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PBaUUNABT CON8n>mUTION8. 0.00. ^Mit from uiy evident utility as an economiier of thought and of ealeulatioa, theie is, in tiie manifold interpretation of a system of postulates a vide philosophical mgnificanoe.* The numerous instances of this multiplicity of meaning that have been devised in geometry, are common knowledge; in arithmetic the comparatively fewer examples, among which the Theory of Ideals of Dbdeiqnd is the clasac, do not seem to be so generally appreciated, possibly because they lie slightly to one side of the main progress of analysis, although, as asserted by some,* arithmetic may be the proper foundation of all. The purpose of this paper is twofold; (i) To show, by several examples, that the postulates, and processes of arithmetic admit of a multiplicity of interpretation, all examples to be mmple and interconnected; (ii) To construct a seU-contidned arithmetical theory [cf. 0.01 (i)] of a large and important class of numerical functions, the theory to be so formed that the inter-relations of the functions considered [those in 5.23], shall be exhibited with a mimmum of calculation, from either their symbolic or verbal definitions. Up to a certain point (i), (ii) are identical; beyond this, certain -class-properties of the func- tions must be imagined in order to complete (i), and these newer aspects of the functions are relative only very remotely to the integers. Tbevobject in this part is to carry the developments sufficiently far to supper^ several distinct interpretations of arithmetic [the umplest of all in this paper is in S 4], and the studies of congruences and forms [§ 11] for lack of space, have been deferred, although the methods in which they are to be approached are indicated. In all, sufficient material is provided for 32 distinct duals of arithmetic; in a narrower sense, it is shown [6.35], that an infinity of such may be evolved from a single mould. In the illustrations of (ii), given in §§ 7, 8, only those which may be briefly written, and not the most interesting, have been selected from a great quantity found by the methods of the paper. The more interesting applications arise from the consideration of (ideal) forms [S 10]. Throughout, the insistence is upon methods rather than upon details of calculation which are elementary in. all cases, and may be easily supplied if not indeed obvious. * Cf. Cassiub J. Ketses: Coneemtng MtiUipk InUrpnlatiom of Postulate Syaltna and As "£zi8lene<" of Hyporepaee. [Joum. Phil., P^chology and Sd. Meth. (New York), Vol. IX, No. 10. 1913.] * E. g., by Kbonkceib. 1 ',■1 I 5684413 3 AN ARITHMEinCAI. THBORT Tlie properties ot aa integer may be regarded ia two eeaeotially distinet wa}*s; either in relation to itself and its separate divisors, or in relation to all integers; these may be called the static and the dynamic aspect respecUvely, — relying on an obvious analogy. Of these, the static is the more easily investigated aspect; but, if (i) is to be accomplished, then clearly the dynamic must also be considered. In relation to (ii) the dynamic properties of integers are not taken account of, principally because of inherent difficulties that seem to place such considerations beyond the present reach of analysis, but also, because the theory of numerical functions in their dynanuc aspects ceasea to be arithmetical in the sense of [0.01], or in that well-expressed by E. Cahen: "In algebra, division is only exceptionaUy impossible,' in arithmetic, only exceptionally possible." Throughout, *, t refer respectively to definitions and theorems; thus * indicates that a section contains a definition essential to (i), t, that the section contains a theorem. *0.01. (i) For preciaon in regard to 0.00 (i), an orttAmeh'oal theory may now be defined. It is emphadzed that throughout, odeittton, aubtractiim, multiplication and division, are used in their abstract meiinings, that is, as operations which obey the "ordinary abstract operational laws of algebra."' With respect to these operations,' a number system, N', that is also a fieW i» postulated. Let now a system of elements N be defined similarly to JV' in all respects, except that in N there are n identity elements' with respect to multi- plication. These n elements are the units in N. Elements of N that differ from one another only by unit factors are equivalent, and are considered not distinct.* Then, N is defined to be an arithmetical field, when and only when (1) and (2) hold: ,' (1) The assemblage of all elements in JV is denumerable; and hence, if » is infinite, the units form a denumerable assemblage. (2) Within N there is a denumerable assemblage, P, of elements, which are- such that with respect to elements of P every element of N satisfies tiie funda- mental theorem of arithmetic, viz., every element of N may be represented as a. product of powers of distinct members of P in one way only. [ExtenMon» will be dealt with as they arise naturally; e. g., in 4.64.] (ii) The totality, of relations between all members of an arithmetical field, the relations being with respect to the (abstract) fundamental laws of algebra, constitute an arithmetical theory. (iii) Properties of the elements of N that are immediate consequences of ' E. H. Moore: Bull. Am. Math. Soe., vol. Ill (1893), p. 75. The order of the field ii here infinite; if finite, a finile arithmetic ia cdmilarly, mutatis mutandis, defined; but finite- arithmetics are not considered in this paper. > For a very clear statement of what constitutes a number sytAxm, cf. O. Vebun and J.W.Younq: Prcjeetice GeonwIiTi, -vol. 1 {1910), p. H9. Cf. also J.KtoiQ: • " AlgArmtdieH Grittcn (LeJpiig, 1003), pp. 1-9. > For the precise statement of the senses in which the units of this theory •<• respeotivdy idenUcal or distinct, cf. 3.29; 3.30; 8.31 and 6.03; 6.07; 6.09; 6.10. OF CERTAIN KHMERICAL F0NCTION8. S the Amdame&tal theorem of arithmetio, or which ultimately depend upon that theorem, are arWimetiedl. Qt) If to (1), (2) be added further postulates, the whole being consistent, there results an extended ariOimttieal theory. 0.02. As arithmetic proper is only concerned with the properties of positive irUegera, so here, the main interest will be in the analogues of the integers. The number of units in this theory is infinite, but they preserve an important characteristic of unity, vis., their numerical values are identical. There is no concept of magnitude in the elements of this theory; hence, as the theorem that an integer is diviable by only a finite number of distinct integers, must here 'find an analogue, the fimteness of an element is defined otherwise than by its magnitude [cf. 6.13], but in a way equally applicable to the integers. Neither is there any concept of a natural order for the ele- ments; an artificial order, ha-ring the properties in respect to the elements that the order of 1, 2, 3, • • *, has to the integers, may be defined in connec- tion with addition. Similarly for other concepts of arithmetic; these remarks indicate in what respects the theory of certain numerical functions will be shown to be isomorphic to arithmetic. As addition, etc., are used often in the same context with abstract addition, etc., where necessary to distinguish between the kinds, that proper to this theory will be called ideal addition, etc. Moreover, in order to emphasize the abstract identity of certain of the operations used, with +, etc., the sign -I- is sometimes used for a concept that arithmetically has the properties of X [cf. S 9]; this however is primarily done in accordance with usage.' *0.03. A function, /(z), is numerical, if f(x) exists for every positive integral value of the art^men(,x: and moreover is such that /(O) = 0; /(I) = 1. By convention, a constant is a numerical function. *0.04. A numerical function f(x) [0.03] is Jadorahle', if for every pair, ni, nj, of relatively prime values of the argument, f(.ni)f(n,) = /(nin,). *0.05. The arithmetical definition of a numerical function, /(x), is the statement of the values assumed by the function according to the classes of values of the argument for which /(x) essts. [For examples, cf. 2.01; 2.02; 2.04; 3.14.] *0.06. If /(x) is a numerical function, / is a functional form: and / is abitracted from/(x). 0.07. The elements upon which 0.00 (i) is constructed are the functional forms of certain factorable numerical functions. The meaning of a functional form, which is, in effect, the arithmetical definition [0.05] of a numerical function, will be readily understood after the definition of ideal multiplication [3.07]. 0.08. Sections 1, 2 are in a sense preliminary to the main part, which > In the olBaB.pToperUes that an aritlimetical, complete oontormity with the rest of the theoiy may be Attained on representing logical addition by X i but u this is in violation of all pecedenta, it has not been done. • AN ABITHMEnCAL THEX)itY continues with 0.00 G) in Section 3 "Ideal Multiplication." ( 2 ia primarily a source of future iliustrations; and the purpose of S 1 is explained in 1.00. S 1. SiuPLB Numbers. 1.00. There is a gun in conciseness in many subsequent theorems it an integer is regarded as a product of simple [1.01], instead of prime, numbers. Also, it will be shown that any theorem which depends ultimately upon the unique factorization theorem of arithmetic, is, according to respective resolu- tions into prime and simple numbers, susceptible of a dual interpretation [6.34; 6.35]. *1.01. A positive integer that is divisible by the square of no prime, is simple. Relatively prime simple numbers are dUtinct. Unity is simple, and other simple numbers are denoted by Pj (i = 1, • • -, '"). 1.011. If n is resolved into its prime factors, this is also a resolution into vimple factors; excluding this (unless n be simple, in which case the following resolution and the prime resolution coincide): tl.02. Any number may be resolved into distinct ample factors in one way only. For, let n = pi*'pi*'' • •p,*' be the resolution of n into prime factors, the primes being so ordered that «< ^ a,- when t > j; and for fSr, letOi, ({ = !,•••,«) denote all the unequal a,', (t = 1, •••,r); also let at » ai, a, = Or, and oi < ai < • • • < a,. Then, if P< is the product of all those primes Pi which are such that n/pi'' is, but n/pi*^' is not, an integer, the required resolution of n into Us simple factors is obviously, n ■« Pi"'Pi*«' • •?,*•. The notations of 1.02, 1.03 prevail throughout the rest of this section, and the Pi, which are all distinct, are the simple factors of n. If n =» ii''jri*'- • -t,*' represents either the resolution of n into its prime, or into its dmple, factors, - in the former case the t's are all distinct and relatively prime, in the latter, the /3's are all distinct and the t's relatively prime, hence distinct [1.01]. ♦1.03. If Sat' Sat (t = 1, • • •, «), and n' = Pj-'Pi*^- • -P,'-', then n' is a relative divisor of n. If I is the only relative divisor of n, n', then n, n' are rclatirclij distinct: in symbols, D«(n, n') « 1. It X)B(ni', nj') ■ 1, then the greatest common relative divisor of n»i', nnj', is n; in symbols, if ni " nn/, m = nnt', Dti(ni, ni) = n. Similarly the lowest common relative m,vUiple of ni, ni, is defined by Lp(ni, nj) = niii'na'. The number, ip'(n), of integers > n that are divisible by no simple factor except 1, of n, is the relative totient of n. The number, and the sum, of the relative divisors of n are denoted respectively by /(n) and a'(n). Li order to indicate that n is being considered as a product of simple rather than of prime factors, n is replaced by n'; numerically, n = n'. The function m'W, or M'(n') has the value if n' is divisible by the square of any simple number, and otherwise, is + 1 or — 1 according as n' is the product of an even or of an odd number of simple numbers. tl.04. The following are immediate consequences of the definitions; (i) »'(n') - JJ (a. + I)! («) •'(»»') - ^j[(l - i»*"+')/(l - PO; OF CERTAIN NXmERICAL FVNCrnON& S Cui) D»(n,',«.0-im(nV.n,') - mV; Cw) p'W - n'jj(l - l/P,). Tbe last may be deduced similarly to the ordinary totient, ^{n), from the principle of oro8»«las8ification of classee,' noting that in their totality the P« are relaUvely prime [1.02], tl.05. If D»(ni', ni') - 1, and if ^'M is any one of the functions /(n*), v'Cn*). *>'(»»')^ then clearly, ^'Cni'n.O - *'(n,')^'(n,'). The like is not, in general, true if Dv{ni, tit) > 1- tl.06. As in the corresponding theorem for p(n), it may be shown that Sip'(d') => n', the summation referring to all relative divisors d' of n'. tl.07. If ^'(n') is any function such that ^'(n,'nj') = *'(»!')*'(»!') when Dv(,ni, nt) = 1, and if the summations refer to all relative divisors d' of n', then if ^'(n') = 2^'(d'). is ♦'(»') = V(d')*'(«7prt the exponents of the highest powers of pi, pi that divide PI are unequal. Let Pi < Pii and let [m/n] denote the integral part of m/n.* the exponents in question are P/p* + [P/p.-'l + [P/pflH ; (i = 1, 2). Since pi < pi, P/pi > PI Pi] whence, for a S 2, [P/pi*] S (P/pi*]; hence the exponents are unequal. Usually it is sufficient to replace nttmher, by n'mpb number, prime, by simple, but not always; e. g., ^'(n') is not the number of integers > n and rehtively dislind to n. The exact meaning of relattroly pn'tna to n mus^ be tr:iiisformcd into not dimibh by any simple factor of n'. With such changes the true analogue of any theorem is found without much difficulty; numerous examples will be found later [cf. 6.34]. § 2. The Function ^{n; a, 6, c, I). 2.00. The majority of factorable numerical functions in current use, and most of those used later for purposes of illustration, are specialisations of a single simple function, *, [2.011. In this *, I = + 1 or — 1, a, 6 are positive integral constants, n is a variable integer, and e is finite, otherwise arbitrary. This ^ includes the numerous functions considered by LiotrviLLB [§ 7], and, in its general form, wherein I is arbitrary, «♦ in all. As defined in 2.01, * is the simplest case of a more general function [7.02 (ii)], whose verbal definition is so prolix, that it is best deferred until several new concepts shall have been introduced [§§3, 5). All of these in turn constitute the simplest possible example of a doss of numerical functions,' which is the first in an infimte assemblage of such classes. *2.01. Two auMliary functions are first defined: (i) X(n); the muUiplicily of n; that is, the total number of primes which divide n. (ii) 7(n); the mon^foWness of n; that is, the number of distitui primes which divide n. [This term is due to Sylve3ter.1 Then «(n; a, h, e, I), for i ■= ± 1 is defined by (iii) and (iv): (iii) *(n; o, 6, c, 1) =• if n is not the perfect 5th power of a simple number [l.Oll; and in the contrary case, = c»«">n''». (iv) *(n; a, 6, c, - 1) = if n is not the perfect 6th power of an integer; and in the contrary case, = (- c)«»">n«'». ' Conaidcrod In 3.14; 8.24 fui). Th« 7(a) inaOl (U)wiU notbooonfttswi with yW ot | «, OF CEKTAIN NUMERIQAL FDMCnONS. 7 In both QU), Qy), n** ngnifies tho ariOmetieal (th root of n*. Clearly, if n is dmple, Y(n) ■■ X(n). *2,02. Aa a first speoialiiatioa of % the funoUona on the left of the respeo- tlve identities are defined on referring to 2.01 (of. also 2.0S]: f (n; a, h) ■*(•»; o, 6, - 1, 1) 1 X (n; «, 6) ■ * (n; o, 6, 1, 1) | ♦'(n; a, 6) b *(n; a, 6, -1,-1)1' x'(«; o, 6) - «'(n; o. 5, 1, - 1)1' f (n; 0, 6) - *(n; 0, 6, o, 1)| f(n; 0, 6) -«(ni 0,6, 0,-1)1 Each pidr is evidently a partioulariiation of the pair '^(n; a, h, e, ± 1), whose fundamental property may be stated, although not proved until 7.04: t2.03. The summation extending to all divisors D, of iV, or to all relative divisors D, of N^ according as i^ is regarded as a product of prime or of simple numbers, the value of Z«(Z>; a, b, e, li^iN/D; a, h, e, - {) Is 1 or according as AT > 1 or ^ > 1. Putting I •■ 1, the meaiUng of the theorem is seen for the functions in 2.02. *t2.04. Of the six functions in 2.02, ^xteen subcases are of such frequent occurrence in arithmetic, that they have received special notations, now given; some of the symbols are due to Liouvillb* and other writers on the subject, but no attempt at conformity with these in all has been made, as the subse- quent point of view is distinct. Comparing with 2.02, 2.041 for verifications of the implied theorems, the sixteen are [cf. also § 7]: (i) *(ni 1, 2) a p( V^)fc.(n)tti( VS). (ii) *(n; r, 1) e »«(n)«r(n). (iii) *'(n; 1, 1) » «i(n). (iv) *'(n; 1, 2) Bkt{n)ui{^). (V) *'(«; r, 1) B «,(«). (vi) x(n; 1, 1) » lM(n)l>u,(n). (vii) x'(n; 1, 1) - t.r(»)u,(n). (viii) x'(nj r, 1) mw{n)ur{n). (ix) f(n; r - 1, 1) . f_,(n) =. |M(n)l«(r - 1)'W. (x) f(n; 2r - 1, 1) « Su-i(.n) - (M(n))«(2r - !)•«•>. , (xi)f(n;l, 1) -ImWI'. (xii) f(n; 2, 1) - Mn)Mn). (xiii) f(n; - 1, 1) - M(n). (xiv) f(n; 2' - 1, 1) - {M(n))«(2' - 1)'W. (XV) f (n; 1, 1) . vr(n). (xvi) f'(n; - 1, 1) « «,(«). *2.041. The definitions of the various symbols on the right of the nxteea >It«(««Be«sin(7. » AN ABITHMETIGJa. THBOttT identities in 2.M, are, for n a poalive integer, r a podtiTtt int^er onleflB the contrary is expressly stated: CO it{n) is the function of MObius (sometimes, of Mbktkns), and Taidshes if n is not ample, and otherwise is + 1 or — 1 according as the manifoldneaa of n is even or odd. Mua(R) "^ /«( Vn), which exists only when n is a perfect ath power; Vn 3 + Vn, arithmetical root. (ii) fcr(n) = 1 or according as n is or is not a perfect rth power, (iii) u,{n) = n'; Ui(Vn) may be written ui/i(n), or u''*(n); similarly for higher roots. (iv) vr(n) => + 1 or — 1 according as the multiplicity of n is even or odd; viz., m(n) - (- !)*(•>. (v) v{n) - the number of divisors of n. In addition to these, for com- pleteness; (vi) v(n) •- the totient of n: viz., the number of integers > , and prime to, n. (vii) the total number of decompoaitions of n into a pair of rela* tively prime factors; in this, if n •• tiiKt is one such decomposition, twi ia to be counted as another, distinct from the former. (ix) [Dr(n)\^ = the greatest perfect rth power that divides n; written D/'^(n). Among the divisors of n are included altaays, 1 and n; also, if any of these functions is undefined (by its nature), or is ambiguous, for n — 1, by convention, the value is taken to be uniiy. t 2.05. Comparing the definitions of the functions in 2.02 with that of the 'i'-function in 2.01, it is easy to verify that: (i) ^(n; «, 6) = fc»(n)-pv»(n)-u«i(n); (ii) >l>'(n; a, h) = fct(n)-u^t(n). (iu) X (n; o, W = *»(»»)• {*'u»(»»)l*-»*^»(»»); (iv) x'(n; a,b) = (- !)*'•'»> •*.(n).«^»(n). (v) f (n; o, 6) - |/ii,»(n)l«-fc»(n)-oi'W; (vi) f'(n; o, 6) - (- l)»<«"^-fe(n).o*<«*»>. The verbal equivalents are: (i) ^(n; a, b) °° if n is not the 6th power of a nmple number, and, in the contrary case, f= ± n*'* according as the multiplicity (or, what is her« equivalent, the manifoldness), of n'A is even or odd. (ii) ^'(n; a, b) ■• or n*^ according as n ia not or is a perfect bth power. (>>i) x(n; a, 6) •■ or n** according as n ia not or is a perf«ot bth power of a simple number, (iv) x'C"; Oi ^) ■■ if n ia not a perfect 6th pow\j, and in the contrary case, «= ± n*" according as' the multiplicity of n'* is even or odd. (v) {-(n; a, 6) ^ or a'>^''> according as n is not or is a perfect 6th power of a simple number. (vi) {-'(n; a, 6) = if n is not a perfect 6th power, and in the contrary case is ± o*'""^ according as the multiplicity of n'* is even or odd. OF CERTAIN NUMERICAL FUNCTIONS. « 2.09. In the set of dxteen [2.04], Ox), (x), (xiv) appear but sUghtly different from each other; when their inter-relations with the others come to be examined, itwiU be found that they are essentially distinct. Anticipating, if either a » b » 1, or if otherwise, a, b are unequal, it will be shown that the six functions of 2.02, and hence the sixteen of 2.04, when considered aa fune- tions art ideal primet, although several, e. g., (i), (ii), (iv) of 2.04 apparently contradict any notion of primeness. Also, y(n), ^(n), v(n), 9(n), and many others will be exhibited as ideal products of powers of the sixteen primes. It is the prime property that makes these specializations of 9 important for illustrations, etc. S 3. DsriNiTioN or Ideal Multipucation; etc. 3.00. The concept of ideal multiplication may be briefly illustrated by the first (historically) example in which it is implicit. Denoting by yi(n) the totient of n (vis., the number of integers not greater than, and prime to, n), and by Vo(n) a numerical function of n which has the value unity for all values of the argument n, and by Ui(n), a numerical function which has the value n for all values of the argument n, there is the well-known theorem J^" is called an ideal divisor of the junetiond form i» *^^ ^ is the ideal product (with respect to t'deai muUtpItca- h'on) of ^', ^"i also, ^ is completely dtt>i«ible by ^' and ^". Henceforth, if /i, /• are any functional forms, fift shall signify an ideal product as defined; vii.,/i/t shall mean £/i(d}/i f ^ j, wherein ike argtCmmt n it general. The sign "~" is read, "is equivalent to," and expresses the pre- cise relation above defined; 4/'ii" ~ \^ is an equivalence. ^^ AN ARITHMBTICAL THEORY t3.02. As a rdkUoB, «quiv«lene« Is oymmetrteal ud traattttTe; ▼!■., (i) if r*" - ♦, then ♦ ^ ♦'*": (li) if * -. *' and ♦• ~ f ', then f •«. *". (iii) ^'4^' ~ ^'f ; that is, ideal multiplication is commutative, lliese are obvious consequences of 3.01. The concepts of 3.01 are now made general' 80 as to apply to any number of functional forms, ii, In, i>t, -'•. *3.03. Denote by di', di a pair of conjugate divisors of n, so that n «• di'dt; resolving similarly, let dt » d,'d,; • • . etc.; whence, finally, n = di'dt, d, = d,'d„ d, = d,'d4, 0) dr-l = dr-t'dr-u ^, =» dr-l'dr'. Let i>i{ni), ^i(ni), • • •, ^,(nr) denote numerical functions [0.03], and eonndw the r-fold summation, S^(n), where (ii) &(n) - ESE -• r E *i(di')*.(d,')*,(d,') ••• Mdrr, W («l) (^ Vi^tfr-l) the summations on the right being over all values of the product ^i(di')ttW) •••Mdr') which are formed by supplying the arguments d/ to #i(nO in i{n) (t ■• 1, •••, r) are factorable numerical functions [0.04], ' then iS,(n) is a factorable numerical function. 3.06. The proofs of 3.04, 3.05, are immediately evident from the defiid- ■ tions. *3.07. Considering' i8r(n), or for uniformity rapid method for the writing of formulae in a series of theoretical deductions; but, whenever it is a question of determining the values of the numbers furnished by this calculus, it is indis- pensable to replace the symbolic formula by the ordinary development. ... It is then, in a certain measure, a shorthand of the formulae of arithmetic and algebra for the development of new theories." The symbolic calculus developed here is, of course, distinct from that of LccAS, but the latter may be applied to the former, since, as will be shown, the theory of numerical functions is isomorphic to both algebra and arithmetic, — thus giving rise to new functions or new properties of the present functions; but this does not properly belong to this part. The remark of Lucas is especially pertinent to 0.00 (ii). W CBRTAW NUMERICAL FUNCTIONS. U Amettonal torms f i, f« • • •, fr tn such a way that 8.03 (ii) is an Identity for all values of n, then this fact is expressed by 3.07 (i), which is to be read: the functional form if> is eguivalent to (he ideal prodwt of the funetiondl forme ^i> i>t, "', '^r; or, the functional form ^ it divisible hy the fund,ional forme 'ht'l'*! " *i I'n completely; also, each of ^< (t » 1, • • •, r) is an ideal divisor of ^, and the operation of forming the product (ideal) of i, ^i, • • -, ^r is ideal mxiltiplieation. fS.OS. Ideal multiplication is associative. It will be sufficient to show that (i^i^i)\^t ~ 't'lii'vl'i), the left of this equivalence denoting the ideal product of \^i and the ideal product of ^i, ^i, the right, denoting the ideal product of ^1 and the ideal product of ^i, ^i; (for, by 3.02 (iii) ideal multiplication is commutative). The theorem follows at once from 3.03 (i), (ii), remarking that the totalities of all solutions of n = didt, di = di'di", and n = iiSt, ij = Si St", for any particular value of n, are identical (except for order), the totalities being respectively all values of di, di", dt and Ji, St, St" that satisfy the equations, n = d/d/'di; n = SiSt'St". 3.09. Within the entire class of numerical functions, it is not difficult to show [cf. § 5] that, in the sense of 3.07, any functional farm ^ is divisible by any other functional form 4i'; moreover, it may be shown that if ^, ^' are given, tfi" may be determined in an infinity of toays so that ^ ~ ^V"; ^i 4'', i>" being numerical functions. Hence if an arithmetical theory [0.01] of the numerical functions is to be constructed, their definition must be modified. It is the purpose of the sections following to select from the entire class of functions defined in 0.03 a denumerably infinite sub-class for which an arithmetical theory exists. Henceforth, the juxtaposition of functional forms shall signify the ideal product of the forms, and the qualification ideal may be dropped in referring to multiplication. *3.10. If ^(n) is a numerical function which vanishes for all values of n greater than unity, then \f'(n) is a unt( /unction, and ^f* is a unit functional form; briefly, \f' is a unit. [For examples, cf. 2.03; 7.04; 7.09.] Units will be denoted by «, *', "•, *i, «i, •■•,etc. *3.11. If ^ is the product of several fun6tional forms, of which at least , two are distinct from units, ^ is composUe. [Example 3.00; Ui is composite; but, cf. 3.35.] *3.12. If for all positive integral values of n,> ^(n) = ^'(n)\^"(n) (algebraic product), then ^ is a compound function; and ^ -^ | ^V" I, this being the definition of the symbol | ^f"'^" |: viz., | ^V" I is a compound functional form. [Examples in 2.04 (i), (ii), (iv); (vi) to (xii); (sdv).] 3.13. In general, ^V" "^ I \f''f " I is obviously false. The distinction between compound and composite yj/i is very important for the SM}uel. Clearly, the \^i might have been classified according to their factors when considered as compound functions; a slight consideration is sufficient to convince that I Henceforth n shall always mgufy a pomtive integer; n is the symbol oC any integer, not of a portvetitor integer. Also, ^, r. (ii) If every tj is a member of (<)> and if n — W (i ■■ 1, •••, «), theu //(.i) - A,'(P,)A,'(P,) . . . A.'(P.). [Cf. also 5.14.] The so-dcfincd Ii{n) is a primilive function, or simply, a prtmittve. t3.15. A primitive is a factorable numerical function. This follows at once from the definitions in 3.14; 0.04 3.16. In order to specify completely a primitive, it is necessary to give both the sets of integers and functions and the correspondence between them, from which the primitive is derived. In 3.17 to 3.19, the notation is that of 3.14. The definitions in 3.18, 3.19 are again fundamental. *3.17. H is & primitive form. " .. ;, •3?18. Let {I"), = ti", t«", •••,«," denote that permutation of (0 which is such that tr" > tr-i" > • • • > for brevity. t3.20. If K{H) is ^ven, where H is a primitive form, the primitive £r(n) is uniquely defined; obviously. t3.21. (i) *(n; a, b, e, 1) is a primitive function [2.01]. (ii) If A(x) = ex; then X(*) = [^1; [2.01; 3.19]; * being abstracted from ■i(n; a, b, e, 1). (iii) *(n; o, 6); x(»»; o. W; f(«; «. W «*e primitives [2.02]. (iv) The right-hand members of 2.04 (i), (ii), (vi); (k) to (jdv), aro prina- tivcs. Of these, (i), (ii) may be verified from the definitions; (Ui) foUoira from (i), and (iv) from (iii), referring to 2.02, 2.04. As all these are met« illustrations, and are not used in the deduction of any subsequent theorems. OF CERTAIK KUMERICAL FDNCHONS. IS until % i, the Terifieation of Q), (ja) may be omitted if desiicd, until $} S; 7, when both are proved instantaneously. *3.22. In the definition of primitives [3.14], there is an apparent narroving of the development by the restriction that the hi(x) shall be factorable. This is now removed as follows: if h(x) i» notfaetordbk, and ifP^ p0;if« = t= ••• =1 = 0, the value is defined to be c, any unit [3.10]. Similarly, \^\|r•^•\|^(x factors) is defined to be ^, for \^ as in 0.03. The enun- ciations of theorems and their proofs, concerning Hi forms, will be found in §§ 5, 6; and are deferred for reasons similar to those stated in 3.21. The majority of factorable functions in current use will be shown to be of the form Hf' • -Hif, where «, • • •, J are positive or negative integers; the meaning of Hf for « negative is now defined ^milarly to the usual procedure in algebra: *3.26. If £r is an algebraic primitive form [3.23], a any positive non-zero integer, any function H' which satisfies the equivalence H°H' ~ c, where t is aiiy unU [3.10], is a value of H-; and H' is egutvoJent to tJH; where tJH* is the ideal reciprocdl of H'; written, H' «« t/H: If e is replaced in the foregoing by 1 (the absolute unit), then l/£f« is the pttre reciprocal of H*; written H' ~ l/H*. Also, similarly, from 3.25, f or tfr as in 0.03, c/^* and 1/^* are defined [cf. 3.07; note (1)]; also t/\^*if*- ".is also obviously defined. 3.27. It is of course evident that the functional forms symbolized by tlH; 1/H\ tlii*, l/^; do not necessarily exist.' In the following definitions, ' That la, without proof. It is doubtless possible to derive enstence theorems from the definitions already i^ven, but u this appear* to be complioated, all such ore postponed until after the Introduotion of several new concepts in ti 4, 6, upon which all become prnctically divious. Also, by deferring the proofs, suffident material is provided for more than one dual of arithmetio [0.00 (i)]. ^^ AM ABITHMETICAL THEORY the rignifieanee of the concepts defined ia conditional upon the enstenee of ideal and pure redprocals; via., if these do not exist, the definitions an to b» conadered as meaningless. However, it is proved in 5 6, that both kinds of reciprocals always ejdst, so that the theoiy which is being constructed ia actual and not merely formal. These remarks apply also to 3.35, 3.36. t3.28. Any product all of whose factors are umts, is a unit. For, if «i, 1, for then either d or n/d is > 1. Also, if n - 1, the sum is 2(o«,(l)«,(l/l) ■ 1, [3.10]; hence ci 1, vanishes; viz., the sum reduces to i^n). Hence, etc. *3.30. If in any equivalence, either of ^, ^' may replace the other (without affecting the validity of the equivalence), then ^, ^' are identically eguivdlent: symbolically ^ 21 ^'. Identity and identical equivalence are diilinet reUUions. A functional form ^ is identical only to ^, and is identically equivalent to ^, obviously; but if ' is identical to ^ [cf. 3.31]. The distinction is of the greatest importance in connection with 0.00 (ii) ; by means of the concept of associate fuuctiona [3.32], uniformity ia introduced into apparently heterogeneous masses of functions. t3.31. (^ :^ ^. [Notation and proof directly from 3.29; 3.30.] *3.32. (1 (i = 1, •••, r, •••) being units, ^ any functional form, the identically equivalent functional forms (i\^ are associates of ^. ' *' t3.33. In respect to ideal multiplication a functional form is indistinguish- able from any of its associates [3.30 to 3.32]. Hence, if ^ ~ ^1^1 • • -^^r is a resolution of ^ into ideal factors, by 3.31, in may be replaced by cj^* (l' ■■ 1, ■ ■ ■> r), where Ci is any umt, and by 3.02 (iii), 3.2s, tito result of such roplacomont is \^ •«• t^i^f'^r where « is some unit, and tl\c right of this equivalence is indistingujshable for purposes of ideal multiplication f.'om ^1^1 • • -^f 3.34. Henceforth, a Junctional form ^, and Us associates [3.32] token con- nived as ideal factors, roiU be considered as identical, and ioiU be represented by i. In this connection, cf. also 4.20; 5.21; 5.22. This procedure is in- entire analogy with that hi the usual Theory of Numbers; e. g., in connection with algebraic numbers. When it shall be necessary to distinguish a ip from its associates, the same may be readily done. *3.35. Units may be factors of a product, and yet be not explicitiyln evidence, as, e. g., in the arithmetical definition of certain functions.' If ^1 ^'i ^" ^^^ <^i^y functional forms, no one of which is a unit, such that yf, ~ ^'^", and if it be possible to resolve ^', ^" further into (ideal) factors, rf/' ~ i^iVi'; ^" ~ l^i'Vi"i >n such a manner that no one of \^i', In', 4>i", f i" OF CERTAIN miMERICAL FDNCHONS. U is a oait, bat some one of the products ^I'W, ^iVt"» ~ \^>Vt"i in which a latent unit Of there be one) has been expressed from ^iVi"i giving ith"- U '*»"» process terminates, ^ving, for r finite, ^ -^ ", then 4'/^'" is the expressed form of ^'^'\ or of ^. Tfte expressed form of r^'it" is thai product identically eguiva- letU to ^V"> in which there is no latent unit. It will be shown that the latent units in any product ^V" may be expressed by one "twist of the press" (cf. 5.23; 5.24], and this applies to the following also. From ^i\^f • -^r latent units are expressed by considering pairs of factors, as above; then in the result, pairs of factors, and so on, until if the process terminates, e^ving for s finite, ^i^i- • •\f'r "- ^i<'>i^i<'>' • •^|^r^^> wherein no pair of the factors ^jW (» - 1, ..., r) contains a latent unit, ^,W(^,('>...^,<'> is the expressed /orm of Mt' • *^r. *3.36. A functional form 4i whose expressed form [3.35] is divisible [3.07] by only ^ and units [3.10], is, if ^ is distinct from a unit, a prtine form; and ^(n) is a prtme function. If fl is a primitive form, which is also a prime form, H is a prime primitive; if J? is in addition algebraic [3.23], then J? is an oljre&raic prime primitive, etc. 3.37. With the exception of assigning a meaning to fpi*' where ^i, rf/t are functional forms [this is done in 8.09 to 8.23], the definitions, etc., of J 3 provide su£5cient material for the accomplishment of 0.00 (i) and (ii). But, in order to derive the properties of the \^< with a minimum of calculation, and also to make the processes and foundation sufficiently broad to support several duals of arithmetic, the further consideration of the ^i and their properties so far defined, is based upon the theoty of sets, characteristics, and generators, the first two of which, themselves have an arithmetical theory, — and these will be defined and investigated in Sg 4; C. S4. Sets. *4.00. Let (i (t >• 1, •",'') denote r positive, non-sero integers, no two 9f which are equal; and let d > (y when i > j. Then, the (< when arranged in ascending brder of magnitude, constitute an itUegral set, or, where there can be no confusion, a set, denoted by | , • • ■, U. Thra [4.00], «/ > U (» - 1, •••, r; / - 1, •••, t). Hence | d, d, • • • , („ d', («', •••,(/ 1 is a set, S". Then S, S' together eontHtuU a partUion of S"; written S" =■ S + S'; or S + S' " S". Inversely; if 1 < s < r, then | d, d, " *■ d I and | {^.i, d+i> * ■ -> d | together eonttittUe a par- tition of I d, d, " ', d I; written in either of the forms; 1 d, *», • " •, d I - I d, d, • • •, d I + I d+i, (•+!, • • •, d I; or, |d.d. •••,d| + |d+i,««4. --^dl-llud, --Ndl. *4.05. Summaiion of sets is defined as follows: Let S' - | (' |,; S" ■■ | C In and let d'", d'", ■■•, d'" be all the dxstina integers chosen from among d', d', • • • , d' ; d", d", • • • , d", and let d, d, • • • , d denote the d'" (t - I, • • • , fc) arranged so that d > d when t > j. Then, | ( |t is the aummation of | (' |r and I (" I.; written, | < |t - U' |r + I <" I.; or, 1 1' |' + I «" |. - I « !»• *4.06. The laws of partition and summation of sets together constitute the laws ot addition of sets. 4.07. It is scarcely necessary to remark that as a reloh'on, « has distinot meanings in 4.02; 4.04; 4.05. In 4.02, » is the sign of a certain relation between sets; in 4,04, » and + together are the sign of a singh relation be* twccn three sets of a particular kind; in 4.05 - and + &re toffsther the sign of a single relation between sets of a particular kind, and, in general, it is obvious that (- and +) has distinct meanings, although similar, in 4,05; 4.04. Like remarks apply to some of the sections following; in no case is there cause for confusion, and this repeated use of certain signs obviates the introduction of new symbols. t4.08. Addition of sets is commutative and associative. •4.09. With the notations of 4.04; 4.05, respectively; S is the dvlferenee of S" and S'; S' is the difference of S" and S; each of | «' I,, 1 1" |. is the dif- ference of 1 1 U and the other. The difference of Si and St is written St — St. Note that a pure negative, — S, is not defined; but cf. 4.63. *4.10. Clearly, S — iS is thus far without significance, it is denoted by I I, and is defined to be the identity set. With respect to addition of sets, I I is to have the formal properties of in relation to addition of integers; e. g., S ± I I •= S; I I ± I I - I I, etc. (cf. 4.21], combining: t4.11. With respect to addition (of sets) all sets form a commutative group. The identity element in the group is | |. *4.12. Let «, «', •■*, (ii ■*■> denote quantities each one of which can assume only the value or the value I; and let d', d" denote positive, non-iero integers; then tV + t'%" represents three positive, non-iero integers, via., t .'_ <.", t/ + ti". Considering 1 1' |„ 1 1" |., let d'", d"', • • •, d'" denote all the distinct positive non-sero integers represented by «'d' + e"d" (i = 1, • • •, r; OF CERTAIN NUMERICAL FONCTIONS. 17 i- 1, ••*, •), udlettbdi •••,«» denote the <»"' (» •■ 1, •••,*) wrtngedin •aoending order of magnitude; then, the product of | (' |„ | (" |< is I < U; '^^^ I <' |„ I r I. constitute a pair tffadon of | ( U; in symbola, | (Mr I (" \.-\l It; or, I i U - I (' I, I (" I.; and I ( Ik is /oetoroble by each of | (' |„ | (" I- This d^es muUiplieation for sets. E. g., 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 1 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 6 1 - 1 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 1. ■|2.5|12.4,6|-|2,,8,9.11|. t4.13. Multiplication for sets is commutative. t4.14. Multiplication for sets is associative. For, (I (' 1. 1 C |t)| ('" U 1 1' 1.(1 (" It I ('" \^ each has as elements aU the distinct non-sero values of t'W + *'%" + e"V' (» - 1, • • •, a; j ■■ 1, • • •, 6; fc- 1, •••,€), t4.15. Multiplication for sets is distributive Avith respect to addition of sets; vii., |<'|.(|rik+|r'|.)-|<'I.I«"!»+H'l.l«"'l.. This follows mmilarly to 4.14, on referring to 4.06. t4.16. The degree of the product of two sets is the sum of the degrees of the sets. For, | (' jr 1 1" It contuns as its greatest element, t,' + (."; and ", Or | obeys the laws of multiplication for sets, and is such that, S being any set, S | ai, ai, " •, o, | ^ S, the symbol I Oi, at, • • •, Or I is defined to be a unit set of exteiU r. t4.20. Eivery element oj (t = 1, • • • , r) in a unit set of extent r, is [4.16]. Hence [cf. 4.10], 1 | iS « i8. With respect to multiplication for sets, unit sets of different extents, are indistinguishable, and may be each replaced bylOl. 4.21. In 4.10, 4.19, 4.20, 1 1, 1 0, 0, •••, 1 are not [by 4.00] seta; but there to no contradiction in referring to them as um( aeli, etc., regarding this as a new term, etc. Unit sets of extent > 1, are not strictly necessary to 0.00 (ii); they have been defined for reasons ^ven in 4.64. Henceforth, with respect to multiplication of sets, | [ alone is talcen as the identity element. Thus, the present theory of sets has but one unit [of. 0.01 (i) ; 4.64]. It is important to note that; t4.22. Wiih respect to multiplication for sets, sets do not form a group. For, in general, multiplication has not a unique inverse; that is, if S, S' are given sets, a set S" may be determined in several ways so that S •■ S'S". It will be sufficient to show that iS" may be found in two ways to satisfy 12,3,4,6,6,7,8,9,101 = |3,4,6|S". Here,S" - 1 2,4,5 |,or|2,3, 4,5 |; as may be verified directly by multiplication. *4.23. If a set S admits as factors only the single pair 1 |, S, then 5 is a prime set, or mmply a prime, A set that is not prime is composite. IS AM ARITUMETIIUAL TBEOKt t4.24. Primes odst. For, 1 1 |i is prime [by reduetio ad abanidum from 4.16 or 4.17]. t4.25. The number of primes is infinite [4.24; of. also 4.62]. t4.26. A compomte set of either finite degree or finite extent, provided that in the latter case the degree is not infinite, is the product of distinct pairs of sq^ in only a finite number of ways [from 4.16; 4.17]. 14.27. The product of two primes may be factorable by a prime distinct from either of the two. It sufiSces to find a single example in which this is true. Clearly, each of 1 1, 2 1, 1 4, 6 1 is prime; their product Is 1 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, which is also the product of 1 1 1 and 1 1, 4, S, 1; and 1 1 1 Is prime. 4.28. It is now required to devise a definition of divisibility for sets which shall restore to the theory of sets the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, stated in 0.00 (i), and which shall result In a unigut (^\iotient in every case, iSi -i- St. The method adopted admits of wide extenidon and applioation, it is clearly suggested by many well-known and important processes in aiith- met'ic, particularly in the Theory of Algebraic Numbers. First, an analy:ical definition is given, and then the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplica- tion, and division for sets are exhibited on a lattice of unit squares, as the actual processes are best performed graphically. The lack of a short method for resolving a set into its prime divisors, is but another point of resemblance between the theory of sets and arithmetic. It will be seen when the geomet- rical representation is examined, that certain of the following definitions are more inclusive than b necessary for the investigation of primitives [3.14], to which sets are presently applied [§ 5]; this is accounted for in 4.64, and in any case there b less difficulty in devising a general concept of divisibility than there is in evolving a definition to fit only a particular class of elements. As always, the unit set, | 1, is written in explicit form; vii., S, | ( U • • •, etc., never denote | |. *4.29. Let iS =: SiS/ (t, i <• 1, • • •) denote all the resolutions of a com- posite S of finite degree into a pair of factors, St, 5/. By 4.16; 4.03 the num- ber of such dislind pairs of factors is finite. Among all purs St, S/; S/, St', "• will be some in which the degree of Si is less than or equal to the degree of either factor in any other pair, and all these Si of lowest degree, constitute the minimal dass 6f divisors with respect to S, denoted by [So]. t4.30. With the notation of 4.29; each member of [SJ is prime. For, if not, let So" = S*"S<" be a composite member of [S,]. Then S - S'>'>(S<^^S/) ; whence S<'>, of lower degree than So™ [4.16], is a factor of S; hence [SJ is not the minimal class of divisors with respect to S since S"* is not a member of [So] ; a contradiction. t4.31. The class [So] contains only a finite number of members. By 4.03, since all members of [So], by 4.29 are of the same degree. •4.32. Each member of [So] is a factor of S [4.29]. This will be expressed by: S is divisible by [So]; symbolically, S » [So]S"; which may be regarded as equivalent to S = So<*>S/' (t, j = 1, • • •) wherein So"> (t - 1, • • •) represents successively each member of [So]. With this notation: OF CBRTAm NtTMERICAL FUNCnONS. 1* t4.Sl US- [SiS", kll th« sets St", in aumber finite, an of the same degne (4^; 4.31; 4.16]. Abo, *4.34. With tcspeot to & puticulw iS^" there is a minimal class of divisors; let all such minimal classes be denoted by [Si'l (j — 1, • • •)• Defining the degree of [Sf"] as the degree of any one of its members, among all the [5/1 0' ■■ 1> " ■) there \rill be certain whose degree is equal to or less than the degree of any [5,"]. All the members of all these minimal classes of lowest degree may be put in a ungle class, [Si]; the mtntmal doss of divisors <^ iS vM respsct to [Sol; >nd, obviously, t4.36. Every [SJSiW, where Si» (»' - 1, < • •) «« the mombors of [Si], is a factor of S. This will be expressed by; *4.3d. , S - [SoPi1(S); and clearly; t4.40. Z)(S) - rMSH + rtD[Si\ + • • • + r»D[S,]. *4.41. If in the resolution in 4.39, from [Si], [S^], • • • , [St] there be selected the respective classes of sets whose extent in each case is a minimum, the resulting classes are called prificipal, and are denoted by (Si), ■ • ■ etc., vis., (S() conttuns all members of [S,] whose extent is equal to or less than the extent of any member of [SJ, and S = [Sj) '< | S, )''••• (St) '» is the principaf resolution of S into prime divisors. Note that these are not logical products of the classes; such are considered in another connection [§ 9]. 4.42. In an obvious sense that need not be dwelt upon, especially in view of its analogies to certain parts of the Theory of Numbers that will at once suggest themselves, the resolutions given respectively in 4.39; 4.41, are untrue /octorizah'ons 0/ a given set. By the resolution of S, the principal resolution will henceforth be meant. *4.43. The divisors of S, are, in the notation of 4.41 ; [Sj)"{S,)'/ • • • {Si)"' where 5 n' ^ r<; 5 r/ S r,; • • • ; S rt' ^ rt; 1 Ibemg the diidsor when n' = 0; r/ ■» 0; • • • ; r/ - 0. *4.44. Si M divisible by St if every divisor of Si is a divisor of Si. 20 AN ARtTHMETICAI. THEORY *4.45. By moma of ft few obvious ohMgea In the •tftUmenta, ftom 1.01 is derived ft definition of timph wta; 1 1 la oonsldond as almpla. Stndlftrlyi the wliolo of S 1 may be rewritten upon sets, instead of upon integers, aa ft bans. In particular, t4.46. Any set may lie resolved into distinct nmple sets in one way only. More generally; t4.47. To any theorem regarding simple numbers there is a unique oorre- spondcnt in tlie theory of sets, obtained on replacing number tliroughout by aet. The interpretation of the results is another matter; it is related to the problems of analysis situs mentioned below, but, not being essential to 0.00 (i) or (ii), is not furtlier considered here. But (cf. also 4,01-3.), t4.48. Four distinct arithmetical theories exist for sets. The four are distinguishable from one another according to the respective definitions adopted for divisibility, wldch may be as in 4.43, or directly from 4.39 in a manner similar to 4.43, and in either case there are the alternatives of prime or simple sets as a basis. For a more general theorem, cf. 6.37. 4.49. Tlie four theories of 4.48 are all similar; more precisely, they are simply isomorphic' Although so lilce in appearance, the respective results to which they give rise when applied to the primitives, are totally distinct in kind. One only is carried further in tliis discussion; that in wluch .divisibiUty is as defined in 4.43. A very brief account of the lattice representation of the chief concepts in 4.00 to 4.47 is now given. The necessary definitions have been so cast that the proofs of the validity of the several processes in relation to sets, are self-evident; details, and the enunciations of the many theorems suggested by symmetry, etc., in the diagrams, may be left to the reader [cf. Figs. 1, 21. *4.50. Lot m, n each assume in turn all positive integral values from to 00 ; tl>c points (m, n) lie in the positive quarter plane XOY; OX, OY being the axes of coordinates, chascn rectangular for convenience; the (m, n) are the laUice poitils. A set, | ( |r, is represented in either of two ways upon XOYi (i) The X-represerOdtion; consisting of the half-lines {x = (,) (t = 1, • • •, r), a half-line being that segment of any straight line which lies wholly within XOY. By vnthin is always meant the interior of a region and the boundariee of that region, ia. the diagram, the half lines {x = tij are to be dotted, or light. The lattice points lying on y = 0, and which do not lie to the right of {Ir, 0), are (m, 0), for m = 0, 1, • • •, t,. Through each of the (m, 0) which does not lie upon a half-line, {x = (<) , is drawn a full, or dark half-line, parallel to I = 0. These are the dark lines of 1 1 \,. - (i:) The Y-representation, is obtained by rotating the X-representation through an angle of - ir/2, and then through t about OX. The X set is read ' The precise distinction between theories aa amply or multiply isomoiphie, baaed upon the coirespondences between the fundamental relations connecting thdr respective dements, is made in the second part. All theories of this first part are only amply isomorphic to each other and to the arithmetic of integers; although, from 6.33 to 6.37 may be derived tbeorie* multiply isomorphic to arithmetic. OT CERTAIN NUMERICAL TDNCTIONS. 21 in th« ^Utm^ob ox. In dthw npresentfttion, the totality of light utd dark UnM olvwly dtploti |( |, unambiguously, and the following la evident: t4.81. AddMon. The X representations of | (' In I (" !• are made simul- taneously upon XOY. The coincidence of two half-Unes is to be represented by a light line except in the case when the two lines are Inith dark, when the c(nncidence is to be dark; all lines of either set that coincide with no line of the other are to be left as they are. The total result is 1 1' |r + | (" !•• . t4.52. Subtraction. To represent | i' |r - 1 *" !•• vihen thia exiaU [cL 4.09]. Proceed as in 4.51, except that all coincidences are to be dark. J7,e,9.IO.H,l2,IAlK6,7l 4. e, 7. ft 9, io.ti,ia.i3.i4»i5ki«iirwjV«l Fig. l,^uHiplieoti«n). iVieftaan' A&&& te Fig. 2, (Olviaiord. 4.S3. A pure negative, — S, may be defined by extending 4.50 to include all of the upper half plane, and — 5 is the reflection in x ~ 0, of S. Also, S — S " 1 1 is the half-line (x ^ Q), etc., and the properties of pure nega* tives may be developed as in algebra. Pure negatives have not been con-- ddered because, in relation to primitives, they have no signific»nce [but, cf. *4.54. *(i) A lattice point which lies upon a dark line is a node (in fig. 1, heavy dots), ^odes will sometimes be indicated by small circles; and a line which passes through nodes only by the nodes on it; this in order to keep the diagram simple. ^ By convention, (0, 0) is always a node. 22 AN A Rl T HMK ff l CAl. THBORV *Cii) The haUJiaes (c + y - h\, for ib - 0. 1, 2, •••, «. an HagmOt. The diagonal (x + iT - 0) is clearly (0, 0). The Wi diatmal is (x + y - fe). *(iii) That segment of any line which lies within [cf. 4.50 Q)] a closed re^on which is everywhere convex, is a »ect; a diagonal sect is obviously defined for a given closed region everywhere convex. *(iv) A. sect is proper or improper acconUng as all the lattice pdnts upon it are not, or are, nodes. ♦(v) The half-line {nx — my = OJ (m, n, + integeis), intersects every diagonal sect in the rectangle whose vertices are (0, 0), (m, 0), (m, n), (0, n). Starting from (0, 0) and proceeding along {nx — my - 0| to (m, n), the diagonal sects are numbered succesdvely, 0, 1, 2, • • •, (m + n); and j, where 3 J S (m + n), is the suj^ix of the jth diagonal sect, and is proper or improper according as the diagonal sect is proper or improper. t4.55. MuUiplication. The JT-representation of 1 1' |„ and the F-repre- sentation of 1 1" |* are made simultaneously upon XOY (or, vice versa); and W = m; t," a n. [Cf. 4.54 (v).] The product, 1 1' \,\ t" |. is obtained by writing down successively the proper suffixes of the diagonal sects in order, proceeding as in 4.54 (v). The proof is immediate from the definitions in 4.12; 4.54; noticing that on the jth diagonal sect the sum of the coordinates of any lattice point is j. In Fig. 1, the nodes only are shown on the representations. 4.56. Division. There are two cases: (i) where it is known that the set Si is factorable by the set Si, it is required to to find all sets S such that Si = SSi. (ii) Where it is required to determine whether an S exists such that, for Si, Si given. Si = SSi; in other words, to resolve S into iia prime divisors. These are in order of difficulty, but both are simple for actual examples if the degree is low. •• ' t4.57. Division; Case (i)'[4.56]. (i) To find a value of |(|, such that 1 1' I, = 1 1" \.\t\„ and (ii) To find all such values. (i) Both the X- and F-representations of | (' j, are made simultaneously upon XOY, and then everything except the diagonal sect (proper) {x + y - (,'} and the improper diagonal sects obtained by surrounding every lattice point on the joiif of (n, 0), (0, n), 3 n < fr' and (n, 0), (0, n) nodes in the respective representations, by a small circle, is erased. This may obviously be done in one step, without erasure; see Fig. 2. The diagram now consists of a right triangle (0, 0), (t,', 0), (0, t/), crossed by diagonal sects (represented b/ successions of small circles) parallel to [x + y = tr'\. Complete the rectangle of which (0, 0) and («.", fc' — <,") are opposite vertices. Through each node of the X-representation of 1 1" |, which (node) lies upon {y = 0] draw a dark sect within the rectangle, parallel to (z = 0). Certain nodes of the improper diagonal sects will lie upon the sect (x = (."l- Through each of these draw a dark sect, parallel to {y — 0) (within the rcctfvnglo). Examine the rectangle to see if any node on the diagonal sorts of tlio right triangle docs not lie upon one of the dark sects that have boon drawn parallel to the a.\c3. Through every such node draw a dark OF CERTAIN NUMERICAL FUNCTIONS. SS swt panHUl I* (y > 0). Then, a value of | < |, is found by reading off in order ftom (0, 0) to (0, t/ — t,") on (s •■ 0)i the lattice points which are not nodes. The proof vill be evident on comparing the rectangle irith that in 4.55; also, (u) All posdble values of | ( U are obtidned by drawing dark sects as in 0) [after "Examine," etc.] in such a way that no new diagondl sect, M of wAose lotftee points ore nodes, shall he added to those already in the rigU triangle. For, if any such new diagonal sect be added, the set | (' |r is changed by the omission of an element, and if no such new diagonal sect be added, | (' |r is sUll represented (on the right triangle). Cf. 4.55. Any way of drawing the dark sects as just described, gives a value of | ( | „ read off as in (i) ; the distinct values of I ( I, so obtained give the complete solution of the problem. Obviously, if the degrees of the sets are large, the geometrical problem of find- ing all the I ( I , becomes very difficult; cf . 4.59. It may be remarked that these processes will only be thoroughly understood by the working out in detsll of a few examples, which should be constructed first by 4.55 ; the like applies to: t4.S8. Divirion; Cast (it*) [4.66]. To resolve | ( |, into its prime (sot) divisors. The right triangle is drawn as in 4.67, with its improper diagonal sects, etc., and in addition, the node formed by the intersection of each dark line with the sect (x + IT ■= /ri * V, in such a way that r and f, are correspondents, the concept of a base may be extended, thus; let (< and // be correspondents, where (< is an element of | ( |„ and // is an /,• (j = 1> 2, ••-,»■, ' • •); then, the /.', when arranged in the order /i', ft, ■••, //, constitute the functional set, \f'],; and I i |r and [/^r are corrMponding sets, or simply, correspondents. 5.01. Throughout '§ 5, H'a denote primitive forms, [3.14; 3.17]; also, cf. 4.01, 3.18, B(H) is [h],, /(fl) is | ( |„ [4.00], whence, for t = 1, ■ • •, r, the elements A{, U correspond. K is defined in 3.19. For 0.00 (i) and (ii), the laws of combination of symbols [/],, [5.00], presently given, are fundamental. The introduction of generators is merely a convenience; all proofs may be ^ven without their aid, but at much greater length; here, the theorems become self-evident. Also, cf. 3.22. t5.02. Each of the sum, product, or difference, the last being as defined in 4.09 but not as in 4.53, of two integral sets, being again an integral set is, obviously the index of at least one primitive; directly from 3.1^, 3.18, 4.01. Clearly also, the functional sets corresponding [5.00] to each of these combini - tions of integral sets, a? yet are arbitrary; they will therefore be defined in a manner appropriate to ideal multiplication and addition, the last being wholly distinct from algebraic addition [cf. 5.33]. ♦5.03. Let [f],, 1 1' \, be correspondents; likewise [/"]., 1 1" |. and [/]„ 1 ( I,; also let the integral sets be such that 1 1' jr + I <" !• = I ' !•; then [f], is defined' to be [/'], + [f"], where, for i = 1, • • -, g, (i) fi = // if ti is in I «' lr hut not in ! t" j.; (ii) A = fi" ii «i is in ! t" \, but not in 1 1' |,; (iii) /* = /*' + fi" it U is in 1 1' ], and in 1 1" |.. The possibilities are evidently exhausted, as, by 4.04, 4.05, d must be either in I C I, or in I (" |., or in both, and cannot be in neither. The result of adding the functional sets may be written [cf. 4.07], [/], «= [fir + [/"]., or similarly, with the members transposed, which implies, as for sets, that the latter also is part of the definition; the latter is to apply to subsequent definitions and need not be stated explicitly. t5J)4. Addition for functional sets is commutative and associative. *5.05. If in. 5.03 the sign of every /<" be changed, the result defines [/lr - [f].. This exists only if ! f |, - 1 1" |. is as in 4.09. >/(' +/<' is to be considered as abstracted from /i'(n) +/<'(n), by an obvious extension of - abotnction " as deBned in 0.00. ^ AN ARITHMETICAL THBORY *5.06. With the notation of 5.03, let oS the Bolutions tdU' + V ~*i (1 ~ I S ») be pven, for t,', p, c = p~*, where p denotes any positive prime number, and s is as yet arbitrary (unity is not counted as a prime); with the stipulation, that aa variables, p, p~* are still independent; e. g., if h{x) •• x, ( — 1, then h(x)if is pip', and tills it not further reducible, vis., m never l/p*~'. The product sign extending to all prime numbers p, (i) n(i + ft,(p)/p'" + ft,(p)/p'- + • • • + hripW") is denoted by ly(H)], where HH) - | ( |„ B(.H) - [h],. If [y(^] be expanded formaUy, the result will be denoted by t7(£f)]-- the formal expansion,' ~ here bdng, formaUy eguivalerU to. The evaluation of the formal expansions is nowhere considered in this paper, so, strictly, questions of summabiiity, etc., are irrelevant. However, it is presently shown that for the class of functions discussed [cf. 0.00 (ii)], t may always be so chosen that all products and series are absolutely convergent, and hence, ■= may replace •>', Formal multiplica- tions, etc., are to be carried out as if the series and products were already proved to be absolutely convergent; in all cases the results have only a formal significance. t5.16. yrith the notation of 6.14, ly(H)] ~ J\H(n)ln: The case n = 1 u provided for in 0.03; the rest is by direct comparison of 6.14 0) and 3.14; ef. also 1.10, 3.22. t6.16. t, when t > j, hence p'-* is the L. C. D. of the fractions in (ii), which = 1+ | T) | p^'-^'i^'mip" I j/p'''; (iii). All the mj being positive integers, the numerator of (iii) is S mjf**, where m = mmt •••m,;g = gi + gt + h ff,; and « = t,« - (1, + <, H J- 1,); the result being obtained by multiplication, etc. Hence, m, t + g bdng positive integers, independent of p, | y(H) | S 1 + mp^/p'''; whence, if « > {log TO + (t + g) logpj/trlogp, (which is, in effect, independent of p, for log m/log p, may, for the inequality be taken -> 0], mp*+»/p*'* < 1; henc«» m (or « so chosen, [7(//)l. and hence 2^ff(n)/n«, is absolutely convergent. Similarly, it is clear, that for ( 4) 0, preassigned, s may be chosen so that, (iv) mp^lp''' < I « I; also, since m, ( + 9, (r are poutive integers, the left of (iv) approaches as a limit as 3 approaches <«>. No attempt has been made to find a lower limit for a, as the actual values of the products, etc., are irrel* evant to an arithmetical theory as outlined in O.OI. t5.19. If for, all values of a which are such that both series converge absolutely, E^'i(«)/»i* - Z Ws(n)/n«, then Wi(n) - ffi(n); the Hi, Ht b^ng ns in 5.18. Assume that for n^m, Hi{n) - Ut{n). Then, from the equality of the two series, //.(»« + 1) + J "•(»» + «) (S^)' - «•(« + u In this, letting a become infinite, from 5.18, each term on dther ude, except the first, vanishes; hence Hi(m + 1) ~ /fi(m + 1). But, by 0.03, Hi(l) » ^.(1); hence the induction is complete. or CERTAIN NUMERICAL FDNCnONS. 29 ' 5.20. The theorems iii>,5.18, 5.19 need not be explicitly used; all results found by their use, in relation to numerical functions, may be eaaly verified K posteriori; but their use is not only convement, but essential to the rapid finding of new relations. But, it is emphasized that the introduction of an infinite process, which has no place in a pure arithmetical theory,' is not essential to the proof of any result in the present theory. In order to give independent proofs of the theorems, it is only necessary to substitute the actual sums, etc., in place of ideal products, etc., in the equivalences, and perform the necessary reductions by direct calculation, when, in each case, an identity results. If ff-ff.ff,, «ndcl7(ffi)7(ffj)l~l7Wl. then 0-1. This is obvious but important in oonnootion with units. Also, It MHi)y{Ilt)y{lli)\ ^IvWli with H'^'HiHi, then.7(ffi) Is 1, and may be represented by 7(ff«)/7(ffO. where Ha is an arbitrary primitive form. But also, 7(^1) may be represented by F(x)/F(x), where F(x) is entirely arbitrary; this leads to the conception, important for the present purposes, of *5.22. Relevant Vnita. The ' discussion being restricted to the class of all functions derived according to the several definitions, § 3, from algebraic jmmitivea as defined in 3.23, those units, <«, which arise from ly{Hi)MHi)], and no others, wherein H, is an algebraic primitive, are relevant, and henceforth, unit, tohen used in connection vtith functions derived as described from algebraic primitines, shall signify relevant unit. The method in which relevant units are generated is: let W(fl()l ~ Z */(«)/«•; «>d [1/7(^0] ~ E ^'i'MIn', then I7(ff0/7(ff«)] ~ ]C*(n)/n'i where 4> ~ f f ; but clearly, the left is 1 for all values of t, IdenUoally; henoe ^(n) is a unit function, and ^ is written i<; or i't'i'i" ~ •«. *5.23. Postttvt and Negativt Fitnclions. Let Ht (% -> 1, 2, > > •) denote algebraic primitive forms; a< (t •» 1, 2, • • •) positive non-sero integers; «'s units. All expressions of the form Hi'^Ht'' • • • H,'; say H, are positive functions, all expressions of the form t/H (ideal, cf. 3.20) are negative fun, [2.041 (v)l, are highly Important, whereas thvlr reciprocals, (e. g., *Ip), that is, the corresponding po-sitives, are ot little importance arith* metically; e. g., t/y does not seem to have arisen yet in the ordinary arithmetic. ' Cf. Q. B< Mathews: Theory tf Nuwihtrt, Fart I, p. 1. 30 AM ABITSMETICAL THEORY tS.24. 0) M the 0. C. D. ot y{Hii, y{Bi) Is y(B), mi It ^(jrO - -rdO 7(ffiO; ir(H.) - y{a)y{Bt'), then l7(Hi)/'y(fft)] ~ [vCfliOMITiOl. (ii) If • be chosen so that all the series aie absolutely convergent, and if r*"-t, also W^Ol-ij^'W/n- and [>(*")] - J *"(n)/n% then ir(*07(*") - 1; hence, [1/7(*')1 ~ IJ *"(n)/n'; vis., the generating function ot the reciprocal (ideal) of <^' is the reciprocal of the generating function of i'; for Il/7(*')1 is formaUy 1/[t(*')1, and by hypothesis, here - may replace ~ (in connection with generating functions); hence, (iii) Hi, Fj being algebraic primitive forms, a<, b/ positive non-sero integers, (t = 1, • • •, r; J = 1, •••, k), the generating function of the nuxed function HrUt"- ■•H.'iFi^Ft''- • Fj*' = H, is y(H) s (7(ff.)|-lY(fl,))----|7(ff,)|-/{7(Fi)|'M7(F«)J''---{7(F»)}'*. For, by repeated application of 5.17, the generating function of Hi" is |7(ff ,))"*; whence the result follows immediately. t5.25. From 5.22, 5.24 (or independently) it is easy to see, that if ff is an algebraic prime primitive [3.36], y(H) is irreducible, and conversely. [This follows easily by reductio ad absurdum from 5.17, and the definitions in 3.36, referring also to 3.34 and 5.22.] Thus, the further study of positive, negative and mixed functions is reduced to a comparison, so far as ideal multiplication is concerned, with the theory of polynomials in two variables, whose coefficients are integers, and toAow absolute term in each ease is unity.^ The reader may prefer to omit the rest of § 5, also § 6, and pass at once to tt\e illustrations in §§ 7, 8, which deal chiefly with numerical functions in common' use, and illustrate sufficiently the arithmetical character of the theory which is constructed in §§ 1-6. Questions of ideal congrxtence, also of ideal fonns, will have to be left, for lack of space, until the second part. In all cases where infinite series are used, it will be assumed that « has been so chosen that the series converge absolutely [cf. 8.07]. 5.251. Generators and generating functions have been defined; occar sionally, in reference to \^(n), either term will be used to denote the series whose nth term is'\^(n)/n', and this will be denoted by T^, or 7(s), • • •, etc.; in no case will there be cause for confusion [used chiefly in the illustrations]. t5.26. If // is abstracted from a mixed function, then y{H) is (i) ir> reducible, vis., an algebraic fraction in its lowest terms, or (ii) reducible, and the G. C. D. of the numerator and denominator is the generating function of all latent units [3.35] contained as ideal factors in H. [5.24, and the several definitions, etc.}; similarly, t5.27. If the generating function of either a positive or negative function ■ Tho /nfrorfucfion to Higher Atttbn, of M. BftcasR [New York, 1907], Ch. XVIi mty be consulted for tho ncrcssury theorems on reducibility, eto., in regud to polynon^ala, which henceforth will be assuYued without further notice. The domun ot reducibility is (ij; other domains enter when the (ideal) theory of forma in relation to mixed, etc., functions is conaideTed. or CERTAIN NT7MBRICAL FOKCnONS. *1 b« Ksolved Into Its imduciblo futon, a«y T(fl) - /(«, •) - {/,(«, t)}'.{/,(x. •))-. . . {/.(«, f)h. where the r's an &11 either positive or n^ative integers, then each /i(x,.c) is the generating function of a prime primitive, Ht, and H -^ Hi^Ht*' • •H,'* is the (obnousty unique), resolution of H into prime factors (ideal). tS-28. H, Hi, Ht being positive, negative or mixed functions, each of 0)> (ii)> (iii) >a formally equivalent to> each of the other two (at once, from comparison of (i)> (iii) with (ii) and 5.11); 0) H ~ HxHt; Oi) K{B) - K(Hx)K{Hty. y{H) - 7(H0T(ffi). The like is obviously false, if the functions are not precisely as specified, vis., if they are of the more general kind in 0.03; for, in that case, there is no appeal to the theory of polynomials, etc. t5.29. Every mixed function being of the form given in 5.24 (iii), by succesdve applications of 4.60, or, as a corollary from the theory of poly- nomiab,. it is easy to show that: (i) the assemblage of mixed functions is denumerable; whence, as a corollary, or independently; (ii) each of the assemblages of positive or negative functions is denumerable; and hence, that (iii) the assemblage of characteristics of algebraic primitives (all units being relevant), is denumerable. 5.30. Considering H, a positive or negative functional form, and y{H) as a function of z, [3.11], by 3.24, the extent is^ntfe, viis., in y{H) there is but a finite number of terms. But, if all definitions, etc., so far, remain unchanged, except that the extent is essentially infinite, a new kind of numerical function, a transcendental numerical /Unciton is defined. E. g., if yC^) ^ 1 — z/2 + s'/3 — s*/4 + "', H ia transcendental. At present, it is suflUcicnt to dis- tinguish; *(i) algebraic numerical functions; those whose generators are algebraic functions of s; *(ii) iranseendenUd numerteol fundUmt; those whose generators are transcendental functions of t. As (ii) is considered fully in the second part, it need only be pointed out, that, as /uncttons of their arguments, what are here called algebraic numerical functions, are transcendental in the usual sense of the Theory of Functions; but (i), (ii) makes a rational distinction between certain classes of functions. There seems to be no example of (ii) at present in arithmetic (or in analysis) ; it corresponds to the case of an essentially infinite index, and hence, to the segregation of all integers into an infinite number of classes irreducible to a fimte number of classes. The properties of functions (ii), are (as will be shown), arOhmetically [0.01] identical with the analytical properties of tran- Bcendental functions (in the ordinary sense). *5.31. If in 6.24, each primitive is algebraic in the sense of 5.30; vii., if I In tbe sense of mathematical k>^o. '2 AN ABITHMETICAL THEOBT for each Ht, y{Hd is u tUgd/rme /uncfton 0/ s, x, then the mixed- funeUon then defined is an aJjebrate mizeci function; and, the totaUty of algebraie positiTea, negatives [5.30], mixeds [5.31], constitute the assemblage of dlg(^miie nummeal funetiona; briefly, A-funaiona. t5.32.* All ITb denoting primitive X-functions: CO B{S^B(Hii - B{HiHt); (ii) K{Hi)K{Ht) = X(ffiffJ; (iii) these renuun true if either or both Hi, Ut be multiplied ideally by any units, (iv) If a value of K(.H^IK{H^ exists, it is unique, (v) K{H) may be written as a product K(Hi)K{H^ • • • K{Hr) wherein K{H{) (i = 1, • • -, r) is further irresoluble into factors, in one way only, K(HH') and K(H) being considered identical if 0' is a unit. Sim- ilarly, for B{H). The proofs are immediate consequences of the definitions and the corre- sponding theorems on polynomials. The (v) is false unless the primitives are ^-functions. ♦5.33. Ideal Addition, All H's being as in 6.32j referring to 6.13, (I), (ii), // is unique when Hi, Ht are given, and, the primitivt Adjunction [S.31] xckose characteristic is K(Hi) + K{Ht) ia tht ideal sum ef the primitim A- functions xchose characteristics are K(H^, K{H^ respeiAively; from 6.13 (ii), the ideal difference of two primitive A-funetiona is similarly defined. It is clear that in no quantitative sense is an ideal sum or difTerence a sum or difference; the ideal sum expresses a relation between functions that is only remotely connected with their arguments. t5.34. Ideal addition is associative and commutative; and, \rith respect to ideal multiplication, is distributive. Also (an importetnt consequence for 0.00 (i) and (ii)), the property of factorability [0.04] is invariant under ideal addition and subtraction. ' ~ *5.33. There is another sepcies of addition, important for the sequel; it may be called mixed addition, and corresponds to the compound multiplica- tion of 3.12. If ii, ii, ^i are any functional forms, \^i(n) + ^j(n) is no( a factorable function, since, for n » 1, the value is 2, violating 0.04. But 'LHd)H'Md) + Mnld)\ [ct. 3.00], is evidently *'(«) + *"(»). where (") yj,' "- ^^,; 4," — ^^i; and hence, treating ^1 + \^t as if it were a numerical function (as defin<>d in 0.04), the ideal product of ii + i/y/'t. Similarly for \^i + 1^1 + ••• + if'r (r > 2); and, with this dgnificance, 1^1 + \^« + • • • + ^r is a mixed sum, denoted by j i^i + i^i + • • : + ^r Ii and it has jusc been seen that t5.36. (i) *|i^, + \^i+ ••• +*,|~U*i + Wt+"- +**r|; *lso, evidently, (ii) | *i + *i ll */ + *i' I. the product b«ng taken ideally, ~ y/'ii'i' + Mt + Ml + M*' t5.37. If ^1, lAs are factorable, ^1 + ^1 is in general not factorable. For, if diin,, nj) - 1, the necessary and sufficient condition that ^1 + ^1 be factorable, is, that for all pairs ni, ni satisfying d»(ni, nt) » I, ah«U (1): I ^i(ni) + ^t(ni) II *i(n») + *i(ni) j ~ | ^i(nin,) + \^i(nini)|; but, ♦i(nini) - MnOMnt); and 4>t(.nint) - *i(ni)\fj(ni); whence, from (i), the necessary OF CERTAIN NUMERICAL FDNCII0N8. SS ■ad Buffidettt eondition becomes, | ^(«i)^(i**) + ih('>i)l^i('H} I '*' 0; which is not in general Of ever) satisfied. 5.38. The theorem in 5^7 is that wluch necesatated the introduction of ideal sums as defined; without ideal sums, a complete arithmetical theoiy^ of A-fanctions is impossible. Ideal addition is also the basis, in the second part, of the theories of coi^ruences and forms for functions (ideal); it is also neces- sary to the more advanced parts of the theory, when, in order to complete 0.00 0) an analogue for functions must be devised for Dedekind's theory of Ideals. This latter may, ab initio, be used as the groundwork, and simi- lar theories to those of this part, be constructed, and finally, the whole of Dedekind's theory is placed in (1, 1) self-correspondence by means of the numerical functions proper to it. Agun, for 0.00 (ii), the whole theory of characteristics, indices, etc., could have been omitted, and it is not to be inferred that by these means alone can 0.00 (i) be carried out in relation to 0.00 (ii); but, it is one of the simplest ways, and also, by choosing it, when taken In its most BQi^eTtl form, a complete body of interconnected thcoriet, each isomorphic to the other and to arithmetic in a manifold way, is obtained. Ideal addition and its consequences are only of secondary importance in relation to the integers; in regard to the arithmetical properties of tiie functions a» such, it is of fundamental importance. It is easy to see, combining the results of this section, and comparing with 0.01; t5.39. There is an arithmetical theory of characteristics of A-functions; moreover, in this theory, dividon is unique in the ordinary sense of the arith- metic of integers, and not dependent upon classes (as in the case of indices); onularly t5.40. For functional sets, each set being the base of an A-function, there is an arithmetical theory; ideal addition for bases being defined thus: £^0+fi(J70 -£(Hi+flt) when and only when K(,Hi)+KiHt) -£(ff i+ff.). *S.41. Referring to 5.24, the divisort of the mixed function there defined, provided Viat each H, F i» a prime primitive, are defined by Hi'^Ht"' • •H,*'f F,»if ,»t. . .f 4».; vrhere < a< € a< (t - 1, • • •, r), and 5 /3y 3 6/ (j = 1» ••', ib): and, by convention, eing both ideal). Similariy to 6.11. t6.13. Any function is ideally divisible by a finite number only of distinct primes, and has only a finite number of ideal divisors [5.42]. t6.14. If a prime divides neither of two functions, it cannot divide their product. [N. B. Cf. 5.23; remarks; otherwise the theorem has no meamng; also 5.41.] Similarly to 6.11; and * > Ct. Q. B. Matbcvs: 1. c, p. 180. OF CERTAIN NTIMEBICAL FONCnONB. 35 tS.15. Tlie prime factors of a poative or negative function are respectively an poritive or negative functions; those of a mixed function may be either. t6.16. Neither a positive nor a negative function can contain latent units; a mixed function may, but not necessarily. 16.17. There is an arithmetical theory for functions. [By combining the theorems of this § and of § 5.] In this theory, there is an infinity of units. t6.18. There is an arithmetical theory for positive functions; in this theory there is but a single unit, the absolute unit, 1. t6.19. There is not an arithmetical theory for negative functions. [The break comes in the lack of an ideal addition which shall make the ideal sum of two negatives a negative.] t6.20. With respect to ideal multiplication the functions form a group. t6.21. With respect to ideal addition the positive functions form a group, the identity element being, by convention, 0. [The relations of ideal addition to aU the functions are not considered until the second part; they correspond to the rational numbers.] t6.22. With respect to ideal multiplication, neither the positive nor the negative functions form a group; but each forms a semi-group.' t6.23. With respect to algebruc addition and ideal multiplication, mixed sums [5.35] form a group; and e being the respective identity elements; and t6.24. In similar respects, each of, podtive, negative, functions form a semi-group. t6.25. There is a denumerable infinity of functions which are associates of (or which are identically equivalent to) a given mixed function. t6.26. -The abstract operational laws of ordinary algebra are valid when the operands are functional forms and + is algebraic ((pving mixed sums), X ideal; also when +, X are both ideal, provided, however, that in this case* the functional forms be abstracted from only positive functions [from S 5; replacing the functions by their generatiors, applying the corresponding theorems on polynomials, and re-translating to functions, etc.], whence t6.27. Any algebraic identity in which occur only sums and products, or either alone, and hence also powers whose exponents are positive integers, is true when sums are interpreted as mixed products and powers being ideal. t6.28. There is no analogue in functions to a complete system of residues for a modulus,* if only mixed sums occur in the theory, but, among many others; t6.29. llie sums beinjg mixed, powers ideal, n a prime integer, the t (t ■■ 1, * ■ ■, r) functions as defined in 0.03, (*i + *i + ••• + *r)» ■ *r -h *t" -I- • • • H- ^r" mod »; 1 Aa tbia tetm does not aeem to be widely used, it is defined: A set ot dements form a semi- ■roup if they have the group properiy, eto. > Restriction removed in the second part, when all theorems of this | an made general tor a field in which all four elementary operations are ideal, or in which I, 2, or 3 are ideal, the rest ordinaiy. 35 AN ABITHMirnCAL THEORY via., regarding ^/> as a new function, distinct from ^i, slmilariy fi +.•••+ fr a function, vhich qua /unefton is independent of ^i (< - 1, • • •, r), then tot every value of the argument of these new functions, the foregoing congruence holds. [Similarly to 6.^6.] t6.30. If only mixed sums are admitted, there u no analogue in the theory to Fermat's theorem.' For, by 6.28 there is no concept of a complete system of residues. In the case of positive functions, such may be readily imagined in connection with 5.33. *tC.31. If o, h are relatively prime, ^i, ^i functions which have no Ideal fftctor common, ^i« ~ ^,» introduces the concept of trrottonol functions; it will be shown that their properties are wholly analogous to those of irrational numbers, when these \^l, ifn, • • • are compounded according to ideal addition, multiplication, etc. There are no examples of these at present in arithmetic. Their extents are all infinite, and they are distinct from the functions in 5.30 (ii). 6.32. This list may bo indefinitely extended; enough has been ^ven to show the arithmetical character of the theory which has been constructed for the functions considered. It has not been thought necessary to write out formal proofs, as all are entirely elementary, and indeed, the theorems are direct consequences of §§ 3 to 5; details may, if desired, be supplied as sug- gested in 6.26. But the following are of an entirely different nature, and indieittc thnt the tiioory alrendy oonstruotbd Is but tho first in ftn infinite rliniu of (hourloH, all abatrixotty identical to ca«h other and to arlthmotio, and in a Boiiso which may bo costly imagined, each link in tho ohaln Implies all that precede it. They differ from one another only in respect of the elements upon wliich they are constructed; also, each is directly appUcable to the integers, but, as the chain is descended, the properties of the appropriate functions in each link, become more and more complicated, until, in most cases, even at the second link, they may safely be stud to defy verbal definition, althouRh as functions, their properties are as simple as in 6.00 to 6.30. t6.33. The elements in the theory up to 6.31, are the functions which have grown naturally out of tho unique factorisation law (O.OI) in ordinary arithmetic, the arguments of the functions being integers; call these the i^'" functions. Starting from 6.11, and the \f'<» functions as arguments, §§ 1, 3 (especially 3.14) may be rewritten, replacing therein number hy function, prime number by prime function. In this way are defined primi/we ^™ /unctions, prime \^<'> functions, and §§ 4 to 6, down to 6.31 are rewritten, a if-^ function being the result of replacing in a ^<" each prime number by a prime \^<» function, etc., as will be indicated on rewriting §§ 1, 3. [Thus, e. g., if ^«(n) E ^(n), then, if ^ ,~ ^i*'^i*« • • • ^r** (ideal product), the corresponding \f'»>(n) is ^(l — \l'l>\i • • • (I — l/^r)(n), wherein the product is to be distributed, simplified as far as possible algebraically (into a mixed sum or difference of ideal products, etc.), and each function in the result is to have the argument n.\ In particular, there will be a theorem 6.11 for if'* functions; and there Will or CERTAIN mTMEBICAI. FONCTIONS. 37 odrt prime f^ functions, upon which, and the new 6.11, the process may be repeated, giving {>'■*> functions (whose arguments are f> functions), and so on. Hence any theorem regarding ^w functions may be expanded (rather, un- fcided) into an infinite sequence of theorems. [Ebcamples of this 6.33 are not eonradered until the second part, where also the inter-relations of the ^<*>, (f «, • • ., are consdered.] 6.34. This indicates one direction in which the theories of this paper may be extended. Another consists in basing all upon the theory of Ideals of Dedxxind, instead of upon the integers; and others, more fundamentally distinct from the present theory than any of these, will also be given in their proper place. Another, simpler than any of these, arises as follows: t6.34. The theorems of § 6 (to 6.33) may be shown to be valid for func- tions based upon the resolution of an integer into simple (rather than prime) factors [S 1], by replacing n by n' [1.03], p< by P< [1.01], and 6.14 (i) by [cf. 1.10], n(l -t- L(P)*,(P)/P'«' + "•+ L{P)hr{P)IP''')} the n extending over all simple numbers, unity excluded; together with a few simple and obvious corresponding changes elsewhere. Or, from another point of view, the result is a direct consequence of 6.11. In the illustrations, it is a simple exercise to change each theorem into its oorreapondent upon this basis, and with a little care, the results may be translatod in aocordanoe with { 1. tO.85. Finally, at any itago In 0.33, tho prime or ilmplo resolution may be adopted. Thus, up to the functions \^(') there are 2' theories constructed. These differ in that, when finally unfolded down to \^ih; 'tilh ~ W\f'«; etc. t6.37. Upon sets as a basis, instead of upon integers, the \^('> functions [6.33] may be constructed, and the arithmetical theory of these is developed, by a few changes in the ^meanings of the terms, parallel to that for ^(" func- tibnSk AIso^ on these tet-numerical functions, the processes of 6.33; 6.35 may be carried out. The interpretation of tho results is made in accordance with 4.69. 6.38. A further generalization may be noted, although its nature will not be apparent until after 8.09 to 8.23. It consists in replacing the integers r as weU as the (, of 3.14 by functional symbols ^, and repeating 6.33 to 6^35. There result properties of the functions in relation to their arguments that ^ .AN ARITHMETICAL THEORY are of an order entirely different to any so-far eonmderad. It wUl also be proved that any ^<'> function [6.35] is a definite ^<» funotion (but not eon- verseiy); and that the ^u> functions may be distributed into olasses of i<^ (r - 2, 3, • • •) functions in essentially only one way. In the ♦<•> functions [e. g., in 6.33), I is the symbol of any rele\-ant unit. In the ♦<'> functions, the relevant units e<'> play the part of unity in the arithmetical defiiutions of ^(" functions. §7. Special Theorems and Illcstrations. 7.00. Theao are chiefly upon the oonaequenoea of Ideal multipUoatlon; muA\ more Ronprftl thporpnw rw jjlvpn wihupqupntly, aIro, other pnerM ««'(I\(«Ih (»t (lt»iivli\K M\y\ \\m\\\\!H «ut'l\ wlRtloiw will l» oonslderedi The raoit «f [\\^m. I« thin w'«(loiv nr« {m\[ Um\\\M*i four *rUcle8,» wherein they Rre Ktntod. Front the present point of view, there are two problems In oonueotlon with any given function: (i) the resolution into prime factors [6.11]; (it) the relation to other numerical functions. Of (i) a ungle detailed example will GufGce [7.01]; the similar results in other cases, only are stated; and (ii) may he systematically accomplished, either from (i) bj' 6.26, 6.27, or directly from the generators; both methods are useful, and each suggests new functions and relations in great profusion. With but little practice, the direct reading of the arithmetical definition [0.05] fro£i the generating function (or generator), and vice-versa, become very simple matters; thus, e. g., in 7.05; 7.07, all results may be derived from first principles as in 7.01, from the arithmetical definitions; once they are stated however, they become obvious at a glance. The example in 7.01 is more complicated than any in 7.05 or 7.07. For definitions of symbols, cf. 2.041; § 5; 3.12. t7.01. To rcsolvo H(n) » v(Di(n))K(n/Z)i<»(n)) into its prime factors. Clearly, // is factorable [0.04]. The finding of yiH) is reduced, therefore, to «■ the summation and reduction of 1+S^(P*)«"; "hero M " p— [5.24J. But, ff(p) =2; H(p**) - virXj^lv^) - virMi) - v(r) - p* - p*-'. And, ff(p»^i) - '^(p.),(p..+t/pi.) ■ ^(p«),(p) - 2#i(i»«) - 2(p' - ir-»). Hence, y{H) - [I + «.(p)«« + ••• + »(P')«^ + •••! + a[s + »(p)s« + • ' • + ♦(p'W^ + • • • |. Whence, substituting for f ( ) tU value, and writing i+5p^-S-i/(i-p*^;. •Jouniolc«e»ifoJ».,28u> ^ )■ the ideal product of the four prlmei 18.30), n, U' 1. 1 if* I, I fci«i/i I (8.871. It In to be noted thut \nn\\» written | |i* || || m* I c II ^ | m'c ll «to.) vli., lk\ In I if» I, ti nol An Ideal Hquarei go In all eaNt>«. Ai all the fuiiultoiio ui«pd In 1 7 are speolaliiatlons of <^ tt 3], this will now be examined In some detail ; powers, \^', I ^1^1 1', of functions are ideal, and « is any unit, «t, ti, • • • distinct units [6.03]; again, cf. 3.12 and 2.04, 2.041 for the meanings of the symbols. t7.02. Writing 9 (n; a, b, c, I) a "Pi, for i » =1: 1; and comparing with 2.01; 3.25; 3.26: (i) 7(*i) - (I + cp-**)' Oi) T(*r) - (1 + cp'«»)'-; m any integer. Hence [cf. 2.02], t7.03. T(* ) - (1 - p-s*): 7(x ) - (1 + pH»): y{i ) - (1 + ««»). 7(*') - l/-r(*) : T(x') - iMid : 7(f ) - IMS:). t7.04. i>i' ~ xx' ~ f f ~ • ~ *r*-i- [7.03, 5.22, 6.24]. t7.05. (1) 7(».) - (I - 1). (2) 7(W - 1/(1 - •'). (8) 7(«,) - 1/(1 - P'«). (4) y{v) - 1/(1 + •). (6) 7(1 M« I) - (1 + «). (6) 7(1 vrn I) - 1/(1 + pt). (7) 7(1 *.u„, I) - 1/(1 - p««). (8) 7(1 M'i- 1) - (1 + 2«). (9) 7( Imv Auutl ) - (1 - p^). (10) 7( l«ui* 1) - (1 + p*). <11) 7(1 M*(2' - D' I) - (1 + (2' - 1)1). (12) 7(1 MM, 1) - (1 - p'«). (13) 7(1 w«, I) - 1/(1 + P's). (14) 7(1 Hhh 1) - (1 + p'«). t7.06. The fourteen functions whose generators are given in 7.05, are all ^mes [5.27], except (2). t7.07. (1) y{») - 1/(1 - «)'. (2) •»(*) - (1 - «)/(l - pi). (8) 7(») - 1/(1 - •)(1 - J»). (4) 7(») - (1 + »)/(l - «). (6) 7(1 »» I) - (1 - •)/(l + •). (») y{\ «,» I) - 1/(1 - pi)«. (7)7(l»»l)-(l+»)/(l-«)'. , (8) «i<'>(n) - »(n'); 7(«i) - (1 + (r - l)i)/(l - «)«. • («) «f">(n) - Kn)^!*'); 7(«^ - 7(1 i^i"' I) - (1 + (2r - 1)«)/(1 - 1)». (10) A(n) - »(n/D»»>(n)); 7(181) - (1 + 2«)/(l + «)(1 - i). *^ AN ASnBMI&nCAL THBORT (U) /»,(n) . r(D.»(«)); y(fi^ - (I - i»»)(l + t)/(l + im)(1 - |w). . (12) ft(n) ■ n/Z),»(n); yifi^t - (1 + pi)/(l + t)(l - ,). ^ (13) /J«(n) - ip(D,(n)); •rOJO - (1 + t)»(l - «)/(l - !»?). (14) /}.(n) - »(D,(n))i.(n/I),«(n)); 7(/»0 - (1 + 2«)(1 + t)(l - ■)/(! - ji^. (15) ft(n) B D,<»»(n); ^(^0 - (I + «)/(l + p«)(l - pt). (16) ft(n) B Dt(n); 7(^7) - (1 + «)/(! - p«»). (17) 0.(n) a r(n/D,«)(n)); 7(18^ - (I + 28)/(l + «)(1 - t). _ (18) ft(n) s9(D,(n));70Jt) = (l+2')/(l-«):7(f(l,2))-(l + «^; K*. 2) written for f (n; 1, 2). (19) /S,o(n) s e(n/D,(n)); 7(/?.,) = (1 + «)/(! - ,); or, ft,ai «. (20) /S„(n) s fl(n/Z),«>(n)); 7OJ11) - (1+ 2«)/(l + «)(1 - «); or,ft,2ifc (21) ^.i(n) s iir(n/Z),«)(n)) ; /J„ ~ w. (22) 7(1 vra |) = 1/(1 + 2)(1 + p«). (23) 7(1 «i«r |) - 1/(1 - |w)(l - |l^). (24) 7(1 9' I) = (1 + (2' - 1)2)/(1 - ,). (25) 7(1 tsra,<'> |) = (1 + (r - l)j)/(l + t)K (26) f, = uou,; 7(f,) = 1/(1 - «)(l - p'z). f,(n) > the sum of the rth powers of the divisors of n; obviously, f» ~. r. (27) 7(1 >^ I) = 1/(1 + «)». (28) 7(1 «,» !) - 1/(1 - p'uy. (29) 7(! «rf, I) = 1/(1 + p'z)(l - p'«)». (30) 7(1 u,r„ I) = 1/(1 - p'«)(l - pC+0'«). (31) 7(1 u,f-- 1) = 1/(1 - p'+*a)(l - p'«). (32) 7(1 »«!<■> I) = (1 + (2m - mm - «)». These all are modifications of 7.03, which comes Erectly from 7.02; thus, all the functions of 7.07, aa well as all those of 7.05, arise from 9 [7.02], which obviously gives <*> more, primes and compomtea. Enough have been writtoi down to illustrate the richness of this single primitive, the simplest of all. From 7.05; 7.07 there are the following resolutions into prime faoton: t7.08. (l)i.~tt,«; (2) v~M«i; (3) I ~ f (2m - 1, l)u»>; cf. 7.07 (18). From 7.05; 7.07, are written down the following units; the Qdeal) product of any number of units being again a unit, these may be multiplied together, some or all, to furnish new units; those written are of use in subsequent reductions by expression [3.35]. t7.09. (1) /.u,; (2) **,; (3) Ur \itu,\: (4) w|mM; (S) fff, (6) |iii«; (7) \itUi\iKi;(S) tir^9; (9) |iirtt,| |t»ui«|; (10) |fc«r], is a theorem stated by LiOTmLLB; the intermediate links come from 7.05 to 7.09 by obvious substitutions, etc.; each link [e. g., ♦i ~ 1^; i'i~ ~ tio I fi'(2r - 1)' I W ~ «i">. (2.2) ai'^'^p ~ 1 M'(2r - 1)' | ««♦ ~ «wi«. (2.3) ««fl.i<»~««!MM««*~««'U*l'-l»*|. (2.4) «»'v|m»|w«'~I»'|. (2.5) «» ~ inoei® [2.3; 2.4]. ' (2.6) #» ~ MUit««Ui ~ «i» ~ | Ui* |. (2.7) «iff ~ UoUl* ~ «« I «ir |. (2.8) tt«w •>» fcj. (2.9) |w8|»"«'M«"«»'~«««''^~*l< (2.10) |tDr9loi®~M'''lM'l«»*'*'MWo'~«««. (2.11) ti« I irf I .N. vofiv | ti« ^ ti*. (2.13) I TB-fl I 9 ~ itvrt ~ j«w I jt* I «• ~ !!««'' I »t* I ~ «i«t ~ «• (2.14) w» ~ ■anio* ~ ujct. (2.15) vrv ^ vugUi ■^ Jb|U|. (3.1) ai®i» ~ I *^ I ««V»i ~ 1 1^ I v^i '*' «i*. (3.2), tiioi <» ~ Ui I /^ I «. (3.7) «a»«'> ~ tt, I n« i ! ;i«(2r - 1)' I «.» ~ «,? I m' 1 1 »«'(2r - 1)' | «,» ~ a.WaiO". (3.8) oi»'>ff ~ I j^(2r - 1)' I ugHtoUi ~ tiienW. For omitted numbers, cf. 7.121. (3.16) «« I «' I "v ii(Kt«i'*» ~ ai<«. (3.17) «i«i<« ~ MUiai«'> ~ Uit'. (3.18) I «' I » ~ mi'^vt* ~ ««» I »»»(2' - 1)' I ^ ot'^^' *^ AS ABITHBIETICAL THBORT ' (3.19) «i<«»~#rtii«^«w|M«|««-M«f»'"l*«^K»~|»'l«i'». iyirs^;«t.T.m. (4.1) h-^uf^ »; Mid «,f_ as f,. (4.2) f,i^ ^ vtu^Wi ~ «,Ut ^ \ «ir»-i |. (4.3) M,f , ~ u,u«tt. ~ ii,f ^ (4.4) Jf , ~ 1 M* I «♦*«» ^ iwn®. (4.5) ! «roi« I f, ~|iv>u«t(, ~ w^i, ~ «, I »w |. (4.8) ii,f, ~ v«tt,* <^ ii« | «,» |. (4.7) Ut 1 t(,f , I ~ «!«,» I tprtl, I ~ I WW, I UrUrtIt ~ t«i,f ,. (4.8) U,f» ~ UotlrUi, — tic I Wrft, |. (4.9) I ti.+.f^. I f , ~ ti.+jti»+.n«tt, ~ I u,r« I f,^,. (4.10) I ti.f,^w I f, ~ tJ»^»H»*-«^«. ~ I «.r-+< I f- (4.11) In (4.10) put I = 0; I «.r. I f , ~ I u.f, | f.. (4.12) »i,wr- ~ trf- (4.13) I fl- I f. ~ «.o,<»*>; and (4.14) o,«»->f , ~ | ra,«-) | u.. from Bubstitutine t the generators, or from the resolutions into piim6 factors, as in the othera. 7.11. The composites, [3.11], u«^, in/f have been called by some le.' g., Bugajieff; Cahen; De SEGmER], respectively numerical integral, J^, and numerieal derivative, D^, of ^. It has not been considered necessary to retain, this special terminology for these amplest compodtes, whose fundamental prtipcrty isj it ^j "- J*^ 5s Vo^, then ^ ">< i)^i £f |i^i, which is obvious since tiofi is a unit.' Occasionally, ^i^ has been denoted by ff^'i X ^; but the notations and ideas do not seem to have been generaliied; all are the very simplest composit«s, and all their properties are evident from 6.26; also, the analogy ^th the integral calculus is very slight, and the term numerical integral, is reserved in the present treatment for a function which has close geometrical analogies with the properties of integrals. The following is the simplest illustration of a process treated generally farther on, vis., the deriva- tion of new theorems by transformation of the generator. The general process enables any function to be expressed as a mixed sum of chosen functions. t7.12. If, and only if , n is a perfect rth power, ^( -^n) ezists, ^( ) bdng a numerical function. Writing ^i/r(R) ^ i>{ Vn), and | hri/Ur I " l^]r; clearly, [i]„ for the art^ment n, has the value or f i/r(n) according as n ia not or is » p<(Z))^i(n/Z>'), where Z' refers to aU those divisors D cf n nhich art such that njD' is an integer. Similarly, it is eamly seen that the amultaneous change of z into «' and p into p* in /(p, z), giving ffp", *'), pves rise to ideal products, which, for the argument n are of the form 2'Mi)')\^i(n*/D'); 2' having the same agnificance as above. Performing these changes in the generators, reducing aa in 7.01 the results into ineducible (algebruc) factors, new theorems > For the coirespoiuUns product theorems of Dedeuss and othen, ef . { 8. OF CERTAIN NUMERICAL FDNCnONB. ^ ,i,> -■ _ ^ „ . . . Maaeoting Z'-(ttnettont with Z) k 1/(1 - «)»; but this is 1/(1 - pi«) X (1 + a)/(l - «) ; and 7(«i) = 1/(1 - pz) ; y(f) = (1 + «)/(l — *), hence, appljdng 7.12 again^ the generator of the right is 1/(1- — p«*) X (1 + «)/(l — «); hence the theorem. In precisely the same way: (3.10) S'«(D)»(»>/D') - S'v(D')»(n/D»); remarking that «(D) ■ «(!)»), the left is generated by (l+«»)7(l-«')Xl/(l - 1)«, and the right by (l+««)/(l-«') X (1 + t)/(l — t); these are identical, hence, etc.; and (3.11) 2'»(D»)»(n/D») - S'i.(i)»)e(n/i)»); since «(D) - «(!)•). (3.12) 7i'r{D)v(D')0{ntD') = 2'i.(D>')>'(n/D'). The respective generators are taken from 7.07 (9), (4) and (8), (1); in the first of each pur, t is replaced by ^; giving, as the generators respectively of the left and right, (1 + (2r-l)i«)/(l-i»)»X(l+«)/(l -«),and (l + (2r- 1)«»)/(1 -<»)»Xl(l-*)«; these bdng identical, the theorem follows. (3.13) 2v(n/(i)i>(d)p(tiO >= 2'y(n*'/D«'); the summation on the left ex- tencUng over all divisors d of n. As in (3.12), the respective generators are 1/(1 + «) X (1 + (2r - 1)«)/(1 - «)» and 1/(1 - ««) X (1 + (2r - 1)«)/(1 - «)»; hence, etc (3.14) 2w(d)». INote that w(n/D») ■ w{n).\ Generator of left is 1/(1 — i^)(l + pa); of right, similarly to any of above, It is 1(1 + pt) X 1/(1 - (n/D') " 2"6(n/I>*). Similarly to the foregoing, remarking that % l/"* X J »(»)/»* " J »(»/^)/n'. and supplying the generators from 7.07. (3.20) 2»(«)'. For, 1/(1 -I- «) X 1/(1 - «)(1 - p'») » 1/(1 - ««) X 1/(1 - p's). 7.13. All of these may be proved more briefly as in 7.10; but they are of sufficient interest to deserve writing out in fulL In the same way, each ^ AN ABrraUEnCAI. TBBORT V resolt in 7.10 may be reriaed to give theorana legai^ng sqoan or rth power diyiaon only. AS these proceasea ate generafiaed later. Note that k^ut, for the argument n, ia the nuirier of di^aon of n vhich are perfect rth powers. Hence (see 7.10 (2.8)), Ztr(eO •» 1 or aeeoiding aa n is or is not a perfect square; and (7.10 (2.14)) Z«((I)r(n/d) ia the number of square divisors of n. Similar^, on observing the formt of tiie ideal products, and translating the- symbols into their arithmeUoal definlUons, an endless variety of similar results relative to integers may be read off with great ease from the special theorems of § 7. Obviously, there ia sufficient material in 7.05; 7.07; 7.08 for an inexhaustible fund of such results, and all these are but simple deductions from the single function '9 (n; a, h, e, l). Theorems- relative to ideal addition do not present themselves until the extent* of the functions is ^ 3. Further special theorems are g^ven in ( 8, and more, subsequently; those in $ 8 are of a rather more general character than those in § 7, and present some aspects of these functions that do not seem to have been previously conmdered. ■ So far as is known to the writer, no factorable numerical function which ia a {irime primitiTe, of extent ^ 3, has as yet been consideied in arithmetic, and thoe ia but a nngle prime primitive of extent - 2 in use, due to G. Cantor; of. P. Bacbuahn: Dm AnoIytueAr Zahkntheorie (Leispig, 1894), p. 327, Eqq. 43, 44, 45, wheran a, y each contains auoh a factor^ when latent units are expressed.