, Paternoster, Ave Maria (in the same, pp. 318-25) {terza rima) Latin Eclogues (in the same, pp. 326-41) {blank versef * See also under 1869, 1881, 1883, 1884. Henry Sebastien Bowden 1887. (In Dante's Divina Commedia: Its Scope and Value. From the German of Franz Hettinger) Numerous passages from the Vita Nuova, Convivio, De Mo- narchia, and Epistles, and one passage from the Quaestio de Aqua et Terra (A. T. § 22, 11. 1-22, on p. 45)^ Thomas Davidson 1887. (In A Handbook to Dante. From the Italian of G. A. Scartazzini) Numerous passages from the Divina Commedia (in prose), the Vita Nuova, Convivio, De Vulgari Eloquentia, De Monarchia, Epistles, and Quaestio de Aqua et Terra (A. T. § i, 11. 2-23, on p. 131; § 22, 11. i-s; § 24, 11. 6-7, on pp. 256-7), and one passage (in prose) from the Eclogues (Eel. i. 51-64, on p. 210) Frederick Kneller Haselfoot Haselfoot * (d. 1905) 1887. Divina Commedia (" The Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri. Translated line for line in the terza rima of the original") * See also under 1899. 1 The collection printed by Fraticelli, consisting of 49 sonnets, 21 canzoni, 12 ballate 3 sestine, and i " stanza." 2 Tiie first English translation of the Eclogues. 3 Of the second edition (1S94). WADDINGTON {iSS6)-AN0NYM0US {iSSS) 83 Elizabeth Price Sayer 1887. Convivio {"II Conviio. The Banquet of Dante Alighieri")' (the canzoni in rhymed stanzas) Elizabeth Rachel Chapman 1887. Purg. xxx-xxxi (" The Meeting of Dante and Beatrice in the Earthly Paradise" — a blank verse paraphrase in The New Purgatory and Other Poems, pp. 64-80) Richard Watson Gilder 1887. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) {rhymed sonnet) (in Lyrics, p. 122)^ Louise Imogen Guiney* 1887. (In The White Sail, and Other Poems, — rhymed sonnets)^ Son. xiv (V. N. § 24) (p. 145) Son. XV (V. N. § 26) (p. 146) Son. xviii (V. N. § 35) . (p. 147) Son. xxiv (V. N. § 41) ........ . (p. 148) * See also under 1895. Frederick York Powell (1850- 1904) c. 1887. Son. XXX {irregularly rhymed sonnet)* Henry Morley (1822-1894) . 1888. (In English Writers, Vol. iii, in terza rima) Purg. xi. 94-9 (p. 400) Anonymous 1888. (In London Quarterly Review, Vol. Ixx, April, 1888, in terza ritna) Inf. iii. 36-51 (p- 77) 1 This is the first English translation of the Convivio. 2 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 79. s See T, W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 79. 4 Not published: written in the author's copy of E. P. Sayer's translation of the Con- vivio (published in 1887) . 84 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Anonymous ( Continued) 1888. Inf. V. 13-24 (p- 78) Purg. vi. 76-151 (PP- 86-8) Par. xxvii. 136-8 (P- 9°) John Augustine Wilstach 1888. Divina Commedia (" The Divine Comedy of Dante, Translated into English Verse") (in nine-lined stanzas, rhyming irregularly) Samuel Byrne 1889. Purg. xxxi. 127-45 ("The Vision of Beatrice," in Catholic World, Vol. xlviii, p. 670, February, 1889) {terza rimaY Katharine Hillard 1889. Convivio ("The Banquet — il Convito — of Dante Alighieri") (the canzoni in blank verse) V. N. § 35, 11. 1-6 ; § 36, 11. 7-24; § 37, 11. I- 11; §38,11.1-13,20-3; §39,11.1-18 . . . (pp. 61-2) Ball. X {blank verse) (pp. 130-1) Canz. i (V. N. § 19) {blank verse) (pp. 131-3) Epist. X (pp. 390-406) William Warren Vernon* (1834- ) 1889. Purgatorio (in Readings on the Purgatorio 0) Dante, in prose) * See also under 1894, 1897, 1900, 1906. Matilde Porrini, Cinzia Biffi, Lia Fontana, Rosa Ronco, Maria Toscano, Ida Farini, Z. Gazola, Paolina Edlmann 1890. (In Saggi Letterari delle Alunne del R. Instituto della SS. Annun- ziata, pp. 89-99, in prosef Son. i (V. N. § 3) Son. xi (V. N. § 21) Son. XV (V. N. § 26) Son. xvi (V. N. § 27) Son. xxiv (V. N. § 41) 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 49. ' See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, pp. 50, 80. ANONYMOUS {i888)-NORTON {iSgi) 85 Porrini, Biffi, etc. {Conlinued) i8go. V. N. § 43, 11. 12-17 Purg. XXX. 28 ff. ("Apotheosis of Beatrice") Par.xxxi. 79-93 ("Thanksgiving and Prayer of Dante to Beatrice") Rachel Harriette Busk 1890. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) (in Notes and Queries, Feb. i, 1890, Vol. ix, p. 82 ; rhymed sonnet) Philip SchafE 1890. (In Dante Alighieri, in Literature and Poetry, pp. 279 ff.) Epist. ix, 11. 30-40, 46-52 » . . . (p. 308) V. E. ii. 6, 11. 36-9 (p. 323) John Jay Chapman* 1890. Inf. iv (terza rima) (in Atlantic Monthly, November, 1890, Vol. Ixvi, pp. 647-si)' * See also under 1898. Alan George Ferrers Howell* 1890. De Vulgari Eloquentia ("On the Vulgar Tongue")^ * See also under 1904. Arthur John Butler* 1891. Paradiso ("The Paradise of Dante Alighieri") (prose)^ * See also under 1880, 1885, 1892, 1893. Charles Sterrett Latham (d. 1890) 1891. Epistolae ("Dante's Eleven Letters")* Charles Eliot Norton* 1891. Inferno ("The Divine Comedy — Hell") (prose) Purgatorio ("The Divine Comedy — Purgatory") (prose) * See also under 1839, 1867, 1892, 1897, 1902. 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalo^e of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 45. 2 First English translation. 8 Second edition. 4 First English translation ; besides the ten letters printed in the Oxford Dante, the letter in Italian, to Guido da Polenta, is included here. 86 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE (PP- (PP- (PP- (PP- Charles Eliot Norton (^Continued) 1892. Paradise ("The Divine Comedy — Paradise") {prose) Vita Nuova ("The New Life") {poems in rhymed verse) Canz. vi (Conv. ii) (in the above, pp. 108-10) (unrhymed verse) Conv. i. I, 11. 111-18, 125-7; ii. 5, 11. 5-8; iii. 14, 11. 3S-7 (PP- i°8-9) Conv. ii. 2, 11. 1-48 (pp. 111-13) ■ (P- 114) '■ 114-15) • 11S-17) . 117-18) . (p. 118) '. 118-21) (pp. 121-2) (pp. 122-3) • (p- 123) (pp. 123-4) (pp. 124- s) • (p- 141) • (p- 145) (pp. 146-7) (pp. IS4-S) . (p. 162) • (P- 164) (pp. 164-s) . (p. 168) Conv. ii. 9, 11. 22-39 . Conv. ii. 9, 11. 49-SS- 132-36 Conv. ii. 13, 11. 4-74 . Conv. ii. 14, 11. SS-64 ■ Conv. ii. 15, 11. 125-7, 182-4 Conv. ii. 16,, 11. 4-93, 98-105 Conv. iii. i, 11. 1-20, 82-97 Conv. iii. 11, 11. 1-4, 58-60, 144-48, 172-6 Conv. iii. 12, 11. 10-13, 19-21, 94-105 Conv. iii. 14, 11. 65-9, 123-41 Conv. iii. 15, 11. 21-3, 13-18, 34-8, 178-88, 196 Conv. ii. II, 11. 54-68 . Son. xxxii (rhymed sonnet) Son. xxix {rhymed sonnet) Vulg. Eloq. i. 8, 11. 21-44, 50-64 Son. ("Un di si venne a me Malinconia") (rhymed sonnet) . Conv. ii. 15, 11. 165-70 Conv. iv. 22, 11. 93-102 Epist. X, 11. 622-8 . . . Arthur John Butler * 1892. Inferno ("The Hell of Dante Alighieri") (prose) Purgatorio ("The Purgator)^ of Dante Alighieri") (prose)^ * See also under 1880, 1885, 1891, 1893. Charles Lancelot Shadwell* 1892. Purg. i-xxvii ("The Purgatory of Dante Alighieri — an Experi- ment in Literal Verse Translation") (in Marvellian stanzas) * See also under 1882, 1899, 1904. 1 Second edition. NORTON {^i8()2)-BUTLER {iSgs) 8? J. Reay Greene (fl. 1890) 1892. (In the notes to his edition of Carlyle's Lectures on the History oj Literature, in prose) Inf. iii. 85, 62-4, 34-51 (pp. 237-8) Inf. XX. 3 (p. 238) Par. xxvii. 3 (p. 239) Sir Theodore Martin* 1893. Vita Nuova and Lyrical Poems (third edition) * See also under 1845, 1862, 1864. Thomas William Parsons * 1893. Divina Commedia ("The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri") Inf. i-xxxiv (in rhymed quatrains), Purg. i-xxii, xxiv, xxv. 118-39, xxvi. 1-40, xxvii, xxviii. 34-110, XXX, xxxi. 1-90, xxxiii. 1-33, 65-135 (in rhymed quatrains) Par. i. 1-36 {irregular rhyme), iii. 109-23, v. 73-8, xi. 43-84 {rhymed quatrains) * See also under 1843, and note. Sir Edward Sullivan (1852- ) 1893. Inferno ("The Comedy of Dante Alighieri — Hell")' {prose) . George Musgrave * 1893. Inferno (" Dante's Divine Comedy — Hell")^ {Spenserian stanzas) * See also under 1896. Arthur John Butler* 1893. (In A Companion to Dante. From the German of G. A. Scar- tazzini) Various passages from the Vita Nuova, Convivio, De Monarchia, De Vulgari Eloquentia, and Epistles * See also under 1880, 1885, 1891, 1892, 1893. 1 No more was published. Another, cheaper edition was issued in 1895. 2 No more was published. A large paper edition was issued later in tins satne year. 88 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Basil Tempest 1893. (In the Weel, Dec. 15, 1893, Vol. xi, p. 58)' Par. xvii. 46-72, 100-38 (" Cacciaguida's Prophecy of Dante's Banishment") {term rima) Mrs. Lucia Duncan Pychowska 1893-4. (In New York Seminary, in Dante and Catholic Philosophy in the Thirteenth Century) Conv. ii. 13; iv. i, 6 William Warren Vernon * 1894. Inferno (in Readings on the Inferno of Dante, in prose) * See also under 18S9, 1897, 1900, 1906. Charles Tomlinson * 1894. (In Dante, Beatrice, and the Divine Comedy)''' Inf. V. 102 {blank verse) . . ' (p. 28) ■ Purg. ii. 106-19 {ierza rima) . (p. 41) Canz. i. (Conv. ii), U. 18-27 (rhymed verse) .... (p. 57) Purg. ii. 79-81, 114-17 {terza rima) and sun- dry prose passages from the Vila Nuova and Convivio (pp. 78-9) * See also under 1874, 1877, 1882. Louise Imogen Guiney* 1895. (In the Critic, Aug. 10, 1895, Vol. xxvii, p. 92) Son. XX (V. N. § 37) {rhymed sonnet) * See also under 1887. Charles Stuart Boswell 1895. Vita Nuova (poems in prose) V. E. i. 10, 11. 13-20 (in Introduction, p. 26) Par. XV. 35-6 {pros.e) (in Notes, p. 206) Purg. ii. 11-12, 132; XXX. 34-9, 46-8 (prose) (p. 212) 1 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 50. - Translations from the Inferno and from the Canzoniere, which had already appeared in the author's Vision of Hell, and The Sonnet, are not registered here. TEMPEST {iSg3)-OARNETT {iSg6) 89 Charles Stuart Boswell (^Continued) 1895. Purg. xxiv. 52-4 {prose) (p. 213) Conv. iii. 8, 11. 64-82, 97-100 (pp. 214-15) Purg. XXV. 64-5; xviii. 19-26; xxxi. 116-17 {pose) (pp. 216-17) Son. xxxii {rhymed sonnet) (pp. 218-ig) Par. xxxi. 103-8 {blank verse) (p. 2,26) George Musgrave * 1896. Inferno ("Dante's Divine Comedy — Hell")' {Spenserian stanzas) * See also under 1S93. Maurice Henry Hewlett (i86i-igo6) 1896. Inf. V. 121-3 {rhymed quatrain) (in Songs and Meditations, ■p.62) John Anster 1896. Par. xxxi. i-iii {ierza rima) (in the Dublin Hermathena, No. xxii, pp. 408-11)^ Richard Garnett (183S-1906) 1896. (In Dante, Petrarch, Camoens: cxxiv Sonnets, Son. i (V. N. § 3)' Son. xxxii . Son. V (V. N. § 9) Son. ix (V. N. § 16) Son. X (V. N. § 20) Son. li . . . Son. xiv (V. N. § 24 Son. XV (V. N. § 26) Son. xvi (V. N. § 27 Son. xl . . , Son. xxvii. ' . Son. xviii (V. N. § 35) Son. xix (V. N. § 36; 1 A new edition, " considerably revised " (and with the addition of the translation which appeared in 1893. 2 See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. ii, p. 505, 8 The numbering is that of the Oxford Dante. rhymed sonnets) ■ ■ • (p. S) . . (p. 6) ■ • (P- 7) . (p. 8) . (p. 9) (p. 10) (p. n) (p. 12) (P- 13) (P- 14) (P- IS) (p. 16) (P- 17) tv vo d iagrams), of 90 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Richard Garnett (^Continued) 1896. Son. xxi (V. N. § 38) (P- 18) Son. xxii (V. N. § 39) (P- 19) Son. xxiv (V. N. § 41) (P- 2°) Son. XXV (V. N. § 42) (P- 21) Son. xlix (P- 22) Son. xliv (P- 23) Son. XXX (P- 24) John Swinnerton Phillimore (1873- ) 1896. Son. XV (V. N. § 26) {rhymed sonnet) (in Oxford Magazine, Vol. XV, p. 32, Oct. 28, 1896) Caroline C. Potter* 1896. (In Cantos from the Divina Commedia of Dante, in rhymed quatrains) Par. XXV. 1-12 (P- S) Inf. i, iv, V (pp. 9-3°) Purg. i-iii, xxvii-xxxiii (pp. 33-110) Par. ii, vii, xxxiii. 94-145 • (pp. 1 13-128) * See also under 1897, 1904. Philip Henry Wicksteed* 1896. De Monarchia' * See also under 1879, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906. Charles Eliot Norton* 1897. Conv. ii. 13 ("The Consolation of Philosophy"), iv. 12 ("The Desire of the Soul"), iv. 28 (" The Noble Soul at the End of Life") (in C. D. Warner's Library oj the World's Best Litera- ture, pp. 4356-58) * See also under 1859, 1867, 1891, 1892, 1902. William Warren Vernon* 1897. Purgatorio (in Readings on the Purgatorio of Dante, in prose) ^ * See also under 1889, 1894, 1900, 1906. 1 Privately printed. 2 Second edition revised. GARNETT {i8g6yWICKSTEED {j8gS) 91 Caroline C. Potter* 1897. (In Twenty-five Cantos from the Divina Commedia of Dante, in rhymed quatrains) ^ Inf. i, iv, V (pp. 3-21) Purg. i-iii, xxvii-xxxiii ........ (pp. 25-90) Par. i, ii, vii, xxii-xxvi, xxviii-xxxi, xxxiii. 94-145 . (pp. 109-82) * See also under 1896, 1904. Charles Hamilton Bromby (d. 1905) 1897. Quaestio de Aqua et Terra ("A Question of the Water and of the Land") 2 Wickham Flower (d. 1904) 1897. (In Dante, A Defence of the Ancient Text of the Divina Commedia) Inf. xxviii. 135 (prose) (p- 2) Inf. xxviii. 112-42 Q)lank verse) (pp. 7-8) Edward Henry Pember* (1833- ) 1897. (In Adrastus of Phrygia and Other Poems) ' Par. XV (blank verse) (pp. 113-20) * See also under 1899, 1901, 1903. Philip Henry Wicksteed * 1898. (In A Provisional Translation of the Early Lives of Dante and of his Poetical Correspondence with Giovanni del Virgilio) * Eclogae (prose) (pp. 101-4, 108-12) 1898. (In A Provisional Translation of Dante's Political Letters) ^ Epist. vi (pp. lo-is) Epist. V (PP- 5-9) Epist. vii (pp. 16-21) * See also under 1879, 1896, 1899, rgoa, 1903, 1904, 1906. 1 " New and enlarged edition" of Cantos from the Divina Commedia of Dante (1896). 2 First English translation, s Privately printed. * Privately printed, o Privately printed. 92 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Philip Henry Wicksteed (^Continued) 1898. Epist. viii (PP- 22-8) Epist. ix (pP- 29-30) Conv. iv. 4-S (PP- 33-4i) 1898. (In Essays on Dante, by Dr. Karl Witte) Numerous passages from the Divina Commedia (in prose), the Canzoniere (in prose), the Vita Nuova, Convivio, De Vulgari Eloqticntia, and Epistles John Jay Chapman * 1898. Inf. iv {in Emerson and Other Essays, pp. 171-81) (terza rima)^ * See also under iSgo. 1898. Constance Blount (In Some Similes from the Paradiso of Dante Alighieri, in prose) ^ Par. i. 48-54, 60, 1 12-14, 133-41 • • • Par. ii. 1-15, 23-4, 30-6, 88-90, 106-8, 127-35 Par. iii. 10-15, 85-6, 95-6, 121-3 . Par. iv. 1-6, 115-16, iig-20, 127-32 Par. V. 100-4 Par. viii. 16-26 Par. X. 67-9, 139-48 .... Par. xi. 15-16, 19-21 .... Par. xii. 10-29, 82-7, 94-6, 97-105, 112-14 Par. xiii. 22-4, 52-78, 112-23, 127-42 Par. xiv. 1-5, 52-60, 67-74, 97-108, 118 Par. XV. 13-24 Par. xvi. 7-9, 28-30, 67-72, 82-4 . Par. xvii. 40-8, 121-3, i33-4 • ■ ■ Par. xviii. 28-30, 42-4, 58-60, 64-6, 73-5 Par. xix. 4-6, 19-21, 34-9, 58-66, 91-9 Par. XX. 73-7, 79-81, 142-8 Par. xxi. 12, 34-42 Par. xxii. 47-8, 52-7, 85-7, 99 . . Par. xxiii. 1-12, 25-33, 4°-5, 67-9, 70-Si 79-84= 97-102, 121-3 23 • (PP- 3-5) ■ (PP- 7-9) (pp. 9-1 1) (pp. 12-13) • • (P- 13) (pp. 13-15) ■ ^ (p. IS) (pp. 15-17) (pp. 17-19) (pp. 19-23) (pp. 25-7) (pp. 27-9) • • (p- 29) (pp. 29-31) (pP- 31-3) (PP- 33-S) (PP 35-7) • ■ (P- 37) ■ • (P- 39) (pp. 39-43) 1 Revised reprint of the version published in Atlantic Monthly, November, 1890. See T. W. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol, ii, p. 505. 2 Somewhat free renderings. IVICKSTEED {_iS<)8)-CLARK iSgS) 93 Constance Blount {^Continued') 1898. Par. xxiv. 10-18, 46-9 fp 41;) Par. XXV. 19-24, 103-14, 1 18-2 1, 130-S . . . (pp. 45-7) Par. xxvi. 22-4, 62-6, 70-7, 85-95, 97-102 . . (pp. 47-9) Par. xxvii. 31-6, 67-72, 117-26, 145-8 (p. 51) Par. xxviii. 3-9, 79-84, 87, 88-93 • (p. 53) Par. xxix. 22-30, 142-5 (pp- 53-5) Par. XXX. 46-51, 82-7, 91-6, 109-17, 124-6, 133-41 (pp. 55-7) Par. xxxi. 7-24, 43-8, 118-32 (pp. 57-9) Par. xxxii. 55-7, 139-41 (p. 61) Par. xxxiii. 58-72, 106-45 • (pp. 61-3) Edmund Garratt Gardner 1898. (In Dante's Ten Heavens: A Study of the Paradise) Sundry passages from the Paradise (in prose), the De Vulgari Eloquentia, Epistles, and Eclogues (in prose) Catherine Mary Phillimore 1898. (In Dante at Ravenna) Inf. xxvii. 40 (blank verse) (P- 16) Eel. i. 1-10, 42-4, 48-68 (heroic couplets) , . . (pp. 101-4) Eel. ii. 9-17, 46-57, 70-97 (heroic couplets) . . (pp. 107-10) Par. xxi. 121-3 (blank verse) (p. 128) And sundry passages from the De Vulgari Eloquentia and Epistles Eugene Lee-Hamilton 1898. Inferno ("The Inferno of Dante") (eleven-syllabled blank verse) William Clark* 1898. (In Dante and his Age) ' Son. i (V. N. § .3) Ball, i (V. N. § 12), 11. 5-14 Canz. i (V. N. § 19), 11. 16-43 Canz. ii (V. N. § 23), 11. 56-83 Canz. iii (V. N. § 32), 11. 15-28, 57-70 * See also under 1899. 1 See T. VV. Koch, Catalogue of the Cornell Dante Collection, Vol. i, p. 187. 94 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Daniel Robert Fearon (1835- ) 1858. (In Dante and Paganism, in Nineteenth Century, No. 252, Feb- ruary, 1898, pp 301-11, in prose) Inf. iv. 52-5, 61; i. 118-20 (p. 3°4) Purg. i. 85-90, 73-5 (P- 3°S) Inf. vii. 61-3, 68-9, 73-96 (p. 31°) 1899. (In Dante's Ghosts, in Nineteenth Century, No. 269, July, 1899, pp. 65-76, in prose) Purg. XXV. 68-75, 79-86; V. E. ii. 2, 11. 47-55 . . . (p. 67) Purg. XXV. 88-108 (p. 68) Purg. xxi. 28-30 (P- 73) Charles Lancelot Shadwell * 1899. Purg. xxviii-xxxiii ("The Purgatory of Dante Alighieri, Part ii, the Earthly Paradise — an Experiment in Literal Verse Trans- lation") (Marvellian stanzas)^ * See also under 1882, 1892, 1904. Samuel Home * (1842- ) 1899. Purg. i-xvi ("The Purgatory of Dante. A New Translation in the Original Rhythm," Parti) {eleven-syllabled unrhymed triplets) * See also under 1901. William Clark * 1899. (In Dante's Divine Comedy, in Canadian Magazine, xiii, 111-16, 204-9> 337-42)^ Selected passages from the Divina Commedia (in verse) * See also under 1898. Arthur Compton Auchmuty 1899. Purgatorio ("Purgatory. A Translation from Dante") (octo- syllabic terza rima) 1 The first part was issued in 1892. 2 See Twenty-third Annual Report of the Dante Society, Cambridge, Mass., p. 36, FEARON {i8g8)-WILSON {iSgg) 95 Frederick Kneller Haselfoot Haselfoot * 1899. Divina Commedia (" The Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri. Translated line for line in the terza rima of the original")^ * See also under 1887. Philip Henry Wicksteed ♦ 1899. Paradiso {prose) * See also under 1879, 1896, 1898, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906. Edward Henry Pember* 1899. (In The Death-Song of Thamyris and Other Poemsf Purg. viii {blank verse) (pp. 91-7) * See also under 1897, 1901, 1903. Frederick John Snell 1899. (In The Fourteenth Century) V. N. § 23, 11. i-S, 8-75 (pp. 141-3) Son. xxxii {rhymed sonnet) (p. 131) Conv. ii. 16, U. 99-103 (p- 143) Par. xvi. 7 {prose) (P- i77) Purg. xxiii. 55-6 {blank ve^se) . ' (p. 180) Par. XV. 148 {prose) (P- 19°) Canz. vi. S3-61 {rhymed verse) (p. 196) Men. iii. 16, 11. 75-82, 129-40 (pp. 204-5) Epiphanius Wilson * 1899. (In Dante Interpreted, in Spenserian stanzas) Inf. xix. 115-17 (P- 2) Par. XV. 97-135 (PP- 7-9) Purg. xiv. 16-53 (pp. 12-13) Inf. xxix. 121-2; x:dv. 122-6; xxv. 10-12 . . . .(p. 14) Inf. xxi. 37-40 ■ . . (P- 15) Son. XV (V. N. § 26), 11. 1-3 {rhyme) (p. 23) Inf. xxii. 1-8 (P- 26) Purg. V. 88-129 (pp. 27-9) Par. xvii. 55-75 (PP- 34-S) * See also under 1901. 1 Second edition " revised and corrected." 2 Privately printed. 96 EX GUSH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE 1899. Epiphanius Wilson (^Continued) Inf. XXX. 64-9 ■ (PP-37-8) Par. iii. 67-87 • (PP- So-i) Inf. i. 79-87 • (P-S5) Inf. vi. 13-21 . (p. 56) Inf. xii. 5-9 . (p. 58) Inf xiii. 4-6; Purg. v. 133-7; I°f- ^^'"- ^ ■ • (P- 59) Inf. xxi. 7-18; xxix. 40-51; ^ixxi. 2S -45 • ■ (pp. 60-2) Inf. xxxi. 136-9; Purg. i. 115-17 • (p. 63) Purg. viii. 1-6 . (p. 64) Purg. xxviii. 1-36 (pp. 65-6) Par. ii. 31-3 • (P- 75) Inf. i. 112-23 . • (P- 79) Inf. ii. 127-42 . . (p. 80) Inf. iii. 1-9 . (p. 81) Inf. iii. 112-18, 133-6 • (p. 83) Inf. iv. 31-42, 106-20; V. 28-36 (pp. 84-s) Inf. V. 100-42; vi. 49-57 . (pp. 86-8) Inf. vii. 121-6 . (p. 89) Inf. ix. 109-23; X. 34-5 . . (p. 9°) Inf. X. 91-3; xiv. 13-30; xviii. 1-18 (pp. 91-2) Inf. xxxii. 16-37, 125-39; xxxiii. 1-87 xxxiv. 127-39 . . . ( pp. 93-100) Purg. i. s-6, 13-25 .... . . . pp. iio-n) Purg. i. 31-9, 94-108 .... (pp. 114-15) Purg. ii. 106-14, 124-33 ■ • ■ (pp. 116-17) Purg. iii. 107-8, 118-37 . • . . ( pp. 117-18) Purg. viii. 22-30, 97-108 . (pp. 120-1) Purg. ix. 77, 9S-9, 101-2, 143-S . (pp. 122-3) Purg. X. 121-39; xi. 88, 91-2 • (P- 124) Purg. xii. 110-14 (prose); xiii. 1-6, 58-72, 106-29 (pp. 125-7) Purg. xvi. 1-24; xix. 73-5, 106, 112-14 (prose), 115-26; xxi. 58-60 .... . . . ( pp. 128-30) Purg. xxii. 64-72, 73-93; xxiii. 22- -36 . . . (PP- 131-3) Purg. xxiii. 67-75, 85-93 • • • • (P- 134) Purg. xxiv. 103-11; xxvii. 10-46; xxviii. 118-44 . (pp. 135-8) Purg. XXX. 22-48, 49-51, 115-45 • (PP- 139-41) Inf. iv. 131, 134-5 ■ (P- 149) Par. ii. 112-38 (PP- 153-4) WILSON {i8gi))-AUSTIN {igoo) 97 21, IOO-8 3°. 79-93 (pp. 167-70) (pp. 170-2) (PP- 173-4) ■ (P- 17s) (pp. 176-8) (pp. 179-81) . (p. 182) (pp. 183-6) . (p. 191) • (P- 194) Epiphanius Wilson {Continued) 1899. Par. i. 135-42; ii. 28-45, S6 (pp. 156-7) Par. iii. 103-8; iii. 64-87 {prose) .... (pp. 159-60) Par. iv. 43-8, 109-11 (p. 161) Par. V. 85-96, 103-S, 127-39 (pp. 162-3) Par. vi. 112-14; vii. 7-9 {prose), 142-8 .... (pp. 164-5) Par. viii. 13-15 (p. 166) Par. ix. 23-4, 31-3 {prose), 127-32; x. 40-8, 139-48 .... Par. xi. 64-117 . Par. xii. 46-66, 97-105 Par. xiv. 103-29 Par. xvii. 124-35; xviii. 5 Par. xxi. 25-42, 91-9; xxii. 124-54 Par. xxi. 106-19 Par. XXX. 61-9; xxxi. i- 115-32 .... Par. xxxii. 140-1 {prose) Par. xxxi. 85-7 Century XX Paget Toynbee (1855- ) 1900. (In Life of Dante) Inf. X. 42-51 {prose) (p. 60) Purg. V. 91-129; xxiv. 94-6 {prose) . . . . . (pp. 84-5) Inf. xxii. 1-8 {prose) (p- 86) Par. xvii. 55-60 {prose) (pp. 115-16) Purg. viii. 128-9 {pose) (p. 119) And sundry passages from the Convivio and Epistles William Warren Vernon* 1900. Paradise (in Readings on the Paradiso of Dante, in prose) * See also under 1889, 1S94, 1897, 1906. Alfred Austin (1835- ) 1900. (In Dante's Realistic Treatment of the Ideal, reprinted from Na- tional Review, in London Dante Society Lectures, in blank verse) Purg. ii. 76-81, 106-1 1, 112-17, 124-32 . . (pp. 18-21)^ 1 Page references are to the reprint. 98 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Alfred Austin {Continued) 1900. Inf. i. 136 (p- 26) Inf. V. 31, 43-4, 97-9, 139-42, 103-S (pp. 27-31) Purg. XXX. 32-3, 48, 56-7, 78, 73, 126 (pp. 32-3) Par. xxxiii. 145 (p. 36) 1900. George Edward Bateman Saintsbury (1845- ) De Vulgari Eloquentia (various passages, partly translated, partly paraphrased, in History oj Criticism, Vol. i, pp. 419-43) Sir Edward Fry (1827- ) igoo. (In The Banquet oj Dante, in Studies by the Way) Conv. i. 1, 11. 2-4, 8-10, 12-15, 5i~4, 54~6, s8-6i, 67- 80 Conv. iv. 17, 11. 65-7 Conv. iv. 17, 11. 23-5 Conv. ii. 4, 11. 28-43 Conv. ii. 13, 11. 30-40 Conv. ii. 9, II. S5-IOO, 114-30, 132 Conv. iii. 6, 11. 72-80 .... Conv. iv. 12, 11. 138-42, 144-80 Conv. iii. 8, 11. 53-62, 64-71, 74-90, 96-106 Conv. iv. 5, 11. 16-32, 81-184 Conv. iv. 20, 11. 38-46 . . Conv. iv. 19, II. 52-6 . . . Conv. iv. 25, 11. 39-54, 88-94 Conv. iv. 28, 11. 16-31, 34-9, 49-59 (p. 10) (p. 12) (p. 15) (PP- (PP- (PP- (PP- (PP- (PP 20-1) 21-2) 22-4) 27-8) 28-9) 29-30) (pp. 31-4) (PP- 36-7) • (P- 37) (PP- 37-8) (pp. 38-9) A. N. Peaselee 1900. Canz. vi, vii, viii (Conv. ii, iii, iv) {verse) ' 1901. H. L. Seaver Canz. vi, vii, viii (Conv. ii, iii, iv) {verse) ^ 1 Not published. See Twenty-third Annual Report of the Dante Society, Cambridge, Mass., p. 9. AUSTIN {igoo)-CROSS (_igoi) 99 Kichard James Cross 1901. (In Selections from Dante's Divina Commedia — in prose) Inf. i. 1-27, 49-58, 79-87, 112-23 (PP- 3-9) Inf. ii. 37-42, 127-142 (pp. 9-1 1) Inf. iii. 1-18, 43-57 (pp. 11-15) Inf. iv. 40-5, 79-105, 145-51 (PP- 15-17) Inf. V. 7-15, 73-142 (pp. 17-25) Inf. vii. 13-15, 61-6, 77-84, 115-24 (pp. 27-9) Inf. viii. 94-111 (pp. 29-31) Inf. ix. 67-72, 76-81, 100-3 • • (PP- 31-3) Inf. X. 94-105 (pp. 3,3-S) Inf. xiii. 70-8 (p. 35) Inf. XV. 13-21, 55-64, 79-96 (pp. 35-9) Inf. xvi. 73-85, 124-36 (pp. 39-41) Inf. xvii. 85-90, 127-36 (p. 43) Inf. xviii. 28-33 (PP. 43-5) Inf. xix. 13-21, 58-60, 97-105, 112-14 (pp. 45-7) Inf. XX. 112-14 , (p. 49) Inf. xxi. 25-8 (p. 49) Inf. xxiii. 19-24, 37-42 (pp. 49-Si) Inf. xxiv. 4-15, 43-51 (PP- ST-S) Inf. xxvi. 1-3, 25-33, 79-142 (pp. S3-9) Inf. xxvii. 73-82 (p. 61) Inf. xxviii. 1-6, 97-102, 112-17 (pp. 61-3) Inf. XXX. 133-48 (pp. 63-5) Inf. xxxi. 55-7 (p. 65) Inf. xxxii. 1-9 (pp. 65-7) Inf. xxxiii. 22-75 (PP- 67-71) Inf. xxxiv. 22-7, 133-9 (p. 73) Purg. i. 1-6, 121-32 . . ■.' (pp. 77-9) Purg. ii. 10-21, 67-87, 124-33 (PP- 79-83) Purg. iii. i-iS, 46-54, 67-93 (pp. 83-7) Purg. iv. 43-54, 85-96 . (pp. 89-91) Purg. V. 1-21, 37-50 (pp. 91-3) Purg. vi. 1-12, 67-87, 127-51 (pp. 95-9) Purg. vii. 1-33, 73-8, 121-3 (pp. 101-5) Purg. viii. 1-6, 25-39 (PP. i°5-7) Purg. ix. 13-21, 46-69, 139-45 (PP- i°7-ii) Purg. xi. 91-102 (pp. 111-13) Purg. xii. 73-93, 100-8, 121-36 ...... (pp. 113-17) 100 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Richard James Cross (^Continued) 1901. Purg. xiv. 16-21, 145-51 Purg. XV. 139-41 .... Purg. xvi. 67-72 .... Purg. xvii. 1-9, 40-54, 115-23 Purg. xviii. 1-9, 139-45 ■ • Purg. xix. 40-2, loo-ii . Purg. XX. 124-51 .... Purg. xxi. 91-129 .... Purg. xxii. 64-72 .... Purg. xxiii. 1-6, 16-24, 40-8 Purg. xxiv. 64-81, 91-7, 136-50 Purg. XXV. 10-18, 112-20 . . Purg. xxvi. 34-6, 67-75, 109-114 Purg, xxvii. 10-18, 34-51, 88-93, "5 Purg. xxviii. 1-9, 25-30, 52-60 Purg. xxix. 16-21, 97-9, 121-6 Purg. XXX. 28-48, 76-81, 115-41 Purg. xxxi. 1-6, 31-6, 58-63, 74-s, 139-43 Purg. xxxiii. 25-30, 136-41 Par. i. 22-7, 100-2, 127-31 Par. ii. 1-9, 31-6 . . . Par. iii. 10-18, 58-63 Par. iv. 37-42, 133-42 Par. V. 19-24, 37-42, 88-90, 109-11, 133- Par. vi. 118-23, 140-2 Par. vii. 16-18 .... Par. viii. 145-8 .... Par. ix. 37-42, 67-72 . . Par. X. 43-8, 70-81, 139- Par. xi. 4-12 .... Par. xiii. 70-2, 77-8, 112-14, 118-20, 130-8 Par. xiv. 118-23 .... Par. XV. 10-12, 32-6, 70-2 Par. xvi. 43-5, 79-87, 148-54 Par. xvii. 7-12, 22-7, 55-63, 70-8, 106-42 Par. xviii. 7-15, 52-63 Par. xix. 70-8 .... Par. XX. 19-21, 73-5, 142-8 Par. xxi. 28-42 .... Par. xxii. 124-35 . . . . (p. 119) . (p. 119) . (p. 121) (pp. 121-5) • (p. 125) • (p. 127) (pp. 127-31) (PP- ^2,^-i) ■ (P- 13s) (PP- 13S-7) (pp. 137-41) (pp. 141-3) (pp.. 143-S) (pp. 145-51) (pp. 151-s) (PP- 155-7) (pp. 157-61) (pp. 161-3) • (p. 165) (pp. 169-71) ■ (P- 171) • (P- 173) (PP- 173-5) (PP- 175-7) • (p. 179) . (p. 179) • (P- 179) . (p. 181) (pp. 181-5) . (p. 185) (pp. 185-7) (pp. 187-9) ■ (p. 189) (pp. 191-3) (PP- 193-9) (pp. 199-201) (pp. 201-3) (pp. 203-5) • (P- 205) (pp. 205-7) CROSS {igoiyHOAIE {igoi) lOl Richard James Cross {Continued) 1901. Par. xxiii. 1-15, 49-51, 61-9, 79-84, 97-102 . . (pp. 207-11) Par. xxiv. 13-18, 22-7, 148-54 (pp. 211-13) Par. XXV. 1-9 (pp, 213-15) Par. xxvi. 85-go (p. 215) Par. xxvii. 4-6, 91-6, 121-35 (pp. 215-17) Par. XXX. 16-33, 82-7, 109-14 (pp. 217-21) Par. xxxi. 37-40, 130-8 (p. 221) Par. xxxii. 139-41 . . . ■ (p. 223) Par. xxxiii. 58-75 (pp. 223-5) Epiphanius Wilson * 1901. (In Dante Calendar) ^ V. N. § 2, U. 9-25 Son. XV (V. N. § 26) Par. xxxi. 79-93 Inf. xxii. 1-8 Inf. i. 82-7 V. N. § 35, 11. 1-15 Purg. vi. 145-51 Inf. i. 1-18 Par. xvii. 124-35 Inf. iv. 131-5 Par. xvii. 55-89 * See also under 1899. John Carpenter Gamier 1901. Inferno ("Dante's Divina Commedia. The Inferno, A Literal Prose Translation") ^ Samuel Home * 1901. Purg. i-xxxi ("The Purgatory of Dante. A New Translation in the Rhythm of the Original")^ {eleven-syllabled unrhymed trip- lets) * See also under 1899. 1 See Twenty-third Annual Report of the Dante Society, Cambridge, Mass., p. 40. The list of passages was kindly supplied by Mr. William Coolidge Lane, Librarian of the Society. '^ Privately printed — no more has appeared. 8 The translation of Purg. i-xvi was issued in 1899. I02 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Edward Henry Pember* 1901. (In The Finding of Pheidippides and Other PoemsY Inf. i-iv (blank verse) (pp. 100-29) * See also under 1897, 1899, 1903. H;nry Fanshawe Tozer* 1901. Divina Commedia (numerous passages, in prose, in Afi English Commentary on Dante's Divina Commedia) * See also under 1904. John Churton Collins (1848- ) 1901. Inf. xxvi. 94-102, 106-20, 127-9 ('1 The Early Poems of Lord Tennyson, in prose) (p. 195) Thomas Okey * 1901. Purgatorio (prose) * See also under 1906. Thomas Hodgkin (1831- ) 1901. (In Charles Martel, in London Dante Society Lectures, in blank verse) Par. vi. 133 (p. 121) Par. xix. 127-9 (p. 137) Karl Federn 1902. (In Dante and his Time)^ Purg. iii. T07-8 (prose), 133-4 (blank verse) ... (p. 165) Purg. xiv. 20-1 (blank verse) (p. jgo) Inf. V. 100-6, 111-38 (prose) (pp. 278-9) Inf. xxxiii. 10-13 (prose) (p. 281) And sundry passages from the Convivio 1 Privately printed. 2 Translated by the author from the German. PEMBER {_i()oiyBODGKIN {1902) 103 Frances de Mey 1902. Vita Nuova {poems in rhymed verse) Charles Eliot Norton* 1902. Divina Commedia ("The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri") {proseY * See also under 1859, 1867, 1891, 1892, 1897. Philip Henry Wicksteed * 1902. (In Dante and Giovanni del Virgilio) Ed. i {prose) (pp. 153-7) Eel. ii {prose) (pp. 167-73) And sundry passages from the De Vulgari Eloquentia, Epistles, and Quaestio de Aqua et Terra * See also under 1879, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1903, 1904, 1906. L. V. Hodgkin 1902. (In The Happy World. Notes on the Mystic Imagery oj the Paradiso oj Dante, in blank verse and prose) Par. XXV. 139 Par. XXV. 1-2; Conv. i. 7, 11. 91-3 Par. ii. 23-4 .... Par. xiv. 86-7, 104-8 Par. xxi. 46-51, 55-^3 • Par. xxi. 70-2 Purg. xxiv. 13-14; Par. iii. 108 Par. iii. 80, 85, 88-90 Par. xxii. 100-5, 127-32 . Inf. i. 22-6 .... Par. xxii. 151 . Par. xxiii. 43-8 Par. xxvii. 100-2 {terza rima) Par. xxviii. 3, 95-6, 115-18, 41-5 V. N. § 12, 11. 31-3; Par. xxix. 10-12, 13-18 Par. xxix. 56-7; xxx. 15, 19-21, 63, 82-5, 96 Purg. xxvii. 142; Par. xxxi. 85, 93 . Inf. V. 23-4 Par. xxxiii. 46-51 {terza rima), 82-4, 85-7, 106-8, 115-20, 124-31 (pp. 59i 61-3) 1 " Revised edition " of the translation issued in 1891-1892. . . (p. i) . .(p. 3) . . (p. 7) (pp. 11-12) • (P- 17) • (P- 19) • (P- 24) (pp. 25-6) • (P- 28) • (p- 29) • (P- 3°) ■ (P- iZ) ■ (P- 37) (pp. 38-40) • (P- 41) (pp. 44-5°) (PP- S3-4) . (p. 58) I04 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Edward Clarke Lowe (1823- ) 1902. Divina Commedia (" La Diviiia Commedia di Dante AlighierL Done into English") f})lank verseY Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead * 1903. Ed. i, U. 27-44 ("Dante's Refusal") (rhymed couplets) (in Ox- jord Magazine, Vol. xxi, p. 113) * See also under 1875, 18S4, 1885, 1904. Luigi Ricci 1903. Vita Nuova {poems in rhymed verse) Alain Campbell White 1903. Quaestio de Aqua et Terra (in Twenty -first Annual Report of the Cambridge, U.S.A., Dante Society) Edward Wilberforce 1903. Inferno {terza rima) (in Dante's Inferno and Other Translations) Sir Samuel Walker Grifath (1845- ) 1903. Inferno (endecasyllabic blank verse) ("Draft of a Literal Transla- tion of Dante's Inferno in the Original Metre")'' Philip Henry Wicksteed* 1903. Convivio {canzoni in prose; together with the following poems in prose) Ball. X (pp. 190-r) Canz. ix (pp. 388-90) Canz. xiv (pp. 390-3) Canz. xii (pp. 394-6) Sest. i (pp. 396-7) Sest. ii (pp. 398-9) Canz. XV (pp. 400-2) Canz. xiii (pp. 402-4) Canz. xix (pp. 404-8) Canz. xvi (pp. 408-10) * See also under 1879, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1904, 1906. 1 Dedication dated 1902 ; not published until 1904. 2 Privately printed. LOWE {i()02)-P0TTER {1904) lOS Philip Henry Wicksteed {Cotttinued) 1903. Canz. XX (pp. 410-12) Canz. X (pp. 412-16) Canz. xi '. . . . (pp. 417-19) Son. xliii (p. 433) 1903. 1903. Edward Henry Pember* Purg. xxviii-xxxiii ("The Earthly Paradise") {blank versef- * See also under 1897, 1899, igoi- Francis Charles Montague (1858- ) (In his edition of Macaulay's Essays, in prose) Purg. xiv. IC9-11 Inf. iii.. 37-g, SI Inf. XX. 16-18 . Inf. iv. 33-s Inf. iii. 60 . . (Vol. i, p. 76) (Vol. i, p. 128) . (Vol. i, p. 264) (Vol. ii, p. 199) (Vol. ii, p. 247) Henry F. Henderson 1903. (In The Dream oj Dante: An Interpretation of the Injernu) Sundry passages from the Inferno (in prose), the Vita Ntiova, and Epistles Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead* 1904. Purg. xxii. 55-112 ("Virgil and Statius") {Spenserian stanzas) (in Oxford Magazine, March 2, 1904, Vol. xxii, p. 240) * See also under 1875, 1884, 1885, 1903. Caroline Potter* 1904. (In The Purgatorio and the Paradiso oj the Divina Commedia of Dante, in rhymed quatrains) Inf. i, iv, V (pp. 3-21) Purg. i-xxxiii (pp. 25-264) Par. i-xxxiii (pp. 267-519) Son. vi (V. N. § 13) {rhymed sonnet) (pp. 400-1) * See also under 1896, 1897. 1 Not published. lo6 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE Henry Fanshawe Tozer* 1904. Divina Commedia ("Dante's Divina Commedia, translated into English Prose") * See also under 1901. Charles Lancelot Shadwell * 1904. Quaestio de Aqua at Terra ' *See also under 1882, 1892, 1899. Alan George Ferrers Howell * 1904. De Vulgari Eloquentia (in Translation 0] the Latin Works oj Dante Alighieri, in Temple Classics, pp. 3-115)^ * See also under 1890. Philip Henry Wicksteed * 1904. (In Translation oj the Latin Works oj Dante Alighieri, in Temple Classics) DeMonarchia^ (pp. 127-279) Epistolae (pp. 295-362) Eclogae (blank verse) (pp. 373-84) Quaestio de Aqua et Terra (pp. 389-423) * See also under 1879, i8g6, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1903, 1906. S. P. Thompson 1905. Quaestio de Aqua et Terra ■* C. Gordon Wright 1905. Purgatorio (prose) ^ William Walrond Jackson (1838- ) 1905. Convivio (canzoni in prose)" 1 Not yet published. 2 Revised edition of the version published in 1890. 3 Revised edition of the version printed privately in 1896. ■• Published at Florence in volume containing facsimile reprint of the editio princeps together with translations in Italian, French, Spanish, and German. 5 In " Spenserian " English. I"' Xot yet published. rOZER {igo4)-PVICKSTEED {igod) 107 William Warren Vernon * 1906. Inferno (in Readings on the Inferno of Dante, in -prose) ^ * See also under 1S89, 1894, 1897, igoo. Thomas Okey * 1906. Vita Nuova {poems in prose) * See also under 1901. Philip Henry Wicksteed * 1906. (The following poems, in prose, in Translation by T. Okey) Son. xxvi. Son. xxvii. Son. "Degno fa Son. xxix Son. xxxi Son. xxxii Son. xxxiv Son. XXX vi Son. xl Son. xliii . Son. xliv Son. xlvi . Son. "Suonar bracchetli' Ball, ii Ball. vi. . Ball, viii Ball. X Son. XXX Son. xxxvii Son. xxxix Ball. V Son. xxxiii Son. XXXV Son, xli Son. >:lix Son. li Ball, iii . * See also under 1879, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1903, 1 Second edition revised. of the Vita Nuova ■ (P- 157) (pp. 157-9) • (P- 159) (pp. 159-61) . (p. 161) ■ (p- 163) • (P- 163) . (p. 165) . (p. i6s) . (p. 167) . (p. 167) • (p- 169) • (p- 169) • (P- 171) (PP- 171-3) (PP- 173-S) (pp. 175-7) ■ (P- 179) (pp. 179-81) . (p. 181) • (p. 183) . (p. 185) (pp. 185-7) . (p. 187) ■ (PP- 187-9) . (p. 189) . (p. 191) 1904. APPENDIX *** The following entries came under my notice while the list was passing through the press — too lite to be inserted in their proper places. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TRANSLATORS IN APPENDIX WITH DATE OF FIRST TRANSLATION Anonymous (1827) Anonymous ..... (189S) Bevis, J. L (1933) Dunbar William .... (c. 1510) Henry, Aurelia K., T. . . Mills, Charles (1904) (1588) (1822) Robinson, Samuel . Sanford, John Vericour, Raymond de Vialls, Mary Alice . Whyte, Bruce Williams, James (i860) (160S) (1858) (1890) (1841) (1904) Century XVI William Dunbar (c. 146S-C. 153°) c. 1510. Purg. xxxiii. 54 ("Quhat is this lyfe bot ane straucht way to deid?").' T. K. 1588. (In The Housholdsrs Philosophie, translated from Torquato Tasso's 11 Padre di Famiglia — in rhyme) Inf. xvii. go (fol. 15) Inf. xi. loi-ii (foil. 25-6) Century XVII John Sanford (c. 1565-1629) 1605. (In his Grammar, or Introduction to the Italian Tongue — in prose) Inf- ii- 37 (p. 15) Purg. i. 66 (p. 19) Century XIX Charles Mills (1788-1826) 1822. (In his Travels of Theodore Ducas — in prose) Epist. ix. 11. 30-52 (Vol, i, pp. 203-4) 1 This close parallel with Dante's " 11 viver ch' i un correre alia morte," of which it mny or may not be a translation, was pointed out by O. L. Triggs, in his introduction to Lydgate's Assembly of Gods, E. E. T. S., p. xliii. 108 APPENDIX 109 Charles Mills {Continued) Inf. vii. 49-51 (Vol. i, p. 212) Inf. V. 73-142 (Vol. i, pp. 217-20) Inf. xxxii. 126-xxxiii. 78 (Vol. i, pp. 221-4) Par. XV. 118-19 . (Vol. i, p. 229) Purg. ii. 112 (Vol. ii, p. 63) V. E. ii. 4, 11. 19-20 (Vol. ii, p. 64) Anonymous 1827. (In Quarterly Review, Vol. xxxvi, June, 1827 — in Spenserian stanzas) Purg. ii. 10-26 (pp. 52-3) Inf. ix. 64-103 (pp. 53-4) Bruce Whyte* 1841. (In his Histoire des Langues Romanes et de leur Litterature,^ Vol. iii) Inf. xxiv. 1-15 (terzarima) (pp. 239-40) Purg. XXV. 37-57 (terza rima) (pp. 270-1) Ball. vi. {rhyme) (pp. 286-7) Canz. i. (V. N. § 19), 11. 15-42 {rhyme) . . . (pp. 290-1) Canz. ('lo miro i crespi') {rhyme) .... (pp. 293-4) Son. xii (V. N. § 22) {rhymed sonnet) .... (p. 298) Son. xxiv (V. N. § 41) {rhymed sonnet) .... (p. 299) Canz. vi. (Conv. ii.) {rhyme) (pp. 301-3) Canz. xvii. {rhyme) (pp. 306-8) Canz. ii. (V. N. § 23) {rhyme) (pp. 312-14) Canz. XX. {rhyme) (pp. 318-21) Canz. xviii. 11. 1-60 {rhyme) (pp. 326-8) * See also under 1859 (p. 47). Raymond de V^ricour 1858. (In his Life and Times of Dante — in prose) V. N. § 2, 11. 24-5, 50-2; § 26, 11. 15-19 . . . (pp. 48-50) Canz. xi. 76-84; Canz. ix. 76-83 (pp. 117-18) Conv. i. 3, 11. 15-32, 34-6; 4, 11. 101-5 . . . (pp. 120-1) Purg. xxiv. 58-62 (p. 128) 1 This work was written in English, but was never published, except in this French translation, in which Bruce Whyte's English poetical renderings were preserved. no ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS FROM DANTE i860. 1890. 1898. Raymond de V6ricour {Continued') Conv. iv. 14, 11. 101-7 (p. 129) Epist. V. 3-16, 16-19, 23-8, 100-10 .... (pp. 158-9) Epist. ix (pp. 182-4) Par. XXV. 1-9 (p. 196) Inf. X. 60 (p. 244) Inf. XXV. 140-1 (p. 249) Purg. ii. 73-s (p. 269) Purg. X. 121-9; xi. 79-81, 115-17 (p. 280) Purg. xiv. 124-6, 133 (p. 282) Purg. XX. 94-6 (p. 285) Par. V. 73-80 (p. 29S) Par. xvii. 58-60 (p. 304) Par. xxi. 135; xxiii. 19-21 (pp. 308-9) Inf. i. 85-7 (p. 330) Samuel Robinson (1794-1884) (In Translations from Dante, Ariosto, Horace, etc' — in terza rima) Inf. iii. ("The third Canto of Dante's Inferno: An Attempt to combine a Literal Rendering with the Triple Rhyme of the Original.") (pp. 5-11) Mary Alice Vialls* (In Journal oj Education, Oct., 1890 — in terza rima) Inf. xxvi. 94-142 ('The Last Voyage of Ulysses') * See also under 1899. Anonymous: "C. T."^ (In The Angels of the Divine Comedy, in Gentleman's Magazine, Sept., 189S, pp. 242-55 — in blank verse ') Inf. viii. 46-8; ix. 64-71, 101-3, 88 (prose) Purg. i. 13, 25, 100-2, 97-8 (prose) . . Purg. ii. 12, 28-30, 37-40; Inf. iii. 99, 109 Purg. ii. 122-3; viii- 1-6, 19-21, 28-30 . Purg. i.x. 115-16, 121, 123-5, 127-9 ■ • 1 Anonymous — privately printed. 2 Perhaps Charles Tomlinson, who died in the previous year (1897) — see under 1874. 8 Except where otherwise indicated. (p- 243) (p- 24s) (p. 246) (p 247) (p 249) APPENDIX I 1 I 1899. 1900. 1900. 1904. 1904. ■ • (?■ 250) ■ ■ (P- 251) . . (p. 252) ; Purg ■ ■ (P- 253) 1-15 • . (p. 254) Anonymous: "C. T." (^Continued) Purg. xi. 26-30; xii. 77-80, 82-4 . Purg. XV. 28-30; xvi. 16-18 Purg. xxiv. 133-5 Purg. xxiv. 139-41 {prose) ; Inf. i. 6-7 XXX. 103-s Purg. XXX. 92-3, 124-6, 128-30; xxxi. Mary Alice Vialls * (In Music Fancies and Other Verses — in terza rima) Inf. xxxiii. 22-75 ('Tiie Death of Count Ugolino and his Sons') (pp. 93-6) Purg. XXX. 22-75 ('The Meeting of Dante & Beatrice in the Terrestrial Paradise') . . . (pp. 97-100) Par. xi. 43-117 ('St. Francis of Assisi') . . . (pp. 161-6) Par. xxxiii. 1-39 ('St. Bernard's Invocation to Madonna') . (pp. 107-9) * See also under iSgo. J. L. Bevis (In Colours in Dante, in Scottish Review, Vol. xxxy. pp. 325-36. April, 1900 Inf. xvii. 16 . Purg. xi. 81 ; vii. Par. iii. 11-12 Inf. xxxiv. 44-5 Purg. xxvii. 39; Par. XXV. 1-2 Par. XXX. 38-40 Purg. ii. 7-9 De Monarchia in prose) 73-7; XXV xxxii. 58 Aurelia Henry 84 (p. 326) (P- 327) (p- 328) (P- 329) (P' 331) (P- 333) (P- 334) (P- 2>3(>) James Williams (1851- ) (In Thoughts on Dante — in terza rima) Inf. V, 70-142 (pp. 6-8) Par. XXX, 61-9 (P- 17) Purg. xxviii. 22-39 (P- 18) 1906. (In Dante as a Jurist — in terza rima) Par. vi. 1-27 (pp. 13-14) o a: Si IT,: » &, •♦» o «8 4» IS » •H o •rt • > • 8 h •f» •rt H e «S «a • ja ViO SQ <0 (D •w e >H ri'' ' & Xi rH •#4 iH » ti 4» •at W CS (D e e Q ta * o 1 o •> OS 1 8< ■*» *s (H •H *« SB • ^ 61 ti' 41 i (D Its • a tS»k ffi •IH o (4 f 4* ja a • 4* > e 01 rH »t r4 a a ja u h «a ■t» St +» ISi o a 0* ja > Id •H <0 4» •H a CM 9 rH &>> M o '« «D •H n (4 «0 ca rt +» 01 'it iH a * a> ;0 a o as 13 > a ►> t4 r4 •H u ea *« o fSi 1Q0 « ^ 4» u ^ @ 4» d^ M iH p» ® 9 •H M a J3 0. a 1-1 (4 F4 •rt r-H •p O t& O m O *H r^ +» « o 43 ^ 4 M •»• •« li »4 IS i3 «» .iCI s •p o •N ja ja (S r-i 43 43 &4 • O rH ■»» •H > 09 A cS +» f' -> GINNO-COMPANYl ^ ^ 5 z a o a B B ^11^51 z iJU^s samsamwsama^t mrr. — '^•r^Ta Bl o ATHENAEUM S " m PRESS ID -1