•It'll' I I'll I I 1 1,1 1 't I, 1,1 'ltftS!Sl{wKl?}l4'V I A WTTqrKlPTK ilii U buriir lo Askikrtj. IN THE LIBRABI : OF | ''-■Ju^^^^^ Pfy!' ''»* r -t WM/JItA't GforncU Hniueratty ICthrarg BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE FISKE ENDOWMENT FUND THE BEQUESTOF WILLARD FISKE LIBRARIAN OF THE UNIVERSITY 1868-1883 1905 I Cornell University Library Z6621.C174 J5 Descriptive catalogue of the manuscr pts 3 1924 029 604 745 olin ^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029604745 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF JESUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE aottDon: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. 263, ARGYLE STREET. fLtipjlg: F. A. BROCKHAUS. i^efa Botfe: MACMILLAN AND CO. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF JESUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE BY MONTAGUE RHODES JAMES, Litt.D., FELLOW OF king's COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; DIRECTOR OF THE FITZVi?ILLIAM MUSEUM LONDON: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. 189s R [All Rights reserved.'] ffiambriSge : PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. REVERENDO • VIRO D GERMANO ■ MORIN O • S • B AMORIS • ERGO PREFACE. THE kindness of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College enables me to lay before the public for the first time a Catalogue of the Manuscripts belonging to the College. The only previous attempt is a list of seven volumes in Thomas James's Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis (1600, p. 137): reprinted by Ber- nard in 1697 : there is also a brief note in Halliwell's Manuscript Rarities of the University of Cambridge (1841, p. 173). Uffenbach {Merkwiirdige Reisen, iii. 75) was unable to obtain access to the manuscripts. The collection is mainly the gift of one donor, Thomas Man (B.A. 1674, M.A. 1678, M.D. 1687), Fellow of the College, and Vicar of Northallerton (see no. 8). More than fifty manuscripts were given by him, and a majority of these came from Durham Priory. Other northern monasteries, e.g. Hexham, Rievaulx, and Kirkstall, are also represented. Though not containing anything of surpassing importance, the collection is an interesting one enough. There is little good illuminated work, save in one Bible (no. 11). The Medical MSS. are fairly numerous. Probably the most attractive items in the Library are the early fragments in no. 5, the English passages in no. 13, the palimpsest Anglo-Saxon Homilies in no. 15, the Bury Formulae (no. 18), a French hymn (no. 21), the Psalter (no. 23), the Priscian (no. 28), the Rievaulx Catalogue (no. 34), the French Lapidaire (no. 44'), the Story of the Death of Judas (no. 46), the Wycliffite Gospels and New Testament (nos. 30, 47), the Obituary Roll in no. 55, Lydgate and 1 This Lapidaire does not correspond with any of the texts printed by M. L. Panier in the Bibliothique des Hautes Etudes. Vin PREFACE. Cato (no. 56), a list of books in no. 57, and the Chronicles (no. 58). As a specimen of writing, the volume by the scribe Emylton (no. 70) is very noteworthy. On the remarkable and beautiful room in which the manu- scripts are preserved, the reader should consult Willis and Clark's Architectural History of the University of Cambridge (ii. 165, iii. 460). I should like, in conclusion, to express my particular obliga- tions to the Librarian of the College, the Rev. F. J. Foakes- Jackson, who has been most kind in affording me access to the manuscripts under his charge. M. R. JAMES. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1. Q. A. I. Decretales Novae Glossatae. Vellum, I5f X lo, ff. 208, text in double columns of 49 lines each, surrounded by gloss. Cent. xiii. Binding, original boards recovered: formerly had two clasps. Given by Mr Man, 21 Jan. 1685. At the beginning are two fly-leaves of a Canon Law MS. in double columns (xiii, xiv). Collation : i^ ii^ a'^-d" e" (+ y* judicis) f^-m'" n'^ o"-r" s« (+ slip) II A}^ B^ O (5 cancelled). Provenance : Durham : on the top of the fourth fly-leaf has been an inscription of which only Decretales survives, and another partly cut off" : Iste liber accomodat . . . O milium (? Dunim) per dompnura Robertum de ... Quern si aliquis alienauerit anathe(ma sit). On f. I. dunelm. E. In the Catt. Vett. (of 1391)' P- 47> is this entry : E. Decretales Nouae glo. 11. fo. textus "et unitas in natura." These are the opening words of f. 2 in this MS. Contents : 1. Incipit compilacio Gregorii ix. Prologue . . . . f . i c. I. de summa trinitate & fide catholica liber primus. The first words of the gloss are gone. The Collection is in five books. 1 Catalogi Veteres librorum Dunelm.: Surtees Society, 1838. J. MSS. I 2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 2, 3 1. A tract in a different and later hand, in double columns of 63 lines ^^ Inc. Legitur in Ezechiele venter tuus comedet et viscera tua implebuntur. It is another compilation of Canon Law: references to the former are given at the end of each section. On a fly-leaf at the beginning are three extracts in a xivth or xvth cent, hand, two from the Ottobonian Constitutions, and one from the Clementine. 2. Q. A. 2. RUBRICA DE PrOBATIONIBUS ETC. PER AnDREAM SiCULUM. Paper, 13^x9, ff. 340, double columns of 43 to 63 lines. Cent. XV. Binding, plain wooden boards ; covering, back and clasps gone. Collation : a^" b» c^" d'' (5 gone : 4, 6 blank) ei»-g" h^" || i^» k« lio_s" t^ vi°-zi» aa" (9, 10 blank, gone) bb" cc^" dd^ eei»-mmi» nn« (8 blank, gone). The writing is almost certainly Italian and is rough and ugly : the initials are not added. Incipit. CoNTiNUATUR SIC. visum est de confessionibus per quas aduersarius rele- uatur ab onere proband!. On 1. 4 is a marginal note ending \ersus fr. Alcok. On the lower margin of q 10 (5 is the interesting stichometric note: In isto quinterno sunt pecie due co\\xm septeM linee. The colunms here are of 63 lines, averaging 30 or 31 letters each. Quires y-mm are backed and guarded in the middle by strips of a MS. of cent. x. The earlier quires have guards from a xivth cent. MS. On the last cover is scribbled : Doctor alcok. 3. Q. A. 3. BiBLiA Sacra. Vellum, 13 X9I ff. 352+4, double columns of 54 lines each. Cent. xiii. Binding of cent, xviii. This MS. is no. i in T. James's Ecloga Cantabrigiensis, 1600, p. 137. MS. 4] JESUS COLLEGE. 3 Collation : b^^.pia (^ 3) q^^-z^^ aa'^-gg^^. The first quire is gone : the text begins in Gen. xxxvi. 24. patris sui. habuitque filium disan. The order of the books is as follows : Gen.— 2 Chr. Esdre I. = Ezra. Uerba Neemie filii Esdre (running-title Esdre I.) = Nehemiah. Esdre II. = 4 Esdr. i. ii. + 3 Esdr. + 4 Esdr. iii.-xvi. The books are joined without any note, thus : Vade et annuncies populo meo qualia et quanta mirabilia domini dei uidisti. Et egit iosias pascha, etc' et coadunati sunt omnes in ierusalem iocundari secundum dis- positionem domini dei israel. Anno • xxx° • ruine ciuitatis ierusalem. Tobit — Psalms. The Psalter shows more traces of wear than the rest of the book : at the end of it is a stichometric note : Expliciunt psalmi c. 1. qui continent uersus numero quinque milia. Isaiah — Malachi. I, 2 Maccabees. Prov. — Eccius. Matt. — Apoc. The Eusebian Canons in a plain frame of yellow occupy two pages after the Apocalypse. On the fly-leaves are two xvth century lists of the Books of the Bible. 4. Q. A. 4. SuMMA Bartholomaei de Pisis de Casibus Iuris. Vellum, 13x9, ff. 248, double columns of 36 to 47 lines. Cent. XV. Binding modern, leather over boards : clasps gone. This is no. 4 in James's list of MSS. at Jesus College, in his Ecloga Cantabrigiensis, 1600, p. 137. Collation: 2? (i, 2 cancelled) b^-r^ s" t«-x« || i« ii« || y» z« || &' 9« i« (wants i) 2« (wants i) 3' 4' (wants i) 5' (wants 8, blank). The signatures J 5, 6 are marked s ante finale, s finale. After X occur two quires unsigned without interruption of text. The writing is fairly good, probably English : the initials plain red and blue for the most part. 1 This is C. 7 in Bensly's list of MSS. of 4 Esdras. Missing Fragments p. 42. I — 2 4 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 5, 6 The work is an Encyclopaedia of Canon Law with a Prologue beginning Quoniam ut ait Gregorius super Ezechielem. It runs from abbas to zelus. On the last cover is : Caucio domini thome low et habet supplementum viz. AuecenKam super tattafhysicsxix cum aliis. 5. Q. A. 5. Petri Comestoris historia scholastica. Vellum, 13 X 9J, fif. 152, double columns of 50 lines. Cent, xiii, xiv. Binding of cent, xviii. Probably identical with no. 5 in James's list, Ecloga Cant. p. 137. Historia Egesippi, uti uidetur. Collation : i^-xix^ There are two tattered fly-leaves from an early Missal (cent, x, xi) with 29 lines on a page, in a fine hand. I a has part of the Gospel for the Decollation of S. John Baptist (29 Aug.) and Graduals, etc. (neumes are given over the opening words). I b. Lectio Libri Sapientiae (Justomm animae). 2ffl. Preface for S. Ypolitus (12 Aug.). CoTaraxi.-d\Qia, Dico autem nobis. Collect for S. Eusebius, Conf. (14 Aug.). Epistle, Testificor. Gradual, Os iusti. Ant., Justus non con. Euang., Uigilate ergo, f f (require reliqua ?) in nat. sci marcelli .xvii. kl. Febr. in fol. Offi., Desiderium anime. lb. Assumptio S, Marie, two Collects and Lessons from Wisdom, In omnibus re- quiem quesiui. The text is well written, with red and blue initials of pen-work. It ends in the chapter de dyonisio areopagita. uolui uos reuocare ab impietate. It has suffered from damp in the upper margins. 6. Q. A. 6. Decretales Novae Glossatae. Vellum, 13^x9^, ff. 269, double columns of text of varying length (46 lines), surrounded by gloss. Cent, xiii, xiv. Rebound. Two clasp-marks remain on the leaves. Given by Mr Man. MS. 6] JESUS COLLEGE. 5 Closely resembles Q. A. i. Fly-leaves (2) from a xiiith cent. MS. of Law in double columns. Collation : i« ii« || a^^-h^^ i" k^^ l^^ m^^+i n'^-p^^ q^ r' s'+i t^^ ^2 ^lo y^2 2^2 (I cancelled). Provenance: Durham. On f. 14^ is the letter M. On 15^ is CO. Decretales gloss, de communi libraria raonacliorum dunelm. The second leaf of the text (f. 16) begins quemadmodtmi in canonica. I cannot find the volume in the old Catalogues. On the lower margin of f. 1 5 a, in a late xvth cent, hand, is : a (i) Inicium cuiuslibet capituli in hoc libro decretalium cum summulis et notulis 16 eorundem. (2) Decretales glosatae. (3) Constitutiones noue duo innocencij iiii", incomplete. (4) Constitutiones alexandri iiii". (5) Expositio super i'' c debent superioribus et libro vj prout concernit visitationem episcopi dunelm et conuentus dunelm. (6) liber vj'"' non glo(satus). This table of contents seems complete. (i) Is in a fine hand. The opening words of each chapter are given in a narrow column, and a line of note or summary added f. i f. 13^ is blank: on 14a are 38 hexameters with interlinear gloss, giving the contents of the chapters. The first is : Trinus • constituit • res • consue • postulat • elec • On 14 b is another table of chapters. (2) Text and gloss of the Z'ficr^^ato G^^ara yVo«i' . . . 15 Inc. Gregorius episcopus seruus seruorum dei. Book V. ends on f. iiS a : the verso is blank. (3) Begins on f. 219 a. Statuimus ut signis eleccioni 219 Glossed. (4) In three columns on a page, unglossed 221 i (3) Resumed : begins imperfectly II in multis iuris articulis 225 Glossed : double columns. f. 231 a blank : ff. 231 b, 232 a have later notes and constitu- tions of Boniface VI. (6) Book vi. of the Decretals (Boniface VIII. 1298), in another hand, with table of chapters. Text begins on , • • • • ^33 (5) Decretalis bonifacii in vi'" libro. Prouide attendentes. De legatis uel clericis in aliena diocesi recipiendis . 269 b 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 7-9 7. Q. A. 7. Repertorium Juris. Paper, 12^ xS^, fif. 694 (including fragments), double columns, of 37 lines each. Cent, xv (late). Collation: a^^ (wants i)-c'= d" e'^-l^^ m« n^^ qi^-s^^ t^^ (11, 12 cancelled) v^^-z'^ || aa^^-ee^^ fiP^ ggs (6 cancelled) hh^^^-oo^^ pp'« qq" (14 cancelled) rr^^ ss'^ tt» vv^'-zz^^ A" B^^ C" D^^-F'^ G>^ (6, 7 gone) ^12 112 YJ^ (2 gone) L" (all except i imperfect). It is a dictionary of Canon Law running from Ab {Abbas) to Zelus. The first article in B is Babilon and in C, Calcar. The writing is rough and the whole volume ugly. There is a vellum fly-leaf at the beginning. 8. Q. A. 8. ISIDORI EtYMOLOGIARUM LiBRI XX. Vellum, ii| X 7|, fif. 212, 40 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Written in England : modern binding. Given by Mr Man. Has the name Thomas Sandford, 1535: and Thomas Man, Vicarius de North Allerton. Collation: a'^-r" s« t'' (blank). The first words of f 2 are : quam contempsisti postulantem. The provenance is not clear : I do not find the volume in the Durham Catalogue. The ornaments and initials at the beginnings of the books are exceedingly good and characteristic English work : blue, pink, green, orange, and gold are prominent colours. 9. Q. A. 9. BiBLiA Sacra. Vellum, iif X 7^, ff. 241, double columns of 42 lines each. Cent. XV. Ex dono Caleb Pott (or Pett) hujus Coll. Alumni A» N« C' CIDIDCLXXVIII (1678). MS. lO] JESUS COLLEGE. 7 Collation: thirty quires of eights : of the 31st the first leaf only is left. Contents : Isaias — Malachias . f. i Capitula to i. ii. Mace. Evv. and Acts ,06 i. ii. Maccabeorum ^^„ E^ngelia 132 ^ Epistolae Pauli j^. Epp. Canonicae 202 Actus .209 Apocalypsis 223 ^ Tabula evangeliorum et epislolaium 229 Interpretationes nominum . . 2^2^ Ending imperfectly with Saducei. The Epistle to the Laodicenes follows Colossians on f. 193 b. There are borders and initials of rough English work at the beginnings of the books : only in a few cases are they illustrative. The book of Jonah has a ship and a fish in the initial and that of the Acts a dove. 10. Q. A. 10. Ps. Chrysostomi Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum. Vellum, I if X Z\, K 158, in double columns of 48 lines each. Cent. XV. Binding : original boards rebacked and recovered ; formerly fastened with two clasps : chain-mark at bottom inner corner of obverse board. At each end are four leaves of a service-book in double columns (of cent, xv) containing the office for Advent, with music on a four-line stave. On the lower margin of one of the leaves at the end is : Iste liber constat M. Willelmo Carlyll. On fol. p 4 (5 at the end of homily 5 1 is : quod saxylby. Collation: a'^-m'" n' o^ p' q^ (wants 6, 7) r'" (9, 10 cancelled). On q 5 (5 is the note hie deficit, in Hom. S 5 : the page ends with alterum non grauat, the next begins sed inde misericordiam christi. The writing is ugly and the initials of the plainest. It is most probably this volume that appears in James's Ecloga Cantabrigiensis, p. 137, as no. 2, Chrysostomus in opere imperfecto. 8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. II 11. Q. A. II. BiBLiA Sacra. Vellum, 1 4 X 7i ff. 254, double columns of 60 lines each. Cent, xiii, 1 290-1 300, without donor's name. Collation: l^-v^'' yV^ (8 mutilated: one cancelled) ^iV^ (wants 6: 2 Sam. i.) Vllli^ IX^^ xi^ (4, 5 gone: 2 Par. v.-xiii.) xP (10, 11 gone: 3 Esdr. xviii.— Judith v. 7) xii'^ Xlll^^ (4-7 gone: Ps. i.-xxxix.; 9 cancelled) XIV^^ (2, 3 gone : Ps. xcvii.-cxiii. ; 7 mutilated : Prol. to Prov.) XV12 XVI" (one cancelled after 6) XVII^^ xvill^^ XIX" XX" (10, II gone: Joel ii. Am. i.-iii.) XXI" (5 gone: Zeph. Ag. i.) XXII" (12 gone : blank ?) XXIII" (i gone : Matt, i.-iv.; 9 gone : Mark i.) XXIV" (2 cancelled, 12 gone). Contents : Genesis — 1 Chron. Esdras I. = Ezra. Esdras II. = Nehemiah. Esdras III. = i Esdr. alias 3 Esdr. Judith, Tobias, Esther. Job — Ecclus. Isa. Jer. Lam. Baruch, Ezek. — Malachi. i. ii. Maccabees. Matt. — Luke xxii. S^-SS, ut interficerentur. Et. The writing is beautiful, the vellum very fine, and the historiated initials of more than usual interest. These last are as follows : 1. Prol. A tonsured ecclesiastic, in a monastic habit, as it seems, writing. 2. Prol. to Genesis. A dragon on the back of a nude man. 3. Genesis. Initial I, the length of the page, spreading out at the bottom and con- taining 16 pictures on gold grounds : I. Christ holding the divided globe. ^. Christ: water on R. 3. Christ: tree on R. 4. Christ: moon on Z. , sun on R. 5. Christ: beasts on R. 6. Christ : Adam reclining on R. 7. Christ seated full-face, blessing. 8. The Fall; serpent has not, as often, a human head: Eve is on R. 9. Cain killing Abel. 10. The Ark: two-storied building in a ship. 11. A building falling : a man on j?. : ? the tower of Babel. 12. Sacrifice of Isaac. Ram on L. 13. Annunciation: angel on L. 14. Christ full-face at column, scourged by two men. 15. The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and S. John: at the feet of Christ, outside the initial, is a monk in red over blue, kneeling on a footstool. 16. The Resurrection, Christ has bannered cross: two guards below. Grotesques: a monkey tilting at a man : both ride on dragons. 4. Exodus. Moses, horned, receives the tables from Christ, half-length, in a circle. MS. Il] JESUS COLLEGE. 9 5. Leviticus. Three men : fire falls on them from a cloud. Nadab or Korah. 6. Numbers. Four Jews kneel on L.: in centre a calf on a low pillar: on R. Moses, horned, points to it, and prepares to let fall the tables. 7. Deut. A crowd of nine Jews led to R. over water by Moses, horned, with rod. 8. Jos. Joshua bearded, nimbed, and robed faces L. and holds up his hand toward the sun in a cloud. Four men on R. look L. 9. Jud. Four mailed men with surcoats : one with spear and green shield : Christ speaks out of a cloud. 10. Ruth. Above. Boaz with staff: below, Ruth stretches her hand up to it: below her, a reaper in close cap. I r. I Sam. Hannah, with Samuel, kneels, face R., at altar with lamp above it : behind her, Elkanah and a youth with pitcher on shoulder. 2 Sai?t. Initial gone. 12. I Kings. Blue ground with red dots. A courtier presents Abishag to David crowned in bed. 13. 2 Kings. Red ground. A tower, with red ground : Ahaziah crowned falls head- long from it. 14. I Chr. Three seated men, one with book. 15. 2 Chr. Solomon kneels at altar with gold cross above it: an attendant behind him. Red ground, gold spots. Prol. to Esdr. Has fine decorative initial. 16. I Esdr. Above, a king, with sword, seated : below, a queen with green apple or cup. 17. 2 Esdr. (Neh.). Under architecture, a man in cloak and tunic with bucket and aspergillum. 18. 3 Esdr. A youth (Zerubbabel) addressing a throned king with sceptre. /udith. Initial gone. 19. Tobias. Tobit, blind, seated with hands out : on R., Raphael winged and nimbed leads away the child Tobias : the dog follows. 20. Esther. Ahasuerus stretches down his sceptre to Esther crowned, kneeling below him. In the lower margin, Haman in tunic, blindfold and bound, hangs from the initial. 21. Prol. to yob. A Lion: fine. 22. yob. On L. his wife and a friend talk to Job, nude, seated. 23. (Ps. Ixviii.) Saluum me fac. Above, two men paddling in a boat, face each other : below, Jonah, nude, emerges from the fish's mouth and clutches a tree on R. 24. Exultate. David seated plays on three bells. Above his head is an organ, below his feet is a harp. Gold ground. 25. Prov. On R. Solomon crovraed, seated, with birch-rod : on L. in front Reho- boam seated, nude ; behind him a tonsured youth with joined hands. 26. Eccl. On L. four men : in centre a pile of gold cups and plates : on R. Solomon sits and speaks. 27. Cant. The Virgin crowned, kissing the Child: seated. 28. Wisd. Solomon throned, hands a sword to a man on L. 29. Ecclus. Solomon throned, points upward to a cloud : four men kneel on L. 30. Isaiah. Isaiah nude, stands : his hands and feet are bound to the top and bottom of the initial : two men saw him from below with a frame-saw. 31. yer. Jeremiah kneels on R. stoned by two men: one has a winged head-dress. Above the prophet's head is the Divine Hand. lO CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 12 32. Lam. Jeremiah on L. sits with hand to head: a falling city on R. 33. Baruch. A nimbed tonsured man writing. 34. Ezek. Above, the Evangelistic symbols: a wheel in the centre: below, Ezekiel sleeping, head to L. 35. Prol. to Dan. A crowned devil with human body and arms and four legs. 36. Dan. On L. Habakkuk, nimbed, carrying loaves in his robe and a bucket in his hand, is borne by an angel holding his hair: on R. Daniel standing in a tower-like building with four lions' heads on R. greets him. 37. Hosea. Gomer and another woman on Z. addressed by Hosea nimbed seated on R. 38. yoel. Standing addresses four men seated on R. in peaked hats. 39. Obad. Under architecture, seated, addresses five seated men. 40. Jonah. Similar to no. 23. 41. Micak. Nimbed, seated and holding two branches. 42. Nahum. Beardless, nimbed, holds up his skirts and walks to L. On R. a small man standing in the door of a tower seems to mock him. 43. Habakkuk. Nimbed, sits and points to book : an angel speaks to him from above. 44. Zechariah. Above, a bust of the prophet : below, a king : below, a figure on a red horse, a white horse beyond him. 45. Malachi. Nimbed, slaughters a beast lying on an altar : the blood caught in a green bowl on a stem. 46. I Mace. Christ, nimbed, with cross-staff, in centre, face R. Behind him on L. a prostrate man and a mailed man with spear : on R. five seated people. 47. 1 Mace. On L. a stooping man holding a box emerges from a gate. Two mailed men with shields and raised swords are about to smite him. 48. Luke. Gold ground. Luke tonsured and beardless turns to R. and looks at his pen : he is writing on a scroll at a table across the picture. Below, a winged ox. The drawing of these pictures is particularly fine: nos. 19, 41, 46 are excellent examples. 12. Q. A. 12. CONSUETUDINES OrdINIS CarTHUSIENSIS. Vellum, io| X 7^, ff. 215, double columns of 30 lines. Cent. XV, xvi. Binding, original, stamped leather over boards : two stamps are used, one a small rose, the other lozenge-shaped con- taining a double eagle : this last dispersed rather irregularly over the cover. The name Richardus Petteward Suff. 1619, is on f. t 8. Collation: A^ B' || a« b'-m^ n^ o^ (i cancelled) p^-bb^ cc^ (4 can- celled, 6-8 blank, gone). Contents : Tabula super statuta noua et uetera A 1 Modus legendi statuta (later) B 8 i MS. 13] JESUS COLLEGE. II Capitula prime partis consuetudinum ordinis carthusiensis . . a i Text a 2 Capitula secunde partis h 2 Text h 3 i Capitula (and text) tercie partis n 6 Prima pars nouarum constitucionum (no title) . . . . q 2 Secunda pars r 6 Tercia pars 13 Tercia compilacio statutorum ord. Carthus. (in another and later hand) v i Notes on accent and pronunciation bb 3 Supplicatio from Will. Tynbych, Prior of the London Charterhouse in 15 16, to the Franciscan Prior Major of the order, to be allowed a coadjutor bb 3 Another, 1517 bb 3 i De obseruatione festi S. Brunonis (1415) and other extracts from Carte generales questiones sent to the General Chapter by John Ingilbi, Prior of Sheen, 1494 . . . . . . . bb 5 Other questions, supplications and responses, the last dated 1520. The writing is very good and clear : there is little or no decoration. 13. Q. A. 13. Sermones. Vellum, loj X 7J, ff. 210, varying number of lines to a page. Cent, xiv, xv. Original binding, white skin over boards: two clasps. Given by Mr Man. Collation: a*(i gone) b"-e" f^l g' h'' i'' || k'^-s'^ f^ (12 gone). Another (blank) quire cut out. Provenance : probably Durham. On the fly-leaf is an entry of late xvth cent. Sermones quorundam qui sic incipiunt Missus est. 2° fo. ascendam. A slip is cut out of the leaf; then follows : N. Sermones de sancta maria. ii. Sermones de Sanctis et de tempore cum tabula : sermo de uisitacione non negli- genda, etc. Item sermones de tempore et Sanctis cum tabula. I do not find this book in the Catalogues. 12 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 14 Contents : 1. Sermons on the Virgin : in double columns of 44 lines. The first page is damaged. It begins : Flos de radice eius asscendet. Flos est christus. On f. 2 i5 a second sermon, on Missus est, containing English verses, and a story about an image in the city Cyclopes, in India. 2. f. 4 begins with Ascendant. This is the first word of a sermon on S. Andrew. Ascendam in palmam et apprehendam fructum eius. The sermons are de Sanctis from S. Andrew to S. Katherine, and are numbered from 62 to 126. There are two for S. Francis (one very long) and one for S. Clara. 3. Sermones de tempore. Inc. Mitte agnum etc. ysa. xvi. In verbis prepositis ysayas. They are numbered from i to 53. A Table follows. 4. A sermon in single lines, 2J pages, in another hand. On Fratres tuos visitatis. 5. Sermons. In double columns of 49 lines: foliated from i to 33. Inc. Reuertar in principio cum Tobia. Thob. xij. Reuertar ad eum qtii misit me vos autem benedicite deum. 6. Sermons, in another hand, 43 lines to a page : foliated 34 to 1 49. Inc. De nocte sicrrexit. Prouerb. ult. Karissimi videtis quia quilibet homo com- ponitur ex duobus. The second sermon begins : Ante quorum oculos Christus Ihesus proscriptus est. This and several of the following sermons contain passages in English. 7. The five last pages contain a Table to this set of sermons, in another hand. A specimen of the English (fol. 86 i) is : Contrariam : Whan thou art wroth & wylt ham wreche be holde the leere that I the teche th(r)owygh myn ryth hand the nayl yt good for jeef ther fore & be nowght wroth. And f. 87 : I haue in loue & freysch in mynde the blod of hym that was so keende. 14. Q. A. 1^4. Beda super Genesim et Exodum. Vellum, ii| X 8, ff. 154, 29 lines to a page. Cent. xii. Given by Mr Man. Binding, original boards, covered with white skin, and fastened by strap and pin : the strap has its ori- ginal perforated metal end, with rudely incised pattern. MS. IS] JESUS COLLEGE. 13 Collation: P-vi" viP viii"-xi'° xii° (3-6 cancelled) || i'" (i can- celled) ii" iii'= iv' (i left). The leaves attached to the binding at beginning and end are partially erased leaves of another copy of Bede on Genesis, having 34 lines to a page, of about the same date as the volume. Provenance : Durham. On f. la is : A. Liber sancti Cutliberti de Dunelm. The second leaf begins : Potest autem non improbabiliter, and on the top of the page is : Beda super genesim usque cap. 21 tantum. I cannot find this volume in the Catalogi Veteres. The writing is beautiful : the commentary on Exodus is in another hand of the same date. There is a very fine initial I on f. I b, of green, red, and yellow, on blue, in the form of a ladder of conventional foliage. On i« is: John Richardson's book pretium ijs vjd. Contents : 1. Beda super Genesim f. i 2. Beda super Exodum ........ 121 Ends on Exod. xxvi. (Quos operies laminis aureis) with the words : et odio habens iniquitatem : pios nouerit. 15. Q. A. 15. Petri Lombardi SeNTENTIARUM LiBRI IV. Vellum, II X 7f , ff. 132, mostly in double columns of 40 lines each. Cent, xi, xiv. Given by Mr Man, Jan. 21, 1685. Binding original : white skin over boards : strap and pin fastening. Collation : i« ii* || a« b^ c'^ || d^ e^ P || g^ h^ i^ || k^ p m^ n^^ (12 can- celled) II iii^' (7, II, 12, 14, IS cancelled), 132 leaves. Provenance : Durham ? The press-mark on f. 11 is Textus iiij™ lihrorum sententiarum E. The 2nd leaf of the text begins />lurali- tatis non. 14 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 15 It may be the copy entered thus in Catt. Vett. (pp. 22 and 98) : P. Textus Sententiarum cum Libro Penitentiae et aliis ii. fo., " pluralitatis." Contents : I. Quires i, ii, and iii (at end) are palimpsest : the older writing contains fragments of Homilies in Anglo-Saxon upon the Gospels, of cent, xi, xii, 27 lines to the page. f. 1 remains intact. Inc. Spa spa he him on Life beliet talSahe clypode opeor>an tohis jelmihtigan pseder pseder min ic pille >£et >a puraon midme >ej'inne portgeap op tSisum middan earde. Ends on 1. i of verso. halgan gaste onanre godcundnysse an aelmihtigod abutan ende. Amen. Larspell (ruhr.). Laepde menn behopialS Jiaet him larpas secgan tagodspellican lare te hi on bocum leornodon. John xiv. 23 is quoted. f. 1 is palimpsest : the upper writing in double columns of 34 lines each, of cent, xiv, XV, very rude. At the top, Assit principio S. Maria meo. Incipit paruulus tractatus de vii peticionibus...et vii vitiis capitalibus. Paternoster. Cum hec oracio a sapientissimo. The lower writing is lost, save perhaps a line or two at the bottom, where galls have been applied. On f. 3 i about five lines might be read. i. 4« is more than half free from later writing, but erased. f. 4 ^ is erased, but mostly decipherable. ff. 5 «-6 b erased, but almost all decipherable : the last seven lines on f. 6 i untouched : they refer to the text, He that exalteth himself shall be abased. f. 7. A table to the Sentences. Cent, xiii, xiv. Only the faintest traces of the earlier writing appear. So with f. 8, of which the verso is blank, f. 9 a is blank. 9* is half covered with notes : the upper half of f. 10 is cut away. Possibly f. 10 might be deciphered. In quire iii f . I a is covered with miscellaneous notes. flf. I ^-3 b contain verses (cent, xiv), about 140 in number. Peniteas cito peccator cum sit miserator Index, et sunt hec quinque tenenda tibi. End: Plauso tartarei confusio multa ministri Et fuga cohortum felix adopcio celi. On all these leaves the old writing is hopelessly defaced, ff. 4-9 a a tract, cent, xiv, xv, in double columns : Cum summa teologice discipline diuiditur in duas partes, ff. 4-7 are palimpsest : on 7 *, 8, 9 I can see nothing : 9 * is blank, ff. 10, II are carefully scraped, but have no later writing. On the last cover are traces of a page of the Anglo-Saxon. II. Quires a-n contain the four books of the Sentences. They are well written, and rubricated, and have marginal notes in various hands. MS. l6] JESUS COLLEGE. IS 16. Q. A. 1 6. AUGUSTINI QUAEDAM. Vellum, ii|x7, flf. 130, double columns of 32 lines each. Cent. xii. Bound in two consecutive sheets of a Psalter (xiiith cent.) in double columns of 27 lines each, contains parts of the Psalms Judica Domine xxxiv. — Dixi custodiam xxxviii. and Deus auribus xliii. — Deus deorum xlix. Given by Mr Man : it has the name of Thomas Iveson 1567. In the binding is a bit of a xvth century table. Collation : a^-q^ r* (3, 4 cancelled). On the last leaf of 1 (f 88 b) is the note ii. idus Aecembres : on n^ (104) xvi. kal. Aug. and another date, cut off, on the next page. Provenance : perhaps Hexham or Rievaulx: on the fly-leaf is a xiith cent, table of the contents, and a xvth cent, press-mark. Augiistinus de baptismo et de natura et gracia et alia litera B. The first words of f. 2 are consortium non accessissent. The writing and initials (in blue, green and red) are both very good. Contents : I. Augustinus in libro ii. Retractationum f. i Contra donatistas auctoritate beatissimi episcopi et martyris Cipriani. 1. Aurelii Augustini ypponensis episcopi contra Donatistas de Baptismo libri septem i 3. Augustinus in libro ii. Retractationum 71* Uenit etiam tunc. 4. Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. liber de Natura et Gratia 7' * 5. Epistola Prosperi ad B. Augustinum Ep. .... 94 6. Epistola S. Hylarii Arelatensis Ep. ad S. Augustinum yp- ponensem Ep 97 7. Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. libri duo de pre- destinatione Sanctorum et de Bono perseuerantie ad Pros- perum et Hylarium \oob l6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. I/, l8 17. Q. A. 17. Alysoni Quaestiones Metaphysicae. Paper, iii x y\, ff. 212, 31 lines to a page. Cent xv. Original binding of stamped leather over boards : clasp gone. Collation: a^^-P^ g" h'^^-d''' p'^ (ii, 12 cancelled) q^^-s^l Quire q is partly in another and smaller hand. Contents : Questiones on Books i.-x. and xii. of Metaphysics. On a fly-leaf is a table of the questions on Books i.-vii. At the end of Book x. is the note : Incipit xii"' quia super xi° non scripsit. The volume is imperfect, ending in Book xii. There is a short prologue addressed to a Pope, to whom the author dedicates his work. No name appears, but he speaks of himself as a Dominican. Inc. Cum cetere sciencie ad cognicionem summi boni conferant, sanctissime pater. The writing is ugly. On the fly-leaf is pencilled : Richardus Hughes Bibliothecae Gustos 1625 Doctore Magistro Andrews. 18. Q. B. I. Forma Compositionum Cartarum, etc Paper, ii|x8f, ff. 273 and fragments, 37 lines to a page. Cent. XV. Collation: ii" iii^' iiij^'' v'^ vj'Mx" || i^^ {{^ (wants 11) iii'^ j;jji2 ^12 \]^ (wants 7-10) viji2 (wants 5, 11, 12) viij^^-xij" xiij'^ ^3 almost gone) xiv^2 (3-12 almost gone). Binding, red vellum on boards : strap and pin fastening : no chain mark. It is lettered on the back in black letter : Forma Composicionum Cartarum Obligacionum Acquietancia- rum Indenturarum Libellorum et Appellacionum cum alijs pro studio Abbatis. A note on f i says : Scriptus videtur hie Liber in usum Abbatis S°" Edmundi de Bury. The first quire is gone, f I begins : quot pene rerum contrahendarum de quibus Curia Regia se non intromittet. MS. 1 8] JESUS COLLEGE. 1 7 f. 2 a. Obligacio simplex. S. P. de O. Dat. apud O. 10 Hen. IV. Item aliter. In the margin of f. 3 a, opposite to a form of bond, is written : ' viz. Acton Burnell.' On f. 3 « is a form for an abbas Sci E. 3 6. W. prior de N(orwic) et eiusdem loci conuentus Norwic. dioc. f. 7 i (added). Acquittance from Adam Cykow de Bury, Cordwainer, and his wife Helena to John Bernasse de Bury. Indenture between W. N. Archd. Sudbury and Hugo Sandeby, parson of the Ely portion of West Walton. Receipt by W. C. Cellarer of S' E. de B. from J. N. Knight, through J. B. and J. D. his receivers at Chellesworth. 8 Hen. V. Also from J. B. Rector of S. Laurence, Norwich. 8 a. Emma widow of K. B. quondam ciuis et Stok fissh monger of London receives from W. B. Capellanus of S' E. de B. Given at S. Mary's Crokelane. 9 a. Oflicial of Christianity at Oxford. W. de N. sacrist of S. Edmund : J. Abbot. g 6. J. Abbot of monastery of S. Bernard, O.S.B., Norwic. dioc. 10 S (added). Acquittance from W. Cellarer of S. Edmund to a tenant at Wanflet. John Gedney, pitanciarius of S. E. de B., from Rich. Aired, for diis Chamfer (?) hemgraue. 6 Hen. V. fF. I r sqq. Literae attorniatoriae. 12 a. J. B. Camerarius of Bury. 12 6. Concessiones. John filius Regis Anglic, Dux Aquit. et Lane, comes Lincoln. Leycestr. et Derb. Manumissio by W. Abbot of S. E. de B., at request of Henry Prince of Wales, of Ed. Moket and his son Thomas. 10 Hen. IV. 13. Text continued. 13 e. Trans. S. Cuthbert in blue and octave in red. Oct. Paulinus. Wilfrid. Aetheldritha. Nov. Romanus archiep. in green. Deposicio Edmundi Cant, inserted cent. xv. Eadmundi K. M. There is a good initial to Beatus uir (f. 15) in green and red, interlaced, with two leopards (.■') and a man. 24. Q. B. 7. Tractatus Theologici. Vellum, \o\ X 7|, ff. 143, mostly in double columns of 42 lines each. Cent. xiv. Binding : wooden boards rebacked : formerly fastened with two clasps. Given by Mr Man. Collation: a^ b^ c^'' d^^ e" f^^ (11, 12 cancelled) g^^ (+2 leaves inserted between 10 and 1 1) h^^-k^^ 1^^ m^" n^ (4 cancelled). The book is most likely from Durham, to which the Kalendar (no. 10) belongs : on the last page is the name John Richardson. The 2nd leaf of the text begins {mar)moribus diuersi coloris. Contents : On f. 2 (J is an old table of contents (cent, xv) as follows : In hoc libro subscripto sunt contenta I. In primis Quidam tractatus de morte et eius circumstanciis . f. i Inc. Quia ad mortem tendimus omnes. 1. Item .Sernio de S. Benedicto ...... n Festiua beatissimi Benedicti solempnitas. MS. 24] JESUS COLLEGE. 29 3. Item speculum religiosorum 13 Accipite uos religiosi hoc speculum. 4. Item Expositio de sex alls Cherub 51 With a diagram of the Cherub, in black and red. This is in another somewhat earlier hand. Item Explanacio turris sapiencie 54 ^ This entry is erased. It is apparently another name for no. 5. 5. Item speculum theologie factum a magistro Johanne Welensi . 55 A diagram of the tower of wisdom, followed by trees of virtues and vices. 6. Item Explanacio ligni uite 58 Referring to the previous diagrams. fF. 58 I1-60 b are blank. 7. Item Vita Aluredi Abbatis Rievall. (per W. Daniel) . . 61 Patri et domino eximie sanctitatis viro Mauricio suo Walterus Danielis. Item Lamentacio auctoris vite eiusdem de eadem re . . 74 In exordio in processu et in fine lamentacionis mee ne ridi- culus appaream. 8. Item Aluredus Abbas Rieuallen. de oneribus sed incomplete . 75 b To G. Bishop of London. Dilecto et diligendo et cum omni deuocionis dulcedine amplec- tendo sancto patri G. Londoniensi episcopo. The index (f. 79) gives 3 1 homilies : the text ends in the xviith. Proiciunturautem (?) quasi stirpisinutilis cui nihil aliud debetur quam ignis. Dicit etiam ipse (catchword). 9. Item Notule de historia aurea collectae . . . . . 1 1 1 Excerpciones quedam breues siue notule ex historia aurea omnium historiarum matre collecte. From the Creation to A.D. 1347. f. 124 ^ is blank. 10. Item Kalendarium plenum nominibus sanctorum quolibet die per annum 125 An abbreviated Martyrology : the names of the places where the Saints suffered etc., are written above their names. Each day occupies one line; e.g. Jan. i : rome uia appia rome spoleto Circumcisio. Almachii mart. 30 militum. Martine V. Concordii P. M. cesarea capadocie affrica ruspensi ecclesia lugdun. territorio Allexandrie Basilii Ep. Fulgencii Ep. Augendi Abb. Eufrosine V. In red are Depositio Cuthberti and Oswald. 11. Item legenda de Sancta Elizabeth 131 Quoniam, ut legitur in Eccl. 43 gloria domini plenum est opus eius. 1 2. Item Meditaciones S. Augustini 1 3fi * Vigili cura mente solicita summo conatu. 30 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 2$ 25. Q. B. 8. Tractatus de Astronomia, etc. Vellum, lo X 7i, ff. in, varying numbers of lines to a page, two volumes in one. Cent. xii. Binding : two sheets of a Psalter of cent, xiii, in double columns of 27 lines each, containing parts of Psalms ix. and xvii.-xxiv. (Lat.). Given by Mr Man. Collation : a"" b« || a^-l^ m^ (6, 7 cancelled, 8 attached to cover). Provenance: almost certainly Durham. On f i«a mark has been erased, but the press-mark A. occurs twice, and also A. 22. The entries are three : (i) a. Sermones S. Augustini. (1) a. Sermones diuersi cum tractatu de planetis. (3) a. Tractatus de temporibus sole luna stellis ventis terra mari et aliis similibus. 2. 2. Sermones quidam S. Augustini et quidam Jeronimi. The 2nd leaf of the text begins dies prosperitatem seculi significat. It is the book in Catt. Vett. 75, A. Sermones diuersi cum tractatu de planetis, ii fo., "serit et cum." Contents : I. An anonymous Tract on the day and night stars, etc., with special reference to the Bible: in an early xiith century hand : 40 lines to a page f. r The source seems to be Isidore, de naturis rerum 38, 44, etc. It begins without title or space for a first initial at the top of f. I ^. Aegiptii autem ex initio noctis sequentis diei originem tradunt; romani medio noctis oriri diem uolunt: et in medium noctis finiri. In the rest of the tract spaces are left for initials and diagrams, none of which are filled in. The contents are as follow : § I, of which the opening lines have been given, ends on f. 2 a : Equinoxiales dies s(unt) in quibus dies et nox equalibus hora- rum spatiis euoluuntur. § 2. (N)ox est solis absentia f. 2 3. (E)BDOMADA apud grecos et romanos. On f. 2 i5 is a space for a diagram. MS. 25] JESUS COLLEGE. 31 10. II. 12. 13- H- 15- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. SC- S^- 33- 34- 35- 36. 37- 38- (M)ensis est luminis lunaris circuitus This sentence occurs on f. 3. Plerique autem asserunt cignum sabinorum regem prius annum in menses diuisisse. (S)ic ambrosius: tempora sunt uices mutationum . (D)uorum temporum hec sunt principia Space for a diagram. (S)olsticia duo sunt (M)vndvs est uniuersitas. Ceterum sanctus ambrosius eadem elimenta .... (C)elum spiritualiter ecclesia. Space for a diagram. (A)mbrosius sanctus in libro exameron sic loquitur (H)ec est ambrosii sententia. Aquas super celos. (H)ec sunt uerba ambrosii in libro exameron. (R)ursus in eodem opere doctor idem ..... (D)icunt antiqui aratus et eginus solem per semet ipsum moueri. (S)anctus Augustinus in psalmi decimi expositione . Rough diagram in the margin and several sketches in the text of the moon. (L)unam quidem per hos ortus et occasus ait eginus (S)olem sapientes dicunt altius currere (N)on deficit luna sed obumbratur ...... (S)telle quidem cum mundo uertuntur ..... (I)n ambitu quippe celestium orbium. (S)telle non habere proprium lumen ..... Space for a diagram. (F)alsa autem et uulgaris opinio est nocte Stellas cadere . (L)egitur in iob. (A)rcturus est ille quem latini septentrionem dicunt (A)mbrosium in libro exameron legi dicentem (T)onitrua autem ex fragore nubium {D)icunt naturalium scriptores causarum. (C)lemens Romanus antistes et martir ita scripsit : Arcus enim in aere ex imagine solis ..... (N)otandum ex libro iob (L)egitur in amos propheta qui uocat aquas maris. (A)it ambrosius quod plerumque glacialibus uentorum . (S)imili quoque ratione grandlnum. (V)entus est commotus et agitatus aer (P)rimus cardinalis septentrion. Quosdam tranquillus proprios locorum flatus certis appellat uocabulis Space for a diagram. (T)empestas turbo est. (P)estilentia morbus late uagans (C)ur oceanus reciprocis estibus revertitur. Lucan is quoted. lb 3* 4 4* 5 6* 7* 8* Si ^b 10 10 b lib 12 12 b 13 13* 14 14 b IS* 32 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 2$ 39. (C)ur mare maius non fiat...clemens episcopus ait: Non crescit mare eo quod naturaliter salsa aqua . . • • 10 40. (R)ursusidemambrosiusdoctordocuitdicens: Mareiccircodicunt 16 * 41. (E)giptus aeris calorem per solem habet. 42. (I)n pratis tranquillus sic asserit dicens : Extremum mare ocean us est. 43. (Qjualiter terra super aerem fundata '7 44. (S)apientes dicunt terram in modum spongie esse conceptam . 17* Vnde et salustius uentis inquit per caua terre precipitatis rupti sunt aliquot monies tumulique. 45. (D)e monte autem ethna lustinus in libro historiarum ita scripsit dicens : Sicilie insule tellus tenuis ac fragilis est. Ends (f. i8fl): Sic ignis ille gehenne ad comburenda corpora damnatorum finem nunquam habiturus est. II. Sermones S. Augustini ^9 A xvth century title at the top reads : a. Sermones diuersi Aug. They are in a beautiful xiith century hand, in double columns of 41 lines each. The majority have no titles. I. De episcopis et unitate ecclesie. Dicit apostolus paulus. Non est potestas nisi a deo. 3. Sermo in dedicacione ecclesie. Salomon edificauit domum. 7. De Sacerdotibus. Labia sacerdotis custodiunt scientiam. 8. De Sacerdotibus. Locutus est dominus ad moysen. 9. De Sacerdotibus. Qui descendunt mare in maribus. 10. Alius sermo de Sacerdotibus. Deus stetit in synagoga deorum. 11. De ciuitate dei. Fundamenta eius. n. Sermo. In quo pater conqueritur De vinea sua per similitudinem Si quis diligit me. 13. Sermo De came contra spiritum et de -v sensibus corporis. Scitote fratres karissimi quia uetus homo. 14. Sermo de aduentu summi iudicis et quomodo Adam non seruauit preceptum domini. 15. Sermo ad populum in quadragesima. 16. Sermo in quo docetur quid sit agendum in ecclesia. 17. Alius sermo de sacerdotibus. Locutus — moysen dicens: homo de semine Aaron. 18. Sermo de adventu domini. Consolamini. 19. Sermo de dedicatione. Facta sunt encenia. MS. 25] JESUS COLLEGE. 33 10, de contemplatiuis. 21. de significatione crucis. 22. de rogationibus. 23. de pentecosten. Uerbo domini cell firmati sunt. 24. de sacerdotibus. Homo quidam peregre. 25. de eodein. designauit dominus. 26. de leproso et paralithico in Dom. i post Theophaniam. 27. de pigris hominibus in peccatis morantibus. 29. In xlma. Factum est uerbum domini ad ieremyam dicens: quid tu uides. 32. de perseueratione. 33. de vanitate secularium cogitationum. 34. in xlma. Maria soror moysi peccauit. 35. in purificat. S. Marie. 36. de sanctimonialibus. 37. de aduentu domini. Dicite filie syon. 38. de pentecosten. Dum complerentur dies. 39. ad fideles qui sunt pugnaturi contra mundum. 41. in rogationibus. Confitemini alterutrum. 42. de ascensione domini. 43. de resurrect, domini. 44. de cena domini. 45. de presbiteris. Factum est uerb. dom. ad Ezechielem. 46. de eodem. Posuit moyses labrum. 47. in xlma. Noli emulari. 48. de eodem. Ecce odor fili mei. After no. 60. 6t. Psalterium rome positum positus emendaui (Jerome, to Paula and Eustochium). 62. On the X commandments and x plagues. 92. is on the death of S. John Evangelist. Profert enim historia quod cum esset Johannes nonaginta et vii annorum apparuit ei dominus. There are 96 in all. J. MSS. 34 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 26, 27 26. Q. B. 9. Egidius Romanus de Regimine Principum. Vellum, 9f x 6f , ff. 262, in double columns of 32 lines each. Cent. XV. Written in England, in a fine upright hand. Bound in old stamped leather over boards: the clasps are gone. There is an old press-mark: Classis 2dae dextrae lib: 51. The number 51 is also stamped on the edge of the leaves. On the fly-leaf is : 17° Decembris 1633. Franc : Hughes vnus ex Armigeris Bedellis amicissimus vir et benefactor dono dedit amoris ergo. Collation: a'° (i blank, 9 cancelled) b^-ii^ kk^ (3 cancelled, 6 blank). F. I a has a border of French-Flemish work, the style of which is later than that of the rest of the ornamental work. It is divided into triangles with grounds of fluid gold, blue and red, with flowers and flourishes. There is also a miniature, occupying three-fourths of the text-space, of the Descent of the Holy Ghost : the Virgin and 17 others are kneeling in a room : above are the Father and Son throned, probably sending down the Dove. This part of the painting has been partly erased. The style of it is very bad. In the lower margin are these arms. Quarterly aztire and gules, four lions or rampant gardant. On a chief argent wavy, 3 besants sable. Throughout the book, at the L. of each column, is a kind of orna- ment topped with a fleur-de-lys alternately gold and blue, and with demi fleurs-de-lys, alternately gold and blue, springing out of it all the way up. There are a certain number of marginal notes. 27. Q. B. 10. SS, Ambrosii et Hieronymi quaedam. Vellum, io| X 6|, ff. 144, 33 lines to a page. Cent. xii. Written in England probably. Binding, white skin over boards flat back : formeriy fastened with strap and pin. MS. 27] JESUS COLLEGE. 35 On f. 4 <5 is : Lib. Magistri Andree Doket rectoris Sancti Botulfi Cantabr. He was first Master of Queens' College (1448-1484). Collation: i^ (fly-leaves) a' (i cancelled) b^-f g* (wants 5) h^ i* k" (wants i) P-o' p^" q^ r^ s^ (7 cancelled). Contents : \. Libellus ualde utiliura preceptorum atque consiliorum de libris officiorum Beatissimi pape (erased) Ambrosii mediolanensis collectus f- 5 The title is in red and green : and there is a large red and green initial. Inc. Non arrogans uideri arbitror si inter filios. There are rubricated headings to the extracts. On f. 50 b. Explicit defloratio librorum beati Ambrosii de officiis. Incipiunt capitulationes sequentis libri. The capitula of the two books of the next treatise follow. 2. Liber S. Jeronimi presbyteri contra louinianum ... 52 In a different but not later hand. The second book begins on f. 87 b. 3. Liber beati Ambrosii Mediolanensis episcopi de misteriis siue iniciandis . . . . . . . . ■ ■ 117^ There is a remarkable initial of white interlaced work, enclosing spaces of red, green, and purple : a dragon at the top. 4. Sermo primus de sacramentis ambrosii . . . . . 125 The hand is the same : the initial very plain and rough, red and green. Inc. De sacramentis que accepistis sermonem adorior. Sermo ii. In diluuio quoque figuram baptismatis 128 Sermo iii. Hestemo de fonte 131 Sermo iv. In ueteri testamento 133 Sermo v. Hestemo sermo noster 136 Sermo vi. Sicut uerus deus est 139 * Sermo vii. Magnitude celestium beneficiorum 142 b On f. 143 b the hand becomes suddenly much smaller. On f. 144^; in a xvth cent, hand, is : Walterus at the noke R. non habuit Johannem. 3—3 36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 28 On the fly-leaves at the beginning are the following matters : (i) Two beginnings of a dedicatory Epistle Diu me reluctantem, pater serenissime, Multum diuque me reluctantem, pater syncerissime. There are inside the cover and on f. i a: (2) Three extracts from Gregorius super Ezechielem . . . f. 1 i (3) Original (xiith cent.) table to the extracts from Ambrose . • 2 a (4) A list of herbs, mostly in English (xvth cent.), arranged in four cedule. Inc. Prima cedula. Elena campana. ffenel reed. RadycoU and radych. Solsarium. Tansey. Wernothe. Followed by a long receipt in English, beginning : Ffyrste sede ye herbis as yey be wrytyne in lyk porcion & yen putt theym in a gret vessel & whassh them . . . . . 2 ^, 3 « 28. Q. B. II. Priscianus. Vellum, loj X 6|, ff. 129, 41 lines to a page. Cent. xi. Given by Mr Man. Collation : a' ( i and 8 loose)-c^ d^" e^-g* h^ (8 cancelled) i^-1' m^ (7, 8 gone, replaced by 2 leaves of cent, xiii, xiv) n^ (i gone, replaced by i leaf of cent, xiii, xiv) o^ p^ q^ : quires numbered later i-xvi on lower margin of last page of each. The book comes from Durham. On f. i (J is the letter N, and on what should be f 2 « (now 3 a) is Pricianus in maiori et de accentibus de communi libraria monachorum dunelm. In the Catalogue of the " SpenSemente " (1391, Catal. Vett. p. 49) is the entry: N. Liber Prisciani in magno. ii fc, "bile est aliquid," which answers to this copy. Possibly it may be one of two Priscians left by Bp Hugo Pudsey in 1195 (1. c. 118). The contents are : 1. The Greek alphabet and numerals f. i « Some nearly illegible matter in Latin j g 2. Prisciani de Grammatica Libri xvi i ,5 3. Priscianus de Accentibus ..,,..., j^n MS. 28] JESUS COLLEGE. 37 Ending imperfectly : si penultimam correptam habent ante penultimam. The ornaments of the book, such as they are, are interesting. The initial to the whole work (f. i b) is of white and blue on a red ground, and contains a picture in outline of Priscian in a pointed cap and embroidered dress, writing at a desk, on a scroll inscribed : Sum romanoram corrector grammaticorum. The initial to book viii is better drawn and better preserved : the colours used are the same. In it a boy in tunic and blue shoes is climbing among the interlacements. The tract de accentibus has a very Celtic initial, with plaited work. It may be of interest to add some notice of the Greek alphabet and numerals which appear on f i a. They are arranged in this form : una (for mia) alpha A diu beta B tns gamma r nil tessaris delta A pente e hremi e hexa episima 5 Vll hepfa zeta z viu ogda eta H ennea teta X XV XXX xl 1 Ix Ixx (?deca) pimoicosi trienta saranta pentinta hexinta hecdointa iota cappa lapda mi ni xi o b?'fliis I K M Ixxx ogdoinda pi n do exacos chi X Ixxxx kopeneinta copi dec heptacos psi Y c ecaton ro P dccc octacos octomega GO cc diacos sigraa c dcccc kcennecos ennaches ccc triacos tau z cccc tetracos i Y d pentacos The almost illegible lower half of the page is, partly at least, in French (cent, xiii, early). In the first line (about the middle) I can read : estre eledh chiet. Seint acharie la pnt en sun la. os ais nerf. The last part is in Latin : the last line but one begins, et pedes crucifixi. The whole, French and Latin, fills 20 lines. 38 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 29 29. Q. B. 12. Extracts from the Constitutions of Clement V. Vellum, 9f x 6, fif. 64, 25 lines to a page. Cent, xv (early). Binding : modern leather over old boards : formerly fastened with strap and pin. Given by Mr Man. Fly-leaf from a MS. of xiiith cent, in double columns (Canon Law). Collatioji : a^-c^ d'= e^-g^ h^". Provenance. Durham. At the top of i. i are the remains of two inscriptions, the greater part of which has been torn off: of the first only the word liber remains. Of the second h. Textus septimi h. . It was no doubt written at Durham College, Oxford (see the Colophon), and sent to Durham at a later period : the second of the two inscriptions is certainly a Durham one. The book does not occur in the Catt. Vett. Colophon, in red : Nomen scriptoris est thomas plenus amoris Iste liber constat Petro de Abyngdun. Stephano The line about the writer's name (often supposed to stand for Fullalove) is common in Oxford MSS. e.g. Univ. cod. cxlii. Contents : I. lohannes xxij"" dilectis filiis doctoribus et scolaribus vniuersis Oxonie commorantibus salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. De summa trinitate et fide catholica 9:. Clemens v"'. Fidei catholice fundamento ends : Clemens quintus in generali constitucione vienn. 1. De rescript. 9:. Abbates aut alii religiosi. A good many leaves are palimpsest : the earlier writing is in double columns, very small, of cent, xiii or xiv. MS. 30] JESUS COLLEGE. 39 30. Q. B. 13. MiRACuLA B. V. Marie. Wycliffe's Gospels. Vellum, 9x6, ff. 50, varying numbers of lines to a page, two volumes in one. Cent, xiv, xv. Given by Mr Man. Collation: a? (wants 2, ... : last cancelled) b^ c'^ (wants 8) || a^ b^" (7 cancelled) c^ dl Contents : I. r. A fragment imperfect at both ends, cent, xiv . . . . f. i The first leaf is half the breadth of the rest : and the number of lines is 38. It begins abruptly succenditur et ei sublimior efficitur. Tali nimirum soli- tude congeritur qui consortem. The verso ends : pro seipso non pro suis amans et se totum in amato figens. 2. xii capituli, imperfect 2 Inc. ...bilibus leticiis possidetur. Immo non est meritum hominis. Expl. cum ineffabili iubilacione et melodia ipsum eternaliter laudare cui sit honor et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. Expliciunt xii capituli, etc. 3. Bernardus de dignitate clericorum i b O quantam dignitatem contulit vobis deus. 4. De uita b. M. virginis " 3 i Circa uirginem uero ex qua incarnacio facta fuit. ...rediit in nazareth que qualiter fuit facta inuenies in legenda de natiuitate sua. Expl. vita b. Marie. Scriptoris miseri dignare deus miserere \b 5. Incipiunt quedam miracula de S. Maria 4<5 In another hand of cent, xv, and paler ink. The miracles are : 1. De latrone a suspensione liberato (the thief Ebbo). Sicut exponit b. Gregorius de vij stellis. 2. De clerico extra cimiterium sepulto. Quidam clericus erat in vrbe castonensi. 3. Quo modo pro gaudio quinquies predicate gaudium pro- mittitur. ...Her quoque quidam clericus. 4. De duabus mulieribus. Coniux cuiusdam cum maximo odio pelici. 40 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 3 1 5. De duabus ymaginibus. Sunt in constantinopoli due ymagines. 6. De clerico ab episcopo ut filius amato. (In verse. ) Hue venite et audita omnes serui domini. 7. De monacho de ewglesham (Evesham). Illud quoque non omittendum de egueshamensi monacho. These are all common stories : many copies of them are described in the British Museum Catalogue of Romances, vol. ii. 6. Hie incipiunt meditaciones de passione. Et primo ponitur meditacio de cena domini. Secundo de passione in generali etc. ut infra patet 8 In a hand of early xvth cent., 42 lines to a page. Inc. Adueniente iam et imminente tempore miseracionum. The meditation de passione (f. 10) begins : Occurrit nunc ut de passione domini nostri Ihesu tractemus. It is divided into sections for the Seven Hours : the meditation for Vespers is imperfect at the beginning. On f. 1 7 ^ (the last of this portion of the volume) is : Thys ys lohn medylton bok. (Cent, xv.) II. The Gospels of SS. Matthew, Mark and Luke in English. In a very small hand of cent, xv (early). The first three leaves of the text of S. Matthew are very beautifully written : after that the writing is smaller and more pointed, and the ink paler : 53 lines to a page. On f. I a is only a note (cent, xv) : Nota textus in sacra pagina contra simulacra Exod. 20""" c° Leuitic" 7™° c° leuitic. 26"° c° etc. The last text is : Onf. -ib: 20 parali™"" 14""', c°. Heer bigynnej) a prologe on matheu Matheu >' was of iudee. On f. %a the text begins : (T)he book of generacion of Ihii Criste. S. Luke's Gospel is imperfect : ending in ix. 24 : for he Jiat wele make his liif saaf shal leese it & he. 31. Q. B. 14. Bedae Martyrologium. Vellum, 9 x 6|, ff. 43, 31 lines to a page. Cent. xiii. Vellum binding over pasteboards. Given by Mr Man. Collation: a'-d^ e" (4, 5, 8-10 cancelled) || P(i being the first fly-leaf). MS. 32] JESUS COLLEGE. 41 Part of a Papal bull or other document of cent, xv is pasted into the cover. Some Kalendar notes of cent, xv are inside the cover and on the fly-leaf. A quire is lost after b, containing from iii Id. Mai to xix Kal. Aug. inclusive. Quire r is in a somewhat larger hand. There are a good many notes added in cent, xiv, xv, e.g. : iii Kal. Jan. In prouincia Merciorum apud Euesham Sci E(g)wini Ep. et Conf. vi Id. Jan. Depositio S. Wlstini Ep. Conf. V „ In Brittannia ciuitate Cantuarie monasterio S. Petri Ap. beati Adriani Abbatis. Id. Jan. In Scotia ciuitate Glascuensi S. Kentigerni. xiv Kal. Feb. Nat. S. Branwaladri Ep. xiii ,, In Scocia S. Vigiani Conf. iii Non. Feb. In ciuitate doribornia S. Laurencii Archiep. et Conf. ii ,, Dep. S. Edburge V. Eodem die S. Gilberti conf. Id. Feb. S. Ermenilde V. xiii Kal. Mar. S. Winwaloi doctoris. There are many similar mentions of English and foreign saints, and references to Bede's History. On xviii Kal. Nov. we have, Et dedicacio ecclesie de Bathewyk : and on xiv Kal. Nov., Eboraci memoria reliquiarum ecclesie S. Petri. viii Kal. Nov. Transl. S. Johannis Ebor. Archiep. ii Id. Dec. In hibernia S. Ffinani Conf. Id. Dec. S. Judoci. In Cancia apud La. bias S. Eadburge V. The martyrology is followed by 1 . A Form of cursing sacrilegious persons. 2. A statement of what a parish priest ought to know and to do. 3. Later verses on the months. 4. The hymn Saluatoris mater fia, with music on a 4-line stave. 5. In a later hand. Eight sets, each of three lessons, de beata Maria. 32. Q. B. 15. Tractatus Contra Vitia, etc. Paper, 9| x 7, fif. 102. Cent, xv (late). Binding : leather over original boards : clasp gone. This is no. 7 in James's list, Eclog. Cant. p. 137. Collation : a^" b" c'^ || d^-h^^ i'^i i, 12 gone). 42 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 33 Contents : 1 . Quadripartitus apologeticus b. Cyrilli Episc f- i In double columns of 43 lines. Book i is gone. Incipit primum cap. secundi libri. De bono humilitatis et malo superbie. Vmefactus aer. f. 10. Exp. lib. secundus de hijs que sunt contra superbiam. Inc. lib. tercius de Hjs que sunt contra auariciam. f. lob. Lib. iv. De hijs que sunt contra luxuriam. f. ^^b, Expl. quadripartitus apologeticus Beati Cyrilli Ep. In quo quidein speculum limpidissimum omnis sapiencie claret. 2. Libellus de iv uirtutibus 25 Quatuor uirtutum species. 30 lines to a page : with comment. 3. Tract, de doctrina dicendi atque tacendl . . . . .28 (29) Si fore uis sapiens. 4. Diagrams of two hands, with a subject of meditation inscribed on each joint or part. On one is : Dat manus hec doctis que sit meditacio noctis, on the other : Hec manus ex rebus iubet hiis tractare diebus. f. 30 i, 31 a (31, 32) 5. Epistolae Senece ad Lucilium numero Ixxxv. . . . .32 (33) 29 lines to a page: in another hand. Ending in Ep. Ixxxiv. vestibula, non in prerupto tantum istic (stabis). The last words are supplied in a hand of cent. xvii. 33. Q. B. 16. P. Vergilii Maronis Aeneis. Vellum, 91 X 4f, ff. 103, 49 lines to a page. Cent, xii, xv. ' E dono Thomae Wood.' It is no. 6 in James's Ecloga Canta- brigiensis, p. 137. Binding : original boards covered with leather of cent, xvii, xviii. Collation: blank fly-leaf: a^ (4 and 5 supply) wants i, 2 : b^-k^ P (8 cancelled and supplied: cent, xv) m^ (supply, cent, xv) n^" (cent. XV : 10 gone : blank). The hand is good : it appears to change in quire g and to become larger. The original copy seems to have been made from MS. 34] JESUS COLLEGE. 43 an imperfect archetype : f. i « is blank : the text begins imper- fectly : f. 93 ^ was originally blank. This page and ff. 94-103 (as well as ff. 3, 4) are written in a late xvth cent. hand. The initials of the books are plain green or red. There are marginal and interlinear glosses in at least four hands : i, contemporary ; 2, of cent, xiii, xiv ; 3, of cent, xv, by the scribe who supplied the latter leaves ; 4, of cent, xv, xvi, re- sembling an Italian hand. The text begins at Aen. i. 230. Eternis regis imperils et fulmine terres. The two supply leaves contain the lines 1. 277. Moenia Romanesque suo de nomine dicet to 466. Namque uidebat uti bellantes Pergama circum. The xvth century hand supplies all after xii. 108. Aeneas acuit hastam et se suscitat ira. Books vii-xii have the arguments in hexameters. The shape of the book indicates that it was intended, not for the shelf, but for the wallet. The number 14 is branded on the edges. 34. Q. B. 17. Tractatus Miscellanei. Vellum, 8J X 6, ff. 137, varying numbers of lines to a page. Cent, xii, xiii. Given by Mr Man. Binding : modern leather over old boards : has had either clasp or strap and pin. Provenance. Rievaulx : on f 7 ^ is Liber see Marie Rieuall : on 47^ Lib. S. M. Rieuallis : and again on f 109 «. Collation : aP || b« || c^ d^ (see post) e^ P (wants 8) || g^ h^ i^ (wants 8) II k« 1' m" (wants 10) n" o" || p^ (+ 8* -da sunt) || q« || r^ (wants 2) s^ t^ (wants 8) || u^ (wants 6). 44 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 34 The plan of quire d is as follows : 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Contents : 1. Catalogue of the books in the Library at Rievaulx. Cent.xiii. . i a 2. Introductiones in Theologiam ...... j a Introducendis in facultatem theologicam quedam compendiose preHbanda sunt. In 2 columns of 38 lines each. Cent. xiii. 3. Fallacie. Fallacia apud logicos dicitur .... g d Same hand. 4. Loci. Locus argumenti est sedes argumenti . . . . 126 Same hand. 14 i is blank. 5. Summa de diuersa uocabulorum significacione edita a mag. Will, de monte. Called at the end, Tropi theologici (43 i) followed by a few miscellaneous extracts . . . . 15 a In two columns of 38 lines. Cent. xiii. f. 46 i is blank. 6. Notes on vices. Cent, xiii 46 f. 47 is blank. 7. Exempla moralia. Ad edificacionem animarum et morum informacionem. Cent. xiii. 2 cols. 38 lines . . . 48 a 8. Sermons without heading in a fine hand of cent, xiii, 34 lines to the page 63 a I . Hora est iam uos de sompno surgere. More boni sacriste. 2 Excitare uolens apostolus. 3. Deus manifeste ueniet deus noster non silebit. Uerba Dauid. 9. Aelredi Abbatis Rieuallensis oracio pastoralis . . . 97 a O bone pastor Jhesu. Cent. xiii. 34 lines to a page. On 99 a are two extracts of cent, xv; one from Ep. xxi. of Aelred; the other his dying words. 99 d is blank, to. Consuetudines Cisterciensium 100 a Cent xii, xiii: in a beautiful hand: double columns of 31 lines each : ends with the Priuilegium Innocencii pape in a different hand 107 a MS. 34] JESUS COLLEGE. 45 11. Stephanus cisterciensis ecclesie seruus to T. Abbot of scireburne 108 i 12. Bernard! Antiphonarium slue liber cle Musica . . . 109 a Cent, xii, xiii, 30 lines to a page. Tonale in smaller writing . . . . . . . 116 o Quid est tonale. Magister. Regula natiiram et formam cantuuffz regularium determinans. 1 1 7 o is blank. 1 1 7 i has memorial verses on the number of chapters in each book of the Bible. 13. Bernardi siluestris liber de creatione rerum . . . . 118 « Cent, xiii : well written, 39 lines to a page. Dedicated to Terricus. Interspersed with verses after the manner of Boethlus and Martianus Capella. 133 a is blank. 14. Lines on prosody with interlinear notes. Regula splendescit quia sillaba longa patescit . . . 133 ^ Sincopa de medio tollit quod epentesis auget. Aufert appocope finem quem dat paragoge. Cent, xii, xiii, 34 lines to a page. 137 is blank, with scribbles of cent. xvi. I append a copy of the Catalogue which occupies ff. 1-6, though it has been already printed in Wright and HalHwell's Reliquiae Antiquae, II. pp. 180-189, and also in Edward Edward's Memoirs of Libraries, i. p. 333-341. It is perhaps worth remarking that the comparatively small amount of secular literature which the list contains was probably a common feature in Cistercian Libraries, at least in the early days of the order. f. I a (rubr.) Hi sunt libri iancte marie Rieuall«««V. A line erased. l\. odex iustiniani. ecreta graciani. ohaimes super decreta. aymo super epistolas pauli. Augustiuus de ciuitate dei in uno volumine. "T) „ super Johannem in uno volumine. xJ „ super psalterium in quinque voluminibus. ,, de decern preceptis de gratia et libero arbitrio et epistola prosperi ad Aug. et epistola hylarii ad Aug. et Aug. de predestinatione sanctorum, de bono perseverantie et Aug. super genesim contra manicheos in j°. vol. * Aug. de sermone domini in monte. et de natura et gratia et epistola eiusdem ad ualentinum in .r°. uol. Aug. de quantitate anime. et Ambrosius de bono mortis et de fuga seculi. et de viduis in .1°. uol. Aug. de perfeccione iusticie. de correptione et gratia, et dominus uobiscum in .1°. uol. Aug. de caritate. et retractationes eiusdem in uno volumine. 46 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 34 Aug. de duabus animabus. de disciplina christianorum. de x""™ cordis. Regula eiusdem de uita clericorum. de nuptiis et concupiscentia. et Aug. contra Julianum et contra duas epistolas pelagianorum et de sancta uirginitate in .1°. uol. (late XV. cent.) Aug. ad simplicianum. Contra pelagium in 1°. vol. et alia. Aug. contra Faustum in uno volumine. /"^ Aug. de trinitate ,, ^—' „ de Confessionibus ,, „ de uerbis domini ,, Aug. super genesim ad litteram et versus damasi pape in uno uol. Epistole Aug. et Aug. contra interrogationes pelagij heretici in uno uol. Aug. de penitentia. et unde malum, et de libero arbitrio et contra .v. hereses et de bono coniugali et pars quedam de perfectione iusticie. et hugo de archa noe in .1°. uol. Aug. de bapt;V»«c paiunlorum. et ad marcellinum et de unico bapt. de spiritu et littera et ad paulinum. et yponosticon. et contra pelagianos et de moribus || {.16 ecclesie. et contra epistolam manichei et Aug. de cura pro mortuis agenda in .1°. uol. Aug. de doctrina Christiana in uno volumine. Aug. contra mendacium. et ad renatum de origine anime. contra libros vincentij. et ad petrum contra libros eiusdem vincentij. et ad uincentium uictorem. et contra perfidiam arrianorum. et contra aduersarios legis et prophetaioim. et liber bestiarum. et Epistole Anselmi in .1°. uol. Aug. de consensu euangelistarum et .11°. sermones eiusdem de iureiurando in .1°. uol. Soliloquia Augustini et (erasure), (late XV.) Aug. contra achademicos et de ordine monachorum. Bernardus super cantica canticorum in uno uolumine. "r~\ Libri Bernardi. expositio scilicet super euangelium. Missus est angelus -L' Gabriel, et de gradibus humilitatis et superbie. et de distincta uarietate monastice discipline et de gratia et libero arbitrio. et de diligendo deo. et exhortatio eiusdem ad milites templi. et libellus eiusdem ad Eugenium papam in uno uol. Sermones Bernardi per anni circulum in uno uolumine. Item Bernardus de gratia et libero arbitrio. et liber eiusdem ad ascelinum cardinalem de diligendo deo. et uersus hildeberti de missa in uno uol. Item Bernardus de diligendo deo et sententia eius de Trinitate et de prescientia. de Sacramento altaris. de quibusdam sacramentis fidei in uno uol. Epistole Bernardi in uno uolumine. Anselmus. cur deus homo. De conceptu uirginali. De monte humilitatis. De reparatione humane redemptionis. expositio euangelii Intrauit ihesus in quoddam castellum. et uita eiusdem. et Wimundus de corpore domini contra Berengarium in uno uol. Libri Anselmi de incamatione uerbi. Monologion. Proslogion eiusdem et contra eiusdem libri secundum et tertium et quartum capitulum oppositio cuiusdam. et responsio illius. Epistola ad Walerannum episcopum. Tractatus illius de ueritate. Tragtatus illius de libero arbitrio. De casu diaboli. De MS. 34] JESUS COLLEGE. 47 Concordia prescientie et predestinationis et gratie cum libero arbitrio. De similitudiiiibus. De gramatico. in uno uol. Ailredus de spirituali amicicia et de institutione inclusarum in 1°. uol. Liber serraonum illius qui sic incipit. Petis a me. etc. in uno uol. Ailredus de oneribus ysaie in uno uol. Ailredus de uita sancti edwardi. De generositate et moribus et morte regis || f. 2 (J dauid. De uita sancti Niniani episcopi. De miraculis Haugustaldensis ecclesie in 1°. uol. Epistole Ailredi in uno uolumine. Ailredus de anima „ Speculum caritatis. Epistole romanorum pontificum in uno volumine. Epistole cypriani „ (late XV.) Alredus de fasciculo frondium. Origenes super uetus testamentum in duobus voluminibus. T~' Rabanus super Matheum in uno vol. •- Haimo super epistolas pauli „ Josephus de antiquitate „ Josephus de iudaico bello. et .lElredus de generositate regis dauid in uno uol. Sentencle magistri Petri Lumbardi in uno uolumine. Moralia beati Gregorij pape in lob in quinque uoluminibus. "T? Greg, super Ezechielem in uno uol. A Liber pastoralis. et liber de tribus generibus homicidij. & liber de conflictu uiciorum & uirtutum in uno uol. Liber Dialog! beati Gregorij in uno uol. Liber quadraginta omeliarum „ Prima pars registri. et Aug. de uera religione. cS; Marsias in uno uol. Secunda pars registri et liber de scientia dictandi in uno uol. (late) de summa trinitate et fide catholica. Robertus super apocalipsim in uno vol. Liber sermonum & quedam excerpta de libris iustiniani & bestiarium in .1°. uol. Ambrosius super lucam in uno uol. /^~* ,, super Beati immaculati „ VJ „ de officijs et de sacramentis „ Epistole Ambrosij. f. 2 ^ II Ambrosius de uirginibus & de Nabuthe & sermo eius de ieiunio & libellus Ricardi prioris de Beniamin et fratribus eius. De quibusdam partibus mundi. De vii'*"' mirabilibus Rome. De quinque plagis anglie in uno uol. Ambrosius de bono mortis. De fuga seculi. de uiduis. Exameron eiusdem. De penitentia & Cassiodorus de uirtutibus anime in uno uol. Prima pars Ysidori ethimologiarum & expositio libri Donati grammatici & quedam deriuationes per alphabetum inchoantes & Regule uersificandi in uno uol. Secunda pars Ysidori ethimologiarum & Ysidorus de quibusdam propriis nominibus veteris ac noui testamenti & eorum significationibus. & libellus Ysidori qui Synonima apellatur in uno vol. 4^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 34 Johannes crisostomus super psalmum 1. De muliere chananea. De reparatione lapsi. Aug. super mulierem fortem et vita duorum presbiterorum. Aug. de • xii. abusiuis et miraculum de corpore et sanguine domini & Beda super Thobiam. et Ysidorus de sumrao bono & diuersis uirtutibus in uno uol. Liber beati Gregorij nazanzeni in uno uol. Paralipomenon glosat? & quedam expositiuncule super epistolas pauli & sermones Babionis in uno uoL Laurentius de consolatione amici & quedam decreta prm (paparum) & Ysagoge Johannicij in .1°. uol. Epistole Senece in uno uol. Sermones Mauricij qui sic incipiunt Festum super festum in uno uol. Viginti octo sermones sancti Bernardi super cantica canticorum in uno uol. Hugo de sacramentis in duobus voluminibus. T T Hugo de contemptu mundi. Soliloquium eiusdem de cura anime. Item -L -I- de uirginitate sancte marie. Solutio eiusdem cur non fiat coniugium inter eundem sexum & Didascalicon eiusdem in uno vol. Tractatus Hugonis et Miracula de corpore & sanguine domini in uno uol. ^Hugo super ecclesiasten. & liber ecclesiasticorum dogmatum Gennadi] et Eulogium magistri Johannis de Cornubia in uno vol. Pannormia Yuonis carnotensis episcopi in uno vol. (smaller) Item pannormia Yuonis. & Epistole Dindimi et Alexandri & Epistola Domini Baldewini Abbatis de Forda. & Sermo de S. Thoma & S. Willelmo & f. 3 a salubris admonitio cuiusdam sapienlltis quomodo de deo et de anima rudibus et minus peritis caute loquendum sit in .1°. vol. Epistole Yuonis & Epistole Hildeberti episcopi cenomanni in uno vol. Hugo super iherarchiam „ Robertus super matheum ,, Robertus super leuiticum. Sermo magistri Roberti puUani de omnibus christiane uite necessarijs & libellus Ricardi prioris de Beniamin & fratribus eius & Regula S. Basilij in .1°. uol. Epistole Mauricij in uno vol. Libri Mauricij scilicet Specula monastice religionis & Apologia eiusdem & itinerarium pacis & Rithmus eiusdem & de translatione corporis S. Cuthberti in .1°. uol. Lapidarium & quidam sermones & sentencie & compilationes in uno vol. Beda super lucam in uno vol. ,, marcum de tabernaculo de yistoria anglorum de temporibus cum quibusdam cronicis eius de .XXX. qxiestionibus & super esdram super samuelem super epistolas canonicas & super cantica canticorum de vita S. Cuthberti & Gregorius de transitu sancti Bede Libri de littera Anglica. duo ^ (Note in late xv.) Sentencie hugonis. I MS. 34] JESUS COLLEGE. 49 Hystoria ecclesiastica in uno volumine. Ty^ Historia Egesippi ,, IX. ,, Henrici ,, ,, de lerusalem „ ,, britonum „ Itinerarium Clemen tis „ Sermones magistri Gaufridi babionis & expositio in Johel prophetam & in Naum prophetam in uno volum. Orosius de ormesta mundi. Historia Daretis de bello troianorum & versus Petri Abailardi ad filium & cronica de Anglia in .1°. vol. || f. 3 i Liber Aldelmi. quedam nomina & uerba de libro capitulorum. Hugo de Folieto de claustro materiali. Item de claustro anime. Inuectio Serlonis in .1°. vol. Expositio euangelij Dixit Symon petrus ad IHesum. Sermo de labore sanctorum & mercede. Sermo de ix"""' mensibus conceptionis & viij diebus circumcisionis Christi. Sermo de sancto pascha. CoUectiones sentenciatum & meditationum. Tractatus super quedam capitula de canticts canticorum. Manipulus rerum & uerborum. in uno vol. Expositio super cantica canticorum. Ambrosius super cantica canticorum. Expositio super Priscianum de constructionibus. Expositio super Apocalipsim. Item expositio super cantica canticorum. Close Boecij & expositio breuis super quosdam psalmos in uno vol. Johannes super decreta Gratiani in uno vol. Corpus canonum „ Matheus glosatus ,, Actus apostolorum glosati ,, Boecius de trinitate. Liber catonis. passio S. Laurencij. prouerbia de libris poetarum. Vita S. marie egiptiace. Hildebertus de edificio anime. Item versus eiusdem. Quidam hymni. Odo de viribus herbarum. Marbodus de generibus lapidum. Passio S. Mauricij. Vita Tarsidis & alii uersus. Cosmographia Bemardi siluerij. Passio S. Thome. & alij uersus & dictamina in .1°. uol. Uersarium de libris ethnicorum. Passio S. Laurencij. Argorismus in uno uol. ^ Vitas patrum. Vita S. Guthlaci. Liber qui dicitur formula uite honeste T in 1°. uol. -*-_^ Vita S. Godrici heremite in uno uol. Johannes heremita in decern collationes ,, Liber .xiiij="° collationum ,, Prosper de uita actiua & contemplatiua & Diadema monachorum „ Liber Odonis „ Expositiuncula super uetus & nouum testamentum & quedam gesta in ecclesia pro passione domini. Aug. super psalmos & alie compilationes & regula splen- descit in .1°. uol. Liber Heraclidis episcopi qui dicitur paradisus & persecutio affricane provincie in .1°. vol. Sentencie magistri Walteri que sic incipiunt. ferculum sibi fecit sal^?« in . i". vol. Sentencie que sic incipiunt. Dum medium silentium „ Regula Johannis cassiani .> Psalterium glosatum domini jEilredi abbatis in vno vol. „ Ernaldi J. MSS. 4 50 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 34 {. ^a Psalterium magistri Walter! glosatum in vno vol. „ Thuroldi glosatum „ ,, Radulfi barun ,, „ Symonis de sigillo ,, ,, paruum de probatorio „ ,, Gaufridi dinant non ,, „ Fulconis „ ,, Willelmi de Rotelandia ,, „ Jeronimi quod fuit Willelmi de barking ,, M Liber iustiniani de legibus in uno volum. ,, medicinalis qui appellatur antidotarium „ Ysagoge lohannicij ,, Priscianus magnus ,, „ de constructionibus ,, Bernardus de xii. gradibus humilitatis. Sermones & sentencie utilissime. Apolo- geticum S. Bernardi. Interpretationes liebraicorum nominum in uno vol. Sermones S. Bernardi qui sic incipiunt. Sancti per fidem & alie quedam sentencie in . 1°. vol. Expositio super Naum prophetam & super Johel. Sentencie & sermones & epistole plurimorum perutiles. Laurentius de creatione & operibus dei in uno vol. Congestio diuersarum sentenciarum diuersis sancte catholice ecclesie causis con- gruentium & excerpta quedam de registro Gregorij ornate dicta in uno vol. Sinonima ciceronis. quedam de compote, regule uersificandi ,, Rethorica „ Boecius de consolatione „ Ysagoge porphirij in cathegorias Aristotelis & alij libri dialectic! in .1°. vol. Liber de miraculis sancte marie in uno vol. N f. 4^ Liber omeliaram in hyeme in uno volum. „ in estate Passionale mensis octobris ,, nouembris & decembris ,, januarij Vita sancti Siluestri et aliorum sanctorum „ Ambrosij ,, Omelie in quadragesima Psalterium tripertitum Jeronimus super ysaiam in uno volum. 11 .xij. prophetas in duobus volum. ,, leremiam et super Danielem in uno volum. ,, de hebraicis questionibus. De mansionibus filiorum Israel. De dis- tantijs locorum. De hebraiconim nominum interpretatione. De questionibus libri regum. De paralipomenis. De .x. temptationibus. De .vi. ciuitatibus fugitiuorum. De cantico debbore. De lamentationibus leremie. De edificio pindeniie. Hugo de folieto de claustro anime. Jeronimus Gennadius Vsidorus de illustribus iiiris. Cassiodorus de institutionibus djuinarum litterarum. Ailre- dus de standardo. de mappa in .1°. vol. o MS. 34] JESUS COLLEGE. 51 Bemardus super cantica canticorum. Jeremias glosatus. Item opuscula Ber- nardi & epistole & sententie plurimorum. Barbarismus glosatus. Epistole senece et pauli in uno volumine. Sermones petri manducatoris. De ortu S. Cuthberti. Passio S. Thome Archiep. Cant. Miraculum de ymagine S. Marie. Vita S. Olaui in uno vol. Quedam gesta saluatoris. Sermo Roberti puUani. Regula de quibusdam ad- uerbijs & questio de quadam constructione. Jeronimus contra Jouinianum. De locis misticis. Beda de arte metrica & de scematibus. Hugo de instruc- tione nouiciorum. Epistola Pratellici Abbatis ad episcopum suum & rescriptum episcopi in uno vol. Vita S. Jeronimi & epistole eiusdem ,, Sentencie magistri Roberti melodinensis blank Sermones abbatis Werri in duobus volum. Epistole Sydonij in uno vol. rubr. Libri glosati Genesis Gl. in i» vol. Exodus Ysaias „ „ Item Ysaias „ „ Job Item Job Duodecim prophete ,, ,, Item .xij prophete „ ,, Sex prophete ,, „ Tobias & Judith Glosati & liber hester & Apocalipsis in 1° vol. Cantica canticorum & epistole cano- nice Glosate in .1°. vol. Matheus gl. in 1° vol. Marcus „ Item marcus „ Lucas , , Item lucas „ Item lucas ,, Item Johannes ,, Item Johannes ,, Epistole canonlce ,, Epistole pauli ,, Item epistola pauli „ Apocalipsis ,, Item Apocalipsis & cantica canticorum Gl. in .i». Q Liber usuum in duobus uoliminibus Glosule super psalterium Gilberti pore in uno vol. Quedam euangelia breuiter exposita. Exhortatio S. Bernardi ad Eugenium papam. Sententie patrum de vicijs & uirtutibus & phisica. Alia in uno vol, Orationarium quod sic incipit Domine ihesu christe fill dei uiui. Bernardus de cantus proprietate. Hore de S. Maria. Jnstitutio capituli. Expositio super quosdam psalmos in uno vol. Item orationarium quod sic incipit. Domine ihesu christe qui in hunc mundum. in 1° vol. Sententie que sic incipiunt. Ne uelis tibi. et Prudentius in uno vol. Quedam nominum et uerborum expositio in epistolas Pauli. Versus de christo et de sacramentis fidei. Quorundam patrum sermones in uno vol. Encheridion & uersus cuiusdam de morte Roberti bloet episcopi lincolnie. & difficiliores partes ueteris ac noui testamenti in uno vol. Quaedam commenta philosophic, quedam sententie pauli & ysaie. Flores quo- rundam euangeliorum. Aurea gemma. Epistola carnotensis episcopi mirifice utilitatis. Liber S. Patricij. CoUatio trinitatis. S. Aug. a se ipso ad se ipsum. 4—2 52 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 34 Excerpsiones pannormie yuonis. Soliloquium Mauricij & quorundam uerborum interpretationes in .1°. vol. Psalterium cum dimidiis uersibus & quedam orationes per rithmum in uno vol. Libellus qui appellatur ymago mundi & alie sentencie „ Liber medicinalis qui fuit hugonis de Beuerlaco. f. 5* A B C D Sentencie petri. Psalterium tripertitum Corpus canonum. Scintillarium Gratianus. historica scolastica Balrfz'winzw in ij. uol. Aug. de ciuitate dei super psalterium .v contra iulianum de caritate de perfectione iusticie Encheridion duo Aug. de gratia & libero arbitrio de sermone domini in monte de quantitate anime super iohannem .xv. Regula S. benedicti Aug. contra faustum de trinitate de confessionibus de uerbis domini super genesim ad litteram Epistole aug. Aug. unde malum de baptismo ^aruulorum de doctrina Christiana contra mendacium de consensu euangeliorum contra Achademicos Soliloquium augustini .xiiij Bernardus super cantica canticorum Libri Bernard! Bernardus ad papam eugenium Sermones bernardi Aeldredus de spirituali amicicia Sermones aeldredi Vita S. Edwardi Epistole aelredi Aelredus de anima Epistole romanorum pontificum MS. 34] JESUS COLLEGE. S3 Epistole cypriani Epistole bernardi Speculum caritatis Bernardus de diligendo deum. xiiij EOrigenes super uetus testamentum in .ii". uol. Rabanus super matheum Hamo super epistolas pauli losephus de antiquitate losephus de iudaico bello erasure. Itinerarium dementis .vij. F Moralia in .v. voluminibus Gregorius super Ezechielera Pars prima registri , , secunda Cur deus homo Libri Anselmi Epistole iuonis Liber pastoralis Liber .xl. omeliarum Dialogus gregorii Robertus super apocalipsim Liber sermonum. .xvj. GAmbrosius de fide super Lucam beati immaculati de officiis de uirginibus Epistole ambrosii Bernardus super cantica Exameron Egesippus lohannes crisostomus Isydorus in ii°. uol. Gregorius nazanzenus Laurentius Epistole senece Sermones festum super festum Paraliporaenon. glos. xvij H hugo de sacramentis in ii° uol. contemptu mundi Tractatus hugonis Robertus super matheum Hugo super ecclesiasten Sermones Mauricii 54 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 34 Epistole Mauricii Panormia yuonis Item panormia yuonis huge super ierarchiam Robertus super leuiticum Liber lapidum Sermones o quam xiiij IBeda super lucam marcum tabernacula historia Anglorum Beda de temporibus XXX. questionibus super samuelem cantica canticorum Vita S. Cuthberti Compotus. paulus heremita. historia fulcheri britonum xiij K L Epistole pauli glos. Psalterium Matheus Marcus Sydonius Lucas lohannes Apocalipsis & actus apostolorum Gl. Epistole canonice Gl. Missale. passio s. Thome Psalterium abbatis. Orosius hzstoria Ecclesiastica lohannes super decreta Boetius de consolationibus Sententie quid est tibi mare Collectiones. Item collectiones .xix. Vitas patrum. Vita s. godrici Decem coUationes heremitarum f. 6* Quatuordecim coUationes Exceptiones. Babio. Diadema monachorum Sententie magistri Walteri Sententie que sic incipiunt. Dum medium silentium. lohannes cassianus Paradisus .xij. Psalteria .xx. MS. 34] JESUS COLLEGE. 55 M N O Q Medicinalis aurea Pricianus magnus Pricianus de constructionibus Sententie que sic incipiunt Cum complerentur Sermones. Timenti dominum Retorica. Boetius de trinitate Boetius de consolatione. Epistole imperiales Isagoge porfilij. Claudianus Liber odonis (erasure). Aldelmus Sinonima ciceronis Isagoge iohannicii Sententie petri et med'ile xviij Sententiole. Sermones bernardi Sancti p. et Libri omeliarum ii°. Passionale mensis ianuarii octobris nouembris Vita S. Silvestri. Vita S. Ambrosii Omelie in xl'"^ viij leronimus super ysaiam xii. prophetas in ii". vol. Gregorius super cantica Afferte domino (in erasure) Cantica uersibus expressa Item cantica canticorum Opuscula hildeberti leronimus super danielem contra iouinianum. Epistole ieronimi Sermones uerri in ii". uol. Versarium Reinaldi. leremias gl. leronimus de ebraicis questionibus. Sermones petri manducatoris .xvij Genesis Gl. Exodus Gl. Duodecim prophete iii. Sex prophete Vsaye duo. Job duo. Tobias Lucas tres Marcus Matheus .ii. lohannes tres Epistole pauli .ii. Apocalipsis i. Actus apostolorum Cantica canticorum. Epistole canonice Item cantica canticorum xxvij Gillebertus super psalterium. Liber usuum Liber arnulfi Orationaria .ii°. sententie Miracula s. marie Expositio in epistolas pauli Sententie Gl. Medicinale 56 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 35 Liber interpretationum hebraicorum nominum CoUectiones Scintillarium (erased) Apocalipsis glosatus Sermones. Gaudeamus Gillebertus super cantica. xvij. This second list is mainly a shorter replica of the first : at the end of each class is a note of the number of volumes in it. 35. Q. B. 1 8. Itinerarium Joh. Mandeville, etc. Paper, 8| x 6\, ff. i6o, 35 and 27 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : original boards covered with brown leather of cent, xvii, xviii. Collation: i" (i and 6 parchment: S cancelled) ii= || a^' b^" c^^ d"= 64 leaves || zP b» c^^-P^ gi= (12 cancelled) 85 leaves || ii^ (i, 4, 5, 8 parchment: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 cancelled). Provenance. Probably Durham. There is a xvth cent, table of contents on f v a. In isto libro continentur. Itinerarium Johannis Maundevill Militis. Item habetur de Machometo capitulo .xl. Item Narraciones de gestis Romanorum moralizate. The 2nd leaf of the text begins : crucem domini Judei. Contents : 1. f. ii.-iv. contain Latin and English notes on the power and glory of God, of cent. xvii. ff. vi, vii, are blank. 2. Itinerarium Johannis Maundevill . . . . . . f. i In 88 sections ; in Latin. Colophon, f. 64 a. Expl. Itinerarium Domini Joh. de Maundevill Militis de Mirabilibus Mundi. f. 65 i is blank. 3. Gesta Romanorum Part II. f. i Fifty- eight stories, not corresponding to the contents of any one MS. described in Oesterley's edition of the Gesta (Berlin 1872) but most resembling Cod. Harl. 2270 (described by him p. 187). MS. 35] JESUS COLLEGE. 57 I append the list of Emperors in the Jesus MS. and the corresponding numbers of the tales in the Harley MS. 1 Ancelmus 2 Dioclitianus Leo Lolius Ganterus Freudricus Freudicus 8 Felicianus 9 Domicius ID Dioclicianus 1 1 Heculeus 1 2 Pompeius 13 Adrianus 14 Fredrian 15 Eadices 16 Antonius 17 (B)enoiiius 18 Andeonius 19 louinianus 20 Phebus 2 1 Cesar 2 2 Cranpadius 23 Insennanus 24 Ancelmus 25 Lepodius 26 (F)elliculus 27 Leucippus 28 (P)ollonius 29 Agio 30 Adrianus Harl. I 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 (Lucius) 9 II (Betoldus) 12 13 (Caclides) 24 26 28 (Andronicus) 29 31 3'2 33 (Lamp.) 34 (Ensonn.) 22 16 48 69 the two wounds 20 (soldier Por- firius) Harl. 21 25 3 1 Theodocius 32 Andronicus .^ 33 Mobilissimus rex — 34 Antonius 35 Mamertius 36 Ardemius 37 Plebeus .-, 38 Barlaam (unicorn) 39 Alexander "■ 40 Eraclius 41 Fulgencius 42 Archillaus 43 Eufemianus 44 losias 45 PoUemius 46 Poemius 47 Fulgencius 48 Domicianus 49 Antonius 50 Andronius 5 1 Teobaldus 52 Mireus 53 Olimpius 54 Innianus 27 35 36 37 ) 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Lion with thorn ICO 81 82 (Menelaus) 55 Darius 56 Aquileus 02 ^ivieneiausj 57 Euclides (De Gwydone et lapide precioso) 94, 102 58 Pancrasius 84 The last quire of the volume contains two cancel-pages of Maundeville, one (loose) corresponding to f 2412 (§ xxix), the other to f 56 « (§ Ixxiii). On the last parchment leaf is : Sumr. thome rysyng du a Orforthe. 58 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 36-38 36. Q. B. 19. ROBERTI LiNCOLNIENSIS SuMMA JuSTITIAE. Vellum, 8| x 6, ff. 218, double columns of 36 lines each. Cent. xv. There is no donor's name. The name Henry Murgetrode occurs at the end of the index. Binding : original boards, not covered with skin : rebacked : strap and pin fastening gone : mark of staple near right edge of front cover, underneath the clasp. The second leaf of the table begins de remediis : the second leaf of text 22 nulla est. Collation: a^ (wants i) b'^-k" Y m^^-s^^ t'« (13, 14, 16 cancelled) u* (3, 4 cancelled). Other MSS. of this work are Balliol cccxx, Lincoln (Oxf ) cv, Peterhouse 89, Camb. Univ. Ff iii 24, all of cent. xv. It is in ten parts. 37. Q. B. 20. Lecture-Notes by Franc. Stirling. Paper, 8| x 7, ff. 189, 52 lines to a full page. Cent, xvii (1669). Contents : The heading on p. i runs thus : In generalia Philosophiae Theoremata vulgo dicta Metaphysica Praefatio dictata a Magistro Gulielmo Patersone et a me Francisco Stirling conscripta 1669. The dates of the lectures run to March, 1671. They are followed by Axiomata Mori de immortalitate animae in English, the names of tlie constellations, and three pages of Theses. 38. Q. B. 21. S. Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera. Vellum, 8 X 6, ff 1 19, 25 lines to a page. Cent. xii. Binding : modern skin over the old boards : formerly had strap and pin fastenings. Given by Mr Man. MS. 39] JESUS COLLEGE. 59 Provenance. Hexham. On the bottom of f. i is Liber sancti Andree de Hextildesham (xv.). The old title on the fly-leaf is Apologij gregorii cum aliis (xv.). Collation : Thirteen quires of 8, one of 6, the last of 8 (+ 8*). Contents : On f. I is a title in red in g lines. In hoc corpore continentur libri .viii'". gregorii episcopi nazanzeni. id est. Apolo- geticus liber unus. De epiphaniis sine de natali domini liber unus. De luminibus siue secundis epiphaniis liber unus. De pentecosten de spiritu sancto liber unus. In semet ipso de agro liber unus. De ieremie dictis presente imperatore apud quem intercedit pro quodam periclitante liber unus. De reconciliatione monachorum liber unus. De grandinis uastatione cum pater episcopus reticeret liber unus. Incipit Prefatio rvfini ad (a)pronianvm . . . . f. i Apologeticus . . . . ' . . . . . . 26 de epiphaniis (orat. 38, ed. Par.) 39 * de luminibus (orat. 39, ed. Par.) ...... 50 de pentecoste (orat. 44, ed. Par.) 61 de semetipso (orat. 28, ed. Par.) ...... 71 de Ieremie dictis (orat. 17, ed. Par.) ...... 82 de reconciliatione monachorum (orat. 12, ed. Par.) ... 89 de grandinis uastatione (orat. 15, ed. Par.) 100 6 Ends on 110 a, the verso is blank. Incipit tractatus in canone misse et de differentiis in faciendis crucibus et de pluribus aliis necessariis, scilicet que sit causa misse que differentia quis finis que uirtus quis ordo que ratio que utilitas, a Ricardo abbate ecclesie premonstrati ordinis editus. In uirtute sancte crucis . . . . . . . . in Ends on 1 19 a, verso blank : in a different hand, 26 lines to a page. The initials to the orations of Gregory are large and bold : blue and red are the prevailing colours : the writing is very good. 39. Q. B. 23. Lecture-Notes by Fr. Stirling. Paper, 8 x 6, ff. 132, various numbers of lines to a page. Cent, xvii (1668). Contents : Structurae Supplementum. Dictatum a mag;istro Gulielmo Patersone et a me Francisco Stirlingo sub ejus feuda versante (erasure). Con Anno 1668 scriptum 10°. novem. 6o CATALOGUE OK MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 40, 4I It is a system of Logic. On p. 200 is a note. Finem Logicis imposuimus 19 Calen. Janua: 14 die Decembris anno domini 1669 paulo ante horam undecimam. Four pages of notes follow. 40. Q. B. 24. Acta Apostolorum cum glossa. Vellum, 8^ x 5^, fif. 114, 17 lines of text to a page. Cent. xii. Original boards re-covered : chain-mark at bottom of last leaf. Given by Mr Man. Collation : i^ a^-n' 0^° (10 gone). Probably from Durham : f. 2 begins (text) Quibus et (gloss, humanitas a diuinitate). I do not find it in the old Catalogues. It is very well written, with plain red or green initials ; on f 1 13 is Explicit liber actuum apostolorum liber Vlll . D . C (for habet v(ersus) III . D . C.) 41. Q. B. 25. Speculum Religiosorum, etc Vellum, 8^ x Sf, ff. 176, 37 lines to a page. Cent, xv, xiv, and xiii. Given by Mr Man. Binding : the original wooden boards covered with newer leather : formerly fastened with strap and pin. Provenance : most likely Durham : it contains a tract by Uthred of Bolton, who was a monk of Durham, and Prior of Finchale in 1371. Not in Call. Vett. Collation: a^^ b^^ c^ d^^ || e« P g« || h^^-k^^ 1^ m^" n^" o« (wants 3, 4, 6) II pi" II q8 r8 s^ (wants 7, 8) t^ u^ v". Contents : I. Speculum Religiosorum f. i Cent. XV. : imperfect, beginning in c. 26 ; ends on 44 a. MS. 41] JESUS COLLEGE. 61 followed by a table of the chapters : at the bottom of the page is: orate pro anima Johannis de Hallughton. On the verso, otherwise blank, are six lines on S. Mary Magdalen, beginning Fletque rigatque pedes doniini tergitque capillis, and a xvith cent, name Robert Horsley. 2. A Table of the contents of a volume, not the present one . 45 Cent. xiv. a list of 24 sermons and the Capitula of a Summa de vicijs in 1 3 1 chapters. 3. A Tract on ecclesiastical discipline 46 * In another hand, of cent. xv. : double columns of 38 lines each Inc. De nocturna illusione. Cum nocturna illusio sit una species luxurie: the last chapter is de celestia gloria: ends on 65 a col. I, col. 1 (blank) is cut off, 65 b, 66 were blank : on 66 a is a rude drawing of a crucifix : on 65 i5 are 5 lines on England. Anglia terra ferax et fertilis angulus orbis. 4. Tabula super regulam S. Benedicti 67 Capitula on f. 67 : text f. 68, cent. xv. 37 lines to a page. 5. Tabula super librum B. Bernardi de precepto et dispensacione 88 Compilata a magistro Vthredo Boltoii (the name added to the colophon on 10 1 b). 6. Tabula breuis super libellum dictum /iWoj «e/ /Hor . . \oi b 7. Tabula breuis super constituciones benedictinas . . . 108 8. Quomodo et processus qualiter Judas postquam tradidit Ihesum uenit ad matrem suam et qualiter consuluit eam et noluit ab Inc. Postquam ludas tradidit Ihesum ludeis. The story of Judas and the cock, which also occurs in Q. D. 4 : the same text, ending 'laqueo se suspendit sicque inter celum et terram periit quod magistrum suum dei vnigenitum saluatorem omnium credencium tradidit. Expl. miserabilis finis lude traditoris Ihesu Christi.' Added in a xvth cent, hand in col. 2 of 109 a 9. Regula beati Benedicti. In the hand of nos. 4 — 7: and imperfect in c. 73 . ■ • no 10. Articuli 5 — 14 on feudal rights of Durham (?) . . . 132 Added in cent, xv, xvi, on a leaf originally blank : imperfect, beginning in art. 4. de terra uel feodo prioris dimidiabunt inter episcopum et priorem sine dificultate. 11. Constitution of the Abbots of S. Alban's, S. Mary of York, and Chester, for the Benedictines in England . . . 133 Cent. xiv. Followed by two notes, one from Lanfranc, one on the rule of S. Benedict: of cent, xv 14' ^ 142 b is blank. 62 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 41 1 2. Extracts : (a) Hoc autem non te lateat Petre, quid uir dei inter tot miracula i43 {d) Plurimi nequaquam pleniter intelligentes (on the Rule). 143 (c) nota in rosario .xxvij. q. .ij. de eo quod dicitur in regula monachorum, monachus recedens de monas- terio etc. 144 In a hand of cent. xv. : 34 lines to a page. 13. Meditations. Incipiunt meditaciones excitatiue compunctionis ex sacre scripture et sanctorum sentenciis compilate presertim ex sentenciis beati Augustini beati Bernardi et venerabilis Anselmi. Memento miser homo. In 9 chapters: a table at the end n$ 14. Meditacio diuine laudis et spei uenie prouocatiua composita a dicto magistro Willelmo monacho et doctore . . . 150 i I find no previous mention of William. Memor fui dei et delectatus sum. 15. Meditacio diuini amoris desideratiua composita ab eodem . '53 1^ Memento mei deus. 16. Meditacio composita a domino Vtredo monacho Dunelmensi et sacre pagine professore ad excitandum hominem cog- noscere semetipsum. Domine recogitabo tibi onmes annos 156 6 In a larger hand: 31 lines to a page: a later note is added on 163 a. 17. Notes of ordinances concerning the order .... 164 Diffinitum est quod abbates singuli et priores gestu et habitu regulariter se habentes. Nine paragraphs, cent. xv. 18. Copia litere domini Bernardi de Genebreda Prions prioratus de Longauilla ord. Cluniac. dioc. Rothomag. de reuocatlone censurarum constitutionum Benedicti Pape xii™' presi- dentibus in capitulo prouinciali anglie die Marcurii prox. post fest. Nativ. B. Marie celebrato apud Northampton anno domini mccc. xliij". cent. xv. ..... 165 19. Innocencius nil etc. dilecto filio Priori Dunelm., giving him power to dispense with strict observance of the Rule : ends. Istud est in domo nostra buUatum et est censuracio facta ab eodem Innoc. Abbatibus de Ebor. et de Seleby . . . 168 20. Informacio ad computandum algorismum. In the hand, I think, of no. 10 : added .... 168 6 11. Ordinaciones facte in Annuali Capitulo Dunelm. by Prior Wessyngton in 141 7. Cent. XV. 13 paragraphs 169 i 23. Littere Mag. Rostandi de inquisicione pecunie e. Archidiac. Dunelm. Cent. xiii. He was nuncius of Alexander . . . . 171 MS. 42] JESUS COLLEGE. 63 The first letter is dated York 1 Non. Ap. a.d. 1256. There are ten documents in all, ending on 176 a: f. 176 is glued to the cover. 42. Q. B. 27. Prosodia Sacerdotum. Vellum, 6| x 4^, ff. 47, double columns of 35 lines each. Cent. XV, after 1443. The donor's name does not appear. Binding: stamped leather, on the front side miscellaneous stamps are used, principally large fleurs-de-lys with an irregular quatrefoil in the L. upper corner : on the other cover dolphins enclosing 3 panels : («) and {c) En dieu(?) | mafye, {b) a large Lombardic P : outside all a band of flowers in lozenges : one brass clasp. Collation : a." h^" (wants 10) c' d* e* f. Contents : 1. Prosodia Sacerdotum i This is a table of all the words in the lessons, etc., for the whole year, in which mistakes in prosody were likely to be made. The quantity of the penultimate .syllable is indicated by an / for longa, ^ = breuis, .r= accent subleuatus on the last syllable, d for a defressura of the accent on the last. There is a fair border on f. \a of English work, and other partial borders occur, but the ornament is not remarkable. In the part relating to the Proprium Sanctorum we have the usual Sarum English Saints, with special emphasis on S. Frideswide: her feast, octave, translation, Dominica infra Octauam, and Per Octauam : following this, and imme- diately preceding the Commune Sanctorum, is Inuencio fratrum. 2. A Chronology from 1370 to 1443 46* In another hand, in red and black : the Sunday Letter, Golden Number, etc., are given for every year, and a good many commemorations of events, recorded in English, as follows: italics indicate rubrication. 1377 d 10 3 m Coronacion of kyng Richard. lyifj b r2 10 a y^ town of gravysend brent. 1380 'S' g 13 T m Rysyng of y" commons of Kent. 1 381 ye girt erth mouyng. 64 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 43 1382 Beschop of norwych goyng into fianders. 1387 ye rising of .v. lordys. 1394 Qiuen anne dyede. 1395 Qwen Isabel crounede. 1397 Erie of arndel died. 47a 1399 Kyng herri '\- Crownede. 1400 A gret dreth. 1401 humbildumbil batel and douglas takyn ther. 1402 Stella comota { = cometd) &= • 8 • freris hangyde. 1403 Batel of Schiewsbery. 1404 Byschop of 'iorke hehedede. 1405 An huge frost 16 wokys. 1407 Erie of northumberland be hedid. 1409 \>s kyngs sonnys wbet in eschape. 141 1 )>e noble first alaied. ( = allayed). 14 1 2 her Oolde castel brake prisone. 14 1 3 Crownyng of kyng harri • v • &' rysyng of olde castel kny^t, 1414 her was herflede (Harfleur) be schegyde. 1416 Sege of cane & cumyng of ^e emperur into )>is londe. 1417 Oolde castel was hongyde. 1419 Qwen Kateryne weddyde. 1420 Crownynge of Y' queue. 1421 Byrth of kynge herry • vj"= • 1423 Sir will' taylliour prest brent. 1425 a discencion betwen london & bychope of Winchester. 1426 In \>is ^er i>' sam byschope was made CardenaP. 1429 Crownyng of kyng herri \>t yj. at westm'. 47^ 1 43 1 Crounyng of owr kyng a' paryche. 1434 • 15 ■ wokis duringe a gret frost. 1436 Y duke of burgun was driuin fro calice S^ his bastil brent. 1437 \it rate of of london brike brake & fel downe. 1441 \>t duchese of gloucestre was put to penance. The name of Richarde Smith, as owner, occurs on f. 43 b. 43. Q. D. I. Misc. Medica. Paper, 8f x 6, ff. 164, 40 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Binding : leather of cent, xviii, over old boards. Collation : i^ a^ b" c« (+ 6*) d'^ e" (wants 14) f« (wants 5) g^ h^ i" k" 1" (i inserted) m^^ ^12 ^la jja MS. 43] JESUS COLLEGE. 65 Contents : Notes of Apothecaries weight, and two receipts, in Enghsh, in two hands f. 5 a A treatise in Latin, chiefly excerpted from Isidore's Crigines and Pliny, on materia medica 5 ,5 Inc. Castor est bestia mirabilis. The opening sections treat of Castor. Oximel. De cera et uirtutibus eius. De butiro. Casceus. BdeUum. On f. 10 a are some receipts in English. Incipit hber de infirmitatibus et venenis . . . . . . lib Postquam compleuimus auxiliante deo tractatum de illorum pro- prietatibus que homini naturam perficiunt. The chapters are numbered up to Ixx., the last being de medico et eius officio. Then follow accounts of various substances, without title or num- bering of chapters : extracted from Pliny, Dioscorides, etc. . 44 b Lac. lilium, lactuca, pulegium, pix, plantago, petrocilum, palmirus, etc. Ends on f. 520. De passionibus oculorum $1 h Auctor iste determinans de passionibus oculorum, in a slightly larger hand, with rubricated initials. Ends on f. 61 a, hec collirium quo vtebatur imperator frethericus et hec sufiicit. A treatise in English (de Urinis), AUe maner men & women J^at willyn knowen a mannes or a womans state .......... 61 t> Miscellaneous receipts in English, in several hands . . . 65 a Secreta mulierum in English, in the hand of no. 4 . . . . 70 a Headed, Assit principio sancta maria meo. Whanne god maker of alle J>ynkes in he furst ordinawns of te world. Materia Medica in English, in the same hand . . . . 75 * (f. no in another hand, inserted.) Aloe— Zucarium. Followed immediately by notes on Egrimonia, Acacia, Buglossa, in Latin 121a and on Cassia lignea and Castorium in English . . . . iii b Miscellaneous receipts in Latin and English 121^ Here begynnyth >e makyng of oyles for diuerse infirmitees & furst we schalle declare J>e makyng of oyl of laurus & aftyrward procede of ohMr. In the hand of no. 4 . . . • ■ ^'ii<^ Dicta ypocracii. Thys book ypocras sent vnto kynge sasar y' he desyryd of hym & now i haue made it i send it to yow & wete ye J. MSS. S 66 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 43 wele it is good tresore. kepe it welle as yowre owne lyff ffor i haue made to helpe & hele of yowre body . . . ■ 126^ Euery man beste and fowle hayth • iiii • hum^;-us. De quatuor infirmitatibus corperam vbi insurgunt, in English . . 128 a On the nine pulses, in English 1293 To wete & to knowe ye veynes off blode letynge . . . . ^ii " On the pure complexions 134^ De numeris ossium ac venarum et dencium in humanis corporibus . ^ii" Miscellaneous receipts in English . . . . . . . 135''' here begynnyth a nobil tretyse made of a physyan John of burdevvs for medysyn ageyn te pestylens euylle . . . . ^il " Expl. tract. Joh. de burgall editus contra morbum pestilencie qui est morbus epidimialis anno domini mill"" ccc"" nonagesimo. Receipts in English . . . . . . . . . '39 "^ Receipts and notes on the treatment of wounds, in Latin . . 151 « A tract in Latin, with invocation of God's help in a rubric at the beginning, but no title. Medicina pro corpore humano finaliter coraponuntur . . . i55^ Receipts in English and Latin, in several hands . . . . '57 ^ There are four vellum fly-leaves of cent, xiv at each end con- taining records of cases. f. I a. Inc. Predict, comes Gloucestr. et Herford et made. 1 b. Norff. Joh. de Manteby et Petrus frater eius petit uersus Robertum de Manteby duas partes quatraginta et sex mesuag., etc. 2 b mentions Thorp. Matelask. Stenekeye. Manyngtone. Salle. Wethyngham. lb. Will, de Ancrenges tenuit Baron, de ifolkestan. 3*. Noting. Herb, de Rysele, Rob. de Heyle ... ad respond. Prior de Sym- plyngham. 4 a. Rad. Basset et Joh. le Heyward ... ad respond. Will" de (?) Tyfford persone med. Eccl. de Weledon. lb. Placita apud Westm. de quindena Pasch. coram O. de Weylond et see. suis Anno V. V. E. sextodecimo. f. 161 a. Joh. de Hilde tulit breue quod vocatur quare impedit ... about the Church ofN. 161 b. (Rob.) fil. Ric' de Adeston etc. ad resp. Thome Ep» hereford. 162 a. Tho. de Aschamton. 162 b. Leycestr. All in French. 163*. Latin resumed. Margaret, widow of Hugh de Wynestuwe petit uersus abbatem de oseneye. These leaves are a good deal torn. MS. 44] JESUS COLLEGE. 6"] 44. Q. D. 2. DiOSCORIDES, ETC. Vellum, 8^ x 6^, ff. 159, varying number of lines to a page. Cent, xii, xiii. Binding : original white skin over boards : strap and pin fasten- ing. Given by Mr Man. Provetiance : Durham : on f. 2 a is written (cent, xii, xiii) Liber sancti Cuthberti de Dunelm". In darker ink, Ex dono magistri Herberti medici. Diascorides. Liber de natura lapidum. Excepliones de libro pauli. Dicta quedam Petri alfunsi. Quedam pars prisciani de accentibus. Pars libri aurelii ambrosii. In a hand of cent, xv, xvi Contenta - diascorides per modum alphabeti de virtutibus herbarum et compositione olerum. Item lapidarius quidam liber de natura lapidum per modum alphabeti. Priscianus de accentibus. Item notabilia quedam in libro prime. 2'»°" 7' ffe. Below this is an index of cent. xvii. On f. 3 « in a hand of cent, xv, Diascorides • liber de natura lapidum O. 1^'^ 7' ffe. In Cai. Vet. p. 8 (in the Catalogue of cent, xii) we find Exceptiones de Libro Pauli. Priscianus de accentibus. Parabolae Petri Amphulsi. Liber Aurelii Ambrosii. Liber Diascoridis. Liber de Natura Lapidum in uno volumine. In the Catalogue of 139 1 (p. 33) Libri Medidnae. O. Diascorides. Liber de Nat. Lap. Exerciones de lib. Pauli. Dicta quaedam Petri Alfonsi. Quaedam pars Priciani de accent, ii. fo. leporum ventres. The first cover is lined with part of a leaf (unfinished, and without the intended musical notes) of a service book containing lessons and antiphons from Isaiah, beautifully written, of cent. xiii. Collation : sl* (+ 4* blank) b* c^ (wants 7) vi^ vii^» viii« ix* x^ xi^ xii^ xiii^ (wants 2) xiv' xv^ xvi« xvii^ xviii'" xix" xx^» xxi^ xxii« (wants 6, blank) d« e« (wants 5, blank : 6 was the cover). 5—2 68 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 44 2* Contents : Three receipts, in Latin, for dyeing the hair f- f. I iis blank : {. 2n contains the table of contents cited above. Pauli liber de cura egritudinum parcium tocius corporis : et primum de allopicia et toffia sine caluitio. Cent, xii, xiii This tract relates only to the hair and its diseases, f. 5 is blank. Dicta philosophorum (per Petrum Alfunsum), without title . . 6 In four chapters beginning respectively (cent, xiii, xiv) 1. Animo melius distincta seruantur. 2. Cum quidam stolidus audiente socraU diceret. 3. Apius Claudius crebro solebat dicere. 4. Cato octogesimum sextum agens annum. Septem facetie et septem rusticitates ...... 86 f. 9 a is blank save for two late receipts. f. 10 a is blank. Priscianus de accentibus. Cent, xii, xiii 10 3 ff. 15 ^ and 16 are blank. Dioscorides de uirtutibus herbarum. Cent, xii, xiii . . . 17 30 lines to a page : very good hand. The quires are numbered on their first leaves vi-xxil. The hand varies considerably in ap- pearance. There are in some instances marks on the first leaf of the quire, indicative of the portion of the text which it contains. Thus quire x, containing parts of letters B and C, is marked c. ii : XI is c. XXV : XII is can. et ed. (it extends from Cardamus to Ediosmum) : XIV is F. j J. ij (Fel to lacinctus) : xv is t. i et o. j i lacj; 1. (lus — Litargirum) : XVII is m. ij (Mandragora^ Oleum) : XXI is t. i v. j (Thalapsium — Vinum). The text ends on f. 145a: a slightly later extract on the intellect: ff. 145^-1470 contain late receipts (cent, xvii): f. 147 iis blank. Liber de natura lapidum : in French verse. Cent, xii, xiii, double columns . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Headed on top margin: Incip. lapidarius. Sancti spiritus assit nobis gratia, Damante. Co nus demustre laimant. Deus ot en tere icel semblant. Ki en la nuit done luur. Co est en nostre tenebrur. Adamas ad de fer culur. Et cristal la resplendur. De- mustrance del creatur. Quo il nus traist denfein a luur. Si cum la pere trait le fer. IHU crist nus traist denfer. The poem extends from Aimant to Trisites, in alphabetical order. On f. 158 is the Epilogue, which runs thus : Dirnmd cil qui ues conuisterK»t. Puet eel estre quo fables sunt. Ne que aureie dunt penser. Quant Jo desesperai et lesuei. Mais sil se uolunt p>-^penser et les peres esp«7-ment^»'. lur creatur aurer««t. pur les miracles quo il Uifrrunt. Que il posa pur tote gent, as peres medicinem^Kt. En sarque tut quatre maneres. mustrat medicine des peres. Pur le tocher, pur le porter, pur le beiure. pur les guarder. Ces quatre maneres i posad. Deus grant signifiance ad. E co dirrai en lautre liure. Se IHU xpist MS. 45] JESUS COLLEGE. 69 me leisse uiure. kar co ert tut allegorie. de fnu crist le fiz marie. Tut co serra diuinite. quen lautre liure ert demustre. E al prologs musterum. de qui auctorite traitum. E deus mait al com««cer. e al finer et al traitei. CI fine li liure t«/-restre. e commence li celestre. There follow in a hand of the same pencil some paragraphs on the polishing of precious stones, extending to the end of col. i, f. 158^. 45. Q. D. 3. Repertorium super Speculum Historiale Vincentii DE Beluace. Vellum, 7f x 5|, ff. 264, 32 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : stamped leather of xvth century (re-backed and paper boards inserted : formerly had two clasps) : the stamps used are four : (i) square, a Paschal Lamb and flag face to L. ; (2) square, a lion walking to L. ; (3) lozenge-shaped, a bird with raised wings facing R. ; (4) circular within a square, a hare seated facing R. Collation : a^-r^ s^" t^-z' aa'-fif* gg' (4-8 blank, gone). Provenance: Durham. On the 3rd fly-leaf is the following inscription : L. Repertorium super speculum historiale cum contratabula 2° fo. cat. then in another hand : Iste liber assignatur Nono (? nouo) Armariolo in Claustro Dunelm. Ecclesie per venerabilem patrem magistrum Johannem Auklande priorem eiusdem ecclesie. The first leaf has a good border of English work in gold, blue, green, orange and pink : a columbine in the initial : a good partial border on f. 5 a. Contents : Prologue addressed to Simon, Cardinal of S. Prisca, by John haut furey, presbyter; this must have been Simon d'Archiac, Archbp of Vienne, made Cardinal in 1320, d. 1320 or 1323 . . . f. i a The prologue is in three divisions, explanatory of the plan of the work. Text S« A list of the headings, in the nominative case, in 4 cols, on a page, with a prefatory note 246 b A list of the ' flores ' or extracts contained in the Speculum His- toriale, with a prefatory note 263 b The table seems well constructed and full, and would very likely be worth printing. 70 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 46 46. Q. D. 4. Elucidarius, etc. Vellum, 6| x 4^, ff. 269 + 5 fly-leaves, varying number of lines to the page. Cent, xv, and xii, xiii. Belonged to the College in 1664. Binding : red skin over boards : has had strap and pin fastening. Collation : i^ || a»-i« || k'-s^ t^" u^-y^ z* (3, 4 blank, gone) || i^-iv^ v^ (+ 8*) vi«-x« II 2» (+ 2*) =269+5. Provenance. On a fly-leaf at the beginning (cent, xv, xvi) : Istum librum e tra t dus Joh. Walsh. Constat magistro Thome Audley et Roberto Swann. Fortitudo et honor ... On a fly-leaf at the end, in another earlier hand : Memorandum quod iste liber constat domino Johanni Thrope pro quo habet in plegio librum de gestu romanorum domini A lax. This is written over a pencilled list of expenses, of which the following are legible : ad goldyngton ... iiij'' di pro tribus. ad lytlyngton paribus sotularium. pro cor(i)o. ad unum par calig. goldyngton. The last fly-leaf is part of a will of cent, xv, relating to North- ampton, of which a transcript is given on p. 74. Contents : On the recto of the 2nd fly-leaf at the beginning of the book is a long table of contents, written in cent, xv, which I transcribe, adding numbers of the leaves, etc. In hoc libello in nouo pergameno continentur quinque libri Elucidarii, sermones et capitulo {sic) qui sequuntur. In primis post librum Elucidarij f. 3 [Cent. XV, 26 or 27 lines to a page : headed, Que puer incipiet. hec deus expediet.] Sermo sancti Anselmi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi Ad interioris hominis custodiam in quo sunt diuerse questiones [in the same hand] j8 Prologus beati leronimi presbiteri de natiuitate beate Marie virginis et de uita eiusdem uirginis dei genitricis Marie .... 62 [In the same hand : the text begins on i. 62 6, headed : Incipit vita sancte dei genitricis et virginis Marie secundum S. Jeronimum sexto Septembris. Igitur beata et gloriosa. Tischdf. Ew. Apocr. MS. 46] JESUS COLLEGE. 71 [Additio de duobus iniraculis. Post natiuitatem gloriosi domini nostri 67 A notice of the Assumption, of the death of S. John, of the death of Julian the Apostate, and of the story of Theophilus. Nota quod Joseph non cognoscebat Mariam 68 The Virgin's face shone from the Conception to the Nativity, so that Joseph could not look upon her. De etate marie 6Sd She was 14 at the Nativity, 63 at the Assumption. De assumpcione. Tvifo notes] 68 i De incarnacione domini nostri Ihesu Christi Augustinus . . 69 Inter cetera et ad locum lege cum timore caute et secrete. Vidi fortavi in domo domini clausam ...... 69 lesse pater est .......... 6gd De originali peccato 69 ^ Dialogue between discipulus and magister. De signis que uenerunt ante natiuitatem domini nostri Ihesu Christi et in tempore natiuitatis eius. In augusti cesaris tempore . . 72 [Two quatrains (a) on the reason why women are beautiful . . ^ib (b) on the Fall. Three lines on the signs of good wine Tib Three lines on long measure "(''■b Things to be observed by a dying Christian 73 a Weights, measures, and coins of England 73 a f. 73iJhas only late notes.] Ne tardas conuerti ad dominum (Liber Ricardi de Hampole de aedificatione spirituali or De emendatione peccatoris) ... 74 Contempnere mundiim (part of the same tract) .... 76 Si uis perfectus esse 77 Vt homo ad honorem dei 1^ b Cum diabolus uiderit 8ii Non dedignentur filii regis 82 Si in tribulacione vel temptacione fueris 84 Est autem mediiacio bona de passione christi . . . . • 84 ^ Si cupis ad amorem dei peruenire ....... 86^ Per hos nouem gradus pretaxatos . . . . ■ . . 87 Dulce lumen et delectabile ........ 88 Contemplaiio uel uita contemplatiua 92 Oleum effusum nomen tuum ........ 95 i CuminfeUciterflorem<^^'vacsai\0 3.vciora) 100 b Adolescentule dilexerunt te nimis 103 b [At end : Explicit questio notabilis de spirituali edificacione com- ponitur de Ricardi heremita de Hampole qui obiit anno domini M" . ccC • XL" ■ ix" •] Decalogus est sermo breuis decern dei mandata continens . . . 108 a A tract on the Decalogue and the plagues of Egypt. Item racionem decalogi {on the S3.me) 114'^ Quicunque vult confiteri Explicit summa confessionis Magistri Robert! de ; (m) "Si^ 72 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 46 75)- Sequitur de septem peccatis mortalibus exposicio secundum ordi nem (followed by verses on confession) .... Nota quod duplex est uita (followed by verses on the duties of a server at the altar, etc. ) Post peccatum Ade eodem expulso de paradiso . The Story of the Cross. Mirabiliter oriri cepit sanda arbor A continuation, concerning the death of Judas (see p. Septem sunt peticiones in oracione dominica On the Lord's Prayer. Nichil adeo venale quod nonfiat mortale Extracts on sin and fasting. Paulus de penis inferni Paulus apostolus interrogauit angelum domini quot essent pene in inferno. Cui ait angelus : Centum quadraginta quatuor milia (5 lines). [Miscellaneous extracts] Quod sola contrido non sufficit ad delendum peccatum situ confessione An extract from ' Parisiensis ' about Charles, K. of France, and S. Giles. Terribile erit cum dominus dicet surgite mortui [Miscellaneous extracts] Diabolus ludit cum. peccatore . Nota quod ubi aliquis tenet pomum Si percipis coruitm nidificare . Tria genera hominum designantur per ovem De vii vicijs. Superbia stark, Inuidia cold, Ira pale, Accidia heuy, Auaricia not welle, Gula gross to behold, Luxuria stynkyng, etc. The hand changes on f. 142. Nemo vestimenta preciosa, zxiA oihex e:itr:3.cis Si uis corrigere delinquentem (an extract from Jerome) Abbathia de spiritu sancto (in another hand, -A lines to a page) My dere bre>eren and sistren '. De dieta et tonitruo duodecim mensium Aleyn he gode leche seij> tath in I'e mone of ianiuerie wyte wynes is gode. Ypocrase de medisinis ......... Ipocras made l^eise medicines for jie eueles in ])e hed and for I'e hed worke. Many miscellaneous excerpts and several charms follow. De expositione iiii'" partium anni per argumentum prophecie losep et filiorum suorum ........ The writing is smaller: the contents, a forecast of the year 125* 127 128 134* 136 137* 138 138 [135 i] per prophetam ita sunt scripte f&ant filii eius orphani et uxor eius uidua et cetera que secuntur in illo psalmo. Nen enim ut estimas filium hominis tradidisti sed unigenitum dei filium et ecce a te sanguis eius exquisitus et tu reus mortis eius extiteris. vere de illo propheta dicit Filius hominis uadit sicut scriptum est de eo : ue illi per quem traditus fiierit. Nunc ergo fill doloris mei quid acturus quid dicturus eris dum ueritatis prophetam a mortuis resurrexisse cegnoueris? Ad uocem igitur lacrimose matris in iracundiam prouocatus ludas respexit ad focum uiditqiie super eum ollam fenientem stantem et in ea semicoctum gallum iacentem, clamauitque ad matrem suam. Quomodo in tantum deuenisti errerem ut ilium amentem dicas fuisse prophetam atque a mortuis aliquem resurrecturum ? Ego autem per maximum affirmo iuramentum quod de ista poterit olla facilius hie depilatus exire gallus quam resurgere a mortuis ille crucifixus. Hec dum infelix ganniret et ad modum wlpis clamaret ludas, semicoctus gallus effectus est rediuiuus et pretinus de feruenti olla exiliens apparuit pulcherimus pennisque et plumis restitutus et uolauit super tecta domus ibique diu mansit ouans et gaudens quasi pronunciaret tempus resurrectionis christi. Affirmat ergo edi[i36]cio grecerum hunc eundem extitisse gallum qui eadem nocte cum cantando Petrum arguit negantem. super quem lacrimantem dominus continue respexit. Hoc autem signo infelix ludas territus ■jd CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 47 abiit ad locum ubi passus est Christus: uidensque ilium esse dampnatum proiecit in templo argenteos unde prius fuerunt abstracti fueriint a ludeis et abiens laqueo se suspendit. Sicut pater suiis antequam ipsum procreauit diuinauit. Erat enim pater eius astrologus qui eadem nocte in qua genitus fiierat ludas respexit planetas et uidit et ita intimauit uxor) sue quod siquis eadem bora noctis generaret filium quod ille filius patrem proprium occideret et dominum suum detraheret et se ultimo laqueo suspenderet. Quod factum est sicut prophetauit. Nam statim pater predict! infelicis lude accessit ad uxorem suam nee se potuit abstinere et filium iniquitatis procreauit. Qui patrem proprium submersit dominum suum fefellit laqueo se suspendit et sic patet eius origo et eius ffinis. f. 179 i. A charm • iij • tyntes sayde ouere a wounde. Ibant tres boni fratres ad montem oliueti bonas herbas querentes omnia wlnera sanantes. obuiauerunt domino Ihesu Christo : quo tenditis tres boni fratres : Domine ad montem oliueti bonas herbas querentes omnia uulnera sanantes Reuertimini tres boni fratres et accipietis olium oliue et lanam bidentis et ponetis super wlnera et coniuretis uulnera per quinque plagas domini noster Ihesu Christi et per mamillas que lactauerunt Christum quod non doleat neque ranclat nee fetescat plusquam fecerunt wlnera domini nostri J. C. quando suspensus erat in cruce sed sanetur a profundo sicut wlnus quod longeus fecit in dextro latere Christi. In nomine etc. Amen. 47. Q. D. 6. New Testament in English. Vellum, 6\ x 4§, ff. 394, double columns of 30 lines. Cent, xiv or early xv. Collation: i'" ii^" iii" || a^-r^ ^ P s^ t^ u' v^ w^ x^ y^ Y t? ^ &8 98^8 A8-0 D« (wants 5) E«-N» O^ (2 blank, gone). Binding : of xviith or xviiith cent. The hand is exceedingly fine and clear, and the ornamental work — not large in quantity — is excellent in quality. The lost leaf, D 5, contained the end of i John, 2 John, and beginning of 3 John. On f ii 9 ^ is this note : M. d. f aftre y» deathe off Mrs Cottrell she beyinge y* owner yerofif hathe gytien y" same to Edmunde Gryndall fellow off pembroake hall in Cambryge. M. A fine hand of cent, xvi, xvii has added : Hie liber postmodum devenit in manus cuiusdam David moris alias Hanmer, in artibus magistri, dum in domo honoratissimi herois domini Gulielmi Cecilii filium MS. 47] JESUS COLLEGE. -]>] eius natu maximum institueret: unde post multos exantlatos labores in ulteriorem Salopiensis agri partem secessit, et scholae Oswaldiensis moderate evasit, quam per 30 aut eo plus annos faeliciter rexit. Cuius filius unicus Johannes moris alias Hanmer, paternis virtutibus exornatus, huius quem tenes libri copiam mihi facere voluit: vt ex subsequentibus eius ad me Uteris colligere possis Dilectissimo suo Edvardo Hughes Cantabrigiae Collegii Ihesu socio Johannes Hanmerus Suenianus Salopiensis S. D. The writer excuses himself for having left Hughes's letter so long unanswered, on the ground that for 12 years he had been studying Law, and had forgotten his Latin. He then makes the offer of this MS., which he had inherited from his father, once Hughes's tutor; the letter is dated E Tuguriolo nostro Sueniae iuxta Oswestriam Salopiae Calend. Februarii 1594. Hughes continues : Atqui ut hunc public! iuris facerem et huic sedi literariae dedicarem, quem mihi ad priuatum studiorum usum dedit Hanmerus meus, impulit imprimis pietas mea in hanc nutricem meam, cui me meaque omnia debere profiteer ingenue : necnon imperauit publicae utilitatis ratio, quae (me iudice) non uult ut tanti pretii gemma intra priuati cuiusquam demortui scrinia tineis corroderetur. Gratis ergo fruatur posteritas lesuana hoc qualicunque munusculo, post tot annorum lustra Cantabrigiae quasi postliminio reuocato. Cui ex animo dat consecratque Edwardus Hughes quondam huius Collegii Socius. (ft) On the top of the first page is the name Rd. Murkeeston. Contents : I. Here big5nine> a table of Jie newe testament. J>ese ben Jje maters of J>e gospel of mathew f. i i ■2. Here bigynneb a rule Jjat tellit> in whiche chapitris of be bible 3e mai fynde be lessouns pistlis and gospellis J>' ben red in Jje chirche at )>e jeer aftir >e vss of salisbirie, markid wib lettris of be abc. at J>e bigynnynge of be chapitris twoward J'e myddil or eende ziter \s. ordre as )je lettris stonden in \e. abc. ffirst ben sett sondaies and ferials togidere. And aftir hat >e sanctorum bohe te propre and comyn togidere of al be jeer, ffirst is writen a clause of )>e bigynnynge )>erof: and a clause of he eendynge J>erof also ffor it bigynnej> at )>e lettris of the abc. and endi> at twei strikis in Jje margyn. I . Sondai inl romans xiii d we knowen ende lord ihu crist // aduentj m' xxi a whanne ihc ende in hije )>ingis // 3. The text of the New Testament, with Prologues. Evv., Paul., Act., Cath., Apoc. 4. Here eendij> >e apocalips of Jon )>e laste book of >e newe testament : and bigynnej) be lessouns and pistlis of >e olde testament )>' ben red in be chirche bi al >e jeere . . . f. G 4 * 78 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 48, 49 48. Q. D. 7. BOETHIUS. Vellum, 7 X 5, ff. 354, 27 and 29 lines to the page. Cent, xiii, xv. Binding : white skin over boards : has had two clasps. Given by Mr Man. Collation: 2? \? d» (wants 6) d^^ (wants 1 1) e'^ fMI g'" (wants 11, 16 blank) || h^^ i^" (wants 5, 10 blank) || k^^-z'^ aa^^-gg^^. Provenance : Durham : the name has been cut off, but the following inscription is left on the 4th fly-leaf at the beginning, in a hand resembling that of the Durham inscriptions in general: O. Quinque libri boecij de consolacione philosophie cum tabula, ii. Exposicio super quinque libros predictos satis certe notabilis. I do not find it in Call. Vett. Contents : 1. Boethlus de consolatione philosophie, cent, xiii . . . f. i With many marginal and interlinear glosses. f. 27 is of xvth cent, inserted in the 3rd piece of Book v. (on f. 56 b the older hand leaves off and one of xvth cent, con- tinues). The text ends on f 66; ff. 66 b-lob are blank. 2. Table to the above, of cent. xvi. A good border of English work, gold, blue, green, pink, orange, on f. 71. The table ends on 86 d : 86 b-ijo b are blank. 3 Commentary (by Nicolas Trivet) on the De Consolaiiotie . 91 Explanacionem librorum boecij de cons. phil. aggressurus. Begins with an account of Boethius, drawn apparently from Freculphus. There is a good border on f. 91 and a plainer one at the beginning of each book of the Commentary : these borders are of the same character as that on f. 71. Diagrams occur occasionally in the Commentary. 49. Q. G. I. Selecta ex Augustino. Vellum, io| X 7, ff. 147, 36 lines to a page. Cent. xii. Collation : i^-xii^ xiii* (wants 4, a blank leaf) a^-e^ f ^^ (wants i : 10 is a blank leaf attached to the cover). The binding is the original boards, covered with white vellum and formerly fastened by two straps and pins, of which the lower one remains. There is a chain-mark on the middle of the lower MS. 49] JESUS COLLEGE. 79 edge of the ist cover. It is no. 3 in James's Ecloga Cantabrigiensis (1600), p. 13;. Provenance. On the inside of the first cover is a xvth cent, table of contents : Contenta huius libri sunt hec : I. Aurelius Augustinus doctor egregius super genesim ad literam in ■ 12 • libris. 1. Aug. de gratia noui testamenti. 3. Aug' prologus ex primo libro Retractationum. 4. Aug. de vtilitate credendi. 5. Aug. de laude karitatis. 6. Omnis diuina scriptura. In another hand below : Liber m. Johannis gunthorp' decani Wellensis emptus London xx decembris a" xpi 1 484*° pro quindecim solidis solutis. The 2nd leaf begins lingiiarmn diuersitas. The binding and the handwriting of the table of contents, as well as the folio-numbering, recall very strongly the Bury MSS., but there is no press-mark. This may have been on one of two fly-leaves lost at the beginning. There are traces of a title in Lombardic letters along the back : the handwriting of the table of contents is, I think, that of the Librarian of Bury in cent, xv \ Contents : 1. Augustinus super Genesim ad literam libri xii . . . . f . i a In single lines, 40 to the page, in a fine hand. The quires are marked in Roman figures i-xii. It has suffered from damp in the middle ; f. 99 15 is blank. An initial has been cut out off. I. The headings are in red and green capitals. 2. Augustinus de gratia noui testamenti 100 In double columns of 36 lines each: an initial on f. 100 has been cut out. 3. Prologus ex libro primo retractatus S. Augustini . . . 124^3 4. Liber S. Augustini ad Honoratum de utilitate credendi . . 125 /J« 5. Sermo S. Augustini de laude karitatis. Divinarum scripturarum multiplicem 141 bb 6. A tract without title, in paler ink. (O)mnis diuina scriptura circa triplicem intellectum . . . maa Gregory is quoted. Ends imperfectly : Heliseus domini salus interpretatur. ff. 146, 147 are in single columns, 32 lines to the page. On the inside of the cover is an unfinished outline of a bearded man (Christ) xii-xiiith cent, and the price, written in xvth cent, precium xvs. See the present writer's Essays On the Abbey of S. Edmund at Bury, pp. 3, 46. 8o CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 50, 51 50. Q. G. 2. YsAiAs, ToBiT, Ruth, glosati. Vellum, 9| x 6^, ff. 134, 15 lines of text on most pages. Cent, xii, xiii. Two volumes in one. Binding : the original boards, covered with brown leather. Collation : i*-xiiii' xv* || a'^ b" : 1 34 leaves. Contents : Ysaias glosatus f. i Tobit glosatus . . . . • . . • • ■ 'i? Ruth glosatus 129^ The gloss on Tobit and Ruth is in a larger and coarser hand, not much later than that on Isaiah. Provenance : Durham. There is a xvth cent, press-mark : € (in black letter) and an erased number on the cover : also a xvth century title 'ysaias glosatus et tobias glosatus': the 6 alone occurs on f. \a. See Catt. Vett. 15, E. Ysaias et Thobias glo. ii fo., " wlnus et L." The volume was presented to the College by Mr Man, Fellow, Jan. 21, 1685. Parts of two leaves from a large xiiith cent. Missal in double columns are attached to the covers : that at the end contains the Gospel of the Paralytic (Lc. v. 18"), the collect Sacrificia domine tnis oblata conspectibus, the antiphon Spiritus ubi uult spiral alleluia, post-communion Sumpsimus domini sacri dona misterii humiliter deprecantes. Last line a rubric : Sabbato si ieiunitim non fuerit. There is a good rough initial to the gloss on Isaiah, f i a. 51. Q. G. 3. Speculum Christiani. Vellum, 9 X 5^, fif. 42, 30 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Coarse vellum, somewhat soiled. Collation : a^'-d^" e^ : 42 leaves. The book was printed by W. de Machlinia in 1484 (■'). It con- tains a good deal of English. A version of the Ten Command- MS. 52] JESUS COLLEGE. 8 1 ments was printed from this MS. by Wright and Halliwell in Reliquiae Antiquae. The author is said by Tanner to have been John Watton. The MS. was presented to the College by Mr Man, Jan. (21) 1685. The binding is modern. 52. Q. G. 4- IvoNis Carnotensis et aliorum Sermones, etc. Vellum, 8| X 5, ff 45, 36 and 37; 32 hnes to a page: three volumes bound in one. Cent. xii. Finely written. Given to the College by Mr Man, Jan. 21, 1685. Collation: a*-c' d^ || e' || P (wants i, blank): 45 leaves. Contents : I. I. Ivonis Carnotensis Episcopi 7 Sermones. 1 . Corruptum peccatis . . . . . . . . f. i a 2. De aduentu domini. Quoniam presentium .... 3 * 3. De natiuitate domini Ihesu Christi. In diuine miserationis %a 4. De circumcisione domini. Dominici natalis hodie ....... 6 ^ 5. De epiphania domini. Hunc epyphaniorum diem 'jb 6. De purificatione marie. Consuetude ecclesiastica 8 ^ 7. De septuagesima. Scientes dilectissimi . . gi 8. De capite ieiunij. Hodie mater ecclesia 11 a 9. De quadragesima. Audiuit fratemitas 120 10. De adnuntiatione S. Marie. Gaudeamus in domino 13 "^ 11. In ramis palmarum. Qui wit hominem 1 5 "^ 12. In cena domini. Optatus nobis ^6a 13. De pascha. Cum cetere festiuitates 16 i 14. De ascensione domini. Hodie fratres uictoria 17* 15. De pentecosten. Dies Pentecostes sacratus 18 a J. MSS. 6 §2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. $2 2. Liber B. Augustini de uita Christiana ad sororem suam uiduam 20 a A xviith cent, note here says; Fastidij Britanni, ut nuper probavit Lucas Holstenius et edidit Romae 1663, vide Cavei Hist, litter, de Fastidio, vide Caveum p. 310 i vol. Fastidius is mentioned by Gennadius de Vir. Illustr. 56. The book is printed in Galland, ix. 481-489. The opening Vfords in the MS. are Et ego peccator et xiltimus in- sipientiorque ceteris. f. 30 is blank. II. 3. A tract without title. Exceptiones ecclesiasticarum regularum, partim ex epistolis romanorum pontificum . . . . . . . 31a f. 38 is blank. III. 4. Sermo B. Augustini ep. de decern preceptis legis et de decern plagis egyptiorum ........ 39 a 5. Libellus de iiii™ uirtutibus id est pnidentia fortitudine tempe- rantia et iustitia martini episcopi ad mironem regem. This tract is often attributed to Seneca: see Lightfoot's Phi- Uppians, p. 331 ■ . . . ■ • . • • 41 '^ ff. 44 b, 45 are blank. The volume is bound in a leaf of a folio Psalter, xiii-xiv cent. , in double columns, showing part of Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) Mirabilia testimonia — Clamaui in toto corde meo. At each end are two leaves of a smaller Psalter (cent, xiii) of 24 lines to a page. The leaves at the beginning are nos. 3 and 5 of a quire, those at the end are i and 8 of the same quire. More leaves will be found in Q. G. 5, etc. Those in this volume contain parts of Pss. (i) Ixi.-lxiii.; (3) Ixv., Ixvi.; (5) Ixviii.; (8) Ixix. , Ixx. On f. 38 ^ is a faint scribble (xvth cent. ) ; Os dauy harpe a lay you sorps al to lang. There are tags from a MS. of cent, xiii, xiv. .53. Q. G. 5. IvoNis Carnotensis Epistolae. Vellum, 8^ x 4|, ff. 36 ; 37, 30, 36 lines to a page. Cent. xii. Well written. Given to the College by Mr Man, Jan. 21, 1685. Collation : aP b^^ c' d^ MS. 53] JESUS COLLEGE. 83 Contents : 1. Ivonis Carnotensis Epistolae . . . . . . f, i 1. Abbati N. 2. Rodberto. 3. No address. 4. Fratribus. 5. Paschali pape. 6- ,, 7. Paschal to Anselm. 8. Anselm to Paschal. 9. Paschal to Anselm. 10. John Cardinal to Anselm. 11. Ivo (of S. Quintin of Beauvais) to H. 2. Sermo S. Augustini Quomodohomo ad imaginem dei creatus est 6 a 3. Ivonis, etc. Epistolae ........ 7 a 12. Ivo, Daimbert of Sens, etc. to Joscerannus of Lyons, a Charm against fever Sd 13. Ivo to Pope Urban. '4- .. .. 15. To Richerius of Sens. 16. To Gualterius of Meaux. 17. To Eudo dapifer. 18. To Richerius of Sens. 19. To Peter of Poitiers. 20. To Eudo dapifer. 21. To Hugo of Lyons. 22. To Leudo, priest. 23. To Hugo of Lyons. 24. To William King of England. 25. To Barnardus of Marmoutier, 26. To Hildebert of Lemans. 27. To Hugo Dean of Beauvais. 28. To W. Abbot of Fecamp. 29. To V. Abbot of Vendome. 30. To the Bishops of the province of Rheims. 31. To pope Paschal. 32. To Manasses of Rheims. 33. To Gualo, priest. 34. To Wulerinus Archdeacon of Paris. 35. To Daimbert of Sens. 36. To Rodulfus, priest of Rheims, and Odalricus. 37. To John of Orleans. 38. To Walter Librarian of Beauvais. 39. To Daimbert of Sens. 40. To Hildebert of Lemans. 41. To William of Fecamp. 42. To Philip King of France. 43. To Hugo of Lyons. 6—2 84 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 54 44. To Gaufridus of Beauvais. 45. To Pope Urban. 46. To Manegoldus. 47. To Roszelinus. 48. To the Nuns in Dumensi monasterio. 49. To Philip King of France. 50. To Rainaldus of Rheims. 51. To Philip. 52. To Robert. 53. To Thomas of York. 54. To Haimeric. At the beginning are two leaves from the same Psalter, and the same quire of it, as in the last MS. They are leaves 2 and 7 of the quire, and contain parts of Pss. Ixiii., Ixiv. and Ixviii,, Ixix. 54. Q. G. 6. Thomas de ente, etc. Vellum, 8^ x $1, ff. 276, in varying numbers of lines to a page. Cent, xiii-xv. Given by Mr Man, Jan. 21, 1685. Collation : a^ b" (wants 13) c^^ d^^ e'^ fi2 gi2 ^12 {12 k^^ 1" mi» n'^ o^^ p4 qio ri2 (wants il, 12) || s^" t^^ u" (wants 9- 14) || v'^ w^^ x^^ || y^^ z^^ aa* (wants 6) : 276 leaves. Provenance: Durham. On f. 15 3 is the title: Breuiloquium de virtutibus antiquorum principum ac philosophorum 2° fo. quod habebat. Then in another hand : Iste liber assignatur Nono (nouo?) Armariolo in claustro Dunelmensis Ecclesie per venerabilem Patrem Magistrum Joharmem Auklande priorem eiusdem Ecclesie. Both these inscriptions are of cent. xv. Contents : On f 2 5 is a table of contents : the top of the leaf is cut off. I. Tractatus de ente et essencia (by Thomas Aquinas) . . f. i 1. Breuiloquium de virtutibus antiquorum principum et philoso- phorum (by Bonaventura) 16 3. Diuersa themata predicatoribus proficua .... 34 Convertimini ad me in toto corde uestro. A collection of 23 sermons, with Exempla, Applicationes etc. ff. 65-69 are left blank for an Index, vifhich is not finished. 4. Moralitates super ysaiam prophetam ..... 70 Beatus qui custodit uerba prophetic huius. MS. 55] JESUS COLLEGE. 85 5. Libri 19 de animalibus et eorum proprietatibus moribus hominum applicatis g^6 Omnia secundum apostolum inuisibilia dei per ea que facta sunt intellecta conspiciuntur. f. 159^ is blank. 6. Declamadones senece et aliorum philosophorum dicta moralizata. A table on f. 160 a. Text 160 i 1. Z>e redenipcione generis humani. (F)ertur ut repperi in quadam veteri historia quendam Imperatorem habuisse filiam. 2. De viisericordia dei ad nos. Seneca li° 1° declamacionum declamacione 5'° Rapta raptoris morte aut nupcias petat. 7. De 7 mortalibus (peccatis et) eorum effectibus et incomodis et h' bis continetur cum versibus in margine . . . 182 Another hand. Superbia est elacio viciosa. 8. Sermones quidam 195 ^ 9. De quinque septenis in sacra scriptura inuentis . . . 238 Quinque septena in sacra scriptura inueni que volo si possum purls enumerando ab inuicem distinguere. ff. 245-247 blank. 10. De 7 mortalibus peccatis ut supra 248 The same tract as no. 7 in another hand. 11. Alie notule morales cum aliis ...... 161 b P. si vtique est fructus iusto? utique est, vnde ysa. Dicite iusto quoniam bene erit ei. A number of miscellaneous notes on words and texts. 12. ff. 273-276 are in a different hand and contain sermons (ap- parently six) in a bad hand. In disciplina perseuerate tanquam filiis se offert dominus. 55. Q. G. 7. Ordinale Praemonstratensium. Paper, 8 x 5^, ff. 143, 30 lines to a page. Cent, xv (late). Binding : brown stamped leather over wooden boards, formerly fastened with strap and pin. There are 3 stamps used — (i) trian- gular with a trefoil flower or leaf, (2) lozenge-shaped, with a fleur- de-lys, (3) square with a Greek cross fleury. They are scattered quite irregularly over the cover, 20 on one side and 23 on the other. Given by Mr Man. 86 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 55 Collation : a^-e^^ f" g" h" i^= k'^ 1" (2 cancelled) m^^ (9 is two leaves pasted together). Provenance. On f. i is written : Iste liber constat Johanni Tanfyld canonici de skyrpynes^. Two parchment fly-leaves at either end are cut from a vellum roll which had been taken round to various monasteries to solicit their prayers for the soul of William Yorke, abbot of the house to which the book belonged. The first entry is : A. (i) Titulus monasterii Beate Marie. ..{? Ebor.) | Ordinis Sancti Benedict!. Anima (Dom)ni Willelmi Zorke Abbatis Et Anime | (omnium) | ffidelium Defunctorum per misericordiam dei In p(ace requi)|escant. Amen. Vestris Nostra Damus pro nostris uestra (rogamus). (2) Titulus monasterii B. Marie de Elsham ord. S. Augustini = EUesham in Lincolnshire. (3) Titulus mon. B. M. de Thornton ord. S. Augustini line. dioc. (Thorneton-on- Humber or Thornton Curteis.) (4) Tit. mon. B. M. sanctique marcialis.. de Neuhous ord. premonstr. line, dioc. (Newhouse.) (5) Tit. mon. beatorum Augustini et Olaui de Walhow, ord. S. Aug. line. dioc. (Wellow, near Grimsby.) (6) Tit. monast. b. M. de Cothome. (Gotham in Lincoln, Cistercian nuns.) Verso. (This follows fragment C.) B. (r) Tit. ecclesie Cath. b. Marie de Coventr. ord. S. Bened. (2) Tit. mon. b. M. de Cumba ord. Cist. Covent. et Lych. dioc. (Combe in Warwick.) (3) Tit. ordinis fratrum heremitarum S. Aug. Laycystrie. (? Priory of S. Katherine in Leicester.) (4) Tit. fratrum ord. predicatorum conuentus Leycystrie. (Black Friars at Leicester.) (5) Tit. monast. B. M. de pratis Leycestrie ord. S. Aug. line. dioc. (S. Mary Pre at Leicester. ) (6) Tit. mon. B. M. de Vluescroft. ord. S. Aug. : Charley and Ulvescroft in Charnwood Forest. (7) Tit. mon. (B. M.) de Garadon ord. Cist. Lincoln, dioc. (Gerondon in Leicestershire.) (8) Tit. mon. de gracedea (?) lincoln. dioc. (Grace Dieu in Leicestershire?) (9) Tit. mon. de langeley. (O. S. B. nuns, Langley in Leicestershire.) (10) Tit. mon. de Croxton. (Praemonstr., Leicestershire.) At the end of the volume is another piece of the roll. Recto : C. (i) Tit. fratrum predicatorum Wygornie. (Black Friars.) (2) Tit. frat. minorum Wygornie. (Grey Friars.) (3) Tit. monast. B. M. de Bordesley ord. Cist. Wigorn. dioc. 1 I can find no Praemonstratensian house to suit this name ; it may refer to the Hospital of Shireburn near Durham, which was a lazar-house and supported several priests. MS. 56] JESUS COLLEGE. 87 (4) Tit. fr. ord. predicatorum Warwycie. ■ (5) Tit. mon. B. M. de Kenillworth ord. S. Aug. Couentr. et lich. dioc. (6) Tit. mon. B. M. de Stonleya ord. Cist. Couentr. et lich. dioc. (Stanley-in-Arden.) (7) Tit. fr. minorutn Couentrie. (8) Tit. domus S. Anne ord. Cart, prope Couentr. (Charterhouse at Coventry.) Verso : D. (i) Tit. mon. S. Agathe virg. et mart, iuxta Richmond ord. ... Ebor. dioc. (Praemonstratensian.) (2) Tit. ord. frat. minorum Richmond. (3) Tit. mon. B. M. de Couerham ord. Premoustr. Ebor. dioc. (Corham, near Richmond.) (4) Tit. mon. B. M. de Joreualle ord. Cist. Ebor. dioc. (Jervaux.) (5) Titulus ffr. (sk). Frater Robartus minister domus S. Robarti iuxta Knaresburghordinis... (Trinitarians.) (6) Tit. mon. B. M. de NuKmownkton ord. premonstr. Ebor. dioc. (? Nun Monkton; but in Tanner this is a Benedictine nunnery.) (7) Tit. ord. fr. minorum Ebor. (8) Tit. fr. heremitarum ord. S. Aug. Ebor. (9) Tit. fr. ord. Carmelitarum B. M. Ebor. (10) Tit. ord. fr. predicatorum Ebor. (it) Tit. mon. S. Trinitat. Ebor. ord. S. Beiiedicti. (Cell to Marmoutier.) Fragment A follows on this. Rolls of this kind have been printed by the Surtees Society, e.g. the Obituary Roll of Ebchester and Biirnby. Contents : An Ordinal, or Pie. The Preface runs as follows : Regula de omnibus historiis inchoandis et de omnibus commemoracionibus faciendis per totum annum, tractata de ordinali premonstratensis ordinis per septem litteras kalendarii, et quilibet littera per se diuiditur in sex partes. Et hoc propter festa mobilia et annos bisextiles. Ideo in primis sciatis que sit littera dominicalis in anno iam presenti, deinde numerum per quem luna currit in eodem anno. Quibus cognitis intrate in regulam sequentem et querite eandem litteram dominicalem quousque inueneritis predictum numerum lunarem et predictam litteram dominicalem simul stantes. Quibus inuentis operamini cum eadem littera per totum annum iam presentem. 56. Q. G. 8. Lydgate, etc. Vellum, 8| x 6|, fif. 92, 32 lines to a page. English. Cent. xv. Presented by Mr Man. Collation: A*-P' Q^ (wants 3, 4) : 92 leaves. 88 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 56 Mr W. Aldis Wright, Vice-Master of Trinity College, is the author of the appended table of contents. Contents : Lydgate's Testament, printed from another MS. in Lydgate's Minor Poems, p. '^.},^ (Percy Society). 1 . O how holsom and glad is >e memorye i. \a With Ihu mercy kneling on my knee. Testamentum in nomine Jhu. {'T)he yeres passid of my tender you/A . . . . . 6 a 2. Quis dabit capUi meo fontem lacrimarum- . . . • i^l> (W)ho shall yeue vnto myn hede a well. That fore >«?-e loue was nailed to a tre. 3. Consulo quisquis eris qui pacis federa queris . . . • 22 b Consonus esto lupis cum quibus esse cupis. (I) coun9ail what so euere \>o\i be. To his plesaunce to othir his language. Printed in Lydgate's Minor Poems, p. 173 (Percy Soc. ed. Halliwell) and in Furnivall's Political, Religious and Love Poems, p. 25 (E. E. T. S.) from other MSS. 4. All slant in chaunge like a mydsomer Rose . . . . 25 a Let no man best of Ronnyng nor vertue. Of whos V v/oundes prynte in youre herte a Rose. Printed from this MS. in Lydgate's Minor Poems, p. 22. 5. Off god and kynde pwcedith all beaute 27* By exsaumple of hir youre homys cast away. Printed in Halliwell and Wright's Reliquiae Antiquae, I, p. 79, and in Minor Poems, p. 46, from other MSS. 6. Towarde the eende of frosty Januarie 29 a Looke welle youre myrrours and deme noon other night. Printed in Minor Poems, p. 156, from another MS. 7. The worlde so wide the eyre so remevable . . . . 33 a Toward ^at life where ioy is ay lastyng. Printed in Minor Poems, p. 193, from another MS. 8. As of hony men gadre out swetnes 36 a With hym to dwell aboue J>e sterrys clere. Printed in Minor Poems, p. 216, from another MS. 9. Pax. Mercye and truth met on a high mountayn . . . . 37 ^ MS. S6] JESUS COLLEGE. 89 For vs to come to everlastyng pees. Another MS. in Trin. Coll. Camb. R. 3. 11. 10. Misericordias doniini in etemum cantabo . . . . 41a All goostly songes and ympnes )>ai be sunge. Eternally J"! mercies ]>e\ do syng. Another MS. in Trin. Coll. Camb. R. 3. 21. 11. Incipit doctrina Sana 44a Who will be hole and kepe hym fro sekenes. To all indifferent richest dietarie. Printed in Minor Poems, p. 66 (except the stanzas 1-4) from another MS. 1 2. Incipit tractatus de Regibus anglie post conquestum . . 46 a This myghty Willam duke of Normandye. Longe to reioyssh and Regne here in his right. This copy ends with Henry VL Two other copies ending with Edward IV. are in MS. Trin. Coll. Camb. R. 3. 21. 13. Incipit Pater noster ........ 471^ A twine drede and tremblyng Reverence. By goodly fauoure to correl of >eire grace. 14. Incipiunt quindecim gaudia beate marie . . . . . 530 A twene mydnyght and he fressh morowe graye. As hereto forre is shewid )>e maner. [Quindecim dolores beatae Mariae] 551^ Without title : written as a continuation of the preceding. As ye haue herde accomplysshid i>e gladnes. Where J>u failest tat men shall Jje correcte. 15. De profundis clamaui 58 a Hauyng a conceyte in my symple wite. At his chirch to hyng it on the wall. Written in Lydgate's old age at the command of W. C, see last stanza. 16. Letabundus .......... 60^ Grounde take in vertue by Patriark^j' oldes. This nowe yere doth \ier on Remembre. 1 7. Incipiunt quindecim 00 6},b Blissid lorde my lorde O IhU crist. The charter asselid whan hou hing on he Roode. 18. Incipit oracio ad crucem 70 i In criice sum pro te qui peccas desine pro me. 90 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 56 Desine do veniam sic culpam retraho penam. Upon a cros nailed I was for the. At hir request to vs be m^rciable. ig. Incipit de sancta Maria 7'^ O quene of heuen of hell eeke empires. On Cristes passion and on hir Joyes fyve. 20. Incipit de osculo sancto ad verbum caro fachtni est . . . 7^^ Ye deuout peple which kepe on obseruance. Which for \i\ sake werid a croun of Thorn. Printed in Minor Poems, p. 60, from another MS. ■21. Stella cell extirpauit . . . . . . . . 73" Thou heuenly quene of grace oure lood sterre. Saue all M s^ruantes from stroke of pestilence. 12. Incipit de decim martiribus ....... 73 ^ Blessed denys of Athenis chief sonne. As tu art verray martir and virgyne. 23. Incipit de sancto Leonardo ....... 75^ Rest and refuge to folke disconsolate. Where aungels were wont to syng Osanna. 24. Incipit de tribus virginibus Katerina Margareta ^ Magdalena 76 a Katerina with glorious M^rgarete. Ihii haue marcye when we on to be call. 25. Incipit de xi millibus virginibus . . . . . . 76 ^ Ye briton martirs famous in p^rfitnes. Vs to socoure lorde when we to J>e call. 26. Stans puer ad mensam . . . . . . . . 773 My dere childe first H self enable. Put all defaute vpon John Lidgate. Printed in Jfel. Ant. i. 156, from this MS. 27. Si detts est animus nobis ut carmina dicunt .... 78^921^ Hie tibi precipue sit pura mente colendus. For why ]>zX. god is inwardly >e witt. Nat bot symplenes of witt. Explicit liber Catonis. MS. 57] JESUS COLLEGE. 91 57. Q. G. 9. COLLECTIO ErRORUM, ETC. Vellum, 7| x 5^, ff. 259, 38 lines to a page. English. Cent. xv. Binding: original, white skin over boards. Presented by Mr Man. Collatio7i: a*-v^ w^^-z^^ aa^* bb'^ cc^^ (wanting 10, 11, 12 blank): 259 leaves. Provenance: probably Durham. There are tags cut from the same MS. as in Q. B. 6. Not in Catt. Vett. Contents : 1. CoUectio errorum in anglia et parisius condempnatorum qui sic per capitula distinguuntur et primo de erroribus con- dempnatis in anglia . . . . . . . . f. i Primum capitulum de erroribus in gramatica. Follows a table of the 2 1 chapters. Isti sunt errores condempnati a iifratre Roberto de Kyluarby archiepiscopo cantuar. de consensu omnium magistrorum tam regentium quam non regentium apud oxoniam die jouis proxima post festum sci cuthberti in quadragesima • anno diii millesimo • ducentesimo • septuagesimo sexto. De erroribus in gramatica primum capitulum. Ego currit, tu currit, etc. On f. 7 a is a confirmation, and additions to the list, by John (Peckham) Abp of Canterbury, dated Ap. 30, 1286. 2. Table, in another hand, to the next item 8 3. Thomas Aquinas de malo ....... 9 The heading, partly cut off, is : P- (.""N) Thomas de malo Ends on f. 166 a. S. 166 b, 167 b have scribbles : on 168 * is a list of books : Isti sunt libri quos emit Thomas de Wyniston oxonie. Tota summa Thome de Aquino in quatuor uoluminibus . videl. Prima pars summe per se • prima secunde per se ■ secunda secunde (erased) per se et tercia pars per se •!• ultima pars. Totum scriptum eiusdem Thome super sentencias in tribus uoluminibus, videl. primum scriptum super primum sent, et scriptum super secundum sent, in vno volumine. Item scriptum super tercium sent, in vno volumine per se et scriptum super quartum sent, per se sed finis eiusdem scripti scil. a quadragesima distinctione exclusiue usque ad finem ligatur cum ultima parte summe. Item liber qui intitulatur contra gentiles per se. et est eiusdem Thome de Aquino. Item tabula super libros no/aMes. et liber qui intitulatur de ueritate in vno volumine. Item questiones egidij de esse et essencia & de cognitione angelorum et de mensura angelorum. & questiones egidij super primum sentenciarum .s. usque ad vicesimam 92 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 58 primam distinctionem • et questiones bartholomei super decreta et tabubula super originalia in vno volumine. Item . . . . ra Thome de Aquino super quatuor libros sentent. : et questiones fratris Willelmi de Ware super quatuor libros sent, in vno volumine. Item summa fratris minoris nomine de media villa hoc est de menevyl et questiones eiusdem de quolibetis. et questiones fratris egidij de quolibetis • et questiones fratris Willelmi de heyham disputate in scolis et determinate. Item questiones fratris Tome de Aquino de spiritualibus creaturis. Item • 7 • quolibeta eiusdem. Item de potencia. Item (erasure) ...s henrici de gandauo improbate. Item 21 questiones de anima • Thome. Item questiones fratris egidij super primum sent. s. 19 distinctiones. Item tractatus fratris Roberti (Kilwardby erased) herford. Item questiones fratris R. de Kilwardby super sent. , psalterium Item postille super ( lucam fratris nicholay de goram. ^ epistolas pauli Item Ricardus de trinitate (Erasures.) (Erasure) questiones super librum Liber de malo hoc est iste liber corruptorium per se (erasure) magistri h. de gandauo in duobus uoluminibus. cum probacione sua volumina.... 4. Tractatus de peccato mortali i. i6ga Quoniam sicut habetur deut" 25. In another hand. An Index at the end. The original Table of Contents runs thus : 1. Errores in diuersis scientijs condempnati paiisius et in anglia. 2. Questiones de malo cum titulis questionum preuiis. 3. Tractatus bonus de peccato mortali et veniali et ceteris peccati speciebus cum titulis questionum et tabula vocali in fine. 58. Q. G. 10. ScALA Chronica. Vellum, 9| x 6|, fif. 87 ; part i., 2 columns of 32 lines each ; part ii., 2 columns of 33 lines each. Cent. xiv. Binding: modern. Collation : a^ (wants i and 4) b^ c» d^ e^ f g« h' i^ || k" 1« (wants 6). MS. 59] JESUS COLLEGE. 93 Contents : 1. The Scala Chronica of Thomas Gray (d. 1369?), in French prose, imperfect at the beginning. Partly edited by Stevenson for the Maitland Club. The principal MS. is at Corpus Christi (Cambridge), no. 132 {. i a The present copy is imperfect at the beginning. The first words are drount a brut de loranguise et del seruage. The first rubric (f. 49) is comment les deux freres mamp'z et Maulin estriuerent pour la terre. This copy goes down to the death of Henry IIL in 1272. The Corpus MS. ends in 1362. 2. A chronicle in Latin beginning in the year 1042 and ending (imperfectly) with the death of Simon de Montfort . . 710 The last quire is misbound : ff. 83, 84 are turned round : the true order is f. 82, 84 *, 84 a, 83 6, 83 a, 85-87. Elizabeth pigott (xvi) is on the margin of f. 40 a. Thomas pigott est verus posser {sic) huius libri, f. 53 a. This Chronicle is extracted from the important Annals of Waverley, a Cistercian house near Farnham. These Annals were edited by Dr Luard for the Rolls Series from the MS. in the Cottonian Collection. The present text is shorter and begins at a later date, but the source is unmistakeable : cf. a MS. at Magd. Coll. Oxford, (no. cxcix.) K The text begins on p. 180, ed. Luard, and ends with the words Henrici filij, p. 365, ed. Luard. There is a xviith cent, transcript of this Chronicle in MS. Bodl. Tanner 383. 59. Q. G. II. GULIELMUS PaRISIENSIS, ETC. Vellum, 7^ X 5, ff. 151, 42 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : 2 double leaves of a xiiith cent. Psalter, containing parts of Psalms Ixxxviii-cxlii. Collation: a'-s^ t^ (+ 3* non distinguentes) : 151 leaves. Provenance: Durham. On f. 10 a is the inscription, de com- muni libraria monachor«»2 dunelm. Occurs in the Catalogue of ^ Compare also a chronicle in Bodl., Laud. Misc. 564, Hardy, Catalogue of Materials, iii. 208. 94 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 60 1395, Catalogi Veteres, p. 72, Libraria claustralis, with the letter C and " ii fo., intelligitur." Contents : there are two tables of contents, one of cent, xv on f. I b, one of cent, xvii on f i a. In principio librorum biblie et quot capita quibus libris continentur . . . . . . • . . f. 2 a Meditacio cuiusdam sapientis de custodia interioris hominis. Ad interioris hominis custodiam insinuandam . . ,2b Notulae excerptae de diversis Doctoribus .... 5 a One from Ricardus heremita de Aluernia Episc. 4. Willelmus Parisiensis de fide et legibus, in five books . . 10 a 5. Dialogus de deo et anima ex Trismegisto. Asclepius iste pro solo ........ '35^ 6. An extract : anime non ex traduce procreantur . . . 140 a 7. Confessio Joh. Wickliff de Sacramento altaris. Corpus christi est idem 140 i 8. Extract : Omnes debemus laudare dominum .... 144 b 9. De sacerdotum negligentia in divinis ofiiciis celebrandis. Dolens refero .......... 145 10. Excerpta e Patribus de oratione ...... 14615 11. 'Alueredus' (Ailred of Rievaulx) de anima .... 147 a 12. Tractatus de mundo fugiendo. Diuina nobis monita . . 1493 13. Extracts: de peccato originali .150a On 151 ^ is the distich : No weyll wyll do & do no mys Fie fro evyll felyschyp were so euer it ys. Nos. 1-3 and 6-13 are in one hand, no. 4 in a smaller hand, no. 5 possibly in the same, but in different ink. 60. Q. G. 12. Medica. XV. Vellum and paper, 8^ x 5^, fif. 316, 37 lines to a page. Cent. Modern binding. Collation: a? (vellum) b^" (i, 20, 10, 11 vellum) c™ (i, 20, 10, 11 (vellum) d^" (i, 20, lO, ii vellum) e^" (i, 20, 10, 1 1 vellum) f^" (i, 20, 10, II vellum) g^" (ut sup.) h^" (ut sup.) i™ (ut sup.) k^" (ut sup.) P (i, 8, 5, 6 vellum) m'^^ (i, 22, 11, 12 vellum) n^" (i, 20, 10, 11 vellum) o^" (ut sup.) p^" (ut sup.) q^^ (i^ 12, 6, 7 vellum) r^" (i, 20, 10, 1 1 vellum) s^ (wants 6, 7, not lost) : 316 (1-8 : 1-308). MS. 6l] JESUS COLLEGE. 95 Contents : 1. Index of Diseases {. i a 2. Prognostics of Hippocrates i i 3. Receipts. Balsamum 26 Aqua aromatica ......... 4 i 4. Table to the following work ....... 7 a 5. A medical encyclopaedia, in alphabetical order ... i a Inc. : Abhominacio. Contra abhominacionem et fastidium. The last word is vulvia . . . . . . . 274 a 6. Miscellaneous receipts : Pro peste Rec. diarodon abbatis tassLnd .... 275 l> Puluis pestil. secundum hall de lichefeld. The last receipt on the page is marked 'lichefeld ut creditur.' Pro sciatica in English ; other Latin receipts .... 276 a 7. Practica Mag. Bernardi de villa noua Cathalani . . . 277 a Quoniam de melioribus amicis. 8. Tractatus breuis et vtilis Bernardi de Gordonio . . . 281 a g. Verses. (See post) 282 6 10. Two indices 283 «, 2863 11. Miscellaneous receipts ........ 299 a The last fly-leaf has scribbles : inter alia : /iTflScii ayav ne quid nimis. yySBi se auTos nosce teipsum. The verses on f. 282 1> run thus : Non didici gratis nee musa sagax Ipocratis Egris in stratis seruiet absque datis. Empta solet care multas medicina iuuare Siqua datur gratis nil confert vtilitatis. Res dare pro rebus pro verbis verba solemus Pro vanis uerbis montanis vtimur herbis. Pro caris rebus pigmentis et speciebus Dum dolet ihfirmus medicus sit pignore firmus. Instanter quere nummos uel pignus habere Fedus in antiquum conseruiat pignus amicum Nam si post queris querens inimicus haberis. 61. Q. G. 13. Regula S. Benedicti, etc. Vellum, 8 x 5 J, ff. 105, 31 lines to a page. Cent, xv, xiv. Wooden binding : re-backed : clasp : formerly covered with skin. Given by Mr Man. g6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 6l From Durham. On (. 8a is: Venerabilis magister monachus et professus dominus Johannes ffysshbum cancellarius ecclesie cath. Dunelm. Obiit pridie Idus maij anno domini millesimo cccc° xxx" quarto, cuius anime propicietur deus. amen. There is a rude sketch in black and red of a monk's head and " ^oAn ffysshburn " written beneath. Below is : Liber Johannis hamsterly (over an erasure) monachi Dunelm. disce pati. On gd is: Dominus Johannes (erasure) monachus eccl. cath. Dunellm. On loa is : Ister liber assignatur Almarolo nome'«e ... per venerabilem patrem magistrum huttone priorem ecc. cath. dunelm. Collation: i^ a" (14 cancelled) b'^ c^ || d« || e'^ {''' g« || h'^ || i^ || k'" (wants 9, 10, 12). Contents : I. ff. 1-8 are fly-leaves made up of parts of Durham account-rolls (xv). The years to which they refer are not mentioned ; the headings which remain are : Decima garb, paroch. de Pyttyngton Byllyngham Aclyff. Visitacio ecclesiarum Decima garb, paroch. de Jarow Wermouth Hesilden. Vendicio lane garmann corrij feodi brasing feodi coquine. Recepcio fomic. ...ad firmam dimiss. Empcio brasing pisarum et fabe vini equorum frumenti Decima garb, paroch. de heyghjmton Estmeryngton Aluerton Estryngton Loughall. 1. Table to the following work 9 i MS. 62] JESUS COLLEGE. 97 12. 13- Regula S. Benedicti Appendix in another hand. De monachis et canonicis regu- laribus et monialibus f. 41 was a double leaf: 41* is now loose. A table to no. 7 in 30 divisions Articuli super quibus in visitacione foret inquisicio facenda (su). In a later hand A tract headed C. R. D. A. Christi subueniat michi mater ut hoc bene fiat From the table we gather that the book was known as : Libellus 'Abbas uel prior' sic a suo principio nominatus. The opening words are 'Abbas uel prior': it is in 20 chapters with a prologue: in a hand of cent. xiv. The table A circular letter from the Abbots of S. Alban's, S. Mary's at York, S. Werburg at Chester, and others, to the Bene- dictines of England. Cent. xv. Reyner. Apostolat. Bened. App. Script. 70 . A similar letter from the Abbot of S. Alban's Printed 1. c. App. Script. 75. Rubrica de modo et forma procedendi in eleccione que obseruatur in practica secundum consuetudinem anglie. Licet circa diuersas ....... An explanation of the system of Arabic numerals . Utrum liceat prelato absque consensu sui conuentus obseruan ciarum dispensaciones sine mutaciones facere 37* H* 42 a 6<)b ^6a 88 a 96 a 103/) 104 a 62. Q. G. 14. Processionale. Vellum, 8 x 5^, ff. 46, 27 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Modern binding. A fragment of a Sarum Processional, noted : the leaves are bound in complete disorder. The true order is as follows : ff. 39-46 quire e= Processionale, ed. Henderson 51, Palm Sunday. 6\ > quire f. 61 J. MSS. 98 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 63 16-23 quire e. 24-31 quire/. 32-35 quire g (5 wanting). One leaf lost (Processionale, pp. 117-ixg, Rogations). 36-38 9-15 quire k (wants 8: ends on p. 131 Henderson, Assumption). The signatures e, f are repeated. The collation runs thus: e« P (misbound) ^ p g' (wants 5) h^ (wants 8) : 46 leaves. The writing is fairly good : there is no decorative work. 63. Q. G. 15. POGGII EpiSTOLAE, etc. Paper, 7 J x S^, fif. ^6, 18 lines to a page. Cent, xv, late. Given by Mr Man. Binding : parchment over wooden boards : strap and pin fasten- ing (gone). At least two quires of vellum gone at the beginning. Resembles the Bury books in respect of binding and general appearance. Collation : a}" (wants i) b^" c^" d^" e^^ (wants 10, 1 1, 12) : 76 leaves. Contents : Epistola barnardi ad Raymundum militem de cura et modo rei familiaris vtilius gubernande . . . . . . . f . i a Letter on the death of Galeotus ....... 3 i Dux Mediolani .......... ^i Epistolae Pogij oratoris illustrissimi 5 a 1. Petro Dondito Ep. Castellano. 2. Johanni Aretino. 3. Franc. Barbaro. 4. Leonardo Aretino. At the top is the rubric : Ricardo Secretario Epi. Wynton. 5. Leonardo Aretino. 6. Joh. Pratensi. Franc. Marescall. Ferrariens. Cosmo de Medicis. Nich. Lusco. Guarino. Valasco Portugalensi. To the same. Guarino. MS. 64] JESUS COLLEGE. 99 14. Victurino. 15. Illustri principi D. Joh. Franc. Marchioni Mantue. 16. Carolo Aretino. 17. Leon. Aretino. 18. Leon. Estensi. 19. Guarinus Leonello Estensi. «o. Poggius Franc. Barbaro. Illustriss. et literatiss. principi et domino D. humffredo duci gloucestrie. Si velimus tociens 260 To the same from Thomas de campo fregoso Januensis dux . . i^j a At the end (26^): Amen quod Tpmbs brmkn = Tomas Armin. Dilucidarium lemonocensis (sc. Joh. Lemovicensis) de sompno pharaonis ........... 28 « This is a tract dedicated to Theobald King of Navarre, and printed by Wagenseil, and also by Fabricius i^Cod. Pseud. V. T. i. 441). It is of frequent occurrence. It consists of 20 letters, which are supposed to be written by Joseph, Pharaoh, the chief butler, the magicians, the courtiers, and Joseph's detractors. Ends on Tib. Scribbles follow on three blank leaves: the name Gregory Knagges is repeated. Some farm accounts follow, and a letter to Maister ffrancis Thornill to say ' ' my brother Thomas Fairwether has chosen you to be on his Jury concerning the sute between him and contlas." 64. Q. G. 16. BOETHIUS DE TrINITATE, ETC. Vellum, 7| x 5, ff. 1 19, 37 lines to a page. Cent. xii. Given by Mr Man. Bound in a leaf of a folio book of Canon Law with text and comment. Cent. xiv. Two pairs of leather tags serve to fasten it. Collation : a« b« (7, 8 blank, wanting) || c"-i" || k«-n» (+ 7*) o^. Provenance: Northern. The book strongly resembles nos. 52, 53. The name of the monastery that owned it has been erased on f zb. Contents : Boetii liber de Trinitate f- 3 « preceded by Table of contents (cent, xvii) i ^ Extracts about Boetius (cent, xii) 2 a Table of contents in red (cent, xii, xiii) .... il> 7—2 4 lOO CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 65 1. Eiusdem Epistola ad S. Johannem Diaconum Eccl. Rom. an tres personae de diuinitate substantialiter praedicentur . 5 b 3. Eiusdem Epistola ad eundem quomodo substantiae in eo quod sint, bonae sint, cum non sint substantialia bona . . 6 « Eiusdem Confessio fidei christianae 1 "■ 5. Eiusdem de Persona et Natura 9"- {. IS i is blanl<. 6. Anselmi Monologion 10 a Anselmi Proslogion 39 ^ Eiusdem de incarnatione uerbi 5° ''^ Eiusdem Prefacio in subditos tractatus 58 a Tractatus de ueritate 5^ * De libertate arbitrii 64 * 12. De casu diaboli ......... "joi f. 84 a, 85 6 are blank : 84 i, 85 a are covered with notes in pencil of cent, xiv, xv. 13. Eiusdem. Libri ii contra gentiles, cur deus homo . . 860: 14. De conceptu virginali et originali peccato . . 109 a Two blank leaves at end, with scribbles. 65. Q. G. 17. EXPOSITIO MiSSAE, ETC. Vellum, 7^ X 5 J, ff. 71 (69 numbered), 30 lines to the page for the most part. Cent, xii, xiii. Given by Mr Man. Binding : a leaf of a folio Psalter in double columns, cent, xiii, the same book in which nos. 20 and 25 are bound. The fly-leaves are from the smaller Psalter, which has been used to bind Q. G. 4 and 5. At the beginning is the middle sheet of a quire containing parts of Pss. xli. (xiii.) Judica me — xliv. (xlv.) Deits aiiribiis. At the end is a sheet containing parts of Pss. xxxiii. Exultate iusti, xxxvi. Noli emulari. The provenance of this and the other books in which fragments of this Psalter recur is probably Durham. This is probably the volume described on p. 25 of Catt. Vett. " D. Exp. missae cum sermonibus et quodam tract, de officiis eccle- siasticis ii. fo., anf quasi!' Collation: 2}" b^-P g^ (wants i) h^ i". Contents : I. Expositio misse. In uirtute sancte crucis . . . . f. t id lines to a page. MS. 65] JESUS COLLEGE. lOI 2. Extracts : on leprosy 8 b on the Holy Ghost given to the Apostles . . 92 Notes hi a very small hand, g b. 3. Sermons : 1. Sermo Gibuini de filio prodigo. Fili mi, memorare . 10 a 2. Et nunc reges intelligite ....... 10* a 5. Sicut portauimus ........ 10* b 4. Dom. Quinquagesime. Egredere de terra . . . 10* b Adorna thalamum . . . . . . . . lib 4. Extracts . . . . . . . . . . 12a 5. Sermo in Annunciatione dominica. Conuerti me ad portam . 17 a 6. Sermo in festo Apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Transiens autem primam . . . . . . . . . . 19 a 7. Sermo in Purificacione B. M. Postquam impleti. Uolumus dilecti gratia . . . . . . . . . 2t« 8. Sermo Synodalis. Erudimini qui iudicatis terram . • 23 a 9. Sermon, Surge qui dermis 250; 10. Sermo in Quadragesima. Dixi confitebor . . . . 26 1^ ri. ,, in die Epiphanie. Qui sedes super cherubin . . 28 i 12. Sermon for Pentecost. Spiritus domini impleuit . . . 291^ 13. Sermo in Assumptione B. M. Tota pulcra...Presens gloriose virginis . . . . . . . . . . 'iia 14. Extract. Legitur quod septem populos . . . . 32 15 15. Sermon, Omnis caro corruperat i,i<'- 16. ,, Vie syon lugent 34 a 17. ,, In hunc modum loquitur patres . . . . iia. 18. De institutione misse et de intellectu eorum que in ea con- tinentur et ordine oracionum. Introitus sacerdotis... . 36a 19. Rubric gone. Ut intinguatur pes tuus 37 a 20. „ Oritur sol et occidit 37 * 21. Sermo in dedicatione ecclesie. Domum tuam decet . . 38 15 22. Rubric gone. Intrauit ihesus in quoddam castellum . . 39* 23. Sermon on the parable of the Vineyard (Matt, xx.) . . 41a 24. ,, Ite baptizate A'ib 25. ,, Cum inuitatus fueris ad nuptias . . . . 43'^ 26. Dom. i. post octavam Pentecostes. Temptatus est ihesus . 44 a 27. „ iii. ,, ,, ,, Que mulier habens drag- mas 45*2 28. Three extracts 46 * 29. Sermo in Quadragesima. Utinam appenderentur . . . 46 o 30. Dominica .xiij. Et approprians samaritanus. Hec sunt uerba 47^ 31. Quid sit fides A^' 32. Exposition of some Levitical ceremonies . . ■ • 49 « In two columns of 32 lines. 33. Sermo in Dom. palmarum. Dauid futura spiritu preuidens . 52 a 34. Sermo magistri Petri in.... Surge aquilo, 35 lines to a page 54a 35. iMiscellaneous extracts 55"^ I02 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 66 36. Sermon. Sumetur de sanguine agni 57 " 37. Extracts 5^ ^ 38. Incipit de xij apostolis ubi nati fuerint et in quibus terris pre- dicauerint et quomodo martirio coronati sint . . . 69 '^ 39. Questiones de diuersitate in officiis ecclesiasticis . . . 59 * Querendum est quis primum clericus factus est in memoriam dominice passionis. The hand changes on 60 a to double columns of 45 lines. Ends imperfectly on 6g6: Quare in prima non recitatur lectio post psalmos ut in aliis horis. Quia sicut psalmi. 66. Q. G. 18. Petri Cantoris Tropi, etc. Vellum, 6| x 5, fif. ^y + 5, double columns of 39 lines. Cent, xiii, xiv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : one cover remains of cent, xvii .'' stamped with a gold pheasant in the centre, which according to Mr Jenkinson is a Cam- bridge binder's mark. Collation: ^P \P c" d^ (wants 3) e» (wants 4, 5) f^" (wants 4) g^" h^ (wants 8) : "]"] leaves. Provenance: seemingly Durham, to judge by the hand in which the title of the first tract is written. Contents : 1. Tropi magistri petri cantoris parisius : Videmus nunc per speculum et in enigmate . . . i. \a 2. Svbtilis exposicio simboli traditi a beato anastio (sc. Atha- nasio). Sicut ait apostolus fides est . . . . . 390 3. Exposicio parui simboli s. laicorum : Quoniam ut ait Augustinus . . . . . . 43 a In another hand : headed sancti spiritus assit nobis gratia. Exposicio parui simboli explicit. Incipit representacio tem- porum que finierunt ab inicio mundi usque ad finem pj ■ p • un • li • q> • fa • q". On two leaves (e 4, 5) which are gone. 4. Sentencia dominice orationis exposita breuiter nee non vti- liter. vbi tanguntur • vii • peticiones prout comparantur • vii . donis spiritus sancti. Licet sciat deus ......... j g ^ 5. Sententia beati Roberti lincolniensis episcopi de fide et arti- culis fidei incipit jo ^ MS. 67] JESUS COLLEGE. 1 03 6. Sententia sancti Roberti lincolniensis episcopi de confessione . 59 b 7. A tract without rubric. Debentes de nobis racionem bonam reddere 65 15 8. Tractatus de penitentia breuis et utilis. Cum septem sacra- menta sint 68 ^ g. Tractatus de quatuor uirtutibus cardinalibus . . . . 73 a Sicut dicit beatus Bernardus. 10. Tractatus de sompno breuis 74 a Hora est jam nos de sompno surgere. 11. Augustinus de assumptione B. M. V 76a Ad interrogata. Ends imperfectly: vincula eius retinen... The fly-leaves are from a MS. of similar form and date. They consist of five leaves. The first four are the two middle sheets of a quire, apparently a treatise on preaching. {. la ends with a rubric : de confirmacione modorum. Consequenter redeamus pre- dictos modos confirmantes. 2 a quomodo hiis modis hndemus. 2 r de supplemento dictorum modorum, on the interpretation of names. Agnaes quasi agna es ut per agnam innuatur eius innocencia similiter eadburg quasi ediburg quasi beata ciuitas similiter in Gallico tresor quasi tre sord cui consonat quod temporalia a Sanctis dicuntur stercora. Ends on 3 ^ : sed sufficit procede ut procedit ecclesiasticus. 3 b Augustinus de latrone pendente in cruce. 4 b Sermo de S. Maria V. Sicud dicit hillarius. f. 5 begins : sic plane verus amor morbus est, ends 5 i : in ha musica et beatificatur tota celestis curia ad quam uos perdicat deus etc. Amen. Col. 1 blank. 67. Q. G. 19. Wallensis Communeloquium, etc. Vellum, 7^ x 5^, ff. 228, 33 lines to a page. Cent. xiv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : two sheets of a Psalter of cent. xiii. Large hand, single lines, containing parts of Pss. Confitemini Super flumina || Laetatus sum and Ad te levavi |] In conuertendo || Laudate nomen. Collation: a}^ b"^ c^ d^^-t^^ u^ Provenance: no doubt Durham. The hand of the title is unmistakable. I04 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 68 Contents : On f. I a is: G. Communeloquium Wallensis G. Et oculus moralis cum tabula eiusdem in fine. In Caft. Vett. p. 77, we find G. Communeloquium Wallensis : et Tractatus de oculo morali: cum tabula super Comm. Wall, in fine : ii fo. " rerum accepcione." 1. Hie incipit tractatus qui dicitur summa coUectionum . . f. i a Ends on f. 168^: Expl. tractat. qui dicitur commune loquium (in another hand) compositus a fratre Joh. Walensi de ord. fratr. minorum qui quidem Johannes socius erat Johannis Kidinnas. 2. Two extracts : (a) Repletus spiritus sancti gratia. (b) Hugo de claustro anime. Hec sunt ille fenestre . . i6Sb f. 169/; is blank. 3. Oculus moralis per Lincoln. . . . . . . . 170 a 4. Table in two columns ........ 225 b f. 228 i^: In isto volumine continentur summa Wanlensis et summa de oculo morali cum tabula (erasure). precium xl s. Fly-leaves : parts of five at beginning and three at end : double columns : small hand, cent, xiv : on baptism (?). 68. Q. G. 20. Aegidii Summa, etc. Vellum, 7 X 5, ff. 148, varying numbers of lines. Cent, xiii, xiv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : modern. Provenance : Durham (J). Collation : ii'^ iii^^ iiij'" v^" || i'^ iii2 iijie iiiji2 ^e y ^^4 '^\-^_^\-. g4 Contents : 1. Notule Decretalium : an analysis of the Decretals in 5 books . f. \a The first quire (of 12 leaves ?) gone : in two columns of 42 lines. 2. Miscellaneous notes ........ j.6 ,5 3. Aegidii Foscarii summa juris canonici: in another hand, 45 lines to a page . » a Ends on loi b. MS. 69] JESUS COLLEGE. 1 05 4. Notes in another hand : cases of canon law .... 102 a De modo intronizandi episcopum ...... 104 b Miscellaneous notes, much nibbed 105 a 105 i blank. 5. Libellus fugitiuus compositus a mag. nepote de monte albano: hand of no. 3. At top : Liber magistri Henrici de Lutebyr (?). Ends on f. 145 b. 6. Extracts : A statute (?): Attendens ego Benaguido 146 a f. 147 blank. f. 148 a Willelmus permissione diuina Norwycensis episcopus dilectis filiis Abbate et conuentui de Geng'l (Genling') : about the Churches of All Saints and S. Peter and the Chapel of S. Paul at Gesynham (Gesinham). Between ff. 80, 81 is stitched a deed : In dei nomine amen. Nos Ainer«s penniss. diu. Line. Eps. domine Sybille Maurewad GUberto de Oleby et Roberto de Scepeye ex officio ad promocionem mag. Johannis de Melton (?) rectoris eccl. de Hauerhill executoris quondam mag. Joh. de Melton rectoris eccl. de ^etelby defuncti orrimus per presentes quod licet idem de- functus viginti libras annul redditus ad erogandum in pios usus per manus magr. Joh. exe- cutoris predicti in suo testamento rite condito et autoritate (?) cedinar', approbato legasset. dicti tamen Sibilla Gilbertus et Robertus uoluntatera memorati defuncti procedere usu sinentes immo dictum redditum ut prouenit penes se propriam detinentes vel alias solucionem eiusdem fieri executori predicto non permittentes ipsius testamenti execu- cionem impediunt manifeste. maiores (-is) excommunicacionis sentenciam in omnes tales a canone promulgatam dampnabiliter incurrendo super quo contra ipsos et eorum quem- libet ad anime coap • tionem intendimus ex officio procedere ad promocionem executoris predicti et statuere quod est iustum, eisque ac omnibus quorum interest exhibere iusticie compleraentum. 69. Q. G. 21. SUMMA RaYMUNDI, ETC. Vellum, 7 X 5, ff. 108, double columns of 48 lines. Cent, xiii, xiv. Given by Mr Man. Binding: original: brown leather over boards : .strap and pin fastening. Provenance : Durham. Collation : a'M^^. io6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 70 Contents : 1. On fly-leaves, notes and memorial verses, extracts from Aug. and Bernard. 2. Summa Raymundi de communi librario monachorum Dunelm. See Catt. Vett. p. 36, T. summa Raymundi ii fo., "Sacramenti." Ends on 1053. 3. In another (later and larger) hand a tract on Marriage Lavir. 4. Quoniam frequenter in foro penitentiali dubitaciones circa matrimonium ......... The end is gone : at least one quire is lost. 105 i 70. Q. G. 22. ROBERTUS LiNCOLNIENSIS IN BoETHIUM, ETC. Vellum, 6| x 5|, ff. 122, 52 lines to a page, in a neat small running hand of cent. xv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : white vellum with a small stamp. Provenance : probably Durham : not in Catt. Vett. Collation : a"-h'^ i". Contents : 1. Roberti Grosthead Commentum in Boetium de Consolatione Philosophiae . . . . . . . . . {. la There is a good initial and partial border of characteristic English vpork. Expl. comentum Mag. Rob. Grosthede lincolniensis episcopi super Boecio de philosophica consolacione. Deo gracias quod Robertus Emylton 89 3 2. Recapitulacio metrorum consolacionis philosophice Anicij mallij Seuerini boecij exconsulis ordinarij . . . . 89 a 3. Ambrosius de bono mortis . . . . . . . go 6 Expl. libellus b. Ambrosij qui intitulatur de bono mortis. Deo gracias quod R. Emylton ...... 100 a 4. Libellus hugonis de S. Victore de virtutibus et vicijs . . 100 i Expl. ...Deo gracias quod R. Emylton 107 a 5. Libellus Magistri hugonis de S. Victore de consciencia . . 107 a ... Deo gracias quod R. Emylton . . . . 109 ns 6. Lucij annei senece ad callionem de remedijs fortuitorium . 109 a ...Deo gracias quod R. Emylton . . . . ma A few marginal notes in a slightly later hand. MS. 70] JESUS COLLEGE. 107 7. P. ovidii Nasonis de Vetula liber tercius .... Iste sunt cause propter quas ammodo nolo Viuere sicut erara solitus nee subdere coUum. With some marginal notes in Emylton's hand. Ends: Pro nobis te non pigeat suadere quod ad te Nos trahat is per te qui per te uenerit ad nos Maxima quem per te dileccio traxerit ad nos A nobis ipsi sit gloria laudis ab ipso Gracia sit nobis et mete nescia vita. Ouidij Nasonis pelignensis de vetula liber tercius explicit, duobus primis hie omissis propter multa que interseruntur scurrilia. Deo gracias quod R. Emylton .... 8. Incipit tractatus et causa quare singula volumina sua com- posuit iste ouidius. In librorum inicijs septem solent inquiri que ad causas • 4 • reducuntur — ideo in laudem illius virginis terminzX librum suum .......... g. Sequitur eciam prefacio leonis prothonotarij que preponitut isti libello vt cercius appareat quod ouidius erat eius auctor. Ovidius naso peligni ruris alumpnus Certus ab exilio se iam non posse reuerti Et querens quecumque sibi solacia librum 122 a Edidit hunc, in eo describens quis modus ipsi Viuendi fuerat. tunc quum vacabat amori Quare mutauit et quomodo postea vixit Quidve intendebat simul ac ab amore vacauit Imposuitque suo titulum nomenque libello De vetula pro qua fuerat mutacio facta Inque suo secum iussit condire sepulcro Vt sua si saltern contingeret ossa referri Cor redeunte libro rediuiuum nomen haberet Sed quia nuUus eis curauit de referendis Nee fuit ante/«ptim lectus nee habetur in vsu Quaeritur unde mihi quod opus processerit istud Versibus exametris solum nee subduplicatum More meo pentememerim cum nuUus herois (-um) Hie describatur sed qui perlegerit ipsum Sedulus inueniet seruiti semper amoris A modo me debere iugo subducere. sic quod Respondere sibi poterit cur euacuata Causa debuerit cantus et euacuari Versus amatorum proprius venerique dicatus. Explicit prefacio leonis prothonotarij sacri palatij bizantei sub vacacio principe in librum Ouidij Nasonis pelignensis de vetula. Deo gracias quod R Emylton. Ill i5 ii<)b 121 b I08 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 7 1, 72 f. 122 ^. A page of writing in a different hand. The beginning of a tract : ...estra nouit. Jnte" de scolarium disciplina compendiosum postulate tractatum. A MS. by this scribe was sold in 1895 at the Phillipps sale at Sotheby's (lot 92). Compare no. 56 of the Sidney Sussex MSS. 71. Q. G. 24. RiCARDI DE S. ViCTORE SeRMONES, ETC. Vellum, 6| x 5, ff. 44, 21 and 25 hnes to a page. Cent, xiii (early). Given by Mr Man. Binding : parchment over mill-boards. Provenance: Durham. On i a: B. De communi libraria mona- chorum dunelm. super euangelium Ductus est. Thus entered in the Catalogue of 1395 {Catt. Vett. p. 75): Sermo Ricardi de S. Victore super Euangelium Ductus est lesus in dcsertum a Spiritu et omeliae Joh. Crisostomi super Euangelium Egressus lesus. ii fo. appareret gracia. Collation : a'-d*' e^. Contents : 1. A Sermon on the Temptation. Ductus est ihesus in desertura a spiritu. De serie lectionis euuangelice sufficit hucusque. In sermone presenti non oportet progredi ultra f. i o . . . Ibi ab ipso et in ipso et de ipso non homine sed deo id est non secundum ipsius humanitatem sed secundum ipsius diuini- tatera saciatur plenarie apparente glorie illius plenitudine qui est gloriosus et benedictus in secula seculonmi amen . . 34 i ff- 35' 36 blank. 2. Omelia beati Johannis Crisostomi de muliere Chananaea . . 37 a In another hand, 25 lines to a page. Ends on 44 a. 72. Q. G. 25. Misc. Medica. Vellum and paper, 6 x 4^, ff. 205, 27 lines to a page. Cent, xv (late). Binding : limp vellum. ^S. 72] JESUS COLLEGE. 109 Collation : a" (v) b^ (wants 3, 5, 10, 19, 20, 29, 34 v) d" (i, 8, 13, 18, 19, 24, 29, 36 v) d^^ (3, 5, 16, 17, 25, 30 v: wants 18) ff^'' (2, 4, 17, 18, 31, 33 v) gs (v: wants 8) h'"' (vellum guards outside and in middle) j^ (I, 14, 15, 28 v). Contents : 1. Receipts in English, almost illegible f . i a Receipts in Latin 1 1) 2. Incipiunt notabilia distinctiones textus distinctiones librorum de anima extracte : (h)onor honorabiliiim noticiam opinantes . . . . 14 a On the L. margin is a scroll: nauseat anima mea distia"'=s ( = distinctiones). At the bottom, a grotesque human figure, and two dogs fighting. Primus liber de Anima : honor honorabilhtm actor Tractaturus philosophus de anima 1 5 a Secundus liber : Et quidem a prioribus tradita sunt Actor. Tractando de anima sed opiniones ....... lab Explicit 23 ^ Quoniam a duabus drucijs. Actor 33 i et sic terminatur liber 3""^ de anima ad laudem creatoris animarum qui est deus benedictus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit 3''"* liber de Anima quod Sutton . . . i,\b 3. Memorial verses, ? logical: hostem nouit euuolo ■ 9 ■ iuuat • agmina christi ffur • dampnum • repere • bene getilem • nouitatis . 42 a 4. Receipts in Latin, for stains on clothes etc 4-2 ^ and scribbles. 5. Utrum logica sit scientia. Quod non sit probatur Quia modus sciendi non est scientia 49 u 6. Hie incipiunt distincciones et notabilia extracta a questionibus super primum librum phisicorum Aristotelis. Primo notabile quod cuiuslibet casus existen/iV rei . . . 55 a On margin of 58 a a scroll : hie incipit primus liber phisicorum. Expl. quoddam compendium vtilissime extractum de 8. libris phisicorum q. t. s 74 a 7. Receipts in Latin. Scribbles. A hymn : .Stella celi \ Mater meli V superne deitatis Vectrix veli J Pelle pestem \ Pande vestem L donatrix sanitatis Nunc celestem 1 I lo CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 73 Ora natum \ Ne peccatum I carnis egritudine Perpetratum j Quod nos fedat \ Sanos ledat S. dire mortis vlcere Viuos cedat j 8. Hie incipiunt notabilia extracta ex tercio de anima secundum Alexandrum ......... S6a Notandum est sicut omne mdetui. Ends without explicit on 98 b. 9. Receipts in Latin ......... 99 a 10. Without title. Primo est sciendum secundum M. henricum de mandavilla quod eodum modo operatur cecus in ligno et cirurgicus in corpora cuius anothomiam ignorat . . . 115 i5 Explicit Albertus super quedam dicta magistri henrici de mandevilla de anothomia corporis cum quibusdam super- additis >39^ 11. Receipts: the last (added) on 1500 ends with the words: pro moniali apud sherefhoton. 12. Arnaldus de noua uilla de gradibus . . . . . iSo/5 13. Receipts 152 a 14. A separate book of Receipts for the different parts of the body. Conferunt cerebro... Ends on 164 . . . I5S« 15. Contenta magistri Walteri Agulini de urinis .... 169a 16. Receipts 175 a Continued to end of volume. 73. Q. G. 26. DiCTIONARIUM ThEOLOGICUM. Vellum, Sf X 4, ff. 271+8, double columns of 29 lines each. Cent, xiv, xv. Given by Mr Man. Binding : the original wooden boards, no back. Collation : x" (blank) : a^-m^ n^ (+ a slip) o^-u^ (wants 7) v^-z* aa'-kk^ : ii^ (fly-leaves). Contents : A Theological Encyclopaedia: Absolucio dicitur Z. scilicet absolucio autoritativa : Zelus. ...ibi inconstancia et omne opus prauum. The colophon (two lines) is erased. MS. 74] JESUS COLLEGE. Ill ff. 264 d-268 a are blank : on 268 6, in col. 2, begins an extract : Gladium appellat dolorem affectum dominice passionis. In marg. : haec bernardus. Miscellaneous extracts follow to end of 27 1 //. The fly-leaves at end are unfinished sheets of an English gloss on Psalm xvii. (xviii.), xvth cent. Also: Iste liber pertinet ad me WylliS coUywood (xv, xvi). At beginning: Thomas Man 1651. 74. Q. G. 27. WiLLELMUS DE CONCHES SUPER BOETHIUM. Vellum, 5f x 3f, ff. 129, 20 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Binding: leather, xviith-xviiith cent. Provenance. The following names occur : G. Blyth : sum liber Georgij Barcroft A malo fuge et fac bonum : Johannes Benn de Monden Magna in com. Hartfordiae et Sidnoei CoUegij in Aca- demia Cantabrigiensi alumnus Martij 16. 1620: Liber Collegij Jesu 1669. E. B. Collation : a^-g^ (h i gone) k" l^-o^ p^ (+ &* sed duo) q^ r^ (s gone) t^". Contents : Commentum Willelmi de conches super boecium de consolacione philosophie. Boecius iste nobilissimus romanus ciuis. On f. 129a: Remember Mistris Elis to M'' Rowsley for forti 1. of hemp ter and he is payd for the sam forti pownds and he must send vpp twenti pownds mor and she will pay hym att mechealmas next following by the Graice of God. In cover: George Barcroft will borrow of any that dare lende But to paye againe, he doth never intend erased Wherefore the lender is verie vnwise And the borrower a knave by good advice. Below, alia manii: Then the borrower's a knave and y' lender a fool, And for to learn witt hee had need go to schoole. 112 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 75, 76 75. Q. G. 28. OCULUS SPIRITUALIS, ETC. Vellum, Sf X 4j, ff. 219, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xiii, xiv. Given by Mr Man. Binding: old stamped leather (fleurs-de-lys and two rosettes) on boards : clasp gone. Provenance : Kirkstall. On f. i « is Liber monachorum beate marie de kyrkestall. On the verso of the last leaf: Liber sancte Marie de Kyrkestall' ex dono fratris Johannis de Driffeld' monachi • In die ascensionis domini • Anno domini • millesimo ■ ccc^ • xl° • iiij • Ad memoriam inter fratres perpetuandam et anitnam precibus deo comendandam. Collation : a^^-d^^ e" || f" g" h^" i'" k^" P" m" n'^ (+ 2* mense) oio_qio_ Contents : Tractatus de oculo spirituali ........ f. i Table 61 3 Table to the following work ........ 63 a Medulla philosophorum. /nc. Cum omne desiderii . . . 6gd Table to the following work 198 6 Tract without title (De uirtutibus) . . . . . . . 1991^ Cap. I De uirtute qwirmtium ad quatuor suas causas. Cap. ult. De eternitate felicitatis. Fly-leaves: a. adhering to first cover: a leaf of a chronicle in small hand (xiii, xiv). The year 968 and the names Lotharius Nicholaus Adrianus occur. It is largely obscured by the book plate. 6. A leaf and a half of Interpretationes nominum (xiii). c. At end, parts of two leaves in two columns (xii, xiii) of a Psalter or service-book, giving the beginnings of the verses of the Psalms Vsquequo domine to Expectans expectaui in a large rough hand. 76. Q. G. 29. S. HiERONYMUS AD DeMETRIADEM, ETC. Vellum, 4| x 3f, fif. 230, 20 lines to a page. Cent. xii. Binding : leather of cent, xvii (?) over original boards, formerly fastened with strap and pin. Given by Mr Man. MS. 76] JESUS COLLEGE. 1 13 Collation : a^ b^ c^ (+ 8*) d^ e^ (+ 2 slips) P-k^ l^" m^ n^ o^" p^-r' 38 (+1) t^ (wants i) u" v' (+ 2*) x^ (wants 2, 4) y" (wants 9-12) z« aa^-dd^. Provenance. The book is from Durham. On f. i « is written Eple Jeronimi ad demetriedem v'ginem .D., in a hand which is found in others of the Durham MSS. in this collection. In the Catt. Vett. p. 94, we have : D. Ep. Jeronimi ad Demetriedem Virginem. Dicta Anselmi. Sermo Augustini de Poenitentia. Meditationes Ancelmi. Proso- logion eiusdem. Aug. de Praesentia Dei. Seneca de Institutione Morum. Collatio Serapionis de Vestimentis Sacerdotalibus. Trac- tatus de arte metrica. Item Compotus Practica Geometriae et Lamentationes Jeremiae. ii. fo. considerare. Contents : Epistola Hieronymi ad Demetriadem Virginem . . . . f. 1 Dicta Anselmi Archiepiscopi . . . . . . . 11b Sermo S. Augustini de penitentia ....... is (5 Inc. Penitentes. penitentes. penitentes. si estis penitentes. Collaterales iiii""' virtutum ........ 25 Prudentia habet in dextro latere astutiam et uersutiam in sinistro autem habitudinem mentis. Justicia nanque habet in dextro latere pleonesiam hoc est plus iusto. In sinistro uero meonesyam hoc est minus iusto. Fortitudo itaque (corr.for nanque) habet in dextro latere audaciam. In sinistro ignauiam. Temperantia igltur habet in dextro latere castitatem et continentiam : in sinistro uero Ixxxrkbm ( = luxuriam) et Ikbkdknfm ( = libidinem). De xii lapidibus .......... 25 Inc. Ciues celestis patrie | regi regum concinite | qui est suppre- mus artifex | ciuitatis uraniee. Orationes sine meditationes Anselmi archiepiscopi .... 26 In another hand. They are entitled: ad Dominum, ad S. Mariam, ad S. Petrum, ad S. Paulum, ad S. lohannem, ad S. Stephanum, ad S. Mariam Magd.: meditatio peccatoris ad excitandum timorem : deploratio uirginitatis male amisse : pro amicis priuatis : de se ipso. Expl. monologion Anselmi arch.: Inc. prologus in proslogion eiusdem 73* Capitula 75 Proslogion Anselmi 75'' Liber B. Augustini de presentia summi et ueri ac omnipotentis dei . 91 Seneca de institutione morum. Inc. Omne peccatum actio est 104 * Collatio Serapionis "3* Inc. Octo sunt principalia uitia. J. MSS. ^ 114 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 'j6 f. 117 i is blank. De vestimentis sacerdotalibus. Amictus est primum uestimentum . . . . . . ir8 An exposition of the Canon of the Mass. FINIS EST AMHN. 1 50 i is blank. A tract on Prosody: the first leaf of the prologue is gone. Itu. iuxta illud iuuenalis. Magna equidem sacris que dat precepta libellis Uictrix fortune sapientia: dicimus autem: Hos quoque felices. Ecce quos laudat poeta . . . . . . . 151 The text begins on f. 151 i with the rubric hie incipiunt dicHones metrificandi. Omne metrum certis pedum mensuris terminatur. Elegiac verses on death (30 lines) . 171 i Non pretexta toge, non aula case, nee amici Est memor eximii cum quis ad alta uolet Sic homo cum moritur, cum gleba quiescit in urna Cum cinis in cinerem transit amicus abest. A dialogue on Prosody 172 Omnibus o iuuenes uobis scripsi documenta Vos facient memores fuerint si corde retenta. Unus interrogai Ommhus : quis pes est? Alter resfondet Dactilus. Verses. Uespere lux oritur et sole cadente diescit Ortus in occasum tendit, phebus tenebrascit Dum uiuens moritur Willelmus, celica celum Pars tenet, illud humi debita soluit humo. Ends on 176 15 : Vita breuis, labor, et finis, mors certa futura, Judicium domini, nos suadent spernere mundum. Verses in another hand (a quire lost) x-,- Interius quid agat is • uocat ille foris Caros illustrat sensu, succendit amore Et mox lingua patet omnibus omnis eis In terras omnes subito sonus exit eorum Que sermone sonant actibus ilia probant. (On the Apostles, 35 lines remain.) Hymn to the Virgin i„_^ Concinat omnis aue tibi psallant singula salue Stella maria maris nescia nempe paris. Ends : Cui sit uita salus regnum lux gloria uirtus Pax honor impenum laus decus et iubilum. Amen . . lySi ^S. 77] JESUS COLLEGE. 115 Two lines follow: Tres obolos siclus, siclos tres dragma, sed octo Vncia dat dragmas duodena dat uncia libram. Prologue to a treatise on astronomy, in another hand . . 179 Ut testatur ergaphalau. Absoluta non potest haberi alicuius rei noticia. Text headed Sancti Spiritus assit nobis gratia . . . . 181 i Spera est rotundum et globosum corpus. Ends with directions for making an astrolabe, f. 191 d is blank. Gloss on the Lamentations, in another hand, has suffered from damp: ends on f. 226, four blank leaves (the last doubled) at end 193 77. Q. G. 30. DiURNALE EbORACENSE. Paper, 4 x 3, fif. 238, 22 lines to a page. Cent, xv (late). Binding : white skin over boards, with bronze clasp, in white skin cover with flap running round it. Given by Mr Man. Imperfect at the beginning. />!€. nostra operacio sed a te semper incipiat et per te cepta finiatur. Per. Nunc sancte nobis spiritus... Legem pone.... Collation: a.? b" (+ i*> c^ (wants 6) d^^" e'** (wants 5, 6) P^ gi^ (wants 9) h^" i" (+ 10*) k^^-mi-^ n" o^^ pi» qi^ r" s^ t" u^" v^ x^" y^" z^ (4-8 blank). The Proprium de temfore ends on f. 114. In the Proprium sanctorum the following English saints are commemorated : SS. Thomas, Cuthbert, Wilfrid, John of Beverley, Swythun, Oswald, John of Bridlington, Edward, Edmund. The Feast of the Relics is placed immediately after S. Luke's day. The Commune Sanctorum begins on f. 194 b. There is a collect for S. William on f. 215 (5. On ff. 216* sqq. are the half- verses of the Psalms for Vespers Dixit dominus etc. (cix.-cl.). On ff. 223 b sqq. is the Office of the Dead. Il6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 77 The fly-leaves are from a xivth century MS. partly of historical import (the building of the church of Hypapante at Constanti- nople and the plague in the time of Mauricius are mentioned), partly homiletical. The name of Thomas Thormuwby (xv) occurs on the last leaf LIST OF DONORS OF MANUSCRIPTS. Mr Man, Fellow (date of gift, Jan. 21, 1685), I, 6, 8, 13-16, 20, 22-25, 28-31, 34. 35. 38' 40, 41. 44. 45> 48. 5°-57. 59, 61, 63-71, 73, 75-77 Caleb Pott or Pett, 1678, 9 Robert Cressy, LL.B., 19 (?) Fr. Hughes, Esquire Bedell, 1633, 26 Th. Wood, (15 . . ), 33 Edw. Hughes, (16 . . ), 47 LIST OF OWNERS OF MANUSCRIPTS. Monastic. Durham Priory, r, 6, 13-15, 20, 22-25, ^8, 29. 35. 40, 41. 44- 45. 48, 50. (6i-53)> 54, (56). 57, 59> 61. (64). 65-71, 76 Durham College, Oxford, 29 Bury S. Edmunds, 18, 49 (?) Blith, r9 Bath wick (?), 32 Hexham, 38 Kirkstall, 75 Praemonstratensians of (?), 55 Rievaulx, 34 Private. Abingdon, Pet. de, 29 Alcok, 2 Andrews, 17 Audley, Th., 46 Barcroft, G., 74 Benn, J., 74 Blyth. G., 74 Bryston, T., 21 Carlyll, W., 10 Clyfton, Edm., 19 Collywood, W., 73 Cottrell, Mrs, 47 Cressy, Rob., 19 Doket, And., 27 Driffeld, Jo., 76 Ffysshburn, Jo. , 61 Grindall, Edm., 47 Gunthorp, Jo., 49 Hallughton, J. de, 41 Hamsterly, J., 61 Hanmer, D., 47 Hanraer, J., 47 Horsley, Rob., 41 Hughes, R., 17 Iveson, Th., 16 Knagges, Greg., 63 Low, Th., 4 Lutebyr, H. de, 68 Man, Th., 8, 73 ii8 LIST OF OWNERS OF MANUSCRIPTS. Medylton, Jo., 30 Murgetrode, H., 36 Murkeston, Rich., 47 Palmer, Rob., 19 Petteward, R., 12 Pigott, Eliz., 58 Pigott, T., 58 Richardson, J,, 14, 24 Rysyng, T,, 35 Sandford, T., 8 Stirling, Fr., 37, 39 Swann, Rob., 46 Tanfyld, I., 55 Thomylthorp, T., 21 Thormunby, T., 77 Thrope, J., 46 Walsh, J., 46 Watson, J., 19 Armin, T. , 63 Emylton, R., 70 Plenus amoris, Th., 29 SCRIBES. Saxylby, 10 Sutton, 72 INDEX. Abbey of the Holy Ghost, 46 Aegidius Foscarius, summa iuris canonici, 68 Aegidius Romanus de Regiraine Princi- pum, 26 Aelredus (Alviredus) Rievallensis, Life of, ■24 de oneribus, 24 oratio, 34 de anima, 59 Agulinus, W., de urinis, 72 Albertus on Henr. de Mandauilla, 72 Alcock, tract attributed to Bp, 46 Alcok, 2 Alexander on de anima, 72 Alyson, Quaestiones Metaphysicae, 17 Ambrose, S., extracts from, 27 de mysteriis, 27 de bono mortis, 70 Andreas Siculus, Rubrica, 2 Anglo-Saxon Homilies, 15 Anonymous Tracts : Summa de vitiis, 20 Tractatus de virtutibus, 20 ,, de morte, 24 Speculum religiosorum, 24 Expositio de sex alis cherub, 24 Tract, de astronomia, 25 Introductiones in theologiam, 34 Exempla, 34 on Prosody, 34 Speculum Religiosorum, 41 on church discipline, 4 1 Meditations, 41 Miscellanea, 46 Omnis diuina scriptura, 49 Anonymous Tracts : Exceptiones ecclesiasticorum regularum, Themata, 54 Moralitates super Ysaiam, 54 Libri xix de animalibus, 54 de vii peccatis, 54 Meditatio, 59 Tractatus 'Abbas uel prior', 61 Expositio missae, 65 Expositio symboli, etc., (>(> de penitentia, 66 de iv virtutibus, 66 de somno, 66 Oculus spiritualis, 75 Medulla philosophorum, 75 de uirtutibus, 75 de xii lapidibus, etc., 76 De vestimentis, 76 Expositio missae, 76 on Prosody, 76 Anselm, sermon by, 46 collection of tracts by, 64 Dicta, 76 Meditationes, 76 Proslogion, 76 Arabic numerals explained, 61 Aristotle, notes on the De Anima and Physica, 72 Arms, 26 Arnaldus de Villa nova, 72 Augustine, S., tracts by, 16, 23, 24, 49, 52, 76 sermones, 25, 53 (f. 6), 66 super Genesim ad litteram, 49 Augustinians, MS. belonging to, 21 I20 INDEX. Auklande, J., Prior of Durham, 45 Aurelius Ambrosius, 44 (p. 67) Barcroft, Geo., 74 Bartholomaeus de Pisis, 4 Bede, on Genesis and Exodus, 14 Martyrology, 31 Benaguido, 68 Benedict, Rule of S., 41, 61 Benedictines, constitutions for, 41, 61 Bernard de dignitate clericorum, 30 Bernardus de Gordonio, 60 de villa noua Cathalani, 60 Bernardus Siluestris Antiphonarium, 34 Tonale, 34 de creatione rerum, 34 Bible, Latin, 3, 9, 11 Gloss on Isaiah, Tobit, Ruth, 50 ,, Lamentations, 76 ,, Acts, 40 English, see English Bindings, remarkable, 19, 42, 45, 49, 55, 66 Boethius de consolatione philosophiae, with Commentary, 48 de Trinitate, 64 other tracts, 64 Rob. Lincoln on, 70 Bonauentura, Breuiloquium, 54 Bordeaux, John of, 43 Bury S. Edmund's, MS. relating to, 18 Cantica, 23 Carthusians, Consuetudines of, 1 2 Catalogue of books at Rievaulx, 34 of books bought at Oxford, 57 Catonis Liber, in English, 56 Cautio, entry of, 4 Chronicles, 42, 58 Chtysostom, Sermon by, 71 Cistercians, Consuetudines of, 34 Clement V., Constitutions, 29 Collectio Errorum, 57 Conches, Will, de, super Boethium, 74 Cross, Story of the, 46 Cyrillus, Apologeticus, 32 Daniel, see Walterus, Daniel Decretales (Novae), i, 6 Notes on, 68 Deed, a, 68 Dictionarium Theologicum, 73 Dioscorides, 44 Diurnale, of York, 77 Durham College, Oxford, 29 Durham Priory, documents relating to, 6, 41, 61 service-book from, 21 Ehzabeth, S., Legend of, 24 Elucidarius, 46 Ely, documents relating to, 18 Emylton, R., a scribe, 70 English, verses and scraps, 12, 22 medical receipts, 27, 43, 46, 60, 72 chronology, 42 New Testament, 47 Gospels, 30 Lessons and Epistles, 47 Gloss on Psalms, fragment, 73 Rhymes, 74 Esdras, 4th Book of, 3 Eusebian Canons, 3 Famulae, 18, 19 Fastidius Britannus de uita Christiana, 52 Ffysshburn, Chancellor of Durham, 61 Fragments of MSS. used in binding, etc., 2, 5. 10. 31 French verse, Lapidarium, 44 prose, Scala Chronica, 58 hymn, 21 scraps of, 28 Gesta Romanorum, 35 Gibuinus, Sermon by, 65 Glastonbury, documents, 19 Graduale, from Durham, 22 Gray, Thomas, Scala Chronica, 58 Greek alphabet, 28 Gregory Nazianzen, tracts by, 38 Grosthead, see Robertus Lincolniensis Hampole, Richard of, 46 Haut funey, Johannes, 45 Herbs, list of, 27 INDEX. 121 Hilary of Aries, i6 Hippocrates (Ypocras), Dicta (in English), 43 de medicinis (in English), 46 Prognostica, 60 Hugo de S. Victore, tracts by, 70 Hutton, Prior of Durham, 61 Hymns, Latin, 21, 22, 23, 31, 72 Illustrations, 9, 11, 24, 26, 28, 32, 41 (f. 66) Ingilbi, John, 12 Initials, good, 14, 21, 23, 27, 28 Isidore, Etymologiae, 8 Sinonima, 23 Excerpts from, on Astronomy, 25 Ivo Carnotensis, Sermones, 52 Epistolae, 53 James, T., 3, 4, 5, 10, 32, 33, 49 Jerome de camera Christi, 23 de XV signis, 23 contra Jouinianum, 27 de natiuitate B. V. M., 46 ad Demetriadem, 76 John, S-, legend of, 25 {92) John xxii, Letter, 29 Judas, legend of his death, 41, 46 Kalendar, 23, 31 Keynsham, 19 Kilwardby, Robert, 57 Laodicenes, Epistle to, 9 Lapidarium, in French verse, 44 Law-cases, reports of, 43 Lecture-notes, 37, 39 Lemovicensis, Jo., Dilucidarium de sorano Pharaonis, 63 Leo protonotarius, verses by, 70 Lichefeld, a physician, 60 Lincolniensis, see Robertus Lincolniensis Low, Th., 4 Lydgate, Poems by, 56 Mandavilla, Henr. de, 72 Mandeville, John, Itinerary, 35 Martinus de iv virtutibus, 23, 34, 52 Martyrology, 24, 31 J. MSS. Medical matter (tracts and receipts), 27, 43, 60, 72 Missal, early, fragments of, 5 Monasteries, list of, 55 Monte, Will, de, 34 Music, 10, 18, 31 Nepos de Monte Albano, 68 Northampton, a will relating to, 46 Norwich, documents, 18 Notary's mark, 22 Obituary Roll, fragments of, 55 Ordinale, Praemonstratensian, 55 Origen on the Psalter, 23 Ovid de vetula, 70 Oxford, list of books bought there, 57 Oxford MS., 29 Palimpsest, 15, 29 Parisiensis, Gulielmus, de fide et legibus,, 59 Paterson, Wm. , 37, 39 Paul, S. , Vision of, 46 Paulus, (AeginetaJ, Excerpts, 44 Petrus Alphonsus, 44 Petrus Cantor, Tropi, 66 Petrus Comestor, 5 Petrus Lombardus, Sententiae, 15 Poggio, Letters of, 63 Praemonstratensian Ordinale, 55 Obituary Roll, 55 Priscian de Grammatica, 28 de accentibus, 44 Processionale, noted, 62 Prosodia Sacerdotum, 42 Prosper, Epistola, 16 Psalter, 21, 23 Pseudo-Chrysostom, Opus Imperfectum, 10 Raymundus, Summa, 69 Repertorium Juris, 7 Ricardus de canone missae, 38 Ricardus heremita, 59 Ricardus de S. Victore, Sermons, 71 Rievaulx, Catalogue of Library at, 34 Robertus Lincolniensis, Summa Justitiae, 36 122 INDEX. Robertus Lincolniensis, Sententiae duo, 66 Oculus moralis, 67 Comm. in Boethium, 70 Rostandus, letter of, 41 :Saints characteristic of Durham, 22, 23 Seneca, Epistolae, 32 Declamationes moralizate, 34 de remediis fortuitorum, 70 de institutione morum, 76 ;Serapion, Collatio, 76 Sermons, collections of, 13, 23, 24, 34, 54, 65 de Sanctis, 46 (ii) Service-book, fragments of, 10, 18, 22 Sheen, Carthusians of, 12 Sheriffhutton, 72 (no. 11) Southwell, 19 Stephen of Citeaux, 34 Stichometric note, 2, 3, 40 Stirling, Fr., Lecture notes, 37, 39 Sutton, a scribe (?), 72 Tables on various books, 41 to the Speculum Historiale, 45 Tables, Paschal, 23 Thomas Aquinas de ente et essencia, 54 de malo, 57 Trismegistus, Asclepius, 59 Tynbych, W""., 12 Uthred of Bolton, tracts by, 41 Verses, Latin, 15, 41, 60, 76 Victor, S., Sermon on, 46 Vincent of Beauvais, Table to the Speculum Historiale, 45 Virgilius, Aeneid, 33 Virgin, miracles of, 30, 46 extracts about, 46 Wallensis, J., Communeloquium, 67 Walsingham, Alan de, Election of, 18 Walterus, Daniel, Vita Aluredi, 24 Lamentacio, 24 Walton, John, Speculum Christiani, 5 1 Waverley, Annals of, 58 Welensis, Jo., Speculum Theologie, 24 Wessyngton, Prior, 41 Will of cent, xv, 46 Wycliff, Jo., Confessio, 59 Gospels, 30 New Testament, 47 Yond, R., 22 York Diurnal, 77 CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. ^^^^^^^m^^^^,. mmMm^m^^m.