CORNE LL UNIV ERSITY THE FOUNDED BY ROSWELL P. FLOWER for the use of the N. Y. State veterinary College 1897 This Volume is the Gift of Dr. K. M. Wiegand, 5577 „_ Cornell University Library HC 71.K56 The signs of internal disease, with a bri 3 1924 000 231 450 m. '^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. \ FRONTISPIECE. Surface Topography During Moderate Expiration. THE SIGNS OF INTERNAL DISEASE With a Brief Consideration of the Principal Symptoms thereof BY Pearce Kintzing, B. Sc, M. D. Professor of Physical Diagnosis and Diseases of tlie Heart, Maryland Medical College; Physician to the Franklin Square Hospital, Baltimore, Md. ILLUSTRATED CLEVELAND PRESS CHICAGO To Kicl^arb Armstrong, A. IH., ITl. D. In remembrance of kindly help and sympathy during my earliest efforts to acquire the science of medicine, " and as a tribute to his f ifty-f our fruitful years of practice, this book is respectfully dedicated. PREFACE. This volume is the outgrowth of my lecture notes. First in- tended for the students of my classes at the college and hospital, it has grown gradually to its present proportions, wh,en it seemed worthy of wider circulation. While little that is new or original can he said upon certain of the subjects which have been so well worked over by Da Costa, Loomis and Gairdner, who stand in their relation to physical diagnosis in the position occupied by the old masters in the field of art, yet the value of putting one's ideas and knowledge of a subject into concrete form for teaching so far surpasses the endeavor to teach from the abstract, that I offer no other excuse for being chargeable with the offense implied in Cadmon 's — ' ' Of the making of books there is no end. ' ' Most books upon technical subjects are written by the men of the schools and the laboratories, who, with the endless resources at their command, are apt to give small consideration and less preference to methods better suited to the class of the general profession which might almost be called its lay-members. I have strongly endeavored to keep these in mind and to chQOse always the simpler way when it sufficed. I am much indebted to Miss Margery Comegys for artistic work and help on the plates and illustrations and to Dr. F. W. Hachtel for assistance in proofreading and indexing. PEARCE KINTZING. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I. Diseases of the Chest Introduction. Methods. Symptom.s and Physical Signs. Case Taking History. Classification of Symptoms. Stethoscopes. Phonendoscope. Section II. Medical Anatomy. Shapes and Types of T+iorax. Divisions of the Chest a^d Abdomen. Description of their Con-tents. Landmarks. Thoracic Regions. Section III. Physical Examinations. Inspection. Types of Respiration. Mensuration. Palpation. Fremitus. The Pulse. Thrill. Vascular Phenomena. Arterial and Venous Bruits. The Sphygmograph. The Sphygmometer. Percussion. Percussion Scale. Changes in Percussion Produced by Disease. Auscultation. Normal Respiratory Sounds. I 10 TABLE OP CONTENTS Altered Respiratory Sounds; Changes in Respiratory Sounds Produced by Disease. Adventitious Sounds. Auscultation of the Voice Spiinds. Crepitation. Aids to Diagnosis. The Laryngoscope. The Ophthalmoscope. Section TV. Symptom. =; of Pathologic Conditions of the Chest. Cough. Expectoration. Haemoptysis. Dyspnoea, Classification of. Cyanosis. Clubbing of Fingers and Toes. Section V. Bronchitis. Acute. Chronic. Emphysema. Spasmodic or Bronchial Asthma. Bronchiectasis. Bronchial Stenosis. Bronchial Obstructions. Section VI. Pleurisy. Varieties. Dry Pleurisy. Pleurisies with Effusion. Small Effusion. Medium Effusion. Large Effusion. Diagnosis from Pericarditis. Pneumothorax. Section VIT. Lorak Pneumonia. Stage of Congestion. Stage of Red Hepatization. Stage of Gray Hepatization. Expectoration. Bacteriology. TABLE OP CONTENTS 11 Blood Changes. Urine. Differential Diagnosis. Broncho- Pneumonia, Bacteriology. Embolism of the Pulmonary Artery. Pulmonary CEdema. Section VIII. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Classification. Stages. Incipient Phthisis. Consolidation. Softening. Cavities. Cough. Expectoration. Tubercle Bacilli. Hcemoptysis. Urine in Tuberculosis. Blood. Section IX. The Heart. Physiology. Anatomy. Methods of Examining. Changes in Position. Inspection. Palpation. Percussion. Percussion Areas. Changes in Areas Produced by Disease. Auscultation. Sounds of the Heart. Physiology. Position of the Valves. Isolation of the Sounds. Alteration of the Sounds. Conditions Affecting Intensity of Sounds. Adventitious Sounds. 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS Causes. Results of Valvular Impairment. Time of Murmurs. Location and Areas. Mitral Murmurs. Tricuspid Murmurs. Aortic Murmurs. Pulmonary Murmurs. False Murmurs. Diagnosis from Organic Murmurs. Section X. Diseases of the Heart. Pericarditis. Pericarditis with Effusion. Diagnosis from Dilatation. Chronic Pericarditis. Adherent Pericardium. Hydropericardium. Pneumopericardium. Organic Valvular Diseases. Signs and Symptoms. Mitral Insufficiency. Stenosis. Insufficiency and Stenosis. Aortic Incompetency. Associated Murmurs. Stenosis. Aortic Stenosis and Incompetency. Tricuspid Regurgitation. Stenosis. Pulmonary Valve Lesions. Insufficiency. Stenosis. Order of Frequency of Simple and Combined Cardiac Lesions. Congenital Cardiac Lesions and Diseases. Myocardium. Hypertrophy and Dilatation. Myositis. TABLE OP CONTENTS ^^'i Aneurysm of the Heart. Acute Endocarditis. "^Section XI. Thoracic Aneurysm. Special Signs. Pressure Symptoms. Pulse. Section XII. Examination of the Blood. Classification of Cells. Leucocytes. Blood Counting. Red Cells. White Cells. Hematocrit. Dried and Stained Films. Dyes. Malarial Organisms. Haemoglobin. Estimation of, Blood Changes in Disease. Anasmias. Leukaemias. Other Diseases. Section XIII. Diseases of the Abdomen. Introduction. Anatomy. Regions and Contents. Methods of Examining. Diseases of the Peritoneum. The Stomach. Cancer of the Stomach. Diseases of the Intestines The Small Intestine. Examination. Ulcer of the Duodenum. Acute and Chronic Catarrh. Colitis. Intestinal Obstruction. Physical Signs. ^ 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Gall Stone Disease. Appendicitis. Physical Signs. Differential Diagnosis. The Large Intestine. Dysentery. Cancer. The Liver. Changes in its Size. Diseases of the Liver. Spleen. Kidney. Bladder. Uterus. Placental Bruit. Foetal Heart Sounds. Ovarian Tumors. Dropsy. Diseases of the Omentum. Ascites. Forms and Diagnosis. Section XIV. Examination of the Stomach Contents. Gastric Juice. Composition. Methods. Test Meals. Acidity. Free Acids. Organic Acids. Digestion Products. Starch. Pepsin. Rennin. Motor Function. Residue. Macroscopic Examination of. Microscopic Examination of. TABLE OP CONTENTS 15 Section XV. IixAMi?)ATioN or the Urine. Normal Urine. Composition. Changes on Standing. Color. Odor. Reaction. Specific Gravity. Solids. Urea. Uric Acid. Ethereal Sulphates. Inorganic Constituents. Chlorides. Phosphates. Abnormal Constituents. Albumin. Tests. Pus. Tests. Carbohydrates. Qualitative Tests. Quantitative Tests. Bile. Diazo Reaction. Diaceturia. Urinary Sediment. Chemic. Histologic. Casts. Bacteria. Section XVI. Examination of the F-eces. Constipation. Fetor. Physiology. Quantity. Consistency. Reaction. 16 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Composition. Meconium. Diarrhceal Stools. Acholia. Typhoid Stools. Dysentery. Gall Stones. Detection of. Enteroliths. Pus. Microscopic Examination. Section XVII. The Roentgen Ray in Diagnosis. The Thorax. The Abdomen. SECTION I. DISEASES OF THE CHEST INTRODUCTION. It is in diseases of the chest that physical research has reached its highest development and has been most prolific of results. It may be claimed that the science of physical diagnosis cannot be learned from books. For reply, we ask, — what science can? Nevertheless, the orderly setting forth of the groundwork, and a clear description of the phenomena on which are based the inferences and conclusions of physical diagnosis are as necessary and h^pful to the students as is the same work in any other department of science. Yet, withal, that the ability to make correct application of these principles and more especially the acquisition of capacity to interpret their import and significance, must be gained by bedside practice, is freely admitted. The manner of investigating disease of the chest should be taken ^}y the student as a type of the methods used to investigate disease in other parts of the body. It is absolutely necessary for the student first to make himself thoroughly familiar with the normal sounds and normal properties connected with the functions of the thoracic organs, .and to fix firmly in mind their exact location and natural anatomical •outlines. Experience has taught me that these deficiencies are the great stumbling blocks of the student. This knowledge can be ac- quired by painstaking study upon the living, subject, combined with the practise of the same methods upon the healthy individual that would be used were he diseased, until these normal properties are a part of our consciousness, and departures therefrom as quickly recog- nized as is a false note by the maestro. It must be remembered that departures from normal sounds and changes in normal areas are caused by alterations in the physical properties of the organs or parts affected, and in no other way. As ■often as we strike the key of an organ we elicit a certain invariable Jiote, and it is only by altering the physical conditions or the mechan- 18 DISEASES OF THE CHEST ism at some point between key and pipe that we can change the char- acter of the sound. So the principal thoracic organs, in the accom- plishment of their functions, produce certain fixed sounds which are altered only by changes in their physical projierties or in the mechan- ism of the sound production. To determine the extent and significance of these alterations is a part of the ofllee of the diagnostician. Further than this, all matter is endowed with certain individual properties, and to make manifest the different degrees in which vari- ous organs may possess one or another of these, is also a part of physical diagnosis. Thus, the capability of producing resonance, of transmit- ting or conducting sound, of vibrating when struck, varies materially with the different tissues of the body, and all of these properties are profoundly affected by disease, by alteration's in their structure, or by changes in their surroundings. Yet disease' must, indeed, be exten- sive ere a structure loses entirely its normal properties. It is manifest, that as long as any of the normal structure remains unaltered, that far will it retain its normal properties. On the other hand, these will be appreciably or materially altered in some cases by even slight dis- ease; hence diagnosis becomes, broadly speaking, a question of esti- mating differences or departures from the normal. Just as the ear of the better trained musician is able to recognize even the finest shading of a note, so the person more skilled in recognizing minute differences, in the physical signs which it is possible to elicit from the human body will be, other things being equal, the better diagnostician. But the work does not stop here. It is the ability to correlate, to judge the relative importance of the facts brought to light, and to draw rational inferences therefrom, which marks the true diagnostician. These refinements can be learned only by practice and perse- verance. No description sufiices. Only by comparisons, by compre- hensive knowledge drawn from wide sources, can anything resembling perfection be reached. Gairdner truly says, "The popular, and to a certain extent the half -educated, medical mind is always looking for a pathognomonic sign, or a broad, striking, easy generalization from a few facts; whereas it is only by ripened experience that we come to know grad- ually the real value of common and obvious, still more of uneommoa and not obvious, facts ivhen seen in combination, so as to form con- jointly a basis for large inferences." DISEASES OF THE CHEST". 19 METHODS. To the end that we may attain the objective point as above set down, it is of the highest importance that we proee(?d along orderly lines. The various steps of the examintion bear a certain relation to each other, as to sequence, and this law of harmony should not be violated heedlessly. Again, I emphasize the dictum that it is only by minute, painstaking repetitions, by careful comparisons of sus- pected with healthy structures, that we may hope to arrive at reason- able certainty. A hasty conclusion, jumped at in one step of the examination, unconsciously may pervert the judgment as to other palpable signs, that these may bear out the false conclusion. It is generally agreed among workers in this field that the most orderly progression is the one here to be followed. First, a clear, succinct history of the case should be obtained, keeping before the mind the leading factors of what constitutes useful and necessary information, never approaching the ease with a precon- ceived idea of what ought to be found. Nothing, perhaps, better illus- trates the comparative tact and talent of different examiners than their ability or inability to obtain leading facts. Much care is neces- sary not to suggest the answer. It is well established that the com- plaisance of a large class of patients prompts them to give the answer which they believe is expected. This is especially true of hospital and dispensary habitues. Too much cannot^ be said of the present and future value of correct ease records. 'That doctor's life must indeed be busy, who has not the time to devote to this work. In examining cases, a physician is necessarily guided by the circum- stances in which he finds the patient, as well as by his knowledge and experience of the condition with which he is called upon to deal ,- hence, no single method is applicable to all cases. We begin our inquiry by ascertaining what the patient feels to be wrong. This usually refers us to some one organ or part, and the local investigation is followed by a general survey of allied functions or organs, with inquiries into the manner in which the present illness began, the previous health and kindred questions, the family history, the pre- vious history and the present state of the patient. It is well to separate the manifestations X>i the disorder into two divisions: subjective, or those of which the patient is conscious, and objective, those of which the examiner gains knowledge by his own senses. The former are classed as symptoms, and the latter as signs 20 DISEASES OF THE CHEST or physical signs, a useful but often disregarded classification. Fur- ther, it is simple and natural to combine to a certain extent anatomic and physiologic facts in related organs. Thus the respiratory and circulatory systems are not only, closely allied, but have their seat in the thorax; while the genito-urinary system and the various organs lof digestion are situated in the abdominal ca'vity, and may be con- veniently grouped consecutively. We begin with that system which, from the general aspect of the case, seems to be the chief defaulter, and give it the fullest con- sideration. Thus, as suggested by Sir Williara Roberts, "If we find orthojjnoja, general anasarca, and distended jugular veins, we begin wilh the circulatory system. If we find purulent expectoration, ema- ciation, and clubbed finger-ends, we begin with the respiratory sys- tem. If we find albuminous urine and pale, puffy countenance, we begin with the urinary system," etc. Few writers on medical diagnosis, and fewer still of the sys- tematic writers upon medical practice, offer the student any sub- stantial aid upon this important subject of case investigation. Apart from hospital internes, the great body of students is left to work out its own salvation, and devise a method as the result of experience. Experience means waste. Hence we append a short synopsis, modified to suit our present purposes, derived chiefly from the plans proposed by Sir William Roberts in his work on Practice, and the form pro- posed by Leach, as elaborated by Finlayson, from which source also ;some of the preceding suggestions were obtained. Name. Sex. Age. Address. Occupation. Date. Preliminary inspection; general information; definite inquiry as to what has brought the patient to seek advice; (incorporating the patient's own statements in so far as they are relevant.) Previous History. Present Condition. Diagnosis. 1. Social. 1. External. 2. Previous Health. 2. Special Organs. 3. Present Illness. 3. Circulatory System. 4. Family History. 4. Respiratory System. 5. Digestive System. f>. Genito-Urinary Sys tem. DISEASES OF THE CHEST 21 Under the first division we place the leading facts in ordei- named : 1. Social. Residence — cZima/e^prevalence of special diseases — occupation — exposure (heat, cold, chemical products, dust,) — food — stimulants — ^tobacco — drugs. Mode of life — facts about marriage — children — parents. 2. Previous Health. Nature and character of previous illnesses, (confined to bed — hospital — interruption of occupation) — Indica- tions pointing to special aiSections — especially rheumatism — syphilis (adult and infantile) — cough — haamoptysis — anemia (probable cause) — sexual disorders — gain or loss of weight. 3. History of Present Attack. Onset — cause of symptoms — treatment if any. 4. Family History. Age and causes of death — special diseases, which have shown themselves. Under the second division, PRESENT CONDITION, are noted most of the signs observed or ascertained by the examiner, which we have classified as objective. Of necessity some of these signs fall into both categories, but are classed here owing to their greater signifi- cance. These points, in so far as they have special reference to our own subject are fully dwelt upon under the sections on Inspection, Ausculation, etc, 1. External Surface. Posture, — temperature — appearance — color of skin — expression (languid, sallow, worn, wasted, flush, anamic) — nostrils — lips — arcus senilis — conjunctivEe — state of nutri- tion — senility — presenilty. Peculiarities of development — deformi- ties- — joints — tumors — swellings. Skin — oedema (where) — perspira- tion — rough — dry — cicatrices — rashes — discolorations — superficial ves- sels (especially of neck, abdomen and extremities). Hair — nails — ■ finger-tips. Glandular enlargements (where): 2. Special Organs. Disorders of vision — of hearing — (ear dis- charges) — other senses — with special details as they bear upon the, case. 3. Circulatory System. Palpation — Cardiac pain — dyspnoea — pulse — location of apex impact — area of impact — character — local bulging — neck — pulsation. Other regions. Venous engorgement — pul- sations — cyanosis — thrill (where) — area of percussion — dullness. Re- sults of auscultation at four cardinal points. Murmurs. Blood exam- ination. 22 DISEASES OF THE CHEST. 4. Respiratory System. Number and character of respirations — dyspnoea (inspiratory or expiratory) — orthopncea — effect of exer- tion — pain — cough — sputa — voice — larynx — throat. Results of inspec- tion, palpation, percussion, auscultation and= mensuration, with due attention to details mentioned hereafter in the special sections, care- fully describing and exactly locating all alterations — the conduction of heart sounds — the resistance. New sounds. 5. Digestive System. Lips — teeth — gums (red or blue lines) — tongue. Fauces. Thirst — appetite — pain or discomfort after eating — flatulency — acidity — hiccough — vomiting ( character ) . Abdomen — walls — pain — tenderness — colic^— ascites — Estate of bow- els — character of motions — abnormal constituents (worms, blood, pus,) — piles. Liver — size — feel. Spleen — size — feel. Hernia — other regions. 6. Genito-TJrinary System. Frequency of micturition — pain — difficulty. Special examination of urine — quantity in 24 hours — color — reaction — specific gravity — clearness — albumen — sugar — urea — de- posits. Microscopic examination and results.. Males, strictures — specific diseases. Females, menstruation — its disorders — leucorrhoea — pregnancy — specific diseases. For detailed methods pursued in the examination of the nervous system the reader is referred to special works on that subject, in which they are usually fully exploited. Such notes as bear upon the special case may be inserted conveniently at the end of the above scheme. The order in which the steps of the physical examination should follow each other has alreadj^ been intimated in the above plan. Definitely stated they are : (a) Inspection; \h) Palpation; (c) Mensuration; (d) Percussion; and (e) Auscultation. These complete the case record and bring us face-to-face with the momentous conclusion for which our work has been undertaken, — the Diagnosis. In all cases in which a justifiable diagnosis can he reached it should he recorded, as it engenders greater pare on the part of the DISEASES OF THE CHEST 23 examiner and carries a certain weight of respopsibility. Such a record does not preclude a subsequent revision of opinion, and certainly it more definitely shapes the last step, — the Treatment. The first requisite of diagnostic science- is a good stethoscope. While almost any instrument can be made to answer, yet comfort in Fig. I — Camman's Stethoscope. the use of the instrument, as well as satisfaction and refinements in the results of its use, vary widely with the choice. Avoid cheap, badly- made instruments, as well as heavy, cumbersome ones. See that the ear tubes fit naturally and easily into the ears,, and that they perfectly close the canals. A large ear-bulb is more satisfactory than a small one, especially for protracted use. A metal spring is more satisfac- 24 DISEASES OF THE CHEST tory than gum elastic, for retaining the instrument in position. A too weak spring is annoying ; a too strong one fatiguing. The conducting pipes should be of the same caliber throughout, and not too small. The abrupt shoulder of the jointed stethoscope is an objection. The bell should not be too large, since a large bell does not admit of being evenly placed against the tissues, especially in the intercostal spaces, and thus extraneous sounds are admitted, which, being conducted to Fig. 2 — Bowie's Stethoscope, Compound Form. the ear of the auscultator, cause confusion. The soft rubber supple- mentary bell, devised to correct this defect, is; not wholly a success. The binaural stethoscope has replaced entirely the single instru- ment. That devised by Dr. H. K. Valentine, of Brooklyn,* is one of the best types with which I am familiar, and possesses the requisites named. The Bowles instrument is very satisfactory. The ear pieces do not differ from those in ordinary use ; two pieces of rubber tubing *E)escribed m the NeTt: York Medical Record of Tiily i6, 1892. DISEASES OP THE CHEST 25 attach them to a hard rubl^er Y, which is again joined by rubber tubing to the drum. The drum is a steel disc somewhat larger than a silver dollar and about twice as thick. It is pierced in the center by a small hole into which fits the elbow-joint pipe which connects it tO' the T-piece. The face of the drum is slightly cupped, and over thia concave face fits a thin, hard rubber disc which receives the sound Fig. 3 — The Bowie's Stethoscope. vibrations. The sounds are conducted with extraordinary clearness, and intensity, and its use is especially commended to those whose sense- of hearing is less acute than normal. The flat disc admits of its being slipped under the back without disturbing the position of the patient,, and thus may be employed when his condition forbids the use of th& common type, as during or immediately after severe haemoptysis, in which a recent experience of my own was instructive. With its use,. 26 DISEASES OF THE CHEST breath sound's may be heard in areas where otherwise they are in- audible, as in the subscapular region. The drum may be removed and 1 lie ordinary bell be substituted when desired. Fig. 4 — Phonendoscope. The phonendoscope, of Bazzi and Bianchi, is cumbersome, ex- pensive and possesses few, if any, advantages over the one described. Tt is excellent for auscultatory percussion, whereby the outlines of the various organs may be mapped out with great certainty. SECTION II. MEDICAL ANATOMY. SHAPES AND TYPES OF THE CHEST. The shape of the thorax and its general capacity as well as its expansile powers, are influenced by age, sex, occiipation, heredity and disease. Heredity impresses its most striking as well as its strongest peculiarities upon those structures which earliest develop and earliest reach maturity, hence the bony skeleton is strongly influenced thereby. At birth the contour of the chest is almost circular and the thorax cylindrical, but as development proceeds the expansion and growth of Fig. S — Thorax of Infant, Sb.owing Conical Shape. the lungs pTish out the ribs in the lower lateral areas, the chest flat- tens and at the same time becomes conical. As depicted by Morris, the axillary border of the chest at the eighth month shows little or no vertical curvature. The relative shapes of mesial transverse vertical sections of the infant and adult chest are illustrated by the accom- panying figure. In old age the shape of the chest by slow retrogression approaches 28 MEDICAL ANATOMY once more the cylindrical type. Here again the most marked changes, take place in the inferior areas ; the lower circumference showing con- siderable recedence while the middle zone changes least. Atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle occurs with age, and the resulting Fig. 6 — Vertical Mesial Sections Adult Chest and Infantile Chest. The lines AB and CD are parallel. Stooping posture gives rise to a seeming contraction of the upper chest zone which in reality is very slight. Types of Thorax. — Defective development combined with inher- ited tendencies aided by malnutrition and imperfect expansion pro^ duce the most common of thj vicious types of chest. Such are the MEDICAL ANATOMY 29 rickety chest and the variations thereof known as the ' ' pigeon-breast ' ' and the phthisical or paralytic chest. In its most modified degree the rickety deformity consists simply of a flattening of the lateral areas of the chest with corresponding decrease in the transverse diameter. This results in a degree of forward bulging of the chondral area, which is spoken of as transverse constriction. This and the succeeding forms originate when the bones are still soft and pliable, and in general are associated with deficient expansion, which is not only a cause but a permanent result of the condition. In true rickets the chest is flattened laterally and its contour is trapezoidal, with the wide border posteriorly. Just outside the junc- tion of the ribs with the cartilages there is an oblique shallow depres- sion extending downwards and outwards, which transverse constriction makes the sternal portion of the chest unduly prominent. A shallow groove or curve passing outward from, the level of the ensiform car- tilage towards the axilla is known as Harrison's sulcus, or curve. It corresponds with the attachment of the diajJhragm to the cartilages and is more prominent and deeper during inspiration. Posteriorly the spine shows vertical curvature. The line of junction of the ribs with the costal cartilages presents small, nodular enlargements, gen- erally visible, always palpable, which appear as early as the third month and disappear about the fifth year. They are fantastically called the "rickety rosary." The bones are spongy and increased in size. Expansion is impaired. This deformity is not peculiar to rickets. Other conditions which interfere ^vith free respiration produce the same deformity, particu- larly enlarged tonsils, as pointed out by Dupuytren in 1828. This type of chest is particularly interesting owing to the predilection which its possessor has for respiratorj disease. Laryngismus stridulus and other spasmodic affections of the larynx are also of frequent occurrence. The pigeon or chicken breast is an exaggefated type of the above. The antero-lateral constriction reaches such a degree that the sternum, especially the lower half, is pushed far forward and a transverse sec- tion of the thorax appears nearly triangular. The curvature of the ribs lies almost entirely at their angle, wh^ee'they project nearly straight forward to the sternum. The lower ribs are flared out by the liver and Harrison 's sulcus is well marked. The lower and lateral regions of the chest retract with inspiration. The causes which pro- 30 MEDICAL ANATOMY duce the rickety chest are responsible for the chicken breast and the tendencies are the same. The Funnel Breast. This name has, been bestowed by the Ger- mans ("trichter brust") upon cases which present marked recession of the ensiform cartilage. The name does not apply to cases in which the cartilage has been bent inward the result of occupation, but to those in which respiratory obstruction has resulted in its permanent Fig. 7 — Types and shapes of chest. .A.cqiiired (occupational) deformity. The interspaces on left side are much wider than on the right. retraction by the act of breathing. In such eases the lower sternal re- gion and intercostal angle is distinctly excavated and retracts during inspiration. Enlarged tonsils, whooping cough and many respiratory affections are assigned as caiises. The Barrel Chest. This deformity i? also called the emphysema- tous chest. It may occur as early as the tenth year, but is generally seen only in adult life. The chest becomes rounded and barrel-shaped, the intercostal spaces are widened, the neck is short and the back bowed, the shoulders arj bent forward, the arms hang lax, giving a MBDI0AL ANATOMY 31 stooping appearance to the possessor. The circumference as taken by the cyrtometer shows a close approach to a circle. In early life the change is often due to asthma, the result of naso-pharyngeal disease ; in later life to emphysema, the causes of which are discussed there- under. The Phthisical Chest. While Hippocrates recognized a form of chest as predisposing to this ailment, yet a disease so universal is no Fig. 8 — A normal adult male chest outline. 6th costal cartilage. respecter of types and it can scarce be said that the description holds good. The form of chest usually described as phthisical is the result of the disease rather than one of its causes. Such a chest is long, nar- row and flat with depressed sternum. The lung capacity is generally stated as being below normal, but Benneke asserts that this is a mis- taken belief. The ribs slope downward abnormally, making an acute angle at the ensif orm junction. All the fossse. are deep, especially the clavicular and suprasternal, and the scapulte project wing-like from behind, hence the name- — ^the "alar chest." DIVISIONS OF THE CHEST AND ABDOMEN. Diagnosticians divide the chest and abdomen into regions by imaginary lines and name the various sub-divisions for the most part in accordance with the underlying organs. Such sub-divisions are necessary for convenience in describing and locating the various or- gans as well as the lesions to which the parts are subject. Uniformity in this regard among systematic writers is most conspicuous by its 32 MEDICAL ANATOMY absence, these usually making their sub-divisions in accordance with fancied convenience. The diaphragm separates the chest or thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. The diaphragm is attached anteriorly in the cen- tral line to the ensiform cartilage, to the lower border and inner surfaces of the cartilages of the six lower ribs. While posteriorly its <3rura are continued down over the bodies of the lumbar vertebra the diaphragm as a partition extends only as far as the lower border of the ribs. It forms a vaulted roof to the abdominal cavity, arching on either side higher than in the middle portion where the pericar- dium is attached. It rises on the right side as high as the upper bor- Fig. 9 — Emphysematous chest of practically the same circumference as Fig. 8. Note approach to circle. •der of the fifth rib, and on the left as high, as the top of the fifth interspace. Viewed from in front its line presents two domes, with a slight fall or "sag" in the middle. MEDICAL ANATOMY. Regions or Spaces of the Chest. While it is presumed that the student of physical diagnosis is thoroughly familiar with both the topographical and the relational anatomy of the parts studied, yet by reason of the aids to description which such anatomic depictions furnish to the writer, as well as for the ease of comparison and refer- ence which they afford the reader, no work on the subject is complete which omits them. MEDICAL ANATOMt 33 The exterior of the trunk offers some well recognized landmarks which serve as cardinal points both for description and for location. Such are the clavicles, the nipples, the umbilicus and the ensiform cartilage in plain view anteriorly; and the rfiedian furrow or spinal gutter, the apex of the vertebra prominens, tlie spine of the scapulse and the crests of the ilia behind. The space above the clavicle is known as the supraclavicular fossa. The infraclavicular space lies below each clavicle, and while its upper border is sharply defined by that bone its lower border is separated from the adjacent mammary region only by ^n arbitrary line. This space extends inward to the sternum, outward to the shoulder, being bounded here by a vertical line bisecting the clavicle at its outer fourth. Emaciation throws the clavicles into strong relief and makes both the fossa and the space appear deeper and better marked. At the top of the sternum is the suprasternal notch. The mammary region extends outward from the edge of the sternum to the vertical line just located, and from the upper edge of the third to the upper margin of the sixth rib. The nipple occupies the center of the area, being either in the fourth interspace or, as I have more often observed it, over the fourth rib. The mummary line passes vertically through it and bisects the clavicle at its middle point. In mature females the nipple is dis- placed through many causes and even in the male it lacks constancy, hence the line is better named the midclavicular line. A second ver- tical line parallel with the mammary line and lying within that line is useful for descriptive purposes, it is called the parasternal line and divides the space between the nipple or midclavicular line and the edge of the sternum into^ equal parts. The inframammary region ex- tends from the sixth rib to the lower costal margin. The sternal re- gion is bounded by that bone. It should be noted that the length of the sternum is subject to considerable variation and is relatively shorter in women than in men. The transverse projection which marks the union of its first and second parts always can be felt and corre- sponds with the cartilage of the second rib. The sternal region is divided into upper and lower by the line which separates the infra- clavicular space from the mammary region (third rib). The axillary regions meet the mammary= and inframammary re- gions in front; behind they are limited by a vertical line dropped from the posterior axillary fold. The same circumferential line (sixth I'ib) which divides the mammary regions separates the superior axil- ^4 MEDICAL ANATOMY lary area from the inferior, which last region extends downward to the edge of the ribs. It is convenient to divide these regions by a vertical line, the midaxillary line, into equal' parts, the anterior axil- lary region and the posterior region. The posterior aspect of the chest presents above, the scapular regions which are anatomically divided into the supraspinous fossa and the infraspinous fossa. The parts included between the inner edges of these bones when the arms are pendant is the interscapular region. The scapulae lie on the ribs from the second to the seventh, inclusive. The portion of the chest included between the lower edge of the ribs and a line joining the inferior angles of the scapulae is the infrascapular or subscapular region. As an aid to description the regions are bisected by a vertical line called the midscapular line, which name indicates clearly its location. Landmarks. The top of the sternum is on a level with the second ■dorsal vertebra. There is little or no lung behind the first bone of the sternum. The highest part of the aortic arch lies one inch below the suprasternal notch. The innominate artery lies behind and rises as high as the right ster no-clavicular joint. When either the aorta or the innominate is higher than normal its pulsations can be felt in the sternal notch. No little difficulty may be experienced in counting the ribs in fat persons, hence it is useful to know that : 1. — The transverse projection on the sternum, above referred to, corresponds to the center of the cartilage of the second rib. 2. — The nipple in the male is placed either over the fourth rib, or between the fourth and the fifth ribs thre_e-fourths of an inch out- ;side of their cartilage. 3. — When the arm hangs at the side the lower external border of the pectoralis major corresponds with the position and direction of the fifth rib. 4. — A horizontal line drawn around the chest through the nipples cuts the sixth intercostal space midway between the sternum and the : spine, i. e., in the midaxillary line, which point is often selected for tapping pleuritic effusions. 5. — When the arm is raised the highest visible digitation of the :serratus magnus corresponds with the sixth rib. The digitations be- low correspond respectively with the seventh and eighth ribs. MEDICAL ANATOMY 35 6. — The lower angle of the scapula, corresponds to the seventh rib, which is the longest rib in the bo^y. 7. — The eleventh and twelfth ribs can be felt even in corpulent persons. (These seven points are taken with modifications from Keene's surgical landmarks.) The tips of the spinous processes of the vertebrae may be made to show readily as red dots by making slight friction over their points. THORACIC REGIONS AND THEIR CONTENTS. The supraclavicular region contains two structures of importance to the medical man, the apex of the lung and the subclavian vessels. The apex projects above the clavicle behind the sterno-cleido-mastoid and between the scalenii muscles for a distance varying from one-half an inch to an inch and three-quarters, (Holden). In extreme cases it projects above the rib as much as two inches, especially the left apex which is generally the higher of the two. The artery crosses the first rib at the outer border of the sterno-mastoid muscle where it arches over the lung apex. By elevating the shoulder to relax the tis- sues the beating of the artery can be felt easily in the subclavian fossa. Just in front of it empties the external jugular vein; behind it the internal jugular. The Clavicular region lies behind the clavicle. Owing to the slant of the ribs the inner third of the clavicle overlies the first rib, the mid- dle third overlies the first and the second ribs. The bone is so sepa- rated from the lung that no typical lung note is obtainable, yet direct percussion upon the clavicle, as explained further on, often elicits the first signs of apical change. The innominate artery extends upwards as=high as the upper limit of the right sterno-clavicular joint where it bifurcates into the right common carotid and right subclavian arteries (Morris). The right innominate vein lies immediately outside of the artery. The left common carotid artery lies behind the left sterno-clavicular articula- tion and the left innominate vein passes in front of both innominate and carotid arteries as it traverses the space behind the manubrium to reach the right vein behind the first rib. Between the sterno- clavicular articulations lies the Suprasternal region, or Interclavicular notch, whose lower border is the top of the sternum. It contains tne trachea in the center. The vessels lying behind its joints have been 36 MEDICAL ANATOMY named. In case of dilatation of the aorta or upward displacement of the heart, the vessel may be elevated above the notch where its pulsar tions can be felt or even, seen. In these cases backward displacement of the trachea is usual. Fig. 10 — The normal Thorax. (Male adult.) Showing reference lines. Midclavicular line. PA Parasternal line. IE Inframammary line. Infracostal line. MC IC The infraclavicular spaces overlie the lung substance and as no other structures are in contact with the chest wall within their areas, we !.;et here the typical lung sounds. The superior vena cava lies t PLATE II. RELATION OF LUNGS TO THE THORAX The lobes are outlined in red. The pleural reflection in black. Note tlie continuation of pleura below lung border. MEDICAL ANATOMY 37 partly behind the chondfo-sternal junction on the right side and be- hind the first and second intercostal spaces, reaching the right auricle behind the third cartilage (Morris). It is covered by the edge of the lung. The right auricle lies behind the third cartilage ai^d in the third interspace beyond the sternum, but is well covered by the lappet of the right lung. The Mammary regions differ on the two sides. On the right side are lung, liver and heart. The entire right surface area is covered by lung. Beneath it lies the right border of the heart which projects be- yond the sternum more than one inch, almost reaching the parasternal line. This border lies behind the third and fourth ribs and their in- terspaces, covered by the edge of the lung (Luschka). A minute portion of the right ventricle lies in the fifth interspace close to the sternum, which, during forced expiration is uncovered. The liver rises beneath the dome of the diaphragm as high as the fourth inter- space, receding farther from the chest wall as it rises. On the left side the mammary region contains heart and lung. From the left edge of the sternum outward are the right and left ventricles. The left auricular appendix, at the base of the pulmonary artery is quite superficial in the third interspace. The external boun- dary of the heart on the left side is a line drawn from the point where the parasternal line cuts the third interspace, to a point slightly out- side the apex in the fifth interspace, the line curving outward and downward in its direction. All of this area is covered by lung except the tongue-shaped por- tion of the ventricle which is known as the area of absolute cardiac dullness, a small triangle whose sides are drawn through these three points, (a) the apex, (b) the base of the xiphoid, and {c) the junc- tion of the fourth rib with the sternum. The Inframammary region, right side. The lower edge of the right lung follows closely the sixth rib as far out as the nipple line, thence it passes slightly downward and outward to the seventh rib. The diaphragm rises to its highest point just inside the right nipple (midclavicular) line which is as high as the top of the fifth rib (Mor- ris), and separates the lung from the liver. The liver in this same line extends downward to the edge of the ribs where it can be felt on inspiration. On deep inspiration its border projects still lower. This border may be traced upwards towards the umbilicus on an oblique line. In front in the' middle line the' lower border of the liver extends 38 MEDICAL, ATiTATOMY downward to a point about half way' between the xiphoid cartilage and the navel (Quain). My observation is that this distance is' too great, probably one-third being more nearly accurate than one-half, but the distance from the navel" to the xiphoid varies- greatly. For women the measurement given by Quain is much more flearly corteet. Here the line of liver border is from the ninth right tb the eighth left costal cartilage, ' ' crossing the middle line about a hand 's breadth below the sterno-xiphoid articulation (Godlee). In order to complete the description of the liver it is only neces- sary to add that posteriorly it is opposite the ninth, tenth and eleventh dorsal vertebra, and that on the right side, it extends between the seventh and eleventh ribs, and in the mammary line from the fifth t6 the ninth costal cartilage. The Left Inframammary region differs Materially from the right. The left lobe of the liver extends aci-oss the sternum. Its extreme left point is about an inch and a half beyond the left margin of the bone (Quain), The lower lobe of the Ifeft'lung covers the area, reaching from the fifth to the seventh Costal cartilage, then passing outward and downward. The cardiac half of the stomach rises un- der the left dome of the diaphragm to the tqp of the fifth rib and ex- tends outward as far as the anterior axillary line. The degree of dis- tention and the nature of the stomach contents influence materially its position. The Sternal region is divided into uppel- and lower areas. In in- spiration the top of the sternum corresponds to the fibro-cartilage be- tween the second and third thoracic vertebra and is distant about two and a half inches from the spine (Holden). There is little or no lung behind the first borie of the sternum. The, trachea' continues down- ward in the central line and bifurcates behind the joint formed by the manubrium and the gladiolus. Lying on this bifurcation is the aorta, reaching within one inch of the sternal notch! Behind the trachea is the oesophagus. The left innohiinate vein crosses imme- diately behind the upper border of the manubrium to ireach the supe- rior cava on the' right side' in the first intep-spaee. Behind the vein ascend the great branches from the aOrta. The lower sternal region is the part fcovered by the gladiolus, or second piece of the bone. Be- hind its upper area the thin edges of the lungs meet on full inspira- tion as far down as the fourth rib where the left Iting diverges to uncover the heart ; the right sometimes extends just beyond the mid- MEDICAL ANATOMY- 39 rig. II — The Thorax. Posterior Reference Lines. Scapulas drawn outward. A Line of division between the lobes of the lung. B Lower limit of lung. CC Interscapular lines. D Suprascapular line. E Infrascapular line. MEDICAL ANATOMY 41 die line (Holden). The bronchi subdivide outside the edge of the sternum, deep in the mediastinum. The primary bronchi diverge opposite the second rib cartilage. The right is more horizontal than the left and slopes down to the level of the fourth dorsal vertebra. The left is smaller than the right but longer and more inclined, reach- ing the level of the fifth vertebra. The beginning of the aorta, the FIRST MB StCOjilO RIB THIRH RIB - CLftVrCLL SCRPUt/1 Fig. 12 — The relation of the clavicle to the ribs. inner portion of the right auricle and the central portion of the right ventricle lie to the front in this region. The lower extremity of the sternum is marked by the junction of the ensiform cartilage. It usually recedes from the surface presenting the depression known as the scrobiculus cordis, or pit of the stomach, lying opposite the sev- enth cartilage. Immediately below the sternal region between the :inf ramammary regions lies a portion of the Epigastric region.. It is chiefly occupied by stomach and liver. The quadrate lobe of the liver lies immediately to the right of the umbilical ,line^ and adjoining it still further to, the right is the gall bladder, opposite the ninth costal cartilage, close to 42 MEDICAL ANATOMY the outer edge of the ijectus muscle. When full the bladder is pal- pable ; when- distended its position is often marked by a spherical swell- ing of the parietes. NOTCH Fig. 13 — The diaphragm. Relation to thorax. The cayal opening is seen on the left', the oesophageal opening 011 the right of the ensi-forra ; above it the aorta. The Axillary regions are occupied by lung substance and are alike on the two sides. The lower, or infra-axillary, regions differ as to their contents. On the right side in the posterior axillary line the MEDICAL ANATOMY 43 STERNUM UPPE.R MAMMARY LINt '^^P«ft- MAMMARY 1||Je. 0/APHRA6M. Fig. 14 — The normal thorax, with reference lines an-d position of diaphragm. Lateral view. MEDICAL ANATOMY 45 lung reaches the eighth rib (Morris). This margin of the lung de- scends about an inch and a half on full inspiration (Godlee). Hence the numerous discrepancies met with in description. The liver ex- tends below the lower lung margin to the free border of the ribs. On the left side the lung has the game relations as on the right. The spleen lies a little behind the mid-axillary line, its long axis corre- sponding with the tenth rib, the viseus reaching from the ninth to the lower border of the eleventh rib, Its anterior border is marked by a line drawn from the left sterno-elavicular joint to the tip of the elev- enth rib. The cardiac end of the dilated stomach projects into the left infra-axillary region. The Scapular regions do not differ on the two sides. They con- tain lung tissue. The incisura of upper and middle lobes cuts the fifth rib from above downward on a long diagonal. The Interscapular region is chiefly occupied by the dorsal ver- tebrae, in front of which is the oesophagus. Still more anteriorly is the trachea with its subdivisions as noted. The point of tracheal division corresponds to the fourth or fifth thoracic vertebrae (Morris). The Subscapular region, from the seventh rib to the inferior mar- gin of the thorax, for the most part covers the lungs. Holden says, ' ' Opposite the angles of the scapulae, the arms being close to the sides, the lungs extend to the tenth ribs. ' ' It should be emphasized that the pleural sac extends lower down than the lung all along the lower margin of the thorax. Thus, near the sternum the lower margin of the sac stretches along the seventh rib cartilage; in the axillary line it reaches the lower margin of the ninth rib; posteriorly it reaches as low as thg twelfth rib, which cor- responds to the tip of the eleventh thoracic spine. Holden calls attention to the ease with which tapping of the pleural sac may be performed between the eleventh and twelfth ribs, "but not with a trochar, since a trochar would penetrate both layers of the pleura and go through the diaphragm into the abdominal cav- ity. The operation should be done cautiously by an incision begin- ning about two inches from the spine, on the outer border of the erec- tor spinae on a level between the spines of the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae. The intercostal artery will not be injured if the opening be made below the middle of the space, which is very wide." The vertical field of the kidneys corresponds to the last thoracic and the two upper lumbar vertebra, the right lying in most cases 46 MEDICAL ANATOMY from a third to a half inch lower than the left, but exceptions to this rule are frequent. They extend inward far enough to overlap the tips of the transverse processes of the vertebrae named. The spleen slightly overlaps the left kidney opposite the upper half of the kidney's outer border. If the hiatus diaphragmaticus is well marked the kidneys come into relation with the pleura, the dia- phragm intervening. The cardiac orifice of the stomach lies to the left of the body of the ninth dorsal vertebra (Holden). SECTION III. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. INSPECTION. Inspection is the art of observation. Minute differences which the novice utterly overlooks may be detected readily by the trained eye, and valuable information gained thereby. Indeed, it is often possible merely by inspecting the chest to maike a near approach to a correct diagnosis. By inspection we recognize changes in size, form and symmetry. In order to give full weight to inspection it is nec- essary that the chest be uncovered to as great an extent as may be possible without undue risk to the patient by reason of exposure, or Tinduly wounding the modesty of young females. Place the patient in the best obtainable light ; when the condition of the patient admits it is preferable that he stand or sit, since the recumbent posture is not so favorable for observation. The first point to be observed is the type of the chest, whether long and narrow, flat and shallow, or deep. The normal chest is symmetrical and the diameters well-proportioned. The interspaces are equal and the clavicles none too prominent. Note especially the antero-posterior diameter and compare it with the transverse diam- eter; carefully compare the two sides as to ^mmetry or asymmetry, giving especial attention to the anterior, upper surface. Depression here may indicate tuberculous deposits; local bulging in this region may be indicative of aneurysm. Bulging in one lateral area may be caused by a pleural effusion, while retraction: of some part may have resulted from previous disease of the lung or pleura. Note anteriorly the outlines of clavicle, sternum and rib, giving attention to inequali- ties of the interspaces and the degree of obliquity of the ribs; note whether the type of respiration be costal or abdominal; whether ex- piration is longer than inspiration ; whether the intercostal spaces are equal and well-marked; whether the impact of the apex of the heart is perceptible. . (Displacement of the heart from various causes is dis- cussed under diseases of that organ. Uncovering of its anterior sur- 48 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION face by retraction of the upper lobe of the left lung is referred to under Tuberculosis.) Being familiar with the movements of the healthy chest, you will note changes in the rhythm, frequency and force of both heart and lung movement. All the above observations should be made during quiet, natural breathing; whereupon the pa- tient should be instructed to essay forcible inspiration and expiration, during which the entire category should be • repeated, and careful comparison made with the former set of observations. During the period of forced inspiration note carefully the expansion of the tho- racic walls, whether it be a uniform, expansile effort, or shows irregu- larities, as occur in phthisis and after pleurisies; or whether it be a cage-like rise and fall of the entire chest structure, with little or no true expansion, as in emphysema. On the posterior aspect of the chest note whether there are any deviations from the straight line of the vertebral spines; the distance of the inner borders of the scapula from the spine ; whether the lower angles are on corresponding levels on the two sides ; and whether both or either of these bones project un- duly from the body. A valuable sign of pneumonia in children is the lack of expansion just beneath the clavicle on tie affected side. Three types of breathing are recognized: abdominal, superior costal, and inferior costal. In women, as the heritage of the corset, superior costal breathing is the usual type. In men, abdominal. In the normal chest the expansion is equal on the two sides, and all the thoracic diameters increase with inspiration. In disease the expan- sion may be unequal. If the thoracic walls become fixed, the expan- sion is chiefly affected by the descent of the diaphragm. It is to be remembered that few persons are perfectly symmetrical; usually in right-handed persons the right side is more developed than the left, while in left-handed persons the opposite obtains. A corresponding slight deviation of the spine is very common and cannot be considered as unnatural. A considerable degree of alteration in the form, move- ments and size of the chest may occur without serious embarrassment to the contained organs and without interfering with their healthy functions. Few of us have not been struck by the extent to which the ravages of disease may affect an organ, and yet it be able to per- form its allotted duty. Alterations in Chest Walls Produced hy. Various Diseases. By inspection alone we may detect the presence of , various diseases, or con- clude that the patient has been affected by them at some more or less PHYSICAL BXAMINATIO^T 49 p n --t ^ O 3 r+oi 3 w f^ f^ S O ^ T'O O M to 3* 3 a ■3 go W (- t=i Co EC i-j pi >-: J^ fD f^ CD 5- CD y t^ C3 m duq o fi w ►^ ^ wf-S Cft hd^S O CT- O o » T -.agi la§ 3 Q. «§M I" S^B SI 3 rt- pg (0 h^ q tfl i^ ai ^ 3 W m ■" S f° O T I p W B PB p p fl Ct fD I g 3 pw td ■•CI' O 3 _ ^ ro PH. S' tj p W to S- B " — po p ^^ P ■ ^ tr " g.S'2," td PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 51 remote period. Thus, pleurisy often leaves an indelible stamp upon its victim. In the pre-effusion stage, and even when only slight effu- sion is present, there is no apparent change in the size of the chest, but the movements on the affected side will be somewhat restricted and those of the sound side proportionately increased. In the lesser degrees it is difficult to detect this change by the unaided eye. The respirations are not full and free but terminate abruptly, with a catch, as it were, by reason of the pain which develops when a certain de- gree of expansion is reached. This sign is not distinctive of pleurisy, as it is often present in herpes zoster and intercostal neuralgias. Irregularities and contractions show the ravages of previous at- tacks of pleurisy. Old sinuses may exist. Flattened areas, exaggerated interspaces and over prominent fossae may be the result of tuberculosis. A conical sweling in the upper area may be the first intimation of an aneurysm of the aorta. Mensuration. Mensuration, as applied to diseases of the chest, furnishes certain data as to shape, size and c&paeity. By its means the actual outline of the chest is ascertained; the relative measure- ment of the two sides, a comparison of its various diameters, and the amount of expansion are determined and may be recorded. The instrument used for determining the outlines of the thorax is the stethometer of Quam, or the cyrtometer. The latter consists of two thin flat strips of lead, each about twenty-four inches in length, joined together at one end by a piece of rubber tubing. The joint is applied over the spine of a vertebra at the desired height, and the flexible strip accurately molded to the chest walls, noting the points where they overlap by a scratch on the bands made over the middle of the sternum. The pieces are removed without disjointing, and a trac- ing made on a large sheet of paper. The antero-posterior diameter is marked from the joint to the line of overlapping, or may be meas- ured by calipers. The semi-circumferences, the transverse diameters, and other measurements are made from the tracing. Deviations in the two sides are strikingly brought out by superimposing the trac- ings, which may be done by folding the paper and holding it towards the light. The semi-circumference increases in cases of intra-thoracic growths, or during the accumulation of pleuritic effusion. It de- creases in the course of pulmonary tuberculosis, in the deformity fol- lowing the removal of fluid, and from many other causes. 52 PHYSICAL, EXAMINATION For ascertaining the relative expansion of the two sides, tapes joined at the back serve an excellent purpose. Gain or loss of flesh and muscle affect the chest measurements, a fact which is to be taken into account duringtreatment to re-estab- lish pulmonary expansion, and it must not be forgotten that in right- handed individuals the right semi-circumference of the thorax may- exceed the left by as much as an inch. For ascertaining the comparative outlines of the two anterior surfaces of the thorax, and for making records of the same, I have used with much satisfaction thin, narrow lead strips. The strip is applied vertically so that one end projects over the clavicle, and ex- tends downward to the edge of the thorax. Its relation to the nipple being noted, it is carefully molded over the clavicle and ribs. A trac- ing of each side is then made. Differences imperceptible to the naked eye are brought out, but what is more important, future changes are detected. The method is especially valuable in .incipient phthisis. Palpation. Palpation is an endeavor to obtain information of the physical condition through the medium of the sense of touch. It con- sists of laying on the hands, or in bringing the finger tips into con- tact with various regions of the body. In localized diseased conditions the tips of the fingers should be applied, as the larger area of the palmar surface is not so suitable for differentiating between circum- scribed localities, and is less sensitive than the tips. As a means of palpation between the ribs, the ulnar surface of the hand affords an excellent means, owing to its high sensitiveness- and the readiness with which it fits into the intercostal depressions. When the hands are brought in contact with the thoracic wall overlying the lung, and the patient made to speak, a distinct succes- sion of vibrations is communicated to the hand. This is known as tactile fremitus* The strength of the vibratioiis varies in both health and disease from the faintest tremulousness to strong well- marked, separated vibrations. In health the character of the voice materially influences their strength, the vibrations being better marked in low-pitched, deep-voiced men than in higher voices; stronger in men generally than in women, and weakest in children. The amount of tissue overlying the lungs influences this fremitus, and the vibrations are more appreciable in thin persons than in fat *The phenomenon is indiscriminately called by some writers tactile fremitus And vocal fremitus. PHYSICAL EXaMINATION 53 ones. Any form of disease which increases the density of the pul- monary tissue or increases its conduction power augments the fremi- tus, provided that the bronchi are open, arid that the air column from the larynx to the pulmonary tissue is uninterrupted. The sen- sation is due to vibration communicated to thfe thoracic walls, through the medium of the tissues, from the air in the trachea set in motion by the act of speaking. Hence, fremitus is increased in pneumonia Fig. i6 — Ulnar palpation. and tubercular deposits. On the other hand, conditions which sepa- rate the pulmonary tissues from the chest wall, or diseases accom- panied by a diminution of the normal pulmonary density, lessen the fremitus, or even obliterate it. Thus, when a layer of air or fluid in- tervenes between the periphery of the lung and the parietal wall, as occurs in pleuritic effusions, plastic pleuritic thickening, pneumo- thorax and in solid tumors the fremitus is decidedly lessened or is totally absent. In health the fremitus is most marked on the right side just below the clavicle where it is stronger than in the corre- 54 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION spending left area, probably due to the anatomical fact that the right bronchus is of larger caliber, is straighter and enters the lung on a somewhat higher level than its fellow. Posteriorly, in the right supra- scapular fossa the fremitus is greater than on the opposite side, for the same reason. From this fact it may be deduced that if the tactile fremitus is well-marked and equal on the two sides in the areas named, then it is increased on the left side, and further evidences of disease should be sought for at the left apex. If fremitus is weakened but equal on the two sides it would indicate diminution on the right side. Fig. 17 — Differential palpation of apices of lungs. When the bronchial tubes are more or less occluded by the ad- herence of tenacious secretions or by stenosis, vibrations similar in character to the voice vibrations, produced by the passage of the air through the bronchi, are communicated to the hand. This is called rhonchial fremitus. It is often present in bronchitis, and is particu- larly frequent in children suffering with the disease. The conditions necessary for its production are the same as those which produce the rales heard on auscultation. Fremitus produced by coughing is called tussile. Advantage may sometimes be conveniently taken of crying spells in young children to determine the presence or absence of crying and tussile fremitus. Friction fremitus results when two inflamed surfaces of the pleura are rubbed together, and is often present during the dry stage of pleurisy. More rarely it is due to pericardial or peritoneal fric- tion, which however may sometimes be felt. Next in importance to fremitus as a contribution to our know!- PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 55 •edge by palpation ranks the location of the cardiac apex, as indicated by the position of the impulse. Even when visible on inspec- tion it may be more accurately located by palpation, and a considera- tion of the many diseases which affect its character and location will impress on one's mind the extreme importance attached thereto. Fowler says : ' ' The position of the cardiac impulse is the key to the diagnosis of many affections of the chest. ' ' Other information gained by palpation is a recognition of the degrees of resistance offered by various organs, and especially re- sistance due to increased density of an organ. The finger-tips may detect the presence of pulsation or vascular thrill, as of an aneurysm, crepitation caused by air under the skin, or crepitus, such as results from a broken rib. The relative length of the expansile excursion on breathing may be appreciated by many better by palpation than by inspection. Hy- persesthesia and tenderness are revealed by palpation. , THE PULSE. -- - - Much valuable information is gained by a careful study of the pulse, which with many becomes such a routine procedure that the gains are minimized. Intelligent palpation of the pulse enables us to recognize the febrile state, to estimate the general strength of the patient during the course of disease, as well as to suspect solely from its character the presence of various conditions and complications. The three chief factors which are to be noticed in examining the pulse are the frequency, the quality, the rhythm. The frequency of the pulse is easily ascertained in general although it is possible for it to attain a rate so rapid as to be uncount- able. The right radial artery is chosen for convenience and the ex- aminer 's left finger tips are lightly superimposed. The count is made during fifteen or thirty seconds, unless great accuracy is desired, when the beats are counted during one or two minutes. The normal pulse rate for healthy adults is usually stated as being seventy-two per min- ute, but the rate is sometimes higher and often much lower. The pulse is more rapid both in childhood and in old age, and varies much in different individuals of the same age. Eichhorst 's figures are given thus, slightly modified for ease in memorizing : — first year, 135 per minute ; second year 110, falling to 100 at the fifth year ; then fall- ing two beats per year for the next five years, giving us 90 at the 56 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION tenth year; reaching 72 between the fifteenth and twentieth year, where the rate remains stationary until the sixtieth year, rising slowly year by year thereafter. Many conditions aside from disease influence the pulse rate, either increasing or diminishing it. Thus alcoholic stimulants in- crease it and their persistent use brings about a maintained high pulse rate. Tea and coffee increase both the force and frequency of the pulse, as does the taking of food, while fasting diminishes both. The effects of exercise, excitement and emotions of ail exhilarating nature are well known, while depressing emotions, fear and shock diminish its rate, as do rest and sleep. Quiet sleep, recumbency, sitting, standing and moving each successively augment the pulse in the order named. High temperatures and high atmospheric pressure increase, while the opposite conditions diminish the rate. Deep breathing and coughing increase the volume as well as the number of beats. The pulse is in- fluenced by drugs, and it is wise to ask what medicines have been taken before estimating the pulse value. Digitalis is the commonest drug used to slow the heart; belladonna has an opposite effect. The pulse during the twenty-four hours describes two well-defined ■cycles which vary greatly in different persons, although showing considerable constancy in the individual. These show a morning and an evening maximum, and an afternoon and a night minimum rate. In incipient phthisis the day cycle is often reversed. Morbid changes which influence the pulse rate are too many to be enumerated fully, but a few may be mentioned with profit. All inflammatory conditions and fevers raise the rate, and in uncompli- cated fevers the pulse rate increases about 8 to 10 beats for each de- gree F. above the normal. This rule is not applicable to persons who were the subjects of disease prior to the onset of the fever. In such the rate rises in a much higher ratio. The various infective processes, pyaemia, septicsmia, tuberculosis and the like are all attended by rapid pulse. Increased intra-thoracic pressure from almost any cause ac- celerates the pulse, apart from the inflammatory action which may be the cause of the pressure; thus effusions, obstructions caused by disease of lung or pleura, enlarged glands, so act. In incipient phthisis the pulse constantly augments long before the temperature curve shows its characteristic rise. Pain increases the rate; so also does pneumogastrie paralysis, as from glandular or aneurysmal pres- sure. The rapid pulse of exophthalmos is one of the three classic PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 57 symptoms of that malady. Most anemias areiattended by rapid pulse. The technical title is pulsus frequens. A diminished pulse rate, while less frequently a manifestation of morbid processes, is perhaps more significant than its opposite. The absorption or presence in the blood of certain substances manu- factured within the organism, as urea, bile, bile pigment, etc., slow the pulse. Cardiac degeneration, especially if accompanied by dis- ease of the coronary arteries, some forms of valvular disease and affec- tions of the myocardium, very generally slow the pulse. Of the valve lesions, aortic stenosis stands first in this relation, followed by mitral ■stenosis. All forms of weakness,' especially post-febrile and post- hsemorrhagic debility, influence the rate in the same manner. A large percentage of epileptics, as pointed out by Craig, are the subjects ■of valvular heart diseases; but aside from tliis they furnish a pulse rate most striking for its slowness. Wood records a rate of 8 to 10 per minute. All forms of disease of the brain and meninges accom- panied by increased intercerebral pressure, retard the pulse. Lead intoxication slows the pulse. Many other eonditions will also fall within the experience of the practitioner. The condition is spoken of as pulsus rarus, but in extreme slowness the precaution of counting the systolic contractions of the heart always shduld be observed, as the ■wave may not reach the extremity. The quality of the pulse depends upon the balance maintained between its size, its strength and its fullness. The amount of expan- sion which the artery undergoes depends upon the strength and the fullness. The strength varies with the strength of the cardiac con- traction, and the fullness with the amount of fluid pumped into the ■channels. The latter is much influenced by the state of the venous system. Without material difference in the rate the artery may swell gradually under the finger, or the vessel may fill with unwonted sud- denness, to subside as quickly as it arose. Such conditions often point to organic diseases of the valves. The last described of these conditions, spoken of as the pulse of unfilled arteries, the recedent pulse, or pulsus celer, often enables us ■definitely to recognize aortic incompetency. The peculiarity is made more strikingly manifest if the patient's arms are raised vertically above his head while examining the radials. With this pulse is often seen marked pulsations in the vessels of the neck and elsewhere. It 58 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION is called Corrigan's pulse, from its deseriber. Its sudden, slapping, jerky character has given it the name, "water-hammer pulse." States of high arterial tension give us a hard, full pulse. The vessel walls are not hard, yet the pulse may have a cord-like feel. The radial pulse may be misleading, as it is sometimes anomalous, and is easily pressed upon by clothing. We estimate the strength of the pulse by the amount of pressure of the fingers necessary to obliterate it. A really weak pulse is ac- companied by a diminution in intensity of the first sound of the heart, without much change in the intensity of the second sound. Obstruc- tion in front as well as increase of the vis-a-tergo give us a hard pulse, hence mitral stenosis, aortic insufficiency, contracted kidneys, hepatic cirrhosis and many other conditions produce it. The distinction be- tween a hard pulse and hardness of the arterial coats due to sclerosis, .should be borne in mind. The differentiation is simple. Pulse Ehythm. In health the pulse is perfectly regular. How- ever, during sleep, especially in children, intermissions may occur which are in no wise due to deleterious influences. The study of the pulse often shows a distinct intermission recurring at regular inter- vals, as the loss of a beat at every fourth, sixth or eighth contraction ; or the Intermission may be irregular. The pulse may be affected without the heart being correspondingly involved, or the heart beat also may be abortive. Sometimes several slow pulse beats are fol- lowed by two or three rapid ones. The significance varies greatly. Excessive use of tobacco is one of the most common causes of arythmie pulse. Arhythmia is sometimes a premonition of oncoming cerebral disturbances. It is common in pericarditis, especially of children, and in many forms of heart disease, particularly fatty heart, of which it is, perhaps, the most pronounced sign, of mitral disease and various functional disturbances, as flatulency or dyspepsia. It is prone ta occur during convalescence from debilitating diseases, where its sig- aifieance is less ominous than its occurrence during the height of the ailment, when it often portends heart failure; The pulse of the two sides may show want of symmetry, as often occurs in aneurysm of the arch of the aorta causing obstruction of some of the branches. Owing to the same cause the two pulses may not be perfectly synchronous. Embolism may cause diminution or obliteration of the pulse, but in such cases a careful search for anoma- lies should be made. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 59 THRILL. In mitral and aortic disease a distinct thrill is sometimes imparted to the pulse, and should always suggest the causative factor. Dicrotous Pulse and Pulsus Bigeminous. Sometimes a curious double beat may be felt by applying the fingers very lightly over the artery. It is not uncommon during convalescence from fevers, espe- cially typhoid. When the two beats follow each other closely, it is called "bigeminous"-; generally the second beat is weaker. The sphygmograph more clearly shows these peculiarities. Its significance is not particularly important. VASCULAR PHENOMEINA. A study of the various phenomena exhibited by the veins and arteries is both intei-esting and profitable although much neglected by the student in general. The veins from the examination of which may be gained most information are those of the neck, especially the internal and external jugulars, although the superficial veins of the chest, abdomen, lega and other parts are capable of imparting many supplemental facts. The phenomena presented are studied by inspection, palpation, and auscultation. I. Venous Pulsation. On inspection there is often present a visible throbbing in the veins of the neck, the internal and external jugulars being especially the seat of pulsation. By reason of the direct connection with the superior vena cava,^ the right internal jugu- lar is more apt to show pulsation than its fellow. The significance of the venous throb in the neck has been referred to under cardiac in- spection. The venffi innominatse or brachio-cephalic sinuses at the root of the neck, just behind the clavicle, should be carefully exam- ined. Palpation may reveal pulsations which are invisible. II. Enlargement of the veins is of common occurrence and may be temporary, permanent, variable or intermittent. Kinking, knotting and varicosities are present. They are far more common in women than in men, and become more apparent with the advance of age. Permanent enlargement of the veins results from dilatation or con- tinued engorgement of the right heart, from tricuspid regurgitation, from obstruction affecting a large venous channel as the cava. Such obstruction may be caused by extreme pressure from an enlarged organ, as occurs in hepatic cirrhosis, by a new growth, such as a tumor 60 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION or an aneurysm, or from occlusion of the vasculai? lumen by a throm- bus or an embolus. The enlargement may be due to the communica- tion of an aneurysm with the superior cava, of which accident Pepper and Griffith have collected twenty-nine cases. ' ' Cyanosis, csdema and great distention of the veins of the upper part of the body, being the most frequent symptoms." Thrombosis of the portal vein may occur as a sequence of cirrhosis or syphilis of the liver, or be caused by cancer or by sclerosis of the vein itself. The condition is known as adhesive pylephlebitis. Intense engorgement of the entire portal system rapidly follows. The super- ficial abdominal veins are distended and tortuous. Hsematemesis, melaena, ascites and enlargement of liver and spleen give intimations of the condition. A definite diagnosis is rarely reached during life. The distention of the cervical veins during cough is a familiar spec- tacle, but during the course of diseases which permanently enlarge the veins, and thus produce insufficiency of the valves^ the swelling is much increased during the act and even may be alarming, as in a recent case of my own of a patient in the terminal stages of phthisis. In extreme cases the pulsation can be both seen and felt. An easy method of de- termining whether the pulsation is transmitted or is due to filling from below is to make just sufficient pressure on the vein to obliterate its lumen at its lowest palpable point in the neck, then to slide the fi.nger upwards for a short distance with only sufficient force to empty the vessel. If the vessel fills from below it does so with a jerk which is synchronous with systole and the carotid pulse„ The external jugu- lar ofl^ers the best opportunity for the trial. Venous distention increases during expiration and diminishes during inspiration. As already mentioned, tricuspid regurgitation and right-sided engorgement and hypertrophy are the most potent causes of the phenomena. Insufficiency of the valves within the veins has been discussed. Friedreich's diastolic collapse as a sign of pericar- dial adhesion is described elsewhere. Venous pulsation is often seen in chorea and chlorosis. The venous engorgement, particularly of the small veins of the thorax, in emphysema is mentioned thereunder. Most cardiac valvular diseases, especially when accompanied by lack of compensation, produce venons engorgement, of which local and general oedemas are the sequels. The enlargement of the veins around the umbilicus, known as the PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 61 caput medusw, is due to thrombosis or obliteration of the portal vein, as occurs in cirrhosis of the liver. In phthisis venous pulsations are common, an occasional situation being the back of the hand. VENOUS MURMURS. Auscultation. The "bruit de diable" of French writers, the venous hum of American authors, is often present in health, but is generally accepted as significant of anaemia wherein its intensity furnishes an index of the grade of the anaemia for the particular case ; that is to say, that while it varies widely in the different forms of anaemia, and in different individuals, yet in general its intensity lessens with improve- ment and increases with increase in the malady.. The bruit is best heard at the junction of the right subclavian with the jugular vein, the head being twisted slightly to the opposite side. The murmur is not interrupted as is the arterial murmur, but is continuous. Its quality varies and the names descriptive thereof are as numerous as those chosen to describe valvular lesions. It is usually humming or buzzing, or rustling, but may be musical, singing, piping or whistling. Pressure of the stethoscope produces it in health and pressure intensifies it when otherwise present. It is strongest during inspiration and during cardiac systole. It diminishes and may disap- pear on lying down and is loudest when the patient is erect. Some- times a venous thrill is felt in the vessels of the neck in cases of extreme anaemia, but is quite rare. Time of Venous Pulsations. The venous pulse as observed in the external jugular is either presystolic or systolic. It may be timed by the carotid pulse. The presystolic pulsation is spoken of as the negative pulse. The vein collapses with the heart's systole and refills before the next systole. The collapse is synchronous with the apex beat, hence the refilling is synchronous with the auricular contraction which closes diastole and is presystolic. The systolic venous pulse, spoken of as the positive pulse, is synchronous with the apex beat. It is most apparent in the right internal jugular vein and is a very important and positive sign nf tricuspid regurgitation. To a lesser degree other veins are affeuiod and show throbbing. In the form of valvular deficiency just men- tioned this pulsation is produced by the systole of the right ventriek'. projecting a current of blood through the insufficient tricuspid valvii 62 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION at each contraction, over-distending the already filling auricle tod projecting the blood still farther into the' ascending cava whose open mouth is unguarded by valves. A similar blood wave traverses the inferior cava and gives rise to pulsations in the liver produced and explained in the same manner and having the same time as the jugular pulsations. The change in the volume of the organ which occurs with expansion and contraction of the heart may sometimes be distinctly felt and even seen. Of ttimes the throbbings are painful. The phenomenon is best appreciated by placing one hand over the fifth and sixth interspaces at the junction of the costal cartilages and the other over the liver in the mid-axillary line, when the rhythmic, systolic expansile pulsation is felt easily and can be distinguished readily from the systolic depression of the: liver caused by communi- cated pulsations from the hypertrophied right ventricle, which is non- expansile. ARTERIAL MURMURS. Through the large arteries the sounds of the heart are transmitted for a considerable distance by the blood current and have the quali- ties of the sounds as heard at the aortic valves. The intensity dimin- ishes as would be supposed as we recede from the point of origin. In the neck over the seat of the common carotids or the subclavian artery both heart sounds are distinct, but the sound made by the closure of the aortic valve, the cardiac second sound, is the more evident. The first heart sound is here faint and of low pitch. Over the exit of the femoral arteries from under Poupart's liga- ment the aortic valve sound may often be distinguished in health, but disappears before Hunter's canal is reached. At the ligament the first heart sound can not be heard. Arterial Murmurs due to Disease. Just as pressure with a steth- oscope upon the trunk of an artery causes a murmur to appear, so pressure arising from various causes as tubercular deposits, new growths, enlarged glands, thyroid tumors or aneurysms occasion arterial murmurs. Diseases of the vessels which change their caliber or destroy the resiliency of their coverings produce murmurs, hence the aneurysmal bruit and the murmur associated with extensive atheroma. This dis- ease is prone to attack the aorta just beyond the sinuses of Valsalva, PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 63 and many a case of supposed aortic valvular disease is in reality due to the bruit or the thrill caused by the calcification plates. Congenital narrowing of the vessels operates in the same way as external pressure to produce bruits. Thrombosis may also cause a murmur. The uter- ine bruit which accompanies the formation of the placental sinuses during pregnancy is a familiar example of vascular murmur. In aortic insufficiency the vascular phenomena are characteristic and it is possible to make a diagnosis of the disease by inspection and palpation alone. Thus : On Inspection a visible pulsation is seen in the peripheral vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries, and often the= face or hands are seen to alternately suffuse and pale with the heart action. The capillary pulse is seen in the finger nails or along the margins of a light scratch, or by pressing a microscopic slide against the everted mucous mem- brane of the lower lips, as suggested by Shattuek. The arteries pul- sate forcibly, the carotids swell and throb, the aorta behind the supra- sternal notch rises and suggests aneurysm, the abdominal aorta lifts the epigastrium with each beat. The temporals and radials fill with a vermicular twist and jerk, followed by instant collapse. The ophthal- moscope shows the same phenomena in the retinals. Palpation. The finger feels a short, quicX hammer-like stroke, followed by rapid recedence. When timed with the apex beat the radial pulse shows a distinct retardation. Auscultation. In the carotids and subclavians a double murmur is heard, and the second aortic sound may be audible here, even when absent at the aortic cartilage. Duroziez calls attention to the double murmur heard in the femorals. Tyson mentions a vascular sign described by Traube, occurring in aortic regurgitation as the result of the sudden change of pressure. ' ' This is usually a double sound, of which the' first element is ascribed to the rapid distention of the artery by a blood wave which throws its walls into vibration. A second sound occurs with a cessation of the pressure." Intermittent venous murmurs are spoken of by some authors; they must be of rare occurrence. THE SPHTGMOGRAPH. Numerous instruments have been devised for the graphic repre- sentation of the pulse in the human being. Marey's sphygmograph 64 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION is one of the oldest, but is still most used. Richardson's or Dudgeon's modification of Ponds' American sphygmograph is the simplest form for the clinician. By means of the instrument a graphic record of the pulse is made in the form of a tracing, which shows a saw-like series of elevations and depressions corresponding to the vibrations in the pulse wave. The elevations correspond to the onset of the wave, the depres- sions to its recedence. Hence variations in the tracing graphically show differences in the temporary rise and fall of arterial pressure, the rate at which successive waves pass a given point, as well as varia- Fig. i8 — Dudgeon's Sphygmograph. tions in their rhythm. The primary blood wave, caused by the cardial systole is followed by several succeeding waves of lesser degree, called secondary waves. The chief of these is the rebound in the blood cur- rent caused by the sudden check, produced by the closure of the aortic valves, named the dicrotic wave. A lesser wave, supposed to be due to the stoppage of the backward flow towards the heart of the aortic current, by the closure of the valves, is called the predicroUc wave. Perhaps the following explanation will render clear the difference in the two waves. The systole forces the current up hill into the aorta. A portion of the fluid obeys the impulse to return. The gates close. The first influence felt by the column in the arteries is the stoppage — the predicrotic wave. The second effect is the rebound — the dicrotic wa\c. This dicrotic wave is increased by the natural resilient recoil of the elastic aortic walls, dilated by the primary current, which occurs just in time to catch the second wave. Lesser waves due to this resiliency follow the dicrotic wave but are of less moment. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 65 The dicrotic notch is due to the cessation of the inflow with each isystole, causing a momentary falling off of the pressure, the fall being modified by the influences just named. When the arterioles are constricted, the dicrotic notch is lessened and we have the curve of high tension, pulse such as occurs in Bright 's disease. When the arterioles are widely dilated, the dicrotic notch is exaggerated and we have the low tension characteristic curve. Before making the tracing it is well to measure the varying degrees of pulse tension by the sphygmometer. The pressure of the instrument is ad- justed accordingly. In pulse of low tension, slight pressure gives the ANACROTIC CATACRoT«C SIDE. a b c -a Fig. 19 — Normal pulse tracing. best results and too much pressure extinguisbes the tracing. In high tension pulse, rather strong pressure of the Spring button gives the best results. , Ax, entrance of the stream into the aorta. This up-stroke is called the anacrotic stroke, or percussion stroke, and ia due to the sudden ■dilatation of the artery by the primary blood wave. The hypersensi- tive lever is carried too high, and in reality should have stopped at .r. The lever begins to fall but is overtaken by the predicrotic wave on the catacrotic side of the tracing and carried, to y — , the real summit ■of the pulse wave. Hence omitting the false movement of the lever, axy, represents the real upward or anacrotic curve, ky, represents the predicrotic notch, y, represents the point at which the ventricular streanl ceases, when the positive pressure remits and the negative 66 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION wave, caused by the sudden cessation of inflowing blood, and the first slight reflux begins. This cessation of pressure allows the lever to fall to w., W, is the point of closure of the aortic valves and is synchronous with the second sound of the heart. Wz, is the positive wave or re- bound due to the closure of the aortic valves and corresponds to th.e true dicrotic wave, hence ywz, is the dicrotic notch, sometimes called the aortic notch, owing to the manner of its production. The slight curve at m, is due to the resilient waves which succeed the aortic or A Fig. 20 — Pulse of constricted arterioles. High tension pulse. dicrotic wave. Since this curve m, is produced during diastole, it is; sometimes caled the diastolic notch. The Pulse of High Arterial Tension. The pulse of constricted arterioles, the high tension arterial pulse, called by Sansom the pulse of prolonged arterial tension, differs from the normal pulse in that a notch is formed at the top of the curve and the maximum altitude of the lever may be reached after the notch. Yeo explains this phenom- enon on the ground that the first reflected wave is positive instead of negative, in the case of constricted arterioles, and is therefore added, to the percussion stroke, reaching it just as the lever begins to fall at k 'lud carrying it to y, thus broadening the top of the primary •nirve, and this pulse is named the a,nacrotie pulse. The aortic or dicrotic notch, wz. is lessened as the dicrotic w^ave is lessened in these conditions and the post-dicrotic wave m, is nnt discernible. Such a pulse is the result of resistance encountered by the blood current PHYSICAL EXAMINATION* 67 through the arterioles and capillaries, as stated, and is found in con- tracted kidneys, in all diseases which cause atheroma of the arterial walls, gout, lead-poisoning, and aortic stenosis! Lead-poisoning is prone to produce three. of the chief disease-fac- tors just mentioned, siacs lead' workers are notoriously subject t<> arterio-sclerosis, contracted kidneys and hypertrophy of the heart. In this state the fullness of the vessels is felt to be maintained for a con- siderable period and the collapse is gradual. Pressure of the finger obliterates the pulse with difficulty. The Pulse of Low Arterial Tension. In this case the arterioles are widely dilated, the negative wave is reflected and is subtracted from the primary wave instead of being added to it. The vessels collapse A Fig. 21 — Pulse of low arterial tension. quickly after the primary filling and pressure of the finger easily oblit- erates-the pulse. Such a pulse is said to be soft. The tracing shows a vertical up-stroke, ak, followed by a quick fal^ ky. so that the apex, k, is sharp and pointed. The predicrotic notch, y;, is insignificant, but the dicrotic notch, wz, and aortic wave, 2, caused by the valve closure are exaggerated, also the post-aortic curve, m, is marked. When present in even a moderate degree the wave, z, may be appreciated by palpa- tion and the pulse is said to be dicrotic. Such dicrotism may reach an extreme degree and the point, w, may fall to the base line or below, in which case the pulse is said to be hyperdicrotie. Low tension pulse occurs with conditions which cause dilatation of the capillaries, as the inhalation of chloroform, the administration of nitro-glyeerine or nitrite of amyl. Turkish baths are followed by the low tension pulse. In diseases producing serous diarrhreas, colli- quative sweats and diuresis it follows, owing to the emptying of th(f vessels. It often marks the course of febrile diseases. Aortic regiuvi- m PHYSICAL EXAMINATION tation furnishes the best examples. When the dicrotic wave ap- proaches in force to equality with the primary wave, to the finger it appears as though there were two closely associated beats followed by a pause. Such a pulse is called pulsus bigeminus. (See section on Pulse.) Sometimes three such beats are separated by a pause when the name pulsus trigeminus is used to designate the condition, THE SPHYGMOMETER. This is an instrument intended to measure the degree of tension in the peripheral arteries with greater accuracy than the time honored Pig. 22 — The Riva Rocci Sphygmomanometer. -viue of simple palpation. By its use records can be made of daily variations during the course of disease and 'operations, as well as the ^ascertaining of immediate results from taking medicine, food, and drink. A number of these instruments have been devised, some supposed to measure the systolic pressure of the artery, by recording the amount of foi-ee required to obliterate the pulse, others to measure diastolic pressure. The recorders are of two kinds, manometers, or mercurial columns, and aneroid instruments, fitted with dials, like the barometer. The latter are objectionable owing to the readiness with which their PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 69 mechanism is disordered. The objection to the instruments in general is that they are provided with rubber tubing which inflates to vary- ing degrees under pressure and changes much in this respect with age. The Riva-Roeei instrument, is, all things considered, the most serviceable, Stanton, of the University of Pennsylvania, has modified Fig. 23 — The Riva-Rocci Sphygmometer — Stanton modification. A Air pump. B Manometer. C Cuff. this by fitting it with rigid connections. The essential parts are an air pump, a manometer, a rubber armlet which fits around the upper arm, and tubing connections. Stanton advises that the width of the armlet be not less than three and a-quarter inches. To use the instru- ment the armlet is adjus.'ed, air is pumped ini until the radial pulse is exactly extinguished, and the height of the mercury noted at the same moment. Experiments have shown that the pressure within the arm- let and that within the manometer are at all times the same. The accuracy of the instrument is .shown by applying it to the thigh, when 70 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION it will be found that the difference in the index does not vary over four or five millimeters. The slight oscillations noticed are caused by the varying degree of interarterial pressure and the inflneuce of respiration on blood pres- sure. During the course of protracted operations the instrument fur- nishes valuable -information, likewise in the: study of the state of arterial tension in kidney and heart diseasea, and the effect of drugs. It is difficult to transport, is fragile and, like many other devices, has so far found its field of greatrst usefulness in the hospital. PERCUSSION. Percussion elicits certain sounds by tapping over the areas occu- pied by the thoracic and abdominal organs. The tapping may be Fig. 24 — Percussion Hammfer. directly upon the overlying tissues, called mediate, or upon an im- posed substance, immediate. While the rubber-headed hammer named a plessor, and an ivory plate called a pleximeter, are useful for class 'demonstrations, nothing in actual practice ecj^uals the fingers of the two hands, as thereby we not only quite as' satisfactorily elicit the sounds sought for, but further gain valuable information by noting the amount of resistance which the finger encounters, and likewise the amount and length of the vibrations communicated to the super- imposed digit. Percussion is the most diificult to acquire of the arts used in physical diagnosis, and the maxim that "practice makes per- fect" is peculiarly applicable here. The strt)ke should be delivered from the wrist, as in piano-playing ; never from the elbow. The ham- mer fingers should fall perpendicularly and strike the finger which is used as pleximeter at a right angle to its surface, while the latter is applied as firmly and as evenly to the chest wall as possible. For per- cussing, the middle and third fingers arc superior to the index and middle fingers. The nails should be kept short, that they do not pro- duce sounds by impact. In percussing over the thorax the fingers should be applied to the intercostal spaces parallel with the ribs, never across the rib and interspace, since this gives two notes differing in PHYSICAL EXAMINATIOSr 71 quality. Over the clavicle, mediate percussion gives the best result and often gives the earliest indication of disease by a variation from the normal note. Owing to varying conditions, such as thickness of the overlying muscular tissues, quantity of fat present, etc., the sounds elicited by percussion over the lungs vary greatly not only in differ- ent areas upon the individual, but likewise over corresponding areas in different individuals; so much so that we are not far wrong in saying that every lung has its own normal note. PERCUSSION SCALE. In spite of these variations, we may constt'uct a roush scale which is generally applicable, although the notes lack the fixedness of musi- cal tones. The note of highest pitch is obtained by direct percussion over a bone, as the sternum or clavicle, and is called osteal pitch. Fig. 25 — Pleximeter. Next is the tone produced by percussion over the trachea during quiet inspiration. This is called tubular pitch. The note produced by per- cussion over the second anterior interspace or the axilary region of a healthy, well-developed individual falls next in the scale, and this note is called the vesicular note or the norm:il pulmonary note. Flint's comparison of this note to that produced by tapping a large loaf of bread is classic. The note produced by percussion over an air-con- taining cavity of considerable size, as th? stomach and intestine, is called tympanitic. It is lower in pitch than the vesicular note. It is not difficult to divide tympanitic resonance into two tones, small tympany, the note of the small intestine furnishing the standard therefore, and large tympany, the latter being the note obtained by percussion over the empty sto^raeh or the colon. The note which Flint called vesiculo-tympanitic occurs in disease, but in the scale of pitch assumes a place between the normal ve'^isular resonance and small tympany. Two other sounds remain to be considered, dullness and flatness. Gee defines dullness as the absence of tone, tone being that succession of sound impulses which characterizes a musical tone, but which 7S 72 l^llYSICAL EXAMINATION absent in a mere noise. Ea Costa* defines a dull ^ound as one dsuoting the absence of air. "It is the sound of both fluids and solids. It is thus the sound sent forth by the airless viscera ; from the liver, spleen and heart." We believe, however, that a profitable distinction can be n-ade between dullness and flatness by calling the sound possessing the above qualities flat, and calling a sound which approaches flatness Eig. 26 — Percussion of dorsal regions. Patient astride of chair with arms folded across the back. Intercostal spaces widened, scapulae rotated outward. in pitch, but which still retains some resonance, dull. In the scale of pitch, the terms would fall above osteo-pitch, flatness being the highest possible in the scale. Writers who desire to avoid this distinction use instead of dullness the term impaired resonance, modified by the adjectives "slight," "considerable," and "marked" Their incon- sistence is made apparent by the terms "relativi? dullness," "dullness *6th Edition, Medical Diagnosis, p. 24G. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 73 more marked", etc., which are used by mdst systemic writers on practice. A protracted discussion of the theories of percussion sounds would be profitless. Two only have received extensive recognition, that oi Gee, who believes that the vibrations originate in the bronchi, and. that of Bristow, who advocates that the tones are produced solely by vibrations of the chest walls, hence, any interference with these vibra- tions changes the note. Scale of Pitch. Arranging the notes on a descending scale, be- ginning with the apex note, or note of theoretically highest pitch,, we have : Flatness Dullness Osteal Tubular Vesicular Vesieulo-tympanitie Small tympany Large tympany It may assist the student somewhat in his conception if we com- pare these eight variations with the notes in* the musical scale from- high C to low C, with this reservation, that the resemblance ends with_ the fact that each of the percussion notes is lojver than its predecessor. While the above subdivision of the percussion notes might seem at first glance to be an unnecessary refinement, the terms are all met with in the works of various standard write'rs, hence a clear classi- fication of them for the benefit of the student cannot be amiss. It is to be prefaced that the percussion seunds produced over the pulmonary areas can vary in health only in regard to pitch, intensity and duration. Pitch changes with the number of vibrations per sec- ond, the greater the number of vibrations the higher ths pitch ; while the intensity varies with the amplitude of the vibrations, the law being, the greater the amplitude the louder the sound. Duration varies inversely with pitch, the higher the pitch the shorter the dura- tion of the sound. The pitch also varies with the degree of tension,, both of the covering of the lungs and of the organ itself. The rule above given applying again, viz., the greater the tension the higher the pitch, just as in musical instruments, the tighter the string is. 74 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION tuned up the higher the note. The pitch of the pulmonary percussion sounds is altered by disease either in the direction of dullness or of tympany. Changes in the sounds are best^ appreciated by careOul com- parison between corresponding areas of the two lung surfaces, ignoring for the moment the very slight differences which normally exist. ■CHANGES IN THE PULMONARY PERCUSSION NOTE PRO- DUCED BY MORBID PROCESSES. Increased resonance is frequently met with. It is called hyper- resonance. Its quality is that of the normal percussion note more or less exaggerated, that is to say, the volume of sound, the intensity and duration are increased, while its pitch is lowered. It means in- creased volume in the air vesicles without increase in the tension. Tem- porary over-distension produces this note in its slightest degree, while ■emphysema produces a more marked example. Skoda 's resonance is a note of higher pitch than true tympany, yet with a tympanitic quality. It occurs in connection with two con- ditions, pleuritic effusion and pneumonia of the lower lobe. It is most strikingly manifest in the infra-clavicular region in a case of moderate effusion. Osier says, ' ' In the subclavicular region the atten- tion often is aroused at once by a tympanitic note, the so-called Skoda 's resonance, which is heard perhaps more commonly in this situation with pleural effusion than in any other coBdition. It shades insensibly -into a flat note in the lower mammary and axillary regions. Skoda 's resonance may be obtained also behind, just above the limit of effu- sion." Tyson maintains that Skoda 's resonance and Flint's vesiculo- tympanitic note are identical. Tympanitic Resonance. Lower in pitch than the preceding and produced by percussion over a quantity of air, "enclosed in walls which are yielding, but neither tense nor very thick." (Da Costa,) The sound is somewhat musical, and the-pitch varies with the size of the cavity. It is abnormally present in pneumo-thorax, or over large pulmonary cavities. Diminished Resonance. Impaired resonance, which in our scale we have denominated dullness, is a note of higher pitch than the nor- mal vesicular sound, but the duration of the note is shorter and sharper. The note closely resembles that produced by percussion over a thin board ; hence its quality is described as wooden. It is noticeable in partially consolidated lung, in compression or displacement by PLATE III. RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE PERCUSSION AREAS. The shaded area represents the area of flatness of heart and liver, fusing into one. The dotted area marks out the area of heart and liver dullness obtained by deep percussion. The lower dotted line represents the descent of the liver with forced inspiration. T. Traube's tympanitic or semi-lunar space=. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 75 morbid growths. Increased resistance generally accompanies it. Even over wholly consolidated lung the note is not entirely flat so long as any vesicular substance remains. Flatness is the abssnce of tone, absence of resonance, and is the height of pitch. Such a" sound is heard when percussion is made over the thigh or over a large pleuritic effusion. Amplioric resonance is metallic in quality, while tympanitic in pitch. It indicates a large hollow space witli firm elastic walls, as a •cavity which communicates with the bronchus. Percussion over tht trachea with the patient's mouth partly open furnishes a fair imita- tion of the amphoric quality. The Cracked-Pot Sound. Bruit-de-pot-fele of the French writers. Its quality is indicated by the name. This sound is closely associated with amphoric resonance. The condition Usually occasioning this sound is a cavity freely communicating with Jhe bronchus, the caviti having yielding walls. To produce the sound" it is necessary to strilie a strong, sharp percussion blow while the patient holds the mouth open. It may be imitated by striking the loosely folded hands across the knee. Da Costa says the sound is met with independent of exca- vations in "pleurisy above the seat of the effusion; in bronchitis of children; near a pericardial exudation; in emphysema and certain instances of pneumothorax. Indeed, any disorder in which the chest wall remains very yielding, and in which a certain amount of air contained in the lung or pleura and in uninterrupted connection with the external air is, by sudden percussion, forced into a bronchial tube, will occasion this cracked-metal sound. ' ' We briefly indicate again the outlines of the lungs, (see also .section on Divisions of the Chest). On the back the lungs extend from the seventh cervical vertebra (vertebra prominens) to the level of the bottom of the tenth dorsal. In front the apices extend for varying distances above the cla^/icle, from a half inch fo one and a half inches in extreme cases. On the right side we enequnter hepatic dullness about one and a half inches below the nipple. On the left side cardiac ■dullness begins at the lower border of the third rib. In the left lateral region we encounter stomach tympany and a little in front of the mid-axillary line splenic dullness begins at the ninth rib. An- teriorly, along the right side of the sternum, the right lung extends as low as the sixth costo-sternal cartilage. The left overlaps the heart as far as the fourth cartilage. In the mid-axillary line the edge of th'? 76 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION, lung reaches the lower border of the seventh rib. The liver dullness is therefore indicated by a line beginning at the junction of the fifth cartilage with the right side of the sternum, and passing over the seventh rib in mid-axilla, the lower body of the tenth posteriorly to the eleventh vertebra. It should be remembered that in the erect position the spine of the tenth vertebra is on a level with the middle of the body of the eleventh. The bifurcation of the trachea is behind the sternum, opposite the second costosternal cartilage and the arch of the aorta curves from right to left and from before backwards over this division. AUSCULTATION. Auscultation is the recognition by the ear and the determination of the significance of sounds emanating from normal or diseased struc- tures. It is, therefore, almost necessarily limited to the respiratory and circulatory systems. The late Professor Flint picturesquely de- scribed it as a kind of eaves-dropping. Auscultation may be mediate, by means of the stethoscope, or immediate, by the direct application of the ear. In practice, auscul- tation should follow percussion. In using the instrument care should be taken to avoid pressing the bell too firmly against the tissues as false sounds, resembling friction sounds, thus may be easily ijroduced. In the case of children the premature exhibition of the stethoscope may cause fright, and, as sounds of all kinds are readily transmitted through the thin chest walls of the young, often its use may be dis- pensed with. In the examination of the lungs the stethoscope is sometimes of doubtful advantage as compared with immediate auscul- tation, and as the practitioner frequently may be caught minus this portion of his armamentarium, it is wise to. practise both forms of auscultation. One sometimes encounters cases, especially in hospital and dispensary routine, in which he is loath to apply the ear, even with towel or napkin intervening, and occasionally over-modest female clients make objection to the procedure. It is to be observed that in the ease of females the configuration of the breasts renders immediate auscultation more difficult and less accurate than mediate; likewise in the examination of the heart in both ma.les and females, by reason of the circumscribed areas of the valvular sounds, the stethoscope is almost a necessity not only for their accurate location and differen- tial ion but also that sounds emanating from neighboring organs, as. PHYSIC.VL EXAMINATION 77 -tlie lungs and pleura, may be excluded more i-eadily. If it is desirable to cover the chest during' the examination, spe that the covering be of such nature as not to interfere with the transmission of sound nor of .A material of itself to originate sounds. The best covering for the purpose is a thin, gauze undervest ; in the absence of which, a thin, soft towel is a fair substitute. Starched, garments are especially to be avoided. The author has known the soft creaking of a starched •chemise, freshly donned in anticipation of the examination, to be mis- taken for the friction sound of beginning pleurisy. The most reliable evidence is gathered by repeated exammatious of corresponding areas, causing the patient alternately to breathe nat- urally, deeply, to cough and to count, as occasion requires. I have found that repeating the number "nine hundred and ninety nine," by reason of its ringing character, to be especially suitable in testing vocal and tactile fremitus. NORMAL AND' ALTERED RESPIRATORY SOUNDS. It is manifestly impossible to recognize alterations in the pulmonic or cardiac sounds unless we are thoroughly familiar with the normal ones. Constant study of healthy respiratory and heart sounds is the only way in which the ear can be kept in accord with the demands made upon it. Just as the musician attunes his instrument before playing, so the diagnostician should constantly attune his ear. The varieties of respiratory sounds which are recognized in health are of three types, but the unfortunate lack of uniformity in nomen- clature is not only most confusing, but would lead the student to con- clude that there are half a dozen varieties. It must be emphasized that the sounds about to be described are natural, and only have a pathologic significance when heard outside of their own proper spheres, or when one which should be heard in a certain locality is replaced by another. As a starting point, we begin with the air sounds heard over the glottis or larynx. Here the ear recognizes a harsh, blowing sound of high pitch and great intensity, heard both on inspiration and expira- tion, which acts are separated from each other by a distinct silenl interval. The quality of this sound is unmistakably blowing, tubular, and somewhat hollow. As we descend from the larynx to the top of the sternum, the sound undergoes a very slignt modification. This sound is known as tracheal, bronchial, or tuhid ir breathing; the vari- 78 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ous terms being used by different authors as having the same sigTiifi- cance and being interchangeable. If next we apply the instrument over the second interspace, an- teriorly, we hear a much softer sound. Its pitch is decidedly lower, the blowing character has been replaced by a gtentle breezy rustling of short duration, heard best with inspiration, followed without any appreciable interval by a still softer expiratory murmur of yet lower pitch, shorter duration, but with a faint suggestion of blowing. As this, murmur is supposed to originate in the alveoli, it is called vesicular breathing. It is best heard as well as most ehareieteristie at the point indicated. At the apices and low down posteriorly its intensity dimin- ishes, but its quality remains unaltered. This is what is meant by the normal breath sound, or the normal respiratory murmur, and the student will do well to fix indelibly in his mind its qualities. The third recognizable type falls between the two just described, and shares the qualities of each. It is a sound Heard over the subdi- visions of the trachea, that is to say the roots of the lungs; hence is heard normally over the manubrium in front and in the interscapular region behind as far down as the top of the fifth dorsal vertebra. With inspiration the vesicular element is diminished but not absent. Inspiration is separated from expiration by a distinct interval, shorter than in the first variety. Pitch and intensity likewise fall between the two varieties above described. This form of respiration is known as broncho-vesicular breathing. CHANGES IN THE BREATHING SOUNDS PRODUCED BY DISEASE. I. The vesicular murmur may be altered in intensity, by being increased or diminished, or the murmur may be suppressed. Increase in the intensity of the vesicular murmur is called puerile breathing, on account of its likeness to the breath sounds normally heard in children. It denotes increased activity and follows violent exercise. It is not necessarily a sign of disease. Inspiration and expiration are equally affected. When heard in adults it indicates that an increase of function in the unaffected portion of the lungs is compensating for diminished activity elsewhere. It is often called suuple mental breathing or exaggerated breathing. One of the best examples of its occurrence in disease is the respiratory murmur hoaivt, over the sound side in cases of pleuritic effusion. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 79' II. Diminished Breathing. Diminished or feeble respiration is the opposite condition to puerile breathing. It is dne to diminished functional activity, caused by obstruebion to the entrance of air into the vesicles ; by partial obliteration of the cells by deposits within, or from pressure upon them. The character of the normal breath sounds is unaltered, but the intensity is diminished. It may arise in the course of a variety of affections, as paralysis or pleurodynia. Feeble respiration at the apex combined with impaired percussion resonance is a strong indication of the early stage of tuberculosis, III. Absence of the Respiratory Murmur. Large pleural effu- sions, massive pneumonia in which the secretion totally occludes the bronchi, and collapse of the lung, are the only conditions likely to cause entire absence of the breath sounds. IV. The respiratory rhythm may be so changed that the relative length of inspiration to expiration is altered ; or tho respirations may become uneven and .jerky, exhibiting the so-called wave or cog-wheel character. In the first instance it is the expiration which is most affected and the change is usually in the nature of a prolongation of that act. The prolongation is generally accompanied by a change of pitch. If the pitch be elevated it means consolidation, deposits within the air cells or in the nearby bronchi. Here the quality of the sound gradiially ascends to bronchial or tubular. If the pitch is low and the quality unchanged, it indicates emphysema. In the one case the bronchial deposits mechanically dam back the air; in the other the loss of elasticity causes the expiratory prolongation. Cogwheel Respiration. The inspiration is disconnected, broken into two or three parts due to the uneven expansion. Affections of the muscles of respiration or previous disease of the lungs or pleura, especially old adhesions, or diseases of the bronchi offering an impedi- ment to the entrance of air are the causes. It has been met with in hysteria, in intercostal neuralgia and other spasmodic affections, as well as in pulmonary tubercular deposits of which it was once con- sidered a pathognomonic sign. Here its favorite seat is near the apices. Bronchial Breathing. The character of this respiration has been already described. When heard over the vesicular areas of the lungs as the result of disease the qualities above attributed to it are little altered but the intensity is diminished. The tracheal sound as heard at the root of the neck posteriorly is the prototype of bronchial respira- -80 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION tion and should be used as the standard of comparison. Bronchial breathing is higher in pitch than the vesicular inspiratory sound and retains more of its tracheal qualities. Its expiratory quality is af- fected in the same way, its intensity increased, its duration equal to or longer than inspiration, its pitch elevated, and inspiration and expira- tion separated by a distinct interval. Bronchial breathing signifies the consolidation of the vesicular structure from deposits within, or air-cell obliteration from pressure from without. The sounds of the still patent, large-caliber bronchi are then conducted through the -denser tissue to the ear, replacing the vesicular murmur and causing it to appear as though the sohnds originated immediately under the ear. Sometimes adventitious growths, as solid tumors or aneurysms, intervening between the chest wall and the trachea or a large bronchus, will cause obliteration of the air cells and the bronchial bruit is then ieard over the tumor area. As indicating consolidation, bronchial breathing is heard in pneu- monia and in the infiltrated areas of phthisis. As the result of intra- thoracic pressure it is heard over the compressed lung above moderate .and large effusions. Broncho-vesicular Breathing. When heard peripherally in dis- eased conditions it portends partial consolidation, but less in degree than that indicated by bronchial respiration. It is subject to varia- tions in quality, especially intensity, and may pa§s into the bronchial type by exacerbation of the conditions which cause it. As the change •occurs, more and more of the vesicular element is lost and the tracheal quality assumed, as indicated by an ascent of both intensity and pitch. Tubular Breathing, as the term is generally used, is synonymous Tvith bronchial breathing. It indicates the breathing of complete con- isolidation, as does the latter, but the former term is more limited in its application. Its quality is described as whiffling, and its pitch as higher thanthe bronchial pitch. Like the latter tubular breathing is present in pneumonic consolidation and in the complete consolidations sometimes met with in the superficial areas of phthisis. Cavernous Breathing, as its name indicates, is produced by the entrance and exit of air from a cavity. The cavity may be within the lung substance or external to it, without causing alteration of the cav- •ernous sound, provided it be entirely or partially empty and that it PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 81 <3oramunieateo with an open bronchus. It is asserted that a cavity must be as large as a wahiut to produce the phenomena attributed to it. The inspiration is low-pitched, hollow and blowing, as is the ex- piratory sound. Often, but not invariably, expiration is still lower in pitch than inspiration, which is the reverse of bronchial breathing. The pitch is never raised on expiration and expiration is longer than inspiration. It requires for its production yielding walls. As a stand- ard of comparison for cavernous breathing, we compare it with the sound heard at the lower end of the trachea. The sound is often asso- ciated with gurgling, due to fluids confined in the vomics, which may disappear when the cavity is entirely filled, to reappear after expec- toration. It is significant of the third stage of phthisis, of bron- chiectasis or of pulmonary abscess. Amphoric Breathing, like cavernous, requires a cavity with resil- ient walls communicating with a bronchus. It is a high-pitched, blow- ing sound, the qualities being those of cavernolis breathing in an exag- gerated degree. But in addition thereto it Has an echoing, metallic character, as has the corresponding percussion note. It may be imi- tated by blowing across the mouth of a bottle or jug (Amphora). Its intensity varies. It indicates a lai^e- cavity and usually means pneu- mothorax. Rarely a pulmonary cavity may afford the necessary con- ditions for its production. NEW OR ADVENTITIOUS ^OUNDS. In addition to the changes and modifications of the respiratory rhythm already described, auscultation reveals certain sounds which are in no wise related to or analogous to the normal sounds. Such are rales, rhonchi, friction sounds, echoes and the like. Kales are peculiar sounds generated in the air tubes by the pass- age of air through exudates contained therein, or by the forcible sep- aration of agglutinated surfaces, as the swollen lining of the small bronchi or the collapsed alveoli. When they originate in a portion of the lung which has undergone consolidation, or when due to the forma- tion of a thick, viscid and not easily displaced exudate into the cells, the character of the sound is sharp, crackling, dry, or even explosive. These sounds are described as crepitant or crackling rales, and are ■gauged according to size and intensity into small, medium and large •crepitant rales. As already stated, they mean consolidation of the -vesicular portions of the lungs. The small, sharp crackle, heard often- 82 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION est with inspiration, originates in the alveoli, and is heard in the early stages of tubercular formation, or may be accepted as the earliest sign, of the softening stage of' the pneumonic process. This rale is not limited to inspiration, but may also be heard during expiration. The larger crackling rales are in character the same as the small rales and indicate an extension of the associated processes. Hence they are heard in the softening stage of pneumonia and of tubercular deposits. They also occur in broncho-pneumonia. The largest crepitant rales, are confined almost entirely to minute cavities, surrounded by areas of consolidation which form during tubercular softening. Sounds produced in the manner just described, particularly when they emanate from lungs whose structure is little altered, and in which the lesions are confined principally to the lining membrane of the tubes, vary in character with the amount and natiire of the secretion. They may originate in any portion of the bronchial tract, including the trachea, but usually are confined to the lesser bronchi. When these sounds are dry and have somewhat of a musical character, they are termed rJionchi. When their nature indicates the presence of liquid in the tubes, they are denominated moist j liquid, or mucous rales. Sometimes the sounds suggest the breaking of small bubbles. Such sounds originate in the smallest bronchioles and are heard in capillary bronchitis. Others are larger and have a, gurgling character. All of these sounds are extremely evanescent, changing their loca- tion, appearing or disappearing with forced respiration, coughing, or change in the position of the patient. They may be so turbulent as to entirely obscure the normal respiratory murmur. These rales are named small, medium and large bubbling or mucous rales, and the names are sufficiently descriptive of their location and character. The large rales occur in cases involving the trachea or largest bronchi, and are common in chronic conditions, such as feacheitis and bron- chitis. They are the cause of the "death rattle" sometimes heard in expiring persons. These rales are heard in all pulmonary diseases in which inflammation of the bronchi is the essential element of the dis- ease or occurs as a complication. Pure, large gurgling rales, having the character of liquid poured from a bottle, are (Confined to partially filled cavities, and are heard on coughing. fihonchi are dry sounds, and like wet rales are confined to the bronchi. They vary in both character and pitch according to their location and the amount of obstruction or narrowing produced by the PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 83 causative condition. The narrower the tube, the higher the pitch of the sound. Such narrowing may result from swelling of the membrane, as is apt to be the case in inflammations of the finer divisions, or from secretions, which is the usual cause of their occurrence in the large tubes ; or the two causes may operate together, as in bronchitic asthma. The low-pitched rhonchi are called sonorous, owing to their reverber- ating character; the high-pitched are called sibilant by reason of their hissing nature. Others have a whistliDg sound. They may be heard on either inspiration or expiration, or both, and accompany acute and chronic inflammations of the bronchi. The finer, higher-pitched rhonchi are heard in aciite conditions and when exacerbations or extensions of chronic forms take place. They are very variable and large rhonchi may suddenly disappear. The finer varieties, indicating obstruction, are somewhat more stable. a\s has been said under Cough, they often indicate the first stage of a condi- tion in which moist rales are the second stage. Bronchitis and asthma and emphysema give us the best examples. Stridor' is the name given to the harsh, rough, vibrating sound imparted to the breathing by certain conditions. It might be called respiratory tremor. The breathing is noisy and labored, inspiration is prolonged and the voice is often raucous. Direct pressure on the larynx, trachea or a large bronchus produces: it, hence the most fre- quent cause is thoracic aneurysm or a mediastinal growth. Xext in frequency is syphilitic stenosis. If due to local conditions as inter- laryngeal growth or paralysis of the vocal cords, an examination of the larynx will reveal the cause. Friction Sounds. These sounds result from the rubbing together of two inflamed pleural or pericardial surfaces. In older cases the surfaces are roughened from the deposit of exudate, or fine fibrous union may have formed. Friction sounds consist of a number of sHort, repeated sounds of a crackling, rubbing or crepitant nature. They are often compared with the creaking of new leather. They are usually heard over a very limited area, possibly never exceeding in size a half dollar. They are unilateral and oftenest confined to the lower thoracic areas. Pleural friction sounds are generally heard on both inspiration and expiration, but may appear only at the ewl of forced inspiration. The sounds are frequently referred to as "come and go" sounds. It is 84 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION- often difficult to decide whether the sound arises from altetation of the pericardial sac or of the pleural membranei The following points will aid in the distinction: — The location; the evident superficial situation of the pleural sounds. The relation of the two sounds to respiration above mentioned; pericardial sounds do not disappear when rtspiration is suspended. From the crepitant rale it is distinguished by the fact that pleural .sounds are influenced by neither cough nor by respiration. That deep respiration increases the pairf in the case of friction. That friction areas are more circumscribed and that the rale is heard only on inspiration. AUSCULTATION OP THE VOICE SOUNDS. When the ear is applied to the normal chest while the patient speaks a distant, muffled, humming, vibratoi^y sound is heard. The spoken words are inarticulate. The sound is strongest in deep-chested adult males and weakens by gradations in wonjen and children. What- ever the character of the sound may be, it is=pretty constant in pitch and intensity over the entire pulmonary periphery of the individual. The sound is called normal vocal resonance. It is more intense in the vicinity of the trachea and large bronchi and is slightly more intense in the right infraclavicular region than in the corresponding region on the left. Conditions which increase .conductivity increase the intensity of the sound and vice versa. Hence consolidation of the lung of any degree whatsoever increases it. The pitch is unaltered in this case but th|i sounds are louder. On the other hand emphysema, in which the lung is, so to speak, rarefied, diminishes the vocal resonance, as does also pneumothorax, by separ- ating the conducting substance from the chest wall. Thickened pleura similarly affects it by offering a barrier, and over pleural effusions it is totally absent. Occlusion of the bronchi by mediastinal growths, aneurysm or other causes, prevents the sound waves from reaching the periphery, hence vocal resonance is also absent in these conditions. This absence will be understood readily when it is considered that the vibrations set up by the act of speaking must reach the surface by traversing the intervening air column. If the column is interrupted by bronchial obliteration, the sound waves will be absent over the lung PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 85 surface so supplied and likewise over the corresponding area of lung covering. Bronchophony. Over the large bronchi the voice sounds heard in health are of greater intensity, more sonorous, more concentrated and of higher pitch than those sounds heard over the vesicular regions. This is called the bronchial voice and is the" type of bronchophony. The sound seems to be near the ear. The terha bronchophony means, therefore, increased or augmented vocal resonance. It bears the same relation to normal vocal resonance as does bronchial breathing to^ the normal vesicular breath sounds, and when heard in localities other than over the roots of the lungs means increased conductivity, hence consolidation. The sounds are inarticulate. Pectoriloquy is the name given by Laennec to the distinct trans- mission of articulate words through the chest to the ear. By some it is regarded simply as exaggerated bronchophony. In character the sound closely resembles the sound of the voice heard over the larynx. In bronchophony, as stated, the sounds are inarticulate, while in pec- toriloquy not only is sound of like quality transmitted to the ear, but the articulate words are audible. In a few cases the sounds not only seem to arise under the ear, but are much intensified and the pitch elevated. This is a union of bronchophony and pectoriloquy and is named bronchophonic pectoriloquy. In other instances the character of the voice sounds, although articulate, are distant, hollow and even may be slightly ringing. Here the pitch is not elevated, the area is limitecl and the words do not seem to arise under the stethoscope. This Flint named cavernous pec- toriloquy. He says that the former means solidification, the latter a cavity. Amphoric Voice is so named when in addition to being ringing and hollow it has also a musical, a metallic 6v a tinkling character. The sounds are not articulate as in pectoriloquy. It is generally taken to mean pueumo-hydrothorax, but may occur in large cavities offering similar conditions, especially large vomica whose walls are formed by limiting membrane. JSgophony is bleating bronchophony, caftsed by a thin layer of fluid set into vibration by the voice. It is of very rare occurrence, but has been found in eases of moderate pleur&l effusion, its usual seat being at the lower angle of the scapula. The Whispered Voice changes or is modified by disease as well as 86 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIOlJ the spoken voice. Normally the whisper resonance is not heard ex- cept over the large bronchi which form the roots of the lungs, and the adjacent areas in the upper thorax. Here is it a soft, blowing sound which accompanies each word. Increased or exaggerated whis- pered reso)ta)ice and wliispering bronchophonymay be said to be pres- ent when the normal whisper just described is heard over the vesicular areas of the chest, where they are never normally present. The whis- pered sounds then have the characteristics of their spoken congeners. The second of these two is higher in pitch, more intense and nearer the ear than the first. It indicates consolidation. Also may we have whispering pectoriloquy, amphoric whisper, and cavernous whisper. Whispering pectoriloquy is a surer indica- tion of cavity than its spoken equivalent. The whispered voice is some- times transmitted in pleurisy when the spoken voice is not. Bacelli considers this sign as diagnostic between serous and purulent effusions, but clinical experience does not bear him out.. It is however perpet- uated as Bacelli 's sign. There still remain to be considered a few adventitious sounds of somewhat rarer occurrence than those already described. Crepitation. A fine, crackling sound exactly' imitated by rubbing the hair between the fingers, close to the ear. It has long been accepted as the earliest sign of fibrinous deposit within the air cells in pneu- monia. It may also occur when air enters the collapsed air vesicles and is due to the separation of their walls, hence is heard at the end of inspiration (see Pneumonia). It may be present also in hypostatic pneumonia, oedema of the lungs or in areas of lobular collapse. }^uccussion Splash. This was described by Hippocrates, and is a peculiar splashing sound produced by violent coughing or a sudden shaking of the body. A large cavity containing both air and fluid is necessary for its production. It may be exactly imitated by splashing an uncorked earthenware jug containing a small quantity of water. It is present in hydro- or pyo-pneumothorax (q. v.). Coi7i Ring or Bell Sound may be produced in pneumothorax or in very large pulmonary cavities. A coin is placed flat against the chest and is struck with the edge of another coin ; with the stethoscope applied over the affected area, is heard a clear ^ bell-like tinkle. Metallic Tinkling is a sound which Loomis likened to dropping pins or small shot into a metallic vase. The sound is echo-like, clear, high-pitched and ringing. It may be single or a series of sounds, maj' PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 87 be produced by the movements of respiration, by coughing or even by speaking. A large, dense-walled pulmonary or pleural cavity and a communicating bronchus are necessary for its production. It is often- est heard in pneumo-hydrothorax. Dr. Walsh regards it as due to the echo of bursting bubbles shut up in the cavity. It is also attrib- uted to dripping fluid striking upon a liquid' surface. The term am- Fig. 27 — Laryngeal mirror with electrical connections. phoric echo is used in the same connection to describe the above sound, or one very similar. Post-tussive Suction, a rare but valuable sign of cavity. When an excavation is so conditioned as to be compressed by the act of cough- ing, the air is expelled therefrom during that act with a slight hissing noise. The dilatation of the cavity after compression is sometimes fol- lowed by an audible, air-suction sound, varying in intensity with the size of the cavity. The name is sufficiently descriptive of its quality. A sound similar to the above, also produced by air entering a cavity Fig. 28 — Laryngeal Mirror. with inspiration, has been described by Laerinec, Skoda and others, and called "the puff" THE LARYNGOSCOPE. This well-known instrument enables us to view the interior of the larynx, the vocal cords and a portion of the trachea. Acute and chronic laryngitis cause hyperaimia, erosions of the cords and occasionally a slight exudate. In the chronic form the mem- brane is thickened. CEdema and pseudo-membranous formations give names to their respective varieties. Tuberculous Inflammation. The vocal clirds a:t t".i;c"::ijnc(V.and eroded, the movements restricted; infiltration, superf.cial ar_d deep, i:s 88 PHYSICAL, EXAMINATION seen. Thickening of the arytenoids is the earliest sign. Other symp- toms of tuberculosis coexist. Laryngeal Syphilis. Symmetrical superiicial ulcers occur early. Gumma, deep ulceration and necrosis of the cartilages are tertiary. Paralysis of the laryngeal muscles arises from various central lesions, medullary syphilis, multiple sclerosis, locomotor ataxia and hysteria. In another group of paralyses the lesion affects the fibres of the recurrent laryngeal in their tortuous course, or the laryngeal fibres, in the vagus or accessory nerve, or the direct laryngeal nerve is subject to pressure. Xew-growths are the principal cause of such paralysis. Fig. 2g — Laryngeal Headlight. The left nerve is most exposed to injury ovs^ing to its course around the aorta. Mention is made of the condition under Aneurysm. Causes. Aneurysm, pleural thickening, mediastinal tumors, en- larged bronchial glands, carcinoma of the oesophagus, enlarged thyroid and even pericardial effusions are assigned as peripheral causes of the lesion. THE 0PHTHALi\I0SC(5PE. The examination of the eye-ground by means of this instrument adds greatly to our diagnostic knowledge. Much information is within reach of the general observer even though he has not received special training in technic. Besides diseases strictly pertaining to the eye, the following con- ditions are worthy of attention. Choroiditis. Syphilis, rheumatism and gout often originate the disease. Typhoid and piierperal fevers, septicemia and conditions causing thrombosis are sometimes complicated by it. TuhcnJp of Ihe choroid is observable in miliary tuberculosis;. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION, 89 gumma in syphilis. Sarcoma of the choroid is met with oeeasionally, the subjects being usually above thirty-five ye^rs of age. Ptdsation of the retinal veins occurs during cardiac diastole but is physiologic. Pulsation of the arteries is generally pathologic. It is seen in states of increased or diminished arterial tension and occurs in aortic regurgitation with hypertrophy, in Basedow's disease, in syn- cope after heemorrhage. Papillitis is most frequently caused by intracranial diseases, es- pecially cerebral tumors or meningitis, but glycosuria, albuminuria. Fig. 30 — Laryngeal Reflectar. lead-poisoning, anaemia, amenorrhoea and syghilis also are recognized causes. Alrophu of the optic nerve occurs in spinal diseases as tabes dor- salis, in syphilis, diabetes and malaria. Toxic agents, alcohol, tobacco and lead are designated as causative. Cardiac valvular diseases may cause embolism of the retmal artery, as may also albuminuria and pregnancy. Retinal hemorrhage may result from numerous derangements of the vascular system, as arterial sclerosis, valvular diseases, especially mitral disease, embolism and thrombosis, miliary aneurysm and the 90 PUYSICAI. KXAMINATIUN following general conditions: Diabetes, albuminuria, pernicious ante- mia, purpura, scurvy and k-ukivmia. Betinitis is caused by albuminuria, glycostiria or syphilis. The Fig. 31 — Morton's Ophthalmoscqpe. Tvhite patches upon the retina — albuminuric retinitis — which are seen in Bright 's disease have often revealed the malady when entirely un- suspected. Cataract. Diabetes is a well established cause o£ cataract. SECTION IV. SYMPTOMS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST. COUGH. Among the adventitious sounds one which plays a most prominent jole is cough, and while its presence does not always indicate de- rangements of the respiratory apparatus yet by reason of its para- mount importance as a physical sign, and its almost universal asso- ciation with all pathologic changes, however slight, in the breathing and vocal apparatus, it is best considered along with the pulmonary adventitious sounds. Cough is a sudden, single or multiple violent expiratory effort, spasmodic in origin, with the object of expelling some irritating sub- ■stanee from the air passages. Each cough is accompanied by a sudden opening and closure of the glottis so that the air is expelled in forcible •blasts. The character of a cough varies greatly, not only during the course of any single disease, but varies likewise with the multifarious pathologic conditions which originate it. In. the beginning of some ■diseases it is so characteristic that the nature of the affection may be foretold by the cough alone. With the progress of the disease this dis- tinctiveness is often lost, as in phthisis, while in other maladies, as wrhooping cough, it develops as the disease progresses. Coughs are dry or moist as to whether they are or are not accom- panied by expectoration. According to the location of the disease which originates it cough is spoken of as laryngeal, tracheal, bronchial, ■cardiac or sympathetic. The possibility of stomach cough in the sense used by the older writers is now generally denied. Dry coughs are indicative of the primarj^ stage of almost all in- flammatory affections of the larynx and pulmonary system. In pleu- risy and the early stage of phthisis, dry cough is significant. Coughs due to pressure of various growths upon nerve trunks 92 DIAGNOSIS OB PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST associated with the respiratory tract, particularly such as involve the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the coughs of cardiac affections, thoracic aneurysms and some other conditions, remains dry throughout its course or is accompanied by so little expectoration as to merit that distinction. Irritation of the air passages, whether inflammatory or non-inflammatory, will likewise cause dry cougji, as nasal polypi, rhin- itis, acute and chronic inflammation of the fauces or tonsils, elongated uvula and hypertrophied tonsils. A similar cough is caused by many ailments the seat of which is entirely removed from the air tracts, and while the relation of cause and effect is indubitable, yet from the man- ner of their production they must be classified as sympathetic. Thus, dentition, intestinal parasites, various organic diseases of the brain,, the stomach, the intestines, the heart or the blood vessels number cough among their symptoms. Diseases productive of dropsies, such as changes in the peritoneum, kidneys, liver and valvular diseases of the heart likewise manifest this physical sign. It is a common mani- festation of hysteria and states of high nervous excitement. Dry cough is of a peculiar irritant character, affecting alike both possessor and listener. I have sometimes attributed this impression on ^he listener to the undefined sense of wasted effort. A careful study of the varying character of cough in its many phases is instructive. Laryngeal cough is ringing and brassy, although the voice is husky; nasal and pharyngeal coughs are "hawking and hemming" in character. The cough of croup -is so characteristic as to originate the ad.iective "croupy. " That of false croup is husky, 1 aueous, stridulous and brassy. The most noticeable quality of chronic laryngeal cough is hoarseness. Likewise vocal hoarseness accompanies most other laryngeal disorders. The cough of emphysema is loud, harsh, wheezing and paroxysmal. The characteristic spasmodic cough of whooping-cough is so well known as scarcely to need description. It consists of a violent, protracted series of abrupt, forcible expiratory efforts, followed by a long-drawn inspiration which is accompanied by a hoarse noise called the whoop, from the similarity of the sound to the syllable. The cough usually continues with brief interruptions until expectoration or vomiting supervenes, only to be repeated again after varying brief intervals. Prior to the development of the whoop, which appears at the end of the first week, the disease presents no signs which distinguish it from ordinary catarrhal bronchitis, more or less of which is associated with it throughout its course. DIAGNOSIS UJ' PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST 93 Commonly associated with certain coughs is an annoying tickling sensation in the throat, the patient frequently observing that if the tickling were stopped, the cough would disappear. Cough is atfected by position, being usually worse during the recumbent posture; by time, being usually worse at night, or, as in chronic bronchitis and phthisis, worse in the early morning. EXPBCTORATION.C Expectoration is the consummation of such coughs as progress through an orderly sequence or which belong to the series that we have designated as mcist coughs. The matter expfectorated often possesses such physical, chemic or microscopic characteristics as positively to identify the source and character of the disease, as in phthisis, pneu- monia, bronchitis, abscess of the lung and a few others. The amount of sputum expectorated varies largely with the dis- ease and may reach 1000 cc. in twenty-four hours. The consistency of the sputum varies greatly, as a rule it is less When the amount is great. The consistency is extreme in the first stage of acute pneumonia, bronchitis and phthisis. In these cases, especially in pneumonia, it is a familiar fact that the sputum cup may be inverted without loss of the jelly-like contents. Sputum containing air floats, while denser, airless masses sink. Very dense sputum assumes round or flat, disc- like shapes, and when such masses float in thinner expectoration, we have the coin-like or nummular sputum, of which the cavities of tuber- - culosis give us the best examples. Small, cheesy particles which sink to the bottom of the cup are likewise indicative of phthisis and usually contain large numbers of tubercle bacilli. In cases of pulmonary oedema the fluid expectorated is thin, serurii-like and covered with froth. The sputa of pulmonary gangrene, of perforated empyema and of pulmonary abscess may be composed almost entirely of pus, which may possess a strong, distinctive odor. The color of the sputa varies from the transparency of mucoid exp,ectoration to the dark- brown or red of admixed blood. The white color indicates leucocytes, yellow and green sputa are purulent, bile pigment also gives a green color to the expectoration. Red denotes blood. Pulmonary gangrene gives rise to a fetid, chocolate-colored sputum. This form of sputum contains various elements deserving of more particular mention^ such as elastic tissue fibers, the presence of which always denotes some de- structive process in the pulmonary tissue. Such destruction occurs in 94 DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC OONDITIONS OP THE CHEST phthisis and abscess as well as in gangrene. In former days the recog- nition of these fibers was, taken in connection with other physical signs, the surest indication of phthisis at the command of the diagnostician. Fibrinous easts are found in the sputa in the course of pneumonias and sometimes in bronchitis. They may be recognized by the eye and beautifully demonstrated by shaking them with a little water in a large test tube. The sputum of bronchial asthma is very distinctive and finds no counterpart in any other affection. It contains small, translucent pellets or gelatinous masses, named by LaenneC, "perles". These ball- like masses, when unfolded, are found to be mucous moulds of the smaller tubes. The entire sputum may consist of these bodies floating in thin mucus. If a portion of the sputum be spread on glass and held over a dark background, it will be found that among these masses are some which have a twisted or spiral shape recognizable by the naked eye, others, when unravelled and viewed under the microscope present the same structure. They assume one of two forms. In the first a few mucin fibrils are twisted upon each other and enclosed in their meshes are entangled a small number of leucocytes, generally eosinophiles of large size and containing numerous fine granules stain- able with eosin. In the second form the mucin fibrils are much more numerous and are tightly twisted around a crooked central fiber. En- closed within the skein are a few cells. Curschmann views the threads as transformed mucin formed in the finest tubes as the result of a bronchiolitis. It has been stated that these bodies have been fo"und in the sputa of chronic bronchitis and of croupous pneumonia, but Osier says he has never found them therein. The above-described sputa often contain pointed octahedral crys- tals first described by Leyden and called Charcot-Leyden crystals. They occur later in the attack, while the spirals are found early. If, however, the sputum containing the spirals be kept for several daj^s it is said that the crystals will develop from the spirals. These crystals are found very occasionally in acute and chronic bronchitis and phthisis. Under the microscope they appear either as small, straight hexagonal prisms or as granules of varying size ; they are quite gener- ally associated with free eosinophilic leucocytes as already stated. The crystals are found in the blood in myelogenous leukaemia. The boiled sago-like grains which often appear in the sputum arc- due to the presence of alveolar cells which have undergone myelin DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OP THE CHEST 9& degeneration and are merely indicative of a catarrhal process without other distinctiveness, although they are ol;t(|n encountered in early phthisis. The presence of tubercle bacilli and the diplococcus pneumoniffi^ and the methods of demonstrating them by stains, are discussed under their appropriate headings. HEMOPTYSIS. Definition. Haemoptysis is the expectoration of blood which has. escaped into the air passages. Oecasionaly blood escapes into a cavity which is not in communication with a bronchus, in which ease there is no expectoration of blood. Thus there may be extravasation of blood into the pleural sac or a pulmonary aneurysm may rupture into a cavity which has no communication with the air tubes. Causes. The most common causes of hmm'optysis are : (a) The rupture of an aneurysm on some branch of the pul- monary artery. (b) Erosion of a branch of the pulmonary artery due to disease of whatever nature. Such hasmorrhages occur during the advanced stages of phthisis, bronchiectasis, cancer and oecasionaly in gangrene of the lung. (c) Active or passive hypertemia of either the bronchial or pul- monary capillaries. In this case the quantity of blood is small com- pared with the other lesions. Such haemoptysis occurs at the outset of phthisis, in acute broncho-pneumonic phthisis, in acute miliary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, cirrhosis of the lung, emphysema, in the initial stages of pneumonia and bronchitis; in pulmonary gangrene, cancer, abscess, in short, all inflammatory diseases of the lung. In these cases the quantity is often only sufficient to streak the sputa. (d) Injuries to the lungs and pleura, tumors and parasitic in- vasions and all forms of pleurisy may give rise to haemorrhage. (e) In young, healthy persons haemoptysis may arise without any assignable cause, without warning, continue a few days and pass away without leaving any subsequent token of its visitation, and the attack may never be repeated. (f) Hfemoptysis occurring with lesions of the cardiac valves, particularly in mitral insufficiency and mitral- stenosis and in aortic insufficiency. Here it may be profuse and reeur at regular intervals for years. 96 DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST (g) Hemoptysis accompanying certain impoverishments of the blood, particularly rickets, scurvy, purpura, hemophilia and occasion- ally leueoeythffimia. Under this head may be included the haemoptysis of malignant fevers. Ulcerative affections of the larynx, trachea and bronchi give rise to hemorrhages which may be profuse and rapidly fatal. Such ulcer- ation may occur even in bronchitis. Aneurysm of the aorta may ulcer- ate into a bronchus or the trachea. Vicarious hemoptysis replacing menstr^iation is too well established to be denied. A recurrent hemoptysis of arthritic subjects is described by Sir Andrew Clark. In these cases the patient is beyond fifty years of age, the hemorrhages recur without any serious disease of the lungs being present or devel- oping after the attack. Character of the expectorated blood. The quantity varies from a mere show to a litre, the rupture of an aortic aneurysm into a bronchus may amount to the latter quantity. The blood is bright-red when moderate in amount, but if enormous may be dark or venous- colored. It is mixed with the bronchial secretions formed in the vari- ous diseases with which it occurs. When in any considerable amount it is frothy from admixture of air. The blood of hemoptysis is alkaline in reaction, a point which serves to distinguish it from blood derived from the stomach. If it is retained for some time within the lungs it coagulates and its color is dark-brown or black. It is then often coughed up in strings or moulds of the bronchioles. For several days after a hemorrhage the secretions will be stained with brownish streaks. Symptoms. These vary with the gravity of the attack. When large quantities of blood are suddenly lost the symptoms are more grave than when a like quantity of blood is more slowly lost. In the graver cases blood may pour out of the nose and, mouth or it may be coughed up in gulps. Blood which has been swallowed may be after- wards vomited or be passed by the bowels. The symptoms are great pallor and anxious expression of face, cold, clammy skin, small feeble pulse, faintness and coldness of the extremities. During the attack there is a decided fall of temperature, but subsequently a febrile reaction sets in, the temperature rapidly rising to 102° or 104° F., then falling by gradations for several suc- cessive days. This fever will continue, especially in tuberculous cases, for several days to a week, even in patients where there was little ele- DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST 97 vation prior to the accident. The hremorrhages of pulmonary tuber- culosis may be separated by wide intervals and some tuberculous cases terminate without any distinct hasmoptysis, while other cases are marked by periodical recurrences. If haemorrhage comes from a ruptured pulmonary aneurysm the quantity is apt to be large, but if the termination is not fatal, the opening closes and the danger passes. If a vessel erodes the closure is by clot, which may be dislodged, allowing a repetition of the haem- orrhage at intervals of a day or two, as is often observed. Diagnosis. Inspection of the front of the chest and auscultation with a stethoscope may be made during the= continuance or imme- diately after the haemorrhage, but no attempt at percussion nor change in the position of the patient is permissible, neither should ho be allowed to speak, cough or even breathe deeply. A few moist rales may be heard towards the apex. A previous knowledge of the presence or absence of tuberculous signs is most useful. The heart may be examined early, in order to ascertain whether or not the valves of that organ be diseased. Difficulty is often encountered in determining from the history of a case whether a previous attack has been one of hsemoptysis or of hsematemesis. If the patient is seen during the attack the differen- tiation is easy. In case of a previous seizure, it should be ascertained whether the patient had suffered from cough, expectoration, shortness of breath and other symptoms referable to the lungs, or whether he had previous to the attack dyspepsia, vomiting or other gastric symp- toms, or gives a history of hepatic disease, particularly cirrhosis. Per- haps splenic enlargement may be made out. These three organs are the chief malefactors in hsematemesis, while the lungs, the heart and the vessels assume the same roles in haemoptysis. The history may show whether previous or subsequent to the attack the sputum was .streaked with blood, and whether faintness preceded it. Sometimes .also, in the case of intelligent patients, one can- ascertain other valuable facts, as to whether the attack came on during a fit of coughing or of vomiting, and whether or not the blood came all at once or in successive mouthfuls. The common recital of the patient in the case of heemoptj^sis is that he "felt a tickling in the throat," or "had a salty taste in the mouth, followed by the blood." Such a description does not apply to hffimatemesis. S8 DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OV THE CHEST In htematemesis the blood is dark in color, acid in reaction ; if it has remained long enough in the stomach to be acted on by the gastric juice it resembles coffee-grounds. It may be= mixed with food. It is generally clotted. Vomiting is often preceded by a sense of faintness. The passages subsequent to the attack are tarry, but it must not be forgotten that during an attack of haemoptysis blood is frequently swallowed, to be afterwards vomited or passed from the bowels. For convenience we arrange the above symptom^ in parallel columns, as an aid to differentiation. Hcemoptysis. Hcemat erne sis. 1. History and symptoms of 1. History of disease of stom- pulmonary disease. Cough, moist ach, liver or spleen; enlargement, rales. Signs of cardiac valvular No physical signs of valve dis- disease. ease. 2. Sputa blood-streaked before 2. Attack comes on during and after the attack. Attack vomiting, often preceded by comes on during coughing. If faintness. Blood comes en masse. vomiting, it is subsequent to seizure. 3. Blood aerated, alkaline in 3. Blood dark-brown or black reaction, frothy, bright-red in in color, acid in reaction, mixed color, clots readily; mixed with with food, usually in coarse clots pulmonary secretions, pus. or coffee-grounds. 4. Local physical signs. 4. Melsena and nausea subse- quent. Local physical signs. The following signs of all severe internal haemorrhages are com- mon to both conditions, viz., restlessness, extreme pallor, a quick,, feeble pulse, syncope, subnormal temperature, skin clammy or bedewed with cold perspiration, breathing shallow and feeble but hurried, great thirst. In fatal cases consciousness is apt to be retained longer in hsemoptysis than in h^matemesis, since the stomach loses its power to expel the blood earlier than do the lungs. In cases not presenting the ordinary physical signs the larynx should be examined for a ruptured vessel or ulceration, as mentioned under causes. Syphilis of the trachea and bronchi is also an occasional cause of haemorrhage, likely to be overlooked. DIAGNOSIS OP PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST 99' DYSPNCEA. Difficult breathing accompanies a variety of disorders of very diverse character. Sometimes it is the direct' result of gross lesions of the respiratory or circulatory systems, at others it is due to the presence within the organism of toxic materials and occurs wholly apart from discernible lesions. In still other cases subjective causes, as pain or even hysteria, are responsible for its presence. Certain constitutional vices, as rickets, while not wholly accounting for its oncoming, are yet contributory and augment it when present. Among, diseases of which dyspnoea is a well recognized symptom,, asthma, of either the bronchial or cardiac type, stands in the front rank. Of the former variety it is the leading symptom. Further- more it is seen in all inflammations of the respiratory tract from the Schneiderian membrane to the ultimate air cells. It occurs with coryza, with nasal polypi, hypertrophy of the tonsils, retro-pharyn- geal, oesophageal, or fauceal abscess, and quinsy. It is characteristic of obstructive inflammations of the larynx, as diphtheria, of new- growths or paralysis of the organ, and of the spasmodic condition known as laryngismus stridulus. In catarrhal inflammations of the larynx it plara a less prominent role. The diseases of the trachea, the bronchi and the lungs of which it is a symptom are more particularly described in this work. It may be said to be associated in varying degree with the entire list, as well as with those of the pleura. Ad- mission of air into the pleural sac, as from ulceration, may cause its sudden onset, as does also perforation from without. Cancer of the respiratory- tract, and especially cicatrices cesulting from previous ulceration, are included in the etiology. Its intimate association with all forms of heart disease is well, linown, and here it often forms a safe barometer indicating plainly,, by its rise and fall, not only the state and progress of the disease, but . likewise the eiScacy of the treatment. It accompanies endocardial and pericardial inflammations. Intrathoracic growths are causes, both directly, through the obstruction which they produce, and indirectly, by their influence upon the respiratory nerve mechanism (see Aneur- ysm). Acute mediastinal lymphadenitis gives rise to paroxysmal dyspnoea ; de Mussy holds that the dyspnoea of whooping cough is due to this cause. Thrombosis and embolism of the pulmonary vessels, as well as cerebral embolism, are occasional but grave causes. Any condition which materially alters the intrathoracic pressure, operating. 100 DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OP THE CHEST either from within, as emphysema or effusions into the pleural or pericardial sacs, or operating from without, as tumors, hypertrophies and dropsies below the diaphragm, may likewise cause dyspnoea. Kid- ney diseases, unaccompanied by dropsy, owing to faulty elimination manifest it, and in ursemia it assumes a peculiar type. Its intercur- rence during the course of, or during convalescence from scarlet fever should suggest scarlatinal nephritis. It is present in apoplexy, cere- bral tumors and other diseases of both brain* and cord. Alcohol and toxic substances absorbed into the blood, as well as changes in the blood itself, are known factors, hence its share in the symptom-group of the anffimias. In progressive pernicious anaemia it progresses with the case and is the type of the so-named ansmic dyspnoea. In large goitres and in Ludwig's angina dyspnoea results from tracheal com- pression. The dyspnoea of obesity is a matter of daily observation. Classificatimi. Dyspnoeas may be classified as machanical, chem- ical, and nervous. The first includes all those forms which arise from pressure and obstruction, thereby causing a reduction of the air cur- rent; from deformities and from lesions which result in hypostasis. Chemical causes are toxicity, imperfect aeration and the accumu- lation of COj, as occurs in febrile diseases and faulty elimination. Nervous and reflex causes include spasmodic cases, affections of the respiratory center, peripheral irritations, and palsies. In many cases two of these factors unite to produce the dyspncea. According to its relation to respiratory rhythm we classify dyspnoea as inspiratory or expiratory. Appearances and Physical Signs. The dyspnoea may be plainly manifested by the expression and attitude of the sufferer, the marked evidences of pain, the appearance of labored breathing, the cyanosis or the pallor of the skin, or the noises which accompany the respira- tory acts. The respirations may be lessened in number, but are much oftener increased. Normally the number of respirations is 18 to 20 per minute for men, and 20 for women. In children the number va- ries with age, being 45 per minute at birth, 25 at the fifth year, decreas- ing to 18 at the fifteenth year. The number, of respirations is influ- enced in health by the same causes which increase or diminish the pulse rate (see Pulse). The relation of the breathing rate to the pulse rate is one to four, or one to four-and-a-half, in health. The num- ber should be reckoned without unduly attracting the attention of the DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST 101 patient, since this consciousness involuntarily increases the number. Oft times the movement of the bed-clothes suffices for ascertaining the number. If the breath-pulse ratio above given is much exceeded, we may suspect that the disorder has to do with the respiratory function, while if the pulse-breath ratio is altered materially, the probability is. that the circulation is at fault. A previous knowledge of the con- dition of the patient substantially aids in the appreciation of the situation, since in aggravated cases a complete examination may be impossible. Yet even here valuable information is afforded by vis- ible signs, as pulsation, the presence of cedema, anasarca, signs of pressure, of spasm or obstruction, collections of fluids, or even of exu- dation into the air cells. Perhaps the heart-sounds may be listened to without greatly adding to the discomfort of the patient. Careful attention to the neck, throat and abdomen is recommended. Dilata- tion of the nares accompanies inspiratory dyspnoea. The accompany- ing sounds may aid in locating the seat of the disease, as well as inti- mating its nature. In obstruction of the larynx or trachea, or spasm' of the cords, the sounds are loud, rough, vibrating or snoring, and the auxiliary muscles of respiration are brought into play. Some- times the sounds suggest a valve-like obstruction to inspiration, and the act ends in an abrupt croak or squeak, as in laryngeal diphtheria. Abscess about the fauces or inflammation of the tonsils imparts a pe- culiar hoarseness and choking, and is accompanied by incessant efforts to expel the viscid secretions. Affections of the- glottis, ulcerations and tumors of the larynx, give to respiration a crowing sound or a stridu- lous character. Bronchial obstruction, when sufficient to cause con- siderable disability, imparts a whistling or wheezing note to the respir- ation, which may be heard only on inspiration, or on both inspiration and expiration. Fluids give rise to rales or gurgling sounds. Pneu- mothorax sometimes is accompanied by a sighing or gasping breath. Cough occurs in no inconsiderable proportion of dyspnoeas, as readily would be concluded from scanning the list of causes. Fits of coughing, as a rule, increase the dyspnoea, or the dyspnoea may occur only during and after coughing, as in pertussis. In almost all con- solidations of pulmonary substance the same observation holds good. Expectoration generally brings relief, as in bronchiectasis. The term dyspnoea is not, however, confined to the phenomena above described, in which the breathing is manifestly labored, and in which auxiliary aid is sought. The term is quite as applicable to those 102 DIAGNOSIS OP PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE CHEST •diseases in which a decided increase in the number of respirations oc- curs without particular effort as is seen in pneumonia, in which the rate may rise to 60 or even 80 per minute. This form belongs properly to the second division of our classification, viz., Chemical Form. Allied to the latter form is the dyspnoea which occurs upon ex- <3rtion The patient may be quite comfortable so long as he remains ■quiet or recumbent, but the exertion of sitting^up brings on an attack. Such dyspnoea, occurs frequently in convalescence, but is not con- fined within its boundaries. In another variety the patient may be free from discomfort so long as he walks on a level or walks at a moderate pace, but should he attempt a slight ascent, or should the necessity to quicken his pace arise, the attacTi sets in. This may be ihe first admonition to the patient that his mechanism is deranged. Dyspnoea in young children often shows itself in the inability ■of the child to nurse, although obviously anxious to do so. The neces- sity for breath causes it quickly to relinquish the effort. This is espe- cially marked in nasal and laryngeal aft'eetidns, either obstructive or spasinodic. Cardiac dyspnoea may come on suddenly or gradually, after ex- ertion or when the subject has been perfectly quiet. It is often ac- companied by excessive pain. The resemblance of this affection to bronchitic asthma has given it the name of cardiac asthma. The spasmodic nature and the absence of mechanical causes point to the nerve influence as an etiological factor. It not infrequently comes on suddenly during the night. Its causes have been already listed. The peculiar sudden dyspncea of pulmonary embolism is described in that section. Nervous dyspnoea, the third class, has already been touched upon by reason of the impossibility of completely separating the three classes. It is apt to be combined with mechanical causes, since pres- sure and peripheral irritations of nerve terminals are potent factors in exciting spasm and other evidences of reflex action. Hence, in diph- theria, in all forms of laryngeal inflammation^ irritations the result of of growths or foreign bodies in larynx or trachea, and, as already stated, the influence of an aneurysm, may cause alarming and even fatal spasm of the glottis. The nervous influence in the production •of bronchial asthma, is described in the section devoted to that malady. That it is the result of transient spasm is indicated by the suddenness with which it comes and goes, the manner in which it is influenced bv DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITION^ OP THE CHEST 103 nervines, and the influence which certain odors or irritants ^vhen in- haled exercise in the development of the attack. Hysterical dyspnoea belongs to this category, and the dyspnoea of pregnancy sometimes seen early in the case, apart from any albu- minuria, cardiac or kidney lesions, is partly mechanical and partly nervous. The dyspnoea of the later stages is almost purely mechan- ical. Reual dyspnoea shows itself in two forms, the earlier form usu- ally appears after exertion and in this respect closely resembles the corresponding form of cardiac dyspnoea. The second form is probably of nervous origin, and markedly resembles spasmodic bronchial asthma. The differential diagnosis between the two forms should be based upon evidence pointing to disease of the one or the other organ. In sooth, the various forms are all differentiated by signs and evi- dence confirmatory of pathologic changes sufficient to account for the attack having occurred in the organs and tissues involved, and by the careful exclusion of similar changes in the otjier organs which might give rise to corresponding symptoms. OrtliopnoBa is inability to breathe while lying down; it is a grade of dyspnoea. In some eases it is so severe that the patient must sleep with the head resting on the arms or on a table. While the patient may be able to bend forward, yet the slighest backward tilt brings a sense of impending suffocation. Orthopneea sometimes occurs in oedema of the lungs, in high grades of pulmonary congestion and in pleural effusion, but usually it is associated with some cardiac lesion or with an advanced aneurysm. In the absence of signs of pulmonary involvement the probability of the cardiac origin is increased. Peri- carditis may cause it, particularly when adhesions form. Increased strain thrown upon the heart in the course of other diseases which cause lesser grades of dyspnoea, and intercurrent cardiac complica- tions may produce it; hence it may be paroxysmal. The assumption of the erect posture is explained by the fact that the organs are less hampered in this position, the auxiliary muscles are more easily fixed, and fluids, gravitate to levels where they interfere less with the air interchange. In some eases a satisfactory explanation is not apparent. CYANOSIS. Cyanosis is closely related to dyspnoea, ^nd great dyspnoea usu- ally presents a considerable degree of cyanosis, yet each may occur without the other; thus, in that group of congenital cardiac defects 104 DIAGNOSIS OP PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS OP THE CHEST known as congenital cyanosis, or morbus coeruleus, while cyanosis is the most evident sign, dyspnoea may be wholly lacking. On the other hand, severe attacks of tachycardia may bej attended with marked dyspnoea, yet cyanosis be lacking. Cyanosis may affect the entire body, or only the extremities may show signs of it. The face is affected in all except the lighter grades. The lips and the finger-tips are the first to give evidence of it. All diseases interfering with the entrance of air into the lungs cause cyanosis directly proportional to the degree of interference. Dis- eases and conditions interfering with the ndrmal exchange of gases which occurs in respiration, and which permit the retention of COj within the body, naturally produce cyanosis. Hence, diminution of the cell areas of the lung, such as occurs gradually in the course of consolidations, or quickly, as in compressions and exudations, is fol- lowed by this result. Even in severe bronchitis, especially of children, a considerable degree of cyanosis is manifest. Pneumothorax exer- cises a similar influence. In pleurisy it increases with the amount of the fluid. In cardiac diseases, it is one of the general manifestations, and increases with the dyspnoea. Diseases involving the right heart mani- fest it to a greater degree than those of the opposite side. It is marked in tricuspid disease. Conditions of the blood which diminish the oxygen-carrying power cause lividity and cyanosis. Thus, it is seen during the admin- istration of angesthetics, in many forms of poisoning, as by nitrous oxide, after a dose of morphia, the inhalation of irrespirable gases, especially COg, and coal-gas. Diseases and neuroses of the larynx which cause dyspnoea, also cause cyanosis ; as paralysis, and laryngis- mus stridulus of children. In the chronic infantile stridor of Taylor and Lee, dyspnoea is without cyanosis. Acute laryngitis produces lividity of lips and finger-tips. Laryngeal diphtheria may produce a high grade of general cyanosis. The chronic cyanosis of heart diseases is followed by permanent changes of an indurative nature, as pigmentation and sclerosis. Cyan- otic induration is described in connection with diseases of the heart. CLUBBING OF FINGERS AND TOES. In various chronic disease of the chest there occurs a thickening and curving of the finger ends and to a less degree of the toes and the nose, to which the name of clubbing is given. DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS. OF THE CHEST 105 It was mentioned by Hippocrates and is called "Digiti Hippo- eratici." Trousseau describes it as follows: "The deformity consists in a contraetiod of the ungual phalanx with enlargement and thickening of the digital pulp. While the nail curves towards the palm, the extremity of the finger assumes the form of the large end of a club and sometimes in enlarging it flattens so as to resemble the head of a serpent. This deformity generally comes on by slow degrees but at other times it is produced with great rapid- ity, the patient suffering pain during the process. In some persons, the toes are the seat of a similar deformity, bpt when it occurs in the toes it is generally in a much less degree than in the fingers. ' ' Trousseau does not mention the change as affecting the nose, but other writers call attention to this fact, and I have seen it occasionally. It has also been stated that in the digital afffection the nail is raised from its bed and that by bearing down on its proximal end, the hard, elevated margin of the root of the nail may be felt. While in most eases this is true, and the stretched, shining^ atrophic skin over the root indicates the hyperplasia beneath, yet, quite frequently in my ex- perience, the nail has been sunken and the hyperplasia seemed to sur- round it as a wall. Particularly is this the case in the flat clubbing, likened by Trousseau to the head of a serpeijt. The enlarged digits often show cyanosis. The disease is general arfd bi-lateral although all fingers are not eqiially affected. In a recently reported case of sub- clavian aneurysm it occurred only upon one side. It has been known to appear and disappear without any known disease being associated. Its progress is generally slow but it may attg,in considerable propor- tions in two or three weeks. In the order of the frequency of its asso- ciation it occurs in bronchiectasis, chronic pulmonary tuberculosis,, especially in conjunction with cavity, emphysema, chronic bronchitis,. chronic asthma, empyema, congenital heart affections accompanied by cyanosis, and certain valvular lesions. In the first mentioned, its oc- currence is so frequent as to be of some diagnostic value and is apt to be associated with changes in the nose and toes. In mitral insuffi- ciency it occurs especially when a child is the subject of the attack. Its association with pulmonary tuberculosis is well-illustrated in dis- pensary practice. SECTION V. BRONCHITIS. Definition. An acute or chronic iriflammation of the bronchial lubes occurring primarily or in the course o£ various diseases. When the finest ramifications of the bronchi are the seat of the disease it is Called capillary bronchitis. ACUTE BRONCHITIS. Inspection shows only slight increase in the number of respira- tions, which occurs in the febrile stage of the acute attack. The res- pirations have a somewhat hurried character. Palpation. Vocal fremitus normal. Occasionally a distinct bron- chial fremitus is transmitted to the chest surface. Percussion. The resonance is clear over the entire area. It may be slightly diminished in the lower and posterior regions when large -amounts of mucus have accumulated in the bronchial tubes. Auscultation. The respiratory murmur changes, becoming more- bronchial and harsher in character. Expiration is usually quite no- ticeable, which is not generally the case in health. New sounds are present, called rales. These may at first be dry and afterwards be- come moist, more usually both exist at the same time and are heard in different areas. Sometimes they are go harsh in character and so -widely diffused as to mask the breathing sounds. The larger tubes give rise to large bubbling or sonorous rales, the finer ones to small, hissing or sibilant rales. In a very few cases, accompanied by an extremely viscid exudate, there may be some fremitus. In these cases the respiration may be broncho-vesicular and the symptoms mislead- ing. Ordinarily the vocal resonance is normal. The cardinal symptoms of acute bronchitis are cough, expectora- tion and dyspnoea, although children below the age of five years do not expectorate, and the dyspnoea caused, by a slight catarrhal inflam- mation of the smaller tubes may be inappreciable. The disease generally begins as a catarrh of the nasal, pharyngeal BRONCHITIS 107 •or laryngeal regions, with hoarseness and tickling in the throat, soon succeeded by a sense of rawness behind the sternum, and in severer cases, or in emphysematous subjects a sense of tightness in the chest. The principal characteristics of the disease are that it is bilateral, that percussion and voice sounds are normal, that the adventi- tious sounds change in character and location with great rapidity, that it is accompanied by a cough that is at first short, dry, hacking, painful and which recurs in severe paroxysms. "When the hyperemia of the bronchial mucous membrane subsides and free secretion inter- venes the cough loses these characteristics and becomes loose and pain- less, but is still paroxysmal. The sputum of bronchitis is at first scanty, viscid and tenacious, ■expelled with much difficulty and adheres to the vessel. It may be blood-streaked. Later it is more mixed with saliva, less viscid, is frothy from admixed air and resembles partially-beaten white of egg. It is now scantily mixed with leucocytes. In the third stage it con- sists largely of an admixture of leucocytes and mucus, becomes again ■denser, its color changed to yellow or dirty green and the separate mouthfiils do not agglutinate. The amount may be eight to ten ounces in twenty-four hours. The microscope shows mucous corpuscles and epithelium floating in clear fluid. The epithelium is cylindrical and ciliated. In the second stage hyaline cells, leucocytes, epithelium, oil globules and a few blood corpuscles may be observed. Pulmonary phthisis is the only disease that resembles bronchitis in any of its physical signs, but the course of the disease and the absence of tubercle bacilli, soon clear up the doubt. Capillary Bronchitis. On inspection no differences from the ■above signs are noted, but in advanced cases marked lividity due to lack of blood aeration is present. Mensuration, no change. Percussion. Note normal or slightly exaggerated. Vocal resonance normal. Auscultation. Vesicular murmur is weakened and in some cases ■suppressed. Siiberepitant reles are heard on- both sides of the chest. If heard over considerable areas they indicate' positive and extensive inflammation of the capillary tubes. These |iue rales may be heard •only in the dependent and posterior portions= of the lung, in which (case they are due to the gravitation of fluid from the larger into the 108 BRONCHITIS smaller tubes. Above these areas the large moist rales may be abund- ant or mixed with finer ones. Differential Diagnosis. This disease might be mistaken for pneu- monia, but the normal or exaggerated percussion resonance, its bilat- eral character with suberepitant rales heard on both sides, and the absence of bronchial breathing, should set the physician right. The disease attacks the aged and young children. While clinically it is distinguished from catarrhal pneumonia, in practice it is often im- possible to determine which disease has attacked the patient. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. Presents no distinctive features, except in cases. due to mechanical irritation, the so-called artisan's bronchitis. This type may be accompanied by wasting, due to induration of the lung, thus resem- bling phthisis, but differs from it in its essential "chronicity and the absence of tubercle bacilli EMPHYSEMA. Definition. A chronic interstitial inflammation of the lungs, causing obliteration of the capillaries, associated with dilatation of the air spaces. A compensatory emphysma is- recognized when one lung, or a. portion thereof, by reason of disease being unable to„ perform its func- tions the remainder increases in bulk and the air spaces dilate. This; condition is not, however, pathologic. Physical Signs. Inspection. The patient is cyanotic, especially after exertion. The breathing is rapid. In advanced cases the upper part of the thorax is dilated and prominent, especially the sternum and clavicles. The muscles of respiration and the elevators of the' chest are hypertrophied, especially the scaleni and the sterno-cleido- mastoids. If both lungs are affected the chest is barrel-shaped, the spinal column bent forward, the shoulders rounded so that the patient, seems to stoop. The middle and sometimes the upper intercostal spaces are widened, the lower ones narrowed, and the lower ribs drawn in. The above picture depicts the hypertrophic type of the disease. There is, however, a form of the disease in which the lungs are- atrophied instead of hypertrophied, but in which the symptoms do- not radically differ from those of the above type. Atrophic em- physema is generally found in the aged, and may be looked upon as. a part of the physiologic process of decay. BRONCHITIS 109 The chest movements are altered. Instead of the rhythmical ex- pansion and contraction seen in normal respiration, the chest is lifted as though it were an inflexible piece, and, owing to calcification this is indeed often the case. The lower ribs and abdominal muscles are drawn in with inspiration, the breathing is labored and of the abdom- inal type ; the diaphragm being brought little into action. Palpation. Fremitus varies, sometimes it is increased, at others diminished. The apex beat is generally lowered and pushed to the right. Radioscopy shows that in emphysema the diaphragm occupies a lower plane and does not rise during expiration to the normal level, and that the heart assumes a much more vertical position in this disease than it occupies in the healthy chest. Mensuration. Both the circumference of the chest and the antero- posterior diameter are increased. The antero-posterior diameter often equals the transverse. Percussion. The percussion note is clear and ringing, the pitch being lowered but the intensity of the sound increased. It is in this disease that we get the typical vesiculo-tympanitic note. The note is not changed either by forced inspiration or forced expiration. The finger feels increased resistance. The area of cardiac dullness may be absent. Although there is very generally present hypertrophy of the right ventricle, it cannot be demonstrated during life. Auscultation. The inspiratory sound is short, feeble and even suppressed. Expiration is greatly prolonged and may be three or four times as long as inspiration. The pitch of both is lowered. Rales of all sizes and qualities may be heard. In those cases where narrow- ing of the bronchi has resulted from chronic inflammation, both in- spiration and expiratn^n are prolonged, nearer equal in length, harsh, sibilant, high-pitched and may be accompanied by rales, especially if, as is usually the case, bronchitis coexists. Theoretically, vocal reso- nance should be always diminished, owing to the lessened vibration in the air columns. As a matter of fact it varies as does fremitus, be- ing occasionally normal or even increased without any satisfactory reason being evident. Differential Diagnosis. Emphysema might be mistaken for pneu- mothorax or pleural effusion. Prom the tirst it differs in that the per- cussion sound is always pulmonic, even if tynjpanitic, and the breath- ing is still vesicular, while in pneumothorax both are amphoric. Em- 110 BKONCHITIS physema is bilateral, pneumothorax is unilateral and raetallic tinkliuji- is diagnostic. Percussion dullness over effusion contrasts strongly with the vesiculo-tympanitic note of emphyseina. The malady is most frequently the. sequel to bronchitis. Ilffimoptysis, although a rare occurrence in emphysema, may take place and has been known to prove fatal. In fatal cases it is prob- ably due to rupture of the aorta, since extensive atheroma of this ves- sel occurs in the disease. The ordinary hjembptysis of emphysema is small and unimportant. SPASMODIC OR BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Defimtion. A spasmodic, paroxysmal panting for breath due to contraction of the caliber of the bronchial tubes. The seizures are probably of nervous origin. Physical Signs. Inspection. Breathing is labored, the muscles of respiration stand out prominently, the abdominal muscles are con- tracted and hard. Inspiration is prolonged and labored, as is also ex- piration. The patient sits up, leans forward and grasps some object to aid in the fixation of the shoulder muscles. The face is cyanotic, the expression anxious. The chest is in a permanent state of infla- tion, hence shows little expansion with inspiration. Palpation. Rhonchial fremitus Ls recognizable, vocal fremitus is lessened and often covered by the rhonchi. Percussion is unchanged in true asthma", In associated emphy- sema it is exaggerated. Auscultation. The rhythm of the respiratory murmur is .ierky and irregular, now exaggerated, now suppressed. The vesicular mur- mur is inaudible owing to lessened vesicular interchange. All over the chest are heard sonorous and sibilant rales with both inspiration and expiration, and expiration is noticeably prolonged. The dry rales change to moist as the attack progresses and the change brings relief. Differential Diagnosis. There are attacks of renal asthma which closely resemble the above form, but in these the dyspncea is less marked, and the kidney lesions are manifest on examination of the urine. Rhonchi and rhonchial fremitus are less pronounced and may be absent, but the expiratory character of the dyspnoea is apparent in both forms. Spasm or paralysis of the glottis produces a dyspnoea BRONCHITIS 111 which resembles asthma, but in these the difficulty is wholly inspira- tory and the rales are not present. BRONCHIECTASIS. Definition. An acute or chronic affection characterized by dilata- tion of the. bronchial tubes, cough and characteristic expectoration. The dilatations may be cylindrical or sacculated. In the acute cases the former are generally found, while in the chronic cases the sacs are gradually formed. Occasionally the acute cases give rise to saccula- tions. There is also an acute and chronic form of enlargement of the bronchioles (bronchiolitis) but the physical signs are not sufficiently distinctive to allow the disease to be -described apart from bronchiecta- Fig. 32 — Curschmaii's Spirals. A Natural size. B Enlarged. sis. This latter form follows acute infectiohs diseases, especially measles and whooping cough. It may become chronic. Clinically we recognize three forms of the disease : (a) Ptwe bronchiectasis which follows after bronchitis, espe- cially chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, empyema. Its associa- tion with the first is well known, but it is also especially prone to be- present in lobar or broncho-pneumonia, where it is limited to the bronchi within the affected area. Influenza is responsible for not a few eases, and bronchiectasis which may be.classified as acute, has suc- ceeded its attacks. (b) Tuberculous bronchiectasis. Few cases of pulmonary tiiber- culosis progress to the end without the formation of bronchiectasis- Sometimes the large cavities so formed are mistaken for vomica. In, 112 BRONCHITIS •one of my cases enormous dilatations were present in a lung riddled with tuberculous cavities. Both the saccular dilatations and the cylindrical enlargements are found. (c) Traumatic bronchiectasis, caused by the pressure of a for- eign body within the bronchi or external pressure exerted' on a bron- chus, causing kinking or stenosis of the tube and subsequent dilata- tion. In the three forms enumerated the disease is essentially chronic, ■cases sometimes lasting ten to twenty years. A case seen by me began with pneumonia which was followed by empyema and then by bron- chiectasis. The physical signs vary with the location, size of the sac and the amount of its contents, giving rise to wholly different signs when full, partly full or empty. The sacculated cases are unilateral. The cavi- ties most often form in the lower lobe. They are rarely single, some- times two communicate by a narrow passageway. Oft times there are two large ones and one or two of lesser size. The size of the dilatations varies greatly. Inspection shows deficient expansion over the affected area. Breathing is labored, expiration prolonged. The expression is anxious, varying degrees of cyanosis are not uncommon. In chronic cases the fingers are clubbed, the nails incurved. In eases following chronic lung diseases, especially an old empyema, a pneumonia, or a pleu- risy where, as is so often the case, adhesions have followed, the re- tracted side, the compensatory bulging opposite to it, the shoulder ■droop on the affected side, and the forward curve of the spine form a most impressive image. If upon these is engrafted, as is occasionally the case, a hyperostosis of the extremities, hands, fore-arms, feet and legs, the picture is ineffaceable. This proliferating hyperostosis, de- scribed by Marie and named osteo-arthropathie pneumique, occurs in other chronic lung diseases, and differs from acromegaly in that it affects only the parts mentioned and is a true proliferation. Palpation. Vocal fremitus is usually increased by reason of the associated induration resulting from the causative disease, such as broncho-pneumonia. Rhonchial fremitus is also present. The fremi- tus may not be manifest unless the voice is considerably raised. Percussion. There is very generally a considerable area of dull percussion resonance, even of flatness, in the, region affected, which is BRONCHITIS 113 more often the lower lobes. Dullness will be found posteriorly and laterallj' oftener than anteriorly. With a full sac surrounded by induration flatness prevails. With a large, completely empty sac the note is tympanitic. With smaller sacs and with cylindrical enlargements the note is tubular. Auscultatiuii. The breath sounds are absent with a full sac. They are bronchial, cavernous or amphoric when the sac is empty. When half-full splashiugs, succussions and bubblings are heard with both inspiration and expiration. With an empty' sac, bronchophony and pectoriloquy may be heard. When the cavities are full breathing may' be deficient over the en- tire affected half of the thorax, but is subject to rapid changes. A full inspiration, a cough or even a change of position renders it audible. Rales. Extensive rales are heard par- tout, large, loud, sonorous, gurgling, mucous, rapidly changing. They are especially manifest and characteristic when the cavity is partially filled. Cough. The patient may have considerable intervals of freedom from cough, days or weeks. This and the character of the cough ren- der it distinctive. It is always paroxysmal, iisually matinal, the pa- tient generally having a premonition of its oncoming. Each paroxysm may exhibit a descending scale both as to the intensity and the force of the succeeding notes. Thus, a sipgle paroxysm may con- sist of six notes, the first loud, hard, expulsive, with each successive note a little less intense than its predecessor.. After a brief pause a repetition of the effort occurs, until with some chokings and gaspings, the cavity is emptied. Sputa. This varies in amount with the size of the cavity and the frequency with which it is emptied. Povir drams to half-a-cupful is an ordinary amount. Its color varies; white, gray, yellow, green, brown. It is exceedingly offensive, the odor being foetid or cheesy, ■' ' as of the ripe Camembert cheese. ' ' When placed in a tall glass the sputum separates into three lay- ers. An upper, frothy layer which may be colored, a middle layer of watery mucoid fluid; the third, a thick sediment of granular matter, ■cells, casts of the tubes, bacteria, crystals of fatty acids, and, if ulcera- tion of the walls be present, elastic fibers are found. Sections of the ■casts show peculiar alternate layers of inspissated secretion and bae- 114 BRONCHITIS teria. lu no disease is the sputum more charagteristic, and its appear- ance to the naked eye is sufficient to establish the diagnosis. Bacteria. The influenza bacillus in pure, cultures has been found present so frequently in these cases as to raise the question of its causative relation. Lord, of Boston, relates thirty-five cases of bron- chitis and bronchiectasis in which it was foilnd, and other observers have met with it almost as frequently, but the ubiquitousness of this germ and its association with conditions so varied and diverse, throw doubt upon the relation of cause and effect. Hemoptysis. Hsemorrhage frequently occurs in the course of the disease and is often profuse, due to the rupture of small aneurysms formed within the dilatations, or to tears in = the enlarge'd capillaries and venules. Differential Diagnosis. The rapid changes in the respiratory murmur, becoming loud and harsh where a moment before it was in- audible, the character of the rales, and especially the physical proper- ties of the sputum and the absence of tubercle bacilli therefrom, serve to distinguish the disease from phthisis. Further, the cavities of bronchiectasis are usually at the base, while thp excavations of phthisis begin at the apex of the lung. Dull percussion and induration are signs of pneumonia, with which the disease is not infrequently associated, but the temporary character of the one, the varied fremitus, the cavernous or amphoric breathing of the other, should prevent the mistake. Rupture of an empyema into the bronchus comes on suddenly and has been preceded by a pleurisy. Nevertbeless these dilatations. exist with chronic phthisis, pleurisy and empyema. BRONCHIAL STENOSIS AND OBSTRUCTION OF THE LARGE BRONCHI. Narrowing of a large bronchus may arise from a variety of causes. Complete obstruction is rarer. The] principal factors caus- ing stenosis are: External compression, most frequently by an aneurysm, less frequently by other mediastinal growths; syphilitic disease; cicatrization following ulceration and constriction; oblitera- tion by a foreign body. Complete obstruction "is followed by collapse of the part of the- lung supplied by the tube. In time, compensatory changes take place- in other portions of the affected lung and in it's fellow. BRONCHITIS US'' Dyspnoea is the most characteristic symptom and varies with the completeness of the obstruction, the suddenness of its' production and the degree of compensation which follows. As said under aneurysm, this cause is productive of the most intense dyspnoea, which may be continuous or paroxysmal. Physical Signs are : Impaired expansidh on the affected side, which may be local or general. If a main bronchus is involved, the entire side of the thorax is affected. The suprasternal and supra- clavicular fossae are drawn inwards with inspiration, the intercostal spaces recede as does the epigastrium at the xiphoid angle. Later, retraction of the chest walls follows over the collapsed area. Palpation shows diminished expansion and enfeebled tactile fre- mitus over the defective area. As secondary changes occur rhon- chial fremitus develops. Percussion. The note rises in proportion to the amount of col- lapse and becomes dull in total obliteration. In old cases where con- densation of lung tissue is followed by fibrous and pleural thickening the note is dull or flat. Auscultation. , The peripheral breath sounds are feeble or absent. Stridor may be present and heard near the seat of constriction. It should be sought for posteriorly outside of the vertebrse, along the inner edge of the everted scapulse. Vocal resonance is proportionally diminished. Later, rales develop from retained secretions, and as stenosis is one of the chief causes of bronchiectasis, signs of that dis- ease may follow. Cough is present and varies with the cause and the degree of ob- struction. The sputum has no especial characteristic unless bronchial' dilatation follows, (q. v.) SECTION VI. PLEURISY. Definition. Pleurisy is an inflammation, of one or both pleural sacs. Varieties. Primary, secondary: Acute, chronic: Circum- scribed or diffused: Dry pleurisy, pleurisy with effusion. Because this disease so often passes unrecognized by the physi- cian, in spite of its pronounced physical signs, as evinced by the fact that extensive adhesions are often found post-mortem without any his- tory of pleurisy being elicited, it deserves a minute description. The various stages of the malady present different signs, and will therefore be considered separately. Inspection, palpation, mensura- tion, percussion and auscultation all give intelligent answers when applied as interrogatives to this disease. In the beginning of an attack, whatever form it may afterwards assume, the lesion is that of a dry pleurisy, in which the two con- tiguous layers,first the visceral and then the parietal, become inflamed. Following this an exudate of thick, soft gray or yellow lymph is de- posited upon the two surfaces, sometimes in distinct layers. At first this lightly adherent lymph may be easily rubbed off, after a time it is sticky, rough, shaggy and quite adherent. The two surfaces may now become agglutinated and the attack thus terminate (Pleuritis sicca). In the beginning and at its height such a condition presents the following signs: Inspection. IncBeased frequency of breathing but with restric- tion of the respiratory movements. Enfeebled respiration which is made manifest by comparison with the sound side. The limitations of the respiratory excursion vary with the severity of the pain. Palpation. Touch will sometimes reveal a peculiar fremitus caused by the friction of the two surfaces (pleural fremitus of Da- Costa) over the region corresponding to the arSa of inflammation. Vo- cal fremitus during the inflammatory stage remains unaltered or is even increased over the inflamed area. Absent vocal fremitus is one PLEURISY 117 of the early signs of effusion. The reader is again reminded that vocal fremitus is normally more marked on the rigjit side than on the left. Mensuration. Previous to the exudate, no change. (Right side normally the larger.) Percussion. Prior to the effusion percussion elicits little or no information. Auscultation. In the presence of severe pain the respiratory rhythm changes and becomes irregular and jerky. Likewise pain causes the respirations to become shallow or enfeebled, in which case the normal vesicular murmur is diminished — thus confirming the signs elicited by inspection. Friction sounds are audible especially on deep breathing. They are superficial and have a sandpaper quality. Gen- erally they are heard on both expiration and inspiration; sometimes they are limited to expiration. They may be limited to a single spot in the inframammary or infraaxillary space, and hence be easily over- looked. Usually the area is more extensive. The sound resembles the crepitant rale, but this rale is an inspiration rale. PHYSICAL SIGNS OP EFFUSION. Inspection. With moderate effusions insspeotion shows lessened chest movements, due to inability of the lung to expand to its full capacity. Pain may or may not be present. When present it is usu- ally accompanied by an increase in the number of the respirations, which may even amount to dyspnoea. In the absence of pain, respira- tions may be even lessened in number. The interspaces above the diaphragm may be widened. A moderate effusion is one in which the level of the fluid does not rise above the nipple in front. Palpation in moderate effusions. Confirrpation of signs revealed by inspection, as diminished respiratory rhythm and widening of the lower interspaces. The friction fremitus will have disappeared. In small effusions the tactile fremitus is generallj'' diminished. This sign is more valuable in men than in women and children. It must be re- membered that fremitus is usually stronger on the surface of the right chest than on the left; stronger in men than in women. Mensuration shows little if any variation in small and moderate effusions. In right-handed individuals, especially men of the labor- ing class, the circumference of the right chest is normally greater than that of the opposite side. Percussion. Dullness increasing to flatness over the area of the 118 PLEURISY effusion is the most important sign of the exudate. In adults it is difficult if not impossible to demonstrate effusions of less than five hundred cubic centimeters. The dullness is usually most marked and first obtainable posteriorly, then in the axillary region, lastly in front. Fig- 33 — Physical signs in effusion into left pleura (Patton). A Skodiac per- cussion resonance, exaggerated vocal resonance, tubular quality of breath- ing. B Complete dullness, absence of vocal fremitus, no respiratory sounds. C Purile respiration, prolonged expiration, exaggerated percussion reson- ance. D More or less well marked pulsation. F Displaced area of cardiac dullness. Upper limit of shading indicates anterior line of Ellis' curve. Along the upper border of the effusion percussion dullness is ob- tained and increases to flatness as we percuss from above downward. Total absence of vibration, coupled with an increased sense of re- PLEUEISY 119 sistance under the pleximeter finger, much grieater than that observed in cases of lung consolidation, are most noteworthy and significant symptoms. The prevalent, in fact almost universally accepted, belief that the level of pleural effusions changes with alterations in the position of the patient is almost wholly erroneous, and is the probable reason why such effusions frequently are overlooked. Only occasionally does such change of level occur, and I wish to lay special stress upon this fact. As pointed out by Flint, Da Costa, and others since, we get in- creased percussion resonance, even amounting to tympany, above the level of the fluid. This peculiarity is due to= disturbance of norma] tension in the pulmonary tissue, which is more or less condensed. The change of quality is variously known as Flint's vesiculo-tympany, Skoda 's resonance, etc. In moderate transudations the upper level of the effusion, and hence of percussion dullness, is not a straight line but a horizontal curve with the convexity upwards. The curve reaches its greatest height in the mid-axilla, whence it descends to the sternum, where, however, the level is higher than at the vertebra. In order to demonstrate this curve the patient should be in the upright position. In a moderate effusion this line may extend from the junc- tion of the sixth rib with the sternum, which point is one inch above the xiphoid junction, to the lower border of the fourth rib in the an- terior axillary line, thence slope gently backwards. This line of dull- ness does not change with inspiration or expiration but may change with changes of position. Auscultatw7i. Moderate eff'nsious. The breath sounds become feebler and more distant as the amount of fluid increases. As has been stated, the vesicular portions of the lung^ are pressed upon and egress of air is prevented, hence vesicular respiration is absent and is replaced, first, by broncho-vesicular and then by bronchial breath- ing. In children this occurs very early and with comparatively small effusions. Sometimes the breathing is amphoric. On the opposite side the lung is doing increased work and the breath sounds are therefore intensified or puerile. Vocal resonance varies. When the effusion is small in amount the voice is still conveyed via the chest walls to the ear. With in- creased effusion the voice sounds are absent over the liquid. If lis- tened to at the upper border of the fluid a^ peculiar quavering or bleating, called egophony, may be heard. It i^ not often present, but 120 PLEURISY when heard is decisive. In typical forms egophony is uncommon, although much insisted on by the older writers, hut it is by no means rare to hear a curious iiasal, twaug-like quality in the voice, particu- larly at the outer angle of the scapula. Moderate effusions, while they compress the air cells do not affect Fig. 34 — Di.splaccnicnt nf organs in a considerable effusion into right pleura ( Patton ) . A Slight enlargement of side, with effacement of intercostal spaces. B Compressed lung. C Displaced heart. D Displaced li\'cr. the bronchi. Bearing this fact in mind aids in comprehending many of the observed phenomena. LARGE EFl^^'SIOXS. I iispccl iun. The I'espiratoi'y movements are much diminished or entirely absent on the affected side, and increased on the sound side. The intercostal spaces are widened, especially m the lower segment. Even bulging may be noted. The affected side looks inflated, the PLATE IV. P. Point where Pericardial Friction is most often heard. PL.F. Point where Pleuritic Friction is most apt to be heard. The Inner Circle represents the most frequently affected Dorsal Area. PLEURISY 121 scapula stands out more prominently than its fellow, the shoulder is elevated. The heart impulse is moved to the left in right-sided pleurisies and is found outside the nipple line. It is sometimes elevated slightly. In left-sided pleurisies the apparent displacement is much greater, and the apex impact may be found a considerable distance to the right of the sternum, even in the right nipple line. < Palpation in large effusions confirms inspection as to lessened mo'vement on breathing, widening of the interspaces and abnormal position of the apex. The impact of the heart apex in disease, as in health, often may be felt when it cannot be seen. Tactile fremitus is absent over large infusions, but in childreja even with a consider- able transudate, both vocal and tactile fremitus may be present, a point not to be forgotten. In these cases the sound probably reaches the ear through the medium of the chest wall. Mensuration. The affected side is larger than the sound side. The difference seldom exceeds an inch or an inch-and-a-half . A cyrto- meter tracing of the two sides shows marked differences in the con- tour. Percussion. As the level of the fluid rises it is followed by the dull percussion note, which changes to flatness from above downward. Flatness is generally first demonstrable posteriorly at the base of the lung. Resistance under the finger and absence' of communicated vibra- tions which only occurs in the presence of confined fluids in the chest, are signs whose value have been previously emphasized. Except in effusions which absolutely compress (carnify) the lung, tympanitic resonance may be obtained in front, beneath the clavicle and above the spine of the scapula posteriorly. The cracked-pot sound may be elicited by percussion below the clavicle, while»the patient expires with the mouth held open. Below the fluid level absolute flatness extend- ing to points lower than the normal limits o| the lung is present. Auscultation. Vocal fremitus is absent, but Baccelli has noted that the whispered voice sometimes may be transmitted to the ear when the spoken sounds are inaudible. He states that this is not the case if the fluid be purulent, hence this sign, if present, denotes serous effusion. If the effusion is sufficiently large to squeeze the lung up- ward and backward into the spinal gutter, then the breath sounds wholly disappear. Usually, however, some breath sounds, feeble and distant, but of a bronchial character, may still be heard over the spinal 122 PLEUEISY gutter when the patient folds the arms tightly over the chest, so as to widely separate the scapulae. Bronchophony is heard in the same region. Sometimes auscultation will enable us to locate the apex of the Fig- 35-^Physical signs (posterior regions) in effusion into left pleura (Patton). A Diminished respiratory sounds. B Very faint or absent voice sounds, ab- sent breath sounds, dullness, no vocal fremitirs. C Dullness, no vocal fremiitus, no voice or respiratory sounds. D Voice sound is tubular or nasal in quality, sometimes approaching segophony. Upper limit of light shading indicates the posterior line of Ellis' curve. heart when it can neither be seen nor felt. On the opposite side the respiratory sounds are exaggerated. Absorption Stage. Inspection shows that, the enlargement of the affected side is disappearing, that the widening interspaces are re- PLEURISY 123 turning to their normal condition. The absent* respiratory movements return, and the obscured apex may now be seen. Unfortunately the process does not generally stop here, but con- tinues by reason of contractions and adhesions until various deformi- ties plainly show the ravages of the disease. The organs may be per- manently displaced. Owing to adhesions thci slow contraction of the ■connective tissue thus formed, and the orgaiiization of the exudate, the resulting deformity appears gradually, after a considerable in- terval, and is progressive. In children it may entirely disappear with growth. In adults it is permanent and varies from a hollow de- pression in the ensiform region to antero-posterior flattening of the chest, flattening and retraction of its lateral areas, the lower ribs be- ing in contact or overlapping, and spinal curvature of greater or less degree. Palpation shows a gradual return of fremitus, vocal and pleural, .and a return of the organs to their normal position. Percussion. The return of normal percussion resonance is grad- ual, returning first above and extending downward. At the base reso- nance may remain permanently absent owing to accumulations of solidified plastic material or to solidification pf lung tissue. Auscultation. Respiratory sounds return.- At first they are weak .and distant but increase in distinctness until' they have even a harsh quality. With disappearance of the effusion, a return of the friction sound is noted. At the base of the lung all sounds may be feeble and obscured for a long time. As the vesicles gradually distend a peculiar •creaking or crackling sound is heard. Bronchophony reappears and in some cases egophony. In cases where a portion of the lung remains permanently imper- vious, there is permanent loss of respiratory motion and of vocal and respiratory sounds over such areas. DIAGNOSIS. As said in the beginning of the section,: pleurisy passes unrec- ognized perhaps oftener than any other disease occurring within the thorax. In the early stage the friction sounds may be absent and this absence is one of the chief misleading factors. The disease is not to be mistaken in the first stage for pleurodynia or intercostal neural- gia. Both of these disorders are unattended with pyrexia, the ten- ■derness is superficial and excited by irritation of the skin. Pain in pleurisy is deeper-seated. The pain of pleurisy may however be re- 124 PLEURISY ferred to points distant from the seat of the lesion. Thus, the seventh^ eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh thoracic nerves after passing through, the intercostal muscles at the side of the thorax, so as to lie against the pleural sac, afterwards pass between the obliquus internus and transversalis muscles and ultimately reach the skin of the anterior abdominal wall. Hence the frequency with which pain is referred to these terminals, a fact which should be borne in mind, and an examina- tion made along the entire course of the nerves ^seemingly involved. In double pleurisy the pain is referred to symmetrical points on the thorax or abdomen, but in general symmetrical pains are more prob- able indications of spinal disease. The pleural friction sound is gen- erally audible with the beginning of expansion, differing in this re- spect from the fine crepitant rales of pneumonia. Left-sided pleurisy may be mistaken for peritjardial effusion and. vice versa. In addition to the description given under pericarditis,. the following points should aid in the differentiation : Pericarditis. Left-Sided Pleurisy. Apex impact usually cannot be Heart ape;s: is displaced to seen nor felt. Heart sounds fee- right. If much displaced, prob- ble and distant. ability of effusion is increased. If not displaced effusion is improb- able. Apex impact visible but displaced. Sounds not changed in intensity. Dullness extends upward in Dullness follows around the pear-shaped area. axilla in usual'line. Vocal fremitus present. Tubu- Vocal fremitus absent. Breath- lar breathing when great com- ing sounds absent; if tubular,, pression of the lung. strongly marked. Orthopnoea. Faint cyanosis of Xo cyanosis, no orthopnoea. face and extremities. Eotch's sign, absence of reso- Roteh's sign absent, nance in right fifth intercostal space. In the pre-exudate stage the location of the friction sound, its- superficial character and its relation to the systole and diastole of the heart, differentiate the two conditions. The effusion may be mistaken for pulmonary consolidation, either PLEURISY 125 of pueumonia or tuberculosis. It is possible also to confound cancer of the lung and various enlargements of the spleen with the effusion of pleurisy. From pneumonia and tuberculosis it is distinguished by the increase in size of the affected side, widening of the intercostal spaces, absence of voeal resonance and of fremitus. In the former dis- ease the percussion sound is dull, in pleurisy it is flat, and in neither ,of the former does the dullness follow Ellis's curve. The bronchial breathing of a lung partially compressed by pleural effusion is much deeper-seated, more diffused and usually unaccompanied by rales. In pulmonary tuberculosis the disease generally progresses from above downward, while in pleurisy, as pointed out, the reverse obtains. Pleurisy is unilateral. Tuberculosis sufficiently extensive to simulate it would be bi-lateral. The history further aids the diagnosis. Enlarged spleen, if :-t disturbs the position of the heart, raises it instead of pushing the heart to the right. It does not interfere with the respiratory sounds of the left side, nor cause bulging of the in- tercostal spaces. Posteriorly the percussion sounds are normal at the pulmonary base, where they should be first affected in pleurisy. (See also Pneumonia for further differences.) The urine in pleurisy presents a marked contrast to that of pneu- monia. While the organic solids are increased and the volume dimin- ished, yet the chlorides, sulphates and phosphates are but little changed and albumin is very rare. Peptone is often present during resolution and indicates absorption of the exudate. PNEUMOTHORAX. Definition. The presence of air in the pleural sac. Since air is almost never present unassoeiated with an effusion, either serous or purulent, we therefore have hydro-pneumothorax or pyo-pneumo- thorax, as the case may be. Air may find entrance into the sac from perforation of the pa- rietal layer of the pleura or from perforation of the visceral layer. The latter is much the more common and the largest majority of all cases results from tuberculous ulceration. Emphysema probably stands second as a cause. The left side is more often affected than the right. The organs are then displaced to the right and the lung may be col- lapsed arid pressed against the spine as in pleurisy. The amount of associated effusion varies. Some cases are not discovered until post-mortem examination is made. 126 PLEURISY The Physical Signs vary considerably according as to whether air alone is present or whether it is associated with effusion. Inspection reveals asymmetry with enlargement and immobility of the injured side, this half of the chest being in the position as- sumed in full voluntary expansion. This is easily demonstrated by noting the resulting symmetry on causing the patient to forcibly in- spire, the asymmetry returning on forcible expiration. Bulging of the intercostals may be present and it is to be noted that there is no recession of the spaces on inspiration. This^ is especially the case if the opening into the pleura is valve-like so that there is actually in- creased inter-thoracic air pressure, as is often the case. The heart im- pulse is generally displaced to the right. Tfie costal movements of the opposite side are increased. Vocal frenaitus is diminished or absent. Mensuration. The tape shows marked increase in the measure- ments of the affected side, and little or no change with expiration. Percussion elicits a tympanitic resonance over the whole of the expanded side. The note varies with the amount of air imprisoned within the cavity and the degree of tension under which it exists. It may be vesiculo-tympanitic if little or no pressure is exerted or it may be purely tympanitic, indicating tension and pulmonary com- pression. Often it is amphoric with a rich metallic quality. The pitch varies with the conditions named and deserves especial mention. If the ingress and egress of air are free the pitch is low, and may be raised by causing the patient to inspire deeply and hold the mouth closed. From this pitch the note rises with the pressure until flatness is reached. When the air is confined under such extreme pressure that vibration from percussion is impossible, the resulting note must be flat and toneless. A lesser tension elicits a very high-pitched per- cussion note. Percussion of the lower areas of the chest yields dull- ness owing to the presence of fluid, but it is to be noticed that the tympanitic areas often extend much beyond their normal fields. When fluids are present the flatness elicited by percussion changes with changes in the position of the patient. This variation of the percus- sion level occurs much more readily and frequently than in pleurisy, where it is often impossible to demonstrate any such change. Auscultation. Absence of all vesicular murmur is noticed. Such breath sounds as may be occasionally heard ai:e feeble, indistinct and distant and are never vesicular, but rather amphoric in character, or,. PLEURISY 127 as occurs iu pleurisy when the pressure is sueh that the vesicles are obliterated, we get bronchial breathing. The vesicular murmur on the sound side is iuteusilied and approaches puerile breathing. The vocal resonance is amphoric and may be imitated by spealcing softly into a large bottle. Kales are generally present and assume peculiar Fig. z^ — Physical signs in pneumothorax (Patten"). A Tympanitic percussion note, breathing suppressed, tultular or amplioric. voice sounds metalhc or amphoric ; metallic tinkling. B Dullness, absence of all sounds. C Harsh breathing (upper portion), increased percussion note rnd increase in pitch of voice and respiratory sounds (lower portion). D Displaced area of cardiac dullness. E Displaced spleen. characters. One very characteristic sound is known as metallic tink- ling and may be likened to drops of water falling against a very thin wine goblet, or to striking the goblet with a delicate wire. These phenomena were first described by Laeiuiec, but his explanation of the manner of their production is of doubtful correctness. 128 PLEURISY Trousseau describes a valuable sign. Place a coin over the affect- ed side and strike it sharply with the edge of another coin while the ear is held against the chest of the patient. A bell-like ringing or tinkling is heard which is pathognomonic, and may be obtained even when intrapleural tension is so high as to yield percussion dullness. Succussion splash may be elicited by violent oscillation of the pa- tient while the ear is applied to the chest wall. The patient should be in a sitting posture. Sometimes the patient himself is aware of this phenomenon. It even may be felt by superimposing the hands over the ribs, one on either side, while the patient quickly moves the body. This sign, which is known as Hippocratic succussion, is fully described under Auscviltation in the introduction. It requires for its production the presence of both air and fluid in a cavity. When pres- ent its diagnostic significance is absolute. No one should be misled by the possible splash of a stomach partially filled with liquid eon- tents. In pneumothorax the organs are often displaced, especially the heart and liver. The first may be pushed either to the right or to the left; the latter displaced downward. SECTION VII. PNEUMONIA. LOBAR PNEUMONIA. Definition. An inflammation of the lung "substance accompanied by exudation from the blood vessels and the growth of pathogenic bacteria, being due to a specific infection. The lower lobe of the right lung is most often the seat of the dis- ease, and, next, it most frequently attacks the lower left lobe. The lower lobes are affected nearly three times as often as the upper lobes. The physical signs vary with the stages of *the disease, which are called, respectively, stage of congestion, stage of red hepatization, and stage of gray hepatization. FIRST STAGE. No consolidation has yet taken place although there is some exu- dation into the aii- vesicles. Signs. Inspection. The patient may lie on the affected side, or be propped up, leaning toward, or "favoring," that side. Dyspnoea at this stage is not marked, orthopnoea is not frequent. The movements of the affected side are more or less restrained. Palpation. On touch the fremitus is normal. Percussion. The percussion note is at first unchanged but as the air spaces are trespassed upon the note becomes higher in pitch, its duration shorter and its approaches to dulln'ess in direct proportion to the amount of exudate into the air spaces. Auscultation. Very early in the diseastj, even before exudation has taken place, the respiratory murmur diminishes in intensity over the affected area and becomes correspondingly exaggerated in other parts. This quiet, suppressed breathing in one part of the lung with exaggeration in other parts, especially on the opposite side, is quite marked even in the preliminary stages and should always suggest pneumonia. Likewise during this stage of enfeebled respiration, after exudation occurs, on drawing a long breath the sounds over the in- 180 PNEUMONIA disposed area will be observed, to have that harshness of quality and elevation of pitch to which the name broncho-vesicular breathing is. applied. As soon as exiidation takes place the crepitant rale is heard^ the distinctive sound of the first stage of pneumonia. This rale is a fine, crackling sound heard close to the ear,. occurring at the end of inspiration and may not be audible until a full breath is drawn. Opinion differs as to whether this crepitus is due to a fine exudate- upon the pleura or is caused by infiltration into the air cells and finer bronchioles, due to the separation of the sticky exudation with in- flation of the cells. While a priori the latter view seems more rea- sonable, yet it is probable that the former is correct. Coarser rales, may be present in the large bronchi and may mask the more delicate crepitant sound. Moist rales are seldom present at this stage. An examination of the urine will show diminution of the chlo- rides and perhaps albumin will be found. SECOND STAGE. Inspection. The restricted movement of the affected side is now marked and the compensatory or exaggerated breathing on the oppo- site side may attract attention even before the patient is uncovered. The respirations are increased in frequency and are of a labored: character, as indicated by calling into play the accessory respiratory muscles. The nostrils dilate on inspiration, always a sign of inspira- tory dyspnoea. The area of the cardiac impact may be much larger than normal, as pointed out by Graves, especially in pneumonias of' the left upper lobe. The cardiac impulse may be transmitted through, the solidified lung so as to cause marked movement of the chest wall. Mensuration. The affected side is increased in volume though, the increase is slight and not sufficient to obliterate the intercostal, spaces. (Contrast with pleurisy.) Palpation. Vocal fremitus is generally increased over the con- solidated area, as is to be expected. Yet for some unexplained reason it is sometimes diminished or absent. This diminution may be due to- the closure of the larger bronchi by the exudation, thus preventing the voice sounds from reaching the periphery. In such cases a vig- orous cough may clear away the obstruction and restore the fremitus. Lack of expansion may be more apparent to touch than to sight, espe- cially by a comparison of the two sides. Friction fremitus often may- be felt. (See pleural fremitus.) > PNEUMONIA 131 Percussion. There is marked percussion dullness over the area of infiltration. The note varies with the degree o£ distention of the air spaces. Sometimes the note is almost tympanitic, or at least sug- gests that quality, and varies therefrom to marked dullness, but never reaches that absolute flatness which has beep described as the distinc- tive quality of effusion. Where consolidation is central and surround- ed by distended, pervious tissue, we get the tympanitic note, and here even deep percussion may not elicit dullness. In the aged especially must we be on our guard against variations and irregularities. Dur- ing this stage sometimes percussion elicits the cracked-pot sound. (See Phthisis.) Auscultation. The crepitant rale appears with the exudation upon the pleura. It may persist through the second stage, but some- times is absent altogether. The respiratory sounds are propagated from the large bronchi through the consolidated tissue and have therefore the quality of the tubes which remain pervious. The breathing is therefore tubular, much intensified and is similar in quality to that heard when in health the stethoscope is placed over the roots of the lungs or over the large bronchi. Breathing may be more intense and bronchial in this dis- ease than in any other prilmonary condition. Rales may or may not accompany this blowing respiration. From the above explanation it follows that in cases where the large bronchi are closed by exudate, the broiichial respiration is also absent. Bronchophony is generally heard when bronchial breathing is heard, but if consolidation is imperfect it may be absent. It may have the bleating or ■ nasal quality to which the name egophony is applied. THIRD STAGE. Gray Hepatization. Movements gradually return and respira- tory harmony is established. Respirations become less labored and less frequent as permeability returns. If there has been enlargement, of the affected side, it disappears. With increased motion of the lung the crepitant rale may be manifest. As softening progresses air enters the vesicles, but the tubes are loaded with the softened products and rales are heard over all parts, coarse and bubbling as well as finer, dryer sounds, crepitant and sub- crepitant. The name rales redux has been given to this process. 132 PNEUMONIA Bronchial breathing and bronchophony disaj)pear and are replaced by the gentle vesicular rustle. Last of all to disappear is the dull per- cussion note and the cracked-pot sound. Impaired resonance over certain areas may permanently remain. It will be seen that the third stage repeats largely the inspection, palpation and auscultation signs of the first stage in inverse order. The third stage, which is the stage of resolution, occupies ten or twelve days. The last sign oP this stage is the crepitant rale, the return of which is known as "crepitans redux." When it is replaced by nor- mal vesicular breathing, dullness should have disappeared. Besides recovery and death, two other terminations should be noticed, abscess and gangrene. Osier asserts that ordinary fibrinous pneumonia never terminates in tuberculosis, that such supposed cases were tuberculous from the outset. Abscess results from pneumonia in about three or four per cent, of the eases. Small cavities may unite into one involving a consid- erable portion of the lobe. The sputum becomes abundant, purulent, contains elastic tissue and may contain crystals of cholesterin or of liEematoidin. The cough comes on in sevei'e paroxysms, with profuse expec- toration. The fever is at first remittent, then intermittent- and hectic. The signs of cavity are not usually present. Gangrene occurs about as often as abscess, but may present no signs except post-mortem. It may occur with abscess. If the sputum becomes foetid and exhibits the characteristics of gangrene, the diag- nosis is clear. Special Syinploms. Herpes develops in about one-third of all cases. Coming on early it is of decided diagnpstic value as it appears in scarcely any other respiratory disease, although it occurs about as frequently in malaria and cerebro-spinal meningitis as it does in pneumonia. The commonest seat of development is about the angle of the mouth and nose. Less usual seats are about the eye, ear, the genitals or the anus. The vesicles appear in a«crop of half a score to a score, disappearing in a few days, leaving behind dry scabs. Chill. In no other disease except malaria is chill so apt to be an initial symptom. Often it comes on at night and is always severe, lasting fifteen to forty-five minutes. It is followed by rapidly rising fever which runs a course between 100° and 105°, F., most frequently falling by crisis between the third and the eleventh day. PNEUMONIA 133 Pain. Most cases are ushered in by ^arp, lancinating pain, which is due to the accompanying pleurisy and therefore has its usual seat over the affected side, yet the pain o:£*1,en appears before the pleuritic friction is observable and may be referred to some distant point. Pain is generally most marked in the mammary or the axillary region. In old persons it is less distinct or absent. In central pneu- monias it is absent. It is often referred to the abdomen in children. Pulse varies with the fever but rises to 100° or 120°. Dyspnaa occurs early and is severe. The respirations quickly reach thirty ; later fifty or sixty in the adult ife not uncommon ; eighty is not extraordinary, especially if both lunga are involved. In chil- dren one hundred is not unknown. The movements are restrained on account of pain, hence are shallow, often ending in an expiratory grunt. Deep breathing elicits exquisite pain.^ The respiration-pulse ratio is more significant in pneumonia than in any other disease, reaching one to two or one to one-and-a-half in some cases, instead of the customary ratio of one to four. Thus", a pulse rate of 100 or 110 may coincide with a respiration rate of 50. The cough, is very painful and therefore restrained. It is at first short, frequent but single, dry and hard. Later it is accompanied by characteristic expectoration. In children and in old people the cough may be slight and attract little attention. EXPECTORATION. The first expectoration consists of small, glairy mucus, arising from the concurrent bronchitis. Within twenty-foiir hours after the initial chill the sputum assumes distinctive characters, becoming ex- ceedingly tenacious, viscid and gelatinous or gluey, then tinged with blood. The cup may now be inverted without spilling the contents. The mass trembles like jelly. The patient has difficulty in expelling the sticky ^ masses. From being blood-tinged, it becomes decidedly colored and the designation "prune-juice sputum" is sometimes ap- plicable, though, in my experience, infrequently in frank pneumonias. In cases of the asthenic type it is common. The term ' ' rusty ' ' better describes the secretion in the majority of instances. The amount varies from one to four ounces in the twenty-four hoiirs. After the crisis the color changes to greenish, then yetlowish purulent masses are expectorated and gradually it fades away., Sometiines after crisii^ it ceases suddenly. 134 PNEUMONIA Microscopically the sputum is found to contain degenerated bronchial and alveolar epithelium, mucus, leucocytes, blood corpuscles changed and unchanged, minute fibrinous casts of the capillary bronchi and alveoli, hajmatoidin crystals, the micrococcus laneeolatus and sometimes other organisms, such as Friedlanders bacillus pneu- moniae, staphylococcus and streptococcus pyogenes and various others. BACTERIOLOGY. Owing to the confusion which is apt to exist in the mind of the student with regard to the bacteriology of pnSumonia the following statements are made : Friedlander in 1882 described capsulated bacilli as being of constant occurrence in the alveolar exudate. They were named " Friedlander 's bacillus pneumoniaj. " He believed they were path- ogenic. Frankel and others subsequently showed that this bacillus was of comparatively rare occurrence in pneumonia, and that an- other, discovered by Sternberg, was present in the sputa of nearly all cases. Friedlander 's bacillis is now named, "The pneumo-bacillus. " This second organism has been known by various and confusing names and is still called the diplococcus pneumoniEe and also the pneumococcus of Frankel. In 1888, Klein described yet another bacillus, known as Klein's bacillus pneumonise. In some cases of the disease only streptococci are found. Fran- kel 's pneumococcus has been found in the saliva and bronchial secre- tions of healthy individuals. In some eases of pneumonia none of the above organisms is present. The diplococcus pneumonias, also called the micrococcus laneeo- latus, and pneumococcus, is oftenest found in the sputum, but in the absence of physical signs and clinical symptoms does not indicate the presence of the disease, since it may be found in healthy persons. Method. Smear two cover glasses with the, sputum, rub together into a thin layer, separate, dry in the air and fix by passing a few times through the flame of an alcohol lamp. Immerse in a one per cent, solution of acetic acid for two minutes, draw off: the excess of acid with a pipette and stain, first in a saturated solution of anilin water, then in gentian violet. Wash in water and examine. The organism is a rod-shaped diplococcus surrounded by a capsule ( Simon ) . PNEUMONIA 135 BLOOD CHANGES. The most common and characteristic blood phenomenon is leu- tjocytosis. The normal number of leucocytes per cubic millimeter does not exceed ten thousand. In pneumonia it may increase to 30,000 or 40,000. Osier has seen 63,000. Leucoeytosis increases with tem- perature and disappears with crisis. Its absence portends grave con- sequences. Its persistence means delayed resolution. Since leucoey- tosis does not occur in influenza, its presence is of diagnostic value. THE URINE IN PNEUMONIA. The quantity is diminished to one-third or one-half. Uric acid •and urea are increased and large deposits of* pigmented urates occur at critical stages. They are stained brown or red. The specific grav- ity is 1025 to 1035. Excess of mucus causes the fluid to become quickly alkaline. The chlorides are greatly diminished or even absent during the first and second stage, or even until convalescence sets in. Their return is a favorable indication. The sulphates increase. Nearly fifty per cent, of all the cases show albumin during consolida- tion and its presence is distinctly unfavorable. Diminution of the "total solids is also unfavorable. Sometimes nephritis is intercurrent or is a sequel of pneumonia. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. Pneumonia in the first stage resembles pulmonary oedema. The latter differs by the presence of liquid cractling rales occurring at the most depending portions of the lungs and on both sides, while pneumonia is usually confined to one lung. Further, the frothy sputum, the general distribution of the rales, ^ their coarser character, the cyanotic lips, the noisy breathing, the absence of fever, in csdema, prevent error. When not the immediate precursor of death, cedema is not an acute condition. In the consolidation stage it may be confounded with pleural effusion. ,It differs from the latter in that boalging is absent, vocal fremitus instead of being absent is increased, by the fact that the percussion note is never wooden or absolutely fiat and that its area does not move with changes in the position of the patient, that the respiration sounds are intensified and tubular instead of absent in pneumonia, and that when occasionally present in effusion they are indistinct, distant or deep-seated. Pleurisy is often without rales 136 PNEUMONIA and the sputum is frothy. Pneumonia does not displace any of the organs. From phthisis it differs both in the history and in the course and progress of the disease. Tuberculosis advance's from the apex down- ward. Pneumonia is confined oftenest to one lobe and that the lower lobe, is much more acute, the hectic flush is absent as are the night sweats. The character of the cough and sputum is different, there are no tubercle bacilli present. The pulse-respiration I'atio is inverted, that is to say, in pneumonia the pulse is slower than called for by the respiration rate, while in phthisis it is faster. The dyspnoea of pneu- monia is much more striking than that of phthisis. It is only in those cases of acute phthisis that appear after pneumonia, that the physi- cian must be on his guard. BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Synonyms : Capillary Bronchitis, Lobular Pneumonia, sometimes Catarrhal Pneumonia. Definition. An inflammation of the terminal bronchus and the vesicles which constitute a pulmonary lobule, due to the invasion of the lung by various kinds of microbes. It is lobular, in contradistinc- tion to lobar, pneumonia. Holt's statistics give a proportion of two cases out of every three as secondary to some other disease. Bacteriology. The organisms most comnlonly found in broncho- pneumonia are bacillus influenza, micrococcus lanceolatus, streptococ- cus pyogenes, staphylococcus pyogenes aureus et albus, Friedlander 's bacillus pneumonia?, also the organisms of the associated disease when the process is secondary, as the bacillus of diphtheria. The infection is almost always mixed. In typical form broncho-pneumonia is a disease of childhood, usually attacking children under two years. It is either a primary disease or is secondary to bronchitis, measles, whooping cough, diph- theria, ileo-colitis, scarlet fever or influenza, in the order named (Holt). It also follows other diseases but less frequently. Wilkes mentions it as occurring after extensive burns of the skin. It occurs in the course of typhoid fever. It follows the inhalation of foreign substances, giving a distinct type, the so-called inhalation or degluti- tion type, due to benumbing of the larynx, as after apoplexy, in uripmia, and post-operative pneumonia. PNEUMONIA 137 Rickets and malnutrition are predisposing causes and furnish a fruitful mortality. In the aged it often terminates a chronic bron- chitis. The disease is bi-lateral but one side usually bears the brunt of the attack. The lesions are small areas of consolidation, often sur- rounded by areas of over-distended cells alternating with small areas of collapsed lobules, which are depressed below the surface. The con- solidated spheres change from brown to gray, and then to yellow with age. They may be separate and remain fairly scattered, but some aggregate and by their confluence form large racemose bunches of consolidation, with interspersed air cells, so that an entire lobe is never solidified. The lower lobes are affected oftenest and collapsed lobules are found near the base of the lungs. The small bronchi, the alveoli, and occasionaly even the large bronchi are filled with inflam- matory products and proliferated cells. When pressed they exude puriilent mucus. The cases terminate by softening, abscess, gangrene (bronchiec- tasis often so terminates), return to normal or become chronic (chronic pneumonia). So much of the morbid anatomy is absolutely necessary for a proper understanding of the various signs and symp- toms encountered. Associated Lesions. The bronchial glands enlarge but do not undergo softening. The right heart dilates, due to the obstruction encountered in the lungs, and this leads to venous engorgement of the organs connected with the systemic circulation, as the spleen, liver, and kidneys. Intestinal catarrh is for this reason often associated. Course and Symptoms. The primary attack often sets in with a convulsion, sometimes with a chill, the temperature rises rapidly to 103° and varies between 103° and 105°, but is fairly constant. Cere- bral symptoms may mask the pulmonary lesion, or what is more likely, the disease may be mistaken for lobar pneumonia. The secondary form begins as does the primary with accession of fever, cough and dyspnoea, rarely with chill. The fever is more irreg- ular and ranges between 102° and 104° Mprning temperature may be higher than evening. The cerebral symptoms if they occur, come on early and go quickly. Breathing is from fifty or sixty to eighty per minute. (Compare lobar pneumonia.) Physical Signs. Inspection. Patient rests propped up in bed with the head high, respirations are short aad shallow, ala? nasi are 138 PNEUMONIA widely dilated. The face, at first pale, soon becomes livid and then cyanotic. The expression is anxious. The breathing is labored, the inspirations are short, the expirations are prolonged, there is little true expansion. The sternum rises, but there is recession of the lower interspaces, the submammary and epigastric regions, with inspiration. The tongue is dry, the skin hot and dry or alternates with perspira- tion. The pulse is small, quick, rapid and may be uncountable. The ■dyspncEa is painful, but the efforts to breathe "Subside somewhat under the influence of the non-oxygenated blood. In cases which survive ■dyspnoea gradually fades. Emaciation is rapid. Palpation. Fremitus increases with the atmount of consolidation. Percussion. The note is normal as long as the areas affected are few and scattered. As coalescence occurs the resonance becomes im- paired. This usually develops after forty-eight hours. The asso- ciation of coalescence and collapse gives flatness, but in the most common form of the disease the patches are' scattered and much of the lobe remains crepitant. Early in the disease the note may be hyper-resonant in front and along the over-distended edges. Auscultation. Breath sounds are harsh in the upper lobes, feeble, absent or bronchial at the base, depending on the relative amount of the three factors which influence them, viz: consolidation, collapse and hyper-distention. As the bronchioles fill with exudate, blowing breathing predominates and expiration may be jerky and grunting. The rales, at first fine and subcrepitant, soon Ijecome higher and whist- ling and the fine crackling rales are not limited to inspiration. If bronchiolitis occurs rales become metallic and high-pitched, associated with bronchial breathing and bronchophony. Rhonchi, sibilant rales and other signs of bronchitis vary with the extent to which the tubes are involved. Vocal resonance increases with con- solidation. Collapse is indicated by retraction of the side, absent breathing sounds, absent vocal resonance and fremitus. The percussion note of collapse is not as dull as that of consolidation. The cough is hard, distressing and even painful. Occurring secondarily to bronchitis, the fr-ee secretion ceases. A cough which was loose and painless now becomes short, frequent, dry and painful. The secretion becomes viscid and is coughed up with difficulty. It may be blood-tinged but is never rust-colored as in pneumonia. In ■children expectoration is absent. PNEUMONIA 139 Diagnosis. The secondary forms are easiest diagnosed. If, dur- ing convalescence from one of the diseases mentioned, a child 'has an accession of fever with cough, a rapid pulse, decided increase in the respiration rate and if, on auscultation fine crackling rales scattered about the base of the lungs are heard, one may safely expect broncho- pneumonia to intervene. The disease closely resembles pneumonia if the lobules coalesce into large masses. Broncho-pneumonia occurs ofteuest before the second year, while lobar pneumonia is rare- before the third year. Pneumonia is unilateral; broncho-pneumonia is bilateral. The first is primary, the second is oftenest secondary. Pneumonia shows fewer remissions in temperature and the crisis occurs about the eighth day. From tuberculosis the diagnosis is often made by postponement. It is an aid to know that acute miliary tuberculosis, without softening, is more common in children of this age than the caseous form, but both occur. In tuberculosis the upper lobes suffer oftenest, in the pneumonias, the lower ones, and typical signs may be detected in the vomited matter, shreds and tubercle bacilli may be found. From TQeningitis it is differentiated by recalling that brain symptoms ac- company the onset of many diseases of childhood, and the dyspnoea and the cough soon draw attention to the lungs. EMBOLISM OF THE PULMONAEY ARTERY. Sometimes called Embolic Pneumonia, Haemorrhagic Infarct or Pulmonary Apoplexy. Definition. A conical extravasation of blood into the lung sub- stance resulting from the lodgment of an embolus in a branch of the pulmonary artery. The embolus must arise from a thrombus which has formed somewhere in the venous system, and which, becoming detached and passing through the cavities of the right heart, ulti- mately blockades a branch of the pulmonary artery. During preg- nancy such a thrombus may form in the venous system of the pelvis or in the femoral vein (phlegmasia alba dolens). During typhoid fever it may arise from thrombus of the saphenous or femoral vein. So also in the course of septic diseases, of pleurisy or phthisis, thrombi are apt to form in the veins mentioned or ill the jugular vein. In middle ear disease they may form in the lateral sinus. Further, emboli may result from clots formed within the heart itself, in dis- 140 PNEUMONIA eases of that organ. Pat emboli are sometimes found after death from diabetes. Symptoms. A small embolus may cause only a transitory oedema, or hypersemia which soon passes away. Septic emboli cause inflammation, and gray hepatization follows the wedge-shaped infarct. This may be succeeded by abscess or gan- grene. The typical lesion following pulmonary embolus is infarct, which is a form of pulmonary hemorrhage. The area is cone-shaped, the base reaching the surface, the apex corresponding to the point of obstruction. If small, they give rise to few symptoms. If, however, a large area is involved, the attack comes on in a moment, the patient is seized with agonizing pain and the most intense dsypnoea, the heart is irregular and tumultuous, or weak and imperceptible, and death, may result within a few minutes. In severe but not fatal eases the symptoms are somewhat as follows : Inspection. Patient is anxious, breathing is rapid and panting,, but is unob.structed. Sometimes the Cheyne-Stokes type supervenes^ lips are blue, skin cold and moist. Heart becomes gradually quiet and feeble. Palpation shows increased fremitus. Permission reveals impaired resonance over the limits of the infarct. Auscultation shows harsh inspiration, somewhat lengthened ex- piration, crepitant and suberepitant rales, and even bronchial breathing. Blood appears in the expectoration after twenty-four to thirty- six hours. In some cases involving large areas the signs are those of croupous pneumionia, but the outline of the lobe is not followed; the disease is unaccompanied by pyrexia, and comes on much more rapidly than is possible with pneumonia. Occurring in the course of mitral disease the symptoms are : pain in the side, dyspnoea and possibly hemoptysis, with the expectoration of dark, blood-stained sputum. A local pleural friction sound may mark the site of the infarct. Deep percussion may reveal tender- ness (Head). Diagnosis. The suddenness of the onset, the character of the dyspnoea — the patient breathing deeply, yet conscious of a lack of PNEUMONIA 141 air — the agony, the absence of signs of obstruction, should suggest the nature of the disease. Asthma is accompanied by sonorous and sibilant rhonehi. Laryngeal obstruction shows signs of impeded air entrance. Qi^dema shows fine crackling rales over the bases of both lungs and is painless. Infarct is unilateral. The knowledge of a coexisting phlebitis, or of heart disease, aids materially the diagnosis. If seen after the onset and without a knowl- edge of the history of the case, the disease may be mistaken for pneu- monia. Xon-septic cases are afebrile. Septic cases are followed by •chill, rigor, hectic, and the familiar chain of septic symptoms. PULMONARY (EDEMA. DefinHiun. An effusion of serous fluid into the air vesicles and interstitial tissues of the lung substance. It occurs in the lungs, as elsewhere, by reason of disturbances of the circulation and changes in the vessel walls, hence is associated to a more or less extent with all diseases producing pulmonary congestion. It gives rise to few symp- toms except an aggravation of the existing, symptoms of the asso- ciated disease. As an independent entity we consider the pulmonary oedema which frequently terminates a variety of acute or chronic diseases, and is therefor spoken of as terminal oedema. Such diseases are acute and chronic nephritis, cardiac diseases, various antemias and diseases of nutrition and cerebral diseases. It is prdne to occur in maladies in which general dropsy exists. Acute osdema may follow the embolic obstruction of the pulmonary artery just described. Sometimes it follows the rapid removal of large quantities of fluid from the pleural cavity by thoracentesis. The transudate may be watery serum or blood-stained. Very acute oedemas are almost entirely serous. Except in the case of the rapidly produced oedema just men- tioned, the symptoms come on slowly. They are an increasing sense of suffocation, increasing difficulty of breathing, some cyanosis, a weak pulse and a cough which is short and dry. The oedema here begins at the base of the lungs and mounts, the symptoms increasing there- with. If suddenly developed, the above symptoms are much aggra- vated, the dyspnoea is severe and there is expectoration of abundant frothy sputa, which may be blood-stained or hsemorrhagic. The 142 PNEUMONIA dyspnoea depends on the number of air cells occupied. The malady is afebrile, bilateral. Percussion gives areas of impaired resonance,' amounting to dull- ness over the bases and dependent portions of the lungs. Large effu- sions give marked dullness. Auscultation. The vesicular murmur is feebje or absent. Rales are fine or coarse, moist or liquid, according to the extent of the in- volvement. In extreme cases the breathing is bronchial, and coarse, rattling rales are audible at a distance. Broncho-pneumonia intervening as a secondary disease is the only affection likely to be confounded with pulmonary oedema, but the mode of onset, the age, the fever, the glairy, tenacious expectora- tion and the scattered areas of dullness . in the latter will clear up the doubt. SECTION Vlll. PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CON- SUMPTION. Definition. An acute or chronic febrile infective disease of th& lungs, caused by the bacillus tuberculosis, characterized by diffused tuberculous infiltration, the formation of tubercles which undergo caseation or sclerosis and which may ulcerate or calcify. VARIETIES. A. Acute phthisis. 1. Tubereulo-pneumonie phthisis (Osier). 2. Acute tuberculous broncho-pneumonia. B. Chronic ulcerative phthisis. C. Fibroid phthisis. D. Miliary tuberculosis of the lungs. The first form, acute pneumonic tuberculosis of the lungs, known also by the name of "galloping" consumption, phthisis florida, is characterized both by its diffuseness and its rapidity. It occurs in both children and adults. Many eases occurring in children are mis- taken for simple lobar-pneumonia. Since an entire lobe or even an entire lung is affected, and inasmuch as physical signs are identical with those of pneumonic hepatization, in which condition the lung is found to be post-mortem, the mistake is excusable. The upper, then the lower lobe, then the entire lung, is the order of frequency of involvement. The physical signs are those of consolidation ; increased frequency of respiration, dyspnoea, percussion dullness, marked increase in fremitus, feeble, vesicular murmur followed by suppression and then bronchial breathing. This tubular breathing becomes very intense and is marked as early as the fourth day. The characteristic crisis does not occur by the tenth day and the sputum becomes muco-pura- lent and changes to green color (Traube). Tubercle bacilli are now found in the sputum, which settles the diagnosis. 144 PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OB CONSUMPTION In the second form, which Osier denominates acute tuberculous broncho-pneumonia, which form he states constitutes the majority of cases of phthisis florida, especially in children, the lesion is a blocking- up of the small tubes with cheesy matter, while the air cells of the lobule are filled with the products of catarrhal pneumonia. These areas are separated by areas of crepitant tissue, but by their fusion an entire lobe may be rendered nearly solid. Owing to the inter- spersed islets of crepitant tissue the physical signs are indefinite. The first positive signs are usually those of deposits at one or the other apex. The respirations are markedly increased in number, the sub- clavicular expansion is diminished. Areas of diminished resonance are found, more generally at the apices. Over these areas the vocal resonance and fremitus are increased, percussion sounds impaired, pitch raised, and the approach to flatness is flireetly in proportion to the volume and density of the involved tracts. Auscultation shows the absent vesicular sounds, replaced by rude or harsh tubular breath- ing, associated with rales, numerous and varied in character. The cough, hacking, troublesome and almost continuous, at first dry, soon is accompanied by expectoration which very early shows the presence of tubercle bacilli and elastic fibers. The tongue is dry and brown, the fever high. A few of these cases survive the acute stage only to become chronic. This form is especially prone to follow measles and whooping cough. Chronic Phthisis. Ulcerative Tuberculosis of the Lungs. As first pointed out by Laennec, and more recently in the admirable analysis of J. Kingston Fowler, 1888, the primary lesion is most often situated from an inch to an inch-and-a-half below one or the other apex, nearer the external and posterior than to the anterior surface, whence it spreads downward. As has been pointed out in the section on topography, the lung projects from one to one-and-a-half inches above the clavicle, hence this point of infection would lie anteriorly under the center of that bone. The situation of the focus towards the posterior surface accounts for the occasional presence of demon- strable dullness in the supra-spinous fossa, 'S^hen it cannot be made out anteriorly. The right apex is the seat of the primary lesion more frequently than the left. Fowler further calls attention to the fact that the lower lobe is usually affected when the physical signs of dis- ease at the apex are sufficiently definite to alow of the diagnosis of PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION 145 phthisis being made. The point of involvement is again from an inch to an inch-and-a-half below its apex, which corresponds on the chest wall to a point opposite the spine of the fifth dorsal vertebra. Have the patient reach the arm of the affected side around his opposite shoulder and place his fingers upon the spine of that scapula. The point in question is marked by the inner edge of the abducted scapula and the spine named. Cavities are usually first formed where the lesions are oldest, and must be as large as walnuts before they may be positively diagnosed by the signs. Henee patient and repeated examinations of the points indicated should be made. The next most common seat of cavity after the localities described is in the second or third interspace, anteriorly, outside the mid- clavicular line. It is of extreme importance in examining a suspected case of phthisis that the orderly sequence laid down in the preliminary chap- ter be followed carefiilly, and it may be said to the credit of the diag- nostician that in the vast majority of the cases a correct conclusion may be arrived at by the intelligent interpretation of the physical signs, before it may be reached by a bacteriological examination, and with no less certainty. Before attempting to explain the physical signs which accompany the tuberculous invasion of the lungs in the chronic variety of the disease, it is necessary to name the lesions pro- duced. These are: a. Scattered and disseminated tubercles. These so long as they are few and separated give rise to no positive signs. b. Caseous tubercular masses due to the union and breaking ■down of neighboring tubercular particles. The localities in which these masses are prone to occur earliest have been pointed out in this •section. The signs to which they give rise vary with their situation .and extent, and are considered below. c. Tuberculous cavities (situation noted y. These may have soft walls undergoing ulceration and extending their areas by breaking down, or the walls may be composed of the so-called pyogenic mem- brane, in which case extension is slower. The formation of the cavity wall, the size, the situation (superficial or deep), the nature of the opening into it, whether full or empty, all modify materially the signs. d. Cavities formed by dilatation of the- bronchi, called bronchi- ectasis (q. v.). The form of such cavities may be cylindrical (small bronchi) or globular (large bronchi). 146 PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION c. The various forms of pleurisy, some of which are invariable accompanists of phthisis during some part of its course. Three com- mon variations are worth naming. 1. i^dhesive, over the infiltration area, which results in a local glueing together of the two layers. 2. Perforative, into the pleural sac, resulting in empyema and pneu- mothorax. 3. The entire pleura may become the seat of tubercular infiltration, be studded with tubercles, thickened and may cement the lobes into a single mass. f. Pulmonary concretions. These may not be differentiated by the physical signs, but are often coughed up, as are also bronchial concretions found in chronic bronchitis^ with dilatations. Those of phthisis differ from those of bronchitis by being more irregular, non- uniform masses instead of pebble-like. The physical signs are best considered under three stages ; The incipient stage; the stage of Gomplete consolidation; the stage- of softening and formation of cavities. THE INCIPIENT STAGE. Pulmonary tuberculosis is met with in chests of all shapes and capacities but the long, narrow chest is the prevailing type. Here the intercostal spaces are wide, the costal angle narrowed and the- vertical direction of the ribs increased. The scapulae project like wings, often one more than the other. In another type the antero- posterior diameter of the chest is lessened, the sternum is sunken, the subclavian spaces flat and the clavicles prominent. Inspection may be negative. A few scattered tubercles give rise to no phenomena appreciable by our coarse senses, but as soon as they are sufficient in number to interfere with the elasticity or to increase- the conductility of the lung tissue, they |)roduce objective signs. On the other hand, if any wasting has occurred the clavicles are rendered more prominent and there may be slight flattening below one or the other collar bone. Expansion may be slightly diminished in the same region. Deficient apical expansion is an early and impoi'tant sign. It may best be estimated by taking a position behind the patient, who should be seated, and looking downward over the shoulders. The breathing will be somewhat accelerated but shallower than in health, and the apex beat may show acceleration with marked quickening of the impact. The wavelike shadow caused by the rhythmical rise and fall of the PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION 147 diaphragm, known as Litten's sign, whicli is more fully described in the section upon adherent pericarditis, is seen to be altered early in pulmonary tuberculosis. The change, for the, most part, consists in a limiting or shortening of the normal shadow on the affected side. The sign is important and always should be searched for in suspected cases. Palpation. Deficient expansion may best be gauged by standing behind the patient and alternately placing the fingers in the sub- clavicular spaces and the lateral regions of the chest and noting the relative motility. So also, by placing the thumbs in the supraclavic- ular spaces, while the fingers are placed in the upper intercostal spaces, one may estimate the relative expansion of the apices with fair accuracy. (See Fig. 17.) Vocal fremitus is increased wherever the condensation is of sufficient degree to assist sound conduction In the early stages it is difficult to estimate sMght increase in conduc- tion, especially when it is recalled that deposits are more apt to occur on the right side, and that normal fremitus is somewhat greater on this side. If, however, fremitus is greater on the left side than on the right, the fact is significant. Pleuritic thickening causes diminution instead of increase of the touch fremitus. Mensuration. The tape may show deficient expansion on one side, or, what is more general, the tape encircling the body imme- diately under the arm-pits does not show the amount of expansion which is to be expected. This obtains early in the disease. Percussion. Changes may be recognized on percussion which are not made manifest by palpation. The first positive sign of infiltration is dullness and its most usual seat is immediately underlying the clav- icle. It is most surely discovered by direct percussion on that bone, without intermediation of the pleximeter, although it may require a cultivated ear to detect the change. Its note is higher and shorter than normal, and is the note of impaired respnance. The difference in the two sides may be marked, or both may be affected. The impair- ment when not at the apex, is oftenest just below the clavicle. The note should be elicited during natural breathing, on forced expiration, on forced inspiration and with the mouth held open, as directed by Flint. A comparison made between corresponding areas while the breath is held after forced inspiration, most surely detects defective resonance, when present. Auscultation. When positive percussion changes can be elicited 148 PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OE CON^MPTION abnormalities on auscultation are invariably present, and in some eases even precede impaired resonance. The earliest auscultatory sign is, generally speaking, feeble breathing, owing "to a lessening of the tidal air entering the vesicles of the affected area. Make careful com- parison between the two sides during quiet breathing. Inspiration on the diseased side may be inaudible. Next in order of sequence is a prolongation of the expiratory murmur. About the same time, or a little later, the inspiratory sound grows harsher. The type of breath- ing now becomes broncho-vesicular. Vocal resonance is increased in direct proportion to the amount of consolidation, yet in not a few cases it will be found absent by reason of early pleurisy having thick- ened the intervening membranes, thereby masking its effect, as noted under touch fremitus. Bronchitis, when present, is manifested by rales. A soft bruit heard in the pulmonary or subclavian artery is often present, and Da Costa states: "A murmur is, indeed, at times present in the pulmonary artery long before any other physical indi- cation of tubercle is discernible." Also interesting is the so-called eardio-respiratory murmur met with in phthisis, caused by the pro- pulsion of air from the tubes by the impulse of the heart. It is best heard during inspiration, in the anterolateral regions of the chest. In time the murmur is systolic, and is described' as a whiffling bruit. (See heart murmurs.) To sum up the signs already elaborated, which allow of the diagnosis of beginning tuberculosis with almost as great certainty as does the finding of tubercle bacilli in the sputum, and often long before their occurrence therein, we append the following: , Modification of vesicular murmur at apex. / Adventitious sounds, arterial or respiratory, limited to the apex. Percussion dullness in clavicular area or supra-spinous fossa. bigns of y Increased fremitus. , Impaired expansion or flattening of anterior incipient < ^-u • £ ^ \ thoracic surface. phthisis. 1 Cough. Shortness of breath. Sustained rise of temperature with probable morning maxima. Modification of Litten's' diaphragm sign. Failing health. PULMONARY TUBERCUIjOSIS OR CONSUMPTION 149 STAGE OF CONSOLIDATION. The second stage gives rise to signs more positive and more pro- nounced than the first. Inspection plainly shows loss of flesh, prominence of clavicles, ribs and interspaces. A hectic flnsh may be noted. Flattening is Fig- 37 — Extension of tuberculous lesion (Patton).^ Dark shade — primary le- sion; light shade — extension of primary lesion; X — secondary lesion of op- posite apex. most apparent anteriorly and the breathing excursion is lessened both with quiet breathing and during forced inspiration, when lack of expansion is striking. Expansile efforts may be painful. 150 PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION Palpation shows increased fremitus except, as noted in first stage, where pleurisy has resulted in thickening. The skin is hot and dry. Percussion shows positive dullness over the affected areas, which contrasts markedly with the unaffected parts where the respiration is augmented and the note preternatural^ clear. Both apices may be Fig. 38 — Showing relation of lobes to posterior chest wall, also extension of tuberculous lesion (Fatten). A Frimary lesion. B Extension of primary lesion. CC Secondary deposits. affected. The plexor finger notes increased resistance. Pain on per- cussion is often complained of. Hard, board-like tympany is not encountered in recent cases but is found in old chronic cases with extensive fibroid changes. Caseous consolidation, as noted under pneumonic phthisis, has a tubular or bronchial quality. Percussion should be practised in the supraspinous fossiE and in the intrascapular regions, for reasons already given. In mu.scular and fleshy people not much information may be gained thereby, but in thin, and especially PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION 151 in emaciated individuals, the returns are of great value. Myoidema is the name given to the local contraction and bulging of the muscles, when subject to irritation, such as occurs in direct percussion of the pectorals. It is encountered in thin, nervous individuals, and, al- though often seen in phthisis, is not of any special significance. Auscultation. Vocal resonance is increased. The breath sounds are harsh. The disappearance of the vesicular elements and the approach toward pure bronchial breathing are in direct proportion to the amount of consolidation. The inspiratory portion of the sound is shortened and the expiratory part is prolonged and blowing. When consolidation surrounds a bronchial tube, typical blowing respiration obtains. The signs are apparent in the supraspinous fossffi as well as in front. Bronchophony, a high degree of vocal resonance, may be present. It denotes consolidation. The presence of pleurisies may give rise to fine superficial friction sounds or cracklings, and extensive bronchitis may, by its noisy signs, interfere With auscultation. Acquired lesions of the cardiac valves are certainly rarely encoun- tered in the subjects of pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in the chronic forms of the disease ; so rarely, indeed, that the late Henry Formad denied their existence. As pointed out, however, under the caption Congenital Cardiac Defects, the subjects of congenital valvular lesions are very prone to acquire pulmonary tuberculosis. THIRD STAGE. SOFTENING STAGE. CAVITY FORMATION. During this stage a portion of the lung is undergoing softening while in other portions consolidation is proceeding by reason of con- tinued infiltration. Hence the signs vary. The persistence of moist rales and cracklings in areas previously consolidated indicates soft- ening. Inspection. Hectic has increased. Alternate, hot, dry skin and cold, clammy perspiration are noted. Emaciation has made marked encroachments. The limitations of movement during respiration are still more restricted and the flattening under the clavicles more pro- nounced than in the earlier stages. The superficial veins over the thorax attract attention by their prominence, and fullness. Tyson draws attention to upward retraction of the heart in cases involving the left upper lobe. It must be rare. He also notes that the area of 152 PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OB CONSUMPTION cardiac impulse enlarges upwards and pulsation may be visible in the third and fourth left interspaces. Palpation. Vocal fremitus is still increased in spite of cavity, since cavities form in the midst of consolidated areas and are sur- rounded by compact substance which increases conduction. Osier remarks, ' ' In the later stages, when cavities form, the tactile fremitus is usually much exaggerated over them. ' ' But considerable thick- ening of the pleura diminishes this fremitus. If air cannot get into a cavity by reason of its bronchus being closed, the fremitus is not increased. Ehonehial fremitus may be present. Percussion over cavities gives neither as positive nor as unvary- ing results as over consolidation. If the cavity wall be thick and the substance between it and the surface dense, the percussion note will be dull as in consolidation, though heavier percussion may elicit tympany. If dense, but thinner walls intervene, the sound is a mix- ture of dullness and tympany, difficult to describe. Very thin walls yield sounds which are truly tympanitic or metallic. Amphoric and cracked-pot sounds often may be elicited. To demonstrate the cracked- pot sound, percuss with a firm, quick stroke, while the patient with suspended respiration, holds the mouth open. If a cavity underlies a layer of healthy tissue, which would be a seemingly rare condition, the note is clear, especially on light percussion. Percussion sounds are much modified in the presence of ckvities by the act being per- formed with the ijiouth alternately opened or closed. With the mouth closed, the pitch is lowered and the vibrations longer. This is known as Wintrich's changed note. Da Costa points out that over cavities the heart sounds are heard with extraordinary clearness and that there is often seen a "wavering impulse" in the second intercostal space. Auscultation. The breathing sounds vary with the relative de- gree of consolidation and excavation. Over the hardened areas we still have bronchial sounds, and if these are mixed with small bub- blings and cracklings, subcrepitant rales, it indicates liquefaction or beginning excavation. Cavities give rise- to new sounds. It is worthy of note that numerous small, isolated cavities without much fibroid deposit or pleural thickening, may exist at the apex and yet the per- cussion note remain unaltered, although the auscultatory sounds will be greatly modified and out of harmony with the percussion findings. Cavernous breathing describes the tidal- air entering and leaving an PULMONARY TUBEECULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION 153- excavation. When the walls of the cavity are firm and unyielding,, the note of respiratory rhythm is higher pitched, metallic and echo- like. This is amphoric breathing. Large bubbling sounds occur when air passes into a cavity partially filled with liquid, termed gurgling rales. Cavities which give forth the amphoric respiratory sounds will, when they contain liquid, produce metallic tinkling. The voice sounds as modified by cavities, are interesting and dis- tinctive. Cavernous voice, like cavernous breathing, is the hollow,, resonant quality imparted to the sound by reason of its traversing an excavation. Amphoric voice has added thereto an echoing, metal lie or musical quality, and is higher in pitch than the cavernous voice. Pectoriloquy, both spoken and whispered, when present is a distinctive sign of cavity. The term has already been defined. In apical cavities the heart sounds are often distinctly heard and occasionally an in- tense systolic murmur is transmitted into the cavity. Over left apical cavities, gurgling sounds or crackling sounds, synchronous with the- heart impulse, may be heard. They are caused by an impact com- municated to a cavity partially filled with fluid. Walsh describes a case in which the suceussion splash was obtainable, as described under pneumothorax. AUXILIARY SIG-NS OF PHTHISIS. Fever. The deposition of tubercles is accompanied by elevation of temperature, hence fever is an early and characteristic sign. The- maximum is between two and six P. M. Early fever is generally remittent. Later both intermittent and remittent types occur. Hectic, which is in reality septic fever, due to the absorption of tuber- culous products, is a more or less regular rise and fall of temperature- varying between wide ranges, rising to 102° — '104° and falling to sub- normal, even 96° being not unusual. This type prevails in the soft- ening and cavity formation stage. Cough. This symptom has already been touched upon. At first so slight that the patient will deny its existence, it often grows to be- the most distressing and intolerable of the symptoms, causing the patient to lose sleep or, as is sometimes the case, exciting intractable- vomiting, thus contributing to the rapid emaciation of the afflicted. Its early characteristic is hacking, unaccompanied by expectoration; technically, unproductive. Then a glairy mucus is coughed up. If the larynx is involved early the cough as well as the voice is husky.. 154 PULMONARY TUBEECULQSIS OB CONSUMPTION Spells of coughing followed by copious expectoration denote cavities or bronchiectasis. Oftenest such paroxysms occur on waking. Some cases progress to solidification or even to cavities with very little cough. Expectoration follows cough, although the cough may have re- mained dry for a long period. At first scanty, it increases rapidly and may be as much as 250 c. c. in twenty-four hours. Sometimes distinct apical manifestations or extensive consolidation are accom- panied with insufficient expectoration to alloW "of an examination. The early expectoration is glairy, mucoid, containing sago-like grains, alve- olar cells which have undergone myelin degeneration. (Thudichum.) Presently grayish or greenish masses are observed and are the first differential constituents of the sputum. They should be examined microscopically. After this the expectoration becomes more muco- purulent, may be blood-tinged. The nummular masses already ■described are of frequent occurrence, and are distinctive of cavity formation. Each mass is separate, greenish or gray-green in color, airless and sinks to the bottom of the cup when thrown into water. The odor of the sputum is sweetish, mawkish, unpleasant but not offensive. The sputum contains pus corpuscles, and epithelium from the entire tract traversed by the air — the mouth to the alveoli. The latter cells are most numerous. Blood discs, particles of food, oil drops, elastic tissue fibers and bacilli are other constituents. Elastic fibers are derived from the blood vessels, the bronchi, the alveoli or from particles of ingested food. Rinsing the mouth before collecting the sputa will obviate a mistake as to food tissue. It is to be remembered that such tissue may be retained in the mouth for several days. Boiling the picked-out masses with liquor potassa or soda in a test tube allows the elastic tissue to fall to the bottom of the tube, when it may be examined microscopically. Osier states that a method quite as efficient is to spread the njasses into a thin layer between two glass plates, which are then held against a black back- ground. The elastic tissue shows against the background as opaque, grayish-yellow spots, M'hich may be immediately examined by the low power, or by sliding the glasses apart may be picked out for examina- tion on a slide. He states that milk globules and fragments of bread are similar in appearance, but that the eye soon learns to distinguish these. Fibers from the alveolar walls are branched or wreath-like interlacements and show the arrangement of the air-cells. Those from PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION 155 the bronchi are elongated fibers, two or three together and form reticuli. Those from the artery may be sheet-like or fenestrated mem- brane, as though it were the intima of a vessel. Generally they resem- ble the fibers derived from the bronchi. Alveqlar fibers indicate exten- sive erosion, softening and destruction. Epithelial cells from the alveoli are also found. These are large, oval or round non-nucleated ■cells about twice the size of a pus corpuscle. The tubercle bacilli are the unfailing sign of tuberculosis. They .are made apparent only by special staining methods, and microscopic ■examination. The simplest method is perhaps the following: Shake up commercial aniline oil in water until the solution is saturated. Filter out 100 c. c. of this solution. Next add fuchsin to absolute alcohol until the alcohol is saturated. Add 11 c. c. of the second •solution to the 100 c. c. of the first, for the stain. Pick out a small, cheesy-looking particle of sputum with a needle .and spread on a cover-glass by rubbing against a second glass. Dry these slowly by holding a foot above a Bunsen burner (or alcohol flame). Cover the slide liberally with the staining fluid a,nd hold near the flame until the fluid boils, after which it is washed in run- ning water. It is now put in a 30 per cent, solution of nitric acid until decolorized, when it is again washed, mounted and examined. The bacilli are colored red and appear as elongated, slightly- ■curved, sometimes beaded rods. In doubtfjil cases the covers are -allowed to remain twenty-four hours in the stain. The number varies from a full field to one or two found only on repeated examination. In disputed cases, where the symptoms are not confirmed by the microscopic findings, it is recommended to make cultures from the sputum. Directions therefor may be found in works on Bacteriology. Hmmoptysis. By reason of the frequency with which it occurs and the serious results which attend it hasmoptysis has a specially im- portant relationship to pulmonary tuberculosis. Blood may simply •occasionally tinge the expectoration or it may be present in the sputa in considerable quantity. It occurs early and late in the disease and is more frequent in males than in females. It may be the first premonition of the invasion of the dread destroyer, or it may close the drama. The onset of the attack may be sudden or a premonition ■of its oncoming may be gathered from the staining of the sputa which often precedes it for two or three days. It may come on during quiescence, after exercise, after a fall or a blow upon the chest. The 156 PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONStjMPTION idea that it follows sudden exertion, strain or excitement is not borne out by clinical experience. In many eases it comes on during sleep. In a proportion of the subjects both physical signs of the disease and bacilli are absent. In another proportion bacilli are found subse- quent to hemorrhage. In the third class, evidences of the disease are positive and bacilli found in the expectoration confirm the signs. Haemoptysis should, however, always excite a strong suspicion of tubercle and the cases subsequently should be carefully watched. Haemoptysis occurs in sixty or eighty per cent, of all eases of pulmonary tuberculosis. The amount varies from a teaspoonful to a pint, being smaller when it occurs early in the disease. Even large haemorrhages are seldom immediately fatal. In character, blood from the lungs is frothy, mixed with mucus, bright-red in color, unless it has been retained in a cavity, when it is darker. After hasmorrhage the sputa may contain dark masses of blood or may be blood-streaked for several days. A careful examination of the hsemorrhagie mass often reveals small raucous nodules in which bajcilli or elastic tissue may be found. The general symptoms accompanying the loss of blood are noted under haemoptysis. Some of the special symptoms are the great dis- turbance of mental balance and the febrile reaction, lasting from several days to two weeks, which succeeds every considerable hgemor- rhage. This is attributed to the foci of broncho-pneumonia arising from the lung substance derived from the hemorrhagic cavity which have been drawn into the pulmonary alveoli. The bleedings may be widely separated from each other or may recur at frequent intervals. Dyspricea is not increased in proportion to the acceleration of respiration, and is not marked even when respirations are very fre- quent. Dyspncea may be cardiac by reason of. enlargement of the right heart. Perspiration. Drenching perspirations are a common symptom. These come on after cavity formation. They occur after the fever drop which takes place towards morning, hence the familiar term "night sweats" They may occur during the day. Sometimes they occur in the early stages and are the cause of the pa.tient seeking the doctor. The pulse is soft and compressible, though quick and frequent. Venous pulsation and capillary pulsation are often seen. With the progress of the disease the pulse weakens. Vomiting, excited by PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OB CONSUMPTION 157 coughing, is an unpleasant symptom coming on late in the disease. Pain either is due to coughing, when it is located at the base of the sternum, or it is due to pleurisy, when it is located over the lesion. Diarrhoea is one of the late symptoms. When once established it is apt to prove intractable. The clubbing of the fingers, as noted by Hippocrates, comes with the advance of the disease, but occurs also in chronic asthma, bron- chitis, and more rarely in chronic cardiac diseases. It has been noted in cases of aneurysm. The finger-tips become bulbous and the nails curve over the finger tips. All of the fingers are not equally affected. (See Clubbing.) The Urine in Tuberculosis. The quantity of urine voided is influ- enced by the diaphoresis, diarrhoea, pyrexia and even the quantity of expectoration. Thirst, which accompanies the febrile stage, increases the amount; the other conditions diminish it. It may be as little as 500 e. c. Uric acid and the sulphates change but little. Urea dimin- ishes markedly during the daily febrile period, and increases in the same proportion during the sweating period. It often settles down as a pink sediment. Diarrhosa diminishes the urates here as in other diarrhneal diseases, The amount of chlorides varies with the quantity of food ingested and the incidental complications. Ehrlich's diazo-reaction is sometimes obtainable. Its presence may be regarded as unfavorable. It is apt to be found in cases which are rapidly-progressing, and chronic cases which are nearing the end. A trace of albumin is frequent, but casts, blood and epithelium are exceptional. When present they indicate amyloid changes. If pus occurs in the urine it should be examined for bacilli. The method of obtaining the diazo-reaction is described in the section on Urine. State of the Blood in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Cabot* makes the following statements: 1. The red corpuscles are usually normal, but the hagmoglobin is diminished. In some cases both are diminished. 2. The leucocytes do not change in character. 3. In the early stages of the disease the white corpuscles are normal, after an attack of hffimoptysis they show an increase. *Ycar-Book of Treatment, 1897. 158 PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OR CONSUMPTION 4. If cavities are present there is no leucocytosis. If the leucocytes are increased, there are no cavities. 5. Pneumonic tuberculosis (extensive infiltration) may show marked leucocytosis, not invariably. 6. Fibroid tuberculosis shows no leucocytosis. 7. Pyrexia, due to the presence of pyogenic organisms, shows leucocyte increase. If not, there is no leucocytosis. If fever is absent there is no leucocytosis. In contradiction to the fourth statement, which would be most important if confirmed, Stein and Erbmann state that one of the conditions of leucocytosis in pulmonary tuberculosis is the presence of cavities in the lungs, hence at present no definite conclusions can be i-eached on this point. SECTION IX. THE HEART. Physiology. The heart is a double-cylinder muscular pump. Be- tween the two cylinders no communication exists after birth. One side- serves for the low service or pulmonary circulation, the other for the- high service or systemic circulation. Each pump consists of two cham- bers, the receiving chamber or auricle, and the pumping chamber or ventricle. As soon as the auricles are filled they contract, forcing the blood into the ventricles, the contraction of which immediately follows. After the ventricular contraction a period of rest succeeds. The contraction of the cavities of the hea-rt is called the, cardiac systole, the period of rest is called the diastole, the two periods make up the cardiac cycle. The systole of the corresponding cavities of the two aides of the heart is exactly synchronous, that is to say, the two auricles contract simultaneously; and the simultaneous contraction of the ventricles immediately follows that of the auricles. While the auricles are con- tracting the ventricles are in a state of relaxation, and the relaxation of the auricles commences directly after the ventricular contraction begins. The rate of the heart beat depends upon the duration of the dias- tolic pause, which lessens proportionally as the heart beats more rapidly. Anatomic Relations. Encased in the pericardial sac, suspended apex downward from the great vessels, the he'art largely occupies the middle mediastinum or interpleural space. It hangs obliquely behind- thie lower two-thirds of the sternum, projecting slightly to the right and considerably to the left of that bone. That the heart is suspended by its vessels and not supported by the diaphragm is proved by the fact that the diaphragm separates from the heart during deep inspiration, as shown by the Rontgen rays. Furthermore, the rays show that the heart chambers are not en^ 160 THE HEART tirely emptied at each systole, as \^'as formerly assumed by physiolo- gists (Beck). Behind, its base corresponds to the sixth, seventh and eighth thoracic vertebrs, from which it is separated by the oesophagus and the aorta. In front, the base corresponds to a line drawn across the sternum at the lower border of the second costal cartilage, extending one-half inch to the right and one inch to the left of the sternum. Its lower border, made up of the right ventricle, is nearly horizontal. It rests lightly on the central tendon of the diaphragm, which separates it from the convex surface of the liver. The apex-, which possesses a -certain freedom of motion, strikes the chest wall at a point between the cartilages of the fifth and sixth ribs, at a point two inches below, one inch to the sternal side of the nipple, which point is 314 to 3^/2 inches from the midsternum in the fifth interspace. The right ventricle is anterior and lies directly under the sternum. Its lower segment occu- pies the fifth interspace, its lower border is on a level with the sixth cartilage. The organ projects slightly to the right, but considerably to the left of the breast bone. The left ventricle lies chiefly behind the right, but its left border, which includes the apex, comes to the front in systole. This border lies wholly within the nipple line. Perhaps DaCosta was the first to say that the heart of an individ- ual is about the size of his fist. Eoughly speaking, the comparison is fairly correct and useful. Cunningham gives the average weight of the heart in adult males as eleven ounces (310 grams), in females nine ounces (250 grams). The Valves of the Heart. Each side of the heart is equipped with two valves. One guards the opening between the two chambers, the auricle and its corresponding ventricle, the other, placed within the ventricle, closes the aperture of the great vessel which springs there- from, viz : — the aorta on the left and the pulmonary artery on the right side. Three of these valves are made up of three cusps, or leaflets, each, while the remaining one consists of only two cusps. This latter, named the mitral valve, closes the orifice between the left ventricle and its auricle. To the free edges of its leaflets are attached the chordce iendinece. The corresponding opening on the right side, that between the right ventricle and its auricle, is closed by the tricuspid valve, com- B O am r cr & ;> o ^ o 2 O CD O o •n a: m > H > z D H C/3 XI m r- > C/5 r- -2 •z o ■^ ■z. 3 2 -2. 31 5. H m 3> H > m 30 -t < m ni 3D L f THE HEART 161 ptised of three leaflets as its name indicates. Its movements are also limited by the chordaj tendine^. The aortic and the pulmonary valves close each their respective ■openings. Each is composed of three cusps or concave pockets whose edges are free. They are named respectively, the aorlic semilunar- and the pulmonary semilunar valves. The PrcBCordium. That portion of the thoracic wall which covers the heart is called the precordial region. It is roughly quadrilateral, and its boundaries are a vertical line drawn %ths of an inch to the right of the sternum, another parallel thereto passing just out- side the apex, two horizontal lines, the first drawn through the junc- tion of the manubrium with the gladiolus of the sternum (second rib), the second passing through the ensiform cartilage. THE EXAMINATION OF THE" HEART. The method adopted for the examination of the lungs applies •equally to the heart, and the same order should be observed, namely, the history of the ease should be follovred by inspection, palpation, mensuration, percussion and auscultation. History. Much diagnostic aid is derived from the history of the case, since many symptoms point unmistakably to cardiac lesions. Es- pecially the date of previous diseases, which may have stood in a causa- tive relation, should be fixed and their nature .carefully inquired into. When the condition of the patient admits the standing position is the most advantageous for the examiner, who may himself either stand or be seated on a rather high chair. He thus avoids the humming noise arising from his own circulation, which is a fruitful source of annoyance to the examiner when he is obliged to assume a stooping posture. Even bearing in mind the possibility of being accused of prolixity we urge upon the student the desirability of taking advantage of every reasonable opportunity to examine the normal heart with all the com- pleteness of detail which would be used were the organ diseased. While percussion and auscultation are relatively the most important steps, the others are by no means to be neglected. Inspection. We begin our inspection by noting the contour of the chest wall. In health the two sides arc symmetrical or nearlj' so, but this symmetry may be gravely altered by disease. Occasionally we may detect a slight prominence or even protrusion over the seat of 162 THE HEAET the heart in perfectly healthy persons, especially those who practise- habitually great physical exertion. Hypertrophy, or the accumula- tion of fluid within the pericardium, markedly emphasizes this prom- inence. Pericardial inflammation may leave as a sequence a very evident precordial depression. We note the condition of the circu- lation, as manifested by the capillaries, the presence or absence of oedema about the eyes or ankles as evinced by pitting, the presence and character of the cough, the number and character of the respira- tions and the amount of dyspnoea. One often notes a peculiar anx- ious expression of the countenance accompanying certain heart lesions, which is most impressive, and not without significance. The most important particular of inspection is the location of the apex. It is usually possible to recognize the apex beat by inspec- tion, except in stout persons or in cases where the organ is retracted from the chest wall. Sometimes its absence' is accounted for by its. striking against a rib, instead of in an interspace. The impact is less apparent in women than in men, even when "the mamma is retracted. It is more pronounced in spare individuals ai^d in cases in which the organ is hypertrophied. The location of the impulse has been given already as lying be- tween the fifth and sixth ribs at an average distance of three inches to the left of the mesial line. In narrow-chested individuals it may be lower and in children it is often an interspace higher. In case the impulse is invisible it may be brought into view by causing the patient to walk briskly a score of paces, by bending* him forward, or, if re- cumbent, by turning him well towards his left; front. Inspection should note not only the position of the apex beat, but its area, whether it be diffused or concentrated and the regularity of the succession. In health the area should not exceed one square inch. The location of the impact changes only slightly in the different posi- tions assumed by the patient, but is less pronoujiced when the person is supine, and it moves slightly to the left when he lies on that side. It is somewhat altered by distention of the stomach and by flatulence. It is more influenced by breathing. During deiep inspiration the heart descends, the forward movement of the expanding left lung pushes it backwards and to the right, causing the apex to move towards the epigastrium. During forced expiration the heart descends and ap- proaches the chest wall, a larger portion of its anterior surface is un- covered, the impact is more 'diffused and weightier ; hence expiration aMt.mitr/u. crisp. pOSTERl _ NiTRft|Lcusp /] I RiftHTAHr. cuip f\tiT AORTIC — cbsp R. PosV , ,„ Aortic cosp /INt\ CuspoF TRICUSPID RlOrtT cusp OSTJeRlOU COiP F TjllCO&PiO, .— ^Rl9* 3 ec tf O 'O I- to — ^^mrr^m m 1 1 mu m fl . B.C . 0. , fl . 6 c. -Tig. 39 — Auscultation of normal heart- sounds. Relative length of normal heart sounds drawn to a scale of i-io. Each division below the line represents i-io second. While the normal heart rate for adults is upwards of seventy per minute, yet for convenience we may assume a rate of sixty beats per minute, since this rate greatly facilitates the description. Then one beat or complete heart cycle will occupy one second. If now we divide the complete cycle occupying one second into tenths of a second, the relative length of the factors which make up the cycle will be, first sound, 4-lOths, short pause, 1-10, second sound, 2-lOths, long pause, 3-lOths ; total, 10-lOths. This is indicated by the accompanying simple diagram. A — Ventricular systole. B — Short pause. C — Closure of aortic and pulmonary valves. D — Ventricular diastole. 172 THE HEART As said, the long pause or period of rest varies with the heart's: rate. When the heart's pulsations follow each other with great rapid- ity, the period of rest is reduced to the mininium, and when the heart's action is slow the period of rest is lengthened and becomes longer than the period of action. On the other hand, when beating rapidly the long pause so lessens as to be shorter than the period of action, hence the normal sounds of the heart may seemingly change their relationship to one another, and, when the action becomes very rapid, to the listener the first sound seems to follow the second sounds since the interval betwen the second sound and the recurrent first ■lllllllll Very Hapid Heart. ■Illlllll Moderately Kapid. ■Illlllll Slow Heart. II II nil I Very Slow. Fig. 40 — Diagram illustrating the relationship in time of the first and second heart sounds in different rhythms. sound is now longer than the interval between the first sound and the second; a state of aifairs which may be embarrassing to the student. In the slowly-acting heart the distinction is easy, since it is only necessary to remember that the long silence follows the second sound, but in cases of rapid, irregular action accompanied by a change in the qualities of the two sounds which makes them resemble each other, or when only the first sound is audible at the base and the second only audible at the apex, the difficulty of separation is considerable. The accompanying diagram may aid in comprehending the rela- tionship. PLATE IX. The cardinal points of tiie valve areas. Points at which valve sounds are best isolated? THE HEART 173 POSITION OF THE VALVES OF THE HEART. The valves are all located within such a narrow radius that a .silver quarter may be so placed as to cover a jJtortion of each. Indeed, the aortic and the pulmonary semi-lunar valves are separated from each other only by the thickness of the aortic wall. The two auriculo- ventricular valves and th|e aortic valve are in one plane, which forms a diagonal of the thorax. As described in the various text-books, much variation in the location of these valves' will be found to exist. Most recent anatomical research as to their ejcact topographical posi- tion locates them as follows : The pulmonary valve lies beneath the third left costal cartilage, but close to its junction with the sternvim, and is the most superficial as well as the highest up of all the valves. "Were the position of the heart vertical the aortic valve would lie almost exactly behind the pulmonary valve, but, viewed from in front, the heart is the subject of a double tilt. The vertical axis points from right to left and the anteroposterior axis points from above downward. For this reason the aortic valve occupies a lower level than the pulmonary valve, at the same time being deeper- seated, lying behind the left edge of the sternum, opposite the upper part of the third interspace. The mitral valve, the most deeply placed of the four, lies beneath the left half of the sternum, opposite its jutiction with the fourth cartilage. The right auriculo-ventricular, or tricuspid valve, is more superficial than either the mitral or the aortic valves; its aperture is almost vertical, and it lies under the middle of the sternum, opposite the fourth interspace. The upper, inner segrAent of its opening over- laps the lower inner segment of the mitral orifice. It will be seen, therefore, that all of the valves lie under the middle and left half of the sternum, between the upper border of the third cartilage and a short distance below the fourth. ISOLATION OF THE VALVE SOUNDS. It might strike the student as a difficult, if not an insurmount- able, task to isolate the sounds arising from four structures so nearly superimposed. Such, indeed, would be the ease were it not that the points of isolation, the point at which each separate sound is best heard, does not correspond to the surface area above given, nor even to the superficial point nearest to the actual seat of the valve. This is due to the fact that the sounds emanating from the valves, made by 174 THE HEART the impinging of the blood current against their leaflets and from their closure, is best propagated in the direction of the blood current; hence the apparent discrepancy. The locality in which the mitral sound is best heard is over the apex area. The tricuspid is best heard close to the left border of the sternum, at the' fifth interspace, or over the xiphoid cartilage. The aortic valve sound is loudest and clear- est, and should therefore be listened to, on the right of the sternum in the second interspace, where the aorta approaches closest to the chest wall, for which reason the second right costal cartilage is named the aortic cartilage. On the opposite side of the sternum (left), in the same interspace, is best heard the pulmonary valve. This gives us four cardinal points at which the four sourfds are best isolated, at which their individual qualities are strongest and easiest to difEer- entiate. INFLUENCES "WHICH CAUSE ALTERATIONS IN NORMAL SOUNDS. Since inflation of the lungs increases the thickness of the heart cover, diminishes its exposed area, as well as causes recession of the organ, all the sounds are better heard during forced expiration. Ad- vantage should therefore be taken of expiration to differentiate sounds which are otherwise inaudible or only feebly heard. The normal sounds of the heart are best heard with the patient sitting or stand- ing, although its areas are best mapped out with the patient lying on his back. But in case of suspected disease of the organ it is abso- lutely essential to percuss and to auscultate the patient both while standing and while lying down. The diagnosis may be materially in- fluenced by this precaution, and doubtful cases may be removed to the realm of certainty by the procedure. Thus, a murmur may en- tirely disappear when the patient lies down, and reappear when he rises. It may confidently be stated that such a murmur is not organic. On the other hand, a murmur which is only audible when the patient is in the recumbent posture is probably organic. CONDITIONS WHICH AFFECT THE INTENSITY OP THE SOUNDS. The normal heart sounds are heard with greater intensity, as well as over a larger area, in persons whose chest walls are thin ; also as the result of excitement ; in cardiac hypertrophy ; during the sthenic stage THE HEART ITS of fevers; as the result of certain cardiac stim^^laIlts ; and as the result of increased density of adjacent pulmonary tissue. As a result of the last-named, they may be conducted to very djistant points. The full significance of this sign is considered under the section on Phthisis. Conversely, the heart sounds are rendered weaker even in health by abnormal causes. Fear or fright so acts, as do debility, wasting diseases, and the anaemias. Many drugs have the power to depress, the heart, and careful inquiry should be made as to whether the patient is addicted to drug habits. Diseases such as fatty degeneration of the muscles ; mechanical causes interfering with cardiac action, — as effusion into the sac of either the lung or the heart, — produce like results. Not infrequently one encounters a heart whose sounds are abnormally weak and inaudible without any assignable cause, the subjects being generally women. Except in eases of cardiac hypertrophy, or when consolidation of tissue has taken place, the extent of the area over which the sounds, are audible has no special significance. Full inspiration obscures certain of the sounds. This is particularly true of the pulmonary valve sound heard on the left side in the second interspace. Likewise during full inspiration the aortic sound is lightened in intensity. The apex seund is now best heard nearer the median line, as the apex is. moved in that direction by the lung expansion. Nervous excitement and exercise temporarily increase the intensity of both the heart's action and its sounds. Such action is named palpitation. Advantage may be taken of exercise to temporarily intensify the sounds when auscultating a heart whose action is feeble. Softening of the walls diminishes the intensity of both the sounds, particularly the first. This is observed in many acute febrile and infectious diseases, and in the degenerations. Thickening of the walls changes the (Quality of the tone, especially of the first sound, lengthening it and rendering it- more heavy and booming, thus lowering the pitch of its note. This is. the result of hypertrophy, however brought about. The quality of the second sound is more constant, and changes materially only in disease of the valves or in grave alterations in the composition of the blood. Increased back pressure on the 'valves causes a forcible, snap-like closure, which augments the second sound' both in clearness and intensity. This is especially the case with the pulmonary second sound, and ija lung consolidation is an important- 176 THE HEART sign of beginning of pulmonary infiltration. Anfeurysm of the aorta will cause accentuation of the second sound of that valve. In case of fluid in the pericardial sac both sounds seem to come from a distance and to have a feeble, muffled character. Other changes worthy of notice are the reduplication of one or the other sound and the lengthening or shortening of either interval, t|ie long or the short, between the sounds. Be duplication. Generally it is the second sound which is re- peated. This curious phenomenon can be explained only on the hypothesis that the corresponding valves, the aortic and the pul- monary on the one hand, and the mitral and tbe tricuspid on the other, fail to close synchronously; or else on the assumption that the two allied chambers of the heart fail to contract in unison. Such a theory as the first is very plausible and could be btrought about by any relatively important change in the blood pressurg of the two circula- tions, the pulmonary and the systemic. Prom the nature of the case, the former more often will be at fault, and pulmonary engorgement by increasing the back pressure on the doors of the pulmonary artery will cause that valve to anticipate slightly its time of closure, and, indeed, such reduplication often occurs after running, as is seen in sprinters. In the same way narrowing of the blood channels, the effect of sclerosis of large organs, particularly the liver or the kidneys, would produce .similar results on the aortic valve. Retardation in the closure of the tricuspid valve causes redupli- cation of the first sound. Reduplications are sometimes intermittent, sometimes rhythmical, that is, they skip a certain number of beats, recur at stated intervals, skip and recur almost melodiously. Shortening of the silent intervals in relation to pulse rapidity has already been referred to. ADVENTITIOUS SOUNDS.. The normal sounds of the heart may be replaced by or be inter- mingled with other sounds adventitious in their nature, totally differ- ent in quality from the normal sounds. The recognition of these sounds and the correct interpretation of their relation to the heart's mechanism, are of prime importance in the diagnosis of the many .ailments to which the structure is liable. These new sounds are classi- fied as pericardial or endoca/rdial. CAVITY ?•= RIGHT LEFT Vf.NTRlCLt PLATE X. THE TRICUSPID AND PULMONARY VALVES. From Cunningham's Anatomy by permission of Wm. Wood & Co. THE HEART , 177 Those sounds which are due to alterations in the structure or changes in the condition of the adjacent layers of the pericardial sac, namely, the visceral and the parietal layers, are termed exocardial or pericardial murmurs. Such' changes are usually the result of in- flammation, but may be caused by external pressure. From their character they are called friction sounds. The manner of their pro- duction will be considered hereafter. Those sounds that originate from changes occurring within the ■organ, which are essentially changes aifecting those reduplications of its serous lining which form the valves, are classified as endocardial. In contradistinction to the friction sounds they are termed murmurs. Endocardial murmurs vary extremely in character, pitch, tone, duration, location, time, and in the distance and direction in which they are transmitted. They often receive their names from a fancied resemblance to some sound in nature; hence, we read of blowing, •cooing, rustling, clacking, rasping, grating or filing murmurs. Such terms are useful since they generally roughly indicate the pitch. The majority of murmurs are soft and blowing, yet occasionally they are so harsh and noisy as to be audible to the bystanders. CAUSES WHICH PRODUCE MURMURS. As to the exact physical or mechanical causes which operate to produce the above-described sounds we have no positive knowledge, but a plausible theory may be formed by reasoning from existing pathologic conditions. We know that murmurs accompany grave •changes in the composition of the blood without any recognizable structural alterations of the heart, the valves, or the vessels. Such murmurs are called hcemic murmurs, and are described as functional •or accidental. They are associated with most of the grave ansemias, but occur in other diseases as well. By sonje writers the term inor- ganic murmurs is applied to sounds so arising; both this term and the name nonorganic are objectionable in this sense. On the other hand, murmurs are associated with certain path- ologic alterations of structure which can stand only in a causative relation thereto. Enumerated they are: (a.) Narrowing of the orifices through which the blood finds exit. (b.) Widening oif the orifices. (c.) Narrowing or widening of the bloodvessels or lieart chambers. (Changes under a. and b. are in effect changes in the valves, such 178 THE HEAKT as roughening, thickening, or puckering; of the leaflets, — deformities resulting from sclerosis. Inflammatory deposits or vegetations result in perforations or contractions of the leaflets.) (d.) Imperfect opening or closure of the valves due to causes mentioned and to shortening of the chordJce tendinece. It were profitless to discuss the laws of hydraulics and hydro- statics which might seem to apply. Suffice it to say that the noises are produced by the vibrations set up in both liquids and solids by the circulation of the blood over the altered structures. It is also conceivable that blood alterations may' influence these murmurs, especially by increasing or diminishing their intensity. ■ Organic murmurs may be produced at any of the four valves of the heart, but by far the most common' valve to be affected is the mitral; next in order of frequency is the aortic, then the tricuspid, with the pulmonary a bad fourth. The aortic and mitral valves together are affected four-fifths as often as the aortic valve alone. RESULTS OF VALVULAR IMPAIEMENT. Inability of a valve to close so as to render itself "water-tight" is called insufficiency, and the return flow of blood through the orifice is called regurgitation. The causes have bfeen enumerated. It is, how- ever, well established that the phenomenon of regurgitation may occur during excited and violent-acting states of the heart, when both valve and muscle are perfectly healthy. Such inefficiency can be explained only as a temporary expansion of the valvular ring or by imperfect closure, just as other automatic acts are disturbed by over- stimulation. So, also, altered states of the blood may be accompanied by all the audible signs of regurgitation without organic change being present. No doubt in many of these cases the insufficiency is actually present, only to pass away with the improvement in the general condition. Contraction, puckering or thickening of the valve leaflets, or deposits upon their surface, shortening and thickening of the chordce tendinea, and deposits into the valvular fibrous ring, operate to pro- duce such a narrowing of the valve opening as to interfere with the outflow of the blood. Such interference is called valvular stenosis. The aortic and the left auriculo-ventricular • orifices are of tenest affected. THE HEAKT ITS' TIME OF CARDIAC MUEl'IURS. Having considered the physiologic action of the heart and the mechanism of the murmurs we are prepared to discuss the relation- ship of the latter to the former in point of time; in other words, to fix the rhythm of the murmur as regards those acts which constitute the complete heart cycle, viz., the systole, the' diastole and the period of rest. A murmur which accompanies only a single act of the heart, the filling or emptying of a chamber, the opening or closure of a valve. a R R A PRESYSTOLIC MURMUR R R R R R A SYSTOLIC MURMUR r E A DIASTOLIC KIURMUR. Fig. 41 — Diagram illustrating the single or simple murmurs. is classified as a simple or single murmur. Murmurs which arise in connection with two of these acts, constituting a union of the simple murmurs, are called compound miirmurs. Compound murmurs aris- ing at one orifice or valve are called double murmurs, when originating at different orifices they are called combined or associated murmurs. Every simple valvular murmur has one of three relations to the sounds of the heart, on6 of three places in the cardiac cycle. First, the murmur may be synchronous with the contraction of the auricles, in which ease it is auriculo-sysiolic. In time such a murmur precedes the first sound, running up to that sound but ending 180 THE HEART at the moment of its production. The relation which any murmui* bears to systoie or diastole may best be asceftained by placing the stethoscope over the seat of the murmur, and, while the tip of the tlnger records each systole, the attentive ear consigns the murmur to its proper period in the heart cycle. Second, the murmur may be synchronous with the contraction of the ventricles, in which case it is veniricular-systolic. In point of time such a murmur follows the first sound of the heart and ends somewhere between the first and the second sound. Sometimes the inurmur is so prolonged as to almost touch the second sound. It is quite apparent that in this case the murmur may actually begin with . the beginning of systole, but will not be apparent until the cessation of the true systolic sound, hence will follow immediately upon that sound as though it were a prolongation of systole. Third, the murmur may be synchronous with the dilatation of the ventricles, in which case it is ventricular-diasthlic. In point of tirhe such a murmur follows the secoitd, sound and ends during the interval betwen'the second sound and the recurrence of the first sound. Briefly recapitulated the simple murmurS: are, therefore, presys- tolic, systolic, or diastolic in relation to the functions of the heart. In accordance with the simple scheme adopted for representation of the heart sounds we may, by a slight modification, represent also the simple endocardial murmurs and their relations to the normal sounds : Various combinations of the simple murmurs, constituting the (Compound or double murmurs, are not of rare occurrence, and greatly increase the perplexity of correctly timing them. They are illustrated in Diagram. The most common of these associated or combined conditions, as we shall see, is the co-existence of a ventricular-systolic and a ven- itricular-diastolic murmur; then, of an auricular-systolic ■ with a ven- tricular systolic murmur. In certain cases of long standing, in which two or more valves are affected, four or even six murmurs might possibly be present in the same heart. LOCATION OF CARDIAC MURMURS. VALVULAR AREAS. The point of origin of a murmur, the direction and the limit of its diffusion, are pretty constant quantities, and clinical experience combined with post-mortem confirmation have established certain fields THE HEART 181 which are called the areas of the murmurs. The location or seat of the murmur is determined by finding its point of greatest intensity; by mapping out the field over which the sound is audible, the direction and extent of its transmission, in conjunction with the associated symptoms. Even when all these elements &re weighed there is a possibility of error, and experience rather thkn precept must teach the student that the presence of an adventitiotis sound does not neces- sarily mean organic disease,^ nor does its .absence indicate freedom from such a malady. We examine successively the four cardinal points already named, at which normally the four valve-sounds attain their maximum in- WW AS ■+ VS AS +Vi AS +VS+V D a £ V6 + VO ■lllpilJl r Fig. 42 — The combined murmurs. AS Auricular systole. VS Ventricular sys- tole. VD Ventricular diastole. tensity (see plate) . If a murmur is clearest aftd most distinctly heard at the apex, it is strong presumptive evidence that it concerns the mitral valve and the left ventricle. The mitml area is a small circle surrounding the apex of the left ventricle, as ilhistrated in the accom- panying plate. Its location, therefore, changes with changes in the position of the apex, and enlarges with enlargement of the ventricle ; hence the necessity of accurately locating the apical point. Mitral murmurs are more generally propagated to the left than to the right of the apex. Especially is this true of regurgitant murmurs. The obstructive mitral murmur is apt to keep within bounds, and its point of greatest intensity corresponds pretty acci\rately with the center flf our circle — that is, it is a little to the right of the apex point. 182 THE HEART A corresponding circle on the back, of which the inferior angle of the left scapula is the center, will often enclose a field in which are distinctly heard the mitral murmurs, especially in emaciated persons, and this field should not be overlooked. This is admirably shown in the photograph of the patient with mitral insufficiency, on page 209, in which case the murmur was transmitted directly to the area shown, without following around the axillary space. Both DaCosta and Naunyn draw attention to the fact that some mitral murmurs have their seat of greatest intensity, not in the above area, but in the second or third interspace, an inch-and-a-half or two inches outside the left border of the sternum,'^that is, just beyond the pulmonary area, for lesions of which valve they might possibly be mistaken. The murmurs thus centering are usually regurgitant, and the explanation lies in the fact that at the point indicated the auricle is most superficial, and that it crops out still further when dilated by the regurgitated fluid. Some of the murmurs assigned incorrectly to the pulmonary valve, are, according to Balfour, in reality mitral mur- murs so caused. While the center of intensity is higher up in these cases than the usual mitral center, yet this should not deceive the cautious observer. Their area is outside the pulmonary area, and they are heard, but with less distinctness, in the mitral circle. Tricuspid Area. If the murmur is best heard over or at the left margin of the ensiform cartilage where the right ventricle is exposed, it is highly probable that it emanates therefrom, and that the tricuspid valve is the malefactor. In case of considerable dilatation or hyper- trophy of the right ventricle the valve moves towards the left, and the sound is heard along the sixth interspace, (sixth and seventh ribs) to the left of the sternum. The tricuspid area is triangular in shape, larger in its bounds than the preceding area, since it lies more to the front. Its limitations are a line crossing the sternum from the lo\^er border of the fifth right costal cartilage to the upper border of tie third left cartilage, thence downward to the center of the mitral area above described, thence across the ensiform cartilage to the point of beginning. The diagram gives a clearer idea of the area than can be given by descrip- tion. The left boundary coincides with the left interventricular cardiac groove. Pulmonary Area. If a lesion of the pulmonary valve exists the auditory area is limited to a small circle over the origin of that artery THE HEART 183 in the second and upper third left interspaces. The inner border of the circle touches the left edge of the sternuira. These murmurs are superficial, hence distinct. The sound disappears when searched for across the right sternal border, but may be indistinctly transmitted upward toward the left sterno-elavicular articulation. It is not con- ducted into the great vessels of the neck, nor is it audible in the apex area. These limitations serve to separate it from both mitral and aortic murmurs. Organic pulmonary murmurs never arise in inter- current diseases, although functional murmui-s are often credited to this role. Aortic Area. If the region in which centers the intensity of the adventitious sound be the upper sternal, especially if the region lie to the right of the bone, the murmur in all probability arises from 3. defective aortic valve. These murmurs are- heard with little varia- tion of their intensity beneath the manubrium,: and on both sides of the sternum, in the third left and in the second right interspaces, which latter is just below the aortic cartilage, at which point aortic murmurs .attain their maximum intensity, as a rule ; but owing to the position of the aorta and the direction of its current they are audible, ofttimes, the entire length of the breast-bone, and in cases of regurgitation the center of intensity is not infrequently over the ensiform cartilage, -and even extends over to the mitral area. Aortic obstructive murmurs are transmitted into the vessels of the neck with considerable clearness and intensity, which fact distin- guishes them easily from all other murmurs. Even regurgitant aortic murmurs may be heard faintly in the cervical vessels. The obstructive murmur is sometimes heard in the course of= the great vessels- down the spine and even in the extremities. The diagram shows the area ■of these murmurs as it appears on the anterior aspect of the chest. MITRAL MURMURS: When during the long cardiac pause the" blood returns from the lungs to the left auricle, the inflow causes that chamber to dilate (auricular diastole). As soon as this auricle is filled, the chamber contracts, (auricular systole) and forces the blood through the _left auriculo-ventricular orifice into the left ventricle. If now the mitral valve has been affected by disease in one of the ways set down, so that the orifice is narrowed and the flow obstructed, the current no longer passes, silently and swiftly, through the gateway to its ventricle. 184 THE HEART The obstruction causes the emptying process to be impeded and there- fore prolonged, and the passage of the blood is accompanied by a murmur, which has its greatest intensity in the apex region and which, in point of time, occurs during the auricular systole, that is, before the apex impact. Such a murmur denotes mitral stenosis, and is so named. It begins when auricular systole begins and, ends with or before the completion of that act. It occurs while the blood is being expelled from the auricle and while the ventricle is still passive, but it frequently results in a prolongation of the auricular contraction. Being produced by the blood flowing in its natural direction it is spoken of as a direct murmur, in contradistinction to murmurs arising when the blood flow is in a direction contrary to its natural course, such murmurs being named indirect murmurs. Special attention is directed to the fact that this murmur may be distinctly audible only when the patient is lying down, disappearing, when he sits or stands. Although this murmur occurs during ventricular diastole, it is not to be understood that it is audible during the entire period of the ventricular dilatation, although blood is flowing passively into the cavity during the whole of that act. Ventricular diastole closes with auricular systole, and the added impetus given to the current by this, contraction of the auricle may be necessary to. impart sufficient force to the stream to produce the murmur. The auricular contraction ia inaudible, but is immediately followed by the ventricular contraction, which produces the first sound of the heart.; Since the murmur is generated immediately before this latter contraction or systole, it is called presystolic, which distinguishes it from those murmurs whose duration is that of the entire diastolic period. The special point re- garding its tempo is that it is not heard immediately after the second sound of the heart, but immediately before the. first sound. With or without encountering obstacles in its path the blood from the left auricle now reaches and distends the left ventricle (ventric- ular diastole), whose contraction immediately- succeeds its distention (ventricular systole). In the healthy heart the only escape for the current imprisoned by the closure of the mitral gate is through the open aortic valve. If, however, disease has wrought changes which inhibit the perfect closure of the mitral leaflets, when the blood surges against them during the ventricular contraction they will not suffice- to stop its flow, but will permit a portion, of the fluid to pass back- wards and re-enter the left auricle. This back-flow is further aided hy PLATE XI. THE VALVULAR AREAS. Red Circle, Mitral Area. Triangle, Tricuspid Area. P- P^l-^nary Area. The Aortic Area in black dots. THE HEART 185 the slight negative pressure existing in the auricle during that period of the cardiac cycle. The valve permitting this return flow just described is said to be incompetent, or insiifficient , and the reverse current is called regurgitation. In this case it is mitral regurgitation. This phenomenon is indicated also by an aeeom'panying murmur, which^ in its beginning, is synchronous with ventricular systole, — that is to say, the apex impact and the carotid pulse, and accords with the first sound of the heart; or it immediately succeeds that sound and pro- longs it, ending between the first and second heart sounds. It is the most common of the valvular defects. The preceding murmur may exist as an independent entity, but is more -often associated with the present one. TRICUSPID MURMURS. The right ventricle acts in unison with the left, its systole and diastole are at one with its fellow. The tricuspid valve bears the same physiologic relation to the right heart that the mitral valve does tO' the left. Except for the number of its leaflets, its anatomic construc- tion is similar, that is, the edges are joined to the delicate chordee tendineaj which limit its motions; hence it is subject to the same ail- ments as its fellows, but for some unknown cause is less often visited by these afflictions. The tempo of the mui'murs which arise in con- nection with disorders of this valve will coincide in all respects with those of the mitral. Hence tricuspid stenosis will be presystolic (auricular-systolic), and tricuspid insufficiency will be accompanied by a regurgutation which takes place during' ritiht ventricular sys- tole (v. s.) Tricuspid regurgitation seldom exists as an independent disease,, except as the result of a congenital defect. It is prone to be one of the later complications of mitral disease. The stenosis is still rarer than the incon\petency. Tricuspid murmurs are quite distinct find superficial, almost never heard higher than the third rib, hence are not easily overlooked, nor are they apt to be misinterpreted. AORTIC VALVE MURMURS. The outflow of blood through the aortic semilunar or sigmoid valve takes place during the systole of the ventricles. Alterations, occurring at this orifice of such a nature as; to offer an impediment to the outward current, such as narrowing of the passage, give rise 186 THE HEART ■to a murmur which is synchronous with the apex beat and follows the first sound of the heart as a prolongation of that sound. The murmur will then be' ventricular-systolic (v. %), and the character of the obstruction will be stenosis. If, by reason of enlargement of the aortic ring or owing to defects already expounded, the valves are unable to prevent the reflux of the current which closes them back into the ventricular chamber, then this backward flow or regurgitation of blood will also engender a murmur which succeeds immediately upon tjie ineffectual closure of the valves, that is to say during the period of diastole of the ven- tricles (v. d.) The murmur so produced is usualy a long-drawn, soft souffle which, as an index of disease, is the most trustworthy of all the adventitious heart sounds.' Such a^ sound may replace or obscure the second aortic heart sound, since in some cases the stiffened segments majje little or no efforts at closure; and the backward flow begins with the beginning of diastole. A consideration of what is taking place The mechanism of the disease is as follows : 210 DISEASES OF THE HEART The insufficient semilunar valves permit a portion of the blood pumped into the aorta to regurgitate into the left ventricle. The regurgitation occurring at the time when that chamber is filling from its auricle, the effect of the double supply of blood, is to cause dilata- tion of the ventricle, which is ultimately followed by its hypertrophy. As the two processes act continuously the necessity for ever-increasing Fig. S5 — Mitral systolic murmur — seat of greatest intensity and direction of propagation with diminishing intensity. hypertrophy is manifest. The muscular endowment of the ventricle walls allows it to attain a degree of hypertrophy which surpasses that possible in the case of any other portion of the heart. Cases have been recorded in which a heart weight of forty-eight ounces was reached. As long as the two processes go on harmoniously equilibrium is main- tained ; no eyil results follow, and the discovery of the condition may be accidental. PLATE XIV. Aortic Diastolic Murmur, seat of greatest intensity and direction of propagation. AP. Position of Apex, DISEASES OF THE HEART 211 The difficulty experienced by the left auricle in ridding itself of its contents, owing to the raised pressure in the ventricalar chamber^ causes it to dilate and then to hypertrophy, and to increase the length of its systole. The raised pressure within thd veins of the lungs thus- produced must be counter-balanced by increased pump-work on the' part of the right ventricle, hence inevitably, after a longer or shorter time, the right heart shows secondary dilatation and hypertrophy, in which the dilatation is finally paramount. The student will under- stand that pathologic results are not always ea'sily distinguished from Fig. s6 — Pulse of aortic regurgitation. Apex acute. The height to which the lever rises is materially influenced by the amount of pressure made upon the button. D Aortic valve closure. Dicrotic notch marked. Predicrotic notch absent. causes, and that the mechanism and order of sequence above given may be diversified on quite as reasonable grounds as those here assumed.. PHYSICAL SIGNS. Inspection. The apex is seen in the sixth or seventh interspace,, as far to the left as the anterior axillary line. The impulse is dif- fused and undulatory during the dilatation period, wide and forcible during hypertrophy. Bulging is seen in children; the entire pra- eordia is raised. Occasionally during systole there is a depression of the prfficordia between the sternum and the nipple, due to atmospheric pressure. Palpation. The character of the impact is wavy and undulatory, or strong and heaving. Percussion. The area of dullness is enormous in advanced cases,, attaining here its greatest limits. The transverse area extends to the left beyond the anterior axillary line and downward as far as the seventh interspace. Auscultation. A murmur is heard with maximum intensity in the second right interspace (aortic cartilage). It is transmitted down- 212 DISEASES OP THE HEAET ward along both borders of the sternum towards the apex and the ensiform cartilage. Since it is produced by the reflux of blood during the filling of the ventricle the murmur occurs during diastole, and therefore re- places the second sound of the heart, or is intermingled therewith in cases where the leaflets are still capable of closure. In these cases both the murmur and the valve-sound may be distinct. The quality of the murmur varies greatly. Oftenest it is a long, soft, souffle, but may be harsh and rasping. Osier says it is the most trustworthy of all cardiac murmurs. We think it is not more indicative than the pre- systolic mitral thrill. Associated Murmurs. In many cases of aortic incompetency the arch of the aorta has become roughened by atheromatous deposits. This roughening gives rise to a systolic murmur which is present in about one-third of all cases. The roughened semilunar valve segments also are wont to originate a murmur by the passage of out-bound blood over their surfaces. The presence of these murmurs is often inter- preted to mean aortic stenosis, although only a small proportion of the cases show any real narrowing of the aortic orifice. Both sounds are systolic and may be heard beyond the aortic area. In most cases of aortic incompetency the ventricular dilatation and hypertrophy en- large the mitral ring, causing relative insufficiency of its valves, giving rise to the systolic murmur of mitral incompetency. That this mur- mur arises at the mitral valve and is not a conducted miirmur is shown by the fact that its quality is often materially different from the systolic murmur just described as arising from the aortic valve. This .aortic murmur is rough, high-pitched; the mitral soft and blowing. Flint Murmur. Yet another murmur is heard in the mitral or :apical area, but is less common than the systolic bruit. This second jnurrtiur is known from its describer as the Flint murmur. Its quality IS rumbling, its area limited and its time presystolic or diastolic. Whether it is due to the inflowing blood from the left auricle, or to the reflux current from the aorta producing: vibration of the mitral leaflets, is uncertain. Flint believed that the dilatation of the ven- tricle prevented the mitral leaflets from folding completely backwards against the chamber walls and, thus acting as an impediment, produced the bruit. The pulse is described elsewhere. The delayed radial pulse which follows the apex beat after a distinct interval is characteristic, and the DISEASES OF THE HEABt 213 length of the interval increases with the increase of the incompetency. In the carotids, especially the right, the systolic murmur may be quite as apparent as at the cartilage, and the second aortic sound may be u (>^>w ^ Fig- 57— Enlargement of the heart in aortic regurgitation (Patton). A Area of greatest intensity of murmur, somewhat depressed. B Direction of transmission of murmur. perfectly distinct here, even when absent ovefthe valve. Broadbent considers this a favorable sign, indicating that the amount of regurgi- tation is small. 214 DISEASES OP THE HEABT titer Symptoms. Cardiac palpitation, distress and faintness on sudden exertion or rising, are very early features, due to arterial anfemia. Pain and even angina are frequent. Headaches, dizziness and attacks of syncope from disturbed cerebral circulation are not uncommon and likewise may be early manifestations. Nocturnal dyspncsa and oedema of the ankles and under the eyes indicate failing compensation. The patient sleeps at first with the head elevated, then in a chair, lastly at a table. The sleep is fitful and disturbed by a sense of impending suffocation. General dropsy is not a terminal complication unless mitral disease is associated. Endo- carditis, emboli, paralysis and hematuria may each play its part. It is in aortic incompetency that sudden death frequently occurs, due in many cases to sudden over-distention of the left ventricle. In others, the case progresses through the stages of venous congestion and pulmonary engorgement to general dissolutien. AORTIC STENOSIS: Pure aortic stenosis is the least frequent of the valvidar affections of the left side of the heart. In almost every case of stenosis there is some incompetency. The majority of the cases are found in old men, associated with extensive atheromatous changes of the arteries, and the older the subject the greater the likelihood of there being calcareous deposits within the aortic ring. Uncombiiied aortic stenosis is the least dangerous of the various forms of valvular disease. The first effect of the stenosis is hypertrophy of the left venti'icle. Since there is no over-filling or backward flow in this lesion, simply a demand for increased power of propulsion, the hypertrophy comes about with little or no dilatation. The cavity walls thicken enor- mously without enlargement of the chamber. As long as compensa- tion is perfect the change is confined to the left ventricle. With failure of compensation dilatation occurs, then its auricle suffers and involves the right heart in the same order as was involved the left. With the left ventricular dilatation comes enlargement of the mitral ring, and relative incompetency of that valve. InspecMon. Even when considerable hypertrophy is present the apex impulse may be invisible, or if visible, may be feel^le. More often, however, it is slow, forceful and heaving. It is displaced down- ward and outward into the sixth or seventh interspace. In old men considerable emphysema of the lungs is present and DISEASES OF THE HEAi^T 215 serves to obscure the impact as well as to diminish the area of dullness. Palpation. The impulse may be impalpable and feeble, or force- ful owing to causes given. The chief diagnostic symptom is the pres- ence of a well-marked thrill felt over the base of the heart, and cen- tering over the aortic region. It occurs with systole and may be of great intensity. In some cases it may be felt with diminished inten- sity over the apex. (Anders.) Fig. 58 — Mitral presystolic murmur, arsa and direction. Percussion. The area of dullness is increased transversely, b\it never to the extent found in aortic insufficiency. Usually the area as marked out by percussion falls much within the true cardiac boundaries, owing to the masking of the dulljiess by the emphysema. AuscuUation. A_harsh, loud, prolonged murmur is heard, syn- chronous with each systole. Its point of greatest intensity is either the second right or the second left interspace close to the sternum. The second sound is obscured or more generally absent, since the lesion so 216 DISEASES OF THE HEART thickens and stiffens the valve leaflets as to prevent their closure. As the ventricle loses power with dilatation, the murmur softens in tone and late in the disease may disappear. Associated leakage and roughening are manifested by the some- times present diastolic murmur causing a see-saw sound. Although the conditions necessary for the production of this see-saw murmur are very frequently present, yet it is so often masked by the systolic thrill that it is inaudible. The systolic thrill is propagated into the great vessels. When mitral incompetency supervenes, it is indicated by a murmur, also systolic, sometimes musical, which is heard at the apex. Tricuspid involvement manifests itself in the usual way. The pulse is the pulsus tardus; small, well-maintained in tension but slower than normal. The accompanying tracing shows its character. Pulse curve of aortic stenosis — note absence of aortic notch. Curve of mitral stenosis. Fig. 59- Diagnosis. These findings point to aortic stenosis : — A rough, loud, musical systolic murmur of maximum intensity at the aortic cartilage. A thrill felt at the base. Signs of hypertrophy of the left ventricle. The pulsus tardus. The mistakes are due to anemic murmurs which are much softer, more apt to be found in the young, often intermittent, unaccompanied by thrill, and disappear under treatment.- In ansemias, the second aortic sound is accentuated. Bright 's disease produces cardiac enlargement with which arterio- sclerosis is commonly associated, but the urinary symptoms point to the disease, and in the aortic calcification of this condition the second sound is not absent, as it is in stenosis. Other Symptoms. Cerebral anemia during the failing stage brings on attacks of syncope or dizziness, often of the most distressing PLATE XV. Aortic Stenosis. Seat of Greatest Intensity. T, Tlirill. Ttiis Murmur may be Audible all over the Chest and in the Great Vessels. DISEASES OP THE HEART 217 character. In a case under observation the dizziness is centripetal, that is the patient always describes an ambulatory circle to the right and falls towards its center. General oedema and dropsy are rare. CBdema of the feet occurs. The other symptoms are due to associated lesions. AORTIC STENOSIS AND INSUFFICIBNCT. As stated by Broadbent, there are few if any cases of aortic stenosis without some insufficiency and the double aortic lesion is by many writers ranked next in frequency to mitral incompetency, hence a double aortic lesion is more frequent thai a single one. Hyper- trophy of the left ventricle reaches the same mammoth proportions as in the single lesion and the vascular phenomena are little modified. Mitral disease. Compensation fairly well maintained. Inequality of force of successive beats shown — insufficiency slight. Combined aortic and mitral disease, hypertrophy marked, pulsus alternans. Fig. 60. The double aortic lesion is evinced by a double murmur, systolic and diastolic, best heard over the base, on both sides of the sternum, and named, from its striking similarity to the sound of that vessel when afar off, the steam-tug murmur. The combination of aortic stenosis and mitral insufficiency gives rise to synchronous systolic murmurs, one qentering in the apical region, conducted across the axillary space toward the scapular angle, the other best heard at the aortic cartilage, conducted into the vessels of the neck. TRICUSPID REGURGITATION. The causes may be grouped under three heads : I. Inflammatory. Acute or chronic endocarditis with resulting 218 DISEASES OF THE HEART deformity — occasional. Foetal endocarditis is more prone to attack the right than the left side. According to Eauchfuss endocarditis is more common on the right side of the foetal heart only because the valves are there most often the seat of developmental errors. II. Valvular lesions of the left heart producing relative insuffi- ciency by the ensuing obstruction to the pulmonary circulation — more common. III. Obstruction to the pulmonary circulation occasioned by cirrhosis, fibroid phthisis, emphysema and chronic bronchitis — most frequent. The ventricle first hypertrophies and then dilates. The blood is projected into the right auricle and thence into the veins of the neck. The strength of the venous pulsation indicates the force of the regurgi- tation. When the dilatation and insufficiency are great the pulsation is strong. The right external jugular best- displays the throb, but the subclavian and axillary veins may also show it. It is best seen when the patient is semi-recumbent. It is greatly intensified by coughing and is an important physical sign. Inspection. In addition to the signs of overloaded veins and venous pulsation an impulse is seen in the epigastric region, or on one ■or other side of the ensiform cartilage, which is caused by the hyper- trophied ventricle. Holding the breath, coughing or blowing increase its force as well as that of the venous throb. As already explained, hypertrophy of the right ventricle lifts the left ventricle away from the chest wall, so that the apex beat on the left is invisible. The pul- sating liver may be visible. Falpation. The above-mentioned signs are confirmed. Liver pul- sation is less often seen than felt. Percussion. The area of dullness is increased to the right of the sternum. If the disease is secondary the increase is also to the left. Auscultation. A systolic murmur having its greatest intensity in the lower sternal region is heard. The murmur is soft, blowing and of low pitch, and while less widely transmitted than the corresponding mitral murmur, is often heard in the rigljt axilla. Even when asso- ciated with a mitral systolic murmur the softer quality and lower pitch of the tricuspid bruit enables one to separate the two sounds. The co-existence of venous pulsation with this jbruit may be taken as posi- tive indications of the lesion. False murmurs seldom attach themselves to the tricuspid valve DISEASES OF THE HEAET 219 and physiologic venous pulsation is not systolic. It corresponds with auricular and not ventricular contraction. Diagnosis. The diagnosis of tricuspid insufficiency presents no ■difficulties, and with these three points in mind a positive opinion may be given. Increased area of dullness to the right of sternum. Systolic murmur centering at xiphoid. Venous pulsation in external jugulars. The tricuspid murmur which develops secondarily to a mitral :systolic murmur, owing to its softer quality and lower pitch, may be inaudible. In that case the venous pulsation may be taken to indicate the lesion, especially if hepatic pulsation co-exists. Asystole sometimes -develops and portends evil. Other Symptoms. The symptoms are those of the allied heart lesions or of the co-existent bronchitis, empjiysema and pulmonary cirrhosis. General venous engorgement and universal anasarca pre- vail. The kidney and liver engorgement are followed by a complex -symptom train. TRICUSPID STENOSIS. The disease seldom exists as an isolated affection. Congenital ■eases die young. Women are afflicted four ti^nes as often as men. It is secondary to lesions of the left heart. The ipechanism is exactly like that of mitral stenosis with which lesion it is oftenest associated. The physical signs are not always well-defined. Inspection. Cyanosis, especially of the face and lips, is generally present. Palpation. Even when present the thrill can rarely be felt. Percussion. Slight change in cardiac area, a little increase to the right of the sternum. Auscultation. Thrill may be present and is presystolic. A pre- systolic murmur is often to be made out in the costal angle at the right of the ensif orm cartilage, sometimes in the foiirth or sixth right inter- spaces. Either the murmur is often absent or the murmur of the associated mitral stenosis, of which it forms one of the most serious -complications, so obscures it that it is indiscernible. General anasarca, •extreme and obstinate, is an end symptom. Diagnosis is difficult owing to the masking of the bruit. It is 220 DISEASES OF THE HEART seldom made. The presence of the thrill is convincing. Venous reple- tion and dropsy suggest it. PULMONARY VALVE DISEA1SES. These lesions are rare. Under the caption False Murmurs are mentioned some of the conditions which are mistaken for pulmonary valvular diseases. Care must be taken not to mistake the transmitted mitral murmur mentioned under that disease, which occasionally cen- ters around the root of the pulmonary artery, for disease of this valve. Pulmonary insufficiency is the rarest of all valvular defects. It is generally congenital. Inspection. Constant cyanosis, great venous congestion and dyspncea are marked symptoms. Jugular pulsation is mentioned by Thompson. Palpation — negative . Percussion. Hypertrophy of the right heart, of moderate degree. Auscultation. The lesion should be evidenced by a diastolic mur- mur of maximum intensity in the second left intercostal space. The corresponding murmur of aortic insufficiency theoreticaly centers on the opposite side of the sternum, but in fact the differentiation by position is impracticable and in any case is extremely difficult. The rarity of the one contrasted with the frequency of the other affords ample grounds for error if not for excuse. The strongest differential point is that the vascular phenomena accompanying aortic insufficiency, are absent in the pulmonary disease. Pulmonary stenosis, also congenital, is caused by union of the valve segments. Cases are occasionally encountered in which vegeta- tions are the cause of both insufficiency and stenosis (Shattuck). The congenital cases are associated with compensatory lesions of the for- amen ovale or ductus Botalli, or imperfect ventricular septum due to arrest of development. Inspection : Negative. Palpation. There may be a thrill in the second left intercostal space. ^ Percussion. Slight enlargement of right heart. Auscultation. There should be a systolic murmur with point of greatest intensity to the left of the sternum in the second interspace. This murmur is not transmitted into the vessels of the neck. The- PIvATB XVI. Mitral and Tricuspid Systolic Murmurs. The "Hour-Glass" Murmer. DISEASES OF THE HEARIJ 221 pulmonary second sound would be absent or replaced by a diastolic murmur, since incompetency is necessarily associated. The differentiation from the murmur of" aortic stenosis presents difficulties. The left-sided hypertrophy is absent in the pulmonary form. ORDER OF FREQUENCY OF THE SIMPLE AND THE COM- BINED CARDIAC LESIONS. Statistics differ materially as to the order of frequency of both simple and combined lesions. The following order is as nearly correct as available figures permit: 1. Mitral incompetency. 2. Aortic incompetency. 3. Mitral stenosis. 4. Aortic stenosis. 5. Tricuspid stenosis. The claim of mitral incompetency to supremacy is undisputed. Aortic incompetency and mitral stenosis are practically equal in fre- quency, and the same may be said of the two forms of tricuspid disease. Of double murmurs, heard at the same orifice, the mitral lesions are more frequent than the double aortic murmurs. The combined lesions occur in the following order of frequency: The mitral and aortic segments are mosi; often affected together. Next in frequency is the combination of mitral and tricuspid lesions; then of aortic, mitral and tricuspid. In children the most common combination is mitral insufficiency with aortic insufficiency. In adults mitral insufficiency with aortic stenosis and insufficiency is perhaps the- oftenest found combination. The following order is taken from the statistics of F. J. Smith: 1. Aortic incompetency and stenosis : Mitral incompetency. 2. Aortic stenosis and mitral incompetency. Aortic incompetency and mitral incompetency. Equal. 4. Aortic incompetency and stenosis; mitral stenosis and in- competency. 5. Mitral incompetency and tricuspid incompetency. 6. Aortic incompetency and stenosis ; mitral, incompetency; tri- cuspid incompetency. 222 DISEASES OF THE HBABT CONGENITAL CARDIAC DEFECTS. Two causes are recognized: arrested development and foetal endocarditis. Acardia, double heart, dextro-cardia and malposition of the heart are pathologic curiosities. Defective auricular or ventricular septum is more common. When the opening is very small or slit-like little harm seems to result. Patent foramen ovale, imperfect septum and persistence of the ductus arteriosus Botalli each exists alone or com- bined with stenosis of the pulmonary valve. Patent foramen ovale is sometimes found post-mortem when the defect has been unsuspected. Peacock states that the most frequent conditions are : 1. Stenosis and atresia of the pulmonary valve, the pulmonary artery and the right conus arteriosus. In 181 congenital cases he found one or the other in 119. 2. Defective auricular septum. 3. Defective ventricular septum. These may exist alone, but are more frequently associated with pulmonary stenosis, perforate foramen ovale, and patulous ductus Botalli, in the order named. 4. Congenital lesions of the tricuspid orifice, pure or associated. 5. Persistency of the ductus arteriosus. "When existing alone, may be found at an advanced age. 6. Congenital narrowing of the aortic orifice. 7. Congenital narrowing of the mitral orifice. The number of valve segments is sometimes increased or dimin- ished. Increased pulmonary and deficient aortic leaflets occur oftenest. Two segments may be fused, in which case thickening as a rule co- exists. Bicuspid aortic valve has been oftenest noted. The tendency to valvular disease later in life is increased by these defects. Foetal endocarditis leads to sclerosis and thickening of the edges and to shortening of the chordce tendines. In some cases the results resemble a perforate diaphragm, especially in stenosis of the pul- monary valve. The valve may be rough or perfectly smooth. Smooth- ness is taken to indicate imperfect development. Roughness indicates endocarditis. The subjects often die of tuberculosis. Defective sep- tum may be associated. Congenital aortic defects are less frequent than pulmonary lesions. Symptoms. The most striking symptom of congenital defect of DISEASES OF THE HEART 223- the heart is cyanosis, which appears soon after birth and is permanent. It may be of slight grade, affecting only the lips and finger tips, ears- and toes, and only come on after crying; or it may be of high grade, the entire body exhibiting a bluish or purplish lividity. Clubbing of the fingers and toes is usual and extreme and the nails sharply curve. Cough and dyspnoea, both increased by slight exertion, are generally present. A systolic murmur heard over the auricles and absent at the- base indicates the lesion. In congenital pulmonary stenosis the second pulmonary sound is abnormally weak or, absent. DISEASES OP THE MYOCARDIUM. Atrophy of the heart is the reverse of hypertrophy. Diminution in the size of the heart keeps pace with diminished need. It is con- genital or acquired. Wasting diseases and old age are causes of the^ acquired form. The wasting which accompanies phthisis is a well- known example. Physical Signs. Weakened impact, usually invisible, small weak pulse, diminished cardiac area. In estimating the latter the influence of emphysema, so often present in old age, must be kept in mind. The sounds are generally weak but may be otherwise normal. In phthisis the second pulmonary sound is accentuated despite the atrophy. HYPERTROPHY AND DILATATION. Cardiac enlargement occurs in three forms : 1. Simple hypertrophy, in which the walls are thickened without, any change in the size of the cavities. 2. Hypertrophy with dilatation; dilatation with hypertrophy or excentric hypertrophy, in which both dilatation of the cavities and' thickening of the walls are present. 3. Simple dilatation, or dilatation of the cavities with thinning of the walls. It is manifest that if the walls are stretched, they must thin. The weight of the heart has been given. The normal thickness of the left ventricle is from one-third to one-half inch ; the right ventricle from one-sixth to one-fourth of an inch; the auricles are about a line in thickness. The thickness of the left ventricle has been known to reach an inch and a-half, the right, three-fourths of an inch in thickness. The- auricles may double their normal thickness in extreme cases. 224 DISEASES OF THE HEART The weight of the heart in these cases varies from fifteen to twenty-five ounces, except in such extreme cases as follows: Stokes reports a heart of sixty-four ounces ; Alonzo Clark, one of fifty-seven ounces ; Beverly Kobinson, one of fifty-three ounces. Independently of cardiac valvular lesions there is a small group of hypertrophies and dilatations which deserves notice. They are sometimes designated as idiopathic, as opposed to the hypertrophy •caused by valvular diseases. Either the hypertrophy or the dilatation may be primary, but eventually the one condition brings about the other, hence ultimately they co-exist. Causes. Increased labor and increased intracardial pressure. The part affected depends on the part called upon to bear the strain. Mechanical obstruction to the circulation, if produced suddenly, brings dilatation, if brought about gradually, hypertrophy supervenes. The left ventricle is primarily affected in those conditions in which the impediment is in the general arterial circulation. Such are arterio- sclerosis, increased intra-thoraeic pressure. A moderate degree of hypertrophy exists during pregnancy, according to Larcher. Immod- erate athletic exercise, continued use of alcohol, particularly beer (Striimpell), and all forms of Bright 's disease. The right ventricle is primarily affected when the causes are chiefly the outcome of im- peded pulmonic circulation, and is affected secondarily in diseases which have produced the same condition in the left heart. We are of the opinion that also associated action and nerve supply is responsi- ble for a considerable amount of concurrent hypertrophy in these easea as well as in valvular diseases. Nerve and muscle fibers are in large part common to both hearts and ability to disassociate their work must needs be an acquired function. Right hypertrophy is seen as a result of undue muscular exercise in athletes and soldiers (Da Costa). The lung group embraces emphysema, cirrhosis, phthisis with consolidation, and pleuritic adhesions. Yet left hypertrophy quite as often as right exists in these eases. Hypertrophy of the heart as a Whole is due to associated causes, those which call for increased work of both sides: Exophthalmic goitre, certain diseases of the nervous system, excessive use of cardiac ■stimulants, — ^tea, coffee, and alcohol, — pericardial adhesions, as as- serted by Quain, independent of valvular diseases. Sometimes pericarditis is the cause of extreme dilatation without hypertrophy. DISEASES OF THE HEART' 225 In cases where dilatation exceeds hypertrophy, some form of myocar- dial degeneration generally will be found to co-exist. Sudden death with acute dilatation in- infective diseases, and death occurring after slight exertion during convalesenee, are probably so caused. The dilatation found in old alcoholics and in cases of wide- spread arterio-sclerosis is associated with fatty infiltration, fatty degeneration or fibroid overgrowth. Dilatation which supervenes upon hypertrophy in valvular diseases is probably due to the prone- ness of the hypertrophied muscle to undergo degeneration. Simple dilatation is most often observed in the auricle and the right ventricle. Symptoms and Physical Signs. As long, as the balance is main- tained between the two conditions few symptoms present themselves. There may be some dyspnoea, and vascular throb may be present in the neck. In failing compensation the vascular phenomena described under cardiac lesions supervene, venous repletion and congestion of the various organs. Headache, giddiness and palpitation are frequent. Inspection. Precordial bulging, especially in children, cardiac impulse displaced outward and lowered to the sixth or seventh inter- space. Dilatation is indicated by the diffused, wavy, uncertain stroke. Palpation. The impulse may be double, one systolic, one diastolic. Pulse regular, full, tense in hypertrophy; weak, irregular and more frequent in dilatation. Percussion shows area of increase. Auscultation. In hypertrophy the first sound is dull, heavy, prolonged and sometimes reduplicated. Laennee called attention to a click, sometimes heard in the young. In dilatation the quality of the first sound approaches that of the second, the pause shortens and we have a simulation of the foetal heart sounds, called by the French, embryocardia. Frequently the canter rhythm, or bruit de galop, is present. Murmurs are absent unless the condition results in valvular incompetency. Diagnosis. Four points are insisted upon : Increased area. The heaving or diffused impulse. Absence of murmur. Character of the sounds. Acute myositis, abscess of the heart, aneurysm of its walls, fatty 226 DISEASES OF THE HBAET changes, acute myocarditis, give rise to no distinctive signs in them- selves, but may bring about results which are recognizable. Fibroid heart (myocarditis) is followed by a train of symptoms due to the resulting dilatation and venous congestion. It is usually a. part of endocarditis. Its physical signs are those of dilatation. A variable and unstable mitral murmur may be present without accentu- ation of the second pulmonic sound. ACUTE ENDOCARDITIS. Definition. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart. The valves are usually involved, though the lining membrane of the cavities and the chordse tendineffi may b"e affected alone. That the latter condition is not as rare as might be supposed is proved by the statistics of the Royal College of Physicitos, in which series of cases- the walls were affected 33 times in 209 cases. It is usual to distinguish two varieties of the disease, a simple and a malignant form, but in reality the distinction is one of degree rather than of anatomical difference. Simple or benign endocarditis always arises in the course of some other disease. Rheumatism plays the chief role, with pneumonia second. Tonsillitis and scarlet fever are liable to the complication. , Other infectious diseases less frequently show it, but the possibility of its occurrence as a late complication must not be forgotten. Attacks- during the course of phthisis are not rare. The causal relationship of chorea to endocarditis in early life can not be denied, and a large proportion of patients who have been afflicted with the former carry the lesions of the latter malady. The malignant type may exist as an independent disease, but secondary forms are more usual. In infective diseases, pneumonia and kidney diseases the malignant variety is prone to occur. While in rheumatism, as in pneumonia, the benign type is oftenest met with, yet the malignant form is not rafe in either disease. Septic infective diseases furnish a proportion of the cases. Symptoms. Simple endocarditis gives rise to no distinctive symp- toms or physical signs. In the course of inflammatory diseases in- creased rapidity and irregularity of the heart's action and increased fever without assignable cause are suspicious. A murmur at the apex may develop but its presence does not indicate the disease, nor does its absence m,ean exem,ption. The stu- DISEASES OP THE HEART 227 dent must free his mind of the widespread fallacy that heart affections must needs be attested by murmurs. The malignant form is manifested by rigors, sweats, irregular or intermittent fever, delirium and signs of septic infection, which are in no way distinctive of heart involvement. Another type is the typhoid, which is self-explanatory. In persons known to have chronic valvular lesions, symptoms sim- ilar to the above should excite grave apprehensions of a recurrent endocarditis. Embolic symptoms often occur and aid the diagnosis. The disease is perhaps most often mistaken for typhoid fever. Widal's reaction excludes the latter. SECTION XI. THORACIC ANEURYSM. An aneurysm is a more or less circumscribed dilation of an artery. The dilation may include all the coats of the artery, or it may be that one or two coats having yielded or ruptured, the remaining part dilating thus forms a blood sac which communicates with the parent vessel. A convenient division of these lesions is into internal, or medical, and external, or surgical, aneurysms, which classification is self- explanatory. Aneurysm of the thoracic portion of the aorta is by far the most frequently met with among aneurysms, since aneurysms of the aorta follow the same law as does sclerosis with regard to situation, viz., the nearer the heart the greater the pressure, hence the greater the liability to aneurysm. For this reason they are oftenest found in the ascending portion of the arch, which is the subject of attack five times as frequently as the abdominal aorta; then in the transverse and descending portions, where they occur three times as often as in the abdominal vessel. For the same reason they are found on the •convexity of the arch, rarely on the concave side. Anatomy. The aorta lies in the middle mediastinum. It arises ;from the base of the left ventricle, behind' the left margin of the !Sternum, opposite the lower border of the third left costal cartilage. 'This point corresponds to the body of the fifth dorsal vertebra. It passes upwards, forwards and to the right, between the superior vena cava and the pulmonary artery, as far as the right border of the sternum, beyond which it does not project, and as high as the second costal cartilage. Its breadth is 28 m. m. At the point given it arches upwards, backwards and to the left, winding around the trachea to reach its left side, whence it passes to the left side of the lower border R Eoii;aopH\LlC lEl/CoeVTES, PLATE XVII. EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD 237 A material increase of any particular cell-element is spoken of as — 'osis, hence the term leucocytosis, microcytosis, etc. Microcythsemia, megalocythsemia, etc., have the same significance. To give a detailed description of the various cells found in the blood in disease were impossible within the limits of this brief treatise, and would serve a less useful purpose than the accompanying classi- fication with attached nomenclature. The Bed Corpuscles. The red cells are circular, bi-concave discs of greenish-yellow color and non-nucleated. The average diameter is 7.5 IX. The center being thinner than the rim is therefore lighter colored. Abnormal pallor can be detected by practice. There is less variation in the size and shape of the red than of the white cor- puscles. Moving cells are seen to change their shape, like elastic bags. Macrocytes are probably regenerative cells; microcytes, degenerative. The name poikilocytes was given by Quincke to irregular forms sometimes seen elongated, balloon-shaped, rod-like, which occur in severe anaemias and in chlorosis. Crenation, which occurs upon the slide, is the ameboid motion with change of shape, and is outside poikilocytosis. The absence of the rouleau tendency is sometimes noticeable, and is seen in pneumonia, hepatic diseases and nephritis. Polycythsemia is an actual increase in the number of red blood cor- puscles. It is relative when due to a diminution of the plasma, as in diarrhceas and ascites. The opposite condition is known as oligocy- thsemia and occurs in the anemias, septicaemia and all wasting diseases. Normal red cells show little affinity for dyes, differing in this respect from the white cells. In disease, red cells which accept stains are met with, also cells not normally present in health but seen in dis- ease, as the microcytes and the megalocytes which stain readily. Staining with methylene blue shows the granular nature of diseased and degenerated red cells. Cells containing such granules occur in pernicious anaemia, malaria, the leukaemias, and lead poisoning. In the last they are very constant, and, in the absence of the other condi- tions, saturnism should be suspected. Nucleated red cells are found in the foetus and immediately after birth, and at all times in the bone-marrow. Three varieties are described : ( a ) Normoblasts, (b) Megaloblasts and (c) Microblasts. 238 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD The first is a developmental form of the normocyte. In other words it is an immature red blood corpuscle: Megaloblasts, cells of 10 ju or over, occur only in disease. They are not found in healthy marrow. They are seen in ansemias due to intestinal parasites, in grave anaemias, especially when pernicious. Ehrlich considers their occurrence as prognosticating death, except in parasitic anemia. Microblasts are rarer than the above, they are of small size, imperfect form and their import equally serious. Both forms seem to indicate a return to the foetal type of blood. The following terms are used to describe the behavior of all cells towards the various dyes employed : Basophilic, having an affinity for basic dyes. Achromatophilie, no affinity for dyes. Oxyphilic, having an affinity for acid dyes. Polychromatophilic, an affinity for both bksic and acid dyes. Neutrophilic, having an affinity for neutral dyes. Eosinophilic, having an affinity for eosin stain. Chromotrophic elements are stained a ditlerent color from that of the dye, as when violet dyes stain red. The White Corpuscles, or leucocytes, are colorless cells. They are generally larger than the red bodies, more irregular in shape, are nucleated and much fewer in number than the red cells. From their composition they are divided into granular and non-granular varie- ties, or may be classified as mono-nuclear and poly-nuclear forms. The larger varieties, especially the coarse granular cells, are actively ame- boid, the small mono-nuclear variety is devoid of ameboid move- ment. Classified in accordance with their origin, two groups may be distinguished : I. Those from the bone-marrow, the myelogenous group, and II. Those from the adenoid tissue, the lymphogenous group. This second group comprises the lymphocytes of all sizes. The first group includes the following: (a) Polymorphonuclear neutrophiles. (b) Eosinophiles, (c) Mast cells, (d) Large mononuclear cells of Ehrlich. The forms of group I are not transitional* LftRGE LYMPHOCYTES SMALL pOL-fMoPxPHOt^ocLEnK ritUTPOPHILt EOSlSOPHlLf- ff EiOSlftOfHILlt M>fELOCYTe. ONHUTROpMILlC. LtUCOCfTE. StUTRDPHlLlC M'iE.LOCYTE. I- Z -b .SMdLt. LTMPHOCYTE RED CELLS AND POLYMORPHONUCLEAR NEUTROPHILES PLATE XVIII. VARIETIES OF LEUCOCtTES. EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD 23^ ♦LEUCOCYTES. Classification according to structure and behavior towards dyes, f Mononuclear. A. NoN- Granular ■ Varieties. Granular Varieties. Little or no ameboid move- ment; many contain one or two peripheral granules. Poly nuclear, polymorpho- nuclear. Phagocytes, active, ameboid motion. Neutrop hi lie, basophilic, oxy- philic. Mononuclear. Granular cells. i. Small lymphocytes derived from adenoid tissue. Vary in size from smaller than a red blood corpuscle to considerably larger, Mononuclearj both nucleus, and protoplasm JDasophilic. Outline smooth or irregular. In adults, 20 to 30 per cent, of total nuinber of leucocytes; in infants, 40 to 60 per cent. Laryre lymphocytes, large mononuclear leucocytes, derived from bonfrmarrow and spleen. Two to three times the size oi red blood corpuscle. Large, single nucleus; both nudeus and protoplasm basophilic- Outline irregular, oval. Surrounded by broad zone of protoplasm. Form from 4 to 8 per cent, of total number. Polynuclear nutrophilic leucocytes. Polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leucocytes or phagocytes, About same size as No. 2. Nucleus elongated, twisted, broken. Granules embedded in protoplasm stain with neutral dyes (neutrophilic).. Protoplasm proper stains with acid dyes. Most com- mon of all lejjcocytes. 62 to 70 per cent, of total Derived from neutrophilic myelocyte leucocytes. (Ehrlich). Polynuclear oxyphilic*leucocytes, same as No. 3, except embedded protoplasm stains with acid dyes, or eosin,. hence also called polynuclear eosinophilic leuco- cytes. I to 4 per cent, of total or about 50 to 200 per c. c. of blood. . Polynuclear basophilic leucocytes, mast cells, size about same as Nos, 3 and 4- fn disease size may reach 22 micro-millimeters. Embedded grains of protoplasm,difierent sizes, stain only with basic dyes. Nucleus polymorphous. Rare. Never exceed 0.5 per cent. , Myelocytes. Mononuclear neutrophiles, granular cells of the bone marrow, " Intruders ^''^ occasional occur- rence, border cell between physiologic and patho- logic conditions. (Starvations and various intoxica- tions.) Are derived from large lymphocytes (2) and develop into the polynuclear leucocytes (3) are never normally found in the circulation. According to action with dyes', are neutrophilic, eosinophilic or baso- philic, all with single, large nucleus, surrounded with protoplasm. Diameters 10-20 micro-millimeters. The protoplasm of normal leucocytes is stained uniformly bright- yellow by iodine. In diseases in which pus is a product of the disease, or in which the infection or intoxication is due to some form of bac- terial invasion, as in typhoid fever and pneumonia, the granular pro- toplasm is stained brown by the reagent. This was announced a few years ago by Kaminer. Later, Wolff announceii that the reaction was due to the presence of glycogen and occurred irrespective of disease. Hirschberg has confirmed Wolff's work and the staining can no longer be regarded as significant. The polymorphonuclear neutrophiles best show the reaction, while the eosinophiles are exempt. It was pre- viously taught that the reaction served to demonstrate sepsis and also- to distinguish between a serous and a purulent effusion. The number of leucocytes per cubic millimetre of blood varies much both in health and disease. The average may be stated to be 5,000 to 6,000, but may faU anywhere between 3,000 and 10,000 within strictly physiologic limits. An increase above normal is called 240 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD liyperlencocytosis, or simply leucocytosis ; a diminution below normal is hypoleucocytosis. The increase or diminution may affect all the varieties above mentioned but more generally it will be found that a particular variety suffers much out of proportion to the remaining cells. The most common form of leucocytosis is an increase of the polymorphonuclear neutrophilic cells (3). In the new-born these exist physiologically to as high as 20,000, which number decreases to 10,000 by the end of the first year. The eosinophiles may reach 2,200 (Taylor). Pregnancy and labor, severe exercise, bathing, and even digestion increase the number of leucocytes above normal. They vary from day to day, and from day to night. Such variations are physio- logic and temporary. The number is below normal in the ill-nour- ished, the sickly and in those who have fasted; If a deficient amount ■of food has been eaten, as is often asserted by patients, the count will verify the statement. Such conditions of ill-nourishment and unhy- gienic surroundings must be given proper weight before conclviding that a count of, say, 3,000 is pathologic. Cabot gives the following classes of pathologic leucocytosis : Post hffimorrhagic leucocytosis. Inflammatory leucocytosis. Toxic leucocytosis. Leucocytosis in malignant disease. Leucocytosis due to experimental and therapeutic influences. Among inflammatory conditions in the above classification are in- cluded infectious diseases. In septic conditions leucocytosis increases with the severity of the attack, at least, so long as resistance is normal. Where the resistance is greatly diminished, leucocytosis diminishes therewith, and may fall to a low point. In pneumonia, its absence forebodes a fatal termination. In many of these conditions, while the nefUtrophiles are increased, the eosinophiles are correspondingly diminished. Leucocytosis is absent in the following diseases : Typhoid fever, malaria, grip, measles, rotheln, mumps, cystitis, all forms of tubercu- losis and tubercular processes except the meningeal form. Bloodgood* states that in appendicitis the' leucocytosis is a pretty safe index of the severity and extent of the disease. A count of 15,000 falls rapidly to 10,000 with the amelioration of the disease. A count *Americaii Medicine, ipoi, page 306-7. EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD 241 of 20,000 observed within forty-eight hours of the beginning of the attack demands operation. In gangrenous eases the count reached 25,000 to 30,000. Very high leucocytosis observed within the first forty-eight hours points to peritonitis. In intestinal obstruction the increase is of especial value, rising rapidly to 20,000 within twenty-four hours, and still higher in gan- grene or associated peritonitis. Later in the disease a low count with persistence of the symptoms is unfavorable. Fevers with leucocytosis are not typhoid; since it does not occur in uncomplicated cases. Its occurrence, therefore, in undoubted cases points to complications. It is stated that in articular rheumatism complicated with endocarditis, the count doe's not rise much if any above that for the uncomplicated joint affection, viz : 10,000 to 12,000, ^^' (---SLIhp Fig. 6l — The Thoma-Zeiss Counting Chamber. but that when complicated with pericarditis the average rises to 20,000 or over, and that such rise foretells the complication. Tuberculosis is only attended by leucocytosis when secondary pus infection occurs. The eosinophiles and the mast cells are increased in myelogenous leukaemia, while in the lymphatic forms of the disease the lymphocytes are increased, numbering 40,000 to 200,000. Increase of eosinophiles is found in bronchitic asthma, in scarlet fever, in hydatid disease of the liver, as noted in one of my cases, in intestinal parasites, gon- orrhoea and in inflammatory skin disease. Blood Counting. The most suitable apparatus for enumerating the blood corpuscles is the cytometer of Thoma-Zeiss, manufactured by Zeiss. It consists of a diluting pipette for the red corpuscles, another for the white, a specially ground cover-glass and a counting ■242 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD chamber in the bottom of which is placed a disc ^ ruled into squares whose sides measure 1-20 mm. and whose areas are therefore 1-400 of a square millimetre. The depth of the chamber when the cover- glass is in position is 1-10 mm. When the chamber is filled the con- tents overlying each square will be a column 1-400 ^^- ^ase by 1-10 mm. in height or 1-4000 cu. mm. Hence the number of corpuscles overlying an.y one square X by 4,000 would equal the number of corpuscles in a. cubic millimetre of blood, if the blood examined were undiluted. Since it is impossible to make the count without diluting the blood to 100 or 200 times its own volume, the above product must be multiplied by the dilution mul- tiple. Furthermore, since great variations occur in the number of Fig. 62 — Thoma-Zeiss Hemacytometer Pipette, and Chamber. corpuscles found in the various squares, in practice it is actually necessary to count the corpuscles overlying a largQ number of squares, divide by the number of squares counted in order to obtain an average, then multiply by the other factors. By reason of the ruling presently to be described, it is found convenient to count a field 16X16 or 256 squares. Suppose the number therein totals 1,792, giving an average of 7 for each square, the dilution being 200. Then 7X4000X200= 5,600,000 cells per cu. mm. of blood. Countimg; chambers with the rulings of Turck enable the enumeration of both red and white cells, to be made in the same specimen. In this apparatus the small 1-20 mm. squares are fenced off into blocks of 4X4 or 16 of the smaller squares, separated by interspaces or ' ' alleys, ' ' the width of the small squares. For enumerating the red discs, the 16 central blocks are EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD 243 eouBted, thus giving 256 of the small squares, which is sufficient for a fairly accurate average. To count this nvimbef of squares after some practice requires about half an hour ancl the result is generally between 1,200 and 1,500 corpuscles. Much nfust be learned by prac- tice, and accuracy comes only with experience. After having made the count the instrument should be washed with water and the whole process repeated with a second drop of blood, and in cases of wide variation, a third count should be made. Enumeration of the Bed Blood Corpuscles. The blood is most easily obtained from the ear-lobe, which may be first washed with soap and water. Disinfection is not necessary. Punctures made with a three-sided surgical needle furnish a free iiow of blood and obviate the necessity of squeezing, which dilutes the drop. Wipe away the first drops, then draw the blood directly into the capillary tube of the mixing, pipette to the 0.5 mark, if a dilution of 1 :200 is desired, or to the 1.0 mark for a 1 :100 dilution. In cases of anjemia the latter is preferable, while for practice upon normal blood the former suffices and the cells are more quickly counted, with less strain upon the the eyes. Great care is necessary in drawing' blood into the tube not to pass the desired mark. In case such accid'ent happens the pipette- must be cleansed immediately, and the attempt repeated. The mark- reached, the blood adherent to the point of the tube is carefully wiped away and the. tube plunged directly into the diluting fluid which is drawn up until the 101 mark above the bulb is reached. The- two fluids are intimately mixed by shaking and rotating. The portion which has remained in the capillary tube and not mixed must be ex- pelled, and a portion of the remaining fluid transferred to the count- ing chamber. . The cover-glass is placed over it and the slide is put on the horizontal stage of the microscope where it should be allowed to stand for several minutes in order that the corpuscles may settle evenly. Much care and practice are necessary that neither too much nor too little of the fluid be placed in the chamber. If too much, it will overflow into the rim or moat which surrounds the graduated plate, or overflow between the cell-rim and the cover-glass. If too little, the count will be inaccurate. If the drop has been accurately gauged, Newton's rings will ap- pear at the edge of the cover-glass as far as it rests on the underlying cell wall, when the glass has been pressed into place. 244 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD Diluting Fluids. The simplest is a 0.8 per cent, salt solution, or one of MgSO^ of 20 per cent, strength. Gowers' fluid consists of: Sodium sulphate gms. 6.3. Acetic acid, gms. 3.6. Distilled water gms. 117.0. Toison's fluid is convenient as it stains the leucocytes and facili- tates their enumeration. Its composition is as follows : Sodium chloride, purif 1.0 < gm. Sodium sulphate, purif 8.0 gm. Neutral glycerine 30.0 c. c. Methyl violet, 5B 0.025 gm. Distilled water 160.0 e. e. Diluting solutions containing mercuric chloride, as Pacini's and Hayem's, are advantageous since they do not stain the tube as does Toison 's. Counting the leucocytes. The same chamber is used for count- ing the white cells that is used for the red discs. Turck's ruling greatly facilitates the work. For countings the white cells a dilution of 1 :100 is sufficiently accurate. If a dilution of 1 :200 has been used for the red cells, the second or large bore pipette may be used for this ■enumeration. The blood being drawn up to the 1.0 mark, Toison's fluid is added until the 101 mark is reached, when the steps described in the ease of the red corpuscles are repeated. The leucocytes are stained blue by the fluid and the corpuscles overlying the entire set of large blocks, 144 in number, are counted, beginning at one corner, going across the field and back until all are counted. Corpuscles lying in the interspaces or "alleys" between the blocks must not be in- cluded in the count. A rule of procedure must be adopted in regard to counting bodies partially within and partially without the boun- daries. Perhaps the safest plan is to count in all that lie on two ad- jacent sides of the square and ignore all that impinge upon the two remaining sides. The rule is equally applicable to the enumeration of both the red and the white cells. Divide the total by 144 to ascertain the average for one square. Since these blocks are composed of 16 small blocks, each of which is 1-4000 cu. mm. in contents, it follows that one of these columns is 16-4000 cu. mm. or 1-250 cu. mm., hence EXAMINATION OF THE BLClOD 245 multiplying the average obtained by 250, by the degree of dilution 100, equals the number of leucocytes per cu. mm. in the blood ex- amined. Thus, if 65 leucocytes are countad on 144 squares, the average per square is 0.45X250X100=11.250 leucocytes in one cubic millimetre of blood. This method has the advantage of being much simpler than that of finding the cubic contents of the microscopic field and should be more accurate. If for special reasons a dilution of 1 :10 or 1:20 be desirable, it becomes necessary to destroy the red bodies, since their preponderance would obscure the white cells. In this case a 0.5 per cent solution of acetic acid to which has been added a little gentian or methyl violet, renders the red cells invisible while it makes p'rominent the leucocytes. The apparatus may be cleaned by first washing out the pipette with the diluting fluid, then with water, afterwards with absolute alcohol, lastly with ether. The counting chamber should be washed with water only as alcohol and ether destroy the cement. Explicit directions usually accompany the apparatus. A magnifying power of three hundred diameters will suffice for the count. The hfematocrit, as proposed by Blix and modified by Daland, has the advantages of celerity and ease of management. It consists of two graduated glass tubes, 50 mm. long and 0.5 mjn, in diameter, that fit accurately into a carrying frame which revolves in the ordinary cen- trifuge. The tubes are graduated from 1 to liOO. The blood is drawn directly into the tube from the puncture by means of a rubber tube, or it may be diluted with an equal volume of a 2.5 per cent, solution of bi-ehromate of potash. For diluting, the* pipette of the Thoma- Zeiss apparatus may be used, the blood being drawn to the 1.0 mark, then an equal quantity of the diluent drawn in. The process must be repeated some four times in order to obtain sufficient of the mixed fluid to fill both tubes of the hajmatocrit, to w|iich it may be directly transferred. As a speed of 10,000 revolutions^ per minute is necessary for good results, an electric current is desirable. The result as indi- cated by the scale gives the number of corpuscles per cu. mm. by adding five cyphers to the reading, thus, 50 on the scale indicates 5,000,000 red cells. Doubling the scale gives the volume percentage of corpiiscles to the normal ; thus, 45 on the index equals 90 per cent. If the blood has been diluted, the indicator readings must be multi- plied by the degree of dilution. 246 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD Much criticism has been bestowed upon the results of Daland's method. It is especially claimed that it is inefScient in cases in which there exists much variation in the size o:^ the corpuscles, or in which the leucocytes are considerably increased; but Daland claims good re- sults in these cases as well as in the othars. In a large series of com- parative counts made with both the haematoerit and the Zeiss instru- ment, I obtained quite as uniform results as when two different per- sons counted the corpuscles in separate specimens of blood from the same individual, by means of the Zeiss counter. Preparation of Dried and Stained Films. Wet preparations can be utilized only when the microscope aild proper materials are near at hand. When the examination must be deferred it is necessary to make use of dried .specimens. They are prepared by pricking the cleansed finger or ear-lobe, wiping away* the first drops, catching the next drop, as it emerges from the punctiire, upon a clean cover-glass without touching the glass to the skin, spreading the drop into a capillar\- layer by covering the one disc; with another then carefully sliding them apart, and drying the two Jjlms thus obtained in the air. The dry films will keep indefinitely, especially if placed in closed jars. Simon recommends the use of slides instead of cover-glasses, spreading the drop with the edge of a second slide held at an angle with the first. The superiority of his piethod rests on the lessened difficulty of gauging the drop to the size of the cover-slip and the more uniform thickness of the smear. I\Iy own preference is to bring the edge of the slip even with the edge of the slide and to catch the drop directly in the capillary space thus fonijed. Fixation is accomplished by exposing the specimen to a tempera- ture of 140° C. for half a minute, but requires special apparatus. Longer exposure at lower temperatures, as one hour at 110° will accomplish the same end. Fixation by: immersion in a mixture of e(iual parts of absolute alcohol and ether, or in the alcohol alone, is satisfactory for most purposes. For the first, the immersion should last from one-half to one hour; for the second, five minutes suffices. The following solution is more satisfactory than either of the above : Commercial formalin, 40 per cent. . . 1 c. c. Water 9 c. e. Mix, add alcohol 80 e. c. EXAMINATION OP THE BLOOD 247 Fix by covering with a few drops of this solution, allow it to remain one minute, then drain off and immediately replace by the staining mixture desired. With practice one can make perfectly satisfactory stains by sim- ply passing the cover-glass through the flame about twenty times in rapid succession, learned by noting the effect on the red discs. If the heating has been sufficient they will be stained bright yellow by the tri-acid stain. Ehrlich 's tri-acid stain is the most satisfactory for diagnostic pur- poses and is all that is necessary for the clinician. Gruber's colors are used. The dye is made by mixing the following : Saturated watery solutions of orange G-, methyl green and acid fuchsiu are prepared and allowed to stand for several days, after which the clear fluids are decanted. The dye is compounded as follows : Orange G-. sol 6 c. c. Acid fuehsin sol 4 c. c. Add the one to the other drop by drop, while shaking. When thoroughly incorporated add Methyl green sol 6 c. c. Glycerine : ... 5 c. c. Absolute alcohol , 10 c. c. Water 15 c. e. Shake well, let stand for twenty-four hours. The specimens are stained with the above compound for about five minutes, drained, dried with bibulous paper and examined with the one-twelfth oil immersion lens, with the wide diaphragm. Ehrlich 's triple stain dyes the Red corpuscles, orange or bright yellow. Nuclei of leucocytes, green. Nuclei of nucleated red cells, green. Neutrophiles, violet. Mast cells, uncolored. .Eosinophiles, red or copper-red. The definition of the nuclei is improved by counter-staining with 248 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD a saturated solution of methylene blue. After washing off the triple stain the blue solution is poured over the film and washed ofl: after one or two seconds (Hewes). The blue counter-stain brings out clearly also the malarial parasites, which do not show in the films stained only with the triple stain. Jenner's stain, the eosinate of methylene blue, gives satisfactory differential pictures. No previous fixing is necessary, as this is ac- complished by the methyl alcohol of the stain. The dye consists of a 0.5 per cent, solution of the powder in absolute methyl alcohol. The films are well-covered for five minutes, washed with water, dried and examined. The red cells are stained terra-cotta. Nuclei of both red cells and leucocytes, blue. Neutrophiles, purple-red. Eosinophiles, bright-red. Granules of mast cells, dark-violet. Ehrlieh's hfematoxylin-eosin solution is also known as Gollaseh's dye. It is frequently used. Preparation : Dissolve 2 gm. hematoxylin in a mixture of 100 c. e. each of alcohol, glycerine and distilled water. Add 10 gm. gla- cial acetic acid and a slight excess of alum. The solution must ripen for four to six weeks, after which 0.5 gm. eosin, or, if preferred, orange G., is added. The smears are fixed either by heat or by alcohol (five minutes) and stained for varying times from five minutes to two hours, according to the intensity desired. The method requires less skill of technique than either of the others. The nuclei Of the leucocytes are stained dark-blue. Bodies of leucocytes, light-blue. Bed corpuscles, bright-red. Eosinophiles, red-granular. Nuclei of normoblasts and megaloblasts, dark-blue. Neutrophiles, unstained. As said, the triple-stain is the only one really necessary for the practitioner, and familiarity with one stain and the ready recogni- tion of the bodies differentiated by it is far more useful than doubtful versatility or questionable proficiency. Malarial Organisms. These parasites are readily recognized in wet specimens by careful focusing, or th4y may be stained for per- manent preparations. The causative factor of malaria is a protozoon LtUCOCYTE Reo C6ULS LYMPHocyres €W • i5-/^^&i SMALL LYMPHOCYTES PLATE XIX. CHRONIC LYMPH/EMIA Small Lymphocytes in various stages of transition. EXAMINATION OP THE BLOOD 249' of the class which grows in the blood and is therefore called h£ema- tozoon. This particular species is named in honor of its discoverer, Plasmodium malarice of Lavaran. The most- common form of the Plasmodium is found enclosed in the red blood corpuscle. It is a pale, segmented, mulberry-like body, surrounding a mass of pigment. If a little solution of gentian violet or fuehsin be added to the wet preparation, the stain will impart itself to each of the fifteen or twenty separate segments, differentiating a Seep-tinted, central nu- cleolus from the surrounding protoplasm of lighter stain. Some of these same bodies may be found apparently free from the corpuscle which encapsulated them. The free bodies may be entire or in various stages of disintegration, or exist as small, pale, spherules floating free in the liquor sanguinis, or attached to the outside of the red corpuscle, where they exhibit ameboid movement. Staining here shows also a central nucleolus and a nucleus. These forms are found previous to, or during, the chill and dis- appear a few hours after that event, when they are replaced by active ameboid, inter-corpuscular bodies, constantly changing shape and throwing out pseudopodia into the substance of the corpuscle. These undergo successive changes, until the pale spherules again fill the cor- puscle, and, at the time of the next chill the rosettes and radiating pigment bodies reappear. The crescents which are found in the blood associated with irregular and severe eases, according to Thayer appear in most of the cases of Eestivo-autiimnal fever during the second and third week. The crescent develops within the red corpuscle from the small hyaline bodies which gradually increase in size, collect pigment in their centers, assume a crescentic shape, while the outline of the corpuscle disappears. The last to disappear is a line connecting the two horns of the crescent. The dried preijarations, after fixing, are best stained by the eosinate of methylene blue, as advised by Roman- owsky. The dye may be purchased ready prepared. Hcemocjlahin. The relative values of the htemoglobin to the cor- puscular elements are mentioned in the discussion of the various subjects. It is to be noted that slight alterations in the amount of hemoglobin are constantly occurring as the result of diet, weather and habits. It is influenced by age, climate, country, sex and disease. The hsemoglobin reaches its lowest value in chlorosis where as low as 15 per cent, has been observed. In this disease the fall in the per;- centage of hsemoglobin is below the fall in the percentage number of" ■250 EXAMINATTON OF THE BLOOD the red corpuscles, although these also indicate a marked decrease. The corpuscles look pale. In Thayer's series the average for the red iDodies was 4,096,000, while the percentage of hsemoglobin for the total number was 42 per cent. In one case the corpuscles were 85 per cent, while the hgemoglobin was only 35 per eeftt. He calls attention to the fact that there may be, however, well r&^rked actual anemia. In typhoid fever the haemoglobin often diminishes more rapidly than the corpuscles. In septic infections, especially in general septictemia, the same phenomena may be observed, but generally th'e two keep pace with •each other. Blood changes in pernicious ancemia. In progressive pernicious ansemia, the corpuscular loss exceeds the loss of hsemoglobin, although the latter may decrease to as low as 20 or 25 per cent, of the normal. The ratio is important as a diagnostic feature. A fall of red corpus- cles to half a million is not uncommon and 315,000 has been recorded by F. P. Henry (Ansemia, Phila., 1887). Megalocytes abound; their diameter ranging from 10 to 15 micromillimeters as compared with 6.5 to 9.5 for normal cells. Microcytes and poikilocytes are also abundant in most cases, yet none of these features are pathognomonic. Minute, highly colored spherical bodies, known as Eichhorst's corpuscles may abound. Eichhorst regarded them as pathognomonic, but they are sometimes absent. Two kinds of nucleated red corpuscles seen in pernicious ancemia are described by Ehrlich. First, small normal sized corpuscles with deeply stained nuclei. Second, large forms with pale nuclei which he calls gigantoblasts. Leucocytes are usually slightly diminished in number, although the mononuclear white cells may show slight ■ in- crease. Henry remarks that the red corpuscles in this disease re- semble the blood of the lower animals in numb^% shape and size, and amount of haemoglobin. In the latter stages of leuksemia the same ratio as the above is frequently noted. Blood changes in gastric carcinoma. In carcinoma of the stom- ach the blood changes ofttimes so nearly coincide with those of per- nicious auEemia a,s to lead to error. In Osier's series the average of corpuscles in 59 cases was 3,700,000, and the average hsemoglobin in the same series was 45 per •cent. The corpuscles varied between 1,000,000 and 6,000,000 while PLATE XX. PERNICIOUS AN-^MIA. EXAMINATION OP THE BLOOD 251 the hemoglobin only fell as low as 30 per cent. The leucocytes ex- ■ceeded 20,000 per cu. mm. in three cases, and exceeded 12,000 per cu. mm. in eighteen cases. Blood changes in leuktnnia. (a) Spleno-medullary form. In ■all forms of leuksemia the diagnosis must be made by the examina- tion of the blood, as it alone offers distinctive features. The blood pictures are most striking and significant. In the commoner form, the lieno-myelogenic, the change is the increase in colorless corpuscles. The normal average of white cells per cu. mm. of blood during health has been stated. Their ratio to the red cells is set down as 1 to 500 or 1 to 1,000. In leukeemia the proportion may be 1 to 10 or less. One to 1 is not unknown. The eosinophiles maintain their proper pro- portion to the other white cells, hence their^ total increase is very large and their presence in the stained field is striking. Their sizes vary greatly. The polynuclear neutrophiles may maintain normal proportions early in the disease, but frequently diminish in the later stages. The greatest increase is in those cells not normally found in the blood, the myelocytes of Ehrlich. They are marrow cells and are much larger than the large mononuclear leueqcytes, from which they further differ by having their protoplasms filled with fine neutro- philic granules. (See classification, 6a.) Eosinophilic myelocytes are .also plentiful. (Classif. 6b.) Mast cells (polynuclear cells with coarse basophilic granules, 5b) are always present in considerable number and may be even more plentiful than the eosinophiles (Osier). Red cells. The normal red cells are only moderately reduced in spleno-medullary leukffimia, seldom falling below 2,000,000, but nor- moblasts or nucleated red cells are present, some with large pale nuclei, some showing evidence of mitosis, and gigantoblasts are present. The hemoglobin value is usually reduced. Ameboid move- ment is feeble. Charcot's crystals separate out from the leukemic blood which is kept for a short time. (b) Lymphatic Leukemia. As the name indicates in this form the principal changes occur in the lymph apparatus, and in the blood those cells which are derived from the lymph gland predominate, viz : Lymphocytes. The proportion of colorless cells to red cells is less pronounced, seldom if ever reaching 1 to 10; the increase consisting -almost solely of lymphocytes, which may be either the small forms or .the large cell lymphocytes (2-a) which approa,ch in size the poly- 252 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD nuclear leucoctyes (3-b). In the purely lymphatic form of the dis- ease, myelocytes are not present and eosinophiles and nucleated red corpuscles are rare, but in the mixed forms, which occasionally occur the blood picture is a union of the two described. The diagnosis presents only one difficulty ; to- distinguish it from ordinary leucocytosis. This, however, should present no great obstacle since in all ordinary leucocytoses the increase take's place solely in the polynuclear neutrophilic cells (3-b). Estimation of Hwmoglobin in Blood. The simplest method of estimating the percentage of hb. is by Tallquists's>color scale. {Nofh- nayel's Handhuch . Bhrlich and Lazarus.) This scale is a series of lithographed tints resembling the color of bloody containing various, percentages of hb. ranging by tens from 100 to 10. The blood-drop is caught on a piece of filter paper and compared directly to the color scale by daylight. Little books of suitable filter paper are sold with the scale. While great accuracy is not attained by this method yet valuable conclusions may be drawn. As normal blood varies between 100 and 90 per cent it cannot be said that a decrease below the nor- mal percentage has occurred until the latter degree has been passed. Tallquist noticed that in stains of blood taken from patients suffer- ing with pernicious anaemia the colored center was surrounded by a zone of varying width, u.ncolored in some cases, or colored a faint yel- low. He observed the same thing in various other anaamias includ- ing chlorosis, and concludes that when the nimbus is entirely uncol- ored, as viewed by transmitted light, the corpuscles have fallen to one- half the normal number or less, and that the greater the decimination, the broader the zone. A very suitable instrument for the general practitioner for esti- mating hb. is Growers' hfemoglobinometer, to be recommended by rea- son of its low cost and the ease with which it may be used. Results obtained from the better grades of this instrument, will probably prove more reliable and accurate to the general worker than would those of the more complicated instruments of Dare, Oliver or von Fleischl which are better suited to the skilled laboratory technician than to the needs of the general practitioner. The apparatus consists of two small tubes of equal height and diameter, which stand upright in a wooden base. One is closed and contains a colored solution which cor- responds in color to a 1 per cent, solution of normal blood in water. The other, open at the top, is graduated into cu. mm. by a number m ^tf^ # • ^ § PLATE XXI. LEUKAEMIA. EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD 253 scale. A laueet, a dropper and a capillary pipette marked at 20 cu. mm., with suction tube, complete the apparatus. A few drops of water are placed in the open tube, the finger is punctured, the blood drawn into the pipette to the mark and immediately discharged into the graduated tube, refilled with water to recover all remaining blood, and this added to the graduate. The tube is now well-shaken and com- pared with the scale by standing at such an angle that the edges join each other in the line of sight, Water is added little by little, shaking the tube after each addition. The percentage is indicated on the scale when the colors exactly correspond. es' New I [remoglobinometer and Colorimetei'. Description. The blood pipette is .shown at W. It consists of two small glass plates, one transparent, one white, with a capillary space between, into which the blood to be examined is automatically drawn, undihited. The plates fit into the detach- able clamp, X, and are held evenly in position by the thumbscrew. After filling the capillary tube, the clamp and tube are placed in clamp holder, white glass outwards, as shown in the drawing, where they are held in place by grooved guides in the fixed bracket. Fig. A shows the color scale. It consists of a prism of colored glass, E, a semicircle of white glass, F, on the edge^ H, of which is etched the percentage index of haemoglobin. G is hole or hub by which the scale is fixed in case, S, allowing rotation. I is a white glass disc which serves as background for the colors. Fig. B shows instrument ready for use with candle illumination, Y. The color scale has been placed in the metal case, S, and is rotated by milled wheel, R, The li,ght falls equally upon the exposed white .glass discs, V and W. The observer views them through the detachable camera tube, U. T, is a movable screen to shade the observer's eye. When the colors exactly correspond, the percentage indicated is read at; the scale opening, Z. Th drawings are one-half actual size. 254 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD Eodgkin's Disease. . The blood shows little that is characteristic- apart from simple anaemia of varying grades. The red corpuscles may sink to 2,000,000. They show only moderate poikilocytosis. The white corpuscles may show a moderate increase, with abundant lymphocytes. Occasionally the white cells increase inordinately and resemble the characters found in lymphatic leukemia. Purpura. The blood changes are those of ansemia with the hb. line below the corpuscular line. Addison's Disease. Anaemia is generally present according to Addison, but sometimes is wanting. In Wilson's case the blood re- sembled pernicious antemia. Splenic Ancemia. This is described as a profound anemia with- out leucocytosis, and often without marked poikilocytosis. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. References to the blood changes are included in the general description of the malady. Recent investi- gations by UUom and Craig show that when a cavity is present there is a constant mild ansmia, associated with a decrease of the htemo- globin. They find that an increase of the erythrocytes in cases with- out cavity is a favorable symptom. A decrease of leucocytes in ad- vanced cases is unfavorable. They regard an actual increase of lymphocytes as indicating an increase in the resistance on the part of the organism against the tuberculous infection, hence su^ch increase as well as augmentation of the transitional forms, is to be regarded as favorable. SECTION X-III. DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN. The abdominal cavity contains many and varied organs whose physiologic offices, while they differ exceedingly are yet closely re- lated to one another in that they contribute to a common end. Yet in spite of this relationship it may be said that disease of one or the- other, whatever may be its nature, gives rise to no symptom group or correlated phenomena in any way comparable to those associated with, disease above the diaphragm. Secretion or excretion may be altered,, function may be changed or even abrogated as the result of disease, yet inter-dependent symptoms and inferential physical signs are not a consequence. Perhaps the one exception to this statement is that changes in the blood are apt to be associated with alteration and dis- ease of each of these organs. For these reasons physical exploration of the abdomen presents many more difficulties and yields less fruitful and less satisfactory results than when the same methods are applied to the thoracic organs. Nor is the reason therefor far to seek. The abdominal organs are many, the thoracic few; the abdominal organs are packed in a loose cavity with distensible walls, and their size constantly changes with, their functions. The thoracic walls are almost unyielding, the posi- tion of the organs is fixed and their capacity but little changed even in severe disease. The contents of the abdominal organs may be solids, liquids or gases, or an admixture of all of these ; some may be greatly distended or totally collapsed, as the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, gall bladder and uterus ; while heart and lungs are subject to but little variation. Lastly the action of the thorax and its organs is regular and rhythmical ; that of the abdomen and its viscera irregular and intermittent. The same methods are used which we have seen applied to the thorax but their relative importance changes. Inspection and palpa- tion yield most valuable information here, while auscultation, the most important in thoracic exploration, is of relatively little importance 256 DISEASES OP THE ABDOMEN when applied to the abdomen. The most favorable position for ex- amination of the abdomen is in many cases the erect posture, although recumbency is often necessitated by the form of sickness, or in order to secure complete relaxation. The knee-breast or knee-elbow posi- tions furnishes most information in cases of movable organs, tumors and dropsies. Not only should the front, but alSo the sides and the back, be examined. Eelaxation is secured by elevating the shoulders and gently flexing the thighs. Anassthesia must sometimes be re- sorted to. Anatomy. Whether the segmentation of the abdomen into nine areas has survived the test of time because it is of practical value, or whether it is due to innate conservatism is questionable. Certain it is that the divisions are based neither on substantial anatomic grounds nor warranted by convenience. Variations in the descriptions as found in existing text-books are innumerable and the hope of uniformity is remote. Anderson's suggestion that the boundary lines be converted into planes, defined on the dorsal as well as on the ventral surfaces is here adopted. The plan, however, was originally suggested many years ago by Dr. Bright. The abdominal organs vary widely in their positions within physiologic limits, hence their positions and relations can be described only with approximate correctness. Two horizontal planes are passed through the .abdomen, the upper at the lowest point of the tenth costal cartilage. This_ plane lies about two inches above the umbilicus, marks the lowest anterior point of the costal border and cuts the second lumbar vertebra posteriorly. It cuts through the transverse colon, the stomach, ascending and descending colon, the lower curvature of the duodenum, the small intestines and the kidneys. The second plane passes horizontally backward through the an- terior superior iliac spines into the pelvis. A third plane carried across the true pelvis at the upper level of the symphysis cuts the distended bladder, the fundus uteri, the ova- ries and Fallopian tubes, the small intestines, the cfficum or lower part of the ascending colon, the sigmoid flexure and the upper end of the rectum. For the longitudinal planes as pointed out by Anderson the outer borders of the recti muscles — extending from the infra-costal furrow above to the spine of the pubis below — ^have the advantage of easy location and of giving much greater symmetry to the regions de- DISEASES OF THE AbOOMEN 257 Fig. 64 — The abdominal organs viewed from behind. The diaphragm partly re- moved. From Cunningham's Anatomy, by permission of Wm. Wood & Co. DISEASES OE THE ABDOMEIN 259 limited, than the old vertical lines bisecting Poupart's iio'aments. The rectal lines, furthermore, bring the inguinal region entirely into- one division. The vertical planes cut the transverse colon, the small intestine and kidneys. The ovaries lie at the intersection with the pubic plane. Further, the right plane cuts the gall bladder, the cfficum ; the left cuts the stomach, the pancreas, the spleen and the sigmoid flexure. METHODS OF EXAMINATION. Inspection. The shape of the ideal abdomen is flatly elliptical with a slight depression marking the umbilicus, a shallow central groove and two vertical lines delineating the inner and outer edges^ of the recti muscles, and three transverse lines marking the muscle Fig. 6s — A convenient position for palpation of the= abdominal organs, whichi may be used in home or office. Especially useful in searching for small, growths of pylorus. into zones. It is seldom seen except in well-developed, muscular young men. I have never observed the transverse lines in women. They are- absent in the very young and those past fifty years. The size and shape of the abdomen vary greatlj' in health and^ its appearance is measurably modified by eettain physiologic condi- tions. The abdomen of the child is considerably larger in proportion, to the size of the chest than is that of the adult. Again in old age- the abdomen is apt to increase in its volume while the thorax shrinks, thus renewing the disproportion. It is more apt to become voluminous with advancing years in women than in men, and repeated preg- nancies leave an indelible stamp. A full meal distends its upper- portion. 260 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN Probably as an inherited tendency the waist circumference varies more in women than in men. Its disproportion to the girth of the thorax is greater, and in the higher orders of^society where lacing has been longer and more strenuously practised the effects are much more marked than in the lower orders, as evinced by our immigrants. It tends to displace the liver and the free end of the stomach downward, as well as to unduly contract the lower ribs which are greatly in- creased in their inclination, lessening the costal angle and diminishing the lower intercostal spaces. The pelvic portion of the abdomen is proportionally longer in women and the distance from the xyphoid cartilage to the sj^mphysis pubis varies more than in men, thus giving the female more "waist" and less chest length. We note the size and shape of the abdomen and observe its movements, and look for changes which may result from such alterations. Alterations in the shape of the abdomen due to disease consist in enlargements or retractions of its walls. Enlargements of the abdomen may be general and symmetrical, or local and irregular. General enlargements are caused by accumu- lations of gas within the intestinal canal, particularly within the colon (tympanites) as occurs in typhoid fever; by fluid accumula- tions within the peritoneal cavity (ascites) or in the parietal tissues (oedema) ; by tumors or new-growths, in which ease the enlargement ma,y be local or general. Local enlargements are in the main due to hypertrophy of some special organ as the liver, the spleen, the kidney or the ovary, to hernias or rarely to enlargements of the mesenteric glands, or accumu- lations of fteces. Local inflammations such as appendicitis often show local swelling. The descent of the diaphragm and the bulging in the epigastrium due to fluids in the thoracic cavity has been mentioned. Retraction of the walls is seen in all forms of acute febrile and wasting diseases as typhoid fever, tuberculosis and cancer. It occurs and is progressive in intestinal strictures and in stenosis of the gastric orifices. Infective and catarrhal diseases of the bowels accompanied by diarrhoea, tuberculosis, meningitis and some other cerebral diseases rapidly produce it. It is extreme in lead colic. Alterations in the movements of the abdomen indicate change in the respiratory rhythm or in the peristalsis. In the unrestricted belly the walls rise and fall with the excursions of the diaphragm. In disease they may increase with the latter or vice versa. Thus in suprn- UPPER MAMARV LOWER MAMMARt PLATE XXII. ANTERIOR SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY AND REGIONAL LINES. A. Aorta. LV. Left Ventricle. RV. Right Ventricle. P. Pulmonary valve. A' Aortic valve. M. Mitral valve. T. Tricuspid valve. G. Bl, Gall Bladder. DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN 261 diaphragmatic inflammation, as pleurisy and pericarditis, the muscles are increased in their play, while in inflammations below the partition, as peritonitis or intra-peritoneal growths or colic, their movements are held in abeyance and the costal type of respiration prevails. In thin-walled individuals the outlines of some of the organs and the movements of peristalsis are frequently apparent, and with the loss of , adipose in the course of wasting diseases they become so. Semi- rhythmical, contractions and relaxations of the abdominal muscles are not unusual, especially in the sick, and the shifting of gaseous accumu- lation, accompanied by noise, is a common event. The great curvature of a well-inflated stomach may be easily traced. We examine the state of the skin, whether soft, rough or smooth ;. moist or dry and branny. Its color, whetheri it indicates jaundice or impeded circulation. We note distention of veins and capillaries, es- pecially in the umbilical zone already described, and the frequently transmitted epigastric pulsation which is sometimes mistaken for aneurysm-. Palpation. In order to secure the best results from palpation, the comj)lete relaxation of the parietal walls is necessary. To accom- plish this, place the patient upon a hard mattress with the legs and thighs partially flexed. It is necessary to change the position from the back to the side, or to the knee-breast posture in detecting the- presence of fluids, movable tumors or fluctuation. The hand should be well-warmed so as not to cause involuntary shrinking and contraction. The side of the hand or the tips of all the fingers used together is preferable to the single finger. Punching- and poking are to be avoided. The pressure must vary with the end sought; slight, forcible, continuous or interrupted, being singly or alternately used; care being exercised not t^ cause useless pain by unnecessary repetition. Note whether the skin is hot, indicating= fever or inflammation,, or cold, indicating chill or deficient circulation; whether the tissues; are unusually relaxed or resisting and elastic and whether any oedema exists. The examination of the contained organs determines their size and position, whether fixed or movable and whether pulsation is present ; their consistency and outline, whether smooth, nodular, tense, tender, softened or hardened. 262 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN Fremitus due to eularged spleen or liver may occasionally be detected. Fluctuation means the presence of fluid. Jn order to detect it the examiner places one hand at the distal part of the collection, and laps upon the overlying surface. The peculiar Stroke communicated to the hand hy the fluid set into vibration is called fluctuation. Cir- cumscribed fluctuation is distinguished from fluctuation due to fluids free in the cavity by its area and position and by not gravitating freely with changes in the posture of the patient. Such collections ■occur in ovarian cvsts, ligamentous cysts, hydatids of the liver ami po,ssibly in cy.stic kidney. Encysted collections of pus or other fluids limited by peritoneal adhesions, fluids distending the fallopian tubes, and abscess of the abdominal vails, may also give rise to localized fluctuation. / Pain may be superficial or deep and the amount and kind o)' pressure necessary to produce it determine this fact. The charactei- of the pain and the manner in which it is influenced by . palpation have no little significance. Pains due to inflammation of the bowels or other miicous membranes are dull, heavy and continuous and require considerable pressure to manifest them; Pain arising from inflammation of the serous coverings, the peritoneum, is sharp and cutting, subject to exacerbations and increased by slight pressure. Colicky pains, nerve pains or neuralgias are often relieved by firjn pressure, although a touch may cause a painful- spasm, which distin- guishes them from the tenderness resulting from inflammatory troubles. Palpation includes vaginal and rectal examinations, for fuUei- details upon which subjects the reader is referred to special works. Pcrcussioit. By percussion we determine the size and position of the various organs, their relations to each other atod even gain consid- erable information as to their conteTits, siTice the note varies unmis- takably therewith. The position of the patient best suited for per- cussion is recumbency upon the back, as for palpation. The fingers furnish the best plexor and pleximeter, and the variations in the note elicited are so manifest and so readily recognized that the student will do well to familiarize himself with their qualities before essaying thoracic adventures. These notes are dull, flat and tympanitic ac- cording to the point chosen and the organ per6ussed. The body of the liver, the spleen and the kidneys give forth a perfectly flat note, DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN 263 while their edges which overlap the stomach, colon or intestines give a varying dull note. The small intestines, the colon and the stomach give a full tympanitic note, \s'hich may be characterized as small, medium and large for the three viscera in .the order named. The separation of the three organs nevertheless reSquires considerable deli- cacy of discrimination, by reason of the variations of the note which arise from different conditions of these viscera. Thus, each may be distended to its fullest capacity by gaseous or solid contents, or may be in a state of collapse, or they may be partly filled. In each condition the note for the same organ will differ. The quality of the note varies hut little, being tympanitic in all cases except when the viscus is filled with solid matter, but the pitch varies widely. As stated in our preliminary considerations, pitch rises with the tension but diminishes as the enclosed air volume increases, provided the tension remains the same. From the foregoing it will be seen that the note of large tympany, or stomach tympany gotten by percussing a moderately distended stomach which is normally the lowest pitched sound obtainable from the human body, rises in pitch if the gas so distends the stomach as to increase its tension, when the note may become metallic or amphoric. The intestines, being smaller cavities, give a higher pitched note than the stomach; the tension being equal, this note is higher for the small intestine than for the colon. Increase in size of the solid organs, as well as new solid growths, are recognizable by the extension of their area of flatness; thus, en- larged liver, kidneys, spleen, uterus, tumors of ovary, womb or mesenteric glands or aneurysm of the great vessel may be recognized and their limits determined. A full bladder gives us an area of dullness above the symphysis, where intestinal tympany replaces it v/hen emptied. So too, distentions of the hollow viscera manifest themselves by a change in the percussion note,, the tympany increasing with the distention. It will thus be seen that intelligent percussion furnishes valuable results. In order to obtain the full benefits the areas must be care- fully gone over from side to side and from above downward with a stroke of varying strength ; now light, to elicit superficial resonance ; now medium, to determine relative dullness; and strong, to demon- strate deep-seated, covered-in flatness. 264 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN The percussion areas of the various organs will be given in . detail along with the consideration of their diseases. The state of the abdominal walls rfiay interfere with the satis- factory examination of the organs ; thus accumulation of fat seriously influences palpation and the percussion note. Contraction and spasm of the parietal muscles, as occurs in beginning peritonitis, or the uni- lateral contraction of the rectus as seen in appendicitis, may retard the examination yet contribute to its diagnosis. CEdema of the walls, such as occurs in chronic Bright 's disease, seriously interferes with the examination. Auscultation. Over the abdominal tract no sounds are heard in health save the whirr of the blood through the aorta, the shifting of gas in the intestines known as "borborygmi" and, certain churning sounds of a somewhat metallic character which arise from the mixed contents, solids, liquids and gases, of the" stomach. In disease the bruit of an aneurysm may be present. A friction fremitus due to two inflamed surfaces of peritoneum rubbing together is much rarer than friction sounds in the region above. A blowing thrill or murmur is sometimes heard over the spleen when that organ is enlarged. The placental bruit and the sounds of the foetal heart belong mote properly to the field of obstetrics, but are pathognomonic of the pregnant state, DISEASES OF THE PERITONEUM. The peritoneum lines the entire abdominal cavity and as so re- fleeted as to enclose wholly or partly all the contained viscera, vessels and structures. PERITONITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE PERITONEUM. Classification: Acute, chronic; primary, secondary; local, gen- eral; simple, septic. Morbid varieties: Fibrinous, serous, purulent. Symptoms: Pain; severe, cutting, piercing, griping. In puer- peral cases less severe. Tenderness. Seat of pain and seat of tender- ness may not coincide. Chill; vomiting, early and severe. Vomited matter ; food, bile and even fasces. Fever: Generally 101° to 103°; evening rise. Pulse : Rapid, increases with disease, 130 to 140. DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN 265-' Eespirations : Superficial, painful, shallow. May be 30 to iO per minute. Physical signs : Patient lies on the back with the knees flexed. Abdominal walls at first tense and retracted, resistant. Diminution or suppression of abdominal breathing; thoracic breathing increased. Later abdomen sweUs and becomes tympanitic, resistance passes. Disappearance of liver dullness points to presence of gas free- in the peritoneal cavity, but previous adhesions may hold the liver against the parietal wall or a coil of distended intestine may inter- vene and replace the dullness. Pain is manifest on slight touch, but actual seat of tenderness is only determined by firm pressure. Fluid, indicated by fluctuation, gravitates into the cavity while the intestines float on top. Dull area shifts with the changes of position. Hiccough may indicate involvement of the diaphragm, covering. Friction or crepitation is often heard. Heart is displaced upwards or outwards, apex may be in the fourth interspace and heart and liver dullness be found in the third interspace. Urine scanty, dark, heavy, contains alburtiin and indican in large quantity. Simple test: Shake together eqilal parts of HCl and urine, then add three drops of a freshly-made, saturated solution of chlorinated lime. Indican is indicated by the dark blue color which immediately succeeds. In the chronic variety the chief manifestation is a collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The collection occurs independently of tuberculosis, cancer and causes of ascites. THE STOMACH. When the stomach is empty, or not distended with gas, its out- line and position are not indicated by any prominences on the outer wall, and palpation as well as inspection fails to furnish any informa- tion as to its location. Since, however, the viscus is seldom if ever in a state of collapse, percussion gives us a tympanitic resonance so distinctive and drum-like as to enable us to differentiate it from the neighboring organs. The flatness of the percussion note which marks the liver area limits the stomach above and easily determines its upper boundary. The inner border of the spleen limits the fundus on the left. The degree of obliquity of the stomach is still a matter of dispute, the merits of which we will ignore at present, stating what we consider the most accurate views. When the stomach is distended 266 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN the fundus and greater curvature rotate to th^ front, and come in immediate contact with the abdominal wall. This portion is trian- gular in shape, bounded on the right and above by the liver, on the left by the costal edge as low as the ninth. The free border or greater curvature can be determined by percussion. Begin above at the edge of the liver and percuss gently downwards from this line of dullness until a slight alteration in the pitch of the tympanitic percussion note indicates that the transverse colon has been reached. This line, which marks the greater curvature of the stomach, bows downward from the free end of the tenth rib on the left, crosses the" middle line a little Fig. 66 — Normal position of the stomach, according to Rosenheim (solid line). Dotted line, normal position according to ]i.ichhorst. above the umbilicus (1" to 2"), thence curves upward to the edge of the thorax where it meets the right parasternal line. ^ The cardiac end or fundus reaches as high as the sixth cartilage being behind the heart apex. The cardiac orifice is opposite the seventh left costal cartilage about one inch from the sternum (Treves). The pylorus varies, but its most frequent position is to the right of the middle line two to three inches below the sterno-xyphoid articu- lation. This point corresponds with the level of the twelfth thoracic spine, DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN 267 For diagnostic purposes the stomach may be distended either by inflating it with air or by means of an effervescing- powder. Air may be introduced through the stomach tube by means of a hand bulb. The powder consists of a teaspoonful of tartaric acid dissolved in a half-tumberful of water and swallowed, '.-^ be immediately followed by a teaspoonful of sodium bi-earbonate also dissolved in a half- tumblerful of water and the gas retained. The' resulting distention is usually visible and the outline may be thus determined. Knapp describes a simple method for locating the lower border of the stomach, which I have found useful. The patient, standing erect with the abdomen covered, drinks a glass of cold water. After the lapse of half a minute the examiner places his hand, which must not be cold, against the bare abdomen. The lower limit of the cold region is quite definite, and denotes the position of the fundus and greater curvature of the organ. Lincoln, by a method of transillumination of the stomach by the use of fluorescin, gives results bparing upon the position of the lower border of the viscus in thirty cases. In four he found it above the umbilicus, in four at the level of the umbilicus, in twenty-two below that level. He leads us to infer that only eleven of those examined had gastroptosis ; and concludes that the stomacL* lies much lower in the healthy individual, male and female, than generally has been described. Enlargements of the stomach may be recognized by palpation and percussion; diminution in its size cannot be told by physical -exploration. Increase in the size of the stomach may be temporary or per- manent. Temporary distentions are of daily occurrence and cannot be regarded as pathologic. They are caused by accumulations of gas or the ingestion of large quantities of liquids or solids. Treves gives the average capacity of the stomach as about five pints (two to three litres). This is certainly too great, three points (1% litres) being more nearly correct. The elder Leidy used to say that stomachs which have never been over-distended were filled Jjy a pint but couJd be stretched to two quarts (two litres). Gaseous distention of the stomach is recognized by the note of large tympany heard over an extended area. It should not be difE- cult to separate this sound from the note of the colon, unless the latter is also greatly distended. When the stomach is distended by 268 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN liquid or solid contents the normal tympanitic note is wanting, a ail the dull area which replaces it will extend from the liver edge down to the umbilicus, and outward on the left until it fuses with the splenic dullness. When the stomach is partly filled, as some time after a meal, the contents gravitate to the dependent part or cul-de- sac and the dullness is limited to that portion of the organ. For the purpose of detecting these conditions percussion should be made with. Fig. i)^ — Position of stomach in moderate gastroptosis (Rosenheim's description). . the patient standing. In case the viscus is empty this is sufficient, but if partially filled the percussion should first be made with the patient erect, noting the dull area, then ret)eated with the patient lying upon his back, when the dull area will he replaced by the char- acteristic tympany. Almost all forms of dyspepsia and conditions in which stasis of the gastric contents occurs are associated with gas formation and tem- porary distention. The stomachs of beer-drinkers are apt to be dis- tended. The increase in size may be permanent, as in gastrectasia, which is a permanent increase in the volume and capacity of the- stomach, arising from muscular atony, or in pyloric obstruction, in;. DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN 269 which the condition is brought about by the gradual stretching of the Tv'alls by the retained contents. Physical signs of Gastrectasia. Inspection may reveal the out- lines of the organ, especially the greater curvature, which extends as low as the navel and even lower. As these cases are very generally accompanied by descent of the organ, the upper curvature may some- times show itself circling beneath the ensiform cartilage. Palpation. The air cushion sensation is often recognizable by the touch. Percussion furnishes trustworthy evidences of dilatation. We begin above and percuss downward to the colon, observing the pre- cautions mentioned as to the change of position of the patient. If the viscus is empty the ingestion of a large glass of water will cause the lower tympanitic border to be replaced by dullness when the patient is erect. The double percussion is conclusive. If doubt re- mains a stiff sound may be passed and the end felt through the abdominal wall, or the sound may be pushed along the great curvature until it encounters the resistance of the pylorus and the abnormal ■distance noted. If the lower limit of the stomach reaches below the navel the conclusion that the organ is dilated is justifiable. The stomach tube may be used for filling the organ with water in order to ■displace the tympanitic note, but is seldom necessary. CANCER OF THE STOMACH. One in five of all primary cancers attacks the stomach, about two-thirds of the cases attack the pylorus. Inspection. In the early stages, negative. After cachexia and emaciation set in the tumor may be visible. Palpation. Tenderness may be present long before a tumor can be felt. When palpable, tumor of the pylorus is generally situated near the umbilicus, owing to the displacement caused by dilatation, and is freely movable, changing its position with varying conditions of the organ and the body. Percussion gives an area of dullness — not flatness — over the tumor wherever it may be situated. The percussion should be performed when the stomach is empty or has been washed out, when the contrast •of tympany and muffled dullness is more manifest. Pyloric stenosis, which results in most cases, causes gastric dilatation with the physical 270 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN signs of that condition. Sometimes peristalsis, stopping short at the pylorus, may be seen. Other symptoms are those of dyspepsia and debility ; vomit which contains blood ("coffee grounds"); diminished or absence of HCl and the presence of lactic acid in the stomach contents. ■ DISEASES OF THE SMALL ll^TESTINE. Anatomy. The small intestine extends from the pylorus to its junction with the large intestine in the right iliac fossa and has an average length of seven meters. It is divided into the duodenum, 30 centimeters long; three-fifths of the remainder constitutes the jejunum, the balance forming the ileum. There is little histologic distinction between the two structures. T^o kinds of glands are found in the walls, secretory — the glands of Brunner and Lieber- kiihn — and the agminated glands or Peyer's patches and the solitary follicles. Peristalsis. During digestion the gut is subject to certain move- ments designed to propel forward its' contents, called peristalsis. These movements are wave-like — peristalsis proper — pendular and rolling. Violent painful peristalsis is called tormina. The functions of the intestines are absorption and excretion. A considerable quantity of gas is always found within the lumen, derived from the stomach, the blood or formed within the canal (see Faeces). Previous diseases, habits, occupation, diet and the use of special substances as alcohol, tobacco or drugs should be the subject of careful inquiry in intestinal affections. The principal facts to be elicited are as to the existence of (a) Pain; its seat, character, duration, relation to digestion, evacuations, eructations and food ingestion; how influenced by rest, motion or pressure. (b) Tympanites. Sudden tympanites should suggest obstruc- tion, especially if inability to pass gas co-exists. (c) Constipation, its duration and nature. (d) Diarrhoea, the character of the stools (see Section XVI), (e) Tenesmus. This usually indicates an affection of the large intestine. The maladies of the small intestine individually considered do not give rise to definite correlated groups of distinctive physical signs, hence these manifestations may be considered together, afterwards DISEASES OP THE ABDOMEN 271. pointing out the differential characters along with the special, symptoms. Inspection is not limited to the abdomen; but the chest, the back and the anal region should be carefully viewed. The examination is. best made upon a hard bed or couch with as perfect relaxation as. possible. The import of various superficial vascular conditions is. referred to elsewhere. Irregularities of contour, the condition of the skin, the presence of ascites or oedema are especially to be noted. Ewalt says small new-growths are often easier to recognize by in- spection than by palpation. Wasting diseases, cancer, the cachexias,, lead-colic and meningitis give rise to ^depressed or scaphoid abdomen. The contour and outline should be inspected with the eyes on a level with the surface, viewed during full inspiration and forced expira- tion. Irregularities are sometimes revealed by voluntaryv muscular- contraction of the walls. In nervous and emaciated persons, particularly the convalescent,, and in those with relaxed abdominal walls peristalsis is visible. If general and confined to the small intestine it is not especially signifi- cant. Stopping short at a given point it indicates obstruction. Vis- ible peristalsis of the large intestine is pathologic and not infrequently points to stenosis. It is also found in neurotics. During attacks of colic sudden forceful peristaltic discharges — tormina — (accompanied; by shifting gaseous contents) are often visible. Palpation. The desirability of a warm room and warm hands- has been mentioned. Palpate first the superficial parts, then the deeper regions, examining first with the patient on the back, then on either side, lastly in the knee-elbow position. A number of writers, advise palpation in a warm bath. After a careful examination of the parietes, the deep palpation- beat proceeds from above downward, not omitting the inguinal and femoral canals. The course of the large intestine should be separately followed. The sigmoid flexure is easily palpated. An increasing number of observers, since Edebohls, claim ability to palpate the- appendix — certainly a difficult task. We note by palpation irregularities of distention, pain, sensitive- ness, tenderness, succussion, adhesions, new-growths, faecal accumu- lations. As to the last, differentiation has been sufficiently dwelt on. New-growths are much oftener malignant than benign. The size,, mobility, consistency, contour and location are noteworthy.. 272 DISEASES OP THE ABDOMEN Cancer, sarcoma and tubercular growths are the most frequent. The first are irregular, hard, nodular ancj seldom attain large size. The second smooth, hard and may be large. The third vary in consistency, are diffused, occur in young sub- jects and are often associated with tuberculosis elsewhere. Diarrhoea accompanies these while the former are associated with constipation. Percussion. General directions upon abdominal percussion and the results obtained by percussing different areas have been given. We search for departures from the normal note. Successive examina- tions, especially after freely evacuating the biowels, are recommended. The character and differences in the soutods elicited have been described. Auscultation reveals intestinal sounds such as succussion, bor- borygmi and gurglings. Little of practical value is educed from their presence. Their absence is significant of paralysis of the bowel, as in appendicitis, or of perforation, in which case there is total absence of all bowel sounds. In stenosis the sounds are increased. Gurgling in the right iliac fossa, formerly considered a diagnostic feature of typhoid fever, has no clinical value. ULCER OF THE DUODENUM. These occur at any age, even in the new-born, but are most fre- quent between the ages of thirty and fifty. Men are more frequently affected than women. The symptoms are similar to those of gastric ulcer, for which the disease is apt to be mistaken. The special symp- tom is pain which appears several hours after eating. The situation of this pain is on the right parasternal line just below the gall bladder. It has been found that diminishing the acidity of the gastric juice or temporarily suppressing its flow through the pylorus relieves this pain, a feature which distinguishes the disease from gastric ulcer. Administering acid wines or food accomplishes the purpose. Tender- ness, reflex vomiting, hsematemesis and blood in the stools summarize the symptoms. The gastric contents give no definite indications. Per- foration or fatal haemorrhage may occur. ACUTE AND CHRONIC INTESTINAL CATARRH. These may be classed as infectious, alimentary, climatic, medicinal ajid toxic catarrhs. The first is primary or a complica.tion of existing •disease ; the second includes the larger ma;jarity of aU eases. DISEASES OP THE ABDOMEN 273 The general symptoms are pain, nausea, diarrhoea with much or little mucus. The presence of green bile in the dejecta indicates that the disease is in the upper intestine. General lassitude and weakness supervene. 'The stomach is often involved. Fever is slight or absent. The urine is scanty and not seldom albuminous. The diagnosis is easy. Large masses of mucus and an admixture of blood with the faces point to the large intestine as the seat of the disease. Local tenderness aids in locating it. The main symptom is the altered condition of the fseces. The symptoms of the chronic form are similar but less acute. Constipation is not incompatible with this form, a fact to be remem- bered. Constipation and diarrhoea may alternate in chronic catarrh. Membranous colitis is a form of catarrh accompanied by painful spasm of the intestine, alteration of function and the occurrence in the stools of mucus which assumes the form^ of membrane or casts. Females are usually the subjects of the disease and constipation marks the preponderance of the cases. Intestinal obstruction or stenosis may affect the small or the large bowel. The causes are formation of ligamentous bands, the occur- rence of hernia, impaction by gall stones, foreign bodies (food, fsecal impactions), intestinal concretions, compression from organs or growths and intussusception. Band or slit strangulation and intus- susception account for ninety per cent, of the cases. Dilatation develops above the obstruction and is greater the nearer the difficulty is to the rectum. For this reason when the jejunum is the seat, involvement and over-distention of the stomach quickly intervene. Constipation comes on as soon as obstruction is complete but may have been preceded by diarrhoea. The peristalsis is augmented and is visible, occurring in intermittent painful spasms. The character of the stool is not significant. In certain cases bile is constantly found in the stomach. The subjective symptoms are loss of appetite and strength, nausea, fullness and a peculiar distress. Eructations and vomiting mark most cases. Visible peristalsis and intestinal rigidity are the most important physical signs. Suddenly developed constipation, resistant to cathartics, occurring in one of re^lar habits shoiild excite grave suspicion, particularly if the patient is of advanced age. Complete, rapidly-developed obstruction involving one or more intestinal coils, is called ileus. The symptoms are great pain, nausea, vomiting and suppression of fteces and gas. The vomiting if con- 274 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN tinned becomes stercoraeeous. Incarcerated hernia is the most fre- (jiient and potent cause. Tympanites develops, bnt spasmodic peris- talsis is generally absent. The distended and, resistant portion of the intestine before the obstruction can generally be recognized by pal- pation and inspection. In hernia, palpation, recognizes the incar- cerated bowel by the impulse communicated on coughing. Obstruction may be mistaken for biliary or renal colic, but the history, the presence of jaundice, enlarged, tender liver or kidney, bile, blood or other foreign substance in the urine aid in recognizing these while marked indicanuria points to obstruction. The symptoms tending to exclude peritonitis are given therejinder. Volvulus is a twist of the intestine upon its mesentery, or a knotting of two or more intestinal coils. The sigmoid flexure is oftenest involved, next the ascending colon. As a rule it is an accident of late or middle life. Pain, absence of fajces and flatus, local tympanites and vomiting are present. Tenesmus is inconstant. The faeces below the twist, when evacuated, may contain blood. Constipation resistant to cathar- tics follows. Palpation. Sometimes the flexion can be palpated, or we may discover in the lower abdomen near the median line a resistant, air- cushion tumor of varying size. Percussion evolves dullness or tympany according as the sigmoid is full or empty. Metallic tinkling is occasionally heard. The imme- diate return of water injected into the rectum and the ability to inject only small quantities aid in the diagnosis. Intussusception is the invagination of one portion of the intestine within the lumen of another portion. It may occur at any age, but is especially prone to affect infants and young; children, and appears suddenly. Symptoms. Spasmodic pain, tenesmus, blood in the stools, which continue until the distal portion of the bowel is evacuated, and the presence of a palpable tumor, hard and sausage-like, over the ascend- ing or transverse colon make certain the diagnosis. Blood in the stool is found in over eighty per cent, of the cases. Intussusception oc- curring during the death agony is not to be mistaken, when found post-mortem, for the above. DISEASES OP THE ABDOMEN 275 GALL STONE DISEASE. Synonyms: Cholelithiasis, Hepatic Colic, Lithogenous Biliary Catarrh. Defiiiitio)i. An acute or chronic affection of the gall bladder and duets, generally inflammatory, resultin*g in the formation of calculi. Bacterial invasion is a potent, if not the sole, cause. The sufferers are generally women who have borne children ;■ persons between the ages of thirty-five and fifty. In many cases stones exist without causing inconvenience. Stones are single and large, or multiple and small. Permanent obstruction of the cystic duct results in dropsical enlargement of the bladder — hydrops vesicm fellece — which results in a cystic tumor discernible in the upper abdomen, and easily recognized. The general symptoms of the colic are produced by the passage of the stone through the duct or by its lodgment therein. The former is the cause of ordinary biliary colic. Symptoms. Pain, severe, even agonizing, which comes on sud- denly. Generally centering in the right hypochondriac region it radiates over the epigastrium, lower thoracic region and into the right .shoulder and arm. Palpation. Tenderness which centers oyer the gall bladder is' manifest and the bladder may be palpable. "With relaxed abdominat walls gall 'stone crepitus is occasionally felt when the bladder is not over-filled with stones and its walls are not tbo tense. Occasionally the muscles of the right side are rigid. Enlargement and tenderness of the liver, and enlargement of the spleen, are discoverable by palpa- tion and percussion. When the, stone reaches and blockades the com- mon duct it produces jaundice, which may bet slight and transient, or intense and protracted. The colic lasts hours or days, ending sud- denly with the discharge of the calculus into the bowel. (For recov- ery and recognition of gall stones, see Section XVI,) Rigor and chill are occasional. Fever is generally present; temperatures of 102° — 103° are common, 105° is exceptional. Vomiting and pro- tracted nausea are usual. The urine contains bile when jaundice occurs, and bile in the urine frequently precedes its manifestation in other localities. Albumin and red blood eprpuscles are found in most cases. 276 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN Differential Diagnosis. The location of" the excruciating pain and tenderness are almost sufficient. If jaundice occurs the diagnosis is sure. Stone should always be sought for in the stools. History of previous attacks greatly aids. , From renal colic it differs in the location and character of the pain. There the pain is in the lower abdomen, radiates to groin and testicle; icterus is not present, nor is bile found in the urine. Gas- tralgia is without chill, fever or jaundice ; voiniting is rare. Pressure and food ingestion afford relief. The attacks are periodical and asso- ciated with general nervous manifestations. APPENDICITIS. Definition. An inflammation of the vermiform appendix caused by the invasion of micro-organisms. The disease may be acuts or chronic. The recognized varieties are : Catarrhal, Interstitial, Ulcerative, Gangrenous. The effects of extension of the inflammation beyond its original bounds are circumscribed or diffuse abscess, and peritonitis which may be limited or general. These results are brought about by exten- sion of inflammation, by perforation or by gangrene. Catarrhal appendicitis may result in immunity from further attacks by adhesion of the contiguous surfaces producing obliteration OMEN Cancel- and tuberculosis of the omentum: give rise to ascites and the general symptoms of the diseases. In a case of cancer occurring in my own practice, small, hard nodules were early detected in the omen- tum, which gave the sensation on palpation of small chips of wood laid upon the intestines. Percussion in cancer is woodlike, overlying tympany, until the fluid accumulates. ASCITES. An accumulation of serous fluid free within the abdominal cavity is termed ascites. The causes are local and general. Local ca.nses are : Inflammations of the peritoneum, simple or tubercular; cancer of the peritoneum. Obstruction of the portal circulation within the liver, as in cirrhosis and chronic passive congestion, or, in the branches of the gastro-hepatic omentum by new-growths, peritonitis or aneurysm. Pressure upon other vessels, as in the ascites associated with ovarian dropsy, due to pressure exerted by the growth. Ascites accompanying enlargements of the spleen. General causes are those which producd general anasarca, and include organic heart and lung diseases, chronic Bright 's disease, and hydrsemia. Here the cause may operate directly or mechanically. In heart disease, when ascites occurs without general oedema, secondary changes in the liver should be sought for. Pulmonary emphysema and cirrhosis of the lung exhibit ascites as terminal symptoms. The various kidney lesions associated with ascites have been mentioned. Inspection. The abdomen is imiformly enlarged, and when the patient lies on the back the flanks flare outward. The umbilicus is prominent and protrvxdes on standing. In old and recurrent cases the linese albicantes show. In cirrhosis, the superficial veins are prom- inent and the caput Medusae may be present (see Liver Diseases). Palpatiem. Fluctuation is easily felt by placing one hand over the lateral area and smartly tapping on the opposite side. The fluctu- ation is more apparent if the patient sharply- depresses the linea alba with a thin book or cardboard. Small effusions are palpable by placing the patient in the knee- Ijreast position when the fluid gravitates to the dependent part and floats the intestines away. In case of large effusions difficulty may DISEASES OP THE ABDOMEN 295 « be experienced in palpating the abdominal organs. This may be over- come by suddenly deeply indenting the walls with the linger-tips in the desired locality, in order to displace the flliid. In cases of consid- erable tension even this fails. Percussion. The area of dullness surrounds the tympanitic area of floating intestines when the patient is in the dorsal position, hence the lateral areas are dull, and the height of the dullness rises as the fluid increases. The line separating dullness and tympany is sharply- defined, and when marked out is ovoid in shape. The dullness is movable. When the patient is placed on the side the region of the upper flank, previously dull, becomes tympanitic. Effusions too small to give rise to dullness with the patient on the back are' easily discovered by placing him in the knee-breast position. The diagnosis of ovarian ascites from free peritoneal ascites has been given. The principal diagnostic point is the recognition of the causative condition. The heart and lungs show positive signs of oih- ease when the dropsical stage is reached, and the dyspnoea is out of proportion to the pressure caused by the fluid. The liver shows enlargement and the superficial veins are its sign-board. The urine gives evidence of Bright 's disease. Cancer of the omentum can be felt as lumpy enlargements directly under the skin. Fever, hectic, wasting and night-sweats point to tuberculosis. Percussion shows en- larged spleen. Blood examination demonstrates its relationship to the condition. SECTION XIV. EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS. Introduction. The gastric fluid is a thin, almost colorless liquid, acid in reaction, with a sp. gr. of 1001 to 1010. The analysis varies greatly with different conditions and different observers. The fol- lowing is approximate (Schmidt) : Water 994.4 Organic substances, pepsin 3.2 Hydrochloric acid 0.2 Sodium chloride 1.5 Potassium chloride 0.5 Other inorganic salts 0.2 1000. The total acidity varies between 0.10 and 0.30. The free acid varies between 0.10 and 0.30, normally only reaching the latter point on a carbo-hydrate diet. Ordinarily on nitrogenous diet it does not exceed the minimal figure. The secretion of gastric juice begins immediately upon the inges- tion of food but the hydrochloric acid ' conta:ined in the first portions secreted combines rapidly with the ingested proteids and their con- tained inorganic salts, the product being acid proteids and acid salts. The chief mineral salts are the di-sodic and di-potassic phosphates, which are converted into the corresponding acid phosphates. For this reason free hydrochloric acid is not found in the stomach contents ■> until a varying time after eating, depending upon the character and amount of food ingested. After an ordinary meal, free acid appears in healthy stomachs in from forty-five minutes to one hour, and the amount gradually increases as digestion proceeds, reaching its height towards the conclusion of gastric conversion. EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS 29T Fats and starches in superabundance delay its appearance. After the Ewald test-meal free acid should appear in twenty minutes. . , With ordinary diet lactic acid is very generally found in the stomach contents in small amounts, and under certain circumstances, butyric and other organic acids may appear, without being manifesta- tions of disease. In gastric catarrh, ansemia, during the course of fevers, pepsin and hydrochloric acid are considerably reduced. Hydro- chloric acid is increased in gastric ulcer and in nervous dyspepsia (hyperchlorhydria), and in those queer cases of super-secretion of Reichmann and Rossbach (gastroxynsis). Fermentative changes may cause lactic and butyric acid to ap-^ pear in large amounts in the fluid, aeeoihpanied by gaseous distention and sour, gaseous eructations. Excessive mucus accompanies catarrhal inflammations. Blood, bile, fragrants of growths, albumin, ammoniunn carbonate and urea occur in special conditions. The clinical examination of the gastric fluid is practically limited to the determination of: ,, (a) The reaction. (b) Total acidity. (c) Presence of free acid and of acid salts. (d) Presence of free hydrochloric acid. (e) Organic acids. (f ) Presence of syntonin, peptone and the pepsin strength. The volumetric analysis can be performed readily by those pos- sessing even slight skill in laboratory maniptilations. The necessary apparatus is simple and inexpensive. The standard or volumetric- solutions are easily prepared or may be purchased from competent, pharmacists. The necessary apparatus is : A 50 e. c. burette, graduated to 0.1 c. c. A graduated pipette, and one or two graduated cylinders ; one or two flasks, capacity 500 c.c. ; or a litre, and necessary test tubes. EXAMINATION OF THE GASTRIC CONTENTS. The examination of the gastric contents for clinical purposes, such as ascertaining the state of the secretion, the motor function of the stomach, the presence or absence of abnormal substances and the- products of gastric digestion, has approached almost to a routine pro- cedure. After fasting all night, or, better, after washing out the -298 EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS stomach, the patient is given a test-breakfast. Ewald's is simplest and most used, consisting of an ordinary baker's roll eaten dry, and 300 c.c. of weak tea, without milk or sugar, or a like quantity of warm water. Such a "meal" contains little or no lactic acid, the presence of which is the objection to most proposed test-meals. The Boas' test- meal, consisting of a gruel made of a tablespoonful of oatmeal boiled in a litre of water, may be used for estimating lactic acid. One hour after ingestion the residue is removed with the stomach tube and examined. The residue should be about 40 c. e. After noting the quantity, odor, color, consistence, and amount of mucus, a small por- tion is examined with the microscope to determine the nature of the Fig. 70 — Stomach Tube with Syphon Bulb. ".residue and the presence of anatomic elements. The remainder is well- shaken, filtered, and the clear filtrate tested as;soon as possible. Reaction. The normal reaction of the gastric juice is decidedly -acid, due to hydrochloric acid, acid salts (NaH^PO^), occasionally to organic acids and carbonic acid. During digestion free organic acids, acid albumins, consisting of combinations of hydrochloric acid and organic acids with the proteids of the food, and the acid salts (acid iSodiXim and acid potassium phosphates) also add to the acidity. Lactic acid should not be present after the oatmeal breakfast. Its -sources are, fermentation of the stomach contents due to retention — ^deficiency of the motor function and to pyloric obstruction — and to the introduction of sarcolaetic acid into the stomach with foods. 'Butyric and acetic acid are fermentation products. In gastric carci- .noma, lactic acid is found after the test-breakfast. The reaction is EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS 299 ■determined with litmus paper which acids turn red. Other substances used as acid indicators are : NAME OF Dye Phenolphthalein Congo- red Tropeolin Litmus Dimethyl-amido-azo benzol Alizarin-sulphonate of sodium — Boas' resorcin sol., Resorin, 5 gm. cane sugar, 3 gm.; alcoliol, {95-* ) 100 c. c , Gunzburg's Solution. Phloro gkicin, 2 gm.; vanillin, i gm. Alcoliol (%^i, 100 c. c i4 in Alcohol Water 1+ Sol. Water Water 0.5 ' in Alcohol Water i« Sol. Alcohol Alcohol Color WITH Acids Colorless Blue Red Red Cherry Yellow Pink Pink Color WITH Alkalies Pink or Red Claret Yellow Blue Yellow Violet Colorless Light Brown Reacts WITH All. Acids Free Acids Only All Acids All Acids Free Mineral Acids Free Acids and Acid Salts Free Mineral Acids Free Mineral Acids Sensitiveness Extreme H CI — 0.1 in 1000 Lactic--o.2 in 1000 H CI = 0.3 in 1000 Extreme H CI ^ 0.2 in 1000 H CI =0.2 in 1000 H CI =0.5 in 1000 H C 1 = 0.5 in 1000 Dried papers colored with the above solutions are convenient for testing. By testing the filtered gastric contents successively with three papers colored with the above dyes, we may determine whether it is acid (litmus) ; whether the acidity is from free acid (congo-red) ; and whether free hydrochloric acid is present (azobenzol). If the congo-red paper, blued by free acid, is gently warmed the blue color is discharged when it is due solely to organic acids, but remains if pro- -duced by hydrochloric acid. Boas' resorcin- solution is more stable than Gunzburg 's solution, and equally sensitive. It is used thus : A few drops of the reagent are spread= upon a porcelain dish, which is gently heated ; a glass rod dipped in the gastric fluid is drawn across the field. Free hydrochloric acid causes a scarlet streak to ap- pear. If the acid is present in small quantity the streak appears only on complete evaporation. Previous filtration is not necessary. Pro- teids, acid salts and organic acids do not interfere with the test. One part of hydrochloric acid in 20,000 parts of water is detected by the method. Organic Acids. — The sources of lactic, acetic and butyric acid -have been mentioned. The presence of more than a trace of organic 300 EXAMINATION OF THE STOMXCH CONTENTS acid in the stomach after the test-meal should be regarded as patho- logic. Butyric acid has an odor like that of rancid butter and can generally be detected by the smell. Acetic acid has a vinegar-like odor, which is emphasized by boiling. The tests may be applied to the mixed fluid or the organic acids may be extracted with ether. Method : 5 c, c. of the gastric fluid are boiled with three drops of hydrochloric acid until syrupy in consistence. After cooling add a small quantity of ether, shake well, decant into a basin, add ether again and repeat. The ether is evaporated, the residue redissolved in a few drops of water and tested. The most important of the organic acids is lactic acid and it occurs in larger amount and more frequently than the others. As stated, the presence of organic acids results whenever the food is too long retained in the stomach, and occurs when hydrocholoric acid is deficient, in dilation of the stomach, deficiency of its motor func- tion, in cancer and in stenosis of the pylorus. The breakfast of oatmeal-gruel contains no lactates, and is supe- rior to the Ewald meal. Tests : Dilute solutions of ferric chloride turn canary-yellow on contact with lactic acid (Uifelmann's test). A few drops of dilute neutral solution of ferric chloride are mixed with a fourth the quantity of carbolic acid, and water added until a clear amethyst color is obtained. Lactic acid in the proportion of 1 to 2,000 instantly changes the blue color to yellow. Lactates produce the same result, but as their clinical significance is the same, it does not interfere with the test. Sugar, alcohol and certain salts, as phosphates, are capable of changing the color. Butyric acid, 5 parts in 1,000, changes Uffel-, mann's reagent to a tawny-red color. The quantitative determination of organic acids is rarely necessary for clinical purposes. (a) Quantitative estimation of the total acidity. Method ; 10 c. c. of the filtered fluid are accurately measured into a beaker and three drops of the phenolphthalein solution are added. The burette is filled with =^ NaOH solution* which is added until *Which means a decinormal solution. A nprmal solution is made by dis- solving the molecular weight in grams of this substance in a litre of water. A decinormal solution is cue-tenth of that strength. In the case of NaOH, 40 grams to the litre constitutes a normal solution, but owing to the impossibility of obtaining pure sodium hydroxide, the solution must be standardized by titra- tion against a normal sokition of oxalic acid and corrected as follows : 50 grams EXAMINATIONi OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS 301 a permanent pink color is produced in the beaker. Near the comple- tion of the test, each drop produces a pink cloud which disappears on stirring with the glass rod, until neutralization occurs, when a sin- gle drop produces a permanent shade. The= number of c. c. of the deeinormal alkaline solution used multiplied by .00364 equals the weight in grams of hydrochloric acid in ten c. e. of gastric fluid. This multiplied by ten gives the percentage. The decimal .00364 represents the weight of HCl. neutralized by 1 c. c. of the NaOH. solution. (b) The estimation of free hydrochloric acid. Topfers method : To 10 c. c. of gastric fluid add three or four drops of a 0.5 per cent, alcoholic solution of dimethyl-amido-azobenzol. The deeinormal solution of NaOH is run from the burette until the red color changes to a pure yellow. This reaction is not affected by combined hydrochloric acid nor organic acids, unless 0.2 per cent, of lactic acid be present. The calculation is made by multiplication as before. The test may be made by using Boas' resorcin solution if pre- ferred. A few drops of this solution are spread on a piece of ground glass and dried. The ^ NaOH soluiion is added from the burette to the 10 c. c. of Altered gastric fluid minus the indicator, as before, until a drop of the solution removed with the rod fails to react by giv- ing a pink color when drawn across the warmed plate. Blowing upon the plate intensifies and hastens the color production. (c) Estimation of combined hydrochloric acid. Here alizarin- sulphonate of sodium in 1 per cent, aqueous solution is used as an in- dicator, which reacts with all acid elements except acid albuminates. The alkali is added as before to 10 c. c. of gastric fluid, colored with three drops of the indicator, until a clear reddish-violet color is attained, which is not reached until free acid^ acid salts and orgastic acids have been neutralized. As the color produced in the alizarin test is not easily recognized by the inexperienced, a 1 per cent, solii- of best NaOH are dissolved in a litre of water. loc.c. of this solution are placed in a beaker and 3 drops of the l per cent, alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein are added for an indicator. From the burette is dropped sufficient of the normal oxalic acid solution (63 grams to i litre) to just discharge the pink color. If each solution were normal equal volumes would exactly neutralize each other. Suppose I2C.C. of the acid were required, then the NaOH solution is 12-10 strength instead of 10-10, hence must be weakened by additions of the difference in c.c. of water, which is in this case 2-10. In other words 20 c.c. of water must be added to every looc.c. of the hydroxide solution to render it normal. 302 EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS tion of sodium phosphate or sodium carbonate may be colored with the indicator and used for comparison. It wdll be seen that the difference between the number of c. c. used in this titration and that used in the estimation of total acidity by the (a) phenolphthalein method equals the number of c. c. necessary to neutralize the combined hydro- chloric acid. Hence by these three tests we get the total acidity (a), the free acid (b), the combined acidity by subtracting (c) from (a). The organic acids and acid salts together are found by adding (b) to (a) minus (c) and subtracting the sum from (a). Free acids and acid salts. A simple method of determining whether acidity is due to free acid or to acid salts is by the addititm of calcium carbonate, CaCO,. Free hydrochloric acid decomposes the carbonate and is neutralized, while acid sodium phosphate, NaPL PO4, is unaffected. If therefore the acidity disappears it was due to hydrochloric acid, if diminished, as shoVn by the color reaction to test-paper, the remaining acidity is due to acid salts. The test may also be used quantitatively by determining the total acidity before and after the addition of the carbonate (Leo]s test). Significance of hydrochloric acid. In the acute stages of fevers, hydrochloric acid is temporarily diminished. In dilatation of the stomach, atrophic gastritis, amyloid degeneration, some forms of nerv- ous dyspepsia, ansemias, cachexias, and, Addison's disease hydro- chloric acid is permanently diminished. It is generally absent in can- cer, especially if accompanied by extensive gastritis, and may be ab- sent in chronic gastric catarrh and extensive degeneration. DIGESTION PRODUCTS, To determine the efficacy of the digestive function we may ex- amine the products formed in the stomach during the conversion of proteids into peptones. When the albuminous compounds named proteids are submitted to the^digestive action of pepsin, trypsin, ren- nin and certain other enzymes, intermediate products are produced in the course of the conversion, which finally become peptones. These intermediates are termed albumoses or proteoses and the process is named proteolysis. When pepsin in the presence of hydrochloric acid is the proteolytic agent a small proportion of the proteid is first con- verted into acid-albumin, which may be precipitated by neutralizing the fluid during the early stages of digestion. At a later stage it dis- appears and other albumoses appear a§ the result of hydrolysis. EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH; CONTENTS 303- Some of these substances should be present in the residue of the test- meal removed at the end of an hour, others do not appear until a much longer period. Native proteids, albumin and globulin are pre- cipitated by slightly acidulating and boiling. Acid albumin is precipitated by exactly neutralizing the solu- tion. The ^ NaOH may be used with phenolphthalein as the in- dicator. Primary albumoses, which may be taken to represent the next step, are obtained by first removing the native proteids and acid: albumin as above, then saturating the filtrate with MgSO^. Secondary albumoses/ Filter out the above primary albumoses and saturate the filtrate with (NH^)2 SO^. Filter and test the filtrate for peptone. Peptones are tested for by the biuret reaction, viz : To ■ the above filtrate add one c. c. of KOH or NaOH and two drops of CuSO^ solution, a rose or red color indicates peptone. Little peptone is found in the stomach at: any time as the result of gastric proteolysis. Whether this is due to the fact that the pro- cess stops short of its formation, as is held by Ewald and Gumlich,. or to the immediate absorption when formed, is undecided. Even from the small intestine it rapidly disappears. Starch. The salivary diastase continues the conversion of starch into dextrin and maltose until free hydrochloric acid appears, which- after an ordinary meal may be delayed forty minutes to one hour, when the conversion should be complete. The process is called amylolysis. At the end of this time iodine should give no blue color. Brythrodextrin gives a reddish- violet color with aqueous solution of iodine. The blue or purple reaction indicates faulty or deficient dias- tase in the saliva or excessive acidity of the gastric juice. Pepsin. The efficacy of the pepsin is tested by noting its action- on discs of coagulated albumin — ^the white of boiled eggs. When hydrochloric acid is present pepsin is rarely absent from the gastric juice. In its absence pepsinogen may be present and is converted into- pepsin by the hydrochloric acid. Two tests should be made ; one with 5 e. e. of the filtered fluid, the other with the -fluid plus two drops of hydrochloric acid, using discs of equal size and thickness, cut from the egg. The test tubes are kept at a temperature of 100 F., and ex- amined occcasionally to ascertain the effects. If no liquefaction oc- curs, pepsin is absent. If liquefaction occurs only in the tube to whiclt acid has been added, this substance is needed to develop the ferment.. :30'4 EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS Bennin. Carefully neutralize 5 c. c. of gastric fluid and also 5 "C. c. of milk. Mix: if rennin is present coagulation occurs in ten to fifteen minutes. The rapidity with which stomachic absorption takes place is as- •certained by noting the time at which the iodine reaction occurs in the saliva after administration of potassium iodide. A capsule, care- fully wiped, containing three grains of KI is administered and at the end of five minutes and each succeeding minute, the saliva is tested with strips of bibulous paper which have been previously soaked in starch paste and dried. The papers are moistened" on the tongue, then touched with a drop of commercial nitric acid, which always contains traces of nitrous acid. Iodine is liberated and a blue spot is produced. The reaction should occur in ten to fifteen minutes. When the reac- tion is delayed twenty minutes or more absorption is abnormally de- layed and indicates disease of the mucosa. The motor function of the stomach is conveniently determined by Ewald's salol test or by Fleischer's method. Qastric peristalsis pumps the portions of prepared food products which are not directly absorbed from the stomach, through the jjylorus. The stomach peristalsis begins about fifteen minutes after food ingestion, and gradually becomes more and more energetic until the end of stomach digestion, which lasts four or five hours. Dila- 4;ation of the stomach, weakening or degeneration of its muscular ■coats and pyloric stenosis interfere with the food transfer, and the -contents are retained abnormally long in the stomach. On the other hand I have frequently found that in persons suffering from intes- tinal indigestion of the catarrhal order, with the production of ■diarrhoea, the stomach peristalsis is abnormally active. Fleischer ad- ministers a capsule containing about two grains of iodoform, which is not decomposed in the stomach but which is converted into iodide .of ; sodium in the duodenum. The capsule is administered with the test- breakfast and iodine should appear in the saliva in from 55 to 100 minutes. Both the motor and absorption powers are determined by remov- ing the residue of the test-breakfast after the lapse of stated times, .-and noting the amount. After two and a half hours, there should be nO residue. Klemperer introduces 100 c. c. olive oil into the washed-out EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS 305 stomach and removes the unabsorbed portion after two hours, to de- termine the amount. Bwald administers a capsule containing ten grains of salol, which is not absorbed in the stomach, but which splits into phenol and sali- cylic acid in the duodenum. Salicylic acid should appear in the urine in one hour or one hour and a quarter after administration. A drop of urine is caught on a piece of filter paper. On touching the middle of the drop with a drop of 10 per cent, solution of ferric chloride a violet rim appears around the spot.- Mucus. "When not apparent to the eye = in the vomit or in the residue, mucus is not in excess. It is increased in all catarrhal and inflammatory conditions and then occurs in ropy, stringy masses. In ■chronic alcoholics and drug habitues it reaches excessive proportions. Mucus is recognized by shaking the sediment with dilute NaOH, fil- tering and precipitating the dissolved mucus by the addition of acetic acid. MACROSOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE RESIDUE. The quantity, character, amount, color, odor and proportion of mucus are noted. The residue removed five or six hours after an ordi- nary meal furnishes us more information upon these points than does the test-meal. Particles of food from preceding meals may be found. In cases of acute summer gastritis it is not rare to find in the vomit remnants of food ingested twenty-four to forty-eight hours previously. Excess of proteids indicates deficient acidity. Excess of starch indi- cates excess of acidity. Bile and blood are visible to the eye when present in any quan- tity. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION. Food particles may be identified, blood and pus cells, bacteria, yeast-cells, sarcinas, bile stains and sometimes particles of new- growths may be recognized. Staining with methyl-blue best demon- -strates bacteria, which are always present in the stomach and are un- doubtedly necessary to the digestive function. Only when in excess or when specific forms, the product of specific disease, are present can they be considered pathologic. The Boas-Oppler bacillus is found in carcinoma, and its absence is generally said to indicate the absence of the growth, although Osier lays more stress upon the pres- •«nce of lactic acid, which the bacillus is thought by its discoverer to 306 EXAMINATION OF THE STOMACH CONTENTS be the chief instrument in producing, than' upon the bacillus itself. Sarcina3 are in excess in pyloric obstruction and dilatation. Fermen- tation is due to bacterial activity and produces the well-known train of symptoms named dyspepsia. SECTION XV. EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. The advances made in physiologic chemistry, combined with the advances made in microscopic technique, have enhanced the ability to interpret the changes and variations Avhich (*cur in the urine both with the physiologic and metabolic processes of the body, as well as in the pathologic digressions to which it is subject, to a degree little short of certainty. The uninterrupted constancy of the secretion and the ease ■\^•ith which it may at any time be obtained, offer us an un- excelled index of the metabolic changes going, on within the economy,. for it may be said that no pathologic process dan seriously disturb the normal cell metabolism without producing a change of some charac- ter in the urine, which preeminently repi'esents the result of that, process, and more quickly than any other product indicates a dis- turbance of normal function. Hence the application of urinalysis to the recognition of disease. THE UKINE. Quauiity. The average quantity of urine^ f or healthy individuals is 1500 c.c, or about fifty ounces, for the twenty-four hours. In order to determine the per diem amount the patient should be provided with a clean receptacle Avhich can be tightly covex-ed, capable of holding the entire quantity. He must be instructed to pass the urine directly into the container and to void it before each visit to stool. A half- gallon bottle is a convenient receptacle. The quantity is diminished by perspiration and exhalations of moistur& and increased activity of the bowels. Cold and dampness increase it; hence it is somewhat greater in winter. Great muscular activity, imbibition of large quan- tities of liquids and over-eating increase the amount; while fasting and abstemiousness diminish it. The amount secreted is greatest after mid-day and least during sleep. The urine is increased in disease — in diabetes, chronic inter- stitial nephritis and amyloid degeneration of the kidney, and in those 308 EXAMINATION OP THE URINE forms of cardiac hypertrophy which are accompanied by increased intratascular pressure. Temporary abundance succeeds attacks of hysteria and other forms of convulsions. The urine is decreased in acute Bright 's disease, parenchymatous nephritis, cirrhosis of the liver, all acute fevers and inflammations and in active and passive hypersemia of the kidney, as in early Bright 's disease. The urine may be decidedly lessened or even sup- pressed in very acute inflammations of the kidneys, by obstruction of the ureters, by great internal injuries, and in profound shock or col- lapse, in the algid stage of cholera and in cases of pronounced poison of infective disease. Complete suppression can not long exist without being followed by urjemia and death. Before deciding upon the clinical significance of increase or diminution of the volume of urine voided, careful inquiry covering the above points referable to diet and habits should be made. Composition of the urine. The normal urinary constituents are derived from the waste products of the liquids and solids ingested and from the result of retrograde tissue metamorphosis. The urine is chiefly a solution of urea and certain organic and inorganic salts, hold- ing in suspension epithelial cells and mucus. Their relative amounts are given in the following table taken from Parke 's schedule : Amount of urinary constituents passed in twenty-four hours. Constituents. Weight 66 kilos. Grammes. Water 1500.00 Total solids 72.00 Urea 33.18 Uric acid 0.55 TTippuric acid 0.40 Creatinin 0.91 Pigment and other organic matters 10.00 Sulphuric acid 2.01 Phosphoric acid 3.16 Chlorine ■ 7-8.00 Ammonia 0.77 Potassium .... 2.50 Sodium 11.09 Calcium 0.26 Magnesium 0.21 EXAMINATION OP THE URINE 309 Each 1,000 grains of urine contain about 33 grains of solids, of which amount 25 grains are organic and 8 to XO grains inorganic. Changes produced by standing. On standing certain changes are brought about in the composition of the urine. The rapidity of these^ changes depends on the temperature (being produced much quicker at high temperatures), the accessibility of micro-organisms and the composition of the urine as voided, highly-acid urine withstanding the changes longest. When normal acid urine is allowed to stand in a tall, conical glass, there appears after some hours a floating cloud which settles near the bottom, composed of mucus in which is en- tangled a few bladder epithelial cells. In d cold room this occurs within two hours. It is named the nubecula. The next substance tO' be deposited is the reddish or yellowish alkaline urates, sodium, potas- sium and ammonium, and in cold urine the urates of the alkaline earths, calcium and magnesium. The latter are held in solution in warm urine. The next deposit to occur is lific acid, which crystals- are dark-red or brown in color and which in part replaces the urates, j^t the same time or a little later form octahedral or envelope crystals of calcium oxalate. Still later normal urine deposits a sediment com- posed of phosphates of the alkaline earths — granular, amorphous cal- cium, phosphate and triangular prismatic crystals of triple phosphate (ammonio-magnesium phosphate) — often interspersed with dark spicu- lated spherules of ammonium urate (Purdy);. Upon standing for a few days all urines become turbid, owing to the swarms of bacteria which appear in the solution. Such turbidity cannot be removed by simple filtration, but may be cleared by repeated shakings with pow- dered charcoal and refiltering. After a varying time, depending on the factors named, the urea, is transformed into carbonate of ammonia and the normal acid re- action is changed to alkaline. The change may come about in forty- eight hours or not until after the lapse of several days. This change is spoken of as ammoniacal decomposition and is due to the activity of certain micro-fungi, as first pointed out by Wormley. By the same process amorphous urates are transformed into ammonium urate, uric acid is transposed into triple phosphate, and calcium phosphate is deposited. Acid fermentation with the production of acetic and lactic acid is due to the action of contained mucus. Uric acid and the lu'ates are 310 EXAMINATION OP THE URInI] precipitated by the process and the acidity diminished. It is not common. Color. The normal color of the urine is 'clear-amber or straAV- eolor, due to the presence of urobilin or urochrom and uroxanthin. Abnormal coloring is due to blood, bile, melanin, hsemoglobin, vege- table colorings and those derived from medieiijal sources. Imbibing large quantities of water renders it paler, and abstinence and strong diet by concentration increase the color. As a rule both the depth of color and the acidity increase with the specific gravity and the increase of the solid constituents, and vice versa. In disease the urine is deficient in coloring matter when abundant, as in diabetes, hysteria, interstitial nephritis and amyloid kidney. In the first it may have a pale-green cast when viewed with trans- mitted light. Fevers and diseases which concentrate the secretion in- crease both relatively and absolutely the ameiint of coloring sub- stances. The presence of blood and hsmoglobip products produces a red or brown color. Bile pigment gives the i,irine a dirty-greenish tint. Diabetic urine may also show a faint-greenish tinge. Carbolic acid and creosote color the fluid dark-brown or black, santonin im- parts a yellow color. Odor. The odor of fresh urine varies with' the degree of concen- tration ; sweetish, aromatic, characteristic, it Jias given rise to the adjective "urinous." The odor is due to acid derivatives of the phenyl group. Stale urine is ammoniacal. Putrid urine is due to the decomposition of mucus and other organic i^ubstances. Poods and =drugs influence the odor. Asparagus, garlic, cabbage, impart a well- recognized odor, and the essential and aromatic oils and turpentine give character to the odor of the urine. Cystitis gives rise to ammo- niacal urine (Nothnagel says acid). Pyuria lias the odor of pus or of decompo-sition. The odor of acetone is often noticeable in the urine of eclampsia and of diabetes. Reaction. The reaction of fresh normal urine is acid, due to acid sodium phosphate. The acidity increases for several hours after be- ing voided, due to the so-called acid fermentation. During this period a whitish deposit, sometimes pink or red, of acid urate of sodium or uric acid is deposited, which disappears on warming. The acidity is least between meals ; early morning urine may be alkaline. Alkalinity cme to ammonia (inflammatory alkalinity) causes red litmus to turn blue when moistened therewith, but to resume its original color when Pate Yellow. Liqht Yellow- 3 Yellow. -f. Reddish Yel lotv. Yellowish Red. Brot^nish. Red. Reddish Brown. Brvtmish Black, PLATE XXIV. VOGEL'S SCALE OP URINE TINTS. EXAMINATION OP THE UKINE 311 dry. The urine is rendered alkaline by the administration of alkalies, as soda or potash, the alkaline carbonates or the salts of the vegetable acids, hence a vegetable diet reduces acidity. Acidity is increased hy administration of acids, by a meat-diet and by concentration. Specific Gravity. The normal specific gravity of urine varies from 1018 to 1022, the average may be placed at 1020, but varies with food and drink. Meat-diet, active exercise, copious sweating raise it above this figure. Fluids imbibed lower it. Those forms of Bright 's Fig. 7t — Squibb's Urinometer. disease with increased urine are accompanied by diminished specific gravity, while the acute variety and diseases which diminish or con- centrate the secretion raise the figures. When in disease the volume of the urine remains unchanged and the specific gravity falls, it means faulty elimination and its import is unfavorable. The presence of sugar raises the specific gravity,- a,nd urine of a specific gravity of 1028 or over should be examined therefor. Squibb's urinometer is recom- mended for office use. Corrections for temperature in taking the spe- cific gravity are sometimes necessary in VerJ? hot or cold weather. The rule is to add one degree of specific gravity for every 10° F. of the urine above the degree at which your urinometer is standardiz:ed 312 EXAMINATION OP THE URINE (Squibb 's at 77° F.) and to subtract one degree for each 10° F. be- low standard. In using the instrument the bulb of the urinoraeter should be first completely immersed and care should be taken that it does not rest in contact with the side of the container. Transparency. Fresh healthy urine is clear. If urine is turbid when passed it is pathologic. Mucus renders it cloudy. This cloudi- ness is unaffected by heat, mineral acids or alkalies, but is increased by the addition of acetic acid. Precipitates of urates, carbonates and phosphates render it cloudy. Urates redissolve on the application of heat, phosphates disappear on the addition of mineral acids. In fevers, the quantity of urine is occasionally sp small tha.t the urates separate out before the urine leaves the bladder. This is not infre- quently the case in pneumonias and in capillary bronchitis of chil- dren, owing to deficient oxydation. Increase bf turbidity on the ap- plication of heat is due to organic substances, albumin, pus or blood, or to earthy phosphates. Increased turbidity on the addition of mineral acids is due to organic elements. The amount of solids in the urine is obtained approximately by multiplying the last two figures of the specific gravity by 2.33. The' product equals the number of grams per 1,000 c. c. of urine. This, number is known as Haser's coefficient. By multiplying by 0.233 the percentage of total solids is at once obtained. For children the- coefficient is too high, 1.80 should be used. The average excretion of solids in health for adults is sixty grams per diem, but decreases about 10 per cent, for each decade after forty. Decided decrease points to renal insufficiency, and in ne- phritis portends ursemia. In the course of any acute disease, the elim- ination of solids should vary with the tempera'ture, since high temper- ature means active tissue metamorphosis, hence in these conditions- decrease in solids means faulty elimination. Of the urinary solids, urea constitutes the greatest proportion,, being normally from twenty to forty grams in the 1500 c. c. per diem urine, with an average of thirty-three grams. Urea represents the- ultimate oxydation of nitrogen in the organism. Acute sthenic conditions, mental and muscular activity and nitro- genous foods increase the output of urea. Chronic diseases, asthenic diseases. Bright 's disease, and diseases of the liver retard the elimina- tion of urea. EXAMINATION OF THE URINE 313- Detection of Urea. Place a few drops of the urine on a glass slide and add half as many drops of nitric acid. On warming, rhombic and hexagonal crystals of nitrate of urea are formed and recognized under the microscope. Fluids which do not give this reaction are not urine, — a noteworthy point. Quantitative detenu iuation of urea requires practice. The ure- ometer of Doremus is sufficiently accurate. The reaction is due to the fact that when a solution of urea is brought into contact with a solution of sodium hypobromite, the urea undergoes decomposition. Fig. 72 — Doremus' Ureometer and Pipette. with the freeing of all its nitrogen. Thus : CON.J-I^+3NaBrO=CO,+ 3NaBr+2H„0+N,. The long arm of the tube is filled to the bend with the sodium hypobromite solution liy inverting, and the instrument righted. Then, with a graduated pipette one c. c. of urine is introduced and slowly discharged beneath the surface of the solution. The nitrogen set free rises and the displaced mixture flows into the bulb. After ten minutes the reading is taken. The scale reads in milligrams, which indicates the amount per c. c. of urine. Normal urine gives .02 gm. per c. c. which is two per cent. Another form of scale gives the percentage or grains per fluid ounce. The hj^pobromite solution must be freshly prepared as follows : Dissolve 100 grams of sodium hydroxid iu 250 c. c. water. For use, 814 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE take 10 c. c. of this solution and add 1 c. c. of. bromine, mix and ■dilute with 10 c. c. water. This amount is sufficient for one test. Owing to the dangers, the instability and the disagreeable proper- ties of bromine, I prefer the method of Bartley. A straight tube, -closed at one end, graduated so as to give the number of grains per fluid ounce, a pipette holding one c. c. and the ordinary urine pipette are required. The tube is filled to the fifth division with a twenty per cent, solution of KBr. Chlorinated soda solution, NaClO (Labar- raque's), to the fifteenth or twentieth division is added. A small Fig. 12! — Urea from aqueous solution. -quantity of pure water is now floated upon the top of these reagents by inclining the tube and adding the water from the pipette. One c. c. of urine is now carefully floated upon the water by the same method. Tightly closing the open end with the thumb the tube is inverted and shaken. After effervescence ceases the surface reading of the fluid is noted. Still closed, the tube is pliinged into a pail of water and the thumb removed. The imprisoned liquid falls and the tube is immersed until the outer and inner liquids are at the same level, and the reading again noted. The difference in the two read- ings is the number of grains of urea in one fluid ounce of urine, which, multiplied by the number of ounces passed in twenty-four hours, gives the number of grains per day. A quantity of less than 350 grains per day should be regarded as pathologic. EXAMINATION OF THE UKINE 315 Uric acid is readily recognized by the microscope. Its various -crystals are shown in the figure. If urine b'e, kept until ammoniaeal ■decomposition occurs, uric acid crystals deposit. In general, condi- tions which increase urea increase uric acid. Dyspnoea and impeded respiration increase it. Bright 's disease and gout diminish its excretion. The normal amount is 0.6 to 0.8 gms. per day. It is determined by filtering a known quantity of urine and adding 5 c- e. of HCl to each 100 c. c. After twenty-tour hours -collect the precipitate on a jjreviously-weighed filter paper, wash, dry, weigh and deduct the weight of paper. The result is the weight of uric acid in the amount of urine employed. Ethereal sulphates in excess in the urine indicate putrefactive -changes of grave order, within or outside the digestive tract, and the increase is proportional to the severity of the process. Phenol potassium sulphate and indican are representatives of this group. Both indoxyl-potassium sulphate and indolyl-sulphuric acid are known as indican, and respond to the same tests. Excess of this substance indicates putrefaction of albtimin with absorption of indol. It especially points to obstruction of the small intestine. In purulent pleurisy and peritonitis it occurs in abundance. It is increased in wasting diseases .and starvation, hence is found in phthisis and cancer, likewise in dysentery, typhoid fever and acute brain diseases. In bealth the urine contains a mere trace of the ethereal sulphates. Detection. ]Mix equal quantities of urine and strong HCl in a test tube, add drop by drop a freshly made saturated solution of chlorinated lime (bleaching powder) or chloriile water, until the solu- tion fails to darken on further addition. Shake the blue solution with chloroform which takes up the indican and indicates by the ■depth of its color, the amount present. Inorganic Constituents. The chlorides are the principal inor- ganic constituent of the urine and the quantity excreted averages 10 to 15 grams daily, thus ranking next to urea. The excretion of the ■chlorides is lessened in all acute febrile diseases, in dropsies and serous ■exudations. In grave cases of pneumonia they may disappear from the urine. In rheumatism their sudden disappearance should arouse the suspicion of endocarditis or pericarditis. Their reappearance or 'increase is favorable from a prognostic point in all these conditions. The chlorides are precipitated by solutions of nitrate of silver. 316 EXAMINATION OF THE URINif In most cases an approximate estimate of their quantity is all that is necessary to the clinician. I have used the following : Add to a volume of urine a few drops of nitric acid, then a solu- tion of AgNOj (1 to 20) . The chloride of silver falls as a white, curdy precipitate which should occupy one-fourth of the volume of the urine taken. If the precipitate, after standing, occupies much mor& or less than this volume the chlorides are increased or diminished. A counter-test with normal urine always should be made for comparison. The silver nitrate solution should be added, drop by drop, until its. further addition fails to produce a precipitate. Ultzmann's method: A standard solution of nitrate of silver, one drachm to the ounce, is prepared. To half-arglass of urine add a few drops of nitric acid, then one or two drops of the silver solution. "If a white, flaky precipitate occurs, quickly sinking to the bottom without diffusing, the chlorides are undiminished. If simple cloud- iness, without curdy flakes, appears and readily diffuses, the chlorides- are diminished to 0.1 per cent, (normal, 0.5 to 1.0' per cent.). Should no precipitate Occur the chlorides are absent. ' ' Phosphates. The amount of phosphoric acid in the day's urine varies between 2.5 and 3.5 grams, excreted as alkaline and earthy phosphates. The earthy phosphates are insoluble in alkaline urine and on heating the precipitate is increased and may be mistaken for albumin. They disappear on the addition of acid, while albumin remains. Triple phosphates are not present in normal urine when voided, but form on standing. In cystitic urine they are found. The acidity of the urine depends upon the presence of acid sodium phosphate. Acute fevers, gout, most kidney diseases and pregnancy diminish the phos- phates. Wastings, especially osteo-malacia and rickets increase their excretion. The earthy phosphates are precipitated by rendering the urine alkaline and heating. The alkaline phosphates are precipitated by magnesium mixture, which is composed of MgSOj^ and NH^Cl, each one part ; aq. ammonia,, one part ; water, eight parts. The sulphates in the urine increase or diminish in general with, the urea. ~ r^'- ...■.■■'Mi''-- r < M, i^J'::. T- ^ ."■/" PLATE XXV. Triple phosphate; ammonium urate; bacteria. Alkaline fermentation. EXAMINATION OF THE UBINE 3] 7 ABNORMAL CONSTITUENTS QP THE URINE. Albumin. Of all the abnormal constituents of the urine, from a clinical standpoint, the greatest interest centers upon albumin and its significance. Briefly summarized, its presence means alteration in the structure of the kidney, alteration in the composition of the blood or of blood pressure. 1. Albuminuria without coarse renal lesions is a matter of dis- pute. After cold-bathing, muscular exercise, dyspepsia, hysteria and violent emotions, it is found in the urine ocpasionally, and the changes which permit the transudate are certainly not permanent. Cyclic or adolescent albuminuria is interesting. Boys are oftenest the subjects and recovery follows after a varying period. After sixty, it is not uncommon to encounter small quantities of albumin in the urine, associated with mucin, and the tendency in- creases with each decade thereafter. 2. Albuminuria of pyrexia. Albumin may be present in fevers of almost any degree, the lesions which cause it generally passing away with the disappearance of the primary disease. It is seen in tonsillitis, typhoid . fever, pneumonia, malaria, the entire group of specific infectious diseases which used to be called zymotic, cholera, yellow fever and other infections. 3. Albuminuria due to blood changes. All profound anaemias, leuksemia, purpura, syphilis, scurvy, rickets, poisoning by metallic substances as arsenic, lead, mercury or phosphorus, are followed by albuminuria which in some cases is transient, in others leads to per- manent lesions. The administration of anassthetics is followed in rare cases by albumin. Certain states and conditions also manifest tran- sient albuminuria, as the puerperal state, exophthalmic goitre, tetanic seizures, after apoplexy and epileptic fils, purpura and hospital gangrene. 4. Albuminuria with kidney lesions. Here the transudate oc- curs in states of active congestion, as in inflammations of the kidneys ; in passive congestion due to obstruction or pressure, or such as occurs in organic heart and lung diseases. Organic lesions of the kidneys, constituting the entire group of Bright 's diseases, the degenerations and suppurative processes of the organs and growths within their structure, constitute the chief causes of albuminuria. 5. Pus-producing inflammations of any part of the urinary tract are accompanied by albumin in the urine. 318 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE 6. Albuminuria accompanying impediments to the circulation, in which the kidneys are not primarily involved, as tumors, abdominal growths, cirrhosis and other changes in the liver.- The amount of albumin cannot be taken as indicative of- the gravity of the lesion, since in some serious alterations, such as inter- stitial nephritis, the amount is small and intermittent ; nor can albu- min without other evidences of renal alteration be accepted as indica- tive of organic disease, but in general, its increase or decrease in estab- lished recognized conditions, indicates the gravity of the causative disease. Tests for Albumin. Typical albuminous urine is of low specific gravity, pale greenish- j^el low in color, and forms a permanent froth when shaken. Soon after being passed a sediment is deposited. The potassium ferro-cyanide test is one of; the easiest and most reliable tests at command. I have found it most satisfactory. It may be applied as follows : A quantity of urine is placed in a test tube, half as much of a solution of potassium ferro-cyanide of a strength of 1 to 10 is added and the tube shaken. On the addition of a few drops of acetic acid, albumin, if present in any form, is precipitated in a flocculent cloud. The test gives no reaction with mucin if the acetic acid be added last, and no reaction with phosphates or urates, hence any precipitate which occurs is albumin,, albumose or nucleo- albumin. Another method of applying the test is to' add acetic acid first and filter out the precipitated mucin, then float the clear acidified urine upon the top of the ferro-cyanide solution. A white zone form- ing at the point of contact indicates albumin. Heller's test. This test is probably more Universally used than any other test and is reliable to those familiar with its variations. A test tube is filled to the depth of one inch with- pure nitric acid. A long pipette is filled with urine, which is fioated upon the surface of the acid by considerably inclining the tube and slowly discharging the. urine against its side. The presence of albumin of any kind is indi- cated by a white zone at the point of contact. The width varies with the amount of albumin present. The amorphous urates when precipitated by this method appear as a brown cloud or zone in the urine, above, and not at the point of contact, and can hardly be mistaken for albilmin. Their density diminishes upwards. Mucin may show as a clo4d towards the top of EXAMINATION OF THE UKINE 319' the tube. The only probable error is in patients who have been taking balsams, in which case the precipitat^e resembles albumin, but is cleared by addition of a small quantity o^ alcohol. While the pre- cipitate generally appears immediately, yet when very scanty may require a few minutes to form, hence the tube should be re-examined- at the end of half an hour. Boiling the urine in a tube coagulates albumin, and also pre- cipitates the earth phosphates. The latter redissolve on the addition of nitric acid, which should be added drop-by-drop as the urine is reboiled. Albumin in small quantity is apt to escape detection by this test and excess of phosphates may deceive the observer. The test is reliable for albumin in considerable quantity, but is inferior to either of the other tests given and less easy of manipulation. Mucin. Mucin is the secretion of the mucous cells. It is a gluco-proteid, i. e. a compound of a proteid and a carbo-hydrate and is closely related to the albumins, hence coijstitutes a fruitful source of error in searching for small quantities of albumin, especially if the amount of mucin is increased. It is present in all urine and in inflam- matory conditions of the urinary tract is increased. In catarrhal inflammations of the pelvis, of the kidney oV the bladder the amount may be enormous. Mucin is increased in febrile processes and is- sometimes the forerunner of albumin in these cases. It is not coagulable by heat and is soluble in strong mineral acids and in alkalies, but is precipitated by acetic 'acid, alum and very dilute mineral acids, which latter property gives rise to the propensity to mistake it for albumin. Mucin is insoluble in alcohol, ether, or chloroform. Owing to its solutions dissolving oxide of copper, the presence of mucin in abundance hinders the„ test for sugar. Detection : Dilute the urine to double its volume and add excess of acetic acid. The mucin is precipitated. Pus. Pus renders the urine turbid to I^Ee naked eye. It quickly deposits as a whitish or greenish sediment. The supernatant liquid contains albumin and globulin. Heat does Hot dissipate the sediment, hence distinguishes it from urates. Acids do not dissolve it as they do the earthy phosphates. The addition o£ strong alkaline solutions dissolves it with the production of viscid or ropy masses (Donne's- test) . The addition of hydrogen dioxide causes rapid effervescence, — a valuable test for pus in any fluid. The microscope shows characteristic cells. ■320 EXAMINATION OF THE UEINE CARBOHYDRATES. While glucose, levulose, inosite and lactose may occur in the urine, the most important clinically is glucose. Whether or not glucose is a constituent of normal urine is still disputed. ¥ery delicate tests fre- quently demonstrate it in urine otherwise normal. When glucose appears in the urine in appreciable amount it is- known as glycosuria. Glycosuria may appear as a temporary condition in various dis- eases of the brain and cord, lungs, liver, heart, during pregnancy and Fig. 74 — Lipogenic Glycosuria. Urine also contains albumin. in certain infectious diseases, as diphtheria, influenza, rheumatism, typhoid fever, syphilis, scarlet fever, cholera and cerebro-spinal meningitis. It is often encountered in obese persons, particularly Hebrews, and is known as lipogenic glycosuria. Certain drugs and toSie mate- rials produce a substance which gives to the urine a similar reaction, as morphia, chloral, hydrocyanic acid and amyl nitrite. Both tem- porary and permanent glycosuria have followed the inhalation of nitrous oxide. The internal use of turpentine, of salicylic acid, mer- cury, alcohol and a few other substances is sometimes followed by the reaction. Phloridzin, and some of the other substances mentioned, produce glycosuria by directly attacking the renal epithelium and ■destroying its power to keep back glucose. The ingestion of a larger EXAMINATION OF THE URINE 321 quantity of carbo-hydrates and peptones than the' liver can take eare of, causes a temporary glycosviria. Persistent glycosuria is known as diabetes. It is not a disL^ase but a symptom and the causative lesion must be looked for in the liver; the pancreas — which shows lesions in fifty per cent; the nervous system — where several lesions have been found in connection with cases, but none typical; or in the kidneys. The heart, the lungs and other organs show frequent lesions which are all probably secondary. Diabetic urine is generally pale straw-color, often with a greenish tint, has a characteristic, sweetish odor and ta'ste, and a specific gravity varying between 1030 and 1050. The amount of sugar present varies from two to twelve per cent. The quantity of urine is much increased, being seldom less than 1600 c. c. and may reach 8000 c. c. per diem. The gravity of the disease increases with the polyuria. Glycosuria without polyuria is seldom fatal, especially in advanced life. The severity of the disease in all cases beais a relationship to age. In the young it is progressive and almost uniformly fatal, run- ning its course in a few months to a few years. After thirty-five the disease progresses slowly and the prognosis is better. After fifty, it is often amenable to treatment. Teats for glucose. The methods of detection most often used are by means of the copper tests, which depend upon the fact that solu- tions of grape sugar in the presence of an alkali reduce cupric oxide to lower oxides. The presence of albumin interferes more or less with the tests and, as it is easily removed by boiling and filtering, it is wise to do so. Trommer's test. Add to a quantity of urine in a test tube about half its volume of sodium or potassium hydroxifie. Then add, drop by drop, a solution of copper sulphate (1 to 8) until a slight bluish- white precipitate is formed. The precipitate is cupric hydroxide. In the presence of glucose it is dissolved on shakjng and a dark-blue color results. On heating, if glucose be present, red cuprous oxide and yellow cuprous hydroxide fall, just as the boiling point is reached. If, instead of boiling, the tube is allowed to stand for half an hour the same reduction occurs. With heat the test is extremely delicate. If no precipitate occurs, sugar is absent. Precautions. If sugar is present in considerable quantity, the pre- cipitate forms without boiling. The urine should not be kept boiling, but merely brought to the boiling point, since continued boiling causes 322 EXAMINATION OF THE UR'INB other substances to reduce the copper, as uric acid, creatin, mucus,, albumin, peptones, hypoxanthin, creatinin, giycuronic acid, carbolic acid, certain alkaloids and excess of coloring qiatter. As a rule, these give a greenish or greenish-yellow, not a red,; deposit. Precipitate of phosphates may occur on the addition of the hydroxide, but is white and flocculent and bears no resemblance to the red, granular cuprous oxide. A yellow precipitate, which falls on cooling, is cuprous oxide and is not due to glucose. A red granular precipitate is very probably sugar. Haine's test. This is a modification of Pehling's test. Formula: Pure copper sulphate, 30 grains; distilled water, V2 ounce, dissolve; add pure glycerine, % ounce; mix and add 5 ounces liquor potass^e. The solution is somewhat more stable than F^hling's solution. Method : Boil one drachm of the test fluid in a tube and note whether it remains clear. Add six to eight' drops of urine and reboil. A copious red or yellow precipitate indicates sugar. If no precipitate occurs, sugar is absent. Here again the alkali may pi-ecipitate the- earthy phosphates, but they should not be mistaken for sugar. The precautions given under Trommer'stest should he' observed. Fehling's test is applied in the same manner as Haine's. The quantity of urine added should never exceed, the volume of the test solution used. Fehling's solution is best prepared in two parts. I. — Dissolve 3-4.64 grams of crystallized CuSO^ in water ana dilute to .500 c. c. II. — 173 grams Roehelle salt and 60 grams NaOH are dissolved in water and diluted to 500 c. c. For use, mix equal volumes. This solution* is also used for quanti- tative examination, 10 c. c. of the mixed solution equals 0.05 grams glucose. Phenylhydrazin test. When this substance is boiled with grape sugar a characteristic crystalline compound results. Test : To 50 c. c. of suspected urine add? 2 gms. phenylhydrazin hydrochloride, and 2 gms. sodium acetate, 10 c. c. of water may be added to promote solution. Dissolve, and heat on water-bath for one hour. On cooling, a yellow deposit forms, a few drops of which is placed on a glass slide. Bright, needle-like crystals of phenyl glueosa- zone are formed, rarely invisible to the naked eye. Scales and brown granules are not indications of sugar. The microscope shows radiat- ing acieular structure. The crystals indicate that the urine contained EXAMINATION OP THE UEINE 323- a carbo-hydrate and the test is therefore reliable. None of the sab- stances meTitioned under Trommer's test is capable of producing the reaction. Quantitative Determination of Sitgar. The amount of sugar in the urine indicates the severity of the disease and is the basis of prog- nosis. Its increase or diminution is the best- evidence of the result of treatment. Roberts' differential test is accurate and simple, but requires: twenty-four hours for its determination. Method : Place 4 ounces urine in a large bottle, add % cake of compressed yeast and cork with, a perforated cork. The same quan- tity of urine is placed in another bottle and corked. Both are allowed to stand twenty-four' hours. The alcohol and carbonic anhydride formed by the fermentation reduce the specific gravity one degree for each grain of sugar per fl. oz. of urine. Thu'fe, if the sp. gr. is reduced from 1040 to 1030, the urine contains ten grains of sugar per ounce. When fermentation is completed the urines are decanted and the sp. gr. of each separately obtained. The number of degrees of den- sity lost in the fermented urine indicates the amount of sugar per ounce, or, the number of degrees lost mu.ltiplied by 0.23 gives the percentage of The results are approximately accurate. Fehling's test is the most satisfactory yet devised. The only objection that can be urged is that practice is necessary to determine the precise point of reduction. Method: 10 c. c. of Fehling's solution" and 30 c. c. water are measured into a porcelain dish and kept a.t the boiling point over a. Bunsen burner or alcohol lamp. The uriner is added, drop by drop,, from a burette until the blue color of the, Fehling's solution has en-- tirely disappeared. The number of c. c. of urine required to produce this result is noted and the sugar calculated thus : It requires 0.05. gm. of sugar to remove the coloration of the ten c. c. of solution used^, hence the number of c. c. of urine dropped contained 0.05 gm. of' sugar. Say 2 c. c. of urine were used, then 100 c. c. which is 50X2' contained 50X0.05 or 2.5 grams per 100 c. c. By dividing 5 by the number of e. c. of urine used the result is the same, and the per cent, thus easily obtained. When considerable sugar is present the urine should be diluted with a known volume of water, as one to five, and the result corrected; in accordance with the dilution. 324 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE Acctonuria. Whether acetone occurs in healthy urine or not is disputed. It occurs after alcoholic indulgence, over-eating of proteids and in the urine of children. It occurs in fevers and rises and falls with the temperature curve. It is often associated with carcinoma and should be sought for in suspected cases. In diabetes its appear- ance often precedes diaceturia. It is capable of producing a species of auto-intoxieation, and often occurs in the insanities. Cliautard's test is the simplest. An aqueous solution of magenta is decolorized with sulphurous acid. A drop of this solution added to fluids containing acetone gives a violet color. When the amount of ■acetone is very minute, the color develops after five minutes. Diaccturut. Ethyl-diacetie acid in the urine is of serious im- port. It occurs under the same febrile conditions as acetone. In diabetes it is the premonitor of coma and signifies death.. It occnr.s oftenest in young subjects. jVccording to von Jaksch, the cause of coma in diabetes is diacetie acid. Detection : Boil a sample of the urine and add a few drops of ferric chloride. A deep-red color is produced. If the phosphates are precipitated, add the chloride until precipitation ceases, filter and re- peat the test. No other substance gives rise tOj the red color in the boiled urine. , ' . , BILE. Bile acids and bile salts appear in the uriWe during attacks of jaundice. Increase of bile salts occurs with the termination of "bilious attacks." They are increased in many forms of organic dis- ease of the liver, in splenic leucoeythiemia ancf anieniia. Bile pig- ments are found in the urine in phosphorous pqigoning, in grave dis- orders of the liver, in obstructive jaundice, where the coloring matter reaches the urine through the circulation, and- precedes its appear- ance on the skin. Both may appear during excessive summer heat and after the use of alcohol. The color of the urine is yellow, green, brown or black. On shaking it yields a yellow froth which is charac- teristic and in the absence of ingested drugs snch as rhubarb, chrys- orobin and the like, is distinctive. Gmelhi's test fur Bile Pi'jiiieiii. A small quantity of commercial nitric acid (yellow nitrous acid) is placed in a test tube and the urine is floated upon it. A rainbow coloration appears at the point of con- tact. Or the urine may be passed through filter paper, and a drop of EXAMINATION OP THE UBINE 825 the acid placed in the center of the wet paper, when the colored rings, appear. THE DIAZO-REACTION OF EHRLICIi. This test was proposed by Ehrlieh in. 1882 as a valuable diagnos- tic sign of typhoid fever. Although the reaction occurs in a few other jdiseases, as pulmonary tuberculosis, yet in the cases most often mis- taken for typhoid fever the reaction does not occur, viz., malaria. I studied the urine in 36 cases of typhoid fever in soldiers returned from Tampa. The reaction was pronounced in 35. It was absent in all cases of malaria when typhoid was absent. It occurs from the fourth to the severfth day and thereafter. The intensity of the reaction varies with the gravity of the case. When absent, the diagnosis is doubtfiil. It occwrs in ra.pidly fatal cases of phthisis, sometimes in measles, miliary tpberculosis, pyaamia, scarlet fever and erysipelas. It is absent in apyrexial disease (Ehrlieh). Two solutions are prepared: I. — 2 grams of sulphanilic acid; 50 e. e. HCl; 1,000 c. c. water. Mix. II. — A 0.5 per cent, solution of sodiutn nitrite. Method : 50 parts of No. I and one part of No. II are placed in a test tube, an equal (piantity of urine added, and the solutions well mixed. About % of the volume of ammonia is then added. If the reaction is po.sitive a carmine or cherry-red color develops, and on shaking the color extends to the foam. Von Jaksch thinks the re- action due to acetone and not especially significant of typhoid. URINARY SEDI.MENT, When urine is allowed to stand for some hours gravity causes it to separate into two layers, the solid poiftions or sediment and the supernatant liquid. The solids consist of insoluble materials contained in the fluid and soluble substances which by chemical activity or crystallization have been separated from the solution, iluch time is saved and many difficulties are overcome by separating the urinary sediment immediately by means of the centrifuge, instead of wait- ing for gravity to accomplish the same end." We have already noted some of the changes which take place in normal urine on standing. Changes more rapid and more radical occur in pathologic urine. Much more information is therefore 326 EXAMINATION OF THE UfelNE gained by an immediate examination of such urine, before easts have macerated and soluble substances which may have been passed as solids have had time to dissolve, and before pernicious bacterial ac- tivity has had time to destroy contained elements or to form new ones. In the same way crystalline substances which are passed in a state of crystallization may be distinguished from those which form upon standing. By the centrifuge the elements are more completely separated and concentrated, hence such as occur in only minute quan- tity are less likely to escape detection than when collected by gravity. Fig- 75 — Hand Centrifuge. It is difficult to satisfactorily classify! the two groups, of sub- stances which make up the urinary sediment. Organized and unor- ganized are terms frequently used, but unorganized does not in this case mean non-organic and is misleading. Perhaps the division into chcmic and histologic sediments is as useful as any. The chcmic substances are u.rie acid, the urates, phosphates, cal- cium iixalate, cystin, leucin, tyrosin, melanin. The sediments of acid and alkaline urine difEer markedly. Acid iirine may deposit: (a) uric acid; (b) acid- urates of sodium, potas- sium, ammonium and calcium; (c) calcium oxalate; and occasionally, (d) hippuric acid; (e) calcium sulphate, cystine, leucin, tyrosin. PLATE XXVI. URIC-ACID CRYSTALS. fNatural color.) EXAMINATION OP THE UEINE 327 In such urine the uric acid and the calcium oxalate are crystalline, the urates amorphous or granular, except sodium urate which is sometimes crystalline. Alkaline urine may deposit: (a) amorphous phosphate and car- bonate of calcium ; (b) crystalline urate of ammonium ; (c) phosphate of calcium and magnesium; (d) triple phosphates. The most important constituent of the alkaline sediment is the amorphous earthy phosphates which are regularly precipitated in urine that is alkaline when voided, as well as in urine that has under- gone fermentation. The crystalline forms are^ the triple phosphates, ammonium urate, calcium phoophate and carbonate, and, under path- ologic conditions, leucin, tyrosin and cystin. TJric acid crystals occur as a deposit only- in acid urine. They are deep-red or yellow in color, prone to cling to the sides of the ves- sel and can be recognized by the trained eye. Cubes, plates and rhombic crystals, alone or coalesced into beautiful stellates and ribbon bow-knots, are found and are easily recognized under the lens by flolor and form. Threads suspended in urine attract the crystals and their tendency to aggregate around any suitable nucleus explains the formation of uric acid calculi, the most frequent of all forms of gravel. Uric acid may be said to be pathologic when it is deposited shortly after the urine is passed. Occurring in urine which has stood ten hours or more, it has little clinical significance. Excess of uric acid, high acidity, diminished mineral salts and pigments, favor its deposit. CJver-indulgence in animal food produces the first two of these factors. Fever favors its production by diminution of the liquid elements aid raising the acidity of the urine. Acid urates of sodium, potassium and ammonium, sometimes of calcium, occur as amorphous or crystalline deposits. The sodium salt occurs in the brick-dust sediment so often seen in winter urine. It occurs as amorphous granules or stellate or fan-like crystalline clus- ters. Its color is from pink to brown, according to the amount of urinary pigment present. The calcium and potassium forms are amor- phous. Ammonium urate occurs as coarse, spherical masses studded with spicules. The colors are yellow to deep-browh and the crystals are known as "hedge-hog" or "thorn apple" crystals, easily recognized. They are more apt to be found in alkaline urine. The above form the mixed urate sediment so often seen on 328 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE the sides and bottom of the vessel. The deposit is increased by fever, wasting disease, organic disease of the liver, dyspepsia and gout. It is recognized by its disappearance on the application of heat. Oxalate of lime occurs in either acid or alkalin;' urine. It is often- est seen associated with triple phosphates. The crystals are small, highly refracting octahedra or envelope crystals or ' ' dumb-bell ' ' crys- tals and are unmistakable under the microscope. They disappear on the addition of HCl. Calcium oxalate is a constituent of certain Fig. 75 — Oxalate of Calciifiji. vegetables and their use increases greatly the amount in normal urine. Tomatoes, rhubarb, asparagus and grapes coatain excess of the salt; "greens," cabbage, turnips and apples contain' smaller amounts. Ex- cessive meat ingestion causes excretion of large amounts of the salt. Hipp'uric acid excreted in large amounts hy the herbivora. is found only as a trace in normal urine. After taking benzoic acid or eating certain fruits, the crystals are seen, but have no clinical signifi- cance. They occur as colorless prisms with sharply-defined ends and as needles. They do not respond to the mul-exide test as does uric acid. Calcium sulphate crystals occur as radiating needles and are of little importance. Phosphates. The alkaline phosphates are not found in urinary EXAMINATION OF THE URINE 329 sediment. The earthy phosphates are the ammonio-magnesium phos- phate, known as triple phosphate, and calcium phosphate. The first occurs in various forms, the beveled triangular prism, or "coffin lids" being the most characteristic. These may be square or oblong, are glassy or light-green in color and easily recognized. They disappear on the addition of acetic acid. Stellate feathery forms are less frequent but easily distinguished. Calcium phosphate is usually an amorphous, granular, white deposit which, as said, is precipitated by heat and may be mistaken for Fig. 77 — Triple Phosphates. Pine Branch Crystals, R'apid precipitation. albumin. The crystalline form, rarely seen, consists of rods, separate- or grouped into wedges, or of stellate, colorless rosettes. The deposit of triple phosphate in freshly voided urine means ammoniacal decomposition in the urinary passages,. as pyelitis and cys- titis. The deposit of phosphates in other urine occurs in convalescence, in dyspepsia, particularly nervous dyspepsia, phthisis and as pointed out by Sir William Roberts, in cancer. Cystine is rarely seen. It may occur in diminished bile secre- tion. It occurs as opalescent hexagonal tablets wh^ch sometimes over- lap each other. It aids in forming calculi. A drop of HCl or of am- monia on the slide causes its disappearance. With the latter it re- appears on evaporating the reagent. Leucin is rare. It appears as white lamella? or as yellow spherules 230 EXAMINATION OF THE URINE like drops of oil. It resembles sodium urate, but unlike it is not dis- solved by heat. From oil drops they are distinguished by not being dissolved by ether. Tyrosin occurs with leucin in small-pox, typhus, typhoid, in acute atrophy of the liver, leucocythasmia and in phosphorus-poisoning. It occurs in yellow-green globules or as fine needle-like ,radiating ■crystals. HISTOLOGIC SEDIMENT. The histologic sediment found in the urine includes pus, blood, epithelium, casts, spermatozoa and bacteria. More rarely are found fragments of tissue, of new-growths, parasites or their eggs. Fig. 78 — Triple Phosphates — Slow Precipitate. Amorphous Urates. A Stellate Forms. B Coffin lids. Pus is the most frequent histologic constituent of the urine and may come from any part of the urinary tract. Pus-coutaining urine is turbid when voided and responds to the tests for albumin. Pus corpuscles are easily recognized by the microscope as pale, circular cells containing finely granular protoplasm and one to three distinct nuclei. Treatment with acetic acid causes them to lose their granular appearance and the nuclei to become distinctly visible. Their size is nearly double that of the red blood corpuscle. When a quantity of pus is treated with potassic hydrate it dissolves into a homogeneous. EXAMINATION OF THE URINE 331 sticky mass which will not flow (Donne's test). In testing allow the pus to settle, then pour off the supernatant liquid befoi'e adding the hydrate. Pus is frequently mixed with micro-organisms and with epithe- lium or other tissue elements derived from the locality of its origin. Pus derived from the kidney is intimately mixed with the urine when passed, the reaction is acid and the kidney epithelium is found, and bladder symptoms are absent. Renal epithelial cells are small, round or polygonal with a single large nucleus. Their size distin- guishes them from pus cells. Pus-urine from the bladder is alkaline when voided or quickly I'lg- 79 — Tyrosin Crystals. becomes so, contains liberal quantities of mucus, triple phosphates and flat, large epithelial cells from the bladder. Pus from the urethra may be squeezed out, qr flushed out with the first drops of urine. In cases of doubt, washing the urethra before micturition frees the urine from pus. In prostatic disease the pus often appears as long threads bound together with" mucus. Blood. Blood corpuscles appear in the urine, under a number of pathologic conditions. Their bi-concave characteV and the alternate change from dark to light of rim and center, whi'ch takes place on focusing, owing to this formation, aid in their recognition. After having been soaked for some time in the urine they lose their sharp 332 EXAMINx\.TION OF THE URINE uutline, swell, pucker and resemble the pus corpuscles, but can be dis- tinguished by the absence of nuclei. If in doubt, a small quantity of the suspected sediment may be evaporated on a watch-glass and tested for hffimin, when small, dark characteristic crystals are formed, shaped like little rhombic plates or rods with sharp an'gular ends. The hsemin test is simply made and is proof positive of bipod. To the dried res- idue is added a few crystals of common salt, a drop of glacial acetic acid, and the mixture boiled. The crystals are- seen under the micro- scope. The color of the urine depends upon the* amount of contained blood and the reaction of the fluid. Acid urine darkens the color, alkaline urine brightens it. If in any quantity, the urine is markedly albuminous and cloudy. When blood is deiived from the bladder it usually forms clots, while blood coming from the kidney is apt to be diffused homogeneously, to be of dark-red Or brown color and acid in reaction. On standing a brownish sediment is deposited. Some- times thread-like clots are found. Blood-castS when associated, show the source of the hajmaturia to be the kidney. Acute Bright 's disease, chronic interstitial nephritis, malignant growths, tuberculosis, can- tharides, oil of turpentine and other powerful, diuretics are causes of hfematuria. Injuries are often followed bj^ blood. In renal abscess and renal calculus the blood is mixed with pus. I reported a case a few years ago of death from purpura hasmorthagica of the kidneys. BJood from the bladder is occasioned by diphth&ritie and acute cystitis, calculi, carcinoma, congestion, injuries, fibroids, polypi and varicose veins about the neck of the bladder. The urine is usually alkaline in reaction and if the hiemorrhage is occa'^-ioned by cystitis, pus, mucus and triple phosphates are found. Irregular clots occur, and the color is bright-red. Blood occurring in large quantities may coagulate within the bladder. Epithelium exists in small quantities in normjj urine, and is cast oif from the urinary tract as from the body surface, the intestines and the respiratory tract. It is increased in disease of the genito- urinary system, as in disease of the other surfaces named. The sources from which the epithelium is derived can not in all cases be told by the form of the cell. The large, flat, irregular squamous cells, with prominent nuclei, are derived from the bladder and the vagina and are the most distinctive cells met with in the urine The columnar cells, elongated spindle, cylindrical, or caudate cells, with a well- EXAMINATION OF THE UKINE 333 marked nucleus are derivable from any part of the urinary tract, from the pelvis of the kidneys to the urethra inclusive. Lastly, small, round or spheroidal granular epithelial cells with nucleus and nucleo- lus occur singly or in groups. Such cells are derived from the kidney tubules but are also found beneath the superficial, layers of all the rest of urinary tract, hence in inflammations causing denudation or exfoliations are not distinctive. They occur in quantity in acute Bright 's disease and often are associated with casts. Sometimes the cells adhere to the casts. In cystitis the flat, squamous cells predom- Fig. 80 — Hyaline Casts. i-'jate over the other varieties, while in inflammation.s of the tubes they occur very sparsely. CASTS. Casts are moulds of the uriniferous tubules. 'The mode of their production and the rcateiial of which they are composed are not yet ascertained. From their appearance they may be separated into three classes. (a) Clear or hyaline casts. (b) Casts composed of histologic elements, rb: blood corpuscles, epithelium and pus cells. (c) Those consisting of waste-products, the resijlt of tissue change. The urinary sediment having been separated by the centrifuge, a 334 EXAMINATION OF THE UKINE few drops are placed upon a glass slide or in a shallow cell and well djstributed. With a low power and concentrated light the iield is carefully searched. Sometimes hyalinie casts which are exceedingly transparent, hence liable to escape detection, are best seen in a sub- dued light or in shadow. They may be Stained with iodine or magenta, which facilitates the search, but alters the appearance and may thus lead to wrong inferences. Hyaline casts may be perfectly clear and homogeneous or they may show slight granular structure in parts. Sometimes a fragment Fig. 8i — Epithelial Casts. of epithelium adheres and renders them. more visible. They are very pale and transparent, of varying widths and lengths, extending in some cases clear across the field. They are only found in albuminous urine and disappear from alkaline urine on standing. Wide hyaline casts, more refracting than the above are found, which exhibit the amyloid reaction. They were formerly called waxy casts and sup- posed to indicate amyloid degeneration of the kidney. Sir William Roberts refutes this, and says the reaction is due to degenerative changes in the casts themselves. Blood casts occur in cases of congestion or hemorrhage of the kidney, hence are often associated with blood in the urine. They con- sist of cylindrical moulds, generally short and rounded at the ends, composed of tessellated blood corpuscles. EXAMINATION OF THE UEINE 335 Epithelial casts are usually hyaline moulds to which the epithe- lium is adherent, sparsely, in clusters, or clumps. Sometimes, how- ever, the entire epithelial lining of a portion, of the tubule seems tO' be exfoliated intact, giving rise to cylinders composed of intact epithe- lial cells. They intimate clearly a catarrhal or desquamative inflam- mation of the tubules and are highly important from a diagnostic standpoint. Pus c^i^sts are rare, pus corpuscles adherent to hyaline, granular or epithelial casts are often seen. Granular casts are frequently met with. Tliey are moderately broad and as generally found one or both ends, present a broken-off Fig. 82 — Granular Casts. appearance. Sometimes one end is rounded, very rarely both ends. The granules vary from fine to coarse, and the colors are white, yel- low and dark. The tissue elements frequently cling to their surfaces, epithelium, fat, pus corpuscles or leucocytes. They indicate chronic degenerative changes and are found in chronic parenchymatous and chronic interstitial nephritis. Fatty casts indicate extreme chronicity and corresponding de- generative changes. They are commonly attributed to the large white kidney. The fat globules are studded over the surface of the cast in such a way as almost completely to cover it. The globules vary in size and sometimes small fatty crystals co-exist. 336 EXAMINATION OF THE UUlNE Bacterial casts composed of masses of micrococci indicate grave infective processes. Under the microscope they appear granular, dark in color. They do not disappear upon the addition of alkali or acid and when examined under high power their nature is apparent. With regard to the diagnosis of the forms of kidney lesions from the variety of the cast Osier remarks : ' ' The character of the cast is of use in the diagnosis of the form of Bright 's disease, but scarcely of such extreme value as has been stated. Thus, the hyaline and gran- ular casts are common to all varieties, the blood and epithelial casts, particularly those made up of leucocytes are most common in the acute eases." CyUndroids, described by Thomas, occasionally occur in the urine. These are long, ribbon-like structures with branching ends, trans- parent, colorless and hyaline. Their exact nature and significance is undecided. Spermatozoa are readily recognized by their shapes. The head is oblong or oval and the thin tail is directly attached. When alive they exhibit active cilia-movements. They are ahvays found in the urine succeeding ejaculation, and are persistent in s|)ermatorrhoea and in the urine of confirmed 'masturbators. They are occasionally found in acute infections and in post-epileptic states. Bacteria. Yeast fungi and fission-fungi are found in stale urine. The latter in habitual catheter users. Ammckniacal bacteriuria is the name given to the condition resulting from ammoniacal bacterial fer- mentation within the bladder. It is common" in catheter users. The principal agent in its production is the micrococcus ureaj. The pus-producing organisms, as well as the bacteria of all in- fective diseases, may be found in the urine. Bacillus tuberculosis is found in tubercular infection of any part of the tract, and the gon- ococcus in urethral infection. The first is seaj*ched for in the concen- trated sediment, after treating it just as sputum is treated. Gronococci lie in pairs (diplococci) within.. the pus-cells. In recent infection they are abundant and easily found in the purulent secretion. SECTION XVI. THE F/ECbS. A complete examination of the fasces includes macroscopic, micro- scopic and chemie examination, and is of importance principally as a guide to the state of assimilation or mal-assimilation of the food. Such research is not always necessary for diagnostic purposes. The number and character of the movements should be inquired into and whether they are easy and natural or produced by effort and strain- ing, whether they are followed by pain, descent of the mucous mem- brane, hemorrhoids, bleeding or other unusual phenomena. In the inspection of the stool, the color, odor, quantity, eonsisteacy, form and appearance are noted. Both the frequency of the discharges and the amouht of the de- jecta vary with the individual, as well as with the amount, kind and quality of the food ingested. It is influenced bj* age, sex, habit and occupation. While normally the bowels should move once in twenty- four hours in adults, departures in either direction cannot be pro- nounced unnatural. Many individuals habitually have two or three movements per day ; others, a movement each forty-eight hours. Regularity and the resultant effect on the health of the individual are more to be considered than physiologic rule. It is wiser and safer not to disturb the established order and habit of the bowels, provided the health equation remains unaffected, than to attempt to establish new habits, especially in adults, but the inculcating of correctness and regularity in the child and the beneficent effects^ thereof, cannot be ■over-estimated. In nurslings and milk-fed infants the number of stools varies from three to five in twenty-four hours, decreasing with age and mixed diet. Constipation is a bodily condition or habit in which the amount of the faeces and the number of the movements are less than normal. Obstipation is the temporary or permanent absence of movement? • lactic and butyric acid fermentation, but sometimes acetic and pro- pionic acids are found. Vegetable diet assists in their production. Much mucus renders the stools alkaline. The' acid reaction of nurslings and milk-fed infants is due to lactic and free fatty acids. Composition. The faeces are composed of the undigested jJarts of the food, the useless and injurious portions of the various secre- tions, decomposition and microbic products and gases. Among the first are found yellow elastic tissue, tendons, nuclein, epidermic and horny substances, vegetable fiber, chlorophyll, gums,, resins, cellulose from vegetable sources, particles of food which, from imperfect mastication have not been acted upon, by the digestive juices, alimentary substances which are assimilable, .but of which an excess has been taken, especially fats and starches, insoluble salts, as silicates, sulphates and phosphates of calcium and anmioniLini-mag-. nesium phosphate. 340 THE FiECES In mixed diet the waste secretions exceed the residue derived from the ingesta, and consist of intestinal mucus, epithelial cells, sub- stances which failed of absorption, as decomposed bile, coloring mat- ters and inorganic salts; free fatty acids froin acetic up to palmitic acid, butyric, lactic, cholalic acid and cholesterin ; indol, skatol, cresol, phenol, leucin, tyrosin, each may appear under certain conditions. The gases expelled are CO,, CH^, H, N, HjS. The N is derived from swallowed air, the rest arise in the course of decomposition. The meconium is the name given to the contents of the intestine which accumulate during fcetal life. It is usually evacuated soon after birth. Its color is dark-green or brown and, its consistency salve- like or tarry. It is acid in reaction and devoid of fascal odor. It consists of epithelial cells in abundance, chole'sterin, fats, fatty^ acids, mucin and bile-coloring matters. The stools of milk-fed infants contain fats, fatty acids, casein, epithelial cells, lactate of calcium, mucin, coloring matters and bac- teria. In infants fed on cow's milk, the caseiif is much increased over that of breast-fed infants. Acholic stools are wanting in bile. The color is blue-clay or chalk-paste. They are very fcEtid and contain: large quantities of fat. Suppression of the pancreatic secretion is foUowed by fatty stools, and their persistence should be viewed with grave suspicion. Diarrhoeal stools contain excess of water. When due to catarrhal conditions they contain epithelium and much mucus. In acute cases the latter imparts character to the passages, which are named mucous istools. Medicines which hasten peristalsis produce the same water}' levacuations. Further, the activity of the peristalsis prevents absorp- tion, hence hurries down much \inassimilated food substance. The characteristic typhoid stool is offensive, abundant, thin, gray- ish-yellow, granular, and in appearance and consistency resembles pea-soup. The reaction is alkaline. They sometimes contain blood, shreds of necrotic tissue, and, generally, ammonium-magnesium phos- phate. On standing they separate into two Ictyers, an upper, serous layer containing albumin, and a lower layer containing the residue, food and epithelium. After the end of the first week is found the Eberth bacillus and a poisonous base known as typhotoxin. Blood and necrotic. shreds are recognized by the microscope. Cholera stools are ever likened to rice water; thin, turbid or translucent. Koch's spirillum or coma bacillus abounds, especially THE F/ECBS 841 early in the disease. Epithelial cells in abundance are seen under the microscope. The discharges contain nitrites which, with the indol of the stool, gives a blood-red color on the addition" of dilute sulphuric acid. The reaction is diagnostic. The discharges of dysentery are peculiarly fcetid, voided with great tenesmus, tinged with blood, contain muchs mucus, and, in old cases, fragments or sloughs of mucovis membrane and pus. Amoeba coli characterize the form known as tropical dysentery. Fresh dejecta miist be examined upon a warm stage ' in order to demonstrate their presence. The fibrinous casts and shreds of mucus should be examined by floating in water. Gall-stones and enteroliths are sometimes found. When gall- stones are suspected, the stools should be passed into a cheese-cloth, "crab-net" over a wire frame, placed in the closet, then washed in running water. The stones are recognized by their hardness, shiny appearance, color and facets, giving them an uncut crystal appearance. Enteroliths are solidified food concretions of varying, usually small, size. Seeds, animal parasites, eggs and larvffi are often found in the fffices. Pus occiirs in cases of abscess rupturing into the tract or in destructive inflammations of the bowel itself, as in dysentery. In cases of tuberculous, syphilitic or cancerous ulceration pus is mixed with tissue shreds and blood. Microscopic Examination. When very thin the faeces can be ex- amined without dilution, or a small portion may be thinned with water, spread on a cover glass, dried, fixed and stained in the usual way. Bacteria, pus, blood, epithelial cells, crystals, and detritus are thus recognized.] In conditions of intestinal suppuration, leucocytes are found. The crystalline substances encountered are fat crystals, phosphatic crystals, oxalate of lime, sulphate of calcium and occa- sionally others. SECTION XVII. THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS. The X-ray contributes very considerably to the science of diag- nosis and in some eases, at least, affords aid at just the point where other methods are imperfect or totally inadequate. Hence it is to be regretted that the system is not of more universal applicability: In private practice its use is not yet extensive, but at present all large hospitals and most smaller institutions, as well as many physicians' •offices, are equipped with the necessary apparatus. Since, however, for a long time to come the greater number of examinations for ascertaining the physical condition of patients must be conducted without its aid, practitioners will do well to eultivatie and practise the older methods of diagnosis, even in the instances to be described in which its use affords us most comfort by reason of its certainty. The static machines constructed for office use are equipped with the necessary X-ray apparatus. They are expensive, bulky, station- ary, but efficient. At present the work is generally confined to men ■of special training, but experience is the only requisite. For purposes of diagnosis in diseases of the chest a high pene- trating power is unnecessary and less efficient than one of lower power since the latter renders less transparent the organs which we most wish to examine, by reason of such solid organs obstructing the softer, less penetrating rays. This is brought ■about„by using Crooke's tubes of less perfect vacuum than those necessary for viewing the bones and large joints. Such tubes are technically called soft tubes. The Examination. The examination may be direct, by the use ■of the fluoroscope, to which proceeding the name radioscopy, or Ront- goscopy, is given; or the examination may be indirect, by making radiographs or plates from which prints are made. The latter process is called radiography. A fluoroscope is simply a piece of card-board coated with a fluor- THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS 343 escent salt — platinocyanide of barium is the best— and fitted into a frame like the stereoscope. In general hospital work the examinations are made almost entirely with the flnoroscope as the results are immediate, and in the hand of a practised examiner much more inforrtiation upon certain necessary points is vouchsafed than by the pictures. But the direct Fig. 83 — Normal Chest. The natural bulge in aorta referred to in text is seen at B. examination requires that the patient be submitted to the ordeal Tor a much longer time than is necessary to secure the photographic picture, and is tiresome likewise to the examiner.' In cases of severe illness this is a point worthy of consideration. On the other hand it is the only way in which pulsations, the movements of organs, and •changes in the position of fluids may be appreciated. As intimated, experience and good judgments play no small part in forming correct conclusions by this method, since only by practice and experience the relative position, size and qnjilities of the organs 344 THE ROENTGEN BAY IN DIAGNOSIS in the shadow pictures can be learned, as all these vary with the distance between patient and light, and other factors. Radiography is most useful in doubtful and disputed eases; the- prints have a certain medico-legal value, can be used for measure- ments and comparisons, and when successive pictures are obtained show positive results of treatment or of the advance of disease, and furnish us with permanent records. Since the improvements in apparatus and technique, the neces- sary exposure has been so shortened that' at present satisfactory pic- tures are obtained by exposures of less than a second (von Ziemssen). Fluoroscopic Examination; Radioscopy. The examination is con- ducted in a dark room and is simplest and most satisfactory with the patient erect, as in this position only are the normal relations pre- served. The Crooke 's tube is placed behind the patient in the median line at a distance of about two feet, on a level with the part to be- examined. A fenestrated, adjustable metallic screen, or a Beck's diaphragm, placed between the tube and the patient is useful for concentrating the light on a particular point and for cutting off extraneous rays. In case the patient is unable to stand, the tube is adjusted under a canvas cot on which he rests. The fiuoroscope is'. placed directly in front of the chest walls. Rontgen ray burns are the result of too long or too oft-repeated exposures. Restricting the single exposures to five minutes, and not repeating these oftener than at intervals of every three days, is said to be a safe limit. THE THORAX. The healthy lungs do not perceptibly intercept the rays hence- their image appears only as a faint shadow. The vertebral column, the ribs, clavicles and sternum are plainly seen. The pericardium, the outlines of the heart and its movements are distinct. The great- ly vessels are less distinct, but visible. The movements of the diaphragm are distinct and when restrained the limitation may be detected by the practised observer. In children, and generally in adults, the bifur- cation of the trachea may be seen. The apex of the heart shows sharply during deep inspiration. A bend or protuberance upon the left of the aorta, above the pericardial sac, resembling an aneurysm is often seen and might be mistaken readily for such a growth. THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS 345 Fig. 84 — Small Aenurysm of Aorta. Johns Hopkins Hpsp., Dr. Baetjer. THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS Ml Fig. 8s— Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis, both lungs. Johns Hopkins Hospital, F. H. Baetjer. THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS 349 The unequal heights of the two sides of the diaphragm is strik- ingly seen, the right side being always the higher. This shows best during deep inspiration. In case of hypertrophy of the heart the left diaphragm is sunken below the normal plane, while in early tubercu- losis Williams finds the structure abnormally high*. Diseases, injuries or malformations of the vertebra, supernumer- ary ribs, or foreign bodies within the thorax are easily recognized. Cardiac hypertrophies and dilatations not only can be recognized but differentiated (von Ziemssen). Displacements, effusions into the pericardium and aneurysms of the organ are made out, as are also mediastinal tumors. While the healthy lungs give almost no image, yet diseased con- ditions are fairly well brought out by the rays. Pulmonic solidifica- tions, especially deep-seated foci of pneumonia almost impossible to demonstrate otherwise, appear, as do tuberculous solidifications, vomicse, abscesses, bronchiectasis, atelectasis and calcifications. Cavities with thickened walls are seen as shadows surrounded by lighter areas. Incipient tubercular lesions show but little, and it is doubtful if they can be recognized by the rays before they are demon- strable by other means. Effusions into the pleural cavities are markedly opaque, and the movements to which they are subject are strikingly shown. Serous effusions appear more opaque than do those of pus. Th^ boundary line between effusion and air in hydropneumothorax is distinct. Pul- monary retraction resulting from old pleurisy, as well as thickening and deposits upon the pleural membrane, all show in the plates. Irregular movements of the diaphragm and restrictions of its excursions are easily studied. The diaphragm separates from the heart during deep inspiration. During forced inspiration the lung shadow is diminished. In emphysema the lung shadow is fainter still than in normal lungs. The heart obstructs the shadow of that portion of the lungs which it covers. Sclerosis of the deep vessels can be recognized only by the x-ray picture. The position, size, shape and type of intrathoracic aneurysms are better told by the skiagraph than by percussion and auscultation, and repeated instances are recorded in which they have been discov- ered by this means when their presence was unsuspected. Pulsation distinguishes them from solid tumors of the same area. 350 THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS THE ABDOMEN. In diseases of the abdomen a somewhat harder tube than that used in chest work is desirable. Skiagraph;^ gives the best results. The solid liver shows best; the intestines are discernible only occa- sionally, but their contents show. The triangular psoas muscle can be seen. The outline of the stomach is shown by coating its walls with a substance impenetrable by the rays, as subnitrate of bismuth, or by the introduction of a flexible steel wire covered with rubber. Tumors of the stomach show only when of considerable density. Eadiographs of the intestines are obtain'fed in the same manner as has been suggested for taking skiagraphy of the stomach. One ounce of bismuth subnitrate is suspended in" a quart of milk. The skiagraph of the stomach may be taken immediately after its inges- tion. Six hours later the picture of the small intestine is taken ; twelve to twenty-four hours later the colon shpws best in the print. Recent examiners are all in accord in stating that the position of the stomach as described in the text-books is incorrect. The vertical position, as referred to in the description of the organ in the section on anatomy, and the jjosition which has usually been considered and described as ptosis or moderate prolapse, are most often observed. The same may be said of the intestines; what formerly has been re- garded as prolapse of the colon is more commonly found than the so- called normal position. The examinations show that dilatation and prolapse are fre- quently met with, especially in women. More extended research will probably change many of our preva- lent ideas on these topics. The spleen appears indistinctly, as do also the kidneys. They appear in the radiographs but are seldom seen by the fluoroscope. Diseases, fractures and displacements of the lumbar vertebr£e; calculi of kidneys, ureter, bladder and prostate, and those of the hepatic duct and gall bladder are demonstrable. The size, shape and position of the liver are easily studied by the rays, and abscess, when present, is revealed. Biliary calculi are difficult to show in the picture and much de- pends on their composition, but in recent years the difficulties have been successfully overcome. Hydronephrosis and cysts of the kidney fiave been demonstrated. THE ROENTGEN BAY IN DIAGNOSIS 351 Fig. 86— Aneurysm. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Baetjer. THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS •A5'S Fig. 87 — Aneurysm of Aorta. Johns Hopkins Hospital, F. H. Baetjer. THE ROENTGEN RAY IN DIAGNOSIS. 355 but it is in calculi of these organs that the pictures are of paramount usefulness, since the absence from a good plate of indications of their existence justifies a negative diagnosis in most cas'es. Ureteral and vesical calculi also can be skiagraphed. The Rontgen ray diagnosis of renal calculi is more satisfactory in children than in adults. The most important factors are the size and composition of the stone, the size of the subject tinder examination, and the condition of the kidney, according to Smart. He says that pure uric acid stones are the most difficult to detect ; pure phosphatic stones ranking next. A combination of uric acid with phosphate or oxalate of calcium is more easily detected, while pure oxalate stones are the most opaque to the rays. Occasionally a collection of pus or induration of the organ may obscure the shadow. I'he intestines of the subject should be well emptied by enemas and purgatives, and all: clothing removed from the parts of the body which are to appear in; the negative. Breathing should be restricted by an abdominal binder in the case of children, as the movements of the kidneys interfere with the sharp- ness of the pictures. Adults may be placed face downwards on a canvas cot, the weight of the body being sufficient to limit the respira- tory excursions. In this case the tube is placed under the cot, and the plate on the patient's back, as before described. Both kidneys and both ureters should be included in the picture. In case of doubt, the exposure should be repeated a few days later, the conditions being as nearly similar as possible. Foreign bodies in any part of the abdomen are easily located, especially if metallic, as nails, tacks, coins and the Murphy button.. INDEX Abdomen, 255 alterations of, 255 anatomy of, 256 auscultation, 256, 264 enlargements, 260 causes of, 260 general considerations, 255 inspection, 259, 280 methods of examining, 259 palpation, 261 percussion, 262, 280 planes of reference, 256 shape of, 239, 271 topography, 256 tumors of, 275, 277 retraction of, 260 Abdomina'l pain, 262 Abscess of fauces, loi of liver, 281, 283 of lung, 132, 140 Absorption, gastric, 304 Acetic acid, 298 detection of, 301 Acetonuria, 324 Achromatophilic, 238 Acids in gastric contents, 300 acetic, 245 detection of, 300 butyric, 300 hydrochloric, 296 estimation of, 301 lactic, 298 detection of, 300 Acidity, total gastric, 300 Addison's disease, 254, 302 Adherent pericardium, 195 Adventitious sounds, 81, 176 Alar chest, 31 Albumin, 317 coagulation test, 319 Heller's test for, 318 Potassium ferro-cyanide test for, 318 Albuminuria, 199, 317 cyclic, 317 lesions causing, 317 Albumoses, 303 test for, 303 Amylolysis, 303 Amoeba coli, 341 Anacrotic pulse, 65 Anaemia — in Addison's disease, 254 dyspnoea of, 100 in .gastric carcinoma, 250 m Hodgkin's disease, 254 pernicious, 250 in purpura, 254 splenic, 251 Anatomy of aorta, 228 of chest, 27 of heart, 159- Anasarca, cardiac, 211, 294 general, 294 Aneurysm, 228 of ascending aorta, 230 Bramwell's classification, 230 of descending arch, 231 differential diagnosis, 232 of innominate, 232 physical signs, 229 pressure symptoms, 230 special diagnostic symptoms, 232, 23s Smith's sign, 232 thoracic, 228, 231 of transverse arch, 231 tracheal tug, 232 x-ray diagnosis of, 49, 349 Aneurysmal bruit, 230 thrill, 230 Amphoric breathing, 8t resonance, 75 voice, 8s Aorta, anatomy of, 36 Aorta area, 183 associated murmurs, 212 358 INDEX Aorta— incompetency, 183, 186 mechanism of, 210 murmurs of, 185 physical sign, 211 notch, 66 obstruction, 183 stenosis, 186, 214 diagnosis of, 216 stenosis and incompetency, 217 mechanism of, 217 physical signs of, 217 thrill, 215 Apex of heart, 160 method of locating, 55, 162 Area of absolute cardiac dullness, 37, 167 Arhythmia, 58 Apoplexy, pulmonary, 139 Appendicitis, 260, 276 palpation in, 271 diagnosis of, 278 physical signs of, 276, 378 leucocytosis in, 240 tumor in, 279 varieties, 276 Arterial murmurs, 62 Ascites, 294 causes, 294 hepatic cirrhosis, 285 in hepatic cancer, 285 diagnosis of, 295 Associated cardiac murmurs, 179, 212 Asthma — ■ bronchial, no cardiac, 214 renal, no Atrophy of optic nerve, 89 Auscultation, 76 of heart, 170 immediate, 76 mediate, 76 of voice, 84 Auscultatory percussion, 26 Axillary regions, 33, 42 boundaries, 33 contents, 42 divisions, 34 B Bacelli's sign, 86, 121 Bacteria of bronchiectasis, 113 of broncho-pneumonia, 136 in gastric carcinoma, 305 of pneumonia, 134 in urine, T 336 Barirel chest, 30 causes of, 30 Basophiles, 238 Bell sound, 86 in pneumothorax, 86 Bellows murmur, 291 Bile pigment in urine, 324 Gmelin'S: test for, 324 Bizzozero's plaques, 236 Bladder, 290 Boas-Oppler bacillus, 305 Boas' test meal, 298 test for HCl, 299 Blood, exarnination of, 236 in abdominal diseases, 255 in Addison's disease, 254 in chlorosis, 249, 252 corpuscles of, 237, 238 counting'' apparatus, 241 diluting fluids, 244 films, 246 fixation of, 246 in gastric carcinoma, 305 haemoglobin of, 249 in Hodgkin's disease, 254 in intestinal obstruction, 274 in lobar pneumonia, 135 in lymphatic leukaemia, 251 malarial organism of, 248 normal elements of, 236 nucleated red cells of, 237 in pericarditis, 241 in pernicious anaemia, 252 in phthisis, 157, 254 plaques of, 236 in pneumonia, 135 preparations, 246 in purpura, 254 in splenic leukaemia, 251 in spleno-meduUary leukaemia, 241, 251 staining,: 247 in stool, 274 technique; 246 test for presence of, 331 INDEX 359 "Blood- in urine, 331 color imparted to, 332 Breathing — (see also Respiration) absent, 79 amphoric, 81, 153 bronchial, "J"}, 79, 119, 151 broncho- vesicular, 49, 78, 80, 119, 130, 148 cavernous, 80, 152 diminished, 79 in pneumonia, 130 in phthisis, I48 ptierile, 78 supplemental, 78, 1 30 tracheal, TJ tubular, 49, 77, 131 types, 48 vesicular, 78 Broadbent's sign, 195 Bronchi, division of, 41 Bronchial stenosis, 114 asthm.a, no Bronchiectasis, ill, 145 ditiferential diagnosis, 114 physical signs, 112 v varieties, in, 145 Bronchitis, 106 acute, 106 capillary, 107 chronic, 108 physical signs of, 106, 107 sputum of, 107 Broncho-pneumonia, 136 diagnosis of, 139 from acute tuberculosis, 139 physical signs, 138 terminations, 137 tuberculous, 143 physical signs of, 144 Bronchophony, 85 in bronchiectasis, 113 in broncho-pneumonia, 138 in pleurisy, 122 in pneumonia, 131 in pulmonary tuberculosis, 151 whispered, 86 Bruit, aneurysmal, 230 de cuir neuf, 191 de diable, 61 Bruit— de galop, 191, 225 in phthisis; 148 de souffle, 212, 291 Butyric acid, detection of, 300 Cancer, gastrici 250, 269 diagnosis from liver enlargement, 286 hepatic, 284" of rectum, 282, 338 Canter rhythm, 191, 225 Calculi, diagnosis by x-ray, 355 intestinal, 272, 282 Capillary pulse, 63 Caput Medusffi,: 60, 294 in atrophic cirrhosis, 285 Carbohydrates, 320 in urine, 326 Carcinoma, gastric, 250, 269 acetone in, 324 of liver, 284 rectal, 282, 338 urine in, 325 Cardiac cycle, 159 changes in,^ 189 defects, congenital, 222 diastole, 159 dullness, Z7t 167 impulse, displaced, 168 normal, i6g lesions, ordier of frequency, 178, 221 in tuberculosis, 151 murmurs, 177 (see Murmurs) systole, 159- valves, location of, 160, 174 reduplication, 176 sounds of, 174 Cardiac orifice of stomach, 46, 266 Cardio-respiratory murmur, 187 Case — records, 19 value of, 19 taking, 20 Casts, 333 bacterial, 336: blood, 332, 334 epithelial, 335 fatty, 335 fibrinous, 94 360 INDEX Casts — granular, 335 hyaline, 334 P"S, 335 urinary, 333 Cataract, go Catarrh, intestinal, 272 Cavities, 145 Cells, behavior to dyes, 238 mast, 238 Chemical dyspnoea, 100 Chest, adult, 28 alar, 31 alterations produced by disease, 48 anatomy, 32 barrel, 30 emphysematous, 30 infant, 27 funnel breast, 30 landmarks of, 34 normal, description of, 47 pigeon breast, 29 paralytic, 31, 116 phthisical, 31 rhachitic, 29 regions of, 32 transverse constriction of, 29 types of, 29 Chautard's acetone test, 324 Chill, 132 Chlorosis, 60 Cholelithiasis, 67 Cholera, stools of, 341 Cholesterin in pneumonia, 135 Choroiditis; 88 Clavicle, relation to ribs, 41 Clubbing of fingers, toes, 104, 112, 157, 223 causes of, 105 Coin ring, 86, 128 Colic, abdominal, 274 hepatic, 276 intestinal, 279 renal, 276, 279 Colitis, membranous, 273 Coloptosis, 280 Concretions, bronchial, 146 pulmonic, 146 Congenital heart diseases, 222 Constipation, 84, 270, 337 Consumption, 143 (see Tuberculosis) Cor Bovinum, 163 Corpuscles, fed, 237 counting, 243 ■white, 238 Corrigan pulse, 58 Corset wearing, effects of. 260 Cough, 91 in aneurysm, 230, 234 in bronchiectasis, 24 causes of, 91 characteristics of, 92, 133 dry, 91 moist, glj 93 paroxysmal, 107 stomach,, 91 sympathetic, 92 varieties, 91 whooping, 92 Cracked pot sound, 75, 121, 131, 132, 152 Crenation, 237 Crepitans reflux, 132 Crepitation, 86 gall stone, 27s Crepitus, 86. Crescents, 249 Crook's tubes, 342 Croupous pneumonia, 129 Crystals, Charcot-Leyden, 94 in leuksfemia, 251 Curschmann's spirals, 94, 11 1 Cyanosis, IS3, 223 causes, 104 chronic,* 104 congenital, 103 relation, to dyspnoea, 104 Cyrtometer, gi Cystin, 329 Cytometer, Thoma-Zeiss, 241 D Daland's hsematocrit, 245 Dare's h^emoglobinometcr. 253 Deglutition pneumonia, 136 Dexiocardia, 164 Diabetes mellitus, 321 Diaceturia, 324 significance, 324 INDEX 1 361 Diaceturia — test for, 324 Diagnosis defined, iS importance of, 22 methods, 17, 19 x-ray in, 342 Diaphragm, 32 anatomy of, 32, 42 in emphysema, 109 height of domes, 32, 37 openings in, 42 Diarrhoea, 338 Diastolic murmurs, 206 Diazo reaction of Ehrlich, 325 Dicrotic notch, 65 wave, 64 Digestion products, 302 Digiti Hippocratici, 104, 112 Dilatation, cardiac, 223 Diplococcus pneumonise, 134 examining for, 134 Direct murmurs, 184 Divisions of bronchi, 41 Donne's test for pus, 315 Doremus' ureometer, 313 Dropsy, (see Ascites) Dry pericarditis, 190 Ductus arteriosis, patent, 222 in heart diseases, 222 Dullness, definition of, 72 Dysentery, 280 agglutination test for, 281 bacteriology, 280 differential diagnosis, 281 stools of, 341 varieties, 280 Dyspncea, 99 anaemic, 100 aneurysmal, 230, 233 of bronchial stenosis, 115 causes of, 99 cardiac, 99, 214 chemical, 100 classification, 100 expiratory, lOo \ inspiratory, 100, iii, 130 laryngeal, 99, 1 10 mechanical, 100 .nervous, loi of pulmonary embolus, 140 pai-oxysmal, 103, 115 Dyspnoea — ■ of pneumonia, loi, 130, 133 physical signs of, 100 renal, 103 of tuberculosis, 156 Eberth's bacillus, 340 Echo, amphoric, 87 Echinococcus, 285 Effusion, pleuritic, 117 point for tapping, 34 Egophony, 85, 119, 131 Ehrlich's diazo reaction, 157, 325 triacid stain, 247 Eichhorst's pulse scale, 55 corpuscles, 250 Elastic tissue, test for, 154 Ellis' curve, 118 Embolism of pulmonary artery, 139. diagnosis of, r40 physical signs of, 140 Embryocardia, 225 Emphysema, 108 compensatory, 108 diagnosis of, 109 physical signs of, 108 varieties, 108 Emphysematous chest, 30, 108 causes of, 30 Endocarditis, acufe, 226 malignant, causes of, 226 symptoms of, 227 simple, causes of, 226 symptoms, 226 Endocardial murmurs, 176 Ensiform cartilage, 41 variations in, 41, 260 Enteroliths, 341 Enteroptosis, 280 Eosinophiles, 238 in leukaemia, 251 Epigastric pulsation, 163, 206 significance of, 163 region, 41 Epileptics, pulse rite of, 57 Erythrocytes, 236 Ethereal sulphates, 31S Ewald's test meal, 297 salol test, 305 Ewart's sign, 193 362 INDEX -Exocardial murmurs, "n .Expectoration, 93 amount, 93 of bronchitis, 107 of pneumonia, 133 of phthisis, 154 varieties, 93 (see also Sputum) J^'ecccs, 337 acholic, 340 blood in, 274, 338 in cholera, 340 in colitis, 273 composition, 337 consistency, 338 in diarrhoea, 340 in dysentery, 341 gall stones in, 341 gases of, 340 inspection, 337 in intestinal catarrh, 273 odor, 338 palpation for accumulations, 280 reaction, 339 quantity, 339 in typhoid, 340 .Taecal accumlilations, 280 signs of, 2S0 False murmurs, 187 Fehling's glucose test, 322 Fever in broncho-pneumonia, 137 in hsemoptysis, 96 hectic, 153 in phthisis, 153 in pneumonia, 132 in pulmonary abscess, 132 pulse rise in, 56 Fixation of blood films, 246 Flatness defined, 72, 75 Fleischer's gastric motor test, 304 Flint's murmur, 212 vesiculo-tympany, 119 Fluctuation, 262 circumscribed, 262 Fluoroscope, 342 FcEtal heart sounds, 291 Possa, 34 infraspinous, 34 supraclavicular, 33 Fossa — ■ supraspinous, 34 Friction sounds, 83, 177, 190, 194, 262 diagnosis of, 84 Friedreich's sign, 195 Fremitus, ^2 abdominal, 262, 264 cardiac,- 166 diminished, 53 factors of, 52 friction, 54, 130 normal,! 54 pericardial, 190 pleural, 116 in pneumonia, 53, 130 rhonchikl, 54, no, 112, 152 tactile, 52 tussile, 54 variations, S3 vocal, 84 Funnel breast, 30 causes, 30 Q Gall bladder, 41, 275 enlargements of, 42 palpation of, 42, 275 Gall stone disease, 275, 341 differential diagnosis, 276 Galloping consumption, 143 rhythm, 191, 208 Gangrene, intestinal, 281 pulmonary, 132 Gastrectasia, 269 Gastric carcinoma, 250, 269 lactic acid in, 305 Gastric contents, examination of, 296 absorption, 304 test for, 304 acetic acid in, 298, 300 acid salts of, 302 Boas' test for, 299 Boas-Oppler bacillus in, 305 butyric acid in, 298, 300 smell of, 300 test for, 300 chemical examination of, 300 digestion products, 302 free acid, 296 free HGl, 296 estimation of, 301 juice, 296 INDEX 363 'Gastric contents — lactic acid in, 297 after test breakfast, 298 test for, 300 microscopic examination, 305 motor function, 304 mucus, 305 organic acids, 299 test for, 300 pepsin, 303 reaction, 29S rennin, 304 sarcinse, 305 total acidity, 300 Gastroxynsis, 297 •Gigantoblasts, Ehrlich's, 250 Glucose, 320 Fehling's test for, 322 Maine's test for, 322 Phenylhydrazin test, 322 Robert's test for, 323 Trommer's test for, 321 precautions, 321 Gmelin's test, bile pigment, 324 Gollash's dye, 248 Gonococcus, 336 ■Gower's fluid, 244 haemoglobinometer, 252 Glycosuria, 320 qualitative test for, 322 quantitative test, 321 significance, 320 (see also Glucose) H Hsematemesis, 60, 272 Haematocrit, Daland's, 245 Hematuria, 332 Hasmic mu'rmurs, 177 Haemocytometer, 241 Turck's rulings, 244 Haemoglobin, 249 in chlorosis, 249 estimation of, 252 in gastric carcinoma, 250 in leukaemia, 251 in pernicious anaemia, 250 in septic infections, 250 , Haemoglobinometer, Dare's, 253 Gower's, 252 Tallquist's, 252 Haemopericardium, 198 Haemoptysis, 95 in bronchiectasis, 114 causes, 95 character of, 96 diagnosis, 97 from haematemesis, 97, 9 in embolus, 140 in emphysema, no in gastric carcinoma, 270 in mitral diseases, 199 in phthisis, 155 recurrent, 96, 97 symptoms, ^6 vicarious, 96 Haemorrhage, intestinal, 98 retinal, 89 Haine's glucose test, 322 Harrison's sulcus, 29 Hazer's coefficient, 312 Heart, diseases of — absolute dullness of, 37, 169 anatomy of, 159 apex impact, 160 areas, 162, 167, 168 dilatation, 199, 223 physical signs of, 225 displacements: of, 164 causes of, 164 in emphysema, 109 fatty, 225 fibroid, 226 hypertrophy, 223 causes, 224 pseudo, 163 murmurs, 177 causes of, 177 location of, 180 time of, 179 percussion areas, 166 decreased, 169 displaced, 169 increased, 169 physical examination of, 161 physiology, IS9 rate, IS9 reduplication, 176 sounds, 170 altered, 174 adventitfous, 176 element^ of, 171 364 INDEX Heart — ■ normal, 170 over cavities, 152 reduplication of, 166, 176, 207 (see also Cardiac) Heaving, aneurysmal, 229 Hectic, 153 Heller's albumin test, 318 Hepatization of lung, 129, 131 Herpes in pneumonia, 132 Hiatus diaphragmaticus, 46 Histologic sediment of urine, 330 History taking, 21 Hippocratic succussion, 86, 128 in pneumothorax, 128 Hodgkin's disease, 254 Hydrochloric acid, 296 in gastric contents, 298 qualitative test for, 299 quantitative test for, 301 significance, 302 tests for, 299 Flydropericardium, 197 Hydropneumothorax, 125 Hyperchlorhydria, 297 Hyperleucocytosis, 240 Hyperresonance, 74 Hypertrophy, cardiac, 223 causes, 224 Hypobromite solution, 313 Hypoleucytosis, 240 Hyperostosis of Marie, 112 Inframammary — right, 38 Infrascapjjilar region, 34 contents, 45 Infraspinous fossa, 34 Inorganic murmurs, 177 Inspection, 47 rules for, 47 in intestinal diseases, 271 Insufficiency, aortic, 183, 186 mitral, 198 pulmonary, 220 tricuspid, 217, 219 Intermittent venous murmurs, 63 Interscapular region, 34, 45 boundaries, 45 contents, 45 Intestine, : 270 catarrh of, 272 glands of, 270 large,: anatomy of, 279 diseases of, 270 obstruction of, 273 perforation, signs of, 278 small, 270 anatomy of, 270 diseases of, 270 special symptoms, 270 ulcer of, 276 Intussusception, 274 Iodoform test, Fleischer's, 304 lodophilia, 239 Ileus, 273 Incisura of lung, 45 Indirect murmurs, 184 Indol, 315 in intestinal obstruction, 315 in peritonitis, 315 Indican in urine, 274 significance of, 315 test for, 265, 315 Inferior axillary region, 34 contents, 45 Infraclavicular space, 33, ;}6 boundaries, 33 contents, 36 Inframammary region, ^;i boundaries, 33 contents, left, 37 Jenner's stain, 24S K Kidneys, 43, 289 anatohiy, 45, 289 enlargements of, 289 movable, 290 palpatixin, 289 percussion areas, 289 physical examination of, 289 tumors of, 290 Klemperer's gastro-motor test, 304 Koch's CQma bacillus, 340 L Lactic acid, 300 in gastric contents, 300 Ufflerfiann's test for, 300 INDEX 365 Laennec's purring tremor, i66 perles, 94 Landmarks of thorax, 33, 34 of ribs, 34 Laryngoscope, 87 diagnosis by, 88 Larynx, ulcer of, 88 hsemorrhage from, 98 Laryngeal breath sounds, loi stenosis, 99 dyspnoea, 99 Laryngismus stridulus, 104 Lavaran's Plasmodium, 248 Leadworker's pulse, 57, 67 Leo's test for acidity, 302 Leucocytes, 236 basophilic, 239 classification, 239 ' counting, 244 eosinophilic, 239 large mononuclear, 239 neutrophiles, 239 normal number, 239 polynuclear, 239 in pernicious anaemia, 250 in pulmonary tuberculosis, 254 reaction to iodine, 239 'small mononuclear, 239 Leucocytosis, 237, 240 absence of, 240 basophilic, 240 causes of, 240 eosinophilic, 240 experimental, 240 inflammatory, 240 in malignant disease, 240 pathologic, 240 pneumonic, 135 post hjemorrhagic, 240 physiologic, 240 therapeutic, 240 toxic, 240 Leucin in urine, 329 Leukaemia, 251 diagnosis of, 252 lymphatic, 251 splenomedullary, 251 Line — mammary, 33 midaxillary, 34 midclavicular, 33 Line — midscapular, 34 parasternal, 33 Lithogenous biliary catarrh, 27s Litten's phenomenon, 147, 195 Liver, 282 abscess, 281 symptoms of, 283 acute yellowr atrophy, 285 alterations of position, 283 anatomy of, 37, 76 amyloid, 284 borders of, 38, 76, 282 in atrophy, 285 cancer of, 284 changes in size, 2^3 in amyloid, 284 cirrhosis, atrophic, 285 hypertrophic, 284, 294, 318 cysts of, 295 displacements, 283, 286 enlargements, 275 echinococcus* 285 fatty infiltration, 284 hyperaemia of, 283 lymphadenomata, 285 normal boundaries, 38, 76, 282 nodules, 284 pulsation, 62| 164, igp, 218, 283 syphilis of, 285 Lobar pneumonia, 129 bacteriology, 134 blood changes in, 135 diagnosis, 13-5 special sympfoms, 132 terminations, 132 Lungs — abscess of, 95, 132 altered sounds, 78 anatomy of, 45 apex areas, 35 auscultation, 76 blood from, 96 borders of, 45, 7s cirrhosis, 294 collapse of, 114 conditions causing cough, 91 causing clubbing, 105 consolidation, 149 expansion, types of, 48 in embolism, 139 366 INDEX Lungs — gangrene of, 132 hepatization of, 131, 140, 143 inspection, 47 lobes of, 39 outlines of, 75 oedema of, 135, 141 diagnosis, 135 palpation, 52 percussion, 70 percussion note, 71 changes in, 73 in pericarditis, 193 in pleurisy, 121 compression of, 121 in pneumothorax, 125 relation to clavicle, 35, 75 to pleura, 45 to sternum, 38 to thorax, 75 retractions, 151 symptoms pointing to, 20 Ludwig's angina, 100 Lymphocytes, 238 in Hodgkin's disease, 254 in leukemia, 252 M McBurney's point, 277 Macroblasts, 236 Macrocytes, 236 Malarial organism, 248 Mast cells, 238, 252 in leukaemia, 252 Mammary region, 31 boundary, 31 contents, 37 line, 31 Mechanical aids to diagnosis, 63, Mechanical dyspnoea, lOO Meconium, 340 Mediastinal growths, 99, 235 diagnosis from aneurysm, 169, from cardiac hypertrophy, Megaloblasts, 237 Medical anatomy, 32 Megalocytes, 236 in pernicious anaemia, 250 Meningeal disease, influence on 57 Mensuration, 51 Metallic tiflkle, 86, 127. 153 in intestinal obstruction, 274 Microblasts, 237 Microcytes, 236, 250 Microscope — findings in faeces, 341 in' stomach, 305 in urine, 330 Midaxillary line, 34 Midclavicular line, 33 Midscapur3r line, 34 Mitral area, 181 incompetency, 198 diagnosis of, 203 rrffechanism of, 198 physical signs of. 198 incompetency and stenosis, 20,. 305 336 solids of, 312 significance of diminution, 312 specific gravity; 311 spermatozoa in, 336 sugar in, 320 374 INDEX Urine — ■ sulphuric acid in, 315 sulphates in, 315 transparency, 312 in typhoid, 247 tyrosin in, 330 in tuberculosis, 157 urates in, 327 urea in, 313 Hartley's method, 314 uric acid in, 315 uric acid calculi, 327 Urinometer, 311 Uterus, 290 enlargements of, 291 impregnated, 291 physical examination of, 293 tumors of, 292 V Valentine's stethoscope, 24 Valves, cardiac, 160 areas, 174 aortic, insufficiency of, 183, 186 stenosis of, 186, 214 cardinal points for, 174 congenital diseases of, 222 differentiation of sounds, 174 insufficiency, 178 isolation of, 173 location of, 173 mitral, insufficiency of, 19S stenosis of, 184, 204 names of, 160 pulmonary, insufficiency of, 220 stenosis of, 220 tricuspid, insufficiency, 185, 217 stenosis, 178 Valvular lesions of tuberculosis, 151 Vascular phenomena, 59 of aortic insufficiency, 63 venous, 59 Veins, enlargement of, 59, 165 conditions causing, 59 significance of, 59, 165 Venous engorgement, 60, 192 murmurs,; 61 pulsatior;s, 59, 165, 100. 218 in phthisis, 61 time of, 61 transmitted, diagnosis of, 60 as sign of tricuspid reglirgita- tion, 61 Ventricles, thickness of, 223 Vesicular breathing, 78 percussion note, 71 Vesicnlo-tympany, 71, T09 Vocal resonance, altered, 84 normal, 84 Voice, amphoric, 85 auscultation, 84 cavernous, 153 in pneumothorax, 127 in phthisis, 153 whispered, 85 Volvulus, 274 Vomit, stercoraceous, 274 W Water hammer pulse, 58 Whisper resonance, 86 Whooping cough, 92 dyspncea of, 99 Wintrich's changed note, 152 Xiphoid cartilage, 41 m