BER House Plan FRAVEL SASH & DOOII CO. INC. NARRISONBUKC, VA. :ORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ITHACA, N. Y. 14853 Fine. Arts Library Sibley HaU Cornell Unlveralty Library NA7205.L95 Lumberman's house plan book :belng a col 3 1924 015 707 908 DOES NOT CIRCUIATE Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. r*^ LUMBERMAN'S HOUSE PLAN BOOK BEING a collection of one hundred absolutely new and attractive plans never before pub- lished, together with a selection of one hundred of our most popular houses published heretofore, making a beautiful and valuable book of two hun- dred up-to-date designs. The largest and most complete book of its kind ever issued, being two books combined in one. 200 House Plans PubUshed by The Radford Architectural Company Chicago, Illinois Copyright, 1907, By THE RADFORD ARCHITECTURAL CO. Chicago, Ills. Practical House Plans WE ILLUSTRATE IN THIS BOOK the perspective view -^^^— — ^^■^^■^— — >^^^^— and floor plans of 200 low and medium-priced houses. In the preparation of this work great care has been exercised in the selection of original, practical and attractive house designs, such as seventy-five to ninety per cent of the people to-day wish to build. In drawing these plans special effort has been made to provide for the most economical consteuction, thereby giving the home builder and contractor the benefit of the saving of many dollars; for in no case have we put any useless expense upon the building simply to carry out some pet idea. Every plan illustrated will show, by the complete working plans and specifications, that we give you designs that will work out to the best advantage and will give you the most for your money; besides every bit of space has been utilized to the best advantage. $50.00 PLANS FOR ONLY $5.00 TMs department has ^— — ^— — for its foundation the best equipped architectural establishment ever maintained for the purpose of furnishing the public with complete working plans and specifications at the remarkably low price of only $5.00 per set. Every plan we illustrate has been designed by a licensed Architect, who stands at the head of his profession in this particular class of work and has made a specialty of low and medium-priced houses. The price usually charged for this work is from $50.00 to $75.00. WHAT WE GIVE YOU The first question you will ask is, ^^^— ^^— — ^^^ ";What do we get in these com- plete working plans and specifications? Of what do they 3 consist? Are they the cheap printed plans on tissue paper without details or specifications?" We do not blame you for wishing to know what you will get for your money. BLUE PRINTED WORKING PUNS The plans we send out , are the regular blue printed plans, drawn one-quarter' inch scale to the foot, showing all the elevations, floor plans and necessary interior details. All of our plans are printed by electricity, on an electric circular blue-printing machine, and we use the very best grade of electric blue-printing paper; every line and figure showing perfect and distinct. FOUNDATION AND CELLAR PLANS This sheet shows the ^^^— ^ shape and size of all walls, piers, footings, posts, etc., and of what material." they are constructed; shows the location of all windows, doors, chimneys, ash-pits, partitions, and the like. The different wall sections are given, showing their construction and measurements from all the different points. FLOOR PLANS These plans show the shape and size of all ^^^^— ^^— ■— rooms, halls and clo?ets; the location and size of all doors and windows; the position of all plumbing fixtures, gas hghts, registers, pantry work, etc., and all the measurements that are necessary are given. ELEVATIONS -^ front, right, left and rear elevation are -^-^— ^— furnished with all the plans. These drawings are complete and accurate in every respect. They show the shape, size and location of all doors, windows, porches, cornices, towers, bays, and the like; in fact, give you an exact scale picture of the house as it should be at comple- tion. Full wall sections are given showing the construction from foundation to roof, the height of stories between the joists, height of plates, pitch of roof, etc. 4 ROOF PLAN "^^^^ P^*''"^ is furnished where the roof con- — ^^— ^^ struction is at all intricate. It shows the location of all hips, valleys, ridges, decks, etc. All the above drawings are made to scale one-quarter inch to the foot. D ETA I LS -^^i necessary details of the interior work, such as ^^— ^^^ door and window casings and trim, base, stools, picture moulding, doors, newel posts, balusters, rails, etc., accompany each set of plans. Part is shown in full size, while some of the larger work, such as stair construction, is drawn to a scale of one and one-half inch to the foot. These blue prints are substantially and artistically bound in cloth and heavy water-proof paper, making a handsome and durable covering and protection for the plans. SPECIFICATIONS "^^^ specifications are typewritten on — — ^^-^— — Lakeside Bond Linen paper and are bound in the same artistic manner as the plans, the same cloth and water-proof paper being used. They consist of from about sixteen to twenty pages of closely typewritten matter, giving full instructions for carrying out the work. All directions necessary are given in the clearest and most explicit manner, so that there can be no possibility of a misunderstanding. BASIS OF CONTRACT The working plans and specifications — ^— i^^— ^^— — we furnish can be made the basis of contract between the home builder and the contractor. This will prevent mistakes, which cost money, and they will prevent disputes which are unforeseen and never settled satisfactorily to bpth parties. When no plans are used the contractor is often obliged to do some work he did not figure on, and the home builder often does not get as much for his money as he expected, simply because there was no basis on which to work and upon which to base the con- tract. 6 NO MISUNDERSTANDING CAN ARISE when a set of our ^ plans and specifica- tions is before the contractor and the home builder, show- ing the interior and exterior construction of the house as agreed upon in the contract. Many advantages may be claimed for the complete plans and specifications. They £.re time savers and, therefore, money savers. Workmen will not have to wait for instructions when a set of plans is left on the job. They will prevent mistakes in cutting lum- ber, in placing door and window frames, and in many other places where the contractor is not on the work and the men have received only partial or indefinite instructions. They also give instructions for the working of all material to the best advantage. FREE PLANS FOR FIRE INSURANCE ADJUSTMENT You ' take every precaution to have your house covered by insurance; but do you make any provision for the adjustment of the loss, should you have a fire? There is not one man in ten thousand who will provide for this embarrassing situation. You can call to mind instances in your own locality where settlements have been delayed because the insurance com- panies wanted some proof which could not be furnished. They demand proof of loss before paying insiu-ance money, and they are entitled to it. We have provided for this and have inaugurated the following plan, which cannot but meet with favor by whoever builds a house from our plans. IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT OF INFORMATION from -^^-^^^-— -^--— —————— —— you that your house has been destroyed by fire, either totally or partially, we will forward you, free of cost, a duplicate set of plans and specifications, and in addition we will fur- nish an affidavit giving the number of the design and the date when furnished, to be used for the adjustment of the insurance. 6 WITHOUT ONE CENT OF COST TO YOU and without — ^^^^■^^^— ■— ^— ^^— ^-^-^— ^— one partich of trouble. We keep a record of the number of the hous3 design and the date it was furnished, so that, in time ot loss, all it will be necessary for you to do is to drop us a line and we will furnish the only reliable method of getting a speedy and satisfactory adjustment. This may be the means of saving you hundreds of dollars, besides much tims and worry. OUR LIBERAL PRICES ^^ny have marveled at our ^— — ^^— ^-^■^— ability to furnish such excellent and complete working plans and specifications at such low prices. We dp not wonder at this, because we charge but $5.00 for a more complete set of working plans and specifi- cations than you would receive if ordered in the ordinary manner, and when drawn especially for you, at a cost of from fifty to seventy-five dollars. On account of our large business and unusual equipment, and owing to the fact that WE DIVIDE THE COST of thcse plans among so many, it is possible for us to sell them at these low prices. The margin of profit is very close, but it enables us to sell thousands of sets of plans, which save many times their cost to both the owner and the contractor in erecting even the smallest dwelling. OUR GUARANTEE Perhaps there are many who feel that i^— — ^^^^^— they are running some risk in ordering plans at a distance. We wish to assure our customers that there is no risk whatever. If, upon receipt of these plans, you do not find them exactly as represented, if you do not find them complete and accurate in every respect, if you do not find them as well prepared as those furnished by any architect in the country, or any that you have ever seen, we will refund your money upon the return of the plans from you in perfect condition. All of our plans are prepared by architects standing at the head of their profession, and 7 the standard of their work is the very highest. We could not afford to make this guarantee if we were not positive that we were furnishing the best plans put out in this country, even though our price is not more than one-seventh to one-tenth of the price usually charged. BILL OF MATERIAL ^^ ^° ^^^ fumlsh a bin of ff^terial. " We state this here particularly, as some people have an idea that a bill of material should accom- pany each set of plans and specifications. In the first place, our plans are gotten up in a very comprehensive manner, so that any carpenter can easily take off the bill of material without any difficulty. We realize that there are hardly two sections of the country where exactly the same kinds of materials are used, and, moreover, a bill which we might furnish would not be applicable in all sections of the country. We furnish plans and specifications for houses which are built as. far north as the Hudson Bay and as far south as the Gulf of Mexico. They are built upon the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, and you can also find them in Australia and South Africa. Each country and section of a country has its peculiarities as to sizes and qualities; therefore, it would be useless for us to make a list that would not be universal. Our houses, when completed, may look, the same whether they are built in Canada or Florida, but the same materials will not be used, for the reason that , the customs of the people and the cUmatic conditions will dictate the kind and amount of materials to be used in their construction. ESTIMATED COST '* ^^ impossible for anyone to estimate — ^-^— the cost of a building and have the figures hold good in all sections of the country. We do not claim to be able to do it. The estimated cost of the houses we illustrate is based on the most favorable conditions in all respects and includes everything but the plumbing and 8 'heating. We are not familiar with your local conditions, and, should we claim to know, the exact cost of a building in your locality, a child would know that our statement was false. We leave this matter in the hands of the reUable contractors, for they, and they alone, know your local con- ditions. WE WISH TO BE FRANK WITH YOU ^^d therefore ' make no state- ment that we cannot substantiate in every respect. If a plan in this book pleases you; if the arrangement of the rooms is satisfactory, and if the exterior is pleasing and attractive, then we make this claim — that it can be built as cheaply as if any other architect designed it, and we believe cheaper. WE HAVE STUDIED ECONOMY in construction, and our ". knowledge of all the ma- terial that goes into a house qualifies us to give you the best for your money. We give you a plan that pleases you, one that is attractive, and one where every foot of space is utilized at the least possible cost. Can any architect do more, even at Seven to ten times the price we charge you for plans? REVERSING PLANS ^® receive many requests from our ^— ^^^-^^^— ^^ patron^ for plans exactly according to the designs illustrated, with the one exception of haAdng them reversed or placed in the opposite direction. It is impossible for us to make this change and draw new plans, except at a cost of about eight times our regular price. We see no reason why our regular plans will not answer your purpose. Your carpenter can face the house exactly as you wish it, and the plans will work out as well facing in one direction as in another. We can, however, if you wish, and so instruct us, make you a reversed blue print and 9 furnish it at our regular price; but in that case all the fig- ures and letters will be reversed and, therefore, liable to cause as much confusion as if your carpenter reversed the plan himself while constructing the house. WE WOULD ADVISE however, in all cases where the plan — ^— ■ is to be reversed, and there is the least doubt about the contractor not being able to work from the plans as we have them, that two sets of blue prints be purchased, one regular and the other reversed, and in such cases we will furnish two sets of blue prints and one set of specifications for only fifty per cent added to the regular cost, making the $5.00 plan cost only $7.50.- Design No. 2003 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 19 feet 10 inches; length, 38 feet, exclusive of porches PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- .written speclfica^ tions is ONLY ^ $5.00 We mail " Flans and Speciflea- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Blue prints consist of basement plan; first and second floor plans; front, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of type- written matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for tS.OO. Cost of this house is from about t2,SS0.00 to about $2,800.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2034 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY First Floor Plan Size: Width, 3S feet; length, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ; wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 31 feet, exclusive of porches Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 15.00. Cost of this house is from about $2,550.00 to about $2,800.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2032 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speclflca- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica-* tions the same day- order is re- ceived. Size : Width, 22 feet 6 inches ; length, 36 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 35.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,650.00 to about $1,800.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. Design No. 2036 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the sanle day order is received. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 52 feet 6 inches ; length, 27 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of basement plan; Full and complete working plans and roof plan; first and second floor plans; specifications of this house will be fur^ front rear, two side elevations; wall sec- nished for jiS.OO. Cost of this house is tions and all necessary interior details. from about 83,000.00 to about 13,250.00, Specifications consist of about twenty according to the locality in which ft to pages of typewritten matter. ' built. Design No. 2026 i Z/K(Wr /fOOM Mil. /«Cg/>T/{W PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 29 feet 6 inches; length, 28 feet exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans: front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about SX, 650.00 to about SI ,850.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2017 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica^ tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. /2-o'x /4'-a"yJk //'o'ji i*- FIOOM Cio5 laoi'C ^Ai-L. g: 7SiE:0 7=!OOAt 7 / \, First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 26 feet; length, 44 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and secorid floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. SpeciflcationscDnsistof about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this bouse will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about {2,050.00 to about $2,300.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2015 First Floor Plan Size: Width, 22 feet ; Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans: front, rear, two side elevations. Wall sections and all necessarj; interior, de- tails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and(> Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Second Floor Plan length, 44 feet 6 inches Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for tS.OO. Cost of this house is from about SI, S50. 00 to about $1,750.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2002 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans Sind • Specifica^ tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 18 feet; length, 39 feet, exclusive of porehes Blue prints consist of foundation plan; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specin- cations consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete worlcing plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about $850.00 to about (1,000.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. Design No. 2047 at/^'^ ROOM S jn-T/M: rxiofit m_U-A' V/iT" fii<3i\ ^ First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 30 feet; length, 46 feet, exclusive of porches PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with acomplete set oJ type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00. We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. B ue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specification's consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wjll be fur- nished for 35.00. Cost of this liouse is from about' S2.760.00 to about 83,000.00, according to the locality in which it is i>uat. Design No. 2012 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- ^ons is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day „order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 32 feet; length, 39 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second fioor pmns; front, rear, two side elevations: wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about 12,750.00 to about $3,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 37 Design No. 2033 din/m: ttooM I rr -leaf H BED mxM n ^ First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 30 feet, exclusive of porch PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether witli a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and - Speciflea- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second fioor plans; front, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Speci- fications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete worWng plans and specifications of this house vml be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about 81,550.00 to abotit 81 ,750.00, according to' the locality in wtUw it is built. Design No. 2039 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a, complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and SpecijBca- tions the same day order is re- ceived. BSD flOOM First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 32 feet; length, 27 feet li inches, exclusive of porches 'X Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tailst Specifications consist , of about twenty pages of typewritten, matter. Full and complete working plana and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about Sl,750.00 to about SI ,950.00,' according to the locality in which it ~is built. Design No. 2043 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tion!: the same day order is te- ceived. Floor Plan Size : Width, 30 feet ; length, 3S feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of basement plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary- interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plani and specifications of this house will be tur- nished for $5.00. Cost of tbi3 house is from about $950.00 to about $1,100.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2029 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 32 feet 6 inches; length, 47 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary iriterior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of type- written matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about SI ,650.00 to about $1,850.00, 'siccording to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2014 ^ /T^Wr/^Y \ q J^^ _ First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 24 feet ; length. 30 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior, details. Specifica- tions consist of about twenty psDges of- typewritten matter. Full and comjplete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this housed is from about £1,750.00 to about Sl,g5d.'(iO, according to the locality in which It ig buUv, PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Design No. 2009 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 30 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans: front, rear, two side elevations: wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for $6.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,950.00 to about $2,150,00, according to the locality in 'which it is built. Design No. 2010 PRICE dTBlue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mall Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width 22 feet 8 inches: length, 42 feet 8 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan ; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two sides elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of a,bout fifteen pages of tjrpe- written matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about S8S0.00 to about 91,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 44 Design No. 2016 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 ■^e mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is receiTed. Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 44 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about fifteen pages of tvpewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,250.00 to about 81 ,400.00, according to the locality in which it is bwJt. Design No. 2023 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 32 feet; length, 46 feet, exclusive of pdrches PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speeifipa- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Speciiica^ tions the same day- order is re- ceived. Blue prints consist of basement plan ; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Speci- fications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full ajid complete working plans and specifications of this hojise will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about S2,3S0.00 to about $2,600.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 46 r.:: Design No. 2030 PRICE We mail Plans and Specifica^ tions the same day ordw is re- ceived. /has\' DRBS5INIi \ WOM. 1 1 BED ROOM B ATH no om. BED WOM First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Widtti, 24 feet 6 inches; length, 39 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan ; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about' twenty pages of- typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for {5.00. Cost of this house is from about Sl,950.00 to about $2,100.00, according to the locality in which it is ■ built. 47 Design No. 2042 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 31 feet; length, 45 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second fioor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interiordetails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wUl be fur- nished for 35.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,750.00 to about 31,900.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 48 '^ Design No. 2027 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 28 feet; length, 41 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; floor plan: front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all ' necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for IS.OO. Cost of this house is from about Sl,150.00 to about SI ,300.00, ticcording to the locality in which it is built. 49 Design No. 2008 .^^a^^ov feB- ■^^ First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 28 feet; length, 38 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; first and second floor plans; front, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary Interior details. Specifi- eations consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 9E5.0O. Cost of this house is from about $2,000.00 to about 12,250.00, -according to the locality In which it is built. 50 Design No. 2011 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Size; Floor Plan Width, 22 feet ; length, 30 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifi- cations consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about 3750.00 to about $900.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 51 Design No. 2044 ,.V a mN/ftj^ -"^ Cm//NC ROOM \M 'i l| i/i l/WMZfKXM /AOJt/S'-O POfXJ-l -^^^TT PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail "Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceiyed. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 30 feet; length, 26 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear and two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about (1,650.00 to about 11,850.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 52 Design No. 2024 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciflca^ tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 26 feet 9 inches; length, 44 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan ; first and second fioor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all ;iecessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost or this house is from about $1,850.00 to about $2,100.00, according to the locality in which it is built. r~ 53 »»A!i!#'S^J8lE(?^^Si Design No. 2041 IT" I First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 23 feet 6 inches; length, 32 feet exclusive of porch PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.06 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same dar order is 'E' ceivcd. Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,050.00 to about $1,200.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 54 Design No. 2035 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONL/Y $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- caved. Size: Width, 28 feet 4 inches; length, 34 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of abo'it twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full aiid complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for SS 00. Cost of this house is from about S2,750.00 to about $3,000.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. Design No. 2020 Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; lengtli, 36 feet PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written spedflca- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day- order is i-> ceived. Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary interior deatils^ Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $950.00 to about $1,100.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No, 2048 PRICE of Blue Printa, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- ticps is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and ' Specifica- tions the same day order is re-, ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet 6 inches; length, 44 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans a££ specifications oi this house wul be fur- nished for tS.OO. Cost of this 1 luse is from about $1,450.00 to about ^,1 300.00, according to the locality in wbl ±. it is buUt. 67 ■T^5?'«5ft^i(IR(w.'B3s?^Bi«aWjP«?^ ■ ■ Design No. 2005 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciflca/- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mall Flans ajid Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan second Floor Plan Size : Width, 28 feet 6 inches ; length, 43 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement plan; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Speci- fications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $2,250.00 to about $2,S00.OO, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2006 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica^ tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 22 feet; length, 36 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan: first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wsill sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about SI ,850.00 to about 12,050.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 2018 Floor Plan PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written' specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Size: Width, 25 feet; Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of type- written matter. length, 48 feet 6 inches Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,250.00 to about 31,500.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 60 Design No. 2001 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 20 feet; length, 40 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Speciflca^ tlons consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for tS.OO. Cost of this house is from about $1,150.00 to about $1,300.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. fll ^^.^//i?y Design No. 1514 U^ 7'i /A- i. M ■■ I^F PRICE They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet; length, 34 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- Full and complete working plans and dation plan; roof plan; first and second specifications of this house will be fur- flpnr plans; front, rear, two side eleva- mshed for J5.00. Cost of this house is iwaB;wall sections and all necessaiy inte- from about 12,000.00 to about 82,250.00, rior details. Specifications consist of about according to the locality in which it is twenty pages of typewritten matter. built. 63 ,.ju, ^%^ ^^fyf^, ^^^g.y ^ Design No. 1554 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciflcst- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 26 feet ti inches; length, 45 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Specifications consist of about, twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete worlring plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for J5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,150.00 to about 11,350.00, according to the locality in which it is built. fi3 Design No. 1545 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 46 feet 3 inches; length, 24 feet 6 inches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two- side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte-' Tior details. Specifications consist of about twenty-five pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plains and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for J15.00. Cost of this house is from about 13,850.00 to about (4,100.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 64 MXfl Design No. 1513 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plain Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 26 feet 6 inches; length, 35 feet 8 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva^ tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Specificationsconsist of about twenty pages of typewritten msftter. Full and complete working plans and Specifications of this house wul be fur^ nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $2,200.00 to about $2,400.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1535 TSiezn OH TSiATH PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a colbplete set of type- written specifica- tions is ' ONLY ^-, They save time and prevent wa£te of. material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 30 feet; length, 46 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of foundation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pa ges of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about SI ,650.00 to about SI ,700.00^ according' to the locality in which it is built. 66 Design I\o. 1517 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set ol type- writtrti speciSca/- tions is ■ ^ ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent ^aste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 24 feet 6 inches ; lengthi 44 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consisljiiDf cellar and foun- dation plan; roofplw; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- ■ '.ions ;wall sections and all necessary ihte- ibrdetails. Sptciflcations consist of about kWeiity pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete worl^ing plans and specifications pi this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Gbst of this house l6 from about S2,2S0.00 tb about S2,500tQBt;^ accordmg to the locality in- which iKfi- ■ built. ' ~' Design No. 1560 CiOS, PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speeiflca- tions is ONLY 15.00 Ther save time and prevent waste ol material First Floor Plan Second Floor. Plan Size: Width, 26 feet; length, 38 feet • Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions, wall sections andall jieeessaryinte- riorde tails. Specifications consist of about lireiity pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plaijs and speciflcations of this, house wDl be fur,* rushed for S5.00. Cost of this house la tM^ abojit J750.00 to about S900,0Q, accoWihg to the locality in \»!j)ich it IS built. . 68 '^^ . Design No. 1537 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciUca- tions is ONLY $3.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Floor Plan Size: Widtll, 16 feet; length, ?5 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Speciflcations consist of about twelve pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- mshed for $3.00. Cost of this house is from about $400.00 to about $450.00, according to the locality in wlilch it is built. Vii'k'My Design No. 1521 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet ; length, 44 feet 4 inches, exclusive of porches E. le prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessaf? interior details. BTiecifications consist ciL :^liout twenty ' /ages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be ifur- nished for $5.00. "Cost of this house is from about 81,800.00 to about J2,000,00, according to the locality in which it is built, PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions Is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material ''*<*' ^-vM ^S^'r Design No. 1549 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type^ written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste ol material First Flgor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 33 feet 6 inches; length, 38 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva^ tion3;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Speoifieationsconsistof abov <, twenty-five pages of typewritten ihattijT. Full and complete working plans and . specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5;00. Cost of this house is from about $2,150.00 to about J2,350.00, according to the locality in which W is ' built. ' 71 J i Jii " ,ipii H^ ■'■■ ' -— ff^ifjsf^^V' Design No. 1565 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and ' prevent waste of material Floor Plan Size: Width, 33 feet; length, 46 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. . Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,100.00 to about SI ,250.00, according to the locality in which it is built. ^ 73 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciflca- tions is ONLY $15, They save time and prevent waste of material Design No. 1569 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 30 feet; length, 39 feet 6 inchesj exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of oellar and foun- dation plan; roof plaii; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary m- terior details. Specifications consist ot jibout 25 pages ot typewritten matter, Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $15.00. Cost of this house is from about $3,000.00 to about $3,250.00, according to the locality in which it i§ built, 73 Design No. 1563 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet ; length, 38 feet, exclusive of porches PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second Sijor pians; troiit, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- ■i-iordatails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages' of typewrittpB nifitt:?r, Full and complete working plans and specifications of. this house will- be fur- nished for J5.00. Cost of this house is from about Jl,200.00 to about 81,400.00, according to the Ipoality in which it ig Witt u Design No. 1138 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet 6 in,ches; length, 51 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ; wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. ' Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- rfished tor S5.00. Cost of this house is . from about 81,030.00 to about 11,200.00,' according to the locality in which if is built. ^•^ypsk^J. ' •^^'' Design No. 1129 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet ; length, 45 feet, exclusive of porch PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type"- written specifica^ tions is ONLY $5.00 They saye time and prevent waste of material Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations, wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for J5.00. Cost of this house Is from about $1,850.00 to about JS2,100.00, according to the locality in which it is built. re •n- miiBy, Design No, 1538 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet; length, ZZ feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Specifications Consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about SI ,775.00 to about {1,975.00, according to the locality in which it is built. ^:^N'i-A'>^^> Design No. 1556 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with - a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent -waste of material Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet 6 inches; length, 40 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of foundation plan TDOf- plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side' elevations: wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of type- written matter. Full and complete working jplans and specifications of this house wfll be fur- nished for KS.OO. Cost of this house is from about SI ,050.00 to about SI ,200.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1 146 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete 1 1| set of type- written specificEi- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet 6 inches; length Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans ; front,rear,two side elevations, wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 36 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about 11,150.00 to about $1,300.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1508 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet 6 inches; length, 30 feet, exclusive of porches PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written ^ , specifica- tions is Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floorplans ;front,rear, two side elevations, wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,150.00 to about SI ,300.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1148 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with . a complete set of type- written specifi-ca^ tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Iia| BiW ill'D't/'To' 1 tf'«4A pKinc4 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 38 feet; length, 31 feet, exclusive of porches . Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of ^bout twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- mshed for J5.00. Cost of this house is from about $2,500.00 to about 12,750.00, according to the locality in which it is built. ■ . Si Design No. 1531 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $3.00 They save time and prevent •. waste of material Floor Plan Size: Widtli, 19 feet; length, 27 feet 6 inches Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twelve pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished Ttor 83.00. Cost of this house is from about 8400.00 to about SSOO.00, accprdins to the locality in which it is built, ■ 83 ;7i^*»rw?wi'''^'*'WV»fW*»«>s feet 6 inches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be tur- mshed for (5.00. Cost of this bouse is from about $1,225.00 to about SI ,450.00, according to the locality in which it is built. - 89 Design No. 1544 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $15.00 We mail Plans and Specifica^ tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 34 feet 6 inches; length, 35 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and -second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Speciiicationsconsistof about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this -house will be fur- nished tor $15.00. Cost of this house is from about $3,200.00 to about S3,S00.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 00 Design No. 1164 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY 11 $5.00 We mail \ K * Plans and Specifica- tions the same day Fecmc celved. 1 TbFtdA ■ ■ — biHiiKi Hoofi First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 25 feet ; length, 36 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar aind foun- dation plan; first and second floor plaxis; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wUl be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about S1,5S0.00 to about SI, 700.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1121 I (laser /o'l't/s'o' First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Widtli, 23 feet ti inches; length, 34 feet PRICE of Blue Prints, to- getUtsr with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications oi this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about 81,150.00 to about 81,350.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. Design No. 1001 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet; length, 50 feet, exdusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations, wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for SS.OO Cost of this house is from about 11,550.00 to about $1,700.00, accordins |o the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1074 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 30 feet; lengtli, 44 feet Blue prints consist of foundation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and coinplete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about 11,650.00 to about Sl,800.00, according to the locality in which it is built. of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is r& ceived. S4 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 32 feet; length, 44 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and found- ation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevat- ions; wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Specifications consist Of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this" house will be furnished for 85.00. Cost of this house is from about Si ,800.00 to about $2,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. !@^l PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flan^ and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifi- cations consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Floor Plan Size: Width, 33 feet; length, 50 feet Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for {5.00. Cost of this house is from about SI, 850.00 to about $2,000.00, according to the locality in. which it Is built. Design No. 1162 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 ieet', length, 48 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twelve pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete worlcing plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about 11,350.00 to about $1,500.00, according to the locality in which it is built. IjI. Design No 1134 Quiiflti Rmi io'-4''* iZ'-L' First Floor Plan pi ■■■■H \ Pu(Jr /' e 1 i Pom,) 1 ^n,i^ ■' P I Nm 1 \ 1 «•,!•„.•.*• T \ ^I e'l\ /it' Second Floor Plan PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written . specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save tinw and prevent waste of material Size: Width, 26 feet; length, 35 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- Full and complete working plans and dation plan; first and second floor plans; specifications of this house will be fur- front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- ^ iiished for J5.00. Cost of this house is tions and all necessary interior details. from about Jl.8fi0.00 to about 82,125.00, tipeciflcations consist of about twenty according to the locality in which it is pages af typewritten matter, bUilt. 08 .^„: Design No. 1J»01 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether wiih a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Size: Width, 26 feet; length, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans'; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Specificationsconsist of about- twenty pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 41 feet, exclusive of porches Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur^ nished for J5.00. Cost of this house iii from about $1,650.00 to about SI, 875.00. according to the locality in which it is built. ' . 99 ,->" im^^'*f '^fWy ""^ ^ Design No. 1140 Fir^t Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 36 feet ; length, 38 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen ja|6s of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house wul he fur- nished for 155.00. Cost of this house is ' frorri about 8650.00 to about S800.00, according to the locality in which it ia buUt, PRICE of Blue Print?, to- gether witl^ a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Design No. 1131 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written 'specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time.and prevent • waste of material First. Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 31 feet; length, 60 feet, exclusive of porch 'Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 15.00. Cost of this house is from about Jl. 550.00 to about SI ,760.00, according to the locality In which it is built. - Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans ; front.rear.two side elevations, wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. ^'TK'- waste of material ;=>a J^C^ ^?.1?^ 1^°-?" First Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet 6 inches; length. Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details.iSpecificationS consist of about twenty pages of type written matter, Second Floor Plan 41 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fut ' mshed for £5.00. Cost of this house 4. - from about £1,950.00 to about $2,150. OS. according to the locality in which it U built. Design No. 1064 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- getlier with a complete set of type- written specific^ tion£ is ' ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same .^ 'Wf^l^^ *. S»£..5'S^'W Design No. 1110 PRICE of Blue Prints, tOr igether with a complete set of type- written , Bpeciiica- tlons is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 28 feet 6 inches; lengih, 37 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and aU necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. , Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished tor tS.OO. Cost of this house is fiom about SI ,525.00 to about Sl,775.00, according to the locality in which it is built. - ^ 133 'M^ iii^"'^ Design No. 1543 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete; set of l^ype- written specifica- tions is ONLY $15.00 They save -time and prevent waste, of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 35 feet; length, 42 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front.rear.twoside elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about thirty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for 815i00. Cost of this house is from about 83,850.00 to about 84,150.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1032 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 36 feet Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about twelve pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,060.00 to about SI, 200.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. 125 I Design No. 1555 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 36 feet ; length, 49 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan>; first and second floor plans; fron*,, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Specifications consist of about twenty-five pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wut be fur- nished for $6.00. Cost of this house is from about $2,750.00 to about $3,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. PRICE They save time and prevent waste of material ' Design No. 1506 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a coitiplete, set of type- written speeifica^ tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan 1 ond , Floor Plan Size : Width, 22 feet 6 inches ; lent th, 30 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about S850.00 to about $1,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1564 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- - gether with a complete set of type- written speciflca- toins is ONLY $5.00 They save ' time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet 8 inches; length, 32 feet 8 Inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. SpeclflcationscoBsistotabout twenty pages of typewritt:'}n matter. ' Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about 1,600 00 to about -fX.SSO.OO according to the Ibcallty in which \t v buUS. Design No. 1155 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica-- tions the same day order is re- ceived. 1 Uvirti, noon t^yii.1- 13'i,' » /f'O 1 1 ^ i Tbncil 1 1 ' \ 1 1 CKAMSEr/T /o'o '< iz-ar OinnntR Cioi^r Cusa-r First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet; length, 33 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan; first and second floor pjans; frbnt, rear, two side elevations; wall sections andi all necessary interior details. Specifi- cations consist of about fifteen images of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about S9S0.00 to about $1,100.00, according to the locality in which it IS built. 129 Design No. 1159 1 , Fo«J 1 t P"^'^V / ^*~- 1^ fm 1 '■. 1 ifircfk-rl n m.'/.-, /^.'A' I BaTiI J 'iZ'u'n/4'O' rr/W^ ffwAI r /o'o'»/o'i' in: li-c pufcd First Floor Plan Size: Widtii, 26 feet; length, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of ■ about fifteen Da^ea of typewritten mati37. PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day/ order is re- ceived. Second Floor Plan 40 feetf exclusive of porches Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house will be fur- nished for £5.00. Cost of this house is from about S2,1S0.00 to about J2.3S0.00, according to the locality in {rhich it is PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Design No. 1502 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 22 feet ; length, 38 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Speoiflcationsconsistofabout twenty pages ot typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 85.00. Cost of this house is from about Xl, 400.00 to about $1,625.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 131 Design No. 1157 Second Floor Plan First Floor Plan Size: Width, J2 feet ; length 34 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- Full and complete working .plans and datlon plan; first and second floor plans; specifications of this house- will be fur- front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- nished for S5.00. Cost of this bouse is tioQs and all necessary interior details. from about $1,750.00 tp about $1,900.00, Specifications consist of about -twenty according to the locality in which it is pages of typewritten matter. built. PRICE of Blue Prints,.td- gether with a complete set of type-^ written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifiea-'J- tions the r same day order is re- ceived. Design No. 1046 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- jvritten specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica* tions the same day order is re- ceived. Floor Plan Size: Width, 22 feet; length, 28 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary interior deatils. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for JS.OO. Cost of this house is from about $900.00 to about 81,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. tiMfrn'^tfC^- ..)3p-ST!?^'K*B&i'?**(*'>*«t^*»>**"''*^'' '^' "■Tns^K^" '^^^^ Design No. 1516 J I /trrcHCM L tUN'NG F>OOM SCO ^WDQA^ \CiQ3 SCO ;^oqmV 1 aeo .«ioov; ■OAACO/vy First Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet ; lengtli, Blue prints cpnsist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ; wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Specificationsconsistof about twenty pages of typewritten matter. PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Second Floor Plan 32 feet, exclusive of porches Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished tor 35.00. Cost of this housg is from about Jl ,600.00 to about 81 ,800.00, according to the locality in which "^it Is built, 134- Design No. 1511 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 33 feet 6 inchesjlengthi 43 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; fi^st and second floor plans .front.rear.twoside elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of ^out twenty pages of typewritten rt^atter. Full and complete worlcing plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. - Cost of this house is from about 92,200.00 to about S2,S0O.OA, according to the locality in which It iS built. Design No. 1038 Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; lengtli, 48 feet, exclusive of porches PRICE ot Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete ' set of type- written specificEi- tlons is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of type- written matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished -for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,660.00 to about Sl,800.00. according to the locality in which It Is built. Design No. 1512 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica^ tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet 6 inches; length, 30 feet 3 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of basement Slan; roof plan; first and second oor plans; front, rear, two side eleva^ tions ;wall sections and all neeeslary iilte- riordetails. Speciflcationsconsistof about ^w^nty pages of typewritten matter.^ - Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- mshed for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about 11,450.00 to about $1,600.00, according to the locality in which it i; buil(.. 137 Design No. 1154 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 28 feet 6 inches; length, 37 feet, exclusive of porch PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a coniplete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. , Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten patter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S6.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,960.00 to about 82,100.00, according to the locality in whlph it is Design No. 15ci4 They save time and prevent waste of material Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet 6 inches; length, 20 feet Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front.rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished tor S3.00. Cost of this house is from about S475.00 to about S575.00, according to the locality in which it is built. -. ; • 139" Design No. 1149 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specificar tions the same day- order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 29 feet 6 inches; length, 38 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan;^rst and second floor plans; fronf , rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about 82,600.00 to about $2,750.00, according to the locality in which it Is buflt. 140 4,f':^- Design No. 1510 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written ■ speeifica^ tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Size: Width, 26 feet 10 inches; length, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wallsections and all necessaify inte- rior details. Specifications conisist of about twenty jages of tyoewrittea matter.. Second Floor Plan 45 feet 2 inches, exclusive of porches Full and complete working plans and specifications of this houap wul be fur- nished for tS.OO. Cost of this house is from abo\4t S2,500.00 to about $2;7S0.00, according to th« localitT in whicb.U is .huiltf -'■ 141 Design No. 1567 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 32 feet; length, 28 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and, all necessary Inte- Tiordetails. Specificatlonsconslstof about twenty pages of typewritten matter^ FuU and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for JS.OO. Cost of this house is from aboutSl ,350.00 to about 81,500.00, according to the locality in which it is built. PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material 143 /, i^tAv'tl' Design No. 1533 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $3.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Size: Floor Plan Width, 16 feet 6 inches; length, 28 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Bliie prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva-' tions; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twelve pages of typewritten ir.atter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S3. 00. Cost of this house is from about S300.00 to about $450.00, according to the locality in which It is built. 143 Design No. 1156 First Floor Plan Size: Width, 39 feet; length, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first a»d second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 38 feet, exclusive of porches Full and complete working plans -ani specifications of this house wui be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about S3,250.00 to about )i3,50O,OO, according to the locality in which it is built. _ . PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY We mail Flans and Speciflcar tions the '. same day order is re- ceived. t-14 Design No. 1143 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete get of type- written epecifica/- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 22 feet 6 inches; length, 53 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,450.00 to about H.eOO.OG. according to the locality in which it is built. 145 Design No. 1124 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciflca- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet 6 inches; length, 45 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans, front, rear, two side elevations; waU\ sec- tions and all necessarx interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about 81,450.00 to about 81,700.00, according to the locality ill which it is built. 146 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether witli a complete set of type- written specifica- Design No. 1546 tions is They save time and prevent waste o£ material Floor Plan Size: Width, 35 feet; length, 61 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; root plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Speci- fications consist of about tv«%lity pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 15.00. Cost of this house is from about 81,500.00 to abmit.»l,700.00, according to the locality in- Which it is built. * 147 Design No. 1553 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 ^ .^ 1^^ First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 30 feet ; length, 36 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints, consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ; wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Speciflcatiops consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Pull and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 85.00. Cost of this house is irom about $1,700.00 to about 81,900.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 148 ^' 'H5H4'f. mcHi PRICE ot Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is Design No. 1536 ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 22 feet 6 inches ; length, 39 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans' front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost ot this house is from about 8700.00 to about $900.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 149 Design No. 1111 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 34 feet; length, 39 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cella.r and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans.; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen paees of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,625.00 to about SI, SSJD.OO, according to the locality in which it is .built. PRICE of Blue Prints', to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica^ , tions is ONLY $5.00 , They save time and prevent waste of material 150 Design No. 1116 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with ^ complete set o{ type- written speclfica^ tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and -ptevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Widtli, 25 feet 6 inches ; length, 40 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nishfed for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about SI ,300.00 to about Sl.SSO.OO, according to the locality in which it is built. 151 Design No. 1165 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 45 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specjfiCEt- tibns is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plane: front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten mjitter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wUl be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,050.00 to about $1,200.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 152 Design No. 1566 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- jether with I Complete let of type- raitten ipecifica- ions is ONLY ^5.00 . Tiey save - ime and revent raste of laterial First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 35 feet; length, 28 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and aU necessary inte- Tiordetails. Specificationsconsistof abqut twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for £5.00. Cost of this house is from about 81,950.00 to about 82,200.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 153 Design No. 1561 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- "^N-^^J getherwith / a complete set of type- written speQifica^ tions is ONLY S-H- 1^ $5.00 They save ♦ime and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 23 feet; lengtlt, 33 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor p&ns; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary inte- , Tiordetails. Specificationsconsistof about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for J5.00. Cost of this houpe is from about $1,200.00 to about Jl,40a00, according 'to the locality in which it is buUt. Design No. 1158 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is lO'l'ikll'o" Atco-vt First Floor Pljn Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 30 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec-- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house will be fur- nished for sa.OO. Cost of this house is from about Si ,450.00 to about $1,600.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 155 Design No. 1152 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciflca^ tions is ONLY r $5.00 We mall Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 33 feet; length, 36 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and seconU floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for J5.00. • Cost of this house is from about 81,650.00 to about 81,850.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifics^ tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of .material Design No. 1142 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 34 feet; length, 35 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prmts consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; root plan, first and second floor plans ;tront,rear,two side elevations, -wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will tje fur- nished for 85.00. ' Cost of this house is from about J2,100.00to about J2,3SO.0O, according to the lOcaUty in which It is built. 157 Design No. 1147 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 26 feet; length, 43 feet, exclusive of porches PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Speciflcar. tionsthe same day order is re^ ceived. Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation luan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages- of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 35.00. Cost of this house is from about $1 ,150.00 to about SI ,300.00, according to the locality in which It is built. , ' 158 f-^y .#■«< Design No. 1515' PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They^ave time and preyent_ waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet 6 inches; length, 41 feet 6 inches,' exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- rl or details. Speciflcationsconsist of about twenty pages of typewritten jliatter; Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for 95.00. Cost of this house is from about Sl,600.00 to about $1,750.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Cn^AS-ffBy ^'^^' Design No. 1574 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with , a complete . set of type- written specifica- tions is , ~ ONLY $15.00 They save time'and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 35 feet; length, 36 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second flo&r plans; front, rear, two Side eleva- tions ;waU sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Speciflcationsconsistof about . twenty-five^ages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans ana specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 815-00. Cost of this house is fronrabout t3,500.00 to about 83,800.00, according to the locality in whic)> i^ vi buat. 160 Design No. 1120 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of tjrpe- written -apeciflca/- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 3 1 feet 6 inches ; length> 34 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan ; first and secohd floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Speciflcations consist of at)0ut twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wUl be fur- nished tor S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $2,400.00 to about $2,650.00, according to the locality in which it is built. ' 161 Design No. 11:^^ «,ii< Ploor Plan c-ze: width, ^8 feet Second Floor Plan length 37 reei 6 Incnes, exclusive or porcne& PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $6.50 TKey save time and prevent waste of material i}iie prints consist of cellar and foun- 4:ati6n plan ; attic and roof plan ; first and JBCond floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary Interior details. Specifications consist of about 20 pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house will be fui- nished for $6.50. Cost of this house is from about S2, 100.00 to about S2,300.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1100 PRICE of Blue Prints, to-- gether witli a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day- order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 24 feet ; length, 32 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans, front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this houpe will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about {2,100.00 to about S2,300.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1541 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet 6 inches; length, 20 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about twelve pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost bf this house is fTom about S600.00 to about S700.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 164 Design No. 1119 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set o£ type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material "Sirst Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 28 feet; length, 32 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete worlcing plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 1,5.00. Cost of this house is from about Jl ,750.00 to about $1,950.00, according to the locality in which it Is built. 185 Design No. 1505 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet 6 inches; length, 29 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches PRICE pt Blue Prints, to- gether with ar complete set of type- written specifica^ tions is Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; ftiint, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. STiecifications consist of about twenty I of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about t875.00 to about SI, 100.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 16G «.^^,rv^y. .^^^^ PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Design No. 1530 Floor Plan Size: Width, 28 feet 6 inches; length, 40 feet Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; roof plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Speoiflcar tions consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house wul be fur- nished tor 85.00. Cost of this house is from about 8900.00 to about 81,100.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 167 Design No. 1115 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- tether with cMcr^ 3. complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent avtr 1 waste of material First Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 3 1 feet, exclusive of porch Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 85.00. Cost of this house is from about S950.00 to about $1,125.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 168 Design No. 1 144 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet ; length, 45 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte^ rior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plana and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished tor J5.00. Copt of this house is from about $2,750.00 to about S3,000.&0, according to the locality in which it ik built. 169 Design No. 1136 u 1 Pof^c;] PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 24 feet ; length, 30 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Specifications consistoi about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be tur-' mshed for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about SI 2S0.00 to about Jl,400.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 170 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Design No. 1057 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet; length, 38 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second fioor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about S1,S50.00 to about S2,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 171 ■jji^m^ Design No. 1018 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with u complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONJ.Y $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceiyed. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 30 feet; lenirth, 48 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; 3vall sections and all necessary in- terior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for J5.00. Cost of this house is from about 82,250.00 to about 82,500.00, according to the locality in which jt is built. 172 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- getheT with a complete set of type- written speciflca- tions is ONLY $15.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Design No. 1141 SL p»-. 4 01 5: I KitcJm rrr., ^ 1 '^ r- 15 a'* ffrtWI r \- / ": h' " \ i ^ •a (C. tf < '"- \ 1 bTTTTrr— V, rfH-^ 13 n-A » 0' C'iM'iati . ■an • /Jn- ffutfrio'* V" ISO'. it foicj O 0'» O 8- [_| PooM First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 35 feet ; length, 5 1 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans ; front ,rear, two side elevations ;, wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- mshed for $15.00. Cost of this house is from about $3,900.00 to about $4,200.00. according to the locality in which It is built. ira Design No. 1132 PRICE of Blue 'Prints, to- gether witn ■ a complete set of type- written speciflea- tions is ONLY $10.00 They save tinie and prevent waste of material Second Floor Plan First Floor Plan Size: Width, 38 feet; length, 52 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for SI 0.00. Cost of this house is from about J3,800.00 to about 84,200.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 174 / '//i Design No. 1524 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 38 feet 6 inches; length, 40 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plaii; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- rior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter, Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for ,$5,00. Cost of this house is from about 81,950.00 to about 82,200.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1034 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 41 feet PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Speciflea^ tions the same day- order is re- ceived. Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about 81,750.00 to about 81,900.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1552 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 37 feet 6 inches ; length, 5 1 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of basement plan; roof plan; first and second floor plgjis; iront, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and coinplete working plans and specifications of this house wUll be fur- nished for, 85. 00. Cost of this house is from about $4,500.00 to about S4,800.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. Design No. 1150 ;^ PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 25 feet 6 inches; length, 3(5 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- Mons;waIl sections and all necessary inte- rior details.Specifications consist ofabout twenty pages of typewritten matter Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about SI, 600.00. to about S1,65D.00, according to the locality in which it is buUti 178 Design No. 1153 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. IL FoBtJ , ^-D 11 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 20 feet; length, 26 feet, exclusive of porches Blue pHnts consist of cellar and foun- dation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and' all necessary interior details. Speoifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wfll be fur- nished for S5.00. • Cost of this house is from about 11,150.00 to about SI .300,00, according to the locality in which it is fffilii^j tm. ■'/.Ar^^v . Design No. i&39 PRICE of Blije Printa, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $12.0D They save time and prevent ■ v^te of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 34 feet; length, 42 feet, exclusive of porches Full and complete worlcing plans and speciflcations of this house wul be fur- nished for 812.00. Cost of this house is tibm about 82,350.00 to about 32,700.00, according to the locality lu which it is buat. Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation ^[ait; loot plan; first and second ttaaepSeois front, rear, two side eleva- tI«KBf|wair sections and allTiecessary inte- *ferdetails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. 180 Design No. 1109 ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Widtli, 40 feet ; length, 43 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan ; flr§t and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of^ this house wui be fur- nished for $6.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,925.00 to about S2.1 50.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. 181 % Design No. 1130 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent . waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 29 feet ; length, 44 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- Full and comjplete working plans and dation plan ; first and ^eqond floor plans ; specifications of this house will be fur- front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- nished for J5.00. Cost of this house is tions and all necessary ihterior details. from about $1,900.()0 to about S2,150.00, ^eoifications consist of about twenty according to the locality in which it is pages of typewritten matter. built. 182 Design No. 1059 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set ol type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 22 feet; length, 45 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished tor &5.00. Cost of this house la from about Jl. 750.00 to about $1,900.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 183 Desigtt rso. 1527 PRICE of Blue Prints,- to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ■ ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 29 feet 6 inches ; length, 33 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Speciflcationseonsist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and\complete working plans and specifications or this house wul be fur- nished for $6.00. Cost of this house is from about 81,800.00 to about 82,000.00, •according to the locality In which it is Bunt. Design No. 1126 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written speciflca/- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: WidtK, 29 feet 6 inches; length, 28 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar iind foun- dation plan ; roof and attic ; first and second fioorplans'.front, rear, two side elevations, wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of^ this house wul be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $2,200.00 to about $2,450.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 185 Design No. 1503 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 25 feet 6 inches ; length, 28 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches PRICE Thej? save time and prevent waste of material Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten m^itter. Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house will be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this house is from about (t850.00 to about SI, 050.00, according to the locality in which it 19 tiuilt. 186 PRICE of Blue Prints, tb- gether with a, complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Design No. 1145 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet ; length, 33 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, two side elevations; wjf sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete worlcing plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,850.00 to about $2,000,00, according to the locality in which 'it is bull" 1?7 Design No. 1526 PRICE of Blue , Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica^ tions is ONLY $5.oa They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 33 feet 6 inches ; length, 34 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans;front,rear,two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wUl be fur- nished tor £5.00. Cost of this hou^e is from a'lout $1,600.00 to about $1,876.00, accord ,ng to the locality ^n which It is built. Design No. 1011 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with aN complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and Specifica- tions the same day- order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet ; length, 52 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Specifications consistof about twenty pages of typewritten matter, Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about 82,750.00 to about $3,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. Design No. 1107 Size: First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Width, 26 feet 6 inches; length, 42 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLV $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages o* typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house .wUl be fur- nished for'SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about $1,250.00 to about SI, 450.00, according to the locality in which it is buUt. 190 gsi'^'V Design No. 1S67 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written - specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material Floor Plan Size : Width, 28 feet 6 inches ; length, 46 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Blue priats consist of foundation plan; root plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifica- tions consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications oi this house will be fur- nished tor S5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,150.00 to about $1,300.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 191 Design No. 1113 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet 6 inches; length, 43 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; Iront, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specification's of this house will be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about $1,525.00 to about $1,750.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 192 'K-ot^f" nt/fti^ Design No. 1135 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is f ONLY $7.50 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 29 feet; length, 47 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and f oun dation plan; attic arid roof plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about 20 pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications' of this house will be fur- nished tor $7.50. . Cost of this house is from about S2,3S0.00 to, about 82,600.00, according to the locality in which It is buUt. 193 Design No. 1117 First Floor Plan Size: Widtli, 27 feet 6 inclies; lengtli, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; root plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions ;wall sections and all necessary inte- riordetails. Spedflcationsconsistofabout fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 23 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porclies Full and" complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about SI ,2S0 00 to about S1.4S0.00, according to the locality in which it is built. PRICE , of Blue Prints, to- gether with' a complete set of type- written I specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save I time and prevent waste of i material 194 \^^^ A- .f r.v**?^^^,?- Af^cU r _ Design No. 1139 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a, complete set of type- f written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 29 feet; length, 52 feet, exclusive of porches Blue Prints consist of cellar and foun- Full and complete workmg plans and ,1 = Hon nia n • at tip and roof. Dlan- first and . specifications of this hoilse will be fur- IcoSdte plansrfroX?ea^ mshed for $5.00. Cost of this house is lleva«s?^irctionsandaU'nece?sary f™"5S'°"\P,4S0.0ato abo^t«2 6^^^^^^ interior details. Speefflcations consist of according to the* locality in which it is about 20 pages of typewritten matter. built. 105 Design Ho. 1551 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete f^oo/^ I set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY J$5M They save time and prevent wastfe-of material First Floor Plan Size : Width, 32 feet ; length, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- da.tionplaii; roof-plan; first and seeond floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva^ tions;waJl sections and all necessary inte- itor details. Specifications consist of about twenty-'five pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 38 feet, exclusive of porches Full and complete worlcing plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for 85.00. Cost of this house is from about J2,200 00 to about S2,450.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 106 Design No. 1160 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- getl)er with a complete set of type- written specificar- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Plans and - Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 24 feet ; length, 34 feet, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior de- tails. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wul be fur- nished for S5.00. Cost of this houfe is from about $1,750.00 to about 91,900.00, according to the loc£|.lity in which It is buUt. 197 Design No. 1 125 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written . specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size : Width, 33 feet ; length, 43 feet, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; f roi>t, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from alTout $1,500.00 to about 81,700.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 198 Design No. 1013 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- getherwith a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 24 feet; length, 32 feet 6 inches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. - Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- nished for S5.0Q. Cost of this house is from about SI ,750.00 to about {2,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. 199 Design No. 1528 PRICE of-91ue Prints, to- gether with ^ a complete set of type-' written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and L . prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 32 feet; length, 36 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; roof plan; first and second floor plans ;front, rear, twoside elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior det9,ilK. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specifications or this house wUl be fur- nished for SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about 81,950.00 to about *2,250.00, according to the locality in which it is built. a»o Design No. 1114 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a cbmplete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material First Floor Plan Size : Width, 26 feet 6 inches ; length. Blue prints consist^ of cellar and foun- dation plan; firstand second floor plans: front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen- pages of typewritten matter. Second Floor Plan 30 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porch Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wUl be fur- nished for $S.OO. Cost of this house is from about SI ,250.00 to about Sl,450.00, according to the locality in which' it is buUt. 201 Design No. 1083 ffital First Floor Plan Size: Widtli, 30 feet; lengtli, Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about fifteen pages of typewritten matter. PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail Flans and Specifica- tions the same day order is re- ceived. Second Floor Plan 48 feet, exclusive of porch Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house wHl be fur- nished for $5.00. Cost of this house is from about S2, 750.00 to about S3,000.00, according to the locality in which it is built. S02 Design No. 1163 . PRICE ot Blue Prints, to- gether with a, complete set of type- written ' specifica- tions is ONLY $5.00 We mail ftans and Specifica^ tions the same day order is re- ceived. First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 22 feet; length, 34 feat, exclusive of porches Blue prints consist of cellar and foun- dation plan; first and second fioor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sec- tions and all necessary interior details. Specifications consist of about twenty pages of typewritten matter. Full and complete working plans and specific- tions of this house wul be fur- nished tor SS.OO. Cost of this house is from about about SI. 200.00, according to the locality in which it is built. S03 ■>»'*B**5S.> Besign No. 1504 PRICE of Blue Prints, to- gether with a complete set of type- written specificar tions is ONLY $5.00 They save time and prevent waste of material I^^ f 1 // / 1 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Size: Width, 27 feet; length, 34 feet 6 inches, exclusive of porches Full and complete working plans and specifications of this house will be fur- ffSSrnlans-fronrrear.twoside elevations; nished tor S5.00. . Cost of this house is w^ Sons and all ne\ CHANGING T OTHeT O NBUEF ROM 45*T0! rNUMBEREONTONGUL ot*! It is of celluloid, three inches in diameter, on either side of which is pivoted at the center a disk, one side giving the lengths and cuts for' the common rafter, having a rise from 1 to 24 inches to the foot, also the cor- responding lengths, cuts arid Bevels for the octagon hip or valley, and for the common hip or valley for roofs of equal pitch, while on the other side is given all the cuts for rafters and braces having a rise from 1° to 90°. Price, $1.50, Postage Paid. . THE RADFORD ARCHITECTURAL CO. Chicago Office: 190 W. 22d St. RIVERSIDE, ILL., U. S. A. New York Office: 822='824 Broadway. The RADFORD IDEAL HOMES 100 Houses for $1.00 ONE CENT PER HOUSE Size of book 8 x 11 inches, bound in Englisfi cloth, cover embossed and printed in two colors. All houses illustrated -with halftone cuts on the very finest enamel paper. The illus- the ho_uses exactly as they will appear when built, and no liberties have been taken to make them appearotherwise. All the floor plans, are shown, giving the size and location of all rooms, closets, porches, etc., so that ideas are ^ven as to both the interior and exterior of these 100 homes. The houses illus- trated are medium in price, and such as 80 to 90 per cent of the people of the United States wish to build today. ^ ADDRBSS The Radford Architectural Co. Chicago — New York Blue Printed Working Plans and Typewritten Specifications .. The House Plans Illustrated in this volume have for their foundation the best equipped architectural establishment ever maintained for the purpose of furnishing the carpenter, contractor and home builderwith complete working blue printed plans and typewritten specifications at an average price of only $5.00 per set. All efeva'tions and floor plans are drawn to a scale of one-quarter inch to the foot. The regular price charged by others is from $40.00 to $75.00 for the same work, Without this complete and exceptionally well-equipped establishment always at your service, these illustrations of plans would be useless to you. The working plans of any house illustrated by us are held in;readiness for you. You do not have to wait a day for them to be prepared. .00 ONLY For a Complete Set of Blue Prints and Specifications Of What rhey Consist We iise the best quality of Electric Blue Print Paper. We furnish for a set of plans the front elevation, right elevation, left elevation, rear elevation, aU floor Iplans, cellar and foundation plans, and all necessary details. Our specincations consist of from fourteen to twenty, pages of typewritten matter, giving full directions for carrying out the work. Both the plans and specifications are bound in heavy water-proof material, and in an artistic and substantial manner. Our Guarantee If upon receipt of our plans you do not find them as accurate, com- plete and well drawn as any you have ever used j)r seen, or if you do not consider them good value, we will refund your money. Radford Architectural Co. Chicago -New York The Most Wonderful Books ^Zm.a A Complete, Enclyclopedia on the Practical Uses oi the St^^l Square. T«icf Pfllllliclipd This very valuable and practical work is published for tjie J i*j» * i*w*jampi* ^j,g^ time. It is up to the minute, being issued January 1, 1907. ■ This "splendid edition is a brand new book from, cover to cover, written in simple,' plain, every-day , language so that it can be easily understood and ^oll.owed. .Information of value' that has appeared in former Works,, appears Jn this woi:;k, togrether with a vast amount of new, practical, everyday information, such as Is necessary for.- every progressive and successful carpenter, to know.- This Up-to-Date and Practical Worh ^J^L,^'"fk^ l\ III laying of the rafters, finding the lengths of' Jacks, , securing bevels, laying out Siopper bevels,, treating of the steel square as a calculating machine, and showing 'how( to measure solids, surfaces and distances. • ' ^norial fkstntovc a-r«f devoted to that' part of stair building to which the «J|lCt.ll»l \»Iin| No«t rnmnli'ts most accurate,' most up to date and mostxrac- .1. M Mil, i«w»i, vwui|jn;i.c j,^, ^gj.j^ ^ jjjjg g-m,jg^t jj containf the best and quickest methods for laying' roofs, ratters, ' stairs, floors, hopper bevels, mitering, coping, splayed work, circular work, and, in fact, for forming all kinds of joinery and carpenter work. \ Special Chapters are Devoted to BuiMiit^ J^S^nsVTa r p" n tl r from foundation to roof, . with ooWplete Illustrations of each detail, such as foundation, w-ind'bws, cornices, doors, rotifs, porch work, etc. There are also special chapters devoted to good and faulty construction and all kinds of framing,' geometry, arches, centers, window and door '-heads, steel square in carpentry, house framing, roofs and roof construction, building construction, cov- ering of roofs, mouldings, joints, straps and other fastenings, stair building -and questions and answers on all subjepts pertaining to the building Industry. ' dOO SflPTIStl Tllfictf>atinn« There are over 400 Illustrations, many of trate -completely and instructively the-^text. They show the detail and actual _ construction doWn to the minutest poil^t. They enable the reader to understand the text easily and to follow the work In hand without difficulty. 1l|k«f|A«f|1|At* this work Is the latest one published on this extensive subject ***'""'**""'* (issued January 1, -1907). Bach volume measures 6x9 inches, and is bound In cloth with cover'^ design attractively stamped. Contain^ mt)re • than 300 pkges in each Volume, Printed 'qu an excellent quality of paper. Each voluiiie contains 50 modern house " plans; If not satisfactory In every way they can be returned after examination and your money will be refunded. W« are fortunate In being abls to present a number of full-page details, showing the construction of cornices, porches, stairs, etc., which were prepared for this Tvork "by G. "W, , Ashby; They show the con;3tructl5n of each part' corn- ■ pletely, and complete dimensions are given in all cases. ' Price, ■ per volume, postage prepaid^ '. .$1.00 ADDKESS The Radford Architectural Co. Chicago — ^^New York New$5,000 Book of Barn Plans The combined thougrht and work of the best^ minds in the country in regrard to farm buildings. It cost sev^al thousand dollars to compile the book, besides the cost of printing and publishing it.' It contains what might be termed a veritable storehouse of practical bam lore not to be found within the covers of any other book, or obtainable In any other way. TKa T11l1ctra#iAn« in the book ,are large drawing^ of floorp, sides, ends M, Mvc ammji.1 nwuMa ^^^^ frame work, together with perspective views, suf-" ficient to guide any carpenter or huilder in the construction of same. It is a book which should be in every farm home, if you only* intend to repair a little, or just build a small chicken coop.'. It is a good thing to even sit down and read, as the knowledge so gained will be highly valuable in hundreds of- other ways. ' ' , il^ASkf Mskfiv ^^ the barn plans in this book have been contributed by \»*pi»i. iM.9M.nj farmers themselves from all over the XTnited States and Canada, and are therefore the product of practical experience from farmers who have learned by actual necessities the barn that was moBt practical and^- best suited to their needs. They are not ^ancy barns and buildings, but prac-. tical barns such as every farmer likes. ':They contain a great many little advantages that are not usually found In ordinary barns. ITAf^K anil ITvot^v Plan in the^book Is.acoempanied by a lengthy written COa^n gnu CrVtS ty rinii flestrlptlon > explalninir and. giving the details of the drawings, and so worded and arranged^ nunibered - and indexed, that it must be readily understood - by anyone who reads it. Your money back if you are dissatisfied. - ^ - - n«i«» Naur ^4 nnn Rnnlr <>f Practical Barn Flans shows just what evety^ Um new tpj,VVV IfVVn farmer needs. It contains drawings, pictures, plans, specifications and everything necessary and up-to-date for a barn,' stock shed, wagon shed^ corn crib, poultry house, hog house, horse barn, smoke house, ice , house, silo, dairy barn or any other conceivable but-butlding on the farm. Not only one plan of -each, but many of each are shown with all the latest Inven- tions and contrivances for saving time, money and labor. by Mr. . Radford, President This BooK Was Compiled Author of "The Steel Square and Its Uses," and "Practical Carpentry," and the best authority in the country on all matters pertaining to the building Industry. Price, postage . . -. \^ . . . $1.00 The Radford Architectural Co. Chicago - New York