Out i F S'l3 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924072101797 Production Note Cornell University Library produced this volume to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. It was scanned using Xerox software and equipment at 600 dots per inch resolution and compressed prior to storage using CCITT Group 4 compression. The digital data were used to create Cornell's replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39. 48-1984. The production of this volume was supported in part by the New York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials and the Xerox Corporation. Digital file copyright by Cornell University Library 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, LONG ISLAND. Personal Index prior to 1698, INDEX OF 1698 COMPILED AND COPIED FOE THE PURPOSE OP HAVING CORRECTIONS SUGGESTED AND GREATER FULLNESS AND ACCURACY ATTAINED AND PRESERVED, ESPECIALLY AS TO THE FIRST OR EARLY SETTLERS OF THE TOWN, INCLUDING ALL NAMED IN OR PRIOR TO THE LIST OF 1698. By CHARLES B. MOORE. j®&* Notice. — Any person discovering an error or imperfection is requested to send a written statement, with exact reference to authorities, books or records, to. the Town Clerk, or to Chaeles B. Mombe. JOHN MEDOLE, PRINTER, 193 PEARL STREET. 1868. NOTICE Space is reserved to add names of any other persons living in 1698 who had any connection with or descent from Southold. A separate (third) Index has been commenced, called Index of 1730, to embrace all residing in or connected with the town who were not early enough to be embraced in either of the foregoing, and who did not live or remain in the town until 1775. And a fourth Index has also been started, and filled with names of many persons living in the town at the commencement of the Revolutionary War, called Index of 1775. Persons disposed to pursue the investigation or to aid it are in- vited to separate the names accordingly. Such a plan has been found indispensable for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Refer- ences from one Index to another will easily facilitate family traces. PERSONAL INDEX PRIOR TO 1698. Index of Persons, not in the Census List of 1698, who Died in or Removed from the Town of Southold peiob to 1698, oe about that date, including some known as ancestors of the settlers ob as cas- UAL Visitors ; with References to Records of any kind respecting each; the Names abeanged, so far as convenient, Alphabetically, and the Records referred to in the Order of their Dates. ABBBEVIATIONS USED. B. for born; d. for died; M. for married; m. for aged; o. for child or children; s. for son; dau. for daughter; s. p., without offspring; prob. for probably (not a mere guess, but where the evidence would produce that result in the absence of contra- dictory evidence) ; perh. for perhaps. The figure ' prefixed to a name indicates that the person named was deemed the original first settler in Southold of his family, or as head of the family; 2 for second; 3 for third, &c. The figures of Nos. appended to names of children, &c. , refer to the numbers on the Index of Census of 1698. Va- riations of spelling little regarded. For locations, S. is sometimes used for Southold village; H. for Hashamomach; O. for Oyster Ponds, now Orient; C. for Cutchogue; M. for Mattetuck; A. for Aque- bogue. Akerly, Eobert, an early settler of Southold; prob. from Stamford or New Haven. 1652. Deed to John Elton. 1653. Had a home lot, in Southold. 1655. At Brookhaven. 1657. Deed to Thos. Cooper, of 12 acres, adjoining Cooper, at Southold. 1659. Among the first settlers of Setauket, called Cromwell's Bay. 1664. Freeman of Connecticut Colony, from Setauket. 1675. Bated in Brookhaven; also Samuel, prob. a son. Ackerly Pond and Lane probably named after him. Akerly, Samuel: c, Joseph. 1655. In Brookhaven. 1696. Bl Brookhaven, deed to his son Joseph, County Clerk. Alexander: see Farret and Forrester. Allowbin, John, son of No. 1, Index of 1698, d. 7 May, 1697. Allsop, Daniel, B. 13 August, 1667; D. 2 Jan., 1698, M. 31 yrs. 7 mos. Buried at Southold. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. Arnold, Mary, » <" *• prob. wife or dau. of Isaac, No. 9; if dau., prob. m. Gillam: see No. 253. 1685. Witness with I. A. to deed of I. Youngs to T. Longworth, and to re- ceipt given to I. A. 'Arnold, John, prob. son of Isaac, No. 9. 1692. Witness to deed of I. A. to Gillam. Baker, Thomas. • 1667. A witness with T. Moore to release of Jorm Salmon to John Conkling. Barnes, William, perh. of Easthampton; supposed to have removed to Westchester: c, Nos. 24 to 26, and Sarah the next. Barnes, Sarah. 1683. m. John Salmon: see No. 602. Bartholomew, Josiah. 1676. Deed from Saml. Wines for lot and commons. 1683. Bated in Southampton. Bar tlett, William, shipwright and seaman; having a brother, Robert. 1658. Deed of land by him in New London. 1653. Trading, it is said, at Southold. (See Caulkin's New London, 274. ) Baylie, John. 1617. B. in England. 1635. m. 18, embarked in the " True Love," of London, for the Bermudas. Exd. by the minister at Gravesend as to conformity. 1654. April. In B. I. and at New Haven. Came to Southold. 1658. Owning meadow adjoining Joseph Youngs, at Southold. 1661. Sept. 22. Deed to John Tuthill of his dwelling house and home lot in Southold, prob. on leaving. 1675. Not assessed. 1683. He or a son assessed on £18. Supposed to have removed to Westchester County, leaving some property. 1687/8. John Bayley, constable of Westchester Co. , &c. 1690. At Jamaica, appointed captain by Leisler. 1096. Alderman of the borough of Westchester, a, prob. John, No. 21 — Stephen, No. 14 — and Joseph. See below. 2 Bayley, Joseph, removed to Huntington, L. I. 1664. In the list of freeholders of Huntington. 1669, 1671. A witness to wills; Becorder of Deeds at Huntington. 1688, 1694. One of the patentees of Huntington. 2 Bayley, Nathaniel, prob. son of Stephen, No. 14, or of John. 1699. Witness to will of Simon Grover. ^eebe, Joseph, reputed to have come from Plymouth, Mass., to Plumb Island, and to have purchased it from Samuel Wil- lis, of Hartford. (Griffin's Jour.) 1674. Patent of Gov. Andros to Willis, confirming title to Plumb Island. c, Samuel, No. 790, and others. INDEX PBJOR TO 1698. 7 'Benedict, Thomas. 1649. Deed from W. Salmon, Hashamomach. 1650. Sept. 5. Appointed by Com'rs of United Colonies as of Southold, with others from Southampton, to treat with Indians. 1653. At Huntington. 1657. Dispute about Hashamomach belonging to Southold government. 1659. Deed to Thos. Eider, of land at Hashamomach . 1662-1666. In town of Huntington. 1664. In Jamaica. 1665. A deputy for Jamaica to the 1st N. Y. Assembly at Hempstead. 1669. Suit against Richard Smith for defamation. 'Benjamin, Richard, prob. son of John, of Watertown, Mass., d. about 1681: M. Anna; c, Ann, b. 1643— Richard, b. 1645,No.28 — Simeon (see next) — and prob. Priscilla, who M. Thomas Tusten, No. 683. 1632. Left England in same vessel with John Benjamin and Chas. Glover. 1632. Settled first at Watertown, Massachusetts. 1642. A proprietor at Watertown, Massachusetts. 1642. His sister Mary died, leaving a will, in which she mentioned her Aunt Wines. 1652. Had lands and meadows at Southold. 1655. Had hired two cows of Mr. Frost, dec'd. 1662. Signed appointment of Capt. Youngs for Hartford Colony, under Charter. 1664. Accepted freeman of Hartford Colony for Southold. 1666. United in deed to I. Y. for Plumb Island. 1673. Deed by him and his son Simeon to Thos. Tusten, meadow in Cut- chogue. 1673. Witness to deed of Thos. Tusten to Joseph Youngs. 1673. Witness to two other deeds to Thos. Tusten. 1673. Deed by him and Anna, his wife, to Thos. Tusten and Priscilla, his wife, for land at C. 1676. He or his son Richard assessed for 2 men, 39 acres, 26 cattle, 7 horses, Ac, £247. 1680. He or his son Richard witness to will of Barnabas Horton. 2 Benjamin, Simeon, s. of the last, d. before 1698: M. Waite, who survived him — see No. 37; c, see Nos. 38 to 42. 1673. Deed by him and his father, as above, to T. Tusten. 1676. Assessed on 10 acres, 10 cattle, 3 horses, £106. 1683. Rated on £117. 1686. 3 males and 4 females in his family. Bradley, Peter, son of Peter, of New London, b. 1658, d. 8 Aug.. 1687: M. Mary, dau. of Christopher Christopher, see Nos. 760, 761; c, Christopher, No. 73, b. 11 July, 1679— and perh. Peter. 1662. "His boat and sea clothing inventoried at Flushen." His father Pe- ter is supposed to have married Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Brewster, son of the elder. . She survived her husbaud, and mar- ried "Christopher Christophers. Residing at New London, his fa- ther and he plied a sloop or sailboat through the Sound, stopping at places on Long Island. 8 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. Boisseau, John, b. in 1676 (Huguenot), d. 14 June, 1756,^. 80: M. Elizabeth, b. 1665, who D. 23 Mar., 1724/5, m. 60; 2, Deb- orah, dau. of 2 Nathaniel Moore, 17 July, 1725; about 1690, reputed to have come to Southold, date uncertain; c, one child d. in Southold, 16 July, 1704— John, b. about 1700, who may have been the one who M. Deborah, dau. of N. Moore, 17 July, 1725 — Nathaniel, reputed born in 1690, dying in 1780, m. 90. 1728/9. Eelease of one to executors of N. Moore. 'Booth, John: see No. 46. Some of his family probably died or removed before 1698, but no exact account. [This is one of the names difficult to trace back to England, where it was a common one, and possessed by several distinguished families. Gregory Booth, aged 18, left England in 1635; Humphrey Booth and Rebecca are found at Charlestown, Mass., in 1656, selling land to Richard Browne, the Wa- tertown elder; John Booth, of Scituate, Mass., had child born as early as 1657, and son John born in 1661. A larger family may be traced in Stratford, Conn., using many of the same Christian names as the Southold family. The first one in Southold was an associate, in 1652 and afterward, of Capt. N. Silvester.] 'Brinley, Francis. (See Drake's Boston and Arnold's R. I.) 1G56, aged 22, arrived in Rhode Island from England, with some Quakers. 1680. Will of N. Silvester, post, his brother-in-law. 1682 Deed from Thos. Moore for \- lot, 100 acres, b'd E. by Capt. J. Youngs. 1683. Deed to Richard Browne, jun., same, 100 acres, betw. Capt. J. Youngs, on the east, and Ralph Goldsmith on the west, from sea to sea, and 4 acres of meadow, probably O. 1711. Power of Attorney to B. L'Hommedieu, executed in R. I. 'Brown, Richard, B. in England, D. at Southold, 16 Oct., 1655: M. ; c, Richard: see below. For one of the name, per- haps his father, see Watertown, Mass. One came over in 1634, with T. Rider, N.Easton, W. Franklin, W. Hibbens and others. 2 Brown, Richard (see above), b. ; d. 1686/7: m. ; c, Rich- ard, No. 80— Jonathan, No. 74— William, No. 91— Walter, No. 88 — and perhaps Abigail, No. 391 — (Qu., David?) 1659. Had home lot, land and meadows at Southold. 1662. Signed appointment of Capt. Youngs. 1662. Admitted freeman of Connecticut Colony for Southold. INDEX PRIOR TO 1698. 9 1668. Deed to John Tuthill of land at Oyster Ponds. 1670. Witness to deed of Benjamin Horton to Samuel King. 1679. Witness to deed of John Booth to John Budd. 1683. Senior and junior assessed on £386. O 1683. Deed from John Conkling, a second lot in Oyster Ponds. 1686. Lieutenant. 4 males and 4 females in his family. 1686/7. Deed to his son William. 1686/7. Deed to his second son, Jonathan. 1686/7. Deed to John Tuthill in trust. 1686/7. Deed to his fourth son, Walter. 'Brown, Israel, perh. son of 'Richard, perh. a religious designation of the head of the tribe: child, by repute, Joseph, No. 8%; bet. 1645 and 1650, by repute, according to A. Griffin, set- tled at Orient: no trace found. 'Brush, Thomas, D. 1675: M, ; c, Thomas — Richard — and John, all settled in Huntington. 1656. Proved verbal will of Mr. Frost, of Southold. 1663. Deed from him and John Tucker of house and lot in Old Field. 1664. Admitted freeman of Connecticut Colony from Huntington. 1666. Sept. 18, witness to deed of J. Ketehum, at Setauket, to Thos. Moore. 1666. Thomas and Richard Brush inhabitants of Huntington. 1675. On Huntington rate list, 36 acres, 19 cattle, 4 horses, &c. 1675. Letters of administration to his son Thomas. Lib. 1, N. Y., p. 211. 1726. Will of 2 Thomas. Lib. 10, N. Y., p. 297. 'Budd, John (Lieut.), born in England, D. about 1670: m. ; c, 2 John — 2 Joseph — and Judith, M. Brown. 1529. John the elder, and John, jun. , executor and witness to will of John Howe in England, connected with the Bond family. (7 Coll., 320.) 1639. June. Signed New Haven agreement as a freeman. 1640. Reputed engaged in the first settlement of Southold. 1642. At New Haven. Ordered to pay damages for neglect to fence. 1643. Do. Taxed. 1646. Do. Grass on his meadow appraised for taxes unpaid. 164b. Do. Reported a purchase of Indians at Southold — not approved. 1647. At New Haven. Claim against estate of Robert Parsons. 1648. Do. Sold house lot to W. Thompson. Exchanged with R. Hull. Supposed to have returned to England, and to have taken an active part there, probably against the king. 1654. Described as absent in England. 1655. Writes to New Haven Court from Southold. 1655. Engaged in settlement of Setauket, Brookhaven. 1657. Sole- deputy from Southold to New Haven, constable, &c. 1659. Mar. 9. Deed to John Corey for " his home lot in Hashamomach. " - 1660. Resigned as lieutenant of military company. 1660. Sued at New Haven for selling land at Hashamomach to a person not approved of. 1661. Sued at New Haven for slander >of Capt. Y. and for defending or pro- tecting Quakers. 1661. Sold land at Huntington to John Piatt, which he bought of Whitney. 1661 . Obtained deeds from Indians in Westchester Co. , where he remained until his death, and where his son Joseph settled. (See Bolton's Westchester.) 2 10 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 1663. Comm'r for Hastings (Eye, Westchester Co.), appointed by Hartford General Court. 1664. Comm'r for Hastings and Deputy at Hartford. A number of young men are supposed to have followed him from Southold — Vail, Hor- ton, &c. 1669. Oct. 13. Will of this date, giving his son John part of a mill on Blind Brook, and to his son Joseph the " Epauquammes" lands, and mentioning daughter, Judith Brown. Will described in deed from his son. 2 Budd, John, prob. b. in England in 1620, d. 5 Nov., 1684; left London in 1635, in same vessel with John Moore, aged 28, and Thomas Moore, aged 19: M. Mary as early as 1653; c, eldest, John, see No. 99, born 14 Jan., 1658/9 — youngest, Joseph, see the next — Mary or Maria, B. 1654, who m. Christopher Youngs of Aqueboque before 1670 (see No. 742), and d. his widow, 6 May, 1735— Hannah, who m. Jonathan Hart— Sarah, No. 99, guardian for her in 1685, prob. M. Benj. Conkling — Ann, who married "Benjamin Horton, post. 1669/70. Became entitled to real estate of his father as heir, subject to his will. 1671. He and Thomas Moore sold I of the ketch " Thomas and John," 44 tons, to Isaac Arnold. 1676. Called "Mr. ;" rated for £300 on last year's account in Southold, he not being at home. 1678. Joined others in deed to E. Petty of common lands. 1678/9. Bill of sale for half of sloop " Speedwell" to P. Pirse. 1679. April 25. Deed to John Hallock, " house and messuage. " 1679. April 28. Deed to Jeremiah Vail, half lot in town plot. 1683. Bated for £350, nearly the largest m the town. 1683. Deed in Westchester Co. to Judith Brown, his "honored father's daughter. " 1683. Witness to mortgage of W. Bogers to Peter Dickerson. Lib. 3, N. Y., p. 11, by which he gave .,., „ , -_ ■,„.„ »,.• , . his land in Southold to his son John: J2£ 2 ?o W ° *™fl in Westchester Co. to his son Joseph 1684. Nov. 12. Will proved. \ &n& dau Hannah . and at Asstamp / U) J his dau. Mary. Budd, Joseph, son of "John. This one, or Joseph, son of 'John, m. Mary, dau. of Barnabas Horton, prior to 1680.' One M. Sarah, about 1691; c, Joseph, b 1692; baptized, with his mother, in Westchester Co., in 1703, m. 11. 1684. Land in Westchester Co. given him by his father's will. Supposed to have removed from Southold to Westchester. 1720. Patentee of Budd's Neck or Bye Neck, Westchester Co. (See 2 Bol- ton's Westchester, 81.) Carwithey, David, d. 1665: c, David, prob. m. Frances, and had a son, David, b. at Boston in 1661 — Elizabeth, M. Crowner — Sarah, M. Caleb Curtis. INDEX PBIOE TO 1698. 11 1644. Mentioned at Salem, Mass. 1665. Jan. 4. Will of this date. 1665. Aug. 30. Will proved. The will names "my son Caleb" (Curtis), his dau. Martha and "my dau." (Sarah) "his wife;" " my dau. Eliz- abeth;" "my son David;" "I left him his portion when I came from him. " Appoints his dau. Sarah sole ex'r. Witnesses, John Conklin, sen., Simon Grover, Jacob Conldin. Letters granted to his dau. Sarah Curtis, of Hasbamomach. Case, prob. William, who left England in the " Dorset" in Sept., 1635, aged 19, with Jo. Tusten, aged 16, and Thos. Moore, aged 18, William Barnes, aged 15, Richard Jennings and wife and others, and was received as freeman in Rhode Island on 22 May, 1665: M. Martha , who, after his death, say in 1681, m. Thomas Hutchinson, see No. 375; c, Henry, No. 106— Theophilus, No. 111. Case, perh. Henry, who may have been the husband of Martha, named above, and have come to Southold and died: see No. 111. 1658. Lands and meadows at Southold. Case, perh. Thomas. 1661. At Fairfield, Conn. 1666. At Newtown, L I. Cheston, Roger. 1654. Of Southold. A witness at New Haven Court. 1659. At Setauket, called Cromwell's Bay. Cleves, George, first agent for Lord Sterling. 1637. At Boston. 1646. At Ligonia with Mr. Tucker. 1652. In England. 1655. Correspondence with Massachusetts about Yorkshire. Cleves, or Cleaves, Capt. John, son of George, d. before 1698: m. Elizabeth: see No. 128. 1637. Engaged in the Pequot war. See entries under No. 131. Clark, Richard, prob. the sen., son or brother of Samuel, of South- ampton: M. ; c, prob. Thomas, No. 125 — Samuel, b. 1675, d. 1755, m. 80: No. 791. 1661. Lands and meadows at Southold. 1662. Deed from John ( Jonkling, land in Hashamomach. 1676. Bated on four acres,, &c. , £62. _ 1678. Witness to deeds between I. Overton and C. Youngs. 1679. Deed to John Salmon; all except meadows. 1683. Deed to W. Coleman. (A.) Bichard, sen. or jun., removed to Elizabethtown, N. J., and died in 1679—7 sons. Samuel Clark, of Southampton, in will of 1675, named two sons, Sam- uel and Edmond, and daughter Sarah, Lib. 1, N. Y., 334. (See 18 N. Eng. Beg., 262.) 12 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD. Coit, Daniel, d. 6 March, 1697. 'Conklmg, John, sen., b. in England, d. about 1683: M. (qu., Mary? see the next); c, John, jun., the next — Jacob, No: 154 — Benjamin (see post, this Index) — Joseph, No. 163 — prob. Timothy, who was at Huntington in 1666. 1649. May 30. Four acres of land at Salem, Massachusetts, set off for him, four for Ananias Conclyne, &c. 1655. Will of Mr. Frost in his favor at Southold. 1659. Witness to deed of Benedict to Eider. 1660. Called sen. Suits against John Budd and John Corey. 1660. A -witness for J. Budd against John Corey. 1660. Deed from John Corey for Salmon. (H. ) 1660. Deed to B. Clark. (H.) 1660. Signed appointment of Capt. John Young as "John Conkclin. " 1660. As " Goodman Conclin" admitted freeman of Connecticut Colony. 1660. Arhitration of J. C. , sen. and jun. , with J. Bider and T. Osman. 1665. Witness to will of D. Carwithey. 1665. Deed to Edward Petty, sundry small parcels. 1671. Witness to bill of sale of vessel, T. Moore and J. Budd to J. Arnold. 1673. Deed from Edward Petty. (A.) 1675. See next, J. C. 1677. Witness to deed of T. Moore to 2 N. Moore. 1678. United in deed to E. Petty, common lands. 1680. Deed to John Harrod (or Howell), land at Wading Biver. 1680. Deed to Benjamin Conkling, land north side of river. 1681. John Conkling, sen., described in a deed as "of Huntington." 1681/2. Deed from John Youngs, meadow at Oyster Ponds. 1683. Deed to his son John of all lands granted " to me when I was an in- habitant of Salem, Massachusetts." 1683. Deed to Bichard Brown, Oyster Ponds. 1683. Deed to Bichard Brown, jun. , Oyster Ponds. 1683. Deed to Bichard Howell, 20 acres. (H.) 1683. Apparently not rated; probably died this year. Had removed West. 2 Conkling, John (Capt.), son of 'John, B. in Nottinghamshire, Eng- land, 1630/31, D. 6 April, 1694, m. 64: m. perh. Mary, who died 2 Nov., 1688, buried at Southold; Sarah Curtis, wid. of William Salmon, 2 Dec, 1656; c, John, No. 146, and prob. others. 1660. Deed from John Corey for J. Salmon. (H. ) 1662. As jun. admitted freeman of Connecticut. 1662. Sen. and jun. Arbitration with Bider, &c. 1664. Belease by Mary Salmon. 1665. Belease by Sarah Salmon. 1665/6. Appointed administrator of estate of William Salmon, having mar- ried the widow. 1667. Belease by John Salmon. 1671. Jun. to Jacob Conklin, house and home lot. (Qu., His son?) 1675. Beleases from Hannah and Elizabeth Salmon. 1675. He or his father, or both, rated 80 acres, 37 cattle, 8 horses, 21 sheep, &c, £358 10s. 1683. Deed to him, from his father, of lands in Salem, Massachusetts. 1683. Bated on £321. 1684. Witness to deed of T. Mapes to Capt. Youngs. INDEX PRIOR TO 1698. 13 1686. 3 males, 3 females, and 5 slaves in his family. 1686. Deed settling boundaries with John Tuthill. 1694. Died. Tombstone at Southold. 2 Conkling, Jacob, prob. son of 'John, No. 154, d. 1697 or 1699. Conkling, Elizabeth, d. 2 July, 1697. Conkling, Joseph, son of , d. 4 Dec, 1697, prob. without issue, and others named after him; but the above date uncer- tain, so that he may be No. 161. 1680. Perhaps the one named in B. Horton's -will: see No. 163. Conkling, Benjamin, prob. son of ^ohn; prob. d. before 1698, or removed; supposed to have m. Sarah, dau. of 2 John Budd. ante. 1681. Deed from John Conkling, a lot on north side of river. 1686. Deed from William Coleman. (A.) 1687. June 14. Deed from Christopher Youngs, A. and Wading River. 1687. June -23. Deed from John Osman, lots as laid out to C. Y. 1687. Dec. 4. Deed from John Hallock, 4 lots as laid out to J. Swezey. 1699 (1688/ 9 ?). Release from Mary Youngs and Benjamin Youngs, A. and Wading River. If no children, John, No. 146, would be his heir; but perhaps a son, Benjamin. Cooper, Thomas, prob. m. and c. See rate lists of different towns, and Southampton census list of 1698. 1633-1638. From Hingham, England, to Hingham, Massachusetts. 1639. Admitted freeman of Massachusetts. 1654. Lands and meadows at Southold. 1657. Deed to him from R. Akerly for 12 acres, adj'g his land in Southold. 1660. Will proved. Witnesses, Barnabas Horton, Chas. Glover and Bar- nabas Wines. 1660. Inventory. Property appraised at £368 7s. Cooper's Lane probably named after him. Cooper, Margaret. 1673. Deed of James Hildreth, 20 acres. (C.) 1686. Witness to deed of Daniel Terry to Lot Johnson. 1705. Perhaps deed from Corey. Cooper, Samuel and James. 1700. Sept. 5. Deed to Sam'l Clark for 150 acres, formerly John Easton's. Acknowledged before T. Helme, Brookhaven. Corey, John, prob. d. between 1680 and 1686: M. prob. Margaret , living in 1686; c, John (qu., No. 189?) — Abraham, No. 170— Isaac, No. 177— Jacob, No. 167. 1653. Perhaps in Europe. (See 5 State Trials, 359.) 1659. Refused to take oath of fidelity to New Haven. 1659. Mar. 9. Received deed from John Budd for home lot and land at H., but called a Quaker and objected to by neighbors. 1660. Sued by John Conkling and John Budd, jun., for letting hogs ran at large, &c. 1660. Took the oath required. 1660. Oct. 11. Gave a deed to John Conkling for John Salmon of land at H. 14 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 1662. " Goodman Corey" admitted a freeman of Connecticut. 1664. Deed from G. and S. Jones for dwelling house and 4 acres. 1665. Deed from Barnabas Wines, several parcels to him as sen. 1675. Bated on 1 ox, 2 horses, &c. , £44. 1680. Kelease from son Abraham of debts. ~ 1680. Deed to his son Isaac of all his lands, reserving a life estate.Q 1686. Margaret, with 1 male and 2 females in her family. Corteous, Curtice or Curtis, Caleb, prob. son of Richard, baptized at Salem, 21 April, 1650: M. Sarah, dau. of David Carwithey, ante; c, Martha — Caleb, Nd. 196 — and prob. Thomas. Corteous, Caleb, jun., son of No. 190, b. 1679. 1698. Supposed absent; but it may have been his father that was absent: see No. 196. Courteous, Thomas. 1663. Deed from Capt. John Scott. Courteous, Isaac. 1679. Witness to deed of John Budd to John Hallock. Corwin, Matthias, d. 1658: m. ; c, John, No. 200 — Theophi- lus, No. 201 — and prob. Daniel. 1655. Land and meadow at Southold. Will executed; John Underhill and Barnabas Horton, witnesses; date not stated, but doubtless while J. U. was in Southold. 1660. Mar. 6. Proved at Southold and sent to New Haven. 1658. Sept. Estate appraised by Wm. Purrier and Charles Glover at £313. Corwin, George, b. in England: m. Alice ; c, Jonathan, Thurston, John, b. 1601, in England, j 1635. One John Tustin. aged 16, left England in same vessel with Thomas Moore, aged 18. 1637. John Tliurston, carpenter, of Wrentom, Suffolk Co., England (bapt. 13 Jan., 16011, aged 36, and Margaret, his wife, aged 32, with two children— Thomas, bapt. 4 Aug., 1633, and John, bapt. 13 Sept., 1635 — sailed from Great Yarmouth in the vessel in which Rev. John Youngs proposed to sail; arrived, and had several children, Joseph, Benjamin, Mary and Judith, mostly traceable in Mass. Tustin, Eobert, m. Martha Horton (see No. 683). 1665. Deed (to him or Robert Turner) from John Tuthill for house and home lot. Tustin, Thomas, sen., prob. son of 'John, and, if so, B. in 1 635, d. 10 Oct, 1697/8: M. Priscilla, prob. dau. of 'Richard Ben- jamin, No. 683; c, prob. John, No. 687— Thomas, No. 682 — and perh. Robert, above. 1670. Deed from Rev. John Youngs, lot on Toms Creek. INDEX PBIOE TO 1698. 43 1673. Deed from Joseph Youngs, son of Bev. John, on Fort Neck. 1673. Deed to Joseph Youngs, exchange. 1673. Deed from Bichard and Sim. Benjamin. (C.) 1673. Deed from Bichard and Ann Benjamin. (C. ) 1673. Deed from Benjamin Horton, 1 acre, town field. 1676. Bated on 6 acres, 7 cattle, 1 horse. &c, £64. 1678. Deed from John Elton, 300 acres. (C.) 1678. Deed to John Franklin, several pieces. 1679. Deed from Thomas Mapes. (A.) 1680. Deed from Benjamin Horton. (C. ) 1683. Deed trom Benjamin Horton. 1683. Bated on £66. 1684. Deed from Joshua Horton. 1684. Deed from Jeremiah Vail. (C. ) 1684. Deed from John Goldsmith and wife, 40 acres. (C.) 1684. Deed to David Gardiner, sen., all houses, &c, in S. 1684. Deed to John Goldsmith, Wading Biver. 1685. Deed from Thomas Mapes, 17£ acres, at C. 1686. 2 males and 3 females in his family. 1687. Deed to W. Beeves, Wading Biver. 1688. Deed to Thomas Clark, on the Sound. 1689. Deed from David and Martha Gardiner, 4 acres. (G. ) 1691/2. Deed from W. Mapes, 100 acres. (C.) (Some of these entries may belong to No. 682.) Underbill, John (Capt.), b. in England, D. 1672: m., 1, Mary Mose- ly, -who came with him from Holland; 2, Elizabeth Peeks; c, Nathaniel, Westchester Co. — John, Queens Co., &c. He had served in Holland as a soldier and officer. 1630. Came over with Gov. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, as a military officer. 1630. £50 assessed for his and Patrick's pay. 1631. Captain of one organized company at Boston, Patrick of the other. 1631. Member of the 1st Boston church, No. 57. 1631. Admitted freeman of Massachusetts. 1632. Alarm of Indians and disorder. 1634. Elected member of the representative body. 1634. In the fall, visited England. 1635. Sent to arrest Boger Williams, but did not. 1636. Captain of a company (under Endicott) on Block Island, &c. 1637. Sent to Saybrook with 20 men. 1637. Took part in the Pequot war. 1638. Had his account of the war published in London. 1638/9. Petitioned the Massachusetts Court in favor of Wheelright, ■ These perh. his father. 1688, 1689. A witness to two deeds. ) 1702, 1703, 1704, 1706. A witness to four deeds. 132. Cleaves, Eliza, jun., prob. dau. of No. 128. 133. Cleaves, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 128, b. 1695: perh. M. Timo- thy Symmes (see below, No. 135), and D. his widow in 1784, m. 89. 134. Cleaves. Hannah (prob. dau. of No. 128). 135. Cleaves, John, jun. (Capt.),prob. son of No. 131, prob. d. 25 May, L750, m. 64: 1717, prob. m. Mary Hallock (see No. 308), who d. 16 Jan., 1784, m. 87; c, prob. John, who d. 1740, je. 19 — David, who m. Elizabeth Moore in 1728, and d. in 1765 — prob. Elizabeth, who M. William Terry in 1741 (see Index of 1730) — Mary, perh. m. Timothy Symmes (see No. 133). 1737. On list of freeholders. 1754. Deed by J. C. and Mary, his wife, to Thomas Conkling, Aquebogue. 1760. April 23, will dated; May 20, proved (Lib. 22, N. Y., p. 1371 Men- tions son-in-law, William Terry; grandsons, John Cleaves Symmes, John Cleaves Terry, Timothy Symmes and Thomas Terry; grand- daughters, Elizabeth Terry, Ruth Terry and Mary Terry ; lands in New Jersey, . 18 March, 1762, si. 84: m., 1, Mary, and perh., 2, Hannah, dau. of Simon Ramsay, who D. 11 March, 1760, &. 77; c, John, No. 212— Samuel, No. 203— Daniel, No. 213— and perh. Sarah (see 610 , — perh. Phebe, mentioned in A. Whittier's will. 1655. Lands at Southold. 1660. Arbitration and suit with Henry Case. 1678. T. and Mary witnesses to deed of Tnstin to Franklin. 1683. Eated on £84. 1686. 4 males and 3 females in his family. 1686. Deed by him and wife to A. Whittier. (A.) 1702. Deed to Peter Simons. (A.) 1703. Deed to Daniel Corwin, No. 213. (A.) 1704. Deed to John Corwin, No. 212, meadow in A. INDEX TO 1698. 75 202. Corwin, Matthias, prob. son of 'John, b. 1676, d. 9 March, 1769, m. 93. 1695. Deed from his father, No. 200. 1705. Deed to Margaret Corey, or Cooper, lot on Hog Neek. 1708. Deed to John Corwin, homestead, 4 acres, and com. land, 18 acres. 1708. Deed to John Corwin, thatch on Indian Neek. 1714. Deed to Samuel Sweazy, 10 acres. (A.) 203. Corwin, Samuel, prob. son of No. 201, D. 28 Dec, 1705 (see No. 212): m. after 161*8; c, prob. Theophilus, who D. in 1762 (see will) — and possibly Samuel, b. 1706, and d. in 1784, m. 78. 204. Corwin, Anne, prob. wife of No. 203. 205. Corwin, Abigail. 206. Corwin, John, jun., son of 2 Jolm, No. 200, B. 1663, d. Capt., 13 Dec, 1729, ^E. 66: M. Sarah , No. 207; c, Benjamin, D. 1721. 1695. Deed from his father, 50 acres. 1696. Deed from John and Jemima Paine, 50 acres. (W.) 1696. Deed by him and wife to John Paine, 50 acres. 1702/3. Deed from Jona. Horton, lot between Duck Pond and Inlet. 1702/3. Deed to Caleb Horton, 25 acres (W. ) fresh meadows. 1704. Deed from W. Downs, meadow on Peconic River. 1705. Deed from Matthias C. and wife, homestead, &c. 1708. Deed from Matthias C, thatch. 1711. Deed from John Youngs, two lots on Queens Road. 1712. Deed to Benjamin Youngs, 50 acres. 207. Corwin, Sarah, prob. wife of John, jun., No. 206. 208. Corwin, Sarah, jun., prob. dau. 209. Corwin, Eliza, d. April, 1713. 210. Corwin, Hester. 211. Corwin, Mehitable. 212. Corwin, John, weaver, son of Theophilus, No. 201, d. June, 1740: m. Elizabeth . 1704. Deed from his father, land in Aquebogue. 1736. Mar. 23. Deed to S. Hutchinson, 3 lots in division of title lots. 1740. Juue 1. Will, speaks of wife Elizabeth and " child ten," father The- ophilus, brother Snrnue 1 ; witnesses, J. C, jun., Barnabas Wines, jun. , and John Holloway. Proved, Lib. 13, N. Y. , p. 421. 213. Corwin, Daniel, prob. son of Theophilus, d. 7 Sept., 1747: M., 2, Elizabeth Cleaves in Jan., 1722/3; c, Nathan — Daniel — Jedediah— Silas — John — Mary, m. James Terry in 1734 — Peletiah, m. Bazela Osman in 1735 — Michael, m. Lucas — and one m. Armstrong. 1703. Deed from Theophilus, land in Aquebogue. 76 TOWN OP SOUTlfOLD. -1737. On list of freeholders. 1747. Sept 4. Will, mentioning children, 2 grandsons, and 1 grand-dau. 1747. Oct. 5, proved. (Lib. 16, N. Y., p. 261.) 214. Corwin, Bethia. 215. Corwin, Mary. 216. Davis, Eben, or Evan, D. 9 April, 1719: M.Mary ,No.217; c, prob. Silvanus, B. 1698, who M. Mary Moore in 1722; she d. 1754; and afterwards Mary Gillain : he d. 1781, J3. 83 — prob. Benjamin, a witness to deed in 1694 — and others. 1683. Rated as -worth £30. 1687. Witness to deed, "Evan.'' 1712. Arbitration with 3 Thomas Moore. 217. Davis, Mary, prob. wife of No. 216, d. 16 Jan., 1713. 1698. Not on census list. 218. Dains, John, b. 1674, d. 14 May, 1751, .as. 77: M., 1, Abigail Pain (see No. 507), who ». April, 1713; 2, wid. Mary Overton in 1716, who d. his wid. 1754; c, prob. Peter, living in 1760, and others — prob. Abram, who m. Jemima Case in 1722. 1698. Living with or near widow Abigail Pain, No. 506. 1703, 1706, 1707, 1712. Witness to deeds. 219. Dickerson, Peter, son of Philemon, B. 1648, r>. 15 Mar., 1721/2, M. 73/4: m. Naomi, dau. of 'Thos. Mapes (see No. 220); c, John (see No. 222) — Thomas (see No. 225)— and by re- pute Joshua, Peter, Daniel, who are said to have removed to New Jersey about 1745, perh. sons of Thomas — and prob. Philemon, No. 221 — Mary, No. 226 — and Naomi, No. 224. 1676. Hated on 20 acres, 27 cattle, 3 horses, 40 goats, &c., £250 10s. 1678. United in deed to Petty for common land. 1683. Mortgage from W. Rogers. 1686. 3 males and 1 female in his family. 1688, 1697. Witness to deeds. 1700. Deed to John Franklin, 9 acres between highway and Sound. 1707. Feb. His wife received a valuable estate from Thomas Reeve, home lot, &c. 1714. Deed to John Dickerson, various lots. 220. Dickerson, Naomi, wife of No. 219, b. 1667, d. his wid. 4 Mar., 1725, M. 58. 221. Dickerson, Philemon, prob. son of No. 219, d. 14 Mar., 1718: M. Hannah Case in 1709. INDEX OF. 1698. 77 222. Dickerson, John, prob. son of No. 219, d. 1758: m. Abigail, prob. Reeve, in 1710, No. 560; c, two d. in 1725, m. 10 and 12 — John— Selah — Deborah — William. 1714. Deed from his father. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1757. Dec. 3. Will speaks of land on Shelter Island and farm, formerly of W. Alberlson. 1758. May 23, will proved. (Lib. 21, N. Y , p. 110.) 223. Dickerson, Mary, prob. sister of No. 219: one D. 25 Mar., 1701. 224. Dickerson, Naomi, prob. dau. of No. 219. 1715/16. Married Samuel Terry. 225. Dickerson, Thomas, prob. son of No. 219, d. 12 July, 1725 (or 1724), je. 53: m. Abigail Reeve, No. 578, in 1715/16, dau. of Joseph, No. 571, who prob. m. Chas. Wager in 1737; c, Thomas (eldest) — Daniel — Joshua — Joseph — Abigail, perh. M. H. Wells, 1736 — and Elizabeth — perh. Peter (see No. 219). • 1686. 2 males and 4 females in his family. 1725. May 27. Will naming wife and six children, sons under age; execu- tors, brother John and Ensign Benjamin Reeve. 1739. April 10. Proved. Letters of administration to son Daniel. (Lib. 13, N. Y., p. 356.) 226. Dickerson, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 219 (see No. 223). 226£. Dimond (see No. 792). 227. Downs, William, prob. son of John, d. Mar., 1708: m. Abigail, - No. 228; C, Abigail, No. 229— and after 1698, William, who M., 1, Mehitable Hallock in 1724; and, 2, Penelope Moore in 1732, and d. 1771, js. 71 (will, Lib. 27, N. Y., p. 555) — John, who M. Margaret Howell in 1728, and d. in 1745, m. 41 (will, Lib. 15, N. Y., p. 421)— and prob. Sam- uel, whose first wife d. 4 Juue, 1753, and who m. Elizabeth Brown in 1755. 1704. Deed to John Corwin, meadow on Peconic River. 228. Downs, Abigail, wife of William, No. 227, d. his wid. 28 Dec, 1751. 229. Downs, Abigail, jun., dau. of No. 227. 230. Edwards, John: M., 2, Ealce Walter, 14 Jan., 1708. 1686. 3 males and 4 females in his family. Perhaps moved to East Hampton. See will in 1728, speaking of three sons, dau. Anna King and six other daughters; probate in 1730. (Lib. 11, N. Y., p. 42.) 78 TOWN OF SOTJTHOLD. 231. Edwards, Margaret. 1698. Living with or near T. Mapes. 232. Edwards, Charles. 1698. Living with or near S. Wines. 233. Emmons, Thomas, prob. son of Thomas of R. I. in 1640: M. prob. Mary, No. 234; c, Nos. 235 and 236 — and after- wards Thomas, who d. in 1775 — Benjamin — and Samuel. 1693. Witness to deed of S. Glover to John Tuthill. 1693. Ensign of militia company. 234. Emmons, Mary, prob. his wife. 235. Emmons, Obadiah, prob. his son. 236. Emmons, Elizabeth, prob. clau. of No. 233. 237. Franklin, John, D. 20 Feb., 1700: m. Philadelphia , No. 238; c, prob. Nos. 239 to 242. 1676. Rated jointly with John Wiggins; 2 men, 40 acres, 16 cattle, 3 horses, 9 sheep, &c, £170. 1695. Deed from John Booth, 4 acres, on Toms Creek Neck. 1695. Deed to John Booth, 4 acres on Toms Creek Neck. 1698. Deed from Thomas Tustin, several parcels. 1700. Deed from Peter Dickerson, 8 acres, between highway and Sound. 238. Franklin, Philadelphia, his wife, d. 23 April, 1115. 239. Franklin, John, jun., son of No. 237. 240. Franklin, Mary, dau. of No. 237, D. 11 Feb., 1699. 241. Franklin, Samuel, son of No. 237, b. 5 May, 1692, d. 27 Feb., 1725: M. Elizabeth Miller in Feb., 1617, who D. 3 Mar., 1725, m. 32; c, a dau. d. 7 Mar., 1717 — Elizabeth, b. 7 May, 1722 — and prob. Mary. 242. Franklin, Martha, dau. of No. 237. 243. Gardiner, David, son of David G-., b. 1662, d. 2 Dec., 1732, m. 70: m. Martha, a dau. of Col. John Youngs; c, David, jun.— Mary, No. 245— Bethia, m., 1, Wells; and Pa- tience , who d. 24 Jan., 1743. 1680. Deeds from Vail and Parshall, lands in A. 1682. Deed from Thomas Giles in (J. 1684. Deed from T. Tustin and wife, all lands in S. 1689. Deed to Tustin, 4 acres in C. 1690. Division with brothers of paternal estate. 1713/14. Quitclaim to executors of his wife's father, 1717. Deed from W. Mapes. 1732. Oct. 1. Will speaks of wife and four children. 1733. Mar. 5, proved. (Lib. 12, N. Y., p. 65.) INDEX OF 1698. 79 244. Gardiner, Martha, wife of No. 243, d. wid. 18 April, 1737. 1738. Letters of administration to son David. (Lib. 13, N. Y., p. 26G.) 245. Gardiner, Mary, dau. of No. 243: m. prob. David Parshall, No. 526. 1688. Witness to deed of exchange, C. Youngs and B. Horton. 245£. Gardiner, John and Lion (see Nos. 810 and 811). 246. Gattin, or Gating, John, D. 24 Jan., 1706. 247. Gattin, Sarah, prob. wife of last. 248. Gattin, Anna, prob. dau. of last. 249. Gattin, Edward, prob. son of No. 246. 250. Giles, Mary, prob. dan. of Thomas. 251. Giles, Margaret, prob dau. of Thomas. 252. Gillam, Carteret, D. 23 Aug., 1714: m. Mary, prob. Arnold, No. 253; c, Nos. 254, 255, 256— prob. Charles, m. Me- hitable Pain in 1738 — and prob. Mary, m., 1, Joseph Budd; 2, Silvanus Davis, and d. 1771, m. 71. 1691, 1692. Deeds from Isaac Arnold, land on Toms Creek. 1694. Deeds from Isaac Arnold in exchange. 1698. Deed from Samuel Glover, lot in lower town plot. 1700. Deed from John Tuthill, commonage. 1705-6. Deed from Isaac Arnold, 3 acres, Hog Neck. 1711. Deed from Jos. Moore, 2 acres. Calves' Neck. 1711/12. Deed to John Tuthill in Great Hog Neck. 253. Gillam, Mary, wife of No. 252 (see No. 102): prob. m. Joshua Horton in 1716/17. 254. Gillam, Anne, dau. of No. 252: 1710, m. Bliss. 255. Gillam, Arnold, son of No. 252: M. Mary Budd in 1715/16; c, prob. Mary — George (see Index of 1730) — and Anne, B. 1716, who D. 22 July, 1769— a dau. D. 1718. 1717. Deed to Joseph Hall, commons. 256. Gillam, James. Qu., the one who came back with Capt. Kid ? (See 19, N. E. Reg., 254.) 257. Glover, Samuel (Lieut.), son of Charles, b. 1644, d. 29 May, 1715, m. 70: M. Sarah, dau. of 'Thomas Moore, No. 258; c, Samuel, jun., No. 259, b. 1680— William, No. 263. 1676. Bated on 1 ox, 10 cattle, 1 horse, ecords.) 1714/15. Deeds to his son William. (County Records. ) 258. Glover, Sarah, wife of Samuel, No. 257. 1691. Mentioned in will of T. Moore. 259. Glover, Samuel, Jan., son of No. 257, b. 1680, d. 2 May, 1732,. je. 52: m. Martha ; c, Charles, of Orient, No. 264 — Martha, No. 265 — and Simon, who d. in 1763 — Mehitable (unm. in 1763). 260. Glover, Martha, prob. wife of No. 259. 261.. Glover, Hannah, prob. dan. of No. 259: m. Ezechiel Petty, 21 Dec, 1730. 262. Glover, Hester, prob. dau. of No. 257. 263. Glover, William, son of No. 257, prob. d. 1768: m. Deborah , who D. his wid. 3 June, 177.3. > 1714/15. Deeds from his father. (County Records. ) 1712, 1719. A witness to deeds. 264. Glover, Charles, prob. son of No. 259, d. 5 Oct., 1746: one M. Martha , who d. 5 May, 1713, &. 36 (see No. ^59); one m. Elizabeth Paine in 1731, b. in 1710, who d. in 1803, m. 93 ; c, Lydia, M. .Jonathan King — Elizabeth, in 1756 M. J Jeremiah Vail — Grover, a bachelor, b. 1742, d. 1803, M. 61. 1737. On list of freeholders. 265. Glover, Martha, prob. dau. of No. 259. 266. Goldsmith, John. prob. son of Thomas (of Salem, Mass., at Southampton in 1641) or Ealph, d. April, 1703: M., 1, Prudence Wines, in 1679'; 2, Anne Wells, in 1683; 3, Elizabeth Wells, in 1693, No. 267; c, Nos. 268, 270, 271, 272, and pern. 273 or 268 (qu., Zacheus, b. 9 Nov., 1674 ?)— Daniel, b. 6 Nov., 1699, who m. Mary Wilmot in 1721— and Elizabeth, b. 3 Nov., 1701, who m. Jonathan Horton in 1720 (see No. 343). 1680. Deed from Barnabas Wines to his sister Prudence and her husband, J. G. INDEX OF 1698. 81 1681. Deed from Margaret Cooper, 4 acres. (C. ) 1683. Rated on £120. 1683/4. Agreement with John Booth about boundaries. 1684. Deeds from Tustin, "Wells, Norris and Reeves, C. and Wading River. 1684. Deeds to Jona. Reeve. (C. ) To Thomas Tustin, meadow. &c. 1686. 3 males and 1 female in his family. 1699. Deed from J. Tuthill, commonage. 1699/1700. Deed from Josiah Youngs, 50 acres. (0.) 1699/1700. Deed from John Tustin, 20 acres, between highway and lane. 1699/1700. Deed to John Tustin. (O.) 1700. Deed to Abraham Youngs, 20 acres, Great Hog Neck. 1700. Deed to Daniel Tuthill, land he purchased of Josiah Y. (O. ) 1701. Deed from Thomas Clark, 60 acres, north end of 120 acres. 267. Goldsmith, Eliza(beth), third wife of No. 266. 268. Goldsmith, John, jim., son of No. 266, b. 17 Feb., 1680/1. D. 1 March, 1725, m. 44: m. Mary, dau. of Jeremiah Vail, No. 704, who perh. m. Ichabod Warner in 1737, or d. wid. in 1738; c, perh. Thomas, No. 269— John, b. after 1698. about 1704 (father of Rev. Benjamin, b. 5 Nov., 1736) — Mary, who M. Daniel Wells — Zacheus (see Index of 1775) — Jeremiah (see Index of 1730) — Daniel, all under 25 in 1724/5. 1702. Deed by him and Mary to Benjamin Moore, commonage. 1703. Sept. 10. Deed to him from Abraham Youngs, Great Hog Neck. 1703/4. Deed from John Peck and wife, 4 acres home lot, 6 acres Hog Neck. 1703/4. Deed to John Peck, same. 1705. Deed from John Youngs, Great Hog Neck. 1705. Deed from Samuel Youngs, 50 acres, near Inlet. 1706. Deed to Abraham Youngs, Great Hog Neck. 1707. Deed from "W. "Wells, fresh meadow; and from S. Glover, thatch. 1707. Mentioned in will of brother Zacheus. 1708. As to J. Sylvester, revocation of deed of gift. 1721. He and his wife appointed executors of Richard Steer. 1724/5. Will naming wife Mary and children, &c. 1725. March 18. Proved. (Lib. 10, N. Y., 32.) 269. Goldsmith, Thomas, son of No. 266 or 268, d. say after 1731: m. Abigail Booth; c„ Abigail, b. 1710 — Richard, b. 1711 — Joshua, b. 1713, d. 1732— Nathaniel, b. 1719, d. 1725 — Thomas, b. 1726— Elisha, b. 1731. 1688 to 1699. See No. 273. 1707. Mentioned in will of brother Zacheus. 1714. Deed from Daniel Youngs, 17 acres, north of Queen's Road. 270. Goldsmith, Richard, son of No. 266, b. 30 June. 1691, D. 1707. 1707. Mentioned in will of brother Zacheus. 271. Goldsmith, Nathaniel, son of No.. 266, B. 13 Nov., 1697. 272. Goldsmith, Mary, dau. of No. 266, b. Aug., 1694. 1707. Mentioned in will of brother Zacheus, No. 793. 11 82 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 273. Goldsmith, Thomas, son of No. 266, d. before 1710: m. Bethia, dau. of 'Richard Terry, No. 274, on 7 June, 1693; c, Joshua, No. 275— Bethia, b. 17 Feb., 1698/9, who m. Isaac Hubbard, d. 12 Aug., 1770 — Anne, B. 1 Jan., 1700 — Thomas, b. 16 Nov., 1702— Abigail, b. 4 March, 1704. 1688. Deed from Thomas Moore, 50 acres in old town plot. 1690. Deed from John Youngs, woodland. 1699. Deed from S. Wines, commonage. 274. Goldsmith, Bethia, wife of No. 273, who, in 1710, as wid., m. Thomas Mapes, No. 416; and in 1714, as wid., M. Richard Steer, No. 312; b. 1672, d. 11 Oct., 1739. 275. Goldsmith, Joshua, son of No. 273, B. 18 March, 1695/6, D. 1757: M. Ruth Reeves in 1735; c, Joshua — Bethia, who M. David Gardiner in 1x758 — Joseph — Ruth, who M. Noyes in 1763 — Josias — Mary — Ephraim — William — Elizabeth; c. or gr.-c, Ezra. 1757. March 14. Will, naming 11 as above and brother-in-law, Thomas Reeve. 1757. Oct. 14. Probate. (Lib. 20, N. "ST., 414.) 275£. Goldsmith, Zacheus (see No. 793). 276. Gooding, Philip, d. 1609: M. prob. Sarah, No. 277; c, prob. Nos. 278, 279, 280; a child d. 1706. 277. Gooding, Sarah, prob. wife of No. 276. 278. Gooding, Amos, prob. son of No. 276. 279. Gooding, Philip, jun., prob. son of No. 276. 280. Gooding, Freelove, prob. dau. of No. 276. 281. Griffing, Jasper, from Wales, b. 1648, D. 17 April, 1718, M. 70: prob. m. Hannah , No. 282, b. 1653, by tradition and tombstone, of Manchester, New England; c, Nos. 283, 284, 285, 290— and perh. John and others— Lydia, D. 2 April, 1718, m. 9. 1679. Deed from Jeremiah Vail, Hallock's Neck. 1680. Deed from Samuel Glover. (A.) 1681. Deed from John Tu thill, northwest of old field. 1681. Deed from Daniel Terry, Great Hog Neck. 1H81/2. Witness to deed of J. Youngs to J. Conkling, sen. 1682. Deed from John Hallock, Wading River. 1683. Bated on £111. 1685. Witness to deed from E. Petty to J. Tuthill, sen. 1686. 5 males and 5 females in his family. 1686. Witness to receipt given to Isaac Arnold. 1690. Witness to receipt given to John Young. 1693. Lieutenant of a militia company. IMDEX .OF 1698. 83 1697. 'Witness to deed from Joseph Petty to Thomas Youngs. (O. ) 1700. Deed to John Love, commonage, &c. 1706. Witness to deed of J. Arnold to Gillam. 1709. Witness to deed of Jona. Brown to Jona. Havens. (0. ) 1717/18. Will recited in deeds by No. 290, &c. 282. Griffing, Hannah, " Mrs.," prob. wife of No. 281, d. 1701. By tombstone, d. at S., 20 April, 1699, &. 46. 283. Griffing, Robert, son of No. 281, b. 1687, d. 28 March, 1729, m. 42/3: m., by repute, 1, Susannah . of Conn.; 2, prob. Lydia, who survived him and m. Joseph Conkling, 1732 (see No. 286); c, Llobert (see No. 286)— Samuel, b. 1710 (see No. 287)— John (see No. 288)— Jasper— and "William, of N. J. 1714. Witness to a deed, T. Y. to N. S. 1718. Deed from his brother Jasper, 2 acres in A. 1718/19. Deed to and from Joshua Youngs. (A. ) 284. Griffing, Susannah, prob. dau. of No. 281. 1704. Oct. 4. Married Joseph Peck. 285. Griffing, Edward, son of No. 281: M., 1, Irene , who D. 8 Nov., 1716; 2, Sarah Meaker on 1 Oct., 1717; c, prob. Edward, jun. 1675 and 1683. Perh. at Flushing, L. I., with E. G., jun. 1683. Deed to Thomas Osman. (A.) 1684. Deed from Nicholas Edes. 1718. Deed from Jasper, No. 290, reciting father's will, &c. 1718/19. Deed by E. Gr. and Sarah, his wife, to Robert G., homestead. 286. Griffing, Robert, jun., prob. son of No. 285 or 283: M. perh. Susannah or Lydia (see No. 283); c, Samuel, b. 1710. (Qu.?) 287. Griffing, Samuel, prob. son of No. 285: perh. m. Elizabeth , who D. 9 Aug., 1755, m. 46. 288. Griffing, John, prob. son of No. 285, D. 8 Jan., 1722/3 (qu.?): _M t Prudence Hallock in 1715, who survived him and m. ^ P ^&4wlt Howell in 1725; C, John, D. 22 Nov., 1717. 289. Griffing, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 285. 290. Griffing, Jasper, jun., son of No. 28 L, D. •, m. over 90: M. Ruth , No. 291; c, Jasper, No. 292 — Lemuel — Jo- seph — Nathan and perh. Ruth, No. 293. 1718. Deed as son and heir to his brother llobert, No. 283, reciting father's will, &c., 2 lots. (A.) Beputed, removed to Lyme, Conn. 291. Griffing, Ruth, wife of No. 290, 84 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD. 292. Griffing, Jasper, son of No. 290. 293. Griffing, Ruth, jun., dau of No. 290 and 291: prob. M. David Corey, No. 180, in 1722. 294. Grover, Simon, prob. son of 'Samuel, d. 4 Nov.. 1705: M. Elizabeth, dau. of 'Thomas Moore, No. 295; c, Elizabeth, B. 15 Sept., 1672, m. Joshua Horton, No. 337 — Mary, b. 5 March, 1674, m. Benjamin Youngs, No. 747, in 1695, D. 1706— Martha, B. 24 March, 1677, d. 18 July, 1 727. 1665. Witness to will of D. Cavwithy. 1670. Deed from Christopher Youngs and wife, sundry parcels and houses. 1676. Rated for 2 men, 5 oxen, 4 cattle, 1 horse, &e. , £70. 1679. Witness to deed of T. Moore to his son Jonathan. 1683. Rated on £73. 1684. Witness to deed of R. Norris to J. Goldsmith. 1687/8. Deed from.T. Case, PeaLon's Neck. 1694. Called mariner; agreement about windmill. 1696. Deed from Mapes & Corwin, 10 acres on Mill-pond Creek. 1697. Witness to deed of T. Case to b. Youngs. 295. Grover, Elizabeth,' wife of No. 294, d. 14 Feb., 1720. 16G9. Witness to deed of Katherine Simons to Lot Johnson. 296. "Hallock, Peter, prob. son of 'William, d. 17 Aug., 1756, m. 63: M., 1, Abigail -, who d. 27 Nov., 1715; 2, Mary Booth, in 1727 (see No. 61), who d. 25 Feb., 1761, m. 58; c, Nos 298 to 302— and others, viz.: by 1st wife, Abigail and Bethia; by 2d, eldest son, Peter, No. 300 — William, No. 301— Noah, No. 302— Hannah— Mary— Elizabeth— Mehitable— Sarah — Patience, who M. Dea. William Hor- ton, of A. — and Azulah. 1686. 1 male and 1 female in his family. 1G95. Deed from Samuel Wines and wife. (A.) 1695/6. Deed from Josh. Horton and wife. (A. 1 1699. Deed from Jonathan Mapes and wife, on Deep Creek. 1702. Deed from executors of John Petty. 1716. Deed to his brother William. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1753. Aug. 12. Will, naming wife and 12 children— neither William nor the 7 daughters then having any children. Executors, son Peter, Micah Howell and John Clark. 1756. Oct. 7. Will proved. (Lib. 20, N. Y., p. 149.) 297. Hallock, Eliza, perh. dau. of "William: prob. m. R. Howell, No. 358 (see No. 364). 298. Hallock, Bethia. 1706. Witness to a deed. 1740. Married Jona. Horton (see No. 343). 299. Hallock, Abigail, prob. dau. of 2 William. INDEX OF 1698. 85 300. Hallock, Peter, jun., prob. son of No. 296: one d. in March, 1704 (see Index of 1775). 301. Hallock, William, prob. son of No. 296, lost at sea, with ves- sel and crew. 1704. Aug. Deed from Henry Case, 7 acres. (Qu., No. 303?) 302. Hallock, Noah, prob. son of No. 296, b. 1696, D. 1773: m. Bethia, dau. of Josiah Youngs, No. 770, in 1721; c, Noah, B. 1728— William, b. 1730— Josiah, b. 1732. 1753. All removed to Brookhaven. (Per his father's will) had been for many years prosperously settled at Rocky Point, in Brbokhaven. 303. Hallock, William, prob. son of 'William, d. 19 June, 1736: m. Mary , No. 304; c, Nos. 305 to 308. 1706. (See No. 301.) 1716. Deed from Jos. Brown. (O. ) 1716. Deed to his brother Peter. 1728. June 8. Will, speaks of wife Mary; sons Zebulon, No. 307, and Pe- ter; daus. Abigail and Mary, unm. ; Jerusha, who married Heze- kiel Reeve, No. 576, in 1709; Prudence and Mehitable, who mar- ried William Downs. in 1723/4. (Qli., Abiah?) 1736. Proved. (Lib. 13, N. Y., p. 4.) 304. Hallock, Mary, wife of No. 303, b. 1667, d. wid., Jan., 1752, m. 85. 305. Hallock, William, jun., son of No. 303, prob. b. 16i)0, d. 20 June, 1717, m. 27. 306. Hallock, I 'rudence, dau. of No. 303: m. John Grilling in 1715. 307. Hallock, Zebulon, son of No. 303, b. 1695, d. 9 Mar., 1785, m. 90: m. Martha Rcnve in 1720 .see No. 584), d. 30 Feb., 1780; c, one D. 1732— Samuel, b. 1729— John, d. 1754 — Israel (see Index of 1736) — Zebulon (see Index of 1775) — and Jonathan. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1744. Deed to P. Bachus, common lands. 1747. Deed to John Colefax, Hallock's Neck. 308. Hallock, Mary, jun., dau. of No. 303: m. John Cleaves in 1?17. 309. Hallock, Thomas, son of 2 William, d. 19 Mar., 1718: m. Hope, No. 310, d. wid. 1732/3; c, Nos. 311 to 317. 1683. Rated on £81. 1684. Under his father's will, land at A. 1686. 3 males and 2 females in his family. 310. Hallock, Hope, wife of No. 309, d. wid., Feb., 1733. 86 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 311. Hallock, Thomas, prob. son of No. 309. 312. Hallock, Kingsland, prob. son of No. 309, 0. 3 May, 1743: M. Bliz. Mapes in 1717, who d. in 1718. 313. Hallock, Ichabod, prob. snn of No. 309, d. 1759: M. Bethia Horton in January, 1716, who D. 1753/4; c, Thomas — Ichabod —Bethia, who M. Reeve — Sarah, who M. Jer. Billard — Patience, who M. Silas Moore — and Anna, who M. William Homan. 1759. Oct. 23. "Will, names as above, and Mary, daughter of his deceased son, Ichabod. 1759. Dec. 29. Will proved. (Lib. 22, N. Y., p. 133.) .344.. Hallock, Zerubabel, prob. son of No. 309, b. 1695, d. 1761, m. 66: M. Esther Osman, 1 Jan., 1720, d. wid. 17 Feb., 1772/3, M. 78; c, Zerubabel — -James — Joseph — Benjamin, who d. in 1765, &. 25 — Esther, who it. Stiers Hubbard in 1745 — Eunice, who m. Barnabas Wines in 1158 — c. d. in 1720 and 1725— Daniel, d. 1753, je. 22— Sarah, d. 1754, m. 20— William— and John, D. 1749. 1761. Mar. 3. Will, names as above, and grandson William, under age. 1761. May 15, proved. (Lib. 23, N. Y., p. 73.) 315. Hallock, Anna, prob. dau. of No. 309: m. John Youngs, 7 Jan., 1706. 316. Hallock, Patience, prob. dau. of No. 309. 317. Hallock, Richard, prob. son of No. 309. 318. Hallock, Margaret, wid. of 2 William. 1686. 1 male and 2 females in her family. 319. Harwood, John (Harrid or Harrude). 1680. Mar. 19. Deed from John Conkling, perh. Hallock, Wading River. 1698. Living with or near Jacob Conkling. 320. Harwood, Mary. 1698. Living with or near wid. Eliz. Youngs. 1769. Letters of administration (see No. 727). 320|. Havens (see Nos. 794 to 798). 320£. Herbert, John (see No. 799). 321. Hobart, Joshua, 2d pastor, b. 1629, in England, d. 28 Feb., 1716, m. 88; son of Rev. Peter, of Hingham (see 9 New Eng. G. & H. Reg., 149); brother of Rev. Jeremiah, David, Gershom, and Nehemiah and Dr. Japheth: M., 1, Margaret INDEX OF 1698. 8*7 Vassal, dau of William Vassal, on 16 April, 1656, who d. in 1659;* 2, Mary Rainsford, of Boston, in 1672, who D. 19 April, 1698, m. 56; c, Daniel (see Index of 1730)— Peter, No. 322, B. in Southold- John, No. 323— Irene, B. 1674 in Boston, M. Way (see Nos. 709, 710); qu., Isaac? (see Index of 1730). 1650. Graduated at Harvard. 1655. July 16. Sailed for Barbadoes. 1656. July 5. Arrived in Loudon. 1659. Sept. 5. He returned to New England. 1660. Witness to deed of Eaymond to John Scott. 1674. Oct. 7. Ordained and settled at Southold. 1674. Nov. 17. Appointed to aid an adherence to Connecticut Colony. 1675. April 19. Named in will as executor of John Elton. 1675. Admitted to share in common lands. 1678. United in deed to E. Petty for common lands. 1678. Deed as executor of Elton. 1678. Deed from Abram Whittier for a road next to the creek. 1680. Deed to Lot Johnson, one acre on the street. 1686. 4 males and 4 females in his family. 1698. Deed to John Paine, one acre in "northwest corner of my lot." 1698. Deed to Joseph Peeve. 1698. Deed to Benj. L'HOrnmedieu, bounded northwest by Lot Johnson. 1699. Deed to Simon Eumsey, Aquebogue, &c. 1680 to 1705. A witness to several deeds. 322. Hobart, Peter, prob. son of No. 321 : m. prob. Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Case, No. 116. 1696. Witness to deed of T. Mapes to Simon Grover. 323. Hobart, John, prob. son of No. 321. * Wm. Vassal, the father, was deceased. Nicholas Ware was acting executor. The dates, arranged, appear thus : 1656. March 3. Deed signed by Margaret and Mary Vassal for interest in lands in Massachusetts. April 16. The marriage, at Barbadoes, of No. 321. May 8. The above deed not yet delivered in Massachusetts, and thus affected by the marriage. Power of attorney by N. Ware, ex'r, to dipt. Joshua Hubbard, of Hingham, to sell property in Massachusetts. 1657. July 18. Deed of this date, signed by Joshua Hubbard, Judith Vassal and her husband, and Adams, husband of another sister, stating that J. H. signed it "on behalf of his late wife. " Enough is not shown of this deed or release to know when or where it was signed by J. H., nor whether by the Capt., under a power of attorney, or the clergyman as husband; if the latter, probably not until after Sept., 1659, when he returned. Prof. Styles' MSS. , which give the precise date of his return, state that he had three chil- dren by his first wife, and that she died "four days after his return," which would be on 9 Sept., 1659; and if she died, as was too common, in child-birth, or with a young child, after a sea voyage, there ia no discrepancy in having three children; nor any thing very remarkable in the doctor's charge for services or in the mere date of a deed prepared to be signed by others first, and waiting such return for her sig- nature, then altered and signed by the husband for his late wife. (See 17 N. E. Beg., p. 58.) 88- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. o 324. Holdsworth, Jonas, d. 13 Dec, 1701. 1665. Clerk of Court of Sessions held at Southold. 1666. Named as an inhabitant of Huntington. 1667. 1679, 1680, 1681, 1683, 1687, 1694. A witness to deeds. (S.) 1680. Witness to B. Horton's will. 325. Homan, Hester, widow of Mordecai (see No. 717), prob. sister of Deliverance, and dau. of Joshua Wells, No. 712. 326. Homan, Hester, prob. dau. of No. 325, b. 1681, D. 11 Jan., 1754, M. 73. 1703. Married William Wells, No. 714. 327. Homan, Mordecai. prob. son of No. 325, b. 1674, D. Lieut., 2 Jan., 1755, m. 81: m., 1, ; 2, on 13 Mar., 1745, Sarah Webb; c, a dau., Eddy, or Edah, D. 14 Feb., 1754— prob. William, who M., 1, Martha Gardiner, 11 Jan., 1749; 2, Anna Hallock in 1755 — prob. Hester, who m. Benj. Case in 1741. 1 702. Deed from John Meigs, bounded north and south by highway, east by T. Moore, west by John Terry. 1704. . Deed from Gershom Terry, P. Neck. 328. Horton, Mary, wid. of 'Barnabas. No date. Acquittance of Joseph Horton to her and Jonathan. (1691 ?) 1692. Deed of gift to Charles Booth, her son-in-law. 1698. Apparently living with Charles Booth, No. 67. 329. Horton, Joshua, son of 'Barnabas, b. 1643, d. Lieut., 12 June, 1729, m. 86: M. Mary, No. 330; c, Nos. 331 to 335, and prob. 336, 342^. 1673. Deed to T. Tustin, meadow on Fort Neck. 1675. flated for 20 acres, 25 cattle, 4 horses, &c, £197. 1676. Constable. One of the patentees. 1676. Deed to Caleb Horton. (C. ) 1676. Deed to John Booth, 6 acres, Hog Neck. 1678. United in deed to E. Petty, common lands. 1682. Witness to will of W. Hallock. 1683. Rated for £173. 1684. Appraiser of Lieut. Budd's estate; deed to T. Tustin, meadow. 1686. Cornet. 6 males and 4 females in his family. _ 1692. Deed from Jona. and Esther Mapes. 1693. Lieut, of militia company. 1695. Deed by him and Mary, his wife, to Peter Hallock. (A. ) 1697. Deed from Jonathan Mapes and wife, 25 acres. (S. ) 330. Horton, Mary, wife of No. 329, D. 2 Jan., 1718. 331. Horton. Ephraim, son of No. 329, B. 1686, D. 9 Jan., 1733, je. 47: ir. Martha Vail in 1707; c, Ephraim, d. 1729 — Joshua, D. 1729. 1706, 1707, 1710. Witness to deeds.* INDEX OF 1698. 89 332. Horton, Mary, jun., dau. of Nos. 329 and 330: prob. M. Zach- eus Goldsmith in January, 1708, s. v. No. 354. 333. Horton, Bethia, daughter of Nos. 329 and 330: prob. M. Icha- bod Hallock in 1716, No. 313, s. v. 347. 334. Horton, Elizabeth, dau. of Nos. 329 and 330. 335. Horton, Zervia, dau. of Nos. 329 and 330. 336. Horton, Joshua, jun. (Ensign), son of No. 329, b. 1669, d. at Elizabethtown, N. J., 31 Dec., 1749, m. 80: m., 1, Eliza, dau. of Simon Groyer, No. 294, -who d. 1713; 2, wid. Mary Gillam about 1715/16, No. 253; c, Nos. 338 to 341— and after 1698, Eev. Simon, b. 1711, afterwards of Newtown, L. I— Mary, b. 1704, d. 1725, je. 21— Rhoda, D. 1720— and prob. Joshua, who M. Sarah Hull in 1734. 337. Horton, Eliza, wife of No. 336, d. 17 Jan., 1713. 338. Horton, Eliza, jun., dau. of Nos. 336 and 337. 1719. Probably married John Holloway. 339. Horton, Patience, dau. of Nos. 336 and 337. 1716. Probably married Joseph Lamb, ». v., No. 356. 340. Horton, Deborah, dau. of Nos. 336 and 337. 1721. Probably married Nathaniel Buel. 341. Horton, Martha, dau. of Nos. 336 and 337. 1701-5. Probably married Robert Tustin (see No. 683). 342. Horton, Caleb, son of 'Barnabas, b. 1640, d. 3 Oct., 1702, m. 62: m. - — ; wife d. 1697; c, prob. Caleb, B. 1676, who d. 25 Dec, 1706, m. 30. 1664. Accepted as freeman of Connecticut. 1664. Deed from S. King, commons 1676. Eated for 30 acres, 37 cattle, 5 horses, &c, £282. 1678. Deed to E. Petty, commons. 1678. Witness to deed of Benjamin to N". Edes. 1682. He or the other Caleb described in will of "William Hallock as his friend and neighbor. 1683. Eated for £350. 1685. Deed from J. Tuthill. 1686. He or the other, with 4 males and 6 females in his family. 1698. Living with or near Thomas Goldsmith, No 273, Eichard Terry, No. 632, or John Eeevn, No. 564; a child of Caleb died 5 Dec, 1706. 342£. Horton, Caleb, son of Jonathan, No. 348, D. 25 July, 1731: M.prob., I, Abigail Hallock, 1696/7; 2, Phebe Terry, Dec, 1709 ; c, prob. David, No. 344 (one Caleb d. 1706) — prob. Jonathan, No. 343. 12 90 TOWN OF'SOUTHOLD. 1676/7. Deed from Joshua Horton, land at C. 1678. United in deed to E. Petty, common land. 1683/4. Deed from J. Wurman at C. 1703. Feb. Deed from John Gorwin, 25 acres west of the town. 1712. Deed from David and Mary H., sundries in S. and A. No year; after 1709. Deed from Caleb and Phebe, his wife, to David H. 343. Horton, Jonathan, son of Caleb, No. 342J : one D. 30 Jan., 1707, and one r>. 3 April, 1768, m. 85. One J. H. m. Eliz- abeth Goldsmith in 1720 (see No. 266); one J. H. m. Be- thia Hallock in 1740. The entries of No. 348, or many of them, may belong here. 1607. Feb. Mentioned in will of No. 348 as bis grandson. 344. Horton, David, prob. son of Caleb, No. 342£, b. 1687, d. Dea- con, 11 Sept., 1749, M. 62: M. wid. Mary Goldsmith, Feb., 1708; c, David — Silas — Lydia, who m. Thomas Fanning in 1747/8— a dau. d. 1718. 1710. Deed from Caleb H. and Phebe, his wife, 220 acres. 1711. David and Mary witnesses to deed. 1712. Deed by David and Mary H. to Caleb, several parcels. 1714. Deed from Jos. Wickham, 40 acres. (C.) 1737. On list of freeholders. 1749. July 14. Will, speaks of wife Mary, sons David and Silas, dau. Lydia Fanning, nephew Daniel Tuthill, jun. . son of his brother, Decon Tuthill; of lands in Orange and Ulster counties and in the manor. 1749. Sept. 18, proved. (Lib. 17, N. Y., p. 38.) 345. Horton, Barnabas, prob. son of Caleb, No. 342^. 1695. Witness to deed of Barnabas and Samuel Wines to E. Hunter. 1698. Living in family of Caleb; probably died 1705. 345£. Horton, Phebe, prob. dau. of Caleb, No. 342J (see No. 678). 346. Horton, Sarah, prob. wid. of David, dec'd. 1698. Living with or near the W e H s - 346^. Horton, Penelope, prob. dau. of the laet. 347. Horton, Bethia (see No. 333). 1698. Living with or near B. Wines. 348. 2 Horton, Jonathan (Capt.), youngest son of 'Barnabas, d. 23 Feb., 1708, m. 60, " the first captain of cavalry in Suffolk county:" m. Bethia, No. 349 (she being a dau. of Mary, wife, 1, of William Wells; 2, of Thomas Mapes); c, Jona- than, No. 350— William, No. 351— Caleb, No. 342*, hav- ing a son, Jonathan, No. 343 — James, No. 352 — Barna- bas, No. 357, d. in 1707, leaving a dau., Mehitable — Be- INDEX OP 1698. 91 thia, m. Henry Tuthill, No. 677, before 1698— Mehitable, No. 353, M. Daniel Tuthill in 1706 — Mary, No. 354, m. John Goldsmith— Abigail, No. 355, under 18 in 1707 — Patience, No. 356, under 18 in 1707. 1675. Bated for 36 acres; 28 cattle, 4 horses, 9 sheep, &c, £171 10s. 1678. United in, deed to E. Petty, commons. 1680. Two deeds from Mary Mapes, relict of William Wells, to him as her son-in-law, 12 acres and 16 acres. 1682. Witness to will of William Hallock. 1683. Hated for £440. 1684. Appraiser of Lieut. Budd's estate. 1687. Deed from John Corey, on the Sound. 1687. Deed from Abm. Whittier. (A.) 1687/8. Deed from 2 John Budd's wife, 13. acres on the Sound. No date. Acquittance by Joseph Horton to him and Mary. 1690. A sergeant, under Leisler, to protect Indian frontier. 1693. Captain of one militia company at S. . 1697. Sept. Deed from Mary Mapes and her son, W. Wells, to Jonathan and Bethia (the latter her daughter), C, near M. 1697. Deed from John Herbert, 14 acres north side of lot. 1697. Deed from Benjamin Youngs, exchange. > 1702. Deed to John Horton, 3 acres, meadow. 1702/3. Deed to John Corwin, near Inlet. 1704. Deed from Jos. Wickham, Hog Neck. 1704. Deed to James Petty, Hog Neck. 1705. Deed from James Petty, Great Hog Neck. 1705. Deed from Henry Case, Great Hog Neck. 1707. Feb, 21. Will, mentioning children and grandchildren, as indicated above, his cousin Budd, land of Samuel Moore, &o. 1708. June 2, proved. (Lib. 7, N. Y.. p. 366,) 349. Horton, Bethia, wife of No. 348, d. wid. 14 April, 1733, je. 80. 350. "Horton, Jonathan, jun., son of No. 348, D. 1755: m. perh., 2, Mary Tuthill, 27 Nov., 1707, B. 1687, who d. in 1780, m. 93; c, eldest son, Israel — second, Jonathan (the Major?), B. 1683 — third, Barnabas — fourth, Zacheus — dau. Bethia, under 18 in 1755 — Elizabeth, m. David Tuthill, or John, No. 674£. 1744. United in deed to P. Backus for Great Hog Neck. 1755. Oct. 28. Will. 1755. Nov. 22, proved. (Lib. 19, N. Y., p. 359.) 351. Horton, Williamson of No. 348, b. 1685, d. in Sept., 1728, m. 43: m. Christ^fier Youngs 31 Dec, 1702, No. 767. 1707. The witness to a deed of Jos. Moore. 352. Horton, James, Deacon (son of No. 348), d. 16 May, 1762, m. 68: M. prob. Ann Goldsmith in 17 17, or Anna, dau. of Richard Steer (see No. 812); wid. Ann d. 8 March, 1783, m. 82; c, 1st son, James — 2d, Barnabas (father of Col. •92 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD. Benjamin) — 3d, Silas — 4th, Ezra — 5th, Jonathan; daus., Abigail— Bethia, d. in 1722— Anna, d. 1753, m. 13; Ezra d. in 1728. 1715. Witness to deeds. 1740. Executor of Abigail, wid. of Benjamin Moore. 1744. United in deed to P. Backus, as above. 1758. Will, naming children. 1767. Will proved. (Lib. 26, N. ¥., p. 231.) 353. Horton, Mehitable, dau. of No. 348: m. Daniel Tuthill, No. 672, 1706. 354. Horton. Mary, dau. of No. 348: M. John Goldsmith, jun., s. v., 332. 355. Horton, Abigail, dau. of No. 348, under 18 in 1707: M. David Booth in 1717, No. 71. 356. Horton, Patience, dau. of No. 348, under 18 in 1707 (see No. 339). 357. Horton, Barnabas, prob. son of No. 348, d. 15 Nov., 1705: M. perh. Elizabeth ■ , b. 1693, who d. his wid. in 1746, .as. 73; c, Mehitable. 1698. Living with Simon Grover, No. 294. 358. Howell, Richard, prob. from Southampton, d. 9 Nov., 1709: m. Elizabeth, dau. of William Hallock (see Nos. 297 and 364); c, Nos. 359 to 367 and Hannah. 1664. Witness to an Indian deed, Brookhaven. 1675. Witness to an Indian deed to R. Woodhull. 1675. Deed from William Hallock, father-in-law, 20 or 27 rods wide from Sound to Bay. 1676. Bated for 6 acres, 8 cattle, 2 horses, 5 goats, &c. , £77. 1683. Bated for £98. 1683. Deed from John Conkling, 20 acres. (H.) 1686. 6 males and 3 females in his family. 1691. Deed from Jabez Mapes and wife, south of Peconic River. 1691. Deed from Thomas and Katherine Moore. (A.) 1691. Deed from John Corwin. (A. ) 1692. Deed from John Tuthill and Sarah. (A) 1694. Deed from Thomas and Mary Mapes. (A.) 1709. Aug. 24. Will, mentioning wife Elizabeth, sons John, David, Rich- ard, Jonathan, Isaac and Jacob, daughters Hannah and Dorothy Reeve. 1710. Jan. 1. Proved. (Lib. 7, N. Y., p. 438.) 359. Howell, David, son of No. 358, B. 1676, d. 18 Aug., 1756, m. 79: m., 1, Abigail Conkling in 1717/18, d. 7 April, 1726; 2, Lid. Holdridge in 1726; 3, Mary — , who d. 22 Dec, 1742, m. 66; c, Daniel — Aaron — Mary, who m. Joseph Longbotham in 1724 — Israel — James — Richard. INDEX OF 1698. 93 1732. See No. 363, adm'n. 1756. Will. (Lib. 20, N. Y., p. 97.) 360. Howell, Jonathan, son of No. 358. 1708. Deed from Christopher Young, Peconic River. 361. Howell, Richard, jun., son of No. 358, B. 1684, d. 15 March, 1769, m. 85: m., 1, Deborah , b. 1687, who d. 21 Feb., 1724/5, m, 38; 2, wid. Prudence Griffing in 1725, No. 288; c, Richard, only son — Deborah, M. — Doddy — Sarah, m. William Fenny in 1731/2 — Dorothy, m. Conkling — Hannah, m. Ketcham — and Abigail, M. prob. Simon Horton. 1712. Deed from Archibald Thompson,, 40 acres. (A.) 1738. On list of freeholders. 1758. Jan. 10. Will, naming wife, &c. 1769. April 7. Will proved. (Lib. 27, N. Y., p. 61.) 362. Howell, Isaac, son of No. 358, d. 1757-59: m. Phebe , who d. wid. 29 Feb., 1772; a child d. 1720, another 1739; c, Daniel — Micah — Hannah — Phebe, who m. Nathan Cur- win in 1736/7 — Rachel — prob. Isaac, jun., killed 26 April, 1746. 1714/15- Deed from W. Mapes. (A. ) 1714/15. Deed from J. Shaw. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1757. Sept. 30. Will. Witnesses, Peter Osman, Stephen Corwin and Dan- iel Wells. 1759. Nov. 28. Probate. (Lib. 21, N. Y., p. 465.) 363. Howell, Jacob, son of No. 358. d. 24 May, 1732: m. Margaret, prob. Parshall, in 1710. 1714/15. Same deed as the last. 1732. Letters of administration to brother David, No. 359, and widow Margaret. 364. Howell, Elizabeth, wife or dau. of No. 358; if wife, b. 1665, d. wid. 4 "March, 1724/5, m. 70. 365. Howell, Ruth, dau. of No. 358. 1698. Living with or near Wm. Hallock. 366. Howell, Dorothy, dau. of No. 358: m. Reeve. 367. Howell, John, son of No. 358, d. 20 Jan., 1734: m., 1, Margaret , who d. 2 Feb., 1708; 2, Hannah, d. wid. 15 March, 1768 ; c, by 1st wife, John, who D. 19 March, 1741 ; 2d, Jonathan — Eunice — Jemima — and Esther. 1733. Dec. 14. Will. Proved Feb., 1734. (Lib. 12, N. Y.,, p. 142.) 94 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD. 368. Hudson, John, prob. son of " Old Mr. Hudson," who d. in 1696/7: prob. m. Mary, No. 369. 1774. Will. 369. Hudson, Mary, wife or sister of No. 368. 369£. Hudson, Jonathan (see No. 800), perh. " John" (a mistake for his name). 370. Hunter, Thomas, d. 13 Sept., 1716 : m. Elizabeth, No. 371, dau. of B. Wines; c, prob. Thomas, d. April, 1706 — Mary, d. 2 Oct., 1716. 371. Hunter, Elizabeth, wife of No. 370, b. 1670, j>. wid. 4 Jan., 1747, m. 77. 1695. Deed from B. and.S. Wines to Elizabeth H., "his daughter," wife of T. H., 50 acres, " near the plantation of Samuel Wines." 372. Hunter, Eliza, jun., prob. dau. of No. 370. 373. Hunter, Zerra, prob. dau. of No. 370: m. David Reeve, 1715/16. 374. Hunter, Hannah, prob. dau. of No. 370. 375. Hutchinson, Martha, wid. of 'Case and of 'Thos. Hutchin- son. 1650 to 1660. Probably came from B,. I., bringing her sons Henry and Theophilus Case. 1661 to 1681, date uncertain (see No. 111). She released land to her eldest son, Henry Case, and he acquitted her of claims. 1681. June 14. Release by Henry Case to her. 1686. 3 males and 2 females in her family. 1698. Living with No. 376 to 378, as head of the family. 376. 2 Hutchinson, Thomas, son of 'Thomas, d. 8 Jan., 1749, m. 82/3 (according to Salmon, and therefore b. in 1667; but these ages given are found to have been sometimes esti- mated, and to be inaccurate. He may have been born 25 March, 1672, at Boston, a son of Thomas Hutchinson and Mary, his wife, transiently there.) 1664^67. His father a witness to ■various deeds (see Index prior to 1698). 1683. He or his father a witness to deed of B. Horton to T. T. 1695. Deed to his brother Samuel, 50 acres wood. 377. Hutchinson, Matthias (Lieut.), son of 'Thomas, D. 16 Jan., 1724, m. 56: M. Mary , who d. 9 Feb., 1721/2, m. 47. 1687 and 1692. A witness to deeds. 1694. Deed to Henry Case, exchange of meadows. 1694. Deed from Henry and Tabitha Case, home lot, 4 acres. (S. ) 1698. Deed to Benjamin Youngs, 30 acres, S. Neck. 1698. Deed from Benjamin Youngs, 50 acres in town plot. 1705, 1712, 1714. A witness to deeds. INDEX OF 1698. 95 378. Hutchinson, Martha, jun., prob. dan. of No. 375. 379. Hutchinson, Samuel (Col.), son of 'Thomas. D. 9 Jan., 1737/8, & 65: m. prob. Elizabeth , No. 380; c, prob. Samuel, No. 381— Benjamin, B. 1704. d. 1774. 1695/6. Deed from Ms brother Thomas, No. 376. 1698 to 1717. Witness to -various deeds. 1713. Arbitrator, &c. 1714 to 1736. Magistrate, taking acknowledgment of deeds, &c. 380. Hutchinson, Elizabeth, wife of No. 379, B. 1681, D. 1751, who as wid. m. Mr. John Budd, No. 101, in 1744, and D. in 1751, a. 70. 381. Hutchinson, Samuel, jun., prob. son of No. 379: one m. Han- nah, dau. of 4 Daniel Tuthill, in 1753. 382. Johnson, Lot, r>. 1708. 1680. Deed from Joshua Hobart, 1 acre on the street. 1681. Deed from N. Moore, " 6 sq. rods northwest corner of my lot." 1683. Rated on £19. 1686. Deed from Thomas Mapes, 4 acres. 1686. Deed from Daniel Terry, 4 acres in Tom's Creek Neck. 1686. 1 male in his family. 1687. Deed from Jona. Reeves, 4 acres in Tom's Creek Neck. 1689. Deed from Katherine Simons, 4 acres in Tom's Creek Neck. 383. Jones, John: M. ; a child D. in 1703. 1690. A witness to deed of Gardiner's family divisipn. 1698. Living with or near Hy. Tuthill. 384. King, Samuel, son of 'John, B. 1833, D. 29 Nov., 1721, m. 89: M. Abigail, No. 385; c, Samuel, No. 386— John, No. 801 — William, No. 390 — and prob. Hannah, who m. John Booth (see Nos. 46 and 47). 1656. Deed from John Peakin, his late dwelling house. 1658. Various lands at Southold. 1663. Deed from B. Wines, jun. (C.) 1664. Deed to Caleb Horton, commonage. 1666. United in deed to J. Y. for Plumb Island. 1670. Deed from Benj. Y., exchange. 1676. Rated for 40 acres, 22 cattle, 2 horses, &c, £169 10s. 1682. Deeds from J. Y. (O.) 1683. Rated oh £150. 1685. Deed to John Cleaves. 1686. 4 males and 3 females in his family. 1697. Deed to John Osman, 100 acres. (C.) 1697. Deed from John Gardiner, 100 acres. (O. ) 1697. Deed to son Samuel, all in O. 1700. Deed to son John, O., Lower Neck. 1706. Deed to sons of John Booth. 1706. Deed from Abm. Youngs, 2 acres. (O.) 1706. Deed to his son John, Salem, Essex county. 1713. Deeds on division of his estate. 96 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 1713. Deed to John Tuthill. (C.) 1713/14. Deed to Nathan Paine, 20 acres. (O.) 385. King, Abigail, wife of No. 384, d. 17 May, 1716. 386. King, Samuel, jun., son of No. 384, B. 1675, d. 6 May, 1725, m. 50: m. Hannah, No. 387; c, John, mariner — prob. Nos. 388 and 389 — and Hannah, who M. Nath'l Tuthill. 1696/7. Deed from his father, O., bounded south by T. Moore. 1699. Deed by S. K. and Hannah, his wife, to N. Terry, north side. 387. King, Hannah, wife of No. : .86, prob. d. 17 Aug., 1712, m. 39. 388. King, Samuel, prob. son of No. 386, D. 14 May, 1733. 389. King, Zacharias, prob, son of No. 386. 390. King, William, son of No. 384, D. 12 May, 17-10: m., 1, Abigail Brown, on 17 Jan., 1687, No. 391; 2, Susannah Crook, on 21 May, 1716, who prob. D. 1741, m. 63; C, Nos. 392 to 395 — Jonathan — John — Abner. 1703/4. Deed from Abin. Youngs, meadow. (O.) 1706/7. Deed from Samuel King. (O.) 1707. Deed from Samuel Beebe. (O.) 1714. Deed to W. King, jun., house lot. (O.) 1723. Deed to his daughter, Hannah Baxter. (O.) 1740. Feb. 29. Will, mentioning wife Susannah; naming six sons and two grandsons. ,. 1740. June 11, proved. (Lib. 13, N. ¥., p. 415.) 391. King, Abigail, wife of No. 390, D. 27 May, 1716, J&. 50. 392. King, William, jun., son of No. 390: M. prob. Bathsheba Beebe in 1714, who d. May 7, 1764, xs. 77; c, prob. John — Zeb- ulon — Samuel — Ephraim — James — Amy — Asa — Susan- nah — and Sarah. Several children died, including Beza- leel in 17 s 5, m. 9— Paul in 1750, M. 20. Susannah mar- ried Robert Sheffield, and died 1766, m. 43. 1714. Nov. 11. Deed from his father, 4 acres, O., "where his house now stands. " 1714. Deed from Samuel Beebe to his daughter, Bathsheba King, 3 acres meadow. ( 0. ) 1737. On list of freeholders. 1767. Deed to son James. 393. King, Hannah, dau. of No. 390, b. 1716, D. 181 J, m. 95: m. Richard Baxter in 1740 (see Index of 1730). 1723. Deed from her father, as above. 394. King, David, son of No. 390, drowned 26 Sept., 1749: M., 1, Hannah Beebe in Sept.. 1715, who d. in Jan., 1728, .e. 33; 2, Deborah Glover in 1731; c, by first wife, David, who d. 1729, m. 13. INDEX OF 1698. 97 395. King, Daniel, son of No. 390. 396. King, Sarah: M. Youngs (see No. 775). 396£. King, John (see No. 801). 397. Labe, or Lake, Robert, D. July, 1722. 398. Landon, Nathan, b. in Wales, Eng., d. 10 Mar., 1718, m. 54: M. Hannah, No. 399; c, Nos. 401, 402, 403— and prob. Samuel, b. 1699, who m. Bethia . 1688. Deed from E. Petty, his home lot and commons. 1690. Deed from E. Topping and Steph. Bailey, 14 acres in town plot. 1702. Deed from Thomas Eeeve, on the Sound. 1702. Deed from him as an executor of John Petty. 1711. Deed from Jemima Paine, 16 acres on highway to O. 1714. Deed from Thomas Youngs, on north side. 1702, 1703, 1711, 1717. A witness to deeds. 1716/17. Deed from Henry Wells, allotments. (County Records. ) 399. Landon, Hannah, wife of No. 398, D. 26 Feb., 1702, m. 30. 400. Landon, Elizabeth, prob. dau. of No. 398, D. 28 April, 1708. 401. Landon, Nathan, jun., son of No. 398, B. 1696, d. 28 Sept., 1750, je. 54: m. Patience Osborn in 1723; c, Samuel, who M. Rebecca, dau. of Hy. Tuthill, No. 676 — Elizabeth, who M. Samuel Grilling (see Index of 1775) — one D. Dec., 1724, &c. 402. Landon, James, son of No. 398, d. 19 Sept., 1738: M., 1, Mary Vail in 1707, No. 695, who d. 20 Aug., 1722; 2,wid. Mary Wilmot in 1723, d. his wid. in 1753/4, je. 68 (see Index of 1730); c, Joseph (see Index of 1730) — James — Daniel, prob. M. Martha Youngs in 1736 — David — John — Nathan — Mary — Rachel — Ly di a — Ann . 1737. On list of freeholders. 1738. Sept. 11. Will, mentioning wife, six sons and four daughters, as above; appointing executors, Joshua Youngs, brother John Vail and son Joseph. 1739. Mar. 26, proved. (Lib. 13, N. Y., p. 251. ) Oct. 18, inventory filed. 403. Lewis, Eliza. (Qu., Eleazer Luce ?) 1698. Living with or near John Franklin. 404. Loring, or "Lore," John, d. April, 1727: m. ; c, prob. Nos. 406 to 409, perh. 405. 1683. Eated for £76. 1686. 4 males and 1 female in his family. 1703. Deed from Thomas Young to him and others, Wading River. 1706. Deed from Jasper Griffing. 405. Loring, Richard, prob. son or brother of No. 404. 1703. Deed to him, John L. and Eogers, as above. 13 98 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 406. Loring, Samuel, d. 15 April, 1739: m. Hannah, who d. March, 1739; c, John — Jeremy — Ephraim — Joshua — Samuel — Hezekiah — Sarah — Hannah. 1738. Feb. Will, naming wife, &c. as above. 1740. March 27, proved. (Lib. 13, NT. Y., p. 390.) 407. Loring, John, jun., son of No. 404 or 406: prob. M. Hannah Brown, Feb., 1740. 408- Loring, William, prob. son of No. 404. 409. Loring, Thomas, prob. son of No. 404. 410. L'Hommedieu, Benjamin, B. 1657, by repute, at Rochelle, in France, d. 4 Jan., 1748/9, m. 92: M. Patience Silvester, No. 411; c, Benjamin, jun., No. 412 — Hosea, No. 413— Silvester (see Index of 1775) — Patience — Peter, who m. Sarah Corwin, 1722/3 — Susan, who M. 'Jonathan Tuthill, No. 679, in 1722/3, and D. his wid., 17 May, 1743. 1694 Agreement about windmill. 1697, 1699, 1700, 1711. A witness to several deeds. 1711. General power from Francis Brinley. 1711/12. Release to Richard Brown. 411. L'Hommedieu, Patience, wife of No. 410, d. Nov., 1719. 1694, 1714. A witness to deeds. 412. L'Hommedieu, Benjamin, jun., son of No. 410, d. 17 Sept., 1755: M., 1, Mary Conkling, No. 153, dau. of John, in 1717, who D. in 1730; 2, Martha Brown, or Bourne, of Sandwich, Mass., in 1731; c, one d. 24 Feb., 1733 — Ezra, B. 30 Aug., 1734, son of last wife (see Index of 1775) — Benjamin, D. 18 Nov., 1738 (see Index of 1730)— Martha, d. 19 Oct., 1758 — Elizabeth, eldest dau., m. Boorn — Mary, m. Purryer Reeve in Jan., 1752/3. 1698. Deed from Joshua Hobart to him, as " merchant," for land bounded southeast by N . Moore and northwest by Lot Johnson. 1754. Will, appointing wife, son Ezra and E.. Hempstead, executors. 1755. Proved. (Lib. 19, N. Y., p. 356.) 413. L'Hommedieu, Hosea, son of No. 410, D. on Shelter Island, 6 Nov., 1752: m. Freelove Howell in 1719; c, one d. 18 Sept., 1724 — Constant in 1725 — prob. John, who d. in 1777— Constant, 2d, who d. in 1810 (see Index of 1775). 1754. Feb. 5. Letters of administration to Israel Moore as principal cred- itor. (Lib. A, N. Y., 2d part, p. 22.) 414. Longworth, Thomas, d. 1 May, 1706: m. Deborah, dau. of INDEX OF 1698. 99 Capt. John Youngs; c, Deborah, D. 1697/8 — Bethia, D. 20 April, 1698, m. 15 years, 3 months, 20 days — and prob. Thomas (witness to a deed in 1720). 1685. Deed from his father-in-law, 8 acres in town plot. 1686. 1 male and 2 females in his family. 1697/8. Deed by both to Richard Terry in town plot. 1697/8. Deed to Nath. Terry, thatch. 1698. Deed to Henry Case, N., by Sound, &c. 1686 to 1705. A witness to deeds. 1702. A messenger from the Governor to Indians, asking them to come to New York. 415. Long-worth, Deborah, his wife, D. 1711/12. 416. 2 Mapes, Thomas (Capt.), son of 'Thomas, b. 1651, d. 16 Feb., 1711.^. 61): m., 1 (unknown, if any); 2, Mary> wid. of William Wells, No. 417; 3, Bethia, wid. of Thomas Gold- smith, 3 June, 1710, No. 274, who survived him and m. Richard Steer. 1676. As jun., rated on 15 acres, 12 cattle, 1 horse, . 1731 and 1750. Martha, dau. of wid. Phebe, d. 1754. 501. Osman, Dorothy. 1698. Living with or near Jos. Eeeve, No. 571. 502. Overton, Isaac, prob. son of 'Isaac, b. 1683, v. 4 Nov., 1723, m. 40^; M. Abigail, dau. of "Nathaniel Moore, No. 463; c, prob. Nathaniel, who M. Alathea Way in 1732 (Index of 1775) — John, who m. Jemima Hulse in 1734 (Index of 1775) — James, who m. Mary Goldsmith in 1745. 1706/7. Deed by I. O. and Abigail to Abm. Youngs, Hog Neck. 1707, 1713. A witness to deeds. 1711. Deed to Ebenezer Way, meadow, Pine Neck. 503. Overton, John, prob. son of 'Isaac, d. 28 Dec, 1706. 504. Overton, Thomas, prob. son of 'Isaac, d. 24 Oct., 1706. One of these two prob. m. Mary . who survived, and m. John Dains in 1716. 505. Owen, John, D. 7 Jan.. 1737/8: M. prob. after 1698; c, prob. Jonathan, who m., 1, Bethia Terry in 1723; and, 2, Mary Downs in 1753 — Mary, who D. 1740 — James, M. Mary Pain in 1749— Hannah, whose reputed son, Ephraim, d. in 1752. 1689. A soldier in time of Leisler. 1698. Living with or near Joshua Wells. 1699. Witness to deed of J. Mapes and wife to Halloek. 1702. Feb. Witness to deed of S. King to D. and J. Parshall. 506. Paine, Abigail, wid. of Teter, d. at 0. in Sept., 1716. 507. Paine, Abigail, jun., prob. dau. of No. 506, and prob. m. John Dains, No. 218. 508. Paine, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 506. 509. Paine, Sarah, prob. dau. of No. 506. 510. Paine, Thomas, prob. son of Cornelius, d. at Shelter Island 14 Jan., 1725. 1698. Living near or with John Booth. 511. Paine, John, jun., prob. son of No. 514. 1686. 3 males and 2 females in his family. INDEX OP 1698. 107 1709. Partition deed with his brother Nathaniel. (0.) 1712. Deed from John Herbert and Elizabeth, his wife, 50 acres, on the Sound. 512. Paine, Sarah, prob. wife of No. 514, d. 3 Sept., 1716, m. 76. 513. Paine. Nathaniel (Lieut.), prob. son of No. 514, d. 29 Sept., 1731: M.Ann , B. 1686, who D. 12 March, 1725, m. 39; c, daus. prob. , M. Richard Terry — Elizabeth, B. 1710, m., 1731, Charles Glover, No. 264, who d. 1803, m. 93— Mary, m., 1731, Henry Brown, No. 87. 1709. Partition deed from his brother John, Q. (County Records. ) -'' ; 1714. Jan. Deed to John King, 16 acres, north side. (O. ) 1714. Deed from Samuel King, '20 acres at O. 1731. Dec. 17. Letters of administration to his sons-in-law, Richard Ter- ry, Charles Clover and Henry Brown. 514. Paine, John, B. 20 Aug., 1620, perh. d. 3 Feb., 1708: M. prob., 2, Mary , b. 1661, d. 25 Sept., 1670; c, prob. John, No. 511 — and Nathaniel, No. 513. 1662. Signed appointment ofCapt. Youngs for Hartford Colony. 1665. Deed to Ralph Goldsmith, 60 acres, 0., bounded west by Jeffry Jones and east by John Herbsrt. 1675. Rated for 10 acres, 14 cattle, 3 horses, 10 goats, &c, £119 10s. 1683.- Rated on £94. 1686. Called sen. ; 5 males and 3 females in his family. 1687. Deed from S. Bailey, 4 acres near Great Swamp, and thatch. 1687. Deeds from John Tuthill, 150 acres near Mill Creek; 10 acres bound- ed east by Jasper Griffmg. . 1688. Deed from John Petty, 14 acres south of Mill Creek. 1688. Deed from Chris. Youngs, 10 acres north of the town. 1689. Deed from John Corwin, meadow at Goose Creek. 1693. Deed from Thomas Gilbert, 10 acres and commonage. 1696. Deed from John Corwin, 50 acres west of the town. 1696. Deed to John Corwin, 50 acres (Jemima, his wife, joining). 1698. Deed from Josh. Hobart, 1 acre north corner of "my lot." 1698. Deed from Joseph Youngs, 12 acres, marsh, &c, near Great Swamp. 1705. Deed to Abraham Corey, 50 acres (Jemima, his wife, joining). 1712. Deed to John Kingsbury. (Some of these deeds, and perhaps all since 1626, belong to No. 515.) 515. Paine, John, prob. gr.-son of No. 514, D. before 1711, and perh. the one who d. in 1708 (see last twelve deeds above, and deeds under No. 511): m. Jemima, No. 516; c, prob. Nos. 517 to 521— and Alsop, b. 1698. 516. Paine, Jemima, wife of No. 515, b. 1670, dau. of John Alsop, of New Haven. She survived her husband, and d. 25 Dec, 1713. 1711. Deed, as relict, to Nathan.Landon, 16 acres on road to O. 517. Paine, Mary, prob. dau. of Nos. 514 or 515 and 516. 108 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 518. Paine, Martha (as above). 519. Paine, Jemima (as above); prob. m., 1, Daniel Petty, No. 549, who d. in 1745; 2, Daniel Tuthill, 23 March, 1750. 520. Paiue, Elizabeth, prob. dau. of Nos. 514 or 515 and 516. 1715/16. Married Obadiah Booth. 521. Paine, John, jun., prob. son of John, No. 515. 521^. Paine, Cornelius (see No. 802). 521|. Parker and Parks (see Nos. 804 and 805). 522. Parshall, James,.prob. d. before 1711: m. prob. Margaret, No. 523; c, prob. Nos. 524 to 528. 1679. Deed from John Youngs, 4 lots in A. 1680. Deed to David Gardiner, half his purchase in A. 1686. 6 males and 2 females in his family. 1689. Bill of sale of Sarah, an Indian, "my slave," aged 8, daughter of Dor- cas, an Indian, to John Parker. 523. Parshall, Margaret, prob- wife of No. 522. 524. Parshall, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 522. 525. Parshall, Israel (Capt.), prob. son of No. 522, d. 18 April, 1738, M. 58: m., 1, Johanna Swezey, 4 Dec, 1702, who d. Feb., 1725, m. 47: 2, Mary Terry, 26 March, 1726; c, Is- rael — Jemima, who m. Jonathan Terry in 1730 — Elizabeth, who m. -- — Davis — Keziah, who m., in 1727, Joseph Mapes (see No. 421)— Experience, who M. Daniel Reeves in 1736. 1701/2. Deed from Samuel King to David and Israel. 1703. Deed from John Gardiner. (A.) 1704/5. Deed from Joseph Keeve. Partition. 1705. Deed from Joseph Youngs. (A. ) 1708. Deed to Simeon Kamsey, meadow on Peconic Eiver. 1711. Deed from David Parshall. Partition. 1711/12. Deed from John Penny. (A.) 1713. Arbitration and settlement — Benjamin Horton, Josiah Youngs, Josh. Wells and I. P. No date. About 1714. Deed to Jona. Youngs, Long Swamp, A., north of N. road. 1737. June 23. Will, naming wife and five children. Witnesses, Samuel Landon, William Moore and W. Nicoll. 1738. May 22, proved. (Lib. 13, N. Y, p. 295.) 526. Parshall, David, prob. son of No. 522, b. 1683; d. 25 Jan., 1726. M. 43: M. Mary, prob. No. 245, B. 1685, who D. 21 April, 1725, m. 40; c, eldest, David — youngest, Jonathan — daus. unm. in 1726. 1702. Deed from Samuel King to David and Israel P. (A.) 1711. Deed from Israel. Partition. (A.) INDEX OF 1698. 109 1712. Deed from Isaac Osman, meadow. 1726. June 24. Will, naming wife and two sons. Executors, his brother Israel, Samuel Swezey and John Wells. Witnesses, Saml. Wells, Chris. Youngs, sen. , Peter Simmons, jun. 1727. March 16, proved. (Lib. 10, N. Y., p. 161.) 527. Parshall, Benjamin, prob. son of No. 522. 528. Parshall, Margaret, jun., prob. dau. of Nos. 522 and 523. ! 1710. Married Caleb Howell. 529. Petty, Mercy, wid. prob. of 'Edward, d. 25 Sept., 1727. 1696/7. Deed by Edward and Mercy, his wife, to son Joseph (carpenter). 530. Petty, Ralph, prob. son of Joseph, b. 1673, d. Dec, 1755, m. 82: M., 1, Johanna before 1710; 2, Elizabeth Salmon in 1720, who d. in 1754. 1700, 1708, 1711. A witness to deeds. 1709, 1710, 1714 or 1740. Deed from Henry Tuthill and Bethia, O., Lower Neck. 1709/10. Deed to Henry Tuthill, O., by E. P. and Johanna, his wife. 1711. Deed from Joseph, 2f- acres. (O.) 631. Petty, Lucas, prob. son of Joseph. 532. Petty, Moses, prob. son of Joseph. 533. Petty, Margery, prob. dau. of Joseph. 534. Petty, Ann, prob, dau. of Joseph. 535. Petty, Simon, prob. son of Joseph. 536. Petty, John, prob. son of 'Edward, d. Nov., 1698: prob. m. Mary, No. 537: c, prob. Nos. 538 to 540 — and prob. Jo- seph. 1679. Witness to deed of J. Budd to Jeremiah Vail. 1683. Bated in Southampton, £30. 1685. Deed from Samuel and Sarah Glover, 300 acres. (A.) _ 1686. 3 males and 1 female in his family. 1688. Deed to John Paine, 14 acres south of Mill Creek. 1689. Deed by J. P. and Mary, his wife, to Benj. Moore, 4 acres homestead and 12 acres wood. 1698. Witness to deed of Jos. Youngs to John Paine. 169S. Will; James Petty, John Budd and Nathaniel Landon, executors. 1702. Executors' deed to Peter Hallock. (A.) 537. Petty, Mary, wife of No. 536, d. wid. 19 Aug., 1733. 1 607. Deed from Joseph to his mother of homestead. 538. Petty, Edward, prob. son of No. 536: m. Filer, 1730. 539. Petty, David, prob. son of No. 536. 510. Petty, Mary, prob. dau; of No. 536 (see No. 544). 541. Petty, James, son of 'Edward, D. 11 Dec, 1705: m. Experi- ence, No. 542; c, prob. Nos. 543 to 546 — and John. 110 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD. 1671. Bound to T. Moore until of age. 1680. Deed from his father, 4 acres. 1686. 1 male and 1 female in his family. 1695. Deed from John Booth, 40 acres wood on Toms Creek Neck. 1701/2. Deed from Jonathan Mapes, commonage. 1702. need as executor of John. 1703. Deed from Samuel Youngs, 3 acres near Great Hog Neck. 1705. Deed to Jonathan Horton, Great Hog Neck. 1705. Deed from Jonathan Horton, road, Hog Neck. 1706. Sept. 3. Inventory of his estate, £64 Is. lOd. 1706. Oct. 14. Letters of administration to his widow, Experience. (Dib. 7, N. Y, p. 260.) 542. Petty, Experience, wife of No. 541 , widow in 1706. 543. Petty, James, jun., prob. son of No. 541, d. 3 Dee., 1726, .a:. 38: M. Christiana Bayley, No. 20, in 1713; c.,. James, D. 1 Nov., 1737, m. 16— Mary, d. 6 Sept., 1738, m. 14. 544. Petty, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 541: perh. m. Nathaniel Tuthill in 1721, s. v. No. 540, or William Dudley in 1738. 545. Petty, Nynion, prob. dau. of So. 541. 546. Petty, Experience, jun., prob. dau. of Nos. 541 and 542: perh. M. Joshua Gleves in 1757. 547. 3 Petty, Joseph (Lieut.), b. 1690, d. 13 May, 1730, m. 40. 1706/7. Deed by one Joseph to his mother Mary, quit-claim of homestead. 1711. Deed to Kalph Petty, 2£ acres. (O. ) 1712. Deed from Samuel Glover, near the Inlet. 1714. Deed to Richard Steer, commons. 547£. "Petty, Joseph (see No. 803). 548. Petty, Mary, b. 1697, d. wid. 28 April, 1753, &. 76; but see No. 537. 549. Petty, Daniel, prob. son of No. 541, d. 10 July, 1745: m. Je~ mima Faine, No. 519, in 1725, who survived him, and M. Daniel Tuthill in 1750; c, Joseph — James — Experience — Jemima — Mary — ri annah. 1745. Will, naming wife and six children, as above, appointing brother John executor. Witnesses, John Terry, Jonathan King and Ohas. Glover, jun. 1745. Sept. 3, proved (Lib. 15, N. Y., p. 441.) 550. Racket. Eliza, prob. dau. of 'John, perh. of 2 John: prob. M. Samuel Emons in 1729. 551. 'Racket, John, son of 'John, b. April, 1680, d. 20 Feb., 1775, m. 95: m. Martha ,who d. 28 Jan., 1747; c, "John— prob. Samuel — -Jonathan — Rachel, who M. Gideon Youngs in 17S3. 1737. On list of freeholders. INDEX OF 1698. Ill 551|. Ramsey (see Romsey). 552. "Reeves, James (Capt.), son of 'James, b. 1673, d. 14 March, 1732, m. 59; m. Deborah, No. 553; c, prob. No. 554— and, after 1698, James (sen. in 1755, who then m. Anna Wines) — and Deborah, who in 1719 M. Nathaniel Warner. 1697. On death of his father, had real estate, &o. 553. Reeves, Deborah, wife of No. 552, b. i676, d. 5 Feb., 1754, m. 78. 554. Reeves, Mary, p*rob. dau. of No. 552. 555. Reeves, Isaac, prob. son of 'James: perh. M. 'Pbebe, daughter of Henry Tuthill, No. 678. 1671. Living with William Purrier, his grandfather. 1675. Bated for man and horse, £30. 1697. Mentioned in his father's will. 1699. Witness to deed of S. Wines to S. Bamsey, with James. 556. Reeves, Thomas, perh. son of 'James, or of Thomas, of Mass., D. 4 Feb., 1705: prob. m. Mary, No. 557, dau. of Thomas Terry, sen. 1676. Bated for 23 acres, 19 cattle, 2 horses, &c, £137 10s. 1678. United in deed to E. Petty, commons. 1702. Deed to N. Landon, on the Sound. 557. Reeves, Mary, prob. wid. of No. 556, perh. the one who D. in 1708 (see No. 554). 558. Reeves, Mary, wid. perh. of 'Thomas or 'William, or dau. of Nos. 556 and 557. 559. Reeves, William, prob. son of 'James: M. prob., 1, Elizabeth , who d. 1738/9; perh., 2, Sarah Mapes, 1739/40. 1676. Bated for 5 acres, 9 cattle, 1 horse, &c, £69 10s. 1683. Bated on £100. 1685. Deed from Thomas Tusten, Wading Eiver. 1686. 2 males and i females in his family. 1687. Deed from Thomas Moore, meadow south of Peconic Biver. 560. Reeves, Abigail: prob. M. John Dickerson, No. 222, in 1710. 561. Reeves, Margaret. 562. Reeves, Sarah. One died 10 June, 17 17. 563. Reeves, Thomas, d. 9 Nov., 1738, m. 59: in 1707, prob. m., 1, Bethia Horton, who d. 4 Feb., 1713-15, m. 26; 1719, prob., 2, Mary Wells, B. 1691, who D. wid. 19 Dec, 1744, &. 53; c, Abner, b. 1707— Bethia, b. 1711 — Elijah — Bethia, second — Catura — Nathaniel — James, b. 1736 — and Thomas. 112 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 1707. Deed to Peter Diekerson, home lot on town street, . 38. 1702. Married Israel Paishall. 624. Swezey, Joseph, jun., son of No. 621, b. 1653 (qu. ?), d. Nov., 1736, m. 83 (qu. ?) 1717. Deed to Samuel, in partition. 1718. Deed to his brother Richard, in partition. INDEX OF 1698. 117 625. Swezey, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 621. 626. Swezey, Sarah, prob. dau. of No. 621. 627. Swezey, Samuel, prob. sou of No. 621: peril, m. Hannah Hor- ton in 1727. 1711. Deed to John Swezey, meadow. (A.) 1714. Deed to Jona. Hudson, 12 acres. (A.) 1714. Deed from Matthias Corwin, 10 acres. (A.) 1715. Deed from Jacob Osman, 2 acres. (A.) 1715. Deed from Joseph, in partition. 628. Swezey, Eichard, prob. son of No. 621, b. 1692, d. 26 Dec, 17.82, m. 92: m., 1, Eliza , who D. 1738/9, m, 38; 2, wid. Margaret Howell, 10 Aug., 1739, who D. 6 July, 1769; c, two d. in 1737 and 1738/9. 1718. Deed from his brother Samuel. Partition. 1737. On list of freeholders. 629. Swezey, Stephen, prob. son of No. 621: m. Elizabeth Young, 1715. (One m. Phebe Tuthill, 1742, who d. 1745; and Mary Eorton, 1748.) 1737. On list of freeholders. 630. Swezey, Bethia, prob. dau. of No. 621, d. 12 Jan., 1724: M. William Coleman, jun., in 1718. 630£. Terrill (see No. 657 et seq.) 631. Terry, Ruth, perh. dau. of 'Thomas. 1698. Living with or near Ephraim Youngs. 1707. Married John Tilleson. • 632. 3 Terry, Richard (Ensign), son of 'Richard, b. 1661, d. 2 Feb., 1734, M. 64: m. perh., 1, Prudence, No. 633; 2, wid. Mar- tha Benjamin in 1720. 1676. The house and land on which his father lived, on Squash Neck, given to him and Nathaniel. 1686. Probably living with Nathaniel. 1702/3. Deed from Gershom, woodland near the Inlet; but see No. 639. 1702/3. Deed from T. Longworth and wife, commonage in the old town plot; but see No. 639. ■633. Terry, Prudence, prob. wife of No. 632. ' 634. 2 Terry, Gershom, son of 'Richard, b. 1652, d. 14 Mar. 1724/5 s j&. 72-4: m. Deborah, No. 635; c, prob. Gershom, No. 636 — David, prob. b. after 1698; m. Mehitable— and d. 1778/9 — Mary, under 18 in 1725. 1676. Land at 0. given him by his father's will. 1678. United in deed to Edward Petty, common land. 118 TOWN OF SOTJTHOLD. 1683. Rated on £84. 1686. 2 males and 2 females in his family. 1702/3. Deed to Richard Terry, 10 acres near Inlet. 1703/4. Deed from Providence Rider, 20 acres wood, Fort Neck. 1703/4. Deed to Mordecai Homan, wood on Pinsquash Neck. 1714. Deed from John Terry, 25 acres, near the Inlet. 1714. Deed to his brother John, several parcels. 1725. Feb. 24/5. Will, speaking of wife and three children — Gershoni, David and Mary — of land between Barnabas Wines and widow Martha Reeve, and land he purchased of Joseph Wood. Appoint- ed his wife and brother Richard executors. Witnesses, James Reeve, Jos. Goldsmith and Thomas Reeve. 1726. Nov. 26, will proved. (Lib. 10, N. Y., p. 166.) 635. Terry, Deborah, wife of No. 634, d. wid. 21 Oct., 1729, m. 67. 636. Terry, Gershom, jun., prob. son of No. 634, d. 17 Feb., 1724/5: M. Mary after 1698, who D. wid. 25/6 Sept., 1728; c, prob. Gershom, who M., 1, Mary Wells in 1733; 2, Be- thia Wells in 1749. 1737. His son on list of freeholders. 637. Terry, Deborah, jun., prob. dan. of Nos. 634 and 635. 638. Terry, Abigail, prob. dau. of Nos. 634 and 635. 639. Terry, Kichard, prob. son of No. 634, brother of No. 636, d. 1 Dec, 1767, m. 70: m. prob., 1, Paine, dau. of Na- thaniel, No. 513; 2, Martha Corey, 1763, who D. 1767, m. 75; c, Richard — Gershoni (see No. 636) — Jonathan — Joshua — Elijah — Martha, who m. Wall or Watt — Deborah, who m. Goldsmith. 1702/3. Deed from his father, 10 acres near Inlet (s. v. 632). 1725. Executor of his brother G, No. 636. 1731 Perhaps administrator of N. Paine, No. 513. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1767. Feb. 7. Will, naming family as above. Witnesses, Joshua Case, Jona. Barns, Horton and John Wells. 1767. Dec. 16, proved. (Lib. 26, N. Y., p. 225.) 640. Terry, Bathsheba, prob. dau. of No. 633. 641. Terry, Mehitable, prob. dau. of No. 633. 642. Terry, Daniel, son of 'Thomas, d. 20 Nov., 1706: M. Sarah, No. 643; c, prob. Nos. 644 to 647. 1672. His father's will gave him a house and half his land at A. 1675. Kated for 12 acres, 18 cattle, 2 horses, &c, £186. 1678. United in deed to E. Petty, commons. 1681. Deed to Jasper Griffing, meadow, Great Hog Neck. 1683. Rated on £141. 1686. Deed to Lot Johnson, 4 acres, Toms Creek Neck. 1686. 1 male and 3 females in his family. 643. Terry, Sarah, wife of No. 642, D. 20 Dec, 1706 (qu. ?) INDEX OF 1698. 119 644. Terry, Daniel, jun., prob. son of No. 642. One M. Elizabeth Tuthill in 1730/31 (see No. 651). 1711. Partition deed between Daniel and Thomas (qu., see No. 651). 645. Terry, Samuel, prob. son of No. 642, d. 1762: m. Naomie Dick- erson, 1715/16, who d. wid. 11 Nov., 1769; c, Daniel- Richard — Abigail — Bethia — one dau. m. Wines (two c. in 1762 — Louisa and Elizabeth) — other daughters. 1721. Witness to deed of Thomas Terry to Jas. Terry. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1744. United in deed to P. Backus, Great Hog Neck. 1762. July 27. Will, with names above. 1762. Sept. 6. Will proved. (Lib. 23, N. Y., p. 447.) 646. Terry, Eliza, prob. dau. of No. 642. 1720. Probably married William Benjamin, No. 38. 647. Terry, James, prob. son of No. 642, b. 1697/8, d. 15 Nov., 1752, M. 54/5: M. Mary Corwin 1724, who d. 31 March, 1774; c, James (see Index of 1730 and of 1775)— Daniel — Henry — Mary — Elizabeth — and Mehi table: the three daughters unmarried in 1752. 1721. Deed from Thomas Terry, half of home lot. (A.) 1752. Jan. 13. Will, mariner; mentioning wife and six children. 1752. Nov. 28, proved. (Lib. 18, N. Y., p. 259.) 1758. Dec. 6. Letters of administration to Daniel, farmer. 648. Terry, Thomas, son of 'Thomas, prob. D. 24 March, 1724, but perh. before 171 1 : M., 1, Eliza, No. 649; and perh., 2, Elea- nor, wid. of George Havens, No. 794; c, Nos. 650 to 653 — Jonathan — and prob. Eliza (see Index of 1730). 1672. His father's will gave him land at G, and half land at A. 1675. Assessed for 8 acres, 13 cattle, 6 horses, &c, £129 10s. 1676/7. Deed from Abraham Whittier, Abram's Island. 1683. Assessed £139. 1686. 5 males and 5 females in his family. 1690,1691. Deed from Edward Petty, meadow. (O.) 1701. Deed from Benjamin Horton. (A. ) 1702. Deed from Stephen Bayley. 1706. Deed from Abm. Youngs. (0. 1 An appraiser of estate of Geo. Havens, No. 794. 1721. See deed to Jas. Terry under No. 650. 649. Terry, Eliza, prob. wife of No. 648, d. 24 Nov., 1706. 650. Terry, Thomas, jun., son of No. 648, D. 17 Jan., 1740: M. Me- hitable Tuthil!, dau. of Daniel Tuthill, No. 672; c, Thom- as (Col.) — Jonathan, b. 1713/14 — David— William— 120 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD. Ruth (eldest dau.), who. m. David Wiggins — and Mehita- ble (youngest dau.), who M. James Wiggins. 1711. Partition deeds between Daniel and Thomas. 1720. Deed by him or his father to James Terry. (A.) 1737. On list of freeholders. 1739. Will, naming wife Mehitable, &c, and brother Jonathan. Witnesses, Daniel Patty, J ohn Patty and Jona. barker. (Lib. 13, NY. , p. 352. ) 651. Terry, Daniel, son of No. 648. One m. Elizabeth Tuthill in 1731 (see No. 644). 1711. Partition deed between Daniel and Thomas. (Qu., see No. 644.) 652. Terry, Joseph, son of No. 648; one d. 20 Nov., 1706; another, 14 March, 1 732/3: m. Mary (or Sarah Dimond, 4 Jan., 1732); c, prob. Joseph; perh. he it. the last named Sarah. 653. Terry, Abigail, dau. of No. 648, b. 1688, d. 1732: m. Thomas Strong, of Brookhaven. 654. Terry, John, son of 'Richard, b. 1662, d. 27 April, 1733: m. Hannah, No. 655, dau. of 2 Nathaniel Moore; c, John (see No. 656)— Nathaniel, b. 1700— Richard, B. 1705— Samuel, B. 1706— Robert, b. 1711— Sally, b. 1703— Hannah, B. 1709— Abigail, b. 1714. 1676. His father's will gave him the homestead and town house after the death of his mother, who was living in 1686, ante. 1692. Deed to him by John Tuthill and wife. (C. ) 1701. Deed by him as executor of N. Moore, land in Westchester county. 1714. Deed from his brother Gershom. 1723. Deed to his sister, Bethia Steer (see Nos. 274 and 812). 1728. June 6. Will, naming wife and seven children. 1733. Sept. 3. Will proved. (Lib. 12, N. Y., p. 139.) 655. Terry, Hannah, wife of No. 654, D. wid. 28 Aug., 1753. 656. Terry, John, jun., son of No. 654, b. about 1698, d. 1785: m. Martha Petty; c, John, b. 1730 — Joseph, b. 1732 — Na- thaniel, b. 1736 — Martha (twin), b. 1736 — Jeremiah, b. 1738 — Martha, b. 1724 — Bethia, b. 1728, M. Gideon Youngs — Elizabeth, b. 1741, m. Samuel Brown — Hannah, b. 1743, m. Chris. Brown — Mehitable, b. 1745, M. John Racket. 1772. Jan. 13. Will speaks of sister Sarah, unmarried. 1785. Dec. 2. Will proved. (Lib. 38, N. Y., p. 320.) 656£. Terry, Nathaniel (see No. 809). 657. Terrill, Thomas, prob. son of 'Thomas, b.1671,d. 3 Jan., 1746, M. 75-77 : m. perh., 1, Abigail, dau. of Thomas Mapes; INDEX OF 1698. 121 certainly, 2, Bethia . b. 1663, who d. 12 Jan., 1744, m. 81; c, prob. No. 663. 1703. AVitness to deed of Rogers to Wells. 658. Terrill, John, prob. son of 'Thomas, d. 18 Jan., 1707 : prob. M. Esther , called a wid. 29 Jan., 1707; an infant child D. 29 Jan., 1707. 659. Terrill, Richard. 660. Terrill, Abigail. 661. Terrill, Nicholas. 662. Terrill, Catharine. 663. Terrill, Thomas, jun., prob. son of No. 657, D. 18 Nov., 1716: m. Sarah, No. 664; c, prob. Nos. 665 to 667. 1686. 5 males and 2 females in his family. 664. Terrill, Sarah, wife of No. 663, d. 20 Dec, 1706. 665. Terrill, Thomas, prob. son of No. 663: m. Bethia ,b. 1673, d. Jan., 1754, m. 81. 666. Terrill, Sarah, jun., prob. dau. of Nos. 663 and 664. 667. Terrill, Damaris. 1698. Living with or near A. Osman. 668. Tinker, Gershom. 1698. Living with or near Andrew Miller. 669. Turner, Samuel. 1698. Living with or near widow Mary Youngs. 1725. Married Eebeoca Jarsey. 669£. Tustin (see No. 682, &c, after Tuthill). 670. Tuthill, John, son of Henry and Bridget, reputed born in Eng- land on 16 July, 1635, D. at Southold 12 Oct., 1717, is. 82:, M., 1, Deliverance King on 17 Feb.', 1657 (said to be dau. of John King); she D. 25 Jan., 1688; 2, Sarah Young, No. 671, on 28 May, 1690; C, John, B. 1658, No. 674— Eliza- beth, b. 1661, who prob. m. 'Wm. Wells — Henry, b. 1665, No. 676 — Hannah, B. 1667, who perh. M. Joshua Wells — Abigail, B. 1670— Dorothy, b. 1674, who D. in 1688— De- liverance, b. 1677, who d. in 1683— Daniel, b. 1679, No. 672— Nathaniel, b. 1683, No. 673 — and a dau. of second wife, who lived a few years. 1650 (or 1660 ?) Dec. 15. Release to William Wells for his right and in- 16 122 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. terest in the estate of Henry Tuthi]], his late father, deceased, and Bridget Tuthill, his mother, also deceased, which came into the hands of his father-in-law, Wm. Wells, by marriage of his mother; also all his right and interest in whatever was given him by his father's brother, John Tuthill. 1657. Date of first marriage. 1661. Deed from John Bayley, house and home lot. 1662. Signed appointment of Capt. Youngs for Hartford Colony. 1665. Exchange of lands with Thomas Dimon. 1665. Deed to Robert Tustin or Turner, house and home lot. 1667. From Jacob Corey, acknowledgment of indebtedness. 1668. Deed from Richard Brown. (0.) 1676. Bated for 2 men, 40 acres, 23 cattle, 4 horses, 9 sheep, &c, £206 10s. 1681. Deed to Jasper Griffing, northwest of old field. 1683. Bated on £239. 1684. As sen., named as executor of Lt. Budd, his "friend and neighbor." 1685. As sen., deeds from Edward Petty and A. Corey. (O.) 1685. Deed to Caleb Horton. 1686. 4 males and 5 females in his family. 1686. Deed to John Cohkling, settlement of boundaries. 1686. Deed to John Paine, 15 acres near Mill Creek. 1689. Deed from Abm. Whittier, in trust. 1690. Deed to his second son, Henry, several lots. 1690. Contract of marriage with widow Sarah "youngs (see No. 9). 1692. Deed by J. T. and Sarah to B. Howell. (A.) 1693. Deed from Samuel Glover, 10 acres near Great Swamp. 1700. Deed from John Herbert. (O.) 1700. Deed from Josiah Youngs, 50 acres. (O.) 1699, 1700. Deeds from Edward Polwell, mercer, of London, 50 acres, O bounded east by J. Herbert and land bought of Herbert. 1702. Deed from Samuel Youngs. (O.) 1703. Deed to his oldest son John, 60 acres. (O.) 1703. Deed to Samuel King, division of allotment. 1705. Deed from J. T., jun., his son, highway. (O.) 1706. Deed to David Youngs. (O.) 1708. Deed to Edward Johnson, 4 acres. (O.) 1711/12. Deed to Carteret Gillam, Great Hog Neck. 1711/12. Deed to his son Daniel, Hog Pond farm. 1713. Deed from Samuel King. (C.) * n , 1713. Deed to Bichard Brown. (O.) f yu '' son ' 671. Tuthill, Sarah, dan. or wid. of -f— Youngs, wife of No. 670, d. 8 Nov., 1727. 672. Tuthill, Daniel (Dea.), son of No. 670, b. 1679, D. 1762, jr. 83: m. Mehitable, dau. of 2 Jona. Horton, in 1706 (see Nos. 353 and 348); c, Nathaniel, b. 1708, D. 1731— Daniel, b. 1710, d. 1768— Noah, b. 1712, d. 1766— Patience, m. John Ha- vens, of Moriches, No. 798, in 1733— Mehitable, m. Thos. Terry, No. 650, in 1723/4— Lydia, m. Jonathan Terry- Abigail, M. Henry Havens, of Moriches — Mary, m. Nathan Tuthill, of Aquebogue, son of 4 John. 1700. Deed from John Goldsmith, bought of Josiah Youngs. (O.) 1703. Deed from Samuel Youngs, 30 acres woodland. (O.) 1711/12. Deed from his father of " Hog Pond farm." INDEX OF 1698. 123 1730. Deed from Jonathan Bradley, land in New London, sold out in small lots. 1736. Deed to his son Daniel, allotments. 1746. Deed to his son Daniel, 300 acres on Plumb Island. 1752. Deed to his son Daniel, all his lands, &c. 1763. Letters of administration to his sons Daniel and Noah. 673. Tuthill, Nathaniel, son of No. 670, B. 10 Not., 1683, D. 1705, M. 22. 674. Tuthill, John, jun., son of No. 670, B-. 14 .Feb., 1658, D. 21 Nov., 1754, m. 96:. m., as early as 1685, Mehitable, dau. of No. 417, who d. 26 Aug., 1742; c, John (see below) — James — Joshua, b. 1690, d. 1782, m. 92 — Dorothy, m. Jo- seph Brown — and prob. Daniel, B. 1700 or after, will in 1783, D. 1785— and others. J. T., jun., was popularly called " Chalker John," from carrying and often using chalk. 1685. Deed by Mary Mapes and W. Wells to him and his wife Mehitable, land at O. , bounded east by highway, west by the sea. 1686. Per census, 3 males and 2 females in his family. 1692. Deed of same land to John Terry. 1693, 1694, 1695. Member of Colonial Assembly. 1698. He and Mehitable on census list together. 1698 to 1702. Ten deeds acknowledged before him. 1703. Deed from his father as sen. , 60 acres. (O. ) 1705. Deed to his father, highway, by windmill. (0.) 1713. Deed to him or his father, of land in Cutchogue, from Samuel King. 1743. Named in will of his son, below. 674£. Tuthill, John, jun., son of No. 674, b. 1683 or 1688, d. 24 June, 1743, m. 55 or 60: m. Elizabeth, prob. daughter of Jonathan Horton, No. 350 (see No. 77); she D. 22 Oct., 1750; c, Jonathan, eldest — John, of 0., called Hollow John, B. about 1709, r>. 1795, m. 96 — Jeremiah, B. about 1713, M. Dorothy, dau. of Youngs, in 1743/4, n. 1808 — Samuel, at college in 1743, administrator of his mother in 1750 (M.D., removed to New Jersey) — Isaiah, who prob. M. Hannah Terry in 1732 — Nathan, prob. m. dau. of No. 672, and d. 1769 — Elizabeth, m. prob. Daniel Terry in 1730/31 — Hannah — Mary, youngest, who M. prob. Benja- min Brown in 1738/9. 1743. June 9. Will, speaking of wife Elizabeth, son Samuel, at College; eldest son, Jonathan; second son, John; and sons Jeremiah, Na- than and Isaiah (.John to take care of and maintain his father, find- ing him all things needful) ; eldest daughter Elizabeth ; second, Hannah; youngest, Mary Brown; brothers James and Joshua; and brother Joseph Brown. The will speaks of land purchased by him of widow Brashier 124 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. and William Coleman, at the Highlands; of land and meadow pur- chased of John Eobinson, in Brookhaven; also of Benjamin Conk- ling at " Haeabake," of David Reeves at Hackabake, of Daniel Ter- ry at Haeabake, of the Brown lot, second division of Haeabake; three-quarter right in the manor; land given to support the Gospel at Wading River. 1743. Aug. 6, proved. (Lib. 15, N. Y., p. 88.) 1750. Nov. 5. Letters of administration on estate of Elizabeth to her son Samuel. (Lib. A., N. Y., 2d part, p. 101.) 1752. Deed from Samuel and Rebecca Youngs to Jeremiah. 675. Tuthill, Mehitable, wife of No. 674, d. 26 Aug., 1742. 1685. See deed to her, above mentioned. 676. Tuthill, Henry (Justice), son of No. 670, b. 1625, d. 4 Jan., 1750, M. 84|: m. Bethia, No. 677, dau. of Capt. Jonathan Horton, No. 348; c, Henry, No. 678— Jonathan, No. 679 — Nathaniel, No. 680 — Barnabas, No. 681 — Bethia, prob. unm. in 1750 — Rebecca, who M. Samuel Landon (see No. 401). 1690. Deed from his father of Several lots. 1709. Deed from Ealph Petty and wife. (O.) 1710. Deed by him and Bethia, his wife, to Ralph Betty. 1712. Deed from John Gardiner. (O.) 1729. Bought land of George Owen. 1737. Bought land of H. Dayton. 1749. Sept. 28. Will, speaks of sons Henry and Barnabas, daughter Be- thia Tu thill , and Rebecca, wife of Samuel Landon, Esq. ; grand- sons Henry (son of Henry; and John; grand-dan. Deliverance, wife of Joseph Paine ; grand-dau. (daughter of son Jonathan) ; grand-dau. Zephorah (daughter of son Henry); grand-dau. Parnol Landon, and lands bought of Owen and Dayton, as above. 1750. Jan. 25, will proved. (Lib. 17, N. Y., p. 118.) 677. Tuthill, Bethia, wife of No. 676, d. 16 March, 1743/4. 678. Tuthill, Henry, jun., son of No. 676, b. 1690, V 1775, m. 85: prob. M., 1, Hannah , who d. 1715; 2, Phebe Youngs in 1717, No, 745; c, Henry, of A., b. 1715 — Zephorah, or Zipporah, b. 1732, d. 1799 — Azariah — Nathaniel, drowned — Christopher, b. 1726, D. 1798 — Phebe, who m. Isaac Reeve (or Stephen Swezey, 1742) — Bethia, who m. Micah Horton. 1713/14. Witness to deeds as "jun." 1737. On list of freeholders. 1747. Named in will of Peter Brown as his uncle. 1755. Executor of Joshua Youngs, No. 775. 679. Tuthill, Jonathan, son of No. 676, d. 8 Feb., 1741: prob. M. Susan L'Hommedieu,. 1722/3, who d. his wid. 17 May, 1743; c, Jonathan, d. 25 Feb., 1725/6, m. 2 years — a dau, survived. INDEX OF 1698. 125 1749. See will of father, above. 680. Tuthill, Nathaniel, son of No. 676, b. about 1694, drowned at sea 2 April, 1727: prob. m. Mary Petty in 1721; pern, c, 1749 (see his father's will). 681. Tuthill, Barnabas, son of No. 676, D.i ,1782/3: m., 1, Lydia King in 17J9^who d. 18 SeptJJ7^-2,' Annie King on 20 Feb., 1780; c, Lydia— Bethia— Benjamin — Lucretia — Gamaliel — Joshua — Hannah — Barnabas. 1782. Oct. 1. Will, names above; brother-in-law, Asa King. 1783. Jan. 16, will proved. (Lib. 35, N. Y., p. 192.) 1796. Asa King's will, sister Amy, &c. 682. Tustin, Thomas, prob. son of 'Thomas, b. 1680, D. 6 Feb., 1736, m. 56; c. (see Nos. 684 to 687). 683. Tustin, Priscilla, wid. of 'Thomas, b. about 1665, D. 6 Oct., 1722. 1701-5. Deposition about marriage of Robert Tustin and Martha Horton. 684. Tustin, Eliza, prob. dau. of Thomas. 685. Tustin, Meriam, dau. of Thomas. 686. Tustin, Grace, dau. of Thomas. 687. Tustin, John, son of Thomas, b. 1665, d. 14 Nov., 1725, m. 60: M. Mary, prob. dau. of Jonathan Moore. 1690. Deed from Benjamin Horton, fresh meadows. 1699/1700. Deed from John Goldsmith. (O.) 1699/1700. Deed to John Goldsmith, 20 acres, bounded south by highway. 1701. Deed to John Collins, commonage. 1703. Deed to Jonathan Brown. (O.) 1711. Deed to Joseph Wicliham, 160 acres. (C.) 688. Tustin, Mary, wife of No. 687. 1698. J. T. and M. T. living with widow of Jonathan Moore, No. 457. 689. Vail, John, prob. son of Daniel, b. 1663, D. Aug., 1737, M. 74: M. Grace, No. 690, b. 1666 (m. before 1684); c, prob. Nos. 691 to 699. 1686. 3 males and 2 females in his family. 1711. Deed to Joseph Wickham, 40 acres at N., Port Neck. 1711. Witness to deed from Jemima Paine to Landon. 690. Vail, Grace, wife of No. 689, b. 1666, d. 18 May, 1751,^3. 85. 1684. Witness, with E. Petty, to deed from Jeremiah Vail to T. Tustin. 691. Vail, John, jun., son of No. 689, b. 1670, d. about 1760: prob. M. Hannah, who d. wid. 13 May, 1773; c, John — Benja- . 126 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. min — Peter — Obadiah — Jonathan — Jeremiah— Hannah — Mary — Martha — Amitta. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1738. Appointed executor of James Landon, No. 402. 692. Vail, Daniel, prob. son of No. 689, b. 1687, d. 4 Oct., 1747, M. 60: m. Hannah , b. 1699, who D. 4 Oct., 1747, m. 48; c, Daniel, d. 1729/30— Peter, d. 1747— Cyrus, b. 1733, D. 1747, m. 14— Jasper, d. 1747— Hannah, d. 1736— Eliz- abeth, D. 1736 — and a son. 693. Vail, Samuel, prob. son of No. 689. 694. Vail, Obadiah, prob. son of No. 689. 695. Vail, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 689. 1707. Probably married James Landon, No. 402. 696. Vail, Abigail, prob. dau. of No. 689. 697. Vail, Irene, prob. dau. of No. 689. 698. Vail, Tabitha, prob. dau. of No. 689. 699. Vail, Joice, prob. dau. of No. 689. 700. Vail, 2 Jeremiah (blacksmith), prob. son of Jeremiah, baptized at Salem 30 Dec, 1649, D. 28 Not., 1726, m. 77: M. Ann, or Anna, No. 701; c, Jeremiah, No. 703 — Thomas, No. 702— Mary, No. 704, m. John Goldsmith— Martha, No. 705, in 1707 M. Capt. Ephraim Horton — and prob. Ga- maliel, b. after 1698 — and others. 1679. Deed from John Budd to him as "jun." 1687. March 10. Deed from Giles Silvester, 70 acres. (O.) 1691. Witness to deed from J. Arnold, ifcc, to C. Gillam. 1692. Arbitration with executors of 'Thomas Moore. 1698. March 22. Deed from John Youugs, meadow. (O. ) 1698. April 19. Appointed executor of Nath'l Moore as his brother-in-law. 1723. Jan. 2. Will, names wife Anna, son Thomas, eldest son Jeremiah; daughters, Mary Goldsmith and Martha Horton. 1727. Feb. 10, will proved; John Goldsmith, one of the executors, dec'd. (Lib. 10, N. Y., p. 295.) 701. Vail, Ann, wife of No. 700, d. 23 Dec, 1726. 702. Vail, Thomas, son of No. 700, d. 5 Aug., 1740: m. Elizabeth , who d. 19 March, 1740. 1733. Deed to Joseph Paine, Duck Pond. 703. Vail, "Jeremiah, jun., son of No. 700: m. prob., 1, after 1698, and had a son, Jeremiah, b. 1710/11, who m. Mary on 6 April, 1732; 2, Elizabeth, b. 1710, dau. of Joshua INDEX OF 1698. 127 Youngs, No. 775, and d. 13 Oct., 1749. m. 39 yrs. 5 mo's; c, Jeremiah, b. after 1727 — Thomas — Peter — Stephen — Abraham— Joshua— David — Mary, B. 1736, who M. 6 Thos. Moore— and Mehitable, B. 1738, who m. Joseph Brown, son of No. 89. 1748. Oct. 12. Will, naming wife Elizabeth ; eldest son, Jeremiah, under age; second son, Thomas; brother Gamaliel; and speaks of other children as living. 1748. Nov. 24, will proved. (Lib. 16, N. Y., p. 426.) The several Jeremiahs, father and son, are so named in the records as to be with difficulty distinguished. 704. Vail, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 700: prob. after 1705 m. Mohn Goldsmith, No. 268. 1702, 1705. Witness to deeds as "Mary Vail" (see No. 695). 705. Vail, Martha, prob. dau. of No. 700. 1707. Man-ied Ephraim Horton. 706. Walter, William. . 1698. Living with or near Jasper Griffing. 707. Washburn, or Osborn, Susannah, B. 1670, d. 8 Oct., 1753, M. 83. 1698. Living with Isaac Arnold, No. 9, prob. her brother-in-law. 1705/6. Married Samuel Conkling, No. 157. 708. Washburn, John. 709. Way, Ebenezer, d. 6 June, 1739: m. Irene, No. 710, dau. of Joshua Hobart; c, prob. No. 711, and others— Josiah, D. 3 Jan., 1707. 1698. Witness to deed from Joshua Hobart to John Paine. 1711. Deed from Isaac Overton, Pine Neck. 710. Way, Irene, wife of No. 709, b. 1676, d. 6 Oct., 1753, m. 79. 1699. Witness to deed from J. Hobart to S. Ramsay. 1713. See deed from Joshua Hobart to his daughter. 711. Way, Eleazer, prob. son of No. 709: m. ; a son D. 1741/2. 712. Wells, Joshua (Justice), son of 'William, b. 1664, d. 1744, m. 80: m., on 19 Jan., 1686, Hannah, No. 713, dau. of 2 John Tuthill; c, prob. 716 to 719 — and prob. Hester, who M. Mordecai Homan. 1683. Bated on £81. 1684. Witness to deed. 1686. 1 male in his family. 1695-97. Witness to deeds. 1701, 1703. Witness to deeds. 1703. Eelease to William. 128 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD. 1706. Deed from William Coleman and wife, -on Kobert Island Neck. 1706. Deed from Jonathan Mapes. (A. ) 1707. Deed from John Rogers, commons. 1711, 1713, 1715. Witness to deeds. 713. Wells. Hannah, wife of No. 712, b. 1667, d. 27 July, 1752,^. 85. 714. Wells, William, son of 'William, b. 30 March, 1683, d. 13 May, 1703: m. Esther Homan, No. 326, b. 1680/1, who d. in 1753/4; c, Elizabeth, b. 1704, who prob. M. Daniel Case in 1727— William, b. 1706, d. 1738— Esther, b. 1708, D. 1776 — Cravit, b. 1711, who m. Sarah Reeve in 1737, and d. 1783, m. 71— David, b. 1713, d. 1717— Phebe, b. 1716, d. 1717 — Deliverance, b. 1717/18, prob. m. Joshna Case in 1735— Benjamin, b. 1721 — Mehitable, b. 1724, d. 1730. 1686. 3 males and 2 females in his family. 1703. Quitclaim to Joshua. 1707. Deed to John Goldsmith, fresh meadow. 715. Wells, John, prob. son of 2 William, b. 31 Jan., 1689. 1702. Witness to deed. 716. Wells, Joshna, prob. son of No. 712, b. 1691, d. 9 April, i761, m. 70: m. Mary Brewster in 1715, who d. 30 March, 1761, m. 66; c, Joshua — Timothy — John — Mary — Fanny — Abi- gail, m. Simeon Benjamin in 1747 — Sarah, m. John Tuthill in 1750 — Deborah, prob. m. Grilling in 1758 — perh. Deliverance, who m. Benjamin Reeve, No. 574 — and perh. Samuel. 1760. May 15, will. 1761. April 14, probate. (Lib. 23, N. T., p. 71.) 717. Wells, Deliverance, prob. dau. of No. 712, b. 1670, D. Feb., 1743/4, m. 74: m., 1, William Whittier, who D. in 1708; 27 Joseph Reeves, No. 571, or Benjamin, No. 574. 1740. Dec. 13. Her will in favor of Mordecai, son of her brother, Morde- cai Homan, and her sister, Esther Wells, No. 325, and Eddy Ho- man, daughter of Mordecai. 1743/4. Feb. 14, probate. (Lib. 15, N. T., p. 174.) 718. Wells, Abigail, prob. dau. of No. 712. 719. Wells, Ann, prob. dau. of No. 712. 720. Wells, Henry, prob. son of 2 William, b. 7 Feb., 1690, d. 18 Jan., 1760, m. 69 y. 11 m.: m. prob., 1, Patience ; , who d. 2 Oct., 1719, m. 25; 2, Dority Osman in 1720, who d. 20 June, 1754, m. 54; 3, Katharine ; c, Henry — Oba- INDEX OF 1698. 129 diah — Hannah, who M. — - and had four children — Pa- tience — Dorothy — Abner. 1711/12. Deed to Thomas Youngs, on the Sound. 1716/17. Deed to Nathan Landon, allotments. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1744. United in deed to P. Backus, Great Hog Neck. 1755. Dec. 25. Will, naming six children, on town records. (Lib. 0, p. 52.) 1760. March 22. Entered on Town Eecords. (Lib. C, p. 52.) 721. Wells, Mary, prob. dau. of 'William, b. 1691/2, d. 19 Dec, 1744, m. 53. 1719. Married Thomas Keeve (Lieut. ) 722. Wiggins, Hannah, wid. of 'John, dau. of T. Eider, d. 17 Oct., 1738; c, prob. Nos. 723 to 727. 723. Wiggins, James (see A. Griffin's book, p. 131). 724. Wiggins, Annis, prob. dau. of No. 722. 725. Wiggins; Eliza, prob. dan. of No. 722. 726. Wiggins, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 722. 727. Wiggins, 2 John, prob. son of No. 722, prob. d. Capt. 18 Sept., 1768: m., 1, ; perh., 2, Mary Corey, in Jan., 1748, who d. 3 July, 1749, leaving a daughter, Mary; 3, Widow Mary Brown, on 6 March, 1754 (see Index of 1730); c, prob. John, mariner, b. 1701. d. 18 Dec, 1767, m. 67 (see Index of 1730)— David, B. about 1725, M. Euth Terry in 1743/4— Thomas, M.D., b. 1730, d. at Princeton, N. J., 1810 — James, B. about 1733, M. Mehitable Terry in 1759. 1762. Jan. 20. Letters of administration to him as cousin, and next of kin to Mary Harrid. 1769. June 23. Letters of administration on his estate (described as yeo- man) to his sons, David, of Suffolk county, and Thomas, physi- cian, of N. J. (Lib. B, N. Y., p. 107.) 727^. Willman, Susannah. 1698. Living with or near B. Wines. 728. Wines, 3 Barnabas (Capt.), supposed son of 2 Barnabas, b. 1675, D. 25 May, 1762, iE. 87: after 1698, prob. M., 1, Anna , who D. 7 Feb., 1708; 2, Esther , b. 1680, D. in 1752/3, M. 71/2; c, Barnabas, No. 730 — perh. a dau., Sarah, who M. E. Lucas, and d. in 1733 (see Index of 1730) — Mehita- ble, who m. Daniel Osborn in 1735 (see Index of 1775) — Esther, who m. Solomon Wells in 1725 (see Index of 1730) — and others. 17 130 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 1659. One of the witnesses against Arthur Smyth. 1663. Deed as "jun." to Samuel King. 1664. Accepted as "jun." freeman of Hartford Colony. 1680. Deed to his sister Prudence, wife of John Goldsmith, j ,~ -p ij_ s 1695. Deed by him and Samuel to Elizabeth Hunter. f ^ a JMS0 as,; 1698. Living with his father's widow as head of the family. 1708. Deed to E. Luce, 200 acres, Elizabethtown, N. J. 1713. Deed to his brother Samuel, lots in town plot. 1 719. Deed to Joseph Goldsmith, west part of town. 1727. Another deed to E. Luce, lot in Elizabethtown. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1762. Feb. 3. Will, names son Barnabas; grandsons, Barnabas and Thos. Wines. Daniel Osborn, Phineas Fanning, jun. ; grand-daughters, Mary Mapes, Mehitable Fanning, Bethia Terry, Ann Reeve and Elizabeth Osborn ; and great-grandson, Gershom Terry, jun. Wit- nesses, Parker, John an d Thomas Wickham. 1762. May 27, probate. (Lib. 23, p. 397.) 729. Wines, Mary, prob. wid. of 'Barnabas. B. 1638, D. wid. 13 June, 1727, m. 89. 1696. Deed from 2 Barnabas, in trust; all his lands in S. 730. Wines, Barnabas (jun. in 1698), son or grandson of No. 728, D. 1782-4: m. prob. Bethia Terrill in 1725; c, Barnabas, living in 1762— Thomas (see No 110, and Index of 1775) — Anna, m. James Reeve, sen., in 1755, living in 1762, or who, in 1762, had a daughter Anna. 1782. July 12. Will, naming wife Bethia, three children, and son-in-law, James Reeve, Esq. 1784. Sept. 4, probate. (Lib. 37, N. Y., p. 280.) 731. Wines, 2 Samuel, son of 'Barnabas, b. 1645, d. 27 Jan., 1729, m. 84. He or bis son Samuel M., 1, Sarah, dan. of 'Thomas Moore, living in 1691, perh. D. before 1695; 2, before 1695, Mary ; c, Samuel, perh. No. 735, B. 1683? 1670. Deed from his father, all in A. 1675. Bated on 9 acres, 9 cattle, 1 horse, &c, £78 10s. 1676. Deed to his son 3 Samnel, who perhaps died or removed, leaving a son Samuel, born in 1683. 1676. Deed to Josiah Bartholomew. 1683. Rated on £82. 1686. 2 males and 3 females in his family. 1G95. Joins in deed to Eloy Hunter. 1695. Deed by S. W. and Mary (his mother?! to Peter Hallock. (A.) 1698/9. Deed to Simon Bamsey, on Peconic River. 1699. Deed to Thomas Goldsmith, commons. 1713. Deed from his brother Barnabas, lot in town plot 732. Wines, Bethia. 733. Wines, Penelope. 734. Wines, Susannah, b. 1671, D. 19 Feb., 1748, m. 67. 735. Wines, Samuel, prob. son of '""Samuel, No. 731, b. 1683, d. INDEX OF 1698. 131 25 Oct. or Nov., 1739, m. 56 y., 6 m. and 20 d. : M. Abi- gail ; c, a child d. 1723 — Abner and Abigail d. 17B9 — sons living in 1738/9, Samuel — Abijah — Isaiah — Bar- nabas, prob. jun., who prob. M. Elizabeth Terry in 1743/4, she dying in 1751 ; and he d. at Goshen in 1754; but see No. 730 — William and Peter, the youngest — daus. Bethia and Euldah. 1738. Oct. 16. Will, naming wife Abigail and 10 children, appointing ex- ecutors his wife, John Goldsmith and Daniel Tuthill, jun. 1742. May 15, proved. (Lib. 15, N. Y., p. 39.) 736. Wines, Mary, prob. wife or dau. of No. 731. 737. Youngs, 'Christopher, son of Col. John, perh. called Zerubba- ble, b. 16 May, 1664: m. Mercy, No. 738, youngest dau. of Barnabas Horton, born as early as about 1665 (see No. 147); a, prob. Abraham — Nathaniel — and John, B. 2 L Oct, 1679, Nos. 738 to 740— and perh. David, No. 781. 1675. Bated as "jun." on 5 cows and 1 horse, £56. 1683. Rated as "jun." on 5 cows, £44. 1686. 4 males and 2 females in his family. 1688. (Qu. ?) Deed of exchange with Benj. Horton, Martha Gardiner and Thomas Longworth, witnesses. 1708. Deed to Jonathan Howell, fresh meadow on Peconic River. 738. Youngs, Mercy, wife of No. 737. 739. 4 Youngs, Abraham, prob. son of No. 737: m. •; c, John. 1700. Deed from John Goldsmi th, 12 acres, Great Hog Neck. 1703. Jan. Deed from Samuel Young, Hog Neck. 1703. June 29. Deed from his Uncle Joseph, several parcels. 1703. Sept. 10. Deed to J. Goldsmith, Great Hog Neck. 1704. Deed from Thomas Youngs, wood, Great Hog Neck. 1704. Deed to W. King, meadow, Great Hog Neck. 1706. May 1. Deed to David Youngs at O. (See No. 781.) 1706. Aug. Deed from John Goldsmith, 2 acres, Great Hog Neck. 1706. Dec. Deed to Samuel King, meadow. (O.) 1 707. Jan. 7. Deed from Thomas Moore, 1 lot, Great Hog Neck. 1707. March 14. Deed from Noah Terry, 1 lot, Great Hog Neck. 1707. Feb. Deed from Isaac and Abigail Overton, all in Great Hog Neck. 1707/8. Deed to his son John (see Nos. 741, 762, 764), 3 acres in rear of home lot. 740. Youngs, Nathaniel, prob. son of No. 737, d. 1756-1762: prob. M., 1, Bebecca, who d. his wife on 5 May, 1731; 2, Martha Horton in 1733, who D. his wife on 14 Oct., 1752; 3, wid. Mary Mason in 1753; c, David — Mercy — Bebecca — Mary, who M. John Budd in 1750 — Elizabeth — Esther. His son Abraham D. before him, his son Nathaniel also, leaving a 132 TOWN OP SOTTTHOLD. daughter, Mary, and his son Constant D. in 1756, leaving a widow, Deborah Horton, and son Constant. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1756. Nov. 22. Will, naming his wife Mary, his son David; his daughters, Kebecea and Esther (nnm. ) ; his daughter-in-law, Deborah Horton, "if she shall choose to live with them" while unm. ; his grand- son, Constant Youngs (under age); speaks of land purchased of Col. and Maj. Smith; his grand-daughters, Prudence, Eleanor and Mary; " household goods which was my son Abraham's" as "al- ready divided;" his daughters, Mercy, Kebecea, Mary, Elizabeth and Esther. He appointed as executors his son David and son- in-law John Budd, and grand-daughter Mary Youngs. 1762. Dec. 29. Will proved. (Lib. 24, N. Y., p. 162.) 741. Youngs, 4 John, prob. son of No. 739, D. 3 March, 1750: it. prob., 1, Ann Hallock in Jan., 1707, who d. 12 Mar., 1725; 2, perh.wid. Sarah Terry, Nov., 1735, who D. 9 Jan., 1743; 3, wid. Eliz. Gardiner, Jan., 1745; c, a son D. in 1716 — a dau. in 1725— Isaiah, b. 1718/19, D. 3 Feb., 1728— Wail, d. Dec, 1735. Letters of administration granted his father. (Lib. 13, N. Y., p. 136.) 1707/8. Deed from his father Abraham. 1712. (Qu. ?) Partition deed between him and Christopher (see No. 743). 1713/14. Deed from Samuel Glover, land on Calves' Neck. This or any of these entries may belong to another J. Y. (see No. 764). One died in 1763. 742. Yonngs, Mary (called jun. in 1698), -wid. of 2 Christopher, dan. of Lieut. John Budd; c, Christopher. 1695. Deed by 2 John Budd to her, ante. 743. Youngs, Christopher, son of 'Christopher and No. 742, b. 1677, d. 28 Jan., 1727, m. 50': m. Elizabeth, No. 746, dau. of "Nathaniel Moore, who D. his wid. in Feb., 1748, M. 69; c, Christopher, prob. b. after_JL698, m. Joanna , b. 1703, d. 1733. 1699. Release, with Mary and Benjamin, to Benjamin Conkling. (A. , &c. ) 1708. (Qu. ?) Deed to Jonathan Howell, fresh meadow on Peconic Biver. 1712. Deed to John, partition. 1724. Release to John Terry of land given to his wife Elizabeth by will of N. Moore. 1748. Letters of administration on estate of Elizabeth Youngs, dee'd, to her son Christopher. 1752. Release by C. Y. to John Terry of lands. 744. Youngs, Anna, prob. dau. of No. 742. 1704/5. Married Richard Brown, No. 82. 745. Youngs, Phebe, prob. dau. of No. 742. 1717. Married Henry Tuthill, No. 678. INDEX OF 1698. 133 746. Youngs, Eliza, prob. wife of No. 743, d. 1748. 1748. Letters of administration on estate of Elizabeth Young to her son Christopher. (Lib. 2, N. Y., p. 27.) 747. Youngs, Benjamin, son of Benjamin (2d Justice), b. 1668, D. 29 July, 1742, m. 74: m., 1, Mary, No. 748, dau. of Simon Grover, in 1695 (see No. 214); 2, Widow Eliza Cook in 1708/9, who d. 15 June, 1735, m. 71; c, Grover, No. 749, b. 1697 — Experience, b. 6 Nov., 1699, m. Bev. Ebenezer Prime on 12 Nov., 1730, and d. 1 Jan., 1734 — Mary, B. 2 Aug., 1701, m. Robert Hempstead on 3 June, 1725, and D. 10 Jan., 1768— Benjamin (Ensign), B. 27 March, 1703, D. 26 Sept., 1729 — and perh. Deborah, a dau., who m. 'John Ledyard. 1696 to 1727. Witness to and taking acknowledgments of many deeds. 1697. Deed from Theophilus Case.' (A. ) 1698. Deed by Benjamin and Mary to Matthias Hutchinson, thatch. 1698. Deed from Matthias Hutchinson, 30 acres. 1699. Release with Mary and Christopher to Benjamin Conkling. (A.) 1699. Deed from Samuel King and wife, on north side. 1713. Deed by Benjamin and Mary to Jos. Hull, 25 acres. 1713. An executor of 2 Thomas. 1742. Aug. 6. Letters of administration on his estate, granted to Ebr. Prime, John Ledyard and Robert Hempstead, sons-in-law. (Lib. 19, N. Y, p. 296.) 748. Youngs, Mary, wife of No. 747, d. 4 Nov., 1706. 749. Youngs, Grover, son of No. 747, B. 3 Oct., 1697, d. 25 Jan., 1740. 1713, 1715, 1717, 1718. Witness to deeds. 750. Youngs, 2 Gideon, called jun., son of 'Joseph, B. 1638, D. 1 Dec, 1699, m. 61: m. prob. Sarah, No. 751; c, Nos. 752 to 759. It has been sometimes supposed that 2 Gideon Youngs was a son of Rev. John, or of Joseph, born in 1630, the son of Rev. John. Dates do not admit of the latter, and there is no sufficient evi- dence of the former. 1666. United in deed to J. Y for Plumb Island. 1676. Rated for 35 acres, 15 cattle, 3 horses, &c, £141 10s. 1683. Rated as worth £173. 1686. 5 males and 3 females in his family. 1695. Deed from his brother Joseph, son of Joseph and Margaret, 8. lots. (O.) ' 1695. Quit-claim on division of their father's estate. 1697. Deed from Jonathan Brown, wood. (O. ) 1697. Deed to John Osman, meadow south of the Great River. 751. Youngs, Sarah, wife of No. 750, prob. sister of the wife of S. Darby; but see No. 784. 1700/1. Deeds to Joseph Youngs by her, and Darby and wife, her sister, one-sixth of five lots. (A. ) 1704/5. Deed to William Bradley, half a lot on Great Hog Keck, 134 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 752. s Youngs, Gideon, jun. (Lieut.), son of No. 750, b. about 1673, d. Nov. or Dec, 1749: m. perh., 1, Eunice , who d. 8 May, 1725, .as. 24; 2, Hannah, dau. of John Reeve, who d. 6 June, 1738, m. 59: c, Gideon (see No. 551)— Walter, who d. 1714, m. 4 — Reuben — Silas — Abimel — Henry (all re- puted to have removed to Orange county, 1731/2) — Han- nah, m. Benjamin Emmons in 1749 — Mehitable, M. John Racket in 1733 — Sarah, m. Hedges — Abigail and Rhoda, unm. in 1749 or 1765. 1705. United with J. Tuthill in grant of a highway at O. , near the windmill. 1706/7. Feb. Deed by him and Jonathan to David, 27 acres. (0.) 1706/7. May. Partition with his brother Jonathan, No. 753. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1749. July2. Quit-claim by G. to his brothor Jonathan of house and lot. (O.) 1749. Nov. 14. Will, naming nine resident children. 1749. Dec. 12. Will proved. (Lib. 17, N. Y., p. 116.) 753. Youngs, Jonathan, son of No. 750, b. 10(85, d. 177,7, -.as. 92: m. Dorothy Brown in 1708/9, who D. 1753, M. 66: c, Jona- than, b. 1710, d. 1769— Joseph, b. 1721,. d. 1816— Jere- miah — Richard — Dorothy, m. Jeremiah Tuthill in 1743 — Phebe, m. Chris. Tuthill in 1755. 1706/7. Feb. Deed by him and Gideon to David, 27 acres. (O.) 1707. March. Partition deed from his brother Gideon. 1714. Deed from J. Parshall, north of N. road. 1737. On list of freeholders. 1749. Quit-claim by Gideon, of house and lot at O. 1714, about. Deed from Israel Parshall and wife. 754. Youngs, Joseph, son of No. 750 (see entries under No. 785). 755. Youngs, David, son of No. 750, b. about 1682, d. 26 Feb., 1753: M., perh., 1, Mary ; 2, Wid. Chris. Jiorton on 15 June, 1709, who D. 29 April, 1765; c. David, who m. and had a son, David — Rachel — Elizabeth — Anna, m. John Conkling on 19 June, 1738, and had a son David (see No. 781). 1737. On list of freeholders. 1753. Feb. 9. Will of D. Y., tailor, mentions wife Christian, son David, i daughters Rachel and Elizabeth, unm. ; grandson David, son of David; grandson, David Conkling, and wife of his son David; provides for her during widowhood; appoints his son-in-law John Conkling and Ezariah Tuthill, executors. Witnesses, John Moore, John Racket, jun., and John Moore, jun. 1755. Oct. 22, probate. -(Lib. 19, N. Y.', p. 354.) All or any of these entries may belong to No. 781. 756. Youngs, Sarah, dau. of No. 750. 757. Youngs, Hannah, dau. of No. 750. INDEX OF 1698. 135 758. Youngs, Margaret, dan. of No. 750. 759. Youngs, Mary, dau. of No. 750. 760. Youngs, Thomas, son of Col. John, »., s: P., 26 Jan , 1713, m. 59: m., 1, Mary , who D. in 1687, m. 20; 2, Mary, No. 761, in 1693, at New London, dan. of Christopher Chris- topher, she being widow of 2 Peter Bradley, mariner. 1680. Exchange between him and Christopher. 1686. 3 males and 1 female in his family. 1691/2. Deed from his father. (O.) 1693. Mortgage from his father, £70. Captain of militia company. 1697. Deed from Joseph Petty. (O.) 1697. Appointed executor of his father's will. 1703. Deed to John Eogers and others, allotments near Wading Eiver, and. 85 acres of meadow. 1704. Deed to Abraham Young, woodland on Great Hog Neck. 1691 to 1710. Deeds achnnwlMqed before him as justice or judge. Will, naming his wife Mary, Dan'] Tuthill and Benj. Youngs, executors. 1713/14. Release by David Gardiner to his executors of Martha Gardiner's right and claim to his estate. 761. Youngs, Mary, wife of No. 760, survived him: m. Nathaniel Lynds, her third husband, and d. 4 July, 1724, m. 67. 1719. Deed (see No. 773.1). 762. Youngs, John, son of Mosepli. Purchased of Charles Glover house and farm, and half of home lot. Purchased of his brothers, Joseph and Gideon, land on Hog Neck. 1686. 2 males and 1 female in his family. 1698. Living with or near Jasper Griffing. 1712. Deed from Christopher, No. 743, in partition. (Qu. ? See No. 764.) 763. Youngs, Elizabeth, wid. of Benjamin (see ante), B. about 1643, D. Jan., 1725, m. 82; c, Benjamin, No. 747 — and prob. Nos. 764 to 767. 764. Youngs, John, prob. son of 2 Benjamin and No. 763 (see No. 741), D. 1763: m., 1, Patience, who d. 10 Jan., 1714; perh. 2, Sarah, wid. of Terry, on 6 Nov., 1735, who D. 9 Jan., 1743; 3, Mary, dau. of Beeve, niece of Benj. Reeve, No. 574, who d. his wid. in 1763; c, a dau., Pa- tience, who M. Robert. Terry on 2 Sept., 1736. 1723/4. Deed of J. Y., cordwainer, to J. Parshall. (A.). 1737. On list of freeholders. 1746. Marriage agreement between J. Y. and Mary Reeve. (Town Rec. ) 1760. May 17. Letters of administration on estate of J. Y. to Mary, his widow. (Lib. B, N. Y., p. 129.) 1763. Oct. 25. Will of Mary, widow of John Youngs, late of Southold, bequests to Patience Terry (her husband's daughter), to her cousin Joshua Reeve, to her sisters Abigail and Hannah, to her cousin Rhoda Moore (daughter of Silas). Executors, her cousins Joseph 136 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. and Joshua Reeve; witnesses, Robert Hempstead, Nathaniel Over- ton (blacksmith), Elizabeth Dains. 1763. Nov. 10, probate. (Lib. 24, N. Y., p. 315.) All or any of these entries may belong to Nos. 741 or 762. 765. Youngs, Benjamin, prob. son of Benjamin: prob. M., 1, Mary Landon in 1705; 2, Deborah Corey, who D. 17 Sept., 1708; c, Benjamin and Christian, who d. in 1707 and 1708. 766. Youngs, Eliza, jun., prob. dau. of Benjamin and No. 763: prob. m. Stephen Swezey in 1715. 767. Youngs, Christian, prob. dau. of Benjamin and No. 763: prob. M. William Horton in 1702. 768. Youngs, Ephraim, prob. son of Benjamin. 1706. Witness to deed of John Tuthill to David Youngs. 1717. Witness to deed of Thomas Youngs to Joseph Hull. 769. Youngs, Mary. 770. Youngs, Josiah (cooper), d. 1732: m., 1, Mary, No. 771; 2, Experience "Landon in 1723; c, two died in March, 1705, prob. including Mary, No. 772 — Bethia, who M. Noah Hal- lock, No. 302— Josiah, M. Freelove Penny in 1730, D. 1772. 1687, 1691. Witness to deeds. 1692. Deed to Chris. Youngs, commonage. 1695. Witness to deed. 1699/1700. Deed from John Goldsmith. (O.) 1700. Deed by Josiah Y., cooper, to John Tuthill, 50 acres at O. (County Records. ) 1700/1. Deed from Samuel Darby and 'wife and Sarah Y. (A. ) 1705. Deed to Israel Parshall. (A.) 1712. Deed to Josh. Wells, between Duck Pond and Inlet. 1714. Witness to deed. 1716/17. Deed to Jacob Osman. (A.) 1728. June 17. Will, names son Josiah, daughter Bethia Hallock, wife Ex- perience, son-in-law Noah Hallock, husband of daughter Bethia. 1732. March 17, proved. (Lib 12, N. Y.) 771. Youngs, Mary, wife of No. 770, d. 6 March, 1705. 772. Youngs, Mary, jun., dau. of No. 770, perh. also D. in 1705. 773. Youngs, Mary, wid. of "John, son of Col. John, D. 1729; dau. of William Wells and his wife Mary, who m. T. Mapes; c, Daniel, No. 773§— prob. William, No. 744. 1678. Deed from Mrs. Mapes, late Wells, to her as widow of John. 1685. Letters of administration to her as relict of John. 1685. Deed from 3 T. Moore to her, 2 acres from his farm. 1698. Having the three next living with her, probably at or near the pres- ent village of G-reenport. 773£. Youngs, Daniel, son of 3 John and No. 773, D. 7 Feb., 1743/4: m. Judah, who D. 25 Dec, 1740; c, one d. 1719 — Daniel, INDEX OF 1698. 137 d. 9 June, 1726 (or 1715)— Bethia, d. 21 May, 1726— a child d. Aug., 1719— Fitz-John, b. 1722, d. 23 April, 1754, M. 32. 1696/7. Named in Col. John's will as his grandson, his then heir-at-law. 1705. Owning land at Greenport, east of 3 T. Moore. 1714. Deed to Benjamin Moore of his home lot on Main Street. (S.) 1715. Deed from Jonathan Moore, 150 acres, Greenport. 1719. Deed to his aunt, Mary Lynds, of land at S., of which his uncle Thomas died possessed. 1722. Lawsuit with 3 Thomas Moore. 1734. Witness to deed of 3 Thornas Moore to his son "Thomas. 1744. Sept. 17. Letters of administration on his estate to his son Fitz- John. (Lib. A, N. Y., p. 38.) 774. Youngs, William, prob. son of 3 John and No. 773, prob. d. s. p. 1700. A witness to deed of C. Bradley to Thomas Youngs. One William, in 1006, united in the deed to Col. John for Plumb Island; another died in 1774. 775. Youngs, Joshua (Judge), son of Zerubbable. son of Col. John, b. 1684/5, d. 23 June, 1755, m. 70/71: m., 1, , about 1707; 2, Mary Mayhew in 1709, No. 437, who d. 24 April, 1765, m. 78; c, John, by first wife, d. 17 June, 1708— Johanna, d. 1717 — Thomas (Judge), B. 1719, succeeded to the farm at G-., d. 1793, .^e. 74' — Mary, who prob. M. Landon (perh. Daniel) in 1736— Elizabeth, who M. Jere- miah Vail in 1732, No. 703 — Hannah, who m. Samuel Haz- ard in 1741, and had a daughter, Mary — Bethia, prob. M. Samuel Landon in 1752 — an infant D. 1727. 1718/19. Deed to Robert Griffing, land near the Great Swamp. 1718/19. Deed from Robert Griffing. (A.) 1737. On list of freeholders. 1743. After the death of Daniel, No. 773 J, he came into the possession of the large farm near Greenport (formerly Sterling), by repute un- der a deed or will of Daniel's, but if not, then as heir-at-law. 1749. Took acknowledgment of a deed as justice. 1755. Buried on the farm, in the Young's burying-ground, now Sterling Cemetery. 1755. June 13. Will, names several children, son Thomas, grand-daughter Mary Hazard (under 18), and appoints friends Henry Tuthill, No. 678, and Thomas Moore, No. 453, executors. 1755. July 3, proved. (Lib. 19, N. Y., p. 348.) See an " estimate" of his lands among T. Moore's papers: " Lot at Oyster Ponds 275 " Widow Vail's 40 "500 a lot - - 4000 " North side of the road, oak 700 ' ' New lot half way between roads 300 "South end. between roads 450 "The Neck 350 " Thomas' farm and meadow, 675." 6115 18 138 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 776. Youngs, Samuel (prob. a carpenter), prob. son of Eev. John (but see No. 783); killed 10th July, 1702. 1673. Deed by S. Y., son of Mr. John Y., late pastor. 1675. Rated for 8 acres, 6 cattle, 3 horses, £73. 1679. Witness to deed of J. Vail to Jasper Giiffing. 1683. Rated on £84. 1684. Dec. 15. Carpenter, chosen to value the old meeting-house. 1686. 4 males and 3 females in his family. 1687/8. Witness to deed, Chris. Y. to J. Paine. 1685. Witness to deed of Thomas Moore to T. Goldsmith. 1688/9. Deed to John Osman. (A.) 1692/3. Deed to Mary Case, 25 acres west of the town. 777. Youngs, Mary, prob. wid. of Col. John, d. 11 Jan., 1699. 778. Youngs, Margaret, perh. wid. of Zerubbable. 779. Youngs, Nathan, prob. son of Zerubbable, b. about 1690: M., 1, Deborah, No. 184, dan. of Isaac Corey, about 1714; 2, Mary, prob. dau.-of Nathaniel Terry, 11 Sept., 1717; c, Deborah, b. 1716— Mary, b. 1 719— Phebe, b. 1721— Silas, b. 1722— Bethia, b. 1723— a child d. in 1720. 780. Youngs, Zerubbable, prob. son of Zerubbable, a son of Col. John, b. 1697, died suddenly, 5 March, 1755, m. 58. 781. Youngs, David, prob. son of Christopher, No. 737 (see No. 755); one d. 26 Jan., 1715; M.prob. Mary . 1705. Deed from Samuel, meadow. (O.) 1706. Deed from Abraham, 70 acres. (O. ) 1706. Deed from John Tuthill, 2 acres meadow. (O.) 1706/7. Deed from Gideon and Jonathan Y., 27 acres. (O.) 1718. Jan. 1. Deed for the lot on which the meeting-house had been built at O. All or any of these entries may belong to No. 755. 782. Youngs, Mary, prob. wife of No. 781, D. 1704-6. 783. Youngs, Samuel, prob. son of No. 737 or of 'Joseph; but see No. 776. 1702. Deed to John Tuthill, 2 acres. (O.) 1703. Deed to John Tuthill, 60 acres. (O.) 1703. Deed to Daniel Tuthill, 30 acres wood. (O.) 1703. Deed to Abraham Youngs, wood, Great Hog Keck. 1703. Deed to James Petty, 3 acres meadow, Great Hog Neck. 1705. Deed to David Youngs, meadow. (O.) 1705. Deed to John Goldsmith, 50 acres near Inlet. 784. Youngs, Sarah, prob. dau. or wid. of 2 Thomas, son of Rev. John, ante. 1686. On census list, with five females in her family. 1698. Living with or near William King, No. 390. See entries under No. 751 . 785. Youngs, Joseph, son prob. of 'Joseph (see No. 754); m. prob. INDEX OF 1698. 139 Eliza, No. 786; c, Mary and Thomas, Nos. 787 and 788. 1691-5. Deeds on division of old estate of Capt. Joseph, &o. 1700. Witness to deed of J. Herbert" to J. Tuthill. 1700. Deed from Stephen Bayley, 14 acres in town plot. 1703. Witness to deed of T. Loiigworth to P. Terry. 1706. Deed to his son Thomas, between Inlet and Duck Pond. 786. Youngs, Eliza, prob. wife of No. 785, prob. d. 17 Feb., 1705. 787. Youngs, Mary, prob. dau. of No. 785. 788. Youngs, Thomas, son of No. 785. 1706. Deed from his father, Joseph, as above. 1711/12. Deed from Henry Wells, north side of the town. 1 714. Deed to Nathan Laudon, on the Sound. 1713 to 1734. Probably justice, taking acknowledgments. OMITTED IN CENSUS LIST. 790. Beebe, Samuel, son of Joseph, lived on Plumb Island, b. 1 660, D. July, 1742: M. Elizabeth Rogers in 1681, who lived 34 years bis wife, and d. 14 June, 1715/16, M. 57; buried at O. (tombstone); c, Samuel, jun. (see Index of 1775) — James (see Index of 1775) — Patience — Mary, M. Clark — Bathsheba, prob. M. William King in 1714 — Eliz- abeth, M. William King in 1738, and had a dau., Sarah — Rebecca, m. Brown — Hannah, M. David King in 1715, and had a dau., Hannah, who D. in 1728 — Hope, D. 1706 — Abigail, m., 1, King; 2, Richard Shaw. 1707. Deed to W. King, meadow in Oyster Ponds. 1713/14. Deed from Jonathan Havens and wife, 50 acres in Oyster Ponds. 1714. Deed to his daughter, Bathsheba King, 3 acres in Oyster Ponds. 1724. Deed to his daughter, Abigail King. 1731. Deed to Theophilus Beebe, 50 acres on Plumb Island. 1741. Nov. 18, will. | Li . 14 N Y 094 ^ 1742. July 26, proved, f ( - ljlD - 14 ' *• x - P- ^ a4 -> 791. Clark, Samuel, prob. son of Richard (see Index prior to 1698), b. 1675, D. 1755, m. 80: m. prob. Deborah, b. 1683, d. 1750, M. 67; c, prob. Samuel — Edmond — and Sarah. 1689. Witness to bill of sale, Parshall to Parker, &c. 1698. Perhaps rated in Southampton. 1700. Sept. 5. Deed from Samuel and James Cooper, 150 acres, formerly of John Elton. 1736. Samuel and William, witnesses to deed of J. Corwin to Hutchinson. 1747/8. Jan. 7. Deed by S. C. to Samuel Olark, jun., 100 acres. (C.) 140 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 792. Dimond, Jonathan, prob. son of 'Thomas, b. 1678, D. 12 May, 1733, 2&. 55: M. Sarah , who d. 8 June, 1732, m. 45; c, John, d. 10 June, 1715 — Jonathan, b. 1701, d. 1715, m. 14 — Nathaniel, m. Sarah Salmon in 1710, No. 604 — Jona- than, B. 1721, d. 1725, m. 4 years, 4 months and 4 days. 1706. "Witness to deed, Swezey. 1706. Deed of John Swezey to him, 300 acres in A. 1733. June. Letters of administration to Joseph Wiokham and John Sal- mon, next of kin. (Lib. 12, N. Y., p. 54.) 793. Goldsmith, Zacheus, son of John, No. 266, b. 6 Not., 1674, d. Jan., 1707: m. Mary ; c, David, &c. 1707. Jan. 15. Will, speaks of wife Mary, brothers Richard, Thomas and John, and sister Mary. 1707. Jan. 27, proved. (Lib. 7, N. Y., p. 292.) 794. Havens, 'George, son of William, of Portsmouth, R. I., from 1639 to 1655: m. Eleanor, dau. of Edward Thurston, of Newport, E,. I., who, after his death, M. Terry (see No. 648); c, George, No. 795— William, No. 796--Jona- than, No. 797— John, No. 798— Content, m. Pain- Passion, m. Soper — Desire, m. Gardiner — and Abigail, who prob. m. Thomas Terry in 1752. 1699. Deed from Nathaniel and Mary Silvester, 1000 acres on Shelter Island. 1701. Deed by George and Eleanor to his son Jonathan, 200 acres on Shel- ter Island. 1706/7. Deed to his son John, 250 acres on Shelter Island. 1706/7, about. Inventory of estate by Thomas Terry and Jonathan Hudson. 1706/7. Letters to his widow, Eleanor. (Lib. 6, N. Y., p. 156; 7, p. 291.) 795. Havens, 'George, son of 'George, No. 794, d. 1734: m. Mary ; c, a George. 1730. A resident of Shelter Island. 1734. April, betters granted to George, son, and Mary, widow. (N. Y. ) 1749. One Mary married Ebenezer Webb, his second wife. 796. Havens, 'William, son of 'George, No. 794, d. prob., s. p., 1746. 1707. Deed from George to his son William, 250 acres on S. I. 1716. April 12. Will speaks of mother Eleanor Terry; brothers George, Jonathan and John; sisters, Content Paine, Passion Soper, Desire Gardiner and Abigail. 1746. Aug. 6, will proved. (Lib. 16, N. Y., p. 34.) 797. Havens, 'Jonathan, son of 'George, No. 794, d. 5 Aug., 1748: m. Hannah Brown, No. 78, on 1 Jan., 1707; c, Jonathan — Constant — Joseph — William — Savage — Sarah, m. Alex- ander King in 1737 — Hannah, perh. m. Samuel King in INDEX OF 1698. 141 1760 — Jemima, m. Devoll — Keziah, who prob. M. Josh. Hempstead in 1755. 1705. Deed from his father George, 200 acres on S. I. 1709. Deed from Jonathan Brown. (O. ) 1710. Deed from W. Salmon, 3 acres. (O.) 1713. Deed from Eliza Terry, 50 acres. (S. I. ) 1713/14. Deed by him and Hannah to Samuel Beebe. (O. ) 1730. A resident of Shelter Island. 1746. Sept. 22, will. 1748. Aug. 13, probate. (Lib 16, N. Y., p. 324.) 798. Havens, John, of Moriches, prob. son of 'George, No. 794: M. Patience Tuthill 24 Oct., 1733, dau. of Daniel, No. 672; c, one named Mehitable, by repute m. John Moore, of Rocky Point — Bethia, by repute m. Daniel Racket, of Rocky Point — Henry (qu. ?), of Moriches, m. Abigail Tuthill — Benjamin, M. Abigail, dau. of Thomas r Strong, and Susan- nah Thompson, his wife. 1707. Deed from George to his son John, 250 acres. (S. I ) 1730. A resident of Shelter Island. 1750. July 23. Will of John, sen., of Brookhaven, late of Shelter Island. (Lib. 17, N. Y., p. 287.) 799. Herbert, 2 John, prob. son of l John, and prob. absent in 1698: M. perh., 2,' Elizabeth , living in 1712. One, at Salem, m. Mary Follett in 1672, and had a son, John, b. 1674. 1662. Signed appointment of Capt. Youngs to Connecticut Colony. 1665. Owned land at Oyster Ponds, bounded west by land sold to B. Gold- smith. 1693. Quit-claim to inhabitants of town, several parcels. 1697. Deed to Jonathan Horton, north side lot. 1698. He probably married Mapes. 1699. Nov. Deeds to Jonathan Paine (O.) and Joseph Swezey. 1700. Deed to John Tuthill, 100 acres (O.), in which J. H. describes him- self as of Beading, Mass. 1712. Deed to John Paine, 50 acres on the Sound. 800. Hudson, Jonathan, of Shelter Island, D. 5 Sept., 1729: M.Mary, who d. 11 Sept., 1727; c, prob. Jonathan — Joseph — Rich- ard — John — an infant child D. 10 Sept., 1727. 1706. An appraiser of George Havens' estate, No. 794. 1714. Deed from Samuel Swezey, 12 acres at A. 1714/15. Witness to deed of Osman to Swezey, 2 acres at A. 1718/19. Occupying part of W. Nicoll's land, Shelter Island. 1720. Deed from Joseph Budd and wife, 150 acres. 801. King, John (mariner, Capt.), son of Samuel, No. 384 or 386, D. 19 Jan., 1741/2, m. 64: m., 1, , ; 2, Catharine Os- borne on 22 Aug. 1734, who D. his wid. 21 July, 1752, m. 142 TOWtf OF SOUTHOLD. 68; c, perh. John (Ensign), b. about 1695, who m. Mary , and d. 28 June, 1753, ^. 54 — prob. Joseph (see In- dex of 1730)— and from 1705 to 1722, H enry— Constant- Alexander — Prosper — Benjamin — Mary, who M. Constant Booth — and Elizabeth, who m. Abijah Hopkins. 1698. He probably absent. 1700. Deed from his father Samuel, Lower Neck. (O.) 1706. Deed on division of estate of father. 1710. Deed from his father, land in Salem, Essex county. 1713/14. Deed from N. Paine, 16 acres north side of O. 1736/7. Feb. 24. Will, mentioning wife and seven last named children. 1742. March 17, proved. (Lib. 14, N. Y., p. 269.) 802. Paine, Cornelius: M. perh. Content Havens (see No. 794); c, (see No. 510) — perhaps. Elisha, of Shelter Island. 1683. Rated as worth £81. 1686. 4 males and 3 females in his family. 1690. Witness to partition deed of Gardiner estate. 1698. Deed from Giles Silvester, 200 acres, Shelter Island. 803. Petty, Joseph (ship carpenter), son of *Edward: M. Mary (qu. ?); c, prob. 530 to 535. 1671. Bound by his father to N. Moore until of age. 1687. Deed from his father, 5 acres. 1697. Mortgage to Thomas Youngs, £70. 1696/7. March. Deed from his father, Edward. 1696/7. Deed from John Herbert. (O.) 1696/7. A witness to deeds of Brown to Reeve. (O. ) 1700. A witness, with Kalph P. , to deed of John Gardiner to Brown. 1710, 1714. Witness to deeds; and see entries under 547. 804. Parker, John, b. 1652, d. 7 Feb., 1727, &. 70: m. Margaret Corey, who r>. wid. 1 June, 1728; c, perh. John, called "Parr," M.Mary Corwin in 1728 — Nathaniel — c. drowned, 1 7 Oct., 1723 — prob. Abigail, who M. 2 Joseph Wickham. 1689. Prom James Parshall, bill of sale of Sarah, an Lidian slave. 1699. Witness to deed from Josn. Hobart to S. Ramsay. 1711. Deed from John Tooker. (A.) 1726. Deed to Joseph Wickham. 805. Parks, or Parker, Daniel, called " Parks," d. 27 Nov., 1705. 1701. Witness to deed of George Havens to his son Jonathan. 806. Silvester, 2 Giles, son of Capt. Nathaniel, ante, d., s. p., 1706. 1686, about. Married Hannah, daughter of T. Savage, widow of Benjamin Gillam (see 19 N. E. Reg., 254). 1687. March 10. Deed to Jeremiah Vail, 70 acres. (O.) 1693. Dec. 1. Deed to Edward Donning. (County Records. ) 1695, about. Sold, or agreed to give, one-fourth of land on Shelter Island to W. Nicoll, the lawyer, then of Islip. INDEX OF 1698. 143 1697. Petition to the N. Y. Assembly read, also his patent; resolved that it did not exempt him from ordinary taxes. 1698. Deed to Cornelius Paine, 200 acres, Shelter Island. 1699. Deed to his brother Nathaniel, 1,000 acres, Shelter Island. 1706. Will, one-fourth to Nicoll. (Lib. 7, N. Y., p. 375.) 807. Silvester, 'Nathaniel, son of Capt. Nathaniel, d. 1705: m. Mar- garet, dau. of Eichard Steer, No. 812; c, eldest son. Na- thaniel, under age in 1700, reputed D. s. P. — youngest son, Brinley, No. 808, b. 1694 — Grizzle — Margaret, prob. M. David Cheesebrough in 1749. 1699. March 21. Deed from his brother Giles, 1000 acres on Shelter Island. 1699/1700. March 20. Deed by him and Margaret, his wife, to George Havens, 1,000 acres on Shelter Island. 1700. Will, naming wife and four children; executors, William Nicoll and Col. Henry Pierson. 1705. Codicil, executed at Newport, B. I., naming executor in place of Pier- son, dec'd. 1705. Letters granted to W. Nicoll. (Lib. 7, N. Y., p. 206.) 808. Silvester, "Brinley, son of 2 Nathaniel, B. -1694, d. 24 Dec, 1752, M. 58: m. Mary Burras 2 Dec., 1718, b. 1702, d. 1751, &. 49; c, Mary, who M. Thomas Dering— Margaret, who M. Rev. Ebenezer Prince in 1723, D. 1734. 1730. A resident of Shelter Island (the last of the name). 1762. Letters of administration to Thomas Dering, of Boston. (Lib. B, N. Y., p. 135.) 809. Terry, 'Nathaniel, son of 'Richard, b. 1656, D. 23 Oct., 1723: M. Mary Horton on 31 Nov., 1682, D. 26 Sept., 1728; c, prob. Nathaniel, b. about 1683, D. 1723— Nathan, b. 1693, D. 18 April, 1725, iE. 32— Uriah, b. 1698, D. 1753 or 1755, m. 55— Phebe— Mary (see No. 779). 1675. Bated for 2 men, 20 acres, 27 cattle, 4 horses, &c, £219. 1676. By his father's will, the house and land on Squash Neck, where his father lived, given to him and 2 Bichard. 1683. Bated on £99. 1686. 4 males and 1 female in his family. 1706/7. Deeds to and from Abm. Youngs. 1708. Deed from Abraham Corey, commons. 1708. Deed from T. Longworth and wife. 810. Gardiner, "John, son of 2 David,who d. in 1689, brother of No. 243, b. 1661, d. 1738: m., 1, Mary, dau. of William King, of Southold, who D. 4 July, 1707; 2, Sarah Coit, of New London, widow; 3, Elizabeth Allen, of Middletown, Con- necticut, widow ; 4, Elizabeth Osborn in 1733, of East Hampton, widow, D. 1746; c, David, B. 1691 — Samuel — John — Joseph — and Jonathan. 144 * TOWN OP SOTJTHOLD. 1676. A witness to the patent for the town. 1690. Partition deed with his brother. 1699. Kid's landing (see 4 Essex Institute, 33). 1700. Deeds to Jonathan and Richard Brown. (0.) 1700. Deed to Samuel King, 100 acres at O., bounded west by Thos. Youngs. 1703. Deed to Israel Parshall at A. (executed at Southampton! . 1712. Deed to Henry Tuthill. (O.) 811. Gardiner, Lyon, brother of the last, settled in Southampton, accidentally shot while hunting: M. ; C, Lyon, who married and left children — Giles, D. s. p. 1690. Partition deed as above. 1703. Deed to Joseph Keeve. 812. Steer, Richard, of .London,' prob. son of Richard (who_came from England in 1635, m. 24), b. 1643, d. 20 June, 1721, m. 78: M., 1, Elizabeth ; 2,wid. Bethia Mapes in 1714, who was previously wid. of Thomas Goldsmith, and dau. of 'Richard Terry, and who d. 11 Oct. or Nov., 1739, m. 67, No. 274; c, a dau. M. Wheeler, of New London — Elizabeth, m. Jacob Alloy, of New London — a daughter, M. Nathaniel Beebe, who had a dau., Mary — Anne, M. John Tong, who had a dau., Elizabeth — Margaret, m. N. Silves- ter, No. 807, father of Bornley, and had a dau., Margaret — Anna, m. James Horton (see No. 352). His wife had a daughter, Bethia, who M. Isaac Hubbard (see No. 273). 1681. Witness to deed from John to Benjamin Conlding. 1714'. Deed from Joseph Petty, commons. 1721. Will, describing family as above, many curious particulars. John Goldsmith and his wife appointed executors. Witnesses, Thomas Dickerson, Samuel Terry and Benjamin Corey. 1721. July 12, proved. (Lib. 9, N. Y., p. 248.) 1723. Deed from John Terry to Bethia Steer, 8 acres N., sea lots, on Great Ponds. On the census list of Southampton there are several other families, probably connected with or belonging to Southold (see Nos. 791, &c.) TIw following only need be particularized. 813. Wickham, Joseph (Esq. and Col.), from Killingworth, Conn., ^g D. 6 July, 1734: M., 1, Sarah Satterly. living in 1698; prob., 2, Elizabeth , who d. 4 June, 1725, m. 31; c, Joseph, jun. (see Index of 1730) — William — Benjamin — Samuel (see Index of 1730) — Jonathan — a dau., Elizabeth, who m. David Gardiner in 1725 — Abigail, who m. : Jonathan INDEX OF 1698. 145 Stader in 1717, having a dau., Elizabeth, who prob. m. John Conkling in 1740. 1699. Deed to Simon Kamsay, meadow. (A.) 1704. Deed to Jonathan Horton, lot on Hog Neck. 1711. Deed from John Vail, 40 acres, Fort Neck. 1711. Deed from John Tusten, 160 acres, Cutchogue. 1712 and 1730. Took acknowledgments as justice. 1714. Deed to David Horton, 40 acres, Cutchogue. 1734. April 20. Will, naming 5 sons, daughter Elizabeth Gardiner, grand- daughter Elizabeth Stader; mentioning land purchased of Col. Smith, Robins' Island Neck, &o. Witnesses, Joshua Budd, John Holloway, &c. 1734. Aug. 17, probate. (Lib. 12, N.Y., p. 205.) 814. Petty, 'Edward, prob. son of 'Edward. 1725. Witness to codicil of No. 817. 815. Petty, Elnathan, prob*. son of No. 814. 816. Petty, Edward, jun., prob. son of 'Edward, No. 814. 817. Moore, Joseph, D. 1725/6: m. Sarah ; c, Joseph — Benja- min — Elizabeth, M. Sanford — Sarah, m. Crock- davis — Mary, on census list of 1698 — Euth — and Abigail, prob. B. after 1698. By doubtful tradition, Joseph Moore was the son of Bev. John, of Newtown ; if so, prob. bapt. in New York 1 June, 1661 (see Biper's Newtown, p. 327). 1683. Bated in Southampton, 1 person, £83. 1723. March 21. Will, styled gentleman, but speaks of cooper's tools; grandson Daniel, under age; daughter-in-law Sarah Gilnian, grandsons Caleb and David. Witnesses, Thos. Cooper and others. 1725. Dec. 28, codicil. Witnesses, Edward Petty and others. 1726. May 30, probate. (Lib. 10, N. Y., p. 250.) 19