16399 & fyxmll Ifatomtg p6wg THE ZARNCKE LORARY COLLECTED BTi* FRIEDRTCH ZARNCKE THE GIFT OF UJillinm W.. Sagi* 1893 JM.O/L, .//u/$.& Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031423241 flfconograpbs on jEbucation. SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS AN ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NATURALISTS. BY WILLIAM NORTH RICE, Professor of Geology in Wksleyan University. WITH APPENDICES. BOSTON: V. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS, 1889. PREFATORY NOTE. At the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, held in New Haven, in December, 1887, one entire day was devoted to the discussion of Science-Teaching in the Schools. The pape"r now presented to the public is one of the addresses given to the Society at that time. It has, however, undergone some revision and enlargement since its delivery. It has already appeared in the American Naturalist for September and October, 1888, and is now reprinted with the permission of the publishers of that jour- nal. I take this opportunity to express thanks for their courtesy. Two other papers relating to the same subject appear as Appendices in the present publication. At the New Haven meeting of the Society of Naturalists, a Committee was appointed "to develop a scheme of instruc- tion in Natural Science to be recommended to the schools." At the meeting held in Baltimore, in December, 1888, that Committee presented a report which was unanimously adopted. That report, here presented as Appendix I., will show that the opinions expressed in the address are, as regards their main outlines, the opinions of the great body of working naturalists and advanced teachers of science. 4 PREFATORY NOTE. In July, 1888, the Board of Education of the City of Middletown, Conn., adopted a new Manual of the Public Schools. The gentlemen with whom I was associated in the work of revision (and particularly the accomplished Superin- tendent of Schools, W. B. Ferguson, A. M.) were heartily in accord with the suggestion that some work in Natural Science should be included in the course in the lower grades. In the Course of Study, as now arranged, instruction is given in Natural Science in all grades of the Primary and Grammar Schools, and a small amount of work in Natural Science is required in the Classical Course in the High School. The directions for the teaching of Science in the Primary and Grammar Schools, and a tabular synopsis of the Courses in the High School, appear herewith as Appendix II. It is not claimed that the Middletown programme is an ideal one, nor that in all its features it would be everywhere practicable or desirable. But it is believed that it will be of interest to some readers, as showing that a course of study in accordance with the general views presented in the address has actually been put in practice in one of the smaller cities of New England. William North Rice. Wesleyan University, May, 1889. SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. r PHE word " schools " is here used in distinction from the ■*■ higher institutions — colleges, universities, arid techno- logical institutes. It will be convenient for us further to distinguish the " high schools " from the lower schools. As here used, the phrase "high school" designates a school whose pupils range from thirteen or fourteen to seventeen or eighteen years of age, and which professes to prepare students for the colleges and scientific schools. In considering what should be the course of study in the schools, it is necessary to recognize the distinction in scope and spirit between general and special education. By gen- eral education is meant such education as is intended to prepare a person for the duties of manhood or womanhood, irrespective of any particular trade, profession, or station in life. By special education is meant such education as is intended to prepare a person for some particular trade, profession, or station in life. The courses of study in the schools must be, in this sense, general. We are not to try in the schools to make biologists, geologists, nor chemists. We are not to make physicians, nor engineers, nor lawyers, nor clergymen. Very few of the children in the schools will enter any of these professions; and, of those few, still fewer are aware of their destiny. But all the children in our schools have the expectation of growing up to manhood or womanhood. They will take their places in the ranks of those who earn an honorable livelihood by honest labor, or s 6 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. among those whom vice or improvidence renders a burden to society. Those of one sex, by the possession of the right of suffrage, and those of both sexes, by their share in that informal and unregulated vote which we call public opinion, will in their degree shape the institutions of the land. Most of them will marry, and, by the direct effect of heredity, and by manifold influences of conscious and unconscious edu- cation, will mould the character of future generations. All of them must make individually the momentous pilgrimage through this mortal life to the solemn mysteries beyond. The arrangements of the schools must be adapted to the common needs of humanity, not to the peculiar tastes and conditions of individuals. There must be one course for the children of the rich and the poor, the learned and the igno- rant. Such an average course will not be the best for every child, but it will be the best practicable for the great body of children. To employ private tutors, and adapt the edu- cational course to the supposed tastes or needs of each individual child, is impossible for the poor, and generally undesirable for the rich. The advantage to the child from being in a class of reasonable size, feeling the stimulus of intellectual competition, and learning the truly democratic lesson that only personal merit can win, is worth (except in case of children of feeble health or very peculiar constitu- tion) far more than any advantage which can come from the adaptation of the work of a private tutor to the child's idio- syncrasies. In regard to the necessity of a uniform course of study, the high schools form a partial exception. In the high schools it becomes practically necessary to provide two courses of study — one for those who are preparing for the classical courses in the colleges, the other for those who are preparing for the scientific courses in the colleges and tech- nological schools, or whose schooling is to be finished with SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 7 the high school. To a limited extent, also, elective studies may be introduced into the high-school course. In the past, two theories have been maintained in regard to the proper aim and spirit of a general educational course. The disciplinary theory is that the object of general educa- tion is to train the mental faculties, it being assumed that a vigorous and well-disciplined mind is the best preparation for all work that may be required of a man. The practical theory is that the object of education is to furnish the neces- sary information for the guidance of one's conduct in all probable circumstances. Of late it has been recognized that these views are not mutually exclusive, and that a true the- ory of education must combine the two. The shield is both gold and silver. A right education is both disciplinary and practical. But this harmonizing of the once hostile theories has not been effected without important modifications of each. On the one hand, the advocates of the disciplinary theory have come to recognize the truth that mental discipline can be obtained not merely from the study of some two or three subjects, but from the study of almost any subject. It is coming to be admitted that, from the disciplinary standpoint, the important question is not what we study, but how we study. The very same mental faculties may be disciplined, and disciplined in ways remarkably similar, in dealing with the most widely different subjects. The reasoning by which the comparative philologist traces the evolution of languages is strikingly analogous to that by which the comparative anatomist traces the evolution of organic structures. On the other hand, the advocates of the practical theory have been compelled to a broader and higher view of utility than the merely bread-and-butter view. The individual man is at once body and soul ; and he comes into relations with the 8 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. material universe, with his fellow-men, and with, that unseen Power wherein nature and man alike live and move and have their being. Whatever may be known or believed with rea- sonable probability in regard to the human body, and in regard to the laws of that material universe with which it is related, — in regard to the human mind, whether as self- revealed in consciousness, or as indirectly manifested in literature and history, — in regard to the Creator, whether made known by the facts of nature, or by a historic revela- tion — all this aggregate of varied knowledge and belief is in the highest and best sense practical, for it all tends to guide the conduct of life. The claim of any particular branch of study to a more or less prominent position in the curriculum of the schools must accordingly be tried by a twofold criterion — its power to afford an effective mental discipline, and the practical utility of the information which it conveys. It would be obviously a waste of time to discuss the practical utility of the sciences of nature. In this age of steam and electricity — this age of aniline dyes and anaes- thetics and antiseptics — this. age when science is multiplying comforts and conveniences and amenities, stamping out zym- otic diseases, and largely increasing the duration of the life which it beatifies and ennobles — no one is so stupid as to deny the utility of scientific knowledge. A few words may with propriety be said in regard to the disciplinary value of the study of the natural sciences, for in some minds still lingers the superstition that no studies are disciplinary except languages and mathematics. / The natural sciences are unique in their power of training /the perceptive faculties. When these sciences are rightly taught, the student is brought face to face with natural phe- nomena, which he is required to observe and describe. The SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. g perceptive faculties are not, indeed, the highest of human faculties, but they are by no means to be despised. A student who has learned to observe and describe correctly so simple a matter as the form of a leaf, has gained a power which will be of lifelong value, whatever may be his sphere of professional employment. If the student is required to write descriptions of observed phenomena, there may be gained incidentally-a discipline in perspicuity and precision of expression which will be of no trifling value. The natural history sciences afford an unrivaled training to the powers of comparison and classification. Sometimes, indeed, these sciences have been called distinctively the classificatory sciences. They have been (at least since the publication of Darwin's epoch-making work) vastly more than mere classifications. They are truly dynamical sciences, re- vealing the processes whereby organic nature has attained its present state. But they are nevertheless in a very impor- tant sense classificatory sciences. In no other class of subjects has classification been so minutely elaborated. No student can learn to marshal the array of species into genera, families, orders, classes, and sub-kingdoms, as men are mar- shaled in the companies, regiments, brigades, and divisions of a well-disciplined army, without acquiring a more syste- matic habit of thought on any subject which may engage his attention. But the elaborateness of natural history classifica- tion is not the only feature of value in this connection. The student is continually taught to distinguish not only degrees but kinds of resemblance and difference — to distinguish those features of structure which are adaptive, and superficial from those which are typical and fundamental — to distinguish analogies from homologies. No one can learn to recognize the mammalian character of a whale under the disguise of its fish-like form, or to recognize the crustacean character of a IO SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. barnacle under the disguise of its oyster-like shell, without becoming in general a sounder thinker. The sciences of nature afford a valuable discipline to the reasoning faculties. Educators have always endeavored to afford a twofold training in reasoning — a passive discipline, by requiring the student to familiarize himself with examples of reasoning recorded in the works of great thinkers ; and an active discipline, by submitting to the student problems for solution, which, if not new to the human intellect in general, are at least new to the intellect of the particular student. The study of mathematics has always, and deservedly, been highly esteemed for the facilities which it offers for both these kinds of training. But the sciences of nature also have their splendid examples of reasoning. An intelligent study of Darwin's " Origin of Species " is perhaps not inferior as a logical praxis to the study of elementary geometry. Indeed, in one respect the former is superior, for the reason- ing of natural sciences is more nearly akin than that of mathematics to the reasoning of practical life. And the sciences of nature have their problems in which the reason- ing faculties of the student may find an active discipline. Every laboratory experiment should be an exercise in rea- soning as well as in observation. A logical interpretation should be required as much as an accurate description of the phenomena. Moreover, the continual inculcation of the doctrine which is the very key-note of science — the doc- trine that there is no such thing as chance — that all events are linked together in chains of cause and effect — is itself an education in philosophical thinking and in rational acting. Not to be ignored is the influence of the natural sciences on the esthetic nature. There are indeed some scientific men — animated cases of dissecting tools and locomotive microscopes — who can contemplate nature without admiring SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. II her. But, for most of those whose attention is attracted to nature, her aspect is multiform, and her speech many-tongued. And the devotee of nature's truth is ever delighted with the rich stores of nature's beauty. It is no mere accident that the same generations of mankind that have developed the sciences of nature, have developed two new arts — landscape- painting, aud the poetry of nature. There is inspiration for the imagination, as well as satisfaction for the under- standing, in the contemplation of that far-reaching reign of law which is at once the fundamental postulate and the crowning induction of science. The old myth of the music of the spheres is only a parable of the all-pervading harmony of natural law. Nor is the study of science without its wholesome influence upon the moral nature. Science is indeed no patent panacea for human depravity ; but no one can become imbued in any measure with the spirit of science — the spirit of unselfish, courageous, reverent truth-seeking — without some degree of moral uplifting. I believe that a comparative study of biography will show that flagrant immorality has been exceed- ingly rare among scientific men — much rarer than among men of equal intellectual eminence devoted to literature, art, or almost any other pursuit. Literature and art may express and incite the basest passions. Science — truth — is never impure. The claim of natural science to a prominent position in the educational course is now pretty fairly conceded in the higher institutions of learning. The most conservative of the colleges are making liberal provision of instructors and of material fa- cilities for the teaching of the sciences, and the student is required or allowed to devote a large share of his time to this class of studies, while numerous scientific schools are open for those students who wish to devote a still larger share of 12 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. their time to scientific study. The case, however, is very different in the lower schools. Somewhat of science is usually taught in the high schools, though not, as a rule, to those who are preparing for college. But in the lower schools there is usually little or no teaching of science. The result is that those whose educational course ends before they reach the high school (the great majority of the population) receive no instruction in science whatever, and those who receive a college education (the destined intellectual leaders of their generation) receive no instruction in science until a very late period in their educational course. This exclusion of science from the early stages of education, and (for the great majority of the population) the consequent utter exclu- sion of science from their educational course is, I believe, the worst feature of our present system of general education. The introduction of science into the lower schools is the educational reform most urgently demanded. One important reason for this reform is implied in what has been already said. If any knowledge or appreciation of science is to be generally diffused in the community, it must be by the introduction of instruction in science in the lower schools. Of the scholars who enter the primary school, only a small part reach the grammar school, and a far smaller part reach the high school. When we consider that the "people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" — that the preventable mortality due to simple ignorance of hygienic laws exceeds the slaughter of the bloodiest campaigns; — when we con- sider that not only is the duration of life lengthened, but its comforts and means of higher development prodigiously increased, by scientific knowledge; — when we consider that each man's knowledge or ignorance may not only affect for weal or woe himself and his own family, but may involve results whose ramifications in space and time are beyond our SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 1 3 ken : — we cannot fail to recognize the importance of providing for all our population the means of gaining some acquaintance with those branches of knowledge on which the welfare of humanity largely depends. Another reason for this reform, though less obvious, is perhaps even more important. A sound system of education must take account of the natural order of development of the mental faculties. Nor need we be in any doubt as to what that order is. The perceptive faculties are the earliest to be developed ; later come into activity the powers of abstract thought ; later still does consciousness become reflective, and reveal the world of mind. The attention of a healthy and normally developing child is given almost exclusively to the phenomena of the external world. The questions which he asks his parents and other adult friends (if he has not been snubbed too many times in such questioning) relate almost exclusively to objects of sense around him. There are, indeed, miraculous children who speculate about the nature of the soul almost before they molt the long dresses of baby- hood ; but such children usually die of precocious genius or early piety on the brain, and may therefore be disregarded in any discussion of general education. Young children in process of normal development are what some one has called the Buddhists — "unconscious materialists." They do not disbelieve in a spiritual world ; they ignore it. The early development of the perceptive faculties produces in the young child's mind a natural curiosity in regard to sensible objects, and therefore a natural aptitude for their study. There are three ways in which we may deal with this mental tendency. First, we may leave the child's curiosity about the external world to unrestrained and unguided indul- gence. We may let the child run wild through field and forest, chase butterflies, rob birds' nests, and fill his pockets 14 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. with caterpillars. He will grow up a young savage, with somewhat of a savage's field- craft and wood-craft, but with very little of valuable intellectual development. Secondly, we may repress the child's natural curiosity. And, in fact, that is about what is usually done. The child is taught to read as early as possible, and then the idea is sedulously inculcated that reading is the straight and narrow way that leadeth unto intellectual life. The story of Sir William Jones's mother answering all her son's questions with the words, "Read, and you will know," is told with express and implied encomiums upon her wisdom and her son's consequent vast erudition. Verily, the ghost of that good woman haunts our schools like a malignant spirit. The climax of success is reached when the little monk is snugly cloistered with his books, oblivious of the very existence of a world of light and music around him. And, if he grows up to be one of the favored few who are permitted to enter the sacred precincts of the college, and there take up the long-deferred study of nature, he finds too often his powers of observation well-nigh atrophied by long disuse. I speak strongly, because I speak fronf experience. I feel daily that the efficiency of my work as a student and teacher of science is impaired by that vice of early education which repressed, rather than developed, whatever powers of observation nature had given. My professional life has been a perpetual struggle to rid myself of some of the mental habitudes induced by an unnatural education. I have not yet quite freed myself from the influence of Sir William Jones's mother. And what I have felt in myself I have seen in my students. It is worse than making bricks without straw, to teach natural science to college juniors aud seniors, in whom disuse has wrought so complete an atrophy of the powers of observation that they hardly know that there is an external universe. SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 1 5 Manifestly, the only right course in education is to furnish intelligent and sympathetic guidance to the child's natural curiosity. The study of nature should be introduced at the beginning of the educational course, instead of near its end. It should commence — not in the primary school, but in the nursery, before the child is old enough to go to school at all. A vast deal of knowledge may be smuggled into the child's mind without paying any duty of conscious toil. And such smuggling is forbidden by no laws of God or man. No child is hurt by knowing too much ; though many a child is hurt by learning things in unnatural and unduly laborious ways. Whatever of useful knowledge a child gets while he thinks he is playing, is clear gain. The sentiment, "No profit grows where is no pleasure ta'en,'' . may not be strictly true, but there is at least an important truth in it. Some years ago I had the pleasure of a somewhat intimate acquaintance with a boy who, in his third summer, became very much interested' in flowers, or, as he called them, " sow- ers," for at that time his language, besides being very scanty in vocabulary, presented some marked dialectic peculiarities. Having obtained some specimens of the tawny day-lily {Heme- rocallis fulva), he noticed the long, slender bodies in the middle of the flower, and he asked his mother what they were. It seemed almost absurd to be teaching botany to a baby hardly more than two years old; but his mother, having large faith in the general principle that the best way to answer a child's questions is to tell the truth, told him that the things he had found were the stamens and pistil. Of course the baby did not know much about the objects which he examined. It was not time for his brain to be disturbed with matters of morphology and physiology. It was not time l6 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. for him to learn that stamens and pistils are peculiarly- modified leaves, or that they are respectively the male and female organs of reproduction. But his eyes were often busy that summer in looking for the stamens and pistils in various flowers, and in that simple matter of observation he succeeded quite as well as some college juniors I have seen. And when, in after years, the time came for him to take up the study of botany more systematically, the objects of his study were to him not dim and unreal phantoms, but familiar friends. But many who concede theoretically the desirableness of the study of natural science in the lower schools, maintain that the practical difficulties in the way of its introduction are insuperable. L is objected that we have no competent teachers, no adequate material facilities, and no time in the alrtaly crowded curriculum. Science- teaching in the lower schools, it is said, belongs to the far-off millenium, " When the war d.uin throbs no lunrer.and the battle-flags are furled," — when a constitution r,l amendment has abolished alcoholic fcrinen'ation, and made vice forever impossible, — when governments, no longer compelled to support military, naval, end police for :es, can spend the bulk cf their revenues on educaticn, — when every primary school can lave a well- equipped laboratory, museum, and observatory, — when every primary-school teacher ii a 1'h.D. cf a German university, — and when a re'oimcd orthography has added about three years to school life, ly obviating the necessity of spending that time in learning to spell. I believe, however, that the reform is thoroughly pra< t'cr.bk*. My own official duty, as a member of a college faculty and of a cry school-board, has required a careful study cf til p:irts of the education .1 curriculum in a thoroughly practical spirit. And I should SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 1J regard the general discussion I have given as of little value, unless I could propose some definite and practicable measures. The most serious difficulty in the introduction of natural science into the lower schools is undoubtedly the lack of competent teachers. That the mass of our teachers are incompetent for any very high quality of science-teaching is a truth as unquestionable as it is melancholy. That much of their teaching will be merely bookish, — that much of it will be so blundering that the scholars will have a good deal to unlearn, — is very certain. This difficulty has been so strongly felt by many scientific men, that they have despaired of any successful science-teaching in the schools till a new generation of teachers can be raised up. " Better no teach- ing at all than poor teaching," is the principle on which they feel themselves reluctantly compelled to advocate the post- ponement of a reform whose need none can feel more strongly than they. But I believe the worst teaching we are likely to get is better than none. Very poor teaching of science will at least serve to keep before the mind of the child the idea that there is an external world which is worthy of attention and study. Better that many errors should be learned, ih n ih.it the child should grow up without thinking of nature ft r.ll. No habitude of mind that is likely to be generated 1 y roor teaching can be so bad as the habitude of stolid indil'eience which is the natural result of the present system. If we wait for teachers well prepared, before we introduce science-teaching, we shall wait indefinitely. Teach- ers will prepare themselves after a fashion to teach whatever they are required to teach. No way of making a boy swim has ever been found so effective as putting him into the water. There are books in abundance (and the number is con- stantly increasing), from which a teacher possessed of a fair 1 8 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. degree of mental activity can get suggestions which will enable her to do a limited amount of science-teaching soundly and well. Paul Bert's " First Steps in Scientific Knowledge " is an admirable guide for teachers of elementary science. Morse's " First Book of Zoology," and Winchell's " Geologi- cal Excursions," are books in which acknowledged masters of science have shown how science may be taught to the young. The series of scientific tracts for teachers now being published under the auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History are good, as judged from both the scientific and the pedagogic standpoint. Worthington Hooker's books of sci- ence for children, though now somewhat behind the times, are still attractive and helpful books. And the teacher who cannot find something to interest the youngest pupils in Johonnot's series of natural-history readers, with their delightful blending of fact and fancy, the science and the poetry of animated nature, is stupid indeed. The teaching of science in the lower schools can be considerably helped by the teachers in the high schools. In most high schools it is practicable to obtain the services of one or more teachers who have some genuine scientific training. Arrangements can be made whereby these teachers can now and then give a helpful lecture to the teachers of the lower schools, or give to those teachers the best kind of an object lesson by teaching a lesson in science to the children in their schools. The summer schools and seaside laboratories afford the means for teachers whose early opportunities for scientific study were scanty, to gain a sound (though necessarily limited) knowledge of scientific facts and methods. The increasing number and the increasing patronage of such institutions is a hopeful sign. They are destined to be of immense service in improving the quality of science-teaching. SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 19 The second objection usually urged against the introduction of science-teaching in the lower schools is the lack of material facilities. The force of this objection, however, vanishes, when it is considered that no one proposes for the lower schools complete systematic courses in science. Such courses would indeed demand extensive laboratories and museums. But for somewhat desultory lessons on judiciously selected topics in science, whose aim is primarily to cultivate the powers of observation, and secondarily to afford glimpses of the methods of scientific thought, no extensive material facilities are needed. Many of the most important principles of physics and chemistry can be well illustrated with no apparatus except what can be extemporized. A class of tolerably active boys can collect enough material for biolog- ical study as they go along. Many of the most important conceptions of philosophical biology can be illustrated without any specimens which are not everywhere accessible. A boy who has found the elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle, in a cat, a horse, a bat, and a hen, has learned the idea of homology, though he has never compared the arms of a brachiopod with the lophophore of a bryozoan, and never heard of the gastraea theory. The third objection usually made to scientific study in the schools — the lack of time in the crowded curriculum — hardly deserves an answer. Let the waste of time and mental energy be stopped, which is involved in attempting studies at unnatural times and in unnatural ways, and there will be time enough. Of all economies, the most important is the most neglected — the economy of mental effort. I believe the introduction of science-teaching in the schools will be felt by the pupils as a delightful recreation, rather than as an additional task; and that the improvement of morale will actually enable the schools to accomplish more in other studies. 20 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. It remains, then, to outline "briefly the work which may be profitably attempted. In the primary schools, and the lower grades of the intermediate, or grammar, schools, the main objects must be to cultivate the power of accurate observa- tion, and to impress the mind with the idea that nature is worth studying. The attempt to teach any systematic body of facts and doctrines, so far as it is made at all, must be strictly subordinated to these more general objects. Hence it is no matter how desultory the lessons may be, if they tend to keep the mind of the child in loving communion with nature. The pupils should be encouraged to collect and bring to school specimens of all sorts of natural objects. So far as time allows, each specimen should be the subject of a lesson. Judicious questioning should bring out all the facts and phenomena which the child has observed or can observe in regard to the specimen. Then the teacher should add something of explanation or information in regard to the object itself or other related objects. And let questions be suggested now and then, which the child and his elders are alike unable to answer. Thus the child will become early habituated to the complementary truths of the transparency and the unfathomableness of nature. He will learn that he can see into nature a little way for himself, but that beyond" his vision stretches a vast unknown. The specimens brought in will be an utterly heterogeneous collection — now a bright- winged butterfly, now a flower, now a plant with insect galls, now a sea-shell brought home from some summer visit to the sea-side, now a lustrous crystal, now a smoothly rounded pebble. All the better. Let the children learn the mani- foldness of nature. It will be time enough later for them to survey the fences of systematic definition which man has run through nature's continuous and illimitable fields. Short excursions in the woods and fields (or in the parks which SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 21 afford almost the only glimpses of nature to the unfortunate children who are brought up in the great cities), and visits to museums, zoological gardens, and menageries, will be helpful supplements to the work of the school-room. Besides the utterly desultory lessons already considered, a beginning may be made in the primary schools in somewhat more systematic teaching. The objects most interesting to children are ' living things — plants and animals. Botany and zoology should accordingly be the principal subjects in the science-teaching in the lower grades. The comparison, drawing, and description of various forms of leaves, will furnish delightful occupation and valuable discipline for the youngest children. A little later the more easy and conspic- uous flowers can be studied, and later still the more obscure and difficult flowers. In zoology, attention should be given not to crinoids and hydroids and infusoria, but to the mam- mals and birds and reptiles and fishes and insects which the children can see alive. In places immediately on the sea- shore, some of the more conspicuous marine animals may advantageously be included. The most common and familiar animals, as cats, dogs, horses, rats, should be first studied ; and rudimentary ideas of homology and teleology and the principles of classification can be developed in the study of these most familiar objects. From mammals the study may proceed in later years to birds, and then to the less familiar lower classes of vertebrates, and later still to arthropods and mollusks. Along with the change of subjects, there will naturally be somewhat of a change of method. There will be less of simple observation and description of external characters, more explanation of anatomy and physiology, and more discussion of general relations. In several of the States, laws have been passed, requiring in all the schools instruction in physiology and hygiene, with 22 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. special reference to the effects of stimulants and narcotics. There has been an element of fanatical exaggeration in the philanthropic agitation which has led to such legislation, and some of the books which have been prepared, and some of the teaching which has been done, in obedience to the demand, have not been of great scientific value. I believe, nevertheless, that simple lessons in physiology and hygiene may with great advantage be commenced in the primary schools. It is indeed true that physiology can be taught only in a very unsatisfactory manner to pupils ignorant of chemistry and physics, for physiology is essentially chemistry and physics applied to the complex structures and actions of the living body. But very imperfect knowledge is better than absolute ignorance. And the immense importance of the subject, in connection with the fact that only a very small minority of the pupils will ever reach the high school, more than justifies the attempt to teach some rudiments of physiology in the lower schools. Somewhat of physical geography will naturally be taught in the higher grades of the primary, and the lower grades of the grammar, schools, in connection with the general course in geography. It is very gratifying to observe the change in the school manuals of geography within the last few years in respect of the greater prominence given to physical geography. In the higher grades of the grammar schools, it may reasonably be assumed that the reasoning faculties are more fully developed than in the lower grades, and observa- tion and description of forms may rightly give place in large degree to studies in which the relation of cause and effect is emphasized. This will be the most convenient period for the introduction of exceedingly elementary courses in physics and chemistry. The pupils who will never enter the high -SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 23 school ought to get some rudimentary knowledge of these sciences ; and a like rudimentary knowledge obtained in the grammar school will be of great advantage to the students in the high-school course. Of course, at this stage it will not be desirable or possible to penetrate into the mysteries of polarized light, to enumerate the scores of rare elements, or to discuss the more intricate problems of the chemistry of the compounds of carbon. But it will be possible, in the later years of the course in the grammar school, to learn some of the more important facts and principles in regard to gravitation, the mechanical powers, the simpler and more obvious phenomena of sound, light, heat, and electricity, the distinction between elements and compounds, combustion, the chemistry of air and water, and the properties of a very few of the most important elements and their compounds. When the student reaches the high school, he will be possessed of some knowledge of the forms of common animals and plants, the structure and functions of his own body, and the general properties of matter. What is more importan than any knowledge of nature which he may possess — he will have kept himself in sympathetic communion with nature ; he will recognize nature as a worthy object of study; he will know that he can learn something himself by the observation of nature, but that he has learned only an infinitesimal part of what nature has to teach. His concep- tions will be crude, indefinite, inaccurate. His knowledge will require elaboration, systematization, correction. But he will not find the book of nature written in a language whose alphabet he does not know. As he comes to the systematic study of the various sciences, he will not feel that utterly bewildering sense of strangeness with which teachers in our high schools and colleges are now so sadly familiar. In the high school, he will come under the instruction of teachers 24 science rr.AcniyG in the schools. possessed of larger knowledge, and supplied with more extensive material facilities. Now then the time has come f.jr systematic teaching of science. Random o' serration r.nd desultory stones cf nature must now five place in large degree to the presentation cf systematise J bodies of Let and theory. With the beginning cf the l.igh-school course comes the separation between those v;ho are praprrhig fjr the classical courses in the colleges, rnd tho.e who : xz destined to go from the high' sch id direct'y into practical business Lfe. For the former diss the syitemr.tic fUdy cf scisr.ca nay te mainly deferred until they can enpy the I.rger material facilities afforded by the laboratories, museums, and obser- vatories of the colleges. I believ.-, however, that the com- plete exclusion of scientific studies from the classical courses in most of our high schools ii grea 1/ to \>z regretted. There are three scientific studies which I woulj consider it especially desirable to have required cf both the EnjlLh and the class- ical students in the high schools. First in the list I wou d have phaenogamic botany. Than is no study which can conveniently be made to furnLh td admirable a discipline in observation. The material is every- where accessible in abundance. The collection and dissec- tion of the specimens involves no infliction of p.i:i upon sentient creatures. The ddbris remaning after a lesson is comparatively clean, inodorous, . and wholesome. In all these respects phaenogamic botany is better adapted for thorough practical study at this stage than any branch of zoology. The structures which are to be examined in the analysis of flowering plants are also of about the right size to afford the most valuable discipline in accurate observation. The work is neither too easy, nor too difficult. It requires the use of the inexpensive simple microscope, but not the SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 25 use of the costly compound microscope. A thorough training in plant-analysis at this period of the educational course will afford a mental discipline which can be supplied in no other way. Secondly, I would require of all students at this stage the study of human physiology. The immense practical import- ance of this branch of knowledge is a sufficient reason for this recommendation. The outlines of physics and chemistry which I suppose to have been taken in the later years of the grammar-school course, will enable the teaching to be more thoroughly scientific in method than can be the case in the lower schools. And, while the study cannot be made so much of an observational discipline as botany, there is no lack of material for demonstration. Most of the organs of the body present the same general character in other mam- mals as in man. Hearts, lungs, brains, and eyes can readily be obtained from the butchers, and a superfluous cat can be occasionally sacrificed. And, with the various convenient guides to mammalian dissection which have been published, there is no reason why a high-school course in physiology may not be illustrated with a fair amount of demonstration. Thirdly, a systematic study of physical geography will be invaluable in giving the student an appreciation of the world as a whole — its unity in variety — unity of law amidst end- less diversity of phenomena. No study so opens to the student's intelligence the language of nature, teaching him to read the lessons written in the ever varying landscapes which he may from time to time behold. It is, in my judgment, greatly to be desired that these studies should be included in the requirements for admission to the colleges. As students naturally desire to enter college as early as possible, there is a strong tendency for the pre- paratory schools to exclude from their classical courses 26 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. everything not required for admission to college. The re- quirement of a small amount of natural science by the colleges would greatly favor the progress of the reform in the schools. For the students in the high school who are not in the classical course, there should be in addition systematic studies of physics, chemistry, zoology, geology, and astronomy. For them natural science should certainly be a required study during the whole of the high-school course. While the study of natural science has been advocated on the twofold ground of its practical and its disciplinary value, it has been assumed in this discussion that these two objects are by no means of equal relative importance in the study of different branches of science or in different periods of the educational course. The study of botany has been advocated especially for its disciplinary value, that of physiology es- pecially for the utility of the knowledge which is acquired. It has been maintained that in the primary school the main objects of the science-lessons must be to cultivate a habit of accurate observation and intelligent appreciation of nature, while in the high school each science should be taught as a systematic body of fact and theory. This leads us to notice the unfortunate truth that the two objects of scientific study are to a certain degree incompatible with each other — that the best methods for mental discipline are not the best methods for the acquisition of information. Undoubtedly the method by which the characteristic mental discipline of scientific study can be most effectively secured, is to put the student as nearly as possible in the attitude of the original investigator — to lead him to infer laws and principles from the observations and experiments which he has made himself. But the path taken by the original explorer of a country is often not the most convenient route for subsequent travellers. And a knowledge of laws and principles in science once as- SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 27 certained can often be taught in ways far more expeditious and convenient than the method of their original discovery. Moreover, many of the most important conclusions rest upon observations only possible in exceptional conditions of time, place, and circumstance. Every student should learn the laws of definite and multiple proportions, which form the foundation of chemical theory ; but the ordinary student has no time to perform such a number of experiments in quanti- tative analysis and synthesis as would make a sound inductive basis for those laws. Every student should learn something of the phenomena and laws of earthquakes and volcanoes ; but it is impossible to get up an earthquake or a volcanic eruption for a laboratory experiment. It is well for every student to learn something of the conclusions in regard to the action of the stomach reached by the classical observations on poor Alexis St. Martin ; but it is hardly desirable to repeat St. Martin's accident and injury for the benefit of every class in physiology. The right method of scientific education must be a compromise. The most important facts and prin- ciples must be taught by text-books and lectures, in such way as to secure most effectively their being understood and re- membered. But, so far as the nature of the subject and the time and means at the disposal of the teacher may allow, mental discipline must be secured by having the student tread for himself the path of observation and experiment, comparison and inference. This difficulty in science-teaching is somewhat relieved by the consideration that a single fact learned by actual observa- tion or experiment serves to render real the knowledge of allied facts made known by the second-hand process of de- . scription, which would otherwise be shadowy and unsubstan- tial. The student who has made a few quantitative determin- ations in chemical analysis, understands the meaning of the 28 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. analyses which he finds in books. The student who has handled the bones of one animal, can read intelligently the description of other skeletons. In conclusion, I would most emphatically repeat that a plea for the study of, natural science is not a plea against other studies. All the studies which have a place in the edu- cational course have their place by reason of their capacity to afford sound mental discipline and useful knowledge. All true education is broadening and liberalizing in its tendency. Whatever the special studies which natural tastes or profes- sional plans may lead the student to pursue in the later years of his educational course, or whatever the pursuits in which he may engage after leaving school, he will have learned, if rightly taught, an appreciative respect for all the great branches of study in which the human intellect has engaged. He will not despise the study of languages, bringing him into communion with the great minds of other ages and other nations ; nor the study of language, interpreting the structure and development of earth's myriad tongues. He will feel the dignity of that pure truth which is embodied in mathematics, and will appreciate the immense utility of the applications of mathematics in the ajts of a material civiliza- tion. He will have learned in due time that he has a soul as well as a body ; and will appreciate the study of the human mind, as revealed to the direct gaze of consciousness, or as expressing itself in literature and history. And the double world of sensation and consciousness will disclose its highest meaning, in the revelation of Him " Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, And the round ocean, and the living air, And the blue sky, and in the mind of man." But, whatever sources of light may shed their beams upon his advancing intellect, the first star which rose above his SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 20. horizon will never set. Whatever teachers he may listen to, the one whose gentle voice first roused him from the slumber of unconsciousness will never be forgotten. As his first lessons were from nature's teaching, she will have for his ex- panding mind lessons continually new. He will " Find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything." APPENDIX I. — • — REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NATURALISTS, ON SCIENCE IN THE SCHOOLS. The Committee on the subject of Science in the Schools beg leave to report as follows : — The vote passed at the New Haven meeting of the Society made it our duty "to develop a scheme of instruction in Natural Science to be recommended to the schools." In regard to the general topic of Science-teaching in the Schools, we believe the following propositions fairly formu- late the views which are held by the members of the Society, and which the Society should use its influence to diffuse :* — i. Instruction in Natural Science should commence in the lowest grades of the primary schools; and should continue throughout the curriculum. 2. In the lower grades the instruction should be chiefly by means of object-lessons ; and the aim should be to awaken and guide the curiosity of the child in regard to natural phenomena, rather than to present systematized bodies of fact and doctrine. 3. More systematic instruction in the Natural Sciences should be given in the high schools. SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 31 4. While the Sciences can be more extensively pursued in the English course in the high schools than is practicable in the Classical course, it is indispensable for a symmetrical education that a reasonable amount of time should be devoted to Natural Science, during the four years of the high-school course, by students preparing for college. 5. An elementary (but genuine and practical) acquaintance with some one or more departments of Natural Science should be required for admission to college. Believing that the propositions stated above will command general acceptance, we are aware that there must be differ- ence of opinion among the members of our own Society and among intelligent educators in general, in regard to details, and that the precise subjects to be introduced into the curri- culum must vary somewhat with the circumstances of different localities. We offer the following, not as necessarily the best scheme, but as a reasonable and practical scheme which may at least serve to illustrate the general principles which we have formulated. In the primary schools, and in the lower grades of the grammar schools, we would recommend that the study of plants and animals should be the main part of the scientific work. The botanical instruction should commence with such simple exercises as drawing and describing different forms of leaves, and should gradually advance to the easier and more conspicuous flowers, and later to the more obscure and difficult forms of flowers, the fruits and seeds. The zoological instruction in the lower schools should not attempt a systematic survey of the whole animal kingdom ; but attention should be directed chiefly to the most familiar animals, and to those which the pupils can see alive. The common domesticated mammals should first be studied, and later the birds, the lower vertebrates, the insects, Crustacea, 32 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. and mollusks. While the range of zoological instruction must be limited as regards the number of forms studied, those few familiar forms should be so compared with each other as to give the pupils, very early, some conception of the main lines of biological study — morphology, physiology, taxonomy. Special prominence should be given to the study of plants and animals which are useful to man in any way ; and the teacher may advantageously, from time to time, give familiar talks in regard to useful products of vegetable and animal origin, and the processes of their manufacture. Attention should also be given to the more obvious characteristics of the kinds of minerals and rocks common in the region in which any school is situated, and to such geological phenomena as are comparatively simple and easily observed. A most important feature of the scientific instruction in the lower grades should be to encourage the pupils to collect specimens of all sorts of natural objects, and to make those specimens the subject of object-lessons. The curiosity of the children will thereby be rationally cultivated and guided. The subject of human physiology and hygiene is of so immense practical importance, and so few comparatively of the pupils ever enter the high school, that we regard as desirable some attempt to teach the rudiments of the subject in the grammar, and even in the primary, schools. We would recommend the introduction of exceedingly rudimentary courses in physics and chemistry in the highest grades of the grammar school. We would recommend as perhaps the most desirable branches of science to be included in the classical courses in the high school, and to be required for admission to college; physical geography, phaenogamic botany, and human physi- SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 33 ology. The first is suggested as tending to keep alive in the student's mind a sympathetic acquaintance with nature in its broader aspects ; the second, as affording unequaled oppor- tunities for discipline in observation ; the third, as affording knowledge of the greatest practical importance. The rudiments of physics and chemistry which we propose for the grammar schools will enable physical geography and physiology to be intelligently studied in the early years of the high-school course. For the scholars in the English course in the high school, there will naturally be more advanced and systematic instruc- tion in chemistry, physics, and zoology, and also instruction in geology and astronomy. But the Classical students may with propriety leave these studies until they reach them in the college course. The scientific instruction they will have received in the primary and grammar schools, and the study of the three branches above specified in their high-school course, will be sufficient to preserve that natural and whole- some sympathy with nature, the loss of which is now the main obstacle to the successful study of Natural Science in the colleges. Samuel F. Clarke, Williams College. William North Rice, Wesleyan University. William G. Farlow, Harvard University. George Macloskie, College of New Jersey, Princeton. C. O. Whitman, Editor Journal of Morphology. December 28, 1888. APPENDIX II. SCIENCE-TEACHING AS PRESCRIBED IN THE MANUAL OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF MIDDLETOWN, CT. I. DIRECTIONS FOR THE TEACHING OF SCIENCE IN THE PRIMARY AND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. INTRODUCTION. The object of elementary lessons in Natural Science is twofold : to train the observing powers, and to give infor- mation. The former should be especially emphasized in the Primary grades, and the two made about equally important in the Grammar grades. The teaching should be chiefly objective. Large, well- defined pictures may be used whenever it is impossible to obtain the real objects ; but it should always be borne in mind that the best pictures are poor substitutes for the objects themselves. In the lowest grades the teacher should studiously avoid the use of technical terms whose meaning is unknown to children. The chief object here is, not to teach science, but to train to close and accurate observation, and to stimulate a keen interest in nature. In no grade should special emphasis be laid upon technical terms and classifications, though some- what more attention may properly be given to them in the Grammar grades. , All classifications should, so far as possi- ble, be the result of observation and comparison on the part SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 35 of the pupils. Let the teacher stimulate, direct, and name. Happy the teacher, and fortunate the pupils, if, in this de- lightful work, the teacher judiciously combines speech and silence. An occasional talk, however, by the teacher, on the subject before the class, is both proper and desirable. Such talks should furnish information beyond the reach of the pupils' observation. Every lesson should be carefully prepared. Aimless and irrelevant conversations are profitless. Allow and encourage the freest expression of what the pupils see. Encourage the pupils to collect and bring in specimens. Elicit, by judicious questions, a description of what they have brought. Give them additional information. Jf necessary, postpone the subject till the next day, and learn something about it. GRADE I. Physiology. — Regions of the body — head, trunk, limbs. Details of external parts. Uses of external organs. Hygiene of the skin — bathing. Zoology. — Lessons on common mammals — e.g., cat, dog, horse, cow, rat, squirrel. Let the pupils observe, compare, and describe these animals, as regards their external aspect and habits. Compare these animals with ourselves. Tell stories illustrative of habits of these and other mammals. Botany. — Lessons on common plants. Teach pupils to distinguish root, stem, leaf. Compare leaves of different plants, as regards general form, margin, venation. Require pupils to draw and describe leaves of many plants. GRADE II. Physiology. — The framework of the body. Bones, joints, muscles. Exhibit anatomical diagrams. Teach the pupils to find in their own bodies some of the bones which can be easily felt through the skin. Emphasize importance of cor- 2>6 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. rect attitudes while the framework of the body is rapidly growing and taking shape. Warn against stooping shoulders and crooked backs. The teeth — their forms and uses. Emphasize importance of proper mastication. Necessity of cleaning teeth. Zoology. — Lessons on mammals continued. Special study and comparison of limbs of mammals. Let the pupils find the elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle, in the cat, dog, horse, cow, rat, squirrel, and any other mammals of which specimens or pictures may be at hand. Thusteach the idea of homology, though the word should not be used. Compare the teeth of common mammals, and lead pupils to recognize adaptation of different kinds of teeth to different kinds of food. Teach pupils to recognize degrees of resemblance between animals. The cat and the dog resemble each other more than either resembles the horse or the rat. Develop idea of classifica- tion. Lead pupils to recognize characters of carnivores, ungulates, rodents. Most of the mammals with which the children are familiar are included in these three orders. But tell them about monkeys and kangarops and other very different forms of mammals, that they may not suppose that all mammals are so included. Botany. — Different kinds of stems — woody and herba- ceous, exogenous and endogenous. By study of numerous examples lead pupils to recognize that exogenous stems usu- ally bear net-veined leaves, and endogenous stems usually bear parallel-veined leaves. Distinguish deciduous and ever- green trees. Let the pupils make lists of each. GRADE III. Physiology. — Elementary ideas of digestion. Why do we eat? All parts of the body are made of the food which we eat. Food is made into blood, and blood made into all SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 2)7 materials of the body. But our food is mostly solid, and must be made liquid before it can get into the blood. Dif- ferent substances dissolve in different liquids — e. g., salt in water, camphor-gum in alcohol, iron filings in dilute sulphuric acid. Show these experiments. Body itself must make liquids which will dissolve food. Put lump of sugar in mouth. Mouth fills with saliva, and sugar is dissolved. This illustrates secretion of digestive fluids. But meat will not dissolve in saliva. What does become of it? Show anatomical plate of stomach, and tell about gastric juice. Teach (with use of anatomical diagrams) outlines of anatomy of digestive organs. Show by experiment how much more quickly powdered salt dissolves in water than lumps of rock salt. Teach importance of thorough mastication. Show gizzard of turkey, and explain its' use. But we have no giz- zard ; and hence must not swallow our food whole, as the turkey does. Wholesome and ■ unwholesome foods. Al- cohol. Zoology. — Lessons on common birds — e.g., robin, hawk, hen, duck. Let pupils compare these with each other and with mammals. Compare feet and bills of different birds and show adaptation to habits. Continue lessons on homology of limbs. Let the pupils find elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle, in birds. Is the bat a bird? Talks on instincts of birds shown in periodical migrations and nest-building. Botany. — Lessons on flowers. Select plants with perfect and somewhat conspicuous flowers. Teach pupils to recog- nize sepals, petals, stamens, pistils. Let pupils describe and draw the parts in a variety of flowers. Study polypetalous flowers first, afterwards monopetalous flowers. Cut open the ovary in large flowers, and show the ovules. Develop the idea that the parts of a flower are altered leaves. 38 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. GRADE IV. Physiology. — Circulation. When food has been made into blood, blood has to be carried to all parts of the body — function of circulation. Show by anatomical plates the out- line of anatomy of circulatory apparatus. Let pupils find some of their own veins, and feel pulsation of heart and of arteries in wrist and temple. Respiration. Show difference between inspired and expired air by experiment with lime- water. Burn a candle in a jar, and show that the air in the jar affects lime-water like expired air. Carbonic acid always formed when carbon burns — i.e., when carbon unites with oxygen. Carbon in body and in food. Carbon burns — i.e., unites with oxygen — all over the body. Body runs, like a steam-engine, by burning carbon. Object of respiration — introduction of oxygen, and removal of carbonic acid. Anat- omy of respiratory organs. Hygiene of respiration — dress, ventilation. Respiration in aquatic animals. Show gills of fish, and respiratory movements in living fish. Fish breathes air dissolved in water. Show presence of such air by warming a beaker of water, and so forming air-bubbles. Zoology. — Lessons on common reptiles, amphibia, and fishes, — e.g., turtle, snake, frog, perch, pickerel, eel. Let pupils observe, compare, and describe. Continue studies of homology of limbs. How many of these animals have two pairs of limbs like those of mammals and birds ? Notice external covering of these animals. Their bodies are cold. Why? Respiration of fishes. Is the whale a fish? Meta- morphosis of amphibia, as shown in changes from tadpole to frog. Teach characters of the three classes — • reptiles, am- phibia, fishes. Characters possessed in common by mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibia, fishes. Sub-kingdom vertebrata. Botany. — The pistil of a flower develops into a fruit. Different kinds of fruits. Seeds. Show the embryo in beans SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 39 and other large seeds. Plant seeds in pots, and show growth of plants from seeds. Cycle of growth, reproduction, death. grade v. Physiology. — Nervous system. Analyze the series of actions when a boy puts his hand on the radiator, and finds it too hot. Nervous system a telegraphic system of the body. Brain the central office. Afferent and efferent nerves. Anatomy of the nervous system. Hygiene of the nervous system — stimulants and narcotics. Zoology. — Study the lobster. Lead pupils to recognize jointed external skeleton, distinct regions of body, jointed limbs. Trace similarity of structure in feelers, jaws and accessory jaws, nippers, legs, and other appendages, inclu- ding the caudal fin. Cut off edge of carapace on one side, and show gills. Contrast articulate type of structure, as shown in lobster, with vertebrate type, as shown in animals previously studied. Compare diagrams of nervous systems in vertebrates and articulates. Compare the crab and the sow-bug with the lobster. Teach pupils to recognize the common characters which unite these animals in the class Crustacea. Study angle-worms, as illustrating articulate type in much simpler form — body not differentiated into regions, no jointed appendages. Talks on useful animals. Botany. — Study more obscure and difficult forms of flowers than those examined in Grade III. Flowers densely aggre- gated, as in sun-flower, dandelion, daisy. Imperfect flowers, as in willow, oak, chestnut. Flowers with open (gymnosper- mous) pistil, as in pine, spruce. GRADE VI. Physiology. — Briefly review work of previous grades. Special study of the eye. Anatomy of the eye. Illustrate 40 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. formation of image on retina by use of a large lens. Hygiene of the eye. Injury of eye by use of light too strong, too feeble, unsteady, or improperly placed. Cultivation of near- sightedness by bad positions in reading and writing. Zoology. — Study common insects, as the bee, butterfly, fly, beetle, squash-bug, dragon-fly, grasshopper. Compare these animals with lobster, sow-bug, and angle-worm, and recognize in all these the common character of articulates. In insects, note the characteristic division of body into head, thorax, and abdomen. Compare wings of insects, as regards number, form, venation, texture. Show scales from wings of moth and butterfly under microscope. Examine the mouth-parts of those insects which are not too small. Sup- plement observation with pictures. Under lens examine eyes of insects. Explain their peculiar structure. Metamor- phosis of insects. Catch some caterpillars in the fall, and keep them in boxes in the school-room. Some of them will probably survive, and appear as moths or butterflies early in the spring. Talks on injurious animals. Show how some animals are useful by destroying injurious animals — e.g., insectivorous birds. Botany. — Distinction between flowering and flowerless plants. Examples of flowerless plants — ferns, club-mosses, horse-tails, mosses, lichens, fungi, sea-weeds. Show fructifi- cation of ferns. Show that the distinction of root, stem, and leaf, so obvious in nearly all flowering plants and in ferns and others of the higher flowerless plants, vanishes entirely in fungi and sea-weeds. Mineralogy. — Study crystalline form, cleavage, color, lus- tre, hardness, of some of the minerals common in the vicinity of Middletown — e.g., quartz, feldspar, mica, hornblende, gar- net, tourmaline, beryl. SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 41 GRADE VII. Physiology. — Senses of hearing, smell, taste. Zoology. — Study the river mussel. Direct pupils' atten- tion to shell (with its hinge, ligament, mantle-impression, and muscular impressions), mantle, gills, palpi, mouth, foot, adductor muscles. Compare this animal with the oyster and the clam. Note that the former has only one adductor mus- cle ; while the latter has the mantle lobes united, forming a sack which is continued posteriorly in the breathing-tubes, or siphons. Examine some pond-snails. These will be found to resemble the preceding in their flabby, unjointed bodies, destitute of internal skeleton ; but will be seen to differ in having a distinct head with feelers, and a spiral univalve shell. Examine shells of some of the sea-snails. Lead the pupils to recognize characters of lamellibranchiata and gastropoda, as classes of the sub-kingdom mollusca. Con- trast the mollusca with the vertebrata and articulata. Give some talks on corals, sponges, and other animals lower in the scale than mollusks. Do not let the pupil suppose that the classes he has studied comprise the whole animal kingdom. Talks on geographical distribution of animals. Give a little idea of geological succession of animals. Botany. — Geographical distribution of plants. Uses of plants. Relation of plants to animals. Geology. — Gravel, sand, clay. Show that these result from the disintegration of pre-existent rocks. Erosion, trans- portation, and deposition by water. Study gutters and puddles for illustration of action of aqueous agencies. Con- glomerate, sandstone, shale. Show that these result from consolidation of gravel, sand, clay. Visit Portland quarries. Other rocks are sediments not merely consolidated, but crys- tallized by action of internal heat. Study specimens of gneiss and mica schist. Contrast their texture with that of 42 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. sandstone and other sedimentary rocks. Still other rocks have come up in molten condition from interior of globe — e.g., lava, trap. Talks on volcanoes. GRADE VIII. Physiology. — Review nutritive functions, using elementary text-book. Illustrate subject with a few dissections. Physics. — Elementary text book. Illustrate with experi- ments, as much as practicable. GRADE IX. Physiology. — Review functions of relation, using elemen- tary text-book. Chemistry. — Elementary text-book. Illustrate with ex- periments as much as practicable. II. Synopsis of the Courses of Study in the High School. The studies of this department are arranged in two courses : the General and the Classical. Each course re- quires four years for its completion. The General Course is intended especially for those pupils who do not intend to pursue their studies beyond the High School. In order to meet, as far as possible, reasonable demands for educational facilities suited to various circumstances, in- clinations, and plans of life, several elective studies are offered in this course. Pupils may elect any study indicated as elective for their particular year or for any previous year of the course. The Classical Course is especially suited to pupils desiring to prepare for the Classical Course in College. Since the re- quirements for admission to most New England Colleges are nearly the same, no elective studies are offered in this course. SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 43 5 1 i ) P3 cj> o Pn Cl O P-. fc —v-1 ^ . 'u BO o O fA tany. ysics. ysics. u5 Ih V] 1 13 IS & gy- nomy. nomy. s G 5 S J3 "o O O O CO .a .a O ojs J3 A J3 -GO O _t» o u c3 3 rt rt rt d rt 6 & £ Ih Jh- -■' >" Jh tj a> CO ca cd 'XSXIjI ■QNODSS ■axvj •Hiynojj P^ 44 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. .5 £ £ 'S B a I w 0) id 3 3 3 a 3 3 S o Q O O o Q o !? O 3 i "in £ S3 0) . Compo toric. toric. Literat Literat . Literal . Litera . Litera . Litera c s a bo CU c c > « s etf tf c a! u o tj h o H O OHO 60- C O CO in 13 c a> C ~ fl -g >-! a .2 c .2 P4 t— « P-t o 1 en e imar, slatic ersat: g C £ c c > rt B 2 2 1 rt M O H U © H U 60 in (3 O o •Sutpra-a ;qSig •Suipran ihSjs •Suipra-H }uS;s en in 3 M j ■duiO^ UT^BI ■dui03 utte^; •drao3 uije-j TJ •s s c a »-fl rt rt aesar. aesar. icero. °* o 'd -s J ft B 2 o en n o te «3 s> a y S3 ergi ergi evie 11 U U U u b > > > ti . si « SP S3 6b S3 bb -4-» B ■^ c -h B £ e s .s ■c P. m Fall Win Spri Fall Win Spri Fall, Win Spri: to £3 •iSHIjI •QNODag •aamx 'Hinnoj £3 1 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. 45 Physiology. Phys. Geography. Botany. O & 1 S « " tS c V S3 K 3 cb o o en in •diuoQ uii^t; 'bo 'bb -^ is is £ > > « 1 a J= ■§ "§ .£ bO W) < < < C »i i- £> ,Q jD aj m > >. >l U It u « S3 M d .5 -G , rt i? °> h !> tn 1 *£ =3 .3 'B 03 1— i •xshij; •aNooag •aamx ■HiHIlOd: 46 SCIENCE-TEACHING IN THE SCHOOLS. NOTE. In the Classical Course, as given in the preceding table, it is undoubtedly a defect that the Natural Science is all put in the first four terms, and the subject is then entirely omitted for the remainder of the four years. It is a sacrifice of what is desirable for what is practicable. The arrangement allows the Greek to be commenced after a sufficient start has been gained in Latin, and to be pursued continuously. It also allows the students in the Classical Course to recite in their scientific studies in the same classes with students in the General Course, thus avoiding the necessity of forming ad- ditional classes in those studies — a consideration of impor- tance in the smaller towns, where the Classical students are few, and the teaching force small. In schools where the number of Classical students is large, so that separate classes for them can conveniently be formed in all the studies, a better arrangement of studies will be practicable. Especially will a better arrangement be practicable, when the Colleges generally require Natural Science for admission, and enforce that requirement as strenuously as the requirement of Greek or of Algebra. It will then not be necessary, in assigning Natural Science to its place in the curriculum, to have regard solely to the convenient arrangement of the courses in Latin, Greek, and Mathematics. But the course as tabulated will show that a step in the right direction is practicable, under existing conditions, and even in comparatively small towns. New Books on Education. I do not think that you have ever printed a book on education that is not worthy to go on any "Teacher's Reading List," and the best list — Dr. William T. Harris. Compayre s History of Pedagogy. Translated by Professor W. H. Payne, University of Michigan. Price by mail $1.75. The best and most comprehensive history of education in English. — Dr. G. S. Hall. Compayre' s Lectures on Teaching . Just Issued. Translated by Professor W. H. Payne:. Price by mail, $1.60. The best book in existence on the theory and practice of education. — Supt. MacAlister, Philadelphia. De G armo's Essentials of Method. A practical exposition of methtods with. illustrative outlines of common school studies. Gill's Systems of Education . An account of the systems advocated by eminent educationists. Price by mail, $1.10. I can say. truly that I think it eminently worthy of a place on the Chautauqua Reading List, because it treats ably of the Lancaster and Bell movement in Education — a very im- portant phase. — Dr. William T. Harris. RadestocMs Habit in Education . With an Introduction by Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Price by mail, 65 cents. It will prove a rare find" to teachers who are seeking to ground themselves in the philosophy of their art. — E. H. Russell, Principal of Normal School, Worcester, Mass. Rousseau s Emile. Price by mail, 85 cents. There are fifty papes of " Emile " that should be bound in velvet and gold. — Voltaire. Perhaps the most influential book ever written on the subject of education. — R. H. Quick. Pestalozzi's Leonard and Gertrude. With an Introduction by Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Price by mail, 85 cents. If we except Rousseau's " Emile" only, no more important educational book has appeared for a century and half than Pestalozzi' " Leonard and Gertrude."— The Nation. Posminis Method in Education. Price by mail, J? 1.75. The best of the Italian books on education. — Editor London Journal of Education. Hair s Methods of Teaching History. A symposium of eminent teachers of history. Price by mail, $1.40. Its excellence and helpfulness ought to secure it many readers. — The Nation. Bibliography of Pedagogical Literature. Carefully selected and annotated by Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Price by mail, $1.75. Lectures to Kinder gar iners. By Elizabeth P. Peabouy. Price by mail, $1.10. Monographs on Education. (25 cents each.) D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers, BOSTON, NEW YORK, and CHICAGO. E. E. SMITH, General Western Agent, - - 185 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. Cornell university Liorary arV16399 Science-teaching in the schools: 3 1924 031 423 241 olin.anx