2) QlatmU ISinimtait^ 2Iibrarg 3tl)aca, Sfent ^avh BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE IS9I DATE DUE W-^" /^m^j^oejt^. yy^TT*^ OfT n ( iQjTj fi. iuiji ' ^ ^^=sfstfj^ gj^f^y^'fesa s' t ^TStb^* rw^: Cornell University Library JC21 .M22 1884 Ancient law: its connection witli the ear i olin 3 1924 030 429 298 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030429298 ancie:nt law. BY TBE SAME AUTHOR. DISSEETATIONS ON EAELY LAW AND CUSTOM. 8vo. 9». VILLAGE COMMUNITIES IN THE EAST AND WEST. 8vo. 9«. THE EAELY HISTOEY OF INSTITUTIONS. 8vo. 9s. POPULAE GOVEENMENT. H. Nature of Democracy. III. Age of Progress. IV. Constitution of the United States. Svo. 7s. 6d. INTBENATIONAL LAW. Svo. 7s. &d. ANCIENT LAW ITS CONNECTION WITH THE EAELY HISTORY OF SOCIETY AND ITS EELATION TO MODEEN IDEAS BY SIE HEMT STJMNER MAINE, K.C.S.l. LL.D. F.E.S. rOKElON ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE XN5TXTI7TB OF FRANCE SEVENTEENTH IMPRESSION LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET 1901 k PRIHTED ET SPOTTISWOODB AKD CO. LTD., HEW-STBEET SQUABE LONDON PREFACE THE TENTH EDITION. The theory of legal development propounded in this volume has been generally accepted ; but it has been thought that, in his Fifth Chapter on "Primitive Society and Ancient Law," the Author has not done sufficient justice to investigations which appear to- show the existence of states of society still more rudimentary than that vividly described in the Homeric lines quoted at page 124, and ordinarily known ag the Patriarchal State. The Author at page 120 has mentioned " accounts by contemporary ob- servers of civihsations less advanced than their own," as capable of affording peculiarly good evidence con- cerning the rudiments of society ; and, in fact, since his work was first published, in 1861, the observation of savage or extremely barbarous races has brought to- Vl PREFACE TO THE TENTH EDITION. light forms of social organisation extremely unlike that to which he has referred the beginnings of law, and possibly in some cases of greater antiquity. The subject is, properly speaking, beyond the scope of the present work, but he has given his opinion upon the results of these more recent inquiries in a paper -on " Theories of Primitive Society," pubhshed in a volume on " Early Law and Custom " (Murray, 1883). H. S. M. London : November 1S81. PEEFACE THE riFTH EDITION. While further reflection and research have not led? the Author of this work to alter his views on most of the matters of which it treats, he has convinced him- self that the opinions expressed in the First Chapter on the difficult and stiU obscure subject of the origin of Customary Law require correction and modifica- tion. He has attempted to supply a part of the necessary corrections and modifications in a volume called " Village Communities in the East and West "' (London: Murray, 1871). H. S. M. uasDOS : December 1873. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. The Second and Third Editions of this work have teen ^ubstantiallv reprints of the First. Some few errors have, however, been corrected. It is necessary to remind the reader that the First Edition was published in 1861. The course of events since that period in Russia and in Northern America has taken away much of its application to existing facts from the language employed by the writer on the subject of serfage in Russia, of the Russian viQage-communities, and of negro-slavery in the United States. It may perhaps be interesting to the reader to observe the bearing of the changes «\rhich have taken place on the argument of that part of the work. H. S. M. CAI.OUTTA. : November 1866. PREFACE TO THE FIEST EDTTION- The chief object of the following pages is to indicate some of the earliest ideas of mankind, as they are reflected in Ancient Law, and to point out the rela- tion of those ideas to modern thought. Much of the inquiry attempted could not have been prosecuted with the slightest hope of a useful result if there had not existed a body of law, like that of the Romans, bearing in its earlier portions the traces of the most remote antiquity and supplying from its later rules the staple of the civil institutions by which modem society is even now controlled. The necessity of taking the Roman law as a typical system, has com: pelled the Author to draw from it what may appear a disproportionate number of his illustrations ; but it has not been his intention to write a treatise on X PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Roman jurisprudence, and he has as much as possible avoided all discussions which might give that appear- ance to his work. The space allotted in the Third and Fourth Chapters to certain philosophical theories of the Roman Jurisconsults, has been appropriated to them for two reasons. In the first place, those theories appear to the Author to have had a much wider and more permanent influence on the thought and action of the world than is usually supposed. Secondly, they are believed to be the ultimate soiu-ce of most of the views which have been prevalent, tiU quite recently, on the subjects treated of in this volume. It was impossible for the Author to proceed far with his undertaking, without stating his opinion on the origin, meaning, and value of those speculations. H S. M. LoWDOIt : Janmury 1861. CONTENTS. \/ I. Ancient Codes 1 VII. Legal Fictions ..... .21 "'ill. Law as Nature and Equity . . . 44 rV. The Modern History of the Law of Nature . 73 V. Primitive Society and Ancient Law . 113 VI. The Early History, of Testamentary Succession . 171 VII. Ancient and Modern Ideas respecting Wills and Successions .215 Vill. The Early History of Property .... 244 ? IX. The Early History of Contract .... 304 X. The Early History of Delict and Crime . , 367 ..Index 40) ANCIENT LAW. CHAPTER I. ANCIENT CODES. The most celebrated system of jurisprudence known to the -world begins, as it ends, with a Code. From the commencement to the close of its history, the expositors of Koman Law consistently employed lan- guage which implied that the body of their system rested on the Twelve Decemviral Tables, and therefore on a basis of written law. Except in one particular, no institutions anterior to the Twelve Tables were recognised at Rome. The theoretical descent of Roman jurisprudence from a code, the theoretical ascription of English law to immemorial unwritten tradition, were the chief reasons why the development of their system differed from the development of ours. B 2 AJfCIENT CODES, chap. 1. Neither theory corresponded exactly with the facts, but each produced consequences of the utmost im- portance. I need hardly say that the publication of the Twelve Tables is not the earliest point at which we can take up the history of law. The ancient Roman code belongs to a class of which almost every civilised nation in the world can show a sample, and which, so far as the Roman and Hellenic worlds were con- cerned, were largely diffused over them at epochs not widely distant from one another. They appeared under exceedingly similar circumstances, and were produced, to our knowledge, by very similar causes. Unquestionably, many jural phenomena lie behind these codes and preceded them in point of time. Not a few documentary records exist which profess to give us information concerning the early phenomena of law ; but, until philology has effected a complete analysis of the Sanskrit literature, our best sources of knowledge are undoubtedly the Greek Homeric poems, considered of course not as a history of actual occurrences, but as a description, not wholly idealised, of a state of society known to the writer. However the fancy of the poet may have exaggerated certain features of the heroic age, the prowess of warriors and the potency of gods, there is no reason to believe that it has tampered with moral or metaphysical con- ceptions which were not yet the subjects of conscious CBXS. 1. EUDIMENTABY JURAL IDEAS 3 observation; and in this respect the Homeric lite- rature is far more trustworthy than those relatively later documents which pretend to give an account of times similarly early, but which were compiled under philosophical or theological influences. If by any means we can detennine the early forms of jural conceptions, they will be invaluable to us. These rudimentary ideas are to the jurist what the primary crusts of the earth are to the geologist.. They con- tain, potentially, all the forms in which law has sub- sequently exhibited itself. The haste or the prejudice which has generally refused them all but the most superficial examination, must bear the blame of the unsatisfactory condition in which we find the science of jurisprudence. The inquiries of the jurist are in truth prosecuted much as inquiry in physics and physiology was prosecuted before observation had taken the place of assumption. Theories, plausible and comprehensive, but absolutely unverified, such as the Law of Nature or the Social Compact, enjoy a universal preference over sober research into the primitive history of society and law; and they obscure the truth not only by diverting attention from the only quarter in which it can be found, but by that most real and most important influence whichi when once entertained and believed in, they are enabled to exercise on the later stages of juris- prudence. B2 i AJTCIENT CODES. OHAP. I. The earliest notions connected with the conception, now so fully developed, of a law or rule of life, are those contained in the Homeric words " Thenais " and " Themistes." " Themis," it is well known, appears in the later Greek pantheon as the Goddess of Justice, but this is a modern and much developed idea, and it is in a very different sense that Themis is de- scribed in the Iliad as the assessor of Zeus. It is now clearly seen by aU trustworthy observers of the primitive condition of mankind that, in the infancy of the race, men could only account for sustained or periodically recurring action by supposing a personal agent. Thus, the wind blowing- was a person and of course a divine person ; the sun rising, culminating, and setting was a person and a divine person ; the earth yielding her increase was a person and divine. As, then, in the physical world, so in the moral. When a king decided a dispute by a sentence, the judgment was assumed to be the result of direct inspiration. The divine agent, suggesting judicial awards to kings or to gods, the greatest of kings, was Themis. The pecuUarity of the conception is brought out by the use of the plural. Themistes, Themises, the plural of Themis, are the awards them- selves, divinely dictated to the judge. Kings are spoken of as if they had a store of " Themistes " ready to hand for use ; but it must be distinctly understood that they are not laws, but judgments, or, to take the CHAP. I. THEMISTES 6 exact Teutonic equivalent, " dooms." " Zeus, or the human king on earth," says Mr. Grote, in his History of Greece, "is not a law-maker, but a judge." He is provided with Themistes, but, con- sistently with the belief in their emanation from above, they cannot be supposed to be connected by any thread of principle; they are separate, isolated judgments. Even in the Homeric poems we can see that these ideas are transient. ^ Parities of circumstance were probably commoner in the simple mechanism of an- cient society than they are now, and in the succes- sion of similar cases awards are likely to follow and resemble each other. Here we have the germ or rudiment of a custom, a conception posterior to that of Themistes or judgments. However strongly we, with our modern associations, may be inclined to lay down a priori that the notion of a^Custom must pre- cede that of a judicial sentence, and that a judgment must affirm a custom or punish its breach, it seems quite certain that the historical order of the ideas is that in which I have placed them. The Homeric word for a custom in the embryo is sometimes " Themis " in the singular — more often " Dike," the meaning of which visibly fluctuates between a "judg- ment " and a " custom " or " usage.' No/*o5, a Law, so great and famous a teim in the political vocabulary of the later Greek society, does not occur in Homer. This notion of a divine agency, suggesting the 6 AJVCIENT CODES. chap, i. Theinistes, and itself impersonated in Themis, must be kept apart from otker primitive beliefs with which a superficial inquirer might confound it. The con- ception of the Deity dictating an entire code or body of law, as in the case of the Hindoo laws of Manu, seems to belong to a range of ideas more recent and more advanced. " Themis " and " Themistes " are much less remotely linked with that persuasion which clung so long and so tenaciously to the human mind, of a divine influence underlying and supporting every relation of life, every social institution. In early law, and amid the rudiments of political thought, symptoms of this belief meet us on all sides. A supernatural presidency is supposed to consecrate and keep together all the cardinal institu- tions of those times, the State, the Race, and the Family. Men, grouped together in the diflferent relations which those institutions imply, are bound to celebrate periodically common rites and to offer common sacrifices ; and every now and then the same duty is even more significantly recognised in the purifications and expiations which they perform, and which appear intended to deprecate punishment for involuntary or neglectful disrespect. Everybody acquainted with ordinary classical literature will remember the sacra gentilicia, which exercised so important an influence on the early Roman, law of adoption and of wills. And to this hour the Hindoo CHAP, I. bentham's analysis. 7 Customary Law, in which some of the most curious features of primitive society are stereotyped, makes almost all the rights of persons and aU the rules of succession hinge on the due solemnisation of fixed ceremonies at the dead man's funeral, that is, at every point where a breach occurs in the continuity of the family. Before we quit this stage of jurisprudence, a caution may be usefully given to the English stu- dent. Bentham, in his " Fragment on Government," and Austin, in his " Province of Jurisprudence De- termined," resolve every law into a command of the lawgiver, an obligation imposed thereby on the citizen, and a sanction threatened in the event of disobedience ; and it is further predicated of the command, which is the first element in a law, that it must prescribe, not a single act, but a series or number of acts of the same class or kind. The results of this separation of ingredients tally exactly with the facts of mature jurisprudence ; and, by a little straining of language, they may be made to correspond in form with all law, of all kinds, at all epochs. It is not, however, asserted that the notion of law entertained by the generahty is even now quite in conformity with this dissection ; and it is curious that, the farther we penetrate into the primi- tive history of thought, the farther we find ourselves from a conception of law which at all resembles a 8 ANCIENT CODES. ceap. i. compound of the elements which Bentham deter- mined. It is certain that, in the infancy of man- kind, no sort of legislature, nor even a distinct author of law, is contemplated or conceived of. Law has scarcely reached the footing of custom ; it is rather a habit. It is, to use a French phrase, "in the air," The only authoritative statement of right and wrong is a judicial sentence after the facts, not one presupposing a law which has been violated, but one which is breathed for the first time by a higher power into the judge's mind at the moment of adjudication. It is of course extremely difficult for us to realise a view so far removed from us in point both of time and of association, but it will become more credible when we dwell more at length on the constitution of ancient society, in which every man, living during the greater part of his life under the patriarchal despotism, was practically controlled in all his actions by a regimen not of law but of caprice, I may add that an Englishman should be better able than a foreigner to appreciate the historical fact that the " Themistes " preceded any conception of law, because, amid the many in- consistent theories which prevail concerning the cha- racter of English jurisprudence, the most popular, or at all events the one which most ajffects practice, is certainly a theory which assumes that adjudged cases and precedents exist antecedently to rules, OMAe. I. CUSTOMARY LAW. 9 principles, and distinctions. The " Themistes " have too, it should be remarked, the characteristic which^ in the view of Bentham and Austin, distinguishes single or mere commands from laws. A true law enjoins on all the citizens indifferently a number of acts similar in class or kind ; and this is exactly the feature of a law which has most deeply impressed itself on the popular mind, causing the term " law " to be applied to mere uniformities, successions, and similitudes. A command prescribes only a single act, and it is to commands, therefore, that " Themistes " are more akin than to laws. They are simply ad- judications on insulated states of fact, and do not necessarily follow each other in any orderly sequence. The literature of the heroic age discloses to us law in the germ under the " Themistes " and a little more developed in the conception of " Dike." The next stage which we reach in the history of juris- prudence is strongly marked and surrounded by the utmost interest. Mr. Grote, in the second part and ninth chapter of his History, has fully described the mode in which society gradually clothed itself with a different character from that delineated by Homer. Heroic kingship depended partly on divinely given prerogative, and partly on the possession of supereminent strength, courage, and wisdom. Gra- dually, as the impression of the monarch's sacredness became weakened, and feeble members occurred in 30 ANCIENT CODES. chap. i. the series of hereditary kings, the royal power de- cayed, and at last gave way to the dominion of aristocracies. If language so precise can be used of the revolution, we might say that the office of the king was usurped by that council of chiefs which Homer repeatedly alludes to and depicts. At all events from an epoch of kingly rule we come every- where in Europe to an era of oligarchies ; and even where the name of the monarchical functions does not absolutely disappear, the authority of the king is reduced to a mere shadow. He becomes a mere hereditary general, as in Lacedaemon, a mere func- tionary, as the King Archon at Athens, or a mere formal hierophant, like the Rex Sacrijiculus at Rome. In Greece, Italy, and Asia Minor, the dominant orders seem to have universally consisted of a number of femilies united by an assuroed relation- ship in blood, and, though they all appear at first to have laid claim to a quasi-sacred character, their strength does not seem to have resided in their pretended sanctity. Unless they were prematurely overthrown by the popular party, they aU. ulti- mately approached very closely to what we should now understand by a political aristocracy. The changes which society underwent in the commu- nities of the further Asia occurred of course at periods long anterior in point of time to these revo- lutions of the Italian and Hellenic worlds ; but their CHAP. I. ARISTOCRATIC PERIOD. ll relative place in civilisation appears to have been the same, and they seem to have been exceedingly* similar in general character. There is some evidence that the races which were subsequently united under the Persian monarchy, and those which 'peopled the \ peninsula of India, had all their heroic age and their' era of aristocracies ; but a military and a religious oligarchy appear to have grown up separately, nor was the authority of the king generally superseded. Contrary, too, to the course of events in the West, j the religious element in the East tended to get the better of the miUtary and political. Military and I civil aristocracies disappear, annihilated or crushed into insignificance between the kings and the sacer- dotal order ; and the ultimate result at which we arrive is, a monarch enjoying great power, but cir- cumscribed by the privileges of a caste of priests. With these diflferences, however, that in the East aristocracies became religious, in the West civil or political, the proposition that a historical era of aristocracies succeeded a historical era of heroic kings may be considered as true, if not of all man- kind, at all events of all branches of the Indo-Euro- pean family of nations. The important point for the jurist is that these aristocracies were universally the depositaries and administrators of law. They seem to have succeeded to the prerogatives of the king, with the important 12 ANCIENT CODES. chap. i. difference, however, that they do not appear to have pretended to direct inspiration for each sentence. The connection of ideas which caused the judgments of the patriarchal chieftain to be attributed to superhuman dictation still shows itself here and there in the claim of a divine origin for the entire body of rules, or for certain parts of it, but the progress of thought no longer permits the solution of particular disputes to be explained by supposing an extra-human interposition. What the juristical oligarchy now claims is to monopolise the knowledge of the laws, to have the exclusive possession of the principles by which quarrels are decided. We have in fact arrived at the epoch of Customary Law. Customs or Observances now exist as a substantive aggregate, and are assumed to be precisely known to the aristocratic order or caste. Our authorities leave us no doubt that the trust lodged with the oligarchy was. sometimes abused, but it certainly ought not to be regarded as a mere usurpation or engine of tyranny. Before the invention of writing, and during the infancy of the art, an aristocracy invested with judicial privileges formed the only expedient by which accurate preservation of the customs of the race or tribe could be at aU approxi- mated to. Their genuineness was, so far as possible, insured by confiding them to the recollection of a limited portion of the community. Ci*AP. I. CUSTOMARY LAW. IS The epoch of Customary Law, and of its custody by a privileged order, is a very remarkable one. The condition of jurisprudence which it implies has left traces which may still be detected in legal and popular phraseology. The law, thus known exclu- sively to a privileged minority, whether a caste, an aristocracy, a priestly tribe, or a sacerdotal college, is true unwritten law. Except this, there is no such thing as unwritten law in the world. English case- law is sometimes spoken of as unwritten, and there are some English theorists who assure us that if a code of English jurisprudence were prepared we should be turning unwritten law into written — a conversion, as they insist, if not of doubtful policy, at all events of the greatest seriousness. Now, it is quite true that there was once a period at which the Enghsh common law might reasonably have been termed unwritten. The elder English judges did really ^pretend to knowledge of rules, principles, and distinctions which were not entirely revealed to the bar and to the lay-public. Whether all the law which they claimed to monopolise was really unwritten, is exceedingly questionable ; but at all events, on the assumption that there was once a large mass of civil and criminal rules known exclusively to the judges, it presently ceased to be unwritten law. As soon as the Courts at Westminster Hall began to base their judgments on cases recorded, whether in the year- 14 ANCIENT CODES. chap. i. books or elsewhere, the law which they administered became written law. At the present moment a rule of English law has first to be disentangled from the recorded facts of adjudged printed precedents, then thrown into a form of words varying with the taste, precision, and knowledge of the particular judge, and then appHed to the circumstances of the case for ad- judication. But at no stage of this process has it any characteristic which distinguishes it from written law. It is written case-law, and only diflFerent from code-law because it is written in a diflFerent way. From the period of Customary Law we come to another sharply defined epoch in the history of juris- prudence. We arrive at the era of Codes, those ancient codes of which the Twelve Tables of Rome were the most famous specimen. In Greece, in Italy, on the Hellenised sea-board of Western Asia, these codes aU made their appearance at periods much the same everywhere, not, I mean, at periods identical in point of time, but similar in point of the relative progress of each community. Everywhere, in the countries I have named, laws engraven on tablets and published to the people take the place of usages deposited with the recollection of a privileged oli- garchy. It must not for a moment be supposed that the refined considerations now urged in favour (rf what is called codification had any part or place in CHAP, I. AXOIENT CODES. 18 the change I have described. The ancient codes were doubtless originally suggested by the discovery and diffusion of the art of writing. It is true that the! aristocracies seem to have abused their monopoly of legal knowledge ; and at all events their exclusive possession of the law was a formidable impediment to the success of those popular movements which began to be universal in the western world. But, though democratic sentiment may have added to their popu- larity, the codes were certainly in the main a direct result of the invention of writing. Inscribed tablets were seen to be a better depository of law, and a better security for its accurate preservation, than the memory of a number of persons however strengthened by habitual exercise. The Roman code belongs to the class of codes I have been describing. Their value did not consist in any approach to symmetrical classification, or to terseness and clearness of expression, but in their publicity, and in the knowledge which they fur- nished to everybody, as to what he was to do, and what not to do. It is, indeed, true that the Twelve Tables of Rome do exhibit some traces of systematic arrangement, but this is probably explained by the tradition that the framers of that body of law called in the assistance of Greeks who enjoyed the later Greek experience in the art of law-making. The fragments of the Attic Code of Solon show, 16 ANCIENT CODES. CIUP.I. however, that it had but little order, and probably the laws of Draco had even less. Quite enough too remains of these collections, both in the East and in the "West, to show that they mingled up religious, civU, and merely moral ordinances, without any regard to differences in their essential character ; and this is consistent with all we know of early thought from other sources, the severance of law from mo- rality, and of religion from law, belonging very distinctly +0 the later stages of mental progress. But, whatever to a modern eye are the singu- larities of these codes, their importance to ancient societies was unspeakable. The question — and it was one which affected the whole future of each com- munity — was not so much whether there should be a code at all, for the majority of ancient societies seem to have obtained them sooner or later, and, but for the great interruption in the history of jurisprudence created by feudalism, it is likely that all modern law would be distinctly traceable to one or more of these fountain-heads. But the point on whiob. turned the history of the race was, at what period* at what stage of their social progress, they should have their laws put into writing. In the Western world the plebeian or popular element in each State successfully assailed the oligarchical monopoly, and a code was nearly universally obtained early in the history of the Commonwealth But, in the East, as I CHAP. I, LAWS OP MANU. 17 have before mentioned, the ruling aristocracies tended to become religious rather than military or political,, and gained, therefore, rather than lost in power ; while in some instances the physical conformation of Asiatic countries had the effect of making in- dividual communities larger and more numerous than in the West ; and it is a known social law that the larger the space over which a particular set of institutions is diffused, the greater is its tenacity and vitality. From whatever cause, the codes obtained by Eastern societies were obtained, re- latively, much later than by Western, and wore a very different character. The religious oligarchies of Asia, either for their own guidance, or for the relief of their memory, or for the instruction of their disciples, seem in all cases to have ultimately embodied their legal learning in a code ; but the opportunity of increasing and consolidating their influence was pro- bably too tempting to be resisted. Their complete monopoly of legal knowledge appears to have enabled them to put off on the world collections, not so much of the rules actually observed as of the rules which the priestly order considered proper to be observed. The Hindoo Code, called the Laws of Manu, which is certainly a Brahmin compilation, undoubtedly en- shrines many genuine observances of the Hindoo race, but the opinion of the best contemporary orientalists is, that it does not, as a whole, represent a set of rules c 18 AKCIEXT CODES. chap. I. ever actually administered in Hindostan. It is, in great part, an ideal picture of that which, in the view of the Brahmins, ought to be the law. It is consistent with human nature and with the special motives of their authors, that codes like that of Manu should pretend to the highest antiquity and claim to have emanated in their complete form from the Deity. Manu, according to Hindoo mythology, is an emana- tion from the supreme God ; but the compilation which bears his name, though its exact date is not easily discovered, is, in point of the relative progress of Hindoo jurisprudence, a recent production. Among the chief advantages which the Twelve Tables and similar codes conferred on the societies which obtained them, was the protection which they afforded against the frauds of the privileged oligar- chy and also against the spontaneous depravation and debasement of the national institutions. The Eoman Code was merely an enunciation in words of the existing customs of the Roman people. Re- latively to the progress of the Romans in civilisation, it was a remarkably early code, and it was published at a time when* Roman society had barely emerged from that intellectual condition in which civil ob- ligation and religious duty are inevitably confounded. Now a barbarous society practising a body of cus- toms, is exposed to some especial dangers which may be absolutely fatal to its progress in civilisation. The usages which a particular community is found to CHAP. I. VALUE OF THE CODES. 19 have adopted in its infancy and in its primitive seats are generally those which are on the whole best suited to promote its physical and moral well-being ; and, if they are retained in their integrity until new social wants have taught new practices, the upward march of society is almost certain. But unhappily there is a law of development which ever threatens to operate upon unwritten usage. The customs are of course obeyed by multitudes who are incapable of understanding the true ground of their expediency, and who are therefore left inevitably to invent su- perstitious reasons for their permanence. A process then commences which may be shortly described by saying that usage which is reasonable generates usage which is unreasonable. Analogy, the most valuable of instruments in the maturity of jurispru- dence, is the most dangerous of snares in its infancy. Prohibitions and ordinances, originally confined, for good reasons, to a siqgle description of acts, are made to apply to aU acts of the same class, because a man menaced with the anger of the gods for doing one thing, feels a natural terror in doing any other thing which is remotely like it. After one kind of food has been interdicted for sanitary reasons, the prohi- bition is extended to all food resembling it, though the resemblance occasionally depends on analogies the most fanciful. So again, a wise provision for insuring general cleanliness dictates in time long c 2 20 ANCIENT CODES. chap. I. routines of ceremonial ablution; and that division into classes which at a particular crisis of social history i8,'iiecessary for the maintenance of the na- tional existence degenerates into the most disastrous and blighting of all human institutions — Caste. The fate of the Hindoo law is, in fact, the measure of the value of the Roman Code. Ethnology shows us that ^he Eomans and the Hindoos sprang from the same original stock, and there is indeed a striking resem- blance between what appear to have been their original customs. Even now, Hindoo jurisprudence has a substratum of forethought and sound judg- ment, but irrational imitation has engrafted in it an immense apparatus of cruel absurdities. From these corruptions the Romans were protected by their code. It was compiled while usage was stiU wholesome, and a hundred years afterwards it might have been too late. The Hindoo law has been to a great extent embodied in writing, but, ancient as in one sense are the compendia which still exist in Sanskrit, they contain ample evidence that they were drawn up after the mischief had been done. We are not of course entitled to say that if the Twelve Tables had not been published the Romans would have been con- demned to a civilisation as feeble and perverted as that of the Hindoos, but thus much at least is certain, that with their code they were exempt from the very chance of so unhappy a destiny. "OAP. n. LEGAL FICTIONS. 21 CHAPTER II. LEGAL FICTIONS. When primitive law has once been embodied in a Code, tbere is an end to what may be called its spon- taneous development. Henceforward the changes effected in it, if effected at all, are effected deliberately and from without. It is impossible to suppose that' the customs of any race or tribe remained unaltered during the whole of the long — in some instances the inunense — interval between their declaration by a patriarchal monarch and their publication m writing. It would be unsafe too to affirm that no part of the alteration was effected deliberately. But from the little we know of the progress of law during this period, we are justified in assuming that set purpose had the very smallest share in producing change. Such innovations on the earliest usages as disclose themselves appear to have been dictated by feelings and modes of thought which, under our present mental conditions, we are unable to comprehend. A new era begins, however, with the Codes. Wherever, after this epoch, we trace the course of legal modifica- tion, we are able to attribute it to the conscious desire of improvement, or at all events of compassing objects 22 LEGAL FICTIONS. oasT. u. other than those which were aimed at in the primitive times. ^' It may seem at first sight that no general proposi- tions worth trusting can be elicited fi-om the history of legal systems subsequent to the codes. The field is too vast. We cannot be sure that we have included a sufficient number of phenomena in our observations, or that we accurately understand those which we have observed. But the undertaking will be seen to be more feasible, if we consider that after the epoch of codes the distinction between stationary and pro- gressive societies begins to make itself felt. It is only with the progressive societies that we are con- cerned, and nothing is more remarkable than their extreme fewness. In spite of overwhelming evidence, it is most difficult for a citizen of Western Europe to bring thoroughly home to himself the truth that the civihsation which surrounds him is a rare exception in the history of the world. The tone of thought common among us, all our hopes, fears, and specula- tions, would be materially afifected, if we had vividly before us the relation of the progressive races to the totality of human life. It is indisputable that much the greatest part of mankind has never shown a particle of desire that its civil institutions should be improved since the moment when external complete- ness was first given to them by their embodiment in some permanent record. One set of usages has occa- CHAP. IT. STATIONAEY AND PKOGRESSIVE SOCIETIES. 23 sionally been violently overthrown and superseded by another ; here and there a primitive code, pretending to a supernatural origin, has been greatly extended, and distorted into the most surprising forms, by the perversity of sacerdotal commentators ; but, except in a small section of the world, there has been nothing like the gradual amelioration of a legal system. There has been material civilisation, but, instead iif the civilisation expanding^the law, the law has litn itgd the civilisation. The study of races in their primi- tive condition affords us some clue to the point at which the development of certain societies has stopped. We can see that Brahmi nical India has not passed beyond a stage which occurs in the history of all the families of mankind, the stage at which a rule of law is not yet discriminated from a rule of reli- gion. The members of such a society consider that the transgression of a religious ordinance should be pimished by civil penalties, and that the violation of a civil duty exposes the delinquent to divine correc- tion. InjCh^ia-this point has been passed, but pro- gress seem to have been there arrested, because the civil laws are coextensive with all the ideas of which the race is capable. The difference between the stationary and progressive societies is, however, one of the great secrets which inquiry has yet to pene- trate. Among partial explanations of it I venture to T)lace the considerations urged at the end of the last 24 LEGAL PIOTIONS. chap. ll. chapter. It may further be remarked that no one is likely to succeed in the investigation who does not clearly realise that the stationary condition of the human race is the rule, the progressive the exception- And another indispensable condition of success is an accurate knowledge of Roman law in all its principal stages. The Roman jurisprudence has the longest known history of any set of human institutions. The character of all the changes which it underwent is tolerably well ascertained. From its commencement to its close, it was progressively modified for the better, or for what the authors of the modification conceived to be the better, and the course of improve- ment was continued through periods at which all the rest of human thought and action materially slackened its pace, and repeatedly threatened to settle down into stagnation. I confine myself in what follows to the progressive societies. With respect to them it may be laid down that social_necessities^_and^ social^opinion are always mpre.i3r4ess in jxivance of Law. We may come inde- finitely near to the closing of the gap between them, but it has a perpetual tendency to reopen. Law is stable ; the societies we are speaking of are progres- sive. The greater or less happiness of a people depends on the degree of promptitude with which the gulf is narrowed. A general proposition of some value may be ad- CHAP. n. FICTIONS, . EQUITV, AND LEGISLATION. 25 vanced with respect to the agencies by which Law is brought into harmony with society. These instru- mentalities seem to me to be three in number, Legal Fictions, Equity, and Legislation. ' Their historical order is that in which I have placed them. Some- times two of them will be seen operating together, and there are legal systems which have escaped the influence of one or other of them. But I know of no instance in which the order of their appearance has been changed or inverted. The early history of one of them, Equity, is universally obscure, and hence it may be thought by some that certain isolated statutes, reformatory of the civil law, are older than any equitable jurisdiction. My own belief is that remedial Equity is everywhere older than remedial Legislation ; but, should this be not strictly true, it would only be necessary to limit the proposition respecting their order of sequence to the periods at which they exercised a sustained and substantial in- fluence in transforming the original law. ' I employ the word " fiction " in a sense consider- ably wider than that in which English lawyers are accustomed to use it, and with a meaning much more extensive than that which belonged to the Eoman " fictiones." Fictio, in old Roman law, is properly a term of pleading, and signifies a false averment on the part of the plaintiff which the defendant was not allowed to traverse ; such, for example, as an aver- 26 LEGAL FICTIONS. chap, n, ment that the plaintiff was a Eoman citizen, when in truth he was a foreigner. The object of these " fic- tionea " was, of course, to give jurisdiction, and they therefore strongly resembled the allegations in the writs of the English Queen's Bench and Exchequer, by which those Courts contrived to usurp the juris- diction of the Common Pleas : — the allegation that the defendant was in custody of the king's marshal, or that the plaintiff was the king's debtor, and could not pay his debt by reason of the defendant's default. But now I employ the expression "Legal Fiction " to signify any assumption which conceals, or affects to conceal, the fact thaf a rule of law has undergone alteration, its letter ^etoijjining unchanged, its opera- tion being modified. The words, therefore, include the instances of fictions which I have cited from the English and Koman law, but they embrace much more, fori should speak both of the English Case law and of the Roman Responsa Prudentum as resting on fictions. Both these examples wiU be examined presently. The fact is in both cases that the law has been wholly changed ; the fiction is that it remains what it always was. It is not difficult to understand why fictions in all their forms are particularly con- genial to the infancy of society. They satisfy the desire for improvement, which is not quite wanting, at the same time that they do not offend the super- stitious disrelish for change which is always present. CHAP. n. LEGAL FICTIONS. 27 At a particular stage of social progress they are invaluable expedients for overcoming the rigidity ot law, and, indeed, without one of them, the Fiction of Adoption which permits the family tie to be artifi- cially created, it is difficult to understand how society would ever have escaped from its swaddling-clothes, and taken its first steps towards civilisation. We must, therefore, not sufl'er ourselves to be affected by J;he ridicule which Bentham pours on legal fictions wherever he meets them. To revile them as merely fraudulent is to betray ignorance of their peculiar office in the historical development of law. But at the same time it would be equally foolish to agree with those theorists who, discerning that fictions have had their uses, argue that they ought to be stereotyped in our system. There are several Fic- tions still exercising powerful influence on English jurisprudence which could not be discarded without a severe shock to the ideas, and considerable change in the language, of English practitioners ; but there can be no doubt of the general truth that it is un- worthy of us to efifect an admittedly beneficial object by so rude a device as a. legal fiction. I cannot admit any anomaly to be innocent, which makes the law either more difficult to understand or harder to arrange in harmonious order. Now, among other v^isadvantages, legal fictions are the greatest of ob- stacles to symmetrical classification. The rule of 23 KQUITY. CHAP. n. law remains sticking in the system, but it is a mere shell. It has been long ago undermined, and a new- rule hides itself under its cover. Hence there is at once a difficulty in knowing whether the rule which is actually operative should be classed in its true or in its apparent place, and minds of different casts wiU differ as to the branch of the alternative which ought vto be selected. If the English law is ever to assume an orderly distribution, it will be necessary to prune away the legal fictions which, in spite of some recent legislative improvements, are still abundant in it. The next instrumentality by which the adaptation of law to social wants is carried on I call Equity, ' j_meaning by that word any body of rules existing by the side of the original civil law, founded on distinct principles and claiming incidentally to supersede the civil law in virtue of a superior sanctity inherent in those pi-inciples. The Equity whether of the Roman Praetors or of the English Chancellors, differ s from the Fictions which in each case preceded it, in that \the interference with law is open and avowed. ' On the other hand, it differs from Legislation, the agent of legal improvement which comes after it, in that ^ts claim to authority is grounded, not on the pre- rogative of any external person or body, not even on that of the magistrate who enunciates it, but on the special nature of its principles, to which it is alleged that all law ought to conform. The very conception CHAP. II. LEGISLATION. 29 of a set of principles, invested with a higher sacred- ness than those of the original law and demanding , application independently of the consent of any ex- ternal body, belongs to a much more advanced stage of thought than that to which legal fictions originally euggested themselves. /In other words, they set themselves to form a system answering to the primitive and literal meaning of Jus Gentium, that is, Law common to all Nations. Jus Gentium was, in fact, the sum of the common ingredients in the customs of the old Italian tribes, for they were all the nations whom the Romans had the means of observing, /and who sent successive swarms of immigrants to Roman soil. • Whenever a particular usage was seen to be practised by a large number of separate races in common, it was set down as part of the Law common to all Nations, or Jus Gentium. Thus, although the conveyance of property was certainly accompanied by very different forms in 60 LAW OF IfATIONS. chap. ni. the different commonwealths surrounding Rome, the actual transfer, tradition, or delivery of the article intended to be conveyed was a part of the ceremonial in all of them. It was, for instance, a part, though a subordinate part, in the Mancipation or conveyance peculiar to Rome. Tradition, therefore, being in all probability the only common ingredient in the modes of conveyance which the jurisconsults had the means of observing, was set down as an institution Juris Gentium, or rule of the Law common to all Nations. A vast number of other observances were scrutinised with the same result. Some common characteristic was discovered in all of them, which had a common object, and this characteristic was classed in the Jus V Gentium. (The Jus Gentium was accordingly a col- lection of rules and principles, determined by ob- servation to be common to the institutions which prevailed among the various Italian tribes./ The circumstances of the origin of the Jus Gentium are probably a sufficient safeguard against the mis- take of supposing that the Roman lawyers had any special respect for it. It was the fruit in part of their disdain for all foreign law, and in part of their disinclination to give the foreigner the advan- tage of their own indigenous Jus Civile. It is true that we, at the present day, should probably take a very different view of the Jus Gentium, if we were performing the operation which was effected by the CHAP. m. LAW OF NATIONS. 6i Roman jurisconsults. We should attach some vague superiority or precedence to the element which we had thus discerned underlying and pervading so great a variety of usage. We should have a sort of respect for rules and principles so universal. Per- haps we should speak of the common ingredient as being of the essence of the transaction into which it entered, and should stigmatise the remaining appa- ratus of ceremonyj-^whieK' varied in different com- munities, as adventitious and accidental. Or it may be, we should infer that the races which we were comparing once obeyed a great system of common institutions of which the Jus Gentium was the repro- duction, and that the complicated usages of separate commonwealths were only corruptions and depra- vations of the simpler ordinances which had once regulated their primitive state. But the results to which modem ideas conduct the observer are, as nearly as possible, the reverse of those which were instinctively brought home to the primitive Roman. What we respect or admire, he disliked or regarded with jealous dread. The parts of jurisprudence which he looked upon with affection were exactly those which a modem theorist leaves out of consideration as accidental and transitory; the solemn gestures of the mancipation; the nicely adjusted questions and answers of the verbal contract; the endless formalities of pleading and £2 63 LAW OF NATUEE. chap. m. procedure. The Jus Gentium was merely a system, forced on his attention by a political necessity. He loved it as little as he loved the foreigners from whose institutions it was derived and for whose benefit it was intended. A complete revolution in his ideas was required before it could challenge his respect, but so complete was it when it did occur, that the true reason why our modern estimate of the Jus Gentium differs from that which has just been described, is that both modem jurisprudence and modern philosophy have inherited the matured views of the later jurisconsults on this subject. There did \_come a time when, from an ignoble appendage of the Jus Civile, the Jus Gentium came to be considered a great though as yet imperfectly developed model to which all law ought as far as possible to conform. This crisis arrived when the Greek theory of a Law of Nature was applied to the practical Eoman adminis- tration of the Law common to all Nations. ' ^The Jus Naturale, or Law of Nature, is simply the Jus Gentium or Law of Nations seen in the light of a peculiar theory^ An unfortunate attempt to dis- _ criminate them was made by the jurisconsult Ulpian, with the propensity to distinguish characteristic of a lawyer, but the language of Gaius; a much higher authority, and the passage quoted before from the Institutes, leave no room for doubt, that the expres- sions were practically convertible. The difference be- CHAP. ni. NATURE. 53 tween them was entirely historical, and no distinction LQ essence could ever be established between them. * It is almost unnecessary to add that the confusion between Jus Gentium, or Law common to aU Nations, and international law is entirely modem. The classi- cal expression for international law is Jus Feciale, or the law of negotiation and diplomacy. It is, however, unquestionable that indistinct impressions as to the meaning of Jus Gentium had considerable share in producing the modern theory that the relations y of independent states are governed by the Law of miture. It becomes necessary to investigate the Greek conceptions of Nature and her law. The word ^va-i'i which was rendered in the Latin natura and our nature, denoted beyond all doubt originally the material universe, but it was the material universe contemplated under an aspect, which — such is our intellectual distance from those times — it is not very • easy to delineate in modern language. Nature sig- nified the, physical world regarded as the result of some primordial element or law. The oldest Greek philosophers had been accustomed to explain the fabric of creation as the manifestation of some single principle which they variously asserted to be move- ment, fire, moisture, or generation. In its simplest and most ancient sense, Nature is precisely the physical universe looked upon in this way as the 54 NATURE. chap. m. manifestation of a principle. ^^ Afterwards, the later Greek sects,~^ returning to a path from which the greatest intellects of Greece had meanwhile strayed, added the moral to the physical world in the con- ception of Nature. They extended the term tiU it embraced not merely the visible creation, but the thoughts, observances, and aspirations of mankind... Still, as before, it was not solely the moral phe- nomena of human society which they understood by Nature, but these phenomena considered as resolv- able into some general and simple laws. -^ Now, just as the oldest Greek theorists supposed that the sports of chance had changed the material universe from its simple primitive form into its present heterogeneous condition, so their intellectual descendants imagined that but for untoward acci- dent the human race would have conformed itself to simpler rules of conduct and a less tempestuous life. x\To live according to nature came to be con- adered as the end for which man was created,,yand which the best men were bound to compass. To live according to nature was to rise above the dis- orderly habits and gross indulgences of the vulgar to higher laws of action which nothing butJ self- denial and self-command would enable the aspirant to observe.^ It is notorious that this proposition — live according to nature — was the sum of the tenets of the famous Stoic philosophy. Now on the subju- CHAP. m. THE STOICS. 55 gation of Greece that philosophy made instantaneous progress in Roman society. It possessed natural fascinations for the powerful class who, ia theory at least, adhered to the simple habits of the ancient Italian race, and disdained to surrender themselves to the iimovations of foreign fashions. Such persons began immediately to aflfect the Stoic precepts of life according to nature — an affectation all the more gratefiil, and, I may add, all the more noble, from its contrast with the unbounded profligacy which was being diffused through the imperial city by the pillage of the world and by the example of its most luxurious races. In the front of the disciples of the new Greek school, we might be sure, even if we did not know it historically, that the Roman lawyers figured. "We have abundant proof that, there being substantially but two professions in the Roman re- public, the military men were generally identified with the party of movement, but the lawyers were universally at the head of the party of resistance. i The alliance of the lawyers with the Stoic philo- sophers lasted through many centuries. Some of the earliest names in the series of renowned juris- consults are associated with Stoicism, and ultimately we have the golden age of Roman jurisprudence fixed by general consent at the era of the Antonine Caesars, the most famous disciples to whom that philosophy has given a rule of life. The long 66 LAW OF NATURE. chap. nr. diffusion of these doctrines among the member^ of a particular profession was sure to affect the art which they practised and influenced. Several positions which we find in the remains of the Roman juris- consults are scarcely intelligible, unless we use the Stoic tenets as our key ; but at the same time it is a serious, though a very common, error to measure 1 the influence of Stoicism on Eoman law by counting \up the nimiber of legal rules which can be con- Ifidently affiliated on Stoical dogmas. It has often Ibeen observed that the strength of Stoicism resided not in its canons of conduct, which were often re- pulsive or ridiculous, but in the great though vague principle which it inculcated of resistance to passion. Just in the same way the influence on jurisprudence of the Greek theories, which had their most distinct expression in Stoicism, consisted not in the num- ber of specific positions which they contributed to Roman law, but in the single fundamental assump- tion which they lent to it. g After Nature had become a household word in the mouths of the Romans, the belief gradually prevailed among the Roman lawyers that the old Jus Gentium was in fact the lost code of Nature, and that the Praetor in framing an Edictal jurisprudence on the prin- ciples of the Jus Gentium was gradually restoring a type from which law had only departed to deteriorate, s The inference from this belief was immediate that it OHAP, m. EQUITY. 57 was the Praator'a duty to supersede the Civil Law as much as possible by the Edict, to revive as far as might be the institutions by which Nature had go- verned man in the primitive state. Of course there were many impediments to the amelioration of law by this agency. There may have been prejudices to over- come even in the legal profession itself, and Roman habits were far too tenacious to give way at once to mere philosophical theory. The indirect methods by which the Edict combated certain technical anoma- lies, show the caution which its authors were compelled to observe, and down to the very days of Justinian there was some part of the old law which had ob- stinately resisted its influence. But on the whole, the progress of the Eomans in legal improvement was astonishingly rapid as soon as stimulus was applied to it by the theory of Natural Law. 4 The ideas of simplification and generalisation had always been associated with the conception of Nature ; sim- plicity, symmetry, and intelligibility came therefore to be regarded as the characteristics of a good legal system, and the taste for involved language, mul- tiplied ceremonials, and useless difficultiies disap- peared altogether. 4 The strong wiU and unusual opportunities of Justinian were nSeded to bring the Roman law to its existing shape, but the ground- plan of the system had been sketched long before the imperial reforms were effected. 58 EQUITY. CHAP. ni. ^ What was the exact point of contact between the old Jus Gentium and the Law of Nature ? I think (that they touch and blend through iEquitas, or Equity in its original sense i and here we seem to come to the first appearance in jurisprudence of this famous term Equity. In examining an expression which has so remote an origin and so long a history as this, it is always safest to penetrate, if possible, to the simple metaphor or figure which at first shadowed forth the conception. It has generally been supposed that jEquitas is the equivalent of the Greek tcroTiys, i. e. the principle of equal or propor- tionate distribution. The equal division of numbers or physical magnitudes is doubtless closely entwined D with our perceptions of justice ; there are few asso- ciations which keep their ground in the mind so stubbornly or are dismissed firom it with such diffi- culty by the deepest thinkers. Yet in tracing the history of this association, it certainly does not seem to have suggested itself to very early thought, but is rather the ofispi'ing of a comparatively late philosophy. It is remarkable too that the " equality" of laws on which the Greek democracies prided themselves — that equality which, in the beautiful drinking song of Callistratus, Harmodius and Aii- stogiton are said to have given to Athens — ^had little in common with the " equity " of the Romans. The first was an equal administration of civil laws CHAP. m. EQUITY. 69 among the citizens, however limited the class of citizens might be ; the last implied the applicability ♦ of a law, which was not civil law, to a class which did not necessarily consist of citizens. The first excluded a despot ; the last included foreigners, and for some purposes slaves. On the whole, I should be disposed to look in another direction for the germ of the Roman " Equity." vJThe Latin word " aequus 'V v'Carries jwith it more distinctly than the Greek " la-og " ythe sense of levelling.!^ 'Saw its levelling tendency was exactly the characteristic of the Jus Gentium, yj which would be most striking to a primitive Roman. The pure Quiritarian law recognised a multitude of arbitrary distinctions between classes of men and kinds of property : \/the Jus Gentium, generalised from a comparison of various customs, neglected the Quiritarian divisions. The old Roman law established, for example, a fundamental diflference between "Agnatic" and "Cognatic" relationship, that is, between the Family considered as based upon common subjection to patriarchal authority and the Family considered (in conformity with mo- dern ideas) as united through the mere fact of a common descent. This distinction disappears in the "law common to all nations," as also does the difference between the archaic forms of property. Things " Mancipi " and Things " nee Mancipi." The neglect of demarcations and boundaries seems to 60 LAW. OF NATURE. chap, m me, therefore, the feature of the Jus Gentium which was depicted in ^quitas. j I imagine that the word was at first a mere description of that constant levelling or removal of irregularities which went on wherever the prastorian system was applied to the cases of foreign litigants. Probably no colour of ethical meaning belonged at first to the expression ',^' nor is there any reason to believe that the process which it indicated was otherwise than extremely distasteful to the primitive Roman mind. On the other hand, the feature of the Jus Gentium which was presented to the apprehension of a Roman by the word Equity, was exactly the first and most vividly realised characteristic of the hypothetical state of nature. Nature implied symmetrical order, first in the physical world, and next in the moral, and the earliest notion of order doubtless involved straight lines, even surfaces, and measured distances. The same sort of picture or figure would be uncon- sciously before the mind's eye, whether it strove to form the outlines of the supposed natural state, or whether it took in at a glance the actual administra- tion of the " law common to aU nations ; " and all we know of primitive thought would lead us to conclude that this ideal similarity would do much to encourage the beUef fn an identity of the two conceptions. But then, while the Jus Gentium had little or no antecedent credit at Rome, the theory of a Law of Nature came BBAP. m. THE EDICT. 61 iu surrounded with all the prestige of philosophical authority, and invested with the charms of association , with an elder and more blissful condition of the race. It is easy to understand how the diflference in the point of view would affect the dignity of the term which at once described the operation of the old principles and the results of the new theory. Even to modern ears it is not at all the same thing to describe a process as one of " levelling " and to call it the " correction of anomalies," though the meta- phor is precisely the same. Nor do I doubt that, when once -iEquitas was understood to convey an allusion to the Greek theory, associations which grew out of the Greek notion of Jo-oT^jy began to cluster round it. The language of Cicero renders it more than likely that this was so, and it was the first stage of a ^transmutation of the conception of Equity,Mvhich almost every ethical system which has appeared since those days has more or less helped to carry on. Something must be said of the formal instrumen- tality by which the priuciples and distinctions asso- ciated, first with the Law common to all nations, and afterwards with the Law of Nature, were gradually incorporated with the Roman law. At the crisis of primitive Roman history which is marked by the expulsion of the Tarquins, a change occurred which has its parallel in the early annals of many ancient 62 THE PRiETOE. CHAP. m. states, but which had little in common with those passages of political affairs which we now term revo- lutions. It may best be described by saying that the monarchy was put into commission. The powers heretofore accumulated in the hands of a single per- son were parcelled out among a number of elective functionaries, the very name of the kingly office being retained and imposed on a personage known subsequently as the Rex Sacrorum or Rex Sacrifi- culus. As part of the change, ^he settled duties of the supreme judicial office devolved on the Praetor, at the time the first functionary in the commonwealth, and together with these duties was transferred the undefined supremacy over law and legislation which always attached to ancient sovereignSjV'and which is not obscurely related to the patriai'chal and heroic authority they had once enjoyed. The circumstances of Rome gave great importance to the more indefinite portion of the functions thus transferred, as with the establishment of the republic began that series of recurrent trials which overtook the state, in the diffi- culty of dealing with a multitude of persons who, not coming within the technical description of indige- nous Romans, were nevertheless permanently located within Roman jurisdiction. Controversies between such persons, or between such persons and native-bom citizens, would have remained without the pale of the remedies provided by Roman law, if the Preetorhad CHAP. ni. THE EDICT. 63 not undertaken to decide them, and he must soon have addressed himself to the more critical disputes which in the extension of commerce arose between Roman subjects and avowed foreigners. The great increase of such cases in the Roman Courts about the period of the first Punic War is marked by the appointment of a special Praetor, known subsequently as the Praetor Peregrinus, who gave them his undivided attention. Meantime, one precaution of the Roman people against the revival of oppression, had con- sisted in obliging every magistrate whose duties had any tendency to expand their sphere, to pubHsh, on commencing his year of office, an Edict or yproclamation in which he declared the manner in which he intended to administer his department. ^ The Praetor^ fell under the rule with other magis- trates ; but as it was necessarily impossible to con- struct each year a separate system of principles, he seems to have regularly republished his predeces- sor's Edict with such additions and changes as the exigency of the moment or his own views of the law compelled him to introduce. vThe Praetor's proclama- ition, thus lengthened by a new portion every year, obtained the name of the Edictum Perpetuum, that is the continuous or unbroken edictv^ The immense length to which it extended, together perhaps with , some distaste for its necessarily disorderly texture, caused the practice of increasing it to be ^stopped in 64 THE PR^TOE. chap. m. the year of Salvius Julianus, who occupied the magis- tracy in the reign of the Emperor Hadrian. / The edict of that Praetor embraced therefore the whole body of equity jurisprudence, which it probably dis- posed ia new and symmetrical order^ and the per- petual edict is therefore often cited in Roman law merely as the Edict of Julianus. Perhaps the first inquiry which occurs to an Englishman who considers the peculiar mechanism of the Edict is, what were the limitations by which these extensive powers of the Prsetor were restrained ? f How was authority so little definite to be reconciled with a settled condition of society and of law ? The answer can only be supplied by careful observation of the conditions under which our own English law is administered. ,/The Praetor, it should be recollected, was a jurisconsult himself, or a person entirely in the hands of advisers who were jurisconsults, and it is probable that every Roman lawyer waited impatiently for the time when he should fill or control the great judicial magistracy. In the interval, his tastes, feel- ings, prejudices, and degree of enlightenment were inevitably those of his own order, and the qualifica- tions which he ultimately brought to office were those which he had acquired in the practice and study of his profession. An English Chancellor goes through precisely the same training, and carries to the wool- sack the same qualifications. It is certain when he CHAP. m. KESTKAINTS ON THE PK^TOE. Q6 assumes office that he will have, to some extent, mo- dified the law before he leaves it ; but until he has quitted his seat, and the series of his decisions in the Law Reports has been completed, we cannot discover how far he has elucidated or added to the principles which his predecessors bequeathed to him. The in- fluence of i^he Pra3to5)on Roman jurisprudence differed only in respect of the period at which its amount was ascertained. As was before stated, he was in office but for a year, and his decisions rendered during his year, though of course irreversible as regarded the litigants, were of no ulterior value.^' The most natu- ral moment for declaring the changes he proposed to effect, occurred therefore at his entrance on the pra3- ytorship ; and hence, when commencing his duties, he did openly and avowedly that which in the end his English representative does insensibly and sometimes unconsciously. The checks on his apparent liberty are precisely those imposed on an English judge. Theoretically there seems to be hardly any limit to the powers of either of them, but practically the Roman Praetor, no less than the English Chancellor, was kept within the narrowest bounds by the prepos- sessions imbibed from early training, and by the strong restraints of professional opinion, restraints of which the stringency can only be appreciated by those who have personally experienced them. It may be added that the lines within which movement is 66 EQUITY. CHAP, m, permitted, and beyond wMda there is to be no travel- ling, -were chalked with as much distinctness in the one case as in the other. In England the judge fol- lows the analogies of reported decisions on insulated groups of facts. At Rome, as the intervention of the Praetor was at first dictated by simple concern for the safety of the state, it is likely that in the earliest times it was proportioned to the difficulty which it attempted to get rid of. Afterwards, when the taste for principle had been diffused by the Responses, he no doubt used the Edict as the means of giving a wider application to those fundamental principles which he and the other practising jurisconsults, his contempo- raries, believed themselves to have detected under- Ijdng the law. Latterly he acted whoUy under the influence of Greek philosophical theories, which at once tempted him to advance and confined him to a particular course of progress. The nature of the measures attributed to Salvius Juhanus "^as been much disputed. Whatever they were, their effects on the Edict are sufficiently plain. It ceased to be extended by annual additions, and henceforward the equity jurisprudence of Rome \ was developed by the labours of a succession of great jurisconsults>'who fill with their writings the interval between the reign of Hadrian and the reign of Alexander Severus. A fragment of the wonder- ful system which they built up survives in the CHAP, m. ROMAN EQUITY. 67 Pandects of Justinian, and supplies evidence that their works took the form of treatises on all parts of Roman law, but chiefly that of commentaries on the Edict. Indeed, whatever be the immediate sub- ject of a jurisconsult of this epoch, he may always be called an expositor of Equity. ; The principles of the Edict had, before the epoch of its cessation, made their way into every part of Roman jurispru- dence. The Equity of Rome, it should be understood, even when most distinct from the Civil Law, was always administered by the same tribunals, i. The Prastor was the chief equity judge as well as the great common law magistrate, and as soon as the Edict had evolved an equitable rule the Praetor's court began to apply it in place of or by the side of the old rule of the Civil Law, which was thus directly or indirectly repealed without any express enactment of the legis- lature. The result, of course, fell considerably short of a complete fusion of law and equity, which was not carried out till the reforms of Justinian. The techni- cal severance of the two elements of jurisprudence entailed some confusion and some inconvenience, and there were certain of the stubborner doctrines of the Civil Law with which neither the authors nor the expositors of the Edict had ventured to in- terfere. But at the same time there was no corner of the field of jurisprudence which was not more or less swept over by the influence of Equity. It sup- F2 68 BQCITT. 0HiP. HE plied the jurist mth all his materials for generalisa- tion, with all his methods of interpretation, with his elucidations of first principles, and with that great mass of limiting rules which are rarely inter- fered with by the legislator, but which seriously control the application of every legislative act. V, The period of jurists ends with Alexander Severus. From Hadrian to that emperor the improvement of law was carried on, as it is at the present moment in most continental countries, partly by approved com- mentaries and partly by direct legislation. But in the reign of Alexander Severus the power of growth in Eoman Equity seems to be exhausted, and the suc- cession of jurisconsults comes to a close. The remain- ^ ing history of the Roman law is the history of the imperial constitutions, and, at the last, of attempts to codify what had now become the unwieldy body of Roman jurisprudence. We have the latest and most celebrated experiment of this kind in the Corpus Juris of Justinian. It would be wearisome to enter on a detailed com- parison or contrast of English and Roman Equity; but it may be worth while to mention two features which they have in common. The first may be ^istated as follows. Each of them tended, and all such systems tend, to exactly the same state in which the old cojiimon law was when Equity first interfered with it. A time always comes at which :hap. IIL ENGLISH AND EOMAN KQUITV. 69 the moral principles originally adopted have been carried out to all their legitimate consequences, and, then the system founded on them becomes as rigid, as unexpansive, and as liable to fall behind moral progress as the sternest code of rules avowedly legal. Such an epoch was reached at Kome in the reign of Alexander Severus ; after which, though the whole Roman world was undergoing a moral revo- lution, the Equity of Rome ceased to expand. The same point of legal history was attained in Eng- land under the chancellorship of Lord Eldon, the first of our equity judges who, instead of enlarg- ing the jurisprudence of his court by indirect legislation, devoted himself through life to explain- ing and harmonising it. If the philosophy of legal history were better understood in England, Lord Eldon's services would be less exaggerated on the one hand and better appreciated on the other than they appear to be among contemporary lawyers. Other misapprehensions, too, which bear some prac- tical fruit, would perhaps be avoided. It is easily seen by English lawyers that English Equity is a system founded on moral rules ; but it is forgotten that these rules are the morality of past centuries — not of the present — that they have received nearly as much application as they are capable of, and that, though of course they do not diflfer largely from the ethical creed of our own day, they are not necessarily 70 EQUITY. CHAP. iiL '\ on a level with it. The imperfect theories of the 1 subject which are commonly adopted have generated I eryors of opposite sorts. Many writers of treatises Ion Equity, struck with the completeness of the system in its present state, commit themselves expressly or implicitly to the paradoxical assertion that the founders of the chancery jurisprudence contem- plated its present fixity of form when they were settling its first basis. Others, again, complain — and this is a grievance frequently observed upon in forensic arguments— that the moral rules enforced by the Court of Chancery fall short of the ethical standard of the present day. They would have each Lord Chancellor perform precisely the same office for the jurisprudence which he finds ready to his hand, which was performed for the old com- mon law by the fathers of English equity. But this is to invert the order of the agencies by which the improvement of the law is carried on. Equity has its place and its time ; but I have pointed out that another instrumentality is ready to succeed it when its energies are spent. -J Another remarkable characteristic of both English and Roman Equity is the falsehood of the assixmp- tions upon -which the claim of the equitable to supe- riority over the legal rule is originally defended. , Nothinq; is more distasteful to men, either as indi- - viduals or as masses, than the admission of their OHAP. m. BNGLISH AND EOMAN EQUITY. 71 moral progress as a substantive reality. This un- ■wiUingness shows itself, as regards individuals, in the, ^exaggerated respect which is ordinarily paid to the doubtful virtue of consistency. The movement of the collective opinion of a whole society is too palpable to be ignored, and is generally too visibly for the better to be decried ; but there is the greatest dis- inclination to accept it as a primary phenomenon, and it is commonly explained as the recovery of a lost perfection — the gradual return to a state from which the race has lapsed. This tendency to look back- ward instead of forward for the goal of moral pro- gres^_produced ancie ntly, as we have seen, on Roman jurisprude nce effects the most serious a nd perma- nent. ^ The Roman jurisconsults, in order to account for the improvement of their jurisprudence by the PrsBtor, borrowed from Greece the doctrine of a Natural state of man — a Natural society — anterior to the organisation of commonwealths governed by positive laws. In England, on the other hand, a range of ideas especially congenial to Englishmen of that day, explained the claim of Equity to override the common law by supposing a general right to superintend the administration of justice which was assumed to be vested in the king as a natural result of his paternal authority. The same view appears in a different and a quainter form in the old doctrine that Equity flowed from the king's conscience — the 72 EQUITY. ciL\p. m. improvement which had in fact taken place in the moral standard of the community being thus referred to an inherent elevation in the moral sense of the sovereign. The growth of the Enghsh constitution rendered such a theory unpalatable after a time ; but as the jurisdiction of the Chancery was then firmly established, it was not worth while to devise any formal substitute for it. The theories found in modem manuals of Equity are very various, but all are alike in their untenability. Most of them are modifications of the Roman doctrine of a natural law, which is indeed adopted in terms by those writers who begin a discussion of the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery by laying down a distinction between natural justice and civil. OHAJ'. IT. LAW OE NATURJS. 73. CHAPTER IV. THE MODEEN HISTORY OF THE LAW OF NATURE. It will be .inferred from what has been said that the theory which transformed the Roman jurispru- dence had no claim to philosophical precision. It involved in fact, one of those " mixed modes of thought" which arS'^'now acknowledged to have characterized all but the highest minds during the infancy of speculation, and which are far from un- discoverable even in the mental efforts of our own day, ,/The Law of Nature confused the Past and the Present. Logically, it impHed a state of Nature which had once been regulated by natural law ^ yet the jurisconsults do not speak clearly or confidently of the existence of such a state, which indeed is little noticed by the ancients except where it finds a poetical expression in the fancy of a golden age. Natural law, for all practical purposes, was some- thing belonging to the present, something entwined with existing institutions, something which could be distinguished from them by a competent observer. The test which separated the ordinances of Nature 74 MODERN HISTOKT OF NATURAL LAW. chap. it. fpom the gross ingredients with which they were min- gled was a sense of simplicity and harmony ; yet it was not on account of their simplicity and harmony that these finer elements were primarily respected, but on the score of their descent from the aboriginal reign of Nature. ■J This confusion has not been successfully explained away by the modern disciples of the juris- consults, and in truth modern speculations on the Law of Nature betray much more indistinctness of perception and are vitiated by much more hopeless ambiguity of language than the Roman lawyers can be justly charged with. There at-e some writers on the subject who attempt to evade the fundamental difficulty by contending that the code of Nature exists in the future and is the goal to which aU civil laws are moving, but this is to reverse the assump- tions on which the old theory rested, or rather perhaps to mix together two inconsistent theories. |\The tendency to look not to the past but to the future for types of perfection was brought into the world by Christianity. Ancient literature gives few or no hints of a belief that the progress of society is necessarily from worse to better. But the importance of this theory to mankind has been very much greater than its philosophical de- ficiencies would lead us to expect. Indeed, it is not easy to say what turn the history of thought, and therefore of the human race, would have taken, if the OHAP. IV. PERILS OF EARLY SOCIKTY. 76 belief iu a law natural had not become universal in tbe ancient world. There are two^ special dangers to which law, and society which is held together by law, "appear to be liable iu their infancy. */ One of them is that law may be too rapidly de veloped, j This occurred with the codes of the more progressive Greek communities, v^ which disembarrassed themselves with astonishing facility from cumbrous forms of procedure and needless terms of art, and soon ceased to attach any superstitious value to rigid rules and prescriptions. It was not for the ultimate advantage of mankind that they did so, thpugh the immediate benefit con- ferred on their citizens may have been considerable. One of the rarest qualities of national character is the capacity for applying and working out the law, as such, at the cost of constant miscarriages of abstract justice, without at the same time losing the hope or the wish that law may be conformed to a higher ideal. The Greek intellect, with all its mobility and elasticity, was quite unable to confine itself within the strait waistcoat of a legal formula ; and, if we may judge them by the popular courts of Athens, of whose working we possess accurate knowledge, iflie Greek tribunals exhibited the strongest tendency to confound law and fact. ' The remains of the Orators and the forensic commonplaces pre- served by Aristotle in his Treatise on Rhetoric, show 7(5 NATURAL LAW OP THE JUEISCONSULTS. chap. iv. that questions of pure law were constantly argued on every consideration which could possibly influence the mind of the judges. No durable system of jurisprudence could be produced in this way. _A community which never hesitated to relax rules of written law whenever they stood in the way of an ideally perfect decision o n the facts of particular cases, would only, if it bequeathed any body of judicial principles to posterity, bequeath one con- sisting of the ideas of right and wrong which hap- pened to be prevalent at the time. Such a jurispru- dence would contain no framework to which the more advanced conceptions of subsequent ages could be fitted. It would amount at best to a philosophy, marked with the imperfections of the civilisation under which it grew up. Few national societies have had their jurispru- dence menaced by this peculiar danger of precocious maturity and imtimely disintegration. It is cer- tainly doubtful whether the Romans were ever seriously threatened by it, but at any rate they had adequate protection in their theory of Natural Law. For the Natural Law of the jurisconsults was dis- tin(;tly conceived by them as a system which ought gradually to absorb civil laws, without superseding them so long as they remained unrepealed. There was no such impression of its sanctity abroad, that an appeal to it would be likely to overpower the CHAP. IT. LAW OF NATTJEE. 77 mind of a judge who was charged with the superin- tendence of a particular litigation. The value and, serviceableness of the conception arose from its keeping before the mental vision a type of perfect law, and from its inspiring the hope of an indefinite approximation to it, at the same time that it never tempted the practitioner or the citizen to deny the obligation of existing laws which had not yet been adjusted to the theory. It is important too to observe that this model system, unlike many of those which have mocked men's hopes in later days, was not entirely the product of imagination. It was never thought of as founded on quite untested principles. vThe notion was that it underlay existing law and must be looked for through it. Its functions were in short remedial, not revolutionary or anarchical. And this, unfortunately, is the exact point at which the modern view of a Law of Nature has often ceased to resemble the ancient, t vThe other liability^ to which the infancy of society is exposed has prevented or arrested the progress of far the greater part of mankind. JThe rigidity of primitive law, arising chiefly from its early associa- tion and identification with religion, has chained down the mass of the human race to those views of life and conduct which they entertained at the time when their usages were first consolidated into a systematic form."] There were one or two races 78 HISTORY OP LAW OF NATURE. chai\ iv. exempted by a marvellous fate from this calamity, and grafts from these stocks have fertilised a few modem societies ; but it is still true that, over the larger part of the world, the perfection of law has always been considered as consisting in adherence to the groundplan supposed to have been marked out by the original legislator. If intellect has in such cases been exercised,on jurisprudence, it has uniformly prided itself on' the subtle perversity of the conclu- sions it could bidld on ancient texts, without dis- coverable departure from their literal tenour. I know no reason why the law of the Romans should be su- perior to the laws of the Hindoos, unless the theory of Natural Law had given it a type of excellence dififerent from the usual one. In this one exceptional instance, simplicity and symmetry were kept before the eyes of a society whose influence on mankind was .destined to be prodigious from other causes, as the characteristics of an ideal and absolutely perfect law. I It is impossible to overrate the importance to a nation or profession of having a distinct object to aim at in the pursuit of improvement. The secret of Bentham's immense influence in England during the past thirty years is his success in placing such an object before the country. He gave us a clear rule of reform. English lawyers of the last century were probably too acute to be blinded by the paradoxical commonplace that English law was the perfection of CHAP. TV BENTHAMISM. TV) human reason, but they acted as if they believed it for want of any other principle to proceed upon. VBentham made the good of the community take precedence of every other object, and thus gave escape to a current which had long been trying to find its way outwards. It is not an altogether fanciful comparison if we call the assumptions we have been describiag the ancient counterpart of Benthamism. The Roman theory guided men's efforts in the same direction as the theory put into shape by the Englishman; its practical results were not widely different from those which would have been attained by a sect of law- reformers who maintained a steady pursuit of the general good of the community. It would be a mistake, however, to suppose it a conscious antici- pation of Bentham's principles. The happiness of mankind is, no doubt, sometimes assigned, both in the popular and in the legal literature of the Romans, as the proper object of remedial legislation, but it is very remarkable how few and faint are the testimonies to this principle compared with the tributes which are constantly offered to the overshadowing claims of the Law of Nature. It was not to anything resembling philanthropy but to their sense of simplicity and harmony — of what they significantly termed " ele- gance " — that the Roman jurisconsults freely surren- dered themselves. The coincidence of their labours 80 HISTORY OF LAW OF NATUEE. chap, rv, with those which a more precise philosophy would have counselled has been part of the good fortune of mankind. Turning to the modem history of the law of nature, we find it easier to convince ourselves of the vast- ness of its influence than to pronounce confidently whether that influence has been exerted for good or for evil. The doctrines and institutions which may be attributed to it are the material of some of the most violent controversies debated in our time, as will be seen when it is stated that the theory of Natui'al Law is the source of almost all the special ideas as to law, politics, and society which France during the last hundred years has been the instru- ment of diffusing over the western world. The part played by jurists in French history, and the sphere of jural conceptions in French thought, have always been remarkably large. It was not indeed in France, but in Italy, that the juridical science of modern Europe took its rise, but of the schools founded by emissaries of the Italian universities in all parts of the Continent, and attempted (though vainly) to be set up in our island, that established in France pro- duced the greatest efiect on the fortunes of the country. The lawyers of France immediately formed a strict alliance with the kings of the houses of Capet and Valois, and it was as much through their assertions of royal prerogative, and through their interpretations of the rules of feudal succession, as by the power of the cnAr. nr. THE FKEXCIl LAWYEr.S. bl sword that the French monarchy at last grew to- gether out of the agglomeration of provinces and dependencies. The enormous advantage which their understanding with the lawyers conferred on the French kings in the prosecution of their struggle with the great feudatories, the aristocracy and the Church, can only be appreciated if we take into account the ideas which prevailed in Europe far down into the middle ages. There was, in the first place, L_a great enthusiasm for generalisation and a curious admiration for all general propositions, and conse- quently, in the field of law, an involuntary^ reverence for every general formula which seemed to embrace and sum up a number of the insulated rules which were practised as usages in various localities. Such y^neral formulas it was, of course, not difficult for practitioners familiar with the Corpus Juris or the Glosses to supply in almost any quantity. , There was, however, another cause which added yet more con- siderably to the lawyers' power. At the period of which we are speaking, there was universal vagueness of ideas as to the degree and nature of the authority residing in ^vritten texts of law. For the most part the peremptory preface, Ita scriptum est, seems to have been sufficient to silence all objections. "Where a mind of our own day would jealously scrutinise the formula which had been quoted, would inquire its source, and would (if necessary) deny that the body G 82 HISTOKY OF LAW OF NATURE. chap. it. of law to which it belonged had any authority to supersede local customs, the elder jurist would not probably have ventured to do more than question the applicability of the rule, or at best cite some counter- proposition from the Pandects or the Canon Law. It is extremely necessary to bear in mind the imcer- tainty of men's notions on this most important side of juridical controversies, not only because it helps to explain the weight which the lawyers threw into the monarchical scale, but on account of the light which it sheds on several curious historical problems. The motives of the author of the Forged Decretals and his extraordinary success are rendered more intelli- gible by it. And to take a phenomenon of smaller interest, it assists us, though only partially, to under- stand the plagiarisms of Bracton. That an English writer of the time of Henry III. should have been able to put off on his countrymen as a compendium of pure Enghsh law a treatise of which the entire form and a third of the contents were directly bor- rowed from the Corpus Jm:is, and that he should have ventured on this experiment in a country where the systematic study of the Roman Law was formally proscribed, will always be among the most hopeless enigmas in the history of jurisprudence ; but still it is something to lessen our surprise when we compre- hend the state of opinion at the period as to the obligatory force of written texts, apart from all con- sideration of the source whence they were derived. CHAP. IT. THE FRENCH LAWYERS. aS When the kings of France had brought their long struggle for supremacy to a successful close, an epoch which may be placed roughly at the accession of the branch of Valois-AngoulSme to the throne, the situa- tion of the French jurists was peculiar, and continued to be so down to the outbreak of the Revolution. On the one hand, they formed the best instructed and nearly the most powerful class in the nation. They had made good their footing as a privileged order by the side of the feudal aristocracy, and they had assured their influence by an organization which distributed their profession over France in great chartered corpo- rations possessing large defined powers and still larger indefinite claims. In aU the qualities of the advocate the judge, and the legislator, they far excelled their compeers throughout Europe. Their judicial tact, their ease of expression, their fine sense of analogy and harmony, and (if they may be judged by the highest names among them) their passionate devotion to their conceptions of justice, were as remarkable as the singular variety of talent which they included, a variety covering the whole ground between the oppo- site poles of Cujas and Montesquieu, of D'Aguesseau and Dumoulin, But, on the other hand, the system of laws which they had to administer stood in striking contrast with the habits of naind which they had cul- tivated. The France which had been in great part constituted by their efforts was smitten with the ft -2 84 HISTOEY OF LAW OF NATURK chap. rv. curse of an anomalous and dissonant jurisprudence beyond every other country in Europe. One great division ran through the country and separated it into Pays de Droit Ecrit and Pays de Droit Coutu- mier, the first acknowledging the written Roman law as the basis of their jurisprudence, the last admitting it only so far as it supplied general forms of expres- sion, and courses of juridical reasoning, which were reconcileable with the local usages. The sections thus formed were again variously subdivided. In the Pays de Droit Coutumier province differed from province, county from county, municipality from municipahty, in the nature of its customs. In the Pays de Droit Ecrit the stratum of feudal rules' which overlay the Roman law was of the most miscel- laneous composition. No such confusion as this ever existed in England. In Germany it did exist, but was too much in harmony with the deep political and religious divisions of the country to be lamented or even felt. It was the special peculiarity of France that an extraordinary diversity of laws continued without sensible alteration while the central authority of the monarchy was constantly strengthening itself, while rapid approaches were being made to complete administrative unity, and while a fervid national spirit had been developed among the people. The contrast was one which fructified in many serious results, and among them we must rank the effect CHAP, IT. THE FBENCfl LAWYEES. 8fi which it produced on the minds of the French lawyers. Their speculative opinions and their intel-, lectual bias were in the strongest opposition to .their interests and professional habits. With the keenest sense and the fullest recognition of those perfections of jurisprudence which consist in simplicity and uniformity, they believed, or seemed to believe, that the vices which actually invested French law were ineradicable; and in practice they often resisted the reformation of abuses with an obstinacy which was not shown by many among their less enlightened countrymen. But there was a way to reconcile these contradictions. They became passionate enthusiasts \for Natural Law. The Law of Nature overleapt all provincial and municipal boundaries; it disregarded all distinctions between noble and burgess, between burgess and peasant; it gave the most exalted place to lucidity, simplicity, and system; but it committed its devotees to no specific inaprovement, and did not directly threaten any venerable or lucrative techni- ic^lity. Natural law may be said to have become the common law of France, or, at all events, the admis- sion of its dignity and claims was the one tenet which all French practitioners alike subscribed to. The lan- guage of the prae-revolutionary jurists in its eulogy is singularly unqualified, and it is remarkable that the writers on the Customs, who often made it their duty to speak disparagingly o£ the pure Roman law, 86 HISTORY OF LAW OF NATURE. chat. it. speak even more fervidly of Nature and lier rules than the civilians who professed an exclusive respect for the Digest and the Code. Dumoulin, the highest of all authorities on old French Customary Law, has some extravagant passages on the Law of Nature; and his panegyrics have a peculiar rhetorical turn which indicates a considerable departure from the caution of the Roman jurisconsults. The hypothesis of a Natural Law had become not so much a theory guiding practice as an article of speculative faith, and accordingly we shall find that, in the transfor- mation which it more recently underwent, its weakest parts rose to the level of its strongest in the esteem of its supporters. The eighteenth century was half over when the most critical period in the history of Natural Law was reached. Had the discussion of the theory and of its consequences continued to be exclusively the employment of the legal profession, there would pos- sibly have been an abatement of the respect which it commanded ; for by this time the Esprit des Lois had appeared. Bearing in some exaggerations the marks of the excessive violence with which its author's mind had recoiled from assumptions usually suffered to pass without scrutiny, yet showing in some am- biguities the traces of a desire to compromise with existing prejudice, the book of Montesquieu, with all its defects, stiU proceeded on that Historical Method CKAP. IV. KOUSSEA0. 87 before which the Law of Nature has never maintained its footing for an instant. Its influence on thought ought to have been as great as its general popu- larity; but, in fact, it was never allowed time to put it forth, for the counter-hypothesis which it seemed destined to destroy passed suddenly from the forum to the street, and became the key-note of controversies far more exciting than are ever ■agitated in the courts or the schools. The person who launched it on its new career was that remark- able man who, without learning, with few virtues, and with no strength of character, has nevertheless stamped himself inefFaceably on history by the force of a vivid imagination, and by the help of a genuine and burning love for his fellow-men, for which much will always have to be forgiven him. We have never seen in our own generation — indeed the world has not seen more than once or twice in all the course of history^a literature which has exercised such prodigious influence over the minds of men, over every cast and shade of intellect, as that which emanated from Eousseau between 1749 and 1762. It was the first attempt to re-erect the edifice of human belief after the purely iconoclastic efforts commenced by Bayle, and in part by our own Locke, and consummated by Voltaire; and besides the supe- riority which every constructive effort will always enjoy over one that is merely destructive, it possessed 88 .^ HISTORY OF LAW OF NATURE. CHiP. ry. the immense advantage of appearing amid aii all but universal scepticism as to the soundness of all foregone knowledge in matters speculative. Now, in all the speculations of Rousseau, the central figure, whether arrayed in an English dress as the signa- tary of a social compact, or simply stripped naked of all historical qualities, is uniformly Man, in a sup- posed state of nature. Eveiy law or institution which would misbeseem this imaginary being under these ideal circumstances is to be condemned as having lapsed from an original perfection ; every transformation of society which would give it a closer resemblance to the world over which the creature of Nature reigned, is admirable and worthy to be effected at any apparent cost. The theory is still that of the Roman lawyers, for in the phan- tasmagoria with which the Natural Condition is peopled, every feature and characteristic eludes the mind except the simplicity and harmony which pos- sessed such charms for the jurisconsult ; but the theory is, as it were, turned upside down. ^ It is not the Law of Nature, but the State of Nature, which is now the primary subject of contemplation. The Roman had conceived that by careful observation of existing institutions parts of them could be singled out which either exhibited already, or could by judicious purification be made to exhibit, the vestiges of that reign of nature whose reality he faintly CHAP. TT. THEOKIES OF KOUSSEAU. 80 ivtfirmed. Rousseau's belief was that a perfect social order could be evolved from the unassisted considera- tion of the natural state, a social order wholly irre- spective of the actual condition of the world and wholly unlike it. T he great difference between the views is that one bitterly and broadly condemns the present for its unlikeness to the ideal past ; while the other, assuming the present to be as necessary as the past, does not affect to disregard or censure it/ It is not worth our while to analyse with any particu- larity that philosophy of politics, art, education, ethics, and social relations which was constructed on the basis of a state of nature. It still possesses singular fascination for the looser thinkers of every country, and is no doubt the parent, more or less remote, of almost all the prepossessions which im- pede the employment of the Historical Method of in- quiry, but its discredit with the higher minds of our day is deep enough to astonish those who are familiar with the extraordinary vitality of speculative error. Perhaps the question most frequently asked nowa- days is not what is the value of these opinions, but what were the causes which gave them such over- shadowing prominence a hundred years ago. The answer is, I conceive, a simple one. The study which in the last century would best have corrected the misapprehensions into which an exclusive atten- tion to legal antiquities is apt to betray was the 9C HISTORY OF LAW OF NATURE. chap. it. study of religion. But Greek religion, as then under- stood, was dissipated in imaginative myths. The Oriental religions, if noticed at all, appeared to be lost in vain cosmogonies. There was but one body of primitive records which was worth studying — the early history of the Jews. But resort to this was prevented by the prejudices of the time. One of the few characteristics which the school of Rousseau had in common with the school of Voltaire was an utter disdain of all religious antiquities ; and, more, than aU, of those of the Hebrew race. It is well known that it was a point of honour with the reasoners of that day to assume not merely that the institutions called after Moses were not divinely dictated, nor even that they were codified at a later date than that attributed to them, but that they and the entire Pentateuch were a gratuitous forgery, executed after the return from the Captivity. Debarred, therefore, from one chief security against speculative delusion, the philosophers of France, in their eagerness to escape from what they deemed a superstition of the priests, flung themselves headlong into a superstition of the lawyers. But though ^the philosophy foimded on the hypo- thesis of a state of natureVhas fallen low in general esteem, in so far as it is looked upon under its coarser and more palpable aspect, it does not follow that in its subtler disguises it has lost plausibility, popu- CHAP. IV. THE FBENCH EEVOLUTIOST. 91 larity, or power. I believe, as I have said, that iti^s yjtill the great antagonist of the Historical Method ; , and whenever (religious objections apart) any mind is seen to resist or contemn that mode of investi- gation, it will generally be found under the influence of a prejudice or vicious bias traceable to a conscious or unconscious reliance on a non-histoiic, natural condition of society or the individual. V It is chiefly, however, by allying themselves with political and Bocial tendencies that the docti^nes of Nature and her law have preserved their energy. Some of these tendencies they -have stimulated, others they have actually created, to a great number they have giveia expression and form. They visibly enter largely into the ideas which constantly radiate from France over the civilised world, and thus become part of the general body of thought by which its civilisation is modified. The value of the influence which they thus exercise over the fortunes of the race is of course one of the points which our age debates most warmly, and it is beside the purpose of this treatise to discuss it. Looking back, however, to the period at which the theory of the state of nature acquired the maxi- mum of political importance, there are few who will deny that it helped most powerfully to bring about the grosser disappointments of which the first French Revolution was fertile. It gave birth, or intense stimulus, to the vices of mental habit all bui B2 HISTOKY OF LAW OF NATUBE. chap. iA universal at the time, disdain of positive law, im- patience of experience, and the preference of d priori to all other reasoning. In proportion too as this philosophy fixes its grasp on minds which have thoughtless than-q|;hers and fortified themselves with smaller observation, its tendency is to become dis- tinctly anarchical. It is surprising to note how many of the Sophismes Anarchiques which Dumont published for Bentham, and which embody Bentham's exposure of errors distinctively French, are derived from the Roman hypothesis in its French transfor- mation, and are unintelUgible unless referred to it. On this point too it is a curious exercise to consult the Moniteur during the principal eras of the Revo- lution. The appeals to the Law and State of Nature become thicker as the times grow darker. { There is a single example which very strikingly illustrates the effects of the theory of natural law on modern society, •rind indicates how very far are those effects from being exhausted. There cannot, I con- ceive, be any ques^on that to the assumption of a Law Natural we o-vye the doctrine of the fundamental equality of human beings. That " all men are equ al"' is one of a large number of legal propositions which in progress of time have become political. The Ro- man jurisconsults of the Antonine era lay down that " omnes homines naturU sequales sunt," but in their eyes this is a strictly juridical axiom. They intend CHAP, IV. EQUALITY OF MEN. 93 to affirm that, under the hypothetical Law of Nature, and in so far as positive law approximates to it, the ^ arbitrary distinctions which the Roman Civil Law maintained between classes of persons cease to have a legal existence. The rule was one of considerable importance to the Roman practitioner, who required to be reminded that, wherever Roman jurisprudence was assumed to conform itself exactly to the code of Nature, there was no difference in the contemplation of the Roman tribunals between citizen and foreigner, between freeman and slave, between Agnate and Cog- nate^The jurisconsultswho thus expressed themselves most certainly never intended to censure the social arrangements under which civil law fell somewhat short of its speculative type ; nor did they apparently believe that the world would ever see human society completely assimilated to the economy of nature. But when the doctrine of human eqviality makes its appearance in a modern dress it has evidently clothed itself with a new shade of meaning. Where the Ro- man jurisconsult had written "sequales sunt," mean- ing exactly what he said, the modern civilian wrote \ " all men are equal " in the sense of " aU men ought to be equal." The peculiar Roman idea that na- tural law coexisted with civil law and gradually ab- sorbed it, had evidently been lost sight of, ^or had become unintelligible, and the words which had at most conveyed a theory concerning the origin, com- 94 HISTORY OP LAW OF IfATDBE. chap. 17. position, and development of human institutions, were beginning to express the sense of a great standing wrong suffered by mankind. As early as the beginning of the fourteenth century, the current language con- cerning the birth-state of men, though visibly intended to be identical with that of Ulpian and his contempo- raries, has assumed an altogether, different form and meaning. The preamble to the celebrated ordinance of King Louis Hutin, enfranchising the serfs of the royal domains, would have sounded strangely to Roman ears. " Whereas, according to natural law, everybody ought to be born free ; and by some usages and customs which, from long antiquity, have been introduced and kept until now in our realm, and per- adventure by reason of the misdeeds of their prede- cessors, many persons of our common people have fallen into servitude, therefore. We," &c. This is the enunciation not of a legal rule but of a political dogma ; and from this time the equality of men is spoken of by the Prench lawyers just as if it were a political truth which happened to have been preserved among the archives of their science. Like all other deductions from the hypothesis of a Law Natural, and like the belief itself in a Law of Nature, it was lan- guidly assented to and suffered to have little influence on opinion and practice untU it passed out of the possession of the lawyers into that of the literary men of the eighteenth century and of the public which CHAP. IV. DECLARATION OF INDEPE>T)ENCE 95 sat at their feet. With them it became the most distinct tenet of their creed, and was even regarded as , a summary of all the others. It is probable, however, that the power which it ultimately acquired over the events of 1789 was not entirely owing to its popularity in France, for in the middle of the century it passed over to America. The American lawyers of the time, and particularly those of Virginia, appear to have possessed a stock of knowledge which differed cljiefly from that of their English contemporaries in including much which could only have been derived from the legal literature of continental Europe. A very few glances at the writings of Jefferson will show how strongly his mind was affected by the semi-juri- dical, semi-popular opinions which were fashionable in France, and we cannot doubt that it was sympathy with the peculiar ideas of the French jurists which led him and the other colonial lawyers who guided the course of events in America to join the specially French assumption that " aU men are bom equal " with the assumption, more familiar to Englishmen, that all men are born free, in the very first lines of their Declaration of Independence. The passage was one of great importance to the history of the doctrine before us. The American lawyers, in thus prominently and emphatically affirming the fun- damental equality of human beings, gave an im- pulse to political movements in their own country, 96 HISTOET OP LAW OP IfATDEE. chat. it. and in a less degree in Great Britain, which is far from having yet spent itself ; but besides this they returned the dogma they had adopted to its home in France, endowed with vastly greater energy and en- joying much greater claims on general reception and respect. Even the more cautious politicians of the first Constituent Assembly repeated Ulpian's proposition as if it at once commended itself to the instincts and intuitions of mankind ; and of all the " principles of 1789 " it is the one which has been least strenuously assailed, which has most thoroughly leavened modern opinion, and which promises to modify most deeply the constitution of societies and the politics of ^states. The greatest function of the Law of Nature was discharged in giving birth to modern International Law and to the modern Law of War, but this part of its effects must here be dismissed with considera- tion very unequal to its importance. i Among the postulates which fonn the foundation of International Law, 'H)r of so much of it as retains the figure which it received fi-om its original archi- tects, >tthere are two or three of pre-eminent import- . ance. '^ The first of aU is expressed in the position I that there is a determinable Law of Nature. \/ Gro- tius and his successors took the assumption directly from the Romans, but they differed widely from the Roman jurisconsults and from each other in their ideas as to the"mode of determination." The CliAj?. IV, INTERNATIONAL LAW. 97 ambition of almost every Publicist who has flourished since the revival of letters has been to provide new and more manageable definitions of Nature and of her lawi and it is indisputable that the conception in passing through the long series of writers on Public Law has gathered round it a large accretion, con- sisting of fragments of ideas derived from nearly every theory of ethics which has in its turn taken possession of the schools. [^Yet it is a remarkable proof of the essentially historical character of the conception that, after all the efiPbrts which have been made to evolve the code of Nature from the necessary characteristics of the natural state, so much of the result is just what it would have been if men had been satisfied to adopt the dicta of the Eoman lawyers without questioning or reviewing them. V Setting aside the Conventional or Treaty Law of Nations, it is surprising how large a part of the system is made up of pure Eoman law. Wherever there is a doctrine of the jurisconsults affirmed by them to be in harmony with the Jus Gentium, the Pubhcists have foimd a reason for borrowing it, however plainly it may bear the marks of a distinc- tively Roman origin. We may observe too that the derivative theories are afflicted with the weakness of the primary notion. \/ In the majority of the Publicists, the mode of thought is still "mixed," In studying these writers, the great difficulty is H 93 HISTORY OF LAW OF NATURE. chap, it. always to discover whether they are discussing law or morality — ^whether the state of international re- lations they describe is actual or ideal — whether they lay down that which is, or that which, in their opinion, ought to be. -^ / The assumption that Natural Law is binding on states inter se is the next in rank of those which underlie International Law*/ A series of assertions or admissions of this principle may be traced up to the very infancy of modern juridical science, and at first sight it seems a direct inference from the teaching of the Romans. The civil condition of society being distinguished from the natural by the fact that in the first there is a distinct author of law, while in the last there is none, it appears as if the moment a number of units were acknowledged to obey no com- mon sovereign or political superior they were thrown back on the ulterior behests of the Law Natural? States are such units; the hypothesis of their inde- pendence excludes the notion of a common lawgiver, and draws with it, therefore, according to a certain range of ideas, the notion of subjection to the primeval order of nature. The alternative is to consider in- dependent communities as not related to each other by any law, but this condition of lawlessness is ex- actly the vacuum which the Nature of the juriscon- sults abhorred. There is certainly apparent reason for thinking that if the mind of a Roman lawyer rested on any sphere fi"om which civil law was CHAP. rv. INTERNATIONAL LAW. 99 banished, it would instantly fiU the void with the ordinances of Nature. It is never safe, however, to < assume that conclusions, however certain and im- mediate in our own eyes, were actually drawn at any period of history. yNo passage has ever been ad- duced from the remains of Roman law which, in my judgmentji proves the jurisconsults to have believed natural law to have obligatory force between inde- pendent commonwealthsV and we cannot but see jthat to citizens of the Roman empire, who regarded their sovereign's dominions as conterminous with civili- sation, the equal subjection of states to the Law of Nature, if contemplated at all, must have seemed at most an extreme result of curious speculation. The truth appears to be that modem "International Law, undoubted as is its descent from Roman law, is only connected with it by an irregular filiation. v^The early modern interpreters of the jurisprudence of Rome, misconceiving the meaning of Jus Gentium, assumed without hesitation that the Romans had bequeathed to them a system of rules for the adjustment of international transactions."/ This " Law of Nations " was at first an authority which had formidable com- petitors to strive with, and the condition of Europe was long such as to preclude its universal reception. Gradually, however, the western world arranged itself in a form more favourable to the theory of the civilians; circumstances destroyed the credit of rival 100 HISTOEY OF LAW OF NATURE. chap. it. doctrines; and at last, at a peculiarly felicitous con- juncture, Ayala and Grotius were able to obtain for it the enthusiastic assent of Europe, an assent which has been over and over again renewed in every variety of solemn engagement. The great men to whom its triumph is chiefly owing attempted, it need scarcely be said, to place it on an entirely new basis, and it is un- questionable that in the course of this displacement (they altered much of its structure, though far less of it than is commonly supposed. \|Having adopted ^ from the Antonine jurisconsults the position that the Jus Gentium and the Jus Naturae were identical, ^ xi Grotius^ with his immediate predecessors and his im- mediate successors,'^attributed to the Law of Nature an authority which would'^never perhaps "Ihave been claimed for it^ if " Law of Nations " had not in that age been an ambiguous expression. They laid down unreservedly that Natural Law is the code of states, and thusvput in operationi^a process which has con- tinued almost down to our own day,v6he process of engrafting on the international system rules which are supposed to have been evolved from the un- assisted contemplation of the conception of NatureV There is, too, one consequence of immense practical importance to mankind which, though not unknown during the early modem history of Europe, was never clearly or universally acknowledged till the doctrines of the Grotian school had prevailed. If , OHAP. rv. INTEENATIONAL LAW. 101 fclie society of nations is governed by Natural Law, Vthe atoms which compose it must be absolutely equal. Men under the sceptre of Nature are all equal, and accordingly commonwealths are equal if the inter- national state be one of nature. / The proposition that independent communities, however different in size and power, are all equal in the view of the law of nations, has largely contributed to the happiness of mankind, though it is constantly threatened by the political tendencies of each successive age. It is a doctrine which probably would never have obtained a secure footing at aU if International Law had not been entirely derived from the majestic claims of Natxire by the Publicists who wrote after the revival of letters. On the whole, however, it is astonishing, as I have observed before, how small a proportion the additions made to International Law since Grotius's day bear to the ingredients which have been simply taken from the most ancient stratum of the Roman Jus Gentium. Acquisition of territory has always been the great spur of national ambition, and the rules which govern this acquisition, together with the rules which mode- rate the wars in which it too frequently results, are ■ merely transcribed from the part of the Roman Law which treats of the modes of acquiring property jure gentium. These modes of acquisition were obtained by the elder jurisconsults, as I have attempted to 102 HISTOEY OF LAW OF NATURE. CHiP. TV. explain, by abstracting a common ingredient from the usages observed to prevail among the various tribes surrounding Rome ; and, having been classed on account of their origin in the " law commoiiL to all nations," they were thought by the later lawyers ^o fit in, on the score of their simplicity, with the more recent conception of a Law Natural. They thus made their way into the modern Law of Nations, and the result is that those parts of the international system which refer to dominion, its nature, its limi- tations, the modes of acquiring and securing it, are I pure Roman Property Law — so much, that is to say, of the Roman Law of Property as the Antonine juris- consults imagined to exhibit a certain congruity with the natural state. ^In order that these chapters of International Law may be capable of application, it is \necessary that sovereigns should be related to eachj other like the members of a group of Roman pro- prietors. 7 This is another of the postulates which lie at the threshold of the International Code, and it is also one which could not possibly have been sub- scribed to during the first centuries of modern European history, v* I* is resolvable into the double proposition that " sovereignty is territorial," i.e., that it is always associated with the proprietorship of a limited portion of the .earth's surface, and that "sove- reigns inter se are to be deemed not paramount, but absolute, owners of the state's territory." CHAP. IT. INTERNATIONAL LAW. 108 Many contemporary writers on International Law tacitly assume that the doctrines of their system, , founded on principles of equity and common sense, were capable of being readily reasoned out in every stage of modern civilisation. But this assumption, while it conceals some real defects of the inter- national theory, is altogether untenable so far us regards a large part of modem history. It is not true that the authority of the Jus Gentium in the concerns of nations was always uncontradicted ; on the contrary, it had to struggle long against the claims of several competing systems. It is again not true that the territorial character of sovereignty was always recognised, for long after the dissolution of the Roman dominion the minds of men were under the empire of ideas irreconcileable with such y a conception. An old order of things, and of views founded on it, had to decay — a new Europe, and an apparatus of new notions congenial to it, had to spring up — before two of the chiefest postulates of International Law could be universally con- ceded. It is a consideration well worthy to be kept in view, that during a large part of what we usually term modem history no such conception was enter- tained as that of " territorial soverdgnty." [^Sove- reignty was not associated with dominion over a portion or subdivision of the earth. 1 The world had 104 HISTOKY OF LAW OF NATURE. chav, rv. Iain for bo many centuries under tlie shadow of Imperial Eome as to have forgotten that distribu- tion of the vast spaces comprised in the Empire which had once parcelled them out into a nimiber of independent commonwealths, claiming immunity from extrinsic interference, and pretending to equality of national rights, ^fter the subsidence of the bar- barian irruptions, the notion-^ of sovereignty ^that prevailed seems to have been twofold. On the one hand it assumed the form of what may be called " ^j'ie-sovereignty." The Franks, the Burgundians, the Vandals, the Lombards, and Visigoths were masters, of course, of the territories which they occupied, and to which some of them have given a geographical appellation; but they based no claim of right upon the fact of territorial possession, and indeed attached no importance to it whatever. vT^hey appear to have retained the traditions which they brought with them from the forest and the steppe, and to have still been in their own view a patriarchal society, a nomad horde, merely encamped for the time upon the soil which afforded them sustenance, v Part of Transalpine Gaul, with part of Germany, had now become the country de facto occupied by the Franks — ^it was France ; but the Merovingian line of chief- tains, the descendants of Clovis, were not Kings of France, they were Kings of the Franks. Territorial titles were not unknown, but they seem at first to CHAP. rv. rERBITOEIAL SOVEEBIGNTY. 106 have come into use only as a convenient mode of designating the ruler of a portion of the tribe's > ^possessions ; the king of a whole tribe was king of his people, not of his people's lands./' /Xhe alter- native to this peculiar notion of sovereignty appears to have been — and this is the important point — ^the \^ea of universal dominion.*/ When a monarch de- parted from the special relation of chief to clans- men, and became solicitous, for purposes of his own, to invest himself with a novel form of sovereignty, the precedent which suggested itself for his adoption was the domination of the Emperors of Rome. To parody a common quotation, he became " aut Caesar aut nvllus." Either he pretended to the full pre- rogative of the Byzantine Emperor, or he had no political status. In our own age, when a new dynasty is desirous of obliterating the prescriptive title of a deposed line of sovereigns, it takes its designafion from the people, instead of the territory. Thus we have Emperors and Kings of the French, and a King of the Belgians. / At the period of which we have been speaking, under similar circumstances, a differ- ent alternative presented itself; The Chieftain who would no longer call himself King of the tribe must claim to be Emperor of the world. Thus, when the hereditary Mayors of the Palace had ceased to compromise with the monarchs they had long since virtually dethroned, they soon became 106 HISTCRY OF LAW OF NATURE. chap. rv. unfiling to call themselves merely Kings of the Franks, a title which belonged to the displaced Merovings ; but they could not style themselves Kings of France, for such a designation, though ap- parently not unknown, was not a title of dignity. Accordingly they came forward as aspirants to universal empire. Their motive has been greatly misapprehended. It has been taken for granted by recent French writers that Charlemagne was far before his age, quite as much in the character of his designs as in the energy with which he prosecuted them. Whether it be true or not that anybody is at any time before his age, it is certainly true that Charlemagne, in aiming at an unlimited dominion, was emphatically taking the only course which the characteristic ideas of his age permitted him to follow. Of his intellectual eminence there cannot be a question, but it is proved by his acts and not by his theory. The speculative universality of sovereignty long continued to be associated with the Imperial throne, and indeed was never thoroughly dissociated from it so long as the empire of Germany lasted: (Territorial sovereignty — the view which connects sovereignty with the possession of a limited portion of the earth's surface — ^was distinctly an oflFshoot, though a tardy one, ot feudalism.^ iThis might have been expected a priori, for it was feudalism which for the first time CHAP. IT. TBEEITOKIAL SOVEREIGNTY. 107 linked personal duties, and by consequence personal rights, to the ownership of land. ^Whatever be the , proper view of its origin and legal nature, the best mode of vividly picturing to ourselves the feudal organisation is to begin with the basis ; to consider the relation of the tenant to the patch of soil which created and limited his services — and then to mount up, through narrowing circles of super-feudation, tiU we approximate to the apex of the system. ) Where that summit exactly was during the later portion of the dark ages it is not easy to decide. Probably, wherever the conception of tribe sovereignty had really decayed, the topmost point was always assigned to the supposed successor of the Caesars of the West. But before long, when the actual sphere of Imperial authority had immensely contracted, and when the emperors had concentrated the scanty remains of their power upon Germany and North Italy, the highest feudal superiors in all the outlying portions of the former Carloviagian empire found themselves practically without a supreme head. Gradually they habituated themselves to the new situation, and the fact of immunity put at last out of sight the theory of dependence ; but there are many symptoms that this change was not quite easily accomplished ; and, indeed, to the impression that in the nature of things there must necessarily be a culminating domination somewhere, we may, no doubt, refer the increasing 108 HISTOEY OF LAW OF NATURE. chap. it. tendency to attribute secular superiority to the See of Rome. The completion of the first stage in the revo- lution of opinion is marked, of course, by the accession of the Capetian dynasty in France. Before that epoch arrived, several of the holders of the great territorial fiefs into which the Carlovingian empire was now split up, had begun to call themselves Kings, instead of Dukes or Counts ; but the impor- tant change occurred when the feudal prince of a limited territory surrounding Paris, usurped jfrom the earlier house their dynastic title of Kings of the French. Hugues Capet and his descendants were kings in quite a new sense, sovereigns standing in the same relation to the soil of France as the baron to his estate, the tenant to his freehold ; and the old tribal appellation, though long retained in the official Latin style of the reigning house, passed rapidly, in the vernacular, into Kings of France. The form of the monarchy iu France had visible effects in hastening changes which were elsewhere proceeding in the same direction. ^The kingship of our Anglo-Saxon regal houses was midway between the chieftainship of a tribe and a territorial supremacy ; but the superiority of the Norman monarchs, imitated from that of the King of France, was distinctly a territorial sovereignty.] Every subsequent dominion which was establishedl or consolidated was formed on the later modd/ Spain, Naples, and the principalities founded on the CHAr. IV. INTERNATIONAL LAW. 109 ruins of municipal freedom, in Italy, were all under rulers whose sovereignty was territorial. Few things, , I may add, are more curious than the gradual lapse of the Venetians from one view to the other. At the commencement of its foreign conquests, the republic regarded itself as an antitype of the Roman common- wealth, governing a number of subject provinces. Move a century onwards, and you find that it wishes to be looked upon as a corporate sovereign, claiming the rights of a feudal suzerain over its possessions in Italy and the -^gean. During the period through which the popular ideas on the subject of sovereignty were undergoing this remarkable change, the system which stood in the place of what we now call International Law was heterogeneous in form and inconsistent in the prin- ciples to which it appealed. Over so much of Europe as was comprised in the Romano-German empire, the connexion of the confederate states was regulated by the complex and as yet incomplete mechanism of the Imperial constitution ; and, surprising as it may seem to us, it was a favourite notion of German lawyers that the relations of commonwealths, whether inside or outside the empire, ought to be regulated not by the Jus Gentium, but by the. pure Roman jurispru- dence of which Caesar was still the centre. This doctrine was less confidently repudiated in the out- lying countries than we might have supposed antece- 110 mSTOEY OF LAW OF NATUKE. chap. iv. dently ; but substantially, through the rest of Europe feudal subordinations furnished a substitute for a public law ; and when those were undetermined or ambiguous, there lay behind, in theory at least, a supreme regulating force in the authority of the head of the Church. It is certain, however, that both feudal and ecclesiastical influences were rapidly de- caying during the fifteenth and even the fourteenth century ; and if we closely examine the current pre- texts of wars, and the avowed motives of alliances it will be seen that, step by step with the displace- ment of the old principles, the views afterwards har- monised and consolidated by Aya la and Grotius were making considerable progress, though it was silent and but slow. Whether the fusion of aU the sources of authority would ultimately have evolved a system 6f international relations, and whether that system would have exhibited material differences from the fabric of Grotius, is not now possible to decide, for as a matter of fact the Reformation annihilated aJl its potential elements except one. Beginning in Germany, it divided the princes of the empire by a gulf too broad to be bridged over by the Imperial supremacy, even if the Imperial superior had stood neutral. He, .however, was forced to take colour with the Church against the reformers ; the Pope was, as a matter of course, in the same predicament ; and thus the two authorities to whom belonged the office CHAP. IV. GBOTIBS, 111 of mediation between combatants became themselves the chiefs of one great faction in the schism of the nations. Feudalism, already enfeebled and discredited as a principle of public relations furnished no bond whatever which was stable enough to countervail the alliances of religion. In a condition, therefore, of public law which was little less than chaotic, those views of a state system to which the Roman juriscon- sults were supposed to have given their sanction alone remained standing. The shape, the symmetry, and the prominence which they assumed in the hands of Grotius are known to every educated man ; but the great marvel of the Treatise "De Jure Belli et Pacis," was its rapid, complete, and universal success. The horrors of the Thirty Years' "War, the boundless terror and pity which the unbridled licence of the soldiery was exciting, must, no doubt, be taken to explain that success in some measure, but they do not wholly account for it. Very little penetration into the ideas of that age is required to convince one that, if the ground plan of the international edifice which was sketched in the great book of Grotius had not appeared to be theoretically perfect, it would have been discarded by jurists and neglected by statesmen and soldiers. It is obvious that the speculative perfection of the Grotian system is intimately connected with that lis HISTORY OF LAW OF NATURE. CHiOP. rv conception of territorial sovereignty which we have V been discussing, v The theory of International Law_ assumes that commonwealths a re, relatively to each other, in a state of nature ; but the component atoms of a natural society must, by the fundamental as- sumption, be insulated and independent of each other. ,j If there be a higher powet connecting them, however slightly and occasionally, by the claim of common supremacy, the very conception of a com- \/>mon superior introduces the notion of positive Law, and excludes the idea of a law natural. J It, follows, therefore, that if the universal suzerainty of an Im- perial head had been admitted even in bare theory, the labours of Grotius would have been idle. Nor is this the only point of junction between modern public law and those views of sovereignty of which I have endeavoured to describe the development. I have said that there are entire departments of intei'- national jurisprudence which consist of the Roman Law of Property. What then is the inference ? It isj that if there had been no such change as I have described in the estimate of sovereignty — ^if sove- \reignty had not been associated with the proprietor- ship of a limited portion of the earth, had not, in other words, become territorial — ^three parts of the Grotian theory would have been incapable of appli- cation. CHAP. T. PKIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. 118 CHAPTER V. PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. The necessity of submitting the subject of jurispru- dence to scientific treatment has never been entirely lost sight of in modern times, and the essays which the consciousness of this necessity has produced have proceeded fi*om minds of very various calibre, but there is not much presumption, I think, in as- serting that what has hitherto stood in the place of a science has for the most part been a set of guesses, those very guesses of the Koman lawyers which were examined in the two preceding chapters. A series of explicit statements, recognising and adopting these conjectural theories of a natural state, and of a system of principles congenial to it, has been con- tinued with but brief interruption from the days of their inventors to our own. They appear in the annotations of the Glossators who founded modern jurisprudence, and in the writings of the scholastic jurists who succeeded them. They are visible in the dogmas of the canonists. They are thrust into prominence by those civilians of marvellous erudi- tion, who flourished at the revival of ancient letters.. XU PBIMITIVE SOCIETY AND AJVTCIBUJfT LAW. chaj?. v. Grotius and his successors invested them not more with brilliancy and plausibility than with practical importance. They may be read in the introductory chapters of our own Blackstone, who has transcribed them textually from Burlamaqui, and wherever the manuals published in the present day for the guid- ance of the student or the practitioner begin with any discussion of the first principles of law, it always resolves itself into a restatement of the Eoman hypothesis. It is however from the disguises with which these conjectures sometimes clothe them- selves, quite as much as from their native form, that we gain an adequate idea of the subtlety with which they mix themselves in human thought. The Lockeian theory of the origin of Law in a Social Compact scarcely conceals its Roman derivation, and indeed is only the dress by which the ancient views were ren- dered more attractive to a particular generation of the modems ; but on the other hand the theory of Hobbes on the same subject was purposely devised to repudiate the reality of a law of nature as con- ceived by the Romans and their disciples. Yet these two theories, which long divided the reflecting politicians of England into hostile camps, resemble each other strictly in their fundamental assumption df a non-historic, unverifiable, condition of the race. Their authors differed as to the characteristics of the prae-social state, and as to the nature of the abnormal / CHiP, V. MONTESQT^IEU. 115 action by which men lifted themselves out of it into that social organisation with which alone we are acquainted, but they agreed in thinking that a great chasm separated man in his primitive condition from man in society, and this notion we cannot doubt that they borrowed, consciously or unconsciously, from the Eomans. If indeed the phenomena of law be re- garded in the way in which these theorists regarded them — that is, as one vast complex whole — it is not surprising that the mind should often evade the task it has set to itself by falling back on some ingenious conjecture which (plausibly interpreted) will seem to reconcile eveiything, or else that it should sometimes abjure in despair the labour of systematization. From the theories of jurisprudence which have the same speculative basis as the Koman doctrine two of much celebrity must be excepted. The first of them is that associated with the great name of Montesquieu. Though there are some ambiguous expressions in the early part of the Esprit des Lois, which seem to show its writer's unwillingness to break quite openly with the views hitherto popular, the general drift of the book is certainly to indicate a very different conception of its subject from any which had been entertained before. It has often been noticed that, amidst the vast variety of ex- amples which, in its immense width of survey, it sweeps together from supposed systems of juris- 116 PRIMITIVE SOCIE'h; AND ANCIENT LAW, chap, v, prudence, there is an evident anxiety to thrust into especial prominence those manners and institu- tions which astonish the civilised reader by then* uncouthness, strangeness, or indecency. The in- ference constantly suggested is, that laws are the creatures of climate, local situation, accident, or im- posture — ^the fruit of any causes except those which appear to operate with tolerable constancy. Mon- tesquieu seems, in fact, to have looked on the nature of man as entirely plastic, as passively reproducing the impressions, and submitting implicitly to the impulses, which it receives from without. And here no doubt lies the error which vitiates his system as a system. He greatly underrates the stability of h uma n nature. He pays little or no regard to the inheritedjualities^ of the race, those qaaUties which each generation receives from its predecessors, and transmits but slightly altered to the generation which follows it. It is quite true, indeed, that no complete account can be given of social phenomena, and consequently of laws, tiU due allowance has been made for those modifying causes which are noticed in the Esprit des Lois; but their number and their force appear to have been over-estimated by Montesquieu. Many of the anomalies which he parades have since been shown to rest on false report or erroneous construc- tion, and of those which remain not a few prove the permanence rather than the variableness of man's CHAP. T. MONTESQUIEU AND BENTHAM. 117 uature, since they are relics of older stages of the race which have obstinately defied the influences that have elsewhere had effect. The truth is that the stable part of our mental, moral, and physical constitution is the largest part of it, and the resist- ance it opposes to change is such that, though the variations of human society in a portion of the world are plain enough, they are neither so rapid nor so extensive that their amount, character, and general direction cannot be ascertained. An approximation to truth may be all that is attainable with our present knowledge, but there is no reason for think- ing that it is so remote, or (what is the same thing) that it requires so much future correction, as to be entirely useless and uninstructive. The other theory which has been adverted to is, the historical theory of Bentham. This theory which is obscurely (and, it might even be said, timidly) propounded in several parts of Bentham's works is quite distinct from that analysis of the con- ception of law which he commenced in the " Frag- ment on Government," and which was more recently completed by Mr. John Austin. The resolution of a law into a conunand of a particular nature, imposed under special conditions, does not affect to do more than protect us against a difficulty — a most formi- dable one certainly — of language. The whole ques- tion remains open as to the motives of societies in 118 PEIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. CHAP. t. imposing these commands on themselves, as to the connexion of these commands with each other, and the nature of their dependence on those which pre- ceded them, and which they have superseded. Ben- tham suggests the answer that societies modify, and have always modified, their laws according to jaod i- fi cations of their views of general expediency. It is difficult to say that this proposition is false, but it certainly appears to be unfi-uitful. For that which seems expedient to a society, or rather to the go- verning part of it, when it alters a rule of law, is surely the same thing as the object, whatever it may be, which it has in view when it makes the change. Expediency and the greatest good are nothing more than different names for the impulse which prompts the modification ; and when we lay down expediency as the rule of change in law or opinion, aU we get by the proposition is the substitution of an express term for a term which is necessarily implied when we say that a change takes place. There is such wide-spread dissatisfaction with existing theories of jurisprudence, and so general a conviction that they do not really solve the questions they pretend to dispose of, as to justify the suspicion that some line of inquiry, necessary to a perfect result, has been incompletely followed or altogether omitted by their authors. And indeed there is one remarkable omission with which aU these specula- CHAT. V. PEOPEE MODE OF INQUIET. 119 tions are chargeable, except pei'haps those of Mon- \ tesquieu. They take no account of what law has < actually been at epochs remote from the particular period at which they made their appearance. Their originators carefully observed the institutions of their own age and civilisation, and those of other ages and civiHsations with which they had some degree of intellectual sympathy, but, when they turned their attention to archaic states of society which exhibited much superficial diflFerence from their own, they uni- formly ceased to observe and began guessing. The mistake which they committed is therefore analogous to the error of one who, in investigating the laws of the material universe, should commence by contem- plating the existing physical world as a whole, in- stead of beginning with the particles which are its simplest ingredients. One does not certainly see why such a scientific solecism should be more de- fensible in jurisprudence than in any other region of thought. It would seem antecedently that we ought to commence with the simplest social forms in a state as near as possible to their rudimentary condi- tion. In other words, if we followed the course usual in such inquiries, we should penetrate as far up as we could m the history of primitive societies. The phenomena which early societies present us with are not easy at first to understand, but the difficulty of grappling with them bears no proportion to the 120 PBIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. t. perplexities which beset us in considering the baffling entanglement of modern social organisation. It is a difficulty arising from their strangeness and un- couthness, not fi'om their number and complexity. One does not readily get over the surprise which they occasion when looked at from a modern point of view; but when that is surmounted they are few enough and simple enough. But, even if they gave more trouble than they do, no pains would be wasted in ascertaining the germs out of which has assuredly been unfolded every form of moral restraint which controls our actions and shapes our conduct at the present moment. The rudime nts of the social state, so far as they are knownJo,us at_all^re_iiKiwil.ihisughJ^es^^ of three^sorts — accounts by contemporar y obse rvers of ciyilisationg^less advanced than their own, the re- cords which particular races have preserved concern- ing theirprimitive histo ry, and ancient law. The first kind of evidence is the best we could have expected. As societies do not advance concurrently, but at dif ferent rates of progress, there have been epochs at which men trained to haibits of methodical observa- tion have really been in a position to watch and de- scribe the infancy of mankind. Tacitus made the most of such an opportunity; but the Germany, unlike most celebrated classical books, has not induced others to follow the excellent example set by its author, and OHAP. V. THE GERMANY OF TACITUS. ]21 the amount of this sort of testimony which we pos- sess is exceedingly small. The lofty contempt which a civilised people entertains for barbarous neighbours has caused a remarkable negligence in observing them, and this carelessness has been aggravated at times by fear, by religious prejudice, and even by the use of these very terms — civilisation and bar- barism — which convey to most persons the impres- sion of a difference not merely in degree but in kind. Even the Germany has been suspected by some critics of sacrificing fidelity to poignancy of contrast and picturesqueness of narrative. Other histories, too, which have been handed down to us among the archives of the people to whose infancy they relate have been thought distorted by the pride of race or by the religious sentiment of a newer age. It is important then to observe that these suspicions, whe- ther groundless or rational, do not attach to a great deal of archaic law. Much of the old law which has descended to us was preserved merely because it was old. Those who practised and obeyed it did not pretend to understand it ; and in some cases they even ridiculed and despised it. They offered no account of it except that it had come down to them from their ancestors. If we confine our attention, then, to those fragments of ancient institutions which canilot reasonably be supposed to have been tampered with, we are able to gain a clear conception of certain 122 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AOT) ANCIENT LAW. chap. v. great characteristics of tlie society to which they originally belonged. Advancing a step further, we can apply our knowledge to systems of law which, like the Code of Manu, are as a whole of suspicious authenticity ; and using the key we have obtained, we are in a position to discriminate those portions of them which are truly archaic from those which have been affected by the prejudices, interests, or ignorance of the compiler. It will at least be acknowledged that, if the materials for this process are sufficient, and if the comparisons be accurately executed, the methods followed are as little objectionable as those which have led to such surprising results in com- parative philology. The effect of the evidence derived from compara- tive jurisprudence is to establish that view of the primaeval condition of the human race which is known as the Patriarchal Theory. There is no doubt, of course, that this theory was originally based on the Scriptural history of the Hebrew patriarchs in Lower Asia ; but, as has been explained already, its con- nexion with Scripture rather militated than other- wise against its reception as a complete theory, since the majority of the inquirers who till recently ad- dressed themselves with most earnestness to the colli- gation of social phenomena, wei'e either influenced by the strongest prejudice against Hebrew antiquities or by the strongest desire to construct their system CHAP. V. SCBIPTURAL ACCOUNTS. 123 without the aesistance of religious records. Even now there is perhaps a disposition to undervalue these accounts, or rather to decline generalising from them, as forming part of the traditions of a Semitic people. It is to be noted, however, that the legal testimony comes nearly exclusively from the institutions of societies belonging to the Indo-European stock, the Eomans, Hindoos, and Sclavonians supplying the greater part of it ; and indeed the difficulty, at the present stage of the inquiry, is to know where to stop, to say of what races of men it is not allowable to lay down that the society in which they are united was originally organised on the patriarchal model. The chief lineaments of such a society, as collected from the early chapters in Genesis, I need not attempt to depict with any minuteness, both because they are familiar to most of us from our earliest childhood, and because, from the interest once attaching to the controversy which takes its name from the debate between Locke and FUmer, they fill a whole chapter, though not a very profitable one, in English litera- ture. The points which lie on the surface of the history are these :-£The eldest male parent — the eldest ascendant — ^is absolutely supreme in his house- hold. His dominion extends to life and death, and is as unqualified over his children and their houses as over his slaves ; indeed, the relations of sonship and serfdom appear to difier in little beyond the higher 124 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chip. t. capacity which the child in blood possesses of be- coming one day the head of a family himself. The flocks and herds of the children are the flocks and herds of the father, and the possessions of the parent, which he holds in a representative rather than in a proprietary character, are equally divided at his death among his descendants in the first degree, the eldest son sometimes receiving a double share under the name of birthright, but more generally endowed with no hereditary advantage beyond an honorary precedence^A less obvious inference from the Scrip- tural accounts is that they seem to plant us on the traces of the breach which is first effected in the empire of the parent. The families of Jacob and Esau separate and form two nations ; but the families of Jacob's children hold together and become a people This looks like the immature germ of a state or com- monwealth, and of an order of rights superior to the claims of family relation. If I were attempting, for the more special purposes of the jurist, to express compendiously the charac- teristics of the situation in which mankind disclose themselves at the dawn of their history, I should be satisfied to quote a few verses from the Odyssey of Homer : Toiaiv S' ovT^ ayopai j3svXi}0opot ovrc 6e/i(trrti;, . . . BentaTtiei Si tKaoroc Toiiwv )}2' oKo^xiiiVf oih' ii\Kri\wv aXeyovinv, CHAP. V. PRIMITIVE SOCIETY, 126 " They have neither assemblies for consultation nor tliemistes, but every one exercises jurisdiction over . his wives and his children, and they pay no regard to one another." These lines are applied to the Cyclops, and it may not perhaps be an altogether fanciful idea when I suggest that the Cyclops is Homer's type of an alien and less advanced civilisation ; for the almost physical loathing which a primitive com- munity feels for men of widely different manners from its own usually expresses itself by describing them as monsters, such as giants, or even (which is almost always the case in Oriental mythology) as demons. However that may be, the verses condense in themselves the sum of the hints which are given us by legal antiquities. Men are first seen distributed •- in perfectly insulated groups, held together by obe- dience to the parent. Law is the parent's word, but it is not yet in the condition of those themistes which were analysed in the first chapter of this work. When we go forward to the state of society in which these early legal conceptions show themselves as formed, we find that they still partake of the mystery and spontaneity which must have seemed to charac- terise a despotic father's commands, but that at the same time, inasmuch as they proceed fi"om a sovereign, they presuppose a union of family groups in some wider organisation. The next question is, what is the nature of this union and the degree of intimacy which 126 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap, v, it involves ? It is just here that archaic law renders us one of the greatest of its services, and fills up a gap which otherwise could only have been bridged by con- jecture. It is full, in all its provinces, of the clearest indications that society in primitive times was not what it is assumed to be at present, a^ collectio n of mdividuals . In fact, and in the view of the men who composed it, i t was an aggregation of familie s. [The c ontrast may be most forcib ly,, expressed by saying that the unit of an ancient society_was the •'^S£^Zi_J9^ ^- ffiPA^EW- society jthe^indiyidual. We must be prepared to find in ancient law all the con- sequences of this difference. It is so frame,dr as to be adjusted to a system of small independent cor- •porations. It is therefore scanty, because it is sup- plemented by the despotic commands of the heads ^ of households. It is ceremonious, because the trans- actions to which it pays regard resemble interna- tional concerns much more than the quick play of intercourse between individuals. Above all, it has a peculiarity of which the full importance cannot be shown at present. It takes a view of life wholly unlike any which appears in developed jurisprudence. /'Corporations never die, and accordingly primitive law considers the entities with which it deals, i.e., the patriarchal or family groups, as perpetual and inex- tinguishable. This view is closely allied to the pecu- liar aspect under which, in very ancient times, moral CHAP. V. EARLY MOEAL DOCTRINES. 127 attributes present themselves. The moral elevation and moral debasement of the individual appear to be confounded with, or postponed to, the merits and oflfences of the group to which the individual belongs. |If the community sins, its guilt is much more than the sum of the offences committed by its members j the crime is a corporate act, and extends in its con- sequences to many more persons than have shared in its actual perpetration^ |lf, on the other hand, the individual is conspicuously guUty, it is his children, his kinsfolk, his tribesmen, or his fellow-citizens who suffer with him, and sometimes for him.J It thus happens that the ideas of moral responsibility and retribution often seem to be more clearly realised at very ancient than at more advanced periods, for, as the family group is immortal, and its liability to punishment indefinite, the primitive mind is not per- plexed by the questions which become troublesome as soon as the individual is conceived as altogether separate from the group. One step in the transition fi-om the ancient and simple view of the matter to the theological or metaphysical explanations of later days is marked by the early Greek notion of an inherited curse. The bequest received by his posterity from the original criminal was not a liability to punish- ment, but a liability to the commission of firesh offences which drew with them a condign retribution ; / and thus the responsibility of the family was reconciled y 128 PEIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIKNT LAW. chap. t. with the newer phase of thought which limited the consequences of crime to the person of the actual delinquent.! It would be a very simple explanation of the origin of society if we could base a general conclusion on the hint furnished us by the Scriptural example already adverted to, and could suppose that communities be- gan to exist wherever a family held together instead of separating at the death of its patriarchal chieftain. In most of the Greek states and in Rome there long remained the vestiges of an ascending series of groups out of which the State was at first constituted. The Family, House, and Tribe of the Romans may be taken as the type of them, and they are so described to us that we can scarcely help conceiving them as a system of concentric circles which have gradually expanded from the same point. The elementary group is the Family, connected by common subjection to the highest male ascendant. [ The aggregation of Families forms the Gens or House. The aggregation of Houses makes the Tribe. The aggregation of Tribes constitutes the commonwealth} Are we at liberty to foUow these indications, and to lay down that the commonwealth is a collection of persons united by common descent from the progenitor of an original family? Of this we may at least be certain, that all ancient societies regarded themselves as having pro- ceeded from one original stock, and even laboured can. T. EARLY POLITICAL IDEAS. 129 under an incapacity for comprehending any reason except this for their holding together in political union. Th e history of poli tical ideas begins, in fact,! with the assumption that ki:Ship in"Wood is the sole/ possible groimd of community in political functions^! nor is there any of those subversions of feeling, which we term emphatically revolutions, so startling and so complete as the change which is accomplished when some other principle — such as that, for instance, of local contiguity — establishes itself for the first time as the basis of common political action. It may be affirmed, then, of early commonwealths that their citi- zens considered aU the groups in which they claimed membership to be founded on common lineage. What was obviously true of the Family was beheved to be true first of the House, next of the Tribe, lastly of the State. And yet we find that along with this belief, or, if we may use the word, this theory, each community preserved records or traditions which distinctly showed that the fundamental assumption was false. Whether we look to the Greek States, or to Rome, or to the Teutonic aristocracies in Ditmarsh which furnished Niebuhr with so many valuable illustrations, or to the Celtic clan associations, or to that strange social organisation of the Sclavonic Russians and Poles which has only lately attracted notice, everywhere we discover traces of passages in their history when men of alien descent were 130 PBIMITIVB SOCIETT AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. t. admitted to, and amalgamated with, the original brotherhood. Adverting to Rome singly, we perceive that the primary group, theJFamily, was being con- stantly adulterated by the practice of adoption, whUe stories seem to have been always current respecting the exotic extraction of one of the original Tribes, and concerning a large addition to the Houses made by one of the early kings. The composition of the state uniformly assumed to be natural was nevertheless known to be in great measure artificial. This con- flict between belief or theory and notorious fact is at first sight extremely perplexing ; but what it really illustrates is the efficiency with which Legal Fictions do their work in the infancy of society. The earliest and most extensively employed of legal fictions was that which permitted family relations to be created artificially, and there is none to which I conceive mankind to be more deeply indebted. If it had never existed, I do not see how any one of the primitive groups, whatever were their nature, could have ab- sorbed another, or on what terms any two of them could have combined, except those of absolute superi- ority on one side and absolute subjection on the other. No doubt, when with our modern ideas we contem- plate the union of independent communities, we can suggest a hundred modes of carrying it out, the simplest of all being that the individuals comprised in the coalescing groups shall vote or act together CHAP. V. riCTION OF ADOPTION. 131 according to local propinquity ; but the idea that a number of persons should exercise political rights in common simply because they happened to live within te same topographical limits was utterly strange and - onstrous to primitive antiquity. The expedient which in those times commanded favour was that the incoming population should fei gn , th^m^^ves^ be desce nd^ed^from. the same stock_a& -the pec^le-on- who m they were engrafted ; and it is precisely the good faith of this fiction, and the closeness with which it seemed to imitate reality, that we cannot now hope to understand. One circumstance, how- ever, which it is important to recoUect, is that the men who formed the various political groups were certainly in the habit of meeting together periodically for the purpose of acknowledging and consecrating their association by common sacrifices. Strangers amalgamated with the brotherhood were doubtless admitted to these sacrifices ; and when that was once done, we can believe that it seemed equally easy, or not more difficult, to conceive them as sharing in the common lineage. The conclusion, then, which is sug- gested by the evidence is, not that all early societies were formed by descent fi-om the same ancestor, but that all of them which had any permanence and solidity either were so descended or assumed that they were. An indefinite number of causes may have shattered the primitive groups, but wherever their 132 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND AXCIENT LAW. ca4P. v. ingredients recombined. it was on the model or prin- ciple of an association of kindred. Whatever were the fact, all thought, language, and law adjusted them- selves to the assumption. But though all this seems to me to be established with reference to the commu- nities with whose records we are acquainted, the remainder of their history sustains the position before laid down as to the essentially transient and termi- nable influence of the most powerful Legal Fictions. At some point of time — ^probably as soon as they felt themselves strong enough to resist extrinsic pres- sure — all these states ceased to recruit themselves by factit ious^extensions of consanguinity. They ne- cessarily, therefore, became Aristocracies, in all cases where a fresh population from any cause collected around them which could put in no claim to com- munity of origin. Their sternness in maintaining the central principle of a system under which political rights were attainable on no terms whatever except connexion in blood, real or artificial, taught their inferiors another principle, which proved to be en- dowed with a far higher measure of vitality. This was the principle of local contiguity^ now recognised everywhere as the condition of community in poli- tical functions. A new set of political ideas came at once into existence, which, being those of ourselves, our contemporaries, and in great measure of our ancestors, rather obscure our perception of the older theory which they vanquished and dethroned. CHAP. T. THE ANCIENT FAMIl.Y. i^ / The family, then, is the type of an archaio^ciety in all the modifications which it was capable of* assuming ; but the family here spoken of is not exactly the family as understood by a modftm. In order to reach the ancient conception we must give to our modem ideas an important extension and an inportant limitation. We must look on the family as constantly enlarged by the absorption of strangers within its circle, and we must try to regard the fiction of adoption as so closely simulating liie reality - of kinship that neither law nor opinion makes the' 'slightest difference between a real and an adoptive " connexion. On the other hand, the persons theo- retically amalgamated into a family by their common descent are practically held together by common obe- dience to their highest living ascendant, the father, grandfather, or great-grandfather. The patriarchal authority of a chieftain is as necessary an ingredient in the notion of the family group as the fact (or as- sumed fact) of its having sprung from his loins ; and hence we must understand that if there be any per- sons who, however truly included in the brotherhood by virtue of their blood-relationship, have neverthe- less de facto withdrawn themselves from the empire of its ruler, they are always, in the beginnings of law, considered as lost to the family. It is this patriarchal aggregate — ^the modem family thus cut down on one side and extended on the other — ^which ^M PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAV. chap. t. meets us on the threshold of primitive jurisprudence. Older, probably, than the State, the Tribe, and the House, it left traces of itself on private law long after the House and the Tribe had been forgotten, and long after cdmsanguinity had ceased to be associated with the cojnposition of States. It will be found to have stamped itself on all the great departments of juris- prudejice, and may be detected, I think, as the true source of many of their most important and most durable characteristics. At the outset, the pecu- liarities of law in its most ancient state lead us irresistibly to the conclusion that it took precisely the same view of the family group which is taken of individual men by the systems of rights and duties now prevalent throughout Europe. There are socie- ties open to our observation at this very moment whose laws and usages can scarcely be explained unless they are supposed never to have emerged from this primitive condition ; but in communities more fortunately circumstanced the fabric of jurisprudence fell gradually to pieces, and if we carefully observe the disintegration we shall perceive that it took place principally in those portions of each system which were most deeply aflfected by the primitive conception of the family. In one all-important instance, that of the Roman law, the change was eflFected so slowly, that from epoch to epoch we can observe the line and direction which it followed, and can even give some CHAP. V. THE PATRIA POTESTAS. 135 idea of the ultimate result to wHch it was tending. And in pursuing this last inquiry we need not suf- • fer ourselves to be stopped by the imaginary barrier which separates the modern from the ancient world. For one eflfect of that mixture of refined Roman law with primitive barbaric usage, which is known to us by the deceptive name of feudalism, was to revive many features of archaic jurisprudence which had died out of the Roman world, so that the decom- position which had seemed to be over commenced again, and to some extent is still proceeding. On a few systems of law the family organisation of the earliest society has left a plain and broad mark in the life-long authority of the Father or other ancestor over the person and property of his descendants, an authority which we may conveniently call by its later Roman name of Patria Potestas. No feature of the rudimentary associations of mankind is deposed to by a greater amount of evidence than this, and yet none seems to have disappeared so generally and so rapidly from the usages of advancing communities. Gains, writing under the Antonines,' describes the institu- tion as distinctively Roman. It is true that, had he glanced across the Rhine or the Danube to those tribes of barbarians which were exciting the curiosity of some among his contemporaries, he would have seen examples of patriarchal power in its crudest fonn; and in the far East a branch of the same ethnical 130 PEIMITIATi: SOCIETY AND ANCIEJS'T LAW. chap. v. stock from whicL. the Romans sprang was repeating their Patria Potestas in some of its most technical incidents. But among the races understood to be comprised within the Roman empire, Gaius could find none which exhibited an institution resembling the Roman " Power of the Father," except only the Asiatic Galatse. There are reasons, indeed, as it seems to me, wh}' the direct authority of the ancestor should, in the greater number of progressive societies, very shortly assume humbler proportions than belonged to it in their earliest state. The implicit obedience of rude men to their parent is doubtless a primary fact, which it would be absurd to explain away altogether by attributing to them any calculation of its advantages ; but, at the same time, if it is natural in the sons to obey the father, it is equally natural that they should look to him for superior strength or superior wisdom. Hence, when societies are placed under circumstances which cause an especial value to be attached to bodily and mental vigour, there is an influence at work which tends to confine the Patria Potestas to the cases where its possessor is actually skilful and strong. When we obtain our first glimpse of orga- nised Hellenic society, it seems as if supereminent wisdom would keep alive the father's power in per- sons whose bodily strength had decayed ; but the relations of Ulysses and Laertes in the Odysaey appear to show that, where extraordmary valour and sagacity CHAP. y. THE PATRIA POTESTAS. 137 were united in the son, the father in the decrepitude of age was deposed from the headship of the family. In the mature Greek jurisprudence, the rule advances a few steps on the practice hinted at in the Homeric literature ; and though very many traces of stringent family obligation remain, the direct authority of the parent is limited, as in European codes, to the non- age or minority of the children, or, in other words, to the period during which their mental and physical inferiority may always be presumed. The Roman law, however, with its remarkable tendency to inno- vate on ancient usage only just so far as the exigency of the commonwealth may require, preserves both the primeval institution and the natural limitation to which I conceive it to have been subject. In every relation of life in which the collective community might have occasion to avail itself of his wisdom and strength, for all purposes of counsel or of war, the Filius Familias, or Son under Power, was as free as his father. It was a maxim of Roman jurisprudence that the P atria Potestas did not extend to the Jus Publicum. Father and son voted together in the city, and fought side by side in the field; indeed, the son, as general, might happen to command the father, or, as magistrate, decide on his contracts and punish his delinquencies. But in all the relations created. by Private Law, the son lived under a domestic despotism which, considering the severity it retained to the 138 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND AlfCIBJ!fT LAW, chap. T. last, and the number of centuries through which it endured, constitutes one of the strangest problems in legal history. The Patri a Potestas of the RoDM|nSj jwluchisneces- sarU^our type..of_:^be. pri meval paternal authority, i s equally difficult to understand as an institution of civilised life, whether we consider its incidence on the person or its effects on property. It is to be regretted that a chasm which exists in its history cannot be more completely filled. So far as regards the per- son, ^£.^iar^t, when our information commences^ms , over his children thj^ jiis viits^Mdsgm, the power of life and death, and a fortiori of uncontrolled, corporal chastisement; he can modify their personal condition at pleasure ; he can give a wife to his son; he can give his daughter in marriage; he can divorce his children of either sex ; he can transfer them to another family by adoption; and he can sell themj Late in the Im- perial period we find vestiges of all these powers, but ■^they are reduced within very narrow limits. The un- qualified right of domestic chastisement has become a right of bringing domestic offences imder the cog- nisance of the civil magistrate; the privilege of dic- tating marriage has decHned into a conditional veto ; the liberty of selling has been virtually abolished, and adoption itself, destined to lose almost all its ancient importance in the reformed system of Justi- nian, can no longer be effected without the assent of CHAP. r. THE PATEIA POTESTAS. 139 the child transferred to the adoptive parentage. In short, we are brought very close to the verge of the ideas which have at length prevailed in the modern world. But between these widely distant epochs there is an interval of obscurity, and we can only guess at the causes which permitted the Patria Potestas to last as long as it did by rendering it more tolerable than it appears. The active discharge of the most important among the duties which the son owed to the state must have tempered the authority of his parent, if they did not annul it. We can readily persuade [ourselves that the paternal despotism could not be brought into play, without great scandal, against a man of full age occupying a high civil office. During the earlier history, however, such cases of practical emancipation would be rare compared with those which must have been created by the constant wars of the Roman republic. The military tribune and the private soldier, who were in the field three-quar- ters of a year during the earlier contests, at a later period the proconsul in charge of a province, and the legionaries who occupied it, cannot have had practical reason to regard themselves as the slaves of a despotic master; and all these avenues of escape tended con- stantly to multiply themselves. Victories led to conquests, conquests to occupations; the mode of occupation by colonies was exchanged for the system of occupying provinces by standing armies. Each 140 PEIIIITIVE SOCIETy AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. v. step in advance was a call for the expatriation of more Roman citizens, and a fresh draft on the blood of the failing Latin race. We may infer, I think, that a strong sentiment in favour of the relaxation of the Patria Potestas had become fixed by the time that the pacification of the world commenced on the establishment of the Empire. The first serious blows at the ancient institution are attributed to the earlier Caesars, and some isolated interferences of G Trajan and Hadrian seem to have prepared the ground for a series of express enactments which, though we cannot always determine their dates, we know to have limited the father's powers on the one hand, and on the other to have multiplied facilities for their voluntary surrender. The older mode of \getting rid of the Potestas, by effecting a triple sale of the son's person, is evidence, I may remark, of a very early feeling against the unnecessary prolonga- tion of the powers. The rule which declared that the son should be free after having been three times sold by his father seems to have been originally meant to entail penal consequences on a practice which revolted even the imperfect morality of the primitive Roman. But even before the publication of the Twelve Tables, it had been turned, by the ingenuity of the jurisconsults, into an expedient for destroying the parental authority wherever the father desired that it should cease. CHAP. V. THE PATEIA POTESTAS. 141 l_ Many of the causes which helped to mitigate the stringency of the father's power over the persons of his children are doubtless among those which do not lie upon the face of histor^ We cannot tell how far public opinion may have paralysed an authority which the law conferred; or how far natural affection may have rendered it endurable. But though the powers over the person may have been latterly no- minal, the whole tenour of the extant Roman juris- prudence suggests that the father's rights over the son's property were always exercised without scruple to the full extent to which they were sanctioned by law. There is nothing to astonish us in the latitude of these rights when they first show themselves. AThe ancient law of Rome forbade the Children under / Power to hold property apart from their parent, or ^ (we should rather say) never contemplated the pos- sibility of their claiming a separate ownership. The father was entitled to take the whole of the son's acquisitions, and to enjoy the benefit of his contracts, without being entangled in any compensating Ha- bilityV' So much as this we should expect from the constitution of the earliest Roman society ; for we can hardly form a notion of the primitive family group unless we suppose that its members brought their earnings of all kinds into the common stock, while they were unable to bind it by improvident individual engagements. The true enigma of the 142 PBIMITIVE SOCIETT AND ANCIENT LAW. chap, t, Patria Potestas does not reside here, but in the bIow- fness with which these proprietary privileges of the parent were curtailed, and in the circumstance that, before they were seriously diminished, the whole civilised world was brought within their sphere. No '\ innovation of any kind was attempted tUl the first years of the Empire, when the acquisitions of soldiers on service were withdrawn from the operation of the Patria Potestas, doubtless as part of the reward of the armies which had overthrown the free common- wealth. Three centuries afterwards the same immu- nity was extended to the earnings of persons who were in the civil employment of the state. Both changes were obviously limited in their application, and they were so contrived in technical form as to interfere as little as possible with, the principle of Patria Potestas. A certain qualified and dependent ownership had always been recognised by tbe Roman law in the perqu isites and savings which slaves and sons under power were not compelled to include in the household accounts, and the special name of this permissive property, Pejulium . was applied to the ac- quisitions newly relieved fi*om Patria Potestas, which were called in the case of soldiers Castrense Peculium, and Quasi-castrense Peculium in the case of civil ser- vants. Other modifications of the parental privileges followed, which showed a less studious outward respect for the ancient principle Y Shortly after the { OHAI. T. THE PATKIA POTESrAS. 143 introduction of tlie Quasi-castrense Peculium, Con- stantine the Great took away the father's absolute control over property which his children had inherited from their motjier, and reduced it to a usufruct^ or life-interest. lA. few more changes of slight import- ance followed in the Western Empire, but the furthest point reached was in the East, under Justinian, who jCTiacted that unless the acquisitions of the child were derived from the parent's own property, the parent's right over them should not extend beyond enjoy- ing their produce for the period of his life. Even this, the utmost relaxation of the Roman Patria Potestas, left it far ampler and severer than any analogous institution of the modern world. The earliest modern writers on jurisprudence remark that it was only the fiercer and ruder of the conquerors of the Empire, and notably the nations of Sclavonic origin, which exhibited a Patria Potestas at aU re- sembling that which was described in the Pandects and the Code. . All the Germanic immigrants seem to have recognised a corporate union of the family under the mund, or authority of a patriarchal chief; but his powers are obviously only the relics of a de- cayed Patria Potestas, and fell far short of those enjoyed by the Roman father. The Franks are particularly mentioned as not having the Roman Institution, and accordingly the old French law- yers, even when most busily engaged in filling the 144 PSIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap, v interstices of barbarous customs with rules of Roman law, were obliged to protect themselves against the intrusion of the Potestas by the express maxim, Puyssance de pere en France rCa lieu. The tenacity I of the Romans in maintaining this relic of their most ancient condition is in itself remarkable, but it is less remarkable than the diffusion of the Potestas over the whole of a civilisation from which it had once disappeared. While the Castrense Peculium consti- tuted as yet the sole exception to the father's power over property, and while his power over his children's persons was still extensive, the Roman citizenship, and with it the Patria Potestas, were spreading into every corner of the Empire. Every African or Spaniard, every Gaul, Briton, or Jew, who received this honour by gift, purchase, or inheritance, placed himself under the Roman Law of Persons, and, though our authorities intimate that children bom before the acquisition of citizenship could not be brought under Power against their will, children born after it and all ulterior descendants were on the ordinary footing of a Roman fiLius familias. It does not fall within the province of this treatise to examine the mechanism of the later Roman society, but I may be permitted to remark that there is little foundation for the opinion \ which represents the constitution of Antoninus Cara- calla conferring Roman citizenship on the whole of his subjects as a measure of small importance. How- CHAP. V. THE I'ATEIA POTESTAS. 146 ever we may interpret it, it must have enormously enlarged tte sphere of the Patria Potestas, and it seems to me that the tightening of family relations which it ettected is an agency which ought to be kept in view more than it has been, in accounting for the great moral revolution which was transforming the worldy/ Before this branch of our subject is dismissed, it should be observed that the Paterfamilias was answerable for the delicts (or torts) of his Sons under Power. He was similarly liable for the torts of his slaves; but in both cases he originally possessed the singular privilege of tendering the delinquent's person in full satisfaction of the damage. The responsibility thus incurred on behalf of sons, coupled with the mutual incapacity of Parent and Child under Power to sue one another, has seemed to some jurists to be best explained by the assumption of a " unity of person" between the Paterfamilias and the FUius- familias. In the Chapter on Successions I shall at- tempt to show in what sense, and to what extent, this " unity " can be accepted as a reality. I can only say at present that these responsibilities of the Paterfami- lias, and other legal phenomena which will be discussed hereafter, appear to me to point at certain duties of the primitive Patriarchal chieftain which balanced his rights. I conceive that, if he disposed absolutely cf the persons and fortunes of his clansmen, this repre- 146 PBIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. cvlb. t, sentative ownership was coextensive with a liability to provide for all members of the brotherhood out of the common fund. The diflSculty is to throw our- selves out of our habitual associations sufficiently for conceiving the nature of his obligation. It was not a legal duty, for law had not yet penetrated into the precinct of the Family. To call it moral is perhaps to anticipate the ideas belonging to a later stage of mental development; but the expression "moral obligation " is significant enough for our purpose, if we understand by it a duty semi-consciously followed and enforced rather by instinct and habit than by definite sanctions. The Patria Potestas, in its normal shape, has not been, and, as it seems to me, could not have been, a generally durable institution. The proof of its former universality is therefore incomplete so long as we consider it by itself ; but the demonstration may be carried much further by examining other departments of ancient law which depend on it ultimately, But not . by a thread of connexion visible in all its parts or to all eyes. Let us turn for example to Kinship, or in other words, to the scale on which the proximity of relatives to each other is calculated in archaic juris- prudence. Here again it will be convenient to em- ploy the Roman terms, Agnatic and Cognatic relation- ship. /Cognatic relationship is sunply the conception of kinship familiar to modern ideas : it is the relation- CHAP. V. AGNATION AND COGNATION. 147 ship arising through common descent from the same pair of married persons, whether the descent be traced through males or females. Agnatic relation- ship is something very different: it excludes a num- ber of persons whom we in our day should certainly consider of kin to ourselves, and it includes many more whom we should never reckon among our kindred. It is in truth the connection existing be- tween the members of the Family, conceived as it was in the most ancient times. The limits of this connexion are far from conterminous with those of modern relationship./ (^ Cognates then-^re all those persons who can trace ^ their blood to a single ancestor and ancestress ; or if we take the strict technical meaning of the word in Eoman law, they are all who trace their blood to the legitimate marriage of a common pairj " Cognation " is therefore a relative term, and the degree of con- nexion in blood which it indicates depends on the particular marriage which is selected as the com- mencement of the calculation. If we begin with the marriage of father and mother, Cognation wUl only express the relationship of brothers and sisters ; if we take that of the grandfather and grandmother, then uncles, aunts, and their descendants will also be in- cluded in the notion of Cognation, and following the same process a larger number of Cognates may be continually obtained by choosing the starting point 148 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND AKCIENT LAW. csai>. r. higher and higher up in the line of ascent. All this is easily understood by a modem ; but who are the Agnates? In the first place, they are all the Cognates who trace their connexion exclusively through males. A table of Cognates is, of course, formed by taking each lineal ancestor in turn and including all his descendants of both sexes in the tabular view; if then, in tracing the various branches of such a ge- nealogical table or tree, we stop whenever we come to the name of a female and pursue that particular branch or ramification no further, all who remain after the descendants of women have been excluded are Agnates, and their connection together is Agnatic Relationship. I dwell a little on the process which is practically followed in separating them from the Cognates, because it explains a memorable legal maxim, " Mulier est finis familiai " — a woman is the terminus of the family. A female name closes the branch or twig of the genealogy in which it occurs. None of the descendants of a female are included in the primitive notion of f amily relationship. If the system of archaic law at which we are look- ing be one which admits Adoption, we must add to the Agnates thus obtained all persons, male or female, who have been brought into the family by the artifi- cial extension of its boundaries. But the descendants of such persons will only be Agnates, if they satisfy the conditions which have just been described. C«AP. T. AGNATION. 149 What then is the reason of this arbitrary inclusiou and exclusion ? Why should a conception of Kinship so elastic as to include strangers brought into the family by adoption, be nevertheless so narrow as to shut out the descendants of a female member ? To solve these questions we must recur to the Patria Potestas. The foundation of Agnation is not the marriage of Father and Mothe r, but the authority of the Father. All persons are Agnati^Uy connected together who are under the same Patemal Power, or who have been under it, or who might have been un- der it if their lineal ancestor had lived long enough to exercise his empire. In truth, in the primitive view. Relationship is exactly limited by Patria Potes- tas. Where the Potestas begins, Kinship begins ; and therefore adoptive relatives are among the kin- dred. Where the Potestas ends, Kinship ends ; so that a son emancipated by his father loses all rights of Agnation. And here we have the reason why the descendants of females are outside the limits of ar- chaic kinship. If a woman died unmarried, she could '^ have no legitimate descendants. If she married, her children fell under the Patria Potestas, not of her Father, but of her Husband, and thus were lost to her own family. It is obvious that the organization of primitive societies would have been confounded, if men had called themselves relatives of their mother's rela- tives. The inference would have been that a person / J 60 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. v. might be subject to two distinct Patriae Potestates; but distinct Patrias Potestates implied distinct juris- dictions, so that anybody amenable to two of them at the same tmie would have lived under two different dispensations. As long as the FamUy was an impe- rium in imperio, a community within the common- wealth governed by its own institutions of which the parent was the source, the limitation of relationship to the Agnates was a necessary security against a conflict of laws in the domestic forum. The Paternal Powers proper are extinguished by the death of the Parent, but Agnation is as it were a mould which retains their imprint after they have ceased to exist. Hence comes the interest of Agna- tion for theinquu'er into the history of jurisprudence. The powers themselves are discernible in compara- tively few monuments of ancient law, but Agnatic Eelationship, which implies their former existence, is discoverable almost everywhere. There are few indigenous bodies of law belonging to communities of the Indo-European stock, which do not exhibit pecu- liarities in the most ancient part of their structure which are clearly referable to Agnation. In Hindoo law, for example, which is saturated with the primi- tive notions of family dependency, kinship is entirely Agnatic, and I am informed that in Hindoo genea- logies the names of women are generally omitted altogether. The same view of relationship pervades CHAP, y. THE HALF-BLOOD. IGl SO mucli of the laws of the races who overran the Eoman Empire as appears to have really formed part of their primitive usage, and we may suspect that it would have perpetuated itself even more than it has in modern European jurisprudence, if it had not been for the vast influence of the later Roman law on modern thought. The Praetors early laid hold on Cognation as the natural form of kinship, and spared no pains in purifying their system from the older conception. Their ideas have descended to us, but still traces of Agnation are to be seen in many of the modern rules of succession after death, ffhe exclusion of females and their children from governmental functions, commonly attributed to the usage of the( Salian Franks, has certainly an agnatic origin, being descended from the^cient German rule of succession to allodial property^ In Agnation too is to be sought the explanation oftbat extraordinary rule of English Law, only recently repealed, which prohibited brothers of the half-blood from succeeding to one another's lands. In the Customs of Normandy, the rule applies to uterine brothers only, that is, to brothers by the same mother but not by the same father; and, limited in this way, it is a strict deduction from the system of Agnation, under which uterine brothers are no relations at all to one another. When it was transplanted to England, the English judges, who had no clue to its principle, interpreted it as J52 PEIMITIVE SOCIETY AXD ANCIENT LAW. chap, t. a general prohibition against the succession of the half-blood, and extended it to consanguineous brothers, that is to sons of the same father by diflFerent wives. In all the literature which enshrines the pretended philosophy of law, there is nothing more curious than I the pages of elaborate sophistry in which Blackstone attempts to explain and justify the exclusion of the (half-blood. It may be shown, I think, that the Family, as held together by the Patria Potestas, is the nidus out of which the entire Law of Persons has germinated. Of all the chapters of that Law the most important is that which is concerned with the status of Females. It has just been stated that Primitive Jurisprudence, though it does not allow a Woman to communicate any rights of Agnation to her descendants, includes herself nevertheless in the Agnatic bond. Indeed, the relation of a female to the family in which she was born is much stricter, closer, and more dui'able than that which unites her male kinsmen. We have several times laid down that early law takes notice of Families only ; this is the same thing as saying that it only takes notice of persons exercising Patria Potestas, and accordingly the only principle on which it enfranchises a son or grandson at the death of his Parent, is a consideration of the capacity inherent in such son or grandson to become himself the head of a new family and the root of a new set of Parental OEAP. T. GUARDIANSHIP Ol! VVOMEN. 153 Powers. But a woman, of course, has no capacity of the kind, and no title accordingly to the liberation which it confers. There is therefore a peculiar con- trivance of archaic jurisprudence for retaining her in the bondage of the Family for life. This is the institution known to the oldest Roman law as the Perpetual Tutelage of Women, under which a Female, though relieved from her Parent's authority by his decease, continues subject through life to her nearest male relations, or to her father's nominees, as her Guardians. Perpetual Guardianship is obviously neither more nor less than an artificial prolongation of the Patria Potestas, when for other purposes it has been dissolved. In India, the system survives in absolute completeness, and its operation is so strict that a Hindoo Mother frequently becomos the ward of her own sons. Even in Europe, the laws of the Scandinavian nations respecting women preserved it until quite recently. The invaders of the Western Empire had it universally among their indigenous usages, and indeed their ideas on the subject of Guardianship, in all its forms, were among the most retrogi'essive of those which they introduced into the Western world. But from the mature Roman jurispru- dence it had entirely disappeared. We should know almost nothing about it, if we had only the compila- tions of Justinian to consult ; but the discovery of the manuscript of Gaius discloses it to us at a most 154 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. t. interesting epoch, just when it had fallen into complete discredit and was verging on extinction. The. great jurisconsult himself scouts the popular apology offered for it in the mental inferiority of the female sex, and a considerable part of his volume is taken up with descriptions of the numerous expedients, some of them displaying extraordinary ingenuity, which the Eoman lawyers had devised for enabling Women to defeat the ancient rules. Led by their theory of Na- tural Law, the jurisconsults had evidently at this time assumed the equality of the sexes as a principle of then- code of equity. The restrictions which they attacked were, it is to be observed, restrictions on the disposi- tion of property, for which the assent of the woman's guardians was stUl formally required. Control of her person was apparently quite obsolete. Ancient law subordinates the woman to her blood- relations, while a prime phenomenonof modern juris- prudence has been her subordination to her husband. The history of the change is remarkable. It begins far back in the annals of Rome. Anciently, there were three modes in which marriage might be con- tracted according to Roman usage, one involving a religious solemnity, the other two the observance of certain secular formalities. By the religious marriage or Confarreation ; by the higher form of civil marriage, which was called Coemption ; and by the lower form, which was termed Usv£, the Husband acquired a una sn itl mu.e. T. ♦ ANCIENT KOMAN MARRIAGE. lot. number of rights over the person and property of his\ wife, which were on the whole in excess of such as are ' conferred on him in any system of modern jurispru- dence. But in what capacity did he acquire them ? Not as Husband, but as Father. By the Confarreation, Coemption, and Usus, the woman passed in manum viri, that is, in law she became the Daughter of her husband. She was included in his Patria Potestas. She incurred all the liabilities springing out of it while it subsisted, and surviving it when had expired. All her property became absolutely; his, and she was retained in tutelage after his deatlu to the guardian whom he had appointed by wilM These three ancient forms of marriage fell, howeve^, gradually into disuse, so that at the most sple^id period of Roman greatness, they had almost ei^inrely given place to a fashion of wedlock — old apparently, but not hitherto considered reputable — ^which was founded on a modification of the lower form of civil marriage. Without explaining the technical mecha- nism of the institution now generally popular, I may describe it as amounting in law to a little more than a temporary deposit of the woman by her family. The rights of the family remained unimpaired, and the lady continuied in the tutelage of guardians whom her parents had appointed and whose privileges of con- trol overrode, in many material respects, the inferior authority of her husband. The consequence was 166 PRIMITIVK SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. t. that the situation o f the Roman fema le, whether mar- ried or unmarried, hpf-arngjonp, of great personal and progrigtaryJmdfipendenr.e, for the tendency of the later law, as I have already hinted, was to reduce the power of the guardian to a nullity, while the form of marriasre in fashion conferred on the husband no compensating superiority. But Christianity tended somewhat from the very first to narrow this remark- able liberty. Led at first by justifiable disrelish for the loose practices of the decaying heathen world, but afterwards hurried on by a passion of asceticism, the professors of the new faith looked with disfavour on a marital tie which was in fact the laxest the r— ■ — Western world has seen. The latest Roman law, so far as it is touched by the Constitutions of the Chris- tian Emperors, bears some marks of a reaction against theliberal doctrines of thegreatAntonine jurisconsults. And the prevalent state of religious sentiment may explain why it is that modern jurisprudence, forged in the furnace of barbarian conquest, and formed by the fusion of Roman jurisprudence with patriarchal usage, has absorbed, among its rudiments, much more than usual of those rules concerning the position of women which belong peculiarly to an imperfect civilization. During the troubled era which begins modern history, and while the laws of the German and Sclavonic immigrants remained superposed like a separate layer above the Roman jurisprudence of their provincial raiP. ▼. CONDITION or- WOMEN. 157 subjects, the women of the dommant races are seen everywhere under various forms of archaic guardian- ship, and the husband who takes a wife from any family except his own pays a money-price to her relations for the tutelage which they surrender to him. When we move onwards, and the code of the middle ages has been formed by the amalgamation of the two systems, the law relating to women carries the stamp of its double origin. The principle of the Roman jurisprudence is so far triumphant that unmarried females are generally (though there are local exceptions to the rule) relieved firom the bondage of the family; but the archaic principle of the barba-" rians has fixed the position of married women, and the husband has drawij to himself in his marital character the powers which had once belonged to his wife's male kindred, the only difference being that he no longer purchases his privileges. At this point there- fore the modem law of Southern and Western Europe begins to be distinguished by one of its chief cha- racteristics, the comparative freedom it allows to unmarried women and widows, the heavy disabilities it imposes on wives. It was very long before the subordination entailed on the other sex by marriage was sensibly diminished. The principal and most powerful solvent of the revived barbarism of Europe was always the codified jurisprudence of Jus- tinian, wherever it was studied with that paspionate 158 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. v. enthusiasm which it seldom failed to awaken. It covertly but most efficaciously undermined the cus- toms which it pretended merely to interpret. But the Chapter of law relating to married women was for the most part read by the light, not of Roman, but of Canon Law, which in no one particular departs so widely from the spirit of the secular jurisprudence as in the view it takes of the relations created by marriage. This was in part inevitable, since no society which preserves any tincture of Christian institution is likely to restore to married women the personal liberty conferred on them by the middle Roman law, but the proprietary disabilities of married females stand on quite a diflferent basis from their personal incapacities, and it is by the tendency of their doctrines to keep alive and consolidate the former, that the expositors of the Canon Law have deeply injured civilisation. There are many vestiges of a struggle between the secular and ecclesiastical principles, but the Canon Law nearly everywhere prevailed. In some of the French provinces, married women, of a rank below nobUity, obtained aU the powers of dealing with property which Roman juris- prudence had allowed, and this local law has been largely followed by the Code Napoleon ; but the state of the Scottish law shows that scrupulous deference to the doctrines of the Roman jurisconsults did not always extend to mitigating the disabilities of wives. CHAP. T. CONDITION OF WOMEN. 150 The systems however which, are least indulgent to [married women are invariably those which have [followed the Canon Law exclusively, or those which, from the lateness of their contact with European civilisation, have never had their archaisms weeded out. The Danish and Swedish laws, harsh for many centuries to all females, are still much less favourable to wives than the generality of Continental codes. And yet more stringent in the proprietary incapaci- ties it imposes is the English Common Law, which borrows far the greatest number of its fundamental principles from the jurisprudence of the Canonists. Indeed, the part of the Common Law which prescribes the legal situation of married women may serve to give an Englishman clear notions of the great insti- tution which has been the principal subject of this chapter. I do not know how the operation and nature of the ancient Patria Potestas can be brought so vividly before the mind as by reflecting on the prerogatives attached to the husband by the pure English Common Law, and by recalling the rigorous consistency with which the view of a complete legal subjection on the part of the wife is carried by it, where it is untouched by equity or statutes, through every department of rights, duties, and remedies. The distance between the eldest and latest Roman law on the subject of Children under Power may be considered as equivalent to the difference between 160 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. v. the Common Law and the jurisprudence of the Court of Chancery in the rules which they respectively apply to wives. If we were to lose sight of the true origin of Guardianship in both its forms, and were to employ the common language on these topics, we should find ourselves remarking that, while the Tutelage of Women is an instance in which systems of archaic law push to an extravagant length the fiction of suspended rights, the rules which they lay down for the Guardianship of Male Orphans are an example of a fault in precisely the opposite direction. Such systems terminate the Tutelage of Males at an ex- traordinary early period. Under the ancient Roman law, which may be taken as their type, the son who was delivered from Patria Potestas by the death of his Father or Grandfather remained under guardian- ship till an epoch which for general purposes may be described as arriving with his fifteenth year; but the arrival of that epoch placed him at once in the full enjoyment of personal and proprietary independence. The period of minority appears therefore to have been as unreasonably short as the duration of the disabilities of women was preposterously long. But, in point of fact, there was no element either of excess or of shortcoming in the circumstances which gave their original form to the two kinds of guardian- ; ship. Neither the one nor the other of them was ' based on the slightest consideration of public or CHAP. y. GUARDIANSHIP OF ORPHANS. 161 private convenience. The guardianship of male orphans was no more designed originally to shield them till the arrival of years of discretion than the tutelage of women was intended to protect the other sex against its own feebleness. The reason why the death of the father delivered the son from the bondage of the family was the son's capacity for becoming him- self the head of a new famUy and the founder of a new Patria Potestas : no such capacity was possessed by the woman, and therefore she was never enfranchised. Accordingly the Guardianship of Male Orphans was a contrivance for keeping alive the semblance of subor- dination to the family of the Parent, up to the time when the child was supposed capable of becoming a parent himself. It was a prolongation of the Patria Potestas up to the period of bare physical manhood. It ended with puberty, for the rigour of the theory demanded that it should do so. Inasmuch, however, as it did not profess to conduct the orphan ward to the age of intellectual maturity or fitness for affairs, it was quite unequal to the purposes of general con- venience; and this the Romans seem to have dis- covered at a very early stage of their social progress. One of the very oldest monuments of Roman legisla- tion is the Leai Lcetoria or Pketoria, which placed all free males who were of full years and rights under the temporary control of a new class of guardians, called Curatores, whose sanction was required to M 162 PKIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap, v, validate their acts or contracts. The twenty>sixth year of the young men's age was the limit of this statutory supervision; and it is exclusively with (reference to the age of twenty-five that the terms " majority " and " minority " are employed in Roman law. Pupilage, or wardship, in modern jurisprudence has adjusted itself with tolerable regularity to the simple principle of protection to the immaturity of youth both bodily and mental. It has its natural termination with years of discretion. But for pro- tection against physical weakness, and for protection / against intellectual incapacity, the Eomans looked to two different institutions, distinct both in theory and design. The ideas attendant on both are combined in the modern idea of guardianship. The Law of Persons contains but one other chapter which can be usefully cited for our present purpose. The legal rules by which systems of mature juris- prudence regulate the connexion of Master and Slave, present no very distinct traces of the original con- dition common to ancient societies. But there are reasons for this exception. There seems to be some- thing in the institution of Slavery which has at aJl tunes either shocked or perplexed mankind, however little habituated to reflection, and however slightly advanced in the cultivation of its moral instincts. The compunction which ancient commu- nities ahnost unconsciously experienced appears to have always resulted in the adoption of some imagi- CHiP. 7. MASTER AKD SLAVE. 163 nary principle upon wHcli a defence, or at least a rationale, of slavery could be plausibly founded. Very early in tbeir history the Greeks explained the institution as grounded on the intellectual inferiority of certain races, and their consequent natural aptitude for the servile condition. The Romans, in a spirit equally characteristic, derived it from a supposed I agreement between the victor and the vanquished, in 1 which the first stipulated for the perpetual services of his foe, and the other gained in consideration the life which he had legitimately forfeited. Such theories were not only unsound but plainly unequal to the case for which they affected to account. StiU they exercised powerful influence in many ways. They satisfied the conscience of the Master. They perpetuated and probably increased the debasement of the Slave. And they naturally tended to put out of sight the relation in which servitude had originally stood to the rest of the domestic system. This relation, though not clearly exhibited, is casually indicated in many parts of primitive law, and more particularly in the tjrpical system — that of ancient Rome. Much industry and some learning have been bestowed in the United States of America on the question whether the Slave was in the early stages of society a recognised member of the Faimily. There is a sense iu which an affirmative answer must certainly M 2 164 PRIMITIVE SOCIETY ADD ANCIENT LAW. chap. r. be giv^h. It is clear, from the testimony botli of ancient law and of many primeval histories, that the Slave might under certain conditions be made the Heir, or Universal Successor, of the Master, and this significant faculty, as I shall explain in the Chapter on Succession, implies that the government and re- presentation of the Family might, in a particular state of circumstances, devolve on the bondman. It seems, however, to be assumed in the American arguments on the subject that, if we allow Slavery to have been a primitive Family institution, the acknowledgement is pregnant with an admission of the moral defensi- bility of Negro-servitude at the present moment. What then is meant by sajdng that the Slave was originally included in the Family ? Not that his situ- ation may not have been the fruit of the coarsest motives which can actuate man. The simple wish to use the bodily powers of another person as a means of ministering to one's own ease or pleasure is doubt- - — I.I nB »i .1 II Ml I.I I , ..I, . . ^. — 1 I , ■■— , I MJ.H M H — less the foundation of Slavery, and as old as human nature. When we speak of the Slave as anciently in- cluded in the Family, we intend to assert nothing as to the motives of those who brought him into it or kept him there ; we merely imply that the tie which bound him to his master was regarded as one of the same general character with that which united every other member of the group to its chieftain. This conse- quence is, in fact, carried iu the general assertion already made, that the primitive ideas of mankind OHAr. V. SLAVBET. ]65 were unequal to comprehending any basis of the con- nexion inter se of individuals, apart from the rela- tions of famUy. The Family consisted primarily of those who belonged to it by consanguinity, and next of those who had been engrafted on it by adoption ; but there was still a third class of persons who were only joined to it by common subjection to its head, and these were the Slaves. The born and the adopted subjects of the chief were raised above the Slave by the certainty that iu the ordinary course of events they would be relieved from bondage and entitled to exercise powers of their own ; but that the inferiority of the Slave was not such as to place him outside the pale of the Family, or such as to degrade him to the footing of inanimate property, is clearly proved, I think, by the many traces which remain of his ancient capacity for inheritance in the last resort. It would, of course, be unsafe in the highest degree to hazard conjectures how fer the lot of the Slave was mitigated, in the beginnings of society, by having a definite place reserved to him in the empire of the Father. It is, perhaps, more probable that the son was practi- cally assimilated to the Slave, than that the Slave shared any of the tenderness which in later times was shown to the son. But it may be asserted with some confidence of advanced and matured codes that, wherever servitude is sanctioned, the Slave has uni- formly greater advantages under systems which pre- serve some memento of his earlier condition than t^ im PEIMITIVB SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chap. t. under those which have adopted some other theory of his civil degradation. The point of view from which jurisprudence regards the Slave is always of great importance to him. The Eoman law was arrested in its growing tendency to look upon him more and more as an article of property by the theory of the Law of Nature; and hence it is that, wherever servi- tude is sanctioned by institutions which have been deeply affected by Roman jurisprudence, the servile condition is never intolerably wretched. [There is a great deal of evidence that in those American States which have taken the highly Romanised code of Louisiana as the basis of their jurisprudence, the lot and prospects of the Negro-population were better, in many material respects, until the letter of the funda- mental law was overlaid by recent statutory enact- ments passed under the influence of panic, than under institutions founded on the English Common Law, which, as recently interpreted, has no true place for the Slave, and can only therefore regard him as a chattel.J We have now examined all parts of the ancient Law of Persons which fall within the scope of this treatise, and the result of the inquiry is, I trust, to give additional definiteness and precision to our view ; of the infancy of jurisprudence. The CivU laws of States first make their appearance as the Themistes of a patriarchal sovereign, and we can now see that these Themistes are probably only a developed form CHAP. T. ANCIENT LAW. 107 of the irresponsible commands which, in a still earlier condition of the race, the head of each isolated house- hold may have addressed to his wives, his children, and his slaves. But, even after the State has been organised, the laws have still an extremely limited application. Whether they retain their primitive character as Themistes, or whether they advance to the condition of Customs or Codified Texts, they are binding not on individuals, but on Families. Ancient lurisprudence, if a perhaps deceptive comparison may be employed, may be likened to International Law, filling nothing, as it were, excepting the interstices between the great groups which are the atoms of society. In a community so situated, the legislation of assemblies and the jurisdiction of Courts reach ' only to the heads of families, and to every other individual the rule of conduct is the law of his home, of which his Parent is the legislator. But the sphere of civil law, small at first, tends steadily to enlarge ■ itself. The agents of legal change. Fictions, Equity, - and Legislation, are brought in turn to bear on the primeval institutions, and at every point of the pro- gress, a greater number of personal rights and a larger amount of property are removed from the do- mestic forum to the cognizance of the public tribu- ' nals. The ordinances of the government obtain gradually the same efficacy in private concerns as in matters of state, and are no longer liable to be overridden by the behests of a despot enthroned by lee PKIMITIVE SOCIETY AND ANCIENT LAW. chaj. f, each hearthstone. We have in the annals of Roman 1/ law a nearly complete history of the crumbling away . of an archaic system, and of the formation of new in- stitutions from the re-combined materials, institutions some of which descended unimpaired to the modern world, while others, destroyed or corrupted by con- tact with barbarism in the dark ages, had again to be recovered by mankind. When we leave this juris- prudence at the epoch of its final reconstruction by Justinian, few traces of archaism can be discovered in any part of it except in the single article of the extensive powers still reserved to the living Parent. Everywhere else principles of convenience, or of sym- metry, or of simplification — ^new principles at any rate — ^have usurped the authority of the j^ung con- siderations which satisfied the conscience of ancient times. Everywhere a new morality has displaced the canons of conduct and the reasons of acquiescence which were in unison with the ancient usages, because in fact they were born of them^ '' The movement of the progressive societies has been uniform in one respect. Through all its com-se /it has been distinguished by the gradual dissolution of family dependency, and the growth of individual obligation in its place. The Individual is steadily '^substituted for the Family, as the unit of which civil laws take account. The advance has been accom- plished at varying rates of celerity, and there are societies not absolutely stationary in which the col- CHAP. V. DISINTEGRATION OF THE FAMILY. 169 lapse of the ancient organisation can only be perceived by careful study of the phenomena they present. But, whatever its pace, the change has not been., subject to reaction or recoil, and apparent retarda- tions wlQ be found to have been occasioned through the absorption of archaic ideas and customs from some entirely foreign source. Nor is it difficult to see what is the tie between man and man which re- places by degrees those forms of reciprocity in rights and duties which have their origin in the Family. It is Contract. Starting, as from one terminus of history, from a condition of society in which all the relations of Persons are summed up in the relations of Family, we seem to have steadily moved towards a phase of social order in which all these relations arise from the free agreement of Individuals. In Western Europe the progress achieved in this direction has been considerable. Thus the status of the Slave has disappeared — ^it has been superseded by the contrac- tual relation of the servant to his master. The status of the Female under Tutelage, if the tutelage be understood of persons other than her husband, has also ceased to exist ; from her coming of age to her marriage all the relations she may form are relations w of contract. So too the status of the Son under Power has no true place in the law of modern European societies. If any civU obligation binds together the Parent and the child of full age, it is one to which only contract gives its legal validity. The apparent 170 PRIMITIVE SOCIETr AND ANCIEM LAW. chap. y. exceptions are exceptions of that stamp which illus- trate the rule. The child before years of discretion, the orphan under guardianship, the adjudged lunatic, have all their capacities and incapacities regulated by the Law of Persons. But why? The reason is differently expressed in the conventional language of different systems, but in substance it is stated to the same effect by all. The great majority of Jurists are constant to the principle that the classes of persons just mentioned are subject to extrinsic control on the '^single ground that they do not possess the faculty of forming a judgment on their own interests; in other words, that they are wanting ia the first essential of an engagement by Contract. The word Status may be usefully employed to construct a formula expressing the law of progress thus indicated, which, whatever be its value, seems to me to be sufficiently ascertained. All the forms of Status taken notice of in the Law of Persons wercf derived fi-om, and to some extent are still coloured by, the powers and privileges anciently residing in the Family. If then we employ Status, agreeably' . with the usage of the best writers, to signify these personal conditions only, and avoid applying the term to such conditions as are the immediate or remote result of agreement, we may say that the '-^movement of the progressive societies has hitherto I been a movement /rom Status to Contract. CKAJ VI TESTAMENTS. 171 CHAPTER VI. THE EARLr HISTORY OF TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION. If an attempt were made to demonstrate in England the superiority of the historical method of investiga- tion to the modes of inquiry concerning Juris- prudence which are in fashion among us, no depart- ment of Law would better serve as an example than Testaments or Wills. Its capabilities it owes to its great length and great continuity. At the beginning of its history we find ourselves in the very infancy of the social state, surrounded by conceptions which it requires some effort of mind to reahse in their an- cient fonn ; while here, at the other extremity of its line of progress, we are in the midst of legal notions which are nothing more than those same conceptions disguised by the phraseology and by the habits of thought which belong to modern times, and exhibit- ing therefore a difficulty of another kind, the diffi- culty of believing that ideas which form part of our everyday mental stock can really stand in need of analysis and examination. The growth of the Law of 172 TESTAMENTARY LAW. ciiap. vi. Wills between these extreme points can be traced with remarkable distinctness. It was much, less in- terrupted at the epoch of the birth of feudalism, than the history of most other branches of law. It is, in- deed, true that as regards all provinces of jurispru- dence, the break caused by the division between ancient and modem history, or in other words by the dissolution of the Roman Empire, has been very greatly exaggerated. Indolence has disinclined many writers to be at the pains of looking for threads of connexion entangled and obscured by the confusions of six troubled centuries, while other inquirers, not naturally deficient in patience and industry, have been misled by idle pride in the legal system of their country, and by consequent unwillingness to confess its obligations to the jurisprudence of Rome. But these unfavourable influences have had comparatively little effect on the province of Testamentary Law. The barbarians were confessedly strangers to any such conception as that of a Will. The best authorities agree that there is no trace of it in those parts of their written codes which comprise the customs practised by them in their original seats, and in their subsequent settlements on the edge of the Roman Empire. But soon after tl^ey became mixed with the population of the Roman provinces they appropriated from the Imperial jurisprudence the conception of a Will, at first in part, and after- CHAP. Tl. MfFLUBNOE OF THE CHURCH. 173 wards in all its integrity. The influence of the Church had much to do with this rapid assimilation. The ecclesiastical power had very early succeeded to those privileges of custody and registration of Testa- ments which several of the heathen temples had en- joyed ; and even thus early it was almost exclusively to private bequests that the religious foundations owed their temporal possessions. Hence it is that the decrees of the earliest Provincial Councils per- petually contain anathemas against those who deny the sanctity of Wills. Here, in England, Church in- fluence was certainly chief among the causes which by universal acknowledgement have prevented that discontinuity in the history of Testamentary Law which is sometimes believed to exist in the history of other provinces of Jurisprudence. The jurisdiction over one class of Wills was delegated to the Eccle- siastical Courts, which applied to them, though not always intelligently, the principles of Roman juris- prudence ; and, though neither the Courts of Common Law nor the Court of Chancery owned any positive obligation to follow the Ecclesiastical tribunals, they could not escape the potent influence of a system of settled rules in course of application by their side. The English law of testamentary succession to per- sonality has become a modified form of the dispen- sation under which the inheritances of Eoman citizens were administered. 174 ANCIENT WILLS. chap. n. It is not difficult to point out the extreme difference of the conclusions forced on us by the historical treat- ment of the subject, from those to which we are con- ducted when, without the help of history, we merely strive to analyse our primA-facie impressions. I sup- pose there is nobody who, starting from the popular or even the legal conception of a Will, would not imagine that certain qualities are necessarily attached to it. He would say, for example, that a Will necessarily takes effect at death only — that it is secret, not known as a matter of course to persons taking interests under its provisions — that it is revocable, i.e. always capable of being superseded by a new act of testation. Yet I shall be able to show that there was a time when none of these characteristics belonged to a WUl. JVJhe Testaments from which our Wills are directly descended at first took effect immediately on their exe- cution ; they were not secret ; they were not revocable^ Few legal agencies are, in fact, the fruit of more complex -historical agencies than that by which a man's written intentions control the posthumous dis- position of his goods. Testaments very slowly and gradually gathered round them the qualities I have mentioned ; and they did this from causes and under pressure of events which may be called casual, or which at any rate have no interest for us at present, except so fer as they have affeoted the history of law. CBAP, n. KATDBAL KIGHT OF TESTATION. 175 At a time when legal-theories were more abundant than at present — theories which, it is true, were for the most part gratuitous and premature enough, but which nevertheless rescued jurisprudence from that worse and more ignoble condition, not unknown to ourselves, in which nothing like a generalisation is aspired to, and law is regarded as a mere empirical pursuit — ^it was the fashion to explain the ready and apparently intuitive perception which we have of certain qualities in a WiU, by saying that they were natural to it, or, as the phrase would run in fail, attached to it by the Law of Nature. Nobody, I imagine, would affect to maintain such a doctrine when once it was ascertained that all these character- istics had their origin within historical memory ; at the same time vestiges of the theory of which the doctrine. is an offshoot, linger in forms of expression which we aU of us use, and perhaps scarcely know how to dispense with. I may illustrate this by mentioning H position common in the legal literature of the seven- teenth century. The jurists of that period very com- monly assert that the power of Testation itself is of Natural Law, that it is a right conferred by the Law of Nature. Their teaching, though all persons may not at once see the connexion, is in substance followed by those who afBirm that the right of dictating or controlling the posthumous disposal of property is a necessary or natural consequence of the proprietary 176 NATURAL EIGHT OF TESTATION. OHAP. tl rights themselves. And every student of technical jurisprudence must have come across the same view, clothed in the language of a rather different school, which, in its rationale of this department of law, treats succession ea; testamento as the mode of devolu- tion which the property of deceased persons ought primarily to follow, and then proceeds to account for succession ab intestato as the incidental provision of the lawgiver for the discharge of a function which was only left unperformed through the neglect or misfortune of the deceased proprietor. |_These opinions are only expanded forms of the more compendious doctrine that Testamentary disposition is an institu- p tion of the law of Nature. It is certainly never quite safe to pronounce dogmatically as to the range of association embraced by modern minds when they reflect on Nature and her Law ; but I believe that most persons, who affirm that the Testamentary Power is of Natural Law, may be taken to imply either that, as a matter of fact, it is universal, or that nations are prompted to sanction it by an original iu- stinct and impulse. With respect to the first of these positions, I think that, when explicitly set forth, it can never be seriously contended for in an age which has seen the severe restraints imposed on the Testa- mentary Power by the Code Napoleon^ and has wit- nessed the steady multiplication of systems for which the French codes have served as a model. To the asLU.: VI. NATUEE OF A WILL. 177 second assertion we must object that it is contrary to the best-ascertained facts in the early history of law, and I venture to affirm generally that, in all indi- genous societies, a condition of jurisprudence in which Testamentary privileges are not allowed, or rather not contemplated, has preceded that later stage of legal development in which the mere will of the pro- prietor is permitted under more or less of restriction to override the claims of his kindred in blood. The conception of a Will or Testament cannot be considered by itself. It is a member, and not the first, of a series of conceptions. [Tn itself a Will is simply the instrument by which the intention of the testator is declaredTj It must be clear, I think, that before such an instrument takes its turn for dis- cussion, there are several preliminary points to be examined — as for example, what is it, what sort of right or interest, which passes from a dead man on his decease ? to whom and in what form does it pass ? and how came it that the dead were allowed to con- trol the posthumous disposition of their property? Thrown into technical language, the dependence of the various conceptions which contribute to the notion of a Will is thus expressed. A WiU or Testa- ment is an instrument by which the devolution of an inheritance is prescribed. \ Inheritance is a form of universal succession. A universal succession is a succession to a unwersitas juris, or university of 178 UNIVEKSITAS JURIS. chap. n. rights and duties^ Inverting tHs order we have therefore to inquire what is a universitas juris; what is a universal succession ; what is the form of univer- sal succession which is called an inheritance ? And there are also two further questions, independent to some extent of the points I have mooted, but demanding solution before the subject of Wills can be exhausted. These are, how came an inheritance to be controlled in any case by the testator's volition, and what is the nature of the instrument by which it came to be controlled ?/' The first question relates to the universitas juris ; that is a university (or bundle) of rights and duties. A universitas juris is a collection of rights and dutiet, 1 united by the single circumstance of their having 1 belonged at one time to some one person. It is, as it "were, the legal clothing of some given individual. It is not formed by grouping together any rights and any duties. It can only be constituted by taking all the rights and all the duties of a particular person. The tie which so connects a number of rights of property, rights of way, rights to legacies, duties of specific performance, debts, obligations to compensate wrongs — ^which so connects all these legal privileges and duties together as to constitute them a universitas juris, is the fact of their having attached to some individual capable of exercising them. Without this fact there is no university of rights and duties. The cniP. VI. UNIVEESAl, SUCCESSION. 179 expression universitas juris is not classical, but for the notion jurisprudence is exclusively indebted to Roman law ; nor is it at all difficult to seize. We must en- deavour to collect under one conception the whole set of legal relations in which each one of us stands to the rest of the world. These, whatever be their character and composition, make up together a kniver- sitasjurii); and there is but little danger of mistake in forming the notion, if we are only careful to( remember that duties enter into it quite as much as rights.) Our duties may overbalance our rights. A man may owe more than he is worth, and therefore if a money value is set on his collective legal relations he may be what is called insolvent. But for aU that the entire group of rights and duties which centres in him is not the less a "juris universitas." We come next to a "universal succession." P A universal succession is a succession to a universitas juris. It occurs when one man is invested with the legal clothing of another, becoming at the same moment subject to all his liabilities and entitled to all his rights] In order that the universal succession may be true and perfect, the devolution must take place uno ictu, as the jurists phrase it. It is of course possible to conceive one man acquiring the whole of the rights and duties of another at different peiT-ods, as for example by successive purchases ; or he might acquire them in different capacities, paa:t as k9 180 UNIVERSAL SUCCESSION, chap. vi. heir, part as purchaser, part as legatee. But though the group of rights and duties thus made up should in fact amount to the whole legal personality of a particular individual, the acquisition would not be a universal succession. p[n order that there may be a I true universal succession, the transmission must be such as to pass the whole aggregate of rights and duties at the same moment and in virtue of the same legal capacity in the recipient.J The notion of a universal succession, like that of a ' juris universitas,' is permanent in jurisprudence, though in the English legal system it is obscured by the great variety of capacities in which rights are acquired, and, above all, by the distinction between the two great provinces of English property, " realty " and " personality." The succession of an assignee in bankruptcy to the entire property of the bankrupt is, however, a uni- versal succession, though, as the assignee only pays debts to the extent of the assets, this is only a modified form of the primary notion. Were it common amoi^ us for persons to take assignments of all a man's property on condition of paying a]l his debts, such transfers would exactly resemble the universal suc- cessions known to the oldest Roman Law. When a Eoman citizen adrogated a son, i. e., took a man, not already under Patria Potestas, as his adoptive child, hie succeeded universally to the adoptive child's estate, i. e., he took all the property and became liable for aU the obligations. Several other forms of universal OEAP. VI. THE UNIVERSAL STICCESSOK. 181 succession appear in the primitive Roman Law, but infinitely the most important and the most durable of all was that one with which we are more immediately concerned, Hsereditas or Inheritance, j ^ Inher itance was a universal succession, occurring at a death. The universal successor was Hs3res or Heir. He stepped at once into all the rights and all the duties of the dead man. He was instantly clothed with his entire legal person, and I need scarcely add that the special character of the Hseres remained the same, whether he was named by a Will or whether he took on an intestacy .j The term Hseres is no more emphati- cally used of the Intestate than of the Testamentary Heir, for the manner in which a man became' Haeres had nothing to do with the legal character he sus- tained. The dead man's universal successor, how- ever he became so, whether by WiU or by Intestacy, was his Heir. But the Heir was not necessarily a single person. iTA group of persons, considered in law as a single unit, might succeed as co-heirs to the Inheritance. 1 Let me now quote the usual Roman definition of an Inheritance. The reader will be in a posi- tion to appreciate the full force of the separate terms, ncereditas est successio in universum jus quod defunctus habuit (" an inheritance is a succession to the entire legal position of a deceased man "). |The notion was that, though the physical person of the deceased had perished, his legal personality survived 182 THE HEIK. chap, tu and descended unimpaired on his Heir or Co-heirs, in whom his identity (so far as the law was con- cerned) was continued^ Our own law, in constitu- ting the Executor or Administrator the representative of the deceased to the extent of his personal assets, may serve as an illustration of the theory from which it emanated, but, although it illustrates, it does not explain it. The view of even the later Roman Law required a closeness of correspondence between the position of the deceased and of his Heir which is no feature of an English representation ; and, in the primitive jurisprudence everything turned on the continuity of succession. Unless provision was made in the wiU for the instant devolution of the testator's rights and duties on the Heir or Go-heirs, the testa- ment lost all its effect. ! In modern Testamentary jurisprudence, as in the later Eoman Law, the object of first importance is the execution of the testator's intentions. In the ancient law of Rome the subject of corresponding carefulness was the bestowal of the Universal Succes- sion.] One of these rules seems to our eyes a principle dictated by common sense, while the other looks very much like an idle crotchet. Yet that without the second of them the first would never have come into being, is as certain as any proposition of the kind can be. In order to solve this apparent paradox, and to CHAT. n. PEIMITIVE SOCIETY. 18S bring into greater clearness the train of ideas which. I have been endeavouring to indicate, I must borro\v the results of the inquiry which was attempted in the earlier portion of the preceding chapter. We saw one peculiarity invariably distinguishing the infancy of society. Men are regarded and treated, not as iiidividuals, but always as members of a particular group. Everybody is first a citizen, and then, as a citizen, he is a member of his order — of an aristocracy or a democracy, of an order of patricians or plebeians ; or, in those societies which an unhappy fate has afficted with a special perversion in their course of development, of a caste. Next, he is a member of a gens, house, or clan; and lastly, he is a member of his family. This last was the narrowest and most personal relation in which he stood ; nor, paradoxical as it may seem, was he ever regarded as himself, as a distinct individual. His individuality was swallowed up in his family. I repeat the definition of a priitni- tive society given before. - It has for its units, not individuals, but groups of men united by the reality or the fiction of Blood-relationship. Lit is in the peculiarities of an undeveloped society that we seize the first trace of a universal successionj Contrasted with the organisation of a modem state, [the commonwealths of primitive times may be fairly described as consisting of a number of little despotic governments, each perfectly distinct from the rest, JH THE PBIMITIVE FAMILY. chap. fi. each absolutely controlled by the prerogative of a single monarchJi But though \^the Patriarch,] for we must not yet call him the Pater-familias, had rights thus extensive, it is impossible to doubt that he lay under an equal amplitude of obligations. ,If he governed the family, it was for its behoof. If he was lord of its possessions, he held them as trustee for his children and kindred. He had no privilege or position distinct from that conferred on him by his relation to the petty commonwealth which he governed. [jThe Family, in fact, was a Corporation ; and he was its representative or, we might almost say, its Public ofSicer] He enjoyed rights and stood under duties, but the rights and the duties were, in the contempla- tion of his fellow-citizens and in the eye of the law, quite as much those of the collective body as his own. Let us consider for a moment, th^effect which would be produced by the death of such a representative. ' In the eye of the law, in the view of the civil magis- trate, the demise of the domestic authority would be a perfectly iminaterial event. The person represent- ing the collective body of the family and primarily responsible to municipal jurisdiction would bear a different naine ; and that would be aU. The rights and obligations, which attached to the deceased head of the house would attach, without breach of con- tinuity, to his successor ; for, in point of fact, they would be the rights and obligations of the] family, and OHAP. Tl. THE FAMILY A COBPOKATION. 186 the family had the distinctive characteristic of a ^T corporation — ^that*^it never died., Creditors would have the same remedies against the new chieftain as against the old, for the liability being that of the still existing family would be absolutely unchangedj All rights available to the family would be as available after the demise of the headship as before it — except that the corporation would be obliged — if indeed language so precise and technical can be properly used of these early times — ^would be obliged to sue under a slightly modified name. The history of jurisprudence must be followed in its whole course, if we are to understand how gra- dually and tardily society dissolved itself into the component atoms of which it is now constituted — ^by what insensible gradations the relation of man to man substituted itself for the relation of the individual to his family, and of families to each other. The point now lo be attended to is, that even when the revolu- tion had apparently quite accomplished itself, even when the magistrate had in great measure assumed the place of the Pater-familias, and the civil tribunal •substituted itself for the domestic forum, nevertheless the w:hole scheme of rights and duties administered by the judicial authorities remained shaped by the influence of the obsolete privileges and coloured in every part by their reflection. There seems little question that the devolution of the Universitas Juris, 186 FAMILIES AKD INDIVIDUALS. CHAT. TL BO strenuously insisted upon by the Eoman Law as the first condition of a testamentary or intestate suc- cession, was a feature of the older form of society which men's minds have been unable to dissociate fi-orii the new, though with that newer phase it had no true or proper connection, [it seems, in truth, that the pro- longation of a man's legal existence in his heir, or in a group of co-heirs, is neither more nor less than a cha- racteristic of the family transferred by a fiction to the individual. Succession in corporations is necessarily universal, and the family was a corporation. Corpo- rations never die. The decease of individual members makes no difference to the collective existence of the aggregate body, and does not in any way affect its legal incidents, its faculties or liabilities. Now in the ideal of a Roman tmiversal succession all these qualities of a corporation seem to have been transferred to the individual citizen. His physical death is allowed to exercise no effect on the legal position which he filled, apparently on the principle that that position js_tQ be adjusted_as .closely- as possible to the, analogies of a fapily, which, in its corporate character, was not of course liable to physical extinction. ^ - 1 observe that not a few Continental jurists have much difficulty in comprehending the nature of the connection between the conceptions blended in a uni- versal succession, and there is perhaps no topic in. the philosophy of jurisprudence on which their specula- OHAF. Vf. COBPOEATIONS SOLE. 187 tions, as a general rule, possess so little value. But the student of English law ought to be in no danger of stumbling at the analysis of the idea which we are examining. Much light is cast upon it by a fiction in our own system with which all lawyers are familiar. L English lawyers classify corporations as Corporations aggregate and Corporations sole. A Corporation a g^egate is a true corporation, but a Corporation _sole is an individual, being a member of a series of individuals, who is Invested by a fiction with the qualities of a Corporation. I need hardly cite [the Kingjor the Parson of a Parish as |instanc^ of Cor- porations sole. J The capacity or office is here con- sidered apart fi-om the particular person who from time to time may occupy it, and, this capacity being perpetual, the series of individuals who fill it are clothed with the leading attribute of Corporations — PerpetuityJ Now in the older theory of Roman Law the individual bore to the family precisely the same relation which in the rationale of English jurisprui" dence a Corporation sole bears to a Corporation aggregater) The derivation and association of ideas are exactly the same. In fact, if we say to ourselves that for purposes of Roman Testamentary Juris- prudence each individual citizen was a Corporation sole, we shall not only realise the full conception of an inheritance, but have constantly at command the clue to the assumption in which it originated, [it is .168 INTESTATE SUCCKSSIOIf. chap. vi. an axiom with us that the King never dies, being a Corporation sole^ His capacities are instantly filled by his successor, and the continuity of dominion is not deemed to have been interrupted. With the Eomans it seemed an equally simple and natural process, to eliminate the fact of death from the devo- lution of rights and obligations. \The testator lived on in his heir or in the group of his co-heirs. He was in law the same person with them, and if any one in his testamentary dispositions had even constructively violated the principle which united his actual and his posthumous existence, the law rejected the defective instrument, and gave the inheritance to the kindred in blood, whose capacity to fulfil the conditions of heirship was conferred on them by the law itself, and not by any document which by possibility might be erroneously framed^ When a Roman citizen died intestate or leaving no yalid WiU, his descendants or kindred became his heirs according to a scale which will be presently described. The person or class of persons who suc» ceeded did not simply represent the deceased, but, in conformity with the theory just delineated, they con- tinued his civil life, his legal existence. The same results followed when the order of succession was determined by a Will, but the theory of [the identity between the dead man and his heirs was certainly much older than any form of Testament or phase of Testa- onAT. VI. OLD NOTION OF INHERITANCE. 189 mentary jurisprudence^ This indeed is the proper moment for suggesting a doubt which will press on us with greater force the further we plumb the depths of this subject — whether wills would ever have come into being at all if it had not been for these remark- able ideas connected with universal succession. Tes- tamentary law is the application of a principle wliich may be explained on a variety of philosophical hy- potheses as plausible as they are gratuitous ; it is interwoven with every part of modem society, and it is defensible on the broadest grounds of general expediency. But the warning can never be too often ~7 repeated, that the grand source of mistake in questions of jurisprudence is the impression that those reasons which actuate us at the present moment, in the main- tenance of an existing institution, have necessarily anything in common with the sentiment in which the institution originated. Qft is certain that, in the old^ Roman Law of Inheritance, the notion of a will or testament is inextricably mixed up, I might almost say confounded, with the theory of a man's posthu- mous existence in the person of his heir/] The conception of a universal succession, firmly as it has taken root in jurisprudence, has not occurred spontaneously to the framers of every body of laws. Wherever it is now found, it may be shown to have descended from Roman law; and with it have come down a host of legial rules on the subject of Testa- 190 SUCCESSION TO THE FAMILY. chap, tu ments and Testamentary gifts, which modem practi- tioners apply without discerning their relation to the parent theory. Butlin the pure Roman jurisprudence, the principle that a man lives on in his Heir — ^the elimination, if we may so speak, of the fact of death ^is too obviously for mistake the centre round which the whole Law of Testamentary and Intestate suc- cession is circling] The unflinching sternness of the Roman law in enforcing compliance with the govern- ing theory would in itself suggest that the theory grew out of something in the primitive constitution of Roman society ; but we may push the proof a good way beyond the presumption. It happens that several technical expressions, dating from the earliest insti- tution of wills at Rome, have been accidentally preserved to us. We have in Gains the formula of investiture by which the universal successor was created. We have the ancient name by which the person afterwards called Heir was at first designated. We have further the text of the celebrated clause in the Twelve Tables by whi«?h the Testamentary power was expressly recognised, and the clauses regulating Intestate Succession have also been preserved. All \ these archaic phrases have one salient peculiarity. They indicate that ^hat passed from the Testator to the Heir was the Family, that is, the aggregate of rights and duties contained in the Patria Potestas and growing out of it. The material property is in OHAP. TI. OBIGINAL OBJECT OF WILLS. 191 three instances not mentioned at all ; in two others, it is visibly named as an adjunct or appendage of the Family. The original Will or Testament was there- Vfore an instrument, or (for it was probahly not at fifsTm writing) a proceed ing, b y which the devolu- tion of the Family was regulated. It was a mode of declaring who was to have the chieftainship, in suc- cession to the TestatorJ When Wills are understood to have this for their original object, we see at once how it is that they came to be connected with one of the most curious rehcs of ancient rehgion and law, the sacra, or Family Rites. -These sacra were the Eoman form of an institution which shows itself wherever society has not wholly shaken itself free from its primitive clothing. They are the sacrifices and ceremonies by which the brotherhood of the family is commemorated, the pledge and the wit- ness of its perpetuity. Whatever be their nature — whether it be true or not that in all cases they are the worship of some mythical ancestor — ^they are everywhere employed to attest the sacredness of the family relation ; and therefore they acquire prominent significance and importance, whenever the continuous existence of the Family is endangered by a change in the person of its chief. Accordingly, we hear most about them in connection with demises of domestic sovereignty. Among the Hindoos, the right to in- herit a dead man's property is exactly co-extensive 192 THE HINDOO SACKA. chap. vi. with the duty of performing his obsequies. If the rites are not properly performed or not performed by the proper person, no relation is considered as estab- lished between the deceased and anybody surviving him ; the Law of Succession does not apply, and nobody can inherit the property. Every great event in the life of a Hindoo seems to be regarded as leading up to and bearing upon these solemnities. If he marries, it is to have children who may celebrate them after his death ; if he has no children, he lies under the strongest obligation to adopt them from another family, " with a view," writes the Hindoo doctor, "to the funeral cake, the water, and the solemn sacrifice." The sphere preserved to the Roman sacra in the time of Cicero, was not less in extent. It embraced Inheritances and Adoptions; No adoption was allowed to take place without due provision for the sacra of the family from which the adoptive son was transferred, and no Testament was allowed to distribute an Inheritance without a strict apportionment of the expenses of these ceremonies among the different co-heirs. The dififerences between the Roman law at this epoch, when we obtain our last glimpse of the sacra, and the existing Hindoo system, are most instructive. Among the Hindoos, the religious element in law has acquired a complete predominance. Family sacrifices have become the keystone of all the Law of Persons and much of the CHAP. VI. ROMAN AND HINDOO SACEA. 195 Law of Things. They have even received a mon- strous extension, for it is a plausible opinion that the Ra1f- i'rnTnnla.t,ioTi of the widow at her husband's funeral, a practice continued to historical times by the Hindoos, and commemorated in the traditions of several Indo- European races, was an addition grafted on the pri- mitive sacra, under the influence of the impression^ which always accompanies the idea of sacrifice, that human blood is the most precious of all oblations. With the Romans, on the contrary, the legal obliga- tion and the religious duty have ceased to be blended. The necessity of solemnising the sacra forms no part of the theory of civil law, but they are under the separate jurisdiction of the College of PontiflFs. The letters of Cicero to Atticus, which are full of allusions to them, leave no doubt that they constituted an intolerable burden on Inheritances ; but the point of development at which law breaks away from religion has been passed, and we are prepared for their entire disappearance from the later jurisprudence. In Hindoo law there is no such thing as a true Win. The place filled by WiUs is occupied by Adop- tions. We can now see the relation of the Testa- mentary Power to the Faculty of Adoption, and the reason why the exercise of either of them could call up a peculiar solicitude for the performance of the sacra. [Both a WiQ and an Adoption threaten a dis- tortion of the ordinary course of Family descent, but T 194 WILLS AND ADOPTIONS. ^ chap, -vx they are obviously contrivances for pr^enting the descent being wholly interrupted, /when there is no succession of kindred to carry it onj Of the two expedients Adoption, the fictitious creation of blood-^relationship, is the only one which has sug- gested itself to the greater part of archaic societiea. The Hindoos have indeed advanced one point on what was doubtless the antique practice, by allow- ing the widow to adopt when the father has neg- lected to do so, and there are in the local customs of Bengal some faint traces of the Testamentary powers. But to the Romans belongs pre-eminentlY the credit of inventing the WiU, the institution which, next to the Contract, has exerci sed the greatest influence in transforming human society. We must be careful not to attribute to it in its earliest shape the functions which have attended it in more recent times. | JfcW was at first, not a mode of distributing a dead man's goods, but one among several ways of transferring the representation of the household to a new chief. The goods descend no doubt to the Heir, but that is only because the government of the family carries with it in its devolution the power of disposing of the common stock^ We are very far as yet from that stage in the history of WiUs in which they become powerful instruments in modifjong society through the stimulus they give to the circulation of property and the plasticity they produce in pro- CHAP. 71. ROMAN IDEAS OF SUCCESSIOIf. 196 prietary rights. No such consequences as these ap- pear in &ct to have been associated with the Testa- mentary power even by the latest Roman lawyers, {it wiU be found that Wills were] never looked upon in the Roman community as a contrivance for part- ing Property and the Family, or for creating a variety of miscellaneous interests, but rather as pa means of making a better provision for the members of a household than could be secured through the rules of Intestate succession^) , We may suspect indeed that the associations of a Roman with the practice of will-making were extremely diflferent from those familiar to us nowadays. The habit of regarding Adoption and Testation as modes of con- tinuing the Family cannot but have had something to do with the singular laxity of Roman notions as to the inheritance of sovereignty. It is impossible not to see that the succession of the early Roman Emperors to each other was considered reasonably regular, and that, in spite of all that had occurred, no absurdity attached to the pretension of such Princes as Theodosius or Justinian to style them- selves Caesar and Augustus. When the phenomena of primitive societies emerge into light, it seems impossible to dispute a proposition which the jurists of the seventeenth century con- sidered doubtful, thatl Intestate Inheritance is a more ancient institution than Testamentary Succession^ OSi 196 EAEITY OF TESTAMENTARY POWERS. chap, vi As soon as this is settled, a question of much in- terest suggests itself, how and under what conditions were the directions of a will first allowed to regulate the devolution of authority over the household, and consequently the posthumous distribution of pro- perty. The difficulty of deciding the point arises from the rarity of Testamentary power in archaic communities. It is doubtful whether a true power of testation was known to any original society except the Koman. Rudimentary forms of it occur here and there, but most of them are not exempt from the suspicion of a Roman origin. The Atheniao^ Will was, no doubt, indigenous, but then, as will ap- pear presently, it was only an inchoate Testament. As to the Wills which are sanctioned by the bodies of law which have descended to us as the codes of the barbarian conquerors of imperial Rome, they are almost certainly Roman. The most penetrating Ger- man criticism has recently been directed to these leges Barbarorum, the great object of investigation being to detach those portions of each system which formed the customs of the tribe in its original home from the adventitious ingredients which were bor- rowed from the laws of the Romans. In the course of this process, one result has invariably disclosed itself, that[the ancient nucleus of the code contains \ no trace of a Will.J [Whatever testamentary law exists, has been taken from Roman jurisprudence^ Similarly, the rudimentary Testament which (as I CHAT. VT. PEIMITIVJS OPERATION OF WILLS. 107 am informed) the Rabbinical Jewish law provides for, has been attributed to contact with the Romans. The only form of Testament, not belonging to a Ro- man or Hellenic society, which can with any reason be supposed indigenous, is that recognised by the asages of the province of Bengal ;[^nd the Testament of Bengal,] which some have even supposed to be an invention of Anglo-Indian lawyers,Us at most only a rudimentary Will] The evidence, however, such as it is, seems to point to the conclusion that Testaments are at first V^)nly allowed to take efi'ect on failure of the persons entitled to have the inheritance by right of blood genuine or fictitious. Thus, when Athenian citizens were empowered for the first time by the Laws of Solon to execute Testaments, they were forbidden to disinherit their direct male descendants. So, too, the Will of Bengal is only permitted to govern the succession so far as it is consistent with certain overriding claims of the family. Again, the original institutions of the Jews having provided nowhere for the privileges of Testatorship, the latter Rabbini- cal jurisprudence, which pretends to supply the casus omissi of the Mosaic law, allows the power of Testa- tion to attach when all the kindred entitled under the Mosaic system to succeed have failed or are undiscoverable. The limitations by which the ancient German codes hedge in the testamentary jurispru- dence which has been incorporated with them are 108 OLD GEEMANIC WILLS. chap, ti, also significant, and point in the same direction. It is the peculiarity of most of these German laws, in the only shape in which we know them, that, besides the [allod or domain of each household^ they recognise several subordinate kinds or orders of property, each of which probably represents a separate transfusion of Eoman principles into the primitive body of Teutonic usage. [The primitive German or allodial property is strictly reserved to the kindred. Not only is it incapable of being disposed of by testa- ment, but it is scarcely capable of being alienated by conveyance inter vivos^ The ancient German law, like the Hindoo jurisprudence, makes the male children co-proprietors with their father, and the endowment of the family cannot be parted with except by the consent of all its members. [But the other sorts of property, of more modern origin and lower dignity than the aUodial possessions, are much more easily alienated than they, and follow much more lenient rules of devolution^' Women and the descendants of women succeed to them, obviously on the principle that they lie outside the sacred pre- cinct of the Agnatic brotherhood. Now, it is on these last descriptions of property, and on these only, that the Testaments borrowed from Rome were at first allowed to operate. These few indications may serve to lend additional plausibility to that which in itself appears to be the CHiP. Ti. THE COMITIA CALATA. 109 most probable explanation of an ascertained fact in tbe early history of Roman Wills. We have it stated on abundant authority that Testaments, during the primitive period of the Roman State, were executed in the Comitia Calata, that is, in the Comitia Cuiiata, or Parliament of the Patrician Burghers of Rome, when assembled for Private Business. This mode of execution has been the source of the assertion, handed down by one generation of civilians to an- other, that every Will at one era of Roman history was a solemn legislative enactment. But there is no necessity whatever for resorting to an explanation which has the defect of attributing far too much precision to the proceedings of the ancient assembly. The proper key to the story concerning the execu- tion of WiUs in the Comitia Calata must no doubt be sought in the oldest Roman law of intestate succession. The canons of primitive Roman juris- prudence regulating the inheritance of relations from each other were, so long as they remained unmodified by the Edictal Law of the Praetor, to the following effect : — First, the sui or direct descendants who had never been emancipated succeeded. On the failure of the sui, the Nearest Agnate came into their place, that is, the nearest person or class of the kindred who was or might have been under the same Patria Potestas with the deceased. The third and last de- gree came next, in which the inheritance devolved 200 JUEISDICTION OF THE COMITIA. chap vi. on the Gentiles, that is, on the collective members of the dead man's gens or House. The House, I have explained already, was a fictitious extension of the family, consisting of all Roman Patrician citizens who bore the same name, and who on the ground of bearing the same name, were supposed to be de- scended from a common ancestor. Now the Patri- cian Assembly called the Comitia Curiata was a Legislature in which Gentes or Houses were exclu- sively represented. It was a representative assembly of the Roman people, constituted on the assumption that the constituent unit of the state was the Gens. This being so, the inference seems inevitable, that the cognisance of WiUs by the Comitia was connected with the rights of the GentUes, and was intended to secure them in their privilege of ultimate inherit- ance. The whole apparent anomaly is removed, if we suppose that a Testament could only be made when the Testator had no gentiles discoverable, or when they waived their claims, and that every Testament was submitted to the General Assembly of the Roman Gentes, in order that those aggrieved by its dispositions might put their veto upon it if they pleased, or by allowing it to pass might be presumed to have renounced their reversion. It is possible that on the eve of the publication of the Twelve Tables this vetoing power may have been greatly curtailed or only occasionally and capriciously OTJAP. Yi, PLEBEIAN WILLS. 201 exercised. It is much easier, however, to indicate the meaning and origin of the jurisdiction confided to the Comitia Calata, than to trace its gradual de- velopment or progressive decay. The Testament to which the pedigree of all modern WUls may be traced is not, however, the Testament executed in the Calata Comitia, but another Testa- ment designed to compete with it and destined to supersede it. The historical importance of this early Eoman WiE, and the light it casts on much of ancient thought, will excuse me for describing it at some length. When the Testamentary power first discloses itself to us in legal history, there are signs that, like almost all the great Roman institutions, it was the subject of contention between the Patricians and the Plebeians. The efifect of the political maxim, Plebs Gentem non habet, "a Plebeian cannot be a member of a house," was entirely to exclude the Plebeians from the Comitia Curiata. Some critics have accordingly supposed that a Plebeian could not have his Will read or recited to the Patrician Assembly, and was thus deprived of Testamentary privileges altogether. Others have been satisfied to point out the hardships of having to submit a proposed Will to the unfriendly juris- diction of an assembly in which the Testator was not represented. Whatever be the true view, a form 202 THE PLEBEIAN WILL. chap, tl of Testament came into use, which has all the cha- racteristics of a contrivance intended to evade some distasteful obligation. The Will in question was a conveyance inter vivos, a complete and irrevocable alienation of the Testator's family and substance to the person whom he meant to be his heir. The strict rules of Roman law must always have per- mitted such an alienation, but when the transaction was intended to have a posthumous effect, there may have been disputes whether it was valid for Testa- mentary purposes without the formal assent of the Patrician Parliament. If a diflFerence of opinion existed on the point between the two classes of the Roman population, it was extinguished, with many other sources of heartburning, by the great Decem- viral compromise. The text of the Twelve Tables is still extant which says, '•'■Pater familias uti de pecunid tuteldve rei suae legdssit, ita jus esto " — a law which can hardly have had any other object than the legislation of the Plebeian Will. It is well known to scholars that, centuries after the Patrician Assembly had ceased to be the legis- lature of the Roman State, it still continued to hold formal sittings for the convenience of private busi- ness. Consequently, at a period long subsequent to the publication of the Decemviral Law, there is Reason to believe that the Comitia Calata still as- sembled for the validation of Testaments. Its pro- CttiP. Tl. END OF THE COMITIA CALATA. 203 \bable functions may be best indicated by saying tnkt it was a Court of Registration, with the under- standing, however, that the WUls exhibited were not enrolled, but simply recited to the members, who were supposed to take note of their tenor and to commit them to memory. It is very likely that this form of Testament was never reduced to writing at all, but at all events if the Will had been ori- ginally written, the office of the Comitia was cer- tainly confined to hearing it read aloud, the docu- ment being retained afterwards in the custody of the Testator, or deposited under the safeguard of some religious corporation. This publicity may have been one of the incidents of the Testament executed in the Comitia Calata which brought it into popular disfavour. In the early years of the Empire the Comitia still held its meetings, but they seem to have lapsed into the merest form, and few WiQs, or none, were probably presented at the periodical sitting^ It is the ancient Plebeian Will — the alternative of the Testament just described — which in its remote effects has deeply modified the civilisation of the modem world. It acquired at Rome all the popu- larity which the Testament submitted to the Calata Comitia appears to have lost. The key to all its characteristics lies in its descent from the manci- pium, or ancient Roman conveyance, a proceeding to a04 THE MANCIPATIOIV. chap. vi. which we may unhesitatingly assign the parentage V of two great institutions without which modern society can scarcely be supposed capable of holding together, the Contract and the Will. The Mancipium, or, as the word would exhibit itself in later Latinity, the Mancipation, carries us back by its incidents to the infancy of civil society. As it sprang from times long anterior, if not to the invention, at all events to the popularisation, of the art of writing, gestures, symbolical acts, and solemn phrases take the place of documentary forms, and a lengthy and intricate ceremonial is intended to call the atten- tion of the parties to the importance of the trans- action, and to impress it on the memory of the wit- nesses. The imperfection, too, of oral, as compared with written, testimony necessitates the multipli- cation of the witnesses and assistants beyond what in later times would be reasonable or inteUigible limits. The [Roman Mancipation! required the presence first of all of the parties, the vendor and vendge^ or we should perhaps rather say, if we are to use modem legal language, the grantor and grantee. There were also no less than five witnesses ; and an anomalous personage, the Libripens, who brought with him a pair of scales to weigh the uncoined cop- per money of ancient Rome. The Testament we ai'e considermg — the Testament ^■ THE NEXUM. chap. n. the nexum being put to a new use and after- wards obtained recognition as distinct transactions through the important practical consequences of the experiment. There is some, but not very violent, conjecture in the following delineation of the process. Let us conceive a sale for ready money as the normal type of the Nexum. The seller brought the property of which he intended to dispose — a slave, for example — the purchaser attended with the rough ingots of copper which served for money — and an in- dispensable assistant, the libripens, presented himself with a pair of scales. The slave with certain fixed formahties was handed over to the vendee — ^the copper was weighed by the libripens and passed to the vendor. So long as the business lasted it was a nexum, and the parties were nexi ; but the moment it was completed, the nexum ended, and the vendor and purchaser ceased to bear the name derived from their momentary relation. But now, let us move a step onward in commercial history. Suppose the slave transferred, but the money not paid. In thai case, the nexum is finished, so far as the seller is concerned, and when he has once handed over his property, he is no longer nexus ; but, in regard to the purchaser, the nexum continues. ■ The transaction, as to his part of it, is' -Incomplete, and he Is still consi- dered to be nexus.j It follows, therefore, that the same term described the conveyance by which the CHAP. a. CONVEYANCES AND CONTEACTS. S21 right of property was transmitted, and the personal obligation of the debtor for the unpaid purchase- money .i/' We may stLU go forward, and picture to ourselves a proceeding wholly formal, in which nothing is handed over and nothing paid ; we are brought at once to a transaction indicative of much higher com- mercial activity, an executo7'y Contract of Sale. If it be true that, both in the popular and in the professional view, a Contract was long regarded as an incomplete Conveyance, the truth has importance for many reasons. The speculations of the last century concerning mankind in a state of nature, are not un- fairly summed up in the doctrine that " in the primi- tive society property was nothing, and obligation everything;" and it will now be seen that, if the pro- position were reversed, it would be nearer the reality. On the other hand, considered historically, the primitive association of Conveyances and Contracts explains something which often strikes the scholar aud jurist as singularly enigmatical, I mean the extraordinary and uniform severity of very ancient systems of law to debtors, and the extravagant powers which they lodge with creditors. When once we un- derstand that the nexum was artificially prolonged to give time to the debtor, we can better comprehend his position in the eye of the public and of the law. His indebtedness was doubtless regarded as an ano- maly, and suspense of payment in general as an artifice y 322 CONVEYANCES AND CONTRACIS. chap. n. and a distortion of strict rule. The person wlio had duly consummated his part in the transaction must, on the contrary, have stood in peculiar favour; and nothing would seem more natural than to arm him with stringent facilities for enforcing the completion of a proceeding which, of strict right, ought never to have been extended or deferred. Nexum, therefore, which originally signified a Conveyance of property, came insensibly to denote a Contract also, and ultimately so constant became the association between this word and • the notion of a Contract, that a special term, Mancipium or Manci- patio, had to be used for the purpose of designating the true nexum or transaction in which the property was really transferred. nI Contracts are therefore now severed from Conveyances, and the first stage in their history is accomphshed, but still they are far enough from that epoch of their development when the pro- mise of the contractor has a higher sacredness than the formalities with which it is coupled. In attempt- ing to indicate the character of the changes passed through in this interval, it is necessary to trespass a little on a subject which lies properly beyond the range of these pages, the analysis of ''Agreement effected by the Eoman jurisconsults.^ Of this ana- lysis, the most beautiful monument of their sagacity, I need not say more than that it is^based on the theoretical separation of the Obligation fi-om the caiAP. IX. ROMAlii ANALYSIS OF AGREEMENT. 823 Convention or Pact/ Bentham and Mr. Austin have laid down that the " two main essentials of a contract are these : first, a signification by the promising party of his intention to do the acts or to observe the forbearances which he promises to do or to observe. Secondly, a signification by the promisee that he expects the promising party will fulfil the proffered promise." This is virtually identical with the doctrine' of the Roman lawyers, but then, in their view, the result of these " significations " was not a Contract, but a Convention or Pact. v-A Pact was the utmost product of the engagements of individuals agreeing among themselves, and it distinctly fell short of a Contract. Whether it ultimately became a Contract depended on the question whether the law annexed an Obligation to it. v A Contract was a Pact (or Con- vention) plus an Obligationy^ So long as the Pact remained unclothed with the Obligation, it was called nude or naked. What was an Obligation? It is defined by the Roman lawyers as " Juris vinculum, quo necessitate adstringimur alicujus solvendse rei." This definition connects the Obligation with the Nexum through the common metaphor on which they are founded, and shows us with much clearness the pedigree of a pecu- liar conception. yThe Obligation is the " bond " or "chain," with which the law joins together per- sons or groups of persons, in consequence of certain y2 824 OBLIGATIOX. cdaj?. ix- voluntary acts/ The acts wHch have the eflFect of attracting an Obligation are chiefly those classed under the heads of Contract and Delict, of Agreement and Wrong; but a variety of other acts have a similar consequence which are not capable of being comprised in an exact classification. It is to be remarked, however, that the Pact does not draw to itself the Obligation in consequence of any moral necessity ; it is the law which annexes it in the plenitude of its power, a point the more necessary to be noted, because a different doctrine has sometimes been propounded by modern interpreters of the Civil Law who had moral or metaphysical theories of their own to sup- port. vThe image of a vinculum juris colours and pervades every part of the Roman law of Contract and Delict. -J The- law bound the parties together, and the chain could only be undone by the process caUed solutio, an expression still figurative, to which our word " payment " is only occasionally and incidentally equivalent. The consistency with which the figura- tive image was allowed to present itself, explains an otherwise puzzling peculiarity of Roman legal phra- seology, the fact that"*^' Obligation " signifies rights as well as duties, the right, for example, to have a debt paid as weU as the duty of paying itv The Romans kept, in fact, the entire picture of the " legal chain " before their eyes, and regarded one end of it no more and no less than the other. CHAP. IX. CONTENTION AND CONTEACT. 325 In the developed Roman law, the Convention, as soon as it -was completed, was, in almost all cases, at once crowned with the Obligation, and so became a Contract ; and this was the result to which contract- law was surely tending. But for the purpose of this inquiry, we must attend particularly to the interme- diate stage — ^that in which something more than a perfect agreement was required to attract the obliga- tion. This epoch is synchronous with the period at which the famous Roman classification of Contracts into four sorts — the Verbal, the Literal, the Real, and the Consensual — had come into use, and during which these four orders of contract constituted the only descriptions of engagement which the law would enforce. The meanmg of the fourfold distribution is readily understood as soon as we apprehend the theory which severed the Obligation from the Con- vention. Each class of contracts was in fact named from certain formalities which were required over and above the mere agreement of the contracting parties. In the Verbal Contract, as soon as the Convention was effected, a form of words had to be gone through before the " vinculum juris " was attached to it. In the Literal Cont^-act, an entry in a ledger or table-book had the effect of clothing the Convention with the Obligation, and the same result followed, in the case of the Real Contract, from the delivery of the Res or Thing which was the subject of the preliminary sue ROMAN CONTRACTS. ohap. ix. engagement. The contracting parties came, in short, to an understanding in each case ; but, if they went no further, they -were not obliged to one another, and could not compel performance or ask redress for a breach of faith. But let them comply with certain prescribed formalities, and the Contract was imme- diately complete, taking its name from the particular form which it had suited them to adopt. The excep- tions to this practice will be noticed presently. I have enumerated the four Contracts in their historical order, which order, however, the Roman Institutional writers did not invariably follow. There can be no doubt that T;he Verbal Contract was the most ancient of the four, and that it is the eldest known descendant of the primitive Nexum. / Several species of Verbal Contract were anciently in use, but the most important of all, and the only one treated of by our authorities, was effected by means of a stipula- tion, that is, a Question and Answer; a question addressed by the person who exacted the promise, and an answer given by the person who made it. This question and answer constituted the additional ingre- dient which, as I have just explained, was demanded by the primitive notion over and above the mere agreement of the persons interested. They formed the agency by which the Obligation was annexed. The old Nexum has now bequeathed to maturer juris- prudence first of all the conception of a chain uniting CHAP. IX, THE VERB At CONTBACT. 327 the contracting parties, and this has become the Obligation. It has further transmitted the notion of a ceremonial accompanying and consecrating the engagement, and this ceremonial has been transmuted into the Stipulation. The conversion of the solemn conveyance, which was the prominent feature of the original Nexum, into a mere question and answer, would be more of a mystery than it is if we had not the analogous history of Roman Testaments to enlighten us. Looking at that history, we can under- stand how the formal conveyance was first separated from the part of the proceeding which had immediate reference to the business in hand, and how afterwards it was omitted altogether. As then the question and answer of the Stipulation were unquestionably the Nexum in a simplified shape, we are prepared to find that they long partook of the nature of a technical form. It would be a mistake to consider them as exclusively recommending themselves to the older Eoman lawyers xhrough their usefulness in furnishing persons meditating an agreement with an opportunity for consideration and reflection. It is not to be dis- puted that they had a value of this kind, which was gradually recognised; but there is proof that their function in respect to Contracts was at first formal and ceremonial in the statement of our authorities, that not every question and answer was of old suffi- cient to constitute a Stipulation, but only a question 323 CONVENIENCE OF VERBAL CONTKACT. chap. ix. and answer couched in technical phraseology specially appropriated to the particular occasion. But although it is essential for the proper apprecia- tion of the history of contract-law that the Stipulation should be understood to have been looked upon as a solemn form before it was recognised as a useful security, it would be wrong on the other hand to shut our eyes to its real usefulness. The Verbal Contract, though it had lost much of its ancient im- portance, survived to the latest period of Roman jurisprudence; and we may take it for granted that no institution of Roman law had so extended a longevity unless it served some practical advantage. I observe in an English writer some expressions of sur- prise that the Romans even of the earliest times were content with so meagre a protection against haste and irreflection. But on examining the Stipulation closely, and remembering that we have to do with a state of society in which written evidence was not easily procurable, I think we must admit that this Question and Answer, had it been expressly devised to answer the purpose which it served, would have been justly designated a highly ingenious expedient. It was the •promisee who, in the character of stipulator, put aU the terms of the contract into the form of a question, and the answer was given by the promisor. " Do you promise that you will deliver me such and such a slave, at such and such a place, on such and such a OHAP, IX. CONVENIENCE OF VERBAL CONTRACT. SIV day?" "I do promise." No-w, if we reflect for a moment, we shall see that this obligation to put the promise interrogatively inverts the natural position of the parties, and, by effectually breaking the tenor of the conversation, prevents the attention from gliding over a dangerous pledge. With us, a verbal promise is, generally speaking, to be gathered exclu- sively from the words of the promisor. In old Roman law, another step was absolutely required; it was necessary for the promisee, after the agreement had been made, to sum up all its terms in a solemn inter- rogation; and it was of this interrogation, of course, and of the assent to it, that proof had to be given at the trial — not of the promise, which was not in itself binding. How great a difl\;rence this seemingly in- significant peculiarity may make in the phraseology of contract-law is speedily realised by the beginner in Roman jurisprudence, one of whose first stumbling- blocks is almost universally created by it. When we in Enghsh have occasion, in mentioning a contract, to connect it for convenience' sake with one of the parties, — ^for example, if we wished to speak generally of a contractor, — it is always the promisor at whom our words are pointing. But the general language of Roman law takes a different turn ; it a.lways regards the contract, if we may so speak, from the point of view of the promisee; in speaking of a party to a contract, it is always the Stipulator, the person who, S80 THE LITERAL COJfTEACT. chap. is. asks the question, who is primarily alluded to. But the serviceableness of the stipulation is most vividly illustrated by referring to the actual examples in the pages of the Latin comic dramatists. If the entire scenes are read down in which these passages occur (ex. gra. Plautus, Psmdolus, Act I. sc. 1 ; Act IV. sc. 6; Trinummus, Act Y. sc. 2), it will be perceived how effectually the attention of the person meditating the promise must have been arrested by the question, and how ample was the opportunity for withdrawal from an improvident undertaking. J In the Literal or Written Contract, the formal act by which an Obligation was superinduced on the Con- vention, was an entry of the sum due, where it could be specifically ascertained, on the debit side of a ledger."^ The explanation of this contract turns on a point of Koman domestic manners, the systematic character and exceeding regularity of book-keeping in ancient times. There are several minor difficulties of old Eoman law, as, for example, the nature of the Slave's Peculium, which are only cleared up when we recollect that a Roman household consisted of a num- ber of persons strictly accountable to its head, and that every single item of domestic receipt and expen- diture, after being entered in waste books, was trans- ferred at stated periods to a general household ledger. There are some obscurities, however, in the descrip- tions we have received of the Literal Contract, the CHAP. IX. THE EEAL CONTEACT, 331 fact being that the habit of keeping books ceased to be universal in later times, and the expression " Literal Contract " came to signify a form of engage- ment entirely different from that originally under- stood. We are not, therefore, in a position to say, with respect to the primitive Literal Contract, whether the obligation was created by a simple entry on the part of the creditor, or whether the consent of the debtor or a correspondent entry in his own books was necessary to give it legal effect. The essential point is however established, that, in the case of this Contract, all formalities were dispensed with on a condition being complied with. This is another step downwards in the history of contract-law. The Contract which stands next in historical suc- cession, n;he Eeal Contract, shows a great advance in ethical conceptions. ^ Whenever any agreement had for its object the delivery of a specific thing — and this is the case with the large majority of simple engage- ments — the Obligation was drawn down as soon as the delivery had actually taken place. Such a result must have involved a serious innovation on the oldest ideas of Contract; for doubtless, in the primitive times, when a contracting party had neglected to clothe his agreement m a stipulation, nothing done in pursuance of the agreement would be recognised by the law. A person who had paid over money on loan would be unable to sue for its repayment unless he had 332 THE CONSENSUAL CONTKACTS. chat. ix. formallj' stipulated for it. ButJ in the Real Con- tract, performance on one side is allowed to impose a legal duty on the other — evidently on ethical grounds. For the first time then moral considera- tions appear as an ingredient in Contract-la-w, and the Real Contract diiFers from its two predecessors in being founded on these, rather than on respect for technical forms or on deference to Roman domestic habits. "We now reach the fourth class, or ''^Consensual Contracts, the most interesting and important of all. Four specified Contracts were distinguished by this name: Mandatum, i.e. Commission or Agency; So- cietas or Partnership; Emtio Yenditio or Sale; and Locatio Conductio or Letting and Hiring. A few pages back, after stating that a Contract consisted of a Pact or Convention to which an Obligation had been superadded, I spoke of certain acts or formalities by which the law permitted the Obligation to be attracted to the Pact. I used this language on account of the advantage of a general expression, but it is not strictly correct unless it be understood to include the negative as well as the positive. For, in truth, the peculiarity of these Consensual Contracts is that no formalities are required xo create them out of the Pact. Much that is indefensible, and much more that is obscure, has been written about the Consensual Contracts, and it has even been asserted that in them CHAP. n. THE CONSENSUAL CONTRACTS. 833 the consent of the Parties is more emphatically given than in any other species of agreement. But this term Consensual merely indicates that the Obligation is here annexed at once to the Consensus. The Con;;^ sensus, or mutual assent of the parties, is the final and crowning ingredient in the Convention, and it is the special characteristic of agreements falling under one of the four heads of Sale, Partnership, Agency, and Hu'ing, that, as soon as the assent of the parties has supplied this ingredient, there is at once a Contract. The Consensus draws with it the Obligation, per- forming, in transactions of the sort specified, the exact functions which are discharged, in the other contracts, by the Bes or Thing, by the Verba stipula- tionis, and by the Literce or written entry in a ledger. Consensual is therefore a term which does not involve the slightest anomaly, but is exactly analogous to Heal, Verbal, and Literal. In the intercourse of life the commonest and most important of all the contracts are unquestionably the four styled Consensual. The larger part of the col- lective existence of every community is consumed in transactions of buying and selling, of letting and hiring, of alliances between men for purposes of business, of delegation of business from one man to another ; and this is no doubt the consideration which led the Romans, as it has led most societies, to reheve these transactions from technical incumbrance, to 384 THE CONSENSUAL CONTEACTS. chap, rx, abstain as mucli as possible from clogging the most efficient springs of social movement. Such motives were not of course confined to Rome, and ^e com- merce of the Eomans with their neighbours must have given them abundant opportunities for observing that'*1;he' contracts) before us (tefi^ded everywhere to become Consensual) ohlig&tory on the mere significa- tion of mutual assent.v^ Hence, following their usual practice, they distinguished these contracts as con- tracts Juris Gentium. Yet I do not think that they were so named at a very early period. The first notions of a Jus Gentium may have been deposited in the minds of the Roman lawyers long before the appointment of a Praetor Peregrinus, but it would only be through extensive and regular trade that they would be familiarised with the contractual system of other Italian communities, and such a trade would scarcely attain considerable proportions before Italy had been thoroughly pacified, and the supremacy of Rome conclusively assured, v^^though, however, there is strong probability that the Consensual Con- tracts were the latest born into the Roman system, and though it is likely that the qualification, Juris 4- Gentium, stamps the recency of their origin, yet this very expression, which attributes them to the " Law of Nations," has in modern times produced the notion of their extreme antiquity^ For, when the " Law of Nations " had been converted into the " Law of OITAP. IX. THE CONSENSUAL CONTRACTS. 336 Nature,'' it seemed to be implied that the Consensual Contracts were the type of the agreements most congenial to the natural state ; and hence arose the singular belief that the younger the civilisation, the simpler must be its forms of contract, i — The Consensual Contracts, it will be observed, were extremely limited in number. But it cannot be doubted that they constituted the stage in the history of Contract-law from which all modern conceptions of contract took their start. The motion of the wUl which constitutes agreement was now completely insulated, and became the subject of separate con- templation; forms were entirely eliminated from the notion of contract, and external acts were only regarded as symbols of the internal act of volition. The Consensual Contracts had, moreover, been classed in the Jus Gentium, and it was not long before this classification drew with it the inference that they were the species of agreement which represented the engagements approved of by Nature and included in her code. This point once reached, we are prepared for several celebrated doctrines and distinctions of the Roman lawyers. One of them is the distinction between Natural and Civil Obligations. When a person of fuU intellectual maturity had deliberately bound himself by an engagement, he was said to be under a natural obligation, even though he had omitted some necessary formality, and even though 336 NATDKAL AJSTD CIVIL OBLIGATIONS, chap, is through some technical impediment he was devoid of the formal capacity for making a valid contract. The law (and this is what the distinction implies) would not enforce the obligation, but it did not absolutely refuse to recognise it ; and natural obli- gations differed in many respects from obligations which were merely null and void, more particularly in the circumstance that they could be civiUy con- firmed, if the capacity for contract were subsequently acquired. Another very peculiar doctrine of the jurisconsults could not have had its origin earlier than the period at which the Convention was severed from the technical ingredients of Contract. They taught that though nothing but a Contract could be the foundation of an action, a mere Pact or Convention could be the basis of a plea. It followed from this, that though nobody could sue upon an agreement which he had not taken the precaution to mature into a Contract by complying with the proper forms, never- theless a claim arising out of a valid contract could be rebutted by proving a counter-agreement which had never got beyond the state of a simple conven- tion. An action for the recovery of a debt could be met by showing a mere informal agreement to waive or postpone the payment. The doctrine just stated indicates the hesitation of the Prsetors in making their advances towards the greatest of their iimovations. Their theory of Natural CHAP. IX. CHANGES m CONTRACT-LAW. 337 law must have led them to look with especial favour on the Consensual Contracts and on those Pacts or Con- ventions of which the Consensual Contracts were only- particular instances; but they did not at once venture on extending to all Conventions the liberty of the Consensual Contracts. They took advantage of that special superintendence over procedure which had oeen confided to them since the first beginnings of Eoman law, and, while they still declined to permit a suit to be launched which was not based on a formal contract, they gave fuU play to their new theory of agreement in directing the ulterior stages of the pro- ceeding. But, when they had proceeded thus far, it was inevitable that they should proceed farther. The revolution of the ancient law of Contract was consummated when the Praetor of some one year an- nounced in his Edict that he would grant equitable actions upon Pacts which had never been matured at all into Contracts, provided only that the Pacts in question had been founded on a consideration (causa). Pacts of this sort are always enforced under the advanced Roman jurisprudence. The principle is merely the principle of the Consensual Contract car- ried to its proper consequence; and, in fact, if the technical language of the Romans had been as plastic as their legal theories, these Pacts enforced by the Praetor would have been styled new Contracts, new Consensual Contracts. Legal phraseology is, how- 338 PEOGRESS OP CONTEACT-LAW. chap. ix. ever, the part of the law which is the last to alter, and the Pacts equitably enforced continued to be designated simply Praetorian Pacts. It wiU be re- marked that unless there were consideration for the Pact, it would continue nude so far as the new juris- prudence was concerned; in order to give it effect, it would be necessary to convert it by a stipulation into a Verbal Contract. The extreme importance of this history of Con- tract, as a safeguard against almost innumerable delusions, must be my justification for discussing it at so considerable a length. It gives a complete account of the march of ideas from one great land- mark of jurisprudence to another. ^We begin with the Nexum, in which a Contract and a Conveyance^ are blended, and in which the formalities which ac- I company the agreement are even more important than the agreement itself. From the Nexum we pass | to the Stipulation, which is a simplified form of the older ceremonial. The Literal Contract comes next, and here all formalities are waived, if proof of the agreement can be supplied from the rigid observances of a Roman household. In the Real Contract a moral duty is for the first time recognised, and persons who have joined or acquiesced in the partial i performance of an engagement are forbidden to 1 repudiate it on account of defects in form. Lastly, the Consensual Contracts emerge, in which the EUAP, IX. PEOGEESS OP CONTEACT-LAW. 339 mental attitude of the contractors is solely regarded^ and external circumstances have no title to notice except as evidence of the inward undertaking, v/ It is of. course uncertain how far this progress of Roman ideas from a gross to a refined conception exemplifies the necessary progress of human thought on the subject of Contract. The Contract-law of all other ancient societies but the Roman is either too scanty to furnish information, or else is entirely lost ; and modern jurisprudence is so thoroughly leavened with the Roman notions that it furnishes us mth no con- trasts or parallels from which instruction can be gleaned. From the absence, however, of everything violent, marvellous, or unintelligible in the changes I have described, it may be reasonably believed that the history of Ancient Roman Contracts is, up to a certain point, typical of the history of this class of legal conceptions in other ancient societies. But it is only up to a certain point that the progress of Roman law can be taken to represent the progress of other systems of jurisprudence. The theory of Na- tural law is exclusively Roman. The notion of the vinculum juris, so far as my knowledge extends, is exclusively Roman. The many peculiarities of the mature Roman law of Contract and Delict which are traceable to these two ideas, whether singly or in combination, are therefore among the exclusive pro- ducts of one particular society. These later legal xS 840 INFLUENCE OF ROMAN CONTKACT-LAW chap. is. conceptions are important, not because they typify the necessary results of advancing thought under all conditions, but because they have exercised perfectly enormous influence on the intellectual diathesis of the modern world. I know nothing more wonderful than the variety of sciences to which Roman law, Eoman Contract- law more particularly, has contributed modes of thought, courses of reasoning, and a technical lan- guage. Of the subjects which have whetted the intellectual appetite of the moderns, there is scarcely one, except Physics, which has not been filtered through Roman jurisprudence. The science of pure Metaphysics had, indeed, rather a Greek than a Roman parentage, but Politics, Moral Philosophy, and even Theology, found in Roman law not only a vehicle of expression, but a nidus in which some of their pro- foundest iaquiries were nourished into maturity. For the purpose of accounting for this phenomenon, it is not absolutely necessary to discuss the mysterious relation between words and ideas, or to explain how it is that the human mind has never grappled with any subject of thought, unless it has been provided beforehand with a proper store of language and with an apparatus of appropriate logical methods. It is enough to remark, that, when the philosophical inte- rests of the Eastern and Western worlds were sepa- rated, the. founders of Western thought belonged to CHAP. II. STATE OF THOUGHT IS THE EMPIRE. Sdl a society -wliicli spoke Latin and reflected, in Latin. But in the Western provinces the only language whicfi retained sufficient precision for philosophical purposes was the language of Koman law, which by a singular fortune had preserved nearly all the purity of the Augustan age, while vernacular Latin was degene- rating into a dialect of portentous barbarism. And if Eoman jurisprudence supplied the only means of exactness in speech, stiU more emphatically did it furnish the only means of exactness, subtlety, or depth in thought. For at least three centuries philosophy and science were without a home in the West ; and though metaphysics and metaphysical theology were engrossing the mental energies of multitudes of Eoman subjects, the phraseology em- ployed in these ardent inquiries was exclusively Greek, and their theatre was the Eastern half of the Empire. Sometimes, indeed, the conclusions of the Eastern disputants became so important that every man's assent to them, or dissent from them, had to be re- corded, and then the West was introduced to the results of Eastern controversy, which it generally acquiesced in without interest and without resistance. Meanwhile, one department of inquiry, difficult enough for the most laborious, deep enough for the most subtile, delicate enough for the most refined, had never lost its attractions for the educated classes of the Western provinces. To the cultivated citizen 342 EASTEEN AND WESTERN IDEAS. chap. XS. of Africa, of Spain, of Gaul, and of Northern Italy, it was jurisprudence, and jurisprudence only, which stood in the place of poetry and history, of philosophy and science. So far then from there being anything mysterious in the palpably legal complexion of the earliest efforts of Western thought, it would rather be astonishing if it had assumed any other hue. I can only express my surprise at the scantiness of the at- tention which has been given to the difference between Westei-n ideas and Eastern, between Western theology and Eastern, caused by the presence of a new ingre- dient. It is precisely because the influence of juris- prudence begins to be powerful that the foundation of Constantinople and the subsequent separation of the Western empire from the Eastern are epochs in philosophical history. But Continental thinkers are doubtless less capable of appreciating the importance of this crisis by the very intimacy with which notions derived from Roman law are mingled up with their everyday ideas. Englishmen, on the other hand, are blind to it through the monstrous ignorance to which they condemn themselves of the most plentiful source of the stream of modern knowledge, of the one intel- lectual result of the Roman civiUsation. At the same time, an Englishman who will be at the pains to familiarise himself with the classical Roman law, is perhaps, from the very slightness of the interest which his countrymen have hitherto taken in the CHAP. n. QUASI-CONTRACT. 843 subject, a better judge than a Frencliman or a Ger- man of the value of the assertions I have ventured tb make. Anybody who knows what Roman jurispru- dence is, as actually practised by the Romans, and who will observe in what characteristics the earliest Western theology and philosophy differ from the phases of thought which preceded them, may be safely left to pronounce what was the new element which had begun to pervade and govern speculation. The part of Roman law which has had most exten- sive influence on foreign subjects of inquiry has been the law of Obligation, or, what comes nearly to the same thing, of Contract and Delict. The Romans themselves were not unaware of the offices which the copious and malleable terminology belonging to this part of their system might be made to discharge, and this is proved by their employment of the peculiar adjunct quasi in such expressions as Quasi-ContraCt and Quasi-Delict. " Quasi," so used, is exclusively a terra of classification. It has been usual with English critics to identify the Quasi-contracts with implied contracts, but this is an error, for implied contracts are true contracts, which quasi-contracts are not. In implied contracts, acts and circum- stances are the symbols of the same ingredients which are symbolised, in express contracts, by words ; and whether a man employs one set of sym- bols or the other must be a matter of indifference 844 QUASI-CONTRACT. chap. li, SO far as concerns the theory of agreement. But a Quasi-Contract is not a contract at all. The commonest sample of the class is the relation sub- sisting between two persons, one of whom has paid money to the other through mistake. The law, consulting the interests of morality, imposes an obli- gation on the receiver to refund, but the very nature of the transaction indicates that it is not a contract, inasmuch as the Convention, the most essential ingre- dient of Contract, is wanting. This word " quasi," prefixed to a term of Roman law, implies that the conception to which it serves as an index is con- nected with the conception with which the com- parison is instituted by a strong superficial analogy or resemblance. It does not denote that the two conceptions are the same, or that they belong to the same genus. On the contrary, it negatives the notion of an identity between them; but it points out that they are sufficiently similar for one to be classed as the sequel to the other, and that the phraseology taken fi:om one department of law may be transferred to the other, and employed without violent straining in the statement of rules which would otherwise be imperfectly expressed. V It has been shrewdly remarked, that the con- fusion between Implied Contracts, which are true contracts, and Quasi-Contracts, which are not con- tracts at all has much in common with the famous OHAP. IX, THE SOCIAL COMPACT. 345 error whicli attributed political rights and duties to an Original Compact between the governed and the governor. J Long before this theory had clothed itself in definite shape, the phraseology of Roman contract-law had been largely drawn upon to de- scribe that reciprocity of rights and duties which men had always conceived as existing between sovereigns and subjects. ^While the world was full of maxims setting forth with the utmost positiveness the claims of kings to implicit obedience — ^maxims which pretended to have had their origin in the New Testament, but which wero really derived from indehble recollections of the Caesarian despotism — the consciousness of correlative rights possessed by the governed would have been entirely without the means of expression if the Roman law of ObUgation had not supplied a language capable of shadowing forth an idea which was as yet imperfectly de- veloped. >/ The antagonism between the privileges of kings and their duties to their subjects was never, I believe, lost sight of since Western history began, but it had interest for few except speculative writers so long as feudalism continued in vigour, for feudal- ism effectually controlled by express customs the exorbitant theoretical pretensions of most European sovereigns. It is notorious, however, thatlas soon as the decay of the Feudal System had thrown the me- diaeval constitutions out of working order, and when 346 POLITICS AND EOMAN LAW. chap, nc the Reformation had discredited the authority of the Pope, the doctrine of the divine right of Kings rose immediately into an importance which had never before attended it^' The vogue which it obtained en- tailed stUI more constant resort to the phraseology of Boman law, and a controversy which had originally worn a theological aspect assumed more and more the air of a legal disputation. A phenomenon then appeared which has repeatedly shown itself in the history of opinion. Just when the argument for monarchical authority rounded itself into the definite doctrine of Filmer, the phraseology, borrowed from the Law of Contract, which had been used in defence of the rights of subjects, crystallised into the theory of an actual original compact between king and people, a theory which, first in English and after- wards, and more particularly, in French hands, ex- panded into a comprehensive explanation of all the phenomena of society and law. But the only real connection between political and legal science had consisted in the last giving to the first the benefit of its peculiarly plastic terminology. The Roman jurisprudence of Contract had performed for the relation of sovereign and subject precisely the same service which, in a humbler sphere, it rendered to the relation of persons bound together by an obliga- tion of " quasi-contract." It had furnished a body of words and phrases which approximated with sufficient CHAP. II. ETHICS AND BOMAN LAW. 847 accuracy to the ideas which then were from time to time forming on the subject of political obligation. The doctrine of an Original Compact can never be put higher than it is placed by Dr. WheweU, when he suggests that, though unsound, "it may be a convenient form for the expression of moral truths." The extensive employment of legal language on political subjects previously to the invention of the Original Compact, and the powerful influence which that assumption has exercised subsequently, amply account for the plentifulness in political science of words and conceptions, which were the exclusive creation of Roman jurisprudence. Of their plentiful- ness in Moral Philosophy a rather different explana- tion must be given, inasmuch as ethical writings have laid Roman law under contribution much more directly than political speculations, and their authors have been much more conscious of the extent of their obligation. In speaking of moral philosophy as extraordinarily indebted to Roman jurisprudence, I must be understood to iutend'^ moral philosophy as understood previously to the break in its history effected by Kant, that is, as the science of the rules governing human conduct, of their proper interpre- tation, and of the limitations to which they are subject, y Since the rise of the Critical Philosophyj moral science has almost wholly lost its older mean- iaig, and, except where it is preserved under a debased 348 ETHICS AND KOMAN LAW. chap, rt form in ; the casuistry still cultivated by Eoman Catholic theologians, it seems to be regarded nearly universally as a branch of ontological inquiry. I do not know that there is a single contemporary English writer, with the exception of Dr. Whewell, who un- derstands moral philosophy as it was understood before it was absorbed by metaphysics and before the groundwork of its rules came to be a more important consideration than the rules themselves. So long, however, as ethical science had to do with the practical regimen of conduct, it was more or less saturated with Roman law. Like all the great subjects of modern thought, it was originally incor- porated with theology. The science of Moral Theo- logy, as it was at first called, and as it is still designated by the Roman Catholic divines, was un- doubtedly constructed, to the full knowledge of its authors, by taking principles of conduct from the system of the Church, and by using the language and methods of jurisprudence for their expression and expansion. While this process went on, it was in- evitable that jurisprudence, though merely intended to be the vehicle of thought, should communicate its colour to the thought itself. The tinge received through contact with legal conceptions is perfectly perceptible in the earliest ethical literature of the modern world, and it is evident, I think, that the Law of Contract, based as it is on the complete reciprocity CHAP. IX. ETHICS AND ROMAN LAW. 349 and indissoluble connection of rights and duties, has acted as a wholesome corrective to the predispositions of writers who, if left to themselves, might have ex- clusively viewed a moral obligation as the public duty of a citizen in the Civitas Dei. But the amount of Roman Law in moral theology becomes sensibly smaller at the time of its cultivation by the great Spanish moralists. Moral theology, developed by the juridical method of doctor commenting on doctor, provided itself with a phraseology of its own ; and Aristotelian peculiarities of reasoning and expression, imbibed doubtless in great part from the Disputa- tions on Morals in the academical schools, take the place of that special turn of thought and speech which can never be mistaken by any person conversant with the Roman law. If the credit of the Spanish school of moral theologians had continued, the juri- dical ingredient in ethical science would have been insignificant, but the use made of their conclusions by the neixt generation of Roman Catholic writers on these subjects almost entirely destroyed their influence. Moral Theology, degraded into Casuistry, lost all inte- rest for the leaders of European speculation; and the new science of Moral Philosophy, which was entirely in the hands of the Protestants, swerved greatly aside from the path which the moral theologians had fol- lowed. The effect was vastly to increase the influence of Roman law on ethical inquiry. 360 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. chap, dl " Shortly* after the Reformation, we find two great schools of thought dividing, this class of subjects between them. The most influential of the two was at first the sect or school known to us as the Casuists, aU of them in spiritual communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and nearly all of them affiliated to one or other of her religious orders. On the other side were a body of writers connected with each other by a common intellectual descent from the great author of the treatise De Jure Belli et Pacts, Hugo Grotius. Almost all of the latter were adherents of the Reformation; and though it cannot be said that they were formally and avowedly at conflict with the Casuists, the origin and objects of their system were nevertheless essentially different from those of Casuistry. It is necessary to call attention to this difference, because it involves the question of the influence of Roman law on that department of thought with which both systems are concerned. The book of Grotius, though it touches questions of pure Ethics in every page, and though it is the pa- rent immediate or remote of innumerable volumes of formal morality, is not, as is well known, a professed treatise on Moral Philosophy; it is an attempt to determine the Law of Nature, or Natural Law. Now, without entering upon the question whether the con- * The passage quoted is transcribed, with slight alterations, from a paper contributed by the author to the Cambridge Essays for 1856. CHAP. IX. GEOTIUS AND HIS SCHOOL. 361 ception of a Law Natural be not exclusively a crea- tion of the Roman jurisconsults, we may lay down that, even on the admission of Grotius himself, the dicta of the Roman jurisprudence as to what parts of known positive law must be taken to be parts of the Law of Nature, are, if not infallible, to be received at all events with the profoundest respect. Hence the system of Grotius is implicated with Roman law at its very foundation, and this connection rendered inevitable — what the legal training of the writer would perhaps have entailed without it — the free employment in every paragraph of technical phraseo- logy, and of modes of reasoning, defining, and illus- trating, which must sometimes conceal the sense, and almost always the force and cogency, of the argument from the reader who is unfamiliar with the sources whence they have been derived; On the other hand, Casuistry borrows little from Roman law, and the views of morahty contended for have nothing what- ever in common with the undertaking of Grotius. All that philosophy of right and wrong which has become famous, or infamous, under the name of Casuistry, had its origin in the distinction between Mortal and Venial sin. A natural anxiety to escape the awful consequences of determining a particular act to be mortally sinful, and a desire, equally intelligible, to assist the Roman Catholic Church in its conflict wth Protestantism by disburthening it of an incon- 3fi2 CASUISTRY. chap. li. venient theory, were the motives which impelled the authors of the Casuistical philosophy to the invention of an elaborate system of criteria, intended to remove immoral actions, in as many cases as possible, out of the category of mortal oflfences, and to stamp them as venial sins. /The fate of this experiment is matter of ordinary history. We know that the distinctions of Casuistry, by enabling the priesthood to adjust spiri- tual control to all the varieties of human character, did really confer on it an influence with princes, statesmen, and generals, unheard of in the ages before the Reformation, and did really contribute largely to that great reaction which checked and narrowed the first successes of Protestantism. But beginning in the attempt, not to establish, but to evade — not to discover a principle, but to escape a postulate — ^not to settle the nature of right and wrong, but to determine what was not wrong of a particular nature, — Casuistry went on with its dex- terous refinements tiQ it ended in so attenuating the moral features of actions, and so belying the moral instincts of our being, that at length the con- science of mankind rose suddenly in revolt against it, and consigned to one common ruin the system and its doctors. The blow, long pending, was finally struck in the Provincial Letters of Pascal, and since the appearance of those memorable Papers, no moralist of the smallest influence or credit has ever avowedly CHAP. TX. ETHICS AST) KO.MAN LAW. 353 conducted his speculations in the footsteps of the Casuists. The whole field of ethical science was thus left at the exclusive command of the writers who fol- lowed Grotius ; and it stUl exhibits in an extraordi- nary degree the traces of that entanglement with Roman law which is sometimes imputed as a fault, and sometimes the highest of its recommendations, to the Grotian theory. Many inquirers since Grotius's day have modified his principles, and many, of course, since the rise of the Critical Philosophy, have quite deserted them; but even those who have departed most widely from his fundamental assumptions have inherited much of his method of statement, of his train of thought, and of his mode of illustration; and these have little meaning and no point to the person ignorant of Roman jurisprudence." I have already said that, with the exception of the physical sciences, there is no walk of knowledge which has been so slightly affected by Roman law as Metaphysics. The reason is that discussion on me^ taphysical subjects has always been conducted in Greek, first in pure Greek, and afterwards in a dialect of Latin expressly constructed to give expression to Greek conceptions. The modern languages have only been fitted to metaphysical inquiries by adopting this Latin dialect, or by imitating the process which was originally followed in its formation. The source of the phraseology which has been always employed A.A 354 METAPHYSICS AND EOMAN LAW. chai-. ix. for metaphysical discussion in modern times was the Latin translations of Aristotle, in which, whether derived or not from Arabic versions, the plan of the translator was not to seek for a;nalogous expressions in any part of Latin literature, but to construct anew from Latin roots a set of phrases equal to the ex- pression of Greek philosophical ideas. Over such a process the terminology of Roman law can have exercised little influence; at most, a few Latin law terms ia a transmuted shape have made their way into metaphysical language. At the same time it is worthy of remark that whenever the problems of metaphysics are those which have been most strongly agitated in Western Europe, the thought, if not the language, betrays a legal parentage. Few things in the history of speculation are more impressive than the fact that no Greek-speaking people has ever felt itself seriously perplexed by the great question of Free-will and Necessity. I do not pretend to offer any summary explanation of this, but it does not seem an irrelevant suggestion that neither the Greeks, nor any society speaking and thinking in their lan- guage, ever showed the smallest capacity for produ- cing a philosophy of law. Legal science is a Roman creation, and the problem of Free-will arises when we contemplate a metaphysical conception under a legal aspect. How came it to be a question whether in- variable sequence was identical with necessary con- CHAP. II. THEOLOGY AND ROMAIC LAW. 356 nection? I can only say that tlie tendency of Romjyi law, which became stronger as it advanced, was to look upon Iggal consequences as united to legal causes by an inexorable necessity, a tendency most markedly exemplified in the definition of Obligation which I have repeatedly cited, " Juris vinculum quo neces- sitate adstringimur alicujus solvendse rei." But the problem of Free-will was theological before it became philosophical, and, if its terms have been affected by jurisprudence, it wiU be because Jurispru- dence has made itself felt in Theology. The great point of inquiry which is here suggested has never been satisfactorily elucidated. What has to be de- termined, is whether jurisprudence has ever served as the medium through which theological principles have been viewed; whether, by supplying a peculiar language, a peculiar mode of reasoning, and a peculiar solution of many of the problems of life, it has ever opened new channels in which theological speculation could flow out and expand itself. For the purpose of giving an answer it is necessary to recollect what is already agreed upon by the best writers as to the intellectual food which theology first assimilated. It is conceded on aU sides that the earliest language of the Christian Church was Greek, and that the pro- blems to which it first addressed itself were those for which Greek philosophy in its later forms had prepared the way. Greek metaphysical literature 350 GREEK A>'D LATIN CHURCHES. chap, us.. contained the sole stock of words and ideas out of which the human mind could provide itself with the means of engaging in the profound controversies as to the Divine Persons, the Divine Substance, and the Divine Natures. The Latin language and the meagre Latin philosophy were quite unequal to the undertaking, and accofdingly the Western or Latin- speaking provinces of the Empire adopted the con- clusions of the East without disputing or reviewing them. "Latin Christianity," says Dean Mihnan, " accepted the creed which its narrow and barren vocabulary could hardly express in adequate terms. Yet, throughout, the adhesion of Rome and the West was a passive acquiescence in the dogmatic system which had been wrought out by the profounder theo- logy of the Eastern divines, rather than a vigorous and original examination on her part of those mys- teries. The Latin Church was the scholar as weU as the loyal partizan of Athanasius." But when the separation of East and West became wider, and the Latin-speaking Western Empire began to live with an intellectual life of its own, its deference to the East was all at once exchanged for the agitation of a number of questions entirely foreign to Eastern speculation. "While Greek theology (Milman, Latin Christianity, Preface, 5) went on defining with stUl more exquisite subtlety the Godhead and the nature of Christ " — " while the interminable controversy still CWAP. IX. PEOBLBMS OF WESTERN CHUKCH. ^57 lengthened out and cast forth sect after sect from the enfeebled community" — ^the Western Church threw itself with passionatis ardour into a new order of dis- putes, the same which from those days to this have never lost their interest for any family of mankind at any time included in the Latin communion. The nature of Sin and its transmission by inheritance — the debt owed by man and its vicarious satisfaction — the necessity and sufficiency of the Atonement — above all the apparent antagonism between Free-will and the Divine Providence — ^these were the points which the West began to debate as ardently as ever the East had discussed the articles of its more special creed. Why is it then that on the two sides of the line which divides the Greek-speaking from the Latin-speaking provinces there lie two classes of theological problems so strikingly different from one another? The historians of the Church have come close upon the solution when they remark that the new problems were more " practical," less absolutely speculative, than those which had torn Eastern Christianity asunder, but none of them, so far as I am aware, has quite reached it. I affirm without hesitation that the difference between the two theo- logical systems is accounted for by the fact that, in passing from the East to the West, theological specu- lation had passed from a climate of Greek metaphysics to a climate of Roman law. For some centuries 358 EOMAN LAW IN THE WEST. chap. ix. before these controversies rose' into overwhelming importance, all the intellectual activity of the Western Romans had been expended on jurisprudence exclu- sively. They had been occupied in applying a pecu- liar set of principles to all the combinations in which the circumstances of life are capable of being arranged. No foreign pursuit or taste called off their attention from this engrossing occupation, and for carrying it on they possessed a vocabulary as accurate as it was copious, a strict method of reasoning, a stock of general propositions on conduct more or less verified by experience, and a rigid moral philosophy. It was impossible that they should not select from the ques- tions indicated by the Christian records those which had some affinity with the order of speculations to which they were accustomed, and that their manner of dealing with them should not borrow something from their forensic habits. Almost everybody who has knowledge enough of Roman law to appreciate the Roman penal system, the Roman theory of the obli- gations established by Contract or Delict, the Roman view of Debts and of the modes of incurring, extin- guishing, and transmitting them, the Roman notion of the continuance of individual existence by Universal Succession, may be trusted to say whence arose the frame of mind to which the problems of Western theology proved so congenial, whence came the phra- seology in which these problems were stated, and OllA]'. IX. THEOLOGY AND ROMAN LAW, 359 whence the description of reasoning employed in their solution. It must only be recollected that the Rom*i law which had Worked itself into Western thought was neither the archaic system of the ancient city, nor the pruned and curtailed jtirisprudence of the Byzantine Emperors; still less, of course, was it the mass of rules, nearly buried in a parasitical over- growth of modem speculative doctrine, which passes by the name of Modern Civil Law. I speak only of that philosophy of jurisprudence, wrought out by the great juridical thinkers of the Antonine age, which may still be partially reproduced from the Pandects of Justinian, a system to which few faults can be attributed except perhaps that it aimed at a higher degree of elegance, certainty, and precision than human aflFairs Will permit to the limits within which human law seeks to confine them. It is a singular result of that iterance of Eoman law which Englishmen readily confess, and of which they are sometimes not ashamed to boast, that many English writers of note and credit have been led by it to put forward the most untenable of paradoxes concerning the condition of human intellect during the Roman empire. It has been constantly asserted, as unhesitatingly as if there were no temerity in ad- vancing the proposition, that from the close of the Augustan era to the general awakening of interest on the points of the Christian faith, the mental energies 360 OllEEK AND LATII^-SPEAKIxVO PROVINCES. cuxr. ix, of the civilised world were smitten with a para- lysis. Now there are two subjects of thought — the only two perhaps with the exception of physical science — which are able to give employment to all the powers and capacities which the mind possesses. One of them is Metaphysical inquiry, which knows no limits so long as the mind is satisfied to woi-k on itself; the other is Law, which is as extensive as the concerns of mankind. It happens, that, during the very period indicated, the Greek-speaking provinces were devoted to one, the Latin-speaking provinces to the other of these studies. I say nothing of the fruits rf speculation in Alexandria and the East, but I con- fidently affirm that Rome and the West lutd an occu- pation in hand fully capable of compensating them for the absence of every other mental exercise, and I add that the results achieved, so far as we know them, were not unworthy of the continuous and ex- clusive labour bestowed on producing them. Nobody except a professional lawyer is perhaps in a position completely to understand how much of the intellectual strength of individuals Law is capable of absorbing, but a layman has no difficulty in comprehending why it was that an unusual share of the collective intellect of Rome was engrossed by jurisprudence, " The proficiency * of a given community in jurisprudence depends in the long run on the same conditions as its * Cambridge Essays, 1856. vJiLVP. IX. CAUSES OF IMPROVEMENT IN ROMAN LAW. 361 progress in any other line of inquiry; and the chief of these are the proportion of the national intellect devoted to it, and the length of time during which it is so devoted. Now, a combination of all the causes, direct and indirect, which contribute to the advancing and perfecting of a science, continued to operate on the jurisprudence of Rome through the entire space be- tween the Twelve Tables and the severance of the two Empires, — and that not irregularly or at intervals, but in steadily increasing force and constantly aug- menting number. We should reflect that the earliest intellectual exercise to which a young nation devotes itself is the study of its laws. As soon as the mind makes its first conscious efforts towards generali- sation, the concerns of every-day life are the first to press for inclusion within general rules and com- prehensive formulas. The popularity of the pursuit on which all the energies of the young common- wealth are bent is at the outset unbounded; but it ceases in time. The monopoly of mind by law is broken down. The crowd at the morning au- dience of the great Roman jurisconsult lessens. The students are counted by hundreds instead of thousands in the English Inns of Court. Art, Literature, Science, and Politics, claim their share of the national intellect; and the practice, of juris- prudence is confined within the circle of a profession; never indeed limited or insignificant, but attracted 862 CAUSES OF IMPKOVEilEXT IN ROMAN LAW. chap, ix as much by the rewards as by the inttmsic re- commendations of their science. This succession of changes exhibited itself even more strikingly at Rome than in England. To the close of the RepubHc the law was the sole field for all abUity except the special talent of a capacity for generalship. But a new stage of intellectual progress began with the Augustan, age, as it did with our own Elizabethan era. We all know what were its achievements in poetry and prose : but there are some indications, it should be remarked, that, besides its efflorescence in ornamental literature, it was on the eve of throwing out new aptitudes for conquest in physical science. Here, however, is the point at which the history of mind in the Roman States ceases to be parallel to the routes which mental progress has since then pursued. The brief span of Roman literature, strictly so called, was suddenly closed under a variety of influences, which, though they may partially be traced, it would be improper in this place to analyse. Ancient intel- lect was forcibly thrust back into its old courses, and law again became no less exclusively the proper sphere for talent than it had been in the days when the Romans despised philosophy and poetry as the toys of a childish race. Of what nature were the ex- ternal inducements which, during the Imperial period, tended to draw a man of inherent capacity to the pursuits of the jurisconsult may best be understood CHAP. IX. EOMAlf LAW IN THE EAST. 363 by considering the option which was practically before him in his choice of a profession. He might become a teacher of rhetoric, a commander of frontier-posts, or a professional writer of panegyrics. The only other walk of active life which was open to him was the practice of the law. Through that lay the ap- proach to wealth, to fame, to office, to the council- chamber of the monarch — ^it may be to the very throne itself." The premium on the study of jurisprudence was so enormous that there were schools of law in every part of the Empire, even in the very domain of Metaphy- sics. But, though the transfer of the seat of empire to Byzantium gave a perceptible impetus to its culti- vation in the East, jurisprudence never dethroned the pursuits which there competed withdt. Its lan- guage was Latin, an exotic dialect in the Eastern half of the Empire. It is only of the West that we can lay down that law was not only the mental food of the ambitious and aspiring, but the sole aliment of all intellectual activity. Greek philosophy had never been more than a transient fashionable taste with the educated class of Rome itself, and when the new Eastern capital had been created, and the Empire subsequently divided into two, the divorce of the Western provinces from Greek speculation, and their exclusive devotion to jurisprudence, became more de- cided than ever. As soon then as they ceased to sit 3C4 EOMAN LAW IN WESTEEN THEOLOGY, chap, ix, at the feet of the Greeks and began to ponder out a theology of their own. the theology proved to be per- meated with forensic ideas and couched in a forensic phraseology. It is certain that this substratum of law in Western theology lies exceedingly deep. A new set of Greek theories, the Aristotelian philosophy, made their way afterwards into the West, and almost entirely buried its indigenous doctrines. But when at the Keformation it partially shook itself free from their influence, it instantly supplied their place with Law. It is difficult to say whether the religious sys- tem of Calvin or the religious system of the Armi- nians has the more markedly legal character. The vast influence of this specific jurisprudence of Contract produced by the Eomans upon the corre- sponding department of modern Law belongs rather to the history of mature jurisprudence than to a treatise hke the present. It did not make itself felt till the school of Bologna founded the legal science of modem Europe. But the fact that the Romans, before their Empire fell, had so fully developed the conception of Contract becomes of importance at a much earlier period than this. Feudalism, I have repeatedly asserted, was a compound of archaic bar- barian usage with Roman law; no other explanation of it is tenable, or even intelligible. The earliest social forms of the feudal period differ in little from the ordinary associations in which the men of primi- CHAP. tx. CONTRACT-LAW AND FEUDALISM. 3C5 tive civilisations are everywhere seen united. A Fief was an organically complete brotherhood of associates whose proprietary and personal rights were inextricably blended together. It had much in com- mon with an Indian Village Community and much in common with a Highland clan. But still it pre- sents some phenomena which we never find in the asso- ciations which are spontaneously formed by beginners in civilisation, w True archaic communities are held together not by express rules, but by sentiment, or, we should pei'haps say, by instinct ; and new comers into the brotherhood are brought within the range of this instinct by falsely pretending to share in the blood-relationship from which it naturally springs. But the earliest feudal communities were neither bound together by mere sentiment nor recruited by a fiction. The tie which united them was Contract, and they obtained new associates by contracting with them. The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by commendation or infeudation came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted. It is therefore the sphere occupied in them by Contract which principally distinguishes the feudal institutions from the unadulterated usages of primitive races. The lord had many of the cha- racteristics of a patriarchal chieftain, but his pre- 366 CONTHACT-LAW AM) FEUDALISM. chap, ix rogadve was limited by a variety of settled customs ' traceable to the express conditions which had been agreed upon when the infeudation took place.'/ H6nce flow the chief difiFerences which forbid us to class the feudal societies with true archaic communities. They were much more durable and much more various; more durable, because express rules are less destruc- tible than instinctive habits, and more various, be- cause the contracts on which they were founded were adjusted to the minutest circumstances and wishes of the persons who surrendered or granted away then- lands. This last consideration may serve to indicate how greatly the vulgar opinions current among us as to the origin of modem socieiy stand in need of revision. It is often said that the irregular and various contour of modem civilisation is due to the exuberant and erratic genius of the Germanic races, and it is often contrasted with the dull routine of the Roman Empire. The truth is that the Empire bequeathed to modern; society the legal conception to which all this irregularity is attributable; if the customs and institutions of barbarians have one characteristic more striking than another, it is their extreme uniformity. CHAP. X. LAW IN ANCIENT CODES. 367 CHAPTER X. THE EARLY HISTORY OF DELICT AND CRIME. The Teutonic Codes, including those of our Anglo- Saxon ancestors, are the only bodies of archaic secular la^ which have come down to us iii such a state that we can form an exact notion of their ori- ginal dimensions. Although the extant fragments of Roman and Hellenic codes suffice to prove to us their general character, there does not remain enough of them for us to be quite sure of their precise mag- nitude or of the proportion of their parts to each other. But still on the whole all the known collections of ancient law are characterised by a feature which broadly distinguishes them from systems of mature jurisprudence. The proportion of criminal to civil law is exceedingly different. In the German codes, the civU part of the law has trifling dimensions as com- pared with the criminal. The traditions which speak of the sanguinary penalties inflicted by the code of Draco seem to indicate that it had the same charac- teristic. In the Twelve Tables alone, produced by a society of greater legal genius and at first of gentler manners, the civil law has something like its modern precedence; but the relative amount of space given 3«8 PENAL LAW UST ANCIENT CODES. chap. s. to the modes of redressing wrong, thougt not enor- mous, appears to have been large. It may be laid dovm, I think, that the more archaic the code, the fuller and the minuter is its penal legislation. The phenomenon has often been observed, and has been explained, no doubt to a great extent correctly, by the violence habitual to the communities which for the first time reduced their laws to writing. The legislator, it is said, proportioned the divisions of his work to the frequency of a certain class of incidents in barbarian life. I imagine, however, that this account is not quite complete. It should be recol- lected that the comparative barrenness of civil law in archaic collections is consistent with those other characteristics of ancient jurisprudence which have been discussed in this treatise. Nine-tenths of the civU part of the law practised by civilised societies are made up of the Law of Persons, of the Law of Property and of Inheritance, and of the Law of Contract. But it is plain that all these provinces of jurisprudence must shrink within narrower boun- daries, the nearer we make our approaches to the infancy of social brotherhood. !The Law of Persons, which is nothing else than the Law of Status, wiU be restricted to the scantiest limits as long as all forms of status are merged in common subjection to Paternal Power, as long as the Wife has no rights against her Husband, the Son none against hia CHAP. X. CKIJIES AND WEOXGS. 369 Father, and the infant Ward none agamst the Ag- nates who are his Giwrdians. Similarly, the rules relating to Property and Succession can never be plentiful, so long as land and goods devolve within the family, and, if distributed at all, are distributed inside its circle. But the greatest gap in ancient sivil law will always be caused by the absence of Contract, which some archaic codes do not mention at all, while others significantly attest the immaturity of the moral notions on which Contract depends by supplying its place with an elaborate jurisprudence of Oaths. There are no corresponding reasons for the poverty of penal law, and accordingly, even if it be hazardous to pronounce that the childhood of nations is always a period of ungoverned violence, we shall stiU be able to understand why the modern relation of criminal law to civil should be inverted in ancient codes. I have spoken of primitive jurisprudence as giving to criminal law a priority unknown in a later age. The expression has been used for convenience' sake, but in fact the iuspection of ancient codes shows that the law which they exhibit in unusual quantities is > not true criminal law. All civilised systems agree in drawing a distinction between offences against the • State or Community and offences against the Indi- vidual, and the two classes of injuries, thus kept apart^ I may here, without pretending that the terms B B 870 CRIMES AND WKONGS. chap. x. have always been employed consistently in jurispru- dence, call , (Crimes and Wrongs, crimina and delicta jNow the penal Law of ancient communities is not the law of Crimes; it is the law of Wrongs, or, to use the English technical word, of Torts. The person injured proceeds against the wrong-doer by an ordi- nary civil action, and recovers compensation in the shape of money-damages if he succeeds. If the Commentaries of Gains be opened at the place where the writer treats of the penal jurisprudence founded on the Twelve Tables, it wlQ be seen that at the head of the civil wrongs recognised by the Roman law stood Furtum or Theft. Offences which we are accustomed to regard exclusively as crimes are ex- clusively treated as torts, and not theft- only, but assault and violent robbery, are associated by the jurisconsult with trespass, libel, and slander. AU aJike gave rise to an Obligation or vinculum juris, and were all requited by a payment of money. This peculiarity, however, is most strongly brought out in the consolidated Laws of the Germanic tribes. JfV^ithout an exception, they describe an immense system of money compensations for homicide, and with few exceptions, as large a scheme of compensa- tion for minor injuries. " Under Anglo-Saxon law," writes Mr. Kemble {Anglo-Saxons, i. 177), "a sum was placed on thelife of every free man, according to his rank, and a corresponding sum on every wound fflCAi'. X. WEONGS AND SINS. 371 that could be inflicted on his person, for nearly every injury that could be done to his civil rights, honour, or peace; the sum being aggravated according to adventitious circumstances." These compositions are evidently regarded as a valuable source of income ; highly complex rules regulate the title to them and the responsibility for them ; and, as I have already had occasion to state, they often follow a very peculiar line of devolution, if they have not been acquitted at the decease of the person to whom they belong. -> If therefore the criterion of a delidc^ wrong, or tort be that the person who suffers it, and not the State, is conceived to be wronged, it may be asserted that in the infancy of jurisprudence the citizen depends for protection against ' violence or fraud not on the Law of Crime but on the Law of Tort. Torts then are copiously enlarged upon in primi tive jurisprudence. It must be added that Sins are known to it also. Of the Teutonic codes it is almost unnecessary to make this assertion, because those codes, in the form in which we have received them, were compiled or recast by Christian legislators. But it is also true that non-Christian bodies of archaic law entail penal consequences on certain classes of acts and on certain classes of omissions, as being violations of divine prescriptions and commands. The law administered at Athens by the Senate of B B 5» 872 COXCEPTIOU' OF CEIMK. chap. X. Areopagus was probably a special religious code, and at Rome, apparently from a very early period, the Pontifical jurisprudence punished adultery, sacrilege, and perhaps murder. >^There were therefore in the Athenian and in the Roman States laws punishing sins. There were also laws punishing torts. The con- ception of offence against God produced the first class of ordinances ; the conception of offence against one's neighbour produced the second ; but the idea of offence against the State or aggregate community did not at first produce a true criminal jurisprudence. Yet it is not to be supposed that a conception so simple and elementary as that of wrong done to the State was wanting in any primitive society. It seems rather that the very distinctness with which this conception is realised is the true cause which at first prevents the growth of a criminal law. At all events, when the Roman community conceived itself to be injured, the analogy of a personal wrong received was carried out to its consequences with absolute literalness, and the State avenged itself by a single act on the individual wrong-doer. The result was that, in the infancy of the commonwealth, every offence vitally touching its security or its interests was punished by a separate enactment of the legis- lature. And this is the earliest conception of a mmen or Crime — an act involving such high issues that the State, instead of leaving its cognisance CHAP. i. ANCIENT CONCEPTION 0^ CHIME. 373 to the civil tribunal or the religious court, directed a special law or privilegium against the perpetratorj Eveiy indictment therefore took the form of a bill of pains and penalties, and the trial of a criminal was a proceeding wholly extraordinary, whoUy irre- gular, wholly independent of settled rules and fixed conditions. Consequently, both for the reason that the tribunal dispensing justice was the sovereign State itself and also for the reason that no classifi- cation of the acts prescribed or forbidden was pos- sible, there was not at this epoch any Law of Crimes, any criminal jurisprudence. The procedure was identical with the forms of passing an ordinary ' statute ; it was set in motion by the same persons and conducted with precisely the same solemnities. And it is to be observed that, when a regular criminal law with an apparatus of Courts and officers , for its administration had afterwards come into being, the old procedure, as might be supposed fi:om its conformity with theory, still in strictness remained practicable ; and, much as resort to such an expedient was discredited, the people of Rome always retained the power of punishing by a special laAv offences against its majesty. The classical scholar does not require to be reminded that in exactly the same manner the Athenian BiU of Pains and Penalties, or eltrayyeXCa, survived the establishment of regular tribunals. It is known too 374 ANCIENT PROCEDURE. ciUP. I. that when the freemen of the Teutonic races assem- bled for legislation, they also claimed authority to punish offences of peculiar blackness or perpetrated by criminals of exalted station. Of this nature was the criminal jurisdiction of the Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot. It may be thought that the difference which I have asserted to exist between the ancient and modern view of penal law has only a verbal existence- The community, it may be said, besides inter- posing to punish crimes legislatively, has from the earliest times interfered by its tribunals to compel the wrong- doer to compound for his wrong, and if it does this, it must always have supposed that in some way it was injured through his offence. But, however rigorous this inference may seem to us now-a-days, it is very doubtful whether it was actually drawn by the men of primitive antiquity. How little the notion of injury to the community had to do with the earliest interferences of the State through its tribunals, is shown by the curious circum- stances that in the original administration of justice, the proceedings were a close imitation of the series of acts which were likely to be gone through in private life by persons who were disputing, but who afterwards suffered their quarrel to be appeased. The magistrate carefully simulated the demeanour of a private arbitrator casually called in. CHAP. X. THE KOMAlf LEGIS ACTIO. 375 In order to show that this statement is not a mere fanciful conceit, I will produce the evidence on which it rests. Very far the most ancient judicial proceeding known to us is the Legis Actio Sacra- menti of the Eomans, out of which all the later Roman Law of Actions may be proved to have grown. Gains carefully describes its ceremonial. Unmeaning and grotesque as it appears at first sight, a little attention enables us to decipher and interpret it. The subject of litigation is supposed to be in Court. If it is moveable, it is actually there. If it be immoveable, a fragment or sample of it is brought in its place; land, for instance, is represented by a clod, a house by a single brick. In the example selected by Gains, the suit is for a slave. The pro- ceeding begins by the plaintiff's advancing with a rod, which, as Gains expressly tells, symbolised a spear. He lays hold of the slave and asserts a right to him with the words, " Hunc ego liominem ex Jure Quiritium mewn esse dico secundum suam causam sicut dixi ; " and then saying, " Ecce tihi Vindictam im- posui," he touches him with the spear. The de- fendant goes through the same series of acts and gestures. On this the Praetor intervenes, and bids the litigants relax their hold, '■'• Mittite amho hominem." They obey, and the plaintiff demands from the defendatit the reason of his interference, " Postido 376 MEANING OF THE LEGIS ACTIO. chap. X. anne dicas qud ex causd vindicaveris" a question which is replied to by a fresh assertion of right, ," Jms peregi sicut vindictam imposui." On this, the first claimant offers to stake a sum of money, called a Sacramentum, on the justice of his own case, " Quando tu injurid provocasti, D certs Sacramento te provoco" and the defendant, in the phrase " Similiter ego te" accepts the wager. The subsequent proceed- ings were no longer of a formal kind, but it is to be observed that the Prajtor took security for the Sacramentum, which always went into the coffers of the State, Such was the necessary preface of every ancient Roman suit. It is impossible, I think, to refuse assent to the suggestion of those who see in it a dramatization of the origin of Justice. Two armed men are wrangling about some disputed property. The Pr33tor, vir pietate gravis^ happens to be going by and interposes to stop the contest. The dis- putants state their case to him, and agree that he shall arbitrate between them, it being arranged that the loser, besides resigning the subject of the quarrel, shall pay a sum of money to the umpire as remuneration for his trouble and loss of time. This interpretation would be less plausible than it is, were it not that, by a surprising coincidence, the ceremony described by Gains as the imperative course of proceeding in a Legis Actio is substantially CHAP. X. ANCIENT SUIT IN HOMER. 377 the same with one of the two subjects which the God Hephaestus is described by Homer as mouldii% into the First Compartment of the Shield of Achilles. In the Homeric trial-scene, the dispute, as if ex- pressly intended to bring out the characteristics of primitive society, is not about property, but about the composition for a homicide. One person asserts that he has paid it, the other that he has never received it. The point of detail, however, which stamps the picture as the counterpart of the archaic Koman practice is the reward designed for the judges. Two talents of gold lie in the middle, to be given to him who shall explain the grounds of the decision most to the satisfaction of the audience. The magnitude of this sum as compared with the trifling amount of the Sacramentum seems to me indicative of the diflference between fluctuating usage and usage consolidated into law. The scene iutro- duced by the poet as a striking and characteristic, but stUl only occasional, feature of city life in the heroic age has stiffened, at the opening of the history of civil process, into the regular, ordinary formalities of a lawsuit. It is natural therefore that in the Legis Actio the remuneration of the Judge should be reduced to a reasonable sum, and that, instead of being adjudged to one of a number of arbitrators by popular acclamation, it should be paid as a matter of course to the State which the Praetor 378 ANCIENT VIEW OF PROCEDUEB. chap. x. represents. But that tlie incidents described so vividly by Homer, and by Gains with even more than the usual crudity of technical language, have substantially the same meaning, I cannot doubt; and in confirmation of this view it may be added that many observers of the earliest judicial usages of modem Europe have remarked that the fines inflicted by Courts on offenders were originally sacrammta. The State did not take from the defendant a composition for any wrong supposed to be done to itself, but claimed a share in the compensation awarded to the plaintiff simply as the fair price of its time and trouble. Mr. Kemble expressly assigns this character to the Anglo-Saxon hannwm or fredum. 4 Ancient law furnishes other proofs that the earliest administrators of justice simulated the probable acts of persons engaged in a private quarrel. In settling the damages to be awarded, they took as their guide the measure of vengeance likely to be exacted by an aggrieved person under the circumstances of the case. This is the true explanation of the very dif- ferent penalties imposed by ancient law on offenders caught in the act or soon after it and on offenders detected after considerable delay. J Some strange ex- emplifications of this peculiarity are supplied by the old Eoman law of Theft. The laws of the Twelve Tables seem to have divided Thefts into Manifest and CHAP. X. OLD KOMAN LAW OF THEFT. 379 Noi] -Manifest, and to have allotted extraordinarily different penalties to the offence according as it fell under one head or the other. The Manifest Thief was he who was caught within the house in which he, had been pilfering, or who was taken while making off to a place of safety with the stolen goods; the Twelve Tables condemned him to be put to death if he were already a slave, and if he were a freeman, they made him the bondsman of the owner of the pro- perty. The Non-Manifest Thief was he who was detected under any other circumstances than those described ; and the old code simply directed that an offender of this sort should refund double the value of what he had stolen. In Gaius's day the excessive severity of the Twelve Tables to the Manifest Thief had naturally been much mitigated, but the law still maintained the old principle by mulcting him in fourfold the value of the stolen goods, while the Non-Manifest Thief still continued to pay merely the double. The ancient lawgiver doubtless considered that the injured proprietor, if left to himself, would inflict a very different punishment when his blood was hot from that with which he would be satisfied when the Thief was detected after a considerable interval; and to this calculation the legal scale of penalties Was adjusted. The principle is precisely the same as that followed in the Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic codes, when they suffer a thief chased 360 ANCIENT MEASURE OF PUNISHMENT. chap. x. down and caught with the booty to be hanged or decapitated on the spot, while they exact the full penalties of homicide from anybody who kills him after the pursuit has been intermitted. These archaic distinctions bring home to us very forcibly the distance of a refined from a rude jurisprudence. The modern administrator of justice has confessedly one of his hardest tasks before him when he under- takes to discriminate between the degrees of crimi- nality which belong to offences falling within the same technical description. It is always easy to say that a man is guilty of manslaughter, larceny, or bi- gamy, but it is often most difficult to pronounce what extent of moral guilt he has incurred, and conse- quently what measure of punishment he has deserved. There is hardly any perplexity in casuistry, or in the analysis of motive, which we may not be called upon to confront, if we attempt to settle such a point with precision ; and accordingly the law of our day shows an increasing tendency to abstain as much as pos- sible from laying down positive rules on the subject. In France, the jury is left to decide whether the offence which it finds committed has been attended by extenuating circumstances; in England, a nearly unbounded latitude in the selection of punishments is now allowed to the judge ; while all States have in reserve an ultimate remedy for the miscarriages of law in the Prerogative of Pardon, universally lodged with CHAP. X. TRUE CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE. 381 tlie Chief Magistrate. It is curious to observe how little the men of primitive times were troubled with these scruples, how completely they were persuaded that the impulses of the injured person were the proper measure of the vengeance he was entitled to exact, and how literally they imitated the probable rise and fall of his passions in fixing their scale of punish- ment. I wish it could be said that their method of legislation is quite extinct. There are, however, several modern systems of law which, in cases of graver wrong, admit the fact of the wrong-doer having been taken in the act to be pleaded in justification of inordinate punishment inflicted on him by the sufferer — an indulgence which, though superficially regarded it may seem intelligible, is based, as it seems to me, on a very low morality. Nothing, I have said, can be simpler than the con- siderations which ultimately led ancient societies to the formation of a true criminal jurisprudence. The State conceived itself to be wronged, and the Popular Assembly struck straight at the offender with the same movement which accompanied its legislative action. It is further 'true of the ancient world— though not precisely of the modern, as I shall have occasion to point out — ^that the earliest criminal tribunals were merely subdivisions, or committees, of the legislature. This, at all events, is the conclusion pointed at by the legal history of the two great 382 CRIMISrAI, JUKISDICTION OF LEGISLATURE. CJUV. x. States of antiquity with tolerable clearness in one case, and with absolute distinctness in the other. The primitive penal law of Athens intrusted the castigation of oflFences partly to the Archons, who seem to have punished them as torts, and partly to the Senate of Areopagus, which punished them as sins. Both jurisdictions were substantially trans- ferred in the end to the Heliasa, the High Court of Popular Justice, and the functions of the Archons and of the Areopagus became either merely minis- terial or quite iasignificant. But " Heliaea " is only an old word for assembly ; the Heli£ea of classical times was simply the Popular Assembly convened for judicial purposes, and the famous Dikasteries of Athens were only its subdivisions or panels. The corresponding changes which occurred at Eome are still more easily interpreted, because the Eomans confined their experiments to the penal law, and did not, like the Athenians, construct popular courts with a civil as well as a criminal jurisdiction. -^ The history of Roman criminal jurisprudence begins with the old Judicia Populi,^t which the Kings are said to have presided. These were simply solemn trials of great offenders under legislative forms. It seems, however, that from an early period the Comitia had occasionally delegated its criminal jurisdiction to a Qusastic or Commission, which bore much the same relation to the Assembly which a Committee of the CHAP, X. THE QUiESTIONES. 383 House of Commons bears to the House itself, except that the Eoman Commissioners or Qusestores did ncrf; merely report to the Comitia, but exercised all powers which that body was itself in the habit of exercising, even to the passing sentence on the accused. A Quasstio of this sort was only appointed to try a par- ticLilar offender, but there was nothing to prevent two or three QusBstiones sitting at the same time; and it is probable that several of them were ap- pointed simultaneously, when several grave cases of wrong to the community had occurred together. There are also indications that now and then these Quaestiones approached the character of our Standing Committees, in that they were appointed periodi- cally, and without waiting for occasion to arise in the commission of some serious crime. The old Quaestores Parricidii, who are mentioned in connec- tion with transactions of very ancient date, as being deputed to try (or, as some take it, to search out and try) all cases of parricide and murder, seem to have been appoiated regularly every year; and the Duumviri Perduellionis, or Commission of Two for trial of violent injury to the Commonwealth, are also believed by most writers to have been named pe- riodically. The delegations of power to these latter functionaries bring us some way forwards. Instead of being appointed whm and as state-offences were committed, they had a general, though a temporary 384 QUiESTIOIfES PEEPETUiE. chap. x. jurisdiction over such as might be perpetrated. Our proximity to a regular criminal jurisprudence is also indicated by the general terms " Parricidium " and " PerdueUio," which mark the approach to some- thing like a classification of crimes. vThe true criminal law did not however come iuto existence till the year B.C. 149, when L. Calpurnius Piso carried the statute known as the Lex Calpurnia de Repetundis. The law applied to cases Repetun- darum Pecuniarum, that is, claims by Provincials to recover monies improperly received by a Governor- General, but the great and permanent importance of this statute arose from its establishing the first Qusestio Perpetua. A Quaestio Perpetua was a Permanent Commission as opposed to those which were occasional and to those which were temporary. It was a re- gular criminal tribunal, whose existence dated fi-om the passing of the statute creating it and continued till another statute should pass abolishing it. 7 Its members were not specially nominated, as were the members of the older Qusestiones, but provision was made in the law constituting it for selecting from particular classes the judges who were to offi- ciate, and for renewing them in conformity with definite rules. VThe offences of which it took cog- nisance were also expressly named and defined in this statute, and the new Qutestio had authority to try and sentence all persons in future whose acta CHAP. X. HISTOKT OP CRIMINAL LAW. 38a should fall under the definitions of crime supplied by the law. It was therefore a regular criminal judica ture, administering a true criminal jurisprudence. ^ vThe primitive history of criminal law divides it- seK therefore into four stages. Understanding that the conception of Crime, as' distinguished from that of Wrong or Tort, and from that of Sin, involves the idea of injury to the State or collective community, we first find that the commonwealth, in literal conformity with the conception, itself interposed directly, and by isolated acts, to avenge itself on the author of the evil which it had suffered. This is the point from which we start; each indictment is now a bill of pains and penalties, a special law naming the criminal and prescribing his punishment. A second step is accomplished when the multiplicity of crimes compels the legislature to delegate its powers to particular Qusestiones or Commissions, each of which is deputed to investigate a particular accusation, and, if it be proved, to punish the particular offender. Yet another movement is made when the legislature, instead of waiting for the alleged commission of a crime as the occasion of appointing a Qusestio, periodi- cally nominates Commissioners like the Qusestores Parricidii and the Duumviri Perduellionis, on the chance of certain classes of crimes being committed, and in the expectation that they will be perpetrated. The last stage is reached when the Quaestionea CO 386 THE QUiESTlOiraiS VERPETVM. chap. x. from being periodical or occasional become permanent Benches or Chambers — ^when the judges, instead of being named in the particular law nominating the Commission, are directed to be chosen through all future time in a particular way and from a particular class — and when certain acts are described in general language and declared to be crimes, to be visited, in the event of their perpetration, with specified penalties appropriated to each description.y If the Quaestiones Perpetuse had had a longer his- tory, they would doubtless have cdme to be regarded as a distinct institution, and their relation to the Comitia would have seemed no closer than the con- nection of our own Courts of Law with the Sovereign,"^ who is theoretically the fountain of justice. But the Imperial despotism destroyed them' before their origin had been completely forgotten, and so long as they lasted, these Permanent Commissions were looked upon by the Romans as the mere depositaries of a delegated power. The cognisance of crimes was considered a natural attribute of the legislature, and the mind of the citizen never ceased to be carried back from the Quasstiones to the Comitia which had deputed them to put into exercise some of its own inalienable functions. The view which regarded the QusBstiones, even when they became permanent^ as mere Committees of the Popular Assembly — as bodies which only ministered to a higher authority CHAP. I. THEOET OF THE QU^ESTIOlfES. 087 — ^had some important legal consequences wHcli left their mark on the criminal law to the very latest period. One immediate result was that the Comitia continued to exercise criminal jurisdiction by way of bUls of pains and penalties, long after the Quaestiones had been established. Though the legislature had consented toddegate its powers for the sake of con- venience to bodies external to itself, it did not follow that it surrendered them. 7The Comitia and the Quaestiones went on trying and punishing offenders side by side ^and any unusual outburst of popular indignation was sure, until the extinction of .the Republic, to call down upon its obpect an indictment before the Assembly of the Tribes. ■■ ■ One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the institutions of the Republic is also traceable toithis dependence of the Quaestionesi on the Comitia. The disappearance of the pimishment of death vfeom the penal system of Republican Rome used to be a very fevourite topic with .the writers of « the last centuny, who were perpetually using- it to point some theory of the Roman character or of modern social economy. The reason which can be confidently as- signed for it stamps it as purely, fortuitous.. ^ Of the three forms which the Roman legislature successively assumed, one, it is well, known — ^the Comitia Centuriata —was exclusively taken to represent the State as em- bodied for military operations. The Assembly of the c c 2 888 PDNISHMENT OF DEATH. chap. x. Centuries, therefore, had all powers which may be supposed to be properly lodged with a General com- manding an army, and, among them, it had authority to subject all offenders to the same correction to which a soldier rendered himself liable by breaches of discipline. The Comitia Centui-iata could there- fore inflict capital punishment. Not so, however, the Comitia Curiata or Comitia Tributa. They were fettered on this point by the sacredness with which the person of a Koman citizen, inside the walls of the city, was invested by religion and law"; and, with respect to the last of them, the Comitia Tributa, we know for certain that it became a fixed principle that the Assembly of the Tribes could at most impose a fine. So long as criminal jurisdiction was confined to the legislature, and so long as the assemblies of the Centuries and of the Tribes continued to exercise co-ordinate powers, it was easy to prefer indictments for graver crimes before the legislative body which dispensed the heavier penalties ; but then it happened that She more democratic assembly, that of the Tribes, almost entirely superseded the others, and became the ordinary legislature of the later EepublicA Now the decline of the Republic was exactly the period during which the Qusestiones Perpetuas were esta- blished, so that the statutes creating them were all passed by a legislative assembly which itself could not, at its ordinary sittings, punish a criminal with CHiP. X. PUNISHMENT OF DEATH. 389 death, v^t followed that the Permanent Judicial Com- missions, holding a delegated authority, were cir-' cumscribed in their attributes and capacities by the limits of the powers residing with the body which deputed them. They could do nothing which the Assembly of the Tribes could not have done ; and, as the Assembly could not sentence to death, the Quaestiones were equally incompetent to award capi- tal punishment. J The anomaly thus resulting was not viewed in ancient times with anything like the favour which it has attracted among the moderns, and indeed, while it is questionable whether the Roman character was at all the better for it, it is certain that the Roman Constitution was a great deal the worse. Like every other institution which has accompanied the human race down the current of its history, the pimishment of death is a necessity of society, in certain stages of the civilising process. There is a time when the attempt to dispense with it baulks both of the two great instincts which lie at the root of all penal law. Without it, the commu- nity neither feels that it is sufficiently revenged on the criminal, nor thinks that the example of his punishment is adequate to deter others from imitating him. ^The incompetence of the Roman Tribunals to pass sentence of death led distinctly and directly to those fidghtful Revolutionary intervals, known as the Proscriptions, during which aU law was S90 KESIILTS TEACEABLB TO THE QU^STIONES. chap. x. formally suspended simply because party violence could find no other avenue to the vengeance for which it was thirsting. No cause contributed so powerfully to the' decay of political Capacity in the Eoman people as this periodical abeyance of the laws; and, when it had once been resorted to, we need not hesitate to assert that the ruin of Roman liberty became merely a question of time. K the practice of the Tribunals had aflForded an adequate vent for popular passion, ^the forms of judicial pro- cedure would no doubt have been as flagrantly per- verted as with us in the reigns of the later Stuarts,- but national character would not have suffered as deeply as it did, nor would the stability of Roman institutions have been as seriously enfeebled. I will mention two more singularities of the Roman Criminal System which were produced by the same theory of judicial authority. They are, the extreme multiplicity of the Roman criminal tri- bunals, and the capricious and anomalous classifica- tion of crimes which characterised Roman penal jurisprudence throughout its entire history Every QucBstio, it has been said, whether Perpetual or otherwise, had its origin in a distinct statute. From the law which created it, it derived its authority; it rigorously observed the limits which its charter prescribed to it, anid touched no form of criminality which that chartdp did not expressly define. As CHAP. I. RESULTS TEACEABLB TO THE QUiESTIONES. 391 then, the statutes which constituted the varioua QuiBstiones were all called forth by particular emer . gencies, each, of them being in fact passed to punish a class of acts which the circumstances of the time rendered particularly odious or particularly dan- gerous, these enactments made not the slightest reference to each other, and were connected by no common principle. '^Twenty or thirty different cri- minal laws were in existence together, with exactly the same number of Quaestiones to administer them: nor was any attempt made during the Republic to fuse these distinct judicial bodies into one, or to give symmetry to the provisions of the statutes which appointed them and defined their duties. • The state of the Koman criminal jurisdiction at this period., exhibited some resemblances to the administration of civU; remedies in England at the time when the English Courts of Common Law had not as yet introduced those fictitious averments into their writs which enabled them to trespass on each other's peculiar province. Like the Quaestiones, the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, were all theoretical emanations from a higher autho- rity, and each entertained a special class of cases supposed to be committed to it by the fountain of its jurisdiction; but then the Koman Quaestiones were many more than three in ntmiber, and it was infinitely less easy to discriminate the acts which fell under 302 TRIAL BY THE QU^STIONES. chat. X. the cognisance of each Qusestio, ttan to distinguish between the provinces of the three Courts in West- minster Hall. The difficulty of drawing exact lines between the spheres of the different Quaestiones made the multiplicity of Eoman tribunals something more than a mere inconvenience; for we read with astonish- ment that when it was not immediately clear under what general description a man's alleged offences ranged themselves, he might be indicted at once or successively befor? several different Commissions, on the chance of some one of them declaring itself competent to convict him; and, although conviction by one Qu89stio ousted the jurisdiction of the rest, acquittal by one of them could not be pleaded to an accusation before another. This was directly con- trary to the rule of the Eoman civU law; and we may be sure that a people so sensitive as the Romans to anomalies (or, as their significant phrase was, to inelegancies) in jurisprudence, would not long have tolerated it, had not the melancholy history of the Quasstiones caused them to be regarded much more as temporary weapons in the hands of factions than as permanent institutions for the correction of crime. The Emperors soon abolished this multiplicity and conflict of jurisdiction; but it is remarkable that they did not remove another singularity of the criminal law which stands in close connection with the number of the Courts, j The classifications of crimes wliich CHAP, X, CLASSIFICATIONS OP CRIMES. 893 are cojitained even in the Corpus Juris of Justinian are remarkably capriciousi/ Each Quaestio had, in fact, confined itself to the crimes committed to its cognisance by its charter. These crimes, however, ■were only classed together in the original statute because they happened to call simultaneously for castigation at the moment of passing it, /They had not therefore anything necessarily in common ; but the fact of their constituting the particular subject- matter of trials before a particular Quaestio impressed itself naturally on the public attention, and so in- veterate did the association become between the offences mentioned in the same statute that, even when formal attempts were made by Sylla and by the Emperor Augustus to consolidate the Eoman criminal law, the legislator preserved the old group- ing. v/The Statutes of Sylla and Augustus were the foundation of the penal jurisprudence of the Empire, and nothing can be more extraordinary than some of the classifications which they bequeathed to it. I need only give a single example in the fact that perjury was always classed with cutting and wounding and with poisoning^ no doubt because a law of Sylla, the Lex Cornelia de Sicariis et Veneficis, had given jurisdiction over all these three forms of crime to the same Permanent Commission. It seems too that this capricious grouping of crimes affected the ver- nacular speech of the Komans. People naturally a04 LATEE LAW OF CRIMES. chap. x. fell into the habit of designating all the offences enu- merated in one law by the first name on the list, which doubtless gave its style to the Law Court deputed to try them aU. All the offences tried by the QuEestio De Adulteriis would thus be called Adultery. I have dwelt on the history and characteristics of the Eoman Qusestiones because the formation of a crimiual jurisprudence is nowhere else so iustruc- tively exemplified. The last Quaestiones were added by the Emperor Augustus, and from that time the Romans may be said to have had a tolerably com- plete criminal law. Concurrently with its growth, the analogous process had gone on, which I have called the conversion of Wrongs into Crimes, for. though the Roman legislature did not extinguish the civil remedy for the more heinous offences, it offered the sufferer a redress which he was sure to prefer. x^StUl, even after Augustus had completed his legis- lation, several offences continued to be regarded as Wrongs, which modern societies look upon exclu- sively as crimes ; nor did they become criminally punishable till some late but uncertain date, at which the law began to take notice of a new de- scription of offences called in the Digest crimina extraordinaria. J These were doubtless a class of acts which the theory of Roman jurisprudence treated merely as wrongs; but the growing sense of the OHAP, X. LATER LAW OF CBIMES. 395 majesty of society revolted from their entailing no- thing worse on their perpetrator than the payrftent of money damages, and accordingly the injured person seems to have been permitted, if he pleased, to pursue 'them as crimes extra ordinem, that is, by a mode of redress departing in some respect or other from the ordinary procedure. From the period at which these crimina extraordinaria were first recog- nised, the list of crimes in the Koman State must have 'been as long as in any community of the modern world. It is unnecessary to describe with any minuteness the mode of administering criminal justice under the Koman Empire, but it is to be noted that both its ■theory and practice have had powerful effect on modern' society. The Emperors did not immediately abolish the Quaestiones, and at first they committed an extensive criminal jurisdiction to the Senate, in which, however servile it might show itself in fact, the Emperor was no more nominally than a Senator like the rest. But some sort of collateral crimiUal jurisdiction had been claimed by the Prince from the first ; and this, as recollections of the free common- wealth decayed, tended steadily to gain at the ex- pense of the old tribunals, v Gradually the punish- ment of crimes was transferred to magistrates directly nominated by the Emperor, and the pri- vileges of the Senate passed to the Imperial Privy 896 SOVEREIGN THE FOUNTAIN OF JUSTICE. chap, X. Council which also became a Court of ultimate criminal appeal. Under these influences the doc- trine, familiar to the moderns, insensibly shaped itself that the Sovereign is the fountain of all Justice and the depositary of aU Grace. It was not so much the fruit of increasing adulation and servility as of the centralisation of the Empire which had by this time perfected itself. >/rhe theory of criminal justice had, in fact, worked round almost to the point from which it started. It had begun in the belief that it was the business of the collective community to avenge its own wrongs by its own hand ; and it ended in the doctrine that the chastisement of crimes belonged in an especial manner to the Sovereign as representative and mandatory of his people. The new view differed from the old one chiefly in the air of awfuluess and majesty which the guardianship of justice appeared to throw around the person of the Sovereign, This later Roman view of the Sovereign's relation to justice certainly assisted in saving modem societies from the necessity of travelling through the series of changes which I have illustrated by the history of the Qusestiones. ^In the primitive law of almost aU the races which have peopled Western Europe there are vestiges of the archaic notion that the punish- ment of crimes belongs to the general assembly of freemen] and there are some States — Scotland is CHAP. X. MODERN HISTORY OF CRIMES. 397 said to be one of them — in which the parentage of the existing judicature can be traced up to a Com- mittee of the legislative body. But the development of the criminal law was universally hastened by two causes, the memory of the Roman Empire and the influence of the Church. On the one hand, traditions of the majesty of the Cajsars, perpetuated by the temporary ascendency of the House of Charlemagne, were surrounding Sovereigns with a prestige which a mere barbarous chieftain could never otherwise have acquired, and were communicating to the pettiest feudal potentate the character of guardian of so- ciety and representative of the State. On the other hand, the Church, in its anxiety to put a curb on sanguinary ferocity, sought about for authority to punish the graver misdeeds, and found it in those passages of Scripture which speak with approval of the powers of punishment committed to the civil magistrate. The New Testament was appealed to as proving that secular rulers exist for the terror of evil-doers ; the Old Testament, as laying down that " whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." There can be no doubt, I imagine, that modern ideas on the subject of crime are based upon two assumptions contended for by the Church in the Dark Ages — first, that each feudal ruler, in his de- gree, might be assimilated to the Roman Magistrates spoken of by Saiat Paul ; and next, that the offences 898 DOCTRINE OF THE CHUKCH AS TO CRIMES. chap.x. wliich lie "was to chastise were those selected for prohibition in the Mosaic Commandments, or rather Buch of them as the Church did not reserve to her own cognisance. Heresy, supposed to be included in the First and Second Commandments, Adulteiy, and Perjury were ecclesiastical offenCeSj and the Church only admitted the co-operatiom of the secular arm for the purpose of inflicting severer punishment in cases of extraordinary aggravation. At the same time, she taught tha,t murder and robbery, with their various modifications, were under the jurifidictiOn of civil rulers, not as an accident of their position, but by the express ordinance of God; There is a passage in the writingfe of King Alfi-ed (Kemble, ii. 209) which brings out into remarkable clearness the struggle of the various ideas thdt pre- vailed in his day as to the origin of criminal juris- diction. It will be seen that Alfred attributes^ it partly to the authority of the Church and partly to that of the Witan, while* he expressly claims for treason' against the lord the same immunity from ordinary rules which the Roman Law of Majestas had assigned to treason against the Caesar. "After this it happened," he writes, "that many nations received the faith of Christ, and >there were many synods assembled throughout the earth, and among the English race also after they had received the faith of Christ, both of holy bishops and of their exalted 8HAP. X. KING ALFRED ON CRIMINAL JURISDICTION. 399 Witan. They then ordained that, out of that mercy which Christ had taught, secular lords, with their leave, might without sin take for every misdeed the hot in money which they ordained ; except in cases of treason against a lord, to which they dared not assign any mercy because Almighty God adjudged none to them that despised Him, nor did Christ adjudge any to them which sold Him to death ; and He commanded that a lord should be loved like Hirasolf." INDEX. D I> INDEX. ADOPriON ADOPTION, fiction of, 130 — influence of the sacra gentUma on the law of, 6, 7, 27 — in Hindoo law, 193 Adprehensio; or assumption of sove- relgn power in a newly discovered country, 249 .Slquitas, the term, 58. See j^oity ^quns, the word, 59 Agnatic and Oognatic relationship, dif- ference between, 59, 146 Agnation described, 147, 148 Agreement, Boman analysis of, 322 Agri vectigales, Boman practice of let- ting out, 300 — limitrophi of the Bomans on the hanks of the Bhine and Danube, 602 Alexander the Sixth, Pope, his Bull, 249 Al&ed, King, his remarks on criminal jurisdiction, quoted, 398 Alienation of property, ancient diffi- culties of, 271 — archaic ceremonies of, 272 Allodial property, of the ancient Ger- mans, 228, 281 America, tTnited States of. Declaration of Independence of, 95 Anglo-Saxons, character of their King- ship, 108 — their law of succession, 280 — their penal law, 370, 374, 379 Archon of Athens, the of&ce of the, 10 Aristocracies, origin of the rule of, 10 — those of Greece, Italy, and Asia Mnor, 10 — difference between those of the East and West, 11 — aristocracies the depositaries and ad- jninistrators of the law, 11, 12 BUEQirNDtANS Aristocracies, importance of judicial, be- fore the invention of writing, 12 — foundation of aristocracies, 132 Aristotle, his "Treatise on Bhetoric," referred to, 75 Assignees in Bankruptcy, succession of, 180 Athenian wills, 196 Athens, primitive penal law of, 382 Augustus, the Emperor, his alterations in the Boman law, 41, 42 Austin's " Province of Jurisprudence Determined " referred to, 7 BATLE referred to, 87 Benefices of the invading chiefs oi the Boman Empire, 229 — transformation of the Benefice int(i the hereditary Fief, 230 Bengalee Wills, 197 Bentham, his "Eragmeit on Govern- ment," referred to, 7 — causes of his influence ii England, 78 — the Boman counterpart of Bentham- ism, 79 — the theory of Jurisprudence, 117 — his eulogy of the Bull of Pope Alex- ander the Sixth, 249 — Bentham and Austin's rules as to the essentials of a contract, 323 Blackstone, Sir William, his theory of the first principles of law, 114 — his justification for the exclusion ol the half-blood, 152 — his theory of the origin of property quoted, 251 — his theory criticised, 253 Bonorum Fossessio of the Bomans, 211 Bracton, his Plagiarisms, 82 Burgundians, the, referred to 104 D T> B 404 INDEX C^SAR CONTEACT O^SAK, Julius, his contemplated ad ditions to the Boman Statute Law, 42 Capet, Hugh, character of his soTe- reignt^, 108 Capture in War, sources of the modem International Law of, 246 — ancient Law of, 247 Caracalla, effect of his constitution in enlarging the Fatria Potestas, 144 Casuists, the, 3S0 — comparison of their system with that of Grotius and his school, 351 — origin of Casuistry, S51 — hlow struck at Casuistry by Pascal, 352 Cessio in Jure of Property, in Boman and in English Law, S89 Cestui que Trust, special proprietorship created for the, 294 Chancellor, the Lord, compared with a Boman Prsetor, 64, 65 Chancery, Court of, in England, re- marks on the, 44 — origin of its system, 44, 45 Charlemagne, his claim to univeral do- minion, 104 — his distribution of Benefices, 229 Children, disinherison of, under the Bomans, 215 China, cause of the arrest of progress in, 25 Churches, Eastern and Western, con- clusion of the East on theological subjects accepted by the West with- out dispute or review, 356 — problems of the Western Church, 357 Cicero referred to, 61 — his allusions to the ancient Boman Sacra, 193 Code Napolion, restraints imposed by it on the testamentary power, 176 Codes, Ancient, 1 — sources of knowledge afforded by the Greek Homeric poems, 2 — Themistes, 4 — Hindoo Laws of Menu, 6 — difference between Ca?e-law and Code-law, 14 — era of Codes, 14 — the Twelve Tables, 1, 2, 14 — the Codes of Solon and Draco, 14 — importance of Codes to ancient so- cieties, 16-19 Co-emption, or higher form of civil mar- riage of the anc>e£t Bomans, 1S4 Cognatic relationship described, 146, 147 Co-heirs, rights and duties of, 181 — rights of, under the Boman Law, 227 Coloni of the Bomans, 231 — origin and situation of the, 800 Comitia Calata, ancient Boman execu- tion of Wills in the, 199 ■,— end of the, 203 Comitia Centuriata, power of the, 387 — Curiata, powers of the, 318 — Tributa, powers of the, 388 Commentaries of the Boman lawyers, 3a Common law of England, formerly an unwritten law, 13 — difference between Case-law and Code-law, 14 — Case-law and its anomalies, 31 — similarity between English Case-law and the Besponsa Prudentum of the Bomans, 33 Confarreation, or religions marriage of the ancient Bomans, 154 Constantine, the Emperor, his improve- ments in the Law, 42 — his modification of the Patria Po- testas, 143 Contract, movement of societies irom Status to, 170 — early history of, 304 — Contract and Political Economy, 305 — Bousseau's doctrine of an original Social Contract, 308, 309 — Montesquieu's apologue of the Trog- lodytes, 311 — early notions of Contract, 312 — Boman Contracts, 314 — specialising process in ancient law, 316 — historical stlliance between Contracts and Conveyances, 317 — changes in the Nezum, 318 — Executory Contracts of Sale, 321 — primitive association of Conveyanoea and Contracts, 321 — ancient and modem doctrine of Con- tracts, 323 — the Boman Obligation, 323 — Boman classification of Contracts, 325 — the Verbal Contract, 327 — the Literal or Written Contract, 330 — the Beal Contract, 331 — Consensual Contracts, 332 — changes in Contract law, 337 INDEX. 405 CONTBACT Oontiact, history of the progress of Con- tract law, 338 — Quasi-Contracts, 343 — Contract law and Kefs, 365 Conveyances, relation of Wills to, under the Boman Law, 204 — consequence of this relation, 206 — remedies, 207 — historical alliance between Contracts and Conveyances, 317 Uo-ownerehip of property, amongst the Hindoos, 260, 261 — regarded by the Eoman Law as ex- ceptional and momentary, 261 Corporations aggregate, 187 — sole, leading atmbute of, 187 " Corpus Juris Civilis " of Justinian, 68 — resorted to by English Chancery judges, 44 Creation, Greek philosophical explana- tion of the fabric of, 55 Creditors, cause of the extravagant powers given to, by ancient laws, 321 Crimes and Wrongs. See Delict and Crime Croatia, co-ownership of the villagers of, 267 Curatores of male Orphans under the Eoman Law, 161 Curse, inherited, Greek notion of an, 127 Customary Law, 5 — Homeric terms for customs, 5 — origin of customary law, 9 — epoch of customary law and its cus- tody by a privileged order, 13 Cyclops, Homer's account of, quoted, 124 DEATH, disappearance of, from the penal system of republican Eome, 387 — causes for this, 387, 388 — death punishment a necessity in cer- tain stages of society, 389 Debtors, cause of the severity of ancient laws against, 321 Decretals, forged, motives of the author of the, 82 Delict and Crime, early history of, 367 — Penal law in ancient codes, 367 — Crimes and Wrongs, crimina and delicia, 370 ELPHINSTONB Delict and Crime, Furtum or Theft ol the Eoman Law, 370, 379 — Wrongs and Sins both known 'to pri- mitive jurisprudence, 371 — difference between the ancient and modern conception of Crime, 373 — the Eoman Legis Actio Sacramenti, 375 — Homer's description of an ancient law-suit, 377 — primitive penal law of Athens, 382 — old Eoman criminal jurisprudence, 382 — the Qusestiones, 382, 383 — Qusestores Parricidii, 383 — Duumviri Perduellionis, 383 — the first true Eoman Criminal Law, 384 _ — the primitive history of criminal law, 385 — extreme multiplicity of Eoman cri- minal tribunals, 390 — capricious classification of crimes, 392, 393 — statutes of Sylla and Augustus, 393 — later law of crimes, 394 — crimina extraordinaria, 394 — mode of administering criminal jus- tice under the Eoman Empire, 395 — modern history of crimes, 397 — King Alfred on Criminal jurisdiction quoted, 398 Discovery, considered as a mode of ac- quiring dominion, 248 Dominion, its nature, limitation, and mode of securing it, 102 — of the Eomans, 317 Dower, the principle of, engrafted on the Customary Law of Western Europe, 224 Diaco, rudeness of the Code of, 16 — penal laws of, 367 Dumoulin referred to, 86 Dumont's " Sophismes Anarchiques," remarks, 92 DuTunviri Perduellionis, the, 383 EDICT of the Eoman Prater, -it, 57, 63, 64, 66, 209, 293 Egypt, Modern, rule of succession to thd throne of, 242 Eldon, Lord, his Chancellorship, 69 Elphinstone's "History of India" quoted, 263 406 INDEX, EMPHTTECSI3 FEAlfCE Emphyteusis, system of, 299 ei seq. — rights of the Emphyteuta, 301 Jimptor Familias. See Familia Emptor England, the Land-law of, at the present time, 226 English Common Law, formerly an un- written law, 13 — law, hesitation of our Courts in de- claring principles of, 40 Equality of men, doctrine of the, 92 — as understood by the Eoman juris- consults, 93 — its meaning in its modern dress, 93 — ordinance of Louis Hutin quoted, 94 — declaration of American Indepen- dence, 9S — assumption of the Grrotian school, 101 Equity, early history of, 25 — equity considered as an agent by which the adaptation of law to so- cial wants is carried on, 28 — meaning of the term equity, 28 — difierence between equity and legal fictions, 28 between equity and legislation, 28, 29 — remarks on the law of nature and equity, 44 et seq. — the English Court of Chancery, 44 — origin of its system, 44, 45 — the equity of Home, 45 — origin and history of the term " Equity," 58 — the terms ^quitas and 'I(r^T»js, 58 — picture presented to the Boman mind by the word " Equity," 60 — the English Chancellor compared with t£e Boman Fraetor, 65 — exhaustion of the power of growth in Eoman Equity, 68 — features common to English and Eoman Equity, 68 et seq. — distinction between Law and Equity in their conceptions of proprietary right, 293 Ethics, obligations of, to the Boman Law, 347 — the Casuists', 350 — Grotius and his school, 350 I^AMILIA, meaning of, in the lan- guage of the ancient Boman Law, 208 Eamilise Emptor, office of ttie, 205 — rights and duties of the, 206 — remarks on the expression Familias Emptor, 208 Family, the, of Archaic society, 133 — disintegration of the Family, 169 — regarded as a corporation, 184 — (Organisations of elementary commtt- nities, 234 — Highland chieftainship, 234 — Families, not Individuals, known to ancient law. 258 — Indian, Eiissian, Croatian, and Scla- Tonian laws respecting the property of Families, 260, 269 Feudal view of the ownership of pro- perty, 295 Feudal services, 303 Feudalism, its connection with territo- rial sovereignty, 107 — feudal organisation, 107, 108 — the modern WiE an accidental fruit of, 224, 225 — Feudalism and Contract law, 365 Fictions, legal, 21, 23 — early history of, 23 — meaning oifictio in old Boman Law, 25 — object of the j?cito)!es, 26 — instances cited from the English and Eoman Law, 26 — their former importance and modern uselessness, 27, 28 — difference between legal fictions and equity, 28 — and between legal fictions and legis- lation, 29 — instances of legal fictions, 31 — Case-law and its anomalies, 31 Fidei-Commissa, or Bequests in Trust, of the Eoman Law, 223 Fiefs, hereditary, gradual transforma- tion of Benefices into, 230 — original tenures, 230, 231 — laws of fiefs, 365 Foreigners, causes of immigration of, into ancient Bome, 46, 47 — exclusion of, under the early Boman republic, 48 France, lawyers and judicial science of, . 80 et seq. — effects of the alliance between the lawyers and the kings, on the for- tunes of, 80, 81 France, difference between the Pays da INDEX. 407 TBANOB HINDOOS Droit /joutumier and the Pays du Droit Eerit, 84 France, pre-eminence given inlVance to Katucal Law, 8S — Eousseau, 87 — the BeTolution, 89 Franks, the, referred to, lOi — Eoman institution of the Patna Po- testas not known to the, 143 Freewill and Necessity, question of, un- known to the Greeks, 304 Fui-tum, or Theft, of the Koman Law, 370 aAIUS referred to, 52 — his description of the institution of Ihe Patria Fotestas, 133 — his information respecting the Per- petual Tutelage of women, 153 — on the duplication of proprietary right, referred to, 295 Galatee, the Patria Potestas of the, 136 Gens, or House, of the Komans compared with the Village Community of India, 264 Gentiles, Eoman, their rights in cases of Intestate Succession, 221 German law of Succession, 280 Germans, Wills of the ancient, 196, 198 — penal laws of the ancient, 367 — Patria Potestas of the, 143 — primitive property of, 198 — the ancient law of allodial property, 228 " Germany " of Tacitus, its value, 120 — suspicions as to its fidelity, 121 — allodial property of, 281 Greece, aristocracies of, 10 Greek theory of a Law of Nature, 52, 53 Greeks, equality of laws on which they prided themselves, 58 — their tendency to confound law and fict, 78 — their notion of an inherited curse, 127 — assistance afforded by, in the forma- tion of the Boman codes, 15 — limited Patria Potestas of the, 136, 137 — metaphysics of the, 300 — their want of capacity for producing a philosophy of law, 354 Grote, Mr, his "History of Greece," re- ferred to, 5, 9 GrTotius, Hugo, and his successors, on International law, 96 Qrotius, his doctrines, 100 — success of his treatise " De Jure Belli _et Paris," 111 ^ — his theory of a natural state and of a system of principles congenial to it, 114 — his moral philosophy and that of his school, 350 — comparison of his system with that of the Casuists, 351 Ghiardianship, Perpetual, of Women under the Boman Law, 153 — amongst the Hindoos, 153 -^ amongst the Scandinavians, 153 HiEEEDITAS, or Inheritance, defini- tion, 181 Hseres or Heir, his rights and duties, 181, 190, 227 Half-blood relationship, 151 — the rule according to tne customs of Normandy, 151 Haus-Gesetze of Germany, 232 Heirs, rights of, under the Boman Law, 131, 190, 227 Highland chieftainship hereditary, 234 — form of Primogeniture, 240 Hindoo laws of Menu, 6, 17, 18 — ' Customary Law, 7 — law of Succession, 280 — difference between Inheritances and Acquisitions, 281 — Perpetual Tutelage of Women amongst the !ffindoos, 153 — right amongst the Hindoos, to inherit a dead man's property, 191 — the Hindoo sacra, 192 — the Suttee, 193 — the place of Wills amoagst the Hin- doos occupied by Adoptions, 193 — rights of the first-born son amongst the Hindoos, 228 — primogeniture of the Hindoos in public ofiee or political power, bul not in property, 233 Hindoos, form of Ownership of Property amongst the, — the Village Commu- nity, 260 — Co-ownership, 261 — simplest form of the Village Commu> nit;^, 262, 965 — Acquisitions of Property and Inhe- xitances,Hindoo distinction between, 281 408 IKBEX. HOBBES Hobbes, his theory of the origjn of law, 114 Homei, his account of the Cyclops, quoted, 124 — his description of an ancient law-suit, 8" . ,-, Homeric poems, rudimentary jural ideas afforded by the, 2, 3 — Themis and Themistes, 4, 5 — Homericwords for Custom, 5 FDIA, heroic and aristocratic eras of the races of, 10 — laws of Menu, 6, 17, 18 — Customary law of, 7 — stage beyond which India has not passed, 23 Inheritance a form of universal succes- sion, 177 — Roman definition of an Inheritance, 181 — old Eoman Law of, 189 — and Acquisition, Hindoo differences between, 281 Injunction of the Court of Chancery, 293 Institutes of the Eoman lawyers, 35_ International Law, modem confusion between it and Jus Gentium, 53 — function of Uie Law of Nature in giving birth to modern Interna- tional Law, 96 — postulates forming the foundation of International Law, 96 — Grotius and his successors, 96 — dominion, 102 — territorial sovereignty, 103 — the ante-Grotian system of the Law of Nations, 109 — preparation of the public mind for the reception of the Qrotian system, 110 — success of the treatise " De Jure Belli et Paois," 111 — points of junction between modern public law and territorial sove- reignty, 112 — sources of the mode in case of Cap- ture in "War, 46 Intestacy. See Succession, Intestate 'IffiJTijs, the Greek principle of, 58, 61 Italy, aristocracies of, 10 — codes of, 17 — instability of spciety in ancient, 47 JUS NATUBAll Italy, territorial sovereignty of princee of, 108 JEWS, Wills of the, 197 JuUanus, Salvius, the Praetor, his Edict, 64 — effect of his measures on the Praeto- rian Edicts, 66 Jurisconsults, early Soman, 37 — 39 — later, 41 — Natural Law of the, 76 Jurisprudence, golden age of Roman, 55 Jurists, Eoman, period of, 66, 68 Jus Gentium, origin of, 47 et seg. — circumstances of the origin of, 50 — how regarded by a Eoman, 51 — and by a modern lawyer, 51 — difference between the Jus Gentium and the Jus Naturale, 52, 53 — point of contact between the old Jus Gentium and the Jus Naturale, 58 — difference between the Jus Gentium and the Quiritarian Law, 59 — influence of the, on modem civilisa- tion, 103 Jus Feciale, or International Law of the Romans, 53 Jus Naturale, or Law of Nature, 52 — difference between the Jus Naturale and the Jus Gentium, 53 — Greek conceptions of Nature and her law, 53 — point of contact between the old Jus Gentium and the Law of Nature, 58 — modem history of the Law of Na- ture, 73 — Natural law of the Roman Juris- consults, 76 — ancient counterpart of Benthamism, 79 — vastness of the influence of the Law of Nature on modem society, 80 — history of the Law of Nature, 80 et seq. — pre-eminence given to Natural law in Prance, 85 — its condition at the middle of the 18th century, 86 — Rousseau, 87 — the Preneh Revolution, 89 — equality of men, 92 — function of the Law of Nature in ^ving Mrth to modern Intema- I tional Law, 96 INDEX. 409 JUS NATHSALB Tua Natuiale, sources of the Modem In- ] temationalLaw of Capture in War, 246 Justinian's " Institutes" quoted, 46 — referred to, 67 — "Pandects" of, 67 — " Corpus Juris Civilis" of, 68 — his modifications of the Fatria Po- testas, 143 — his scale of Intestate Succession, 219 T71NGS, origin of the doctrine of the JV divine right of, 346 Kingship, heroic, origin of, 9 LACEDEMONIAN kings, authority of the, 10 Land-law of England at the present day, 226 Land and goods, English distinction between, 283 Latifundia, Boman mode of cultivating the, 299 Law, social necessities and opinions al- ways in advance of, 24 — agencies by which law is brought into harmony with society, 25 — ancient, 113 — theories of a natural state and of a system congenial to it, 118 — Grotius, Blackstone, Locke, and Hobbes, 114 — theoiy of Montesquieu, 115 — Bentham, 117 — dissatisfaction with existing theories, 118 — proper mode of inquiry, 119 — the Patriarchical theory, 122 — fiction of Adoption, .130 — the archaic Family, 133 — the Fatria Fotestas of the Eomans, 138 — agnatic and cognatic relationships, 146 — Guardianship of Women, 153 — ancient Boman Marriage, 154 — Master and Slave, 162 Leges Earbarorum, 297 Leges Comelise of Sylla, 41, 42 Leges Juliae of Augustus, 41, 42 Legis Actio Sacramenti of the Bomans described, 376 Legislation, era of, 26 — considered as an agent by which the NATIONS adaptation of law to the social wants is carried on, 29 Legislation, di£ference between it and legal fictions, 28, 29 Les Galpumia de Bepetundis, the first true Boman Criminal Law, 384 Lex Plsetoria, purport of the, 161 Lidi of the Germans, 231 Local Contiguity as the condition of community in political functions, 132 Locke, John, referred to, 87 — his theory of the origin of law, 114 Lombards, referred to, 1 14 Louis Hutin, King of France, his ordi- nance quoted, 94 TITAHOMETAN Law of Succession, Majority and Minority, meaning of the terms in Boman Law, 162 Mancipation, Boman, 60, 204, 27S, 317 — mode of giving the effect of Manci- pation to a Tradition, 279 Manus of the Bomans, 317 Marriage, ancient Boman, 154 — later Boman, 155 Master and Slave, 162 — under the Bomans, 163 — in the United States, 163 Menu, Hindoo Laws of, 6, 17, 18 Merovingian kings of the Franks, 104 Metayers, the, of the south of Europe, 301 "Moniteur," the, during the period of the French Bevolution, 92 Montesquieu's "Esprit des Lois," re- marks on, 86 — his Theory of Jurisprudence, 116 — Apologue of Montesquieu concerning the Troglodytes, in the "Lettres Persanes," 311 Moral doctrines, early, 127 Mortgagor, special proprietorship cre- atKl by the Court of Chancery for the, 294 Moses, testamentary power not provided for by the Laws of, 197 "VTAFLES, territorial sovereignty of i\ the monarchs of, 108 Nations, Law of, 96 et seq. See Inter- national Law and Jus Gentium 410 INDEX. NATURE Niture and her La-w, Greek conceptions of, 53 JS'cxum of the ancient Eomans, 48, 315 — changes in the, 318 Nonnandy, cuistoms of, referred to, 151 No'uoj, the word not known to the Ho- meric poems, 6 Nuncupatio, of the Eomans, 205 OBLIGATIONS of the Eoman Law, 323 — rights and duties of, 324: Ocoupatio, or Occupancy, of the Eoman Law, a " natural mode of acquiring property," 245, 250 — things which never had an owner, 245 — things which have not an owner, 245 — Capture in war, 246 — Discovery, 248 — objections to the popular theory of Occupancy, 256 Ordinance of Louis Hutin, quoted, 94 Orphans, Guardianship of male, under the Soman Law, 160 PACTES de Pamille of France, 232 Pascal, his ' Lettres Provinciales," 352 Paterfamilias in elementary communi- ties, 234, 235 Patria Potestas, the, of the Eomans, 133 — of the Galatffl, 136 — of the Greeks, 136, 137 — causes which helped to mitigate the stringency of the father's power over the persons of his children, 141 — liabilities of the Paterfamilias, 145 — unity of person between the Pater- familias and the Filiusfamilias, 145 — rights and duties of the Paterfami- lias, 145, 146, 234, 235 — the Patria Potestas not a durable institution, 146 Patriarchal theory of primeval juris- prudence, 122 — chief points from Scriptural accounts, 123 — Hornet's account of the Cyclops, 124 Pays du Droit Ecrit and Pays du Droit Coutumier, difference between the, 84 Peonlium, the, of the Ecmans, 142 — Castrense Peculinm, 142 — Quasi-oastrense Peculium, 142 PEIMOOENITUEB Penal law in ancient codes, 367 Perjury, how punished by the andent Eomans, 893 Persian monarchy, heroic and aristo- cratic eras of the races composing the, 11 Persians, the ancient, their veracity, 308 ^itris of the Greeks, meaning of the, 53 Plebeian Wills of the Eomans, 201 — legalised by, at the Twelve Tables, 202 — their influence on the civilisation of the modem world, 203 Political ideas, early, 128 — foundation of aristocracies, 132 Political Economy and Contract, 305 Polygamy, its influence on Primogeni ture, 243 Possessory interdicts of the Eoman Law, 291 Prsetor, origin of the office of, 62 — Edict of the, 41, 57, 63, 66 — the Eoman, compared with an Eng- lish Chancellor, 64, 65 — restraints on the Praetor, 65 — the Praetor the chief equity judge as well as the great common law ma- gistrate, 67 Praetor Peregrinus, ofBce of the, 63 Praetorian Edict of the Eomans, 41, 57, 65,66 — the Edictum Perpetuum, 63 — that of Salvius Juliauus, 64, 66 — remedies given by the, 293 Praetorian Will, the, 209 — described, 210 Prescription of Property, history of, 284 et seq. Primogeniture, changes in the Law of Succession, caused by, 225 — almost destroyed by the authors of the Erench code, 225, 226 — results of the French system, 226 — rights of the first-born son amongst the Hindoos, 228 — early history of Primogeniture, 229 — Benefices, 229 — gradual transformation of Benefices into hereditary Fiefs, 230 — the Pactes de Famille of France and the Hauz-Gesetze of Germanj, 232 — causes of the flifiusion of Primogeni- ture, 232 INDEX. 411 IKIMOGENITOEB Primogeniture in pubUe offices or poli- tical power amongst the Hindoos, but not in property, 233 ' — ancient forms of Primogeniture, 235 — why did Primogeniture gradually supersede every other principle of Succession? 235 — earlier and later Primogeniture, 257 — Hindoo rule of the eldest son and of the eldest line also, 239 — Celtic form of Primogeniture, 240 — Mahometan form, 242 • — influence of polygamy on Primogeni- ture, 243 Progress, causes of tne arrest of, of the greater part of mankind, 77 Property, early history of, 244 ■>- " natural modes" of acquisition, 244 — Occupancy, 245 — Capture in War, 246 — rule of Discovery, 248 — history of the ori^n of property, 250 — Blackstone on the theory of Occu- pancy as the origin of property, 261 — aphorism of Savigny on the origin of property, 254 — objections to the popular theory of Occupancy, 256 — Co-ownership amongst the Hindoos, 260 — the Gens, or House, of the Romans compared with the Village Com- munity of India, 264 — Russian village co-ownership, 266 — Croatian and Sclavonian Laws re- specting the property of Families, 269 — ancient difficulties of Alienation, 271 — natural classification of property, 273 — ancient modes of transfer of pro- perty, 276 — definition of the Ees Mancipi, 277 — tradition of property, 278 — distinction between Ees Mancipi, and Bes nee Mancipi, 279 — Hindoo Law of Inheritances and Acquisitions, 281, 282 — law of moveables and law of land, according to the French codes, 283 — and in England, 283 — Usucapion, or Prescription, 284 — Cessio in Jure, or recovery, in a Court of Law, of property sought to be conveyed, 289 EI!S MANCIPI Property, influence of Courts c f Law and of their procedure upon Property, 290 — distinction between Propeifty and Possession, 290 — and between Law and Equity in their conceptions of proprietary right, under the Eoman and English Law, 293 — feudal view of Ownership, 295 — Eoman and barbarian law of Owner- ship, 296 — Eoman system of Tenancy, 299 — the Coloni of the Eomans and the Metayers of the South of Europe, 300, 301 — rights of the Emphyteuta, 301 — the Agri Limitrophi of the Ehine and the Danube, 802 Proscriptions, Eoman, origin of the, 389 Pupilage or Wardship in modem juris- prudence, 162 — compared with the Guardianship of Orphajis under the Eoman Law, 162 QUASI-CONTEAOT, 343 — meaning of, in Eoman Law, 344 Quasi, meaning of the word, in Eoman Law, 344 Qusestiones Perpetuse of the Eomans, 384 — theory of the Quaestioues, 386 — results traceable to the Qusestiones, 391 Qusestores Parricidii of the ancient Eo- mans, 883 Querela Inofficiosi Testamenti of the old Eoman Law, 215 Quiritarian Law, the, 48 — principles of the, 59 — difference between it and the Jus Gentium, 59 EECOVEEIES, collusive, of property in the Eoman and English Law, 289 Eegency, ftarm of, according to the French custom regulating l£e succes- sion to the throne, 240 Beipus, the, of Germany, 281 Ees Mancipi and Ees nee Mancipi 274, 279 — definition of the Ees Mancipi, 277 412 iNDmz. EES NULIIUS Ees aallius of the Eoman Law, 246 Eesponsa Prudentium of the Eomans descrihed, 33 — Bimilarity between them and English Case-law, 33 — decline and extinction of the Re- sponses, 40, 41 Esvolntion, French, effects of the theory of the state of Nature on the, 91 Eex Sacrorum, or Eex Sacrifictilus, office of the, 10, 62 Roman Law, 1 / — the Twelve Tables, 1, 2, 14, S3 — influence of the sacra on the Law of Adoption and of Wills, 6, 7 — class of codes to which the Roman code belongs, IS ^ — probable assistance afforded by the Greeks, Id , — meaning of fictio, 25 — instances otfictiones cited, 26 ^ — the Responsa Prudentium described, 33 _ . — judicial functions of the Magistrates of Republican Rome, 36 ^ — reasons why the Roman Law was not popularised, 36 — sources of the characteristic eicel- lence of the Roman Law, 38 . — decline and extinction of the Re- "^ spouses. 40, 41 '' — the Praetorian Edict, 41, 57, 63, 66 / — the Leges Cornelise, 41, 42 y — later jurisconsults, 41 / — remarks on the Statute Law of the Romans, 41-43 /■ — and on the Equity of the Romans, 44, 43 — golden age of Eomaa jurisprudence, 55 /■ — Roman Equity, 58, 67 •— features common to both English and Roman Equity, 68 et seq. / — International Law largely indebted to Roman Law, 97 — the Patria Potestas of the Roman Law, 137 ei »«J. — Agnatic and Cognatie Relationship, 146 — Perpetual Tutelage of Women, 153 — Roman Marriage, 154, 155 — Guardianship of male Orphans, 160 — Law of Persons — Master and Slave, 162 — Testamentary Law. 1 72 et seq. EOMANS Roman Law, WiUs anciently ezaented in the Comitia Calata, 199, 201 — ancient Roman Law of Intestate Suc- cession, 199 — Roman Wills described, 201 ^ — the Mancipation, 204 — the Nuncupatio, 205 .^~- the Praetorian Will, 209 — first appearance of Sealing in the ^ history of jurisprudence as a mode of autiientication, 210 — Querela Inofficiosi Testamenti, 216 /■^- Disinherison of Cihildren under, 215 — Intestate Succession under, 218 ^ — Fidei-Commissa,or bequests in trusts, 223 — rights of Co-heirs, 227 — Occupancy, 245 — Roman distinction between the Law ^ of Persons and the Law of Things, 258 ^ — influence of Roman classifications, 259 — Co-ownership of property regarded by the mature Roman Law as ex- ceptional and momentary, 261 — the Gens of the Romans compared / with an Indian Village Commu- nity, 264 /<— Res Mancipi, and Res nee Maneipi, 274, 277 /■ — Mancipation, 278 — Usucapion, or Prescription, 284 y — the Cessio in Jure, 289 - distinction between Property and Possession, 290 "t — Roman and Barbarian Law, 296 — Roman Contracts, 314 e< seq. . / — the Four Contracts, 325 — connection between Theology and Roman Law, 355 ■p- causes of improvement in Eoman Law, 361 ■^- Eoman Law in the Eastern Empire, 363 ^— Civil Wrongs of the Roman Law, 370 — the Legis Actio Sacramenti, 375 — old Roman Criminal Jurisprudence, 382 — extreme multiplicity of Roman cri- minal tribunals, 390 — results traceable to the Quffistiones, 391 Romans, causes of the rapid progress of the Stoical philosophy amongst the, 55 INDEX. 41S BOHAKS ^Jlomans, their progress in legal improve- ment, 57 ^£ome, immigration of foreigners into, 46, 47 — exclusion of, under the early Kepub- lic, 46 — See of, origin of the tendency to attribute secular superiority to the, 108 — decline of ecclesiastical influence in international questions, 110 — early political ideas of, 130 Kousseau, J. J., influence of his writings, 87 _ — his doctrine of an original Social Compact, 308, 309 Russian villages. Co-ownership of the occupiers of, 266 SACEA, or Family Kites, of the Bomans, 6, 7, 27, 191, 192 — of the Hindoos, 192 Sacramental Action of the Ancient Bo- mans, 48 Salic Law, origin of the, 157 Savigny, on Possession and Property, 290, 291 — his aphorism on the Origin of Pro- perty, 254 Scsvola, Q. Mucins, his Manual of the Civil Law, 40, 41 Scandinavian nations, their laws respect- ing the Perpetual Tutelage of Women, 153, 159 Sclavonian laws respecting the property of families, 268 Sealing, first appearance of, in jurispru- dence, as a mode of authentication, 210 Sin, mortal and venial, casuistical dis- tinction between, 351 Sins known to primitive jurisprudence, 371 Slavery, ancient, 162 — under the Bomans, 163 — in the United States of America, 163 Socage, English law of, 232 Social Compact, Bousseau's doctrine of an original, 308, 309, 345 — Dr. Whewell quoted, 347 Societies, stationary and progressive, 22 — difference between stationary and progressive societies, 23 — agencies by which Law is brought STOIC PHILOSOPHT into harmony withProgressive So- cieties, 25 Societies, perils of early, 75 — primitive, 128 — early moral doctrines, 127 — early political ideas, 1 28 — fiction of Adoption, 130 — foundation of aristocracies, 132 — ; principle of Local Contiguity, 132 — the ancient Family, 133 — the Patria Potestas, 133 — agnatic and cognatic relationships, 146 — Guardianship of Women, 153 — ancient Boman Marriage, 154 — Master and Slave, 162 — uniformity of movement of the pro- gressive societies , 168 — disintegration of the Family, 169 — movement of societies from status to contract, 170 — Universal Succession, 177, 179, 181 — primitive society and universal suc- cession, 183 — the ancient family a corporation, 184 Society in primitive limes not a collec- tion ofindividual3,butanaggregation of families, 126 Solon, Attic code of, 16 " Sophismes Anarchiques " of Bumont, remarks on, 92 Sovereign, origin of the doctrine that the monarch is the fountain of justice, 396 Sovereignty, territorial, proposition of International Law on, 102, 103 — Tribe-sovereignty, 104 — Charlemagne and universal domi- nion, 106 — Territorial sovereignty an offshoot of feudalism, 107 — the See of Bome, 108 — Hugh Capet, 108 — the Anglo-Saxon princes, 108 — Naples, Spain, and Italy, 108 — Venice, 109 — points of junction between territorial sovereignty and modem public law, 112 Spain, territorial sovereignty of the mo> narchs of, 108 Status, movement of societies from, to contract, 170 Statute Law of the Bomans, 41, 45 Stoic philosophy, principles of the, 54 414 INDEX. STOIC PHILOSOPHY Stoic philosophy, its rapid progress in Boman society, 55 — alliance of the Eoman lawyers ■with the Stoics, 55 Succession, rules of, according to the Hindoo Customary law, 7 — - Testamentary, 171 — early history, 171 — influence of the Church in enforcing the sanctity of Wills, 173 — English law of, 173 — qualities necessarily attached to Wills, 174 — natural rights of testation, 175 — restraints imposed by the CodeNapo- Uon, 176 — nature of a Will, 177 — rights and duties of universal suc- cessor, 177 — usual Boman definition of an In- heritance, 181 — difference between modern testa- mentary jurisprudence and the an- cient law of Rome, 182 — the Family regarded as a Corpora- tion, 184 — old Boman Law of Inheritance and its notion of a Will, 189 — ancient objects of Wills, 190 — Sacra, or Family Bites, of the Bo- mans, 191 — and of the Hindoos, 191, 192 — the invention of Wills due to the Bomans, 194 — Eoman ideas of Succession, 195 — Testamentary Succession less ancient than Intestate Succession, 195 — primitive operation of Wills, 196 — Wills of the ancient Germans, 196 — Jewish and Sengalee Wills, 197 — mode of execution of ancient Eo- man Wills, 199 — description of ancient Boman Wills, 201 — ! nfluence of ancient Plebeian Wills on thecivilisatiou of the modem world, 203 ^ the Mancipation, 204 — relation of Wilis to conveyances, 204 — the Testament per as et Ubram, 204, 213, 214 — consequence of this relation of TiSsta- ments to Conveyances, 206 — remsdies, 207 TESTAMENTS Succession, ancient Wills not written, 207 — remarks on the expression Emptor Familiae, 208 — the Praetorian Will, 209 — the Bonorum Possessio, and the Bo- norum Possessor, 211 — improvements in the old Will, 212, 213 — ancient and modem ideas respecting Wills and Successors, 215 — Disinherison of Children, 216 — the age of Wills coeval with that, of Feudalism, 224 — introduction ofthe principle of Dower, 224 — rights of Heirs and Co-heirs under the Eoman Law, 227 — intestate, 195 — ancient Eoman law of, 199, 218 — the Justinian scale of Intestate Succession, 219 — order of Intestate Succession among the Bomans, 220 — horror of intestacy felt by the Eo- mans, 232, 323 — rights of all the children of the de- ceased under the Eoman Law, 227 — Universal, 177, 189 — in what it consists, 179 — the universal successor, 181 — formula of old Boman investiture referred to, 190 Suttee of the Hindoos, 193 SyUa, L. Cornelius, his improvements in the Boman Law, 41, 42 TABLES, the Twelve Decemviral, 1, 2, 14, 33 — collections of opinions interpretative of the, 33 — their legalisation of Plebeian Wills, 202 — Law of the Twelve Tables respecting Testamentary Dispositions, 216 Tablets, laws engraven on, 14 Tacitus, value of his " Germany " as a record of primitive history, 120 — suspicions as to its fidelity, 121 Tarquins, change in the administration of the law after the expulsion of the, 61,62 Tenancy, Eoman system of, 229 Testaments. See Succession , Testamen- tary. INDEX. 415 THEFT Thsft, ancient Eoman Law of, 307, 308 379 — modern breaches of trust, 307 Themis and Themistes of the Greek Homeric poems, 4, 5, 125 Theology, connection between it and Eoman Law, 355 Thirty Years' War, influence of the horrors of the, on the success of the treatise " De Jure Belli et Pacis " of Grotius, 111 Torts, law of, 370 Tradition of property amongst the Eo- mans, 278 — practical effect of a Mancipation given to a Tradition, 278 Transfer of property, ancient modes of, 276 Troglodytes, the, 311 Turkey, rule of succession to the throne of, 242 TTLPtAN, his attempt to distinguish U between the Jus Naturale and the Jus Gentium, 52 Universitatis juris, in what it consists, 178 Usucapion, principle of Eoman Law known as, 212 — history of, 284 Usus, or lower form of civil marriage of the ancient Eomans, 154 VANDALS, the, referred to, 104 Venetians, tieii lapse fiom tribe sovereignty to territorial sovereignty, 109 ZEUS Village Communities of India, 260, 262 et seq. Visigoths, the, referred to, 104 Voltaire, referred to, 87 WAEFAEE, ancient forms of, 247 Wehrgeid, the, of Germany, 281 ■WheweU, Dr., on original Social Com- pact, quoted, 347 — his view of Moral Philosophy, 348 Widow's share of her husband's estate, 224 — the reipus, or fine leviable on the re- marriage of a widow in Germany, 281 Wills, influence of the Sacra GentUicia on the law of, 6, 7 — See Succession, Testamentary Women, laws respecting the status of, 152 — Eoman law of the Perpetual Tu- telage of, 153 — amongst the Hindoos, 153 — and amongst the Scandinavians, 155 — Guardianship of Women undep,the Eoman Law, 153 ! — tutelage c^,' amongst the Hindoos, 153 ' • — tutelage of j amongst the Scandina- ' vians, 153 '■ — ancient Eoman Marriage, 1 54 — later Eoman Marriage, 155 — special Proprietorship created by the Court of Chancery for, 295 r7EUS, not a lawmaker, but a judge, PniNTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. LTD,, NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON