,^ -L^ / ; y Cornell University Library Z 1261.H25 Index of economic material In documents 3 1924 014 512 598 ^tate Coriege of %rtculture at Cornell Saittbersitp Slljaca. ia. g. 2.tbrarp The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924014512598 ^tate (lallege of Agricnltnte ^t (Sornell Snioecsttg Jt^aia. S. 9. Stbcarg INDEX OF ECONOMIC MATERIAL IN DOCUMENTS OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA 1849-1904 PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON BY ADELAIDE R. HASSE LIBRARIAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DECEMBER, 1908 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Director KENYON L. BUTTERFIELD EMORY R. JOHNSON HENRY B. GARDNER JEREMIAH W. JENKS VICTOR S. CLARK HENRY W. FARNAM, Secretary EDWARD W. PARKER DAVIS R. DEWEY WALTER F. WILLCOX ALFRED H. STONE B. H. MEYER (2 -Z.I2 6/ CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION NO. 85 (CALIFORNIA) ^9« £or6 (S!afttmoT( $recr«r BALTWOBE, KD., u. B. ^ PREFATORY NOTE This index undertakes to deal only with the printed reports of administrative officers, legislative committees, and special commissions of the states and with gov- ernors' messages for the period since 1849. It does not refer to constitutions, laws, legislative proceedings or court decisions, except in so far as they happen to be found in the class of documents above mentioned. It attempts, on the other hand, to furnish a list, as complete as possible, of all the dociunents and messages which fall within its scope, in whatever form they may have been published, whether separately, in collected documents, legislative journals or volumes of laws, and to indicate the volume in which they may be found. In general, unless otherwise shown, the material indexed is in the New York Public Library. In addition to furnishing a list of reports and messages, the index undertakes to supply a reference by volume and page to all material of economic importance which they contain, with the exception of that contained in the reports of bureaus of labor. The reason for this exception is that these reports have already been indexed by Carroll D. Wright, late United States Commissioner of Labor,' in a volume published by his department in 1902. Although the index is confined to matter of economic bearing, the term " economic " has been given a broad interpretation. In view of this liberal interpretation it is believed that the index will constitute a useful addition to the resources of students of almost any aspect of American history. It will be seen that the present index differs both in scope and character from R. R. Bowker's " State Publications," the valuable pioneer work in this field. It is narrower in scope than " State Publications," which aims to present a list not only of reports and governors' messages but of all state documents; but in the field which the present work covers it contains not only a more complete list of documents than has hitherto been published but also an index of their contents in so far as these have an economic bearing. The arrangement is alphabetical by topics. The references under each topic are divided into two groups, viz., " serial " and '' non-serial." Within each of these divisions the arrangement is chronological. Numerous cross-references will, it is hoped, make it possible to discover with little difficulty all the material bearing on a topic. It is to be remarked that the division of serial reports into more than one series occurs whenever there is a change in title, in the authority making the report or in frequency of issue. It will be seen that this division is not an arbitrary one. It is made in the belief that the reason for it can be more clearly shown in this way than by a narrative explanation. ^ Index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in the U. S. prior to Mch. 1, 1902. Wash., 1902. 287 pp. 8°. 4 PREFATORY NOTE Uniform entry words for subjects recurring in different states will be retained throughout the series. It will thus be possible to make a study not only of the historical development of an economic subject as reflected in the documents of an individual state but also to make a comparative study of that development as it has taken place in the country at large. To accomplish this purpose it has been necessary to make the selec- tion of entry words without reference to the peculiarities of local usage, such peculi- arities being recognized in the case of each state by cross-references. The abbreviations employed are believed to be sufficiently obvious to make a table of them mmecessary. Unless otherwise stated the size of the books is octavo. A feature introduced in the New York part of this index, and not employed in the preceding parts (i. e. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont), is the system of ref- erences from locality. This feature has been made a part of the succeeding issues. The present volume has been preceded by six similar volimies, confined to the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island and Massachu- setts, respectively. It will be followed by others, each devoted to a single state. The work when completed will, therefore, furnish an index to the economic material in the reports and governors' messages of all the states of the Union. In the preparation of this volume the collection of the New York Public Library has been used as a basis. Acknowledgment for assistance in the collation of volumes not in the N. Y. Public Library is due to the California State Library, the Los Angeles Public Library, to the U. S. Bureau of Education, to the Library of Congress and to the U. S. Department of Agriculture. PART I COLLECTED DOCUMENTS, DESCRIPTIVE WORKS, INDEXES, ETC. DESCRIPTIVE WORKS— GENERAL 1850. Rept. of Mr. Vallejo, on the derivation and definition of the names of the several cos. of Cal. (App. to Sen. Jol. 1 sess. pp. 522-537 doc. Y.) . Govs. mess. re. proposed union with state of Deseret. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 429-435; 756-763.) 1853-1881. Review of domestic produce for yr.; history of transactions at S. F. for past yr., with tabular stmts. of receipts and exports of the various products since 1853; special comment on wine and wheat interest. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1881: 149-175.) 1854. Judge Campbell's prospectus, " The Plains and Cal." (A.R. surveyor gen. 1854: 94-95.) 1867. Cal., her agric. resources; by H. D. Dunn. (Trans. state agric. socy. 1866/7: 507-542.) 1874. Agric. review of Cal. geography, topography, climate, and soil. (Same 1874: 245-252.) 1877. Brief comment on growth of state since 1849, and its prominence now in the commerce of the nation shown by statistics. (Same 1877: 85-86.) 1878. The foothills of the Sierras: geographical formation, climate, area, vegetation, adaptation to cultivation, and lands open to settlement; by Hon. B. B. Redding. (Same 1878: 129-134.) Reprinted in Transactions of 1885. 1879. Area of Cal. apportioned according to agric. and min- eral land surveyed and unsurveyed, private grants sur- veyed. Mission Church property, etc.; land listed to state by IT. S. under various land grants from Aug. 1, 1877, to Aug. 1, 1879, and whole amt. listed to state under various grants. (Same 1879: 224.) 1881. Address by Hon. J. Bidwell on Cal's. productive in- terests — markets, especially of wheat; lines of trans- portation; agric. fairs, agst. horse racing at said fairs; etc. (Same 1881: 24-40.) 1882. Cal.: information necessary to those wishing to migrate to state; map. (Same 1882: 219-231.) 1884. Information, general and statistical, re. agric, com- mercial, mnfg., and other resources, interests, and in- dustries of state; compiled by H. Degroot. (4 A.R. state mineralogist 1883/4: 31-59.) 1885. Cal. [geography, resources, etc.]. [Sacramento: James J. Ayers, supt. state prtg., 1885.] (5 same 1884/5: 51-127.) . Central and no. Cal.; characteristics and possibilities. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 193-202.) 1886. Origin of name Cal. (6 A.R. state mineralogist 1885/6 pt. 1: 8-10.) . Ch. iv, pt. ii, title iii. Political Code of Cal.; legal distances in state. Routes of travel, modes of convey- ance, distances, etc., from S. F.; compiled from Rail- road Gazeteer. (6 same 1885/6 pt. 2: 183-214.) . Table of altitudes in state. (6 same 1885/6 pt. 1: 34-53.) . Physical data and statistics of Cal.; tables and memo- randa re. rainfall . . . drainage areas . . . and other DESCRIPTIVE WORKS— GENERAL— cont'd factors of water supply; mountain and other topographi- cal features. 547 pp. (State engr.) Not seen ; entry from Bowljer. 1886. History and description of each co. in state of Cal. (2 blenn. rept. bureau of labor statistics 1885/6: 153- 324.) 1887. Climate and health resorts of Cal.; by J. W. Robert- son, M. D., asst. physician and pathologist, Napa Insane Asylum. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 439-445.) Resources, climatic conditions, etc., of coast and ad- joining COS. (Same 1887: 382-423.) 1888. Cal. geography, topography and hydrography, prin- cipal rivers, population and property values, and value of mineral products to date. (8 A.R. state mineralogist 1887/8: 12-16.) . Notes on topography, and on distribution of plants in Cal.; by W. P. Gibbons. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 184-187.) 1889. Results of agitation in development of resources of state; untouched resources. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 14-17.) 1890. Historical review of the industrial growth of Cal. and of its future resources — the first 20 yrs. was the period of the gold-seekers, of speculation and adven- ture; its enduring industries are less than 20 yrs. of age. Questions treated — economic communication the equivalent of physical contiguity, reduction of cost of transportation, industries, labor, area, population, and irrigation, value of land. (Same 1890: 184-208.) 1892. Exhibits in the historical section of the State Fair; edited and annotated by J. M. Guinn. (Same 1892: 139-182.) . Cal. horticulturally: geographical, topographical, cli- mate; hortic. history; irrigation; adaptation of the various fruits and plants; wild fruits of Cal.; descrip- tion of each co., with tables of each co., with tables giving average in each variety of fruit, amt. of irriga- tion, climate, etc. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 13-323.) 1893. Resources of Cal.; prepared in conformity with a law approved Mch. 11, 1893, by H. H. Markham, gov. 144 pp., illus. Not seen ; entry from Bowlier. 1895/6. Physicial features of state. 7 pp. (Bureau of highways bull. 3 [1895/6].) 1901. Repts. of resources of Cal., by cos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 167-466.) 1904. Cal.; its products, resources, industries, and attrac- tions. What it offers the immigrant, homeseeker. In- vestor, and tourist. By T. G. Daniells. 208 pp., illus. (La. Purchase Exposition Comn.) . Stmt, giving area of state of Cal. (Bienn. rept. sur- veyor gen. 1877/9 (pp. 3-4) — same 1902/4.) No returns 1898/00. . Resources of state of Cal. by cos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1904: 19-318.) Natural resources, industries, climate, agric, valuation, etc. of each CO. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTIVE WORKS— SPECIAL LOCALITIES See also references in part 2 under names of counties and cities. In particular, attention Is called to the synopses of the co. assessors* reports under Taxation. 1835-1846. Short sketch of settlement of Sonoma Co.; by Gen. M. G. Vallejo. (Bienn rept. bd. hortic. 1886/8: 75-77.) 1847-1865. Comment on extracts from Cal. Star of 1847, giving incidents and statistics of S. P., and comparing them with present. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 176-186.) 1865. Review of resources of Cal.; agrlc, mineral, and mnftres.; extent and capacity of San Joaquin distr.; need of irrigation; r.rs. and their value; educational system. {Bame 1864/5: 215-221.) 1872. Review of resources of Sta. Clara Valley. {Same 1872: 582-595.) 1874. Suppl. rept. on the Colo. Desert and its surroundings. {Same 1874: 363-366.) 1881. Results of study of mud volcanoes and Colo. Desert In San Diego Co. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 227-240.) 1886. Rept. of the topography, botany, climatology, and diseases of Surprise and Goose Lake valleys; by Geo. M. Kober. [With suppl. rept. on diseases about Al- turas; by J. M. Forest.] (9 bienn. rept. state bd. health 1884/6: 170-198.) Also In Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1886 : 392-402. Only the topo- graphy and climatology are given, although the article has the same title as in 9 bienn. rept. state bd. of health. . Notes on a trip to Mt. St. Helena. (6 A.R. state mineralogist 1885/6: 78-79.) 1887. Climate and resources of San Joaquin Valley cos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 373-382.) . Resources and climate of Sacramento Valley cos. {Same 1887: 247-359.) . Sacramento as a natural trade center; its sanitary aspect; produce shipped from there. {Same 1887: 289- 294.) . No. Cal.; climate and resources as reported from Modoc and Siskiyou cos. {Same 1887: 359-366.) . Climate and resources of the Foothill cos. {Same 1887: 366-373.) 1887-1889. Climate of San Bernardino Co.; a few facts re. her products and improvements; weather summary for Jan., Feb., and Mch., 1889. {Same 1888: 364-369.) 1888. Review of resources of Sonoma Co. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1886/8: 71-75.) 1889. The San Joaquin Valley — the Tulare and San Joaquin basins; streams of Tulare basin; descriptions and analyses of soils. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. sta- tions 1888/9: 112-132.) . The Salinas Valley climate, agric, hydrographic features of upper valley, location of station, details of soils of station and chemical analyses. {Same 1888/9: 93-102.) . Notes on islands in Sta. Barbara Channel; flora, etc. (9 A.R. state mineralogist 1888/9: 155-158.) . Description of Coast Range Region at large — So. Coast Range Region, climate, agric, rocks, and soils. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1888/9: 89-91.) 1890. Altitudes of various points in Coast Range of Cal. northwest of S. F. (10 A.R. state mineralogist 1889/ 90: 794.) . Origin of names in the Yosemite Valley; by L. H. Bunnell. (Bienc. rept. comrs. to manage Yosemite Val- ley and Mariposa Grove 1889/90: 9-13.) . The Colo. Desert, with bibliog.; by C. R. Orcutt. (10 A.R. state mineralogist 1889/90: 899-919.) 1904. Resources. Boundaries 18(?). Special rept. of state engr. on state and co. boun- daries. 273 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowkcr. DESCRIPTIVE WORKS— SPECIAL LOCALITIES— cont'd Boundaries — cont'd 1850. Rept. of Mr. de la Guerra on cos. and co. bounda- ries; with additional rept. announcing creation of Sta. Clara Co., and changes in names of five other cos. (App. to Sen. jol. 1 sess. pp. 411-421 docs. B and F.) . Rept. of select committee on suppl. co. boundary bill {Same pp. 556-558 doc. JJ.) . Rept. on division of state into cos., stating bounda- ries of same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 411-421.) 1854. Comments on co. boundaries and recommendation for substitution cf natural for artificial boundaries, and where this is impracticable, adoption of lines of U. S. surveys; also recommend that $20,000 be appropriated to be expended in such surveys during 1855. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1854: 4-5.) . Rept. of no. boundary survey. {Same 1854: 17-24.) . Remarks on no. boundary survey. {Same 1854: 3-4.) 1855. Comments on co. boundaries. {Same 1855: 33.) 1861. Communication of surveyor gen. re. eastern boun- dary survey. 6 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. doc. [23]; App. to Assem. jol. 12 sess. doc. [24].) 1862. Comments on state and co. boundaries. (A.R. sur- veyor gen. 1862: 22-24.) 1868. Minority rept. re. Assem. bill 334 on boundary betw. Plumas and Sierra cos. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. V. 2 doc [26].) . Petition re. division of Mono Co. 4 pp. {Same v. 3 doc [22].) . Rept. on Assem. bill 302 to provide for establishing so. boundary of Cal. 6 pp. {Same v. 3 [doc. 10].) . Docs, on file in atty. gens, office relating to boundary line betw. Cal. and Ariz. 12 pp. {Same v. 2 doc. [42].) INDEXES AND MANUAL 1850-1893. Index to laws of Cal., prepared under .... A. J. Johnston, supt. of state prtg. 739 pp. 1850-1894. Catalogue of state publications of Cal. [1850 to July, 1894]. (Bienn. rept. trustees of state library 1892/4: 32-72.) 1880-1903. Cal. Blue Book. Checklist 1 series 1856. Cal. state almanac and annual register. Sacramento, 1856. 72 pp. 1857. State register and yearbook of facts. San Francisco, 1857. Tin, 380 pp. 1859. Same. San Francisco, 1859. lU, 420 pp. 2 series 1880. The State Government, executive, jodlclal, and legislative departments. 20 pp. 1881. State and County Governments. Compiled by D. M. Bums. 35 pp. 1883. Same. Complied by T. L. Thompson. 63 pp. 1885. Same. Complied by T. L. Thompson. 90 pp. 1886. Governmental Roster; State and County Governments. Compiled by T. L. Thompson. 151 pp. 1887. Same. Compiled by W. C. Hendricks. 113 pp. 1889. Same. 220 pp. 3 series 1891. Blue Book or State Roster. Compiled by E. G. Walte. 278 pp. 1893. Same. 331 pp. 1895. Same. Compiled by L. H. Brown. 416 pp. 1897. Not printed. 1899. Blue Book. Compiled by C. F. Curry. 447 pp. 1901. Not printed. 1903. California Blue Book. Compiled by C. P. Curry. 623 pp. The volumes of the second series contain, besides the usual matter found in these manuals, tabular material relative to taxation, public expenditures, salaries of state officers, etc. This material has been Indexed in the present 1895-1901. Index to laws of Cal.; pt. 2 of rept. of comrs for revision of law, 1902. 193 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS 1 session Serial No. December 15, 1849-Aprll 22, 1850 (Journal of the Senate. . . . San Jose, Winchester, state prtr., 1850. 390 op., 1 leaf. Appendix, n. t. p. Documents A-SS. pp. 393-570. House of Assembly Journal. San Jose, Winchester, state prtr., 1850. 2 leaves (1), 676-1347 pp. 2 session January 6-May 1, 1851 ' Journals of the Legislature of Cal. n. p., Casserly, 1851. 2 leaves (1), 6-1865 pp. Journal of Proceedings of the Senate. [Half-title.] 1 leaf, (1), 6-503 (1) pp. Appendix, n. t. p. Documents A-ZZZ. pp. 507-774. Journal of Proceedings of the Assembly. [Half-title.] 1 leaf (1), 778-1815. . Index to Senate and Assembly Jols. pp. 1819-1865. 3 session January 5-May 4, 1852 3. Journal of the 3d session of the Legislature of Cat San Francisco, Fltered, but on verso of title page there is a table of contents applying the nos. 1 to 14 to the documents contained in the volume. 23. Journal of the 9th session of the Assembly of Cal Sacramento, O'Meara, state prtr.. 1858. 770 pp. 24. Appendix to Assembly Journals (sic.) of the 9th session Sacramento, O'Meara, state prtr., 1858. Documents [1-101. V. p. 10 session January 3-Aprll 19, 1859. 25. Journal of the Senate of Cal. at the 10th session Sacramento, O'Meara, state prtr^, 1859. 958 pp. 26. Appendix to Journals (sic.) of the Senate of the 10th session. .... Sacramento, O'Meara, 1859. Documents [1-10]. V. p. 27. Journal of the House of Assembly .... at the 10th session. Sacramento, O'Meara, 1859. 914 pp. 28. Appendix to Journals (sic.) of Assembly, of the 10th session. .... Sacramento, O'Meara, 1859. Documents [1-11]. V. p. 11 session. January 2-April 30, 1860. 29. Journal of the Senate of Cal. at the 11th session Sacramento, Botts, state prtr., 1860. 917 pp. 30. Appendix to Journals (sic.) of the Senate. Sacramento, Botts, 1860. Documents [1-20]. v. p. The table of contents calls for 19 documents. There are, in reality, 20 documents in the volume. Doc. 13, the Majority rept. of the special committee on the bulkhead (6 pp.) is followed by the Minority rept. of the same committee (37 pp.). The latter rept. is omitted from the table of con- tents. 31. Journal of the Bouse of Assembly of Cal. at the 11th session. Sacramento, Botts, state prtr., 1860. 909 pp. 32. Appendix to the Journals (sic.) of Assembly of the 11th session. Sacramento, Botts, 1860. Documents [1-15.] V. p. The table of contents calls for 14 documents. There are, in reality, 15 documents in the volume. Following what is called Doc. 11 in the table of contents, tnere is a " Rept. of special committee on constitutional convention, March 3, 1860" (4 pp.). This rept is omitted from the table of contents. 12 session January 7-May 20, 1861. 33. Journal of the Senate of Cal. at the 12th session Sacramento, Botts, 1861. 999 pp. 34. Appendix to the Journals (sic.) of the Senate. Sacramento, Botts, 1861. Documents [1-26]. v. p. 35. Journal of the House of Assembly at the 12th session. Sacramento, Botts, 1861. 1047 pp. 36. Appendix to Journals (sic.) of Assembly. Sacramento, Botts, 1861. Documents [1-30]. v. p. 13 session January 6-May 15, 1862. Journal of the Senate during the 13th session. . . Sacramento, Avery, state prtr., 1862. 866 pp. Journal of the Assembly during the 13th session Sacramento, Avery, 1862. 1047 pp. Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly, of the 13th session. Sacramento, Avery, 1862. Documents [1-39.] v. p. 14 session January 5-Aprll 27, 1863 Journal of the Senate, during the 14th session. Sacramento, Avery, 1863. 679 pp. Journal of the Assembl.v, during the 14th session. Sacra- mento, Avery, 1863. 885 pp. Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly. Sacramento Avery, 1863. Documents [1-35]. v. p. 15 session December 7, 1863-April 4, 1864 Journal of the Senate during the 15th session Sacramento, Clayes, state prtr., 1864. 759 pp. Journal of the Assembly during the 15th session Sacramento, Clayes, 1864. 802 pp. Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly. Sacramento, Clayes, 1864. 2 v. V. 1. Documents [1-11]. v. p. V. 2. " [1-40]. V. p. 16 session December 4, 1865-AprH 2, 1866 47. Journal of Senate during 16th session. Sacramento, Clayes, state prtr., 1866. 940 pp. 48. Journal of Assembly during 16th session. Sacramento, Clayes, state prtr., 1866. 1090 pp. Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly. 3 vols. 37. 38. 39. 40. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 16 session — cont'd Serial No. December 4, 1865-April 2, 1866 — cont'd 49. V. 1. Sacramento, Clayes, 1866. Documents [1-7]. V. p. 50. V. 2. ib. Documents [1-11]. v. p. 51. V. 3. lb. " [1-52]. T. p. 17 session December 2, 1867-March 30, 1868 Journal of Senate during 17tb session. Sacramento, 6el- wlclis, state prtr., 1868. 971 pp. Journal of Assembly during 17th session. Sacramento, Gel- wicks, 1868. 1119 pp. Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly. 3 vols. V. 1. Sacramento, Gelwlcks, 1868. Documents [1- 27]. V. p. V. 2. lb. Documents [1-46]. v. p. V. 3. ib. " [1-11]. V. p. 18 session December 6, 1869-Aprll 4, 1870 Journal of Senate during 18th session. Sacramento, Gel- wlcks, state prtr., 1870. 904 pp. Journal of Assembly during 18th session. Sacramento, Gel- wicks, 1870. 1064 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. 3 vols. V. 1. Sacramento, Gelwlcks, 1870. Documents [1- 8]. V. p. V. 2. ib. Documents [1-41]. v. p. v. 3. lb. " [1-78]. v. p. 19 session December 4, 1871-April 1, 1872 Journal of Senate during 19th session. Sacramento, Springer, 1872. 005 pp. Journal of Assembly during 19th session. Sacramento, Springer, 1872. 1113 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. 4 vols. T. 1. Sacramento, Springer, 1872. Documents [1- 11]. V. p. V. 2. Ib. Documents [1-13]. v. p. v. 3. ib. " [1-20]. V. p. V. 4. lb. " [1-14]. V. p. 20 session December 1, 1873-March 30, 1874 Journal of Senate during 20th session. Sacramento, Springer, 52. 53. 54. 65. 66. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. Sacramento, state prtr., 1874. 1190 pp. Journal of Assembly during 20th session. Springer, 1874. 1532 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. 4 vols. V. 1. Sacramento, Springer, 1874. Documents [1- 6]. V. p. Documents V. 2. lb. V. 3. lb. V. 4. lb. V. 5. lb. [1-71. V. p. fl-31. V. p. [1-12]. V. p [1-23]. V. p. The following documents, called for by no. and title In the table of contents, were missing in volume seen by compiler : doc. 5. Rept. of Senate Hospital Committee on Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum, doc. 12. Stmt, of progress of state geological survey. doc. 17. Rept. of committee on education. f. 6. lb. Documents [1-26]. 21 session December 6, 1875-AprU 3, 1876 Journal of Senate during 21st session. Sacramento, State Printing Office, 1876. 724 pp. Journal of Assembly during 2l8t session. Sacramento, State Printing Office, 1876. 796 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. 5 vols. V. 1. V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. Sacramento, Springer, 1875. Documents [1- 4]. V. p. ib. Documents [1-11]. v. p. lb. " [1-5]. v. p. Sacramento. State Printing Office. 1876. Documents [1-9]. v. p. lb. Documents [1-36]. v. p. December 3, 1877-Aprll 1, 1878 Journal of Senate during 22d session. Sacramento, State Printing Office, 1878. 662 pp. Journal of Assembly during 22d session. Sacramento, State Printing Office, 1878. 921 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, State Printing Office, 1878. 3 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-13]. v. p. ''• 2. ■■ [1-2 ]. V. p. ▼• 3. ■• [1-10]. V. p. T- 4- " [1-55]. V. p. 23 session January 5-April 16, 1880 Jouraal of Senate during 23d session. 861 pp. Sacramento, 1880. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OT' CALIFORNIA 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 23 session — cont'd Serial No. January 5-Aprll 16, 1880— cont'd 90. Journal of Assembly during 23d session. Sacramento, 1880. 967 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1879-1880. 6 vols. 91. V. 1. 1879. Documents [1-17]. \. p. 92. T. 2. 1879. " [1-4]. v. p. 93. y. 3. 1879. " [1-4], v. p. 94. V. 4. 1879. " [1-2]. v. p. 95. v. 5. 1880. " [1-20]. T. p. 96. V. 6. 1880. " [1-4]. v. p. 24 session January 3-Marcli 4, 1881. Journal of Senate during 24tli session, Sacramento, 1881. 631 pp. Includes journal of extra session. Journal of Assembly during 24tli session. Sacramento, 1881. 720 pp. Includes Journal of extra session. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1881. 3 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-15]. v. p. V. 2. " [1-15]. y. p. V. 3. " [1-16]. V. p. 24 extra session April 4-May 13, 1881 Journal of Senate. Included in Senate Journal of 24tli regular session, viz., 1881 : 401-574. Journal of Assembly. Included In Assembly Journal of 24th regular session, viz., 1881 : 481-653. 25 session January S-March 13, 1883 Journal of Senate during 25tb session. Sacramento, 1883. 478 pp. Journal of Assembly during 25tb session. Sacramento, 1883. 757 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1883. 6 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-18]. v. p. V. 2. " [1-3]. V. p. T. 3. " [1-9]. V. p. V. 4. " [1-9]. V. p. V. 5. " [1-7]. V. p. V. 6. " [1-8]. V. p. 25 extra session. March 24-May 13, 1884 Journal of Senate during 25 extra session. 1884. 139 pp. Journal of Assembly during 25 extra session. 1884. 228 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. 1884. 1 vol. Documents [1-5]. v. p. 26 session January D-March 11, 1885 Journal of Senate during 26th session. 663 pp. Journal of Assembly during 26th session. Sacramento, 1885. 752 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1885. 6 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-15]. v. p. V. 2. " [1-2]. V. p. V. 3. " [1-6]. V. p. V. 4. " [1-3]. V. p. V. 5. " [1-10]. V. p. V. 6. " [1-13]. T. p. 26 extra session July 20-September 11, 1886. Journal of the Senate during the 26th (extra) session. Sacramento, 1887. (2), 102 pp. Journal of the Assembly during the 26th (extra) session. Sacramento, 1887. (2), 125 pp. 27 session January 3-March 12, 1887 Journal of Senate during 27 session. 698 pp. Journal of Assembly during 27 session. 944 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals, 1887. 8 vols. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento, 1885. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 28 session Serial No. January 7-March 16, 1889 135. Journal of Senate during 28th session. Sacramento, 1889. 1147 pp. 136. Journal of Assembly during 28th session. Sacramento, 1889. 1119 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1889. 8 vols. 1. Documents [1-15]. Sacramento, 1887. Sacramento, 1887. Sacramento, V. 1. T. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. Documents [1-18]. V. p. 1-15]. V. p. [1-2]. :i-4]. [1-4]. '1-2]. 1-3]. 1-25]. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. [1-11] [1-2]. [1-2]. [1-5]. [1-10]. [1-5]. [1-10]. P- V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. 29 session January 5-March 25, 1891 Journal of Senate during 29th session. Sacramento, 1891. 994 pp. Journal of Assembly during 29th session. Sacramento, 1891. 1049 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1891. 8 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-14]. V. p. V. 2. '* 1-20]. V. p. V. 3. '* 1-2]. V. p. V. 4. ** 1-2]. V. p. V. 5. *' 1]. V. p. V. 6. " 1-6]. V. p. V. 7. " 1-10]. V. p. V. 8. " 1-2]. V. p. 30 session January 2-March 14, 1893 Journal of Senate during 30th session. 1244 pp. Journal of Assembly during 30th session 1249 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. 1893. 9 vols. Documents [1-18] [1-5]. Sacramento, 1893. Sacramento, 1893. Sacramento, V. 1. V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. v. 8. V. 9. [1-3]. [1-2]. [1-2]. [1-3]. [1-30]. [1-10]. [1]. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. 31 session January 7-March 16, 1895 Journal of Senate during 31st session. Sacramento, 1895. 1312 pp. Journal of Assembly during 31st session. Sacramento, 1895. 1293 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1895. 6 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-14]. v. p. V. 2. " [1-3]. V. p. V. 3. " [1-4]. V. p. V. 4. " [1-4]. V. p. V. 5. " [1-3]. V. p. V. 6. " [1-30]. V. p. 32 session January 4-March 20, 1897 Journal of Senate during 32d session. Sacramento, 1897. 1339 pp. Journal of Assembly during 32d session. Sacramento, 1897. 1504 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1897. 7 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-13]. v. p. V. 2. " [1-6]. V. p. V. 3. " [1-4]. V. p. V. 4. " [1-5]. V. p. V. 5. " [1-12]. V. p. V. 6. " [1-17]. V. p. V. 7. " [1-7]. V. p. 33 session January 2-March 19, 1899 Journal of Senate during 33d session. Sacramento, 1899. 1582 pp. Journal of Assembly during 33d session. Sacramento, 1899. 1836 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1899. 2 vols. V. 1. Documents [1-21]. v. p. V. 2. " [1-8]. V. p. 10 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CAliIPORNIA COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 34 session Serial No. January 7-March 16, 1901 187. Jonmal of Senate daring 34tli session. Sacramento, 1901. 1348 pp. 188. Jonmal of Assembly daring 34th session. Sacramento, 1901. 1308 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Jonmals. Sacramento, 1901. 4 Tols. 189. V. 1. Documents [1-15]. v. p. 190. V. 2. " [1-9]. T. p. 191. v. 3. " [1-9]. V. p. 192. T. 4. " [1-10]. V. p. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 35 session Serial No. January 5-March 14, 1903 193. Jonmal of Senate daring 35th session. Sacramento, 1903. 1428 pp. 194. Jonmal of Assembly during 35th session. Sacramento, 1903. 1755 pp. Appendix to Senate and Assembly Journals. Sacramento, 1903. 3 TOlB. 195. T. 1. Documents [1-14]. t. p. 196. V. 2. •• [1-25]. T. p. 197. V. 3. " [1-8]. y. p. PART II TOPICAL ANALYSIS ABALONE; see FISH AND GAME ABATTOIRS 1877/9. Rept. on abattoirs and public baths; by A. B. Stout. (5 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1877/9: 94- 103.) . Same; separate. 1879. 12 pp., 1 map. (Health bd.) 1892. Comment on livestock interest of state: attempt to provide bureau of information and statistics re. livestock, now being made before Congress in- dorsed; permanent establishment of large abat- toirs In Cal. commended. (Trans. State Agric. Socy. 1891: 17-19.) ACCIDENTS Insurance; see Insurance Railway; see Railroads ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: CITY 1878. Rept. of [Sen.] committee of free conference on Assem. substitute for Sen. bill 200. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 45].) Police force of S. F. . Rept. of [Assem.] committee on free conference on Assem. substitute for Sen. bill 200. 4 pp. (Same 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 44].) Police force of S. F'. 1901. Repts. on investigation of charges agst. police dept. of San Francisco. (Assem. jol. 34 sess. pp. 517-519; 622-623; 624-628.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE serial 1 series 1850/1-1862/3. Ann. rept. of atty. gen. In Collected docs, as follows : 1850/1 omitted. 1852 in App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 74. 1853/4 " " " Assem. " 6 sess. doc. 6. Sen. 1854/5 none appears to have teen made (Bowker). 1855/6 in App. to Assem. jol. 8 sess. unnum. doc. 1856/7 none appears to have been made (Bowker). 1857/8 in App. to Assem. Jol. 10 sess. unnum. doc. Sen. " 10 " " " Assem. " 11 " " Sen. " 11 " " " Assem. " 12 " " Sen. " 12 " " " jols. 13 sess. unnum. doc. " " 14 " " " 15 " V. 1 unnum. doc. 2 series Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. 1858/9 [ 1859/60 ; 1860/1 ' 1861/2 ' 1862/3 ' 1863/5-1877/9. In Collected docs, as follows : 1863/5* 1865/7 1867/9 1869/71 1871/S 1873/5 1875/7 1877/9 in App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 17 " 18 19 20 21 22 23 unnum. doc. * Called ann. rept. but covers two years. .'• .. -.. 26 ' V. 1 " " 27 ' V. 1 " '* 28 ' y. 1 " " 29 ' V. 1 " " 30 ' V. 1 " " 31 ' V. 1 " *' 32 ' y. 1 " " 33 ' y. 1 " ' ' 34 ' y. 4 35 ' y. 1 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd 3 series 1880. Rept. [ann.] of atty. gen. In Collected docs, as follows : 1880 In App. to jols. 24 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 4 series 1880/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of atty. gen. In Collected docs, as follows : 1880/2 In App. to jols. 25 sess. y. 1 unnum. doc. 1882/4 ~" 1885/6 1886/8 1888/90 1890/2 1892/4 1895/6 1896/8 1898/00 1900/2 non-serial 1894. Comments on sheriff's claims. (A.R. bd. exam- iners dated 1895: 49-50.) . Comment on expenses for extradition of crimi- nals. (Same dated 1895: 50.) 1894-1898. Suits agst. state under enabling act of 1893. (Rept. atty. gen. 1895/6 (pp. 5-10)— same 1897/8.) 1896. Comments on per diem of sheriffs. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1897: 19-20.) Attorney General 1863. Recommended that powers of atty. gen. be in- creased; that a clerk who is an atty.-at-law be pro- vided, and with salary to employ talent that could be useful in courts; and that traveling expenses be allowed in certain cases. (A.R. atty. gen. 1863: 4-5.) 1869. Increased apprn. asked for. (,8ame 1868/9: 9.) 1882. Increase of salary of atty. gen. recommended. {Same 1881/2: 15.) 1888. Recommended that office of atty. gen. be allowed clerk; also that law be passed to the effect that atty. gen. shall not be a member of any bd. or comn. (Same 1887/8: 6-7.) 1891. Atty. gen's, rept. re. deficiencies existing in his office. (Sen. jol. 29 sess. pp. 196-197.) 1892-1894. Increased apprn. for traveling expenses rec- ommended. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2 (pp. 19-20) — same 1893/4.) 1893. Rept. on investigation of charges agst. atty. gen., W. H. H. Hart, for misconduct. (Assem. jol. 30 sess. pp. 877-879.) 1895-1896. Amt. of balance remaining unexpended of sum appropriated for library of atty. gen. (Rept. atty. gen. 1895/6: 18.) 1900-1902. Clerical force allowed atty. gen. inadequate. (/Some 1899/00 (pp. 12-13)— some 1900/2.) 1902. Stmt, of deficiencies allowed by state bd. of ex- aminers to funds of atty. gen. {Same 1900/2: 72.) ExPEisTDiTUEEs FOB; See below, Receipts, etc. 11 12 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ADMUnSTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE— cont'd Courts SUPBEME CotTBT See also below. Receipts, etc. 1861. Recommended revision of law re. Supreme Court repts. which would save to state treasury half of sum ann. expended under present system of report- ing. (A.R. atty. gen. 1861: 9.) 1862. Recommended that clerk of Supreme Court be made salaried oflScer, and that fees of court be re- duced and he compelled to pay his receipts into state treasury. (Same 1862: 9.) 1870. Rept. [favorable] of conference committee on Sen. bill 280, act which proposes to raise salary of secy, of Supreme Court, on acct. of his increased duties, as librarian, etc. 2 11. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 3 doc. [56].) 1885. Majority and minority repts. on charges pre- ferred agst. clerk of Supreme Court, of all of which they find him guiltless, except of gross neglect in keeping books. (Assem. jol. 26 sess. pp. 636-640.) District Attorney 1898/00-1902/4. Bienn. repts. of district attys. (Rept. atty. gen. 1898/00 (pp. 53-64)— some 1902/4.) Receipts and Expenditures 1849/50-1862. Expenditures of judicial dept. (AJl. state comptroller 1849/50 (pp. 521-522) — same 1861/2.) Paging from Collected docs. 1858. Stmt, of contingent expenses of atty. gen's. oflSce. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. pp. 293-294.) 1858/9. Stmt of accts. paid out of Supreme Court con- tingent fund from July 1 to Feb. 11. (Same 10 sess. pp. 260-261.) 1862-1904. Financial stmt. (A.R. atty. gen. 1862 (p. 23) — bienn. rept. same 1902/4.) Xo retnrns in repts. for 188.5/6, 1889/90-1891/2. Stmts, for yrs. 1890/l-18ri4/5 found in rent. 1893/4. 1865-1904. Stmt, showing amt of expenditures, amt of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended of judicial dept. (Bienn. rept state controller 1863/5 (p. 38) — same 1902/4.) 1881. Stmt, of expense incurred in Hatch (Supreme Judge Colusa Co.) impeachment case. (Asem. jol. 24 sess. pp. 436-441.) 1882-1904. Stmt showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt expended under each, and balance unexpended for atty. gen. (Bienn. rept. controller 1880/2 (p. 58) — same 1902/4.) ADULTERATION Food Products; see Industries, etc Food Law; do. Inspection Wine; see Industries, etc Liquor AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE; see AGRICULTURE. EDUCA- TION AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION serial REPORTS A 1 series Under state govt supported by special appms. and by apportionment from generai funds of the TJni- Terslty of Cai. 1876A-1888/90. Repts. of the College of Agric, Univ. of Cal. Sacramento, 1877-1890. Checklist nnnnm. 1876/7. University of Cal., Berkeley. Bepts. to pres. of the University, from the Col- leges of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. 1877. 80 pp. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd REPORTS— cont'd A — cont'd 1 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd annum. 1878/9. University of Cal. College of Agricul- ture. Supplement to the bienn. rept of bd. of regents. 1879. 113 pp. " 1880. University of Cal. College of Agricul- ture. Bept of the professor In charge to the bd. of regents, being a part of the rept of the regents of the University. 1881. 108 pp. 1881/2. Same. 1882. 1883. 179 pp. lilus. foldg. sheets. 1882/4. Same. 1884. 1884. Ill pp. foldg. 1885/6. University of Cal. College of Agricul- ture. Supplement to the bienn. rept of the bd. of regents. 1887. 167 pp. foldg. sheet. 1887/8. University of Cal. College of Agricul- ture. Rept of the professor In charge to the president, being a part of the rept of the regents of the University. By E. W. Bilgard. 1889. 19 pp. " 1888/90. Same, for the two yrs. ending June 30, 1890. 1890. 14 pp. 2 series Under Hatch Act 1888/9-1903/4. [Repts. of agrlc. exper. station.] Checklist unnum. 1888/9. University of Cal. College of Agricul- ture. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Rept on the agric. exper. sta- tions of the U. S., with descriptions of the regions represented. By E. W. Hllgard. Being a part of the com- bined repts. for 1888 and 1889. Sacramento, 1890. 204 pp. " 1890. Same. Being a part of the rept of the regents of the University. Sac- ramento, 1891. 329 pp. Illus. 1891/2. Same. Sacramento, 18^. 316 pp. " 1892/3 and part of 1894. Same. Sacramento, 1894. 504 pp. pis. 1894/5. Same. Sacramento, 1896. xll, 481 pp. Illus. pis. 1895/7. University of Cal. College of Agricul- ture. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Partial rept of work of the agrlc. exper. stations of the U. S. for the yrs. 1895-1896, 1896-1897. Being a part of the rept. of the regents of the University. University Press, Berkeley, 1898. 455 pp. pis. Ulus. 1897/8. University of Cat College of Agricul- ture. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Rept of work of the agrlc. exper. stations of the U. S. for the yr. 1897/8. Being a part of the rept of the regents of the University. Sacramento, 1900. 367 pp. pis. Illus. " 1898/01. University of CaL Publications. Rept of work of the agrlc exper. stations of the U. S. for the yrs. 1898-1901. Sacramento, 1902. 2 pts. pt. 1, 144 pp. Ilus. pt 2, pp. Iv, 145-409. illus. 1901/3. Same, from June 30, 1901 to June 30, 1903. Sacramento, 1903. 222 pp. With the foregoing rept a change is Inaugurated In the policy heretofore pursued in the method of puNI- cation. Thus far the bulk of the work of the experiment station had been published in (mostly biennial) repts., ranging near 400 pages while only such matter as seemed of more pressing Im- portance was published at once in the form of bulletins. Tills policy is now reversed by publish- ing results mainly in bulletin form so soon as completed, and to include in the repts. merely such matter as Is not suitable for circulation In bulletins because being of minor Interest to the oo . ,?S^o*?.*' i?fge. or too technical in its nature. 22.* 1903/4. Same. Sacramento, 1904. 228 pp. Illus. In Collected docs, as follows : 1 series 1876/7-1888/90 omitted. • This numbering calculates the inclusion in this series of the four vlticultural repts. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 13 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd REPORTS— cont'd A — cont'd 2 series 1888/9-1892/3 omitted. 1894/6 in App. to Jols. 32 sesa. v. 4. 1895/7 omitted. 1897/8 In App. to Jols. 34 sess. v. 3. 1898/01 " " " " 35 " v. 3. 1901/3 " 36 " V. 3. B 1883/4-1887/93. Rept. of the viticultural work. Sacra- mento, 1886-1896. Cbeckllst 1883/4 and 1884/5. University of Cal. College of Agri- culture. Kept, of viticultural work during the seasons of 1883/4 and 1884/5, being app. Iv to the rept. for 1884. With notes regarding the vintage of 1885- 1886. By E. W. HUgard. 1886. 210 pp. 1885/6. Same, during the seasons 1885 and 1886. Being app, vl to the rept for 1886. By E. W. HUgard. 1886. 186 pp. 1887/9. Same, during the seasons 1887-1889, with data regarding the vintage of 1890. Part 1. Red-wine grapes. Prepared under the direction of E. W. HU- gard hy L. Paparelli. Being a part of the rept. of the regents of the Univ. 1892. 345 pp. 1887/93. Same, during the seasons 1887-1893, with data regarding the vintage of 1894-1895. B-ilng a part of the rept. of the regents of the TJnlv. 1896. vil (1), 466 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1883/4-1887/9 omitted. 1887/93 in App. to jols. 32 sess. v. 4 [doc. 4]. BULLETINS 1 series Under University of Cal. 188(3?)-1887. University of Cal. Exper. Station, letins, nos. 1-77. Bul- Checkllst 188(3?) no. 1. Bxamination of the water of the San Fernando tunnel, Los Angeles co. n. d. 1883 (?) 1 sheet. 1884 no. 2. List of plants ready for dlstrlhutlon from the University, Feh. 1. 1 sheet. . Reprinted in Bienn. rept. agric. college 1883/4 : 104-105. no. 3. Possible efficacy of various Insecticide remedies agst. the phylloxera, Jan. 17. 1 sheet. . Reprinted in Rept. on vltlc. work, agric. college, 1883/5 : 177. no. 4. Analyses of tanning materials, Jan. 23. 1 sheet, no. 5. Notice re. distribution of plants, Feb. 2. 1 sheet. . Reprinted in Bienn. rept. agric. college, 1883/4 : 104-109. no. 6. Comparative examination of claret grapes from Fresno and Livermore valley, Feb. 19. 1 sheet . Repr. In Rept. of vltlc. work, agric. college, 1883/5 : 45-51. no. 7. Examination of irrigation waters, Feb. 26. 1 sheet, no. 8. Examination of fertilizing materials, Mch. 6. 1 sheet. no. 9. Examination of zinfandei wines, Apr. 2. 1 sheet. . Repr. in Rept. on vltlc. work, agric. college 1883/5 : 64-65. no. 10. Examination of soils, Apr. 16. 1 sheet, rto. 11. Concerning the census rept. [U. S. lOth census V. 6] " On the physical and agricultural feat- ures of California " ; May 1. 1 sheet, no. 12. Examination of zinfandei wines. May 30. 1 sheet. . Repr. in Rept on vltlc. work, agric. college, 1883/5 : 62-63. no. 13. Examination of red or claret wines from Mr. H. W. Crabb, OakvlUe, Napa CO., Aug. 8. 1 . Repr. in Rept. on vltlc work, agric college, 1883/5 : 70-72. no. 14. Examination of artesian waters from the San Joaquin Valley, Aug. 20. 1 sheet, no. 15. Examination of soils from So. Calif. : from Redlands colony ; from Cajon Valley, Aug. 30. 1 sheet no. 17 no. 18. no. 19 no. 20. no. 21 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd BULLETINS— cont'd 1 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1884 — cont'd no. 16. Entomology In the College of Agriculture, Sept. 11. 1 sheet . Reprinted In Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station, 1883/4 : 79-80. The Muscat grape on the southern mesas, n. d. 1 sheet. Mr. J. A. Bauer's phylloxera remedy, Oct. 1. 1 sheet Observations on the phylloxera made during 1884, Oct 10. 1 sheet. Reprinted in Rept. of vltlc. work, college of agric. 1883/5 : 162-163. Examination of stream and well waters ; the artesian well at the Stockton asylum, Oct. 23. 1 sheet. Examination of red wines from Sonoma and Napa counties, n. d. 1 sheet. . Repr. in Rept. on vltlc. work, agric college, 1883/5 : 72-74. no. 22. University seed distribution, Nov. 15. 1 sheet. — — . Repr. in Bienn. rept. agric. college 1883/4 : 106-107. no. 23. Vintage work in the viticultural laboratory, 1884, Nov. 20. 1 sheet no. 24. Examinations of grape-growing soils n. d. 1 sheet, no. 25. Examinations of Alameda co. vineyard soils, n. d. 1 sheet, no. 26. Examinations of various vegetable substances, Dec. 11. 1 sheet, no. 27. Examination of soils from the northern coast range region, Dec. 18. 1 sheet no. 28. Examination of tule, marsh, and alkali soils n. d. 1 sheet, no. 29. Distribution of plants and scions, Dec. 29. 1 sheet. . Reprinted in Bienn. rept. agric. college, 1883/4 : 104-109. no. 29 (sic 1. e. 30). Concerning specimens sent for examination ; various upland soils, n. d. 1 sheet. 1885 Examination of Trousseau and Burger wines, Jan. 29. 1 sheet. Examinations of well and spring waters, Feb. 12. 1 sheet Examinations of soils and waters, Feb. 26. 1 sheet Experiments on the growth of cuttings from wild American wines, Mch. 12. 1 sheet. Investigations of wines from rare grape vari- eties grown by the Natoma Water and Mining Co., Folsom, 1884, Mondeuse ; Slrah ; Apr. 2. 1 sheet. Examinations of soils and sub-soils, Apr. 10. 1 sheet. Same as no. 35 ; Cinsaut, Petit Bauschet, Verdot Merlot, Apr. 17. 1 sheet Same ; Beclan, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sau- vlgnon, Apr. 30. 1 sheet. Analyses of oranges and lemons from the River- side citrus fair, March, 1845 (sic. 1. e. 1885), May 22. 1 sheet. Clairette Blanche, May 5. 1 sheet. The olive, June 20. 1 sheet. Vintage work in the viticultural laboratory, 1885. Aug. 13. 1 sheet Analyses of Santa Clara red wines, Sept. 10. 1 sheet The " bedrock lands " of Sacramento co., Oct 2. 1 sheet. Grafting the Calif, wild vine, Oct 2. 1 sheet Grafting and fruiting of resistant vines, n. d. 1 sheet, no. 47. Seed distribution, n. d. 1 sheet. — — . Repr. in Bienn. rept. agric. college, 1885/6 : 158-160. no. 48. Investigation upon the mercurial phylloxera remedy, Nov. 12. 1 sheet. . Reprinted in Rept. of vltlc work of agric. col- lege, 1883/5:179-181. 49. Examinations of soils from the bay region, Dec. 4. 1 sheet. 50. Distribution of plants and scions, Dec. 29. 1 sheet. — . Repr. in Bienn. rept. agric college, 1885/6 : 160-162. no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. no. no. 40 41 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. no. 45 46 no. no. 14 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd BULLETINS— cont'd 1 series — cont'd no. 51. Checklist— cont'd 1886 The wines of 1885, Jan. 15. 1 sheet Repr. In Rept. on vltlc. work, agrlc. college, 1883/5 : 158-159 ; 1885/6 : 28-30. Alkaline washes for fruit trees, Feb. 6. 1 sheet. Irrigation, drainage and alkali, Feb. 25. 1 sheet Condensed grape must and its uses, Apr. 23. 1 sheet. Repr. in Rept on Title, work, agrlc. college, 1885/6 : 4244. The woolly aphis and its repression. May 6. 1 sheet Whale-oil soap insecticide washes. May 17. 1 sheet Vintage work and instruction In the vltl- cultural laboratory, 1886, Aug. 20. 1 sheet The Hessian fly and resistant grains, Oct 9. 1 sheet. Concerning the University experimental plot at Cupertino, Santa Clara co., Nov. 26. 1 sheet. Calorlmetrlc measurement of wines, Dec. 10. 1 sheet Distribution of seeds and plants, Dec. 23. 1 sheet Distribution of cuttings and scions, Dec. 29. 1 sheet. 1887 Experiments on methods of fermentation, Jan. 6. 1 sheet Planting and grafting resistant vines, Jan. 28. 1 sheet. Shall California make sophisticated wines?, Feb. 11. 1 sheet The principles and pasteurizing [of wines], Feb. 25. 1 sheet. Misconception of the University vltlcultural work, Mch. 26. 1 sheet University distribution of seeds, plants, etc., Apr. 15. 1 sheet Wine colors and color-wines. May 12. 1 sheet. Abnormal deposits on vine leaves ; mysterious death of vines ; remedy for the anthrocnose of vines, June 4. 1 sheet. The use of gases agst scale Insects, June 12. 1 sheet Sugar beets at Fresno ; the Hessian fly and resistant grains, Aug. 12. 1 sheet The use of hydrocyanic acid agst. scale insects, Aug. 27. 1 sheet Vintage work and Instruction in the vltlcultural laboratory, 1887, Aug. 26. 1 sheet. Spray and band treatments for the codlin moth ; difficult fermentations during vintage Just past Nov. 19. 1 sheet. Distribution of seeds and plants, Dec. 10. 1 sheet The extraction of color and tannin during red wine fermentation, Dec. 30. 1 sheet. 2 series Under Hatch Act 1888-1904. Bulletins, 78-155. Bull. 144 is the only bulletin found in the Collected docs. It may be found in App. to Jols. 35 sess. v. 3. Under the Hatch act providing for an annual federal apprn. for the support of agrlc. experiment sta- tions, these publications are no longer absolutely state publications. They have been indexed by subject, but a numerical list of them has been dispensed with. CIRCULARS A 1903-1904. Circulars, 1-12. Checklist 1903 Texas fever, by A. R. Ward. 7 pp. Blackleg, by A. R, Ward. 3 pp. Hog cholera, by A. R. Ward. 6 pp. Anthrax, by A. R. Ward. 3 pp. Contagious abortion In cows, by J. Law. 13 pp. Methods of physical and chemical soil analysis, by B. W. Hilgard. 23 pp. Remedies for Insects, by C. W. Woodworth. 19 pp. no. 52. no. 53. no. 54. no. 55. no. 56. no. 57. no. 58. no. 59. no. 60. no. 61. no. 62. no. 63. no. 64. no. 65. no. 66. no. 67. no. 68. no. no. 69. 70. no. 71. no. 72. no. 73. no. 74. no. 75. no. 76. no. 77. no. 1. no. 2. no. 3. no. 4. no. 5. no. 6. no. 7. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd CIRCULARS— cont'd A — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1903 — cont'd no. 8. lAboratory method for ordinary chemical ex- amination of waters for irrigation and do- mestic purposes. 4 pp. 1904 no. 9. Asparagus rust Investigation, by R. E. Smith. 20 pp. no. 10. Reading conrse In economic entomology, by C. W. Woodworth. 18 (1) pp. no. 11. Fumigation practice, by C. W. Woodworth. 27 (1) pp. no. 12. Silk culture, by C. W. Woodworth. 6 pp. B 1896-1904. Circulars [unnumbered]. Checklist 1896. Sngestions regarding examination of lands, Oct 1899. 1900. 1901. 7 pp. Distribution of seeds and plants. Brown rot of stone fruits. Blolettl. " Warning to olive growers. Blolettl. 1902. Distribution of seeds and plants. [1903]. The new fertilizer law. 6 pp. Those Items for which no pagination is given, were not seen by the compiler. Titles were taken from Rept agrlc. exper. station 1898/01 : 16. non^serial 1870-1888. History of Berkeley Exper. Station. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station 1888/9: 19-21.) 1877-1878. Urging importance of establishing local ex- periment stations in the several different climatic regions of state. (Bienn. rept. agric. college, Univ. of Cal. 1876/7 (pp. 13-15)— same 1878/9.) 1883. Favoring establishment of seed farms in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1882: 21-22.) 1888. Progress of exper. station worli; by Hilgard. (Agric. exper. station bull. 80.) . Extract from bull. no. 80, on progress of exper. station work. (Bienn. rept agric. college 1887/8: 13-16.) . Rept. on establishment of outlying stations; by Hilgard. 3 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 78.) . Same. (Bienn. rept. agric. college. State Univ. 1887/8: 11-13.) 1888/9-1903/4. Rept. of central exper. station (Berke- ley). (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station 1888/9 (pp. 19-53) — A.R. same 1903/4.) . Rept. of San Joaquin Valley Station (Tulare). (Same 1888/9 (pp. 112-148)— A.R. same 1903/4.) . Rept of Southern Coast Range Station (Paso de Robles). (.Bame 1888/9 (pp. 89-111)— some 1901/3.) 1889. Description of experiment grounds of Berkeley Station; analyses of soils, description of bldgs. (Same 1888/9: 24-37.) . Review of work done in different depts. of Berkeley Station since its establishment. (Same 1888/9: 37-53.) . Description of San Joaquin Valley Station; loca- tion, improvements, water supply, etc. (Same 1888/9: 132-136.) 1889-1903/4. Rept of Foothill Station (Jackson, Amar dor Co.). (Same 1888/9 (pp. 54-88) — ^A.R. same 1903/4.) 1889/90-1903/4. Agric. exper. stations of Cal. Univ. in acct with U. S. apprn. (Same 1888/9 (p. 203)— A.R. same 1903/4.) 1890. Scope of station work on Pacific coast as com- pared with that of Atlantic and European stations. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 18.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 15 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1890. Comment on outlying sub-stations, and others that should be established. (Blenn. rept. agrlc. college 1888/90: 9-13.) 1890-1903/4. Rept. of South Cal. Station (Pomona, Los Angeles Co.). (A.R. agrlc. exper. stations 1890 (pp. 292-300)— some 1903/4.) 1893. Rept. of exper. station exhibit at World's Fair, Chicago, and Midwinter Fair, S. F. (Blenn. rept. agrlc. exper. stations 1892/4: 465-473.) 1895. Examples of results of work of the exper. sta- tions since their establishment. (A.R. agrlc. exper. stations 1894/5: 2-7.) 1896. Work of agrlc. college and exper. stations; by HUgard. 17 pp. (Agrlc. exper. station, bull. 111.) 1899-1901. Culture work at sub-stations; by Shlnn. 120 pp. (.Same, bull. 147.) 1903/4. Rept. of division of agrlc. technology. (A.R. agrlc. exper. stations 1903/4: 73-74.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES 1867. Organization of co. agrlc. societies advised; state aid to same recommended; proposed act for encouragement of same. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1866/7: 5; 501-506.) . Agric. and mechanical assns. of state best me- dium for distributing information to secure immi- gration; plan recommended for organization of an immigrant aid assn. to be assisted by a state appm. {Same 1866/7 (pp. 6-10)— same 1868/9.) 1872. Farmers' clubs: address of state by committee of Cal. Farmers' Union. (Some 1872: 777-784.) 1872-1879. Transactions of the various co. and district agric. and hortic. societies and fairs. (Same 1872 (pp. 511-776)— some 1879.) No returns in 1876 and 1877. 1883. Rept. recommending formation of a state fruit growers' assn.; discussion. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1883: 98-103.) 1886. Discussion of res. re. formation of Cal. fruit union. (Blenn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 306-323.) 1886-1889. List of Cal. fruit growers' unions and assns. and officers. (Same 1885/6 (pp. 26-27)— A.R. same 1889.) Bay District Agticultuial Society serial 1872. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1872 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1872 : [749] -763. Bay District Fair Ground Association serial 1874. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1874 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1874 : [685]-694. Bay District Horticultural Society serial 1872. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1872 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1872 : [511]-562. California Vine Growers' and Wine and Brandy Manufactur- ers' Association 1872. Rept. of organization and proceedings. In Documents as follows : 1872 (Feb.) in Trans, state agric socy. 1870/1 ; 483-517. 1872 (Sept.) in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1872 : [4371-510. District Agricultural Associations Under act of April 15, 1880, to form agricultural districts, to provide for organization of agricultural assns. therein. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd District Agricultural Associations — cont'd District No. 1 Composed of Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco cos. serial 1880-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows ; 1880 in Trans, state agric. eocy. 1880 : [1911-223 IftSI " " ** " '* 1«fl1 . r99Kl_9.i1 1881 1882 " 1883 " 1884 " 1885 " 1886 " 1887 " 1888 " 1889 " 1890 " 1891 " 1892 " 1893 " 1894 " DiSTEICT No. 2 1881: [2251-241. 1882 : [233 -251. 1883: 2151-231. '259 -276. 1884: 1885 : [293] 1886 : [419 1887 : [473 1888 : [425 1889 : [505 1890 : [393 1891 : [299 1892 : [2231-233. 1893 : 202-204. 1894: [2331-235. 315. 438. ■495. 444. 527. -410. 310. Composed of San Joaquin, Caiareras, Fresno, Kern, Merced, Mariposa, Stanislaus, Tulare, and Tuo- lumne cos. serial 1880-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1880 : [225 -258. 1881 " ' 1881 ; [243 -275. 1882 1882: [2531-271. 1883 " " 1883: [2331-253. 1884 " " " " " 1884: 2771-298. 1885 " " ' 1885: 3171-340. 1886 ' " " 1886 : [439 -483. 1887 " " 1887 : [497 -540. 1888 " " ' 1888: 4451-513. 1889 " 1889 : [5291-630. 1890 " ' 1890: [4111-473. 1891 ' " " 1891: 3111-366. 1892 ' 1892 : [2351-270. 1893 1893:205-208. 1894 " 1894:236-241. non-serial 1894/5. Financial stmt, of second district agrlc. assn., composed of co. of San Joaquin, from Dec. 10, 1894, to Dec. 10, 1895. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: [2071-211.) District No. 3 Composed of Sutter, Tuba, Butte, Colusa, Teliama, Yolo, Sacramento, and Glenn cos. 1880-1894. serial Transactions. 1881 1882 " 1883 " 1884 " 1885 " 1886 " 1887 " 1888 " 1889 " 1890 " 1891 " 1892 " 1893 " 1894 " DiSTBICT No. 4 In Documents as follows : 1880 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1880 : [2591-292. 1881 : [277 1882 : [273 1883 : [255 1884 : [299 -315. 1885 : [341 1886 : [485 1887 : [541 1888 : [515 1889 : [631 1890 : [475 1891 : [367] 1892: [2711-277. 1893 : 209-212. 1894 : 242-243. -300. -288. -270. 355. -504. -571. -533. -655. -490. 378. Composed of Sonoma, Marin, Solano, Napa, and Lake cos. serial 1880-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows 1880 in Trans. state agrlc. socy. 1880 [293 -306. 1881 " ** '* " " 1881 3011-324. 1882 " " '* " 1882 2891-307. 1883 " '* " " " 1883 2711-300. 1884 " *' " ** 1884 317 -342. 1885 " " " " 1885 357 -385. 1886 " " " " " 1886 505 -529. 1887 " ** " " 1887 573 -612. 1888 " " " *• " 1888 535 -569. 1889 " ** " *' " 1889 657 -693. 1890 " ** " " " 1890 : [4911-511. 16 INDEX TO DOCXJMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETmS— cont'd District Agricultural Associations — cont'd DisTEicT No. 4 — cont'd serial — cont'd 1891 In Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1891 : [379]-401. 1892 ' '■ " 1892 : [279]-295. 1893 ' 1893:213-219. 1894 " " " " " 1894:244-247. DlSTMCT No. 5 Composed of Santa Clara and San Mateo cos. serial 1881-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1881 in Trans, state agric socy. 1881 : [3251-351. 1882 " " " ^' " 1882 : [3091-328. 1883 1883 : [3011-321. 1884 ' 1884 : [3431-366. 1885 " " " " " 1885: [3871-415. 1886 failed to send rept 1887 in Trans, state agric socy. It tt Ti 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 DiSTEICT No. 1887 : [6131-623. 1888 : [5711-590. 1889 : [6951-719. 1890 : [5131-529. 1891 : [4051-418. 1892 : [2971-310. 1893 : 220-224. 1894 : 248-252. Composed of Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barl)ara, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Inyo cos. serial 1880-1895. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1880 : 1881 ^' " 1881: 1882 ' " 1882: 1883 1883: 1884 ' " 1884: 1885 • " 1885: 1886 " " 1886: 1887 1887: 1888 ' " " 1888: 1889 " " 1889: 1890 " " " " " 1890: 1891 ;; 1891: 1892 " " " " " 1892: 1893 " ' 1893: 1894 1894: 1895 " ' 1895: DiSTBICT No. 7 Composed of Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito cos. serial 1880-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1880: 1881 ^' " 1881 : 1882 ' 1882: 1883 1883 : 1884 1884: 1885 " ' " 1885 : 1886 " " " " " 1886: 1887 " " 1887: 1888 1888 : 1889 " ' 1889 : 1890 " " ' 1890: 1891 " " " " " 1891: 1892 1892 : 1893 ' " 1893: 1894 " ' " 1894: DisTBicr No. 8 Composed of Nevada, El Dorado, Alpine, and Mono cos. serial 1880-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1880 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1880 : 1881 ^' " 1881- 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1882: 1883: 1884: 1885: 1886: 1887: 1888: 1889: 1890: 1891: 1892: 1893: 1894: [3071-315. 3531-363. 3291-358. 3231-360. 3671-396. 4171-455. 5311-565. 6251-648. 5911-616. 7211-752. 5311-549. 4191-437. 3111-329. 225-227. 253-255. 212-213. San Lais Obispo, [3171-327. [3651-376. [3591-372. [3611-374. [3971-410. [4571-474. [5671-580. [649 -665. [6171-634. [7531-769. [5511-567. [4391-452. [3311-339. 228-230. 256-258. Placer, Amador, [3291-343. '3771-409. .373 -388. 3751-404. 4111-466. 4751-495. 5811-593. 6671-680. '6351-646. 7711-782. 569 -583. 4531-462. 3411-340. 231-233. 259-261. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd District Agricultural Associations— cont'd District No. 9 Composed of Del Norte, Hnmboldt, and Mendocino • serial 1880-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1880 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1880: [3451-358. 1881 " " " " " 1881 : [4111-420. 1882 ' " " 1882 : [3891-401. 1883 " " " " " 1883 : [4051-418. 1884 " ' " 1884: [4671-482. 1885 " " " " " 1885: 4971-514. 1886 " 1886 : [5951-610. 1887 1887 : [6811-700. 1888 ' " " 1888 : [6471-668. 1889 " " 1889 : [7831-806. 1890 " " ' 1890 : [5851-601. 1891 " " 1891 : [4631-478. 1892 " " " " " 1892 : [3511-364. 1893 " " " " " 1893:234-236. 1894 ' " 1894:262-265. DiSTBICT No. 10 Composed of Siskiyon, Trinity, and Shasta cos. serial 1880-1894. Transactions In Documents as follows : 1880 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1880 : 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 [3591-364. 1881 : [4211-434. 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888: 4031-419. [4191-431. '4831-498. 5151-533. 611 -629. 7011-712. 6691-681. 1889 : [807 -821. 1890: [6031-616. 1891 : [4791-490. 1892 : [3651-374. 1893 : 237-240. 1894 : 266-268. DiSTEICT No. 11 Composed of Plnmas, Lassen, Sierra, and Modoc cos. serial 1880-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Trans, state agrlc socy. 1880: 1881 1882 " 1883 " 1884 " 1885 " 1886 " 1887 " 1888 " 1889 " 1890 " 1891 " 1892 " 1893 " 1894 " DiSTBICT No. 12 1881 1882: 1883: 1884: 1885: 1886: 1887: 1888: 1889: 1890: 1891: 1892: 1893: 1894: [3651-371. 4351-440. 4211-428. 4331-446. 4991-514. 5351-552. 6311-646. 7131-729. 6831-704. 8231-848. 6171-638. 4911-505. 3751-388. 241-246. 269-272. Composed of Mendocino and Lake cos. serial 1883-1894. Transactions. In 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 Documents as follows : in Trans, state agric no rept made. In Trans, state agrlc socy. 1883; " 1884: 1885 : 1888 ; 1887 : " 1888 : 1889 : " 1890 : " 1891 : socy. 1893 ; 1894 : [4471-460. [5151-535. [5531-566. [6471-661. [7311-756. [7051-717. [8491-864. [6391-653. [5071-517. 247-249. 273-275. DiSTBICT No. 13 Composed of Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yalta coe. serial 1883-1894. TransacUons. ^In Documents as follows : state agric socy. 1883 in Trans. 1884 1886 no report made. 1883: 1884: [4611-472. [5371-555. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 17 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd District Agricultural Associations— cont'd DisTEiCT No. 13 — cont'd serial — cont'd 1886 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1888 1887 ' ^' " 1887 1888 " 1889 " 1890 " 1891 " 1892 " 1893 " 1894 " 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 [6831-688. t757]-777. r719]-734. t865]-885. f655]-671. r519]-532. [3891-401. 250-252. 276-279. District No. 14 Composed of Santa Cruz Co. west of Aptos Creek. serial 1888-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1888 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 : 1889 ' ^' 1890 " 1891 1892 1893 1894 J351-744. 1889: [8871-908. 1890 : [6731-689. 5331-551. 4031-418. 253-255. 1891: 1892: 1893 1894 : 280-283. DiSTEICT No. 15 Composed of Kern and Tulare cos. serial 1892-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1892 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1892: [4191-430 1893 " • 1893:256-259. 1894 " " " " " 1894:284-285. District No. 16 Composed of San Luis Obispo Co. serial 1887-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1887 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 1888 " ' 1888 : 1889 " ' " 1889: 1800 " ' " 1890: 1891 no report made. 1892 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1892 1893 " " 1893; 1894 " District No. 17 [7791-795. [7451-765. [9071-931. [691]-707. [4311-450. 260-262. 1894 : 286-288. Composed of Nevada and Placer cos. serial 1885-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1885 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1885 ; 1SSR " " " ?• " 1886: 1886 1887 1888 1889 " 1890 " 1891 " 1892 " 1893 " 1894 " District No. 18 1887: 1888: 1889; 1890; 1891; 1892: 1893: 1894: 5671-595. 6891-722. 7971-828. [7671-784. "9331-950. 7091-733. 5531-566. 451 -462. 263-286. 289-291. Composed of Alpine, Mono, and Inyo cos. serial 1887-1895. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1887 in Trans, state agric. socy, 1888 1889 1890 " 1891 " 1892 ' ' 1893 ' 1894 1895 " 1887: [8291-838. 1888 : [7851-802. 1889: [9511-971. 1890 : [7351-744. 1891 : [567 -583. 1892 : [4631-473. 1893 : 267-289. 1894 : 292-296. 1895 : 214. District No. 19 Composed of south half of Santa Barbara co. serial 1887-1895. Transactions. In Documents as follows 1887 In Trans, state agric. 1888 " 1889 1890 ' socy. 1887: [8391-854, 1888 : [803 1889 : [973 1890 : [7451-780. •818. •991. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd District Agricultural Associations — cont'd District No. 19 — cont'd serial — cont'd 1891 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1891 : [5851-599. 1892 " " ' 1892 : [4751-487. 1893 " 1893 : 270-273. 1894 1895 1894 : 297-299. 1895 : 215-216. socy. 1889: [9931-1004. 1890: [7611-771. 1891 : [0011-610. District No. 20 Composed of Placer Co. serial 1889-1893. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1889 in Trans, state agric. 1890 " 1891 " 1892 no report made. 1893 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1893 : 274-278. District No. 21 Composed of Merced, Mariposa, and Fresno cos. serial 1888-1893. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1888 in Trans, state agric. 1889 1890 " 1891 1892 no report made. 1893 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: [8191-832. 1889: [10051-1022. 1890 : [7731-787. 1891 : [8111-623. socy. 1893:277-280. District No. 22 Composed of San Diego Co. serial 1889-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1889 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1890 " 1891 1892 1893 1894 1889 : [10233-1037. 1890: [7891-802. 1891 : (625]-638. 1892: [489J-499. 1893 : 281-284. 1894 : 306-310. District No. 23 Composed of Contra Costa Co. serial 1893-1894. Kept. In Documents as follows : 1893 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1893 : 285-287. 1894 ' " 1894:311-314. District No. 24 Composed of Santa Cruz Co. (Pajaro Valley Agric. Assn.). serial 1891-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1891 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1891 : [6371-648. 1892 no report made. 1893 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1893 : 288-291. 1894 " " " " " 1894:315-318. District No. 25 Composed of Solano and Napa cos. serial 1887-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1887 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 ; 1888 " " " ^' •' 1888: 1889 ' " 1889 ; 1890 " " " " " 1891-1892 no reports made. 1893 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1894 [8551-877. [8331-851. [10391-1080. 1890: [8031-822. 1893 : 292-295. 1894 : 319-320. District No. 26 Composed of Amador, Calaveras, and Sacramento cos. serial 1887-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1887 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1887 : [8791-892. 1888 1888: [8531-868. 1889 ;; " 1889: [10611-1078. 1890 " 1890 : [8231-837. 1891-1892 no reports made. 1893 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1893 : 296-305. 1894 1894 : 321-328. 18 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd District Agricultural Associations — cont'd DiSTKicT No. 27 Composed of Sliasta Co. seriaJ 1890-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1890 In Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1891 ' 1892 no report made. 1893 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 1891: 1894 1893; 1894: [8391-848. [6491-660. 306-308. 329-331. DiSTKECT No. 28 Composed of San Bernardino and Slverslde cos. serial 1889-1893. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1889 In Trans, state agrlc socy. 1889 : [10771-1084. 1890 " " " '' " 1890: [8491-855. 1891 " " " " " 1891 : [6611-670. 1892 no report made. 1893 in Trans, state agrlc socy. 1893 : 309-313. District No. 29 Composed of Tuolumne and Calaveras cos. serial 1890-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1890 In Trans, state agrlc socy. 1890 : [8571-865. 1891 " " " " " 1891 : [6711-678. 1892 " " " " " 1892: [5011-510. 1893 " " " " " 1893 : 314-317. 1894 " " " " " 1894:332-335. District No. 30 Composed of Tehama Co. serial 1891-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1891 In Trans state agrlc. socy. 1891 : [6791-689. 1892 • ' " 1892: [5111-521. 1893 1893:318-320. 1894 " " " " " 1894:336-349. District No. 31 Composed of Ventura Co. serial 1891-1895. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1891 in Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1891 : [6911-708. 1892 " " " ^' " 1892 : [5231-540. 1893 " " " " " 1893:321-326. 1894 " " " " " 1894:350-359. 1895 1895:217. District No. 32 Composed of Orange Co. serial 1891-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1891 in Trans, state agrlc socy 1892 " " " ^' 1893 1894 1891 1892 1893 1894 [7091-722 [5411-554 327-328. 360-361. District No. 33 Composed of San Benito Co. serial 1891-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1891 in Trans, state agric socy. 1892 ' 1893 1894 ' 1891 1892 1893 1894 [7231-732. [555 -565 329-331. 362-363. District No. 34 Composed of Lassen and Modoc cos. serial 1891-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1891 in Trans, state agrlc socy. 1891 1892 " 1892; 1893 ' " 1893; 1894 " " " " " 1894; [7331-746. [5671-580. 332-334. 364-366. 1893 : 335-337. 1894 : 367-368. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd District Agricultural Associations — cont'd District No. 35 Composed of Merced and Mariposa cos. serial 1893-1894. Rept. In Documents as follows : 1893 In Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1894 District No. 36 Composed of Solano Co. serial 1893-1894. Rept. In Documents as follows : 1893 in Trans, state agric socy. 1893 : 338-341. 1894 " " " ^' " 1894 : 369-370. District No. 37 Composed of Santa Barbara Co. serial 1891-1894. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1891 In Trans, state agrlc socy. 1891 : [7471-758. 1Sfl2 ' ^' " 1892: 15811 -.>>g2 1892 1893 1894 1892 : [5811-592 1893: 1894: 342-344. 371-374. 345-347. 375-378. 348-350. 379-380. District No. 38 Composed of Stanislaus Co. serial 1893-1894. Rept. In Documents as follows : 1893 In Trans, state agric socy. 1893 ; 1894 " " ' 1894: District No. 39 Composed of Calaveras Co. serial 1893-1894. Rept In Documents as follows : 1893 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1893 : 1894 " " " ^' " 1894: District No. 40 Composed of Tolo and Colusa cos. serial 1893-1894. Rept. In Documents as follows : 1893 In Trans, state agrlc socy. 1893 : 351-354. 1894 ^' " 1894:381-384. District No. 41 Composed of Del Norte Co. serial 1893-1894. Rept. In Documents as follows : 1893 in Trans, state agrlc socy. 1894 " District No. 42 Composed of Glenn Co. serial 1893-1894. Rept. In Documents as follows : 1893 In Trans, state agrlc socy. 1893 : 358-360. 1894 " " " " " 1894:388-390. District No. 43 Composed of Tulare and Kings cos. serial 1893-1894. Rept. In Documents as follows : 1893 In Trans, state agrlc socy. 1893 : 361-364. 1894 " " " ^' " 1894:391-393. El Dorado County Agricultural Society serial 1878-1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1878 in Trans, state agric socy. 1878 : [2871-314. 1879 ^' " 1879 : [3371-363. 1893 : 355-357. 1894 : 385-387. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 19 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd Expenditures for 1871-1873. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state agric. socy. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71 (pp. 49-50) — same 1871/3.) 1880-1894. Cost of district agric. societies; expendi- tures from apprns. made by state. (A.R. bd. ex- aminers dated 1895: 71.) . Cost of State Agric. Socy.; expenditures from apprns. made by state, and cost of prtg.; also cost of bldg. (Same dated 1895: 71.) 1882-1886. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for aid of agric. societies. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (p. 61) — same 1884/6.) 1886-1904. Same; for district agric. societies. {Same 1884/6 (p. 58)— same 1902/4.) 1899. Table showing apprns. for district agric. socie- ties. (Bluebook 1899: 83.) Fanners' Alliance 1894. Comment on the Farmers' Alliance. (27 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 38.) Golden Gate District Fair Association serial 1878-1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1878 in Trans, stat* agric. socy. 1878: [2031-253. 1879 ^' " 1879 : [365J-384. Grange; see Patrons of Husbandry Mendocino County Agricultural Society serial 1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1879 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: [4311-446. Monterey Agricultural Fair Association serial 1878-1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1878 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1878 : [3291-338. 1879 " ' 1879: [4211-430. Napa and Solano Agricultural and Mechanical Arts Society serial 1872-1878. Rept. of socy. In Documents as follows : 1872 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1872 : [775]-776. 1873 none made. 1874 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: [6411-652. 1875-1877 none made. 1878 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1878 : [2691-277. Northern District Agricultural Society serial 1878. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1878 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1878: [279] -286. Northern District Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechanical Society serial 1872. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1872 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1872 : [6611-678. Patrons of Husbandry 1883. The grange: its origin, progress, and purposes; by Hon. D. W. Aiken of S. C. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1882: 167-180.) San Joaquin Valley District Agricultural Society serial 1861-1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1861 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1861 : 174-324. 1862-1871 omitted. „ „ 1872 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1872: [597] -633. 1873 none made. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd San Joaquin Valley District Agricultural Society — cont'd serial — cont'd 1874 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1874 : [591] -625. 1875-1877 none made. 1878 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1878: [1611-191. 1879 " " 1879 : [285]-336. Santa Clara Valley Agricultural Society serial 1872-1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1872 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1872 : [563]-595. 1873 none made. 1874 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: [571]-589. 1875-1877 none made. 1878 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1878: [193] -202. 1879 " 1879 : [399]-407. Siskiyou County Agricultural Society serial 1872-1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1872 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1872 : [731] -748. 1873 none made. 1874 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1874 : [653] -684. 1875-1877 none made. 1878 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1878: [315]-328. 1879 " " " '^ " 1879 : [409]-419. Sonoma and Marin District Agricultural Society serial 1872-1879. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1872 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1872 : [635]-659. 1873 none made. 1874 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1874 : [6271-639. 1875-1877 none made. 1878 in Trans, state agric. socy. 1878: [255] -267. 1879 " ' " 1879 : [385J-398. Southern District Agricultural Society serial 1872. Transactions. In Documents as follows : 1872 In Trans, state agric. socy. 1872: [765] -773. State Agricultural Society serial Established under Act of May 13, 1854 ; incorporated 1858. 1 series 1854-1857 1854-1857. [Transactions.] Cliecklist 1854 records lost. 1855 not officially published by socy. 1856-1857 published by socy. in pam. form. 2 series 1858-1863 1858-1863. Transactions [ann.] of the state agric. socy. Sacramento, 1859-1864. In Collected docs, as follows : 1858 In App. to Sen. Jols. 10 sess. unnum. doc. 1859 " " " Assem. " 11 " " ' " Sen. " 11 1860-1861 omitted. 1882* in App. to jols. 14 sess. unnum. doc. 1863 " " " " 15 " T. 2. unnum. doc. 3 series 1864/5-1870/1 1864/5-1870/1. Transactions [bienn.] of the state agric. socy. In Collected docs, as follows : 1864/5 in App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc. 1866/7 " '^ " " 17 " V. 3 1868/9 " " " " 18 " T. 3 1870/1 " 19 " V. 3 • The official transactions of the socy. for 1862 have never been published, the legislature failing to provide for same. The recording secy's, rept- and the treasurer's rept. are all that have been pub- lished for this year. They may be found in the transactions for 1863. The recording secy's, rept. is also found in the collected docs, as noted above. 20 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd State Agricultural Society — cont'd serial — cont'd 4 series 1872-1904 1872-1904. Transactions [ann.] of state agric. socy. In Collected docs, as follows : 1872 In App. to jols 20 sess V. 3 unnum. doc. 1873 ** t* ** ** 20 ** v. 6 ** ** 1874 '* " 11 (( 21 t* V. 1 ** ** 1875 omitted 1876 In App. to Jols 22 sess V. 3 unnum. doc. 1877 ** tt tt «( 23 *i V. 3 '* •' 1878 ** tt •* *• 23 *' V. 3 ** " 1879 ** ** ** 23 ** V. 6 '* ** 1880 tt tt 24 11 V. 3 « '* 1881 tt tt 25 '* V. 2 ** •' 1882 tt tt 25 ** V. 4 ** *' 1883 <( (t 26 •■ y. 2 ** ** 1884 " " 26 *• T. 2 '* *• 1885 *' *' 27 '* V. 3 '* ** 1886 es and Investigation of drain of grape crop on soil; comparison of methods of sugar analysis as applied to grape juice (musts). (Blenn. repL agric. exper. station 1892/4: 322-327.) 1894. Composition and classification of grapes, musts, and -wines; by E. W. Hilgard. (Rept. vltic. work, agric college 1887/93: 3-16.) 1895. Repts. on recently imported grapes. {Same 1887/93: 361-364.) . Sunstroke of the vine. {Same 1887/93: 450- 451.) 1896. Preservation of fresh grapes; by F. T. Bioletti. {Same 1887/93: 447-450.) 1897. Vine pruning; by F. T. Bioletti. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull 119.) See also below, under 1898. 1897/8-1903/4. Vitic. (AJl. agric. exper. station 1897/8 (pp. 185-200)— same 1903/4.) 1898. Vine pruning in CaL; by P. T. Bioletti. (Revi- sion of bua 119, pubd. 1897.) {Same 1897/8: 185- 200.) 1900. Bench-grafting resistant vines; by F. T. Bio- letti and dal Piaz. 38 pp. (Agric exper. station, bull. 127.) . Same; summary of results and conclusions of bull no. 127. (Rept agric exper. station 1898/01 pt 1: 71-72.) . Phylloxera-resistant vines for CaL; by F. T. BIolettL (7 bienn. rept bd. hortlc 1899/00: 172- 181.) . Best methods of re-establishing vineyards in CaL {Same 1899/00: 182-184.) 1901. Rept of condition of vineyards in portions of Santa Clara VaJl^; by Bioletti and Twight 11 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bulL 134.) . The season in vitic (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 136.) 1902. Summary of bulls, issued by vitic dept; new methods of grafting and budding vines (bulL 146) ; resistant vines and their hybrids (bulL 148). (Rept agric exper. station 1901/3: 113.) . Resistant vines and their hybrids; by Twight. 13 pp. (Agric exper. station, bulL 148.) . New methods of grafting and budding vines; by Twight 13 pp. {Same, bnlL 146.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — confd Fbtjit — cont'd 6BAFE — cont'd 1902. Grape-growing and wine industry in state. (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic 1901/2: 424-429.) GtJAVA 1891. The guava, from seed to market (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 454-456.) 190L The cultivated gnavas, and their botanical dif- ferences; by J. B. Davy. (Rept agric. exper. sta- tion 1898/01 pt 1: 86-88.) LEMON See also above, Citms E'rnlts and below. Orange. 1885-1891. Paper on the lemon; the culture and the gathering and packing. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6 (pp. 97-98)— AJL same 1891.) 1885-1894. See Fruit, above; these dates. NECTAEIXE 1893. See Fruit above; this date. OLIVE For pests of the olive see below. Pests. 1769-1890. The mission oUve: a tree of great long- evity; Its early introduction into CaL, and notes. (A.R. bd. hortic 1890: 185-232.) 1885. The oUve; by Klee. 1 sheet (Agric exper. station, bull. 41.) 1886. The oUve in CaL; a short acct of its adaptation to many cos. (Bienn. rept bd. agric. 1885/6: 417- 424.) 1886-1894. Papers on olive culture, also discussion. (Bienn. rept bd. hortic 1885/6 (pp. 327-332) — same 1893/4.) 1887. A memoir on olive growing; by F. Pohndorfl. (SoOTe 1885/6: 517-534.) . A treatise on olive culture with reference to CaL; by E. Cooper, of Sta. Barbara. (Trans, state agric socy. 1887: 455-469.) 1888. The profitable olive: clipping from " Templeton Times," San Ltils Obispo Co. {Same 1888: 148.) 1889. The oUve in CaL, varieties, budding, grafthig, new methods and general observations; by B. M. Leiong. 19 pp., pis. (Bd. hortic.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. A second edition was prepared ; see p. 14 ann. rept hortic. bd. 1889 ; no record of its pnblication was fonnd. . The olive — botanical and chemical study, cli- mate and abode, vegetation and life propagation, varieties, analysis, and methods of detecting adul- terations In olive oils, etc. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1889: 27-114.) 1890. Observations on olive varieties; by W. G. Klee. 4 pp. (Agric exper. station, bulL 85.) . Same. (AJL agric exper. station 1890: 150- 159.) Ripening, picking, assorting, and conservation of olives; proper fertilization for olive trees; papers by L. PapareUi. {Same 1890: 159-166.) . The mission olive. (AJL bd. hortic. 1890: 185- 189; pis.) 1890-1897. Cumulative table giving i>artlal analyses of samples of CaL olives and olive oils (croi>s from 1890) ; with averages by olive varieties, and maxi- mum and minimum. (Bienn. rept agric exper. station 1892/4 (pp. 316-319)— same 1895/7.) 189L Notes on CaL olives, their adaptation and oUs. 4 pp. (Agric. exper. station, buIL 92.) . Same. (AJl. agric. exper. station 1890: 167- 174.) 1891-1892. Comparative analyses and discussion of olive crops of 1891 and 1892, and quantity of oU. {Same 1891/2: 113-116.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 31 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops— cont'd Pkuit — cont'd OLIVE — cont'd 1891-1898. Olive varieties and their adaptation; analy- ses for 1896-1897 and averages from 1891; by G. E. Colby. (Revision of bull. 123.) (Rept. agric. exper. station 1898/01 pt. 2: 263-284.) 1894. Olives and olive oils; descriptions and analyses of varieties; a new disease of the olive tree; olive culture. (Blenn. rept. agric. exper. station 1892/4: 279-322.) . Investigation of Cal. olives and olive oil; by A. P. Hayne. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 104.) 1895. Olives: pickling processes — notes on olive varie- ties, oil machinery, classification of oils, etc. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 195-217.) 1897. The olive industry in Cal.; by A. P. Hayne. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station 1895/7: 191-193.) 1898/01. Olive cultivation, oil-making, pickling, dis- eases; by F. T. Bloletti. (Revision of bull. no. 23.) (Rept. agric. exper. station 1898/01 pt. 2: 285- 307.) 1899. Olives; by F. T. Bloletti and G. E. Colby. 35 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 123.) . Comment on olive and fig industries in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 16-17.) 1900. Investigation .... of Cal. olive industry; de- velopment of industry, varieties, methods of cul- ture, etc.; rept. to Gov. Gage. 83 pp., illus., pis. (Hortic. bd.) . Rept. on condition of olive culture in Cal.; by A. P. Hayne. 34 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 129.) OPUNTIA 1890. Opuntia fruit as an article of food and its adap- tation to Cal. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1890: 133-136.) ORANGE See also above, Citrus Fruits and Lemon. For pests of the orange see below. Pests. 1879. Orange culture in Cal.; by I. N. Hoag. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 132-138.) . See also above. Grape, this date. 1879-1892. Investigation and analyses of oranges and lemons, and comparison of results with analyses of previous yrs. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1891/2 (pp. 99-113) — bienn. rept. same 1892/4.) 1885. Analyses of oranges and lemons from Riverside Citrus Fair; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 39.) 1885-1891. Paper on orange growing; irrigation, fertil- izing, etc.; discussion. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6 (pp. 98-105; 128-131; 160; 488-490)— A.R. same 1891.) 1885-1894. See also Fruit, above; these dates. . Cumulative table giving proximate analyses of oranges and lemons of each yr's. crop and average of preceding yrs. by variety and place of production. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1891/2 — ^bienn. rept. same 1892/4.) 1888. Paper on propagation of orange trees. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1886/8: 207-211.) 1890. Orange culture: the orange "from seed to grove"; by B. M. Lelong. 19 pp. (Bd. hortic.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Fruit culture: some orange stock; fertilizing and methods of compounding fertilizers; injurious insect pests, etc.; by B. M. Lelong. 20 pp. (Same.) 1891. Investigation of Cal. oranges and lemons. 6 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 93.) . Same. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 106- 115.) 1899-1900. Comparative examination of shipping navel oranges from northern, middle, and southern parts AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd ORANGE— cont'd (Rept. agric. exper. station 1898/01 pt. 2: of state. 243-251.) 1902. Improvement of the orange; by Prof. J. W. Mills. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 255-258.) PEACH For pests of tbe peach see below, Pests. 1883. Paper on peach culture in state, and discussion. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1883: 64-71.) 1885. Discussion as to best variety of peaches for can- ning; their adaptations to localities. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 147-152.) 1885-1894. See Fruit, above; these dates. 1888. The peach; Its culture and marketing. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1886/8 (pp. 58-60)— A.R. same 1889.) 1891. Peach growing in Sacramento Valley. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 449-453.) 1892. See Fruit, above; this date. PEAR 1885-1894. See Fruit, above; these dates. PESTS See below, that title. PLUM 1893. See Fruit, above; this date. PRUNE 1849-1891. History and importance of prune industry in Cal.; prunes in Europe; production and market. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 95-125.) 1883. French prune in Cal. — drying prune — extraordi- nary profit of that industry, particularly in Sacra- mento and COS. surrounding. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1883: 206-207.) 1885-1894. See Fruit, above; these dates. 1886-1891. The prune industry and cultivation in Cal. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6 (pp. 290-294) — A.R. same 1891.) Not found In ann. rept. 1889. 1887-1891. Comparative tables showing prime crop in state for a period of 5 yrs. and quantity imported into U. S. from Europe for same period. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 360-361.) 1889-1904. Cumulative comparative table giving prime yield of state each yr. for series of yrs. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00 (p. 37) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1890. The French prune in Cal.; by Hon. J. Rentier. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 218-220.) 1891. The prune in Sta. Clara Valley; by Prof. C. H. Allen. (Same 1891: 122-125.) . Analyses of prunes, apricots, and peaches, and discussion of results. (Bull. no. 97.) (A.R. agric. exper. station 1891/2: 92-99.) . Prune industry. 33 pp. (Hortic. bd.) Not seen ; entry from Ann. rept. state bd. hortic. 1892 : 7. 1892. History and importance of the prune industry in Cal.; also, prunes in Europe — production and mar- kets; by B. M. Lelong. 33 pp., 5 pis. (App. to Sen. and Assem. jols. 30 sess. v. 3, doc. [1].) . Prune culture from a commercial standpoint. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 204-213.) . See also Fruit, above; this date. 1893. See same; this date. 1896. Pruning the prune. (5 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1895/6: 121-124.) 1904. Rept. on prune demonstration at St. Louis. (1 same 1903/4: 309-311.) QUINCE 1886. Discussion on quince as a market fruit. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 247-250.) 32 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Feuit — cont'd RAISIN 1871. Raisin culture In Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 468-470.) 1873-1889. Comparative table showing production of Cal. raisins. (Same 1887 (p. 215) — same 1889.) 1885-1904. Cumulative comparative table giving pro- duction of raisins in Cal. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00 (p. 39) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1889. The raisin crop in Cal. (A.R. bd. liortic. 1889: 430-434.) 1891. How to plant a raisin vineyard ; by P. "W. Butler. (Some 1891: 465-468.) 1900. Co-operation among raisin growers; Raisin Growers' Assn. and its benefits from a grower's standpoint. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 160-167.) STRAWBEERY 1886. Paper on culture of strawberries and other small fruits in Cal. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 228-235.) Gbain For pests see below, that title. 1850. Cultivation of all grains and nearly all garden vegetables shown to be possible without irrigation of yr's. crops. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) . Review by committee on agric. of stock and grain raising prior to war, and uncertain protec- tion of property rights resulting therefrom. (Legisl. iol. sess. 1849/50: 654.) 1855. Over one million dollars worth of wheat and flour exported by Cal. during yr. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 17.) 1856. Wheat, barley, and oats mentioned as more im- portant products of Cal. soil. (Same 1856: 17.) 1858-1860. Comparative table showing yield of wheat and barley per acre. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1859 (pp. 32-33) — same 1860.) 1865. Essays on culture of wheat and barley in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 296-300.) 1873. Discussion of the big wheat crop and the sack question. (Same 1872: 5-7; 37-39; 349-351.) 1874. Hogs vs. wheat. (Same 1874: 345-346.) 1878. Friedlander's ann. grain circular. (Same 1878: 143-150.) 1879. Mistakes in wheat culture and harvesting In Cal.; by I. N. Hoag. (Sam^ 1879: 128-131.) 1880. Editorial comment from Sacramento Record Union on ann. address of pres. of bd. of agric. re. Cal. wheat industry and future of transportation and production in Cal. (Same 1880: 177-179; 181- 184.) . Ann. address of pres. of bd. of agric. setting forth significant fact that crops of last season dis- prove fear that wheat lands are being exhausted; advantages of Cal. as wheat-growing state; the problems of transportation and market; the neces- sity of wheat producers bldg. their own wharves and warehouses at the seaboard; changes which completion of Southern Pacific R.R. will bring. (Same 1880: 10-16.) . Analyses of ash of two Cal. wheats. (A.R. agric. college 1880: 74-79.) . Editorial comment from Sacramento Record Union on ann. address of pres. of bd. of agric. re. Cal. wheat industry and future of transportation and production in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1880: 177-179; 181-184.) 1883. Plan proposed for collection of wheat crop sta- tistics. (Same 1882: 16-17.) . Table showing amt. of wheat and barley in state Dec. 31, by cos. (Same 1883: 199.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Geain — cont'd 1883-1884. Table giving no. of acres in each co. planted In wheat, barley, oats, and rye, average yield per acre, and whole amt. produced. (Same 1883 (pp. 196-198)— some 1884.) 1885. Reasons given to show that Cal. has reached high-water mark in wheat industry; great wheat growers advised to introduce other productions; profitable uses suggested for their lands; future agric. wealth of state will depend in great degree upon its fruit and grape culture. (Same 1885: 176- 178.) 1885/6. Rept. of results of distribution of cereals throughout state. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1885/6: 98-107.) 1886. Cal. wheat crop yield by cos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 244-245.) 1886-1887. Amt. of damage done to grain crop by dry Northers in June. (Same 1886 (p. 14) — same 1887.) 1886-1895. Wheat, barley, and flour statistics; by T. C. Friedlander, secy. S. F. Produce Exchange. (Same 1886 (pp. 249-251)— some 1895.) 1886/7-1894/5. Statistics of wheat and flour for crop yr. (Same 1887 (p. 244) — same 1895.) 1888-1890. Comment on wheat crop. (Same 1888 (p. 19) — same 1890.) 1889. Wheat vs. fruit; wheat growing in Cal. and fruit growing in Cal.; by Gen. N. P. Chipman. (A. R. bd. hortic. 1889: 305-318.) 1892/3-1900/1. Comparative table showing Cal's. wheat crop (inch flour) for 9 yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 162.) 1893-1895. Table showing average and yield of wheat, barley, oats, and com, by cos. (Same 1893 (pp. 149-150)— some 1895.) . Wheat growing and its future in Cal. and other states: cost of production; decline in prices. (Same 1893 (pp. 13-15)— some 1895.) 1893-1899. Comparative table giving acreage and yield of wheat in state each yr. (Same 1899: 5.) 1894. Corresp. with wheat growers of state re. wheat growing in Cal.; cost of production, its uses as a food for farm animals and its future. (Same 1894: 100-130.) 1899. Comment on wheat industry in state. (Same 1899: 4-6.) . Same; barley industry in state. (Same 1899: 6.) . Same; corn and oat crops of yr.; area not ex- tensive in state. (Same 1899: 6.) 1899-1903. Table showing wheat crop and total clear- ance by sea from S. F. of all canals. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 112.) Gbasses and Fobage Plants 1865. The grasses of the state; by the botanist to bd. of agric. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 131- 145.) 1886. Tables giving analyses of grasses. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1885/6: 88.) 1890. Grasses and forage plants suitable for Cal. (A. R. agric. exper. station 1890: 201-220.) 1894. The Canaigre, or tanner's dock; Australian salt bush for alkali soils; by Hilgard and Jaffa. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 105.) . Tannin plant — canaigre — in Cal., estimated cost of production; plates. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 420-425.) 1899. Australian salt-bushes — results of 18 yrs'. tests; characteristics, propagation, and field experiments; composition and food value; by Shinn and Jaffa. 30 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 125.) 1903. Value of oak leaves for forage; by Mackie. 21 pp. (Same, bull. 150.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 33 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grasses and Forage Plants — cont'd ALFALFA 1871. Alfalfa In Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 472474.) 1886. The adaptation of state to alfalfa. (Same 1886: 252-254.) 1891. With all the advantages of the state for produc- tion of alfalfa it is imported from Nev. (Same 1891: 24.) 1893. Alfalfa in Cal. (Same 1893: 133-134.) 1900. Alfalfa: its growth, cultivation, harvest, and value as a food; papers by W. H. Shafer of Selma, C. H. Sessions, Los Angeles, and B. Bdmiston of Riverside. (Same 1900: 98-111.) LUPINS 1899. Lupins for green-manuring; by Davy. 31 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 124.) Hops 1855-1891. The hop industry in Cal.; its early history; by D. Flint, pioneer hop grower of Pacific coast. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891: 196-197.) 1867. Hop culture in Cal. (Same 1866/7: 443-450.) 1893/4-1894/5. Table showing acreage and crop of hops in Cal., Oregon, Wash., and Br. Columbia; also distribution of stock. (Same 1893 (p. 153)— same 1894.) 1894-1899. Comparative table showing production of hops in state, also table showing crop and acreage of 1899 by cos.; together with comments on the industry in state. (Same 1899: 21-23.) Inspection; see also below, Pests. Quaeantine Lupins; see above, Gbasses Nxjts 1889. Japanese nut and camphor tree in Cal. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1889: 355-357.) . 1891. Nuts, berries, and misc. fruits in Cal. (Same 1891: 84-89.) ALMOND 1886. Paper and discussion on the almond in Cal. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 324-326.) 1890. Paper on almond culture in Cal. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1890: 72-75.) 1894. Varieties of Cal. almonds — plates and comments. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1894: 417-419.) 1894/5-1903/4. See below, Walnut; these dates. 1896. Cal. walnuts, almonds, and, chestnuts; their com- position and draft upon soil; bleaching of nuts by dipping; by Colby and Hilgard. 15 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 113.) PECAN 1893. Discussion on adaptation of pecan nut to Cal. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 330-333.) WALNUT 1886. Culture of English walnut in Cal. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 332-333.) 1888-1890. Culture of soft-shell and hard-shell walnut in Cal.; also discussion. (Same 1886/8 (pp. 165- 174) — A.R. same 1890.) Not found In ann. rept. 1889. 1889. The culture of the English walnut in Cal. (A.R bd. hortic. 1889 (pp. 354-355)— some 1890.) . Budding and grafting the walnut. (Same 1889: 137-138.) 1891. The walnut in Ventura Co.; by N. B. Smith. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891: 126-129.) . Table giving names of members of Los Nietos and Ranchito Walnut Growers' Assn. no. of sacks of walnuts each had, weight, and amt. reed, for same. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 142.) 1891-1898. Comparative table showing production of almonds and walnuts in state, with comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 16-17.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Nuts — cont'd WALNUT — cont'd 1894/5-1903/4. Cumulative comparative tables giving Cal. walnut and almond production, also value of almonds and all other nuts imported into U. S. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2 (pp. 31-32) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1896. Cal. walnut industry; commercial importance, longevity, pollination, etc.; by B. M. Lelong. 44 pp., illus., pi. (Hortic. bd.) . Same. (5 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1895/6: 77- 116.) . See also above, Almond; this date. Oats; see above, Gbain Pecan; see above, Nuts Pests serial Under Act of March, 1883. 1 series 1883-1887/8. Rept. on the progress of Cal. orchards during the yr. by the state inspector of fruit pests. In Documents as follows : 1883 in Ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1883 : 12-27. Chapin. 1883/4 in Ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1883/4 : 24-49'. Chapin. 1885/6 in Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6 : 12-16. Boggs. 1886/7 in Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6 : 343-416. Klee. 1887/8 in Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1886/8 : 242-259. Klee. 2 series 1890/1-1903/4. Rept. of quarantine officer and ento- mologist. In Documents as follows : 1890/1 in Ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1891 : 17-19. Craw. 1892 in Ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1892:406-414. Craw. 1893 in Ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4 : 77-109. Craw. 1894 in Ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4 : 435-441. Craw. 1895-1898 none published. 1899/00 in Bienn. rept. hd. hortic. 1899/00 : 57-73. Craw. 1901/2 in Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2 : 185-204. Craw. 1903/4 In Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1903/4 : 108-122. Bhrhorn. non-serial 1884. Diseases and pests. (2 A.R. chief vitic. officer 1882/4: 153-166.) 1885-1886. Discussion of laws to prevent spread of pests; present laws effective if carried out by uni- versal and simultaneous action and if means were provided to enforce them. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 60-67; 236-241.) 1885-1900. Fruit pests and their extermination; papers and discussions. (Same 1885/6 (pp. 39-60; 206- 228) — same 1899/00.) 1888. Some pests and diseases of the vine, with reme- dies; paper and discussion. (Rept. 6 ann. state vitic. convention 1888: 63-71.) 1890. RgsumS of rules and remedies adopted to pres- ent season for destruction of animal and vegetable parasites of the vine. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 116-118.) 1894. Favorable comment on work of state bd. hortic. re. fruit pests. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1894: 26.) 1904. Rept. on condition of orchards and nursery stock in Utah and Oregon re. pests existing there and liable to be introduced into Cal. (Bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 29-33.) APHIS 1882. Woolly aphis on apple and pear trees, suggested remedies; by C. H. Dwinelle. (A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 18-19; 89.) 34 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTUBE— cont'd Ciopa— confd Pests— cont'd APHIS — confd 1883. Discnssion of remedies agst. woolly aphis on apple and pear trees. (Bame 1883: 46-5L) 1884. To destroy apple aphides. (Bienn. rept agric. college 1883/4: 81-82.) 1886. Woolly aphis and Its repression; by Klee. 1 sheet (Agric. exper. station, bull. 55.) 1902. The black peach aphis in Cal.; by W. T. Clarke. (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1901/2: 355-360.) . Peach-worm; by Clarke. 44 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 144.) 1904. Aphides attacking the apple; by "W. T. Clarke. (1 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1903/4: 371-378.) . Hop aphis; by Clarke. 13 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 160.) APRICOT 1884. Discussion of apricot fungus. (Bienn. rept bd. horUc. 1883/4: 104-112.) ASPAEAGUS 1902. Rept on asparagus rust and quarantine meas- ures to prevent its introduction into state. (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1901/2: 81-88.) . Rept of action of bd. in matter of quarantine agst. asparagus rust prevalent in Eastern States. (8 same 1901/2: 15-18.) BLASTOPHAGA 1892. The blastophaga. Fig caprification, or the set- ting of the fruit; by B. M. Lelong. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 227-259.) CHEEBY See below. Peach. CODLIN MOTH 1881-1882. Repts. on occurrence and ravages of, and on remedies agst. codlin moth; enemies of mulberry trees; sulphocarbonate of potassium as remedy agst apple root louse; by F. Gillet (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 24-34.) 1883. The greatest i>est of the Cat Insect pests, or codlin moth; by F. GiUet (AJl. bd. hortic. 1883: 72-74.) COT WORM 1871. The cut worm: remedies agst. (Trans, state agric socy. 1870/1: 348-349.) FUNGI For diseases of particular plants, see name of plant in tills group. 1882. The " smut " f imgus; conditions under which it api>ears; by E. J. Wickson. (1 A.R. hortic comrs. 1882: 91-94.) 1883. Fungi injurious to fruit trees; by Dr. H. H. Harkness. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1883: 51-59.) 1886. Some of the fungoid diseases affecting our de- ciduous fruits; by W. G. Klee. (BuU. no. 5.) (Bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1885/6: 408-413.) 1889-1890. Fungoid diseases; by B. M. Lelong. (AR. bd. hortic 1889 (pp. 235-259) — same 1890.) 1892. Root knots on fruit trees and vines; by Wood- worth. 4 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 99.) GALL LOUSE 1880. The gall louse in Ariz. (1 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. revised ed. 1880: 59.) GOOSEBEERT 1886. Discussion of a gooseberry pest — a small worm. (Bienn. rept bd. hortic 1885/6: 274-276.) GRAPE 1884-1890. Rept of E. Dowlen, special agt to investi- gate Anaheim vine disease. (A.R. bd. vitic comrs. 1889/90: 57-63.) . Brief historical sketch of the mysterious vine disease In CaL (AJl. bd. hortic 1890: 169-177.) AGRICULTUmE— cont'd Crops— confd Pests — cont'd GRAPE — cont'd 1885/6. Record of work re. resistant vines and vine diseases. (Rept of vitic. work agric. college 1885/6: 136-186.) 1886. Rept. of examination of phenomena and causes of coulure of vine In San Diego Co.; and compara^ tive observations on coulure in different grape va- rieties. (Same 1885/6: 155-176.) 1887. Abnormal deposits on vine leaves; mysterious death of vines; remedy for anthracnose of vines; by Hilgard. 1 sheet (Agric. exper. station, buU. 70.) 1890. Remedy agst. Cal. grapevine hopper. (A.R. bd. vitic comrs. 1889/90: 111-115.) 1892. Fungoid diseases of grape — cause and remedy; paper and discussion. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 138-139; 150-152.) 1896. Notes on botrytis cinerea on grapes in Cal.; by F. T. BiolettL (Rept. of vltlc. work, agric. col- lege 1887/93: 451-453.) 1897. The CaL vine hopper; by Woodworth. 14 pp. (Agric exper. station, bulL 116.) 1901. Erlnose of vine; by BlolettI and Twight 7 pp. (Same, bull. 136.) GRAPEVINE HOPPER See above. Grape. GRASSHOPPER 1902. Grasshoppers In CaL; by Woodworth. 36 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 142.) . Rept. of conflict betw. fruit growers and owners of pasture lands in matter of buming-over lands to destroy gi-asshopers, and action of bd. re. same. (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic 1901/2: 11-15.) HESSIAN FLY 1886. The Hessian fly and resistant grains; by Wick- son. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bulL 58.) INSECTICIDES 1881. Carbon bisulphide and sulphocarbonates as in- secticides; by J. H. Wheeler. (1 A.R. chief execu- tive vitic. oflScer 1881 app. pp. 111-159.) 1883. An effectual insecticide. (BuU. no. 2.) (Bienn. rept bd. hortic 1883/4: 22-23.) 1886. Alkaline washes for fruit trees; by HUgard. 1 sheet (Agric. exper. station, bulL 52.) . Whale-oil soap insecticide washes; the suffering of vines; by Hilgard. 1 sheet (Same, bull. 56.) 1887. Spray and band treatment for codling moth; difficult fermentations; by Wickson. 1 sheet {Same, buU. 75.) . Arsenic remedy for grasshopi>ers. (Alt bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 140-144.) . Oldlum (tuckeri) and the use of sulphur. — app. 1 to ann. rept of chief executive vitic. officer. (Same 1887: 90-96.) . Winter washes recommended by state inspector of fruit pests; spring and summer remedies agst codlin moth. (Bulls, nos. 4 and 6.) (Bienn. rept bd. horUc 1885/6: 558-564.) 1888. Experiments on cause and avoidance of injury to foliage in hydrocyanic gas treatment of trees; by Morse. 3 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bulL 79.) . Improved methods of chemical fumigation; paper and discussion. (Bienn. rept bd. hortic 1886/8: 174-178.) . Resin spray and its effects on citrus trees; by J. H. Kellom. (AJt same 1889: 420-425.) 1896. Remedies for insects and fungi; by Woodworth. 15 pp. (Agric exper. station, bulL 115.) 1899. Orchard fumigation; by Woodworth. 33 pp. (Same, bulL 122.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 35 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Cropa— cont'd Pests — cont'd INSECTICIDES— cont'd 1899. Paris green for codlin moth; by Woodworth and Colby. 40 pp. (Same, bull. 126.) 1903. Directions for spraying codlin moth; by Wood- worth. 20 pp. (Same, bull. 155.) . Sulphur sprays for red spiders; by Volck. 11 pp. (Same, bull. 154.) . Spraying with distillates; by Volck. 31 pp. (Same, bull. 153.) . Fumigation dosage; by Woodworth. 17 pp. (Same, bull. 152.) . Arsenical insecticides; by Colby. 38 pp. (Same, bull. 151.) INSECTS— INJURIOUS See also names of Insects, 1. e., locust, etc. ; do. scale insects. 1865. Insects injurious to agric. in Cal.; by bd. of agric. entomologist (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 129-130.) 1881. Remarks by C. H. Dwinelle on protective meas- ures needed agst. insect pests. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 14-17.) . Rept. of F. Gillet, comr. for El Dorado distr., advising apptmt. of state entomologist, formation of CO. hortic. comns. and enlargement of powers of central organizations. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882- 22-24.) . Treatise on insects injurious to fruit and fruit trees of Cal., remedies recommended for their ex- termination; by M. Cooke, chief exec, hortic. offi- cer. 72 pp., illus. (Bd. hortic.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 2 eds. were published, viz., 1st, 7800 cop.; 2d, 2200- cop. (2 A.E. vltlc. comrs. 1882 : 67). 1883. The need of a general knowledge of insects; measures suggested — endowment of chair of ento- mology in State University and introduction of sub- ject into public schools. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1883: 74-80.) . Circular sent out to fruit growers containing recommendations for suppression and eradication of various insect pests. (Bull. no. 1.) (Same 1883 (pp. 131-134) — same bienn. rept. 1885/6.) . Rept. and discussion of subject of endowing ento- mological chair at State University, by voluntary contribution. (Same 1883: 110-112.) 1884. Entomology of College of Agric; by Dwinelle. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 16.) . Same. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1883/4: 79- 80.) . Rept. of committee on entomological professor- ships. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1883/4: 100-103.) 1885/6. Rept. of dept. of entomology. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1885/6: 140-156.) 1887-1888. Rept. on various injurious insects, and remedies agst. their ravages; scale insects, woolly aphis, etc.; by W. G. Klee. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6 (pp. 373-407)— some 1886/8.) 1888. Remedies for destruction of insect pests, com- piled from repts. by secy, of bd. (Same 1886/8: 273-280.) . Treatise on insects injurious to fruit and fruit trees of Cal.; by W. G. Klee. 61 pp., illus. (Bd. of hortic.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1889. Nature's methods for subduing insect pests; paper and discussion. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1889: 394-401.) 1890. Insect pests and laws therefor; by W. E. Collins. (Same 1890: 47-51.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd INSECTS— INJURIOUS— cont'd 1890-1903. Repts. on economic entomology and plant diseases. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890 (pp. 303- 326)— same 1901/3.) 1891. Destructive insects, their natural enemies, reme- dies and recommendations; by Alex. Craw. 51 pp., 3 pis. (Hortic. bd.) Not seen ; Library of Congress. 1894. Insect pests and remedies: synopsis from rept. of Alex. Craw, quarantine officer and entomologist for 1893. With latest approved formulas appended. 25 pp., iv pis. (Bull. 67 [i. e. 68], bd. hortic.) 1896. Insect pests and tree diseases liable to be intro- duced into state, and especially to be guarded agst. (5 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1895/6: 23-27.) . Injurious insect pests found on trees and plants from foreign countries. (5 same 1895/6: 33-55.) 1899/00. Rept. on mission of expert entomologist to foreign countries to collect and import beneficial insects. (7 same 1899/00: 9-17.) 1900. Insect pests and remedies. Latest approved formulas. 32 pp. (Bull. 71, bd. hortic.) 1901/2-1903/4. Review of insects of the yr. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2 (pp. 91-172) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1902. Rept. on work of entomological dept. of State Univ. (8 some 1901/2: 349-355.) 1902-1903. Summary of bulls, issued by entomology dept.; grasshoppers in Cal. (bull. 142), Cal. peach- tree borer (bull. 143), peach worm (bull. 144), red spider of citrus trees (bull. 145), arsenical insecti- cides (bull. 151), fumigation dosage (bull. 152), spraying with distillates (bull. 153), sulphur sprays for red spiders (bull. 154). (Rept. agric. exper. station 1901/3: 108-110.) 1903. Remedies for insects; by C. W. Woodworth. 19 pp. (Circular 7, agric. exper. station.) 1903/4. Rept. of division of entomology. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1903/4: 85-87.) 1904. The entomological equipment of the hortic. comr.; by Prof. C. W. Woodworth. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 322-328.) . Bug vs. bug; list of insects on exhibit at St. Louis, with description of the work they do in Cal. (1 same 1903/4: 79-107.) INSECTS — PARASITIC AND PREDACEOUS 1872. Parasitic insects in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1872: 356-369.) 1886. Insects praying on scale insects; by W. G. Klee. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 404-407.) 1888. Parasites; by W. G. Klee. (Same 1886/8: 179- 182.) 1889. Rept. of secy, on Introduction of parasites into state. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1889: 21-23.) 1889-1894. Beneficial insects; by B. M. Lelong; discus- sions. (Same 1889 (pp. 260-288) — bienn. rept. same 1893/4.) 1891. Introduction of the Vedalia into South Africa; extracts from rept. of Mr. Louw, agt. for South Africa, on his Cal. mission to obtain said parasite. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 7-8.) . The curious history of a ladybird; how it saved the orange interests of Cal. [Scientific Amer. Suppl., Apr. 4, 1891.] (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 381-383.) . Internal parasites discovered In the San Gabriel Valley; recommendations and notes. 7 pp. (Bull. 57, bd. hortic.) 36 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CA1.IF0RNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops— confd Pests — cont'd INSECTS — ^PAKASITIC AND PEEDACEOUS — cont'd 1891-1893. Rept. on parasites and beneficial Insects col- lected and sent to this country for propagation, by expert sent to Australia under act of 1891; distri- bution of parasites in state; stmt, of expenditures of mission. (4 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1893/4: 4-7.) 1892. Rept. on the importation of parasites and pre- daceous insects sent from Australia to check the injurious insects of fruits trees, particularly the scale. 15 pp. (App. to jols. 30 sess. v. 8 unnum. doc.) . Rept. of A. Koebele, agt. sent to Australia and adjacent countries for purpose of importing para- sites and predaceous insects. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 145-150.) 1894. Repts. and press comments on results of distri- bution of Rhigobius Tentralis, or black ladybird. (4 same 1893/4: 426-432.) 1904. Rept. of action of bd. in employing partial ser- vices of G. CJompere in his search for parasites for destruction of insect pests. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 22-23; 196-197.) INSPECTION See above, that title. I/EMON See below. Orange. LOCUST 1879. The Rocky Mt. locusts: their destructive power; how they eat, and breed, and bring ruin. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 148-175.) OLIVE 1881. Repts. of E. Cooper on diseases of the olive and remedies. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 35-41.) 1898. The olive knot; by Bioletti. 11 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 120.) 1902. Rept. on olive-knot in state. (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1901/2: 66-76.) OEANGB 1900. Safeguards agst Mexican orange maggot. (7 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1899/00: 21-22.) 1902. Orange and lemon rot; by Woodworth. 12 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 139.) 1903/4. Correspondence on Mexican orange maggot. (Bienn. rept comr. hortic. 1903/4: 43-50.) ORANGE MAGGOT See above. Orange. PEACH, PEAR, PRUNE, ETC. 1883. Discussion of subject of bores in fruit trees. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1883: 118-130.) 1891. Peach yellows; eastern peach yellows; extent of affected distrs., causes and remedies; papers and discussions; map. (Same 1891: 395-399; 405-413.) . Peach yellows. A warning to fruit growers; by B. M. Lelong. 29 pp., 1 map, 4 pis. (Bull. 56(?), hortic. bd.) See note nnder Horticultural comrs., below, serial group. . Peach-tree borers infesting deciduous trees. 7 pp., lUus. (Bull. 58, bd. hortic.) 5000 cop. issued ; not seen. 1892. Discussion of root knot on prune, cherry, and peach trees — all of that class — and remedy. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 152-153.) 1896. Causes of "frogging" and "bloating" of prunes; by F. T. Bioletti. 9 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 114.) . Same. (Bienn. rept agric. exper. station 1895/7: 254-259.) 1902. Rept. on root-knot of plum, prune, and peach trees. (8 bienn. rept hortic. 1901/2: 77-80.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd PEACH, PBAB, PRUNE, ETC. — cont'd 1902. Cal. peach-tree borer; by Woodworth. 15 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 143.) 1902-1904. Rept. on pear-blight in state. (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1901/2 (pp. 53-65) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) PEAR See above. Peach, etc PHYLLOXERA 1873-1880. History of phylloxera-vastatrix and its rav- ages In Sonoma Valley. (1 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. rev. ed. 1880: 108-111.) 1875. Lecture on the phylloxera or grapevine louse, de- livered before State Vinic. Assn. Nov. 23, by E. W. Hllgard. 24 pp. (BuU. Univ. of Cal. no. 23.) 1876. Rept. re. Sen. bill 508 to save from destruction the vineyards of Cal. and to extinguish the phyl- loxera in said vineyards. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. V. 5 unnum doc.) 1879. The phylloxera in Cal. (Bienn. rept. agric. col- lege 1878/9: 65-68.) 1880. First rept of committee on phylloxera, vine pests, and diseases of vine. (1 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. rev. ed. 1880: 87-157.) . Rept. of occurrence of phylloxera in Cal., made under direction of jt. committee of state vitic. comn. and Univ. of CaL (A.R. agric. college 1880: 92- 108.) . The phylloxera, or grapevine louse, and remedies for its ravages; by B. W. HUgard. 25 pp. (Suppl. 1 to rept bd. of regents of Univ. Cal. 1880.) 1881. Rept on Investigation of phylloxera. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 76-79.) . Distrs. infected by phylloxera; authenticated repts. from abroad of Amer. vines found to be truly phylloxera resistant; remedy for extermination. (2 same 1881: 15.) Second ann. rept. of committee on phylloxera, vine pests, and diseases of vines. (1 A.R. chief, executive vitic. officer 1881 app. pp. 163-174.) 1881-1884. Record of work re. phylloxera and its re- pression; bulls, nos. 19, 3, 18, and 48 given. (Rept vitic. work agric. college 1883/5: 162-210.) . Original investigations on phylloxera and vine pests. (1 A.R. chief exec, vitic. officer 1881 (pp. viil-xvii) — 2 same 1882/4.) 1882. Phylloxera-proof vines. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1882: 158-166.) 1883. Remedies for phylloxera; failure of cuttings. 1 sheet (Univ. of Cal. agric. exper. station, bull. 3.) 1884. Mr. J. A. Bauer's phylloxera remedy. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884: 200-204.) . Same; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. sta- tion, bull. 18.) . Observations on phylloxera in 1884; by Morse. 1 sheet (Same, bulL 19.) 1885. Investigation upon mercurial phylloxera rem- edy; by Hllgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bulL 48.) . The phylloxera at Berkeley. Stmt, made by the professor of agric; by E. W. Hllgard. 8 pp. (Vitic. comn.) 1890. The advance of the phylloxera. (AJl. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 22-23.) 1892. New researches upon the resistance of, and ex- emption from, phylloxera; by A. Mlllardet [Trans, from French by C. J. Wetmore.] (Same 1891/2: 265-279.) 1894. The phylloxera of the vine; by Valery Mayet [with bibUog.]. Translated for state vitic. comrs. (Rept bd. vitic. comrs. 1893/4: 107-191.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 37 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd PHYLLOXERA— cont'd 1895. Phylloxera; by A. P. Hayne. (Rept. vitlc. work agrlc. college 1887/93: 375-378.) 1901. Phylloxera of the vine; by Bloletti. 16 pp. (Agrlc. exper. station, bull. 131.) 1904. Observations on phylloxera; by 0. B. Bremmer. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 337-343.) POTATO WORM 1901. Potato worm in Cal.; by Clarke. 30 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 135.) PRUNE See above, Peach. QUARANTINE AND INSPECTION serial 1881-1894. Text of regulations. Checklist 1881 Nov. 2 Ann. rept. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881 : 11-13. 1881 Nov. 1 Ann. rept. hortic. comrs. 1882 : 9-11. 1889 June 29 Ann. rept bd. hortic. 1889 : 468-470. 1891 Nov. 19 Ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1891 : 28-30. 1893 Dec. 28 Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4 : 12-13. 1894 Aug. 15 Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1895/6 : 7-8. non-serial 1881. Quarantine. (1 A.R. chief exec, vitic. oflBcer 1881: xxiii-xxv.) 1886. Comment on quarantine guardians and inade- quacy of their compensation. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 434-435.) 1889. Synopsis of repts. of special agt. re. inspection of fruit pests, by cos. (A.R. same 1889: 472-476.) . Regulations to prevent spread of contagious dis- eases among fruit trees. 6 pp. (Bull. 53, bd. hortic.) 1890. National registration of plants, the need of com- plete and systematic plan of registration and how to accomplish it. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1890: 136-139.) 1891. Regulations to prevent introduction and spread of injurious insect pests and contagious diseases among fruit and fruit trees; amended Nov. 20. 13 pp. (Bull. 60, bd. hortic.) 1892. Suits agst. owners of contagious fruit trees. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2: 6.) . Rept. of quarantine oflScer on foreign pests and diseases. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 141- 145.) . Rept. on president's address re. creation of dept. of fruit inspection, importation of parasitic insects, effective forestry laws, further Congressional ac- tion re. olive oil adulteration, and govt, ownership of r.rs. (4 same 1893/4: 215.) . Regulations to prevent introduction of injurious insect pests and contagious diseases among fruit and fruit trees. 7 pp. (Bull. 62, bd. hortic.) 1892-1902. Rept. on inspection of steamships and sail- ing vessels. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892 (pp. 4-5) — bienn. rept. same 1901/2.) 1893. Suggestions on hortic. quarantine by quarantine officer. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 290-294.) 1894. Hortic. quarantine guardians, a revised list. 20 pp. (Bull. 67, bd. hortic.) 1895. Enforcement of hortic. quarantine regulations; opinion in case of Superior Court of Los Angeles calling into question constitutionality of amended act of 1881 re. same. (5 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1895/6: 8-10.) 1900. The need of a national hortic. quarantine law. (7 same 1899/00: 185-187.) . Memorials and res. adopted by Fruit Growers' Convention re. inspection of trees, etc., imported into this country; etc. (7 same 1899/00: 23-25.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests — cont'd QUARANTINE AND INSPECTION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1904. Inspection of nursery stock from a nurseryman's standpoint. (8 same 1903/4: 317-322.) . Establishment of a plant quarantine at port of San Diego. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 17.) quarantine division of the state hortic. details of the work. (1 same 1903/4: 344- The comn. 350.) BED SPIDER 1882. The red spider; suggested remedies; by W. B. West. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 20-21.) 1902. Red spider of citrus trees; by Woodworth. 19 pp. (Univ. of Cal. agric. exper. station, bull. 145.) RUSSIAN THISTLE See below, Weeds. SCALE INSECTS 1868-1890. Rise and downfall of cottony cushion scale. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1890: 53-57.) 1882. Rept. of S. S. Chapin, M. D., on scale insects; remedies suggested. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 65-88.) 1887. Address of Prof. C. V. Riley on scale insects and remedies agst. their ravages; also discussion. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 450-479.) . Uses of gases agst. scale insects; by Chapman. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 71.) — — . The use of hydrocyanic acid agst. scale insects; by Morse. 1 sheet. {Same, bull. 73.) . Res. to appt. committee to memorialize Congress to make apprn. for investigation of injurious scale insects in their native country, Australia, and their introduction into this country. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 483.) 1888. Correspondence; parasites on San Jose scale at Los Angeles. (Same 1886/8: 281-286.) 1888-1891. Injurious insects — scale insects; by B. M. Lelong. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1889 (pp. 155-233) — same 1891.) 1890. Citrus scale insect in San Gabriel; yellow scale parasite; successful results of fumigation. {Same 1890: 347-349; 351-352.) . Memorials to legisl. asking apprns. for importa- tion to this country of parasites for scale insects, and for uses of hortic. bd.; also for more stringent laws to protect and promote hortic. (Same 1891: 362.) . Historical sketch of rise and downfall of cottony cushion scale; by George Rice. 8 pp. (Bull. 54, bd. hortic.) See notes under Bulletins, Horticultural commissions, serial group. WEEDS 1890. The weeds of Cal.; by B. W. Hilgard; some Berkeley weed-seeds, thesis by H. P. Dyer. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 238-266.) 1895. The Russian thistle In Cal.; by Shinn. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 107.) . Same. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 277- 291.) 1898. The extermination of weeds; by E. W. Hilgard. {Same 1897/8: 201-202.) WHEAT 1879. Lecture by Prof. C. H. Dwinelle on rust in wheat. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 116-120.) . Rust in wheat; cause and remedies. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1878/9: 100-105.) Quarantine; see above. Inspection Rye; see above. Grain 38 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd SUOAB 1881. Holcus sugar cane. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1881: 220-224.) Sweet Potato 1855. Sweet potatoes, of superior quality and flavor, cultivated in great abundance on overflow lands. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 22.) 1892/4. Analyses of Cal. sweet potatoes and compari- son of composition with that of Irish potatoes. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station 1892/4: 219-225.) Tea 1867. Tea culture in Cal. advised. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1866/7: 14-15.) Tobacco 1856. Soil and climate of Cal. believed by planters to be well suited to tobacco culture, alkaline lands in central part of state being capable of producing large crops. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 18.) 1863. Prize essay on culture and curing of tobacco in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1863: 168-172.) 1874. Tobacco in Cal.; culture of plant and curing of the leaf. {Same 1874: 273-284; 480-495.) 1895. Adaptability of Cal. for tobacco culture. (Same 1895: 22.) . Paper on tobacco production in Cal.; by Mr. B. Briggs. {Same 1895: 113-117.) 1898. Nicotine in Cal. grown tobacco. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1897/8: 149-154.) VmctTLTDEE; see above, Gbape Walnut; see above. Nuts Wheat; see above. Grain Education Califoenia 1866. Agric. education and the press. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1866/7: 48-49.) 1874. Memorial of Cal. State Grange and Mechanics' Deliberative Assem. on the State Univ. 9 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 6 [doc. 5].) That provision be made for agrlc. education. 1875. Bull. Univ. of Cal. College of Agric. Announce- ment of lectures, etc. 4 pp. (Bull. no. 8.) . Same. Course of instruction by Prof. Hilgard for 1875/6. 4 pp. (Bull. no. 18.) 1878. Petition of State Grange, Mechanics' State Coun- cil, and Mechanics' Deliberative Assem. on subject of [agric] education. 7 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. V. 4 [doc. 25].) 1880. See above. Crops. Grape; this date. 1883. See above. Agriculture; this date. . Rept. of law committee of bd. of regents, Univ. of Cal., on act of Congress of July 2, 1862. 12 pp 1884. The need of students to qualify themselves as specialists. (2 A.R. chief exec, vltic. officer 1882/4: 24-25.) 1886. Stmt, in reference to applications and contracts of John and Francisco Forster. 13 pp. Under 150,000 acre grant 1888. In matter of adjustment of Congressional land grant of 150,000 acres to state of Cal.; corresp. 15 pp. Published by bd. regents, Univ. of Cal. Not seen ; entry from Bowter. 1892-1893. Agric. instruction in public schools advised. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1892 (pp. 22-23) — same 1893.) 1892/3. Rept. of observations made on European agric. schools and exper. stations; general conclusions comparing conditions with those in Amer. (Bienn. rept. bd. agric. exper. station 1892/4: 27-44.) 1897. Suggestions for establishment of lower-grade agric. schools. {Same 1895/7: 7-9.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd Camfobnia — cont'd 1899. Comment on needs of agric. education in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 36.) 1900. Agrlc. education; by B. I. Wheeler, pres. Univ. of Cal. {Same 1900: 125-128.) 1904. Rept. on work of school established at San Luis Obispo for teaching agric, mechanics, and do- mestic science. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic 1903/4: 203-204.) . Agric. education in the public schools; by John S. Dare. 8 pp. (Hortic comn.) . Same. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 225- 230; 383.) Minnesota 1897. Comment on Minn, plan for agric. teaching. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station 1895/7: 19-22.) Agbicultukal College Land grant college under federal act of July 2, 1862. serial See Agricultural Experiment Station. Serial, 1 series. non-serial 1863. State agric. college; remarks of supt. of public instruction of N. T. re. donation of lands by Con- gress quoted. (13 A.R. supt. public instruction 1863: 68-70.) 1865. Preamble and res. re. apptmt. of committee to act with committee from Miners' Convention to se- cure fair organization, location, and mngmt. of agric. and mechanical college. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 109-110.) . Suggestions re. establishment, location, and char- acter cf college for benefit of agric. and mechanic arts. {Same 1864/5: 78-93.) . Suggestions for mngmt of agric. and mechanic arts college lands. {Same 1864/5: 77-78.) . Address on subject of establishment of agric. college in state, re. means by which legislation of Congress granting land for same to state may be made available. {Same 1864/5: 187-201.) 1865-1867. Remarks on agric college lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1864/5 (pp. 99-100)— same 1865/7.) . State agric. college. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public Instruction 1864/5 (pp. 78-80)— 2 same 1866/7.) 1869-1871. On progress of State Univ.; the agric col- lege. (3 same 1868/9 (pp. 25-31) — 4 same 1870/1.) 1871. Stmt, of working condition of the various agric. colleges in U. S. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 313-319.) . Rept. of present condition of agric. college; no practical work being done; the subject commended to good judgment of the legisl. {Same 1870/1: 22- 25.) 1880. Rept. of Assem. committee on agric, mining, and mechanic arts. 2 11. (App. to jols. 23 sess. V. 5 unnum doc.) 1880-1886. On financial needs of agric. dept. (A.R. agric. college 1880 (pp. 10-11)— same 1885/6.) 1881. In the opinion of pres. of bd. of agric, funds de- rived from Congress for endowment and support of an agric. college, are not being applied by the Univ. In accordance with act of Congress creating, and constitution and statutes of Cal. re. such trust. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1881: 13-18.) 1883. Suppl. rept. of committee on agric, mining, and mechanics' arts college. (Assem. jol. 25 sess. pp. 311-314.) . Rept. of special committee, bd. of regents, Univ. of Cal., on the college of agric. 4 pp. 1885. Rept. on agric, mining, and mechanic arts col- lege. (Assem. Jol. 26 sess. p. 584.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 39 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Education — cont'd Agrictiltueai, College — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1894/6-1902/4. Stmt, showing receipts and disburse- ments under act of leglsl. of Cal. approved Mch. 31, 1891, expressing assent of state to act of Congress, approved Aug. 30, 1890, entitled, " an act to apply a portion of proceeds of public lands to more com- plete endowment and support of colleges for benefit of agric. and mech. arts, established under provi- sions of an act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862," and to the purposes of grants of moneys authorized thereby, and to all provisions thereof (known as "The Morrill College Act"). (A.R. state treas- urer 1894/6 (p. 54)— bienn. rept. same 1902/4.) Fabmebs' Institutes 1892-1904. Repts. of farmers' Institutes. (Blenn. rept. agric. exper. station 1892/4 (pp. 22-26)— A.R. same 1903/4.) 1897. Comment on growing interest in farmers' insti- tutes in Southern Cal. (Same 1895/7: 9-10.) 1902. Suggestion that legisl. make apprn. of not less than $12,000 for farmers' institutes. (Same 1898/01 pt. 1: 15.) Expenditures for 1859-1860. Stmt, showing amt. expended for agric. pur- poses. (A.R. state controller 1858/9 (p. 12) — same 1859/60.) 1871. Stmt, showing expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each and bal- ance unexpended for encouragement of agric, etc. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71: 50.) Aqbicultueal College; see above. Education Faibs 1890/4. Cost of citrus fairs; expenditures from apprns. made by state. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 71.) HOKTICULTURAL BOAED 1883-1891. stmt, of ann. expenditures by secy. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1883 (pp. 10-11)— same 1891.) Not found In bienn. rept. 1886/8. 1883-1894. Cost of state bd. of hortic; expenditures from apprns. made by state and cost of prtg. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 68.) 1883/4-1890/1. Ann. rept. of treasurer. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic 1883/4 (pp. 15-17)— A.R. same 1891.) 1884-1904. Stmt, showing expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for hortic (Bienn. rept. state controller 1882/4 (p. 54)— same 1902/4.) 1887. Stmt, by secy, of deficiency bills agst. bd. of hortic (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic 1886/8: 22.) 1889. Stmt, of amts. appropriated for salaries of offi- cers of hortic. bd. and other uses. (A.R. same 1889: 16.) 1891-1904. Ann. financial stmt, of hortic. bd. (Same 1891 (pp. 1-2) — Blenn. rept. comr. hortic. some 1903/4.) Seed and Plant Distribution 1885/6. Rept. of distribution of seeds, plants, and scions, and donations received; summaries of dis- tributions and financial stmts. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1885/6: 157-164.) 1886/7-1902/3. Distribution of seeds and plants, and donations reed; financial stmt. (A.R. agric exper. station 1890 (pp. 196-201)— some 1901/3.) 1891/2-1902/3. Cumulative comparative financial stmt, of receipts and expenditure of seed and plant dis- tribution. (Blenn. rept. same 1892/4 (p. 346) — same 1901/3.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Expenditures for — cont'd State Veteeinaeian 1902-1904. Stmt, showing expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state veterinarian. (Blenn. rept. state controller 1900/2 (p. 87) — same 1902/4.) Viticdltueal Boabd 1880-1881. Ann. rept. of treasurer. (1 A.R. bd. vitic comrs. rev. ed. 1880 (p. 16) — same 1881.) 1880-1894. Cost of state bd. of vitic; expenditures from apprns. made by state, and cost of prtg. (A. R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 69.) 1882-1896. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditure, and of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state vitic. comrs. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (p. 82)— same 1894/6.) 1887. Rept. of receipts and disbursements for yr. (A. R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 63.) 1887/8-1889/90. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of comrs. for 3 yrs. (Some 1889/90: 97-98.) 1889. Rept. of committee on vinic and vitic with stmt. of disbursements of state vitic. comr. (Assem. jol. 28 sess. pp. 623-624.) 1890/1-1891/2. Stmt, of receipts and disbursements for 2 yrs. (A.R. bd. vitic comrs. 1891/2: 5-6.) Fairs 1872. Notes taken at the fairs of the several co., distr., and state societies. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1872: 205-216.) 1881-1892. Trans, of distr. agric. assns. and fairs. (Same 1881 (pp. 227-440)— some 1892.) CiTBUs Fairs 1879. Proceedings of 2d ann. Citrus Exhibition of Southern Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 447- 448.) 1888. Rept. of a winter fair: the Orovllle Citrus Exhi- bition. (Same 1888: 206-218.) 1890. Favorable comment on citrus fairs and recom- mendation that apprn. for these exhibitions be con- tinued for another term of 2 yrs. (Same 1890 (pp. 23-24)— some 1891.) 1890-1895. Repts. of state citrus fairs. (Same 1889 (pp. 239-255)— some 1895.) Expenditures fob; see above. Expenditures Midwinteb Fair 1894. Rept. on Midwinter Fair exhibit and celebration of hortic. day. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 445-451.) Premiums; see below, that title State Fair See also below Premiums. 1855. Rept. favoring apprn. to aid State Agric. Socy. to meet expenses of first ann. fair. (Assem. jol. 1855: 290.) . State Pair complete success and encouragement of State Agric Socy. urged. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 7.) 1856. Official rept. of 3d agric. fair, cattle show, etc. 80 pp. (State agric. socy.) 1857. Same, 4th. 190 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1858. Rept. of committee on permanent location of the fair of State Agric. Socy. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1858: 46-50.) . Rept. on fair. (Same 1858: 110-112.) 1858-1863. List of entries at the socy's. fair. (Same 1858 (pp. 82-109)— some 1863.) 1859. Stmts, of competitors in the different depts. re. their entries. (Same 1859: 201-226.) 40 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd State Faie — cont'd 1867-1875. Stmts, of claimants for gold medals for most meritorious exliibition in each dept.; rept. of committee on gold medals. {Same 1866/7 (pp. 177- 247)— same 1875.) No returns In 1868/9. 1868. Brief mention of noteworthy exhibitions. (Same 1868/9: 111-122.) 1870/1-1900/1. Repts. of gold medal committees. (Some 1870/1 (pp. 170; 309-312)— same 1901.) 1873-1890. List of exhibits at ann. fair. (Same 1872 (pp. 57-93)— some 1890.) 1880. Calling attention to indifference towards socy. fair that has heretofore prevailed among stock breeders and producers of general agric. crops; suggested improvements to remedy same, revision of premium lists; by corresp., by traveling agts., and by publications, bringing socy. into close rela- tions with industrial class; by opening up corresp. with other states and countries, assisting various industries to find markets for surplus profits. {Same 1879: 15-20.) . General rept. of state fair from Sacramento Record-Union; editorial comments. {Same 1880: 125-184.) 1880-1886. Comparative stmt, of receipts and expendi- tures of Agric. Socy. fair for 2 yrs. {Same 1881 (p. 57)— same 1886.) 1881. Under act of 1880 works of art and industrial products other than those of Cal. are excluded from exhibit at ann. fair; recommendation that practice be abandoned or law changed; also that State Pa- vilion be erected at Capitol Park with surroundings which represent history, arts, and products of Cal. {Same 1881: 9-10.) 1883. The time of holding fair to be extended to 2 wks.; a new and larger list of premiums to be offered; permanent improvements made during yr. and cost of same; real estate purchased. {Sam,e 1883: 11-14.) . History of the exposition bldg. and cost of same. {Same 1883: 14-18.) . Three wks'. exhibition of ann. fair proposed. (Same 1883: 15-16.) 1883/4. Detailed stmt, of expenses of bldg. and im- provements at park and pavilion. {Same 1884: 13-14.) 1885. Permanent improvements made at park on pa- vilion. {Same 1885: 16.) 1886. Rept. of committee to lease park bldgs. {Same 1885: 31.) . Exhibits at State and Mechanics' Inst, fairs. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1885/6: 164-186.) 1887. Comment on benefit ann. exhibitions have been to general public, and the assistance that the sys- tem of distr. agric. assns. have been to ann. exhi- bitions. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 11-13.) . Suggestion that an excursion each yr. be ar- ranged to arrive from the East during progress of the State Fair. {Same 1887: 21-22.) 1887-1889. Rept. of committee of bds. on co. exhibits. {Same 1887 (pp. 136-156) — same 1889.) 1888. Favorable comment on co. exhibits at State Fair. (Same 1888: 22.) . The proposed foreign exhibit. {Same 1888: 14- 16.) 1888-1889. Comment on San Francisco Journal of Com- merce exhibit. {Same 1888 (pp. 144-147) — same 1889.) 1891-1895. Comment on ann. exhibitions at State Fair by pres. of bd. of agric. {Same 1891 (pp. 11-14) — same 1895.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd State Faie — cont'd 1892. General review of pavilion display at State Fair. {Same 1892: 100-106.) . State Fair exhibition one of unsual extent be- cause of this being Columbian yr.; Sacramento made special apprn. of $5000. {Same 1892: 11-13.) 1894. For purpose of obtaining new park grounds, a bill has been introduced in legisl. giving bd. of agric. authority to dispose of present park grounds, under process of Superior Court, and depositing money reed, therefor in state treasury. (iSfame 1894: 31-33.) Fence Law 1856. Rept. of committee on agric. re. petition of citi- zens praying repeal of all laws requiring fences for protection of crops, and enactment of law allowing damages to full amt. of stock depredations on grow- ing crops. (Assem. jol. 1856: 360-361.) 1863. The fence question in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1863: 146-155.) 1864. Fencing, and grain farming; revision of state fence law recommended. {Same 1864/5: 66-69.) 1868. Communication from San Francisco Chamber of Commerce re. proceedings of that body in their efforts to procure repeal or modification of fence laws. {Same 1866/7: 114-122.) . Rept. of committee re. fencing agric. lands. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1871. The fence question: relative property considera- tions; expense of fences, scarcity of timber. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 19-21.) FENCES 1871. Hedge or live fences in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 350-353.) Horticultural Commissions and Boards STATE BOARD serial EEPOETS Under Direction of Titicultural Commission Under act of March 4, 1881. " The law creating the state bd. of horticultural comrs. put the same under the direction of the vltlcultural commission to take charge of, together with the funds appropriated for its maintalnment." (Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1887: 10.) The additional work thrown upon the vltic. comrs. hy tys arrangement caused them to apepal to the legislature for relief. The act of March 13, 1883 placed the horticultural commission upon an independent footing. 1 series 1881. Sessions of the bd. of state hortic. comrs. (1 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. rev. ed. 1880: 173-175.) 2 series 1881/2. Rept. of bd. of state hortic. comrs., 1. Sacra- mento, 1882. Checklist 1. [1881/2]. 1882. 94 pp. lUus. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1881/2 in App. to Jols. 25 sess. v. 4 unnum. doc. Under Independent Administration 1 series Under act of March 13, 1883. 1883. Ann. rept. of state bd. of hortic. Sacramento, 1883. Checklist 1883. 1883. 134 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1883 In App. to Jols. 26 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc. 2 series 1884-1886/8. Bienn. rept. of state bd. of hortic. Sac- ramento, 1884-1889. Checklist unnum. 1884. 1884. 116 pp. 1885/6. Bienn. rept for 1885 and 1886. Also, app. for 1887. 1887. 583 pp., col'd pis. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 41 1889. 302 pp., UIus., V. 8 V. 3 T. 3 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Horticultural Commissions and Boards — cont'd STATE BOARD— cont'd serial — cont'd REPORTS — cont'd Under Independent Administration — cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 3. 1886/8. Blenn. rept. 1888. col'd pis. In Collected docs, as follows : unnum. 1884. Omitted. " 1885/6 in App. to Jols. 27 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc. 3. 1886/8 in App. to Jola. 28 sess. t. 5 unnum. doc. 3 series Under sec. 9 (p. 91) Statutes 1889. 1889-1892. Ann. rept. of the state bd. of hortlc. Sac- ramento, 1890-1892. Checklist unnum. 1889. 1890. 536 pp., illus., col'd pis. 1890. 1890. 522 pp., lllus., col'd pis. 1891. 1892. 488 pp., illus., col'd pis. 1892. 1892. 463 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1889 in App. to Jols. 29 sess. v. 4 unnum. doc. 1890 " " " " 29 1891 " 30 1892 " " " " 30 i series Under act of 1891. 1893/4-1901/2. Bienn. rept. of state bd. of hortic, 4-8. Sacramento, 1894-1902. Cliecklist 4.* 1893/4. 1894. 458 pp., illus., pis. 5. 1895/6. 1806. 164 pp., illus. 6.t 1896/8. 1899. 2 11. 158 pp., pis., illus. 7. 1899/00. 1901. 254 pp., pi. 8. 1901/2. 1902. 447 pp., Illus. In Collected docs, as follows : 4.* 1893/4 In App. to Jols. 31 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc. 1894/6 in App. to jols. 32 sess. v. 5 [2]. 1896/8 omitted. 1899/00 in App. to Jols. 34 sess. t. 4 [10]. 8. 1901/2 in App. to Jols. 35 sess. v. 3 [4]. 5 series Under Act of March 25, 1903. 1903/4. Blenn. rept. of comrs. of hortic, 1. Sacra- mento, 1905. BULLETINS 1883-1900. State bd. of hortic. Bulletins, 1-71. Sacra- mento, 1883-1900. Checklist no. 1. [Recommendations for suppression and eradica- tion of various pests Infecting fruit trees and fruit] May 17, 1883. Reprinted in A.R. hortic. bd. 1883 : 131-134 ; ib. 1884 : 18-21 ; ib. 1885/6 : no. 2. [An ettectual Insecticide : whale oil and iron com- pound.) Not. 5, 1884. Reprinted in A.R. hortic. bd. 1884 : 22-23. no. 3. Not found ; see reference to bull. In footnote, p. 404, A.R. hortic. bd. 1885/6. no. 4. Winter washes recommended by state inspector of fruit pests, n. d. Reprinted In A.R. hortic. bd. 1885/6 ; 558-561. no. 5. Some of the fungoid diseases affecting our decidu- ous fruits, n. d. Reprinted In A.R. hortic. bd. 1885/6 : 408-413. no. 6. Spring and summer remedies against the codlin moth, n d. Reprinted In A.R. hortic. bd. 1885/6 : 562-564. no. 7. Not found ; see reference on p. 19, 3d bienn. rept. bd. horticulture. No record of any numbered bulletins between no. 7 and no. 50 has been found. Those numbered 1-7 are, specifically, bulletins issued by the board's Inspector of fruit pests. Bulletin no. 50 was issued In 1889 by that state bd. of horticulture created 5. 6. 7. doc. doc. doc. * This notation resumes that of former series of blenn. repts., see above series 3. t Title Is Preliminary Report (6th biennial). AGRICULTURE— cont'd Horticultural Commissions and Boards — cont'd STATE BOARD — cont'd serial — cont'd BULLETINS— cont'd Checklist- — cont'd under sec. 9, statutes of 1889. In the opinion of the compiler no numbered bulletins were issued between nos. 7 and 50, the newly created board arbitrarily assigning no. 50 to the first of its series. No. 50 Is regarded by the existing com- mission as the beginning of the file. The earlier nos. were intended for immediate and wide circu- lation and probably no record was kept of them. When the board of 1889 started Its file, it is sup- posed a number was chosen for the beginning which would allow plenty of margin for such earlier numbers as might turn up without overlapping numbers. no. 50.* Compilation of laws to protect and promote horticultural interests of state. 1889. 28 pp. no. 51.* Laws relative to horticulture and remedies recommended for the destruction of injurious in- sects. 1889. no. 62. Repts. of the San Bernardino and Tulare co. horticultural comrs. 1889. 5 pp. no. 53. Regulations to prevent the spread of contagious diseases among fruit trees. 1889. 6 pp. no. 54. Rept. of the Sutter co. bd. of horticultural comrs. 1889. Not seen ; taken from p. 18 Ann. rept. hortic. bd. 1889. See also note under next item. no. 54. Historical sketch of rise and downfall of the cottony cushion scale ; by George Rice. 1890. 8 pp. Not seen ; title supplied by Cal. State Library. Prob- ably a case of duplicate numbering as in no. 67, below, and one is probably Intended for no 55, but, which one, it has not been possible to ascertain from any of the sources resorted to by compiler. no. 55. Cal. dried fruits and how to use them : by Prof. C. H. Allen. 1891 (?). 8 pp. no. 56. Peach yellows. A warning to fruit growers ; by B. M. Lelong. 1891. 29 pp., 1 map, 4 pis. These two assignments, viz., no. 55 and 56 are sup- posititious. After considerable correspondence and research no record of these two bulletins was forthcoming. On p. 21 of the ann. rept. of the bd. of hortic. for 1891 there Is an allusion to pamph- lets, referred to as bulletins, relating to these subjects having been Issued during the year. The pamphlet on Cal. dried fruits has not been seen by the compiler and that on Peach yellows is un- numbered. Although the assumption that these pamphlets were intended for these bulletins is reasonable, it is entirely probably that they have not been assigned to the correct numbers. no. 57. Internal parasites discovered In the San Gabriel Valley ; recommendations and notes. 1891. 7 pp. no. 58. Peach-tree borers infesting deciduous trees ; by A. Craw. 1891. 7 pp. no. 59. Compilation of laws to protect and promote the horticultural interests of the state ; act as amended. 1891. 7 pp. no. 60. Regulations to prevent the Introduction and spread of injurious insect pests and contagious diseases among fruit and fruit trees, and for the prevention, treatment, cure, and extirpation of fruit pests and of diseases of fruit and fruit trees ; amended Nov. 20, 1891. 1891. 13 pp. no. 61. Crops and fertilizers, with reference to Cal. soil and practice ; a lecture by E. W. Hllgard. 1892. 16 pp. no. 62. Regulations to prevent the introduction of in- jurious insect pests and contagious diseases among fruit and fruit trees. 1892. 7 pp. no. 63. Pig drying and curing. Repr. from rept. of state bd. of hortic. for 1889. 1893. 7 pp. no. 64. Ann address del'd by Hon. Ellwood Cooper, pres. of state bd. of horticulture, before 16th State Fruit Growers' Convention, held at San Jose, Nov. 1892. 1893. 14 pp. no. 65. Fruit markets and transportation. Report to the State Fruit Growers' Convention, Los Angeles Nov. 21-24, 1893. 20 pp. no. 66. Resolutions and repts. adopted by the Fruit Growers' Convention, IjOs Angeles, Nov. 21-24 1893. 14 pp. • No. 50 was supplied by Cal. State Library ; no. 51 was taken from p. 18 ann. rept. bd. hortic. 1889. It is probable that both titles refer to the same bulletin, leaving one number blank. It Is possible that the unnumbered bulletins on " The Olive in Cal., " issued in 1889, was intended to make up one of these numbers. 42 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Horticultiural Commissions and Boards— cont'd STATE BOARD— confd serial — cont'd BULLETINS — confd Checklist — cont'd no. 67. Hortlcaltural quarantine guardians, a revised list. 1894. 20 pp. no. 67. Insect pests and remedies. Synopsis from rept. of Alex. Craw, quarantine officer and entomologist, for 1893. With latest approved formulas appended. 1894. 25 pp., iv pis. This shonld he numl)ered no. 68. no. 69. Transaction of State Bd. of Horticulture and repts. of officers, April 16-17, 1895. 1895. 13 pp. no. 70. Protecting orchards agst. frost — How to present injury from frost, etc. ; by W. H. Hammon. 1896. 28 pp. no. 71. Insect pests and remedies. Latest approved formulas. 1900. 32 pp. notirserial 1886. Comments on hortic. bd. library and cost of same. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 436.) 1887. Efforts to secure additional help for state bd. of hortic. from legisl. fntile. (Same 1885/6: 479-480.) 1890-1900. Rept. of exec, committee on examination of books and accts. of treasurer of property under con- trol of bd., and amt. of work done. (AR. same 1890 (pp. 18-20)— blenn. rept. same 1899/00.) 1892. Library catalogue, state bd. of hortic; by B. L. Lelong, secy. 74 pp. (Hortic. bd.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1901. Hortic. ofiBcers of Cal.; corrected to Nov. 1. 14 pp. (.Same.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. EXPENDITUEES FOB; SCO abOVe, EXPENDITDBES LOCAL BOARDS serial County Boardi Authorized under Act of March 14, 1883. Appointed hy CO. snpervisors. 1889-1903/4. Repts. of co. hortic. comns. (later called CO. bds.). In Documents as follows : 1889 in Ann. rept. hd. hortic. 1889 : 477-501. Alameda, Colusa, Humboldt, Kern, Los Angeles, Men- docino, Nevada, Sta. Barbara, San Bernardino, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Sutter and Ven- tura CO. Imards reporting. 1890 In Ann. rept. bd. hortic 1890 : 475-495. Los Angeles, Mendocino, Nevada, Orange, San Bernar- dino, San Joaquin, Sta. Barbara, Sonoma, Sutter, Tnlare, and Tuba co. bds. reporting. 1891-1892 no returns. 1893/4 in Bienn. rept bd. hortic 1893/4 : 355-384. Alameda, Butte, Humboldt, Kern, Lake, Los Angeles, Mendocino, Monterey, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Riverside, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, Sta. Bartara, Sta. Oara, Tehama, Tulare, Ventura, Tolo, and Tuba co. bds. reporting. 1895/6 in Bienn. rept bd. hortic 1895/6 : 137-161. Fresno, Los Angeles, Merced, Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Joaquin, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Clara, Stanlsians, Tehama, Ventura, and Ynl)a co. bds. reporting. 1897-1898 none published. 1899/00 in Bienn. rept. bd. hortic 1899/00:209-254. Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Humboldt, Kings, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Orange, Placer, River- side, Sacramento, San Bernardino, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Clara, Sta. Cruz, San Di^o, Stanislaus, Te- hama, Tulare, Ventura, Yolo, and Yuba co. bds. reporting. 1901/2 in Bienn. rept bd. hortic 1901/2 : 213-239. Alkmeda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Humboldt lessen, Madera, Monterey, Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacra- mento, San Bernardino, San Diego, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Clara, Sta. Cruz, Stanislaus, Shasta, Tehama, Tulare, Ventura, 1903/4 in Blenn. rept bd. hortic 1903/4 : 153-156. Alameda, Fresno, Humboldt Lassen, Los Angeles, Men- docino, Monterey, Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacra- mento, San Bernardino, San Diego, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Clara, Sta. Cmz, Shasta, Stanlsians, Tehama, Tulare, Ventura, and Ynba co. bds. reporting. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Hoiticnltiiral Commissions and Boards — cont'd LOCAL BOARDS — cont'd serial — cont'd District Oommiaalonerg Under Act of March 13, 1881. 1 DISTRICT Sonoma District Sonoma, Marin, Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity, and Siskiyou. 1891. Ann. rept. of comrs. In Documents as follows : 1891 In Ann. rept bd. hortic. 1891 : 40-45. White. None other found. 2 DISTRICT Napa District Napa, Solano, and Contra Costa cos. 1885/6-1886/8. Ann. rept. of comrs. In Documents as follows : 1885/6 In Blenn. rept bd. hortic. comrs. 1885/6: 17-20. BoggB. 1886/8 In Blenn. rept bd. hortic. comrs. 1886/8: 269-270. Boggs. 3 DISTRICT San Francisco District City and co. of S. F., San Mateo, Alameda, Sta. Clara, Sta. Cmz, San Benito, Monterey, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, and San Diego cos. 1881-1891. Ann. rept of comrs. In Documents as follows : 1881 in Ann. rept bd. hortic 1881 : 65-88. Chapin. 1882-1890 no returns. 1891 in Ann. rept bd. hortic 1891 : 38-39. Block. 4 DISTRICT Los Angeles District Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, and San Diego cos. 1881. Ann. rept. of comrs. In Documents as follows : 1881 in Ann. rept bd. hortic 1881 : 90. White 5 DISTRICT Sacramento District Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Colusa, Butte, Tehama, and Shasta cos. 1891. Ann. rept. of comrs. In Documents as follows : 1891 In Ann, rept. bd. hortic. 1891 : 45-51. Bnnyon. 6 DISTRICT San Joaquin District San Joaqnin, Stanislaus, Merced, Fresno, Tulare, and Kern cos. 1886/8-1893/4. Ann. rept of comrs. In Documents as follows : 1886/8 In Blenn. rept bd. hortic. 1886/8 : 271-272. Robinson. 1889-1890 no returns. 1891 in Ann. rept bd. hortic. 1891 : 36-38. Thomas. 1890-1892 no returns. 1893/4 in Blenn. rept bd. hortic 1893/4 : 69-75. Thomas. 7 DISTRICT EI Dorado District El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Mariposa, Placer, Nevada, Yuba, Sierra, Plumas, Lassen, Modoc, Alpine, Mono, Inyo cos. 1881. Ann. rept. of comrs. In Documents as follows : 1881 in Ann. rept bd. hortic. 1881 : 22-24. Glllett None other fonnd. nor^serial 1889. Repts. of San Bernardino and Tulare Co. hortic. comrs. 5 pp. (Bull, 52, bd. hortic.) . Rept of Sutter Co. bd. of hortic. comrs. (BuU. 54(?), same.) See notes under Bulietms, serial group, above. 1902. "What hortic. comns. have done for CaL (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1901/2: 360-365.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 43 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Horticulture Cbops; see above, that title Laws; see below, that title Labor; see that title Laws 1880. Legislation re. vltic. work. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1883/5 (pp. 11-12)— some 1885/6.) 1880-1881. Acts re. vitic. (1 A.R. bd. vitlc. comrs. rev. ed. 1880 (pp. 5-8)— 2 same 1881.) . Acts to promote vitic. and hortic. Industries. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 5-8.) 1881-1885. Laws re. hortic. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6 (pp. 7-11)— A.R. same 1890.) Not found !n ann. rept. 1889. 1889. Compilation of laws to protect and promote hortic. interests of state. 28 pp. (Bull. 50(51?), bd. hortic.) 1889-1896. Hortic. laws of state; amdmt. to law allow- ing less than three members to co. comns. declared unconstitutional; courts decision re. same. (5 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1895/6: 1-6.) 1891. Compilation of laws to protect and promote agric. interests of the state; act as amended. 7 pp. (Bull. 59, bd. hortic.) 1901. Cal's. hortic. statutes with court decisions and legal opinions relating thereto. 57 pp. (Same.) Livestock 1850. Review by committee on agric. of stock and grain raising prior to war, and uncertain protec- tion of property rights resulting therefrom. (Leglsl. jol. 1849/50: 654.) 1856-1865. Table of statistics of livestock and improve- ments, compiled from official repts. of co. assessors and surveyors. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1856 (foldg. table) — same 1865.) 1864. The present anomalous condition of general stock raising interest of state requires thorough revolution in whole farming system ; greater degree of skill and scientific knowledge necessary, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 33-42.) 1879. The loco weed suggested as proper subject for state aid. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1878/9: 71- 72.) 1882. Livestock interests of the Pacific Coast. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1882: 204-218.) 1883. In opinion of bd. of agric, the only practical diversity to farming in great wheat-growing areas of Cal. relates to stock raising. (Same 1883: 17-19.) 1884. Table showing no. of each kind of livestock and average value by cos. {Same 1884: 209-210.) . The livestock interest of Cal. (Same 1884: 211- 215.) 1888. Comment on livestock interest in state. (Same 1888: 20-21.) 1892. Comment on livestock interest of state: attempt to provide for formation of bureau of information and statistics in livestock being made before Con- gress indorsed; permanent establishment of large abattoirs in Cal. commended. (Same 1891: 17-19.) 1893-1894. Table showing no. and value of livestock by cos. (Same 1893 (pp. 154-156)— same 1894.) 1894. The ravages of the bacillus anthracls in Cal.; by C. L. Bard. 11 pp. . Same. (13 bienn. rept. bd. health 1892/4: 273- 281.) 1895. Comment on cost of producing thoroughbred stock; principal thoroughbred stock farms in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 26-27.) 1900/1. Stmt, of importations of livestock and packing house products over Southern Pacific and Santa Fe systems. (Same 1901: 163.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd 1901-1904. Rept. of veterinary science and bacteriology. (Rept. agric. exper. stations 1901/3 (pp. 114-118) — same 1903/4.) 1902. Importance of selection in breeding animals; by L. Anderson of Univ. of Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 77-84.) 1903. Table showing no. and value of different kinds of livestock in Cal. (11 bienn. rept. labor statis- tics 1902/4: 114.) Cattle 1848-1849. Rapid decrease in no. of cattle in proportion to increase in population. (Govs. ann. mess. 1849.) 1850. Registration of cattle brands and ear-marks at CO. seats urged by committee on agric. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 655.) 1854. Stmt, of no. of beef cattle brought into state through various passes, and no. in 15 cos. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 25.) 1881. Short-horn breeding in Cal.; by Col. C. Younger. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1881: 214-219.) 1883. Table showing no. of milch cows, oxen, and other cattle in each co. and average price according to age. (Same 1883: 202-203.) 1893. Investigation of cattle foods of Cal. 7 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 100.) 1898-1904. Animal industry and dairy husbandry. (Rept. agric. exper. station 1898/01 pt. 2 (pp. 308- 315)— same 1903/4.) 1899. Letters giving statistics re. herds of dairy cows. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 38-45.) . Condition of beef cattle industry in Cal. (Same 1899: 27-29.) 1900. The breeding of beef cattle; by Jas. Whlttaker, of Gait. (Same 1900: 96-97.) . Animal and dairy industries in Cal.; by L. An- derson. (Same 1900: 112-124.) Diseases; see below. Inspection Fence Law; see above, that title Goat 1866. Cashmere goats in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 304-305.) 1899. Comment on Angora goat industry, in state. (Same 1899: 32-33.) Hog; see below. Swine HOBSE 1850. Stock raising discouraged by prevalence of horse stealing, as facilitated by ready sales and increased prices offered for horses; with suggestion for en- actment of Stray Laws in prevention of same re- ported by committee on agric. (Legisl. jol. 1849/ 50: 655.) 1855-1890. History of the horse life of Cal's. most suc- cessful breeder, J. C. Simpson. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 253-278.) 1864-1901. Tabular stmt, of trials of speed at state fair, and premiums awarded to horses. (Same 1864 (pp. 22-28)— same 1901.) 1880-1891. Comment on increase in value of horses in Cal. since 1880; prices brought by thoroughbreds during past yr. (Same 1891: 25-27.) 1881-1889. Rept. of races at ann. agric. fair. (Same 1881 (pp. 113-127)— same 1889.) 1883. As outcome of livestock exhibits of socy. fair, the demand for Cal.-bred horses and improved cattle is greater than supply; " Norman " and " Percheron " and numerous other classes of horses now bred to great extent; ledger aoct. of races at ann. fair. (Same 1882: 9-10.) . Table showing no. of horses in each co. and average price according to age. (Same 1883: 200.) . See also Crops; this date. 44 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd HoBSE — cont'd 1885. Adaptation of Cal. for stock breeding; eastern breeders of thorough-bred horses negotiating for purchase of farms in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 14-16.) 1890. Conditions of State Fair Futurity Stake to be offered by bd. of agric. {Same 1890: 43.) . Comment on growth of livestock interest In state; public sales in N. Y. alone of CaL-bred year- lings and 2-yr.-old trotters aggregated over one-half million dollars during season; ann. sales arranged to be held there. (Same 1890: 18-19.) 1899. Horses In Cal. (Same 1899: 24-26.) 1900. State fair speed programme. 55 pp. 16°. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Inspection 1865. Legislative action to protect cattle of state from cattle plague, called by Germans rinderpest, ad- vised. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 65-66.) 1867. Legislation needed to prevent introduction of Texas fever among cattle of state, suggested legis- lation re. branding cattle. (Same 1866/7: 10-11.) 1886. Hog cholera; by R. J. Dawson, V. S., San Fran- cisco. (Same 1886: 234-236.) 1886/8. Rept. on contagious diseases among cattle ex- isting in some parts of state; with letter of Dr. Herrick suppl. to his rept. on yellow fever, re. making inquiry into question of cattle diseases in Cal. appended. (10 blenn. rept bd. health 1886/8: 71-75.) 1887. Correspondence with U. S. Dept. of Agric. re. suppression of pleuro-pneumonia among cattle; N. Y. legislation re. same. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 224-230.) 1887-1888. Advising passage necessary quarantine re- strictions by legisl. on all importations of livestock. (Same 1887 (p. 21) — same 1888.) 1888. Rept. of inspector of cattle disease in Southern Cal. (11 bienn. rept. bd. health 1888/90: 91-98.) . Rept. on cattle diseases prevalent in state; by Dr. Thos. Bowhill, M. R. C. V. S. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 228-234.) 189(?). Texas fever; by C. H. Blemer. 11 pp. (State veterinarian.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1891. Recommending passage of stringent laws for suppression of contagious diseases among live- stock. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891: 27-28.) 1894. Paper on subject of ravages of bacillus anthracis in Cal.; by C. L. Bard. (13 bienn. rept. bd. health 1892/4: 273-281.) 1899. Comment on Texas or splenetic fever and its control. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 29.) . Petition praying for change in laws re. quaran- tine agst. diseases among domestic animals. (Sen. jol. 33 sess. p. 519.) . Veto of act to provide for inspection of dairies, etc., and to prevent sale of milk drawn from dis- eased animals, etc. (Same 33 sess. pp. 1053-1054.) 1901. Sheep scab; its nature and treatment. 31 pp. (State veterinarian.) Repr. from Bull. 21, U. S. Bnrean Animal Industry. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Contagious and infectious diseases in animals in Cat; by Dr. C. H. Blemer. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 112-123.) Mtiles 1883. Table showing no. of mules in each co. and aver- age price according to age. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1883: 201.) QuABANTTfTE; See above. Inspection AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd 1863. Prize essay on sheep husbandry in CaL (Trans. state agric. socy. 1863: 134-145.) 1865. Sheep husbandry and dogs in Cal.; legislation to protect this kind of property from such destruction advised. (Same 1864/5: 63-65.) 1874. Sheep raising in Cal.; practical directions for breeding and handling sheep In Cal. with reference to direct profit; sheep work for each mo. ( Same 1874: 449-476; 563-569.) 1883. Table showing no. of sheep In each co., average price per head under and over one yr., and no. killed by dogs. (Same 1883: 204.) 1891. Causes for depression in sheep husbandry in state; protective legislation recommended agst. "scab." (Same 1891: 20-22.) 1892. Brief sketch of Importation of broad-tailed sheep of Persia. (AJl. agric. exper. station 1891/2: 202- 203.) State Vbteeinaeian See also below, Receipts and Expenditures. serial 1901/2. Rept. of state veterinarian. In Collected docs, as follows : 1901/2 in App. to jols. 35 sess. v. 2 doc 17. No more issued. non-serial 1902. State veterinarian act became law under consti- tutional provision, without govs, approval, Mch. 18. 1899. (Rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 53-55.) State Veteeinabt Medical Boabd See also above. Expenditures. serial Under act of March 23, 1893. 1893/4-1899/02. Bienn. rept. of state veterinary medi- cal bd., l-[4]. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1893/4 in App. to jols. 31 sess. v. 6 unnum. doc. 2. 1894/6 In App to jols. 32 sess. t. 6 doc. [2]. 3. 1896/8 in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 1 doc. nnnum. 1899/1902 in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2 doc IS. non-serial 1899. Rept. on state veterinary medical bd. (Rept of committee to make examination of state institu- tions 1899: 177-178.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. Swine 1874. Hogs vs. wheat. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 345-346.) 1883. Table showing no. of hogs in each co. and aver- age price over and under one yr. (Same 1883: 205.) 1893. Hog raising In Cal. (Same 1893: 17-19.) 1901. The growing of swine; by C. H. Sessions, of Los Angeles. (Same 1901: 89-90.) Poultty-Raising 1889. Lack of Interest in poultry industry in state — over one hundred and fifty carloads of dressed poultry imported Into Cal. ann. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 20-22.) 1899. Comment on poultry business in state. (Same 1899: 33.) 1900. Poultry culture; by H. Berrar, of San Jose. (Same 1900: 80-84.) 1901. Poultry culture and Its advantages in Cal.; by H. Berrar. (Same 1901: 91-99.) . Raising poultry In San Joaquin Valley; by G. Andrews. (Same 1901: 100-103.) 1904. Rept. of committee on the poultry exper. station. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1903/4: 89-90.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 45 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Premiums See also above. Bounty. 1858. Repts. of committees of award. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1858: 118-149.) 1858-1901. List of premiums awarded at state fair. (Same 1858 (pp. 150-165)— some 1901.) 1859. Newspaper rept. of tlie state fair, which reed, award for first premium. (Same 1859: 364-480.) 1863. Suggestion for increase and no. of premiums at the ann. fair; that legisl. require, by enactment, distr. and co. assessors to make, under oath, agric. and other statistical repts. to this dept. and pro- hibit payment of salary until this duty be faith- fully performed. (Same 1863: 22-24.) . Entry of articles and premiums awarded under state bounty law. (Same 1863: 61-63.) 1865. Circular sent out by bd. of agric. re. premium to be offered for best statistical and descriptive rept. of CO. assessors. (Same 1864/5: 222-223.) 1867-1871. Repts. of committees of award. (Same 1866/7 (pp. 159-175)— same 1870/1.) 1878. Table showing amts. appropriated to the various distr. and co. socys., amt. drawn, and amt. of pre- miums paid by each. (Same 1878: 14.) 1880-1894. Comparative table showing amt. of cash pre- miums of the socy. (Same 1894: 30.) 1892-1901. Premium list of 39th-47th ann. fair at Sac- ramento, 1892-1896, 1899-1901. 16°- Not seen ; entry from Bowker. HOKSES 1864-1901. See above. Livestock. Horses; these dates. Seed and Plant Distribution serial 1 series 1883-1886. Distribution of plants. 1 sheet. Checklist 1883 Univ. of Cal. Bxper. Station, bulls. 2, 5. " Elenn. rept agric. college 1883/4 : 104-109. 1884 Univ. of Cal. Exper. Station, bull. 29. " Bienn. rept agric. college 1883/4 : 104-109. 1885 Univ. of Cal. Exper. Station, bull. 50. " Bienn. rept agric. college 1885/6 : 160-162. 1886 Univ. of Cal. Bxper. Station, bull. 62. B 1884-1886. Distribution of seeds. 1 sheet. Checklist 1884 Univ. of Cal. Bxper. Station, bull. 22. " Bienn. rept agric. college 1883/4 : 106-107. 1885 Univ. of Cal. Exper. Station, bull. 47. ■ Bienn. rept agrfc. college 1883/4 : 158-160. *' " " 1883/4 : bull. 61. 2 series 1886 1887-1897. Distribution of plants and seeds. Checklist 1887 Univ. of Cal. Exper. Station, bulls. 68, 76. 2 sheets. 1888 " " " '' " bull- 81. 3 pp. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 bull. 84. bull. 89. bull. 95. bull. 98. bull. 103. bull. 106. bull. 109. bull. 112. bull. 118. 4 pp. 4 pp. 4 pp. 4 pp. 4 pp. 8 pp. 16 pp. 8 pp. 8 pp. 3 series 1899-1902. Distribution of seeds and plants; unnum. circulars. None seen ; title taken from Rept. agric. exper. station 1898/01 : 16. B 1899-1900. Exchange seed-list. No. 5, 1900, only no. seen. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Seed and Plant Distribution — cont'd norirserial 1890-1904. Repts. from misc.\ plants sent out from cen- tral station. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890 (pp. 221-236)— some 1901/3.) Not found In 1891/2. 1897-1904. Plants sent for identification and opinion as to their economic value. (Same 1897/8 (pp. 256- 261)— some 1903/4.) EXPBNDITUBES FOE; SCO aboVe, ExPENDITtTBES Soils 1876/7. Analyses of soils on Univ. grounds. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1876/7: 36-43.) 1876/7-1902/3. Analyses of soils. (Same 1876/7 (pp. 31-49) — Agric. exper. station some 1901/3.) 1877. Concerning industrial survey, transmission of soil specimens, etc.; by E. W. Hllgard. Apr., 1877. 5 (1) pp. (Bull, 26, Univ. of Cal.) 1879. List of Cal. soils in collection of agric. dept., Univ. of Cal., arranged by cos. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1878/9: 39-46.) 1880. Mechanical analysis of soil no. 168 from Ventura Co. re. capacity for raising moisture from great depths. (A.R. same 1880: 34.) 1881/2. Physical soil examinations; tilling qualities, how determined; moisture absorption; abstr. of Mr. L. Fisher's thesis on subject. (Bienn. rept. same 1881/2: 51-54.) . Table giving mechanical analyses of Cal. soils and subsoils. (Same 1881/2: foldg. table.) 1881/2-1894/5. Investigation and analyses of soils in following regions: Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, foothills of the Sierra, southern or Los Angeles region, coast region north and south of San Pablo Bay. (Same 1881/2 (pp. 19-51)— A.R. same 1894/5.) 1881/2-1902/3. General table giving analyses of Cal. soils and subsoils arranged by soil regions. (Sam,e 1881/2 (foldg. table) — Agric. exper. station same 1901/3.) Not found in ann. rept. 1894/5. 1884. Results of examinations by agric. dept. of Univ. of soils from Northern Coast Range region, and various upland soils; also of tule, marsh, and alkali lands, and soils of Southern Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884: 183-199.) . Examination of various upland soils. 1 sheet (Agric. exper. station, bull. 30.) . Examination of tule, marsh, and alkali soils; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 28.) . Examination of soils from Northern Coast Range region; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 27.) . Examination of grape-growing soils; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 24.) . Examination of Alameda Co. vineyard soils. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 25.) . Examination of soils from Southern Cal.; by Hil- gard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 15.) . Examination of soils; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 10.) . Concerning industrial survey, transmission of soil specimens, etc.; by E. W. Hilgard. rev. Jan., 1884. 7 pp. Revision of Bull. 26, Univ. of Cal. see above, 1877. 1885. Examination of soils and subsoils; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 36.) . Examination of soils and waters; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 33.) . Examination of soils from Bay region; by Hil- gard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 49.) 46 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Soils — cont'd 1889. Table giving analyses of soils of Foothill Exper. Station. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station 1888/9: 81.) . Table giving analyses of soils of southern foot- hills in Tuolumne, Mariposa, and Merced cos. (Same, 1888/9: 77.) . Analyses of soils of sec. along Central Pacific R.R., in Placer Co. {Same, 1888/9: 74.) . Analyses of soils of gravel plains and " Bedrock Lands " in Foothill Region, by cos. (Same 1888/9: 61.) . General feature of Foothill Region; occurrence of several soils; descriptions and analyses of soils of sections across foothills and of station tract. (Same 1888/9: 54-85.) . Soil investigation; its methods and results. {Same 151-172.) . Table giving location, depth, characteristic vege- tation, and analyses of soils in regions represented by the several exper. stations. {Same 1889 facing p. 148.) 1891/2. Mechanical analyses of soils. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1891/2: 41-48.) . Determination of organic nitrogen in soils. {Same 1891/2: 48-49.) 1892. The methods of physical and chemical soil analy- ses. {Same 1891/2: 241-257.) 1892/4. Investigations in soil physics; mechanical composition of soils re. moisture and water move- ments; influence of soil composition upon hygro- scopic moisture; capacity of soils for holding water; capillary rise of water In soils. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1892/4: 70-100.) . Table giving mechanical analyses of Cal. soils and subsoils by character, regions, locality, and co. foldg. table. {Same 1892/4.) 1893. Fruits and soils of the arid region. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 303-312.) 1894. On the digestion of soils for analyses; compari- son of hydrochloric and oxalic acid in soil extrac- tion. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1892/4: 61-65.) . Analysis of two Ky. blue-grass soils. (A.R. same 1892/4: 65-66.) . On nitrogen contents of soil humus in arid and humid regions. (Bienn. rept. same 1892/4: 66-70.) . Table giving average composition of soils in humid and arid regions of U. S. by states. {Same 1892/4: 119.) . Relations of soils to climate; the processes of soil formation; influence of climatic conditions upon physical character; comparison of soils from arid and humid regions of U. S.; alkali lands of arid regions. {Same 1892/4: 100-139.) 1894/5. Examination and analyses of Hollister Valley and Ferris Valley soils; also waters of Ferris Val- ley. (A.R. same 1894/5: 13-23.) 1895. Table giving amt. of soil ingredients withdrawn by various crops — grapes, oranges, wheat, cotton, etc. {Same 1894/5: 124-125.) . Supply of soil nitrogen; by E. W. Hllgard. {Same 1895: 32-35.) . Late progress in soil examination; tables giving soil analyses of Cal. and Hawaiian Islands soils; by E. W. Hilgard. {Same 1894/5: 23-32.) . Investigation of matiSre noire, or humus; by M. E. Jaffa. {Same 1894/5: 35-36.) 1897/8. Analyses and discussion of soils of East High- lands, San Bernardino Co. {Same 1897/8: 36-40.) . Same; of Sta. Maria and Slsquoc Valleys and Nipomo Mesa. {Same 1897/8: 33-36.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Soils — cont'd 1898. Conservation of soil moisture and economy in use of irrigating water; by Hilgard and Lough- ridge. 12 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 121.) . Moisture in Cal. soils during dry season; record of moisture determinations in uncultivated lands, in grain lands, in saltbush, hairy vetch, sugar- beets, etc., in vineyard lands, in orchard soils; gen- eral summary of results. (A.R. agric. exper. star tions 1897/8: 65-96.) 1898-1901. Mechanical and chemical analyses of soils: volcanic ash soil from near Placerville, soils of Pot- ter Valley, valley and mesa lands of San Gorgonio Pass. (Repts. same 1898/01 pt. 2: 172-184.) 1901. A laboratory study of the percolation of water through soils; by A. V. Stubenrauch. {Same 1898/01 pt. 2: 153-172.) . Investigation of soil sediments, as formed under arid conditions, re. their plant-food value; by L. M. Tolman. {Same 1898/01 pt. 1: 33-42.) 1901-1903. Chemical and mechanical examination and analyses of soils: northeastern lava-bed region, coast range region, Southern Cal. {Same 1901/3: 23-31.) . Table giving mechanical composition of Cal. soils by name, locality, and co. {Same 1901/3: 33.) 1903. Methods of physical and chemical soil analysis; B. W. Hilgard. 23 pp. (Circular 6, agric. exper. station.) 1903/4. Summary of work of division of soils. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1903/4: 28-34.) Alkali 1871. Alkali soils; practical mode of neutralizing or extracting alkali from soil. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 442-443; 475-477.) 1876/7-1880. Analyses of alkali soils. (Bienn. rept agric. college 1876/7 (p. 43) — A.R. same 1880.) 1877-1903. Publications on alkali lands and their re- clamation by Cal. Exper. Station and by E. W. Hil- gard, with pagings when found in repts. (Rept. agric. exper. stations 1901/3: 38-39.) 1880. Alkali soils and irrigation waters of San Joa- quin Valley. (A.R. agric. college 1880: 12-22.) [1889.] Rise of alkali in San Joaquin Valley; by Hil- gard. 4 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 83.) . Same. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. station 1888/9: 138-148.) 1890. Alkali; its nature, causes, and repression. (A.R. same 1890: 87-96.) 1890-1903. Analyses of alkali soils. {Same 1890 (pp. 96-99)— same 1901/3.) 1891/2. Alkali; reclamation test with gypsum at exper. station near Tulare. {Same 1891/2 (pp. 80- 90) — same bienn. rept. 1892/4.) 1892/4. Table showing composition of alkali in differ- ent states. (Bienn. rept. same 1892/4.) . Alkali and alkali soils; amt. and kind of soluble salts present in different portions of an alkali spot, from the center to circumference. {Same 1892/4: 140-145.) 1895. Distribution of salts in alkali soils; by Hilgard and Loughbridge. 14 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 108.) . The distribution of salts in alkali soils; effects of rainfall, irrigation, and application of gypsum, with analyses under the different conditions; Aus- tralian salt-bush on alkali soil; black and white alkali, etc. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 37- 69.) 1895-1897. Tables giving results of analyses of alkali soils in plots of 10-acre tract. Southern Cal. exper. station not heretofore analyzed with average com- position of alkali salts in entire tract. (Bienn. rept. same 1895/7: 47-48.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 47 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Soils— cont'd Alkali — cont'd 1895/6. Alkali soils of Tulare Bxper. Station; tables giving leachings of soil where grapevines lived, where they barely lived, and where they died. (Same 1895/7: 41-46.) 1897. Tables showing tolerance of various crops for alkali, with comments — grasses, legumes, beets, etc. (Same 1895/7: 48-51.) . Causes of so-called failure of gypsum in correct- ing evil of alkali soils. (Same 1895/7: 38-41.) 1898-1901. Investigation and analyses of alkali soils from Blsinore Valley, Tulare substation, and from Southern Cal. station to show effect of drouth on rise of alkali salts. (Kept, same 1898/01 pt. 2: 190- 194.) 1901. Tolerance of alkali by various cultures; by Loughridge. 43 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 133.) 1902. Cultural treatment of arid and alkali soils; by E. W. Hilgard. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 415-422.) Feetiuzation 1884. Examination of fertilizing materials and soils. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 8.) 1890. Chemical fertilization; fertilizing and fertil- izers; how to compound formulas; commercial fer- tilizer of modern origin. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1890: 290-304.) . Composition of ramie plant; fertilizing value of greasewood. 8 ppp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 94.) . Same. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 141-143; 181-190.) . Use of fertilizers in Cal. 4 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 88.) . Same. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 134-140.) 1892. Crops and fertilizers, with reference to Cal. soil and practice; by E. W. Hilgard. 16 pp. (Bull. 61, bd. hortic.) 1893. Fertilization in relation to irrigation. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 315-318.) 1894. Crops and fertilizers, with reference to Cal. soils and practice; table giving amt. of soil ingredients withdrawn by various crops; how to prevent ex- haustion of soil. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. sta- tions 1892/4: 200-213.) 1895. Improvement and fertilization of land; natur- ally faulty lands, and their correction; crops for green-manuring; the fertilization of land; by E. W. Hilgard. (A.R. same 1894/5: 114-135.) 1899. On fertilizing grain lands in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 7-8.) Viniculture; see Industries, etc. Liquor Viticultural Board serial 1883/4-1887/93. Rept. of the vitic. work [of the Col- lege of Agric. Bxper. Station]. Sacramento, 1886- 1896. Checklist 1883/4 and 1884/5. Univ. of Cal. College of agric. Kept, of viticultural wort during the seasons of 1883/4 and 1884/5, being app. iv to the rept. for 1884. With notes regarding the vintage of 1885-1886. By H. W. Hilgard. 1886. 210 pp. 1885/6. Same, during the seasons 1885 and 1886. Being app. vi to the rept for 1886. By B. W. Hilgard. 1886. 186 pp. 1887/9. Same, during the seasons 1887-1889, with data regarding the vintage of 1890. Part 1. Eedwlne grapes. Prepared under the direction of B. W. Hil- gard by li. Paparelil. Being a part of the rept of the regents of the Univ. 1892. 345 pp. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Viticultural Board — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1887/93. Same, during the seasons 1887-1893, with data regarding the vintages of 1894-1895. Being a part of the rept. of the regents of the Univ. 1896. vil (1), 466 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1883/4-1887/9 omitted. 1887/93 in App. to jols. 32 sess. v. 4 [doc. 4]. B Under Acts of April 15, 1880 and March 4, 1881. 1880-1893/4. Ann. rept. of bd. of state vitic. comrs., l[-5]. San Francisco, Sacramento, 1881-1894. Checklist 1. 1880 ed. 1, San Francisco, 1881. 91 pp. foldg. sheets. 1. 1880 ed. 2, rev. Sacr., 1881. 192 pp., foldg. sheets. 2. [1881/2] Sacr., 1882. 79 pp. 3. 1882/4. " The third ann. rept. of the comn. is contained In the second ann. rept. of the Chief Executive Viti- cultural Officer and covers the years 1882, 1883 and 1S84." (Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1887 : 11.) As worded, this statement is misleading. There Is no division of the Viticultural Officer's rept. referred to specifically occupied with the rept. of the viticultural comn. What It was intended to say was probably, that the rept. of the Viticultural Officer would be submitted also as the comn's. rept. unnum. 1887. Sacr., 1888. 144 pp. 1889/80. Sacr., 1890. 296 (1) pp. ilius. 1891/2. Sacr., 1892. 279 pp. with app. A-B. . App. A. Brandy distillation. 1892. 125 pp. . App. B-E are part of body of rept. " 1893/4. Sacr., 1894. 208 pp. with app. A-F. . App. A. Grape syrup. 1893. 15 pp. fig. . App. B. By Charles A. Wetmore. 92 pp. tables. pt. 1. Treatise concerning principles governing production of distinct types of wines in Europe and In Cal. 2. Cal. wines at World's Columbian Exposition, pt. 3. Questions pertaining to and internal revenue. pt. 4. Analyses of Cal. wines. . C-F are part of body of rept. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1880 pt. tariff 2. [1881/2] unnam. 1887 " 1889/90 " 1891/2 " 1893/4 " Comn. discontinued. and duties of bd, In App. to jols. 24 sess. v. 2. " " " " 9R " XT A 25 ' V. 4. 28 ' V. 5. 29 " V. 6. 30 " V. 5. 31 " V. 5. By iegisl. act of 1895 property were transferred to Univ. of Cal. App. 1. App. 2. 1881-1887. Ann. rept. of chief vitic. officer to bd. of state vitic. comrs., 1-2 et seq. Sacramento, 1882- 1884. Checklist 1. 1881. 1882. 174 pp., folded sheets. 1882/3-1883/4. 1884. 184 pp., folded sheets. Chalntre system of pruning and conducting the vine. 1883. 67 pp. Practical manual of pruning as practiced near Bordeaux. 1883. 61 pp. Different methods of grafting the vine. 1883. 62 pp. See note under rept. for 1888. In ann. rept. bd. state viticultural comrs. : 78-129. Oidlum (tuckerl) and the use of sulphur, pp. 90-96. The pure wine bill. pp. 97- 102. Bleaching seedless Sultana raisins, pp. 103-106. How to avoid and correct im- perfect fermentation. pp. 107-112. Viticulture in the south of France, pp. 113-118. Researches on the electrifica- tion of wine. pp. 119-125. App. 3. . 1887. App. 4-5 In ann. r 1887: App. 1. App. 2. App. 3. App. 4. App. 5. App. 6. 48 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE— cont'd Viticultural Board — cont'd serial — cont'd C — cont'd Checklist— cont'd unnum. 1888. No rept. per se issued. . App. 4. Grafting to muscats. 1888. 13 pp. . App. 5. Wines, their care and treatment In cellar and store, together with a short treatise on vinl- flcatlon. 1889. 148 pp. In opinion of compiler ahoTe app. 4 and 6 are Delated parts of 2d rept. and the wording of the t. p. " Ann. rept. for yr. 1888 " a mls-nomer. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1881 omitted. 2. 1882/3-1883/4 In App. to Jols. 26 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc. With appendices 1-3. 1889 in Ann. rept. Title, comrs. 1889 : 31-36. 1891/2 " " '' " " 1891/2:18-27. 1892/3 " " " " " 1892/3:22-27. ELDORADO DISTRICT Bl Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Mariposa, Placer, Nevada, Yuba, Sierra, Plumas, Lassen, Modoc, Alpine, Mono and Inyo. 1880-1894. Ann. rept. of dlstr. comr. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Ann. rept vltlc. comrs. 1881 : 29-30. Blanchard. 1881-1888 no repts. made. 1889 In Ann. rept. vltlc. comrs. 1889 : 54-56. Blanchard. 1890-1893 no repts. made. 1894 in Ann. rept. vltlc. comrs. 1893/4 : 33. Towle. LOS ANGELES DISTRICT Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, and San Luis Obispo cos. 1880-1894. Ann. rept. of dlstr. comr. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Ann. rept. vltlc. comrs. 1881 : 40-43. Rose. 1881 " " '• " " 1882:61-62. Rose. 1882-1886 no repts. made. 1887 in Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1887 : 57-59. Rose. 1888-1890 no repts. made. 1891/2 in Ann. repts. vitic. comrs. 1893/4 : 51-54. Blschowsky. 1893 in Ann. repts. vitic. comrs. 1893/4 : 45-50. Blschowsky. 1894 in Ann. repts. vltlc. comrs. 1893/4 : 31-33. Blschowsky. NAPA DISTRICT Napa, Solano and Contra Costa cos. 1880-1894. Ann. rept. of distr. comr. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Ann. rept. vltlc. comrs. 1881 : 73-74. Krug. 1881 " " *' " " 1882:43-45. Krug. 1882-1886 no repts. made. 1887 In Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1887 : 43-50. Krug. 1888 no rept. made. 1889 In Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1889 : 48-50. Prlber. 1890 no rept. made. 1891/2 In Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1891/2 : 55-60. Prlber. 1893 no rept. made. 1894 In Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1893/4 : 28-30. Crabb. SACRAMENTO DISTRICT Sacramento, Tolo, Sutter, Colusa, Butte, Tehama and Shasta cos. 1880-1894. Ann. rept. of the dlstr. comr. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Ann. rept vitic. comrs. 1881 : 31-33. Blowers. 1881 " " ^' " " 1882:52-53. Blowers. 1882-1893 no repts. made. 1894 in Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1894 : 34. Stephens. SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT City and co. of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey cos. 1880-1893. Ann. rept. of the distr. comr. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Ann. rept vltlc. comrs. 1881 : 21-23. Haraszthy. 1881 In Ann. rept. vltlc. comrs. 1882 : 46-51. Haraszthy. 1882-1888 no repts. made. 1889 in Ann. rept vltlc comrs. 1889 : 51-53. Bundschu. 1890-1892 no repts. made. 1893 in Ann. rept vltlc comrs. 1893/4 : 36-40. Bundschu. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Viticultural Board— cont'd serial — cont'd SAN JOAQUIN DISTRICT San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Fresno, Tulare and Kern. 1880-1894. Ann. rept. of the distr. comr. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1881 : 24-28. West 1881 " " '' " " 1882 : 54-60. West 1882-1886 no repts. made. 1887 in Ann. rept. vitic. comrs. 1887 : 54-56. West 1888-1890 no repts. made. 1891/2 in Ann. rept vitic. comrs. 1891/2 : 44-54. West 1893 no repts. made. 1894 in Ann. rept vltlc. comrs. 1894:30-31. West SONOMA DISTRICT Sonoma, Marin, Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity and Siskiyou cos. 1880-1894. Ann. rept. of the distr. comr. In Documents as follows : 1880 in Ann. rept vltlc. comrs. 1881 : 19-20. De Turk. 1881-1886 no repts. made. 1887 In Ann. rept vitic. comrs. 1887 : 51-53. De Turk. 1888 no rept. made. 1889 in Ann. rept. vltlc. comrs. 1889 : 44-47. De Turk. 1890 no rept made. 1891/2 In Ann. rept vltlc. comrs. 1891/2 : 42-44. De Turk. 1893 in Ann. rept vitic. comrs. 1893/4:40-44. De Turk. 1894 in Ann. rept vltlc. comrs. 1893/4 : 34-35. De Turk. EXPENDITUEBS FOB J See abOVB, EXPENDITTJEES Viticulture Bebliogbapht; see above, that title Contentions; see above, that title Cbop; see above, Cbops. Gbape Exhibits; see Industbies, etc. Liquoe No distinction is made by Cal. in her repts. between her viticultural and vlnicultural interests. Both are comprised within the repts. of the vltlc. comrs. Wherever possible the distinction has been made in this index, but it is advisable that persons interested in either the culture of the grape in Cal. or In the wine industry of Cal., should use both groups of material. ALAMEDA Climate; see that title Water Supply; see that title ALAMEDA COUNTY (1853) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Assessors; see Taxation: State Clay in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Coal Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Coal; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture Horticultural Com- mission Iron Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Iron; these dates. Manganese Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Man- ganese; these dates. Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Minerals; see Natural Resources Mines 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries. Mines; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Petroleum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Quicksilver in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Salt in; see Natural Resources. Mineral INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 49 ALAMEDA COUNTY (1853)— cont'd San Antonio Cieek Navigation; see Rtveb Consbbvancy Sandstone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Surveyor; see Land Taxes; see Taxation: County ALCOHOLISM; see PUBLIC HEALTH ALFALFA Crop; see Agriculture. Crops ALIENS Education; see that title Labor; see that title Population; see that title ALKALI LANDS; see LAND ALKALI SOILS; see AGRICULTURE. SOILS ALMOND Crop; see Agriculture. Crops ALMSHOUSES; see MAINTENANCE ALPINE COUNTY (1864) Assessors; see Taxation: State Forests; see Natural Resources Gold Production 1881. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; this date. Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Minerals; see Natural Resources Silver Mining 1892/4. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Silver; these dates. AMADOR COUNTY (1854) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Assessors; see Taxation: State Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Clay in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Coal Mines; see Natural Resources. Mineral Copper Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Cop- per; these dates. Forests; see Natural Resources Geology; see Natural Resources Gold in 1881. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; this date. 1888. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Iron in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Iron; these dates. Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mines 1879/80. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Mines and Mining 1888/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines; these dates. AMADOR COUNTY (1854)— cont'd 'Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Roads; see that title Silver Production 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. Mineral; these dates. Steatite and Serpentine in; see Natural Resources. Min- eral Surveyor; see Land Trachyte and Tufa in; see Natural Resources. Mineral AMPHIBOLE Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral ANALYST Reports; see Industries, etc. Inspection. Food and Drugs ANDERSON Climate; see that title ANGEL ISLAND Chert on; see Natural Resources. IVIineral Geology; see Natural Resources ANTIMONY Deposits; see Natural Resources APHIS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS APPLES Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Exports; see Commerce, etc. APPRENTICE SYSTEM; see LABOR APRICOT Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Diseases; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests ARBOR DAY; see NATURAL RESOURCES. FORESTS ARCATA Rainfall; see Climate ARCHITECTURE Schools; see Education. School Houses ARID LAND; see LAND ARIZONA Climate; see that title Production Peecious Metals; see Nattteal Resoiibces. Mineral. Pkoduction ARTESIAN WELLS; see NATURAL RESOURCES ASBESTOS Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral ASPARAGUS Diseases; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests ASPHALTUM Deposits; see Natural Resources ASSEMBLY Expenditures for; see Finance: State. Expenditures 50 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT; see TAXATION: STATE ASSESSMENT INSURANCE; see INSURANCE ATHLETICS; see EDUCATION. PHYSICAL TRAINING ATTORNEY GENERAL; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUS- TICE: STATE AUBURN Climate; see that title AUCTIONS License; see that title AWA; see FISH AND GAME BALTIMORE Fire; see Fires BANKRUPTCY 1895. Petition for speedy passage of bankruptcy bill. (Sen. jol. 31 sess. p. 122.) BANKS serial 23 ' V. 6 24 " V. 1 24 ' ' T.l 25 • ' V. 2 25 •• V. 5 25 ' ' T. 5 25 ' ' T. 5 Under Act of March 30, 1878. 1 series 1878/9-1883. Rept. of bd. of bank comrs., 1-5. Sacra- mento, 1879-1883. Checklist 1878/9 1 ann. rept .... to gov. June 30, 1879. 1879. 267 pp. 1879 Kept .... to legislature Jan. 1880. 1880. 221 1880 2 ann. rept .... to gov. June 30, 1880. 1880. 40 pp., fold?, sheet 1880 Kept to legislature, Jan. 1, 1881. n. t p. 197 (1) pp., foldg. sleet 1881 4 ann. rept .... to gov. Jan. 1882. 1882. 206 pp. 1882 Kept .... to gov. June 30, 1882. 1882. 155 pp. 1882 5 ann. rept .... to legislature. Jan. 1883. 1883. 244 pp. 1883 Rept .... to gov. July 1, 1883. 191 pp., 3 11., foldg. sheet In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1878/9 In App. to jols. 23 sess. v. 2 unnam. doc. unnum. 1879 " " " 2. 1880 unnum. 1880 " " " 4. 1881 unnum. 1882 ' 5. 1882 unnum. 1883 " " " Under the act of 1878 the bank comrs. were required to make two repts. each year, one to the legislature during the first week of the session and one to the governor at the close of the fiscal year, 1. e., June 30. This provision was unsatisfactory, and Its repeal Is frequently recommended In the comrs.' repts. The Irregularity In the series is shown in the above checklist Beginning with the sixth rept. the series is issued regularly as is shown below. 2 series 1883/4-1903/4. Ann. rept. of the bd. of bank comrs. for yr. endg. June 30, 6-26. In Collected docs, as follows : 6. 1883/4 in App. to jols. 26 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc. 7. 1884/5 " '^ " " 27 " v. 6 " 8. 1885/6 " " " 9. 1886/7 " 10. 1887/8 " 11. 1888/9 " 12. 1889/90 ' 13. 1890/1 " 14. 1891/2 15. 1892/3 " 16. 1893/4 ' 17. 1894/5 18. 1895/6 " 19. 1896/7 no rept printed for this year. 20. 1897/8 no rept printed for this year. 21. 1808/9 in App. to jols. 34 sess. v. 2 doc. 7. 22. 1899/00 " " " " 34 " v. 2 " 8. 27 ' ' V. 6 " 28 " V. 3 ** 28 ' ' V. 3 " 29 ' V. 3 ** 29 ' ' V. 7 " 30 " V. 4 ** 30 ' ' V. 4 ** 31 ' ■ V. 3 ** 31 ' V. 3 « 32 ' V. 3 doc. 1. 32 ' ' V. 3 " 2. BANKS— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd The 23 to 26 repts., 1900/-1903/4, are Included in the Collected documents of the 37th session, 1907, v. 2. In this form they were received by the compiler after the California copy had been set up, and too late for analyticals to be included in this index. non-serial 1853. Comments on bankers' licenses. (A.R. state comptroller 1852/3: 41-42.) 1854. Statistics showing large amt. of drafts drawn on Cal. banks In favor of families of citizens in east- ern states, as indicating wealth sent out of state as result of great expense and inconvenience of trans- porting families and illustrating need for practi- cable overland wagon road. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 28.) 1855. Enactment necessary to prohibit creation of paper money by banking corporations. (Same 1855: 31.) 1873. Stmt, showing names and capital stock, and money and real estate, etc., of some of the banks doing business in state. (Bienn. rept. state con- troller 1871/3: 18.) 1878. Table giving aggregate stmt, of banks and sav- ings banks June 30. (1 A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9: 9.) . Same; Dec. 31. (1 same 1878/9: 10.) . Stmt, showing changes in aggregate items of commercial banks, from June 30 to Dec. 31. (1 same 1878/9: 12.) . Aid tc bank comrs. in enforcing law agst. such banks and banking institutiops as refused to per- mit the exercise of visitorial and inquisitorial pow- ers conferred upon bank comrs. (Rept. atty. gen. 1878/9: 10.) . Stmt, showing condition of banks and savings banks when examined by bank comrs. (1 A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9: 219-258.) 1878-1880. Comparative stmt, showing aggregate items of commercial banks in state in active operation since July, 1878. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 10.) . Stmt, giving review of banking business for 2 yrs. (Some dated Jan. 1, 1881: 11-12.) 1878-1882. Comparative stmts, of commercial banks giving aggregate items July, 1878, to Jan., 1882. (4 same dated Jan. 1882: 10-11.) 1878-1887. Comparative stmt, of S. P. branches of for- eign banks showing aggregate resources and lia- bilities. (Same dated July 1885 (p. 11) — 9 same dated Aug. 1, 1887.) . Comparative stmt, of commercial banks showing aggregate resources and liabilities. (Sam,e dated July 1885 (p. 10) — same dated Aug. 1, 1887.) 1878-1888. Abstr. of repts. of savings, commercial, and foreign banks of Cal., showing aggregate resources and liabilities for series of yrs. (Same dated July 2, 1888: 12-13.) 1878-1900. Semi-ann. repts. of commercial banks. (1 same 1878/9 (pp. 101-215) — 22 same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1879. Stmt, giving aggregate stmt, of banks and sav- ings banks, June 30, 1879. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 5.) . Condensed stmt. re. commercial banks of state, compiled from stmts. Jan. 1. (1 same 1878/9 foldg. table.) . Condensed stmt, giving assets and liabilities of banks and savings banks of state, compiled from stmts. Jan. 1. (1 same 1878/9 foldg. table.) . Table giving names of banks and savings banks, with amt. paid by each for Its license In July, 1878, and with amt. due depositors Dec. 31, 1877. (1 same 1878/9: 6-8.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 51 BANKS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1879. Comparative summary giving aggregate amt. of deposits and assessment of banks and savings banks. (1 same 1878/9: 8.) . Stmt, giving list of banks with impaired capital. (1 same 1878/9: 25.) . Abstr. of stmts, of commercial banks Jan. 1, 1879. (1 same 1878/9 foldg. tables.) 1879-1880. Comparative stmt, showing total aggregate items of commercial and savings banks in active operation since July 1, 1879. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 11.) 1880. Aggregate stmt, of commercial banks on Jan. 1, 1880. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 38.) . Aggregate items of commercial and savings banks, Jan. 1, 1880. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 38-39.) . Advance stmts, of commercial banks, Jan. 1, 1880, together with statistical information, so far as reed. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 165-206.) . Stmt, giving aggregate items of active banks and savings banks, July 1. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 4.) 1880-1896. Semi-ann. tabular stmt, showing financial condition of commercial banks of state July 1, as reported to bank comrs. (2 same dated June 30, 1880 (foldg. table)— 18 same dated Sept. 1, 1896.) 1881. Recommendation for necessity of some remedial legislation in matter of banks when " in liquida- tion," particularly savings banks which are not on "mutual plans." (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 17.) 1881/2. Stmt, showing changes in resources and lia- bilities of banks from Jan. 1, 1881, to Jan. 1, 1882: 5 savings banks of S. F.; commercial banks, S. F.; commercial banks in state; 5 savings banks of state, with comments on same. (4 same dated Jan. 1882: 5-6.) 1882-1883. Comparative stmt, showing changes made in aggregate items of resources and liabilities within past yr. of all incorporated banks of state now in active operation. (Same dated July 1883: 7.) . Table giving aggregate items of Cal. banks, Jan. 1. (4 same dated Jan. 1882 (p. 5) — 5 same dated Jan. 1883.) . Same; S. F. banks, Jan. 1. (4 same dated Jan. 1882 (p. 4) — 5 same dated Jan. 1883.) 1882/3-1890. Stmt, giving list of new banks. (5 same dated Jan. 1883 (p. 4) — 12 same dated July 1890.) 1883. Stmt, of bank comrs. examinations of foreign commercial banks of S. F. (5 same dated Jan. 1883: 221-223.) . Same; commercial banks. (5 same dated Jan. 1883: 179-218.) . Bank comrs. examinations of commercial banks, from Jan. 1 to July 1, 1883. (Same dated July 1883: 181-191.) . Table showing to what extent each bank has liquidated its liabilities due depositors, since date of suspension, and amt. now due depositors, excl. of dividends unpaid. (Same dated July 1883: 5.) . Opinion of atty. gen. re. banks in liquidation, and to dividends being paid banks from uncol- lected interest. (Same dated July 1883: 9.) . Recommendation for all banks to discontinue practice of loaning funds to officers or stockholders, upon their own capital stock as collateral security. (Same dated July 1883: 8.) 1883/4. Comparative stmts, of resources and liabili- ties of savings and commercial banks, showing changes that have occurred during yr. (6 same dated July 1884: 12.) 1883/4-1885. Banks comrs'. examinations of savings and commercial banks of Cal. and of banks in liqui- BANKS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd dation, showing dates when they were examined. (6 same dated July 1884 (pp. 333-378)— 7 same dated July 1, 1885.) 1884. Recommendation to commercial bank of Cal. that at least 30% of amt. due depositors shall be carried in coin on hand at all times. (6 same dated July 1884: 10.) . Recommendations to amend sees. 287 and 288 of civil code, so that pt. iv, div. 1 of code, shall gov- ern all banking corporations alike. (6 same dated July 1884: 14.) . Recommendation for payment to commercial and savings banks of Cal. of loans by banks to any person upon its own shares of capital stock as col- lateral security for such loan. (6 same dated July 1884: 10.) . Comments on reserve fund and suggestion to keep certain amt. to credit of " reserve fund,' also keep smaller amt. to credit of profit and loss, and from latter named acct. pay losses that may occur at any time. (6 same dated July 1884: 7-8.) . Comments on loans and Investments; opinion of atty. gen. on same. (6 same dated July 1884: 8-9.) . Recommendation for change in bank act so that only an ann. examination shall be required. (6 same dated July 1884: 6.) . General provisions relating to banking. (6 same dated July 1884: 15.) . Laws re. commercial banks; recommendations for amdmt. (6 same dated July 1884: 15.) 1884-1885. Stmt, showing changes that have occurred in items of capital and reserve of Cal. incorporated banks within past yr. (6 same dated July 1884 (p. 4) — 7 same dated July 1, 1885.) 1884-1900. Semi-ann. repts. of banks in liquidation. (6 same dated July 1884 (pp. 169-178) — 22 same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1884/5. Comments on liquidating banks, also stmt, giving condition of each savings and commercial bank in liquidation, July 1, 1885. (7 same dated July 1885: 6-7.) . Recommendation for indorsing payments of both principal and interest on notes of borrowers; fill- ing out memorandum tags for deposits to general accts. and making charges to general accts. by memorandum checks, and treating all credits and debits of general accts. of bank same as each indi- vidual acct. (7 same dated July 1885: 13.) . Recommendation for banks who have not adopt- ed " daily trial balance " to do so at once, not only for convenience, but for safety. (7 same dated July 1885: 13.) . Stmt, giving banking capital invested, together with amts. due individual depositors within differ- ent cos. of state where banks are located. (7 same 1885: 5.) . Recommendation for necessary confirmation by cashier or mngr. at close of business each day of amt. of cash on hand. (7 same dated July 1885: 13.) 1885/6. Table showing banking capital actually in- vested, with amts. due individual depositors with- in different cos. (8 same dated Aug. 1886: 13-14.) . On banks that have changed their charters. (8 same dated Aug. 1886: 15.) . Semi-ann. repts. of S. P. branches of foreign banks. (8 same dated Aug. 1886: 369-388.) . Comments on manner of examination of banks. (8 same dated Aug. 1886: 6-7.) 53 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA BANKS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1886/7. Table showing banking capital Invested, wltb assets due Individual depositors In state incorpo- rated banks -within different cos., and increase and changes and redistribution which have taken place from July 1, 1886, to July 1, 1887. (9 same dated Aug. 1887: 14.) . Comments on accrued interest. (9 same dated Aug. 1887: 7-8.) 1887. Stmt, giving deposits and cash on hand in all banks of state, July 1. (9 same dated Aug. 1887: 13.) 1887-1900. Aggregate of all banks of state, July 1. (10 same dated July 2, 1888 (pp. 16-17) — 22 same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1887/8. Comments on real estate in commercial banks and causes of failure. (10 same dated July 2, 1888: 9-11.) . Comments on investigating committees. (10 same dated July 2, 1888: 7-9.) 1887/8-1900. Comparative stmts, of savings, commer- cial, foreign, private banks for July, 1887, Jan. and July, 1888, et seq.; with aggregates. (10 same dated July 2, 1888 (pp. 14-17)— 22 same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1889. Comments on national and state banking. (11 same dated July 1, 1889: 10-15.) 1890. Suggestion that statute be enacted fixing mini- mum amt. of cash capital required before any cor- poration, persons, or assn. can engage in banking business, amt. to vary with localities. (12 sam,e dated July 1, 1890: 5.) 1890-1900. Stmt, giving list of state and private banks returned. (12 same dated July 1, 1890 (p. 7)— 22 same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) . Stmt, giving no. of new state banks, savings, commercial, national, private. (12 same dated July 1, 1890 (p. 7)— 22 same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1891. Comments on Bankers' Assn. (13 same dated July 1, 1891: 5.) . Comments on banking legislation and suggestion for law requiring certain amt. of paid-up capital. (13 same dated July 1, 1891: 3-4.) 1891-1895. Comparative stmt, of S. F. banks and re- capitulation. (14 same dated July 1, 1892 (p. 15) — 17 same dated July 1, 1895.) 1892. Suggestion that law should forbid use of word " bank," or any equivalent term, by corporations, persons, or associations not having legally required cash capital or reserve, or not doing legitimate banking business. (14 same dated July 1, 1892: 3.) 1893. Comments on banking law, and opinions of atty. gen. on same. (15 same dated July 1893: 4-6.) 1893-1894. Banks and banking in Cal. — panic of 1893 and failures growing out of it; comparative stmt. of no. of bank failures throughout U. S. during financial panic; deficiency in bank comrs'. apprn. (Rept. atty. gen. 1893/4: 14-21.) 1893-1896. Stmt, giving total savings, commercial, for- eign and private banks. (15 A.R. bank comrs. dated July 1893 (p. 14) — 18 same dated Sept 1, 1896.) 1895. Semi-ann. repts. of banks in liquidation (volun- tary). (17 same dated July 1895: 544-557.) . Same (involuntary). (17 some dated July 1895: 560-572.) . Comments on amended bank act and suggestion that law be amended again to prevent practice of permitting savings bank to be conducted in same room with commercial banks and governed by same officers. (17 same dated July 1895: 2-3.) 1895/6. Recommendations for amdmt. to law in case of insolvent banks. (18 sam^ dated Sept. 1, 1896: 13.) BANKS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1896. Stmt, giving total list of banks closed and in liquidation, including those declared Insolvent. (18 same dated Sept. 1, 1896: 3.) 1897. Recommendation that law limiting and fixing amt. of money an officer or director may be per- mitted to borrow from his own bank be enacted. (19 same dated Sept. 25, 1897: 369.) 1897-1898. Law placing bank declared insolvent back into hands of directors for purpose of winding up its affairs during process of liquidation is gross in- jury to creditors and depositors of such institu- tions; recommendation that receiver be apptd. by court and be responsible to court; his compensa- tion be fixed by bd. of bank comrs. (19 same dated Sept. 25, 1897 (p. 369)— 20 same dated Sept 30, 1898.) 1898/00-1902. Stmt showing deposits with state treas- urer authorized by state bd. of bank comrs. (A.R. state treasurer 1898/00 (p. 70)— bienn. rept. same 1900/2.) Bank Commissioners 1879. Opinion of atty. gen. on " act creating bd. of bank comrs. and prescribing their duties and pow- ers." (1 A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9: 5-6.) . Recommendation for amdmt. of bank comrs'. act: to require one examination a yr. instead of every 6 mos.; to make assessments for licenses on more equitable basis; to change time of making ann. repts. (1 same 1878/9: 26-27.) . Decision of Supreme Court in favor of right and duty of comrs. to examine affairs of all incorpo- rated banks, and recommendation of comrs. re. amdmt. of law so as to require only one examina- tion per yr. instead of semi-ann. (1 same 1878/9: 26.) 1883. Special rept of the bd. of bank comrs. [request- ing several amdmts. in act creating a bd.]. 8 pp. (App. to Sen. and Assem. jols. 25 sess. v. 5 doc. [3].) 1892. Defects in laws re. bank comrs.; legal provision should be made compelling bldg. and loan assns. to contribute towards support of bd. and to make repts. to same; also amdmts. so that speedy, ade- quate, and summary proceedings may be iiad to close up insolvent savings banks. (Rept atty. gen. 1891/2: 10.) 1899. Rept on bd. of bank comrs. (Rept. of commit- tee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 160-165.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. Co-operative 1894-1896. Tabular stmt showing no. of series, no. of shares, and resources and liabilities of co-operative banks of state. (1 A.R. bldg. and loan assns. 1893/4 (foldg. table)— 3 same 1896.) . Same; showing receipts and disbursements of co-operative banks m state. (1 same 1893/4 (foldg. table) — 3 same 1896.) 1895. Same; showing authorized capital, shares, fore- closures, security, and other statistics of co-opera- tive banks of state. (2 same 1894/5 foldg. table.) Funds; see below, Receipts and Expenditures; do. Savings Bank Fund Laws 1882. Act creating bd. of bank comrs. and prescribing their duties and powers. (4 A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1882 (pp. 197-199)— soTree dated Aug. 1. 1887.) 1888. Sections of constitution and codes of Cal. re- lating to banks and banking. (Same dated July 2, 1888: 559-619.) INDEX TO DCK3TJMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 63 BANKS— cont'd Laws — cont'd 1892. Same; and bldg. and loan assns.; compiled by W. W. Moreland. 87 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1894. Act to compel savings banks to publish sworn stmt, of all unclaimed deposits. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated July 1894: 558.) 1895. Act creating a bd. of bank comrs. and prescrib- ing duties; approved Mch. 30, 1878, and as amended Mch. 10, 1887, and Mch. 26, 1895. 13 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. National Banks 1887-1900. Comparative stmts, of national banks, July. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated July 2, 1888 (pp. 16- 17)— some dated Sept. 12, 1900.) . Ann. repts. of national banks in state. (Same dated Aug. 1887 (pp. 445-472) — same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1887/8. Comments on national banks. (Same dated July 2, 1888: 5-6.) 1888-1896. Semi-ann. tabular stmt, showing financial condition of national banks of state July 1, as re- ported to bank comrs. (Same dated July 2, 1888 (foldg. table)— same dated Sept. 1, 1896.) Private Banks See also above, among general material. 1880. Comment on private banks; should they rept. and be subject to examination? (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1880: 11-12.) 1887-1900. Semi-ann. repts. of private banks of Cal. (Same dated Aug. 1887 (pp. 411-442) — same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1887/8. Comments on private banks and list of new ones added to rept. (Same dated July 2, 1888: 4.) 1888-1896. Semi-ann. tabular stmt, showing financial condition of private banks of Cal., Jan. 1, 1888, as reported to bank comrs. (Same dated July 2, 1888 (foldg. table)— 18 same dated Sept. 1, 1896.) 1888/9. List of new private banks. (Same dated July 1, 1889: 4.) Receipts and Expenditures 1878-1898. Table showing total receipts collected by bank comrs. from banks each yr. and paid to state treasurer. (Rept. of committee to make examina- tion of state institutions 1899: 160.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1878-1900. Stmt, of all moneys reed, by bank comrs. from their apptmt.. May 16, 1878. (1 A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9 (p. 27) — same dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1878/9-1887. Stmt, giving expenses of comn. for yr. (1 same dated June 1879 (p. 6) — same dated Aug. 1, 1887.) 1879/80. Stmt, showing amt. paid by each commercial bank for its license, July 1, 1879, to June 30, 1880. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 45-46.) . Same; by each savings bank for its license, July 1, 1879, to June 30, 1880. (2 same dated June 1880: 45.) 1880-1900. Stmt, of amts. paid for bank licenses by banks and savings banks, July 1. (Same 1881 (pp. 23-24)— some dated Sept. 12, 1900.) 1882-1904. Stmt, showing expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for bank comrs. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (p. 60)— some 1902/4.) 1888-1904. Stmt, of condition of bank comrs'. fund. (Same 1886/8 (p. 88)— some 1902/4.) 1896. Stmt, showing amt. and kind of securities de- posited In state treasury, upon order and approval of state bd. of bank comrs. on acct. of corporations acting as executors and in other capacities, on hand June 30. (A.R. state treasurer 1894/6: 57.) BANKS— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1904. Stmt, showing deposits on hand June 30, author- ized by state bd. of bank comrs. to be held by state treasurer on acct. of " corporations acting as execu- tors and in other capacities." (Same 1902/4: 82.) Savings Banks See also above, among general material. See also below. Banks : Individual. 1870-1896. Comments on savings banks; table showing deposits at comparative dates. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Sept. 1, 1896: 2.) 1878. Stmt, showing changes in aggregate items of savings banks, from June 30 to Dec. 31. (1 same 1878/9: 11.) . Semi-ann. repts. of five suspended savings banks. (1 same 1878/9: 89-98.) 1878-1880. Comparative stmt, showing aggregate items of savings banks of state, in active operation for 2 yrs. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 10.) 1878-1882. Comparative stmts, of savings banks exhib- iting aggregate resources and liabilities, July 1, 1878, to Jan. 1, 1882. (4 same dated Jan. 1882: 9- 10.) 1878-1887. Same; showing several items of resources and liabilities and aggregate amt. of same. (Same dated July 1885 (p. 9) — same dated Aug. 1, 1887.) 1878-1900. Semi-ann. repts. of savings banks. (1 some 1878/9 (pp. 33-86)— some dated Sept. 2, 1900.) 1879. Stmt, showing changes in aggregate items of 23 live savings banks from July 1, 1878, to June, 1879. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 6.) . Abstrs. of stmts, of savings banks of state, Jan. 1, 1879. (1 some 1878/9 foldg. table.) . Characteristics of yr's. business of live savings banks, and comments. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 7-11.) 1879/80. Same; savings banks. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 5-9.) 1880. Stmt, giving aggregate items of S. F. and in- terior savings banks (separately), July 1. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 5.) . Condensed history of savings banks; earliest savings banks in Europe and U. S. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 13-33.) . Suggestion that bank comrs. be required to re- vise and consolidate laws concerning savings insti- tutions of state, with amdmts. as may be deemed important, to rept. same, in form of one complete and general act, to legisl. during first wk. of sess. of 1881. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 33.) . Aggregate stmt, of 24 savings banks, Jan. 1, 1880. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 38.) . Advance stmts, of savings banks, Jan. 1, 1880, with statistical information, so far as reed. (Same Jan. 1880: 139-161.) . Repts. of suspended savings banks, Jan. 1, 1880, with stmts, of dividends declared (in liquidation). (Same dated Jan. 1880: 209-212.) . Comment on savings banks retiring from busi- ness, etc. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 37.) . Table showing dividends to depositors of savings banks to Jan. 1, 1880, and comments. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881: 14-16.) . Recommendations for better protection of deposi- tors in savings banks with capital stock, while liquidating, etc. (Same dated Jan. 1880: 32-33.) 1880-1896. Semi-ann. tabular stmt, showing financial condition of live savings banks of state, July 1, as reported to bank comrs. (2 some dated June 30, 1880 (foldg. table)— 18 same dated Sept. 1, 1896.) 1882. Semi-ann. repts. of 7 suspended savings banks. (4 some dated Jan. 1882: 53-64.) 54 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA BANKS— cont'd Savings Banks — cont'd 1882-1S83. Stmts, showing condition of savings banks •when examined by comrs. (4 same dated Jan. 1882 (pp. 153-192)— 5 same dated Jan. 1883.) . Comparative stmt, showing to what extent ag- gregate items of resources and liabilities of 8 live savings banks of S. P. have increased or decreased within yr. ISame dated July 1883: 6.) 1883. Kept, of minority dissenting from majority on favoring passage of Sen. bill 151 re. savings banks. (Sen. jol. 25 sess. pp. 214-215.) . Stmt, of bank comrs'. examinations of savings banks in liquidation. (5 AJEt. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883: 175-176.) . Semi-ann. repts. of savings banks in liquida- tion, Jan. 1. (5 same dated Jan. 1883: 45-53.) . Bank comrs'. examinations of savings banks from Jan. 1 to July 1, 1883. (Some dated July 1883: 173-177.) . Semi-ann. repts. of suspended savings banks, July 1, 1883. (Same dated July 1883: 53-61.) 1883-1885. Comparative stmt, from statistical infor- mation of active savings banks of state. {Same dated July 1885: 7.) 1883/4. Statistical information: comparative stmt, of 17 savings banks, showing changes that have oc- curred during yr. endg. Jan. 1, 1884. {Same dated July 1884: 6-7.) 1884. Stmt, showing condition of savings banks in liquidation, July 1. {Same dated July 1884: 5.) . Comments on dividends of savings banks and suggestion that laws be so amended as to Justly regulate inequality of rates, avoiding any injustice to either stockholders or depositors. {8am.e dated July 1884: 7.) 1885-1887. Comparative stmt, of statistical information of savings banks; summary of most imi>ortant items. {Same dated Aug. 1887: 9.) 1887. Rept. of special savings banks committee on Assem. bill 402, for govt, of savings banks, and for protection of depositors in same; recommending that a substitute pass, and charging bank directors with unjust financiering in the matter of unequal interest paid to depositors and stockholders. 2 11. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8 doc. [22].) . Rept. on investigation of moneys on dei>osit in various savings and loan banks of state remaining unclaimed beyond statutory period. (Assem. jol. 27 sess. pp. 591-592.) 1887/8. Comments on savings banks. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated July 2, 1888: 6-7.) 1891. Comments on savings banks as adjuncts to com- mercial banks. {Same dated July 1, 1891: 4-5.) 1892-1904. Stmt, of condition of dissolved savings bank fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1890/2 (p. 99) — same 1902/4.) 1894-1899. Bienn. stmts, of unclaimed deposits in sav- ings banks of state [as per act of legisl. approved Mch. 23, 1893]. (A.R. bd. bank comrs dated July 1894 (pp. 359-577)— same dated Sept. 4, 1899.) 1895. Recommendation that savings banks be prohib- ited from taking from any individual deposits to exceed in aggregate $5000; and that in commercial banks no oflScer, director, or employe should be per- mitted to borrow from bank sum to exceed 10% of its paid-up capital. {Same dated July 1895: 3.) 1895/6. Recommendation that law should prohibit the merging of savings bank with commercial bank, and commercial bank with savings bank. {Same dated Sept. 1, 1895/6: 13.) 1904. Comment on the state savings banks, showing no. of deposit accts, etc., in savings banks of state, Jan. 1. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 119-120.) BANKS— cont'd Savings Banks — cont'd Savings Bank Fund 1892-1900. Stmt, showing amts. paid into state treas- ury Dec. 15, 1892, to credit of dissolved savings bank fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1890/2 (pp. 130-136) — same 1898/00.) 1894. Bonds purchased for benefit of dissolved savings bank fund. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 5-6.) Taxation; see Taxation: State. Corporations Trust Companies 1895-1900. Semi-ann. repts. of trust cos. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated July 1895 (pp. 540-542) — sam^ dated Sept. 12, 1900.) BANKS: INDIVIDUAL Bank of British North America 1889. Decision in case of Bank of British North Amer. vs. Israel Cohn; Supreme Court has decided that law of 1876 requiring all banks in state to publish stmts. Jan. 1 and July 1, still in force. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated July 2, 1889: 5.) Bank of Mendocino 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 229) — same dated July 1, 1885.) California Savings and Loan Society, San Francisco 1883-1885. Statistical information of socy. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 227}— same dated July 1, 1885.) Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Savings, San Francisco 1878. Stmt, giving assets and liabilities of bank, Aug. 29. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9: 15-16.) 1888/9. Comments on liquidation of bank. {Same ■ dated July 1, 1889: 4-5.) French Bank 1887/8. Comments on liquidation of original French Bank and stmt, of dividends in liquidation de- clared. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated July 2, 1888: 4-5.) French Savings and Loan Society, San Franscisco 1878. Comments on investigation of socy.; also stmt. giving condition of same. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9: 16-20.) 1883-1885. Statistical information of socy. {Same dated Jan. 1883 (p. 221)— same dated July 1, 1885.) German Savings and Loan Society, San Francisco 1883-1885. Statistical information of socy. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 228) — same dated July 1, 1885.) Hibernian Savings and Loan Society 1883-1885. Statistical information of socy. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 228) — same dated July 1, 1885.) Humboldt Savings and Loan Society, San Francisco 1883-1885. Statistical information of socy. {A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 229) — sam^ dated July 1, 1885.) Masonic Savings and Loan Bank, San Francisco 1878. Stmt, giving condition of bank; comments on same. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9: 13-14.) Merced Security Savings Bank 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 230) — sam^ dated July 1, 1885.) Oakland Bank of Savings 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 230) — same dated July 1, 1885.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 55 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Odd Fellows' Savings Bank, San Francisco 1878. Stmt, of condition of bank, Oct. 19. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. 1878/9: 20-25.) Peoples' Savings Bank, Sacramento 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 231) — same dated July 1, 1885.) San Francisco Savings TTnion, San Francisco 1883-1885. Statistical information. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 231) — same dated July 1, 1885.) 1887. Comrs'. decision: People vs. San Francisco Sav- ings Union. (Same dated Aug. 1887: 501-503.) Santa Cruz Bank of Savings and Loan 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 232) — same dated July 1, 1885.) Savings and Loan Society, San Francisco 1883-1885. Statistical information. (A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 232) — same dated July 1, 1885.) Security Savings Bank, San Francisco 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank, bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 233) — ^ July 1, 1885.) Stockton Savings and Loan Society 1883-1885. Statistical information. (A.R. comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 234) — same 1, 1885.) Stockton Savings Bank 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank, bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 233) — July 1, 1885.) Union Savings Bank, Oakland 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank, bank comrs. dated Jan. 1, 1883 (p. dated July 1, 1885.) Vallejo Savings and Commercial Bank 1883-1885. Statistical information of bank, bank comrs. dated Jan. 1883 (p. 235) — t July 1, 1885.) BARBERS License; see that title BARLEY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Exports; see Commerce, etc. Prices; see that title BARYTA Deposit; see Natural Resources. Mineral BASS; see FISH AND GAME BATHS Public; see Public Ownership and Regulation BEAR RIVER; see RIVER CONSERVANCY BEE CULTURE; see AGRICULTURE BEET SUGAR Industry; see Industries, etc. Sugar BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS 1887. Comments on The Firemen's Relief Fund law. (20 A.R. insurance comr. 1887: 6-7.) (A.R. bd. same dated bd. bank dated July (A.R. bd. ■same dated (A.R. bd. 234) — same (A.R. bd. ■sarne dated BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS— cont'd 1889. Investigation into plans ana practices of co- operative insurance organizations, chiefly those known as endowment assns. 86 pp. (Bureau of labor statistics.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1894. Recommendation that a just and reasonable measure be enacted, placing secret and fraternal orders under supervision of this dept. (26 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 8.) . Comments on cut rates, youth's endowments, Minneapolis Masonic relief. (27 same 1894: 33-35.) 1895. Comments on fraternal fire insurance. (28 same 1895: 6.) 1903. Table showing assessment life and sick benefit insurance business for yr. — Cal. business. (36 same 1903: 29.) BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS: INDIVIDUAL Fraternal Life Association of San Francisco 1894. Comments on. (27 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 35.) Mutual Benefit Life Association of America 1894. Comments on revoking the certificate of. (27 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 27-28.) Mutual Relief Association of Petaluma 1894. Comment on. (27 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 37.) World Mutual Benefit of West Virginia 1894. Comments on admittance of World Mutual Bene- fit of W. Va. to do business in Cal. (27 A.R. in- surance comr. 1894: 39.) BERKELEY Climate; see that title BIRTHS; see VITAL STATISTICS BLASTOPHAGA; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS BOILER INSPECTION 1897. Petition for passage of act for protection of life and property agst. insecure steam boilers. (Assem. jol. 32 sess. pp. 619-620.) BORAX Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral BOUNTY Agriculture; see that title Animal 1892-1896. Stmt, showing no. of coyote scalps for which certificates have been issued up to Oct. 1, 1892, according to quarterly repts. rendered con- troller by CO. clerks. (Bienn. repts. state controller 1890/2 (pp. 128-129)— some 1894/6.) 1892-1904. Comments on coyote scalp bounty. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1893 (p. 42) — same 1902/4.) 1893. Govs, mess.; coyote bounties, etc. (Sen. jol. 30 sess. pp. 542-543; Assem. jol. pp. 516-518.) 1896. Comment on bounty on coyote scalps and recom- mendation that apprn. be made. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1894/6: 31.) 1901. Veto of act authorizing suits agst. state on de- mand for bounty on coyote scalps. (Sen. jol. 34 sess. p. 1179.) 1901-1904. " Coyote scalp " cases. (Rept. atty. gen. 1900/2 (pp. 9-10)— some 1902/4.) 1903. Stmt, of judgments agst. state in " coyote scalp " cases. (Assem. jol. 35 sess. pp. 163-164.) Forest Culture; see Natiural Resources. Forests 56 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CA1.IPORNIA BRANDY Exports; see Commerce, etc BRICK-MAKING; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. BRIDGES 1852. Repts. re. condition of and abases connected with toll bridge at Salmon Falls. (Assem. joL 1852: 432-433; 446-448.) 1855. Veto of act granting right to construct toll bridge across Amer. River, as special legislation granting corporate powers. (Sen. joL 1855: 471- 473.) . Rept [favorable] of majority of judiciary com- mittee on constitutionality of " act granting to J. L. Graves and T. C. Burton and such others as they may associate with them, right to construct toll bridge across Amer. River, at or near Miss, bar." 7 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 6 sess. doc. 23.) 1857. Unfavorable rept. re. act granting to certain persons the right to construct a toll bridge across Tuolumne River. (Assem. joL 8 sess. pp. 158.) . Favorable rept. on act authorizing construction of a bridge across Sacramento River betw. city of Sacramento and town of Washington. (.Same 8 sess. pp. 370-371.) 1872. Stmt, of facts ace. rept. of committee on claims on Assem. bill 365, "act to fund certain Indebted- ness due and owing by co. of Contra Costa to T. C. Oilman," on acct. of bridge built across San An- tonio Creek, In Oakland. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 19 sess. V. 4 doc. [11].) 1900/1. Table of bridges by cos., giving span, kind, width of roadway, cost, and remarks. (Bienn. rept dept highways 1901/2: 36.) Expenditures for 1898. Cost of steel bridges and of stone bridges. (Bienn. rept. dept highways 1897/8: 28-30.) 1890-1898. Table showing expenditures by the several cos. for bridges and culverts for 8 yrs. (Same 1897/8: 24-25.) BROOKITE Dei>osits; see Natural Resources. Mineral BROOM CORN Crop; see Agriculture. Crops BUBONIC PLAGUE; see PUBLIC HEALTH. EPIDEMICS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS serial 1 series Under Act of March 13, 1891. 1890/1-1891/2. Rept of bldg. and loan assns. by bd. of bank comrs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1890/1 In App. to jols. 30 eess. v. 1 TinnTiin doc 1891/2 " " " " 30 " v. 1 2 series Under chapter 188, Statutes of CaL 1893/4-1903/4. Ann. rept of bldg. and loan assns. comrs., 1-11. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1893/4 In App. to jols. 31 sess. v. 4 onnnm. doc 2. 1894/5 " -^ " " 32 " v. 7 [doc 1]. 3. 1895/6 " " " " 32 " T. 7 [doc 2]. 4-5. 1896/7-1897/8 not printed. 6. 1898/9 In App. to jols. 34 sess. v. 3 doc [51. 7. 1899/00 •• **^ " " 34 " V. 3 doc [6]. 8-9. 1900/1-1901/2 not printed. 10-11. 1902/3-1903/4 omitted. lABt rept. made by this comn. Act of Ifch. 21, 1905 created Bldg. and I/oan Comrs. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— cont'd non-serial 1872-1900. Table giving no. of assns. for each succes- sive yr. from earliest date. (1 A.R. bldg. and loan assns. 1893/4 (p. 21)— 7 same 1900.) No repts. 1897, 1898. 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904. 1873. List of savings and loan societies of city of S. P., and amt. of deposit in each, July 1. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3; 18-19.) 1889. Investigation of purposes and practices of cer- tain so-called "national bldg. and loan assns."; held in S. P. 56 pp. (Bureau of labor statistics.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1892. Rept on " national " bldg. and loan assns. 18 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Comments on bldg. and loan assns. and sugges- tion that act be so amended as to relieve this comn. of its present connection with bldg. and loan assns. and that Cal. follow example of other states, where- in bldg. and loan assns. are put tmder special supervision. (14 A.R. bd. bank comrs. dated July 1, 1892: 4.) 1892-1894. Many so-called guarantee and loan assns. in state are foreign corporations doing business with- out local restraint; recommendation that law be passed compelling them to obtain license from bank comrs. before doing business, and requiring them to make deposit of securities with state treasurer. (Rept atty. gen. 1891/2 (p. D—same 1893/4.) 1892-1896. Comparative table showing increase of busi- ness during iiast 2 yrs. of bldg. and loan assns. (1 A.R. bldg. and loan assns. 1893/4 (pp. 30-31) 3 same 1896.) 1893-1896. Table giving series matured during yr., giving names of assns., location, secy., date of ma^ turity, dues, profits, etc. (1 same 1893/4 (p. 52)— 3 same 1896.) 1894. Comments on ill-advised system of loaning; sug- gested not to allow member of bd. of directors to systematically further individual schemes at risk of assns.; to scrutinize each proposed loan carefully, and see that conservative estimate is placed upon property offered; to consider carefully standing and character of each applicant for loan. (1 same 1893/4: 7-8.) . Discussion of plans by which bldg. and loan assns. in state are managed; plan originally used; modifications of original plan to secure equaliza- tion of profits; the issuing of two classes of stock, one for borrowers, other for investors; gross pre- mium plan; installment premium plan; premium stock plan; maintenance of reserve fund practiced by some Institutions, a feature to be commended. (1 same 1893/4: 32-36.) . Comments on dissimilarity in plans in acct keeping: discussion of principal books which should be kept for bldg. and loan assns.; treatment of various accts., dues, interest premium, fees, and fines, principal revenue accts. (1 sam^ 1893/4: 70- 80.) . Suggestion that care should be taken in matter of paying taxes, to see that none of the mortgaged properties go delinquent and suffer a cloud on title, also If there should be a balance of assessr ment over deduction for mortgage, that this is paid as well. (1 same 1893/4: 84.) . Discussion of the 10 rules or plans for distribu- tion of profits in vogue among assns. of state, with comparison of results. (1 sanie 1893/4: 36-50.) . Comments on deserved popularity of bldg. and loan plan In state; safety of such investments, being one of the most successful forms of financial co-operations ever devised for large class of people. (1 sam^ 1893/4: 4-5.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 57 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1894. Comments on bldg. and loan assns. being under state supervision In Cal., and laws governing bldg. and loan assns. (1 same 1893/4: 5-6.) . Comparison of book values ascertained by va- rious systems, and observations on same. (1 same 1893/4: 49.) . Comments on treatment of withdrawals; na- tional rule; theory of withdrawals; nationals vs. . locals. {Same 1893/4: 56-59.) . List of books and docs, for benefit of those who may desire to Inform themselves on history, theory, practice, and law of bldg. and loan assns. (1 same 1893/4: 85.) . Comments on laws governing bldg. and loan assns. (1 same 1893/4: 6.) . Under laws governing bldg. and loan assns. has custom when members borrow money from assn., that mortgage is given upon property to secure loan, at same time assignment being made of shares of stock in assn. to the assn. as additional security, and a proxy executed allowing assn. to vote stock at subsequent elections, result being that but few of persons borrowing from assn. vote at elections and bd. of directors have absolute power; remedial legislation suggested; also modifi- cation of sec. 9 of law governing bd. of comrs. of said assns., so that when comrs. find an assn. " is conducting its business in unsafe manner, etc." (Rept. atty. gen. 1893/4: 23-24.) 1894-1896. Stmt, of aggregates of resources and liabili- ties, and receipts and disbursements. (1 A.R. bldg. and loan assns. 1893/4 (pp. 24-25) — 3 same 1896.) . Stmt, of averages — resources, liabilities, re- ceipts, and disbursements and classification of same. (1 same 1893/4 (pp. 25-30) — 3 same 1896.) . Tabular stmt, showing no. of series, no. of shares, and resources and liabilities of national bldg. and loan assns. of state. (1 same 1893/4 (foldg. table) — Sesame 1896.) . Same; showing receipts and disbursements of national bldg. and loan assns. of state. (1 same 1893/4 (foldg. table)— 3 same 1896.) . Same; showing receipts and disbursements of local bldg. and loan assns. of state. (1 same 1893/4 (foldg. table)— 3 same 1896.) . Same; showing no. of series, no. of shares, and resources and liabilities of local bldg. and loan assns. of state. (1 same 1893/4 (foldg. table) — 3 same 1896.) 1894-1900. Stmt, of receipts for 12 mos. endg. Dec. 31, 1894, giving name of assn. and amt. of assessment. (1 same 1893/4 (pp. 16-18)— 7 same 1900.) No repts. 1897, 1898. . Individual repts. of bldg. and loan assns. (1 same 1893/4 (pp. 86-318)— 7 same 1900.) No repts. for 1897, 1898. . Stmt, giving capitalization of nationals, local assns., and co-operative banks. (1 same 1893/4 (pp. 22-24)— 7 same 1900.) No repts. for 1897, 1898. . Comparative stmt, of net profits for yr. show- ing rate of profits similarly calculated, on average loans in force as given In former repts. (6 same 1898/9 (p. 10)— 7 same 1900.) No repts. 1897, 1898. 1895. Recommended legislation for amdmt. of sec. 638 of law of 1891, re. payment of mortgages reed, by bldg. and loan assns. (2 same 1894/5: 14-15.) . Tabular stmt, showing authorized capital, shares, foreclosures, security, and other statistics of national bldg. and loan assns. of state. (2 same 1894/5 foldg. table.) BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— cont'd non-s eria I — cont'd 1895. General movement away from system of gross premium plan, with premiums treated as earned profits commended; adoption of installment pre- mium plan urged by new cos.; when gross pre- miums are earned an assn. may be allowed to absorb Into Its earnings a proportionate share of gross premium for each yr. In life of loan. (2 same 1894/5: 24-26.) . Discussion of withdrawal values, exceptions con- sidered; plans submitted of graduating withdrawal values according to age of shares and restrictions on right of withdrawal. (2 same 1894/5: 26-28.) . Letters and excerpts from letters sent and reed. by comn. bearing on practices of individual cos. and opinions of atty. gen. on question of insolvency, duties and powers defined and loans to others than members. (2 same 1894/5: 34-37.) 1895-1896. Tabular stmt, showing authorized capital, shares, foreclosures, security, and other statistics of national bldg. and loan assns. in state. (2 same 1894/5 (foldg. table)— 3 same 1896.) . Same; showing authorized capital, shares, fore- closures, security, and other statistics of local bldg. and loan assns. of state. (2 same 1894/5 (foldg. table) — 3 same 1896.) . Same; showing authorized capital, shares, fore- closures, security, and other statistics, of co-opera- tive banks. (2 same 1894/5 (foldg. table) — 3 same 1896.) 1896. Comparison of results of operation of the Dexter, Partnership, and Wrigley rules for division of profits, under conditions: time, 10 yrs.; ann. series; 1 share in each series. (3 same 1895/6: 13.) . Tables showing practical work of assns. under several plans of apportioning profits, with various combinations of gross and Installment premiums. (3 same 1895/6: 14-23.) 1896-1899. Comparative stmt, of interest and pre- miums collected. (6 same 1898/9 (p. 9) — 1 same 1900.) 1896-1900. Same; new loans and loans repaid. (6 same 1898/9 (p. 9) — 7 same 1900.) No repts. 1897, 1898. 1897-1899. Comparison of assets and liabilities and re- ceipts and disbursements for series of yrs. (6 same 1898/9: 6-7.) 1899. Rept. on comrs. of bldg. and loan assns. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state Institu- tions 1899: 165-166.) . Same In App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1902. Suggestion that Immediate steps be taken by leglsl. looking to full Investigation of so-called co- operative home-bldg. concerns and enactment of protective laws. (Rept. atty. gen. 1900/2: 15.) Laws 1894-1896. Laws of state for formation, govt., control, and existence of bldg. and loan assns. (1 A.R. bldg. and loan assns. 1893/4 (pp. 321-360) — 3 same 1896.) Receipts and Expenditures 1893-1898. Table showing assessments [1. e. license fees] collected from assns. for support of bldg. and loan comn. each yr. on shares in force. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institu- tions 1899: 165-166.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1894-1904. Stmt, showing expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for bldg. and loan comrs. (bldg. and loan assns. inspection fund). (Bienn. rept. state controller 1892/4 (p. 81) — same 1902/4.) 58 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd . Stmt, of condition of bldg. and loan assns. In- spection fund. (.Same 1892/4 (p. 92) — same 1902/4.) BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS: INDIVIDUAL AS- SOCIATIONS See also above, under date of 1894-1900. Golden City Homestead Association, San Fiancisco 1876. Rept. of Assem. special committee on affairs of. 118 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 4 unnum. doc.) BUILDING STONE Deposits; see Natural Resources BURGLAR INSURANCE; see INSURANCE BUTTE COUNTY (1850) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Assessors; see Taxation: State Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Clay in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Forests; see Natural Resources Gold in 1879-1880. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. 1881. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultural Com- mission Indian Wars; see War Expenditures Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Silver in 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. Surveyor; see Land BUTTER Exports; see Commerce, etc. Imports; see Commerce, etc. Prices; see that title Production; see Industries, etc. CALAVERAS COUNTY (1850) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Assessors; see Taxation: State Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Channel System; see Natural Resources. Geology Copper Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Cop- per; these dates. Forests; see Natural Resources Geology; see Natural Resources Gold in 1879-1880. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. 1881. See same; this date. CALAVERAS COUNTY (1850)— cont'd Gold in — cont'd 1888. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Granite in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Iron Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. MineraL Iron; these dates. Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines 1879/80. See Natural Resources. MineraL Produc- tion; this date. Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals; these dates. Silver Production 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. MineraL Gold; these dates. Surveyor; see Land Trachyte and Tufa; see Natural Resources. Mineral CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL; see EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL, ETC. CALIFORNIA TEACHER (THE); see EDUCATION. EDUCA- TIONAL JOURNALS CAMEL; see TRANSPORTATION CAMPO Climate; see that title CANAIGRE Crop; see Agriculture. Crops CANALS: INTEROCEANIC 1892. Memorials to Congress favoring early comple- tion of Nicaragua Canal, to he controlled by govt, and the establishment of a Division of Roads in Dept. of Agric. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 214.) 1894. Favoring passage of bill re. Nicaragua Canal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1894: 19-20.) CANALS: STATE Irrigation; see Land. Irrigation Mines; see Industries, eta Mining Canals, etc. Navigation 1867. Rept. of engr. on results of survey for Sacra- mento Valley irrigation and navigation canal. 52 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 4].) 1870. Rept. on act authorizing construction and main- tenance of a ship canal from Stockton to San Joaquin River. (Assem. jol. 18 sess. p. 626.) CANNERIES; see INDUSTRIES CAPITAL 1850. Repts. on various proposals for location of per- manent seat of govt., with copies of offers made for same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 498-510.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 59 CAPITAL— cont'd 1850. Bond of M. G. Vallejo, J. B. Frisbie, S. Vallejo, J. M. EstlU, and Robt. Allen, together with their afiadavlts as to amt. each is worth In matter of establishment of permanent seat of govt. (App. to Sen. jol. 2 sess. pp. 709-714 doc. W.) 1851. Rept. of surveyor gen. to Sen. and Assem. upon location of state capital. {Same 2 sess. pp. 561- 562 doc. C.) . Minority rept. of select committee on bond of General Vallejo. (Same 2 sess. p. 717 doc. Y.) . Rept. of Mr. Tingley from judiciary committee on bond of General Vallejo. {Same 2 sess. pp. 715- 716 doc. X.) . Majority [and minority] rept. of committee on permanent location of seat of govt. {Same 2 sess. pp. 645-654 docs. I and J.) . Rept. of comrs. apptd. to lay oft tracts of land proposed to be donated to state by M. G. Vallejo. {Same 2 sess. pp. 727-729 doc. EE.) . Corresp. and communication re. title to lands and bond deposited for location of permanent seat of govt, at Vallejo. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 1083-1084.) . Rept. of comrs. apptd. to lay off tracts of land proposed to be donated to state for permanent seat of govt. {Same 1851: 727-729; 1423-1425.) . Majority and minority repts. on location of per- manent seat of govt. {Same 1851: 645-654.) . Copy of form of bond to be executed by comrs. on location of permanent seat of govt, at Vallejo. {Same 1851: 709-717.) . Rept. of surveyor gen. on location of state capi- tal at Vallejo. (Some 1851: 561-562.) 1'852. Rept. urging cancellation of bond of Gen. Val- lejo for location of permanent seat of govt, at Vallejo. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 563-564.) . Protest agst. organization of legisl. at Vallejo, claiming act authorizing same to be inoperative, and contract for location of govt, not fulfilled. (Sen. jol. 1852: 6.) . Govs. mess, protesting agst. organization of legisl. at Vallejo, showing non-fulfillment on part of bond for location of permanent seat of govt, at said place. {Same 1852: 11-12; Assem. jol. pp. 22- 23.) . Rept. re. bill providing for removal of archives from Sacramento to Vallejo, showing latter to be permanent seat of govt. (Assem. jol. 1852: 500- 502.) 1853. Copy of deed executed by city of Benicia to state, for location of permanent seat of govt. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 27.) . Communication from atty. gen. re. removal of state capital from Vallejo. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. doc. 12.) . Corresp. with M. G. Vallejo. 5 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 4 sess. doc. 19.) . Communication from M. G. Vallejo, proposing mutual release of conditions of bond for location of seat of govt, at Vallejo. 4 pp. {Same 1853 doc. 15.) . Corresp. with M. G. Vallejo demanding payment of sums contracted for by him in bond for location of seat of govt, at Vallejo; with stmt, of said sums. 5 pp. {Same 1853 doc. 19.) . Same. (Assem. jol. 1853: 140-141.) . Copy of release of bond betw. state and M. G. Vallejo for location of permanent seat of govt, at Vallejo. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 25.) 1854. Majority and minority repts. re. proposed loca- tion of permanent seat of govt, at Sacramento, with stmt, of cost of seven previous removals of capital. (Assem. jol. 1854: 76-81.) CAPITAL— cont'd 1858. Rept. on advantages of moving seat of govt, to Oakland. {Same 9 sess. pp. 512-513.) . Rept. on mileage due committee to visit Oak- land, in reference to removal of capital. {Same 9 sess. p. 493.) 1889. History of seat of state govt. ([Blue book] 1889: 195-216.) CAPITATION TAX; see TAXATION: STATE. POLL TAX CAPITOL; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: STATE CAPITOL FUND; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. CARMELO BAY Geology; see Natural Resources CARP; see FISH AND GAME CATALINA ISLAND Chalk Quarries; see Natural Resources CATASTROPHES Earthquakes; see that title Floods; see Climate CATFISH; see FISH AND GAME CATTLE; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK CATTLE FOODS Commercial; see Industries, etc. CEMENT Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral CENSUS 1850. Census of 1850 imperfect. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) 1851. Rept. of U. S. census agt. with list of co. popu- lation. (Legisl. jol. sess. 1851: 741-743; 1602-1604.) 1852. Abstr. of census of state, being statistics of population, and capital and production by cos., and general descriptive review characteristic of each. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 14: 13-58.) . Statistical summary by secy, of state of census returns under headings population, and production and capital, in various cos. (Some 1853, doc. 14: 4-11.) . Census required by constitution. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) 1853. Govs. mess. re. census returns and rapid increase of population shown therein. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853, doc. 14: 3.) . Suggestion to repeal census requirements of con- stitution and leave regulation of same to legisl, (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) CEREALS Exports; see Commerce, etc. CHALK Quarries; see Natural Resources. Mineral CHANNEL ISLANDS Geology; see Natural Resources CHEESE Exports; see Commerce, etc. Prices; see that title Production; see Industries, etc. 60 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CHERRY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Diseases; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests CHERT Deposit; see Natural Resources. Mineral CHICO Climate; see that title Normal School; see Education: Individual, etc. CHILD LABOR; see LABOR CHINESE Education; see Education. Aliens Labor; see Labor. Alien Population; see Population. Alien CHINO Climate; see that title Temperature; see Climate CHINO VALLEY Rainfall; see Climate CHOLERA; see PUBLIC HEALTH. EPIDEMICS CHROMITE CHRYSOPRASE Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral CINNABAR Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral CITRUS TRUITS Fruits; see Agriculture. Crops CLAY Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral CLIMATE 1869. Comparative table of meteorological stations of Pacific States, giving altitude, latitude, longitude, length of period observed, hottest and coldest day, range, mean, rain and snow in inches. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1868/9: 238.) 1884. Modifying causes of climate on Pacific Coast of U. S. and British Columbia. (Same 1884: 253-257.) 1885. Storms on Pacific Coast of Amer. {Same 1885: 273-275.) From ann. rept. of chief signal officer. 1885-1888. Table giving average ann. rainfall, average seasonal temperature, mean and extremes of tem- perature, and average no. of clear days for South- ern and Pacific States. (Same 1886 (pp. 355-356) — same 1888.) 1886. Original meteorological researches; weather types on Pacific Coast (with plates) ; by Lieut. W. A. Glassford, U. S. A. (Same 1886: 407-413.) 1886-1887. Weather statistics of Pacific Coast States — table giving extremes of temperature, average pres- sure, temperature, dew point, relative humidity, precipitation, ann. and hrly. velocity of winds and prevailing direction, and clear, fair, and cloudy days; averages are for periods of from 7 to 10 yrs. (Same 1886 (pp. 403-404) — same 1887.) 1887. Weather for Mch. and Apr. for whole Pacific Coast. (Same 1886: 312-315.) 1888-1889. Jan. meteorological table for stations in Wash. Terr., Ore., Cal., Nev., Utah, and Ariz. — mean and extremes of monthly temperature, and date of extremes and lowest temperature pre- 1887 tt ( 1888 U t 1889 u t 1890 tt 1 1891 tt t 1892 tt t 1893 It t 1894 41 ( CLIMATE— cont'd viously recorded, also rainfall. (Same 1887 (p. 427)— some 1888.) 1889. Weather summary for Apr. in Pacific Coast States. (Same 1889: 371.) . Table giving temperature of sun, air, and water at 2 p. m. each day as taken at Baird Govt. Salmon Station, on McCloud River. (Same 1889: 413-415.) . Table showing mean ann. temperature and pre- cipitation at principal points in each state and ter- ritory. (Same 1889: 484-485.) Abizona 1891-1892. Ann. summary of weather at Yuma, Ariz., in all its features. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1891 (p. 247)— some 1892.) Caufobnia serial ANNUAL RBPOET 1 series 1886-1894. Ann. meteorological review of the state of Cal. by the meterological dept. of the State Agric. Socy. In Documents as follows : 1886 In Trans, state agrlc society 1886:255-391. 1SS7 " " " S " 1887:247-287. " " " 1888:243-410. 1889:319-487. " " " 1890:279-340. " " " 1891:217-278. " " " 1892:183-222. 1893:178-197. 1894:203-230. Reports on meteorology had been Issued by the Agric Society since Its organization. In tbe earlier years the data were supplied by private individuals. Be- tween 1875 and 1881 almost no meteorological material was published by the Society. The U. B. Signal Office was first established at Sacramento in 1877, but no statistics were supplied by it nntil 1881. In 1881 and each following year brief climatic statistics were supplied to and published by the Society. In 1886 they first assumed a com- prehensive, systematic character. From 1886 to 1894 they were published regularly as collated above. All that has been published by the Socy. has been Indexed in this volume, 2 series In co-operation with the Weather Bureau, D. S. Dept of Agriculture. 1895. Ann. review of the CaL climate and crop service. In Documents as follows : 1895 In Trans, state agric society 1895 : 169-204. MONTHLY REPORT 1 series 1891-1896. Monthly bull, of the CaL weather service; published by the State Agric. Socy. in co-operation with U. S. Dept of Agric. Weather Bureau, Sept, 1891, to Dec, 1896. 2 series 1897-1904. Cal. section of the climate and crop service of the U. S. Weather Bureau, v. 1-8, Jan., 1897, to Dec, 1904. Annual summary accompanies this file. WEEKLY REPORT 1 series 1893-1896. Wkly. crop bull. Published during the planting and harvesting season, April to Oct 1893, also In Trans, state agric society 1893 : 186-189. Republished In the Dally Bulletin, Weekly Rural Press and Cal. Fruit Grower of S. F. and in the Sacramento Record- Union. 2 series 1897-1904. Wkly. crop bulL of the climate and crop service of the U. S. Weather Bureau, Cal. section, Apr. 12, 1897, to Dec, 1904. 38 nos. were Issued in 1897; after that 52 nos. were issued annually. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 61 CLIMATE— cont'd Caufornia — cont'd non-serial (?). Tables giving monthly and ann. average rainfall, in inches; monthly percentages of probability of rainy days, of clear days, and of cloudy days at weather bureau stations in Cal., from records of many yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891: 253- 255.) (?)-1889. Table showing elevation and average tem- perature and rainfall of stations in Coast Range, by cos. (Same 1886 (pp. 317-318)— same 1889.) Not found In 1888. 1848-1885. Meteorology and climatology of the great valleys and foothills of Cal. for from IB to 36 yrs.; collated and compiled by Sergt. J. A. Barwick, observer signal corps, U. S. A., being a gathering of all worthy articles known to writer on climatic peculiarities of state. (Same 1885: 213-291.) . Same; separate. 78 pp. 1849-1902. Review of wet and dry seasons in state. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 399-405.) 1850-1856. Recapitulation of meteorological observa- tions. (Rept. insane asylum 1855: 39-42.) 1859-1860. Meteorological observations. {Same 1859 (pp. 44-55)— some 1860.) 1863. Comparative climate and grain farming in Cal.; comparisons with Atlantic States and England. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1863: 203-221.) 1865-1895. Ann. meteorological review. (Same 1864/5 (pp. 164-170)— some 1895.) Not found In repta. for 1879 or 1880. 1870/1. Rept. upon subject of medical topography and climatology in Cal. (1 bienn. rept. bd. health 1870/1: 70-75.) 1874. Climatic influence in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 358-359.) 1874/5. Rept. on climatology of Cal. and consumption. (3 bienn. rept. bd. health 1874/5: 93-150.) 1876/7. Relations of climate of Cal. to consumption. (4 same 1876/7: 38-60.) 1883. Tables showing ann. and monthly mean and ex- tremes of temperature, monthly and ann. rainfall and snowfall, and direction of prevailing wind each mo. and for yr., of 85 stations in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1883: 163-182.) 1884/6. Climatology and diseases of southern Cal.; by H. S. Orme, pres. state bd. of health. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 117-131.) 1885. Palestine climate compared with that of Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 287-291.) 1886. Table showing elevation and average tempera- ture and rainfall for stations in San Bernardino, Siskiyou, Modoc, and mt. division of Placer Co. (Same 1886: 321.) . Coast climate of Cal.: distribution of rain, tem- perature, therapeutics; by J. W. Robertson, M. D., as published in state bd. of health rept. of 1886. (Same 1886: 322-332.) . Climate of central Cal. compared with that of Italy. (Same 1886: 349-352.) . Climatology of southern Cal.; by H. S. Orme, M. D. (Same 1886: 375-379.) . Isothermal maps of state and comments. (Same 1886: 369-374.) . Semi-tropical winter in central and northern Cal. citrus belt; comparisons with Italy in warmth and sunshine; scenery, springs, bathing, etc. (Same 1886: 366-369.) . The climatology and diseases of southern Cal.; by H. S. Orme. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 117-131.) . Coast climate of Cal.; by J. W. Robertson. (9 same 1884/6: 199-209.) CLIMATE— cont'd Caiifoenia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1886/8. Average temperature, highest and lowest tem- perature, and average rainfall at prominent named points in Cal. (10 same 1886/8: 221.) . Brief description of climate of Cal. (10 same 1886/8: 216-221.) 1887. Brief history of meteorological dept. of the socy.; recommendation that next legisl. Incorporate system of state weather service to be under mngmt. and supervision of state bd. of agric; out- line of work to be done and cost. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 19-21.) . Climate and resources of summit cos. (Same 1887: 423-426.) 1888. Tables giving mean monthly temperature and rainfall at Southern Pacific stations in Cal., also highest and lowest temperature observed at each point and normal average precipitation for yr. (Same 1888: 377-383.) . Monthly weather bull, of Pacific Coast for Feb. (Same 1887: 437-438.) 1888/9-1891/2. Monthly observations of mean and ex- tremes of temperature, rainfall, no. of clear, cloudy, and partly cloudy days at Sta. Rosa station from Aug. 1, 1888, to Aug. 31, 1890. (A.R. bd. vltic. comrs. 1889/90 (p. 47) — same 1891/2.) 1889/90. Meteorological table of phenomenal winter — giving monthly rainfall for Oct., Nov., Dec, 1889, and to Jan. 26, 1890, at 23 points in state; also averages for same mos. in previous yrs.; season's rainfall to Dec. 31, also average for previous yrs.; mean temperature for Dec; and average mean temperature for Deo. (9 A.R. state mineralogist 1888/90: 322.) . Meteorological review of state — rainfall, fogs, climate, phenomenal winter (1889/90) ; by G. B. Barnes. (9 same 1888/9: 312-322.) 1890. Climate of Cal. and Nev., with particular refer- ence to rainfall and temperature, and their influ- ence upon irrigation problems of the two states. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891: 255-298.) . Table showing mean and extremes of ann. tem- perature and rainfall for various voluntary signal service stations throughout state. (Same 1890: 338-340.) 1891. A cyclonic glimpse of Cal. weather. (Same 1891: 247-252.) 1891-1892. Table giving elevation, mean and extremes of temperature, prevailing wind, and total precipi- tation, by mos., by voluntary observers at various points in state. (Same 1891 (pp. 232-244) — same 1892.) Winds not given In 1892. 1892. Table giving means and extremes of tempera- ture and total precipitation for each mo., and for yr., from over 200 of Southern Pacific co. stations. (Same 1892: 194-211.) . Tabular data showing no. of clear and fair days in each mo. and for yr. at various stations in state. (Same 1892: 187.) 1892-1893. Ann. monthly weather summary for state. (Same 1892 (pp. 183-186)— some 1894.) 1893. Monthly misc. data: Cal. weather service obser- vations, giving stations, cos., elevation, mean tem- perature and extremes, with mo. of extremes, range, rainfall, and rainy days and frosty morn- ings. (Some 1893: 191-193.) . Ann. meteorological repts. from weather bureau stations in state, giving mean and extremes of temperature, kind of weather, each day, velocity and prevailing winds, and precipitation, with name of observer. (Same 1893: 190.) 62 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLIMATE— cont'd Califobnia — cont'd non-s eria I — cont'd 1893. State weather summary, by mos., giving normal monthly temperature from 8 to 40 yrs., departure from normal, extremes of temperature and stations where they occurred; prevailing wind; normal, average, and departure from normal rainfall, great- est and least precipitation, and stations where they occured. (Same 1893: 184-185.) . Meteorological data from Southern Pacific co's. stations in Cal. — elevation, ann. mean and extremes of temperature, with mo. of extremes, absolute range, prevailing wind, precipitation, snow, and rain. (Same 1893: 194-196.) 1894. Favorable comment on weather service of the socy.; outside demands for these repts. have ex- hausted the supply. (Same 1894: 25.) . Table giving average temperature and extremes, and total precipitation for each mo. and for yr. from 298 stations, concluding with monthly aver- ages for state, also highest and lowest tempera- ture. (Same 1894: 204-223.) . Table showing mean and ann. temperatures and precipitation, with normals and departures there- from, along with extremes of temperature and greatest precipitation for state. (Same 1894: 228.) . Table giving average no. of clear, fair, cloudy, and rainy days for state by mos. and seasons, also average seasonal temperatures and precipitation, with departures from normals. (Same 1894: 229.) . Table giving clear, fair, cloudy, and rainy days each mo., along with monthly and ann. averages from 65 stations. (Same 1894: 224-227.) 1894-1896. Table giving statistics of fair weather, rain- fall, snow, etc., by mos. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1895/7: 327.) 1894/5-1896/7. Climatic rept. of Southern Cal. station — mean and extremes of temperature, monthly range, extremes of daily variation, precipitation, and weather, by mos. (Same 1895/7: 365-366.) 1895. Ann. review of the Cal. climate and crop service. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 169-204.) . Percentages of mean cloudiness and of mean sun- shine for Cal. weather bureau stations by mos., yrs., and seasons; tables and comments. (Same 1895: 202-204.) 1896/7-1898/9. Climatic conditions at Southern Cal. station. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 307- 309.) 1899. Comment on weather conditions of yr. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 3-4.) 1901. Monthly weather review for yr. (Sam,e 1901: 152-153.) 1902-1903. Notes on climate of Southern Coast Range sub-station; meteorological record giving means and extremes of temperature, no. of days 90° or over, no. 32° or under, rainfall, and weather, by mos. (Rept. agric. exper. stations 1901/3: 175-176.) 1902-1904. Meteorological record of Southern Cal. sub- station — monthly mean and extremes of tempera- ture, with dates of extremes, no. of days 90° or over, no. of days 32° or under, rainfall, and weather. (Same 1901/3 (p. 187)— same 1903/4.) ALAMEDA 1852-1858. See below, Sacramento; these dates. ANDERSON 1888-1889. Tabular stmt, of monthly meteorological observations taken at Anderson, Shasta Co. — mean and extreme temperature and barometer, rainfall, and prevailing direction of wind. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 316) — same 1889.) CLIMATE— cont'd Califobnia — cont'd AUB0EN 1888. Table giving extremes of daily temperature and daily rainfall at Auburn. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 286-288.) BEEKBLET 1886-1889. Comparative table showing mean tempera- ture of each season at Berkeley, extremes of tem- perature and humidity, and rainfall for 4 yrs. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1888/9: 22.) 1887-1897. Ten yr. synopsis of meteorological observa- tions at Berkeley — means and extremes of tempera- ture, atmospheric pressure, and relative humidity, rainfall, weather, and wind, by mos. (Same 1895/7: 305.) . Climatic conditions of Berkeley. (Univ. Chron- icle V. 1: 82-86.) 1887-1902. The climate of Berkeley; by A. D. Leuseh- ner. (Sam,e v. 5: 231-234.) 1888-1894. Synopsis of meteorological observations at Berkeley for 7 yrs.; mean and extreme barometer, temperature, and humidity, yearly range and monthly variation of temperature, precipitation, weather, and wind, foldg. table. (Bienn. rept agric. exper. stations 1892/4 n. p.) 1889. General climatic and topographic features of the Bay Region; climate of Berkeley. (Same 1889: 21-24.) 1891/2. Synopsis of meteorological observations at Berkeley; means and extremes of barometer, tem- perature, and humidity each mo., highest and low- est daily average, precipitation, weather, and wind, foldg. table. (A.R. same 1891/2.) 1892/3-1903/4. Same; each yr. by mos.: mean and ex- tremes of barometer, temperature, and humidity; monthly and daily ranges of temperature; precipi- tation; weather; and winds, foldg. table. (Some 1894/5 (n. p.)— same 1903/4.) CAMPO 1889. Weather summary for last 6 mos. of yr. at Campo, San Diego Co., giving means and extremes of temperature, and rainfall. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 470-471.) CHICO 1885/6-1899/00. Climatic conditions at Chico for 15 yrs.; tables giving statistics of rainfall each sea- son, average seasonal temperature, average ann. and extremes. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 330-331.) 1887-1889. Tables giving average mo. and seasonal temperature and rainfall, as deduced from 14 yrs. observation, along with highest and lowest tem- perature at Chico, Butte Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (pp. 351-352)— same 1889.) CHINO 1889. Comments of Chlno weather for the yr. and the adaptability of its climate to citrus fruits and beet culture. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 463-464.) COLUSA COUNTY 1888. Seasonal temperatures and rainfall for places in Colusa Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 305.) 1888-1890. Table of meteorological data for Willows, Colusa Co., giving mean and extreme mo. tempera- ture and range, dates of extremes, mean, barome- ter, rainfall, prevailing wind, and no. of days fair, cloudy, etc. (Same 1888 (p. 305) — same 1890.) CRESCENT CITY 1890. Weather summary for yr. at Crescent City; giving total precipitation, clear, fair, cloudy, and rainy days, frosts, and prevailing wind for each mo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 289.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 63 CLIMATE— cont'd Cautoenia — cont'd EUREKA 1887-1889. Table showing, by mos., meteorological con- ditions of yr. at Eureka, Humboldt Co.; mean and extreme temperatures, days below 32°, mean rela- tive humidity, velocity and prevailing wind, pre- cipitation, days clear, cloudy, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (p. 384) — same 1889.) 1890-1891. Weather summary for yr. at Eureka, giving means and extremes of temperature, mean barome- ter, dew point, humidity, mean daily range, winds, weather, precipitation, and greatest amt. in 24 hrs. {Same 1890 (p. 291)— some 1891.) 1892. Ann. meteorological summary, by mos., at Eu- reka, giving means and extremes of temperature, precipitation, velocity of and prevailing wind, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., no. of days above 90°, and no. below 32°. (Same 1892: 214.) 1895. Ann. meteorological summary at Eureka, giving means and extremes of pressure and temperature, dew point, relative humidity, precipitation, velocity and direction of wind, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., by mos. (Same 1895: 186.) FORT BIDWELL 1866-1886. Meteorological rept. of Ft. Bidwell. (9 blenn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 178-181.) 1885/6-1886/7. Meteorological table of Ft. Bidwell, showing mean temperature, prevailing wind — direc- tion and velocity — at 7 a. m., 3 p. m., and 11 p. m.; greatest daily and mo. ranges of temperature, mean mo. dew point; no. of clear, fair, and cloudy days, and no. on which rain fell during each mo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (pp. 401-402) — same 1887.) FORT JONES 1887-1888. Mo. weather summary near Ft. Jones, Sis- kiyou Co., giving mean mo. temperature, same at three periods in the day, extremes of temperature, rainfall and melted snow. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 317-318.) 1889-1890. Table giving mean mo. temperature taken at sunrise, noon, and sunset, at Walla Walla Creek, near Ft. Jones, Siskiyou Co., extremes of tempera- ture, rainfall, and snowfall; also mo. summary. (Same 1889 (pp. 416-417)— same 1890.) 1852-1858. FORT MILLER See below, Sacramento; these dates. FRESNO 1888-1891. Ann. meteorological summary of Fresno, by mos., giving mean, extremes, and ranges of barome- ter and temperature; mean dew point, relative hu- midity, cloudiness and precipitation; velocity and directions of winds; no. of days below 32°, no. above 90°, no. clear, fair, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (pp. 339-341)— some 1890.) 1891-1901. See below Red Bluff; these dates. 1892. Ann. meteorological summary, by mos., at Fresno, giving mean and extremes of temperature, precipitation, velocity of and prevailing wind, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., no. of days above 90° and below 32°. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1892: 217.) 1895. Same. (Same 1895: 187.) GEORGETOWN 1888/9-1889/90. Mo. weather summary at Georgetown, El Dorado Co., for yr., giving mean and extremes of mo. temperature, rainfall, no. of clear, cloudy, etc., days, first frosts and snowfall. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 291-292.) GOOSE LAKE VALLEY 1884/6. See below, Surprise Valley; these dates. CLIMATE— cont'd Calitobnia — cont'd HUMBOLDT COUNTY 1886. A study of the incipient climatic change notable in Humboldt Co.; the influence of redwood forests upon the flow of streams. (1 blenn. rept. forestry bd. 1885/6: 202-206.) HYDESVILLE 1889. Table giving rainfall and mean and extremes of temperature each mo. at Hydesvllle. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 419.) 1890. Weather summary for yr. at Hydesvllle, giving means and extremes of temperature, precipitation, no. of rainy days, light frosts, and killing frosts for each mo. (Same 1890: 290.) INDEPENDENCE 1895. Ann. meteorological summary at Independence, showing mean and extremes of temperature and pressure, dew point, relative humidity, precipita- tion, velocity and direction of wind, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., by mos., and yrly averages. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 188.) IOWA HILL 1888-1891. Summary of weather record at Iowa Hill, Placer Co., giving mean and extremes of tempera- ture taken at three periods in day, rainfall, and no. of clear, fair, cloudy, and rainy days each mo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 289) — same 1891.) JACKSON 1892/3-1896/7. Notes on climate of Foothill Station; mo. weather rept.; table giving means and extremes of temperature each mo. (A.R. agric. exper. sta- tions 1894/5 (pp. 358-364) — blenn. rept. same 1895/7.) 1902-1903. Meteorological record of Foothill substa- tions — means and extremes of temperature, no. of days 90° or over, no. of days 32° or under, rainfall, and weather by mos. (Same 1901/3: 163.) KEELER 1885-1890. Comparative tables giving mean and ex- tremes of temperature by mos. and yrs., and pre- cipitation by mos., yrs., and seasons, at Keeler, Inyo Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 306-307.) . Comparative ann. meteorological review of Keeler, Inyo Co., giving average and extremes of barometer and temperature, range of both, humid- ity, dew point, movement and direction of wind, precipitation, weather, no. of days over 90° and no. under 32°. (Some 1890: 305.) 1891. Ann. weather summary In all its features at Keeler, Inyo Co. (Same 1891: 226.) 1892. Ann. meteorological summary, by mos., at Keeler, giving means and extremes of temperature, precipitation, velocity of and prevailing wind, no. of days clear, fair, etc., no. of days above 90° and below 32°. (Same 1892: 216.) LA GRANGE 1890. Ann. weather summary at La Grange, showing mean and extremes of temperature, total precipita- tion, no. of rainy days and light frosts, by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 328.) LODI 1889. Mo. synopsis of weather at Lodi, San Joaquin Co., each yr. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 445- 446.) 1890. Ann. weather summary of Lodi, San Joaquin Co., showing means and extremes of temperature and precipitation for each mo. (Same 1890: 311.) 64 INBEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLIMATE— confd Caufobnia — cont'd LOS ANGELES 1877-1890. Cumulative comparative tables, giving by mos. and yrs., at Los Angeles, means and extremes of temperature, prevailing direction of wind, aver- age daily movement, and highest velocity, no. of days above 90° and below 32°, relative humidity, no. clear, etc., days, precipitation; also by seasons and beginning and endg. of rainy season. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (pp. 350-355)— some 1890.) 1891. Ann. mo. weather summary for Los Angeles. (Bame 1891: 230-231.) 1891-1901. See below. Red Bluff; these dates. 1895. Ann. meteorological summary at Los Angeles, giving mean and extremes of temperature, and pressure, dew point, relative humidity, precipita- tion, velocity and direction of wind, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., by mos. and yrly. averages. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1895: 189.) LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1871/3. Climate and diseases of Los Angeles Co. (2 bienn. rept bd. health 1871/3: 153-156.) LOS GATOS 1890. Ann. weather summary for Los Gatos, showing mean and extremes of temperature and total pre- cipitation each mo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 321.) MAETSVILLE 1888/9-1889/90. Marysville weather for 16 mos.; table giving mean and extremes of mo. temperature, rainfall, no. of days clear, fair, etc., and comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (pp. 299-301) — same 1890.) MILTON 1890. Ann. weather summary for North Hill Vineyard, Milton, Calaveras Co., showing means and ex- tremes of temperature and daily range, rainfall, and no. of rainy days, each mo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 322.) MT. HAMILTON 1881-1885. Summary of meteorological observations of each mo. at Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton — tem- perature, rainfall, snow, winds, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 402-405.) NAPA 1890. Ann. weather summary for Napa City, showing means and extremes of temperature, total precipi- tation, prevailing winds, no. of days clear, fair, etc., by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 314.) NTCOLAUS 1886-1888. Table giving mean and extremes of tem- perature each mo., no. of rainy and clear days, rainfall in inches, no. of days frost, and prevailing wind at Nicolaus, Sutter Co., for 1886 and up to Apr. 30, 1887. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (pp. 353-354)— same 1889.) OAKLAND 1876-1889. Oakland ann. meteorological review, show- ing climatic conditions in all its features for series of yrs. — barometer, temperature, ranges, humidity, rainfall, frost, winds, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (pp. 410-411)— some 1889.) 1889. Tables giving mean and extremes of barometer at Oakland, mean and extremes of temperature, warmest and coldest days, greatest daily variation, mo. and daily range, and seasonal temperature; humidity, precipitation, weather, and direction from which wind blew, by mos.; also mo. synopsis. {Same 1889: 426-430.) CLIMATE— cont'd Caufobnia — cont'd OROVILLB 1884-1887. Climate of Orovllle, Butte Co.: tables giving mo. and seasonal means and extremes of tempera- ture; clear, cloudy, fair and foggy days, rainfall, light, heavy, and killing frosts for 4 yrs.; ann. summary; also daily mean and extremes of tem- perature from Jan., 1886, through Apr., 1887; sum- mary of Apr. weather since 1885 and mo. summary for 1886; also list of altitudes. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 333-348.) 1884-1889. Meteorological record for each mo. of yr., and mo. summary for period beginning with 1884, at Orovllle, Butte Co., giving mean and extreme temperatures, rainfall, frosts, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc. (Some 1887 (pp. 341-348)— some 1889.) PASO EOBLES 1891. Meteorological table of Southern Coast Range Station at Paso Robles, giving mean and extreme barometer and temperature, precipitation and rela- tive humidity each mo. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1891/2: 152.) . Climatic observations near Paso Robles, giving mo. summary of weather in all its features at Southern Coast Range Station. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891: 226-227.) PEEEIS VALLEY 1894/5. Tabulated weather rept. of Ferris Valley, Riverside Co., 6 mos. endg. Mch., 1895; daily tem- perature and rainfall each mo. and remarks, foldg. table. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5.) PLACEEVILLE 1890. Ann. weather summary of Placerville, El Dorado Co., giving means and extremes of temperature, precipitation, no. of clear, fair, and cloudy days, by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 311.) EED BLUFF 1877-1887. Table showing Red BlufE weather. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 215.) 1877-1890. Comparative table giving cUmatic condi- tion of Red BlufE, Tehama Co., in all its features, for series of yrs. — temperature, rainfall, barometer, frosts, winds, range of river, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (p. 355) — same 1890.) 1891. Weather summary for yr. at Red BlufE, Tehama Co., giving mean and extremes of temperature and barometer, wind, rainfall, etc. {Same 1891: 224.) 1891-1901. Comparative table of means and extremes of temperature and rainfall for 10 yrs. at Red BluS, Sacramento, B^esno, Los Angeles, and S. F. (Some 1901: 154.) 1892. Ann. meteorological summary, by mos., at Red Bluff, giving means and extremes of temperature, precipitation, velocity of and prevailing wind, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc.. no. of days over 90° and no. below 32°. {Same 1892: 215.) 1895. Same. (Some 1895: 190.) EIVEESIDE 1887-1888. Summary of weather at Riverside, San Ber- nardino Co., for yr. — mean and extremes of mo. temperature, rainfall, and prevailing wind. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (p. 422)— same 1888.) 1888. Riverside weather — comparison of climate with points in Cal. and at prominent health resorts. {Same 1888: 356-364.) 1890. Ann. summary of weather at Riverside, showing mean and extremes of temperature, total precipi- tation, no. of clear, fair, cloudy, and rainy days, light frosts and prevailing winds, by mos. {Same 1890: 333.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 65 CLIMATE— cont'd California — cont' d SACRAMENTO 1852-1858. Meteorological tables of Sacramento, Ala- meda, and Ft. Miller (Fresno Co.) ; mo. means and extremes of barometer, temperature and humidity, weather, and winds for 1858 and averages and com- ments on previous yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1858: 302-310.) 1860. Abstr. of meteorological observations for 1860, with averages of 8 yrs. at Sacramento. (Same 1860: «d4.) 1861. Same; with averages of 9 yrs. at Sacramento. (Same 1861: 124.) 1878-1885. Cumulative comparative weather review of vicinity of Sacramento: mean ann. and seasonal barometer, temperature, and humidity, ann. and seasonal rainfall and velocity of wind; also mo. summary. (Same 1881 (pp. 145-148) — same 1885.) 1878-1888. Table showing comparative weather of Sac- ramento. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 189- 192.) 1878-1889. Weather review of Sacramento — cumulative comparative tables giving average and extremes of barometer and temperature and range of both, average relative humidity, winds, rainfall, clear, fair, or cloudy days, thunder storms, light and killing frosts, days snow fell, etc., for each mo., for each season, and summary for each yr. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885 (pp. 259-275)— some 1889.) 1878-1891. Cumulative comparative ann. weather re- view of Sacramento, giving climatic conditions in all its features for series of yrs.; barometer, tem- perature, rainfall, wind, weather, earthquakes, frosts, etv-. (Same 1890 (p. 280) — same 1891.) 1885/6. Brief review on meteorological condition of Sacramento for each mo. from Jan., 1885, to Aug., '•'■1886, incl. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 164- 169.) 1886/7-1889/90. Mo. and seasonal summary of weather at Sacramento. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (pp. 288-290) — same 1890.) 1891-1901. See above. Red Bluff; these dates. 1892. Ann. weather summary, by mos., at Sacramento, giving means and extremes of temperature, precipi- tation, velocity, and prevailing winds, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., days above 90° and days below 32°. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1892: 212.) 1895. Same. (Same 1895: 191.) SACRAMENTO VALLEY 1840/1-1851/2. Synopsis of seasons in Sacramento Val- ley, with comments by Gen. J. Bidwell. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 331.) 1889. Table showing elevation and average tempera- ture and rainfall for stations in Sacramento Val- ley COS. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 319) — same 1889.) SALINAS VALLEY 1886-1888. Table showing rainfall and average tem- perature for summer and winter in upper Salinas Valley from observations of 2 yrs. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1888/9: 92.) SAN BERNARDINO 1889. Weather summary for San Bernardino for Jan., Feb., and Mch., giving mean and extremes of tem- perature and barometer, mean humidity, rainfall, no. of days on which rain fell, no. of days clear, and no. cloudy. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 460-461.) SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 1889. Table showing elevation, average seasonal tem- perature, average and extremes of ann. tempera- ture, and average seasonal rainfall at stations in San Bernardino Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 461.) CLIMATE— cont'd Califoenia' — cont'd SAN DIEGO 1870/1. Rept. of G. W. Barnes, M. D., on meteorology of San Diego. (1 bienn. rept. bd. health 1870/1: 86-89.) 1887. Table giving San Diego weather summary by mos. — mean and extremes of temperature, no. of days above 90°, no. below 32°, mean relative hu- midity, velocity of and prevailing wind, rainfall, no. of days clear, foggy, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 399.) 1888. Yrly. summary of weather at San Diego. (Same 1888: 369.) 1889. Weather summary for San Bernardino for Jan., Feb., and Mch., giving mean and extremes of tem- perature and barometer, mean humidity, rainfall, no. of days on which rain fell, no. of days clear, and no. cloudy. (Same 1889: 460-461.) 1890. Ann. weather summary for San Diego, showing mean and extremes of temperature, variations, days above 90°, days below 32°, total rainfall, greatest rainfall in 24 hrs., wind velocity, no. of clear, fair cloudy and rainy days, by mos. (Same 1890: 336.) 1892. Same. (Same 1892: 219.) 1895. Same. (Same 1895: 194.) SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1870/1. Abstr. of rept. of D. B. Hoffman on medical topography etc., of San Diego Co. (1 bienn rept. bd. health 1870/1: 83-86.) 1889. The San Felipe Sink, San Diego Co., and its in- teresting details as a health resort; article taken from " American Meteorological Journal " for Mch. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 410-411.) 1889-1890. Weather summary for last 6 mos. of 1889 at Julian, San Diego Co., giving means and ex- tremes of temperature and rainfall. (Same 1889 (p. 471)— same 1890.) Whole yr. given in 1890. SAN FRANCISCO 1871-1887. Ann. meteorological review, showing cli- matic conditions in all its features at S. F. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 212-213.) 1872-1890. S. F. ann. meteorological review, showing climatic conditions in all its features for series of yrs. — barometer, temperature, ranges, rainfall, dew point, earthquakes, etc. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (pp. 330-331)— same 1890.) 1874/5. Remarks on climate of S. F. and of Cal., with special relation to pulmonary disorders; by H. Gibbons. (3 bienn. rept. bd. health 1874/5: 235- 242.) . Rept. on climate of S. F.; vFith map of Sacra- mento, San Joaquin, and Tulare valleys. (3 some 1874/5: 110-112.) 1887-1888. Table showing by mos. meteorological con- ditions for yr. at S. F. — mean and extremes of tem- perature, no. of days above 90°, no. below 32°, mean relative humidity, prevailing wind and high- est velocity, rainfall, no. of days fair, etc. (Trans. state agric. socy. 1887 (p. 416) — same 1888.) 1890. Some information as to work of branch signal service office at S. F.; bulls. 1-4, gotten out to de- fine technical meteorological terms, and for infor- mation as to character of various forms of atmos- pheric disturbances with special reference to Pa- cific States. (Same 1890: 358-364.) 1891. Weather summary in all its features for yr. at S. P. (Same 1891: 224.) 1891-1901. See above. Red Bluff; these dates. 66 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLIMATE— cont'd Caufoenia — cont'd SAN FRANCISCO— cont'd 1892. Ann. meteorological summary, by mos., at S. F., giving means and extremes of temperature, pre- cipitation, velocity of and prevailing winds, no. of clear, cloudy, etc., days, no. of days above 90°, and no. below 32°. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1892: 213.) 1895. Same. (.Same 1895: 192.) SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 1871/3. Rept. on medical topography, climatology, etc., of San Joaquin Valley. (2 bienn. rept. bd. health 1871/3: 103-141.) 1889. Tables showing elevation and average tempera- ture and rainfall for stations in San Joaquin Valley COS. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 320) — same 1889.) 1902-1904. Meteorological record at San Joaquin Val- ley substation — mo. mean and extremes of temper- ature, with dates of extremes, no. of days 90° or over, no. of days 32° or under, rainfall, and weather, (Rept. agric. exper. stations 1901/3 (p. 180) — same 1903/4.) SAN LUIS OBISPO 1885-1889. Table showing no. of days upon which rain fell and upon which snow fell, no. of days having frost, no. of days fair, clear, cloudy, highest ve- locity of wind, and mean temperature for each mo. at San Luis Obispo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 345)— same 1889.) 1890. Ann. weather summary for Steele Station, San Luis Obispo Co., showing mean and extremes of temperature and total precipitation for each mo. (Same 1890: 327.) 1895. Ann. meteorological summary at San Luis Obispo, giving extremes and means of temperature and pressure, dew point, relative humidity, pre- cipitation, velocity, and direction of wind, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., by mos. and yrly. aver- ages. (Same 1895: 193.) SANTA BARBARA 1870/1. Rept. of M. H. Biggs on vital statistics and medical topography of Sta. Barbara. (1 bienn. rept. bd. health 1870/1: 75-83.) 1885-1887. General review of weather of Sta. Barbara — tables giving mo. and ann. rainfall and mean and extremes of temperature; also mean and extremes of temperature for each day from Jan. 1, 1886, to Apr. 30, 1887. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 380- 391.) 1885-1889. Comparative ann. summary of Sta. Barbara weather, giving mean and extremes of mo. tempera- ture, mean of warmest and coldest day, and rain- fall, by mos. (Same 1888 (pp. 346-347) — same 1889.) 1886/8. Climate comparisons of Sta. Barbara with that of San Remo and Mentone. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 222-223.) 1888. Same. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 347-349.) . Weather for Feb. in Sta. Barbara — ^highest, low- est, and mean daily temperature. (Same 1887: 420.) 1890-1891. Ann. summary of weather at Sta. Barbara, showing mean and extremes of temperature, rain- fall, movement of wind, relative humidity, and no. of clear, fair, and cloudy days, by mos. (Same 1890 (p. 327)— same 1891.) SANTA CLARA 1890. Ann. weather summary for Sta. Clara, showing means and extremes of temperature, no. of rainy days and light frosts, by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 321.) CLIMATE— cont'd Calitoenia — cont'd SANTA MARIA 1890. Ann. weather summary for Sta. Maria, showing mean and extremes of temperature, no. of days clear, cloudy, etc., rainfall, light and killing frosts, and prevailing winds, by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 326.) SANTA MONICA 1896/7-1897/8. Notes on climate at Sta. Monica; tables giving statistics of rainfall, by mos., also mo. means and extremes of temperature; comparison with Los Angeles and Pomona. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 341-342.) 1902-1904. Meteorological record at Sta. Monica for- estry station — mo. means and extremes of tempera- ture, dates of extremes, no. of days 90° or over, no. of days 32° or under, rainfall, and weather. (iSame 1901/3 (p. 199)— same 1903/4.) SONOMA 1889/90. Seasonal summary of weather at Sonoma, showing means and extremes of temperature, total precipitation, prevailing winds, and no. of days clear, fair, etc., by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 316.) STOCKTON 1854-1855. Meteorological observations made at state insane asylum, Stockton. (Kept insane asylum 1854 (pp. 35-48)— some 1855.) SURPRISE VALLEY 1884/6. Rept. on topography, botany, climatology, and diseases of Surprise and Goose Lake Valleys. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 170-209.) SUSANVILLE 1889-1890. Weather rept. of Susanville, Lassen Co., giving mean and extremes of temperature, rainfall, and snowfall, by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889 (p. 412)— same 1890.) SUTTER CREEK 1887-1889. Comparative table giving rainfall and mean and extremes of temperature at Sutter Creek, Ama- dor Co., by mos. and yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889 (p. 379)— same 1889.) SWEETWATER DAM 1889. Weather summary for last 6 mos. at Sweetwater Dam, San Diego Co., giving mean and extremes of temperature, rainfall, and prevailing wind. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 471.) 1890. Ann. weather summary for Sweetwater Dam, San Diego Co., showing mean and extremes of tem- perature, total precipitation, no. of clear, fair, and cloudy days, frosts, and prevailing winds, by mos. (Same 1890: 337.) VACAVILLE 1890. Ann. weather summary at Vacaville, Solano Co., showing means and extremes of temperature, total precipitation, and no. of rainy days, by mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 312.) VISALIA 1888-1890. Comparative table giving no. of rainy days and average rainfall, extremes and average tem- perature, extremes of barometer, no. of clear and no. of cloudy days, by mos. and yrs. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 299.) 1890. Climatic features and peculiarities of Visalia. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 324-325.) WHEATLAND 1887-1890. Table giving means and extremes of mo. temperature and rainfall at Wheatland. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (pp. 299, 322)— some 1890.) No. of rainy days and prevailing wind added In 1890. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA er CLIMATE— cont'd Cat.tfobimia — cont' d YOLO COUNTY 1891. Table giving mean average mo. temperature at various points in Yolo Co. (A.R. bd. hortlc. 1891: 313.) YTJBA COUNTY 1888. Climate of Yuba and Sutter cos. compared with that of eastern and southern Cal. (Trans, state socy. 1888: 301-303.) Nevada 1879-1886. Wind velocity, temperature, rainfall, clear, fair, cloudy, and days rain fell at Carson City, Nev., from 1879. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 405- 406.) 1891-1892. Ann. weather summary at Carson City., Nev., by mos., giving means and extremes of tem- perature, date of extremes, mo. and daily range, precipitation, days on which rain fell, etc. (Same 1891 (p. 246)— some 1892.) Oeegon 1891-1892. Ann. weather summary at Roseburg, Ore. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891 (p. 245) — same 1892.) Cyclones 1890. Charts of Pacific Coast cyclone tracks and pre- cipitation; the blackboard weather map and the daily weather map and its use In state; by J. P. Finley, lieut. signal corps. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 340-354.) Drought 1864-1871. Lessons of drought of 1863 and 1864; com- parison of conditions then and those of drought of past 2 yrs.; agric. expansion, diversity of products, fruits, and stock. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 3-9; 45-55.) 1871. The drought of this season proves necessity of adoption of some general plan of irrigation and reclamation throughout each of large open valleys of state; immediate consideration of the subject by legisl. commended. {Same 1870/1: 25-26.) Floods 1850. Floods prevalent. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) 1861. Co. surveyor on flood in Yolo Co. (A.R. sur- veyor gen. 1862: 98-100.) . Letters on flood in Stanislaus Co. (Same 1862: 100-102.) 1862. Rept. on no. of valuable works injured by flood. (Assem. jol. 13 sess. pp. 186-188.) . Flood statistics showing extent of floods of 1862, as compared with those of former yrs. (A.R. sur- veyor gen. 1862: 42-44.) Frosts 1890-1895. Southern Coast Range Station; compara- tive table showing spring frosts; minimums and dates. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5: 374.) 1893-1896. Table giving statistics of killing frosts; their no. and intensity, at Foothill Station. (Same 1895/7: 327.) 1894-1899. Notes on climate at Tulare Station; table giving no. of severe frosts, by mos. (Same 1897/8: 294-295.) 1895. Frost: how and when to prevent injury thereby; table of temperature at which various plants are liable to receive injury from frosts. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 195-201.) 1896. Table giving winter and spring frosts at Tulare. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1895/7: 353.) Rainfall 1870/1. Chart of rainfall on C. P. R.R. and vicinity, through Cal., Nov., and Utah. (1 bienn. rept. bd. health 1870/1 foldg. chart facing 74.) CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd 1885/6. Mo. rainfall averages on Pacific Coast. (9 same 1884/6: 158-163.) 1886/7. Rainfall table for entire Pacific Coast and Nev., giving mo. rainfall for each point named, total for season of 1886/7 and total for last season. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 306-311.) 1887. Mo. rainfall table for entire Pacific Coast and Nev., giving also ann. and normal precipitation. (Same 1887: 432-436.) . The arid region — Greely's stmt, of rainfall be- yond the Mississippi. (Same 1887: 471-472.) Califobnia The following material relates to rainfall specifically. See also general group, above, under climate. 1849-1866/7. Table showing amt. of rain falling at dif- ferent points in state every winter. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1865/7: 46.) 1849/50-1884/5. Comparative summary of seasonal rainfall at 20 stations, extending from San Diego to Siskiyou, and from S. F. to Georgetown. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 246) — same 1885.) 1862-1892. Table giving mo. and ann. average rainfall, in inches, at different weather bureau stations in Cal.; also maximum seasonal amt. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 31.) 1866/7. Table of rainfall for winter of 1866/7. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1865/7: 45.) 1870-1871. Comparative table showing rainfall at va- rious stations of Central Pacific, Cal. Pacific, S. F., North Pacific, Cal. and Ore., and San Joaquin Val- ley r.rs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 356- 357.) 1878. The rainfall in Cal. Its distribution, its period- icity and its probabilities; by G. F. Becker. 10 pp. (Univ. of Cal. Bull. 31.) 1879. Tables showing comparison betw. average mo. and quarterly rainfall in great valleys of Cal. with that over some of irrigation regions of other coun- tries. (Rept. state engr. 1878/9 pt. 4: 18-19.) . Table showing average mo. rainfall on east side of great central valley of Cal. (Same 1878/9 pt. 4: 21.) 1884-1886. Tabular stmts, giving rainfall for Jan., 1886, for each place named from Ft. Jones on north to Poway on south, together with total rainfall for season 1884/5 up to Feb. 1, and rainfall for last season; also average Jan. and seasonal rainfall, as obtained from series of yrs., with rainfall for sea- son and mo. endg. Jan. 31, 1886. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 258-259.) 1885/6. Table showing rainfall and melted snow for each mo. during season. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 152-157.) . Rainfall table for Cal. at 135 different points, giving average rainfall for Feb. for from 1 to 37 yrs., and total for yr.; also average of many sea- sons up to and including last day of Feb., along with total for season up to Mch. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 260-262.) 1886-1888. Seasonal rainfall at certain named stations. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 206-211.) [1889.] Table showing average mo. rainfall, together with yrly. average, and greatest amt. that has ever been precipitated during any season, as also least amt. at 60 places in Cal. — average mean calculated from data of from 5 to 40 yrs. (9 A.R. state miner- alogist 1888/9: 314-315.) . Record showing average rainfall for each mo., along with yrly. average, and greatest amt. that has ever been precipitated in any season, also least amt. for all stations in Cal.; data compiled by Gen. 68 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd Cautoenia— coflt'd A. W. Greely from many yrs. of observation. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (pp. 384-390) — same 1889.) ■ 1893. Rainfall for yr. at voluntary observer stations and stations of light-liouse dept. (Same 1893: 193.) ARCATA 1886/7-1889/90. Comparative table giving rainfall at Areata, Humboldt Co., by mos. and seasons. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890 (pp. 292-293) — same 1890.) CHINO VALLEY 1893/4-1898/9. Table showing mo. rainfall in Chino Valley. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 309.) COLUSA 1872-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Colusa, giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 242) — same 1890.) EL DORADO COUNT! 1879-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table of Placerville, El Dorado Co., giving seasonal, ann., and mo. rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 240) — same 1890.) FOLSOil 1871-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Folsom, Sacramento Co., giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 238)— some 1890.) FORT ROSS 1874-1890. Rainfall record at Ft. Ross, Sonoma Co., by mos., yrs. and seasons. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889 (p. 422)— some 1890.) GEORGETOWN 1872-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Georgetown, El Dorado Co., giving ann., seasonal, and mo. rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 240) — same 1890.) GRASS VALLEY 1873-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Grass Valley, Nevada Co., giving ann., seasonal, and mo. rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 241) — same 1890.) HYDESVILLB 1888. Yrly. rainfall summary at Hydesville. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 321.) IOWA HILL 1879-1890. Comparative rainfall table at Iowa Hill, Placer Co., giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 289) — same 1890.) 1889/90-1895/6. Comparative table giving statistics of seasonal rainfall at Foothill station. (Blenn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1895/7: 326.) 1897/8-1898/9. Notes on climate at Foothill station; tables giving statistics of mo. rainfall and of frosts. (Same 1897/8: 267-268.) LAKE LAGDNITAS 1880-1902. Comparative table showing mo., yrly., and seasonal rainfall at Lake Lagunltas. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 267.) LODI 1887-1890. Comparative table giving mo. and ann. rainfall at LodI, San Joaquin Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889 (p. 447) — ^some 1890.) CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd Califoenia — cont'd LOS ANGELES 1872-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Los Angeles — mo., ann., and seasonal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 354)— same 1890.) 1877-1886. Cumulative comparative rainfall table at Los Angeles, giving mo., ann., and seasonal rain- fall; also averages and totals for whole period. (Same 1884 (p. 233)— same 1886.) 1878-1891. Comparative table giving mo., ann., and average precipitation at Los Angeles. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 138.) 1893/4-1897/8. See below, these dates; Santa Monica. MARYSVILLE 1882-1886. Cumulative comparative rainfall tables for Marysvllle, Yuba Co., giving mo., ann., and sea- sonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 242)— same 1886.) MERCED CITY 1877-1892. Comparative table giving seasonal rainfall at Merced City from 1877 to 1887 and mo. rainfall from 1887. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 158.) MT. HAMILTON 1880/1-1888/9. Comparative table giving mo. and ann. rainfall at Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 442.) NICOLAUS 1877/8-1887/8. Comparative table of mo. and seasonal rainfall at Nicolaus, Sutter Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 325.) OAKLAND 1873-1889. Cumulative comparative rainfall table of Oakland, Alameda Co., giving mo., ann., and sea- sonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 236) — same 1889.) OROVILLE 1884-1888. Cumulative comparative rainfall table of Oroville, giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885 (p. 251) — some 1888.) PASO ROBLES 1897/8-1902/3. Table giving seasonal rainfall at Paso Robles, by mos. (Rept. agric. exper. stations 1901/3: 175.) POMONA 1893/4-1894/5. Table giving mo. rainfall at Southern Cal. Station for 2 yrs. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5: 423.) 1893/4-1897/8. See below, Santa Monica; these dates. PRINCETON 1875-1887. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Princeton, Colusa Co., giving mo., ann., and sea- sonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 243) — same 1887.) RED BLUFF 1877-1887. Rainfall at Red Bluff for each calendar yr. and rainfall by seasons. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 216.) 1877-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Red Bluff, Tehama Co., giving mo., ann., and sea- sonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 243)— same 1890.) 1877-1894. Graphic plates showing mo. rainfall at Red Bluff and Sacramento from Oct. till June, given in two periods, 1877-1887 and 1887-1894. (Rept comr. public works 1893/4 plates 1-4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 69 CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd Calitoknia — cont'd RIVERSIDE 1880-1889. Comparative table giving ann. rainfall at Riverside. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 460.) 1880-1890. Comparative rainfall record by mos., yrs.. and seasons at Riverside. {Same 1890: 334.) SACRAMENTO 1849-1874. Comparative rain table of Sacramento, ar- ranged according to seasons, showing amt. of rain in inches, of each mo. of yr., and for each rainy season; also no. of rainy and foggy days during which amt. of rain fell in each mo. in same period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 237-239.) . Tables of rainy days and rain at Sacramento and S. F. (3 bienn. rept. bd. health 1874/5: 100-102.) 1849-1886. Rainfall at Sacramento. (9 same 1884/6: 169.) 1849-1888. Rainfall from Sept., 1849, to Sept., 1888, at Sacramento. (10 same 1886/8: 201.) . Rainfall for spring, summer, autumn, winter, and total for each yr. at Sacramento. (10 same 1886/8: 199.) 1849-1889. Cumulative comparative table giving rain- fall for each season in yr., ann. rainfall, and sea- sonal, at Sacramento. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 283)— same 1889.) 1849-1891. Cumulative comparative table giving mo., seasonal, and ann. rainfall of Sacramento, and totals and averages for whole period. {Same 1881 (p. 145) — same 1891.) 1849/50-1860/1. Table of rains at Sacramento City, ar- ranged according to seasons, showing amt. in inches each mo., etc. {Same 1860: 295.) 1849/50-1861/2. Table of rains at Sacramento. . . . {Same 1861: 125.) 1849/50-1868/9. Table giving data of first and last rains, and of beginning and endg. of each rainy season; also amt. of rain which fell before end of yr. and amt. after end of yr., in each season, for Sacramento and S. F., also for Red Dog from 1861 to 1865, Vacaville 1868/9, and Shingle Spring for 1866/7. {Same 1868/9: 237.) 1849/50-1871/2. Cumulative comparative table of rains at Sacramento, arranged according to seasons, showing amt. in inches each mo., also mean quan- tity for each mo. and mean ann. amt. {Same 1859 (p. 352) — same 1872.) 1850-1863. Comparative table showing ann. amt. of rain at Sacramento, in inches, ann. assessment of real and personal property in state, and ann. re- ceipts into state treasury, as collected upon prop- erty thus assessed, and all other sources. {Same 1863: 263.) 1850-1889. Table giving daily normal precipitation at Sacramento. {Same 1887 (p. 283) — same 1889.) 1852/3-1885/6. Cumulative comparative tables giving amt. of rainfall and no. of days rain fell in each mo. of each season of yr., total for each season and each yr.; also mean temperature for each mo., each season, and total for yr., at Sacramento. {Same 1882 (pp. 138-148)— same 1885.) 1861/2. Table giving inches of rain falling at Sacra- mento during mos. of Dec, 1861, and Jan., 1862; also mean of thermometer during same time. (A. R. surveyor gen. 1862: 49.) 1877-1889. Table giving date and total amt. of heaviest rainfalls at Sacramento each yr. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 264)— same 1889.) 1878-1885. Table giving total no. of clear, fair, and cloudy days, and no. of days on which rain was pre- cipitated at Sacramento. (9 bienn. rapt. bd. health 1884/6: 167.) CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd Califobnia — cont'd SACRAMENTO VALLEY 1843-1883. Rain phenomena of Sacramento Valley; by Prof. A. F. Goddard. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1883: 183-195.) 1880-1887. Cumulative comparative rainfall table of Reed's R.R. Camp, Upper Sacramento River, giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. {Same 1884 (p. 244) — same 1887.) No returns In 1885 and 1886. SALINAS 1872-1889. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Salinas, Monterey Co., giving ann., mo., and sea- sonal rainfall; also averages and totals for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 234) — same 1889.) 1872/3-1889/90. Tables giving ann., mo., and total rainfall at Salinas City since 1872, and mean and extreme temperature since 1885. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 172.) SAN BERNARDINO 1870-1890. Cumulative comparative table of rainfall at San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co., giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals and aver- ages for same period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885 (p. 244)— some 1890.) SAN DIEGO 1871-1888. Cumulative comparative rainfall table at San Diego, giving mo., ann., seasonal rainfall, and totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 233) — same 1888.) 1872-1901. Comparative table showing ann. rainfall in city of San Diego. {Same 1901: 363.) SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1878-1887. Cumulative comparative rainfall table at Poway, San Diego Co., giving mo., ann., seasonal, and totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 232) — same 1887.) SAN FRANCISCO 1849-1874. See above, Sacramento; these dates. 1849-1875. Comparative ' rain table of S. F., arranged according to seasons, showing amt. of rain, in inches, of each mo., and for each rainy season; also no. of rainy and foggy days during which amt. of rain fell in each mo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874 (pp. 234-236)— same 1875.) 1849-1890. Cumulative comparative table showing mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals for whole period at S. F. {Same 1884 (p. 235) — same 1890.) 1849/50-1868/9. See above, Sacramento; these dates. 1849/50-1876/7. Diagram and table showing relation betw. amt. of rain falling before and after Jan. 1, in each yr. in S. F. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 111-112.) 1850-1871. Comparative tables showing amt. of rain in each mo. in S. F.; total amt. in each rainy season; also maximum and minimum rain in each mo. and average quantity for whole period. {Same 1868/9 (p. 236)— same 1870/1.) 1850/1-1863/4. Comparative table showing amt. of rain at S. F., in inches, of each mo. and each yr. for series of yrs.; also total amt. for each corre- sponding mo., whole amt. during that time, mean amt. for each mo., and mean yrly. amt. {Sam,e 1863: 204.) 1877/8-1894/5. Comparative table showing rainfall at S. P. for series of yrs., and crop of wheat raised. {Same 1887 (p. 244)— some 1895.) SAN JOAQUIN 1870/1-1886/7. Table giving ann. and mo. rainfall in San Joaquin. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 223.) 70 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd Califoenia — cont'd SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 1851-1857. Comparative tables giving mo. rainfall in San Joaquin Valley. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1858: 344.) SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 1869/70-1888/9. Comparative table giving ann. and mo. rainfall at San Luis Obispo. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 344) — same 1889.) 1888. Climate of San Luis Obispo Co.; table comparing rainfall with other points in Cal. and U. S. {Same 1888: 342-345.) SAN RAFAEL 1875/6-1900/1. Comparative rainfall table of San Rafael, giving mo., yrly., and seasonal rainfall. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 267.) SANTA BARBARA 1868-1891. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Sta. Barbara, giving ann., mo., and seasonal rain- fall; also average and totals for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 293) — same 1891.) Not found in yrs. 1888-1890. 1870-1886. Observations and tabular stmts, of seasonal rainfall near Sta. Baraba. (Same 1885 (pp. 256- 258) — same 1886.) SANTA MONICA 1893/4-1897/8. Comparative rainfall stmt., in inches, at Sta. Monica, Los Angeles, and Pomona. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 341.) SANTA ROSA 1853/4-1891. Table giving ann. rainfall in inches at Sta. Rosa, since its early settlement. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 274.) 1854-1901. Comparative table showing ann. rainfall at Sta. Rosa for series of yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 422.) 1875/6-1880/1. Rept. of ann. rainfall at Sta. Rosa. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 30.) SCOTT VALLEY 1859-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table of Scott Valley, Siskiyou Co., giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 245) — same 1890.) SHASTA 1892. Average mo. rainfall, in inches, at different points in Shasta Co. for a period of 5 yrs. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 259.) SHINGLE SPRINGS 1849-1868. Comparative table showing mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall at Shingle Springs, El Dorado Co.; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884: 239.) SISKIYOU COUNTY 1892. Table giving average mo. rainfall at different points in Siskiyou Co. for a period of 10 yra (A. R. bd. hortic. 1892: 266.) SOLANO COUNTY 1882-1892 (?). Table giving average mo. rainfall, cov- ering period of 10 yrs., at different points in Solano Co. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 269.) SONOMA 1885/6-1889/90. Comparative summary of rainfall at Sonoma, by seasons and mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 317.) STOCKTON 1849-1890. Comparative table giving rainfall at Stock- ton, by mos., yrs., and seasons. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 423-425.) CLIMATE— cont'd Rainfall — cont'd Califoenia — cont' d STOCKTON — cont'd 1870-1900. Comparative table showing mo. and yrly. rainfall at Stockton. (.Same 1901: 373.) 1871/2-1879/80. Comparative table giving ann. rainfall at Stockton. (1 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. rev. ed. 1880: 25.) TULARE 1892/3-1896A. Table giving mo. rainfall at Tulare Station. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5 (p. 457) — bienn. rept. same 1895/7.) UKIAH 1877-1891. Tables giving mo., ann., average, and sea- sonal precipitation at Ukiah, Mendocino Co. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 151-152.) VACAVILLE 1880-1890. Cumulative comparative table of rainfall at Vacaville, Solano Co., giving ann., seasonal, and mo. rainfall; also totals and averages for the whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 296)— same 1890.) VALLEY SPRINGS 1887-1890. Rainfall table of Valley Springs, giving rainfall, by mos., yrs., and seasons. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 294.) VISALIA 1877-1887. Cumulative comparative rainfall table for Visalla, Tulare Co., giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 234) — same 1887.) No returns in 1885 and 1886. 1888-1890. Comparative rainfall table for Visalia, giv- ing rainfall by yrs. and mos. (9ame 1890: 325.) WEAVERVILLE 1871/2-1883/4. Comparative table, giving by mos. and seasons, amt. of rainfall and melted snow precipi- tated at Weaverville, Trinity Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1883: 163.) 1871/2-1886/7. Comparative table, showing mo., sea- sonal, and ann. rainfall at Weaverville, Trinity Co., total rain and snowfall for whole period. (Some 1887 (p. 385)— same 1887.) WEST BUTTE 1879-1890. Cumulative comparative table of rainfall at West Butte, Sutter Co., giving ann., seasonal, and mo. rainfall; also totals and averages for whole periods. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885 (p. 251) — same 1890.) WOODLAND 1872/3-1890/1. Comparative table, giving ann., mo., and seasonal rainfall at Woodland, Yolo Co. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 314.) 1873-1890. Cumulative comparative rainfall table of Woodland, Yolo Co., giving mo., ann., and seasonal rainfall, and totals and averages for the whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (p. 322) — same 1890.) YREKA 1872-1886. Cumulative comparative rainfall table of Treka, Siskiyou Co., giving mo., ann., and sea- sonal rainfall; also totals and averages for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (p. 244) — same 1886.) Snowfall 1890. Cal. snowslides: storms and avalanches in a Mona Co. town. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 491-492.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA n CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature 1887. Table giving mean mo. and ann. temperature at Southern Pacific stations in Cal., Nev., Utah, Ariz., N. M., and Texas; also highest and lowest tem- perature observed and lovirest Jan. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 428-431.) Califoenia 1854-1877. The climate of Cal.: temperature distribu- tions of Interior valleys of state, and effects the great deserts of Cal. and Nev. have upon it; con- clusions drawn from 25 yrs'. observation by B. B. Redding. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1877: 123-140.) Reprinted in Transactions of 1885. 1859. Hot wave of 1859 in Cal.; birds drop down dead from trees, and the wind burns up the earth like a sirocco. {Same 1889: 487-490.) 1869/70-1889/90. Comparative table giving date of first and last light and killing frosts; also minimium temperature of each, and date of blooming fruit trees each yr. for series of yrs. (Same 1886 (p. 287)— some 1890.) 1871. Table of temperature and humidity in S. F., Sacramento, Summit, and Truckee. (4 blenn. rept. bd. health 1876/7: 51.) 1871-1885. Table showing rainfall and average and ex- treme temperature for summer and winter in Sierra foothills of Central Cal., from observations of 15 yrs. on Central Pacific R.R. stations. (Blenn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1888/9: 54.) 1876. Tables showing mean temperature and humidity at S. F., Sacramento, Sta. Barbara, Newport, Sta. Cruz, Los Angeles, and Atlas Peak. (4 blenn. rept. bd. health 1876/7: 86-92.) 1876/7. Chart of temperature and humidity of S. F., Sta. Cruz, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Monica, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento. (4 same 1876/7 facing p. 40.) 1885. Comparative seasonal temperature tables for Cal., other portions of U. S., and health resorts in Europe and Mexico. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1885: 263-264.) 1885-1889. Table giving general temperature of places outside of U. S. for comparison with that of Cal. (Same 1886 (p. 357)— some 1889.) 1886-1888. Mo. and ann. mean temperature at certain named points in Cal. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 202-203.) 1888. Northern Cal. temperature; by J. A. Barwick. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 285-287.) . Extracts from newspapers re. cold wave of Jan. — the coldest weather in state since 1854. (Same 1887 (pp. 303-312)— some 1888.) 1888-1890. Comparison of minimum temperature for Jan. and Feb. for 3 yrs. of two citrus belts of Cal. (Same 1889: 479-483.) 1893/4-1897/8. Notes on climate of Southern Coast Range; table giving daily mean and extremes of temperature each mo. and dates of extremes. (A. R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5 (pp. 371-373) — same 1897/8.) CHINO 1889. Wkly. averages of temperature at Chlno, San Bernardino Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 463.) FORT BIDWELL 1866/7-1885/6. Comparative meteorological table for Ft. Bidwell, showing mean and extremes of tem- perature, prevailing winds, and rainfall in inches, by mos. and yrs.; also mean mo. temperature for 20 yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 397-400.) CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Califobnia — cont'd FRESNO COUNTY 1879-1881. Mo. records of mean and extremes of tem- perature made by P. L. Eisen at Eisen Vineyard, Fresno Co. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 55.) 1881/2. Mo. record of mean and extremes of tempera- ture at Washington Irrigated Colony, Fresno Co., from Sept., 1881, to Feb., 1882. (2 same 1881: 66.) LAKE COUNTY 1885-1891. Cumulative comparative table giving aver- age maximum and minimum temperatures at Red Hill Ranch, Upper Lake, Lake Co., by mos. and yrs.; also normal temperature by mos. for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890 (p. 222) — same 1891.) LODI 1882-1889. Comparative table showing mean tempera- ture of Lodl, San Joaquin Co., at sunrise, at 2 p. m , and at sunset for each mo.; also average mo. pre- cipitation. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (pp. 373- 374)— some 1889.) LOS ANGELES 1877-1889. Table showing no. of days in each mo. and each yr. the temperature was above 90° and below 32° at Los Angeles. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 330.) 1877-1891. Comparative table giving mean and extreme temperature of Los Angeles, by mos. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 136-137.) 1880-1890. Comparative tables showing mean and ex- tremes of temperature at Los Angeles, no. of clear, fair, and cloudy days, by yrs. and mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 329; 332.) LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1870-1875. Table showing summary of thermometric observations at Summit Hill, Los Angeles Co. (6 bienn. rept. bd. health 1879/80: 99.) MERCED 1879-1881. Mo. record of mean and extremes of tem- perature at Merced for 3 yrs. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 60.) MODESTO 1879-1881. Mo. record of mean and extremes of tem- perature at Modesto, Stanislaus Co. (2 A.R. bd. Title, comrs. 1881: 60.) MONTEREY 1863-1864. Table of max. heat and cold, no. of nights frost, days cloudy, amt. of rainfall, winds, etc., at Monterey. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1864: 78.) 1882-1887. Comparative table giving mean and ex- tremes of temperature at Monterey; also mo. rain- fall. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 392.) MT. HAMILTON 1881-1882. Comparative table giving extremes of tem- perature on Mt. Hamilton each mo. for 2 yrs.; also mean maximum and mean minimum. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1891/2: 169.) 1888/9. Table giving highest and lowest temperatures each mo. at Lick Observatory from July, 1888, to Dec, 1889. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 443.) NAPA 1877-1889. Comparative meteorological rept. of Napa City, giving means and extremes of temperature, rainfall, and no. of rainy days, by mos. and yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (pp. 322-325) — same 1889.) 72 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd C AlIFOBNTA — COnt' d OAKLAND 1876-1886. Meteorology of Oakland — careful daily ob- servations during each yr; relative humidity; ba- rometrical pressure; mo. meteorological synopsis; synopsis of climate; table of comparative ann. meteorology. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1884 (pp. 247-252) — same 1886.) 1876-1888. Comparative table showing mean tempera- ture of each season at Oakland, extremes of tem- perature, mean and lowest relative humidity, and rainfall. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1888/9: 22-23.) 1876-1889. Comparative table showing temperature of each season and difference betw. warmest and cold- est at Oakland. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 428.) POMONA 1894-1895. Temperature rept. of Southern Cal. station for 1894 and part of 1895; daily mean and extremes and mo. and dates of extremes. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5: 423.) RED BliUFF 1875-1887. Average highest and lowest temperature and total rainfall for each yr.; also highest and lowest temperature from r.r. records at Red Bluff. (10 blenn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 216.) RIVERSIDE 1882-1889. Meteorological record of Riverside, mean and extremes of mo. temperature and average maxi- mum and minimum for each mo. and each yr. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 458-459.) 1888. " Riverside Press " signal service weather rec- ord, showing mean and extremes of temperature, humidity, barometer, and prevailing wind for each day of each mo. (Same 1888: 358-363.) SACRAMENTO 1850-1874. Table showing mean temperature of each mo. for 24 yrs., in S. P.; do. in 22 yrs., in Sacra- mento. (3 bienn. rept. bd. health 1874/5: 109.) 1851-1869. Comparative meteorological tables showing mean and extremes of temperature each mo. at Sacramento since 1853 and at S. P. since 1851; also mean temperature of each yr., and of whole period covered. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1868/9: 229-234.) 1853-1874. Table showing mean temperature of each mo. at Sacramento. (3 bienn. rept. bd. health 1874/5: 106-107.) 1853-1875. Comparative table giving mean tempera- ture of each mo. at Sacramento, deduced from three daily observations; also mean temperature of each yr., and average for whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874 (pp. 240-241) — same 1875.) 1853-1886. Average temperature at Sacramento for each yr. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 167- 169.) 1853-1887. Stmt, showing normal temperature for each mo. of yr. for Sacramento. (10 same 1886/8: 198-199.) 1853-1888. Table giving mo. normal temperature at Sacramento. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 286)— some 1888.) . Highest, lowest, and average temperature, with prevailing wind at Sacramento. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 200.) 1853-1889. Comparative table giving highest, lowest, and average yrly. temperature, along with pre- vailing direction of wind for each yr. at Sacra- mento. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 284) — same 1889.) CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Caiitoenia — cont'd SACRAMENTO — cont'd 1853/4-1887/8. Tabular stmt, showing mean average temperature in Sacramento. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 193-197.) 1853/4-1888/9. Comparative tables giving mean aver- age mo., seasonal, and ann. temperature for Sacra- mento since 1853/4, and highest and lowest each yr. since 1878. (Trans, state agric. socy 1886 (pp. 277-282)— same 1889.) 1856-1860. Table showing mean daily range of tem- perature for each mo. at Sacramento. (Same 1860: 295.) 1859. Meteorological tables for Sacramento and Ft. Crook, giving mo. means and extremes of tempera- ture, barometer, and humidity, notes on weather and winds. (Same 1859: 350-354.) 1863-1875. Table showing mean relative humidity at Sacramento. (3 bienn. rept. bd. health 1874/5: 108.) 1865. Tables giving thermometric mo. means with variations therefrom at Sacramento, during 10 yrs., at S. P., during 9 yrs., at San Diego, during J yr., and at Astoria, during 18 mos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 166-168.) 1866-1872. Table showing mean of all highest readings by day, and all lowest readings by night, as noted by thermometrograph, at Sacramento. (3 bienn. rept. bd. health 1874/5: 108.) 1874. Table showing mean temperature of each mo. for 24 yrs. in S. P., and of each mo. in 22 yrs. in Sacramento. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 242.) 1877-1885. Stmt, showing daily normal temperature for each day of each mo. at Sacramento. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 198.) 1877-1887. Comparative table showing no. of nights considered hot in Sacramento for series of yrs.; lowest temperature on those nights, and when mini- mum temperature fell no lower than 70°, with mo. date, and temperature. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 293.) 1877-1888. Table giving daily normal temperature for each mo., as deduced from three dally observations for 9 yrs., at Sacramento. (Same 1886 (p. 286)— same 1888.) 1878-1886. Highest and lowest temperature at Sacra- mento. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 168.) 1878-1890. Comparative table giving daily extremes of temperature, and daily and mo. means for the whole period, at Sacramento. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 351-375.) SACRAMENTO COUNTY 1879-1889. Comparative tables giving highest and low- est temperature for each mo. for series of yrs.; also for each yr. at Florin, Sacramento Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888 (p. 275) — same 1889.) SALINAS 1872-1889. Comparative table giving mean and extreme mo. temperature, mo. average, and highest and lowest for the whole period of yrs., for Salinas, Monterey Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885 (pp. 240-241)— some 1889.) No returna In 1886. 1896-1900. Comparative table showing mean and ex- tremes of temperature at Salinas, by mos. and yrs. (Same 1901: 293.) SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1878-1885. Comparative tables showing mean and ex- treme mo. temperature for each of a series of yrs. at Poway, San Diego Co.; also average mo. and yrly. temperature, and highest and lowest tempera- ture in the whole period. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 241-242.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 73 CLIMATE— cont'd Temperature — cont'd Califobnia — cont'd SAN DIEGO COUNTY— cont'd 1879-1887. Comparative table showing highest and low- est mo. temperatures at Poway, San Diego Co. (Same 1887 (p. 398)— some 1887.) SAN FRANCISCO 1868-1887. Record of highest and lowest temperatures at S. F. since 1867, giving days when highest tem- perature was 80° and above, and minimum tempera- ture when it was 32° and below. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1887: 413-414.) 1873-1887. Daily normal temperatures at S. F. (10 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886/8: 214.) 1874. Table showing mean temperature of each mo. for 24 yrs. in S. F., and of each mo. in 22 yrs. in Sacra- mento. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 242.) 1888-1889. Table of normal temperature for each day of each mo. at S. F., as deduced from three dally observations for 15 yrs. (Same 1888 (p. 326) — same 1889.) SAN LUIS OBISPO 1888-1889. Table comparing temperature of 6 coldest mos. at San Luis Obispo with most noted places in world. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1888 (p. 345) — same 1889.) SANTA BARBARA 1876/7. Table of mean temperature and humidity at Sta. Barbara. (6 bienn. rept. bd. health 1879/80: 97.) SONOMA VALLET 1881. Record of daily meteorological observations by R. P. Hall in Sonoma Valley, Sonoma Co.; tempera- ture, wind, rain, and state of weather. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 31-42.) STOCKTON 1878-1880. Meteorological table giving mean and ex- tremes of mo. temperature at Stockton. (1 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. rev. ed. 1880: 25.) TEHAMA 1889. Dally temperature records at Tehama. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 408-409.) TULARE 1879-1881. Mo. record of mean and extremes of tem- perature at Tulare. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 60.) 1892-1895. Table giving dates of winter and spring frosts at Tulare station for four seasons. (A.R. agrlc. exper. stations 1894/5: 406.) 1893/4-1894/5. Tulare temperature rept. for 2 yrs. — daily mean and extremes of temperature each mo. and dates of extremes. (Same 1894/5: 405.) TULARE VALLEY 1888. Table showing rainfall and average and extreme temperature for summer and winter in Tulare Val- ley. Vi^ienii. rept. agric. exper. stations 1888/9: 112.) ^~ Wind "V 1877-1887. ComparatT'e table giving highest velocity of wind, along wiith direction at highest velocity for each mo. and for each yr. at Sacramento. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1886 (p. 276) — same 1887.) [ 1877-1890. Data showij.g dates, velocity, and direction of wind at Sacr^ento, when it reached and ex- ceeded 24 miles rer hr. [Same 1869: 340-342.) 1881. The northerly winds of Cal.; by Dr. J. H. C. Bont6. (Same 1881: 201-213.) Reprinted in Transactions for 1885. CLIMATE— cont'd Wind — cont'd 1887. Dessicating north winds, and how modified — ^by planting trees; letter from Lieut. W. A. Glassford, signal corps, to Joaquin Miller. (Same 1887: 445- 448.) 1894. Table showing total velocity of wind, in miles, for each mo. and for yr. from 12 stations situated in various parts of state. (Same 1894: 230.) CO-EDUCATION; see EDUCATION COAL Deposits; see Natural Resources. Imports; see Commerce, etc. Prices; see that title Mineral COAST DEFENSE; see PUBLIC WORKS: FEDERAL CODLIN MOTH; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS COGSWELL POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL; see EDUCATION. INDUSTRIAL, ETC. COLEMANITE; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL COLORADO DESERT Geology; see Natural Resources Health Resort; see Public Health Land; see Land. Desert Mining District; see Natural Resources. Mineral COLUSA Rainfall; see Climate COLUSA COUNTY (1850) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Assessors; see Taxation: State Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Climate; see that title Geology; see Natural Resources Gold in 1881. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; this date. 1888. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultural Com- mission Industries; see that title Irrigation; see Land. Irrigation Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Petroleum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Quicksilver in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Quick- silver; these dates. Salt in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Sandstone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Silver in 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. Sulphur in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Surveyor; see Land 74 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION 1844-1889. Comparative tables showing exports of Va- lencia raisins to U. S. and other countries since 1850, of Malaga raisins from 1860; and production of Smyrna raisins from 1844-1884; quantity and value of currants and raisins imported into U. S. from 1873 to 1878; and quantity and value of rais- ins and currants imported, with rates of duty, amt. of duty collected, etc., from 1879-1888. (A.R. bd. vltic. comrs. 1891/2: 49-52.) 1849. Commercial advantages greater than mineral and development of same urged. (Govs. ann. mess. 1849.) 1850. Rapid improvement in cities, and increased de- velopment of commercial resources. (Same 1851.) . Great increase in trade with China, Pacific Is. and northwest coast of Amer. (Same 1851.) 1851. Rept. on r.rs. urging passage of act granting r.rs. right of way through Cal., with view to se- curing China trade; with statistics showing value and magnitude of said trade. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 746-747.) 1852. State laws burdensome to commerce and repeal urged for laws restricting rather than protecting same. (Govs. ann. mess. 1852.) . Commerce affected by delay of Congress in es- tablishing docks, light-houses, etc., and action urged with view to securing same. (Same 1852.) . Trade and industry injured by delay of Congress in establishing branch mint in state, and indi- vidual coining encouraged thereby. (Same 1852.) 1854. General review of increase in commerce. (Same 1855: 25-26.) . Suggestion to present to Congress importance to Cal. of regular oceanic communication betw. S. P. and Asia and Indies. (Same 1854: 27.) 1856. Review of probable effect on commercial inter- ests of state, and of national possessions on North Pacific coast, of treaty with Russia of 1825, as shown in res. urging national action to secure such modification of said treaty as to enable U. S. citi- zens on Pacific coast to trade and establish depots as far north as latitude 60°. (Sen. jol. 1856: 598- 599.) 1868-1877. Stmt, showing commerce of S. F. for no. of yrs. past. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1875/7: 18.) 1870. Petition for subsidy to Australian steamers. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 unnum doc.) 1872-1879. Produce statistics; yrly. receipts of six lead- ing articles of produce at S. F. from agric. distrs., for yrs. endg. June 30. (Rept. transportation bd. 1877/8: 49.) 1880. Ann. address of pres. of bd. of agric. setting forth significant fact that crops of last season dis- prove fear that wheat lands are being exhausted; advantages of Cal. as wheat-growing state; the problems of transportation and market; the neces- sity of wheat producers bldg. their own wharves and warehouses at the seaboard; changes which completion of Southern Pacific R.R. will bring. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1880: 10-16.) 1883. Rept. of jt. committee on commerce and naviga- tion. 224 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1884-1890. Comparative table showing imports Into U. S. of raisins, Cal. product, and total Amer. con- sumption for 7 yrs. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 47.) 1884-1891. Same; showing quantities and values of raisins imported into U. S. by yrs. (A.R. bd. hortlc. 1891: 83.) 1885. Cal. because of her peculiar location is left to fight her commercial and business battles alone, new channel of trafSc by means of r.r. to Ore. COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd should be opened up. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 174-175.) 1885-1886. Comparative table giving amt. of each va- riety of through freight — barley, brandy, fruit, etc. — and line charges on Pacific system. (Same 1886: 211.) 1885-1895. Table giving mo. receipts of domestic pro- duce at S. F. from all sources for each yr. of ann. rept. and totals for previous yrs. (Same 1887 (p. 242)— some 1895.) 1891-1904. Cumulative comparative table showing im- ports of foreign raisins into U. S. for past 10 yrs. and exports since 1898. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00 (p. 40) — comr. hortic. same 1903/4.) 1892-1904. Transportation and marketing of fruit; papers, discussions, and res. (Same 1893/4 (pp. 127-137; 255-259; 264-269; 278-286; 335-336)— some comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1892/3-1903/4. Same; giving imports into U. S. from foreign markets, showing unsupplled home market for olive oil. (7 same 1899/00 (p. 44) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1894. Comment on German embargo on Amer. meats. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1894: 19.) . Possible trade with Mexico. (Rept. bd. vitic. comrs. 1893/4: 195-200.) 1899. Comment on enlarging markets of state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 34.) 1900. On removal of German embargo on Amer. fruits. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 23.) 1904. Marketing Cal. fruits in Europe. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 146-151.) . Majority and minority rept. of Fruit Growers' Committee on transportation; discussion. (1 same 1903/4: 243-245; 292-305; 307-309.) Consular Service 1900. Rept. on foreign consular advices. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 158-159.) Docks; see below. Wharves Exports 1851. Cal. exports contribute nearly $100,000,000 to wealth of nation, while estimated value of federal revenue from exports of all other states together is but $200,000,000. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) Message may te found In the Journals. 1855. Stmt, of value of each of various agric. exports, Jan. 1 to Nov. 27, as compared with gold dust and bullion and quicksilver exports, resp. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 19-20.) 1860-1865. Comparative stmt, of exports of Cal. pro- duce to various countries for past 6 yrs. ; also value of aggregate amts. sent to various countries in past 3 yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 382.) 1861-1863. Comparative table showing value of differ- ent articles of Cal. production exported from state during each of last 3 yrs. (Same 1863: 265.) . Same; showing value of different classes of Cal. exports during each of last 3 yrs. (Same 1863: 267.) 1863. Comments on exports of Cal. and prospects of farmers. (Same 1863: 266-268.) 1870. Rept. re. exportation of Cal. products free of port charges [by setting aside a portion of the state's tide lands in S. F.] 5 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 2 doc. [28].) 1879-1883. Comparative stmt, of principal articles of through freight eastbound. (5 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1884: 38.) 1880-1889. Same; of articles exported from state by Southern Pacific Co's. lines. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 196.) INDEX TO DOCtJMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 75 COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Exports — cont'd 1890-1891. General summary and comparative table of shipments by rail and by sea of fruit, wine, brandy, and vegetables. (Same 1893: 123.) 1900. Comments on Increased commerce of S. F., •with table showing volume of mdse.. Inward and out- ward, passing over wharves and bulkheads under jurisdiction of state. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1898/00: 13-14.) 1901. Table showing products of northern and south- ern Cal. (from orchards, vineyards, and gardens) shipped out of state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 159.) Daiby Products 1894-1901. Tables showing valuation of butter and cheese exported for each yr. (Rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 26.) 1895. Table showing amt. and value of butter and cheese exports from S. F. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 19.) 1898/9-1899/00. See below. Imports. Dairy Products; these dates. Feuit and Vegetables 1871-1888. Comparative table giving amt. of fresh, dried, and canned fruits and raisins shipped each yr., with freight rate. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 262-263.) 1871-1891. Same; showing amt. fresh fruit, dried fruit, raisins, and canned fruit shipped in Cal. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 36.) 1872-1885. Statistics showing canned fruit shipments to market by rail. (6 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1885: 46.) 1872-1890. Comparative table showing quantity of can- ned fruit shipped by rail from Cal. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 57.) 1873-1891. Same; showing no. of boxes and lbs. of raisins shipped from Cal., by yrs. (Same 1891: 82.) 1874-1885. Stmt, showing exact amt. of shipments by rail of garden vegetables. (6 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1885: 48.) 1875-1885. Statistics showing dried fruit shipments to market by rail. (6 same 1885: 47.) 1880/1-1891/2. Comparative table showing export of oranges from Riverside. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 207.) 1885-1888. Same; showing shipments of onions, pota- toes, and vegetables east over Central Pacific R.R. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 281.) . Same; giving summary of raisin, dried fruit. nut, and honey product of state. {Same 1889: 264.) 1886. Special fruit trains first run during this yr.; experiment a failure, but future prospects are brighter. (.Same 1886: 15-16.) . Comment on transportation question; eastern fruit shipments for yr. and comparison with other yrs'. stmts, re. same from fruit shippers and from freight agt. of Southern Pacific Co.; results of low rates and quick time; no fear of overproduction. {Same 1886: 201-205; 207-211.) . No. of lbs. of green citrus and deciduous fruits shipped during yr. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1886: 427.) 1888-1890. Comparative table giving seasonal ship- ments from various points by Cal. Fruit Union. {Same 1890: 239.) 1888-1891. Same; showing no. of car loads of decidu- ous fruits shipped by Cal. Fruit Union from various points. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 63-64.) 1890. Eastern fruit shipments; growth of the indus- try. {Same 1890: 83-85.) 1890-1891. Comparative table showing no. of tons of each variety of fruit carried by Cal. Transportation COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Exports — cont'd Fkuit and Vegetables — cont'd Co. boats from Sacramento River points. {Same 1891: 61.) . Tables showing quantity of fruits shipped by Southern Pacific Co. and by Santa Fe System for different cities each yr. — dried fruits and canned, deciduous fruits, citrus, raisins, and nuts. {Same 1891: 58-59; 60-61.) 1890-1894. Stmt, of shipments of beans by sea from S. F. and by rail from whole state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890 (p. 232)— same 1894.) Not given In 1893. 1890-1899. Table showing steady increase in fresh fruit shipments. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 31.) 1890-1902. Comparative table giving amt. of interstate shipments of fresh deciduous fruits. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 27.) 1890-1903. General summary and comparative tables of shipments by rail and by sea, of fruits, wine, brandy, and vegetables for 10 yrs. (7 same 1899/00 (p. 29) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1890/1-1898/9. Comparative table showing citrus fruit shipments for series of yrs., with comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 15-16.) 1890/1-1903/4. Cumulative comparative tables giving quantity and value of exports of prunes since 1897 and imports of foreign prunes since 1890. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2 (p. 28) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1891. Table showing no. of lbs. of each kind of fruit, dried, canned, deciduous, etc., shipped by Ore. De- velopment Co. from S. F. to different points. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 61.) . Table showing shipments of fruit by sea to all points from S. F. — amt. and value of canned, green, and dried fruit, raisins, nuts, and olive oil; sum- mary. {Same 1892: 221-222.) 1892-1894. Rept. on shipments of Cal. fruits direct to England. (4 bienn. rept. same 1893/4: 409-410.) 1893. Tables showing shipments of fruits and vege- tables, by mos., from northern and from southern Cal.; also total shipments out of state by r.rs. giv- ing place of shipment. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1893: 120-122.) 1893/4. Tabular stmt, of value of exports of fruits by sea from port of S. F., for 9 mos. endg. July 30; also value of imports of dutiable fruit at same port for same period. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 406-407.) . Table showing movements of fruits, by mos., over lines of Southern Pacific R.R. from Nov., 1893, to July, 1894, inclusive. (4 same 1893/4: 407-408.) 1895. Tables showing total amt. (in lbs.) of orchard and vineyard products eastbound by Southern Pa- cific lines during yr. from territories named; also Southern Cal. R.R. Co. and North Pacific Coast R.R. Co. (5 same 1895/6: 74-75.) 1895-1896. Table showing shipments of fresh fruits east to various cities, by mos. (5 same 1895/6: 70.) 1895-1899. Comparative tables showing varieties of fruit shipped each yr., and destination of cars, with comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: g-9.) 1895-1901. Same; showing no. of cars of deciduous fruits forwarded by rail from Cal. during series of yrs. {Same 1901: 160.) 1895-1904. Cumulative comparative tables showing des- tination and no. of cars of fresh deciduous fruits shipped out of Cal.; also no. of cars of each variety. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00 (p. 95)— same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 76 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Exports — cont'd Fettit and Vegetabues — cont'd 1896-1899. Comment on green fruit shipments to Eu- rope during last 3 yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 10.) 1897/8-1901/2. Comparative table giving cars and boxes of apples shipped from Pajaro Valley; state, interstate, and export shipments. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 31.) 1898-1904. Cumulative comparative table giving quan- tity and value of fruit and nut exports from U. S. (8 same 1901/2 (p. 41) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1899-1903. Table showing shipments of hortic. pro- ducts and vegetables from state by land and sea. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 112.) . Tables showing shipments of fruit out of state by sea and by rail, showing terminals. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00 (p. 30) — same comr. hor- tic. 1903/4.) . Table showing shipments of hortic. products and vegetables from state by land and sea. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 112.) 1899/00-1903/4. Cumulative comparative table giving exports of Cal. apples and destination. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2 (p. 31) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1900. Rept. on cause of defective transportation ser- vice of past yr. (7 same 1899/00: 102-103.) . Our export fruit trade and our export packages; by B. N. Rowley. (7 same 1899/00: 191-193.) . Necessity for expedited service for fresh fruit shipments. (7 same 1899/00: 104-106.) 1901. Table showing shipments of vegetables (green and canned) out of state, place of shipment, by rail and by sea. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 160.) . Table showing shipments of vegetables out of state, giving place of shipment. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 37.) Gold Dust; see below, Tbeasuee Gbain 1854/5-1894/5. Comparative table showing exports of wheat and flour from Cal. each yr. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 165.) 1855. Over one million dollars worth of wheat and flour exported by Cal. during yr. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 17.) 1859-1895. Cumulative comparative stmt, of date of ar- rival of new wheat at tide water each yr. since that cereal was produced in quantity, and price obtained for same. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887 (p. 245) — same 1895.) 1861/2-1877/8. Comparative table showing exports of grain and flour from port of S. F. for series of yrs. {Same 1878: 146.) . Same; showing receipts of grain and flour (Cal. products only) at port of S. F. (Same 1878: 146.) 1868/9-1877/8. Comparative detailed stmt, of exports of grain and flour from Cal. to different countries. (Same 1878: 149-150.) 1870-1895. Comparative stmt, of arrivals of new barley for series of yrs. and price obtained for same. (.Same 1887 (p. 246)— same 1895.) 1871-1885. Stmt, giving grain and fruit shipments for series of yrs. and average rate of freight charged. (6 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1885: 45-46.) 1886. Table showing exports of flour and grain from S. P. each mo. by sea and rail during each yr. of ann. rept. and totals for previous yrs. (Trans. state agric. socy. 1886 (p. 250) — same 1889.) COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Exports — cont'd Grain — cont'd 1890-1895. Table showing mo. barley shipments from S. F. by sea and rail and from interior points by rail each yr. (Same 1890 (p. 231)— same 1895.) . Table showing mo. clearances of flour and grain from S. F. by sea each yr. of ann. rept. and totals for previous yrs. (Same 1890 (p. 225) — same 1895.) 1891-1895. Table showing nationality of grain vessels from port of S. F. (Same 1891 (p. m)—same 1895.) 1891/2-1894/5. Table giving destination and value of wheat and flour exports from Cal. each yr. (Same 1892 (p. 130)— some 1895.) 1892-1901. Comparative table showing cereal exports from S. F., by sea. (Same 1901: 162.) 1899-1903. Table showing wheat crop for last 5 yrs. and total clearance by sea from S. F. of all canals. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 112.) Ltjmbeb 1887-1890. Table showing value and kind of all lumber exported from port of S. F. for 46 mos. endg. Oct. 31, 1890. (3 bienn. rept. forestry bd. 1889/90: 72.) QtrECKSILVEB See also below, Treasure. 1850-1883. Exports of quicksilver from Cal.; etc. (4 A.R. mineralogist 1883/4 foldg. table.) 1870-1883. Historical table showing ann. shipments of quicksilver out of state by rail from S. F. and San Jose for 13 yrs. (4 same 1883/4: 344.) Teeastjbe 1853. Statistics showing Cal. exportation of gold dust in 1853, to be more than half of total exportation of other 30 states in 1852. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 13.) 1853-1854. Stmt, of quarterly export of bullion to Europe and Atlantic states during 1853 and 1854 and amt. and value of quicksilver shipped during 1854. (Same 1855: 24.) 1855. Stmt, of value of gold dust and bullion, and amt. of quicksilver, resp., exported during yr. (Same 1856.) 1881. Stmt, of treasure shipments to China from Cal. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 173.) Wdte and Brandy 1874-1885. Stmt, showing amts. of wine and brandy shipped east by rail, also price of freight. (6 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1885: 48.) 1875-1877. Comparative table giving amt. and value of sea exports of Cal. wine by countries, to foreign ports for series of yrs.; rSsumg of totals by coun- tries and yrs. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 22-25.) 1875-1879. Same; Cal. wine and brandy exports by sea and rail. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 125.) 1875-1881. Same; showing shipments of wine and brandy out of state by sea and by rail. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 20.) 1875-1887. Same; showing amt. and value of Cal. wine exports by sea to N. Y. and foreign countries from S. P. each yr. and totals for whole period. (Same 1887: 27-30.) . Same; showing total wine shipments out of state by sea and by rail, with declared value and com- puted average value per gallon. (Same 1887: 20.) . Same; showing amt. and value of Cal. brandy exports by sea to N. Y. and foreign countries, from S. F., each yr., and total for whole period of 13 yrs. (Same 1887: 31-35.) . Same; showing total brandy exports out of state, with declared values and computed average value per gallon. (Same 1887: 21.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 7? COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Expoits — cont'd Wine and Beandy — cont'd 1879-1880. Comparison of shipments of wine and brandy into S. P. and out of state for 2 yrs.; en- couraging features for future of vitic. in state gleaned from repts. of distr. comrs. (1 same rev. ed. 1880: 13-14.) 1881. Table of mo. exports of wine and brandy by sea and rail from S. F. (2 same 1881: 20-21.) 1887. Comment on Cal. foreign trade in wines and Drandies and lack of appreciation at home; im- portance of national law for protection of pure wines and detection and prevention of those that are spurious. (Same 1887: 25-37.) 1887-1893. See Industries, etc. Liquor (wine) ; these dates. 1890-1895. Table showing amt. and value of brandy ex- ports by sea with destination, also of shipments by rail each mo. for each yr. of ann. rept. and grand totals for previous yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1893 (p. 152)— same 1895.) . Table giving amt. and value of wine exports by sea, and destination; also mo. shipments by rail and value by mos. for each yr. of ann. rept. and grand totals for previous yrs. (Same 1893 (p. 151) — some 1895.) 1891-1893. Comparative stmt, of shipments of wine and brandy by rail and by sea. (Same 1893: 123.) 1892-1893. Detailed stmt, of overland shipments, of Cal. wines and brandies, giving no. of cases and gallons, shipping points and destination. (Rept. bd. vitic. comrs. 1893/4: 14-20.) Exports and Imports 1856-1879. Tabular history of transactions in domestic produce at S. F. for past yr., and receipts and ex- ports since 1856. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 212-223.) 1856-1881. Comparative stmt, giving exports and im- ports at port of S. F. (3 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1882: 556.) Paging from Collected docs. 1862-1863. Comparative table showing amt. of imports and exports for 2 yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1863: 264.) 1900-1903. Table showing output of petroleum and im- port of coal, together with price of each. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 118.) Grain Trade See also Exports. 1872-1879. Produce statistics — grain products trans- ported to general markets of state by r.rs. from agric. distrs. (Rept. transportation bd. 1877/8; 49.) 1872/3-1894/5. Comparative table showing proportion of Amer. to foreign ships engaged in grain trade at port of S. F. each yr. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891 (p. 192)— some 1895.) 1878-1895. Same; showing amt. of flour and grain re- maining in state on July and Jan. 1 of each yr. (Same 1886 (p. 251) — some 1895.) 1887-1895. Table showing stocks of grain in regular warehouses on first of each mo. (Same 1887 (p. 244) — same 1895.) . Rept. of flour and grain remaining in state at various points on Jan. 1. (Same 1886 (p. 250) — ■ same 1895.) Harbor Masters 1857. Favorable rept. on act concerning harbor mas- ters of port of S. F. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 364- 365.) 1869. Suggestion for tax upon commerce to be discon- tinued, office of harbor master abolished, and duties COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Harbor Masters — cont'd performed by that officer attached to this comn., without any expense to shipping. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1867/9: 11.) 1870. Stmt, of moneys collected by J. S. Houseman, harbor-master of the port of S. F. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) Harbor Regulations 1850. Rept. of commerce and navigation committee re. port and harbor of Monterey. (App. to Sen. jol. 1 sess. p. 566, doc. 00.) 1868. Rept. [favorable] of Assem. committee on com- merce and navigation re. reduction of wharfage, harbor master's dues, pilotage, etc. [showing the disproportion of shipping charges in N. Y. and S. F.]. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 3 [doc. 4].) 1884. Comparison of aggregates of changes in harbors of Boston and S. F. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1882/4: 59-60.) Imports 1863-1865. Comment on various imports of Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 364-379.) 1886/7. Stmt, of imports of minerals and mineral pro- ducts into S. F. (8 A.R. state mineralogist 1887/8: 898-899.) 1887-1892. Table giving imports into Cal., by sea, of flour, grain, potatoes, and wool during each mo. of 1892, and totals for previous yrs. (Same 1893: 132.) 1887-1895. Table showing mo. imports of products into Cal., by sea, for each yr. of ann. rept. and totals for previous yrs. (Same 1892 (p. 132) — same 1895.) Coal 1860-1876. Historical table giving ann. receipts of coal at S. F. from various sources. (7 A.R. state mineralogist 1886/7: 154.) 1860-1886. Same; showing ann. receipts of S. F. of Eastern and Pacific Coast coal from various distrs. and totals for 27 yrs. (7 same 1886/7: 169-170.) 1866-1886. Same; showing ann. imports of foreign coal to S. F. for 21 yrs. (7 same 1886/7: 168.) 1886. Ann. review of coal trade from S. P. Journal of Commerce. (7 some 1886/7: 166-172.) Daiky Peoducts 1860-1865. Comparative table showing no. of firkins and lbs. of butter imported into state from east during each of last 6 yrs., and average price for each yr., and whole no. of lbs., and whole cost. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 365.) 1898/9-1899/00. Same; showing lbs. of animal and dairy products imported into state, and exports of same for 2 yrs. (Same 1900: 114.) Fbuit 1890/1-1903/4. Cumulative comparative table giving quantity and value of dried figs imported. (8 bienn rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2 (p. 30) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1891. Tables showing value of foreign fruits and nuts Imported into S. P., also value of exports by sea, for each mo. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 62-63.) 1891-1900. Comparative table giving receipts of for- eign plums and prunes; quantity and value. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 37.) 1894-1902. Same; showing English imports of Cal. canned fruits. (7 same 1899/00 (p. 42) — 9 same 1901/2.) 1895/6-1903/4. Cumulative comparative table giving amt. and value of imports of foreign oranges and lemons. (8 some 1901/2 (p. 27) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 78 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Imports — cont'd Tin 1875-1883. Stmt, of ann. Imports of Australian tin reed, at S. F. for 9 yrs. (4 A.R. state mineralogist 1883/4: 122.) "Wine 1887-1893. See Industries, etc. Liquor (Wine) ; these dates. Interstate Commerce 1887. Res. re. action to be taken by state bd. of hortic. in matter of interstate commerce bill. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 482.) Pilots and Pilotage 1849. Rept. of judiciary committee on res. for apptmt. of pilots for ports and harbors of state, submitting bill, and urging importance of early passage of same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 484-486.) 1851. Veto of act prescribing duty of pilots for ports of Benecia, Sacramento, and Stockton. (Same 1851: 1788-1789.) 1855. Act reducing pilotage rates passed in aid of whaling trade, but further legislation re. shipping of seamen and prevention of desertion, needed to secure full benefit of said industry. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 20-21.) 1858. Veto of act to amend an act to establish pilots and pilot regulations for port of S. F., passed May 11, 1854. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 391-393.) 1859. Same. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. p. 748.) 1870. Minority rept. of committee on chamber of com- merce on pilot laws. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 2 unnum. doc.) . Important changes in the pilot system prepared by Sen. bill 255, including the apptmt. of comrs. by the Gov.; reduction of rates of pilotage; and licenses to steam tugs for pilot service. 11 pp. {Same 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [79].) 1883. Rept. and testimony re. discriminating and double rates charged for pilotage in the port of S. F.; refusal by the pilotage comn. to show their books, and a tug-boat monopoly which, in connec- tion with the r.r. monopolies, it is feared will con- trol the entire commerce of the port. The sea wall, dockage rates, and the duties of harbor comrs. are also mentioned. 224 pp. (Same 25 sess. v. 3 doc. [5].) . Rept. of jt. committee on investigation of all official acts of bd. of state harbor comrs. and bd. of pilot comrs., and on towage and lowage rate and all other matters re. injury to commerce of state. (Assem. jol. 25 sess. pp. 330-334.) . Rept. of jt. committee on investigation of harbor comrs. and pilot comrs. (Same 25 sess. pp. 395- 398; Sen. jol. pp. 207-210.) . Provisions of the political code establishing pilots and pilot regulations for ports of S. F., Mare Is., Vallejo, Port Costa, and Benicia; together with by-laws of pilot comrs. 27 pp. 24°. . Same; 1891, 1895, 1899. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1899. Repts. on pilot comrs. of Eureka and S. F. and on port wardens of S. F. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 170- 171.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1903. Rept. on investigation of state bd. of pilot comrs. (Sen. jol. 35 sess. pp. 894-898.) Rates of Freight Rail; see RAiLBOiiDS COMMERCE, TRADE, AND NAVIGATION— cont'd Rates of Freight — cont'd Wateb 1872/3-1879/80. Comparative table giving average, highest, and lowest wheat rates on ships for yrs. before rates for iron and wooden ships were sepa- rated. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890 (p. 231) — same 1895.) 1880/1-1894/5. Same; showing average wheat rates per season for iron and wooden ships; also no. of vessels dispatched. (Same 1890 (pp. 230-231)— same 1895.) 1882. Comments on collection of revenue: opinion of bd. that surer and more economical system is col- lection directly from master, owner, or consignee of vessel of charge on mdse. by measurement or weight. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1880/2: 10.) 1884-1886. Comments on mode of collecting charges on goods. (Same 1882/4 (pp. 20-22)— same 1884/6.) 1890-1892. Table showing average, highest, and lowest rates paid for wheat ships each mo., rate being based on price paid for ships to Cork for orders to U. K., Havre, or Antwerp. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890 (p. 230) — same 1892.) 1894/5. Table showing average, highest, and lowest freight rates paid for iron wheat-ships each mo. of cereal yr. (Same 1895: 161.) Tax on; see Taxation: State. Shipping Tonnage Rah, 1887-1888. Stmt, giving tonnage and receipts betw. S. F. and Healsburg, Aug. 1 to Dec. 31. (10 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1889: 62.) 1888-1889. Tonnage of through freight east and west- bound (in lbs.) — Southern Pacific Co. (9 same 1888 (p. 39)— 10 same 1889.) Wateb 1864-1877. Comparative stmt, of tonnage entering Golden Gate from foreign and domestic ports. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1873/5 (p. 27) — same 1875/7.) 1864-1900. Stmt, of foreign and domestic tonnage en- tering Golden Gate, by yrs. (Same 1896/8 (p. 49) — same 1898/00.) 1877/8. Friedlander's freight list, showing tonnage en- gagements at port of S. F. from July 1, 1877, to July 1, 1878. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1878: 135- 142.) Wharves and Docks; see that title COMMUTATION TAX Obsolete ; same as Passenger Tax ; which see. COMPULSORY EDUCATION; see EDUCATION CONDEMNATION FUNDS; see FINANCE: STATE. FUNDS CONIFERS; see NATURAL RESOURCES. FORESTS CONSULAR SERVICE; see COMMERCE, ETC. CONSUMPTION Industrial; see Industries, etc Tubercular; see Public Health CONSUMPTIVES Maintenance; see Maintenance: State CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (1850) Artesian WeUs; see Natural Resources Asphalttun in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Assessors; see Taxation: State Cement in; see Natiiral Resources. Mineral INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 79 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (1850)— cont'd Clay in; see Natural Kesouices. Mineral Coal in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Coal; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultural Com- mission Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Mining; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Natural Gas in; see Natural Resources Petroleum in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Pe- troleum; these dates. Sandstone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Surveyor; see Land CONTROLLER Expenditures for; see Finance: State Reports; see Finance: State CONVENTIONS Agricultural; see Agriculture Educational; see Education Fruit Growers'; see Agriculture Irrigation; see Land. Irrigation Olive Growers'; see Agriculture Roads; see that title Viticultural; see Agriculture CONVICT LABOR; see LABOR CONVICTS 1854. Recommendation re. authorizing Gov. or state prison inspectors, in certain cases, to offer rewards for escaped convicts, payable out of state treasury. (A.R. inspector state prison 1854: 5.) Discharged 1860. Recommendations for small apprn. to be made for discharged convicts, to enable them to reach their homes. (A.R. state prison director 1860: 36.) 1892. Recommendation for apptmt. of state agt. to look after discharged convicts, and sufficient apprn. to carry out plan. (13 same 1891/2: 7.) Transportation; see Maintenance: State CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE; see BENFICIARY ORGANI- ZATIONS COPPER Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral CORPORATIONS 1854. Govs. mess. re. need for restriction of corpora- tions. (Sen. jol. 1854: 324-326; Assem. jol. pp. 333- 336.) 1855. Laws regulating corporations are lax; reform of same urged to prevent formation of monopolies. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 29-30.) 1856. Review of restrictive provisions of constitution re. corporations, showing same to have been disre- garded in many cases by state. (Govs, inaugural address 1856.) CORPORATIONS— cont'd 1856. Rept. of special committee to whom was referred act to amend act entitled " act to provide for for- mation of corporation for certain purposes"; rec- ommending passage of this amdmt., which is di- rected against monopolies of Gal. Steam Navigation Co. and Citizens' Steam Navigation Co., and their high mileage rates. 12 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 7 sess. doc. [21].) 1857. Minority repts. opposing Assem. bills 221 and 222 re. corporations. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 617-619.) 1864. Veto of act granting certain rights and privi- leges to the Yreka Creek Drainage Co. (Sen. jol. 15 sess. p. 519.) 1866. Rept. of Assem. judiciary committee on veto of Assem. bill 41 to change name of Pacific Accumula- tion Loan Co., and authorize it to purchase certain real estate. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1870. Rept. of corporation committee re. certain bills referred to them. 4 pp. (Same 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [66].) 1872. Veto of act concerning corporations. (Sen. jol. 19 sess. pp. 577-579.) 1886. List of articles of incorporation in office during two fiscal yrs. endg. July 1, 1886. (Bienn. rept. state dept. 1884/6: 11-36.) Fees; see Taxation Laws 1886. Laws regulating corporations. 81 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1890. Same. 86 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1893. Laws and amdmts. to law relating to corpora- tions, enacted by legislatures of 1891 and 1893. 35 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1901. Corporation laws; by C. A. Son. 685 pp. 24°. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1903. Same (with citations from, up to and including the 137 Cal. rept., ed. 2); compiled by C. P. Curry. 337 pp. 16°. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1904. Same; by W. I. Brobeck and R. M. Sims. 1094 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Light and Power Companies 1904. Laws concerning gas and electricity; by J. W. Stetson. 158 pp. 16°. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Taxation; see that title CORRUPT PRACTICES 1861. Testimony taken before House investigating committee re. resignation of certain members of claims committee, and their charges against the chrmn. in regard to proposed bribery in the case of J. P. McCauley's claim. 20 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 12 sess. doc. [15].) 1862. Official rept. of proceedings, testimony, and argu- ments in trial of J. H. Hardy, distr. judge of 16 judicial distr., before Sen. of Cal. sitting as a high court of impeachment. Apr.-May, 1862. Sumner and Cutter, official reporters. 712 pp. (App. to jols. 13 sess. [doc. 36].) 1866. Rept. of Sen. committee of investigation on cer- tain charges of bribery made by editor of " Ameri- can Flag," [agst. certain members of Sen., clear- ing Senators, and accussing editor, D. 0. McCarthy, of libel.] 4, 50 pp. (Same 16 sess. v. 2 doc. 11.) 1870. Repts. on investigation of charges of bribery in Assem. (Assem. jol. 18 sess. pp. 548-549; 678-699.) 1874. Rept. on investigation of charges of bribery and corruption in late senatorial election. (Same 20 sess. pp. 1091-1092.) 80 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA CORRUPT PRACTICES— cont'd 1874. Transcript of testimony taken by bribery in- vestigating committee. 219 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. V. 5 [doc. 23].) In reference to late Senatorial election. 1880. Rept. and testimony re. charges of an attempt at bribery. 31 pp. (Same 23 sess. v. 6 unnum. doc.) 1885. Minority rept. of committee apptd. to Investigate certain charges made by Ed. E. Leake agst. J. W. McCarthy, clerk of Supreme Court. 5 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1886. Rept. of committee on expenses of investigation into charges agst. Justices Morrison and Sharp- stein. (House jol. 12 extra sess. 1886: 69.) . Communication from Chief Justice Morrison and Associate Justice Sharpstein, of Supreme Court of Cal., re. apptmt. of committee to investigate charges preferred agst. them. (Same 1886: 49.) . Rept. of committee apptd. to investigate charges agst. Chief Justice Morrison and Associate Justice Sharpstein of Supreme Court of CaJ. {Same 1886: 50. 1887. Rept. of special committee apptd. to Investigate charges re. changes of position of bills in Assem. file and also charges agst. members of Assem. 121 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1891. Rept. on charges in S. F. "Evening Post" agst. House that no bill, could pass unless backed by money. (Assem. jol. 29 sess. pp. 529-531.) . Rept. on expenses of investigation of scraps of paper, used for wrapping currency, found in libra- rian's oflSce and currency supposed to have been used for bribes in Sen. (Sen. jol. 29 sess. pp. 866; 877-879.) 1893. Rept. of testimony and proceedings in matter of charges made agst. Assemblyman H. H. Johnson, of Santa Clara Co., by J. W. Rea, of offering to sell his vote on the r.r. comn., and of blackmail. 349 pp. (App. to jols. 30 sess. v. 8 doc. [8].) . Rept. of testimony and proceedings in matter of investigation of charges agst. W. H. H. Hart. atty. gen., of wilful neglect of duty, ofllcial misconduct, and misdemeanor in office. 152 pp. (.Same 30 sess. V. 8 doc. [9].) . Testimony taken before select committee in mat- ter of investigation of A. Bretz for using certain words charging Marion Cannon, of a corrupt use of money. 81 pp. (Same 30 sess. v. 8 doc. [10].) 1895. Testimony and proceedings in matter of charges [of bribery] of Senator Biggy agst. Senator Dunn, and rept. of committee, Mch. 12-15, 1895. 28 pp. (Same 31 sess. v. 6 doc. 30.) . Stmt, of Sen. Biggy re. bribes offered him. (Sen. jol. 31 sess. p. 1046.) . Rept. on investigation of charges of bribery made by Senator Biggy. (Same 31 sess. pp. 1212- 1213.) 1897. Rept. on investigation of charges of fraud in organization of Assem. (Assem. jol. 32 sess. pp. 421-423; 515-517.) . Rept. on investigation of charges of bribery agst. members of Assem. by " S. F. Examiner." (Same 32 sess. p. 1278.) . Same; agst. members of Sen. (Sen. jol. 32 sess. pp. 946-948; 973-974; 1166-1168.) 1899. Rept. on investigation of charges of using illegal methods in connection with election of U. S. Sena- tor. (Assem. jol. 33 sess. pp. 231; 247; 402-404.) COST OF LIVING; see LABOR COTTON Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Industry; see Industries, etc. COTTONY CUSHION SCALE; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS COUNTERFEITING Coin; see Money COURTS; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE COYOTE Bounty on; see Bounty CRAB; see FISH AND GAME CRAYFISH; see FISH AND GAME CREAMERIES; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. DAIRY CREDIT INSURANCE; see INSURANCE CRESCENT CITY Climate; see that title CRISES AND DEPRESSIONS 1850. Extensive failures and pecuniary embarrass- ments resulting from monetary crisis; monetary crises largely result of oppressive rates of inter- est. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) CROP BULLETINS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS CROPS; see AGRICULTURE CUSTOMS SERVICE: FEDERAL For moneys collected In ports of Cal. by federal govt prior to admission of state ; see Finance : State. Military govt CUT WORM; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS CUYAMACA LAKE Fisheries; see Fish and Game CYCLONES; see CLIMATE DACE; see FISH AND GAME DAIRY INDUSTRY; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. DAIRY PRODUCTS Exports; see Commerce, etc. Imports; see Commerce, etc. DATE-CULTURE; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS DEAF Education; see that title DEAF AND DUMB Maintenance; see that title DEATHS; see VITAL STATISTICS DEBRIS COMMISSION; see RIVER CONSERVANCY DEBT: COUNTY 1871/2. Table showing co. debts of several cos. in 1872, and total rate of state and co. tax in each co. for 1871-1872. (A.R. equalization bd. 1872/3: 12-13.) 1882-1904. Stmt, showing assessed value of property and indebtedness of cos. of state. (Bienn. rept. state controUer 1880/2 (pp. 128-192)— some 1902/4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CA1.IF0ENIA 81 DEBT: COUNTY— cont'd EL DORADO COUNTY 1878. Memorial to legisl. of holders and representa- tives of outstanding bonds and coupons of Bl Do- rado Co. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 12].) LOS ANGELHS COUNTY 1860. Rept. on act to authorize funding of outstanding debt of Los Angeles Co. and to provide for payment of same. (Assem. jol. 11 sess. pp. 741-746.) SACRAMENTO COUNTY 1897. Issue of bonds by Sacramento Co. to provide funds for expenses of construction and transporta- tion on model highway from Sacramento to Pol- som provided for by legisl. of 1897, declared illegal. (Bienn. rept. dept. of highways 1897/8: 19-20.) SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY 1856. Veto of act authorizing bd. of supervisors of San Joaquin Co. to provide for payment of funded in- debtedness of CO. and create fund therefor. (As- sem. jol. 7 sess. pp. 672-673.) SAN MATEO COUNTY. 1898. San Mateo Co. bond election — result agst. bonds. (Bienn. rept. dept. of highways 1897/8: 21.) DEBT: MUmCIPAL 1898-1902. Comment on purchase of bonds and recom- mendation that law be amended so as to allow pur- chase of municipal bonds. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1899 (p. 8)— same 1900/2.) 1900. Recommended that bonding laws be so amended as to enable incorporated cities to co-operate with the country in issuance of bonds for road construc- tion. (Bienn. rept. dept. of highways 1899/00: 75- 76.) 1902. Stmt, showing population, assessed valuation, rate of taxation, and bonded indebtedness of sev- eral incorporated cities and towns of state. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1900/2: 140-141.) SACRAMENTO 1860. Rept. on act requiring bd. of supervisors of city and CO. of Sacramento to take from interest and sinking fund of city of Sacramento. (Assem. jol. 11 sess. pp. 255-256.) SAN FRANCISCO 1851. Rept. on act to fund debt of city of S. F., review- ing provisions necessary for success of proposed funding. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 1463-1466.) 1858. Rept. of select committee apptd. to visit S. F. to get data of the fees in oflSce of various officials; to examine the books, and to inquire into the affairs of the eomrs. of the funded debt of the city and co. of S. F. 15 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 9 sess. doc. [10].) 1904. Present status of Montgomery ave. bond cases. (Rept. atty. gen. 1902/4: 7-8.) DEBT: STATE serial Under act of April 2, 1870, to provide for payment of funded indebtedness of Cat., and to contract a funded debt. 1871/3-1873/5. Rept. of loan eomrs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1871/3 in App. to Jols. 20 sess. v. 4 unnum. doc. 1873/5 " " " " 21 " v. 2 " non-serial See also Land. Water Front Property. 1849. Review of objections to negotiation of loan to provide for current expenses. (Govs. ann. mess. 1849.) 1849-1850. Review of causes leading up to creation of large state debt; formation of state with empty DEBT: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd treasury and without intermediate process of terri- torial govt.. Immediate necessity for providing cur- rent funds at ruinous rates, transient and untax- able character of first immigration and adoption of cumbersome and expensive form of govt, as pro- vided by constitution, etc. (Same 1856: 3-6.) . State heavily burdened with debt before organi- zation of state govt, completed. {Same 1856: 6.) 1849-1854. Review of conditions during organization of state govt, leading up to enforced issue of 3% bonds bearing interest at 36% per ann. showing re- demption of same in 1854 after payment of interest exceeding whole amt. of principal. {Same 1856: 4-5.) 1850. Govs. mess. re. impossibility of accepting bids made for state loan, transmitting copies of same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 489-492; 1011-1013.) . Rept. with suggestions for negotiation of per- manent loan. (Same 1849/50: 1041-1044.) . Stmt, of state debt, created under act authoriz- ing temporary loan, approved Feb. 1, showing con- dition of same Dec. 15. (Suppl. rept. comptroller 1850.) . Review of fluctuations in value of 3% bonds as result of delay in admission to Union. (A.R. comp- troller 1850.) . Rept. re. necessity of early negotiation of state loan, urging passage of bill authorizing loan for state of Cal. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 559-560.) 1850-1852. Stmt, of indebtedness incurred prior to Jan. 1, 1852, and audited and paid after that date. (App. to Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 31-33.) . Bonds and warrants on treasury depreciated as result of increasing expenditures without corre- sponding increase in revenue. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 5.) 1850-1853. Tabular stmt, showing condition of state debt. June 30, 1850, created under act approved Feb. 1, 1850, and comments on same. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (pp. 530-532)— same 1852/3.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850/1. Stmt, of funded debt of state. (A.R. state treasurer 1850/1: 515.) Paging from Collected docs. 1851. Review of funds to compose state sinking fund as approved by act to fund state debt approved Apr. 29. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) . Recommendation for negotiating a loan suffi- cient to redeem outstanding 3% bonds and interest due thereon. (A.R. state comptroller 1850/1: 493.) Paging from Collected docs. . Review of total indebtedness under act author- izing temporary loan. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) . Review of state debt. (Same 1851.) . Rept. urging relief of certain holder of state bonds from loss occasioned by loss of same (first case of its kind and possibly establishing prece- dent). (Legisl. jol. 1851: 905-907.) . Review of state debt outstanding Dec. 31, and amt. funded under act of Apr. 29, 1851. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) . Review of provisions of act of Apr. 29, 1851, for funding state debt, by issue of $700,000 of 7% bonds to be exchanged for outstanding 3% bonds, and failure to fund required amt. by reason of re- luctance of holders of 3% bonds to exchange. (Same Jan. 30, 1852.) 1851-1852. Treasurer's special rept. re. receipts and disbursements, and operation of funded debt, July 1, 1851, to Feb. 1, 1852. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 640-642.) 82 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA DEBT: STATE— cont'd nonrserial — cont'd . Comptroller's rept. on condition of civil and war debts of state Dec. 31, 1851. with stmt, of payments made mto treasury July 1, 1851. to Jan. 27. 1852; ace. Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852. (Same 1852: 573-574.) ^ 1851-1853. Review of legislation defining character and extent of public debt and providing for funding of same. (Govs. mess. Jan. 14, 1854.) 1852. Stmt, of condition of 3% bonds on Jan. 31, ap- pended to controller's special rept. (Add. to Sen joL 1852: 571-572.) . Immediate provision urged for complete redemp- tion of 3% bonds, in view of ruinous interest ac- cruing on same. (Govs. ann. mess. 1852.) . State credit Impaired and state In debt, with not sufficient funds in treasury to meet demands agst. it as result of defective system of raising revenue and providing for state Indebtedness. (Govs, spe- cial mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) . Govs, special mess, on affairs of state (Jan. 30). (Sen. jol. 1852: 71-80.) Ace by special rept of controller on state debt App. to Sen. jol. sess. 1852 : 573-574. . Review of 3% bonds outstanding urging imme- diate redemption of same in view of rimious amt. of interest rates thereon. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) . Stmt, of bonds issued during yr. and bonds re- deemed during yr. (A.R. state treasurer 1851/2: 19.) . Review of state debt on Dec. 15. (CJovs. ann. mess. 1853.) . State bonds issued to defray expenses of sup- pressing Indian hostilities, and action urged to secure reimbursement from Ck>ngres3 for same. (Same 1852.) 1852-1853. Review of state debt Jan. 1. 1852, and apprns., 1852-1853. (Same 1854: 5-6.) 1853. Rept. of committee on finance re. necessity for forwarding to N. Y. interest due on state debt, and insufficiency of amt. in treasury to meet same. (Sen. jol. 1853: 296.) . Review of condition of state debt Dec. 20. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 4-5.) . More than $800,000 of debt incurred by state in defense of frontier. (Same 1853.) . Rept. re. amt and existing method of providing for interest on state debt, with suggestions for re- duction of interest, and urging apptmt. of 5 state officers to assume authority heretofore vested in treasurer alone. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 53.) . Comptroller's stmt of civil and war debt of state, to Mch. 22, with estimate of unpresented war claims; ace. Govs, special mess. 5 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 docs. 49-50: 9-11; App. to Assem. jol. doc. 42.) 1853/4. Stmt of bids for redemption of 7% bonds is- sued under act of 1851. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4: 24.) 1854. Stmt of civil indebtedness of state at close of fiscal yr. June 30. (Same 1853/4: 25.) . Rept. re. cause of failure to pay Interest on civil funded debt due in N. Y. Jan. 1. (Assem. jol. 1854: 567-568.) . Speedy settlement of state debt necessary, and provision therefor urged by extension of water front of S. F. and sale of lots within same. (Govs, special mess. May 8. 1854.) . Review of state indebtedness, Dec. 20. (Ctovs. ann. mess. 1855: 6-8.) DEBT: STATE— «ont'd non-serial — cont'd 1854. Govs. mess. re. treasurer's refusal to accept state prison bonds in payment for property sold by state land comrs., with review of legislation defining funded state debt, showing said prison bonds not to be part of same; Jan. 14. (Assem. joL 1854" 92-95.) . Rept. re. refusal of treasurer to receive state prison bonds in payment for property sold by state land comrs., declaring said bonds to be part of funded debt of state. (Same 1854: 113.) 1854-1856. Condensed stmt, of civil debt of state June 30. (A.R. state comptroller 1853/4 (p. 21)— same 1856.) . Stmt, of temporary state loan bonds issued under act of Feb. 1, 1850; amt. redeemed during each yr. with interest paid thereon, and amt. outstanding at close of yr. June 30. (Same 1853/4 (pp. 25-27)— same 1855/6.) . Stmt, of condition of civil bonds issued under act of 1851/2, showing amt. issued, amt redeemed, total redemption and balance outstanding. (Same 1853/4 (p. 26)— same 1855/6.) . Stmt, of civil debt, Dec. 20, 1854. (Same 1853/4 (p. 30)— same 1855/6.) 1854-1857. Receipts and payments of sinking fund of 1851 in acct. with state treasurer. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4 (p. 14) — sam^ 1856/7.) 1855. Stmt, of redeemed and cancelled evidences of in- debtedness examined and destroyed by committee apptd. therefor. (Sen. jol. 1855: 738-739; Assem. jol. pp. 775-776.) . Treasurer's stmt, of probable amt. required to be in sinking fund to meet principal and interest of state bonds to July 1, 1856, and amts. on hand to provide for same. (Sen. jol. 1855: 254.) . Review of arguments for liquidation of state debt by sale of beach and water lot property, show- ing probable amt. of accumulated interest at time of maturity. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 10.) . Proceeds from sale of property to be placed under control of state by proposed extension of S. F., probably sufficient to liquidate remaining state Indebtedness. (Same 1855: 9.) . Rept. re. apparent conflict betw. funding act of Mch., 1855, and act providing for state's sale of water lot property in S. F., passed May 18, 1853, as to provision for acceptance of comptroller's war- rants in payment for said property. (Assem. jol. 1855: 556.) . Treasurer's communication re. discrepancy betw. funding act of 1855 and act providing for sale of water lot property in S. F.. passed May 18. 1853. as to their provisions for reception of comptroller's warrants. (Sen. jol. 1855: 482-483.) 1855-1856. Stmt, of clvU bonds. Issued under act of Mch. 16, 1855, giving total amt. issued to June 30, 1855, and outstanding. (A.R. state comptroller 1854/5 (p. 27)— same 1855/6.) 1856. Suggestion to avoid contracting heavy indebted- ness heretofore incurred. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 10.) . Scrip system forced upon state by necessity for deferring cash payments until after redemption of Z% bonds in 1854. (Sam^ 1856: 4.) . List of objects for which greater part of existing state indebtedness was incurred. (Sam^ 1856: 6.) . Stmt, of 7% civil bonds, issued under act of Apr. 19, 1856. (A.R. state comptroller 1855/6: 34.) . Temporary state loan bonds. Issued under act of Feb. 1, 1850. (Same 1855/6: 33.) 1856/7. Recommendation re. appm. for payment of principal and Interest on state loan bonds. (A.R state treasurer 1856 A: 3.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 83 DEBT: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1857. Rept. and testimony re. Investigation of alleged remittance to N. Y. of money for payment of seml- ann. Interest due upon funded civil debt of state, due July 1. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 255-288.) . Rept. of committee on various bills re. state debt. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 623-625.) . Rept. of special committee on state debt propos- ing to fund the debt. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 8 sess. doc. [2].) 1857-1873. Stmt, of amt. of bonds issued and interest paid on same since 1857. (Blenn. rept. state con- troller 1871/3: 185.) 1857/8-1873. Interest and sinking fund of 1857. (A.R. state treasurer 1857/8 (pp. 16-17; 28-29)— bienn. rept. same 1871/3.) 1859-1862. Stmt, showing amt. expended for interest on state debt. (A.R. controller 1858 (p. 11) — same 1861/2.) 1859/60. Recommendations for repeal of funding act of 1857, sec. 7; whenever, on first day of Jan. or July in any yr. there remains, after paying inter- est, a surplus of $10,000 or more, It shall be duty of treasurer to advertise for redemption of bonds, etc. (A.R. state treasurer 1859/60: 5.) 1860. Communication from atty. gen. on res. re. state indebtedness. (Sen. jol. 11 sess. pp. 306-309.) . Rept. on act to provide for payment of $250,000 of outstanding indebtedness of state. (Some 11 sess. pp. 514-523.) 1860-1862. Stmt, of amt. expended for redemption of bonds. (A.R. state controller 1859/60 (pp. 15-16) — same 1861/2.) 1860-1865. Stmt, of funded debt of state of 1857, show- ing amt. of bonds issued and redeemed. {Same 1859/60 (p. 38)— bienn. rept. same 1864/5.) 1861. List of coupons of 7% bonds destroyed. (Sen. jol. 12 sess. p. 779; Assem. jol. pp. 835-836.) . Stmt, of amt. expended for purchase of civil bonds. (A.R. state controller 1860/1: 14.) 1861-1865. Stmt, of funded debt of 1860. {Same 1860/1 (p. 45)— bienn. rept. same 1864/5.) 1861-1877. Stmt, of condition of interest and sinking fund of 1857. {Same 1860/1 (pp. 32-33)— bienn. rept. same 1875/7.) 1861/2. Stmt, of state debt. (A.R. treasurer 1861/2: 15.) 1862. Rept. on act to provide for paying certain de- mands issued on faith and credit of state, due May 2. (Sen. jol. 13 sess. pp. 617-624.) 1863. Repts. of state finance committee on Sen. bill 206, re. providing for paying certain demands is- sued on faith and credit of state, and to contract a funded debt for that purpose. 13 pp. (App. to jols. 14 sess. unnum doc.) . Comments on funded debt. (A.R. state con- troller 1862/3: 9.) 1863-1873. Stmt, of condition of interest and sinking fund of 1860. {Same 1862/3 (pp. 84-85)— bienn. rept. same 1871/3.) 1864. Rept. of committee on claims re. providing for paying of certain demands, and creating funded debt for that purpose. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 15 sess. V. 2 unnum doc.) . Same; minority rept. 4 pp. {Same 15 sess. v. 2 unnum doc.) 1864/5-1875. Interest and sinking fund of 1860; re- ceipts, and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1863/5 (p. 11)— same 1873/5.) 1864/5-1894. Interest acct. of state debt, showing bal- ances on hand July 1; also amts. reed, and paid and balances on hand to meet unpaid coupons June 30. (Same 1863/5 (p. 31)— same 1892/4.) DEBT: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd . Transactions in state bonds; bonds sold and re- deemed. {Same 1863/5 (p. 30)— some 1892/4.) 1865. Comments on state debt. (A.R. state controller 1864/5: 6-8.) 1865-1867. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for purchase of state bonds. {Same 1864/5 (p. 45)— same 1865/7.) 1865-1877. Same; for redemption of state bonds. (Same 1864/5 (p. 45)— some 1875/7.) 1867-1871. Stmt, of funded debts. (Bienn. rept. same 1865/7 (pp. 161-162)— same 1869/71.) . Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for interest on state debt. {Same 1865/7 (pp. 73-74)— some 1869/71.) . Same; for redemption of state debt. {Same 1865/7 (p. 74)— some 1869/71.) 1869. Same; for redemption of civil bonds of 1857. {Same 1867/9: 58.) . Same; for purchase of bonds. {Same 1867/9: 59.) . Recommendation that legisl. authorize state treasurer to make exchange of bonds issued under acts of 1857 and 1860, held by him in trust for school fund, for similar amts. of bonds issued for soldiers' relief and soldiers' bounty. {Same 1867/9: 6.) 1869/71-1873. Debt of state of Cal.; funded debt. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1869/71 (p. 33) — same 1871/3.) 1871/3. Table giving stmt, of funded debt July 1, 1871, amt. redeemed, amt. refunded, and amt. outstand- ing June 30, 1873. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3: 10-11.) 1873/5-1875/7. State debt and assets June 30. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1873/5 (p. 34) — same 1875/7.) 1873/5-1882/4. Interest and sinking fund, receipts and payments. (Some 1873/5 (p. 11) — same 1882/4.) 1879-1894. State debt and kind of money in treasury, June 30. (Same 1877/9 (p. 16)— some 1892/4.) 1880-1904. Stmt, of condition of interest and sinking fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1879/80 (p. 43) —same 1902/4.) 1880/2-1884. Receipts and payments on funded debt fund of 1873. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1880/2 (p. 13)— some 1882/4.) 1882-1884. Stmt, of condition of funded debt fund of 1873. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (p. 95) — some 1882/4.) 1882-1886. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for payment of in- terest on bonds. (Some 1880/2 (p. 67) — same 1884/6.) 1887/8. Transactions in bonds of state bd. of exami- ners for past 2 yrs. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1889: 3-6.) 1888. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for payment of interest. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1886/8: 59.) 1888-1904. Same; for purchase of bonds. {Same 1886/8 (p. 59)— some 1902/4.) 1894/6. Stmt, showing Indebtedness in bonds of state. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1894/6: 16.) 1895-1904. Comparative stmt, of bonds purchased and showing to what extent and good new law has worked. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1905: 10.) 84 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEBT: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1896-1904. Stmt, showing state debt at close of busi- ness, June 30. (Blenn. rept. state treasurer 1894/6 (p. 15)— some 1902/4.) Claims Against State serial 1 series Under Act of April 1, 1870, to proTlde for Uquldatlon of all claims agst. state. 1871-1881/2. Rept. of state bd. of examiners. In Collected docs, as follows : 1871 In Sen. Jol. 19 sess. pp. 88-94. ,o-„ !! -fssem. Jol. 19 sess. pp. 51-57. Jfl§m .. -^^P- ^S J°'s- 20 sess. V. 5 [doc. 13]. lilS'^^ r 25 :: "'■ 5 unnum. doc 1880 " " " 24 " V 2 " " 1881/2 " " " " 25 " V.' 1 2 series 1887/9-1902/4. Rept. [bienn.] of bd. of examiners. In Collected docs, as follows : 1887/9 In App. to Jols. 28 sess. v. 1 nnnnm. doc. 1889/90 1891/2 1893/4 1894/6 1896/8 1898/00 1900/2 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 V. 1 V. 1 V. 1 V. 1 V. 1 V. 1 V. 1 doc [71. [2]. [3]. 1900/2-1902/4 not found. non-serial 1850. Review of issue of controller's warrants in pay- ment for claims on state. (A.R. controller 1850.) 1852. Repts. of committee on claims; brief stmts, re. advisability of paying or rejecting various claims later on. (Assem. jol. 1852: 371.) First collected stmts, re. claims. 1853. Rept. of Indian affairs committee recommend- ing payment of claim of O. S. Wetherby. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. doc. 31.) 1855. Rept. of claims committee on claim of city of Sacramento agst state of Cal. for expenditures in- curred on acct. of sick and destitute non-residents of Sacramento, from Dec, 1849, to May, 1851. 7 pp. (Same 6 sess. doc. 15.) 1856-1857. Exhibit of accts. acted on by bd. of exami- ners. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 45; Assem. jol. p. 62.) 1858. Rept. recommending payment of claims of Wells, Fargo & Co. for express charges on papers and docs, of Sen. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 579.) . Communications re. Hereford claim for services rendered in prosecuting suits agst. late treasurer. (Same 9 sess. pp. 371-373.) . Stmt, of claims, bills, repudiated comptroller's warrants, and petitions acted upon by jt. commit- tee on claims. (Same 9 sess. pp. 669-675.) 1859. Stmt, of claims agst. state which have been re- jected by bd. of examiners. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 201-202; 256.) . Stmt, of claims agst. state. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. pp. 252-253; 309; 504; 808-813.) . Stmt of accts. for sundry expenses communi- cated by bd. of examiners. {Same 10 sess. pp. 144- 145; 211; 256; 284; 425; 435; 438; 506; 532; 567; 623; 697; 730; 792-793.) 1860. Stmt, of equitable claims agst state to be funded under act of Apr. 30, 1860. (A.R. state con- troller 1859/60: 38.) 1870. Rept. re. certain accts. agst. Sen. and recom- mending that they be paid. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 3 doc. [50].) 1881. Claims for deficiencies for previous yrs. (A.R. bd. examiners dated Jan. 1, 1881: 7-8.) 1883. Corresp. re. claim of Jas. Mackubin, Ellicott City, Md., agst state of Cal. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881, to Dec. 31, 1882: 15-16.) . Corresp. re. claim of Confer Bros. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881, to Dec. 31, 1882: 13-15.) DEBT: STATE— cont'd Claims Against State — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1884-1887. Stmt of claim of D. Beaumont (Same dated 1889: 36-38.) 1886. Comments on delays in payment of claims: rec- ommendation that passage of act requiring all bds. and heads of depts. to consider and pass upon all bills properly coming before them for considera- tion not later than 10th of each mo. and that stats bd. of examiners be required to meet at least once each wk. to consider bills coming before it for action. (Bieim. rept. state controller 1884/6: 36-37.) 1887/8-1890. Stmt, giving list of rejected claims for past 2 yrs.; also claims for which no appm. has been made. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1889 (pp. 7-18)— same 1888/90.) 1887/8-1900. Comment on deficiency claims; complete list of all such, synopsis of their history, reason for approval of bd. and apprn. agst which they are chargeable. (Same dated 1889 (pp. 18-31) — same 1899/00.) 1888. Claims of J. Mackubin, W. W. Sheldon, Thos. Stephenson, and D. B. Woolf. (Same dated Jan. 1, 1881, to Dec. 31, 1882: 4-5.) 1888/90-1904. Claims approved by state bd. of exami- ners for which no apprns. have been made. (Same dated 1891 (pp. 16-21)— some 1902/4.) 1889. Rept. on investigation of all matters re. any un- paid claims agst state. (Sen. jol. 28 sess. pp. 984- 986.) 1890-1900. List of claims rejected and disallowed; also list of special and extraordinary claims. (AR. bd. examiners dated 1891 (pp. 25-28) — same 1899/00.) 1892. Comments on claims for less than $100 that have accrued prior to 44th fiscal yr. (Same dated 1893: 43.) . Stmt, of claims transmitted without recommen- dation. (Same dated 1893: 33-39.) 1893. Govs, mess.; changes needed in laws re. claims agst. state, etc. (Sen. jol. 30 sess. pp. 542-543; Assem. jol. pp. 516-518.) 1898. Comments on deficiencies granted. (AJl. bd. examiners dated 1899: 18.) . Condensed stmt, showing amt. of deficiency claim approved by bd. under sec. 663 of political code. (Sam^ dated 1899: 4-6.) 1901. Veto of act making apprn. to pay claim of Marin Co. agst. state. (Sen. jol. 34 sess. pp. 1228- 1229.) . Veto of act appropriating money for payment of claim of Pacific Coast Steamship Co. agst. state. (Assem. jol. 34 sess. p. 590.) 1902. List of claims approved as deficiencies under sec. 5, of general appm. act, and recommendation for payment of appms. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1903: 4.) 1904. Comments on rejected claims reconsidered. (Same dated 1905: 9.) Interest Fund; see Finance: State. Funds War Debt; see War Expenditures Warrants; see Finance: State. Expenditures DEES; see FISH AND GAME DEFALCATIONS State Officers; see Finance: State. Misappropriation, etc. DEL NORTE COUNTY (1857) Assessors; see Taxation: State Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. INDEX TO DOCXJMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 85 DEL NORTE COUNTY (1857)— cont'd Coal in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Coal; these dates. Copper in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Cop- per; these dates. Forests; see Natural Resources Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Gold in 1879-1880. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. 1881. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Iron in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Iron; these dates. Manganese in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Man- ganese; these dates. Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Mining; these dates. Platinum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Sandstone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Silver in 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. DENTISTS License; see that title DESERT LAND; see LAND DIABASE; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL DIAMONDS; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL DIPHTHERLA.; see PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECT TAX; see FINANCE: STATE. REVENUE DISCHARGED CONVICTS; see CONVICTS DISEASES Human; see Public Health Livestock; see Agriculture DISSOLVED SAVINGS BANK FUND; see BANKS. SAV- INGS BANK FUND DIVORCE; see VITAL STATISTICS DOCKS; see WHARVES AND DOCKS DRAINAGE Land For drainage local works, see Land : Drainage. For the drainage construction works of the state, see Elver Conservancy. This division has been made to avoid unnecessary duplication. DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION FUND; see RIVER CONSER- VANCY DRIED FRUIT Industries; see Industries, etc. DROUGHT; see CLIMATE DRUGGISTS License; see that title EARTHQUAKES 1872. The Owens Valley earthquake of Mch. 26; ar- ticles by Prof. Whitney, published in " Overland Monthly" for Aug. and Sept., 1872. (8 A.R. state mineralogist 1887/8: 288-309.) 1887. List of recorded earthquakes in Cal., Lower Cal., Ore., and Wash. Ter.; comp. by B. S. Holden. 78 pp. EDUCATION 1865. Table showing educational resources of the more prominent Amer. colleges. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 84.) . National bureau of education favored. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1864/5: 77.) Califoehta serial A 1866-1885. Rept. of Assem. committee on education re. state reform school, etc. In Collected docs, as follows : 1866 In App. to Jols. 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc. 4 pp. " " Assem. Jol. 16 sess. pp. 562-564. State Normal School, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum, Industrial School, and Orphan Asylums at S. P. 1870 In App. to ]ols. 18 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. 6 pp. State Normal School, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum, and State University. 1876 In App. to Jols. 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc. 5 pp. State University, State Normal School and Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. 1883 In Assem. Jol. 25 sess. pp. 375-377. 1885 In Assem. Jol. 26 sess. pp. 558-562. As above. B REPORTS 1 series Under Act approved May 1, 1851. 1851-1862/3. Ann. rept. of supt. of public instruction, 1-13. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1851 In App. to Assem. Jol. 1852 : 803-824. 2. 1852 " " " Sen. " 1853 doc. 61. 3. 1853 not found. unnum. 1854 In App. to Assem. Jols. 6 sess. doc. 4. 1854 " • ■ - - 5. 1855 5. 1855 6. 1856 " 6. 1856 unnum. 1857 " 1857 1858 " 1858 " 1859 1859 " 10. 1860 " 10. 1860 " 11. 1861 " 12. 1862 13. 1862/3 " Sen. »* 6 " " 4. Assem. '* 7 " " [7] . Sen. ** 7 " '* 4. Assem. ** 8 " unnum. doc. [5]. *' '* 8 " pp. 115-122. u <( 9 " unnum. doc. [57. Sen. ** 9 " *' ' [5]. Assem. *' 10 " *' • [4]. Sen. Assem. ti 10 " 11 " tt ' [4]. 4]. Sen. *' 11 " " ' 4 . Assem. (( 12 " " 4 . Sen. ;'; 12 " 13 " 14 " (1 ' 4 . ' 5 . ' 3 . " " 15 " i( 2 series Bienn. rept. of supt. of public instruc- 1863/5-1902/4. tion, 1-21. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1863/5 in App. to Jols. 16 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. 2. 1865/7 " 17 " V. 2 3. 1867/9 " " " " 18 " V. 1 " " 4. 1870/2 " 19 " V. 1 5. 1871/3 (sic.) In App. to Jols. 20 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 6. 1873/5 In App. to Jols. 21 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc. 7. 1875/7 " i,'- « tt 22 " V. 1 <■ 8. 1877/9 " *' tt tt 23 " V. 2 orated. (Ctovs. ann. mess. 1856: 8.) . Defects in school law, remedial legislation sug- gested. (5 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1855: 8-9.) 1855-1856. Uniform system of mngmt recommended for township schools, uniform series of text-books, and non-sectarian and non-i)olltical control of com- mon schools. (5 same 1855 (pp. 9-10) — 6 some 1856.) 1855-1879. Dla^ams showing growth of schools In nos., school attendance, no. of census children, and salaries paid teachers. (8 bienn. rept same 1878/9: 2.) 1856. Provision should be made in every township now established and in every township of 6 miles square, as soon as surveyed, not only for election of school comrs., but also for levying of such rates of taxation necessary to supiwrt one or more schools free of charge to all children within township; in event of any township failing to take such actioii. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 87 EDUCATION— cont'd Caufoenia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd should be made duty of co. supervisors to fix rate of taxation in such townships; amendatory act providing that school moneys be distributed in proportion to average attendance, Instead of no. resident, recommended. (6 A.R. same 1856: 7.) 1857-1863. Statistical comparison of progress of schools during past 6 yrs. (12 same 1862: 3-6.) 1858. On condition of Cal. school system; out of 40,530 children reported betw. 4 and 18 yrs. of age In state, average attendance was 11,183; direct apprn. of $100,000, over and above usual interest paid upon school fund recommended. (8 same 1858: 3-8.) . On working of school system; state supt. ad- dressed himself during past yr. to reorganization of dept. and reformation of abuses on part of school officers; full and detailed repts. made for first time by school marshals and co. supts.; system of edu- cational exchanges organized and registry for teachers opened; small apprn. for lectures on edu- cation suggested. (8 same 1858: 8-10.) . Commentaries on the school law, with elements of school architecture. 184 pp. (Supt. public in- struction.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1858-1859. Amdmts. to school law recommended ex- tending term during which school shall be main- tained to entitle it to apportionment, from 3 to 6 mos.; creating co. and state bd. of examiners; clearly defining rights and duties of co. treas- urers In matter of deducting percentage for dis- bursing school funds; prohibiting use of school fund for payment of officers' salaries; allowing ad- joining distrs. to unite funds; increasing co. tax for support of schools; remedying inconsistency in law, fixing time for census repts.; prohibiting ne- groes entering public schools for white children. (8 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1858 (pp. 10-15) — 9 same 1859.) 1858-1904. Statistical tables exhibiting condition of public schools, by cos.; no. of children, average attendance, expenditures, apportionments, school houses, teachers, etc. (8 same 1858 (pp. 26-34) — 21 same 1902/4.) 1859. Remedial legislation to correct defect in law re. certificates of election to trustees, and to compel schools to be conducted on a cash basis. (9 same 1859: 12-13.) 1859-1896. Statistical review of progress in public schools during yr. (9 same 1859 (pp. 3-6) — 17 same 1894/6.) Not found in 1870/1. 1860. Compensation inadequate to secure efficient teachers; direct apprn. for support of schools, in addition to interest ordinarily paid on school fund recommended. (10 same 1860 (pp. 7-9) — 11 same 1861.) 1862. Rate bills necessary evil until state is prepared to furnish larger means for support of schools; recommended legislation to enforce payment of same. (12 same 1862: 19-20.) 1863. Rept. on state educational diplomas granted. (13 same 1863: 38-41.) . The schools and the state; public schools and patriotism. (13 same 1863: 97-111.) . Comment on attendance; comparison with Mass. schools. (13 same 1863: 11.) . Forms of repts. of the educational dept. care- fully revised and simplified; comment on same. (13 same 1863: 43-49.) . On condition of schools; only a little more than one-fourth are free schools; rest partially main- EDUCATION— cont'd Cautoenia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd tained by rate bills and tuition. (13 same 1863: 9-10.) 1863-1867. Review of educational progress of state since 1862. (2 bienn. rept. same 1866/7: 135-144.) . Comment on school census of children. (13 A. R. same 1863 (pp. 10-11) — 2 blenn. rept. same 1866/7.) . Review of financial school legislation and pro- gress of schools during last 5 yrs.; 1867 marks transition period from rate bill to free school sys- tem. (2 bienn. rept. same 1866/7: 5-6.) . Principal amdmts. and new provisions of re- vised school law. (13 A.R. same 1863 (pp. 21-22) — 2 blenn. rept. same 1866/7.) 1863-1888. On educational progress in Cal. during past 25 yrs. (13 A.R. same 1886/8: 5.) 1864-1865. Comments on statistics from school regis- ters. (1 bienn. rept. same 1864/5: 38.) . Comparison of Cal. schools with other states. (1 same 1864/5: 31-32.) 1864-1867. Comment on average length of schools. (1 same 1864/5 (pp. 40-41)— 2 same 1866/7.) 1864/5. Comparative financial stmt. betw. Incorpo- rated cities and rural distrs. of state. (1 same 1864/5: 228-229.) . Comparative stmt, of school census marshals' returns, betw. cities and rural distrs. (1 same 1864/5: 230.) . Same; of city and co. schools from repts. of teachers and trustees. (1 same 1866/7: 231.) 1865. Statistical comparison betw. schools of incor- porated cities and those of rural distrs. (1 same 1864/5: 33-35.) . State educational journal: stmt, by cos. show- ing no. of teachers and no. of subscribers for Cal. Journal; recommendation that state supt. be au- thorized to subscribe for sufficient no. of copies to supply each distr. library and each distr. clerk. (1 same 1865: 68-74.) . Improvements In methods of teaching. (1 same 1864/5: 122-124.) . School discipline; relation of teacher and pupil; corporal punishment; punishment for misconduct out of school. (1 same 1864/5: 154-167.) . Public schools and taxation; an appeal to legisl. (1 same 1864/5: 175-178.) . Rept. on school visits. (1 same 1864/5: 87-90.) . Comment on no. of free schools maintained without resort to rate bill. (1 same 1864/5: 42.) . Results of operations of new school laws re. co. institutes, school trustees, distr. taxes, state teach- ers' certificates, uniform series of text-books, half- mill, CO., and distr. school taxes, teaching U. S. history, supplying Cal. Teacher to each bd. of trustees, and division of distrs. (1 same 1864/5: 52-57.) . Amdmts. to school laws recommended enlarg- ing bd. of education and empowering same to pre- scribe regular course of study for ungraded schools; to prepare rules and regulations govern- ing teachers and pupils, and to issue teachers' life certificates under certain conditions. (1 same 1864/5: 57-59.) . Revision and rearranging of whole school law recommended. (1 same 1864/5: 74-75.) . Additional legislation recommended re. powers and duties of teachers, and of co. supts.; also pro- viding that public schools, except in incorporated cities, be open to all white children betw. 5 and 21 resident in distr.; that asst. be employed in school exceeding 60; that except in incorporated 88 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDUCATION— cont'd Caufoenia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd cities, schools should be divided into three grades — grammar schools, those betw. grammar and pri- mary, and primary — to correspond with the three grades of certificates; and that no distr. should be entitled to its apportionment unless kept open during 5 mos. of the yr. (1 same 1864/5: 63-65.) 1865-1867. Comment on no. of schools in state. (1 same 1865 (p. 40)— 2 same 1866/7.) . The importance of moral training in public schools; the Bible in the schools. (1 same 1864/5 (pp. 144-154)— 2 same 1866/7.) . Review of public school property of state, and valuation. (1 sam^ 1864/5 (pp. 29-30)— 2 same 1866/7.) . Course of study for ungraded schools. (1 same 1864/5 (pp. 124-130)— 2 same 1866/7.) 1865-1874. Cal. colleges, college schools, and semina- ries. (1 same 1864/5 (pp. 392-417)— 5 same 1872/3.) 1866-1896. Table giving percentage of increase or de- crease in state school population. (6 same 1874/5 (p. 8)— 17 same 1894/6.) . Comparative tables giving school census of chil- dren, no. and percentage attending public and pri- vate schools, average daily attendance, mo. and percentage of non-attendance and truancy. (5 same 1872/3 (pp. 12-13)— 17 same 1894/6.) 1867. School distr. elections. (2 same 1866/7: 15-18.) . School children and estimated population of state. (2 same 1866/7: 28-29.) . Comment on forms and blanks of educational dept. (2 same 1866/7: 38-39.) . The inspection of schools. (2 same 1866/7: 53- 58.) . School discipline; the self -reporting system. (2 same 1866/7: 58-63.) . Children not attending school. (2 same 1866/7: 28.) . Educational directory. (2 same 1866/7: 89-97.) 1868-1871. Abstr. of school statistics from state supt's. rept. (3 same 1868/9 (pp. 84-85) — 4 same 1870/1.) 1869. Favorable comment on cosmopolitan schools. (3 sawie 1868/9: 33-34.) . On importance of parents visiting public schools. (3 same 1868/9: 12.) . On importance of oflSce of school trustee and need of reform. (3 same 1868/9: 7-8.) 1871. The next step — a true system of education; pres- ent system inadequate for frontier and sparsely settled distrs.; state system and co. system of taxa- tion discussed; state supt. in favor of former. (4 same 1870/1: 51-56.) . Comparative table showing for different states no. of census children, attendance at schools, no. and sex of teachers, average wages paid teachers, no. of children taught by one teacher, and aver- age length of school term. (4 same 1870/1: 106.) . A new departure in school discipline: abolition of corporal punishment in Lincoln Grammar School, S. F. (4 same 1870/1: 93-96; 156-165.) 1873. Discussion of ways and means of providing for every distr. sufficient and equal educational facili- ties; draft of new revenue law designed to supply each distr. with an 8 mos. school. (5 same 1872/3: 40-63.) 1873-1875. Synopsis of revised course of instruction by state bd. of education. (5 same 1872/3 (pp. 214- 249)— 6 same 1874/5.) 1875. The unprecedented advance made in popular ed- ucation in state. (6 same 1874/5: 19-20.) . Half-time system of schools favored. (6 same 1874/5: 72-76.) EDUCATION— cont'd Califoenta — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1875. Program for teaching revised course of studies; general suggestions for teaching said comrs. (6 same 1874/5: [3*]-95*.) 1876. Veto of Sen. bill 250 to provide for construction and maintenance of an academy in Tehama Co. 6 pp. (App. to jols 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1876/7. Comparative table showing school population, average attendance, and percentage of average at- tendance on school population. (8 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1878/9: 5.) 1877. Quality of education given in public schools; ex- tracts from recent state repts. showing trend of public sentiment in country on needed reforms; common sense in public schools. (7 same 1876/7: 9-14.) . Amdmts. to school law recommended. (7 same 1876/7: 16-18.) 1878. Our public schools: address delivered before State Teachers' Assn. by Gov. Irwin. (8 sam^ 1878/9: 195-205.) 1879. Suggestions and recommendations re. school libraries, free text-books, permanency of teachers' positions, local school mngmt., metric system, spell- ing reform, and kindergarten. (8 same 1878/9: 38-44.) . Changes in school law under new constitution. (9 same 1879/80: 16-28.) 1882. Minor changes suggested in school laws. (10 same 1880/2: 26-27.) 1882-1896. Rept. on condition of Cal. public schools. (10 same 1880/2 (pp. 15-19)— 17 same 1894/6.) 1883/4-1903/4. Comparative table showing no. of ac- credited schools, each yr. since first accrediting of schools; also list of accredited schools for 1903/4. (21 same 1902/4: 53-56.) 1884. Suggested legislation for establishment of work schools by state. (11 sam^ 1882/4: 40a-40c.) Repeated In 1884/6. . Recommended changes in school law of last rept. repeated. (11 same 1882/4 (pp. 21-22)— 13 same 1886/8.) 1887-1890. Review of important legislation of past sess. (13 same 1886/8 (pp. 53-54)— 14 same 1888/90.) 1888. Comments on census of school children, and sug- gestion that law be amended. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1886/8: 28.) . Recommended legislation requiring co. supts. to make ann. repts. of progress and condition of each school in their resp. cos. (13 rept. supt. public in- struction 1886/8: 22.) 1888-1890. On importance of study of civil govt, in public schools; recommended that state cause to be compiled an elementary work on this subject for use of schools in state. (13 same 1886/8 (p. 50) — 14 same 1888/90.) 1890. On importance of teaching morals and manners in public schools: legislation re. scientific temper- ance institution suggested. (14 same 1888/90: 32- 33.) . Recommendation that balance of fund remain- ing from appm. for meeting of National Educa- tional Assn. be made nucleus of a fund for erecting an educational bldg. and establishing permanent educational exhibit. (14 same 1888/90: 36.) . An educational directory of Cal.; snppL to 14th bienn. rept. of supt. of public instruction. 77 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Course of study for the public schools of Cal., recommended by the state bd. of education as a basis for courses of study to be adopted by co. bds. of education. 27 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 89 EDUCATION— cont'd Camfoknia — cont' d non-serial — cont'd 1893-1901. Comparative enrollment for intervals of 6 or 8 yrs., showing that comparison of present 8th grade with present 1st grade is about the same as comparison of present 8th grade with 1st grade of 8 yrs. ago, from which present 8th grade class was derived. ( 10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2 : 55. ) 1894. Changes in school law recommended at bienn. convention of supts. (16 rept. supt. public instruc- tion 1892/4: 64-67.) 1895. Rules adopted by bd. of education for granting diplomas and normal docs. (17 same 1894/6 (pp. 24-25)— 20 same 1900/2.) Not given in 1899/00. 1896. Comment on res. adopted by National Educa- tional Assn. of 1895 authorizing investigation of rural school problem. (17 same 1894/6: 14.) 1896-1900. List of accredited colleges and universities recognized by state bd. of education under provi- sions of sec. 1775 of Political Code. (17 same 1894/6 (p. 76)— 19 same 1898/00.) 1899-1900. Summary of statistics of primary and gram- mar schools. (19 same 1898/00: 94-95.) 1899-1904. Review of statistics, showing Increase or de- crease in census of children, attendance in schools, receipts and expenditures, and valuation of school property. (21 same 1902/4: 18-21.) 1900. General information, by cos.; given by oo. supts. (19 same 1899/00: 127-150.) . In view of failure of educational legislation dur- ing past two sess. of legisl., a state education comn. was formed to attempt to awaken public interest; proceedings of said comn. (19 same 1898/00: 8-15.) 1900/1. Statistical table; comparison of city schools. (20 same 1900/2: 122-123.) 1901. Table showing enrollment of boys and girls in successive grades of public schools of seven princi- pal cities of Cal. during mo. of Feb., 1901. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2: 53.) 1901-1902. Summary of statistics; high schools, nor- mals, primary, and grammar. (20 rept. supt. pub- lic instruction 1900/2 (pp. 159-163) — 21 same 1902/4.) 1902. Educational outlook in state. (20 same 1900/2: 7.) 1902-1904. Table showing no. of educational docs. granted by state bd. of education from July 1, 1902, to June 30, 1904. (21 same 1902/4: 26.) 1903/4. Statistical tables of city schools. (21 same 1902/4: 245-248.) . Secondary schools in Cal., 1903/4. Comp. by University in Dec, 1903. 77 pp. SACKAMBNTO 1853-1867. Statistical review of Sacramento city schools. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7: 221-229.) SAN FRANCISCO 1849/50-1866/7. The public schools of S. P.; statistics for 1867, and comparative statistics for previous yrs.; school houses. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7: 203-221.) 1870. Stmt, of condition and wants of public school dept. of S. P. by committee of bd. of education. 42 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) 1878. Memorial of S. P. bd. of education to legisl. 4 pp. (Same 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 11].) Protest agst. McCoppin bill whicli forbids teaching of music and of languages other than English in common schools of state. . Minority rept. of S. F. delegation on Assem. bill 116. 4 pp. (.Same 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 17].) Ee. bd. of education of city and co. of S. P. 1882. The S. P. school dept. (10 rept. public instruc- tion 1880/2: 28-30.) EDUCATION— cont'd Aliens 1863-1865. Mongolian, Indian, and negro children in state; provision for separate schools advised. (13 A.R. supt. public instruction 1863 (pp. 67-68)— 1 bienn. rept. same 1864/5.) 1867. Schools for negro and Mongolian children. (2 bienn. rept. same 1866/7: 22.) Board of Education 1866-1875. Rules and regulations of public schools of Cal. adopted by state bd. of education. (3 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7 (pp. 281-285) —6 same 1874/5.) Not found in 1868/9-1870/1. . Proceedings of meetings of state bd. of educa- tion. (2 same 1866/7 (pp. 80-82)— 6 same 1874/5.) 1894-1896. Transactions of state bd. of education. (17 same 1894/6: 24-76.) 1899. Rept. on state bd. of education. (Rept. of com- mittee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 172-173.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. Co-education 1867-1869. Co-education of sexes. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7 (pp. 77-80)— 3 same 1868/9.) Compulsory Education 1871. Agst. compulsory education. (4 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1870/1: 92.) 1872. Advising compulsory education for Cal.; two articles appended, copied from rept. of U. S. comr. 'of education — relation betw. crime and education and relation betw. education and pauperism. (5 same 1872/3: 11-40.) 1875. School attendance; compulsory school law; amdmts. to same advised. (6 same 1874/5: 32-36.) 1888. Compulsory education law a dead letter; more stringent measures for its enforcement advised; cities, towns, and distrs. should be required to make ample provision for all applying for admis- sion. (13 same 1886/8 (p. 8)— 14 same 1888/90.) 1902. See below, Conventions; this date. Conventions 1863. Rept. on convention of co. supts. (13 A.R. supt. public instruction 1863: 25-26.) 1888. National Educational Assn. held in S. P. (13 rept. same 1886/8: 54-57.) 1888-1889. Proceedings of ann. meetings of Cal. Teach- ers' Assn. (14 same 1888/90: 204-225.) 1896. Extracts from proceedings of Cal. Teachers' Assn. (17 same 1894/6: 77-95.) 1900. Bienn. convention of co. and city supts. concur- red in recommendations and proposed legislation offered by State Educational Comn. and committee apptd. to co-operate with sub-committee from said organization. (19 same 1898/00: 15.) 1902. Same; state legislation needed providing requi- site authority and means for securing improved school text-books for primary and grammar schools, adoption of adequate compulsory school attendance law, and measure determining how a fund shall be provided and distributed in aid of high schools. (20 same 1900/2: 14-17.) 1904. Same; res. adopted re. school revenues and in- creasing prtg. apprn. for state supt. (21 same 1902/4: 14-15.) Deaf 1904. Comment on experiment in several cities of state of establishing classes for oral training and in- struction of the deaf under law of 1903. (21 rept. supt. public Instruction 1902/4: 13.) 90 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA EDUCATION— cont'd Educational Associations 1863-1867. Kept, on State Educational Sooy. (13 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1863 (pp. 36-38) — 2 bienn. rept. same 1866/7.) 1896. Southern Cal. Teachers' Assn. (17 rept. same 1894/6: 95.) Educational Journals 1863. The Cal. Teacher, the professional organ of the teachers of the state. (13 A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1863: 55-59.) 1869-1871. Same; organ of dept. of public Instruction. (3 bienn. rept. same 1868/9 (p. 21) — i same 1870/1.) 1882. Pacific School Journal made ofllcial organ of school dept. (10 same 1880/2: 30.) 1896. Res. adopted by bd. of education on expediency of withdrawing subsidy from state funds to an official journal. (17 same 1894/6: 26.) 1904. Favorable comment on the state education jour- nal. (21 same 1902/4: 15-16.) Evening Schools 1869. Evening schools. (3 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1868/9: 13-14.) Exhibitions 1875. Education at the Centennial; practical sugges- tions re. a state exhibit. (6 bienn. rept. supt. pub- lic instruction 1874/5: 119-128.) 1876. Educational progress, as exemplified at Centen- nial exhibition. (7 same 1876/7: 30-45.) 1890. Cal. dept. of public instruction reed, gold medal at World's Fair in Paris. (14 rept. same 1888/90: 36-37.) 1903. Cal's. educational exhibit at St. Louis. (21 same 1902/4: 81-87.) Expenditures 1871. Comparative table, showing gross amt. and amt. per census child, of school revenues and school expenditures of different states. (4 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1870/1: 102-103.) Califoknia General material only. Expenditures for Individual Institutions entered below under name of Institu- tion ; see Education : Individual. 1851. Tabular stmt, showing condition of contingent fund of supt. of public instruction. (A.R. state comptroller 1850/1: 496.) Paging from Collected docs. 1851-1886. Comparative table showing total expendi- tures for public schools in state since their organi- zation, assessable property, and percentage of ex- penditures on taxable property. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1864/5 (p. 232) — 12 same 1884/6.) 1852-1867. Financial stmt., by cos., showing total amt. of receipts and expenditures for public schools. (2 same 1866/7: 191.) 1852-1904. Cumulative comparative stmt, by yrs., showing amt. of receipts and expenditures for pub- lic schools, specifying sources of revenue and ob- jects for which expended. (2 same 1866/7 (p. 188) — 21 same 1902/4.) 1855. Rept. of supt. of public instruction re. exhibit of expenditures from contingent fund apprn., with estimated amt. unpaid; pursuant to apprn. act ap- proved Apr. 27, 1855. (Assem. jol. 1856: 209-210; Sen. jol. pp. 210-211.) 1856-1862. Stmt, showing amt. expended for school purposes. (A.R. state comptroller 1855/6 (p. 13) — same 1861/2.) 1856/7. Stmt, of manner in which contingent apprn. for dept. of public instruction has been expended, Feb. 1 to Jan. 31. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 287-288; Assem. jol. pp. 347-348.) EDUCATION— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd Caxifoenia — cont'd 1859. Stmt, of expenditures of contingent fund by supt. of public instruction. (Sen. jol. 11 sess. pp. 162-164.) 1860. Estimate of contingent expenses of office of supt. of public instruction for 11th fiscal yr. (Same 10 sess. p. 227.) . Detailed stmt, of expenditures by supt. of pub- lic instruction. 3 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. unnum. doc.) . Same. (App. to Assem. jol. 12 sess. unnum. doc.) 1863. Comment on receipts and expenditures of school moneys; legisl. should decide whether school offi- cers ought not to be required to make some rept. of public moneys which they receive and appro- priate. (13 A.R. supt. public instruction 1863: 8-9.) 1863-1865. Deficiency apprn. asked for by state supt (13 same 1863 (p. 80) — 1 bienn. rept same 1864/5.) 1863-1867. Stmt, of work of dept. of public instruction during yr., traveling and traveling expenses, salary, apprns., and expenditures. (13 same 1863 (pp. 75- 81) — 2 bienn. rept. same 1866/7.) 1865. Comparative cost of public and private schools. (1 bienn. rept same 1864/5: 30-31.) 1865-1867. Comparative stmt., by cos., showing total amt. of school expenditures. (2 same 1866/7: 154.) . What our public schools have cost to present time. (1 same 1864/5 (pp. 27-29) — 2 same 1866/7.) 1865-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state support of schools. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1863/5 (pp. 43-44)— same 1902/4.) 1866-1871. Stmt, of expenditures of apprns. to dept of public instruction. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public in- struction 1866/7 (pp. 197-200) — 4 same 1870/1.) 1878-1896. Stmt, of expenditures in office of state supt. (8 same 1878/9 (p. 192)— 17 same 1894/6.) 1882. Cost of schools — ^financial; recommendation of comptroller re. investment of school fund indorsed. (10 rept same 1880/2: 19-22.) 1882-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state bd. of edu- cation. (Bienn. rept state controller 1880/2 (p. 64)— same 1902/4.) . Same; for supt. of public instruction. (Some 1880/2 (p. 58)— same 1902/4.) 1895. Table showing total cost (to date) of all state Institutions (real estate improvemente, furnishing, etc.). (Blue book 1895: 84.) High Schools 1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for support of high schools. (Bienn. rept state controller 1902/4: 95-96.) NoBMAi. Schools General material only. Expenditures for a specific scbool entered below under Education. Individual Institutions. 1882-1904. Stmt showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state normal schools. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (p. 64)— same 1902/4.) High Schools 1877. High schools. (7 bienn. rept supt. public in- struction 1876/7: 14-16.) 1882. A defect in state school system, no provision made for state aid to high schools; importance of subject commended to consideration of legisl. (10 rept. same 1880/2: 30-32.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 91 EDUCATION— cont'd High Schools — cont'd 1890. On veto of bill proyidlng for co. high schools; recommended that law re. grammar school course schools be repealed and that establishing co. high schools by vote of people take its place. (14 same 1888/90: 28-29.) 1891. On union high schools; opinion 134 of atty. gen. (Hart). 7 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1892. Amdmts. proposed to Union High School law to render it more effective; revision of entire school law recommended. (15 rept. supt. public instruc- tion 1890/2: 32-33.) 1892-1904. Statistics of high schools by cos. (15 same 1890/2 (pp. 21-22)— 21 same 1902/4.) 1894. Comment on high school law and defects to be remedied. (16 same 1892/4: 20-21.) 1895/6. Table showing, by cos., no. of graduates of grammar schools who have taken advantage of high school work. (17 same 1894/6: 11.) 1895/6-1903/4. List of high schools accredited by State University. (17 same 1894/6 (pp. 8-9) — 21 same 1902/4.) Not found in rept. 1900/2. 1896. Condition of high schools; no state aid reed, by them. (17 same 1894/6: 8.) 1902. State recognition of high schools; constitutional amdmt. no. 4 re. same adopted. (20 sam,e 1900/2: 7-14.) EXPENDITUKES FOB; SBC abOVe, EXPENDITUEES Fund; see below. School FtrwDS Hygiene; see below, School Hygiene Industrial and Technical General material only. Specific schools entered below under Education : Individual. 1871. Legislation requiring drawing in public schools advised. (4 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1870/1: 59-61.) . Claims and condition of industrial education In Cal.; what European countries are doing. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 418-426.) 1875. Special articles on technical instruction in pub- lic schools given for information of Cal. teachers; science as part of technical instruction, and pri- mary education, by T. Twining; drawing in public schools of Boston; art education; school lessons In household economy; industrial training for girls, with practical lessons In household economy, as taught in Germany. (6 bienn. rept. supt. public in- struction 1874/5: 113*-162*.) . Technical and industrial education; needs of Cal. (6 same 1874/5: 85-112.) 1878. Rept. of standing committee on Industrial edu- cation to State Teachers' Assn. (8 same 1878/9: 234-236.) 1879. Outlooks: technical and industrial education, sewing in schools, equality in education, technical schools, schools of forestry, school gardens, and schools for domestic economies. (8 same 1878/9: 25-37.) 1888-1890. Manual training schools, recommended that an experimental school be established by state. (13 rept. same 1886/8 (pp. 51-52) — 14 same 1888/90.) 1893-1904. Manual training In Cal.; history of move- ment and statistical tables of manual training schools. (20 same 1900/2 (pp. 37-41) — 21 same 1902/4.) Tables not given In 1902/4. 1898. Rept. of bd. of regents on trade schools in rela- tion with Wllmerding School of Industrial Arts. 27 pp. 1900. On need of industrial education. (19 rept. supt. public instruction 1899/00: 6-7.) EDUCATION— cont'd Kindergarten 1875. Kindergarten favored; rept. of committee of National Assn. re. same; objects of kindergarten, progress in America and other countries, and ar- ticle on kindergarten toys. (6 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1874/5: 112-119; 163*-194*.) 1888. Recommendation that kindergarten be made In- tegral part of public school system. (13 same 1886/8: 52.) Laws 1852. Act to establish system of common schools in Cal., and other acts providing for revenue of same, with explanatory forms. 48 pp. 4°. 1855. The law establishing and regulating common schools, passed May 3. 44 pp. 1864. School law .... for the use of school ofllcers. 32 pp. Not seen ; Library of Congress. 1866-1869. Revised school law. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public Instruction 1866/7 (pp. 252-280) — 4 same 1868/9.) 1874. School law of Cal. Provisions of political code re. public schools. . . . 151 pp. 1876. School law of Cal. and rules and regulations of the state bds. of education and examination. . . . 152 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1878. Same; list of school library books, courses of studies for public schools, constitutions of the U. S. and Cal., etc. 168 pp. Not seen ; Collation supplied by U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation. 1880. School law of Cal., rules and regulation of state bd. of education, and the constitution of the U. S. and of Cal.; also names of city and co. supts. 136 pp. Not seen ; Collation supplied by TJ. S. Bureau of Edu- cation. 1881. Same. Ill pp. Not seen ; Collation supplied by TJ. S. Bureau of Edu- cation. 1883. Same. 124 pp. Not seen ; Collation supplied by TJ. S. Bureau of Edu- cation. 1885. Same. 125 pp. Not seen; Collation supplied by U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation. 1887. Same. 160 pp. Not seen ; Collation supplied by U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation. 1889. Same. 188 pp. Not seen ; Collation supplied by Cal. State Library. 189(?). Amdmts. to school law of Cal. since 1895. 20 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1891. School law of Cal.; rules and regulations of state bd. of education, [etc.]. 113 pp. 1893. Same. 140 pp. 1895. Same. 178 pp. 1901. School laws of Cal. ... 192 pp. Life Diploma Fund; see below, School Funds Military 1865. Apptmt. of cadets to Military Academy at West Point. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1864/5: 75-77.) Califoknia 1857. Recommendation for apprn. suflScIent to erect military university in Cal. (A.R. adj. gen. 1857: 7.) 1863. Military drill in schools. (13 A.R. supt. public instruction 1863: 111-112.) Naval 1878. Rept. opposing passage of act to amend act to establish and maintain a training ship in S. P. passed Feb. 15, 1876. (Sen. jol. 22 sess. p. 276.) 93 INDEX TO D0CUME3NTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Individual Institutions. EDUCATION— cont'd Normal See also below Education serial 1879/80-1888/90. Rept. of bd. of trustees of state nor- mal schools. In Collected docs, as follows : }§I?'^§° *S ^^P- *° J°'s. 24 sess. V. 2 unnum. doc. 1881/2 " " " " 25 " V 4 " " 1882/4 '• " " " 26 " v' 5 1884/6 27 " v! 2 1886/8 " ' 28 " T 7 1888/90 ' 29 " V. 2 Discontinued. Eepta. after this were made by trustees of each normal school ; see below. non-serial 1853-1902. State normal schools; brief history of each school. (20 rept. supt. public instruction 1900/2: 42-66.) 1863-1904. Historical table giving no. of graduates at state normal schools since organization. (19 same 1899/00 (p. 152)— 21 same 1902/4.) 1875. Recommended that normal dept. be established at State Univ.; and that high schools and colleges be authorized to establish normal depts.; also city and CO. bds. of education to establish city or co. normal schools; system of normal institutes sug- gested. (6 bienn. same 1874/5: 55-72.) 1877. Comparison of condition and cost of education in Cal. and in other states; normal schools. (7 same 1876/7: 4-7.) 1878. Minority rept. of Assem. committee on educa- tion on Sen. bill 309. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. V. 4 [doc. 19].) In favor of McCoppln bill. 1882. Recommendation for apprn. of $80,000 for next 2 fiscal yrs. to meet necessary current expenses. (Rept. bd. trustees state normal schools 1880/2: 3.) 1883. Rept. on condition of bldgs. of state institutions. (Assem. jol. 25 sess. pp. 569-572.) State normal schools, etc 1886/8-1889/90. Rept. of state supt. on state normal schools. (13 rept. supt. public instruction 1886/8 (pp. 28-35) — 14 same 1888/90.) 1892. Rept. on condition of the State Univ. and the normal schools. (15 same 1890/2: 34-35.) 1893. List of state normal schools. 4 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1894-1896. Rept. on work of state normal schools. (16 rept. supt. public instruction 1892/4 (p. 20)— 17 same 1894/6.) 1896. Rept. of committee to examine normal school manuals of other states. (17 same 1896: 25.) . Rept. on normal school elementary diplomas. (17 same 1894/6: 26.) 1897. Petition for apprn. for establishing state normal school in San Luis Obispo. (Assem. jol. 32 sess. pp. 345-347.) . Rept. of San Luis Obispo visiting committee on locations for state normal school and state reform school. (Sen. jol. 32 sess. p. 702; Assem. jol. p. 803.) 1899-1904. Statistical rept. of state normal schools. (19 rept. supt. public instruction 1899/00 (pp. 151- 159)— 21 same 1902/4.) 1903. Rept. on state normal schools, Cal. Polytechnic School, and institution for deaf and blind at Berke- ley. (Assem. jol. 35 sess. pp. 373-377.) . Minutes of proceedings of jt. bd. of state nor- mal school trustees, Apr. 10. 8 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1903/4. Table giving no. of graduates of high schools for yr. closing June 30, 1903, who entered state nor- mal schools and universities during school yr. (21 rept. supt. public instruction 1902/4: 240-241.) 1904. Proceedings of jt. normal school bd. (21 same 1902/4: 8-9.) BxPENDiTTiBES FOE; See above, EIxpendittjbes EDUCATION— cont'd Physical Training 1865. Physical training in public schools. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1864/5: 135-144.) 1888. Rept. on physical training; submitted to bd. of regents, Univ. of Cal., June 26, by Geo. F. B. Har- rison. 17 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1895. Physiology and hygiene vs. athletics In public education; by S. S. Herrick. 6 pp. Rept. Proc. ann. State Sanitary Conv. 1895. Private 1888. Recommended that private schools be required to rept. to state supt. (13 rept. supt. public instruc- tion 1886/8: 9.) . List of denominational and private schools of state and their principals. (13 same 1886/8: 158- 162.) 1890-1896. Tabular repts. of private schools. (14 same 1888/90 (pp. 119-125)— 17 same 1894/6.) Not found In rept. 1890/2. Revenue; see below, School Fund School Districts LINWOOD 1892. Stmt, of condition of Linwood school dlstr., Tu- lare Co., bond tax fund. (Bienn. rept. state con- troller 1890/2: 99.) NEEDLES 1902-1904. Stmt, of condition of Needles school distr., San Bernardino Co., bond fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1900/2 (p. 105)— same 1902/4.) School Funds See also Land: State. School Land; do. Taxation, School Tax. 1852. Review of revenue available for school purposes, as increased by act pledging additional ann. tax of 5 cents of 30 imposed on each hundred dollars of valuation. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) . Rept. of committee on education re. prospective sources of revenue for support of schools. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 643-646.) . Receipts of school fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1851/2: 18.) . Recommendation for repeal of provision in pres- ent revenue law, giving 5 cents or one-sixth of total levy upon real and personal property to school fund, and that this sum be turned over to General Fund. (A.R. state controller 1851/2: 32.) . Table showing no. of children in each co.; re- ported no. of schools; amts. expended for same; amt. assessed for school purposes, and amt. paid into state treasury. (2 A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1852: n.) 1852/3-1884. Receipts and payments on school fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1852/3 (pp. 4-26)— bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1853. State treasurer's rept. of school fund on hand Jan. 19. (2 A.R. supt. public instruction 1852: 29- 30.) 1853-1854. Tabular stmt, showing condition of school fund. (A.R. state controller 1852/3 (p. 20)— same 1853/4.) 1854. Recommended that the endeavor on part of gov. to have placed in school fund what of right belongs there of escheated estates, be seconded by proper legislative enactments and apprn. (4 A.R. supt. public instruction 1864: B.) . Govs, special mess, and rept. of supt. of public instruction on ways and means for raising funds for support of common schools. 8 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 5 sess. doc. 5(?).) Docs. Incorrectly numbered? This Is probably no. 4. INDEX TO DOCUMESNTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 93 EDUCATION— cont'd School Funds — cont'd 1854. Recommendation that provision be made by law lor semi-ann. apportionment of state and co. school ■ funds; that each township elect annually one comr. to serve 3 yrs.; that cities numbering over ten thousand have special distr. organization, with re- strictive requirements to maintain schools; that office of CO. supt. be dispensed with; that people of each township elect township collector and treas- urer, and that state fund apportionment be sent directly to him; that 16th and 36th sees, of town- ship school lands be placed, by legislative enact- ment under charge of township school comrs. (4 A.R. supt. public instruction 1854: 4-5.) . Review of aggregate of lands and funds set apart for school revenue. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 21.) . Suggested that law concerning common schools be amended so as to provide that funds shall be drawn from treasury upon warrants of comptroller instead of those of supt. of public instruction. (A. R. state controller 1853/4: 34.) . Stmt, by cos. of no. of children and school fund distributed Jan. 1, being |5.622 to each child re- turned as within organized school distrs. (App. to Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 39-40.) 1854-1857. Stmt, of funds that have accrued and been apportioned each yr. since organization of school system; also no. of schools, teachers, and children. Amt. doled out by state a mere pittance, there being no such thing as public schools, in the full acceptance of the term. (7 A.R. supt. public in- struction 1857: 3-5.) 1855. Review of school fund and inadequacy of same. (5 same 1855: 3-5.) . Apportionment of school fund, by cos. and distrs., Jan. 1. (4 same 1854: 11-14.) 1857-1861. Balances in school fund, etc., on June 30. (A.R. treasurer 1856/7 (p. 38)— same 1860/1.) 1859. Recommendation that law be so amended as to compel trustees to apportion school fund money among several schools of distr. upon basis of daily average attendance, making proper allowance in case one or two more of schools may have con- tracted debts; also providing for distribution of funds in case a distr. is divided. (9 A.R. supt. pub- lic instruction 1859: 10-11.) 1859-1884. Receipts and payments on state school land fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1858/9 (pp. 24-25) — bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1860. Recommendation that law be so amended as to provide in case a distr. is divided, that fund to its credit be distributed among new distrs. in propor- tion to no. of children betw. 4 and 18. (10 A.R. supt. public instruction 1860 (p. 10) — 11 same 1861.) 1861. Recommendation that co. supts. be required to make apportionments quarterly. (11 same 1861: 26.) 1861-1904. Stmt, of condition of school fund, June 30. (A.R. state controller 1860/1 (pp. 28-29)— bienn. rept. same 1902/4.) 1862. Corresp. betw. state supt. and comptroller in matter of arrears to school fund. (12 A.R. supt. public instruction 1862: 24-30.) . Stmt, showing amt. expended for purchase of bonds for school fund. (A.R. state controller 1861/2: 35.) . Rept. on school lands and school fund; legisla- tion suggested for settlement of state's Indebted- ness to school fund. (12 A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1862: 14-17.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Funds — cont'd 1862-1869. Stmt, of condition of seminary fund, June 30. (A.R. state controller 1861/2 (pp. 68-69)— bienn. rept. same 1867/9.) 1862/3-1866/7. Stmt., by cos., showing amt. for each child betw. 4 and 18, derived from all sources of school revenue for each of last 3 yrs. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1864/5 (p. 185) — 2 same 1866/7.) Ages betw. 5 and 15 after 1865. 1863. Condition of school fund. (13 A.R. same 1863: 70-73.) : . Comments on revenue from stamps, school fund, and charitable institutions. (A.R. state controller 1862/3: 10-11.) 1864-1867. Comment on receipts and expenditures of school fund. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public Instruc- tion 1864/5 (pp. 24-27)— 2 same 1866/7.) . Comparative stmt., by cos., of total amt. of state school fund apportioned for each of last 4 yrs. (2 same 1866/7: 147.) 1864/5-1871. Amt. of bonds in state treasury for bene- fit of school and seminary funds. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1863/5 (p. 31)— some 1869/71.) 1866-1871. Controller's stmts, of securities and reve- nues of state school fund for each school yr. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7 (pp. 148- 149)— 4 same 1870/1.) 1867. Comment on revenue for schools from all sources. (2 same 1866/7: 25.) 1869. See Debt: State; this date. 1870-1880. Stmt, of condition of school fund. (4 same 1870/1 (pp. 176-180)— 9 same 1879/80.) 1871. Comment on increase of school revenue. (4 same 1870/1: 91-92.) . Recommendation that bd. of examiners be au- thorized to invest moneys derived from state school lands in bonds of TJ. S.; also comments on school fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71: 7-8.) ■ . Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balances unexpended for purchase of bonds for school fund. (Same 1869/71: 58.) 1871/3-1884. Bonds held in trust for state school fund and State Univ. fund. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1871/3 (p. 30)— same 1882/4.) 1875. The new method of apportioning school money. (6 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1874/5: 20- 32.) 1879-1882. Stmt, of amts. received and disbursed for acct. of state school fund from Feb., 1877, to Feb., 1882. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1877/9 (pp. 104- 105) — same 1880/2.) 1880-1904. Comparative table showing amts. expended ann. from state school fund for support of common schools since adoption of new constitution. {Same 1892/4 (p. 19)— same 1902/4.) 1881. Comment on bonds for school fund. (A.R. bd. examiners dated Jan. 1, 1881: 8.) 1882. Controller's recommendation re. investment of school fund indorsed. (10 rept. supt. public in- struction 1880/2: 19-22.) . Recommendation that all restrictions be re- moved save that which prohibits bd. from invest- ing in bonds of any co., the debt of which at time exceeds 15% of assessed value of taxable property of said CO., and that bd. be authorized to purchase whenever it can do best for school fund, or that state shall give her obligation for amt. in school land fund, and become debtor at low rate of inter- est, — 4% per annum. (Bienn. rept. state control- ler 1880/2: 14.) 94 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDUCATION— cont'd School Funds — cont'd 1882. Recommendation that new bonds, l>earing inter- est at rate of 4% per annum, be issued and substi- tuted for bonds of state now held in trust for school and university funds; also that additional bonds, bearing same rate of interest be issued for benefit of school fund. (Bame 1880/2: 19.) 1884. Sources of school revenue. (11 rept. supt. pub- lic instruction 1882/4 (pp. 15-16)— 12 same 1884/6.) 1884-1904. Stmt, showing amt. received for school pur- poses from property tax, poll tax, and from inter- est on state school lands, from several cos. of state, and from other sources, and total distributed to several cos. for same time. (Bienn. rept. controller 1882/4 (pp. 88-91)— sowe 1902/4.) 1888. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each appm. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for restitution from state school fund. (Same 1886/8: 59.) 1888-1894. Comment on purchase of bonds for use and benefit of state school fund. (AR. bd. examiners dated 1889 (p. 3)— «ome 1893/4.) 1890. Stmt, giving bonds held by state treasurer for state school fund. {Same dated 1891: 5.) 1890-1894. School revenue and rate of taxation. (14 rept. supt. public instruction 1888/90 (pp. 5-6) — 15 same 1892/4.) 1890/2. Recommendation that Irrigation distr. bonds be added to list of securities In which the school funds may be invested. (Bienn. rept. state treas- urer 1890/2: 6.) 1892. In opinion of atty. gen., legisl. should be re- quested to pass act transferring from general fund to school land fund sum equal to amt. of deficiency; stmt, of amts. of which said fund has been de- pleted during different administrations. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2: 18-19.) 1892/4. Recommendation that list of securities in which school fund may be invested be increased by addition of irrigation distr. bonds; investment therein to be optional with bd. of examiners. (Bienn. rept state treasurer 1892/4: 5.) 1893-1894. Bonds held by state treasurer for state school fund, interest when collected going to sup- port of common schools of state. (A.R. bd. ex- aminers dated 1893 (pp. 5-6}— same 1893/4.) 1894-1904. Stmt, showing tansactlons in bonds, and bonds on hand, held by state treasurer in trust for benefit of state school fund. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1894/6 (pp. 41-43)— some 1902/4.) 1896. Extracts from state school law re. method of ap- portioning state school money by state supt. and state and co. school money by co. supts., co. school tax, and length of school terms. (17 rept. supt. public instruction 1894/6: 15-21.) 1896-1900. Bonds purchased for benefit of state school fund since Jan. 1, 1895. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1897 (pp. 9-10)— same 1899/00.) 1896-1904. Stmt showing in detail, bonds on hand, June 30, held in trust by state treasurer, for benefit of state school fund. (Bienn. rept state treasurer 1894/6 (pp. 44-45)— same 1902/4.) 1898. Recommendation that a transfer of ?40,000 be made to state school fund from railway tax con- tingent fund. (Bienn. rept state controller 1896/8: 22.) 1899-1904. Rept of state controller on school fund. (19 rept supt pubUc instruction 1899/00 (pp. 96- 99)— 21 same 1902/4.) 1904. Comments on bonds for benefit of school fund, and table showing in detaU bonds purchased by bd. for benefit of school fund. (AH. bd. exammers dated 1905: 9-10.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Funds — cont'd Gbammab School Ftjitd 1890-1892. Stmt of condition of grammar school course fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1888/90 p. SZ}—sam^ 1890/2.) High School Fund 1902. See above. Conventions; this date. 1903-1904. Act creating fund for benefit of high schools, and providing for its distribution; tabu- lar stmt, of apportionments by cos. and schools. (21 rept. supt public instruction 1902/4: 200-205.) 1904. Stmt of conditions of state high school fund. (Bienn. rept state controller 1902/4: 118.) . Comment on law of 1903, creating fund for sup- port of high schools. (21 rept. supt. public instmo- tion 1902/4: 11-12.) LiiFE Diploma FtrND 1892/4. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of life diploma fund. (16 rept. supt. public instruction 1892/4: 149.) Seionabt Fund 1862-1863. Immediate passage of law to provide for transfer of bonds due from school fund to semi- nary fund recommended. (12 A.R. supt public Instruction 1862 (pp. 17-18) — 13 same 1863.) 1863. Rept of comptroller re. seminary fund. 2 U. (App. to jols. 14 sess. unnum. doc.) . Communication from controller re. amt. of money reed, into state treasury belonging to semi- nary fund. (Sen. joL 14 sess. pp. 166-167.) 1864/5-1869. Seminary fund, receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept state treasurer 1864/5 (p. 17) — same 1867/9.) 1864/5-1871. See above. School Fund; these dates. Text-Book Fditd 1875/6-1894/5. Stmt for purpose of showing that state text-book fund has not been diverted. (17 rept. public instruction 1894/6: 44.) 1888-1904. Stmt of condition of state school book fund. (Bienn. rept state controller 1886/8 (p. 85) — same 1902/4.) 1894. Recommendation that appm. of $10,000 be added to state school book fund, that more stringent and explicit legislation be passed re. use of supplemen- tary books and sale of state text-books by dealer. (16 rept. supt public instruction 1892/4: 72.) 1904. Stmt of condition of text-book royalty ftmd. (Bienn. rept state controller 1902/4: 119.) School Gardens 1877. School work-rooms and school gardens; by Dr. E. Schwab. (7 bienn. rept. supt public instruc- tion 1876A: 48-50.) School Houses 1861. School houses — corresp. with a member of the medical profession re. requirements of a good school house. (11 AJt supt. public instruction 1861: 20-24.) 1863. Condition of school houses and school archi- tecture in state. (13 same 1863: 63-67.) 1864-1865. Stmt of new school houses erected and cost of same, arranged by cos. (1 bienn. same 1864/5: 378-391.) 1865. Provision should be made by law that no school houses should be erected outside of incorporated cities unless plan be submitted to co. supts. and approved by them. (1 sam,e 1864/5: 63.) . School house architecture; individual examples given in state. (1 sams 1864/5: 332-377.) 1869. Requisites of school architecture. (3 same 1868/9: 32-33.) . Public school buildings of Cat (3 same 1868/9: 133-155.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 95 EDUCATION— cont'd School Houses — cont'd 1871. School houses and their Tentilatlon; lecture by T. M. Logan, M. D., secy, of state bd. of health. (4 same 1870/1: 214-226.) 1888. Recommendation that apprn. of $5000 be made to be expended in securing plans and specifications for school bldgs. for use of school bds. (13 rept. same 1886/8: 22-23.) Repeated in rept. for 1888/90. 1890. Improvements in school accommodations. (14 same 1888/90: 17.) 1900. Plans for rural and village school bldgs.; by B. Maybeck, architect, Univ. of Cal. (19 same 1898/00 n. p.) School Hygiene 1875. School hygiene; medical inspector of schools suggested. (6 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1874/5: 76-85.) 1894. Preventive disease series [no. 4]. School hy- giene. Addressed to the public school teachers of Cal. 8 pp. (State bd. health.) Surgeon General's Library. 1895. Physiology and hygiene vs. athletics in public education; by S. S. Herrick. 6 pp. . Same. (Proc. 3 ann. state sanitary convention 1895: 22-25.) 1900. Notes on school hygiene; lighting of school houses in Cal., ventilation and heating, school desks, and location of school houses; by F. B. Dresslar. (19 rept. supt. public instruction 1898/00: 31-44.) 1904. Notes on school hygiene, suggested by observa- tion in European schools; by Prof. F. B. Dreslar, dept. of education, Univ. of Cal. (21 same 1902/4: 88-97.) School Lands; see Land: State School Libraries; see Libraries Sectarian 1853. Communication and rept. of Bishop Alemany, concerning Catholic schools in Cal. (2 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1852: 27-28.) 1853-1867. Brief historical sketch of action of past state leglsls. on question of sectarian division of school fund. (2 bienn. rept. same 1866/7: 18-19.) 1869-1871. Politics and sectarianism in public schools. (3 same 1868/9 (pp. 14-15)— 4 same 1870/1.) 1877. State vs. sectarian education. (7 same 1876/7: 16.) 1879/80-1881/2. Rept. of state supt. on denominational colleges and private schools. (9 rept. same 1879/ 80 (pp. 49-50)— 10 same 1880/2.) 1888. List of denominational and private schools of state and their principals. (13 same 1886/8: 158- 162.) Superintendents of Schools 1850. Supt. of public instruction elected, but estab- lishment of general school system or endowment of univ. impracticable in unsettled conditions; sug- gestion to make collection of statistics, with ann. repts. thereon, the duty of said oflBcer until time better suited to establishment of schools. (Govs, ann. mess. 1851.) 1850-1904. List of supts. of public instruction from organization of state govt. (14 rept. supt. public instruction 1888/90 (pp. 127-129)— 21 same 1902/4.) 1852. Catalogue of books belonging to office of supt. of public instruction. (2 A.R. same 1852: 34-43.) 1853. Suggestion to abolish office of supt. of public instruction and devolve duties of same upon secy. of state or distr. comrs. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) EDUCATION— cont'd Superintendents of Schools — cont'd 1855. Because of failure of last legisl. to appropriate necessary funds, contingent expenses of office of supt. remain unpaid. (5 A.R. supt. public instruc- tion 1855: 9.) 1856. Suggestion to abolish office of supt. of public instruction and devolve duties upon secy, of state. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 13.) 1863. Only one hundred and twenty copies of ann. rept. of supt. allowed — not nearly enough to sup- ply the demand of school officers. (13 A.R. supt. public instruction 1863: 78-79.) 1879. Duties of state supt. (8 bienn. rept. same 1878/9: 45-50.) 1882. Increased apprn. recommended for expenses of state supt's. office and increase of salary of deputy supt. to that paid every other deputy state officer. (10 rept. same 1880/2 (p. 26)— 12 same 1884/6.) 1888. Increased apprn. for office of supt. of public in- struction asked for; also provision for additional clerical help and storeroom. (13 same 1886/8: 60.) 1899-1900. Rept. on official visitations by supt. of pub- lic instruction. (19 same 1898/00: 5.) CiTT Stjpebintkndents See also atove. Conventions. 1875. Extracts from repts. of city supts. (6 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1874/5: 229-272.) 1888/90. Same. (14 rept. same 1888/90: 115-119.) County Stjpebintendbnts See also above, Conventions. 1852-1865. Historical list of co. supts. of state. (1 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1864/5: 292- 298.) 1853. Rept. of committee on education re. neglect to create office of co. supt. in school laws, with sug- gestions to distribute school money in proportion to no. of white children in each co. 2 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 17.) 1858-1863. Abstracts of co. supts'. repts. (8 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1858 (pp. 37-59) — 13 same 1863.) 1863. Comment on systematic return of errors in repts. of CO. supts. with suggested remedial legislation; salaries insufficient to secure efficient officers. (13 same 1863: 15-19.) 1865. Recommended legislation re. school trustees: co. supt. should have power of removing those from office who neglect to perform their duties, of com- pelling them to make necessary repairs on school houses and to provide suitable outhouses; inci- dentals such as stationery, maps, charts, etc., should be furnished by trustees out of co. fund. (1 bienn. rept. same 1864/5: 62.) 1865-1867. Comment on repts. of co. supts. (1 same 1864/5 (pp. 80-82)— 2 same 1866/7.) 1871. Repts. of CO. supts., giving short sketches of his- tory, condition, progress, and wants of public schools in resp. cos. (4 same 1870/1: 140-165.) 1875-1890. Extracts from repts. of co. supts. (6 same 1874/5 (pp. 215-228)— 14 same 1889/90.) Not found in repts. 1876/7-1878/9. 1882-1892. Inadequate compensation of co. supts. (10 rept. same 1880/2 (pp. 25-26) — 15 same 1890/2.) 1890. On importance of choosing efficient co. supts.; amdmt. to constitution recommended providing for their election at different time from those of other officers. (14 same 1888/90: 20-21.) Teachers See also above. Conventions ; Educational Assns. ; Edu- cational Journals. 1857-1904. The Cal. system of training elementary teachers; by C. C. Van Liew; a monograph pub- lished by the dept. of education, Cal. La. Purchase Exposition Comn. (21 rept. supt. public instruc- tion 1902/4: 130-145.) 96 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CAUPOBNIA EDUCATION— cont'd Teacheis — cont'd 1860. Favorable comment on remedial legislation passed at last sess.; recommended that law creat- ing state and co. bds. of examiners be so amended as to permit each co. supt. to select such of teach- ers as he may see fit as his assts. on bd. (10 A R same 1860: 9-10.) 1861. Favorable comment on law providing for state and CO. bds. of examiners; recommendation that teachers' certificates granted by co. bds. have effect for 2 yrs. instead of for 1 yr. only. (11 same 1861 (p. 19)— 12 same 1862.) 1862. Recommended amdmts. to law providing for ex- amination of teachers. (12 same 1862: 20-2L) 1863. On failure of teachers and trustees to make repts. according to law; stringent remedial meas- ures recommended; favorable comment on revised school law re. election of distr. school trustees. (13 same 1863: 19-21.) . Comment on co. teachers' certificates. (13 some 1863: 41-43.) 1863-1867. Rept. on teachers' examinations by state bd. (13 same 1863 (pp. 26-29) — 2 bienn. rept. same 1866/7.) 1864-1865. Work of co. bds. of examination. (1 blenn. rept. same 1864/5: 91-93.) 1865. Amdmts. to laws re. co. bd. of examiners and state bd. recommending making provisions more stringent and empowering them to recognize normal diplomas from all states. (1 same 1864/5: 59-61.) . Common sense in teaching. (1 same 1864/5: 130-135.) 1868-1875. Questions used in examination by state bd. of examination. (4 same 1870/1 (pp. 227-251) — 6 same 1874/5.) 1869. Female teachers; disparity betw. their salaries and those of male teachers condemned. (3 same 1868/9: 12-13.) . Recommended legislation requiring uniform times for examinations of all co. bds.; also sug- gestion that members of state bd. of examination be remunerated for their services. (3 same 1868/9: 8-9.) 1870-1871. State and co. bds. of examination; list of diplomas and certificates Issued by state bd. (4 same 1870/1: 63-76.) 1871. Revocation of teachers' certificates. (4 same 1870/1: 77.) 1873. On the need of trained teachers; extracts from examination papers of applicants who reed. co. bds. indorsement for fitness to teach. (6 same 1872/3: 63-135.) 1873-1900. List of holders of state teachers' certificates and diplomas, in force and effect June 30. (5 same 1872/3 (pp. 285-312)— 19 same 1898/00.) 1880. Memorial opposing revocation by statute of aU existing teachers' certificates and diplomas. (Sen. joL 23 sess. pp. 156-157.) 1882. Co. bds. of education and teachers' certificates under new constitution; recommended that Eng- lish and American literature be added to subjects to be examined on, and that Swett's Methods of Teaching be made oasis of examinations in theory and practice. (10 rept supt public instruction 1880/2: 22-24.) 1884-1888. Something needed to retain teachers in the profession; pensions to veteran teachers earnestly commended to consideration of legisl. (11 sam^ 1882/4 (pp. 18-20)— 13 same 1886/8.) . Suggested that teachers be reguired to furnish physician's certificate, stating that person free from any physical defect, or organic disease. (13 same 1886/8: 20.) EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers — cont'd 1888-1890. Dept. circular on teachers' apptmts. and ex- aminations. (13 same 1886/8 (pp. 88-101)— 14 sam,e 1888/90.) 1890. Recommended legislation providing that Issuance of teachers' certificates be based on uniform stand- ard throughout state and controlled by central authority. (14 same 1888/90: 25-26.) 1896. Rept. of committee of seven on certificating teachers. (17 same 1894/6: 22-23.) 1902. Comment on law upon teachers' certificates. (20 same 1900/2: 17-18.) Wases; see Labob Teachers' Institutes 1857. Recommendation that supt of public Instruction be authorized to hold two teachers' institutes each yr., and that apprn. of $3000 be made to defray ex- penses. (7 A.R. supt. public instruction 1857: 6.) 1859. Again recommended that authority be given to state supt to hold one or more institutes each yr., and that small apprn. be made to defray necessary expenses. (9 sam^ 1859: 13-14.) 1861-1871. Rept on state teachers' institute. (11 same 1861 (p. 18) — 1 rept some 1870/1.) 1865. Legislation recommended making It the duty of every co. supt in each co. where no. of teachers exceeds 10, to hold ann. co. institutes for not less than 3 days; also making it the duty of teachers to attend, and of trustees to allow their wages to con- tinue during attendance — the expenses of same being drawn from unapportloned co. school fund. (1 bienn. rept same 1864/5: 60-61.) . Appms. recommended for state teachers' insti- tutes and preservation of public docs. (1 same 1864/5: 66-67.) 1869-1871. Co. teachers' institutes. (3 some 1868/9 (p. 11)— 4 same 1870/1.) 1876-1877. Rept on teachers' institutes. (7 same 1876/7: 7.) 1882-1892. Rept on co. institutes. (10 some 1880/2 (p. 30)— 15 some 1890/2.) Text-Books See also Public Printing. 1855. List of books recommended to be used in public schools. (5 AJt supt. public instruction 1855: 13-16.) 1855-1856. See also above, under Education; these dates. 1861. Restoration of law of 1860, empowering bd. of education to fix upon a uniform system of text- books recommended, the same having been re- pealed in 1861. (11 A.R. supt. public InBtnictlon 1861 (pp. 24-25) — 12 same 1862.) 1863-1867. State series of text-books; comments on text-books adopted. (13 same 1863 (pp. 29-35)— 2 bienn. rept same 1866/7.) 1866-1875. List of state series of text-books. (3 bienn. rept same 1866/7 (pp. 285-286)— € sa7?ic 1874/5.) Not found in 1870/1. 1869. Favorable comment on uniform text-book law. (3 same 1868/9: 21.) 1871. Comment on state text-book system. (4 same 1870/1: 56-59.) 1875. The text-book question; cost of text-books, too many, needed reforms. (6 same 1874/5: 36-55.) 1876. Memorial of A. L. Bancroft & Co., praying that their contract with bd. of education for supplying text-books for public schools be recognized and made valid. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. t. 5 nn- num. doc) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 97 EDUCATION— cont'd Text-Books— cont'd 1877. Free text-books; extract from rept. of supt. of public instruction of Wise, exbibiting present status of free text-book question. (7 blenn. rept. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 8; 53-56.) 1878. Minority rept. of Assem. committee on education re. substitute for Assem. bill 289. 5 pp. (App. to iols. 22 sess. [doc. 18].) Re. text-books. . Rept. of committee on education on Sen. bill 51. 13 pp. (Same 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 47].) To foster home industry in publication of text-boolsa and re. Bancroft contract. 1883. Special rept. of the supt. on cost of school books, estimates of cost to state of compiling and publish- ing free text-books. 8 pp. (.Same 25 sess. v. 3 doc. [7].) 1884-1896. Rept. of work of bd. of education in carry- ing out the amdmt. to constitution, requiring them to compile, adopt, and cause to be prtd. a uniform series of text-books for use of public schools. (12 rept. supt. public Instruction 1884/6 (pp. 33-38) — 17 same 1894/6.) 1884-1904. Review of legislation re. state text-books. (21 same 1902/4: 26-28.) 1885. Rough estimate of cost of text-books made by Supt. Welcker and Prof. Allen. (Sen. jol. 26 sess. pp. 219-220.) 1886. Recommendation for apprn. of $20,000 for state school text-books. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1884/6: 39.) 1886-1895. Facts and figures regarding school text- books published by state, compiled by secy, of state [being rept. made to gov. for submission to state bd. of education]. 20 pp. (App. to jols. 32 sess. V. 7 doc. [7].) . Summary of text-book sales from Oct., 1886, to July, 1895. (17 rept. supt. public instruction 1894/6: 38-40.) . Detailed stmt, of publication, sales, etc., of state text-books from beginning. (17 same 1894/6: 45- 50.) 1888-1890. Favoring free text-books. (13 same 1886/8 (pp. 49-50)— 14 same 1888/90.) 1888-1896. Tables showing no. of books ordered prtd., no. sold, and amt. of money reed. (13 same 1886/8 (p. 48)— 17 same 1894/6.) 1890. Proposed co. high school and free text-book bills. (14 same 1888/90: 199-203.) . Act of useless and extravagant legislation com- mitted during last sess. in appropriating $15,000 for purchase of plates of Cooke's Entomology, a work not intended for use of children in school room; recommended that ann. rept. of hortic. comn. be placed by legislation on every teacher's desk for use in lessons on entomology. (14 same 1888/90: 35-36.) 1891. Rept. re. apprns. and expenditures for prtg. of state school text-books; by F. F. Dunn, expert. 22 pp. (App. to jols. 29 sess. v. 7 unnum. doc.) 1894. Suggestion that law be so amended as to allow state institutions to purchase books direct from state at cost and pay for them as soon as possible after receipt. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 60.) 1896. Table showing basis upon which prices of text- books were fixed, and theory of state bd. of educa- tion, upon which basis prices were fixed. (17 rept. supt. public instruction 1894/6: 41-42.) . Facts and figures regarding school text-books published by state. 20 pp. (Secy, of state.) Not seen ; entry from Bowlser. 1898-1904. State text-books; tables showing prices; no. sold since beginning, and amt. of money reed.; no. EDUCATION— cont'd Text-Books — cont'd sold during past 2 yrs. and amt. of money reed., and no. on hand at end of each fiscal yr. (19 rept. supt. public instruction 1898/00 (pp. 180-181)— 21 same 1902/4.) 1902. See above, Conventions; this date. 1904. Comment on state text-books. (21 rept. supt. public instruction 1903/4: 13-14.) Fund; see above. School Funds Vacation Schools 1877. Vacation schools vs. street education; mechani- cal work suggested. (7 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1876/7: 7-8; 46-47.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS Academic Leland Stanford Jtjniob Univeksity 1884-1904. Historical sketch of Leland Stanford Junior Univ. (20 rept. supt. public instruction 1900/2 (pp. 30-33)— 21 same 1902/4.) Univebsity of Califoenia No attempt has been made to collate the various pub- lications of the several schools and depts. of the University. Such as had any bearing on the topics of this index are entered under proper topic. The bulletins of the Dept. of Geology have been an- alyzed as have also the publications of the Agric. Experiment Station. See also Land : State. School Lands. Seminary, etc. serial Secretary's Report 1 series 1875. Ann. rept. of bd. of regents for year ending May 31. With suppl. financial stmts, to July. CheclJlist 1875. Berlieley, 1875. 30 pp., 6 foldg. tables, 17 leaves. 2 series 1876-1878. Ann. rept. of bd. of regents for year ending June 30. With detailed financial stmts, to July 1. Checklist 1876. Berkeley, 1876. 15 pp., 5 foldg. tables, 13 leaves. 1877. San Francisco, 1877. 19 pp., 6 foldg. tables, 9 leaves. 1878. Not seen. 3 series 1879-1882. Ann. rept. of bd. of regents of the Univ. of Cal. for year ending June 30. Checklist Berkeley, 1879. 31 pp., 6 foldg. tables, 4 leaves. Appendix, v. p. The University library during 1878/9. 8 pp. Dr. H. D. Cogswell's endowment of a College of Dentistry and a Chair of Moral Philosophy. 18 pp. The Harmon gymnasium. 1 leaf. Bulletin no. 33. 4 pp. Sacramento, 1880. 45 pp. lb., 1881. 64 pp. lb., 1882. 62 pp. 4 series Ann. report of the secy, to the bd. of regents of the Univ. of Cal. for year ending June 30. Checklist Sacramento, 1883. 79 pp. ib., 1884. 65 pp. ib., 1885. li;0 pp. ib., 1886. 161 pp. lb., 1887. 185 pp. lb., 1888. 160 pp. ib., 1889. 245 pp. ib., 1890. 271 pp. ib., 1891. 286 pp. ib., 1892. 142 pp. ib., 1893. 157 pp. ib., 1894. 121 pp. ib., 1895. ix, 285 pp. ib., 1896. xlii, 354 pp., foldg. table. Berkeley, 1898. ix, 132 pp. ib., 1898. X, 147 pp. Sacramento, 1899. viii, 127 pp. ib., 1901. 100 pp. ib., 1902. 98 pp. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883-1901. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 98 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS-confd Academic — cont'd Univebsity of Califoenia — cont'd serial — cont'd Regents' Report 1869. Rept of bd. of regents of the TJniv. of Cal. Checklist 1869. Sacramento, 1869. 8 pp. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1869 In App. to Jols. 18 sess. v. 2 nnnom. doc. 2 series 1870/1. Rept of regents of the Univ. of Cal. re. opera- tions and progress of institution. Checklist 18T0/1. Sacramento, 1872. 23 pp. Also In Collected docs, as follows : 1870/1 In App. to jols. 19 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. 3 series 1872/3-1877/9. Bienn. repts. of the regents of the Univ. of Cal. Checklist 1872/3. n. t. p. in copy seen. 69 pp. 1873/5. Sacramento, 1875. 148 pp. 1875/7. ib., 1877. 176 pp. 1877/9. n. t. p. In copy seen. 114 pp. . Supplement. College of Agriculture. 113 pp. Also In Collected docs, as follows : 1872/3 in App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 3 unnnm. doc 1873/5 " '• " " 21 " V. 2 1875/7 " ' 22 " v. 1 1877/9 " 23 " V. 2 . Snppl. in App. to Jols. 23 sess. v. 1. 4 series 1880. Rept. of regents for yr. endg. June 30. Checklist 1880. Sacramento, 1880. 96 pp. Also In Collected docs, as follows : 1880 In App. to Jols. 24 sess. t. 2 unnum. doc. 5 series 1881/2. Univ. of CaL Rept of pres. of bd. of regents. Checklist 1881/2. Sacramento, 1882. 76 pp. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 188172 in Apo. to Jols. 25 sess. t. 6 unnum. doc. 6 series 1882/4-1902/4. Univ. of Cal. Bienn. rept. of pres. of the Univ. on behalf of bd. of regents, to His Elxcel- lency the Governor. Checklist 1882/4. Sacramento, 1884. 81 pp. 1884/6. ib., 1886. v, (1), 150 pp. 1886/8. ib., 1889. 120 pp. 1888/90. ih., 1891. 138 pp. 1890/3.* ib., 1894. 66 pp. 1894. ib., 1895. 64 pp. 1894/6. lb., 1896. 81 pp. 1896/8. Berkeley, 1898. 133 pp. 1898/00. lb., 1900. 194 pp. 1900/2. ib., 1902. 253 (1) pp. 1902/4. ib., 1904. 237 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1882/4 in App. to Jols. 26 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc 1884/6 " 27 " V. 1 1886/8 " " " " 28 " T. 1 " 1888/90 omitted. 1890/3 in App. to jols. 31 sess. v. 6 nnnum. doc 1894 " 32 " v. 4 doc [1]. 1894/6 " " " " 32 " v. 4 " [2]. 1896/8-1902/4 omitted. Bulletin of the University 1 series 1874-1892. Bulletin, 1-37. irreg. 2 series 1899-1904. Bulletin, v. 1-6. quarterly. • In 1892 there was no president to assume the dnty of making a rept. The last three repts. are also published as follows : 1898/00. Univ. of CaL Bulletins, n. s. v. 2, no. 3. 1900/2. Snppl. to T. 5 Univ. Chronicle. 1902/4. Univ. Chronicle t. 7, no. 1 extra no. EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Academic — cont'd Univeesitt or Cat.tfobnia — cont'd serial — cont'd California University Chronicle 1898-1904. Cal. Univ. Chronicle, an official record. Pub- lished by the Univ. of Cal. v. 1-7. Visiting Committee See above serial group nnder Education, same under Public Boiidings and Grounds and under Mainte- nance. non-serial 18(?). Rept. [of bd. of regents] on the water supply of the Univ. of Cal. 12 pp. 18(?). The State Univ. Memorial by bd. of regents. Disastrous effects of passage of Carpenter bill — Its unconstitutionality. 2 11. 1850. Corresp. re. plan for organization of state univ. (Leglsl. joL 1851: 759-762.) 1853-1900. The Univ. of Cal.: historical sketch, permar nent plans, relation to other public schools of state, students' enrollment and expenses, financial stmt (19 rept. supt. public instruction 1899/00: 161-177.) 1854. Establishment of state univ. at earliest moment recommended. (4 A.R. same 1854: 5.) 1857. Urging immediate establishment of state univ. and military inst., setting forth leading features of Univ., such as Cal. needs; direct appm. of |100,000 recommended. (7 same 1857: 9-12.) 1859. Again urging immediate establishment of state univ. on military plan and recommendation that Monterey Redoubt be secured from U. S. for site of same. (9 same 1859: 28-36.) 1860. Rept. recommending establishment of state univ. (Assem. joL 11 sess. pp. 354-355.) 1862. Rept on so much of govs. mess, as relates to a state univ. (Bame 13 sess. p. 642.) 1864. Rept. re. establishing a state univ. 29 pp. (App. to jols. 15 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) 1864-1904. Comparative table giving summary of de- grees conferred In College of Cal. from 1864-1869; and in academic colleges of Univ. of Cal., 1870- 1904. (21 rept supt. public instruction 1902/4: 46-52.) 1867. Rept of secy, of college of agric, mining, and mechanical arts re. site given by College of Cal., in Oakland, and proposition by latter for foundation of a univ. there. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 10].) 1868. Acts to create and organize and endow the Univ. of CaL (3 bienn. rept. supt public instruction 1868/9: 190-201.) 1869-1871. On progress of State Univ.; the Agric. Col- lege. (3 same 1868/9 (pp. 25-31)— 4 same 1870/1.) 1869/70-1903/4. Comparative tables giving summary of officers of instruction and research in Univ. of CaL and enrollment in academic and professional col- leges and Lick Observatory for series of yrs. (21 rept sam^ 1902/4: 40-45.) 1869/71. Rept of regents of Univ. of Cal. re. opera- tions and progress of Institution. (App. to jols. 19 sess. V. 2 unnum. doc.) [1870.] Univ. of Cal. Circular. Organization of the Univ. . Rept [adverse] of committee on state univ. to whom was referred memorial of Mechanics' Insti- tute of S. F. that several colleges connected with the Univ. at Berkeley be removed thence to S. P. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [77].) . Rept. [favorable] of Sen. finance committee re. endowment of state univ. 5 pp. (Same 18 sess. V. 2 unnnm. doc.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 99 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Academic — cont'd Univebsity of Califoenia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1870-1875. Kept, of Univ. of Cal. (4 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1870/1 (pp. 181-198) — 6 same 1874/5.) 1870-1898. Table showing no. of teachers and students each yr. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 34.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1872. Rept. on " univ. site" at Berkeley. (Sen. jol. 19 sess. p. 637.) . Rept. (favorable) on state univ. bldg., now in course of construction at Berkeley, the water sup- ply, etc. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 19 sess. v. 2 doc. [5].) [1874.] The Univ. and its managers, before the people and the law; by Prof. Wm. Swinton. 15 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Rept. of Assem. committee re. construction of College of Letters, charging Dr. Merritt, to whom was delegated the power vested in bd. of regents of State Univ., with squandering public moneys by overpaying contractors, and the regents with being accessories after the fact; also testimony taken during investigation of alleged frauds, including deeds of site of College of Cal. 11, 464 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 4 docs. [9, 10].) . Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to examine into mngmt. of Univ. of Cal., inel. administration of trusts confided to regents thereof. 3, 109 pp. {Same 20 sess. v. 6 [doc. 1].) Rept. of committee, text of testimony ; memorial of regents requesting an investigation. . Same; rept. minus testimony. (Assem. jol. 20 sess. pp. 1165-1168.) . Rept. of Sen. committee on public bldgs. and grounds. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 6 [doc. 11].) Appta. under Sen. res. of Jan. 9 to investigate manner In wliicli money appropriated at last sess. for bldg. purposes at State University was expended. . Stmts, of the regents .... to jt. committee of legisl., Mch. 3. 70 pp. Perhaps privately prtd. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Preamble and resolution of the jt. committee from the State Grange, Mechanics' State Council, and Mechanics' Deliberative Assem., and reply of the regents of the Univ. 8 pp. 1875. Stmt, of progress and condition of Univ. of Cal.; prepared at request of the regents . . . ; by D. C. Gilman, pres. 56 pp. [1876.] Rept. to finance committee of bd. of regents, Univ. of Cal. 15 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowlser. . Rept. of Sen. special committee on certain ques- tions re. regents of state univ. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. V. 5 unnum. doc.) . Rept. of Assem. committee re. state univ., nor- mal school, and institute for deaf and dumb and blind. 5 pp. (Same 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) . Memorial of bd. of regents of Univ. of Cal. to Sen. and House of U. S. [praying for grant of pub- lic lands]. 5 pp. (Bull. Univ. of Cal. no. 25.) 1878. Mess, of gov. ace. by communication of Hon. S. C. Hastings. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 15].) Ee. Mr. Hastings' proposal to give to state sum of money to found a College of Law to become a dept of State University. . Rept. on condition of domain of State Univ. (Assem. jol. 22 sess. pp. 779-780.) . Memorial from bd. of regents. Disastrous effects of passage of Curtis bill; its unconstitutionality. 11 pp. (Univ. of Cal. Bull. 30.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Academic — cont'd University op Calitobnia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1880-1890. Rept. of state supt. on State Univ. and its branches. (9 rept. supt. public instruction 1879/80 (pp. 28-38)— 19 same 1888/90.) 1881. Memorial of regents of univ. of apprns. 2 11. (App. to jols. 24 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1883. Special mess, of Gov. Stoneman transmitting rept. of state engr. on sewerage of deaf, dumb, and blind asylums and the State Univ. 7 pp. {Same 25 sess. V. 1 doc. [5].) 1884. Regents' manual of laws, orders, etc., governing Univ. 256 pp. 1885. Petition of bd. of regents to legisl. submitting schedule of apprns., Jan. 1. 6 pp. 1886. Academic history of each member of teaching force of the Univ. of Cal., Oct. 1, 1886, and of some of the ex-members. (Bienn. rept. pres. of Univ. 1886: 119-138.) 1886-1888. List of published writings of officers of the Univ. {Same 1888: 109-117.) 1887. Rept. [favorable] of Sen. committee on the nor- mal school and the State Univ., suggesting need of ann. permanent Income for latter. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8 doc. [14].) . The present and future of the Univ.; address delivered by J. F. Swift. 16 pp. . Repts. to academic council by committee on cur- ricula, committee on higher degrees, committee on jt. regulations; together with rules for govt, of library which have been established by regents of Univ. 49 pp. 1887-1896. Growth of the Univ. of Cal. Comparative chart of attendance and income. (To ace. bienn. rept. of regents 1894/6.) 1889/90-1897/8. Table showing no. of graduates each yr. from State Univ. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 34.) 1890-1893. List of published writings of officers of the Univ. (Rept. of pres. of Univ. 1893: 48-65.) 1891. Rept. of bd. of health on sanitary condition and mngmt. of State Univ., etc. (12 bienn. rept. bd. health 1890/2: 21-26.) 1892. Rept. on condition of State Univ. and normal schools. (15 rept. supt. public instruction 1890/2: 34-35.) 1892/3-1901/2. State Univ.; historical sketch, its scopes, govt., increase in enrollment, and univ. ex- tension. (20 same 1900/2: 18-21.) 1895. Adolph Sutro's letter to the regents of the Univ on the selection of a site for the affili- ated colleges. [1897?] Rept. of reception, preparation, and judgment of plans submitted in preliminary concourse for Phoebe A. Hearst architectural plan for Univ. of Cal. 3 pp., plate. . Prospectus for the Phoebe Hearst architectural plan. 7 pp. 4°. . Programme for international competition for Phoebe A. Hearst architectural plan of Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Dec. 3. 40 11. 4°. 1898. Address of Regent J. B. Reinstein at special mtg. of regents " for purpose of suggesting and discuss- ing matters necessary to prosperity of Univ," Jan. 15. 41 pp. . The accrediting of secondary schools. 13 pp. . Relation of Univ. to secondary schools; address delivered by F. Slate, Nov. 10. 19 pp. 1899. Rept. on State Univ. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 33- 35.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 100 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Academic — cont'd Univebsity of Califoenia — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1899. International competition for Phoebe A. Hearst architectural plan for Univ. of CaL obi. 4°. 152 pp. [1900.] Funds of Univ.: rept. of committee apptd. by Council of Associated Alumni. 1902-1904. Rept. of progress of State Univ. during past 2 yrs. (21 rept. supt. public instruction 1902/4: 29-39.) 1904. Table showing percentage of students of class of 1904 at Univ. of Cal. (11 bienn. rept. labor sta- tistics 1902/4: 99.) Fund 1862-1863. Rept. on univ. fund; immediate passage of law to provide for transfer of bonds due from school fund to seminary fund, recommended (12 A.R. supt. public instruction 1862 (pp. 17-18) — 13 same 1863.) 1867/9-1884. State Univ. fund receipts and payments. (A.R. state treasurer 1867/9 (p. 23) — ^bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1871-1904. Stmt, of condition of univ. fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71 (pp. 98-99) — same 1902/4.) 1871/3. Univ. endowment fund; receipts and pay- ments. (A.R. state treasurer 1871/3 (p. 21) — bienn. rept. same 1877/9.) 1871/3-1884. See above, School Fund; these dates. 1873-1879. Stmt, of condition of univ. endowment fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3 (pp. 130-131) — same 1877/9.) 1879. Rept. on condition of certain funds, etc., re. state univ. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 23 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1879/80-1884. Receipts and payments on consolidated peri)etual endowment fund, Univ. of Cal. (A.R. state treasurer 1879/80 (p. 10) — ^bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1880-189(5. Stmt, of condition of consolidated perpetual endowment fund of Univ. of CaL (coin acct.). (Bienn. rept. state controller 1879/80 (p. 43) — same 1888/90.) 1888-1904. Stmt of condition of state univ. fund. (Same 1886/8 (p. 80) — same 1902/4.) 1894/6-1904. Stmt, showing transaction in bonds and bonds on hand, held in trust by state treasurer for Univ. fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1894/6 (p. 46) — Bienn. rept. same 1902/4.) Receipts and Expenditures 1871-1873. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt of each apprn. made by law, amt, expended under each, and balance unexpended for state univ. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71 (p. 53) — same 1871/3.) 1882-1904. Same. (Same 1880/2 (p. 64)— same 1902/4.) 1891-1898. Table showing ann. aggregate cost of main- tenance. (Rept. of committee to make examina- tion of state institutions 1899: 34.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1903/4. Itemized stmt, of receipts and disbursements of Univ. of Cal. (21 rept. supt. public instruction 1902/4: 57-66.) Industrial and Technical Caijfobxia Polytechnic School, Sas Luis Obispo 1903. Rept on Cal. Polytechnic School, etc. (Assem. jol. 35 sess. pp. 373-377.) 1903/4. Rept of director of Cal. Polytechnic School. (21 rept. supt public instruction 1902/4: 255-258.) 1904. Rept on work of school established at San Luis Obispo for teacliing agrlc, mechanics, and domestic science. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 203- 204.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Industrial and Technical — cont'd Calefoenia Polytechnic School, San Luis Obispo — cont'd 1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund, Cal. Poly- technic School. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1902/4: 119.) . Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for Cal. Polytechnic School. {Bame 1902/4: 95.) . Cal. Polytechnic Institute at San Luis Obispo. (21 rept. supt. public instruction 1902/4: 9-10.) Cogswell Polytechnic School 1890. The Cogswell Polytechnic School in S. P. (14 rept supt. public instruction 1888/90: 35.) Normal Schools CHICO serial 1890/2-1902/4. Rept of trustees of State Normal School, Chico. In Collected docs, as follows : 1890/2 In App. to jols. 30 sess. v. 7 unnum. doc 1892/4 " '^ " " 31 " T. 6 " 1894/6 32 " V. 5 doc [5]. 1896/8-1898/00 not found. 1900/2 In App. to Jols. 35 sess. v. 2 doc [13]. Visiting Committee See under Pablic Buildings and Grounds, serial group, also under Maintenance : State. novrserial 1889. Rept. on investigation of charges agst trustees of Normal School at Chico. (Sen. jol. 28 sess. p. 624.) . Testimony taken before jt. special committee apptd. to investigate certain charges in connection with the erection of the branch state normal school, Chico, Butte Co. 48 pp. (App. to jols. 28 sess. V. 7 doc. [2.]) 1891-1898. Table showing no. of graduates, total cost of maintenance, and cost per student each yr. (Rept of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 37.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1899. Rept. on state normal school at Chico. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institu- tions 1899: 35-39.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1900-1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund, Chico state normal school. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1898/00 (p. 107)— some 1902/4.) LOS ANGELES serial 1890/1-1902/4. Rept of trustees of state normal school, Los Angeles. In Collected docs, as follows : 1890/1 in App. to Jols. 29 sess. t. 7 unnum. doc 1891/2 " " " " 29 " V. 7 1892/4 " " " " 30 " T. 6 " 1894/6 ' 32 " T. 5 doc [4]. 1896/8-1898/00 not found. 1900/2 In App. to jols. 35 sess. t. 2 doc [14]. Visiting Committee See serial group, nnder Public Buildings and Grounds; also Maintenance : State. non-serial 1881-1882. Rept. of state supt. on branch normal school at Los Angeles established in 1881. (10 rept supt public instruction 1880/2 (pp. 42-43) — 12 sarM 1884/6.) 1883. Recommendation for branch normal school in Los Angeles to be supplied with an actual rather than a nominal principaL (Rept. bd. trustees of state normal schools 1882/4: 15.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 101 EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Normal Schools — cont'd LOS ANGELES — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1883-1898. Table showing no. of pupils each yr.; do. teachers and officers; do. salaries. (Rept. of com- mittee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 43.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1884. See under San Jose, below; this date. 1884-1898. Table showing no. of graduates, total cost of maintenance, and cost per student each yr. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 42.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1895. Rept. on state normal school bldg. at Los Ange- les. (Sen. jol. 31 sess. pp. 371-373.) 1899. Rept. on state normal school at Los Angeles. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 39-46.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. Fund 1900-1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund, Los Angeles state normal school. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1898/00 (p. 107)— same 1902/4.) Receipts and Expenditures 1882. Rept. of receipts and expenditures for bldg. branch normal school at Los Angeles. (Rept. bd. trustees of state normal schools 1880/2: 14.) 1882-1883. Rept. of expenditures from apprn. for fur- nishing the branch normal school bldg., for 34th fiscal yr. (Same 1882/4: 12.) 1882-1884. Rept. of receipts and expenditures for com- pletion of branch normal school bldg., Los Angeles. {Same 1882/3: 27.) 1883-1888. Financial rept. of branch normal school, Los Angeles, for yr. endg. June 30, 1883. (Same 1882/4 (pp. 10-11)— «ome 1887/8.) 1883/4. Rept. of expenditures from apprn. for im- provement of grounds, branch normal school. (Some 1882/4: 28.) 1886-1894. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state normal school at Los Angeles. (Bienn. rept. state control- ler 1884/6 (p. 73)— same 1892/4.) SAN DIEGO 1902-1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund, San Diego State Normal School. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1900/2 (p. 104)— some 1902/4.) SAN FEANCISCO 1902-1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund, S. F. State Normal School. (Bienn. rept. state control- ler 1900/2 (p. 104)— some 1902/4.) SAN JOSE serial 1890/2-1902/4. Rept. of trustees of state normal school, San Jose. In Collected docs, as follows : 1890/2 in App. to Jols. 30 sess. v. 7 unnum. doc. 1892/4 " " " " 31 " V. 6 1894/6 32 " V. 5 doc. [3]. 1896/8 " " " " 33 " T. 2 " [4]. 1898/00" " " " 35 " V. 2 " [12]. 1900/2-1902/4 not found. Visiting Committee See serial group under Education, atove; also under Public Buildings and Grounds and under Mainte- nance : State. non-serial 1861. Communication from committee of State Educa- tion Convention upon state normal school, com- mended to consideration of legisl. (11 A.R. supt. public instruction 1861: 15-17.) EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Normal Schools — cont'd SAN JOSE— cont'd non-seria I — cont' d 1862. Apprn. of $6000 recommended to be made for support of State Normal School during ensuing yr. (12 same 1862: 23.) 1863. Rept. of bd. of trustees of Cal. state normal school. (13 same 1863: 185-188.) 1863-1871. Rept. on state normal school. (13 same 1863 (pp. 49-55)— 4 bienn. rept. same 1870/1.) 1863-1877. Rept. of principal of state normal school. (13 same 1863 (pp. 191-214) — 7 bienn. rept. same 1876/7.) 1866. Rept. of Assem. committee on education re. state reform school, normal school, and asylums. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) 1866-1867. Rept. of bd. of state normal school trustees. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7: 102-117.) 1870. Majority and minority repts. of jt. committee on permanent location of state normal school. 4 pp., 1 1. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [17].) . Proceedings of jt. convention to select a perma- nent site for location of state normal school, Mch. 10. 17 pp. (Same 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [26].) . Act establishing state normal school at San Jos6. (3 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1868/9: 186-189.) 1872. Rept. of Sen. committee on construction of state normal school bldg. at San JosS, work has cost more than the estimate, involving a trustee and the supt. of construction in charge of having an interest in a contract for materials. (App. to jols. 19 sess. V. 4 doc. [1].) . Supplementary rept. of committee on public bldgs. re. state normal school. 4, 149 pp. (Same 19 sess. V. 4 unnum. doc.) . Rept. of Assem. committee on construction of state normal school at San Josfi, imputing fraud in one transaction betw. a trustee and supt. and a contracting firm, etc. (Same 19 sess. v. 4 docs. [2, 3].) 1874. Rept. of bd. of comrs. of state normal school bldg., San Jos6. 11 pp. (Same 20 sess. v. 5 [doc. 18].) 1875. Same. 5 pp. (Same 21 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1876. Rept. on state normal school bldg. and recom- mendation for apprn. to complete structure. (Sen. jol. 21 sess. p. 304.) . Repts. of Sen. committee on education re. Assem. bill 374 abolishing bd. of trustees of normal school, the bd. of regents of the Univ., and creating one elective bd. to manage common school dept., nor- mal school, and the univ. 6, 16 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. V. 5 unnum. doc.) . Rept. of Assem. committee re. state normal school, etc. 5 pp. (Same 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1878. Rept. of committee on education; visiting com- mittee on state normal school, etc. 5 pp. (Same 22 sess. V. 4 [doc. 43].) 1878/9. Rept. of trustees of state normal school, Dec. 31. (Same 23 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1879/80-1884/6. Rept. of state supt. on state normal school, San Jos6. (9 rept. supt. public instruction 1879/80 (pp. 40-46)— 12 same 1884/6.) 1881. Rept. of committee on public bldgs., on state normal school, etc. 12 pp. (App. to jols. 24 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) 1883. Rept. on conditions of univ., deaf, dumb, and blind asylum, and San Jos§ state normal school. (Assem. jol. 25 sess. pp. 375-377.) 102 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Normal Schools — cont'd SAN JOSE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1884. Estimates of apprns. needed to carry on schools for coming 2 yrs. at San Jos6 and branch normal, Los Angeles. (Rept. bd. trustees of state normal schools 1882/4: 3.) 1887. Rept. on Univ. and San Jos6 normal school. (Sen. jol. 27 sess. pp. 140-141.) . Rept., favorable, of Sen. committee on normal school and the state unlv. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. V. 8 doe. [14].) 1889. Historical sketch .... with catalogue of grad- uates and record of their work for 27 yrs. 283 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1893. Rept. on normal school bldg. at San Jos6. (As- sem. jol. 30 sess. pp. 308-309.) 1899. Rept. on state normal school at San Jos6. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state insti- tutions 1899: 46-52.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1903-1904. The San Jos§ state normal school; inaugu- ration of the movement. (21 rept. supt. public in- struction 1902/4: 98-101.) Fund 1869/71-1879. State normal school bldg. fund, receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1869/71 (p. 20)— same 1877/9.) 1871. Stmt, of condition of normal school bldg. fund. (4 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1870/1: 178- 179.) 1873-1879. Stmt, of condition of state normal school bldg. fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3 (pp. 128-129)— same 1877/9.) 1900-1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund, San Jose State Normal School. (Same 1898/00 (p. 107) — same 1902/4.) Receipts and Expenditures 1865-1873. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state normal school. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1863/5 (p. 40)— same 1871/3.) 1865/6-1870/1. Stmt, of ann. expenditures of state nor- mal school. (2 bienn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7 (p. 112)— 4 same 1870/1.) 1870-1898. Table showing cost of bldgs. and improve- ments. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 51-52.) . Game in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1871. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state normal school bldg. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71: 77.) 1881. Rept. of receipts and expenditures for bldg. at San JosS and for support of school. (Rept. bd. of trustees of state normal schools 1880/2: 7.) 1882. Same; for Improvement of Normal School Square, San Jos6. (Same 1880/2: 14.) 1882-1888. Financial stmt, of state normal school at San Jos§ for yr. endg. June 30. (Same 1882/4 (pp. 7-9)— some 1887/8.) 1883. Rept. of expenditures from apprn. for improve- men of Normal School Square, San Jos6, 33d and 34th yrs. (Same 1882/4: 13.) 1890/1-1897/8. Table showing per capita cost of pupils per annum. (Rept. of committee to make examina- tion of state institutions 1899: 51.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. . Tables showing aggregate ann. cost of mainte- nance and cost per graduate. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 49.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. EDUCATION: INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Sectarian 1870. Petition for relief of free school of Presentation Convent of S. F. 2 11. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) EEL RIVER; see RIVER CONSERVANCY EL DORADO COUNTY (1850) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Assessors; see Taxation: State Brookite in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Copper Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Cop- per; these dates. Debt; see that title Diamonds in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Forests; see Natural Resources Geology; see Natural Resources Gold Mining 1888. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; this date. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Gold Production 1879-1880. See Natural Resources. Mineral; these dates. 1881. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. Indian Wars; see War Expenditures Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines 1879/80. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Produc- tion; this date. Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Mining; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Octahedrite in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Quicksilver Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Quick- silver; these dates. Rainfall; see Climate Roads; see that title Silver Production 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. Mineral; these dates. Slate in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Steatite and Serpentine in; see Natural Resources. Min- eral Surveyor; see Land ELECTION REWARD FUND; see FINANCE: STATE. FUNDS ELECTRUM; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL EMERY; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL EMIGRATION; see POPULATION. MIGRATION INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 103 EMINENT DOMAIN; see LAND: STATE. MINERAL (under date of 1857) For the water-front controversies In S. F. and else- where, see Land. Water-front Property. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Insurance; see Insurance EMPLOYMENT; see LABOR EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS; see LABOR ENGINEER Reports; see Public Works EPIDEMICS; see PUBLIC HEALTH EQUALIZATION; see TAXATION: STATE ESCHEATS; see LAND EUCALYPTUS; see NATURAL RESOURCES. FORESTS EUREKA Climate; see that title EVENING SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Erpenditures for; see Finance: State Reports; see Debt: State. Claims EXECUTIVE MANSION; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: STATE EXHIBITIONS Agricultural; see Agriculture. Fairs Educational; see Education Industrial; see Industries, etc. Mineral; see Natural Resources. Mineral Vinicultural; see Industries, etc. Liquor EXPERIMENT STATIONS Agricultural; see Agriculture Forestry; see Natural Resources. Forests EXPORTS; see COMMERCE, ETC. EXPRESS COMPANIES 1860. Kept, on memorial of sureties of Pacific Express Co. for release. (Assem. jol. 11 sess. pp. 243-248; Sen. jol. pp. 220-226.) FAIRS Agricultural;. see Agriculture. Fairs FARMERS' ALLIANCE; see AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES FARMERS' INSTITUTES; see AGRICULTURE. EDUCA- TION FEATHER RIVER; see RIVER CONSERVANCY FEDERAL TAX FUND; see FINANCE: STATE. FUNDS FEEBLE-MINDED Maintenance; see Maintenance: State FEES, COMMISSIONS, ETC. 1854. Reduction of ofllcers' fees urged. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 29.) 1855. Same. (Same 1855: 12-13.) FEES, COMMISSIONS, ETC.— cont'd 1858. Veto of act amendatory and suppl. to act to regu- late fees of office. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 681-682.) 1892-1894. Uniform fee bill throughout whole state rec- ommended; rate of compensation for collection of state taxes in each co. not the same — suggestion that If compensation is to be given for this work each CO. receive Its just proportion. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2 (pp. 5-6)— some 1893/4.) 1894. Comments on atty. fees, and recommendation that law be amended so that no state officer, bd., or comn. will have any authority to incur any Indebt- edness for attys. without authority from bd. and such indebtedness cannot be allowed by bd. unless permission Is given in writing, signed by all mem- bers of bd. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 53.) 1896. Recommendation for amdmt. of sec. 416, politi- cal code, re. fees. (Bienn. rept. state dept. 1894/6: 16-17.) County Officers 1860. Rept. on act to regulate fees of co. clerks of Los Angeles and San Diego cos. (Assem. jol. 11 sess. pp. 494-497.) 1861. Rept. on act to amend act to regulate fees in office of Yuba Co. (/Same 12 sess. pp. 263-264.) 1868. Rept. of committee on fees and salaries on com- pensation of CO. officers. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. V. 3 [doc. 18].) . Rept. [favorable] of Assem. special committee on adoption of uniform system of fees for all cos. of state. 5 pp. (Same 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 32].) 1877. Comments on repts. of fees of co. officers. (Bienn. rept. state dept. 1875/7: 20-21.) Expenditures for 1852-1855. Controller's stmt, of state expenditures for lawyers' fees. (Assem. jol. 1855: 692-693.) Insurance Companies; see Insurance. Revenue Revenue 1862-1865. Stmt, giving amt. of cash reed, by secy, of state on acct. of fees, certificates of incorporation, etc. (A.R. secy, of state dept. 1862 (p. 8) — bienn. rept. same 1864/5.) 1873-1877. Bienn. stmt, of receipts into state dept. on acct. of fees and revenue stamps. (Bienn. rept. state dept. 1871/3 (pp. 5-6) — same 1875/7.) 1879. Stmt, of amts. reed, for fees, sale of codes, Cal. repts., copies of geological survey, ballot paper, statutes, and amdmts. to codes, 1877-1878, from date of last rept., July 1, 1877, to June 30, 1879. (Same 1877/9: 3-4.) 1886-1902. Stmt, giving mo. receipts from all sources. (Same 1884/6 (p. 37)— same 1900/2.) Unclassified ; mo. aggregates. Land Office; see Land: State. Reventje Tax Collectors; see Taxation General Material. FENCE LAW; see AGRICULTURE FERRIES 1869. Comrs. recommend such modification of law as will place ferry owners on same footing with other occupants of water-front. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1867/9: 9.) SAN FRANCISCO See Railroads. Depots. FERTILIZATION Soil; see Agriculture. Soils FERTILIZERS Commercial; see Industries, etc. 104 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FIBER PLANTS; see A6RICULTXIHE. CROPS FIDELITY INSURANCE; see INSURANCE FIG Crop; see Agriculture. Crops FINANCE: COUNTY 1849/50. Comments on payments of certain co. expen- ditures out of state treasury, which should be paid by cos. themselves. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/ 50: 543.) Paging from Collected docs. 1862. Recommendation that " act concerning duties of CO. treasurers" be repealed, and that mileage al- lowed CO. treasurers be so established as not to ex- ceed $150 in any individual case. (Same 1861/2:5.) 1868. Rept, of special committee re. financial condi- tion of cos. in Cal. [Tabulated statistics.] 16 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 3 [doc. 6].) 1869-1892. Stmt, showing financial condition of cos. of state, Nov. 1. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1867/9 (pp. 172-173)— same 1890/2.) 1873. Comments on adjustment of balances and stmt, showing balance due from each co. {Same 1871/3: 12-14.) . Summary stmt, of repts. of auditors of several cos. (A.R. equalization bd. 1872/3: 78-79.) SACRAMENTO COUNTY 1851. Memorial and docs. re. bad financial condition of Sacramento Co., with review of causes of same. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 862-865.) 1857. Unfavorable rept. on act to authorize funding of certain warrants drawn by auditor of Sacramento Co., on treasury of said co. prior to Nov. 1, 1855. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 656-657; Assem. jol. pp. 660- 661.) 1876. Veto of act to enable bd. of supervisors of Sacra- mento Co. to refund certain moneys claimed to have been paid into co. treasury by ex-sheriff and ex-tax-collector, in excess of what was required by law to be paid. (Sen. jol. 21 sess. p. 567.) FINANCE: MUNICIPAL SACRAMENTO 1868. Rept. [minority] of judiciary committee re. Assem. bill 216 authorizing legislation, by voters of Sacramento City, of a certain portion of the state funds into the city treasury. 2 11. (App. to jols. 17 sess. V. 2 [doc. 35].) SAN FRANCISCO 1858. Veto of act to authorize bd. of supervisors of city and CO. of S. F. to direct auditor of said city and CO. to audit, and treasurer of same to pay certain claims therein mentioned. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 173-174.) FINANCE: STATE MILITARY GOVERNMENT, 1846-1849 1846-1847. Review of peculiar conditions existing in Cal. at time of original collection of civil fund, col- lected by U. S. revenue oflScers in ports of state prior to its admission. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 11-13.) 1846-1849. Rept, re. disposal and amt. of civil fund, as shown by accts. of various officers of military govt. 8 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 73.) 1846-1850. Rept. and corresp. re. history, amt. and legitimate disposal of civil fund collected In Cal. ports by U. S. revenue officers prior to admission of state to Union. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 817-828.) 1848-1849. Neglect of federal govt, to provide terri- torial organization for Cal. during time Cal. citl- FINANCE: STATE— cont'd MILITARY GOVERNMENT, 1846-1849 — cont'd zens were being taxed by said govt., quoted as im- portant cause of financial difficulties of state. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 6.) 1848-1850. Govs. mess, transmitting accts. current of civil fund collected by U. S. revenue officers In CaL ports prior to admission and drawn upon for ex- penses of military govt. 8 pp. (App. to Sen. joL 1853 doc. 53.) 1849. Review of injustice of federal act for collection of revenues in ports of Cal. prior to admission to Union. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) 1849-1850. Rept. re. state's right to surplus revenue collected by U. S. in Cal. ports prior to Its admis- sion. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 866-867.) 1850. Majority and minority repts. of committee on res. re. public domain, mineral lands, custom houses, branch of U. S. mint, and certain moneys rightfully belonging to state of Cal. {Bame 1849/ 50: 802-817.) . Adoption of measures looking to early estab- lishment of custom houses and branch of U. S mint urged by committee on res. re. same. (.Same 1849/50: 813.) . Prosecution of claim to revenues collected in Cal. ports by U. S. prior to admission to Union, urged by committee on res. re. same. (Same 1849/50: 813-814.) 1851. Refunding to state of duties collected by U. S. previous to recognition of state govt, delayed in Congress. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) . Rept. of committee re. civU fund. (Legisl. jols. 1851: 865-867.) 1852. Govs. mess. re. erroneous impression prevailing as to extent of Cal. claim agst U. S. for civil fund collected by U. S. revenue officers in Cal. ports prior to admission, urging investigation and rept re. same as basis for claim for full reimbursement thereof; reviewing general administration of said fund during military govt. (Sen. jol. 1853: 185- 186; Assem. joL pp. 223-224.) . Action urged with view to obtaining reimburse- ment for revenue collected by U. S. in Cal. ports prior to admission to Union. (Govs. ann. mess. 1852.) . Jt. res. of legisL of Cal. re. civil fund, Feb. 6. 2 pp. (U. S. 32 Cong., 1 sess.. House misc. doc. 27; Sen. misc. doc. 58.) Text not printed In CaL Jols. 1855. Suggestion to memorialize Congress for reim- bursement of amt. expended by state for civil govt betw. Dec. 15, 1849, and Sept. 9, 1850, in view of decision of U. S. Supreme Court agst. state claim to civil fund collected in Cal. ports by U. S. rev& nue officers prior to admission. (Govs. ann. mess 1855: 10-11.) STATE GOVERNMENT, 184»-date serial Controller 1 series 1849/50-1864/5. Ann. rept of comptroller for yr. endg. June 30. In Collected docs, as follows : 1849/50 In Sen. Jols. 1851 : 519-546. " Assem. jols. 1851 : 977-1004. 1851/2 " App. to Sen. jols. 1853 doc. 1. 1853/4 " " " " " 6 sess. unnnm. doc 1853/4 Assem. " 6 " 1854/5 '■ " " Sen. " 7 " 1855/6 " " •' Assem. " 8 " 1855/6 " " " Sen. " 8 " 1857 " " " Assem. " 9 " 1857 " " " Sen. " 9 " INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 105 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd STATE GOVERNMENT, 1849-date — cont'd serial — cont'd Controller — cont'd 2 series 1857/8-1864/5. Ann. rept. of controller for yr. endg. June 30. In Collected docs, as follows : 1857/8 In App. to Assem. jols. 10 sess. unnum. doc. 1857/8 " " " Sen. " 10 " 1858/9 " " " Assem. " 11 " 1858/9 Sen. " 11 " 1859/60" " " Assem. " 12 " " 1859/60" " " Sen. " 12 " 1860/1 " App. to Jols. 13 sess. unnum. doc. 1861/2 " '' " " 14 " 1862/3 " " " " 15 " " " 1863/4 16 " 1864/5 " " " " 16 " y. 1 unnum. doc. 3 series 1865/7-1877/9. Bienn. rept. of controller. In Collected docs, as follows : 1865/7 in App. to Jols. 17 sess, 1867/9 •• — •• 1869/71 " 1871/3 " 1873/5 " 1875/7 " 1877/9 " 4 series 1879/80. Rept. [ann.] of controller [for yr. endg. June 30]. In Collected docs, as follows : 1879/80 In App. to Jols. 24 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 5 series 1880/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of controller. In Collected docs, as follows : 1880/2 In App. to Jols. 25 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 26 17 sess. V. unnum. doc 18 " V. 19 " V. 20 " V. 21 " V. 22 " V. 23 " V. 1882/4 1884/6 1886/8 1888/90 ' 1890/2 ' 1892/4 ' 1894/6 ' 1896/8 ' 1898/00 ' 1900/2 ' 27 " " " 28 " " " 29 " " " 30 31 " " " 32 33 34 35 Treasurer 1 series Ann. rept. of doc. [4]. [6]. [7]. treasurer for yr. endg. 1849/50-1862/3. June 30. In Collected docs, as follows : 1849/50 In Sen. Jols. 1851 : 553-558. " Assem. Jols. 1851 : 897-902. 1850/1 " App. to Sen. Jols. 1852 : 511-515. 1851/2 ' ' 1853 doc. 2. 1852/3 " 1853/4 1853/4 1854/5 1854/5 1855/6 1855/6 1856/7 1856/7 1857/8 1857/8 1858/9 1858/9 1859/60 1859/60 1860/1 1861/2 1862/3 2 series 1863/5-1877/9. Bienn. rept. of treasurer. In Collected docs, as follows : 1863/5 In App. to Jols. 16 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1865/7 " " " " 17 ■' 1867/9 " ' 18 1869/71 19 1871/3 20 1873/5 ' " 21 1875/7 " " " " 22 1877/9 " " " " 23 Assem. " 5 sess. 1855 d •* " 6 " doc. 3. Sen. " 6 *' " 3. Assem. " 7 " " 3. Sen. " 7 *• " 3. Assem. " 8 " unnum. Sen. " 8 " Assem. " 9 " Sen. " 9 ** Assem. " 10 ** Sen. " 10 '* Assem. " 11 " Sen. " 11 (( Assem. " 12 '* Sen. " 12 " Jols. 13 sess. unnum. doc. " 14 •* * ** " 15 " " doc. iess. V. 1 unnum " V. 1 " " T. 1 " T. 1 " " T. 1 " V. 2 " " V. 1 " V. 1 " 26 " V. 1 " •' 27 ' V. 1 *• 28 " V. 1 '• 29 ' V. 1 " tt 30 ' 31 " T. 1 V. 1 " .',' 32 " V. 1 doc. [4]. 33 ' V. 1 " 2]. 34 ' V. 1 " 5]. 35 " T. 1 " 6]. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd STATE GOYERNMBNT, 1849-date— cont'd serial — cont'd Treasurer — cont'd 3 series 1879/80. Rept. [ann.] of treasurer. In Collected docs, as follows : 1879/80 In App. to Jols. 24 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 4 series 1880/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of treasurer. In Collected docs, as follows : 1880/2 In App. to Jols. 25 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1882/4 — 1884/6 " " " 1886/8 ' 1888/90 1890/2 1892/4 1894/6 ' 1896/8 " " " 1898/00 " " " 1900/2 " " " non-serial 1849. Keeping out of debt and meeting all obligations promptly cited as means of securing prosperity. (Govs. ann. mess. 1849.) 1849-1850. Review of causes leading up to creation of large state debt; formation of state with empty treasury and without intermediate process of terri- torial govt., immediate necessity for providing cur- rent funds at ruinous rates, transient and untax- able character of first immigration and adoption of cumbersome and expensive form of govt, as pro- vided by constitution, etc. {Same 1856: 3-6.) 1849-1853. Revenue inadequate to meet demands on treasury. (Same 1856: 5.) 1850. Majority and minority repts. of committee on res. re. public domain, mineral lands, custom houses, branch of XJ. S. mint, and certain moneys rightfully belonging to state of Cal. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 802-817.) . Deficiency in revenue reviewed. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) . Review of defects in system of accounting betw. treasurer's and comptroller's offices, showing pos- sibility of controller's issuing unlimited amt. of warrants on treasury without evidence of same ap- pearing in any office but his own; and possibility of moneys being placed in treasury without being accounted for in controller's office, as result of operation of foreign miners' tax act, and act creat- ing office of state assayer. (A.R. comptroller 1850.) 1850-1852. Finances of state neglected and heavy lia- bilities, repeatedly contracted, beginning to grow burdensome. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) 1850-1855. Heavy expenses incurred by state as result of expensive and cumbersome system of govt, pro- vided for by constitution. (Same 1856: 5.) 1851. Rept. re. feasibility of securing reimbursement from U. S. of expenses of organizing Cal. govt. (Legisl. iol. 1851: 849-851.) . Practice of incurring debt to meet ordinary ex- penses of govt, condemned, and reduction of ex- penditures with increase of taxation suggested as remedy for deficiency in revenue. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) 1852. Legisl. heretofore not successful in providing for wants and necessities of state. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) . General review of causes of unsatisfactory con- dition of state finances, with specific suggestions for improvement of same. (Same Jan. 30, 1852.) . $158,000 annually saved to state by retrenchment act of sess. of 1851, and further enactments urged along same lines. (Same Jan. 30, 1852.) 106 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA FINANCE: STATE— cont'd STATE GOVERNMENT, 1849-aate — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1852. Recommendation to repeal all laws authorizing any moneys to be paid into or drawn from state treasury except by warrant from comptroller in all cases. (A.R. state comptroller 1851/2: 50.) . Suggestion for substitution of bienn. instead of ann. sess. of legisl. as matter of economy. (Same 1851/2: 42.) . Suggestion for apptmt. of committee to examine books of treasurer and comptroller, at early period sess. of Gen. Assem. {Same 1851/2: 50.) . Comments on legislative retrenchment. {Same 1851/2: 41-42.) 1853. Change necessary in financial policy to prevent destruction of state credit and further involving state interests. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) . Introduction of bienn. instead of ann. sess. of legisl. urged as measure of economy. {Same 1853.) . General reduction of expenditures of govt, urged. {Same 1853.) . Review of injustice and impolicy of requirement for payment of state dues in gold and silver only, urging provision for making comptroller's war- rants tax receivable. {Same 1853.) . Recommendation re. repeal of all laws authoriz- ing receipt of any moneys, or redemptions, or drafts from treasury, without prtd. or written or warrant of controller. (AJl. state comptroller 1852/3: 49.) 1853/4-1855. General balance of treasurer of state In acct. with state. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4 (pp. 6-7) — sam^ 1855/6.) 1853/4-1857. Cash book. {Same 1853/4 (pp. 28-38)— sam^ 1856/7.) 1854. Bienn. sess. urged as measure of economy. (CJovs. special mess. May 8, 1854.) . Treasurer's certificates of balance issued. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4: 23.) . Recommendation that treasurer be required to rept. mo. to comptroller complete operations of treasury, specifying amts. reed., from what sources, amts. expended in redemption of bonds, warrants, coupons for interest, etc., and balance on hand in treasury to credit of various funds. (A.R. state comptroller 1853/4: 34.) . Recommendation for apprn. to meet any unex- pected or contingent expenses that may arise. {Same 1853/4: 33.) . Review of changes to be made in constitution as means of reducing expenses; with list of reduc- tions of expenditure to be effected. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 13-15.) 1854-1856. Trial balance. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4 (pp. 20-21)— some 1855/6.) 1855. Communication of treasurer with reference to condition of treasury. 37 pp., 1 L (App. to Assem. jol. 6 sess. doc. 18.) . Communication from comptroller re. deficiencies from Feb. 1, 1854, to Feb. 1, 1855. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 9.) . Reduction of expenditures necessary as precau- tionary measure agst. retarding state prosperity by continued excess of disbursements over receipts. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 6.) . Material prosperity of state greatly advanced during yr. {Same 1856: 7.) . Stmt, of assets and liabilities on Dec. 31. {Same 1856: 11.) . Reduction of legislative expenses urged. {Same 1855: 12.) . Stmt of sums to be saved to state by proposed constitutional amdmts. for reduction of salaries, limiting sess. to 90 days and making them bienn. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd STATE GOVEENMENT, 1849-date — cont'd non-«eria I— cont'd and reducing cost of transportation of prisoners. {Same 1855: 11-12.) 1856. Observance of rigid economy and abolition of all useless oflScers urged. (Govs, inaugural address 1856.) . Review of constitutional provisions restricting expenditures, showing same to have been disre- garded in incurring existing state indebtedness. {Same 1856.) . Reduction of expenditures urged In various depts. of state. (CJovs. ann. mess. 1856: 10.) . Bienn. sess. urged as saving $175,000 to state annually. {Same 1856: 10.) . Communication from comptroller, with stmt of deficiencies for which no appm. was made. (Assem. jol. 1856: 725.) . Rept. of special committee re. proposed bill mak- ing appms. for deficiencies, showing extravagance of various depts., especially in enormous expendi- ture through contingent funds, and fraudulent overcharges in state prtg. and furnishing state capltol. (Sen. jol. 1856: 426-428.) . Rept re. failure to remove invalid laws from statute books, and inconvenience and expense forced upon citizens as result of same. (Sen. jol. 1856: 223-225.) . Comptroller's stmt, of deficiencies accruing up to Feb. 1. {Sam^ 1856: 201.) 1856/7. Certificates of balance. (A.R. state treasurer 1856/7: 18-19.) 1857. Rept. of committee on public expenditures stat- ing amt. of money In state treasury. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 149-150.) . Rept. on amt. of money In treasury Jan. 24. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. p. 169.) . Rept. of committee on public expenditures and accts. on condition of public oflBces. {Same 8 sess. pp. 183-188.) . Stmt showing deficiencies in apprns. to various offices. (Sen. joL 9 sess. p. 311.) . Rept on investigation of manner and mode in which provisions of act for better protection of state treasury has been carried out and obeyed and charges agst. controller of misdemeanor in office. (Assem. joL 8 sess. pp. 206-208.) . Rept. on amt. of money in treasury Jan. 31. {Same 8 sess. p. 219.) . Rept of committee on accts. and expenditures on various claims of several depts. of govt pre- sented to them for allowance, with stmt, of accts. allowed, 1855-1857. {Same 8 sess. pp. 831-834.) . Minority rept of jt committee to ascertain amt. of coin and treasure In treasury. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 117-119; Assem. joL 131-132.) . Same; majority rept (Sen. joL 8 sess. pp. 119- 120.) 1859. Stmt of rewards offered by gov. which have not been paid because of no specific apprn. being made therefor. (Assem. joL 10 sess. pp. 143-144; Sen. jol. p. 127.) . Minority rept of finance committee on act to provide revenue for support of govt, of state. (Sen. joL 10 sess. pp. 409-419.) 1862. Stmt, concerning the state finances by state treasurer. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 13 sess. [doc. 17].) . Rept. of controller re. financial condition of state. 12 pp. {Same 13 sess. [doc. 16].) 1863-1865. Detailed stmt of U. S. notes in state treas- ury; receipts and expenditures. (Bienn. rept state treasurer 1863/5: 29-30.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10? FINANCE: STATE— cont'd STATE GOVERNMENT, 1849-aate— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1863-1869. Stmt, of deficiencies for fiscal yr. (A.R. state controller 1862/3 (p. 103) — blenn. rapt, same 1867/9.) 1863-1871. U. S. notes in state treasury; receipts and expenditures. (Blenn. rept. state treasury 1863/5 (p. 28)— same 1869/71.) 1864. Mess, of gov. on financial condition of state. 11 pp. (App. to jols. 15 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) 1865. Stmt, of acct. of each co. with state during fiscal yr. (A.R. state controller 1864/5: 50-73.) 1867-1869. Stmt, of transactions in state stamps. (Blenn. rept. same 1865/7 (p. 160)— some 1867/9.) 1869. Recommendation that bd. of examiners be di- rected to adjust balances on books of treasurer and controller, and that treasurer be required to specify, in mo. rept. to controller, date, no., and amt. of warants redeemed by him. {Same 1867/9: 9.) 1872. List of vouchers delivered by controller to Jas. E. Hale and Thos. N. Nosier. 216 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1873. Comments on retrenchment. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3: 22-23.) . Comments on stationery, fuel, and light; recom- mendation that law be so amended as to give bd. of examiners power to make all purchases, advertis- ing for proposals, and awarding contract to lowest bidder. (Same 1871/3: 9.) . Stmt, of condition of consolidated balance sheet. (Same 1871/3: 150-151.) . Amt. of assets held by state June 30. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1871/3: 31.) 1877. Stmt, of deficiencies for 27th, 28th, and 29th fiscal yrs. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1875/7: 133.) . Comments on retrenchment, and recommenda- tion that legisl. make no apprns. except such as are absolutely necessary, and to reduce every apprn. to lowest possible limit. {Same 1875/7: 19.) 1879-1894. State debt and kind of money In treasury, June 30. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1877/9 (p. 16)— some 1892/4.) 1891. In reference to certain duties of auditors and tax collectors, Sept. 7; opinion 137 atty. gen. (Hart). 3 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Rept. on investigation of various comns. of state. (Assem. jol. 29 sess. pp. 585-586.) 1893. Govs, mess.; deficiencies in excess of apprns. in state offices, exemption of treasurer's and control- ler's warrants from examination, etc. (Sen. jol. 30 sess., pp. 542-543; Assem. jol. pp. 516-518.) 1894/6. Stmt, showing amt. of cash in treasury, not credited to any fund, and not included in any pre- vious cash stmt. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1894/6: 17.) 1895. Stmts, showing financial condition of state. (Sen. jol. 31 sess. pp. 1166-1168.) 1896. Stmt, showing cash on hand, being money in treasury vault at close of business, June 30. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1894/6: 12.) 1896-1904. Stmt, showing cash balance in state treas- ury at close of business, June 30. {Same 1894/6 (p. 11)— some 1902/4.) 1897. Govs. mess. re. his Inability to approve any bill for further apprns. on acct. of heavy taxes imposed on people of state. (Sen. jol. 32 sess. pp. 1247-1248.) 1898/00. Stmt, showing amt. of cash In treasury, not covered into any fund and not included in any pre- vious cash stmt. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1898/00: 12.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd STATE GOVERNMENT, 1849-date— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1899. Govs. mess. re. condition of state finances. (Assem. jol. 33 sess. pp. 840-841.) 1900-1904. Stmt, showing kinds of money on hand, in treasury vault, June 30. (Bienn. rept. state treas- urer 1898/00 (p. 9)— some 1902/4.) Appropriations 1850-1852. Tabular stmt, showing separately whole amt. of each apprn. of money made by law, amt. paid under same, and balance remaining unex- pended, June 30. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (p. 533) — same 1851/2.) Paging from Collected docs. 1854. Veto of act making apprns. to meet civil expen- ditures of state, 1854-1855. (Sen. jol. 1854: 562.) 1855. Rept. of secy, of state re. apprns. of present sess., with stmt, of same for deficiencies of 1854 and for 1855 resp. {Same 1855: 858-863.) 1856. Exhibit of all apprns. made by acts of 1856. {Same 1856: 874-876.) 1857. Veto of act making apprns. to defray civil ex- penses of govt, from Feb. 1 to June 30, 1857. {Same 8 sess. pp. 430-431.) 1859-1862. Stmt, showing apprns. made. (A.R. state treasurer 1861/2: 16.) 1863. Recommendation that Assem. committee of ways and means and Sen. finance committee keep accu- rate acct. of all apprns. made by legisl. so that in preparing revenue bills, the means provided and apprns. will agree in amt. (A.R. state controller 1862/3: 11-12.) 1881. Veto of act making apprns. to pay expenses of extra sess. (Sen. jol. 24 sess. pp. 560-561.) 1887. Rept. of select committee re. alleged errors In engrossment of general apprn. bill finding that they are unable to determine cause of errors. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8 doc. [18].) 1889. Stmt, of moneys appropriated. 8 pp. 1891. Stmt, of bills Involving apprns. (Assem. jol. 29 sess. pp. 335-336.) 1893. Rept. on amt. of apprns. recommended. {Same 30 sess. pp. 662-663.) 1893-1899. Amt. of general and special apprn. bills. (Blue book 1899: 213.) 1895. Stmt, of apprn. bills passed. (Sen. jol. 31 sess. pp. 338-340.) 1897-1899. List of special apprn. bills approved. (Blue book 1899: 210-212.) . List of special apprn. bills vetoed and pocketed. {Same 1899: 208-209.) Auditor 1858. Auditor's estimate of apprn. needed for con- tingencies of his ofllce. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 310.) Board of Examiners 1887/8-1890. Recommendation for creation of state bd. of examiners, whose duty it shall be to audit all claims agst. state, and to inaugurate thorough busi- ness system throughout all depts. of state govt, and compel its introduction and personally investi- gate all expenditures of state's money, for what- ever purpose appropriated. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1889 (pp. 38-39)— some 1888/90.) 1892. Recommendation that law be so amended that secy, of bd. be made an ex-officio member of bd. with power to act only In absence from state capl- tol of two of other members. {Same dated 1893: 44.) 1894. Recommendation that name " Bd. of Examiners " be changed to " State Bd. of Auditors." {Same dated 1895: 62.) 1895. Recommendation that legisl. make some pro- visions for expert to state bd. of examiners. {Same dated 1897: 23-24.) 108 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Board of Examiners — cont'd 1900. Recommendation for adequate apprn. for neces- sary permanent clerical force of oflBce, and travel- ing expenses of bd. and its expert. (Same dated 1901: 11.) ExPENDiTTJKEs; See below, that title Reports; see Debt: State Controller's Office See also below, Treasurer's OfSce. 1858. Comptroller's estimate of apprn. needed for con- tingencies of his ofllce. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 311.) 1865. Letter of controller re. charges agst. himself and revenue ofiBcers of Trinity Co. {Same 16 sess. p. 79; Assem. jol. p. 107.) 1885. Majority rept. recommending that act providing money for contingent expenses of controller do not pass. (Assem. jol. 26 sess. pp. 254-255.) . Same; minority rept. {Same 26 sess. pp. 211- 212.) 1886. Recommendation for two additional clerks for controller's office and that $1000 per yr. be appro- priated for traveling expenses. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1884/6: 38.) 1894. Recommendation for sufficient apprn. to refit controller's office with modern and fire-proof cases, book-racks, etc. {Same 1892/4: 33-34.) ExPENDiTTJEEs ; sec below, that title Estimates 1849/50-1871. Estimate of receipts and expenditures for ensuing yr., with comments. (A.R. state comp- troller 1849/50 (pp. 525-530) — bienn. rept. same 1869/71.) Paging from Collected docs. 1854-1855. Estimated contingent expenses of treasury dept. (controller and treasurer) Feb. 1, 1854, to Feb. 1, 1855, for payment of which no provision has been made; made pursuant to Sen. res. adopted Jan. 10, 1853. (Sen. jol. 1855: 103-104.) 1873. Comments on estimate of expenditures, and sug- gestion that committee on apprns. keep acct. of amts. required by different apprn. bills as they are approved; by adding amt. to estimate for general apprn. bill total sum to be raised and rate of taxation can be ascertained at any time during sess. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3: 21.) 1873-1904. Stmt, giving estimate of expenditures for ensuing yr. {Same 1871/3 (pp. 200-203)— same 1902/4.) Expenditures See also below. Revenue and Expenditures. 1849/50. Stmt, showing amt. of warrants unredeemed, June 30, and comments on same. (A.R. state comp- troller 1849/50: 523-525.) Paging from Collected docs. 1849/50-1861/2. Classified stmt, of expenditures from treasury. {Same 1861/2: 52-56.) . Misc. expenditures. {Same 1849/50 (p. 522)— same 1861/2.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850. Table of controller's warrants drawn on treas- urer July 1 to Dec. 13, and amt. uncondemned Dec. 15. (Suppl. rept. comptroller 1850.) . Rept. of comptroller on classified expenditures to Apr. 15 (from Jan. 1?), with estimated expendi- tures Apr. 15 to Dec. 31. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 1174-1179.) 1850-1851. Comptroller's stmt, of amt. of warrants drawn on treasurer Dec. 15 to March 18. {Same 1851: 726.) 1850-1852. Rept. re. contingent expenses of state offi- cers, reviewing legislation re. contingent expenses and urging greater restriction of same, with stmts, and ace. docs. (Assem. jol. 1852: 470-477.) expenses of each of three (App. to govs. ann. mess. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd 1850-1853. Stmt, of ann. depts. of state govt. 1854: 34.) 1850-1857. Cumulative comparative table of expendi- tures of treasury. (A.R. state comptroller 1853/4 (p. 12)— some 1856/7.) 1851. Suggestion to make comptroller's warrant re- ceivable in payment of all state dues. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) . Comptroller's stmt, of warrants drawn on treas- ury for contingent expenses of comptroller, secy, of state, treasurer, surveyor gen., and atty. gen., resp., up to Jan. 18. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 962-965.) 1851/2-1852/3. Itemized stmt, of payments out of state treasury. (A.R. state treasurer 1851/2 (pp. 5-6) — same 1852/3.) 1852. Suggestion to make comptroller's warrants re- ceivable for state dues, as measure for increasing state revenue. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) 1852-1853. Stmt, of apprns. for special objects, uncon- nected with administration of govt. (App. to govs, ann. mess. 1854: 33.) 1854-1855. Treasurer's stmt. re. amt. of comptroller's warrants outstanding Feb. 1, 1855, and amt. re- deemed Dec. 20, 1854 to Feb. 1, 1855. (Sen. jol. 1855: 242.) . Stmt, of civil expenditures accruing Feb. 1, 1854, Feb. 1, 1855, for payment of which no provision made. {Same 1855: 155.) 1854-1856. "Warrants drawn from July 1 to Dec. 20. (A.R. state comptroller 1853/4 (p. 30) — same 1855/6.) . Stmt, of Comptroller's warrants, showing amt. is- sued and outstanding and reedemed at state treas- ury. {Same 1853/4 (p. 27) — same 1855/6.) 1854-1861. Tabular stmt, of amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. audited under same, and balance unex- pended at close of yr. June 30. {Same 1853/4 (pp. 13-15)— same 1860/1.) 1855. Stmt, of disbursements on acct. of deficiencies of previous yr. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 11.) 1855-1856. Treasurer's communication, with stmt, of controller's warrants issued, redeemed and out- standing 1855, and outstanding Feb. 15, 1856 (show- ing amt. of same issued for state prison). (Assem. jol. 1856: 355.) 1855/6. Tabular stmt, of expenditures out of state treasury for yr. (A.R. state treasurer 1855/6 n. p.) 1858-1862. Stmt, of amt. of warrants issued. (A.R. state controller 1857/8 (p. 31)— some 1861/2.) 1858/9-1884. Tabular stmt, of expenditures of state treasury. (A.R. state treasurer 1858/9 (foldg. sheet) — bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1861. Reply of atty. gen. to request of controller for advice re. drawing of warrants demanded by state capitol comrs. for purpose of settling with late con- tractor; as remedy for evil suggested therein, pas- sage of act recommended, providing that control- ler shall not draw his warrant for payment of any money out of any apprn. made by law until money for same is in state treasury; also recommended that special fund for payment of current expenses of govt, be created, and that treasurer be required to set apart, each mo., sufficient sum, if same be In treasury, to meet demands upon that fund, before paying any other claims. (A.R. atty. gen. 1861: 10-12.) . List of warrants destroyed. (Sen. jol. 12 sess. pp. 852-853; Assem. jol. pp. 895-897.) 1865-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended of executive dept. which included govs, office, secy, of state, control- INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 109 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd ler, treasurer, supt. public instruction, surveyor gen., register of state land, atty. gen., adj. gen. (A.R. state controller 1864/5 (pp. 34-38) — same 1902/4.) . Recapitulation giving aggregate amt. of expendi- tures. (Same 1864/5 (p. 48)— some 1902/4.) . Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for misc. purposes. {Same 1864/5 (p. 45)— same 1902/4.) 1867. Recommendation that act be passed directing cancellation of any warrant that remains uncalled for in controller's office for over yr. after issued. (Same 1865/7: 9.) 1869-1873. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for expenses for compilation of laws. (Same 1867/9 (p. 63) — same 1871/3.) 1871. Recommendation that law be enacted directing registration and cancellation of all warrants which remain uncalled for one yr. from date of issue, and that bd. of examiners be authorized to adjust bal- ances on books of treasurer and controller, and that treasurer be required to specify, in his mo. rept. to controller, no., date, and amt. of all warrants re- deemed by him and fund out of which same are paid. (Some 1869/71: 15-16.) . Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for restitution of moneys. (Same 1869/71: 72.) . Same; for sale of legal tender notes. (Same 1869/71: 58.) 1882-1884. Same; for stationery, fuel, lights, etc. (Same 1880/2 (p. 67)— some 1882/4.) 1882-1896. Same; for official advertising. (Same 1880/2 (pp. 67-68)— some 1894/6.) 1882-1904. Same; for rewards. (Same 1880/2 (p. 67) — same 1902/4.) 1885-1904. List of warrants canceled, to whom issued, and date of issue when canceled, fund, and amt. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1886/8 (p. 31) — same 1902/4.) 1886. Comments on hotel and traveling expenses; rec- ommendation for placing limit upon amt. to be ex- pended per day for hotel expenses subject to pay- ment by state. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1884/6: 33.) 1887-1899. Tabular stmt, of exhaustions of gen. fund and transfers of money. (Assem. jol. 33 sess. pp. 29-31.) 1889. Rept. on investigation of expenditures of public moneys. (Same 28 sess. pp. 980-981.) 1892-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for transfer acct. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1890/2 (p. 69) — same 1902/4.) 1893/5-1895/7. Table comparing increase of state ex- penditures. (Blue book 1895: 83.) . Same; decrease. (Same 1895: 83.) 1894/6. Stmt, showing payments out of state treas- ury. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1894/6: 22-32.) 1896-1898. Stmt, showing amt. of state warrants re- maining unpaid and outstanding at close of busi- ness, June 30. (Same 1894/6 (p. 14) — some 1896/8.) 1896-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for code comrs. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1894/6 (p. 65) — same 1902/4.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd 1900-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. of expenses under each, and balance. (Same 1898/00 (p. 88) — same 1902/4.) . Stmt, showing amt. of state controller's war- rants remaining outstanding and unpaid at close of business June 30. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1898/00 (p. 12)— some 1902/4.) AoEicuLTrEAL SOCIETIES ; See that title Aqeicultdbb; see that title Asylums; see Maintenance: State Attorney Genebal's Office; see Administeation or Jus- tice. Receipts, etc. Blind; see Maintenance: State BoAED OF Examinees 1891/2-1904. Financial stmt, of expenses of state bd. of examiners and expert. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1893 (p. 45)— some 1902/4.) 1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended by state bd. of examiners. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1902/4: 60-61.) Bounty Agriculture ; see that title. Animal ; see Bounty. Bridges; see that title Building and Loan Associations ; see that title BtTEEAU or Laboe Statistics; see Laboe Califoenia Laboe Exchange; see Laboe. Expbndituees Capitol; see Public Buildinss and Grounds: State Charities and Coeeections; see Maintenance: State Citrus Fairs; see Agriculture. Receipts, etc. Conteollee's Office 1858. Stmt, of warrants drawn upon contingent fund of controller's office from Oct. 10, 1858, to Jan. X 1859. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. p. 86; Sen. jol. pp. 87.) 1875. Stmt, showing manner in which apprn. for con- tingent expenses in controller's office was expended by J. J. Green (controller), July 1 to Dec. 6. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1875/7: 22.) 1875/7. Same; for contingent expenses in office of con- troller was expended from Dec. 6, 1875, to June 30, 1877, incl. (Same 1875/7: 21.) . Same; for postage and expressage. (Same 1875/7: 20-21.) . Same; for prtg. and engraving controller's war- rants. (Same 1875/7: 22.) 1877-1904. Stmt, showing in detail the manner in which apprns. in controller's office were expended. (Same 1877/9 (pp. 14-16)— some 1902/4.) 1882-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for controller. (Some 1880/2 (p. 57)— some 1902/4.) Corrections and Chaeities; see Maintenance: State Daiey Bueeau; see Industries, etc. Dairy Docks; see Wharves and Docks Drainage; see River Conseevancy Education; see that title Elections 1849. Rept. re. advisability of paying claims for Nov. election expenses, as being authorized by power other than state, with review of proclamation of Gov. Riley, Aug. 3, recommending formation of state and authorizing incurrence of expenses of same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 976-979.) 1886. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for presidential elec- tors. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1884/6: 62.) Employment Bureau; see Labor. Expenditures Engineer; see Public Works: State 110 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd Equalization Boabd; see Taxation: State. Expendi- TUBES Escheats; see Land Estates of Deceased Pebsons; see Land. Escheats Executive Mansion; see Public Buildings and Gbounds: State Fees; see that title Fish Commission; see Fish and Game FoLSOM State Pbison; see Maintenance: State Individ- ual Institutions Fobests; see Natueal Resources Game; see Fish and Game. Receipts, etc. General Fund 1851/2-1861. Itemized stmt, of general fund payments for yr. (A.R. state treasurer 1851/2 (pp. 9-11) — same 1860/1.) 1864/5-1869. Misc. apprns. paid from general fund. (Bienn. rept. same 1863/5 (p. 32) — same 1867/9.) Geological Subvey; see Natueal Resoukces. Geology Govebnob; see that title Habbobs; see that title Health Boabd; see Public Health High Schools; see Education. Bxpenditubes Hobticultxjbe; see Ageicultuee. Receipts, etc. Indian Hostilities; see War Expendituees Insane; see Maintenance: State Insurance; see that title Judicial Department; see Administeation of Justice. Receipts, etc. Labob; see that title Legislatube 1849/50-1862. Expenditures of legislative dept. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (p. 521)— some 1861/2.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850-1853. Tabular stmt, showing ann. legislative ex- penditures. {Same 1852/3: 42-43.) 1852-1853. Legislative expenditures enormous; reduc- tion urged. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 15.) 1855. Legislative expenses for clerical service alone over $100,000. (Bame 1856: 10.) 1865-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended of legislative dept. (Bienn. rept. controller 1864/5 (p. 38)— some 1902/4.) 1871/2-1875/6. Comparative stmt, of contingent ex- penses of legisl. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1873. Comments on contingent expenses of legisl.; also recommendation that incoming members of legisl. observe more closely strict incoming rules. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3: 8-9.) 1873-1884. Stmt, of contingent expenses of Sen. and Assem. (Same 1871/3 (pp. 188-197)— some 1882/4.) 1888. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for extra sess. of legisl. (Same 1886/8: 46.) 1896. Rept. on various expenditures of legisl. (Sen. jol. 32 sess. pp. 121-130.) ASSEMBLY 1850. Tabular stmt, showing Assem. contingent fund. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50: 539.) Paging from Collected docs. 1859. Stmts, of accts. for sundry expenses of House. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 153; 226; 299; 340; 400; 422; 446; 452; 503; 529; 568; 691; 713; 730-731.) 1860. Stmts, of various accts. to be paid out of con- tingent fund of Assem. (Same 11 sess. pp. 209; 276; 282; 413; 515; 585; 630; 666; 691; 762.) 1871/2-1875/6. Stmt, of contingent expenses of Assem. for Feb., also stmt, for Dec, Jan., and Feb. (Some 21 sess. pp. 428-431.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd Leoislatuse — cont'd ASSEMBLY— cont'd . Stmt, of contingent expenses of Assem. for en- tire sess.; also stmt, of amt. paid for stationery furnished members, etc. (Same 21 sess. pp. 696- 698.) 1871/2-1877/8. Stmt, of contingent expenses of Assem. (Same 22 sess. p. 304.) 1876. Repts. of special committee on contingent ex- penses of Assem. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1877/8. Stmt, of amts. paid for Assem. stationery and contingencies. (Assem. jol. 22 sess. pp. 822-825.) LEGISLATIVE FUND 1863. stmt, of condition of legislative fund. (A.R. state controller 1862/3: 86-87.) 1864/5-1869. Legislative fund, receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1863/5 (p. 19) — same 1867/9.) MILEAGE Mileage of committees to visit asylums, prisons, etc., entered under Maintenance : State. Expenditures. serial 1857-1901. Rept. on mileage due each member of House. In Collected docs, as follows : 1857 in Assem. jols. 8 sess. 132-134. 1858 9 " 91-93. 1859 " " " 10 " 86-88. 1860 " " " 11 " 24-25. 1861 " " " 12 " 156-157. 1862 " " " 13 " 116-118. 1863 " " " 14 " 80-81. 1864 not found. 1865 in Assem. lols. 16 sess. 43-44. 1867 " " " 17 " 109-110. 1869 ' 18 " 97-99. 1871 " " " 19 " 141-142. 1873 " " " 20 " 232-234. 1875 21 " 68-69. 1877 22 " 115-116. 1879 not found. 1881 in Assem. Jols. 24 sess. 43-44 ; 496-497. 1883 not found. 1884 in Assem. jols. 25 sess. 24. 1885 " " " 26 " 66-67. 1886 ' 26 extra sess. 7-8 95-97. 1887 27 sess. 62-63. 1889 ' 28 " 35-36. 1891 ' 29 " 100-101. 1893-1895 not found. 1897 in Assem. jols. 32 sess. 54-56. 1899 " " " 33 " 59-60. 1901 " " " 34 " 47-48. 1857-1895. Rept. on mileage due each Senator. In Collected docs, as follows : 1857 in Sen. jols. 8 sess. 100-101. 1858 9 " 83-84. 1859 10 " 101. 1860 not found. 1861 in Sen. jols. 12 sess. 21. 1862 " " " 13 " 93-94. 1863 ' 14 " 72-73. 1864 not found. 1865 in Sen. jols. 16 sess. 29-30. 1867 " " " 17 " 113-114. 1869-1871 not found. 1873 in Sen. jols. 20 sess. 171-172. 1875 ' 21 " 60. 1877 " " " 22 " 46. 1880 " " " 23 " 65. 1881 not found. 1883 in Sen. jols. 25 sess. 34. 1884 " " " 25 " 27-28. 1885 " " " 26 " 130. 1886 " " " 26 extra sess. 27. 1887 " " " 27 sess. 25. 1889 " " " 28 " 73-74. 1891 " " " 29 " 22-23. 1893 " " " 30 " 18-19. 1895 31 " 48-49. non-serial 1855. Veto of act requiring payment of per diem and mileage of members of legisl. to amt. of $1000 each, as calling for more money than Is in treasury, with suggestion to fund civil warrants outstanding, and INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 111 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd LiEQISLATTJBE — COnt'd non-serial — cont'd to require controller's warrants to be registered and paid in order of registry; with stmt, of aggre- gate general fund and special funds, resp., in treas- ury. (Sen. jol. 1855: 215-217.) 1859. Stmt, of amt. of mileage due special committee to visit S. P. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. p. 435.) 1868. Rept. of Sen. committee re. additional allow- ances. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 29].) 1881. Rept. on amt. of mileage due committee on irri- gation, water rights, drainage, and mining debris. (Sen. jol. 24 sess. pp. 179-180.) SENATE 1849/50. Stmts, of operations of special contingent fund of Sen. (A.R. state treasurer 1849/50: 555- 557.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850-1851. Tabular stmt, showing condition of Sen. contingent fund. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (p. 539) — same 1850/1.) Paging from Collected docs. 1858. Stmt, of contingent expenses of Sen. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 118.) . Stmt, of accts. to be paid out of contingent fund. (Same 9 sess. pp. 301; 466; 637.) . Stmt, of amts. due from Sen. contingent fund. (Same 9 sess. p. 266.) 1860. Stmts, of amts. paid out of Sen. contingent fund. (Same 11 sess. pp. 235; 262; 278; 302; 409; 511; 565; 654; 741; 816-817.) 1871/2-1875/6. Stmt, of amt. expended for Sen. station- ery to Mch. 31. (Same 21 sess. pp. 618-619.) . Same; to Mch. 1. (Same 21 sess, pp. 368-369.) . Stmt, of contingent expenses of Sen. (Same 21 sess. pp. 377-378.) . Stmt, of amts. expended for stationery from of sess. to Dec. 22. (Same 21 sess. pp. opening 96-98.) -. Stmt. Jan. 31. -. Stmt. of amts. expended for Sen. stationery to (Same 21 sess. pp. 210-211.) of contingent expenses of Sen. for Mch. (Same 21 sess. pp. 622-624.) Stmt, for 1871/2 is for April also. 1886. Rept. of Sen. committee on attaches, contingent expenses and mileage, on amts. due officers of Sen. (Sen. jol. extra sess. 1886: 59, 83-84.) SERGBANT-AT-AEMS 1850. Stmt, of acct. of sergeant-at-arms to Apr. 3. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 1227.) 1856. Rept. of sergeant-at-arms, with stmt, of expenses for forwarding mail, docs., etc., of Assem. from Jan. 7-26, in response to res. of 7 sess. (Assem. jol. 1856: 197-198.) Lepeost; see Public Health. Bxpendituees Maintenance; see that title Mabtsville Refoem School; see Maintenance: State Individual Institutions MiNEEAX Cabinet; see Natueal Resources. Museums Mining Bureau; see Natural Resources. Mineral NoEMAi Schools; see Education. Expenditures Orphans and Abandoned Children; see Maintenance: Pbivatb Pacific Railboad; see Railroads: Individual Poor; see Maintenance: State Preston School of Industry; see Maintenance: State Individual Institutions Prisons; see Maintenance: State Public Aid: see that title Public Buildings; see Public Buildings and Grounds: State Public Printing; see that title FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd Public Wobks; see that title Raileoad Commission; see Railroads Relief Purposes; see Public Aid Roads; see that title San Quentin State Prison; see Maintenance: State In- dividual Institutions Schools; see Education. Expenditures Secretary of State 1855. Exhibit of contingent expenses of office of secy, of state Feb. 1 to Nov. 5, as required by act of Apr. 27, 1855, making apprns. (Assem. jol. 1856: 164.) Secy, of State resigned Nov. 5. . Stmt, of secy, of state re. contingent expenses Feb. 1 to Nov. 5, pursuant to act passed Apr. 27, 1855. (Sen. jol. 1856: 157-158.) 1857. Copy of accts. paid from contingent fund of secy. of state. (Same 9 sess. p. 94.) 1859. Stmt, of accts. paid out of apprn. for contingent expenses of secy, of state. (Same 11 sess. pp. 31- 32.) 1861-1862. Stmt, of expenses of secy, of state's office. (A.R. state treasurer 1861/2: 15.) 1862-1890. Amt. disbursed by office, out of apprn. for stationery, lights, fuel, etc., to several offices and depts. (A.R. secy, state 1862 (p. 5) — same 1888/90.) 1871-1888. Fund for contingent expenses. (Bienn. rept. same 1870/1 (p. l)—same 1886/8.) 1875-1884. Comparative stmt, showing difference in ex- penses and receipts. (Same 1877/9 (p. 11) — same 1882/4.) 1882. Stmt, of receipts and disbursements. (Same 1880/2: 3.) 1882-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for secy, of state. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (p. 57) — same 1902/4.) 1891. Secy's, rept. re. condition of different funds of his dept. (Sen. jol. 29 sess. p. 167.) 1892-1904. Financial stmts. (Bienn. rept. state dept. 1890/2 (pp. 15-17)— some 1902/4.) 1896. Stmt, of apprns. and expenditures. (Same 1894/6: 9-10.) Seed and Plant Distribution; see Agrioultuee. Re- ceipts, etc. Silk Cultuee; see Industries, etc Silk Culture State Library; see Libraries State Veterinarian; see Agbicultuke. Receipts, etc. Supreme Couet Libraby; see Libeaeies Swamp Land; see Land: State Taxation; see Taxation: State Telegraph; see Telegeaph and Telephone Companies Teeasueeb's Office 1857. Rept. of accts. and expenditures committee re. state treasury office. 9 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 8 sess. doc. 19.) 1858. Stmt, of acct. of treasurer for amts. paid for contingent expenses of his office during yr. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. pp. 107-110.) . Stmt, of amt. of contingents required for treas- urer's office. (Same 9 sess. p. 303.) 1859. Stmt, of contingent expenses of treasurer's office. (Same 11 sess. pp. 144-145.) 1877/9-1898. Stmt, showing how apprns. for postage and expressage were expended. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1877/9 (p. 18)— same 1896/8.) 1882-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for treasurer. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (pp. 57-58) — same 1902/4.) 112 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures— cont'd Treasxtbee's Office — cont'd 1898/00-1904. Stmt, showing detail of expenditures of treasurer's contingent fund. (A. R. state treas- urer 1898/00 (pp. 82-83)— bienn.rept. same 1902/4.) United States Steamship " Mabion " 1900. Expenditures on acct. U. S. S. " Marion." (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1898/00: 31.) Veterans' Home or Califobnia; see Maintenance: State Individuai, Institutions Vigilance Committee; see Riots, etc. VlTICULTUBAI, BOABD; SCO Ageicultuee. Expendittjbes, etc. Was BxPENDiTimEs; see that title Whaeves; see Whaeves and Docks Whittiee Refoem School; see Maintenance: State In- viDUAL Institutions Yosemite Valley; see Paeks: State Fiscal Year 1853. Change of fiscal yr. urged to begin Dec 15 in- stead of July 1. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) Funds 1849/50-1850/1. Recapitulation of balances to credit of different funds. (A.R. state treasurer 1849/50 (pp. 556, 558)— some 1850/1.) Paging from Collected docs. 1855-1863. Stmt, of different funds. (A.R. state comp- troller 1854/5 (p. 24)— some 1862/3.) 1856/7-1861. Copies of comptroller's orders to transfer funds. (A.R. state treasurer 1856/7 (pp. 39-41, 53) — same 1860/1.) 1862. Veto of act to transfer certain funds. (Sen. jol. 13 sess. pp. 355-358.) 1863. Same. (Same 15 sess. p. 110.) 1864. Stmt, showing balances in all funds and total balance in state treasury, July 1. (A.R. state treasurer 1863/4: 7.) 1865-1869. Suppl. stmt, showing balance in all funds, and amt. total in state treasury, Oct. 31. (Bienn. rept. same 1864/5 (p. 35)— same 1867/9.) 1865-1884. Recapitulation showing balances in all funds, and total balance in state treasury, June 30. (Bienn. rept. same 1863/5 (p. 27) — same 1882/4.) 1867-1871. Same; Nov. 4. (Bienn. rept. state control- ler 1865/7 (pp. 168-169)— same 1869/71.) 1873. Stmt, of errors discovered in adjusting balances of several funds, under act of Feb. 20, 1872. (Same 1871/3: 206-217.) 1879-1880. Stmt, showing balances in several funds, amt. of warrants outstanding, and balances in state treasury, June 30. (Same 1877/9 (p. 74) — same 1879/80.) 1882. Stmt, of controller's ledger balance of several funds, amt. of warrants outstanding, and balances, aggregate of which show total amt. of money in state treasury at close of yr., June 30. (Same 1880/2: 8.) 1882-1904. Review of condition of principal funds. (Same 1880/2 (pp. 10-20)— some 1902/4.) 1884-1892. Ann. stmt, of state controller, showing con- dition of several funds, in the aggregate. (Same 1882/4 (pp. 15-16)— same 1890/2.) 1884-1904. Comparative exhibit showing controller's ledger balances of several funds, amt. of outstand- ing warrants and balances, the aggregate of which show total amt. of money in treasury at close of fiscal yrs. endg. June 30; also excess of money in treasury at close of yr. (Same 1882/4 (p. 8) — same 1902/4.) 1884/6-1902. Stmt, showing receipts, payments, and transaction in each fund during yr. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1884/6 (p. 7) — same 1900/2.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Funds — cont'd 1890/2. Recommendation for act permitting and re- quiring surplus funds in treasury to be loaned. (Same 1890/2: 6-7.) Aqnews State Hospital; see Maintenance: State Indi- vidual Institutions Assembly Contingent Fund; see above, Bxpendituees. Legislatuee Bank Commissioners' Fund; see Banks Building and Loan Inspection Fund; see Building and Loan Associations Capitol Funds; see Public Buildings and Grounds: State Chinese Fund; see Population. Receipts and Expendi- TUEES Civil Fund; see above. Finance: State. Militaey Gov- EENMENT Condemnation Funds 1877/9-1884. Receipts and payments on condemnation fund. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1877/9 (p. 12) — same 1882/4.) 1879-1886. Stmt, of condition of condemnation fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1877/9 (p. 67) — some 1884/6.) 1904. Stmt, of condition of San Luis Obispo condemna- tion fund. (Same 1902/4: 118.) Contingent Funds Special contingent funds are entered under speclSc headings, as gov's, contingent fund under Governor, etc. 1850/1. Stmt, of operations of special contingent fund of state. (A.R. state treasurer 1850/1: 514.) Paging from Collected docs. 1862. Stmt, of payments from contingent fund. (Same 1861/2: 39.) 1900. Comments on emergency funds, and recommen- dation that state should make some provision for erection of new bldgs. in case state institutions are destroyed by fire; same suggestion will apply to National Guard. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1898/00: 24-25.) Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum Contingent Fund; see Maintenance: State Individual Institutions Deposit Funds Banks ; see Banks : Receipts, etc. Dissolved Savings Bank Fund; see Banks. Savings Bank Fund Drainage Constbuction Fund; see Rivee Conseevancy Election Reward Fund 1871/3-1884. Election reward fund; receipts and pay- ments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1871/3 (p. 22) — same 1882/4.) 1873-1894. Stmt, of condition of election reward fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3 (pp. 148-149) — some 1892/4.) Estates of Deceased Pebsons Fund; see Land. Escheats Federal Tax Fund; see below. Revenue. Federal Gov- ernment Fish Commissionebs' Fund; see Fish and Game. Re- ceipts, etc. FoLSOM Bbanch Peison Fund; see Maintenance: State Individual Institutions Game Peeservation Fund; see Fish and Game. Receipts, etc. General Fund See also below, Revenue and Expenditures. 1849/50-1850/1. Stmts, of operation of general fund in aggregate. (A.R. state treasurer 1849/50 (pp. 553- 554, 556)— some 1850/1.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850-1854. Tabular stmt, showing condition of general fund. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (p. 38)— same 1853/4.) Paging from Collected docs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 113 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Funds — cont'd General Fund — cont'd 1855. Treasurer's communication re. amt. of money In general fund, showing embarrassment of dept. as result of failure of cos. to settle and res. prohibit- ing payment of legislative pay certificates to any but members of leglsl. (Assem. jol. 1855: 858-859.) 1857-1861. Balances in following funds, on June 30: general fund, hospital fund, school fund, military fund, etc. (Same 1856/7 (p. 38)— some 1860/1.) 1861-1904. Stmt, of condition of general fund, June 30. (A.R. state controller 1860/1 (pp. 28-29) — bienn. rept. same 1902/4.) 1865-1884. Stmt, showing transaction In general fund for yr. endg. June 30. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1863/5 (p. 10)— some 1882/4.) 1892/4. Frequent exhaustion of general fund, sugges- tion that apprns. should be cut down or tax levy raised to meet increased demands. (Same 1892/4: 4.) Habbob Protection Fund; see Haebobs Home fob Feeble-minded Contingent Fund; see Mainte- nance: State Individual Institutions Hospital Fund; see Maintenance: State. Receipts, etc. POOB Insurance Commissioneb's Special Fund; see Insurance. Expenditures Interest Fund 1852. Receipts on interest fund of 1852. (A.R. state treasurer 1851/2: 18.) 1852/3-1857. Receipts and payments on interest fund of 1851. (Same 1852/3 (pp. 20-22)— same 18^6/7.) . Same; fund of 1852. (Same 1852/3 (pp. 22-23) — some 1856/7.) 1855/6-1857. Interest fund of 1855, in acct. with state treasurer. (Same 1855/6 (pp. 12-13) — some 1856/7.) 1856/7. Same; 1856. (Same 1856/7: 16-17, 34-36.) Interest Tax Fund; see Taxation: State. Revenue Legislative Fund; see above, EJxpenditures. Legisla- ture Leprosy Fund; see Public Health. Expenditures Line Oepicers' Fund 1864/5-1869. Line officers' interest fund, receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1863/5 (p. 14)— same 1867/9.) 1865-1869. Stmt, of condition of line officers' interest fund. (A.R. state controller 1864/5 (pp. 82-83) — bienn. rept. same 1867/9.) 1865-1873. Same. (Same 1864/5 (pp. 82-83)— bienn. rept. same 1871/3.) 1865/7-1875. Line officers' fund, receipts and payments. (A.R. state treasurer 1865/7 (p. 20) — bienn. rept. same 1873/5.) Marine Hospital Fund 1852/3. Stmt, of S. F. state marine hospital fund pay- ments. (A.R. state treasurer 1852/3: 34.) 1854-1856. Stmt, of state marine hospital fund in acct. with state treasurer. (Same 1853/4 (pp. 18-19) — same 1855/6.) 1857-1861. See above, military fund; these dates. Mendocino Insane Asylum Fund; see Maintenance: State Individual Institutions Military Fund; see Militia. Expenditures Militaby Recbuiting Fund; see Militia. Expenditures Mining Bureau Fund; see Natural Resources Napa State Hospital; see Maintenance: State Indi- vidual Institutions Pacific Railroad Fund; see Railroads: Individual 8 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Funds — cont'd Pious Fund The case of this fund waa the first to be heard before the Hague Tribunal. The rept. with pleadings, exhibits, brief and a record of the proceedings was printed by the U. S. govt, in 1902. 1735-1851. Rept. on establishment and operation of pious fund, showing unwarranted control over same assumed by Mexican govt, and urging U. S. investigation re. same with view to its restora- tion to Cal. for carrying out its original object of religious education. (Leglsl. jol. 1851: 730-733.) 1851. Rept. on the pious fund of Cal. (App. to Sen. jol. 2 sess. pp. 730-733 doc. FF.) Public Building Fund; see Public Buildings and Grounds : State Public Building Land Fund; see Land: State. Public Building Lands Railway Tax Fund; see Taxation: State. Revenue Registration Fund 1858-1860. Registration fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1857/8 (pp. 30-31)— some 1859/60.) Revolving Jute Fund; see Labob. Convict Labob Rock-crushing Revolving Fund; see Labor. Convict Labor Sacramento State Hospital Fund; see Maintenace: State Individual Institutions San Francisco Depot Fund; see Railboads. Depots Savings Bank Fund; see Banks. Savings School Fund; see Education School Land Fund; see Land: State Seminary Land Fund; see Land: State. School Land SoLDiEEs' Bounty Interest Fund; see Militia. Expendi- tures Soldiers' Reliee Fund; see Militia. Expenditures Southern California Insane Asylum Fund; see Mainte- nance: State Individual Institutions State Library Fund; see Libraries State Printing Fund; see Public Printing. Expendi- tures State Prison Fund; see Maintenance: State Individual Institutions State Property Fund; see Land. Marsh and Tide Supreme Court Library Fund; see Libraries Trust Funds 1884/6-1894. Stmt, showing bonds held in trust by state treasurer. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1884/6 (p. 21)— same 1892/4.) 1896-1904. Stmt, showing bonds on hand, June 30, held in trust for other state funds, by state treas- urer. (Same 1894/6 (p. 47) — same 1902/4.) . Stmt, showing amt. of interest reed, by state treasurer on bonds held in trust, and funds into which it was paid. (Same 1894/6 (pp. 48-49) — same 1902/4.) SAUI/TRT FUND 1882/4. Bonds held in trust for relief of Jas. Saultry. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1882/4: 17.) . Receipts and payments on Jas. Saultry fund. (Same 1882/4: 14.) 1884-1904. Stmt, of condition of Jas. Saultry fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1882/4 (p. 87) — same 1902/4.) 1890. History of bonds purchased for relief of family of Jas. Saultry. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1891: 6.) 1904. Comments on Saultry heir bonds. (Same dated 1905: 10.) Veterans' Home of California Fund; see Maintenace: State Individual Institutions War Loan Fund; see War Expenditures 114 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CAUPORNIA FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Funds— cont'd Whabf ahd Dock F'dwd; see Whabves and Docks Whittieb Refobm School Fund; see Matntenabce: State iHDIVIDtrAI. IWSTITDTIONS YosEMiTE Valley Foin); see Pabks: State Laws 1887. Laws in force gOTeming the dept. of state, bd. of examiners, and bd. of capitol comrs. 58 pp. Not seen ; entry from SnppL Cat Law Dept Cal. State Library, 1893. Misappropriation of Pnblic Funds 1851. Govs. mess. re. robbery and defrauding of state by q. m. gen. (LeglsL jol. 1851: 773.) 1856. Rept. of select it committee to ascertain what amt. of revenue was paid into state treasury daring yr. re. frauds upon same. (Sen. joL 8 sess. pp. 239-241; Assem. jol. pp. 309-311.) 1857. Rept. on whereabouts of certain moneys illegally paid out and abstracted from state treasury. (As- sem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 804-807.) . Rept of special committee apptd. to ascertain whereabouts of certain moneys illegally paid out and abstracted from state treasury. 6 pp. (App. to Assem. joL 8 sess. doc. [17].) . Rept of select committee apptd. to investigate matters pertaining to state treasury dept; prefers charges agst treasurer. 41 pp. (Same 8 sess. doc. 7.) . Rept on defalcation in payment of interest fall- ing due July 1, 1856, upon civil bonds of state loaned to Palmer, Cook & Co. by state treasurer. (Sen. joL 8 sess. pp. 142-143.) . Articles of impeachment preferred by Assem. agst. H. Bates, treasurer of state for misdemeanor in ofSce. {Same 8 sess. pp. 297-303; Assem. jol. pp. 324-330; 341-342.) . Testimony and corresp. re. frauds upon state revenue by treasurer. (Sen. joL 8 sess. pp. 242- 252.) . Answer of H. Bates, treasurer of state, to charges of misdemeanor in office. (Same 8 sess. pp. 408-410.) . [Adverse] rept. of special committee on " act for better protection of state treasury"; investiga- tion into manner in which act has been obeyed. 14 pp. (App. to Assem. joL 8 sess. doc. [18].) . Same; 2d rept 12 pp. (Same 8 sess. doc. [15].) . Rept on Investigation of charges agst. controller of misdemeanor in office, etc. (Assem. joL 8 sess. pp. 206-208.) . Controller's answer to charges which he deems unjust, agst him for misdemeanor in office. (Same 8 sess. pp. 214-215.) . Articles of Impeachment preferred by Assem. agst G. W. Whitman, controller, for misdemeanor in office. (Sen. joL 8 sess. pp. 340-346; AssenL jol. pp. 375-379.) Answer of G. W. Whitman, comptroller, to ar- ticles of impeachment preferred agst him. (Sen. joL 8 sess. pp. 438-447.) 1860. Rept. of judiciary committee re. sureties on Pa- cific Express bond, Jan. 30, 1860; recommending release of sureties on bond of said co., fraudulently accepted by treasurer of state to conceal a deficit in his accts. 9 pp. (App. to Sen. joL 11 sess. doc. [15].) 1864. Short acct of suit brought agst. state controller Warren and his sureties for collection of amt of defalcation in his accts. (AJt atty. gen. 1865: 4.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Misappropriation of Public Funds — cont'd 1866. Rept of special jt committee on affairs pertain- ing to state controller's office acquitting him of charges of alleged fraud published by C. E. Wil- liams, in S. F. Daily Examiner, in connection with foreign miners' licenses and tax, but suggesting that tax collectors have seriously defrauded state by collusion with Chinese; with testimony and state- ment of licenses issued for 1863/4. 5, 1 IL, 108 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 2 doc. [10].) 1884. Comments on defalcations; also recommenda- tion for ann. additional apprn. made for contingent expenses of controller's office, of $2500, together with traveling expenses of $500 per annum, and appm. for postage, expressage, etc., be increased to $500 per yr. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1882/4: 28-29.) 1884-1890. Stmt showing list of receipts of late treas- urer, January, held by state treasurer, date of is- sue, to whom issued, amt. and date of redemption. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1889 (p. 36) — same 1888/90.) 1885. Rept on investigation of defalcations in office of late treasurer. (Sen. joL 26 sess. pp. 397-398.) . Rept of Sen. special committee to investigate alleged defalcation in office of state treasury under administration of W. A. January, in connection with embezzlement of either state or co. funds charging A. D. January with the crime; with t^ti- mony. 60 pp. (App. to jols. 26 sess. v. 6 doc. [3].) 1904. Defalcation at Southern CaUfomia State Hos- pital; see Maintenance: State Individual Institu- tions. Revenue 1849/50-1904. Receipts into state treasury, by cos., from various sources. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (p. 520)— bienn. rept same 1902/4.) Paging from Public docs. 1850-1851. Treasurer's stmt, of amt of revenue reed, into treasury, Dec. 15 to Mch. 19. (LegisL joL 1851: 724-725.) 1850-1857. Cumulative comparative table giving re- ceipts into treasury for each of series of yrs., by COS. (AJl. state comptroller 1853/4 (pp. 10-11)— same 1856/7.) 1851/2-1852/3. Itemized stmt of receipts into stote treasury for yr. (AJL state treasurer 1851/2 (pp. 4-5)— «ome 1852/3.) 1851/2-1861. Itemized stmt of general fund receipts for yr. (Same 1851/2 (pp. 7-8)— some 1860/1.) 1852. Supplemental table of receipts into state treas- ury from July 1 to Dec. 29, 1852. (AJt state comp- troller 1851/2: 14.) 1852-1853. Comptroller's stmt of receipts into treas- ury from July, 1852, to Feb. 26, 1853, in response to res. for information. 3 pp. (App. to Assem. joL 1853 doc. 24.) 1854. Stmt of amt. of revenue reed, in state treasury from various cos. from organization of state govt to July 1, 1854. (AJt state treasurer 1853/4: 26- 27.) 1854-1856. Stmt of receipts into treasury. (Sen. joL 10 sess. pp. 152-154.) 1854-1862. Tabular stmts, of receipts into treasury from various sources and from cos. (AJt state comptroller 1856/7 (foldg. tables)— «ome 1861/2.) . Supplemental stmts, of receipts into state treas- ury from July 1, 1854, to Dec. 20, 1854, inclusive. (Same 1853/4 (foldg. table)— some 1861/2.) 1854/5-1904. Tabular stmt of receipts into state treas- ury for JT. (AJl. state treasurer 1853/4 (foldg. table) — bienn. rept same 1902/4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CALIPOKNIA 115 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Revenue — cont'd 1858. Exhibit of revenue paid into state treasury by different cos., with expenses of collection, and per cent thereon for yr. endg. Dec. 31. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 52-53; Sen. jol. pp. 44-45.) 1863-1879. Recapitulation of receipts, by cos., from all sources of revenue. (A.R. state controller 1862/3 (p. 38) — bienn. rept. same 1877/9.) 1884/6-1902/4. Stmt, showing amt. paid Into state treasury by oo. treasurers during yr. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1884/6 (p. 8)— same 1902/4.) Bank Licenses; see Banks Blind, Institution foe; see Maintenance: State Convict Labor; see Labob Deposits For Bank Deposits, see Banks: Eecelpts, etc. For Insurance co. Deposits, see Insurance : Revenue. Escheats; see Land Pedebal Goveenment 1853. Comments on claims of state on general govt. (A.R. state comptroller 1852/3: 46-48.) 1878-1886. Repts. to gov. on certain claims of state agst. U. S.; by J. MuUan, agt. and counsel for Cal. 580 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8.) Sec. 332, Political Code, authorized contract with Mullan for collection of Cal. state claims agst. U. S. These claims comprise the 5 per cent claim, direct tax claims, Modoc war claims, Indian hostili- ties expenditures, civil war claims, claim for Interest on Indian and civil war debt, and fees paid U. S. hy Cal. on federal land grants. Pages 1-52 are reprinted In the stmt, of 1889 re. these claims, pp. 14-61. 1889. Stmt, of J. Mullan, agt. and counsel of Cal. to special jt. committee, re. unpaid claims of state agst. U. S. in 4 pts. 75, 33, 38, 7 pp. {Same 28 sess. V. 8 unnum. doc.) DIRECT TAX 1886. Stmt, of condition of direct tax accts. of several states and territories and D. C. under acts of Aug. 5, 1861, and June 7, 1862. Rept. of agt. and counsel of Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 159; 164; 209; 219. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) CALIFORNIA 1862/3-1867. Stmt, of condition of federal tax fund. (A.R. state controller 1861/2 (pp. 70-71)— bienn. rept. same 1865/7.) 1863. Majority and minority rept. of special commit- tee apptd. to inquire Into conduct of state controller and treasurer in connection with payment in legal tender notes of state's quota of federal direct tax. 22 pp. (App. to jols. 14 sess. unnum. doc.) . Rept. of testimony before special committee re. conduct of controller and treasurer in connection with payment in legal tender notes of state's quota of federal direct tax. 82 pp. (Same 14 sess. unnum. doc.) . Communication from gov. with corresp. re. pay- ment of Cal's. quota of direct tax, apportioned by act of Congress, Aug. 5, 1861. 8 pp. (Same 14 sess. unnum. doc.) 1864/5-1867. Federal tax fund, receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1864/5 (p. 20)— same 1865/7.) 1884. Stmt, by U. S. register of aggregate amts. cov- ered into treasury on acct. of direct tax to credit of several states and territories and D. C. Rept. of agt. and counsel for Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S., 1886:139. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) 1886. Cal. direct tax claim; rept. of agt. and counsel for Cal. pp. 16-29; 121-280. (Same 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) The exhibits, pp. 121-280, contain texts of state and federal laws and resolutions, state and federal correspondence, tabular matter, etc. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Revenue — cont'd Pedebal Goveenment — cont'd CALIFORNIA— cont'd 1886. Rept. of U. S. comn. on direct tax acots. Rept. of agt. and counsel of Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 250-276. (Same 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) 1892. Opinion as to whether direct tax paid Into state treasury under act of Congress, Mch. 2, 1891, should remain permanently In general fund or be refunded to persons who originally paid tax. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2: 10-11.) Pees, Commissions, etc.; see that title Pees: Instjeancb; see Insueance. Revenue Haebob Dues; see Commeece. Whaevbs, etc. Insurance Companies; see Insurance Land; see Land: State License, Insurance; see Insurance. Revenue Licenses; see License Passbnqeb Tax; see Population. Receipts and Expendi- tures Railroads; see that title Revenue Stamps; see Taxation. Revenue San Francisco Watek Lots; see Land Seceetaet of State; see Pees, etc. See also Finance : State Expenditures. Secy, of State. State Institutions; see Maintenance: State State Pbopeety; see Land. Water Front Property Swamp Land; see Land: State Taxation; see Taxation: State Revenue and Expenditures 1849/50-1850/1. Stmts, of operations In aggregate of treasury. (A.R. state treasurer 1849/50 (pp. 553, 556)— same 1850/1.) Paging from Collected docs. 1849/50-1856/7. Table showing ann. aggregate revenue, expenditures and ann. aggregate deficit 1st and 7th fiscal yrs. (p. 4 of Rept. of committee of ways and means on stamp act, etc. App. to Assem. jol. 8 sess. unnum. doc. [9].) . Same. (p. 501 Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 501-507.) 1849/50-1877. Recapitulation of receipts and expendi- tures. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (pp. 522- 523) — bienn. rept. same 1875/7.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850. Suppl. rept. of comptroller showing receipts and expenditures, July 1 to Dec. 15. (Leglsl. jol. 1851: 547-552; 1004-1010.) 1850-1853. Comptroller's stmt, of ann. and total re- ceipts from and expenditures for cos., from organi- zation of state govt, to May 1, 1853. 5 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 69.) Page 5 is mistakenly printed as page 5 of doc. 71. 1850-1863. Comparative stmt, showing receipts and ex- penditures into state treasury. (A.R. state treas- urer 1862/3: 59-72.) 1852. SuDpl. rept. of operations of treasury, from July 1 to Dec. 29, 1852. (Same 1851/2: 21-23.) 1854/5. Comptroller's stmt, of receipts and expendi- tures of treasury from July 1 to Mch. 1. 7 pp. (App. to Asseip. jol. 6 sess. doc. 17.) 1855-1856. Rept. of comptroller giving aggregate re- ceipts into state treasury from July 1, 1855, to Jan. 20, 1856, incl., detailed stmt, of expenditures, and all controller's warrants issued during same period, etc. 22 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 7 sess. doc. 9.) . Same. (Sen. jol. 1856: 255-272.) . Abstr. of receipts Into, and expenditures out of state treasury, from July 1, 1855. (A.R. state treasurer 1854/5 (p. 30)— same 1855/6.) 1855-1857. Exhibit of actual expenditures of state govt., and receipts exclusive of interest on public debt. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 41; Assem. jol. p. 58.) 116 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Revenue and Expenditures — cont'd 1857. Rept. of jt. committee on treasure in state treas- ury; stmt, of receipts and expenditures from Jan. 1, 1856, to Jan. 13, 1857, Inol. 5 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 8 sess. doc. [11].) 1857-1858. Recapitulation of receipts and expenditures. (A.R. state treasurer 1856/7 (pp. 36-37)— some 1857/8.) 1857/8-1861. Stmt, giving mo. receipts and expendi- tures. (Same 1857/8 (pp. 6-7)— some 1860/1.) 1862. Stmt, of receipts and payments. (.Same 1861/2: 5-14.) 1882-1904. Summary sliowlng principal sources of revenue, various funds to which receipts were ap- portioned, and total amt. of disbursements. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (pp. 9-10)— same 1902/4.) 1894/6-1904. Comparative stmt, showing mo. receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1894/6 (p. 13)— some 1902/4.) 1902/4. Stmt, showing total cost and transfer receipts and balances, cash payments, transfer payments, and cash balances, July 1. (Same 1902/4: 26-27, 50-51.) Secretary of State 1858. Secy's, estimate of apprn. needed for contin- gencies of his oflBce, for state library and for bd. of examiners. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 311.) 1860. Secy's, estimate of contingent expenses of his office for 11th fiscal yr. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. p. 213.) 1884. Rept. on accts. of D. M. Burns, ex-secy, of state. 132 pp. 1885. Rept. [favorable] of Sen. special committee apptd. to investigate books, etc., in office of secy. of state, Mch. 6. 116 pp. (App. to jols. 26 sess. V. 6 doc. [2].) Expenditures ; see above, that title Revenue; see B'ees, Commissions, etc. State Property 1853. Rept. [favorable] of committee re. " act to dis- pose of Interest of state in certain property [with minority rept.], and to quiet the title thereto." 4, 2 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. docs. 37, 38.) 1854. Suggested that law concerning sales of state property be amended so as to require settlements to be made with comptroller, and proceeds arising from such sales paid into treasury upon his order. (A.R. state comptroller 1853/4: 34.) 1855. Minority rept. favoring treasurer's action in re- ceiving comptroller's warrants m payment for prop- erty sold by state and in depositing state funds with various banking houses. (Assem. jol. 1855: 662-665.) 1895. Comments on Inventory of state property. (A. R. bd. examiners dated 1897: 24-25.) 1899-1902. Comments on Inventory of state property; returns from various officers in state having real or personal property in their possession or under their control. (Same dated 1901 (pp. 10-11) — same 1900/2.) Revenue fbom; see above, that title Treasurer's Office 1850-1852. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine books and accts. of treasurer and comptroller, with stmts, of taxes and delinquencies, receipts In treasury, public debt, and expenses of legisl. for 3 fiscal yrs. endg. June 30, 1852. 13 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 6.) 1855. Rept. re. Improper conduct on part of treasurer In receiving controller's warrants in payment for property sold by state and in making general de- FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Treasurer's Office — cont'd posits of public moneys with various banking houses. (Assem. jol. 1855: 609-612.) 1856. [Adverse] rept. of jt. committee apptd. to exam- ine books and papers of late state treasurer, S. A. McMeans. 32 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 7 sess. doe. [17].) . Same. (App. to Assem. jol. 7 sess. doc. [14].) . Same. (Sen. jol. 7 sess. 1856: 674-695.) 1857. Stmt, of expenditures from contingent fund of state treasurer from Feb. 20 to June 30. (Same 9 sess. pp. 75-77.) . Rept. on condition of accts. and books of late treasurer to Feb. 11. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 471- 475.) . Rept. on examination of treasurer's office dis- closing gross neglect and misconduct in business of office. (Same 8 sess. pp. 627-632.) . Testimony concerning whereabouts of money paid by late treasurer to B. A. Rowe. (Same 8 sess. pp. 681-682.) . Rept. on Imperfect and careless manner in which books and papers of treasurer's office have been kept and recommendations that new set be written up. (Same 8 sess. p. 773.) . Communication from sureties of state treasurer giving conditions of obligations. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 164-166.) . Rept. of results of investigation of accts. of late treasurer. 9 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 8 sess. doc. [13].) . Rept. stating results of examination of treasur- er's office, and amts. of deficiencies, etc. 8 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 8 sess. doc. [12].) . Govs. mess, recommending that efficient night- watch be provided for state treasury. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 115-116.) 1859. Rept. on condition of late treasurer's books. (Same 10 sess. pp. 465-476.) . Communication from atty. gen. on examination and settlement of accts. of S. A. McMeans, late state treasurer. (Same 10 sess. pp. 147-154.) 1862. Stmt, of repairs for state treasurer's office. (A. R. state treasurer 1861/2: 16.) ExPENDiTUBEs ; SCO abovc, that title MiSAPPEOPBIATIONS, ETC.; SCO abOVC, MiSAPPBOPEIATION FINES Illegal Fishing; see Fish and Game. Violations, etc. FIRE DEPARTMENTS 1856. Veto of act to regulate Are dept. of Sacramento. (Sen. jol. 1856: 713.) FIRE INSURANCE; see INSURANCE FIRES 1894. Investigation of causes of fires. (26 A.R. insur- ance comr. 1894: 5.) BAI/riMORE 1904. Comments on Baltimore and other conflagra- tions. (36 A.R. Insurance comr. 1903: 14-15.) Forest Fires; see Natural Resources Prairie Fires 1850. Enactment urged by committee on agric. for prevention of prairie fires, as being of frequent occurrence. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 655.) I FISCAL YEAR; see FINANCE: STATE INDEX TO DOCITMBNTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA iir FISH AND GAME serial REPORTS Under Act of Apr. 2, 1870 1870/1-1902/4. Blenn. rept. comrs. of fisheries, 1-18. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1870/1 In App. to jols. 19 sess. t. 2 unnum. doc. 9. 1R79/a " " " '« on *< 17 K Filrtrt Iftl 2. 1872/3 3. 1874/5 " 4. 1875/7 " 5. 1877/9 " 6. 1880 7. 1881/2 " unnum. 1883/4 " 9. 1885/6 " unnum. 1886/8 " 1888/90 " 1891/2 " 13. 1893/4 " 14. 1894/6 " 15. 1896/8 " 16. 1898/00" 17. 1900/2 " 20 *< T. 5 21 41 V. 1 22 ** T.3 23 t( V. 1 24 '* V. 2 25 l( T. 4 26 '* V. 5 27 " V. 1 28 it v. 2 29 ** V. 2 30 «< V. 7 31 " V. 4 32 " V. 2 33 *• V. 2 34 1* V. 2 35 '* V. 2 [doc. 16] doc. doc. [6] [3] [2] [3] BULLETINS 1891-1892. Bulls, issued by fish comn., 1-6. Checklist 1891 no. 1. Classification of certain fish found In Eel River, In salt water, during mo. of Sept. Oct. 12. no. 2. Classification of trout found In Webber Lake. Oct. 12. no. 8. Classification of trout found In Klamath River. Oct. 24. 1892 no. 4. Salmon and trout of the Pacific Coast by D. S. Jordan. Feb. 15. no. 5. Enforcement of game ordinance of city and co. of San Francisco. March 15. no. 6. Classification of trout caught In Mt. Whitney Creek. July 12. None of the above were seen by the compiler as separate bulletins. They are all reprinted In Blenn. rept. of bd. of fish comrs. for 1891/2 : 43-60. non-serial 1850-1880. History of flsh culture; dates of apptmt. of various fish comns. in this country and Europe and apprns. (8 rept. comrs. of fisheries 1883/4: 21-23.) 1857. Rept. recommending passage of act amendatory of and suppl. to act for protection of game, passed May 14, 1854. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 704-707.) 1858. Veto of act to suppress gaming. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 618-619.) 1871. Recommended that standing committee be apptd. in both houses of legisl. on coast and inland fisher- ies. (1 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1870/1: 10.) . Plan for importation of new varieties of fish. (1 same 1870/1: 14-15.) 1871-1880. Rept. on flsh -ways. (1 same 1870/1 (pp. 6-8) — A.R. same 1880.) No returns In 1882/3 and 1876/7. 1871-1900. Cumulative historical table giving stmt, of fish planted by bd. of fish comrs. since its organi- zation. (13 same 1892/4 (p. 75) — 16 same 1898/00.) 1873. Suggestions for full and comprehensive law re. all kinds of fishing; public interest demands such a law during present sess. (2 same 1872/3: 21-22.) . Work done during past season in restocking streams with native fish. (2 same 1872/3: 18-19.) . Aid asked of legisl. to carry out work begun by comrs.; fish comrs. receive no salary. (2 same 1872/3: 23.) . Rept. of Mr. Stone on his expedition East to secure supply of food fish to stock streams of Cal.; the first lot destroyed by a wreck; in a second at- tempt he reached Sacramento with a shipment of shad under auspices of U. S. fish comn. (2 same 1872/3: 6-15.) . Apprn. asked for to allow comrs. to employ proper persons to look after violations of flsh laws and see to their enforcement. (2 same 1872/3: 21.) FISH AND GAME— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1874. On successful experiment in importation of new varieties of fish from Bast. (3 same 1874/5: 5-7.) . Rept. of special committee on fish and game on jt. res. of legisl. of Nev. re. protection of flsh in Truckee River. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 6 [doc. 17].) . Rept. of Mr. Stone on expedition of second Cal. aquarium car to East for supply of food fish for artificial propagation; list of fishes which arrived and waters into which introduced. (3 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1874/5: 22-32.) 1875. For preservation of fish in state; apptmt. of standing committee by legisl. on subject of fish and fisheries advised; legislation advised to regu- late shrimp fishing by Chinese and to prevent In- dians from taking fish except in manner to which they were accustomed before advent of white men. (3 same 1874/5: 13-14.) . In Canada, by provision of law, each saw-mill is required to have furnace attached for consuming sawdust; similar law recommended for Cal. as means of fish protection. (3 same 1874/5: 14-15.) . Experiments in transportation of salt-water fish. (3 same 1874/5: 15.) 1876. Rept. of Sen. committee on Sen. bills re. fisher- ies. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1877-1884. Rept. on experiment of transplanting varie- ties of fish from Atlantic States — black bass, eels, lobsters, etc. (4 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1876/7 (p. 25)— some 1883/4.) No returns In 1881/2. 1878. Petitions of persons engaged in salmon fishing to legisl. of state of Cal. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. V. 4 [doc. 29].) For close season. . Petition of citizens of Siskiyou Co. re. game laws of Cal. 4 pp. (Same 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 26].) 1879. Increasing public interest in fish culture; de- struction of fish during seasons of reproduction, in defiance of law, once considered only a venial legal offense, now thought a serious crime. (5 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1878/9: [3].) 1880. Rept. upon edible fish of Pacific coast, XJ. S. A.; by W. N. Lockington. (6 same 1880: 16-66.) 1880-1884. Distribution of fish each yr. (7 same 1881/2 (pp. 17-19)— same 1883/4.) 1880-1894. Location and value of fisheries of Cal. and growth since 1880. (13 same 1892/4: 84-91.) . Value of Cal. fisheries and increase since 1880. (13 same 1892/4: 10-14.) 1883-1884. Bienn. rept. of deputy fish comr. on viola- tions of law. (Same 1883/4: 18-20.) 1884. Principal varieties of salt water fish used in markets of state; in opinion of comrs. catch of all kinds of fish will decrease to considerable extent in next 5 yrs. if Chinese are allowed to fish with bag-nets for purpose of taking shrimp. (.Same 1883/4: 10-11.) . Waters have been diverted from original water courses across Big Meadows In Plumas Co. — one of the finest spawning grounds in state — by the Watt Cut, which at certain times of yr., leaves insuffi- cient water for fish to ascend over natural falls in river, causing just complaint. (Same 1883/4: 16.) . Comment on supply of various food fish to mar- kets of state. (9 same 1885/6: 5-9.) 1886. Chinese spoliations. (9 some 1885/6: 12.) . Nets and seines used during yr. (9 same 1885/6: 11-12.) . Public sentiment in favor of maintaining fish laws. (9 same 1885/6: 13.) . Apprn. of 110,000 asked for. (9 same 1885/6: 16.) 118 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1886. Review of supply of fish in various streams of state. (9 same 1885/6: 20-21.) 1886-1890. Dams and fish ladders. (9 same 1885/6 (p. 15)— same 1888/90.) 1887-1890. Condition of fishing interests in general. (Same 1886/8 (p. 4)— some 1888/90.) 1888-1896. Distribution of fish by Cal. state fish comn. (Same 1888/90 (pp. 45-49)— 14 same 1894/6.) 1889-1892. Comparative table showing total products of Cal. fisheries and value of same. (14 same 1894/6: 7.) 1890. Suggestion for apprn. to meet claims that will arise during fiscal yrs. chargeable to apprn. under law for preservation of fish. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1891: 29.) . Passage of law recommended similar to that of Wyoming requiring wire screens for irrigation ditches. (Bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1888/90: 5-6.) . The food fishes of Cal. fresh waters; by Dr. C. H. Eigenmann. (Same 1888/90: 53-65.) 1892. Recommended changes in game and fish laws re. having in possession fish or game at unlawful sea- son, cold storage system, close season for salmon, wire screens over ditches, protection of game birds, right of fish comrs. to take^game for propagation at any time, increased apprn., and tax on canned salmon. (Same 1891/2: 14-16.) . Recommended that deep-sea fishing be investi- gated and apprn. be made to assist work of U. S. comn. in this dept. (Same 1891/2: 16.) 1892-1893. Statistics re. fisheries of U. S., by states, showing value of products, land and water areas, amt. of state apprns., and amt. appropriated per square mile of land and water areas — value of products given for 1892 and apprns. for 1893. (13 same 1892/4: 109-110.) 1892-1894. Opinion re. fishing in state waters; passage of law advised forbidding foreigners use of state waters for fishing purposes. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2 (pp. 17-18)— same 1893/4.) 1893. Cal. fish at World's Fair. (13 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1892/4: 28-29.) 1894. Favorable comment on work of deputies and subordinates Individually. (13 same 1892/4: 15-17.) . Comment on distribution of fish. (13 same 1892/4: 27-28.) . Folsom fish ladder, a diScult engineering feat. (13 same 1892/4: 30.) . State sportsmen's clubs render valuable assist- ance to fish comrs. (13 same 1892/4: 31.) . Extracts from rept. of atty. for bd. of fish comrs. (13 same 1892/4: 37-42.) 1895. Comment on growth of commercial fisheries in state. (14 same 1894/6: 6-7.) 1895-1896. Daily record of spawn taking. (14 same 1894/6: 74-88.) . Importations of fish. (14 same 1894/6: 30-32.) 1895-1898. Rept. on screens at heads of irrigation ditches. (14 same 1894/6 (pp. 19-20) — 15 same 1896/8.) 1895-1904. Rept. on enforcement of fish and game laws. (14 same 1894/6 (pp. 16-17)— 18 same 1902/4.) . Rept on fish ladders. (14 same 1894/6 (pp. 17- 19)— 18 same 1902/4.) 1896. Comment on fry planting. (14 same 1894/6: 29.) . Consideration of best methods for game preser- vation; suggestion that another comn. for enforce- ment of game and game fish laws be established and that bd. of fish comrs. have in charge only propagation of fish and supervision of commercial fisheries. (14 same 1894/6: 33-39.) FISH AND GAME— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1896. Rept. on results of game laws. (14 same 1894/6: 20-21.) 1896-1900. Work of U. S. fish comn. in Cal. (15 same 1896/8 (p. 8)— 16 same 1898/00.) 1898. The use of drag nets. (15 same 1896/8: 12.) . Request that legisl. empower bd. of fish comrs. to employ atty. for minor coast cases — expenses being drawn from regular apprn. (15 same 1896/8: 17.) . Changes in fish and game laws recommended re. catching of steelhead trout, striped bass, lobsters, and shrimps; killing of pheasants, protection of snipes, and use of nets or traps in capture of birds. (15 same 1896/8 (p. 44)— 16 same 1898/00.) . Recommendation that game dealers be required to take out license and to keep record of game reed. (15 same 1896/8: 13.) 1899 (?). Notes on planting of salmon and trout fry; by N. B. Schofield. 23 pp., 2 pis. (Fish comn.) 1900. Cal. fish at Paris Exposition. (16 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1898/00: 6.) . Formation of clubs and assns. for enforcement of game laws has become general. (16 same 1898/ 00: 9.) . Favorable comment on Lacey Act passed by Congress May 25, prohibiting interstate traflBc In game killed in violation of state law. (16 same 1898/00: 41.) . State game convention. (16 same 1898/00: 42- 43.) 1900-1904. Increased apprn. asked for. (16 some 1898/00 (pp. 43-44)— 18 saTne 1902/4.) 1901-1904. Litigation arising from enforcement of game laws and decisions of Supreme Court relating thereto. (17 same 1900/2 (pp. 57-67) — 18 sam^ 1902/4.) 1902. Deficiency claims; recommendations as to pay- ment of claims in fish cases. (17 same 1900/2: 10- 12.) . Favorable comment on law re. disposition of Illegally-used fishing gear, passed in 1901; also re. sale of trout, and permits for trapping and trans- porting game. (17 same 1900/2: 41-43.) . Recommended amdmts. to laws re. fish-ways, cost of trials for violation of fish laws, striped bass, crabs, screens for ditches, steelhead trout, explo- sives. (17 same 1900/2: 46.) . The equity of the state game laws; by a "con- vert." (17 same 1900/2: 58-63.) . Paper on destruction of beneficial birds In Cal. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 365-369.) 1904. Passage of bill to protect all song and insecti- verous birds urgently recommended. (18 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1902/4: 64.) . Favorable comment on operations of law re. per- mits for live game. (18 same 1902/4: 65-66.) . Favorable comment on operations of law passed in 1903 re. payment of claims in fish cases. (18 same 1902/4: 13-14.) Fish and game protective assns. in state. (Same 1902/4: 67-68.) LAKE CUTAMACA 1891-1896. Rept. on result of planting of fish by U. S. comn. in Lake Cuyamaca. (14 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1894/6: 29-30.) LAKE MERGED See below, Mnscallonge. LAKE TULAEB 1871. See San Francisco Bay, below; this date. 1895-1896. Rept. on fishing in Lake Tulare. (14 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1894/6: 13.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 119 FISH AND GAME— cont'd MONTHEffiY BAT See also below. Lobster. 1896. Rept. on Monterey Bay fisheries and those of Southern Cal. (14 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1894/6: 15-16.) SAN FRANCISCO BAT See also below, Lobster, Oyster. 1871. Extracts from rept. of two assistants employed by fish comrs. to rept. on fisheries of S. F. Bay and some of the rivers discharging waters directly Into Pacific; also of Lake Tulare and Truckee River and tributaries. (1 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1870/1: 15-23.) 1879. Rept. on food fishes of S. F.; by N. M. Locking- ton. (5 same 1878/9: 17-58.) TO SEMITE VALLEY 1894. stocking streams of Yosemlte Valley. (13 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1892/4: 26-27.) Abalone 1902-1904. Abalone fishing. (17 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1900/2 (pp. 23-24)— 18 same 1902/4.) Awa 1877. Introduction of awa (chanos cyrlnella) and mul- let Into state from Hawaiian Islands. (4 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1876/7: 25.) Bass 1882. Rept. of J. G-. Woodbury, supt. state fishery, on successful introduction of striped bass into state. (7 rept. comrs. of fisheries 1881/2: 5-7.) 1884. Rept. on success of transplanting striped bass In Cal. waters. {Same 1883/4: 10.) 1895. On distribution of small-mouth black bass. (14 same 1894/6: 30.) 1897-1904. Black bass work. (15 same 1896/8 (pp. 42- 43)— 18 same 1902/4.) 1902-1904. Striped bass from a commercial standpoint; recommended legislation re. same. (17 same 1900/2 (pp. 16-17)— 18 same 1902/4.) Recommended legislation passed In 1903. Market; see Makkbts, below Carp 1875. On adaptability of carp to waters of state. (3 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1874/5: 12.) 1877-1886. Introduction of Japanese and German carp into state. (4 same 1876/7 (p. 24) — 9 same 1885/6.) 1902-1904. Value of carp. (17 same 1900/2 (p. 30) — 18 same 1902/4.) Maeket; see Maekets, below Catfish 1877-1886. Catfish Imported and placed in lakes near Sacramento have Increased to vast extent; rept. of further distribution of same. (4 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1876/7 (p. 24) — 9 same 1885/6.) Not found In rept. 1881/2. 1902-1904. On supply of catfish. (17 same 1900/2 (p. 29)— 18 same 1902/4.) Mabket; see Markets, below Crab 1896. Transplanting of crabs and clams off coast of Los Angeles Co. from waters off S. P. (13 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1892/4: 33.) 1896-1902. Rept. on crab fishery. (14 same 1894/6 (p. 14)— 17 same 1900/2.) No returns In 1898/00. Crayfish 1892. Fresh water crayfish almost exterminated; sug- gestion that law be passed making it misdemeanor for period of 3 yrs. to catch same. (Bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1891/2: 10.) FISH AND GAME— cont'd Dace 1884. The dace, a native of Cal. rivers and lakes, nearly extinct; cause unknown; mullet getting scarce. (Bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1883/4: 7-8.) Deer 1890. Recommended that killing of deer be absolutely prohibited for next 2 yrs. (Bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1888/90: 6.) 1894. The Simon Maier deer case in state Supreme Court. (13 same 1892/4: 111-124.) Game Birds 1903-1904. Importation of game birds. (Bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1902/4: 66-67.) Mabkets; see below, that title Grayling 1904. Introduction of the grayling. (18 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1902/4: 47-48.) Hatcheries 1875-1880. Rept. of distribution of trout from state hatching house. (3 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1874/5 (pp. 7-8)— 6 same 1880.) 1877. Apprn. asked for to erect larger state hatching house at more suitable location than Berkeley. (4 same 1876/7: 26.) 1883. Shebley hatchery established. (8 same 1883/4: 14.) 1884., Review of supply of fish In principal rivers of state; appeal to leglsl. for apprn. for two hatcher- ies, one for purpose of hatching trout and the other for breeding salmon on headwaters of Sacramento; U. S. salmon hatchery on St. Cloud River aban- doned. (Some 1883/4: 14-17.) 1888-1890. Bienn. rept. of supt. of hatcheries. {Same 1888/90: 15-45.) 1890. The Shebley and Hat Creek hatcheries aban- doned; Sisson hatchery a success; new hatchery established at Lake Tahoe; U. S. fish comn. fur- nished all eyed salmon eggs possible to be handled. {Same 1888/90: 4.) 1891. Expenses Incurred in construction of Bear Val- ley hatchery and dam at Bear Valley, Marin Co. {Same 1891/2: 41.) 1891-1892. Extracts from repts. of deputies on patrol and hatchery depts. {Same 1891/2 (pp. 17-30) — 13 same 1892/4.) . Rept. on work of hatchery dept. {Same 1891/2 (pp. 11-13)— 13 same 1892/4.) 1892. Separate hatchery for Yosemlte Valley and sur- rounding territory recommended. {Same 1891/2: 13.) . Tables giving mo. mean and extremes of tem- perature of water for Bear Valley and Sisson hatcheries. {Same 1891/2: 35.) 1893-1894. Work of Bear Valley hatchery. {Same 1892/4: 25-26.) 1894-1904. Work of Tahoe hatcheries. (13 same 1892/4 (p. 26)— 18 same 1902/4.) 1895-1898. Rept. on Battle Creek hatchery. (13 same 1892/4 (pp. 23-25)— 15 same 1896/8.) 1895-1904. Work of Sisson hatchery. (14 same 1894/6 (pp. 25-26)— 18 same 1902/4.) . Operations of Wawona hatchery, Mariposa Co. (14 same 1894/6 (p. 28)— 18 same 1902/4.) 1897-1898. Operations of Ukiah hatchery. (15 same 1896/8: 40.) 1898-1900. Operations at Sims station. (15 same 1896/8 (p. 41)— 16 same 1898/00.) 1898-1904. Operations of Eel River hatchery, and tell- head propagation. (16 same 1898/00 (pp. 21-22) — 18 same 1902/4.) 120 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME— cont'd Hatcheries — cont'd 1899-1900. Operations of spawn station on Truckee River. (16 same 1898/00: 25-26.) 1901-1902. Operations at Cottonwood Creek station. (17 same 1900/2: 35.) 1901-1904. Operations at "Verdi station. (17 same 1900/2 (pp. 38-40)— 18 same 1902/4.) Salmon 1885. Establishment of state salmon hatchery on Hat Creek. (9 rept. comrs. of fisheries 1885/6: 14-15.) 1887. Location of state salmon hatchery on Hat Creek found to be unsuitable; temporary hatchery estab- lished at Sisson. (Blenn. rept. same 1886/8: 5-6.) 1888/9. Distribution of salmon from U. S. fish comn. from McCloud River hatchery. (Same 1888/90: 50.) Whitefish 1872. Establishment of whitefish hatchery at Clear Lake. (2 blenn. rept comrs. fisheries 1872/3: 16- 17.) 1875. Donation of whitefish from XJ. S. govt, placed in Tulare Lake; establishment of hatchery at Berke- ley. (3 same 1874/5: 7.) Inspection 1900. Work of inspection of shipments of fish and dis- position of seized fish and game. (16 blenn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1898/00: 8.) Laik 1900. Res. adopted re. protection of the meadow lark. (7 blenn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 196.) 1885-1903. Fish and game laws of Cal. Checklist unnum. 1885. ed. 1 (?). Compiled by S. P. Maslin. 77 pp. 24°. ed. 2-3. Not found. ed. 4. 1889. Compiled by S. P. Maslin. 86 pp. ed. 5. 1891. Compiled by S. P. MasUn. 84 pp. ed. 6. 1893. Compiled by F. P. Deerlng. 142 pp. ed. 7. 1895. Compiled by A. G. Fletcher. 55 pp. ed. 8. 1897. Compiled by A. G. Fletcher. 55 pp. ed. 9. 1899. 32 pp. ed. 10. 1901. Compiled by J. P. Babcock. 48 pp. ed. 11. 1903. Compiled by C. A. Vogelsang. 48 pp. Licenses 1887-1896. Receipts from fishermen's licenses under law of Mch. 21, 1887. (Blenn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1886/8 (p. 6)— 14 same 1894/6.) 1892. Collection of licenses. {Same 1891/2: 7-8.) Lobster 1875. Introduction of lobsters into Bay of S. F. (3 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1874/5: 12-13.) 1892. No definite and reliable information reed, that lobsters placed in Monterey Bay in 1888 have thrived. {Same 1891/2: 10.) 1896-1904. Rept. on spiney loljster fishery in state. (14 same 1894/6 (p. 14)— 18 same 1902/4.) Mabket; see Mabkets, below Markets 1895/6. Table showing receipts of game birds in S. F. and Los Angeles markets, and cos. from which shipped distinguishing protected and unprotected; also receipts each mo. of season, and value of each variety for season. (14 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1894/6: 40-42.) . Tables showing receipts of game birds in S. F. and Los Angeles and cos. from which same were shipped by cos., distinguishing protected and un- protected. (14 same 1894/6: 89-98.) 1898. Conditions prevailing in our fishery markets. (15 same 1896/8: 11-12.) LOS ANGELES 1895-1898. Comparative table showing mo. receipt of lobsters in Los Angeles market for series of yrs. (15 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1896/8: 28.) FISH AND GAME— cont'd Markets — cont'd SAN FRANCISCO 1880-1882. Stmt., by mos., showing amt. of fresh salmon reed, at S. F. and Sacramento from Sept. 1, 1880, to Aug. 1, 1882; amt. of fresh sturgeon, and misc. receipts of fish at S. F. co. for same time. (7 rept. comrs. of fisheries 188i/2: 15-17.) 1884/5-1885/6. Stmt, of amt. of salt fish reed, by whole- sale dealers in S. F., also tabulated stmt, by mos., of amt. of each species reed, by wholesale fish deal- ers, Cal. St. market; estimated for other portions of state. (9 same 1885/6: 9-11.) 1892-1900. Cumulative comparative table giving value of exports of fishery products from S. F. for series of yrs. (14 same 1894/6 (p. 16)— 16 same 1898/00.) 1893-1894. Stmt, showing, by mos., no. of lbs. of salmon, striped bass, shad, carp, and catfish handled by six largest dealers of S. F. market (13 same 1892/4: 14.) 1893-1898. Cumulative comparative table giving no. of lbs. of carp and catfish reed, each mo. in S. F. market for series of yrs. (14 same 1894/6 (p. 12) — 15 same 1896/8.) . Same; showing, by mos., no. of lbs. of shad reed, in S. F. market for series of yrs.; and com- ments. (13 same 1892/4 (p. 11) — 15 same 1896/8.) . Same; giving no. of lbs. of striped bass reed, in S. F. markets each mo. for series of yrs. ; with com- ments. (13 same 1892/4 (p. 12) — 15 same 1896/8.) . Same; giving salmon reed, in S. F. market each mo. for series of yrs. (13 same 1892/4 (p. 8) — 15 same 1896/8.) 1896. Rept on S. F. market. (14 same 1894/6: 15.) Inspection; see above, that title Muscallonge 1894. Of the 100,000 muscallonge fry donated by N. T. bd. of fish comrs. and placed in Lake Merced in 1893 none are found to be alive. (13 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1892/4: 29-30.) Oyster 1870-1891. Rept. of observations re. oyster resources, and oyster fishery of Pacific coast of IT. S.; by C. H. Townsend. (13 bienn. rept bd. fish comrs. 1892/4: 92-100.) 1900. Oysters in S. F. Bay. (17 same 1900/2: 25-26.) Patrol See also below. Wardens. 1884. Recommended apprn. of $3000 to enable fish comrs. to purchase swift steam launch for use In patrol; also suggestion that boat license law be en- acted. (8 rept comrs. of fisheries 1883/4: 23-24.) 1885. Steam launch completed and put into patrol ser- vice. (9 same 1885/6: 14.) 1885-1888. Patrol and protection. (9 same 1885/6 (p. 13)— some 1886/8.) 1888. Steam launch found to be useless for purpose of patrol; disposal of same recommended. (Bienn. rept. same 1886/8: 5.) 1890. Steam launch constructed at cost of $4000 dis- posed of for sum of $1100. (Same 1888/90: 3-4.) . Sec. 38, act of Mch. 16, 1889, amending co. govt. act should be repealed; apprn. of $10,000 recom- mended for patrol purposes. (Same 1888/90: 5.) 1892. Comment on work of patrol dept. (Same 1891/2 (pp. 6-7)— 13 same 1892/4.) 1897-1904. The launch "Quinnat" (15 same 1896/8 (pp. 8-9)— 13 same 1902/4.) 1900. Force of patrolmen increased by offering re- wards of arrests. (16 same 1898/00: 8-9.) Perch 1884. Cause of scarcity of perch; remedial legislation — same applies to chub and pike. (Blenn. rept comrs. of fisheries 1883/4: 6-7.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 121 FISH AND GAME— cont'd Pheasants 1894-1902. Introduction of Mongolian pheasants. (13 blenn. rept. bd. flsh comrs. 1892/4 (p. 29) — 17 same 1900/2.) Pollution of Rivers; see Water Supply Quail 1904. Recommended amdmts. to laws re. swans or im ported quail, bag limit on ducks and doves, deer, tree squirrels, and fines, and prohibitory use of poisons in killing certain animals and birds. (18 blenn. rept. bd. flsh comrs. 1902/4: 68-69.) Receipts and Expenditures 1894. Comparative apprns. to fish comns. by various states. (13 blenn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1892/4: 5-10.) Califoenia 1870-1873. Recapitulation of apprns. and expenditures since establishment of dept. (2 blenn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1872/3: 26.) 1880-1894. Cost of fish comn.; expenditures from apprns. made by state and cost of prtg. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 69.) 1883-1884. Blenn. rept. of treasurer. (Blenn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1883/4: 23-27.) 1886-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for fish comrs. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1884/6 (p. 55) — same 1902/4.) 1888-1890. Expenditure of $2000 apprn. for purchase and importation of game birds. (16 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1888/90: 5.) 1888-1904. Stmt, of condition of fish comrs'. fund. (Blenn. rept. state controller 1886/8 (p. 88) — same 1902/4.) 1890-1898. Stmt, of condition of fish comrs'. fund, pur- chase of boats. (Same 1888/90 (p. 93) — same 1896/8.) 1902-1904. Stmt, of condition of game preservation fund. {Same 1900/2 (p. 105)— same 1902/4.) LicBiifSEs; see above, that title Salmon 1849-1876. History and habits of salmon (salmo- quinnat) in Cal. from observations since discovery of gold mines; no remedy for evils of destruction of fish by mining other than by artificial means to increase supply in waters that are still resorted to; distributions made by comrs. (4 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1876/7: 5-11.) 1871. On habits of salmon and importance of state legislation for their protection. (1 same 1870/1: 8-10.) 1874-1882. Table showing relative catch of salmon in Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and trans- ported to S. F., Sacramento, and Stockton for yrs. during which statistics have been obtained. (5 same 1878/9 (p. 4)— 7 same 1881/2.) 1874/5-1879/80. Statistics from Central Pacific R.R. Co. of salmon shipped over their lines from various points on Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers; also estimate of total catch. (3 same 1874/5 (pp. 11-12)— A.R. same 1880.) After 1877 shipments by rail and steamer given. 1875. Rept. of Mr. L. Stone on salmon of the Sacra- mento, and of increase of wealth that may be de- rived from this source; also on operations in salmon breeding as per agreement with Cal. fish comrs. (3 same 1874/5: 16-21.) . Table giving mean and extremes of temperature of air and water for Aug. and Sept. at r.r. cross- ings of San Joaquin River; this table will be of FISH AND GAME— cont'd Salmon — cont'd service in determining Into what Southern rivers San Joaquin salmon may be transplanted. (3 same 1874/5: 11.) 1875. On importance of Increasing quantity of salmon in Sacramento River; much attention given to Sacramento salmon by scientists and fish cultur- ists in other countries; govt, hatchery on St. Cloud River, Shasta Co., largest establishment in the world for hatching salmon eggs; increased apprn. asked for; Mr. Crocker's experiment of placing salmon in rivers having no outlet to ocean; salmon of San Joaquin River. (3 same 1874/5: 8-10.) 1875-1877. Tables exhibiting mean and extremes of temperature of water and air at two stations each on Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, taken for 3 yrs. during mos. salmon are passing up to spawn- ing grounds. (4 same 1876/7: 16-17.) 1877. Rept. on Illegal fishing; patrol to prevent unlaw- ful fishing while salmon are passing up to spawn- ing grounds absolute necessity; also protection on breeding beds; in addition to making penalties more severe for violations of law, amdmt. recom- mended making it a misdemeanor to fish for salmon with nets or traps betw. sunset on Satur- day and sunrise on Monday. (4 same 1876/7: 18- 22.) . Proprietors of canneries and capitalists making effort to induce legisl. to alter close season for salmon, permitting fishing in Aug. and Sept.; change cannot but result in permanent injury. (4 same 1876/7: 14-15.) 1878-1879. Rept. of H. D. Dunn employed to see if law was obeyed during close season on Sacramento, and also to obtain statistics of salmon canning establishments; stmt, of money invested in can- ning establishments on Pacific Coast and no. of cases put up during past yr. (5 same 1878/9 (pp. 5-8) — 6 rept. same 1880.) 1878-1886. Rept. on Sacramento salmon. (5 same 1878/9 (pp. 3-4)— 9 same 1885/6.) . Rept. on introduction and distribution of land- locked salmon. (5 same 1878/9 (pp. 11-12) — 9 same 1885/6.) Not found in repts. 1880 and 1881/2. 1879. Answer to question of practicability of keeping up supply of salmon in the Sacramento. (5 same 1878/9: 8-9.) 1880. Petitions of fishermen of S. F. and vicinity ask- ing abolishment of close season of salmon fishing. 6, 4 pp. (App. to jols. 23 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc. ) 1883-1884. Cause of decrease in supply of salmon. (Rept. comrs. of fisheries 1883/4: 3-5.) . Violation of the law re. salmon. (Same 1883/4: 3-5.) 1884. Violations of law by unprincipled men who have established fisheries from Fremont to Redding on Sacramento River; suggested that state set apart section of river betw. Jacinto and the McCloud and Pit Rivers as breeding grounds for salmon. {Same 1883/4: 13.) 1885/6. The Sacramento River — table giving tempera- ture of water at Sacramento taken at 4 o'clock p. m. dally from Sept. 15, 1885, to Sept. 15, 1886. (9 same 1885/6: 17-19.) 1886. Laws recommended that close season of salmon be enlarged, that use of Chinese shrimp net and sturgeon lines be prohibited with severe penalties, remedial legislation to prevent destruction of fish by seals and sea lions, repealing of shad close season law, that penalties be made uniform and allotment of fines defined. (9 same 1885/6: 16.) 122 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME— cont'd Salmon — cont'd 1888-1890. Recommended legislation of former comrs. re. enlarging close season for salmon and remedial action agst. seals and sea lions; further recom- mended that license law be amended to declare pen- alty for its violation, that law be passed providing for confiscation and destruction of all unlawful nets or seines taken, that possession of fish out of season or of under size be made misdemeanor; legislation re. taking of immature fish and defining same. (Same 1886/8 (p. 7)— some 1888/90.) 1888-1904. Cumulative comparative table giving salmon pack of Sacramento River. (14 same 1894/6 (p. 9)— 18 same 1902/4.) 1890. Why salmon are scarce, letter from Dr. H. W. Harkness, pros. Cal. Academy of Sciences. (Same 1888/90: 66-67.) 1892. Comment on extraordinary increase in salmon run this yr. (Same 1891/2: 8-9.) . Salmon and trout of Pacific coast; by Dr. D. S. Jordan. (Same 1891/2: 44-65.) 1894. Same; revised. (13 same 1892/4: 125-142.) . Recommended that fish comn. boat fund of fllOO be paid into fish comn. fund, that apprn. of past 2 yrs. be continued, that extension of close season for salmon from Aug. 1 to Oct. 1 is most Important change required In fish laws; bill framed by convention for revision of game laws indorsed. (13 same 1892/4: 31-33.) 1895-1900. Comment on salmon industry of state. (14 sam^ 1894/6 (pp. 7-9)— 16 same 1898/00.) 1895-1902. Operations at Shovel Creek station. (14 same 1894/6 (p. 26) — 17 same 1900/2.) 1896-1898. Salmon distribution in streams other than Sacramento and its tributaries. (15 same 1896/8: 22-24.) . Rept. on planting of Quinnat salmon fry in short coast streams of Marin Co., with results of observations made upon their movements, food, rate of growth, enemies, etc.; same with reference to Sacramento. (15 same 1896/8: 49-71.) 1896-1901. The Quinnat salmon — extracts from rept. on investigations in Sacramento River; by C. Rutter. (18 same 1902/4: 30-31.) 1898. Favorable comment on law placing trials for violations of salmon and set-net laws in superior court; code failed to make provision for disposal of illegally possessed fish and game and fishery ap- paratus. (15 same 1896/8: 17-18.) . Salmon in San Joaquin River. (15 same 1896/8: 24.) 1898-1904. Argument in defense of present salmon law. (15 same 1896/8 (pp. 25-28) — 18 same 1902/4.) 1899-1900. Salmon propagation; with advance of in- dustries, natural spawning grounds of salmon are slowly being destroyed, and in time there will be no natural propagation. (16 same 1898/00: 11-12.) 1900. Investigations of movements and habits of young salmon in fresh water continued. (16 sam^ 1898/00: 12.) 1902. Studies in the natural history of Sacramento salmon; by C. Rutter, asst. U. S. fish comn. (17 same 1900/2: 64-76.) 1903-1904. Pacific species of salmon and trout, and parent stream theory of return of salmon; by Dr. D. S. Jordan; artificial propagation of salmon in Sacramento River; by C. Rutter. (18 same 1902/4: 103-107.) 1904. Introduction of land-locked salmon partial suc- cess — first shipment made in 1895, second in 1904. (18 same 1902/4: 48-49.) Hatcheeies; see above, that title Makeet; see Maskets, above FISH AND GAME— <;ont'd Sardines 1874. Rept. on exhibit of Cal. sardines: a new industry in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 185-186.) Sea Lions 1899-1900. Depredations of sea lions; corresp. with authorities at Washington re. killing them on good reservations. (16 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1898/00: 26-40.) 1902. On matter of reducing herds of sea lions. (17 same 1900/2: 26-27.) Seals 1875. Recommendation that law for protection of sea lions and seals be repealed, and if necessary, again re-enacted after nine-tenths have been destroyed. (3 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1874/5: 13.) 1896. Calling attention to injury to fish industry by increased no. of seals near Seal Rocks protected by U. S. legislation. (14 same 1895/6: 9-11.) Shad 1871. Importation of shad by M. S. Green, of Roches- ter, N. Y., to be turned into Sacramento. (1 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1870/1: 12-14.) 1873. Legislation needed to prevent the taking of new shad as they come in. (2 same 1872/3: 18.) 1875-1886. Rept. on transplanting of shad to rivers of state. (3 same 1874/5 (p. 8) — 9 same 1885/6.) 1892. Shad planted by first state comn. 15 yrs. ago have become one of most plentiful of fish; trans- planting of striped bass equally successful; distri- bution of black bass begun. (Same 1890/2: 9.) 1902-1904. Shad in Cal. (17 same 1900/2 (p. 26)— 18 same 1902/4.) Mabket; see Mabkets, above Shrimp 1880. Petition re. shrimp fishing by Chinese. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 23 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1897-1904. Rept. on Investigation of Chinese shrimp fisheries; remedial legislation needed. (15 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1896/8 (pp. 18-20)— 18 same 1902/4.) Sturgeon 1884. Sturgeon steadily on decrease; remedial legisla- tion recommended. (Bienn. rept. comrs. of fisher- ies 1883/4: 8.) 1896-1904. Comment on laws passed in 1895 for protec- tion of sturgeon and of supply on market. (14 bienn. rept. same 1894/6 (p. 13) — 18 same 1902/4.) Market; see Markets, above Trout 1871. Habits of trout in streams; suggestion that fish- ways be constructed over large falls, there being no trout in mountain streams above large falls; trout fishery of Comer Bros, on Truckee River; suggestion that persons living near small streams or lakes could, at trifiing expense and care, provide constant supply of fish by hatching a few eggs, or by turning in young fish. (1 bienn. rept. comr. of fisheries 1870/1: 10-12.) 1883-1888. No. of trout distributed from Shebley hatch- ery each yr. since its establishment and cost of maintenance per mo. (9 same 1885/6 (p. 14) — same 1886/8.) 1884. Unless state of Nev. does something towards dam abatement, Truckee trout will in a short time be a fish of the past. (Same 1883/4: 6.) 1890. Distribution of trout by private hatcheries. (Bienn. rept. same 1888/90: 51.) 1892. See above, Salmon; this date. 1894. Attempted introduction of golden trout. (13 same 1892/4: 29.) . Description of new varieties of trout; by Dr. D. S. Jordan. (13 same 1892/4: 142-143.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 123 FISH AND GAME— cont'd Trout — cont'd 1894-1895. Table giving no. of lbs. of cut-throat trout caught in Lake Tahoe and shipped from Truckee. (14 same 1894/6: 13.) 1896. Comment on law re. stillhead trout. (14 same 1894/6: 14.) 1898. Depleting trout streams. (15 same 1896/8: 10.) . Market supply of trout. (15 same 1896/8: 34.) 1900. Unfavorable comment on repeal of ordinance by supervisors of Placer and El Dorado cos. prohibit- ing taking of trout from Lake Tahoe, or its tribu- taries, until June 1. (16 same 1898/00: 24.) 1902-1904. Eastern brook trout in state. (17 same 1900/2 (pp. 20-22)— 18 same 1902/4.) 1904. Amdmts. to trout law recommended, making May 1 beginning of opening of season, limiting maximum weight at which they may be legally sold to one lb., and size limit to 5 inches. (18 same 1902/4: 31-32.) Violations of Law 1895-1904. Summary of arrests made by deputies of fish comn., and outcome of cases for each bienn. period. (14 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1894/6 (p. 22)— 18 same 1902/4.) 1897/8-1903/4. Comparative table showing increase in no. of arrests from yr. to yr., and amt. of fines paid during past 8 yrs. (18 same 1902/4: 11.) Wardens See also above. Patrol. 1896. Recommended additions and changes in fish and game laws; recommended apprns. and bill creating office of state fish and game warden. (14 bienn. rept. bd. fish comrs. 1894/6: 43-46.) 1896-1904. Comment on success of game warden sys- tem and necessity of having game warden in each CO. (14 same 1894/6 (pp. 21-23)— 18 same 1902/4.) Whaling 1855. Govs. mess. re. steps necessary to secure whaling trade, now forced to Honolulu by restrictive laws of Cal., with statistics showing value and extent of same. (Sen. jol. 1855: 436-440; Assem. jol. pp. 486-490.) . 750 vessels and 20,000 seamen engaged in whal- ing industry on Pacific coast. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 21.) Whitefish 1877-1884. Rept. on distribution of whitefish. (4 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1876/7 (pp. 23-24) — same 1883/4.) Hatcheeies; see above, that title Woodpeckers 1902. Rept. on woodpeckers in Cal. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 175-178.) FIVE PER CENT FUND; see LAND: NATIONAL DOMAIN FLAX Crop; see Agriculture. Crops FLOODS; see CLIMATE FLOUR Exports; see Commerce, etc. Produce; see Industries, etc. FOLSOM Rainfall; see Climate FOLSOM STATE PRISON; see MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS FOOD LAW; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. FORAGE PLANTS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS FOREST FIRES; see NATURAL RESOURCES. FORESTS FOREST RESERVATIONS; see NATURAL RESOURCES. FORESTS FORESTS AND FORESTRY; see NATURAL RESOURCES FORT BIDWELL Climate; see that title Temperature; see Climate FORT JONES Climate; see that title FORT MILLER Climate; see that title FORT ROSS Rainfall; see Climate FRATERNAL BENEFICIARY ASSOCIATIONS; see BENE- FICIARY ORGANIZATIONS FREIGHT RATES Railroad; see Railroads Water; see Commerce, etc. FRENCH CHALK Quarries; see Natural Resources. Mineral. Chalk FRESNO Climate; see that title FRESNO COUNTY (1856) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Asphaltum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Assessors; see Taxation: State Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Coal in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Coal; these dates. Copper in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Cop- per; these dates. Drainage; see Land. Drainage Forests; see Natural Resources Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Gold in 1881. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; this date. 1888. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Graphite in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Gypsum in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gyp- sum; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultiiral Com- missions Iron in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Iron; these dates. Irrigation; see Land. Irrigation Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral 134 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRESNO COUNTY (1856)— cont'd Magnesite in 1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Magnesite; these dates. Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines 1879/80. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Mining; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Natural Gas in; see Natural Resources Oil WeUs; see Natural Resources Petroleum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Profile of 1890. See Land. Surveys; this date. Railroad Aid; see Railroads. Public Aid Silver in 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. Surveyor; see Land Temperature; see Climate FROSTS; see CLIMATE FRUIT Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Exports; see Commerce, etc. Imports; see Commerce, etc. Industry; see Industries, etc Prices; see that title FUNDS State; see Finance: State FUNGI; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS 6ABBR0; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL GALENA Mines; see Natural Resources. Mineral GALL LOUSE; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS GAMBLING License; see that title GAME; see FISH AND GAME GEOLOGY; see NATURAL RESOURCES GEORGETOWN Climate; see that title Rainfall; see Climate GEORGIA Geology; see Natural Resources Gold in; see Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold GLASS Industry; see Industries, etc GLENN COUNTY (1891) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Gold in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. GLENN COUNTY (1891)— cont'd Iron in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Iron; these dates. Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Min- ing; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Quicksilver in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Quick- silver; these dates. GOAT; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK GOLD Consumption; see Industries, etc. Deposits; see Natural Resources. GOLD DUST Exports; see Commerce, etc. Consumption Mineral GOLDEN GATE PARK; see PARKS: CITY GOOSE LAKE VALLEY CUmate; see that title GOOSEBERRY Pests; see Agriculture. GOVERNOR Crops. Pests serial 1 series 1849-1863. Ann. mess. In Collected does, as follows : 1849 Burnett In Leg. jol. 1 sess. 1849/50 : 30-41 ; 596-607. 1851 Burnett in Leg. jol. 2 sess. 1851 : 11-38 : 788-815. 1851 McDougal In Leg. jol. 2 sess. 1851 : 47. 1852 McDougal In Sen. jol. 3 sess. 1852 : 12-22. 1852 McDougal In House jol. 3 sess. 1852 : 12-21. 1852 Bigler In Sen. Jol. 3 sess. 1852 : 28-31. 1852 Bigler in House jol. 3 sess. 1852 : 27-31. 1853 Bigler in Sen. Jol. 4 sess. 1853 : 10-27. 1853 Bigler in Assem. Jol. 4 sess. 1853 : 12-29. 1854 Bigler In Sen. Jol. 5 sess. 1854 : 11-42 ; 51-61. 1854 Bigler in Assem. Jol 5 sess. 1854 : 11-41 ; 52-56. 1855 Bigler In Sen. Jol. 6 sess. 1855 : 23-72. 1855 Bigler In Assem. jol. 6 sess. 1855 : 22-72. 1856 Bigler In Sen. Jol. 7 sess. 1856 : 19-84. 1856 Bigler in Assem. Jol. 7 sess. 1856 : 13-78. 1856 Johnson in Sen. jol. 7 sess. 1856 : 89-93. 1856 Johnson in Assem. jol. 7 sess. 1856 : 82-86. 1856 Johnson in App. to Assem. Jol. 7 sess. 1856 doc. 1. 1857 Johnson in Sen. jol. 8 sess. 1857 : 22-47. 1857 Johnson In Assem. Jol. 8 sess. 1857 : 20-47. 1858 Johnson in Sen. jol. 9 sess. 1858 : 17-40. 1858 Johnson in Assem. Jol. 9 sess. 1858 : 34-57. 1858 Welier In Sen. jol. 9 sess. 1858 : 54-60. 1858 Welier in Assem. Jol. 9 sess. 1858 : 71-77. 1859 Welier In Sen. Jol. 10 sess. 1859 : 16-43. 1859 Welier in Assem. Jol. 10 sess. 1859: 24-51. 1860 Welier in Sen. Jol. 11 sess. 1860 : 36-70. 1860 Welier in Assem. jol. 11 sess. 1860 : 40-74. 1860 Latham in Sen. Jol. 11 sess. 1860 : 104-112. 1860 Latham In Assem. Jol. 11 sess. 1860 : 106-114. 1861 Latham in Sen. jol. 12 sess. 1861 : 29-44. 1861 Latham In Assem. Jol. 12 sess. 1861 : 92-107. 1862 Downey in Sen. Jol. 13 sess. 1862 : 31-54. 1862 Downey in Assem. Jol. 13 sess. 1862 : 31-54. 1862 Stanford in Sen. Jol. 13 sess. 1862 : 98-102. 1862 Stanford In Assem. jol. 13 sess. 1862 : 98-102. 1863 Jan. Stanford In Sen. jol. 14 sess. 1863 : 27-48. 1863 Jan. Stanford In Assem. Jol. 14 sess. 1863 : 34-56. 1863 Dec. Stanford in Sen. jol. 15 sess. 1863/4 : 21-46. 1863 Dec. Stanford in Assem. jol. 15 sess. 1863/4 : 47-67. 1863 Low in Sen. Jol. 15 sess. 1863/4 : 69-75. 1863 Low In Assem. Jol. 15 sess. 1863/4 : 94-100. 2 series 1865-1880. Bienn. mess. In Collected docs, as follows : 1865 Low In Sen. jol. 18 sess. 1865/6 : 32-57. J§S5 ^^^ ^ Assem. Jol. 16 sess. 1865/6 : 45-70. 1867 Low In Sen. jol. 17 sess. 1867/8 : 32-53. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 125 GOVERNOR— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1867 Low in Assem. Jol. 17 sess. 1867/8 : 35-56. 1867 Halght In Sen. jol. 17 sess. 1867/8 : 96-107. 1867 Halght in Assem. Jol. 17 sess. 1867/8 : 92-103. 1869 Halght in Sen. Jol. 18 sess. 1869/70 : 40-59. 1869 Halght in Assem. jol. 18 sess. 1869/70 : 38-57. 1871 Halght in Sen. jol. 19 sess. 1871/2 : 34-55. 1871 Halght In Assem. jol. 19 sess. 1871/2 : 57-78. 1871 Booth In Sen. jol. 19 sess. 1871/2 : 107-117. 1871 Booth in Assem. jol. 19 sess. 1871/2 : 119-129. 1873 Booth In Sen. jol. 20 sess. 1873/4 : 51-89. 1873 Booth in Assem. jol. 20 sess. 1873/4 : 109-146. 1875 Pacheco in App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 4 unnum. doc. 1875 Irwin in Sen. jol. 21 sess. 1875/6 : 20-35. 1875 Irwin in Assem. Jol. 21 sess. 1875/6 : 19-34. 1877 Irwin in Assem. jol. 22 sess. 1877/8 : 12-46. 1880 Irwin in App. to Jols. 23 sess. t. 5 unnum. doc. 1880 Perkins in App. to jol. 23 sess. t. 5 unnum. doc. 3 series 1881. Ann. mess. In Collected docs, as follows : 1881 Perltlns in App. to Jol. 24 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 4 series 1883-1903. Bienn. mess. In Collected does, as follows : 1883 Perkins In App. to jol. 25 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1883 Stoneman in App. to jol. 25 sess. t. 1 unnum. doc. 1884 Stoneman in App. to jol. 25 sess. (extra) unnum. doc. 1885 Stoneman in App. to jol. 26 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1886 Stoneman in Sen. Jol. 26 extra sess., 1886 : 19. 1887 Stoneman in App. to jol. 27 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1887 Bartlett in App. to Jol. 27 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1889 Waterman In App. to Jol. 28 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1891 Waterman not found. 107 pp., 1 map. 1891 Markham in App. to jol. 29 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1893 Markham in App. to jol. 30 sess. t. 1 unnum. doc. 1895 Markham in App. to Jol. 31 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1895 Markham in Sen. Jol. 31 sess. 1895 : 19-36. 1895 Budd in App. to jol. 31 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1897 Budd in App. to jol. 32 sess. T. 1 unnum. doc. 1899 Budd in App. to Jol. 33 sess. v. 1 doc. [1]. 1899 Budd in Assem. jol. 33 sess. 1899 : 16-29. 1901 Gage in App. to jol. 34 sess. v. 1 doc. [1]. 1901 Gage in Sen. jol. 34 sess. 1901 : 21-43. 1901 Gage in Assem. jol. 34 sess. 1901 : 19-41. 1903 Gage in App. to jol. 35 sess. v. 1 doc. [2]. 1903 Gage in Sen. jol. 35 sess. 1903 : 17-49. 1903 Gage in Assem. Jol. 35 sess. 1903 : 14-46. 1903 Pardee in App. to Jol. 35 sess. t. 1 doc. [1]. Executive Mansion; see Public Buildings and Grounds: State Expenditures 1849/50. Stmt, of operations of govs, contingent fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1849/50: 555, 557.) Paging from Collected docs. 1849/50-1862. Expenditures of executive dept. (A.R. state comptroller 1849/50 (pp. 520-521) — same 1861/2.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850-1852. Tabular stmt, showing condition of govs, contingent fund. (Same 1849/50 (p. 539) — same 1851/2.) Paging from Collected docs. 1854/5-1856. Govs, special contingent fund In acct. with state treasurer. (A.R. state treasurer 1854/5 (pp. 28-29)— some 1855/6.) 1858. Stmt, of contingent expenses of govs. oflSce. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. pp. 209-210.) . Govs, estimates for executive oflSce. {Same 9 sess. p. 361.) 1859. Stmt, of contingencies of govs, oflace. (Same 11 sess. pp. 232-233.) 1860. Estimate of contingencies of govs. ofiBce for 11th fiscal yr. (Same 10 sess. p. 244.) 1867. Stmt, of amt. expended out of govs, contingent fund. (Same 17 sess. p. 139.) 1871. Stmt, of amts. expended out of apprn. for special contingent fund. (Same 19 sess. pp. 95-96.) 1875. Stmts, of amts. expended out of apprn. for spe- cial contingent fund of govs, office. (Same 21 sess. p. 14.) GRAIN Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Exports; see Commerce, etc. GRANGE; see AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES GRANITE; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL GRAPE Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Diseases and Pests; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests Prices; see that title GRAPHITE; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL GRASS VALLEY Rainfall; see Climate GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS GRASSHOPPER; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS GRAYLING; see FISH AND GAME GUARANTEE INSURANCE; see INSURANCE GUAVA Crop; see Agriculture. Crops GYPSUM Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral HARBOR PROTECTION FUND; see HARBORS. RECEIPTS, ETC. HARBOR REGULATIONS; see COMMERCE, ETC. HARBORS See also Wharves and Docks. serial 1 series Under Act of April 24, 1863. 1863/4-1864/5. Ann. rept. of bd. of state harbor comrs., 1-2. In Collected docs, as follows : 1-2. 1863/4-1864/5 in App. to Jols. 16 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. 2 series 1865/7-1877/9. Bienn. rept. of bd. of state harbor comrs. for yr. endg. July 1. In Collected docs, as follows : 1865/7 in App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. 1867/9 " " ' 18 ' ' V. 2 1869/71 " " ' 19 ' ' V. 2 1871/3 " " ' 20 ' ' T. 3 1873/5 ' 21 ' ' T. 2 1875/7 • 22 ' ' V. 3 1877/9 " " ' 23 ' ' v. 1 3 series 1879/80. Ann. rept. of bd. of state harbor comrs. for yr. endg. June 30. In Collected docs, as follows : 1879/80 in App. to Jols. 24 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. 4 series 1880/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of bd. of state harbor comrs. for yr. endg. June 30. In Collected docs, as follows : 1880/2 in App. to Jols. 25 sess. 1882/4 -- •• 1884/6 " 1886/8 " 1888/90 " 1890/2 " 1892/4 " 1894/6 " 1896/8 " 1898/00 " 1900/2 " >• .1 ' 26 " tl .« 1 27 " i* .( ' 28 " <4 t( ' 29 " 11 11 ' 30 " 11 11 ' 31 " (1 11 ' 32 " 11 11 ' 33 " 11 11 ' 34 " It It ' 35 " V. 6 unnum. doc. V. 1 V. 2 V. 2 V. 2 V. 7 V. 6 V. 5 doc. [11]. V. 1 ** 8]. V. 4 it 6]. T. 2 tl 91. 126 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CAliIFOENIA HAHBORS— cont'd non-serial 1864-1904. Kept, of special counsel to bd. of harbor comrs. (A.R. harbor comrs. 1863/4 (pp. 17-18) — same 1902/4.) 1873. Rept. on the preservation of timber. (Bienn. rept. same 1871/3: 19-32.) 1883. Rept. of jt. committee on investigation of harbor comrs. and pilot comrs. (Assem. jol. 25 sess. pp. 395-398; Sen. jol. pp. 207-210.) 1886. Recommendation that secys. and asst. secys. bond be increased. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1884/6: 12.) 1887. Rept. of Sen. river, harbor, and coast defenses committee finding that fortifications of S. F. are out of date, and inadequate; suggesting that navy yards be fitted for making cannon; and urging that Congress make a sufficient apprn. to protect Cal's. harbors agst. all foreign invasions. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8 doc. [12].) . Same; with special reference to Fort Mann. 1889. (Same 28 sess. v. 8 doc. [10].) 1898. Comments on preservation of piles and timber. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1896/8: 6-8.) 1899. Rept. on state bd. of harbor comrs. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state Institu- tions 1899: 179-183.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1904. Summary of principal improvements, etc., for 2 fiscal yrs. ended June 30, 1904. (Bienn. rept. har- bor comrs. 1902/4: 8-9.) . Stmt, of work contracted for and completed within yrs. endg. June 30, 1902, and July 1, 1904. (Same 1902/4: 76-86.) . Stmt, of work contracted for since June 30, 1902, but not yet completed. (Same 1902/4: 87.) . Stmt, of work under way at date of last bienn. rept. and since completed. (Same 1902/4: 66-75.) Expenditures; see below, Receipts and Expenditures Humboldt Harbor 1857. Rept. recommending passage of act to prevent owners of saw-mills and other persons from ob- structing channels of Humboldt Bay and harbor. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. p. 254.) Laws, Rules and Regulations Laws 1876. Act to create state bd. of harbor comrs. for port of S. F., as amended; approved Feb. 28. 28 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1891. Laws relating to bd. of state harbor comrs. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1893. Same. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1899. Laws and statutes relating to the bd. of state harbor comrs., Sept. 1. 92 pp. Rules and Regciations 1878. Rules, regulations, and rates adopted by bd. of state harbor comrs.. May 15. 15 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1889. Same. 29 pp. 1891. Same. 34 pp. 1893. Same. 32 pp. 1898. Same. 30 pp. 1902. Same. 32 pp. Leases; see Wharves and Docks Oakland Harbor 1899. Rept. on act to create harbor of Oakland. (As- sem. jol. 33 sess. p. 614.) Receipts and Expenditures 1863-1898. Aggregate receipts and expenditures of bd. of harbor comrs. (Rept. of committee to make ex- amination of state institutions 1899: 180.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. HARBORS— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1863-1904. Comparative stmt, of receipts and disburse- ments for series of yrs. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1873/5 (p. 26)— same 1902/4.) 1864-1873. Recapitulation of receipts and disburse- ments. (A.R. same 1863/4 (p. 14) — bienn. rept. same 1871/3.) 1864-1904. Stmt, of receipts and disbursements. (Same 1863/4 (pp. 7-9) — ^blenn. rept. same 1902/4.) 1865-1902. Balance sheet for series of yrs. (Bienn. rept. same 1884/6 (p. 27)— some 1900/2.) 1873. Rept. on books and accts. of state harbor comrs. (Sen. jol. 20 sess. pp. 133-139; Assem. jol. pp. 189- 195.) 1873/5. Stmt, of amt. paid on acct. of construction and repairs. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1873/5 (pp. 18-20)— same 1892/4.) 1874/5-1904. Comparative stmt, of cost of dredging. (Same 1875/7 (p. 16)— same 1902/4.) 1875. Stmt, of steam dredger acct. for fiscal yr. ending June 30. (Same 1873/5: 25.) 1879-1886. Comments on new work done and its con- tract cost. (Same 1877/9 (pp. 4-5)— same 1884/6.) 1883. Rept. of J. Pettee, expert, on accts. of state har- bor comrs. (official term of J. S. Grey, secy.) 20 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1884. Stmt, giving current disbursements. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1882/4: 4-5.) 1886-1904. Summary of receipts and disbursements. (Same 1884/6 (p. 3)— same 1902/4.) 1890-1904. Examination of books and accts. by expert accountant (Same 1888/90 (pp. 12-13) — same 1902/4.) 1891-1898. Classified stmt, of aggregate rents reed, by state bd. of harbor comrs. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 180.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1896-1904. Stmt, of construction accts. nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1894/6 (pp. 14- 24)— some 1902/4.) 1904. Itemized stmt, of receipts and disbursements for 2 fiscal yrs. endg. June 30. (Same 1902/4: 12-54.) . Stmt, of deferred payment draft acct. for 2 fiscal yrs. endg. June 30. (Same 1902/4: 59-64.) Habbob Peotection Fund 1867-1877. Stmt, of condition of harbor protection fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1865/7 (pp. 104-105)— some 1875/7.) 1867/9-1877. Harbor protection fund; receipts and pay- ments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1867/9 (p. 21) — same 1875/7.) SAN DIEGO HARBOR 1889-1898. Tables showing receipts and expenditures of state bd. of harbor comrs. for San Diego Bay each yr. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 169-170.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1890-1898. Financial stmt, of receipts and disburse- ments. (Bienn. rept. San Diego harbor comrs. 1889/90 (pp. 3-4)— some 1896/8.) 1892-1904. Stmt, of condition of San Diego harbor im- provement fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1890/2 (p. 99)— some 1902/4.) SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR 1863-1904. Stmt, of S. F. harbor improvement fund, Nov. 4, 1863, to June 30, 1904. (Bienn. rept. har- bor comrs. 1902/4: 57.) 1867. Stmt, of S. F. harbor protective fund. (Same 1865/7: 18-19.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 127 HARBORS— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures— cont'd Harbob Pbotection Fund — cont'd SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR— cont'd 1871. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of eacli apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for construction of sea- wall. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71: 57-58.) 1873/5. Stmt, of S. F. harbor protection fund. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1873/5: 24.) 1875/7-1884. Receipts and payments on S. F. harbor improvement fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1875/7 (p. 14)— bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1877-1904. Stmt, of condition of S. F. harbor improve- ment fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1875/7 (p. 82)— same 1902/4.) . Stmt, of S. P. harbor improvement fund. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1875/7 (pp. 10-16) — same 1902/4.) 1879/80-1891/3. Stmt, giving cost of completed sea- wall. (Same 1902/4: 65.) 1884. Stmt, exhibiting sources from which current re- ceipts, as distinguished from receipts from S. F. harbor improvement fund, have been derived. (Same 1882/4: 4.) 1898-1902. Exhibit showing condition of S. F. harbor improvement fund, June 30. (Same 1896/8 (p. 17) —same 1900/2.) San Diego Harbor serial 1889/90-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of bd. of state harbor comrs. for bay of San Diego. In Collected docs, as follows : unnum. 1889/90 In App. to Jols. 29 sess. T. 2 unnum. doc. 2. 1890/2 ' 30 " T. 7 unnum. 1892/4 ' " 31 " v. 6 " " 1894/6 " " " " 32 " V. 5doc [12]. 1896/8 " " " " 33 " T. 1 " [9]. " 1898/00 not found. 1900/2 in App. to jols. 35 sess. v. 2 doc. [8] . non-serial 1868. Rept. of federal relations committee concerning improvement of harbor of San Diego; recommend- ing turning of San Diego River into False Bay. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 25].) 1890. Recommendation that 1195,000 be appropriated for construction of sea-wall and thoroughfare, and piers, at points on city front where most urgently needed. (Bienn. rept. San Diego harbor comrs. 1889/90: 8.) . Comments on sea-wall; necessity and construc- tion of same. (Same 1889/90: 4-7.) 1890-1896. Rept. of atty. for bd. of state harbor comrs. for bay of San Diego. (Same 1889/90 (p. 9) — same 1894/6.) 1892. Bd. desires special attention to necessity of such legislation as will enable it accurately to determine limits of bay on landward side, and extent of juris- diction of bd.; to fact that means should be pro- vided for effectually establishing this jurisdiction and settling at once question at issue betw. state and all other claimants. (Same 1890/2: 5.) . To amend " act to establish political code " ap- proved Mch. 12, 1872, by amdg. sees. 2589, 2595, 2605, and 2606 of said code, re. establishing bd. of state harbor comrs. for bay of San Diego. (Same 1890/2: 9-10.) . Recommendation for apprn. to force issue of legal contests now standing betw. bd. and revenue, and to give control of water front which belongs to state, rental of which would furnish all means re- quired by bd. and provide sinking fund sufficient to repay apprn. at early date; etc. (Same 1890/2: 6.) 1898. Recommendation for sufficient apprn. to con- struct suitable wharf upon bay; income derived therefrom would be source of revenue to state to HARBORS— cont'd San Diego Harbor — cont'd non-serial — cont'd such an extent that bd. could continue improve- ments of harbor so that they would finally be ade- quate to wants of present commerce. (Same 1896/8: 5.) 1899. Rept. on bds. of harbor comrs. of port of Eureka and for San Diego Bay. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 169- 170.) . Same in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1904. Recommendation that legislation be enacted giv- ing bd. authority to expend limited sum for neces- sary incidental expenses, and necessary cost and expense of protecting rights of state in bay and tide lands, bd. to acct. proper authority for such expenditures. (Bienn. rept. San Diego harbor comrs. 1902/4: 14.) . Comments on fortifications and quarantine. (Same 1902/4: 11.) . Comments on sea-wall and pier head lines. (Same 1902/4: 10-11.) ExpENMTUEES FOB; SCO abovo. Receipts, etc. San Francisco Harbor For the water-lot controTersy, see Land. 1857. Rept. on act re. sea-wall or bulkhead for S. P. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 867-869.) 1858. Rept. on necessity of sea-wall or bulkhead being constructed in front of S. F. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 453-456.) 1859. Rept. on bill re. sea-wall or bulkhead in S. F. harbor. (Same 10 sess. pp. 263-264.) . Repts. on immediate necessity of erection of a bulkhead or sea-wall in front of S. F. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 426-432.) 1860. Veto of act re. sea-wall or bulkhead in S. F. (Sen. jol. 11 sess. pp. 668-672.) . Rept. of special committee on act re. sea-wall or bulkhead in S. F. (Some 11 sess. pp. 467-469.) . Majority rept. of special committee on the bulk- head; recommending passage, with amdmts., of bill allowing construction, by private co., of bulkhead along water front of S. P., involving its extension, which, it is claimed, will prevent " filling in " ma- terial from sliding into docks, and thereby elevat- ing water of harbor to such an extent that ships cannot come within convenient distance of ware- houses. 6 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 11 sess. doc. [13].) . Same; minority rept. 37 pp. (Same 11 sess. doc. [14].) . Rept. on act to provide for better protection of water front of S. F. (Assem. jol. 12 sess. pp. 813- 814.) . Veto of act re. water front adjacent to block no. 9, in S. P. (Sen. jol. 12 sess. pp. 746-747.) 1866. Rept. of T. R. Brooks, . . . and table of sound- ings along the water front of city of S. F., Mch. 8 pp. . Same. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1865/7: 40- 43.) 1867. Specifications for bldg. sea-wall along water front of S. F. (Same 1865/7: 1-6.) 1868. Rept. [favorable] of jt. committee proceedings re. state harbor comrs. [with particular notice of the sea-wall of S. P.] 20 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. V. 2 [doc. 7].) 1869. Map of water front of S. F. from south line of Chestnut St. to north line of Harrison St. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1867/9.) 1869-1902. Comments on sea-wall along water front of city and co. of S. F. and works appertaining there- to. (Same 1867/9 (pp. 3-12)— some 1900/2.) 128 INDEX TO DOCXJMBNTS OF THE STATE OP CAIilFOENIA HARBORS— cont'd San Francisco Harbor — cont'd 1871-1873. Kept, of engr. of sea-wall. (Same 1869/71 (pp. 21-25)— same 1871/3.) 1873. Rept. to bd. of state harbor comrs. on water front of city of S. F.; by J. T. Arnold, engr. of sea-wall, S. F. 20 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Surmised by compiler to be a reprint of pp. 9-32 of the Blenn. rept. of the harbor comrs. for 1871/3, being the regular blenn. rept. of T. J. Arnold, engr. of the sea wall, and a special rept. by Arnold on the preservation of timber. 1878. Rept. of bd. of state harbor comrs. on new water front line of S. F. 16 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. V. 4 [doc. 49].) . Petition In relation to harbor front, S. F. 2 11. {Same 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 24].) North Beach Improvement. 1880. Comments on urgent repairs and opinion of bd. that whole width of roadway along water front should be kept in repair by state. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1879/80: 8.) 1882. Rept. of bd. of engrs. apptd. to examine into mat- ter of measurement of material used in construc- tion of sea-wall and embankment at S. F. 51 pp. (App. to jols. 25 sess. v. 6 doc. [3].) Differs from Crane rept. in that difference betw. material paid for and that estimated Is not judged to be very great. . Rept. of li. B. Crane, expert on construction of sea-wall, S. F. 36 pp. and tables. (Same 25 sess. V. 6 unnum. doc.) . Recommendation that apprn. for repairs of wharves and outer half of water front roadway be increased. (Bienn. rept. harbor comrs. 1880/2: 9.) 1888. Recommendation that act re. reclaimed sea-wall lots be amended so that they will not be maintained as open spaces, and that power be given bd. to as- sign their use for commercial purposes during pleasure of bd. (Same 1886/8: 10.) 1896-1900. Rept. of chief engr. showing general condi- tion of water front. {Same 1894/6 (pp. 33-37) — same 1898/00.) 1899. Rept on examination into affairs of bd. of har- bor comrs. of S. F. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state Institutions 1899: 6-8.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. ExPENDrrtJEES fob; see above. Receipts, etc. Labob; see Laboe. Public Wobks Santa Barbara Harbor 1853. Rept. re. reasons and necessity for improvement of Sta. Barbara harbor. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 62.) Santa Cruz Harbor 1870. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to examine harbor of Sta. Cruz and Salinas slough, in bay of Monterey to see if they can be made into harbors of refuge. 7 pp., I chart. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [46].) Wilmington Harbor 1870. Sen. con. res. re. erection of breakwater at Wil- mington harbor, to which is appended a rept. and map, prepared by Gen. B. S. Alexander, U. S. A. II pp., 1 map. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 2 doc. [40].) HATCHERIES Fish; see Fish and Game HEALTH RESORTS; see PUBLIC HEALTH HEMP Crop; see Agriculture. Crops HESSIAN FLY; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS HIGH SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION HOG; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK. SWINE HONEY Industry; see Industries, etc. HOP Crop; see Agriculture. Crops HORSE; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK HORTICULTURE, BOARD OF; see AGRICULTURE HOSPITALS; see MAINTENANCE HUMBOLDT COUNTY (1833) Assessors; see Taxation: State Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Climate; see that title Coal Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Coal; these dates. Copper in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Cop- per; these dates. Forests; see Natural Resources Fruit Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Gold in 1879-1880. See Natural Resources. Mineral. (Jold; these dates. 1881. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultural Com- missions Iron in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Iron; these dates. Lumber Product; see Industries, etc. Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Mining; these dates. Natural Gas in; see Natural Resources Petroleum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Platinum; see Natural Resources. Mineral Sandstone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Silver in 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; these dates. Surveyor; see Land HUMBOLDT HARBOR; see HARBORS HYDESVILLE Climate; see that title RainfaU; see Climate HYGIENE Industrial; see references under Industrial Hygiene School; see Education IDAHO Production Peeciotjs Metals; see Nattjkai, Resoubces IMMIGRATION; see POPULATION. MIGRATION INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA 129 IMPORTS; see COMMERCE, ETC. INCOME TAX; see TAXATION: STATE INDEPENDENCE Climate; see that title INDIANS 1804-1854. General review of operation of policy of settling Indians on lands beyond limits of states, as adopted by act of Congress passed Mch. 26, 1804, urging settlement of Cal. Indians in conformity with same. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 19-20.) 1852. Majority and minority repts. on advisability of agreeing to treaties made with Indians by U. S. comrs. in 1851, and providing for reservation of lands for their use within state. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 597-604.) 1853-1854. Review of federal legislation providing for settlement of Indians on lands within state, and protest of legisl. agst. said policy. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 18-19.) 1857. Rept. of committee dissenting from govs, sug- gestion that present policy of gathering Indians into reservation within limits of state should be abolished. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 645-647.) 1858. Communication from supt. of Indian affairs with recommendations for apptmt. of jt. commit- tee to visit reservation and rept. on mngmt. of same. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 77-78.) 1860. Rept. of select committee re. federal Indian policy; protest agst. invasion of state's rights. (Assem. jol. 11 sess. pp. 714-716.) 1866. Rept. of W. E. Lovett, special Indian agt. to supt. of Indian affairs in Cal. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) 1868. Rept. of Indian affairs committee re. Mission In- dians in Cal.; unfavorable to establishments of reservations, except for the Coahuilas. 6 pp. (Same 17 sess. V. 3 [doc. 8].) Depredations; see War Expenditures Labor; see that title INDIO Health Resort; see Public Health INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION; see EDUCATION INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Accidents; see Insurance; do. Railroads Welfare Work; see Labor INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS Reformatory; see Maintenance: State INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES See also Part I. Attention is also cailed to tlie notes under the co, assessors' entries under Taxation : State. Assessment, etc. 1850. Rapid improvement in cities, and Increased de- velopment of commercial resources. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) . Industry of state severely taxed, and heavy tribute to other parts of world enforced by delay of Congress in establishing mint at S. P. (Same 1851.) 1852. Encouragement of mnftres. urged. (Govs, in- augural address 1852.) 1855. Cal. no longer dependent on foreign resources, now raising commodities sufficient for home con- sumption and even export. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 17.) . Granaries, warehouses, and stores filled with products of state Industry. {Same 1856: 7.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd 1863-1874. Comparative table of amt. and value of lead- ing articles of Cal. produce, together with treas- ure, exclusive of duties. (Trans, state agrio. socy. 1874: 507-510.) 1866. Two causes which have combined to retard pro- gress In mnfg. interest: scarcity of operations and high price of labor. (Same 1866/7: 86.) . Brief review of industrial occupations of state during yr., and results accomplished. (Same 1866/7: 33-46.) . Address on industrial progress of state and questions affecting its growth. (Same 1866/7: 77- 88.) 1870. Address of Hon. A. A. Sargent setting forth causes for slow growth of state: difficulty of ac- quiring lands cheaply, land monopolies, remedial legislation suggested; exhausting production of wheat; extravagance of life and ideas, born of the flush days of state; anomalous condition of labor market. (Same 1870/1: 81-92.) . On general condition of state: anticipated im- petus to business by completion of Pacific R.R. not realized; on contrary merchants, mnftrers., etc. of state brought into competition with those of the east. (Same 1870/1: 55-56.) 1871. Incumbrances to state's prosperity; scarcity of population in rural dlstrs.; land monopolies; immi- gration to be encouraged. (Same 1870/1: 14-19.) 1872-1874. Encouragement should be given to estab- lishment of manufactories in state. (Same 1872 (pp. 8-9)— some 1874.) 1879. Address on the industrial growth of Cal. (Same 1879: 109-115.) 1886. Difficulty attending mnfg. in state. (6 A.R. state mineralogist 1885/6 pt. 1: 15-16.) 1887. Veto of act to protect mnfg. industries of state. (Assem. jol. 27 sess. pp. 693-694.) 1893. Review of industrial condition of state. (Trans. state agric. socy. 1893: 84-89.) 1895. The future development of resources and indus- tries of state, — three great purposes towards ac- complishing this: completion of Nicaragua Canal; more direct consideration by federal govt.; con- version of state's water power into electrical en- ergy. Address by Hon. J. W. Mitchell. (Same 1895: 98-103.) 1895/6. Effect of roads upon industrial Improvement; by R. C. Irvine. 8 pp. (Bureau of highways bull. 4 [1895/6].) 1903. Protest agst. passage of Sen. bill 354 to protect mnfg. industries of state. (Assem. jol. 35 sess. pp. 665-666; Sen. jol. p. 402.) COLUSA COUNTY 1874. Industrial surveys of Colusa, San Diego, and Sonoma cos.; situation, extent, surface, and re- sources. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 369-416.) SAN DIEGO COUNTY See above, Colusa co. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY 1877-1879. Rept. of city and co. assessor of S. F. on mechanical and mnfg. industries. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1878 (pp. 362-369) — same 1879.) 1890-1898. Statistics of mechanics and mnfg. indus- tries of city and co. of S. F. for fiscal yr. endg. June 30. (Bienn. rept. equalization bd. 1889/90 (pp. 87-92)— same 1897/8.) SONOMA COUNTY See above, Colusa co. Brick-making 1861. Veto of act to prohibit burning of brick within certain limits in city and co. of S. F. (Assem. jol. 12 sess. pp. 351-352.) SACRAMENTO COUNTY See Natural Resources. Mineral. Sacramento Co. 130 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Butter; see below, Dairy Canneries Fish See also Salmon, nnder Fish and Game. 1876. Establishment of salmon canneries on Sacra- mento at CoUinsTille and opposite Sacramento. (4 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1876/7: 11.) 1878-1879. See Fish and Game. Salmon; these dates. 1884. List of salmon canneries obtaining fish from the Sacramento, of canneries on the Columbia, and in British Columbia and Alaska. (8 bienn. rept. comrs. of fisheries 1883/4: 32-33.) 1885-1886. On acct. of small run of salmon more than half of canneries were closed; prospect for pack of 1887 not encouraging. (9 same 1885/6: 15.) Fbuit 1883. Paper on orchard canning; by R. Wheeler. (A. R. bd. hortic. 1883: 114-117.) 1890-1899. Comparative table showing Cal. canned fruit pack for 10 yrs., with comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 12.) 1890-1904. Cumulative comparative table of no. cases of Cal. canned fruit packed each yr. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00 (p. 41) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1898. Examination of canned fruits; amt. of sugar in canned fruits for which govt, should grant a draw- back when goods are exported; by G. E. Colby. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 157-159.) . Investigations of canned products; by E. W. Hil- gard and G. E. Colby. (Same 1897/8: 159-164.) 1900. Future trade possibilities in canned and dried fruits. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 147-155.) . The canning industry — from orchard to table, from a canner's standpoint. (7 same 1899/00: 143- 147.) 1902. List of fruit and vegetable canneries in state. (8 same 1901/2: 49-50.) . Trade possibilities in Cal. canned and dried fruits; by I. Jacobs. (8 same 1901/2: 282-286.) Cattle Foods Inspection; see below, that title Cheese; see below. Dairy Consumption Gold 1874-1885. Historical table showing ann. consumption of gold in industrial arts in U. S. (6 A.R. state mineralogist 1885/6 pt. 2: 71.) Cotton; see below, Textiles Creameries; see below, Dairy Dairy Industry serial 1895/6-1902/4. Rept. of state dairy bureau, 1-5. Checklist 1. 1895/6 Sacramento, 1896. 41 pp. 2. 1896/8 San Francisco, 1898. 37 pp. 3. 1898/00 n. p., n. d. 60 pp. 4. 1900/2 Sacramento, 1902. 56 pp. 5. 1902/4 Sacramento, 1905. 53 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1895/6 In App. to jols. 32 sess. v. 7 doc. [4]. 2-3. 1896/8-1898/00 not found. 4. 1900/2 In App. to jols. 35 sess. v. 2 doc. [22]. 5. 1902/4 In App. to jols. 36 sess. t. 3 unnum. doc. non-serial 1889-1901. Comparative table showing receipts of but- ter, cheese, and eggs at S. F. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 161.) 1893. Dairy farming in Cal., its future possibilities; by R. Ashburner. (Same 1893: 135-137.) 1894-1895. Condition of dairy interests of state. (Same 1894 (pp. 23-24)— same 1895.) 1895. The dairy for Cal.; by L. P. Shields. (Same 1895: 118-120.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Dairy Industry — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1895-1901. Milk test at state fair; tabulated stmt, of results. (Same 1895 (pp. 95-97)— same 1901.) 1896. Table showing value of dairy industry of state for yr. (1 rept. dairy bureau 1895/6: 14.) . Recommendation that legisl. pass law making the bureau a permanent comn. (1 same 1895/6: 10.) . List of cases prosecuted for violation of present dairy law. (1 same 1895/6: 15-16.) 1897-1899. Comparative table giving value of dairy products of state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 31-32 ) 1898/9-1899/00. Same; showing amt. and value of dairy products. (Same 1900: 113.) 1899. On condition of dairying in state. (Some 1899: 29-32.) 1900. Animal and dairy industries in Cal.; by L. An- derson. (Same 1900: 112-124.) 1900-1902. Table showing ann. value of dairy output to state. (4 rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 25.) 1901-1903. Table giving amt. and value of dairy pro- ducts of Cal. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 114.) 1902. Rept. of chemist. (4 rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 29.) BUTTEE 1889-1896. Table showing no. of dairies mnfg. butter by separator process. (1 rept. dairy bureau 1895/6: 15.) 1896. Concerning enforcement of act to prevent decep- tion in mnftre. and sale of butter and cheese. (1 same 1895/6: 5-6.) 1896-1901. Comparative table showing butter and cheese produced in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 161.) 1897-1902. Table showing amt. of butter in lbs. pro- duced during 2 yrs. covered by this rept. compared with that of former yrs. (4 rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 21.) 1901-1902. Table showing receipts in S. F., during dif- ferent mos., of butter produced. (4 same 1900/2: 22.) 1902. " Process " butter law, became law under consti- tutional provision, without govs, approval, Feb. 23, 1899. (4 same 1900/2: 51.) . Table showing butter production in lbs. for each CO. in state for each yr. endg. Oct. 1, 1901 and 1902. (4 same 1900/2: 20.) Cheese 1865. Cheese making; stmt, by was awarded first premium, socy. 1864/5: 306-308.) 1896. Comments on filled cheese, reau 1895/6: 11-13.) . List of creameries and cheese factories in state. (1 same 1895/6: 18-21.) 1900-1902. Table showing cheese receipts in S. F. (4 same 1900/2: 23.) 1901-1902. Table showing cheese production in state. (4 same 1900/2: 23.) 1902. List of cheese mnftres. in state. (4 same 1900/2: 39-45.) Cbeamebies 1896. See above. Cheese; this date. 1901. Creamery scores at state fair. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 52.) 1902. List of creameries of Cal. (4 rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 33-38.) Expendithees 1896. Financial stmt. (1 rept. dairy bureau 1895/6: 21-22.) . Cole, whose cheese (Trans, state agric. (1 rept. dairy bu- INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALiIFORNIA 131 INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Dairy Industry — cont'd EXPENDITUKES COnt'd 1900-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for dairy bureau. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1898/00 (p. 88) — same 1902/4.) 1902. Financial stmt, for 52d and 53d fiscal yrs. (4 rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 28.) Law 1896. Cal. state dairy law — approved Mch. 9, 1895. (1 rept. dairy bureau 1895/6: 23-27.) 1902. Law re. butter and cheese approved Mch. 4, 1897. (4 same 1900/2: 46-53.) Exhibitions 1851-1885. History of former World's Fairs, compiled from various sources. (5 A.R. state mineralogist 1884/5: 13-50.) 1866. Preparations for Paris Exposition. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1866/7: 66-76.) 1867. Rept. of comr. to Paris Exposition. (Same 1866/7: 251-347.) . Same; separate. 99 pp. 1876. Majority rept. of jt. committee re. appropriating money in aid of Centennial Exposition. 9 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc.) 1882. Rept. on National Mining and Industrial Expo- sition, held at Denver, Colo., Aug., 1882, W. B. Ewer, comr. from Cal.; stating reason for Cal's. non-exhibit, and showing need for some provision for future contingencies, and a permanent indus- trial exhibit; also memorial recommending another mining exhibition in 1883; appended, series of let- ters on Denver exposition written by comr. to " Mining and Scientific Press." 110 pp. (Same 25 sess. V. 5 doc. [7].) 1883. Special mess, of Gov. Stoneman re. International Exhibition at Amsterdam; transmitting letter from Jas. de Fremery, consul of the Netherlands, request ing an exhibit from Cal. 6 pp. (Same 25 sess. V. 1 doc. [3].) 1886. Rept. of A. Andrews, U. S. comr. for Cal. at World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exhibi- tion, New Orleans, Dec. 16, 1884 to June 1, 1885 67 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1890. The World's Fair at Chicago. (14 rept. supt. public instruction 1888/90: 37.) 1890-1891. The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890 (pp. 20-23) — same 1891.) 1891/2. Bienn. rept. of progress re. proposed exhibit of Cal., at Chicago, 1893. 19 pp., 2 pi. (App. to jols. 30 sess. V. 1 doc. [15].) 1893. Communication and itemized stmt, of all ex- penditures made and paid out of apprn. for Cal. exhibit at World's Columbian Exposition. (Sen. jol. 30 sess. pp. 922-925.) 1894. Final rept. [of initiative work; financial stmt, of expenditures, official lists of awards; typical com- ments by the foreign press, etc.] incl. description of all exhibits from Cal. at World's Columbian Expo- sition, Chicago, 1893. 240 pp., 2 maps, 1 plan, 62 pi. (App. to jols. 31 sess. v. 2 doc. [1].) 1897 (?). Rept. and recommendations by comn. that represented Cal. at Hamburg Exposition. 26 pp., 5 pis. 1897. Veto of act appropriating money to pay expenses of collecting, preparing, forwarding, etc., an ex- hibit of products of Cal. at Tenn. Centennial Expo- sition. (Sen. jol. 32 sess. pp. 637-638.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Exhibitions — cont'd 1901. Rept. on investigation of all transactions of Paris Exposition comn. (Assem. jol. 34 sess. pp. 521-524.) . Rept. on govs. mess, referring to Paris Exposi- tion comn. (Same 34 sess. p. 95.) . Rept. of Cal. Paris Exposition comn. (Sen. jol. 34 sess. pp. 109-111; Assem. jol. pp. 83-84.) 1904. Reasons for a Cal. exhibit at Belgium Exposi- tion. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 369-371.) . Res. in favor of further apprn. for agric. educa- tion and of a state exhibit in Belgium, passed by Fruit Growers' Convention. (1 same 1903/4: 385.) Fertilizers 1904. Commercial fertilizers; by Geo. Roberts. 29 (1) pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 157.) Inspection; see that title, below Flour Inspection; see that title, below Food Law 1876/7. Adulteration of food, drinks, and drugs; by J. F. Montgomery. (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1876/7: 72-74.) Efforts in Cal. to introduce legislation regulating adulteration. 1891. Memorials to Congress from Cal. Fruit Growers' Convention praying for legislation to prohibit adul- teration of food products in this country and im- portation of adulterated food products. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 447.) 1904. Recommendation for passage of pure food law with provision for prosecuting violations. (1 bienn. rept. same 1903/4: 195-196; 386.) Adulteeation; see below. Inspection See also Liquor (Wine), below. Fruit 1872-1885. Comparative tables showing increase in pro- duction of canned fruits, dried fruits, raisins, vege- tables, brandy, and wine, and corresponding de- crease in average rate of transportation. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 179-180.) 1881. Rept. on fruit packages recommending free pack- age system; communication from comrs. urging abolition of baskets and use of boxes of uniform size. (1 A.R. hortic. comr. 1882: 56-57.) . Rept. of committee on fruit packing. (1 same 1882: 61.) . Repts. on fruit shipping to Eastern states and west of Omaha. (1 same 1882: 57-59.) 1888. Discussion of subject of free boxes for fruit. (2 same 1883: 111-114.) 1885-1888. Comparative table giving summary of raisin, dried fruit, nut, and honey product of state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 264.) 1886. Discussion of the AUegretti air purifier preserv- ing room system; also the cold storage system. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 303-306; 490-497; 502-505.) 1889. The fruit industry of Cal.; its growth and devel- opment, and present and future importance; by Gen. N. P. Chipman. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 256-288.) . Review of fruit industry in Cal. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1889: 5-8.) . Action taken to press matter of bldg. and fur- nishing fruit cars by r.rs. and of securing lower rates. {Same 1889: 441-442.) 1890. Preservative fluids for fresh fruits, sulphuring of dried fruits; by Hilgard. 4 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 86.) . Same. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 126-131.) 132 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Fruit — cont'd 1891. Memorial to Congress from Cal. Fruit Growers' Convention requesting assistance in obtaining and disseminating knowledge re. foreign fruit products, also legislation to prohibit adulteration of food products in this country, and the importation of such adulterated products. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 447.) 1891-1904. Review of fruit season in Cal.; demand and prices of each variety. (Same 1891 (pp. 55-64) — bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1893. Favorable rept. on Perkins process of preserv- ing fruit in storage and transportation; discussion. (4 bienn. rept same 1893/4: 263-264: 275-278.) . Rept. on markets and transportation; prospects of finding market in cities and sections not yet reached, and of securing quicker time for fruit shipments; freight rates; charges for packing, carrying, etc., investigated, with view of ascertain- ing proportion reed, by growers from gross sales of shipments to Eastern markets. (4 same 1893/4: 278-284.) 1894. Damage to Cal. fruit industry from strike which tied up all trans-continental lines. (4 same 1893/4: 397-399.) . Markets for future crops. (4 same 1893/4: 410- 412.) 1900. The marketing of Cal. fresh fruit in the East. (7 same 1899/00: 96-101.) . Advantages of co-operation from a packer's standpoint. (7 same 1899/00: 124-127.) 1902. Cal. deciduous fruit industry — present unsatis- factory condition. (8 same 1901/2: 330-336.) Associations 1881. Repts. of fruit growers' committee, S. F. comn. merchants, and committee on nurseries, with rec- ommendations re. enforcement of protective laws. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 55-56.) 1889-1890. Rept. of Cal. Fruit Union. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889 (pp. 313-318) — same 1890.) 1891. Recommendation that fruit growers and ship- pers be urged to organize local traffic assns. to obtain representation in Traffic Assn. of Cal. (A. R. bd. hortic. 1891: 469.) 1892. Establishment of a state fruit exchange at S. F. advised. {Same 1892: 2.) 1892-1893. Interesting facts and figures re. Campbell Fruit Union of Sta. Clara Co.; investments, ex- pense of operation, methods, results, etc. (4 bienn. rept. same 1893/4: 402-403.) . Repts. re. formation of a state dried fruit ex- change; discussion. (4 same 1893/4: 132-137; 259- 263.) 1894. Organization of fruit exchange; history of Cal. Fruit Exchange. (4 same 1893/4: 412-415.) 1894-1896. Review of methods of citrus fruit exchange in Southern Cal. (5 same 1895/6: 71-72.) 1900. The yrs. operations of the Cured Fruit Assn. (7 same 1899/00: 116-124.) . Rept. of Cal. Fruit Growers' and Shippers' Assn. (7 same 1899/00: 92-95.) 1902. Rept. of Fresno Growers' Dried Fruit Co. (8 same 1901/2: 412-413.) 1904. Rept. of committee submitting plan for co-opera- tive marketing of dried fruits. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 271-273.) Cannebies; see above, that title Cbystauuzed Fbuits 1888. Premium paper on crystallized fruits. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1886/8: 47-48.) Dbied Feuit 1874. Sun-dried fruit a failure; no error; newspaper extract. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 325-328.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Fruit — cont'd Deeed Feuit — cont'd 1881. Rept. of committee on dried fruits. (1 A.R. hortic. comrs. 1882: 60.) 1883-1886. Comparative table showing production of each variety of dried fruit; comments. (Bienn. rept. same 1885/6: 513-514.) 1884-1899. Same; giving output of dried peaches in Cal. (7 same 1899/00: 44.) 1885-1888. Ann. review of dried fruit, raisin, prune, almond, walnut, peanut, and honey crop of Cal.; by G. W. Meade & Co., S. F. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885 (pp. 203-209)— same 1888.) 1886. Review of dried fruits and nut crops of yr. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1885/6: 428-434.) 1886-1890. Discussion of methods of fruit drying. (Same 1885/6 (pp. 260-266)— A.R. same 1890.) 1889/90. Rept. of J. B. J. Portal, special agt. to investi- gate market of dried wine grapes in Europe. (A. R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 64-67.) 1890-1899. Comparative tables showing dried prune product for state during 10 yrs., with comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 11-12.) 1891 (?). Cal. dried fruits and how to use them; by Prof. C. H. Allen, of San Josg. 8 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1891. Review of dried fruit market of yr. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 90-91.) 1891-1904. Cumulative comparative table giving Cal. dried fruit output. (8 bienn. rept. same 1901/2 (p. 32) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) . Comparative table showing steady increase in output of dried figs each yr. (7 same 1899/00 (p. 50) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1892. Sulphuring in fruit drying unfavorably com- mented on. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1891/2: 127-128.) . New use for dried grapes — medicinal. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 233-234.) 1893-1899. Comparative table showing dried fruit pro- duct each yr., with comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 10-11.) 1893-1903/4. Cumulative comparative table giving dried fruit pack, by varieties. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00 (p. 43) — same comr. hortic. 1903/4.) 1896. Cal. dried fruits and how to cook them. 15 pp. 20°. (State agric. socy.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. ExpoETs; see Commebce Feuit Exchanges; see above. Associations iMPOBTs; see Commebce Raisin 1873-1888. Comparative table showing magnitude and growth of raisin and wiue industry. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 265.) 1873-1890. Comparative stmt, of production of raisins in state. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 46.) . Same; with comments. (Same 1889/90: 20-21.) 1880. Paper on Cal. raisins. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1880: 185-190.) . Raisin making in Spain; comparison with Cal. methods; prospects for future market. (1 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. rev. ed. 1880: 33-39.) 1881-1886. Comparative table showing no. of boxes and lbs. of raisins produced. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortia 1885/6: 511.) 1883. Paper on raisin production in state, and discus- sion. (A.R. same 1883: 59-64.) 1885-1898. Comparative table showing raisin product, with comments. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 13-15.) 1886. Cal. raisms, from vine to table; by G!eo W. Meade, of S. F. (Same 1886: 246-248.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 133 INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Fruit — cont'd Raisin — cont'd 1887. Bleaching seedless Sultana raisins; app. 3 to ann. rept. chief executive vitic. oflacer. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 103-106.) 1888. Raisin drying, packing, and preparing for mar- ket; paper and discussion. (Rept. 6 ann. state vitic. convention 1888: 17-34.) . The raisin industry. [From the "Chlno Cham- pion," San Bernardino Co.] (Trans, state agric. socy. 1888: 150.) 1889. Raisin Industry in state; by B. N. Rowley. (A. R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 68-73.) 1890. Table showing no. of boxes of raisins shipped from different points In state. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 83.) 1890-1892. Comment on production of raisins in state. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 13.) 1891. Detailed rept. on raisin industry in San Joa- quin distr., giving statistics of total acreage, acre- age in bearing, and acreage not producing in each CO. {Same 1891/2: 45-52.) Shipments; see Commerce Glass 1858-1889. Mnftre. of glass in state — history, condi- tion, and future of business. (9 A.R. state mineral- ogist 1888/9: 324-329.) Grape Syrup 1893. Grape syrup. 15 pp., 16 pis. (App. A to A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1893.) Honey 1899. Comment on condition of honey industry in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 23-24.) Insecticides Inspection; see that title, below Inspection 1849. Provision inspection urged for S. F., to prevent great losses suffered from purchase of injured and spoiled provisions. (Govs. ann. mess. 1849.) 1885/6. Examinations and analyses of vegetable pro- ducts; syrups from Alvarado sugar factory, and oranges and lemons. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1885/6: 69-72.) 1892/4-1902/3. Analyses of foods, fodder stuffs, sugar- beets, etc. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1892/4 (pp. 214-225)— some 1901/3.) Cattle Foods 1891. Investigations and analyses of cattle foods of Cal. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1891/2: 119-127.) 1903/4. Rept. of division of feeding-stuffs, dairy pro- ducts, and nutrition investigations. (Some 1903/4: 49-70.) Ferttlizeks 1876/7-1896/7. Analyses of commercial fertilizers and gypsum. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1876/7 (pp. 54-55) — same agric. exper. stations 1895/7.) Not found in ann. rept. 1881/2. 1885. Cautionary observations re. commercial valua- tions of fertilizers; analyses of fertilizers by Va. Dept. of Agric. reproduced. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 189-192.) 1892. A fertilizer-control law needed in state; also a package law to regulate use of fruit boxes by firms and individuals. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 5.) 1903/4. Rept. of division of fertilizer control. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1903/4: 74-76.) 1904. The new fertilizer law. 6 pp. (Unnum. circu- lar, agric. exper. station.) Comment on and text of Act to regulate sale of com- mercial fertilizers. INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Inspection — cont'd Flour 1852. Rept. of state flour inspector, with stmt, of flour inspected, fees collected, and expenses, June 1 to Dec. 31. 2 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 18.) . Minority rept. objecting to act for apptmt. of flour inspectors. (Assem. jol. 1852: 148-149.) . Rept. re. need for flour inspection reviewing frauds and evils connected with flour trade in Cal., and prevalence of practice of selling damaged flour and mixing damaged with good. (Same 1852: 388- 390.) Food and Drugs serial Under Act of Mch. 5, 1885. 1884/6-1890/2. Rept. of state analyst, 1-4. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1886 (pp. 75-79)— 12 same 1890/2.) non-serial 1892/4-1902/3. See above, Inspection, these dates. 1900. Memorials and res. adopted by Fruit Growers' Convention re. adulteration of food products; etc. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 23-25.) Insecticides 1879. Rept. of examination of Persian insect powder and buhach. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1878/9: 68-71.) 1903/4. Examination of paris green and other arseni- cals used in spraying; table of results. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1903/4: 44-47.) Liquors See also below. Liquor. Analyses. 1852. Rept. of state liquor ganger of S. F. re. receipts May 25, 1852, to Jan. 1, 1853. 2 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 63.) 1856. Petitions for retaining oflBce of state liquor ganger. (Sen. jol. 1856: 397.) . Petition of liquor tradesmen of S. F. for repeal of act apptg. liquor gauger passed May 3, 1852, objecting to compulsory feature of same. (Same 1856: 343.) 1857. [Favorable] rept. of special committee to whom was referred mess, of gov. apptg. G. W. Ryder to office of gauger of wines and liquors of city of S. F. 19 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 8 sess. doc. [6].) Olives and Olive Oil 1893. Review of act passed by last legisl. to regulate sale of imitation olive oil; attention called to pro- posed constitutional amdmt. re. taxing trees and vines; pure food bill failed to pass. (4 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1893/4: 2-4.) 1903/4. Table giving analyses of fruits, olive oils, pickled olives, sulphurs, etc. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1903/4: 48.) Preservatives 1895. Examination and analysis of preservative fluid of Maraschino cherries. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5: 180.) Suoab 1895. Proximate analyses of sugar-cane sorghum, maize, etc. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5: 163-164.) Lime 1863-1883. Historical table giving ann. receipts of lime at S. P.; entire quantity being product of state. (4 A.R. state mineralogist 1883/4: 108.) Lumber 1871. Scarcity of hard timber in state has operated to retard mnftre. of wagons, carriages, and agric. machinery; recommendation that liberal apprn. be made for artificial forest culture. (Trahs. state agric. socy. 1870/1: 21-22.) 1872-1877. Comparative table showing receipts of lum- ber in S. F. markets. (Same 1877: 148.) 134 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Lumber — cont'd 1872-1881. Stmt, of ann. receipts of lumber In S. F. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 210-216.) 1875-1876. Comparative table giving no. and product of saw-mills in state by cos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 146.) 1878. Pacific coast woodlands; tables of surveyed tim- ber lands, by cos.; varieties of timber; exportation of Cal. forest tree seeds; list of Cal. redwood saw- mills and capacity; lumbering in the Sierras; ann. receipts of lumber in S. F. and value, etc. (Same 1877: 141-149.) 1882. Lumber and fuel in state considered with refer- ence to mining Interests; drafts already made on timber preserves; coast co. forests; flumes; saw- mills. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 202-216.) 1889. Stmt, showing lumber product of Humboldt Co.; by mills. (10 A.R. same 1889/90: 206.) 1892. Lumbering operations in Humboldt and Fresno COS. (4 blenn. rept. forestry bd. 1890/2: 52-53.) 1899-1903. Table showing timber production. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 115.) 1902. Remarks on lumber-making Industry in Cal. (10 same 1901/2: 25-28.) Heat 1894. Comment on German embargo on Amen meats. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1894: 19.) Liquor Anaiyses; see also above. Inspection 1880-1884. Descriptive list of all Zinfandel wines thus far analyzed. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1883/5: 65-67.) 1881/2. Descriptive list of contributed wines, with table showing results of analyses, discussion of va- rieties, characteristics of localities from which they come. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1881/2: 150- 163.) 1883/4. List of wine samples reed. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1883/5: 54-55.) 1883/4-1885/6. Table of analyses of wines sent for ex- amination each season. (Same 1883/5 (pp. 59-60; 155-156)— same 1885/6.) . Descriptive list of wines sent in for analysis. (Bame 1883/5 (pp. 56-58; 152-154)— same 1885/6.) 1884. Vitic. inspections and consultations with vine- growers and local societies; inadequacy of support of chief vitic. officer; necessity of organization to promote mutual interests and to defend vitic. agst. its enemies. (2 A.R. chief executive vitic. officer 1882/4: 15-17.) . Examinations of red wines from Sonoma and Napa cos. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 21.) . Same. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1885/6: 72-74.) 1885. Analyses of Sta. Clara Valley red wines; by Hllgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 43.) . Same. (Rept. vitic. work agric. college 1883/5: 74-75.) 1890-1895. Analyses of wines sent for examination. {Same 1887/93: 370-372.) . Descriptive Ust of wines reed, for examination. {Same 1887/93: 864-369.) Beahdy 1865-1890. Comparative table exhibiting total produc- tion of brandy for each of last 26 yrs. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 17.) 1871. Wine and brandy statistics. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 502-503.) 1875-1887. See below. Wine; these dates. 1879-1881. Comparative table showing amt. of brandy reed, at S. F. from Interior. (2 A.R. bd. vltlc. comrs. 1881: 19.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Liquor — cont'd Brandt — cont'd 1881. See below, Wine; this date. 1888. Distillation of grape brandy; how to establish and conduct a distillery. (Rept. 6 ann. state vitic. convention 1888: 112-128.) . See also below, Wine; this date. 1888-1890. Comment on production of brandy; list of distilleries registered to Sept. 1, 1890. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 16-20.) 1889/90-1900/1. See below. Wine; these dates. 1890-1892. Comment on production of brandy. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 12-13.) . See also below, Wine; these dates. 1891. Rept. of F. A. West, on possible sale of brandy and concentrated must to Elastem wine markets. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 60.) BxHiBrnoNS 1884. Exhibit of wines made at ann. vitic. convention. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1883/5: 150-152.) 1888. Catalogue of wine and brandies exhibited. (Rept. 6 ann. state vitic. convention 1888: 212-218.) 1888-1890. Work of comn. in promoting demand and aiding sale of vitic. product; history of exhibit and cafg in S. F. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 7-11.) 1889. Repts. of committees on wine exhibits at ann. vitic. convention. (Same 1889/90: 13-15.) 1894. On mismngmt. of vitic. exhibit at World's Fair, Chicago. (Same 1893/4: 7-11.) . The Midwinter Fair display. (Same 1893/4: 79- 104.) Inspection; see above, that title WrNE No distinction Is made by Cal. In her repts. between her vlHcnltural and vlnlcultnral interests. Both are comprised within the repts. of the vitic. comrs. Wherever possible the distinction has been made In this Index, but It Is advisable that persons In- terested In either the culture of the grape In Cal. or In the wine Industry of Cal., should use both groups of material. See also Agriculture. Crops. Grape. 1770-1888. Short historical sketch of vitic. in state begun by old mission fathers, and review of work done by bd. of vitic. comrs. since its organization in 1880. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 7-21.) 1859. Rept. on native wines. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1859: 300-303.) 1861. Rept. on growth, culture, and improvement of grapevine in CaL (Assem. jol. 12 sess. pp. 253- 260.) 1871. Wine and brandy statistics. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 502-503.) 1873-1888. Comparative table showing magnitude and growth of raisin and wine industry. (Bame 1889: 265.) 1874. Vlnlc: Cal's. wine Interest; vinlc. in the foot- hills. (Bame 1874: 329-337.) 1875-1887. Comparative table showing receipts of Cal. wine and brandy at S. F. from interior for 13 yrs. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 20.) 1877. Chemical composition of Cal. wines; by W. I. Macadam, lecturer on chemistry, Edinburgh. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1877: 117-119.) 1877-1887. Comparative table showing amt. of wine produced ann. in state. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 18.) 1879. Cal. wine Interest. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 125-127.) . Vitic: Cal. wines; Cal. brandies. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1878/9: 61-65.) 1879-1881. Comparative table showing amt. of wine reed, at S. F. from Interior. (2 A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1881: 19.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 135 INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Liquor — cont'd Wine — cont'd 1879-1885. Table of analyses of Zinfandel wines, vint- age of 1879-1885. (Rept. of vitlc. work agrlc. col- lege 1883/5: 68-69.) 1880. The worst enemies of Cal. wines: Amer. hotel- keepers, restaurateurs, and other retailers of " fine wines and liquors." (1 A.R. bd. vltic. comrs. rev. ed. 1880: 69-71.) . Duties of distr. comrs. and comrs. for state at large. (1 same rev. ed. 1880: 163-164.) . Wine as raw material; classification of Cal. wines; color In wine. (1 same 1880: 64-68.) . Vitlc. lectures in the different dlstrs. provided for by act of legisl. (1 same 1880: 14-15.) . Apprn. of $10,000 a yr. for next 2 yrs. recom- mended. (1 same 1880: 12.) 1880-1882. Ann. rept. of vitlc. dept. (A.R. agric. col- lege 1880 (pp. 83-91) — bienn. rept. same 1881/2.) 1881. Tables giving mo. receipts of wine and brandy at S. F., and also mo. exports by sea and by rail. (2 A.R. bd. vitlc. comrs. 1881: 20-21.) 1881-1884. Foreign corresp. (1 A.R. chief executive vitic. officer 1881 (pp. xxvl-xxxii) — 2 same 1882/4.) 1881-1894. Repts. of secy, of bd. of vltic. comrs. (2 A.R. bd. vltic. comrs. 1881 (pp. 24-27) — same 1893/4.) 1883-1884. List of grapes reed, at vitlc. laboratory. (Rept. of vitlc. work agric. college 1883/5: 43; 81.) 1883-1894. Tables showing composition of musts and wines made in vltic. laboratory. {Same 1883/5 (pp. 53; 148-149)— same 1887/93.) Table of color readings added 1887/93. 1884. See above. Analyses, this date. . Examination of Zinfandel wines; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 12.) . Same. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1883/5: 62-63.) . Same. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 9.) . Same; in part. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. col- lege 1883/5: 64-65.) . Examination of red claret wines; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agrlc. exper. station, bull. 13.) . Same. (Rept. of vitic. work agrlc. college 1883/5: 70-72.) . Spurious and adulterated wines. (2 A.R. chief executive vitic. officer 1882/4: 23-24.) . Misc. topics: grafting, stakes, lesson from South Africa, samples of distillates. (2 same 1882/4: 167- 179.) 1884/5-1893/4. Descriptive list of grapes reed, and wines and musts made, by types and varieties. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1883/5 (pp. 83- 144)— some 1887/93.) 1885. Investigation of wines from rare grape varie- ties, Cinsaut, Petit Bouschet, Merlot, Verdot. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 37.) . Same; Beclan, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sau- vignon. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 38.) . Same; Clairette Blanche, Roussanne, Marsanne. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 40.) . Examination of Trousseau and Berger wines. 1 sheet. {Same, bull. 31.) . Vitic. and vinic. in Cal. . . . prepared for the New Orleans World's Fair. 42 pp. (Vitic. comn.) : . Investigation of wines from rare grape varieties, grown by Natoma Water and Mining Co., Folsom. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 35.) . Must analyses, vintage of 1885. (Rept. of vltic. work agrlc. college 1885/6: 54-55.) . Wines of 1885; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agrlc. exper. station, bull. 51.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Liquor — cont'd Wine — cont'd 1885. Same. (Rept. of vltic. work agric. college 1883/5: 158-159.) . Same. {Bame 1885/6: 28-30.) . Brief stmt, of main points involved in process of wine fermentation; conservation of wines; points in fermentation of red wines. (Same 1883/5: 24-41.) 1885-1889. Stmt, of general objects and plan of work. (Same 1883/5 (pp. 15-20) — same 1887/9.) 1885/6. Experiments on methods of fermentation; analyses of results. (Same 1885/6: 116-124.) . Calorlmetric measurement of wines. (Same 1885/6: 23-26.) 1886. Table showing decrease of color of red wines from time of pressing until Nov. 20. (Same 1885/6: 135.) . Condensed grape-must and its uses. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 54.) ■ — — . Same. (Rept. vltic. work agrlc. college 1885/6: 42-44.) . Comments on Dr. Springmuehl's book on Italian wines, throwing light on probable future of con- densed-must industry. (Same 1885/6: 47-51.) . The new viticulture bldg. (Same 1885/6: 18-20.) . Communication from C. A. Wetmore, vltic. offi- cer, re. wine industry of state, giving immediate obstacles and suggested remedies. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 214-216.) . Calorlmetric measurement of wines; by Hilgard 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 60.) 1887. Some results of fermentation made at Univ. vitic. laboratory. (Rept. 6 ann. state vitic. conven- tion 1888: 105-111.) . Shall Cal. make sophisticated wines? by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 65.) . Experiments on methods of fermentation; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 63.) . Principles and practice of pasteurizing (of wines); by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 66.) . The extraction of color and tannin during red wine fermentation; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 77.) . Univ. distribution of seeds, plants, etc.; influ- ence of mode of fermentation on color of wine; by Wickson. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 68.) . Wine colors and color wines; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Same, bull. 69.) . Vltic. in south of France, treatise on present and not approved methods of combating phylloxera and common fungoid diseases of vine — app. 5 to ann. rept. chief executive vitic. officer. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 113-118.) . How to avoid and correct imperfect fermenta- tion — app. 4 to ann. rept. chief executive vltic. officer. (Same 1887: 107-112.) . The pure wine bill (with comments and explana- tions) — app. 2 to ann. rept. chief executive vitic. officer. (Same 1887: 97-102.) ■ — — . Same; separate. 8 pp. . Res. adopted by bd. of vitlc. comrs. suggesting national legislation for vitic. Industry. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1887: 71.) •. Remedial legislation needed re. prtg. work of vitic. comrs.; Increased apprn. advised. (Same 1887: 41.) . Comment on Cal. foreign trade in wines and brandies and lack of appreciation at home; im- portance of national law for protection of pure wines and detection and prevention of those that are spurious. (Same 1887: 25-37.) 136 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Liquor — cont'd WrNE — cont'd 1887. Increase of home consumption of Cal. wines needed; influence of freight rates upon increase or decrease of eastern and interior trade. (Same 1887: 39-40.) 1887-1889. Stmt, of average yield of must per ton of grapes by varieties and types. (Rept. vitic. work agric. college 1887/9: 274.) 1887-1890. Comment on production of wine since last rept.; stmt, of prices of wine grapes paid during vintage of 1889. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 15-16.) 1887-1893. Statistical tables showing total receipts of wine and brandy from interior for 3 yrs.; total amt. and value of exports by sea and rail; destina- tion of wines shipped by sea; importations of still wines, champagne, and all sparkling wines, and of brandy. {Same 1889/90 (pp. 24-26) — same 1893/4.) Rept for 1889/90 covers yrs. 1887-1889 ; 1891/2 covers 1890-1891 ; 1893/4 covers 1892-1893. 1887/9. Preservative and remedial processes applied to wines of warm countries; pasteurization, cham- berland filtration, electrical treatment, and ozoni- zation. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1887/9: 277-310.) . Calorimetric measurement of wines. (8am,e 1887/9: 25-27.) 1888. Rept. of A. Haraszthy to R. W. Waterman, gov. of Cal., Apr. 11. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. (Vitic. comn.) . Wine cellars for the interior valleys; paper and discussion. (Rept. 6 ann. state vitic. convention 1888: 78-82.) . Wine-making machinery; paper and discussion. (Same 1888: 83-90.) . Wine and brandy-making as a profession; paper (Same 1888: 91-94.) . Electro-magnetism for aging wines. (Same 1888: 95-97.) . Wine storage and the preserving of fruits in cold storage; paper and discussion. (Same 1888: 44-49.) . So-called sherry flavor in wine and remedies (8am^ 1888: 98-104.) . Fermentation; paper and discussion. (Same 1888: 137-142.) . Lessons of last vintage, frosts, imperfect fer- mentation. (Same 1888: 143-145.) . Cal. wines; by Dr. J. A. Stewart. (Same 1888: 146-149.) . Sophistication of wines; by Prof. W. B. Rising. (Same 1888: 150-157.) . Markets for wine; paper and discussion. (Same 1888: 160-167.) . Wine storage; paper and discussion. (Sams 1888: 168-172.) . Rept. on samples of wines and brandies treated with electro-magnetism. (Same 1888: 210-211.) 1888-1892. Drying wine grapes in Cal. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90 (pp. 21-22) — same 1891/2.) 1888-1894. Minutes of meetings of vitic. comrs. (Same 1889/90 (pp. 83-100)— some 1894.) Minutes are for bienn. periods. 1888-1904. Stmt, showing no. of pure wine labels is- sued to purchasers, names and locations of pur- chasers, no. used, and no. remaining in hands of purchasers, June 30. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1886/8 (pp. 138-139)— same 1902/4.) 1889. Recent stagnation of wine interests occasioned by foisting upon market an inferior article; defects to be remedied by co-operation. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 19-20.) . Rept. of C. A. Wetmore re. proposed sweet wine bill. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 31-34.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Liquor — cont'd Wine — cont'd 1889. Comment on premium wines. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1889: 185-186.) 1889-1892. Repts. of manager of hall and experimental cellar. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90 (pp. 37-43) — same 1891/2.) 1889/90-1900/1. Comparative table showing yrly. pro- duction of wines and brandy. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 161.) 1890. Comment on passage of sweet wine biU. (AR. bd. vitic. comrs. 1889/90: 23.) . Demand for publications issued by comn. since 1880 constant; recommendation that valuable docs. now unobtainable, be again put into print. (Same 1889/90: 23.) . Wines: their care and treatment in cellar and store, together with short treatise on vinification; by R. Boireau. Translated from French. Intro- duction by J. H. Wheeler. (App. V, same 1889/90: 127-271.) . Same; separate. 3 p. 1., 11-148 pp. . Wine industry recovering from period of 3 yrs. of depression caused by Increased production con- sequent on extensive planting prior to 1886; im- portance of using only resistant stocks and graft- ing only finer varieties of grapes; outlook favor- able. (Same 1889/90: 6-7.) . Conservation of wines; by Hilgard. 4 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 87.) . Carpen6's new methods of analysis of raw ma- terials containing tartrates. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1887/9: 343-345.) 1890-1892. Comment on production of wine in state. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 12.) . Comment on work of comn. in finding market for Cal. wines and brandies; exhibits and cafgs. (Same 1891/2: 8-9.) 1891. The sweet wine investigation — extract from Pa- cific Rural Press, Mch. 14, 1891. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1887/9: 340-342.) . On condition of Cal. wine industry. (Trans. state agric. socy. 1891: 22-23.) . Rept. of W. C. Spencer on use of alternating electrical currents in treatment of wines. (AR. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 61-62.) . How to raise the price of grapes, and an analy- sis of the sweet wine law; by C. A Wetmore. 15 pp. (Vitic. comn.) . Rept. of state analyst, on mnftre. of cream of tartar. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 31-38.) 1891-1894. Progress repts. of C. J. Wetmore, chief exec- utive officer. (Same 1891/2 (pp. 21-27) — same 1893/4.) 1891/2. Utilization of wine residues; by Antonio Dal Piaz. Translated from German specially for bd. of vitic. comrs. (Same 1891/2: 143-191.) 1892. Wine: classification, wine-tasting qualities and defects; by G. Grazzi-Sonclni. Translated by F. F. Bioletti of state agric. exper. station. (Sams 1891/2: 203-257; app. E.) . Same; separate. 57 pp. . The vitic. situation. (A.R. bd. vitic. comrs. 1891/2: 7-8.) . Results of sweet wine bill. (Same 1891/2: 13-14.) . Suppl. rept. of C. J. Wetmore, chief executive officer; market in England; experimental stations; translations of new researches upon resistance of, and exemption from, phylloxera. (Same 1891/2: 261-279.) 1892-1899. Comparative table showing Cal. wine pro- duct, with comments on the industry in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 17-18.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA isr INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Liquor — cont'd Wine — cont'd 1892/4. Depressed condition of vitic. during last bienn. period. (Rapt. bd. vitic. comrs. 1893/4: 6-7.) 1893. Rept. of C. A. Wetmore on the Oldham rept. on Cal. wines and on question of tariff on wines. (Same 1893/4: 55-58.) Rept. is referred to as having been made to a Britlsli Royal Commission. Tlie compiler was unable to locate it either in the Parliamentary Papers or in the British Museum Catalogue. Oldham did read a paper before the Society of Arts, etc. on Cal. wines, which was printed in London in 1894 as a 12-page pamphlet. 1893-1896. Fermentation: general principles and ex- periments with pure and selected yeasts; by P. T. Bioletti. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1887/93: 379-421.) 1894. New sweet wine law, as amended by Congress. (Rept. bd. vitic. comrs. 1893/4: 71-74.) . Attempted organization of syndicate to control bulk of crop in order to secure better prices for wine. (A.R. same 1893/4: 11.) . Composition and classification of grapes, musts, and wines; by E. W. Hilgard. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1887/93: 3-16.) . Treatise on wine production and special repts. on wine examinations, the tariff and internal reve- nue taxes, and chemical analyses. 92 pp., pi., 6 tables. App. B, rept. vitic. comn. 1893/4. 1896. On quantities of nitrogenous matters contained in Cal. musts and wines; by G. B. Colby. (Rept. of vitic. work agric. college 1887/93: 422-447.) 1897. Control of temperature in wine fermentation; by Hayne. 19 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 117.) 1900. Preservation of unfermented grape must; by Bioletti and dal Plaz. 12 pp. {Same, bull. 130.) . Cal. wines in France. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1900: 181-182.) 1902. Grape growing and wine industry in state. (8 same 1901/2: 424-429.) 1904. Native wines and their future; by P. T. Morgan, pres. Cal. Wine Assn. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 356-362.) . Res. passed by Fruit Growers' Convention agst. repeal or alteration of present sweet wine law. (1 same 1903/4: 382.) NAPA VALLEY 1883. Wine making in Napa Valley, agric. socy. 1882: 154-155.) (Trans, state SANTA CLARA VALLEY See above. Analyses. SONOMA COUNTY See above. Analyses. Mines and Mining Califobnia See also names of counties under Natural Resources. Mineral. A very large quantity of material properly belonging here has been grouped under Natural Resources. Mineral. In order to avoid excessive duplication of entries, as well as to facilitate both the use of this index and of the material indexed, it has been thought best to keep as much as possible of the material relating to the minerals, together in one place. 1853. Majority and minority repts. re. advisability of calling miners' convention to formulate plan for working mineral lands. 7 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 35.) 1864. Veto of act concerning the Calaveras Mining Co. (Sen. jol. 15 sess. pp. 232-233.) 1874/5. Details of work at no. 8 claim (hydraulic gold mine). North Bloomfleld Co. (9 A.R. state miner- alogist 1888/9: 138.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Mines and Mining — cont'd California — cont'd 1877-1888. Bodie Mines' statistics — historical tables giving bullion shipments (1877-1888) with divi- dends and assessments; gold and silver percentages for 1879-1882; ore and bullion statistics, Bodie Con- solidated Mining Co. for 1881-1883. (8 same 1887/8: 396-401.) 1878/9. Flow of mining detritus — effect of flow of mining detritus and valley rivers: mining detritus and valley lands; tables showing sediment trans- ported by waters of Yuba, Bear, American, Feather, and Sacramento Rivers. 72 pp. (Rept. state engr. 1878/9 pt. 3.) 1879. Summary of table showing depreciation in value of lands damaged by mining debris in various localities — area, probable present value, if not cov- ered with debris, present value, depreciation to owners, and ann. loss to state in taxes. (Same 1878/9 pt. 3: 21.) 1882. Description of North Bloomfleld tunnel and its auxiliary shafts, together with other extensive tun- nels. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 163-164.) 1886. Stmt, of no. of incorporated cos. flled in office of secy, of state from July 1, 1884, to July 1, 1886; no. of mineral and coal patents issued by U. S. for claims in Cal. to Nov. 13, 1886; no. of hydraulic mines enjoined. (6 A.R. same 1885/6 pt. 2: 64.) . Mine drainage in Cal. and Pacific coast; by C. G. Yale. (6 same 1885/6 pt. 2: 74-88.) 1888. Mineral resources of state considered by cos.; description of mines individually. (8 same 1887/8: 22-691.) For analysis of each county, see the co. divisions under Natural Resources. Mineral. 1889/90-1890/2. Repts. of asst. in field on mines and mining, by cos. (10 same 1889/90 (pp. 91-102)— 11 same 1890/2.) All COS. in state given excepting Glenn, Kings, Madera, and Riverside in 1889/90 ; in 1890/2 following are given : Alameda, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norto, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Kern, Lake, Lassen, Los Angeles, Marin, Mendocino, Merced, Monterey, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Benito, San Diego, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tu- lare, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba. 1890. Map of mines and locations in vicinity of Sierra Buttes. (10 same 1889/90 facing p. 642.) . Locations of mines — suggestions by R. P. Ham- mond, Jr., ex-U. S. surveyor gen. of Cal. (10 same 1889/90: 883-896.) . List of hydraulic mines in Trinity Co.; seven plates given. (10 same 1889/90: 717-718; 720-727.) . See also Land: State. Mineral; this date. 1892/4-1894/6. Bienn. rept. on mines and mining pro- ducts of state arranged alphabetically by subjects, COS., mines, etc. (12 rept. state mineralogist 1890/2 (pp. 21-411)— same 1894/6.) In 1894/6 rept, tabulated stmts, of capacity and product of gold mills in each co. also given. 1894. Map of principal gravel mines in vicinity of Placerville; of channel system of Harmony Ridge; Nevada Co. (12 same 1892/4.) . Electric power transmission plants and use of electricity in mining operations; by T. H. Leggett (12 same 1892/4: 413-455.) . Same; separate. 45 pp., illus., pi. 1896. Mine drainage, pumps, etc.; by H. C. Behr. 210 pp., illus. (State mining bureau bull. 9.) . Electric-power transmission plants in Cal.; by W. F. C. Hasson. (13 rept. state mineralogist 1894/6: 673-678.) 138 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AITO MANUFACTURES— cont'd Mines and Mining — cont'd Caucfobnia — cont'd 1896. Water power and compressed air transmission plant for North Star Mining Co., Grass Valley; by A. DeW. Foote. (13 same 1894/6: 706-720.) Deift Mining 1852-1882. See below. Hydraulic Mining; these dates. 1872-1880. History of Bald Mt. mine, standing at head of drift mines — Its output, etc. (2 rept. state min- eralogist 1880/2 app. pp. 176-179.) 1872/3-1879/80. Historical table showing ann. yield and dividends of Bald Mt. drift gold mine in Forest City, Sierra Co. (9 same 1888/9: 121.) 1878-1880. Tabular stmt, of receipts, expenditures, and corresponding profits of the Hidden Treasure drift mine at Sunny South. (2 same 1880/2 app. pp. 184-185.) 1882. See below Hydraulic Mining; this date. 1888. Drift mining in Cal.; by R. L. Dunn. (8 A.R. state mineralogist 1886/7: 736-770.) PliACBK COUNTY 1889. Stmt re. work on survey of drift mining distrs. of Forest Hill Ridge in Placer Co.; by R. E. Browne. (9 A.R. state mineralogist 1888/9: 45-46.) SIEEEA COUNTY 1865-1875. Table showing results reached in several of moderately prosperous drift mines of Sierra Co. during period of 10 yrs. (2 rept. state mineralo- gist 1880/2 app. p. 181.) HYDKAtTLic Mining In order to arold unnecessary duplication, all the ma- terial growing out of the controversy relating to Injury to farming lands and river navigation from hydraulic mining has been grouped under Blver Conservancy, which see. 1852-1882. Hydraulic and drift mining in Cal.; by H. Degrott, M. D. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2 app. pp. 133-190.) 1878. Dams, ditches, and reservoirs of Cal. in use in hydraulic mining. (2 same 1880/2: 36-43.) 1882. Placer, hydraulic, and drift mining; general re- marks, with description of each as practiced In Cal. from discovery of gold till present time. (2 same 1880/2: 28-157.) . Sources and supply of water for hydraulic mines of Cal. (2 same 1880/2: 46-47.) . Bed rocks and gravels of hydraulic mines in state; genesis of auriferous gravels. (2 same 1880/2: 93-101.) . Notes on hydraulic mining; by F. W. Robinson. (2 same 1880/2 app. pp. 117-129.) . No., length, size, and cost of mining ditches in Cal.; storing and distributing reservoirs. (2 sam^ 1880/2 app. pp. 159-163.) . Table showing average height of gravel bands washed; pressure under which water was used; no. of cubic feet of gravel run off; cubic yds. moved per miners' inch of water, and yield per cubic yd. of some leading and a few smaller hydraulic mines of state — estimates extending over different periods. (2 same 1880/2 app. p. 170.) 1889. River bed mining; how carried on in CaL; the Big Bend tunnel, the largest of its kind; northern tier of cos. (9 same 1888/9: 29-32.) . River mining in Cal. (9 same 1888/9: 262-281.) 1894. Comment on operations of hydraulic mines of state under "committee law"; list of mines to which permits have been granted to mine by " hy- draulic method," by U. S. D6bris Comn. (12 same 1892/4: 12-15.) 1896. List of hydraulic mines working under permis- sion from U. S. Debris Comn., with date of issue of permit. (13 same 1894/6: 15-17.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Mines and Mining — cont'd MiNBBS' License Act; see License Places Mining 1855. Implements for placer and ditch mining greatly improved. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 23.) 1882. See above. Hydraulic Mining; this date. South Cabouna 1884. Mines of S. C; taken from rept. of state agric. socy. 1884. (5 A.R. state mineralogist 1884/5: 192- 194.) Mining Canals and Ditches 1854. Canals and ditches extensively constructed to supply dry mining regions with water, making usual abandoning of mines during summer unnec- essary. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 22-23.) 1855. Sierra Nevada Mt. Canal begun. (Bame 1856: 16.) . More canals and water courses constructed dur- ing yr. (Same 1856: 15.) . Stmt, by COS., of mileage and value of canals and ditches in state, showing increase in both over 1854. (Bame 1856: 16.) . Stmt, of value and mileage of canals and ditches in seven mining cos. of state. (Bame 1855: 24.) 1856. Majority rept. of special committee on agric. and mining interests on Assem. bill 84. 5 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 7 sess. doc. [19].) 1858. Majority and minority repts. of corporations committee on Sen. bill 6, re. use of private property by corporations, for mining canals and ditches. 16 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 9 sess. doc. [12].) 1894/6. Rept on mining and irrigating canals, arte- sian wells, etc., in Alameda, Amador, Butte, Cala- veras, Colusa, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Kings, Mono, Monterey, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benito, San Diego, S. F., Sta. Barbara, Sta. Clara, Sta. Cruz, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trin- ity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura (canals), Yolo, and Yuba COS. (13 rept. state mineralogist 1894/6: 525- 566.) Oleomargarine 1887-1901. Comments on oleomargarine, and table showing growth of oleomargarine production. (4 rept. dairy bureau 1900/2: 8-10.) 1896. List of cases which have been prosecuted for violations of present law: The People vs. John Moriarity, selling oleomargarine without giving no- tice to purchaser, as required by law; The People vs. John Moriarity, selling tub semblance of butter produced from pure milk or cream; The People vs. John Moriarity, selling oleomargarine without giv- ing notice to purchaser, as required by law. (1 same 1895/6: 15-16.) 1902. Comments on federal oleomargarine law. (4 saTne 1900/2: 10-12.) Olives and Olive Oil 1888-1891. Comparative table giving total product of oUve oil Industry in Cal. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1891: 80.) 1891. Adulterants in olive oils. (Bame 1891: 133-137.) . Olive oil adulteration; by L. Papareell. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1891: 174-177.) 1892. Olive oil act and act to regulate practice of pharmacy inoperative because of defect In condi- tion of enforcement; recommended amdmts. to both. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 2-3.) 1901. Pickling ripe and green olives; by Bioletti. 21 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 137.) 1902. Rept. of prosecution of a co. in Los Angeles for coloring green olives to resemble ripe olives. (8 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1901/2: 10-11.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 139 INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Olives and Olive Oil — cont'd 1904. Cal. olive oil; its manufacture; by Shaw. 33 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 158.) Inspection; see above, that title Paper 1855. Utilization of tule possible for paper mnftre., and steps taken to ascertain value of same. (Govs, ann. mess. 1855: 14-15.) . Tule samples experimented witli by paper mnftrers. insuflScient for absolute determination, but good results obtained from quantity examined. (Same 1856: 22.) Perfume 1862-1868. Because of failure of supply of turpentine and rosin during Civil War that industry was car- ried on in state for a time, but discontinued; an industry which grew out of this and survived it was the mnftre. of a perfume and a detergent from sap of nut pine, known under various names of erasine, aurantine, etc. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 209-210.) Pottery 1889. Article on pottery, with view to introduction of this industry into Cal.; by L. Irelan. (9 A.R. state mineralogist 1888/9: 240-261.) Preservatives Inspection; see that title Production 1879. Stmt, giving no. of lbs. and gallons of wool, honey, and liquors produced, by cos. (A.R. equali- zation bd. 1880: 121.) 1893. The productive qualities of Cal.; reviewed by Gen. N. P. Chipman, chrm. of committee on indus- trial resources, as his ann. rept. to State Bd. of Trade. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1893: 108-124.) . Cal. in a productive sense. (Same 1893: 17.) Beet-Stjgab; see below, Sugar Beandt; see above, Liquob BtrrTEB; see above, Daiet Indttstbt Cheese; see same. Coal; see Natdbal Resotjbces. Mineeal Coppeb; see Natubal Resottrces. Mineeai, Dabby Peoducts; see above, Daiet Indttstbt Fruit; see above, Feutt Industet Gold; see Natural Resources. Mineeal Lead; see Natubal Resoubces. Mineral Lime; see above, that title Mineral; see Natural Resources. Mineral Oleomabgaeine; see above, that title Petroleum; see Natural Resources. Mineeal Quioksilveb; see Natubal Resoubces. Mineeal Raisins; see above. Fruit Industet Salt; see below, that title Wine; see above, Liquob Salt See also Alameda, Colusa, Mendocino and Sacramento COS. under Natural Resources. Mineral. 1860-1880. Table exhibiting comparative stmt, of salt industry, according to census of 1880, 1870, and 1860, for principal salt-producing states; no. of establishments, no. of blocks or furnaces, no. of vats, capital employed, wages paid, value of ma- terials used, amt. and value of salt produced. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 226.) Califobnia 1848-1882. On occurrence of salt in Cal. and its mnftres. (2 rept. state mineralogist 1880/2: 217- 226.) 1872-1880. Stmt, of ann. yield of salt from Union Pa- cific works for 10 yrs. (2 same 1880/2: 224.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Salt— cont'd California — cont'd 1884. A new enterprise — establishment of extensive salt works near Dos Palmas, San Diego Co., by Liverpool Salt Co. of Cal. (4 same 1883/4: 351- 352.) Shipbuilding 1854. Many of water craft employed on inland waters constructed within state. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 26.) Silk Culture serial 1 series 1883. Ann. rept. of state bd. of silk culture, 1. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1883 In App. to Jols. 26 sess. v. 5 unnum. doc. 2 series 1883/4. Bienn. rept. of state bd. of silk culture, 1. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1883/4 In App. to Jols. 26 sess. v. 5 unnum. doe. 3 series 1886-1888. Rept. of state bd. of silk culture. In Collected docs, as follows : 1886 In App. to .1ols. 27 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1888 in App. to jols. 28 sess. v. 5 unnum. doe. non-serial 1856-1867. Silk culture in Cal.; its history, present and future prospects, and instructions to beginners. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1866/7: 469-494.) 1865-1871. Silk culture In Cal. (Same 1864/5 (pp. 256-258)— some 1870/1.) 1867. Repeal or modification of act of 1866 for encour- agement of silk culture in Cal. recommended, lest state be bankrupted. (Rept. atty. gen. 1866/7: 7.) . Silk mnftre. recommended as a profitable Indus- try for Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1866/7: 451- 454.) 1868. Memorial of J. Neumann re. silk culture in Cal. 12 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) . Memorial of L. Prevost re. publishing informa- tion on silk culture of Cal. 4 pp. (Same 17 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) . Memorial of committee of Pioneer Silk Growers of Cal. 9 pp. (Same 17 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1868/9. Repts. of committee on silk culture. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1867/8: 123-125; 208-210.) 1869. Supreme Court, upon review of proceedings of bd. of judges in matter of premiums on mulberry plantations, decided action of bd. to be erroneous, and reversed same, by which state was saved sum of $14,775. (Rept. atty. gen. 1868/9: 9.) 1870. Memorial of J. Neumann re. Amer. flag present- ed to state, with history of silk mnftre. in state. 14 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1871. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for silk culture. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71: 50.) . Silk culture in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 430-434.) 1883. Memorial of Cal. Silk Culture Assn. for state aid. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 25 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1884-1892. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state bd. of silk culture. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1882/4 (p. 54)— same 1890/2.) 1886. General instructions for rearing silk-worms, with a treatise on securing healthy silk-worm eggs; .... by Mrs. Louisa RIenzi, secy. bd. of silk cul- ture. 22 pp., Illus. 1889. Same. 35 pp., lUus. 16°. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 140 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Silk Culture— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1901. Silk and silk culture in Cal.j by Mrs. C. Wil- liams, of San Diego. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 106-109.) 1904. Silk culture; by C. W. Woodworth. 6 pp. (Cir- cular 12, Agric. exper. station.) Sugar 1857-1880. Cal. sugar industry; by Shaw. 54 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 149.) Beet Sugae 1870. Rept. on act to encourge production and mnftre. of sugar from sugar-beets in Cal. (Assem. jol. 18 sess. pp. 476-476.) 1870-1873. Amt. of beet sugar produced in state since introduction of industry. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1874: 302.) 1871. Rept. of success of Cal. Beet Sugar Co. (Same 1870/1: 211-212.) 1871-1875. Culture of sugar-beet in state. (Same 1870/1 (pp. 462-467)— same 1875.) No returns In 1872. 1880. The beet sugar industry in state. (A.R. agric. college 1880: 36-40.) 1887. Sugar beets at Fresno; Hessian fly and resistant grains; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. sta- tion, bull. 72.) . Same. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1890: 116-123.) . Comment on sugar-beet culture in Cal. by pres. bd. agric; stmt, from C. Spreckles re. same and as to his intention of creating beet-sugar factories. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1887: 15-16; 222-223.) 1887-1890. Analyses and examinations of apricots and sugar-beets. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1890: 115- 123.) 1888-1894. History of establishment of Chino Beet Sugar Factory. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 129-132.) 1888-1898. Comparative table showing beet sugar pro- duction of various factories in state, with rept. of condition of industry. {Same 1899: 18-21.) 1888-1901. Brief review of beet sugar industry. {Same 1901: 137-138.) 1891. Analyses of sugar-beets and discussion of results. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1891/2: 116-119.) 1892. Sugar-beet culture on Chino Ranch. (Same 1891/2: 217-220.) 1893. Culture of sugar-beet in Cal.; by Hon. R. Gird, of Chino. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1893: 102-107.) . Condition of beet sugar industry in state. (Same 1893: 19-20.) 1894-1899. Comparative table showing ann. production of beet sugar in different states. (Same 1899: 20.) 1895. The growing of sugar-beets on alkali soils; analyses of beets, and soils in lO-acre tract, Chino Ranch, Southern Cal. Station, giving contents of soluble salts and distribution of alkali salts; by E. W. Hilgard and R. H. Loughridge. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1894/5: 71-91.) . Comment on sugar-beets in Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 22-25.) . Beet sugar industry; extracts from pamphlet compiled and published by the Sacramento Bank, in their desire to encourage experiments in various sections of state. (Same 1895: 125-152.) . Prof. Hilgard on failure of beet sugar factory at Brighton, Sacramento Co. (Same 1895: 141-142.) 1896. Beet sugar industry of Cal. 35 pp. (State agric. socy.) Not seen ; title from Bowker. . Stmt, of cost of raising, and profits derived from 238 acres of beets, in San Juan Valley. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1899: 21.) INDUSTRIES, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURES— cont'd Sugar — cont'd Beet Susab — cont'd 1899-1903. Tables giving production of hops and out- put of beet sugar in Cal. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 115.) Inspection; see above, that title Textiles 1855. Cotton industry, heretofore exercising controll- ing influence upon exchanges with other nations, now of less importance and potency than Cal. gold productions, although increased in value and im- portance. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 15.) Wool 1854-1879. Cumulative comparative table giving wool production of Cal., taken from books of E. Grisor & Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1876 (p. 90) — same 1879.) 1854-1891. Comparative table of wool production in Cal. since first record of same, showing a falling off since 1876. (Same 1891: 20.) 1855-1863. Same; showing product of wool in state, and increase per cent for each series of yrs. (Same 1863: 265.) 1867. Growth of wool industry in state; attention called to frauds in wools and legislative action rec- ommended. (Same 1866/7: 12-13.) 1874. Wool rept. for yr. (Same 1874: 499-510.) 1876-1899. Comparative table showing wool clip since 1876 and no. of sheep since 1895; with comments. (Same 1899: 32.) 1890-1891. Same; showing wool production of Cal. (Same 1901: 162.) 1899-1903. Table showing wool production for last 5 yrs. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 114.) INEBRIETY; see PUBLIC HEALTH INHERITANCE TAX; see TAXATION: STATE INJURIOUS INSECTS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS INSANE Maintenance; see Maintenance: State INSANE CRIMINALS Maintenance; see Maintenance: State INSECTICIDES Application; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests Inspection; see Industries, etc. INSECTS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS INSPECTION AND REGULATION Crops; see Agriculture. Crops. Quarantine, etc Fish; see Fish and Game Industries; see that title Nursery Stock; see Agriculture. Crops. Inspection INSXTRANCE serial Under Act of March 26, 1868. 1868-1904. Ann. rept. of the insurance comr., 1-37. In Collected docs, as follows : The 1-4, 6-8, 29-31 and 34 repts. are not in the Col- lected docs., of these, therefore a checklist collation is given. 1. 1868 omitted. Sacramento. 202 pp. with index. 2. 1869 omitted. Sacramento. 368 pp. with index. 3. 1870 omitted. Sacramento. 284 pp. with Index. 4. 1871 omitted. Sacramento. 292 pp. with index. 5. 1872 in App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 141 INSURANCE— cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd San Francisco. 6. 1873 omitted. with index. 7. 1874 omitted, witli index. 8. 1875 omitted. San Francisco. iiminary report.) 9. 1876 in App. to ]ois 10. 1877 92, xiv, 15-128 pp., San Francisco. 48, 111, 49-244 pp., 122 pp. (Called pre- 11. 1878 " " 12. 1879 " " 13. 1880 " " 14. 1881 " " 15. 1882 " " 16. 1883 " " 17. 1884 " " 18. 1885 " " 19. 1886 " " 20. 1887 " " 21. 1888 " " 22. 1889 " " 23. 1890 " " 24. 1891 " " 25. 1892 " " 26. 1893 " " 27. 1894 " " 28. 1895 " " 29. 1896 omitted. 30. 1897 omitted. 31. 1898 omitted. 22 sess. 23 T. 2 unnum. doc. V. 3 23 " T. 3 24 " v. 1 25 " V. 2 25 " T. 5 25 " V. 5 26 " T. 3 27 " V. 7 27 " V. 7 28 " V. 2 " 28 " V. 2 " 28 " T. 7 " 29 " T. 7 " 30 " V. 6 " 30 " V. 6 " 31 " v. 3 " 31 " T. 3 " 32 " T. 3 doc. [3]. " 32 " V. 3 " [4]. Preliminary rept. only published. Preliminary rept. only published. Preliminary rept. only published. 32. 1899 in App. to jols. 34 sess. v. 2 doc. [6]. 33. 1900 ' 35 " V. 2 " [5]. 34. 1901 omitted. 35. 1902 in App. to jols. 36 sess. v. 3 unnum. doe. 36. 1903 " " " " 36 " v. 3 B 1889-1902. Ann. preliminary rept. of insurance, 22-35. Checlslist 22. 1889. n. t. p. 18 pp. 23. 1890. " 18 pp. 24. 1891. " 19 pp. 25. 1892. Sacramento, 1892. 124 pp. 26. 1893. n. t. p. 17 pp. 27. 1894. Sacramento, 1894. 133 pp. 28. 1895. n. t p. 16 pp. 29. 1896. " 23 pp. 30. 1897. " 16 pp. 31. 1898. " 15 pp. 32. 1899. " 15 pp. 33. 1900. None Issued. 34. 1901. n. t. p. 15 pp. 35. 1902. " 16 pp. non-serial 1868. Rept. on condition of cos. in S. F. (1 A.R. in- surance comr. 1868: 9.) . Liist of cos. incorporated under Cal. laws trans- acting business in state. (1 same 1868: 8.) . Stmt, giving insurance cos. not organized under laws of state, duly licensed and transacting busi- ness in state at time of organization of this office. (1 same 1868: 6-7.) . List of insurance cos. organized under laws of otter states and countries, which had relinquished business of this state prior to organization of this office. (1 same 1868: 6.) 1868-1871. Table showing no. of premiums reed. (19 same 1886: 5.) 1870. List of Cal. insurance cos. doing business on Dec. 31. (3 same 1870: 4.) . List of COS. of other states which were prompt in handing in repts. with dates on which they filed their stmts. (3 same 1870: 11-13.) . Rept. on acts passed at 18th sess. of legisl., af- fecting insurance business of state. (3 same 1870: 8-10.) 1872. List of COS. admitted to do business in state during yr. (5 same 1872: 6.) . List of COS. that have ceased to do business in state. (5 same 1872: 6-8.) . Table giving misc. information: losses paid from organization to date; losses incurred during yr.; total amt. of stock owned by directors; total amt. loaned officers and directors, etc. (5 same 1872: 36-37.) INSURANCE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1872-1875. Comparative stmt, of all cos. in state. (9 same 1876: 3-4.) / 1873. Stmt, giving no. of cos. doing business in state, on June 1, 1873, classified as to their resp. locali- ties of organization. (5 same 1872: 7.) . Stmt, of cos. admitted since Jan. 1, 1872. (5 same 1872: 384-394.) 1876. Stmt, showing amt. of insurance business done In state during yr.; also detail, condition and busi- ness of several insurance cos. organized under laws of state. (9 same 1876: 3-4.) 1876-1879. Stmt, of no. of property insurance cos. authorized to transact business in state at this date and classified as to localities of organization. (9 same 1876 (pp. 4-5)— 12 same 1879.) 1876-1895. Ann. stmts, of Cal. insurance cos. (9 same 1876 (pp. 19-40)— 28 same 1895.) 1876-1903. Stmt, giving no. of cos. that have ceased to do business in state during yr. (9 same 1876 (p. 4)— 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. . Stmt, giving no. of insurance cos. that have been admitted to transact business in state during yr. (9 same 1876 (p. 4) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1880. Recommendation re. extending time for filing ann. stmts, of foreign cos. from May 1 to June 1; also to diminish fine to more moderate sum. (13 same 1880: 17.) 1881-1903. Table showing amt. and description of risks in force Dec. 31, of Cal. insurance cos., Cal. busi- ness. (14 same 1881 (p. 6)— 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1882-1903. Table showing business of Cal. insurance COS., Cal. business. (15 same 1882 (pp. 6-7) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1886. Table giving misc. cos. doing business in state. (19 same 1886: 5.) . Recommendation that proper legislation be had for complete compilation of all insurance laws, and that they be published in pamphlet form for use of this dept. and distribution to parties interested. (19 same 1886: 8.) 1886-1903. Table showing yr. of organization, location, name of pres., secy., agt. or atty. for Cal., and date of certificate of authority issued by insurance comr. and date of commencement of business in Cal. of all insurance cos. authorized to transact business, Dec. 31. (19 same 1886 (pp. 26-29) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1887. Recommendation re. legisl. amdg. sec. 439 of penal code so as to fix more severe penalty for its violation and also declare that all policies of in- surance so placed shall be null and void. (20 sam.e 1887: 6.) 1887-1888. Ann. examination of all cos. (20 same 1887 (p. 6)— 21 same 1888.) 1887-1890. Table giving total no. of classified cos. act- ing under authority of this dept. (20 same 1887 (p. 4)— 23 same 1890.) 1888-1890. Comments on unauthorized insurance in state. (21 same 1888 (pp. 7-9) — 23 same 1890.) 1894. Comments on removal of suits to federal courts. (27 same 1894: 25-26.) . Comments on the Hooper case: Supreme Court of U. S. decides that a state has right to prevent foreign corporations from carrying on business within its limits, either absolutely or upon condi- tions and upholds the constitutionality of Cal. stat- ute prohibiting brokers from placing insurance in unauthorized corporations. (27 same 1894: 28-32.) 142 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA INSUItANCE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1894. Comments on that part of sec. 627 of Political Code requiring all stmts., estimates, percentages, payments, and calculations of insurance dept. to be made in gold coin of U. S. (27 same 1894: 39.) . Comments on the appraisement of real estate, and agts'. balances. (27 same 1894: 38.) . Recommendation for passage of law that in fu- ture all applications of insurance cos. to do busi- ness in state shall be submitted to atty. gen. for examination and opinion upon legality of articles of incorporation. (26 same 1894: 7.) 1894-1895. Table showing amt. of risks written, pre- miums reed., and amt. of risks in force, Dec. 31, 1894, with premiums thereon, of misc. insurance cos. doing business in Cal. (27 same 1894 (p. 129) —28 same 1895.) 1894-1903. Table showing various items composing ex- penditures of misc. insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (27 same 1894 (p. 128)— 36 same 1903.) . Table showing various items composing incomes of misc. insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (27 same 1894 (p. 127)— 36 same 1903.) Ko repts. 1896-1898. . Same; composing liabilities, except capital stock, of misc. insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (27 same 1894 (pp. 125-126)— 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. . Same; composing assets of misc. insurance cos. doing business in CaL, Dec. 31. (27 same 1894 (pp. 123-124)— 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. . Summary of assets, liabilities, income, expendi- tures, etc., of misc. insurance cos. doing business in CaL. Dec 31. (27 same 1894 (p. 122)— 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1895. Comments on local cos. (28 same 1895: 4-5.) . Comment on the rate war. (28 same 1895: 7-8.) . Comments on Ufe insurance policies, secret so- cieties, and rebating. (28 same 1895: 8-11.) 1902. Remarks on legislation and taxation. (35 same 1902: 11-14.) . Remarks on publication of insurance laws. (35 sam^ 1902: 14-15.) , Comments on co. examinations. (35 same 1902: 15.) 1903. Tabular stmt, showing amt of risks written, premiums reed., losses paid, and ratio of losses to premiums, comparing business done by CaL cos., COS. of other state, and cos. of foreign countries. (36 same 1903: 4.) . Comments on " unauthorized insurance " in this country. (36 same 1903: 12-14.) Accident 1882-1890. Table showing business of accident, fidelity and casualty, and plate glass insurance cos., for yr. endg. Dec. 31, Cal. business. (15 A.R. insurance comr. 1882 (p. 19)— 24 same 1891.) 1888. Stmt, of accident, fidelity, steam boiler, plate glass, and title insurance cos.; figures given col- lectively. (21 same 1888: 7.) 1891-1903. Table showing business of accident insur- ance COS., CaL business. (24 same 1891 (pp. 9-19) —36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1902. Remarks on condition of accident business for yr. (35 same 1902: 10.) 1903. Remarks on health and accident insurance dur- ing yr. (36 same 1903: 10.) Assessment; see below, that title INSURANCE— cont'd Assessment 1886. Comments on assessment cos. in CaL and other states. (19 A,R. Insurance comr. 1886: 8-10.) Life and Accideht 1886-1887. Recommendations re. necessary legislation regulating life and casualty insurance cos. con- ducted upon assessment or co-operative plan, and for enactment of law that will bring these cos. under jurisdiction of this dept. (19 A.R. insurance comr. 1886 (p. 8) — 20 same 1887.) 1891-1895. Table showing business of assessment life, accident, and endowment Insurance cos. for yr., Cal. business. (24 same 1891 (p. 21) — 28 same 1895.) 1891-1902. Table summarizing assessment life insur- ance business in CaL for past 12 yrs. (35 same 1902: 9.) 1894-1903. Tabular stmt, indicating business done in CaL, by assessment life and accident cos. during past 10 yrs. (36 same 1903: 9.) 1895. Table showing items composing assets, liabili- ties, incomes, and disbursements of assessment life and accident insurance cos. doing business in CaL, Dec. 31. (28 same 1895: 98-103.) . Table showing risks written, and risks termi- nated during yr. endg. Dec. 31, of assessment life and accident insurance cos. doing business in CaL (28 same 1895: 104-105.) . Comments on assessment life insurance; life in- surance policies; secret societies and rebating. (28 same 1895: 8-11.) 1899. Table showing various items composing dis- bursements of assessment life insurance cos. doing business in CaL, Dec. 31. (32 same 1899: 83.) 1899-1900. Table showing risks written and risks ter- minated during yr. endg. Dec. 31, of assessment life insurance cos. doing business in Cal. (32 same 1899 (p. 84) — 33 same 1900.) . Table showing business of assessment life, and sick benefit insurance cos. for yr., CaL business. (32 same 1899 (p. 17) — 33 same 1900.) 1900-1902. Table showing various items composing as- sets, liabilities, incomes, and expenditures of as- sessment life insurance cos. doing business in CaL Dec. 31. (33 same 1900 (pp. 81-82) — 34 some 1902.) 1902. Table showing amt. of risks written, risks termi- nated, and risks in force at end of yr. of assess- ment life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (35 same 1902: 88.) 1903. Table showing various items composing assets, liabilities, incomes, and expenditures of assessment life and accident insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (36 same 1903: 89-90.) . Table showing assets of risks written, risks ter- minated, and risks in force at end of yr. of assess- ment life and accident insurance cos. doing busi- ness in CaL, Dec. 31. (36 same 1903: 90.) MuTUAi; see below, that title Bond Investment; see below. Guarantee Burglary 1899-1903. Table showing burglary insurance, Cal. business. (32 AJl. insurance comr. 1899 (p. 16) — 36 same 1903.) 1902-1903. Remarks on condition of burglary insur- ance for yr. (35 same 1902 (p. 11) — ^36 some 1903.) Casualty; see above, Accident Co-operative; see Benefidaiy Organizations Credit Indemnity 1899-1903. Table showing credit indemnity insurance for yr., Cal. business. (32 A.R. insurance comr. (p. 17)— 36 some 1903.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 143 INSURANCE— cont'd Credit Indemnity — cont'd 1902-1903. Remarks on condition of credit Indemnity Insurance for yr. (35 same 1902 (p. 11) — 36 same 1903.) Deposits 1894. Recommendation re. law being enacted requir- ing a deposit of $200,000 of every foreign co. doing business in Cal.; deposit to be made either in Cal. or some state in Union, and to consist wlien deposit is made in state, of tliose securities in -whicli insur- ance COS. are permitted to invest funds; to be made witli state treasurer in trust for benefit of all policy-holders in U. S.; to be exchanged whenever necessary, and returned to co. when all liability ceases. (27 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 5.) 1896. Stmt, showing amt. and kind of securities in state treasury at close of business June 30, de- posited through state insurance comr. for benefit of policy-holders of various insurance cos. (A.R. state treasurer 1894/6: 58.) 1896/8-1902. Stmt, showing deposits with state treas- urer, authorized by state insurance comr. (Same 1896/8 (p. 47)— bienn. rept. same 1900/2.) 1904. Stmt, showing deposits on hand, June 30, author- ized by state insurance comr. to be held by state treasurer, for protection of policy-holders. (Same 1902/4: 81.) Employers' Liability 1899-1903. Table showing business of employers' lia- bility insurance cos. for yr., Cal. business. (32 A. R. insurance comr. 1899 (p. 15) — 36 same 1903.) 1902-1903. Remarks on condition of employers' liabil- ity insurance. (35 same 1902 (p. 10) — 36 same 1903.) Endowment 1891-1895. See above, Assessment. Life and Accident Expenditures for 1869-1873. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for expenses of in- surance comr. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1867/9 (p. 63)— same 1871/3.) 1882-1904. Same; for insurance comr. (Same 1880/2 (p. 60)— same 1902/4.) 1888-1904. Stmt, of condition of insurance comr's. special fund. (Same 1886/8 (p. 85) — same 1902/4.) Fidelity 1882-1890. See above, Accident; these dates. 1888. See same; this date. 1891-1895. Table showing business of fidelity, steam boiler, and plate glass insurance cos. for yr., Cal. business. (24 A.R. insurance comr. 1891 (p. 20) — 28 same 1895.) 1899-1903. Table showing fidelity and surety business for yr., Cal. business. (32 same 1899 (p. 15) — 36 some 1903.) 1902-1903. Remarks on condition of fidelity and surety insurance business for yr. (35 same 1902 (p. 10) —36 same 1903.) Fire 1868-1870. Table showing average rate of premium reed, by Cal. insurance cos. on fire risks in force Dec. 31; also percentage of reserve for reinsurance on fire risks to the fire risks in force Dec. 31. (3 A.R. insurance comr. 1870: 5.) 1875-1891. Table showing average percentage of losses to premiums on fire risks for past 12 yrs. (19 same 1886 (p. 3) — 24 same 1891.) 1875-1900. Table giving ratios of losses to premiums on fire risks for 12 yrs. (20 same 1887 (p. 3)— 33 same 1900.) No repts. 1896-1898. INSURANCE— cont'd Fire — cont'd 1875-1903. Comparative stmt, giving ratio of losses to premiums on fire risks for 29 yrs. (36 same 1903: 5.) 1876-1880. Table giving fire risks in force Dec. 31, cos. of foreign countries. (9 some 1876 (p. 48) — 13 some 1880.) 1876-1894. Table showing business of fire cos. of for- eign countries, Cal. business. (9 same 1876 (p. 14) —27 same 1894.) . Table giving fire risks in force Dec. 31, cos. of other states. (9 some 1876 (p. 47)— 27 some 1894.) 1876-1903. Table showing fire business of cos. of other states for yr., Cal. business. (9 same 1876 (pp. 12- 13)— 36 some 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1877-1881. Table showing fire business of Cal. insur- ace COS. for yr., Cal. business. (10 some 1877 (p. 65)— 14 same 1881.) 1881-1903. Table showing fire risks in force Dec. 31, cos. of foreign countries, Cal. business. (14 same 1881 (p. 12)— 36 some 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1883-1902. Comparative table showing amt. collected in premiums and amt. paid out In losses by fire insurance cos. (35 same 1902: 4-5.) 1884-1903. Tabular stmt, giving premiums reed., losses paid, and ratio of losses to premiums for past 20 yrs. by fire insurance cos. (36 some 1903: 5.) 1886. Table giving no. of U. S. cos. doing fire business only, in state, during yr. (19 some 1886: 4.) 1894. Recommendation re. act authorizing sufacient amt. to be transferred, from fees paid by insur- ance cos. to special fund for use of insurance comr., and authorizing him to organize and maintain dept. and that distr. attys. of various cos. in which fires occurred be furnished with result of investigation. (26 same 1894: 5-6.) 1895-1903. Table showing fire risks in force in Cal., Dec. 31, COS. of other states. (28 same 1895 (p. 115)— 36 same 1903.) Ann. preliminary rept 1895. No repts. 1896-1898. . Table showing fire business of cos. of foreign countries for yr., Cal. business. (28 same 1895 (p. 116)— 36 same 1903.) Ann. preliminary rept. 1895. No repts. 1896-1898. 1902. Comment on fire insurance and comparison of business done in 1902 with 1901. (35 same 1902: 5-6.) . Remarks on unusually heavy fire losses during yr.; the loss ratio for Pacific coast has been 65%, and that for Cal. 58%; fire business in Cal. for past 20 yrs. shows an average loss ratio of 43.9%. (35 same 1902: 14.) 1902-1903. Comparative stmt, giving amt. of fire in- surance written by cos. during 1903, showing in- crease over 1902. (36 same 1903: 4.) Mutual; see below, that title Fire and Marine Tl>e tabulations In tMs group are fairly continuous from 1876. From that yr. they are consecutive to 1880, 1882 or 1895. Betw. 1895 and 1899 there are no tabulations, and from 1899 they are consecutive to 1903. 1868. Table compiled from ann. stmts, of individual fire and marine insurance cos. transacting business in Cal., giving various percentages. (1 A.R. insur- ance comr. 1868: 61.) . Comparative table of Cal. fire and marine in- surance COS., giving name of cos., capital paid, amt. of risks written, excess of income over expendi- tures, and comparative standing as to surplus, paid capital, etc. (1 same 1868: 28.) 144 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INSURANCE— cont'd File and Marine — cont'd 1868-1872. Ann. stmts, of individual Cal. fire and ma- rine insurance cos. (1 same 1868 (pp. 89-107) — 5 same 1872.) . Same; other states. (1 same 1868 (pp. 108-123) — 5 same 1872.) . Table showing yr. of organization, location, name of pres., secy., agt., and atty. for Cal., date of license issued by insurance comr., and date of com- mencement of business in Cal. of fire and marine insurance cos. transacting business in state. (1 same 1868 (p. 37) — 5 same 1872.) . Tables compiled from ann. stmts, of Are and marine insurance cos. transacting business in state, showing paid capital, assets, liabilities, income, ex- penditures, losses, risks written, and risks in force, Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 38-41) — 5 same 1872.) . Same; showing various items composing gross assets and liabilities of said cos. on Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 42-49) — 5 same 1872.) . Same; showing various items composing income of said cos. during yr. endg. Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 50-53) — 5 sam^ 1872.) . Same; showing nature of expenditures of said COS. during yr. endg. Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 54-57)— 5 same 1872.) . Same; showing amt. of risks written, amt. of risks in force, average rate of premiums reed, on flre risks, percentage of assets to risks in force, and amt. of fire risks in force in state. (1 same 1868 (pp. 58-60)— 5 same 1872.) 1869-1895. Table showing various items composing in- comes of fire and fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31, cos. of other states. (9 same 1876 (pp. 70-73)— 28 same 1895.) 1870. Complete list of fire and marine insurance cos. of other states and countries, authorized by certifi- cates from this office and transacting business in Cal., Dec. 31. (3 same 1870: 6.) . List of fire and marine insurance cos. of other states and countries authorized to transact busi- ness in Cal. (3 same 1870: 5.) 1871. Rept. on fire and marine risks that have been written in Cal. during yr. (4 same 1871: 10-11.) . Rept. on losses of fire and marine insurance cos. in state, caused by Chicago fire and action of comr. of insurance cos. re. proper construction of portion of sec. 8, act of Mch. 26, 1868, referring to revok- ing of the certificate of authority of insolvent cos. with reference to these cos. and opinion of distr. court, approving this action. (4 same 1871: 3-9.) 1871-1872. Table showing business transacted in state during yr. endg. Dec. 31, by fire and marine insur- ance COS. (4 same 1871 (pp. 60-63) — 5 same 1872.) 1872. Ann. stmts, of individual fire and marine cos. of foreign countries. (5 sam,e 1872: 229-255.) . Recapitulation; all cos.; aggregates; table show- ing various items composing incomes of fire and fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal. (5 same 1872: 69-70.) . Same; table showing various items composing gross liabilities (except capital stock). (5 same 1872: 67-68.) . Same; table showing various items composing gross assets. (5 same 1872: 65-66.) . Same; table showing summary of assets, liabili- ties, income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, or amt. necessary to cover a de- ficiency in same. (5 same 1872: 73-74.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (5 same 1872: 71-72.) . Cos. of other states and foreign countries; table showing amt. of risks written, premiums reed., and INSURANCE— cont'd Fire and Marine— cont'd amt. of risks in force Dec. 31, with premiums there- on. (5 same 1872: 75-78.) 1872. Same; tables showing flre risks written during yr., fire risks in force; marine risks written during yr.; marine risks in force; and total amt. of fire and marine business written in Cal. during yr. (5 same 1872: 18-23.) . Cal. COS.; table giving summary of assets, lia- bilities, income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of sur- plus over capital stock, or amt. necessary to cover deficiency in same, of fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 32- 33.) . Same; table showing various items composing liabilities, except capital stock, of cos. on Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 26-27.) . Cos. of foreign countries; table showing various items composing gross assets of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 48-49.) . Same; table showing various items composing the liabilities (except capital stock) of cos. in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 50-51.) . Same; table showing various items composing incomes of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 52-53.) . Same; table showing various items composing the expenditures of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 3L (5 same 1872: 54-55.) . Same; table giving summary of the assets, lia- bilities, income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of sur- plus over capital stock, or amt. necessary to cover a deficiency in the same of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 56-57.) . Cos. of other states; table giving summary of assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, or amt. neces- sary to cover deficiency in same. (5 same 1872: 46-47.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (5 same 1872: 44-45.) . Same; table showing various items composing the incomes. (5 same 1872: 42-43.) . Same; table showing various items composing liabilities, except capital stock. (5 same 1872: 40- 4L) . Same; table showing various items composing gross assets. (5 same 1872: 38-39.) 1872-1886. Table showing amt. of risks written and premiums reed, by each fire and marine co. (19 same 1886: 6.) . Table of fire and marine losses. (19 sams 1886: 6.) 1876-1878. Recapitulation; all cos.; aggregates; table giving total amt. of fire and marine insurance in force in Cal. Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 49) — 11 same 1878.) 1876-1879. Same; table giving total amt. of fire and marine business written in Cal. during yr. (9 same 1876 (p. 49) — 12 same 1879.) . Same; table showing various items composing gross assets. (9 sam^ 1876 (p. 103) — 12 same 1879.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (9 same 1876 (p. 106) — ^12 same 1879.) . Same; table showing various items composing incomes. (9 same 1876 (p. 105) — ^12 same 1879.) . Same; table showing various items composing gross liabilities, except capital stock. (9 some 1876 (p. 104)— 12 same 1879.) . Table showing fire and marine business of Cal. insurance cos. for yr., Cal. business. (9 same 1876 (p. 11)— 12 same 1879.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 145 INSURANCE— cont'd Fire and Marine — cont'd . Stmt, of assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, and amt. of surplus, as regards policy-liolders (in U. S. currency) of cos. admitted to do business in Cal. since Jan. 1, 1877. (9 same 1876 (p. 118)— 12 same 1879.) . Table showing yr. of organization, location, names of pres., secy, and agt., and atty. for Cal., date of certificate issued by insurance comr., date of commencement of business in Cal. of cos. au- thorized to transact business in state, Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (pp. 43-45) — 12 same 1879.) 1876-1880. Recapitulation; all cos.; aggregates; table showing amt. of risks written, premiums reed., and amt. of risks in force, Dec. 31, with premiums thereon, of cos. doing business in Cal. (9 same 1876 (p. 107)— 13 same 1880.) . Same; summary of assets, liabilities, expendi- tures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, or amt. necessary to cover deficiency in same, of cos. doing business in Cal. (9 same 1876 (p. 102) —13 same 1880.) . Same; table showing amt. and description of risks in force Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 46) — 13 same 1880.) . Same; table giving summary of assets, liabili- ties. Income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of sur- plus over capital stock, or amt. necessary to cover deficiency in same. (9 same 1876 (p. 50) — 13 same 1880.) . Same; table showing various items comprising the liabilities, except capital stock. (9 same 1876 (p. 52)— 13 same 1880.) 1876-1882. Cos. of other states; table giving summary of assets, liabilities, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock or amt. necessary to cover a deficiency in same of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (pp. 58-61)— 15 same 1882.) . Cos. of foreign countries; table giving summary of assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, or amt. neces- sary to cover deficiency in same, of cos. doing busi- ness in Cal., Dec. 31; by cos. (9 same 1876 (pp. 82-83) — 15 same 1882.) 1876-1895. Cos. of other states; table showing amt. of risks written, premiums reed., and amt. of risks In force Dec. 31, with premiums thereon. (9 same 1876 (pp. 78-81)— 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various items composing gross assets. (9 same 1876 (pp. 62-65) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table giving various items composing the liabilities, except capital stock. (9 same 1876 (pp. 66-69)— 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (9 same 1876 (pp. 74-77) — 28 same 1895.) . Cos. of foreign countries; table showing various items composing incomes. (9 same 1876 (pp. 88- 89) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various Items composing expenditures. (9 same 1876 (pp. 90-91) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing amt. of risks written, pre- miums reed., and amt. of risks in force Dec. 31, with premiums thereon. (9 same 1876 (pp. 92-93) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing gross assets of cos. (9 same 1876 (pp. 84-85) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various Items composing liabilities, except capital stock. (9 same 1876 (pp. 86-87)— 28 same 1895.) 10 INSURANCE— cont'd Fire and Marine — cont'd . Cal. COS.; table showing various items composing gross assets. (9 same 1876 (p. 51) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various ittms composing incomes. (9 same 1876 (p. 53) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (9 same 1876 (p. 54) — 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing amt. of risks written, pre- miums reed, and amt. of risks in force Dec. 31, with premiums thereon. (9 same 1876 (p. 55) — 28 same 1895.) 1877. Stmt, showing amt. of fire and marine insurance done in state during yr. endg. Dec. 31, together with names and localities of several cos. trans- acting business. (10 same 1877: 163-164.) 1878-1885. Rept. showing amt. of fire, marine, and life insurance business transacted in state during yr. endg. Dec. 31, together with names and localities of cos. (11 same 1878 (pp. 3-4) — 18 same 1885.) . Table showing yr. of organization, location, names of pres., secy., and agt. and atty. for Cal., and date of certificate of authority issued by In- surance comr. and date of commencement of busi- ness in Cal. of fire, marine, and life Insurance cos. authorized to transact business on Feb. 1. (11 same 1878 (pp. 17-19)— 18 same 1885.) 1880. Rept. on act to regulate fire, marine, and inland insurance cos. transacting business in state. (Sen. jol. 23 sess. pp. 268-269.) 1880-1882. Recapitulation; all cos.; aggregates; table showing various items composing liabilities, except capital stock, of fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (13 A.R. insurance comr. 1880 (p. 92) — 15 same 1882.) 1880-1895. Same; table showing various items compos- ing the assets of fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (13 same 1880 (p. 91)— 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures of fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (13 same 1880 (p. 93)— 28 same 1895.) . Same; table showing various items composing incomes of fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (13 same 1880 (p. 93) — 28 same 1895.) 1881-1883. Table giving summary of assets, liabilities. Income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock of fire and marine Insurance cos. doing business In Cal., Dec. 31; by cos. (14 same 1881 (p. 96)— 16 same 1883.) 1881-1895. Table showing amt. of risks written, pre- miums reed., and amt. of risks in force Dec. 31, with premiums thereon, of fire and marine insur- ance COS. doing business in Cal.; by cos. (4 same 1881 (p. 100)— 28 same 1895.) . Cal. COS.; table showing various Items composing liabilities, except capital stock, of fire and marine Insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (14 same 1881 (p. 42)— 28 same 1895.) . Same; table giving summary of assets, liabili- ties. Income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of sur- plus over capital stock, of fire and marine insur- ance COS. doing business In Cal., Dec. 31. (14 same 1881 (p. 40)— 28 same 1895.) 1883-1895. Recapitulation; cos. of other states; table giving summary of assets, liabilities. Income, ex- penditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock of COS. doing business In Cal., Dec. 31. (16 same 1883 (pp. 49-52)— 28 same 1895.) 146 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INSUIJANCE— cont'd Fire and Marine — cont'd . Recapitulation; cos. of foreign countries; table giving summary of assets, liabilities, income, ex- penditures, etc., and net surplus of cos. doing busi- ness in Cal., Dec. 31. (16 same 1883 (pp. 73-74)— 28 same 1895.) . Recapitulation; all cos.; aggregates; table show- ing various items composing liabilities of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (16 same 1883 (p. 98)— 28 same 1895.) 1884-1895. Same; table giving summary of assets, lia- bilities, income, expenditures, etc., of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (17 some 1884 (p. 92)— 28 same 1895.) 1886. Summary showing fire and marine business transacted in state for yr. 1886. (19 same 1886: 6-7.) . Table giving no. of TJ. S. cos. doing fire and marine business only. In state, also no. in U. S.; COS. doing marine business only, in state. (19 same 1886: 4.) . Tables giving foreign cos. doing fire and marine business only, in state; also foreign cos. doing marine business only, in state. (19 same 1886: 5.) 1887. Table giving fire and marine business transacted in state, cos. of Cal., other states, and foreign coun- tries. (20 same 1887: 4-5.) . Comments on condition of fire and marine cos., life COS., title insurance cos. (20 same 1887: 5-6.) 1896-1898. For these yrs. no repts. were prtd. 1899. Cos. of foreign countries; table showing various items composing liabilities, except capital stock, of COS. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899: 48-49.) 1899-1903. Recapitulation; all cos.; aggregates; table showing various items composing liabilities of fire and marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (p. 63)— 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing Incomes. (32 same 1899 (p. 64) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing amt of risks written, pre- miums reed., and amt. of risks in force on Dec. 31, with premiums thereon. (32 same 1899 (p. 65) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (32 same 1899 (p. 64) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various Items composing assets. (32 same 1899 (p. 62)— 36 same 1903.) . Same; summary of assets, liabilities, income, ex- penditures. (32 same 1899 (p. 62) — 36 same 1903.) . Cal. COS.; table showing assets, liabilities, ex- penditures, etc., of fire and fire and marine Insur- ance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (p. 22)— 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing assets. (32 same 1899 (p. 22)— 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing amt. of risks written, pre- miums reed., amt. of risks in force Dec. 31, with premiums thereon. (32 same 1899 (p. 24) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (32 same 1899 (p. 23) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing incomes. (32 same 1899 (p. 23) — 36 same 1903.) . Cos. of other states; table giving summary of assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (pp. 24- 25)— 36 same 1903.) INSURANCE— cont'd Fire and Marine — cont'd . Same; table showing various items composing incomes. (32 same 1899 (pp. 34-35) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing liabilities. (32 same 1899 (pp. 30-33) — 36 saTne 1903.) Same; table showing various items composing assets. (32 same 1899 (pp. 26-29)— 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures. (32 same 1899 (pp. 36-39) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing amt. of risks written, pre- miums reed., and amt. of risks in force Dec. 31, with premiums thereon. (32 same 1899 (pp. 40- 43)— 36 same 1903.) . Cos. of foreign countries; table showing various items composing assets of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (pp. 46-47) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing incomes of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (p. 50) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing various items composing expenditures of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (pp. 51-52)— 36 same 1903.) . Same; table showing amt. of risks written, pre- miums reed., and amt. of risks in force Deo. 31, with premiums thereon of cos. doing business in Cal. (32 same 1899 (pp. 53-54)— 36 same 1903.) 1900-1903. Same; table showing various items com- posing liabilities, except capital stock, of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (33 same 1900 (pp. 48- 49) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; table giving summary of assets, liabili- ties, income, expenditures, etc., and net surplus of COS. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (pp. 44-45) — 36 same 1903.) . Cal. COS.; table showing various items compos- ing liabilities, except capital stock, of cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (33 same 1900 (p. 22)— 36 same 1903.) Guarantee Companies; see Investment Companies Health; see above, Accident. 1903 Laws 1868. Statutory laws relating to insurance. 128 pp. 1873. Insurance laws of Cal., in force Jan. 1. 92 pp. Not seen ; entry from Suppl. Cat. Law Dept. Cal. State Library, 1893. 1904. Insurance laws of Cal. 143 pp. Life 1868. List of life insurance cos. transacting business in state at time of organization of office. (1 A.R. insurance comr. 1868: 32.) . List of life cos. admitted to transact business in state since office was organized. (1 same 1868: 32.) 1868-1871. Table compiled from ann. stmts, of life in- surance COS. transacting business in Cal., showing capital, assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, losses, etc., of said cos. on Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 64-65) — 4 same 1871.) 1868-1872. Same; showing various items composing in- come of said COS. during yr. endg. Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 74-75) — 5 same 1872.) . Same; showing various items composing liabili- ties of said cos. on Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 70- 73)— 5 same 1872.) . Same; showing various items composing assets of said COS., Dee. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 66-69) — 5 same 1872.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 147 INSURANCE— cont'd Life — cont'd . Same; showing no. of policies issued during yr. by said cos., amts. insured thereby, average amt. of said nolicles, and amt. of policies in force Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 80-81)— 5 same 1872.) . Same; showing various items composing expen- ditures of said cos. during yr. endg. Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 76-79)— 5 same 1872.) . Ann. stmts, of individual life insurance cos. (1 same 1868 (pp. 124-125) — 5 same 1872.) . Table showing yr. of organization, location, names of pres., secy., and atty. for Cal., date of license issued by insurance comr. and date of com- mencement of business in Cal. of life insurance cos. transacting business in state, Dec. 31. (1 same 1868 (pp. 62-63)— 5 same 1872.) 1870. Complete list of life insurance cos. of other states transacting business in Cal., Dec. 31. (3 same 1870: 7.) . List of life insurance cos. withdrawn from state during yr. (3 same 1870: 7.) . List of life insurance cos. of other states ad- mitted to state during yr. (3 same 1870: 6.) 1871. Table showing business transacted in state dur- ing yr. endg. Dec. 31, by life insurance cos. (4 same 1871: 108-109.) 1872. Table showing no. and amt. of policies which have ceased to be in force during yr., with mode of their termination. (5 same 1872: 120-123.) . Table showing no. and amt. of policies, includ- ing additions, in force at end of previous yr., and exhibit of policies issued and of those which have ceased to be in force at end of yr. (5 same 1872: 118-119.) . Recommendation re. law which shall compel in- sertion into every policy of life insurance issued within state by co. belonging to other states or countries, a covenant with the insured that if, for any reason, the co. shall discontinue business in Cal. during pendency of such policy, the assurant shall be entitled to recover from co. a prescribed per centum of present value of policy. (5 same 1872: 8-9.) . Table showing assets, liabilities, insurance re- serve, and total of premium notes and deferred and uncollected premiums, and ratios of same, of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 112-115.) . Same; assets, liabilities, reinsurance reserve, and amt. of interest-bearing investments, and sur- plus or deficiency of same, as compared with re- serve liability of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 102-105.) . Same; total admitted assets, reinsurance re- serve, and premium note accts. and ratios of same to assets and reserve. (5 same 1872: 106-111.) 1876. Same; new policies written during yr., policies renewed, and amt. of policies in force Dec. 31, of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal. (9 same 1876: 57.) . Stmt, of life cos. authorized to transact general business in state. (9 same 1876: 5.) . Ann. stmts, of individual life insurance cos. of other states doing business in Cal. (9 same 1876: 119-134.) 1876-1877. Table showing assets, liabilities, reinsur- ance reserve, and amt. of interest-bearing invest- ments, and surplus or deficiency of same, as com- pared with reserved liability of life insurance cos. in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 112)— 10 same 1877.) . Same; yr., organization, location, names of pres., secy., and agt. and atty. for Cal. and date of certifi- INSURANCE— cont'd Life — cont'd cate of authority issued by insurance comr., and date of commencement of business in Cal. of life insurance cos. authorized to transact business on Feb. 1. (9 same 1876 (p. 56)— 10 same 1877.) 1876-1879. Same; admitted assets and reinsurance re- serve, and total of premium notes and deferred and uncollected premiums, and ratios of same, of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 115)— 12 same 1879.) . Same; total and premium income, and amt. of deferred and uncollected premiums, and ratios of same to premium income, of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 114)— 12 same 1879.) . Same; total admitted assets, reinsurance re- serve, and premium note accts.; and ratios of same, to assets and reserve, of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 113) — 12 same 1879.) 1876-1903. Same; various items composing expendi- tures of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. Ill) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. . Same; various items composing incomes of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 110) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. . Same; various items composing liabilities, capi- tal not included, of life insurance cos. doing busi- ness in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 109) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. . Same; various items composing assets of life in- surance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 108) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1878-1879. Same; assets, liabilities, and reinsurance reserve of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (11 same 1878 (p. 100)— 12 same 1879.) 1878-1903. Same; new policies written during yr., poli- cies renewed, and amt. of policies in force, Dec. 31, of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Cal. business. (11 same 1878 (p. 15) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1883-1903. Comparative table showing premiums reed, in Cal. during past 20 yrs. by life insurance cos., and losses and endowments paid by them. (35 same 1902 (pp. 8-9) — 36 same 1903.) 1885-1903. Table showing no. and amt. of policies which have ceased to be in force during yr. with mode of termination of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (18 same 1885 (pp. 119- 120)— 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. . Same; no. and amt. of policies, including addi- tions, in force at end of previous yr., and an ex- hibit of policies issued, and of those which have ceased to be in force during yr. and those in force at end of yr., of life insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (18 same 1885 (pp. 117-118)— 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1886. Table giving no. of U. S. cos., life cos. (19 same 1886: 4.) 1887. See above, Fire and Marine; this date. . Suggestion that standard for valuation of life insurance policies should be advanced from 4%% to 4% with adoption of the Combined Experience or Actuaries Table of Mortality. (20 same 1887: 7.) 1888. On act to amend sec. 447 of civil code of state, re. valuation of policies of life insurance. (21 same 1888: 128.) 148 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INSURANCE— cont'd Life — cont'd 1891-1894. Table showing risks written and risks ter- minated during yr. and certificates in force Dec. 31, of all assessment life, accident, and endowment assns. authorized to do business in state. (24 same 1891 (p. 125)— 27 same 1894.) . Same; incomes and expenditures during yr. 1891, and financial condition on Dec. 31, of all as- sessment, life, accident, and endowment assns. authorized to do business in state. (24 same 1891 (pp. 123-124)— 27 same 1894.) 1894. Comments on cost of life insurance. (27 same 1894: 39-41.) 1902. Summary showing life business for yr., indi- cating amt. of risks written, premiums reed., losses paid, and ratio of losses to premiums as to Cal. COS., cos. of other states, and foreign countries. (35 same 1902: 4.) . Summary showing more fully the conditions of life insurance business for past yr. (35 same 1902: 8.) 1902-1903. Comments on life insurance, assessment cos. (35 same 1902 (p. 9) — 36 same 1903.) . Same; level-premium cos. (35 same 1902 (pp. 7-8) — 36 same 1903.) 1903. Tabular summary of life Insurance business for yr., ordinary life business and industrial business. (36 same 1903: 8.) Assessment; see above, that title Marine See also abore. Fire and Marine. 1871. List of marine insurance cos. admitted during yr. to transact business in Cal. (4 A.R. insurance comr. 1871: 9.) . Ann. stmts, of individual marine cos. of foreign countries. (5 same 1872: 257-273.) . Tables showing various items composing gross assets, liabilities (except capital stock), incomes, expenditures, risks written, premiums reed., and amt. of risks in force, of marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 58- 64.) . Same; summary of assets, liabilities, income, ex- penditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, or amt. necessary to cover deficiency in same, of marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (5 same 1872: 63.) 1876. Same; business of marine cos. of foreign coun- tries for 1876, Cal. business. (9 same 1876: 15.) . Same; various items composing expenditures of marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 100) — 28 same 1895.) . Citation from decision of Supreme Court of U. S. affirming justice of act of sec. 451, Mch. 30, 1874, re. valuation of surrendered policies, and recom- mendation for amdmt. of sec. 451, to conform to principles laid down by court (9 same 1876: 5-7.) 1876-1880. Stmt, giving cos. authorized to collect re- newal premiums only. (9 same 1876 (p. 5) — 13 same 1880.) No repts. 1877-1879. . Table giving marine risks in force Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 48) — 13 same 1880.) 1876-1881. Same; summary of assets, liabilities, in- come, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, or amt. necessary to cover deficiency in same, of marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (pp. 94-95) — 14 same 1881.) 1876-1884. Same; no. and amt. of policies which have ceased to be in force during yr. with mode of their termination, cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 117)— 17 same 1884.) INSURANCE— cont'd Marine — cont'd 1876-1885. Same; no. and amt. of policies. Including additions, in force at end of previous yr. and ex- hibit of policies issued and of those which have ceased to be in force during yr. and of those in force at end of yr., cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (p. 116)— 18 same 1885.) . Tables showing various items composing gross assets, liabilities, incomes, risks written, premiums reed., and amt. of risks in force, of marine insur- ance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (9 same 1876 (pp. 96-101)— 28 same 1895.) 1877-1880. Table showing business of marine cos. for yr., Cal. business. (10 same 1877 (p. 173)— 13 same 1880.) 1877-1887. Same; marine business of Cal. Insurance COS. for yr., Cal. business. (10 same 1877 (p. 166) — 20 same 1887.) 1881-1885. Same; marine risks in force on Dec. 31, Cal. business. (14 same 1881 (p. 15) — 18 same 1885.) 1882-1885. Same; summary of assets, liabilities, in- come, expenditures, etc., and amt. of surplus over capital stock, of marine insurance cos. doing busi- ness in Cal., Dec. 31. (15 same 1882 (pp. 92-93)— 18 same 1885.) 1883-1903. Same; premiums reed., losses paid, and ra- tio of losses to premiums in state by marine insur- ance COS. (35 same 1902 (p. 7) — 36 same 1903.) 1886. See above. Fire and Marine, this date; two out of the three titles. 1886-1887. Table showing marine risks in force, of foreign cos., Dec. 31, Cal. business. (19 A.R. insur- ance comr. 1886 (p. 23) — 20 same 1887.) 1886-1895. Summary of assets, liabilities, income, ex- penditures, etc., of marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (19 same 1886 (pp. 102- 103)— 28 same 1895.) 1887. See above. Fire and Marine; this date. 1888-1891. Table showing marine risks in force, of for- eign cos. and cos. of other states, Dec. 31, Cal. business. (21 A.R. insurance comr. 1888 (p. 22) — 24 same 1891.) 1888-1903. Same; business of marine cos. for yr., Cal. business. (21 same 1888 (p. 20) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1892-1900. Same; marine risks in force Dec. 31, Cal. business. (25 same 1892 (p. 15) — 33 same 1900.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1896-1898. For these yrs. no repts. were prtd. 1899-1903. Table showing various Items composing in- comes of marine insurance cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (p. 59)— 36 same 1903.) . Tables showing various items composing expen- ditures, risks written, premiums reed., and amt of risks in force, assets, and liabilities, of marine cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (pp. 56-61)— 36 same 1903.) . Summary of assets, liabilities, income, expendi- tures, etc., of marine cos. doing business in Cal., Dec. 31. (32 same 1899 (p. 55) — 36 same 1903.) 1902. Summary giving business of marine insurance transacted in state during yr. and comparing busi- ness done in cos. of Cal., those of other states, and those of foreign countries. (35 same 1902: 6-7.) . Comment on marine insurance, and list of new marine cos. admitted to state. (35 same 1902: 5-6.) 1902-1903. Table showing marine risks in force in other than Cal. cos. Dec. 31, Cal. business. (35 same 1902 (p. 25)— 36 same 1903.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 149 INSURANCE— cont'd Marine — cont'd 1903. Remarks on marine insurance; also summary- showing marine business for yr., giving amt. of risks written, premiums reed., losses paid, and ra- tios of losses to premiums of Cal. cos., cos. of other states and foreign countries. (36 same 1903: 6.) Mutual 1894. On assessment Insurance; growth of mutual as- sessment, life and accident business, and sugges- tion for Its adoption. (26 A.R. Insurance comr. 1894: 7.) 1899-1902. Table showing business of Cal. county mu- tual fire insurance cos. for yr. (32 same 1899 (p. 6)— 36 same 1903.) 1902. Comments on mutual reserve litigation. (35 same 1902: 15.) 1903. Remarks on county fire mutuals. (36 same 1903: 5.) Plate Glass 1880. Table showing business of plate glass insurance cos. for yr., Cal. business. (13 A.R. insurance comr. 1880: 15.) 1882-1890. See above, Accident; these dates. 1888. See same; this date. 1891-1895. See above. Fidelity; these dates. 1899-1903. Table showing plate glass insurance for yr., Cal. business. (32 A.R. insurance comr. 1899 (p. 16)— 36 same 1903.) 1903. Remarks on plate glass insurance for yr. (36 same 1903: 10.) Revenue from Fees, Licenses, and Taxes 1868. Stmt, showing fees collected by Insurance comr. during yr. endg. Dec. 31, from whom and for what purpose such fees were collected. (1 A.R. Insur- ance comr. 1868: 82-85.) 1870-1872. Same; fees, licenses, taxes, and assess- ments. (3 sam,e 1870 (pp. 98-101) — 5 same 1872.) 1876. Same; fees, licenses, taxes, and assessments; life cos. (9 same 1876: 135.) 1877-1884. Same; office collections showing amts. col- lected from different cos. for yr. endg. Dec. 31. (10 same 1877 (pp. 269-270)— 17 same 1884.) 1877-1903. Itemized stmt, of receipts and expenditures of office for yr. (10 same 1877 (p. 77) — 36 same 1903.) No repts. 1896-1898. 1883-1902. Tabular stmt, showing amt. of fees and taxes paid by cos. to state. (35 same 1902: 13.) 1885-1903. Stmt, of office collections, showing amts. collected from different cos. for yr. endg. Dec. 31, for filing and certifying copies of papers, taxes, and substitution of securities. (18 same 1885 (pp. 121-122)— 36 same 1903.) Steam Boiler 1888. See above. Accident; this date. 1891-1895. See above. Fidelity; these dates. 1899-1903. Table showing steam boiler insurance for yr. (32 A.R. insurance comr. 1899 (p. 16) — 36 same 1903.) 1902-1903. Remarks on condition of steam boiler insur- ance for yr. (35 same 1902 (p. 11)— 36 same 1903.) Surety; see above, Fidelity Title 1887. See above. Fire and Marine; this date. 1888. See above. Accident; this date. 1895. Comments on title insurance. (28 A.R. insur- ance comr. 1895: 3-4.) 1899-1903. Table showing title insurance for yr., Cal. business. (32 same 1899 (p. 16) — 36 same 1903.) 1902-1903. Remarks on condition of title Insurance for yr. (35 same 1902 (pp. 10-11)— 36 same 1903.) Taxation; see that title INSURANCE: INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES The Cal. Insurance repts. do not include full stmts, of individual cos. From 1868 to 1872 such repts. were made a part of the Insurance repts. for life and Are and marine cos. In 1876 such repts. for life insurance cos. of other states were Included. These are the only Individual repts. made. Builders' Insurance Company 1868. Stmt, showing brief condition of affairs of co. on May 31. (1 A.R. insurance comr. 1868: 17-19.) . The case of the People vs. the Builders' Insur- ance Co. (1 same 1868: 19-26.) California Insurance Company 1870. Rept. on increase in capital of Cal. Insurance Co. and the People's Insurance Co. (3 A.R. insur- ance comr. 1870: 4.) Commercial Insurance Company; see below, State Invest- ment, etc.. Company Home Mutual Insurance Company 1870. Rept. on reorganization of co. (3 A.R. insur- ance comr. 1870: 3-4.) Lloyds 1894. Recommendation for enactment of statute im- posing same conditions, and no more, upon the Llyods as are imposed upon insurance cos. of other states admitted to do business in Cal. (26 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 9.) National Insurance Company 1868. Res. providing for retirement of National Insur- ance Co., S. F.; also S. F. Insurance Co., with reasons for withdrawal of these two cos. (1 A.R. insurance comr. 1868: 9-14.) National Surety Company 1894. Comments on co. and recommendation for more stringent laws on subject. (27 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 35-36.) Oakland Home Insurance Company 1893. Comments on affairs of co. (26 A.R. insurance comr. 1893: 19.) San Francisco Insurance Company; see above, National In- surance Company State Investment and Insurance Company 1871. Rept. on organization of two local fire and ma- rine insurance cos.. State Investment and Insur- ance Co. and Commercial Insurance Co. of Cal., both located at S. F. (4 A.R. insurance comr. 1871: 9-10.) 1892. Investigations and examinations of State Invest- ment and Insurance Co., and comments on same. (25 same 1892: 20.) Sun Fire Office Company 1885. Comments on failure of Sun Fire Office Co. of London, Eng., to comply with law governing for- eign insurance cos. in Cal. (18 A.R. insurance comr. 1885: 19-22.) INTEREST 1851. Review of evils of existing unlimited rates of interest, urging restriction of same. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) 1856. Rept. agst. proposed restriction of legal interest to 16%, reviewing benefits of unlimited interest. (Sen. iol. 1856: 248-251.) 1858. Govs. mess, recommending change in usury law so that when attachments are levied upon property of absconding or failing debtor, proceeds shall be distributed pro rata amongst creditors; table show- ing rates of interest in various states. (Some 9 sess. pp. 189-191.) 1859. Minority rept. of judiciary committee upon bill re. interest on money and to prevent usury. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 170-171.) 150 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INTEREST FUND; see FINANCE: STATE. FUNDS INTERSTATE COMMERCE; see COMMERCE, ETC. INVESTMENT COMPANIES 1894. Comment on fraudulent bond investment or guarantee cos. (27 A.R. insurance comr. 1894: 6-7: 36-37.) 1900-1904. Actions taken to restrain bond Investment cos. from doing business In state. (Rept. atty. gen. 1900/2 (pp. 8-9)— some 1902/4.) INYO COUNTY (i866) Antimony Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Anti- mony; these dates. Assessors; see Taxation: State Borax in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Borax; these dates. Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. MlneraL Production; this date. Galena Mining 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gar lena; these dates. Gold in 1881. See Natural Resources. Mineral; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Iron in 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Iron; these dates. Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Minerals; see Natural Resources Mines 1879/80. See Mineral Resources. Mineral. Produc- tion; this date. Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Mining; these dates. Silver in; see Natural Resources. Mineral. Silver Soda Produce; see Natural Resources. Mineral IOWA HILL CUmate; see that title Rainfall; see Climate IRON; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL IRRIGATION; see LAND JACKSON Rainfall; see Climate JAILS; see MAINTENANCE: COUNTY JAPANESE Education; see Education. Aliens Labor; see Labor. Alien JUSTICE, ADMINISTRATION OF; see ADMINISTRATION, ETC. JUTE Crop; see Agriculture. Crops JUTE FUND; see LABOR. CONVICT LABOR £££iLj£xc CUmate; see that title KERN COUNTY (i866) Antimony 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Anti- mony; these dates. Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Asphaltum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Bullion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Clay in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Gold 1881. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Gold; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Gypsum 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. MlneraL Gyp- sum; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultural Com- missions Irrigation; see Land. Irrigation Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Mining; these dates. Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Natural Gas in; see Natural Resources Petroleum in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Railroad Aid; see Railroads. Public Aid Silver 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. MlneraL Silver: these dates. 1892/4. See same; these dates. Sulphur in; see Natural Resources. Mineral KINDERGARTENS; see EDUCATION KINGS COUNTY (1893) Artesian Wells; see Natural Resources Gypsum 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. MlneraL Gyp- sum; these dates. Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultural Com- missions Mining and Irrigating Canals 1894/6. See Industries, etc. Mining Canals, etc.; these dates. Natural Gas in; see Natural Resources KLAMATH COUNTY (1851-1874) Assessors; see Taxation: State Indian Depredations; see War Expenditures KLAMATH RIVER; see RIVER CONSERVANCY LA GRANGE Climate; see that title INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 151 LABOR serial Under Act of March 3, 1883. 1883/4-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of bureau of labor statis- tics, 1-11. In Collected docs, sis follows : 1. 1883/4 in App. to Jols. 26 Bess. v. 4 unnum. doc. 2. 1885/6 ' 27 " T. 7 3. 1887/8 28 " v. 5 4. 1889/90 " " " " 29 " t. 8 5. 1891/2 " " " " SO " T. 2 6. 1893/4 not published in any form. 7. 1895/6 in App. to jols. 32 sess. v. 7 doc. [3]. 8. 1897/8 not published In any form. 9. 1899/00 in App. to jols. 34 sess. v. 3 doc. [2]. 10. 1901/2 " 35 " V. 2 " [21]. non-serial 1866. Two causes which have combined to retard pro- gress in mnfg. interest: scarcity of operations and high price of labor. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1866/7: 86.) 1871. The needs of Cal. are cheap capital and cheap labor. {Same 1870/1: 79.) 1896. Bull, of Bureau of Labor Statistics; proposed labor laws. 29 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1899. Rept. on bureau of labor statistics. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institu- tions 1899: 167-168.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1902. Comments on enforcement of some of the labor laws of Cal.: the 8-hr. law; law as to sanitary con- dition of work shops, etc.; employment agencies; non-payment of wages; mo. pay-day law; law rela- tive to employment of minors. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2: 32-45.) 1902-1904. Legislation re. labor statistics. (10 same 1901/2 (pp. 5-9)— 11 same 1904.) Agriculture 1883. The labor problem as relates to the farm in Cal.; Chinese labor. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1882: 19- 20.) 1884. The labor problem. (2 A.R. chief executive vitic. officer 1882/4: 27-29.) 1886. The labor question: the Chinese. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 200-201.) . Stmt, of J. S. Enos to Cal. Hortic. Socy., in re- ply to communication upon advisability of displac- ing Chinese in orchards, vineyards, and hop yards of state. 21 pp. (Labor statistics bureau.) 1902. Agric. labor in state of Cal. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2: 10-15.) . Cal. fruit-grower, and the labor supply. (8 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1901/2: 268-269.) . Paper on labor question in vineyards and orch- ards; discussion. (8 same 1901/2: 393-398.) 1904. Rept. of Cal. Employment Committee. (1 bienn. rept. comr. hortic. 1903/4: 387-388.) Wages; see below, that title Aliens Chinese See also above, Agriculture, and below, Mines. 1870. Petition of unemployed laborers praying for the total exclusion of Chinese race from state because of their cheap labor, which injures wages of said petitioners. 2 11. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 2 un- num. doc.) 1880-1900. Table giving no. of Chinese and Japanese, by COS.— 1880, 1890, 1900. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 73.) 1886. The labor question — the Chinese. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 200-201.) 1887. Rept. on charges made agst. T. A. Lord, director of Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum re. employment of Chinese labor. (Sen. jol. 27 sess. pp. 68-69.) 1888. Alien act passed by Congress. (8 A.R. state mineralogist 1887/8: 898.) LABOR— cont'd Aliens — cont'd Chinese — cont'd 1903. Stmt, giving no. of Chinese employed In various industries In S. F. (11 bienn. rept. labor statis- tics 1902/4: 75.) 1904. Table showing no. of Chinese and Japanese In Cal. 10 yrs. of age and over, who are gainfully em- ployed, distributed according to five main occupa- tion groups. (11 same 1902/4: 77.) . Comments on no. and condition of Chinese and Japanese in Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 72-78.) . See also below, Employment; this date. Japanese 1880-1890. See above, Chinese; these dates. 1899-1904. Comparative table showing no. of Japanese from foreign ports landed at S. F., from Oct., 1899, to Sept., 1904. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 74.) 1902. Tables showing no. of Japanese mining immi- grants arriving each mo. during 1889, portion of 1900, and 1902. (10 same 1901/2: 29-30.) . Comments on Japanese In Cal. (10 same 1901/2: 29-31.) 1903-1904. Table showing no. of Japanese from Ha- waiian ports and by land from Victoria, landed at S. F. from Jan. 1, 1903, to Oct. 6, 1904. (11 same 1902/4: 74.) 1904. See above, Chinese; this date. . See also below. Employment; this date. Apprentice 1904. Table showing the apprentice system, data from employers, each line representing conditions In some shop typical of its class. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 21.) . Remarks on the apprentice system in Cal. and table giving union rules regarding apprentices. (11 same 1902/4: 18-29.) Bureau of Labor Statistics ExPENDiTUEEs FOE; SCO below, that title Repoets; see above, "Seeial" Child Labor See also below. Employment. 1880-1900. Table showing no. and per cent of bread- winners among children 10 to 15 yrs. of age, classi- fied by sex, for continental TJ. S. and Cal. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 88.) 1900. Same; no. and per cent of distribution of child breadwinners 10 to 15 yrs. of age, by sex and age, engaged In selected occupations, for Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 91.) . Tables showing no. and per cent of child bread- winners 10 to 15 yrs. of age, classified by sex, in main classes of occupations, for continental U. S. and Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 89-90.) 1902-1904. Article on children of wage-earners and "higher education." (10 same 1901/2 (pp. 46-62) —11 same 1902/4.) 1904. Remarks on women and children wageworkers. (11 same 1902/4: 11-17.) Hours of; see below, that title Convict Labor PRISONS 1857. Stmt, of terms upon which state prison grounds and convicts can be leased for term of 4 yrs. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. p. 748.) . Rept. of select committee re. cost of surrender of contract of lessee of state prison to state, and possibility of deriving income from convict labor. 13 pp., 1 1. (App. to Assem. jol. 8 sess. doc. 8.) 1858. Rept. re. convict labor. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 457-458.) 153 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LABOR— cont'd Convict Labor — cont'd PRISONS — cont'd 1860. Stmt, showing operation of state prison labor from Oct. 11 to Dec. 31, 1860. (A.R. state prison director 1860: 63.) 1864-1867. Table showing total no. of shoes mnftred., issued, and repaired from Oct. 1, 1864, to Nov. 1, 1867, including cost, etc.; also mo. average of no. issued and repaired, including cost, etc. (Bienn. rept. same 1863/5 (p. 53)— some 1865/7.) 1865-1867. Recommendation re. ann. appm. of 175,000, which should continue so long as prison contains 700 prisoners, or until state becomes so largely In- terested in mnftres. that convict labor will be worth 11 per day. (Same 1865/7: 6.) 1866. Rept. of Assem. committee on state prison with stmts, of cost of pants and shirts mnftred. by state from Mission Woolen Mills goods, and dally allow- ance of each prisoner and officer of prison, etc. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1867-1871. Table giving total earnings of prison proper. (Bienn. rept. state prison director 1867/9 (p. 17)— same 1869/71.) 1868/9. Table giving cost of brick-yard and receipts from same. {Same 1867/9: 18-20.) 1874. Memorial from mechanics' state council in ref- erence to state prison labor. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. V. 6 [doc. 6].) Recommending system of prison labor to compete wltb Chinese labor. 1884. Assem. petition re. petitioning Congress of U. S. to allow state of Cal. a drawback of all duties on jute Imported by order of state bd. of prison directors. 2 11. (Same 25 sess. (Ex.) doc. [4].) 1886. Decision of Supreme Court in case of The People of State of Cal. vs. The Folsom Water Power Co. re. convict labor. (7 A.R. state prison director 1885/6: 99-122.) 1887. Veto of act to amend act making apprn. for establishment of a permanent fund for purchase of jute, to be mnftred. at state prison. (Sen. jol. 27 sess. pp. 522-523; 555-556.) . Argument of Peter Roberts, delivered before Assem. committee on Assem. bill 13, re. alleged low- ering of wages of free laborers, by convict labor, and necessity for shutting down all prison manu- factories, except those for jute. 12 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8 doc. [7].) . Rept. of Assem. committee suggesting suspen- sion of furniture and door depts. of state prisons, in which prisoners now compete with free work- ingmen, and adoption only of jute mnftres. and those which will supply goods needed by various state institutions. 4 pp. (Same 27 sess. v. 8 doc. [16].) 1890. Jute mill: state prison bag factory, showing cost of plant and operating expenses of jute mill at San Quentin. 12 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1890/1-1897/8. Table showing pay-roll of officers, guards, and jute-mill employes for each yr. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institu- tions 1899: 131.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1893. Petition of employes in mnftre. of cordage pray- ing Sen. will not pass bill to establish cordage factory at Folsom state prison. (Sen. jol. 30 sess. p. 670.) 1895. Act providing for erection and operation of rock-crushing plants at state prisons, for prepara- tion of highway material. 3 pp. LABOR — cont'd Convict Labor — cont'd PRISONS — cont'd 1895/6. Rock-crushing plant erected at Folsom state prison in accordance with provisions of act of May 28, 1895. (Bienn. rept. bureau of highways 1895/6: 15-16.) 1896-1904. Stmt, of condition of rock-crushing revolv- ing fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1894/6 (p. 93)— saOTe 1902/4.) 1897/8. Total value of jute mills; comment on plant; prison mnftres. (Rept. of committee to make ex- amination of state institutions 1899: 132.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1900. Convict labor on roads. (Bienn. rept. dept. of highways 1899/00: 61-63.) 1901. Veto of act authorizing state prison directors to employ prisoners in construction and repair of roads to prison. (Assem. jol. 33 sess. pp. 426-427.) 1904. Table showing no. and nature of employment of Inmates of San Quentin prison on Sept. 21, 1904. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 103.) Revolving Jute Fund 1886-1904. Stmt, of condition of fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1884/6 (p. 86) — same 1902/4.) REFORMATORIES See also Maintenance: State Individual Instltntions. Delinquents. Minors, for titles among the non- serial material. 1898. Road work at Preston School of Industry. (Bienn. rept. dept. of highways 1897/8: 22.) Cost of Living 1886. Cost of living in S. F. (2 bienn. rept. labor star tlstics bureau 1885/6: 145-152.) Employment 1880-1890. Table giving no. and per cent of breadwin- ners in population of all ages and at least 10 yrs. of age, classified by sex, for continental IT. S. and Cal., 1880, 1890, 1900. (11 bienn. rept. labor sta- tistics 1902/4: 80.) 1880-1900. Table showing no. and per cent of bread- winners in main classes of occupations for conti- nental U. S. and Cal., 1900, 1890, and 1880. (11 same 1902/4: 83.) . Same; breadwinners classified as men, women, and children, and per cent distribution for conti- nental V. S. and Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 86.) . Table giving per cent distribution of breadwin- ners in main classes of occupation, for continental V. S. and Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 85.) 1900. Table showing no. of men and women breadwin- ners classified as young persons and adults, and per cent of each in total breadwinners, for conti- nental U. S. and Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 87.) . Same; no. and per cent of adult male breadwin- ners in main classes of occupations, for continental U. S. and Cal. (11 sam^ 1902/4: 87.) . Table giving breadwinners classified by race, and per cent distribution, for continental U. S. and Cal. 1900. (11 same 1902/4: 81.) . Table showing no. and per cent of breadwinners in population at least 10 yrs. of age, classified by sex and race, for continental U. S. and Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 82.) 1904. Comments on no. and condition of the unem- ployed. (11 same 1902/4: 93-95.) . Table showing total no. of persons 10 yrs. of age and over engaged in gainful occupations and in each class of occupations who were unemployed during some part of yr., classified by sex and length of time unemployed, for continental U. S. and Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 94.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 153 LABOR— cont'd Employment — cont'd 1904. Same; percentages of total no. of persons over 10 yrs. of age who are employed at gainful occu- pations, and per cent of employed who are unem- ployed during some part of yr. In different ele- ments of population, classified as white, negro, In- dian, Chinese, and Japanese. (11 same 1902/4: 78.) Employment Bureaus 1868/9. Rept. of transactions of Labor and Employ- ment Exchange from Apr. 27, 1868, to Nov. 30, 1869. 16 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [59].) 1879. Recommendation that labor bureau or bureau of information be organized under state control and mngmt. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1879: 11-12.) 1891. Evidence taken before the Sen. labor and capital committee upon fraudulent practices of employ- ment agencies; also evidence taken before Assem. committee. 6, 4 pp. (App. to jols. 29 sess. v. 7 docs. [8. 8a].) ExPENDiTTJBEs FOB; See below, that title Expenditures BUBEAU OF LaBOB STATISTICS 1883-1894. Cost of bureau of labor statistics; expendi- tures from apprns. made by state, and cost of prtg. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1895: 67.) 1884-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for bureau of labor statistics. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1882/4 (p. 55)— some 1902/4.) 1902-1904. Financial stmt. (10 bienn. rept. labor sta- tistics 1901/2 (pp. 137-140)— 11 same 1902/4.) Employment Btjeeatj 1871. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for support of Cal. labor exchange. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71: 47.) Hours of See also below, Wages ; see also Sunday Observance. 1874. Veto of act to amend political code of state, and to protect health and regulate hrs. of labor of street-car conductors and drivers. (Assem. jol. 20 sess. pp. 1115-1117.) 1892-1894. Eight-hr. labor law should be enforced and leglsl. should attach penalty sufficient to insure that will of people expressed in constitution shall be carried out. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2 (pp. 13- li)— same 1893/4.) 1904. Table showing no. and hrs. of labor of women and minors from 153 establishments in S. F. and vicinity. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 12.) . Comments on shortening hrs. of labor. (11 same 1902/4: 96-97.) Indian 1904. See above, Employment; this date. Institutional See above Convict Labor. See also references among the non-serial material under Maintenance : State. Industries. Laws 1902. Labor laws of state enacted since 1900. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2: 143-149.) 1904. Statutes and decisions affecting labor. (11 same 1902/4: 121-136.) Mines See also License. Miners. 1850. Suggestion for method of disposal of and work- ing mines by committee on res. re. same, urging exclusive rights for Amer. citizens. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 802-806; 808-812.) LABOR— cont'd Mines — cont'd 1851. Opinion of Supreme Court of Cal. in case of People ex. re. Atty. Gen. vs. Henry M. Naglee. (App. to Sen. jol. 2 sess. pp. 683-701 doc. U.) Constitutionality of act prohibiting unlicensed foreign- ers from working the mines. 1852. General review of coolie contract system and its operation in increased transportation of Chinese coolie labor to Cal. for labor in mines. (Govs. mess. Apr. 23, 1852.) . Minority rept. objecting to passage of bill to in- troduce foreign contract labor into state. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 669-675.) . Rept. re. mining situation, with suggestions for federal and state legislation resp.; urging, on part of federal govt, provision for leasing quartz veins, mines, and continuance of free mining for placers, and, on part of state govt., protection agst. foreign contract labor in mines and taxation of foreign miners. (Assem. jol. 1852: 590-595 and app. pp. 829- 835.) . Rept. on Chinese immigrants urging total exclu- sion of Chinese from mines. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 731-737.) 1853. Repts. on advantages and disadvantages of per- mitting foreign, and especially Chinese, labor in mines. 21 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 28.) 1854. Should policy of admitting foreign labor in mines be contd. by legisl., recommended that taxa- tion be rendered more productive by increase of foreign miner's license tax. (A.R. state controller 1853/4: 31.) 1855. Rept. re. Chinese labor in mines, urging prohi- bition of same as measure for checking further im- migration and ridding state of those already lo- cated therein. (Sen. jol. 1855: 418-419.) . Rept. favoring continuance of Chinese labor in mines, suggesting only Imposition of small pas- senger tax to restrain undue immigration. (Assem. jol. 1855: 463-465.) . Rept. favoring exclusion of Chinese from mines, with citations showing authority of state to enforce same. (Same 1855: 482-485.) . Minority rept. of select committee on res. of miners' convention of Shasta Co. 7 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 16.) Favoring Chinese exclusion by capitation tax, but not their sudden expulsion from mineral regions, thus resulting in loss of revenue from tieir ex- penditures and foreign miners' tax, and, since many are too poor to go home, in their distribution in farming districts where competition of such numbers will still further reduce wages. The title of minority report is Incorrect. That rept. printed In the App. to the Sen. jol. is in reality the majority rept. The minority rept. Is printed in the body of the Sen. jol. . Minority rept. re. proposed removal of Chinese from mines, citing provisions of treaty with China, and suggesting employment of Chinese labor in development of agric. (Sen. jol. 1855: 496-500.) . Rept. [adverse] of minority of select committee on mines and mining interests on bill to prohibit all persons of foreign birth not eligible to citizen- ship, from working, or owning, mines In state; favors Immigration of Chinese, chiefly because of revenue derived from foreign miners' tax. (App. to Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 19 pp. 9-13.) . Repts. of Assem. select committee on bills 206- 208, re. excluding all persons of foreign birth, who are not eligible to citizenship, from privilege of working mines of state. 8 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 6 sess. doc. 19.) 154 INDEX TO DOCTJMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LABOR— confd Mines — cont'd 1855. Kept, of Mr. Flint, of select committee to whom was referred res. of Miners' Convention at Shasta Co. 6 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 19.) Differing from rest In that althoneh he disapproves of Chinese as class, still, as they nave practically been Invited to California, he does not favor their expnlslon, if only on acct. of their valne as agrlc. laborers, and refers to treaties with China. Sag- gests breaking up of " Triad Society." 1856. Minority rept. of committee on mines and min- ing interests to whom was referred bill to repeal act of Apr. 30, 1855, taxing Chinese, urging pas- sage of same as means of securing valuable trade with China, and also increasing revenue from miners' licenses. (Sen. jol. 7 sess. pp. 398-401.) . Minority rept. of committee on mines and min- ing interests, objecting to proposed repeal of act of Apr. 30, 1855, taxing Chinese miners, declaring presence of Chinese in state to be great moral and social evil, to degrade labor and depreciate its value, and showing existing law to have been passed in obedience to almost unanimous demand of laboring classes in state. (.Same 7 sess. pp. 457- 460.) . Majority rept. of committee on mines and min- ing interests recommending passage of Sen. bill 11 to repeal sec. 1 of act of Apr. 30, 1855, taxing for- eign miners and particularly Chinese. 6 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 7 sess. doc. [22].) . Same; minority rept. 6 pp. (Same 7 sess. doc. [23].) 1859. Corresp. re. disturbances over Chinese miners. (Assem. jot 10 sess. pp. 401-406.) . Minority rept on act to prohibit Chinese or Mongolians from working gold mines of state. (Bame 10 sess. pp. 701-703.) . Memorial praying for banishment of Chinese miners from state. (Same 10 sess. pp. 260-261.) 1889. No. of men engaged In mining; the Mongolian element; the Cal. miner — wages, etc. (9 A.R. state mineralogist 1888/9: 21-24.) 1890. Present legislation for protection of miners; ad- ditional legislation advised, and creation of office of inspector of mines recommended. (10 same 1889/90: 17-19.) 1893/4-1895/6. Census of miners, quarrymen, etc., by cos. (13 same 1894/6: 11.) 1902. See above. Alien. Japanese; this date. License; see that title Wages; see that title Negro 1904. Stmt, giving total male and female colored per- sons, 10 yrs. of age and over, engaged in selected groups of occupations, for Cal. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 76.) . See also above. Employment; this date. Occupations See also above. Employment 1904. Comparative statistics of occupations in CaL and continental TJ. S. (11 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1902/4: 79-82.) Ageicultcbe ; see above, that title Mi>-Es; see above, that title Pbinting; see below, that title Railboad; see below, that title Printing 1888. Investigation Into condition of labor in prtg. establishments of S. F. and Oakland. 27 pp. (Bu- reau of labor statistics.) LABOR— cont'd Public Works 1885. Rept. of J. S. Enos to gov. upon inquiry as to " condition of laborers employed by contractors on sea-wall at S. F.," etc. 140 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. V. 5 doc. [4].) . Rept. on charges agst. contractors engaged in construction of sea-wall at S. F. re. violating 8-hr. law. (Sen. jol. 26 sess. pp. 471-472.) 1887. Investigation of labor matters on the city front, S. F.; commencing July 6. 57 pp. (Bureau of labor statistics.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Investigation into condition of men working on water-front and on bd. of Pacific Coast vessels. 107 pp. {Same.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Rablboad 1890. Table showing distribution of employes. (11 A. R. r.r. comrs. 1890: 55.) Wages; see below, that title Weleabe Wobk; see below, that title Revenue Convict Labob; see above, that title Wages 1900-1902. Comparison betw. prevailing average wages and hrs. of labor in various vocations In CaL (10 bienn. rept labor statistics 1900/2: 63-66.) Ageicultube 1893-1895. Comparative table showing average wages of farm hands, blacksmiths, and carpenters each yr., by cos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 109- 111.) Blacksmiths; see above, Ageictjitobe Cabpextebs; see above, Agbicdltuee LUMBEBMEN 1902. Table giving prevailing wages and hrs. of labor in lumber industry in Cal. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2: 26.) . Comparative table betw. prevailing wages and hrs. of labor in lumber industry in CaL, Mich., Wash., and Va. (10 sam^ 1901/2: 27.) MrsEKS 1902. Article on wages, hrs. of labor per diem, etc., of miners in Cal. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2: 16-24.) . Table showing miners' wages, hrs. of service per diem, etc., in Cal. as compared with miners in other states and countries. (10 same 1901/2: 23.) Railboad 1878. Stmt, giving wages paid during yr. 1878 to va- rious classes of employes by Central and Southern Pacific R.Bs. and system of roads operated by them. (3 A.R. r.r. comrs. 1882: 631.) Paging from Collected docs. 1887. Tables showing wages paid during 1887 to var rious classes of employes by Southern Pacific Co., No. Div., and comparison of wages paid on roads In CaL with roads out of Chicago; mo. of Oct. taken as basis. (9 same 1888: 42-49.) 1889-1896. Stmt, of wages reed, by r.r. employes in state. (10 same 1889 (p. 50)— bienn. rept same 1895/6.) Sailobs 1904. Table showing rates of wages, period of employ- ment, hrs. of labor, etc., of members of maritime labor organizations in Cal. (11 bienn. rept labor statistics 1902/4: 53.) State PBiNTDrG Office 1887. Comment on rate of wages paid employes of state prtg. office, with corresp. re. same. (AJt bd- examiners dated 1889: 6-7.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 155 LABOR— cont'd Wages — cont'd Teacheks 1852-1865. See Education; these dates. 1855-1879. See same; these dates. 1860. See same; this date. 1863. Comment on Inadequacy of teachers' wages, con- tinued change of teachers and their attendance on Institutes. (13 A.R. supt. public Instruction 1863: 11-15.) 1865-1867. Comment on teachers' wages In state and comparison with other states; favoring employ- ment of female teachers; salaries of female teach- ers in Cal. higher than in any other state. (1 bienn. rept. same 1864/5 (pp. 42-51) — 2 same 1866/7.) 1867. Salaries of the best teachers. (2 same 1866/7: 97-98.) 1871. See Education; this date. 1888. Cal. pays her teachers a higher salary than any other state in the Uniop; also same salary paid to women teachers as to men when doing the same work. (13 rept. supt. public Instruction 1886/8: 8.) Welfare Work 1870/1. Rept. on subject of r.r. hospital. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1870/1: 42.) Women See also above, Employment. 1904. See above. Child Labor; this date. HoTTES or; see above, that title LABOR DISPUTES serial Under Act approved March 10, 1891. 1891/2-1892/4. Bienn. rept. of comrs. of state bd. of arbitration. In Collected docs, as follows : 1891/2 In App. to Jols. 30 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1892/4 In App. to Jols. 31 sess. v. 6 unnum. doc. No more published. non-serial 1880-1900. Resume of subject of arbitration as applied to industrial disputes as far as progress has been made in different countries and various states. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2: 80-136.) LABOR UNIONS 1878. Preamble and res. of workingmen of Sacra- mento. 2 U. (App. to jols. 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 30].) Protest agst. dangerous and Incendiary policy of men of S. F. claiming to lead labor movement. . Repts. of committee on labor investigation. 9 pp. (Same 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 41].) Re. charge of interference in mtgs. of Workingmen's Party. 1889. Investigation into grievances complained of by the Harness Makers' Union of S. F. 56 pp. (Bu- reau of labor statistics.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1902-1904. List of labor organizations in Cal. and com- ments on same. (10 bienn. rept. labor statistics 1901/2 (pp. 67-79)— 11 same 1902/4.) 1904. Table showing name, date of organization, mem- bership. Initiative fees, dues, benefits, etc., of mari- time labor organizations In Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 54.) . Maritime labor organizations of Cal. (11 same 1902/4: 49-72.) LABORATORIES Mineral; see Natural Resources. Mineral Viticultural; see Industries, etc. Inspection LAGUNITAS LAKE Rainfall; see Climate LAKE COUNTY (i86i) Assessors; see Taxation: State Borax 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Borax; these dates. Geology; see Natural Resources Horticultural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultural Com- missions Lime in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Limestone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Marble in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources Mines and Mining 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Min- ing; these dates. Quicksilver 1892/4-1894/6. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Quick- silver; these dates. Sandstone in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Sulphur in; see Natural Resources. Mineral Surveyor; see Land Temperature; see Climate LAND 1851. Letter of secy, of state re. new offices [i. e. re. land office]. (App. to Sen. jol. 2 sess. pp. 681-682 doc. T.) 1852. Review of large quantity of arable lands situated in various cos. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) 1862. Comments on floating Islands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1862: 44-56.) 1883. The fertile lands of Cal. (Trans, state agrlc. Bocy. 1883: 208-214.) 1885. "Bedrock lands" of Sacramento Co.; by Hll- gard. 1 sheet. (Agrlc. exper. station, bull. 44.) 1886. The productive capacity of the undeveloped lands of the coast range; probable extent to which timber and brush lands will be cleared under in- fluence of agrlc. development. (1 bienn. rept. for- estry bd. 1885/6: 191-196.) 1890. The solution of large land holdings problem in Cal., in opinion of pres. of bd. of agrlc, is en- couragement of Immigration of homeseekers to purchase and settle upon this land; payments on same being arranged to cover from 4 to 6 yrs. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 24-25.) 1891. The clenegas of Southern Cal. (Bienn. rept. agric. exper. stations 1892/4: 185-188.) 1892. Clearing land In Sierra foothills; by G. Hansen. (A.R. same 1891/2: 190-192.) 1893-1895. Comparative table showing average values of Improved land (bearing and unbearlng on Dec. 1 of each yr., by cos.). (Trans, state agric. socy. 1895: 112.) 1896. Suggestions regarding examination of lands; Oct. 7 pp. (Unnum. circular, agric. exper. sta- tion.) 1900. Memorials and res. adopted by Fruit Growers' Convention re. restricting devastation of mt. lands by prospecting for minerals, etc. (7 bienn. rept bd. hortic. 1899/00: 23-25.) Alkali 1889-1901. Alkali reclamation at Tulare substation; by C. H. Shinn. (Rept. agric. exper. stations 1898/01 pt. 2: 204-214.) ' 156 INDEX TO DOCUMEJNTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND— cont'd Alkali— cont'd 1896/7. Investigations of natural vegetation of alkali lands; introductory note by B. W. Hilgard; tables giving determination of alkali salts in soils upon which various plants grow; description of varie- ties; plants as alkali indicators; some cultivated crops for alkali soils; by J. B. Davy. (Bienn. rept. same 1895/6: 53-75.) 1898-1901. Gooselands of Glenn and Colusa cos.; me- chanical analyses of soil, chemical analyses show- ing amt. of alkali; by R. H. Loughridge; notes on alkali lands; by T. L. Knock; alkali and alkali in- dicators of Glenn Co. gooselands; vegetation; by J. B. Davy. (Rept. same 1898/01 pt. 1: 21-33.) 1900. Nature, value, and utilization of alkali lands; by Hilgard. 46 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 128.) Desert 1880. Testimony re. sale of desert lands in Lassen Co. 54 pp. (App. to jols. 23 sess. v. 6 unnum. doc.) 1890. The Colorado Desert; bibliog. of subject for those desiring further information; by C. H. Or- cutt. (10 A.R. state mineralogist 1889/90: 899- 919.) 1897/8. Endurance of drought in soils of arid regions; by E. W. Hilgard and R. H. Loughridge. (A.R. agric. exper. station 1897/8: 40-64.) 1902. Lands of Colorado Delta and Salton basin; by Snow, Hilgard, and Shaw. 51 pp. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 140.) Drainage In order to avoid unnecessary duplication all material, except the purely local, relating to drainage has been grouped under Elver Conservancy, which see. 1870. Res. passed by bd. of supervisors of Fresno Co. and presented to Assem. Mch. 16, requesting defeat of Assem. bill 328, providing for drainage, etc., of certain lands, and for navigation betw. certain places; also of bill granting exclusive right to cer- tain parties to use of King's River for purpose of running lumber for term of yrs.; also of franchise for exclusive right to fisheries of any lake or stream in Fresno Co. 2 11. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 3 doc. [48].) 1902. Preliminary plans and estimates for drainage of Fresno; by C. G. Elliott, agt. and expert, irrigation investigations. (Rept. agric. exper. stations 1901/3: 57-64.) 1903. The benefits of drainage; by E. W. Hilgard. (Same 1901/3: 64-65.) Escheats , , . . 1853. Additional measures urged for securing escheat- ed estates for educational purposes. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) ^ . 1854. Legislation needed to secure state's interest in escheated estates. (Govs, special mess. May 8, 1854.) , - _. ^ . Rept. re. history of Leidesdorft estate, and grounds for considering same as escheated prop- erty. (Sen. jol. 1854: 487-489.) Govs mess. re. escheat to state of Leldesdorff estate. (Same 1854: 265-266; Assem. jol. pp. 281- 282 ) 1855 Same; re. necessity of immediate action to se- cure Leldesdorff estate to state in view of impend- ing sale of same, and pending decision of courts re. state's right to same as escheated property. (Sen. jol. 1855: 323-326; Assem. joL pp. 341-d43.) Review of proceedings instituted to secure cer- tain escheated property to state, showing import- ance of further provision for securing escheated estates in future. (Govs. ann. me^. 1855: 21-Ja; 1857-1860. Hiram Smith, Jr. (absent heir of H. Smith, deceased). (16 A.R. state treasurer 1856/7 (pp. 30-31; 50-51) — same 1859/60.) LAND— cont'd Escheats — cont'd 1858. Communication from atty. gen. re. estate es- cheated to state and for which no apprn. has been made. (Assem. jol. 9 sess. pp. 270-271.) 1859. Atty. gens, recommendation for apprn. for fund for prosecution of escheated estates. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. pp. 286-287.) 1861. Rept. [favorable] on Sen. bill 90, " act to regu- late settlement of estates of deceased persons," passed May 1, 1851, and reported back with amdmts. 7 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. doc. [12].) 1873. Comments on intestate estates, and suggestion that act be passed authorizing controller to dis- pose of land and pay proceeds into school fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1871/3: 22.) 1879. Escheated estates; suggested amdmt. to law re. disposition of same by state. (Rept. atty. gen. 1878/9:7-8.) Receipts and Expendititbes 1853-1874. Stmt, of moneys paid into treasury from estates of deceased persons and escheated estates. 7 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 6 [doc. 12].) 1854-1855. Atty. gens, communication re. transactions and expenditures for recovery of escheated estates. (Sen. jol. 1856: 189-191.) 1854-1884. Stmt, of estates of deceased persons in acct. with state treasurer. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4 (pp. 20-21) — bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1856. Rept. of controller pursuant to res. of Jan. 26, 1856, requiring exhibit of warrants issued under act of Mch. 20, 1855, to provide for prosecution of escheated estates, showing expenditures and balance on hand Feb. 1, 1856. (Assem. jol. 1856: 219-230.) 1861-1904. Stmt, of condition of estates of deceased persons (G. Brock), June 30. (A.R. state control- ler 1860/1 (pp. 34-35) — ^bienn. rept. same 1902/4.) 1871-1896. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for estates of de- ceased persons. (Bienn. rept. same 1869/71 (p. 72) —same 1894/6.) 1877-1888. Stmt, showing amts. paid into state treas- ury by CO. treasurers and administrators from es- tates of deceased persons; also amts. paid to heirs by state treasurer according to law. (Some 1875/7 (pp. 88-92)— some 1886/8.) 1896-1904. Comments on transfer of funds, also recom- mendation that legisl. authorize transfer of $80,- 000 from general fund to estates of deceased per- sons fund, in repayment of loan heretofore made; also transfer $100,000 from estates of deceased per- sons fund to state school land fund, where it may become available for investment In securities. In- terest on which Is appropriated to support of com- mon schools, as provided in constitution. (Same 1894/6 (pp. 28-29)— some 1902/4.) Irrigation See also List of References to pubns. relating to irri- gation and land drainage ; comp. by E. A. HedrlcK, 1902. 181 pp. (U. S. Dept of Agric. Library bull. 41.) 1856. Internal Improvements; suggestions re. supply- ing water to both mining and agric. distrs. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1856: 24-25.) . Majority rept. of special committee on agric. and mining Interests on Assem. bill 84; presenting another bill as substitute and recommending irri- gation. 5 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 7 sess. doc. [19].) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA isr LAND— cont'd Irrigation — cont'd 1864/5. The beginnings of irrigation in Cal.; sugges- tion tliat it would be good policy for gen. govt, to donate her entire interest in land of great valley to state for bldg. irrigation systems. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 36-38; 69-75.) 1865. Comments on irrigation. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1864/5: 108.) 1870-1890. Comparative table showing increase of pop- ulation and wealth in principal irrigation cos. of state. (A.R. bd. hortic. 1892: 45.) 1871-1872. Underground irrigation. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1 (pp. 444-447)— some 1872.) 1872. Reclamation and irrigation in state: encourage- ment of immigration, progress of agric. interest, mining interest, legislation needed, value of land reclaimed, irrigation cos. already in field. (Same 1872: 290-426.) 1874. Address on irrigation in Cal.; expenses of canals, ownership of water, amt. of water necessary, extent of country irrigated, size of farms. (Same 1874: 189-202.) . Irrigation in Cal.; rept. of civil engr. commis- sioned by Sacramento Daily Record to examine and rept. (Same 1874: 419-446.) . Probable cost of irrigating the great valley of Cal. (Same 1874: 307-313.) 1878. Synopsis of a lecture on irrigation in Cal. 7 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 53].) Delivered in Assem. chamber by Wm. H. Hall. . Rept. of committee on irrigation and water rights. (Sen. jol. 22 sess. pp. 391-392.) 1878/9. Irrigation problems; irrigation regions of Cal.; works, practice, and results of irrigation in Cal.; duty of waters and water supply in Cal.; results of investigations; conclusions and recom- mendations. 128 pp. (Rept. state engr. 1878/9 pt. 4.) 1880. The irrigation question in Cal.; conflicting in- terests; proposed remedy; draft of two bills em- bodying remedial measures and remarks on same. 44 pp. (Same to legisl. 1881 pt. 4.) . The irrigation question in Cal.; conflicting in- terests and proposed remedy. (Same to gov 1880: 15-20.) . Lake and river waters of the great valley and their quality for irrigation purposes. (A.R. agric. college 1880: 22-31.) 1880/2. Irrigation and drainage in Southern Cal.; by J. P. Widney. (7 bienn. rept. bd. health 1880/2: 104-106.) 1881/2. Analyses of waters of some Cal. rivers, with view to determination of their quality for irriga- tion; geological history of valley of Cal. (Bienn. rept. agric. college 1881/2: 57-61.) 1882. Corresp. with gov. re. public dissemination of data of irrigation investigation before publication of general rept., delayed because of insufficient apprn. (Rept. state engr. 1881/2: 13-14.) 1882/4. Effect of irrigation of agric. lands particularly in Cal., upon public health; by H. S. Orme. (8 bienn. rept. bd. health 1882/4: 51-59.) 1883. Minority rept. on act re. water rights, usages, and customs appertaining thereto. (Assem. jol. 25 sess. pp. 283-285.) . Rept. on irrigation and water rights. (Same 25 sess. p. 275.) 1884. Examination of irrigation waters; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 7.) . Outline of contents of rept. on problems of irri- gation now in course of publication; maps ready for publication; present condition of both and further apprn. needed for completion; recommend- LAND— cont'd Irrigation — cont'd ed legal provision for sale of same after publica- tion. (Rept. state engr. 1883/4: 6-15.) 1884/6. Paper on effect of irrigation in Cal. (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1884/6: 132-133.) 1885. Outline of matter, and advance sheets of the rept. on the legislative, administrative, technical, and practical problems of irrigation; in course of preparation and publication by Wm. H. Hall, state engr. 304 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. This Is an edition of the 1886 report entitled " Irri- gation Development. History, etc.," hastily printed in Jan. 1885 as an exhibit to the Legislature. 1886. Address of state irrigation committee to Fresno and Riverside irrigation conventions and to anti- riparian waters of Cal. 299 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . The irrigation question; memorandum by Wm. H. Hall, state engr., transmitted to legisl. 18 pp. . Same; no. 2. Cal. and Australia. 14 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Irrigation, drainage, and alkali; by Hilgard. 1 sheet. (Agric. exper. station, bull. 53.) . The pump for irrigation; comment and corresp giving particulars. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1886: 194-195; 212-214.) . Irrigation development. History, customs .... [etc.] relating to irrigation, water-courses, and waters in France, Italy, and Spain . . . ; by Wm. H. Hall. 38 pp., 1 1., 97-162 pp. (State engineer.) Pages 1-32 and 33-38 of the 38-page portion of this rept. are the same as pages 1-32 and pp. 605-610 resp. of the 622-page rept. of this date and with this title. The 97-162 pages are a portion of an edition of the 622-page Irrigation rept. of 1886, hastily printed In Jan. 1885, as an exhibit to the legislature under the title " Outline of matter," etc. - — -. Same. History, customs, laws, and administra- tive systems relating to irrigation, water-courses, and waters in Prance, Italy, and Spain. 622 pp. This volume contains an outline of the history and a review of the water and irrigation customs, laws and regulations of France, Italy and Spain. As a common foundation of these the first chapter Is devoted to the water laws of the Romans. It was the intention to Issue a second and third volume. The second volume was to be called " Irrigation in Cal. — Watersheds, precipitation and water supply — Lands requiring irrigation — Irriga- tion Districts, etc. ;" tie third volume " The Irri- gation Question. Development in Cal. — Mexican Civil Law — English Common Law, etc." Neither vol. 2 nor 3 has ever been issued. The contents of vol. 1, is as follows : " Irrigation Legislation and Administration. The Roman Em- pire," pp. [35-] 48. France, pp. 49-179. Italy, pp. 180-351. Spain, pp. 353-524. App. I. Articles of civil code of France specially relating to or affecting water courses, waters and Irrigation, pp. 525-534. App. II, same, Italy, pp. 535-551. App. Ill, same, Spain, pp. 552-603. . Govs, proclamation calling extra sess. to legislate on decision of Supreme Court of Cal. that riparian owners along unnavigable streams are entitled to exclusive use of same. (Sen. jol. extra sess. 1886: 1-2; House jol. same, pp. 2-3.) . Govs, mess., extra sess.; irrigation or water rights. (Sen. jol. extra sess. 1886: 19; House jol. some 1886: 12.) 1887. Stmt, of views of state engr. on question of water rights and irrigation in state; creation of irrigation and water rights comn. recommended. (Rept. state engr. 1884/5: 6-14.) . Petition of citizens of Stanislaus Co. urging pas- sage of Assem. bill 12, re. general system by which waters of state may be diverted for irrigation. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8 doc. [5].) . See also Public Printing; this date. 158 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND— cont'd Irrigation — cont'd 1888. Irrigation in [Southern] Cal. The field, water- supply and works, organization and operation in San Diego, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles cos.; by Wm. H. Hall. 672 pp., 3 maps, 29 pis. (State engineer.) . See also Public Printing; this date. 1889. Wright irrigation bill and amdmts.; compiled by W. C. Hendricks. 31 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Paper on irrigation and production of water sources in CaL (AR. bd. hortic 1889: 345-348.) 1891. Tabular summary of results secured by statisti- cal inquiry as to irrigated area of arid states — estimated under ditch, acreage under cultivation, and no. of artesian wells. (Same 1892: 45.) 1898. Use of saline and alkali waters in irrigation; by E. "W. Hilgard. (A.R. agric. exper. stations 1897/8: 126-130.) 1898-1904. Table giving analyses of waters from reser- voirs and Irrigation ditches, by locality, co., and sender. (Bame 1898/01 pt 2 (p. 229) — same 1903/4.) 1900. Paper on forests and irrigation. (7 bienn. rept. bd. hortic. 1899/00: 137-143.) . Necessity of irrigation; by W. Thomas, pres. Cal. Water and Forest Assn. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1900: 85-88.) 1901. Irrigation in Cal.; extracts from U. S. Census Bulletin, (gome 1901: 148-151.) . Irrigation, cultivation, and hardpan; by E. W. HUgard. (Rept agric. exper. stations 1898/01 pt 2: 149-153.) 1903. Rept of committee on act re. irrigation. (Sen. ioL 35 sess. pp. 741-742.) 1903/4. Rept. of division of irrigation investigation. (AJl. agric exper. stations 1903/4: 107-109.) 1904. Co-operative work — state and govt along lines of topography, hydrography, forestry, and water distribution. (Alt bd. examiners dated 1904: 14- 32.) COLUSA COUNTY 1866. See below. Canals; this date. FEESNO COUNTY See below, Tulare Co. KEKN COUNTY 1878/9. Rept on works and practice of irrigation in Kern Co. (Rept. state engr. 1878/9 pt 4 app. pp. 61-115.) 1879. Table showing existing valid claims to water of Kern River and relation betw. amt of claims, ca- pacity of canals, and amt diverted, as indicated by canal discharges during season, Jan. 6 to July. {Same 1878/9 pt 4 app. 6 p. 103.) LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1878/9. Rept on irrigation works and practice in Los Angeles and San Bernardino cos.; effect of irriga- tion on soil, climate, and value of land; tabulated description of works. (Rept state engr. 1878/9 pt 4 app. pp. 3-60.) SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 1892/4. Water in Sacramento, Stanislaus, and Yolo COS. — for power and irrigation. (12 rept state mineralogist 1892/4: 410-411.) SACRAMENTO VALLEY See below. Canals. SAN BERXAEDINO COUNTY 1878/9. See above, Los Angeles County. 1880-1890. Comparative table showing development of water in San Bernardino Co. in past 10 yrs., giv- ing acreage capacity of principal irrigation systems of CO. (AJt bd. hortic. 1892: 205.) LAND— cont'd Irrigation— cont'd SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 1871. Preparations being made for irrigation of San Joaquin Valley. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1870/1: 210-21L) SOLANO COUNTY 1866. See below. Canals; this date. STANISLAUS COUNTY See Natural Resources. MlneraL Stanislaus Co. ; see also above Sacramento Co. TULARE COUNTY 1877. West side irrigation distr. water supply. Rept of engr. on result of reconnoissance of Tulare Lake. 9 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 55].) 1878/9. Rept. on irrigation in Mussel Slough and Fresno distrs. in Tulare and Fresno cos. — descrip- tion of works, extent, cost, periods, etc.; crops raised; hydrological data of each canaL (Rept state engr. 1878/9 pt 4 app. pp. 116-161.) YOLO COUNTY 1865. Irrigation in Yolo Co. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 301-303.) 1866. See below. Canals; this date. 1878/9. Rept. on works and practice of irrigation in Yolo Co. (Rept. state engr. 1878/9 pt 4 app. pp. 183-191.) 1892/4. See above, Sacramento County; these dates. Canais 1866. Rept. of Sen. committee on agric. on Assem. bill 321 to develop agric. interests, and to aid in con- struction of a canal for purposes of irrigation and inland trade in Colusa, Yolo, and Solano cos. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) . Rept of Assem. committee on internal improve- ments on same. 5 pp. (Bame 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1868. Ilept of engr. on results of survey of Sacra- mento Valley Irrigation and Navigation CanaL 52 pp. (Bams 17 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) 1872. Memorial asking aid from Congress for grants of land to the San Joaqtiln .... and Cal. irriga- tion COS., who propose to run canals through the valleys of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, thus assuring crops in an otherwise uncertain soiL 4 pp. (Bame 19 sess. v. 3 doc. [11].) 1878/9. Rept on works and practice of irrigation — San Joaquin and Kings River Canal, and ChowchUla Canal. (Rept state engr. 1878/9 pt 4 app. pp. 162-182.) 1891. The opening of the Woodbridge Canal; the first attempt at irrigation by canal in state. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1891: 16-18.) 1894/6. Rept. on mining and irrigating canals, arte- sian weUs, etc., in Alameda, Amador, Butte, Cal- averas, Colusa, Contra Costa, El Dorado, BYesno, Glenn, Kem, Kings, Mono, Monterey, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benito, San Diego, S. F., Sta. Barbara, Sta. Clara, Sta. Cruz, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura (canals), Yolo, and Yuba cos. (13 rept state mineralogist 1894/6: 525-566.) COHVEKTIO^fS 1884. Proceedings of state irrigation convention, held at Riverside, Cal., May 14, 15, 16. 96 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1886. Same; held at S. F., May 20, 21, 22. 205 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1904. See above. Land; this date. Irrigation Districts 1890/2. Recommendation that sec. 680, Political Code, be amended so as to include bonds of several irri- gation distrs. of state. (AH. state treasurer 1890/2: 4-5.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 159 LAND— cont'd Irrigation Districts — cont'd 1891. List of irrigation dlstrs. formed under Wright irrigation act — acreage, amt. of bonds voted, and cost of supplying water per acre. (A.R. bd. liortic. 1892: 47.) 1892. Opinion re. legality of bonds issued by irrigation dlstrs. formed under state irrigation laws; reme- dial legislation suggested. (Kept. atty. gen. 1891/2: 9-10.) Laws 1882. Synopsis of acts passed by legisl. of Cal. relating to water courses and their use for irrigation by the people and by corporations. (Bienn. rept. sur- veyor gen. 1880/2: 21-38.) 1887. Law re. water rights. (8 A.R. state mineralo- gist 1887/8: 897.) 1891. Distr. irrigation laws: decisions thereon by the Supreme Court, notes and index; compiled by W. H. H. Hart. 75 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowter. 1900. Irrigation laws; by J. D. Works. 128 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Maps; see below, that title Laws 1866. Laws re. reclamation, segregation, and sale of tide, salt marsh, and swamp and overflowed lands; comp. by S. N. Norton. Not seen ; entry from Suppl. Cat. Law Dept. Cal. State Library, 1893. General material only. Railroad maps are entered under Railroads, mineral maps, under Natural Resources. Mineral (serial. Register of Mines.) See also under Land : State, tlie notes under co. surveyors' repts. for comment and criticism on the state map. 1852. Comments on state map; progress of its con- struction. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1852: 3-9.) 1853. Communication from surveyor gen. re. comple- tion and cost of state map. 2 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 35.) 1854. Letters from G. H. Goddard, on map, Carson Valley, stage and r.r., etc. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1854: 89-90.) . Recommended that Congress be requested to make apprn. for purpose of obtaining complete and correct map of state. {Same 1854: 5.) . Letter of Col. Hays, U. S. surveyor gen., concern- ing map, U. S. surveys, swamp lands, etc. {Same 1854: 89.) 1855. Comments on Geo. H. Goddard's topographical map and recommendation for its purchase by state. {Same 1855: 46.) . Rept. [favorable] in relation to new state map. 6 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 17.) . Rept. re. need for state map, with suggestions for securing same, and estimated cost. (Sen. jol. 1855: 461-464.) 1867-1873. Map of region adjacent to bay of S. F. (Geol. survey.) Checklist [ed. 1.] 1867. 2 m. =: 1 In. ed. 2. 1868. [ed. 3.] 1873. 1873. Same. Scale, 2 m. = 1 in. 44x36 in. (Same.) . Map of Cal. and Nev.; drawn by F. V. Leicht and A. Craven. Scale, 18 m. = 1 in. 37 x 34 in. (Same.) 1874. Same. Ed. 2. Rev. by Hoffmann and Crane, and issued by authority of regents of Univ. of Cal. Scale, 18 m. = 1 in. 40 x 36 in. 1878. Same; ed. 3. 1882. State maps. (Rept. state engr. 1881/2: 7-8.) 1883. Suggestion that action be taken to furnish sec- tional sheets of state map to each co. surveyor. (3 A.R. state mineralogist 1882/3: 19.) LAND— cont'd Maps — cont'd 1887. Map of Cal. and Nov.; drawn by F. V. Leicht and A. Craven. Ed. 4. Rev. by Hoffman and Crane, and issued by authority of regents of Univ. of Cal. Scale, 18 m. = 1 in. 40 x 36 in. . Topographical and irrigation map of the Great Central Valley of Cal. Scale, 6 m. ^ 1 in. (Engi- neering dept.) 1890. Brief rept. of engr. of mining bureau re. topo- graphical map of state ace. rept. (10 A.R. state mineralogist 1889/90: 21-22.) 1904. See above. Irrigation; this date. Mission Lands 1850. Rept. on cost of proposed investigation of mis- sion lands and claims, urging apptmt. of comrs. to prosecute same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 517-519.) . Rept. of corporations committee on mission lands of Dolores. (App. to Sen. jol. 1 sess. pp. 569-570 doc. SS.) . Rept. of public lands and mission claims com- mittee recommending apptmt. of comn. to exam- ine govt, archives, and to rept. upon history and present condition of missions of Upper Cal. (Same 1 sess. pp. 517-519 doc. W.) 1851. Govs. mess. re. missions and mission claims, urging full protection of rights of same. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 739-740.) 1852. Surveyor gens. rept. on title to mission lands, reviewing history and jurisdiction of missions, and suggesting disposal to be made of same. (App. to special rept.) (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 625-639.) 1854. Govs. mess. re. selection of San Luis Rey mis- sion lands, for location of educational institution, under act of Congress, approved Mch. 3, 1853. (Assem. jol. 1854: 146-147.) . Corresp. re. proposed selection of San Luis Rey Mission lands for institution of learning under act of Congress granting lands for same. (App. to govs. ann. mess. 1854: 35-39.) Pueblo Lands See also below. Water Front Property re. the S. F. water lot controversy. 1850. Rept. disclaiming authority of legisl. for dis- posal of lands belonging to Pueblo of San Jose, as being still under jurisdiction of Mexican law. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 568.) . Rept. of public lands and mission claims com- mittee re. pueblo lands at San Jose. (App. to Sen. jol. 1 sess. p. 568 doc. RR.) 1868. Rept. of judiciary committee re. pueblo lands in S. F. involving question of eminent domain, and right of a pueblo to soil within its limits. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 3 [doc. 11].) Realty 1855-1880. Historical table showing depreciation in value of real estate in Marysville in part due to damages done by mining debris. (Rept. state engr. 1878/9 pt. 3: 19.) Riparian 1855. Veto of act authorizing use of waters of Stanis- laus River for mnfg. purposes, as special legisla- tion affecting riparian rights and encouraging monopolistic tendencies. (Sen. jol. 1855: 543-544.) . See also. River Conservancy. Stanislaus River. 1856. Improvement contemplating protection agst. overflow of lands on eastern bank of Sacramento River, now under way, and to be completed at pri- vate expense. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 23.) 1886. See Land. Irrigation; this date. Surveyors License; see Licenses 160 1NDB3X TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND— cont'd Surveys 1850/1. Propriety of locating one or more points in eacli CO., by longitude and latitude, with which CO. surveyors could correct their work. (A R sur- veyor gen. 1850/1: 577.) Paging from Collected does. 1852. Comments on U. S. lands survey. (Some 1852: . Table showing no. of observations of each kind taken at different localities, with whole amt of same. {Same 1852: 28-31.) 1855. Exhibit consisting of C. D. Semple's acct. for survey of boundary line betw. Colusa and Tolo cos. {Same 1855: 76.) . Stmt, giving surveys under special acts and sur- veys under general act. (Same 1855: 34-36.) . Surveyor gens. stmt. re. advisability of obtain- ing copies of certain plats in office of U. S. surveyor for Cal. as basis of various land divisions to be made. (Sen. jol. 1855: 384.) 1890. Profile of Fresno Co. (10 A.R. state mineralo- gist 1889/90 facing p. 204.) 1904. See above, Irrigation; this date. Transfer 1852. Land titles in S. F. and laws affecting same; by A. Wheeler. 128 pp. 4°- Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1853. Provision needed for adjudication of land claims cases still undetermined. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) . Rept. of table lands improvement committee re. table lands to be given to C. D. Gibbes. 1 1. (App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. doc. 52.) 1854. Unsettled condition of land titles greatest ob- stacle to agric. improvements. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 16.) 1855. Exhibit A [and exhibit B] from rept. of sales. 9 pp. (Land comrs.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1861. Govs. mess. re. existing difficulties in Sta. Clara Co. over land claims. 13 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. unnum. doc.) 1865. Calling attention to a serious drawback to pros- perity of agric. interest in the unfortunate condi- tion of land titles. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 75-76.) 1867. Act to quiet titles in Cal. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1865/7: 19-24.) 1868. Rept. of the Assem. judiciary committee re. sub- stitute for Assem. bill 52 concerning sale of real estate by guardian of V. Guerrero. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. V. 2 [doc. 46].) 1895. Rept. suggesting amdmts. of comn. for purpose of examining Torrens Land Transfer Act of Aus- tralia to Sen. and Assem. 25 pp. {Same 31 sess. V. 6 doc. [7].) Water Front Property OAKLAND 1892. Opinion as to claim of title made by corporation known as Oakland Waterfront Co. to what is term- ed waterfront of said city, and by what authority bd. of trustees of town of Oakland undertook to convey said waterfront to be held as private prop- erty, etc. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2: 11-13.) 1892-1894. Oakland waterfront cases. {Same 1892/4 (pp. 7-12)— some 1895/6.) SAN DIEGO 1868. Rept. of public lands committee on Assem. bill 271 recommending that title of certain property on water front of New San Diego be granted to W. H. Davis. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 23].) LAND— cont'd Water Front Property — cont'd SAN FRANCISCO All the material relative to the barbor front and beach and water lot controversy has been grouped to- gether here. serial 1 series A Under Act of May 18, 1853. Act to provide for sale of Interest of state In property within water front line of San Francisco. 1853/4-1854/5. Ann. rept. of bd. of state land comrs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1853/4 In Sen. jol. 1855 : 84-86. 1854/5 " Assem. Jol. 1856 : 66-69. B Under Act of May 1, 1855. 1855/6. Ann. rept. of bd. of state land comrs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1855/6 In Assem. jol. 1856 : 70-77. 2 series Under Act of March 30, 1868 providing for survey and sale of tide lands In city and co. of San Francisco. 1868/9-1871/3. Rept. of bd. of tide land comrs. and state bd. In Collected docs, as follows : 1868/9 In App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. 1869/70 ' 19 " y. 4 1871/3 20 " V. 5 " All sales of bd. of tide land comrs. had to be approved by the State Bd., which occupied the same office; these repts. therefore contain the repts. of both bds." (Bowker.) B Under Act of March 30, 1874. 1873/5. Rept. of bd. of tide land comrs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1873/5 In App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. non-serial 1834-1851. Rept. of special committee reviewing his- tory, legislative disposal, original cost and assessed value of beach and water lots in S. F. (Assem. joL 1852: 284-307.) 1849-1851. Extracts from minutes of comrs. of sinking fund of S. F. with rept. on origin and controversy re. " CJolton and Leavenworth grants " on water and beach lot property in S. F. (Same 1852: 293- 298.) 1850-1852. Govs. mess. re. value, selling price, sale and history of titles of beach and water lot property in S. F., with review of controversy over same: with ace. docs. 28 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 44.) 1851. Rept. on validity of act granting tide lands within city of S. F. to city. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 1329- 1333.) . Rept. re. proposed relinquishment to city of state's rights to beach and tide lots in city of S. F. {Same 1851: 1686-1687.) 1851-1853. Review of legislation re. beach and water lot property in S. F., as affecting state's interest in same. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 9.) . Rept re. amt. and value of beach and water lot property in S. F. sold under act of Mch. 26, 1851, and amt. of sales on which state is entitled to 25%; with stmts, of various sales made. (Assem. joL 1854: 457-474.) 1852. Rept of special committee re. beach and water lots of S. F., reviewing history and legislation con- cerning grants of same, showing injustice of pro- posed repeal of private grants. {Same 1852: 284- 307.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 161 LAND— cont'd Water Front Property — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1852. Communication from atty. gen. re. price of beach and -water lots disposed of by S. F. comrs. of fund- ed debt and estimated value of whole beach and water lot property. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 19.) . Action commenced In behalf of state for re- covery of beach and water property of city of S. F. ; suggestion that state dispose of unsold beach and water property and appropriate proceeds to con- struction of permanent bulkhead on water front of city. (A.R. atty. gen. 1852: 4-5.) 1853. Repts. of majority and minority of special com- mittee upon subject of extending water front of S. F. 12 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 4 sess. doc. 41.) . Rept. of special committee to whom was referred Assem. bill re. water front of S. F. 5 pp. (Same 4 sess. doc. 65.) . Communication from atty. gen. in regard to S. F. water front; Feb. 18. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. doc. 19.) . Same; Mch. 21. 4 pp. (Same 4 sess. doc. 41.) . Rept. of commerce committee in relation to ex- tending city front of S. F. 5 pp. (Same 4 sess. doc. 27.) . Rept. [adverse] of portion of select committee upon extension of water front of city of S. F. 22 pp. (Same 4 sess. doc. 32.) . Majority and minority repts. on proposed bill to dispose of state's Interest In beach and water lot property in S. F. and to extend water front of same. 4, 2 pp. (Same 1853 docs. 37, 38.) . Govs. mess. re. invalidity of leases to beach and water lot property In Institution of proc. to secure rights of state In premise. (Sen. jol. 1853: 190- 191; Assem. jol. pp. 230-231.) . Same; re. impending sale of certain beach and water lots in S. F. advertised by sheriff to satisfy judgment agst. city, urging injunction to restrain city from proceeding with sale, and adoption of measures necessary to protect state's interest in said lots. 8 pp. (Sen. jol. 1853: 365-366; Assem. jol. pp. 431-432.) . Same; in answer to Assem. res. requesting In- formation in relation to water lots in city of S. F., sold In 1850. 28 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. doc. 44.) . Same; re. immediate necessity of providing for Interest on state debt due July 1, urging apptmt. of bd. of three comrs. to make necessary arrange- ments and suggesting sale of beach and water lots in S. F., rightfully belonging to state, as means of providing requisite funds. (Sen. jol. 1853: 366-367; Assem. jol. pp. 430-431.) . Govs, special mess. re. extension of water front of S. F., urging sale of state's Interest in beach and water lot property as measure for providing funds necessary for meeting state debt, with ace. docs. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 docs. 49-50: 5-7; Assem. jol. pp. 320-324.) . Atty. gens, opinion re. legality of act to extend water front of S. F. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 41.) . Same; re. necessity of proceedings to secure state's right to certain water lot property in S. F., In connection with pction of TJ. S. Distr. Atty. agst. lessees of said property. Instituted by reason of failure of said lessees to pay rentals; with copies of said leases. 8 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 36.) . Remonstrance of citizens of S. F. agst. proposed extension of city limits beyond water line estab- 11 LAND— cont'd Water Front Property — cont'd non-s eria I — cont' d lished by act passed Mch. 26, 1851. 4 pp. (Same 1853 doc. 30.) 1853. Joint res. of common council of city of S. F., no. 316, protesting agst. extension of water front of said city. 2 pp. (Same 1853 doc. 29.) . Investigation of beach and water lot controversy re. title to such property in S. F. urged. (Govs, ann. mess. 1853.) . Memorial of purchasers of certain water lot property in S. F., praying state to reconsider pro- posed resumption of control over parts of said property. 6 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 28.) 1854. Rept. on sales of water lot property. 27 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 5 sess. doc. 9(?).) Docs. Incorrectly numbered? This is probably no. 6. . Review of advantage of proposed extension of water front of S. F., and sale of state's Interest In property within limits of city, especially as offer- ing necessary means for speedy payment of state debt. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 7-10.) . Rept. of land comrs. apptd. under act of May 18, 1853, to sell state's interest in property within water line front of S. F. as defined by act of Mch. 26, 1851, reviewing transactions and accts. (As- sem. jol. 1854: 90-91.) . Speedy settlement of state debt necessary and provision therefor urged by extension of water front of S. F. and sale of lots within same. (Govs, special mess. May 8, 1854.) . Govs. mess. re. treasurer's refusal to accept state prison bonds In payment for property sold by state land comrs., with review of legislation defining funded state debt, showing said prison bonds not to be part of same; Jan. 14. (Assem. jol. 1854: 92-95.) . Rept. re. refusal of treasurer to receive state prison bonds in payment for property sold by state land comrs., declaring said bonds to be part of funded debt of state. (Same 1854: J.13.) 1855. Proceeds from sale of property to be placed under control of state by proposed extension of S. F. probably sufficient to liquidate remaining state indebtedness. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 9.) . Suggestion to appt. agt. to watch over state's interest in water lot property In S. F. to prevent same from passing into hands of individuals with- out payment to state. (Same 1856: 13.) . Veto of act amdg. act to provide for sale of state's interest in property within water line front of S. F. as defined by act passed Mch. 20, 1851. (Assem. jol. 18.55: 823-825.) . Rept. of land comrs. with acct. of their trans- actions in regard to sale of state property within water line of S. F. 5 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 6 sess. doc. 9.) . Rept. re. apparent conflict betw. funding act of Mch., 1855, and act providing for state's sale of water lot property in S. F., passed May 18, 1853, as to provision for acceptance of comptroller's war- rants in payment for said property. (Assem. jol 1855: 556.1 . Treasurer's communication re. discrepancy betw. funding act of 1855 and act providing for sale of water lot property in S. F., passed May 18, 1853, as to their provisions for reception of comptroller's warrants. (Sen. jol. 1855: 482-483.) . Review of arguments for liquidation of state debt by sale of beach and water lot property, show- ing probable amt. of accumulated Interest at time of maturity. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 10.) 163 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND— confd Water Front Property — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1855. Proceeds from sale of property to be placed un- der control of state by proposed extension of S. F. probably sufficient to liquidate remaining state in- debtedness. (Same 1855; 9.) 1866. Majority and minority repts. of Sen. select com- mittee to investigate sale of marsh and tide lands, with testimony taken by committee. 7, 12 (2), 16 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. docs.) . Opinion of atty. gen. re. tide land locations upon S. F. city front near Oakland, and state prison. 8 pp. (Same 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) . Veto of act to provide for settlement of certain land claims in S. P. (Assem. jol. 16 sess. pp. 850- 853.) . Kept, of surveyor gen. re. marsh and tide lands within 5 miles of S. F. and Oakland. 7 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) 1868. Rept re. S. P. tide lands [title and project to sell them for sites of r.r. termini]. 6 pp. (Same 17 sess. V. 3 [doc. 14].) . Minority rept re. S. F. "outside lands." [Ques- tion of title and sale to individuals.] 6 pp. (Sam,e 17 sess. V. 2 [doc. 38].) . Rept. of special Assem. committee re. S. P. tide lands; favorable to Parish tide land bill, and sub- mitting opinions on subject of vesting of title of such lands; by J. Hamilton and C. Haymond. 10 pp. (Same 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 18].) 1869. List of persons and corporations preliminarily allowed by comrs. to purchase at appraised value the appraisements being subject to approval or dis- approval of state bd. (Rept. tide land comrs. 1868/9: 5.) Claimants under sec. 5, act of 1868 re. disposal of marsh and tide lands in S. F. . Comments and res. on water line front of S. F. (Same 1868/9: 6-13.) . Surveyor's rept. on map and surveys of S. P. beach and water lots, with financial stmts, of lands sold, etc. (Same 1868/9: 33-39.) 1869-1871. Comment on success of plan devised at last sess. for sale and disposition of certain salt marsh and tide lands bordering ui>on bay and within city and CO. of S. P. (Rept. atty. gen. 1868/9 (p. 6) — same 1870/1.) 1870. Comments on change of boundary line of salt marsh and tide lands belonging to state and the Haley and O'Neil property. (Rept. tide land comrs. 1869/70: 6.) . Rept. of chief engr. on map and surveys of S. F. beach and water lots, with financial stmts, of lands sold, etc. (Same 1869/70: 25-30.) . Litigation: Parish et als. vs. Coon et als. and The People, upon relation of atty. gen. vs. B. P. Washington et als. the bd. of tide land comrs. (Same 1869/70: 3-4.) . List of cases compromised by bd. of comrs. (Same 1869/70: 10-12.) . Sales; r.r. right of way and res. in regard to claimants. (Same 1869/70: 8-10.) . Minority rept of committee on public lands re. Assem. bill 370 unfavorable to change in bd. of tide land comrs. 2 11. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 2 doc. [14].) . Testimony taken before special committee of Sen. to inquire into matters of Golden City Home- stead Assn. re. grant of tide lands In S. P., made to assn. which it is now believed never existed, by state, and action necessary to secure to state full benefit of land thus fraudulently granted. 62 pp. (Same 18 sess. v. 3 doc [21].) LAND— cont'd Water Front Property— cont'd nonrserial — cont'd 1873. Recommendation for passage of act abolishing tide land comn., and requiring them to turn over all books and papers to state, bd. (Bienn. rept state controller 1871/3: 7-8.) 1874. Rept. on act to appropriate money for expenses of tide land comn. (Assem. jol. 20 sess. pp. 452-453.) 1876. Rept. of Sen. special committee apptd, to investi- gate sale of tide and marsh lands of state. 9 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 4 unnum. doc.) Relating to Mission Creek Lands granted to Citr of S. F. by state nnder act of Mch. 27, 1874. Reventjb fbom 1852-1853. Controller's stmt, of receipts into treasury from sales of beach and water lot property in S. P., under act of Mch. 26, 1851, up to Apr. 22, 1853. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 59.) 1853/4. Stmt, of receipts for state property sold by bd. of Cal. land comrs. in S. F. (A.R. state treas- urer 1853/4: 22-23.) 1853/4-1855/6. Revenue from sales of land on S. P. water front (A.R. bd. state land comrs. 1853/4— same 1855/6.) 1854-1857. Stmt, of state property fund in acct. with state treasurer. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4 (pp. 20-21)— same 1856/7.) 1869. See above; this date. 1870. See same; this date. LAND: INDIAN Including Indian reservations. The material on either subject was so meagre that It was thought best not to separate it. 1850. Review of Indian hostilities, resulting In part from neglect of general govt, to make treaties with same for their lands. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) 1851. Indian treaties, made by U. S. comrs., granting reservations within state, strongly disapproved and rejection of same urged. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) 1852. Rept. condemning action of Congress in estab- lishing Indian reservation within limits of state, reviewing evils of policy, and charging fraud on part of Indian agts. (Assem. jol. 1852: 202-205.) 1857. Rept of Indian affairs committee recommending purchase of Indians' lands; manual education of Indians; and their removal to reservations; one In the Pitt River and Modoc country, another in San Bernardino Co., with stronger military forces In vicinity of reservations and in remote parts of state being needed. 5 pp. (App. to Assem. joL 8 sess. doc [16].) LAND: NATIONAL DOMAIN 1850. Majority and minority repts. of committee on res. re. public domain, mineral lands, custom houses, branch of TJ. S. mint, and certain moneys right- fully belonging to state of CaL (LegisL joL 1849/ 50: 802-817.) 1852. Rept. of special committee on disposal of public lands of U. S. in Cal.; with memorial from people of Cal. asking for gifts of lands to immigrants. (App. to Sen. jol. 3 sess. pp. 575-592.) 1853. Rept. of select committee of five apptd. to In- quire into expediency of reporting memorial to Congress asking cession of all public lands In state to Cal. 14 pp. (Same 4 sess. doc. 55.) . Rept. on proposed res. for land grants to r.rs., on part of federal govt.; urging donation to every r.r. in Cal. of alternate sections along line of said r.r., or, if same be unavailable, any lands of U. S. selected in Ueu thereof by r.r. 2 pp. (Sam^ 1853 doc 71.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 163 LAND: NATIONAL DOMAIN— cont'd 1853. Further effort urged to secure federal land do- nations to actual settlers, as means of encouraging agric. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) 1854. Efforts urged to obtain federal enactment do- nating public domain in Cal. to actual settlers on same terms as in Ore. (Same 1854: 16.) 1855. Review of state's claim to public lands within its borders as affected by conditions of admission to Union. (Same 1855: 17-18.) 1856. Rept. of select committee re. U. S. land comrs.; requesting modification of act of Congress of 1851, so far as to prevent issuance of patents by comrs., to claimants, in cases of land titles which were im- perfect at date of conquest of Cal.; and that unlo- cated grants be placed only on unoccupied lands, U. S. surveyors to have no discretion as to their disposition; also that agric. lands in the state, legal title of which is in state, be sold, and that they be subdivided irrespective of any claim of title in private parties. 11 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 7 sess. doc. [17].) 1857-1885. Table showing net proceeds from sales of public lands each yr.; 5% of net proceeds; interest at 7% each yr. Rept. of agt. and counsel of Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 120. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) 1860. Enactment of laws for disposition of lands by gen. govt.; etc. (A.R. atty. gen. 1860: 5-6.) 1870. Jt. res. re. sale of mineral lands in Cal.; to instruct members of Congress to prevent, if pos- sible, any departure from policy heretofore pur- sued by U. S. in allowing mineral lands to be freely worked by all comers, subject only to such rules as miners themselves might adopt. 2 11. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 3 doc. [65].) . Rept. of Sen. committee on mines and mining interests re. Sen. con. res. 6, and Assem. substitute therefor in relation to subdivision of mineral lands into 10-acre tracts, and sale thereof, under pre- emption and homestead laws of U. S. 4 pp. (Same 18 sess. V. 3 doc. [78].) 1880-1885. Communications from General Land OflSce, Washington, to registers, receivers, and surveyors gen. re. mineral, timber, and stone lands. (6 A. R. state mineralogist 1885/6 pt. 2: 163-175.) 1886. Stmt, of total amts. of money reed, by several states of U. S. from net proceeds of sales of public lands up to June 30, 1880. Rept. of agt. and coun- sel of Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 64; 103; 114. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) . Stmt, showing resp. shares of several states and territories of U. S. and D. C. under distribution act of Sept. 4, 1841, of residue of net proceeds of public lands sold in half yr. endg. June 30, 1842. Rept. of agt. and counsel for Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 64-65; 104-105; 115-116. (Same 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) . Stmt, of amt. of additional allowance to states of Ohio, Ind., 111., Mo., Ark., La., Miss., Ala., and Mich., of 10% of net proceeds of public lands sold in half yr. endg. June 30, 1842, under distribution act of Sept. 4, 1841. Rept. of agt. and counsel for Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 67; 106; 117. (Same 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) . Stmt, of amts. accrued to 18 named states up to June 30, 1880, on acct. of 2, 3, and 5% upon net proceeds of sales of public lands within their resp. limits. Rept. of agt. and counsel for Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 68; 107; 118. (Same 27 sess. V. 8; 580 pp.) 1888. Article from S. F. Chronicle on U. S. land pat- ents issued during yr. (8 A.R. state mineralogist 1887/8: 895-896.) LAND: NATIONAL DOMAIN— cont'd 1897. Stmt, of U. S. land distrs. showing area in acres of govt, land unappropriated and unreserved, sur- veyed and unsurveyed, in Cal. for yr. endg. June 30. (Blenn. rept. surveyor gen. 1896/8: 12.) 1901. Tabular stmt, of area of unappropriated U. S. land in Cal., by cos. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1901: 155-157.) Five Per Cent Fund 1802-1857. Synopsis of federal grants of 5% of pro- ceeds of public lands. (Assem. Jol. 9 sess. pp. 303- 306.) 1850. Prosecution of agric. land claim on U. S. urged by committee on res. re. same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/ 50: 812-813.) 1858. Communication from supt. of public instruction re. proceeds of public lands within limits of Cal. (Assem. jol. 9 sess. pp. 302-306.) . Setting forth grounds upon which Cal. has right to claim from federal govt. 5% of proceeds, and recommending that state senators and representa- tives be again instructed to use their efforts to secure the necessary legislation. (8 A.R. supt. public instruction 1858 (pp. 22-24)— 9 same 1859.) 1886. Rept. re. claim of Cal. to 5% of proceeds of sale of public lands by U. S., amounting to more than half a million dollars, the prospect of receiving which for benefit of public schools is now good. (12 same 1884/6: 150.) . Table of acts of Congress granting to the several states certain percentum upon net proceeds of sales of public lands. Rept. of agt. and counsel for Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 69; 102; 113. (App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) — — . The 5% claim agst. U. S.; rept. of agt. and coun- sel for Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 6-16; 53-120. (Same 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) The exhibits, pp. 53-120, contain texts of state and federal laws and resolutions, state and federal correspondence, tabular matter, etc. . Claim for refunded fees paid by Cal. on agric. lands cancelled by U. S. and for moneys reed, by U. S. from sales of lands granted to Cal. as swamp and overflowed lands; rept. of agt. and counsel for Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 48-50; 573- 580. (Same 27 sess. v. 8; 580 pp.) The exhibits, pp. 573-580, contain correspondence of state surveyor gen. and federal bills and resolu- tions, etc. 1904. Comments on 5% claim. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1902/4: 27-30.) Grants; see below, Land Grants LAND: STATE serial Reports Under Act of April 18, 1850. 1 series 1850-1863/4. Ann. rept. of surveyor gen. In Collected docs, as follows : 1850 in Leg. jol. 1851 : 576-580.* 1850 in Leg. Jol. 1851 : 894-896.* 1851/2 in A) 3p. to Sen. jol . 1853 doc. 3. 1852/3 " f (t <( 1854 *' I. 1852/3 " ' " Assem. ** 1854 " 4.t 1853/4 " ' ( (( tt " 6 sess . doc. [5 1853/4 " " Sen. '* 6 " " 5 1855 ' " Assem, *' 7 " *• 5' 1855 " Sen. " 7 " " 5 1856 ' " Assem. " 8 " unnum.' 1856 " Sen. " 8 " 1857 ' " Assem. »* 9 " 1857 " Sen. *' 9 " 1858 ' " Assem. " 10 " 1858 ' " Sen. ** 10 " 1859 ' " Assem. ** 11 " doc. * 576-580 surveyor gen. and co. surveyors ; 894-896 surveyor gen. only, t Sometimes omitted from vol. 164 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA LAND: STATE— cont'd 1859 1860 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864* 1865* serial — cont'd Reports — cont'd 1 series — cont'd in App. to Sen. jol. 11 sess. unnnm. doc. " " " Assem. " 12 " " " Sen. 12 " " jola. 13 sess. nnTinm floc ;; " " 14 " " " 15 " V. 1 unnnm. doc. " " 16 " V. 1 " " " " 16 " V. 1 2 series Bienn. rept. of surveyor gen. 17 sess. V. 1 nnnxun. do 18 " T. 1 ■ 4 < 19 " V. 1 *i t 20 " V. 1 It t 21 " T. 2 It 1 22 " V. 1 *( t 23 " T. 4 «( ( 1865/7-1877/9, In Collected docs, as follows : 1865/7 In App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 1867/9 • - 1869/71 " 1871/3 " 1873/5 " 1875/7 " 1877/9 " 3 series 1879/80. Rept. [ann.] of surveyor gen. In Collected docs, as follows : 1879/80 In App. to jols. 24 sess. v. 1 nnnnm. doc 4 series 1880/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of surveyor gen. In Collected docs, as follows : 1880/2 In App. to jols. 25 sess. t. 1 nnnnm, doc. 1882/4 " 26 " v. 1 1884/6 " " " " 27 " v. 1 1886/8 " " " " 28 " T. 1 1888/90" " " " 29 " v. 1 1890/2 " " " " 30 " v. 1 1892/4 " 31 " T. 1 1894/6 " 32 " v. 1 doc [7]. 1896/8 " " " " 33 " v. 1 " [6]. 1898/00 never printed. 1900/2 in App. to Jols. 35 sess. T. 1 doc [10]. Circulars Checklist 1852 June 1. To co. surveyors and assessors. Ann, rept. surveyor gen. 1853 : 9-12. Duties under act of April 17, 1850, creating surveyor gens, office and under School lAnd Bill and under law to provide for a map of Cal. June 15. Same. ib. 12. Time of making rept 1853 July 1. Same. lb. 1852/3 : 6-9. Same as June 1, 1852. 1854 June 1. To co. surveyors, lb 1853/4 : 25-28. Same as June 1, 1852. . To CO. assessors, ib. 1853/4 : 61-62. Same as June 1, 1852. 1862 Feb. 13. To co. surveyors, lb. 1862 : 42. Collection of flood statistics. ALAMEDA COUNTY 1853/4-1854/5. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 28-30. Roads, topography, location of land warrants. 1854/5 in Ann , rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 208-210. Mexican grant, overflowed lands, marsh lands, co. boun&rles, school land warrants. AMADOR COUNTY 1859. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1859 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1859 : 37-38. Acreage of claimed and tilled land resp. ; Indeflnlte boundary allows criminals to evade law, instancing band of " Silver Lake Bobbers." BUTTE COUNTY 1854/5. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1854/5 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 211-212. Mineral land, swamp and overflowed land, co. boundary, roads. CALAVERAS COUNTY 1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 30-31. Records of office destroyed by Are, no. acres agrlc and grazing land, opening of '' Big Tree " section, roads. • Bound together. LAND: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd Circulars — cont'd COLU&A COUNTY 1854/5-1860. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1854/5 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 213-214. Drainage of swamp lands In co. proposed, tillable land, recommendations for amdmt to road law. 1855/6-1859 none made. 1860 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1860 : 37-39. Swamp and overflowed lands ; irrigation. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY 1851/2-1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1852 : 50. Brown. Aggregate no. acres tillable, grazing and govt land In CO. ; no. cattle, horses, etc, bushels grain and vegetables grown In co. In yr. 1852/3 none made. 1853/4 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 215. Navigable streams In co. ; roads, estimate of tillable land, no. horses, cattle, etc, agrlc produce, mineral resources. EL DORADO COUNTY 1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 31-34. Location of land warrants, criticism of state map, bridges, co. boundaries, area of co., co. map. FRESNO COUNTY 1859-1862. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1859 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1859 : 38-39. Navigation San Joaquin River ; irrigation ; climate ; turnpike roads ; details of surrey of yr. 1860-1861 none made 1862 in Ann, rept surveyor gen. 1862 : 89-90. HUMBOLDT COUNTY 1862. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1862 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1862 : 90. T-ATTfl! COUNTY 1862. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1862 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1862 : 90-91. Swamp land. LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1854/5-1860. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1854/5 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 216. Federal litigation agst land owners. Instability of titles to realty, claim of Tulare Co. to Rancho Tejon without foundation, survey of the Vlgnes vineyard in city of Los Angeles. 1855/6-1859 none made. 1860 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1860 : 39-44. Topography ; rivers ; mineral resources ; location of first gold discovered in Cal. ; silver ; tUled lands ; scarcity of water; grape culture; exorbitant value of money reason for marketing immature wines; accumulation of capital in hands of proprietors of vineyards bad for wine Industry ; orange cul- ture ; roads ; school land locations. MARIN COUNTY 1851/2-1863. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 in Ann, rept surveyor gen. 1852 : 49. Character of land. 1852/3 none made. 1853/4 in Ann, rept surveyor gen. 1853/4:34-35. Mexican grants; no. acres located in school warrants, roads, no. horses, cattle, etc, do. fruit trees. 1854/5 in Ann, rept surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 216-217. School land warrants, swamp land. Bay of Bollnas accessible to vessels of light draft not on state map, no. public Improvements in CO., co. In debt no. horses, cattle, etc, fmlt trees. 1855/6-1858 none made. 1859 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1859 : 40-41. Swamp and overflowed lands ; timber ; saw and paper mills ; roads ; valuation of realty, personalty and Improvements, revenue of state, co., road, special and delinquent taxes ; school land warrants. 1860 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1860 : 44-45. Spanish and Mexican, grants ; no. surveys made ; swamp and overflowed lands ; co. boundary ; tax valuation and taxes of co. 1861 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1861 : 19-20. Swamp and overflowed lands ; roads and highways. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 165 LAND: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd Circulars — cont'd MARIN COUNTY— cont'd 1862 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1862 : 91-93. Marsh and tide lands ; school land warrants ; co. roads. 1863 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1863 : 111-120. List of school lands taken in lieu of 16tli and 36th sections ; swamp and overflowed and tide land surveys ; mineral lands ; taxahle property. MARIPOSA COUNTY 1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 36-37. Proposal for Irrigation of dry lands in San Joaquin Valley, swamp and overflowed lands in co. ; names of holders and dates of issue of land warrants ; grasshopper scourge. MERGED COUNTY 1854/5-1859. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1854/5 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 218. Agrlc. produce, co. boundary. 1855/6-1858 none made. 1859 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1859 : 42-44. Surveys of swamp and overflowed lands ; mineral lands ; agric. and mnfg. possihlllties of Merced Yalley ; irrigation. NAPA COUNTY 1850-1860. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1850 In Legisl. Jol. 1851 : 578-579. Brown. Improvement in navigation of Napa River recom- mended ; state aid for 30 miles of plank road from Napa City north asked for; nature and quantity of crops raised; no. of livestock in co. 1851/2-1852/3 none made. 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 37-39. Agric. socy. formed ; no tule lands in co., criticism of state map, list of school land locations. 1854/5-1859 none made. 1860 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1860 : 46-48. Co. roads and boundaries ; bridges and ferries ; swamp and overflowed lands ; minerals. NEVADA COUNTY 1854/5. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1854/5 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 218-221. Swamp land, tillable land only profitable when Irri- gated, acreage of surveyed pre-emption claims, timber, acreage of wheat, barley, etc., no. horses, cattle, etc., mileage and value of mining ditches, roads, no. and value of quartz mills, output of saw and grist mills. PLACER COUNTY 1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 39-40. PLUMAS COUNTY 1853/4-1857/8. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 40-41. Names and location of roads, character of land, mineral resources, inaccuracy of state map. 1854/5 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 221-222. Swamp lands, school land warrants. 1855/6-1856/7 not printed. For these yrs. there are included in the ann. rept. of the surveyor gen. folding tables summarizing the CO. surveyors' returns. 1857/8 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1858 : 37-39. Nature of surveyed and unsurveyed land resp. ; co. boundaries ; roads ; mining school land warrants ; press. SACRAMENTO COUNTY 1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 41-43. Division of CO. into townships and sections, difficulties arising from existing pre-emption laws, swamp and overflowed lands in co. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 1853/4-1854/5. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 44. Route of Great Pacific R.B. 1854/5 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 222. Improvement of road through Cajon Pass, artesian wells on road to Salt Lake City recommended. LAND: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd Circulars — cont'd SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1854/5. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1854/5 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 223-239. Co. boundaries, area, surveys in co., occupancy of land, Mexican and Spanish titles, Mission San Luis Rey Mission San Diego, internal improvements, roads, wharves, San Diego and Gila R.R., mnfg. facilities, supply of water, navigation of Colorado, mineral resources, wagon road to the Colorado, criticism of state map. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY 1853/4-1861. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 44-45. School land warrants, swamp or overflowed lands, co. boundaries. 1854/5 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 239. Swamp and overflowed lands, co. boundaries. 1855/6-1800 none made. 1861 'n Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1861 : 24. SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY 1853/4-1862. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 45-46. Bridges, Inaccuracy of state map. 1854/5 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 240-242. Surveys of swamp land, tule lands, co. roads and bridges, artesian well. 1855/6-1856/7 none made. 1857/8 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1858 : 40-43. Ferries and toll-bridges ; artesian wells ; co. roads ; co. boundaries ; area ; swamp land surveys ; school land warrants. 1859 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1859 : 46-47. 1860 " " " " " 1860:48-49. Swamp land locations. 1861 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1861 : 24-26. Swamp and overflowed lands ; co. roads. 1862 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1862 : 93-95. Swamp and overflowed lands ; school land under old warrants ; school land locations In lieu of 16th and 36th sections on unsurveyed lands. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 1851/2. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1852 : 51. Wacken- reuder. SANTA CLARA COUNTY 1851/2-1861. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1852 : 34-38. Lewis. Boundaries, topography, area, arable land, mines and mineral lands, towns and villages, lumber and milling. 1852/3 none made. 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 47-48. School land locations, survey of Spanish and Mexican grants, swamp or overflowed lands, co. boundaries, error in state map, topography, area, quantity agric. produce, mills, timber, mineral resources, artesian wells. 1854/5 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 242-246. School land warrants, swamp and overflowed lands, co. map, acreage and quantity of agric. produce, no. each kind fruit trees, artesian wells, schools, no. and produce of saw and flour mills, roads. 1855/6-1860 none made. 1861 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1861 : 22-23. Swamp lands ; r.r. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY 1850-1854/5. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1850 in Legisl. Jol. 1851 : 579-580. Kellogg. No. of livestock in co. 1851/2 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1852 : 52-53. Wright. Acres of arable land, livestock, agrlc. products, mineral resources. 1852/3-1853/4 none made. 1854/5 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 246-248. Timber, mineral lands, road system. SHASTA COUNTY 1851/2-1854/5. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1852 : 46. Vosburgh. No. sq. acres arable land in co. and where situated. 1852/3 none made. 166 INDEX TO D0CUME3NTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAITO: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd Circulars — cont'd SHASTA COUNTY — cont'd 1853/4 In Ann. rent, surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 49. 1854/5 " " ** " " 1854/5:248-250. Improvement of Sacramento River, road system. Immi- grant road, timber, mineral springs, mining ditches, swamp and overflowed lands. SIERRA COUNTY 1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Docnments as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 49-52. Discrepancies In state map, roads, overflowed or swamp lands, acres cultivated land, acres tillable, no. horses, cattle, etc., agrlc produce, mineral re- sources, stage route. SISKIYOU COUNTY 1851/2-1861. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1852 : 39-42. Lowry. Topography and water power; sketch of country betw. Yreka City and the coast. 1852/3 none made. 1853/4 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 52-54. Co. boundaries, public lands, swamp and overflowed lands, mines, that portion of 500,000 acre grant In CO. ; no. of horses, cattle, etc., agrlc. produce. 1854/5 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 250-252. Gold mines, 500,000 acre grant, no. horses, cattle, etc., acreage of agrlc. products, ferries, bridges, road from Yreka to Red Bluff. 1855/6-1860 none made. 1861 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1861 : 21-22. Details of surveyed and unsnrveyed lands ; swamp and overflowed lands ; school and seminary lands. SOLANO COUNTY 1853/4-1862. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 54-57. Quantity state land, do. tule land in co., tilled area, agrlc. produce, no. horses, cattle, etc., criticism of state map, school land warrants. 1854/5 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 253-255. Acreage of each kind of land in co., acreage and yield of agrlc. produce, mills, artesian wells, no. horses, etc., CO. boundary, canal from Puta Creek to Sacra- mento River proposed. 1855/6-1861 none made. 1862 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1862 : 95-97. Swamp and overflowed lands ; location of school war- rants (500,000 acre tract) ; 16th and 36th sections. SONOMA AND MENDOCINO COUNTIES 1858-1860. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1858 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1858 : 44-45. Lands ; timber ; minerals ; ferries ; canals ; co. bound- aries ; school land warrants. 1859 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1859 : 47-49. Sonoma co. only. Ferries, roads, telegraphs, swamp lands, school land warrants. 1860 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1860 : 49-51. Ferries ; artesian wells ; roads ; r.rs. ; telegraphs ; co. boundaries ; reclamation of swamp and overflowed lands ; school land warrants. STANISLAUS COUNTY 1853/4-1859. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 57-58. Navigability of San J'oaquin River; mineral resources, school land warrants ; quantity overflowed land In CO. : tillable land. 1854/5-1858 none made. 1859 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1859 : 44-46. Improvement of San Joaquin River ; roads ; Irrigation ; placer mining ; water co. ; swamp and overflowed land ; Spanish grants. SUTTER COUNTY 1854/5-1863. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : ___ 1854/5 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 255-256. Area, topography, produce, boundary. Internal improve- ments. 1855/6-1859 none made. 1860 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1860 : 51-53. Mexican grants ; swamp lands. 1861-1862 none made. 1863 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1863 : 121-122. General remarks on swamp and overflowed land sur- veys ; school land locations. LAND: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd Circulars — cont'd TEHAMA COUNTY 1859. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1859 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1859 : 49-53. Topography ; soils ; timber ; mining ; coal ; freestone (asbestos) ; mineral springs ; salt works ; agrlc. Sroduce ; no. and value of horses, cattle, etc. ; fexican grants ; swamp and overflowed lands. TRINITY COUNTY 1851/2. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 In Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1852 : 47. Hart Estimates of arable land, agrlc. products, livestock. TUOLUMNE COUNTY 1853/4. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1853/4 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1853/4 : 58-60. Description of Stanislaus and Tuolnmne Rivers, Emi- grant road, timber, state lands, co. boundaries. YOLO COUNTY 1854/5-1862. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1854/5 in Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1854/5 : 257-259. Co. boundaries, swamp lands, tilled land, agrlc. produce, roads. 1855/6-1861 none made. 1862 in Ann. rept. surveyor gen. 1882 : 97-100. Water courses ; flood of 1861 ; swamp land reclamation. YUBA COUNTY 1851/2. Ann. rept. of co. surveyor. In Documents as follows : 1851/2 In Ann. rept surveyor gen. 1852 : 43-45. Scott Table showing in acres bottom lands situated on rivers and creeks, do. riparian lands cultivatable without irrigation, arid lands only cultivatable by irriga- tion, valley and arable lands on w. slope of Sierra Nevada, mineral lands unsusceptible of cultivation ; estimate of aggregate no. of horses and cattle in CO. ; do. of agrlc. produce of various kinds ; value of gold produced In co. in precedin? yr. : capital Invested In co. In quartz, placer and river mining, in merchandise and trading and In lumbering. non-serial 1850. Majority and minority repts. of committee on res. re. public domain, mineral lands, custom houses, branch of U. S. mint, and certain moneys rightfully belonging to state of Cal. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 802-817.) 1852. Surveyor gens, special rept. on extent of various classes of lands in state (school lands, mineral lands, etc.), and possibility of obtaining further grants from V. S. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 615-639.) . Same; separate. 24 pp. . Extension of pre-emption and donation system of land grants urged. (Govs, inaugural address 1852.) . Adoption urged of system for disposing of lands granted to state by various acts of Congress. (Grovs. ann. mess. 1852.) 1854. Remarks on state lands, and recommendation for creation of bd. of land comrs. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1854: 8-11.) . Tabular exhibits from rept. of sales by CaL land comrs. 9 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 6 sess. doc [10].) 1855. Rept. of Sen. special committee re. state land sales at S. F., Oct. 10, alleging undue haste on part of auctioneer; rept. also presents testimony in case entitled. The People of the State of Cal. vs. W. H. Talmadge, Jesse Carothers, intervener. 55 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 7 sess. doc. [18].) 1856. Rept. of select committee to examine Into affairs of late state land comn., showing undue haste and lack of precaution in sales of Oct. 10, 1855, with review of circumstances connected with suit of said land comrs. agst. agt of J. Carothers to recover- INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 16? LAND: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd lands fraudulently promised him by late atty. gen., ■with testimony and ace. docs. (Sen. jol. 7 sess. pp. 608-652.) 1856. Suggested that measures be taken to locate and survey lands of state, and cause maps and plats of same to be deposited in office of secy, of state; after which to abolish office of surveyor gen. (A.R. state comptroller 1855/6: 5.) 1857-1881. Table showing no. of acres of public lands in Cal. sold each yr., amt. reed, and expenses of sale. Rept. of agt. and counsel of Cal. to gov. for claims agst. U. S. 1886: 63. (App. to jols. 27 sess. V. 8; 580 pp.) 1859. Repr. of newspaper article on public lands of Cal. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1859: 361-363.) 1861. Evidence taken before swamp land committee going to prove that certain lands in state were Im- properly included in general survey of XJ. S. govt., being in reality, unless reclaimed by levees and ditches, uncultlvatable by reason of frequent Inun- dation, 1861. 12 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 12 sess. doc. [28].) 1862-1872. Remarks on state land laws. (A.R. sur- veyor gen. 1862 (pp. 18-21) — ^bienn. rept. same 1870/2.) 1864-1865. Stmt, of state lands, showing amt. of land which has become property of state under various grants. (A.R. same 1864 (p. 23) — same 1865.) 1868. Rept. of committee on public lands re. lands in New San Diego. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) . Rept. of public land committee, with statistical tables, showing condition of all public lands in state. 6 pp. (Same 17 sess. v. 3 [doc. 13].) 1869-1871. Comments on state lands, amt. sold, and approximate amt. remaining unsold. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1867/9 (pp. 5-6) — same 1869/71.) 1878. Petition of H. M. Naglee. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. V. 4 [doc. 22].) Praying for centralization of system of land reclama- tion. 1879. Stmt, giving whole amt. of land listed to state under various land grants. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1877/9: 3.) 1879-1904. Stmt, showing land listed to state by TJ. S. under various land grants. (Same 1877/9 (p. 3) — same 1902/4.) No repts. 1898/00. 1885. Increasing demand for public lands in state; small farmers commended. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1885: 182.) 1886. Comment on land laws and land acquisition in state; better administration of laws needed, not their repeal. (Same 1886: 197-199.) 1891. The right to tax unpatented r.r. lands, and govt, lands for which land office receipts have been is- sued; opinion 99, atty. gen. (Hart). 15 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Expenditures 1882-1884. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state lands. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/82 (p. 66) — same 1882/4.) SUBVETOE GeNEEAL'S OITICB 1855. List of required and actual apprns. (A.R. sur- veyor gen. 1855: 5-6.) . Stmt, of expenditures of surveyor gens, office. (Same 1855: 65,) . Stmt, showing for what purpose the contingent fund has been expended. (Same 1855: 66-68.) LAND: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd SUEVBTOB GeNEEAI'S OFFICE — COUt'd 1855. Exhibit consisting of certified accts. of J. Hack- ett, G. H. Goddard, T. Tennant, U. S. surveyor gen., and F. Foreman et al. (Same 1855: 70-75.) . Stmt, of recommended apprns. (Same 1855: 58.) . Stmt, showing amt. due surveyor gen. for cash expenditures for state, beyond apprns. (Same 1855: 68-70.) . Stmt, of deficiencies of surveyor gens, office. (Same 1855: 66.) 1856. Rept. of surveyor gen. re. expenditures from contingent fund, yr. endg. Feb., with itemized ex- hibit of same. (Assem. jol. 1856: 269-280.) 1858. Estimate of apprns. required for surveyor gens, office. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. p. 303.) 1858-1877. Receipts and expenditures, etc., of surveyor gens, and state land offices, from Jan., 1858, to June 30, 1877. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1875/7: 15.) 1859. Stmt, of expenditures of contingent fund of sur- veyor gens, office. (Sen. jol. 11 sess. p. 185.) . Stmt, of contingent expenses of state land office. (Same 11 sess. p. 184.) 1860. Estimate of contingent expenses of land office for 11th fiscal yr. (Same 10 sess. p. 241.) . Estimate of contingent expenses of surveyor gens, office for 11th fiscal yr. (Same 10 sess. p. 241.) 1863. Table showing amts. paid to the several co. treasurers as principal and interest upon purchases of various classes of lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1863: 28.) 1863-1867. Stmt, of expenditures of all apprns. other than salaries for offices of surveyor gen. and regis- ter of state land office from date of last rept. to Dec. 1. (Same 1863 (p. 29) — ^blenn. rept. same 1865/7.) 1882-1888. Stmt, of expenditures, other than salaries, for 31st and 32d fiscal yrs. (Bienn. rept. same 1880/2 (p. 381/2)— same 1886/8.) 1882-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for surveyor gen. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1880/2 (p. 58) — same 1902/4.) 1904. Stmt, of disbursements of special fund apprn. by 35th sess. of legisl. for furnishing and repairing office of state surveyor gen. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1902/4: 23.) Swamp Lands Including both receipts and expenditures. 1855-1858. Stmt, showing amts. paid into general fund from sale of swamp lands in several cos., from July 17, 1855, to July 2, 1858, total amt. being trans- ferred therefrom by act of legisl. Apr., 1876, to swamp land fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1875/7: 10.) . Stmt, of amts. reed, into state treasury from swamp and overflowed lands from various cos. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 306-307; Assem. jol. pp. 322- 323.) 1858-1879. Swamp land fund; receipts and payments. (A.R. state treasurer 1857/8 (pp. 30-31) — bienn. rept. same 1877/9.) 1859/60. Table giving receipts from sales of swamp and overflowed lands, from Dec. 15, 1859, to Dec. 15, 1860. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1860: 11.) 1860. Stmt, showing swamp land fund. (Same 1860: 10.) 1861, Accts. approved by bd. of swamp land comrs. and payable from general land fund. (1 A.R. swamp land comrs. 1861: 48-51.) 168 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd Swamp Lands — cont'd 1861. Accts. approved by bd. of swamp land comrs. from different distrs. (1 same 1861: 32-48.) . Aggregate Items exhibiting total amt. of money expended by swamp land comrs. from organization of bd. up to Nov. 30, 1861. (1 same 1861: 53.) 1861-1877. Stmt, of condition of swamp land fund, June 30, 1861. (A.R. state controller 1860/1 (pp. 34-35) — ^bienn. rept. same 1875A-) 1864/5-1867. Swamp land distr. no. 1; receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1863/5 (p. 21— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 2; receipts and payments. (.Sam,e 1863/5 (p. 22)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 5; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 23)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 4; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 22)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 7; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 23)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 8; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 24)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 16; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 24)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 17; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 25)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 18; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 25)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 38; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 26)— same 1865/7.) . Same; no. 39; receipts and payments. (Same 1863/5 (p. 26)— some 1865/7.) 1865. Stmt, giving amts. expended in surveys, esti- mates, etc., in class of distrs. last named, since their first organization. (Rept. swamp land comrs. 1864/5: 18.) . Stmt, giving total amt. of cash at any time or in any manner paid out of or withdrawn from swamp land fund, through agency of first and present bds. of swamp land comrs. to present time. (Same 1864/5: 18-19.) 1865-1892. Stmt, of condition of swamp land fund in various distrs. (A.R. state controller 1864/5 (pp. 94-101)— some 1890/2.) 1865/7. Swamp land distr. no. 31; receipts and pay- ments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1865/7: 25.) . Same; no. 41; receipts and payments. (Same 1865/7: 26.) . Same; no. 6; receipts and payment. (Same 1865/7: 23.) . Same; no. 3; receipts and payments. (Same 1865/7: 21.) 1865/7-1884. Receipts and payments of various swamp land distrs. (Same 1865/7 (pp. 21-33) — same 1882/4.) 1867-1871. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for reclamation of swamp and overflowed lands. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1865/7 (pp. 76-77)— some 1869/71.) 1873/5-1884. Swamp land distr. no. 5 sinking and In- terest fund; receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1873/5 (p. 30) — same 1882/4.) 1874. Stmt, of amt. of outstanding warrants drawn agst. funds of swamp land distrs. (Assem jol. 20 sess. p. 451.) 1877. Stmts, of amts. transferred from swamp land fund to swamp land distr. funds; also amts. paid to several cos. from fund, as per act of legist, dated Apr. 1, 1876. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1875/7: 11.) LAND: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd Swamp Lands — cont'd 1892. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for repayment to co. treasurers, swamp land distr. funds. (Same 1890/2: 68.) Tide Lands 1868/9-1870. Detailed rept. of disbursements and re- ceipts. (Rept. tide land comrs. 1868/9 (pp. 21-29) —same 1869/70.) 1869. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each apprn. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for expenses of sale of tide lands at S. F. (Bienn. rept. state control- ler 1867/9: 63.) 1871. Same; survey and sale of tide lands. (Same 1869/71: 49.) Homestead 1849. Homestead enactment required. (Govs. ann. mess. 1849.) 1850. Homestead exemption provision of constitution not yet carried out. (Same 1851.) 1851. Rept. favoring passage of homestead bill. (Legisl. jol. 1851: 752.) 1852. Form of memorial asking federal donations of public land to actual settlers, reviewing damages and heavy costs of immigration, and difiBculties of agric. in Cal. as result of Indian hostilities, dry- ness of country and excessive price of supplies, etc., and citing contributions of Cal. to prosperity of country as further reason for liberal grants by Congress. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 575-592.) . Rept. of committee on public lands re. best size for proposed donations of land to settlers. (Assem. jol. 1852: 179-180.) 1855. Homestead exemption and further protection for actual settlers demanded by unsettled condition of land titles. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 18.) 1856. Suggestion to require owners of soil to pay for Improvements by settlers, as measure for protec- tion of actual settlers made necessary by uncer- tainty of lives and land titles. (Same 1856: 24.) . Memorial of farmers and actual settlers of So- noma Co. praying for prompt passage of law to protect persons making permanent improvements on lands, in belief that same were pre-emptable, showing depression of farming interests as result of lack of such protection. (Sen. jol. 7 sess. p. 438.) 1857. Rept. of minority opposing passage of act to repeal act for protection of actual settlers and to quiet land titles in state. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 825-828.) 1858. Rept. favoring passage of res. asking Congress to so modify pre-emption laws of state as to allow right of pre-emption upon all lands not segregated from public domain as private property. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 274-275.) 1861. Govs. mess. re. existing diflaculties in Sta. Clara Co., May 6, 1861; requesting apprn. for enforcing law and evicting unwilling settlers, Wm. D. Ray- mond, and others, from land grant given to Anto- nio Chabolla by U. S. patent, the " squatters' decla- ration of rights " is included. 13 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. doc. [22]; App. to Assem. jol. 12 sess. doc. [23].) Law 1868. Public land law. Providing for sale and mngmt. of lands belonging to Cal. 26 pp. Title from cover. Library of Congress. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 169 LAND: STATE— cont'd Law — cont'd 1904. Suppl. rept. containing digest of existing laws relating to sale of lands granted to state by sev- eral acts of Congress as enacted by leglsl. (Blenn. rept. surveyor gen. 1902/4: 24-38.) Marsh and Tide Lands 1858-1861. Tide lands; no. of acres sold In Mendocino and Alameda cos. in 1862; total sold each yr., 1858- 1861. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1862: 14.) 1859-1861. Stmt, of acres of tide lands in Solano and Humboldt cos. resp., returned to surveyor gens, office under acts of 1858 and 1859. (Same 1859 (p. 6)— some 1861.) 1862. Rept. of jt. committee re. alleged fraudulent in- terpolation in Sen. bill 73, act to provide for sale of marsh and tide lands of state, approved May 14, 1861; disputed amdmt. reading " excepting alcade grants, which are hereby ratified and confirmed " ; with testimony. 72 pp. (App. to jols. 13 sess. doc. [14].) 1863. Suits brought during past yr. involving large sums of money; prison lands, marsh and tide lands, and alcalde grants, etc. (A.R. atty. gen. 1863: 5.) . Stmt, of acreage of tide lands sold in Solano, Sta. Barbara, and S. F. cos., and description of same. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1863: 27.) 1864-1865. Stmt, of aggregate no. of acres of salt marsh and tide lands sold. (Same 1863/4 (p. 27) — same 1864/5.) . Action of atty. gen. in matter of settling vexed question of title to lands at Point St. Quentin, and to obtain for state sufficient land for purposes of efficient prison mngmt. ; also discussion of complica- tions growing out of same re. certificates of pur- chase issued for land lying within marsh and tide lands hitherto thought reserved from sale. (A.R. atty. gen. 1865: 4-9.) 1870. Sales; r.r. right of way and res. in regard to claimants. (Rept. tide land comrs. 1869/70: 8-10.) First sale of tide lands In Marin Co. ; comment and text of res. re. belt line and re. claimants to tide lands in Marin Co. . Majority and minority repts. on Assem. bill 68 re. grant by state of certain tide-water lands in Marin Co. and in S. F. to N. P. R.R. Co. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [54].) ExPENDiTTJBES FOE; See above, Expenditubes. Tide Lands Mineral 1852. Lease or sale of mining lands deprecated as tending to encourage monopolies. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) . Lease or sale of mineral lands deprecated as en- couraging dangerous monopolies, and continuance of policy of free mines urged. (Govs. ann. mess. 1852.) 1853. Action urged to secure repeal by Congress of recent decisions of bd. of land comrs. confirming extensive tracts of mineral lands to claimants. (Same 1853.) 1854. Suggestion for separation of agric. and mineral lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1854: 8.) 1857. Rept. of committee on con. res. re. mineral lands in state. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 802-803.) . Majority rept. of mines and mining interests committee re. ownership of minerals, in lands granted to private persons by Spain or Mexico prior to treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and bringing up question of eminent domain of Cal. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 8 sess. doc. [8].) . Same; minority rept. 8 pp. (Same 8 sess. doc. [7].) LAND: STATE— cont'd Mineral— cont'd 1857. Same; majority and minority repts. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 274-281.) 1859. Rept. on Sen. jt. res. re. reserving, in all sales of public lands, the minerals therein contained. (Same 10 sess. pp. 527-528.) 1865. Agric. lands In mineral distrs.; segregation of those lands from the minerals suggested, that they may be sold for cultivation. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1864/5: 76-77.) 1882. Coal land law and regulations thereunder. (7 same 1886/7: 57-61.) 1890. Mineral lands within r.r. grant. Eagle Bird Mine, Nevada Co. — case of G. H. Francoeur vs. O. Newhouse, V. S. Circuit Court, no. circuit, no. distr. of Cal. (10 same 1889/90: 930-937.) 1904. Illegal entry of mineral lands. (Rept. bd. trus- tees state mining bureau 1902/4: 12.) Public Building Land By act of Congress of March 3, 1853, Cal. was granted 10 sections of land to provide revenue for public buildings. 1853. Review of provisions of act of Congress, ap- proved Mch. 3, 1853, donating lands to state for public bldgs. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 22-23.) 1858. Comments on public bldg. lands, and recommen- dation that law be Immediately passed, authoriz- ing sale of such lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1858: 26-27.) 1859-1865. Stmt, of disposition of public bldg. lands. (Same 1859 (p. 9)— same 1865.) 1867. List of lands certified to state by U. S. as part of grant of 10 sees, for purpose of public bldgs. (Bienn. rept. same 1865/7: 47.) 1879. Suppl. rept. re. grants of 10 sees, for public bldgs., 72 sees, for seminary of learning, and 500,- 000 acres for internal improvements. 235 pp. (Same 1877/9.) Fund 1867. Stmt, of condition of public bldg. land fund. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1865/7: 41.) Railroad Lands 1869. Approval of the two 30-acre tracts donated to the r.r. cos. (Rept. tide land comrs. 1868/9: 14-16.) Revenue from 1858-1862. State land funds; stmt, showing sums paid to CO. treasurers on sales of school, seminary, and public bldg. lands, resp.; comment. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1862: 14-16.) 1866-1904. Amt. of fees collected by register of land office, and paid to state treasurer. (Bienn. rept. same 1886/8 (p. 8) — same 1902/4.) No rept. 1898/00. 1886-1894. Amt. of fees collected for attesting patents and paid to secy, of state. (Same 1886/8 (p. 9) — same 1892/4.) 1886-1904. Amt. collected as surveyor gen. and paid into state treasury. (Same 1886/8 (p. 8) — same 1902/4.) No rept. for 1898/00. 1889-1904. Amt. of deposits reed, by surveyor gen. under acts of Mch. 20, 1889, and to Aug. 1, 1890, and paid into state treasury. (Same 1888/90 (p. 8)— same 1902/4.) No rept. for 1898/00. 1896-1904. Financial recapitulation of fees. (Same 1894/6 (p. 6)— same 1902/4.) No rept. for 1898/00. School Land 1852. Tabular stmt, of total no. of school land war- rants sold and proceeds thereof up to Dec. 15, 1852, incl. under act of May 3, 1852. (A.R. state comp- troller 1851/2: 31.) 170 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND: STATE— cont'd Revenue from — cont'd School LAmi — cont'd 1853. On provisions made by law and revenue for common schools, and stmt, of total no. of school land warrants sold, proceeds thereof up to June 30, 1853, under act approved May 3, 1852. (Same 1852/3: 48.) 1861-1869. Stmt of condition of state school land fund, June 30, 1861. (.Same 1860/1 (pp. 30-31)— blenn. rept. same 1867/9.) 1862. Rept. of controller re. school land moneys; amts. reed, from sale of 500,000-acre grant and 36th and 16th sees., and disposition of money. 4 pp. (App. to iols. 13 sess. unnum. doc.) 1865. On school land fund; how it is being diminished. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1864/5: 108-109.) 1867. Stmt, of seminary land fund. (Blenn. rept. same 1865/7: 41.) 1870-1880. Stmt, of condition of scnool land fund. (4 blenn. rept. supt. public instruction 1870/1 (pp. 176- 178)— 9 same 1879/80.) Not glyen In 1874/5. 1873-1904. Stmt, of condition of state school land fund. (Blenn. rept. state controller 1871/3 (pp. 128-129)— some 1902/4.) 1890-1892. Same; school land deposit fund. (Same 1888/90 (p. 92)— same 1890/2.) 1894-1904. Same; state school land deposit fund. (Same 1892/4 (p. 86) — same 1902/4.) 1896-1904. Amts. reed, by co. treasurers for state prin- cipal and Interest on acct. of sales of school lands. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1894/6 (p. 8) — same 1902/4.) No rept 1898/00. Swamp and Overflowed Land; see above, Expbnditubes Watee Fbont Pbopebtt; see XiAnd School Land See also Land : National Domain. Five Per Cent Fund. 1841-1853. Review of legislation granting lands to state for educational purposes, showing amt. and value of lands available for same. (Govs, special mess. May 8, 1854.) 1849-1867. School lands of Cal.; review of legislation re. same. (2 blenn. rept. supt. public instruction 1866/7: 51-53.) 1850-1856. Brief review of state legislation re. schools and school lands; importance of ascertaining state of school lands within each co.; communication from CO. supt. of Humboldt re. same, being the only rept. on this subject reed, by state supt. (6 A.R. same 1856: 3-6.) 1851. Future revenue for educational purposes in state chiefly to be derived from sale of public lands; comment on grants of land made by acts of Con- gress, and state legislation appropriating same to educational purposes; also suggestions re. its dis- position and investment of revenue. (1 same 1851: 807-811.) Paging from Collected docs. 1854. Review of aggregate of lands and funds set apart for school revenue. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 21.) . Govs. mess. re. importance of securing benefits of educational land grants made by Congress at various times. (Assem. jol. 1854: 135-136.) 1855. Act for selection of school lands donated by Congress unwise, and provision for a prompter selection urged. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 25.) . School lands; 16th and 36th sees., Univ. and 500,- OOO-acre grant; on operations during yr. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1855: 26-30.) LAND: STATE— cont'd School Land — cont'd 1855. Suggestion of proper measures to be taken to secure resources of school lands from loss and realize income due from same. (5 A.R. supt. pub- lic Instruction 1855: 5-7.) 1855-1857. Comments on state lands — school lands; swamp and overflowed lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1855 (pp. 26-32)— some 1857.) 1857. School lands; laws re. disposition and selection ineffective; recommendations. (A.R. supt. public Instruction 1857: 7.) 1861. Table of acres of school, seminary, and public bldg. lands sold to date for cash. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1861: 11.) 1871. Recommendation that bd. of examiners be au- thorized to Invest moneys derived from state school lands in bonds of U. S.; also comments on school fund. (Blenn. rept state controller 1869/71: 7-8.) 1872. Rept. of special committee on res. of Mr. Barker, of Nevada Co., re. land monopoly, etc. 20 pp. (App. to jols. 19 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) . Rept. of special committee on Barker res. of Ne- vada Co. concerning land monopoly, etc.; condem- nation of existing land laws which permit indi- viduals to monopolize school lands in Cal. for speculation; resolving that remaining land be sold to actual settlers only, at more nearly their true value, and that surveys be extended, and infor- mation, statistics, and maps be open to public in order that applications, assessments, etc., may be adjusted; also that credit be given for only a small proportion of value of timbered lands. 20 pp. (Same 19 sess. v. 2 doe. [8].) . Rept. [adverse] of jt. committee to Inquire into and rept. upon condition of public and state lands lying within limits of state; so-called pernicious segregation by state and by speculators of school lands, including alleged swamp and overflowed lands which testimony shows to have been claimed by U. S. surveyors and occupied by settlers as dry and eultivatable sees.; ownership of settlers endan- gered thereby. 64 pp. (Same 19 sess. v. 2 doc. [6].) 1874. Rept. on land monopoly and remedy recom- mended therefor. (Assem. jol. 20 sess. pp. 1067- 1071.) 1876. Rept. of Assem. special committee on land mo- nopoly. 116 pp. (App. to jols. 21 sess. v. 4 unnum. doe.) 1877. Had school lands in mineral belts been man- aged in interest of children, rather than of specu- lators, there would be no need of school tax; the duty of making provisions not only to secure school fund and school lands yet unsold, but to take suit- able steps for recovery of what has been alienated, urged upon legisl.; land decision in case of L. J. Foley and H. Thomas vs. State of Cal., Dept of Interior, Wash. (7 bienn. rept supt public in- struction 1876/7: 8-9; 51-52.) 1882-1884. Proposed changes in Political Code in re- lation to sale of state school lands. (Blenn. rept. surveyor gen. 1880/2 (pp. 9-12)— some 1882/4.) 1886. Recommended that no further sales of school lands be made until engr. of bd. shall have reported upon their character and such of these lands as shall be found to be useless for agric. shall be per- manently reserved and placed under hands of proper ofiicers for benefit of schools. (1 bienn. rept. forestry bd. 1885/6: 7.) 1888. Res. adopted recommending to legisl. that all un- sold school land and other timber land of state be withdrawn from entry and sale, and that all such timber lands be placed under control and nmgmt. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 171 LAND: STATE— cont'd School Land — cont'd of state bd. of forestry. (Bienn. rept. bd. hortlc. 1886/8: 126-127.) 1888. Comments on state school lands, and recommen- dation for examination of remaining unsold state school lands, with view of discovering their quality and grading their value, in order that lands may be sold at an approximation to their true value, and school fund be increased by much larger amt. than ■would be if land were sold at present price of $1.25 an acre. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1886/8: 10.) . Recommendation that unsold school lands in brush and forest be reserved from sale and placed under mngmt. of state bd. of forestry, providing that all money derived from sale of timber, pasture privileges, or other sources shall be turned into state school fund; also recommended that legisla- tion on forestry suggested by atty. of bd. be made law. (2 bienn. rept. forestry bd. 1887/8: 11.) 1891. The right of the state to lands in lieu of school lands within limits of reservations made by Con- gress; opinion of atty. gen. (Hart). 8 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1892. Proceedings of atty. gen. re. matters at Washing- ton pertaining to school and swamp lands due state. (Rept. atty. gen. 1891/2: 14-15.) 1896-1902. Comments on foreclosing interests of delin- quent purchasers of state school land. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1897 (pp. 18-19)— same 1900/2.) 1898-1902. Same; and recommendation to legisl. for enactment of law providing more simple manner of foreclosure which will be means of saving large amts. ann. (Same dated 1899 (p. 30) — same 1900/2.) FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRE GRANT Under sec. 8, Act of Congress of Sept. 4, 1841, a grant of 600,000 acres was made to Cal. Under the con- stitution of Cal. this grant was diverted and placed to credit of school fund. 1852. Returns of school land warrants returned to surveyor gen. under act to provide for disposal of 500,000 acres. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1852: 32-33.) . Comment on location of warrants issued under act of 1851 for location of school lands under 500,- 000-acre grant. (Same 1852: 16-18.) . Recommended amdmt. to act of May 3 re. dis- posal of 500,000 acres of land; enactment of stat- ute for quieting of equitable titles to real estate; and act re. occupying claimants to lands. (A.R. atty. gen. 1852: 6.) . Favorable comment on working of law providing for sale of the 500,000 acres of land and amt. accru- ing from same. (2 A.R. supt. public instruction 1852: 9.) . Rept. re. disposal to be made of federal school lands donation, condemning proposed diversion of proceeds of same to other purposes, reviewing pro- vision of state constitution re. school revenue, etc., in support thereof. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 727- 730.) . Rept. of Sen. committee on Assem. bill to pro- vide for disposal of 500,000 acres of school land, granted by general govt. (Same 3 sess. pp. 727- 730.) 1853. On defect in law providing for disposal of 500,- OOO-acre grant, which is productive of confusion and opportunity for fraud. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1853: 4-5.) . List of COS. showing acres in each registered for survey under warrants issued under act for dis- posal of 500,000-acre grant. {Same 1853: 10.) . Review of disposal of school land warrants Is- sued under act of 1852. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 20-21.) LAND: STATE— cont'd School Land — cont'd FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRE GRANT— cont'd 1854. Rept. re. necessity for protecting settlers who have already purchased and located school war- rants issued under act approved May 3, 1852, upon unsurveyed public lands, agst. operation of act of Congress, approved Mch. 3, 1853, declaring such locations invalid. (Sen. jol. 1854: 401-402.) . School land warrants are selling in hands of in- nocent purchasers at half original amt. paid to state; sale of said warrants has been increased during past yr. but a few dollars. (4 A.R. supt. public instruction 1854: 5.) . Sale of school land warrants largely prevented by decision that such warrants issued by state can- not be located on unsurveyed lands. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 20.) . Remarks concerning the 500,000 acres of land granted to state; also those granted for educational purposes. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1854: 27.) . Abstract of school land warrant returns. (Same 1854: 82-85.) By counties ; warrants Issued prior to Jan. 1, 1854, and those Issued In 1854 ; details of each. . Opinion of atty. gen. in relation to the legal loca- tion of school land warrants. 2 11. (App. to As- sem. jol. 5 sess. doc. 4(?).) Docs. Incorrectly numbered? This Is prohaWy no. 3. 1855. Stmt, of lands available for educational pur- poses under acts of Congress approved Sept. 4, 1841, and Mch. 3, 1853, resp., and estimated value of same. (Govs. ann. mess. 1855: 20.) . Returns of school land warrant locations for 1855. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1855: 31.) 1856. School land warrants; locations during yr. (Same 1856: 9-11.) 1857. School lands: stmt, by cos. showing locations under warrants made in each co. (Same 1857: 8-12.) 1858. List of school land warrants for 160 acres each, with date of location. (Same 1858: 59-81.) . Same; 320 acres each, with date of location, for whom located, and co. (Same 1858: 49-57.) . Comments on school lands and school land war- rants. (Same 1858: 22-24.) . Suggestion that school land law of Apr. 23, 1858, be so amended as to require the 20% of principal and 10% interest on balance to be paid within 30 days after approval of surveyor gen. is recorded, etc. (Same 1858: 23.) 1859. Rept. on portion of surveyor gens. rept. re. school land warrants. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 531-532.) . Table showing school lands for cash under act of Apr. 23, 1858, and amt. of money certified to by state treasurer as reed, on acot. of school lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1859: 7.) 1859-1865. School land warrants located upon unsur- veyed lands under act of Apr. 18, 1859. (Same 1859 (p. 10)— some 1865.) . Same; located under act of Apr. 23, 1858. (Same 1859 (p. 10)— some 1865.) 1860-1867. School lands sold under act of Apr. 23, 1858, amt. of 500,000-acre grant. (Same 1860 (pp. 4-5) — same 1865/7.) 1867. List of lands certified to state by IT. S. as part of grant of 500,000 acres. (Bienn. rept. same 1865/7: 47-68.) 1868. Majority rept. of claims committee re. petition of Thos. Thompson adverse to acceptance by state of school land warrants which he finds unavailable. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 2 [doc. 40].) . Same; minority rept. 5 pp. (Same 17 sess. V. 2 [doc. 31].) 173 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND: STATE— cont'd School Land — cont'd FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACEE GRANT— cont'd 1879. Suppl. rept. re. grants of 10 sees, tor public bldgs., 72 sees, for seminary of learning and 500,- 000 acres for internal improvements. 235 pp. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1877/9.) 1888. Comments on 500,000-acre grant, and recommen- dation for adoption of res. requesting delegates in Congress to use best endeavors before Dept. of In- terior to secure final settlement betw. state and U. S. of the 500,000-acre grant, believing that there is still a balance due Cal. of 10,000 acres. {Same 1886/8: 10-14.) SEMINARY LANDS Under Act of Congress of Mareli 3, 1853, Cal. was granted 72 full sections of land for a seminary of learning. 1853. Review of provisions of act of Congress ap- proved Mch. 3, 1853, donating lands to state for in- stitution of learning. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 22- 23.) 1855. Rept. re. difficulties and delay over location of lands donated by TJ. S. for univ. purposes. (Sen. jol. 1855: 696.) 1858. Rept on seminary lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1858: 25-26.) 1859-1863. Stmt, of seminary lands sold for cash under act of Apr. 23, 1858. (Some 1859 (p. 81) — same 1863.) 1864-1865. Stmt, showing locations and acres of semi- nary lands — grant of 72 sees. (.Same 1863/4 (p. 25) — same 1865.) 1879. See above, 500,000-acre grant; this date. TOWNSHIP LANDS Under sec. 6, Act of Congress of March 3, 1853, a grant of the 16th and 36th section in each town- ship was made to Cal., proceeds to he for school purposes. 1819-1852. Notes of acts of Congress re. township school lands. (4 A.R. supt. public instruction 1854: 7-8.) 1852. State representatives in Congress have secured for support of common schools, two sees, of land in each township, and 72 sees, for a state univ. (2 same 1852: 9.) 1853. Estimated no. of acres to be allowed to state under act of Congress granting certain sees, of each township for school purposes. (App. to govs, ann. mess. 1854: 35.) 1856. Recommended legislation re. control and location of township school lands; for establishment of univ., embracing school of agrlc, and providing for sale of lands devoted to it; also to encourage the creation and maintenance of colleges in all parts of state. (6 A.R. supt. public instruction 1856: 7-8.) . School lands; selections under act of state of May 7, 1855 (township lands). (A.R. surveyor gen. 1856: 7-9.) 1857. Recommended that legisL instruct senators and representatives to obtain passage of act amdg. pres- ent act re. township lands so as to throw proceeds of these sees, into a general fund to be distributed equally among the several townships. (7 A.R. supt. public instruction 1857: 8-9.) . No selections made of 16th or 36th sees, owing to lack of appm. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1857: 12-13.) 1858. Rept. opposing passage of res. asking Congress to modify law donating 16th and 36th sees, of townships for school purposes, so that sees, may be sold, £ind proceeds used to constitute a fund for school purposes. (Sen. joL 9 sess. pp. 112-113.) . Rept. on condition of school lands and funds de- rived therefrom; repeal of act of Apr. 26 granting LAND: STATE— cont'd School Land — cont'd TOWNSHIP LANDS — cont'd inhabitants of each township proceeds of sales of two school sees, lying therein recommended, and conversion of same into a general fund for support of schools throughout state urgently advised. (8 A.R. supt. public instruction 1858: 15-22.) 1859. Injustice of present legislation providing that each township shall be entitled to proceeds of sale of two school sees, lying therein, with repeated rec- ommendations for its repeal and conversion of said fund into a general school fund; communications from supts. of education of various states re. work- ing of school land system in other states; corresp. with authorities at Wash. re. school selections in mineral regions. (9 same 1859: 15-28.) 1860. Rept. of education committee Mch. 12, 1860, rec- ommending that proceeds of 16th and 36th sees, of school land sales go to general school fund of state rather than solely to co. in which said lands are situated. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 11 sess. doc. [18].) . Recommendations re. conversion of proceeds from sale of township lands into general school fund repeated. (10 A.R. supt public instruction 1860: 11-15.) 1861. Favorable comment on passage of act converting proceeds of sales of township lands into general school fund; stmt, of amts. of school lands sold under the several acts of legisl.; remedial legisla- tion re. apportionment of school fund among distrs. suggested; also urgently recommended that appli- cation be made to Congress to permit state to select other lands In lieu of those it has been deprived of in mining regions. (11 same 1861: 26-28.) 1861-1865. Stmt of grant of 16th and 36th sees., for school purposes, sold for cash under act of Apr. 22, 1861. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1861 (pp. 9-11) — same 1865.) 1862. Recommended legislation of last rept. re. 16th and 36th sees, or township lands, repeated. (12 A.R. supt. public instruction 1862: 18-19.) . School lands; administration of 16th and 36th sees. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1862: 6-9.) FNjnd; see above. Revenue Reventje; see above, that title Surveyor General's Office 1850. Rept. on office of surveyor gen., as combining duties of civU engr. and comr. of internal Im- provements in addition to usual duties of said office. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 691-696.) 1852. Elxtracts from laws bearing upon duties of office of surveyor gen. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1852: 9-12.) . Surveyor gens, estimate of expenses for yr.; re- quired by sec. 12 of act passed Apr. 17, 1850, regulating office, but heretofore neglected and now appended to special rept. (App. to Sen. joL 1852: 624.) 1853. Suggestion to place choice of surveyor gen. in hands of legisl. (Govs. ann. mess. 1853.) 1854. Circular to co. surveyors; containing extracts from laws of 1850 prescribing duties of surveyor gen. and of co. surveyors, and details of items upon which CO. surveyors are to return mformation. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1854: 25-28.) . Recommendation for apprn. to enable surveyor gen. to perform his duties with more satisfaction; and for increased salary. (Same 1854: 14.) 1856. Suggestion to abolish office of surveyor gen. and devolve duties upon surveyors. (Govs. ann. mess, 1856: 13.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 173 LAND: STATE— cont'd Surveyor General's OfSce— cont'd 1856. Communication from ex-surveyor gen. showing large portion of deficiency of ofBce of past yr., to be unprovided for in general deficiency bill. (As- sam, jol. 1856: 836.) 1856-1857. Comments on surveyor gens, ofllce and rec- ommendation that power of administering oaths and taking affidavits in course of his official duties be conferred on surveyor gen. and his deputies. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1856 (p. 38) — same 1857.) 1858. Rept. on claim of D. McLaren for services as draughtsman in surveyor gens, office from Aug. 17, 1856, to Jan. 1, 1857. (Assem. jol. 9 sess. pp. 464- 465.) 1863. Land act of 1863 and instructions to co. survey- ors. 22 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1875-1894. Stmt, of general office business. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1873/5 (pp. 20-21) — same 1892/4.) 1877. Rept. of state land comn. to legisl. of Cal. 47 pp. (App. to jols. 22 sess. v. 4 [doc. 40].) J. C. Ball, H. F. Crane and Jas. D. Fay comrs. under act of April 1, 1876. Bxaminatlon Into financial affairs of surveyor general's oflSce during various administrations as well as into grants of land to state. Swamp and Overflowed Lands Under Act of Congress of Sept. 28, 1850, extending grants of swamp lands already made to La. and Ark. to each of the other states of the Union in which such lands may be situated. serial 1 series Under Act approved May 13, 1861. 1861-1862. Ann. rept. of swamp land comrs., 1-2. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1861 in App. to jols. 13 sess. unnum. doc. 2. 1862 " " " " 14 " 2 series 1864/5. Bienn. lept. of swamp land comrs. In Collected docs, as follows : 1864/5 in App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. No more Issued. non-serial 1850-1851. Act of Congress of 1850 to enable Ark. and other states to reclaim swamp lands within their limits; also Cal. state legislation re. same, 1851. (1 A.R. supt. public instruction 1851: 815-816.) Paging from Collected docs. 1850-1894. History of laws and operations affecting swamp and overflowed lands in state; expendi- tures; reclamation work; general remarks re. ex- isting works; and conclusions. (Rept. comr. pub- lic works 1893/4: 8-20.) 1851. Review of benefits to be obtained by state under federal act granting swamp and overflowed public lands to states in which situated, with suggestions for reclamation of same. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) 1852. Rept. re. provisions of federal act of Sept. 28, 1850, granting title of swamp and overflow lands to states within which same are situated, as affected by treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ratified May 13, 1848. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 696-701.) . Suggestion to grant tule or swamp lands to in- dividuals on condition that they be drained within fixed time. (Govs. ann. mess. 1852.) . Suggestion to take necessary steps for receiving benefits of federal act passed Sept. 28, 1851, for granting swamp and overflow lands to states hav- ing same within their limits. (Govs, special mess. Jan. 30, 1852.) . Rept. of select committee on Sen. jt. res. in re- lation to swamp lands; also rept. of portion of said committee re. authorizing gov. to employ counsel to appear at bd. of land comrs. to protect interests of LAND: STATE— cont'd Swamp and Overflowed Lands — cont'd non-s erial — cont' d state in swamp lands. (App. to Sen. jol. 3 sess. pp. 696-701; 725-726.) 1852. Comments on swamp or overflowed lands and recommendation that legisl. pass some act to pro- vide for disposal of these lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1852: 18.) . Almost entire arable public land area in Cal. secured to state by act of Congress granting swamp and overflowed lands to various states for reclama- tion. (Govs. ann. mess. 1852.) 1853. Rept. on act to improve tule lands and to en- courage cultivation of sugar, rice, and cotton, urg- ing limited grant of same to certain individuals for purpose of testing capability of swamp lands to produce rice and sugar. 2 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 52.) . Suggestion to donate to actual settlers swamp and overflow lands granted to state by Congress for reclamation, under act of Sept. 28, 1851. (Govs, ann. mess. 1853.) 1854. Review of provisions of act of Congress ap- proved Sept. 28, 1850, donating swamp and over- flow lands to states within which situated, with suggestions for steps necessary to receive benefits of same. (Same 1854: 17.) . Suggestion to donate swamp and overflow lands, granted to state by Congress, to actual settlers as means of reclamation. (Same 1854: 17-18.) . Govs. mess. re. steps necessary to secure to state benefits of act approved Sept. 28, 1850, granting swamp and overflow lands to states within which situated, reviewing provisions of said act. (Sen. jol. 1854: 362-363; Assem. jol. pp. 369-371.) 1855. Govs. mess, and ace. docs. re. definition of swamp and overflow lands, and construction of act of Congress granting same to states. (Sen. jol. 1855: 532-536; Assem. jol. pp. 585-588.) . Amdmt. of act of Apr. 28, providing for sale of portion of swamp and overflow lands within state, necessary to reduce limit of no. of miles from larger cities, within which settlers are deprived of acquiring titles. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 21.) . Liberal policy urged in sale of overflow and swamp lands, such as offering greater settlement inducements for reclamation and settlement. (Same 1856: 22.) . Swamp and overflow lands shown by experi- ments made during yr. to be of great fertility after reclamation. (Same 1856: 22.) . Stmt, of whole no. of swamp and overflow lands sold by state agts., and no. surveyed for entry, resp., June 1 to Dec. 31, under act of Apr. 28. (Same 1856: 23.) . Review of transactions necessary to secure bene- fits of act of Congress granting swamp and over- flow lands to states within which situated, urging disposal of same lo actual settlers to be reclaimed. (Same 1855: 13-16.) 1855-1857. Comments on state lands — school lands; swamp and overflowed land. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1855 (pp. 26-32)— same 1857.) 1855-1858. Comparative stmt, giving amt. of swamp and overflowed land which has been surveyed and returned to office and approved by surveyor gen. under act of Apr., 1855. (Same 1855: 16-17.) 1856. Internal improvements; suggestions re. recla- mation of swamp and overflow lands. (Same 1856: 25-26.) . Letter from comr. gen. of land office, U. S. A., re. swamp lands. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 69-70; As- sem. jol. pp. 67-68.) 174 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAND: STATE— cont'd Swamp and Orerflowed Lands — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1857. Communication from surveyor gen. re. survey, segregation, plats, etc., of aU swamp and overflowed lands within state. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 359- 360.) . Sama 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 8 sess. doc. [12].) 1858. Rept. on swamp lands and swamp land acts of 1855 and 1858. (AJl. surveyor gen. 1858: 5-21.) . Communication of surveyor gen. on swamp lands re. reporting of certain overflowed lands said to belong to state as U. S. property. 5 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 9 sess. doc. [13].) . Veto of act to provide for authentication of cer- tain evidence re. swamp and overflowed lands here- tofore sold by state. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 338-339.) . Rept. favoring passage of act to amend act to provide for sale of swamp and overflowed lands belonging to state. (Same 9 sess. p. 383.) . Rept. on act to provide for sale and reclamation of swamp and overflowed lands of state. (Same 9 sess. pp. 528-529.) 1859. Communication from gov. with ace. corresp. re. federal govt, offering land, which state has pre- viOTisly sold as swamp lands, for sale. (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 286-289.) . Minority rept. on act to provide for location and reclamation of swamp and overflowed lands in state. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. pp. 609-610.) . Liist of state selections of swamp and overflowed lands. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1859: 13-21.) . Comments on frontage of swamp lands on bays and rivers, and suggestion that law he so amended as to allow purchaser, in such cases, to take 640 acres, with additional frontage requisite to secure that amt provided that surveyor gen. is satisfled that interests of state do not suffer thereby, and that rights of individuals are not interfered with. (Some 1859: 22-23.) 1859-1861. Comments on segregation of swamp lands. (Some 1859 (p. 5) — same 1861.) . Rept. of swamp and overflowed lands returned to surveyor gens, office, and approved during yr. {Same 1859 (p. 5)— same 1861.) 1860. Comments on frontage of swamp lands on bays and rivers; swamp land act passed Apr. 21, 1858, authorized purchase of 320 acres of land by one person, but restricted purchaser to a frontage of one-half mile, by legal subdivision on any bay, lake, or navigable stream. (Same 1860: 21.) . Misc. repts. of P. S. Beasley on the reclamation of swamp lands. (Same 1860: 54-56.) 1861. Table showing no. of acres in each distr., no. of acres sold by state, no. of acres vacant and subject to entry, amt paid into state treasury, and names of engrs. (1 A.R. swamp land comrs. 1861: 52.) . Recommendation for passage of levee law, allow- ing the voters or holders of land within each distr. to elect a bd. of levee supervisors. (1 some 1861: 28.) . Rept. of swamp and overflowed lands committee on Sen. bill 11; that Cal. was given by Congress, and sold to settlers, swamp lands, with understand- ing that money reed, was to be expended upon their reclamation; objection to unsold portion being do- nated to separate cos., bds. of supervisors in each having control of lands and moneys; also to new system for selling these lands and to their segre- gation from general lands of state. 4 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 12 sess doc. [14].) . Acts of Congress re. swamp and overflowed lands. (1 A.R. swamp land comrs. 1861: 9-10.) LAND: STATE— cont'd Swamp and Overflowed Lands — cont'd notirserial — cont'd 1861. Recommendation for passage of law taxing land in each distr., enough to complete Its reclamation, when sum of one dollar per acre will not do it. (1 same 1861: 10.) . Recommendation that immediate steps be taken by state govt, to secure certain land as swamp and overflowed lands, under act of Congress passed Sept. 8, 1850. (1 same 1861: 10.) . Comments on the segregation of swamp land. (1 same 1861: 28-30.) . Rept. opposing passage of bUI appropriating moneys from swamp land fund for pay per diem of members and officers of legist (Assem. joL 12 sess. pp. 147-148.) . Rept. on act for segregation, reclamation, and disposal of swamp and overflowed lands belonging to state. (Same 12 sess. pp. 597-599.) 1861-1865. Rept. of engrs. of the several distrs. (1 AJl. swamp land comrs. 1861 (pp. 13-27) — sam^ 1864/5.) No repts. for 1862 and 1863. 1862. Swamp lands; administration of federal grant; federal and state surveys. (A.R. surveyor gen. 1862: 10-13.) 1863. Stmt of swamp lands sold by state. (Same 1863: 26.) 1864-1865. Stmt, of sales of swamp and overflowed lands. (Some 1863/4 (p. 27) — same 1865.) 1866. Land; swamp and overflowed; by S. W. Norton. 16 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Govs. mess. re. certain swamp and overflowed lands in Tulare Valley. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. V. 3 imnum. doc) 1867. Su^estions for reclamation of swamp and tule lands and the dry lands at the same time. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1866/7: 423-428.) . Rept of surveyor gen. in response to Assem. res. showing condition of public and swamp lands, and segregation returns. 9 pp. (App. to jols. 13 sess. [doc. 21].) 1868. Rept of comrs. on reclamation of lands in Sac- ramento VaUey. 12 pp. (Same 18 sess. v. 2 un- num. doc.) 1869. The interests of state in swamp and overflowed lands, and in other land interests of various kinds, in opinion of atty. gen. are of sufficient importance to justify employment of competent person for their protection. (Rept. atty. gen. 1868/9: 5.) 1870. Rept of claims committee re. AssenL bill 89; with corresp. re. compensation due to J. Mullen, clerk to the U. S. surveyor gen., during Investiga- tion of title of certain disputed swamp lands. 6 pp. 1 I. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [61].) . Majority and minority repts. of committee on swamp and overflowed lands re. repeal of act for sale and conveyance to San Mateo Tanning and Mnfg. Co. of certain overflowed lands. 3 pp. (Same 18 sess. v. 2 doc. [35].) . Rept [unfavorable] of Assem. committee to whom was referred substitute for Sen. bill 185 re. reclamation and assessment of tule lands. 4 pp. (Same 18 sess. v. 2 doc. [16].) . Veto of act to provide for reclamation of swamp, salt marsh, tide, and other overflowed lands. (Sen. jol. 18 sess. pp. 789-790.) 1871. Brief description as to location and character of tule and overflowed lands about confluence of Sac- ramento and San Joaquin Rivers. (Trans, state agrlc. socy. 1870/1: 337-347.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 175 LAND: STATE— cont'd Swamp and Overflowed Lands — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1871. Recommended that agency established by act of last legisl. to look after state's Interest in swamp and overflowed lands be continued. (Rept. atty. gen. 1870/1: 4.) 1872. Minority rept. of special committee on Assam, bill 305; act to provide for funding indebtedness of reclamation and levee distrs. of state. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 19 sess. V. 3 doc. [5].) 1873-1875. Stmt, of sale of swamp and overflowed lands. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1871/3 (pp. 11- 13)— same 1873/5.) 1873-1877. Comments on reclamation of swamp and overflowed lands. (Same 1871/3 (pp. 13-18) — same 1875/7.) 1874. Rept. of surveyor gen. to Assem. re. swamp and overflowed lands. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 20 sess. v. 6 [doc. 10].) . Same. {Same 20 sess. v. 5 [doc. 22]: 8-14.) Re. lands returned as swamp and overflowed not Bbown to be such by state segregation or by U. S. surveys. . Rept. of jt. committees on swamp and overflowed lands and land monopoly. 354 pp. (Same 20 sess. V. 5 [doc. 22].) . Rept. of swamp land investigating committee. 6 pp. (Same 20 sess. v. 4 unnum. doc.) 1881. Govs. mess. re. swamp distrs. 5 pp. (Same 24 sess. V. 1 unnum. doc.) 1882. Stmt, of swamp land distr. reclaimed. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1880/2: 5.) 1884-1886. Rept. of swamp land distrs. (Same 1892/4 (pp. 5-7)— same 1884/6.) 1896-1904. Stmts, of swamp land distrs. (Same 1894/6 (pp. 10-12)— same 1902/4.) No rept. for 1898/00. 1902. Swamp land reclamation stmt. (Same 1900/2: 10.) Revenue; see above, Expendituees Tide Lands; see above, Marsh and Tide Lands Timber Land 1886. Petition to state bd. of forest comrs. to prevent parties and persons from securing mountainous govt, lands, in Los Angeles Co. for purpose of cut- ting and removing timber thereon. (1 bienn. rept. forestry bd. 1885/6: 5.) 1888. Recommended that, by proper laws, it be forbid- den to all persons or corporations to cut timber or wood from public lands for any purpose without permit from state or national forest officers. (2 same 1887/8: 11.) . Favorable rept. of sub-agts. who are distributed through the timber cos. of state. (2 same 1887/8: 21-26.) Transfer 1852. Govs. mess, and ace. corresp. re. consent of legisl. to the purchase of lands within state by U. S. for public purposes, i. e. armories, arsenals, forts, navy or dock yards, etc. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 666- 668.) Tbe title of this document reads " Mess, of the gov. transmitting correspondence betw. him and dele- gation in Congress in reference to exempting tJ. S. property in this state from taxation." 1859. Comments on certificates of purchase; recom- mendation for law authorizing issuance of new cer- tificates in such cases without surrender of original and that it be made a felony for holder of original certificates to sell or assign the same. (A.R. sur- veyor gen. 1859: 23.) 1862. Rept. on delinquent purchasers of state lands. (Same 1862: 24.) LAND: STATE— cont'd Transfer — cont'd 1863. Comments on titles to state lands. (Same 1863: 18-19.) 1864-1865. Action of atty. gen. in matter of settling vexed question of title to lands at Point St. Quen- tin, and to obtain for state sufficient land for pur- poses of efficient prison mngmt.; also discussion of complications growing out of same re. certificates of purchase Issued for land lying within marsh and tide lands hitherto thought reserved from sale. (A.R. atty. gen. 1865: 4-9.) 1865. Rept. on jt. res. re. sales of public lands of state. (Assem. jol. 16 sess. pp. 151-152.) 1873. Comments on delinquent purchasers. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1871/3: 10-11.) 1880-1904. List of patents Issued. (Same 1886/8 (p. 6)— same 1902/4.) No rept. 1898/00. . Certificates of purchase issued for series of yrs. (Same 1886/8 (pp. 5-6)— same 1902/4.) No rept. 1898/00. 1892. Remarks on delinquent interest on state lands. (Same 1890/2: 9-10.) 1892-1894. Comments on delinquent interest on state lands and recommendation from surveyor gen. for legisl. to amend present law re. this matter and make different provisions for payment of costs in foreclosure suits. (A.R. bd. examiners dated 1893 (p. 42) — same 1893/4.) 1894. Act regulating sale of lands uncovered by re- cession of drainage of waters of inland lakes, and unsegregated swamp and overflowed lands, and validating sales and surveys heretofore made. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1892/4: 10-12.) 1894/6. Stmt, of land patents attested and recorded from July 1, 1894, to June 30, 1896. (Bienn. rept. state dept. 1894/6: 63-64.) Custom House Block 1854. Govs. mess. re. value of custom house block pro- posed to be granted to U. S. for location of custom house, questioning advisability of ceding property of such value to U. S. (Assem. jol. 1854: 99.) 1855. [Majority and minority] rept. of select commit- tee, with reference to custom-house block, and dis- position of money reed, by this state from U. S. for said property. 32 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 6 sess. doc. 24.) . Custom house block. (Govs. mess. 1855: 9.) Mabb Island 1854. Rept. re. investigation of title to Mare Is. in view of proposed cession of same to U. S. (Sen. jol. 1854: 284-287.) . Rept. on estimated value to state of Mare Is. (Same 1854: 114-115.) . Cession to U. S. of shores or overflowed lands of Mare Is., necessary to any improvement of same by U. S. (Govs. ann. mess. 1854: 29.) Plaza 1853. Communication of atty. gen. enclosing copies of leases of govt, reservation in S. P. 8 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 4 sess. doc. 36.) Water Lots; see Land. Water Front Property LAND GRANTS: AMERICAN Federal 1841. Act of Sept. 4, granting 500,000 acres to Cal. for internal improvements; see above. Land: State. School Land. 1850. Act of Sept. 28, extending grants of swamp lands already made to Ark. and to La. to each of the other states of the Union in which such lands may be situated; see above. Land: State. Swamp, etc. 176 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA LAND GRANTS: AMERICAN— cont'd Federal — cont'd 1853. Act of March 3, granting to Cal. 72 full sees, of land for a seminary of learning; see above, Land: State. School Land. . Same; granting 16th and 36th sees, in each township to Cal. for school purposes; see above. Land: State. School Land. . By act of Mch. 3, there was granted to Cal. 10 sees, of public lands, proceeds of which were to be applied for erection of public bldgs.; see above. Land: State. 1862. By act of July 2, granted to Cal. 150,000 acres of public lands for the benefit of the agric. and me- chanic arts; see Agriculture. Education. . Sketch of several land grants made by Congress to CaL (AJl. surveyor gen. 1862: 5-6.) State 1874. Kept, of border co. delegations on jt. res. of legisL of Nev., asking cession of territory east of summit of Sierra Nevadas. 4 11. (App. to jols. 20 sess. V. 6 [doc 14].) Railroads; see above Land: State LAND GRANTS: MEXICAN 1852. Special rept. of surveyor gen. re. lands of state with an app. re. cliiefly to large grants, as the mis- sions; and whether title to them be in assignees, or whether they have reverted and vested in the sov- ereign. (App. to Sen. joL 3 sess. pp. 615-639.) 1854. Letter from Geo. Fisher, secy. U. S. land comrs., concerning grants. (AJl. surveyor gen. 1854: 91- 92.) 1858. Govs. mess. re. manner in which surveys are made under Mexican grants in CaL (Sen. joL 9 sess. p. 599.) 1862. Recommended legislation to provide for acceji- tance of lands donated by IT. S. for maintenance of agric. and mechanical college. (12 ASL supt. pub- lic instruction 1862: 23-24.) 1865-1867. Remarks on Mexican grants. (AJt. sur- veyor gen. 1864/5 (pp. 104-106)— same 1865/7.) 1866. Memorial in behalf of settlers on lands covered by Arroyo Seco grant. 6 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) . Memorial re. Arroyo Seco grant. 7 pp. (Some 16 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) 1882. Rept. of Spanish and Mexican grants in CaL complete to Nov. 15, 1882, prepared by Jas. Strat- ton. (Bienn. rept. surveyor gen. 1880/2: 40-56.) 1886. Same; correct rept. of Spanish and Mexican grants in CaL {Same 1884/6: 13-29.) 1890. Same. (Same 1888/90: 17-35.) LARK; see FISH AND GAME LASSEN COUNTY (1864) Bnllion Production 1885. See Natural Resources. Mineral. Production; this date. Desert Lands; see Land Forests; see Natural Resources Gold in 1881. See Natural Resources. MtneraL (Jold; this date. 1888. See same; this date. 1892-1895. See same; these dates. 1892/4-1894/6. See same; these dates. Eorticnltural Board; see Agriculture. Horticultttral Com- missions Mineral Springs in; see Natural Resources LASSEN COUNTY (1864)— confd Mines 1879/80. See Natural Resources. MineraL Produc- tion; this date. 1889/90-1890/2. See Industries, etc. Mines and Min- ing; these dates. Silver 1892-1895. See Natural Resources. MineraL Gold; these dates. LAWSONITE; see NATURAL RESOURCES. MINERAL LEAD Deposits; see Natural Resources. Mineral LEGAL TENDER; see MONEY LEGISLATURE Expenditures for; see Finance: State. Expenditures LELAND STANFORD UNIVERSITY; see EDUCATION: IN- DIVIDUAL, ETC. LEMON Crop; see Agriculture. Crops Diseases; see Agricnltnre. Crops. LEPROSY; see PUBLIC HEALTH Pests LEVEE DISTRICTS; see RIVER CONSERVANCY LIBRARIES 1870. Petition re. establishing a public law library in S. F. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) 1890. Comment on assn. of state librarians. (Rept. state library 1888/90: 11-15.) 1904. Rept. of all libraries in state. (Same 1902/4 foldg. table.) Public Libraries 1894. Comments on free public libraries; act to estab- lish free libraries and reading-rooms. (Rept. state Ubrary 1892/4: 27-28.) . Statistics of free public libraries for fiscal yr. endg. June 30. (Same 1892/4: 29.) School Libraries 1851. Suggestion that small ann. appm. be made to procure recent works and journals devoted to popu- lar education. (1 AJL supt public instruction 1851: 806-807.) Paging from Collected docs. . List of donations to laboratory of supt pubUe instruction, also list of books and educational jour- nals necessary to be purchased. (1 same 1851: 812-815.) Paging from Collected docs. 1861. Recommendation that bounty of $15 or $20 be offered from state treasury to carry school distr. that will raise an equal amt for purchase of a school library and indispenslble apparatus. (11 same 1861 (p. 25)— 13 same 1863.) 1863. Distr. school libraries — recommended legisla- tion; what other states have done in this line. (18 same 1863: 59-63.) Repeated In blenn. rept 1864/5. 1867-1875. School libraries; list of books suitable for same adopted by state bd. of education. (2 bienn. rept same 1866/7 (pp. 43-51) — 6 same 1874/5.) 1871. School distr. libraries; extr. from article con- tributed to CaL Teacher (Sept, 1871), by Mr. H. C. Kinne. (4 same 1870/1: 85-87.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 177 LIBRARIES— cont'd School Libraries — cont'd 1888. List of library boobs recommended for use of schools. 32 pp. (Dept. public instruction.) Not seen ; title from Bowker. 1888-1890. Distr. school libraries. (13 rept. supt. pub- lic instruction 1886/8 (pp. 23-24)— 14 same 1888/ 90.) 1892. List of library books recommended for use of schools. 48 pp. (Dept. of public instruction.) Not seen ; entry from Bowker. LIBRARIES: INDIVIDUAL LIBRARIES Mercantile Library Association of San Francisco 1853. Rept. re. " Mercantile Library Assn. of city of S. F." 1 1. (App. to Sen. jol. 4 sess. doc. 58.) San Francisco Law Library 1855. Rept. of select committee on state library favor- ing establishment of library; purchase of S. F. Law Library, and creation of larger fund to sup- port it. 7 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 18.) . Rept. re. need for state library, with suggestions for formation of same by purchase of S. F. Law Library, and further suggestions for increase of library fund. (Assem. jol. 1855: 551-555.) . Govs. mess, approving of act to provide for pur- chase of S. F. Law Library for use of state. (Sen. jol. 1855: 838.) State Library See also above, S. F. Law Library. serial Under Act approved May 1, 1852. 1 series 1852-1855. Ann. rept. of state librarian, secy, of state, librn. ex-officio. In Collected docs, as follows : 1852 In App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 6. 1852-1855 in App. to Assem. Jol. 1855 : 522-523. 2 series 1856/7-1859/60. Ann. rept. of secy, of state on state library and affairs of his oflBce. In Collected docs, as follows : 1856/7 in App. to Assem. jol. 9 sess. unnum. doc. 1856/7 " " " Sen. " 9 " 1857/8 " " " Assem. " 10 " 1857/8 " " " Sen. " 10 " 1858/9 Assem. " 11 " " " 1858/9 " " " Sen. " 11 " 1859/60 12 " 3 series 1861-1863. Ann. rept. of trustees of state library, 1-3. In Collected does, as follows : 1. 1861 in App. to jols. 13 sess. unnum. doc. 2. 1862 " -^ " " 14 ' 3. 1863 15 " V. 2 unum. doc. 4 series 1864/5-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of trustees of state library, 1 et seq. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1864/5 in App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc. unnum 1866/7 " " " " 17 ' • V. 2 3. 1868/9 " " " " 18 ' V. 2 4. 1870/1 " " " " 19 ' T. 1 5. 1871/3 " " " " 20 ' V. 2 6. 1873/5 " " " " 21 ' T. 1 7. 1875/7 " " " " 22 ' V. 1 8. 1877/9 " " " " 23 ' T. 1 unnum. 1879/80* " " " 24 ' V. 2 1880/2 " " " " 25 ' V. 1 1882/4 " " " " 26 ' r. 1 1884/6 " " " " 27 ' V. 1 1886/8 " " " " 28 ' V. 1 1890t " " " " 29 • V. 1 18H0/2 " " " " 30 ' y. 1 1892/4 " " " " 31 ' V. 1 1894/6 " " " " 32 ' T. 1 doc. 1896/8 " " " " 33 ' y.2 " 1898/00 " " " " 34 ' V. 2 " 1900/2 " " " " 35 ' V. 2 " [1]. [1]. E2]. * Rept. for 1 yr. only, t Eept for 4 months. LIBRARIES: INDIVIDUAL LIBRARIES— cont'd State Library — cont'd non-serial 1850. Rept. urging apptmt. of state librn., in view of large no. of books donated to state, and probable increase of same. (Legisl. jol. 1849/50: 543.) . Rept. of state library committee on the state library. (App. to Sen. jol. 1 sess. p. 543 doc. CO.) 1852. Apprn. urged for state library. (Govs. ann. mess. 1852.) . Veto of act for distribution of laws of 1850 and 1851, as depriving state library. (Sen. jol. 1852: 243-244.) 1857-1859. Rept. on condition of state library and transactions of this office during past yr. (A.R. secy, state dept. 1857 (pp. 3-6) — same 1859.) 1858. Stmt, giving list of vols, in library. (Same 1858: 5-6.) . Rept. recommending apprn. of money for ex- penses of state library. (Assem. jol. 9 sess. pp. 157-158.) 1860. List of books reed, by way of exchange. (A.R. secy, state dept. 1860: 6-9.) 1866. Minority rept. of Assem. committee on state library on Sen. bill 42 and Assem. bill 261 re. state librn. 4 pp. (App. to jols. 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) . Majority rept. of Sen. committee on state library re. Sen. bill 286 fixing salaries of state librn. and deputy state librn. 4 pp. (Same 16 sess v. 3 un- num. doc.) 1867. Recommendation for legisl. to take such action as will place in library fund an amt. sufficient to make state library among best and most valuable in U. S. (2 bienn. rept. state library 1866/7: 15.) 1871. Recommendation for apprn. for purchase of books relating to Cal. and Pacific coast. (4 same 1870/1: 6.) 1887. Rept. of Assem. committee on state library ex- onerating librn. from charges of dishonesty, but censuring lax administration; suggesting that mileage rates and an allowance per diem be given to bd. of trustees, in order that out of town mem- bers may be present at mtgs. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 27 sess. V. 8 doc. [17].) 1888. The state library; rept. to Gov. Waterman by his attys. The govs, reply. 63 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Comments on state library fund and suggestion that portion of fees arising from office of secy, of state should go to library fund and balance into some other channel. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1886/8: 29.) Fund; see below, Receipts and Expenditubes Laws 1850-1887. List of acts of legisl. re. govt, and adminis- tration of Cal. state library. (Rept. state library 1890/2: 15.) Titles only. 1850-1899. Same. (Same 1898/00: 36.) Titles only. Receipts and Expenditubes 1852/3-1854. Tabular stmt, showing condition of state library fund. (A.R. state comptroller 1852/3 (p 21) same 1854.) 1852/3-1884. Stmt, of receipts and payments on state library fund. (A.R. state treasurer 1852/3 (p. 35) — bienn. rept. same 1882/4.) 1857. Copy of accts. paid from contingent fund of state library, Mch. 23 to Dec. 31. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp 92-93.) 1859. Stmt, of accts. paid out of apprn. for contingent expenses of state library. (Assem. jol 11 sess p. 31.) 12 178 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARIES: INDIVIDUAL LIBRARIES— cont'd State Library— cont'd Receipts and Bxpendittires — cont'd 1860-1862. Stmt, showing amt. expended for state library. (A.R. state comptroller 1859/60 (pp. 12- 13)— same 1861/2.) 1861. Stmt, of payments into state treasury for benefit of state library fund, on acct. of fees reed. In this dept. for first three quarters of current yr. (A.R. secy, state dept. 1861: 3.) 1861-1904. Stmt, of condition of library fund, June 30. (AJl. state controller 1860/1 (pp. 32-33) — ^blenn. rept same 1902/4.) 1862-1877. Amt. of money paid into library fund and disbursements. (2 A.R. state library 1862 (p. 9) — same 1875/7.) 1863-1871. Exhibit of moneys collected in office for state library fund. (A.R. secy, state dept 1863 (p. 7)— same 1870/1.) 1865-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of expenditures, amt. of each appm. made by law, amt. expended under each, and balance unexpended for state library. (A.R. state controller 1864/5 (p. 39) — same 1902/4.) 1877-1882. Stmt, showing expenditures from library fund from July 1, 1877, to June 30, 1879. (8 bienn. rept. state library 1877/9 (pp. 6-10) — same 1880/2.) 1877-1898. Stmt, showing condition of state library fund from June 30, 1877, to June 30, 1879. (8 same 1877/9 (p. 11)— same 1896/8.) 1882-1888. Stmt of warrants drawn agst state library fund from Apr. 6, 1882, to June 30, 1888. (Some 1886/8: 21.) 1882-1904. Stmt showing receipts and expenditures from library fund from July 1, 1882, to June 30, 1884. (Same 1882/4 (pp. 7-13)— same 1902/4.) Stockton Public Library 1880-1890. Short history of organization and growth of Stockton Public Library. (Trans, state agric. socy. 1890: 426-428.) Supreme Court Library 1867/9-1884. Supreme Court Library fund; receipts and payments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1867/9 (p. 23) — same 1882/4.) 1870. Rept. on library matters; being acct. of moneys expended for and no. of books in library of Su- preme Court 4 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 2 doc. [6].) 1871-1904. Stmt, of condition of Supreme Court library fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1869/71 (pp. 102-103)— same 1902/4.) LICENSES 1856. Recommendation that certain portion of pro- ceeds arising from sale of various licenses required by law to be taken out, be reserved by various counties, and remainder be paid Into state treasury, and that a certain percentage to be paid rateably by state and co., be allowed co. treasurers for coUeo- tion of same. (A.R. state comptroller 1855/6: 6.) 1858. Adverse rept on that portion of comptroller's rept reading " financial condition .... imperative demand for increased tax for ensuing yr. unless law controlling distribution of proceeds of sales of state and co. licenses is changed." (Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 263-268.) Cliarge that If foreign miners' license and poll tax were properly collected property tax could be redaced. 1870. Minority rept. of S. F. delegation re. Sen. bill 85, act better to secure collection of license taxes in S. F. 2 11. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [63].) 1871. CJomments on licenses; great inequality and lax- ity In collection of state and co. licenses. (Bienn. rept state controller 1869/71: 10.) LICENSES— cont'd Auctions 1851. Reduction urged on rate of taxation on property sold at auction. (Govs. ann. mess. 1851.) 1852. Provisions of revenue act of Apr. 23 for taxation upon sale of consigned goods bitterly opposed in S. F. (Same 1853.) 1853. Govs. mess. re. combination of mercliants and auctioneers of S. F. to resist payment of tax on consigned goods. (Assem. jol. 1853: 511-512.) . Communication from atty. gen. re. combination of merchants and auctioneers of S. F. to resist pay- ment of taxes upon consigned goods. 4 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 1853 doc. 68.) 1854. Additional legislation needed to enforce pay- ment of percentage, authorized to be collected on sales made at public auction. (Govs, special mess. May 8, 1854.) 1858. Majority and minority rept on facts concerning non-payment of indebtedness alleged to be due state by auctioneers of S. F. (Assem. jol. 9 sess. pp. 342-343.) . Stmt, of mileage due committee to Investigate Indebtedness of auctioneers of S. F. for licenses and also committee to take inventory of state prison property. (Same 9 sess. p. 385.) . Stmt, of amt. of mileage and fees due witnesses in Weed Investigating case. (Same 9 sess. p. 585.) 1862. Rept. of minority dissenting from majority rept. on act for collection of taxes due on consigned goods. (Same 13 sess. pp. 593-594.) . Veto of act for collection of taxes on consigned goods. (Sen. jol. 13 sess. p. 639.) 1863. Minority rept. of committee on ways and means on Sen. bill 215 re. collection of taxes due on con- signed goods. 7 pp. (App. to jols. 14 sess. un- num. doc.) Receipts and ExPENDiTtiBEs; see below, that title Bankers; see Banks Barbers 1902. Rept of state bd. of barber examrs. (Assem. joL 35 sess. pp. 472-474; Sen. joL pp. 362-364.) Dentists serial 1 series Under Act approved March 12, 1885. 1885-1900. Ann. rept of bd. of dental examiners, 1-16. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1885 In App. to jols. 27 sess. v. 2 nnnnm. doc. 2. 1886 " " " " 27 " T. 2 « « 3. 1886/7 '• " " " 28 " V.6 •< tt 4. 1887/8 " " " " 28 " v.6 4i tt 5. 1888/9 " " " " 29 " v. 2 -Dec. 31, 1851. non-serial 1851. List of all patients reed., discharged, remaining, and their nativity. (Kept trustees Sacramento state hospital 1851: 538-544.) Paging from Collected docs. 1852. Kept agst. proposed establishment of another state hospital in city of Sacramento, with review of financial condition of three existing state hospitals. (Assam, jol. 1852: 398-402.) . Kept of jt committee on condition, wants, re- sources, and liabilities of Sacramento State Hos- pitaL (App. to Sen. joL 3 sess. pp. 647-649.) 1853. Petition for reimbursement of moneys expended in construction of public hospital at Sacramento, showing embarrassment of city finances as result of reception of indigent sick of state, in said hos- pitaL 4 pp. (Same 1853 doc. 45.) 1870. Petition of citizens of Sacramento re. erection of a hospital in Sacramento Co. 5 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc) Beceipta and Expenditures 1851. Sacramento State Hospital in acct. with state treasurer. (Rept trustees Sacramento state hos- pital 1851: 544-545.) Paging from Collected docs. 1851/2-1852/3. Stmt, of Sacramento State Hospital, receipts and payments. (A.R. state treasurer 1851/2 (p. 14)— some 1852/3.) 1852. Rept. of committee re. Sacramento State Hos- pital; transactions and accts.. May, 1851, to Jan., 1852. (App. to Sen. jol. 1852: 647-649.) 1852-1854. Tabular stmt, showing condition of Sacra- mento State Hospital fund. (A.R. state comptrol- ler 1851/2 (p. 23)— same 1853/4.) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA STATE HOSPITAL serial Under Act of March 11, 1889. 1 series 1890/2-1894/6. Bienn. rept of trustees of Southern Cal. Asylum for Insane and Inebriates. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1890/2 in App. to Jols. 30 sess. v. 7 unnnm. doc 2. 1892/4 " '• " " 31 " V. 6 " " unnum. 1894/6 32 T.6 MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives— cont'd B'EEBLE-linfDED OOUt'd SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA STATE HOSPITAL— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series 1896/8-1902/4. Bienn. rept of bd. of mngrs. of the Southern CaL State HospitaL In Documents as follows : 1896/8 la 1 bienn. rept comn. In lunacy 1896/8 151-182. 1898/00 in 2 bienn. rept comn. In lunacy 1898/00 T7-84. 1900/2 in 3 bienn. rept comn. In luna«y 1900/2 73-77. 1902/4 in 4 bienn. rept comn. in lunacy 1902/4 89-96. non-serial 1893-1898. Table showing percentages deduced from statistical tables covering medical records of hos- pital since opening. (1 bienn. rept lunacy comn. 1896/8: 173-174.) . Table showing, by months, employment of par tients in useful occui>ations. (1 same 1896/8: 171- 172.) 1894-1898. Table showing movement of population. (1 same 1896/8: 160.) 1894-1904. Tables showing admissions, discharges, deaths; do. whole no. treated, recoveries, etc. (2 same 1898/00 (pp. 96-99) — 4 sam^ 1902/4.) 1896-1898. Table showing nativity of patients. (1 same 1896/8: 163-164.) 1904. Comments on defalcation at Southern CaL State Hospital. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1902/4: 30.) . Comments on defalcation at Southern CaL State Hospital. (4 bienn. rept lunacy comn. 1902/4: 18- 20.) . Recommendation for apprn. of |110,000 for needs of Southern CaL Hospital. (4 same 1902/4: 90.) Receipts and Expenditures 1890-1894. Stmt of condition of Southern Cal. Insane Asylum fund. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1888/ 90 (p. 9S)—same 1892/4.) 1892/3-1897/8. Table showing amts. appropriated by legisl. from oi>enlng of Southern Cal. State Hos- pital to June 30, 1898. (Rept of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 117.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. t. 2. 1893/4-1897/8. Table showing amt. reed, each yr. from pay patients at Southern Cal. State HospitaL (Kept of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 112.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1894/5-1897/8. Table showing cost of fuel, light, power, etc., each yr. at Southern Cal. State Hospital and per capita cost per annum for each item of expen- ditures. (Rept of committee to make examination of state Institutions 1899: 117.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1898. Table showing cost of real estate belonging to Southern CaL State Hospital; do. estimated value of each kind of property belonging to hospitaL (Rept of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 109.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1900-1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund. Southern CaL State Hospital. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1898/00 (p. 106)— some 1902/4.) 1901/2. Sanitation See above, general group, this heading. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA 195 MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives — cont'd Feeble-mikded — cont'd STOCKTON INSANE ASYLUM aerial Institution opened as a state hospital Aug., 18S1. The Insane dept. was added in May, 1852. On July 1, 1853, all patients other than the Insane were trans- ferred to the State Marine Hospital, and the name of the institution at Stockton was changed to the Insane Asylum of the State of California at Stock- ton. 1 series 1852. Ann. rept. of trustees of Stockton State Hospital. In Collected docs, as follows : 1862 in App. to Assem. jol. 1853 doc. 18. 2 series 1853-1855. Ann. rept. of directors of Insane Asylum of State, at Stockton. In Collected docs, as follows : 1863 in App. to Sen. jol. 1854 1855 " " 5 sess. doc. 6 " " 7 " " 3. 10. 10. 10. 3 series 1856/7-1865. Ann. rept. of trustees of insane asylum of state, 5-13.) In Collected docs, as follows: doc. 5. unnum. 1856/7 in 1857/8 " App. to Assem. jol 9 sess. unnum. 10 " '* 1857/8 " *' " Sen. 10 " 7. 1858/9 " '* " Assem. " 11 " 7. 1858/9 " ** " Sen. 11 " 8. 1859/60 " ** " Assem. " 12 " 8. 1859/60 " ** " Sen. 12 " 9. 1860/1 " '* " Jols. 13 sess. unnum. doc. 10. 1861/2 " " " " 14 " " '* unnum. 1863 ** •' " 16 " V. 1 unnum. doc •* 1864 omitted. 13. 1865 in App. to jols. 16 sess. T. 1 unnum. doc. 4 series 1865/7-1867/9. Bienn. rept. of directors and medical visitors and ann. rept. of supt. of insane asylum. In Collected docs, as follows : 1865/7 in App. to jols. 17 sess. v. 1 unnum. doc. 1867/9 18 " T. 1 5 series 1869/71-1894/6. Bienn. rept. of directors and ann. rept. of supt. of Insane Asylum of State, at Stockton. In Collected docs, as follows : 1869/71 in App. to jols. 19 sess. 1871/3 " " " ■ "" •■ 1873/5 1875/7 " " " 1877/9 1879/80* 1880/2 " " " 1882/4 ' 1884/6 " " " 1886/8 " " " 1888/90 " " " 1890/2 " " " 1892/4 " " " 1894/6 " " " 6 series 1896/8-1902/4. Rept. of bd. of mngrs. of Stockton State Hospital. In Collected docs, as follows : 1896/8 in 1 bienn. rept. comn. in lunacy 1896/8 43-79. 1898/00 in 2 bienn. rept. comn. in lunacy 1898/00 31-39. 1900/2 in 3 bienn. rept. comn. in lunacy 1900/2 43-46. 1902/4 in 4 bienn. rept comn. In lunacy 1902/4 45-49. Tistting Committee 1856-1862. Rept. of jt. hospital committee. In Collected docs, as follows : 1856 in Sen. jol. 7 sess. pp. 663-665. " " App. to jols. 7 sess. unnum. doc. [19]. 1858 " Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 224-226. " " Assem. jol. 9 sess. pp. 239-240. 1859 " Assem. jol. 10 sess. pp. 195-196. - • ■ " p. 200. 19 sess .V. 1 unnum. do 20 " T. 2 21 " V.2 22 " V. 1 23 " T. 1 24 " v.2 25 " V. 1 26 " V. 1 27 " T.2 28 " V. 6 29 " v.2 30 " V. 7 31 " V. 6 *t * 32 " V. 6 doc. 8. MAINTENANCE: cont'd STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— Sen. jol. 10 sess. ♦ Bept for 1 yr. Defectives — cont'd Feeble-minded — cont'd STOCKTON INSANE ASYLUM— cont'd Viaiting Committed — cont'd 1860 in Sen. jol. 11 sess. pp. 290-292. " " App. to Assem. Jol. 11 sess. doc. [14]. 1862 " App. to jols. 13 sess. unnum. doc. [25]. non-serial 1851-1865. Stmts, of admissions, deaths, recoveries, etc. (Bienn. rept. insane asylum 1863/5: 46.) 1851-1896. Comparative stmt, of admissions, recoveries, deaths, etc. (Same 1865/7 (p. 24)— same 1894/6.) Continued in repts. of lunacy comn., see below, 1898- 1904. 1851-1898. Table showing no. of admissions, discharges, deaths, etc., from foundation of hospital to July 1, 1898. (1 bienn. rept. lunacy comn. 1896/8: 48-49; 64-65.) In the next rept. this table Is combined with a similar table for each of the other four state hospitals, and in this form the table is continued biennially see 2 bienn. rept lunacy comn. 1898/00 : 96-97. 1852. Rent, favoring establishment of State Insane Asylum. (Assem. jol. 1852: 565-566.) 1853. Rept. of committee to whom was referred act to establish asylum for insane of state of Cal. 5 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 4 sess. doc. 44.) . Majority and minority repts. of select committee apptd. to visit Stockton for purpose of examining grounds selected for site of state asylum for insane. 7 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. doc. 33.) . Rept. re. transactions of trustees of State Hos- pital at Stockton in contracting for construction of same, and cessation of work as result of comptrol- ler's refusal to audit draft for same. 4 pp. {Same 1853 doc. 34.) 1853-1859. Rept. of committee on state insane asylum on Assem. bill 93 re. patients admitted. (Assem. jol. 11 sess. pp. 586-587.) 1854. Govs. mess, approving act making apprn. for erection of additional bldg. for Insane Asylum. (Same 1854; 570-571.) 1854-1896. Table showing residence of patients at time of admission and no. sent from each county in state. (Rept. Stockton insane asylum 1854 (p. 24) — same bienn. rept. 1894/6.) In 1861 (pp. 32-51, rept 1860/1) this table is con- siderably extended to show age, sex, nativity, and general health of patients reed. 1855. Favorable review of operations of Lunatic Asy- lum. (Govs. ann. mess. 1856: 33.) . Rept. of hospital committee adverse to Marine Hospital; favorable to Stockton Insane Asylum. 48 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 20.) 1857. Rept. of jt. special committee on condition of State Insane Asylum at Stockton. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 391-392; Assem. jol. pp. 463-464.) . Same; minority rept. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 398- 401.) . Same; with evidence. 32 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 8 sess. doc. [1].) . Minority rept. of committee on Sen. bill 160 re. officers of State Insane Asylum. (Sen. jol. 8 sess. pp. 749-750.) . Unfavorable rept. of committee on Sen. bill 160 re. officers of State Insane Asylum. (Same 8 sess. pp. 736-737.) . Repts. on res. ro. election of trustees and physi- cians of Insane Asylum at Stockton. (Assem. jol. 8 sess. pp. 111-114.) 1858. Rept. re. contract of M. Fennel for bldg. north wing of State Insane Asylum at Stockton. (Sen. jol. 9 sess. pp. 449-450.) 196 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives — cont'd E'eeble-minded — cont'd STOCKTON INSANE ASYLUM— cont'd novrserial — cont'd 1858-1860. Table showing nativity of patients who have been admitted into asylums from Dec. 1, 1858 (Rept. insane asylum 1859 (pp. 39-40)— same 1860.) 1859. Rept. of special investigating committee on State Insane Asylum at Stockton on various charges of maladministration, etc., agst. asylum. (Sen. iol. 10 sess. pp. 343-390.) . Same; minority rept. (Bame 10 sess. pp. 398- 403.) 1861. Majority rept. of special committee on condi- tion of asylum at Stockton. (Same 12 sess. pp. 638-644.) . Same. 11 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. doc. [14].) . Rept. of part of Sen. committee on state hos- pitals dissenting from majority rept. on condition of affairs at asylum at Stockton. (Sen. jol. 12 sess. pp. 818-823.) . Repts. of hospitals committee, one favorable to mngmt. of State Insane Asylum; the other, by a portion of the committee, inveighing agst. majority rept. of special committee to examine into affairs of asylum. 12 pp. (App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. doc. [13].) . Rept. of hospitals committee on Insane Asylum at Stockton; disapproving of mad-house, and mngmt. of curative dept. 6 pp. (App. to Assem. jol. 12 sess. doc [10].) 1861-1896. Table showing nativity of patients. (Rept. insane asylum 1860/1 (pp. 57-58) — ^bienn. rept. same 1894/6.) 1862. Amendments to organic law suggested. (Bame 1861/2: 32-36.) 1864. Veto of act to amend act concerning Insane Asylum of Cal. and to levy a tax therefor. (Assem. jol. 15 sess. p. 293.) . Petition from pres. of bd. of directors of Insane Asylum. 8 pp. (App. to jols. 15 sess. v. 2 unnum. doc.) 1866. Rept. of Sen. committee on hospitals re. Sen. bill 309 to amend act re. Insane Asylum of Cal., and levy tax therefor, approved Apr. 25, 1863. 5 pp. (Bame 16 sess. v. 3 unnum. doc.) . Majority and minority repts. of Assem. commit- tee on state hospital re. Assem. bill 226 providing for care of insane of Cal. 6 pp. (Same 16 sess. V. 3 unnum. doc.) . Testimony taken before jt. committee to investi- gate affairs of Insane Asylum at Stockton during administration of W. P. Tilden. 159 pp. (Same 16 sess. V. 2 doc. [9].) 1867. Recommendation for tax of 5c. or 6c. on flOO on taxable property in state, for 1868, to complete plan for improvements. (Bienn. rept. insane asylum 1865/7: 16.) 1869-1878. Table exhibiting no. of native and foreign- born admitted into asylum ann. for 10 preceding yrs. (Same 1877/9: 11.) 1870. Memorial of W. P. Tilden, M. D., to legisl. of Cal. on treatment, mngmt., and care of insane of Cal.; condemning site of Asylum at Stockton as un- healthy. 18 pp. (App. to jols. 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [2].) . Appendix (1869) and suppl. to rept. of supt.; statistical tables, etc., and project of law to deter- mine legal relations of the insane. 2 11., 80 pp. (Same 18 sess. v. 3 doc. [3].) MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives — cont'd FEEBLEl-MrNBED COUt'd STOCKTON INSANE ASYLUM— cont'd non-serial — ^cont'd 1883. Claim of Wm. and S. L. Confer re. creation of addition to Insane Asylum at Stockton. (A.R. bd. examiners dated Jan. 1, 1881, to Dec. 31, 1882: 3.) . The sewage question in Cal.; rept. of state engr. to bd. of directors of Stockton Insane Asylum on sewerage for institution in their charge. (Bienn. rept. directors State Insane Asylum 1883/4: 51- 100.) . Same; separate. 76 pp. . See also above, Napa Asylum; this date. 1886. Laws of state concerning admission of patients into State Insane Asylum. (Bienn. rept insane asylum 1884/6: 36-37.) . Recommendation for appm. of $60,000 for neces- sary repairs and apprn. of $216,000 for maintenance of inmates for next two fiscal yrs. (Same 1884/6: 7.) 1888. Same; for apprn. of $230,000 for support of asylum for next two fiscal yrs. (Same 1886/8: 8.) 1890. Same; for apprn. of $450,000 for maintenance of inmates for next bienn. period. (Mme 1888/90: 28.) 1891. Veto of act making apprn. for support of asylum at Stockton. (Assem. jol. 29 sess. p. 689.) . Rept. of bd. of health on sanitary condition and mngmt. of Stockton Insane Asylum, etc. (12 bienn. rept bd. health 1890/2: 21-26.) 1892. Recommendation for apprn. of $445,000 for sup- port of asylum for next two yrs. (Bienn. rept. in- sane asylum 1890/2: 8.) 1896. Inventory of real estate, buildings, furnishings and improvements. (Same 1894/6: 12-14.) 1896-1898. Table showing nativity of those admitted. (1 bienn. rept lunacy comn. 1896/8: 51-67.) 1898-1904. Comparative table of admissions, recover- ies, deaths, etc. (2 same 1898/00: 98-99.) Earlier returns in repts. of state hospital, see above, 1851-1896. By-Laws 1885. By-laws of directors of Stockton Insane Asylum. 32 pp. 16°. 1890. Same. 37 pp. 16°. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Receipts and Expenditures 1851/2-1852/3. Stmt of Stockton State Hospital fund, receipts and payments. (A.R. state treasurer 1851/2 (pp. 12-13)— same 1852/3.) 1852-1854. Tabular stmt, showing condition of Stock- ton State Hospital fund. (AR. state comptroller 1851/2 (p. 23)— some 1853/4.) 1854. Abstract showing bills unpaid on Jan. 1, 1855, to whom due; being total indebtedness of asylum on that day. (Rept insane asylum 1854: 60.) 1854-1857. Stmt, of insane asylum fund in acct. with state treasurer. (A.R. state treasurer 1853/4 (pp. 18-19)— same 1856/7.) 1854-1896. Ann. rept. of treasurer of insane asylum. (Rept insane asylum 1854 (pp. 53-59)— bienn. rept. same 1894/6.) 1856-1859. List of accts. agst insane asylum unpaid Jan. 1. (Same 1857 (pp. 14-17)— some 1859.) 1857-1860. Table showing amt. reed, for board, and amt taken from patients who have been admitted into asylum from Aug. 1. (Bame 1857 (p. 42) — same 1860.) 1858. Memorandum of deficiency created under act appropriating money for erection of additional buildings, etc. (fTome 1858: 19.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 19? MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives — cont'd Feeble-minded — cont'd STOCKTON INSANE ASYLUM— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1858. Stmt, of mileage due state insane asylum visit- ing committee, and committee to investigate mat- ters connected with co. officers of S. F. Co. (Assem. jol. 9 sess. pp. 212-213.) 1859. Stmt, of mileage due committee to visit insane asylum. {Same 10 sess. p. 208.) . Same; due special investigating committee of state insane asylum. (Sen. jol. 10 sess. p. 299.) . Same; due committee to visit insane asylum. (Same 10 sess. p. 173.) . Schedule of claims agst. asylum remaining un- paid, and for which no claim has been made agst. state. (Rept. Insane asylum 1859: 10.) 1859-1862. Stmt, showing amt. expended for support of insane. (A.R. state controller 1858/9 (p. 9) — same 1861/2.) 1861-1863. Table showing office expenses and passages paid for discharged patients from Apr. 20 to Dec. 1. (Rept. insane asylum 1860/1 (p. 62)— same 1863.) . Same; expense of physician's mansion including maintenance of physicians, their families and ma- tron. (Same 1860/1 (p. 63) — same 1863.) . Same; cost of improvements, repairs, and extra- ordinary expenses, from Apr. 20 to Dec. 1. (Same 1860/1 (p. 65)— some 1863.) 1861-1879. Same; garden acct.; no. of days labor per- formed by patients; also milk furnished from dairy. (Savie 1860/1 (p. 64) — ^blenn. rept. same 1877/9.) 1861-1896. Same; stewards' acct. of articles consumed in state asylum, and cost of same, including fuel acct. and pay-roll, from Apr. 20 to Dec. 1. (Same I 1860 (pp. 60-67)— bienn. rept. same 1894/6.) . Same; cost of different depts. from Apr. 20 to Dec. 1. (Same 1860/1 (p. 66) — bienn. rept. same 1894/6.) . Exhibit of averages, showing average no. of pa- tients under treatment each mo., average no. of 7 mos. and 11 days, with average cost per capita per day, per mo., and per yr. (Same 1860/1 (p. 67) — bienn. rept. some 1894/6.) 1864/5-1879. Insane asylum fund; receipts and pay- ments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1863/5 (p. 12) — same 1877/9.) 1865. Stmt, giving estimated value of insane asylum property. (Bienn. rept. insane asylum 1863/5: 69.) 1865-1873. Stmt, of condition of insane asylum fund. (A.R. state controller 1864/5 (pp. 84-85) — bienn. rept. same 1871/3.) 1871/3. Insane asylum special fund; receipts and pay- ments. (Bienn. rept. state treasurer 1871/3: 18.) 1871-1877. Table showing cost of Improvements for yr. endg. Sept. 30. (Bienn. rept. Insane asylum 1869/ 71 (p. 40)— same 1875/7.) 1873-1874. Stmt, of cost of bldg. north wing of female dept. of asylum, and amt. of balance returned to state controller Dec. 17, 1874. (Same 1873/5: 6-8.) 1881-1884. Table showing cost of extraordinary repairs and Improvements for yr. endg. June 30. (Same 1880/2 (p. 24)— some 1882/4.) 1881-1894. Stmt, of stock on hand, June 30, and amt. sold. (Same 1880/2 (p. 26)— same 1892/4.) 1891-1898. Table showing ann. aggregate and per capita per diem cost of maintenance at Stockton. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 121.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. t. 2. MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives — cont'd Feeble-minded — cont'd STOCKTON INSANE ASYLUM — cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd . Table showing amt. of contract and non-contract goods purchased each yr. at Stockton. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institu- tions 1899: 122.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. . Table showing whole amt. of pay-roll each yr. at Stockton. (Rept. of committee to make examina- tion of state institutions 1899: 123.) . Same; In App. to iols. 33 sess. v. 2. . Table showing per capita cost per diem at Stock- ton. (Rept. of committee to make examination of state institutions 1899: 125.) . Same; in App. to jols. 33 sess. v. 2. 1894-1896. Amt. of supplies purchased and distributed, and balances on hand at beginning and end of each fiscal yr. (Bienn. rept. insane asylum 1894/6: 34.) 1900. Rept. of treasurer of Stockton State Hospital for two fiscal yrs. 1898-1900. (2 bienn. rept. lunacy comn. 1898/00: 33; 37.) 1900-1904. Stmt, of condition of contingent fund, Stock- ton State Hospital for Insane. (Bienn. rept. state controller 1898/00 (p. 105) — same 1902/4.) Visiting Committee See above, under serial group. Delinquents: Adults (both sexes) seriol Under Act of April, 1851 1 series 1851. Ann. rept. of Inspectors of state prison. In Collected docs, as follows : 1851 in App. to Sen. jol. 1852 : 676-680. 2 series Under Act of May 1, 1852. 1852. Rept. of state prison comn. In Collected docs, as follows : 1852 In App. to Assem. jol. 4 sess. doc. 23. 3 series 1854/5. Ann. rept. of bd. of inspectors of state prison. In Collected docs, as follows : 1854/5 in App. to Assem. jol. 6 sess. doe. 13. " " '' " Sen. jol. 6 sess. doc. 13. 4 series Under Act of May 7, 1855 1855-1856. Ann. rept. of state bd. of prison directors. In Collected docs, as follows : 1855 in App. to Sen. Jol. 7 sess. doc. [15]. 1856 " Sen. jol. 8 sess., pp. 364-366. 5 series 1857. Ann. rept. of state prison comrs. In Collected does, as follows : 1857 in App. to Assem. Jol. 9 sess. unnum. doc. 6 series 1858-1859. Ann. rept. of state bd. of prison directors. In Collected does, as follows : 1858 In App. to Assem. jol. 10 sess. unnum. doc. 1858 " " " Sen. ' 10 1859 " *' " Assem. ' ' 11 1859 " " " Sen. ' 11 7 series 1860. Repts. of bd. of comrs. and bd. of directors of the state prison. In Collected docs, as follows : 1860 in App. to Sen. jol. 12 sess. doc. [11]. The history and settlement of the McCauley and Tevis claims arising out of the cancellation of the con- tract between the state and .lames M. Estell, for the lease of the state prison and convict labor, forms the report of the commissioners appointed for the purpose. The directors' report embodies the annual reports of the state prison oflSclals. 198 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Delinquents: Adults (both sexes)— cont'd serial — cont'd 8 series 1861-1863. Ann. rept. of the bd. of directors of the state prison. In Collected docs, as follows : 1861 In App. to Jols. 13 sess. nnnum. doc. 1862 " •'^ " "14 " " •' 1863 14 15 V. 1 nnnum. doc. 9 series 1863/5-1877/9. Blenn. rept. of state bd. of prison dl- rectors. In Collected docs, as follows : 1863/5 in App. to Jols. 16 sess. v. 2 nnnum. doc. 1865/7 " * ' " 17 " V. 1 1867/9 " * ' " 18 " T.l <• 1869/71 " * ' " 19 " V. 1 11 1871/3 " * ' " 20 " V. 2 *i 1873/5 " ( ' " 21 '■ v.l