CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. THE CHARLES WILLIAM WASON COLLECTION ON CHINA AND THE CHINESE __ Cornell University Library DS S07.N87 ^^' iitlSffiJf. Jflngtlom and the land of the 3 1924 023 517 737 '^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. A J 1^ ;>,<3 ---^ i fI ^i^^x iirAi HON. JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG. PRINCE KUNG, CHINA. HE FLOWERY KINGDOM AND The band of the /Vlil(ddo OR CHINA, JAPAN AND COREA CONTAINING THEIR COMPLETE HISTORY DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME; MANNERS, CUSTOMS AND PECULIARITIES OP THE PEOPLE; SUPERSTITIONS; IDOL WORSHIP; INDUSTRIES ; NATURAL SCENERY, ETC., ETC. TOGETHER WITH A GRAPHIC ACCOUNT OF THE WAR BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN, ITS CAUSES, LAND AND NAVAL BATTLES, ETC., ETC. By henry davenport NORTHROP, Author of "Charming Bible Stories" "Peerless Reciter," etc., etc. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HON. JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG, LA.TE j3lMIGRICA.N" MINISTER TO THE COURT OF' CHUsTA.. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH MANY SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS. AMEEICAI^ BOOK CON^CERIf, CLEVELAND. OHIO. ^tllKi? t., I- JNivph'^n Y Dssm t4tn Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1894, by J. R. JONES, In the OiBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. All Rights Reserved. PREFACE. THE Continent of Asia is waking up from the sleep of ages. Japan is thrilled by the dawning light of Western civilization. China is learning that the world moves, and she must shake off the lethargy of centuries and take her place in the grand march of nations. Corea is suddenly stirred with a new life and becomes a central figure in the great drama of the Orient. Public interest in America and Europe is aroused, and all intelligent persons are eager to obtain information concerning these Oriental countries from the most reliable sources. This information is contained in this volume. BOOK I treats of the History of China from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Dating back to the earliest dawn of history, China has outlived all the great nations of ancient times, and is a living Empire to-day. No other nation in the world has such a record. Against the flood that has swept mighty kingdoms into oblivion, China has stood like an immovable rock. She is the wonder and the miracle among the august Empires of the East. The reader traces her surprising growth, her conquests and her power at a period when " time was young." He sees the rise and fall of brilliant dynasties, while one Emperor after another appears upon the checkered scene, each of whom is invested with the proud title of " The Son of Heaven." He reads the graphic story of the Han Rulers, who, in arms and conquests, are worthy to be ranked with Roman Caesars. He learns why, for more than 2000 years, the Chinese have been proud to call themselves the " Children of Han." Then comes the Mongolian conquest. With tramping legions, with dashing steeds and gleaming spears, the Northern hordes sweep down upon the plains of the "Flowery Kingdom." The panorama of startling events moves on, and we are brought to the dynasty by which China is governed at the present time. The Manchus ascended the " Dragon Throne," and still sway their sceptre over nearly 400,000,000 of the human race. The History of China within the present century is read with eager interest. With the record of other great crises, a masterly and thrilling account is given of the famous Taeping Rebellion. Suddenly a young- English officer appears upon the scene. The world knows him now as the celebrated " Chinese Gordon," who per- formed miracles of valor and conquest. Fertile in resources, brave and magnetic, silent and stern, unyielding as granite, his story reads like that of the renowned old heroes of classic fable. All lands are filled with his dazzling fame. This is followed by an account of Prince Kung and the Regency, and the history closes, with the reign of the present Emperor. Then comes a full description of China and its people. The gorgeous splendors of iii iv PREFACE. the Emperor's Court and Palace are vividly pictured — the mystery that surrounds him, the vast power he wields, the princes and nobles that attend upon him, the curious ceremonies of his marriage, the awe with which his subjects prostrate themselves before him, the palatial magnificence, the life of the Empress and the disdain for foreign sovereigns. BOOK II contains a complete account of Japan and the Japanese. Japan is the rising star among the nations of the Orient. The rapid strides she has made in the last thirty years have surprised the civilized world. Almost at a single bound she has taken rank among the enlightened nations of the earth. The reader discovers the charm of her ancient history and the halo of renown that surrounds her Valiant Heroes and Famous Rulers. He reads the account of her old Feudal System ; the grand achievements of her powerful Tycoons and Daimios ; the might and majesty of her Emperors, and the heroic deeds of her brave armies. Japan is the " Land of the Rising Sun ; " she is set like a gem in the sea. Her harbors invite the commerce of the world. Her soil is rich; her natural scenery delights the eye of the traveller; she is wonderfully endowed by nature for the products of agriculture and the beauty of flower, field and forest. The vivid descrip- tions of her coasts and harbors, her headlands and landscapes, and likewise of her myriad Temples, her Palatial Residences, her old Castles and fragrant Gardens, present such a picture as only the far-famed Orient can furnish. This volume is especially rich and entertaining in its descriptions of Life among the Japanese. The reader obtains a delightful view of the ancient city of Kioto, the former Capital. He wanders through the crowded streets of the great city of Tokio ; he is taken into the homes of the people and is made acquainted with their peculiar charac- teristics ; their habits of daily life ; their modes of dress ; their social customs, including marriages and funerals ; their endless amusements, and charming festivals. The curtain is lifted from the Court of the Mikado and he is made acquainted with the grand State Ceremonies, the singular rules of Royal Etiquette, the gorgeous Dress of Officials, the brilliant Maids of Honor, and the loyal respect shown to the Emperor and Empress. The story of the Tycoons is fully told, with that of the Revo- lution of 1868, by which they were swept from power. Tremendous changes since this memorable period mark the History of Japan. BOOK III contains a full description of Corea, the " Hermit Kingdom," and furnishes a concise account of the war between China and Japan. The causes of the Great Conflict are stated, and an accurate estimate of the two armies is given — ^their numbers, discipline, equipments and the ability of their Commanders. The rapid move- ments of the Japanese Army, its brilliant achievements at Ping-Yang, and the Great Naval Battles are fully described. The whole course of stirring events is traced, and the reader sees the rolling battle-clouds and hears the shock of contending legions. This account of China, Japan and Corea is a most captivating story. It is tinged with the golden colors of the Orient. .The subjects which it treats are of great interest, as forces are at work in Asia which cannot fail to affect the destiny of the whole world. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. By Hon. JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG, Latd American INd^iiiister to the Court of Ohina. THE following pages will present to tlie reader a clear and eloquent narra- tive of two nations which now occupy the attention of the civilized world. Unhappily this interest is awakened by the fearful penalty of war. In such a war Americans have no thought, but that it may end in a lasting peace. There are no real points of difference between China and Japan. They belong to the same race — they have no antagonisms invok- ing the arbitration of the world. Divided, they become the prey of the ravening Western powers which, for two centuries, have rended Asia, making implaca- ble warfare upon venerable civilizations. Those who study the progress of this unhappy war' will read in the pages of this volume many interesting lessons as to its probable effect upon our civilization. I have had occasion to recite some observations and experiences on this theme, which I may, in a measure, repeat as my best thought upon the larger consequences of the war and the influence which China, no matter what the outcome of the contest with Japan, cannot fail to impress upon the destinies of Asia, and perhaps the Western world. And in this connection it is well to remember that two events in the Christian era stand out from all others as the most momentous of modern history — the overrunning of Asia and the invasion of Europe in the thirteenth century by Genghis Khan, and in the fourteenth century by Timur, or Tamer- lane. These conquerors came from the same Tartar race which now governs the Chinese Empire. Genghis was a son of a small chief, who lived beyond the Great Wall, the head of one of those nomadic tribes which still lead a semi-pastoral, semi- warlike life on the endless stretches of Mongolia. He was to conquer and bring under suzerainty Northern China, overrun Persia, and invade Russia, going as far as the Dnieper. Timur was the descendant of Genghis Khan. A century later Timur crossed the Tigris, captured Delhi, Damascus, Baalbec, and, marching his standards to the very gates of Moscow, cut a wider swath in his conquests than any warrior of modern times. These invasions were sue- vi INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. cessful because their leaders commanded myriads of soldiers of a warlike temperament and had inexhaustible sources from which to recruit their armies. We have been confronted with no such movement in recent days for the reason that China, secure in herself, has lapsed into the ways of peace. She has put aside the spear and taken up the pruning hook — is content to spin and fish, to dig and delve. We have not disturbed the dormant mammoth. There has been no modern diplomacy so daring as to provoke, to the last energies of despair, the power which marched under the Tartar's ruthless lead. There have been other invasions, world-changing, and effacing the growths of ages — the taking of Constantinople, the rise of the Ottoman power, the Empire of Charlemagne, the Napoleonic episode — but no such desolating, continent- sweeping conquest as when the warriors of the race which now govern China menaced the capital of Russia and seized the capital of Hindostan. This lamentable contest between China and Japan is the first serious conflict that China has known in modern times. There have been opium, Tonquin and other small, despicable wars forced upon China for mercenary purposes — to acquire territory, exact indemnities or crystallize a majority in the House of Commons. China has dealt with them as the respectable house- keeper in the Scottish lowlands dealt with Rob Roy and the freebooters. He made his best terms with the thieves and bade them return to their thievery and leave him the remainder in peace. The situation changes. China and Japan are of the same race. We know that there is no animosity so unrelenting as that between kinsmen. China might bow to the guns of Europe, and return to her drifting, silent, peace loving life. It will be different as regards Japan. This must be in its most deplorable sense an internecine war. However or whenever it may end, the outcome can only be the disintegration of China by Russia, aided perhaps by France, or a vendetta between China and Japan to last for centuries, with consequences not to be contemplated without sorrow by those who love Japan for her beauty, her art and the charm of her sincere, gentle, exquisite ways. Apart from this consideration, however, which affects the combatants alone, there is a thought inspired by a remembrance of what the Tartars did in other days under the lead of Genghis Khan. For centuries China, so far as the outer world is concerned, has lain at peace — repellant to what we call our civilization— wanting in enterprise, her people following the paths of their fathers, silent, indifferent, perhaps contemptuous of mankind. The more than four hundred millions who compose the Empire — compact, integral, bound together by laws, customs, literature and faith, their ceremonies ordained a thousand years before Christ — have not for centuries troubled Christendom. A territory as large as that of the United States, with every variety of INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. vii climate and the finest of water systems. A soil as rich as that of France. The rivers and seas teem with fish. Her rice and fish alone enable her to support a population that may be estimated at one-fourth or more, probably one-third, of the human race. To compel the transformation of a people so great in the inherent resources of power from the ways of peace to the ways of war, is to assume a responsibility whose gravity it is impossible to over- estimate. This apathy of China has been explained upon many grounds, mainly fanciful. She is the first nation, heathen though she be, to accept the divine admonition that peace on earth should be the highest aim of human endeavor. So, while civilized States, living under the accepted sacred light of Christian truth, have undergone centuries of throatcutting and pillage until it has become a canon of our ethics that war is the natural state of man, that war must have its season for the good of society, that the generation is barren which knows no war, China has remained at peace. Not only has she remained at peace, but she has taught her people that war is a crime, and the profession of arms ungracious and undeserving of honor. This reverses the faith of the Christians since the days when the Caesars won their crowns by the sword. A foolish, heathen fancy, no doubt, but there is a good deal of the New Testament in it, and it has served the higher interests of mankind. For if China, since the Ming dynasty, had been so far " advanced in civilization" as to realize that no god is so deserving of worship as the god of war, history would now tell a different tale. If some modern Tartar ruler, with the genius of Napoleon, had won the people's confidence, shown them the imminent peril of their fine philosophies in the presence of the mad, raging, warring outside world, and, so doing, had armed China, civilization would have had her problem. The Chinaman contains within himself every faculty of the soldier. He is fearless. He does not dread suicide. He has extraordinary endurance. He can march all day upon a portion of rice. With reverence as the basis of his faith, he knows what is so essential to a soldier — the law of obedience. Moreover, the walking frota Moscow to Pekin is good, as the caravans of the present day will' attest. China has had no Napoleon to awaken the memories and possibilities of Genghis Kh'an. If there has been no violent movement as the result of so mighty an inspiration, there has been a slow, steady, glacierlike tendency to edge away from the traditions and give the sword the place it holds among Christian people. This is due to the influence of Li Hung Chang, the Emperor's most powerful subject, and among the first to preach the gospel of war. viii INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. I saw a striking evidence of this change some years ago. It was my duty to make an official visit to Ningpo, and exchange courtesies with the ruling Mandarin, in company with the late Admiral John Lee Davis, then command- ing our squadron in Asia. It was part of this mission to impress our Chinese friends with the strength, and especially the discipline, of the American navy. And where could this be better done than on board of a man-of-war ? When the Mandarin made his visit he inspected the ship and witnessed a drill. The function was finely done, and the Admiral was proud of his brave and skilled men. We returned the visit next day, and were received with fine Chinese ceremony. Admiral Davis paying the Mandarin the compliment of taking with him, in the blaze of full dress uniform, as many of his officers as could be spared. After the tea drinking and gracious speeches, our host tendered Admiral Davis a review of his Chinese soldiery. A battalion was put through the manual of arms. The tactics and word of command were English. The business was perfect, no military performance of that nature more commend- able. I recall the Admiral's astonishment, amounting to chagrin : " To think," he said, " that I should have asked that Chinese Mandarin to look at my people, when his own soldiers could show them how to drill." This incident made a deep impression. There in that quadrangle of Ningpo, visible to the Admiral's keen, professional eyes, was a unit of the force which, under proper conditions, might make a strange dream come true. It was my first evidence of the awakening of the warlike spirit of China, and not only awakened, but trained to the best offices of war. I saw something at that time of Chinese troops at various ports. While in no case was there the perfection of Ningpo, the development of the military art wherever we visited was evident. At some points there were parcels of Bannermen, grotesque, not military, tumbling over one another, guarding some Tartar general. This was the incongruous mass, dumped into semblance of martial form, pensioners, loungers, /who had never felt the real test of war. The Taeping rebellion was little more than one body of Chinese troops falling over another, soldiers pausing in the middle of an action to dine, and resuming hostilities after dinner. Battles were continued like some of those Chinese dramas which require a week for the exemplification of the plot. Matters, however, were advancing with emphasis. The Ningpo incident was a pregnant lesson. There is no reason why the same discipline, the same teaching in the art of war, which sent an American Admiral dazed and grieving out of the quad- rangle at Ningpo, should not, if applied to the Chinese Empire, result in an army as large as the armies of Europe combined. It would be as well armed INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. ix as well drilled, as brave, and more easily handled in the commissary and quarter- master's departments. It would need alone the motive and the leadership to induce such an army to try conclusions with the Asiatic and. European world. War is the science of force against force — mind against mind. There is no reason why a Chinaman may not acquire it. In i860 a French 1 official reported to his government that a few regiments of French troops could conquer China. This was but a generation ago. Tonquin supervened, as Jules Ferry sadly remembered, and in Tonquin we saw the progress that China had made. That forlorn campaign was to the European powers the first glimpse of reawakened China. The world learned that China had divined the futility of matchlocks and calico forts, that she was studying, like the rest of us, the appalling litany of war. To measure the pace of Chinese progress in this sinister doctrine, we have but to compare China as seen by the French officers in i860 — an Empire that could have been ridden down by a few French regiments — and the China which checked France in Tonquin. We have but to turn from th'e shuffling rabble which was wont to guard the Tartar General to the firm, steady lines at Ningpo. We have but to con- trast the discipline of the troops who followed Li Hung Chang and the English General Gordon against the Taepings with the army now under Li's command in the northern provinces. As to the power of this army in battle with Western troops it would be idle to speculate. I presume that its condition is not so good as that of the Japanese army ; that it suffers from lax administration ; from confiding too much to foreigners, who do not show their best side to China ; from an innate, inherited and pious aversion to war. This will yield to severe, consistent discipline. And remember, likewise, that the Chinese are not an " enthusiastic people." Their hearts are not " easily fired." They are not prone to outbursts of public emotion. China moves as a glacier rather than as the volcano or the cyclone. But she moves ! You may defeat her to-day, you may defeat her to-mor- row, you may bombard her Taku forts, you may even land an army, and, marching over the low, alluvial fertile lands of Northern China, spring upon Pekin. What then? You have no more gained the country than by the capture of Boston you would gain the United States. It is like warring upon waves. You may cut and slash and stab, the billows will serry up and roll. It is fighting an impalpable enemy — as if assailing the air or the clouds. Japan victorious, and she would have a country she could neither govern nor hold. Victories again and again repeated could exact from China no more than what China deigned to give — an indernnity, an island, or even an abandon- ment of Corea — which would do China no harm and Japan no good. The vendetta alone would remain. X INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. In the meantime, the awakening Chinese martial spirit is intensified. You give it the truculent motives of hatred and revenge. China learns from Japan the lesson that for two generations we have been trying to blast into her by- cannon and fires — that if she would hold her own with the Christian she must do what Christian nations have done. She must turn aside from the deliberate and the harmonious legends of the God of love and peace, from the Sermon on the Mount, and those pearly heaven-suffused Beatitudes, and, leaving them to missionaries and Sunday-school children, accept the gospel that arms alone are the price of a people's salvation. We have forced China to throw off the sloth of peace and drink the wine of war. Japan will accelerate the process. Where will it end ? What graver menace than a nation armed — a nation that could put twenty millions of men in the field and not feel it as we did the burden of our civil war ? And especially when it is a nation governed by the descendants of the Tartars, from whom came Genghis and Timur. The history of our efforts to press upon China our Western ideas in religion and trade, when we study their consequences, illustrates my meaning. We have been impatient to have China Anglicized — Americanized — one with the Western world. The late Mr. Burlingame, Minister to China during the Lincoln Administration, discussed this question with me, and recited the speech of a wise old mandarin who sat in the ministry of Prince Kung. Burlingame was urging upon the Government the wisdom of China throw- ing herself into the arms of the Western powers. He pointed out, as every American Minister has done since the days of Caleb Cushing, the inestimable advantages that would accrue from the policy of progress. "You Western people," replied the Chinese statesman, " are angry with us, because we do not go ahead. You would have us become in a day as England or the United States. You overlook the unique conditions of our society, the burdens of many ages, the exigencies of ancient and venerated customs, the wants of a teeming population, our inability to meet the crisis which a sudden change in essential matters would impose, not alone upon this population, but upon those who are responsible for its subsistance ; the conservative character of institu- tions which have endured beyond the uttermost limits of your history. You would have us topple over this past, with which for centuries we have been content, unconscious of the blessings you now bring in open hands. You would have us enter at once upon the hurrying channels of Western enter- prise. Now, let me tell you! You are, as I have said, angry. But, if we were to take your advice, you would be angrier still. You complain that we go too slow. You would soon complain, because we were going too fast." Had Mr. Buriingame lived to see the fulfilment of the work to which he gave so much genius and enthusiasm he would have realized, so far as the INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. xi United States was concerned, the prescience of the Chinese statesman. He would have seen the consequences of that Chinese progress, which was his fondly-cherished hope and dream. We remember with what acclaim he was received when he came at the head of his stately embassy. The country rose to him. He was to escort an ancient civilization into the family of nations. It was fitting, as we all felt in our enthusiasm, that the youngest of nations should give the fraternal hand to the oldest. Apart from this sentiment, America saw in the avatar of the Burlingame embassy the solution of so many problems. Surely the heavens were once more on the side of America. We were starving for labor. This hardy, tire- less, intelligent snd industrious people — and so cheap, too — would come and build our railways. They would develop our Pacific Empire. They would open the El Dorado mines and make the fields of California glisten and glow. This opening of a cheap labor supply, at the very time when the Californias needed it to become rich and imperial commonwealths, was accepted as one of those timely interpositions of God's providence in which we see with what wisdom He rules the world. This was the prevailing rhetoric when the magnanimous Burlingame — no finer American in my time — closed his mission, so far as China was concerned, and went to Europe. I saw much of him on the eve of his departure, and recall his pride over the welding of the two countries into an alliance, which would endure to the good of both and the welfare of mankind. But the Chinese statesman, who had warned Burlingame against a preci- pitate acceptance by China of Western ideas, or any special relations between the two countries other than what had existed for ages, was the wiser. Bui^ lingame did not live to see it, but the reaction came. With what swiftness it came ! Experience soon proved that in welcoming the Chinese we were not receiving a new supply of labor like the African, but the overflow of a superior race. Wherever this labor came into competition it won. The Chinese con- quered upon every field of industry wherever he had fair play. He began in the laundry. He ascended to the cigar shop, the vineyard, the fisheries, the gardens. He would soon have reached the counting-house and the bank. I recall the Burlingame incident as an illustration of what the Chinese have done in commerce and industry. America was compelled to reverse the Burlingame policy and protect her labor against a people who, without lessening the strength of their own Empire, could have poured into these States a popula- tion larger than that which now inhabits them. Success in peace and war arises from these same conditions. The winner, in the field of labor is apt to be winner in the field of strife. The elements, which formed afi industrial invasion, against which, with xii INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. all of our vaunted prowess and invincibility, we were compelled to defend our- selves with questionable legislation, are the elements which made possible the overrunning of Asia and the invasion of Europe. So that in cheerily urging Japan into war, and in pressing upon China a policy like that which dictates the armaments of Germany and France, we come within the admonition of the Chinese statesman to Burlingame : " You complain that we go too slow. You would soon complain that we go too fast." We are, if we would but admit it, face to face with a vast problem. Sir Harry Parkes, the famous British Minister to China, said to me one day in Pekin that he had studied it for forty-three years, and could not comprehend it. And Sir Harry Parkes was a statesman of consummate intelligence. The late John T. Delane, editor of the London Times, and among the foremost journalists of the age, advised a young friend of mine, connected with his paper, and in a manner beginning his career in the press, to study the East. The politics of the next generation, Mr.. Delane believed, would turn upon the Chinese more than upon any other question. These were wise men who looked out upon the far horizon. As to the outcome of the present war, I have no idea that the great Powers will permit it to be fought to a finish. A hurried peace will be imposed by Russia or Great Britain as soon as either combatant has won a decisive victory. There will be a peace with " compensations " to the intervening Powers in the way of land or seaports. The pity of it is that China and Japan are fighting under the very eyes of the ravening eagles who sit waiting in their eyrie, ready to pounce upon one or the other as their prey. It is a miserable, unnecessary business, if only one had the heart to write about it — as I have not — remember- ing so much that was hopeful and full of promise in those fair, beautiful lands, and seeing in this war the wreck of so much that was hoped for by those who wished them well. Our main concern should lie in the fact that within this war may be enclosed the most serious question of the times. By forcing China into the lists as an armed nation we assume a measureless responsibility. China, as I have said, moves as the glacier — silent, vast, grinding, sure — undisturbed through the ages, antedating the most ancient of Western civilization, vener- able when Homer sang and before the Roman Empire was founded, and Time as yet bringing no decay. But the glacier may have an impulse such as China may receive from this war with Japan. Therein lies the gravity of the problem, which is worthy of study in the light of what is written of Genghis Khan and Timur. John Russell Young. CONTENTS. BOOK I. China: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. CHAPTER I. PAGB. Early History of the Celestial Em- pire 17 CHAPTER II. The Story of the Han Rulers . . 30 CHAPTER III. The Mongol Conquest of China . . 44 CHAPTER IV. The First Manchu Ruler .... 74 CHAPTER V. The Taeping Rebellion and Story OF Chinese Gordon 91 CHAPTER VI. Prince Kung and the Regency . . 122 CHAPTER VII. The Reign of the Emperor Kwangsu 145 CHAPTER VIII. The Emperor of China and His Court 162 CHAPTER IX. PAGE. The Punishment of Criminals . . . 180 CHAPTER 'X. Chinese Mechanics and Merchants 191 CHAPTER XL Chinese Marriage Customs .... 198 CHAPTER XII. Varieties of Chinese Life .... 213 CHAPTER XIII. Food, Dress and Amusements of the Chinese 235 CHAPTER XIV. The Religions of China . . 254 CHAPTER XV. Country Life in China 274 CHAPTER XVI. Agricultural Products and Exports 280 xiii XIV CONTENTS. BOOK II. Japan and the Japanese. CHAPTER XVII. PACE. Early History of Japan ..... 289 CHAPTER XVIII. The Country and the People . 303 ^ CHAPTER XIX. Domestic Life in Japan 321 CHAPTER XX. The Residence of the Shoguns . . 333 CHAPTER XXI. The Great City of Tokio .... 355 CHAPTER XXII. Shops and Industries of Tokio . . 369 CHAPTER XXIII. Popular Japanese Customs 382 CHAPTER XXIV. Shintoism and Buddhism in Japan . 401 CHAPTER XXV. Amusements of the Japanese CHAPTER XXVI. Peculiarities of the Japanese PAGE. 417 434 CHAPTER XXVII. The New- Year Festival in Japan . 455 CHAPTER XXVIII. Japanese Women 473 CHAPTER XXIX. Striking Features of Japanese- Life 48f CHAPTER XXX. Street Scenes in Yokohama . . CHAPTER XXXI. The New Japan 496 506 BOOK III. COREA AND THE WaR BETWEEN ChINA AND JaPAN. CHAPTER XXXII. PAGE. Life and Travel in Corea 513 CHAPTER XXXIII. Outbreak of the War Between China and Japan 523 CHAPTER XXXIV. The- Battle of Ping-Yang .... 533 CHAPTER XXXV. Japan's Great Naval Victory . , . 549 CHAPTER XXXVI. PAGE, Stirring Incidents of the Campaign 562 CHAPTER XXXVII. The Fall of Port Arthur .... 581 CHAPTER XXXVIII. A Japanese Account of the War . 592 CHAPTER XXXIX. The Capital of China 599 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGB Service in a Chinese Temple 19 Floating Chinese Village 23 Cortege Accompanying a Mandarin .... 27 Town and Harbor of Victoria, Hong Kong . . 33 Sale of Prayers in a Chinese Temple .... 38 A Traveller's Habitual Escort 41 Image of Buddha 43 Types of Mongols 47 A Chinese Bridge 50 Battle with the Mongols 53 The Giant Chang 59 Street Scene in Pekin, China 65 A Movable Cook-Shop 68 Chinese Actors in Fantastic Costumes ... 71 Chinese Wedding Procession 77 Sending Prayers to Heaven by Burning Them . 82 Heads of Criminals Displayed for a Warning . 85 Chinese Court of Justice 95 Following the Dead to the Cemetery .... 99 Street in Nam-Dirah 103 A Chinese Festival 106 General View of the Fortifications of Pekin . Ill Chinese Mandarin and His Wife 117 General Gordon 120 Chinese Pedler 126 The Famous Porcelain Tower 138 Chinese Cobblers 142 Chinese Restaurant 148 Chinese Out for an Airing 152 View of Tientsin, China 156 A Chinese Band 159 Opium Smokers 160 The Temple of Heaven, Pekin 164 Types of Chinese Women 168 Americans Dining with Prince Kung, of China 171 Chinese Mandarin 174 A Chinese Funeral Procession 175 Street Scene in Canton 178 Chinese Modes of Torture 182 Beheading a Chinese Criminal 186 Fighting Quails 190 Pagoda and Vases 193 Itinerant Chinese Barber 196 Embroidered Chinese Screen 202 Chinese Bride . Carried to the House of Her Future Husband 205 PAGE The Bridal Feast 208 Deformed Feet of Chinesp Ladies 210 The Great Wall of China 21 G Ivi-Hung Chang, Viceroy of China 220 Pavilion Near the Mencius Temple .... 224 A High-Caste Mandarin 231 Merchants' Club at Shanghai 238 Interior of a Chinese Theatre 244 Actor of Cochin- China 248 Porcelain Vases of Northern China .... 251 The Temple of Five Hundred Chinese Gods . 256 Temple at Nankin 260 Interior of a Chinese Temple, Showing their Idols 266 Religious Ceremony in a Joss-House .... 270 A Chinese Pagoda 276 A Chinese Curiosity Shop 277 Chinese Baby in its Winter Cradle 278 A Native Chinese Missionary 281 A Mandarin Receiving a Visitor 282 A Mounted Military Bowman of Ancient Times 284 A Chinese Merchant of Canton 285 Courtyard of a Chinese Hostlery 286 Chinese Students 287 Emperor of Japan 291 Empress of Japan 295 View of Kioto, Japan 298 Great Bell of Kioto 300 A Japanese School 301 Japanese Ballet of Butterflies 307 View of Yokohama ; . . 310 Japanese Bonze 311 Japanese at Tea 314 Castle at Matsuyama, Japan 318 Japanese Family 323 A Japanese Residence 326 The Court of the Mikado 330 Yoritomo Invested with the Title of Shogun . '334 A Japanese Temple 336 Baptism of Buddha 342 A Japanese Lady in Her Palanquin 350 Japanese Custom of Freeing the Captives . . 359 Japanese Lady 362 The Hero Yashitzone 364 A Japanese Couch 366 Japanese Shop . 371 XV XVI ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE An Apothecary's Shop at Tokio 373 A Japanese Noble Passing Through the Streets of Tokio 376 Highly Figured Japanese Vase 377 Ancient Japanese Warriors 386 Japanese Bride and Attendants 390 Interior of a Japanese Theatre 394 Lion Dance — Street Pastime in Tokio .... 398 Japanese Ferry-Boat of Ancient Times. . . . 403 Japanese Festival — Street Procession .... 406 Statues from the Temple of the Five Hundred Genii 410 Figure from an Ancient Calendar 414 Japanese Musicians 418 Japanese Acrobats 422 A Wrestling Circus 428 A Group of Tea Pickers 437 Statue from a Japanese Temple 440 Interior of the Temple of Quannon .... 448 A Street Scene in Tokio on New Year's Day . 459 PAGE Japanese Barbers 464 The Patron of Horsemanship 468 Bridge Making Extraordinary in Japan . . . 470 Ancient Japanese Archer 471 The Procession of the God of the Sea . . . 475 A Japanese Wedding 478 Japanese Vases 481 Japanese Buddhist Priests 492 A Japanese Pagoda 494 Ornamented Japanese Bronze Vase .... 498 Americans meeting the Emperor of Japan . . 502 Ancient Warrior and Weapons 504 Execution of a Criminal in Corea 519 Regular Troops of the Chinese Army .... 527 Map of Japan, Corea and Northeastern China . 565 Types of Coreans 571 The King of Corea and His Son 576 Fishers of Fousans 584 Corean Children .' . 588 A Corean Porter 594 FULL=PAQE PHOTOTYPE ENGRAVINGS. Gate Scene, Chien Mun, Pekin, China. Prince Kung, China. Daibstu, Kamakura, Japan. Hon. John Russell Young. Temple of Daibstu, Kamakura, Japan. Commemorative Arch near Pekin, China. Bronze Lions at Wan-Shou-Shau Gate, Pekin, China. Stone Animals, near Pekin, China. Street Scene in Tokio, Japan. Hotel at Chang-Chia-Wan, Pekin, China. Street Scene, Tien-Tsin, China. Custom House, Shanghai, China. Grand Canal and Pagoda at Chenza, Canton, China. Ladies' Carriage, Japan. Garden Surrounding the Palace of the Mikado, Japan. Map of China, Corea and Japan. Pagoda at Shanghai, China. Soochow Creek, Shanghai, China. Snake or Rain Temple, Tien-Tsin, China. Japanese Palanquin. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Tsungli Yamen). Girls Picking Tea. A Japanese Tea Party. The Great Wall of China. Group of Japanese Girls. A Japanese Doctor and His Patient. Group of Natives, Japan. Japanese Dancers. Temple of Heaven, Pekin, China. Examination Hall, Pekin, China. Confucian Temple, Forbidden City, Pekin, China. Grand Hotel, Yokohama, Japan. BOOK I. Lr)ir)a : r ron) br)e Ear lies b Tinjcs io br)e Presepb Day. CHAPTER I. EARLY HISTORY OF THE "CELESTIAL EMPIRE." ALL Asia is astir. Old nations that have slept the sleep of ages are waking to modern ideas. For centuries China was almost a world by itself; now it forms a part of the galaxy of eastern empires and is a centre of interest to both Europe and America. No nation in the world has been so rigid and unchangeable as China, and none has preserved with such tenacity the laws, cus- toms and national peculiarities which existed long before the Christian era. A most re- markable people are the Chinese, comprising nearly one-third of the human race, scattered over a vast realm, maintaining little inter- course with other countries, and lacking in that spirit of enterprise which, for the last few years, has distinguished the Japanese. But modern civilization advances even in Asia, and China is learning that she cannot remain the China of three or four thousand years ago. The ships of many nations touch at her ports; commerce seeks entrance at her gates ; her most intelligent people are asking questions, and already the darkness is illu- mined with the light of a new and better era. 2 The Chinese are unquestionably the oldest nation in the world, and their history goes back to a period to which no prudent his- torian will attempt to give a precise date. They speak the language and observe the same social and political customs that they did several thousand years ago, and they are the only living representatives to-day of a people and government which were contem- porary with the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the ancient Jews. Same To-Day as in Early Times; So far as our knowledge enables us to speak, the Chinese of the present age are in all essential points identical with those of the time of Confucius, and there is no reason to doubt that before his time the Chinese national character had been thoroughly formed in its present mould. The limits of the Empire have varied froni time to time under circumstances of triumph or disunion, but the Middle Kingdom, or China proper, of the eighteen provinces has always pos- sessed more or less of its existing proportions. Another striking and peculiar feature 17 18 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. about China is the small amount of influence that the rest of the world has exercised upon it. In fact it is only during the present centuiy that that influence can be said to have existed at all. Up to that point China had pursued a course of her own, carrying on her own struggles within a definite limit, and completely indifferent to, and ignorant of, the ceaseless competition and contests of mankind outside her orbit, which make up the history of the rest of the old world. The long struggles for supremacy in Western Asia between Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian, the triumphs of the Greek, fol- lowed by the absorption of what remained of the Macedonian conquests in the Empire of Rome, even the appearance of Islam and the Mahomedan conquerors, who changed the face of Southern Asia from the Ganges to the Levant, and long threatened to over- run Europe, had no significance for the people of China, and reacted as little on their destiny as if they had happened in another planet. A Curious History. All that pertains to China has a peculiar interest to the reader. He is studying the history of one of the most remarkable na- tions that ever existed. At every step he meets with surprises, and eagerly follows the record of events, many of them startling and unparalleled, although they transpired " when time was young." As a curiosity in human existence, the earlier history of this country may justly receive careful notice. In these ancient records we see the beginning and progress of a people whose numbers, laws, customs, conservatism and strange ideas are the wonder of the modern world. We learn the infancy of a people who have grown and multiplied to their present vast proportions and power. Even though the details are noi recited the recollection of the antiquity of China's insti- tutions must be ever present with the stu- dent, as affording an indispensable clue to the character of the Chinese people and the composition of their government. The first Chinese are supposed to have been a nomad tribe in the province of Shensi which lies in the northwest of China, and among them at last appeared a ruler, Fohi, whose name at least has been preserved. His deeds and his person are mythical, but he is credited with having given his country its first regular government. The First Emperor. One of his successors was Hwangti (which means Heavenly Emperor), who was the first to employ the imperial style of Emperor, the earlier rulers having been content with the inferior title of Wang, or prince. He adopted the convenient decimal division in his admin- istration as well as his coinage. His domin- ions were divided into ten provinces, each of these into ten departments, these again into ten districts, each of which held ten towns. He regulated the calendar, originating the Chinese cycle of sixty years, and he encour- aged commerce. He seems to have been a wise ruler and to have been the first of the great Emperors. His grandson, who was also Emperor, continued his good work and earned the reputation of being " the restorer or even founder of true astronomy." But the most famous of Hwangti's succes- sors was his great grandson Yao, who is still one of the most revered of all Chinese rulers. He was "diligent, enlightened, polished, and prudent," and if his words reflected his actions he must have been most solicitous of the welfare of his people. He is specially remarkable for his anxiety to dis- cover the best man to succeed him in the 20 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. government, and during the last twenty-eight years of his reign he associated the minister Chun with him for that purpose. On his death he left the crown to him, and Chun, after some hesitation, accepted the charge, but he in turn hastened to secure the co-operation of another minister named Yu in the work of administration, just as he had been associated with Yao. The period cov- ered by the rule of this triumvirate is con- sidered one of the most brilliant and perfect in Chinese history, and it bears a resem- blance to the age of the Antonines. High Idea of Princes. These rulers seem to have passed their leisure from practical work in framing moral axioms, and in carrying out a model scheme of government based on the purest ethics. They considered that " a prince entrusted with the charge of a State has a heavy task. The happiness of his subjects absolutely depends upon him. To provide for every- thing is his duty ; his ministers are only put in office to assist him," and also that " a prince who wishes to fulfill his obligations, and to long preserve his people in the ways of peace, ought to watch without ceasing that the laws are observed with exactitude." They were staunch upholders of temperance, and they banished the unlucky discoverer of the fact that an intoxicating drink could be obtained from rice. They also held fast to the theory that all government must be based on the popular will. In fact the reigns of Yao, Chun, and Yu are the ideal period of Chinese history when all questions were decided by moral right and justice, and even now Chinese philosophers are said to test their maxims of morality by the degree of agreement they may have with the conduct of those rulers. With them passed away the practice of letting the most capable and experienced minister rule the State. Such an impartial and reasonable mode of selecting the head of a community can never be perpetuated. The rulers themselves may see its advan- tages and may endeavor as honestly as these three Chinese princes to carry out the ar- rangement, but the day must come when the family of the able ruler will assert its rights to the succession, and take advantage of its opportunities from its close connection with the government to carry out its ends. The Emperor Yu, true to the practice of , his predecessors, nominated the President of the Council as his successor, but his son Tiki seized the throne, and became the founder of the first Chinese dynasty which was called the Hia from the name of the province first ruled by his father. This event is supposed to have taken place in the year 2197 B. C. and the Hia dynasty, of which there were seventeen Emperors, ruled down to the year 1776 B. C. These Hia princes present no features of interest, and the last of them, named Kia, was deposed by one of his prin- cipal nobles, Ching Tang, Prince of Chang. The Chang Rulers. This prince was the founder of the second dynasty, known as Chang, which held pos- session of the throne for 654 years, or down to 1 122 B. C. With the exception of the founder, who seems to have been an able man, this dynasty of twenty-eight Emperors did nothing very noteworthy. The public morality deteriorated very much under this family, and ft is said that when one of the Emperors wanted an honest man as minister he could only find one in the person of a common laborer. At last, in the 1 2th cen- tury before our era, the enormities of the Chang- rulers reached a climax in the person of Chousin, who was deposed by a popular EARLY HISTORY. 21 rising headed by Wou Wang, Prince of Chow. This successful soldier, whose name signi- fies the Warrior King, founded the third Chi- nese dynasty of Chow, which governed the Empire for the long space of 867 years down to 255 B. C. During that protracted period there were necessarily good and bad Empe- rors, and the Chow dynasty was rendered specially illustrious by the appearance of the great social and religious reformers, Laoutse, Confucius, and Mencius during the existence of its power. The founder of the dynasty instituted the necessary reforms to prove that he was a national benefactor, and one of his successors, known as the Magnificent King, extended the authority of his family over some of the States of Turkestan. Confucius Appears. But on the whole the rulers of the Chow dynasty were not particularly distinguished, and one of them in the eighth century B. C. was weak enough to resign a portion of his sovereign rights to a powerful vassal, Siang- kong the Prince of Tsin, in consideration of his undertaking the defence of the frontier against the Tartars. At this period the authority of the central government passed under a cloud. The Emperor's perogative became the shadow of a name, and the last three centuries of the rule of this family would not call for notice but for the genius of Laoutse and Confucius, who were both great moral teachers and religious reformers. Laoutse, the founder of Taouism, was the first in point of time, and in some respects he was the greatest of these reformers. He found his countrymen sunk in a low state of moral indifference and religious infidelity which corresponded with the corruption of the times and the disunion in the kingdom. He at once set himself to work with energy and devotion to repair the evils of his day, and to raise before his countrymen a higher ideal of duty. He has been called the Chi- nese Pythagoras, very learned yet obscure, and the mysterious Taouism which he founded holds the smallest or the least assignable part in what passes for the religion of the Chinese. As a philosopher and minister Laoutse will always attract attention and excite specula- tion, but as a practical reformer and politician he was far surpassed by his younger and less theoretical contemporary Confucius. Influence of the Great Teacher. Confucius was an official in the service of one of the great princes who divided the governing power of China among themselves during the whole of the seventh century before our era, which beheld the appearance of both of these religious teachers and lead- ers. He was a trained administrator with long experience when he urged upon his prince the necessity of reform, and advocated a policy of union throughout the States. His exhortations were in vain, and so far ill- timed that he was obliged to resign the service of one prince after another. In his day the authority of the Chow Emperor had been reduced to the lowest point. Each prince was unto himself the supreme authority. Yet one cardinal point of the policy of Confucius was submission to the Emperor, as implicit obedience to the head of the State throughout the country as was paid to the father of every Chinese household. Although h6 failed to find a prince after his own heart, his example and precepts were not thrown away, for in a later generation his reforms were executed, and down to the present day the best points in Chinese government are based on his recommendations. If " no in- telligent monarch arose" in his time, the greatest Emperors have since sought to con- 22 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. form with his usages and to rule after the ideal of the great philosopher. His name and his teachings were perpetuated by a band of devoted disciples, and the book which con- tained the moral and philosophical axioms of Confucius passed into the classic literature of the country and stood in the place of a Bible for the Chinese. The list of the great Chinese reformers is completed by the name of Mencius, who, coming two centuries later, carried on with better opportunities the reforming work of Confucius, and left behind him in his Sheking the most popular book of Chinese poetry and a crowning tribute to the great master. The Warlike Period. From teachers we must again pass to the chronicle of kings, although few of the later Chow Emperors deserve their names to be rescued from oblivion. One Emperor suf- fered a severe defeat while attempting to establish his authority over the troublesome tribes beyond the frontier ; of another it was written that " his good qualities merited a happier day," and the general character of the age may be inferred from its being desig- nated by the native chroniclers " The warlike period;" At last, after what seemed an interminable old age, marked by weakness and vice, the Chow dynasty came to an end in the person of Nan Wang, who, although he reigned for nearly sixty years, was deposed in ignomin- ious fashion by one of his great vassals, and reduced to a humble position. His con- queror became the founder of the fourth Chinese dynasty. During the period of internal strife which marked the last four centuries of the Chow dynasty, one family had steadily waxed stronger and stronger among the princes of China. The princes of Tsin, by a combina- tion of prudence and daring, gradually made themselves supreme among their fellows. It was said of one of them that " like a wolf or a tiger he wished to draw all the other princes into his claws, so that he might devour them." Several of the later Tsin princes, and particularly one named Chow Siang Wang, showed great capacity, and carried out a systematic policy for their own aggran- disement. When Nan Wang was approaching the end of his career, the Tsin princes had obtained everything of the supreme power short of the name and the right to wear the Imperial yel- low robes. Ching Wang, or to give him his later name as Emperor, Tsin Chi Hwangti, was the reputed great-grandson of Chow Siang Wang, and under him the fame and power of the Tsins reached their culminating point. This prince also proved himself one of the greatest rulers who ever sat on the Dragon Throne of China. A Soldier and Statesman. The country had been so long distracted by internal strife, and the authority of the Emperor had been reduced to such a shadow,, that peace was welcome under any ruler, and the hope was indulged that the Tsin princes^ who had succeeded in making themselves the most powerful feudatories of the Empire, might be able to restore to the central gov- ■ ernment something of its ancient power and splendor. Nor was the expectation unreasonable or ungratified. The Tsins had fairly earned by their ability the confidence of the Chinese nation, and their principal representative showed no diminution of energy on attain- ing the throne, and exhibited in a higher post, and on a wider field, the martial and statesman-like qualities his ancestors had dis- played when building up the fabric of their o < 1-1 < O J * » **< 24 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. power as princes of the Empire. Their supremacy was not acquiesced in by the other great feudatories without a struggle, and more -than one campaign was fought before all rivals were removed from their path, and their authority passed unchallenged as occupants of the Imperial office. Ruler at the Age of Thirteen. It was in the middle of this final struggle, and when the result might still be held doubtful, that Tsin Chi Hwangti began his eventful reign. When he began to rule he was only thirteen years of age, but he quickly showed that he possessed the instinct of a statesman, and the courage of a born com- mander of armies. On the one hand he sowed dissension between the most formid- able of his opponents, and brought about by a stratagem the disgrace of the ablest general in their service, and on the other he increased his army in numbers and efficiency, until it became unquestionably the most formidable fighting force in China. While he endeavored thus to attain inter- nal peace, he was also studious in providing for the general security of the Empire, and with this object he began the construction of a fortified wall across the northern frontier to serve as a defence against the troublesome Hiongnou tribes, who are identified with the Huns of Attila. This wall, which he began in the first years of his reign, was finished before his death, and stilt exists as the Great Wall of China, which has been considered one of the wonders of the world. He was careful in his many wars with the tribes of Mongolia not to allow himself to be drawn far from his own border, and at the close of a campaign he always withdrew his troops behind the Great Wall. Towards Central Asia he was more enterprising, and one of his best generals, Moungtien, crossed what is now the Gobi Desert, and made Hami the frontier fortress of the Empire. In his civil administration Hwangti was aided by the minister Lisseh, who seems to have been a man of rare ability, and to have entered heartily into all his master's schemes for uniting the Empire. While Hwangti sat on the throne with a naked sword in his hand, as the emblem of his authority, dis- pensing justice, arranging the details of his many campaigns, and superintending the innumerable affairs of his government, his minister was equally active in reorganizing' the administration and in supporting his sovereign in his bitter struggle with the literary classes who advocated archaic prin- ciples, and whose animosity to the ruler was inflamed by the contempt, not unmixed with ferocity, with which he treated them. The Empire was divided into thirty-six pro- vinces, and he impressed upon the governors the importance of improving communications within their jurisdiction. New Roads in All Directions. Not content with this general precept, he issued a special decree ordering that " roads shall be made in all directions throughout the Empire," and the origin of the main routes in China may be found with as much certainty in his reign as that of the roads of Europe in the days of Imperial Rome. When advised to assign some portion of his power to his relatives and high officials in the pro- vinces he refused to repeat the blunders of his predecessors, and laid down the per- manent truth that " good government is impossible under a multiplicity of masters." He centralized the power in his own hands, and he drew up an organization for the civil service of the State which virtually exists at the present day. The two salient features in that organization are the indisputable supre- EARLY HISTORY. 25 macy of the Emperor and the non-employ- ment of the officials in their native provinces, ai^d the experience of two thousand years has proved their practical value. When he conquered his internal enemies he resolved to complete the pacification of his country by effecting a general disarma- ment, and he ordered that all weapons should be sent in to his capital at Hienyang. This " skilful disarming of the provinces .added daily to the wealth and prosperity of the capital," which he proceeded to embelUsh. He built one palace within the walls, and the Hall of Audience was ornamented with twelve statues, each of which weighed twelve thousand pounds. But his principal resi- dence, named the Palace of Delight, was without the walls, and there he laid out magnificent gardens^ and added building to building. In one of the courts of this latter palace, it is said he could have drawn up 10,000 soldiers. A Standing Army. This eye to military acquirements in even the building of his residence, showed the temper of his mind, and, in his efforts to form a regular army, he had recourse to " those classes in the community who were without any fixed profession, and who were possessed of exceptional physical strength." He was thus the earliest possessor in China of what might be called a regular standing army. With this force he succeeded in estab- lishing his power on a firm basis, and he may have hoped also to ensure permanence for his dynasty ; but, alas ! for the fallacy of human expectations, the structure he erected fell with him. Great as an administrator, and successful as a soldier, Hwangti was unfortunate in one struggle that he evoked. At an early period of his career, when success seemed uncertain, he found that his bitterest opponents were men of letters, and that the literary class as a body was hostile to his interests and per- son. Instead of ignoring this opposition or seeking to overcome it by the same agency, Hwangti expressed his hatred and contempt, not only of the literary class, but of literature itself, and resorted to extreme measures of coercion. The writers took up the gage of battle thrown down by the Emperor, and Hwangti became the object of the wit and abuse of every one who could use a pencil. His birth was aspersed. It was said that he was not a Tsin at all, that his origin was of the humblest, and that he was a substituted child foisted on the last of the Tsin princes. Grand Council Summoned. These personal attacks were accompanied by unfavorable criticism of all his measures, and by censure where he felt that he deserved praise. It would have been more prudent if he had shown greater indifference and patience, for although he had the satisfaction of triumphing by brute force over those who jeered at him, the triumph was accomplished by an act of Vandalism, with which'his name will be quite as closely associated in history as any of the wise measures or great works that he carried out. His vanquished oppo- nents left behind them a legacy of hostility and revenge of the whole literary class of China, which has found expression in all the national histories. The struggle, which had been in progress for some years, reached its culminating point in the year 2 1 3 B. C, when a Grand Council of the Empire was summoned at Hienyang. At this council were present not only the Emperor's chief military and civil officers from the different provinces, but also the large literary class, composed of aspirants to office and the members of the academies and 26 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. college of Censors. The opposing forces in China were thus drawn up face to face, and it would have been surprising if a collision had not occurred. On the one side were the supporters of the man who had made China again an Empire, believers in his person and sharers in his glory ; on the, other were those who had no admiration for this ruler, who detested his works, proclaimed his successes dangerous innovations, and questioned his right to bear the royal name. "A Vile Flatterer." The purpose of the Emperor may be detected when he called upo.n speakers in this assembly of his friends and foes to express their opinions of his administration, and when a member of his household rose to extol his work and to declare that he had "surpassed the very greatest of his predeces- sors." This courtier-like declaration, which would have been excusable even if it had had a less basis of truth than it unquestionably possessed in the case of Hwangti, was received with murmurs and marks of dissent by the Hterary class. One of them rose and denounced the speaker as "a vile flatterer," and proceeded to expatiate on the superior merit of several of the earlier rulers. Not content with this unseasonable eulogy, he advocated the restoration of the Empire to its old form of principalities, and the conse- quent undoing of all that Hwangti had ac- complished. ' Hwangti interrupted this speaker and called upon his favorite minister Lisseh to reply to him and explain his policy. Lisseh began by stating what has often been said since, and in other countries, that " men of letters are, as a rule, very little acquainted with what con- cerns the government of a country, not that government of pure speculation which is nothing more than a phantom, vanishing the nearer we approached to it, but the practical government which consists in keeping men within the sphere of their proper duties." He then proceeded to denounce the literary class as being hostile to the State, and to recommend the destructiou of their works, declaring that " now is the time or never to close the mouths of these secret enemies and to place a curb on their audacity." The , Emperor at once from his throne ratified the policy and ordered that no time should be lost in executing the necessary measures. All books were proscribed, and orders were issued to burn every work except those relating to medicine, agriculture, and such science as then existed. The des- truction of the national literature was carried out with terrible completeness, and such works as were preserved are not free from the suspicion of being garbled or incomplete versions of their original text. The burning of the books was accompanied by the execu- tion of five hundred of the literati, and by the banishment of many thousands. Inexcusable Tj^anny. By this sweeping measure, to which no parallel is to be found in the history of other countries, Hwangti silenced during the last few years of his life the criticisms of his chief enemies, but in revenge his memory has had to bear for two thousand years the sully of an inexcusable act of tryanny and narrow- mindedness. The price will be pronounced too heavy for what was a momentary gratifi- cation. The reign of Hwangti was not prolonged many years after the burning of the books. In 210 B. C. he was seized with a serious illness, to which he succumbed, partly because he took no precautions, and partly, no doubt, through the incompetence of his physicians. His funeral was magnificent, 28 CHINA: PAST and, like the Huns, his grave was dug in the bed of a river, and with him were buried his wives and his treasure. This great ruler left behind him an example of vigor such as is seldom found in the list of Chinese kings of effete physique and apathetic life. He is the only Chinese Emperor, of whom it is said that his favorite exercise was walking, and his vigor was apparent in every department of State. On one occasion when he placed a large army of, it is said, 600,000 men at the disposal of one of his generals, the commander expressed some fear as to how this huge force was to be fed. Hwangti at once replied, " Leave it to me. I will provide for everything. There shall be want rather in my palace than in your canip." A Famous Ruler. He does not seem to have been a great general himself, but he knew how to select the best commanders, and he was also so quick in discovering the merits of the generals opposed to him, that some of his most notable victories were obtained by his skill in detaching them from their service or by ruin- ing their reputation by some intrigue more astute than honorable. Yet, all deductions made, Tsin Chi Hwangti stands forth as a great ruler and remarkable man. The Tsin dynasty only survived its founder a few years. Hwangti's son Eulchi became Emperor, but he reigned no more than three years. He was foolish enough to get rid of the general Moungtien, who might have been the buttress of his throne; and the minister Lisseh was poisoned, either with or without his connivance. Eulchi himself shared the same fate, and his successor, Ing Wang, reigned only six weeks, committing suicide after losing a battle, and with him the Tsin dynasty came to an end. Its chief, nay its only claim to distinction, arises from its hav- AND PRESENT. ing produced the great ruler Hwangti, and its destiny was Napoleonic in its brilliance and evanescence. Looking back at the long period which connects the mythical age with what may be considered the distinctly historical epoch ot the Tsins, we find that by the close of the third century before the Christian era China possessed settled institutions, the most remarkable portion of its still existing liter- ature, and mighty rulers. It is hardly open to doubt that the Chinese annalist finds in these remote ages as much interest and instruction as we should in the record of more recent times, and proof of this may be discovered in the fact that the history of the first four dynasties, which we must dismiss in these few pages, occupies as much space in the national history as the chronicle of events from Tsin Chi Hwangti to the end of the Ming dynasty in 1644, at which date the official history of China stops, because the history of the Manchu dynasty, which has occupied the throne ever since, will only be given to the world after it has ceased to rule. Folly and Incompetence. We must not be surprised at this discur- siveness, because the teachings of human experience are as clearly marked in those early times as they have been since, and Chinese historians aim as much at establish- ing moral and philosophical truths as at giv- ing a complete record of events. The conse- quences of human folly and incompetence are as patent and conspicuous in those days as they are now. The ruling power is lost by one family and transferred to another because the prince neglects his business, gives himself over to the indulgence of plea- sure, or fails to see the signs of the times. Cowardice and corruption receive their due and inevitable punishment. The founders of EARLY HISTORY. 29 the dynasties are all brave and successful warriors, who are superior to the cant of a hyper-civilized state of society, which covers declining vigor and marks the first phase of effeteness, and who see that as long as there are human passions they may be moulded by genius to make the many serve the few and to build up an autocracy. Nor are the lessons to be learnt from his- tory applicable only to individuals. The faults of an Emperor are felt in every house- hold of the community, and injure the State. Indifference and obtuseness at the capital entailed weakness on the frontier and in the provincial capitals. The barbarians grew defiant and aggressive, and defeated the Imperial forces. The provincial governors asserted their independence, and founded ruling families. The Empire became atten- uated by external attack and internal divi- sion. But, to use the phrase of the Chinese historians, "after long abiding disunion, union revived." The strong and capable man always appears in one form or another, and the Chinese people, impressed with a belief in both the divine mission of their Emperor and also in the value of union, wel- come with acclaim the advent of the prince who will restore their favorite and ideal system of one-man government. CHAPTER II. THE STORY OF THE HAN RULERS. AS the Chinese are still proud to call themselves the sons of Han it will be understood that the period cov- ered by the Han rulers must be an important epoch in their history, and in more than one respect they were the first national dynasty. When the successors of Tsin Chi Hwangti proved unable to keep the throne, the victorious general who profited by their discomfiture was named Liu Pang. He had been a trusted official of the Emperor Hwangti, but on finding that his descendants could not bear the burden of government, he resolved to take his own measures, and he lost no time in collecting troops and in making a bid for popularity by endeavoring to save all the books that had not been burned. This was in the year 202 B. C. His career bears some resemblance to that of Macbeth, for a soothsayer meeting him on the road predicted, " by the expres- sion of his features, that he was destined to become Emperor. " He began his struggle for the throne by defeating another general named Pawang, who was also disposed to make a bid for supreme power. After this success Liu Pang was proclaimed Emperor as Kao Hwangti, meaning Lofty and August Emperor, which has been shortened into Kaotsou. He named his dynasty the Han, after the small state in which he was born. Kaotsou began his reign by a pubHc pro- clamation in favor of peace, and deploring the evils which follow in the train of war. He called upon his subjects to aid his efforts for their welfare by assisting in the execution of 30 many works of public utility, among which roads and bridges occupied the foremost place. He removed his capital from Loyang in Honan to Singanfoo in Sherisi, and as Singan was difficult of access in those days, he constructed a great high road from the centre of China to this somewhat remote spot on the western frontier. The First Suspension Bridge. This road still exists, and has been described by several travellers in our time. It was constructed by the labor of 100,000 men through the most difficult country, crossing great mountain chains and broad rivers. The Chinese engineers employed on the making of this road, which has excited the admiration of all who have traversed it, first discovered and carried into execution the suspension bridge, which in other coun- tries is quite a modern invention. One of these "flying bridges," as the Chinese called them, is 150 yards across a valley 500 feet below, and is still in use. At regular intervals along this road Kaot- sou constructed rest-houses for travellers, and postal-stations for his couriers. No Chinese ruler has done anything more use- ful or remarkable than this admirable road from Loyang to Singanfoo. He embellished his new capital with many fine buildings, among which was a large palace, the grand- eur of which was intended to correspond with the extent of his power. The reign of Kaotsou was, however, far from being one of unchequered prosperity. THE STORY OF THE HAN RULERS. 31 Among his own subjects his popularity was great because he promoted commerce and improved the administration of justice. He also encouraged literature, and was the first ruler to recognize the claims of Confucius, at whose tomb he performed an elaborate ceremony. He thus acquired a reputation which induced the King of Nanhai — a state composed of the southern provinces of China with its capital at or near the modern Canton — to tender his allegiance. But he was destined to receive many slights and injuries at the hands of a foreign enemy who at this time began a course of active aggression that entailed serious consequences for both China and Europe. A Desert Chieftain. Reference has been made to the Hiongnou or Hun tribes, against whom Tsin Hwangti built the Great Wall. In the interval be- tween the death of that ruler and the con- solidation of the power of Kaotsou, a remarkable chief named Meha, or Meta, had established his supremacy among the dis-< united clans of the Mongolian Desert, and had succeeded in combining for purposes of war the whole fighting force of what had been a disjointed and barbarous confederacy. The Chinese rulers had succeeded in keeping back this threatening torrent from overflow- ing the fertile plains of their country, as much by sowing dissension among these clans and by bribing one chief to fight another, as by superior arms. But Meha's success rendered this system of defence no longer possible, and the desert chieftain, realizing the opportunity of spoil and conquest, determined to make his posi- tion secure by invading China. If the enter- prise had failed, there would have been an end to the power of Meha, but his rapid suc- cess convinced the Huns that their proper and most profitable policy was to carry on implacable war with their weak and wealthy neighbors. Meha's success was so great that in a single campaign he recovered all the districts taken from the Tartars by the general Moungtien. He turned the western angle of the Great Wall, and brought down his frontier to the river Hoangho. His light cavalry raided past the Chinese capital into the province of Szchuen, and returned laden with the spoil of countless cities. Rescued by a Maiden. These successes were crowned by a signal victory over the Emperor in person. Kaot- sou was drawn into an ambuscade in which his troops had no chance with their more active adversaries, and to save himself from capture, Kaotsou had no alternative but to take refuge in the town of Pingching, where he was closely beleaguered. It was impos- sible to defend the town for any length of time, and the capture of Kaotsou seemed in- evitable, when recourse was had to a strata- gem. The most beautiful Chinese maiden was sent as a present to propitiate the con- queror, and Meha, either mollified by the compliment, or deeming that nothing was to be gained by driving the Chinese to desper- ation, acquiesced in a convention which, while it sealed the ignominious defeat of the Chinese, rescued their sovereign from his predicament. This disaster, and his narrow personal es- cape, seem to have unnerved Kaotsou, for when the Huns resumed their incursions in the very year following the Pingching con- vention, he took no steps to oppose them, and contented himself with denouncing in his palace Meha as " a wicked and faithless man, who had risen to power by the murder of his father, and one with whom oaths and treaties carried no weight." Notwithstand- 32 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. ing this opinion, Kaotsou proceeded to nego- tiate with Meha as an equal, and gave this barbarian prince his own daughter in mar- riage as the price of his abstaining from further attacks on the Empire. Never, wrote a historian, " was so great a shame inflicted on the Middle Kingdom, which then lost its dignity and honor." Meha observed this peace during the life of Kaotsou, who found that his reputation was much diminished by his coming to terms with his uncivilized opponent, but although several of his generals rebelled, until it was said that " the very name of revolt inspired Kaotsou with apprehension," he succeeded in overcoming them all without serious diffi- culty. His troubles probably shortened his life, for he died when he was only fifty- three, leaving the crown to his son Hoeiti, and injunctions to his widow, Liuchi, as to the conduct of the administration. A Wicked Empress. The brief reign of Hoeiti is only remark- able for the rigor and terrible acts of his mother, the Empress Liuchi, who is the first woman mentioned in Chinese history as taking a supreme part in public affairs. Another of Kaotsou's widows aspired to the throne for her son, and the chief direction for herself. Liuchi nipped their plotting in the bud by poisoning both of them. She marked out those who differed from her, or who resented her taking the most prominent part in public ceremonies, as her enemies, to be removed from her path by any means. At a banquet she endeavored to poison one of the greatest princes of the Empire, but her plot was detected and baffled by her son. It is, perhaps, not surprising that Hoeiti did not live long after this episode, and then Liuchi ruled in her own name, and without filling up the vacancy on the throne, until the public dissatisfaction warned her that she was going too far. She then adopted a supposititious child as her grandson, and governed as regent in his name. The mother of this youth seems to have made inconvenient demands on the Empress, who promptly put her out of the way, and when the son showed a disposition to resent this action, she caused him to be poisoned. She again ruled without a puppet Emperor, hoping to retain power by placing her relatives in the principal offices ; but the dissatisfaction had now reached an acute point, and threatened to destroy her. It may be doubted whether she would have sur- mounted these difficulties and dangers, when death suddenly cut short her adventurous career. The popular legend is that this Chinese Lucrezia Borgia died of fright at seeing the apparitions of her many victims, and there can be no doubt that her crimes did not con- duce to make woman government more popular in China. Better Government. It says much for the excellence of lyaotsou's work, and for the hold the Han family had obtained on the Chinese people, that when it became necessary to select an Emperor after the death of Liuchi the choice should have fallen unanimously on the Prince of Tai, who was the illegitimate son of Kaotsou. On mounting the throne, he took the name of Wenti. He began his reign by remitting taxes and by appointing able and honest governors and judges. He ordered that all old men should be provided with corn, meat, and wine, besides silk and cotton for their garments. At the suggestion of his ministers, who were alive to the dangers of a disputed succession, he proclaimed his eldest son heir to the throne. He purified o la o ui o O X o H 33 34 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. the administration of justice by declaring that prince and peasant must be equally sub- ject to the law; he abolished the too common punishment of mutilation, and had the satisfaction of seeing crime reduced to such low proportions in the Empire that the jails contained only 400 prisoners. Wenti was a strong advocate of peace, which was, indeed, necessary to China, as it had not recovered from the effects of the last Hun invasion. He succeeded by diplo- macy in inducing the Prince at Canton, who had shown a disposition to assert his inde- pendence, to recognize his authority, and thus averted a civil war. Purchasing Peace. In his relations with the Huns, among whom the authority of Meha had passed to his son Lao Chang, he strove to preserve the peace, giving that chief one of his daughters in marriage, and showing moderation in face of much provocation. When war was forced upon him by their raids he did everything he could to mitigate its terrors, but the ill success of his troops in their encounters with the Tartars broke his confidence, and he died prematurely after a reign of twenty- three years, which was remarkable as wit- nessing the consolidation of the Hans. The good work of Wenti was continued during the peaceful reign of sixteen years of his son Kingti. The next Emperor was Vouti, a younger son of Kingti, and one of his earliest con- quests was to add the difficult and inaccess- ible province of Fuhkien to the Empire. He also endeavored to propitiate the Huns by giving their chief one of the princesses of his family as a wife, but the opinion was gaining ground that it would be better to engage in a war for the overthrow of the national enemy than to purchase a hollow peace. Wang Kua, a general who had com- manded on the frontier, and who knew the Hun mode of warfare, represented that suc- cess would be certain, and at last gained the Emperor's ear. Vouti decided on war, and raised a large army for the purpose. But the result was not auspicious. Wang Kua failed to bring the Huns to an engagement, and the campaign which was to produce such great results ended ingloriously. The unlucky general who had promised so much anticipated his master's displeasure by committing^ suicide. Unfortunately for himself, his idea of engag- ing in a mortal struggle with the Tartars gained ground, and became in time the fixed policy of China. Annexing a Province. Notwithstanding this check, the authority of Vouti continued to expand. He annexed Szchuen, a province exceeding in size and population most European states, and he received from the ruler of Manchuria a for- mal tender of submission. In the last years of his reign the irrepressible Hun question again came up for discussion, and the episode of the flight of the Yuchi from Kansuh affords a break in the monotony of the struggle, and is the first instance of that western movement which brought the tribes of the Gobi desert into Europe. The Yuchi are believed to have been allied with the Jats of India, and there is little or no doubt that the Sacae, or Scythians, were their descend- ants. They occupied a strip of territory in Kansuh from Shachow to Lanchefoo, and after suffering much at the hands of the Huns under Meha, they resolved to seek a fresh home in the unknown regions of West- ern Asia. The Emperor Vouti wished to bring them back, and he sent an envoy named Chang THE STORY OF THE HAN RULERS. 35 Keen to induce them to return. That officer discovered them in the Oxus region, but all his arguments failed to incline them to leave a quarter in which they had recovered power and prosperity. Powerless against the Huns, they had more than held their own against the Parthians and the Greek kingdom of Bactria. They retained their predominant position in what is now Bokhara and Balkh, until they were gathered up by the Huns in their western march, and hurled, in conjunc- tion with them, on the borders of the Roman Empire. Meantime, the war with the Huns them- selves entered upon a new phase. A general named Wei Tsing obtained a signal victory over them, capturing 15,000 prisoners and the spoil of the Tartar camp. This success restored long-lost confidence to the Chinese troops, and it was followed by several other victories. One Chinese expedition, composed entirely of cavalry, marched through the Hun country to Soponomo on the Tian Shan, carrying everything before it and returning laden with spoil, including some of the golden images of the Hun religion. The Tartar King. Encouraged by these successes, Vouti at last took the field in person, and sent a for- mal summons to the Tartar King to make his submission to China. His reply was to imprison the bearer of the message, and to defy the Emperor to do his worst. This boldness had the effect of deterring the Em- peror from his enterprise. He employed his troops in conquering Yunnan and Leaoutung instead of in waging another war with the Huns. But he had only postponed, not abandoned, his intention of overthrowing, once and for all, this most troublesome and formidable national enemy. He raised an enormous force for the campaign, which might have proved successful but for the mistake of entrusting the command to an in- competent general. In an ill-advised moment, he gave his brother-in-law, Li Kwangli, the supreme direction of the war. His incompetence en- tailed a succession of disasters, and the only redeeming point amid them was that Li Kwangli was taken prisoner and rendered incapable of further mischief Liling, the grandson of this general, was entrusted with a fresh army to retrieve the fortunes of the war ; but, although successful at first, he was out-manoeuvred, and reduced to the unpleas- ant pass of surrendering to the enemy. Death of a Great Ruler. Both Li Kwangli and Liling adapted them- selves to circumstances, and took service under the Tartar chief. As this conduct ob- tained the approval of the historian Ssemat- sien, it is clear that our views of such a pro- ceeding would not be in harmony with the opinion in China of that day. The long war which Vouti waged with the Huns for half a century, and which was certainly carried on in a more honorable and successful manner than any previous portion of that historic struggle, closed with discomfiture and defeat, which dashed to the ground the Emperor's hopes of a complete triumph over the most formidable national enemy. After a reign of fifty-four years, which must be pronounced glorious, Vouti died, amidst greater troubles and anxieties than any that had beset him during his long reign. He was unquestionably a great ruler. He added several provinces to his Empire, and the suc- cess he met with over the Huns was far from being inconsiderable. He was a Nimrod among the Chinese, and his principal enjoy- ment was to chase the wildest animals with- out any attendants. 36 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Like many other Chinese princes, Vouti was prone to believe in the possibility of prolonging human life, or, as the Chinese put it, in the draught of immortality. In connection with this weakness an anecdote is preserved that will bear telling. A magician offered the Emperor a glass containing the pretended elixir of eternal life, and Vouti was about to drink it when a courtier snatched it from his hand and drained the goblet. The enraged monarch ordered him to prepare for instant death, but the ready courtier at once replied, " How can I be executed since I have drunk the draught of immortality ? " To so convincing an argument no reply was possi- ble, and Vouti lived to a considerable age without the aid of magicians or quack medi- cines. An Emperor Eight Years Old. Of him also it may be said that he added to the stability of the Han dynasty, and he left the throne to Chaoti, the youngest of his sons, a child of eight, for whom he appointed his two most experienced ministers to act as governors. As these ministers were true to their duty, the interregnum did not affect the fortunes of the State adversely, and several claimants to the throne paid for their ambi- tion with their lives. The reign of Chaoti was prosperous and successful, but, unfortu- nately, he died at the early age of thirty-one, and without leaving an heir. After some hesitation, Chaoti's uncle Liucho was proclaimed Emperor, but he proved to be a boor with low tastes, whose sole idea of power was the license to indulge in coarse amusements. The chief minister. Ho Kwang, took upon himself the responsi- bility of deposing him, and also of placing on the throne Siuenti, who was the great-grand- son, or, according to another account, the grandson, of Vouti. The choice was a for- tunate one, and "Ho Kwang gave all his care to perfecting the new Emperor in the science of government." As a knowledge of his connection with the Imperial family had been carefully kept from him, Siuenti was brought from a very humble sphere to direct the destinies of the Chinese, and his greater energy and more practical disposition were probably due to his not having been bred in the enervating atmosphere of a palace. Compelled to Poison Themselves. He, too, was brought at an early stage of his career face to face with the Tartar ques- tion, and he had what may be pronounced a unique experience in his wars with them. He sent several armies under commanders of reputation to wage war on them, and the generals duly returned, reporting decisive and easily obtained victories. The truth soon .leaked out. The victories were quite imagi- nary. The generals had never ventured to face the Tartars, and they were given no option by their enraged and disappointed master but to poison themselves. Other generals were appointed, and the Tartars were induced to sue for peace, partly from fear of the Chinese, and partly because they were disunited among themselves. Such was the reputation of Siuenti for justice that several of the Tartar chiefs carried their grievances to the foot of his throne, and his army became known as "the troops of jus- tice." It is said that all the tribes and coun- tries of Central Asia as far west as the Cas- pian sent him tribute, and to celebrate the event he built a kiln or pavilion, in which he placed statues of all the generals who had contributed towards his triumph. Only one incident marred the tranquility of Siuenti's reign. The great statesman, Ho Kwang, had sunk quietly into private life as soon as he found the Emperor capable of o < H t- ^ 48 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Chamuka, chief of the Juriats, and for a long time he had all the worst of the struggle, being taken prisoner on one occasion, and under- going marked indignity. On making his escape he had rallied his remaining followers round him for a final effort, and on the advice of his mother Ogelen Eke, who was his principal adviser and staunchest sup- porter, he divided his forces into thirteen regiments of i,ooo men each, and confined his attention to the defence of his own terri- tory,. Unexpected Victory. Chamuka, led away by what he deemed the weakness of his adversary, attacked him on the Onon with as he considered the over- whelming force of 30,000 men ; but the re- sult dispelled his hopes of conquest, for Genghis gained a decisive victory. Then was furnished a striking instance of the truth of the saying that "nothing succeeds like success." The despised Temujin, who was thought to be unworthy of the post of ruling the Mongols, was lauded to the skies, and the tribes declared with one voice, "Temujin albne is generous and worthy of ruling a great people." At this time also he began to show the qualities of a statesman and diplomatist. He formed in 1 1 94 a tem- porary alliance with the Kin emperor, Mada- cou, and the richness of his reward seems to have excited his cupidity, while his expe- rience of the Kin army went to prove that they were not so formidable as had been imagined. The discomfiture of Chamuka has been referred to, but he had not abandoned the hope of success, and when he succeeded in detaching the Kerait chief Wang Khan from the Mongols, to whom he was bound by ties of gratitude, he fancied that he again held victory in his grasp. But the intrigue did not realize his expectations. Wang Khan deserted Genghis v/hile engaged in a joint campaign against the Naimans, but he was the principal suffererer by his treachery, for the enemy pursued his force, and inflicted a heavy defeat upon it. In fact, he was only rescued from destruction by the timely aid of the man he had betrayed. But far from inspiring gratitude, this inci- dent inflamed the resentment of Wang Khan, who, throwing off the cloak of simulated friendship, declared publicly that either the Kerait or the Mongol must be supreme on the great steppe, as there was not room for both. Such was the superiority in numbers of the Kerait, that in the first battle of this long and keenly-contested struggle, Wang Khan defeated Temujin near Ourga, where the mounds that cover the slain are still shown to the curious or skeptical visitor. After this serious, and in some degree unex- pected reverse, the fortunes of Genghis sank to the lowest ebb. He was reduced to ter- rible straits, and had to move his camp rapidly from one spot to another. Put Him to Death. A small section of his followers, mindful of his past success and prowess, still clung to him, and by a sudden and daring coup he changed the whole aspect of the contest. He surprised Wang Khan in his camp at ' night, and overwhelmed him and his forces. Wang Khan escaped to his old foes, the Nai- mans, who, disregarding the laws of hospi- tality, put him to death. The death of Wang Khan signified nothing less than the ' wholesale defection of the Kerait tribe, which joined Genghis to the last man. Then Geng- his turned westwards to settle the question of supremacy with the Naimans, who were both hostile and defiant. The Naiman chief shared the opinion of THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. 49 Wang Khan that there could not be two masters on the Tian Shan, and with that vigorous illustration which has never been wanting to these illiterate tribes, he wrote, "There cannot be two suns in the sky, two swords in one sheath, two eyes in one eyepit, or two kings in one empire." Both sides made strenuous efforts for the fray, and brought every fighting man they could into the field. The decisive battle of the war was fought in the heart of Jungaria, and the star of Genghis rose in the ascendant. The Naimans fought long and well, but they were borne down by the heavier armed Mongols, and their desperate resistance only added to their loss. Their chief died of his wounds, and the triumph of Genghis was rendered complete by the capture of his old enemy, Chamuka. Nine White Yak-Tails. As Genghis had sworn the oath of friend- ship with Chamuka, he would not slay him, but he handed him over to a relative, who promptly exacted the rough revenge his past hostility and treachery seemed to call for. On his way back from this campaign the Mongol chief attacked the Prince of Hia, who reigned over Kansuh and Tangut, and thus began the third war he waged for the extension of his power. Before this assumed serious proportions he summoned a Grand Council or Kuriltai, at his camp on the Onon, and then erected outside his tent the royal Mongol banner of the nine white yak- tails. It was on this occasion that Temujin took, and was proclaimed among the Mongol chiefs by, the highly exalted name of Genghis Khan, which means Very Mighty Khan. The Chinese character for the name signifies " Perfect Warrior," and the earher European writers affirm that it is supposed 4 to represent the sound of " the bird of heaven." At this assemblage, which was the first of a long succession of Mongol councils summoned at the same place on critical occasions, it was supposed and agreed that the war should be carried on with the richer and less warHke races of the south. Rewards and Decorations. Among soldiers it is necessary to pre- serve the spirit of pre-eminence and warlike zeal by granting rewards and decorations. Genghis realized the importance of this matter, and instituted the order of Baturu or Bahadur, meaning warrior. He also made his two leading generals Muhula and Porshu princes, one to sit on his right hand and the other on his left. He addressed them before council in the following words: — "It is to you that I owe my empire. You are and have been to me as the shafts ' of a carriage or the arms to a man's body." Seals of office were also granted to all the officials, so that their authority might be the more evi- dent and the more honored. In A. D. 1207 Genghis began his war with the state of Hia, which he had deter- mined to crush as the preliminary invasion of China. In that year he contented himself with the capture of Wuhlahai, one of the border fortresses of that principality, and in the following year he established his control over the tribes of the desert more fully, thus gaining many Kirghiz and Naiman aux- iliaries. In 1 209 he resumed the war with Hia in a determined spirit, and placed him- self in person at the head of all his forces. Although the Hia ruler prepared as well as he could for the struggle, he was really un- nerved by the magnitude of the danger he had to face. His army was overthrown, his best generals were taken prisoners, and he himself had no resource left but to throw 60 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. himself on the consideration of Genghis. For good reasons the Mongol conqueror was lenient. He married one of the daugh- ters of the king, and he took him into sub- sidiary alliance with himself. / Thus did Genghis absorb the Hia power, which was very considerable, and prepared to enrol it with all his own resources against the Kin empire. The Mongols owed their before the time of Genghis. War had be- come a science. But the Mongols carried the teaching of the past to a further point than any of the former or contemporary Chinese com- manders, indeed, than any in the whole world had done ; and the revolution which they effected in tactics was not less remark- able in itself, and did not leave a smaller im- A CHINESE BRIDGE. military success to their admirable discipline and to their close study of the art of war. Their military supremacy arose from their superiority in all essentials as a fighting power to their neighbors. Much of their knowledge was borrowed from China, where the art of disciplining a large army and manoeuvring it in the field had been brought to a high state of perfection many centuries pression upon the age, than the improve- ments made in military science by Frederick the Great and Napoleon did in their day. The Mongol played in a large way in Asia the part which the Normans on a smaller scale played in Europe. Although the land- marks of their triumph have almost wholly vanished, they were for two centuries the dominant caste in most of the states of Asia. THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. 51 Having thus prepared the way for a larger enterprise, it only remained to find a plaus- ible pretext for attacking the Kins, the other dynasty, ruling in southern China. With or without a pretext Genghis would no doubt have made war, but even the ruthless Mongol sometimes showed a regard for appearances. Many years before the Kins had sent as envoy to the Mongol encampment Conghei, a member of their ruling house, and his mis- sion had been not only unsuccessful, but had led to a personal antipathy between the two men. In the course of time Conghei suc- ceeded Madacou as emperor of the Kins, and when a Kin messenger brought intelli- gence of this event to Genghis, the Mongol ruler turned towards the south, spat upon the ground, and said, " I thought that. your sovereigns were of the race of the gods, but do you suppose that I am going to do homage to such an imbecile as that ? " All the Tribes Rallied. The affront rankled in the mind of Chon- chei,. and while Genghis was engaged with Hia, he sent troops to attack the Mongol out- posts. Chonghei thus placed himself in the wrong, and gave Genghis justification for de- claring that the Kins and not he began the war. The reputation of the Golden dynasty, al- though not as great as it once was, still stood sufficienty high to make the most adventurous of desert chiefs wary in attack- ing it. Genghis had already secured the co-operation of the ruler of Hia in his enter- prise, and he next concluded an alliance with Yeliu Liuko, chief of the Khitans, who were • again manifesting discontent with the Kins. Genghis finally circulated a proclamation among all the desert tribes, calling upon them to join him in his attack upon the common enemy. This appeal was heartily and generally responded to, and it was at the head of an enormous force that Genghis set out in March, 121 1, to effect the con- quest of China. The Mongol army was led by Genghis in person, and under him his four sons and his most famous general, Chepe Noyan, held commands. Ravages of War. The plan of campaign of the Mongol ruler was as simple as it was bold. From his camp at Karakoram, on the Kerulon, he marched in a straight line through Kuku Khoten arid the Ongut country to Taitong, securing an unopposed passage through the Great Wall, by the defection of the Ongut tribe. The Kins were unprepared for this sudden and vigorous assault directed on their weakest spot, and successfully executed be- fore their army could reach the scene. Dur- ing the two years that the forces of Genghis kept the field on this occasion, they devas- tated the greater portion of the three northern provinces of Shensi, Shansi, and Pechihli. But the border fortress of Taitong and the Kin capital, Tungking, successfully resisted all the assaults of the Mongols, and when Genghis received a serious wound at the former place, he reluctantly ordered the re- treat of his army, laden with an immense quantity of spoil, but still little advanced in its main task of conquering China. The success of Khitan Yeliu Liuko had not been less considerable, and he was proclaimed King of Leaou as a vassal of the Mongols. The planting of this ally on the very thresh- old of Chinese power facilitated the subse- quent enterprises of the Mongols against the Kins, and represented the most important result of this war. In 121 3 Genghis again invaded the Kin dominions, but his success was not very striking, and in several engagements of no 52 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. very great importance the Kin arms met witli some success. The most important events of the year were, however, the depo- sition and murder of Chonghei, the mur,der of a Kin general, Hushahu, who had won a battle against the Mongols, and the procla- mation of Utubu as Emperor. The change of sovereign brought no change of fortune to the unlucky Kins. Utubu was only able to find safety behind the walls of his capital, and he was delighted when Genghis wrote him the following letter: "Seeing your wretched condition and my exalted fortune, what may your opinion be now of the will of heaven with regard to myself? At this moment I am desirous to return to Tartary, but could you allow my soldiers to take their departure without appeasing their anger with presents ? " An Inhuman Massacre. In reply, Utubu sent Genghis a princess of a family as a wife, and also " 500 youths, the same number of girls, 3000 horses, and a vast quantity of precious articles." Then Genghis retired once more to Karakoram, but on his march he stained his reputation by massacring all his prisoners — the first gross act of inhumanity he committed during his Chinese wars. When Utubu saw the Mongols retreating, he thought to provide against the most seri- ous consequences of their return by removing his capital to a greater distance from the frontier, and with this object he transferred his residence to Kaifong. The majority of his advisers were against this change, as a retirement could not but shake public confi- dence. It had another consequence, which they may not have contemplated, and that was its providing Genghis with an excuse for renewing his attack on China. The Mongol at once complained that the action of the Kin Emperor implied an unwarrantable sus- picion of his intentions, and he sent his army across the frontier to recommence his humilia- tion. On this occasion a Kin general deserted to them, and thenceforward large bodies of the Chinese of the north attached themselves to the Mongols, who were steadily acquiring a unique reputation for power as well as mili- tary prowess. The great event of this war was the siege of Yenking — on the site of which now stands the capital Pekin — the defence of which had been entrusted to the Prince Imperial, but Utubu, more anxious for his son's safety than the interests of the state, ordered him to return to Kaifong. The governor of Yenking offered a stout resist- ance to the Mongols, and when he found that he could not hold out, ^e retired to the temple of the city and poisoned himself. His last act was to write a letter to Utubu beg- ging him to listen no more to the pernicious advice of the man who had induced him to murder Hushahu. On to Central China. The capture of Yenking, where Genghis obtained a large supply of war materials, as well as vast booty, opened the road to Cen- tral China. The Mongols advanced as far as the celebrated Tunkwan pass, which con- nects Shensi and Honan, but when their gen- eral, Samuka, saw how formidable it was,, and how strong were the Kin defences and garrison, he declined to attack it, and, mak- ing a detour through very difficult country, he marched on Kaifong, where Utubu little expected him. The Mongols had to. make their own road, and they crossed several ravines by improvised "bridges made of spears and the branches of trees bound together by strong chains." But the Mon- gol force was too small to accomplish any I '*i 54 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. great result, and the impetuosity of Samuka was nearly leading to his destruction. A prompt retreat, and the fact that the Hoangho was frozen over, enabled him to extricate his army after much fatigue and reduced in numbers, from its awkward position. Sudden Successes. The retreat of the Mongols inspired Utubu with sufficient confidence to induce him to attack Yeliu Liuko in Leaoutung, and the success of this enterprise imparted a gleam of sunshine and credit to the expiring cause of the Kins. Yelin Liuko was driven from his newly-created kingdom, but Geng- his hastened to the assistance of his ally by sending Muhula, the greatest of all his gen- erals, at the head of a large army to recover Leaoutung. His success was rapid and remarkable. The Kins were speedily over- thrown, Yeliu Liuko was restored to his authority, and the neighboring King of Corea, impressed by the magnitude of the Mongol success, hastened to acknowledge himself the vassal of Genghis. The most important result of this cam- paign was that Genghis entrusted to Muhula the control of all mihtary arrangemeats for the conquest of China. He is reported to have said to his lieutenant: "North of the Taihing mountains I am supreme, but all the regions to the south I commend to the care of Muhula," and he " also presented him with a chariot and a banner with nine scalops. As he handed him this last emblem of authority, he spoke to his generals, saying, ' Let this banner be an embelm of sovereignty, and let the orders issued from under it be obeyed as my own.' " The principal reason for entrust- ing the conquest of China to a special force and commander, was that Genghis wished to devote the whole of his personal attention to the prosecution of his new war with the King of Khwaresm and the other great rulers of Western Asia. Muhula more than justified the selection and confidence of his sovereign. In the year 1 2 18-19 he invaded Honan, defeated the best of the Kin commanders, and not merely overran, but retained possession of the places he occupied in the Kin dominions. The dif- ficulties of Utubu were aggravated by an attack from Ningtsong the Sung Emperor, who refused any longer to pay tribute to the Kins as they were evidently unable to enforce the claim, and the ICin armies were equally unfortunate against their southern opponents as their northern. Then Utubu endeavored to negotiate terms with Muhula for the retreat of his army, but the only conditions the Mongol general would accept were the surrender of the Kin ruler and his resigna- tion of the Imperial title in exchange for the principality of Honan. Had his Eye on India. Utubu, low as he had sunk, declined to abase himself further and to purchase life at the loss of his dignity." The sudden death of Muhula gained a brief respite for the dis- tressed Chinese potentate, but the advantage was not of any permanent significance, first of all because the Kins were too exhausted by their long struggle, and, secondly, because Genghis hastened to place himself at the head of his army. The news of the death of Muhula reached him when he was encamped on the frontier of India and preparing to add the conquest of that country to his many other triumphs in Central and Western Asia. He at once came to the conclusion that he must return to set his house in order at home, and to prevent all the results of Muhula's remarkable triumphs being lost. What was a disadvantage for China proved a benefit for India, and possibly for THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. Europe, as there is no saying how much further the Mongol encroachment might have extended westward, if the direction of Genghis had not been withdrawn. While Genghis was hastening from the Cabul river to the Kerulon, across the Hindoo Koosh and Tian Shang ranges, Utubu died, and Ninkiassu reigned in his stead. One of the first consequences of the death of Muhula was that the young King of Hia, believing that the fortunes of the Mongols would then wane, and that he might obtain a position of greater power and indepen- dence, threw off his allegiance, and adopted hostile measures against them. The prompt return of Genghis nipped this plan in the bud, but it was made quite evident that the conquest of Hia was essential to the success of any permanent annexation of Chinese ter- ritory, and as its prince could dispose of an army which he boasted numbered half-a-mil- lion of men, it is not surprising to find that he took a whole year in perfecting his arrangements for so grave a contest. Battle on Ice. The war began in 1225 and continued for two years. The success of the Mongol army was decisive and unqualified. The Hias were defeated in several battles, and in one of them fought upon the frozei^ waters of the Hoangho, when Genghis broke the ice by means of his engines, the Hia army was almost annihilated. The King Leseen was deposed, and Hia became a Mongol province. It was immediately after this successful war that Genghis was seized with his fatal -illness. Signs had been seen in the heavens which the Mongol astrologers said indicated the near approach of his death. The five planets had appeared together in the south- west, and so much impressed was Genghis 55 by this phenomenon that on his death-bed he expressed "the earnest desire that hence- forth the lives of our enemies shall not be unnecessarily sacrified. " The expression of this wish undoubtedly tended to mitigate the terrprs of war as carried on by the Mongols. How He Died. The immediate successors of Genghis con- ducted their campaigns after a more humane fashion, and it was not until Timour revived the early Mongol massacres that their oppo- nents felt there was no chance in appealing to the humanity of the Mongols. Various accounts have been published of the cause of Genghis's death, some authorities ascrib- ing it to violence, either by an arrow, light- ning or drowning, and others to natural causes. The event seems to have unques- tionably happened in his camp on the bor- ders of Shansi on 27th August, 1227, when he was about 65 years of age, during more than fifty of which he had enjoyed supreme command of his own tribe. 1 The area of the undertakings conducted under his eye was more vast and included a greater number of countries than was the case with any other conqueror. Not a coun- try from the Euxine to the China Sea escaped the tramp of the Mongol horse- men, and if we include the achievements of his immediate successors, the conquest of Russia, Poland and Hungary, the plundering of Bulgaria, Roumania and Bosnia, the final subjection of China and its southern tribut- aries must be added to complete the tale of Mongol triumph. The sphere of Mongol influence extended beyond this large portion of the earth's surface, just as the conse- quence of an explosion cannot be restricted to the immediate scene of the disaster. If we may include the remarkable achievements of his descendant Baber, and of that prince's 56 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. decendant Akbar, in India three centuries later, not a country in Asia enjoyed immun- ity from the effect of their successes. Perhaps the most important result of their great outpouring into Western Asia, which certainly was the arrest of the Mahome.dan career in Central Asia, and the diversion, of the current of the fanatical propagators of the Prophet's creed against Europe, is not yet as fully recognized as it should be. The doubt has been already expressed whether the Mongols would ever have risen to higher rank than that of a nomad tribe but for the appearance of Genghis. Leaving that sup- position in the category of other interesting but problematical conjectures, it may be asserted that Genghis represented in their highest forms all the qualities which entitled his race to exercise governing authority. The Mongol Napoleon. He was, moreover, a military genius of the very first order, and it may be ques- tioned whether either Caesar or Napoleon can as commanders be placed on a par with him. Even the Chinese said that he led his armies like a God. The manner in which he moved large bodies of men over vast dis- tances without an apparent effort, the judg- ment he showed in the conduct of several wars in countries far apart from each other, his strategy in unknown regions, always on the alert, yet never allowing hesitation or over-caution to interfere with his enterprise, the sieges which he brought to a successful termination, his brilliant victories, a succes- sion of "suns of Austerlitz," all combined make up the picture of a career to which Europe can offer nothing that will surpass, if, indeed, she has anything to bear compari- son with it. After the lapse of centuries, and in spite of the indifference with which the great figures of Asiatic history have been treated, the name of Genghis preserves its magic spell. It is still a name to conjure with when record- ing the great revolutions of a period which beheld the death of the old system in China, and the advent in that country of a newer and more vigorous government which, slowly acquiring shape in the hands of Kublai and a more national form under the Mings, has attained the pinnacle of its utility and strength under the influence of the great Emperors of the Manchu dynasty. But great as is the reputation Genghis has acquired it is pro- bably short of his merits. He is remembered as a relentless and irresistible conquerer, a human scourge; but he was much more. He was one of the greatest instruments of destiny, one of the most remarkable moulders of the fate of nations to be met with in the history of the world. His name still over- shadows Asia with its fame and the tribute of our admiration cannot be denied. The Struggle Continues. The death of Genghis did not seriously retard the progress of the war against the Kins. He expressed the wish that war should be carried on in a more humane and less vindictive manner, but he did not advo- cate there being no war or the abandonment of any of his enterprises. His son and suc- cessor Ogotai was indeed specially charged to bring the conquest of China to a speedy and victorious conclusion. The weakness of the Mongol confederacy was the delay con- nected with the proclamation of a new Khan and the necessity of summoning to a Grand Council all the princes and generals of the race, although it entailed the suspension and often the abandonment of great enterprises. The death of Genghis saved India but not China. Almost his last instructions were to draw up the plan for attacking and turning THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA the great fortress of Tunkwan, which had provided such an efficient defence for Honan on the north, and in 1230, Ogotai who had already partitioned the territory taken from the Kins into ten departments, took the field 57 m person, givmg a joint command to his brotlier Tuli, under whom served the experi- enced generals Yeliu Chutsia, Antchar, and Subutai. At first the Mongols met with no great success, and the Kins, encouraged by a momentary gleam of victory, ventured to reject the terms offered by Ogotai and to insult his envoy. The only important fight- ing during the years 1 230-1 occurred r6und Fongsian, which after a long siege sur- rendered to Antchar, and when the campaign closed the Kins presented a bold, front to the Mongols and still hoped to retain their power and dominions. Attacked on Two Sides. In 1232 the Mongols increased their armies in the field, and attacked the Kins from the two sides. Ogotai led the main force against Honan, while Tuli, marching through Shensi into Szchuen, assailed them on their western flank. The difficulties encountered by Tuh on this march, when he had to make his own Toads, were such, that he entered the Kin territories with a much reduced and exhausted army. The Kin forces gained some advan- tage over it, but by either a feigned or a forced retreat, Tuli succeeded in bafflin'g their pursuit, and in effecting a junction with his brother Ogotai, who had met with better fortune. Tuli destroyed everything along his line of march, and his massacres and sacks revived the worst traditions of Mongol ferocity. In these straits the Kins endeavored to flood the country round their capital, to which the Mongols had now advanced, but the Mongois fell upon the workmen while engaged in the task, and slew 10,000 of them. When the main Kin army accepted battle before the town of Yuchow, it was signally defeated, with the loss of three of its principal generals, and Ninkiassu fled from Kaifong to a place more removed from the scene of war. The garrison and townspeople of Kaifong — an immense city with walls 36 miles in circumference, and a population dur- ing the siege it is said of 1,400,000 families, or nearly seven million people — offered a' stubborn resistance to the Mongols, who entrusted the conduct of the attack to Subutai, the most daring of all their commanders. The Mongols employed their most formid- able engines, catapults hurling immense stones," and mortars ejecting explosives and combustibles, but twelve months elapsed before the walls were shuttered and the courage and provisions of the defenders exhausted. Then Kaifong surrendered at discretion, and Subutai wished to massacre the whole of the population. But fortunately for the Chinese Yeliu Chutsai was a more humane and a more influential general, and under his advice Ogotai rejected the cruel proposal. The Brave Kins. At this moment, when it seemed impossible for fate to have any worse experience in store for the unfortunate Kins, their old enemies the Sungs declared war upon them, and placed a large army in the field under the their best general, Mongkong. The relics of the Kin army under their sovereign Nin- kiassu, took shelter in Tsaichau, where they were closely besieged by the Mongols on one side and the Sungs on the other. Driven thus into a corner, the Kins fought with the courage of despair, and long held out against the combined efforts of their enemies. At last Ninkiassu saw the struggle could not be 58 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. prolonged, and he prepared himself to end his life and career in a manner worthy of the race from which he sprang. When the enemy broke into the city, and he heard the stormers at the gate of his palace, he retired to an upper chamber and set fire to the building. Many of his gen- erals, and even of his soldiers, followed his example, preferring to end their existence rather than to add to the triumph of their Mongol and Sung opponents. Thus came to an end in 1234 the famous dynasty of the Kins, who under nine Emperors had ruled Northern China for 118 years, and whose power and military capacity may best be gauged by the fact that without a single ally they held out against the all-powerful Mon- gols for more than a quarter of a century. Ninkiassu, the last of their rulers, was not able to sustain the burden of their authority, but he at least showed himself equal to end- ing it in a worthy and appropriately dramatic manner. Warnings not Heeded. The folly of the Sungs had completed the discomfiture of the Kins, and had brought to their own borders the terrible peril which had beset every other state in Asia, and which had in almost every case entailed destruction. How could the Sungs expect to avoid the same fate, or to propitiate the most implac- able and insatiable of conquering races ? They had done this to a large extent with their eyes open. More than once in the early stages of the struggle the Kin rulers had sent envoys to beg their alliance, and to warn them that if they did not help in keep- ing out the Mongols, their time would come to be assailed and to share in the common ruin. But Ningtsong did not pay heed to the ' warning, and scarcely concealed his gratifi- cation at the misfortunes of his old opponents. The nearer the Mongols came, and the worse the plight to which the Kins were reduced, the more did he rejoice. He forgave Tuli the violation of Sung territory, necessary for his flank attack on Honan, and when the knell of the Kins sounded at the fall of Kai- fong, he hastened to help in striking the final blow at them, and to participate, as he hoped, in the distribution of the plunder. By this time Litsong had succeeded his cousin Ningtsong as ruler of the Sungs, and it is said that he received from Tsaichau the armor and personal spoils of Ninkiassu, which he had the satisfaction of offering up in the temple of his ancestors. Saw his Mistake. But when he requested the Mongols to comply with the more important part of the convention, by which the Sung forces had joined the Mongols before Tsaichau, and to evacuate the province of Honan, he experi- enced a rude awakening from his dream that the overthrow of the Kins would redound to his advantage, and he soon realized what value the Mongols attached to his alliance. The military capacity of Mongkong inspired the Sung ruler with confidence, and he called upon the Mongols to execute their promises, or to prepare for war. The Mongol garri- sons made no movement of retreat, and the utmost that Litsong was offered was a por- tion of Honan, if it could be practically divided. The proposition was probably meant ironically, but at all events Litsong rejected it, and sent Mongkong to take by force possesion of the disputed province. The Mongol forces on the spot were fewer than the Chinese, and they met with some reverses. But the hope of the Sungs that the fortune of war would declare in their favor was soon destroyed by the vast pre- THE GIANT CHANG, 60 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. parations of the Mongols, who, at a special kuriltai, held at Karakoram, declared that the conquest of China was to be completed. Then Litsong's confidence left him, and he sent an appeal for peace to the Mongols, giving up all claim to Honan, and only ask- ing to be left in undisturbed possession of his original dominions. It was too late. The Mongols had passed their decree that the Sungs were to be treated like the Kins, and that the last Chinese government was to be destroyed. An Army of Half a Million. In 1235, the year following the immola- tion of Ninkiassu, the Mongols placed half a ^nillion men in the field for the purpose of destroying the Sung power, and Ogotai divi- ded them into three armies, which were to attack Litsong's kingdom from as many sides. The Mongol ruler entrusted the most difficult task to his son -Kutan, who invaded the inaccessible and vast province of Szchuen, at the head of one of these armies. Not- withstanding its natural capacity for offering an advantageous defence, the Chinese turned their opportunities to poor EKCount, and the Mongols succeeded in capturing all its fron- tier fortresses, with little or no resistance. The shortcomings of the defence can be in- ferred from the circumstances of the Chinese annalists making special mention of one governor having had the courage to die at his post. For some reason not clearly stated the Mongols did not attempt to retain possession of Szchuen on this occasion. They with- drew when they were in successful occupa- tion of the northern half of the province, and when it seemed as if the other lay at their mercy. In the two dual provinces of Kiang- nan and Houkwang, the other Mongol armies met with considerable success, which was dimmed, however, by the death of Kuchu, the son and proclaimed heir of Ogotai, This event, entailing no inconsiderable doubt and long-continued disputes a* to the suc- cession, was followed by the withdrawal of the Mongol forces from Sung territory, and during the last six years of his life Ogotai abstained from war, and gave himself up to the indulgence of his gluttony. He built a great palace at Karakoram, where his ances- tors had been content to live in a tent, and he entrusted the government of the old Kin dominions to Yeliu Chutsai, who acquired great popularity among the Chinese for his clemency and regard for their customs. Died of Grief. Yeliu Chutsai adopted the Chinese mode of taxation, and when Ogotai's widow, Tura- kina, who acted as Regent after her husband's death, ordered him to alter his system and to farm out the revenues, he sent in his resig- nation, and it is said, died of grief shortly afterwards. Ogotai was one of the most humane and amiable of all the Mongol rulers, and Yeliu Chutsai imitated his master. Of the latter the Chinese contemporary writers said " he was distinguished by a rare dis- interestedness. Of a very broad intellect, he was able, without injustice and without wronging a single person, to amass vast treasures, and to enrich his family, but all his care and labors had for their sole object the advantage and glory of his masters. Wise and calculating in his plans, he did little of which he had any reason to repent." During the five years following the death of Ogotai, the Mongols were absorbed in the question who should be their next Great Kahn, and it was only after a warm and pro- tracted discussion, which threatened to entail the disruption of Mongol power, and the revelation of many rivalries among the de- THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. 61 scendants of Genghis, that Kuyuk, the eldest son of Ogotal, was proclaimed Emperor. At the kuriltai held for this purpose, all the great Mongol leaders were present, including Batu, the conqueror of Hungary, and after the Mongol chiefs had, agreed as to their chief, the captive kings, Yaroslaf of Russia, and David of Georgia, paid homage to their conqueror. We owe to the monk Carpino, who was sent by the Pope to convert the Mongol, a graphic account of one of the most brilliant ceremonies to be met with in the whole course of Mongol history. Pushing Forward the Conquest. The delay in selecting Kuyuk, whose prin- cipal act of sovereignty was to issue a seal having this inscription : " God in Heaven and Kuyuk on earth ; by the power of God the ruler of all men," had given the Sungs one respite, and his early death procured them another. Kuyuk died in 1248, and his cousin Mangu, the son of Tuli, was appointed his successor. By this time the Mongol chiefs of the family of Genghis in Western Asia were practically independent of the nominal Great Khan, and governed their states in complete sovereignty, and waged war without reference to Karakoram. This change left the Mongols in their original home on the Amour absolutely free to devote all their attention to the final overthrow of the Sungs, and Mangu declared that he would know no rest until he had finally sub- jected the last of the Chinese ruling families. In this resolution Mangu received the hearty support of his ydunger,but more able brother, Kublai, to whom was entrusted the direction in the field of the armies sent to complete the conquest of China. Kublai received this charge in 1251,30 that the Sungs had enjoyed, first through the pacific disposition of Ogotai, and, secondly, from the family disputes following his death, peace for more than fifteen years. The advantage of this tranquility was almost nul- lified by the death of Mongkong, a general whose reputation may have been easily gained, but who certainly enjoyed the confi- dence of his soldiers, and who was thought by his countrymen to be the best commander of his day. When the Chinese Emperor Litsong saw the storm again approaching his northern frontier, he found that he had lost the main support of his power, and that his military resources were inferior to those of his enemy; He had allowed himself to be lulled into a false sense of security by the long inaction of the Mongols, and although he seems to have been an amiable prince, and a typical Chinese ruler, honoring the descendants of Confucius with the hereditary title of Duke, which still remains in that family, and is the only title of its kind in China, and encouraging the literary classes of his country, he was a bad sovereign to be entrusted with the task of defending his realm and people against a bold and determined enemy. A Wise Policy. Kublai prepared the way for his campaigns in Southern China by following a very wise and moderate policy in Northern China similar to that begun by Muhula, and carried out with greater effect by Yeliu Chutsai. He had enjoyed the advantage of a Chinese education, imparted by an able tutor named Yaochu, who became the prince's private secretary and mentor in all Chinese matters. At his instigation, or, at least, with his co-operation, Kublai took in hand the restor- ation of the southern portion of Honan, which had been devastated during the wars, and he gucceeded irl bringing back its popu- lation and prosperity to that great province 62 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. of Central China and retrieving the misfor- tunes of past years. He thus secured a base for his operations close to the Sung frontier, while he attached to his person a large section of the Chinese nation. There never was any concealment that this patronage of Chinese officials and these measures for the amelioration of many miUions of Chinese subjects, were the well calculated preliminaries to the invasion of Southern China, and the extinction of the Sung dynasty. A Bold Campaign. If Kublai had succeeded in obtaining a wise adviser in Yaochu, he was not less for- tunate in procuring a great general in the person of Uriangkadai, the son of Subutai, and his remarkable and unvarying successes were largely due to the efforts of those two men in the cabinet and the field. The plan of campaign, drawn up with great care and forethought by the prince and his lieutenant, had the double merit of being both bold and original. Its main purpose was not one that the Sung generals would be likely to divine. It was determined to make a flank march round the Sung dominions, and to occupy what is now the province of Yunnan, and by placing an army in the rear of their kingdom, to attack them eventually from two sides. At this time Yunnan formed an independent state, and its ruler, from his position behind the Sung territory, must have fancied him- self secure against any attack by the Mon- gols. He was destined to a rude awakening. Kublai and Uriangkadai, marching across Szchuen and crossing the Kinchakiang, or "river of golden sand," which forms the upper course of the Great River, on rafts, burst into Yunnan, speedily vanquished the frontier garrisons, and laid siege to the capital, Talifoo. That town did not hold out long,, and soon Kublai was in a position to return to his own state, leaving Uriangkadai with a considerable garrison in charge of Yunnan. That general, believing that his position would be improved by his resorting to an active offensive, carried the standard of his race against the many turbulent tribes in his neighborhood, and invaded Burmah, whose king, after one campaign, was glad to recognize the supremacy of the Mongols. The success and the boldness, which may have been considered temerity, of this cam- paign, raised up enemies to Kublai at the court of Karakoram, and the mind of his brother Mangu was poisoned against him by many who declared that Kublai aspired to complete independence. These designs so far succeeded, that in 1257 Mangu finally deprived Kublai of all his commands, and ordered him to proceed to Karakoram. At , this harsh and unmerited treatment Kublai showed himself inclined to rebel and dispute his brother's authority. If he had done this, although the provocation was great, he would have confirmed the charges of his accusers, and a war would have broken out among the Mongols, which would probably have rent their power in twain in Eastern Asia. Proved his Innocence. But fortunately Yaochu was at hand to give prudent advice, and, after much hesita- tion, Kublai yielded to the impressive exhor- tations of his experienced and sagacious minister. He is reported to have addressed Kublai in the following terms: — "Prince! You are the brother of the Emperor, but you are not the less his subject. You cannot, without committing a crime, question his decisions, and, moreover, if you were to do so, it would only result in placing you in a more dangerous predicament, out of which you could hardly succeed in extricating your- THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. 63 self, as you are so far distant from the capital where your enemies seek to injure you. My advice is that you should send your family to Mangu, and by this step you will justify yourself and remove any suspicions there may be." Kublai adopted this wise course, and pro- ceeded in person to Karakoram, where he succeeded in proving his innocence and in discomfiting his enemies. It is said that Mangu was so affected at the mere sight of his brother that he at once forgave him with- out waiting for an explanation and reinstated him in all his offices. To ratify this reconcilia- tion Mangu proclaimed that he would take the field in person, and that Kublai should hold joint command with himself When he formed this resolution to proceed to China in person, he appointed his next brother, Arik- buka, to act as his lieutenant in Mongolia. It is necessary to recollect this arrangement as Mangu died during the campaign, and it led to the separation of the Chinese empire and the Mongolian, which were divided after that event between Kublai and Arikbuka. Rapid Movements. Mangu did not come to his resolution to prosecute the war with the Sungs any too soon, for Uriangkadai was beginning to find his isolated position not free from danger. Large as the army of that general was, and skilfully as he had endeavored to improve his position by strengthening the fortresses and recruiting from the warlike tribes of Yunnan, Uriangkadai found himself threat- ened by the collected armies of the Sungs, who occupied Szchuen with a large garrison and menaced the daring Mongol general with the whole of their power. There seems every reason to believe that if the Sungs had acted with only ordinary prornpti- tude they might have destroyed this Mongol army long before any aid could have reached it from the north. Once Mangu had formed his resolution the rapidity of his movements left the Sungs little or no chance of attack- ing Uriangkadai. A Council of War. This campaign began in the winter of 1257, when the troops were able to cross the frozen waters of the Hoangho, and the immense Mongol army was divided into three bodies, while Uriangkadai was ordered to march north and effect a junction with his old chief Kublai in Szchuen. The principal fighting of the first year occurred in this part of China, and Mengu hastened there with another of his armies. The Sung garrison was large, and showed great courage and fortitude. The difficulty of the country and the strength of several of their fortresses seconded their efforts, and after two years' fighting the Mongols felt so doubtful of suc- cess that they held a council of war to decide whether they should retreat or continue to prosecute the struggle. It has been said that councils of war do not come to bold resolutions, but this must have been an exception, as it decided not to retreat, and to make one more determined effort to overcome the Chinese. The cam- paign of 1259 began with the siege of Hochau, a strong fortress, held by a valiant garrison and commander, and to whose aid a Chinese army under Luwenti was hasten- ing. The governor, Wangkien, offered a stout resistance, and Luwenti succeeded in harassing the besiegers, but the fall of the fortress appeared assured, when a new and more formidable defender arrived in the form of dysentery. The Mongol camp was rav- aged by this foe, Mangu himself died of the disease, and those of the Mongols who es- caped beat a hasty and disorderly retreat 64 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. back to the north. Once more the Sungs obtained a brief respite. The death of Mangu threatened fresh dis- putes and strife among the Mongol royal family. Kublai was his brother's lawful heir, but Arikbuka, the youngest of the brothers, was in possession of Karakoram, and supreme throughout Mongolia. He was hostile to Kublai, and disposed to assert all his rights and to make the most of his opportunities. A Generous Conqueror. No Great Khan could be proclaimed any- where save at Karakoram, and Arikbuka would not allow his brother to gain that place, the cradle of their race and dynasty, unless he' could do so by force of arms. Kublai attempted to solve the difficulty by holding a grand council near his favorite city of Cambaluc, the modern Pekin, and he sent forth his proclamation to the Mon- gols as their Khan. But they refused to recognize one who was not elected in the orthodox fashion at Karakoram ; and Arik- buka not merely defied Kublai, but sum- moned his own kuriltai at Karakoram, where he was proclaimed Khakhan in the most formal manner and with all the accustomed ceremonies. Arikbuka was undoubtedly popular among the Mongols, while Kublai, who was regarded as half a Chinese on account of his education, had a far greater reputation south of the wall than north of it. Kublai could not tolerate the open defi- ance of his authority, and the contempt shown for what was his birthright, by Arik- buka; and in 1261 he advanced upon Kara- koram at the head of a large army. A single battle sufficed to dispose of Arik- buka's pretensions, and that prince was glad to find a place of refuge among the Kirghiz. Kublai proved himself a generous enemy. He sent Arikbuka his full pardon, he rein- stated him in his rank of prince, aiid he left him virtually supreme amongst the Mongol tribes. He retraced his steps to Pekin, fully resolved to become Chinese Emperor in reality, but prepared to waive his rights as Mongol Khan. Mangu Khan was the last of the Mongol rulers whose authority was recognized in both the east and the west, and his successor, Kublai, seeing that its old significance had departed, was fain to estab- lish his on a new basis in the fertile, ancient, and wide-stretching dominions of China. Before Kublai composed the difficulty with Arikbuka he had resumed his operations against the Sungs, and even before Mangu 's death he had succeded in establishing some posts south of the Yangtsekiang, in the im- passability of which the Chinese fondly be- lieved. During the year of 1260 he laid siege to Wochow, the modern Wouchang, but he failed to make any impression on the fortress on this occasion, and he agreed to the truce which Litsong proposed. Terms of the Treaty. By the terms of this agreement, Litsong acknowledged himself a Mongol vassal, just as his ancestors had subjected themselves to to the Kins, paid a large tribute, and forbade his generals anywhere to attack the Mongols. The last stipulation was partly broken by an attack on the rear of Uriangkadai's corps, but no serious results followed, for Kublai was well satisfied with the manner in which the campaign terminated, as there is no doubt that his advance across the Yangtse- kiang had been precipitate, and he may have thought himself lucky to escape with the appearance of success and the conclusion of a gratifying treaty. It was with the reputa- tion gained by his nominal success, and by having made the Sungs his tributaries, that s u i4 H z w u H H H H 65 66 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Kublai hastened northwards to settle his rivahy with Arikbuka. Having accomplished that object with complete success he decided to put an end to the Sung dynasty. The Chinese Em- peror, acting with strange fatuity, had given fresh cause of umbrage, and had provoked a war by many petty acts of discourtesy, cul- minating in the murder of the envoys of Kublia, sent to notify his proclamation as Great Khan of the Mongols. Probably the Sung ruler could not have averted war if he had shown the greatest forbearance and humility, but this cruel and inexcusable act precipitated the crisis and the extinction of his attenuated authority. If there was any delay in the movements of Kublai for the purpose of exacting reparation for this out- rage, it was due to his first having to arrange a difficulty that had arisen in his relations with the King of Corea. That potentate had long preserved the peace with his Mongol neighbors, and perhaps he would have re- mained a friend without any interruption, had not the Mongols done something which was construed as an infraction of Corean liberty. Uprising of the Coreans. '1 he Corean love of independence took fire at the threatened diminution of their rights, they rose en masse in defence of their coun- try, and even the king, Wangtien, who had been well disposed to the Mongol rulers, declared that he could not continue the alli- ance, and placed himself at the head of his people. Seeing himself thus menaced with a costly war in a difficult country on the eve of a more necessary and hopeful contest, Kublai resorted to diplomacy. He addressed Wangtien in complimentary terms and dis- claimed all intention of injuring the Coreans with whom he wished to maintain friendly relations, but at the same time he pointed out the magnitude of his power and dilated on the extent of the Mongol conquests. Half by flattery and half by menace Kublai brought the Corean court to reason, and Wangtien again entered into bonds of alli- ance with Cambaluc and renewed his old oaths of friendship. Change of Rulers. In 1263 Kublai issued his proclamation of war, calling on his generals ''to assemble their troops, to sharpen their swords and their pikes, and to prepare their bows and arrows," for he intended to attack the Sungs by land and sea. The treason of a Chinese general in his service named Litan served to delay the opening of the campaign for a few weeks, but this incident was of no import- ance, as Litan was soon overthrown and executed. Brief as was the interval, it was marked by one striking and important event — the death of Litsong, who was succeeded by his nephew, Chowki, called the Emperor Toutsong. Litsong was not a wise ruler, but compared with many of his successors, he might be more accurately styled unfortu- nate than incompetent. Toutsong, and his weak and arrogant minister, Kiasseto, hastened to show that there were greater heights of folly than any to which he had attained. Acting on the advice of a renegade Sung general, well acquainted with the defences of Southern China, Kublai altered his proposed attack, and prepared for crossing the Yangtsekiang by first making himself supreme on its tribu- tary, the Han river. His earlier attack on Wouchang, and his compulsory retirement from that place had taught him the evil of making a premature attack. His object remained the same, but instead of marching direct to it across the Yangtsekiang he took the advice of the Sung general, and attacked THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. 67 the fortress of Sianyang on the Han river, with the object of making himself supreme on that stream, and wresting from the Sungs the last first-class fortress they possessed in the northwest. By the time all these preliminaries were completed and the Mongol army had fairly taken the field it was 1 268, and Kublai sent 60,000 of his best troops, with a large num- ber of auxiliaries, to lay siege to Sianyang, which was held by a large garrison and a resolute governor. The Mongol lines were drawn up round the town, and also its neigh- bor of Fanching, situated on the opposite bank of the river, with which communication was maintained by several bridges, and the Mongols built a large fleet of fifty war junks, with which they closed the Han river and effectually prevented any aid being sent up it from Hankow or Wouchang. A Long Siege. Liuwen Hoan, the commandant of Sian- yang, was a brave man, and he commanded a numerous garrison and possessed supplies, as he said, to stand a ten years' siege. He repulsed all the assaults of the enemy, and, undaunted by his isolation, replied to the threats of the Mongols to give him no quar- ter if he persisted in holding out, by boasting that he would hang their traitor general in chains before his sovereign. The threats and vaunts of the combatants did not bring the siege any nearer to an end. The utmost that the Mongols could achieve was to pre- vent any provisions or reinforcements being thrown into the town. But on the fortress itself they made no impression. Things had gone on like this for three years, and the interest in the siege had begun to languish, when Kublai determined to make a supreme effort to carry the place, and at the same moment the Sung minister came to the con- clusion to relieve it at all hazards. It was evident that the crisis had arrived. The campaign of 1270 began with a heroic episode — the successful despatch of provisions into the besieged town, under the direction of two Chinese officers named Changkoua and Changchun, whose names deserve to be long remembered for their heroism. The flotilla was divided into two bodies, one composed of the fighting, the other of the storeships. The Mongols had made every preparation to blockade the river, but the suddenness and vigor of the Chinese attack surprised them, and, at first, the Chinese had the best of the day. But soon the Mongols recovered, and from their superior position threatened to overwhelrr the assailing Chinese squadron. In this perilous moment Changchun, devoting him- self to death in the interest of his country, collected all his war-junks, and making a desperate attack on the Mongols, succeeded in obtaining sufficient, time to enable the storeships under Changkoua to pass safely up to Sianyang. The life of so great a hero as Changchun was, however, a heavy price to pay for the temporary relief of Sianyang, which was more closely besieged than ever after the arrival of Kublai in person. All Were Destroyed. The heroic deed of Changchun roused a spirit of worthy emulation in the bosom of his comrade, Changkoua, who having thrown the needed supplies into Sianyang was no longer wanted in that beleagured city. He determined to cut his way back with such forces as he could collect, and tc take a part in the operations in progress for the relief of the town. At the head of the few remaining war-junks he succeeded in breaking his way through the chains and other barriers by which the Mongols sought 68 to close the river, and for a brief space it seemed as if he would evade or vanquish such of the Mongol ships as were on the alert. But the Mongols kept good watch, and as Changkoua refused to surrender he CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. lamentations, and buried beside that of Changchun, whose corpse had been rescued from the river. After this affair the Mongols pushed the siege with greater vigor, and instead of con- A MOVABLE COOK-SHOP. and his small band were destroyed to the last man. After the brief struggle was ended the Mongols sent the body of Changkoua into Sianyang, where it was received with loud centrating their efforts on Sianyang they attacked both that fortress and Fanching from all sides. The Mongol commander, Alihaya, sent to Persia, where the Mongols were also supreme, for engineers trained in THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. 69 the working of mangonels or catapults, engines capable of throwing stones of i6o- Ibs. weight with precision for a considerable distance. By their aid the bridges across the river were first destroyed, and then the walls of Sianyang were so severely damaged that an assault appeared to be feasible. Letter from the Mongol Emperor. But Fanching had suffered still more from the Mongol bombardment, and Alhaya, therefore, attacked it first. The garrison offered a determined resistance, and the fight- ing was continued in the streets. Not a man of the garrison escaped, and when the slaughter was over the Mongols found that they had only acquired possession of a mass of ruins. But they had obtained the key to Sianyang, the weakest flank of which had been protected by Fanching, and the Chinese garrison was so discouraged that Liuwen Hoan, despairing of relief, agreed to accept the terms. offered by Kublai. Those terms were expressed in the following noble letter from the Mongol Emperor : "The generous defence you have made during five years covers you with glory. It is the duty of every faithful subject to serve his prince at the expense of his life, but in the straits to which you are reduced, your strength exhausted, deprived of succor and -without hope of receiving any, would it be reasonable to sacrifice the lives of so many brave men out of sheer obstinacy? Submit in good faith to us and no harm shall come to you. We promise you still more; and that is to provide each and all of you with honorable employment. You shall have no grounds of discontent, for that we pledge you our Imperial word." It will not excite surprise that Liuwen Hoan, who had been practically speaking deserted by his own sovereign, should have accepted the magnanimous terms of his con- queror, and become as loyal a lieutenant of Kublai as he had shown himself to be of the Sung Toutsong. The death of that ruler followed soon afterwards, but as the real power had been in the hands of the Minister Kiassetao, no change took place in the policy or fortunes of the Sung kingdom. At this moment Kublai succeeded in obtaining the services cf Bayan, a Mongol general who had acquired a great reputa- tion under Khulagu in Persia. Bayan, whose name signifies the noble or the brave, and who was popularly known as Bayan of the Hundred Eyes, because he was supposed to' see everything, was one of the greatest mili- tary leaders of his age and race. He was entrusted with the command of the main army, and under him served, it is interesting to state, Liuwen Hoan. Several towns were captured after more or less resistence, and Bayan bore down with all his force on the triple cities of Hankow, Wouchang and Hanyang. Bayan concentrated all his efforts on the capture of Hanyang, while the Mongol navy under Artchu compelled the Chinese fleet to take refuge under the walls of Wouchang. None of these towns offered a very stubborn resistance, and Bayan had the satisfaction of receiving their surrender one after another. Leaving Alihaya with 40,000 men to guard these places Bayan marched with the rest of his forces on the Sung capital, Lingan or Hangchow; the cele- brated Kincsay of mediaeval travellers. The National Defence. The retreating fleet and army of the Sungs carried with them fear of the Mongols, and the ever-increasing representation of their extraordinary power and irresistible arms'. In this juncture public opinion compelled Kiassetao to take the lead, and he called 70 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. upon all the subjects of the Sung to contri- bute arms and money for the purpose of national defence. But his own incompe- tence in directing this national movement deprived it of half its force and of its natural chances of success. Bayan's advance was rapid. Many towns opened their gates in terror or admiration of his name, and Liu- wen Hoan was frequently present to assure them that Kublai was the most generous of masters, and that there was no wiser course than to surrender to his generals. "A Little Too Late." The Mongol forces at last reached the neighborhood of the Sung capital where Kiassetao had succeeded in collecting an army of 130,000 men, but many of them were ill-trained, and the splendor of the camp provided a poor equivalent for the want of arms and discipline among the men. Kiassetao seems to have been ignorant of the danger of his position, for he sent an arrogant summons to the Mongols to retire, stating also that he would grant a peace based on the Yangtsekiang as a boundary. Bayan's simple reply to this notice was: "If you had really aimed at peace, you would have made this proposition before we crossed . the Kiang. Now that we are the masters of it, it is a little too late. Still if you sin- cerely desire it, come and see me in person, and we will discuss the necessary condi- tions." Very few of the Sung lieutenants offered a protracted resistance, and even the isolated cases of devotion were confined to the official class who were more loyal than the mass of the people. Chao Maofa and his wife Yongchi put an end to their existence sooner than give up their charge at Chichow, but the garrison accepted the terms of the Mongols without compunction and without thinking of their duty. Kiassetao attempted to resist the Mongol advance at Kien Kang, the modern Nankin, but after an engagement on land and water the Sungs were driven back, and their fleet only escaped destruction by retiring pre- cipitately to the sea. After this success Nankin surrendered without resistance, although its governor was a valiant and ap- parently a capable man. He committed suicide sooner than surrender, and among his papers was found a plan of campaign, after perusing which Bayan exclaimed, "Is it possible that the Sungs possessed a man capable of giving such prudent counsel ? If they had paid heed to it should we ever have reached this spot?" After this success Bayan pressed on with increased rather than diminished energy, and the Sung Emperor and his court fled from the capital. Kublai showed an inclination to temporize and to negotiate, but Bayan would not brook any delay. " To relax your grip even for a moment on an enemy whom you have held by the throat for a hundred years would only be to give him time to recover his breath, to restore his forces, and in the end to cause us an infinity of trouble." Repulsed with Heavy Loss. The Sung fortunes showed some slight symptoms of improving when Kiassetao was disgraced, and a more competent general was found in the person of Chang Chikia. But the Mongols never abated the vigor of their attack or relaxed in their efforts to cut off all possibility to succor from the Sung capital. When Chang Chikia hoped to im- prove the position of his side by resuming the offensive he was destined to rude disap- pointment. Making an attack on the strong position of the Mongols at Nankin he was repulsed with heavy loss. The Sung fleet was almost annihilated and 700 war-junks 72 CHINA: PASl AND PRESENT. were taken by the victors. After this the Chinese never dared to face the Mongols again on the water. The victory was due to the courage and capacity of Artchu. Bayan now returned from a campaign in Mongolia to resume the chief conduct of the war, and he signalized his return by the cap- ture of Changchow. At this town he is said to have sanctioned a massacre of the Chi- nese troops, but the facts are veiled in uncer- tainty; and Marco Polo declares that this was only done after the Chinese had treach- erously cut up the Mongol garrison. Alarmed by the fall of Changchow the Sung ministers again sued for peace, sending an imploring letter to this effect : — " Our ruler is young and cannot be held responsible for the differences that have arisen between the peoples. Kiassetao the guilty one has been punished; give us peace and we shall be better friends in the future." The Surrender. - Bayan's reply was severe and uncompro- mising. " The age of your prince has nothing to do with the question between us. The war must go on to its legitimate end. Furthur argument is useless." The defences of the Sung capital were by this time re- moved, and the unfortunate upholders of that dynasty had no option save to come to terms with the Mongols. .Marco Polo describes Kincsay as the most opulent city of the world, but it was in no position to stand a siege. The Empress-Regent acting for her son sent in her submission to Bayan, and agreed to proceed to the court of the conqueror. She abdicated for herself and family all the pretensions of their rank, and she accepted the favors of the Mongol with due humility, saying, " The Son of Heaven (thus giving Kublai the correct Imperial style) grants you the favor of sparing your life; it is just to thank him for it and to pay him homage." Bayan made a triumphal entry into the city, while the Emperor Kongtsong was sent off to Pekin. The majority of the Sung courtiers and soldiers came to terms with Bayan, but a few of the more desperate or faithful endeavored to uphold the Sung cause in Southern China under the general, Chang Chikia. Two of the Sung princes were sup- ported by this commander and one was pro- claimed by the empty title of emperor. Capricious fortune rallied to their side for a brief space, and some of the Mongol detach- ments which had advanced too far or with undue precipitancy were cut up and de- stroyed. Capture of Canton. The Mongols seem to have thought that the war was over, and the success of Chang Chikia's efforts may have been due to their negligence rather than to his vigor. As soon as they realized that there remained a flickering flame of opposition among the supporters of the Sungs they sent two armies, one into Kwantung and the other into Fuhkien, and their fleet against Chang Chikia. Desperate as was his position, that officer still exclaimed, " If heaven has not resolved to overthrow the Sungs, do you think that even now it cannot restore their ruined throne?" but his hopes were dashed to the ground by the capture of Canton, and the expulsion of all his forces from the main- land. One puppet emperor died and then Chang proclaimed another as Tiping. The last supporters of the cause took refuge on the island of Tai in the Canton estuary, where they hoped to maintain their position. The position was strong and the garrison was numerous ; but the Mongols were not to be frightened by appearances. Their fleet THE MONGOL CONQUEST OF CHINA. 73 bore down on the last Sung stronghold with absolute confidence, and, although the Chi- nese resisted for three days and showed great gallantry, they were overwhelmed by the superior engines as well as the numbers of the Mongols. Chang Chikia with a few ships succeeded in escaping from the fray, but the emperors vessel was less fortunate, and finding that escape was impossible, Lousionfoo, one of the last Sung ministers, seized the emperor in his arms and jumped overboard with him. Thus died Tiping, the last Chinese Emperor of the Sungs, and with him expired that ill- fated dynasty. Chang Chikia renewed the struggle with aid received from Tonquin, but when he was leading a forlorn hope against Canton he was caught in a typhoon and he and his ships were wrecked. His invocation to heaven, "I have done everything I could to sustain on the throne the Sung dynasty. When one prince died I caused another to be proclaimed emperor. He also has per- ished, and I still live ! Oh, heaven, shall I be acting against thy desires if I sought to place a new prince of this family on the throne ?" sounded the dirge of the race he had served so well. Thus was the conquest of China by the Mongols completed. After half a century of warfare the kingdom of the Sungs shared the same fate as its old rival the Kin, and Kublai had the personal satisfaction of com- pleting the work begun by his grandfather Genghis seventy years before. Of all the Mongol triumphs it was the longest in being attained. The Chinese of the north and of the south resisted with extraordinary powers of endurance the whole force of the greatest conquering race Asia ever saw. They were not skilled in war and their generals were generally incompetent, but they held out with desperate courage and obstinacy long after other races would have given in. The student of history will not fail to see in these facts striking testimony of the extra- ordinary resources of China, and of the capacity of resistance to even a vigorous conqueror possessed by its inert masses. Even the Mongols did not conquer until they had obtained the aid of a large section of the Chinese nation, or before Kublai had shown that he intended to prove himself a worthy Emperor of China and not merely a great Khan of the Mongol Hordes, a bar- barous conqueror and not a wise ruler. CHAPTER IV. THE FIRST MANCHU RULER. THE history of China from this time on presents a succession of wars and conquests, and rising and falling dynasties. The Mongol dynasty gave way to the Ming, and this in turn went into decline. In the first half of the 17th century the country was conquered by the Manchus who established the present reigning Tsin dynasty. How a small Tartar tribe succeeded after fifty years of war in imposing its yoke on the skeptical, freedom-loving, and intensely national millions of China will always remain one of the enigmas of history. The military genius of Wou Sankwei, the widely prevalent dissensions among the people, and the effete- ness of the reigning house on the one hand, and the , superior discipline, sagacity,- and political knowledge of the Tartars on the other,~ are some of the principal causes of the Manchu success that at once suggest them- selves to the mind. But in no other case has a people, boldly resisting to the end and cheered by occasional flashes of victory, been subjected after more than a whole generation of war, with a des- pised an truly insignificant enemy in the durable form in which the Manchus trod the Chinese under their heel, and secured for themselves all the perquisites and honor accruing to the governing class in one of the richest and largest empires under the sun. The Chinese were made to feel all the bitterness of subjection by the imposition of a hated badge of servitude, and that they proved unable to succeed under this aggra- 74 vation of circumstances, greatly increases the wonder with which the Manchu conquest must ever be regarded. But the most signifi- cant feature of the Manchu conquest is that it provides a durable proof of the possibility of China being conquered by a small but determined body of men. Once Wou Sank- wei had opened the door to the foreigner, the end proved easy, and was never in doubt. The Chinese were subjugated with extraor- dinary easey and the only testimony to their undiminished vitality has been the quiet and silent process by which the conquerors have been compelled to assimilate themselves to the conquered. Lives and Property Respected. While the Manchu generals and armies were establishing their power in southern China the young Emperor Chuntche, under the direction of his prudent uncle, the regent Ama Wang, was setting up at Pekin the central power of a ruling dynasty. In doing so little or no opposition was experienced at the hands of the Chinese, who sliowed that they longed once more for a settled govern- ment ; and this acquiescence on the part of the Chinese people in their authority no doubt induced the Manchu leaders to adopt a far more conciliatory and lenient policy towards the Chinese than would otherwise have been the case. Ama Wang gave special orders that the lives and property of all who surrendered to his lieutenants should be scrupulously respected. This moderation was only departed from THE FIRST MANCHU RULER. 75 in the case of some rebels in Shensi, who, after accepting, repudiated the Manchu authority, and laid close siege to the chief town of Singan, which held a garrison of only 3,000 Manchus. The commandant wished to make his position secure by mas- sacring the Chinese of the town, but he was deterred from taking this extreme step by the representations of a Chinese officer, who, binding himself for the good faith of his countrymen, induced him to enrol them in the ranks of the garrison. They proved faithful and rendered excellent service in the siege; and when a relieving Manchu army came from Pekin the rebels were quickly scattered and pursued with unflagging bitter- ness to their remotest hiding places. A Bride Carried Off. In the adjoining province of Shansi another insurrection temporarily upset Man- chu authority, but it was brought about by an outrage of a Manchu prince. In 1649 Ama Wang sent an embassy to the principal khan of the Mongols, with whom it was the first object of the Manchus to maintain the closest friendly relations, in order to arrange a marriage between Chuntche and a Mongol princess. The mission was entrusted to a Manchu prince, who took up his residence at Taitong, in Shansi, a place still held by a Chinese garrison under an officer named Kiangtsai. The Manchu prince and his attendants behaved in a most arrogant and overbearing manner, and at last their conduct culminated in an outrage which roused the indignation of the Chinese populace, and converted a loyal city into a hostile centre. The daughter of one of the most influen- tial citizens of Taitong was being led through the streets in honor of her wedding day when several of the ambassador's associates broke into the procession and carried off the bride. The Chinese were shocked at this outrage, and clamored for the prompt punishment of its perpetrators. The governor, Kiangtsai, supported the demand of the citizens, but, unfortunately, the Manchu prince was indif- ferent to the Chinese indignation, and made light of his comrades' conduct. Then the Chinese resolved to enact a terrible ven- geance, and Kiangtsai organized a move- ment to massacre every Manchu in the place. He carried out his intention to the letter, and the Manchu prince was the only one to escape, thanks to the swiftness of his horse. Became a Rebel. The inevitable consequence of this act was that Kiangtsai passed from a loyal ser- vant into a rebel. Ama Wang might have condoned his offence out of consideration for the provocation, but Kiangtsai, thinking of his own safety, decided that there was no course open to him save to pose as the enemy of the Manchu. He seems to have done everything that prudence suggested to strengthen his position, and he showed the grasp of a statesman when he turned to the Mongols and sought to obtain their alliance by begging them to restore the Empire,, and to assert their national superority over the Manchus. His poHcy at first promised to be signally successful, as the Mongol chief entered into his plans and promised to render him all the aid in his power. But his hopes on this score proved short- lived, for Ama Wang, realizing the situation at a glance, nipped the alliance between Kiangtsai and the Mongols in the bud by sending a special embassy with exception- ally costly gifts to the Mongol camp. The cupidity of the Mongols prevailed, and they repudiated with scant ceremony the conven- tion they had just concluded with Kiangtsai, 76 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Then the Mahchus bore down from all sides on Kiangstai, who had assumed the title of Prince of Han. He had gathered round him such a considerable force that he did not hesitate to march out to meet the Man- chus, and he trusted for victory to a skil- fully-devised artifice as much as to superior numbers. He sent forward, under a small guard, a number of wagons containing can- isters of gun-powder, and when the Tartar cavalry saw this baggage train approaching they at once concluded that it was a valu- able prize, and pounced down upon it. The Chinese guard having fired the train took to flight, and the Manchus lost many men in the ensuing explosion, but the most serious consequence was that it threw the whole Manchu army into confusion, and thus enabled Kiangtsai to attack it at a disad- vantage, and to overthrow it with a loss of 15,000 men. In a second battle he con- firmed the verdict of the first, and it is almost unnecessary to add that the reputa- tion of Kiangtsai was raised to a high point, and that the Manchus trembled on the throne. If the Mongols had only joined him, it is impossible to say what might not have happened. Takes the Field in Person. So grave did the possible consequences of these defeats appear that Ama Wang decided to take the field in person, and to proceed against Kiangtsai with the very best troops he could collect. Matters had reached such a pass that, if a general insur- rection were to be averted, the Taitong ris- ing would have to be put down without delay. Ama Wang resolved to strike promptly, yet he had the prudence to adopt Fabian tactics in front of an opponent whose confidence had been raised by two successes in the field. The opposing armies each exceeded 100,000 men, and Kiangtsai was as eager to force on a battle as Ama Wang was to avoid it. During two months there was much man- oeuvring and counter-manoeuvring, and at last Kiangtsai, apprehensive of losing Tai- tong and finding his supplies failing, retired into that place, flattering himself that an enemy who feared to attack him in the open would never venture to assail him in a fort- ress. But the object of Ama Wang was accomplished, and he proceeded to invest the place on all sides. Then Kiangtsai realized his error, and saw that he had no alternative between fighting at a disadvan- tage to cut his way out and remaining besieged until the want of supplies should compel him to surrender. He chose the more valiant course, and haranguing his men in the following words he led them out to assault the Manchua lines. "I- will not lose a moment in exposing to you the dan- ger which threatens us, it must be evident to yourselves. Your valor alone can avail to secure safety for us all. Success is not impossible, but it will require a great efibrt of valor on your part. Whom have we to fight after all ? Men already weakened and discouraged by two defeats, and who so much feared a third battle that all our efforts to bring them to an engagement failed. The part which alone remains for us is not doubtful. If we must perish, let it be with arms in our hands. Is it not better to sell our lives like brave men than to fall inglori- ously under the steel of the Tartars?" A Terrible Onslaught. Such was the impetuosity of the Chinese onslaught that after four hpurs' fighting the Manchus were driven from their first entrenchments. The Chinese were as much elated as their adversaries were depressed by o u o as Hi c g p Q 77 78 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. this initial success, and counted on victory. A single incident served to change the for- tune of the day. Kiangtsai placed himself at the head of his men to lead them to the attack of the remaining Manchu positions when he was struck in the head by an arrow. The death of their leader created a panic among the Chinese troops, who, abandoning all they had won, fled in irre- trievable confusion back to Taitong, where they were more closely beleaguered than before by the Manchus. The discouraged and disorganized Chinese offered but a feeble resistance, and in a very short time the Manchus were masters of Taitong; and the most formidable Chinese gathering which had, up to that time, threatened the new dynasty was broken up. The Taitong insur- gents acquired all their strength from the •personal genius and ascendancy of Kiang- tsai, and with his death they collapsed. " King of the West." In the province of Szchuen a Chinese leader of very different character and capa- city from Kiangtsai set up an administra- tion. He distinguished himself by his brut- ality, and although he proclaimed himself Si Wang, or King of the West, he was exe- crated by those who were nominally his sub- jects. Among the most heinous of his crimes was his invitation to literary men to come to his capital for employment, and when they had assembled to the number of 30,000, to order them to be massacred. He ■dealt in a similar manner with 3,000 of his <:ourtiers, because one of them happened to omit a portion of his full titles. His •excesses culminated in the massacre of Chentu, when 600,000 innocent persons are said to have perished. Even allowing for the eastern exaggera- tion of numbers, the crimes of this inhuman monster have rarely, if ever, been surpassed. His rage or appetite for destruction was not appeased by human sacrifices. He made equal war on the objects of nature and the works of man. He destroyed cities, levelled forests, and overthrew all the public monu- ments that embellished his province. In the midst of his excesses he was told that a Manchu army had crossed the frontier, but he resolved to crown his inhuman career by a deed unparalleled in the records of his- tory, and what is more extraordinary, he suc- ceeded in inducing his followers to execute his commands. His project was to massacre all the women in attendance on his army, and his motives can only be described in his own words. Murder by the Wholesale. "The province of Szchuen is no more than a mass of ruins and a vast desert. I have wished to signalize my vengeance, and at the same time to detach you from the wealth which it offered, in order that your ardor for the conquest of the Empire, which I have sttU every hope of attaining, should not flag. The execution of my project is easy, but one obstacle which might prevent or delay the conquest, I meditate, disturbs my mind. An effeminate heart is not well suited to great enterprises ; the only passion heroes should cherish is that glocy. All of you have wives, and the greater number of you have several in your company. These women can only prove a source of embar- rassment in camp, and especially during marches or other expeditions demanding celerity of movement. Have you any appre- hension lest you should not find elsewhere wives as charming and as accomplished? In a very short time I promige you others who will give us every reason to congratulate ourselves for having made the sacrifice which THE FIRST MANCHU I propose to you. Let us, therefore, get rid of the embarrassment which these women cause us. I feel that the only way for me to persuade you in this matter is by setting you an example. To-morrow, without further delay, I will lead my wives to the public parade. See that you are all present, and cause to be published, under most severe penalties, the order to all your soldiers to assemble there at the same time, each accom- panied by his wives. The treatment I accord to mine shall be the general law. " RULER. 79 Killed by an Arrow. When the assembly took place Si Wang slew his wives, and his followers, seized with an extreme frenzy, followed his example. It is said that as many as 400,000 women were slain that day, and Si Wang, intoxicated by his success in inducing his followers to exe- cute his inhuman behests, believed that he had nothing to fear at the hands of the Manchus. But he was soon undeceived, for in one of the earliest affairs at the outposts he was killed by an arrow. His power at once crumbled away, and Szchuen passed under the authority of the Manchus. The conquest of Szchuen paved the way for the recovery of the position that had been lost in Southern China, and close seige was laid to the city of Canton, where the Chinese leaders had collected all their forces. The Manchus adopted the astute course of giving the highest nominal commands to Chinese, and consequently many of their countrymen surrendered to them more readily than if they had been foreigners. One officer, named Kiuchessa, who is said to have been a Christian, remained faithful to the Ming prince of Southern China until his execution, and he refused to accept a pardon as the price of his apostacy. Outside Canton the Manchus carried everything before them, and that city itself at last was captured, after what passed for a stubborn resistance. Canton was given over to pillage, and the sack continued for ten days. The Ming pretender fled to Yunnan, and afterwards into Burmah, where he en- joyed shelter for seven years. At this moment of success Ama Wang, the wise regent, died. His last years had been full of anxiety from the dangers that had arisen in the path of the Manchus, but he lived long enough to see it much allayed, and the most serious perils removed. He gave all his time and energy to improving his nephew in the work of government, and to looking after his interests. Towards the Chinese he assumed an attitude of modera- tion, and even of studied conciliation, which produced a beneficial effect on the public mind. • To this attitude, as well as to the successful measures of his government, must be attributed the success he experienced in tranquillizing the country. He was not the first nor the last of the great rulers and statesmen which the present imperial family of China has produced in the last three cen- turies. Choosing an Emperor. Some of the elder princes of the Manchu family attempted to succeed to his position, but the principal ministers and courtiers com- bined together and insisted that the Emperor Chuntche was old enough to rule for him- self, and that they would not recognize any other master. This extreme step settled the question, and Chuntche assumed the reins of government.' He at once devoted his atten- tion to administrative reforms. It is said that corruption had begun to sway the public examinations, and that Chuntche issued a special edict, enjoining the examiners to give fair awards and to maintain the purity of the 80 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. service. But several examiners had to be executed and others banished beyond the Wall before matters were placed on a satis- factory_basis. He also adopted the astro- nomical system in force in Europe, and he appointed the priest Adam Schaal head of the Mathematical Board at Pekin. But his most important work was the in- stitution of the Grand Council, which still exists, and which is the supreme power under the Emperor of the country. It is composed of only four members — two Manchus and two Chinese — who alone pos- sess the privilege of personal audience with the Emperor whenever they may demand it. They are far higher in rank than any member of the Six; Tribunals or the Board of Censors, whose wide liberty of expression is limited to written memorials. As this act gave the Chinese an equal place with the Manchus in the highest body of the Empire it was exceedingly welcome, and explains, among other causes, the popu- larity and stability of the Manchu dynasty. When allotting Chuntche his place among the founders of Manchu greatness allowance must be made for this wise and far-reaching measure, the consequences of which cannot be accurately gauged. Embassies from Europe. Another interesting event in the reign of Chuntche, was the arrival at Pekin of more than one embassy from European States. The Dutch and the Russians can equally claim the honor of having had an envoy resident in the Chinese capital during the year 1656, but in neither case could the result be described as altogether satisfactory. After some delay and difficulty and on making the required concessions to the dignity of the Emperor — which means the performance of the Kotao, or making the prostration by beating the ground with the forehead — the Dutch merchants, who^were sent as envoys, were admitted to audience, but although they bribed freely, the only favor they obtained was the right to present tribute at stated intervals, which was a doubtful gain. The Emperor restricted their visit to once in every eight years, and then they were not to exceed one hundred persons, of whom only twenty might pro- ceed to the capital. An Official from Siberia- .The most interesting circumstance in con- nection with this embassy is that it provided Nieuhoff, the secretary, to the envoys, with the material for a description of Pekin at a time when it had not recovered from the effects of the wars we have described. The conquest of Siberia by the Cossack Irmak had brought the Russians into immediate contact with the Chinese, and it was held desirable to establish some sort of diplomatic relations with them. An officer was accord- ingly sent from Siberia to Pekin, but as he persistently refused to perform the Kotao, he was denied audience, and returned without having accomplished anything. The com- mencement of diplomatic relations between Russia and China was therefore postponed to a later day. With Tibet, Chuntche succeeded in estab- lishing relations of a specially cordial nature, which preserve their force to the present time. In 1653 he received a visit from the Grand Lama of Lhasa, and he conferred upon him the title of Dalai, or Ocean Lama,, because his knowledge was as deep and pro- found as the ocean. It says much for the influence of China, and the durability of the tie thus established, that the supreme Lama of Lhasa, has been generally known by this title ever since its being conferred on him. THE FIRST MANCHU RULER. 81 During the last years of the reign of Chuntche, the growth of the naval power of Koshmga, son of Ching Chelong, attracted considerable attention. When Canton fell, many Chinese escaped in their junks, and as the Manchus had no fleet they were unable to follow the fugitives, and the Chinese derived fresh confidence from this security at sea. The daring and activity of Koshinga became the solace and admiration of his countrymen. He first established his head- quarters on the island of Tsong-ming, at the mouth of the river Yangtsekiang, and had he been content with operations along the sea- coast, he might have enjoyed immunity from attack, and an indefinite scope for plunder for many years. But his ambition led him to take an exaggerated view of his power, and, by attempting too much, he jeopardized all he had gained, and finally curtailed his sphere of enterprise. The Opportunity Lost. In 1656, he sailed up the river to attack Nankin, and his enterprise was so far well- timed that the Manchu garrison was then very weak, and the chances of a popular rising in his favor were also at their highest point. But he seems to have relied for suc- ces mainly on the latter contingency, and in the desire to spare his men, he postponed his attack until the favorable opportunity had passed away, and the Manchu garrison being strongly reinforced, the townspeople were both afraid to revolt, and Koshinga to deliver his attack. When at last he nerved himself to assault the place, the Manchus anticipated his intention by delivering a night attack upon his camp, which was completely suc- cessful. Three thousand of his best men were slain, and Koshinga and the remainder were only too glad to seek shelter in their ships. The repulse at Nankin destroyed all 6 Koshinga's dreams of posing as a national deliverer. After this episode he could only hope to be powerful as a rover of the sea, and the head of a piratical confederacy. In 1 66 1, the health of Chuntche became so bad that it was evident to his courtiers that his end was drawing near, although he was little more than thirty years of age. Authorities differ as to the precise cause of his death. Philippe Couplet says that it was small-pox, but the more general version was that it was grief at the death of his favorite wife and infant son. Probably his domestic affliction aggravated his malady, and nullified the efforts of his physicians. On his death- bed he selected as his successor the second of his sons, who afterwards became famous as the Emperor Kanghi, and the choice proved an exceedingly fortunate one. The reign of Chuntche was specially remarkable as witnessing the consolidation of Manchu authority, the introduction of the Chinese to a share in the administration, and the adoption of a policy of increased moder- ation towards the subject people. Engraved on Iron Tablets. When Kanghi was placed on the throne he was only eight years old, and the admin- istration was consequently entrusted to four of the chief and most experienced officials. These co-regents devoted themselves to their duty with energy and intelligence. Their, first act was to impeach the principal eunuchs who had acquired power under Chuntche, and to issue a decree prohibiting the employment of any of that unfortunate class in the public service. This law was engraved on iron tablets weighing more than 1,000 pounds, and the Manchu rulers have ever since remained faithful to the pledge taken by these Manchu regents in the name of the young Emperor Kanghi, 82 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. The very first year of Kanghi's reign wit- nessed the zenith and the fall of the power of of Koshinga. After the failure of his attack on Nankin, Koshinga fixed his designs on to carry out this plan, Koshinga had to oust, not the aboriginal tribes who held most of the interior of the island, but the Dutch traders who had seized most of the ports and SENDING PRAYERS TO HEAVEN BY BURNING THEM. the island of Formosa, which offered, as it seemed, the best vantage ground for a naval confederacy such as he controlled. In order had fortified them. Koshinga found willing allies in the Chinese emigrants who had fled from the mainland to Formosa. They rose THE FIRST MANCHU RULER. 83 up against the Dutch, and before they were subdued the warlike aboriginal tribes had to be recruited against them. But the Dutch, who had been on the island for 3 5 years, flattered themselves that they could hold their own, and that it might •lot be impossible to live on friendly terms with Koshinga. They themselves had acquired their place in Formosa by the retire- ment of the Japanese from Taiwan, in 1624, when the Dutch, driven away by the Portu- guese from Macao, sought a fresh site for their proposed settlement in the Pescadore group, and eventually established themselves at Fort Zealand. The Dutch seem to have been lulled into a sense of false security by their success over the Chinese settlers, and to have believed that Koshinga was not as formidable ks he was considered to be. End of a Remarkable Career. Koshinga did not strike until all his plans were completed, and then he laid siege to Fort Zealand. The Dutch fought well, but they were overpowdered, and lost their pos- sessions, which passed to the Chinese adven- turer. Koshinga assumed the style of King of Formosa, but he did not long survive this triumph. In the year after this conquest he died of a malady which was aggravated by resentment at the insubordination of his eldest son, and thus terminated his remarkable career when he was no more than thirty- eight. The Chinese province of Formosa endured for another twenty years, but its spirit and formidableness departed with Koshinga. In his relations with the English and Dutch merchants he showed all the pre- judice and narrow-mindedness of his country- men. One of the earliest incidents in the reign of Kanghi was an agitation got up by some of the most bigoted cnurtiers, and fanned by popular ignorance and fanaticism, against the Christian priests, who had obtained various posts under the Chinese government. They had not not been very successful as the propagators of religion, but they had undoubtedly rendered the Chinese valuable service as mathematicians and men of science. The Emperor Chuntche had treated them with marked consideration, and there was little to cause surprise in this favor being resented by the Chinese officials, and in their intriguing to discredit and injure the foreigners whose knowledge was declared to be superior to their own. They formulated a charge against them of "propagating a false and monstrous religion," which was easily understood and difficult • to refute. The Abbe Schaal was deposed from the President- ship of the Mathematical Board, and cast into prison. A Narrow Escape. The other Europeans were also incarcerated. They were all tried on a common charge, and, the case being taken as proved, all condemned to a common death. The only respite granted between sentence and execution was for the purpose of discovering some specially cruel mode of execution that might be commensu- rate to the offence, not merely of being a Chris- tian, but of holding offices, that were the pre- scriptive right of the followers of Confucius. The delay thus obtained enabled one of the regents, named Sony, and a man of an enlightened and noble mind, to take steps to save these victims of ignorance. Supported by the mother of Kanghi, he succeeded in gaining his point, and in obtaining a reversal of the iniquitous sentence of ignorant jealously, but the reprieve came too late to save the life of the Abbe Schaal, who escaped the public executioner, only to perish from the consequences of his sufferings in prison. 84 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Unfortunately, Sony did not live long after this for his country to profit by his clemency, or to display it in other acts rf the government. It was during these inci- dents that the young Emperor Kanghi gave the first indication of his capacity to judge important matters for himself, by deciding after personal examination that the astro- nbmical system of Europe was superior to that of China, and by appointing Father Verbiest to succeed the Abbe Schaal. The death of the regent Sony threatened not merely disorders within the supreme administration, but an interruption of the good work of the government itself. Kanghi, with, no doubt, the support of his mother, solved the difficulty by assuming the personal direction of affairs, although he was then only fourteen years of age. Such a bold step undoubtedly betokened no ordi- nary vigor on the part of a youth, and its complete success reflected still further credit upon him. He seems to have been specially impelled to take this step by his disapproval of the tryannical and overbearing conduct of another of his regents, Baturu Kong, who had only been kept in check by the equal influence of Sony, and who promised him- self on his rival's death a course of unbridled power. The Regency Dissolved. Baturu Kong had taken, the most promi- nent part in the agitation against the Chris- tians, and the success of his schemes would have signified the undoing of much of the good work accomplished during the first twenty years of Manchu power. The vigi- lance and resolution of the young Emperor thwarted his plans. By an imperial decree the regency was dissolved, and Kong was indicted on twelve separate charges, each sufficient to receive the punishment of death. A verdict of guilty was returned, and he and his family suffered the supreme punishment for treason. This act of vigor inaugurated the reign of Kanghi, and the same resolu- tion and courage characterized it to the end. In this early assertion of sovereign power, as in much else, it will be seen that Kanghi bore a striking resemblance to his great con- temporary, Louis the Fourteenth of France. Kwei Wang Taken Prisoner. The interest of the period now passes from the scenes at court to the camp of Wou Sankwei, who, twenty years earlier, had introduced the Manchus into China. During the Manchu campaign in Southern China he had kept peace on the western frontier, grad- ually extending his authority from Shensi into Szchuen and thence over Yunnan. When the Ming prince, Kwei Wang, who had fled into Burmah, returned with the support of the King of that country to make another bid for the throne, he found himself con- fronted by all the power and resources of Wou Sankwei, who was still as loyal a servant of the Manchu Emperor as when he carried his ensigns against Li Tseching. Kwei Wang does not appear to have ex- pected opposition from Wou Sankwei, and in the first encounter he was overthrown and taken prisoner. The conqueror, who was already under suspicion at the Manchu Court, and whom every Chinese rebel persisted in regarding as a natural ally, now hesitated as to how he should treat these important prisoners. Kwei Wang and his son — the last of the Mings — were eventually led forth to execution, although it should be stated that a less authentic report affirms they were allowed to strangle themselves. Having made use of Wou Sankwei, and obtained as they thought the full value of his services, the Manchus I— I w o M Pu i4 < o n Eh < < HEADS OF CRIMINALS DISPLAYED FOR A WARNING. 85 86 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. sought to treat him with indifference and to throw him into the shade. But the splendor of his work was such that they had to con- fer on him the title of Prince, and to make him Viceroy of Yunnan and the adjacent territories. He exerted such an extraor- dinary influence over the Chinese subjects that they speedily settled down under his authority; revenue and trade increased, and the Manchu authority was maintained with- out a Tartar garrison, for Wou Sankwei's army was composed exclusively of Chinese, and its nucleus was formed by his old garri- son of Ningyuen and Shanhaikwan. A Cunning Plot. There is no certain reason for saying that Wou Sankwei nursed any scheme of per- sonal aggrandizement, but the measures he took and the reforms he instituted were cal- culated to make his authority to become gradually independent of Manchu control. For a time the Manchu Government sup- pressed its apprehensions on account of this powerful satrap, by the argument that in a few years his death in the course of nature must relieve it from this peril, but Wou Sankwei lived on and showed no signs of paying the common debt of humanity. Then it seemed to Kanghi that Wou Sankwei was gradually establishing the solid foundation of a formidable and independent power. The Manchu generals and ministers had always been jealous of the greater fame of Wou Sankwei. When they saw that Kanghi wanted an excuse to fall foul of him, they carried every tale of alleged self-assertion on the part of the Chinese Viceroy to the Im- perial ears, and represented that his power dwarfed the dignity of the Manchu throne and threatened its stability. At last Kanghi resolved to take some de- cisive step to bring the question to a climax. and he accordingly sent Wou Sankwei an invitation to visit him at Pekin. This was in 1 67 1, when Kanghi had reached the age of eighteen. There was nothing unreason- able in this request, for Wou Sankwei had not visited Pekin since the accession of Kanghi, and any tender of allegiance had been made by deputy. « It was the practice of the time that all the great governors should have a son or other near relative at the Manchu Court as a host- age for their good conduct, and a son of Wou Sankwei resided in this character at Pekin. He had been treated with special honor by the Manchu rulers, and was mar- ried to a half sister of the Emperor Kanghi. He received the title of a Royal Duke, and was admitted into the intimate life of the Palace. When he heard of the invitation to his father he sent off a message *to him, warning him of the disfavor into which he had fallen, and advising him not to come to Pekin. The advice, although prompted by affection, was not good, but Wou Sankwei took it, and excused himself from going to court on the ground that he was very old, and that his only wish was to end his days in peace. He also deputed his son to tender his allegiance to the Emperor and to per- form the Kotao in his name. The Old Man's Answer. But Kanghi was not to be put off in this way, and he sent two trusted officials to Wou Sankwei to represent that he must comply with the exact terms of his command, and to point out the grave consequences of his refusing. There is no doubt that they were also instructed to observe how far Wou Sankwei was borne down by age, and what was the extent of his military power. The envoys were received with every courtesy and befitting honor, but when they repeated THE FIRST MANCHU RULER. 87 Kanghi's categorical demand to come to Pekin on penalty of being otherwise treated as a rebel, he broke loose from the restraint he had long placed upon himself, and there and then repudiated the Manchu authority in the most indignant and irrevocable terms, which, at least, exposed the hollowness of his statement that he felt the weight of years and thought only of making a peaceful end. His rely to the envoys of Kanghi was as follows : — " Do they think at the Court that I am so blind as not to see the motive in this order of summons? I shkll, indeed, present myself there if you continue to press me, but it will be at the head of twice forty thousand men. You may go on before, but I hope to follow you very shortly with such a force as will speedily remind those in power of the debt they owe me." Thus did the great Wou Sankwei cast off his allegiance to the Manchus, and enter upon a war which aimed at the subversion of their authority. A Daring Conspiracy. Such was the reputation of this great com- mander, to whose ability and military prowess the Manchus unquestionably were indebted for their conquest of the empire, that a large part of southern China at once admitted his authority, and from Szchuen to the warlike province of Hunan his lieutenants were able to collect all the fighting resources of the State, and to array the levies of those provinces in the field for the approaching contest with Kanghi. While Wou Sankwei was making these extensive preparations in the south, his son at Pekin had devised an ingenious and daring plot for the massacre of the Manchus and the destruction of the dynasty. He engaged in his scheme the large body of Chinese slaves who had been placed in servitude under their Tartar conquerors, and these, incited by the hope of liberty, proved very ready tools to his designs. They bound themselves together by a solemn oath to be true to one another, and all the preparations were made to mas- sacre the Manchus on the occasion of the New Year's Festival. This is the grand religious and social cere- mony of the Chinese. It takes place on the first day of the first moon, which falls in our month of February. All business is stopped, the tribunals are closed for ten days, and a state of high festival resembling the Carnival prevails. The conspirators resolved to take advantage of this public holiday, and of the excitement accompanying it to carry out their scheme, and the Manchus appear to have been in total ignorance until the eleventh hour of the plot for their destruction. The discovery of the conspiracy bears a close resemblance to that of the Gunpowder Plot. A Chinese slave, wishing to save his master, gave him notice of the danger, and this Manchu ofificer at once informed Kanghi of the conspiracy. Arrested and Executed. The son of Wou Sankwei and the other conspirators were immediately arrested and executed without delay. The Manchus thus escaped by the merest accident from a danger which threatened them with annihilation, and Kanghi, having succeeded in getting rid of the son, concentrated his power and attention on the more difficult task of grappling with the father. But the power and reputation of Wou Sankwei were so formidable that Kanghi resolved to proceed with great caution, and the Emperor began his measures of offence by issuing an edict ordering the disbandment of all the native armies maintained by the Chinese Viceroys, besides Wou Sankwei. The object of this edict was to make all the 88 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. governors of Chinese race to show their hands, and Kanghi learnt the full measure of the hostility he had to cope with by every governor from the sea coast of Fuhkien to Canton defying him, and throwing in their lot with Wou Sankwei. The piratical con- federacy of Formosa, where Ching, the son of Koshinga, had succeeded to his authority, also joined in with what may be called the national party, but its alliance proved of little value, as Ching, at an early period, took umbrage at his reception by a Chinese official, and returned to his island home. A Cavalry Raid. But the most formidable danger to the young Mahchu ruler came from an unexpected quarter. The Mongols, seeing his embarrassment, and believing that the hours of the dynasty were numbered, resolved to take advantage of the occasion to push their claims. Satchar, chief of one of the Banners, issued a proclamation, calling his race to his side, and declaring his inten- tention to invade China at the head of 100,000 men. It seemed hardly possible for Kanghi to extricate himself from his many dangers. With great quickness of percep- tion Kanghi saw that the most pressing danger was that from the Mongols, and he sent the whole of his northern garrisons to attack Satchar before the Mongol clans could have gathered to his assistance. The Man- chu cavalry, by a rapid march, surprised Satchar in his camp, and carried him and his family off as prisoners to Pekin. The capture of their chief discouraged the Mon- gols and interrupted their plans for invading China. Kanghi thus obtained a respite from what seemed his greatest peril. Then he turned his attention to dealing with Wou Sankwei, and the first effort of his armies resulted in the recovery of Fuhkien, where the governor and Ching had reduced themselves to a state of exhaustion by a contest inspired by personal jealousy, not patriotism. From Fuhkien his successful lieutenants passed into Kwantung, and the Chinese, seeing that the Manchus were not sunk as low as had been thought, abandoned all resistance, and again recognized the Tar- tar authority. The Manchus did not dare to punish the rebels except in rare instances, and, therefore, the recovery of Canton was unaccompanied by any scenes of blood. But a garrison of Manchus was placed in each town of importance, and it was by Kanghi's order that a walled town, or " Tar- tar city," was built within each city for the accommodation and security of the dominant race. The Old Warrior Defeated. But notwithstanding these successes Kang- hi made little , or no progress against the main force of Wou Sankwei, whose sup- remacy was undisputed throughout the whole of south-west China. It was not until 1677 that Kanghi ventured to move his armies against Wou Sankwei in person. Although he obtained no signal success in the field the divisions among the Chinese commanders were such that he had the satis- faction of compelling them to evacuate Hunan, and when Wou Sankwei took his first step backwards the sun of his fortunes began to set. Calamity rapidly followed calamity. Wou Sankwei had not known the meaning of defeat in his long career of fifty years, but now, in his old age, he saw his affairs in inextricable confusion. His adherents deserted him, many rebel officers sought to come to terms with the Manchus, and Kanghi's armies gradually converged on Wou Sankwei from the east and the north. Driven out of Szchuen, Wou Sankwei THE FIRST MANCHU RULER. 89 endeavored to make a stand in Yunnan. He certainly succeeded in prolonging the struggle down to the year 1679, when his death put a sudden end to the contest, and relieved Kanghi from much anxiety, for although the success of the Manchus was no longer uncertain, the military skill of the old Chinese warrior might have indefinitely pro- longed the war. Wou Sankwei was one of the most conspicuous, and attractive figures to be met with in the long course of Chinese history, and his career covered one of the most critical periods in the modern existence of that empire. A Brilliant Career. From the time of his first distinguishing himself in the defence of Ningyuen until he died, half a century later, as Prince of Yun- nan, he occupied the very foremost place in the minds of his fellow-countrymen. The part he had taken, first in keeping out the Manchus, and then in introducing them into the State, reflected equal credit on his ability and his patriotism'. In requesting the Man- chus to crush the robber Li and to take the throne which the fall of the Mings had ren- dered vacant, he was actuated by the purest motives. There was only a choice of evils, and he selected that whifh seemed the less. He gave the empire to a foreign ruler of intelligence, but he saved it from an unscru- pulous robber. He played the part of king- maker to the family of Noorhachu, and the magnitude of their obligations to him could not be denied. They were not as grateful as he may have expected, and they looked askance at his military power and influence over his countrymen. Probably he felt that he had not been well treated, and chagrin undoubtedly induced him to reject Kanghi's request to proceed to Pekin. If he had only acceded to that arrangement he would have left a name for conspicuous loyalty and political consistency in the service of the great race, which he had been mainly instrumental in placing over China. But even as events turned out he was one of the most remarkable personages the Chinese race ever produced, and his military career shows that they are capable of producing great generals and brave soldiers. The Uprising Ended. The death of Wou Sankwei signified the overthrow of the Chinese uprising which had threatened to extinguish the still growing power of the Manchu under its youthful Emperor Kanghi. Wou Shufan the grand- son of that prince endeavored to carry on the task of holding Yunnan as an independent territory, but by the year 168 1 his posses- sions were reduced to the town of Yunnanfoo, where he was closely besieged by the Man- chu forces. Although the Chinese fought valiantly, they were soon reduced to extremi- ties, and the Manchus carried the place by storm. The garrison were massacred to the last man, and Wou Shufan only avoided a worse fate by committing suicide. The Manchus not satisfied with his death, sent his head to Pekin to be placed on its principal gate in triumph, and the body of Wou Sank- wei himself was exhumed so that his ashes might be scattered in each of the eighteen provinces of China as a warning to traitors. Having crushed their most redoubtable antagonist, the Manchus resorted to more severe measures against those who had sur- rendered in Fuhkien and Kwantung, and many insurgent chiefs who had surrendered, and enjoyed a brief respite, ended their lives under the knife of the executioner. The Manchu soldiers are said to have been given spoil to the extent of nearly two millions 90 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. sterling, and the war which witnessed the final assertion of Manchu power over the Chinese was essentially popular with the soldiers who carried it on to a victorious conclusion. A very short time after the final overthrow of Wou Sankwei and his family, the Chinese regime in Formosa was brought to an end. Kanghi, having collected a fleet, and con- cluded a convention with the Dutch, deter- mined on the invasion and conquest of Formosa. In the midst of these preparations Ching, the son of Koshinga died, and, no doubt, the plans of Kanghi were facilitated by the confusion that followed. The Man- chu fleet seized Ponghu, the principal island of the Pescadore group and thence the Man- chus threw a force into Formosa. It is said that they were helped by a high tide, and by the superstition of the islanders, who ex- claimed, "The first Wang (Koshinga), got possession of Taiwan by a high tide. The fleet now comes in the same manner. It is the will of Heaven." Formosa accepted the supremacy of the Manchus without further ado. Those of the islanders who had ever recognized the authority of any government, accepted that of the Emperor Kanghi, shaved their heads in token of submission, and became so far as in them lay respectable citizens. The overthrow of Wou Sankwei and the conquest of Formosa completed what may be called the pacification of China by the Manchus. From that period to the Taeping rebellion, or for nearly 200 years, there was no internal insurrection on a large scale. On the whole the Manchus stained their conclusive triumph by few excesses, and Kanghi 's moderation was scarcely inferior to that of his father, Chuntche. The family of Wou Sankwei seems to have been rooted out more for the personal attempt of the son at Pekin than for the bold ambition of the potentate himself The family of Koshinga was spared, and its principal representative received the patent of an earl. Thus, by a policy judiciously combined of severity and moderation, did Kanghi make himself supreme, and complete the work of his race. Whatever troubles may have beset the gov- ernment in the last 220 years it will be justifiable to speak of the Manchus and the Tatsing dynasty as the legitimate authorities in China, and instead of foreign adventures, as the national and recognized rulers of the Middle Kingdom. They gained an empire and have kept their great prize. CHAPTER V. THE TAEPING REBELLION AND STORY OF "CHINESE GORDON." THAT part of Chinese history which lies within the present century, has a special interest to all readers The year 1850 found Hienfung on the throne, confronted by old abuses in the administration of the government and great national discontent. During this year an abundant harvest and voluntary contributions served to remove the worst features of the prevailing scarcity and suffering. But these temporary and local measures could not improve a situation that was radically bad, or allay a volume of popular disaffection that was rapidly developing into unconcealed rebellion. The storm at length burst under the Tae- ping leader, Tien Wang. This individual had a very common origin and sprang from an inferior race. Hung-tsuien — such was his own name — was the son of a small farmer near Canton, and was a hakka, a despised race of tramps who bear some resemblance to the gypsies. He seems to have passed all his examinations with special credit, but the prejudice on account of his birth prevented his obtaining any employ- ment in the civil service of his country. He was therefore a disappointed aspirant to office, and it is not surprising that he became an enemy of the constituted authorities and the government. As he could not be the servant of the state he set himself the ambi- tious task of being its master, and with this object in view he resorted to religious prac- tices in order to acquire a popular reputation and a following among the masses. Tien Wang announced his decision to seize the throne by issuing a proclamation, in the course of which he declared that he had received " the Divine commission to ex- terminate the Manchus, and to possess the Empire as its true sovereign ; " and, as it was also at this time that his followers became commonly known as Taepings, it may be noted that the origin of this name is somewhat obscure. According to the most plausible explanation it is derived from the small town of that name, situated in the southwest corner of the province of Kwangsi, where the rebel movement seems to have commenced. Another derivation gives it as the style of the dynasty which Tien Wang hoped to found, and its meaning as " Univer- sal peace." A Daring Chieftain. Tien Wang was a man of great native force, very resolute and daring, and gather- ing to himself a large number of discon- tented spirits he gained some successes, finally leading his rebellious followers to Nankin, where they maintained themselves with some difficulty against two Imperial armies raised by the loyal efforts of the inhabitants of the central provinces. This was at the beginning of 1857, and there is no doubt that if the Government had avoided a conflict with the Europeans, and concen- 91 92 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. trated its efforts and power on the contest with the Taeping rebels they would have speedily annihilated the tottering fabric of Tien Wang's authority. But the respite of four years secured by the attention of the central government being monopolized by the foreign question enabled the Taepings to consolidate their position, augment their fighting forces, and present a more formid- able front to the Imperial authorities. Prompt Action Required. When Prince Kung, who may be styled the Chinese Premier, learned from Lord Elgin the full extent of the success of the Taepings on the Yangtse, of which the •officials at Pekin seemed to possess a very imperfect and inaccurate knowlege, the Manchu authorities realized that it was a vital question for them to reassert their authority without further delay, but on beginning to put their new resolve into practice they soon experienced that the posi- tion of the Taepings in 1861 differed materi- ally from what it was in 1857. The course of events during that period must be briefly summarized. In 1858 the Imperialists under Tseng Kwofan and Chang Kwoliang renewed the seige of Nankin, but as the city was well supplied with provisions, and as the Imperialists were well known to have no intention of delivering an assault, the Taepings did not feel any apprehension. After the investment had continued for nearly a year, Chung Wang, who had now risen to the supreme place among the rebels, insisted on quitting the city before it was completely surrounded, with the object of beating up levies and generally relieving the pressure caused by the besiegers. In this endeavor he more than once experienced the unkindness of fortune, for when he had collected 5,000 good troops he was defeated in a vigorous attempt to cut his way through a far larger Imperial force. Such, however, was his reputation that the Imperial commanders before Nankin sent many of their men to assist the officers operating against him, and Chung Wang, seizing the opportunity, made his way by forced marches back to Nankin, overcoming such resistance as the enfeebled besiegers were able to offer. The whole of the year 1859 w^^ passed in practical inaction, but at its close the Taepings only retained posses- sion of four towns, besides Nankin, on the Yangtse. A Remarkable Campaign. It again became necessary for Chung Wang to sally forth and assume the offensive in the rear and on the line of supplies of the beleaguering Imperialists. His main diffi- culty was in obtaining the consent of Tien Wang, who was at this time given over to religious pursuits or private excesses, and Chung Wang states that he only consented when he found that he could not stop him. In January, i860, Chufig Wang began what proved to be a very remarkable campaign. He put his men in good humor by distribu- ting a large sum of money among them, and he succeeded in eluding the Imperial com- manders, and in misleading them as to his intentions. While they thought he had gone off to relieve Ganking, he had really hastened to attack the important city of Hangchow, where much spoil and material for carrying on the war might be secured by the victor. He captured the city with little or no loss, on March 19, i860, but the Tartar city held out until relieved by Chang Kwoliang, who hastened from Nankin for the purpose. Once again the Imperial Commanders in their anxiety to crush Chung Wang had re- duced their force in front of Nankin to an M o o O < M o E^ all the credit for himself. A Sharp Quarrel. Li Hung Chang who had been appointed Futai or Governor of Kiangsu entertained doubts of the loyalty of this adventurer, and a feud broke out between them at an early stage of their relations. Burgevine was a man of high temper and strong passions, who was disposed to treat his Chinese col- leagues with lofty superciliousness, and who met the wiles of the Futai with peremptory demands to recognize the claims of himself and his band. Nor was this all. Burgevine had designs of his own. Although the pro- ject had not taken definite form in his mind — for an unsubdued enemy was still in pos- session of the greater part of the province the inclination was strong within him to play the part of military dictator with the Chinese ; or failing that, to found an inde- pendent authority on some convenient spot of Celestial territory. Burgevine's character was described at a later period as being that of "a man of large promises knd few works." " His popularity o w (U o I c5 o % pel Eh O M "CHINESE GORDON." ' 101 was great among a certain class. He was extravagant in his generosity, and as long as he had anything would divide it with the so- called friends, but never was a man of any administrative or military talent ; and latterly, through the irritation caused by his unhealed wound and other causes, he«was subject to violent paroxysms of anger, which rendered precarious the safety of any man who ten- dered to him advice that might be distasteful. He was extremely sensitive of his dignity, and held a higher position in Soochow than any foreigner did before." The Futai antici- pated, perhaps, more than divined his wishes. In Burgevine he saw, very shortly after their coming into contact, not merely a man whom he disliked and distrusted, but one who, if allowed to pursue his plans unchecked, would in the end form a greater danger to the Imperial authority than even the Tae- pings. It is not possible to deny Li's shrewd- ness in reading the character 'of the man with whom he had to deal. Patriotism of the Merchants. Although Burgevine had succeeded to Ward's command; he had not acquired the intimacy and confidence of the great Chinese merchant, Takee and his colleagues, at Shanghai, which had been the main cause of his predecessor's influence and position. In Ward they felt implicit faith ; Burgevine was comparatively unknown, and where known only regarded with suspicion. The patriot- ism of the Shanghai merchants consisted in protecting their own possessions. Having succeeded in this they began to consider whether it was necessary to expend any longer the large sums voluntarily raised for the support of the contingent. The Futai Li, in order to test his obedi- ence, proposed that Burgevine and his men should be sent round by sea to Nankin to take part in the siege of that city. The ships were actually prepared for their conveyance, and the Taotai Wou, who had first fitted out a fleet against the rebels, was in readiness to accompany Burgevine, when Li and his col- league, as suspicious of Burgevine's com- pliance as they would have been indignant at his refusal, changed their plans and counter- manded the expedition. Instead of carrying out this project, therefore, they laid a number of formal complaints before General Staveley as to Burgevine's conduct, and requested the English Government to remove him from his command, and to appoint an English ofiicer in his place. An Unsafe Adventurer. The charges against Burgevine did not at this time amount to more than a certain laxness in regard to the expenditure of the force, a disregard for the wishes and predju- dices of the Chinnese Government, and the want of tact, or of the desire to conciliate, in his personal relations with the Futai. If Burgevine had resigned, all would have been well, but he regarded the position from the stand-point of the adventurer who believes that his own interests form a supreme law and are the highest good. As cornmander of the Ever- Victorious Army he was a per- sonage to be considered even by foreign governments. He would not voluntarily surrender the position which alone preserved him from obscurity. Having come to this decision it was clear that even the partial execution of his plans must draw him into many errors of judgment which could not but embitter the conflict. The reply of the English commander was to the effect that personally he could not interfere, but that he would refer the matter to London as well as to Mr. Bruce at Pekin. In consequence of the delay thus caused the 102 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. project of removing the force to Nankin was revived, and, the steamers having been char- tered, Burgevine was requested to bring down his force from Sunkiang and to embark it at Shanghai. This he expressed his willingness to do on payment of his men who were two months in arrear, and on the settlement of all outstanding claims. Burgevine was sup- ported by his troops. Whatever his disUke to the proposed move, theirs was immeasur- ably greater. They refused to move without the payment of all arrears ; and on the 2d of January they even went so far as to openly mutiny. Struck a Mandarin. Two days later Burgevine went to Shang- hai, and had an interview with Takee. The meeting was stormy. Burgevine used per- sonal violence towards the Shanghai mer- chant, whose attitude was at first overbearing, and he returned to his exasperated troops with the money, which he carried off by force. The Futai Li, on hearing of the assault on Takee, hastened to General Staveley to complain of Burgevine's gross insubordination in striking a mandarin, which by the law of China was punishable with death. Burgevine was dismissed' from the Chinese service, and the notice of this re- moval was forwarded by the English General, with a recommendation to him to give up his command without disturbance. This Burge- vine did, for the advice of the English general was equivalent to a command, and on the 6th of January, 1863, Burgevine was back at Shanghai. Captain Holland was then placed in tem- porary command, while the answer of the Home Government was awaited to General Staveley's proposition to entrust the force to the care of a young captain of engineers, named Charles Gordon. Chung Wang re- turned at this moment to Soocho^, and in Kiangsu the cause of the Taepings again revived through his energy. In February a detachment of Holland's force attacked Fushan, but met with a check, when the news of a serious defeat at Taitsan, where the former Futai Sieh had been defeated, compelled its speedy retreat to Sunkiang. Li had some reason to believe that Taitsan would surrender on the approach of the Imperialists, and he accordingly sent a large army, including 2,500 of the contingent, to attack it. The affair was badly managed. The assaulting party was stopped by a wide ditch ; neither boats nor ladders arrived. The Taepings fired furiously on the exposed party, several officers were killed, and the men broke into confusion. The heavy guns stuck in the soft ground and had to be aban- doned ; and despite the good conduct of the contingent the Taepings achieved a decisive success (13th February). Chung Wang was able to feel that his old luck had not deserted him, and the Taepings of Kiangsu recovered all their former confidence in themselves and their leader. This disaster inflicted a rude blow on the confidence of Li and his assistants ; and it was resolved that nothing should be attempted until the English officer, at last appointed, had as- sumed the active command. Gordon in Command. Such was the position of affairs when on 24th of March, 1863, Major Gordon took command of the Ever- Victorious Army. At that moment it was not merely discouraged by its recent reverses, but it was discontented with its position, and when Major Gordon assumed the command at Sunkiang ther>e was some fear of an immediate mutiny. The new commander succeeded in allaying CO o 104 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. their discontent, and believing that active employment was the best cure for insubor- dination resolved to relieve Chanzu without delay. The Taepings were pressing the siege hard and would probably have cap- tured the place before many days when Major Gordon attacked them in their stock- ades and drove them out with no inconsider- able loss. The Next Move. Having thus gained the confidence of his men and the approbation of the Chinese authorities Major Gordon returned to Sun- kiang where he employed himself in ener- getically restoring the discipline of his force, and in preparing for his next move which at the request of Li Hung Chang was to be the capture of Quinsan. On the 24th of April the force left Sunkiang to attack Quinsan, but it had not proceeded far when its course had' to be altered to Taitsan, where, through an act of treachery, a force of 1,500 Imperialists had been annihilated. It became necessary to retrieve this disaster without delay, more especially as all hope of taking Quinsan had for the moment to be abandoned. Major Gordon at once altered the direc- tion of his march, and joining en' route General Ching, who had, on the news, broken up his camp before Quinsan, hastened as rapidly as possible to Taitsan, where he arrived on the 29th of April. Bad weather obliged the attack to be deferred until the 1st of May, when two stockades on the west side were carried, and their defen- ders compelled to flee, not into the town as they would have wished, but away from it towards Chanzu. On the following day, the attack was resumed on the north side, while the armed boats proceeded to assault the place from the creek. The firing continued from nine in the morning until five in the evehing, when a breach seemed to be practi- cable, and two regiments were ordered to the assault. The rebels showed great courage and fortitude, swarming in the breach and pouring a heavy and well-directed fire upon the troops. The attack was momentarily checked; but while the stormers remained under such cover as they could find, the shells of two howitzers were playing over their heads and causing frightful havoc among the Taepings in the breach. But for these guns, Major Gordon did not think that the place would have been carried at all; but after some minutes of this firing at such close quarters, the rebels began to show signs of wavering. A party of troops gained the wall, a fresh regiment advanced towards the breach, and the disappearance of the snake flag showed that the Taeping leaders had given up the fight. Taitsan was thus captured, and the three previous disasters before it retrieved. Gordon's Difficulties. On the 4th of May the victorious force appeared before Quinsan, a place of consider- able strength and possessing a formidable artillery directed by a European. The town was evidently too strong to be carried by an immediate attack, and Major Gordon's movements were further hampered by the conduct of his own men, who, upon their arrival at Quinsan, hurried off in detachments to Sunkiang for the purpose of disposing of their spoil. Ammunition had also fallen short, and the commander was consequently obliged to return to refit and to rally his men. At Sunkiang worse confusion followed, for the men, or rather the officers, broke out into mutiny on the occasion of Major Gordon appointing an English officer with the rank of lieutenant-colonel to the control of the •CHINESE GORDON." 105 commissariat, which had been completely neglected. The men who had served with Ward and Burgevine objected to this, and openly refused to obey orders. Fortunately the stores and ammunition were collected, and Major Gordon announced that he would march on the following morning, with or without the mutineers. Those who did not answer to their names at the end of the first half-march would be dismissed, and he spoke with the authority of one in complete accord with the Chinese authorities themselves. Anxious for the Fray. The soldiers obeyed him as a Chinese official, because he had been made a tsung- ping or brigadier-general, and the officers feared to disobey him as they would have liked on account of his commanding the source whence they were paid. The muti- neers fell in, and a force of nearly 3,000 men, well-equipped and anxious for the fray, returned to Quinsan, where General Ching had, in the meanwhile, kept the rebels closely watched from a strong position defended by several stockades, and supported by the Hysan steamer. Immediately after his ar- rival. Major Gordon moved out his force to attack the stockades which the rebels had constructed on their right wing. These were strongly built; but as soon as the defenders perceived that the assailants had gained their flank they precipitately withdrew into Quinsan itself. General Ching wished the attack to be made on the Eastern Gate, opposite to which he had raised his own intrenchments, and by which he had announced his intention of forcing his way; but a brief inspection showed Major Gordon that that was the strongest point of the town, and that a direct attack upon it could only succeed, if at all, by a very considerable sacrifice of men. Like a prudent commander Major Gordon determined to reconnoitre; and, after much grumbling on the part of General Ching, he decided that the most hopeful plan was to carry some stockades situated seven miles \vest of the town, and thence assail Quinsan on the Soochow side, which was weaker than the others. These stockades were at a village called Chumze. On the 30th of May the force detailed for his work proceeded to carry it out. The Hyson and fifty imperial gunboats conveyed the land force, which consisted of one regiment, some guns, and a large body of Imperialists. The rebels at Chumze offered hardly the least resistance; whether it was that they were dismayed at the sudden appearance of the enemy, or, as was stated at the time, because they considered themselves illtreated by their comrades in Quinsan. The Hyson vigorously pursued those who fled towards Soochow, and completed the efifect of this success by the capture of a very strong and well-built fort covering a bridge at Ta Edin. An Imperialist garrison was installed there, and the Hyson continued the pursuit to with- in a mile of Soochow itself A Lively Panic. The defenders of Quinsan itself were terribly alarmed at the cutting off of their communications. They saw themselves on the point of being surrounded, and they yielded to the uncontrollable impulse of panic. During the night, after having suf- fered severely from the Hyson fire, the garri- son evacuated the place, which might easily have held out; and General Ching had the personal satisfaction, on learning from some deserters of the flight of the garrison, of lead- ing his men over the eastern walls which he had wished to assault. The importance of Quinsan was realized on its capture. Major 106 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Gordon pronounced it to be the key of Soo- chow, and at once resolved to establish his headquarters there, partly because of its The change was not acceptable, however, to the force itself; and the artillery in parti- cular refused to obey orders, and threatened =-V ^r /•' .-^: A CHINESE FESTIVAL. natural advantages, but also and not less on account of its enabling him to gradually des- troy the evil associations and vicious habits which the men had contracted at Sunkiang. to shoot their officers. Discipline was, how- ever, promptly reasserted by the energy of the commander, who ordered the principal ringleader to be shot and the Ever Victori- "CHINESE GORDON." 107 ous Army became gradually reconciled to its new position at Quinsan. After the cap- ture of Quinsan there was a cessation of active operations for nearly two months. It was the height of summer and the new troops had to be drilled. The difficulty with Ching, who took all the credit for the cap- ture of Quinsan to himself, was arranged through the mediation of Dr. Macartney, who had just left the English army to become Li's right-hand man. Removal of a Commander. Two other circumstances occurred to em- barrass the young commander. There were rumors of some meditated movement on the part of Burgevine, who had returned from Pekin with letters exculpating him and who endeavored to recover the command in spite of Li Hung Chang, and there was a further manifestation of insubordination in the force, which, as Gordon said, bore more resemblance to a rabble than the magnificent army it was popularly supposed to be. The artillery had been cowed by Major Gordon's vigor, but its efficiency remained more doubt- ful than could be satisfactory to the general responsible for its condition, and also relying upon it as the most potent arm of his force. He resolved to remove the old commander, and to appoint an English officer, Major Tapp, in his place. On carrying his determination into effect the officers sent in " a round robin," refusing to accept the new officer. This was on the 25th of July, and the expedition which had been decided upoij against Wokong had con- sequently to set out the following morning without a single artillery officer. In face of the inflexible resolve of the leader, however, the officers repented, and appeared in a body at the camp begging to be taken back, and expressing their willingness to accept " Major Tapp or anyone else " as their colonel. They were promptly reinstated. With these troops, part of whom had only just returned to a proper sense of discipline, Gordon proceeded to attack Kahpoo, a place on the Grand Canal south of Soochow, where the rebels held two strongly-built stone forts. The force had been strengthened by the addi- tion of another steamer, the Firefly, a sister vessel to the Hyson. Major Gordon arrived before Kahpoo on the 27th of July; and the garrison, evidently taken by surprise, made scarcely the least resistance. The capture of Kahpoo placed Gordon's force between Soochow and Wokong, the next object of attack. At Wokong the rebels were equally unprepared. The Place Surrendered. The garrison at Kahpoo, thinking only of its own safety, had fled to Soochow, leaving their comrades at Wokong unwarned and to their fate. So heedless were the Taepings at this place of all danger from the north, that they had even neglected to occupy a strong stone fort situated about i ,000 yards north of the walls. The Taepings attempted too late to repair their error, and the loss of this fort caused them that of all their other stock- ades. Wokong itself was too weak to offer any effectual resistance; and the garrison on the eve of the assault ordered for the 29th of July sent out a request for quarter, which was granted, and the place surrendered with- out further fighting. Meanwhile an event of far greater importance had happened than even the capture of these towns, although they formed the necessary preliminary to the investment of Soochow. Burgevine had come to the decision to join the Taepings. Disappointed in his hope of receiving the command, Burgevine remained on at Shang- hai, employing his time in watching the vary- 108 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. ing phases of a campaign in which he longed to take part, and of which he believed that it was only his due to have the direction, but still hesitating as to what decision it behoved him to take. His contempt for all Chinese officials became hatred of the bitterest kind of the Futai, by whom he had been not merely thwarted but overreached, and pre- disposed him to regard with no unfavorable eye the idea enjoining his fortunes with those of the rebel Taepings. Jealous of Gordon. ■To him in this frame of mind came some of the dismissed officers and men of the Ward force appealing to his vanity by declar- ing that his soldiers remembei'ed him with affection, and that he had only to hoist his flag for most of his old followers to rally round him. There was little to marvel at if he also was not free from some feeling of jealousy at the success and growing fame of Major Gordon, for whom he simulated a warm friendship. The combination of mo- tives proved altogether irresistible as soon as he found that several hundred European adventurers were ready to accompany him into the ranks of the Taepings, and to en- deavor to do for them what they failed to perform for the Imperialists. On the I Sth of July, Dr. Macartney wrote to Major Gordon stating that he had positive information that Burgevine was enlisting men for some enterprise, that he had already col- lected about 300 Europeans, and that he had even gone so far as to choose a special flag, a white diamond on a red ground, and con- taining a black star in the centre of the dia- mond. On the 2 1st of the same month Burgevine wrote to Major Gordon saying that there would be many rumors about him, but that he was not to believe any of them, and that he would come and see him shortly. This letter was written as a blind, and, unfortunately. Major Gordon attached greater value to Burgevine's word than he did to the precise information of Dr. Macartney. He was too much disposed to think that, as the officer h&d to a certain extent superseded Burgevine in command, he was bound to take the most favorable view of all his actions, and to trust implicitly in his good faith. Major Gordon, trusting to his word, made himself personally respon- sible to the Chinese authorities for his good faith, and thus Burgevine escaped arrest. Burgevine's plans had been deeply laid. He had been long in correspondence with the Taepings, and his terms had been ac- cepted. He proclaimed his hostility to the Government by seizing one of their new steamers. Immediate Danger. At this very moment Major Gordon came to the decision to resign, and he hastened back to Shanghai in order to place his with- drawal from the force in the hands of the Futai. He arrived there on the very day that Burgevine seized the Kajow steamer at Sunkiang, and on hearing the news he at once withdrew his resignation, which had been made partly from irritation at the irregular payment of his men, and also on account of the cruelty of General Ching. Not merely did he withdraw his resignation, but he hastened back to Quinsan, into which he rode on the night of the very same day that had witnessed his departure. The im- mediate and most pressing danger was from the possible defection of the force to its old leader, when, with the large stores of artil- lery and ammunition at Quinsan in their pos- session, not even Shanghai, with its very weak foreign garrison, could be considered safe from attack. o PL. 125 O CO t— I o Eh I— I O p o o PL, Eh royince. Ill- Will Against the Mahomedans. This success was the signal for a general outcry against the Mahomedans, who had long been the object of the secret ill-will of the other inhabitants. Massacres took place in several parts of Yunnan, an«l the followers of the Prophet had to flee for their lives. Among those who were slain during these popular disorders was a young chief named Ma Sucheng; and when the news of his murder reached his native village, his younger brother, Ma Sien, who had just received a small military command, declared his inten- tion to avenge him, and fled to join the Mahomedan fugitives in the mountains. In this secure retreat they rallied their forces, and, driven to desperation by the prornptings of want, they left their fastnesses with the view of regaining what they had lost. In this they succeeded better than they could have hoped for. The Chinese population experienced in their turn the bitterness of defeat ; and the mandarins had the less difficulty in concluding a temporary under- standing between the exhaused combatants. Tranquillity was restored, and the miners resumed their occupations. Plot for a General Massacre. But the peace was deceptive, and in a little time the struggle was renewed with increased fury. In this emergency the idea occurred to some of the officials that an easy and efficacious remedy of the difficulty in which they found themselves would be provided by the massacre of the whole Mussulman popu- lation. In this plot the foremost part was taken by Hwang Chung, an official who bitterly hated the Mahomedans. He suc- ceeded in obtaining the acquiescence of all his colleagues with the exception of the Viceroy of the province, who exposed the iniquity of the design, but who, destitute of all support, was powerless to prevent its exe- cution. At the least he resolved to save his honor and reputation by committing suicide, and he and his wife were found one morning hanging up in the hall of the yamen. His death simplified the execution of the project which his refusal might possibly have pre- vented. The 19th of May, 1856, was the date fixed for the celebration of this Chinese St. Bartholomew. But the secret had not been well kept. The Mahomedans, whether warned or suspicious, distrusted the authori- 128 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. ties and their neighbors, and stood valiantly on their guard. At this time they looked chiefly to a high priest named Ma Tesing for guidance and instruction. But although on the alert they were, after all, taken to some extent by surprise, and many of them were massacred after a more or less unavailing resistance. But if many of the Mussulmans were slain, the survivors were inspired with a desperation which the mandarins had never contemplated. From one end of Yunnan to the other the Mahomedans, in face of great personal peril, rose by a common and spon- taneous impulse, and the Chinese population was compelled to take a hasty refuge in the towns. They Held the City. At Talifoo, where the Mahomedans formed a considerable portion of the population^ the most desperate fighting occurred, and after three days' carnage the Mussulmans, under Tu Wensiu, were left in possession of the city. Their success inspired them with the hope of retaining the freedom they had won, and, impressed with the conviction that noth- ing would atone for their acts of rebellion in the eyes of the government, they had no choice save to exert themselves for the reten- tion of their independence. The rebels did not remain without leaders, whom they will- ingly recognized and obeyed ; for the kwan- shihs, or chiefs, who had accepted titles of authority from the Chinese, cast off their allegiance and placed themselves at the head of the popular movement. The priest Ma Tesing was raised to the highest post of all as Dictator, but Tu Wensiu admitted no higher authority than his own within the walls of Talifoo. Ma Tesing had performed the pilgrimage to Mecca, he had resided at Constantinople for two years, and his repu- tation for knowledge and saintliness stood highest among his co-religionists. He was therefore a man in high repute. While Ma Tesing exercised the supremacy due to his age and attainments, the young- chief Ma Sien led the rebels in the field.. His energy was most conspicuous, and in the year 1858 he* thought he was suiificientljr strong to make an attack upon the city of Yunnan itself. His attack was baffled hy the resolute defence of an officer named Lin Tzuchin, who had shown great courage as a partisan leader against the insurgents before he was entrusted with the defence of the provincial capital. Ma Sien was compelled to beat a retreat, and to devote himself to the organization of the many thousand Ijen or Lolos recruits who signified their attachment to his cause. For the successful defence of Yunnan, Lin was made a Titu, and gradually collected into his own hands such authority as still remained to the Emperor's lieutenants. Suicide of a Mandarin.' On both sides preparations were made for the renewal of the struggle, but before the year 1858 ended Ma Sien met with a second repulse at the town of Linan. The year 1859 was not marked by any event of signal importance, although the balance of success, inclined on the whole to the Mussulmans, But in the following year the Mahomedans. drew up a large force, computed to exceed 50,000 men, round Yunnanfoo, to which they laid vigorous siege. The Imperialists were taken at a disadvantage, and the large number of people who had fled for shelter into the town rendered the small store of provisions less sufficient for a protracted defence. Yunnanfoo was on the point of surrender when an event occurred which not merely relieved it from its predicament, but altered the whole complexion of the struggle. The garrison had made up its mind to PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. 129 yield. Even the brave Lin had accepted the inevitable, and begun to negotiate with the two rebel leaders, Ma Sien and the priest Ma Tesing. Those chiefs, with victory in their grasp, manifested an unexpected and surprising moderation. Instead of demand- ing from Lin a complete and unconditional surrender, they began to discuss with him what terms could be agreed upon for the cessation of the war and for the restoration of tranquillity to the province. At first it was thought that these propositions con- cealed some intended treachery, but their sincerity was placed beyond dispute by the suicide of the mandarin Hwang Chung, who had first instigated the people to massacre their Mahomedan brethren. Deserters to the Government. The terms of peace were promptly ar- ranged, and a request was forwarded to Pekin for the ratification of a convention concluded iinder the pressure of necessity with some of the rebel leaders. The better to conceal the fact that this arrangement had been made with the principal leader of the disaffected. Ma Sien changed his name to Ma Julung, and received the rank of general in the Chinese service ; while the high priest ac- cepted as his share the not inconsiderable pension of ^28,000 a month. It is impossible to divine the true reasons which actuated these instigators of rebellion in their decision to go over to the side of the government. They probably thought that they had done sufficient to secure all practical advantages, and that any persistence in hostilities would only result in the increased misery and impoverishment of the province. They thought that their kinsmen and fol- lowers would obtain justice and security; and, as for themselves, no moment would be more opportune for securing the largest pos- sible personal advantage with the minimum of risk. But they were also influenced by other considerations. Powerful as they were, there were other Mahomedan leaders seeking to acquire the supreme position among their co-religionists ; and foremost among these was Tu Wensiu, who had reduced the whole of Western Yunnan to his sway, and reigned at Talifoo. The Mahomedan cause, important as it was, did not afford scope for the ambitions of two such men as Ma Julung and Tu Wensiu. The former availed himself of the favorable opportunity to settle this difficulty in a prac- tical and, as he shrewdly anticipated, the most profitable manner for himself person- ally, by giving in his adhesion to the govern- ment. Every Man for Himself. This important defection did not bring in its train any certainty of tranquillity. Incited by the example of their leaders, every petty officer and chief thought himself deserving of the highest honors, and resolved to fight for his own hand. Ma Julung left Yunnan- foo for the purpose of seizing a neighboring town which had revolted, and during his absence one of his lieutenants seized the capital, murdered the Viceroy, and threat- ened to plunder the inhabitants. Ma Julung was summoned to return in hot haste, and as a temporary expedient the priest Ma Tesing was elected Viceroy. When Ma Julung returned with his army he had to lay siege to Yunnanfoo, and although he promptly effected an entrance into the city, it took five days' hard fighting in the streets before the force in occupation was expelled. The insurgent officer was captured, exposed to the public gaze for one month in an iron cage, and then executed in a cruel manner. Ma Tesing was deposed 130 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. from the elevated position which he had held for so short a time, and a new Chinese Vice- roy arrived from Kweichow. The year 1863 opened with the first active operations against Tu Wensui, who, during these years of dis- order in central Yunnan, had been governing the western districts with some prudence. It would have been better if they had not been undertaken, for they only resulted in the defeat of the detachments sent by Ma Julung to engage the despot of Talifoo. Rejected with Disdain. Force having failed, they had recourse to diplomacy, and Ma Tesing was sent to sound Tu Wensiu as to whether he would not imi- tate their example and make his peace with the authorities. These overtures were re- jected with disdain, and Tu Wensiu pro- claimed his intention of holding out to the last, and refused to recognize the wisdom or the necessity of coming to terms with the government. The embarrassment of Ma Julung and the Yunnan officials, already sufficiently acute, was at this conjuncture further aggravated by an outbreak in their rear among the Miaotze and some other mountain tribes in the province of Kwei- chow. To the difficulty of coping with a strongly placed enemy in front was thus added that of maintaining communications through a hostile and difficult region. A third independent party had also come into existence in Yunnan, where an ex-Chi- nese official named Liang Shihmei had set up his own authority at Linan, mainly, it was said, through jealousy of the Mahome- dans taken into the service of the govern- ment. The greatest difficulty of all was to reconcile the pretensions of the different commanders, for the Chinese officials, and the Futai Tsen Yuying in particular, re- garded Ma Julung with no friendly eye. With the year 1867, both sides having collected their strength, more active opera- tions were commenced, and Ma Julung pro- ceeded in person, at the head of the best troops he could collect, to engage Tu Wensiu. The Red Flag. It was at this time that the Imperialists adopted the red flag as their standard in contradistinction to the white flag of the insurgents. A desultory campaign ensued, but although Ma Julung evinced both cour- age and capacity, the result was on the whole unfavorable to him; and he had to retreat to the capital, where events of some import- ance had occurred during his absence in the field. The Viceroy, who had been staunchly attached to Ma Julung, died suddenly and under such circumstances as to suggest a suspicion of foul play; and Tsen Yuying had by virtue of his rank of Futai assumed the temporary discharge of his duties. The retreat of Ma Julung left the insurgents free to follow up their successes; and in the course of 1868, the authority of the Em- peror had disappeared from every other part of the province except the prefectural city of Yunnanfoo. This bad fortune led the Mussulmans who had followed the advice and fortunes of Ma Julung to consider whether it would not be wise to rejoin their co-religionists, and to at once finish the contest by the destruction of the government. Had Ma Julung wavered in his fidelity for a moment they would have all joined the standard of Tu Wensiu, and the rule of the Sultan of Talifoo would have been established from one end of Yunnan to the other, but he stood firm and arrested the movement in a summary manner. Tu Wensiu, having established the security of his communications with Burmah, whence PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. 13i he obtained supplies of arms and munitions of war, devoted his efforts to the capture of Yunnanfoo, which he completely invested. The garrison was reduced to the lowest straits before Tsen Yuying resolved to come to the aid of his distressed colleague. The loss of the prefectural town would not merely entail serious consequences to the Imperialist cause, but he felt it would per- sonally compromise him as the Futai at Pekin. In the early part of 1869, there- fore, he threw himself into the town with three thousand men, and the forces of Tu Wensiu found themselves obliged to with- draw from the eastern side of the city. A long period of inaction followed, but during this time the most important events hap- pened with regard to the ultimate result. No Hope of Success. Ma Julung employed all his artifice and arguments to show the rebel chiefs the utter hopelessness of their succeeding against the whole power of the Chinese Empire, which, from the suppression of the Taeping rebel- lion, would soon be able to be employed against them. They felt the force of his representations, and they were also op- pressed by a sense of the slow progress they had made towards the capture of Yunnanfoo. Some months after Tsen Yu- ying's arrival, those of the rebels who were encamped to the north of the city hoisted the red flag and gave in their adhesion to the government. Then Ma Julung resumed active opera- tions against the other rebels, and obtained several small successes. A wound received during one of the skirmishes put an end to his activity, and the campaign resumed its desultory character. But Ma Julung's ill- ness bad other unfortunate consequences ; for during it Tsen Yuying broke faith with those of the rebel leaders who had come over, and put them all to a cruel death. The natural consequence of this foolish and ferocious act was that the Mahomedans again reverted to their desperate resolve to stand firmly by the side of Tu Wensiu. The war again passed into a more active phase. Ma Julung had recovered from his wounds. A new Viceroy, and a man of some energy, was sent from Pekin. Lin Yuchow had attracted the notice of Tseng Kwofan among those of his native province who had responded to his appeal to defend Hoonan against the Taepings sixteen years before ; and shortly before the death of the last Viceroy of Yunnan, he had been made Governor of Kweichow. To the same pa- tron at Pekin he now owed his elevation to the Viceroyalty. It is said that he lost the energy which once characterized him ; but he brought with him several thousand Hoonan braves, whose courage and military experience made them invaluable auxiliaries to the embarrassed authorities in Yunnan. Many Towns Recovered. The details of the campaign that followed would fail to be instructive, and the mention of names that are not merely uncouth but unpronounceable would only repel the reader. The result is the principal, or, in- deed, the single fact worthy of our consid- eration. In the course of the year 1870 most of the towns in the south and the north of Yunnan were recovered, and com- munications were re-opened with Szchuen. As soon as the inhabitants perceived that the government had recovered its strength, they hastened to express their joy at the change by repudiating the white flag which Tu Wensiu had compelled them to adopt. The Imperialists even to the last increased the difficulty of their work of pacification by 132 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. exhibiting a relentless cruelty ; and while the inhabitants thought to secure their safety by a speedy surrender, the Mussulmans were rendered more desperate in their re- solve to resist. The chances of a Mahomedan success were steadily diminishing when Yang Yuko, a mandarin of some military capacity, who had begun his career in the most approved manner as a rebel, succeeded in capturing the whole of the salt-producing district which had been the main source of their strength. In the year 1872 all the prelimi- nary arrangements were made for attacking Talifoo itself A supply of rifles had been received from Canton or Shanghai, and a few pieces of artillery had also arrived. With these improved weapons the troops of Ma Julung and Tsen Yuying enjoyed a distinct advantage over the rebels of Talifoo. A Terrible Plague. The horrors of war were at this point in- creased by those of pestilence, for the plague broke out at Puerh on the southern frontier, and, before it disappeared, devastated the whole of the province, completing the effect of the civil war, and ruining the few districts which had escaped from its ravages. The direct command of the siege operations at Talifoo was entrusted to Yang Yuko, a hunchback general, who had obtained a re- putation for invincibility ; and when Tsen Yuying had completed his own operations he also proceeded to the camp before the Mahomedan capital for the purpose of tak- ing part in the crowning operation of the war. Tu Wensiu and the garrison of Talifoo, although driven to desperation, could not discover any issue from their difficulties. They were reduced to the last stage of desti- tution, and starvation stared them in the face. In this extremity Tu Wensiu, although there was every reason to believe that the Im- periahsts would not fulfil their pledges, and that surrender simply meant yielding to a cruel death, resolved to open negotiations with Yang Yuko for giving up the town. The Emperor's generals signified their desire for the speedy termination of the siege, at the same time expressing acquiescence in the general proposition of the garrison being admitted to terms. Although the Futai and Yang Yuko had promptly come to the mutual understanding to celebrate the fall of Talifoo by a wholesome massacre, they ex- pressed their intention to spare the other rebels on the surrender of Tu Wensiu for execution and on the payment of an indem- nity. The terms were accepted, although the more experienced of the rebels warned their comrades that they would not be complied with. On the 15th of January, 1873, Tu ' Wensiu, the original of the mythical Sultan Suliman, the fame of whose power filled the world, and who had been an object of the solicitude of the Indian government, accepted the decision of his craven followers as express- ing the will of Heaven, and gave himself up for execution. Rode in State to His Death. He attired himself in his best and choicest garments, and seated himself in the yellow palanquin which he had adopted as one of the few marks of royal state that his oppor- tunities allowed him to secure. Accom- panied by the men who had negotiated the surrender, he drove through the streets re- ceiving for the last time the homage of his people, and out beyond the gates to Yang Yuko's camp. Those who saw the cortege marvelled at the calm indifference of the fallen despot. He seemed to have as little PAGODA AT SHANGHAI, CHINA. PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. 133 fear of his fate as consciousness of his sur- roundings. The truth soon became evi- dent. He had baffled his enemies by taking slow poison. Before he ueached the presence of the Futai, who had wished to gloat over the possession of his prisoner, the opium had done its work, and Tu Wensiu was no more. It seemed but an inadequate triumph to sever the head from the dead body, and to send it preserved in honey as the proof of victory to Pekin. A Frightful Slaughter. Four days after Tu Wensiu 's death, the Imperialists were in complete possession of the town, and a week later they had taken all their measures for the execution of the fell plan upon which they had decided. A great feast was given for the celebration of the convention, and the most important of the Mahomedan commanders, including those who had negotiated the truce, were present. At a given signal they were attacked and murdered by soldiers concealed in the gal- lery for the purpose, while six cannon shots announced to the soldiery that the hour had arrived for them to break loose on the de- fenceless townspeople. The scenes that fol- lowed are stated to have surpassed descrip- tion. It was computed that 30,000 men alone perished after the fall of the old Pathay capital, and the Futai sent to Yun- nanfoo twenty-four large baskets full of human ears, as well as the heads of the seventeen chiefs. With the capture of Talifoo the great Mahomedan rebellion in the south-west, to which the Burmese gave the name of Panthay, closed, after a desultory struggle of nearly eighteen years. The war was con- ducted with exceptional ferocity on both sides, and witnessed more than the usual amount of falseness and breach of faith common to Oriental struggles. Nobody benefited by the contest, and the prosperity of Yunnan, which at one time had been far from inconsiderable, sank to the lowest pos- sible point. A new class of officials came to the front during this period of disorder, and fidelity was a sufficient passport to a certain rank. Ma Julung, the Marshal Ma of European travellers, gained a still higher station ; and notwithstanding the jealousy of his col- leagues, acquired practical supremacy in the province. The high priest. Ma Tesing, who may be considered as the prime instigator of the movement, was executed or poisoned in 1874 at the instigation of some of the Chinese officials. Yang Yuko, the most successful of all the generals, only enjoyed a brief tenure of power. It was said that he was dissatisfied with his position as commander- in-chief, and aspired to a higher rank. He also was summoned to Pekin, but never got further than Shanghai, where he died, or was removed. But, although quiet gradually descended upon this part of China, it was long before prosperity followed in its train. Wide-Spread Discontent. About six years after the first mutterings of discontent among the Mahomedans in the south-west, disturbances occurred in the north-west provinces of Shensi and Kansuh, where there had been many thousand fol- lowers of Islam since an early period of Chinese history. They were generally obedient subjects and sedulous cultivators of the soil ; but they were always liable to sudden ebullitions of fanaticism or turbul- ence, and it was said that during the later years of his reign Keen Lung had meditated a wholesale execution of the male popula- tion above the age of fifteen. The threat, if ever made, was never carried out, but the 134 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. report suffices to show the extent to which danger was apprehended from the Tungan population. The true origin of the great outbreak in 1 862 in Shensi seems to have been a quarrel between the Chinese and the Mahomedan militia as to their share of the spoil derived from the defeat and overthrow of a brigand leader. After some bloodshed, two Impe- rial Commissioners were sent from Pekin to restore order. The principal Mahomedan leader formed a plot to murder the commis- sioners, and on their arrival he rushed into their presence and slew one of them with his own hand. His co-religionist deplored the rash act, and voluntarily seized and sur- rendered him for the purpose of undergoing a cruel death. But, although he was torn to pieces, that fact did not satisfy the out- raged dignity of the Emperor. The Hated Mahomedan. A command was issued in Tungche's name to the effect that all those who per- sisted in following the creed of Islam should perish by the sword. From Shensi the out- break spread into the adjoining province of Kansuh ; and the local garrisons were van- quished in a pitched battle at Tara Ussu, beyond the regular frontier. The insurgents did not succeed, however, in taking any of the larger towns of Shensi, and after threat- ening with capture the once famous city of Singan, they were gradually expelled from that province. The Mahomedan rebellion within the limits of China proper would not, therefore, have possessed more than local importance, but for the fact that it encour- aged a similar outbreak in the country further west, and that it resulted in the sever- ance of the Central Asian provinces from China for a^period of many years. The uprising of the Mahomedans in the frontier provinces appealed to the secret fears as well as to the longings of the Tungan settlers and soldiers in all the towns and military stations between Souchow and Kash- gar. The sense of a common peril, more perhaps than the desire to attain the same object, led to revolts at Hami, Barkul, Urumtsi, and Turfan, towns which formed a group of industrious communities half-way between the prosperous districts of Kansuh on the one side, and Kashgar on the other. Another Insurrection. The Tungani at these towns revolted under the leading of their priests, and imi- tated the example of their co-religionists within the settled borders of China by mur- dering all who did not accept their creed. After a brief interval, which we may attribute to the greatness of the distance, to the vigi- lance of the Chinese garrison, or to the apathy of the population, the movement spread to the three towns immediately west of Turfan, Karashar, Kucha, and Aksu, where it came into contact with, and was stopped by, another insurrection under Mahomedan, but totally distinct, auspices. West of Aksu the Tungan rebellion never extended south of the Tian Shan range. The defection of the Tungani, who had formed a large proportion, if not the majority, of the Chinese garrisons, paralyzed the strength of the Celestials in Central Asia. Both in the districts dependent on Hi, and in those ruled from Kashgar and Yarkand, the Chinese were beset by many great and per- manent difficulties. They were with united strength a minority, and now that they were divided among themselves almost a hopeless minority. The peoples they governed were fanatical, false, and fickle. The ruler of Khokand and the refugees living on his bounty were always PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. i;j5 on the alert to take most advantage of the least sUp or act of weakness on the part of the governing classes. Their machinations had been hitherto bafifled, but never before had so favorable an opportunity presented itself for attaining their wishes as when it became known that the whole Mahomedan population was up in arms against the Emperor, and that communications were severed between Kashgar and Pekin. The attempts made at earlier periods on the part of the members of the old ruling family in Kashgar to regain their own by expelling the Chinese are a part of history. Fled from the Country. In 1857 Wali Khan, one of the sons of Jehangir, had succeeded in gaining temporary possession of the city of Kashgar, and seemed for a moment to be likely to capture Yark- and also. He fell by his vices. The people soon detested the presence of the man to whom they had accorded a too hasty wel- come. After a rule of four months he fled the country, vanquished in the field by the Chinese garrison, and followed by the exe- crations of the population he had come to deliver. The invasion of Wali Khan further embit- tered the relations between the Chinese and their subjects ; and a succession of governors bore heavily on the Mahomedans. Popular dissatisfaction and the apprehension in the minds of the governing- officials that their lives might be forfeited at any moment to a popular outbreak added to the dangers of the situation in Kashgar itself, when the news arrived of the Tungan revolt, and of the many other complications which ham- pered the action of the Pekin ruler. The news of the Mahomedan outbreak in China warned the Tungani in Hi that their opportunity had come. But although there were disturbances as early as January, 1863, these were suppressed, and the vigilance of the authorities sufficed to keep things quiet for another year. Their subsequent inca- pacity, or hesitation to strike a prompt blow, enabled the Mahomedans to husband their resources and to complete their plans. A temporary alliance was concluded between the Tungani and the Tarantchis and they hastened to attack the Chinese troops and officials. The year 1865 was marked by the pro- gress of a sanguinary struggle, during which the Chinese lost their principal towns, and some of their garrisons were ruthlessly slaughtered after surrender. The usual scenes of civil war followed. When the Chinese were completely vanquished and their garrisons exterminated, the victors quar- relled among themselves. The Tungani and the Tarantchis met in mortal encounter, and the former were vanquished and their chief slain. When they renewed the contest, some months later, they were, after another sanguinary struggle, again overthrown. Horrors of Civil 'War. The Tarantchis then ruled the state by themselves, but the example they set of native rule was, to say the least, not en- couraging. One chief after another was deposed and murdered. The same year wit- nessed no fewer than five leaders in the supreme place of power ; and when Abul Oghlan assumed the title of Sultan the cup of their iniquities was already full. In the year 1871 an end was at last put to these enormities by the occupation of the province by a Russian force, and the installation of a Russian governor. Although it is probable that they were only induced to take this step by the fear that if they did not do so Yakoob Beg would, the fact remains that the Russian 136 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. government did a good thing in the cause of order by interfering for the restoration of tranquillity in the valley of the Hi. The Mahomedan outbreaks in southwest- ern and northwestern China resulted, there- fore, in the gradual suppression of the Panthay rebellion, which . was completed in the twelfth year of Tungche's reign, while the Tungan rising, so far as ,the Ceritral Asian territories were concerned, remained unquelled for a longer period. The latter led to the establishment of an independent Tungan confederacy beyond Kansuh, and also of the kingdom of Kashgaria ruled by Yakoob Beg. The revolt in Hi, after several alternations of fortune resulted in the brief independence of the Tarantchis, who were in turn displaced by the Russians under a pledge of restoring the province to the Chinese whenever they should return. Only a Question of Time. Judged by the extent of the territory involved, the Mahomedan rebellion might be said to be not less important than the Taepiiig ; but the comparison on that ground alone would be really delusive, as the numeri- cal inferiority of the Mahomedans rend,ered it always a question only of time for the cen- tral power to be restored. The young Emperor Tungche, therefore, grew up amidst continual difficulties, although the successes of his principal lieutenants affor- ded good reason to believe that, so far as they arose from rebels, it was only a question of time before they would be finally removed. The foreign intercourse still gave cause for much anxiety, although there was no appre- hension of war. It would have been un- reasonable to suppose that the relations between the foreign merchants and residents and the Chinese could become, after the sus- picion and dangers of generations, absolutely cordial. The commercial and missionary bodies, into which the foreign community was naturally divided, had objects of trade or religion to advance, which rendered them apt to take an unfavorable view of the pro- gress made by the Chinese government in the paths of civilization, and to be ever skep- tical even of its good faith. Trying to Obtain Justice. The main object with the foreign diplo- matic representatives became not more to obtain justice for their countrymen than to restrain their eagerness, and to confine their pretensions to the rights conceded by the treaties. A clear distinction had to be drawn between undue coercion of the Chi- nese government on the one hand, and the effectual compulsion of the people to evince respect towards foreigners and to comply with the obligations of the treaty on the other. Instances repeatedly occurred in reference to the latter matter, when it would have been foolish to have shown weakness,, especially as there was not the least room to suppose that the government possessed at that time the power and the capacity to secure reparation for, or to prevent the repetition of attacks on foreigners. Under this category came the riot at Yangchow in the year 1868, when some missionaries had their houses burnt down, and were otherwise maltreated. A similar outrage was perpetrated in Formosa; but the fullest redress was always tendered as soon as the Executive realized that the European representatives attached import- ance to the occurrence. The recurrence of these local dangers and disputes served to bring more clearly than ever before the minds of the Chinese Ministers the advisa- bility of taking some step on their own part towards an understanding with Europeaa PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. 137 governments and peoples. The proposal to depute a Chinese ambassador to the West could hardly be said to be new, seeing that it had been projected after the Treaty of Nankin, and that the minister Keying had manifested some desire to be the first man- darin to serve in that novel capacity. The American Minister. The favorable opportunity of doing so pre- sented itself when Mr. Burlingame retired from his post as Minister of the United States at Pekin. In the winter of 1867-68 Mr. Burlingame accepted an appointment as accredited representative of the Chinese gov- ernment to eleven of the principal countries of the world, and two Chinese mandarins and a certain number of Chinese students were appointed to accompany him on his tour. The importance of the Burlingame Mission was certainly exaggerated at the time, and the speculations to which it gave rise as to the part China was about to take in the movement of the world were no doubt based on erroneous data ; but still it would be a mistake to say that it failed to produce any of the beneficial effect which had been expected. It was something for the outer world to learn in those days that the Chinese represented a great power. Mr. Burhngame was sanguine as to the future development of China and the inten- tion of her Executive, and the expectations of his audiences both in America and in Europe over leapt all difficulties and spanned at a step the growth of years ; but only shallow minded observers will deny that Mr. Burlingame's widest stretches of fancy were supported by an amount of truth which events are making clearer every year. Of course those who only looked on the surface, who saw the difficulties under which China staggered, and the dogged pride with which she refused the remedy forced upon her by foreigners, who had At least as much their own interests as hers in view, declared that Mr. Burlingame's statements were " enthu- siastic fictions." The Chinese themselves did not attach as much importance as they might have done to his efforts, and Mr. Burlingame's Mission will be remembered more as an educational process for foreigners than as signifying any decided change in Chinese policy. His death at St. Petersburg, in March, 1870, put a sudden and unexpected close to his tour, but it cannot be said that he could have done more towards the elucidation of Chinese questions than he had already accomplished, while his bold and optimistic statements, after awakening public attention, had already begun to produce the inevitable reaction. Great Popular Outbreak. In 1869 Sir Rutherford Alcock retired, and was succeeded in the difficult post of English representative in China by Mr. Thomas Wade. In the very first year of his holding the post an event occurred which cast all the minor aggressive acts that had preceded it into the shade. It may perhaps be surmised that this was the Tient- sin massacre — an event which threatened to reopen the whole of the China question, and which brought France and China to the verge of war. It was in June, 1870, on the eve of the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war, that the foreign settlements were startled by the report of. a great popular outbreak against foreigners in the important town of Tientsin. At that city there was a large and ener- getic colony of Roman Catholic priests, and their success in the task of conversion, small as it might be held, was still sufficient to excite the ire and fears of the literary and 138 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. official classes. The origin of mob violence is ever difficult to discover, for a trifle suf- were spread about as to the cruelties and evil practices of those devoted to the service of THE FAMOUS PORCELAIN TOWER. fices to set it in motion. But at Tientsin specific charges of the most horrible and, it need not be said, the most baseless character religion These rumors were dihgently cir- culated, a-nd it need not cause wonder if, when the mere cry of " Fanquai"— Foreign PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. 139 Devil — sufficied to raise a disturbance, tiiese -allegations resulted in a vigorous agitation -against the missionaries, who were already the mark of popular execration . It was well known beforehand that an attack on the missionaries would take place unless the authorities adopted very efficient measures of protection. The foreign resi- ■dents and the consulates were warned of the •coming outburst, and a very heavy responsi- "bility will always rest on those who might, by the -display of greater vigor, have pre- "vented the unfortunate occurrences that -ensued. At the same time, allowing for the prejudices of the Chinese, it must be allowed that not only must the efforts of all foreign missionaries be attended with the gravest peril, but that the acts of the French priests -and nuns at Tientsin were, if not indiscreet, -at least peculiarly calculated to arouse the anger and offend the superstitious predilec- tions of the Chinese. Might Have Been Prevented. Had the officia' . in the town acted with promptitude and instituted an official inquiry, it is probable that the outbreak might have Tjeen averted. Such a course had proved availing on equally critical occasions in some •of the towns along the Yangtse; and the responsibility of not taking it rested in equal proportions between the Chinese officials and the French Consul. At that time Chung How, the Superintendent of Trade for the three Northern Ports, was the principal offi- cial in Tientsin; but although some represen- tations, not as forcible however as the occasion demanded, were made to him by M. Fontanier, the French Consul, on the 1 8th of June, three days before the massacre, no reply was given, and no precautions were taken. On the 2 1st a large crowd assembled out- side the Mission House. They very soon assumed an attitude of hostility, and it was clear that at any moment the attack might begin. M. Fontanier hastened off in person to Chung How, but his threats seem to have been as unavailing as his arguments. On his return he found the attack on the point of commencing. He made use of menaces, and he fired a shot from his revolver, whether in self-defence or in the heat of indignation at some official treachery will never be known. The mob turned upon him, and he was murdered. The Chinese then hastened to complete the work they had begun. Chung How, Hke Surajah Dowlah, was not to be disturbed, and the attack on the Mis- sion House and Consulate proceeded, while the officials responsible for order remained inactive. Twenty-one foreigners in all were brutally murdered under circumstances of the greatest barbarity, while the number of native converts who fell at the same time can never be ascertained. Feeling of Great Alarm. This event naturally produced the greatest feeling of alarm, and for the moment it was feared that the rioters would proceed to attack the rest of the foreign settlement. The mandarins still refrained from interven- tion, and as there happened to be no gun- boat at Tientsin, the foreign residents were for the moment placed in an extremely dan- gerous predicament. They, of course, took all the measures they could to defend them- selves, but it was said at the time that if the mob had only attacked at once they would probably have overcome such resistance as the Europeans could then have offered. They did not do so, however, chiefly because they distrusted or failed to realize their strength; and the massacre of Tientsin did not assume the larger proportions that were 140 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. at one moment feared. The turbulent ele- ments were partially quieted. The Tientsin massacre was followed by a wave of anti-foreign feeling over the whole country; but although an official brought out a work — entitled "Death-blow to Cor- rupt Doctrine" — which obtained more than a passing notoriety, and notwithstanding that some members of the Imperial Family, and notably, as it was stated. Prince Chun, regarded the movement with favor, the argu- ments .of Prince Kung and the more moderate ministers carried the day, and it was resolved to make every concession in the power of the government for the pacific settlement of the dispute that had arisen with France. Compensation was offered and accepted, and the unfortunate affair was settled. Marriage of the Emperor. It had been known for sometime that the young ruler had fixed his affections on Ahluta, a Manchu lady of good family, daughter of Duke Chung, and that the Empresses had decided that she was worthy of the high rank to which she was to be raised. The marriage ceremony was deferred on more than one plea until after the Emperor had reached his sixteenth birthday, but in October, 1872, there was thought to be no longer any excuse for postponement, and it was celebrated with great splendor on the 1 6th of that month. The arrangements were made in strict accordance with the precedent of the Emperor Kanghi's marriage in 1674, that ruler having also married when in occupa- tion of the throne, and before he had attained his majority. It was stated the ceremonial was imposing, that the incidental e.xpenses were enormous, and that the people were very favorably impressed by the demeanor of their young sovereign. Four months after the celebration of his marriage the formal act of conferring upon Tungsche the per- sonal control of his dominions was performed. In a special decree issued from the Board of Rites the Emperor said that he received "the commands of their Majesties the two Empresses to assume the superintendence of business." This edict was directed to the Foreign Ministers, who in return presented a col- lective request to be received in audience. Prince Kung was requested " to take his Imperial Majesty's orders with reference to their reception." The question being thus brought to a crucial point, it was not unnatural that the Chinese Ministers should make the most vigorous resistance they could to those details which seemed to and did enroach upon the prerogative of the Emperor as he had been accustomed to exercise it. For, in the first place, they were no longer free agents, and Tungche had himself to be considered in any arrangement for the recep- tion of foreign envoys. A Spirited Controversy. The discussion of the question assumed a controversial character, in which stress was laid on the one side upon the necessity of the kotow (touching the head to the ground), even in a modified form, while on the other it was pointed out that the least concession was objectionable as the greatest, and that China would benefit by the complete settle- ment of the question. It says a great deal for the fairness and moderation of Prince Kung and the ministers with him that, although they knew that the Foreign govern- ments were not prepared to make the Audi- ence Question one of war, or even of th- suspension of diplomatic relations, they determined to settle the matter in the way most distasteful to themselves and most w o M a o i3 GIRLS PICKING TEA. PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. 141 agreeable to foreigners, thus showing a con- ciliatory disposition. On the 29th of June, 1873, Tungche re- ceived in audience the ministers of the principal Powers at Pekin, and thus gave completeness to the many rights and concessions obtained from his father and grandfather by the treaties of Tientsin and Nankin. The privilege thus secured caused lively gratification in the minds of all foreign residents, to whom it signified the great surrender of the inherent right to superiority claimed by the Chinese Emperors, and we have recently seen that it has been accepted as a precedent. The Illustrious Dead. The sudden death of Tseng Kwofan in the summer of 1 872 removed unquestionably the foremost public man in China. Afl:er the fall of Nankin he had occupied the highest posts in the Empire, both at that city and in the metropolis. He was not merely powerful from his own position, but from his having placed his friends and depen- dents in many of the principal offices throughout the Empire. At first prejudiced against foreigners, he had gradually brought himself to recognize that some advantage might be derived from their knowledge. But the change came at too late a period to admit of his conferring any distinct benefit on his country from the more liberal policy he felt disposed to pursue with regard to the training of Chinese youths in the science and learning of the West. It was said that had he been personally ambitious he might have succeeded iii displacing the Tartar regime. But such a thought never assumed any prac- tical shape in his mind, and to the end of his days Tseng Kwofan was satisfied to remain the steadfast supporter and adherent of the Manchus. In this respect he has been closely imitated by his most distinguished lieutenant, Li Hung Chang, who succeeded to some of his dignities and much of his power. Another of Tseng's proteges, Tso Tsung Tang, had been raised from the Vice-royalty of Chekiang and Fuhkien to that of Shensi and Kansuh. The promotion was of the more doubtful value, seeing that both those provinces were in the actual possession of the rebels ; but Tso threw himself into the task of reconquering them with remarkable energy, and within two years of his arrival he was able to report that he had cleared the province of Shensi of all insurgents., He then devoted his attention to the pacification of Kansuh ; and after many desultory engage- ments proceeded to lay siege to the town of Souchow, where the Mahomedans had massed their strength. A Signal Victory. At the end of the year 1872 the Imperial army was drawn up in front of this place, but Tso does not seem to have considered him- self strong enough to deliver an attack, and confined his operations to preventing the in- troduction of supplies and fresh troops into the town. Even in this he was only partially successful, as a considerable body of men made their way in in January, 1873. In the following month he succeeded in capturing, by a night attack, a temple outside the walls, upon which the Mahomedans placed con- siderable value. The siege continued during the whole summer, and it was not until the month of October that the garrison was reduced to such extremities as to surrender. The chiefs were hacked to pieces, and about four thousand men perished by the sword. The women, children, and old men were spared, and the spoil of the place was handed over to the soldiery. It was Tso's distinctive merit that, far 142 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. from being carried away by these successes, he neglected no mihtary precaution, and devoted his main efforts to the reorganiza- tion of the province. In that operation he may be left employed for the brief remainder of Tungche's reign ; but it may be said that in 1874 the campaign against Kashgariahad been fully decided upon. A thousand Man- chu cavalry were sent to Souchow. Sheep- Chinese predominance, ^at the same time their insular position has left them safe front the attack of the Pekin government. The attempt made by the Mongol, Kublai Khan^ to subdue these islanders had been too disas- trous to invite repetition. In Corea the pre- tensions of the ruler of Yeddo had been repelled, if not crushed; but wherever the sea intervened the advantage rested more or CHINESE skins, horses, and ammunition in large quantities were also despatched to the far west, and General Kinshun, the Manchu general, was entrusted with the command of the army in the field. The year 1874 witnessed an event that claims notice. There never has been much good-will between China and her neighbors in Japan. The latter are too independent in their bearing to please the advocates of COBBLERS. less decisively with him. The island of For- mosa is dependent upon China, and the western districts are governed by officials, duly appointed by the Viceroy of Fuhkien. But the eastern half of the island, separated from the cultivated districts by a range of mountains covered with dense if not impene- trable forests, is held by tribes who own no one's authority, and who act as they deem fit. In the year 1868 or 1869 a junk from PRINCE KUNG AND THE REGENCY. 143 Loochoo was wrecked on this coast, and the crew were murdered by the islanders. The civil war in Japan prevented any prompt claim for reparation, but in 1873 the affair was revived, and a demand made at Pekin for compensation. The demand was refused, whereupon the Japanese, taking the law into their own hands, sent an expedition to For- mosa. China replied with a counter-demon- stration, and war seemed inevitable. In this crisis Mr. Wade offered his good services in the interests of peace, and after considerable controversy he succeeded in bringing the two governments to reason, and in inducing them to agree to as equitable terms as could be obtained without having recourse to arms. The Chinese paid an indemnity and the Japanese evacuated the island. Fortunes of Prince Kung. In all countries governed by an absolute sovereign it is as interesting as it is difficult to obtain some accurate knowledge of the character of the autocrat. A most important change had been effected in the government of China, yet it is impossible to discover what its preciie significance was, or to say how far it influenced the fortunes of the country. The Empresses had retired into private life, and for a time their Regency came to an end. Prince Kung was only the minister of a young prince who had it in his power to guide affairs exactly as he might feel personally disposed. Prince Kung might be either the real gov- ernor of the state or only the courtier of his nephew. It depended solely on that prince's character. There were not wanting signs that Tungche had the consciousness, if not the capacity of supreme power and that he wished his will to be paramount. Such evidence as was obtainable agreed in stating that he was impatient of restraint, and that the prudent reflections of his uncle were not over much to his fancy. On the loth of September the young ruler took the world into his confidence by announcing in a Ver- milion Edict that he had degraded Prince Kung and his son in their hereditary rank as princes of the Empire for using " language in very many respects unbecoming." Whether Tungche took this \ ery decided step in a moment of pique or because he perceived that there was a plan among his chief relatives to keep him in leading-strings, must remain a matter of opinion. At the least he must have refused to personally retract what he had done, for on the very fol- lowing day (September nth) a Decree appeared from the Two Empresses rein- stating Prince Kung and his son in their hereditary rank and dignity, and thus re- asserting the power of the ex-Regents over the sovereign. Startling Rumors. Not long after this disturbance in the interior of the palace, of which only the ripple reached the surface of pubUcity, there were rumors that the Emperor's health was in a precarious state, and in the month of December it became known that Tungche was seriously ill with an attack of small-pox. The disease seemed to be making satisfactory progress, for the doctors were rewarded ; but on the i8th of December an edict appeared ordering or requesting the Em- presses Dowager to assume the personal charge of the administration. Six days later another edict appeared which strengthened the impression that the Emperor was making good progress towards recovery. But ap- pearances were deceptive, for, after several weeks' uncertainty, it became known that the Emperor's death was inevitable. On the I2th of January, 1875, Tungche "ascended upon the Dragon, to be a guest on high," 144 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. without leaving any offspring to succeed him. There were rumors that his illness was only a plausible excuse and that he was really the victim of foul play ; but it is not likely that the truth on that point will ever be revealed. Whether he was the victim of an intrigue similar to that which had marked his accession to power, or whether he only died from the neglect or incompetence of his medical attendants, the consequences were equally favorable to the personal views of the two Empresses and Prince Kung. They resumed the exercise of that supreme author- ity which they had resigned little more than twelve months before. The most suspicious circumstance in connection with this event was the treatment of the young Empress Ahluta^ who, it was well known, was preg- nant at the time of her husband's death. The Queen's Mysterious Death. Instead of waiting to decide as to the suc- cession until it was known whether Tungche's posthumous child would prove to be a son or a daughter, the Empress Dowager hast- ened to make another selection and to place the young widow of the deceased sovereign in a state of honorable confinement. Their motive was plain. Had Ahluta's child hap- pened to be a son, he would have been the legal Emperor, as well as the heir by direct descent, and she herself could not have been excluded from a prominent share in the gov- ernment. To the Empress Dowagers one child on the throne mattered no more than another ; but it was a question of the first importance that Ahluta should be set on one side. In such an atmosphere there is often grievous peril to the lives of inconvenient personages. Ahluta sickened and died. Her child was never born. The charitable gave her credit for having refused food through grief for her husband, Tungche. The skeptical hst- ened to the details of her illness with scorn for the vain efforts to obscure the dark deeds of ambition. In their extreme anxiety to realize their own designs and at the same time not to injure the constitution, the two Empresses had been obliged to resort to a plan that could only have been suggested by desperation. For the first time since the Manchu dynasty occupied the throne, it was necessary to depart from the due line of suc- cession, and to make the election of the sovereign a matter of individual fancy or favor instead of one of inheritance. Choice of a New Emperor. The range of choice was limited ; for the son of Prince Kung himself, who seemed to enjoy the prior right to the throne, was a young man of sufficient age to govern for himself; and, moreover, his promotion would mean the compulsory retirement from public life of Prince Kung, for it was not possible in China for a father to serve under his son, until Prince Chun, the father of the present reigning Emperor, estabHshed quite recently a precedent to the contrary. The name of Prince Kung's son, if mentioned at all, was only mentioned to be dismissed. The choice of the Empresses fell upon Tsai Tien, the son of Prince Chun or the Seventh Prince, who on the 13th of January was proclaimed Emperor. As he was of too tender an age to rule for himself, his nom- ination served the purposes of the two Em- presses and their ally Prince Kung, who thus entered upon a second lease of undis- puted power. They ruled in reality, the boy Emperor only in name. CHAPTER VII. THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR KWANQSU. THUS after a very brief interval the governing power again passed into the hands of the Regents who had ruled the state so well for the twelve years following the death of Hien- fung. The nominal Emperor was a child of little more than three years of age, to whom was given the style of " Kwangsu," or " il- lustrious succession," and the Empresses •could look forward to many years of author- ity in the name of so young a sovereign. The only opposition to their return to power seems to have come from the Palace €unuchs, who had asserted themselves dur- ing the brief reign of Tungche and hoped to gain predominance in the Imperial councils. But they found a determined mistress in the person of Tse An, the Eastern Empress, as she was also called, who took vigorous action against them, punishing their Jeaders with death and effectually nipping in the bud all their projects for making themselves su- preme. The return of the Empresses to power Tvas followed by a great catastrophe in the relations between England and China. For the moment it threw every other matter into the shade, and seemed to render the out- break of war between the two countries almost inevitable. In the year 1874 the government of India, repenting of its brief infatuation for the Panthay cause, yet still reluctant to lose the advantages it had prom- ised itself from the opening of Yunnan to trade, resolved upon sending a formal mis- sion of exploration under Colonel Horace 10 Browne, an officer of distinction, through Burmah to that province. The difficulties in the way of the under- taking seemed comparatively few, as the King of Burmah was friendly and appeared disposed at that time to accept his natui-al position as the dependent of Calcutta. The Pekin authorities also were outwardly not opposed to the journey ; and the only oppo- sition to be apprehended was from the Yun- nan officials and people. Long Journey Across China. It was thought desirable, with the view of preparing the way for the appearance of this foreign mission, that a representative of the English embassy at Pekin, having a knowl- edge of the language and of the ceremonial etiquette of the country, should be deputed to proceed across China and meet Colonel Browne on the Burmese frontier. The officer selected for this delicate and difficult mission was Mr. Raymond Augustus Margary, who to the singular aptitude he had displayed in the study of Chinese added a buoyant spirit and a vigorous frame that peculiarly fitted him for the long and lonely journey he had undertaken across China. His reception throughout was encouraging. Mr. Margary performed his journey in safety; and, on the 26th of January, 1875, only one fortnight after Kwangsu's accession, he joined Colonel Browne at Bhamo. A delay of more than three weeks ensued at Bhamo, which was certainly unfortunate. Time was given for the circulation of rumors as to the approach 145 146 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. of a foreign invader along a disturbed fron- tier held by tribes almost independent, and whose predatory instincts were excited by the prospect of rich plunder at the same time that their leaders urged them to oppose a change which threatened to destroy their hold on the caravan route between Bhamo and Talifoo. When on the 17th of February Colonel Browne and his companions approached the limits of Burmese territory, they found them- selves in face of a totally different state of affairs from what had existed when Mr. Mar- gary passed safely through three weeks before. The preparation for opposing the English had been made under the direct en- couragement, and probably the personal direction, of Lisitai, a man who had been a brigand and then a rebel, but who at this time held a military command on the fron- tier. Last News Received. As Colonel Browne advanced he was met with rumors of the opposition that awaited him. At first these were discredited, but on the renewed statements that a large Chinese force had been collected to bar his way, Mr. Margary rode forward to ascertain what truth there was in these rumors. The first town on this route within the Chinese border is Momein, which, under the name of Tengyue, was once a military station of importance, and some distance east of it again is another town, called Manwein. Mr. Margary set out on the 19th of February, and it was arranged that only in the event of his find- ing everything satisfactory at Momein was he to proceed to Manwein ; and on the first suspicious occurrence he was to retreat at once to the main body. Mr. Margary reached Momein in safety, and reported in a letter to Colonel Browne that all was quiet at that place, and that there were no signs of any resistance. That letter was the last news ever received from Mr. Margary. On the 19th of February he started from Momein, and the information subsequently obtained left no doubt that he was treacherously murdered on that or the following day at Manwein. An ominous silence followed, and Colonel Browne's party delayed its advance until some definite news should arrive as to what had occurred in front, although the silence was sufficient to justify the worst apprehensions. A Brave Little Band. Three days later the rumor spread that Mr. Margary and his attendants had been murdered. It was also stated that an army was advancing to attack the English expedi- tion; and on the 22nd of February a large Chinese force did make its appearance on the neighboring heights. There was no longer any room to doubt that the worst had hap- pened, and it only remained to secure the safety of the expedition. These Chinese numbered several thousand men under Lisitai in person, while to oppose them there were only four Europeans and fifteen Sikhs. Yet superior weapons and steadfastness carried the day against greater numbers. The Sikhs fought as they retired, and the Chinese, unable to make any im- pression on them, abandoned an attack which was both perilous and useless. The news of this outrage did not reach Pekin until a month later, when Mr. Wade at once took the most energetic measures to obtain the amplest reparation in the power of the Pekin government to concede. The first and most necessary point in order to ensure not merely the punishment of the guilty, but also that the people of China should not have cause to suppose that their rulers THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR KWANGSU. 147 secretly sympathized with the authors of the attack, was that no punitive measures should be undertaken, or, if undertaken, recognized, until a special Commission of Inquiry had been appointed to investigate the circum- stances on the spot. Mr. Margary was an officer of the English government traveling under special permission and protection. Mysterious Delay. The Chinese government could not expect to receive consideration if it failed to enforce respect for its own commands, and the English government had an obligation which it could not shirk in exacting reparation for the murder of its representative. The treacherous killing of Mr. Margary was evi- dently not an occurrence for which it could be considered a sufficient atonement that some miserable criminals under sentence of death, or some desperate individuals anxious to secure the worldly prosperity of their families, should undergo painful torture and public execution in order to shield official falseness and infamy. Although no one ever suspected the Pekin government of having directly instigated the outrage, the delay in instituting an impartial and search- ing inquiry into the affair strengthened an impression that it felt reluctant to inflict pun- ishment on those who had committed the act of violence. Nearly three months elapsed before any step was taken towards appointing a Chinese official to proceed to the scene of the out- rage in company with the officers named by the English minister; but on the 19th of June an edict appeared in the Pekin Gazette ordering Li Han Chang, Governor-General of Houkwang, to temporarily vacate his post, and " repair with all speed to Yunnan to investigate and deal with certain matters." Even then the matter dragged along but slowly. It was not till the end of the year that the Commission to ascertain the fate of Mr. Margary began Uts active work on the spot. The result was unexpectedly disappoint- ing. The mandarins supported one another. The responsibility was thrown on several minor officials, and on the border-tribes or savages. Several of the latter were seized, and their lives were offered as atonement fbr an offence they had not committed. The furthest act of concession which the Chinese Commissioner gave was to temporarily sus- pend Tsen Yuhing the Futai for remissness ; but even this measure was never enforced with rigor. The English officers soon found that it was impossible to obtain any proper reparation on the spot. Strong Demand for Reparation. Sir Thomas Wade, who was knighted during the negotiations, refused to accept the lives of the men offered, whose compli- city in the offence was known to be none at all, while its real instigators escaped without any punishment. When the new year, 1876, opened, the question was still unsettled, and it was clear that no solution could be dis- covered on the spot. Sir Thomas Wade again called upon the Chinese in the most emphatic language allowed by diplomacy to conform with the spirit and letter of their en- gagements, and he informed the government that unless they proffered full redress for Mr. Margary 's murder it would be impossi- ble to continue diplomatic relations. To show that this was no meaningless expres- sion. Sir Thomas Wade left Pekin, while a strong reinforcement to the English fleet demonstrated that the government was re- solved to support its representative. In consequence of these steps, Li Hung Chang was, in August, 1876, or more than 148 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. eighteen months after the outrage, entrusted with full powers for the arrangement of the difficulty; and the small seaport of Chefoo was fixed upon as the scene for the forth- coming negotiations. Even then the Chinese sought to secure a sentimental advantage by requesting that Sir Thomas Wade would change the scene of discussion to Tientsin, or at least that he would consent to pay Li Hung Chang a visit there. This final effort Ambassador, whose dispatch had been de- cided upon in the previous year. When the secret history of this transaction is revealed it will be seen how sincere were Li Hung Chang's wishes for a pacific result, and how much his advice contributed to this end. The most important passage in the Chefoo Convention was unquestionably that com- manding the different viceroys and gov- ernors to respect, and afiford every protec- CHIKESE RESTAURANT. to conceal the fact that the English demanded redress as an equal and not as a suppliant having been baffled, there' was no further attempt at delay. The Chefoo Convention was signed in that town, to which the Viceroy proceeded from Tientsin. Li Hung Chang entertained the Foreign Ministers at a great banquet ; and the final arrangements were hurried forward for the departure to Europe of the Chinese tion to, all foreigners provided with the necessary passport, and warning them that they would be held responsible in the event of any such travellers meeting with injury or maltreatment. The next most important passage was that arranging for the despatch of an Embassy to London bearing a letter of regret for the murder of the English official. The official selected for this duty was Kwo Sungtao, a mandarin of high rank and unex- THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR KWANGSU. 149 ceptionable character. It was a delicate mission with which he was entrusted. The letter was submitted to Sir Thomas Wade in order that its terms should be exactly in accordance with Chinese etiquette, and that no phrase should be used showing that the Chinese government attached less importance to the mission than the occasion demanded. The Embassy proceeded to Europe, and, whatever may be thought of its immediate effect, it must be allowed that it established a precedent of friendly inter- course with that country, which proved an additional guarantee of peace. A curious incident arising from the pas- sion of gambling which is so prevalent in China, and bearing incidentally upon the national character, may be briefly referred to. The attention of the Pekin government was attracted to this subject by a novel form of gambling, which not merely attained enor- mous dimensions, but which threatened to bring the system of public examination into disrepute. This latter fact created a pro- found impression at Pekin, and roused the mandarins to take unusually prompt meas- ures. Lottery on a Large Scale. Canton was the headquarters of the gam- bling confederacy v/hich established the lot- teries known as the Weising, but its ramifica- tions extended throughout the whole of the province of Kwantung. The Weising, or examination sweepstakes, were based on the principle of drawing the names of the suc- cessful candidates at the official examinations. They appealed, therefore, to every poor vil- lager, and every father of a family, as well as to the aspirants themselves. The subscribers to the Weising lists were numbered by hun- dreds of thousands. It became a matter of almost as much importance to draw a suc- cessful number or name in the lottery as to take the degree. The practice could not have been allowed to go on without intro- ducing serious abuses into the system of public examination. The profits of the owners of the lottery were so enormous that they were able to pay not less than eight hundred thousand dollars as hush-money to the Viceroy and the other high officials of Canton. In order to shield his own participation in the profits, the Vice- roy declared that he devoted this new source of revenue to the completion of the river de- fences of Canton. Severe Penalties Threatened. In 1874 the whole system was declared illegal, and severe penalties were passed against those aiding, or participating in any way in, the Weising Company. The local officers did not, however, enforce with any stringency these new laws, and the Weising fraternity enjoyed a further but brief period of increased activity under a different name. The fraud was soon detected, and in an Edict of August II, 1875, it was very rightly laid down that " the maintenance of the purity of government demands that it be not allowed under any pretext to be re-established," and for their apathy in the matter the Viceroy Yinghan and several of the highest officials in Canton were disgraced and stripped of their official rank. In China natural calamities on a colossal scale have often aggravated political troubles. The year 1876 witnessed the commencement of a drouth in the two great provinces of Honan and Shansi which has probably never been surpassed as the cause of a vast amount of human suffering. Although the provinces named suffered the most from the prevalent drought, the suffering was general over the whole of Northern China, from Shantung 150 CHINA : PAST AND PRESENT. and Pechihli to Honan and the course of the Yellow River. At first the government, if not apathetic, was disposed to say that the evil would be met by the grant of the usual allowance made by the Provincial Governors in the event of distress; but when one province after another was absorbed within the famine era, it became no longer possible to treat the matter as one of such limited importance, and the high ministers felt obliged to bestir them- selves in face of so grave a danget. Li Hung Chang in particular was most energetic, not merely in collecting and forwarding supplies of rice and grain, but also in inviting con- tributions of money from all those parts of the Empire which had not been affected by famine. Efforts to Relieve the Famine. Allowing for the general sluggishness of popular opinion in China, and for the absence of any large amount of currency, it must be allowed that these appeals met with a large and liberal response. The foreign residents also contributed their share, and even the charity of London found a vent in sending some thousands of pounds to the scene of the famine in Northern China. This evidence of foreign sympathy in the cause of a common humanity made more than a passing impres- sion on the minds of the Chinese people. While the origin of the famine may be attributed to either drought or civil war, there is no doubt that its extension and the apparent inability of the authorities to grapple with it may be traced to the want of means of communication, which rendered it almost impossible to convey the needful succor into the famine districts. The evil being so ob- vious, it was hoped that the Chinese would be disposed to take a step forward on their own initiative in the great and needed work of the introduction of railways and other mechanical appliances. The Viceroy of the Two Kiang gave his assent to the construc- tion of a short line between Shanghai and the port of Woosung. The great difficulty had always been to make a start; and now that a satisfactory Commencement had been made the foreigners were disposed in their eagerness to overlook all obstacles, and to imagine the Flowery Land traversed in all directions by railways. But these expectations were soon shown to be premature. Half of the railway was open for use in the summer of 1876, and during some weeks the excitement among the Chi- nese themselves was as marked as among the Europeans. The hopes based upon this satisfactory event were destined to be soon dispelled by the animosity of the officials, They announced their intention to resort to every means in their power to prevent the completion of the undertaking. The situa- tion revealed such dangers of mob violence that Sir Thomas Wade felt compelled to request the Company to discontinue its operations, and after some discussion it was arranged that the Chinese should buy the line. Opposition to the Railway. After a stipulated period the line was placed under Chinese management, when, instead of devoting themselves to the interests of the railway, and to the extension of its power of utility, they wifully and persistently neglected it, with the express design of de- stroying it. At this conjuncture the Viceroy allowed the Governor of Fuhkien to remove the rails and plant to Formosa. The fate of the Woosung railway destroyed the hopes created by its construction, and postponed tc) a later day the great event of the introduc- tion of railways into China. Notwithstand- THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR KWANGSU. 151 ing such disappointments as this, and the ever present difficulty of conducting relations with an unsympathetic people controlled by suspicious officials, there was yet observable a marked improvement in the relations of the different nations with the Chinese. Opening New Ports. Increased facilities of trade, such as the opening of new ports, far from extending the area of danger, served to promote a mutual good-will. In 1876 Kiungchow, in the island of Hainan, was made a treaty port, or rather the fact of its having been included in the treaty of Tientsin was practically accepted and recognized. In the following year four new ports were added to the list. One, Pakhoi, was intended to increase trade intercourse with Southern China. Two of the three • others, Ichang and Wuhu, were selected as being favorably situated for com- merce on the Yangtse and its affluents, while Wenchow was chosen for the benefit of the trade on the coast. The close of the great work successfully accomplished during the two periods of the Regency was followed within a few weeks by the disappearance of the most important of the personages who had carried on the government throughout these twenty years of constant war and diplomatic excitement. Before the Pekin world knew of her illness, it heard of the death of the Empress Dowager Tsi An, who as Hienfung's princi- pal widow had enjoyed the premier place in the goverrlment, although she had never possessed a. son to occupy the throne in person. In a proclamation issued in her name and possibly at her request, Tsi An described the course of her malady, the soli- citude of the Emperor, and urged upon him the duty of his high place to put restraint upon his grief. Her death occurred on 1 8th April, from heart disease when she was only forty-five, and her subsequent obsequies were as splendid as her services demanded. For herself she had always been a woman of frugal habits, and the successful course of recent Chinese history was largely due to her firmness and resolution. Her associate in the Regency, Tsi Thsi, who was always more or less of an invalid, survived her. The difficulty with Russia had not long been composed, when, on two opposite sides of her extensive dominion, China was called upon to face a serious condition of affairs. In Corea, "the forbidden land" of the Far East, events were forced by the eagerness and competition of European states to con- clude treaties of commeace with that primi- tive kingdom, and perhaps also by their fear that if they delayed Russia would appropriate some port on the Corean coast. Corea a Source of Trouble. To all who had official knowledge of Russia's desire and plan for seizing Port Lazareff, this apprehension was far from chimerical, and there was reason to believe that Russia's enroachment might compel other countries to make annexations in or round Corea by way of precaution. Practi- cal evidence of this was furnished by the English occupation of Port Hamilton, and by its subsequent evacuation when the neces- sity passed away, but should the occasion again arise the key of the situation will probably be found in the possession not of Port Hamilton or Quelpart, but of the Island of Tsiusima. Recourse was had to dip- lomacy to avert what threatened to be a grave international danger ; and although the result was long doubtful, and the situation sometimes full of peril, a gratifying success was achieved in the end. In 1 88 1 a draft commercial treaty was 152 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. drawn up, approved by the Chinese author- ites and the representatives of the principal powers at Pekin, and carried to the Court of Seoul for acceptance and signature by the American naval officer, Commodore Schu- feldt. The Corean king made no objection to the arrangement, and it was signed with the express stipulation that the ratifications of the treaty were to be exchanged in the following year. Thus was it harmoniously aroused the jealousy of Japan, which has long asserted the right to have an equal voice with China in the control of Corean affairs ; and the government of Tokio, on hearing of the Schufeldt treaty, at once took steps not merely to obtain all the rights to be conferred by that document, to which no one would have objected, but also to assert its claim to control equally with China the policy of the Corean Court. With that ob- CHINESE OUT arranged at Pekin that Corea was to issue from her hermit's cell, and open her ports to trading countries under the guidance and encouragement of China. There can be no doubt that if this arrangement had been carried out, the influence and the position of China in Corea would have been very greatly increased and strengthened. But, unfortunately, the policy of Li Hung Chung — for, if he did not originate, he took the most important part in directing it FOR AN AIRING. ject, a Japanese fleet and army were sent to the Seoul river, and when the diplomatists returned for the ratification of the treaty, they found the Japanese in a strong position close to the Corean capital. The Chinese were not to be set on one side in so open a manner, and a powerful fleet of gunboats, with 5,000 troops, sent to the Seoul river to uphold their rights. Under other circumstances, more especially as the Chinese expedition was believed to be the THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR KWANGSU. 153 superior, a hostile collision must l^ave en- sued, and the war which has so often seemed near between the Chinese and Japanese would have become an accomplished fact; but fortunately the presence of the foreign diplomatists moderated the ardor of both sides, and a rupture was averted. By a stroke of judgment the Chinese seized Tai Wang Kun, the father of the young king, and the leader of the anti-foreign party, and carried him off to Pekin, where he was kept in imprisonment for some time, until matters had settled down in his own country. Rivalry Between China and Japan. The opening of Corea to the Treaty Powers did not put an end to the old rivalry of China and Japan in that country, of which history contains so many examples ; and the attack on the Japanese Legion in 1884 was a striking revelation of popular antipathy or of an elaborate anti- Japanese plot headed by the released Chinese prisoner, Tai Wang Kun. At the opposite point of the frontier China was brought face to face with a danger which threatened to develop into a peril of the first magnitude, and in meeting which she was undoubtedly hampered by her treaties with the general body of foreign Powers and her own peculiar place in the family of nations. It is the special misfor- tune of China that she cannot engage in any, even a defensive, war with a maritime power without incurring the grave risk, or, indeed, the practical certainty that, if such a war be continued for any length of time, she must find herself involved with every other foreign country through the impossibility of confining the hostility of her own subjects to one race of foreigners in particular. In considering the last war with a Euro- pean country in which China was engaged, due allowance must be made for these facts, and also for the anomalous character of that contest when active hostilities were carried on without any formal declaration of war — a state of things which gave the French many advantages. Towards the end of the year 1882, the French Government came to the decision to establish a "definite protectorate" over Tonquin. Events had for some time been shaping themselves in this direction, and the colonial ambition of France had long fixed on Indo-China as a field in which it might aggrandize itself with comparatively little risk and a wide margin of advantage. The weakness of the kingdom of Annam was a strong enough temptation in itself to assert the protectorate over it which France had, more or less, claimed for forty years ; but when the reports of several French ex- plorers came to promote the conviction that France might acquire the control of a con- venient and, perhaps, the best route into some of the richest provinces of interior China without much difficulty, the tempta- tion became irresistible. France is Quick to Act. French activity in Indo-China was height- ened by the declaration of Garnier, Rocher and others that the Songcoi, or Red River, furnished the best means of communicating with Yuiman, and tapping the wealth of the richest mineral province in China. The apathy of England in her relations with Burmah, which presented, under its arrogant and obstructive rulers, what may have seemed an insuperable obstacle to trade in- tercourse between India and China, afiforded additional inducement to the French to act quickly ; and, as they felt confident of their ability and power to coerce the Court of Hue, the initial difficulties of their undertak- ing did not seem very formidable. 154 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. That undertaking was, in the first place, •defined to be a protectorate of China, and, as the first step in the enterprise, the town of Hanoi, in the delta of the Red River, and the nominal capital of Tonquin, was cap- tured before the end of the year 1882. Tonquin stood in very much the same re- lationship to China as Corea ; and, although the enforcement of the suzerain tie was lax, there was no doubt that at Pekin the opin- ion was held very strongly that the action of France was an encroachment on the rights •of China. But, if such was the secret opin- ion of the Chinese authorities, they took no immediate steps to arrest the development of French policy in Tonquin by proclaiming it a Chinese dependency, and also their, inten- tion to defend it. While Li Hung Chang and the other members of the Chinese Gov- ernment were deliberating as to the course they should pursue, the French were acting with great vigor in Tonquin, and committing their military reputation to a task from which they could not in honor draw back. Movements of the "Black Flags.'' During the whole of the year 1883 they •were engaged in military operations with the Black Flag irregulars, a force half piratical and half patriotic, who represented the national army of the country. It was be- lieved at the time, but quite erreoneously, that the Black Flags were paid and incited by the Chinese. Subsequent evidence showed that the Chinese authorities did not take even an indirect part in the contest until a much later period. After the capture of Hanoi, the French were constantly engaged with the Black Flags, from whom they cap- tured the important town of Sontay, which was reported to be held by Imperial Chinese troops, but on its capture this statement was found to be untrue. The French were in the full belief that the conquest of Tonquin would be easily effected, when a serious reverse obliged them to realize the gravity of their task. A considerable detachment, under the command of Captain Henri Riviere, who was one of the pioneers of French enterprise on the Songcoi, was surprised and defeated near Hanoi. Riviere was killed, and it became necessary to make a great effort to recover the ground that had been lost. Fresh troops weie sent from Europe, but. before they arrived the French received another check at Phukai, which the Black Flags claimed as a victory because the French were obliged to retreat. Extreme Measvires by the French. Before this happened the French had taken exteme measures against the King of Annam, of which state Tonquin is the northern pro- vince. The King of that country, by name Tuduc, who had become submissive to the French, died in July, 1883, and after his death the Annamese, perhaps encouraged by the difficulties of the French in Tonquin, became so hostile that it was determined to read them a severe lesson. Hue was at- tacked and occupied a month after the death of Tuduc, and a treaty was extracted from the new king which made him the depend- ent of France. When the cold season began in Tonquin, the French forces largely in- creased, and, commanded by Admiral Cour- bet, renewed operations, and on the nth of December attacked the main body of the Black Flags at Sontay, which they had reoccupied and strengthened. They offered a desperate and well sustained resistance, and it was only with heavy loss that the French succeeded in carrying the town. The victors were somewhat recom- pensed for their hardships and loss by the magnitude of the spoil, which included a thp: reign of the emperor kwangsu. ir,5 large sum of money. Desultory fighting continued without intermission ; Admiral Courbet was superseded by General Millot, who determined to signalize his assumption •of the command by attacking Bacninh, which the Black Flags made their headquarters after the loss of Sontay. On the 8th of M^rch, he attacked this place at the head of 12,000 men, but so formidable were its defences that he would not risk an attack in front, and by a circuitous march of four days he gained the flank of the position, and thus taken at a disadvantage, the Black Flags abandoned their formidable lines, and retreated without much loss, leaving their artillery, including some Krupp guns, in the hands of the victors. A Treaty of Peace. At this stage of the question diplomacy intervened, and on the i ith of May a treaty of peace was signed by Commander Fournier, during the ministry of M. Jules Ferry, with the Chinese government. One of the prin- cipal stipulations of this treaty was that the French should be allowed to occupy Lang- son and other places in Tonquin. When the French comn^ander in Tonquin sent g, force under Colonel Dugenne to occupy Langson it was opposed in the Bade defile and repulsed with some loss. The Chinese ex- onerated themselves from all responsibility by declaring that the French advance was premature, because no date was fixed by the Fournier convention, and because there had not been time to transmit the necessary orders. \ On the other hand, M. Fournier declared on his honor that the dates in his draft were named in the original convention. The French government at once demanded an apology, and an indemnity fixed by M. Jules Ferry, in a moment of mental excitement, at the ridiculous figure of ^50,000,000. An apology was offered, but such an indemnity was refused, and eventually France obtained one of only ^800,000. After the Bade affair hostilities were at once resumed, and for the first time the French carried them on not only against the Black Flags, but against the Chinese. M. Jules Ferry did not, however, make any formal declaration of war against China, and he thus gained an advantage of position for his attack on the Chinese which it was not creditable to French chivalry to have asserted. The most striking instance of this occured at Foochow, where the French fleet, as repre- senting a friendly power, was at anchor above the formidable defences of the Min river. In accordance with instructions telegraphed to him, the French admiral attacked those places in reverse and destroyed the forts on the Min without much difficulty or loss, thanks exclusively to his having been allowed past them as a friend. Upholding the Laws of Neutrality. The French also endeavored to derive all possible advantage from there being no for- mal declaration of war, and to make use of Hongkong as a base for their fleet against China. But this unfairness could not be tolerated, and the British minister at Pekin, where Sir Harry Parkes had in the autumn of 1883 succeeded Sir Thomas Wade, issued a proclamation that the hostilities between France and China were tantamount to a state of war, and that the laws of neutrality must be strictly observed. The French resented this step, and showed some inclination to retaliate by instituting a right to search for rice, but fortunately this pretension was not pushed to extremities, and the war was closed before it could produce any serious consequences. 156 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. The French devoted much of their atten- tion to an attack on the Chinese possessions in Formosa, and the occupation of Kelung ; a fort in the northern part of that island was captured, but the subsequent success of the French was small. The Chinese displayed great energy and resource in forming de- fences against any advance inland from Kelung or Tamsui, and the French govern- may be gathered from the fact that the com- pulsory retreat, in March, 1885, of the French from before Langson, where some of the Chinese regular troops were drawn up with a large force of Black and Yellow Flags— the latter of whom were in Chinese pay — did not imperil the negotiations which were then far advanced towards completion. On the 9th of June of the same year a treaty of VIEW OF TIENTSIN, CHINA. ment was brought to face the fact that there was nothing to be gained by carrying on these desultory operations, and that unless they were prepared to send a large expedi- tion, it was computed of not less than 50,000 men, to attack Pekin, there was no alternative to coming to terms with China. How strong this conviction had become peace was signed by M. Patenotre and Li Hung Chang which gave France nothing more than the Fournier convention. The military lessons of this war must be pronounced inconclusive, for the new forces which China had organized since the Pekin campaign were never fully engaged, and the struggle ended before the regular regiment THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR KWANGSU. 157 sent to Langson had any opportunity of showing their quality. But the impression conveyed by the fighting in Formosa and the northern districts of Tonquin was that China had made considerable progress in the military art, and that she possessed the nucleus of an army that might become for- midable. But while the soldiers had made no inconsiderable improvement, as much could not be said of the officers, and among the commanders there seemed no grasp of the situation, and a complete inability to con- duct a campaign. Incapable Commanders. Probably these deficiencies will long remain the really weak spot in the Chinese war organization, and although they have men who will fight well, the only capacity their commanders showed in Tonquin and For- mosa was in selecting strong positions and in fortifying them with consummate art. But as the strongest position can be turned and avoided, and as the Chinese, like all Asiatics, become demoralized when their rear is threatened, it cannot be denied that, considerable progress as the Chinese have made in the military art, they have not yet mastered some of its rudiments. All that can be said is that the war between France and China was calculated to teach the advisability of caution in fixing a quarrel upon China., Under some special difficulties from the char- acter of the war and with divided councils at Pekin, the Chinese still gave a very good account of themselves against one of the greatest Powers of Europe. During the progress of this struggle a coup de'tat was effected at Pekin of which at the time it was impossible to measure the whole significance. In July, 1884, the Chinese world was startled by the sudden fall and disgrace of Prince Kung, who had been the most powerful man in China since the Treaty of Pekin. A decree of the Empress Regent appeared dismissing him from all his posts and consigning him to an obscurity from which after many years he had not succeeded in emerging. The causes of his fall are not clear, but they were pro- bably of several distinct kinds. While he was the leader of the peace party and the advocate of a prompt arrangement with France, he was also an opponent of Prince Chun's desire to have a share in the practical administration of the state, or, at least, an obstacle in the way of its realization. Prince Chun, who was a man of an imperious will, and who, on the death of the Eastern Empress, became the most important personage in the palace and supreme Council of the Empire, was undoubtedly the leader of the attack on Prince Kung, and the immediate cause of his downfall. Prince Kung, who was an amiable and well inten- tioned man rather than an able statesman, yielded without resistance, and indeed he had no alternative, for he had no following at Pekin, and his influence was very slight except among Europeans. Sudden Death of Prince Chun. Prince Chun then came to the front, tak- ing an active and prominent part in the government, making himself President of a new Board of National Defence and taking up the command of the Pekin Field Force, a specially trained body of troops for the defence of the capital. He retained posses- sion of these posts after his son assumed the government in person, notwithstanding the law forbidding a father serving under his son, which has already been cited, and he remained the real controller of Chinese policy until his sudden and unexpected death in the first days of 189 1. 158 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Some months earlier in April, 1890, China had suffered a great loss in the Marquis Tseng, whose diplomatic experience and knowledge of Europe might have rendered his country infinite service in the future. He was the chosen colleague of Prince Chun, and he is said to have gained the ear of his young sovereign. While willing to admit the superiority of European inventions, he was also an implicit believer in China's destiny and in her firmly holding her place among the greatest Powers of the world. In December, 1890, also died Tseng Kwo Tsiuen, uncle of the Marquis, and a man who had taken a prominent and honorable part in the suppression of the Taeping rebellion. Tax on Opium. In 1885 an important and deUcate negotia- tion between England and China was brought to a successful issue by the joint efforts of Lord Salisbury and the Marquis Tseng. The levy of the lekin or barrier tax on opium had led to many exactions in the interior which was injurious to the foreign trade and also to the Chinese government, which obtained only the customs duty raised in the port. After the subject had been thoroughly discussed in all its bearings a convention was signed in London, on 19th July, 1885, by which the lekin. was fixed at eighty taels a chest, in addition to the cus- toms due of thirty taels, and also that- the whole of this sum should be paid in the treaty port before the opium was taken out of bond. This arrangement was greatly to the advantage of the Chinese government, which came into possession of a large revenue that had previously been frittered away in the provinces, and much of which had gone into the pockets of the Mandarins. The Emperor issued an edict in 1890 formally legalizing the cultivation of opium, which, although practically carried on, was nominally illegal. An immediate consequence of this step was a great increase in the area under cultivation, particularly in Manchuria,^nd so great is the production of native opium now becoming that that of India may yet be driven from the field as a practical revenge for the loss inflicted on China by the competition of Indian tea. But at all events these measures debar China from ever again posing as an injured party in the matter of the opium traffic. During these years the young Emperor Kwangsu was growing up. In February, 1887, in which month falls the Chinese New Year, it was announced his marriage was postponed in consequence of his delicate health, and it was not until the new year of 1889, when Kwangsu was well advanced in his eighteenth year, that he was married to Yeh-ho-na-la, daughter of a Manchu general named Knei Hsiang, who had been specially selected for this great honor out of many hundred candidates. Magnificent Marriage Ceremonies. The marriage was celebrated with the usual state, and more than ;^ 5,000,000 is said to have been expended on the attendant ceremonies. At the same time the Empress Regent issued her farewell edict and passed into retirement, but there is reason to believe that she continued to exercise no inconsider- able influence over the young Emperor. The marriage and assumption of govern- ing power by the Emperor Kwangsu brought to the front the very important question of the right of audience by the foreign ministers resident at Pekin. This privilege had been conceded by China at the time of the Tient- sin massacre, and it had been put into force 159 160 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. on one occasion during the brief reign of Tungche. The time had again arrived for giving it effect, and, after long discussions as to the place of audience and the forms to be observed, Kwangsu issued in December, 1890, an edict appointing a day soon after the commencement of the Chinese New Year, for the audience, and also arranging that it should be repeated annually on the same date. In March, 1891, Kwangsu gave his first ' ians' made on him the idea which they carried away of the Emperor Kwangsu was pleasing and almost pathetic. His air is one of exceeding intelligence and gentleness, somewhat frightened and melancholy look- ing. His face is pale, and though it is dis- tinguished by refinement and quiet dignity it has none of the force of his martial ancestors, nothing commanding or imperial, but is alto- gether mild, delicate, sad and kind. " He is essentially Manchu in features, his OPIUM SMOKERS. reception to the foreign ministers, but after it was over some criticism and dissatisfaction were aroused by the fact that the ceremony had been held in the Tse Kung Ko, or Hall of Tributary Nations. As this was the first occasion on which Europeans saw the young Emperor, the fact that he made a favorable impression on them is not without interest, and the following personal description of the master of so many millions may well be quoted : "Whatever the impression 'the Barbar- skin is strangely pallid in hue, which is, no doubt, accounted for by the confinement of his life inside these forbidding walls and the absence of the ordinary pleasures and pur- suits of youth, with the constant discharge of onerous, complicated and diflficult duties of state which, it must be remembered, are, according to Imperial Chinese etiquette, mostly transacted between the hours of two and six in the morning. His face is oval shaped with a very long narrow chin and a sensitive mouth with thin nervous lips ; his THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR KWANGSU. 161 nose is well shaped and straight, his eye- brows regular and very arched, while the eyes are unusally large and sorrowful in ex- pression. The forehead is well shaped and broad, and the head is large beyond the average." Owing to the dissatisfaction felt at the place of audience, which seemed to put the Treaty Powers on the same footing as tribu- tary states, the foreign ministers have en- deavored to force from the government the formal admission that a more appropriate part of the Imperial city should be assigned for the ceremony, but as the Powers them- selves were not disposed to lay too much stress on this point, no definite concession was yet made, and the Chinese ministers held out against the pressure of some of the foreign representatives. But, although no concise alteration was made in the place of audience, the question was practically settled by a courteous concession to the new English minister, Mr. O'Conor, who succeeded Sir John Walsham, and it is gratifying to feel that this advantage was gained more by tact than by coercion. When Mr. O'Conor wished to present his credentials to the Emperor, it was arranged that the Emperor should receive him in the Cheng Kuan Tien Palace, which is part of the Imperial residence of Peace and Plenty within the Forbidden City. The British representative, accompanied by his secre- taries and suite in accordance with arrange- ment, proceeded to this palace on the; 1 3th of December, 1892, and was received in a specially honorable way at the principal or Imperial entrance by the officials of the Court. Such a mark of distinction was con- sidered quite unique in the annals of foreign diplomacy in China, and has since been a standing grievance with the other ministers at Pekin. It was noticed by those present that the Emperor took a much greater interest in the ceremony than on previous occasions. This audience, which lasted a considerable time, was certainly the most satisfactory and en- couraging yet held with the Emperor Kwangsu by any foreign envoy, and it also afforded opportunity of confirming the favor- able impression which the intelligence and dignified demeanor of the Emperor Kwangsu made on all who have had the honor of coming into his presence. One incident in the progress of the audience question de- serves notice, and that was the Emperor's refusal, in 1891, to receive Mr. Blair, the United States Minister, in consequence of the hostile legislation of our country against China. The anti-foreign outbreak along the Yangtsekiang, in the summer of 1891, was an unpleasant incident, from which at one time it looked as if serious consequences might follow ; but the ebullition fortunately passed away without an international crisis, and it may be hoped that the improved means of exercising diplomatic pressure at Pekin will render these attacks less frequent, and their settlemeiit and redress more rapid. 11 CHAPTER VIII. THE EMPEROR OF CHINA AND HIS COURT. THE foregoing concise and graphic history from the able pen of the well-known historian, Mr. D. C. Boulger, may appropriately be fol- lowed by Mr. Robert K. Douglas's interest- ing and entertaining account of the manners and customs , of the Chinese. This enables the reader to see China as it has been in the past and as it is at the present time. He is now conducted from one point of observation to another, while before him are pictured thp customs, the domestic life, the manners, dress, idol-worship and singular ideas and habits of this remarkable people. With the exception of fashions in trivial matters, nothing has changed in China for many centuries. Every institution, every custom, and every idea has its foundation in the distant ages and draws its inspiration from the sages of antiquity. Immutability in all that is essential is written on the face of the empire. No fear of organic change perplexes monarchs, or anyone else, in that changeless land, and the people love to have it so. Sovereigns reign and pass away, dynasties come and go, and even foreign powers take possession of the throne, as at the present time, when a line of Manchu emperors reigns at Pekin ; but the national life in all its char- acteristics goes on unmoved by political change and revolutionary violence. One of the most remarkable spectacles in the world's history is that of this strange empire which, having been time after time thrown into the crucible of political unrest, has always reappeared identical in its main 162 features and institutions, and absorbing rather than being absorbed by the foreign elements which have occasionally thrust themselves into the body politic. The political constitution, the social rela- tions and customary ceremonies were crys- tallized in their present forms by those ancients on whom, according to the opinion of the people, rested the mantle of perfect wisdom. If the death of the emperor is an- nounced, it is proclaimed in words used by Yao, who lived before the time of Abraham. \ Fondness for Antiquity. If a mandarin writes a controversial de- spatch, he bases his arguments on the sayings of Confucius ; if a youth presents himself at the public examinations, he is expected to compose essays exclusively on themes from the four books and five cleissics of antiquity ; and if a man writes to congratulate a friend on the birth of a daughter, he does so in phraseology drawn from the national primi- tive odes, which were sung and chanted be- fore the days of Homer. This immutability gives certain advantages in writing on Chinese society, since the author is not called upon ' ' To shoot folly as it flies And catch the manners living as they rise." It is enough for him to keep in view the rock from which the people have hewn their lives, and to draw from the current literature, which reflects that foundation, the picture which he may propose to sketch. "What, then, are the constituent elements THE EMPEROR AND HIS COURT. 163 of Chinese society ? They are very simple, and are free from the complications and €nlacements of European life. At the head is the emperor and his court, next comes the bureaucracy, and after them the people. With the exception of some few families, such as those of Confucius, of Tseng, and five or six ■others, there is no hereditary aristocracy of high rank and importance. All are equal until the examiners have elected into an aris- tocracy of talent those whose essays and poems are the best. The remaining divisions of "farmers, mechanics, and traders," repre- sent one level. High-Sounding Titles. Above these classes the Emperor reigns supreme. The possessor of a power which is limited only by the endurance of the people, the object of profound reverence and worship by his' subjects, the holder of the lives of " all under heaven," the fountain of honor as well as the dispenser of mercy, he occupies a position which is unique of its kind, and unmatched in the extent of its influence. There is much magic in a name, and the titles by which the potentate is known help us to realize what he is in the eyes of the people. He is the "Son of Heaven," he is the ■"Supreme Ruler," the "August Lofty One,'' the "Celestial Ruler," the "Solitary Man," the "Buddha of the present day," the "Lord;" and, in adulatory addresses, he is often entitled the " Lord of Ten Thousand Years." As the Son of Heaven, he rules "by the express command of the celestial powers, and is sustained on the throne by the same supreme authorities, so long as he rules in accordance with their dictates. He alone is entitled to worship the azure heaven, and at the winter solstice he performs this jite after careful preparation, and with solemn ritual, a description of which cannot fail to be of interest to the reader. The Temple of Heaven, where this august ceremony is performed, stands in the southern portion of the city of Pekin, and consists of a triple circular terrace, two hundred and ten feet wide at the base, and ninety feet at the top. The marble stones forming the pave- ment of the highest terrace are laid in nine concentric circles. On the centre stone, which is a perfect circle, the Emperor kneels, facing the north, and "acknowledges in prayer and by his position that he is inferior to Heaven, and to Heaven alone. Round him on the pavement are the nine circles of as many heavens, consisting of nine stones, then eighteen, then twenty-seven, and so on, in successive multiples of nine until the square of nine, the favorite number of Chinese phil- osophy, is reached in the outermost circle of eighty-one stones." The Burnt Sacrifice. On the eyening before the winter solstice the Emperor is borne in a carriage drawn by elephants to the mystic precincts of the temple, whence, after offering incense to Shangti, "the Supreme Ruler," and to his ancestors, he proceeds to the hall of pene- tential fasting. There he remains until 5.45 A.M., when, dressed in his sacrificial robes, he ascends to the second terrace. This is the signal for setting fire to the whole burnt sacrifice, which consists of a bullock two years old and without blemish. The Su- preme Ruler having been thus invoked, the Emperor goes up to the highest terrace, and offers incense before the sacred shrine, and that of his ancestors. At the same time, after having knelt thrice and prostrated himself nine times, he offers bundles of silk, jade cups, and other gifts in lowly sacrifice. A prayer is then 164 THE EMPEROR AND HIS COURT. 165 read by an attendant minister, while the Emperor kneels in adoration, to an accom- paniment of music and dancing. One solemn rite has still to be performed before the sacri- ficial service is complete. While the Em- peror remains on his knees, officers appointed for the purpose present to him " the flesh of happiness," and the "cup of happiness." Thrice he prostrates himself before the sacred emblems, and then receives them with solemn reverence. It is curious to find these marked resemblances to Jewish and Christian wor- ship in the Chinese ritual. Claims Divine Authority. By this solemn sacrifice the Emperor assumes the office of Vice-regent of Heaven, and by common consent is acknowledged to be the co-ordinate of Heaven and earth, and the representative of man in the trinity of which those two powers form the other per- sons. As possessor of the Divine authority, he holds himself superior to all who are called gods, and takes upon himself to grant titles of honor to deities, and to promote them in the sacred hierarchy. On one occasion a memorial was pre- sented to the throne by the Lieutenant- Governor of Kiangtsu, asking the Emperor to confer higher honors on the Queen of Heaven, the God of the Wind , the God of the Sea, and the God of the city of Shanghai, in consideration of their having brought the tribute rice safely on its way to Tientsin, and for having favored the vessels bearing it with gentle zephyrs and a placid sea. To this re- quest the Emperor was pleased to accede, and the gods and goddesses reaped the re- ward of his benignity by the issue of patents which were held to vouch for their promo- tion on the heights of Olympus. One other instance of this form of super- stition may be mentioned, which is remark- able as having for its advocate the redoubt- able Tseng Kwofan, the father of the Mar- quis Tseng, and the foremost man of the day in the empire. To him, more than to any other mandarin, is due the suppression of the Taeping rebellion. He was the inti- mate adviser of the throne, and was held in the highest esteem as a learned and enlight- ened man. This viceroy, in conjunction with the Viceroy of Fuhkien, "petitioned the throne to deify two female genii who had worked a great number of miracles for the good of the people." In the district of Chiangtu, write the viceroys, "there is a place called Hsien-nii-chen, which has long had a temple to the two genii, Tu and Kang. This temple was once upon a time the scene of a benefi- cent miracle, which is duly recorded in the history of the district. Moreover, in the eighth year of Hiengfung (1858), when the Taeping rebels were attempting to cross on rafts at Fuchiao, on the east side of Yang- chow, a frightful storm of thunder and rain burst over the place and drowned countless numbers of them. Lamps and Fairy Godesses. "The refugees from the city all stated that, on the night in question, when the rebels were attempting to cross, they saw the opposite bank lined, as far as the eye could reach, with bright azure-colored lamps, and in the midst of the lamps were seen the fairy goddesses. Scared by this apparition the rebels abandoned the attempt, and the town and neighborhood were saved from fall- ing into their hands." "Some time ago," the memorialists add, "Tseng Kwofan petitioned the throne to deify the two female genii, Tu and Kang ; but the Board of Rites replied that the local histories only mention Kang, and asked what authority there was for 166 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. ranking Tu among the genii. There appeared to be no doubt in respect to Kang. "The memoralists have, therefore, re-in- vestigated the whole case, and find that Kang was a priestess in Tu's temple, and that she ascended from the town in question on a white dragon up to fairyland, and that in consequence of this the inhabitants placed her on a par with Tu and worshipped them together. The names of the fairies, Tu and Kang, are to be found in the official registers, and they have long been objects of worship. Such are the representations of the local gentry and elders, and the memoralists would earnestly repeat their request that his majesty would be graciously pleased to deify the two genii, Tu and Kang, in ac- knowledgment of the many deliverances they have wrought, and in compliance with the earnest wish of the people." In the pages of the Pekin Gazette, such memorials, presented by the highest officials in the empire, are constantly to be met with, and are treated with all seriousness both by the suppliants and the Son of Heaven. His Subjects Adore Him. In harmony with these lofty attributes his subjects, when admitted into his presence, prostrate themselves in adoration on the ground before him, and on a certain day in the year he is worshipped in every city in the empire. At daylight on the day in question the local mandarins assemble in the city temple, where, in the central hall, a throne is raised on which is placed the imperial tablet. At a given signal the as- sembled officials kneel thrice before the throne, and nine times strike their heads on the ground as though in the presence of the Supreme Ruler. In speaking of this title, the Supreme Ruler, it is interesting to go a step beyond the English rendering of the term, and to look at the native characters which repre- sent it. They form the word Hwangti, and are of considerable interest both as indicating the very lofty idea entertained by the inven- tors of the first character of what an emperor should be; and, in the case of the second, as confirming a theory which is now commonly accepted, that the Chinese borrowed a num- ber of their written symbols from the cunei- form writing of Babylonia. The character Hwang was formerly made up of two parts, meaning "ruler" and "one's self," and thus conveys the very laudable notion, in har- mony with the doctrines taught by Confu- cius, that an emperor, before attempting to rule the empire, should have learnt to be the master of his own actions. Supreme White Ruler. In the same spirit Mencius, about two hundred years later, said, " The greatest charge is the charge of one's self" An idea which appears in the mouth of Polonius, where he says — "This above all : to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." By a clerical error the character is now written with the omission of a stroke in the symbol for one's self, and, so altered, the compound reads, " the white ruler." The second character means " the supreme." The Emperor is also the Buddha of the present day. This is a title which has little meaning among the skeptical Chinese, who agree with Confucius in preferring to leave the question of a future existence unex- plored. But in the weary wastes of Mon- golia and Tibet, the ignorant natives give an interest to their dreary existences by blindly following the superstitious teaching of their priests. In Tibet, more especially, Budd- THE EMPEROR AND HIS COURT. 167 hism has gained complete possession of the people, and the priestly profession is. crowded with men who seek for power, and who find it easier to make a living out of the supersti- tious fears of the people than from the barren soil at their feet. Not content with managing the spiritual concerns of their followers, these men have made themselves masters of the political situation, and in the hand of their chief, the Grand Lama, rests the government of the country. To these people the title of the " Buddha of the present day " is full of mean- ing, and a command from the potentate at Pekin is readily obeyed as coming from the suzerain of the land, and the spiritual head of their religion. The Grand Lama is sur- rounded by several dignitaries, and on the death of any one of these ecclesiastics the re-embodiment of his spiritual essence is re- ferred to Pekin, and is not considered valid until the sanction of the Emperor has been received. On occasions the Emperor actu- ally forbids the transmigration of the soul of any dignitary who may be under his ban, which thus remains in a state of suspended animation during his good pleasure. A Strange Decree. The Pekin Gazette tells us, that one such, a Hut'ukht'u, was once impeached for desert- ing his post, and carrying off his seal of office, in consequence of a disturbance which arose through a distribution of alms. For this dereliction of duty his title and seal were cancelled, and it was at the same time decreed by the Emperor that his soul should not be allowed to transmigrate at his decease. On receiving this extinguishing sentence the offender came to Pekin for the purpose of appealing, and soon afterwards his death produced the crisis in his spiritual state which the sentence contemplated. The sympathy produced by his condition prompted the despatch of petitions to Pekia to plead for his soul, and such success attended them that an edict was shortly afterwards issued in the following terms: " We decree that as is besought of us, search may be made to discover the child in whose body the soul of the decased Hut'ukht'u has been re-born, and that he be allowed to resume the government of his proper lama- sery, or dominion." Compelled to Fall on Their Faces. The title of "the solitary man" is emi- nently applicable to a potentate who thus not only claims temporal dominion, but who assumes the position of high priest over the household of the gods. It is a common complaint with emperors and kings that they have no fellows ; but here is one of their number whose cherished attributes place him beyond the reach of mortals. With the exception of those immediately about his person, his subjects are not allowed to gaze upon his face. When he goes abroad the people are compelled to fall on their faces to the ground until his cavalcade has passed on, and on all occasions he is to them a mystery. A sovereign so exalted and so worshipped would naturally expect to receive from foreigners entering his presence, homage equal to that to which he is accustomed from the pliant knees of his subjects, and at first, no doubt, the refusul of British repre- sentatives to kotow, or prostrate themselves before him, came as a surprise. From the time of Lord Macartney's mission, in 1792, down to a few years back, the question of the kotow was a burning one, and was as consistently resisted by foreign ministers as it was urgently pressed by the Chinese. At the present time, on two or three occasions on which the European ministers have been 168 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. granted audiences, they have paid the Emperor the same reverence, and no more, that they pay to their own sovereigns. Gazette, and to the plays and novels of the people, for sketches of his monotonous and dreary existence. The palace, as befitting 'A TYPES OF CHINESE WOMEN. Being so entirely withdrawn from the pub- lic gaze, very little can possibly be known of the Emperor's private life, and we are driven to that very candid periodical, the Pekin the abode of so exalted a personage, is so placed as effectually to cut off its occupants from the rest of the empire. Situated in the " Forbidden City," it is surrounded with a THE EMPEROR AND HIS COURT. 169 triple barrier of walls. Beyond the inner and secret enclosure is the Imperial city, which is enclosed by a high wall topped with tiles of the Imperial yellow color ; and outside that again is the Tartar city, which forms the northern part of the capital. Strict guard is kept day and night at the gates of the Forbidden City, and severe pen- alties are inflicted on all unauthorized persons who may dare to enter its portals. One of the highest distinctions which can be con- ferred on officials whom the Emperor delights to honor, is the right to ride on horseback within these sacred precincts. Only on rare occasions, and those almost exclusively occa- sions of ceremony, does the Emperor pass out of the palace grounds. These no doubt present a miniature " of the empire. There are lakes, mountains, parks, and gardens in which the Imperial prisoner can amuse him- self, with the boats which ply on the artificial lakes, or by joining mimic hunts in miniature forests ; but it is probable that there is not one of the millions of China who has not a more practical knowledge of the empire than he who rules it. Stirring Before Daylight. Theoretically he is supposed to spend his ■days and nights in the affairs of state. The gates of the Forbidden City are opened at midnight, and the halls of audience at 2 a.m. Before daylight his cabinet ministers arrive and are received at veritable levees, and all the state sacrifices and functions are over by 10 o'clock. Even the court amusements are held before the dew is off the. grass. The following programme, taken from the Pekin Gazette, describes a morning's work at Court : "To-morrow, after bDsiness, about 6 o'clock A.M., the Emperor will pass through the Hwa-Yuen and Shinwu gates to the Takaotien temple to offer sacrifice. After- wards His Majesty will pass through the Yung-suy-tsiang gate, and, entering the King-shansi gate, will proceed to the Show- hwang temple to worship. His Majesty will then pass through the Pehshang gate from the Sishan road, and, entering the Shinwu gate, will return to the palace to breakfast. His Majesty will then hold an audience, and at 7 o'clock will ascend to the Kientsing Palace to receive congratulations on his birthday. At 8 o'clock he will take his seat to witness the theatrical performance." Putting On the Purple. And if wrestlers and conjurers are sum- moned into the Imperial presence, they must be ready at an equally uncongenial hour to show their skill. But such relaxations are the glints of surllight which" brighten the sombre life of the solitary man. The sov- ereign announced his assumption of the Im- perial purple in 1875, when he was quite an infant, in the following edict : " Whereas, on the fifth day of the moon " (January 12, 1875), "at the yeo hour" (5-7 P.M.), "His Majesty the Emperor departed this life, ascending upon the Dragon to be a guest on high, the benign mandate of the Empress Dowager and Empress Mother was by us reverently received, commanding us to enter upon the inheritance of the great suc- cession. Prostrate upon the earth we be- wailed our grief to Heaven, vainly stretching out our hands in lamentation. For thirteen years, as we humbly reflected, His Majesty now departed reigned under the canopy of Heaven. In reverent observance of the an- cestral precepts, he made the counsels prompted by maternal love his guide, apply- ing himself with awestruck zeal to the toil- some performance of his duty. The welfare of the people and the policy of the State were ever present in his utmost thoughts. 170 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Not in words can we give expression to the sadness which pierces our heart and shows itself in tears and blood." The Pekin Gazette bears testimony to the desire which was felt by the Emperor's tutors to rear the tender thought aright. And in that journal the following memorial on this subject was published with approval. " His Majesty, being still of tender age, it is beyond question expedient that effectual training in the right path be studied. All those who surround His Majesty, and are in near employment about his person, should be without exception of tried capacity and solid character. No youthful and thought- less person should be suffered to be in at- tendance." A Wife for the Emperor. From time to time the outer world was informed of the progress which this tenderly guarded youth was making in his studies. At last the time came — in 1 889 — for him to assume the reins of power hitherto held by the dowager empresses, and to take to him- self a consort. The question of choosing a wife for the Imperial recluse was a more serious matter to arrange than the transfer of power. It was necessary that the lady should be of the same nationality as himself — a Manchu — and that she should satisfy the requirements of the Dowager Enripresses as to looks and appearance. Levees of aspirants to the honor were held by the Dowagers, and a lady having been chosen, the personage most interested in the event was made aware of the selection. According to custom, and possibly to pro- vide against any disappointment which the appearance of the bride might produce in the imperial breast, two young ladies were also chosen to accompany the Empress as second- ary wives. This trio forms the nucleus of the royal household, in which secondary- wives are counted by tens and fifties. As is natural in the case of any matter- affecting so exalted a personage as the Son. of Heaven, the ceremonies connected with his marriage are marked by all the dignity and splendor which are peculiar to Oriental states. Unlike his subjects, even of the highest rank, who are bound as a preliminary to pay court to the parents of their future brides, the Emperor finds it sufficient to issue^ an edict announcing his intention to marry the lady on whom his choice may have fallen, and she, trembling with the weight of the honor, blushingly obeys the command. Unlike his subjects, also, the Emperor is by law entitled to wives of three ranks. The first consists of the Empress, who is- alone in her dignity except when, as has- happened, on some rare occassions, twa Princesses have shared the imperial" throne. The second rank is unlimited as to number; and it is- from these ladies that, in case of the death of the Empress, the Emperor com- monly chooses her successor. The third rank is filled up as the taste of the Emperor may direct, and it is rarely that the ladies of this grade ever succeed to the lofty dignity of the throne. Imposing Ceremonies. To the wedding of the Empress alone are reserved the courtly ceremonials which grace the imperial marriage. These ceremonies are ten in number. First comes an edict announcing the intended marriage. The Board of Ceremonies next proclaims the fact throughout the empire, and having consulted the Imperial astronomers as to the choice of a fortunate day for sending the customary presents to the bride-elect, prepares for the occasion ten horses with accoutrements, ten cuirasses, a hundred pieces of silk and two g s &. o o z D t4 W o g 2 &< a ■ ^ o Is z 1— t Q tn Z It was formless, and yet the cause of form. It was still and void. It changed not, and yet it circulated everywhere. It was impalpable and invisible. It was the origin of heaven and earth, and it was the mother of all things. To such a prophet as Laotzu war was hateful, and he inculcated the duty of turning the other cheek to the smiter, and of retreating before all forms of violence. Unlike Confucius, he advocated the duty of recompensing evil with good, and injury with kindness ; but he" joined hands with that sage in ignoring the existence of a personal 260 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Deity. Thus, in some particulars, they held common views. Tao was all and in all. It was uncon- ditioned being, which, as an abstraction .too every evil. It did not strive with man, but let each one who strayed from its paths find out for himself the evil consequences of his acts. As a political system Taoism was plainly Mm I <- Vj««^f T--«Eaj (k- TEMPLE AT NANKIN. subtle for words, is the origin of heaven and earth, including God Flimself; and, when capable of being expressed by name, is the mother of all things. It was a mighty pro- tector who guarded its faithful sons against impracticable. If the Chinese state and the surrounding nations could have been con- verted bodily to it, an ideal such as Laotzu sketched out may have found a place in existence. But in camps and amid the clash THE RELIGIONS OF CHINA. 261 of arms its adoption was plainly incompatible with the existence of a nation, and Laotzu, finding that his preaching fell on deaf ears, resigned his missionary effort, and, leaving China behind him, started in a westerly direc- tion — whither we know not. No record has come down to us of his last days, nor have we any more knowledge of where death overtook him than we have of his origin. As a meteor he flashed across the meridian of China, and then disappeared into darkness. A comparison of the doctrines advocated by Laotzu with the Brahminic philosophy, proves to demonstration that he drew his inspiration from India. The Tao of Laotzu as expounded in the Taoteching, a work which is popularly attributed to him, was the Brahma of the Brahmins, from which everything emanates and to which every- thing returns ; " which is both the fountain from which the stream of life breaks forth and the ocean into which it hastens to lose itself" A Crop of Heresies. The whole conception of the system was foreign to the Chinese mind, and his persbnal influence was no sooner withdrawn from his disciples than heresies cropped up and de- based views took the place of the singularly pure and subtle metaphysical thoughts of the teacher. The doctrine that life and death were mere phases in the existence of man encouraged the growth of an epicurean longing to enjoy the good things of life in oblivion of the hereafter. This tendency led to an inordinate desire to prolong hfe, and there were not wanting among the followers of Laotzu those who professed to have gained the secret of immortality. Several of the reigning sovereigns, at- tracted by these heterodox views, professed themselves Taoists ; and even Chi Hwangti, the builder of the Great Wall, fell a victim to the prevailing superstition. More than once he sent expeditions to the Eastern Isles to procure the plant of immortality, which was said to flourish in those favored spots. Death and poverty have always been states abhorrent to common humanity, and to the elixir of immortality, Taoist priests, in the interests of the cause, added a further con- quest over nature, and professed to have fathomed the secret of being able to trans- mute common metals into gold. Believers in Magic. These are superstitions which die hard, and even at the present day alchemists are to be found poring over crucibles in the vain hope of being able to secure to themselves boundless wealth ; and seekers after magic herbs, though hesitating to promise by their use an endless life, yet attribute to them the virtue of prolonging youth and of delaying the approach of the time when " the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened." Coupled with these corruptions came a desire for visible objects of worship, and, fol- lowing the example of the Buddhists, the Taoists deified Laotzu, and associated two other gods with him to form a trinity. The establishment of these deities gave rise to a demand for new gods to personify the various personal wants and wishes of the people. At the present day a Taoist temple is a veritable Pantheon, and it is scarcely pos- sible to imagine a craving on the part of either man or woman for which there is not a particular god or goddess whose province it is to listen to their cries. Thus the whole tendency of modern Taoism has been towards the practice of magic and the most debased 262 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. superstitions and it h^s found multitudes cf willing adherents. If a man desires that his horoscope should be cast, or that the demon of disease should be expelled from the body of his wife or child, or that a spirit should be called from the other world, or that the perpetrator of a theft or murder should be discovered, a Taoist priest is invariably sent for, who, by the exercise of his arts,, succeeds in so far mystifying the inquirer as to satisfy his demands. These preyers on the follies of their fellow-men reap so rich a harvest from the practice of their rites and incantation, that the calling is one that is eagerly sought after. A Pompous High Priest. Being thus largely supported, the Taoist hierarchy has grown into a large and power- ful body, and is presided over by a high priest, who is chosen for the office by divine selection from a certain family bearing the name of Chang, among whom the spiritual afflatus is supposed to rest. ' This ecclesiastic hves surrounded by wealth and dignity, and at stated intervals presents himself at Pekin to offer his allegiance to the Emperor. As agreeable supplements to their monas- teries, the Taoist priests encourage the estab- lishment of nunneries, into which young girls retreat, either at the bidding of their parents or of their own free choice as a means of escape from the uncertainties of marriage or from the miseries of their homes. Such retreats are not always the abodes of purity and peace, and, as occasionally has hap- > pened,the occurence of disorders and impro- prieties has compelled the law to interfere for their suppression. The descent from the lofty aspirations of Laotzu to the magic, jugglery, and supersti- tion of the modern-day Taoists is probably as great a fall as has ever been recorded in the history of religions. Laotzu attempted to lead his disciples beyond the attractions of self and the seductions of the world. His so-called followers devote their energies to encouraging the debased superstitions of their fellow-men, and so fatten on their follies. Cravings of Human Nature. But there are instinctive longings in the minds of men, even in those of Chinamen, which neither Confucianism, nor Taoism in its earlier phase, could supply. Deep down in the hearts of civilized and uncivilized peoples is a desire to peer into the future, and seek for verities beyond the limited circle of pains and miseries which bounds the pres- ent life. To Chinamen this want was supplied by Buddhism, which was introduced into the Flowery Land by native missionaries from India. So early as 219 B. C. the first fore- runners of the faith of Sakyamuni reached the Chinese capital of Loyang. But the time was not ripe for their venture. The stoical followers of Confucius and Laotzu presented a determined and successful oppo- sition to them, and, after a chequered experi- ence of Chinese prisons and courts, they disappeared from the scene, leaving no traces of their faith behind them. In A. D. 61 a second mission arrived in China, whose members met with a far more favorable reception. A settled government had followed the time of disorder which had previously prevailed, and, though the Con- fucianists raged and persecuted, the mission- aries held their own, and succeeded in lay- ing the solid foundation of a faith which was destined in later ages, to overspread the whole Empire. Even at this early period a schism had rent the Church in India, where the Hina- THE RELIGIONS OF CHINA. 263 yana and Mahayana schools had already divided the allegiance of the followers of Buddha. The Hinayana school, which held more closely to the moral asceticism and self-denying, self-sacrificing charity which were preached by the founder of the faith, established iiself more especially among the natives of Southern India and of Ceylon. The Mahayana school, on the other hand, which may be described as a philosophical system, which found expression in an elab- orate ritual, an idolatrous symbolism, and in ecstatic meditation, gained its main support- ers among the more hardy races of North- ern India, Nepal, and Tibet! Gained Many Converts. It was this last form of the faith which found acceptance in China. It supplied ex- actly that which Confucianism and Taoism lacked, and, notwithstanding the opposition of the stalwarts of the Confucian doctrine, it spread rapidly and gained the ready adhe- sion of the people. And though the mis- sionaries sanctioned the deification of Buddha and the worship of gods, they still main- tained the main features of the faith. The doctrine of Metempsychosis, the necessity of gaining perfect emancipation from all passions, all mental phenomena, and, greatest of all, from self, were preached in season and out of season, and gained a firm hold among their proselytes. It is the fate of all religions to degenerate in course of ages from the purity of their origins, and Buddhism in China affords an illustrious ex- ample of this phenomenon. Not content with the liberal share of superstition which was santioned by the Mahayana system, the people turned aside to the later Tantra school in search of a sanction for still more fanatical practices. Like the Taoists, the Buddhist monks pro- fessed to be adepts in the arts of magic, and claimed to themselves the power of being able to banish famine, remove pestilence, and drive away evil spirits, by their incanta- tions. They posed as astrologers and exor- cists, and made dupes of the people from the highest to the lowest. Governed by the Senses. With the choice before them of a holy life, from which desire and self are wholly eradicated,, and a religious profession which ministers to the senses and to the ordinary intelligence, the modern Chinese have had no hesitation in throwing in their lot with the more mundane school. With the five com- mandments of Buddha, "thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal ; thou shalt not commit any unchaste act ; thou shalt not lie ; thou shalt not drink any intoxicating liquor," the ordinary Chinese Buddhist does not much concern himself. He clings, however, to the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, and though he not uncommonly lapses into the sin of eating meat and fish, yet his diet for the most part is, to his credit it must be said, confined to the Lenten fare of vegetables and grain. In all religious works this dogma is strenuously insisted on, and even in popular literature authors not infrequently picture the position of men who, by the mercy of Buddha, have narrowly escaped from the sin of devouring their best friends in the guise of a carp or a ragout. The plain and un- disguised adoption of idolatry by the Chinese made the existence of temples a first neces- sity, and at the present time these sacred edifices are to be found wherever men meet and congregate whether in the streets of cities or in village lanes. Among the countless idols which adorn their halls the first places are invariably 264 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. given to the trinity of Buddhas — the past Buddha, the present Buddha and the fiuddha which is to come. These three figures dominate the principal hall of every temple. In rear of this is commonly a dagoba in which is concealed a relic of Buddha — it may be the paring of a nail, a tear-drop or a lock of hair — and at the back of that again are the deities which are supposed to preside over all the ills that flesh is heir to. As is the case everywhere, women are the most constant devotees, and on the pedestals of the favorite deities are commonly to be seen scores of votive offerings expressing the gratitude of these worshippers for mercies vouchsafed to them. But there is a reverse side to the shield from the gods' point of view. It not unfrequently happens that deities who, either from forgetfulness or malevolence, have turned a deaf ear to the prayers of suppliants, are violently assaulted and defaced. Rebellion Against an Idol. At Foochow, where a long drought had wrought havoc among the neighboring farms, the people rose against the god of sickness, who was supposed to be the cause of the plague, and having made a paper junk bearing a paper effigy of the offending deity, they launched him on the river at the same moment that they set fire to the vessel. This emblematized banishment was supposed to do away with the evil influences which had prevailed, and the showers which subse- quently fell were held fully to j ustify the ex- emplary rite. Strictly speaking, the term "priest " does not apply to Buddhists. They offer no sacri- fice to the gods, but are merely monjcs who perform services and pronounce incantations for the benefit of their followers. The prac- tice of contemplative meditation, which is one of the features of the Mahayana school^ has multiplied these social drones by directly encouraging the establishment of monasteries and their allied nunneries. Each monastery is governed by an abbot, who has the power of inflicting punishment on offending brothers, and the discipline commonly preserved is in direct ratio to the vigilance and conscientiousness of that func- tionary. If the popular belief is to be accepted, neither the discipline nor the morality of the monasteries is above sus- picion, and in popular farces and tales the character who appears in the most compro- mising positions, and is discovered in the perpetration of the most disgraceful acts, is. commonly a Buddhist priest. How Vacanies are Filled. Outwardly, however, an air of peace and decorum is preserved, and there is seldom a lack of aspirants for the sacred office when vacancies occur. Commonly the neophytes join as mere boys, having been devoted to the service of Buddha by their parents. At other times a less innocent cause supplies candidates for the cowl. Like sanctuary of old, Buddhist monasteries are held to be places of refuge for malefactors, and of this very raw and unpromising material a large proportion of the monks are made. But from whatever motive he may join, the neophyte, on entering, having discarded his secular garments, and donned the gown and cowl of the monkhood, marks his sepa- ration from the world by submitting to the loss of his queue and to the shaving ' of his head. The duties of the monks are not labrious, and they enjoy in the refectory good though plain food. In the nunneries, which are almost as numerous as monas- teries, much the same routine is followed as is practiced by the monks. The evil of the THE RELIGIONS OF CHINA. 265 system is, however, more apparent in the sisterhoods than in the monasteries, and a bad reputation for all kinds of improprieties clings to them. It must not, "however, be supposed that there is no such thing as religious zeal among Buddhist monks. Mendicant friars often endure hardships, practice austerities, and undergo self-inflicted tortures in the cause of their religion. Others banish them- selves to mountain caves, or condemn them- selves to perpetual silence to acquire that virtue which ensures to them an eternal life in the blissful regions of the west. But such cases are the exceptions, and to the majority of both monks and nuns the old saying applies, "The nearer the church the further from God." Superstitious Observances. Such is, stated briefly, the position of the three principal religions in China. Both Mahommedanism and Christianity have their followings ; but the numbers of their adher- ents are so comparatively small that, at present, they cannot be said to influence in any way the life of the nation. Mean- while, the people, disregarding the distinc- tive features of the three creeds — Confu-' danism, Taoism, and Buddhism — take from each such tenets and rites as suit their immediate views and necessities, and super- adding numerous superstitious observances . which have existed from before the time when Confucius and Laotzu were, have established a religious medley which, hap- pily, satisfies all the needs of which they are conscious. Many of the forms employed to coti- memorate the annual festivals have in them that touch of nature-worship which makes the whole primitive world kin. In the seventh month, for example, a festival in honor of a star-goddess, famous for her skill in embroidery, is held, at which young girls display specimens of needlework, and offer up supplications before the altar of the god- dess, praying that a share of her skill may be bestowed upon them. At the same time, to show that they are worthy disciples of the deity, they attenipt on their knees to thread their needles, held above their 'heads, to the accompaniment of music discoursed by blind musicians. The moon is worshipped in the eighth month, and moon-cakes, especially prepared for the occasion, are offered by the light of her beams in adoration of the goddess. The sun also comes in for his share of adoration. ■ To these and similar celebrations Buddhism lends its countenance, and on the eighth of the fourth month the saint himself submits tp be bathed in effigy for the edification of the faithful, who testify their zeal by pouring handfuls of cash on his brazen forehead. Religious Edifices. Incidentally, we have brought to our atten- tion in this connection the construction of religious edifices or temples, and Chinese dwelling-houses. We are all familiar with drawings of the quaint roofs with their up- turned corners, which , characterize the archi- tecture of the country. The form at once suggests that, as is probably the case, this dominant style of building is a survival of the tent-dwellings of the Tartar peoples. It is said that when Jenghiz Khan, the founder of the Mongol dynasty, invaded China, in the thirteenth century, his followers, on pos- sessing themselves of a city, reduced the houses to a still more exact counterpart of their origins by pulling down the walls, and leaving the roofs supported by the wooden pillars which commonly bear the entire weight of those burdens. 266 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. What at once strikes the eye in the appearance of a Chinese city, even of the capital itself, is the invariable sameness in the style of building. Palaces and temples, public offices and dwelling-houses, are built on one constant model. No spire, no dome, no tower, rises to relieve the monotony cf INTERIOR OF A CHINESE TEMPLE, SHOWING THEIR IDOLS the scene, which is varied only, so far as the buildings are concerned, by the different colored tiles — green, yellow, and brown — which indicate roughly the various uses which the buildings they cover are designed to serve, and by occasional pagodas, remind- ing us of the faith of the people. In his " History of Indian and Eastern Architecture," the late Mr. Fergusson sug- gested, as a reason for this absence of variety the fact that " the Chinese never had either a dominant priesthood or an hereditary no- bility. The absence of the former class is important, because it is to sacred art that architecture has owed its highest inspiration, and sacred art is never so strongly developed as under the influence of a powerful and splendid hierarchy. In the same manner the want of an hereditary nobility is equally unfavorable to do- mestic architecture of a dura- ble description . Private feuds , and private wars were till lately unknown, and hence there are no fortalices, or fortified mansions, which by their mass and solidity give such a marked character to a certain " class^of domestic edificesin the West." There are, however, other factors which have operated even more powerfully than these two in producing this monotonous conformity to one model, and that is the sterility of the imaginative powers of the Chinese people, and the steadfast conservatism of the race. Just as the arts and sci- ences, which in the dim past they acquired from more cultured races in Western Asia, have remained crystallized in the stage in which they received them, and just as their written language has not, like that of Ancient Egypt and Assyria, advanced beyond a primi- tive phonetic stage, so their knowledge of architecture has been perpetuated without THE RELIGIONS OF CHINA. 267 the smallest symptom of development or the least spark of genius. Even when they have an example of ; better things before them, they deliberately avert their eyes, and go on repeating the same type of mean and paltry buildings. Filthy Streets. At all the treaty ports, and notably at Shanghai, there have been reared on the foreign settlement houses in every kind of western architecture, bordering wide and well-made roads, and provided with every sanitary improvement, and yet, in the ad- joining native cities, houses are daily built on exactly the original model, the streets are left as narrow and filthy as ever, and no ef- fort is made to improve the healthiness of the areas. It might be supposed that in a nation where there exists such a profound veneration for everything that is old, the people would have striven to perpetuate the glories of past ages in great and noble monuments that Emperors would have raised palaces to themselves at records of their greatness, and that the magnates of the land would have built houses which should en- dure as homes for generations of descend- ants. But it would seem as though their no- madic origin haunted them in this also, and that, as in shape so in durability, " the re- collection of their old tent-houses, which were pitched to-day and struck to-morrow, still dominates their ideas of what palaces and houses should be." Throughout the length and breadth of China there is not a single building, except it may be some few pagodas, which by any stretch of the imagin- ation can be called old. A few generations suffice to see the state- liest of their palaces crumble into decay, and a few centuries are enough to obhterate all traces even of royal cities. The Mongol conqueror, Kublai Khan, whose wealth, magnificence and splendor are recorded with admiration by travellers, built for himself a capital near the city of Pekin. If any his- torian should wish to trace out for himself the features of that Imperial city, he would be compelled to seek amid the earth-covered mounds which alone mark the spot where the conqueror held his court, for any relics which may perchance survive. Above ground the city, with all its bar- baric splendors, has vanished as a dream. For this ephemeralness the style and nature of the buildings are responsible. A Chinese architect invites damp, and all the destruc- tive consequences which follow from it, by building his house on the surface of the soil; he ensures instability by basing it on the shal- lowest of foundations, and he makes certain of its overthrow by using materials which most readily decay. The Roof Built First. The structure consists of a roof supported by wooden pillars, with the intervals filled in with badly baked bricks. It is strictly in ac- cordance with the topsy-turvy Chinese methods that the framework of the roof should be constructed first, before even the pillars which are to support it are placed in position. But, like most of the other con- tradictory practices of the people, this one is capable of rational explanation. Strange as it may seem, the pillars are not sunk into the ground, but merely stand upon stone foundations. The weight of the roof is, therefore, necessary for their sup- port, and to its massive proportions is alone attributable the temporary substantialness of the building. To prevent an overthrow the summits of the pillars are bound together by beams, and much ingenuity and taste is 268 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. shown in the adornment of the ends of these supports and cross-pieces, which ap- pear beneath the eaves of the upturned roof. For the most part the pillars are plain, and either square or round, and at the base are slightly cut in, after the manner of the pillars in the temples of ancient Egypt. Dragons and Serpents. Occasionally, when especial honor, either due to religious respect or official grandeur, attaches to a building, the pillars are carved into representations of dragons, serpents, or winding foliage, as the taste of the designer may determine. But in a vast majority of buildings the roof is the only ornamented part, and a great amount of paihs and skill is devoted to add beauty to this part of the structure. A favorite method of giving an appear- ance of lightness to the covering of a house or temple which would otherwise look too heavy to be symmetrical, is to make a double roof, so as to break the long line necessitated by a single structure. The effect produced by looking down on a city studded with temples and the palaces of nobles is, so far as color is concerned, brilliant and pictur- esque, and reminds the traveller of the view from the Kremlin over the glittering gilt- domed churches of Moscow. The damp from the soil which is so detri- mental to the stability of the building is made equally injurious to the inhabitants by the fact that all dwellings consist of the ground floor only. With very rare excep- tions such a thing as an upper story is unknown in China, one reason, no doubt, being that neither the foundations nor the materials are sufficiently trustworthy to sup- port anything higher than the ground floor. The common symbol for a house indicates the ground plan on which dwellings of the better kmd are desigiied. It is one which is compounded of parts meaning a square within a doorway. On entering the front door the visitor passes into a courtyard, on either side of which are dwelling-rooms, and at the end of which is a hall, with probably rooms at both extremities. Doors at the back of thjs hall communicate with another courtyard, and in cases of wealthy families, a third courtyard succeeds, which is devoted to the ladies of the household. Beyond this is the garden, and, in the case of country houses, a park. The whole enclosure is surrounded with a blank wall, which is pierced only by the necessary doors. All the windows "face inwards. Monotony of Architecture. To the wayfarer, therefore, the appearance of houses of the better sort is monotonous and drear, and suggests a want of life which is far from the actual fact, and a desire for privacy which, so far as the apartments devoted to the male inmates are concerned, is equally wide of the mark. In accordance with Chinese custom, the front courtyard may be considered to be open to any who may choose to wander in, and a desire to ex- clude all strangers would be held to argue that there was something wrong going on which the owner wished to conceal. The courtyards are decorated with flowers and vases according to the taste of the in- habitants, and occasionally a forest tree arises in their midst, which gives a grateful shade from the heat of the day. The rooms, when well-furnished, are rather artistically pretty than comfortable. To begin with, the floors are either of pounded clay or of badly made bricks. No carpet, except in the north of the country, protects the feet from the damp foundation, and if it were not for the THE RELIGIONS OF CHINA. 269 thick wadded soles of the shoes worn, and the prevailing habit of reclining on divans, and of sitting cross-legged, the result to the health of the people would be very serious. In the south, these divans are of wood, and in the north they take the shape of Kang, or stove bed-places. These last are com- monly built of brick, and occupy one side of the room. They are made hollow, for the insertion of burning brushwood or coal, which affords warmth to the room generally, and especially to the occupants of the Kang. A Pillow of Wood. Mats placed on the brickwork form the resting-place of the wadded bedclothes, which supply all the furniture for the night which a Chinaman requires, except the pillow. To us the idea of a pillow is some- thing spft and yielding, which gives rest, and an elastic support to the whole head. To a Chinaman it conveys quite a different notion . A hard, rounded cylinder of wood or lacquer-ware has, to him, a charm which lulls to sleep in an attitude which would be intolerable to us. It supports only the neck, and leaves the head without anything on which to recline. In some parts of the country, where women, by the use of bandoline, dress their hair in protrusive shapes, this kind of pillow has, at least, one advantage. After the longest night's rest they are able to rise without the slightest derangement of their coiffures, which thus remain for days, and sometimes for weeks, without renewal. Unlike their Asiatic neighbors, the Chi- nese have been accustomed to the use of chairs for centuries. A record of the time when they were habituated to the common Oriental custom of sitting on the ground, is pre.served in the word for "a feast," the pri- mary meaning of which is " a mat," suggest- ing the usual Eastern practice of spreading food on a mat or rug on the floor. But, though they have advanced so far, they have by no means arrived at the knowledge of an easy chair. Angular in shape, stiff and un- yielding in its materials, a Chinese chair is only welcome when rest is not an object. Its very uncomfortable structure and ma- terial suggests a foreign origin for it, and even at the present time, the use of chairs is not universal throughout the Empire. When the Emperor lately received the foreign min- isters, he did so seated cross-legged on a cushion ; and on all native state occasions in the north of the country this mode of sitting is commonly in vogue. Choice Furniture. In wealthy households the woods used for furniture are those brought from the Straits Settlements and Borneo, such as camagon, ebony, puru, redwood and rosewood; while less opulent people are content to use chairs, bedsteads, and tables made of bamboo and stained woods. But, whatever the material, considerable labor and artistic skill are used to give grace and beauty to the various arti- cles. As in the case of the roofs already spoken of, the ornaments in tables are chiefly centered in the space beneath the overlap- ping tops. Ornamental work, bearing a strong resem- blance to Greek patterns, is commonly em- ployed with admirable effect, and though the general appearance of a well-furnished Chi- nese room is somewhat disfigured by the angular shape of the furniture, the skill with which the different articles are arranged makes up to a great extent for the want of rounded forms and soft materials. Just as the Chinese show a genius for artistic landscape gardening, so in their rooms they display a taste in decoration and 270 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. harmonizing colors which imparts an air of comfort and elegance to their dwellings. Carved stands, on which are placed diverse shaped vases containing flowering plants or shrubs, dwarfed into quaint and attractive forms, are varied and mingled with rockwork groups in miniature, while on the tables are disposed strangely bound books, and orna- ments of every shape and kind. rich men is the wood-carving which adorns the cornices of the rooms and the borders of the doorways. With that richness of ornament which be- longs to the East, fruits, flowers, creeping plants, and birds are represented by the artists in an endless variety of beauty, and through this fretted embroidery a cool stream of air circulates in the apartments. In any The walls are commonly hung with scrolls, bearing drawings of landscapes by celebrated masters, in which mountain scenery, falling water, and pavilions shaded by queerly shaped trees, form conspicuous elements. On others are inscribed the choice words of wisdom which fell from the lips of the sages of ancient China, written in black, cursive characters on red or white grounds. But one of the chief glories of the houses of RELIGIOUS CEREMONY IN A JOSS-HOUSE. but a hot climate the absence of carpets, tablecloths, and cushions would give an ap- pearance of discomfort, but with the ther- mometer standing at the height which the neighborhood of the tropics gives to it, the aspect of a Chinese room suggests a grate- ful and refreshing coolness. The studies of scholars have furniture peculiar to them. The table is supplied with the four requisites for writing, viz.: :he religions of china. 271 paper, pencil-brushes, ink, and ink-stone, while against the walls stand shelves on which, by a curious survival of the practice common in the libraries of Babylonia, the books are arranged on their sides, their lower edges, on which are inscribed the titles of the works they contain, being alone apparent. The fpllowing is a description of one of the Foos, or ducal residences, in Pekin. "A Foo has in front of it two large stone lions, with a house for musicians and for gatekeepers. Through a lofty gateway, on which are hung tablets inscribed with the owner's titles, the visitor enters a large square court with a paved terrace in the centre, which fronts the principal hall. Here, on days of ceremony, the slaves and depend- ants may be ranged in reverential posture before the owner, who sits as the master of the household, in the hall. Behind the principal hall are two other halls, both facing, like it, the south. Internal Arrangements. " These buildings all have fiye or seven compartments, divided by pillars which sup- port the roof, and the three or five in the centre are left open to form one large hall, while the sides are partitioned off to make rooms. Beyond the gable there is usually an extension called the Urfang, literally, the ear-house, from its resemblance in position to that organ. On each side of the large courts fronting the halls are side houses of one or two stories. The garden of a Foo is on the west side, and is usually arranged as an ornamental park, with a lake, wooded mounds, fantastic arbors, small Buddhist temples, covered passages, and a large open hall for drinking tea and entertaining guests, which is called Hwating. " Garden and house are kept private, and effectually guarded from intrusion of strangers by a high wall, and at the doors by a numer- ous staff of messengers. The stables are usually on the east side, and contain stout Mongol ponies, large Hi horses, and a good supply of sleek, well-kept mules, such as North China furnishes in abundance. A prince or princess has a retinue of about twenty, mounted on ponies or mules." Facing Southward. By something more than a sumptuary law, all houses of any pretension face south- ward, and their sites, far from being left to the mere choice of the proprietors, are deter- mined for them by the rules and regulations of Feng Shui. This Feng Shui is that which places a preliminary stumbling-block in the way of every Western improvement. If a railway is proposed, the objection is at once raised that it would destroy the Feng Shui of the neighborhood by disturbing the sepulchres of the dead. If a line of tele- graph is suggested, the promoters are promptly told that the shadows thrown by the wires on the houses they pass would out- rage the Feng Shui of the neighborhood and bring disaster and death in their train. In the minds of the people Feng Shui has a very positive existence, but with the mandarians, who are not all so grossly ignorant, it has been found that when state necessities require it, or when a sufficient sum of money is likely to bei their reward, the terrors of Feng Shui disappear like the morning mists before the sun. The two words Feng Shui mean " Wind " and " Water," and are admittedly not very de- scriptive of the superstitution which they represent. So far as it is possible to unravel the in- tricacies of subtle Oriental idea, Feng Shui appears to be a faint inkling of natural 272 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. science overlaid and infinitely disfigured by superstitution. As it is now interpreted, its professors explain that what astrology is to the star-gazer, Feng Shui is to the observer of the surface of our planet. The features of the globe are, we are told, but the reflex of the starry heaven, and just as the con- junction of certain planets presage misfor- tune to mankind, so the juxtaposition of cer- tain physical features of the earth are fraught with like evil consequences to those under their influence. The Dragon and Tiger. But, in addition to this, it is believed that through the surface of the earth there run two currents representing the male and female principles of Nature, the one known as the "Azure Dragon," and the other as the "White Tiger." The undulations of the earth's surface are held to supply to the professors of Feng Shui, aided as they always are by magnetic compasses, the "whereabout of these occult forces. To obtain a fortunate site these two cur- rents should be in conjunction, forming as it were a bent arm with their juncture at the elbow. Within the angle formed by this combination is the site which is calculated to bring wealth and happiness to those who are fortunate enough to secure it either for build- ing purposes or for a graveyard. As it is ■obvious that it is often impossible to secure such a conjunction, the necessary formation has to be supplied by artificial means. A semicircle of trees planted to cover the back of a house answers all the purposes of the "Azure Dragon " and "White Tiger," while in a level country, a bank of earth of the same shape, surrounding a tomb, is equally effective. Through the mist and folly of this superstition there appears a small particle of reason, and it is beyond question that the sites chosen by these professors are such as avoid many of the ill effects of the climate. Many years ago, when we first settled at Hong Kong, the mortality among the soldiers who occupied the Murray Barracks was ter- rible. By the advice of the colonial surgeon, a grove of bamboos was planted at the back of the buildings. The effect of this arrange- ment was largely to diminish the sickness among the troops, and it was so strictly in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui that the natives at once assumed that the surgeon was a past-master in the science. Again, when we formed the new foreign settlement on the Shamien site at Canton, the Chinese prophesied that evil would befall the dwellings, and " when it was discovered that every house built on Shamien was overrun as soon as built with white ants, boldly defying coal-tar, carbolic acid, and all other foreign appliances ; when it was noticed that the English consul, though having a special residence built for him there, would rather live two miles off under the protecting shadow of a pagoda, it was a clear triumph Feng Shui and of Chinese statesmanship." Barring Out Evil. In front of every house which is protected at the rear by the approved genial influences, there should be a pond, and the approach to the door should be winding, for the double purpose of denying a direct mode of egress to the fortunate breath of nature secured by the conditions of the site, 'and of preventing the easy ingress of malign influences. For the same reason a movable screen is commonly placed in the open doorway of a house, which, while standing in the way of the admission of supernatural evil, effectually wards off the very actual discomfort of a draught. With equal advantage a pair of stone THE RELIGIONS OF CHINA. 273 lions placed at the doorway of a house which is unfortunate enough to be faced by a straight lane or street are said to overcome the noxious currents which might'be tempted by the direct access to attack the dwelling. Temple architecture differs little from that of the houses, and varies in the same way from splendor to squalor, from gorgeous shrines built with the costly woods of Borneo and roofed in with resplendent glazed tiles to lath-and-plaster sheds covered in with mud 'roofing. In country districts, and more especially in hilly regions, Buddhists show a marked predilection for the most sheltered and beautiful spots provided by nature, and there rear monasteries which might well tempt men of less ascetic mould than that they profess to be made of to assume the cowl. Sumptuous Temples of Buddha. The contemplative life which they are in theory supposed to lead is held to tempt them to retire from the busy haunts of men and to seek in the deep ravines and sheltered valleys the repose and quiet which in more public positions would be denied them. It says much for the charity of the people that out of their .poverty such sumptuous edifices can be raised to the glory of Buddha. Many owe their existence to the benefi- cence of Emperors, and others to the super- stition of notables who, in the performance of vows, have reared stately temples to the beneficent avatars of Buddha who have listened to their prayers. The majority, however, are built from the doles secured by the priests from the wretched resources of the people. With indefatigable labor these religious beggars draw into their nets fish great and small, and prey on the superstition of the people for the glorification of their faith. 18 Sometimes, however, the self-denial is not confined to the donors. Devout priests arouse the zeal of their congregations by placing thfentselves in penitential positions until the building money is collected, and thus add to their claims on the people by appealing to their pity. Not long ago, a begging priest, zealous for the faith, erected for himself a wooden case like a sentry-box in one of the public thoroughfares of Pekin. Long and sharp nails were driven into the case on all sides from without, leaving their points projecting inwards. A Shrewd Beggar, In this case the priest took his stand, and declared his intention of remaining there until the sum required for building the temple for which he pleaded had been col- lected. The construction of the case made it impossible that he could either sit down or lean in any position which would secure him against the points of the nails. For two years he stood, or professed to have stood, in this impossible position, which was mitigated as time went on by the with- drawal of the nails, one by one, as the sum of money which each was held to represent was collected from the passers-by. For the most part the bridges of China are high wooden structures, such as those with which the willow-pattern plates have made us familiar, but occasionally, and espe- cially on the highways to the capital, sub- stantial stone bridges stretching in a series of arches across the streams are met with, care- fully wrought and adorned with all kinds of fantastic devices. A noticeable instance of a bridge of this kind is one which crosses the river Hwen oh the west of Pekin. Though upwards of six hundred years old, its neighborhood to the capital has secured its preservation. CHAPTER XV. COUNTRY LIFE IN CHINA. OF the four classes into which the people of China are traditionally divided, the first is that of lit- erati or scholars. These are those, who, having graduated at the Exami- nation Halls, are waiting in the often forlorn hope of obtaining official appointments. They have certain privileges attaching to their order, and are generally recognized by the mandarins as brevet members of their own rank. They have, under certain condi- tions, the right of entree into the presence of the local officials, and the law forbids that they should be punished or tortured until they have been stripped of their degrees by an Imperial edict. As it would be beneath the dignity of a graduate to take to trade, and as there are many thousands more of them than there are places for them to fill, the country is burdened with an idle population who are too proud to work, but who are not ashamed to live the life of hangers-on to the skirts of those who are better off than themselves. As a rule they are poor men, and the temptation to enrich themselves by means of illegal exactions is often too strong, for the resistance of their feeble virtue. The glamour which surrounds their names as graduates, and the influence which they pos- sess with the mandarins, incline the people, who by long usage are accustomed to yield, to bow their necks unresistingly to their ex- actions. To the mandarins they are a con- stant source of annoyance. They arrogate to themselves the powers which belong by 274 right to the official class and absorb some of the illegal gains which, but for them, would naturally find their way into the exchequers of the yamuns. Being, however, no wiser than the rest of their race, they, though pos- sessed of all the learning and knowledge within their reach, show the same remarka- ble tendency towards superstitious follies as is observable in the most ignorant of their countrymen. It is difficult to read without . a smile such memorials as one which was presented to the throne, at the instigation of some local scholars, with regard to the mi- raculous interpositions of the god of war in favor of the town of Kiehyang in Kwang- tung. The Bandits Frightened. "In 1844," runs this strange statement, " when the city was threatened with capture by the leader of a secret association, the banditti were affrighted and dispersed by means of a visible manifestation of the spirit of this deity ; and the efforts of the govern- ment troops in coping with the insurgents again in 1853, were similarly aided by the appearance of supernatural phenomena." As depositories of the wisdom of the sages of antiquity, the literati pose as the protectors of the national life. In his sacred edict, Kanghsi (1662-1723) warned the people against giving heed to strange doc- trines, and thus gave new expression to a celebrated dictum of Confucijis, which has guided the conduct of his followers in all matters relating to foreign religions and cus- COUNTRY LIFE IN CHINA. 275 toms. "The study of strange doctrines is injurious, indeed," said the sage ; and in the spirit of this saying the Hterati have at dif- ferent periods persecuted the rehgions of Buddha and Laotsze with the same acri- mony which is now characterizing their ac- tion towards Christianity. To foreigners and all their ways they are implacable foes. The outrages on the Yang- tse-Kiang in 1 89 1 were entirely their handi- work. Once only in the history of the Em- pire have they in their turn suffered persecu- tion. The same Emperor who built the great wall, and established for himself an Empire, sought to confirm his power by de- stroying the national literature, and by be- heading all those scholars who still clung to the traditions of their fathers. It is said that persecution strengthens the character and improves the moral fibre of its victims. A Race of Bigots. This persecution in the third century B. C; may for a time have had such salutary ef- fects; but, if so, all traces of these virtues have long been swept away, and China has become possessed of a race of scholars who for ignorance, bigotry, violence and corrup- tion are probably unsurpassed by educated men in any country calling itself civilized. Under happier circumstances, the existence of this large body of scholars might be of infinite advantage to the literature of the country. With time to work and oppor- tunities for research they might add lustre to the writings of their countrymen and en- large the borders of their national knowl- edge. But the system of looking backwards for models of excellence, rather than for- -wards, has so contracted the field of their labors, that those who write only add coni- mentary to commentary on works already annotated beyond recognition. Instead of striking out for themselves new grounds of investigation, they have deliber- ately chosen the futile task of perpetually fixing their eyes on a particular object in a particular way, with the natural result that their vision has become contracted and their minds moulded on narrow and pedantic lines. The mental activity of these men, not having, therefore, any power to operate in a beneficent way, exerts itself with unpre- cedented vigor and hardihood in local affairs. Infamous Placards. No dispute arises, but one or more of these social pests thrusts himself forward be- tweeji the contending parties, and no fraud in the revenue or wholesale extortion is free from their sinister influence. The case of Chow Han, who instigated the anti-Christian crusade in Hunan, furnishes an instance of the overwhelming power which these men are occasionally able to exert. To him are due the infamous placards which were used to stimulate the outbreaks against foreigners at Wusueh and other places ; and when the crime was brought home to him, and the Chinese Cabinet, at the instance of the foreign ministers, ordered his arrest, not only did the viceroy of the province fail to comply with the command, but he actually released, at the bidding of the offender, a man charged with active participation in the riots. i , It is true that a futile commission was sent into Hunan to investigate the charges against him, but instead of bringing him to justice, the commissioners pronounced him mad, and recommended that he should be left un- trammelled, except by a mild system of supervision. In common estimation the workers of the soil stand next to the literati. From the earliest dawn of legendary history, agricul- 276 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. ture has been regarded as a high and en- nobling calling. To Shennung, the divine 2727 years B. C, is ascribed the invention of the plough and the first introduction of th^ A CHINESE PAGODA. husbandman, one of the legenaary emperors of ancient China, who is said to have lived art of husbandry. The connection thus established between the throne and the COUNTRY LIFE IN CHINA. 277 plough has been kept up through all suc- ceeding ages, and at the present time the Emperor, in the early spring of each year, turns a furrow to inaugurate the beginning of the farming season ; an example which is followed in every province by the viceroy or governor, who follows suit in strict imitation of his Imperial master. With the same desire to set an example to her sex, the Empress, so soon as the mul- berry-trees break into foliage, follows the gentler craft of pick- ing the leaves to sup- ply food for the palace silkworms. "Give chief place," wrote the Emperor Kanghsi, " to husbandry and the cultivation of the mulberry tree, in order to procure adequate supplies of food and raiment ; " to which excellent advice his son added, " Suffer not a barren spot to remain in the wilds, or a lazy person to ahi<}e in the cities ; then a farmer will not """ lay aside his plough and hoe; nor the house-wife put away her silkworms or her weaving." These commands have sunk deep into the national character, and the greatest devotion to their calling, sharpened, it is true, by a keen sense of self-interest, is everj.'where shown by Chinese farmers. From these men it is impossible to withhold the highest praise for their untiring industry. With endless labor and inexhaustible resource they wrest from the soil the very utmost that it is capa- ble of producing. Unhappily to, them, as to other classes of the community, the law as it is administered is oppressively unjust. It makes them poor and keeps them poor. The principal imperial tax is derived from the land, and by the law of succession it is generally necessary, on the decease of the head of the family, to subdivide his posses- sions, which thus become a diminishing quantity to each generation of successors to his wealth. Low grinding poverty is the re- ?S St * CHINESE CURIOSITY SHOP. suit, and it is remarkable, though not sur- prising, to obsA-ve the large number of crimes which are attributable to disputes arising out of feuds in connection with the inheritance of the land and its products. Probably there is no potentate on the earth who can say as truly as the Emperor of China can "The Empire is mine." Not only the lives and property of his subjects are at his disposal, but the land which they till is part of the heritage which belongs to him. 278 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. Just as he alone sacrifices to Heaven, and as he alone is the one Emperor over all the earth — in accordance with the dictum of an ancient sage, " There is one sun in the sky and one Emperor over the earth " — so he is the universal landlord of the soil of China. Although the Empire as a whole is thickly- populated, there are always some districts which remain uncultivated. CHINESE BABY IN ITS WINTER CRADLE. To find a parallel to the agricultural con- dition of the country, we must look to colonial empires, where settlers apply for un- inhabited lands, and receive the rights over them in exchange for small annual payments. This is the principle on which lands have been appropriated in times past, and still are leased out to farmers. As a rule, the land so let is taken up by a clan, the members of which cultivate it. Ten families constitute, as a rule, a village holding, each family farm- ing about ten acres. To such a community is allotted a common village plot, which is cultivated by each family in turn, and from which the tribute grain is collected and paid. The surplus, if any, is divided between the families. Towards the end of the year a meeting is held, at which a division of the profits is made on one condition. Any farmer who is unable to produce the receipt for the income tax on his farm ceases to be entitled to any benefit arising from the village plot. The land is classified ac- cording to its position and productive- ness, and pays taxes in proportion to the advantages which it enjoys. Two dollars and a half per acre is an average rental for the best land. It was once complained, in a memorial to the throne, that by faulty administration the tax frequently amounted to six times its nominal assessment. Five. Harvests Free. By way of a set-off against that exac- tion, a merciful provision in the law lays it down that a farmer who reclaims lands from a state of nature shall be allowed to reap five harvests before being visited by the tax-collector. It often happens that an unjust gov- ernment, by timely concessions, gains for itself credit for wisdom and lenity when it is entitled to approval only for having had the wit to see exactly how far the people will en- dure the weight of its exactions. Such popularity is gained as easily as a spend- thrift acquires a reputation for generosity, and is enjoyed by the Chinese government by virtue of certain exemptions from the land-tax, which are granted when the country COUNTRY LIFE IN CHINA. 279 labors under aggravated circumstances of distress. When the Emperor passes through a dis- trict, it may be on a visit to the Imperial tombs, the people are required to contribute their labor, and the magnates their money, towards making smooth the way before him. The presence of the potentate disarranges the course of existence and the prosecution of industries in the neighborhood. Fields are left unploughed and crops unsown until the tyranny is overpassed, and for the bene- fit of the sufferers the land-tax for the year is forgiven them. The Grain Tax. The same indulgence is granted to farmers in provinces which are visited with long, droughts, excessive floods, or plagues of locusts. The probability is that the govern- ment, recognizing that the attempt to enforce the tax in such districts would be futile, has the wisdom to make a virtue of necessity. The grain-tax is also levied from the lands <;lassified as "good," and this, with the land- tax, the salt-tax, and customs dues, form the main bulk of the revenue of the Empire. According to a recent calculation, these sources of revenue produce ^^99,^75,000. In a country such as China, which is sub- ject to evfery variety of temperature, from tropical heat to almost arctic cold, the pro- ducts are necessarily as various as the sys- tems of agriculture are different. In the southern provinces, where rice is the staple crop of the farmer, irrigation is an absolute necessity. The rice plants are put out in fields inundated with water, and the crops are gathered in when the ground is in the same condition. This need makes it impera- tive that the fields should be banked in, and that a constant supply of water should be obtainable. For this last purpose the farmers exercise that particular ingenuity with which they are especially endowed. Wherever it is possible, streams from the hills are carried by aque- ducts to the different farms, and the water is distributed by minute channels in such a way as to carry the fertilizing current to the various fields and crops. When such sup- plies are wanting, water is raised from canals, rivers, and wells in several ways. By a sys- tem of buckets fastened to an endless chain, and passing over an axle, which is turned either by the feet of men or by a connecting- wheel worked by oxen, the water is raised from the river or canal to the level of the fields, where it is discharged into troughs at the rate sometimes of three hundred tons a day. This is the sakiyeh of the Egyptians ; and should any traveller from the banks of the Nile visit the plains of China, he might recognize in the method adopted for raising water from wells the shaduf of the land of the Pharaohs. Irrigating Rice Fields. A long horizontal pole, at one end of which is a bucket, and on the other end a certain weight, is fixed on an upright in such a position that on raising the loaded end the bucket descends into the well, and with the help of the counterbalancing weight can be raised full of water with ease and rapidity. If the level of the river or canal be only triflingly lower than the field to be irrigated, two men standing on the bank and holding a bucket between them by ropes draw water with great rapidity by dipping the bucket into the stream and by swinging it up to the bank, where its contents are emptied into the trough prepared to receive them. In the north of the country wheat, millet and other grains are largely grown, the rain supply furnishing all the moisture needed. CHAPTTKR XVI. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND EXPORTS. WHETHER in the north or in the south, the greatest care and ingenuity are used in providing manure for the land. Nothing is wasted. The usual ani- mal and vegetable manures are carefully collected and spread over the fields, while scraps of all kinds which contain any ferti- lizing matter, and which in most countries are disregarded, are turned to account by these most frugal tillers of the soil. Accus- tomed as we are to large farms and ex- tended systems of agriculture, Chinese farms appear to partake' more of the nature of mar- ket gardens than of agricultural holdings. The implements used are primitive in the extreme, and are such as, we learn from the sculptures, were used in ancient Assyria. Two only may be said to be generally used, the plow and the hoe. The first of these is little more than a spade fastened to a single handle by bamboo bands. As a rule, it is drawn by a buffalo or buffaloes, and some travellers even claim to have seen women harnessed in the same yoke with these beasts of burden. From the shape of the share the Chinese plow does little more than disturb the sur- face of the soil, and rarely penetrates more than four or five inches. In the compound character which is used to express it on paper, the use of oxen as beasts of draught, and the results which it is instrumental in bringing about, find expression in the three component parts — oxen, sickle and grain. The spade is seldom used, and the hoe is 280 made to take its place. Rakes and bill- hooks complete the farmer's stock-in-trade. The bamboo, which is made to serve almost every purpose, forms the material of each part of the rake; while the bill- hook has a treble debt to pay, serving as a pruning-knife in the spring, a scythe in the summer, and a sickle when the grain is ripe to harvest. An Ancient Calendar. One of the earliest works existing in the language is an agricultural calendar, which describes the various processes of nature and the industries of the agriculturist throughout the year. It warns the farmer when to look for the first movements of spring, and de- scribes for his benefit the signs of the differ- ent seasons. It tells him when to sow his seed, and when he may expect to reap his harvest; and it follows with the love of a naturalist the movements and habits of the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air. This work was penned in about the eigh- teenth century B. C, and since that time the dignity which attaches by tradition to agri- culture has led to the publication, from time to time, of large and numerous works on the subject. Probably two of the best known of these books illustrate the two leading branches of the farmer's art, the cultivation of rice and the growth of the mulberry for the food of silkworms. Every process in both industries is minutely de- scribed and illustrated. The glimpses which these pictures give us AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND EXPORTS. 281 of country life in China suggest a domes- ticity and brightness which form a strong contrast to the fate of the poorer classes whose lots are cast in the crowded lanes and streets of the cities. Madame de Stael said in one of her books that she had travelled all over Europe and had met with nothing but men and women. We may extend 'the range to China, and may see in the pictures drawn in the above-mentioned work, of the farmyards, the dwellings, the kitch- ens, and the store-rooms of the silk producers of China, pleasing parallels to the brighter aspects of English agricultural life. The employment of women in arranging and managing the silkworm industry, gives an inter- est to their lives, and is a sure preventive against that languor which so often overtakes the un- employed women of the cities. The cultivation of silk can be traced back almost as far as the beginning of agri- culture, and up to the advent of the Mongol dynasty, in the thir- teenth century, it flour- ished exceedingly. With the arrival, how- ever, of the hordes of Jenghis Khan came the introduction of Indian cotton, which, from its cheapness and utility, was speedily preferred to the silken products of the looms of China. For four hundred years the industry was neglected, and continued to exist only in the A NATIVE CHINESE MISSIONARY. provinces of Szechuan, Honan, Kwangtung and Chehkiang, where just enough stuff was manufactured to supply the wants of the government and the local consumers. With 282 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. the establishment of the present Manchu dynasty and the arrival of foreigners, the demand for the material which had given its name to China all over the ancient world — serica — led to a revival of the industry, and at the present time silk is produced in A MANDARIN RECEIVING A VISITOR every province in the Empire. In those northern districts where the cold forbids the growth of the mulberry tree the worms are fed on a kind of oak, while all over the central and southern provinces the mulberry orchards bear evidence of the universality of the industry. At Ning-po alone a hundred thousand bales of silken goods are turned out every year, and in most of the districts of Central China the people are as dependent' for their livelihood on the trade as the peo- ple of England are on the production of coal and iron. The prefect of Soo- chow, desiring to take advan- tage of this widespread calling, proposed to levy a small tax on every loom. The result, however, proved that his power was not commensurate with his will. The people re- fused as one man to pay the issessment, and threatened to st p their looms if the tax were insisted upon. The matter was referred to Pekin, and with the cautious wisdom which characterizes the action of the government towards the people, the proposal was left unenforced. A crop as general, or even more general than silk, is opium. In every province the poppy is grown in ever-increasing quantities, and in Yun-nan, one of the principal producing regions, the late Mr. Baber estimated, as a result of his personal experience, the poppy-fields constituted a third of the whole cultivation of the prov- ince. It is difficult to deter- mine when the poppy was first grown in China, but the references to it which are met with in the literature of the eleventh and twelfth centuries confirm the fact that it was then cultivated, and that the same kind of cakes were made from the seeds of the plant as are now commonly AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND EXPORTS. 283 eaten in the province of Szechuan. The habit of smoking opium is of a far later date, and gave rise to a marked opposition to the drug by the government of the coun- try. But, like most Chinese enactments, the one forbidding the habit was only partially enforced, and it is certain that the practice of smoking opium had become confirmed among the people before the Indian drug was first imported. From that time until within the last few years the government showed a pronounced hostility to the trade, but stultified its professions by never effec- tually carrying out its own prohibitions against the growth of the poppy. Lovers of Opium. Several motives conduced to these results. The growth of the poppy not only brought large profits to the farmers, but filled the pockets of the mandarins, who, while pro- testing against the cultivation, accepted bribes to ignore the evidence of their eyes. Repeated Imperial edicts became dead let- ters in face of these opposing interests, and year by year the white patches widened and multiplied throughout the Empire. In a country like China, where the value of sta- tistics is unknown, it is difficult to arrive at any accurate idea as to the number of opium smokers in the country. In Szechuan it is reckoned that seven- tenths of the adult male population smoke opium. On the shores of the rivers and canals the practice is universal, and affords the people the same relief from malarial fevers that the peasants in the fens of Lin- colnshire derive from eating morphia. By all such people the native opium is the only form obtainable, and at Tiensin it is esti- mated that nine chests of native opium are consumed to one chest of the foreign prepa- ration. Since the legalization of the opium trade (i860) even the nominal restrictions placed upon native growers have been withdrawn, and the government has the advantage of deriving a large revenue from the crops. From the province of Kansuh, which is one of the poorest in the Empire, the tax on opium amounts to at least twenty thousand dollars a year, and this in face of the con- stant complaints published in the Pekin Ga- zette of the smuggling which prevails in that and other districts. The small compass into which opium can be packed encourages illicit traffic in it. Candidates for examination going to their provincial cities, merchants travelling from province to province, and sailors trading between the coast ports, find it easy to smuggle enough to supply their wants; while envoys from tributary states whose baggage by international courtesy is left unexamined, make full use of their . oppor- tunities by importing as much of the drug as they can carry free of duty. Wholesale Smuggling. Some years ago, when an Imperial Com- missioner was entering the port of Canton, the custom-house authorities had notice given them that the commissioner's fol- lowers were bringing a large venture dis- guised as personal effects in their luggage. The question arose what was to be done, and, with the timidity common to subordi- nate officials, the provincial authorities de- termined to ignore the information they had received rather than offend so potent a mag- nate as the commissioner. By this derelic- tion of duty the customs were the poorer by some twenty thousand taels. So portable is the drug in its prepared state that in the provinces, where silver is not always obtainable, it is used as currency, 284 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. and travellers are commonly in the habit of paying their hotel bills with pieces of opium of the value demanded by the landlord. This is not the place to discuss at length the effect of opium smoking on the people. The whole subject, however, is so sur- rounded with sentimental enthusiasm that a fapt, however small, bearing on the ques- tion is worth recording. It is commonly said by the opponents of the trade that so lieve their sufferings. By deprivation they are cured for the time being of the habit, and in no instance have fatal consequences resulted from this Spartan method. Unmindful of the lesson thus taught, mis- sionaries are not unfrequently in the habit of attempting to cure opium smokers by ad- ministering morphia pills. That they effect cures by this means is very certain, but the doubt arises whether the remedy is not worse A MOUNTED MILITARY BOWMAN OF ANCIENT TIMES. pernicious a hold does the habit of smoking acquire over those who indulge in it that only by the use of palliatives can a con- firmed smoker be weaned from the habit without endangering his life. One fact dis- poses of this assertion. In Hong Kong jail, where opium smokers of every degree of habituation are constantly imprisoned, no notice is taken of their craving for the drug, and no remedies are found necessary to re- than the disease. The processes through which the opium has to go before it reaches the lungs of the smoker unquestionably de- prive it of some of its deleterious ingredients. When, however, opium is eaten in the shape of morphia, the safeguards provided by the pipe are absent, and the man who gives up his pipe for the pill finds that his last state is worse than his first. Next to silk, however, the product which AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND EXPORTS. 285 we most nearly associate with China is tea, which proclaims its nationality by the two names tea and cKa, by which it is known all over the world. The English who took their first cargoes from the neighborhood of Amoy, know it by the name, or rather our grandmothers knew it by the name, by which it is known in that part of China. Te is the Amoy pronunciation of the word which is called cKa in the central, western and north- ern provinces of the Empire. The Russians, therefore, who have al- ways drawn their supplies through Siberia, call the leaf cKa, while the French and ourselves know it by its southern name. There is rea- son to believe that the plant has been known and valued in China for some thousands of years, and in one of the Confucian classics mention is made of the habit of smoking a leaf which is popularly believed to have been that of the tea plant. But however this may be, it is certain that for many cen- turies the plant has been cultivated over a large part of Central and Southern China. At the present time the provinces of Hunan, Fuh- kien, Kwangtung and Ganhwuy produce the best varieties. From them we get our Souchong, Flow- ery Pekoe, Oolong, Orange Pekoe and green teas ; and it is in those provinces that the competition of the teas of India and Ceylon is most severely felt. No doubt the farmers have themselves principally to blame in this matter. The long monopoly which they enjoyed tempted them to palm off on their customers teas of an inferior kind. Trees which had long passed the normal period of bearing were robbed of their leaves to fill the chests sent to London and Paris; pruning was neg- lected, and weeds were left to grow apace. The inevitable' nemesis followed, and now, when too late, the farmers are becoming conscious of the folly of their neglect. In ordinary times great care is taken in selecting the seed, and when after careful tending the seedlings have reached a height of four or five inches, they are planted out in the plantations in rows, two or three feet A CHINESE MERCHANT OF CANTON. apart. For two years the plant is allowed to grow untouched, and it is only at the end of the third year that it is called upon to yield its first crop of leaves. After this the plant is subjected to three harvests: namely, in the third, fifth and eighth months. The leaves when plucked are first dried in the sun, and the remaining moisture is then extracted from them by the action of nude- footed men and women, who trample on 286 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. them, as Spanish peasants tread out the juice of the vine. They are then allowed to heat for some hours, and after having been rolled in the hand, are spread out in the sun, or, if the weather be cloudy, are slowly baked over charcoal fires. Among the wealthier natives the infusion is not generally made as with us, in tea-pots, but each drinker puts a pinch of tea into his cup, and, having added boiling water, drinks the mixture as soon as the full flavor of the COURTYARD OF A CHINESE HOSTELRY. tea has been extracted, and before the tannin has been boiled out of the leaves. By high and low, rich and poor, the beverage is drunk, and- the absence of nervous affections among the people is strong evidence of the innoxious effect of the infusion in this respect. Not only is it drunk in every household in the Empire, but tea-houses abound in the cit- ies, in the market-places and by the highways. Like the London coffee-shops in the time of the Stuarts, the tea-houses in the cities form the places of meeting between merchants for the transaction of business and between friends, who congregate to discuss local affairs and the latest official scandals. Women only are, by social regulations, excluded from these hospi- tableplaces of entertainment, which commonly occupy prominent positions in the principal streets of towns. But where such sites are not easily attainable, Buddhist priests, with a fine disregard of the holiness of their temples, very commonly let off a portion of the precincts to enterprising tea-men. The form in which tea is exported for general European and American use is not that which is suited for land trans- port. In carrying goods by road cubic space is a matter of vital importance. For centuries the Chinese have sup- plied the Tibetans with tea in so com- pressed a form as to be readily portable by carts, on beasts of burden, or on men's shoulders. In these ways it has long been customary to carry bricks of tea across the mountain ranges which mark the western frontier of China; and when a demand for tea sprang up in Russia, like circumstances suggested a like method. The principal place for preparing the brick tea is Hankow, where six or more factories are constantly engaged in the manufacture of it. Something has to be sacrificed to expediency, and it is incontestable that the Russians and other consumers of brick tea AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND EXPORTS. 287 lose in flavor what they gain by the smaller compass. The dust of tea, and therefore a poor kind of tea, is best suited for forming bricks, and even the inferiority thus entailed is increased by the process employed to weld the masses together. This is done by a method of steaming, which encourages an evaporation of both flavor and freshness, and when it has effected its purpose by moistening the dust, the mix- ture is put into wooden molds and pressed into the shape of bricks. It is left to stand in the molds for a week, and the bricks are then wrapped up separately in paper and packed in bamboo baskets, sixty- four filling a basket. As a rule, tea-growers are rich and well-to- do men, whereas the ordinary agriculturist is raised above the rank of a peasant, and has little to congratulate himself upon be- yond the fact that his calling is held up to general approbation, and that it inherits a record which is as old as that of the race itself. One of the largest products is straw braid from Northern China. This most useful class of goods found a place in the market after the opening of the port of Tientsin (i860), and rapidly commended itself to the foreign merchant. But just as in tea, so in this braid, the Chinese producers have grown careless of the quality which they present to their customers. The inevitable result of this course has followed, and at the pres- ent time the elasticity which characterized the earlier movements of the trade has ceased to be observable. Wool from the plains of Mongolia and the table-lands of Thibet, and tobacco from the southern provinces of the Empire, form considerable items in the list of exports, together amounting in value to 2,620,164 taels. Arsenic also is produced in consid- erable quantities in the country, and al- though the home consumption is larger than might be expected, there is yet a surplus left for the benefit of foreigners. The native farmers use it with a freedom which suggests the possibility of danger, in protecting growing plants, and especially rice plants, from' the insects which infest them. As an ingredient in the pastille which is used to smoke out mosquitoes, and in the CHINESE STUDENTS. manufacture of the tobacco which is smoked in hubble-bubble pipes, it is largely employed. To the tobacco it is said to impart a pungent flavor and an invigorating tonic. Its prop- erty as a strengthening medicine is highly valued by doctors, who prescribe it largely for their patients. The absence of all legis- lation regulating the sale of drugs makes it easy for evil-minded persons to possess themselves of this and other poisons; and the gross ignorance of the Chinese, even the most highly educated, in all matters related to diagnoses secures a praictical im- munity to poisoners. 288 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. It is true that occasionally cases of poi- soning by arsenic are reported in the Pekin Gazette, but almost invariably it is found that the murder is discovered, not by the recognition of the symptoms produced by the poison, but by the confession of the murder or his accomplices. When the un- ravelling of a crime depends on these coin- cidences, it is fair to assume that, in a great majority of cases, the offence is never dis- covered at all. The Luxuriant Bamboo. Like silk, the bamboo is a universal prod- uct in China, and the multitude of uses to -which the shrub is turned justifies its eleva- tion to an equal rank of usefulness, so far as the natives are concerned, with that article of merchandise. Its use is incomparably more general than that of silk, and enters into the life of every being in the Empire, from the Son of Heaven to the scavenger in the streets. It grows over the greater part of the country in great profusion and in a number of varieties, and from the moment it first shows itself above the ground it is forced into the service of man. The shoots come out of the ground nearly full-sized, four to six inches in diameter, and are cut like asparagus for the table. Sedentary Buddhist priests raise this Lenten fare for themselves or for sale, and extract the taba- sheer from the joints of the old culms, to sell as a precious medicine for almost any- thing that ails one. The roots are carved into fantastic and ingenious images and stands, or divided into egg-shape divining- blocks to ascertain the will of the gods, or trimmed into lantern handles, canes and umbrella sticks. The tapering culms are used for all pur- poses that poles can be applied to in carrying, propelling, supporting, and measuring, for which their light, elastic, tubular structure, guarded by a coating of siliceous skin, and strengthened by a thick septum at each joint, mostadmirably fits them. The pillars and props of houses, the framework of awnings, the ribs of mat sails, and the handles of rakes are each furnished by these culms. So, also, are fences and all kinds of frames, coops, and cages, the wattles of abatis, and the ribs of umbrellas and fans. The leaves are sewn into rain-cloaks for farmers and sailors, and into thatches for covering their huts and boats; they are pinned into linings for tea-boxes, plaited into immense umbrellas to screen the huckster and his stall from the sun and rain, or into coverings for theatres and sheds. The wood, cut into splints of proper sizes and forms, is woven into baskets of every shape and fancy, sewn into win- dow-curtains and door-screens, plaited into awnings and coverings for tea-chests or sugar-cones, and twisted into cables. Universally Used. The shavings and curled shreds aid softer things in stuffing pillows ; while other parts supply the bed for sleeping, the chopsticks for eating, the pipe for smoking, and the broom for sweeping. The mattress to lie upon, the chair to sit upon, the table to eat on, the food to eat, and the fuel to cook it with, are also derivable from bamboo. The master makes his ferule from it, the carpen- ter his foot measure, the farmer his water- pipes and straw-rakes, the grocer his gill and pint cups, and the mandarin his dreaded instrument of punishment. When such are the uses to which the bamboo is put in the land of its growth, it is surprising that there should be any surplus for exportation. But the demand for it for ornamental and useful purposes in Europe is constant. BOOK 11. Japan and the Japarpeds. CHAPTER XVII. EARLY HISTORY OF JAPAN. THE history of Japan commences with the conquefor who came from the isles of the south. According to the annals of the Empire, he was a native prince and lord of a small territory at the southern extremity of the island of Kiousiou. Obscure tradition attributes to him a distant origin : the birthplace of his ancestors, if not his own, is said to have been the little archipelago of the Liou-Kiou Islands, which forms the link between For- mosa, southern China, and Japan. Six centuries before his time, an expedi- tion from Formosa and the Asiatic continent, headed by a certain Prince Taipe or Taifak, had reached the shores of Kiousiou, having proceeded from island to island ; but it was in the year 660 B. C. that the iirst historical personage, Sannoo, whose memory is cele- brated under the name of Zinmou, makes his appearance. Although he was the youngest of four sons, his father had named him his successor from his fifteenth year. He ascended the throne at the age of forty- five years, without any opposition on the part of his brothers. An old retainer, whose adventurous life had led him to the distant isles behind which the sun rises, loved to describe to him the beauty of their shores, on which the gods themselves formerly sought refuge. "Now," said he, "they are inhabited by barbarous tribes, always at war with one another. If the prince desires to profit by their divisions, their men of arms, however skilful they may be in the management of the lance, the bow, and the sword, being dressed only in coarse fabrics, or the skins of savage beasts, cannot resist a dicipHned army protected by helmets and iron cuirasses." A Fleet of War-Junks. Zinmou lent a willing ear to the sugges- tions of the old retainer ; collected all his disposable forces, placed them under the orders of his elder brothers and his sons, embarked them upon a flotilla of war-junks perfectly equipped, and, assuming command of the expedition, set sail, after taking leave of his home, which neither he nor his broth- ers were ever to see again. After he had doubled the southeast point of Kiousiou, he sailed along the eastern side of the island, keeping close to the shore after the fashion of the ancient Normans, making occasional descents, giving battle when he was resisted, and forming alliances when he found the nob'es or chiefs of clans 289 290 JAPAN AND disposed to assist him in his enterprise, thus showing a friendly spirit. It was evident that all this coast had been the theatre of former invasions. The popu- lation was composed of the ruling class, and serfs attached to the land. In some of the chapels of the national Kamis, stone arms are exhited, which were used by the primi- tive populations at the epoch when, under certain unknown circumstances, they came in contact with a superior civilization. Armed With Bows and Arrows. When Zinmou made his appearance, Walls and palisades protected the families of the soldiers and the masters of the country. The latter were armed with bows and long arrows ; a great sword with a carved hilt and a naked blade, worn in the folds of the girdle, completed their equipment. Their richest adornments consisted of a chain of magatamas, or cut gems, which they wore hanging on the side above the right hip. Among these stones were rock crystal, ser- pentine, jasper, agates, amethysts, and to- pazes. Some were in the form of a ball or an egg, others cylindrical ; one a crescent, another a broken ring. The women had necklaces of a similar kind. It is said that the use of the magatamas has still some con- nection with certain religious solemnities in the islands of Liou-Kiou, and at Yeso, in the north of Japan ; and it is concluded thence that it must have been common to all the populations of the long chains of islands extending from Formosa to Kamtschatka. If this custom has disappeared from the Central region of the Japanese archipelago, the cause of the phenomenon must be sought in the superior culture which characterizes the inhabitants of these countries, and which has led them to renounce the display of the fa-lily wealth on their persons. THE JAPANESE. After a difficult voyage of ten months, interrupted by occasional brilHant feats of arms and by profitable negotiations, Zinmou reached the northeastern extremity of the island of Kiousiou. He was at a loss how to get further, when he discovered a fisher- man who was floating upon the waves, squatting upon the shell of a huge turtle. He hailed him immediately, and employed him as a pilot. Thus Zinmou succeeded in crossing the strait which separates Kiousiou from the land of Niphon, and coasted along in the direction of the east, operating with prudent caution, and leaving behind him no important point without having secured its possession. Nevertheless, as the native tribes continu- ally opposed him at sea as well as on land, he disembarked and fortified himself upon the peninsula of Takasima, where he devoted three years to the construction and equip- ment of an auxiliary fleet. Remarkable Conquests. Then he set out again, and achieved the conquest of the coast and archipelago of the Inland Sea ; after which he disembarked the greater part of his army, and penetrating into Niphon, he established his rule over the rich countries, intersected by fertile valleys and wooded mountains, which extend from Osaka to the borders of the Gulf of Yeddo. From that time all the cultivated countries and all the civilized peoples in ancient Japan were under the power of Zinmou. The conqueror inaugurated and established the preponderance of the south over the des- tinies of the Japanese people. Whether the race which ruled before him over the native inhabitants had been of Turanian origin or not, it also submitted in its turn to this last and decisive invasion, to which the Empire of the Mikados owes its ancient glory and its EMPEROR OF JAPAN. 291 292 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. It was the same old story others victims of their own devotion to him, actual existence of the strong subduing the weaker. It does not follow, however, that Japanese civilization was a simple importation. Zin- mou appears to have been in certain respects, especially that of religion, a tributary of the people whom he had conquered. The diverse elements with which he had to deal — the native clans and the Tartar emigrants, with the invaders who had come from the islands of the south, the ancient nobles lately con- quered, and their new sovereign, who was won over to their favorite customs — were thus fused into one national body. The tribes which remained aloof from the pacific constitution of the Empire were the Ainos,' who had been driven further and fur- ther towards the north, and the Yebis, dispersed during the strife of the invasion, and who lived in the forests on the products of hunting and rapine. Mixture of Races. But it would be vain to attempt an analysis of the various elements which have con- tributed to the formation of the national character of the Japanese. The civilization of the country appears to be the result of a combination of the indigenous and the foreign elements. There has been a mixture of races without an absorption of native qualities, among the islanders of the extreme east, and, as was the case among the islanders of Great Britain, the alliance has produced a new and original type. When the divine warrior Zinmou had accomplished his ambitious aims, seven years had elapsed since his departure from Kiou- siou, — seven years, accompanied with how much fatigue, suffering and trouble of every kind ! His three brothers had perished under his eyes : the first pierced with an arrow at the siege of a fortress ; the two for they had thrown themselves into the sea in order to appease a tempest which threat- ened the junk of the conqueror. The sun had always shown itself favorable to his enterprises. To its divine protection it was due that he had not been lost in the dangerous defiles of Yamato. A raven, sent to him by the divinity at a critical moment' had guided him into safety. Thus he had added to his ancestral arms the image of the glittering goddess, such as she appeared to him each day when she arose above the horizon, and had it painted upon his banner, his cuirass, and his war fan. Feast of Thanksgiving. In the fourth year of his reign, when he had attained possession of uncontested power, he instituted a solemn feast of thanksgiving in honor of Ten-sjoo-dai-zin. The national Kamis had also their share in his homage. He ordained sacrifices in honor of the eight immortal spirits, protectors of countries and families, in order to celebrate the inaugura- tion of his royal residence, and to surround his throne with the prestige of that religion which was so dear to the peoples whom he had conquered. These things happened in the country of Yamato, which occupies the centre of the great peninsula in the southeast of Niphon, whose coasts border the Inland Sea and the ocean. There Zinmou constructed a vast fortress on a great hill. He called this castle his " Miako," or the chief palace of his States, and there he installed his Court, or Dairi. These two names have ever since been re- tained by the sovereigns of the Japanese Empire to distinguish it from their other residences. The sovereigns themselves bear the honor- giving title of "Mikados," or "august" and EARLY HISTORY OF JAPAN. 293 "venerable," without prejudice to the glorious suirnames under which they figure in the annals of the nation after death. The na- tive historians frequently employ the word " Miako " instead of the proper name of the city in which the Emperor resides, and that of "Dairi " in place of the title of Mikado. They say, for example, such and such a thing has been done "by order of the Dairi," instead of "by order of the Mikado." This custom is, however, common to the language of all Courts. The Emperor's Successor. As Zinmou had been raised to the throne by the free choice of his father, it was enacted that for the future the reigning Mikado should designate one among his sons to succeed him, or, if he had no sons, one among the other princes of the blood, according to his own choice, and without regard to the order of primogeniture. If the throne became vacant during the minority of the elect prince, the widow of the Mikado was to assume the regency of the Empire, and to exercise sov- ereign rights during the interregnum. Zinmou terminated his glorious career in the sixty-seventh year of his age, 585 years before the birth of Christ. He has been placed among the number of the Kamis. His chapel, known in Japan by the name of Simoyasiro, is situated upon Mount Kamo, near Kioto, and he is still worshipped there as the founder and the first chief of the Em- pire. The hereditary right to the crown has subsisted in his family for more than two thousand five hundred years, and is still maintained. The ancient race of the Mikados was strong and long-lived. Zinmou lived one hufidred and twenty years ; the fifth Mikado lived one hundred and fourteen years; the sixth, one hundred and thirty-seven years; the seventh, one hundred and twenty-eight years; the eighth, one hundred and six years; the ninth, one hundred and eleven years; the eleventh and twelfth, each one hundred and forty years ; the sixteenth, one hundred and eleven years ; and the seven- teenth, who died in the 388th year of our era, attained the age of three hundred and eight years, or three hundred and thirty years according to the version of some his- torians. Seimou, the thirteenth Mikado, was ten feet high. The wives of the Mikados, who governed the Empire in the capacity of Regent, were equal in point of character to their venerable husbands. One of them, Zingou, A. D. 201, equipped a fleet, and, embarking at the head of a select army, crossed the Sea of Japan and conquered the Corea, from whence she returned just in time to give birth to a future Mikado. Internal Improvements, The progress of civilization kept pace with the aggrandizement of the Empire. From Corea came the camel, the ass, and the horse ; the latter animal is the only one which has been naturalized in Japan. The establishment of tanks and canals for the irrigation of the rice-fields dates back to thirty-six years B. C. The tea-shrub was in- troduced from China. Tatsima Nori brought the orange from " the country of eternity." The cylture of the mulberry and the fabri- cation of silk date from the fifth century of our era. Two centuries later the Japanese learned to distinguish " the earth which re- places oil and wood for burning," and to extract silver from the mines of Tsousima. Several important inventions date from the third century : for example, the institu- tion of a horse post; making beer from rice, known under the name of saki; and the art 294 of sewing clothes, which was taught to the Japanese housewives by needlewomen who came from the kingdom of Petsi, in Corea. The Mikado, enchanted with the first attempt, and wishing to go to the fountain-head, sent an embassy to the chief of the Celestial Em- pire to ask him for needlewomen. In the fourth century the Dairi built, in various parts of Japan, rice stores, intended to prevent the recurrence of the famines which had more than once ravaged the population. In 543, the Court of Petsi sent a precious instrument to the Mikado — it was "the wheel which indicates the south." The introduction of hydraulic clocks took place in 660, and ten years later that of wheels worked by water-power. At the end of the eighth century a system of writing, proper to Japan, was invented, but from the third century the use of Chinese signs had been introduced at Court. Barbarous Customs. The obscurity in which ancient national literature is enveloped does not permit us to estimate its influence on civilization. It is all the more interesting to trace the bene- ficent action which the fine arts exercised upon the people. Human victims were im- molated at the funerals of the Mikado or of his wife, the Kisaki, and these victims were usually servants of the Court. In the year 3 B. C, Nomino Soukoune, a native sculptor, being informed of the death of the Kisaki, had the generous courage to present himself before his sovereign with clay images, which he proposed to him should be thrown into the tomb of his royal wife in place of the servants destined to the sacrifice. The Mikado accepted the offer of the humble modeller, and testified his satis- faction by changing his family name to that of Fasi, or " artist." JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. The laws remained as they still are, more barbarous and cruel than the customs. For example, the punishment of crucifixion was inflicted on noble women guilty of adultery. A whole series of measures admirably adapted for the rapid development of the genius of the nation, and for imbuing it with a true sense of its strength and individuality, is due to the political administration. In the year 86 B. C, the sovereign had census tables of the population made, and ship- building yards established. In the second century of our era he divided his States into eight administrative circles, and these circles into sixty-eight provinces. Names of Families and Titles. In the fifth century he sent an official into each province, charged with the collection and registration of the popular customs and traditions of every district. Thus the proper names of each family, and the titles and sur- names of the provincial dynasties, were fixed. An Imperial road was made between the principal cities, five in number, and the Mikado transported his Court successively into each. The most important, in the seventh century, was the city of Osako, on the eastern coast of the Inland Sea. In order to confer political union, and also unity of language, letters and general civilization, upon the country, a capital was indispensable, and this great want was sup- plied in the eighth century by the founda- tion of Kioto, which became the favorite city of the Mikado, and was his permanent resi- dence until the twelfth century. The city of Hiogo, whose secure and spacious harbor has been for years the centre of the maritime commerce of the Japanese Empire, is built on the coast of the basin of Idsoumi, opposite to the northeastern point of the island of Awadsi. At Hiogo the EMPRESS OF JAPAN. 295 296 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. junks from Simonasaki discharge their cargoes from China, the Liou-Kiou Islands, from Nagasaki, and from the western coast of Niphon, and even of Corea and Yeso, for the supply of the interior and the east of Japan. From these, thousands of other junks transport the agricultural produce and objects of art and industry of the southern provinces of Niphon to the islands of the Inland Sea. The Venice of Japan. The great and ancient city of Osaka is only eight hours' journey from Hiogo. It is the Venice of Japan. The palaces of the nobility occupy the quays which stretch along the principal arm of the river. All the rest of the town is composed of houses and shops belonging to the trading classes. Only a few old temples, more or less dilapi- dated, are to be seen. One of them, at the far end of the eastern suburb, has been placed by the Government of the Tycoon at the disposal of the foreign Embassies. A citadel, a mile in circumference, overlooks the northeastern portion of the city, and commands the Imperial high road to Kioto. From the year 744 to the year 1185 of our era the city of Osaka was the residence of the Mikados. They were well pleased to dwell amid its energetic, laborious and en- terprising population, to whom the empire chiefly owed the development of its com- merce and prosperity. But this was no longer the heroic epoch, when the Mikado, like the Doge of the Venetian Republic, em- barked upon his war-junk, and fulfilled in person the functions of High Admiral. He was no longer to be seen inspecting his troops, borne upon a litter upon the shoulders of four brave heralds, or com- manding the manoeuvres from the summit of a hill, sitting upon a stool, and holding in his right hand his iron fan. Such had been the representation of him in former times. At Osaka, the Mikado, who had reached the height of riches, power, and security, built a palace in the midst of a spacious park, which shut him out from the tumult of the city. His courtiers persuaded him that it was requisite for the dignity of the descend- ant of the sun that he should be invisible to the great body of his subjects, and should leave to princes and favorites the cares of government and the command of the army and the fleet. The Sovereign Secluded. The life of the Dairi was subject to cere- monial laws which regulated its smallest details and its least movements, and the sovereign dwelt within a circle inviolable by all ejtcept his courtiers. Imperial pomp henceforth rarely became visible to the people ; who, deceived in their dearest hopes, weary of the arbitrary rule of favorites, ven- tured at length to raise their voices, and their murmurs reached the ears of their sovereign. He did not convoke an assembly of notables, but he instituted certain bureaus, where the complaints of the people were registered. The courtiers, convinced that the dynasty of the descendants of the sun was in danger, carried away themselves and their Emperor to Kioto, a small town in the interior, on the north of Osaka. They succeeded in making this the permanent residence of the Mikados, and the capital, or miako, of the Empire. In abandoning the populous city, the great centre of commerce, of industry, and of in- tellectual activity, independent of the Dairi, they obtained the double advantage of cutting off all communications between the people and the sovereign and of moulding the new capital to their tastes, and for the convenience of their passions. EARLY HISTORY OF JAPAN. 207 Kioto is situated in a fertile plain, open to the south, and bounded to the northeast by a chain of green hills, behind which there is a great lake, called indifferently the lake of Oitz, or Oumi, the name of the two principal cities on its shores. It is said to offer some of the most beautiful views in Japan. The waters of a dozen rive.-s flow into it, and give rise to the Yodo-gawa, which runs to the south of" Kioto, and into the Inland Sea below Osaka. Canals in the Streets. Two affluents of the Yodo-gawa rise on the north of the capital, and flow beneath its walls, one to the east and the other to, the west. Thus Kioto is completely surrounded by a network of running water, which is utilized in irrigating the rice-fields, in the for- mation of canals in the streets of the city, and also in the tanks in the Imperial parks. \ In the neighborhood of Kioto, rice, sar- rasin, wheat, tea, the mulberry-tree, the cotton-plant, and an immense variety of fruit- trees and vegetables are cultivated. Groves of bamboos and laurels, chestnuts, pines, and cypress crown the hills. Springs are abund- ant. Thousands of birds — the falcon, the pheasant, the peewit, ducks, geese, and hawks of all kinds — abound in the country. Kioto is famed for the salubrity of its climate. It is one of those portions of the Empire least exposed to hurricanes and earthquakes. The successors of Zinmou could not have found a more propitious retreat in which to enjoy the fruits of the labors of their ances- tors ; to raise themselves to the rank of divinities upon the pedestal of the ancient traditions of their race, and to lose sight of the realities of human life. All these things they did so completely as to allow one of the greatest sceptres in the world to escape from their enervated hands. The descendant of the Kamis of Japan naturally became the chief of the national religion, which had no clergy. The Mikados created a hierarchy of functionaries, endowed with the sacerdotal character, and charged to preside over all the details of public worship. All the high dignitaries were chosen from the immediate and collateral members of the Imperial family. The same order of proceeding was ob- served generally in all that concerned the service of the palace and the important functionaries of the Dairi. The chiefs of the civil and military administrations were gradually more and more alienated from the Court properly so called, and the latter took an exclusively clerical stamp. Rivalry in Building Temples. So the capital of the Empire ended by presenting a strange spectacle. Nothing was to be seen there which had reference to the army, the navy, or the government of the country. All these were abandoned to the care of the functionaries employed in the various services, and scattered about in the provinces. On the other hand, all the sects which recognized the supremacy of the Mikado assembled their own dignitaries within his city of residence, and all vied with each other in building temples for their respective religions. Thus, when Buddhism, imported by monks from China, had made sure of the protection of the Mikado by paying him homage under the title of spiritual chief of the Empire, it speedily surpassed all that had been done in the capital to the honor and glpry of the Kami worship. The Japanese Buddhists endowed Kioto with the largest bell in the world, and with a temple no less unique of its kind. It is called the Temple of the Thirty-three Thousand 298 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. Three Hundred and Thirty-three, which is exactly the number of the idols which it ones, placed upon their heads and knees and upon the palms of their hands. VIEW OF KIOTO, JAPAN. contains. In order to make such a prodigy intelligible, it must be explained that the great statues support a multitude of small The temples or chapels of Kioto which belong to the ancient national religion still pneserve to a certain extent the simplicity EARLY HISTORY OF JAPAN. 29& which distinguishes them in the provinces. Some are consecrated to the seven celestial dynasties of the native mythology, others to the spirits of the earth, and others to the divinity of the Sun, Ten-sjoo-da'i-zin, or to her descendants, the first Mikados. The Kami worship towards the end of the seventeenth century had two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven mias in Kioto and its suburbs; but the Buddhist religion, in its different sects or ramifications, had no less than three thousand eight hundred and ninety-three temples, pagodas or chapels. There are no other monuments worthy of notice in this singular capital. Palaces of the Mikados. The palaces of the Dairi are numbered among the sacred edifices, both by reason of the style of their architecture and their purpose. They are enclosed within a circuit of walls occupying the northeastern portion of the city. Long lines of trees, of great height, which show above the distant roofs, give a vague idea of the extent and tran- quillity of the parks, in whose recesses the Imperial dwellings hide themselves from profane eyes and the noise of the city. As it frequently happens that the Mikado abdicates in favor of the hereditary prince, in order to end his days in absolute seclu- sion, a special palace is reserved for him, under such circumstances, in a solitary en- closure on the southeastern side of the Dairi. In the centre of the city there is a strong fort, whose ramparts are surmounted at inter- vals by square towers two or three stories high, intended to serve as a refuge for the Mikado in troublous times. The headquar- ters of the garrison of the Tycoon was established there in later days. The high dignitaries and functionaries, and the persons employed in the various residences of the Emperor and of his numerous family, may be counted by thou- sands. The number can never be exactly known, because the Court has the privilege of escaping the annual census. At all times the Japanese Government has occupied itself carefully with national statis- tics. In the holy city of the Empire, every individual is oiificially classed in the sect to which he declares himself to belong. In 1693 Kaempfer reports that the permanent population of Kioto, exclusive of the Court,, comprised 52,169 ecclesiastics, and 477,55/ lay persons; both one and the other were divided into twenty recognized sects, the most numerous of which included 159,113 adherents, and the least numerous, which was a sort of Buddhist confraternity, 289 members only. A Continuous Carnival. It must not be imagined that this enorm- ous development of sacerdotal life in the capital of Japan renders the city gloomy, or makes the public morals austere. Ex- actly the contrary is the case; the stories and pictures which exist in Kioto, and record what it was in the days of its prosperity,, produce the impression of a never-ending carnival. Let us suppose that we are reaching the holy city at sundown. Our ears will be assailed by a concert of instruments. On all the hills, which are covered with sacred groves, temples and convents, the bonzes and the monks are celebrating the evening office to the sound of drums and tambou- rines, copper gongs and brass bells. The faubourgs are illuminated with bright col- ored paper lanterns of all dimensions: the largest of cylindrical form, are suspended from the columns of the temples; the smaller, like globes, hang from the doors 300 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. of the inns and the galleries of the houses. The sacred edifices and profane establish- ments, which participate in this illumination, are so considerable in number, and so close together, that the whole quarter seems to be the scene of a Venetian fete. In the heart of the city a compact crowd of both sexes throngs the streets, which extend from the GREAT BELL OF KIOTO. north to the south, in the vicinity of the Dairi. The priests are there in great num- bers. Those of the Kami worship wear a little hat of black lacquered cardboard, sur- mounted with a sort of crest of the same color, and a small white cross. This curious head-dress has an appendage of very stiff ribbon which is tied behind the head and hangs down the back of the neck. It is the ancient national head-dress, which does not belong exclusively to the priests, but may be worn, with certain modifications prescribed by the sumptuary laws, by the nineteen officially titled classes of the popu- lation of Kioto. A wide simar, big trousers and great sword, which is probably only an ornamental weapon, completes the costume of the priests of the Kami temples. All the members of the Buddhist clergy, regular as ;vell as secular, have the head shaven and completely bare, with the ex- ception of certain orders who wear wide- brimmed hats. The habit is generally grey, but there are some black, brown, yellow and red, occasionally diversified by a scarf and breastplate or a surplice. A Curious Rock. Kioto boasts of certain hermits, saints who have made choice of the capital to retire from the world. The grateful citizens transform the cells of these monks into little storehouses of abundance. The most mys- terious of them is cut out of the front of a rock, and inhabited no one knows by whom or how ; but baskets of provisions are lifted up by an ingenious pulley over a great tank, which separates the rock from the public road. The annual /^to instituted in honor of the principal Kamis of Japan have no other sacred rites than the ceremonies of purifica- tion, and were introduced about the end oi the eighth century. On the day before the great solemnity the priests go in procession with lights to the temple, where the arms and other objects which belongs to the divine hero are kept in a precious reliquaiy called "Mikosi." According to clerical fiction, the Mikosi represents the terrestrial dwelling of the Kami — a kind of throne still preserved to 302 him in his earthly country — and each year it undergoes a radical purification. The reliquary is emptied and brought to the river: while a certain number of priests carefully wash it, others light great fires in order to keep away all evil genii ; and the Kagoura, or sacred choir, play softly in order to appease the spirit of the Kami, who is momentarily deprived of his earthly dwelling; nevertheless, they make no delay in restoring it to him, which is done by solemnly reinstating the relics in the reli- quary. As, however, the temple itself equally re- quires purification, the Mikosi does not re- enter it until this operation has been per- formed ; and during the entire /l/^, which is prolonged during several days, it is sheltered in a receptacle specially constructed for the purpose, and duly protected against evil spirits. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. festivals have another and worthier side, and one educational in its character. The historical cortege, a great procession of masked and costumed priests, represents various scenes taken from the lives of their heroes. These theatrical representations in the open air were accompanied by music, songs and pantomimic dances. Thus the fine arts and poetry are made interpreters of national traditions, and the people flock to receive the patriotic instruction with avidity. Showers of Hot Water. Should those dread things endeavor to pass through the ropes of rice-straw which bound the sacred enclosure, they would ex- pose themselves to showers of boiling holy -water, with which from time to time the dwelling of the Kami is sprinkled ; and woe to the evil spirits who should flutter in the air within reach of the Kami's guard of honor, for the priests who compose it are skilful horsemen and accomplished archers. The people applaud their evolutions, and fol- low with admiring eyes the arrows that they shoot into the clouds, and which fall within the enclosure of the holy place. Such are the ceremonies which lend a de- votional character to the festival. The in- fluence which Kami worship has had upon the development of the dramatic taste of the nation has not been produced, I need hardly say, by these puerile juggleries. The annual Annual Festivals. Sometimes an exhibition of trophies of arms, or groups of figures in clay, reproduc- ing the features and wearing the traditional costume of the principal Kamis, was added to the entertainment. They were placed on cars or on platforms of pyramidal form, rep- resenting the building, the bridge, the junk, or sacred place illustrated by the heroes whose memory was celebrated. Originally these annual festivals, which were called Matsouris, were limited to a small number of the most ancient cities in the Empire. Eight provinces only had the honor of pos- sessing Kamis. But, from the tenth century, every province, every district, every place of any importance wished to have its hero or its celestial patron. Finally, the number of Kamis reached three thousand one hundred and thiily-two, among whom a great difference was made in favor of the most ancient. Four hundred and ninety-two were distinguished under the title of "great Kamis," and the others received the name of " inferior Kamis." Thenceforth, Matsouris were held in all important places in Japan, and from one end to the other of the Empire a taste for heroic recitals and artistic enjoyments, allied to the love of country and manly qualities, was dif- fused. CHAPTER XVIII. THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. A COMPLETE and graphic description of Japan and the Japanese is fur- nished by M. Aime Humbert, Min- ister Plenipotentiary to Japan from the Swiss RepubHc. M. Humbert had pecu- liar advantages for studying the land of the Mikado and its people, and he records his facts and observations in a • manner that at once interests and captivates the reader. Speaking of the country and its surround- ings, he says : The Inland Sea of Japan is bounded by the southern coasts of Niphon, and the northern coasts of Kiousiou, and Sikoff. It is, however, more like a canal than A real mediterranean sea, being a communication established, at the height of the thirty-fourth degree of north latitude, between the Chinese Sea, or, more strictly, of the strait of Corea, on the western coast of Japan, and the great ocean which washes the southern and eastern shores of the same archipelago. The whole of the Japanese Mediterranean is sometimes known as the Sea of Souwo. Each of the provinces by which it is sur- rounded contains one or several "lordships," belonging to the feudal princes, who enjoy considerable independence, and generally ■derive large revenues from their estates. The Japanese Mediterranean, like the European sea so called, is divided into sev- eral basins. They are five in number, and are named from the most important of the provinces which overlook them, so that the Inland Sea bears five different names through- out its longitudinal course from west to east. In the midst of the natural wealth which surrounds them, the large, industrious, and intelligent population of the country parts of Japan have for their entire possessions only a humble shed, a few working implements, some pieces of cotton cloth, a few mats, a cloak of straw, a little store of tea, oil, rice, and salt ; for furniture, nothing but two or three cooking utensils ; in a word, only the strict necessaries of existence. All the remaining product of their labor belongs to the owners of the soil, the feudal lords. Temples Everywhere. The absence of a middle class gives a miserable aspect to the Japanese villages. Liberal civilization would have covered the borders of the Inland Sea with pretty ham- lets and elegant villas. The uniformity of the rustic dwellings is broken by temples, but they are to be distinguished at a distance only by the vast dimensions of their roofs, and by the imposing effect of the ancient trees which are almost always to be found in their vicinity. Buddhist pagodas, which are lofty towers with pointed roofs, adorned with galleries on each floor, are much less com- mon in Japan than in China. On entering the basin of Hiago, we came in sight of a town of some importance, on the coast of Sikoff; it is called Imabari. A vast sandy beach, which is rarely to be found in Japan, stretched back to a kind of suburb, in which we could discern a busy concourse of people, apparently carrying on market busi- ness. Above the strand were fertile plains, 303 304 whose undulating lines were lost in the mist at the foot of a chain of mountains bathed in sunshine. The principal peaks of this chain are from 3,000 to 4,800 feet in height. Fortifications, or rather mounds of earth, behind which shone several banners, pro- tected the batteries posted in front of the port. Some soldiers, standing in a group on the shore, followed our corvette with their eyes. There was nothing remarkable in the aspect of the town, except the sacred palaces, adorned by gigantic trees. A Famous Prince. Some time afterwards we passed, within rifle-range, a large Japanese steamer, which our pilot, whom we consulted, and who judged from the colors of the flag, informed us was the property of the Prince of Tosa. His estates are situated in the southern por- tion of the island of Sikoff", and they bring him in a very large annual revenue. Most probably he was returning from a conference of the feudal party held in the city of Kioto, at the court of the Hereditary Emperor of Japan, and had embarked at Hiogo, in order to regain his own province by the Boungo canal. What were his sentiments on be- holding a strange corvette cleaving the waters of the Inland Sea ? Does he flatter himself that he can repel the civilization of the West by the arms which it places at his disposal ? Does he know whither steam will lead him ? A little before sunset we saw, on the coast of Sikoff, a feudal castle, remarkable for its picturesque site upon the summit and the sides of a wooded hill, at whose feet a rustic hamlet seemed to shelter itself under the pro- tection of the ancient lordly towers. It is the Castle of Marougama, the residence of Prince Kiogoko Sanoke, whose revenues are valued at ^200,000. The castles of the Da'imios are generally at JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. a distance from the town and villages. They are composed, in most instances, of a vast quadrangular enclosure, within thick and lofty walls, surrounded by a moat, and flanked at the corners, or surmounted at intervals throughout their extent by small square towers with slightly sloping roofs. In the interior are the park, the gardens, and the actual residence of the Daimio, com- prising a main dwelling and numerous de- pendencies. Sometimes a solitary tower, of a shape similar to 'the other buildings, rises in the middle of the feudal domain, and rears itself three or four stories higher than the external wall. Imposing Edifices. As in the case of the Chinese pagodas, each story is surrounded by a roof, which, however, but seldom supports a gallery. All the masonry is rough, and joined by cement; the woodwork is painted red and black, and picked out with copper orna- ments, which are sometimes polished, but sometimes laden with verdigris. The tiles of the roof are slate • color. In general, richness of detail is less aimed at than the general effect resulting from the grandeur and harmony of the proportions of the buildings. In this respect, some of the seignorial residences of Japan deserve to figure among the remarkable architectural monuments of the peoples of Eastern Asia. We anchored in a bay of the island of Souyousima, at the southern point of the province of Bitsiou, and at the entrance of the basin of Arima. We were surrounded by mountains, at whose feet twinkled many lights shining in from houses. The stillness was unbroken, save by the distant barking of dogs. Next morning, very early, we were ploughing the peaceful waters of the Ari- manado. This basin is completely closed THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. 305 on the east by a single island, which divides it from the Idsouminada by a length of thirty miles. It is in the form of a triangle, whose apex, turned towards the north, faces the province of Arima, on the island of Niphon. This is the beautiful island of Awadsi, which was the dwelling-place of the gods, and the cradle of the national mythology of the Japanese. The low lands at its southern extremity are covered with a luxuriant vege- tation, and the soil rises gently into culti- vated or wooded hills until they touch the boundaries of a chain of mountains from 300 to 700 yards in height. Awadsi belongs to the Prince of Awa, whose annual revenue amounts to ^8qo,ooo. It is separated from the island of Sikoff on the west, by the passage of Naruto, and the island of Niphon on the east, by the Strait of Linschoten. Dangerous Channel. The greater number of the steamers which cross the Japanese Mediterranean from west to east, pass from the basin of Arima into that of Idsoumi, where they generally touch at the important commercial town of Hiogo ; and from thence they enter the great ocean by the Strait of Linschoten. That passage of Naruto which leads directly from the basin of Arima into the great ocean is shorter than the former ; it is, however, much less frequented, because it is consid- ered a dangerous channel for high-decked vessels. We saw the coasts drawing nearer and nearer to us, as we descended, towards the south-west corner of this triangular piece of land. At the same time a promontory of the island of Sikoff rose above the horizon on our right, and seemed to stretch continu- ously onward in the direction of Awadsi. 20 Very soon we found ourselves m a passage from whence we could distinctly see the beautiful vegetation of the coast of Sikoff and the coast of Awadsi. At length we saw the gates of the Strait : on the left, rocks surmounted by pines, forming the front of the island of Awadsi ; on the right, a solitary rock, or islet, also bearing a few pines, forming the fiont of the island of Sikoff. Between them th^ sea, like a bar of breakers, though the weather was calm : afar, the undulating ocean, with- out a speck of foam ; the tossing of the waves in the passage being solely the result of the violence of the current. Myriads of Birds. All around us, on the waves and at the foot of the rocks, were thousands of sea- birds, screaming, fluttering and diving for the prey which the sea, stirred to its depths by the current, was perpetually tossing up to them. Several fishing-boats were out, not on the canal — that would have been impossible — but behind the rocks, in the creeks of the little solitary islet and of Sikoff. Below Awadsi, the united waters of the two straits of Naruto arid Linschoten form the canal of Kino, which washes the shores of the province of Awa, on Sikoff, and of the province of Kisou, on Niphon. We sailed for some time yet in sight of the latter; then the land disappeared from our eyes, and we soon perceived, by the wide-rolling motion of the waves, that we were on: the outer sea, in the immense domain of the great ocean. I occupied myself, during the whole eve- ning, in recalling the recollections of my journey; and I could find nothing out of Switzerland to compare with the effect of the beautiful Japanese scenery. Since then, several Japanese, travelling in Switzerland, have told me that no other country awakened 306 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. so vividly the remembrance of their own. Still more frequently I transported myself in fancy to one or other of the archipelagoes of the Souwonada, earnestly desiring the advent of that hour when the breath of liberty will give them, in the Far East, the importance which formerly belonged, in Europe, to the Archipelago of the Mediter- ranean. They cannot be blended into a general impression. Nothing is less uniform than the scenery of the shores of the Inland Sea. It is a series of pictures which vary infinitely, according to the greater or less proximity of the coasts, or to the aspect of the islands on the horizon. There are grand marine scenes, where the lines of the sea blend with sandy beaches sleeping under the golden rays of the sun; while in the distance, the misty mountains form a dim background. Japanese Scenery. There are little landscapes, very clear, trim and modest: a village at the back of a peaceful bay, surrounded by green fields, over which towers a forest of pines ; j ust as one may see by a lake in the Jura on a fine morning in June. Sometimes, when the basins contracted, and the islands in front seemed to shut us in, I remembered the Rhine above Boppart. The Japanese scenery is, however, more calm and bright than the romantic land- scapes to which I allude. The abrupt slopes, the great masses of shade, the shift- ing lines, are replaced by horizontal levels; by a beach, a port and terraces ; in the dis- tance are rounded islands, sloping hills, conical mountains. These pictures have ■their charms: the imagination, no less than the eye, rests in the contemplation of them; but it would seek in vain that melancholy attraction which, according to the notions of European taste, seems inseparable from the enjoyment. Laying aside the question of the pictu- resque, which is not the essential element of our relations with the Far East, I hope that, sooner or later, a chain of Western colonies will be formed at Japan, peacefully developing the natural and commercial re- sources of that admirable country, along a line marked by Yokohama, Hiogo, Simono- saki and Nagasaki. It might have a regular service of steamers. Fine Summer Resorts. The trading steamers of America, as well as those of China, might maintain the rela- tions of the two worlds with the King of the Archipelagoes of the Great Ocean. Euro- peans, weary of the tropical climate or the burthen of business in China, might seek pure and strengthening air, and pass some weeks of repose on the shores of the Japa- nese Mediterranean. How many families settled in China, how many wives and chil- dren of Europeans, would be delighted to profit, during the trying summer months, by this refuge, as beautiful and salubrious as Italy, and yet near their actual home ! But while imagination, forestalling the march of time and the triumphs of civiliza- tion, evokes the charms of a European society from the bosom of the isles of the Souwonada, I must acknowledge that I privately congratulated myself on having seen the Japanese Mediterranean in its primitive condition, while one may still "discover" something, and has to ask the pilots the names of the islands, the moun- tains and the villages, and to cast anchor for the night in some creek called "fair port" by the natives. Having doubled the southern point of the great island of Niphon, that is, the promon- 308 tory of Idsoumo, situated at the southern extremity of the principality of Kisou, we sailed, during a whole day with the current which the Japanese call Kouro-Siwo, which runs from southwest to northeast, at the rate of from thirty-five, to forty miles a day. A Pleasant Sail. The weather was fine, and the sea a shin- ing emerald-green. I passed many hours on the poop, in stillness and vague contem- plation. For the first time I enjoyed the pleasure of sailing. The silence which reigned on board added to the majestic effect of the ship, laden up to the summit of her masts with her triple wings of white. It was as though the fires had been extinguished, and the noise of the engines hushed, that we might present ourselves more respectfully at the gates of the residence of the Tycoons. But when night fell, the fires were lighted again, in case of accident; for the land-winds frequently cause much trouble to the ships in the Gulf of Yeddo. At daybreak, we came within sight of six small mountainous islands, which looked like signals set up at the entrance of this vast arm of the sea. The sun rose, and presented, amid the salt mists of the horizon, that image of a scarlet globe which forms the national arms of Japan. His earliest rays lighted up Cape -Idsou, on the mainland of Niphon, whilst in the east we beheld the smoke of the two craters of the island of Ohosima. At the head of a bay in the promontory of Idsou is situated the town of Simoda, the first, but the least important of the commercial places to which we come when sailing up the Gulf of Yeddo. The Americans obtained an authorization to found an establishment there in 1854. Some time afterwards the harbor of Simoda was destroyed by an earthquake, and no mention was made of that place in the treaties of 1858. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. A number of fishing-boats are to be seen on the coast, and several three-masted vessels are going to the mainland of Niphon and the surrounding islands. The scene is full of life, and sparkling with brilliant and harmo- nious color ; the wide sky is a splendid azure ; the pale green sea has no longer the sombre hues of the great deeps, but shines with the limpid brightness which character- izes it upon the rocky coasts of Japan. The isles are decked in the brilliant foliage of the spring ; the harsh brown of the rocks is streaked with shades of ochre ; and the white sails of the native barques, the snow-crests of Myakesima, and the smoke from the craters of Ohosima, complete the beautiful marine scene. The " Matchless Mountain." Having reached the " Bay of the Missis- sippi," we made out, for the first time, the summit of Fousi-yama, the " Matchless Mountain," an extinct volcano 12,450 feet above the level of the sea. It is fifty nautical miles from the coast, on the west of the bay,, and except for the chain of the Akoni hills at its base, completely isolated. The effect of this immense solitary pyramid, covered with eternal snow, surpasses descrip- tion. It lends inexpressible solemnity to the scenery of the Bay of Yeddo., already more sombre than that of the gulf, by reason of the closer proximity of the shores, the somewhat sandy hue of the sea-water, and the immense quantity of cedars, pines, and other dark- foliaged trees which crown the crests of all the hills along the coast. At length we double Point Treaty, a picturesque promontory where the conven- tion between Commodore Perry and the Commissioners of the Tycoon was signed; and all of a sudden, behind this promontory, we see the quays and the city of Yokohama ^ ■ ,— 1 . i ..»..^ y ■■L ii GREAT BRONZE STATUE OF BUDDHA KAMAKURA, JAPAN,. THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. 309 stretching along a marshy beach, bounded on the south and west by a ring of wooded hills. A score of ships of war, and merchant vessels, English, Dutch, French, and Ameri- can, are lying out in the roads, almost oppo- site the " foreign quarter," which may easily be recognized by its white houses and con- sular flags. Native junks are lying at anchor at some distance from the jetties of the port and the store houses of the Custom House. We pass by these slowly, and steam at half speed in front of the Japanese city, in which all the houses, except a certain number of shops, are built of wood, and seem to have ■only one story above the ground floor. Named From a Sea-Goddess. When we had come opposite to the Benten quarter, situated at the extremity of the beach of Yokohama, and at the mouth of a wide river, our corvette anchored. That portion of the Japanese city of Yoko- hama which is called Benten derives its name from a sea-goddess, who is worshipped in an island situated to the northwest of our resi- dence. Before the arrival of the Europeans, this sacred place was surrounded only by a small town, in which dwelt fishermen and agriculturists, separated by a swamp from the not less modest little town of Yokohama. Now, quays, streets, modern buildings, have invaded the entire space which extends from the promontory of the " Treaty " to the river, from which we are divided only by a range of Japanese barracks and a guard- house. Among the streets which extend to the sea-beach from Benten, there is one shaded by a plantation of firs; and on passing through the municipal barrier which the police keep open during the day and shut at night, the stranger finds himself in front of a long avenue of fir trees, headed by a sacred gate called a Tori. It is composed of two pillars slightly inclined towards each other ; so that they would meet at last at an acute angle, if at a certain elevation their pyramidal development were not checked; and joined by two horizontal transverse beams, of which the uppermost is the thicker, and is curved upwards at both ends. The tori invariably announces the vicinity of a temple, a chapel, or a sacred place of some sort. A grotto, a waterfall, a gigantic tree, a fantastic rock, all things which we prosaically call natural curiosities, a Japanese regards with pious veneration or with super- stitious fear, according to whether he be more or less governed by the Buddhist demon- ology ; and the bonzes of the country, priestly attendants of the temples, never fail to give tangible form to this popular tendency, by erecting a tori close to each remarkable place. Avenue of Trees. The pine trees in the Benten avenue are lofty, slender and for the most part bent by the continuous action of the sea-breezes. At regular distances long poles are nailed upon them crosswise, on Which, on festival days, the bonzes hang inscriptions, wreaths , and swinging banners. The avenue ends in a second tori, which, with due regard to perspective, is not so lofty as the first. On approaching it, one is surprised to find that the avenue makes a sudden bend and prolongs itself on the right. Here all is mystery; a waste ground, cov- ered with rank grasses, bushes and slender pines with aerial foliage; on the left, the calm transparent water of a little gulf formed by an arm of the river; in front is a wooden bridge, built in a style of severe elegance, wide and excessively curved; behind this bridge is a third tori, thrown out against 310 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. the thick foliage of a -grove of fine trees. The whole forms a strange picture, with something in it that excites a secret appre- hension. This bridge, whose pillars are decorated^ with ornaments in copper, finally admits us to the sacred place. The third tori, bearing on its summit an inscription in gold letters on kneel who come to worship before the altar of the goddess. Should the temple be empty, one of the bonzes in attendance may be summoned by shaking a long strip of woolen stuff that hangs beside the entrance, with a bunch of pebbles attached to it. The bonze comcj. out of his retreat immediately, and proceeds. ■^- /v J^Ji ' ^- VIEW OF YOKOHAMA. a black ground, is entirely built of fine granite of remarkable whiteness ; and the tombs, which are tastefully disposed on the left side of the avenue, are constructed of the same material. The temple, almost en- tirely hidden by the branches of the cedars and pines which surround it, faces us ; but the mysterious gloom hardly permits us to discern the flight of steps on which the people according to the requirements of the visitor, to give him advice, to distribute tapers or amulets, to undertake to recite prayers, in fact to perform any of the ceremonies of" worship ; — of course for the consideration of a fee. As a Japanese, before he presents himself at the sanctuary, must wash and dry his. hands and face, in a small chapel, at some THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. 311 distance from the temple, on the right, is a basin containing the holy water intended for ablutions, and napkins of silk crape sus- pended on a roller, like the hand-towels in a sacristy. One of two chapels close by con- tains the big drum which serves the purpose of a bell for the temple, the other the volun- tary offerings of the faithful. The bonzes who serve the temple of Benton do not appear to live in opulence. Their attire is generally dirty and neglected ; and the ex- pression of their faces is stupid, sullen, and malevolent towards strangers, who are glad to keep at a respectful distance from these holy persons. A Singular Orchestra. I had only one opportunity of seeing them officiate ; it was on the occasion of a proces- sion on their local festival day. On ordinary days, it appears, that they merely give audiences ; and I have rarely seen men resort to their ministrations. Their habitual clients are peasant women, fishermen, and casual pilgrims. But I have frequently heard, at sunset, the beating of the tambourines, which, except at great solemnities, form the whole orchestra of the temple of Benten. The bonzes perform interminable music on this monstrous instrument, always in the same rhythm ; four equal loud notes, followed by four equal deep notes, and so on, for hours together, probably the length of time required for driving away the evil influences. Nothing can exceed the melancholy impres- sion produced by this deep-sounding noise, when, in the silence of the night, it blends with the sighing of the great cedar-trees and the booming of the sea. It oppresses one like a nightmare. But indeed it may be said that the religion which finds expres- sion in such customs weighs on the mind of the people like a dream, full of uneasiness and vague terror and destitute of every ele- ment of good cheer and hope. Far from being natural religion, paganism is the enemy of human nature, the religion of denaturalized man ; and thence it is that, seen in action, it fills one with an indescrib- JAPANESE BONZE. able pain, an instinctive repulsion which seems to me to come from that especial characteristic, rather than to be the effect of our Christian education. The obligatory accompaniments of the Japanese temples are tea-houses or restau- rants, at which tea is principally supplied, 312 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. but where saki, a fermented and highly in- toxicating drink, may be had. The eatables are fruits, fish, rice or wheaten cakes ; and everyone smokes. The pipes are metal ; the tobacco is very finely cut, and free from all narcotic admixture : opium-smoking is un- known in Japan. These establishments, where women are the attendants, and where external propriety is strictly observed, are, for the most part, immoral. This is espe- cially the case in respect to those which are situated in the vicinity of the toris at' Ben- ten, a circumstance which probably dates from a period at which the little island dedi- cated to the patroness of the sea still at- tracted a considerable number of pilgrims. Residences of Officials. At present the altar of the goddess is singularly neglected; but there is a great military station in the neighborhood, with which the rule of the Tycoon — that of the: sword — has endowed the city of Yokohama. It occupies the entire space between the; island of Benten and our dwelling. The quarter of the "Yakounines is com- posed of the residences of government officers employed in the .Customs, of the harbor police and that of other public places, of the Military Instruction, of the guard of the Japanese city, and the superintendents of the "free quarter." The Yakounines have no outward and visible sign of their functions except a large pointed hat of lacquered pasteboard, and two swords passed through the girdle on the left side: one of these is large and two-handled; the other, a kind of blade intended for single combpt, is small. These are the only war- like po'nts in the equipment of these func- tionaries. They number several hundreds, they are almost all married, each has his separate lodging, and all seem to be placed on a footing of equality in this respect. It is not uninteresting to study the means which the Government of the Tycoon has adopted for organizing this army of func- tionaries into a kind of camp, while retain- ing their domestic surroundings. This has been effected to a certain extent by the ap- plication of the cellular system to family life. Let the reader picture to himself a collec- tion of wooden buildings, forming a long square, a lofty wooden wall towards the street ; low doors at regular intervals, each giving access to a court, which contains a small garden, a -water cistern, a kitchen and other offices. Across the yard, on the ground floor, lies a spacious cell, which may be subdivided into two or three rooms by means of sliding partitions ; the court and the cell comprise the lodging of a Yakou- nine family. Deserted Streets. Each of the long blocks of which the streets in this quarter are composed encloses at least a dozen of these dwellings, six ranged side by side, and then six back to back with the others. The cells are all roofed with green tiles, and no roof is more lofty than another. The Yakounine quarter is a triumph of straight lines and uniformity. The streets are generally empty, because the men pass the greater part of the day at the Custom House or the guard-houses ; and during the absence of its head, every family keeps itself within its narrow enclosure. Even the door, which is so low that one must stoop to pass through, is generally shut during this time of seclusion. This custom is, however, in one way, analogous to the precaution with which Turk- ish jealousy surrounds women. It arises from the position which Japanese habits as- THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. ;i3 sign to the fathers of families. In each, his wife beholds her lord and master. In his presence she attends to her domestic duties with perfect ease and simplicity, caring noth- ing for the presence of a stranger. In his absence she observes an extreme reserve, which we might be tempted to attribute to modesty, but which is more truthfully ex- plained by the dependence and intimidation imposed on her by marriage. Custom of Giving Presents. By degrees neighborly relations were established between our residences and the Yakounine quarter. In Japan, as elsewhere, small presents encourage friendship. We sent some white sugar and some Java coffee to certain families where we learned there were sick persons, or women in childbed, and these small offering were gratefully re- ceived. One day, when I was alone in the house, between four and five o'clock in the after- noon, the Mowban came to announce the arrival of a feminine deputation from the Yakounine quarter, and to ask me whether he should send them away. These, ladies had been authorized by their husbands to make their acknowledgments in person, but they had profited by the opportunity to ex- press their wish to examine our European furniture. I told the porter that I would gladly undertake to do the honors of the house to them. Presently I heard the clicking of a number of wooden shoes on the gravel walk in the garden, and, looking towards the foot of the verandah staircase in front of the saloon, I saw a group of smiling faces, among which I distinguished four married women, two young girls, and several children of all ages. The former were remarkable for the plainness of their dress ; no ornament in the hair, jio light stuffs or bright colors in their garments, no paint on their faces, but their teeth painted as black as ebony, as is becoming to all married women, according to Japanese ideas. The young girls, on the contrary, show off the natural whiteness of their teeth by a layer of carmine on their lips, put rouge on their cheeks, braid their thick hair with strips of scarlet crape, and wear wide girdles of many colors. The children's dress is simply a plain garment and a striped sash ; they never wear any head-dress, and their heads are shaven, except a few locks, some hang- ing loose, others tied together and arranged as a chignon. Removed Their Shoes. After the customary salutations, the ora- tors of the deputation — for three or four always spoke simultaneously — said many pretty things to me in Japanese, to which I replied in French, while I made signs to the company to enter the drawing-room. It was quite clear that they had understood me ; I could not mistake the expression of thanks; and yet, instead of ascending the staircase, they seemtd to be asking me for an explan;*- tion of some sort. At length my fair friends perceived my embarrassment, and, by add- ing gestures to language, asked me, " Ought we to take oiif our shoes in the garden, or will it suffice if we take them off in the veranda?" I pronounced in favor of the latter alter- native, and my guests immediately ascended the stairs, removed their shoes and placed them in a line upon the floor, and then glee- fully trod the carpets of the drawing-room — the children with bare feet, the grown-up persons in socks made of cotton-cloth, divided into two unequal compartments, one for the great toe, and the other for the rest 314 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. of the foot. This is another peculiarity of Japanese dress. Their first impression was innocent admira- tion, to which general laughter succeeded when they all found themselves reflected at full length , and on all sides, in the long mirrors which came down to the floor. While the younger menibers of the party indulged themselves in unwearied contem- plation of a scene at once so novel and so JAPANESE AT TEA. attractive, the matrons asked me the mean- ing of the pictures which adorned the room. I explained that they represented the Tycoon of Holland and his wife, and also several great Daimois, or princes of the reigning family. They bowed respectfully, but one of them, whose curiosity was not satisfied, said, timidly, that she supposed they had also taken the portrait of his Dutch Majesty's groom. I took care not to undeceive her, because she would not have understood that it could be correct to represent a prince standing beside his saddle-horse and holding it by the bridle. Others, having attentively examined the vel- vet sofas and arm-chairs, told me how a dis- pute had arisen between them respecting the use of those articles of furniture. They agreed as to the easy chairs ; it was, no doubt, intended that they should be sat upon — but the sofas? Surely one ought to squat on thfem with crossed legs, especi- ally when eating at the table in front of them. They sincere- ly pitied the gentle- men and ladies of the West, condemned to make such inconve- nient use of these ar_ tides, and actually to sit with their legs hanging down. My room, being open and on the same level, was speedily- invaded, and almost everjrthing in it was a subject of aston- ishment to my visi- tors, who were none the less daughters of Eve because they were born in Japan. They were particularly de- lighted with a set of uniform buttons bearing the Swiss federal cross, according to the military rule of my country. I had to give them, some of these buttons, though I could not imagine to what use they could possibly apply them, since all Japanese garments, for the use of both sexes are simply fastened by- silken strings. THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. 315 The gift of a few articles of Parisian per- fumery was highly appreciated, but I praised Eau de Cologne quite unsuccessfully. Cam- bric handkerchiefs are unknown in Japan. I showed them some specimens, very prettily embroidered by the gentlewomen of Appen- zell; but they explained to me that, though the gentility of Tokio might perhaps use them as cuffs for their wide and flowing night-robes, not the lowest woman of the people would hold in her hand or carry in her pocket a piece of stuff in which she had blown her nose. There is, therefore, no chance at present that the little squares of paper, made from vegetable substances, which they cany in a fold of the dress, in the breast, or in a pocket in the sleeve, and which are thrown away as each is success- ively used, will be supplanted by our bar- barous method. Eau de Cologne, however, might be- used with advantage to counteract the briny flavor of the well-water which is drunk at Benten. Mode of \Vriting. Another point on which my visitors seemed to regard the superiority of Japanese civiliza- tion as incontestable, is their method of writ- ing. The Japanese uses a brush, a stick of Chinese ink, and a roll of paper made from mulberry leaves. He carries those things about with him everywhere : the roll of paper is placed in his breast; the brush and the inkstand hang in a case from his girdle, together with his pipe and his tobacco-bag. In order to regain my advantage, I ex- hibited a case containing an assortment of sewing cotton, needles, and pins, and begged the lady Yakounines to use them. They unanimously acknowledged the imperfection of the working materials of their country, where the sewing-machine is unknown. Needlework does not occupy in Japan any place like that which it takes in our middle- class households ; it is never produced dur- ing the long gossiping visits which the Japanese women interchange. As in Eu- rope men have recourse to the cigar, so in Japan they season their conversation with pipes. The visit ended by my giving the children some prints representing Swiss landscapes and costumes, and showing their elders a photographic album containing likenesses of all the members of my family, which they examined with more than interest, with really touching emotion. It is within the domain of the natural affections that the unity, the identity of the human race in every clime and among every people, makes itself most sensibly felt. "The Whole World Akin." What signifies diversity of idiom in the presence of that universal language which translates itself by the expression of the eye, by a tear upon the eyelid, by sweet and touching intonations of the voice, like Men- delssohn's " Songs without Words ? " The traveller is, in the sight of all primitive peoples, a being who deserves the deepest pity, for he is separated from all that consti- tutes the charm of life — the family, the paternal roof, the country of his ancestors. Religious admiration would be mingled with the compassion he inspires if he had left his country to accomplish a pious pil- grimage in a distant land, but that a man should cross the seas merely in the interest of terrestrial objects is a thing incomprehen- sible to the Japanese. They might admit the notion of my being a political exile, the victim of the severity of my Government; but when they learn that I am neither a pilgrim nor proscribed, astonishment min- gled with a kind of fright is added to their 316 artless sympathy and they appear to consider me an object of pity. All good people who compose the popu- lation of the beach accost me in the friendliest manner. The children bring me beautiful glistening shells, and the women do their best to make me understand the culinary properties of the hideous little marine mon- sters which they pile up in their baskets. This spontaneous kindhness and cordiality is a characteristic common to all the lower classes of Japanese society. More than once, when I have been going on foot about the suburbs of Nagasaki or Yoko- hama, the country people have invited me to step inside their little enclosures. Japanese Hospitality. Then they would show me their flowers, and cut the best among them to make up a bouquet for me. It was always in vain that I offered them money ; they never accepted it, and were not satisfied until I had crossed their threshold and partaken of tea and rice- cakes with them. Spring is the most tempting season for exploring the coasts of the Bay of Yeddo. From the heights on its borders the inland scene, stretching away to the foot of Fousi- yama, presents an uninterrupted succession of wooded hills and cultivated valleys, diver- sified by rivers or gulfs, which at a distance look Uke lakes. The villages on their banks are half hidden in rich foliage, and large farms, approached by shady roads, may be traced out at various points of the land- scape. The precocity of the vegetation in the rice- grounds and on the cultivated hills, the quan- tity of evergreen trees on every side, deprives the springtide of Japan of that fresh and bud- ding aspect which is one of its chief beauties elsewhere. And yet, where can be found a JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. more luxuriant spring vegetation, more rich in beautiful details ? All along the hedges, in the orchards, and about the villages, tufbs of flowers and foliage of dazzling hue stand out against the dark tints of a background of pines, firs, cedars, cypress, laurels, green oak, and bamboos. Here we find the great white flowers of the wild mulberry; there, camelias growing in the open country, as tall as our apple trees ; everywhere, cherry trees, plum trees, peach trees, generally laden with double flowers, some quite white, others bright red, and sometimes white and red on the same branches ; for many of the Japanese do not care at all for the fruit of these trees, but cultivate and graft them merely for the sake of the double flowers, and to vary or combine the species. The Tufted Bamboo. The bamboo, much employed in the ca- pacity of a support to these trees, frequently lends his elegant foliage to the branches of young fruit trees which have no other adorn- ment than their bunches of flowers. But I love the bamboo most when it grows in soH- tary groups, like a tuft of gigantic reeds. There is nothing more picturesque in the whole landscape than these tall green pol- ished stems, with their golden streaks and their tufted tops, and all around the chiefs the young slender offshoots with their feathered heads, and a multitude of long leaves streaming in the wind like thousands of fluttering pennons. The bamboo groves are favorite subjects of study with the Japanese painters, whether they limit themselves to reproduce the grace- ful lines and harmonious effects, or enliven the picture by adding some of the Uve ^ creatures which seek their verdant shelter — ^the little birds, the butterflies, and, in <^ < 1-3 > I— I < o fl( p o THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. 317 lonely places, the weasel, the ferret, the black squirrel, and the red-faced brown monkey. All the waysides are bordered with violets, but they are scentless. The country pro- duces a very small number of odoriferous plants, and it is remarkable that the lark, the nightingale, and other singing birds are very rare. Perhaps the lack of perfume and of song, in the midst of all the wealth of a luxuriant vegetation, helps to diminish the effect upon the imagination which it seems to me Japanese scenery ought to produce. It is certain that in contemplating it one (Joes not experience that sense of- dreamy exalta- tion and tenderness which is produced by the sight of a European landscape in the spring- time, when nature is waking up. Without going into the question of the extent to which our sensibility is fed by the remembrance of childhood, and the tradi- tional ideas which find no application in the world of the Far East, I think the cooling of our enthusiasm may be accounted for by the fact that, in Japan, nature is over-cultivated. Excess of Cultivation. With the exception of the forests and other plantations of trees, which the govern- ment maintains with praiseworthy care, the entire soil is invaded by cultivation to an ex- tent which almost defies description. Early in April the fields outside the woods are covered with buckwheat in full flower. In four or five weeks' time, on the lower ground, they will be reaping the barley and wheat sown in November. In Japan they sow corn as we plant potatoes, that is in re- gular, perfectly straight rows, and between each of these there is an interval of free space in which is already sprouting a pecu- liar species of beans, which will spring up when the field shall have been reaped. That green surface which might be taken for sprouting corn is a field of millet, which was sown in March and will be ripe in Septem- ber. Millet is eaten by the natives in as large quantities as wheat ; they grind it into flour, and make cakes or porridge of it. On an adjacent plain there is a laborer till- ing the ground by means of a sniall plough drawn by one horse. In the fertile soil he will sow the seed of the cotton-tree, and in September or October each seed will have produced a plant two or three feet high, laden with twenty capsules arrived at matur- ity. Several white birds of the stork or heron family seem to be working in concert with the agriculturist ; they follow him about gravely, and, by plunging their long beaks into the half-opened furrow, they destroy the larva which the plough has just turned up. How Rice is Cultivated. In the depth of the valley are rice-grounds, which were laid under water about a month 3'go> tiy the opening of the sluice-gates of the irrigation canals. While in this state, the soil is broken up by the plough, and trodden by the feet of the buffaloes and the laborers ; the latter treading up to their calves in the clay, and breaking the stubborn clumps with pickaxes. When the earth has been mashed into a kind of liquid paste, men and women go step by step along the dykes of the enclosure, and throw in hand- fuls of seed upon the square spaces destined to form the nursery ground. Then these are turned over with a kind of rake, in order to distribute and bury the seed. Now the water has subsided, the nursery ground puts forth its thick, close crop, and the cultivators tear it up, roots and stems together, to transplant them carefully in the large squares of soft earth which have not yet been utilized, in tufts arranged in a 318 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. chequered pattern at regular intervals. There the rice will grow and ripen, to be cut in the month of October. Until then it has to dread the pretty little red and white breasted birds which fall like hail on the grain-laden stems, shake the ripe fruit to the ground, and set to their work of pillage with shrill notes of joy, dancing on their little feet after a fashion full of charm for the impartial observer, but which inspires prevention, provided that it is kept in incess- ant motion. This is the task of a boy, who, when there is not sufficient wind to shake the net, pulls the cord attached to it, like a bell- rope, and thus keeps it going. The child sits in a lofty seat, perched on four bamboos, under a little roof formed of reeds. Several kinds of rice are grown in Japan. That of the plains is the most highly esteemed : that of the hills does not require CASTLE AT MATSUYAMA, JAPAN. the proprietor with far different feelings. The persecuted rice-growers resort to all kinds of scarcecrows, which they set up at the most seriously menaced points, but without much apparent effect upon the morals of the thriv- ing birds. In one place, a complete network of cords of plaited straw, garnished with swinging appendages of the same material, is fixed on poles, and extended above the rice-field, forming a perfectly efficacious method of to be so long submerged as the former, but I have seen it subjected, in the spring, to processes of irrigation which have cost much labor ; in the formation of reservoirs on the upper level of the hill, and the establishment of numerous canals, discharging themselves upon all the terraces prepared for rice culture. Each terrace thus converted into a rice- ground will bear, next autumn, wheat or millet. The Japanese may perhaps clear some mountain-land now and then, but they THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE. 319 •will never leave land capable of being tilled, fallow. The tea-plant is not cultivated in our dis- trict. It is occasionally met with under certain favorable circumstances, but the real tea-districts are several days' journey north and west of the bay. We are much nearer to the silk-growing districts, and there would be nothing to prevent the development of this industry in our immediate vicinity, if there were sufficient space for the cultivation of the mulberry-tree. It strikes me, in short, that the population by whom I am surrounded, and the inhabi- tants of the southern coasts of Niphon generally, leave to the natives of the interior the production of the most valuable articles of commerce, such as silk, tea, and even cotton, which is not very abundant on our coasts; while they devote themselves some to fishing and water-carriage, and others to agriculture in its strict sense — the production of cereals and leguminous and oleaginous plants ; also to horticulture, and the growth of flax, straw, reeds, and bamboos. The " Mountain People." Among the peasant population, of the fer- tile valleys which border the Bay of Yeddo, one frequently meets men of a more vigorous race, whose aspect, though kindly, seems to denote a certain independence of character or of manner of life. These are the "mountain people," or the inhabitants of the chain of the Akoni, at the foot of Fousi-yama. The business which brings them down to the plains is very various in its nature : for some, it is dealing in wood for ships and building ; for others, it is dealing in firewood. Some are carrying baggage on pack-horses from the provinces in the interior to such or such a port on the bay ; others are employed in hauling the canal-boats, and among them recruits are made for a select tribe of nunters, as well as for a portion of the Tycoon's troops of the line ; that is, the infantry com- panies, among whom European arms of precision have been introduced. Unfortunately, the country inhabited by these passing guests is almost entirely inac- cessible to strangers. If certain native state- ments are to be believed, bridges, aqueducts, and dams of most marvellous construction exist there, which baffle the imagination when one thinks of the imperfection of the instruments with which they have been made. The resources which the Japanese possess in raw material are not accorded to our climates. The bamboo, for instance, furnishes a natural conduit for hydraulic purposes, whose excel- lence yields to no product of modern in- dustry. Variety of Bridges. It is employed in the formation of sus- pension-bridges in the place of wire. In the mountains of Kiousiou there is a bridge, flung from one rock to another across a deep abyss, by means of a hanging staircase formed of huge pieces of bamboo laid in line, and fitted over one another longitudi- nally. The Japanese traverse great rivers on bridges made of casks, and managed by straw ropes. They cross terrific ravines by bridges of rope, and even by means of a single rope, along which slips a kind of aerial ferry-boat. In a country like theirs, where the Gov- ernment maintains only one public highway — the great military road called the Toikado — the inhabitants, reduced to their own re- sources, strive to establish the communica- tions which they require at the least possible cost. Hence the infinite variety of their contrivances for transport by land and by water. A curious specimen of the latter is 820 the means devised to enable the women who are engaged in rice cultivation to cross the submerged lands. Four tubs, fastened to- gether between the angles of two crossed planks," are packed with as many persons and as large a quantity of provisions as this sigular equipage can accommodate, and two of the passengers propel it with poles. The same talent for utilizing the simplest means of action, the most primitive instruments, the most elementary processes, is equally to be traced in the arts and handicrafts in Japan. But there is a very important part of their social life which either escapes us or which it is very difficult for us to study. We can only see the people at work in the fields and in some of the village sheds. The docks, the workshops and the factories in the industrial cities, the artistic conceptions, and the most original productions of their autonomic civilization, are carefully hidden from us by the police restrictions of a jealous government. Nevertheless, little by little the light is coming, and a day will soon dawn when, in this respect also, Japan shall be opened to the investigations of science. The country around Yokohama is thor- oughly cultivated and covered with dwel- lings. The isolated houses are built near the roads, and even those which line the highway are usually entirely open, and free to Hght and air. In order to enjoy the fresh breezes, the inhabitants shove to the right and left the movable screens which enclose their dwellings, and thus completely expose their domestic arrangements to the view cf those who pass. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. ' It is therefore not difficult to observe their manner of living, as well as the distinctive characteristics of the different classes of so- ciety. The conventional separation of the latter does not seem to depend on any im- portant difference of blood or of habits. The families of the Yakounin live in the same manner, and with the same domestic cus- toms, as those of the peasants and me- chanics; and, with the exception of a greater luxury in dress and meals, the households of the higher government of- ficials are very similar. A Japanese lady's dress will often repre- sent a value of ;^200, without counting the ornaments for her hair. A woman of the smaller shop-keeping class may have on her, when she goes out hoUday-making,. some ;^40 or ;g50 worth. A gentleman will rarely spend on his clothes as much as he lets his wife spend on hers. Perhaps he may not have on more than ^6o worth. Thence, through a gradual decline in price, we come to the cooHe's poor trappings, which may represent as little as ;^5, or even ^2, 'as he stands. Children's dress is more or less a repeti- tion in miniature of that of their elders. Long swaddling: clothes are not in use. Young children have, however, a bib. They wear a little cap on their heads, and at their side hangs a charm-bag, made out of a bit of some bright-colored damask, containing a charm supposed to protect them from being run over, washed away, etc. A metal ticket is generally fastened about them as a precaution against getting lost. CHAPTER XIX. DOMESTIC LIFE IN JAPAN. THE country may be reached from Benten without passing through the Japanese city. Beyond the precincts of the holy place, a wide pathway supported on piles forms a road alongside the river. From this road, which leads to a suburb occupied by poor artisans, and terminated by a military guard-house and a Customs' station, we look down upon the low streets and the marsh of Yokohama. A handsome wooden bridge, built on piles sufficiently high to permit the passage of sailing-boats, crosses the river, and joins the footpath on the left bank. By following this footpath to the northeast, we reach the high road of Kanagawa ; and by taking the southeast direction, we come to the country roads leading to the Bay of the Mississippi. The country is covered on every side with ■cultivated land, and the habitations are ex- ceedingly numerous. The isolated houses near the road, and those which border on the village streets, are generally open, and may, so to speak, be seen through. The inhabitants, in order to establish currents of air, slide the screens which form their walls into the grooves on the right and left, so that the interiors of their houses are freely exhibited to the sight of the passers-by. Under such conditions it is not difficult to form a correct idea of household life, and to observe the distinctive characters of a national type, as well as the domestic manners of the native population. The con- ventional separation between classes in Japa- 21 nese society does not rest upon essential dii ference of race, or of modes of life. From the height of the hill on which the residence of the Governors of Kanagawa is situated I have more than once had occasion to examine and observe, on one side, some buildings set apart for the dwellings of the Yakounines, and on the other groups of houses or cottages belonging to artisans and cultivators. In the courtyards, formed by divisions made of planks which separate the miUtary caste from the others, I remarked exactly the same habits, the same modes of life, which I saw publicly in action in the courtyards of the plebeians. Appearance of the Japanese. My later observation of the houses of the high Government functionaries only confirms me in the belief that we may reduce the chief types and the domestic manners of the whole population of the centre of the Em- pire — that is to say, of the three great islands of Kiousiou, Sikoff, and Niphon — to certain general features. The Japanese are of middling height, very inferior to the men of the Germanic race, but not without some resemblance to the in- habitants of the southwest of the Iberian peninsula. There is more difference in height between the men and the women of Japan than in those of Europe and America. According to the observations of Dr. Mohnike, formerly physician to the Dutch Factory of Decima, the average height of the men is five feet one 321 322 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. inch, and that of the women from four feet one inch to four feet three inches. The Japanese, without being precisely dis- proportioned, have generally large heads, rather sunk in the shoulders, wide chests, long bodies, narrow hips, short and thin legs, small feet, and slight and remarkably beauti- ful hands. Their retreating foreheads and large and prominent cheek-bones make their faces represent the geometrical figure of the trapeze rather than that of the oval. The cavities of the eyes being very shallow, and the cartilage of the nose rather flattened, the eyes in almost every case are more on the surface than those of the European, and sometimes very narrow. But, nevertheless, the general effect is not that of the Chinese or Mongol type. The head of the Japanese is large, the face is long, and on the average more regular. Finally, the nose is more prominent, better formed, and sometimes even aquiline. According to Dr. Mohnike, the Japanese head is that of the Turanian race. Complexion and Hair. All the Japanese population, without ex- ception, have fine, thick, straight and lustrous black hair. The women's hair is shorter than in the European and Malay countries. The Japanese have thick beards, but they shave at least every second day. The color of their skin varies according to the differ- ent classes of society, from the copper tints of the interior of Java to the sunburnt white of the natives of Southern Europe. The predominant shade is olive-brown, but it never resembles the yellow tint of the Chinese. Unlike those of Europeans, the face and hands of the Japanese are generally less colored than the body; little children and young persons of both sexes have rosy com- plexions, red cheeks, and the same indica- tions of robust health which we like to see in persons of our own race. The women have fairer complexions than the men : we saw several persons of rank, and even in the middle classes, who were perfectly white ; the ladies of the aristocracy regard excessive paleness as a mark of dis- tinction. Nevertheless, both one and the other are separated from the European type by those two indelible marks of race — nar- row eyes, and the ungraceful depression of the chest which is always evident even in persons in the flower of their youth, and endowed with the greatest natural charms. A Singular Custom. Both men and women have black eyes, white and perfect teeth, separated by regular interstices, and slightly projecting. It is the custom for married women to blacken their teeth. In this we trace a tradition of Java, where the women file their teeth down to the gums ; or of the Malay country in general, where everyone has black teeth, produced by the use of the betel. The mobility of expression and the great variety of physiognomy, which we remark amongst the Japanese, seem to me to be the result of an intellectual development more spontaneous, more original, and in short more free, than is to be met with amongst any other people in Asia. The national garment of the Japanese is the "kirimon." It is a kind of open dress- ing-gown, made a little longer and more ample for women than for men. It is crossed at the waist by means of a sash, which for men is made of a straight and narrow piece of silk — for women, of a large piece of stuff elegantly tied at the back. The Japanese wear no linen, but they bathe every day. The women wear a chemise of red silk crape. In summer, the peasants, the |iiii"IHilli|«||i*i( I 111* ' i' H 11 1 JAPANESE FAMILY. 323 324 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. fishermen, the artisans and the coolies do their work in a state of almost complete nudity, and the women merely wear a single petticoat. During the rains they wear large cloaks of straw or oil-paper, and hats of bamboo bark, made like those of Java, in the form of shields. In winter the working-men wear a jacket and trousers of blue cotton under the kiri- mon, and the women one or several wadded mantles, but generally there is no difference between their costumes, excepting in the nature of the materials. Persons of the middle class and of the nobility never go out without jacket and trousers. The nobles alone have a right to wear silk, and only dress richly to go to Court, or to make visits of ceremony. The officers of the Government, and the Yakounines on duty wear wide trailing trousers ; and replace the kirimon by an overcoat with large sleeves, which however only comes down to thfe hips, and is rather elegantly cut. Every one wears the same coverings for the feet, which consist of sandals of plaited straw, or wooden ' slippers fastened by a cord in which the great toe is caught. Covering for the Feet. When the roads are muddy, the people wear a simple wooden sole, resting upon two smaller pieces placed crosswise. During the greater portion of the year the working people merely use straw sandals. Each, on returning to his own house, or on presenting himself at that of a stranger, removes his socks or his sandals and leaves them at the door. The floors of the Japanese houses are con- stantly covered with mats. As they are all of the same size, which is so invariable that the mat is used as a standard measure — it is never difficult to arrange them in an apart- ment. They are uniformly six feet three inches long, three feet two inches wide, and four inches thick. They are made of rice-straw, very care- fully plaited ; by combining them with the grooves made in the floor and with the slid- ing screens which form the walls of the rooms, the Japanese divides his habitation into small or large rooms ; but the dimen- sions are always regular, and he modifies this distribution exactly as it pleases him, without trouble, and never departing from the exactly symmetrical lines. Serves Many Uses. The mat dispenses with all other furniture : it is the mattress on which the Japanese passes the night, wrapped up in an ample dressing-gown, and under a large wadded counterpane, with his head resting on a little bolster made of strips of bamboo ; on it he sets out the utensils of lacquer and porcelain used at his meals ; on it the bare feet of his children tread ; it is the divan where, crouch- ing on his heels, surrounded by his friends and his guests, all crouching like him, he indulges in interminable talk, drinking a de- coction of tea unmingled with any other ingredient, and smoking tobacco out of microscopic pipes. In all the inns of Japan we find what is called the " bali-bali," a moveable floor like a great table, covered with mats and raised only a foot above the ground. On this the traveller sits or crouches, eats, drinks, takes a siesta, and chats with his neighbors. The Japanese house is nothing more than the "bali-bali " brought to perfection, a temporary refuge in which to take shelter when the labors of the street and the country are ter- minated; but it is not the centre of exist- ence, if we may be permitted to use that expression at all in speaking of a people % I— I o CO DOMESTIC LIFE IN JAPAN. 325 who live from day to day, forgetful of yes- terday, not caring for to-morrow. One day when I had been listening to the recitation of half a dozen of the young boys in our neighborhood, who were squatting in front of their schoolmaster, I asked what was the name of the exercise that they were repeating in chorus. I was told that they were practising to recite the " Irova," a sort of alphabet in which not the vowels and con- sonants, but the fundamental signs of the Japanese language, are collected and grouped in four lines. The Japanese Alphabet. The number of those sounds is fixed at forty-eight, and instead of classifying them in grammatical elements according to the organs of speech, they have been made into a little piece of poetry, whose first word, " Irova," gives its name to the alphabet. As nearly as I can reproduce the sense of the rhyme, this is it : — " Color and odor alike pass away. In our world nothing is permanent. The present day has disappeared in the profound abyss of nothingness. I It was but the pale image of a dream ; it causes us not the least regret." This national alphabet told me more of the character of the Japanese people than I might have found in volumes. For centu- ries the generations who were departing re- peated to the generation who were coming, " There is nothing permanent in this world ; the present passes like a dream, and its flight causes not the slightest trouble." That this popular philosophy of nothing- ness does not give full satisfaction to the needs of the soul, is quite evident when we consider how largely the manifestations of religious sentiment have developed of late; nevertheless, it is probable that it acts inces- santly as a latent force, and its influence is felt in all the details of life. The children profit most by the way of life to which this gives rise. In the first place, it is granted by everyone that the child ought to have its own way. Fathers and mothers derive their pleasure from the observance of this natural law. Every means of enjoyment for children, every subject of their amusement, becomes a source of per- sonal satisfaction to the parents; they give themselves up to it with all their hearts, and it suits the children admirably. Travellers who have said that Japanese children never cry, have stated with very little exaggeration of expression a perfectly real phenomenon. It is explained by circumstances to which I have alluded, as well as by certain external conditions. Mother and Babe. The Japanese is husband to only one wife, who passes almost without transition from her doll to her child, and preserves for a long time her natural infantile character. On the other hand, the national custom does not permit her to bring up her baby too care- fully. She is obliged to expose it to the atmospheric influences, carrying it into the air every day, even at noon, with its head shaven, and perfectly naked. In order to carry the child about as long as possible without much fatigue, the woman places it upon her back, fastening it like a package between her chemise and the collar of her kirimon. Thus the wives of the peasants may con- stantly be seen working in the fields with a little head wagging between their shoulders. In the house the children may be left to themselves without any uneasiness ; they can roll about among the mats, crawling on all- fours and trymg to stand upright, because ^26 • JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE, there is no furniture against which they can hurt themselves, nor any object which they can knock down or break. Their companions are the domestic ani- mals—little pug-dogs with short legs and tremendously fat bodies, and a particular species of cat with white fur marked with yellow and black stripes, which are exceed- ingly bad mousers, very idle and very affec- there are cages made of bamboo bark, con- structed on the models of the most elegant habitations, and containing large butterflies shut up there on a bed of flowers, or grass- hoppers, in whose strident and monotonous cry the natives take great delight. Such are the surroundings amid which the Japanese child grows up without any restraint in the paternal house, which is A JAPANESE RESIDENCE. tionate. Like the cats of Java and the Isle of Man, these animals have no tails. Every family in easy circumstances pos- sesses an aquarium, containing fish— red, silver, gold, transparent— some round as a ball, others ornamented with a long wide tail or fin, which performs the ofi^ce of a rudder, and which floats about like a piece of extremely fine gauze. In all the houses merely a sort of shady playground where pleasure is the chief pursuit. His parents are prodigal of toys, and games, and entertainments, as much for their own enjoyment as in the interest of his edu- cation. His lessons, properly speaking, con- sist in singing in chorus, at the top of his voice the "Irova," and drawing with his brush and Chinese ink the first letters of the DOMESTIC LIFE IN JAPAN. 327 alphabet, then words, then phrases. There is no compulsion and no precipitation about these lessons, because they are certain things of undeniable utility that can only be ac- quired by long practice. No one ever thinks of depriving his child of the benefits of in- struction. There are no scholastic rules, no measures of coercion for recalcitrant parents, and nevertheless the whole adult population can read, write and calculate. There is something estimable in the pedagogic regime of Japan. This has been greatly improved during the latter half of our century and is to be attributed to the contact of the Japanese with western civilization. The people are awake to new ideas and methods of educa- tion. Teachers from America and Europe have found positions in Japanese schools and the authorities have not been slow to adopt some features of the school systems of more enlightened countries. - Beautifiil Fancy Work. Japanese houses are furnished with evi- dences of taste and frequently with rare specimens of fancy work. Notwithstanding its bonzes, its astrologers and its academical poets, the ancient Japanese civilization was not without its popular period, which has left an indelible impression upon taste at Kioto. All works which come out of the workshops of the old capital are distinct from everything that one sees elsewhere. But the admiration which they inspire is mingled with a feeling of regret, for by a singular contradiction they attain an aston- ishing perfection in the imitation of animal and vegetable nature, whilst on approaching the sphere of human life they present only lypes without reality, and figures cut on conventional patterns. Evidently the noble faculties revealed in the conceptions and in the handiwork of the national artists were arrested in their development by official rules, and hindered for want of a method superior to that suggested to them by the fashions of the Court. Thus, art as well as literature became a conventional and hollow routine in its sub- servience to the Mikados. We may even add, that at the decline of the Mikados it remained exactly the same as it had been in the height of their power ; and it is a remark- able fact that it has not since degenerated or become corrupt. Verdure and Flowers. The working population of the ancient Imperial cities has not changed for centuries. Amid institutions which have fallen into de- crepitude it does not exhibit the slightest trace of the decadence and debility which are common to eyery class of Chinese society. China awakes in the mind at every moment the image of a worm-eaten, dusty edifice, inhabited by aged invalids. But in Japan there are really neither ruins nor dust, the fresh vegetation of its always green islands is matched by that appearance of un- alterable youth which transmits itself gener- ation after generation among the inhabitants of this happy country, who ornament even their last dwellings with the emblems of eternal spring. . Their cemeteries abound with verdure and flowers in all seasons. Their tombs, simple commemorative tablets, perserve the recol- lection of all dead without any symbol of destruction. Every family has its separate enclosure and every dead person a stone in the common resting-place ; the tradition of those who are no more is carried on from hill to hill among the gardens of the sacred groves, even to the extremities of the sub' urbs of their cities. 328 At Nagasaki this picture seems perfect. The city stretches out at the foot of a chain of mountains, of little height, which have been cut out into terraces, forming an am- phitheatre of funeral ground in the eastern quarter of the city. Here, one is in the presence of two cities : in the plain, the city of the living lies in the sun, with its long and wide streets bordered with fragile wooden houses and inhabited by an ephemeral crowd ; on the mountain is the necropolis, with its walls and monuments of granite, its trees hundreds of years old, its solemn calm. Festival for the Dead. The inhabitants of Nagasaki, when they raise their eyes in the direction of the moun- tain, must think involuntarily of the innum- erable generations which have passed away before them from the face of the earth. That multitude of stones raised upon the terrace, standing up clear against the blue haze of the distance, keeps alive among them the idea that the spirits of their ancestors come back from their tombs, and that, mute, but attentive, they contemplate the life of the city. One day of the year, towards the end of the month of August, the entire population invite these spirits to a solemn festival, which is prolonged during three consecutive nights. On the first evening the tombs of all persons who have died during the past year are lighted by lanterns, painted in different colors. On the second and third nights, all the tombs without exception, the old as well as the new, participate in a similar illumination, and all the families of Nagasaki come out and install themselves in the cemeteries, where they give themselves up to drinking abundantly in honor of their ancestors. But on the third night, about three o'clock JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. in the morning, long processions of lights come down from the heights and group themselves together on the borders of the bay, while the mountain gradually resumes its darkness and its silence. The souls of the dead men have embarked and disappeared before the dawn. Thousands of small straw boats have been fitted up for them, each provided with fruit and small pieces of money. These fragile barks are laden with all the painted paper lamps which had served for the illuminations of the cemeteries, their httle sails of mat are spread, and the morning breeze disperses them over the water, where they are soon consumed. Thus the entire flotilla is burnt, and for a long time the traces of fire may be seen dancing over the waves. But the dead go quickly. Finally, the last ship disappears, the last light is ex- tinguished, the last soul has again bidden adieu to the earth. At the rising of the sun there is no trace of the dead or of the merry- makers. The Ancient Religion. In ancient times the Japanese had no other religion than that of the Kamis : the honors of a special sepulture were awarded only to persons of a certain importance, who were allowed a resting-place distinct from the cemeteries reserved for the common people. The ceremonies of the burial of the dead had, in ancient times, a very solemn char- acter, but suggestive to the beholder rather of the triumph of a hero. Beside the dead man, in the tomb, was laid his coat of mail, his arms, all his most precious possessions ; even his principal servants followed him to the sepulchre, and his favorite horse was immolated to his manes. These barbarous customs were abolished in the first century of our era. Lay figures replaced human DOMESTIC LIFE IN JAPAN. 529- victims, and only the picture of a horse was sacrificed. A few strokes of a brush, boldly dashed upon a plank of wood, represented the image of the four-footed companion of the dead, and this plank was enclosed in the tomb. Pictures of Horses. The native painters display such skill in the execution of these designs, that these Yemas, or sketches of horses, have become artistic curiosities ; and numbers of them exist in various chapels in the towns and country places, and are regarded as votive pictures. Amateurs search eagerly for Yemas upon the screens in the old houses and in the palaces of Tokio. A few of them may be found among the presents sent by the Tycoon to foreign Governments. This kind of drawing was not regarded with favor by the Court of the Mikado, where miniature painting was much in fashion. The works of the miniature painters of Kioto remind us of the mediaeval missals : they are painted on vellum, with the same profusion of color on a golden background ; the manu- script is ornamented by plates in the text, and rolled upon an ivory cylinder, or upon a stick of precious wood, with metal ornaments inserted in the ends. Collections of poetry, almanacs, litanies, prayers, and romances are generally bound up into volumes. Ladies use microscopic prayer-books ; and they and the poets of Kioto employ no other almanacs than the calendar of flowers, in which the months and their subdivisions are represented by sym- bolical bouquets. There is also a calendar of the blind, and collections of prayers exist in characters of unknown origin. The dress of the women of quality not only indicates their rank and condition, but is always in harmony, as to its color and the subjects embroidered upon the garments, with the time and the seasons, the flowers, and the productions of the different months of the year. The months themselves are never called by their names, but by their attributes. The month Amiable draws the bonds of friendship closer by visits and pre- sents on the new year ; the month of " the awakening of nature " is the third month of the year ; the month of Missives, which is the seventh, has one day assigned to the exchange of letters of congratulation; and the twelfth is that of " the business of the masters," because it obliges them to leave the house in order to attend to the regulation, of their affairs. Free Use of Symbols. The architectural works of the Japanese, the products of their industry — -"^everything that comes out of the hands of their copora- tions of arts and trades — indicate symbolical research mingled with great purity of taste in the imitation of nature. In all the temples and palaces we find ornaments in sculptured wood, which represent a bank of clouds,, above which rises the front of the edifice. The grand entrance of the Dairi is decorated with a golden sun surrounded by the signs of the Zodiac ; the portals of the temples devoted ' to Buddhism are surmounted by two elephants' heads, which indicate that this religion came from India; the carpenters' tools all bear symbolical devices. The favorite designs of their mosaics and their carvings in wood are borrowed from the lines described by the foaming waves of the sea and the basalt rocks cut by the waters ; bats and cranes are represented with ex- tended wings; the iris, the water-lily, and the lotus are always in full flower; the bamboo, the cedar, the palm-tree, and the pear-tree, are either isolated or combined ■330 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. with the most graceful climbing plants. All .natnre is brought under tribute. We observed numerous ornaments whose signification we could not discover. Within the precincts of the Da'iri there is a bronze vase which coarsely represents a bird of some THE COURT OF THE MIKADO. unknown kind, of the height of a man. This is one of the most ancient monuments of native art. It is called the Tori-Kame ; its origin and use are unknown. Other vases ■of great antiquity, mounted on pedestals, and which serve as perfume-burners, are carved with designs representing the head and scales of the crocodile, an animal unknown in Japan. The tortoise and the heron, which figure frequently in the composition of perfume- vases and sacred candelabra, are emblems of immortality, or at least of longevity. The Foo, a mythological bird common to both China and Japan, is found upon the lintels of the door of the Dairi, as an emblem of eternal happi- ness. These same mytho- logical images, and others which it would take too long to enumerate, are re- produced in the designs of the rich stuffs worked in silk, gold, and silver, which form the glory and the pride of the weavers of Kioto ; and also in the carvings and engravings on plates of gold, silver, red copper, and steel, with which the native jewelers decorate the handles and the scabbards of swords, portable inkstands, pipes, tobacco-boxes, and other ornaments ; in short, in all the innumerable utensils, pieces of plate, and lacquer and porcelain furniture, which constitute the wealth of Japanese households. It was pointed out to me one day, amongst a collection of curiosities from the work- shops of Kioto, that none of the objects had a perfectly quadrangular form. I verified this in examining a great number of cabinets, screens, covers, paper boxes, and other var- DOMESTIC LIFE IN nished objects, amongst which, in fact, I did not discover a single acute angle : all were softened and rounded, Supposiia:^ that this peculiarity is only one of the caprices of taste, and therefore not to be disputed, there is another fact which may perhaps have a symbolical significance : it is, that all Japa- nese mirrors, without exception, present the figure of a disk. Such uniformity seems to ■confirm the opinion of Siebold, that the mir- ror of the temples of the Kamis is an •emblem of the sun's disk. It would be more embarrassing to divine the reasons of certain fashions among those of, Kioto, if indeed fashions ever have a reason. Fashions at Court. The Court ladies pull out their eyebrows .and replace them by two thick black patches painted half way up the forehead. Is this -done because these beauties with prominent cheek-bones are aware that the oval of their faces is not quite so perfect as it might be ; or do they endeavor to lengthen it by this little feminine trick, which tends to place the ■eyelids, which Nature has put too low, in a more suitable position ? The amplitude of their rich brocade gar- ments leads us to think that at Kioto femi- nine luxury is measured by the quantity of silk that a Court lady can trail after her. But what can be the meaning of those two long tails which are seen on the right and left below the undulating drapery of the -mantle? When the lady is walking, they ■obey each cadenced movement of her two little invisible feet; and, looked at from a distance, she seems to be wearing, not a robe, but a pair of long trailing trousers, which oblige her to advance on her knees. Such is in fact the effect which this costume is in- tended to produce. The ladies of the Court who are admitted to the presence of the JAPAN. 331 Mikado are bound to appear as if they were approaching his' Sacred Majesty on their knees. No noise is ever heard in the interior of the palace except the rustling of silk on the rich carpets with which the mats are covered. Bamboo blinds intercept the light of day. Screens covered with marvellous paintings, damask draperies, velvet hangings, orna- mented with knots of plaited silk in which artificial birds are framed, form the panels of the reception rooms. No article of furni- ture of any kind interferes with the elegant simplicity : in the corners there is, here, an aquarium of porcelain, with shrubs and natural flowers ; there, a cabinet encrusted with mother-of-pearl, or an elegant table laden with numerous poetical anthologies of the old Empire, printed upon leaves of gold. Maids of Honor. The scent of the precious wood, the fine mats, and rich stuffs, mixes with the pure air which comes in on all sides from the open partitions. The young girls on duty in the palace bring tea from Oudsji and sweetmeats from the refectory of the Empress. This personage, called the Kisaki, who proudly rules over twelve other legitimate wives of the Mikado and a crowd of his concubines, squats in proud isolation on the top step of the vast dais which rises above the whole. The ladies of honor and the women in wait- ing squat or kneel behind her at a respectful distance, composing groups which have the effect of beds of flowers, because each group, according to its hierarchical position, has its especial costume and its color. The folds of the garments of .the Empress are arranged with such art that they sur- round her like a dazzling cloud of gauzy crape and brocade ; and three vertical rays of gold surmount her diadem like the insignia 332 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. of a queen of flowers. Her appearance thus becomes striking, not to say attractive. The guests are ranged in concentric demi- circles in front of their sovereign. At a gesture from her hand the ladies-in-waiting on duty approach, and, prostrating themselves before her, receive her orders for the com- mencement of the anecdotical conversations or literary jousts, which form the diversions of her Court. The Court of the Kisaki is the academy of the floral games of Japan. On the third of the third month, all the wits of the Dairi collect together in the gardens of the citadel, saki circulates, and challenges are exchanged between the gentlemen and the noble ladies, as to who shall find and paint, upon the classic fan of white cedar ornamented with ivy leaves, the most poetic stanzas in cele- bration of the revival of spring. Instruments of Music. The Court of the Empress, however, admitted other amusements than these liter- ary diversions. She had her chapel music, composed of stringed instruments, such as the violin with three strings; tl^p Japanese mandolin, called the samsin ; a sort of violincello, played without a bow, which is called a biwa ; and the gotto, a ten-stringed instrument, measuring, when laid flat, two yards long— the first was made in the year 300. Notwithstanding the difference in dimensions, the gotto reminds us of the Tyrolese or Swiss zither. Theatrical representations were added to music. A corps of young comedians played little operas or executed character dances, some grave and methodical, in which a long tailed mantle was worn; others lively and playful, full of fancy, and varied with dis- guises, the dancers coming out occasionally with the wings of birds or butterflies. In addition to this, the ladies of the Dairi had their private boxes, not only at the imperial theatre, but at the circus of the wrestlers and boxers attached to the Court of the Mikado in virtue of privileges dating- from the year 24 B. C. They were also permitted to witness cock- fighting in the verandahs of their country- houses, in strict privacy. A certain class of the officers of the Empress's service were especially detailed to arrange these barbar- ous and ridiculous representations. They wore helmets and padded trousers, in which they looked like balls. Old Customs Still Practical. The manners and customs of the Court of Kioto are still kept up in our time, with this- exception, that they no longer exhibit the least vestige of artistic or literary life. They are mechanically preserved in so far as the resources of the treasury permit; and are the last traces of the civilization of the old Empire. They are concentrated upon one single point in Japan, where they remain, motionless as the old tombs themselves. Meanwhile, modern life has invaded the cities and the country all around the antique Miako. The Tycoon developed civil and' military institutions in his modern monarchy,, and already the smoke of the steamers before the ports of the Inland Sea announce the approach of the Christian civilization of the West. I These circumstances lent a tragic interest, to the actual situation of the ancient heredi- tary and theocratic Emperor of Japan, that invisible Mikado of whom one was not permitted to speak even while describing his Court. But he also has come out of the mysterious darkness which surrounds him„ The force of events has brought him to light upon the scene of contemporaneous history- o < CO <1 1-3 GROUP OF JAPANESE GIRLS CHAPTTER XX. THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. THE environs of Kamakoura are those of a great city ; but the great city itself exists no longer. Rich vege- tation covers the inequalities of the soil which has evidently accumulated over ruins, overthrown walls, and canals now £lled up. Antique avenues of trees stretch beyond waste groves overgrown with bram- bles. These avenues formerly led to palaces, of which there is now no trace. In Japan, even palaces, being for the most part built of wood, leave no ruins after their fall. At Kamakoura the Shoguns had estab- hshed their residence. Shogun was a title originally conferred by the Mikado, in other words the Emperor, on the military governor of the Eastern provinces. The Shoguns are known to foreigners by the Chinese name of Tycoons. The title was abolished in 1867. Under the name of Shoguns we recall the generals-in-chief, temporal Ueutenants of the theocratic Emperor. They governed Japan, under the supremacy of the Mikado, from the end of the twelfth century to the com- mencement of the seventeenth, from Mina- moto Yoritomo, who was the founder of their power, to lyeyas, surnamed Gonghen- sama, the thirty-second Shogun who made Yeddo (now Tokio) the political capital of Japan, and created a new dynasty, whose last representatives adopted the title of Tycoon A.D. 1854. Yoritomo, born of a princely family, was indebted to his education by an ambitious mother for the qualities which made him the ruler and real chief of the Empire. He was brought lip at the Court of Kioto, and early appreciated the condition of weakness into which the power of the Dairi had fallen. The Mikado, shut up in his seraglio, occupied himself with nothing but palace intrigues. The courtiers were given up to idleness, or plunged in dissipation. The old families, who were brought into communication with the Emperor either by kinship, alliance, or official rank, thought only of serving the interests of themselves and their children at court. They endeavored to procure high dignities for their eldest sons, and put the younger into holy orders. Chosen From Eighty Ladies. As for the girls, rather than send them into convents, they applied for their admis- sion into the ranks of the Empress's fifty ladies of honor, who were all obliged to take vows of chastity. The ambition of the matrons of high degree was perfectly satis- fied by the puerile ceremonies which accom- panied the birth of the heir-presumptive, and the nomination of its nurse, who was chosen among the eighty ladies of the old feudal nobility best qualified to fulfil this eminent function. While things were going on thus at Kioto, the Daimios, that is, the old territorial gov- ernors, who lived in retirement in their pro- vinces, became by degrees less and less faithful in the maintenance of the obligations wljich they had contracted with the crown. \ Some arrogated to themselves absolute power in the government of their Imperial 333 334 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. fiefs ; others aggrandized their domains at the expense of their neighbors. Family- wars, acts of vengeance and reprisal, stained the rustic fortresses of the principal dynasties of Japan with blood for many years : Anarchy was gaining ground by degrees. Yoritomo, whose family had suffered much from these troubles, obtained a superior command from the nation and its ruler. This matter was taken into serious account. Yoritomo created a standing army, per- fected the art of encampment, utilized them to discipline his soldiers, and neglected noth- ing to make them discard the habits of domestic life. It is to him, for example, that Japan owes the official organization of YORITOMO INVESTED WITH THE TITLE OF SHOGUN. the Mikado after vicissitudes, and was in- vested with extensive power that he might establish order in the Empire. At this epoch the Mikado, as well as the armor-bearing nobles, had no other troops than the terri- torial militia. At the close of an expedi- tion the men returned to their homes. But the exigencies of the times were such that a military force was the only safety of the most shameful of occupations, which has been, ever since his time, a social institution regulated by the government. Yoritomo succeeded in his designs. He subjugated the Daimios, who had attempted to render themselves independent, and forced them to take an oath of fidelity and homage to him in his quality of lieutenant of the Mikado. Some of them refusing to recog- THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 335- nize him under this title, he exterminated them, with their entire families, and confis- cated the whole of their property. More than once, when exasperated by the unex- pected resistance, he inflicted the most cruel tortures on his enemies. On the other hand, he incessantly carried on intrigues, by means of agents, in the Dairi. He had commenced his career under the seventy-sixth Mikado — he finished it under the eighty-third. Each Emperor who opposed him had been obliged to abdicate : one of them took the tonsure and retired into a cloister. A Divided Empire. It was only under the eighty-second Mikado that Yoritomo was ofificially invested with the title of Shogun. He had exercised his functions during twenty years. His son succeeded him. There were thenceforth two distinct Courts in the Empire of Japan ; that of the Mikado at Kioto, and that of the Shogun at Kamakoura. In the beginning, the new power was not hereditary. It happened sometimes that the sons of the Mikados were invested with it. Far from taking umbrage at what was tak- ing place at Kamakoura, the sacerdotal and literary Court of Kioto found a subject of jest in it ; now amusing themselves with the airs of the wife of the Shogun, the bad taste which the Secondary Courts showed in dress, the trivial performances of the actor ; the awkwardness of the dancers ; and again laughing at the gaudiness of the military uniforms, which Yoritomo had brought into fashion, or at the vulgarity of speech and manners of those new-blown grandees who gave themselves airs as restorers of the pontifical throne and saviours of the Empire. An unforeseen circumstance arose which gave sudden importance to the Court of Kamakoura, and concentrated upon it the- attention and sympathy of the nation. In the twelfth month of the year 1268, a Mongol embassy landed at Japan. It came in the name of Koubla'i-Khan who, worthy descendent of the Tartar conquerors, was destined twelve years later to take possession of China ; he fixed his residence at Pekin and founded the Yuen dynasty, under which the great canal was constructed. This is the- same sovereign who kept at his Court the Venetian Marco Polo, the first traveller who- furnished Europe with exact notions respect- ing China and Japan. His narratives, it is said, exercised so decided an influence upon Christopher Columbus, that the discovery of America is in a sense due to them. Important Message. Koublai-Khan wrote to the Emperor of Niphon : "I am the head of a state formerly without importance. Now the cities and countries which recognize my power are numberless. I am endeavoring to establish good relations with the princes my neigh- bors. I have put an end to the hostilities of which the land of Kaoli was the scene. The chief of that little kingdom has pre- sented himself at my Court to declare his- gratitude. I have treated him as a father treats his child. I will not act otherwise towards the princes of Niphon. No embassy has, as yet, come from your Court to confer with me. I fear that in your country the true state of things is unknown. I therefore send you this letter by delegates, who will inform you of my intentions. The wise man has said that the world should consist only of one family. But if amicable relations be not kept up, how shall that principle be realized ? For my part, I have decided upon pursuing its execution, even should I be obliged to resort to arms. Now, it is the ,336 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE duty of the sovereign of Niphon to consider -what it will suit him to do." The Mikado announced his intention of replying favorably to the overtures of Koubla'i-Khan. The Shogun, on the con- trary, declared himself hostile to an alliance vainly proposed that a meeting of the dele- gates of the two Empires should take place on the island of Isousima, in the Straits of Corea. In 1271 a new missive on his part remained unanswered. In 1273 he sent two ambassadors to Kamakoura, and the Shogun JAPANESE IDOL AND TEMPLE. with the hordes of the Mongols. He con- voked an assembly of the Daimios at Kama- koura, submitted his objections to them, and •enrolled them on his side. The embassy was dismissed with evasive words. In the following year the Mongol chief had them sent back. These efforts failed to accomplish the desired result. A short time afterwards he was informed that two generals of Koublai-Khan were about to attack Japan at the head of an ex- pedition of three hundred large war-junks. THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 337 three hundred swift sailing-ships, and three hundred transport-barks. The Mikado ordered public prayers and processions to the principle temples of the Kamis. The Shogun organized the national defence. At every point on the coasts of Isousima and Kiousiou where the Mongols attempted to effect a descent, they were repulsed and beaten. Their Khan endeavored vainly to renew the negotiations. Two ambassadors whom he sent to the Shogun in 1275, were immedi- ately turned out. The third, having pre- sented himself in 1279, was beheaded. An Immense Fleet. Then, if we are to believe the annals of Japan, that country was menaced by the most formidable expedition which had ever sailed upofi the seas of the far East. The Mongol fleet numbered four thousand sail, and carried an army of two hundred and forty thousand men. It was descending upon Firado towards the entrance of the inland sea when it was dispersed by a typhoon and dashed upon the coast. All who did not perish in the waves fell under the swords of the Japanese, who spared only three prisoners, whom they sent back to the •other side of the strait to carry the news. After the occurrence of these events, it was no longer possible to regard the Shoguns as simple functionaries of the Crown, or even as the official protectors of the Mikado. The entire nation owed its safety to them. From that moment the Court of Kioto had a rival in that of Kamakoura, which must speedily eclipse it and supplant it in the management of the affairs of the Empire. At the present time we find at Kamakoura the Pantheon of the glories of Japan. It is composed of a majestic collection of sacred buildings which have always been spared by 22 the fury of civil war. They are placed under the invocation of Hatchiman, one of the great national Kamis. Hatchiman belongs to the heroic period of the Empire of the Mikados. His mother was the Empress Zingou, who effected the conquest of the three kingdoms of Corea, arid to whom Divine honors are rendered. Each year, on the ninth day of the ninth month, a solemn procession to the tomb which is consecrated to her at Fousimi, in the country of Yamasiro, commemorates her glorious deeds. Zingou herself surnamed her son Fatsman, "the eight banners," in consequence of a sign which appeared in the heavens at the birth of a child. Thanks to the education which she gave him, she made him the bravest of her soldiers and the most skilful of her generals. When she had attained the age of one hundred years she transmitted the sceptre aiid crown of the Mikados to her son, in the year 270 of our era. He was then seventy-one years old. Long and Brilliant Reign. Under the name of Woozin he reigned gloriously for forty-three years, and was raised, after his death, to the rank of a protecting genius of the Empire. He is especially revered as the patron of soldiers. In the annual fetes dedicated to him, Japan celebrates the memory of the heroes who have died for their country. The popular processions which take place on this occasion revive the ancient pomps of Kami worship. Even the horses formerly destined for sacri- fice are among the cortege ; but instead of being immolated, they are turned loose on the race-course. Most of the great cities of Japan possess a Temple of Hatchiman. That of Kamakoura is distinguished above all the others by the trophies which it contains. Two vast build- 338 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. ings are required for the display of this national wealth. There, it is said, are pre- served the spoils of the Corean and the Mongol invasions, also objects taken from the Portuguese Colonies and the Christian communities of Japan at the epoch when the Portugese were expelled, and the Japanese Christians were exterminated by order of the Shoguns. No European has ever yet been permitted to view the trophies of Kamakoura. While all European states like to display the treas- ures which they have respectively seized or won in their frontier and dynastic wars, Japan hides all monuments of its military glory from foreigners. They are kept in reserve, like a family treasure, in venerable sanctuaries, to which no profane feet ever find access. A Grand Avenue. The Temples of Hatchiman are approached by long lines of the those great cedar-trees which form the avenues to all places of wor- ship in Japan. As we advance along the avenue on the Kanasawa side, chapels multi- ply themselves along the road, and to the left, upon the sacred hills, we also come in sight of the oratories and commemorative stones which mark the stations of the pro- cessions ; on the right the horizon is closed by the mountain, with its grottos, its streams, and its pine groves. After we have crossed the river by a fine wooden bridge, we find ourselves suddenly at the entrance of another alley, which leads from the sea-side, and occupies a large street. This is the principal avenue, intersected by three gigantic toris, and it opens on the grand square in front of the chief staircase of the main buildings of the Temple. The precinct of the sacred place extends into the street, and is surrounded on three sides by a low wall of solid masonry, sur- mounted by a barrier of wood painted red and black. Two steps lead to the first level. There is nothing to be seen there but the houses of the bonzes, arranged like the side- scenes of a theatre, amid trees planted along the barrier-wall, with two great oval ponds occupying the centre of the square. They are connected with each other by a large canal crossed by two parallel bridges, each equally remarkable in its way. Attractive Spectacle. That on the right is of white granite, and it describes an almost perfect semicircle, so that when one sees it for the first time one supposes that it is intended for some sort of geometrical exercise ; but I suppose that it is in reality a bridge of honor, reserved for the gods and the good genii who come to visit the Temple. The bridge on the left is quite flat, con- structed of wood covered with red lacquer, with balusters and other ornaments in old polished copper. The pond crossed by the stone bridge is covered with magnificent white lotus flowers, — the pond crossed by the wooden bridge with red lotus flowers. Among the leaves of the flowers we saw numbers of fish, some red and others like mother of pearl, with glittering fins, swim- ming about in water of crystal clearness. TJie black tortoise glides among the great water-plants and clings to their stems. After having thoroughly enjoyed this most attractive spectacle, we go on towards the second enclosure. It is raised a few steps higher than the first, and, as it is protected by an additional sanctity, it is only to be approached through the gate of the divine guardians of the sanctuary. This building, which stands opposite the bridges, contains two monstrous idols, placed side by side in THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 339 the centre of the edifice. They are sculp- tured in wood, and are covered from head to foot with a thick coating of vermilion. Their grinning faces and their enormous busts are spotted all over with innumerable pieces of chewed paper, which the native visitors throw at them when passing, with- out any more formalty than would be used by a number of schoolboys out for a holi- day. Nevertheless, it is considered a very serious act on the part of pilgrims. It is the means by which they make the prayer written on the sheet of chewed paper reach its address, and when they wish to recommiend anything to the gods very strongly, indeed, they bring as an offering a pair of straw slippers plaited with regard to the size of the feet of the Colossus, and hang them on the iron rail- ings within which the statues are enclosed. Articles of this kind, suspended by thou- sands to the bars, remain there until they fall away in time, and it may be supposed that this curious ornamentation is anything but beautiful. He Shook His Head. Here a lay brother of the bonzes ap- proached us, and his interested views were easily enough detected by his bearing. We hastened to assure him that we required nothing from his good offices, except access to an enclosed building. With a shake of his head, so as to make us understand that we were asking for an impossibility, he simply set himself to follow us about with the me- chanical precision of a subaltern. He was quite superfluous, but we did not allow his presence to interfere with our admiration. A high terrace, reached by a long stone stair- case, surmounted the second enclosure. It is sustained by a Cyclopean wall, and in its turn supports the principal Temple as well as the habitations of the bonzes which are placed adjoining. The grey roofs of all these different build- ings stand out against the sombre forest of cedars and pines. On our left are the build- ings of the Treasury ; one of them has a pyramidal roof surmounted by a turret of bronze most elegantly worked. At the foot of the great terrace is the Chapel of the Ablutions. On our right stands a tall pagoda, constructed on the principle of the Chinese pagodas, but in a more sober and severe style. Unique Building. The first stage, of a quadrangular form, is supported by pillars ; the second stage con- sists of a vast circular gallery, which, though extremely massive, seems to rest simply upon a pivot. A painted roof, terminated by a tall spire of cast bronze, embellished with pendants of the same metal, completes the effect of this strange but exquisitely propor- tioned building. All the doors of the buildings which I have enumerated are in good taste. The fine pro- portions, the rich brown coloring of the wood, which is almost the only material em- ployed in their construction, is enhanced by a few touches of red and dragon green, and the effect of the whole is perfect; — add to the picture a frame of ancient trees and the extreme brilliancy of the sky, for the atmos- phere of Japan is the most transparent in the world. We went beyond the pagoda to visit a bell-tower, where we were shown a large bell beautifully engraved, and an Oratory on each side containing three golden images, a large one in the cfentre, and two small ones at either side. Each was surrounded by a nimbus. This beautiful Temple of Hatchi- man is consecrated to a Kami; but it is 340 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. quite evident that the religious customs of India have supplanted the ancient worship ; we had several proofs of this fact. When we were about to turn back we were solicited by the lay brother to go with him a little further. We complied, and he stopped us under a tree laden with offerings at the foot of which stands a block of stone, surrounded by a barrier. This stone, which is probably indebted to the chisels of the bonzes for its peculiar form, is venerated by the multitude, and largely endowed with voluntary offerings. Like the peoples of the extreme East the Japanese are very super- stitious ; a fact of which we had abundant evidence on this and other occasions. Image of the God of Wealth. The Temple towards which we directed our steps on leaving the avenue of the Temple of Hatchiman, immediately diverted our thoughts from the grandeur of this picture. It is admirably situated on the summit of a promontory, whence we over- look the whole Bay of Kamakoura ; but it is always sad to come, in the midst of beau- tiful nature, upon a so-called holy place which inspires nothing but disgust. The principal sanctuary, at first sight, did not strike us as remarkable. Insignificant golden idols stand upon the high altar ; and in a side chapel there is an image of the God of Wealth, armed with a miner's hammer. But when the bonzes who received us conducted us behind the high altar, and thence into a sort of cage as dark as a prison and as high as a tower, they lighted two lanterns, and stuck them at the end of a long pole. Then, by this glimmering light, which entirely failed to di'sperse the shades of the roof, we perceived that we were stand- ing in front of an enormous idol of gilt wood, about twelve yards high, holding in its right hand a sceptre, in its left a lotus, and wearing a tiara composed of three rows of heads, representing the inferior divinities. This gigantic idol belongs to the religion of the auxiliary gods of the Buddhist my- thology : the Amidas and the Quannons, intercessors who collect the prayers of men and transmit them to heaven. By means of similar religious conceptions, the bonzes strike a superstitious terror into the imagina- tions of their followers, and succeed in keep- ing them in a state of perpetual fear and folly. We then went to see the Daiboudhs, which is the 'wonder of Kamakoura. This building is dedicated to the Daiboudhs, that is to say, to the great Buddha, and may be regarded as the most finished work of Japa- nese genius, from the double points of view of art and religious sentiment. The Temple of Hatchiman had already given us a re- markable example of the use which native art makes of nature in producing that im- pression of religious majesty which in our northern climates is effected by Gothic archi- tecture. Temple of Buddha. The Temple of Daiboudhs differs con- siderably from the first which we had seen. Instead of the great dimensions, instead of the illimitable space which seemed to stretch from portal to portal down to the sea, a soli- tary and mysterious retreat prepares the mind for some supernatural revelation. The road leads far away from every habitation ; in the direction of the mountain it winds about between hedges of tall shrubs. Finally, we see nothing before us but the high road, going up and up in the midst of foliage and flowers ; then it turns in a totally different direction, and all of a sudden, at the end of the alley, we perceive a gigantic ►-3 o o w THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 341 brazen Divinity, squatting with joined hands, and the head slightly bent forward, in an attitude of contemplative ecstasy. The involuntary amazement produced by the aspect of this great image soon gives place to admiration. There is an irresistible charm in the attitude- of the Daiboudhs, as well as in the harmony of its proportions. The noble simplicity of its garments and the calm purity of its features are in perfect accord with the sentiment of serenity in- spired by its presence. A grove, consisting of some beautiful groups of trees, forms the enclosure of the sacred place, whose silence and solitude are never disturbed. The small cell of the attendant priest can hardly be discerned amongst the foliage. Beautiful Altar. The altar, on which a little incense is burning at the feet of the Divinity, is com- posed of a small brass table ornamented by two lotus vases of the same metal, and beautifully wrought. The steps of the altar are' composed of large slabs forming regular lines. The blue of the sky, the deep shadow of the statue, the sombre color of the brass, the brilliancy of the flowers, the varied ver- dure of the hedges and the groves, fill this solemn retreat with the nchest effect of light and color. The idol of the Daiboudhs, with the platform which supports it, is twenty yards high; it is far from equal in elevation to the statue of St. Charles Borromeo, which may be seen from Arona on the borders of Lake Maggiore, but which affects the spec- tator no more than a trigometrical signal- post. The interiors of these two colossal statues have been utilized: The European tourists seat themselves in the nose of the holy car- dinal. The Japanese descend by a secret staircase into the foundations of their Dai- boudhs, and there they find a peaceful oratory, whose altar is lighted by a ray oi sunshine admitted through an opening in the folds of the mantle at the back of the idol's neck. It would be idle to discuss to what extent the Buddha of Kamakoura resembles the Buddha of history, but it is important to remark that he is conformable to the Buddha of tradition. The Buddhists have made one authentic and sacramental image of the founder of their religion, covered with characters carefully numbered, with thirty-two principal signs and eighty secondary marks, so that it may be transmitted to future ages in all its in- tegrity. The Japanese idol conforms in all essential respects to this established type oi the great Hindoo reformer. It scrupulously reproduces the meditative attitudes; thus 'it was that the sage joined his hands, the fingers straightened, and thumb resting against thumb ; thus he squatted, the legs bent and gathered up one over the other, the right foot lying upon the left knee. Features of the Idol. The broad smooth brow is also to be recognized, and the hair forming a multitude of short curls. Even the singular protuber- ance of the skull, which slightly disfigures the top of the head, exists in the statue, and also a tuft of white hairs between the eye- brows, indicated by a little rounded excre- scence in the metal. All these marks, however, do not consti- tute the physiognomy, the expression of the personage. In this respect the Daiboudhs of Kamakoura has nothing in common with the fantastic dolls which are worshipped in China under the name of Buddhas, and the fact appears worthy of notice, because Bud- dhism was introduced into Japan from China. The first effect of Buddhist preaching in 342 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. Japan must have been to arouse curiosity among the islanders, who are as inquisitive and restless as the Hindoos are taciturn and which are only making their first voyage of discovery in the regions of metaphysics ! As they did not feel any impatience to plunge BAPTISM OF BUDDHA. contemplative, and wish to have a reason for for every thing. What a vast field of exploration for minds into Nirwana, they were chiefly interested in finding out what was to come to pass be- tween the death and the final extinction. THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 343 With the assistance of the bonzes, a certain number of accepted ideas about the soul, death, and the Hfe to come, were put in cir- culation in the towns and in the villages, without prejudice, it must be understood, to all that had been taught by ancestral wisdom concerning the ancient gods and the vener- able national Kamis. The soul of man, it was said, was like a floating vapor, indissoloble, having the form of a tiny worm, and a thin thread of blood which runs from the top of the head to the extremity of the tail. If it were closely observed it might be seen to escape from the house of death, at the moment when the dying person heaves his last sigh. At all times, the cracking of the panel may be heard as the soul passes through it. The Wonderful Mirror. Whither does it go? No one knows; but it cannot fail to be received by the minister- ing servants of the great j udge of hell. They bring it before his tribunal, and the judge •causes it to kneel before a mirror, in which it beholds all the evil of which it has been guilty. This is a phenomenon which is, occasionally produced upon the earth : a ■comedian in Yeddo, who had committed a murder, could not look into his mirror with- out his gaze being met by the livid face of his victim. Souls, laden with crime, wander in one or other of the eighteen concentric circles of hell, according to the gravity of their of- fences. Souls in process of purification sojourn in a purgatory whose hd they may lift up when they can do so without fear of falling, and resume the progressive course of their pilgrimage. In the case of a woman who, being de- serted, drowned herself with her child, she is popularly believed to present herself before all wayfarers by the side of the marsh, hold- ing up the infant, in protest against her be- trayers as the real author of her crime. Finally, there are souls who return to the places which they inhabited, or to the rest- nig-place of their mortal remains. Ghosts and Demons. Ghost stories, terrible tales, books illus- trated by pictures representing hell or apparitions of demons, have multiplied in Japan with such profusion, that the popular imagination is completely possessed by them. The patron of literature of this kind, accord- ing to the national mythology, is Tengou, the god of dreams, a burlesque winged genius, whose head-dress is an extinguisher with a golden handle. He leads the noc- turnal revelry of all the objects, sacred or profane, which can fill the imagination of man. The refuge of death itself is not closed against him. The candelabra bend their heads, pierced with luminous holes, with a measured motion. The stone tortoises which bear the epitaphs move in a grim, orderly march, and grinning skeletons, clad in their shrouds, join the fantastic measure, waving about them the holy-water brush which drives away evil spirits. In spite of some difference in style, and of its exceptional dimensions, the noble Japan- ese statue is the fellow of those of which great numbers are to be seen in the islands of Java and Ceylon ; those sacred refuges which were opened to Buddhism when it was expelled from India. There the type of the hero of Contemplation is preserved most religiously, and appears under its most exquisite form, in marvellous images of basalt, granite, and clay, generally above the human stature. This type, for the most part conventional, although perfectly authentic in the eyes of 344 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. faith, is, especially for the Cingalese priests, who are devoted to the art of statuary, the unique subject of the indefatigable labor by which they strive to realize ideal perfection. They have in fact produced work of such purity as has hardly been surpassed by the Madonnas of Raphael. Japan has inherited somewhat of the lofty tradition of the Buddhist Isles. Apostles from those distant shores have probably visited it. On the other hand, it has suf- fered to an extreme degree, and under the influence of its nearest neighbors, all the fatal consequences of the doctrine of the master himself, and especially the monstrous vagaries of his disciples. It would be an unprofitable task to undertake to trace the pure and abstract doctrine of the founder of the " Good Tao " in Japanese Buddhism. The Proteus of Greek fable, he adds, is not less intangible than the Good Tao in its metamorphoses among the various peoples of Asia and the Far East. Good Sense Recommended. Every sort of modification and addition is justified beforehand by the following adage, which seems to have been the watchword of the missionaries of Buddhism : " Everything that agrees with good sense and circum- stances agrees with truth, and ought to serve as a rule." The Temples of Kama- koura furnish many examples in support of this observation. The civil wars which brought about the ruin of Kamakoura had few points of interest in themselves. From the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, the Empire of Japan pre- sented a spectacle of increasing anarchy, which threatened the work of political cen- tralization which had been inaugurated by Yoritomo. A domestic quarrel arose within the Dairi itself, which forced the legitimate sovereign to yield Kioto to his competitor; and, during nearly sixty years, six Mikados successively occupied the pontificial throne, by usurpa- tion, while the real descendents of the Sun had to submit to holding their Court at Yosimo, a small borough situated on the south of the capital, in the province of Yomato. At length a family arrangement put an end to this public scandal ; and the hundred and first Mikado, He of the South, resumed possession of his holy city, and solemnly revived the fiction of his theocratic sovereignty. Scenes of Blood. On the other hand, the power of the Sho- guns. was the object of strenuous rivalries, which carried fire and sword through Kioto and Kamakoura by turns, and did not shrink even from fratricide. The feudal nobles took advantage of the general confusion to make one more attempt to break through their vassalage to the crown or its lieutenants. When, in the year 1582, the Shogun Nobounanga was surprised and massacred, with his entire family, in his own palace, the Empire seemed to be on the brink of disso- lution. It was saved by an adventurer, the son of a peasant, who had begun life as a groom in the service of the Shogun. His grave and taciturn demeanor, matured by the vicissitudes of a vagabond youth, attracted the attention of his new master. He was frequently observed squatting in the attitude of persons of his class, near the stalls in which the horses in his charge stood, his arms stretched out on his knees, and his mind plunged in deep reverie. Nobounanga offered him a military career. The ex-groom, become General Faxiba, dis- tinguished himself by brilliant deeds, for which he was raised to the rank of Daimio. THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 345 On the death of his benefactor, he undertook to avenge him, and he commanded, under the name of Fide-Yosi, the troops which were sent into the provinces of the great vassals who Ijad revolted. Two years suf- ficed for the suppression of the rebellion. His return to Kioto was a genuine triumph. The Mikado solemnly invested him with the chief title of the Dairi — ^that of Quamboukou, and proclaimed him his lieutenant-general. Then Fide-Yosi carried his sword into another scene of strife. Every one of the thousand divinities of the Buddhist myth- ology had taken his place in Japan. There they had temples, statues, monastic frater- nities. Bonzes, monks, nuns, abounded throughout the Empire, and principally in the centre and south of Niphon. Each con- vent vied with its neighbors for the public favor. Furious Conflicts. By degrees the competition became so vehement, that jealousy, hatred, and envy embittered the mutual relations of certain powerful and ambitious orders. From in- vective they proceeded to violence. The Imperial police interfered in the earlier con- flicts of the tonsured foes, but they were soon powerless to oppose the torrent. Bancjs of furious men in soutanes and habits, armed with sticks, pikes and flails, came down in the night upon the territory of the fraternity with whom they were at variance; ravaged everything that came in their way ; ill- treated, killed or dispersed the victims of their surprise, and did not retire until they had set fire to the four quarters of the bonze- house. But the aggressors, sooner or later, in their turn assailed unawares, underwent similar treatment. Six times, in the course of the twelfi;h century, the monks of the convent on the Yeisan burned the bonze-house of Djen- sjoi ; twice the monks of Djensjosi burned the convent of Yeisan to ashes. Similar scenes were enacted in various parts of Niphon. In order to protect their convents from a sudden attack, rich priors converted themselves into fortresses. Their audacity increased with the incapacity of the Government. Inimical fraternities had armed encounters under the very walls of the tem- ples which they possessed in the capitals. Damage by Fire. A portion of the Dairi was sacked, in 1283, after one of these encounters. A temple in Kioto having been fired in 1 5 36,. the flames spread to an adjacent quarter, and immense damage was done. The efforts of the Shogun Nebounanga to reduce the in- surgent fraternity to submission were ren- dered fruitless by the entrenchments from behind which they opposed him. Fide-Yosi resolved to make an end, once for all, of the quarrels of the monks. He surprised, captured and occupied the most militant bonze-houses, demolished their de- fences, transported all the monks who had broken the public peace to distant islands, and placed the whole of the Japanese clergy, without distinction, under the superinten- dence of an active, severe and inexorable police. He enacted that thenceforth the bonzes should enjoy only the usufruct of their lands, the property in them being trans- ferred to the Government, with full and free power of disposal of them. Then he ordered all the dignitaries among the clergy, both regular and secular, to limit themselves strictly, together with their sub- ordinates, to their religious functions. From this law the Japanese priesthood has never since departed. They officiate at the altar in the interior of their bonze-houses, under 346 the eyes of the people, in a sanctuary which is separated by a partition from the crowd ; -but they never address the people otherwise than by preaching, and only on the holydays ■especially set apart for the purpose. They were forbidden to organize proces- .sions except at certain periods of the year, .and with the co-operation of the Govern- ment officials charged with the ordering of public ceremonies. Their pastoral duties were restricted to the narrowest limits, and have never been ■enlarged. The bonzes are charged with the accomplishment of the sacramental cere- imonies with which all sects in Japan sur- round the last moments of the dying. They •conduct the funerals, and provide, according to the wishes of the relations of the de- <;eased, for the burial or the burning of the corpse, and for the consecration and preser- vation of his tomb. Barbarous Punishment. But, in proportion as they reign over the ■domain of death, they are vigilantly watched and restrained in all their relations with so- ciety and the business of life. Most of the secular priests are married, and hold familiar intercourse with a small circle of friends and neighbors ; but they are all the more sternly dealt with if they give any offence in conse- ■quence. I saw, in the chief market-place at Yoko- hama, an aged bonze, who had been exposed there for three consecutive days, on his knees, on an old mat, under the burning sun. The poor wretch endeavored occa- sionally to wipe the sweat from his bald head with a little crape handkerchief. A placard, stuck in the ground in front of him, apprized the public that this man had prac- tised medicine clandestinely, and had crimin- ally assaulted one of his female patients, and JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. therefore the justice of the Tycoon had con- demned him to transportation for life after public exposure. In 1856, a short time after Fide-Yosi had put an end to the monastic troubles of the Empire, strange news caused public attention to fix itself upon the island of Kiousiou. At this time the trade of Japan with the Asiastic continent and archipelagoes was not in any way shackled. The Prince of Boungo, who, forty years previously, had received the Portuguese adventurers flung upon the coasts of his province by a tempest, had hastened to furnish them with the means of returning to Goa, and had begged them to send him every year a ship laden with mer- chandise suitable for the native markets. First Jesuit Mission. Thus relations between Portugal and Japan were founded and developed. On one of its first voyages, the Portuguese ship, at the moment of setting sail for Goa, secretly gavv, asylum to a Japanese gentleman named Hansiro, who had committed a homicide. The illustrious Jesuit, Francis Xavier, who had recently disembarked at Goa, undertook the religious instruction of the Japanese fugi- tive, and administered baptism to him. In 1 549, the first Jesuit mission was established in the island of Kiousiou, under the direc- tion of Saint Francis Xavier himself, and with the assistance of Hansiro. The missionaries were at first astonished and terrified at finding in Japan so many institutions, ceremonies, and objects of wor- ship closely resembling those which they had come thither to introduce. Taking no heed of the immense antiquity of Buddhism, they declared that the religion could be nothing less than a diabolical counterfeit of the true Church. Nevertheless, they were not slow to perceive that they might THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 347 turn that circumstance to the advantage of their propaganda. Nothing in the doctrine of Buddhism was opposed to the admission of Jesus among the number of the Buddhas who, in the course of ages, have appeared upon earth. Nor was there any insurmountable diffi- culty in giving the Virgin pre-eminence over ■ the queens of heaven in the ancient Pan- theon. In a word, the ruling creed at least furnished certain useful points of contact, and all sorts of pretexts and good opportu- nities for introducing the matter. This first mission had a prodigious success, and there is ample room for believing that, thanks to the apostolic zeal and persuasive power of Saint Francis Xavier, numerous and sincere conversions to Christianity took place in all classes of Japanese society. Power of the Triple Crown. Several high dignitaries of Buddhism were filled with uneasiness about tKe future of their religion, and carried their complaints and remonstrances to the foot of the throne. " How many sects," asked the Mikado, "do you estimate as existing in my dominions ? " "Thirty-five," was the prompt reply. " Very well, then, that will make the thirty- sixth,'' replied the jovial Emperor. The Shogun Fide-Yosi regarded the ques- tion from another point of view. Struck by the fact that the foreign missionaries applied themselves not only to spread their doctrines among the people, but to gain the favor of the great vassals of the Empire, and that the anarchical tendencies of the latter were mys- teriously fostered by their relations with these priests, he discovered that they were com- missioned by a sovereign pontiff who wore a triple crown, and who could, at his free will and pleasure, dispossess the greatest princes, distribute the kingdoms of Europe among his favorites, and even dispose of newly-dis- covered continents. He reflected that the emissaries of this redoubtable ruler of the West had already formed a party in the coast of the Mikado, and had founded a house in his capital; that the former Shogun Nobounanga had openly protected and befriended them; and that there was reason to believe that he, the Shogun in place and power, was actually surrounded in his own palace by dark in- trigues in the household of his young son and heir presumptive. Severe Measures. Fide-Yosi communicated his observations and his fears to an experienced servant whom he had already charged with several delicate missions. The dark and subtle genius of this confidant, who became so famous in the history of Japan under the name of lyeyas, applied itself diligently to sounding the depth of the danger. An embassy of Japanese Christians, directed by Father Valignani, the superior of the Order of Jesuits, had set out for Rome. lyeyas suppUed his master with proofs that the princes of Boungo, Omoura, and Arima^had written, on this occasion, to the Spiritual Emperor of the Christians (Pope Gregory XIII) letters in which they declared that they threw themselves at his feet and worshipped him as their supreme Lord, in his quality of sole representative of God on earth. The Shogun dissembled his wrath, but only in order to render his vengeance more signal. He employed nearly a year in organizing, in concert with his favorite, the blow he meditated. At length, in June, 1587, his troops were at their posts, in their suspected provinces of Kiousiou and the southern coast of Niphon, in sufficient force to suppress any attempt at resistance. On one especial day, from one 348 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. end of the Empire to the other, an edict was published, by order of the Shogun, by which, in the name and as the lieutenant of the Mikado, he commanded the suppression of Christianity within six months ; ordered that the foreign missionaries should be banished in perpetuity, on pain of death; that their schools should be inimediately closed, their churches demolished, crosses pulled down wherever they were found; and that the native converts should abjure the new doc- trine in the presence of the Government officials. At the same time, in order to make the agreement between the two potentates evi- dent, the Mikado paid a solemn visit to his lieutenant, while the latter, to reward the services of his faithful lyeyas, raised him to the rank of his prime minister, and made him governor of eight provinces. Loyal to Their Faith. All the measures provided by the edict of the Shogun were punctually accomplished, with the exception of one, which was pre- cisely that which the ex-groom expected to have given him the least trouble. To his profound amazement, the native Christians of both sexes, of all classes, and of every age absolutely refused to abjure. Those who possessed land he dispossessed, and enriched his officers with their spoils. Others were imprisoned or exiled. These rigorous ex- amples produced no effect whatever. The recalcitrants were threatened with capital punishment. They bowed their heads to the sword of the executioner with resignation hitherto unknown ; and in many instances the sympathies of the crowd were excited by the testimony which they ren- dered to their Faith. Then the most ingenious modes of torture were resorted to, and the native Christians were put to cieath by fire and crucifixion. In a great number of cases the latter mode was selected. The Japanese martyrs rivalled the first con- fessors of the Church in the constancy of their faith. For three consecutive years the fury of the Shogun's officers vainly ex- pended itself in the utmost refinements of barbarity and brutality, in ferocious, hideous, unspeakable inventions, practiced upon more than 20,500 victims, men and women, young men and maidens, old men and little children. Great Battle in Corea. Suddenly, the persecution was relaxed. Fide-Yosi called the feudal nobles to arms, and threw 160,000 fighting men on the coasts of Corea, with which countrj' Japan was at perfect peace (1592). His general summoned the Coreans to join them in attacking the dynasty of the Mings. The Chinese army marched to meet the invaders, but it suffered so decisive a defeat, that the Emperor of China hastened to offer the Shogun peace, with the title of King of Niphon and First Vassal of the Celestial Empire. Fide-Yosi proudly replied : " I am already King of Niphon ; I am so of myself, and I should know how, if I chose to do so, to make the Emperor of China my vassal." In 1597 he followed up his threat by sending a second army of 130,000 men. But death surprised him, towards the close of the following year, before the issue of the new campaign ; and the two Empires, equally weary of an unjustifiable war, has- tened to be reconciled, and recalled their armies. During his later years, Fide-Yosi was honored by his Court with the surname of the Great (Ta'ikosama) which history has preserved. The two Chinese expeditions which ended the career of Taikosama, and which one JAPANESE DANCERS % o H O w c5 THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 349 might be tempted to regard as foolish adven- tures, seem to have been, as well as his edict •of persecution, acts maturely premeditated with the view to attaining the double end of liis ambitious dreams, the crushing of the feudal nobility and the foundation upon its ruins of a monarchical dynasty. Already the vassals of the Empire were exhausted in sterile internal strife : it was necessary to ruin them by distant and costly wars. Under the pretext of protecting the wives and children of the Daimios who were called to military service, Taikosama obliged the families and the principal servants of the princes to come and live in houses which he had prepared for them within the enclosure •of his fortresses. When the nobles them- selves returned from China, they could only regain possession of their lands on condition of residing on them henceforth alone, without their families, but with the power of tempo- rarily rejoining the latter at the Court of the Shogun, where they were still to remain as Jiostages. Po^ve^ful Princes Overthrown. Kaempfer describes this as a unique and marvellous example of a great number of powerful princes subjugated by a simple .soldier of low extraction. But this was not ■enough to keep the provinces under the •domination of the new central power. Hitherto the cities of residence had been Tinited to one another by a military road. Taikosama profited by the absence of the nobles to make a road through their lands, ■extending to the extremities of the Empire, which was to be independent of all other •ward, police, or jurisdiction than that of the Shogun. It was called the Tokaido. Posts were established at twenty minutes' dis- tance one from the other — spaces still covered without rest by the Imperial run- ners who form the postal service at the present time. In each station runners were ready to relieve their comrades; saddle-horses and pack-horses harnessed; custom-house offi- cers, police, and a picket of soldiers, who have charge of a rock furnished with guns and lances for arming the reinforcements. Finally, a perfect network of day and night signals covered the heights, in order to spread alarm to the headquarters of the Government forces at the first indication of danger. An Oath Signed With Blood. It was the midst of these works, which by their results were to acquire all the import- ance of a permanent occupation of the feudal provinces, that Taikosama was surprised by death in the sixty-third year of his age and the twelfth of his reign. His last wishes were that measures might be taken for the consolidation of his dynasty. Although his son Fide-Yosi was yet a minor, he married him to the daughter of his first minister lyeyas, to whom he confided the regency of the Empire. lyeyas bound himself by a solemn oath, signed with his blood, to relinquish his powers as soon as the presumptive heir should be old enough to ascend the throne. He closed the eyes of Taikosama, gave him a magnificent funeral, and governed Japan for five years under the title of Regent, applying himself systematically to keep the young Shogun out of the management of affairs. But the latter had certain counsel- lors, who saw through the designs of lyeyas, and successfully raised all sorts of obstacles to the realization of his ambitious plans, lyeyas summoned them to give up to him the fortress of Osaka, where they had estab- lished the residence of his son-in-law. On 350 their refusal, he invested the place. After several months of heroic resistance, the gar- rison was obliged to capitulate. Fide-Yosi set fire with his own hands to his palace, and flung himself with all his servants, into the flames. lyeyas, proclaimed Shogun, justified his ' perjury and the tragic end of Fide-Yosi, by JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. noble families of the Empire. At that epoch, at the commencement of the seventeenth cen- tury, Yeddo was not equal in importance to the pontifical Miako, nor to Osaka, the centre of commerce, nor even to Nagasaki. But, like the last city, it has the advan- tage of a strategical position, easily defended on the land side, and regarded as impregna- A JAPANESE LADY accusing that prince of having secretly con- spired with the Christians. The army took the oath of .fidelity to him. The Mikado sanctioned his usurpation. The people prostrated themselves before him with the docility of slaves. To the usurper lyeyas is due the merit of having made Yeddo the political capital of Japan, and the obligatory residence of the IN HER PALANQUIN. ble on that of the sea. Kaempfer, who on. two occasions went with an embassy of the Dutch India Company to Kioto and tO' Yeddo, reckons that in the line of the Tokaido, or close to it, there are thirty-three great cities with fortresses and fifty-seven, small towns unfortified, without mentioning an infinite number of villages and hamlets. It takes no less than from twenty-five to. THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 351 thirty days to go from Nagasaki to Yeddo, by the Tokaido, using the means of trans- port customary among the natives, who know no other than the horse or the palan- quin. There are two sorts of palanquin, the norimon and the cango. The former, which requires four bearers for long journeys, is a large, heavy box, in which one may sit with tolerable comfort. The sides are in lacquered wood, and contain two sliding doors. Al- though the norimon is, par excellence, the vehicle of the nobility, it admits of no orna- ments, and is used by the ladies of the middle class. The cango is a light litter of bamboo, open on both sides ; it requires only two bearers, who alv/ays walk with a rapid and regular step. They rest for one minute out of twenty. When they go back, each carries in his turn the cango, suspended at the end of a pole, over his shoulder. The Great Highway. The pack-horses intended for the trans- port of merchandise and of travellers go slowly behind their drivers, the head bent, ~ and attached by a strap which passes under the body to the cord which goes round the animal. The Japanese, instead of shoeing their horses, wrap their hoofs in a little mat, which only lasts one day. According as these mats wear out, they are thrown aside, and immediately replaced, and large pro- visions of them always make part of the baggage. Foot passengers do the same with their sandals of plaited straw ; so that all the roads of Japan are covered with these relics. The Tokaido is crossed in several places by arms of the sea and by rapid rivers. Large boats do duty as coaches, and cross the strait which separates the island of Kiousiou from Simonoseki, in two hours. Most of the travellers, and even pilgrims, profit by the great merchant-junks of the inland sea to make the journey from Simo- noseki to Hiogo. It is only half a day's journey from Hiogo to Osaka, and one day from Osaka to Kioto. Between this city and Yeddo lie the most picturesque portions of the road. Crossing the Rivers. Travellers cross the rivers in flat boats, or on the shoulders of porters. These porters form a corporation, which indemnifies the traveller in case of personal accident or loss- of baggage. With the exception of a girdle tattooing suffices for their clothing, according to custom among the Coolies of Japan. The subjects of this process are heroic, such as the Strife of Yamato with the Dragon, the Tribunal of Hell, and the image of that in- comparable soldier who, when his head was falling under the sword, tore off his enemies' armor with his teeth. The fare is always extremely moderate, and varies according to whether eight men are employed to carry the norimon, or four men with a litter, two men with a stretcher, or a simple porter. In the latter case, which is the most frequent, the traveller seats him- self astride the bearer's neck, and the latter takes him by both legs, and, telling him to- sit steadily, steps into the water warily and firmly. Sometimes a sudden rise of the river intercepts the passage, and then the travellers install themselves in the tea-houses on the shore, from whence they watch the water until the porters come to tell them that the ford is practicable. Three days' journey from Yeddo, the Tokaido passes by the foot of Fousi-yama, from which it is only separated by the lake of Akoni. Thousands of pilgrims go annuallyin procession to the summit of the 352 marvellous mountain, where they are re- •eeived by the monks of a convent built at the very edge of the crater, which opened for the first time 286 years before the birth of Christ and vomited its lava in 1707. The hills of Akoni, covered with forests in which large game abound, give access to no other road than that of the Tokaido. All the roads of the provinces to the west and south of Yeddo are connected with this great artery, while this one ends in a narrow defile, provided with heavy barriers and fortified guard-houses. Here all travellers have to exhibit their passports, and submit their effects to the inspection of the Government ■ofificers. Yeddo is now named Tokio. Neither the rank of the Grand Daimios, nor their imposing suites, can exempt them from these formalities, whose special object is the prevention of the clandestine convey- , ance of arms into the provinces, no less than .attempts at evasion on the part of the noble ladies whose birth and the laws of Taikosama ■condemn them to reside at Tokio. A Formidable Wall. Not content with these precautions, which do not extend to the northern provinces, lyeyas and his successors thought it neces- .sary to protect the approaches to their capi- tal on that side by a long wall, at whose gates an inspection is made by the custom- liouse and police officers. Beyond the hills of Akoni, the Tokaido •overlooks the gulf of Odawara, towards the bay of Yeddo, which it joins at the village ■of Kanagawa, opposite Yokohama. All these localities have been the scenes of assas- sinations, committed upon inoffensive for- eigners of different nations by men belonging to the class of the Samoura'is, or Japanese nobles having the privilege of carrying two .swords. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. Major Baldwin and Lieutenant Bird, English officers, were murdered not far from the statue of the Daiboudhs of Kamakoura. The corpse of Lieutenant Camus, a French officer, was found horribly mutilated at the entrance of the village of Odongaia. An English merchant, Mr. Lenox Richardson, was killed upon the threshold of the tea- house of Maneia, near Kanagawa. Two Russian officers, and, shortly after, two Cap- tains of the Dutch merchant marine, M. Vos and M. Decker, were cut to pieces in the High Street of the Japanese city of Yoko- hama. A Japanese interpreter to the English minister, and the Dutch interpreter of the American Legation, Mr. Keusken, perished in the streets of Tokio. Narrow Escape. The whole of the British Legation had a narrow escape from falling victims to a night attack, which was repelled with great blood- shed. Two English soldiers were killed at their posts in a second attack on the same legation. It is difficult to forget these things when one is residing in the country where they have happened, and above all when one has installed one's self at Tokio. The Government of the Tycoon is always disposed to dwell upon the danger presented by a sojourn in the capital. That does not prevent their adding that the Tycoon is pro- foundly humilated that such a state of things should exist in his country. On the other hand, where he finds himself at a loss for expedients to escape the reception of an em- bassy, or when he has used eloquence in per- suading them to retire, he is particularly anxious to prove to his foreign guests that the fears he has thought it his duty to express are well founded. Thus, when one goes to Tokio by land, one is obliged to accept the escort of a troop THE RESIDENCE OF THE SHOGUNS. 353 of mounted Yakounines. Ours joined us at the limit assigned to the residents of Yoko- hama for their exercise towards the north of the bay. We crossed the arm of the sea which separates Benten from Kanagawa in our sampan. Our horses were awaiting us in the latter village, and we enjoyed our last hour of hberty by following the Tokaido, with its two interminable files of travellers on foot and on horseback, in norimons and in cangos ; those who were going to the capital kept the road to the right ; those who were coming back keeping the left. Ts^jical Tea- House. We halted at the Maneia tea-house, which was crowded with picturesque groups of guests. All along the front were stoves, smoking kettles, tables laden with provisions, active waitresses coming and going on the right and left, distributing lacquered trays with cups of tea, bowls of saki, fried fish, -cakes, and fruits of the season. Before the threshold, seated on benches, were artisans and coolies fanning themselves, while their wives lit their pipes at the common brasero. Suddenly a movement of horror mani- fested itself among the guests and the wait- resses; a detachment of police officers, escorting a criminal, came to take refresh^ ment. With great haste, boiling tea and saki are offered to the two-sworded men, while the coolies, who carried the prisoner in a bamboo basket, without any opening, deposit their burden on the ground, and rub themselves dry with a long piece of crape. As for the unhappy criminal, who could be seen doubled up in his bamboo prison, a man with haggard eyes, dishevelled hair, and bushy beard, he was going to be tortured in the prisons of Tokio, as a punishment for the evil deeds set forth upon a placard which 23 hung from his ignominious basket. He was object of pity and curiosity. The beautiful little town of Kawasaki boasts of several temples, among which that of the Daisi-Gnawara-Heghensi seems to me to be one of t)\e purest monuments of Buddhist architecture in Japan. I had heard different versions of the worship to which it is consecrated; among others, the miraculous legend reputed of the Saint who was the special object of the veneration of the faithful in that place. To so high a degree did he possess the virtue of contem- plation, that he did not perceive that a coal fire placed near him in a brazier was con- suming his hands, while he was absorbed in meditation. Shaded Footpaths. Although the Tokaido is in general as fine a road as any of our great European highways, and has the advantage over them of being bordered over its whole extent by footpaths shaded with fine plantations of trees, it is, in the environs of the capital, strange to say, that it is worse kept. One day of rain turns the streets of the numerous villages beyond Kanagawa into gullies. On this point, as upon many others, the Japanese display, at the same time, a remarkable intel- ligence in all their works of civilization, and, when they come to the apphcation of them, a carelessness in detail no less extraordinary. At length we reach the populous suburbs of Tokio. A short halt on the threshold of one of the numerous tea-houses of the vil- lage of Omori introduces us to a merry com- pany of citizens, accompanied by their wives and children. Other groups, who were mak- ing no less noise, were besieging a great toy shop; an infinite variety of playthings for children, fancy straw hats, animals of plaited straw, painted and varnished, were placed in 354 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. the front. I readily recognized the bear of Yeso, the monkey of Niphon, the domestic buffalo, the tortoise a hundred years old, dragging like a long tail great tufts of sea- weed growing from his shell. But time pressed, and, the sight of the , ofting covered with white sails exciting our impatience, we made our way to the sea- board. The road rests on strong stone foundations, but the waves which formerly came up to it are now lost among the reeds and sea-plants. On our left is stretched a pine-wood, and some cypress groves, over which we noticed great flocks of crows were hovering; our guides informed us that this is the place of capital executions, Dzousou- kamori — or at least that of the southern quarter of the great city, for there is a second in the northern quarter. Ghastly Symbols of Death, The aspect of the place is exceedingly gloomy. If one is sufficiently fortunate as to escape the sight of mutilated heads or bodies abandoned to the dogs and the birds, one cannot behold, without horror, the great extent of earth covering the last remains of criminals, a granite pillar, bearing I know not what funeral inscription, a platform ap- propriated to the use of the officers who have to preside at executions, and a gigantic statue of Buddha, a gloomy symbol of im- placable expiation and death without conso- lation. Immediately after passing the place where the justice of the Taikoun exhibits his exem- plary vengeance to the people, we enter the most ill-famed faubourg of Tokio, Sinagawa, which commences at two miles south of the city, and joins it at the gates of the Takanawa quarter. The Government has taken measures to provide foreigners coming to Tokio, or re- siding in that city, with a strong escort pass- ing through Sinagawa, which they are only allowed to do by dayhght. The regular population of this neighborhood is inoffen- sive, being composed for the most part of boatmen, fishermen, and laborers; but they inhabit the cabins which throng the beach, while the two sides of the Tokaido are lined almost uninterruptedly with tea-houses of the worst kind, which harbor the same scum of society as in the great cities in Europe and America, and in addition a very dangerous class of men proper to the capital of Japan. Two Swords to One Man. These are the lonines; officers without employment, belonging to the caste of the Samourais, and consequently preserving the right of wearing two swords. Some of them are men of good family, who have been turned out of their homes in consequence of the debauchery of their lives. Others have lost, through misconduct, their place in the service of the Taikoun, or in the mili- tary house of some Daimio. Others have been dismissed by a chief whom evil times has forced to restrict his expenses by the re- duction of his personal following, and are now thrown upon their own resources. The lonine, deprived of the pay on which he lived, and knowing no other profession than that of arms, has generally no other resource, while waiting for a new engage- ment, than to take refuge in these dens of vice, where he repays the hospitality which he receives by the vilest kind of industry. The customers whom he attracts add new elements of wickedness to those with which the faubourg abounds. CHAPTBR XXI. THE GREAT CITY OF TOKIO. ABOVE all other great cities in the world, Tokio, formerly called Yed- do, seems to be favored by nature in situation, climate, vegetable wealth and abundemce of running water. It is placed at the mouth of two rivers, of which one bathes the Hondjo, a suburban district, on the east, and the other, passing from north to south through the most popu- lous quarters of the town, separates the Hondjo from the city, and from the two Asaksas, also suburban districts. Two wide streams among seven or eight of less importance flow through the districts which surround the citadel ; they are the Tanorike and the Yeddo Gawa. Basins, tanks, moats and a whole network of irrigating canals connect these natural water-courses, and carry commercial circul- ation, popular animation, and the movement and life of the immense capital, into the heart of the city, as well as to the centre and extremities of the Hondjo. Among the number of canals on the sea side of the citadel, that of Niphon-bassi holds the first rank ; the canal of Kio-bassi holds the second ; they are both in the heart of the commercial city. The most pic- turesque view of Tokio is to be had from its Niphon-bassi, the most strongly fortified of the bridges. On turning towards the north, we have on the horizon the white pyramid of Fousi- yama ; on the right, the city overlookecf by terraces, the parks and the square towers of the residence of the Tycoon. In the same direction, and, as far as its junction with the moats of the citadel, the canal of Niphon- , bassi is bordered on both banks by innum- erable warehouses containing silk, cotton, rice and saki. On our left, beyond the fish-market, lie canals and streets which go down to the Ogawa. Hundreds of long boats, laden with wood, coal, bamboo canes, mats, cov- ered baskets, boxes, barrels and enormous fish are crossing and recrossing through all the channels of navigation, while the streets seem to be exclusively given up to the people. Occasionally, a string of horses or black buffaloes heavily laden may be distin- guished among the crowd of foot passen- gers, and sometimes we see heavy wagons carrying four or five layers of skilfully packed bales. These two- wheeled vehicles are drawn by coolies. No other kind of carriage is to be seen. Strange Noise and Confusion. The sound of wooden shoes upon the pavements and upon the sonorous bridges, the bells on the harness of the beasts of burden, the gongs of the beggars, the ca- denced cries of the coolies, and the confused noises which come up from the canal, form a strange harmony, unlike the sounds of any other cities. All great cities have a voice of their own. In London and New York it is like the surge of the rising tide ; at Tokio, it is like the murmur of a stream. As wave follows wave, so do generations succeed each other. That which I have 355 356 under my eyes is passing away and disap- pearing, carrying with it all that its ancestors bequeathed to it; objects of worship, ancient costumes, old arms, laws which dated from centuries; all these will soon be only a tradition to the new Japanese society which is forming itself in the school of the west. The Ogawa is the principal artery of Tokio. The Junk Harbor at the mouth of the great river occupies the entire space be- tween the small island of Iskawa and the large triangular island which makes part of the district of Niphon-bassi. Above the canal of this name the bridge of Yetoi ex- tends from the region^ of the northeast of the triangle to the western bank of the dis- trict of Foukagawa. Motley Crowds. On both sides the population is essentially plebeian. With the exception of some Yas- kis of the second and third class, the houses of fishermen, mariners, and small shopkeepers form these quarters. The bridge, the squares, and the neighboring streets are constantly crowded with people of the lower classes, who have apparently no other object than recreation. The children play on the bridge and in the streets without any fear of being molested by the passers-by. No less than fpur gigantic bridges span the banks of the Ogawa, with intervals between them of about twenty minutes' walk ; and the squares upon which they debouch, on the Hondjo side as well as on that of Tokio, are almost all equally spacious. Ascending the river on the north of Tokio we come in the first place to the great bridge O-bassi, so named because it is the largest of the four ; the third and fourth bridges, Riogokou and Adsouma, are very nearly as spacious ; above the Adsouma-bassi the river takes the name of Sumida-gawa. These JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. limpid waters form the extreme hmit of the quarters north of the citadel. A single bridge, with sixteen arches, called the Bridge of Oskio-kaido, or Northern Road, places the whole of this portion of the city in pommu- nication with the fields, the villages, and the rustic tea-houses of the northern suburb, which abounds in fertile fields and charming views, and is the favorite scene of parties of pleasure. A Magnificent Suburb. If the inhabitant of Tokio is proud of his good city, he is additionally proud of the magnificent suburb called Inako, for he is susceptible alike to the charms of nature and the pleasures of society, and loves the cool retreats on the banks of the Oskio- Kaido as well as the crowded quays of the city. There are three things to which the Japanese refuses his sympathy. First, that perfidious element the sea, which he aban- dons to the fishermen, the boatmen, and the garrison of the six detached forts ; secondly, the cold solitude of the bonze-houses ; and thirdly, the formidable enclosure of the cita- del and the Daimio-Kodzi. He keeps as far away from all these as his business will permit, and such pleasure as he takes in the city itself he seeks for at a respectful distance from the seat of the Government. The Riogokou, or Liogokou- bassi, may be regarded as the centre of the nocturnal merry-makings of the citizens. This bridge, which is completely outside the commercial quarter of the city, places the Hondjo in communication with theAsaksas: or two districts on the left bank, which con- tain the principal places of amusement in Tokio. The river is not deep enough to float merchant junks at this height, but its surface is covered with hundreds of light boats, which can move about freely in all THE GREAT CITY OF TOKIO. 357 directions thus giving the waterway a very Hvely appearance. During the fine nights in summer, rafts, laden with pyrotechnic devices, go up the stream and fling bouquets of stars towards the sky. Gondolas, ornamented with bril- liantly-colored lanterns, cross and recross from one bank to the other, while large barques, all decorated with lamps and ban- ners, are slowly propelled, or lie still upon the water, while their joyous crews are play- ing the guitar or singing. A crowd of bystanders lines the bridges and the quays, delighting in the animated and picturesque spectacle which the river affords. Tokio, at these times, presents an almost identical picture of a Venetian fete, without omitting the Syrens, who are not wanting on the waters of the Ogawa any more than on the Lagoons. But, on the other hand, we must be careful not to compare the great family boats of the Riogokou-bassi to the flower-laden barques of China. The Charm of Music. The former generally belong to respectable tea-houses, and are let out by the, hour, the proprietors of the tea-houses furnishing their customers with refreshments and guitar- players. They are only annexes of these tea-houses, and occasionally of the little bamboo establishments which are built on the quays, and used by professional singers and musicians. The neighborhood of the bridges, far from injuring the effect of the productions of these humble artists, lends them an additional charm. The intervals of silence are broken by the distant noise of comers and goers on the wooden bridge. No roll of carriages, none of the discordant clamor of our European cities breaks the charm of our impressions. In Venice only, among European cities, can this same movement of the people, this same concert of .steps, voices, sounds of music be heard, without anything to trouble its peaceful cadence and its charming har- mony. The Ogawa reminds us of the Grand Canal, and the neighborhood of the bridges of Tokio is, like the public squares of Venice, the rendezvous of the citizen population. The multitudes who meet each other there every evening cause no inconvenience what- ever; for though Tokio is a city of great dimensions, the Japanese people sponta- neously keep on the move. Japanese Musical Instruments. Musical entertainments in Tokio are only appreciable by the natives ; for the Japanese melodies have something in them strange and incomprehensible to the ear of the European and American. The musical sys- ^ tem upon which they rest is hardly known. Japanese music is very rich in semitones, and even in quarter-tones. M. F. J. Fetis observes that the melodies collected by Siebold seem to destroy the theory of analogy between Japanese and Chinese music; so that there exists in the musical art, as in the native idiom of that country, the double mystery of a separate system, which has nothing in common with the Western world, or with that of the far East. Japanese musical instruments are also re- markable for their originality. Stringed in- struments are made of light and sonorous wood, and the strings are fine cords of silk thinly coated with lacquer. The samsin and the guitar are, above all others, the popular instruments ; they are indispensable articles in the trousseau of a young bride. The kokiou, a violincello played with a bow, is frequently used, and also the biwa, a violincello played with the plectrum of the samsin. 358 The Japanese clarionet is made of bamboo; like a flute, and they have also a sort of flageo- lette with eight holes. The Japanese use the trumpet and the marine conch exclusively in their religious festivals. They have two kinds of percussion instru- ments. One is made of copper or composite metal, and includes a great variety of gongs of various shapes, among them shields, bells, fish and tortoise, and the sound they produce varies between the grave and sonorous and the squeaky and shrill. Besides these they have an instrument formed of two rings fast- ened on a handle, and struck by a light metal rod. Rattles and Drums. The other instruments of percussion are wooden rattles, stone drums like bowls, which stand on low frames ; a musical drum made of leather; finally, the tom-tom, or portable tambourine, and the kettle drum. The tambourines, which invariably accom- pany the character dances, are sometimes played two at a time, one being held under the arm and the other in the left hand. The Sibaia, or national theatre of the Japanese, occasionally employs the whole of the musical resources of the city, in pieces which bear a distant resemblance to our great operas. According to a Japanese saying, in order to be happy one must visit Tokio. The southern portion of the city, in which the foreign legations are established, includes eight districts, all essentially plebian. They contain a considerable agricultural popula- tion, devoted to the culture of kitchen-gar- dens, rice-grounds, and all the arable lands not yet invaded by dwellings. These dis- tricts are composed of a multitude of mean houses tenanted by fishermen, laborers, small JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. artisans, retail shop-keepers, inferior oflScers, and low-class eating-house keepers. A few lordly mansions break the uniformity of these wooden buildings by their long whitewashed walls. Bonze-houses and temples are scat- tered about everywhere, except in the two quarters built on the bay : Takanawa alone contains thirty. The low streets and quays of Takanawa are filled from morning to night with a great concourse of people. The staple population of this quarter seems to live on taxes levied on all comers. Here tobacco is chopped and sold; there rice is packed and made into cakes; along, the whole line dried fish, watermelons, and an infinite variety of fruits and other cheap eatables are displayed upon tables in the open air, or in innumerable res- taurants. Everywhere there are coolies, porters, and boatmen offering their services. In the small side streets are stalls for the pack-horses and stabling for the buffaloes, who draw in the products of the surrounding country upon the rustic carts which are the only wheeled vehicles in Tokio. Dancers and Jugglers. At the doors of the tea-houses of Tak- anawa, the singers, dancers and wandering jugglers, who come to try their luck in the capital, make their first appearance. Among the former there exists a privileged class subject to police discipline. They may be recognized by their large flat hats pulled down on their foreheads ; they always go about two by two, or four by four — two dancers accompanying the two musicians who play the samsin and sing romantic songs. The favorite tumblers of the Japanese streets are little boys, who, before they begin their tricks, hide their heads under a hood. Sis JAPANESE CUSTOM OF FREEING THE CAPTIVES. 359 360 surmounted by a tuft of cock's feathers, and wear a little scarlet mask which represents a dog's muzzle. To the monotpnous sound of their master's tambourine these poor children play their antics, representing the spectacle of a grotesque and really fantastic struggle between two animals with the heads of monsters and human limbs. The constant sound of gongs, and of the bells of the mendicant monks mingle with the deafening noises 'of thfe streets almost as frequently as at Kioto. At Tokio I per- ceived for the first time that the monks were not shaven, and I inquired to what order they belonged. Our interpreter told me that they were laymen merely, people . of Tokio who were making a trade, or mer- chandise of devotion. Grotesque Apparel. Although they were all dressed in white, the sign of mourning and repentance, those who carried a long stick with a bell, some books in a basket, and a large white hat dec- orated at one side with a drawing of Fousi- yama, had just returned from accomplishing a pilgrimage to the holy mountain at the expense of public charity ; and the others, with a gong at the waist, a great black hat striped with yellow, and a heavy sack upon their backs, were probably ruined shop- keepers, who had nothing better to do than to hawk about idols on commission for a bonze-house. By following the great street which, be- ginning at the Toka'ido, the great highway of Japan, cuts obliquely the chain of hills on which the legations are built, and crossing the southern part of Takanawa in a straight line from north to south, we pass succes- sively through three distinct zones of the social life of Tokio. First, the southern zone, which I have just JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. described, with its multitudes living in the open air and conducting all their business in the public street. Between the hills we find a sedentary population, devoted to various kinds of manual labor. Even their dwelhngs and their workshops may be distinguished from afar by their significant signs : here a board cut in the form of sandals or of a kirimon ; next an enormous umbrella of wax- paper hanging above the shop ; further on a quantity of straw hats of all dimensions sus- pended from the top of the roof and reach- ing the shop-door. Repairing Coats of Mail. We look for a moment at the armorers and the burnishers engaged in repairing coats of mail, war fans, and sabres for the Samoura'is ; an old artisan perfectly naked squats upon a mat, blowing the bellows of the forge with the great toe of the left foot, and hammering with his right hand an iron bar which he holds in his left. His son, also squatting in a corner, is putting the bars into the fire with a pair of pincers, and passing them to his father when reddened. The chief of our escort bade us continue our march. By degrees the road began to be deserted. We were entering into the vast solitude of an agglomeration of seignorial residences. -On our right extended the magnificent shade of the park belonging to Prince Satsouma ; on our left the boundary-wall of the palace of the Prince of Arima. When we had turned the northeast corner we found ourselves before the principal front of the building ; it stretches out parallel to a plantation of trees forming the bank of a limpid river which divides the Takanawa quarter from that of Atakosta. One of our party having made prepara- tions to photograph this beautiful scene, two officers belonging to the Prince's household THE GREAT CITY OF TOKIO. 361 came to him and begged him to discontinue his operations. Our friend requested them to go and take the orders of their master upon the subject ; they went, but returned in a very few minutes, saying that the Prince absolutely forbade that any view should be taken of his palace. Beato obeyed respect- fully, and ordered the koskeis to take away the machine; and the officers retired per- fectly satisfied, without the slightest suspicion that during their temporary absence the operator had taken two negatives. The yakounines of our escort, who had been witnesses of this scene, unanimously applauded the success of our friend's trick, but when he told them that it was his inten- tion to take a photograph of the cemetery of the Tycoons, they in their turn opposed him, with a persistency that nothing could shake. We were even obliged to renounce the hope of entering the cemetery. Cypress Groves. We could perceive very distinctly the lofty red pagoda and the sombre groves of cypress, but we could only obtain leave to pass along the eastern side of the grove of Siba — the name given to the holy place, and which occurs again in the complete designa- tion of our own district Siba-Takanawa. We pass the river on an arched bridge, and, leaving on our left a few houses of the Akabane suburb which a recent fire had spared, we crossed a square, bounded on one side by • a matohan or archery garden, and on the other by walls, behind which rise the plantations and roofs of Soiosti — a group of temples belonging to the great bonze-house, which has the honor of receiving the Ty- coons into their last resting-places, there to abide under the combined protection of the two religions of the Empire. Buddhism, it is true, is supreme in this place, where it possesses seventy sacred buildings, but among this number the ancient gods, Hatchiman, Benten, and Inari, has- each his own chapel ; and a temple dedicated to the worship of the Kamis adorns the eastern avenue of Siba on the side of Tokaido and the bay. In the same - direction is the landing-place of the Tycoon, ori the island of Amagoten at the mouth of the river Tamoriike, which supplies the moats of the citadel. The Shaded River. Amagoten forms a regular parallelogram,, and is united by two bridges, which are closed to the public. I rowed almost all round it in our consular sampan. The walls,. the staircases, and the pavilions of the land- ing-place, and the groves of trees which surround it, are admirable in their grandeur, their simplicity, and their elegance. The river is bordered on both sides with great trees, which droop over its deep, pure waters. We left the enclosure of Siba, after we had reached its northeast limit. On that side is the palace of the High Priest, and beneath it we were shown the avenue and the door exclusively reserved for the use of the Tycoon ; he passes through it but once a year, when he goes to make his obligatory devotions at the tombs of his ancestors. Every courtier, following his example, pays a ceremonious visit on one day of the year to his family burial-ground. We pursued our route towards the north. The district of Atakosta, which extends on our right as far as Amagoten, is occupied by the residences of the Daimios, or territorial governors, and the great functionaries of the Empire. On our left, fourteen little contigu- ous temples present themselves. A wide stream separates them from the public way ; each has its special bridge, door, and wall 362 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. surrounded by the chapels and habitations of the bonzes. At the back of the court is the Chapel of the Ablutions, the sacred grove, and the roof of the sanctuary. The sixth bonze-house is the exception. On crossing the threshold we saw a great flagged court, with a majestic tori or gateway of granite, and when we passed in at the .sacred door we found ourselves in the pres- ej?9Ay/,T.-. JAPANESE LADY. ence of two candelabra placed at the foot of an esplanade reached by a flight of steps. Then comes a second court, bordered with fine trees, whose interlacing branches form aracades like that of a Gothic cathedral. Through their foliage we distinguished a wide stone staircase, the summit lost amid verdure. We ascended the staircase, which consists of one hundred steps very regularly laid, to the top of the hill. On the right is another, road, which crosses the wooded slopes, and is composed of a series of staircases, with flat terraces provided with resting-places. A dilapidated oratory with two insigni- ficant idols — one standing upon a lotus, the other seated upon a tortoise — with long covered galleries surrounding the tea- houses, occupies the summit of Ata- gosa-yama. The young waitresses of ^~ the house hasten to serve us with refreshments, and we take a few minutes' rest before we approach the pavilions at the two extremities of the terrace. At length the moment has come when we shall get a complete view of the great city. We begin at the southern pavilion, and we are at first dazzled by the extent and brilliancy of the picture. The sun is going down to the horizon in a cloudless sky; the transparency of the atmosphere per- mits us to distinguish the forts on the luminous surface of the bay, but over the whole space which extends from the offing to the foot of the hill there is nothing to arrest one's gaze. It is an ocean of long streets, white walls and grey roofs. The monotony of this picture is unbroken except by a few groups of trees with dark foliage, or a spire rising above the undulating lines of the innumerable houses. In a neighboring quarter we observe a large hole cut through the streets, as if a bomb-shell had passed ; it is the scene of a recent fire. At a little distance a sombre group of hills, consecrated to the sepulture of the Tycoons, rises like a solitary island above a tumultuous sea. THE GREAT CITY OF TOKIO. 363 The panorama seen from the northern pa- vilion is, if possible, more uniform. It in- <:ludes the quarters inhabited by the nobility, and its limit on the horizon is the ramparts of its citadel. The Daimio-yaski, or seignorial residences to which we improperly gave the name of palace, do not differ except by their dimen- sions. The most opulerft and the simplest present the same type of architecture, the same character of simplicity. They are composed of a first enclosure of buildings reserved for the Prince's servants and men- at-arms. These buildings have only one story above the ground floor, and form a long square, always surrounded by a ditch ; a single roof covers them, a single wall pro- tects them, and most frequently they have no other issue on the public way than this one •door. The windows are numerous, low, and wide, regularly placed on two parallel lines, -and furnished with wooden shutters. Residence of the Prince. In the interior a more or less considerable number of houses divided into regular com- partments, like the barracks of the yakou- nines at Benten, are placed diagonally all round, or on two sides at least, of the centre "building. These are the quarters of the Prince's troops. A wide space separates -them from a second railed enclosure, which •contains the Residence properly so called. The dependencies of the palace face the military quarter. The principal building is surrounded by a verandah opening upon an interior court, and upon the garden with its tanks and its delicious shades. Such is the inviolable and silent asylum in which the proud Da'imio shuts himself up in the bosom of his family, during the six months of each year which the custom of the Empire obliges him to pass in the capital. We could form an idea of the dwellings of the Japanese nobility only from what might be discerned in a bird's-eye view of this quarter. No European has ever crossed the threshold of a Japanese Yaski. The Tycoon's ministers, following the example of the nobility, have never permitted the foreign ambassadors to visit their dwellings ; their personal relations are restricted to ceremonial audiences, which take place in certain build- ings which belong to tl^e administration, and correspond to the ministerial residences in our country. Among this number are the two Marine Schools on the shore of the bay, and the Gokandjo-bounio, the seat of the Finance Department, at the northwest ex- tremity of Atakosta. Palaces of the Nobles. Edifices of this kind have in general the same external appearance as the palaces of the Daimios. The panorama seen from Atagosa-yama shows us only a fourth part of the great capital. On the north our view was bounded by the walls of the residences of the Tycoon. We resolved to devote another day to the quarter which, with the citadel, forms the central portion of Tokio. The road we were about to follow resem- bled a mysterious labyrinth of stone, formed of the ramparts, the towers, and the palaces,' behind which the power of the Tycoon has entrenched itself for two centuries and a half. It is an imposing spectacle, but it creates a painful impression. The political order of things instituted in Japan by the usurper lyeyas vaguely recalls the regime of the Venetian Republic under the rule of the Council of Ten. It has, if not all its gran- deur, at least all its terrors — the sombre majesty of the chief of the State, the impene- trable mystery of his government, the latent 364 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. and continuous action of a system of espion- age officially organized through all the branches of the administration, and bringing in its suite proscriptions, assassinatiofts, and secret executions. We must not push the comparison further. We vainly seek at Tokio, in the vast extent of the citadel, any monument which archy, every functionary is assisted by a controller ; the genius of the employes is exercised in doing nothing and saying noth- ing which can furnish matter for compromis- ing reports. As to their private life, it is hidden, like that of the Japanese nobles in general, behind the walls of their domestic fortresses. While THE HERO YASHITZONE. deserves mention beside the marvellous edifices of the Piazza of St. Mark ; artistic taste is completely wanting in the Court of the Tycoon. It has been relinquished to the people, with poetry, religion, social life, all those superfluous things which do but clog the wheels of the governmental machine. From end to end of the administrative hier- the streets of the town, composed of houses standing wide open on the pubhc way, are constantly enlivened by a crowd of comers and goers of all ages and of both sexes,; in the aristocratic quarters neither women nor children are to be seen, except indeed by stealth behind the window bars in the ser- vants' quarters. THE GREAT CITY OF TOKIO. 365 There are two societies in Tokio — one, armed and privileged, lives in a state of mag- nificent imprisonment, in the vast citadel ; the other, disarmed, and subject to the dominion of the first, seems to enjoy the advantages of liberty ; but, in reality, an iron yoke weighs upon the middle classes of the people of Tokio. Iniquitous laws punish a whole farnily, a whole quarter, for the crime of one of its members. The properties, and even the lives, of the citizens, are secured by no legal guarantee. The extortions and the violence of the two-sworded men remain too frequently unpunished. The citizen finds compensation in the charms of the beautiful city. Pastime of Shooting Peasants. If the sway of the Tycoons is severe, he remembers that the Mikados were not alwkys amiable, and that one of them delighted in exhibiting his skill as an archer by shooting down peasants who were forced to climb trees within easy reach of his arrows. The peoples of countries accustomed to despotism are puzzled to decide where their patience ought to stop. A Japanese Emperor, born under the con- stellation of the Dog, commanded that dogs were to be respected as sacred animals, that they should never be killed, and that at their death they should receive the honors of sepulture. One of his subjects whose dog had died thought it right to inter the animal upon one of the funeral hills. As he was going along, fatigued with the weight of the four-footed corpse, he ventured to remark to a friend who was accompanying him, that the Emperor's decree appeared to him ridiculous. "Take care how you murmur," replied his comrade, " and recollect that our Emperor might just as well have been born under the sign of the Horse." The Sakourada quarter, which forms the first great line of defence of the citadel on the southern side, is surrounded by water at all parts, except the west, where it communi- cates with the Bantsio quarter by the arsenal belonging to the Tycoon. Ten bridges are thrown over the great ditches. The southern bridges have fortified gates, behind which the road makes a bend, which exposes it to the fire from the ramparts, and from the guns mounted in the interior. Soldiers From the Mountains. A strong detachment of the Tycoon's troops occupies the guard-house adjoining the gate through which we pass. The com- mon soldiers are men from the mountains of Akoni, who are discharged after two or three years' service. Their uniform is made of blue cotton, and consists of tight trousers, and a loose shirt, but crossed by white bands on the shoulders. They wear cotton socks, and leather soles fastened by sandals ; also a belt, from which hangs a large sabre with a lacquer scabbard. A pointed hat of lac- quered cardboard completes their costume, but they only wear it when mounting guard, or on parade. The guns of the Japanese army are all percussion, with varied calibre and construc- tion. I saw four different kinds in the racks of the barracks at Benten, into which a yakounine took me. He first showed me a Dutch model, then an arm of inferior quality, made at Tokio ; then an American gun, and finally the Minie, whose use was being taught by a young officer to a picket of soldiers in the courtyard. I remarked that this officer used the Dutch language. I asked him to come home with me, that I might show him my fowling-piece and a Swiss car- bine. Half a dozen of his comrades also accepted my invitation. 366 I have more than once been present at as- saults of arms by the Yakounines. The champions salute each other before attack- ing. The one whb is on guard frequently kneels on the ground, to parry his adver- sary's blows more successfully. Each pass is accompanied by theatrical poses and ex- pressive gestures ; each blow provokes pas- sionate exclamations on the part of both. Then the judges intervene and deliver their verdict. In the intervals the combatants JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. ing before the half-open court. My yakou- nines immediately shut the door, assuring me that the customs of the country did not permit beholders. The Japanese nobles display much luxury,^ and take great pride in their arrtis, especially in their swords, which are of unrivalled temper, and are generally adorned on the handle and scabbard with ornaments in carved and wrought metal of extraordinary richness. But the principal value of these ^^^ A JAPANESE COUCH. drink tea, after which they recommence with great spirit. There is even a School of Fence for the use of the Japanese ladies. Their arm is a lance, with a bent blade, which may be com- pared to a Polish reaping-hook. They carry it with the point towards the ground, and manoeuvre regularly in a series of attitudes, poses and harmonious movements, which would look remarkably well in a ballet. I was not allowed to enjoy this pretty spectacle long. I only caught a glimpse of it in pass- arms consists in their antiquity and their celebrity. Every sabre in the old families of the Da'imios has its tradition and its history, whose eclat is measured by the blood which it has shed. A new sword must not remain intact in the hands of the man who has bought it ; while waiting for an opportunity of dyeing it in the human blood, the Samourai who has become its happy possessor tries it on live animals, or, what is still better, upon the corpses of executed criminals. The exe- THE GREAT CITY OF TOKIO. 367 cutioner gives them up to him upon being authorized so to do by the proper function- ary, and he fastens thepi to a cross in his courtyard, where he practises in cutting and hacking until he has acquired sufficient strength and address to cut two corpses, tied together, through the middle. When the son of a Samourai is too little to carry arms at his belt, he is seen walk- ing, with an attendant, or even an elder sister, following him respectfully, and hold- ing in her right hand, by the middle of the scabbard, a sword suitable to the height of the diminutive personage. In another year or two fencing will become the principal oc- cupation of, his life. A Bloody Conflict. The Tycoon selected a number of his young Yakounines, and sent them to Naga- saki, to learn the use of fire-arms, under the tuition of the Dutch officers. They were not very well received when they returned to' the capital, and were quartered in the bar- racks for the purpose of instructing the new Japanese infantry. Their former comrades shouted " Treason ! " and threw themselves on them with arms in their hands. There were victims on both sides. Nevertheless, the decline of the sword is inevitable. Notwithstanding the traditional prestige with which the privileged caste still endeavor to surround it, notwithstanding the contempt in which it affects to hold the military innovations of the Government, that democratic arm the musket has been introduced into Japan, and with it an incal- culable social revolution has become a fact which the representatives of the feudal regime resent bitterly but vainly. The conduct of their chiefs \izs precipi- tated the catastrophe. Conspiracies in the palace and political assassinations multiply themselves at Yeddo with frightful rapidity. It is averred that several ministers of state have successively died violent deaths since the opening up of Japan. On the 24th of March, i860, at eleven o'clock in the morning, the Regent, carried in his norimbn or royal chair, and coming out of the citadel by the Sakourada bridge, with an escort of four or five hundred men, was assailed by a band of seventeen lonines in the spacious public road, parallel with the ditch in the direction of his own palace. On both sides the fighting" was severe. Story of a Regent's Head. Twenty soldiers of the escort fell at their post ; five conspirators perished with arms in their hands, two performed the " happy despatch," (cutting open their stomachs), four were made prisoners ; the others escaped — among the chief of the expedition, who carried away the Regent's head under his cloak. Public rumor adds that the head was exposed in the chief place of the pro- vince, in which the Prince of Mito, the in- stigator of the conspiracy, resided, and then at Kioto, and finally that the Regent's people found it one day in the garden of the palace, into which it had been thrown over the wall in the night. The portions of Tokio inhabited by the aristocracy are almost entirely devoid of buildings consecrated to public worship. There is not one in the whole of the Daimio's quarter. Bantsio and Sourouga have each three temples, but they are of little import- ance. There are half a dozen in Sakourada, amongst which is a celebrated bonze-house under the invocation of Sanno, " the King of the Mountain." Its title is one of the sur- names of Zinmou ; nevertheless, the bonze- house belongs to the Buddhist religion, and contains an altar consecrated to Quannon. 368 The buildings and the groves of the sacred place occupy a group of hills, which rise above the southern enclosure of Sourouga, with its vast basins of limpid water sur- rounded by trees and flowers, and its myriads of birds. The political system of the Tycoons did not disdain clerical support for their budding dynasty. But as lyeyas and his successors had nothing to hope from the good will of the Mikados, they conciliated the favor of the most influential sects of Buddhism by •endowing bonze-houses and temples which surpass the most sumptuous sacred edifices of Kioto. The munificence of the Tycoons with regard to Buddhism has, however, added nothing to the reverence professed at Tokio for the ministers of that religion. It appears to me that, in all the diverse classes of society in the capital, the position of the bonzes is analogous to that of the Popes of the Greek Church when the latter come into contact with the nobles, the traders, or the Moujiks. The priests of the Kami worship are in a still less enviable condition, because their existence is hardly noticed. It is true that the representatives of the Mikado at the Court of the Tycoon, and some provincial noblemen, honor them by their patronage, ibut the generality of the feudal nobility in JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. residence at Tokio stand entirely aloof from what is being done around them, in matters of religion as well as in everything else. They would prefer to pay a chaplain in the house rather than contribute to the support of any public worship whatever. The only thing they will do for the ancient national religion is to authorize the Kami priests to send their collectors once a year to the aristocratic quarters. The presents made on this occasion are voluntary.. The persons charged with this office are the principal koskeis of the Kami temples, each of whom is followed by his own special koskei. The leader is dressed after the fashion of the ancient priests of the Court of the Mikado, with a lacquered cap, a great sword, and padded trousers, and he holds in his right hand a classic fan of cedar- wood. His attendant, who is disguised as a koskei from Kioto, carries a small tambou- rine, and a ba!g, destined to receive the gifts. Dances, comic songs, and burlesque pan- tomines form the oratorical artifices of the collectors. Thus the sacred collection is taken from palace to palace in the midst of the laughter and applause of the noble feudal families, whose political existence rests en- tirely upon the very religion which they help to bring into contempt. CHAPTER XXII. SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES OF TOKIO. THE long eastern portion of Tokio, which covers the left bank of the river Ogawa, comprises three quar- ters. That of Sumidagawa, on the north, belongs to the suburbs, and presents an entirely rustic character. It is covered with rice-fields, kitchen gardens, vast horti- cultural establishments, and tea-houses, spread along the river or scattered in the rear of great orchards of pear, plum, peach, and cherry- trees. The other two quarters, between the former and the bay, contain a dense ~ popula- tion, composed, for the most part of fishers, seamen, mechanics, and tradesmen. Thus the Hondjo proper corresponds to the industrial quarters of our large cities-. We find there manufacturers of tiles and coarse pottery, of cooking utensils of iron, paper-mills, establishments for cleaning and preparing cotton, domestic spinneries of •cotton and silk, dyeing establishments and others for weaving mats, baskets, or cloth stuffs. Japanese industry does not yet make much use of machinery. Nevertheless, in the iron- foundries one frequently sees bellows driven by water, which is carried to the wheel in tamboo pipes. Both charcoal and stone-coal are used for the furnaces. Women have their share in all the industrial professions, which are usually carried on at home. There are no large manufactories in Japan : the members of the laboring class stay at home and carry on their occupations, which they interrupt in order to eat when they are hungry, and to rest whenever they please. 2i In a company of six workmen of both sexes, there are almost always to be seen two smoking pipes and enlivening the toil of their comrades by merry speeches. Thus is developed, and transmitted from generation to generation that social instinct, that fund of good humor and spirit of repartee which characterize the lower classes of the capital. The quarters of the Hondjo are constructed on a plan of the most perfect regularity. They are bounded on the south by the bay, on the west by the Ogawa River, on the east by a smaller river, and on the north by a canal which separates them from the suburb of Sumidagawa. Two canals traverse them from north to south, and three from east to west. The squares, thus formed, inclose a world totally different from that upon the opposite bank of the river. Places of Public Resort. The Hondjo has no commercial life; it has neither the imposing masses of residences of the Castle, nor the animation of the places reserved for the pleasure of the populace in the northern quarters ; nevertheless, we find there, existing under special conditions, com- merce and industry, temples, palaces, and places of public resort. Some of the most important merchants of Japan reside in the Hondjo, but they have their places of busi- ness in the vicinity of the great bridges. The comparative tranquillity of this region beyond the river and the facility with which concessions of large tracts of ground are 369 370 there obtained, seems to have favored the establishment of numerous monasteries, some of which possess large temples. There are forty of these sacred edifices, two of which are devoted to the ancient national worship, another, more than two hundred feet in length, to the Buddhist faith, and another dedicated to the Five Hundred Genii. One of the monasteries is celebrated for engaging, twice a year, all the chief wrestlers of Tokio, who give a series of public perform- ances — a pious speculation, which never fails to attract to the great lawn in front of the monastery an enormous crowd, made up of all classes of society. Thus, each temple or monastery has its own form of advertisement, and is distinguished by some singularity — such as the avenue of statues of pigs, each nobly installed on a pedestal of granite, which we find on approaching one of the temples. Public opinion appears to accept without difficulty whatever device may be pleasing to the bonzes, without regard to its character. Picturesque Scene. A certain number of families of the old nobility have made of the Hondjo a sort of retreat, where they live in a profound retire- ment, far from the noises of the city and protected from contact with the world of the court, and the officers of the government. There, the walls of the Castle no longer offend the eyes of the fierce Daimio. From the summits of the bridges arched over the canals, the grand alleys of trees seen over the innumerable roofs of the merchant city, resemble the peaceful shades of some distant park. There are many workshops of sculpture in the Hondjo. I have never seen the art- ists working in marble, although there are quarries of it in the mountains of the interior. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. The pedestals of idols are made of granite, the candelabra of the sacred places, tombs, statuettes, Buddhist saints and holy foxes of a very sandstone. The wood-carvers make domestic altars of rich network, elegant caskets, elephants' heads and monstrous chimeras for the roofs of temples, woodwork and mosaics repre- senting cranes, geese, bats, mythologic animals, the moon half veiled by a cloud, branches of cedars, pines, bamboos and palms. The idols, frequently of gigantic size, which are made in the workshops of Tokio, are generally surrounded by an aureole gilded and painted in lively colors : the -guardians of heaven, for example, in vermilion, and others in indigo. Brilliant Flowers. Several interesting branches of industry are connected with that of the ebony- carvers. The frame-work of movable presses or screens is required to be ornamented with large drawings in India ink, executed by a few strokes of the pencil, or groups of trees and flowers of brilliant colors, or paintings of birds selected for the brilliance of their plumage. All this is done by hand in the workshops. The embroidresses furnish for the fire- screens and curtains exquisite works, where the silk, under the patient labor of the needle, reproduces, according to the choice of subjects, the lustrous te.xture of leaves, the velvet down of birds, the tufted fur of animals, or the shining scales of fishes. Then the braiders of silk floss add to the luxury of the woodwork a decoration of garlands and knots of various colors, surmounted by groups of flowers and birds. The odi, a girdle which is worn by all adult Japanese women, married or single, with the exception of the ladies of princely SHOPS AlSiB INDUSTRIES OF TOKIO. 371 families, is the article of feminine costume which presents the most variety, according to the taste or fancy of individuals. Some- times it is very simple, sometimes remark- able for the richness of the stuff or the splen- dor of the embroideries. It is generally broad enough to serve at the sarne time as girdle and corset. It is wound around the body like a band- age, and fastened at the back by interlacing the ends so as to produce a large, flat fur- paper. On the other hand, I have always found both the wholesale and retail shops accessible even to the rear chamber, where one should never lefuse to penetrate; for the Japanese merchant takes no trouble to display his stock. He prefers to keep his best goods in reserve, as if to give his pur- chasers the satisfaction of discovering them. In order to form a tolerable idea of the richness, the variety and the artistic merit of Japanese industry, we must not only traverse JAPANESE SHOP. below, falling on the hips, or floating with a graceful negligence. A widow, who has determined not to marry again, knots the oiri in front, and the same arrangement is adopted for female corpses. It is not an easy thing to penetrate into the Japanese workshops, especially 'under the surveillance of a squad of Yakounines. In spite of the promises of the latter, I was not able to see either the process of coloring or the manufacture of rich silk stuffs or of the commercial streets frequented by the natives, but also imitate the latter in return- ing day by day to the same merchant, until we have explored every corner of his shop. This is the more necessary, since there is no general bazaar, each magazine or shop hav- ing its specialty. Certain forms of industry are as yet but little developed, among others saddlery, which will be discouraged as long as a relig- ious prejudice exists against tanners and 372 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE curriers. Nevertheless, I noticed in Tokio a great variety of articles of leather, such as trunks and travelling satchels, portfolios, money bags, tobacco-pouches and hunting: gloves, all of native manufacture. Whatever may be the variety of industrial products displayed in the shops of the com- mercial city there is one feature which char- acterizes all of ihem, one common stamp which denotes their place among the works of the far East, and I venture to call it, with- out fear of contradiction, good taste. The artisan of Tokio is a veritable artist. If we except the conventional style to which he still feels himself compelled to submit, in his representations of the human figure, if we overlook the insufficiency of his knowl- edge of the rules of perspective, we shall have only praise left for him in all other re- spects. Subjects for Art. His works are distinguished from those of Miako by the simplicity of his forms, the severity of the lines, the sobriety of the de- corations and the exquisite feeling for nature which he exhibits in all subjects of ornamen- tation drawn from the vegetable or animal kingdom. These are his favorite subjects ; flowers and birds have the power of inspir- ing him with compositions which are charm- ing in their truth, grace and harmony. In regard to perfection of execution, the works produced in both capitals are equally ad- mirable. Let us pause before a magazine of objects of art and industry, among the curious of both sexes and of all ages, who never cease to gather together under the covered gallery where the stores are displayed. They con- template with a naive admiration the great aquaria of blue or white porcelain, where red fish float in the limpid water over beds of shells. These are objects of endless amusement and curiosity. In the centre, three or four selected plants combine in a picturesque group the beauty of their colors and the graceful outlines of their leaves and flowers. Nothing of these combination is ever left to chance: every day the gardener's hand directs the work of nature, keeps it within limits and governs the growth. What is still more remarkable, the Japa- nese fancy never runs into those aberrations which in China and elsewhere, outrage Nature by cutting trees into geometrical figures, or training shrubs into the shapes of animals. The taste of the Japanese in their popular arts, remaining independent of the conventional influences of their two courts, has all the freshness of a naturally expand- ing civilization. Therefore, it is still char- acterized by a certain puerility : witness the truly childish passion of all classes of society for enormous flowers and dwarf trees. A Miniature Landscape. I have seen aquaria, not much larger than ordinary, where they succeeded in uniting the features of a complete landscape — a lake, islands, rocks, a cabin on the shore, and hills with real woods on their summits, of living bamboos and cedars in miniature. They even sometimes add lilipu- tian figures, coming and going, by means of a spring which is wound up. This sort of childishijess is found in a multitude of the details of Japanese life. Sometimes a porcelain junk is set before a dinner party : it is taken to pieces and proves to be a unique and complete tea-set. Often, part of the repast is served in cups so minute, and porcelain so fine, Hght, and trans- parent, that one hardly dares to touch it. w o H H < P-. O ffi in < u w K H O P-. < 373 374 There are cups, called egg-shells, so delicate that they must be protected by a fine en- velope of bamboo netting; The saloons are adorned with bird and butterfly cages, crowned with vases of flow- ers, whence depend climbing plants which cause the birds to appear as if nestling in verdure. Under the paper lanterns sus- pended from the ceilings of the verandas, there are often bells of colored glass, the long, slender clapper cf metal supported by a silk thread, or slip of colored or gilded paper. At the least movement of the breeze these bands of paper move, the nietallic tongues swing and touch the glass bells, and their vibrations make a vague melody, like the sound of an ^olian harp. Necklaces of Stone. I saw at Tokio some attempts at painting on glass, and some works in enamel, which exhibited good intentions rather than skill. I might mention, however, among the native curiosities which are truly original, those little balls of stone, pierced, cut in facets and covered with enameled arabesques, which strangers buy for necklaces. The art of gilding is still but partially developed. The narratives of the old Dutch embas- sies seem to have greatly exaggerated the richness of decoration of the palaces and furniture of the Mikado and the Tycoon. The luxury of the Japanese has an artistic rather than a sumptuous character. The pride of the old princes of the empire is in the antiquity of their arms or furniture. Nothing has more value in their eyes than an assorted service of old porcelain, natur- ally cracked, or vases of ancient bronze, heavy, black and polished as marble. Tokio is the city where metals are worked to the greatest extent. The bronze estab- lishments of the city are among the most in- JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. teresting curiosities of native art. Some pre- sent the appearance of great bazaars, dis- playing all articles of saddlery and harness, as well as complete suits of armor, and cooking utensils of iron, copper, or tin, beside the bronze objects. Altars for Perfumes. The latter contain many things belonging to Buddhist worship, such as richly-chased bells, drums, gongs, vases for the altar, crowns of lotus flowers, or vessels to hold bouquets of natural flowers. There are also altars for perfumes, resting on tripods, statues and statuettes of saints, and such sacred animals as the crane, stork,' tortoise, and the fantastic Corean dog. Next to the master-pieces of bronze and of porcelain, the triumph of Japanese indus- try is in the fabrication of furniture and utensils of lacquered wood. Such is the talent with which the native artisans utilize the incomparable Japan varnish, the produce of the shrub which bears that name ; such is their skill in combining its effects with the results of their decorative art, that articles of furniture constructed of a materia which is almost valueless, finally rival in beauty, and almost in durability, those which we make of marble and precious metals. The ebony workers of Tokio imitate works in old lacquer so closely that only an expe- rienced eye can detect the difTerence. In the interior decoration of cabinets, boxes or cas- kets of modern taste, they generally used lacquer of a brown color, sprinkled with flakes of gold. On the outside the lacquer is uniform, either red, brown or black, with ornamental drawing in two or three tints. The principal large objects made of lac- quered wood are the norimons (palanquins) and travelling trunks of nobles, wardrobes, toilet tables and the pedestals of mirrors for SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES OF TOKIO. 375 ladies; receptacles for the books and scrolls of a library; and finally, different articles employed in public or private worship, such as pulpits, offering-tables, censer-stands, tri- pods for gongs and pedestals for various purposes. Among the toilet articles there are several boxes, which vary in form and ornament according to their use, as for brushes, tooth- powder, rouge, rice-powder and other cos- metics; for combs, hair-pins, and, alas! for false braids of hair. The other accessories of the feminine boudoir are, a large oval watering-pot, •covered with black lacquer, sown with golden flowers; then' a long box for pipes and tobacco, and finally a casket for letters, prudently bound by two silk cords, knotted in a way of which the owner alone knows the secret. There are other boxes of an oblong form, which are usually taken in Europe for gloves; but the Japanese only ■employ them in order to send letters of con- gratulation, or thanks, in a more polite way. The Common Drink. The \liquor saki, the serving of which is the most ceremonious part of a Japanese "banquet, is solemnly brought to the guests in large lacquered pots, or long metal cans, on a bamboo tray. It is then heated in ves- sels of porcelain. The cups, large or small, are of fine red lacquer, ornamented with fancy designs. There are collections of these charming cups, each one of which represents a celebrated landscape of Japan, or one of the principal cities on the Tokaido connect- ing the two capitals. Some hosts, of a more sumptuous taste, invite the guests to drink from nautilus shells, mounted in silver fila- gree. At the uppel- end of the street of Niphon- bassi we come upon a barber's shop, in which two or three citizens, in the simplest apparel, are making their morning toilet. Seated upon a stool, they gravely hold in the left hand a lacquered tray, destined to receive the soapsuds. The barbers, free from all clothing which could trammel the freedom of their movements, lean sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left of their cus- tomers' heads, over which they pass both the hand and the razor, hke antique sculp- tors modelling cariatides. I need hardly add that the illusion ceases when, holding be- tween their teeth a long silken cord, they roll it round and tie it at each end, leaving the pudding-like ball which forms the Jap- anese headdress. ^Vooden Soles and Sandals. At a little distance we find a shoemaker's shop. It is adorned with innumerable wooden soles and numberless wooden san- dals, which hang from the roof by long ropes of the same material. The shoe- maker, squatting on his shelf, reminds me of the native idol to whom the beggais make presents of sandals. Many persons of both sexes stop before the shop-front, examining or trying on the merchandise, exchanging some amicable phrase with the shoemaker/ and, without disturbing him from his quietude, lay the price at his feet. Next to the shoemaker's came the shop of a dealer in edible seaweed, which forms one of the principal articles of export trade be- tween Japan and China. This seaweed is called tang, and is found in great floating masses in all the bays of the insular Empire, When the sea is calm, its rich golden purple and olive tints are distinctly seen through the still surface of the blue water. By means of a boatman's hook the fishermen draw it through the sea like an immense net, load their boats with it, and clean it carefully, col- 376 lecting the little shells which cling to it in immense numbers. When the cargo has been landed, it is dried in the sun, and then formed into bun- dles tied with bands of straw, or in small parcels wrapped up in paper ; the former are for exportation, and are sold by weight to the junks ; the others are sold by the packet JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. class of radiates are sold in a dry state. They are eaten fried, and most frequently cut into pieces mingled with rice. One sort of fish, very thin, long, and narrow, is simply dried in the sun, and eaten without any further cooking. Oysters are abundant, but coarse. The Japanese have no method of opening them except by breaking the upper valve A JAPANESE NOBLE PASSING THROUGH THE STREETS OF TOKIO. for a few szenis, and are to be bought either in the market or the eating-houses. At Tokio there is an immense consump- tion of-shell-fish : the dealer fills his tubs, into which he shakes and turns them about with long bamboo sticks, after which he sets forth, crying his wares. Sea-leeches, and all sorts of little molluscs, the trepang, and the whole with a stone, yet such is their dexterity that this rude method answers the purpose. Although the Japanese profess, from an aesthetic point of view, a profound disgust for shell-fish, they do not seem to disdain them when they are fried and laid out on herbs and colored paper. Delicacies of this sort have a great sale in the public markets. SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES OF TOKIO. 377 The shops of the grain-dealers at Tokio are very interesting, from the immense quan- tity and the infinite variety of the products, the diversity of their forms and colors, and the art with which they are ranged upon the shelves. But surprise and admiration suc- ceed to curiosity when we perceive that on each of the parcels already done up in paper, on each of the bags ready to be delivered, is a colored drawing of the plants themselves, together with the name of the grain. This drawing is often a little masterpiece, which might figure in an album of the flora of Japan. Presently we see the painter and the workshop. The painter is a young girl, who- lies at full length on mats covered with flowers and sheets of paper, and works in- cessantly in this singular attitude. . The Fish-Market. As we approach the central bridge of the commercial city the crowd increases, and on both sides of the street shops give place to popular restaurants, and confectioners, where cakes, rice, and millet are sold, and where hot tea and saki may be purchased. We are close to the great fish-market. The canal is covered .with fishing-boats, either discharging their cargo of both sea and river fish — great fish of the ocean cur- rents which come down from the Pole, and those of the equatorial stream, tortoises and mussels from the gulfs of Niphon, hideous jelly-fish and fantastic crustaceae. In this place have been reckoned seventy different kinds of fish, crabs, and mollusca, and twenty-six sorts of mussels and other shell- fish. Fish-sheds, roughly put up near the land- ing-place, are besieged by buyers. In the middle of the tumultuous crowd we' see strong arms lifting full baskets and emptying thern into the lacquered cases of the coolies. From time to time the crowd has to open, to give passage to two coolies laden with a dolphin, a shark, or' a porpoise, suspended by ropes on a bamboo pole, which they carry on their shoulders. The Japanese boil the flesh of all these animals, and salt the whole blubber. One of the strangest pictures in the en- virons of Niphon-bassi is a group of shark IHCEN-SNYOEH HIGHLY FIGURED JAPANESE VASE. and whale sellers, wholesale and retail. The stature, the dress, and the gestures of these personages, their fantastic equipment, the dimensions of the huge knives which they plunge into the sides of the sea monsters, suggest the .prodigious exercise of human strength and employment of the resources of nature, which can alone suffice for the supply of the great city. Wooden tubs and jars, filled with water ■378 and ranged in pyramids, are placed at inter- vals on the thresholds of the warehouses, and on the edge of the public pathways. These precautionary measures are taken in all the populous streets of Tokio, and gener- ally in all Japanese cities. Reservoirs of water occupy the upper galleries and roofs of the houses. Long and strong ladders are planted against the great wooden build- ings, such as temples and pagodas. Precautions Against Fire. Stores, known in the commercial language of the Far East under the name of godowns, are said to be fireproof. They are multiplied as much as possible in the wooden quarters, so as to present numer- ous obstacles to the spread of iire. These square, high buildings are constructed of stone, and covered outside with a thick layer of whitewash. Their doors and shutters are of iron, and from the four walls great hooks stick out, from which wet mats and mat- tresses may be hung when there is imminent danger. The godowns, the ladders, and the tubs do not contribute to the embellishment of the capital. In this, as in other details of Japa- nese life, the beautiful is sacrificed to the useful, and visitors must just make the best of the charming accidental views which occur in this city. Its religious buildings would render it exceedingly beautiful, were -not its chief sites occupied by the endless lines of warehouses. Pursuing our route from street to street, we look into the interior of the houses, with hardly any interruption from the sliding panels, and see the picturesque groups of men, women, and children squatting round their humble dinners. The straw table-cloth is laid on the mats which cover the floor ; in the centre is a large wooden bowl containing JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. rice, which forms the principal food of every class of Japanese society. Each guest attacks the common dish, and takes out enough to pile up a great China cup, from which he eats without the aid of the little stick which serves him for a fork, except just for the last few mouthfuls, to which he adds a scrap of fish, crab, or fowl, taken from the numerous plates which sur- round the centre bowl. These viands are seasoned with sea-salt, pepper, and soy — a very strong sauce made from black beans by a process of fermenta- tion ; eggs, soft and hard, fresh or preserved; boiled vegetables, such as turnips, carrots, and sweet potatoes, sUces of young twigs of bamboo, or a salad of lotus bulbs, complete the bill of fare of a Japanese citizen's dinner. Domestic Utensils. The meal is invariably accompanied by tea and saki, and these two beverages are ordinarily drank hot, without any other liquid, and without sugar. The teapots which contain them stand upon a brasier shaped like a casket ; it is a little larger than another corresponding article of furniture called a tobacco-bon, on which coal, a pipe- rack, and a supply of tobacco are placed. I have never examined the pretty utensils used at a Japanese table — ^the bowls, cups, saucers, boxes, lacquered trays, vases of porcelain, jugs and teapots in glazed earthen- ware — nor have I ever contemplated the people while eating, seen the grace of their movements, and watched the dexterity of their delicate little hands, without fancying I was looking on at a number of grown-up children playing at housekeeping, and eating rather for their amusement than because they were hungry. Maladies resulting from excess or from unwholesome diet, are generally unknown. SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES OF TOKIO. 379 but the immoderate use of their national beverage sometimes produces grave results. I have seen more than one case of delirium tremens. The ravages caused by dysentery and cholera in certain parts of Japan, especially at Tokio, will cause no surprise to the European resident, who has seen how greedily children and the lower classes of the people devour watermelons, limes, Siam oranges, and all sorts of fruits at the beginning of the autumn, before they are fully ripe. Unwholesome Water. Japanese houses are rarely supplied with really wholesome water, because, even at Tokio, where springs are abundant, they use only cisterns, though it woyld be easy to establish fountains in every quarter in the town. The inconvenience and danger of this state of things are, however, reduced, by the fact that the Japanese are in the habit of using hot drinks in all seasons. Their popular hygiene demands hot baths, •which they take every day. This extreme cleanliness, the salubrity of their climate, and the excellent qualities of their diet, aid in making the Japanese one of the healthiest and one of the most robust of peoples. There are, however, very few of them who do not suffer from diseases of the skin, and from chronic and incurable maladies, which are not to be traced to their natural condi- tions. This great misfortune dates from the epoch at which the government of the Sho- guns authorized the foundation and officially protected the development of a disgraceful institution, whose fatal consequences sap the entire edifice of society. There are a great number of physicians in Japan, principally at. Tokio. The mem- bers of the medical body who are neither functionaries nor officers have generally been educated at the University of Kioto or that of Tokio ; but some of them, who belong to families where the medical profession has been followed from father to son, have received an education under the paternal roof. As no examinations are required for the practice of medicine, each man enters the profession when he pleases, and practices according to his own fancy ; some healing by the routine of the native empirics, others treating their patients according to the rules of Chinese science, a third claiming to be adepts in Dutch medicine; but in reality they have actually neither method nor system. University studies in Japan are exceedingly superficial. It cannot be other- wise in a country where no one possesses the preparatory knowledge, which is taken for granted on entering upon a University course. Passion to have Doctors. This state of things can only be reformed by frequent contact with Europeans, and already is fast disappearing. The people, however, do not care about it. All they want is to have a number of doctors at their disposal ; to be treated and physicked rather upon these conjoint methods than upon the best, supposing it to exist ; in fact, to find in their physicians pleasant servants, who will not contradict the notions of their patients, and who scrupulously justify the confidence with which their profession is honored. This obliges them to adopt a certain demeanor which impresses the public, and sets them apart from the rest of society. Japanese medical practitioners may be easily recognized by their dress, by their methodical demeanor, and some other pecu- liarities, which vary according to the fancy of these grave personages. I have seen one 380 whose head was shaved Hke that of a bonze, or of an Imperial doctor, though he certainly- belonged to a physician of the third class. I have seen others wearing their hair long and plaited, the ends coiled upon their neck, and others with a profuse beard. Their middle class extraction not permit- ting them to wear two swords, they wear one, passed through the folds of their girdle ; but it is always a very small one, and gener- ally carefully wrapped up in crape or velvet. Certain members of the faculty take care never to show themselves in public un- attended by a koskei carrying their instru- ment case and medicines. Not Paid in Money. Many doctors command public esteem and enjoy uncontested respect. I have heard it said, that when they are sent for to aristo- cratic houses they are paid by those senti- ments rather than in money. It is well known that the greater number — even those who possess an extensive connection — can hardly live ; for the citizens' families gener- ally find at the end of the year, when they have met their indispensable expenses — housekeeping, annual fetes, the theatre, the baths, the bonzes, and the parties of pleasure — that they have very little left to give to the doctor. The latter, on his side, accepts the situa- tion with philosophy, and it must be added to his" credit, that he is generally a truly disinterested , person. Many possess real scientific zeal, and a taste for the observation of nature which might produce remarkable results if these qualities rested upon a solid basis or sufficient preparatory instruction. There is no doubt that the medical fraternity is one of the most energetic agents of pro- gress and civilization in Japan. This fraternity is one of a Corporation of JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. arts and professions which enjoys an official constitution and certain privileges. It was placed by the Mikado under the invocation of a holy patron called Yakousi, and is evi- dently of great antiquity. We learn from the Imperial annals of Kioto that the first Japanese pharmacy was founded in 730, that in the year 808 medical science was enriched by a collection of recipes published in one hundred volumes by Doctor Firo-Sada, and that the year 825 endowed the Empire with its first hospital. Fbr a long time Japan was tributary to China in all that concerns medical science, as well as in the other branches of human knowledge. The Celestial Empire supplied it with works on anatomy and botanical treatises, books, and recipes, as well as pro- fessors, medical practitioners, and ready- made medicines for curing an infinity of ail- ments. In the second half of the eleventh century, the Chinese merchant Wangman made a fortune by selling medicines and parrots in Japan. Mysterious Signs. At that time the resources of art were added to the secrets of magic. In the pres- ent day the successors of the early practi- tioners in this line carry about kirimons covered with cabalistic signs through the towns and villages. These kirimons, placed at an opportune moment upon the body of a patient, have the power of recalling a dead . man to life. The monks, on their side, know prayers of a sacramental kind which stop' bleeding, heal wounds, exorcise insects, cure burns and counteract the evil eye, in the case of men and animals. So it is supposed. Two great events, of which one occurred at the beginning and the other at the end of the seventeenth century, prevented the scien- tific labors of the medical fraternity from, SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES OF TOKIO. 381 being shrouded by degrees in the great darkness of Buddhist superstition. The first was the arrival of the Dutch, who re- ceived their letters of franchise and inaugu- rated their factory at Firado under the direction of the superintendent, Van Specx, in the year 1609; and the second was the foundation of the University of Tokio, which took place in 1690. Thunberg recounts that, towards the mid- dle of the following century, he, being at Tokio as attache to the biennial embassy from the Dutch superintendent of Decima, ■obtained permission from the Shogun to receive a visit from five physicians and two .astronomers attached to the Court; he had long conversations with them, and convinced himself from the observations of the former that they had derived their knowledge of natural history, physics, medicine and sur- gery, not only from the traditional Chinese sources, but from Dutch works. At a later date, the physicians of the fac- tory, having been authorized to take pupils, strove, with great zeal and devotion, to im- part to them the medical science of the West. If the judgment of civilized peoples were not distorted by the manner in which they are taught history — if they had learned that science has its honors as well as war — they would look with admiration upon the peace- ful conquests which have been made in the Empire of Japan, to the advantage of the whole world, by the physicians of the fac- tory at Decima since the time of Ksempfer to the present day. Hondjo, properly so called, answers in some respects to the industrial quarters of our great cities. It contains manufactories of tiles and of coarse pottery, kitchen utensils in iron, paper factories, and workshops for the cleaning and preparation of cotton, for the weaving of cotton and silk fabrics, dyeing vats, weavers' shops, basket makers and mat plaiters. CHAPTER XXIII. POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. C' HINESE civilization possesses nothing which resembles the beneficient institution of a day of rest recurring regularly after a certain series of working days. There are monthly festivals, by which the working classes commonly profit very little, and an entire week, the first of the year, during which all labor is suspended, and the popu- lation give themselves u'p to the amusements within their reach, each person choosing them according to his social position and the resources at his disposal. This is true, in the, main, of Japan. The citizens of Tokio, the artisans, the manufacturers, the Japanese tradesmen in general, lived until the arrival of the Eu- ropeans, under the most exceptional economic conditions in the world. They worked only for the internal supply of a country highly favored by nature, sufficiently large and sufficiently cultivated to supply all its own needs; for centuries they had enjoyed the pleasures of an easy and simple life. This is no longer the case. I witnessed the last days of the age of innocence, in which, with the exception of some great merchants whom fortune had obstinately pursued with its favors, no one worked except to live, and no one lived except to enjoy existence. Work itself had a place in the category of the purest and deepest enjoyments. The artisan had a passion for his work, and, far from counting the hours, the days, the weeks, which he gave to it, it was with reluctance that he drew himself away from it till he had 382 at length brought it — not to a certain salable value, which was less the object of his card — but to that state of perfection which satisfied him. If he were tired, he left his workshop and rested himself for as long or as short a time as he pleased, either in his house, or in company with his friends at some place of amusement. There was not a Japanese dwelling of the middle classes without its little garden, a sacred asylum for solitude, for the siesta, for amusing reading, for line fishing, or for long libations of tea and saki. Surroundings of Tokio. The hills on the south, west, and north of the citadel, are rich in pretty valleys and grottos, springs and ponds, all utilized in the most ingenious manner by the small pro- prietors. If nature has not isolated the family residence by means of hedges or natural palisades of bamboo covered with climbing plants, industry supplies the defi- ciency. When the garden is approached from the street, a rustic bridge is thrown across the canal before the door, and hidden with tufts of trees and thick-leaved shrubs.. On crossing the threshold, the visitor might believe himself to be in a virgin forest far from all human habitations. Blocks of stone, negligently arranged as steps, help him to mount the hill, and suddenly, when he has reached the summit, a deUghtful spectacle lies at his feet. Below the flower- covered rocks is a gracefully formed pond,, its banks adorned with lotus, iris, and water- POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 383 lilies ; a little wooden bridge crosses it. The path descends through groves of tufted bam- boos, azaleas, dwarf palms, and camellias; then through beautiful gVoups of tiny pines which hide the ivy-covered rocks, and along hillsides enamelled with flowers, amid which the lily lifts its white crown above the dwarf shrubs, which are cut into fantastic forms. This scene, when beheld from the bottom of the valley, offers an equally harmonious combination of form and color. There is nothing to excite particular attention, but the whole landscape and all its details wrap the mind in calm, and leave it no other im- pression than the vague pleasure of perfect rest. Although the Japanese delight on occa- sion to plunge themselves into a condition which closely approaches the physical insen- sibility and ideal annihilation recommended by Buddhism, they do not systematically indulge in it. The spirit of order presides over their daily conduct, and regulates their hygienic practices. Custom of Bathing. Among the latter the bath holds the first place. In addition to their morning ablu- tions, the Japanese, of every age and of both sexes, take a hot bath every day. They re- main from five to thirty minutes in the water, sometimes plunged up to the shoulders, some- times only up to the waist, according as they lie down or squat; and during all the time they take the greatest care to avoid wetting the head. It not unfrequently happens that congestion of the brain, and even apoplexy, is the result of this unreasonable habit. A custom which has become a daily need, and is practised by all classes of an enormous population, could not be in any sense private. A tacit agreement has therefore been estab- lished in Japan which places the bath, from the point of view of public morals, in the category of indifferent actions, neither more nor less than sleeping, walking out, and drinking. As the superior classes of society have dormitories and dining-rooms, so each house belonging to the nobility or the upper ranks of the citizens has one or two bath- rooms reserved for domestic use; and there is no small citizen's dwelling without some little room where a bath, with its heating apparatus, may be found. Rush for the Bath-IIouses. , When the bath is ready, the entire family- profit by it in succession; first the father, then the mother, then the children and all the household servants included. Nevertheless,. the common bath is rarely used, because the expense of the fuel which it would involve would be much greater than the expense of a family subscription to the public baths.. Accordingly, the majority of the population regularly use the latter. They are to be found in every street of a certain import- ance, and everywhere they are so crowded,, especially during the two last hours of the day, that it has become absolutely necessary to allow the bathers to bathe in community. There are generally two reservoirs, sepa- rated by a low iron or wooden bridge, and sufficiently spacious to receive from twelve to twenty bathers at a time. The women and children collect on one side, and the men on the other ; but without prejudice to the leading principle that every new-comer shall install himself where he finds a place, no matter who may be the previous occu- pant. The proprietor squats upon a plat- form, from which he can observe the persons who come in, and who pay in passing. Some- times the proprietor smokes, and sometimes he reads romances to amuse himself. The national law which regulates the 384 public baths extends beyond the threshold of these establishments, — that is to say, if the bathers of either sex wish to take the air on the pavement outside, they are respect- ively regarded as partaking of the benefit of the accepted fiction ; and more than that, it shelters them to their own dwelling, when it is their pleasure to proceed thither with the fine lobster-color which they have brought out of the hot water intact. Crude Forms of Art. However strange this custom may appear to us, no Japanese, before the arrival of the Europeans, supposed that it could have a reprehensible side. On the contrary, it was in perfect harmony with the rules of domestic life, and irreproachable from the moral point of view. Many singularities find explanation in the fact that the Japanese have decidedly no pretension to plastic beauty. Nothing is more characteristic in this respect than the manner in which the native painters draw the heroes and heroines of their stories of love and war. In a little while, however, Japan will be under the influence of the Japanese who have visited Europe and America, and especially those who have made a prolonged sojourn in these coun- tries. If the comparison which they insti- tute between the two civilizations does not induce them to recommend the adoption of ours in its lesser details, we may be quite sure that they will reform all such national customs as have provoked the ridicule of ' foreigners. Several of the great public baths of Tokio have added modern therapeutic inventions, such as douches of hot and cold water, to the ordinary resources of these establish- ments. The physicians of the opulent classes of JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. society are always certain to win the good graces of their patients by recommending them to try a cure in one of the mountain districts famous for the efificacy of their waters. There are some particularly cele- brated in the island of Kiousiou, at the foot of the volcanoes of Aso and Wounsentake. The thermal springs whicb are found there are, generally speaking, sulphurous and very hot. They are used in rheumatic affections and skin diseases. It has not yet occurred to the mind of the Japanese to enhance the charms of the bath- ing season by the attraction of pastimes. Games of chance are disdained by everyone in good society. Cards are left to servants and coolies, and these are not permitted to play for money. The Medicine Case. The small tradesman does not trouble himself to go to the thermal baths ; when doctors do not seem to be doing him any good, he prefers to undertake a pilgrimage. He is not, however, without his own notions about medicine. According to him the. latent cause of all the disturbance of the human machine resides in the more or less ill-regulated action of the internal vapors; apparently those of which Sganarelle speaks, "the vapors formed of the exhalations of the influences which arise from the region of the malady." The daily baths, no doubt, con- tribute to disengage and to dissolve them. If, however, some unexpected indisposi- tion arises during the hours of work or of recreation, it is good to have a little medi- cine case at hand, and, therefore, he wears it hanging from his girdle, on the same bunch of strings with his pipe and his tobacco bag. But if the noxious gas resists the powders and the pills in his little box, he must have recourse to cautery. This does not abso- POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 385 lutely demand the intervention of the sur- geon. Every well-arranged household has its supply of the little cones of raugwort with which moxas are applied, and every good housewife ought to know what are the por- tions of the body to burn according to the symptoms of the malady : as, for example, the shoulders in indigestion, stomach com- plaints, and loss of appetite ; the vertebrae in attacks of pleurisy, the muscles of the thumb in a case of tootliache, and so on. Puncturing With Needles, Such is the reputation of the moxa among the Japanese people, that it is frequently used as a preventive, and even at fixed times once or twice a year. A sovereign remedy against cholic consists in making six or nine ■deep incisions, by means of fine needles of gold or silver, in the abdominal region. As in certain countries in Europe, there ■exists a class of quacks who add teethdraw- ing to the barber's profession, and who put ■on leeches and blisters, so Japan possesses a whole host of subaltern surgeons specially devoted to the practice of cautery and other empirical remedies. They are called Ten- sasi, or "men who punish," in reference to their preliminary operations. Whatever talent they may display in their various functions, they are never permitted to add shampooing — a kind of treatment much re- sorted to in Japan in cases of nervous irrita- tion or rheumatic affections. The reason for this exclusion was told me by a shopkeeper, at whose house I witnessed a spectacle which at first sight I could not understand. A woman, lying on her .left side at full length upon the mats in the back shop, was patiently bearing the weight of a Ibig fellow, who was kneading her shoulders with' both hands. "Is that your wife?" said I to the shopkeeper. He made an 25 affirmative sign, and then placing his thumb and middle finger of his left hand upon his two eyelids, showed me that the operator was blind, and went on to inform me that the laws of society among the Japanese limited the office of shampooers to men deprived of sight. I remembered to have met blind men in the street carefully feeling for the footway, a rough staff in their right hand, and in the left a reed cut into a whistle, from which they extracted a plaintive and prolonged sound at intervals. Thus they announce to the citizens that they are passing by, in case any one wants to be shampooed. The sham- pooers have the head shaven, and wear one garment, of gray or blue stuff. Blind From Weeping. I was told that they form a large fraternity, which is divided into two orders. The most ancient, that of Bou-Setzous, has a religious character and belongs to the Court. It was instituted and endowed by the son of a Mikado, who became blind by dint of weep- ing for the death of his Empress. The rival order of more recent origin, but; not less chivalrous, is that of the Fekis. In the great battle which the Taigoija Yoritomo won, having put an end to the, civil wars which rent the Empire, Feki, the chief of the rebel party, was slain. His brave general, named Kakekigo, soon fell into the power of the conqueror, who treated his prisoner with great consideration. When he imagined he had gained him over by his attentions, he called him into his presence and proposed to him to ally himself to the Imperial cause. "I have been the faithful servant of a good master," replied the general, "and I have lost him; no other in the world shall succeed him in my esteem. As for you, 386 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE the author of his death, I could never look on you without longing to strike your head off at my feet, but you confound me by your magnanimity, therefore, accept the only sacrifice by which I can render homage to it." So saying, the unfortunate man tore out his two eyes and offered them to his new master. cians, but the greater number practice sham- pooing. All the money which they collect from city to city is deposited in a central treasury, from which the associates receive a fixed sum, sufficient for their subsistence to the end of their lives. The governor of the order resides at ANCIENT JAPANESE WARRIORS. Yoritomo set him at liberty, and gave him an estate in the province of Fiougo. The general founded the order for the blind under the authorization of the Mikado, and the Fekis soon exceeded the Bou-Setzous in numbers and in wealth. All the mem- bers of this society must exercise a profes- sion. There are some who become musi- Kioto. It is said that he exercises the right of life cmd death over the members, subject only to the Imperial supremacy. It is not difficult for a foreigner sojourning in Japan to mingle with the people, and even to penetrate into the intimacy of the middle classes; but I doubt whether he would ever succeed in gaining admission to family festi- POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 387 vals in any rank whatever of native society. In all the countries of the far East, the marriage of a daughter is always celebrated with more or less prolonged rejoicings in the house of the husband. But, while the China- man is proud to invite foreign guests to the wedding of his son, in order that he may make a pompous parade before them, the Japanese, on the contrary, surrounds the ceremonies which belong to this solemn act with the discreetest reserve. He regards it as much too serious an affair tg be interfered with by the presence of any but the nearest relatives and the confidential friends of the two principals. Most Japanese marriages are the result of family arrangement made long beforehand, under the inspiration of the practical good sense which is one of the national character- istics Qualifications for Marriage. The bride brings no dowry, but she is given a trousseau which many a lady of higher rank might be proud of. She is required to have an unsullied reputation, a gentle and yielding disposition, the amount of education fitted for her sex, and the ac- quirements of a good' housekeeper. Considerations of pecuniary interest hold only a Secondary place, and they generally lead rather to business combinations than to mere money bargains. Thus, when a good citizen who has no son, gives his only, or his eldest daughter in marriage, her husband receives the title of his father-in-law's adopted son, takes the name of his father-in-law, and succeeds him in the exercise of his industry, or the transaction of his commercial affairs. Japanese weddings are preceded by a be- trothal ceremony, at which the principal members of both families are present; and it not unfrequently happens that it is on this occasion the young people discover for the first time the projects which their respec- tive parents have formed for them. From that day forth they are given opportunities of meeting, and of appreciating the wisdom of the choice which has been made on their behalf Visits, invitations, presents, prepara- tions for their installation in their new home succeed each other so rapidly and so pleas- antly, that the young people are rarely other- wise than delighted with their prospects. Flowers and Offerings. The marriage generally takes place when the bride-elect has attained her sixteenth, and the bridegroom-elect his twentieth year. Early in the morning the young girl's trous- seau is brought to the bridegroom's dwelling, and laid out very tastefully in the apartments in which the wedding feast is to be held-. In the chief room a domestic altar is erected, adorned with flowers and laden with offer- ings; and in front of this altar, images of the gods and patron saints of the two fami- lies are hung. The aquariums are supplied with various plants, grouped picturesquely, and with sym- bolical significance. On the lacquer-work tables are placed dwarf cedars and small figures representing the first couple, accom- panied by their venerable attributes, the hundred-years-old crane and tortoise. To complete the picture by a lesson in morals and patriotism, some packets of edible sea- weed, of mussels and dried fish, are placed among the wedding presents, to remind the young couple of the primitive food, and the simple customs of the ancient inhabitants of Japan. About noon a splendid procession enters the rooms thus prepared; the young bride, veiled and arrayed in white, advances, led by two female friends, and followed by a crowd 388 of relatives, friends, and neighbors, in robes of ceremony composed of splendid scarlet brocade, gauze, and embroideries. The two friends do the honors, distribute the guests, see to the arrangements for the repast, and flit about from one group to another. They are called the male and female butterfly. The must personify, in the cut and decoration of their crape and gauze robes, the charming couple who, in popular story, set an example of conjugal felicity. May you, too, they seem to say to the betrothed pair, taste the flowers of life, hover in aerial flight over the earth, during your terrestrial career, always joyous, always united, until your happy existence exhales in common in a final embrace. A Beautiful Vase. With the exception of certain Buddhist sects, whose rites include a nuptial benedic- tion, the priest has no place in the celebra- tion of marriage in Japan. The decisive ceremony by which the Japanese replace our sacramental ordinance possesses an af- fecting symbolism. Amongst the objects displayed in the midst of the circle of the guests is a metal vase, in the form of a pitcher with two mouths. This vase is beautifully ornamented. At an appointed signal one of the bride's ladies fills it with saki ; the other takes it by the handle, raises it to the height of the mouths of the kneeling bride and bride- groom, and makes them drink alternately, each from the pitcher mouth placed opposite to their lips, until the vase is emptied. It is thus that, husband and wife, they must drink from the cup of conjugal life; he on his side, she on hers, but they must both taste the same ambrosia, or the same gall; they must share equally the pains and sorrows as well as the joys of this new existence. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. If the poetical charm of the symbolism, of the natural affections sufficed to render people moral, the Japanese should be the best husbands in the world. Unhappily, the same man who has the right to kill his wife on the simplest suspicion — ^if, for example, he should see her in conversation with a stranger — no relation of the family — has no scruple about introducing a first concubine, and soon a second, then a third, and it may be even a fourth, under the conjugal roof. Feels no Jealousy. It is said that, in order to spare the dig- nity of the legitimate wife, and in deference to her rank as a mother and the mistress of the house, the husband deigns to consult her upon the choice of each of the pearls of beauty he thinks fit to add to the treasures of his domestic feUcity. It is said that the proudest dame,, the most tenacious of her rights and of her prerogatives, feels no jeal- ousy, and sees with no displeasure an aug- mentation of her household which permits her to rule over a numerous suite of women, hei' humble servants, and little pages, slaves to the caprices of her own children. But this picture is not true to life'. There is, no doubt, a class in Japanese society in which the marriage tie is much relaxed ; that of the Daimios, formerly condemned by the inhuman policy of the Shoguns to leave their wives and children as hostages at Tokio, during the prolonged absences rendered im- perative by their feudal position and its ad- ministrative duties. But the licentious habits of the nobility never propagate themselves among the middle classes with impunity. When the mother of the family forces her- self to suffer humiliation in silence, thence- forward peace and domestic happiness are at an end. When the relaxation of. the ties of esteem and mutual confidence leads to a POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 389 breach of the community of interests, dis- order creeps into, household affairs, the hus- b£md neglects the exercise of his profession, and endeavors to blind himself to his true moral condition by an ever increasing con- sumption of saki. Finally, poverty, sick- ness, and frequently even some violent catas- trophe, bring about the dissolution or the ruin of the household, which had been founded under such fair auspices. The middle classes, and the masses in general, are saved by their narrow means from the scourge I have just indicated. The great majority of households, those of shop- keepers, artisans, workmen, and cultivators, require the common toil of both father and mother for their maintenance; the constant combination of their efforts, not to secure ease, but merely to supply the commonest necessaries of life. Struggle for a Livelihood. The introduction of one single vice into such a state of things would bring about its immediate ruin. Many a young couple have to struggle bravely for years, in order to defray the expenses of their marriage. Others have had sufficient courage and good sense to resist the temptation of the national cus- tom. The proceedings in the latter instances testify to the national talent for acting. An honest couple have a marriageable daughter, and the latter is acquainted with a fine young fellow, who would be a capital match, if only he possessed the necessary means of making his lady-love and her parents the indispensa- ble wedding presents, and of keeping open ^ouse for a week. One fine evening,' the father and mother, returning from the bath, find the house empty — the daughter is gone. They make inquiries in the neighborhood ; no one has seen her ; but the neighbors hasten to offer their services in seeking her, together with her distracted parents. They accept the offer, and head a solemn procession, which gpes from street to street, to the lover's door. In vain does he, hidden behind his panels, turn a deaf ear.; he is at length obliged to yield to the importunities of the besieging crowd ; he opens the door, and the young girl, drowned in tears, throws herself at the feet of her parents, who threaten to curse her. A Social Comedy. Then comes the intervention of charitable friends, deeply moved by this spectacle ; the softening of the mother, the proud and in- exorable attitude of the father, the combined eloquence of the multitude, employed to soften his heart ; the lover's endless protes- tations of his resolution to become the best of sons-in-law. At length the father yields, his resistance is overcome ; he raises his kneeling daughter, pardons her lover and calls him his son-in-law. Then, almost as if by enchantment, cups of saki circulate through the assembly ; everybody sits down upon the mats ; the two culprits are placed in the centre of the circle, large bowls of saki are handed to them ; and when they are emptied, the mar- riage is recognized, and declared to be validly contracted in the presence of a suf- ficient number of witnesses, and it is regis- tered next day by the proper officer, with- out any difficulty. The fashion of wedding-trips is unknown in Japan. Far from leaving the young people to enjoy their happiness in peace, their friends resort to every sort of pretext for overwhelming them with invitations and visits, which are always accompanied by prolonged bouts of eating and drinking. For two years at least the young mother 390 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. will nurse her child, and according to the rules of politeness which regulate the visits of Japanese ladies, she must extend her lacteal gifts to the children of her friends. Another demonstration of courtesy is made by the young girls of the neighborhood. They dispute for the privilege of carrying the new-born infant out for its air and exercise, not only as an act of neighborly kindness, mm/mmmK JAPANESE BRIDE AND ATTENDANTS. but in order that they may, quite seriously, serve an apprenticeship to the main duties of their future vocation. On the thirtieth day after his birth, the new citizen of Niphon receives his first name. He will take a second on attaining his major- ity, a third at his marriage, a fourth when he shall be appointed to any public function, a fifth when he shall ascend in rank or in dig- nity, and so on until the last, the name which shall be given him after his death, and in- scribed upon his tomb ; that by which his memory shall be held sacred from generation to generation. The ceremony, which corresponds to bap- tism among us, is a simple presentation of the newly-born child in the temple of his parents' gods. Except in certain sects, it is not accompanied by sprinkling with water, or any of the formalities of purification. The father hands a memorandum contain- ing three names, to the officiating bonze, who copies them on three separate sheets of paper, which he mixes together and shakes up at random, pronouncing a sacra- mental invocation in a loud voice. Then he throws them into the air, and the first which, in falling, touches the floor of the holy place, indicates the name most agreea- ble to the presiding divinity. The bonze immediately inscribes it upon a sheet of blessed paper, and gives it as a tahsman to the child's father. Then, the religious act being complete, it remains only to celebrate the event by visits and banquets proportionate to the social con- dition of the infant hero of the festival, who receives a number of presents on this occasion, among which two fans figure, in the case of a male, and a pot of pomade in that of a female child. The fans are precursors of swords, and the pomade is the presage of feminine charms. In both cases, a packet of flax thread is added, signifying good wishes for a long life. The baptism of a child is always an occa- sion for generosity on the part of the parent towards the priest of their religion. It is understood that the priests shall not fail to inscribe the child's name on the list of their pupils, and shall follow all the phases of his life with solicitude. The registers in the bonze-houses are said to be most accurately POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 391 kept ; they must always be at the disposal of the police authorities. At three years old, the boy begins to wear a sword belt, and at seven, if he be a Samourai (military class), the two swords, which form the insignia of his rank. These weapons are, of course, provisional, and adapted to his size. At fifteen, he exchanges them for the proven swords confided to him, as a glorious trust, by his family, during his lifetime. .Responsible Age of Fifteen. In the middle class, the chivalrous cere- monies have no place, but the three before- mentioned dates, and chiefly the last, are kept with rejoicings which yield in import- ance only to marriage festivities. On the day which completes the boy's fifteenth year, he attains his majority, adopts the head-dress of grown men, and takes a part in the busi- ness of the paternal house. The day before he is addressed as a child ; all of a sudden everything around him is changed ; the cere- monious forms of national civiHty increase his importance in his own eyes, and he hastens, on his side, to respond to the congratulations which he receives, so as to prove that while he is proud of his new position, he is also awake to its responsibility. This noble testimony does not, indeed, limit itself to vain declarations, and among the most interesting traits of Japanese society are the zeal, perseverance, and seriousness \vith which young people of fifteen forsake the pleasures of childhood, and enter the severe school of practical life, each preparing himself to make his way honorably in the world. Apprenticeship to any manual profession is equivalent to ten years' service. During this time the master feeds, clothes, and lodges the apprentice, but he never gives him any salary, until quite near the end of the term, when the apprentice having become a work- man, receives sufficient pocket-money to buy ' tobacco. Professional instruction, neverthe- less, does not suffer from this state of things. The master is interested in teaching his apprentice as thoroughly as possible, be- cause it is he who presents the workman, in his turn aspiring to the rank of master, to the "tribe" or trade. This rank cannot be attained under the age of twenty-five years. As soon as the workman has reached that time of life, his master gives him his liberty, and presents him with the tools necessary for the setting up of a modest workshop. Then comes marriage to consecrate the new establishment. It frequently happens that the workman marries before he is set up in a workshop of his own ; but this takes place only when his parents' circumstances admit of his bringing his wife to live under their roof until he can make a home for her. Funeral Expenses. In all Japanese families death gives rise to a series of domestic solemnities, more or less sumptuous, according to the rank of the deceased, but in every case in a proportion very expensive to his nearest relatives. They have to bear the cost of the rehgious cefe- monies which are in the province of the bonzes : they have to pay for the last sacra- ments ; the watching and the praying, which is kept up without intermission in the house of the deceased until the funeral, the service which precedes the departure of the funeral procession, the funeral mass celebrated in the temple, and all the requisites for the burial or the burning of the corpse ; such as the coffin, draperies, torches, flowers, com- bustibles, urn, tomb, collections and offerings given to the bonzes. 392 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. Then comes the turn of the coolies who have washed the body, of those who have carried the coffin, and the convent servants whose duties lie within the enclosure of the cemetery. But this is not all; a pious cus- tom ordains that all persons of a certain station shall install a servant at the house door charged with the distribution of alms, in small coins, to all the poor, indiscrimi- nately, who come to seek them. And also, on the return of the funeral procession, all the party are expected to take leave of the head of the afflicted family, who testifies his gratitude by giving them a handsome repast. Horror of Dead Bodies. It is not, however, in these harrassing ex- penses only that we must seek for the source of the hardly disguised impatience with which the Japanese discharge the last offices towards their neighbors. The truth is, that though they are hardened to the sight of blood, and to scenes of homicide, they cannot overcome, even in the case of members of their own family, the instinctive repugnance, the profound horror which the presence or even the vicinity of a corpse causes them, when the death has been a natural one. There are, however, noble exceptions. Among the Japanese women, we find wives and mothers, who, overcoming every super- stitious fear, know how to prove that love is stronger than death ; while the men of the household consider themselves acquitted of their task when they have sent for the bonzes to recite prayers, and for a barber and his coolie assistants, who lay out the corpse, and retire to smoke and drink at the greatest possible distance from the chamber of death, the mother of the family remains to the last beside the corpse of the husband or the son. During the first hours of mourning; it is she who receives the condolences of the friends and neighbors. Humbly prostrated on the reversed mat, at the foot of a screen, also reversed, which hides the corpse from view, she mingles her sobs -with the sighs and consoling words of her visitors. But as soon as the undertakers (as we should call them) arrives, she rises and assists in all the preparations they have to make. The head of the deceased must be completely shaven, and his body carefully washed, which is done by plentiful douches of tepid water, showered into the bath-room in which he is placed sitting on a turned up tub. When the coolies have dried the corpse, they lift it up respectfully, in order to place it in the coffin. The operation is not always an easy one. The rich Japanese like to rest in the earth, doubled up into enormous jars, which are masterpieces of native pottery. It requires a certain amount of energy and very strong wrists to squeeze a corpse that is at all broad-shouldered into the narrow neck of one of these jars. Cheap Caskets. The lower middle class and common people use, for coffins, simply barrels made of fir planks, with bands of bamboo bark. Whether the corpse is going to be buried or burned, it is squeezed into the same narrow compass. The head is bent, the legs are doubled up under the body, and the arms are crossed on the breast. It is not acci- dentally that the Japanese bury their dead in the attitude in which a child rests in the mother's womb. The practice enforces the dogma of a future life under an eloquent symbolism of which the concluding action of the final parting is a most significant feature. At the moment when the coolies are about to place the cover on the jar, or the lid on the barrel, the mourning woman who has POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 393 previously assisted in all the melancholy preliminaries, bends for the last time over the corpse, and places between its hands a viaticum, no doubt the strangest, but also the most remarkable in all the mythologies of antiquity. It is a little sheet of paper, folded in four, containing a small shred of the umbilical cord which united the dead person with his mother at the moment of his birth. When maternal love, or that of his suc- cessor has confided this strange emblem of a future birth to the mysteries of the tomb, and made, under this curious form, its humble protest against the seeming triumph of death, the coffin is closed ; and the most important of the national funeral ceremonies, the " domestic solemnity'' is accomplished. Superstitious Pomps. The rest consists merely of superstitious practices, vain pomp, and pure formalities, in which exorcism alternates with the glori- fication of family pride. It does not suffice that the Mikosi should protect the coffin, at its exit from the house of death, it passes under an arch of blessed bamboo, which prevents evil influences from following it. The bonzes, carrying their rosaries, open the procession. The nearest relatives are dressed in white, or they wear common straw hats, which they do not remove until after the completion of the ceremonies of purification. An inscription, carried before the Mikosi, proclaims the name which the deceased is to receive in his epitaph. The horses of a military chief figure in his funeral procession, caparisoned in white, and led by grooms in mourning. His swords, his armorial bear- ings, his banner, various precious things which recall the rank that he held in the world, are exhibited among the groups of his relations and followers. The funeral procession of the poor man consists of a small number of friends and neighbors, who hurry, at sunset, to the sombre valley where the rite of cremation takes place under the auspices of some bonze of low station, sent from a neighboring con- vent. Japanese Cremation. The Yedas, who are the outcasts of Japanese society, and deprived of the aids of rehgion, disdain every kind of ceremony. They simply lay the corpses of their brethren in abjectness on rude stretchers, and carry them away to a desert place. There, they pile up a heap of dead wood on which they stretch the bodies, covered with straw mats ; and kindle with their own hands the fire that is to restore these miserable remains of humanity to the elements. There is a class still lower than that of the Yedas, properly so called, that is to say, the artisans who practise unclean arts, such as skinners, tanners, leather dressers; and one lower still, public executioners, pur- veyors of vice, lepers, cripples, registered beggars ; then comes a final category of in- dividuals held in the extreme degree of legal infamy, it is the class of " Christans," the tolerated descendants of such of the native Christian families as were not entirely de- stroyed in the great persecution of the sev- enteenth century. Their condition is worse tharl that of the mere Yedas, who live among themselves in freedom, outside the city boundaries ; so utterly ignored by the law, that the space of ground occupied by their camp of thatched huts does not count in the measurement plans. The Christans, on the contrary, are assigned a miserable crowded quarter in the city, like the ghetto of the Jews in the Mid- dle Ages, which is virtually a prison. The ■394 police keep watch over them until they have drawn their last breath, and it is their busi- ness to remove their corpses, and dispose of them somehow — no one knows where or how ; but so that the name of the Crucified One shall not be pronounced over their ashes. JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. especially the practice of cremation intro- duced, in the year 700, by the priest Joseo, have enabled, the bonzes to make an im- mense trade out of the lots of ground of which they dispose. A small enclosure is sufficient for a whole family through a great number of generations. The commemora- INTERIOR OF A JAPANESE THEATRE Respect for the dead and tomb-worship, which is one of the seemingly-estimable features of the Buddhist religion, does not exist, properly speaking, except among the privileged classes, and in proportion to the profit which the bonzes extract from it. The method of burial, the form of the coffin, and tive table, which stands over the spot in which the cinerary urn has been buried, oc- cupies no greater space than the urn itself. The badly-kept condition . of the burial- places of the common people contrasts strongly with the orderliness of the fine ter- races and great funereal monuments in their POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 395 ■neighborhood. Both are entrusted to the ■care of the same bonze-house ; but it is the same with tombs as with indulgences, the tonzes have made each a question of tariff. There is at Tokio a National Drahiatic Institution. The performers are, properly- speaking, jugglers, equilibrists, and acrobats. Another corporation, infinitely more interest- ing, is that of the conjuring jugglers, the most skilful among whom perform princi- pally at the fair of Yamasta, and in all the dependencies of the Grand Temple of Quan- non at Asaksa. They also make provincial tours, although we have not heard of their Jiaving quitted Japan. But we may leave them aside, and even ■their superiors, and pass on to the bonze- houses which combine within their vast space all the seductions and all the juggleries, every industry and every artifice, by which it is possible to contribute to human supersti- tions and human passions. Vast Pleasure Grounds. The great river which divides Tokio into two distinct cities, encloses in one vast circuit the districts to the north of the citadel. These are specially consecrated to the pleas- ures of the inhabitants of the capital. In those pleasures centres the industry of the ■district, and it excludes no class of society. It accommodates itself, on the contrary, to all tastes, responds to all caprices, and satis- fies all exigencies. Hundreds of temples rival the tea-houses ; the circuses compete with the theatres ; the fairs with the groves, the lakes, and the canals — those refuges of tranquil joy; while towards the north the great square harbors, with the full sanction of the Government, countless dens of vice and debauchery. On the right and left of the high road, and all along the avenues, on the bank of the Ogawa, and in the side streets which diverge from the high road, there are temples, tea- houses, public gardens, eating-houses, ora- tories, shops, and resting-places, booths in which consecrated rosaries and profane curiosities are exhibited — in a word, every- thing that the most ingenious speculation can offer to the travellers, the pilgrims, the frequenters of theatres, and the idlers of all ages, who are coming and going by thou- sands, by night as well as by day, through these distant quarters of the capital. Questionable Establishments. There are, however, almost within the same district, and generally throughout the' meridional zone of the triangle formed by the Ogawa, establishments which only prosper at a certain distance from the great arteries of circulation, because their speciality consists in keeping themselves apart from the floating population, while permitting fheir frequenters to mingle for a few minutes, when they please, with the movements of the crowd. Among them are the aristocratic tea-houses. They can hardly be distinguished externally from those of the middle classes. Their entire superiority consists in the arrangement of the halls and of the furniture, of the garden, and above all in the ceremony of the enter- tainments. When the haughty Samourai enters one of these establishments, the mistress of the house, and the young waitresses who accom- pany her, prostrate themselves at his feet. The youngest of the girls rises, and begs the favor of carrying the sword of the noble person, who presents it to her. She hastens to unfold a silken handkerchief, with which she covers her right hand, in order to take hold of the sabre by the end of the scabbard, and she holds it in front of her breast until the Samourai has gone into the vestiary, 396 when sh9 places it upon a lacquered rack, ready to be returned to its owner. The gentleman then proceeds, with the aid of his female suite, to make the most luxurious and minute nocturnal toilet. The one lock of hair which constitutes his head- dress is twisted by means of a knot of crape into a sort of nightcap. On his neck and shoulders is laid a thick silken handkerchief, which serves him for a shawl. His cloak is replaced by a sumptuous dressing-gown, fastened by silken cords most gracefully disposed ; a pair of white socks, which serve as slippers, completes his costume, and after having washed his hands and face in per- fumed water, he majestically takes his way to the salon, where a collation is prepared. Variety of Industries. The streets in the vicinity of the harbor are the centre of innumerable industries, whose raw materials are furnished by the ocean. There we saw vast drying-houses for the fish, the molluscs, and the seaweed destined for exportation, and also the great stages on which the preparations of the aboura-kami, or oil-paper stuff used by the Japanese instead of our waterproof materials, are stretched. The native artisans excel in the fabrication and imitation of the edible birds' nests of Java. They produce these forgeries by means of a glutinous exudation of certain marine herbs, and they are then exported to China, with every trick in their packing and labelling which can possibly deceive the ex- perts of the Celestial Empire ; and I am by no means sure that Europe has not also been extensively taken in. Fish sausages are extensively made in this quarter. They are of various kinds, each having a special color. A great white- washed oven is set up in the centre of a JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. spacious kitchen ; it contains bowls of iron, , and a jar in which a certain class of fish is cooking. Others are chopped up very small ; and, as soon as they are sufficiently dried and reduced to a powder in mortars of hard wood, they are sorted, seasoned and rolled into paste, pressed and tied up in their envelopes, of which each receives its dip of color. They are then packed in bales. Half a dozen persons generally work together on all these operations, which are performed to- a monotonous song. The knives and the pestles are used in time to the rhyme. But when any noise comes from the street tl^e men throw them down and go out and swell the gaping crowd. Perhaps nothing more serious is going on than the dance of the Lion of Corea. How often everyone there has seen it ! And,, nevertheless, the discordant appeal of the fife and the tambourine which announce its. approach is never resisted. Wandering Actors. Four actors come out of a neighboring street; three form the orchestra, and the fourth gives the representation. He is wrapped in a very large striped cloak sur- mounted by an enormous head. The monster- can make himself longer or shorter at will, and suddenly raise himself up two yards- above the people who are with him. The children utter cries of mingled ad- miration and fear. Some, bolder than the rest, venture to lift up the skirts of his cloak, and even to pinch the legs of the my- sterious tumbler. He sometimes frightens them by turning his head towards them, opening his mouth and shaking the thick mane of scraps of white paper which sur- rounds his scarlet face; then he will begin _ to dance to the sound of the instruments ot POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 397 his companions. He carries his tambourine himself, but as soon as he leaves off dancing he sets it down, and, suddenly stooping, transforms himself into a quadruped, exe- cutes some grotesque gambols, and finishes by stripping off his accoutrements. Then the monster vanishes, but the juggler remains. He seizes a drumstick and balances it on the thumb of the left hand ; he puts a second stick on the end of the first, and a third crosswise above the other two ; finally, he threw them into the air, catch them in his hands, and spins them about more and more rapidly and uninterruptedly, adding qne, two or three balls, which come from no one knows where. End of the Performance. The admiration of the spectators is at its height. One of the musicians passes round a plate — that is to say, a fan. The repre- sentation is finished, and the juggler lights his pipe from that of some benevolent neigh- bor. It is not uncommon to see him neg- ligently putting on his costume again, and sitting calmly smoking, with his head cov- ered down to his nose with the enormous and grotesque mask of the monster. The latter is the most picturesque part of the spectacle. By degrees, as we penetrate into the streets and populous places of the suburbs, we discover a whole world of small trades and small pleasures. Here and there we see the humble dwell- ings of various classes of wandering work- men who start for the city before the sun rises, and who will only return late at night. These are cobblers, who go about mending wooden sandals ; tinkers, coopers, traffickers in broken porcelain, vendors of old clothes and remnants of stuff for girdles and women's kirimons ; all these people are trained to the exercise of great patience, and also to the calculation of fractions of frac- tions. It is a very curious sight to watch them counting on their frames of beads strung on wires. But we must not forget the rag-picker of Tokio who unconsciously contributed for many years to the maintenance of the paper factories in England. In the morning and the evening he goes ferreting about in the pubUc places, and in the populous streets of Hondjo and the merchant city, laden, not with a hod, but with a sort of paper basket which he carries in his left hand ; in his right hand is a pair of long canes, by means of which he picks up everything that appears worth the trouble, and throws it into the basket. A Doll Show. The professional tramps pay no attention to the curiosities they meet in their path. Nevertheless, at Tokio I have seen them ex- change some amicable phrases, accompanied by two or three puffs of tobacco, with their natural friends the tumblers, with whom the good city abounds. These performers go about with what the English would call a Punch and Judy show, but it is really a doll with joints, arrayed in the costume of the sect of jumping priests. They exhibit, on a table, a model of the temple of Amida, a white mouse runs up the steps, rings a bell at the door, and performs its devotions at the altar. A third exhibitor goes about with birds trained to fire a bow, to pick rice, to draw water out of a well ; and to pull a little car laden with balls of cotton. A street juggler balances himself upon two high planks, and turns somersaults, or spins over his head three or four porcelain jugs or cups; he breaks an egg, and pulls twenty yards of 398 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. string out of it. He crumples a bit of paper in his hand, and immediately a cloud of arti- ficial flies fills the air. The greater number of these schemers speculate less on the receipts of their repre- sentation than on the sale of certain small wares which the city shopkeepers let them LION DANCE STREET PASTIME IN sell on commission. Marionettes and mice exhibitors bring crowds of children round the box which they use as a stage, and these children know well that the box is full of sweetmeats. The mender of fans has a store of new ones. Other street actors bring specimens of the industry of the suburbs into the aristocratic quarters, and get a small commission on all orders which they succeed in obtaining. They also sell packets of the hard wood or bamboo canes which they use for forks ; also toothpicks of scented and savory wood,, tooth-brushes made of whitewood, with one of the ends beaten out into a little fringe. The Japanese have a peculiar tooth-powder; one of its ingredients is ivory dust. It is sold in small boxes, with vari- ously colored and deco- rated lids, which vary according to the quality of the merchandise. The powder with which mar- ried women dye their teeth black is sold in metal caskets. ' Pretty Designs. Workmen of the most humble appearance, cabi- net makers, joiners, tur- ners, and wood carvers, fabricate a multitude of pretty things, in elm- wood bark, bamboo, bone, ivory, deer-horn, yellow amber, sea-shells,, tortoise-shell, and cocoa- nut. The Chinese workmen- who carve ivory excel in the execution of masterpieces of patience, such as little empty balls, three or four in number, which turn one within the other. The Japanese artists do not . build their fame on conquering difficulties ; a more noble ambition animates them; they aim above all at the perfection of the imitation TOKIO. POPULAR JAPANESE CUSTOMS. 399' of nature, and when they yield to the caprice of their imagination, it takes ordinarily a humor- ous direction, full of genuine mirth, and not the taste for burlesque and eccentricity which characterizes the Chinese workman. The most exquisite things among the small figures in ivory to be found in Tokio are incontestably those representing animals, and more particularly the tiger, the buffalo, the bear, the monkey, and the mouse. These little art objects, which for us are only curious, are an integral part of the outfit of the native smokers of both sexes. In order to carry their pipe in its case and their tobacco-box, they fasten them to the end of a silken cord, whose either extremity is ornamented with one or two of these dainty little trifles, which keep down the cord and prevent it slipping when it has been passed through the girdle. They do the same with their medicine-box. '. All Sorts of Trades. The weavers' trade is not only applied to silk and cotton, but to canvas, which the Japanese painters use very largely ; and to flax cloth, which cannot be of an inferior quality in a country like Japan, where the ttiost precious of European and American textiles grows to two yards in height. The workshops of the hosiers, mat- borderers, binders, and box-makers present a picturesque assemblage of workpeople of all ages and of both sexes. The coopers work in spacious enclosures behind bamboo paUngs. The shops of the box-makers contain an immense collection of coffers and caskets in wood of every kind, among which the cam- phor-wood of Kiousiou, which never loses its aromatic perfume, is particularly remark- able. An assortment of these boxes means half a dozen, which can be placed one within the other so as to be packed in a single parcel. There is also an immense quantity of very strong boxes in lacquered paper ; an infinite variety of household utensils, and small articles of furniture, some lacquered, such as rice bowls, others in white wood or in bamboo. The extreme scarcity of mechanical appli- ances at the disposal of the Japanese artisans strikes the American and European visitor forcibly. Curious Workshops. Near the shops or warehouses of which I am speaking were four or five booths, which were assigned to as many different trades.. I am convinced that all the tools of the five workshops put together were not worth, twenty-five dollars. In the first booth a man was making doUs- of papier-mache, which are especial favorites in Japanese houses. They consist of the head and the face only, wrapped in a scarlet mantle ; and it is said that in this form they perpetuate from generation to generation the- memory of a high priest of Buddha who had. used up his legs completely in the practice of his devotions. These dolls can be turned, inside out, and are of all dimensions. Further on were two workmen, each using a little hammer and chisel in carving metal pipes, and a third was preparing wooden, stems ; here a lounger was holding wood before the flames of a fire of shavings, in order to give it the necessary bend, while his companion was putting together with a little cement and string the tufts of silk, horsehair or paper, which are hoisted at the ends of long pikes in order to indicate the rank or functions of a civil or military chief. In a neighboring workshop an old man was adjusting the hoops and hooks of a 400 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. number of paper lanterns with a pair of pincers. At the* entrance of a side street we see half a dozen workmen making wooden sandals. Here the work is divided; everyone has his speciality. One cuts a piece of wood into equal lengths with a saw, and then splits them into soles or cross planks. A third rounds the edges of the heavy sandals, and a fourth makes holes in them, through which the straw cords are passed. Other workmen are employed in finishing sandals of a more luxurious kind, and packing them by dozens of pairs into the bales which are to be carried to the retail warehouse. I had yet to see the most peculiar of the shops in this quarter, that of the clockmaker. He was making small dials and clocks, rival- ling the " Cuckoos " of the Black Forest, but with this difference, that they are on the system of moveable hours, which increase or decrease according to the seasons. The artist, squatting before a little anvil fixed in the ground, is busy with the mecha- nism of his chronometer, with the exception of the gong which strikes the hours. His tools, scattered round him on mats, consist of a hammer, two or three files, a couple of pincers, and some giinlets. With the exterior of the small dials, which are portable instruments of the form and size of a big chestnut, he has nothing to do ; the cases are made by the copper-workers, and constitute a separate industry. CHAPTER XXIV. 5HINT0ISM AND BUDDHISM IN JAPAN. SHINTO, which means literally "the way of the gods," is the name given to the mythology and vague ancestor and nature-worship which preceded the introduction of Buddhism into Japan, and which survives to the present day in a somewhat modified form. We would here draw attention to the fact that Shinto, so often spoken of as a religion, is hardly entitled to that name. It has no set of dog- mas, no sacred book, no moral code. The absence of a moral code is accounted for, in the writings of the modern native commentators, by the innate perfection of Japanese humanity, which obviates the neces- sity for such outward props. It is only out- casts, like the Chinese and Western nations, whose natural depravity renders the occa- sional appearance of sages and reformers necessary ; and even with this assistance, all foreign nations continue to wallow in a mire of ignorance, guilt and disobedience towards the heaven-descended monarch of the uni- verse — ^the Mikado of Japan. It is necessary, however, to distinguish three periods in the existence of Shinto. During the first of these — roughly speaking, down to A. D. 550 — the Japanese had no notion of religion as a separate institution. To pay homage to the gods, that is, to the departed ancestors of the Imperial Family, and to the spirits of other great men, was a usage springing from the same mental soil as that which produced passive obedience to, and worship of, the living Mikado. Besides this, there were prayers to the 26 wind-gods, to the god of fire, to the god of pestilence, to the goddess of food, and to deities presiding over the saucepan, the cauldron, the grate and the kitchen. There were also purifications for wrong-doing, as there were for bodily defilement, such as, for instance, contact with a corpse. The purifying element was water. But there was not even a shadowy idea of any code of morals, or any systematization of the simple notions of the people concerning things unseen. There was neither heaven nor hell — only a kind of neutral-tinted Hades. Some of the gods were good, some were bad ; nor was the line between men and gods at all clearly drawn. There was, however, a rude sort of priesthood, each priest being charged with the service of some particular local god, but not with preaching to the people. A Virgin at the Shrine. One of the virgin daughters of the Mikado always dwelt at the ancient shrine of Ise, keeping watch over the mirror, the sword and the jewel, which he had inherited from his ancestress, Ama-terasu, Goddess of the Sun. Shinto may be said, in this its first period, to have been a set of ceremonies as much political as religious. By the introduction of Buddhism in the middle of the sixth century after Christ, the second period of the existence of Shinto was inaugurated, and further grdwth in the direc- tion of a religion was stopped. The meta- physics of Buddhism were far too profound, 401 402 JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. its ritual far too gorgeous, its moral code far too exalted, for the puny fabric of Shinto to makeany effective resistance. All that there was of religious feeling in the nation went over to the enemy. The Buddhist priesthood diplomatically received the native Shinto gods into their pantheon as avatars of ancient Buddhas, for which reason many of the Shinto ceremonies connected with the court were kept up, al- though Buddhist ceremonies took the first place even in the thoughts of the converted descendants of the sun. The Shinto rituals, previously handed down by word of mouth, were then first put into written shape. Priests Practicing Sorcery. The term Shinto itself was also introduced in order to distinguish the old native way of thinking from the new doctrine imported from India ; for down to that time no one had hit on the notion of including tlje vari- ous fragmentary legends and local usages under one general designation. But view- ing the matter broadly, we may say that the second period of Shinto, which lasted from about A. D. 550 to 1700, was one of darkness and decrepitude. The various petty sects into which it then divided itself, owed what little vitality they possessed to frag- ments of cabalistic lore filched from the baser sort of Buddhism and from Taoism. Their priests practised the arts of divination and sorcery. Only at court and at a few great shrines, such as those of Ise and Izumo, was a knowledge of Shinto in its native simplicity kept up ; and even there it is doubtful whether changes did not creep in with the lapse of ages. Most of the Shinto temples throughout the country were served by Buddhist priests, who introduced the archi- tectural ornaments and the ceremonial of their own religion. They meant to establish the faith in which they had been schooled. Thus was formed a mixed religion founded on a compromise between the old creed and the new — and hence the tolerant ideas on theological subjects of most Japanese of the middle and lower classes, who will worship indifferently at the shrines of either faith. The third period in the history of Shinto began about the year 1700, and continues down to the present day. It has been termed "the period of the revival of pure Shinto." During the seventeenth and eigh^ teenth centuries, under the peaceful govern- ment of the Tokugawa dynasty of Shoguns, the literati of Japan turned their eyes back- ward on their country's past. Old manu- scripts were disinterred, old histories and old poems were put into print, the old language was investigated and imitated. A Gain for Shinto. Soon the movement became religious and political — above all, patriotic, not to say chauvinistic. The Shogunate was frowned on, because it had supplanted the autocracy of the heaven-descended Mikados. Budd- hism and Confucianism were sneered at be- cause of their foreign origin. Shinto gained by all this. The great scholars Mabuchi (1697-1769), Motoori (1730-1801), and Hirata (1776- 1843) devoted themselves to a religious propaganda — if that can be called a religion which sets out from the principle that the only two things needful are to follow one's natural impulses and to obey the Mikado. This order of ideas triumphed for a mo- ment in the revolution of 1868. Buddhism was disestablished and disendowed, and Shinto was installed as the only state religion — the Council for Spiritual Affairs being given equal rank with the Council of State, a E-i H O < O H advance more than four or five miles. I doubt if the average progress of the main division has exceeded an average of six miles- since the march from Seoul began in the early part of August. " As was to be expected, plans of our gen- erals were held in dark secrecy at the begin- ning of the campaign. It was not until our near approach to Phyongyang (Ping- Yang) that the scheme of operations in which we were engaged became clear to the troops in. general. The privilege of moving in various- directions enabled me to grasp the situation at a comparatively early date, and to form conjectures which it was my fortune to see realized in due course. Strong Positions Chosen. " It is now apparent that the sharp and ef- fective engagements at Songhwan and Asan were not included in the original project of our leaders, but were mere incidents of the contest caused by the selection of the Naipo districts by the Chinese as a landing place for their troops. " From the outset it was recognized that the scene of the principal conflict would be the Valley of the Taitong (or Daido) River, in which many good defensive positions could be chosen by our foe and from which,, in case of a success to their arms, they could descend by more than one avenue and menace our ports around Seoul from several points. £42 COREA AND THE WAR. "The Japanese design was to seize the large towns along the Taitong and make the ■northern part of the peninsula untenable, -while preparing for more extensive feats ■which are still to be essayed. "As a preliminary measure, the intrenched Chinese at and near Asan had to be dis- lodged, and this enterprise was brilliantly carried through by Major-General Oshima, with a small force, which, after performing its allotted task, hastened to rejoin the body led northward by Major-General Tatsumi. Active Night and Day. " I was with a regiment which fought at Songhwan and did not get back to the main column until it had arrived at Kaisong, some distance north of Seoul. There I changed my limited range of duties for a •more exacting duty I was called upon to per- form, and for nearly a month lived in con- stant activity day and night, accustoming myself to look upon the details of food and sleep as mere trifles, scarcely to be con- sidered beside the imperative requirements of my new service. "The united army, which directed its course northward, consisted of from fifteen -to eighteen thousand men. General Oshima conducted the left, General Tatsumi the right, and the chief command was assumed by l^ieutenant-General Nodsu, whose quarters were in the centre and for a considerable time at the rear. "The left moved upon the town of Hwangju under orders to cross the Taitong River, near that place. The right proceeded towards Songhwan, where another crossing -would be made, and the centre bore directly along the main road (or mud ditch so desig- nated) to Changhwa. " To any one knowing these three lines of march it was plain that the object' aimed at was the ancient fortified city of Phyong- Yang (Ping- Yang), once a capital of Corea, and a place of much greater natural strength than Seoul, the modern seat of government. Probably our destination was made public in Japan long before the army heard of it) but by the end of August there was little doubt on the subject, even among the lowest ranks. "When the soldiers had satisfied them- selves as to the precise object of attack the feeling of exhaustion and weariness which few had been able to resist vanished as sud- denly as if the painful toil of the past three weeks were nothing but a dream. The spirit of Tamato Damouhi was rekindled in all its vigor, and the order of assault was awaited with feverish eagerness on all sides. Ea^er for Battle. " Perfect discipline is the controlling rule in the Japanese service, but it was evident to every beholder that from the moment the Taitong came in view of the foremost skir- mishers each hour of restraint was a vexa- tion and a grief to the whole mass of troops. Yet it was at just this time that they were called upon to curb their impetuosity and to lie idly on their arms, awaiting the develop- ment of events in other quarters. " The machinery set at work to crush the Chinese in their chosen stronghold was not confined to the force commanded by General Nodsu. Experience had shown at Asan and elsewhere that the faculty, of flight is one in which our enemies exhibit greater capacity than in any other, and it was assumed that if threatened by a determined onset in their front, they would sooner or later seek to es- cape, and would scatter themselves over the country in small and disconnected groups, pursuit of which would be futile. " Precisely as before, they would probably be a terror to the peasantry, and would, peir- THE BATTLE OF PING-YANG. 543 haps, indulge in the same excesses as those of General Yeh's disbanded soldiery, who not only pillaged far and wide, but put to death all who presumed to resist their de- mands. Among other atrocities they w6re accused of having murdered a much-re- spected French priest in the neighborhood of Asan. " To prevent a repetition of these dis- orders, and also to provide against the re- gathering of the dispersed remnants at the Yalu River or any other place of retreat, the War Department organized a co-operative force, to be transported from Japan _ to Gen- san, a port on the east coast of Corea, and to move thence across the peninsula upon the rear of Ping- Yang, thus enclosing the Chinese between two columns. Every effort was made to hide the details of this strategic combination. Beyond the bare fact that it was in progress, nothing was known about it to the mass of the combatants. But we were aware that Gensan is considerably to the north of Ping- Yang, and about one hun- dred and ten miles away. Difficult Passes. "A few years ago I was detailed to make an examination of the territory around that port, and for some distance into the interior, I then learned that the road*vays were, if possible, worse than those in the neighbor- hood of Seoul, though the hilly character of the country renders them less liable to inun- dation. The passes over broken ranges be- tween the eastern coast and the Taitong Valley are narrow, in many places blocked by heaps of fallen stones, and can hardly be less difficult to surmount than the bogs and morasses of the western provinces are to wallow through. " From what I was permitted to learn, the troops landed at Gensan numbered four or five thousand, and were commanded by Major-General Oseko. They, did not begin to penetrate southwestward until about Sep- tember 1st, when the bulk of General Nodsu's Southern army was almost on the edge of the broad valley on the other side of which lies Ping-Yang. "The reason why the attack from the south was delayed is now obvious. But to the troops enforced inactivity was most gall- ing. The men who had come fresh from victory at Soughwan were burning to renew their triumphs, and those who had not yet shared in conflict were longing to rival the exploits of their more favored comrades. All were under peculiar influences, which greatly inflamed their desire to meet the ad- versary. Daring Exploits. " The whole region was full of brave asso- ciations, dear to the heart of every Japanese who cherished the memory of his country's glories in the past. It was in the valley of the Taitong that the warriors of Hidrioshi, the great Taiko, performed their most daring exploits during the invasion of the sixteenth century. "Within the walls of Ping-Yang they made their heroic stand against the Tartar hordes, maintaining a desperate defence in the face of overwhelming numbers, subsist- ing towards the end upon the horses and other animals of their camp, and defying starvation itself, until the order from Kioto came directing them to give over the strug- gle, the fiery spirit that had sent them forth being conquered at last by death. "However reckless the ambition of Hidrioshi may have been, the valor of his soldiers was incontestable, and the plains that encircled the ancient capital of Corea still bear testimony to many a deed of 544 COREA AND THE WAR. chivalry which the decendants of the me- diaeval heroes would rejoice to emulate. " How anxiously and ardently the signal to resume the march was looked for, no one could bear witness to more surely than I, for in the first two weeks of this month I several times traversed the camp that lay crouching, I might say, along the southern border of the Taitong and through the valley below, and heard on all sides impa- tient murmurs of restlessness and agitation, which would have risen to complaining cries but for the loyal faith of the soldiers in the resolution and sagacity of their leaders. "During the first ten days of September several changes were made in the disposition of the troops, and various small commands were transferred to increase the effectiveness of the onset to come. But the general plan underwent no alteration. Supplies Cut Off. "General Nodsu advanced to the front and assumed the direct management of af- fairs. Reconnoitring parties made frequent examinations of the belt of land between our van and Ping-Yang, which was found com- pletely devastated by the ravages of the Chi- nese. The supplies which should have been provided the Chinese from Chefoo had been cut off for some time by the Japanese ships and the Coreans were compelled to give up everything that could contribute to the sus- tenance of the hungry multitude. " Prisoners were occasionally brought in by scouts, and strange tales were recited for our amusement concerning the blood-thirsty characteristics attributed to our soldiers by both the Chinese and the Coreans. Most of the captives were at first speechless with terror and could make no reply when ques- tioned by our commanders. They could hardly be prevailed upon to eat or drink, and at each word addressed to them they would fall prostrate, trembling and moaning as if expecting instant death. By gentle treatment they were generally reassured, though some seemed never to recover from their paralyzing fright. " None could give much information as to the number or organization of their army. It appeared that General Tsopaokwei, an officer of higher grade than any in our corps and ordinarily at the head of the Moukden garrison, was in chief command and under him we were told were ' many tens of mighty generals,' each leading countless myriads of invincible braves. Living on Promises. " Their stories with regard to their per- sonal associations were more easily credited. They and their companions had suffered from want of sufficient food ever since they entered the peninsula and had been in the habit of foraging for themselves at every opportunity. Raw vegetables, dug from the fields, were welcome additions to their regular diet. For weeks previous to starting on this campaign they had received no pay, though brilliant promises of rich spoils had been held out to them. " Their intelligence, except in one or two instances, certainly was not of a high order. Some could not tell the names of the officers under whom they immediately served. But they might have been mere camp followers and not fighting men. Stolid as theymostly were, they could not conceal their satisfac- tion at the indulgence they received, and, from their own account, their daily fare with us must have been absolute luxury compared with their habitual lot. " Their gratitude, however, took no higher form than the expression of a moody regret for the awful fate in store for us. That we THE BATTLE OF PING-YANG. 545 were all destined to annihilation as soon as we should come in contact with their irre- sistable warriors was a conviction which nothing could shake. "The second week of September brought some relief to the stagnation which oppressed us. After all, the idle term was not so long as it seemed to our over-wrought senses, and all discontent vanished as soon as the troops were called upon to march again. "The central body passed Chung Hwa on the loth of the month. The left reached Taitong on the iith and was ready for crossing at Totsudo Island on the 12th. On the same day the right passed Choldo and also prepared to pass over to the north bank. Cheering News. "On the 13th a singular thing happened. In the morning the news came that the head of a detachment from General Oseko's Gen- san column had made its way to Songchon, only thirty miles from Chyong-Yang, and that the entire eastern force naturally would presently be in a position to participate in the joint attack. " This intelligence, of course, was delivered privately at headquarters, and was communi- cated to only the subordinate generals and a few of their staffs. There was no possible way in which it could become public prop- erty. Yet on that very afternoon it was noticed that an extraordinary stimulus spread over the whole of the army, approaching from the south, and that even the most dis- tant regiments appeared animated by some exhilarating impulse. " I was a witness to several exhibitions of this feeling in front of General Tatsumi's wing. Sub-officers gathered in knots to inquire of one another if any event of un- usual promise had occurred, and private 35 soldiers not on duty ran about from tent to tent in search of information which no one could give, and of the existence of which no one outside of the highest circle had any positive knowledge. " I have since heard that the same phe- nomenon, if it may be called so, was every- where perceptible. All along the banks of the Taitong, from Kangdon to Hwangju, an inexplicable excitement prevailed, which lasted until the time came for striking the great, decisive blow. " On the 14th the report was circulated that a squadron of warships had been sighted at the mouth of the river, directing its course towards our outposts. No anxiety was felt on this score, ^for enough was now known to make it understood that the Japanese Navy would not be behindhand in lending support to our movement, while the death-like silence of the Chinese fleet since the engagement near Asan warranted the belief that inter- ference from that arm of the enemy's service was the last thing to ,be feared. Investing the City. " The clouds of smoke arising below Hwangju were hailed as a' token that busy work was at hand, and, sure enough before nightfall the welcome order was sent forth. " Early on the following day the troops were in motion from every side, converging towards the city, which the Chinese had selected as their main station of defence in Corea. From Sangchon the Gensan party rapidly descended, uniting with the advance , force of our left near Kangdon, and then stretching across the river north of Ping- Yang, to close the avenues of escape in that direction. " The central body, coming from the south, marched for the Taitong bridge and the gate through which the high road from 546 COREA AND THE WAR. Seoul to the old capital passes. The left wing skirted the northern bank opposite Hwangju, until it reached Kangso, when it was divided, one part proceeding straight to the object of attack and the other ascend- ing towards Shunnen, and blocking the line of retreat to Wiju, on the frontier. The Chinese in the Toils. " Before evening the Chinese were believed to be almost completely enveloped. Of what occurred while the investment was going on at the north I have heard no coherent details, but it was a surprise to those who conducted the onset from the south that the defence was not more obstinate and effective. "Of the advantages possessed by the Chi- nese there could be no question. The city stands on a steep slope, and is surrounded by a wall which, though out of repair in many places, could eas; y have been made formida- ble in the long ime since the army estab- lished itself then . Except at one gate, there was no bridge fi'. to aid the passage of troops over the Taiton|', and it certainly seems that a resolute resista'ice on the north bank might have made the c ossing a much more serious undertaking than it proved. Between the wall and the river the ground was most un- comfortable to the assailants, being largely cut up into swamp r rice lots. "Better fighting on the Chinese side was expected, even by thvise who had tested their incapacity at Songhwan, for here the chances were much more in their favor, and their behavior in some of the skirmishes along the route had indicated a determination to do at least a little towards retrieving their shattered reputation. But from the time when they were driven within their rough fortifications they appeared to lose all spirit, and allowed themselves to be chased from post to post with scarcely an effort to maintain order. " The first troops sent forward by General Oshima were, according to present accounts, more vigorously met than any others, but this may have been due to the circumstance that there was a scarcity of ammunition in one brigade, necessitating a brief suspension of the advance on the afternoon of the 15th. There is nothing to show that General Oshima's wing was obliged to use extraor- dinary exertions in reaching its goal after his order. The regiments which pushed northward from Kangso are said to have been the most strongly confronted. Confused Accovints. " It is difficult, however, to collect reports that can be thoroughly trusted, so soon after the battle. Rumors are altogether too abun- dant to be safely relied upon when matters of minute detail come into question. I heard an officer of high position say, on the da}' after the affair was concluded, when the greater part of the army was resting and trying to remember what had happened, that it would be at least a fortnight before the Government at Tokio could receive a really full and accurate account of the event, and you may imagine the obstacles that stand in the way of a single observer who tries to present even a glimpse of the mighty scene in which, perhaps, thirty thousand comba- tants struggled for life and death through a good part of two fierce and furious days. " Little more than forty-eight hours has passed since the last shot was fired, and the last flag lowered. It seems as if the echoes of the vast tumult and confusion were still ringing through the air, forbidding the mind to dwell upon anything but the colossal features of the conflict, or to gather together the multitude of incidents which must be brought into orderly array before the true character and import of this great achieve- THE BATTLE OF PING-YANG. 547 ment of history can be rightly estimated. What we now know beyond all doubt is that the strategic combination for the overthrow of the first Chinese army in the field has wholly and brilliantly succeeded. "The campaign was carefully laid out in Tokio, and was executed with admirable dexterity by four of the best generals in the Japanese service, not one of whom, it may be mentioned, is of the highest rank. The single full general in Corea did not arrive in time to take any part in the proceedings, and even the lieutenant-general in command was not despatched from Japan until opera- tions were in active progress. Organizing Victory. " But when he came he threw himself heart and soul into the work and set an ex- ample of energy and fervor which roused to emulation all who were brought into con- tact with him. To him and to the three major-generals belong the credit of having carried the enterprise through triumphantly. To the organizer of victory, who may be an approved tactician, or an unknown adviser of the War Department, the honor of the conception is due, and will, let us hope, be righteously awarded. "A great blow has been struck, and with such force as to forever destroy the prestige of China in Corea. An army computed at not less than 12,000, and it may be 20,000 — and which may prove to be still larger, for the looseness and negligence of the Chinese system is such that the exact num- ber actually under arms is not known to themselves — has been defeated, and is now held captive, with the exception of the fugi- tives and the slain. " Four generals of renown from -the mili- tary standpoint of their country have sur- rendered — not with suiificient dignity, it is said, to entitle them to respect in their down- fall. "All the material results of the victory that could be expected have been secured. The entire store of weapons and ammuni- tion is in our hands. A quantity of treasure, roughly calculated to be worth from ^70,000 to ;^ 1 00,000, was siezed in the houses occu- pied by the commanding generals, together with dozens of bags filled with copper and iron "cash" of the country. "Not a single condition of success appears to be lacking. And I can say with pride that the discipline, which it is so often diffi- cult to preserve after great conquests has not been relaxed in the slightest degree. The districts I have visited in the last two days have been as free from violent disturbance as any part of my own capital in a time of pro- foundest peace. Soldiers roam about sing- ing lively songs and occasionally shouting 'Teikoku banzai,' but perfect good humor is the rule, and not an angry voice is heard. Spared the Horrors of ^^^ar. " The earliest order sent out on the i6th was for the firm enforcement of order and the protection of the inhabitants of Ping- - Yang. The few citizens who are willing to communicate freely, which they can do in symbolic writing, though utterly ignorant of our language, are earnest in assurances of thankfulness at having been spared the hor- rors they had been led to anticipate in case of falling under Japanese control. But they are far from confident as to what the future may bring forth. That the security which now prevails can last is more than they dare hope for. "Unless the Chinese who endeavored to escape by the Gate of the Seven Stars, at the northeastern corner of the city, fought harder than those who made a show of 548 COREA AND THE WAR. standing to their posts it is not probable that the number of deaths will prove very- great. But there is still a good deal to be learned about what took place in that locality and along the line of pursuit which followed. "As I walked out yesterday on the west- ern avenues leading from the city I saw heaps of weapons hedging the wayside as far as my sight could reach. Rifles, mostly of an old pattern, spears of the middle ages and swords of every conceivable manufacture were lying just as they had been thrown away, undisturbed as yet by the populace, who probably have not awakened to the fact that the late owners of the property have gone with no intent to return. Clothing enough to satisfy the winter necessities of the poor was also waiting to be picked up by the first comers. "Until the cavalry detachments sent to overtake the runaways return to give an ac- count of their adventures the lists of losses cannot; be made up. At presenfit looks as if great results had been obtained without anything like the amount of bloodshed that usually accompanies a decisive battle. If, however, I attempted to verify this opinion, I should either be compelled to rely upon insufficient data or run the risk of overstep- ping the time allowed me. " I close in the hope that when all the particulars are known it will be found that the rejoicings over our victory need not be too darkly shaded by lamentations over the sacrifice of human life." CHAPTER XXXV. JAPAN'S GREAT NAVAL VICTORY. THE Yalu River is the boundary be- tween China and Corea. Off the mouth of the Yalu a decisive naval engagement occurred, September 17th, between the Chinese and Japanese navies. At noon on September 17th nine Japanese war ships, convoying two armed transports, sighted twelve Chinese war ships and six gun-boats. The fighting began by an attack upon three of the Chinese war ships, which were sunk. As the fighting progressed another Chinese war ship was set on fire and destroyed, but the remaining eight, only one of which was uninjured to- gether with the six gun boats, succeeded in getting away. The Japanese war ships Matsushima and Hi-Yei were slightly dam- aged and one of the armed transports was seriously crippled, but none of the Japanese ships were lost. The Japanese loss was twenty men known to have been killed and forty-six wounded. When the Japanese sighted the Chinese fleet the latter ships were steaming towards the Yalu River, in which direction they pro- ceeded, appearing indisposed to fight. The Japanese chased them for an hour, when the Chiyoda, getting within range, drew the fire of the Chinese flagship. A running fight of two hours' duration preceded the main en- gagement in the bay, during which the trans- ports entered the Yalu River in safety. The work of transferring the troops and stores from the Chinese transports to the shore was proceeding rapidly when the Japa- nese fleet was sighted. Admiral Ting of the Chinese fleet signaled to his ships to weigh anchor and form in line of battle. In obedi- ence to this order the fleet was formed in a single line, with the exception of the cruisers Kwang-Kai and Kwang-Ting and four tor- pedo boats, which were formed in a second line at the mouth of the river. The Japanese fleet advanced at full speed while the Chinese columns were forming in line, until they came within range, when the war ships formed in line of battle, nine of them in the first column and three gunboats and five torpedo boats in the second column. The firing at the outset of the engagement was of an indifferent order, but the Japanese were creeping gradually closer to the Chinese ships and their gunners were improving their aim by practice. A Bursting Shell. The Chinese barbette ship Ting-Yuen wa$ the first to suffer any severe injury, a Japa- nese shell bursting in her battery. A cease- less cannonade was kept up on both sides for an hour and a half, when the Japanese ship Saikio was rendered helpless, and, ac- cording to the assertion of a Chinese officer, sank soon afterward. Two of the big guns of the battle ship Chen-Yuen were disabled, but she continued to use her smaller guns. The vessels of both fleets worked very easily under steam, and the Japanese were con- stantly manceuvering, but the Chinese held their original position. Suddenly two Japanese cruisers, believed to have been the Akitsushima and the Yo- 549 550 COREA AND THE WAR. shino, endeavored to break the Chinese line. They were followed by three torpedo boats. As the Japanese ships advanced at full speed, the Chinese ships Chin-Yuen and Choa- Yung backed full speed astern to avoid dis- aster. The Japanese torpedo boats fired, but their projectiles were stopped by nets. The guns of the other Chinese ships were quickly trained on the two Japanese cruisers, and they retired after a short time, almost helpless. The Chinese declared they were sunk. A Ship on Fire. The Ching-Yuen was several times pierced by shells. The Chao-Yung ran ashore while retreating, and became a target for the Japa- nese guns until she was set on fire. The King-Yuen was in a terrible plight. A shell burst through her decks and she slowly foundered, while flames burst from all parts of her. The Tsi-Yuen withdrew from the first into the second column. The Chinese torpedo boats vainly at- tempted to put the Japanese on the defen- sive, but the Japanese remained the aggres- sors throughout, although two or three^t- tempts to break the Chinese line were re- pulsed. The cruiser Yang- Wei went ashore stern foremost and met a fate similar to that of the Chao-Yung. After the first three hours of the engage- ment the firing was intermittent. The cap- tain of the cruiser Chin-Yuen fought bravely when his ship was little better than a wal- lowing wreck, until the cruiser was sunk by a torpedo and her crew engulfed. The scene at this point is described as appalling. Many guns on both sides were disabled, the bat- tered ships rolled heavily, and their steam pumps were kept constantly at work to keep them afloat. During the last hour of the battle some of the Chinese ships ran out of ammunition, and some of the Japanese ships threatened to founder. At dusk the Japa- nese ships moved slowly southward in double line. Another account of the battle is as follows : Long before the rejoicings over the capture of Ping- Yang had begun to subside, Japan was excited by fresh enthusiasm by the news of another victory of even greater significance in the Northeastern inlet of the Yalu River. The 1 6th of September Admiral Ito, com- manding the squadron, stationed at the mouth of the Taing, or Daido River was notified that a large Chinese fleet had arrived at the Yalu River, which divides Corea and China, in charge of transports, conveying reinforcements to the army on the frontier. He set sail the following morning with all the men-of-war that could be immediately sum- moned, viz : The Matsushima, flagship ; Hashidate, Itsukushima, Yoshino, Taka- chiho, Akitsushima, Naniwa, Chyoda, Fuso, Akagi and Hi-Yei. Accompanying these eleven was the Saiko, a merchant steamer, taken into the national service since the war began, of no strength and not intended for heavy work in action. Commenced Firing. She would not have joined the expedition, but for the desire of Admiral Viscount Kaba- yama, the naval chief of the ^taff", who being on a visit of inspection at the North, could not resist the temptation to witness the ex- pected engagement. Between 12 and i o'clock, fourteen Chinese ships and six tor- pedo boats were discovered a little south of a harbor, called Taikosan, in Japanese pro- nunciation, the East of Kaiyoto Island. Contrary to expectation they advanced unhesitatingly and commenced firing when 4000 yards distant from the Japanese, who reserved their first discharge until another JAPAN'S GREAT NAVAL VICTORY. 551 1000 yards had been covered. The serious fighting began between the vessels at the Chinese right and the Japanese left, the flag- ships of both sides leading the onslaught. By I o'clock the contest was general. Both lines maintained their positions steadily for an hour when the Chinese showed signs of wavering. Ships and Crews go Down. Three of their ships, either by accident or design, had for sometime been made special objects, and although they contended vigor- ously to the last, they were sunk, one after another, the crew climbing into the rigging and signalled wildly for help to their com- panions and assailants. These were the Lai-Yuen, Chih-Yuen and Chao-Puen. As soon as they were disposed of, the foremost Japanese ships directed their assault against the immense German-built vessels at the head of the Chinese column, for a long tirne without effect on the heavy steel plates which protected them. At last, however, a lucky shell struck the Ting-Yuen a little above the water — and seemed to the Japanese observers to pierce the armor through and through. Their belief that this feat had been accomplished was increased when a thick body of smoke was seen rising from the flagship, and although no diminution of activity aboard was perceptible, they were convinced that she had been set on fire and remained burn- ing up to the hour of her hasty departure. Whatever the condition was, she succeeded in inflicting heavy punishment upon her chief adversary. The Matsushima was struck by two twelve-inch shells. The first upset and battered out of shape one of her guns, while the second exploded an ammu- nition box, dealing havoc among the crew and starting a fire, which was subsequently, with great difficulty, put out. Li conse- quence of the mishap, the Matsushima with- drew from the scene and moved toward Tai-Tong, Admiral Ito transferring his flag to the Hashidate. Meanwhile three other Japanese vessels had undergone extremely rough treatment. The Saiko, which Viscount Kabayama per- sisted in keeping in the thickest part of the fight, notwithstanding her obvious unsuita- bility for such duty, lost control of her rudder and found herself in much closer proximity than was desirable to the Ting- Yuen and Chen-Yuen. As she could not avoid them, she made directly for them, it is supposed, in the belief that she was about to ram them. A Shower of Missiles. The Japanese are of the opinion that it was under this illusion that the two huge ships separated, allowing the Saiko a passage about forty fathoms wide through which to escape. Torpedoes were discharged at her as she went, by, but without avail. The Hiyei having been unable by reason of her slowness to keep pace with the rest of the fleet, became a conspicuous object to the Chinese, and was so deluged with missiles that she was set on fire before the afternoon was half over. Her small crew was greatly reduced, and as the surgeon was among the wounded, the sufferers could not be properly cared for. When she had lost twenty killed and three wounded, she fell out of line and returned to Tai-Tong, but meeting a transport on the way, she obtained assistance in quenching the flames, and handed over the wounded, and returned with all the speed she could make, not waiting for a doctor, to take up her work where she had left off. In this hope she was disappointed, for the enemy 552 COREA AND THE WAR. had flown and the battle was over. Still she was exposed to the enemy's fire. It is reported that when she steamed away in flames she was thrice in great danger from torpedoes, but skillfully escaped by employing a device described in a recent magazine account of an imaginary fight in South America. To most readers of that' sketch, the expediency of stopping a projec- tile by turning upon it a converging fire of shot and shell seemed purely fiction, yet this is precisely what the Hi-Yei is said to have done in, at least, one instance. The Akagi, a small gunboat, was badly overmatched from the outsef, accident hav- ing brought her under the fire of not less than six of the enemy's boats. Her com- mander was struck down and killed while she was thus hotly engaged, yet she would still have kept up a determined resistance, but for the loss of a mast, which rendered her unmanagable. She also found it neces- sary to return to the Tai-Tong. The Flagship Retreats. About the time that Admiral Ito left the Matsushima the disorder in the Chinese fleet plainly indicated that the contest could not be prolonged on either side. Three ships had been sunk, and a fourth, the Yang-Wei, had been half destroyed and abandoned. Beside the Ting-Yuen was on fire, and the entire force was thoroughly demoralized. A little later, after five o'clock, the flagship took the lead in retreat toward the home stations. Four fast steaming Japanese cruisers were detailed to follow, and, if possible, to cut off their escape. But the torpedoes had to be reckoned with, and the possibility of being struck with one of them in the night made it imperative that the Japanese should exer- cise caution. Morning found them at the mouth of the Gulf of PechiH, with no ship of the enemy in sight. They steamed back to Kayioto Island, keeping a keen overlook on the way, but the Chinese had evidently reached a place of refuge. The greater part of the Japanese squad- ron and reconvened near Takaisan Harbor, on the chance of getting another fight, bringing this time torpedo boats to co- operate. The need of them was so greatly felt on the previous day that it is safe to say no large number of Japanese ships will ever again sail without these essential adjuncts. Loss of Life. One of them was now put to a practical, if somewhat inglorious use, in breaking up the Yang- Wei, deserted and unfit for further service. Examinations show that none of the Japanese vessels received damages that could not be repaired with slight cost and labor. All but the four referred to were so free from injury that they could have gone into action the following day. The loss of life was the largest on the Matsushima. Her complement was 335. Four officers and thirty-nine men were killed and seventy officers and men wounded. The total loss was ten officers and sixty-nine men killed and one hundred and sixty officers and men wounded. Further particulars of the great battle were learned from the following despatch from Tien-Tsin, dated September 2 1 st : Wounded officers pf the Chinese fleet con- firm the original report of the engagement on the 17th inst. They say that the Chinese fleet arrived at Yalu River on the afternoon of the i6th and remained ten miles outside of the mouth of the river while the transports were unloading. At eleven o'clock on the morning of the 17th they- sighted the smoke of the Japanese fleet, JAPAN'S GREAT NAVAL VICTORY. 553 which was approaching in two columns. The Chinese vessels steamed out to meet them in two columns, converging on the flagship. The Japanese fleet consisted of twelve ships, while the Chinese had ten ships. The Chinese Admiral opened fire at a dis- tance of si.x: thousand yards, but the firing on both sides fell short until the opposing vessels came within five thousand yards. The Chinese endeavored to come to close quarters, but were prevented from accom- plishing their purpose by the superior speed of the Japanese ships, which, keeping for the most part two miles off, manoeuvred ad- mirably and made splendid practice with, the long range quick firing guns. Went Down ■with all Hands. The Chinese cruiser Chih-Yuen, Captain Tang Chi Chang, early in the day closed with one of the enemy's ships at full speed, intending to ram her. Four Japanese vessels then closed round the Chih-Yuen, and she was ripped up by shots under the water line, and went down with all hands, including the engineer. Meanwhile the battle raged furiously round the flagship Ting-Yuen and her consort, the Chen-Yuen. A gunnery officer on the Ting-Yuen, was killed. The Japanese ships were difficult to identify, but it is known that the cruiser Yoshino received some damaging shots at close quarters, which enveloped her in smoke and made her invisible. Some of the Chinese gunners devoted their attention especially to the Japanese cruiser Naniwa, and succeeded in setting her on fire, but none of the Chinese officers saw her sink. An account received three days later says : If naval supremacy of the future is to be decided by battleships, the crucial test of modern conditions for fighting at sea has still to be made. Of the twenty-seven ves- sels engaged in the fight at the mouth of the Yalu River only two had any pretensions to be called battleships. These were the Chinese vessels Ting-Yuen and Chen-Yuen. All the rest were of the protected or un- protected cruiser class. All through the war the Japanese have shown that their intelligence department is excellently worked. There can be no doubt that they received accurate information about the destination of four thousand troops and large quantities of rice and mili- tary stores which left Taku about September 1 4th in the Chinese steamers Hsinyu-Tsonan, Chintung, Lee-Yuen and Haeting. These vessels picked up their convoy and made for Tatung Kou under the escort of six cruisers and four torpedo boats. Approach of the Fleet. When off TaHenwan Bay they were joined by larger vessels of the Chinese fleet, and made their destination on Sunday, Septem- ber 1 6th. The debarkation began under cover of torpedo vessels and two of the lesser draught ships, and was successfully accomplished, while the other nine vessels of the fleet remained in twenty-five fathoms, from ten to twelve miles south by east, from Tatung Kou. The Japanese, with that provision which precludes the element of luck, had carefully surveyed the coast two or three years ago. The harbor master of Port Arthur had re- peatedly urged the Chinese to follow their example, but without success. Steam was kept up, when at noon on Monday, Septem- ber 17, a cloud of that obtrusive black smoke which the Japanese coal gives off showed the approach of their fleet from the south. 564 COREA AND THE WAR. The Admiral at once weighed anchor, drew up his squadron, in formation like an obtuse angle, with two armored ships at the apex, and advanced to give battle. The Japanese came on in line and carried out a series of evolutions with beautiful precision. The tactics of both sides are too highly technical for the layman, but in common speech they may be resolved thus : Moving in a Circle. The Japanese, having speed, kept circling around the Chinese, enlai^ging their radius as they came within range of the big guns of the armored Ting-Yuen and the Chen- Yuen, and coming closer in as they came opposite the unarmored ships and guns of less calibre. The Chinese kept their wedge formation, but as all the halyards were shot away on the admiral's ship early in the action, they had simply to watch leaders and exact dis- cretion. The first evolution of the Japanese de- tached three Chinese ships. One was the fine Elswick cruiser Chih-Yuen (2300 tons, 18 knots, three 8-inch 12-ton guns, two 6- inch 4-ton and 17 rapid firers). Captain Tang handled his ship with great coolness. His vessel was badly hulled very early in the fight, and took a strong list to starboard. Seeing she was sinking he went full speed ahead at a Japanese ship which was sticking to him like a limpet, and making free prac- tice with the intention of ramming her, but he foundered with all hands, 250, just before the ship got home. One account of it is that he did sink the Jap, but the weight of evidence is that he only disabled her by his return fire. The King-Yuen, 2850 tons, 16-12 knots, two 8-inch ten ton guns, two 6-inch four tons and seven machine guns, took fire soon after this, but her captain, while subduing the flames, still fought his ship. Seeing a dis- abled Japanese near him, most, probably the same vessel that the Chih-Yuen had tried to ram, he came up, intending to capture or sink her, but was incautious enough to cross the line of her torpedo tube at a short dis- tance. The Japanese thereupon shot her only bolt, and sure enough blew the King-Yuen up. Out of a complement of two hundred and seventy odd, some seven only are known to have escaped. One occount says that this fine vessel perished from fire, but subse- quent information from Port Arthur gives the foregoing as the more accurate version of her end. With regard to the disable'd Japa- nese vessel not one informant will deliberately say " I myself saw her founder," but without exception they all maintain that she sank soon after the destruction of the King-Yuen. A Cowardly Captain. The notorious Fong, the reinstated cap- tain of the Tsi-Yuen, again distinguished himself by his devotion to the white feather. All the foreign survivors are very silent on this subject, but there is no doubt whatever that this poor creature signalled early in the day that his ship was badly struck and that he then promptly took her out of action. In doing so he ran precipitately into the shal- lows where the Elswick built cruiser, the Yang- Wei (1350 tons, sixteen knots, two ten-inch five ton guns, four four tons and ten machine guns) was in difficulties, struggling hard to get off. Fong's navigation and pilotage were about 'equal to his courage. Finding his surround- ings suddenly changed, he altered his helm and fairly rammed his unhappy colleague, escaping himself, however, with a damaged bow. The Yang-Wei's crew of 250 were JAPAN'S GREAT NAVAL VICTORY. 555- nearly all lost, and that vessel herself went down in about four and a half fathoms on a straight keel, with her tops and lighter guns out of the water and her turret or barbette .just awash. She was seen in that position four days after by the returning transports. The Tsi-Yuen ran at full speed for Port Arthur. There the foreign engineer came ashore and flatly refused to serve further with such a captain. News has since ar- rived in Tien-Tsin that he will be under no necessity of doing so, as Fong's head was promptly sheared off by an imperative order from Tien-Tsin. This poltroon had been recently court martialed for his conduct on the day of the Kow-Shing disaster and then, to the great indignation of the fleet, rein- stated to his command. An Eye to the Main Chance. His villanous example was followed by the commander of the wooden corvette, the Kuang-Chia, iioo tons, three twelve-inch rapid firing guns, eight machine guns. It is a moot point whether his ship was injured in action or not. He shows the woodwork of the latrines as a proof. At any rate, he bolted, and kept so keen an eye to the main chance after that, that at 1 1 P. M. he ran his vessel on a reef, some twenty miles east of Talienwan Bay, and for all that is known she is there still, although there is a rumor that the Japanese afterward put a torpedo into her. The desertion of these two ships would have reduced the Chinese to seven had they not been reinforced by vessels from in shore, and later on by torpedo vessels, four in number. One of the two ships, the Yang- Wei, was, as stated, rammed by the Tsi- Yuen, the other, the Choayung, a sister ship, soon took fire, and also got into shoal water, where sne burned completely out. More than one hundred men were taken off by a torpedo vessel, but some of her crew were killed. The vessel remained visible, a useless shell, just above the wash of sea at low water. This completes the list of Chinese casualties and losses. The torpedo boats found some difficulties in joining the fray. The loss of halyards and in some cases of colors made it difficult to distinguish friend from foe, but the young officers in charge did well and acted fully up to their instructions to keep well under the lee of the big ships during fire and then to dart out under the bank of smoke. Unfortu- nately for them, these little vessels had been scouting for three weeks and had been over- worked. The result was lamentable. When they opened out their possible twenty knots- sank to something between fourteen and fif- teen. The smoke rose rapidly, and long before the Schwarzkopf range was reached they were seen and fired at. Oddly enough they were not hit once by anything worthy of notice. Torpedoes of Little Account. But, on the other hand, they effected noth- ing. The dreaded torpedo only scored once in the action, and that was in the case of the- King-Yuen, an issue entirely due to over- confidence and rashness. In the meantime, the two armored vessels, the Ting-Yuen and the Chen-Yuen, were the recipients of the continued and persistent firing of the Japanese. The Chen-Yuen, under the command of Commodore Lin, assisted by two foreigners made grand practice and kept admirable dis- cipline. Her frequent fires were extinguished promptly, and the ship was admirably han- dled tliroughout the action. The foreign officers on board are both severely wounded, one in the arm, while the other, through an inadvertence, in the too prompt fire of one of 556 COREA AND THE WAR. the heavy guns, got his scalp and face badly burned and was subsequently wounded in the arm. So persistent was the fire of this vessel that the magazine was all but depleted, and she arrived at Port Arthur with only twenty rounds of heavy shell left. She fired one hundred and forty-eight six-inch shells, and quite exhausted her smaller ammunition. Her fire was as effective as it was sustained, owing to the skill and coolness of the foreign experts. This ship's superstructure was almost completely destroyed, and a shell struck the spindle of the hydrauHc gear of the port gun, putting it out of action. Little Damage. With this exception it is amazing to find how little damage the heavy fire did to the guns and machinery. Only three guns were dismounted in the whole Chinese fleet, and in no case were the engines, boilers or hydrauHc machinery (the Chen-Yuen's ex- cepted) injured. No casualties were reported from the engine rooms, where the behavior was excellent. The Lai-Yuen, a sister ship to the King- Yuen in build and armament, had her super- structure damaged by fire and shell more than any other ship in the fleet, and was an appaUing sight in Port Arthur. Foreigners who saw her deemed it a marvel that she could ever have been brought into port, so completely wrecked was all her deck gear. She was essentially sound in hull, armament and engines, however. The Ting-Yuen (flag ship, 7,430 tons, fourteen and one-half knots, four thirty-seven ton Krupp guns, two four ton Krupps, eight machine guns) was the scene of some striking episoded. A heavy shell, supposed but not known to be on the ricochet, struck the fighting top, killing instantly seven men in it and knocking the entire gear into the sea. Another shot in its vagaries bent but did not break the steam pipe. A third killed poor Nicholls, an ex-petty officer of the British navy, who, seeing another foreigner bleeding from a wound in the groin, volunteered to take his place for a few minutes while he went below. The Admiral and the third engineer, who had volunteered from the customs service, were violently thrown off the bridge by con- cussion and rendered senseless for some time. It is supposed that heavy guns were simul- taneously fired from the barbette. On recovering the Admiral was found to have sustained injury to his foot, while an attend- ant, in bearing help to his master, was literally blown into the air and sea in infini- tesimal pieces by a shell — an accident which profoundly affected the brave old fighter. The Engagement Renewed. About three o'clock the Japanese hauled off for consultation, but came on again and renewed the battle. About five they took their final leave, the Ting-Yuen and Chen- Yuen following them up. This was probably a bit of strategy on the part of the Japs, for after running ten or twelve miles five of them turned round and fired. This was apparently the last kick, for to the unmitigated delight of the Chinese officers they finally hauled off and departed to the southward. The Admiral then sent on a verbal mess- age for the transports to come along. But they had gone far up stream when they knew what was going on, and did not dare to move without more special orders. It was sup- posed that they had fallen victims to the Japs, who returned the next day. But on Saturday they alt arrived safely at Taku. They had left Tatung Kou on Friday, four days after the battle. They saw the shell of JAPAN'S GREAT NAVAL VICTORY. 557 the Chao-Yung and the tops of the Yong- Wei in the water on the scene of action. They called in at Port Arthur, where they saw six Chinese vessels, and crossed the Gulf of Pechili in perfect safety. The following account ts valuable as com- ing from an experienced naval officer, who was present. The account is mainly a re- petition of previous reports, but adds that the concussion of the first discharge of the guns of the Ting-Yuen threw everybody off the bridge of the ship. The Japanese ships approached in column of divisions, the line ahead of the divisions being disposed abeam. At Close Quarters. Cohiing closer, they tried to form a line abreast. The Chinese ships started in a sec- tional line abreast, at a rate of speed of seven knots an hour. As they came nearer the Japanese appeared to form in quarter line, to which the Chinese replied by turning two points to the starboard, thus keeping their bows toward the enemy. Approaching within forty-four hundred yards the whole Japanese fleet seemed to turn eight points to port, thereby forming a single line ahead, and steaming across the Chinese line turned its starboard wing. The Chinese were unable to keep pace with the enemy, and endeavored to follow their movements by keeping bow on them as the Japanese ships circled around, maintain- ing the while a heavy bombardment. The Japanese fleet that kept in the thick of the fight consisted of six ships of the " Yuen " class. , The Japanese ships, having completed one circle, hauled off to a distance of eight thou- sand yards, and went through an evolution with the object of separating into two divi- sions, the first consisting of seven of their best-known and the swiftest cruisers, and the second of five inferior ships, which stood off some distance. The battle thus arranged itself into two groups, four Chinese cruisers becom- ing engaged with the second division, while twoironclads.the Chen-Yuen and Ting-Yuen, attacked the first division. The fighting of the second division was irregular and diffi- cult to follow. It ended in the Japanese disappearing in the direction of Hai-Yung-Tao. The first Japanese division carried on the fight with the ironclads by circling round at a distance of forty-five hundred yards. The Chen-Yuen and Ting-Yuen, keeping to- gether, followed the enemy's movements in a smaller circle, the whole evolution taking a spiral form. Occasionally the distance be- tween the opposing ships was reduced to two thousand yards, and once to twelve hundred yards. Keeping at a Distance. The Japanese aimed at keeping a long distance away, so as to avail themselves of their superior speed, and make the most of their quick-firing guns, which vastly excelled those of the Chinese. The object of the Chinese was to come to close quarters, so as to use their slow-firing guns of large calibre with full effect. The firing continued between the Chinese ironclads and the Japanese first division until nearly five o'clock in the afternoon. The quick-firing guns gave the latter an immense advantage, scattering showers of splinters, occasionally setting the Chinese ships on fire and riddling everything that was not pro- tected by armor. During the action one of the smaller Japanese ships was seen with her propellers out of the water and her bow nearly under. Another was seen to be on fire, enveloped in flames and apparently sinking. •558 COREA AND THE WAR. The Yoshino and Matsusima were burn- ing fiercely. The former, after receiving two shots each from the Ting-Yuen and Chen- Yuen, was enveloped in a cloud of white smoke, which lay heavily on the water and completely covered the ships. The Chinese vessels waited for the cloud to clear, and got their port guns ready, but before the Yoshino became visible their fire was diverted by a Japanese vessel of the Matsusima type, which came on at a distance of two thousand two hundred yards on the port quarter. The guns that were laid for the Yoshino were fired at the newcomer, with the result that she began to burn. Whether these three Japanese ships received mortal injuries is uncertain. In the latter part of the battle the Chinese iionclads ran short of common shells and continued the action with steel shot. This was ineffective, as the Japanese vessels have no armor. The two ironclads fired 197 rounds with 12-inch guns, and 268 rounds with 6-inch guns. About four o'clock the Ting-Yuen was badly on fire forward, the smoke impeding the working of the fore- turret. Before five o'clock the Japanese had ceased firing, and the distance between the fleets was rapidly increasing. Effective Armor. In regard to the conclusions to be drawn from the battle it may be said that the Chinese battleships proved formidable. The Chinese ironclads stood the battering of the heavy quick-firing guns admirably. Their upper structures were severely damaged, but not a shot penetrated a vital part. The bar- bette protection of the 12-mch guns was most effective, very few men being wounded within the barbettes. Two barbette turrets 'were as intact after the action as before. This fact, however, coupled with the fact that the 6-inch guns at both ends of the ships, which are only slightly protected, were also undamaged, seems to indicate that the destructive effect was due to the enor- mous number of projectiles from the quick- firing guns, rather than to the skilled direc- tion of the shots. The manoeuvering of the Japanese first division excited great admira- tion. Taking advantage of their speed and the long range of their guns, they always kept at the distance that suited them, main- taining perfect order throughout the fight, attempting nothing sensational and never coming within destructive range of the heaviest guns. The Mast Cut Away. Captain Sakamoto, of the Akagi, was aloft watching for torpedoes and signalling to the other vessels of the fleet their loca- tion, when the mast was cut away by a shot from the enemy and he was killed. The Yoshino 's forward barbette was slightly damaged. All the ships of the Japanese squadron carried new guns, and these did ex- cellent service. They used no torpedoes, all the damage sustained by the Chinese vessels being inflicted by shot. In view of this fact, the sinking of double bottomed vessels like the Lai-Yuen is considered remarkable, and it is the generally expressed opinion among nautical authorities that the work of the Japanese was the most successful thing since the time of Nelson. Toward the close of the fight great confu- sion was observed on board the Tincf-Yuen, King-Yueii and Ping-Yuen. These ships appeared to be on fire. At sundown the Chinese fleet were in full retreat. They were pursued by the Japanese ships, which laid their course parallel to that taken by the enemy. The night being very dark, the pursuers kept at some distance JAPAN'S GREAT NAVAL VICTORY. 559 from the Chinese, fearing that should they follow the enemy too closely they might be damaged by the latter's torpedo boats. Owing to this fact and the extreme darkness the Chinese succeeded in getting away and reaching a safe shelter. At daylight the Japanese vessels endeav- ored to find the enemy, but were unable to do so. They then returned to the scene of the previous day's action, where they found the Yang-Wei ashore and deserted, and destroyed her with a fish torpedo. None of the Japanese vessels were lost in the engage- ment and only three of them were seriously injured. All of them, with the exception of the Matsusima, remained on the station. All the official reports of the battle were very laconic and greatly wanting in scientific and useful details, but from the foregoing statements the reader will be able to obtain a true account of the battle. Literal Gifts. The ex-Daimio of Mito, one of the great Tokugawa family of the Shogunatow, com- memorated the victory of Ping- Yang by a donation of ;^8ooo to the war fund. His younger brother gave at the same time $2300. Large contributions to the same object continued to be received from various sources, the theatre managers being especi- ally conspicuous for their liberality, but the native journals complained that the promi- nent merchants and bankers, and especially the contractors, who were receiving enor- mous sums from the public treasury, offered no similar donations. By command of the Empress, the pecuni- ary circumstances of the families of soldiers and sailors who died in the war, were ascer- tained for her Majesty's immediate consider- ation. Subscriptions to the war aggregated on September 25, ;^ 5 5,000,000, ;^ 10,000 be- ing applied for at the rate above par. The call was for only ^25,000,000. Warnings of punishment in store for Li Hung Chang in consequence of the repeated defeats suffered by the Chinese Army and Navy were sent from Pekin, but the text of the decree proclaimed on the 17th of Sep- tember, after the battle of Ping- Yang, was as follows: Li Hung Chang Degraded. "The Emojen (Japanese pigmies), having broken faith with Corea and forcibly occu- pied that country, the throne sympathized with its tributary kingdom in her distress and so raised an army to attack the common enemy. Upon Li Hung Chang, Imperial High Commander of Peyang, having chief control of the forces there, rested the entire burden of being prepared for emergencies, but, instead, he has been unable to act with speed and promptness in his military prepara- tions, so that much time has elapsed without any important results. He has indeed failed in the trust reposed in him by us. We, therefore, command that his decoration of the Three- Eyed Peacock Feather be plucked off from his hat and that he be stripped of the yellow riding jacket as a slight punish- ment. It is necessary then that the said Im- perial High Commander exert himself to the utmost and decide upon what should be done ; that he direct and hasten the various armies from the various provinces to the front in order that all may put forth their best strength to chase and root out the enemy; In this way Li Hung Chang may hope to redeem former errors." The position of foreigners in the interior ' of China, especially at the north, was regarded as extremely, critical. Even residents of Shanghai felt it necessary to remind com- manders of European fleets of dangers that 560 COREA AND THE WAR. would threaten them in case the government suffered further reverses, and the few ahens who remained in Pekin had far more serious cause for apprehension. The authority of Li Hung Chang, which would ordinarily be exercised on behalf of strangers was now so weakened that his promises of protection could no longer be trusted. No immediate movement from the capital could be safely attempted, as the roads were thronged with disorderly bodies of troops and a peasant population, famished and desperate. The presence of marines to guard legations and restrain the lawlessness of mobs, which seemed waiting only for a pretext to rise upon Europeans and Ameri- cans, was imperatively demanded. A New Commander. The call of Prince Kung to power was interpreted as another sign of Li Hung Chang's decline. This half-forgotten states- man, seventy years of age, controlled the diplomacy of the Empire some thirty years before, until he was set aside by one of the palace conspiracies which in those days frequently threw the government into confu- sion. His appointment was quickly followed by the nomination of General Sung to the chief command of the Northern armies. This was understood as equivalent to a definite denial to Li's position to be entrusted with the direct management of the military and naval forces. The statement previously published that the Chinese fleet purposely carried no boats was corroborated. The crews of all the lost vessels perished, with scarcely an exception. The number of drowned was roughly estimated at nearly seven hundred. Every deck ofificer engaged was injured. On the ships which returned to Port Arthur about one hundred were killed and two hundred and fifty were wounded. The engagement was severe throughout, and the casualties were unavoidable. An extraordinary Imperial edict was issued calling for a true report of the battle of Ping- Yang. The Emperor announced that the defeat was owing to dissensions amongst the defenders and rivalry of generals in charge of the several brigades, and stated that the guilty parties would be severely punished. A proclamation was issued warning British' troops against accepting any engagements that might be offered. The Merchants' Steam Navigation Company continued the transfer of its ships from Chinese to German control. One of the Imperial decrees announced that the sovereign had consented to the Empress Dowager's request to omit or post- pone the celebration of that lady's sixtieth birthday and devote the immense sums of money collected for the ceremonies to the prosecution of the war. Reports of mutinies among Chinese troops in Manchuria gained strength and caused great agitation in Pekin and Tien Tsin. Prompt Contributions. " Ever since the war began," wrote a Japanese correspondent, " the enthusiasm of the Japanese has known no bounds. Con- tributions for the comfort of the soldiers in Corea flow in from all sides. Every imagin- able article was piled up in the Army Depart- ment as gifts to those fighting for the country. Contributions from ten cents up to tens of thousands of dollars were daily reported. Mr. Fukuzawa, the famous educationalist and journalist, contributed ;g 10,000 to the relief fund. "Ladies, high and low, were sending money, as well as lint bandages for the wounded. Towns and villages were busying themselves in organizing militia companies to JAPAN'S GREAT NAVAL VICTORY. 561 offer their services to the Mikado. The Mikado, however, addressed the people, ex- horting them that it was their duty to stay at home, to follow their own vocations, as there is a regular army sufficient for the occasion, although he rejoiced in their patri- otism. This must have been a great disap- pointment to the brave arid warlike Samurai class. " To prepare for a prolonged war Japan issued this large five per cent, government loan of ^25,000,000. The Minister of the Treasury consulted with financiers and bank- ers as to the advisability of the measure. The Minister was of the opinion that the bonds ought to bear six per cent, interest, but the bankers' enthusiasm was such that they assured him that the greater part of the loan would be taken by themselves at five per cent, and they felt sure that there would be no difficulty in raising the entire amount. The feeling of the whole country is at such a pitch that they cannot rest until they realize the long cherished hope of humiliating China." Japan's Field Marshal. The Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese army in Corea, Field Marshal Count A. Yamagata, who brought the Ping -Yang campaign to a brilliant close, may well be said to be a born soldier. He was called the Von Moltke of Japan, and his brilliant strategy at Ping- Yang would indicate that he deserved the title. In stature, he is tall and slender. The reader will be interested in the follow- ing sketch : " Socially he is very quiet and silent, and here his resemblance to the great 36 German general is brought out in bold relief. His influence and popularity are immense, especially in the army. He comes of very humble origin, his father being one of the Ashigaru caste, the lowest of all the Samurai classes, who, in feudal times, could not under ordinary circumstances be promoted to a higher rank. " When still in his teens he was the head of the Chosin cavalry forces, and led them against the army of 20,000 men sent in 1864 by the Shogun, then the reigning power, for the chastisement of the feudal lord of the Chosin province. With the insignificant force of scarcely 2000 men he checked the advance of the enemy and completely de- feated them before they could invade the Chosin territory. His strategy and tactics on that occasion were masterpieces in skill and precision. There has scarcely been any fighting since the war of restoration in which he was not actively engaged. Japan's Greatest Marshal. " It is the general opinion of Japanese that Marshal Yamagata is the ablest general that Japan now has. There are four field mar- shals in the Japanese army, and Count Yama- gata is the only one who is not of princely birth. The other three are Prince Arisugawa and other high personages of royal blood. " Marshal Yamagata has in his staff in Corea, Lieutenant General Nodsu, as vice commander, who has had as brilliant a mili- tary career as the Marshal himself. They have been together in previous battles, and kno'W each other well. It is not likely that there will be any disagreement between them as to military operations." CHAPTER XXXVI. STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. AFTER the great naval battle which resulted so disastrously to the Chi- nese navy, the Japanese army made preparations for a bold advance, having in view especially the towns and for- tified places occupied by the enemy. A number of minor battles were fought, which although not decisive, or fraught with great results, yet served to show the superiority of the Japanese arms. A strong patriotic feeling in support of the war manifested itself in Japan, and the popu- lace were elated over recent victories and were enthusiastic in their support of the government. On all sides there was rejoic- ing and congratulations. By this time the conviction not only pervaded Japan, but other nations likewise, that the military power of China was only a mere shell and would easily be crushed in the conflict. As a result it began to be rumored that China was ready to propose terms of peace, and although this was denied by officials of high position the statement was again and again renewed and found a ready relief The fact also became known that England was extremely nervous on account of the events in the Orient which threatened her commercial relations with China. There was talk of interference by the European powers and it was only after mature delibera- tion that the decision was reached to allow the war to proceed and take its own course. The powers most frequently named were England and Russia, and it became an inter- esting question as to what part each would 562 play in the sanguinary conflict. Reports flew from continent to continent with light- ning rapidity, rumors and contradictions of rumors filled the air, and public interest with the dawn of each day inquired what new move had been made upon the chess-board of the Orient where nations were playing the great drama of Empire. Meanwhile let us turn our attention to the military movements and incidents of the campaign following the battle of the Yalu. Death of China's Commander. After the battle of Ping- Yang, while the Japanese soldiers were engaged in burying those who had fallen in the fight, they found, surrounded by a heap of dead bodies, the remains of an officer very richly clad. On the body was found a letter from the Chinese government addressed to General Yeh, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Chinese forces in Corea. This letter, together with others, from the wife of General Yeh, and various documents, which were also found on the body, fixed beyond doubt the identity of the remains as those of General Yeh, who was supposed to have succeeded in making his escape after the complete rout of his forces by the Japanese. The body was interred with the honor due the rank of the deceased officer. At this juncture of affairs it was reported that Japan was endeavoring to negotiate a treaty with the United States. The treaty was one which the Mikado's government regarded as more important than any ever STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. 563 made by it before with any country. It pro- vided for the abolition of that feature of the present treaty which is known as " extra-ter- ritorial" jurisdiction, which is equivalent to placing the affairs of foreigners in Japan under the control of courts composed of consuls representing the commercial powers. Japan has made such progress in civiliza- tion during the past two decades that her national pride revolts at a continuation of such authority, which is only demanded in our treaty negotiations with semi-barbarous nations. This was the real bone of conten- tion in the proposed new treaty, and it was one from which Japan emphatically declined to recede. Concerning Immigration. Another important clause was that which relates to immigration. This, however, it was believed, could be satisfactorily adjusted, inasmuch as the policy of the Tokio govern- ment is to discourage emigration, and, more- over, it is claimed, the Japanese are not a migratory people, and there is no probability that this country would ever be threatened with a "Japanese invasion," as has been the case with the subjects of China. The proposed new treaty was drawn on practically the lines of the treaty agreed to by Great Britain. It specifically enumerated the respective rates of duty which would be levied on importations from the United States, and it provided for the abolition of the export duty on silks and teas, both of which articles are principally exported to the United States, and which yield to the Japanese gov- ernment a revenue amounting to more than ;? 1, 000,000 annually. As the consumer in this case " pays the tax " the pecuniary sacri- fice made by Japan will be a benefit to the American people, and will furnish an addi- tional proof on the part of the Japanese government for an expansion of their trade with the United States. The treaty also contained other provisions of an economic nature, which, it was believed, would tend further to increase our trade relations with that country. Public interest was further awakened in the affairs of the Orient by reliable news of a proposition to partition China among the European Powers. The following despatch from St. Petersburg indicated what was going on in diplomatic circles : Partition of China Proposed. " In a long and remarkable article on the China-Japanese war the Novosti, a leading journal, strongly advocates European inter- vention, and advises Great Britian, France and Russia to come to an understanding, with a view to the partition of China by a joint occupation. The conquest of China by these three Powers, it is contended, would be an easy undertaking and would render vast service to civilization at large. It would be of benefit to the Chinese people themselves, in saving them from certain de- cay and in freeing them from an arbitrary round of routine in order to bring them into the common sphere of civilization. "The iV(7i/^j^? draws a glowing picture of the enormous economic advantages which would result from the transformation of China into a vast market, which would be the receptacle of the superabundant pro- ducts, natural and industrial, of Europe. " Commenting on the situation in Corea, the Novoe Vremya says : — ' Russia is entitled to more preponderating influence than Great Britian in the settlement of the Corean ques- tion, in view of the fact that the geographical position of Corea places that country within Russia's sphere of influence.' " The obstacles in the way of carving China 664 COREA AND THE WAR. up for an all round distribution, such as the Russian Novosti suggested, would be -very, great. But these obstacles would not for the most part be furnished by China herself. It is true that she has a population of many millions, and she possesses arsenals where cannons, rifles and ammunition of the most modern type are turned out in considerable quantities. But there is no country in the world where scientific warfare is less intelli- gently studied or understood. "The Chi- nese army," says a highly qualified English observer, "under Chinese officers, even with muskets in its hands and cartridges in its pouches, is an undisciplined rabble of tramps, about as well qualified to withstand a European force as a body of Hyde Park pro- cessionists would be to repel a charge of the Life Guard." Great, but Weak. All history goes to show the facility with which China, notwithstanding her over- whelming numbers, may be worsted by a de- termined invader. Two and a half centuries ago she yielded to a few hundred thousand Tartars, who founded the present dynasty. Four centuries before that she had bowed before the Mongols. In recent times many territorial losses have borne testimony to her weakness. Tonquin, Annam and Cochin China have been taken by France; Siam no longer owes her allegiance ; Burmah has be- come a British possession; the Loo-Chow Islands have passed under the dominion of Japan; and now finally Corea has been wrested from her uncertain grasp. There is yet another reason why China could not hope to resist a partition should the Powers decide upon making it. The Chinese are not one people — not a single community, but a congeries of communities. There is among them no national unity or cohesion. The Thibetans and Mongolians, the Turki and Mussulmans are not united in a real band. The inhabitants of the north- ern portions of the Empire cannot so much as understand the speech of their southern fellow subjects. The provinces are all inde- pendent, with their own armies and . their own government, strung loosely together by the same submission to the reigning house. This nexus removed, internal disruption would inevitably result. Anarchy would Result. Were the capital occupied by an enemy the Emperor expelled and the dynasty over- turned, it is doubtful whether China would persevere in any protracted resistance, or initiate a policy of revenge. The various elements of disorder scattered . through the Empire would each find its local focus, and a reign of lawless anarchy and universal dis- location might be expected to ensue. It is clear that this crumbling of the Empire upon the removal of its Emperor would enormously assist the division of its terri- tories among a number of greedy and pow- erful foreign states. The effect of the war news upon the Japa- nese was electric and was the occasion of some striking scenes in the large cities. At Yokohama a large number of flags taken from the Chinese were exhibited in front of the Shokonsha shrine, which is dedicated to the spirits of the soldiers that have fallen in battle since the days of the restoration. Thousands of people daily, gathered round the place, their countenances beaming with delight at this tangible proof of the superi- ority of the Japanese arms. The pride of those in the crowd who had soldier relatives was freely expressed, and such phrases as "my brother" or "my cousin" did this or that were frequently to be heard. The ex- 565 r)66 COREA AND THE WAR, hibition of flags was of itself well worth seeing, but the exhibition of family pride and loyalty was more touching. It is estimated that more than fifty thou- sand soldiers were in Tokio, the majority composed of the first-class reserves. The barracks were full to overflowing, and the houses of wealthy private citizens were ap- propriated, as many as fifty men being bil- leted on one house. The calling out of the first-class reserves resulted in sorrow to many households. The metropolitan journals reported one case of peculiar interest, which revealed the crime of infanticide. The young wife of a time- expired soldier died, leaving the widower with an infant daughter. On being called to go to Corea he made strenuous efforts to get some one to take his baby, but, being very poor, was unable to procure a home for the little one. As there was apparently nothing else to do he killed the child and then joined his regiment. The crime was not discovered until after his departure for Corea. He left word with a friend that he was resolved to die on the field of battle. Fears for Missionaries. As a result of the outbreak of the war the gravest solicitude was felt for the missionaries located in China. After a Cabinet Council instructions were cabled to the British Min- ister at Pekin, and to the British Consuls at all the treaty ports to send to the mission stations in the interior, imperative directions for the withdrawal of all the missionaries to the protected coast districts. The Consuls were empowered by their instructions to call for assistance upon Vice Admiral Free- mantle, commanding the British fleet in Chinese waters, who was authorized to send gunboats to any possible distance up the Chinese rivers, if such action was deemed necessary, to cover the withdrawal of the missionaries. The instructions also directed that all missionaries, without regard to nationality, should be protected. The few and meagre telegrams received by the Minister and Con- suls from the nearest mission stations, indi- cated that the missionaries there were determined not to desert their posts, but to continue their work in the face of all risks. The largest Protestant inland mission in China is engaged in the provinces of Se-Chuen and Hu-Pei, in which provinces anti-foreign riots have most often occurred. Remained at their Posts. The managers of this station, instead of withdrawing the workers under their super- vision, sent fresh drafts of missionaries to the various sub-stations in their district, they having received advices that there was no more cause for fear of ill-treatment than usually existed. The society which operates this station, also, has four stations in the province of Pe-Chi-Li, in which province Pekin is situated, and these four stations employ 614 missionaries, no one of whom, so far as is known, was preparing to retreat. The same may be said of the Catholic mis- sionaries, whose numbers are largely in excess of the Protestants. In Nieu-Chang and Moukden, which are near the centre of the district where the war was being carried on, there were stationed twenty-three Catholic and seventeen Protes- tant missionaries. The mail advices received from those points stated that the churches and houses of native converts had been pil- laged and burned, but that the foreign resi- dents had meanwhile remained unharmed. The position of affairs debarred the Admir- alty from sending explicit orders as to how to dispose of the vessels covering the ports. STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. 567 but Vice Admiral Freemantle was advised to station gunboats at the Che-Foo, Ichang and Hankow, and also at the furthest inland port, Chun-King. At Shanghai the Indo- European police force was increased on representations made by British shippers there. Taking Shelter in Pekin. The London Missionary Society received a cablegram from the missionaries under its charge located in Tientsin and vicinity, stating that they were well, but that their families were leaving for Pekin, fearing the result of the anti-foreign feeling which had made itself manifest on the part of the natives. China, with her teeming millions, has always been regarded as an important field for missionary labor since the Nestorians in the seventh century first carried the standard of the Cross into that countiy. The Jesuit missionaries that went to China about the time when the present Manchu dynasty came into power were well received by the Chinese government. Many of them suc- ceeded even in obtaining high official posts through their scientific attainments. Protestant missionaries made no attempt to enter China till the beginning of the present century. The opening of the five ports in 1 842 gave an impetus to missionary labor as well as to trade. The field was gradually widened by the subsequent open- ing of other ports. At first the missionaries naturally confined their operations to these places. Not content with this limited sphere of action they soon established themselves in otlier parts of the country. Now the differ- ent missionary societies in this country and in Europe have mission stations in every province of the Empire. The American Board has four principal missions in China, called, respectively, the South China, the Foo-chow, the North China and the Shansi. The China Inland Mission has appropriated to itself the interior parts of China as its special field. These examples are sufficient to show how ubiqui- tous the missionaries in China are. In fact, one may come across these self-sacrificing men and women in any out-of-the-way corner of the Empire. Their isolation in this fashion in remote districts renders it practically impossible to afford them ade- quate protection. Execution of Japanese Students. On October i ith it was reported that two Japanese students who were surrendered to the Chinese authorities by the American Consul at Shanghai had been barbarously executed at Nankin by order of the Vice- roy. They died bravely. The arrest of these Japanese was the cause of a spirited controversy, the question involved being that of territorial jurisdiction. The two Japanese were students in Shanghai, who, it was alleged, at the outbreak of hostilities be- tween China and Japan, gathered information concerning China's weakness for the use of their government. It was not known whether they succeeded in sending any of this information to Japan. The Chinese au- thorities claimed that they detected them in their alleged unlawful work and attempted to place them under arrest. The Japanese fled to the French Consu- late in Shanghai, but remained there only a short time, the French Consul General turn- ing them over to the United States Consu- late. Some days after their arrival at the United States Consulate the Chinese authori- ties demanded that they be turned over to them, and not having jurisdiction over them, our Consul General Jernegan had to accede 568 CORE A AND THE WAR. to their request. This action was considered in the United States Senate December 5 th. The next advices from the seat of war stated that on October loth a detachment of Japanese cavalry and infantry made an attack upon and routed a force of 2,000 Chinese at Wi-Ju, and that the place re- mained in the hands of the Japanese. The Japanese force had been greatly delayed in its advance by the badness of the roads. The heavy guns could be brought forward but slowly, and the troops were compelled often to wait for supplies. Pioneer troops had to be used repeatedly to make the roads passable. The main Japanese column reached Yung-Chen, a short distance to the south of Wi-Ju, on October 4. There was no sign of the enemy. Four days later the scouts who had been sent out " towards Wi-Ju reported that a small Chinese force still occupied the city. The Town Captured. The strength of the enemy was estimated at about 2,000. A strong body of infantry and cavalry, supported by light artillery, was thrown forward at once. The Chinese offered little resistance. They retired before the first attacking party, and eventually broke and fled across the Yalu. The Chi- nese loss was hardly more than a hundred killed and wounded. The Japanese line of communications was now complete through- out Corea, The Japanese Parliament, convoked to consider war measures, was opened at Hiroshima, October i8th, by the Emperor in person. A bill was submitted providing for increased expenditures for the army and navy. The war expenses were estimated at ;^ 1 50,000,000, of which amount ;^26,- 000,000 was to be taken from the Govern- ment reserve fund. Another bill introduced provided for raising a further internal loan of ;^ 100,000,000, payable in instalments, with interest not tb exceed six per cent. A resolution was submitted by the radicals under the terms of which the increase of the navy proposed at the fourth session should now be accepted and executed as rapidly as possible. Under the resolution work upon the ships' in course of construc- tion would be pushed to completion, the ad- ditional defences heretofore proposed be rapidly constructed, and the necessary sup- ply of arms and munitions of war be se- cured with the least possible delay. The Emperor's Speech. The following was the speech of the Em- peror to the extraordinary session of the Imperial Diet at Hiroshima : " Nobles and Gentlemen : " We have convened an extraordinary session of the Imperial Diet at this time, and have specially commanded our Ministers whose departments are concerned to lay before you a number of measures of great urgency. These are the bills relating to the naval and military expenditure. " We have again to repeat that China, in disregard to her duty, declined to co-operate with Japan for the preservation of peace in the East. The present conflict is the re- sult. But the sword once drawn, hostilities must not be permitted to cease until the ob- ject of the war is attained. " It is our earnest desire that our loyal subjects shall in perfect union and harmony devote themselves to the promotion of the interests of the Empire, and to the securing of the complete and final triumph of our arms, and thereby bring about a speedy re- storation of peace to the Orient. It is for you, nobles and gentlemen, to exert your' STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. 569 selves to obtain the complete realization of this object." An address in reply to the speech from the throne was presented by the Presidents of the two Chambers of the Diet, thanking the Mikado for advancing the standard of Japan by personally assuming direction of the war, the natural results of which direc- tion by His Majesty have been the Japanese victories on land and sea. The address of the Presidents concluded as follows : " Your Majesty rightly considers China an enemy to civilization, and we comply with the Imperial desire to destroy the bar- barous obstinacy of that race." The patri- otic tone of the speeches in the Japanese Lower House strengthened the Govern- ment. In Favor of Peace. The deep-seated repugnance of war on the part of many of the American people found . expression at Washington on October 19th. The members of the American branch of the International Peace Bureau issued an appeal to the Emperors of Japan and China to arbi- trate their difficulties. Some of the success- ful arbitrations that have been achieved by these International Peace Associations were mentioned in the appeal, the more prominent of which were the treaty of London, which gave to Belgium her neutrality ; the treaty of Washington, which resulted in the settle- ment of the Alabama claims, and the Behring Sea Arbitration, known as the treaty of Paris. The appeal stated that further loss of life and property could be avoided, without any reflection upon either country, by submitting their pending disputes to arbitration with the same results and without loss of prestige, as were secured by the contending nations which were parties to the foregoing arbitra- tions. It recommended as arbitrators the Pope of Rome, the Emperor of Austria, Queen Victoria, the King of Denmark, and the Queen Regent of the Netherlands. Pending the negotiation of such submission to arbitration all hostilities to cease and the usual international forms of truce to be strictly observed by both the contending parties. The appeal, in conclusion, pledged that the International Peace Bureau would do all in its power to have this armistice strictly observed. Across the Yalu River. Meanwhile, military operations went for- ward. Count Yamagata, commander-in- chief of the Japanese forces in Corea, re- ported to the government at Tokio that a detachment of 1600 Japanese infantry crossed the Yalu River on t6e morning of October 24th, at Sukochin, above Wi-Ju. Shortly after crossing the river the troops met a body of Chinese, composed of 600 cavalry and 100 infantry, with two cannon. The Japanese at once made an attack upon the enemy and the latter fled, leaving behind them the two guns and a large number of muskets. The Chinese lost twenty killed or wounded, but there was not a single fatality among the Japanese. The latter also seized a fort near the scene of the engagement. A detachment of the Japanese forces advanced upon Lishiyen and the main body crossed the Yalu River. The force of Japanese that crossed the river and defeated the Chinese was composed entirely of riflemen. Earthworks had been thrown up at Sukochin by the Chinese, but a slight deviation enabled the attacking forces to cross the river without hindrance. The Chinese position was garrisoned with a small force of artillery and infantry, and these fled after two or three rounds of shots had been fired. 570 COREA AND THE WAR. Count Yamagata added: "We captured the works with a rush. A regiment of Manchurian cavalry came up as the enemy- were driven from the earthworks and cov- ered their retreat. The retiring force took refuge within Chinese batteries further down the river, throwing away their muskets in their flight. " Our advanced detachment now holds the fortifications erected at Sukochin ferry by the Chinese, and is prepared to guard the passage across the river of the main body, which will probably be made at dawn of the 25 th inst. Pontoons have already been placed in position at Nodzu, and all the men and materials are ready for a rapid advance. There are still many Chinese troops in the batteries opposite Wi-Ju, but their number has not been increasing during the past week. The opposing forces have both been making reconnoissances since the Chinese were driven out of Wi-Ju, but no " fighting had taken place until the morning of the 24th. The Chinese Force. "Scouts have made their way to a con- siderable distance down the river, and have also pushed into the interior, but none has met any armed Chinese. A report is cur- rent that the entire effective Chinese force is intrenched close to the Yalu River on the Moukden road. The main attack on the Chinese will be made before Sunday." A startling incident of the war was the murder of a high Corean official. " Cor- rupt and treacherous though China's official circles may be, says the Jiji Shimpo, of Tokio, of September 22, we never have given credence to the report that the late Chinese Minister to Corea, Yuen-Si-Kwei, was killed by poison. But a recent despatch fronl a trustworthy source says that this dreadful tragedy of Chinese treachery was . enacted in the very capital of China itself„ in Pekin. At the outbreak of the war Li- Hung-Chang was accused of having brought on the premature rupture 6f peace between China and Japan. "Matters were getting too hot for the Viceroy, and he sought means to extricate himself from the charges made against him, and to protect his own safety by transferring the whole blame upon Minister Yuen. He answered the impeachment of the Pekin court with the arraignment of poor Yuen,^ whom he charged with acting in the Coreaa question without his order and without his. knowledge, thus bringing about the present conflict. A Piece of Treachery. "At this juncture Yuen returned to Chinai from Corea. No sooner had he touched the soil of Tien-Tsin than Li took possession of him, and, apprehensive of Yuen's exposure of his share in the Corean complications, in- duced him to conceal his whereabouts. Li kept him literally in a state of confinement, while he was using his every effort in Pekin to bring him into disgrace. Yuen's indigna- tion was great when he finally learned of this piece of treachery on the part of the old Viceroy. Determined to protect himself from danger by giving facts and evidence be- fore the high officials of the Pekin courts Yuen escaped to the capital. "The dread of Li-Hung-Chang in conse- quence of the disappearance of Yuen cari well be imagined. He was quite at a loss- at first what to do, but he determined to take some extreme measure for his own safety. Yuen arrived at the capital, where he was happy at the prospect of being able to appeal to the court, and of establishing his inno- cence by exposing the whole affair before 572 COREA AND THE WAR. the high officials. On the night of his ar- rival he was invited to dine with a friend from whom he had been separated since he went to Corea as Minister. He returned home and retired, feeling unusually comforta- ble for the first time after his arrival in his native land. But next morning Yuen was no more. He was dead." Field Marshal Count Yamagata reported to the Emperor that at daybreak on October 25 the Japanese army under his command completed its crossing of the Yalu River, and in the forenoon attacked and defeated the Chinese near Fu-Shang, also capturing a fortress on the right bank of the River Ai. According to the statement of a Chinese officer who was made prisoner the enemy were eighteen battalions strong. The Chi- nese lost two hundred killed and a large number wounded, though it was not known how many. The number of Japanese killed or wounded was five officers and ninety men. A Forward Movement. Advices received from Nodzu stated that the Japanese began to transport the main body of their army across the Yalu on the evening of October 24. The work of cross- ing continued throughout the night, and at day-break on October 25 all the guns, horses and men had crossed without mishap and formed an intrenched camp. In the mean- time Colonel Sato, who had taken a flying column on the morning of October 25 for the purpose of reconnoitring, came upon the enemy, who occupied a fortified position near the village of Fu-Shang, on the right bank of the Ai River. Colonel Sato at- tacked the Chinese at ten o'clock in the morning, the fight continuing until past noon. The Chinese offered a stubborn resistance, but were ultimately driven out of their forti- fications and retired in disorder to Kiu-Lien- Chen. The Japanese then destroyed the for- tress and rejoined the main army. Count Yamagata's report to the Emperor added that the Chinese engaged in the fight greatly exceeded the Japanese in number. He further said that his plans for the coming fight were completed. These contemplated the movement of several columns in a con- certed and concurrent attack upon the Chinese from all sides. Already, he said, a network was being drawn around the Chinamen, and it was expected that the attack would take place at daybreak on October 27, though it possibly might be made earlier. Precipitate Flight. Subsequently the Marshal reported that on October 26th, at daylight, he had arranged to attack the enemy at Kiu-Lien-Cheng, but found that this place had been evacuated by the Chinese, who, apparently frightened, had fled at the approach of the Japanese. The number of men in the Chinese force he was not certain of, but it was reported that there were 16,000. During the last three days, the Field Marshal reported the Japanese captured thirty guns, a large quantity of ammunition, rice and fodder and 300 tents. After the capture of Kiu-Lien-Cheng on the 26th, the Japanese headquarters were moved from Wi-ju to this point. Two columns chased the Chinese in various directions. The Chinese fled without fight- ing, throwing away arms and drums in their flight. The capture of Wi-Ju was a victory of great value to the Japanese, it seems, as it is a place of considerable strategic import- ance. Whoever controls this city controls the mountain passes and roads around it that lead into Corea on the one hand and into Manchuria on the other. The Yalu river at this point is very wide and deep. Its STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. 573 banks are moderately high and slope upward with a gradual ascent till they meet the hill on which the city stands. Wi-Ju is described as being the hand- somest and cleanest place in either Corea or China. This means a great deal, because most of the places in those two lands, and especially in the Celestial Empire, are monu- ments of filth and disease. It is a walled city of the first class, and occupies a site whose natural , advantage's cannot be sur- passed. The hill on which Wi-Ju stands is about a mile wide and more than a mile and a half long. On its summit is the city, which is surrounded by a long, high and strong wall of cut granite, which ages of exposure have bleached to a dead white. At intervals are watch towers with windows, from which the sentry can spy out in every direction. It is high and pierced with open- ings to allow the archers to shoot down upon invading armies. A Historic City. Before the invention of artillery the place was considered almost impregnable. The walls of the city are so high that but little can be seen of the city within. Here and there are glimpses of red roofs and porcelain copings, the top of Buddhist temples, and the upper stories of official buildings. Trees and towers are half concealed by tree tops and running vines. To the northwest, west and southwest the city looks upon a fertile rolling plain divided into farms and fields, water courses and woodlands. The city has been besieged, sacked and conquered at least twenty times. Centuries ago it was the outpost of the old kingdom of Liaotong, and long before tliat — in the third century of the Christian era — it was the capital of one of the so-called Sushun kingdoms. It is the distributing centre and the chief market of this part of Corea and Northeastern China. Its ware- houses contain large amounts of rice, grain and other foods, and its wells and streams supply an inexhaustible amount of good water. Complaints against Chinese Soldiers. General Tatsumi started for Fens-Huang on the 27th and arrived there on the 31st. The garrison made no show of fight, but fled toward the main body as soon as the Japan- ese approached. The principal generals were proceeding with their troops toward Mouk- den. The inhabitants of Haichao and Taku- shan complained bitterly of the violence of the Chinese soldiers, from whom they suf- fered constantly during the occupation. They were very friendly toward the Japanese. Three hundred Chinese bodies were found after the capture of Kiu-Lien-Cheng, many of them having died of wounds received in previous battles. By the capture of Feng-Huang-Cheng and two more abandoned places, the Japanese came into possession of 5 5 cannon, 20,000 rounds of ammunition, 1 500 muskets and 2,000,000 cartridges, besides an enormous quantity of miscellaneous supplies. Marshal Yamagata ordered that all labor and sup- plies be paid for as soon as obtained by the Japanese, consequently the inhabitants of the country volunteered their services and gladly provided the commissariat with any needed provisions. Marshal Yamagata then estab- lished an office of civil administration in Antong, and placed in charge Colonel Ko- mura, secretary of the Japanese Legation in Corea. He issued a proclamation promising protection to the people and ordering them to pay taxes to Colonel Komura. It was reported on November 5th that the English government was attempting to put 574 COREA AND THE WAR. an iCnd to the war. This was a renewal of the attempt made a month previously, which was unsuccessful. The English press, acting for the commercial interests of the nation, advocated an alliance with other Powers, and the adoption of such measures as would bring hostilities to a close. It was rumored that China had already submitted to the Powers the terms upon which she was willing to make peace. Anti-'War Sentiment. The public sentiment was expressed as follows by one of the journals: "No Euro- pean government can desire to see this disastrous conflict prolonged. Even the United States, despite the Monroe doctrine, must be concerned by the regularity and security of their trade with Japan. Sooner or later — and better sooner than later — there must be an international settlement. It will be difficult to contend that interferences will be premature now. "There is reason to believe that China has resolved to formally ask the Powers who have immediate commercial interests at stake to stop the war. The Chinese Minister is said to have communicated the request to the Foreign office in London. According to a telegram from Pekin, China is disposed to conclude peace upon the basis of the ac- knowledgment of Corea's independence and the payment of an indemnity to be fixed by the Powers. The Powers who are willing to support this arrangement are requested to intervene. " The conquerors will for the first time display a lack of sagacity if they decline to accept reasonable overtures for peace. They are no longer despised by the Chinese, but, more than ever, are hated, and could not hope to govern a single province of China proper, if it should be formally ceded to them. Meanwhile the Powers have a com- mon interest in averting the disintegration of the Celestial Empire. Humanity peremp- torily forbids the thought of allowing a gov- ernment under which hundreds of millions live, to be destroyed. Japan may lose the whole fruits of her victoiy by clutching for too much." On November 7th it was reported that Ta-Lien-Wan, on the north of Port Arthur, on the northeastern shore of the Regent's Sword, had been taken. The Emperor of China was desirous of consulting personally with all the foreign Ministers on the situa- tion. A provisional local government over the conquered territory had been established by the Japanese, with its headquarters at Antong. One year's taxes were remitted by the Japanese authorities to the natives. Battle Ships off Port Arthur. The Chinese reported that the Jafpanesfe were rapidly advancing in the rear of Port Arthur, and that a strong Japanese fleet, in- cluding thirty torpedo boats, was outside the harbor. It was expected that Port Arthur and the Chinese fleet would fall into the hands of the enemy. Japanese reports from Nin-Chwang stated that deserters from the army were arriving there by fifties, and that a great panic existed among the Chinese, hundreds of whom were leaving by every steamer. The Japanese flying squadron was reported to be a hundred miles off Niu-Chwang, and the Chinese there were reshipping their goods, considering it unsafe to remain there during the winter. An incident of the campaign was the ar- rest of several Americans by the Japanese authorities. The two who were arrested on the steamer Sydney, at Kobe, were named Hope and Brown. The name of a China- STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. 575 man who was taken into custody at the same time was Cham Fam Moore. He was believed to be the interpreter of the Chinese Legation at Washington. The Japanese au- thorities informed the captain of the Sydney before attempting to make the arrests that if he would surrender these passengers he Tvould be allowed to proceed for his destina- tion. The offer, however, the captain re- fused to avail himself of, whereupon an armed force boarded the Sydney, and, de- spite the protests of the French Consul and the steamer's captain, seized the three men -and removed them from the vessel. A despatch from Tokio stated that the two Americans and the Chinaman arrested by the Japanese authorities appeared to be under contract with the Chinese government to attempt to destroy the Japanese fleet. Story of the Captives. The arrest was explained to some extent hy the following statement, made by a Washington newspaper correspondent: "A story is told of the China-Japan war which is full of dramatic interest. About six weeks ■ago the report was circulated in diplomatic ■circles here that Mr. Moore, one of the attaches of the Chinese Legation, had been recalled to Pekin by the home government. It was said that he had been ordered back in •disgrace, and his friends were profuse in their ■expressions of sympathy. It was noticeable, however, that Mr. Moore bore his ill fortune philosophically, but by many it was feared that his return to his native country would he followed by his speedy decapitation. It now appears that the supposed recall was not in any sense a recall, but that Mr. Moore was returning to China in pursuance of a clever scheme, which had for its purpose the de- struction by dynamite and torpedoes of the Japanese fleet now in Chinese waters. " Mr. Moore is the Chinaman referred to as having been arrested, and his associates are Mr. John Wild, an inventor, of Provi- dence, R. I., and a Mr. Cameron, a Scotch- man, who was employed for a time as a workman in a torpedo manufactory at Provi- dence. Messrs. Wild and Cameron had,' it appears, satisfied the Chinese government of their ability successfully to destroy the Jap- anese vessels, and Mr. Moore was instructed by the Pekin government to conduct them to Shanghai. They travelled to San Francisco and thence to Yokohama under assumed names, Mr. Wild being known as Howie and Mr. Cameron as Courtney. The Plot Discovered. " The Japanese government, through sources which they decline to reveal, learned of the plot, and when the trio sailed from Yokohama they were arrested en route at Kobe, a Japanese seaport city. The particu- lars of their arrest are contained in a dispatch dated at Hiroshima, the headquarters of the Japanese army and navy. The dispatch is as follows : " 'A Chinese official, with two foreigners, an Englishman and an American, arrived at Yokohama a few days since on the steamer Gaelic. All were under assumed names. The foreigners were suspected of entering into an agreement through Chinese officials, with the Chinese government, for the purpose of engaging in the war against Japan. They landed at Yokohama and took passage on board the steamship Sydney, for China. The captain of the Japanese war vessel Tsukuba, under orders from headquarters, exercised the right of visit and search on board the Sydney when she was in the harbor of Kobe, and found in their possession an agreement with the Chinese government to destroy the entire navy of Japan within eight weeks by 576 COREA AND THE WAR. the use of torpedoes. Other official docu- ments on the same subject were also found. In consequence, the three were arrested and taken ashore, and the ship released from de- tention.' It is understood that none of the trio will be punished by the Japanese govern- ment, but will probably be held as prisoners THE KING OF CORE.\ AND HIS SON. of war indefinitely." This would effectually prevent any damage that otherwise might be inflicted upon Japanese war-ships, which have acted an important part in the war. Wild's • scheme of destruction was offered the United States government some two years before. He claimed that at the ex- pense of a few thousand dollars he could annihilate any foreign fleet which he attacked. His plan was to throw from a torpedo boat shells filled with chemicals, which, on strik- ing, would explode, creating an impenetrable and suffocating smoke, and to follow this up by attacking with torpedoes. The Navy Department was not convinced of the merits of Wild's plan, and he left. When the Eastern war broke out Wild came to Washington and offered his plan to the Japanese Legation. It was not favor- ably considered, and he went straight to the Chinese Legation. There his scheme fell on fallow ground. Under pretence of leaving for a vacation, In- terpreter Aloore went to New York, and thence to Providence, R. I., where he met Wild and his associate, Cameron, and arranged the details for the destruc- tion of the Japanese fleet. But the Jap- anese Legation had lost sight of neither Wild nor Moore. Their movements were shadowed, and they were allowed to proceed across the country and across the Pacific to Japan, where they were arrested at the latest possible moment. Offered No Protest. - Secretary Gresham was officially noti- fied of the arrest by the Japanese Minis- ter, receiving from that official a copy of the despatch wired to the legation by the Japanese authorities. It was decided by the State Department offi- cials that this government could offer no protest against the arrest of the Ameri- can. All it could do was to prevent any unnecessary cruelty being practiced on him. Intervention on this score, it was not believed, would be requisite, in view of the lenient man- ner in which the Japanese had hitherto treated all prisoners and were disposed to treat them in the future. STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. 577 Immediately upon the receipt of the in- formation of the arrest of the American, the State Department authorities began looking up precedents in this matter. An important one was found in the Formosa expedition in 1874. Speaking on this point, a State De- partment official said: — "No action can be taken in the case of the American held by Jie Japanese for conspiring against them. If criminating evidence had not been found on his person, as was stated in the despatch transmitted to the department from the Japa- nese Legation, the department might have entered a protest, and some trouble might have followed, as a result. One of the best precedents found which bears upon this case is the Formosa trouble, in which three Americans participated. All we can do is to see that the American is not maltreated. The Japanese government has a perfect right to hold him as a prisoner of war in view of the fact that he was at the time of his arrest in the service of China, hired to destroy Japan's navy." The King's Appeal. A correspondent who obtained an inter- view with the King of Corea gave his im- pressions as follows: In the midst of the perils that overwhelm his kingdom and threaten his life, the King of Corea received the correspondent and made a direct appeal to the people of the United States for help. He recognizes our government as the first to treat with Corea as an independent power and claims to have a special right to look for some practical proofs of friendship from America, at a time when war and private conspiracy are infringing upon the autonomy of the "hermit nation." The king no longer speaks of Corea as a sealed kingdom. He sees plainly that this country must surrender to civilization at last. 37 It was a strange experience to return from a bloody battlefield and see this gentle monarch standing among sinister courtiers like a frightened woman and to hear him say that his one desire was to entrust his person to a guard of American soldiers. When the correspondent saw the King, the unhappy monarch was surrounded by police officials. On the right stood the crown prince, a half- witted, open-mouthed youth, attired after the fashion of his father, save that purple took the place of crimson. Three slow bows and a pause. The interpreter folded his hands across the embroidered storks on his bosom, bent his head reverently and advanced. Seeking Protection. " I am glad to receive a representative of the American press," said the King. "I take this opportunity of saying that it is the wish of my people as well as of myself that Corea should be absolutely free and independent. I appeal now and shall continue to appeal to the civilized nations of the world, to use their influence in preserving the integrity of this kingdom. I especially rely upon the friend.ship of the United States in this mo- ment of difficulty and danger. Your Gov- ernment made the first treaty with Corea, and has always promised to befriend us. I now look to America for" a fulfillment of these promises. My faith in the United States is unshaken. I am waiting patiently." The correspondent asked His Majesty how the United States could help Corea, assuring him that the American Govern- ment had already shown its disposition to resent any attempt to interfere with the au- tonomy of the nation. The King looked embarrassed and his voice .dropped almost to a whisper. It was plain that he felt con- strained in the presence of his courtiers. He hesitated, looked about him nervously, then 578 COREA AND THE WAR. said : " If a few American soldiers were sent to the palace to protect my person, it would change the situation. " I have already told the American Min- ister, Mr. Sill, what I ask the United States to do," continued the King. " I hope for a favorable reply. The United States Govern- ment has from the very beginning of our re- lations repeated its assurances of a very special interest in this kingdom. We gave your country the first treaty, because we were convinced that your Government had a sincere and disinterested friendship for Corea. I hope I shall receive some prac- tical proofs of that friendship now. I ask the President and people to help in protect- ing the independence of the kingdom." Ready to Open Corea. Tai Won Kun, the supposed regent of the country, added : " We are ready to open Corea to the world. The country can be no longer kept sealed to foreigners. But this change is too sudden. It has thrown everything into disorder. The people are in a state of great excitement. Corea is a pe- culiar country. For thousands of years our people have clung to certain usages. The customs of ages cannot be surrendered to the world in a day. The change must be gradual. Our first duty is to quiet the peo- ple and restore order and the reign of law." The Japanese issued proclamations to the various Manchurian cities through which they passed. In these they declared that they were waging war against the Manchu Government only, and promised safe protec- tion to all people remaining quiet and fol- lowing their ordinary occupations. The Chinese troops were deserting in large num- bers and passing themselves off as farmers. The garrisons of Ta- Lien-Wan and Kinchow, on the neck- of Regent's Sword Promontory, both of which places were captured by the Japanese, numbered respectively three thou- sand and one thousand. They fled after making a feeble defence. The Japanese ' loss amounted to fourteen. On November nth, a special steamer ar- rived at Hwang Chu, with despatches as to the course of the war in Corea. Kinchow, on the Regent's Sword Promontory, was taken by the Japanese on November 4th. The garrison consisted of some 1,200 infan- try and artillery. The batteries were very badly served during the defence. The first division of the Japanese army advanced to the attack with spirit on the morning of the 4th. The resistance of the Chinese was feeble. The fire from their guns was weak and ill-directed, and the outlying fortworks were cleared quickly. Fled in Confusion. A panic then took possession of the troops in the interior works. They aban- doned their guns, standards and stores, and fled in disorder, the infantry even casting^ aside their small arms in their haste. The defence was so weak that only a few Japa- nese were wounded, and but twenty or thirty Chinese were killed and wounded. It is believed that many of the garrison had deserted on the 3d, when they became con- vinced that the battle was at hand. After the victory the first division joined the second division in investing Ta-Lien-Wan. In the evening of the next day (November 5) fire was opened on the Chinese position. On the 6th the works were carried with a rush. The garrison of 3 ,000 men hardly waited to- resist the attack. They fired a few shots and then fled toward Port Arthur, strewing the road with their firearms, swords, drums and standards. In the confusion of their flight the Chinese lost some fifty men, killed STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. 579 and wounded. The Japanese loss was two killed and ten wounded. The Japanese fleet, cleared for action, steamed into the bay at Ta- Lien-Wan on the afternoon of the 6th, but it was too late to assist the land force, which was then celebrating its victory. From Ta- Lien- Wan the first and second divisions started for Port Arthur, which they were confident of capturiug within a week. Admiral Ito's despatch to the Mikado con- cerning the fleet's part in the operations at Ta-Lien-Wan confirmed the account sent by the land commander. General Oyama made the attack from the . rear. Nineteen war ships and six torpedo boats were prepared to assist him, but the Chinese, who had expected the main assault from the sea, did not wait. They hardly resisted the Japanese. They abandoned everything and retreated in disorder. Sketch of General Oyama. " Count Oyama, the commander of the forces," says an authentic account of recent date, "is a field marshal in the Japanese army, and is a brilliant soldier. He took a promi- nent part in the War of the Restoration, in the sixties, and in the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877, in which he fought side by side with Marshal Yamagata, the victor of Ping- Yang, against the rebel Takamori Saigo. Some years ago he was sent to Europe by his government to study military science as practiced in the West, and he witnessed the . Franco-German war. " Later on he served in the Tonquin cam- paign, fighting with the Chinese against the French. On returning from Europe he passed through the United States, and stayed for some days in New York. For several years he held the post of Minister of War, which he relinquished a few weeks ago in order to command the present expedition. Personally the Count is strong, muscular build and tall, with an imposing figure. His fellow countrymen have every confidence in his military genius and experience." Another startling incident of the war was the suicide of the Empress of China, which was reported on October 31st, and further disclosed the critical state of affairs at Pekin. A brief sketch of the Empress will be of interest. A Very Young Empress. Yo-Ho-Na-La was a little Manchu maiden of thirteen when she was married to the boy Emperor against her will and against his. He was but eighteen at the time, but he had a will of his own, and he resented bitterly this thrusting of a child-consort upon him by the imperious Empress Dowager. Hav- ing been forced into union with Yo-Ho-Ng.- La, who was the daughter of General Kuei-Hsiang, the Empress Dowager's younger brother, the Brother of the Moon never became reconciled to her, and the life of the young couple was most unhappy. There were many quarrels between them, and then the end came. The girl Empress, completely broken in spirit by the humiliation to which she. found herself constantly sub- jected, chose to face death rather than try to bear the burden of her unhappiness any longer. It was in February, 1 889, that the wed- ding was solemnized. On the 31st of December, of the previous year, the State Department had been informed by the United States Minister at Pekin of the edict of the Empress Dowager, published in the Pekin Gazette of November 9th, reading as follows : I "The Emperor, having reverently suc- ceeded to his exalted inheritance, and in- creasing day by day in maturity, it is ^ 580 COREA AND THE WAR. becoming that he should select a virtuous consort to assist in the administration of the palace, to control the members of his house- hold, and to encourage the Emperor himself in upright conduct. " Let, therefore, Yo-Ho-Na-La, daughter of Deputy Lieutenant-General Kuei-Hsiang, whom we have selected for her dignified and virtuous character, become Empress." By a further edict of the same date : " Let Ja-Ta-La, aged fifteen years, daughter of Chang Hsii, formerly Vice-President of the Board, become secondary consort of the first rank, and let Ta-Ta-La, aged thirteen, also daughter of Chang Hsii, formerly Presi- dent of the Board, become an Imperial concubine of the second rank. Respect this." Many Chinese Beauties. The selection of the bride was goverened by the rules laid down in the Book of Rites, and is a tedious and elaborate process. The dynasty is Manchu and the Emperor must marry one of his own race. For a year before the marriage was celebrated hundreds of fair competitors, all daughters of Manchu mandarins of not less than the third rank, competed for the honor of sharing the Imperial throne. After several inspections, in which the beauty, family influence, and intellectual attainments of the young ladies were taken into grave consideration, the list of aspirants was reduced to thirty. The Emperor himself was deeply smitten with the charms of the daughter of a high Manchu military officer, and he expressed his intention to share his throne with her. He also selected another fair damsel whose beauty struck his youthful heart with admira- tion, for his second wife. But the old lady who had so long and so nobly wielded the sceptre during his minority had no intention of allowing the young Emperor to follow his bent in this matter, and had already decided on a match for him by which the throne would be shared by one of her own family. Accordingly, the lady selected was her niece, who was anything but a beauty, from a Chinese or Manchu point of view, and after a great many " scenes " and violent alterca- tions, the Empress Dowager proved her authority by having the marriage with her niece celebrated. Family Quarrels. The young Emperor was urged by his tutor, the great Ung Tung-ho — the most powerful man at the present moment in China, and the one who really governs the Emperor's acts — to marry the lady whom the Empress Dowager flouted, and the old lady, afterwards learning of Ung's part in the business, gave him a warm piece of her royal mind. She had already enlisted on her side Prince Chung. After the marriage there prevailed the most bitter acrimony be- tween these august personages, and in the struggle the youthful ruler, assisted by his crafty tutor, for the moment gained the up- per hand. But it was a dangerous game to fight the Empress Dowager, who was a determined and subtle antagonist to tackle, and in the end young Kwangtsu might have fallen a victim to the necessities of the moment, as his predecessor Tung-Chi did, had he not come to terms with the old wo- man. Nor would the Gorgon of the Dragon Throne allow its youthful occupant to con- sole himself by bringing the fair object of his choice into his harem, but selected two strong-minded damsels, also of the Imperial clan, to form the nucleus of the seraglio, which Chinese custom prescribes shall be limited to seven, but which is unlimited. CHAPTER XXXVII. THE FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. ACCORDING to accounts in the Chi- nese press, a party of Japanese sailors, some three or four hun- dred in number, landed, at the end of August, in Victoria Bay, some miles to the northward of Port Arthur, and made a reconnaissance with a view to discovering if the landward defences were as strong as re- ported. Apparently the reconnoitrers came to the conclusion that there was no chance of a coup at that time, for they left the neighborhood in a hurry, as a torpedo boat sent to look for them found their surveying instruments on the beach. The following is a description of the great arsenal before its capture by the Japanese : Port Arthur itself lies at the head of, or perhaps it would be more correct to say around, a large inlet. The entrance is by a channel not more than 200 yards wide, and although there is no large space for anchor- ing vessels, there is a tidal basin in which as many as a dozen ships can be- accommodated. There are also a dry dock, machinery shops, and coal stores, and for the repairs of a small squadron like that of Admiral Ting that is fairly adequate. The fortifications consist of thirteen bat- teries distributed on either side of the channel, and covering about four miles of seaboard. They are well placed, and fitted with all modern implements and material of artillerist's profession. The armament of the forts consists of about fifty 6-inch and 9-inch Krupp guns, several rifled mortars or howitzers, and a number of quick-firing guns. The entrance to the port is also pro- vided with an elaborate submarine mine field, and there is a small flotilla of torpedo boats attached to this port. On its landward side to the east, hills of from three hundred to six hundred feet are crowned with small forts, entrenchments and earthworks. To the west a shoal harbor and more mine defenses, covered by quick firing guns, afford all the needed protection. Strong Japanese Force. The garrison of Port Arthur was variously stated at from four thousand to ten thousand men, but whatever the number, there could be no question that the reconnaissahce of August put them on their guard, and from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand men would be wanted to capture it. There were, however, at least twenty thousand Japanese' on the promontory. They constituted the second Japanese division, which left Hiro- shima at the end of September, under the command of Count Oyama. Their destina- tion was then unknown, but after they effected a landing on the Regent's Sword Promontory, it was easy to understand why their important mission was kept secret as long as possible. The mouth of the Gulf of Pechili, at the head of which lie Taku, Tien-Tsin and the short route to Pekin, narrows to about one hundred and ten miles between Port Arthur and Wei-Hai-Wei. These ports seem thus marked by nature as the strategic outposts of the northeastern coast line of China. The 581 582 COREA AND THE WAR. former, which is the chief naval arsenal of northern China, lies at the head of a large inlet. The port affords no room for the anchorage of a considerable squadron; but a fine tidal basin has been constructed capa- ble of accommodating about fourteen large vessels. It is, apparently, a comfortable place in which to lay up a squadron, but somewhat ill adapted to the needs of a force which desires to be able to get quickly to sea. It is here that the Chinese vessels damaged in the great sea fight off the Yalu River were docked for repairs, and were sat- isfactorily prepared again for sea. The coast defences are spread over more than four miles of seaboard, and consist of about twelve batteries equally distributed on either side of the entrance of the port. Redoubts and Fortifications. In addition there is a torpedo boat sta- tion, and an elaborate system of submarine mines has been provided. Altogether the coast defences of Port Arthur,' so far as mere material is concerned, seem to rise fully to modern standards of fortification. On the land front the shoaUng of the harbor gives protection on the western side. On the east encircling hills rise to heights of 350 feet to 650 feet, and small fortified camps, redoubts and miniature Chinese walls affect to guard this important arsenal. The rear of the place appears to be rela- tively w'eak, although in accordance with all the teaching of history, this would neces- sarily be the way of approach selected by an enemy. The garrison, however, has been considerably reinforced from Taku, and it is estimated that an expeditionary force of at least 15,000 men would be needed to achieve success. The population of Port Arthur is about 6,000, exclusive of the garrison, which numbers probably 7,000 more. There are two large temples, two theatres and several banks in the town. The prosperity of the place — it was formerly a small village, con- sisting of sixty or eighty mud houses and a few inns — began with the determination of the authorities in 188 1 to establish a naval dock yard at the port. The work was at first intrusted to native contractors, but they proved altogether incompetent, and in 1887 the contract was taken up by a French com- pany, who, in three years' time, brought it to completion. The Army ^A^elcomed. In the early part of November the stam- pede of the Chinese throughout Manchuria continued. After the advance of General Nodsu's force to Feng-Huang-Cheng and the dispersal of the Chinese there, the Japa- nese troops searched in vain for an organ- ized body of the enemy. They marched westward and southward unopposed. They were everywhere welcomed with enthusiasm by the entire population (excepting the of- ficials) who found themselves relieved from the oppression of the mandarins, under whom they had suffered patiently so long. Likewise in the province of Chi-Li, it was ascertained that no stand would be made by the Chinese against the Japanese until Pekin was reached, which Colonel Hanneken, a German commander, was fortifying with all haste. At a meeting of the Emperor, Prince Kung and the Grand Council, it was determined that the court and the personnel of the government should leave the capital before it fell into the hands of the Japanese. It was believed that an entente existed between Viceroy Li-Hung-Chang and Japan. It was even said that he had gone to Port Arthur to watch the operations there, in- stead of following the command of the Em- . THE FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. 583 peror to proceed to Pekin. Many of his re- latives vanished quietly, taking with them their valuables and pergonal effects. The humanity of the Japanese, which caused the people of Manchuria to welcome them as friends and deliverers, and the unexpected display they made of splendid statecraft created consternation in Pekin. The Chinese army of the North were reported to be in a terrible plight, suffering from starvation and exposure to the ex- tremely cold 'weather. They retreated^ to the mountains, far removed from their base of supplies, while the Japanese army was encamped at Feng-Huang-Cheng. Fifteen thousand Chinese, mostly raw recruits were pursued by the Japanese. Hundreds of Chinese arrived at Che-Foo from Manchuria, whence they were fleeing,, frightened at the approach of the Japanese. The Chinese troops and such vessels of the Chinese fleet as were not cooped up at Port Arthur were ordered to attack the Japanese wherever they met them. The Troops Landed. The second Japanese army, under Field Marshal Count Oyama, landed on the morn- ing of October 26th, on the Chinese coast, at a place called Hon-En-Ku, fifteen miles north of the islands known as the Elliot group, and about eighty-five mjles north of Port Arthur. With the exception of the Talien Bay, close to Port Arthur, there was not a decent land- ing place along the coast. It was impossible to land at Talien Bay, the Chinese having fortified the coast, and planted torpedoes. This place was chosen, not that it was better than any other, but because the road from Wi-Ju to Port Arthur passes here nearer the coast than anywhere else. The landing, however, was most difficult, the water being so shallow that the steamers had to anchor four to five miles from the shore. It was absolutely impossible to land when the tide was low, as a mile and a half of thick mud was left uncovered by the sea, and one could well imagine the difficulties of landing 2 5 ,000 men, soldiers and coolies, horses, artillery, ammunition, wagons, pro- visions, tents, ambulances, etc., under such conditions. Four hundred barges and flat- boats and one hundred steam launches were hard at work, but in spite of all the efforts and of an admirable organization, they pro- gressed very slowly. The Fleet Sails. The transports and the fleet met at the mouth of the Pei-Yang, or Tatong River, on the 23d of October, at night. Twenty-five men-of-war, thirty-eight transports and six- teen torpedo boats were anchored together. On the following morning the fleet sailed, followed by twelve transports. The remain- der, among which was the Nagota Maru, on board of which were the Field Marshal and staff, proceeded at night, no lights of any kind, being shown on board, and the follow- ing morning arrived opposite the .Chinese coast. General Yamaji had already landed with part of the infantry. He had encountered no resistance at all. There was not one Chinese soldier in sight. There are here four villages, each composed of half a dozen large stone houses, well and strongly built, but very dirty, yet much cleaner than those in Corea. At the approach of the fleet the people fled without losing a minute. A Chinese prisoner was sent out in the country to say that no harm would be done to the people, and that they could return to the villages in all safety. A few came back and sold their provisions to the Japanese at very high figures. 584 COREA AND THE WAR. These people were absolutely ignorant of the fact that war was going on between China and Japan. They fled without knowing what "barbarian devils " were landing, but supposing they were English or French. The Japanese posted large bills everywhere announcing that they were not fighting Arthur. Their destination was unknown, but two-thirds of the Japanese fleet immedi- ately left to hunt them up. A few Chinese attacked the advanced posts of General Yamaji. They were either killed or made prisoners. None escaped. An officer of the British warship Por- FISHERS OF Ft^SAN. the people, but the armed forces of the government, in a just cause, and that the people had nothing to fear. While the main body of the arm)' was landing. General Yamaji, commanding the advance, was rapidly pushing on in the direction of Port Arthur. Six Chinese men- of-war and six torpedo boats left Port poise gi\-es the following account of the cap- ture of Port Arthur by the Japanese: The Porpoise was standing out to sea a few miles on the afternoon of the 20th of November, when we saw dark masses ci men in solid columns, whom we afterward recognized as Japanese infantry, deploying before the outlying forts of Port Arthur THE FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. 585 The artillery was ahead, engaging the Chi- nese, whom the Japanese had steadily driven inward. The Chinese line was falling back and abandoning position after position, after feeble resistance. This was several miles east of the fortress proper. The Japanese fleet was moving in line ahead, the three flagships leading each division and co-operat- ing with the land forces. The ships were the following : First Division. — The Matsushima, the Itsukushima, the Chiyoda and the Hashi- date. Second Division. — The Fuso,"the Hiyel, the Takao and the Yayeyama. Third Division. — The Yoshino, the Nani- wa, the Akitsushima and the Takachiho. The small gunboats were shelling the Chi- nese lines and were close in shore. The naval and military forces were moving beautifully together. Terrific Fire of Artillery. The next day the advance continued. The Chinese outposts were all driven in, and the outlying forts occupied. The Japanese kept up a terrific fire with their field artillery, machine guns and infantry, the big guns of the forts answering occasionally, and there was a hot fire for some time from the smaller guns. The fleet was moving, continually, but kept out of range of the forts. The movements were now quite visible. The Japanese army was in three divisions and was moving as if on parade. The regu- lar volleys were sharp and unbroken. The mancEuvring of the cavalry was done in dashing style, and they cut off the retreat- ing bodies that were escaping from the forts. The artillery was splendidly placed and was doing deadly practice upon the forts. The Chinese were replying in an unspirited and desultory way, and evidently without any one directing them. The two northerly and easterly forts were occupied at noon. The Chiyoda and another cruiser then steamed around to Pigeon Bay, on the other side of the peninsula, and began to drop shells among the forts, which could not see the two ships. But apparently this was done more with the object of making a di- version than of doing material injury to the enemy. Torpedo Boats Engaged. On a signal from the General on shore. Admiral Ito's cruisers all steamed past the forts just outside of range, when ten torpedo boats, covered by two cruisers specially de- tailed for the duty, divided into two squad- rons of four each, dashed inside the fire line of the 50-ton guns and began plying their machine and rapid fire guns with deadly effect on the Chinese, who had been driven in an easterly direction from the water side forts by the Japanese army. The other torpedo boats tore into the mouth of the harbor and cut off the retreat of two small Chinese steamers which were stealing away along the shore. The first steamer reached the extreme point of the land to the east, landing some one in a skiff, which afterward carried him aboard a steamer lying some miles outside. The torpedo boats, howevei', afterward drove the two small steamers ashore, peppering them terribly under the very noses of the small forts, which fired 7-pound shells at the torpedo boats without hitting them. One steamer was sunk and the other was beached. The forts, meantime, were blindly blazing away at the Japanese fleet. The line aim of the gunners was good, but the shots fell short from lack of elevation. The Porpoise found the fire so hot that she had to steam outside at full speed. The torpedo boats 586 COREA AND THE WAR. were dashing about in all directions, wher- ever they could get a shot at the Chinese, but were obeying the signals of the convoy- ing cruisers, which again followed the orders conveyed by Field Marshal Oyama's field telegraph. The Chinese big guns fired fifteen rounds at the Japanese fleet. The latter did not reply, however, only drawing the fire off the torpedo boats, which did all the work. The British officer speaks enthusiastically of the latter, which, he says, would be a credit to any navy, for their dash, skill and precision, which will make them a valuable adjunct in future military operations. Gradually the firing of the Chinese guns on the land side was silenced, the gunners deserting their posts before the hailstorm from the machine guns, the rapid firing guns and the infantry. All night the Japanese gunboats and three of the larger vessels were throwing shells among the flying Chinese troops, who were escaping eastward, a mere rabble. A Brilliant Victory. All the naval and military experts consider the achievement of the Japanese as marvel- lous. They astonished every one. They are equal to any European army and navy. The Japanese generals and officers spoke of the matter with quiet dignity and without boasting. The men were held in splendid restraint throughout the engagement, and there was no unnecessary bloodshed. It was an honestly won victory, of which any nation: might be proud. The Porpoise left for Chefoo, returning with the British fleet, which visited the place. The British officers were perfectly astonished at the order introduced by the ' newcomers in two days after the capture of the port. Some of the Japanese vessels had gone into dock, and were being overhauled and painted as calmly as if they had been there for years. Port Arthur was simply abandoned. The Chinese behaved disgracefully. When the final attack was made by the Japanese the place had a garrison of 9,000 men, of whom one-third were destroyed. The per- son who escaped to the steamer was Kung, the Taoti in charge of the whole fortress. The British officers think that the taking of Wei-Hai-Wei will be a simple .affair for the Japanese after this victory. Masters of \A^arfare. Asked his opinion of the Japanese as al- lies, the British officer replied : " They would make very bad enemies. We could smash them at sea probably, but we could do nothing against Japan on land. We can teach them nothing in military science. They are masters of modern scientific war- fare. The capture of Port Arthur was a perfect revelation." The British officer fully confirms the re- ported atrocities committed by the Chinese upon Japanese prisoners, who were found with their heads and dismembered limbs stuck on stakes along the roadsides. In connection with the above description of the capture of Port Arthur by an Eng- lish naval officer, we publish the story cabled by a special correspondent from Hiroshima, Japan. The two accounts taken together give a complete story of the brilliant work done by the Japanese, ending with the cap- ture of the port at five o'clock of the after- noon of the 2 1 st of November : Port Arthur was captured on the 21st. On the 1 8th the cavalry advance guard met 2,000 Chinese eight miles from Port Arthur, and fell back on the first brigade, leaving several wounded behind. They returned THE FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. 587 with one battalion of infantry and defeated the Chinese. The wounded Japanese were found with their heads, hands and feet cut off, and their bodies awfully mutilated. On the 19th all the army had passed before these victims, and the men were much moved at the sight. At night the army was about four miles from the enemy, who held nine sea forts and eleven land forts. On the 20th, while the Japanese were looking for field artillery posi- tions, 6,ooo- Chinese made a sortie in three columns — on the left, the right and the centre. All the forts were firing at us, and we were in great danger. A part of the army and artillery behind the advance guard and two battalions of General Yamaji's division repulsed the Chinese after five hours' fighting. Fine Marksmanship. On the 2 1st the Japanese fleet made a demonstration at six in the morning, but did no fighting. At half-past six A. M. the Japanese artillery, which had taken position during the night, opened fire on the three forts on the right, and displayed magnifi- cent marksmanship. The Chinese forts on a hill five hundred feet high answered strongly. At eight o'clock the forts were taken by assault by the infantry, who showed mag- nificent courage. Lieutenant O'Brien, of the United States Army, was present. At nine o'clock our left brigade, commanded by General Sasegawa, advanced upon the re- maining eight forts. Fifty Chinese guns poured shell and shot upon them, but noth- ing stopped them. It was great fighting. At one o'clock all the forts were taken by assault and the army advanced upon the city. The inhabitants, who had been armed with express rifles and explosive cartridges. resisted in the city, and the houses had to be taken by storm. Many Chinese were killed. The sea forts fell without fighting, and all was finished at five o'clock. The Chinese generals fled after the first fort was taken. Had they surrendered many Chinese lives would have been saved. Many Chinese were killed during the battle, but the Japan- ese, however, treated kindly those remaining in the city. Some eighteen thousand men were engaged on each side. There were 250 Japanese killed and wounded. The Chinese killed numbered 1 500.' The dead were buried or cremated. Prowess of Japan. When war between Japan and China was declared a few believed the former would be simply overwhelmed by the vast hordes which the latter could put in the field, as it seemed incredible that a nation of 40,000,000 could overcome one of400,ooo,ooo. But the general sentiment was otherwise. Japan for twenty- five years has been making rapid strides in civ- ilization; she has welcomed modern educa- tion and manners, and has organized and equipped her army and navy according to the latest and most approved methods of warfare. China on the other hand has made little or no progress. A few bright minds secured good naval vessels, erected magnificent coast defences and armed some thousands of soldiers with effective weapons, but the results of their work were practically nullified by the prejudices and hatred of the masses against modern civilization, and by the deep corruption existing among almost all those in authority, great and small. It was the existence of these conditions which gave rise to the conviction of the sagacious few that the advantage would be with Japan ; but it is doubtful whether any- one looked for the brilliant and rapid sue- 588 COREA AND THE WAR. cesses attending the arms of that country. In every engagement the Chinese were out- manceuvred in all branches of warfare. Their armies were outgeneralied, their navy ren- dered ineffectual, and Japan's successes culminated in the brilliant capture of Port Arthur, which, on account of its position COREAN CHILDREN. and admirable defences, was not inaptly termed the "Gibraltar of the East." Says a leading journal: "That the cap- ture of this great stronghold virtually decides the war there is little reason to doubt. Without it China is practically helpless as far as the present contest is concerned. There appears to be absolutely nothing that can prevent General Oyama marching his victorious army to the walls of Pekin, while Marshal Yamagata, with his command in Manchuria, effectually prevents the Imperial court taking refuge in that quarter. The fall of Port Arthur is the Appomattox of the struggle ; the Waterloo of the hopes of China. Whatever fighting shall be done from this time on will be in nc wise likely to change the result, and it would be wisdom on the part of China to treat for peace as speedily as possible, since every day's delay simply means a heavier indemnity for it to pay, and possibly harder terms to comply with in other directions. Successful Strategy. " By the capture of Port Arthur, Japan has accomplished a feat which must take its place among the phe- nomenal military and naval events of history. It was one of the few strongholds of China which was given over to Europeans in order that the tremendous natural strength of the place might be reinforced by the best and latest engineering skill. It was mounted with powerful guns and encompassed by an elaborate system of mines on land and torpedoes at sea. Nothing but the most brilliant strategy and almost reckless bravery accomplished its downfall. " The war which Japan has suc- cessfully waged against China may be re- garded as one of the most important of the century, on account of its far-reaching conse- quences. It creates a new iirst-class powe; among the nations of the earth, from one which only a quarter of a century ago -wa;- considered barbarous, and over which extra- territorial jurisdiction was insisted on by THE FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. 589 civilized countries, and from which only now it is about to be emancipated by the United States and Great Britain. It makes Japan, in a measure, supreme in the Yellow Sea, and a fighting power which will have to be considered by England, Russia and other nations interested in Eastern questions. It opens up for it, besides, a great future as a maritime, commercial and progressive na- tion, with important interests to be looked after over the whole world. An Enterprising Nation. " Japan's eagerness to adopt civilizing in- fluences, and its conduct during the present war, render it easy to regard with some complacency its defeat of ignorant and bar- barous China, and less difficult for the other great nations to receive it with some degree of cordiality as one of their class." Some ghastly accounts of atrocities on the part of both the Chinese and Japanese armies, showed the barbarous spirit by which some of the soldiers were actuated. For example, the correspondent of the London Times tele- graphed as follows from Hiroshima, Japan : " I have just returned from the seat of war, and had a conversation with Viscount Mutsu Munemitzu, the Foreign Minister, in regard to the misconduct of the Japanese at Port Arthur. I informed him that I had watched the Japanese army enter the town. The Chinese resisted to the last. I saw Chinese in plain clothes with firearms con- cealed on their persons. I also found explo- sive bullets. The Japanese reported that civilians fired upon them from the houses, and they therefore deemed it necessary to exterminate them. The Japanese were further excited by finding the mutilated remains of Japanese prisoners. Some of these prisoners had been burned alive. I saw no resistance in the town. Dui-ing the next four days the Japanese pillaged the whole town and killed almost every man. Very few women or children were killed. I saw scores of Chi- nese prisoners pinioned, stripped and shot, hacked with knives and disemboweled. Many bodies were partly burned. The Foreign Minister expressed himself as intensely surprised and grieved. Hitherto, he added, the Japanese army had been ad- mired for its humanity and discipline. He was unwilling to believe it possible that they had acted as reported or to express an opin- ion on the subject until a detailed official re- port arrived. Meanwhile he authorized me to say that he was certain the Government was determined to act on principles of hu- manity and civilization." Rumors of Mediation. In the early part of November it was re- ported that the United States Government had been asked to interfere between China and Japan, or at least to exercise its influence in securing peace. As a result of negotiations then pending it was confidently believed that the United States would very soon be asked to mediate between Japan and China, with a view to permanent peace on a basis satisfactory to both countries. It was stated positively that the United States had declined to join with European powers in any arbitrary intervention to force a settlement. But while unwilling to act in any arbitrary manner, either individually or jointly with European nations, the representa- tives of the parties to the war were given to understand that the good offices of this Government would be gladly exercised to secure peace in case such was their ex- pressed wish. Naturally Japan insisted that China should take the initiative in any nego- 590 COREA AND THE WAR. tiations looking to a restoration of peace, but that she was entirely willing to accede to any reasonable proposition is not doubted. At the outset Great Britain sought to have the United States and the great powers of Europe intervene. The facts as to these ne- gotiations at Washington were now known. Cable directions from the London foreign offices first came to Mr. Goschen, the British resident Minister in the absence of Sir Julian Paunceforte. Mr. Goschen saw Secretary Gresham in person and presented Great Britain's propo- sition that the United States co-operate with other powers toward peace. A reply was duly given that this country would not co- operate on the ground, it was said, that the policy of the United States was to avoid en- tangling foreign alliances on questions in which it had no immediate concern. After that time no efforts on the part of Great Britain to urge the negotiations were made. Peace Proposals. Under these circumstances the proposed negotiations did not involve foreign inter- vention, but a mutual arrangement between China and Japan, to which foreign powers would give their moral support. To what extent the Chinese Minister at Washineton directed the negotiations was not exactly known, as the Legation officials were very secretive. It was known, however, that the Chinese Minister had long conferences with Secretary Gresham. But the main proposi- tion on the part of China came direct from United States Minister Denby, at Pekin. From the very beginning of hostilities the Chinese were anxious to have the United States arbitrate the differences between themselves and the Japanese, which led to the war, but, of course, there could be no arbitration except upon the request of both parties, and that was lacking. Thus the matter stood. But after the battle of Kiu-Lien-Cheng, on October 25 th last, when the Chinese suf- fered their severe defeat at the hands of the' Japanese troops who had crossed the Yalu River, and were obliged to retreat toward Moukden, they became thoroughly alarmed and convinced that something must be done to terminate the war. They could not, however, so humble their pride as to sue for peace directly to Japan, but casting about for some means of opening peace negotia- tions, hit upon the treaty with the United States of 1848. An Old Treaty. The very first article of this treaty pledges the United States in case China is oppres- sively or unjustly treated by another power, to use its good offices to arrange the difficulty. It is similar in scope to the first article in our treaty with Corea, which led Secretary Gresham at the beginning of the trouble to write a note to the United States Minister at Tokio, relative to the Japanese occupation of Corea, which excited much comment. Encouraged by the attitude of the United States at that tinie the Chinese Government appealed to United States Minister Denby, at Pekin, to cause his Government to inter- vene and Mr. Denby transmitted the appli- cation to Washington, where it was laid before the President, who had it under con- sideration for a week or more. As our rep- resentations in the case of the occupation of Corea had little effect, there was no reason to suppose that a different result would fol- low an attempt to use our good offices in favor of China. As already indicted, our Government was indisposed to co-operate directly with European nations in any effort to coerce either party to the war and for THE FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. 591 this very reason we were in a better place than any other power to act as an indepen- dent intermediary in bringing about peace. Both China and Japan were assured that we were free from any suspicion of a desire to secure" accessions of territory in Asia, which hung over the great European powers, and their confidence in our fairness and impartiahty was strikingly manifested by the selection of the United States by both nations to care for their subjects in the other's terri- tory. So the United States was placed in a position where she would naturally be looked to by both China and Japan to serve as an arbitrator in case of a difficulty in arranging terms for peace. Concessions by China. China no longer concealed her inability to prosecute a war. She recognized that she was caught unprepared, and that it was the part of wisdom for her to make the most of a bad situation by getting peace on the best terms possible. She did this with the ex- pectation and assurance that Japan would come half way. Japan began the war for the purpose, as she said, of securing Corea's complete sovereignty. This China would fully concede. It also seemed probable that China would pay a fair indemnity. This, however, would be in cash and not in Chinese territory. The capture of Port Arthur monopolized discussion at Washington. In all circles nothing but praise was heard at this victory of the Japanese. It was not unexpected, but it was a brilliant victory, and the hardy little fighters received credit for the masterly way in which they conducted their several cam- paigns, and especially this last important affair. The belief was strong that the Jap- anese would devote themselves to the cap- ture of Wei-Hai-Wei, and that this was to be the destination of the third army, which, it was reported, had just left Japanese shores. Loss of Life. Further reports received by the Navy Department from the intelligence officers of the Asiatic squadron in relation to the battle of the Yalu River stated that the shells fired during the fight contained nothing but gun- dotton, and that the great damage wrought was due to its action on the woodwork of the ships. The reports stated that the wood- work was set on fire by the explosions, and splinters flew in every direction, killing and maiming a large portion of the crews of the vessels engaged. This information confirmed the belief of the ordnance officials that ordinary gun- cotton is all that can be desired in the way of an explosive for shells, and, while experi- ments would be conducted with any new chemical that might be brought in, the probabilities were that the Ordnance Bureau would return to gun-cotton as its chief explo- sive. The energies of the ordnance officials would be directed toward finding a detonator for the gun-cotton, and not to find a new ex- plosive. That the Japanese government purposed pushing their past and present advantages' with a view to the capture of Pekin was not doubted. The capture of Port Arthur made easy the progress of the Japanese troops to the Chinese capital. Competent military authorities who were thoroughly familiar with the physical conditions of China, said that a Japanese army could march from the coast of the Gulf of Pechili to Pekin in ten days. CHAPTER XXXVIII. A JAPANESE ACCOUNT OF THE WAR. A CAREFUL review of the military operations in the Orient is fur- nished by a well-informed Jap- anese, Julius Kampei Matumato, a graduate of one of our colleges, who fol- lowed closely the progress of events, and whose concise summary is as follows : Up to a very short time ago, Japan, by the pen and tongue of facts and artists who have visited the land of the Rising Sun, has been thought to be merely a country of poetry, fragrant flowers and picturesqueness. The Western nations hardly imagined Japan as a nation enlightened by a modern educational system, and developed in naval and military art to that pitch of excellence which lifted her into the position of a first- class power, and would enable her' to gain an unbroken succession of victories against the largest empire on the globe. The war in the East is certainly interest- ing from more than one point of view. View- ing it from the humane standpoint, Japan is the true standard-bearer of civilization and progress in the far East. Her mission is to enlighten the millions of souls in the Celes- tial Empire darkened for generations. Politi- cally, Japan has lifted herself into the rank of the most powerful nations of the earth. Com- mercially, she has demonstrated herself the mistress of the Pacific and Asiatic seas. From the outbreak of the w'ar, all the civilized nations, except England, haye sym- pathized with Japan, especially the people of the United States. America has given a strong moral support toward Japan. It is 592 not because this country is the warmest friend of Japan, whose wonderful progress in civilizatiori is largely due to America, but because Japan is the propagandist of civiliza- tion and humanity in the far East. At the beginning of the hostilities a majority of the people had an idea that the overwhelming population and resources of China would soon be able to crush Japan, but they overlooked the fact that in our day it is scienice, brains and courage, together with perfected ammunitions of war that grasp the palm of victory. Thousands of sheep could do nothing against a ferocious wolf So the numerical comparison has but little weight. The Military Spirit. Some sagacious writer compared Japan to a lively sword-fish and China to a jelly-fish, being punctured at every point. Truly Japan has proved it so. More than once the world has seen that that artistic nation could fight. The Greeks demonstrated this long ago and France in later times has seen a shining example. Japan was reckoned as one of the most artistic nations in the world, as the producer of fancy goods, as the lover of fine arts and natural beauties. But the world knew it not as a warlike country. "In no country," as Mr. Rogers says, "has the military instinct been more pro- nounced in the best blood of the people. Far back in the past, beyond that shadowy line where legend and history blend, their story has been one of almost continual war, A JAPANESE ACCOUNT OF THE wAR. 593 and the straightest path to distinction and honor has, from the earliest times, led across the battle-field. The statesmen of Japan saw, as did Cavour, that the surest way to win the respect of nations was by success in war." Corea was a worthy diplomatic problem when on June last the Mikado ordered a Corean expedition. A brigade composed of infantry, artillery, cavalry, engineers and commissariat, with a contingent of nurses, clerks and artificers, in all about 5000 men, left Hiroshima. China then had 3000 troops -at Asan, forty miles south of Seoul. In the meantime China hurried forward reinforce- ments. July 25th the Naniwa, the Japanese war-ship sank the chartered transport Kow Shing, one of the fastest vessels engaged in the Chinese seas, off the island of Phun-do, in Corea. Work of the Navy. The first collision of the two navies re- sulted in the complete victory of the Jap- anese, in their capture of the Tshao-Kiong, .a gunboat of 900 tons ; in the destruction of another war-ship, the Kuan-Yi of i lOO tons, and in the sinking of the Kow-Shing. The Chi-Yen escaped, but was badly injured. The Yoshino, Naniwa and Akitsu, which ■effected this destructive work, proved the superiority of the Japanese Navy. The battle of Asan which followed four days later was the first victory of the Jap- anese on land. The fortresses of Asan were situated on a hill at Seikan, an important position. In front of the hill are rice pad- dies and marshes crossed in the middle by a little stream which runs into the Asan Bay, and a narrow path leads up to the hill. It was a position easy to defend and hard to attack. Three thousand Chinese soldiers of ii-Hung-Chang's famous Black Flag Army, 38 the flower of the Chinese Army, defended this position. At dawn the Japanese army began to move. Lieutenant Matsuzaki led his troops across the river under a deadly fire from some 500 Chinese troops who were in am- bush. As the fight took place in the dark and the river was swollen by rain the diffi- culty of crossing was great. In spite of all obstacles Lieutenant Matsuzaki got his men across with comparatively little loss, but soon after he had reached the opposite bank a bullet struck him in the chest and he fell dead on the field. Carried by Storm. The second part of the battle began at 6 o'clock in the morning. The Japanese stormed the entrenchments again and again and eventually ^islodged the enemy from its position. The Chinese broke and fled in all directions, leaving behind a large quantity of ammunition, which fell into the hands of the victors. The Japanese pursued the fugitives to Yashan, where they expected a stand to be made, but to their surprise found that the Chinese, evidently demoralized by their de- feat, had abandoned the position together with several hundred thousand cartridges, four cannon, 700 bales of rice and a large supply of clothing. Some important official documents were also found. Early in August an engagement between China's strongest ironclad, the Chen- Yuen, and the Japanese composite armored cruiser, the Hi-Yei, took place. The Japanese war- ship was handled admirably and showed desperate courage. After this fight the Japanese terrorized the Chinese navy and enjoyed complete sway on the sea. The Chinese fleet as soon as they saw the Japan- ese squadron fled into well fortified ports. Li-Hung-Chang and Admiral Ting recog- 594 COREA AND THE WAR. nized the fact that if the fleet was destroyed there was not much to hinder the Japanese from marchiny upon Pekin. In fact, the Japanese became so bold that, on August iith, they attacked Wei-Hai- Wei, which is one of the strongest naval ports in Northern China. The Japanese fleet, consisting of twenty-one vessels, found the Chinese warships hiding in port. They took advantage of the darkness of night and crept A COREAN PORTER. into the harbor of Wei-Hai-Wei unknown to tiiC Chinese in the forts and vessels. Six torpedo boats were sent out with the pur- pose of blowing up the Chinese warships anchored within. When midway a British man-of-war which was anchored there fired .salutes for the Japanese vessels, it is alleged to warn the slumbering Chinese. Such an unfriendly act spoiled the plan to take the Chinese navy by surprise, and the Japanese retired. But for this warning important re- sults might have transpired. At the end of August the Japanese fleet bombarded Port Arthur for the second time, and took possession of some islands in Society Bay without the slighest molestation as a basis of action. On land, as at sea, the Chinese were flying- from Corea, so little confidence had they in their own army. Both Seoul and Chemulpo, and Kan-Hon were abandoned, and the Chinese retired to the North. Meanwhile Japan had strengthened her military position in Corea. The Chinese force at Asan had been completely annihilated. Japanese rein- forcements were landed at Fusan and Gensan converging upon Phynonyan, some distance to the north of Seoul, in readiness to meet the Chinese army which was then concen- trating and fortifying the strong defences at Ping-Yang to made a stubborn resistance. A March Northward. The battle of Ping- Yang had strategical importance. The Japanese force in Seoul, about 17,000, then commanded by Lieu- tenant-General Nodzu, started on a north- ward march, August 7th, toward Pongsan through a country exceedingly rough and unfitted for military movements. To rein- force this army and to guard against an attack on the right flank 8000 men, under Major-General Sato, were sent by sea from Japan to Gensan, a port on the east coast of Corea. On September 15th these armies. were able to make combined attack upon the enemy at Ping- Yang. The Gensan column threatened the left flank of the Chi- nese, the Pongsan column menaced the Chinese centers, while the Hwang-Hoi col- umn, which had been reinforced the day before by a detachment from the mouth of the Taitong River, operated against the right. The defences of Ping-Yang were strong. Ping- Yang is situated on the north. A JAPANESE ACCOUNT OF THE WAR. 595 bank of the Taitong River, which is naviga- ble up to the city. It lies on the only road to the northward by which the Japanese army could advance into Manchuria and Pekin. The walls of the city were strengthened by earthworks by the defenders. There were in it three Krupp field pieces and several Gatling guns, while the garrisons were equipped with Spencer or Mosler rifles and had plenty of ammunition. In front of the castle was a masked fort, which is described as being the best piece of military engineering ever accomplished by the Chi- nese. The Chinese considered the fortress to be absolutely impregnable. The popula- tion of the city is about 40,000, and it and its surrounding country were strongly in sympathy with China. It was, therefore, plain that the first Japanese movement must be to destroy the force there intrenched. Fighting Under Cover. The battle was begun Saturday, August 1 6th, at daybreak, by a Japanese cannonade of the Chinese works, which was continued without cessation until afternoon, the Chinese responding. Early in the afternoon a body of infantry was sent forward by the Japanese and maintained a rifle fire upon the enemy until dusk. Throughout the day only the Pong-San column was engaged. The Chi- nese defence suffered greatly, but losses on either side were small, both the Chinese and Japanese having taken advantage of all the shelter available. ' The Japanese troops, however, gained some advanced positions. All other forts were captured by the Japanese on the first of the two days of fighting. Although repeated attempts were made to storm the gate of the castle the desperate courage displayed by the garrison rendered that futile. In the meantime two Japanese flanking columns, the one from Gen-San, the other from Wang-Hai, had formed a cordon around the Chinese. On the next day early in the morning an attack was made by the Japanese columns with admirable precision. The Chinese Hnes, which were so strong in front, were found to be weak in the rear, and here the attack was a complete success. The main body of the enemy was attacked in front and rear. \ Thrown Into a Panic. The Chinese were completely taken by surprise and were thrown into a panic. Hundreds were cut down and those who escaped death, finding themselves surroun- ded at every point, broke and fled. Some of Viceroy Li-Hung-Chang's European- drilled troops stood their ground and were cut down to a man. ' Half an hour after the attack the Chinese army was flying toward the Yalu River. At last the white flag was raised on the walls and the Chinese general promised to surrender at sunrise next day. General Nodzu, commander-in-chief of the army, consented, on this understanding, to a cessa- tion of hostilities. At evening the Chinese army made a sortie, but were driven back by the Japanese left flank, and at the same time a squadron of the Manchu cavalry, charged the Japanese right flank, but when at 200 yards the magazine rifles suddenly opened on them, they became utterly demor- alized and scattered off the field without killing a single foe. Inside the ramparts in many places it came to a matter of cold steel, and here the Japanese soldiers did terrible work with the bayonet. The weakest point of the Chinese army is the lack of harmony. There is no supreme commander in the Chinese army, for no one 596 COREA AND THE WAR. could willingly take such a responsible posi- tion as commander-in-chief. The Chinese generals, Yeh, Tso, Neih and Wei, were all in equal command of corps and jealous of each other. It is told that General Yeh proposed to evacuate Ping-Yang and retire before the stubborn defense should be taken. Tso, a more conscientious commander, turned on him in a rage : " Retire, never ! Give me your brevet, and then go if you like ! " At this Yeh looked shame-faced. " Oh ! I only said it to test your courage ; we all really know that Tso is a brave man." Fell on the Ramparts. And Tso proved so. Early in the battle he set an example of courage by mounting a rampart very much exposed to fire. He fell in battle. After his death no general had courage enough to stand his ground, and the forces fled. The victorious Japanese then entered the city, which was a heap of ruins. The streets were littered with the dead bodies of Chinese, Coreans, oxen and horses. The only living things remaining were a few dogs and pigs. The palace of the Governor was occupied as the headquarters of the Japanese army. Thus the Japanese brought the Ping- Yang campoign to a brilliant close. In this battle 192 Japanese were killed and 487 wounded, and the Chinese loss is estimated at about 2000 killed and wounded and 700 prisoners. The Chinese soldiers wore the blue uniforms. When Chinamen heard that the terrible Jap was coming, they immediately cut off their hair and took the white clothing of the Coreans. The spoils captured by the Japanese in the battle con- sisted of thirty-four guns of modern artillery, several thousands of rifles, ammunition, innu- merable battle flags and much treasure. China sent five transports conveying sol- diers to re-enforce the Chinese army in Ping- Yang. These transports left Tau September 14th. They were convoyed by the powerful Chinese Navy. At this time the Japanese squadron was searching for the Chinese fleetin the Yellow Sea. On September 14th the Jap- anese squadron steamed toward the mouth of the Yalu River, expecting to sight part of the Chinese fleet, but failed to find a single Chinese war-ship. On September i6th, the Japanese ships moved toward the island of Kaiwo. The squadron consisted of twelve men-of-war, namely, the Yoshino, Takachiho, Akitsushima, Naniwa, Matsushima, Chiyoda, Ikutsushima, Hashidate, Hiyei, Fuso, Akagi and the transport Saikiyo Maru, the latter under the command of Admiral Kabayama, who was making a tour of inspection. Ships in Sight. Soon after passing Kaiyo Island, on the morning of September 17th, the watchers in the turrets signalled " smoke in the dis- tance!" and soon after eleven formidable ships of the enemy were seen on the horizon. The eager cry of " the enemy, the enemy!" went from mouth to mouth. It was now 1 1.30, and orders were given from the flag- ship Matsushima for dinner to be served on all the ships, for men cannot fight with empty stomachs. The enemy was now in plain view and rapidly approaching. The Chinese fleet con- sisted of the Yang- Wei, Chao-Yang, Ching- Yuen, Lai-Yuen, Chen-Yuen, Ting-Yuen, King-Yuen, Chin-Yuen, Kuang-Ti, Tsi- Yuen, Kuang-Ting, Ping-Yuen and six tor- pedo boats. They were almost the whole strength of the Chinese Navy. They steamed out of the mouth of the river in battle forma- tion and at the distance of 4000 metres opened fire. The Japanese, fearing that A JAPANESE ACCOUNT OF THE WAR. 597 their fire would do little execution at such a distance, waited until within 3000 metres of the Chinese ships, and then brought their guns into play. The Japanese ships, possessing higher speed and maneuvring powers, circled about the enemy, coming in closer when engaging the smaller vessels, and increasing the radius when they came within the range of the heavy guns of the Chinese battle ships. The Japanese mariners showed great skill with the long range quick-firing guns. They maintained their line of battle, but the Chi- nese, after a short time, broke their formation. ■ A Target for Shot. The action was extremely hot at times. The Lai-Yuen sank first, stern foremost, and her bows rising, stood for a minute and a half out of water. The Chih-Yuen was the next vessel to go down. She made a des- perate charge against the Japanese. She is said to have been struck 200 times, mostly by machine guns. The Yang- Wei was next disabled. The steering gear of the Haikio- Maru, the Japanese transport, on which boat was Admiral Kabayanca, the head of the Naval Command Bureau, was disabled by the explosion of one of the enemy's shells, and that vessel was obliged to drop out of the line. She was pursued by the Chinese, and was forced to pass between the powerful Ting- Yuen and Chen-Yuen, within a distance of eighty metres. The commanders of these vessels, thinking it was her intention to ram them, steered off, leaving the packet room to escape. The Chinese discharged two fish torpedoes at her, but they were aimed too low and passed beneath her, doing no damage. Shortly after the mishap to the Haikio- Maru, the flagship Matsushima's forward quick-firing gun was struck by a shell and many casualities resulted. The ship was so badly damaged as to necessitate her with- drawing from the line of battle, and Admiral Ito shifted his flag to the Haskidate. An- other Chinese shell exploded in the Hiyei, killing and wounding many persons, includ- ing the surgeons, and setting the ship on fire. She left the line of battle to extinguish the flames and transfer the wounded, after which she returned and again took part in the fight. Captain Sokamoto, of the Akagi, the smallest gunboat, was aloft watching for torpedoes and signalling to the other vessels of the fleet their location, especially that of the Chin- Yuen, when the mast was cutaway by a shot from the enemy and he was killed, upon which a sailor of the Akagi jumped into the sea and rescued the dead body of the Captain. Trying to Escape. While the Japanese were fighting like lions the Chinese fled like sheep. The King- Yuen went down. The Yang-Wai got aground and was rammed and sunk by the Tsi-Yuen, which her cowardly captain was taking out of action. The Tshao-Yung caught fire and was beached. The Kuang- Ping went ashore north of Port Arthur, where here commander was fleeing from the scene of the action and was lost. The Chen- Yuen caught fire and she turned and steamed away. When she passed it was noticed by the Japanese that not a single member of her crew was in sight. At sundown the Chinese fleet was in full retreat. They were pursued by the Japanese ships. Owing to the extreme darkness the Chinese succeeded in getting away and reaching a safe shelter. The Chen-Yuen and the Ting-Yuen, the two largest ships in 698 COREA AND THE WAR. the Chinese navy, were both greatly injured. When the Ting-Yuen arrived at Port.Arthur she was three feet down by the head. The Chen-Yuen had 120 shot holes in her sides. All the Japanese ships fought splendidly throughout. The maneuvring was excel- lent. All signals were exchanged by flag and were promptly answered throughout the battle. None of the Japanese vessels were lost in the engagement and only three were injured. All of them, with the exception of the Matsushima, remained on the station. At daylight the Japanese vessels endeav- ored to find the enemy, but were unable to do so. They then returned to the scene of the previous day's action, where they found the Yang-Wei ashore and deserted, and destroyed her with a fish torpedo and quan- tities of wreckage. Thus ended Japan's glorious victory on the Yalu. Since the battle of the Yalu the Chinese warships which survived have never came out of for- tified harbors. The Japanese army had crossed the Yalu and entered Manchuria. It is now about time (November 25th), that the Japanese troops are in the sight of Moukden, the sacred home of the reigning Chinese dynasty. It is now reported that the Japanese have captured Port Arthur, which is the great naval stronghold of China and is known as the Gibraltar of Asia. The second Japanese army under Marshal Oyama is now moving toward Pekin. According to a despatch from Tokio the third Japanese corps has sailed from Mjina, Hiroshima. It is affirmed that the objective point of the corps is the Yan-tsu-King River, the heart of the Chinese Empire. Now we see Japan attacking China in three different directions. Soon China's humiliation will be completed and the civilizing mission of Japan will be done. When the banner of the rising sun is placed on the walls of Pekin it will signify the beginning of a better era for benighted China and darkened Asia. CHAPTER XXXIX. THE CAPITAL OF CHINA. THE crowning ambition of Japanese patriotism after war was declared against the Celestial Empire was to emulate the prowess of the French and English and march to Pekin. The ancient and gigantic Chinese capita}, there- fore, occupied the attention of the onlooking Tvorld. Its sights have often been depicted by travelers who have had the good fortune to visit it in its normal, workaday state in the piping times of peace, but by none more graphically, more picturesquely than M. Pierre Loti, French naval officer, litterateur. Academician, who is idolized by the feminine readers of France for his poetical romances, replete with the love, color and mystery of the East. Subjoined is a translation of M. Loti's •experiences : En route for Pekin ! CUc ! Clac ! "Ta, ta, ta, ta ! " cries our pigtailed coachman, and our two thin mules start off with a trot. Our vehicle is mounted upon two enormous wheels, and covered with a blue awning to protect us from the dusty north wind. Our mules are imbued with unshakable princi- ples, which preclude them from going over forty lis an hour (about three and one-half miles). The landscape which meets our eyes con- sists of a cloud of dust, come expressly from Mongolia to vex us. It envelopes every- thing. Do not take the trouble to look outside, for you will see nothing. Do not speak, for in opening your mouth you will 599 swallow pounds of dust. Just keep quiet for this is the best thing you can do. However, our little trip will only last three days, and we shall have for distraction the view of our muleteer, a frightful little Chinese jackanapes, dirty from head to foot, and as round as a barrel under his seven or eight goatskin mantles. Toward the even- ing of the second day we perceive in the horizon an old, gray crenellated wall, with bastions situated at intervals of an arrow's flight from each other. The Mysterious Palace. At full ^trot, with a loud jingling of bells, our cortege enters Pekin and wends its way through the small, tortuous streets, reeking with filth, animal and vegetable detritus, dogs dead and alive. Behind us is the huge palace of the Son of Heaven ; one perceives the top of its mysterious walls, within which no European has ever been. It still slum- bers in its inconceivable splendor, and at its feet the Lotus Lake lies tarnished and dead under the January ice. One experiences a sort of indefinable uneasiness at the thought of the immensity of this city, awaking in the bright morning; one feels oppressed, as it were, by this cramped, confused, inextricable dedalus one makes out around one, covering a greater extent than any capital of Europe. The dogs bark furiously at us and make menacing charges at the legs of our animals, whose movements are becoming restless and irregular. These dogs issue from all the 600 COREA AND THE WAR. alleys, and the troop pursues us, showing their sharp fangs, eager to bite. The countenances of a few young Tartar girls, who have just got up, already appear at the doors of the little, low, gray-brick houses. Their broad, full-moon-like faces, befarded with white and vermillion, peep curiously after us, like a lot of kittens' heads ; they have little airs of timidity ; blankness and astonishment at the sight of this Western carnival passing by. Their large casaques and bulging pantaloons stand out in bright, raw colors against the gray walls of the houses ; they poise themselves awkwardly on feet that are too small, in the pretty poses of little firescreen figures. Old Yellow Town. These images defile rapidly on each side of us ; they disappear, and we again en- counter an interminable series of deserted streets. We are in the Yellow, or imperial town,, and all these old, dead districts bear an aristocratic character. Walls, walls with- out end ; walls all crooked with age, all carpeted with moss and ferns. Behind them are immense parks, where a nature artificial and whimsically Chinese has been fashioned at great expense. Occasionally entrances are opened, en- trances with heavy oaken doors worn by time, and enormous pilasters. They have extravagant roofs, these entrances, yellow roofs whose extreme angles are raised sky- ward in capricious crooks, in grimacing forms of dragons and monsters. All are guarded by two marble beasts, half lions, half chimeras, which, with one clawed paw posed on a ball, regard the passer-by with a mysterious air. And over all this the neighboring desert has placed its mark : a layer of gr^y dust, effacing the ancient colors and gilt, the strange medleys painted upon these Yamen by the artists of long ago. In the direction of Sitchemen, the West- ern gate, which will , give us access to the country, we now follow a great, straight artery, entirely bordered by palaces. As we advance, the lines of monumental and im- posing constructions emerge from the whirl- winds of dust, and the semi-obscurity of the luminous mist ; a double row of hoar-frost, covered trees stretches before us in endless perspective ; and on either hand there are always the same great walls, the same grand entrances with their pent-houses bristling with chimeras and monsters, the same marble lions squatting on the ground^ and grinding their teeth at the people who pass. These Yamen are academies, ministries, law- courts, temples, bonzeries, convents of lamas. A Lively Scene. As the hour advances, the boulevard becomes animated ; we meet wagons, bour- geois on donkeys, cavaliers mounted on little Mongolian steeds, with large heads, and the ruse, knavish airs of learned horses. Now the boulevard begins to fill with peo- ple ; it is becoming a perfect tumult. Riders come and go, preceded by Mafoos in livery. They are all of a heap in their long gowns, and look as though squatting on their high saddles. They are attired in garments of silk trimmed with precious furs, and black velvet boots turned up at the tips, with thick immaculately white soles, made of layers of paper. Among them are phisiog- . nomies that, while very Chinese, are stamped with a kind of distinction peculiar to the upper classes. They eye us as we pass with a certain expression of astonishment, with an imper- ceptible shade of irony, though in their de- THE CAPITAL OF CHINA. 601 portment there is nothing but benevolence and courtesy: but the Asiatic expression is always there, even in the kind and dis- tinguished physiognomies of the upper classes. There is an impassable abyss be- tween this antique Asia, which still lives in spite of all, and us, who, born yesterday, have changed eveiything. A cloud of dust : children scampering about and uttering cries as piercing as a steam whistle; dirty looking men beating gongs; people out of breath, carrying lan- terns, in broad daylight, at the end of long staves with red pendants; halberdies; lie- tors dressed in black puffed-out doublets and breeches, and lofty hats bedecked with plumes, shaking, with frantic gesticulation, whips, weighted cat-o '-nine-tails, chains, and instruments of torture ; and then, advancing in the same headlong manner, people carry- ing green dragons, red screens, chimeras and monsters stuck on the end of long poles. The Famous Viceroy. Finally the great personage thus escorted appears on a splendidly caparisoned horse. He is Li-Hung-Chang, the Viceroy of Petchili, who is going in state to visit Kong, the Prince-Regent. He is tall and thin. His bony face, with goatee and long mustache, has a sanctimonious expression. The pea- cock feather of China's great men floats be- hind the rose-colored ball which surmounts his high official coiffure. All this flies past very quickly ; the people afoot run; the riders trot, a jogtrot which makes all their bells jingle, shakes the long, disheveled manes of the horses and makes the men's pigtails dance. The gold badge of the Order of the Pheasant bobs up and down on the breast of the powerful seignior; the cloaks of the mandarins flap in the wind like wings. They have passed. The suite comes along at full speed, like the advance guard; secretaries and scribes on horseback, all in official caps, with comical importance, their rolls of papers' and docu- ments slung over their shoulders. Then the valets, a sinister-looking rabble, dressed in queer rags, running with all their might. And that is all. We can continue our jour- ney. We arrive at a triumphal arch with three arcades, painte^ blood red, and surmoupited by the inevitable roofing turned up with monsters' heads : it is the gate of the Red Town. Here everything changes; one would imagine it to be the entrance to one of those huge cities of by-gone ages. The boulevard continues through this Red Town and loses itself in the distance. Beasts of Burden. We advance slowly and painfully through the maze of wagons and riders, while try- ing not to lose sight of our Mafoo, who is clearing the way for us. Now and then at crossings formed by other large boulevards, which cut ours at right angles, we are forced to stop to allow interminable files of camels to pass, enormous beasts with dusky muz- zles and long rough hair, which amble along on their comically jointed legs like machines out of gear. The fellows leading them are Mongols from the Northern desert. Their large, flat faces have something jovial and hardy about them, which contrasts agreebly with the perpetual Chinese grimace. They are dressed in long blood-colored robes, with waist belts bristling with poignards, and are coiffed with a kind of curtained capelin of fur, surmounted by a red cone, ornamented with a tuft:. We.trot along on a sort of high embank- ment, reserved for horses and vehicles. 602 COREA AND THE WAR. while on each side, on a lower level, is a road reserved for pedestrians. Around us still are rich cavaliers, befurred and be- gowned ; blue carts without number ; ladies of quality in black sedan chairs, shaped like street lamps, and bourgeois of placid mien, mounted on hired donkeys and followed bj» donkey boys, who flog the animals with sticks and shout : " Ta, ta, ta ta !" On the roads below are groups of people, simple folk, standing open-mouthed before a dancing bear, funambulists performing tricks, mountebanks who go through hideous con- tortions. And shops upon shops, always gilded and splendid, wherein are sold Mon- golian furs, gold and silver brocades, price- less stuffs embroidered with fantastic things in dreamy shades, enamels and beautiful pottery, all the relics of an inconceivable past, extravagant in richness and color. A Strange Cavern. Then there are fortune-tellers grouping the people, acupuncturist doctors operating upon dummies laid on trestles. There are also banking-houses swarming with a whole population of sheep-faced employes, fever- ishly manoeuvring the strings of balls on the calculating machines with the tips of their long, sharp, Chinese claws. At last, at last, we come to a large don- jon, perched on a high gray wall, and a black gulf. It is a Sitchemen, the direct Western gate. Let us penetrate slowly and prudently into this cavern, so as not to^ break our horses' legs between the old, dis- jointed flagstones, dating from the time of Khali-bai-Khan, grandson of Gengiz-Khan and founder of the Youen dynasty. Let us traverse this hideous tunnel, then an inner court, then a second tunnel cut under a second donjon, whose four* white walls rise above us, pierced with black 'em- brasures, like the portholes of a ship. Let us hasten through a cloud of human lice, beggars sinister and terrible ; let us escape their somewhat alarming attentions and issue at length from this Dantesque cave. More camels, more tumbledown houses of an old sordid faubourg, and a great plain opens before us. We are in the open country. Concerning the Emperor. From another account by one well in- formed concerning court customs in China we learn that the Chinese idea of the Em- peror is that he is second only to Almighty God, and is the connecting link between or- dinary humanity and the Almighty. He is held to be the legal monarch of the whole earth, of which China is merely the " Middle Kingdom," all other nations being therefore his tributaries and subjects. The practical outcome of this dual theory of the sacred- ness and universality of the Emperor's sov- ereign claim has been to exact from foreign- ers admitted to audience certain conditions which other States have with good reason never been willing to concede. These requirements had reference, first, to the character of the obeisance made by the foreigner admitted to the interview, and, second, to the building in which the audience took place. As regards tha former, the for- eigner was formerly expected to perform the kotow — in other words, to kneel thrice and knock his forehead nine times on the ground. As regards the site of audience, the humble- ness of the stranger received by the Son of Heaven was emphasized by receiving him not in the Imperial palace, but in a building of an inferior kind, involving the idea of po- litical independence. Upon these extravagant pretentions and their negation by other States, the whole audience question in China has turned. THE CAPITAL OF CHINA. 603 As already stated the first English ambas- sador to have audience of a Chinese Em- peror was Lord Macartney, in 1793. Lord Macartney offered to kotow to the Emperor if a Chinese nobleman did as much before a picture of George III, which he had brought for the purpose. The offer was re- fused. Lord Macartney knelt on one knee when presenting his credentials in the inter- view that was eventually granted, but the Chinese always declared afterward that he had kotowed. They further illustrated their Emperor's claims by exhibiting before His Lordship, who was innocent of any knowl- edge of Chinese, a flag with the inscription : — "Ambassador bearing tribute from the country of England." Receiving the Envoys. When the war between England and China came to an end, in 1 860, article 3 of the treaty concluded by the conquerors stip- ulating that Britain's representative "shall not be called upon to perform any ceremony derogatory to him as representing the sover- eign of an independent nation on a footing of equality with China." For some years — during the exile of Hsien-Feng , and the mi- nority of Tung-Chih — it was not possible to act upon the right of audience implied in this clause of the treaty. As soon, however, as Tung-Chih assumed the reins of government, in 1873, the foreign Ministers at Pekin collectively requested permission to present their congratulations to him in person. The request could not be denied, but, just as the Chinese had in Lord Macartney's case saved their armor proper by means of a flag, so now they achieved the same result by receiving the envoys in the Tsu-Kuang-Ko, a building on the outskirts of the palace enclosure, which, being inferior to the palace proper, carried with it, to the Chinese mind, the tributary idea, and was therefore the less objectionable. Tung-Chih died in 1875, and was suc- ceeded by the present Emperor, then a minor. The audience question accordingly slumbered again for a time, but when the new ruler assumed the control of the gov- ernment it came to the front once more. Kuangsu, however, did not wait for any representations • to be made to him on the subject, but on December 12, 1890, he is- sued the following proclamation, the first in- timation that the outside world received of the progressive spirit actuating the present Emperor: "I have now been in charge of the gov- ernment for two years. The Ministers of foreign Powers ought to be received by me at audience ; and I hereby decree that the audience to be held be in accordance with that of the twelfth year of Tung-Chih (i 873). It is also hereby decreed that a day be fixed every year for an audience in order to show my desire to treat with honor all the Minis- ^ ters of the foreign Powers resident in Pekin." The Dragon Pillar. This voluntary action on the Emperor's part marked a distinct step in advance, but it will be seen that he adhered to the prece- dent set by Tung-Chih of holding the reception in the Tzu-Kuang-Ko. A good deal of dissatisfaction was expressed on this point, but the audience, nevertheless, took place on March 5, 1891. The Emperor sat on a dais behind a table covered with yellow silk. Each of the six Ministers received, bowed at stated intervals, as he walked up the hall, and then pausing at what was called the Dragon Pillar, read his letter of credence, which was translated by the inter- preter and finally handed to the President of the Tsungli Yamen, or Foreign Council, by 604 COREA AND THE WAR. whom it was placed on the yellow table. The President then received on his knees the Emperor's reply, which was written in Manchu, and which, after descending from the dais, he communicated in Chinese to the Minister by means of an interpreter. The members of the Diplomatic Corps, however, were, not satisfied with the arrange- ments, and a request was made to the Tsungli Yamen in the Imperial Palace itself A compromise was eventually arrived at by which it was arranged that future audiences should be granted in the Chang-Kuang-Tien, an ancient building on the eastern side of the marble bridge, which spans the lake in the Palace grounds. The Palace Closed. This structure is not part of the Palace proper, but the use involves no reflection upon the status of persons received, and in it the representatives of Austro-Hungary, Great Britain and Germany have been ac- corded an audience. France and Russia, however, ^till maintain a determined attitude on the question and refuse to permit their Ambassadors to be received anywhere but in the Palace itself. It is thus that the matter stands at present. Audience is granted by the Emperor without any ques- tion of the " Wowtow," but the diplomats have not yet been accorded the privilege of approaching the throne in one of the great audience halls in the body of the Palace. The Palace grounds in Pekin occupy the entire space within the third and innermost walled enclosure of the city, called Tze- Kin- Cheng, or the Purple'Forbidden City. This enclosure is nearly a square in shape, with its sides facing the four points of the com- pass. Two walls running from north to south divide the space into three portions ; the one in the middle contains tl^e principal edifices. The main entrance to this part of the grounds is the " Wu Mun," or Meridian Gate. On passing through this gate one enters a large court, with porticos and corridors on the right side and on the left, and an arti- ficial stream, spanned by five ornamental bridges of sculptured marble, running from east to west across the middle of it. The gateway in front leads to another court, at the head of which stands ^a magnificent structure, called Tai-ho-tien, or the Palace of Supreme Peace, which is the principal hall of audience. It rests on a terrace twenty-three and a half feet high, and rises to the height of 130 feet. Five flights of nine steps each lead from the pavement be- low to the principal audience hall above. On His Throne. The landing that crowns the first flight of steps is, in fact, a raised platform, paved with purple tiles. There the high dignitaries of the Empire assemble on all State occa- sions and perform the required ceremonies before the Emperor, who is seated on a throne above. The remaining four flights of steps are divided into five approaches, each by balustrades of white marble. In the centre of the audience hall is placed a throne,*" upon which the Emperor mounts New Year's Day, winter solstice, or his birthday, to receive the congratulations of the assembled officials. Some time ago portions of the Palace grounds were accessible to the foreigner, but for several years a policy of the strictest ex- clusion has prevailed. Everything is closed and nothing can be seen from the outside but the yellow roofs of the great halls and the pavilions crowning the higher elevations. To the innermost Palace no man is admitted. It is here that the Emperor resides, with his THE CAPITAL OF CHINA. 605 harem surrounded by an army of from eight to ten thousand eunuchs. There seems little ground for surprise at the Imperial attitude toward the envoys of foreign States when the isolation of the Em- peror from his own subjects is borne in mind. When he visits any of the temples or a neighboring palace no one is allowed to be abroad in the streets. All stalls and booths are removed, and the houses are bar- ricaded with mats. It is only in the coun- try, where such precautions are physically impossible, that glimpses of the Emperor may be had as he passes swiftly along in his magnificent sedan. The Royal Emblem. So vast, indeed, has been the gulf of sepa- ration between the sovereign and his people that many articles have been exclusively associated with the former, and therefore for- bidden to the latter, as, for instance, the color yellow, which is exclusively the Impe- rial emblem. The kotow, or form of worship, is ren- dered not merely to the person of the sover- eign in Pekin, but to every form in which he delegates his authority to others. It is well known that the Imperial edict is always received with the nine prostrations and the burning of incense. But it is not so gener- ally understood that an official of even superior rank has to perform the kotow on meeting another official who has recently quitted the Imperial presence. Similar obei- sances are paid during the week containing his birthday to the Emperor in the Imperial temple to be found in every provincial capital. The fact that the Emperor's proper name is never mentioned, and that to pronounce it is a criminal offence, shows how exclusive the dynastic policy of the Chinese has always been. On ascending the throne the ruler takes what is called a"kwoh hao," and by that name he becomes known to his people and to history. An extraordinary sensation was occasioned some time ago when, during his annual pil- grimage to the Eastern tombs of his ances- tors the Emperor not only permitted himself to be seen by the people, but actually stopped and spoke to some abnormally audacious persons who ventured forward to present a petition. Naturally there are Mandarins who look upon such departure from the estab- lished order of things with horror. But the young Emperor seemed to be bent according to his lights on ruling in a more liberal spirit than his predecessors, and his former determination to take a direct personal share in the conduct of the war was an indication of his purpose to govern his huge Empire in a fashion more comfortable to modern ideas. Threatened Uprising. De.spatches from the East in November indicated the probability of an early move- ment in China against the reigning dynasty. The provinces were described as being in an excited and troubled condition, while the dissatisfaction among the official classes had become acute. For the first time since the Taeping rebel- lion, "expulsion of the Manchus " was openly talked of in the tea shops and other resorts of the capital. In ordinary times the average Chinaman would not dare to breathe such things to his nearest friends, but now the topic had become so hackneyed that people everywhere discussed the prospects of upsetting the existing order and driving the Emperor and his court to their original home at Moukden. The account continues : " A prophecy, moreover, with regard to the speedy down- fall of the dynasty, was being secretly circu- 606 COREA AND THE WAR. lated throughout the country, and formed part of a general scheme for preparing the people for a change of rulers. The mis- fortunes which have befallen China since the war broke out, have helped forward the plans of these conspirators by increasing the general discontent, and the prospects of a dynastic change are accordingly still more obvious than they were in May. In these circumstances it is of interest to recall in brief the history of the house which at present rules the teeming millions of the Celestial Empire. A Mixed Race. "The present occupant of the Chinese throne comes of a race different from those over whom he rules, though allied to it. For two centuries and a half the Manchu dynasty of Tsing has swayed the rod of Empire in China. This long period has not yet brought about the amalgamation of the con- querors and the conquered into one homo- geneous people. To-day China presents a spectacle somewhat similar to that which England presented in the twelfth century, when the inhabitants of the island had not yet learned to regard themselves as English- men, but as either Normans or Saxons. "A dual administration of public affairs is the outcome of this anomalous state of things. Thus, all the departments of the Chinese government have at least two heads, one Manchu and one Chinese. The Manchus naturally get the lion's share of the impor- tant offices." The reigning House traces its origin to the Kin Tartars, who wrested the northern part of China in the eleventh century from the House of Sung, but had to flee in the begin- ning of the next century from the victorious advance of Genghis Khan, and take refuge in the wilds of the Amur. The founder of the Imperial family, Aisin Ghioro, is said to have been the chief of a nomadic tribe at Otole, a place situated in a wild region about ninety miles southwest of Ninguta. But little is known about his descendants for several generations, until they migrated southward and established themselves at Hingking, about eighty miles to the east of Moukden. There the ancestors of the pres- ent Chinese rulers dwelt for four generations and waxed strong and great. It was toward the latter part of the six- teenth century that they, under the leader- ship of Tien-ming, started on their career of conquest. . This warrior became the head of the tribe when he was only twenty-five years old. He was a born leader, able, daring and fertile in expedients. His land was hemmed in on all sides by hostile tribes, but he succeeded in the course of a few years in reducing them all to subjection, and in extending his terri- tory from the Amur on the north to the Yellow Sea on the south, and from the desert of Mongolia on the west to the Pacific Ocean on the east. Picked a Quarrel. At that time a weak scion of the House of Ming was on the throne of China. The Liao River divided the territories of the Chinese Emperor and the Manchu chieftain. The ambitious Tien-ming found no difficulty in picking a quarrel with his neighbor, and accordingly made repeated incursions into Chinese territory. Shinyang and Liaoyang fell into his hands, after a stubborn defence. Then he removed his capital from Hingking to Shinyang, and changed its name to Mouk- den. Distracted by internal dissensions the- House of Ming was not in a position to offer an effective resistance to the invasions of the Manchus. Inch by inch the Chinese forces THE CAPITAL OF CHINA. 607 were driven back toward the Great Wall. That barrier only served to check the advaijce of the Manchus for a time. At the eastern terminus of the Great Wall is an important pass, called Shan-hai-kwan. As long as the Chinese held that pass the Manchus found it impossible to retain an inch of territory within the Great Wall. But a favorable opportunity presented itself to the Manchus in an unexpected manner. Revolts against the central government in different parts of China at that time assumed such proportions as to defy the authorities to put them down. The insurgents made a bold advance upon Pekin, and succeeded in cap- turing the city. Suicide in the Palace. The last Ming Emperor committed suicide. The Chinese general who commanded the Imperial forces at Shan-hai-kwan refused to submit to the rebel leader, and in an evil hour invited the Manchus to enter China and put down the insurrection. The invitation was, of course, gladly accepted. The insur- rection was speedily crushed, and then, hav- ing made themselves masters of the country, the Manchus refused to retire. Thus for a second time China passed under a foreign yoke. The alien rulers of China increased the extent of the Empire by adding their own possessions to the eighteen provinces of China. No sooner had the process of sub- jugation been completed than the tide of conquest began to turn. The conquered in war soon proved their superiority in the arts of peace. Instead of the Chinese becoming Manchus, the Manchus gradually assimilated with the Chinese. A recent event of importance was the agreement between China and our Govern- ment by which intercourse between the two nations was regulated. Ratifications of the new immigration convention between the United States and China were exchanged at the State Department December 7th, 1894,, by Secretary Gresham and Minister Yang Yu. The convention will remain in force ten years, and, unless six months before that / time notice of its final termination shall be given by either party, it continues for a simi- lar period. Article i stipulates that except under con- ditions subsequently specified the immigra- tion of Chinese laborers to the United States shall be absolutely prohibited. Article 2 excepts from the provisions of the preceding article the return to the United States of every registered Chinese laborer who has a lawful wife, child or parent in the United States, or property to the value of a thousand dollars, or debts of like amount pending settlement. Chinese Laborers. Article 3 accepts the right at present en- joyed of Chinese subjects being officials, teachers, students, merchants or travellers for curiosity or pleasure, but not laborers, of coming to or residing in the United States. This class, however, is admitted only upon a certificate approved by the diplomatic or con- sular representative of this country at the port whence such Chinese depart. The privilege of transit of Chinese laborers across the United States in journeying to or from other countries is continued. By Article 4 it is agreed that Chinese of the laboring or any other class, either per- manently or temporarily in the United States shall have all the protection to their persons and property that is given to citizens of the most favored nations, except the right to be- come naturalized citizens. Article 5 recog- nizes the right of China to enact and enforce 608 COREA AND THE WAR. similar laws and regulations to our Chinese registration act, providing for the registra- tion of all American skilled and unskilled laborers residing in China, and binds this government to report to the government of China the full name, agfe, occupation and place of residence of all citizens of the United States, including missionaries, within and without the treaty ports of China. The Coming Nation. We may appropriately close this chapter by an extract from a leading American jour- nal respecting the rapid progress and increas- ing influence of the Land of the Rising Sun : The recent progress of Japan is the marvel of the world. History records nothing like the advance she has made within the last quarter of a century. Coming up from paganism and semi-barbarism, she now boasts police and educational systems equal to those of the United States. She has es- tablished a national system of customs, post- offices, telegraphs, telephones and railways. She has a national mint and a decimal cur- rency. Her recent victories arise from the fact that she has her own arsenals and ship- yards, with a well-disciplined, finely-officered army and a steel-clad navy with all the modern appliances of warfare. A Sabbath of one day's rest in seven has been ordained, and is kept as a general holi- day. Every dweller of Japan is free«to wor- ship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. With the birth of religious liberty began the era of Japanese progress. No other so-called pagan land gives so warm a welcome to missionaries of the Christian faith. Its people have been quick to recog- nize the fact that wherever the faith pre- vails, there the elevating and refining arts of life have their highest development. In reckoning the agencies which have brought about this peaceful yet radical revolution in Japan the work of the Christian missions must be given a very high place. These Yankees of the Orient have been eager to assimilate all Western culture and to exchange for it the traditions, prejudices and superstitions of an effete past. They have sent many of their brightest young men and women to study in European and American halls of learning; they have sum- moned to Japan as teachers in all arts, sciences and professions representatives of the best occidental talent and learning. This hospitality to new ideas has brought about the entire transformation of a whole people. Modern Ideas. It is to be regretted that Japan signalizes her new birth of freedom, education ahd all progressive arts by making war upon a neighboring nation. But war is a wicked- ness which even the most advanced Christian nations have not yet outgrown. It seems to be ordained that in this way Japan should teach to her benighted neighbor the value of modern ideas ; the utter worthlessness of a civilization which draws its whole sustenance from the past, and obstinately hugging old traditions, shuts its eyes to the fact that the world moves, and that the nation which does not move with it must eventually be crushed under the wheels of its car of progress and hasten to its own downfall.