;'a.:^- i Cet-fnji'^eJ(irai(e[- ^avidMItt ^/oSlran'dc^ondonyl fl.m«i7^ Cornell University Library PZ 8.3.R12S6 3 1924 028 199 465 Cornell University Library The original of tinis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924028199465 SONGS FOR SOMEBODY. AW orgomiif' )'cturedbyG^ V. Ill \i./»'> 'i, o, ^" »>/ v.. «>. «• M, .,, A^i^.., Published by Vauih Mvittp^ at XjO. Strand l-onbon : 1893 ^ri- t' h.zsz<^n5 ® onpsiDr^o meboo y iXTriicf) somebody maij happily T^ab in a (j^uiet nursery JjiCLVinQ the oarden game an^ toys '7\r)d someone else to make the ryoise 1. BABY WINGS '%-•*. 2. J HEARD A TUNE'S." & BABY 50CK.S Si 5. CL051 TO THE win: :D0VV is* "ft* «; ^. BUNNY5 CHILDRfN 5. Full pace '^' '^i 6 . 5 TAR.S 30 FAR AWAy 7. OUTINTHE CKAS5 5. And FATHEP15 HAND 9. KpSES PINK "^ •«# 10.11. On HERWAy 12. Full PAGE <% '^i l3.THfy FLUTTfRfD ^6. GRANDMOTHERi GARDEN '^^ ^ 17 Full Page *j 18. WhATPLEAJANT TIA\FS ^' ** **•' 19. heke'5 dinner 20. BERRIES "^ '^' 21. A Rr you HAFPy Lucy? 12 Full PAG E^ ^• 23 TlS PLEASANT 24. Little Hestfr^ 25. apple blossoa\ 26. BuTTER,CUP5 "^ 27. Full PAGE <«».• ^• 28. Lost iNTHE mid: ( I ) ( 2 ) d^ Ip -1 fc^ T^ m ■ -1 ' ■v^ » <*. ■ < T. a lt ^ . A_ »/t. Che u/tndour^i ■J Onfy^/i^ roses Onlif y see, , caocj the nedt han^s there 3a fe as can be ■ ^ tj^er and Linger J:=t rouung each day C>oon you shall see them ffying aura ( 3 ) i^M[ril^y<§ cfiiidren^tfiree i^four, ot.it upon tPie nixneri^ j^^oor . !^onne voit^out tnecr Snoes h Socks, Sonvi uiit^out t^eir bibsly frocks . (^unnuj children, six b' ei^ht . finger iri a dismal sTaTe . 3onxe Jth.<.nk. have Lost tneir h,eaas, ^ut them, Ln tkeir Little behs , [put tnem. oil in, ^reat tJ JrnalL , Jn. tntir beds alon^ t^e vualLjt ( 4 ) 'BwiniysO^^W ^tars so far away, ho still and clear, Snail we come one da I y\n.d see uou near; ~A' -A' -A' -^A jJretty flame that 5p yind danced so about 'J aif vukere are uou hi Nou) the fire is out ( 6 ) qrasi, Out tn tf)e Sun daus pasb. oil done. ^-^ Tessoni all done, Xjp in the sku, SoUmnlu On( ]^ook travels by in. tf>e sky , wn in the grass) u» tf)e hours fly oLo the days pass^ Ji ( 7 ) .no father's nanc} amon^ ftis curlj , /\ (ittit ocfiile XiiiCC Jtay , j\nd mother's t\pi ioiLl prea his hroui, (JJhen f)Z gets home today: /\ixd so Ais 6/uc ^yC'S dance, uiitft jou , hfo itorm can hurt tht borinv bou . ^S^B-'""'^-^ ^^^«lrul no one has a teri<><.n/^ anb roses red, y^t^re^ from the garden l>ed, r>gses t^e((oui^ big and smaPf, from the tret aton^ the lo-ai'; \n our bow^ so blue anS otd, F«u of (*>ater ci«or and zo(d, Ucry pteasant they u)lU U UJhin lae sit around for tea. '^-^S. ( 9 ) ( 10 ) L^n her wau a hiU so hiph Grasses seem to touch t^e sky ^ome JLveet flowers tnay umeen, yfide amcd the topmojt green Manbs t:}" feet are ujefuL things Jn our Jummer ujanoe rings K^limbing upurarh ^ Voee feet Soon J ire upon a summer noon ZOhat a great big bright 6lue sea (2nd it clLL belonoi to me «» !>.. ( II ) / / / lutterea to our •> iy roof, /\fi3 cjhen J caftid r«-'y.:',-t^ them — coo — ■^yy/{ :\~. I, 1^* /""'^ fri^^tene3 l/lutter/'no Thinas ^t^pread out Tnetr tireo ■ Tremolina uimos ^\nd ^oujnuar^ to •^ me ffeto. Jk. I r^/rt/j; theu tne^ To reacA 'the s^t/ , ( 13 ) ' /^^^^(-Tl^ Ifotoing Oyes are giowi'nq i^/yio Vie ^reat wind aioes loarm Jfmes ^ de iittie handi '^ frt^ ^yt is (jttn^in^ tops the Uue sea never m/ssa yJc maffe tne morning StoeeT ( 14 ) I /Dut Jometime'S cohen tAe angru ^ night tcinb passes, r^ Jne land L5 full of moaning ^f^and unrejt ^LS (yreabs tfie ljtois6rr>s an^ t(\z p Jprea^ino ^rass&s ^-Aa3 Jendj tfieJittle chi^bren ( IS ) randmothers garden green b trim VXAyntTe tht %iiinrj ^oldfi^h Scoim, Whf^re the cur /ant Lushes stand Ji7 a roox all dose at hand UJhere the sundial on the'^rjass. ^hocos hour summer hours pasi; yfrjd the tkmsk ^ Uackltird sirip Jhrou^h t^e day of every tRmg. '^ranhmothefs garden fresh & sue^ inhere so many aurjties meet, t^jTrtcre so rnany cousins -stray. Ss Q. Jiappy piace /or p)ay. % *>l> ^t^//^ Wm9lf)MmVlu.e Oo mariy hi US for me t5 UOu. -^ jke J>CQ tRirx^i all must call trt vain Jheu never can ao back, again, a ( i8 ) oJltrCS Binn&r for the (>abij thicks Jo ma\\t them, fat and strona , Jlnh bia enough to learn the trices J hat mother hen knouxs oxhen she pr'icll^ tJier hunyi^ urau along } %71nd snatchts from the o-eru hast Jhe, choicest morsels of the feast. ( 19 ) ( 20 ) 5f»a 5pn Quite you nappifc/,ucy yon d qjv tfie pround ? _jj^ j| U S sit beside you.' ^^^ around '''" ad my pfapthinos old 6'' near c/ose To (/ou "^ ^^0 ^ rom your pretty pi f(o you stt tPiz 5un is $fiining rouyfi tne tree P you hear me wPten S say o^ppy dott^ ? )|| CDJfim four 6utyou are Nothiny yet, yjust a teeny bahu. jbo not /ret i you uiitt get ^uite 6ty 6f strong \ JB>«fore soion^. ( 21 ) Babyjjucy. ^ Wis pleasant to sd in a quiet retreat , ^n^ gather red applei when apples are dwett, do jit in the jhade vohenthe Loorh ii all done, Jlnh Jt€ the biy ujorli /yinp Out in the sun: Kv J-Jnd not tiU uou climb u.p a "' red apple tree, Zvilluou l^nouj hoLv delicious red apples can be ■ ( 23 ) ittie hiester^do uou sec rSiSl-j /Aanv fetters t^ere for me P If^l Uio the poiLman call on us, W/)CM ne came uiltn such a fuss ^ XVhen JO veru louh he knocks, He shouih fill our letter-box . ( 24 ) ®SS®inni in t^e fane erry on the garden tree Quckoo ftoojers in the fi'efd Shine as far as S can se>e. J__or95 & tabits 6y the hidgc Shepherd'^ purse ^ satin ftouter^ S could rrtake a nosegai/ up Such a nose^y in an hour. Vor the swttttst meadoux huBs That through, all the year appear Open (ah&n the cuckoo comes, ^nh to^ai^ ^ heard him near ( 25 ) UU^jrCUpS f^ buttercups ot ret china for miles Jhroixoh tne green meadouj-lana Over t^e utiles jj Outtercups e^ butter Cups btanhino Jo high jn all tne ju.mmer-gra.si (Jn.de r tKe sky ^ ( 26 ) [Q^uitzrcMfS, ^AZ?uT now the. iprifei uith a spttt daoe bound fier, AJne Steeps and dreams 5/"<3 /a//y hand, iOno ((isseh her eifes u^en they passed t^/ound^er, y^nd fed net home through the startit land. ( 28 )