LIBRARY ANNEX -I- /5J :r* i»«', :» ^' ■ >j >» /^ i»^ ^ .»■>.'■ -».\»3>» ..^ J *e> ^J>J> ^.3i^>'^ •■■■ 5?^ 3>S> ->5>> 3 0-^>E>'" CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM Mrs . wtn . P. E. Garley JX 2361897™"""™""''-"'™'* Treaties and conventions between the Uni 3 1924 007 477 049 Date Due , A^Ti! 4 ISfti'f Tl ^s=^ ^-'Fhrgf - iJ^ Cornell University Library The original of tiiis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND OTHER POWERS. SUPPLEMENT TO THE EDITION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 1776-1887. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1897. /\']S^f:b(p TABLE OF OOK"TE]:^TS. Argentike Republic: July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. AUSTKIA-HUNGART : July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Belgium : Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of, July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariflfa. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. Bolivia : July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Bbazil : Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property, Chile : July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Aug. 7,1892. Claims. China : Mar. 17, 1894. Emigration. Colombia : May 7, 1888. Extradition. Congo : July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publicatipn of customs tariffs. Jan. 24, 1891. Amity, commerce, and navigation. Jan. 11, 1892. African slave trade, suppression of (Senaite ratification). Costa Eica: July 5, 1890. Publication of customs ^tariffs. Dbnmabe : Dec. 6, 1888. Carlos Butterfield & Co. ; arbitration of claim. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. June 15, 1892. Trade-marks. Ecuador: Feb. 28, 1893. Julio E.Santos; arbitration of claim. France : July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. German Empire: June 14, 1889. Neutrality and autonomous government of Samoan Islands. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. Ill IV CONTENTS. Great Britain: June 14, 1889. Neutrality and autonomous government of Samoan Islands. July 12, 1889. Extradition. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. June 13, 1891. Delagoa Bay. June 15, 1891. Fur-seal fisheries. E"eb. 29, 1892. Behring Sea treaties. June 3, 1892. Deserters.from merchant vessels. JWy 22, 1892. Alaskan boundary and Passamaquoddy Bay. Feb. 3,1894. Boundary. Feb. 8, 1896. Claims convention. GrREEGE : Jan. 30,1890. U . , , , , ,, . ^. V h 10 18<)0 fJoint stock companies and other associations. July 5, 1896. Publication of customs tariffs. GCATEMALA : July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. Haiti: July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Italy : Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5,1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. Japan : Nov. 22, 1894. Commsice and navigation and protocol. Mexico : Feb. 18, 1889. Survey and Relocation of the existing boundary line. Mar. 1,1889. Boundary. June 25, 1890. Reciprocal right to pursue savage Indians across boundary line. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Nov. 25, 1892. Beciprocal right to pursue savage Indians across boundary line ; renewal. Aug. 24, 1894. Boundary. Oct. 1, 1895. Water boundary. June 4, 1896. Reciprocal right to pursue savage Indians across boundary line. Nov. 6,1896. Water boundary. Netherlands : Feb. 10 and 16, 1883. Registration of trade-marks. June 2, 1887. Extradition. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. Nicaragua : July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Norway : Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. June 7, 1893. Extradition. CONTENTS. Ottoman Empire: Jnly 2, 1890. Slave trade, SuppreBsion of. Pakaguay : July 9, 1890. Publication of cuetomg tariffs. Persia : July 2, 1890. Slave trade, Buppression of. Peru: July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Portugal: Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of oMcial documents. Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of ofScial documents. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publicatiou of customs tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. June 13, 1891. Delagoa Bay. Eoumania : July 5, 1890. Publication of customB tariffs. Russia : Mar. if, 1887. Extradition. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. Jnly 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Apr. 22, 1894. U„^.8eal fisheries. May 4,1894. J San Salvador: July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Servia : Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. Siam: July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Spain: Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. July 2, 1890. Slave trade, suppression of. July 5, 1890. Publication of custopas tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. Jan. 10, 1895. Modus vlveHdl— most-favored-nation clause. Sweden : Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. Jan. 14,1893. Extradition. Sweden and Norway: July 2, 1890. Slave' trade, suppression of. Switzerland : Apr. 27, 1883. juegistration of trade-marks. May 14, 1883. J * Mar. 15, 1886. Exchange of official documents. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial property. Tunis : Apr. 15, 1891. Protection of industrial JitOperty. VI CONTENTS. Tukkey: Jnly 5, 1890. Publication of cuBtoms tariffs. Uruguay : July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. VBNBZUBI.A : May 1,1852. Claims, "Economy," "Ben Allen," etc. Dec. 5, 1885. Claims against, under treaty of 1866. July 5, 1890. Publication of customs tariffs. Jan. 19, 1892. Venezuela gteam Transportation Company ; arbitration of claim. Zanzibar : July 2, 1890. Slave trade, »npprea8ion of. VENEZUELA— CLAIMS: "ECONOMY," "BEN ALLEN," ETC. CONVKNTION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND VENEZUELA Signed at Caracas May i, 1852. CONVENTION UPON THE CLAIMS RELATIVE TO THE SCHOONER "economy" THE SCHOONER "BEN ALLEN" AND CARGO AND THE VESSELS "SAN jost," "la carlotta" and "la JJERTRUDIS" AND THEIR CARGOES. The undersigned Isaac Nevett Steele, Charg6 d' Affaires of the United States of America and Joaquin Herrera, Secretary of State of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Venezuela, being duly authorized to form an equitable agreement for the payment of the twenty eight and a half per cent which corresponds to Venezuela in the indemnification claimed by those interested in the American Schooner" "Economy" confiscated in Maracaibo in the year 1827, the American Schooner "Ben Allen" and her cargo also confiscated in Panama in the year 1827, and in the Vessels "San Jos6" "La Carlotta" and "La Gertrudis" and their car- goes, prizes of the privateer "La Con- stancia" and her tender "La Joven Constancia", recaptured and sold by Commodore Joly of the Navy of Colombia in the years 181 8 and 1 81 9, have agreed upon the follow- ing articles. CONVENCION sobre los reclamos relativos a la goleta "economy", la GOLETA "BEN ALLEN" Y SU CARGAMENTO Y LOS BUQUES " SAN JOSfe", "LA carlotta" y "la gertrudis" Y BUS CARGAMENTOS. Los infrascritos Joaquin Herrera, Secretario de Estado del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores de Vene- zuela, 6 Isaac Nevett Steele, Encar- gado de Negocios de los Estados Unidos de America, estando debid- amente autorizados para celebrar un arreglo equitativo para el pago del veinte y ocho y medio por ciento que corresponde a Venezuela en la indemnizacion que reclaman los in- teresados en la Goleta Norte Amer- icana "Economy", confiscada en Maracaibo en el afio de 1827, la Goleta Norte Americana " Ben Allen y su cargamento tambien confiscados en Panama en el afio de 1827, y los buques "San Jose", "La Carlotta" y " La Gertrudis " y sus cargamentos, presas del corsario "la Constancia" y su mosca "la joven Constancia", recapturadas y vendidas por el Com- andante Joly de la Marinade Colom- bia en los anos de 181 8 y 1819, han convenido en los Articulog sigui- entes. Article i. The Government of Venezuela obligates itself to pay to the Chargd d' Affaires of the United States with the previous approbation of the pres- ent convention by the Congress of Venezuela ; the sum of ninety thou- sand dollars macuquinos (^90,000) with the interest stipulated in the second article, which shall be dis- tributed among the above mentioned claimants in the following manner : namely, to those interested in the Schooner "Economy" five thousand dollars (^5,000), to those interested in the Schooner "Ben Allen" and cargo twelve thousand dollars (^12,- 000) and to those interested in the said prizes of the "Constancia" and her tender Seventy three thousand dollars (g 7 3, 000.) Article 2. Said sum of ninety thousand dollars (^^90,000) shall be paid at the Treasury in six annual instal- ments of fifteen thousand dollars (J 1 5, 000) each. The first instal- ment shall be paid on the thirty first day of December of the present year 1852, and of the remaining five instalments one shall be paid on the thirty first day of December in each of the years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856 and 1857; and at the time of the payment of each instalment there shall also be paid the interest upon said instalment, which shall be com- puted at the rate of three per Centum per annum from the date of this Convention up to the said time of payment. Article 3. By the fulfilment of the stipula- tions in the preceding articles all ARTfCULO I. El Gobierno de Venezuela se obliga a pagar a la orden del Seftor Encar- gado de Negocios de los Estados Unidos, previa la aprobacion del presente convenio por el Congreso Venezolano, la cantidad de Noventa mil pesos macuquinos (;g9o,ooo.) con los intereses«stipulados en el segundo articulo, que se distribuira entre los reclamantes susodichos del modo si- guiente, a saber, a los interesados en la Goleta "Economy" cinco mil pesos (;^5,ooo), a los interesados en la Goleta "Ben Allen " y su cargamento doce Mil pesos (^12,000) y a los in- teresados en las dichas presas de la "Constancia" y su mosca Sententa y tres Mil Pesos (173,000.) . Articulo 2. Dicha suma de Noventa Mil pesos (^90,000) se pagara por Teso- reria en seis exhibos anuales de quince Mil pesos (^15,000.) cada uno. El primer exhibo se pagara el 31 Diciembre del ano actual de 1852, y de los cinco exhibos restan- tes, uno se pagara el treinta y uno de Diciembre en cada uno de los afios de 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856 y 1857, y al tiempo del pago de cada exhibo se pagara tambien el interes sobre dicho exhibo, que se computara a razon de tres por ciento al ano desde la fecha de este convenio hasta dicho tiempo del pago. ARTfCULO 3. Con el cumplimiento de lo esti- pulado en los articulos precedentes, damages, prejudices, losses and in- terests, which the persons interested in the Schooner "Economy" the Schooner "Ben Allen" and her cargo, and the said prizes of "the Constancia" and her tender and their cargoes, have claimed or may pretend to claim hereafter of Ven- ezuela, shall remain completely and absolutely indemnified. In testimony whereof the under- signed have signed in duplicate, in Caracas on the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two. I. Nkvett Steele. JoAQN. Herrera. quedaran completa y absolutamente indemnizados todos los danos i perjuicios, p^rdidas y intereses que han reclamado 6 pretendan reclamar en lo sucesivo a Venezuela las per- sonas interesadas en laGoleta "Econ- omy", la Goleta "Ben Allen" y su cargamento y las dichas presas de la Constancia y su mosca y sus carga- mentos. En (6 de lo cual los infraescritos han firmado dos de un tenor en Caracas a primero de Mayo de Mil ochocientos cincuenta y dos. JOAQN. Herrera. I. Nevett Steele. NETHERLANDS— REGISTRATION OP TRADE-MARKS. EXCHA^NQE OF NOTES THE NETHERLANDS LEGATION AND THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Dated February lo, 1883, ''■^^ February 16, 1883. [Translation.] Legation of the Netherlands, Washington, February 10, 1883. Mr. Secretary oe State: I have the honor herewith to transmit to Your Excellency a copy of the ofScial edition of the Dutch Law relative to trade-marks, bearing date of May 25, 1880.* The provisions of this law make no distinction between natives of the Netherlands and foreigners, so that citizens of the United States of America receive the same usage in the Netherlands as my countrymen, as regards everything connected with the registration and protection of their trade- marks. It consequently seems that, so far as the Netherlands are concerned, the conditions of reciprocity are fulfilled which are established for the registra- tion and protection of foreign trade-marks in the United States of America by the act of Congress approved March 3, 1881, ("Public" No. 72) which allows the registration of trade-marks whose owners reside in foreign coun- tries the laws of which grant the same privilege to citizens of the United States of America. I have, therefore been instructed by my government to beg Your Excel- lency to be pleased, if there are no objections, to cause the adoption of the measures necessary in order that subjects of the Netherlands may hereafter avail themselves, in the United States of America, of the Act of Congress to which I have just referred. Be pleased to accept, Mr. Secretary of State, a renewed assurance of my highest consideration. G. DE WECKHERLIN. To His Excellency F. T. Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State, Washington. *Its text will be found with the minister's note bound in Netherlands Notes, January i, 1880, to May DEPiiRTMENT OF StATE, Washington, Feb. i6, 1883. Mr. G. DE Weckherlin, Etc., etc., etc. Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the loth instant, by which you communicate to me the text of the Netherlands law of the 2Sth of May, 1880, concerning Marks of Trade and Commerce. I have taken due note of your statement that this law makes no dis- tinction between Netherlanders and foreigners, so that the citizens of the United States are treated in the Low Countries on the same footing as the natives thereof in all that concerns the registration and protection of their commercial and trade marks. As the enacting clause of the Act of Congress of March 3, 1881 "to authorize the registration of trade marks and protect the same", provides in terms as follows: "That owners of trade-marks used in commerce with foreign nations, or with the Indian tribes, pro- vided such owners shall be domiciled in the United States, or located in any foreign country or tribes which by treaty, convention or law, afford simi- lar privileges to citizens of the United States, may obtain registration of such trade-marks by complying with ' ' the requirement of that act, and as your declaration establishes the fact that the Netherlands law gives similar privileges to citizens of the United States located in the Low Countries, the fact of entire reciprocity of usage between the two countries in this respect may now be regarded as established and evidenced by the present exchange of diplomatic notes, and as henceforth operative without further formalities between them. As soon as a translation of the law you communicate to me can be pre- pared, a copy thereof, with copies of the present correspondence, will be communicated to the Secretary of the Interior, for the governance of the Commissioner of Patents in all that may pertain to the lawful registration of trade-marks by Netherlanders. Accept, Sir, a renewed assurance of my highest consideration. FREDK. T. FRELINGHUYSEN. SWITZERLAND— REGISTRATION OP TRADE-MARKS. EXCHANGE OF NOTES THE SWISS LEGATION AND THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Dated April 2^ , 1883, and May 14, 1883. Swiss Legation, Washington, April 27, 1883. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Washington. Mr. Secretary OF State: The undersigned, Minister of the Swiss Con- federation, has this day had the honor to receive your note of the 24th instant, whereby you had the kindness to acquaint him with your views concerning an exchange of declarations between the United States and the Swiss Confederation, relative to the mutual protection of trade marks. The undersigned sees by the aforesaid note that you would prefer to make such an arrangement between the United States and Switzerland in the form of an exchange of notes, inasmuch as that form appears to you to be the most simple, and the best calculated to avoid the diflficulties connected with the ratification of a declaration or a convention. The undersigned has the honor to reply that, for his part, he attaches no special importance to the form of the arrangement, and that he thinks he may say that his Government likewise favors the method proposed by you. In fact, the undersigned, by a communication of the 6th of March last, laid before the Federal Council the text of your note of the sth of that month, and, at the same time, he proposed to try an exchange of declarations, which, as regards the form, wpuld coincide with your views. The Federal Council having consented thereto by its communication of March 30th, and having instructed the undersigned, with full powers, to make such an arrangement, the undersigned thinks that he represents the intentions of his Government by giving his adhesion; to an exchange of notes. As regards the question whether the principle of reciprocity is embodied in the Federal law of December 19, 1879, the undersigned has the honor to invite your attention to the text of Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Federal Law of December 19, 1879, and also to the contents of the message of the Federal Council relative thereto. In the aforesaid paragraph of the law of December 19, 1879, ^^ is expressly provided that producers and merchants, whose business is carried on in a state which accords the right of reciprocity to Swiss citizens, may have their marks registered in the same manner as Swiss citizens. But one condition is added, viz., that foreigners shall be obliged to prove that these marks are already protected in the State to which they belong,, the sole object of which reservation is to prevent foreigners from depositing, with fraudulent intent, under the protection of reciprocity, marks for which they cannot claim protection in their own country. The Federal Council, moreover, in its message of October 13, 1879, whereby it transmitted to the Federal Chambers a bill for the protection of trade-marks, made the following declaration touching trade-marks: "As regards foreign trade-marks we are of opinion that Switzerland should stand upon the ground of reciprocity, and that this is the only position that should be taken by us in the interest of our industry." In view of this declaration, the Federal Chambers, in accepting, without material modification, the aforesaid paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the law in question, were without doubt actuated by a desire to embody the principle of full reciprocity in the law. The undersigned takes the liberty, in conclusion, to ask your attention to the fact that the confederation has, since the promulgation of the afore- said law, concluded a convention with various States for the protection of trade-marks upon the basis of reciprocity ; for instance, with Great Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands ; and that the Confederation, previously to the promulgation of that law, guaranteed, in its commercial treaties with France, Germany and Italy, protection in Switzerland for their trade-marks to the citizens or subjects of those States. The undersigned thinks that he has, by the foregoing, furnished proof that the Confederation recognizes the principles of reciprocity, as regards the international protection of trade marks, as an integral part of its public law, and that the United States may, with the most perfect confidence, enter into such an arrangement with the Confederation. The undersigned gladly awaits a kind reply from you, and he avails him- self of this occasion to renew to you, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurance of his very distinguished consideration. E. FREY. Department of State, Washington, May 14, 188 j. Colonel Frey, £tc., etc., etc. Colonel : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 27th instant, concerning the reciprocal privilege of trade marks regis- tration in the United States and Switzerland. It gives me much pleasure to accept your declaration as evidence that the law of Switzerland affords such a guarantee of reciprocity in the matter as will make the application of the privileges of the Act of Congress of March 3, 1881, to owners of trade marks in Switzerland proper and certain. This exchange of notes accomplishes the end in view, of securing com- plete reciprocity under the legislation of the respective countries, and I have therefore communicated your note to the Secretary of the Interior, with this reply, and requested him to make the necessary regulation for admitting Swiss trade-marks to all the privileges of registration, which under that act pertain to the trade-marks of American origin. Now that the immediate object of our late correspondence on the subject is attained, permit me to suggest that, with a view to rendering the engage- ments of this Government with foreign nations as uniform as possible, the Government would be pleased to conclude and sign with you, a formal trade mark convention, similar to that lately concluded with Spain, to which I have before referred and of which I enclose a printed copy herewith.* Our present diplomatic accord will, of course, hold good, until such formal con- vention can be made effective by ratification and exchange. Accept, Colonel, etc., JOHN DAVIS, Acting Secretary. * Convention of June 19, 1882, with Spain. VENEZUELA-CLA IMS AGAINST, UNDER T REATY OF 1866. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND T^HE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA FOR A RE-OPENING OF THE CLAIMS OF CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES AGAINST VENEZUELA UNDER THE TREATY OF APRIL 25, 1866.* Concluded at Washington, December 5, 1885. Ratification, with amendments, oAvised by the Senate, April 15, 1886. Ratified by the President of the United States of America, August 7, 1888. Ratified by the President of the United States of Venezuela, August 2, 1888. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, June 3, 1889. Proclaimed June 4, 1889. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Venezuela for a re-opening of the claims of citi- zens of the United States of America against the Government of Venezuela under the Treaty of April 25, 1866, was concluded and signed by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the aforesaid High Contracting Parties at the City of Washington, on the fifth day of Deceniber, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-five, the original of which Convention, as amended by the Senate of the United States of America and being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Convention for a re-openinq of the Tratado para la revision de las CLAIMS OF citizens OF THE UNITED BECaLAMACIONES DE CIUDADANOS DE States against Venezuela under los Estados Unidos contra Vene- THE TREATY OF APRIL 25, 1866. ZUELA POR BL TRATADO DE ABRIL 25 DE 1866. The President of the United Habiendo aprobado el Presi- States of America having on the dente de los Estados Unidos de 3d. day of March 1883, approved America el dia 3 de Marzo de the following Joint Resolution of 1883 la siguiente resolucion del *For the Convention of AprU 25, 1866. See Appendix, 12095 1 (Public Eesolution No. Congress 36.) "Joint Resolution providing for a new Mixed Commission in aocprdance witli the treaty of April twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, with the United States of Venezuela. Whereas since the dissolution of the mixed Commissipn appointed under the treaty of April twenty fifth, eighteen - hundred and sixty-six, with the United States of Venezuela, serious charges, im- peaching the validity and integrity of its proceedings, 'have been made by the Government of the United States of Venezuela, and also charges of a like character by divers citizens of the United States of America, who presented claims for adjudication before that tribunal; and Whereas, thfe evidence to be found in the i-ecord of the proceedings of said iCommission, and in the testimony taken before Committees oi the House of Rep- resentatives in the matter, tends to show that such charges are not without foun- dation; and Whereas it is desirable that the matter be finally disposed of in a manner that shall satisfy any just complaints against the validity and integrity of the first Commission, and provide a tribunal under said treaty constructed and con- ducted so as not to give cause for just suspicion; and Whereas, all evidence before said late Commission was presented in writing and is now in the archives df the State Department; and Whereas, the President of the United States has, in a recent communication to Congress, .solicited its advisory action in this matter: Therefore — Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he hereby is, re- quested to open diplomatic Correspond- ence with the Government of the United States of Venezuela, with a view to the revival of the general stipulations of the treaty of April 35th, 1866, with said government, and the appointment there- under of a new Commission, to sit in the city of Washington, which Commission shall be authorized to consider all the evidence presented before the former Commission in respect to claims brought before it, together with such other and further evidence as the Claimants, may offer; and from the awards that rnay be made, to claimants, any moneys hereto- fore paid by the Department of State, upon certificates issued to them, respect- ively, upon awards made by the former -Commission, shall be deducted, and such certificates deemed cancelled; and the Congreso, (Resolucion Pdblica — No 26.) " Resolucion oonjunta, proveyendoima comision mixta, de acuerdo con el tra- tado de veinte y cinco de Abril de mil ochocientos sesenta y seis con los Esta- dos Unidos de Venezuela. " Por cuanto desde la disolucion de la comision mixta nombrada segun el tratado de 25 de Abril de 1866, con los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, se han hecho series cargos, recusandose la vali- dez e integridad de sus procedimientos por el Gobierno de Venezuela, y tambien cargos de semejante caracter por diversos ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos de America, que presentaron reclamaciones para ser juzgadas ante aquel tribunal; y "Por cuanto la^ pruebas, que se en- cuentran en los registros de los procedi- mientos de dicha Comision y en el testi- monio evacuado ante las Comisiones de la C4mara de Representantes sobre la ma- teria, tienden a mostrar que tales cargos no son infundados, y " Por cuanto es de desearse que se dis- ponga flnaimente de la materia de ma- nera que se satisf agan cualesquiera justas quejas contra la validez e integridad de la primera Comision, y se provea de un tribunal, segun dicho tratado, oonstruido y conducido de manera que no de mo- tives de justas sospechas; y " Por cuanto toda la prueba ante la dicha Comision anterior se presento por escrito y se encuentra hoy en los archivoB del Departamento de Estado; y " Por cuanto el Presidente de los Esta- dos Unidos, en comunicacion reciente al Congreso, ha solicitado su consejo sobre esta materia: por tanto, . " Resuelven el Senado y la Cdmara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos de Amirica reunidos en Gqngreso ; Que el Presidente sea requerido, como por la presehte se le requiere, a que abra coi:- respondencia diplomatica con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, con el fin de que se revivan las estipulaciones generales del tratado de 35 de AbrU de 1866 con dicho Gobierno, y para el nom- bramiento, bajo sus terminos, de una nueva comision en consecuencia, que se reuna en la ciudad de Washington, con la facultad de considerar todas las prue- bas presentadas ante la Comision ante- rior, con respecto a las reclamaciones intentadas ante ella, juntamente con to- das las otras pruebas posteriores, que los reclamantes puedan ofrecer;y de los fa- llos que se den k favor de los reclamantes deber&n deducirse las sumas de dinero que hasta aqui hayan sido pagadas por el Departameuto de Estado en virtud de Ids certificadoB que se les han expedido, moneys now in the Department of State received from the Government of Vene- •zuela on account of said awards, and all moneys that may hereafter be paid xmder said treaty, shall be distributed pro rata in payment of such awards as may be made by the Commission to be appointed in accordance with this reso- lution." And the proposal contemplated and authorized by the forego- ing joint resolution of Congress having been made by the Gov- ernment of the United States of America to the Government of the United States of Venezuela, and accepted by the latter through its diplomatic representative in Washington; The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United States of Venezuela, to the end of effecting by means of a con- vention arrangements for the ex- ecution of the accord thus reached between the two Governments, have named their Plenipotenti- -aries to confer and agree there- upon, as follows: The President of the United States of America, Thomas F. Bayard, Secretary of State of the United States of America; and The President of the United States of Venezuela, Antonio M. Soteldo, Charge d' Affaires of Ven- zuela at Washington; Who after having communi- cated to each other their respect- ive full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Article I. The general stipulations of the -Convention of April 25th 1866, between the contracting parties are hereby revived with such al- terations as are required in con-/ formity with the aforesaid joint resolution of the Congress of the United States, and with such fur- ther modifications as are deemed necessary for the certain and respectivamente, sobre los fallos de la an- terior Comision, y tales certiflcados ;se estimaran cancelados, y las sumas de dinero recibidas del Grobierno de Vene- zuela y actualmente en el Departamento de Estado, a ,cuenta de dichos fallos, y las demas sumas de dinero que enlo ade- lante se paguen, segun dicho tratado, seran distribuidas pro rata, en^ pago de los faUos que puedan ser dados por la comision que se nombre de conf(jrmidad con esta resolucion." Y la proposicion proyectada y autorizada por la anterior resolu- cion del Congp'eso habiendo sido hecha por el Gobierno de los Es- tados Unidos de Am&ica al Go- bierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, y aceptada por fete, por medio de su representante diplom^tico en Washington; El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, y el Gobier- no de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, con el fin de ef ectuar, por medio de una coiivencion, los arreglos para la ejecucion del acuerdo asi obtenido entre los dos Gobiernos, han nombrado como sus Plenipotenciarios, para con- f erenciar y convehir d,esde luego, del modo siguiehte: El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de AmMca & Thomas F. Bayard, Secretario de Estado de los Estaidos Unidos de America; y El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela & Antonio M. Soteldo, Encargado de Nego- cios en Washington; Quienes, despues de haberse comunicado sus respectivos ple- nos poderes y halMdolos en debi- da forina, han convenido en los articulos siguientes: Articttlo I. Las estipulaciones generalesdel convenio de 36 de Abril de 1866, entre las partes contratantes, que- dan revividas por la presente, con tales alteraoiones cuales se re- quieren de conformidad con la susodicha resolucion del Congre- so de los Estados Unidos, y con las demas modifieacioiles que se creen necesarias para el exacto y speedy accomplishment of the ends in view, and for the recipro- cal protection of the interests of the nigh contracting parties as hereinafter provided. , Article II. All claims on the part of corpo- rations, companies, or individuals, citizens of the United States, upon the Government of Venezuela, which may have been presented to their Government or to its lega- tion at Caracas, before the first day of August, 1868, and which by the terms of the aforesaid convention of A,pril 25th 1866, were proper to be presented to the Mixed Commis- sion organized under said conven- tion shall be submitted to a new Commission, consisting of three Commissioners one of whom shall be appointed by the President of the United States of America, one by the Government of the United States of Venezuela and the third shall be chosen by these two Com- missioners; if they cannot agree within ten days from the time of their first meeting as hereinafter provided, then the diplomatic rep- resentative of either Russia or Switzerland at this capital shall be requested by the Secretary of State and the Venezuelan Minis- ter at Washington to name the third Commissioner. In case of the death, resigna- tion or incapacity of any of the Commissioners, or in the event of any of them omitting or ceasing to act, the vacancy shall be fifled -within three months by naming another Commissioner in like manner as herein provided for the original appointment. Article III. The Commissioners so appointed shall meet in the city, of Wash- ington at the earliest convenient time within three months from pronto cumplimiento de los fines.' propuestos, y para la recfprooa proteccion de los intereses de las. altas partes contratantes, segun lo proveido despues en la pre- sence. ArtIculo II. Todas las reclamaciones, por parte de corporaciones, compa- nlas 6 individuos, ciudadanos de- los Estados Unidos, contra el Go- bierno de Venezuela,que hayan si- do presentadas i, su Gobierno, 6 &■ la legacion de dste en Caracas, ^ntes del dia 1° de Agosto de 1868, y que por los t^rminos de dicha Convenio de Abril 25 de 1866, eran propios para ser presentados & la. Oomision mixta organizada segun dicho convenio, se someter^n & una. nueva Comision, compuesta de tres Comisionados, uno de los cua- les ser^ nombrado por el Presi- ' dente de los Estados Unidos de America, otro por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, y el tercero por los otros dos Co- misionados. Si no se pudieren avenir dentro de diez diaiS conta- dps desde su primera reunion, se- gun se provee'rd despues, entdncesi el representante diplom^tico, ya sea de Rusia, ya de Suiza en esta. capital, serd, requerido por el Se- cretario de Estado y el Ministroi de Venezuela en Washington i. nombrar un tercer Comisionado. En caso de muerte, renuncia 6 incapacidad de cualquiera de los; Comisionados, 6 en el evento de que cualquiera de ellos omita 6 deje de funcionar, se UenarA la vacante dentro de tres meses, nombr^ndose otro Comisionado de la misma manera proveida hasr taaqul para el nombramiento ori- ginal. ARTiCULO III. Los Comisionados asi nombra- dos se reunirdn en la ciudad de Washington en el mas breve t^r- mino conveniente dentro de tres the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, and shall, as their first act in so meeting, mafce and subscribe a solemn declaration that they will carefully examine and impartially decide, according to justice and in compliance with the provisions of this Convention, all claims submitted to them in conformity herewith, and such declaration shall be entered on the xecprd of their proceedings. meses del cange de las ratifica- ciones de este Convenio, y el primer a,cto, despues de reunirse, ser^ el de suscribir la declaracion solemne de que examinar^n cui- dadosamente y decidiran con im^ parcialidad, como sea de justicia, y en cumplimiento de las provi- siones de este convenio, todas las reclamaciones que les fueren sometidas de conformidad con estaconvenoion, y tal declaracion. se agregard. al registro de sus prooedimien|;os. Article IV. The concurring judgment of any two Commissioners shall be adequate for every intermediate decision arising in the execution of their duty, and for every final decision or award. Articulo IV. El juicio conf orme de dos Comi- sionados se considerard, suficiente para cualquiera decision inter- media que proceda del cumpli- raiento de su deber y para todo f alio 6 decision final. Article V. So soon as the Commission shall have organized, notice shall be given to the respective Govern- ments of the date of organization and of readiness to proceed to the transaction of the business of the Commission. The Commissioners shall thereupon proceed without de- lay to hear and examine all the claims which by the terms of the aforesaid Convention of April 25, 1866, were proper to be pre- sented to the Mixed Commission organized under the Convention of April 35, 1866 ; and they shall to that end consider all the evi- dence admissible under the afore- said Convention of April 35, 1866, in respect to claims adjudicable thereunder, ■ together with such other and ftirthet evidence as the claimants may offer through their respective Governments, and such further evidence as may be offered to rebut any, such ne"W evidence offered on the part of the claimant, and they shall, if required, hear one person on be- Articulo V. Tan luego como se haya organi- zado la oomision, se dard, aviso ^ los respectivos Gobiernos de la fe- cha de la organizacion, y de estar pronta d proceder al desempeno de los negooios de la Comision. Los Comisionados proceder^n desde luego, sin dilacion, a oir y examinar todas las reclamaciones que, segunlos t^rminos de la suso- dicha convencion de Abril 35 de 186^, fueron propios para ser pre- sentados d la Comision Mixta or-" ganizada por la Conyencion de Abril 35 de 1866, y con tal fin con- siderarSn toda prueba admisible segun la Convencion de Abril 35 de 1866, con respecto d. las recla- maciones admisibles en su virtud, junto con cualquiera otra prueba posterior que los reclamantes pre- senten por medio de sus Gobier- nos respectivos, y cualquiera otra prueba posterior que se produzca para rebatir la nueva prueba que se ofrezca por parte del recla- mante: y oir^n, si se requiere, una persona por parte de cada 6 half of each Government on everv separate claim. : All the papers and evidence before the said former Commis- sion, now on file in the archives of the Department of State at Wash- ington, shall be laid before the Commission; and each Govern- ment shall furnish, at the request of the Commissioners, or of any two of them, all such papers and documents in its possession as may be deemed ipiportant to the just determination o'f any claim. Aeticle VI. The Commissioners shall make such decision as they shall deem, in ref er6nce to such claims, con- formable to justice. The concurring decisions of the three Commissioners, or of any two of them, shall be conclusive and final. Said decisions shall in every case be given upon each individual claim, in writing, stating in the event of a pecuniary award being made, the amount or equivalent value of the same, expressed in gold coin of the United States of America; and in the event of in- terest being allowed for any cause and embraced in such award, the rate thereof and the period for which it is to be computed shall be fixed, which period shall not extend beyond the close of the Commission; and said decisdon shall be signed by the Commis- sioners concurring therein. In all cases where the Commis- sioners award an indemnity as aforesaid, they shall issue one cer- tificate of the sum to be paid to each claimant, respectively, by virtue of their decisions, inclusive of interest when allowed, and after having deducted from the sum so found due to any claim- ant or claimants any moneys heretofore paid by the Depart- ment of State at Washington upon certificates issued to such cmimants, respectively, upon Gobierno, sobre cada reclamacion separada. Todos los papeles y pruebas ante la dicha comision mixta an- terior, que ahora se conservan en los archivos del Departamento de Estado en Washington, ser^n presentados d la comision, y cada Gobierno f acilitar^, al requerirlo loscomisionados 6 dos de ellos, los papeles y documentos que posean y se crean importantes para la justadeterminacion de cualquiera reclamacion. ArtIculo VI. Los Comisionados decidir^n ta- les reclamaciones como crean ser d^ justicia. Las decisiones conf ormes de los tres ^rbitros, 6 de dos de ellos, se- r^nconcluyentesy finales. Dichas decisiones senan dadas, en cada caso, sobre cada reclamacion in- dividual, por escrito, fijando, en el evento de dar un f alio pecunia- rio, el valor montante 6 equiva- lente, y expres^ndolo en monedas de oro corriente de los Estados Unidos de America, y en el even- to de conceder intereses sobre tales fallos, el tanto por ciento de los mismos, y el periodo por el cual se hayan de computar, de- ber^n fijarse, cuyo periodo no se extender^, m^s alM del dia de ce- rrarse la Comision, y dichas de- cisiones serd.n firmadas por los- Comisionados que convengan en ellas. En todos los casos en que los co- misionados acuerden indemniza- ciones como se ha dicho, expedir^n un certificado de la suma que haya de pagarse ^ cada reclamante res- pectivamente, en virtud de sus decisiones, incluyendo los iirte- reses que se concedan, y despues de haber deducido de la suma ha- llada d deberse i, cualquier recla- mante 6 reclamantes, la suma de dinero que hasta entdnces haya pagado el Departamento de Estado en Washington sobre los certifi- awards made by the former Mixed Commission under the Convention of April 35th 1866. And all certificates of awards issued by the said former Mixed Commission shall be deemed can- celled from the date of the decis- ion of the present Commission in the case in which they were is-' sued. The aggregate amoimt of all sums awarded by the present Commission, and of all sums acr cruing therefrom, shall be paid to the United States. Payment of said aggregate amount shall be made in equal annua] payments to be completed within ten years from the date of the terminatk)ii of the labors of the present Com- mission. Semi-annual interest shall be paid on the aggre- gate amount awarded, at the rate of five per cent, per annum from the date of the termination of the labors of the Commission. Article VII. • The moneys now in the Depart- ment of State actually received from the Government of Venezu- ela on account of the awards of the said former Mixed Commis- sion under the convention of April 35, . 1866, and ^U moneys that may hereafter be paid on said former account by the > Government of Venezuela to the Government of the United States shall be cred- ited to the Government of Ven- ezuela in computing the aggre- fate total which may be found ue to the Government of. the United States under the stipula- tions of the preceding article, and the balance only shall be c(ftisideredi as due and payable with interest in ten annual pay- ments as aforesaid. Provided however, That in the event of the aggregate amount which the present .Commission may find due to the government of the United cados expedidos & tales reclaman- tes, respectivamente, segun los fallos dados por la anterior Co- mision mixta, de acuerdo con la convencion de 35 de Abril de 1866. Y todos los certiflcados librados por los fallos de la dicha Comision mixta anterior se juz- gar^n cancelados, desde la fecha, de la decision de la presente Co- mision, en el caso en que hayan sido expedidos. El montante total de todas las sumas acordadas por los fallos de la presente Comision y de todas las sumas que se las agreguen, de- ber^ pagarse al gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Elpagodedicho monto total se hard en pages anua- les iguales, que habrd,n de com- pletarse dentro de diez anos de la fecha de la terminacion de los trabajos de la presente Comision. Se pagard. el interns semi-anual sobre la suma total acordada^ &, razon de cinco por ciento al ano, desde la fecha de la terminacion de los trabajos de la Comision. Artictjlo VII. El dinero existente en pi Depar- tamento de Estado actualmente, recibido del Gobierno de Vene- zuela, por cuenta de los fallos de dicha Comision mixta anterior, bajo la convencion de 35 de Abril de 1866, y el demas dinero que se pague en lo , adelante, por dicha cuenta anterior, por el Gobierno de Venezuela al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, se acreditard al Gobierno de Venezuela en el cdm- puto dfjl monto total que se h Ue & deberse al Gobierno de los Esta- dos Unidos por las estipulaciones dfel precedente artlculo, y el ba- lance linicamente seconsiderarfi como lo debido y pagadero con interns enloS pagos anuales sobre- dichos. Con tal sin embargo: Que en el evento de que el monto total que la presente Comision halle deberse al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos 'fuere mdnog que el montante de las sumas real,- 8 • States being less than the aggre- gate of the sums actually received from the Government of Venezu- ela, and remaining undistributed in the Department of State, at Washington, the Government of the United States will refund such excess to the Government' of Venezuela within six months from the conclusion of the labors of the Commission. The payment of moneys due from the Government of Venezu- ela to the Government of the United States under the former Convention of April 25, 1866, shall be deemed to have ceased from the first day of April 1883, to be resumed should occasion arise as hereinbefore provided. Akticlb VIII. In the event of the annulment of any awards made by the former Mixed Commission under the Ponvention of April 25, 1866, the Government of the Uniteid States is not to be regarded as responsi- ble to that of Venezuela for any sums which may have been paid by the latter Government on ac- count of said awards, so far as said sums may have been distrib- uted. In like manner, if the awards made by the present Com- mission and the certificates issued by it shall in any cases be found less than the amount heretofore paid to the claimants from the moneys received from Venezuela, the Government of the United States shall not -be regarded as responsible by reason thereof to the Government of Venezuela. The rehearing provided in the present convention affects, as against the Government of the United States, only the install- ments of moneys paid to and now held by the United States, and those hereafter to be paid; and the effect of such annulment or reduction in any case shall be to discharge the Government of Venezuela, wholly and forever, mente recibidas del Gobierno de Venezuela, y que permanezca sin distribuirse en el Departamento de Estado en Washington, el Gobier- no de los Estados Unidos resti- tuir^ tal exceso al Gobierno de Venezuela dentro de seis meses de la conclusion de los trabajos de la comision. El pago del dinero debido por el Gobierno de Vene- zuela at Gobierno de los Estados Unidos bajo la anterior conven- cion de Abril 25 de 1866, se con- siderar^ haber cesado desde el primero de Abril de 1883, para reasumirse, si llegare el caso, se- gun lo proveido hasta aquf. Aetictjlo VIII. En el evento de la anulacion de cualesquiera f alios de la anterior comision mixta, bajo la conven- cion de Abril 26 de 1866, el Gobi- erno de los Estados Unidos no se mirard, como responsable al de Venezuela por las sumas que los Estados Wnidos de America ha- yan pagado por cuenta de dichas adjudicaciones, en tanto que di- chas sumas haj^an sido distribui- das. De la misma manera, si los fallos dados por la presente Co- mision, y los certificados emitidos por ella, se hallaren ser m^nos que el montante pagado hasta ahora d losreclamantes, del dinero recibido de Venezuela, no se mi- rar^ al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos como responsable, por tal razon, al Gobierno de Venezuela. La revision proveida en la pre- sente convencion afecta al Go- bierno de los Estados Unidos, tan solo en las porciones de dinero pagadas que ^stas tengan ahora en su poder y en las que en lo adelante se pagaren; y el efecto de tal anulamiento 6 reduccion, en cualquier caso, ser^ el de des- cargar al Gobierno de Venezuela, en todo y para siempre de cual- from any obligation to pay fur- ther ijistallments in such, case, except as provided in the pres- ent convention. Article IX. It is further agreed that if the Conimission,hereunder organized shall in whole or part annul any money awards made in any cases by the former Mixed Com- mission under the Convention of April 25, 1866, it shall be the duty of the Commission to exam- ine and decide whether, under all the circumstances, and with due regard to principles of justice and equity there are any third parties who have, with the ob- servance of due eare and diii- gence, become possessed, prior to the date of the exchange of rati- fications hereof, for a just and val- uable consideration, of any por- tion of the certificates of award heretofore issued in said claims, and whether, under the constitu- tion or laws of either of the con- tracting parties, said third parties have acquired vested rights, by virtue of the awards of the former Commission under the convention of 1866, imposing the duty on the Government of the United States to collect from Ven- ezuela the amount or proportion of said certificates of awards which maybe held and owned by third parties. If ' the present Comraission shall decide that there are' third par- ties who are possessed of vested rights, then it shall examine and ascertain the sum paid by each and all of said third parties for their respective interests or shares in said awards, and shall fix the amount of their said interest in said certificates of award or each of them, and shall issue new cer- tificates.of award for the sums so adjudged due, which shall be paid by Venezuela to the United States in the manner hereinbefore stip- quiera obligacion de pagar mas porciones en tal caso, salvo lo proveido en la presente conven- cion. Articulo IX. Se conviene ademas en que, si la Comision organizada por la presente anulare, en todo 6 en parte, cualesquiera ad judicaciones de dinero, hechas en cualesquiera casos por la anterior Comision mixta, bajo la convencion de Abril 25 de 1866, ser^ deber de la Comision examinar y decidir si, bajo todas las circunstancias, y atendiendo debidamente d los principios de justicia y equidad, hay terceros que, con la observan- ciade la diligencia ydelcuidado de- bido, hayan entrado en posesion, d,ntes de la f echa del cange de las ratificaciones de la presente, por justa y valiosa consideracion, de cualquiera jporcion de los certifi- cados de adjudicacion hasta ahora emitidos sobre dichas reclama- ciones, y si, bajo la constitucion y leyes de una li otra de las partes contratantes, dichos terceros han adquirido derechos fi^'os por vir- tud de las adjudicaciones de la anterior comision, bajo la conven- cidn de 1866, imponiendoel deber al Gobierno de los Estados Uni- dos de cobrar de Venezuela el montante 6 proporcion de dichos certificados de adjudicaciones que se encuentren en posesion y pro- piedad de terceros. Si la presente Comision deci- diere que hay terceros, que pose- an derechos fijos, entdnces exami- nard, y fijara la suma pagada por todos y cada uno de dichos ter- ceros por sus respectivos intereses 6 partes en tales adjudicaciones, y fijard el montante de su dicho iuteres en dichos certificados de adjudicacion, 6 en cada uno de ellos, y emitird nuevos certificados de adjudaciones por las sumas que se fallen como debidas, y que Venezuela pagard, d los Estados Unidos del modo estipulado por 10 ulated, the same ^.s all other cer-' tificates issued by the present Commission. Article X. Upon the conclusion of the la- bors of the Commission organ- ized in virtue of this present Con- f ention, the Department of State of the United States of America shall distribute pro ratai* among the holders of the certificates which may be issued under the present convent jon, the moneys in the Department of State actually received from the Government of Venezuela on account of the awards of the former Mixed Com- mission under the Convention of April 35, 1866; and all moneys that may hereafter be paid to the United States under this present convention shall be in like man- ner distributed pro rata in pay- ment of such awards as may, be made under this present conven- tion. Article XI. The decisions of the Commis- sion organized under this present convention shall be final and con- clusive as to all claims presented or proper to be presented to the former Mixed Commission. Article XII. The Commission appointed un- der this present convention shall terminate its labors within twelve months from the date of its or- ganization. A record of the pro- ceedings of the Commission shall be kept, and the Commissioners may appoint a Secretary. Article XIII. Notwithstanding that the pres- ent Commission is organized in consequence of representations made by the Government of la presente, lo mismo que cuales- quxera otros certificados emjtidos por la presente Comision. Articulo X. Concluidos los trabajos de la Comision organizada en virtud de este Convenio, el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America distribuir^ pro rata entre Ids tenedores de los certifi- cados que se expidieren en virtud del presente convenio, las sumas de dinero existentes en el Departa- mento de Estado, recibidas del Gobiernode Venezuela por cuenta de los fallos de la anterior Comi- sion Mixta bajo la convencion de Abril 35de 1866; y todaslas sumas de dinero que en lo adelante se pagaren ^ los Estados Unidos se- gun este convenio se distribuird.n pro rata, de la misma manera, en ?iago de los fallos que se d^n bajo a presente convencion. ArtIculo XI. Las decisiones de la comision organizado bajo la presente con- vencion se tendr^n por finales y concluyentes, en cuanto & todas las reolamaciones presentadas 6 propias para ser presentadas ante la anterior Comision Mixta. Articulo XII. La Comision . nombrada por la presente convencion terminarA sus trabajos dentro de doce meses de la fecha de su organizacion. Se Uevar^ un registro de los pro- cediipientos de la comision, y los Comisionados podrd,n nombrar un Secretario. Articulo XIII. Sin embargo de que lapresente comision se organiza a conse- cuencia de las representaciones hechas por el Gobierno de Vene- 11 Venezuela and that it deals solely with.' the claims of citizens of the United States, (for which reasons the United States might properly claim that all the expenses here- under should be borne by Vene- zuela alone) it is agreed that, in continuation of the arrangement made in the former convention of 1866, the expenses shall be shared as follows: Each Government shall pay its own Commissioner and shall pay one-half of what may be due to the third Commis- sioner and the Secretary, and one- half of the incidental expenses of the Commission. Article XIV. Except so far as revived, con- tinued, modified and replaced by the terms and effects of this pres- ent convention, the effects of the former convention of April 35, 1866, shall absolutely cease and determine from and after the date of the exchange of ratifications of this present convention, and the high contracting parties hereby a;gree that the responsibilities and obligations arising under said former convention shall be deemed wholly discharged and annulled by ,th,e, substitution therefor of the responsibilities contracted and obligations cre- ated under this present conven- tion, to which the high contract- ing parties mutually bind them- selves to give full, perfect and final effect, without any evasion, reservation or delay whatever. Article XV. The present convention shall be ratified, by the President of the United States by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States of America ; and by the President of the United States,of Venezuela by and with the advice and consent of the Sen- ate of the United States of Vene- zuela, and the ratifications shall zuela, y de ^[ue trata solamente de reclamaciones de ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, (por cuyas razones los Estados Unidos po- drian con razon reclamar que to- dos los gastos de la presente fue- sen hechos por Venezuela so- lamente,) se conviene en que, en continuacion del arreglo hechd en la convencion anterior de 1866, los gastos se hagan coriio sigue: cada Gobierno pagar^ su Oomisio- nado y ademas la mitad de lo que se deba pagar al tercer Comisio- nado y al Secretario, y ademas la mitad" de los gastos incidentes de la comision. Articulo XIV. Excepto en lo revivido, conti- nuado, modificado 6 repuesto por los t^rminos de la presente con- vencion, los ef ectos de la anterior de Abril 35 de 1866 cesar^n absolu- tamente desde la fechadel cange de las ratificaoiones de la presente convencion, y las altas partes contratantes eonvienen en que las responsabilidades y obligaciones provenientes de dicha convencion anterior se tengan por descarga- das del todo y por anuladas con la sustitucion en su liigar de las re's- pbnsabilidades contra,idas, y las obligaciones creadaspor esta con- vencion presente, d. la cual las altas partes contratantes se obligan re- c-fprocainente a dar calial, perf ecto y final efecto, siii ninguna eva- sion, reserva ni dilacion de ningun genera. , Articulo XV, La presente convencion serd, ratificada por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos con el acuerdo y consentimiento del Senado de los Estados Unidos de America y por el Presidente de los Estados Uni- dos de Venezuela, con el consejo y consentimiento del Congreso Na- cional, y los ratificacio^es ser^n, cangeadas en Washington, dentro 12 he exchanged at Washington de doce mesas de la fecha de la within twelve months from the presente convencion, y la publi- date of this nreSent convention, cacion del cange de las ratifica- and the pnblioation of the ex- ciones servird, de notificacion S, change of , ratifications shall be todas las personas interesadas. notice to all persons interested. In testimony whereof the re- Entestimoniodelocual losres- spective plenipotentiaries have pectivos plenipotenciarios hemos hereunto affixed their signatures puesto nuestras firmas y estam- and seals. pado nuestros sellos. Done in duplicate, in the En- Hecha en diiplicado en las glish and Spanish languages, at lenguas inglesai j castellana eh la the city of Washington, this 5th ciudad de Washington el dia 5 de day of December 1885. Diciembre de 1885. T. F. Bayard, [seal.] A. M. SOTBLDO. [seal.] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at the City of Washington, on the third day of June, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, as amended, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 4th., day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine, and of J- * , the Independence of the United States of America, the one •- ■•' hundred and thirteenth. Benj. Harrison By the President: James G. Blaine Secretary of State. CONVENTION TO REMOVE DOUBTS AS TO THE MEAinNO OF ARTICLE IZ OF THE PRECEDING' CONVENTION AND EXTEND- ING THE TIME FOR THE EXCHANGE OF THE RATIFICATIONS THEREOF. Concluded at Washington March 15, 1888. Ratification advised by the Senate Jwne 18, 1888. Ratified by the President of the United States of America August 7, 1888. Ratified by the President of the United States of Venezuda August 2,, 1888. Ratifications exchanged at Washington June S, 1889. ' Proclaimed June i, 1889. By the President op the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Venezuela, to remove doubts as to the meaning- of the Convention between the same High Contracting Parties, signed the fifth day of December, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-five, and to extend the time for the exchange of the ratifica- tions thereof, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipo- tentiaries, at the City of Washington, on the fifteenth day of March, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Convention between the United ConveScionentbelosEstadosITnidos- States and Venezuela to remove t Venezuela fara remover dudas. doubts as to teu! " meaning of the sobre el sentido de la convencion Convention signed December 5, fismada el 5 de Diciembre de 1885. 1885. . . Whereas doubts have arisen in Visto: que se han presentada respect of the true intent and dudas en cuanto al verdadero sen- meaning of Article IX of the tido 4 intencion del Artfculo IX treaty between the United States del tratado entre los Estados Uni- of America and the United States dos de America y los Estados Uni- of Venezuela signed at W^'Shing- dos de Venezuela, firmado . en ton on the fifth day of December Washington, el 5 de Diciembre de 13 14 1885, and, in consequence of such, ambiguities, the exchange of rati- fications of said treaty has not taken place within the period therein prescribed for such ex- change; And, whereas, the High Con- tracting Parties are desirous of removing all doubts in respect of the meaning and intent of said Article, and of extending the time for the exchange of ratifica- tions of said treaty, to the end of reaching an amicable and honor- able solution of the difficulties that now impair their good rela- (tions; The Government of the United (States of America and the Gov- ernment of the United States of Venezuela, have named as their Plenipotentiaries to conclude a Convention for that purpose: the President of the United States of America, Thomas F. Bayard, Sec- retary of State of the United States of America; and the Presi- dent of the United States of Ven- ezuela, Jos4 Antonio Olavarria, Charg^ d' AfEaires of Venezuela at Washington; who, after recipro- cal communication of their full powers, found in due and good jiorm, have agreed upon the^ fol- lowing Articles: Article I, It is understood and agreed that in the event of any of the awards of the Mixed Commission under the Convention of April 25, 1866, being annulled in whole oi* in part by the Commission authorized and creiated by Article II of the treaty of December 5, 1885, no new award shall in any case be made by said Commission, to the hold- ers of certificates of any award or awards annulled as aforesaid, in excess of the sum which may be found to be justly due to the origi- nal claimant. 1885, y que & causa de tales ambi- giiedades el cambio de ratifica- ciones de dicho tratado no ha tenido lugar dentro del t^rmino en A fijado: Visto : que las Altas Partes Con- tratantes desean remover toda du- da en cuanto al sentido 4 intencidn de dicho Artlculo y prorogar el plazo para el cambio de ratifica- ciones del citado tratado, con el fin de Uegar ^ una honrosa y amigable solucidn de las dificulta- des que actualmente alteran sus buenas relaciones; El Gobierno ,de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Vene- zuela han nombrado Plenipoten- ciarios para concluir una Con- v'encion con tal obieto: el Presi- dente de los Estados Unidos de America, al Senor Thomas F. Bayard, Secretario de Estado de los Estad9S Unidos de America; y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, al Sefior Jos^ Antonio Olavarria, Encar- gado de Negocios de Venezuela en Washington; quienes despues de reciproca comunicacidn de sus plenos poderes, estimados en de- bida y buena forma, han con- venido en lo siguiente: Aeticxjlo I°. Queda entendido y aceptado, que en' el caso de que alguno 6 algunos de los f alios de la; Comi- sidn Mixta, que actud en virtu d .de la Convencion de 35 de Abril de 1866 fueren anulados en todo d en parte por la nueva Cdmisidii _ autorizada y creada por el Art" ' 2° del tratado de 5 de Diciembre de 1885, ninguna otra concesidn se hai'^ en caso alguno por dicha Comisidn ^ los tenedores de cer- tificados provenientes de dicho f alio d falTos anulados que venga d exceder la suma que haya re- sultado justa adjudicar al recla- mante primitivo. 15 Article II. The time fixed for the exchange of the ratifications of the afore- said treaty between the United States and Venezuela signed a,t Washington on the fifth day of December, A. D.. one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, is hereby extended to a period not exceeding five months from the date of this Convention or sooner if possible. Articttlo II". El tiempo fijado para el cambio de ratificaciones del antedicho Tratado entre las Estados Unidos y Venezuela, firmado ey. WasJi- ington el 5 de Diciembre de 1885, queda prorogado por la presente d un periodo que no exceder^ de cinco meses, contados desde la fechade esta Convencidn, 6 menos .si posible. Article III. Articulo III° The present Convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America by and ■with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the Presi- dent of the United States of Vene- zuela by and with the advice and consent of the Congress thereof, and the ratifications shall be ex- changed at Washington as soon as possible within the time speci- fied in Article II hereof as the period of extension of the time for the exchange of ratifications of the treaty signed at Washing- ton on the fifth day of December, 1885. In witness whereof the respect- ive plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed the present Convention in duplicate. Done at Washington this 15th day of March, A. D. 1888. La presente Convencidn ser5 ratificada por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, pre- via consulta y aceptacion del Senado, y por el Presidente de las Estados Unidos de Vene- zuela, prdvia consulta y acepta- cidn del Congreso, y las ratifica- ciones se cambiardn en Wash- ington tan pronto como posible dentro del tdrmino expresado en el Articulo II como prdroga del plazo para el cambio de ratifica- cidnes" del tratado firmado en Washington el 5 de Diciembre de 1885. En fd de lo cual los respectivos Plenipotenciarios firman y sellan la presente Convencidn por du- plicado. En Washington el dia 15 de Marzo del Afio de 1888. T. F. Bayard [seal] J. A. Olavarria [seal J And whereas the said Convention has been duly' ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at the City of Washington, on the- third day of June, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof. 16 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 4th. day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred knd eighty -nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one [SEAL.] iiundred and thirteenth. Benj. Harbison By the President: James G. Blaine Secretary of State. SUPPLEMENTARY CONVENTION FURTHER EXTENDING THE PERIOD FIXED FOR THE EXCHANGE OF RATIFICATIONS OF THE CONVENTION OF DECEMBER 5, 1885 ; AND EXTENDING THAT FIXED FOR THE EXPLANATORY CONVENTION OF MARCH IS, 1888. Conclvded at Washington, October 6, 1888. BaUficaiion advised by the Senate, December 5, 1888, BaMfied by the President of the United States of America, Jan- uary SO, 1889. Batified by the President ' of the United States of Venezuela, May 11, 1889. Batifications exchanged at Washington, June 3, 1889. Proclaimed June 4, 1889. By the President op the United States of America. A PEOCLAMATIOK Whereas a Supplementary Convention between tlie United States of America and the United States of Venezuela, to further extend the period fixed for the exchange of ratifications of the Convention of December 5, 1885, and to extend the period for the exchange of the ratifications of the Convention of March 15, 1888, between the same High Contracting Parties, was concluded and signed by their respect- ive Plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington on the fifth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, the original of which Supplementary Convention, being in the English and Span- ish languages, is word for word as follows: SUPPIiEMENTAEY CONVENTION BETWEEN CONVENIO ADICIONAL ENTEE LOS ESTA- THB United States of America and ' dos Unidos de America y Venezue- Veneztjela, to fuethee extend the la, paea peoeogae el tIiemino pija- period fixed for the exchange op do para el canje de las ratifica- ' ratifications of the Convention of ciones del Convenio de 5 de diciem- DECEMBER 5, 1885, AND to EXTEND THE BEE DE 1885, Y ASIMISMO PARA PRO- period for the exchange of the eogar el liirmino para el canje de ratifications of the convention of las ratificaciones del convenio de March 15, 1888. , 15 de marzo de 1888. Whereas, by Articles I and II of Por cuanto, por los artfculos I a Convention, signed and con- y II del Convenio firmado y con- cluded by the respective Plenipo- cliiido por los respeotivos Pleni- tentiaries of the United States potenciarios de los Estados Uni- 13095 2 17 18 and Venezuela, in the city of Washington, on the 15th day of March, 1888, it was provided that the time fixed by the Convention between the said parties, signed and concluded December 6, 1885, for the exchafnge at Washington ofthe ratifications thereof, should be extended to a period not exceed- ing five months from the date of said Convention, to wit, from the 15th day of March, 1888, or sooner if possible, and that the ratifica- tions of the said Convention of March 15, 1888, should in like manner be exchanged at Wash- ington within the same period; And whereas the period, as aforesaid prescribed, elapsed on the 15th day of August, 1888, without such exchange having been effected; And whereas it appears that the Congress and Government of Venezuela did, according to the Constitutional forms of that Re- public, ratify and confirm the said Conventions at Caracas on the 37th day of July, 1888, and that the President of the Republic of Venezuela did on the 3d day of August, 1888, fully empower the Representative of that Republic in the United States to exchange ratifications thereof with whoever should be' duly authorized on be- half of the United States; And whereas the said Conven- tions having bee'n theretofore duly ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Sen- ate thereof, the Secretary of State, of the United States, duly empow- ered by the President of the United States, was ready on and before the said 15th day of Au- gust, 1888, to effect the exchange of ratifications of the said Con- ventions as stipulated; And whereas, by reason of un- avoidable delay, the copy of the said Convention ratified by. the Government of Venezuela as aforesaid and the necessary pow- ers to enable the Representative , dos y de Venezuela, en la ciudad de Washington el 15 de marzo de 1888, se estipuld que el tiempo fijado por el Convenioentre am- bas partes contratantes, firmado y concluido en 6 de diciembre de 1885, para el cambio en Washing- ton de las ratificaciones consigui- entes no excediera de 5 meses contados desde la fecha de dicho Convenio, es decir, del 15 de mar- zo de 1888, 6 ^ntes si f uera posible, y que las ratificaciones del men- cionado Convenio de 15 de marzo de 1888,fuerandelamismamanera cambiadas en Washington den- tro del mismo t^rmino; Y por cuanto el t^rmino pre- scrito, a que se ha hecho referen- da, expird el 15 de agosto de 1888, sin haber tenido efecto el cange expresado; Y por cuanto aparece que el Congreso y Gobierno de' Vene- zuela, ajusmndose & las fdrmulas constitucionales de dicha Repii- blica, ratificaron y confirmaron dichos Convenios en Caracas d 37 de Julio de 1888; y que el Presi- dente de la Repiiblica de Vene- zuela, en dps de agosto de 1888, . autorizd, tanto como se requiere, al representante de'la misma Re- piiblica efi los Estados Unidos Eara cambiar las precitadas rati- caciones con cualquiera persona debidamente autorizada por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos; Y por cuanto, ratificadas dichas Convenciones pore 1 Presidente de los Estados Unidos, con el conseio J consentimiento del Senadode los mismos Estados, el Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos, autorizado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, estaba dis- puesto, ^ntes del 15 de agosto de 1888, & efectuar el cambio de las ratificaciones, como se habia esti- pulado, de las ya ref eridas Conven- ciones; Y por cuanto, por causas de inevitable dilacidn, la copia del apuntado Convenio, ratificado por el Gobierno de Venezuela, como se ha dicho, con los poderes ne- cesarios del Representante de 19 of that Government in tlie United States to make exchange of ratifi- cations could not be produced in the city of Washington, D. C, until after the expiration of the period so as aforesaid stipulated for the exchange of ratifications; Now, therefore, the Govern- ments of the United States and Venezuela, being desirous of com- pleting and putting in force the two Conventions aforesaid at the earliest day possible, have respect- ively named as their Plenipoten- tiaries to conclude a Convention for that purpose, The President of the United States of America, Thomas F. Bayard, Secretary of State of the United States of America, And the President of the United States of Venezuela, Francisco Antonio de Silva, Oharg^ d' Af- faires of the United States of, Venezuela at Washington; Who, after reeiprocally satisfy- ing each other in good and due form of their competency to ne- gotiate to such end, have agreed upon the following Articles: Aeticlb I. The time 'fixed, by Articles I and II of the Convention between the Contracting Parties, signed at Washington, the. 15th day of March, 1888, within which to ef- fect the exchange of the ratifica- tions of .the Convention between said parties signed at Washing- ton, on the 5th day of December, 1885, and also of the said Conven- tion of the 15th day of March, 1888, is hereby extended to a period not exceeding ten months from the 15th day of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, or sooner if possi- ble. Article II. The present Convention shall be ratified by the President of aquel Gobierno en los Estados Unidos para hacer el cambio de las ratincaciones, no pudieron presentarse en la ciudad de Wash- ington, D. C, hasta la termina- cion del t^rmino estipulado para el canje de las ratificaciones; P.or tanto, los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos y de Venezuela, deseosos de completar y poner en ejecucidn, en el tiempb mas breve posible, los dos Convenios expre- sados, han nombrado respectiva- mente como sus Plenipotenciarios para celebrar un Convenio con tal objeto, El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, d, Tomas F. Bayard, Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America. Y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, A Francisco Antonio de Silva, Encargado de Negocios de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela en Washington; Quienes, despu^s de haberreci- procamente examinado y hallado en buena y debida forma su com- petencia para negociar con el fin indicado, han convenido en los artlculos siguientes: Articulo I. Sa proroga por un t^rmino que no exceda de diez meses contados desde el 15 de agosto de mil ocho- cientos ochenta y ocho, 6 para dntes, si fuere posible, el tiempo fijado por los artlculos primero y segundo del convenio entre ambas partes contratantes, firmado en Washington el 15 de marzo de 1888, para efectuar el , cambio de las ratificaciones del Convenio entre las dichas partes contra- tantes, firmado en Washington el 5 de diciembre de 1885, y tam- bien el t^rmino fijado para el cambio de las ratificaciones del Convenio de 15 de marzo de 1888. Articulo II. El presents Convenio sera rati- ficado por el Presidente de los 20 the United States of America, by aud -with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof ,; and by the President of the United States of Venezuela, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Congress thereof; andtheratificatiens shall be exchanged at Washington, as soon as possible within the time specified in Article I hereof as the period of extension of the time for the exchange of ratifications of the Convention signed at "Wash- ington, on the Sth day of Decem- ber, 1885, and of the Convention signed at Washington on the 15th day of March, 1888. In witness whereof, the respect- ive Plenipbtentiaries have signed and sealed the present Convention in duplicate, in the English and Spanish languages. Done at Washington, this fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. T. F. Bayard. F°° Ant? Silva Estados Unidos de America, con el conseio y consentimiento del Senado de dichos Estados; y por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, con el conse jo y con- sentimiento del Congreso"de dicha Repiiblica ; y las ratificaciones serd,n canjeadas en Washington tan pronto como sea posible dentro del tdrmino especificadp en el artf culo I como prdroga del tiempo estipulado para el cambio de las ratificaciones del Convenio fir- mado en Washington en 5 de diciembre de 1885, y del tiempo estipulado para el cambio de las ratificaciones del Convenio fir- mado en Washington el 15 de mar- zo de 1888. En prueba y i4 de lo cual, los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han firmado y sellado el presente Con- venio, por duplicado, en los idio- mas ingMs y espanol. Hecho en la ciudad de Wash- ington, & cinco de Octubre de mil ochocientos ochenta y ocho. SEAL SEAL ;] And whereas the said Supplementary Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the same were ei^ changed at the City of Washington, on the third day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President, of the United States of America, have caused the said Supplement- a,ry Convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused-^ihe seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 4th day of June in the year , of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine, and of the < P ' ■, Independence of the United States of America, the one '- ■ -' hundred and thirteenth. Benj. Harrison By the President: James G. Blaine Secretary of State. APPENDIX. (For convenience the Convention of 1866 is reprinted.) CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC OP VENEZUELA POR ADJUSTMENT OP CLAIMS, CONCLUDED AT CARACAS APRIL 25, 1866 ; RATIPICATION AD- VISED BY SENATE JULY 5, 1866 ; RATIPIED BY PRESIDENT AU- GUST 8, 1866 ; RATIPICATIONS EXCHANGED AT CARACAS APRIL 17, 1867 ; PROCLAIMED MAY 29, 1867. The conclusion of a convention similar to those entered into with other republics, and by •which the pending American claims upon Venezuela, might be referred for decision to a Mixed Commission and an Umpire, having been pro- posed to the Venezuelan Govern- ment on behalf of the United States of America, as a means of examining and justly terminating such claims ; and it having been thought that the adoption of the contemplated course will secure, at least, some of the advantages attending Arbitration, so strongly recommended in article the 112th of the Federal Constitution of Venezuela, while it will preserve unimpaired as reciprocally de- sired, the good understanding of both nations, the Citizen First Vice-President in charge of the Presidency has accepted the above proposal and authorized the Min- ister for Foreign Relations to ne- gotiate and sign the proper con- vention. Thereupoii said Minis- ter and Mr. E. D. Culver, Minister Resident; of the United States of America, also duly empowered for that purpose, have agreed' upon the following articles of Conven- tion: Habi^ndose propuesto al Go- bierno, de parte de los Estados Unidos de America, como medio de considerar y resolver en justi- cia.las reclamaciones pendientes de Ciudadanos de ellos contra los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, la celebraoion de un convenio and,- logo i, los ajustados con otras re- piiblicas, y por el cual se pone la decision de tales asuntos en ma- nos de una Comision Mixta y de un tercero en discordia; y habien- dose juzgado que asl se, logran siquiera en parte, las ventajas del arbitramento, tan recomendado en el articulo 113 de la Constitu- cion Federal de Venezuela, al paso que se mantendrd, siempre desembarazada la buena corres- pondencia de ambas naciones, segun miituamente se desea: el Ciudadano Primer Designado en ejercicio de la Presidencia ha sus- crito & la propuesta y expedido al Ministro de Relaciones Exte- riores las drdenes consiguientes para negociar y firmar la conven- cion respectiva. En esta virtud, dicho Ministro y el Senor E. D. Culver, Ministro Residente de los Estados Unidos de America, pro- visto de autorizacion bastante, han convenido en los articulos siguientes — 21 22 Article I. All claims on the part of cor- porations, companies or individ- uals, citizens of the United States upon the Government of Vene- zuela which may have been pre- sented to their Government or to its legation in Caracas shall be submitted for examination and decision to a Mixed Commission consisting of two members, one of whom shall be appointed by the Government of the United States, and the other by that of Venezuela. In case of death,, ab- sence, resignation or incapacity of either of the Commissioners, or in the event of either of them omitting or ceasing to act, the Government of the United States, or that of Venezuela respectively, or the Minister of the United States in Caracas, by authority of his Government shall forthwith proceed to fill the vacancy. The Commissioners so named,, shall meet in the city of Caracas within four months from the ex- change of the ratifications of this convention; and before proceed- ing to business, they shall make solemn oath thg,t they will care- fully examine and impartially de- cide according to justice, and in compliance with the provisions of this convention, all claims sub- mitted to them; and such oath shall be entered on the record of their proceedings. The' Commissioners shall then proceed to appoint ah Umpire, to decide upon any case or cases con- cerning which they may disagree or upon any point of difference, that may arise in the course of their proceedings. And if they cannot agree in the selection, the Umpire shall be named hj_ the Diplomatic Eepresentative either of Switzerland or of Russia in "Washington, on the previous in- vitation of the high contracting parties. Articulo I. Todas las reclamaciones contra Venezuela que corporaciones, compaHlas 6 ciudadanosparticula- res de los Estados Unidos de Ame- rica hayan presentado ^ su Go- bierno 6 i,la legacion de ellos en Caracas, ser^n sometidas alexa- men y decision de una Comision Mixta compuesta de dos indivi- duos nombrados uno por el Gobi- erno de Venezuela y otro por el de los Estados Unidos. En los casos de muerte, ausencia, renuncia 6 incapacidad de alguno de los Co- misionados, 6 de que f alte 6 cese en el ejercicio de sus f unpiones, el Go- bierno de Venezuela 6 el de los Estados Unidos respectivamente 6 el Ministro de los Estados Uni- dos en Caracas con autorizacion de su Gbbierno procederdtn irane- diatamente 4, Uenar la vacante. Los Comisionados asl elegidos se reunir^n en la ciudad de Cara- cas dentro de cuatro meses conta- dos desde el canje de las ratifica- ciones de este Convenio; y ^ntes de entrar en el ejercicio de su en- cargo prestar^n el solemne jura- mento de examinar escrupulosa- mente y decidir con imparcialidad y justicia y segun lo estipulado en este convenio todas las reclama- ciones que les fueren sometidas. Tal juramento constard, en el registro de sus trabajos. Los Comisionados procederdn en seguida & nombrar un ^rbitro, para que decida los casos en que ellos no est^n de acuerdo, 6 las diferencias que se susciten en el curso de sus actos. Si no pudie- renconvenirse en la eleccion del drbitro, este sera nombrado por el Agente diplomdtico de ^uiza <5 el de Rusia en Washington, pre- via invitacion de las altas partes contratantes. 23 Article II. So soon as the Umpire shall 'have been appointed, the Com- missioners shall proceed without delay to examine the claims, -which may he presented to them, ■under this convention; and they shall, if required, hear one per- son in behalf of each Govern- ment on every separate claim. Each Government shall furnish, on request of either Commis- sioner, all such documents and papers in its possession, as may be deemed important to the just determination of any claim. In Cases, where they agree to award an indemnity, they shall determine the amount to be paid, and issue certificates of the same. In cases, when the Commissioners cannot agree, the points of differ- ence shall be referred to the Um- pire before whom each of the Commissioners may be heard, and whose decision shall be final. The Commissioners shall make such decision as they shall deem, in reference to such claims, con- formable to justice, even though such decisions amount to g-n ab- solute denial of illegal preten- sions, since the including of any such in this convention is not to be understood as working any prejudice in favor of any one, either as to principles of right or matters of fact. Article III. The Commissioners shall issue certificates of the sums to be paid to the claimants respectively by virtue of their decisions, or those of the Umpire;, and the aggre- fate amount of all sums awarded y the Gomnlissioners, and of all sums, accruing from , awards made by the Umpire, shall be paid to the Government of the IJnited States. Payment of said sums shall be made in equal an- nual payments, to be completed Articulo II. Lu'ego que haya sido nombrado el drbitro, los Comisionados pro- ceder^n sin demora & examinar las reclamaciones que se les-pre? senten en virtud de este convenio; y oir^n, si fuere hecesario, d una persona de parte de cada Gobier- no gobre cada reclamacion. Cada Gobierno suministrarA d, los Co- misionados, A solicitud de cual- quiera de ellos, todos los documen- tos y papeles que estdn en su poder y se juzquen importantes para determinar en justicia cualquier reclamacion. Cuando los Comisionados con- vengan en otorgar alguna indem- nizacion, fijard,n la cantidad q^ue deba pagarse y expedirdn certifi- cados al efecto. En los cases en que no puedan ponerse de acuerdo, los puntos de discordia se some- terdn al drbitro, ante el cual podrd ser vido cada uno de los Comi- sionados, y cuya decision ser^ definitiva. Los Comisionados librar^n acerca de las reclamaciones las sentencias que estimen arregladas & justicia, aunque por ellas se nieguen absolutamente las pre- tensiones ilegitimas; pues con su inclusion en este convenio nada se prejuzga & favor de ninguna, ni en cuanto d los principios de derecho ni a los puntos de necho. Articxjlo III. Los Comisionados expediran certificados de las sumas que hayan de pagarse d los reclaman- tes respectivamente en virtud de sus fallos 6 de los f alios del i,v- bitro; y el impOrte total de las dichas sumas conce'didas por los Comisionados d roor el ^rbitro, ser^ pagado al Gobierno de los Estad!bs Unidos. El pago se har^ en porciones anuas iguales, debi- endb quedar complete dentro de diez anos contados desde la fecha 24 •within ten years from the date of the termination of the labors of the commission; the first pay- ment to be made six months from the same date. Semi-annual in- .tereet shall be paid on the several sums awarded, at a rate of five per cent, per annum from the date of the termination of the labors of the Commission. Article IV. The Commission shall terminate its labors in twelve months from the date of its organization, ex- cept that thirty days extension may be given to issue certificates, if necessary, on the decisions of the Umpire in the case referred to in the following article. They shall keep a record of their pro- ceedings, and may appoint a Sec- retary. Article V. The decisions of this Commis- sion and those, (in case there may be any) of the Umpire, shall be final and conclusive as to all pend- ing claims at the date of their in- stallation. Claims which shall not be presented within the twelve months, herein prescribed will be disregarded by both Govern- ments, and considered invalid. In the event, that upon the ter- m.ination of the labors of said Commission, there should remain pending one or more cases before the Umpire, awaiting his decision, the said/ Umpire is authorized to make his decision and transmit same to the Commissioners, who shall issue their certificates there- upon and communicate [them] ,to each Government, which shall be held binding and conclusive; provided however that his de- cision shall be given within thirty days from the termination of the labors of the Commission, and after the expiration of the said thirty days, any decision made shall be void and of no effect. del tdrmino de I9S trabajos de la Comision, y empezarse.d los seis meses de la misma fecha. For las varias sumas deoretadas se^ pagar^ cada seis meses el interes de cinco por ciento'al ano, enten- di^ndose que no empieza i, correr hasta la fecha en que la Comision concluya sus tareas. Articulo rV. La Comision terminard sus tra- bajos & los doce meses contados desde el dia de su instalacion, aunque podrd, tener una prdroga de treinta dias, se f uere necesaria, para certificar las decisiones del d,rbitro en el caso de que trata el articulo .siguiente: Uevard, un registro de sus actos y podrd, nom- brar un Secretario. Articulo V. Los f alios de esta Comision y en su caso los del drbitro decidirdn definitiva 4 irrevocablemente to- das las reclamaciones pendientes el dia de su instalacion. Las que no se presenten dentro de los doce meses aqui prescritos, serdn dese- chadas por ambos Gobiernos y se considerardn nulas. En caso de que, al concluirse los trabajos de jiicha Comision, que- daren pendientes una 6 mas de- cisiones del drbitro, se autoriza & este para pronunciar su fallo y enviarlo i, los Comisionados, que lo certificardn y trasmitirdn d cada Gobierno, teni^ndose como obligatorio 6 irrevocable. Sin embargo, el drbitro deberd dar sus decisiones dentro de los treinta dias siguentes al t^rmino de las labores de la Comision, quedando sin valor ni ef ecto las que pronun- ciare despues. 25 ARTICiLE YI. Eacli Government shall pay its own Commissioner and shall pay one-half bf what may [be] due the Umpire and Secretary, and one-half the incidental expenses of the Commission. Article VII. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged, so soon as may be practicable; in the City of Caracas. In testinaony whereof the Plen- ipotentiaries have signed this Convention and herenJato affixed- the seals of the Ministry of For- eign Relations of the United States of Venezuela, and of the Legation of the United States of America in Caracas this twenty- fifth day of April, in the Articulo VI. Cada Gobierno costeara su re- spectivo Comisionado, pagard, la mitad de lo qne se, asigne al |irbi- tro y al secretario, y tambiensa- tisf ara los gastos accidentales de la Comision. Articulo VII. La presjente, convencion serd, ratificada y sus ratificaciones se cangear^n en la cindad de Cara- cas cuanto ^ntes fuere posible. En 14 de lo cual los Plenipoten- ciarios han firmado esta conven- cion y sell£dola con los sellos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exte- riores de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y de la legacion de los Estados Unidos de America en Cardrcas & veinte y cinco de Abril de mil ochocientos sesenta y seis. year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. The Minister Resident of the United States of America, E. D. CULVER. [SEAL.] The Mimster of Foreign Relations of the United States of Venezuela, RAFAEL SEIJAS. [seal.] 12095 3 EXCHANGE (IMMEDIATE) OP OFFICIAL JOURNALS, ETC. CONVENTION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BELGIUM, BRAZIL, ITALY, PORTUGAL, SERVIA, AND SPAIN FOR THE IMMEDIATE EXCHANGE OF THE OFFICIAL JOURNALS, PARLIAMENTARY ANNALS, AND DOCUMENTS. Concluded at Brussels March i§, 1886. Ratification advised by the Senate June 18, 1888. Ratified by the President July ig, 1888. Ratifications exchanged January 14, i88g. Proclaimed January i§, i88g. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention to assure the immediate exchange of the official journal as well as of the parliamentary annals and documents of the States adhering thereto, was concluded and signed at Brussels, Belgium, on the 15th day of March, 1886, by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, Belgium, Brazil, Italy, Portugal and the Algarves, Servia and Spain, which Convention being in the French language, is word for word as follows : [Translation.] Le President des Etats-Unis The President of the United States d'Amdrique, Sa Majeste le Roi des of America, His Majesty the King of Beiges, Sa Majesty I'Empereur du the Belgians, His Majesty the Emper- Br6sil, Sa Majeste la Reine R6gente or of Brazil, Her Majesty the Queen d'Espagne, Sa Majeste le Roi d'ltalie. Regent of Spain, His Majesty the Sa Majesty le Roi de Portugal et des King of Italy, His Majesty the King Algarves, Sa Majeste le Roi de Serbie, of Portugal and of the Algarves, His d6sirant assurer l'6change imm^diat Majesty the King of Servia, desiring du journal officiel siinsi que des an- to assure the immediate exchange of nales et des documents parlemen- taires de leurs Etats respectifs ont nomme pour leurs Pl6nipotentiaires, savior : Le President des Etats-Unis d'Am^rique, Mr. Lambert Tree, Ministre Resident des Etats-Unis d'Am^rique a Bruxelles, Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, Mr. le Prince de Caraman, son Ministre des Affaires EtrangSres, et Mr. le Chevalier de Moreau, son Ministre de r Agriculture, de 1' Industrie et des Travaux Publics, Sa Majesty I'Empereur du Brfeil, Mr. le Comte. de Villeneuve, Son Envoy6 Extraordinaire & Ministre Pl6nipotentiaire pres Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, Sa Majesty Ja Reine R6gente d'Es- pagne, Mr. de Tavira, Charge d' Af- faires ad interim d'Espagne a Brux- elles, Sa Majeste le Roi d'ltalie, Mr. le Marquis Maffei, Son Envoyd Extra- ordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire pr6s Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, Sa Majesty le Roi de Portugal et des Algarves, Mr. le Baron de Sant' Anna, Envoy6 Extraordinaire & Ministre Plenipotentiaire de Sa Ma- jeste Tr6s-Fidde, Sa Majesty le Roi de Serbie, Mr. Marinovitch, Son Envoys Extraor- dinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire prSs Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges. Lesquels, apress'gtre communique leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouves en bonne & due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants : Article I. Independamment des obligations qui resultent de I'Article 2 de la the Official Journal as well as of the parliamentary Annals and Documents of their respective States, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit : The President of the United States of America, Mr. Lambert Tree, Minister Resident of the United States of America at Brussels, His Majesty the King of the Bel- gians, The Prince de Caraman, His Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Chevalier de Moreau, His Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Public Works, His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, The Count de Villeneuve, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians, Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain, Mr. de Tavira, Charge d' Af- faires, ad interim, of Spain at Brus- sels. His Majesty the King of Italy, The Marquis Maffei, His Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians, His Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves, the Baron de Sant' Anna, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Very Faithful Majesty, His Majesty the King of Servia, Mr. Marinovitch, His Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians. Who, after having communicated between themselves their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles : Article I. Independently of the obligations which result from Article 2 of the Convention g^n^rale de ce jour, rela- tive a? r^cliange des documents offi- ciels et des publications scientifiques et litt^raires, les Gouvernments re- spectifs s'engagent afaireexpedieraux chambres legislatives de chaque Etat contractant, au fur & a mesure de leur publication, un exemplaire du journal officiel, ainsi que des annales & des documents parlementaires livres a la publicity. Article II. Les Etats qui n'ont pas pris part a la prdsente Convention sont admis a y adherer sur leur demande. Cette adhesion sera notifiee, par la voie diplomatique au Gouvernement beige et par ce Gouvernement a tous les autres Etats Signataires. Article III. La presente Convention sera ratifi6e et les ratifications seront 6chang6es a Bruxelles aussitot que faire se pourra. Elle est conclue pour dix ans, a partir du jour de I'echange des ratifications et elle continuera a subsister au dela de ce d61ai tant que I'un des Gouver- nements n'aura pas d6clar6 six mois a I'avance qu'il y renonce. En foi de quoi, les Plenipotentiaires respectifs I'ont signee et y ont appose leurs cachets. Fait a Bruxelles en sept exem- plaires, le 15 Mars 1886. [seal. J Lambert Tree [seal.] Pr. de Caraman [seal.] Ch'v'lier d. Moreau [seal.] de Villeneuve [seal.] Josfe Ma. de Tavira [seal.] Maffei [seal.] B'on de Sant' Anna [seal.] I. Marinovitch General Convention of this day, rela- tive to the exchange of official docu- ments and of scientific and literary publications, the respective Govern- ments undertake to have transmitted to the legislative chambers of each contracting State, as fast as their pub- lication, a copy of the Official Journal as well as of the parliamentary An- nals and Documents, which are given publicity. Article II. The States which have not taken part in the present Convention are admitted to adhere thereto on their request. This adhesion will be notified dip- lomatically to the Belgian Govern- ment, and by that Government to all the other, signatory States. Article III. The present Convention will be ratified and the ratifications will be exchanged at Brussels as soon as practicable. It is concluded for ten years from the day of the exchange of the ratifications and it will remain in force beyond that time, so long as one of the Governments shall not have declared six months in advance that it renounces it. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have thereunto affixed their seals. Done at Brussels, in seven copies the isth. of March, 1886. [seal.] Lambert Tree [seal.] Pr. de Caraman [seal.] Ch'v'lier d. Moreau [seal.] Cte. de Villeneuve [seal.] Josfe Ma. de Tavira [seal.] Maffei [seal.] B'on de Sant' Anna [seal.] I. Marinovitch And whereas the Plenipotentiary of the United States of America did, on the 1 7th day of November, 1 888, deposit the President's ratification of the said Convention with His Excel- lency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, for delivery to the Plenipotentiaries of the other signatory States, on the occasion of their re-assembling to exchange the ratifications of the said Convention ; And whereas the Plenipotentiaries of the several Contract- ing Parties did, on the 14th day of January, 1889, exchange the ratifications of the said Convention ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 15th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred [seal.] and eighty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirteenth. GROVER CLEVELAND By the President: T. F. BAYARD Secretary of State. EXCHANGE OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, ETC. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMEElCA, BELGIUM, BRAZIL, ITALY, PORTUGAL, SERBIA, SPAIN, AND SWITZERLAND FOR THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, SCIENTIFIC AND LITERARY FUBLiCATIONS. Concluded at Brussels March 16, 1886. Satification advised by the Senate Jv/ne 18, 1888. Ratified hy the egun in Washington on June 25. 1887; and have named for Their present Plenipotentiaries the following : The President of the United States of America : Mr. John A. Kasson, Mr. William Walter Phelps, Mr. George H. Bates; His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia : Count Bismarck, Minister of State, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Baron von Holstein, Actual Privy Councillor of Legation, Dr. Krauel, Privy Councillor of Legation ; Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India : , Sir Edward (Baldwin Malet, Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Em- peror of Germany, King of Prussia, Charles Stewart Scott Esquire, Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Confederation, Joseph Archer Crowe Esquire, Her Majesty's Commercial Attache for Europe, who, furnished with full powers which have been found in good and due form, have successively considered and adopted : First; A Declaration respecting the independence ar(d neutrality of the Islands of Samoa, and assuring to their respective citizens and subjects equality of rights in said Islands, and providing for the immediate restora- tion of peace and order therein. , Second; A Declaration respecting the modification of existing treaties, and the assent of the Samoan Government to this Act. Third; A Declaration respecting the establishment of a Supreme Court of Justice for Samoa, and defining its jurisdiction. Fourth; A Declaration respecting titles to land in Samoa, restraining the disposition thereof by natives, and providing for the investigation of claim's thereto and for the registration of valid titles. Fifth; A Declaration respecting the Municipal District of Apia, pro- viding a local administration therefor and defining the jurisdiction of the Municipal Magistrate. Sixth; A Declaration respecting"~taxation and revenue in Samoa. Seventh; A Declaration respecting arms and ammunition, and intoxi- cating liquors, restraining their sale and use. Eighth; General Dispositions. Article I. A Declaration respecting the independence and neutrality of the Islands of Sa- moa, and assuring to the respective citizens and subjects of the Signatory- Powers equality of rights in said Islands; and providing for the immediate restoration of peace and order therein. It is declared that the Islands of Samoa are neutral territory in which the citizens and subjects of the Three Signatory Powers have equal rights of resi- denbe, trade and personal protection. The Three Powers recognize the in- dependence of the Samoan Government and the free right of the natives to elect their Chief or King and choose their form of Government according to their own laws and customs. Neither of the Powers shall exercise any separate control over the Islands or the Government thereof. It is further declared, with a view to the prompt restoration of peace and good order in the said Islands, and in view of the difficulties which would surround an election in the present disordered condition of their Govern- ment, that Malietoa Laupepa, who was formerly made and appointed King on the 12* day of July 1881, and was so recognized by the Three Powers, shall again be so recognized hereafter in the exercise of such authority, unless the Three Powers shall by common accord otherwise declare ; and his succes- sor shall be duly elected according to the laws and customs of Samoa. Article II. A Declaration respecting the modification af existing treaties, and the assent of the Samoan Government to this Act. Considering that the following provisions of this General Act can not be fully effective without a modification of certain provisions of the treaties here- , tofore existing between the Three Powers, respectively, and the Government of Samoa, it is mutually declared that in every case where the provisions of this Act shall be inconsistent with any provision of such treaty or treaties, the provisions of this Act shall prevail. Considering further, that the consent of the Samoan Government is requi- site to the validity of the stipulations hereinafter contained, the Three Power^ mutually agree to request the assent of the Samoan Government to the same, which, when given, shall be certified in writing to each of the Three Govern- ments through the medium of -their respective Consuls in Samoa. Article III. A Declaration respecting the establishment of a Supreme Court of Justice for Samoa and defining its jurisdiction. Section i. A Supreme Court shall be established in Samoa to consist of one Judge, who shall be styled Chief Justice of Samoa, and who shall appoint a Clerk and a Marshal of the Court; and record shall be kept of all orders and deci- sions made by the CoUVt, or by the Chief Justice in the discharge of any duties imposed on him under this Act. The Clerk and Marshal shall be allowed reasonable fees to be regulated by order of the Court. Section 2. With a view to secure judicial independence and the equal consideration of the rights of all parties, irrespective of nationality, it is agreed that the Chief Justice shall be named by the Three Signatory Powers in common ac- cord ; or, failing their agreement, he may. be named by the King of Sweden and Norway. He shall be learned in law and equity, of mature years, and of good repute for his sense of honour, impartiality and justice. His decision upon questions within his jurisdiction shall be final. He shall be appointed by the Samoan Government upon the certificate of his nominatiSn as herein provided. He shall receive an annual salary of six thousand dollars (^6000"") in gold, or its equivalent, to be paid the first year in equal proportions by the Three Treaty Powers, and afterward out of the revenues of Samoa apportioned to the use of the Samoan Government, upon which his compensation shall be the first charge. Any deficiency therein shall be made good by the Three Powers in equal shares. The powers of the Chief Justice, in case of a vacancy of that office from any cause, shall be exercised by the President of the Municipal Council, until a successor shall be duly appointed and qualified. Section 3. In case either of the four Governments shall at any time have cause of complaint against the Chief Justice for any misconduct in office, such com- plaint shall be presented to the authority which nominated him, and, if in the judgment of such authority there is sufficient cause for his removal, he shall be removed. If the majority of the Three Treaty Powers so request, he shall be removed. In either case of removal, or in case the office shall become otherwise vacant, his successor shall be appointed as herein before provided. Section 4. The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction of all questions arising under the provisions of this General Act ; and the decision or order of the Court thereon shall be conclusive upon all residents of Samoa. The Court shall also have appellate jurisdiction over all Municipal Magistrates and officers. * Section 5. The Chief Justice is authorized at his own discretion, and required upon written request of either party litigant, to appoint assessors, one of the na- tionality of each litigant, to assist the court, but without voice in the deci- sion. Section 6. In case any question shall hereafter arise in Samoa* respecting the right- ful election or appointment of King or of any other Chief claiming authority over the Islands; or respecting the validity of the powers which the King or any Chief may claim in the exercise of his office, such question shall not lead to war but shall be presented for decision to the Chief Justice of Samoa, who shall decide it in writing, conformably to the provisions of this Act and to the laws and customs of Samoa not in conflict therewith; and the Signatory Governments will accept and abide by such decision. Section 7. In case any difiference shall arise between either of the Treaty Powers and Samoa which they shall fail to adjust by mutual accord, such diiference shall not be held cause for war, but shall be referred for adjustment on the principles of justice and equity to the Chief Justice of Samoa, who shall make his decision thereon in writing. Section 8. The Chief Justice may recommend to the Government of Samoa the pass- age of any law which he shall consider just and expedient f6r the preven- tion and punishment of crime'and for the promotion of good order in Samoa outside the Municipal District and for the collection of taxes without the District. Section 9. Upon the organization of the Supreme Court there shall be transferred to its exclusive jurisdiction ' I. All civil suits concerning real property situated in Samoa and all rights affecting the same. 2. All civil suits of any kind between natives and foreigners or between foreigners of different nationalities. 3. All crimes and offences committed by natives against foreigners or committed by such foreigners as are not subject to any consular juris- diction ; subject however to the provisions of section 4 Article V de- fining the jurisdiction of the Municipal Magistrate of the District of Apia. Section 10. The practice and procedure of Common Law, Equity and Admiralty, as administered in the Courts of England, may be — so far as applicable — the practice and procedure of this Court; but the Court may modify such prac- tice and procedure from time to time as shall be required by local circum- stances. The Court shall have authority to impose, according to the crime, the punishment established "therefor by the laws of the United States, of England, or of Germany, as the Chief Justice shall decide most appropri- ate ; or, in the case of Native Samoans and other Natives of thfe South Sea Islands, according to the laws and customs of Samoa. Section 11. Nothing in this article shall be so construed as to affect existing consular jurisdiction over all questions arising between masters and seamen of their respective national vessels; nor shall the Court take any ex post facto or re- troactive jurisdiction over crimes or offences committed prior to the organ- ization of the Court. Article IV. A Declaration respecting titles to land in Samoa a?id restraining the disposition thereof by natives; and providing for the investigation of claims thereto, and for the registration of valid titles. Section i. In order that the native Samoans may keep' their lands for cultivation by themselves and by their children after them, it is declared that all future alienation of lands in the Islands of Samoa to the citizens or subjects of any foreign country, whether by sale, mortgage or otherwise shall be prohibited, subject to the following exceptions : (a) Town lots and lands within the limits of the Municipal District as defined in this Act may be sold or leased by the owner for a just con- sideration when approved in writing by the Chief Justice of Samoa ; (b) Agricultual lands in the Islands may be leased for a just consideration and with carefully defined boundaries for a term not exceeding forty (40) years when such lease is approved in writing by the Chief Execu- tive Authority of Samoa and by the Chief Justice. But care should be taken that the agricultural lands and natural fruit lands of Samoans shall not be unduly diminished. Section 2. In order to adjust and settle all claims by aliens of titles to land or any interest therein in the Islands of Samoa, it is declared that a Commission shall be appointed to consist of three (3) impartial and competent persons, one to be named by each of the Three Treaty Powers ; to be assisted by an officer to be styled "Natives' Advocate", who shall be appointed by the Ciiief- Executive of Samoa with the approval of the Chief Justice of Samoa. Each Commissioner shall receive during his necessary term of service, a compensation at the rate of three hundred dollars per month and his reason- able fare to and from Samoa. The reasonable and necessary expenses of the Commission for taking evidence and making surveys (such expenses to be approved by the Chief Justice) shall also be paid, one third by each of the Treaty Powers. The compensation of the Natives' Advocate shall be fixed and paid by the Samoan Government. Each Commissioner shall be governed by the provisions of this Act; and shall make and subscribe an oath before the Chief Justice that he will faith- fully and impartially perform his duty as such Commissioner. Section 3. It shall be the duty of this Commission, immediately upon their organi- zation, to give public notice that all claims on the part of any foreigner to any title or interest in lands in Samoa must be presented to them, with due description of such claim and all written evidence thereof, within four months from such notice for the purpose of examination and registration ; and that all claims not so presented will be held invalid and forever barred; but the Chief. Justice may allow a reasonable extension of time for the production of such evidence when satisfied that the claimant has after due diligence been unable to produce the same within the period aforesaid. This notice shall be published in Samoa in the German, English and Samoan Languages as directed by the Commission. The labours of the Commission shall be closed in two years, and sooner if practicable. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Commission to investigate all claims of for- eigners to land in Samoa, whether acquired from natives or from aliens, and to report to the Court in every case the character and description of the claim, the consideration paid, the kind of title alleged to be conveyed, and all the circumstances affecting its validity. They shall especially report (a) whether the sale or disposition was made by the rightful owner or native entitled to make it. (b) Whether it was for a sufficient consideration. (c) The identification of the property affected by such sale or disposition. Section 5. The Commission whenever the case requires it shall endeavour to effect a just and equitable compromise between litigants. They shall also report to the Court whetherjhe alleged title should be recognized and registered or rejected, in whole or in part, as the case may require. Section 6. All disputed claims to land in Samoa shall be reported by the Commis- sion to the Court, together with all the evidence affecting their validity; , and the Court shall make final decision thereon in writing, which shall be entered on its record. Undisputed claims and such as shall be decided valid by the unamimous voice of the Commission shall be confirmed by the Court in proper form in writing, and be entered of record. Section 7. The Court shall make provision for a complete registry of all valid titles to land in the Islands of Samoa which are or may be owned by foreigners. Section 8. All lands acquired before the 28* day of August 18791 — being the date of the Anglo-'Samoan Treaty — shall be held as validly acquired, — but with- out prejudice to rights of third parties, — if purchased from Samoans in good faith, for a valuable consideration, in a regular and customary manner. Any dispute as to the fact or regularity of such sale shall be examined and deter- mined by the Commission, subject to the revision and confirmation of the Court. Section 9. The undisputed possession and continuous cultivation of lands by aliens for ten years or more, shall constitute a valid title by prescription to the lands so cultivated, and an order for the registration of the title thereto may be made. Section 10. In cases where land acquired in good faith has been improved or culti- vated upon a title which is found to be defective, the title may be confirmed in whole or in part upon the payment by the occupant to the person or persons entitled thereto of an additional sum to be ascertained by the Com- mission and approved by the Court as equitable and just. Section ri. All claims to land, or to any interest therein, shall be rejected and held invalid in the following cases : (a) Claims based upon mere promises to sell, or options to buy. (b) Where the deed, mortgage or other conveyance contained at the time it was signed no description of the land conveyed sufficiently accurate to enable the Commission to define the boundslries thereof (c) Where no consideration is expressed in the conveyance, or if ex- pressed has not been paid in full to the grantor, or if the considera- tion at the time of the conveyance was manifestly inadequate and unreasonable. , (d) Where the conveyance whether sale, mortgage or lease was made upon the consideration of a sale of firearms or munitions of war, or upon the consideration of intoxicating liquors, contrary to the Sa- moan law of October 25. 1880, or contrary to the Municipal regu- lations of January i. 1880. Section 12. The Land Commission may at its discretion through. the Local Govern- ment of the District in which the disputed land is situated appoint a native Commission to determine the native grantor's right of ownership and sale ; and the result of that investigation, together with all other facts pertinent to the question of validity of title, shall be laid before the Comin,ission to be by them reported to the Court. Article V. A Declaration respecting the Municipal District of Apia, providing a local administration therefor, and defining the jurisdiction of the Municipal Magistrate. Section i. The Municipal District of Apia is defined as follows : beginning at Vailoa, the boundary passes thence westward along the coast to the mouth 9 of the River Fuluasa; thence following the course of the river upwards to the point at which the Alafuala road crosses sa;id river ; thence following the line of said road to the point where it reaches the River Vaisinago; and thence in a straight line to the point of beginning at Vailoa — embracing also the waters of the Harbour of Apia. Section 2. Within the aforesaid District shall be established a Municipal Council, consisting of six members and a President of the Council, who shall also have a vote. Each member of the Council shall be a resident of the said District and owner of real estate or conductor of a profession or business in said District which is subject to a rate or tax not less in amount than ^5 per ann. For the purpose of the election of members of the Council, the said District shall be divided into two, or three, electoral districts from each of which an equal number of Councillors shall be elected by the taxpayers thereof qualified as aforesaid, and the members elected from each electoral district shall have resided therein for at least six months prior to their elec- tion. It shall be the duty of the Consular Representatives of the three Treaty Powers to make the said division into electoral districts as soon as practicable after the signing of this Act. In case' they fail to agree thereon, the Chief Justice shall define the electoral districts. Subsequent changes in the num- ber of Councillors or the number and location of electoral districts may be provided for by municipal ordinance. The Councillors shall hold their appointment for a term of two years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. In the absence of the President the Council may elect a Chairman "pro tempore ' ' . Consular Officers shall not be eligible as Councillors, nor shall Council-^ lors exercise any Consular functions during their term of office. Section 3. The Municipal Council shall have jurisdiction over the Municipal District of Apia so far as necessary to enforce therein the provisions of this Act which are applicable to said District, including the appointment of a Municipal Magistrate and of the necessary subordinate officers of justice and of adminis- tration therein ; and to provide for the security in said District of person and property, for the assessment and collection of the revenues therein as herein authorized ; and to provide proper fines and penalties for the viola- tion of the laws and ordinances which shall be in force in said District and not in conflict with this Act, including sanitary and police regulations. They shall establish pilot charges, port dues, quarantine and other regula- tions of the port of Apia, and may establish a local postal system. They shall also fix the salary of the Municipal Magistrate and establish the fees lO and charges allowed to other civil officers of the District, excepting Clerk and Marshal of the Supreme Court. All ordinances, resolutions and regulations passed by this Council before becoming law shall be referred to the Consular Representatives of the Three Treaty Powers sitting conjointly as a Consular Board, who shall either ap- prove and return such regulations or suggest such amendments as may be unanimously deemed necessary by them. Should the Consular Board not be unanimous in approving the regula- tions referred to them, or should the amendments unanimously suggested by the Consular Board not be accepted by a majority of the Municipal Council, then the regulations in question shall be referred for modification and final approval to the Chief Justice of Samoa. Section 4. The Municipal Magistrate shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over all persons irrespective of nationality in case of infraction of any law, ordinance, or regulation passed by the Municipal Council in accord- ance with the provisions of this Act, provided that the penalty does not exceed a fine of two hundred dollars or imprisonment for a longer term than 180 days. In cases where the penalty imposed by the Municipal Magistrate shall exceed a fine of twenty dollars or a term of ten days imprisonment an appeal may be taken to the Supreme Court. Section 5. The President of the Municipal Council shall be a man of mature years, and of good reputation for honour, justice , and impartiality. He shall be agreed upon by the Three Powers ; or, failing such agreement, he shall be se- lected from the nationality of Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Mexico or Brazil, and nominated by the Chief-Executive of the nation from which he is selected, and appointed by the Sanioan Government upon certificate of such nomination. He may act under the joint instruction of the Three Powers, but shall ■receive no separate instruction from either. He shall be guided by the spirit and provisions of this General Act, and shall apply himself to the pro- motion of the peace, good order and civilization of Samoa. He may advise the Samoan Government when occasion requires, and shall give such advice when requested by the King, but always in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act, and not to the prejudice of the rights of either of the Treaty Powers. He shall receive an annual compensation of five thousand dollars (15000""), to be paid the first year in equal shares by the Three Treaty Powers, and afterward out of that portion of Samoan revenues assigned to the use of the Municipality, upon which his salaryshall be the first charge. He shall be the Receiver and Custodian of the revenues accruing under the provisions of this Act, and shall render quarterly reports of his receipts and disbursements to the King, and to the Municipal Council. 1 1 He shall superintend the Harbour and Quarantine regulations, and shall, as the chief executive officer be in charge of the administration of the laws and ordinances applicable to the Municipal District of Apia. Section 6. The Chief Justice shall, immediately after assuming the duties of his office in Samoa, make the proper order or orders for the election and inau- guration of the local government of the Municipal District, under the provi- sions of this Act, Each Member of the Municipal Council, including the, President, shall, before entering upon his functions, make and subscribe before the Chief Justice an oath, or affirmation that he will well and faith- fully perform the duties of his office. Article VI. A Declaration respecting Taxation and Revenue in Samoa. Section i. The Port of Apia shall be the port of entry for all dutiable goods arriv- ing in the Samoan Islands ; and all foreign goods, wares and merchandize landed on the Islands shall be there entered for examination : but coal and naval stores which either Government has by treaty reserved the right to land at any harbour stipulated for that purpose are not dutiable when im- ported as authorized by such treaty, and may be there landed as stipulated without such entry or examination. Section 2. To enable the Samoan Government to obtain the necessary revenue for the maintenance of government and good order in the Islands, the following duties, taxes and charges may be levied and collected, without prejudice to the right of the native government to levy and collect other taxes in its dis- cretion upon the natives of the Islands and their property, and with the con- sent of the Consuls of the Signatory Powers upon all property outside the Municipal District, provided such tax shall bear uniformly upon the same class of property, whether owned by natives or foreigners. A. Import Duties. Doll. c. 1. On Ale and Porter and Beer per dozen quarts — .50 2. On Spirits, per Gallon 2.50 3. On Wine except sparkling, per Gallon i. — 4. On Sparkling Wines per Gallon 1.50 .5. On Tobacco per lb — .50 6. On Cigars per lb i.— 7. On Sporting arms, each , 4. — 8. On Gunpowder per lb — .25 9. Statistical duty on all merchandize and goods imported, ex- cept as aforesaid, ad valorem 2 p.c. 12 B. Export Duties. on copra | on cotton V ad valorem. on coffee I C. Taxes to be annually levied. Doll. 1. Capitation tax on Samoans and other Pacific Islanders not in- cluded under No. 2, per head :.. i. — 2. Capitation tax on coloured plantation labourers, other than Samoans, per head 2. — 3. On boats, trading and others (excluding native canoes and native boats carrying only the owner's property) each 4. — 4. On firearms, each 2. — 5. On dwelling houses (not iilcluding the dwelling houses of Samoan natives) and on land and houses used for commercial purposes, ad valorem 1. p. c. 6. Special taxes on traders as follows: Class I. Doll, u. On stores of which the monthly sales are ^2000 or more, each store 100. — Class II. Below ^2000 and not less than ^1000 48.— Class III. ■ Below giooo and not less than ^500 36. — Class IV. Below J500 and not less than ^250 24. — Class V. Below ^250 12. — D. Occasional taxes. 1. On trading vessels exceeding 100 tons burden, calling at Apia, at each call 10. — 2. Upon deeds of real estate, to be paid before registration there- of can be made, and, without payment of which, title shall not be held valid, upon thevalueof the consideration paid.... y^ p. c. 3. Upon other written transfers of property, upon the selling price I p. c. Evidence of the payment of the last two taxes may be shown by lawful stamps affixed to the title paper, or otherwise by the written receipt of the proper tax collector. 4. Unlicensed butchers in Apia shall pay upon their sales i p. c. 13 E. License taxes. No person shall engage as proprietor or manager in any of the following professions or occupations except after having obtained a License therefor, and for such License the following tax shall be paid in advance : Tavern Keeper lo per month. Attorney, barrister or Solicitor... 60 per annum. Doctor of Medicine or dentistry 30 Auctioneer or commission agent 40 Baker 12 Banks or companies for banking 60 Barber 6 Blacksmith 5 Boat Builder 6 Butcher 12 Cargo-boat or lighter 6 Carpenter 6 Photographer or Artist 12 Engineer 12 " assistants 6 " apprentices 3 Hawker i Pilot 24 Printing press 12 Sail maker 6 Ship builder 6. Shoemaker 6 Land Surveyor 6 Tailor 6 Waterman. 6 Salesmen, bookkeepers, clerks, paid not less than ^75 a month 3 Same when paid over ^75 a month 6 White labourers and domestics per head 5 Factory hands and independent workmen 5 Section 3. Of the revenues paid into the Treasury the proceeds of the Samoan capi- tation tax, of the- license faxes paid by native Samoans, and of all other taxes which may be collected without the Municipal District, shall be for the use and paid out upon the order of the Samoan Government. The proceeds of the other taxes, which are collected in the Municipal District exclusively, shall be held for the use and paid out upon the order of the Municipal Council to meet the expenses of the Municipal Administration as provided by this Act. 14 Section 4. It is understood that "Dollars" and "Cents", terms of money used in this Act, describe the standard money of the United States of America, or its equivalent in other currencies. Article VII. A declaration respecting arms and ammunition, and intoxicating liquors, re- straining their sale and use. Section i. Arms and ammunition. The importation into the Islands of Samoa of arms and ammunition by the natives of Samoa, or by the citizens or subjects of any foreign country, shall be prohibited except in the following cases : (a) Guns and ammunition for sporting purposes, for which written license shall have been previously obtained from the President of the Muni- cipal Council. (b) Small arms and ammunition carried by travellers as personal ap- panage. The sale of arms and ammunition by any foreigner to any native Samoan subject or other Pacific Islander resident in Samoa is also prohibited. Any arms or ammunition imported or sold in violation of these provisions shall be forfeited to the Government of Samoa. The Samoan Government retains the right to import suitable arms and ammunition to protect itself and maintain order; but all such arms and ammunition shall be entered at the Customs (without payment of duty) and reported by the President of the Municipal Council to the Consuls of the Three Treaty Powers. The Three Governments reserve to themselves the future consideration of the further restrictions which it may be necessary to impose upon the impor- tation and use of firearms in Samoa. Section 2. Intoxicating Liquors. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors, or intoxicating drinks what- ever, shall be sold, given or offered to any native Samoan, or South Sea Islander resident in Samoa, to be taken as a beverage. Adequate penalties, including imprisonment, for the violation of the pro- visions of this Article shall be established by the Municipal Council for ap- plication within its jurisdiction; and by the Samoan Government for all the Islands. Article VIII. General Dispositions. Section i. The provisions of this Act shall continue in force until changed by con- sent of the Three Powers. Upon the request of either Power after three 15 years from the signature hereof, the Powers shall consider by common accord what ameliorations, if any, may be introduced into the provisions of this General Act. In the meantime any special amendment may be adopted by the consent of the Three Powers with the adherence of Samoa. Section 2. The present General Act shall be ratified without unnecessary delay, and within the term of ten months from the date of its signature. In the meantime the Sigiiatory Powers respectively engage th&mselves to adopt no measure which may be contrary to the dispositions of the said Act. Each Power further engages itself to give effect in the meantime to all provisions of this Act which may be within its authority prior to the final ratification. Ratifications shall be exchanged by the usual diplomatic channels of com- munication. The assent of Samoa to this General Act shall be attested by a certificate thereof signed by the King and executed in triplicate, of which one copy shall be delivered to the Consul of each of the Signatory Powers at -Apia for immediate transmission to his Government. Done in triplicate at Berlin this fourteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine. John A : Kasson Wm. Walter Phelps. Geo. H. Bates H. Bismarck HOLSTEIN. R Krauel. Edward B Malet Charles S : Scott J. A. Crowe And whereas the said General Act has been duly ratified by the Governments of the Signatory Powers and the re- spective ratifications of the same were deposited in the archives of the Imperial German Government, at the City of Berlin, on the 1 2"" day of April, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety ; And whereas the Government of Samoa has assented to the said General Act, as is attested by a certificate signed in triplicate at Apia on the 19* day of April one thousand eight hundred and ninety by His Majesty Malietoa, King of Samoa ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the i6 said General Act to be made public, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this 21^' day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- '- ■-' dred and ninety and of the Independence, of the United States the one hundred and fourteenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : James G. Blaine < Secretary of State. GREAT BRITAIN— EXTRADITION. EXTRADITION CONVENTION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY. SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE TENTH ARTICLE OF THE TREATY CONCLUDED BETWEEN THE SAME HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES ON THE NINTH DAY OF AUGUST, 184a.* Concluded at Washington July i^, i88g. Ratification advised (with amendments) by the Senate February 18, i8go. Ratified by the President of the United States February 25, i8go. Ratified by Her Britannic Majesty March 8, i8go. Ratifications exchanged at London March 11, i8go. Proclaimed March 23, l8go. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas an Extradition Convention between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, supplementary to the Tenth Article of the Treaty concluded between the same High Contracting Parties, on the ninth day of August, 1842, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, on the twelfth day of July, 1889, the original of which Convention, as amended by the Senate of the United States and being in the English lan- guage, is word for word as follows : Extradition Convention between the United States of America and Her Britannic Majesty, supplementary to the Tenth Article of the Treaty, concluded between the same High Contracting Parties on the ninth day of August, 1842. Whereas by the Tenth Article of the Treaty concluded between the United States of America and Her Britannic Majesty on the ninth day of August, 1842, provision is made for the extradition of persons charged with certain crimes; *See Appendix for Article X of the Txeaty of 1848. And Whereas it is now desired by the High Contracting Parties that the provisions of the said Article should embrace certain crimes not therein specified, and should extend to fugitives convicted of the crimes specified in the said Article and in this Convention ; The said High Contracting Parties have appointed as their Plenipoten- tiaries to conclude a Convention for this purpose, that is to say : The President of the United States of America, James G. Blaine, Secre- tary of State of the United States ; And Her Majesty, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty to the United States; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles: Article I. The provisions of the said Tenth Article are hereby made applicable to the following additional- crimes : 1. Manslaughter, when voluntary. 2. Counterfeiting or altering money; uttering or bringing into circu- lation counterfeit or altered money. 3. Embezzlement; larceny; receiving any money, valuable security, or other property, knowirig the same to have been embezzled, stolen, or fraud- ulently obtained. 4. Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director or mem- ber or officer of any company, made criminal by the laws of both countries. 5. Perjury, or subofnation of perjury. 6. Rape; abduction; child-stealing; kidnapping. 7. Burglary; house-breaking or shop-breaking. 8. Piracy by the law of nations. 9. Revolt, or conspiracy to revolt by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas, against the authority of the master; wrongfully sink- ing or destroying a vessels at sea, or attempting to do so ; assaults on board /a ship oh the high seas, with intent to do grievous bodily harm. 10. Crimes and offences against the laws of both countries for the sup- pression of slavery and slave-trading. Extradition is also to take place for participation in any of the crimes mentioned in this Convention or in the aforesaid Tenth Article, provided such participation be punishable by the laws of both countries. Article II. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered, if the offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded be one of a political character, or if he proves that the requisition for his surrender has in fact been made with a view to try or punish- him for an offence of a political character. No person surrendered by either of the High Contracting Parties to the other shall be triable or tried, or be punished for any political crime or offence, or for any act connected therewith, comnaitted previously to his extradition. If any question shall arise as to whether a case comes within the provi- sions of this Article, the decision of the authorities of the government in whose jurisdiction the fugitive shall be at the time shall be final. Article III. No person surrendered by or to either of the High Contracting Parties shall be triable or be tried for any crime or offence, committed prior to his extradition, other than the offence for which he was surrendered, until he shall have had an opportunity of returning to the country from which he was surrendered. Article IV. All articles seized which were in the possession of the person to be sur- rendered at the time of his apprehension, whether being the proceeds of the crime or offence charged, or being material as evidence in making proof of the crime or offence, shall, so far as practicable, and if the competent au- thority of the State applied to for the extradition has ordered the delivery thereof, be given up when the extradition takes place. Nevertheless, the rights of third parties with regard to the articles aforesaid shall be duly respected. Article V. If the individual claimed by one of the two High Contracting Parties, in pursuance of the present Convention, should also be claimed by one or sev- eral other Powers on account of crimes or offences committed within their respective jurisdictions, his extradition shall be granted to that State whose demand is first received. The provisions of this Article, and also of Articles II to IV, inclusive, of the present Convention, shall apply to surrender for offences specified in the aforesaid Tenth Article, as well as to surrender for offences specified in this Convention. Article VI. The extradition of fugitives under the provisions of this Convention and of the said Tenth Article shall be carried out in the United States and in Her Majesty's dominions, respectively, in conformity with the laws regula- ting extradition for the time being in force in the surrendering State. Article VII. The provisions of the said Tenth Article and of this Convention shall apply to persons convicted of the crimes therein respectively named and specified, whose sentence therefor shall not have been executed. In case of a fugitive criminal alleged to have been convicted of the crime for which his surrender is asked, a copy of the record of the conviction and of the sentence of the court before which such conviction took place, duly authenticated, shall be produced, together with the evidence proving that the prisoner is the person to whom such sentence refers. Article VIII. The present Convention shall not apply to any of the crimes herein speci- fied which shall have been committed, or to any conviction which shall have been pronounced, prior to the date at which the Convention shall come into force. Article IX. This Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London as soon as possible. It shall come into force ten days after its publication, in conformity with the forms prescribed by the laws of the High Contracting Parties, and shall continue in force until one or the other of the High Contracting Parties shall signify its wish to terminate it, and no longer. In witness whereof, the undersigned have signed the same and have affixed thereto their seals. Done in duplicate at the city of Washington, this twelfth day of July, 1889. [seal.] James G. Blaine. [seal.] Julian Pauncefote. And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at the City of London, on the nth day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety : Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention, as amended, to be made pubUc, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 25 th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred [seal.] and ninety, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fourteenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : JAMES G. BLAINE Secretary of State. APPENDIX. [For convenient reference, Article X of the Treaty of August 9, 1842, is reprinted.] TREATY TO SETTLE AND DEFINE BOUNDARIES ; FOR THE FINAL SUPPRESSION OF THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE; AND FOR THE GIVING UP OF CRIMINALS FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE. Concluded at Washington August g, 1842. Ratifications exchanged at London October ij, 1842. Proclaimed November 10, 1842. Article X. It is agreed that the United States and Her Britannic Majesty shall, upon mutual requisitions by them, or their Ministers, officers, or authorities, re- spectively made, deliver up to justice, all persons who, being charged with the crime of murder, or assault with intent to commit murder, or piracy, or arson, or robbery, or forgery, or the utterance of forged paper, committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall seek an asylum, or shall be found, within the territories of the other : Provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws of the place where' the fugitive or person so charged, shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial, if the crime or offence had there been committed : And the respective Judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have power, jurisdiction, and authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the fugitive or person so charged, that he may be brought before such Judges or other Magis- trates, respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered; and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge it shall be the duty of the examining Judge or Magis- trate, to certify the same to the proper Executive Authority, that a warrant may issue for the surrender of such fugitive. — The expense of such appre- hension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition, and receives the fugitive. Article XI. * * * The tenth article shall continue in force until one or the other of the parties shall signify its wish to terminate it, and no longer. GREECE— JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. PROTOCOL EXPLANATORY OF THE SCOPE AND EFFECT OF ARTICLE i OF THE TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND GREECE OF DECEMBER 10-22, 1837. 30th. y ^ January Protocol of a conference held at Athens on the ^^ day of p^^^^y i8go between the Honorable A. Loudon Snowden Minister Resident of the United States of America and His Excellency Stephen Dragoumis, Minister for Foreign Affairs of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes. In view of the desire of the Government of the United States and of that of His Hellenic Majesty to effect a reciprocal understanding in regard to the rights and remedies of associations organized under the laws of one of the countries, in the territories of the other, the Minister of the United States declares that joint stock companies and other associations commercial indus- trial and financial constituted in conformity with the laws in force in Greece may exercise in the United States, the rights and privileges of subjects of Greece, under Article I of the Treaty of Commerce and navigation, between the Government of the United States and that of His Hellenic Majesty, con- cluded in London on the ioth.-22nd. of December 1837, including the right of appearing before tribunals for the purpose of bringing an action or of defending themselves with the sole condition that in exercising these rights they always conform to the laws and customs existing in the United States and the several States. The Hellenic Minister for Foreign Affairs declares on his part recipro- cally, that similar rights and privileges shall be enjoyed by corporations of the United States in Greece, whether now or heretofore organized, or to be created in the future, provided they likewise conform to the laws and cus- toms of Greece. In testimony of which we have interchangeably signed this Protocol Athens on the ^^l of '^ 1890. A. Loudon Snowden [seal. J E. Dragoumis [seal.] [APPENDIX.] Article I of the Treaty of 1837. The Citizens and subjects of each of the two High Contracting Parties, may, with all security for their persons, vessels, and cargoes, freely enter the ports, places, and rivers of the Territories of the other, wherever Foreign Com- merce is permitted. They shall be at liberty to sojourn and reside in all parts whatsoever of said territories; to rent and occupy houses and ware- houses for their commerce, and they shall enjoy generally, the most entire security and protection in their Mercantile Transactions, on conditions of their submitting to the Laws and Ordinances of the respective Countries. MEXICO: RECIPKOCAL RIGHT TO PURSUE SAVAGE INDIANS ACROSS BOUNDARY LINE. AGREKIMBNT BETWEEN JAMES G. BLAINE, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND MATIAS ROMERO, ENVOY EX- TRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Signed at Washington, June 25", i8go. Agreement entered into in behalf of their respective Governments, by James G. Blaine, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and Matias Romero, Envoy Extraordir nary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States, pro- viding for the reciprocal crossing of the international boundary line by the troops of their respective govern- ments, in pursuit of savage hostile Indians, under the conditions here- inafter stated. Article I. It is agreed that the regular fed- eral troops of the two Republics may reciprocally cross the boundary line of the two countries when they are in close pursuit of a band of hostile savage Indians, upon the conditions stated in the following articles : Article II. It is understood for the purpose of this agreement, that no Indian scouts Convenio celebrado en nombre de sus respectivos Gobiemos,por James G. Blaine, Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de Amirica, y Ma- tias Romero, Enviado Extraordina- rio y Ministro Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, au- torizando el paso reciproco provis- ional de la tinea divisoria interna- cional, de trofias de sus respectivos Gobiernos, en persecucion de indios salvages sublevados, bajo las restric- ciones que en seguida se expressan. Articulo I. Se conviene en que las tropas fede- rales regulares de las dos Repfiblicas pasen reciprocamente la linea diviso- ria entre los dos paises cuando vayan persiguiendo de cer'ca una partida de indios salvages sublevados, con arreglo a las condiciones que se expresan en los artlculos sigui«ntes : Articulo II. Para los efectos de este convenio queda entendido que no se permitira of the Government of the United States of America shall be allowed to cross the boundary line, unless they go as guides and trailers, un- armed, and not exceeding in any case, two scouts for each Company or each separate command. , Article III The reciprocal crossing agreed . upon in Article I, shall only occur in the unpopulated or desert parts of said boundary line. For the purpose of this agreement the unpopulated or desert parts are defined to be all those points which are at least ten kilometers distant from any encamp- ment or town of either country. Article IV. No crossing of troops of either country shall take place from Capitan Leal, a town on the Mexican side of the Rio Bravo, eighty- four kilometers (52 English miles) above Piedras Negras, to the mouth of the Rio Grande. Article V. The Commander of the troops which cross the frontier in pursuit of Indians, shall, at the time of cross- ing, or before if possible, give notice of his march to the nearest military commander, or civil authority, of the country whose territory he enters. Article VI. The pursuing force shall retire to its own territory as soon as it shall have fought the band of which it is in pursuit, or hkve lost its trail. In no a ningun explorador indio (scout) del Gobierno de los Est'ados Unidos de America, cruzar la llnea divisoria, a no ser que vaya sin armas y como guia y practico en las huellas, y en el con- cepto de que en ningun caso acompa- naran mas de dos indios exploradores (scouts) a cada Compania 6 cada mando separado. ARTfCULO III. El paso reciproco convenido en el artlculo I no podra hacerse sino por la parte despoblada y desierta de dicha linea divisoria. Para los efectos de este convenio se entienden por partes despobladas 6 desiertas todos aquellos puntos distantes porlo menos diez kilometres de cualquier cam- pamento 6 poblacion de ambos paises. Articulo IV. El paso de tropas de uno li otro pais no podra tener lugar desde Capi- tan Leal, poblacion en el lado mexi- ■ cano del Rio Bravd a ochenta y cuatro kilometros (52 millas ingle- sas), rio arriba de Piedras Negras hasta la embocadura del Rio Bravo del Norte. Articulo V. El Jefe de las fuerzas que pasen la frontera en persecucion de indios, debera, al cruzar la linea divisoria 6 antes si fuere posible, dar aviso de su marcha al Jefe militar 6 a la autori- dad civil mas inmediata del pais a cuyo territorio va a entrar. ARTfCULO, VI.. La fuerza perseguidora se retirara a su pais tan luego como haya batido la partida perseguida 6 perdido su huella. En ningun caso podran las - case shall the forces of the two coun- tries, respectively, establish , them- selves or remain in the foreign terri- tory, for any time longer than is necessary to make the pursuit of the band whose trail they follow. Article VII The abuses which may be commit- ted by the forces which cross into the territory of the other nation, shall be punished by the government to which the forces belong, according to the gravity of the offence apd in con- formity with its laws, as if the abuses had been committed in its own terri- tory, the said government being fur- ther under obligation to withdraw the guilty parties from the frontier. Article VIII. In the case of offences which may be committed by the inhabitants of the one country against the foreign forces which may be within its limits, the government of said country shall only be responsible to the government of the other for denial of justice in the punishment of the guilty. Article IX. This being a provisionaT agree- ment it shall remain in force until both governments negotiate a defi- nite one, and may be terminated by either government upon four months notice to the other to that effect ; but in no case shall this agreement remain in force for more than one year from this date. Article X. The Senate of the United Mexican States, having authorized the Presi- fuerzas de los dos paises, respectiva- mente, establecerse en el territorio ' extrangero, ni permanecer en 61 mas tiempo que el necesario para hacer la persecucion de la partida cuya huella sigan. ArtIculo VII. Los abusos que cometan las fuerzas que pasen al territorio de la otra nacion, seran castigados, segun la gravedad de la ofensa y con arreglo a sus leyes, por el Gobierno de quien dependan, como si fuesen cometidos en su propif) territorio, quedando siempre obligado el mismo Gobierno, a retirar de la frontera a los culpa- bles. ARTfcULO VIII. En los casos de delitos cometidos por los habitantes de un pais contra la fuerza del otro, que est6 dentro de los limites del primero, el Gob- ierno de este pais solo es responsable para con el otro Gobierno por dene- gacion de justicia en el castigo de los culpables. ArtIculo IX. Siendo este cdnvenio provisional permanecera en vigor mientras ambos Gobiernos celebran uno definitive y podraterminarseporcualquiera delos" dos Gobiernos mediante la notifica- cion respectiva hecha al otro Gobi- erno, dada con cuatro meses de an- ticipacion; pero en ningun caso permanecera vigente por rhas de un afip contado des"de esta fecha. ARTfCULO X. Habiendo el Senado de los Esta- dos Unidos Mexicanos autorizado al dent to conclude the present agree- ment, it shall have its effect from this date. In testimony whereof we have in- terchangeably signed this agreement this 25th day of June, 1890. Presidente para celebrar este conve- nio, comenzara a tener efecto desde esta fecha. En testimonio de lo cual hemos firmado este convenio el 25 de Junio de 1890. JAMES G. BLAINE [seal.J M. ROMERO. [seal.] SLAVE TRADE, SUPPRESSION OF, ETC. GENKRAL ACT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND OTHER POWERS FOR THE REPRESSION OF THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE AND THE RESTRICTION OF TI^E IMPORTATION INTO, AND SALE IN, A CERTAIN DEFINED ZONE OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT, OF FIREARMS, AMMUNITION AND SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. Signed at Brussels July 2, i8go. Ratification advised by the Senate January ii, i8g2. Ratification of protocoladvised by the Senate January ii, i8g2. Ratified by the President January ig, i8g2. Ratification deposited with the Government of the King of the. Belgians Feb- ruary 2, i8g2. Proclaimed April 2, i8g2. Act to take effect April 2, i8g2. By THE President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a General Act for the repression of the African slave trade and the restriction of the importation into, and sale in, a certain defined zone of the African continent, of firearms, ammunition and spirituous liquors, was concluded and signed on the 2nd. day of July, 1890, by the Plenipoten- tiaries of the United States of America, Germany, Austria- Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the Independent State of the Congo, the French Republic, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and Norway, the Ottoman Empire and Zanzibar, the original of which Act, being in the French language, is word for word as follows : [Translation.} Au.NOM DE DiEU TOUT-PUISSANT. In THE NaME OF GOD ALMIGHTY. Le President des Etats-Unis d'- The President of the United States Amerique; of America; Sa Majeste TEmpereur d'Alleraa- His Majesty the German Emperor, gne, Roi de Prusse, au nom de King of Prussia, in the name of r Empire AUemandj the German Empire; Sa Majesty TEmpereur d'Autriche, roi de Bohgme, etc., et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie; Sa Majesty le Roi des Beiges; Sa Majest6 le Roi de Daneraark ; Sa Majesty le Roi d'Espagne et en Son Nom Sa Majesty la Reine Rdgente du Royaume ; Sa Majeste le Roi Souverain de I'Etat Independant du Congo; Le President de la Republique Fran9aise ; Sa Majesty la Reine du Royaume- Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, Imperatrice des hi- des ; Sa Majesty le Roi d'Ita,lie; Sa Majesty le Roi des Pays-Bas, Grand-Due de Luxembourg, etc.; Sa Majesty le Shah de Perse ; Sa Majeste le Roi de Portugal et des Algarves, etc., etc.; Sa Majesty I'Empereur de toutes les Russies ; Sa Majeste le Roi de Su6de et de Norvege, etc., etc.; Sa Majeste I'Empereur des Otto- mans et Sa Hautesse le Sultan de Zanzibar; Egalement animes de la ferme volenti de mettre un terme aux crimes et aux devastations qu'en- gendre la traite des esclaves afri- cains, de prot^ger efificacement les populations aborigtoes de I'Afrique et d'assurer a ce vaste continent les bienfaits de la paix et de la civilisa- tion ; Voulant donner une sanction nouvelle aux decisions deja prises dans le mSme sens et a diverses His Majesty the Emperor of Aus- tria, King of Bohemia, &c. , and Apostolic King of Hungary ; , His Majesty the King of the Bel- gians; His Majesty the King of Denmark ; His Majesty the King of Spain, and in his name Her Majesty the Queen Regent of the King- dom; His Majesty the Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo ; The President of the French Re- public ; Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Brit- ain and Ireland, Empress of In- dia; His Majesty the King of Italy; His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxemburg ; His Majesty the Shah of Persia; His Majesty the King of Portugal and the Algarves, &c.; His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias ; His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, &c.; His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans; and His Highness, the Sultan of Zan- zibar ; Being equally actuated by the firm ' intention of putting an an end to the crimes and devastations engendered by the traffic in African slaves, of efficiently protecting the aboriginal population of Africa, and of secur- ing for that vast continent the bene- fits of peace and civilization ; Wishing to give fresh sanction to the decisions already adopted in the same sense and at different times by 6poques par les Puissances, com- pleter les rSsultats qu'elles ont ob- tenus et arrSter un ensemble de mesures qui garantissent raccom- plissement de I'ceuvre qui fait I'ob- jet de leur commune sollicitude ; Ontrdsolu, sur 1' invitation qui leur a et6 addressee par le gouverne- meiit de Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, d'accord avec le gouvernement de Sa Majeste la Reine du Royaume- Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, Imperatrice des Indes, de r^unir a cet efifet une Conference a Bruxelles, et ont nomm6 pour leurs Plenipotentiares, savoir : Le President des fixATS-UNis d'Am]e:rique, le Sieur Edwin H. Terrell, Envoys Extraordinaire et Ministre P16ni- potentiaire des Etats-Unis d' Amer- ique pr6s Sa Majesty le Roi des Beiges, et le Sieur Henry Shelton San ford ; Sa Majesti6 l'Empereur d'Alle- MAGNE, Roi de Prusse, au nom DE l'Empire Allemand, le Sieur Frederic Jean Comte d' Al- vensleben, Son Chambellan et Conseiller intimeactuel, Son En- voye Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire pres Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, et le Sieur Guillaume Gohring, Son Conseiller intime de legation. Consul G6n6ral de l'Empire d'Allemagne a Amsterdam; Sa Majesty l'Empereur d'Au- TRICHE, Roi de BOHfeME ET Roi ApOSTOLIQUE DE HONGRIE, ' le Sieur Rodolphe Comte Kheven- huIler-Metsch, Son Chambellan, Son Envoys Extraordinaire et the powers, to complete the results secured by them, and to draw up a body of measures guaranteeing the accomplishment of the work which is the object of their common solici- tude; Have resolved, in pursuance of the invitation addressed to them by the Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, in agreement with the Government of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ire- land, Empress of India, to convene for this purpose a conference at Brus- sels, and have named as their pleni- potentiaries : , The President of the United States of America,. Mr. Edwin H. Terrell, Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary of the United States of America near His Majesty the King of the Belgians, and Mr. Henry Shelton San ford; His Majesty the Emperor of Ger- many, King of Prussia, in the Name of the German Empire, Frederic John, Count of Alven- sleben. His Chamberlain and Actual Privy Councillor, His Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgi- ans, and Mr. William Goehring, His Privy Councillor of Legation, Consul- General of the German Empire at Amsterdam; His Majesty the Emperor of Aus- tria, King of Bohemia and Apostolic King of Hungary, Rodolphe Count Khevenhiiller- Metsch, His Chamberlain, His Envoy Extraordinary and Min- Ministre P16nipotentiare pres Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, Sa MajestA le Roi des Belges, le Sieur Auguste Baron Laittber- mont, Son Ministre d'Etat, Son Envoye Extraordinaire et Mi- nistre Plenipotentiaire, et le Sieur fimile Banning, Directeur General au Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres de Belgique; Sa Majeste le Roi de Danemark, le Sieur Frederic-George Schack de Brockdorff, Consul General de Danemark a Anvers;' Sa Majeste le Roi d'Espag'ne, et EN Son Nom Sa Majeste la ReiNE RfeGENTE DU ROYAUME, Don Jose Gutierrez de Aguera, Son Envoy6 Extraordinaire et Min- istre Plteipotentiare prds Sa Ma- jeste le Roi des Beiges ; Sa Majeste le Roi-Souverain DE l'Etat Independant du Congo, le Sieur Edmond Van Eetvelde, Administrateur General du D6- partement des Affaires Etran- geres de l'Etat Independant du Congo, et le Sieur Auguste Van Maldeghem, Conseiller a la Cour de Cassation de Belgique ; Le President de la Republique Fran^aise, le Sieur Albert Bouree, Envoye Extraordinaire et Ministre ple- nipotentiaire de la Republique Frangaise prSs Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, et ister Plenipotentiary near his Majesty the King of the Belgians, His Majesty the King of the Bel- gians, Auguste Baron Lambermont, His Minister of State, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, and M. Emile Banning, Director Gen- eral in the Department of For- eign Affairs of Belgium; His Majesty the King of Denmark, Mr. Frederic-George Schack de Brockdorff, Consul-General of Denmark at Antwerp ; His Majesty the King of Spain, and in His Name Her Maj- esty the Queen Regent of THE Kingdom, Don Jose Gutierrez de Aguera, His Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary near His Majesty the King of the Bel- gians ; His Majesty the Sovereign-King OF THE Independent State of THE Congo, Mr. Edmund Van Eetvelde, Ad- ministrator-General of the De- ' partment of Foreign Affairs of the Independent State of the Congo and Mr. Auguste Van Maldeghem, Councillor in the Belgian Court of Cassation ; The President of the Frejich Re- public, M. Albert Bouree, Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipoten^ tiary of the French Republic near His Majesty the King of the Belgians, and le Sieur George Cogordan, Minis- tre Plenipotentiaire, Directeur du Cabinet du Ministre des Af- faires ]6trangeres de France ; Sa Majeste la Reine du Royaume- Uni de la Grande-Bret agne ET d'Irlande, Imperatrice des Indes, Lord Vivian, Pair du Royaume- 'Uni, Son Envoye Extraordinaire et Ministre Pltoipotentiaire pres Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, et Sir John Kirk ; Sa Majesty le Roi d'Italie, le Sieur Francois de Renzis, Baron de Montanaro, Son Envoy6 Ex- traordinaire et Ministre Pleni- potentiaire pr^s Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, et le Sieur Thomas Catalani, Son En- v-oy6 Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire ; Sa Majeste le Roi des Pays-Bas, Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, le Sieur jLouis Baron Gericke de Herwynen, Son Envoy6 Extra- ordinaire et Ministre Plenipo- tentiaire pres Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges; Sa Majesty Imp^riale le Shah de Perse, le G6n6ral Nazare Aga, Son En- voy6 Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire pr6s Sa Majesty le Roi des Beiges; Sa Majestic le Roi de Portugal et des Algarves, le Sieur Henrique de Macedo Pe- reira Coutinho, Membre de Son Conseil, Pair du Royaume, Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat honoraire, Son Envoy6 Extra- ordinaire et Ministre Pl6nipo- M. George Cogordan, Minister Plenipotentiary, Director of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France ; Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, ^Empress of India, Lord Vivian, Peer of the United Kingdom, Her Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians, and Sir John Kirk; His Majesty the King of Italy, Francis de Renzis, Baron of Mon- tanaro, His Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians, and' Mr. Thomas Catalani, His Envoy Elx- traordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary ; His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, Louis Baipn Gericke de Herwynen, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians ; His Imperial Majesty the Shah OF Persia, General Nazare Aga, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near His Maj- esty th^ King of the Belgians; His Majesty the King of Portu- gal and of the Algarves, Mr. Henrique de Macedo Pereira Coutinho, Member of His Coun- cil, Peer of the Kingdom, Min- ister and Honorary Secretary of State, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary tentiarie pres Sa Majesty le Roi des Beiges ; Sa Majesty l'Empereur de toutes les russies, le Sieur Leon Prince Ouroussoff, Maitre de Sa Cour, Son Envoy6 Extraordinaire at Ministre P16- nipotentiaire pr6s Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, et le Sieur Fr6d6ric de Martens, Son Conseiller d'Etat actuel, Mem- bre permanent du Conseil du MiiiistSre des Affaires fitrang^- res de Russie; Sa Majeste le Roi de Suede et DE NORVfeGE, le Sieur Charles de Burenstam, Son Chambellan, Son Ministre P16- nipotentiaire pr6s Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges et pr6s Sa Ma- ■ jest6 le Roi des Pays-Bas; Sa Majesty l'Empereur des Otto- mans, fitienne Carath6odory Efendi, Haut Dignitaire de Son Empire, Son Envoy6 Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire pr6s Sa Majesty le Roi des Beiges; Sa Hautesse le Sultan de Zanzi- bar, Sir John Kirk, et le Sieur Guillaume Gohring; Lesquels, munis de pleins pouvoirs qui ont et6 trouv6s en bonne et due forme, ont adopts les dispositions sui- vantes : Chapitre I. Fays de traite. — Me- sures a prendre ■ aux lieux d'orig- ine. Article I. Les Puissances declarent que les moyens les plus efficaces pour com- near His Majesty, the King of the Belgians; His Majesty the Emperor of all the russias, Leon Prince Ouroussoff, Master of His Court, His Envoy Extra- oi'dinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians, and Mr. Frederic de Martens, His Actual Councillor of State, Per- manent Member of the Council of Foreign Affairs of Russia ; His Majesty the King of Sweden AND Norway, Mr. Charles de Burenstam, His Chamberlain, . His Minister Plenipotentiary near His Maj- esty the King of the Belgians and near His Majesty the King of the Netherlands ; His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, fitienne Carath^odory Efendi, High Dignitary of His Empire, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians ; His Highness the Sultan of Zan- zibar, Sir John Kirk, and Mr. William Goehring ; Who, being furnished with full powers, which have been found to be in good and due form, have adopted the following provisions : Chapter i . Slave-trade countries. — Measures to be taken in the places of origin. Article L The powers declare that the most effective means of counteracting the battre la traite a I'interieiir de I'Af- rique sont les suivants : i" Organisation progressive des services administratifs, judiciaires, re- ligieux et militaires dans les terri- toires d' Afrique places sous la souver- ainet6 ou le protectorat des nations civilisees ; 2° fitablissement graduel, al'int^r- ieur, par les Puissances de qui reinvent les territoires, de stations fortement occupies, de maniere que leur action protectrice ou repressive puisse se faire sentir avec efificacit6 dans les territoires d6vast6s par les chasses a I'homme; 3" Construction de routes et no- tamment de voies ferries reliant les stations avancees a la cote et permit- tant d'acc6der ais^ment aux eaux in- terieures et sur le cours sup6rieur des fleuves et rivieres qui seraient coupes par des rapides et des cataractes, en vue de substituer des moyens 6cono- miques et acceldres de transport au portage actuel par I'homme; 4° Installation de bateaux a vapeur sur les eaux int^rieures navigables et sur les lacs, avec I'appui de postes fortifies 6tablis sur les rives ; 5° Etablissement de lignes t€[€- graphiques assurant la communica- tion des postes et des stations avec la cote et les centres d'administration ; 6° Organisation d'expeditions et de colonnes mobiles, qui maintien- nent les communications des stations entre elles et avec la cote, en appuient I'action repressive et assurent la se- curity des routes de parcours ; 7" Restriction de 1' importation des armes a feu, au moins des armes perfection nees, et des munitions dans toute I'etendue des territoires atteints par la traite. slave-trade in the interior of Africa are the following : 1. Progressive organization of the administrative, judicial, religious, and military services in the African terri- tories placed under the sovereignty or protectorate of civilized nations. 2. The gradual establishment in the interior, by the powers to which the territories are subject, of strongly occupied stations, in such a way as to make their protective or repressive action effectively felt in the territories devastated by slave-hunting. 3. The construction of roads, and in particular of railways, connecting the advanced stations with the coast, and permitting easy access to the in- land waters, and to such of the upper courses of the rivers and streams as are broken by rapids and cataracts, with a view to substituting economical and rapid means of transportation for the present system of carriage by men. 4. Establishment of steam-boats on the inland navigable waters and on the lakes, supported by fortified posts established on the banks. 5. Establishment of telegraphic lines, insuring the communication of the posts and stations with the coast and with the administrative centres. 6. Organization of expeditions and flying columns, to keep up the com- munication of the stations with each other and with the coast, to support repressive action, and to insure the security of high roads. 7. Restriction of the importation of fire-arms, at least of those of modern pattern, and of ammunition throughout the entire extent of the territory in which the slave-trade is carried on. Article II. Article II. Les stations, les croisiSres int^rie- ures organis6es par chaque Puissance dans ses eaux et les postes qui leur servant de ports d'attache, ind^pend- amment de leur mission principale, qui sera d'empgcher la capture d'es- claves et d'intercepter les routes de la traite, auront pour tache subsidiaire : ' 1° De servir de point d'appui et au besoin de refuge aux populations indigenes placees sous la souverainete ou le protectorat de I'Etat de qui re- live la station, aux populations in- d^pendantes, et temporairement a toutes autres en cas de danger immi- nent ; de mettre les populations de la premiere de ces categories a mgme de concourir a leur propre defense ; de diminuer les'guerres intestines en- tre les tribus par la voie de I'arbitrage ; de les initier aux travaux agricoles et aux arts professionnels, de fa^on aaccroitre leur bien-6tre, a, les clever a la civilisation et a amener I'extinc- tion des coutumes barbares, telles que le cannibalisme et les sacrifices hu- mains ; 2° De preter aide et protection aux entreprises du commerce, d'en surveiller la legalite en controlant notamment les contrats de service avec les indigenes et de preparer la fondation de centres de cultures per- manents et d'6tablissements commer- ciaux ; 3° De protfeger, sans distinction de culte, les missions etablies ou a 6tablir; 4° De pourvoir au service sani- taire et d'accorder I'hospitalitd et des secours aux explorateurs et a tous ceux qui participent en Afrique a I'oeuvre de la repression de la traite. The stations, the inland cruisers organized by each power in its waters, and the posts which serve as ports of register for them shall, independently of their principal task, which is to prevent the capture- of slaves and in- tercept the routes of the slave trade, have the following subsidiary duties : 1. To support and, if necessary, to serve as a refuge for the native pop- ulation, whether placed under the sovereignty or the protectorate of the State to which the station is subject, or independent, and temporarily for all other natives in case of imminent danger; to place the population of the first of these categories in a po- sition to CO operate for their own defense ; to diminish intestine wars between tribes by means of arbitra- tion ; to initiate them in agricultural labor and in the industrial arts so as to increase their welfare ; to raise them to civilization and bring about the extinction of barbarous customs, such as cannibalism, and human sacrifices. 2. To give aid and protection to commercial enterprises ; ' to watch over their legality by especially con- trolling contracts for service with natives, and to prepare the way for the foundation of permanent centres of cultivation and of commercial set- tlements. 3. To protect, without distinction of creed, the missions which are al- ready or that may hereafter be estab- lished. 4. To provide for the sanitary service and to extend hospitality and help to explorers and to all who take part in Africa in the work of repress- ing the slave-trade. Article III. Article III. Les Puissances qui exercent une souverainete ou un protectorat en Afrique, confirmant et prdcisant leurs declarations arit^rieures, s'engagent a poursuivre graduellement, suivant que les circonstances le permettront, soit par le? raoyens indiqu6sci-dessus, soit par tous autres qui leur paraitront convenables, la repression de la traite, chacune dans ses possessions respectives et sous sa direction propre. Toutes les fois qu'elles le jugefont possible, elles prgteront leurs bans offices aux Puissances qui, dans un but purement humanitaire, accom- pliraient en Afrique une mission analogue. Article IV. Les Puissances exergiant des pou- voirs souverains ou des protectorats en Afrique pourront toutefois d6le- guer a des compagnies munies de chartes, tout ou partie des engage- ments qu'elles assument en vertu de I'article III. Elles demeurent n6an- moins directement responsables des engagements qu'elles contractent par le present Acta general et en garan- tissent I'execution. Les Puissances promettent accueil, aide et protection aux associations nationales et aux initiatives individu- elles qui vqudraient cooperer dans leurs possessions a la repression de la trajte, sous la reserve de leur autorisa- tion prealable et revocable en tout temps, de leur direction et controle, et a r exclusion de tout exercice des droits de la souverainete. Article V. Les Puissances contractantes s'ob- ligent, a moins qu il n'y soit pourvu The powers exercising a sover- eignty or a protectorate in Africa confirm and give precision to their former declarations, and engage to proceed gradually, as circumstances may permit, either by the means above indicated, or by any other means that they may consider suit- able, with the repression of the slave- ' trade, each State in its respective possessions and under its own direc- tion. Whenever they consider it possible, they shall lend their good offices to such powers as, with a purely humanitarian object, may be engaged in Africa in the fulfillment of a similar mission. Article IV. The States exercising sovereign powers or protectorates in Africa may in all cases delegate to companies provided with charters all or a por- tion of the engagements which they assume in virtue of Article III. They remain, nevertheless, directly responsible for the engagements which they contract by the present act, and guarantee the execution thereof. The powers promise to encourage, aid and protect such national associations and enterprises due to private initia- tive as may wish to cooperate in their possessions in the repression of the slave-trade, subject to their receiving previous' authorization, such authori- zation being revocable at any time, subject also to their being directed and controlled, and to the exclusion of the exercise of rights of sovereignty. Article V. The contracting powers pledge ' themselves, unless this has already lO deja par des lois conformes a I'esprit du present article, a fedicter ou a proposer a leurs legislatures resp^c- tives, dans le d61ai d'iin an au plus tard a partir de la date de la signature du present Acte g6n6ral, una loi rendant applicables, d'une part, les dispositions de leur legislation penale qui concernent les attentats graves envers les personnes, aux organi- sateurs et coop^rateurs des chasses a rhomme, aux auteurs de la mutila- tion des adultes et enfants males et ,a tous individus participant a la capture des esclaves par violence ; — et, d'autre part, les dispositions qui concernent les attentats a la liberte individuelle, aux convoyeurs, transporteurs et mar- chands d'esclaves. Les co-auteurs et complices des di- verses categories sp6cifi6es ci-dessus de capteurs et trafiquants d'esclaves seront punis de peines proportionn6es a celles encourues par les auteurs. Les coupables qui se seraient sous- traits a la jurisdiction des autorit^s du pays ou les crimes ou d^lits au- raient et6 commis seront mis en 6tat d'arrestation, soit sur communication des pieces de I'instruction de la part des autorites qui ont constate les in- fractions, soit sur toute autre preuve de culpability, par les soins de la Pu- issance sur le territoire de laquelle ils seront decouverts, et tenus sans autre formality a la disposition des tribunaux comp6tents pour les juger. Les Puissances se communique- ront, dans le plus bref d6Iai possible, les lois ou ddcrets existants ou pro- mulgu6s en execution du present ar- ticle. been provided for by laws in accord- ance with the spirit of the present article, to enact or propose to their respective legislative bodies, in the course of one year at the latest from the date of the signing of the present general act, a law rendering applica- ble, on the one hand, the provisions of their penal laws concerning grave offenses against the person, to the organizers and abettors of slave-hunt- ing, to those guilty of mutilating male adults and children, and to all persons taking part in the capture of slaves by violence ; and, on the other hand, the provisions relating to offenses against individual liberty, to carriers and transporters of, land to dealers in, slaves. The accessories and accomplices of the different categories of slave captors and dealers above specified shall be punished with penalties pro<- portionate to those incurred by the principals. ' Guilty persons who may have es- caped from the jurisdiction of the au- thorities of the country where the crimes or offenses have been com- mitted shall be arrested either on communication of the incriminating evidence by the authorities who have ascertained the violation of the law, or on production of any other proof of guilt by the power in whose territory they may have been dis- covered, and shall be kept, with- out other formality, at the dispo- sal of the tribunals competent to try them. The powers shall communicate to one another, with the least possible delay, the laws or decrees existing or promulgated in execution of the present Article. II Article VI. Les esclaves liber^s a la suite de I'arrestation ou de la dispersion d'un convoi a I'int^rieur du continent se- ront renvoy^s, si les circonstances le permettent, dans leur pays d'origine; sinon, I'autorite locale leur facilitera, autant que possible, les moyens de vivre et, s'ils le d^sirent, de se fixer dans la contr6e. Article VII. Tout esclave fugitif qui, sur le con- tinenl, rSclamera la protection des Puissances signataires, devra I'obtenir et sera regu dans les camps et stations officiellement 6tablis par elles ou a bord des batiments'de I'fitat navigu- ant sur les lacs et rivieres. Les sta- tions et les bateaux prives ne sont admis a exercer le droit d'asile que sous la reserve du consentement pre- alable de I'Etat. Article VIII. L'experience de toutes lesnations qui ont des rapports avec I'Afrique ayant d6montr6 le role pernicieux et preponderant des armes a feu dans les operations de traite, et dans les guerres intestines entre tribus indi- genes,-et cette meme experience ayant prouve manifestement que la con- servation des populations africaines, dont les Puissances ont la volonte ex- presse de sauvegarder 1' existence, est une imppssibilite radicale si des mes- ures restrictives du commerce des armes a feu et des munitions ne sont etablies, les Puissances decident, pour autant que le permet I'etat actuel de leurs frontieres, que 1' importation des armes a feu et sp^cialement des armes ray^es et perfectionnees, ainsi que de la poudre, des balles et des Article VI. Slaves liberated in consequence of the stoppage or dispersion of a con- voy in the interior of the continent, shall be sent back, if circumstances permit, to their country of origin; if not, the local authorities shall fa- cilitate, as much as possible, their means of living, and if they desire it, help them to settle on the spot. Article VII. Any fugitive slave claiming, on the continent, the protection of the sig- natory powers, shall receive it, and shall be received in the camps and stations officially established by said powers, or on board of the vessels of the State plying on the lakes and rivers. Private stations and boats are only permitted to exercise the right of asylum subject to the previ- ous consent of the State. Article VIII. The experience of all nations that have intercourse with Africa having shown the pernicious and preponder- ,ating part played by fire-arms in ope- rations connected with'the slave-trade as well as internal wars between the native tribes ; and this same experi- ence having clearly proved that the preservation of the African popula- tion whose existence it is the express wish of the powers to protect, is a radical impossibility, if measures re- stricting the trade in fire-arms and ammunition are not adopted, the pow- ers decide, so far as the present state of their frontiers permits, that the importation of fire-arms, and espe- cially of rifles and improved weapons, as well as of powder, ball and cart- ridges, is, except in the cases and un- 12 cartouches, est, sauf dans les cas et sous les conditions pr6vus a I'article suivant, interdite dans les territoires compris entre le 20^ parallele nord et le 22° parallele sud et aboutissant vers I'ouest a 1' ocean Atlantique, vers I'est a I'ocean Indien et ses depend- ances, y compris les iles adjacentes au littoral jusqu'a 100 milles marins de la cote. Article IX. L' introduction des armes a feu et de leurs munitions, lorsqu'il y aura lieu de I'autoriser dans les posses- sions des Puissances signataires qui exercent des droits de souverainete ou de protectorat en Afrique, sera reglee, a moins qu'un regime iden- tique ou plus rigoureux n'y.soit deja applique, de la maniere suivante, dans la zone determine a I'article VIII Toutes armes a feu importees de- vront 6tre d^posees, aux frais, risques et perils des importateurs, dans un entrepot public place sous le con- trole de I'administration de I'Etat. Aucune sortie d'armes a feu ni de munitions importees ne pourra avoir lieu des entrepots sans I'autorisation prealable de I'administration. Cette autorisation sera, sauf les cas specifies ci-apres, refus^e pour la sortie de toutes armes de precision telles que fusils rayes, a magasin ou se chargeant par la culasse, entieres ou en pieces d6tachtes, de leurs cartouches, des capsules ou d'autres munitions des- tinies a les approvisionner. Dans les ports de mer et sous les conditions offrant les garanties nte- essaires, les Gouvernemenits respectifs pourront admettre aussi les entrepots particuliers, mais seulement pour la der the conditions provided for in the following Article, prohibited in the territories comprised between the 20th parallel of North latitude and the 2 2d parallel of South latitude, and extend- ing westward to the Atlantic Ocean and eastward to the Indian Ocean and its dependencies, including the islands adjacent to the coast within 100 nau- tical miles from the shore. Article IX. The introduction of fire-arms and ammunition, when there shall tte oc- casion to authorize it in the posses- sions of the signatory powers that exercise rights of sovereignty or of protectorate in Africa, shall be reg- ulated, unless identical or stricter regulations have already been en- forced, in the following manner in the zone defined in Article, VIII : All imported fire-arms shall be de- posited, at the cost, risk and peril of the importers, in a public ware- house under the supervision of the State government. No withdrawal of fire-arms or imported ammunition shall take place from such warehouses without the previous authorization of the said government. This authori- zation shall, except in the cases here- inafter specified, be refused for the withdrawal of all arms for accurate firing, such as rifles, magazine-guns, or breech-loaders, whether whole or in detached pieces, their cartridges, caps, or other ammunition intended for them. In seaports and under conditions affording the needful guarantees, the respective governments may permit private warehouses, but only for or- dinary powder and for flint-lock 13 poudre ordinaire et les fusils a silex et a I'exclusion des armes perfection- n6es et de leurs munitions. IndSpendamment des mesures prises directement par les Gouverne- ments pour Tarmement de la force publique et Torganisation de leur defense, des exceptions pourront gtre admises, a titre individuel, pour des personnes offrant une garantie suffisante que I'arme et les munitions qui leur seraient deliveries ne seront pas donn6es, ceddes ou vendues a des tiers, et pour les voyageurs munis d'une declaration de leur Goiiverne- ment constatant que I'arme et ses munitions sont exclusivement des- tinees a leur defense personnelle. Tout arme, dans les cas pr6vus par le paragraphe pr6c6dent, sera enre- gistr^e et marquee par I'autorit^ pr6- pos6e au controle, qui d^livrera aux personnes dont il s'agit des perftiis de ports d'armes, indiquant le nom du porteur et I'estampille de laquqlle I'arme est maqu6e. Ces permis, re- vocables en cas d'abus constate, ne . seront delivres que pour cinq ans, mais pourront gtre renouveles. La regie ci-dessus etablie de 1' en- tree en entrep6t s'appliquera ggale- ment a la poudre. Ne pourront gtre retires des entre- pots pour gtre mis en vente que les fusils a silex non rayes ainsi que les poudres communes dites de traite. A chaque sortie d'armes et de munitions de cette nature destinees a la vente, les autoritgs locales dgtermineront les regions oil ces armes et munitions pourront gtre vendues. Les regions atteintes par la traite seront toujours exclues. Les personnes autorisees a muskets, and to the exclusion of im- •proved arms and ammunition there- for. Independently of the measures di- rectly taken by governments for the arming of the public force and the organization of their defence, indi- vidual exceptions may be allowed in the case of persons furnishing suf- ficient guarantees that- the weapon and ammunition delivered to them shall not be given, assigned or sold to third parties, and for travelers prdvided with a declaration of their government stating that the weapon and animunitioii are intended for their personal defence exclusively. All arms, in the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, shall be registered and marked by the super- vising authorities, who shall deliver, to the persons in question permits to bear arms, stating the name of the bearer and showing the stamp with which the weapon is marked. These permits shall be revocable in case proof is furnished that they have been improperly used, and shall be issued for five years only, but may be renewed. The above rule as to warehousing shall also apply to gunpowder. Only flint-lock guns, with unrifled barrels, and common gunpowder known as trade powder, may be with- drawn from the warehouses for sale. At each withdrawal of arms and am- munition of this kind for sale, the local authorities shall determine the regions in which such arms and am- munition may be sold. The regions in which the slave-tra,de is carried on shall always be excluded. Persons 14 faire sortir des armes ou de la poudre des entrepots s'obligeront a presenter a r administration, tous les six mois, des listes d6tail6es indiquant les des- tinations qu'ont revues les dites armes a feu et les poudres deja vendues, ainsi que les quantity qui restent en raagasin. Article X. Les Gouvernements prendront toutes les mesures qu'ils jugeront necessaires pour assurer 1' execution aussi complete que possible des dis- positions relatives a I'importation, a la vente et au transport des armes a feu et des munitions, ainsi que pour en empgcher soit I'entr^e et la sortie par leurs frontidres int6rieurs, soit le passage vers les regions ou s6vit la traite. L'autorisation de transit, dans les limites de la zone sp6cifi6e a I'article VIII, ne pourra 6tre refus6e lorsque les armes et munitions doivent passer a travers le territoire d'une Puissance signataire ou adh^rente occupant la cote, vers des territoires a I'intdrieur places sous la souverainet6 ou le pro- tectorat d'une autre Puissance signa- taire ou adherente, a moins que cette derhiSre Puissance n'ait un acc6s di- rect a la mer par son propre territoire. Si cet acc^s 6tait compl^tement in- terrompu, l'autorisation de transit ne pourra non plus gtre refus^e. Toute demande de transit doit gtre accompagnee d'une declaration eman6e du Gouvernement de la Puis- sance ayant des possessions a I'inte- rieur, et certifiant que les dites armes et munitions ne sent pas destinies a la vente, mais a 1' usage des autorites de la Puissance ou de la force mili- taire n6cessaire pour la protection des stations de missionnaires ou de corn- authorized to take arms or powder out of the public warehouses, shall present to the State government, every six months, detailed lists indi- cating the destinations of the arms and powder sold, as well as the quan- tities still remaining in the ware- houses. Article X. , The Governments shall take all such measures as they may deem nec- essary to insure as complete a fulfil- ment as possible of the- provisions respecting the importation, sale and transportation of firearms and ammu- nition, as well as to prevent either the entry or exit thereof via their inland frontiers, or the passage thereof to regions where the slave- trade is rife. The authorization of transit within the limits of the zone specified in Article VIII shall not be withheld when the arms and ammunition are to pass across the territory of the sig- natory or adherent power occupying the coast, towards inland territories under the sovereignty or protectorate of another signatory or adherent power, unless this latter power have direct access to the sea through its own territory. If this access be wholly interrupted, the authorization of transit can not be withheld. Any application for transit must be accom- panied by a declaration emanating from the government of the power having the inland possessions, and certifying that the said arms and am- munition are not intended for sale, but are for the use of the authorities of such power, or of the military forces necessary for the protection of the missionary or commercial sta- tions, or of persons mentioned by 15 merce, ou bien des personnes de- signees nominativement dans la declaration. Toutefois, la Puissance territoriale de la cote se reserve le droit d'arrgter, exceptionnellement at provisoirement, le transit des armes de precision et des munitions a tra- vers son territoire si, par suite de troubles a I'intdrieur ou d'autres graves dangers, il y avait lieu de cra- indre que I'envoi des armes et muni- tions ne pflt compromettre sa propre stirete. Article XI. Las jPuissances se communiqueront las renseignements ralatifs au trafic des armes a feu et des munitions, aux permis accord6s ainsi qu'aux mesures de repression appliquees dans laurs territoiras respectifs. Article XII. Les Puissances s' engagent a adopter ou a proposer a leurs legislatures respactives las mesures necessaires afin que les contrevenants aux defenses etablies par les articles VIII et IX soient partout punis, ainsi que leurs complices, outre la saisia et la con- fiscation des armes et munitions pro- hibeas, soit da I'amende, soit de I'em- prisonnement, soit de ces deux peines reunies, proportionnellement a I'im- portance de 1' infraction et suivant la gravite da chaqua cas. Article XIII. Las Puissances signatairas qui ont en Afrique des possessions en contact avec la zone specifiee a I'article VIII, s' engagent a prendre las mesures ne- cessaires pour empgcher 1' introduc- tion des armes a fau et des munitions, par laurs frontieras interiauras, dans name in the declaration. Neverthe- less, the territorial power of the coast retains the right to stop, exception- ally and provisionally, the transit of of improved arms and ammunition across its territory, if, in consequence of inland disturbances or other seri- ous danger, there is ground for fear- ing lest the despatch of arms and ammunition may compromise its own safety. Article XI. The powers shall communicate to one another information relating to the traffic in fire-arms and ammuni- tion, the permits granted, and the measures of repression in force in their respective territories. Article XII. The powers engage to adopt or to propose to their respective legislative bodies the measures necessary every- where to secure the punishment of infringers of the prohibitions con- tained in Articles VIII and IX, and that of their accomplices, besides the seizure and confi^scation of the prohibited arms and ammunition, either by fine or imprisonment, or by both of these penalties, in pro- portion to the importance of the in- fraction and in accordance with the gravity of each case. Article XIII. The signatory powers that have possessions in Africa in contact with the zone specified in Article VIII, bind themselves to take the neces- sary measures for preventing the in- troduction of fire-arms and ammu- nition across their inland frontiers i6 les regions de la dite zone, tout au moins celle des arraes perfectionnees et des cartouches. Article XIV. Le regime stipule aux articles VIII a XIII inclusivement restera en vigu- eur pendant douze ans. Dans le cas oil aucune des Parties contractantes n'aurait, douze mois avant I'expira- tion de cette periode, notifie son in- tention d'en faire cesser les effets, ni demailde la revision, il cpntinuera de rester obligatoire penidant deux ans, et ainsi de suite, de deux en deux ans. Chapitre II. Route des caravanes et transports d' esclaves par terre. Article XV. Independamment de leur action re- pressive ou protectrice aux foyers de la traite, les stations, croisieres et postes dont I'etablissement est pr6vu a I'article II et toutes autres stations etablies ou reconnues aux termes de Particle IV par chaque Gouverne- ment dans ses possessions, auront en outre pour mission de surveiller, au- tant que les circonstances le permet- tront, et au fur et a mesure du progres de leur organisation administrative, les routes suivies sur leur territoire par les trafiquants d'esclaves, d'y ar- rgter les convois en marche ou de les poursuivre partout ou leur action pourra s'exercer legalement. Article XVI. Dans les regions du littoral con- nues comma' servant de lieux habi- tuels de passage ou de points d'abou- tissement aux transports d'esclaves venant de I'interieur, ainsi qu'aux points de croisement des principales routes de caravanes traversant la zone into the regions of said zone, at least that of improved arms and cartridges. Article XIV. The system stipulated in Articles VIII. to XIII, shall remain in force for twelve years. In case none of the contracting parties shall have given notice twelve months before the expiration of this period, of its intention to put an end to it, or shall have demanded its revision, it shall remain obligatory for two years longer, and shall thus continue in force from two years to two years. Chapter II. Caravan Routes and Transportation of Slaves by land. Article XV. Independently of the repressive or protective action which they exercise in the centres of the slave-trade, it shall be the duty of the stations, crui- sers and posts, whose establisljment is provided for in Article II, and of all other stations established or recog- nized by Article IV, by each govern- ment in its possessions, to watch, so far as circumstances shall permit, and in proportion to the progress of their administrative organization, the roads traveled in their territory by slave-dealers, to stop convoys on their march, or to pursue them where- ever their action can be legally exer- cised. Article XVI. In the regions of the coasts known to serve habitually as places of pas- sage or terminal points for slave-traffic coming from the interior, as well as at the points of intersection of the principal caravan routes crossing the zone contiguous to the coast already 17 voisine de la cote deja soumise a Tac- tion des Puissances souveraines ou protectrices, des postes scront etablis dans les conditions et sous les reserves mentionnees a I'article III, par les autorites dont relevent les territoires, a I'eflfet d'intercepter les convois et de liberer les esclaves. Article XVII. Une surveillance rigoureuse sera organisee par les autorites locales dans les ports et les contrees avoisinant la cote, a I'effet d'empecber la mise en vente et rerabarquement des esclaves amenes de Tinterieur, ainsi que la formation et le depart vers I'int^rieur de bandes de chasseurs a I'homme et de marchands d'esclaves. Les caravanes debouchant a la cote . ou dans son vpisinage, ainsi que celles aboutissant a I'int^rieur dans une lo- cality occupee par les autorites de la Puissance territoriale, seront, des leur arrivee, soumises a un controle minu- tieux quant a la composition de leur personnel. Tout individu qui serait reconnu avoir ete capture ou enleve de force ou mutile, soit dans son pays natal, soit en route, sera mis en liberie. Article XVIII. Dans les possessions de chacune des Puissances contractantes, I'ad- ministration aura le devoir de prbteger les esclaves liberds, de les repatrier, si c'est possible, de leur procurer des moyens d'existence et de pourvoir en particulier a I'^ducation et a I'etab- lissement des enfants delaisses. Article XIX. Les dispositipns p^nales prevues a I'article V seront rendues applicables 2^ subject to the control of the sovereign or protective powers, posts shall be established under the conditions and with the reservations mentioned in Articlelll, by the authorities to which the territories are subject, for the pur- pose of intercepting the convoys and liberating the slaves. Article XVII. A strict watch shall be organized by the local authorities at the ports and places near the coast, with a view to preventing the sale and shipment of slaves brought from the interior, as well as the formation and departure landwards of bands of slave-hunters and dealers. Caravans arriving at the coast or in its vicinity, as well as those arriv- ing in the interior at a locality occu- pied by the territorial power, shall, on their arrival, be subjected to a minute inspection as to the persons composing them. Any such person being ascertained to have been cap- tured or carried off by force, or mu- tilated, either in his native place or on the way, shall be set free. Article XVIII. In the possessions of each of the contracting powers, it shall be the duty of the government to protect liberated slaves, to return them, if possible, to their country, to procure means of subsistence for them, and, in particular, to take charge of the education and subsequent employ- ment of abandoned children. Article XIX. The penal arrangements provided for by Article V shall be applicable i8 a tous les actes criminels ou delic- tueux accomplis au cours des op6ra- ations qui ont pour objet le transport et le trafic des esclaves par terre, a quelque moment que ces actes soient constates. Tout individu qui aurait encouru une p6nalit6, a raison d'une infrac- tion prevue par le present Acte g6n- 6ral, sera soumis a I'obligation de fournir un cautionnement avant de pouvoir entreprendre une operation commerciale dans les pays ot se pra- tique la traite. Chapitre III. Repression de la traite sur mer. \ I. — Dispositions GSniralss. Article XX. Les Puissances signataires recon- naissent I'opportunite de prendre d'un commun accord des dispositions ayant pour objet d' assurer plus effi- cacement la repression de la traite dans la zone maritime ofi elle existe encore. Article XXI. Cette zone s'6tend entre, d'une part, les cotes de I'ocean Indien (y compris celles du golfe Persique et de la mer Rouge), depuis le Belou- chistan jusqu'a la pointe de Tan- galane (Quilimane), et, d'autre part, une ligne conventionnelle qui suit d'abord le m^ridien de Tangalane jusqu'au point de rencontre avec le 26°degr6 de latitude sud; se confond ensuite avec ce parallSle, puis con- tourne I'ile de Madagascar par Test en se tenant k 20 milles de la cote orientale et septentrionale, jusqu'a son intersection avec le m^ridien du cap d' Ambre. De ce point, la limite de la zone est d6termin6e par une to all offences committed in the course of operations connected with the transportation of and traffic in slaves on land whenever such offences may be ascertained to have been com- mitted. Any person having incurred a pen- alty in consequence of an offence provided for by the present general act, shall incur the obligation of furnishing security before being able to engage in any commercial trans- action in countries where the slave- trade is carried on. Chapter III. Repression of the Slave-trade by Sea. Section I. General provisions. Article XX. The signatory powers recognize the desirability of taking steps in common for the more effective re- pression of the slave-trade in the maritime zone in which, it still ex- ists. Article XXI. This zone extends, on the one hand, between the coasts of the In- dian Ocean (those of the Persian Gulf and of the Red Sea included), from Beloochistan to Cape Tanga- lane (Quilimane) ; and, on the other hand, a conventional line which iirst follows the meridian from Tan- galane till it intersects the 26th de- gree of South latitude; it is then merged in this, parallel, then passes round the Island of Madagascar by the east, keeping 20 miles off the east and north shore, till it intersects the meridian at Cape Ambre. From this point the limit of the zone is deter- mined by an oblique line, which ex- 19 'ligne oblique qui va rejoindre la c6te du Belouchistan, en passant a 20 milles au large du cap Raz-el-Had. Article XXII. Les Puissances signataires du pre- sent Acte g6n6ral, entre lesquelles il existe des conventions particuliSres pour la suppression de la traite, se sont mises d'accord pour restreindre les clauses de ces conventions con- cernant le droit r^ciproque de visite, de "recherche et de saisie des navires en mer, a la zone susdite. Article XXIII. Les m6mes Puissances sont 6gale- ment d'accord pbur limiter le droit susmentionn^ aux navires d'un ton- nage inferieur a 500 tonneaux. Cette stipulation sera revisde d6s que r experience en aura d6montr6 la n^cessite. Article XXIV. , Toutes les autres dispositions des conventions conclues entre les dites Puissances pour la suppression de la traite, restent en vigueur pour autant qu'elles ne sont pas modifiees par le present Acte g^ndral. Article XXV. Les Puissances signataires s'en- gagent a prendre des mesures efficaces pour pf^venir 1' usurpation de leur pavilion et' pour empScher le trans- port des, esclaves sur les batiments autorisfe a arborer leurs couleurs. Article XXVI. Les Puissances signataires s'enga- gent a prendre toutes les mesures n6- cessaires pour faciliter le prompt ^change des renseignements propres a amener la d^couverte des person- tends to the coast of Beloochistan, passing 20 miles off Cape Ras-el- Had. Article XXII. The signatory powers of the pres- ent general actj — among whom exist special conventions for the sup- pression of the slave-trade, have agreed to restrict the clauses of those conventions concerning the recip- rocal right of visit, of, search and of seizure of vessels' at sea, to the above mentioned zone. Article XXIII. The same powers also agree to limit the above mentioned right to vessels whose tonnage is less than 500 tons. This stipulation shall be revised as soon as experience shall 'have shown the necessity thereof. Article XXIV. All other provisions of the conven- tions concluded for the suppression of the slave-trade between the afore- said powers shall remain in force provided they are not modified by the present general act. Article XXV. The signatory powers engage to adopt efficient measures to prevent the unlawful use of their flag, and to prevent the transportation of slaves on vessels authorized to fly their colors. Article XXVI. The signatory powers engage to adopt all measures necessary to facil- itate the speedy exchange of in- formation calculated to lead to the discovery of persons taking part in 20 nes qui se livrent aux operations de la traite. Article XXVII. Un bureau international au moins sera cree ; il sera etabli a Zanzibar. Les Hautes Parties contractantes s'engagent a lui faire parvenir tous les documents specifies a 1' article XLI, ainsi que les renseignements de toute nature susceptibles d'aider a la repression de la traite. Article XXVIII. Tout esclave qui se sera refugie a bord d'un navire de guerre sous pa- vilion d'une des Puissances signa- taires sera immediatement et d6fini- tivement affranchi, sans que cat affranchissement puisse le soustraire a la juridiction competente, s'il a comniis un crime ou delit de droit coramun. Article XXIX. Tout esclave retenu contre son gre a bord d'un batiment indigene aura le droit de reclamer sa liberte. Son affranchissement pourra gtre prononc6 par tout agent d'une des Puissances signataires, a qui le pre- sent Acte general confere le droit de controler I'dfat des personnes a bord des dits batiments, sans que cet af- franchissement puisse le soustraire a la juridiction competente, si un crime ou ddit de droit commun a ete com- mis par lui. § II. — Reglement concernant I'usa^e du pa- vilion et la surveilance des croiseurs. I. — -Regies pour la concession du pavilion aux batiments in- digenes, le role d'equipage et le manifeste des passagers noirs. operations connected with the slave- trade. Article XXVII. At least one international bureau shall be created ; it shall be estab- lished at Zanzibar. The high con- tracting parties engage to forward to it all the documents specified in Ar- ticle XLI, as well as all information of any kind likely to assist in the sup- pression of the slave-trade. Article XXVIII. Any slave who has taken refuge on board a ship bf war bearing the flag of one of the signatory powers, shall be immediately and definitively set free. Such freedom, however, shall not withdraw him from the compe- , tent jurisdiction if he has been guilty of any crime or offense at common law. Article XXIX. Any slave detained against his will on board of a native vessel shall have the right to demand his liberty. His release may be ordered by any agent of any of the signatory powers on whom the present general act confers the right of ascertaining the status of persons on board of such vessels, al- though such release shall not with- draw him from the competent juris- diction if he has committed any crime or offense at common law. Section II. — Regulation concerning the use of the Jlag and supervision by cruisers. I. Rules for granting the flag to native vessels, and as to crew lists and manifests of black passengers on board. 21 Article XXX. Les Puissances signataires s'enga- gent aexercer une surveillance rigour- euse sur les batiments indigenes au- torises a porter leur pavilion dans la zone indiqu6e a I'article XXI, et sur les operations conimerciales efifectuees par ces batiments. Article XXXI. La qualification de batiment indi- gHae s'applique aux navires qui rem- plissent une des deux conditions sui- vantes : 1° Presenter les signes exterieurs d'une construction ou d'un greement, indigene: 2° £tre montes par un equipage dont le capitaine et la majority des matelots soient originaires d'un des pays baignes par les eaux de I'bcean Indien, de la mer Rouge ou du golfe Persjque. Article XXXII. L'autorisation d'arborer le pavilion d'une des dites Puissances ne sera accordSe a I'avenir qu'aux batiments indigtaes qui satisferont a la fois aux trois conditions suivantes : i" Les armateurs ou proprietaires devront gtre sujets ou proteges de la Puissance dont i^s demandent a porter les Gouleurs; 2" lis seront tenus d'etablir qu'ils possedent des biens-fonds dans la circdnscription de I'autorite a qui est adressee leur demande, ou de fournir une caution solvable pour la garantie des amendes qui pourraient 6tre eventuellement encourues ; 3" Les dits armateurs ou proprie- taires, ainsi que le capitaine du bati- ment, devront fournir la preuve qu'ils jouissent d'une bonne reputation et Article XXX. The signatory powers engage to exercise a strict surveillance over native vessels authorized to carry their flag in the zone mentioned in Article XXI, and over the commer- cial operations carried on by such vessels. Article XXXI. The term "native vessel " applies to vessels fulfilling one of the follow- ing conditions : 1. It shall present the outward ap- pearance of native build or rigging. 2. It shall be manned- by a crew of whom the captain and the majority of the seamen belong by origin to one of the countries on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, or the Persian Gulf Article XXXII. The authorization to carry the flag of one of the said powers shall in future be granted only to such native vessels as shall satisfy at the same time the three following conditions: 1. Fitters-out or owiners of ships must be either subjects of or persons protected by the power whose flag they ask to C3.rry. 2. They shall be obliged to prove that they possess real estate situated in the district of the authority to whom their application is addressed, or to furnish iona fide security as a guaranty of the payment of such fines as may be incurred'. 3. The above-named fitters-out or owners of ships, as well as the captain of the vessel, shall prove that they enjoy a good reputation, and that in 22 notamment n'avoir jamais 6t6 I'objet d'une condamnation pour fails de traite. Article XXXIII. L'autorisation accordte devra gtre renouvel6e chaque ann6e. Elle pourra toujours gtre suspendue ou retiree par les autorit6s de la Puis- sance dont le batiment porte les cou- leurs. I Article XXXIV. L'acte d'autorisation portera les indications necessaires pour etablir I'identite du navire. Le capitaine en sera detenteur. Le nom du bati- ment indigene et Vindication de son tonnage devront Stre incrust6s et peints en caract^res latins a la poupe, et la ou les lettres initiates de son port d'attache, ainsi que le num^ro d'enregistrement dans la serie des num^ros de ce port, seront imprimis en noir sur les voiles. Article XXXV. Un role d' Equipage sera delivr6 au capitaine du batiment au port de depart par I'autorit^ de la Puissance dont il porte le pavilion. II sera renouvele a chaque armement du batiment ou, au plus tard, au bout d'une ann6e, et conformement aux dispositions suivantes: 1° Le role sera, au moment de depart, vis6 par I'autorite qui I'a d61ivr6 ; 2" Aucun noir ne pourra gtre en- gag6 comme matelot sur un batiment sans qu'il ait 6t6 pr^alablement in- terrog6 par I'autorite de la Puissance dont ce b§,timent porte le pavilion ou, a defaut de celle-ci, par I'autor- ite territoriale, a I'effet d' etablir qu'il contracte un engagement libre; particular they have never been sen- tenced to punishment for acts con- nected with the slave-trade. Article XXXIII. This authorization granted shall be renewed every year. It may at any time be suspended or withdrawn by the authorities of the power whose colors the vessel carries. Article XXXIV. The act of authorization shall con- tain the statements necessary to es- tablish the identity of the vessel. The captain shall have the keeping thereof. The name of the native vessel and the amount of its tonnage shall be cut and painted in Latin characters on the stern, and the initial or initials of the name of the port of registry, as well as the regis- tration number in the series of the numbers of that port, shall be printed in black on the sails. Article XXXV. A list of the crew shall be issued to the captain of the vessel at the port of departure by the authorities of the power whose colors it carries. It shall be renewed at every fresh venture of the vessel, or, at the latest, at the end of a year, and in accord- ance with the following provisions : 1. The list shall be visaed at the departure of the vessel by the author-, ity that has issued it. 2. No negro can be engaged as a seaman on a vessel without having previously been questioned by the authority of the power whose colors it carries, or, in default thereof, by the territorial authority, with a view to ascertaining the fact of his having contracted a free engagement. 23 3° Cette autorit6 tiendra la main a ce que la proportion des matelots ou mousses ne soit pas anormale par rapport au tonnage ou au greement des batiments; 4° L'autorite qui aura interroge les hommes pr^alablement a leur de- part lesinscrirasurleroled'equipage, ou ils figureront avec le signalement sommaire de chacun d'eux en regard de son nom. 5° Afin d'empgcher plus sflrement les substitutions, les matelots pour- ront, en outre, Stre pourvus d'une marque distinctive. Article XXXVI. Lorsque le capitaine d'un batiment desirera embarquer des passagers noirs, il devra en faire la decla- ration a l'autorite de la Puissance dont il porte le pavilion ou, a d^faut de celle-ci, a l'autorite territoriale. Les passagers seront interrog^s et, quand il aura 6td constats qu'ils s'embarquent librement, ils seront inscrits sur un manifesto special don- nant le signalement de chacun d'eux en regard de son nom, et indiquant notamment le sexe et la taille. Les enfants noirs ne pourront Stre admis comme passagers qu'autant qu'ils se- ront accompagn^s de leurs parents ou de personnel dont ThonorabilitS se- rait notoire. Au depart, le manifeste des passagers sera vis6.par l'autorite indiqu^e ci-dessus, apres qu'il aura 6t6 proc6d6 a un appel. S'il n'y a pas de passagers a bord, mention ex- presse en sera faite sur le tole d'equipage. Article XXXVII. A Tarriv^e dans tout port de re- lache ou de destination, le capitaine 3. This authority shall see that the proportion of seamen and boys is not out of proportion to the tonnage or rigging. 4. The authorities who shall have questioned the men before their de- parture shall enter them on the list of the crew in which they shall be mentioned with a summary descrip- tion of each of them alongside his name. 5. In order the more effectively to prevent any substitution, the sea- men may, moreover, be provided with a distinctive mark. Article XXXVI. When the captain of a vessel shall desire to take negro passengers on board, he shall make his declaration to that effect to the authority of the power whose colors he carries, or in default thereof, to the territorial au- thority. The passengers shall be questioned, and after it has been as- certained that they embarked of their own free will, they shall be entered in a special manifest, bearing the de- scription of each of them alongside of his name, and specially sex and height. Negro children shall not be taken as passengers unless they are accompanied by their relations, or by persons whose respectability is well known. At the departure, the passenger roll shall be visaed by the aforesaid authority after it has been called. If there are no passengers on board, this shall be specially men- tioned in the crew-list. Article XXXVII. At the arrival at any port of call or of destination, the captain of the 24 du batiment produira devant I'autor- it6 de la Puissance dont il porte le pavilion ou, a d6faut de celle-ci, de- vant I'autorite territoriale, le role d'6quipage et, s'il y a lieu, les mani- festes de passagers ant^rieurement d6livr6s. L'autorite contr61era les passagers arrives a destination ou s'ar- rgtant dans un port de relache, et fera mention de leur d6barquement sur le manifeste. Au depart, la mSme autorit6 apposera de nouveau son visa au role et au manifeste, et fera I'ap- pel des passagers. Article XXXVIII. Sur le littoral africain et dans les iles adjacentes, aucun passager noir ne sera embarque a bord d'un bail- ment indigene en dehors des localit^s oii reside une autorit^ relevant d'une des Puissances signataires. Dans toute I'Stendue de la zone pr6vue a 1' article XXI, aucun passa- ger noir ne pourra gtre d6barqu6 d'un batiment indigene hors d'une localite ou reside une autorite relevant d'une des Hautes Parties contractantes et sans que cette autorite assiste au de- barquement. Les cas de force majeure qui aurai- ent determine I'infraction a ces dis- positions devront Hre examines par l'autorite de la Puissance dont le bati- ment porte les couleurs, ou, a defaut de celle-ci, par l'autorite territoriale du port dans lequel le batiment in- culp6 fait relache. Article XXXIX. Les prescriptions des articles XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII et XXXVIII ne sont pas applicables aux bateaux non pontes entirerement, ayant un maxi- mum de dix hommes d'dquipage et vessel shall show to the authority of the power whose flag he carries, or, in default thereof, to the territorial authority, the crew-list, and, if need be, the passenger-roll previously de- livered. The authority shall check the passengers who have reached their destination or who are stopping in a port of call, and shall mention their landing in the roll. At the de- parture of the vessel, the same author- ity shall affix a fresh v/si to the list and roll, and call the roll of the passengers. Article XXXVIII. On the African coast and on the adjacent islands, no negro passengers shall be taken on board of a native vessel, except in localities where there is a resident authority belonging to one of the signatory powers. Throughout the extent of the zone mentioned in Article XXI, no negro passenger shall be landed from a na- tive vessel except at a place in which there is a resident officer belonging to one of the high contracting powers, and unless such officer is present at the landing. Cases of vis ma/or that may hav« caused an infraction of these provis- ions shall be examined by the author- ity of the power whose colors the vessel carries, or, in default thereof, by the territorial authority of the port at which the vessel in question calls. Article XXXIX. The provisions.of Articles XXXV; XXXVI, XXXVII, and XXXVIII are not applicable to vessels only partially decked, having a crew not exceeding ten men, and fulfill- 25 qui satisferont a I'une des deux con- ditions suivantes : i" S'adonner exclusivement a la pgche dans les eaux territoriales ; 2" Se livrer au petit cabotage entre les differents ports de la m&me Puis- sance territoriale, sans s'eloigner de la cote a plus de 5 milles. Ces differents bateaux recevront, suivant les cas, de I'autorite territori- ale ou de I'autorite consulaire, una licence spSciale renouvelable chaque annte et revocable dans les condi- tions prevues a I'article XL, et dont le modele uniforrae, annexe au pre- sent Acte general, sera communique au Bureau international de renseigne- ments. Article XL. Tout acte ou tentative de traite, I6galement constate a la charge du capitaine, armateur ou proprietaire d'un batiment autorise a porter le pavilion d'une des. Puissances signa- taires, ou ayant obtenu la licence pr6vue a I'article XXXIX, entrai- nera le retrait imm6diat de cette autorisation ou de cette licence. Toutes les infractions aux prescrip- tions du paragraphe 2 du chapitre III seront punies en outre des penalites 6dictees par les lois et ordonnances speciales a chacune des Puissances contractantes. Article XLI. Les Puissances signataires s'en- gagent a deposer au Bureau interna- tional de renseignements les modeles types des documents ciapres: 1° Titre autorisant le port du pa- vilion ; ing one of the two following condi- tions : 1. That it be exclusively used for fishing within the territorial waters. 2. That it be occupied in the petty coasting trade between the different ports of the same territorial power, without going further than 5 miles from the coast. These different boats shall receive, as the case may be, a special license from the territorial or consular au- thority, which shall be renewed every year, and subject to revocation as provided in Article XL, the uniform model of which license is annexed to the present general act and shall be communicated to the international information ofiice. Article XL. Any act or attempted act con- nected with the slave-trade that can be legally shown to have bjeen com- mitted by the captain, fitter-out, or owner of a ship authorized to carry the flag of one of the signatory powers, or having procured the license provided for in Article XXXIX, shall entail the immediate withdrawal of the said authorization or license. All violations of the pro- visions of Section 2 of Chapter III shall render the person guilty thereof liable to the penalties provided by the special laws and ordinances of each of the contracting powers. Article XLI. The signatory powers engage to deposit at the international informa- tion office the specimen forms of the following documents : I . License to carry the flag ; 26 2° R61e d'6quipage ; 3" Manifeste des passagers noirs. Ces documents, dont la teneur peut varier suivant les rSglements propres a chaque pays, devront ren- fermer obligatoirement les renseigne- ments suivants, libell6s dans una langue europeenne : /. £n ce qid cone erne I'autorisa- tion de porter le pavilion : a) Le nom, le tonnage, le gr6e- ment et'les dimensions principales du bailment ; 3) Le nuraero d' inscription et la lettre signal6tique du port d' attache ; c) La date de I'obtention du per- mis et la qualite du fonctionnaire qui I'a d^livre. //. jEn ce qui concerne le role d' iguipage : a) Le nom du batiment, du capi- taine et de I'armateur ou des proprie- taires ; b) Le tonnage du batiment ; r) Le numero d' inscription et le port d'attache du navire, sa desti- nation, ainsi que les renseignements sp6ciii6s a I'article XXV. III. En ce qui concerne le mani- feste des passagers noirs : Le nom du batiment qui les trans- porte et les renseignements indiques a I'article XXXVI, et destines abien identifier les passagers. Les Puissances signataires pren- dront les mesures necessaires pour que' les autorit6s territoriales ou leurs consuls envoient au mgme Bureau des copies certifi^es de toute auto- risation d'arborer leur pavilion, d6s qu'elle aura 6t6 accord^e, ainsi que , I'avis du retrait dont ces autorisations auraient 6t6 I'objet. 2. The crew-list ; 3. The negro passenger list. These documents, the tenor of which may vary according to the different regulations of each country, shall necessarily contain the follow- ing particulars, drawn up in one of the European languages : 1. As regards the authorization to carry the flag :• (a) The name, tonnage, rig, and the principal dimensions of the vessel ; (J>) The register number and the signal letter of the port of registry ; (J) The date of obtaining the license, and the office held by the person who issued it. 2. As regards the list of the crew : {a) The name of the vessel, of the captain and the fitter-out or owner ; {F) The tonnage of the vessel ; {c) The register number and the port of registry, its destination, as well as the particulars speci- fied in Article XXV. 3. As regards the list of negro passengers : The name of the vessel which con- veys them, and the particulars indi- cated in Article XXXVI, for the proper identification of the passen- gers. The signatory powers shall take the necessary measures so that the territorial authorities or their consuls may send to the same office certified copies of all authorizations to carry their flag as soon as such authoriza- tions shall have been granted, as well as notices of the withdrawal of any ' such authorization. 27 Les dispositions du present article ne concernent que les papiers destines aux batiments indigenes. 2. — De V arret des bAtiments suspects. Article XLII. Lorsque les officiers commandant les batiments de guerre de I'une des Puissances signataires auront lieu de croire qu'un batiment d'un tonnage inf^rieur a 500 tonneaux et rencontre dans la zone ci-dessus indiqu^e, se livre a la traite ou est coupable d'une usurpation de pavilion, ils pourront recourir a la verification des papiers de bordi Le pr&ent article n'implique au- cun changement a I'etat de choses actuel en ce qui concerne la juri- diction dans les eaux territoriales. Article XLIII. Dans ce but, un canot, commands par un officier de vaisseau en uni- forme, pourra Stre envoys a bord du navire suspect, apres qu'on I'aura h6l6 pour lui donner avis de cette intention. L'ofScier envoys a bord du na- vire arr6t6 devra proc^der avec tous les 6gards et tous les manage- ments possibles. Article XLIV. La verification des papiers de bord consistera dans I'examen des pieces suivantes : 1" En ce qui concerne les bati- ments indigenes, les papiers men- tionn6s a I'article XLI ; 2° En ce qui concerne les autres batiments, les pieces stipul6es dans les difKrents trait^s ou conventions maintenus en vigueur. The provisions of the present article have reference only to papers intended for native vessels. 2. The stopping of suspected vessels. Article XLII. When the ofiicers in command of war-vessels of any of the signatory powers have reason to believe that a vessel whose tonnage is less than 500 tons, -and which is found navigating ; in the above-named zone, is engaged in the slave-trade, or is guilty of the fraudulent use of a flag, they may examine the ship's papers. The present article does not imply any change in the present state of things as regards jurisdiction in terri- torial waters. Article XLIII. To this end, a boat commanded by a naval officer in uniform may be sent to board the suspected vessel after it has been hailed and informed of this intention. The officers sent on board of the vessel which has been stopped shall act with all possible considera- tion and moderation. Article XLIV. The examination of the ship's pa- pers shall consist of the examination of the following documents : 1. As regards native vessels, the papers mentioned in Article XLI. 2. As regards other vessels, the documents required by the different treaties or conventions that are in force. 28 La verification des papiers de bord n'autorise I'appel de I'dquipage et des passagers que dans les cas et suivant les conditions pr^vus a I'arti- cle suivant. Article XLV. L'enquSte sur le chargement du batiment ou la visite ne peut avoir lieu qu'a I'egard des batiments navi- guant sous le pavilion d'une des Puis- sances qui ont conclu ou viendraient a conclure les conventions particu- lieres visees a I'article XXII, et con- formement aux prescriptions de ces conventions. Article XLVI. Avant de quitter le batiment arrete, I'officierdresseraun proces-verbal sui- vant les formes et dans la langue en usage dans le pays au quel ilappartient. f Ce proces-verbal doit Stre date et signe par I'officier, et constater les fails. Le captaine du navire arrete, ainsi que les temoins, auront le droit de faire ajouter au proces-verbal toutes explications qu'ils croiront utiles. Article XL VII. Le commandant d'un batiment de guerre qui aurait arrStd un navire sous pavilion etranger doit, dans tous les cas, faire un rapport a son Gouverne- ment en indiquant les motifs qui I'ont fait agir. Article XLVIII. Un resume de ce rapport, ainsi qu'une copie du proces-verbal dress6 par I'officier envoys a bord du navire arrgte, seront, le plus tot possible. The examination of the ship's pa- pers only authorizes the calling of the roll of the crew and passengers in the cases and in accordance with the con- ditions provided for in the following article. Article XLV. The examination of the cargo or the search can only take place in the case of vessels sailing under the flag of one of the powers that have concluded, or may hereafter conclude the special conventions provided for in Article XXII, and in accordance with the provisions of such conventions. Article XLVI. Before leaving the detained vessel, the officer shall draw up a minute ac- cording to the forms and in the lan- guage in use in the country to which he belongs. This minute shall be dated and signed by the officer, and shall recite the facts. The captain of the detained vessel, as well as the witnesses, shall have the right to cause to be added to the min- utes any explanations they may think expedient. Article XLVII. The commander of a man-of-war who has detained a vessel under a for- eign flag shall, in all cases, make a report thereof to his own government, and state the grounds upon which he has acted. Article XLVIII. A summary of this report, as well as a copy of the minute drawn up by the officer on board of the detained vessel, shall be sent, as soon as pos- 29 exp6dies au Bureau international de renseignements, qui en donnera communication a I'autorit^ consulaire ou territoriale la plus proche de la Puissance dont le navire arrete en route a arbor6 le pavilion. Des doubles de ce document seront con- serves aux archives du Bureau. Article XLIX. Si, par suite de I'accomplissement des actes de controle mentionnes dans les articles precedents, le croi- ■ seur est convaincu qu'unfaitde traite a et6 commis a bord durant la tra^ vers6e ou qu'il existe des preuves irr6cusables contre le capitaine ou I'armateur pour I'accuser d'usurpa- tion de pavilion, de fraude ou de participation a la traite, il conduira le batiment arrgte dans le port de la zone le plus rapproche oil se trouve une autorit^ competente de la Puis- sance dont le pavilion a He arbore. Chaque Puissance signataire s'en- gage a designer dans la zone et a faire connaitre au Bureau interna- tional de renseignements les autorit6s territoriales ou consulaires, ou les d6l6gu^s speciaux qui seraient com- petents dans les cas vises ci-dessus. Le batiment soupponne pent egale- ment Stre remis a un croiseur de sa nation, si ce dernier consent a en prendre charge. J. — De P enquete et du jugement des batiments saisis. Article L. L'autorite visee a I'article prece- dent, a laquelle le navire arrfite a ete remis, procedera a une enquSte com- plete, selon les lois et reglements de sible, to the international informa- tion office, which shall communicate the same to the nearest consular or territorial authority of the power whose flag the vessel in question has shown. Duplicates of these docu- ments shall be kept in the archives of the bureau. Article XLIX. If, in performing the acts of super- vision mentioned in the preceding articles, the officer in command of the cruiser is convinced that an act connected with the slave-trade has been committed on board during the passage, or that irrefutable proofs ex- ist against the captain, or fitter-out, for accusing him of fraudulent use of the flag, or fraud, or participation in the slave-trade, he shall conduct the arrested vessel to the nearest port of the zone where there is a competent magistrate of the power whose flag has been used. Each signatory power engages to appoint in the zone, and to make known to the international informa- tion office, the territorial or consular authorities or special delegates who are competent in the above-mentioned cases. A suspected vessel may also be turned over to a cruiser of its own nation, if the latter consents to take charge of it. 3. Of the examination and trial of vessels seized. Article L. The magistrate referred to in the preceding article, to whom the ar- rested vessel has been turned over, shall proceed to make a full investi- 30 sa nation, en presence d'un officier du croiseur stranger. Article LI. S'il r^sulte de cette enqugte qu'il y a eu usurpation de pavillbn, le navire arrSt^ restera a la disposition du capteur. Article LII. Si I'enqugte etablit un fait de traite defini par la presence a bord de'es- claves destines a gtre vendus ou d'autres faits de traite pr6vus par les conventions particulifires, le navire et sa cargaisori demeurent sous s€- questre, a la garde de I'autorite qui a dirige I'enquSte. Le capitaine et 1' Equipage seront d6ftr6s aux tribunaux d6sign6s aux articles LIV et LVI. Les esclaves seront mis en liberty apr^s qu'un juge- ment aura et6 rendu. Dans les cas pr6vus par cet article, il sera dispose des esclaves Iib6r6s conform^ment aux conventions par- ticulifires conclues ou a , conclure entre les Puissances signataires. A d^faut de ces conventions, les dits esclaves pourront gtre remis a I'au- torite locale, pour gtre renvoy^s, si c'est possible, dans leur pays d'ori- gine ; sinon cette autorit6 leur facili- tera, autant qu'il d^pendra d'elle, les moyens de vivre, et, s'ils le d6sirent, de se fixer dans la contr6e. Article LIII. Si I'enqugte prouve que le bati- ment est arrgt^ ill6galement, il y gation, according to the laws and rules of his country, in the presence of an officer belonging to the foreign cruiser. Article LL If it is proved by the inquiry that the flag has been fraudulently used, the arrested vessel shall remain at the disposal of its captor. Article LII. If the examination shows an act connected with the slave-trade,, proved by the presence on board of slaves destined for sale, or any other offense connected with the slave- trade for which provision is made by special convention, the vessel and cargo shall remain sequestrated in charge of the magistrate who shall have conducted the inquiry. The captain and crew shall be turned over to the tribunals desig- nated by Articles LIV and LVI. The slaves shall be set at liberty as soon as judgment has been pro- nounced. In the cases provided for by this article, liberated slaves shall be dis- posed of in accordance with the spe- cial conventions concluded, or to be concluded, between the signatory- powers. In default of such conven- tions, the said slaves shall be turned over to the local authority, to be sent back, if possible, to their country of origin ; if not, this authority shall facilitate to them, in so far as may be in its power, the means of livelihood, and, if they desire it, of settling on the spot. ' Article LIII. If it shall be proved by the inquiry that the vessel has been illegally ar- 31 aura lieu de plein droit k une indem- nite proportionnelle au prejudice 6prouv6 par le batiment d6tourne de sa rbute. La quotit6 de cette indemnity sera fix6e par I'autorit^ qui a dirig6 I'en- qu6te. Article LIV. Dans le cas oi I'officier du navire capteur n'accepterait pas les conclu- sions' de I'enquete effectu^e en sa pre- sence, la cause serait, de plein droit, d6ftree au tribunal de la nation dent le batiment capture aurait arbor6 les couleurs. II ne sera fait d'exception a cette regie que dans le cas ou le differend porterait sur le chiffre de I'indemnite stipul6e a Particle LIII, lequel sera fix6 par voie d'arbitrage, ainsi qu'il est sp6cifi6 a I'article suivant. Article LV. L'officier capteur et I'autoritS qui aura dirig6 l'enqu6te d^signeront, chacun dans les quarante-Jiuit heu'res, un arbitre, et les deux arbitres choisis auront eux-mgmesvingt-quatre heures pour designer un sur-arbitre. Les arbitres devront gtre choisis, autant que possible, parmi les fonctionnaires diplomatiques, consulaires bu judici- aires des Puissances signataires. Les indigenes se trouvant a la solde des Gouvernements contractants sont for- mellement exclus. La decision est prise a la majorite des voix. Elle doit gtre reconnue comme definitive. Si la juridiction arbitrale n'est pas constitute dans les d^laisindiqufe, il sera proc6d6, pour 1' indemnity comme pour les dommages-int^rgts, con- formement aux dispositions de I'arti- cle LVIII, paragraphe 2. rested, there shall be clear title to an indemnity in proportion to the dam- ages suffered by the vessel being taken out of its course. The amount of this indemnity shall be fixed by the authority that has con- ducted the inquiry. Article LIV. In case the officer of the capturing vessel does not accept the conclusions of the inquiry held in his presence, ■ the matter shall be turned over to the tribunal of the nation whose flag the captured vessel has borne. No exception shall be made to this rule, Unless the disagreement arises in respect of the amount of the indem- nity stipulated in Article LIII, and this shall be fixed by arbitration, as specified in the 'following article. Article LV. The capturing officer and the au- thority which has conducted the inquiry shall each appoint a referee within forty-eight hours, and the two arbitrators shall have twenty-four hours to choose an umpire. The ar- bitrators shall, as far as possible, be chosen from among the diplomatic, consular, or judicial officers of the signatory powers. Natives in the pay of the contracting Governments are formally excluded . The decision shall be by a majority of votes, and be con- sidered as final. If the court of arbitration is not constituted in the time indicated, the procedure in respect of the indemnity, as in that of damages, shall be in ac- cordance with the provisions of Arti- cle LVIII, paragraph z, 32 Article LVI. Les causes sont deferees, dans le plus bref delai possible, au tribunal de la nation dont les pr6venus ont arbore les couleurs. Cependant les consuls ou toute autre autorite de la mgme nation que les prevenus, speci- alement commissionnes a ' cet effet, peuvent etre autorises par leur Gou- vernement a rendre les jugements aux lieu et place des tribunaux. Article LVII. La procedure et le jugement des in- fractions aux dispositions du chapitre III auront toujours lieu aussi som- mairement que le permettent les lois et reglements en vigueur dans les ter- ritoires soumis a Tautorite des Puis- sances signataires. Article LVIII. Tout jugement du tribunal national ou des autorites visees a I'article LVI declarant que le navire arrSte ne s'est point livre a la traite sera execute sur- le-champ, et pleine liberie sera rendue au navire de continuer sa route. Dans ce cas, le capitaine ou I'arma- teur du navire arrete sans motif legit- ime de suspicion ou ayant 6te soumis a des vexations, aura le droit de re- clamer des dommages-intergts dont le montant serait fixe de commun accord entre les Gouvernements directement interesses ou par voie d'arbitrage, et paye dans le six mois a partir de la date du jugement qui a acquitt6 la prise. Article LIX. En cas de condamnation, le navire s6questr6 sera d6clar6 de bonne prise au profit du capteur. Article LVI. The cases shall be brought with the least possible delay before the tribu- nal of the nation whose flag has been used by the accused. However, the consuls or any other authority of the same nation as the accused, specially commissioned to this end, may be authorized by their Government to pronounce judgment instead of the tribunal. Article LVII. The procedure and trial of viola- tions of the provisions of Chapter III shall always be conducted in as sum- mary a manner as is permitted by the laws and regulations in force in the territories subject to the authority of the signatory powers. Article LVIII. Any decision of the national tribu- nal or authorities referred to in Article LVI, declaring that the seized vessel did not carry on the slave-trade, shall be immediately enforced, and the ves- sel shall be at perfect liberty to con- tinue on its course. In this case, the captain or owner of any vessel that has been seized with- out legitimate ground of suspicion, or subjected to annoyance, shall have the right of claiming damages, the amount of which shall be fixed by agreement between the Governments directly interested, or by arbitration, and shall be paid within a period of six months from the date of the judg- ment acquitting the captured vessel. Article LIX. In case of condemnation, the se- questered vessel shall be declared lawfully seized for the benefit of the captor. Zi Le capitaine, 1' Equipage et toutes autres personnes reconnues coupables seront punis, selon ,1a gravity des crimes ou delits commis par eux, et conform^ment a I'article V. Article LX. Les dispositions des articles L a LIX ne portent aucune atteinte ni a la competence, ni a la procedure des tribunaux spdciaux existants ou de ceux acr^er pour connaitre des faits de traite. Article LXI. Les Hautes Parties contractantes s'engagent a se communiquer r^cip- roquement les instructions qu'elles donneront, en execution des dispo- sitions du chapitre III, aux command- ants de leurs batiments de guerre naviguant dans les mers de la zone indiquee. Chapitre IV. Pays de destination dont les institutions comportent P ex- istence de r esclavage domestique. Article LXII. Les Puissances contractantes dont les institutions comportent I'existence de r esclavage domestique et dont, par suite de ce fait, les possessions ,situ6es dans ou hors I'Afrique servent, malgr6 la vigilance des autorit^s, de lieux de destination aux eeclaves africains, s'engagent a en prohiber I'importation, le transit, la sortie ainsi que le commerce. La surveil- lance la plus active et la plus severe possible sera organis6e par elles sur tous les points ou s'operent 1' entree, le passage et la sortie des esclaves africains. The captain, crew, and all other persons found guilty shall be punished according to the gravity of the crimes or offenses committed by them, and in accordance with Article V. Article LX. The provisions of Articles L to LIX -do not in any way affect the jurisdic- tion or procedure of existing special tribunals, or of such as may hereafter be formed to take cognizance of of- fenses connected with the slave-trade. Article LXI. The high contracting parties en- gage to make known to one another, reciprocally, the instructions which they shall give, for the execution of the provisioils of Chapter III, to the commanders of their men-of-war nav- igating the seas of the zone referred to. Chapter IV. Countries to which' slaves are sent, whose institutions ' recognize the existence of domestic slavery. Article LXII. The contracting powers whose in- stitutions recognize the existence of domestic slavery, and whose posses- sions, in consequence thereof, in or out of Africa, serve, in spite of the vigilance of the authorities, as places of destination for African slaves, pledge themselves to prohibit their importation, transit and departure, as well as the trade in slaves. The most active and the strictest super- vision shall be enforced at all places where the arrival, transit, and de- parture of African slaves take place. 34 Article LXIII. Les esclaves Iib6r6s en execution de I'article precedent seront, si les circonstances le permettent, renvoyes dans leur pays d'origine. Dans tons les cas, ils recevront des lettres d'af- franchlssement des autorites compe- tentes et auront dToit a leur protec- tion et a leur assistance afin de trouver des moyens d' existence. Article LXIV. Tout esclave fugitif arrivant a la fronti^re d'une des Puissances men- tionntes a I'article LXII sera repute libre et sera en droit de reclamer des autorites competentes des lettres d'affranchissement. Article LXV. Toute vente ou transaction dont les esclaves vis6s aux articles LXIII et LXIV auraient 6te I'objet par suite de circonstances quelconques, sera consid6r6e comme nuUe ou non ave- nue. Article LXVI. Les navires indigenes portant le pavilion d'un des pays mentionnes a I'article LXII, s'il existe des indices qu'ils se livrent a des operations de traite, seront soumis par les autorites locales, dans les ports qu'ils frequen- tent, a une verification rigoureuse de leur equipage et des passagers, tant a I'entree qu'a la sortie. En cas de presence a bord d'esclaves africains, il sera procede judiciairement contre le batiment et contre toutes person- nes qu'il y aura lieu d'inculper. Les esclaves trouv^s a bord recevront des lettres d'affranchissement par les soins des autorites qui auront opere la saisie des navires. Article LXIII. Slaves set free under the provisions of the preceding article shall, if cir- cumstances permit, be sent back to the country from whence they came. In all cases "they shall receive letters of liberation from the competent au- thorities, and shall be entitled to their protection and assistance for the purpose of obtaining means of sub- sistence. Article LXIV. Any fugitive slave arriving at the frontier of any of the powers men- tioned in Article LXII shall be con- sidered free, and shall have the right to claim letters of release from the competent authorities. Article LXV. Any sale or transaction to which the slaves referred to in Articles LXIII and LXIV may have been sub- jected through circumstances of any kind whatsoever, shall be considered as null and void. Article LXVI. Native vessels carrying the flag of one of the countries mentioned in Article LXII, if there is any indica- tion that they are employed in oper- ations connected with the slave-trade, shall be subjected by the local author- ities in the ports frequented by them to a strict examination of their crews and passengers both on arrival and departure. If African slaves are found on board, judicial proceedings shall be instituted against the vessel and against all persoris who may be implicated. Slaves found on board shall receive letters of release through the authorities who have seized the vessels. 35 Article LXVII. Des dispositions penales en rapport avec celles prevues par I'article V seront edict^es contre les importa- teurs, transportateurs et marchands d'esclaves africains, contr6 les auteurs de mutilation d'enfants ou d'adultes malfes et ceux qui en trafiquent, ainsi que contre leurs co-auteurs et com- plices. Article LXVIII. Les Puissances signataires recon- naissent la haute valeur de la loi sur la prohibition de la traite des noirs, sanctionnee par Sa Majeste I'Emper- eur des Ottomans le 4/16 decembre 1889 (22 Rebi-ul-Akhir 1307), et elles sont assur6es qu'une surveillance active sera organisee par les autorit^s ottomanes, particuli^rement sur la . cote occidentale de 1' Arabia et sur les routes qui mettent cette c6te en communication avec les autres pos- sessions de Sa Majeste imperiale en Asie. , Article LXIX. Sa Majesty le Shah de Perse con- sent a organiser une surveillance active dans les eaux territoriales et sur celles des cotes du golfe Persique et du golfe d'Oraan qui sont plac6es sous sa sonverainet6, ainsi que sur les routes int6rieures qui servent au transport des esclaves. Les magis- trats et les autres autoritds receVront a cet effet les pouvoirs n^cessaires. Article LXX. Sa Hautesse le Sultan de Zanzibar consent a prgter son concours le plus efficace pour la repression des crimes et delits commis par les trafiquants d'esclaves africains sur terre comme Article LXVIL Penal provisions similar to those provided for by Article V shall be enacted against persons importing, transporting, and trading in African slaves, against the mutilators of rnale children or adults, and those who traffic in them, as well as against their associates and accomplices. Article LXVIII. The signatory powers recognize the great importance of the law re- specting the prohibition of the slave- trade sanctioned by His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans on the 4th (i6th) of December, 1889 (22 Rebi- ul-Akhir, 1307), and they are assured that an active surveillance will be or- ganized by the Ottoman authorities, especially on the west coast of Arabia and on the routes which place that coast in communication with the other possessions of His Imperial Majesty in Asia. Article LXIX. His Majesty the Shah of Persia consents to organize an active sur- veillance in the territorial waters and those off the coast of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman which are under his sovereignty, and on the inland routes which serve for the transpor- tation of slaves. The magistrates and other authorities shall, to this effect, receive the necessary powers. Article LXX. His Highness the Sultan of Zan- zibar consents to give his most eflFec- tive support to the repression of crimes and offences committed by African slave-traders on land as well 36 sur mer. Les tribunaux institues a cette fin dans le Sultanat de Zanzibar appliqueront strictement les disposi- tions p6nales pr6vues a I'article V. Afin de mieux assurer la liberty des esclaves Iib6r6s, tant en vertu des dispositions du present Acte g^n^ral que des d^crets rendus en cette matiere par Sa Hautesse et ses pr6- dteesseurs, un bureau d'affranchisse- ment sera 6tabli a Zanzibar. Article LXXI. Les agents diplomatiques et con- sulaires, et les officiers de marine des Puissances contractantes prg- teront, dans les limites des conven- tions existantfes, aux autorites locales leur concours, afin d'aider a t€- primer la traite la oi elle existe encore; ils auront le droit d'assister aux proces de traite qu'ils auront provoqu6s, sans pouvoir prendre part a la deliberation. Articlk LXXII. Des bureaux d'affranchissement ou des institutions qui en tiennent lieu seront organises par les administra- tions des pays de destination des es- claves africains, aux fins determin6es a I'article XVIII. Article LXXIII. Les Puissances signataires s'6tant engagdes a se communiquer tous les renseignements utiles pour combattre la traite, les Gouvernements que con- cernent les dispositions du present chapitre ^changeront p6riodiquement avec les autres gouvernements les donn^es statistiques relatives aux esclaves arrgt6s et lib^r^s, ainsi que as at sea. The tribunals created for this purpose in the Sultanate of Zan- zibar shall rigorously enforce the penal provisions mentioned in Article V. In order to render more secure the freedom of liberated slaves, both in virtue of the provisions of the present general act and of the decrees adopted in this matter by His High- ness and his predecessors, a libera- tion office shall be established at Zanzibar. Article LXXI. The diplomatic and consular agents and the naval officers of the contracting powers shall, within the limits of existing conventions, give their assistance to the local authori- ties in order to assist in repressing the slave-trade where it still exists. They shall be entitled to be present at trials for slave-trading brought about at their instance, without, however, being entitled, to take part in the deliberations. Article LXXII. Liberation offices, or institutions in lieu thereof, shall be organized by the governments of the countries to which African slaves are sent, for the purposes specified by Article XVIII. Article LXXIII. The signatory powers having under- taken to communicate to one another all information useful for the repres- sion of the slave-trade, the Govern- ments whom the present chapter concerns shall periodically exchange with the other Governments statistical data relating to slaves intercepted and liberated, and to the legislative and Z7 les mesures legislatives ou adminis- tratives prises' afin de r^primer la traite. Chapitre V. Institutions destinies a assurer t execution dc V Acte gcnt- rai. \ I. — Du bureau international maritime. Article LXXIV. Conforin6ment aux dispositions de Tarticle XXVII, il est institu6 a Zan- zibar un bureau international ou cha- cune des Puissances signataires pourra se faire representer par un delegue. Article LXXV. Le Bureau sera constitu6 des que trois Puissances auront d6sign6 leur representant. II 61aborera un reglement fixant le mode d'exercice de ses attributions. Ce reglement sera imm^diatement soumis a la sanction des Puissances signataires qui auront notifie leur in- tention de s'y faire representer et qui statueront a cet egard dans le plus bref delai possible. Article LXXVI. Les frais de cette institution seront repartis, a parts 6gales, entre les Puissances signataires mentionn^es a I'article precedent. Article LXXVII. Le Bureau de Zanzibar aura per- mission de centraliser tous les docu- ments et renseignements qui seraient de nature a faciliter la repression de la traite dans la zone maritime. A cet effet, les Puissances signataires s'engagent a lui faire parvenir, dans le plus bref d61ai possible : i" Les documents specifies a I'arti- cle XLI ; administrative measures which have been taken for suppressing the slave- trade. Chapter V. Institutions intended to insu^re the execution of the general act. Section I. Of the international maritime office. Article LXXIV. , In accordance with the provisions of Article XXVII, an international office shall be instituted at Zanzibar, in which each of the signatory powers may be represented by a delegate. Article LXXV. The office shall be constituted as soon as three powers have appointed their representatives. It shall draw up regulations iixing the manner of exercising its functions. These regulations shall immediately be submitted to the approval of such signatory powers as shall have signi- fied their intention of being repre- sented in this office. They shall decide in this respect within the shortest possible time. Article LXXVI. The expenses of this institution shall be divided in equal parts among the signatory powers mentioned in the preceding article. Article LXXVII. The object of the office at Zanzi- bar shall be to centralize all docu- ments and information of a nature to facilitate the repression of the slave- trade in the maritime zone. For this purpose the signatory powers en- gage to forward within the shortest time possible : I . The documents specified in Ar- ticle XLI ; 38 2° Le r6sum6 des rapports et la copie des procds-verbaux vis6s il' ar- ticle XLVIII; 3° La liste des autorites territori- ales ou consulaires et des d6l6gu6s spdciaux comp6tents pour proc6der a regard des batiments arrStes, aux termes de I'article XLIX ; 4° La copie, des jugements et ar- rets de condamnation rendus con- formSment a I'article LVIII ; 5° Tous les renseignements pro- pres a amener la decouverte des per- sonnes qui se livrent aux operations de la traite dans la zone susdite. Article LXXVIII. Les archives du Bureau seront tou- jours ouvertes aux officiers de la marine des Puissances signataires au- ■ torises a agir dans les limites de la zone definie a I'article XXI, de mgme qu'aux autorites territoriales ou ju- diciaires et aux consuls specialement d^signes par leurs gouvernements. Le Bureau devra fournir aux offi- ciers et agents Strangers autorises a consulter ses archives, les traductions en une langue europeenne des docu- ments qui seraient redigSs dans une langue orientale. . II fera les communications prevues a I'article XLVIII. Article LXXIX. Des Bureaux auxiliaires en rapport avec le Bureau de Zanzibar pourront gtre Stablis dans certaines parties de la zone, en vertu d'un accord pr6- alable entre les Puissances int6ress6s. lis seront composes des d6l6gu6s de ces Puissances et 6tablis conforrae- ment aux articles LXXV, LXXVI et LXXVIII. 2. Summaries of the reports and copies of the minutes referred to in Article XLVIII; 3. The list of the territorial or con- sular authorities and special delegates competent to take action as regards vessels seized according to the terms of Article XLIX ; 4. Copies of judgments and con- demnations in accordance with Arti- cle LVIII ; 5. All information that may lead to the discovery of persons engaged in the slave-trade in the above-men- tioned zone. Article LXXVIII. The archives of the office shall al- ways be open to the naval officers of the signatory powers authorized to act within the limits of the zone de- fined by Article XXI, as well as to the territorial or judicial authorities, and to consuls specially designated by their Governments. The office shall supply to foreign officers and agents authorized ' to consult its archives, translations into a European language of documents written in an Oriental language. It shall make the communications provided for in Article XLVIII. Article LXXIX. Auxiliary offices in communication with the office at Zanzibar may be established in certain parts of the zone, in pursuance ©f a previous agreement between the interested powers. They shall be composed of dele- lates of these powers, and established in accordance with Articles LXXV, LXXVI, and LXXVIII. 39 Les documents et rensei'gnements sp6cifi6s a I'article 1,XXVII, en tant qu'ils concernent la partie afferente de la zone, leur seront envoy^s direc- tement par les autorites territoriales et consulaires de cette region, sans prejudice de la communication au Bureau de Zanziba,r pr6vue par le mgme article. Article LXXX. Le Bureau de Zanzibar dressera, dans les deux premiers mois de chaque ann^e, un rapport sur ses operations et celles des bureaux auxiliaires pendant I'annee 6coul6e. § II. — De Vechange entre les gouvernements des documents et renseignetnents relatifs A la traite. Article LXXXI. Les Puissances se communiqueront dans la plus large mesure et le plus bref d61ai qu'elles jugeront possibles: 1° Le texte des lois et reglements d'administration existants ou 6dict6s par application des clauses du pres- ent Acte g6n6ral ; 2° Les renseignements s^tatistiques concernant la traite, les esclaves ar- rgtes et lib6res, le trafic des armes, des munitions et des alcools. Article LXXXII. L'dchange de ces documents et renseignements sera centralist dans un bureau special rattach6 au Departe- ment des Affaires !l6trang6res a Brux- elles. ARTibLE LXXXIIL Le Bureau de Zanzibar lui fera par- venir, chaque ann6e, le rapport men- The documents and information specified in Article LXXVII, so far as they may relate to a part of the zone specially concerned, shall be sent to them directly by the terri- torial and consular authorities of the region in question, but this shall not exempt the latter from the duty of communicating the same to the office at Zanzibar, as provided by the same article. Article LXXX. The office at Zanzibar shall pre- pare in the first two months of every year, a report of its own operations and of those of the auxiliary offices, during the past twelve months. Section II. Of the exchange between the Governments of documents and informa- tion relating to the slave-trade. Article LXXXL The powers shall communicate to one another, to the fullest extent and with the least delay that they shall consider possible : 1. The text of the laws and ad- ministrative regulations, existing or enacted by application of the clauses of the present general act ; 2. Statistical information concern- ing the slave-trade, slaves arrested and liberated, and the traffic in fire- arms, ammunition, and alcoholic liquors. Article LXXXIL The exchange of these documents and information shall be centralized in a special office attached to the foreign office at Brussels. Article LXXXIII. The office at Zanzibar shall for- ward to it every year the report men- 40 tionn6 a 1' article LXXX sur ses ope- rations pendant I'annee 6coul6e et sur celles des bureaux auxiliaires qui viendraient a gtre etablis conform^- ment a I'article LXXIX. Article, LXXXIV. Les documents et renseigneraents seront r^unis et publics p6riodique- ment et adress6s a toutes les Puissan- ces signataires. Cette publication sera accompagnee, chaque ann6e, d'une table analytique des documents legislatifs, administratifs et statis- tiques mentionn^saux articles LXXXI et LXXXIII. Article LXXXV. Les frais de bureau, de correspond- ance, de traduction et d' impression qui en resulteront, seront supportes par toutes les Puissances signataires et recouvr6s par les soins du D^parte- ment des Affaires Etrangeres a Brux- elles. tioned in Article LXXX, concerning its operations during the past year, and concerning those of the auxiliary offices that may have been established in accordance with Article LXXIX. Article LXXXIV. The documents and information shall be collected and published pe- riodically, and addressed to all the signatory powers. This publication shall be accompanied every year by an analytical table of the legislative, administrative, and statistical docu- ments mentioned in Articles LXXXI and LXXXIII. Article LXXXV. The office expenses as well as those incurred in correspondence, transla- tion, and printing, shall be shared by all the signatory powers, and shall be collected through the agency of the department of the foreign office at Brussels. III. — De la protection des esclaves libires. Section III. Of the protection of liberated slaves. Article LXXXVI. Les Puissances signataires ayant reconnu le devoir de prot^ger les es- claves liberes dans leurs possessions respectives s'engagent a etablir, s'il n'en existe deja, dans les ports de la zone determinee a I'article XXI et dans les endroits de leurs dites pos- sessions qui seraient des lieux de cap- ture, de passage et d'arriv^e d'esclaves africains, des bureaux ou des institu- tions en nombre juge suffisant par elles et qui seront charges' sp6cialement de les affranchir et de les prot^ger, con- form^ment aux dispositions des arti- cles VI, XVIII, LII, LXIII et LXVI. Article LXXXVI. The signatory powers having recpg- nized the duty of protecting liberated slaves in their respective possessiohs, engage to establish, if they do not already exist, in the ports of the zone determined by Article XXI, and in such parts of their said possessions as may be places for the capture, passage and arrival of African slaves, such offi- ces and institutions as may be deemed sufficient by them, whose business shall specially consist in liberating and protecting them in accordance with the provisions of Articles VI, XVIII, LII, LXIII, and LXVI. 41 Article LXXXVII. Les bureaux d'affranchissement ou les autorites charg6es de ce service ddlivrerant les lettres d'affranchisse- ment et en tiendront registre. En cas de d6nonciation d'un fait de traite ou de detention illegale, ou sur le recours des esclaves eux-mgmes, les dits bureaux ou autoritfe feront toutes les diligences n6cessaires pour assurer la liberation des esclaves et la punition des coupables. La remise des lettres d'affranchisse- ment ne saurait, en aucun cas, 8tre retard6e, si I'esclave est accus6 d'un crime ou delit de droit commun. Mais, apr^s la delivrance des dites lettres, il sera proc6d6 a 1' instruction en la forme 6tablie par la procedure ordinaire. Article LXXXVIII. Les Puissances signataires favorise- rpnt, dans leurs possessions, la fonda- tion d'6tablissements de refuge pour les femmes et d' education pour les enfants Iib6r6s. ARi;fCLE LXXXIX. Les esclaves affranchis pourront toujours recourir aux bureaux pour gtre prot6g6s dans la jouissance de leur liberty. Quiconque aura use de fraude ou de violence pour enlever a un esclave lib^rd ses lettres d'affranchissement, ou pour le priver de sa liberty, sera considere comme marchand d' es- claves. Chapitre VI. Mesures resirictives till irafic des spiritueux. Article XC. Justement preoccupies des conse- quences morales et mat6rielles qu'en- Article LXXXVII. The liberation ofifices or the author- ities charged with this service shall de- liver letters of release and shall keep a register thereof In case of the denunciation of an act connected with the slave-trade, or one of illegal detention, or on appli- cation of the slaves themselves, the said offices or authorities shall exer- cise all necessary diligence to insure the release of the slaves and the pun- ishment of the offenders. The delivery of letters of release shall in no case be delayed, if the slave be accused of a crime or offence against ' the common law. But after the deliv- ery of the said letters an investigation shall be proceeded with in the form established by the ordinary proced- ure. Article LXXXVIIL The signatory powers shall favor, in their possessions, the foundation of establishments of refuge for women and of education for liberated chil- dren. Article LXXXIX. Freed slaves may always apply to the offices for protection in the en- joyment of their freedom. Whoever shall have used fraudulent or violent means to deprive a freed slave of his letters of release or of his liberty, shall be considered as a slave- dealer. Chapter VI. Measures to restrict the traffic in spirituous liquors. Article XC. Being justly anxious concerning the moral and material consequences 42 traine pour les populations indigenes I'abus des spiriteux, les Puissances signataires sont convenues d'appli- quer les dispositions des articles XCI, XCII at XCIII dans une zone delimitee par le 20° degr6 latitude nord et par le 22^degre latitude sud, et aboutissant vers I'ouest a Focean Atlantique et vers Test a l'oc6an Indien et a ses dependances, y com- pris les iles adjacentes au littoral jusqu'a 100 rallies marins de la cote. Article XCI. Dans les regions de cette zone ou il sera constate que, soit a raison des croyances religieuses, soit pour d'autres motifs, I'usage des boissons distilltes n'existe pas ou ne s'est pas d^veloppe, les Puissances en prohib- eront I'entree. La fabrication des boissons distill6es y sera egalement interdite. Chaque Puissance determinera les limitesde la zone de prohibition des boissons alcooliques dans ses posses- sions ou protectorats, et sera tenue d'en notifier le trace aux autres Puis- sances dans un delai de six mois. II ne pourra 6tre d6roge a la sus- dite prohibition que pour des quan- tites limit^es, destinies a la consom- mation des populations non indigenes et introduites sous le regime et dans les conditions d6teifminees par chaque Gouvernement. Article XCII. Les Puissances ayant des posses- sions ou exer^ant des protectorats dans les regions de la zone qui ne sont pas plac6es sous le regime de la prohibition et ou les spiritueux sont to which the abuse of spirituous liquors subjects the native popula- tion, the signatory powers have agreed to enforce the provisions of Articles XCI, XCII and XCIII within a zone extending from the 20th degree of North latitude to the 2 2d degree of South latitude, and bounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east by the Indian Ocean and its dependencies, includ- ing the islands adjacent to the main- land within 100 nautical miles -from the coast. Article XCI. In the districts of this zone where it shall be ascertained that, either on account of religious belief or from some other causes, the use of distilled liquors does not exist or has not been developed, the powers shall prohibit their importation. The manufacture of distilled liquors shall be likewise prohibited there. Each power shall determine the limits of the zone of prohibition of alcoholic liquors in its possessions or protectorates, and shall be bound to make known the limits thereof to the other powers within the space of six months. The above prohibition can ,only be suspended in the case of limited quantities intended for the consump- tion of the non-native population and imported under the regime and con- ditions determined by each Govern- ment. Article XCII. The powers having possessions or exercising protectorates in those re- gions of the zone which are not sub- jected to the regime of the prohibi- tion, and into which alcoholic liquors 43 actuellement imp'ortes librement ou soumis a un droit d' importation in- ftrieur a 15 francs par hectolitre a 50° centigrades, s'engagent a etablir sur ces spiritueux un droit d'entree qui sera de 15 francs par hectolitre a 50° centigrades, pendant les trois annees qtii suivront la mise en vigueur du present Acte general. A 1' expi- ration de cette periode, le droit pourra gtre porte a 25 francs pend- ant une nouvelle periode de trois annees. II sera, a la fin de la si- xieme ann6e, soumis a revision, en prenant pour base une 6tude com- parative des resultats produits par ces tarifications, a I'effet d'arrgter alors, si faire se pent, une taxe minima dans toute I'etendue de la zone oii n'exis- terait pas le regime de la prohibition vise a I'article XCI. Les Puissances conservent le droit de maintenir et d' Clever les taxes au dela du minimum fixe par le present article dans les regions pu elles le possedent actuellement. Article XCIII. Les boissons distillees qui seraient fabriqu6es dans les regions vis6es a I'article XCII et destinees a gtre livr^es a la consommation interieure, seront grevees d'un droit d'accise. Ce droit d'accise, dont les Puis- sances s'engagent a assurer la per- ception dans la limite du possible, ne sera pas infSrieur au minimum des droits d'entree fix6 par I'article xcn. Article XCIV. Les Puissances signataires qui ont en Afrique des possessions en contact avec la zone sp6cifi6e a I'article XC s'engagent a prendre les mesures ne- cessaires pour empScher I'introduc- are at present either freely imported or pay an import duty of less than 15 francs per hectolitre at 50 degrees centigrade, engage to levy on such alcoholic liquors an import duty of 15 francs per hectolitre at 50 degrees centigrade, for three years after the present general act comes into force. At the expiration of this period the duty may be increased to 25 francs during a fresh period of three years. At the end of the sixth year it shall be submitted to revision, the average results produced by these tariffs being taken as a basis, for the purpose of then fixing, if possible, a minimum duty throughout the whole exteflt of the zone where the prohibition re- ferred to in Article XCI is not in force. The powers retain the right of maintaining and increasing the duties beyond the minimum fixed by the present article in those regions where they already possess that right. Article XCIII. Distilled liquors manufactured in the regions referred to in Article XCII, and intended for inland con- sumption, shall be subject to an excise duty. This excise duty, the collection of which the powers engage to secure, as far as possible, shall not be less than the minimum import duty fixed by Article XCII. Article XCIV. The signatory powers having pos- sessions in Africa contiguous to the zone specified in Article XC engage to adopt the necessary measures for preventing the introduction of spirit- 44 tion des spiritueux, par leurs front- iferes interieures, dans les territoires de la dite zone. Article XCV. Les Puissances se communiqueront, par I'entremise du Bureau de Brux- elles, dans les conditions indiquees au chapitre V, les renseignements relatifs au trafic des spiritueux dans leurs territoires respectifs. Chapitre VII. Dispositions finales. Article XCVI. Le present Acte general abroge toutes stipulations contraires des con- ventions anterieurement conclues entre les Puissances signataires. Article XCVII. I^es Puissances signataires, sans prejudice de ce qui est stipule aux articles XIV, XXIII et XCII, se r6servent d'introduire au present Acte g6n6ral, ulterieurement et d'un commun accord, les modifications ou ameliorations dont I'utilite serait ddmontr^e par 1' experience. Article XCVIII. Les Puissances qui n'ont pas sign6 le present Acte general pourront etre admises a y adherer. Les Puissances signataires se re- servent de mettre a cette adhesion telles conditions qu'elles jugeraient nepessaires. Si aucune condition n'est stipulee, r adhesion emporte de plein droit I'acceptation de toutes les obligations et r admission a tons les avantages stipules par le present Acte general. Les Puissances se concerteront sur les d-marches a faire pour amener I'adh^sion des £tats dont le concours uous liquors within the territories of the said zone via their inland fron- tiers. Article XCV. The powers shall communicate to one another, through the office at Brussels, and according to the terms of Chapter V, information relating to the traffic in alcoholic liquors within their respective territories. Chapter VII. Final provisions. Article XCVI. The present general act repeals all contrary stipulations of conven- tions previously concluded between the signatory powers. Article XCVII. The signatory powers, without prej- udice to the stipulations contained in Articles XIV, XXIII and XCII, reserve the right of introducing into the present general act, hereafter and by common consent, such modifica- tions or improvements as experience may prove to be useful. Article XCVIII. Powers who have not signed the present general act shall be allowed to adhere to it. The signatory powers reserve the right to impose such conditions as they may deem necessary to their adhesion. If no conditions shall be stipulated, adhesion i mplies acceptance of all the obligations and admission to all the advantages stipulated by the present general act. The powers shall agree among themselves as to the steps to be taken to secure the adhesion of states whose 45 serait necessaire ou utile pour assurer I'execution complete de I'Acte gen- eral. L' adhesion se fera par un acte se- par6. Elle sera notifiee par la voie diplomatique au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges, et par celui-ci a t(5us les Etats signataires et adherents. Article XCIX. Le present Acte general sera ratifie dans un delai qui sera le plus court possible et qui, en aucun cas, ne pourra exceder un an. Chaque Puissance adressera sa rati- fication au Gouvernement de Sa Ma- jeste le Roi des Beiges, qui en don- nera avis a toutes les autres Puissances signataires du present Acte general. Les ratifications de toutes les Puis- sances resteront deposees dans les archives du royaume de Belgique. Aussit6t que toutes les ratifications auront ete piroduites, ou au plus tard un an apr^s la signature du present Acte general, il sera dress6 acte du depot dans un Protocole qui sera signe par les Repr^sentants de toutes les Puissances qui auront ratifie. Une copiecertifi^e de ce Protocole sera adressde a toutes les Puissances int6ress6es. Article C. Le present Acte general entrera en vigueur dans toutes les possessions des Puissances contractantes le soix- antieme jour a partir de celui oii aura 6t6 dresse le Protocole de d6p6t pr6vu a I'article precedent. En foi de quoi, les P16nipotentia- ires respectifs ont signe le present cooperation may be necessary or use- fiil in order to insure complete execu- tion of the general act. Adhesion shall be effected by a sep- arate act. Notice thereof shall be given through the diplomatic channel to the Government of the King of the Belgians, and by that Government to all the signatory and adherent states. Article XCIX. The present general act shall be ratified within the shortest possible period, which shall not in any case exceed one year. Each power shall address its ratifi- cation to the Government of the King of the Belgians, which shall give no- tice thereof to all the other powers that have signed the present general act. The ratifications of all the powers shall remain deposited in the archives of the Kingdom of Belgium. As soon as all the ratifications shall have been furnished, or at the latest one year after the signature of the present general act, their delivery shall be recorded in a protocol which shall be signed by the representatives of all the powers that have ratified. A certified copy of this protocol shall be forwarded to all the powers interested. Article C. The present general act shall come into force in all the possessions of the contracting powers on the sixti- eth day, reckoned from the day on which the protocol provided for in the preceding article shall have been drawn up. In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the 46 Acte g6n6ral et y ont appose leur cachet. Fait a Bruxelles, le deiixieme jour du mois de juillet mil huit cent quatre-vingt-dix. [seal] Edwin H. Terrell, [seal] H. S. Sanford. 1 [seal] Alvensleben. [seal] GOEHRING. [seal] R. KhevenhUller. [seal] Lambermont. [seal] E. Banning. [seal] Schack de Brockdorff. [seal] J. G. DE Aguera. [seal] Edm. van Eetvelde. [seal] a. van Maldeghem. [seal] a. Bouree. ' [seal] G. Cogordan. [seal] Vivian. [seal] John Kirk. [seal] F. de Renzis. [ssIal] T. Catalani. [seal] L, Gericke. , [seal] Nazare Aga. [seal] Henrique de Macedo Pereira Coutinho. [seal] L. Ouroussoff. [seal] Martens, [seal] Burenstam. [seal] Et. Caratheodory. [seal] John Kirk, [seal] Goehring. present general act, and have thereto affixed their seals. Done at Brussels the 2nd day of the month of July, 1890. [seal] Edwin H. Terrell. [seal] H. S. Sanford. [seal] ' Alvensleben. [seal] Goehring. [seal] R. KhevenhiJller. [seal] Lambermont. [seal] E. Banning. [seal] Schack de Brockdorff. [seal] J. G. de AgUera. [seal] Edm. van Eetvelde. [seal] A. VAN Maldeghem. [seal] A. Bouree. [seal] G. Cogordan. [seal] Vivian. [seal] John Kirk. [seal] F. de Renzis. [seal] T. Catalani. [seal] L. Gericke. [seal] Nazare Aga. [seal] Henrique de Macedo Pereira Coutinho. [seal] L. Ouroussoff. [seal] Martens. [seal] Burenstam. [seal] Et. Caratheodory. [seal] John Kirk. [seal] Goehring. 47 '6 <, X a "C < Z Z < 1^ Obser- vations gene- rales. Parages dans les- quels le bateau doit naviguer. Nombre maximum de passa- gers. Nombre des hommes d' equi- page. ^1 14 i T3 1 6'u Nom du bateau avec indication du genre de construc- tion et de greement. / ■2« ><1 l-H X XI X u u H ■< v ^ b <: < o w H O Z II Limits" within which ves- sel is enti- tled to ply. Maximum number of passen- gers. 1|. Z'o 2S If ^ Name of vessel, with description of form of build and rig. S -a g % . And whereas a protocol was signed at Brussels, on , the 2nd. of January, 1892, by the Plenipotentiaries of the Powers aforesaid, providing for the partial ratification of the said General Act on the part of the French Republic, the original- draft of which protocol, being in the French language, is word for word as follows : Projet de Protocole. Draft of a Protocol. Lessoussigiife- - se sont r^unis The uridersigned, - -met at the au Minist^re des Affaires Etfangeres a Bruxelles, conformdment a I'article XCIX de I'Acte General du 2 juillet 1890, et en execution du Protocol du 2 juillet 1891, afin de dresser acte du depot des ratifications de celles des Puissances signataires qui n'avai- Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Brussels, in pursuance of Article XCIX of the General Act of July 2, 1890, and in execution of the Protocol of July 2, 1891, with a view to preparing a cer- tificate of the deposit of the ratifica- tions of such of the signatory powers 48 ent pas 6t6 en mesure d'operer ce de- pot a la reunion du 2 juillet 1891. S. E. le Ministre de France declare que le President de la Republique, dans ses ratifications sur I'Acte Gene- ral de Bruxelles, a provisoirement re- serve, jusqu'a une entente ulterieure, les articles XXI, XXII et XXIII, ainsi que les articles XLII a LXI. • donnent Les Representants — acte a M. le Ministre de France du depot des ratifications du President de la Republique Fran^aise, ainsi que de r exception portant sur les articles XXI XXII et XXIII et sur les articles XLII a LXI. II est entendu que les Puissances ayant ratifi^ I'Acte General dans son entier se reconnaissent reciproque- ment liees entre elles pour toutes ses clauses. II est 6galement entendu que ces Puissances ne seront tenues a I'egard de celles qui auront ratifie partielle- ment que dans la limite des engage- ments souscrits par ces dernieres. Enfin, 11 reste bien entendu qu'a regard de la Puissance ayant ratifie partiellement, les matieres faisant I'objet des articles XLII a LXI con- tinueront jusqu'a un accord ulterieur a 6tre regies par les stipulations et arrangements actuellement en vig- ueur. En foi de quoi * * * as were unable to make such deposit at the meeting of July 2, 1891. His Excellency the Minister of France declared that the President of the Republic, in his ratification of the Brussels General Act had provi- sionally reserved, until a subsequent' understanding should be Reached, Ar- ticles XXI, XXII, XXIII, and XLII to LXI. The representatives , ac- knowledge to the Minister of France the deposit of the ratifications of the President of the French Republic, as well as of the exception bearing upon Articles XXI, XXII, XXIII, and XLII to LXI. It is understood that the powers which have ratified the General Act in its entirety acknowledge that they are reciprocally bound as regards all its clauses. It is likewise understood that these powers shall not be bound toward those which shall have ratified it par- tially, save within the limits of the engagements assumed by the latter powers. Finally, it is understood that, as regards the powers that have partially ratified, the matters forming the sub- ject of Articles XLII to LXI, shall continue, until a subsequent agree- ment is adopted, to be governed by ' the stipulations and arrangements now in force. In testimony whereof * * * And whereas tt^e said General Act of July 2, 1890, and the said Protocol of January 2, 1892, were duly ratified by the Governments of the United States of America and of the other Powers aforesaid; And whereas, in pursuance of the stipulations of Article XCIX of the said General Act and of stipulations subse- 49 quently agreed upon by the signatories thereof, the ratifi- cations of the said General Act .were deposited with the Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians on the 2nd day of July, 1891, by the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the In- dependent State of the Congo, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Persia, Sweden and Norway and Zanzibar; on the 3rd day of July, 1891, by the Plenipotentiary of the Gov- ernment of Austria-Hungary; on the 2nd day of January, 1892, by the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of Rus- sia, the Ottoman Porte and the F"rench Republic ; on the 2nd. day of February, 1892, by the Plenipotentiary of the Govern- ment of the United States of America; and on the 30th day of March, 1892, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Portugal ; , Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said General Act of July 2, 1890, and the said Protocol of January 2, 1892, to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and ful- filled with good faith by the United Siates and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Done at the City of Washington this second day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixteenth. * [seal.] BENJ. HARRISON. By the President: James G. Blaine, Secretary of State. 4* INTERNATIONAL— PUBLICATION OF CUSTOMS TARIFFS, CONVKNTION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND OTHER POWERS, CONCERNING THE FORMATION OF AN INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE PUB- LICATION OF CUSTOMS TARIFFS; CERTAIN REGULATIONS FOR THE EXECUTION OF SAID CONVENTION, AND CERTAIN FINAL DECLARATIONS. Signed at Brussels July s, i8go. Ratification advised by the Senate December ij, iSgo. Ratified by the Fresident December ly, i8go. Proclaimed December if, i8go. By THE President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and other Powers concerning the formation of an International Union for the publication of Customs Tariffs, certain Regulations for the execution of the said Convention, and certain Final Declarations were concluded and signed by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the High Contracting Parties aforesaid, at the City of Brussels, on the fifth day of July one thousand eight hundred and ninety, the originals of which Convention, Regulations and Final Declarations, being in the French language, are word for word as follows : [Translation made in Washington.] Convention concernant la Criation Convention concerning the formation of d'une Union Internationale pour la an International Union for the pub- Publication des Tarifs Douaniers lication of Customs Tariffs, to which entre the following States are Parties : La R^publique Argentine, I'Au- The Ajgentine Republic, Austria^ triche-Hongrie, la Belgique, la Bo- Hungary, Belgium, Bolivia, Chili, livie, le Chili, I'fitat Ind6pendant du Congo, la Republique de Costa- Rica, le Danemark et ses Colonies, I'Es- pagne et ses Colonies, les Etats-Unis d' Amerique, la France et ses Colonies, la Grande-Bretagne et diverses Colo- nies anglaises, I'lnde Britannique, le Dominion du Canada, les Colonies de I'Australie de I'Ouest, du Cap de Bonne Esperance, de Natal, de la No- uvelle Galles du Sud, de la Nouvelle- Z6lande,de Queensland, de Tasmanie, de Terre-Neuve et de- Victoria, la GrSce, le Guatemala, la Republique de Haiti, ritalie et ses Colonies, le Mexi- que, le Nicaragua, le Paraguay, les Pays-Bas et leurs Colonies, le P6rou, le Portugal et ses Colonies, la Roumanie, la Russie, le Salvador, le Royaume de Siam, la Suisse, la Turquie, 1' Uruguay et le Vene- zuela. Les soussign^s, dument autoris6s, ont, sous reserved'approbation, arrSte la convention suivante: Article i='- II est forme entre les pays ci-dessus 6numer6s et tous les pays qui, dans la suite, adh6reront a la presente convention, une associa- tion sous le, titre de "Union Interna- tionale pour la publication des Tarifs douaniers' ' . Art. 2. Le but de /' Union est de publier, a frais communs, et de faire connaltre, aussi promptement et aUssi exactement que possible, les Tarifs douaniers des divers fitats du globe et les modifications que ces tarifs subi- ront dans la suite. Art. 3. A cette fin, il sera cr6e a Bruxelles un Bureau international charge de la traduction et de la publi- cation de ces Tarifs ainsi que des dis- the Independent State of the Congo, the Republic of Costa Rica, Den- mark and her colonies, France and her colonies, Great Britain and sun- dry British colonies, British India, the Dominion of Canada, the colonies of West Australia, the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, New South Wales, New- Zealand, Queensland, Tasmania, Newfoundland and Victoria, Greece, Guatemala, the Republic of Hayti, Italy and her colonies, Mexico, the Netherlands and their colonies, Nica- ragua, Paraguay, Peru,, Portugal and her colonies, Roumania, Russia, Sal- vador, the Kingdom of Siam, Spain and her colonies, Switzerland, Tur- key, the United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela. The undersigned, being duly authorized, have concluded the fol- lowing convention, subject to the approval of their Governments: Article i. An association under the title of "International Union for the publication of Customs Tariffs" shall be formed by the countries above enumerated, and by all such as may hereafter adhere to the present con- vention. Art. 2. The object of the Union is to -publisb, at the common expense, and to makie known, as speedily and accurately as possible, the customs tariffs of the various States of the globe and the modifications that may, in future, be made in those tariffs. Art. 3. To this end, an Interna- tional Bureau shall be organized at Brussels, whose duty it shall be to cause these tariffs, tQgether with positions legislatives ou administra- tives qui y apporteront des modifica- tions. Art. 4. Cette publication se fera dans un recueil intitule: "Bulletin international des douanes {Organe de r Union intemationale pour la, publi- cation des Tarifs douaniers)." On adoptera a cet effet les langues com- merciales les plus usitees. Art. 5. Le personnel du Bureau international sera nomm6 par les soins du Ministfere des Affaires fitran- geres de Belgique, qui fera les avances de fonds necessaires et veillera a la marche r^guliere de I'lnstitution. Art. 6. Dans la correspondance adress6e par le !^ureau international aux Gouvernements adherents on fera usage de la langue fran^aise. Art. 7. Un rapport sur les tra- vaux et la gestion financiere du Bu- reau international sera adresse chaque ann^e aux Gouvernements adherents. Art. 8. Le budget annuel des d6- penses du Bureau international est fix6 au chiffre maximum de 125,000 francs. - En outre, un capital de 50,000 francs sera mis, la premiere ann6e, a la disposition du Ministre des Affaires fitrahgSres de Belgique pour les frais ^'installation du Bureau. Les Etats et Colonies qui useraient ult6rieurement de la faculte d'ad- hesion pr^vue a I'article 14 auront a payer leur quote-part de cette somme de 50,000 francs, sur la base de re- partition fix6e par I'article 9. such legislative or executive provi- sions as may introduce modifications therein, to be translated and pub- lished. Art. 4. This publication shall be made in a collection entitled: "In- ternational Customs Bulletin (organ of the International Union for the publication of Customs Tariffs)." The Commercial languages most in use shall be adopted for this pur- pose. Art. 5. The persons composing the International Bureau shall be ap- . pointed through the agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bel- gium, which shall advance the neces- sary funds and see that the institution is properly managed. Art. 6. In communications ad- dressed by the International Bureau to the adhering Governments, the French language shall be used. •Art. 7. A report concerning the labors and the financial condition of the International Bureau shall be an- nually addressed to the adhering Governments. Art. 8. The annual budget of the expenditures of the International Bureau shall be fixed at the maximum of 125,000 francs. The sum of 50,000 francs shall be placed, the first year, at the disposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, to enable him to meet the expenses of the organization of the Bureau. Such States and colonies as may hereafter avail themselves of the priv- ilege of adhering, for which provision is made in article 14, shall pay their quotas of the said sum of 50,000 francs, on the basis of apportionment fixed in article 9, 4 Les fitats et Colonies qui se re- tireraient de /' Union a 1' expiration du premier terme de sept annees perdront leur droit de copropri6t6 dans le fonds commun. En cas de liquidation, le fonds commun sera partag6 entre les Etats et Colonies de /' Union, d'apres la , base de repartition fixee par Parti- cle g. Art. 9. En vue de determiner 6quitablement la part contributive des Etats contractants, ceux-ci sont r6partis, a raison de 1' importance de leur commerce respectif, en six. classes intervenant chacune dans la proportion d'un certain nombre d'unit6s, savoir: I" classe. Pays dont le commerce se monte r^gulierement a plus de 4 milliards de francs: 55 unites. 2° classe. . Pays dont le commerce se monte regulierement de 2 a -4 milliards de francs : 40 unites. 3= classe. Pays dont le commerce se monte regulierement de 500 mil- lions a 2 milliards de francs: 25 unites. i^ classe. Pays dont le commerce se monte regulierement de 100 a 500 millions de francs: 20 unites. ^^ classe. Pays dont le commerce se monte regulierement de 50 a 100 millions de francs: 15 unites. 6' classe. Pays dont le commerce est regulierement inferieur a 50 mil- lions de francs: 5 unites. Art. 10. Pour les pays dont la langue ne sera pas employee par le Bureau international, les chiffres ci- dessus seront respectivement dimin- States and colonies withdrawing from the Union at the expiration of the first term of seven years shall forfeit their rights as joint owners of the common fund. In case of a liquidation, the com- mon fund shall be divided among the States and colonies forming the Union on the basis of apportionment fixed by article 9. Art. 9. With a view to the equit- able adjustment of the quotas of the contracting States, those States shall • be divided, according to the amount of their commerce, into six classes, the quota payable by each of which shall be in the proportion of a cer- tain number of units, to wit : ist class. Countries whose com- merce regularly amounts to upwards of four thousand millions of francs : 55 units. 2nd class. Countries whose com- merce regularly amounts to from two to four thousand millions of francs: 40 units. 3d class. Countries whose com- merce regularly amounts to from five hundred millions to two thousand millions of francs : 25 units. 4th class. Countries whose com- merce regularly amounts to from one hundred to five hundred millions of francs: 20 units. 5th class. Countries whose com- merce regularly amounts to from fifty to one hundred millions of francs: 15 units. 6th class. Countries whose com- merce regularly amounts to less than 50 millions of francs: 5 units. Art. 10. In the case of countries whose language is not used by the International Bureau, the above fig- ures shall be reduced two-fifths, re- u6s des deux cinquifemes. Ils^seront done r^duits: Pour la i" classe a 33 unites. " << ^e 6= ' a 24 ' a IS ' a 12 ' a 9 Art. II. Le total de la depense annuelle, divis6 par la somme des unites attribuees aux difF^rents Etats contractants, en execution des dis- positions qui pr6c6dent, donnera VuniU de dSpense. II suffira de mul- tiplier celle-ci par le nombre d' unites assign^ a. chacun de ces Etats pour connaitre le montant de sa contribu- tion dans les frais du Bureau interna- tional. Art. 12. A I'effet de mettre I'ln- stitution a rrieme de r^diger le Bulle- tin international des douanes aussi exactement que possible, les Parties contractantes lui enverront, directe- ment et sans retard, deux exemplaires: {a) de leur loi douaniere et de leur tarif douanier, mis soigneusement a jour; {b) de toutes les dispositions qui y apporteront dans la suite des modifi- cations; (/) des circulaires et instructions que lesdits Gouvernements adresse- ront a leurs bureaux de douane con- cernant I'application du tarif ou la classification des marchandises, et qui peuvent gtre reridues publiques ; ((/) de leurs trait^s de commerce, conventions Internationales et lois spectively. The following reduc- tions shall therefore be made : The quota of the first class shall be reduced to 33 units. The quota of the second class shall be reduced to 24 units. The quota of the third class shall be reduced to 15 units. The quota of the fourth class shall be reduced to 12 units. The quota of the fifth class shall be reduced to 9 units.' The quota of the sixth class shall be reduced to 3 units. Art. II. The sum total of the annual expenditure, divided by the sum of the units assigned to the vari- ous contracting States, in pursuance of the foregoing provisions, shall give the unit of expenditure. This unit, multiplied by the number of units assigned to each of these States, shall show the amount of the quota payable by it for the support of the Interna- tional Bureau. Art. 12. In order to enable the Institution to edit the International Customs Bulletin as accurately as possible, the contracting parties shall send it, directly and without delay, two copies: (a) of their customs law and their customs tariff, carefully brought up to date. {b) of all provisions that shall ulti- mately modify said law and tariff. {/) of the circulars and instructions that shall be addressed by the said Governments to their custom-houses concerning the application of the tariff or the classification of goods, and that can be made public. (i/) of their treaties of commerce, international conventions and do- int^rieures qui ont un rapport direct avec les tarifs douaniers en vigueur. Art. 13. Un reglpment d' execu- tion ayant la m&me force obligatoire que la presente convention d6ter- minera le mode de publication du Bulletin de V Union et tout ce qui est relatif au budget du Bureau interna- tional et a I'organisation interieure du service. Art. 14. Les fitats et Colonies qui n'ont point pris part a la pr6sente convention seront admis a y acceder ult6rieurement. L' accession sera notifiee par 6crit au Gouvernement beige qui la fera connaitre a tous les autres Gouverne- ments contractants. L' accession em- portera de plein droit adhesion a toutes les clauses et admission a tous leS' avantages stipules dans la presente convention. Art. 15. La pr6sente Convention sera mise a execution le i" avril 1891 et elle restera en vigueur pendant sept ans. Si, douze m'ois avant I'expiration des sept premieres ann6es, la pr^^ente convention n'a pas ete denonc6e, /' Union subsistera pendant un nou- veau terme de sept annees et ainsi de suite, de sept en sept ans. La denonciation sera adress^e au Gouvernement beige. Elle n'aura d'effet qu'a I'egard du pays qui I'aura faite, la convention restant executoire pour les autres pays de /' Union. Les Gouvernements pourront intro- duire dans la pr6sente convention, de mestic laws having a direct bearing upon the existing tariffs. Art. 13. A set of regulations pro- viding for the execution of this con- vention, having the same force as the convention itself, shall determine the manner of publication of the Bulletin of the Union in everything relating to the budget of the International Bureau and to the internal organiza- tion of the service. Art. 14. The States and colonies that have not yet taken part in this convention shall have the privilege of acceding thereto hereafter. Notice of accession shall be given, in writing, to the Belgian Govern- ment, which shall, in turn, communi- cate such notice to all the other con- tracting Governments. Accession shall imply adhesion to all the clauses contained in, and the enjoyment of all advantages provided for, by this convention. Art. 15. This convention shall go into operation on the iirst day of April, 18^1, and shall remain in force for seven years. . If, twelve months before the ex- piration of the first seven years, no notice of a desire for the cessation of the effects of this convention shall have been given, the Union shall con- tinue to exist for seven years longer, and so on, in periods of seven years each. Notice of a desire for the cessation of the effects of this convention shall be addressed to the Belgian Govern- ment. Such notice shall have no effect save as regards the country giv- ing it, and the convention shall remain in force so far as- the other countries of the Union are concerned. The Governments shall at all times be at liberty to make in this conven- commun accord et en tout temps, les ameliorations qui seraient jug6es utiles ou n6cessaires. En foi de quoi, les soussign6s ont signe la pr&ente convention et y ont apposd leur cachet. Fait a Bruxelles, le 5 Juillet mil huit cent quatre vingt dix. Pour la R6publique Argentine, [sEAL.J Carlos Calvo y Capde- ' VILA. Pour I'Autriche-Hongrie, [sEAL.j Eperjesy. Pour la Belgique, [seal.] Lambermont. [seal.] Leon Biebuyck. [seal.] Kebers. Pour la Bolivie, [seal.] Joaquin Caso. Pour le Chili, [seal.] N. Pena Vicuna. Pour rfitat Ind^pendant du Congo, [seal.] Edm. van Eetvelde. Pour la R6publique de Costa-Rica, [seal.] Manuel M. de Peralta. Pour le Danemark et ses Colonies, [seal.] Schack de Brockdorff. Pour I'Espagne et ses Colonies, [seal.] J. G. de AgUera. Pour les fitats-Unis d'AmSrique, [seal.] Edwin H. Terrell — ad referendum. Pour la France et ses Colonies, [seal.] a. BouRiiE. Pour la Grande-Bretagtie et diverse • Colonies anglaises, [seal.] Martin Gosselin, [seal.] a. E. Bateman. Pour rinde Britannique, [seal.] Martin Gosselin, [seal.] a. E. Bateman. Pour le Dominion du Canada, [seal.] Charles Tupper. Pour I'Australie de I'Ouest, tion, by mutual agreement, such im- provements as may be deemed expe- dient or necessary. In testimony whereof, the under- signed have signed this convention, and have thereunto affixed their seals. Done at Brussels, July the fifth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety. For the Argentine Republic, Carlos Calvo y Capde- yiLA. For Austria- Hungary, Eperjesy. For Belgium, Lambermont, Leon Biebuyck, Kebers. For Bolivia, Joaquin Caso. For Chili, N. Pena VicuSa. For the Independent State of the Congo, Edm. van Eetvelde. For the Republic of Costa Rica, Manuel M. de Peralta. For Denmark and her Colonies, Schack de Brockdorff. For Spain and her Colonies, J. G. de AgOera. For the United States of America, Edwin H. Terrell — ad referendum. For France and her Colonies, A. Bourse. For Great Britain and sundry British Colonies, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For British India, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For the Dominion of Canada, Charles Tupper. For West Australia, Pour le Cap de Bonne-Esp6rance, [seal.] Martin Gosselin, [seal.] a. E. Bateman. Pour Natal, [seal.] Martin Gq^selin, [seal.] a. E. Bateman. Pour la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, [seal.] Saul Samuel. Pour la Nouvelle-Zelande, [seal.] Francis Dillon Bell. Pour le Queensland, Pour la Tasmanie, [seal.] Martin Gosselin, [seal.] a. E. Bateman. Pour Terre-Neuve, [seal.] Martin Gosselin, [seal.] a. E. Bateman. Pour Victoria, [seal.] Graham Berry. Pour la GrSce, [seal.] p. Mulle. Pour le Guatemala, [seal.] Alexis Capouillet. Pour la R^publique de Haiti, [seal.] G. de Deken. Pour r Italia et ses Colonies, [seal.] J. DE Renzis. Pour le Mexique, [seal.] Edm. van den Wyngaert. Pour le Nicaragua, [seal.] J. F. Medina. Pour le Paraguay, [seal.] Henri Oostendorp. Pour les Pays-Bas et leurs Colonies, [seal.] H. Testa. [seal.] L. E. Uyttenhooven. ' Pour le P6rou, [seal.] Joaquin Lemoine. Pour le Portugal et ses Colonies, [seal.] Henrique de Macedo Pereira Continho. [seal.] Augusto Cesar Ferreira DE Mesquita. For the Cape of Good Hope, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Natal, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For New South Wales, Saul Samuel. For New Zealand, Francis Dillon Bell. For Queensland, For Tasmania, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Newfoundland, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Victoria, Graham Berry. For Greece, P. Mulle. For Guatemala, Alexis Capouillet. For the Republic of Hayti, G. DE Deken. For Italy and her Colonies, J. DE Renzis. For Mexico, Edm. van den Wyngaert. For Nicaragua, J. F. Medina. For Paraguay, Henri Oostendorp. For the Netherlands and their Colo- nies, H. Testa, L. E. Uyttenhooven. For Peru, Joaquin Lemoine. For Portugal and her Colonies, Henrique de Macedo Pereira Continho, Augusto Cesar Ferreira DE Mesquita. Pour la Roumanie, [seal. J J. Vacaresco. Pour la Russie, [seal.] G. Kamensky. Pour le Salvador, [seal.] Emile Eloy. Pour le Siam, [seal.] Frederick Verney. Pour la Suisse, [seal.] E. Paccaud. Pour la Turquie, [seal.] Et. Carathe:odory. Pour r Uruguay, [seal.] Fco. Susviela Guarch. Pour le Venezuela, [seal.] Luis Lopez Mendez. For Roumania, J. Vacaresco. For Russia, G. Kamensky. For Salvador, Emile Eloy. For Siam, Frederick Verney. For Switzerland, E. Paccaud. For Turkey, Et. Caratheqdory. For Uruguay, Fco. Susviela Guarch. For Venezuela, Luis Lopez Mendez. Reglement d' £xicution de la Conven- tion instituant un Bureau interna- tional pour la publication des Tarifs Douaniers. Regulations for the execution of the Convention creating an Interna- tional Bureau for the publication. of Customs Tariffs. (Article 13 de la Convention.) Article i='. Le Bulletin interna- tional des douanes sera public en cinq langues, savoir: en Allemand, en Anglais, en Espagnol, en Fran^ais et en Italien. Art. 2. Chaque Etat faisant partie de r Union a la faculty de faire traduire et de publier a ses frais tout ou partie du Bulletin dans telle langue qu'il trouve utile, pourvu que ce ne soit pas I'une des langues adoptees par le Bureau international. Chacun des fetats de 1' Union aura de mgme le droit de faire reproduire de simples extraits de tarifs ou, ex- ceptionnellement, des parties du Bul- letin, soit dans un organe oflSciel (Art. 13 of the Convention.) Article I. The international Cus- toms Bulletin shall be published in five languages, viz: German, Eng- lish, Spanish, French and Italian. Article 2. Each State belonging to the Union shall have the privilege of causing to be translated and pub- lishing at its own expense, the whole or any part of the Bulletin in any language that it may see fit, provided that such language be not one of those adopted by the International Bureau. Each of the States of the Union shall likewise have the right to repro- duce mere extracts from tariffs, or, by way of exception, portions of the Bulletin, either in a local official lO local, soit dans ses documents parle- mentaires. II est enteridu d'ailleurs que chaque iitat reste libre comme par le pass6 de publier dans la langue originale ou en traduction tous les tarifs dou- aniers, pourvu que le texte publie ne soit pas rceuvre.mgme du Bureau in- ternational. Art. 3. Le Bureau international s'engage a apporter les plus grands soins dans la traduction des lois de douane et des publications ofificielles interpr^tatives de ces lois, mais il est entendu que les Gouvernements in- teress6s n'assuraent pas de responsa- bilite quant a I'exactitude de ces tra- ductions et qu'en cas de contestation le texte original sera leur seul guide. Un avertissement dans ce sens sera imprime en note et en caraeteres gras. au bas de la premiere page de chaque livraison. Art. 4. Le format du Bulletin sera determine par le Bureau. Art. 5 . Chaque Gouvernement fera connaitre en quelle langue, parmi celles adoptees par le Bureau interna- tional, il desire recevoir les exemp- laires du Bulletin qui representeront sa part d' intervention dans les frais de I'institution. Un Gouvernement pourra prendre un certain nombre d'exemplaires en une langue et le restant en d'autres langues. Art. 6. Le Bureau international ne pent fournir d'abonnements qu'aux Gouvernements des pays faisant par- tie de /' Union. Art. 7. Le montant de la contri- bution proportionnelle de chaque Etat lui est rendu en abonnements au Bul- letin de I' Union, calculus au pris de 15 francs chacun. organ or in its parliamentary docu- ments. It is understood moreover, that each State is to be at liberty, as has hitherto been the case, to publish all the tariffs in the original language or in a translation, provided that the text published be not the work of the International Bureau. Article 3. The International Bu- reau pledges itself to take the utmost care in the translation of the customs laws and of the official publications that serve to interpret said laws, but it is understood that the Governments interested assume no responsibility with regard to the accuracy of these translations, and that, in case of dis- pute, the original text shall be their sole guide. A notice to this effect shall be printed in large type at the foot of the first page of each number. Article 4. The size of the Bulletin shall be determined by the Bureau. Article 5. Each Government shall make known in which of the languages adopted by the International Bureau it desires to receive the copies of the Bulletin which are to be furnished to it in return for the amount payable by it for the support of the institution. Any Government may take a cer- tain number of copies in one lan- guage, and the remainder in other languages. Article 6. The International Bu- reau can supply the Bulletin to no Governments save those belonging to the Union. Article 7. The amount of the quota payable by each State shall be returned to it in subscriptions to the Bulletin of the Union, computed at the rate of 15 francs each. II Art. 8. Les d6penses sont calcu- 16es approximativem'ent comrae suit : Francs, (n) Traitement des fonctionnaires et employes du Bureau international, y compris un suppUment de traite- ment de IS^ 7S)0°o [6) Frais d'impression et d'envoi du Bulletin de /' Union 30 , 000 (c) Location et entretien du local affect^ au Bureau international, chauffage, ^clairage, fournitures, frais de bureau, etc 20,000 Total .' 125,000 Art. 9. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres de Beligque est charge de prendre les mesures necessaires pour 1' organisation et le fonctionnement du Bureau international, en restant dans les limites tracees par la Con- vention et par le present Reglement. Art. 10. Le chef du Bureau inter- national est autoris6, sous 1' appro- bation du Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres de Belgique, a reporter sur I'exercice en cours les sommes non employees de I'exercice 6coule. Ces sommes serviront, le cas 6cheant, a constituer un fonds de reserve des- tine a parer aux depenses impr-evues. Ladite reserve ne pourra, en aucun cas, depasser 25,000 francs. Le surplus permettra 6ventuellement d'abaisser le prix de I'abonnement au BuUeiin, sans accroissement du nombre d'exemplaires garanti par les Etats contractants; , cet exc6dent pourra servir aussi a couvrir les frais qu'occasionnerait I'adjonction d'une nouvelle langue de traduction a celles 6num6rees a I'article i". Cette derniere mesure ne pourra se realiser qu'avec I'assentiment unan- ime des fitats et Colonies faisant partie de /' Union. Article 8. The expenditures are computed approximately as follows : Francs, (a) Salaries of the ofificers and employes of the International Bureau, including an addition thereto of 15 per cent 75,000 (i) Cost of printing and sending the Bulletin of the Union 30,000 (?) Rent and keeping in 6rder of the building occupied by the In- ternational Bureau, fuel, light, material, office expenses, etc 20 , 000 Total 125,000 Article 9. It shall be the duty of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium to take such measures as may be necessary for the organization of the International Bureau, and for putting it in working order, keeping within the limits fixed by the Con- vention and by these regul3tions. Article 10. The Superintendent of the International Bureau is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, to use, during the current fiscal year, such sums, appropriated for the past year, as may not have been then used. These sums shall, the case arising, go to form a reserve fund for the payment of contingent expenses. The said reserve shall in no case exceed 25,060 francs. The surplus will, perhaps, ren.der it pos- sible to reduce the price of subscrip- tion to the Bulletin, without increas- ing the number of copies guaranteed by the contracting States; this sur- plus may also serve to meet the ex- pense that would be occasioned by the addition of a new language to those enumerated in article i . This last measure shall not be carried out without the unanimous; consent of the States and Colonies belonging to the Union. 12 Fait a Bruxelles, le s Juillet mil huit cent quatre vingt.dix, pour 6tre annex6 a la Convention en date de ce jour. Pour la R6publique Argentine, Carlos Calvo y Capde- VI LA. Pour I'Autriche-Hongrie, Eperjesy. Pour la Belgique, Lambermont, Leon Biebuyck, Kebers. Pour la Bolivie, Joaquin Caso. Pour le Chili, N. Pena Vicuna. Pour rfitat Independant du Congo, Edm. van Eetvelde. Pour la Republique de Costa-Rica, Manuel M. de Peralta. Pour le Danemark et ses Colonies, SCHACK DE BrOCKDORFF. Pour I'Espagne et ses Colonies, J. G. DE AgUera. Pour les Etats-Unis d'Am^rique, Edwin H. Terrell — ad referendum. Pour la France et ses Colonies, A. BOUREE. Pour la Grande-Bretagne et diyerses Colonies anglaises, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour rinde Britannique, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour le Dominion du Canada, Charles TLtpper. Pour I'Australie de 1' Quest, Done at Brussels, July the sth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, to be appended to the Convention of this day's date. , For the Argentine Republic, Carlos Calvo y Capde- VILA. For Austria-Hungary, .Eperjesy. For Belgium, Lambermont, Leon Biebuyck, Kebers. For Bolivia, Joaquin Caso. For Chili, N,. Pena Vicuna. For the Independent State of the Congo, Edm. van Eetvelde. For the Republic of Costa Rica, , Manuel M. de Peralta. For Denmark and her Colonies, SCHACK DE BrOCKDORFF. For Spain and her Colonies, J; G. DE ActJERA. For the United States of America, Edwin H. Terrell — ad referendum. For France and her Colonies, A. Bourse. For Great Britain and sundry British Colonies, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For British India, MARtiN Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For the Dominion of Canada, Charles Tupper. For West Australia, Pour le Cap de Bonne-Esp6rance, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For the Cape of Good Hope, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. 13 Pour Natal, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour Terre-Neuve, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Saul Samuel. Pour la Nouvelle-Z61ande, Francis Dillon Bell. Pour le Queensland, Pour la Tasmanie, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour Terre-Neuve, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour Victoria, Graham Berry. Pour la Gr6ce, P. MULLE. Pour le Guatemala, Alexis Capouillet. Pour la Republique de Haiti, G. DE Deken. Pour r Italic et ses Colonies, J. DE Renzis, Pour le Mexique, Edm. Vandenwyngaert. Pour le Nicaragua, J. F. Medina. Pour le Paraguay, Henri Oostendorp. Pour les Pays-Bas et leurs Colonies, « H. Testa, L. E. Uyttenhooven. Pour le P6rou, Joaquin Lemoine, Pour le Portugal et ses Colonies, Henrique de Macedo Pe- reira Continho. Augusto Cesar Ferreira de Mesquita. For Natal, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Newfoundland, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For New South Wales, Saul Samuel. For New Zealand, Francis Dillon Bell. For Queensland, For Tasmania, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Newfoundland, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Victoria, Graham Berry. For Greece, P. Mulle. For Guatemala, Alexis Capouillet. For the Republic of Hayti, G. DE Deken. For Italy and her Colonies, J. de Renzis. For Mexico, Edm. Vandenwyngaert. For Nicaragua, J. F. Medina. For Paraguay, Henri Oostendorp. For the Netherlands and their Colo- nies, H. Testa, L. E. Uyttenhooven. For Peru, Joaquin Lemoine. For Portugal and her Colonies, Henrique de Macedo Pe- REiRA Continho. Augusto Cesar Ferreira DE Mesquita. 14 Pour la Roumanie, J. Vacaresco. Pour la Russie, G. Kamensky. Pour le Salvador, Emile Eloy. Pour le Siam, Frederick Yerney. Pour la Suisse, E. Paccaud, Pour la Turquie, Et. CARATHfeODORY.. Pour r Uruguay, FCO. SUSVIELA GUARCH. Pour le Venezuela, Luis Lopez Mendez. For Roumania, J. Vacaresco. For Russia, , G. Kamensky. For Salvador, Emile Eloy. - For Siam, Frederick Verney. For Switzerland, E. Paccaud. For Turkey, Et. Caratheodory. For Uruguay, Fee. SUSVIELA GUARCH. For Venezuela, Luis Lopez Mendez. PROCES-VERBAL DB SIGNATURES. Les d616gu6a soussign6s, reunis ce Jour a r effet de proc6der ala signature de la Convention et du Reglerjient concerHant 1' institution d'une Union Internationale pour la publication des tarifs douaniers, ont echang6 les dec- larations suivantes : 1° En ce qui concerne la classifi- cation des pays de 1' Union au point de vue de leur part contributive aux frais du Bureau international (arts. 9, 10 et II de la Convention): Les d6l6gues ddclarent que, pour toute la duree de la Convention, les pays adherents seront ranges dans les classes suivantes et auront a inter- venir respectivement dans la propor- tion du nombre d' unites indique ci- apr6s. PREMlfeRE CLASSE. .Unites. Angleterre et ses colonies non speciale- ment dfinommies ci-aprfe 55 Belgique 55 fitats-Unis d'Amerique 55 France et ses colonies..... 55 Pays-Bas et leurs colonies 33 Russia.... 33 FINAL DECLARATIONS! The undersigned delegates, having ,met this day for the purpose of sign- ing the Convention and regulations providing for the formation of an In- ternational Union for the publication of customs tariffs, have exchanged the following declarations : I. As regards the classification of the countries of the Union according* to the quotas payable by them for the support of the International Bureau (arts. 9,10, and II of the Convention): The delegates declare that, so long as the Convention shall remain in force, the adhering countries shall be .classified as follows, and that the quotas payable by them shall be in proportion to the number of units stated below. FIRST CLASS. • Units. England and her Colonies not specially hereinafter mentioned 55 Belgium.... 55 France and her Colonies 55 Netherlands and her Colonies 33 Russia 33 United States of America 55 15 DEUXIEME CLASSE. Autriche-Hongrie 24 Espagne et ses colonies 40 Inde Britannique 40 Italie et ses colonies 40 TROISlfeME CLASSE. Argentine (^R6publique) 25 Br6sil 15 Canada 25 Danemark et ses colonies 15 Nouvelle-Galles du Sud 25 Portugal et ses colonies 15 Suisse 25^ Turquie 15 Victoria 25 QUATRlfeME CLASSE. Cap de Bonne-Esp^rance 20 Chili .". 20 Colombie 20 Egypte 12 Equateur 20 Gr^ce 12 Japon... 12 Mexique 20 Nouvelle-Z^lande 20 Perse 12 Queensland 20 Roumanie 12 Uruguay 20 Venezuela 20 CINQUlfeME CLASSE. Bolivie 15 Costa-Rica 15 Guatemala 15 Haiti 15 Natal , 15 Pfirou 15 Serbie 9 Siam 9 Sud-Africaine (R^publiqlie) 9 SIXifeME CLASSE. Australie del'Ouest 5 Bominicaine (R^publique) 5 Etat Ind^pendant du Congo 3 Honduras (R^publique) S Nicaragua S Paraguay 5 Salvador 5 Tasmania S Terre-Neuve S SECOND CLASS. Austria- Hungary 24 Britisb India 40 Italy and her Colonies 40 Spain and her Colonies 40 THIRD CLASS. Argentine Republic 25 Brazil 15 Canada 25 Denmark and her Colonies IJ New South Wales 25 Portugal and her Colonies 15 Switzerland 25 Turkey IJ Victoria 25 FOURTH CLASS. Cape of Good Hope 20 Chili 20 Colombia 20 Ecuador 20 Egypt 12 Greece 12 Japan 12 Mexico 20 New Zealand 20 Persia 12 Queensland 20 Roumania 12 Uruguay , 20 Venezuela 20 FIFTH CLASS. Bolivia 15 Costa Rica , 15 Guatemala •. 15 Hayti 15 Natal 15 Peru.... 15 Servia ". 9 Siam 9 South African Republic 9 SIXTH CLASS. Australia (West) 5 Dominican Republic 5 Honduras (Repul5lic) 5 Independent State of Congo 3 Newfoundland 5 Nicaragua... 5 Paraguay 5 Salvador 5 Tasmania 5 i6 Quant aux chiffres des cotisations qui ont figure dans le tableau de re- partition des frais, arr&t6 le 26 fevrier 1890, ils sont reproduits ci-apres a titre de renseigncment, la contribution de chaque iltat ne pouvant ^tre de- terminee d'une fa^on absolument precise que lorsque toutes les adhe- sions seront devenues definitives. II ■est entendu toutefois qu'en aucun cas ces chiffres ne pourront subir de ma- joration pendant la dur^e de la Con- vention. As to the amounts of the quotas that have appeared in the table of apportionment, they are reproduced below by way of information, as the contribution of each State can not be determined with absolute precision until all the adhesions shall have- become definitive. It is neverthe- less, understood that these figures shall in no case be increased while this convention remains in force. FREMJ&RE CLA55E, Angleterre et ses colonies non ^peciale- ment d^nommeesci-apr^s Belgique EtatS'Unis d'Ainerique France et ses colonies Pays-Bas et leurs colonies Russia DEUXIEME CLAUSE. Autriche-Hongrie £^pagne et ses colonies Inde Britannique Italie el ses colonies, TROl^lfeME CASSE. Argentine (Republique).. Bresil Canada .*..... Danemark et ses colonies Nouvelle-Galles do Sud Portugal et ses colonies Suisse Turquie Victoria QUATRliCME CLASSB. Cap de Bonne- Esperance Chili Colombie Ilgypte Equateur Gr^ce Japon Mexique ■., Nouvelle-Zelande Perse Queensland Roumanie Uruguay Ven:zuela 1 c u 6833 456 6833 456 S833 456 6833 456 4100 274 4100 274 2982 199 4970 332 4970 332 4970 332 3106 207 1863 124 3106 207 1863 124 3106 207 1863 124 3106 207 1863 124 3106 207 248s 166 2485 166 2485 i66 1491 loo 2485 166 1491 100 1491 100 2485 166 2485 166 1401 100 2483 166 1491 100 2485 166 =485 166 FIRST CLASS. England and her Colonies not specially hereinafter mentioned Belgium France and her Colonies Netherlands and their Colonies Russia United States of America SECOND CLASS. Austria-Hungary British India Italy and her Colonies Spain and her Colonies,...;..,.. THIRD CLASS. Argentine Republic Brazil Canada Denmark and her Colonies New South Wales...... Portugal and her Colonies Switzerland Turkey Victoria -. FOURTH CLASS. Cape of Good Hope... Chili Colombia. Ecuador Egypt Greece » Japan Mexico New Zealand..... Persia Queensland Roumania Uruguay Venezuela 6833 6833- 6833 4100 4100 6833 2982 4970 4970 4970 3106 1863 3106 1863 3106 1863 3106 1863 3106 2485 248s 248s 2485 1491 1491 1491 2485 2485 1491 2485 149 1 248s 2483 AS! 3 « $456 456 436 274 274 436 199 332 332 332 207 124 . 207 124 207 124 207 124 207 166 166 166 166 100 TOO 100 j66 166 100 166 100 166 166 17 cinquiIeme classe. Boiivie Costa-Rica Guatemala Haiti Natal Perou Serbie Siam Sud-Africaine (Republique)... SIXIEME CLASSE. Australiede I'Ouest Dominicaine (Republique).... Etat Independant du Congo., Honduras (Republique) Nicaragua Paraguay Salvador Tasmanie Terre-Neuve usi ft •0) a Ss c^ S .. 1863 124 1863 124 1863 124 1863 124 1863 124 1863 .'^4 1118 75 1118 75 1118 75 621 42 62r 4= 372 25 621 42 621 42 621 42 621 42 621 •42 621 4a FIFTH CLASS. Bolivia Costa Rica Guatemala Hayti Natal Peru Servia Siam South African Republic SIXTH CLASS. Australia (West) Dominicati Republic Honduras (Republic) Independent State of the Congo Newfoundland i Nicaragua Paraguay Salvador Tasmania 1863 1863 1S63 1863 1863 1863 iii8 1118 1118 621 62Z 621 372 621 621 621 621 621 124 124 124 124 124 124 75 75 75 42 42 42 25 '42 42 42 42 42 2° En ce qui concerne le paie- ment descotisations ech^ant aux par- ties contractantes : Les del6gues d6clarent qu'il s'effec- tuera a Bruxelles dans le courant du premier trimestre de chaque exercice et en fnonnaies ayant cours 16gal en Belgique. 3°. En ce qui concerne la mise a execution de la Convention, fixee au !'='■ avril 1891 : Les dSlegues declarant qu'elle sera preced^e, si possible, d'une notifica- tion d'adhesion definitive de la part des Gouvernements int^ressSs; que, n^anmoins, cette formality n'est pas indispensable et que Ton maintiendra sur la liste des adherents les pays sig- nataires de la pr^sente Convention qui, a la date du 1°' avril i8gi, n'auraient pas exprim6 formellement I'intention dh se retirer. 2. As regards the payment of the quotas of the contracting parties : . The delegates declare that it shall take place at Brussels during the first quarter of each fiscal year in coin that is a legal tender in Bel- gium. 3. As regards the date at which the Convention is to go into opera- tion, which has been fixed at April ist, 1891 : The delegates declare that it shall, if possible, be preceded by a notifica- tion of definitive adhesion on the part of the Governments interested; that this formality is, nevertheless, not in- dispensable, and that the countries by whose representatives this Con- vention has been signed shall be kept on the list of adherents unless they shall, on or before April ist, 1891, haye formally expressed the intention of withdrawing. i8 En foi de quoi, les d6l6gu6s re- spectifs ont sign6 le present proces- verbal. Fait a Bruxelles, le 5 Juillet mil huit cent quatre-vingt dix. Pour la Rdpublique Argentine, Carlos Calvo y Capde- VILA. Pour I'Autriche-Hongrie, Eperjesy. Pour la Belgique, Lambermont, LfiON BlEBUYCK, Kebers. Pour la Bolivie, Joaquin "Caso. Pour le Chili, N. Pena Vicuna. Pour I'Etat Independant du Con- Edm. van Eetvelde. Pour la Republique de Costa-Rica, Manuel M. de Peralta. Pour le Danemark et ses Colonies, SCHACK DE BrOCKDORFF. Pour I'Espagne et ses Colonies, J. G. DE Aguera. Pour les Etats-Unis d'Am^rique, Edwin H. Terrell — ad referendum. Pour la France et ses Colonies, A. Bourse. Pour la Grande-Bretagne et diverses Colonies anglaises, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour rinde Britannique, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour le Dominion du Canada, Charles Tupper. Pour I'Australie de 1' Quest, In testimony whereof, the delegates have affixed their signatures to these final declarations. ■^ Done at Brussels, July the 5th, one' thousand eight hundred and ninety. For the Argentine Republic, Carlos Calvo y Capde- vila. For Austria-Hungary, Eperjesy. For Belgium, ^ Lambermont, Leon Biebuyck, Kebers. For Bolivia, Joaquin Caso. For Chili, N. Pena Vicuna. For the Independent State of the Congo, Edm. van Eetvelde. For the Republic of Costa Rica, Manuel M. de Peralta. For Denmark and her Colonies, SCHACK DE BrOCKDORFF. , For Spain and her Colonies, J. G. DE AgUera. For the United States of America, Edwin H. Terrell — ad referendum. For France and her Colonies, A. Bourse. For Great Britain and sundry Bifitish Colonies, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For British India, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For the Dominion of Canada, Charles Tupper. For West Australia, Pour la' Cap de Bonne-Esp6rance, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For the Cape of Good Hope, Martin Gosselin, A F. 'RiTPMiM 19 Pour Natal, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Saul Samuel. , Pour la Nouvelle-Zelande, Francis Dillon Bell. Pour le Queensland, Pour la Tasmanie, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour Terre-Neuve, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. Pour Victoria, Graham Berry. Pour la Grece, P. MULLE. ^ Pour le Guatemala, Alexis Capouillet. Pour la R6publique de Haiti, G. DE Deken. Pour ritalje et ses Colonies, J. DE Renzis. Pour le Mexique, Edm. Vandenwyngaert. Pour-le Nicaragua, J. F. Medina. Pour le Paraguay, Henri Oostendorf. Pour les Pays- Bays et leurs Colonies, H. Testa, L. E. Uyttenhooven. Pour le Perou, Joaquin Lemoine. Pour le Portugal et ses Colonies, Henrique de Macedo Pe- REIRA CONTINHO, Augusto Cesar Ferreira DE Mesquita. Pour la Roumanie, J. Vacaresco. Pour la Russie, G. Kamensky. For Natal, Martin GossELijf, A. E. Bateman. For New South Wales, Saul Samuel. For New Zealand, Francis Dillon Bell. For Queensland, For Tasmania, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Newfoundland, Martin Gosselin, A. E. Bateman. For Victoria, Graham Berry. For Greece, P. MULLE. For Guatemala, Alexis Capouillet. For the Republic of Hayti, G. DE Deken. For Italy and her Colonies, J. DE Renzis. For Mexico, Edm. Vandenwyngaert. For Nicaragua, J. F. Medina. For Paraguay, • Henri Oostendorp. For the Netherlands and their Colo- nies, . H. Testa, L. E. Uyttenhooven. For Peru, Joaquin Lemoine. For Portugal and her Colonies, Henrique de Macedo Pe- reira Continho, Augusto Cesar Ferreira de Mesquita. For Roumania, J. Vacaresco. For Russia, G. Kamensky. 20 Pour le Salvador, For Salvador, Emile Eloy. Emile Eloy. Pour le Siam, For Siam, Frederick Verney. ^ Frederick Verney. Pour la Suisse, For Switzerland, E. Paccaud. E. Paccaud. Pou^' la Turquie, For Turkey, Et. Carath^odory. Et. Caratheodory. Pour r Uruguay, For Uruguay, Fco. Susviela Guarch. Fco. Susviela Guarch. Pour le Venezuela, ■ For Venezuela, Luis Lopez Mendez. Luis Lopez Mendez. And whereas the said Convention, Regulations and Final Declarations, have been duly ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof; And whereas it is provided by Article 1 5 of the said Con- vention, that it shall go into operation on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention, Regulations and Final Declarations to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereuntd set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this 17th day of Decem- ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- [SEAL. J dred and ninety and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifteenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : JAMES G. BLAINE Secretary of State. CONGO— AMITY, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION. TRKATY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE INDEPENDENT, STATE OF THE CONGO. AMITY, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION. Concluded at Brussels January 24, i8gi. ' Kaiification advised by the Senate January 11, i8g2. Ratified by the President January ig, i8g2. Ratified by the Sovereign King of the Independent State of the Congo February 2, i8g2. Ratifications exchanged February 2, i8g2. Proclaimed April 2, i8g2. By THE President oe the United States of America.. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between the United States of America and the Independent State of the Congo, wag signed by their Plenipotentiaries at the City of Brussels, on the 24th, daty of January, 1891, the original of which Treaty, being, in the English and French JangOages, and as amended by the Senate of the United States, is word for word as follows : TREATY OF AMITY, COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. - The United States of America, aiid Les Etats-Unis d'Arnerique, et • His Majesty Leopold II, King of Sa Majesty Leopold II, Koi des the ^Belgians, Sovereign of the In- Beiges, Souverain de I'Etat Ind6- dependent State of the Congo, . pendant du Congo, desiring to perpetuate, confirm and d^sirant consacrer, confirmer et en- encourage the relations of commerce cour^ger les rapports de commerce' and of good uiiderstanding existing et de, bonne intelligence existant d6ja already . between the two respective entre les deux pays respectifs par la countries by the conclusion , of a conclusion d'un traite d'araitie, de treaty of amity, commerce, naviga- tion and extradition, have for this purpose named as their respective plenipotentiaries, viz: >His Excellency, the President of the United States of America, Edwin H. Terrell, Envoy Extraor- ' dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America near His Majesty the King, of the Bel- gians ; ' and His Majesty, Leopold II King of' the Belgians, Sovereign of the Inde- pendent State of the Congo, , Edm. Van Eetvelde, Administrator General of the Departmentof Foreign Affairs, Officer of His Order of Leo- pold,' who, after having communicated to each Qther their full powers, round in good and due form, have agreed Upon the following articles : ' commerce, de navigation et d'extra-' dition, ont, a cet effet, nomme pour leurs pl^nipotentiaires respectifs, 'sa- voir : " Son Excellence, le President des Etats Unis d'Ameriqufe, Edwin H. Terrell, EnvoyS Extra- ordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire • dea Etats-Unis d'Amerique pres Sa Majestd le Roi des Beiges, et , Sa Majesty, Leopold II, Roi des Beiges, Souverain de . I'Etat Ind6- pendant du Congo, Edm. Van Eetvelde, Adminis- trateur General du D^partement des Affaires Etrangeres, Officier de Son Ordre de Leopold, lesquels, apr6s s'etr© communique leurs " plains pouvoirs, trouves en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants: Article I. There shall be full, entire and re- -ciprocal liberty of commerce, estab- lishment and navigation between the citizens and inhabitants of the two High contracting Parties. The ci-fizens and inhabitants of the United States of America in the In- dependent State of the Congo and those of the, Independent State of the Congo in the United States of America shall have reciprocally the right, on conforming to the laws of the country, to enter, travel and re- side in all parts of their respective territories; to carry on business there; and they shall enjoy in this respect for the protection of their persofas and their property the same treatment and the same rights as the natives, or the citizens and inhab- itants of the most favored nation. Article I. II y aura liberty pleine, entiSre et reciproque de commerce, d'etablisse- ment et de navigation entre les cito- , yens et habitants des deux Hautes Parties contractantes. Les citoyens et habitants des Etats- /Unis d'Amerique dans I'Etat Inde- pendant du Congo, et ceux de I'Etat Ind6pendant|du Congo dans les Etats- Unis d'Amerique, auront recipro- quement la faculty, en se Conformant aux lois du pays, d'entrer, voyager et sejourner dans toutes les parties de leurs territoires respectifs; d'y faire le commerce; et ils jouiront, a cet egard, pour la protection de leurs personnes et de leurs biens, du,m6me traitement et des mgmes droits que les nationaux, ou les citoyens et hab- itants de la nation la plus favoris^e. I-. They can freely exercise their in- dustry or their business, as well wholesale as retail, in the whole ex- tent of the territories, without being subjeqted, as to their persons or tHeir property, or by reason of their busi- ness, to any taxes, gdieral or local, imposts or conditions -v^hatsoever other or more onerous than those which are imposed or may be im- posed upon the natives other than non-civilized aborigines, or upon the citizens and inhabitants of the most favored nation. ^ In like manner they will enjoy re- ciprocally the treatment of the most favored nation in all that relates to rights, privileges, exemptions and Immunities whatsoever concerning their persons or their property, and in the matter of commerce, industry and navigation. Article II. In-all that concerns the acquisition, succession, possession and alienation of property, real and personal, the citizens and inhabitants of each of the High contracting Parties shall enjoy in the territeries of the other all the rights which the respective laws accord or shall accord in those territories to the citizens and inhab- itants of the most favored nation. "Article III. The citizens and inhabitants of each of the High contracting Parties shall be exempt, in the territories of the other, from all personal service in the army, navy or militia and from all pecuniary contributions in lieu of such, as well as from all obligatory official functions-whatever, except the obligation of sitting, within a radius lis pourront librement exercer leur Industrie ou leur commerce, tant en gros qu'en detail, dans toute I'^ten- due des territoires, sans 6tre assujettis, en ce qui concerne leurs personnes ou leurs propri^tes, ou a raison -de leurs affaires, a des taxfes, generales -ou locales, impots ou conditions quel- conques, autres ou plus onereux que ceux qui se per^oivent ou pourront gtre parous sur les nationaux autres que les indigenes non civili|6s, ou sur les citoyens et habitants de la nation la plus favorisee. i De mSme, ils jouiront r^ciprdque- ment du traitepient de la nation la plus favorisSe pour tout ce qui touche aux droits, privileges, exemptions et immunitSs , quelconques en ce qui concerne leurs. personnes et leurs propri6t6s, et en mafiere de com- merce^ d' Industrie et de riavigation. • .Article II. Pour tout ce qui concerne 1' acqui- sition, la succession, la possession et I'alienation des proprietds mobilieres et irtlmobiliSres, les citoyens et habi- tants de chacune des Hautes Parties cohtractantes jouiront dans les t'erri- toires de 1' autre de tous les droits que les lois respectives accordent ou accorderont, dans ces territoires, aux ■ citoyens et habitants de la nation la plus favoris6e. Article III. Les citoyens et habitants de cha- cune des Hautes Parties contractantes seront exempts,* dans les territoires de I'autre, de tout service personnel dans I'arm^e, la marine ou les milices, et de toutes contributions p6cuniaires qui en tiendraient lieu, ainsi que de toutes fonctions officielles obligatoires quelconques, sauf '1' obligation de, of one hundred kilometres from the , place of their residence, as a juror in judicial proceedings ; furthermore, their property shall not be taken for the public service without an anjple and sufficient compensation. They shall have free access to the courts of the other, on conforming to the laws regulating the matter, a;s well for the prosecution as for the defense qf their rights, in all the de- grees 9f jurisdiction established by ,law. They can be represented by > lawyers, 4nd they shall enjoy, in this respect, and in what concerns domi- ciliary visits to their houses, manu- factories, stores, warehouses, etc. , the same righls and the same, advantages which are or shall be granted to the citizens and inhabitants of the most favored nation, or to natives. singer, dans un rayon de cent kilo-^ metres du lieu de leur residence, com me jur6 dans les procedures judi- ciaires; en outre, leurs biens ne pourront pas gtre requis pour le ser- vice public, sans une compensation ample et'suffisante. lis auront un libre acces auprfis ? des' tribunaux de 1' autre, en se con- formant aux lois: regissant la matiere, tant pour, la, poursuite que pour la defense ■ de leurs droits, a tous les degr^s de juridiction etablis par la loi. lis pourront se faire representer paii des avocats, et ils jouiront, a eet ^gard, et eft ce qui concerne les visites domiciliaires dans leurs maisons, fa- briques, magasins, depots, etc., des mgmes droits et des mgmes avan- tages qui sont ou seront accordes aux citoyens et habitants de la nation la plus favoris^e, ou aux nationaux. Article IV. The citizens and-inhabitants of the / tw;o countries shall enjoy, in the terri- tory of the other, a full and entire liberty of conscience. They shall be protected in the free exercise of their worship; they , shall have the right to erect religious edifices and to or- ganize and maintain missions. Article IV. Les citoyens et habitants des deux Etats jouiront, sur le territoire de I'autre, d'une liberte de conscience pleine et entiere. lis seront pro- t^g,6si dans le libre exercice de leur culte; ils auront la faculty d'eriger des edifices religieux et d'organiser et de maintenir des missions. Article V. It will be lawful for the two High Contracting Parties to appoint and es- tablish consuls, vice-consuls, deputy- consuls, consular agents and com- rnercial agents in the territories of the other ; but none of these agents can exercise his functions before hav- ing received the necessary exequatur from the Government to which he is delegated. Article V. II s^ra loisible aux deux Hautes Parties contractantes de nommer et 6tablir des consuls, vice-consuls, con- suls suppliants, agents consulaires et agents commerciaux dans les terri- toires de I'autre ; mais aucun de ces agepts ne pourra entrer en fonctions avant d'avoir re^u l*exequatur n6ces- saire du Gouvernement auprSs duquel il est delegu^. The said agents of each of the two High contracting Parties shall enjoy, in the territories of the other, upon the footing of a complete reciprocity, all the privileges, immunities and rights -which are actually granted to those of the most favored nation or which may be accorded to them here- after. The said agents, citizens or inhab- itants of the State by which they are appointed, shall not be subject to preliminary arrest, except in the ease of acts qualified as crimes by the local legislation and punished as such. They shall be exempt- from military billeting and from service in the army, navy or militia,, as well as from all direct taxes, unless these should be due on account of real estate, or unless the' said agents should exercise a profession or busi- ness of any bind. The said agents can raise their na- tional flag over their offices. The consular ofiices shall be at all times inviolable. The local authori- ties can not invade- them under any pretext. They can not in' any case examine or seize the papers which shall be there deposited. The con- sular office can not; on the other hand, serve as place of asylum, and if an agent of the consular service is engaged in business, commercial or other, the papers relating to the con- sulate shall be kept separate. The said agents shall have the right to exercise all the functions generally appertaining to consuls, especially in .what concerns the legalizatiori of private and public documents, of in- voices and commercial contracts, the Les dits agents de chacune des deux Hautes Parties contractantes jouiront, dans les-territoires de I'au- tre, sur le pied d'une complete re- ciprocite, de tous les privileges, immunjt6s et droits qui sont actuelle- ment accordes a ceux de"la nation la plus favoris6e ou qui pourront leur etre aecord^s dans la suite. Les dits agents, citoyens ou hab- itants de I'Etat par lequel ils sont nommes, ne seront pas soumis a la detention preventive, sauf dans le cas de faits qualifies crimes par la legisla- tion locale et punis comme tels. lis seront exempts du logement militaire et du service dans I'armee, la marine ou les milices, ainsi que de toutes co'ntributions directes, g. mpins que ,celles-ci ne soient bueS a raison de proprietes immobiliSres, ou, a moins que les dits agents n'exercenf une profession, ou commerce quelconque. I,es dits agents pourront arborqr leur pavilion national sur leurs chan- celleries. Les chancelleriesxonsulaires seront en tout temps inviolables. Les au- torites locales ne pourront y p6n6- trer sous aucun pretexte. EUe^ ne pourront, dans aucun cas, visiter ni saisir les papiers qui y seront deposes. Les chancelleries consulaires ne pour- ront, d' autre part, servir de lieu d'asile, et si un agent du service con- sulaire est engage dans des affaires commerciales ou avitres, les papiers se rapportant au consulat seront tenus separement. Les dits agents auront le droit d'exercer toutes les fonctions appar- tenant g6n6ralement aux consuls, sp6cialement en ce qui concerne la legalisation de documents priv^s et publics, de factures et de eontrats taking of depositions and the right of authenticating legal acts and doc- uments. The said agents shall have the right to address the administrative and judicial authorities of the country in which they exercise their functions in order to complain of any 'infrac- tion of the treaties or conventions existing between the two Goveirn- ments, and for the purpose of pro- tecting the rights and interests of the citizens and inhabitants of their copntry. They shall have also the right to settle all differences arising between the captains or the officers and the sailors of the sea- vessels, of their nation. The local authorities shall abstain from interfering in these cases unless the maintenance of the public tranquility requires it, or, un- less their assistance should be asked by the consular authority in order to assure the execution of its deci- sions. The local authorities will give to the said ' agents and, on their default to the captains or their casual repre- sentatives, all a;d fo^ the search and arrest of sailor-deserters, who shall be kept and guarded in the prisons of the State upon the requisition and at the expense of the consuls or of the captains during a maximum de- lay of two months. commerciaux, la reception de depo- sitions et la faculty de conf6rer I'au- thenticite aux actes et documents 16gaux. Le^ dit ag^ts auront le droit de s'adresser aux autorit^s administra- tives et judiciaires du pays dans lequel ils exercent leurs fohctions pour se plaindre- de toute infraction aux trait6s ou conventions existant entre les deux Gouvernemetit^, et dans le but de proteger les droits et int^rgts des citoyens et habitants de leur pays, lis auront aussi le droit de regler tons les differends surgissaht entre les cap- itaines ou les officiers du bord et les matelots des navires de mer de leur nation. Les autorites locales s'ab- stiendront d'intervenir dans ces cas, a moins que le maintien de la tran- quillity publique ne I'exige, ou a moins que leur assistance ne soit de- mand6e par I'autprite consulaire pour assurer I'execution de ses decisions. Les autorites locales donneront aux dits agents et,' a leur d^faut, aux cap- itaines ou a leurs mandataires even- tuels, toute aide pour la recherche et I'arrestaticln des marins deserteurs, quiv seront detenus et gardes dans les prisons de I'Etat, a la requisition et aux ffais des consuls ou des capitaines pendant un delai maximum de deujt mois. Article VI. The citizens and inhabitants of each of the High contracting Parties shall have reciprocally, according to the same rigjits and conditions' and with the same privileges as those of the most favored nation, the right to enter with their vessels and cargos Article VI. Le^ citoyens et habitants de cha- cune des Hautes Parties contractantes auront r^ciproquement, aux mgmes titre et conditions et avec les mgmes privileges que ceux de la nation la plus favorisee, la faculte d'entreravec leurs navires et chargements dans into ^11 the ports and to navigate upon all the rivers and interior waters of the other State. The vessels of each of the con- tracting Parties and of its citizens or inhabitants can freely navigate upon the waters of the territory of the other, without being subject to any other tolls, charges or obligations than those which the vessels belong- ing to the citizens or inhabitants of the most favored nation would have -to bear. There will not be imposed by either of the contracting Parties upon the vessels belonging to the other or to the citizens or inhabitants of the other, in the matter of tpnnage, port charges, pilotage, lighthouse and quarantine dues, salvage of vessels and other administrative expenses whatsoever concerning navigation, any taxes or charges whatever, other or higher than those which are or shall be imposed upon the public or private vessels of the most favored ! nation. It is agreed that every vessel be- longing to one of the High contract- ing Parties or. to a citizen br inhabit- ant of one of them, having the right to bear the flag of that country and having the right to its protection, both according to the laWs of that country, shall be considered as a ves- sel of that nationality. tons les ports et de naviguer sur toutes les rivieres et les eaux interieures de I'autre Etat. Les navires de chacune des Parties contractantes ou de ses citoyens ou habitants pourront naviguer libre-i ment sur les eaux dependant du ter- ritoire de I'autre, sans 6tre soumis a d'autres phages, charges ou obliga- tions que ceux qu'auraient a sup- porter les navires appartenant aux citoyens ou habitants de lanatioh la plus favorisde. II ne sera impose; par aucune des Parties contractantes ^ux navires ap- partenant a I'autre ou aux citoyens ou habitants de I'autre, en matiere de' tonnage, de droits de port, de pilotage, de droits de phare ' et de quarantaine, de sauvetage de navires £)u d'autres d^penses administratives quelconques 'concernant la naviga- tion, de taxes ni charges quelconques,' autres ou plus 61evees que celles qui sont ou seront imposees aux bati- ments publics ou pfiVes de la nation la plus favoris6e. II est conv,enu que tout navire ap- partenant a I'une des Hautes Parties contractantes ou a un citoyeh ou habitant de I'une d'elles, ayant le droit de porter le pavilion de ce pays, et ayant droit a sa protection, le tout conformement aux lois de ce pays, sera considere comme un navire de sa nationality. Article VII. Article VII. In what concerns the freight and facilities of transportation, and tolls, the merchandise belonging to the citizens or inhabitants of one of the contracting States transported over th? roads, railroads and waterways of the other State, shall be treated on En ce qui concerne les tarifs et les facilites de transport, et les peages, les marchandises appartenant aux' cito- yens ou habitants de I'un des Etats contractants, transportees sur les routes, chemins de fer et voies navi- gablesde I'autre Etat, seront traitdes 8 the same footing as the merchandise belonging tp the citizens or inhab- itants of the most favored nation. Article VIII. In the territories of neither of the High coijtracting Parties, shall there be established or enforced a prohibi- tion against the importation, expor- tation or transit of any article of legal commerce, produced or manufac- tured in the territories of the other, unleis this prohibition shall equally and at orice be Extended to all other nations! Article IX. [Stricken out by the Senate.] Article X. The Republic of the United States of America, recognizing that it is just and necessary to facilitate to the Independent State of the Congo the accomplishment of the obligations which it has contracted by virtue of the General Act of Brussels of July 2nd, 1890, admits, so far is; concerned, that import duties may be collected upon merchandise im- ported into the said State. The tairiff of these duties can not go beyond 10% of the value of the merchandise at the port of importa- tion, during fifteen years to date from July 2nd, 1890, except for spirits, which are regulated by the provisions of Chapter VI of the General Act of Brussels. At the expiration of ,thi§ term of fifteen years, and in default of a new accord, the United States of America will be replaced, as to the Independent State of the Congo, in the situation which existed prior to surlememe pied que les marchajidises appartenant aux citoyens ou habi- tants de. la nation la plus favorisee. Article VIII. Dans les territoires d'aucune des Hautes Parties contractantes, il ne sera 6tabli ni mis en vigueur de pro- hibition a regard de Fimportatiori,': de r exportation oudu transit d'aucun article d'un commerce legal, produit ou manufacture > dans les territoires de r autre, a moins que cette prohi- bition ne soit etendue egalement et en mgme temps a toutes les autres nations. Article X. La Republique des £tats-Unis d'Amerique, reconnaissant qu'il est juste et necessaire de faciliter al'Etat ' Independant du Congo raccomplisse- ment des obligations qu'il a con- tractees en vertu de I'Acte GemSral de Bruxelles du 2 juillet 1 890, admet, " pour ce qui la concerne, que des droits d'entr^e soient per^us sur les marchandises importees dans le dit Etat. 1 Le tarif de ces droits' ne pourr^ depasser 10% de la valeui des mar- chandises au port d'importation, pen- dant quinze ans a partir du 2 juillet 1890, sauf pour les spiritueux qui sont r6gis par ' les dispositions du chapitre vi de I'Acte G6n6rjil de Bruxelles. A I'expiration de ce terme de quinze aris, et a defaut d'un nohVel accord, les Etats-Unis d'Amerique se retrouveront, vis-a-vis de I'Etat Independant du Congo, dans la situ- ation qui existait anterieurement au July 2nd, 1890 ; the right to impose import duties to a maximum of 10% upon merchandise imported into the said State remaining acquired to it, on the conditions and within the limitations determified in articles XI arid Xir of this treaty. , Article XI.' • The United-States shall enjoy in the Independent State of the Congo, as to the import duties, all the ad- vantages accorded to the most favored nation. It has 'been agreed besides : I. That no (JifferentiaL treatment nor transit duty c£|,n be established ; ' 2. That, inithe application of the tariff rkgime which will be intro- duced, the Congo State will apply itself to simplify as far as possible, the formalities and to /facilitate the operations of commerce. ^ Article XII. 1 Considering the fact that in Ar- ticle X of the present treaty, the United-States of America have given their assent to the establishment of import duties in the Independent State of the Congo under certain conditions, it is well undersitood that -the said -Independent State of the Congo assures to the flag, to the ves- sels, to the commerce and . to .the citizens and inhabitants of the United States of America, in all parts of the " territories of that State, all the rights^ priviljeges and immunities concern- ing import and export duties, tariff regime, interior taxes and charges and, in a general manner, all coni.- mercial interests,, which are or shall be accorded to the signatory Powers 2 juillet 1890, la faculty d'imposer des droits d'entfee a un maximum de 10% sur les marchandises import^es dans le dit Etat lui restant 'acquise, aux conditions et dans les limites d6termin6es aux articles xi et xii de ce trait6. Article XI. LesEtats-Unisjouiront dans I'Etat Independant du Congo; quant aux droits d'entr6e, de tousles avantages accord6s a la nation la plus favorisfe. ' II a et6 convenu en outre : 1°. Qu'aucun traitement differen- tiel ni droit de transit tie pburra gtre etabli ; ' 2°. Que dans I'application du,r6-: gime douanier qui sera introduit, I'Etat du Congo s'attachera a sim- plifier, autant que possible, les for- malit^s et , a faciliter les operations dii commerce. Article XII. Eu 6gard au fait que dans I'article X du preserit traits, les Etats-Unis d'Am^rique ont donne leur assenti- ment a I'etablissement de drojts' d' entree dans I'Etat Independant du Congo sous certaines conditions, il est bien entendu que le dit Etat In- dependant du Congo assure au pa- vilion, aux navires, au commerce et aux citoyens et habitants des Etats- Unis d'Amerique, dans, toutes. les parties des territoires- de cet Etat, tous les droits, privileges et immu- nites concernant les droits d'entree et de sortie, le regime douanier, les taxes et charges int^rieures et, d'une maniSre gdn6ra:ie, tous les int'^rgts' commerciaux qui sont ou seront ac- cord6s aux Puissances signataires de •lO of the Act of Berlin, or to the most favored nation. r Acte de Berlin, ou k la nation la plus favoris6e. . Article Xlll. * In case a difference should arise be- tween the two High contracting Par- ties as to the validity, irlterpretatjon, application or enforcement of any of the provisions contained in the present treaty, and it could not be atranged amicably by diplomatic cor- respondence between the two Gov- ernments, these last agree to submit it to the judgment of an arbitration ti:ibunal, the decision of which they birid themselves to respect and exe- cute loyally. ' /The tribunal will be composed of three merabersi, Each of the two High contracting Parties will desig- nate one of them, selected outside of the citizens and the inhabitants of either of the contracting States and of Belgium. The High contracting Parties will ask, by common accord, a friendly Government to appoint the third arbitrator, to be selected equally outside of the two contract- ing States and of Belgium. If an arbitrator should be'unable to sit by reason of death, resignation or for any other cause, he shall be re- placed by a new arbitrator whose ap- pointment shall be made in the same manner as that of the arbitrator whose place he takes. The majority of arbitrators can act in case of the intentional absence or ' formal withdrawal of the minority. The decision of the majority of the arbitrators will be conclusive upon all questions to be determined. The general expenses of the arbi- tration procedure will be borne, in equal parts, by the two High con- Article XIII. Dans le cas oii un differend s'6- I6verait entre les deux Hautes Parties contractantes quant a la validity, I'in- terpr^tatioil, I'appjication ou la raise en vigueur d'une des dispositions con- tenues dans le present traits, et qu'il ne pourrait Stre arrange amicalement par cprrespondance diplomatique, en- tre les deux Gouverilements, ces der- niers conviennent de le soumettre au jugement d'un tribunal arbitral dont ils s'engagent a respecter et a ex6cu- ter loyalement la decision. Le tribunal sera compost de trois membres. Ghacune des deux Hautes Parties contractantes en d^signera un, choisi en d6hors des citoyens et des habitants de I'un ou I'autre des Etats contractants h de la Belgique. Les Hautes Parties contractantes deman- 1 deront, de commun accord, a un Gouvernement ami de nommer le troisidme arbifre, achoisir 6galement en dehors des deux Etats contrac- tants et de la Belgique. Si un arbitre 6tait dans I'impossi- bilite de si6ger par suite de d6c6s, de demission ou pour toute autre cause, il serait remplac6 par un nouvel ar- bitre dont la. nomination sera faite de la mSme mani^re que celle de I'arbitre dont il prend la place. La majority des arbitres peut sta- tuer en cas d'absence intentiohnelle ou de retraite formelle de la minority. La decision de la majority des arbi- tres sera definitive sur toutes les ques- ,tions a r6soudre. . Les ddpenses g6n6rales de la pro- cedure arbitrale seront support6es, a parts 6gales, par les deux Hautes n trading Parties; but the expenses made by either of the parties for pre- "paring and setting forth its 'case will be at the cost of that party. Article XIV. It is well understood that 'if the declaration on the subject of the im- port duties; signed July 2nd, 1890, by the signatory Powers of the Act of Berlin, should not enter into' force, in that case, the present treaty would be absolutely null and without effect Article XV. The present treaty shall be sub- ject to the approval and the rati- fication, on the one hand, of the President of the United States, act- ing by the advice and with the con- sent of the Senate, and, on the other hand, of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, Sovereign of the Independ- ent State of the Congo. 'The ratifications of the present treaty shall be exchanged at the same time as those of the General Act of Brussels of July 2nd, 1890, and it will enter into force at the same date as the latter. . In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries of the High con- tracting Parties have signed the pres- ent treaty in duplicate, in English and in French, and have attached thereto their seals. Done at Brussels the twenty-fourth day of the month of January of the year Eighteen hundred and ninety one. [seal.]' Edwin H. Terrell Parties contractantes ; mais les de- penses faites par I'une ou I'aij/tre des Parties pour pr6p3.rer et pour exposer sa cause seront a la charge de cette Partie. Article XIV. ' II est bien entendu que, si la de- claration au sujet des droits d'entreci ■ sign6e le 2 juillet 1890 par les Puis- sances signataires de 1' Acte de Berlin, ne 'devaif pas entrer en vigueur, en ce cas, le present traite serait absolu- ment nul et sans effet. Article, XV. Le present traite sera soumis a I'ap- probation et a la ratification, d'une part, de Son Excellence le President des Etats-Unis, agissant' de I'avis et avec le consentement du S6nat, et d'autre part, de Sa Majeste , le Roi des Beiges, Souverain de I'Etat Inde- pendant du Congo. Les ratifications du present traite seront 6changees en- m6me temps que celles de 1' Acte Gdn^ral de BruxelleSj" du 2 juillet 1890, et il entrera en vi- gueur a la mSme date que celui-ci. En foi de quoi, les Plenipoten- tiaires respectifs des Hautes Parties contractantes , ont signe le present traits en double, en anglais et en fran- ^ais, et y ont appose leurs cachets. Fait a Bruxelles, le vingt quatrieme jour du mois de Janvier' de I'an mil huit cent quatre-vingt-onze. [sceau.J Edm. Van FIetvelde. And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the. two Governments were 1-2 exchanged in the City of Brussels, on the 2nd day of. Feb- ruary, 1892: Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be ijiade public as amended, to the end that the sanie and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citi- 'zens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this second day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight [sEAL.J hundred and ninety-two, and of the Independence, of the United States the one hundred and six- teenth] I • [ BENJ HARRISON By the President : J.AMES G. Blaine Secretary of State. INTERNATIONAL— PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. SUPPIvEMENXJ^Iv CONVENTION THE UNITED STATES. BELGIUM, BRAZIL, FRANCE, GREAT BRITAIN, GUATEMALA, ITALY, THE NETHERLANDS, NOR- WAY, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, AND TUNIS. AMENDATORY OF THE CONVENTION OF MARCH 20, 1883, FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. Concluded at Madrid April !§, i8gz. Ratification advised by the Senate March 2, i8g2. Ratified by the President March 30, i8g2. Ratifications exchanged June 15, i8g2. Proclaimed June 22, i8g2. By the President of the United States of America, A PROCLAMATION. Whereas Protocol 3, amendatory of the Convention of March 20, 1883, for the Protection of Industrial Property was signed at Madrid, on the 1 5th day of April, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States and other Powers, a certified copy of which Protocol 3, in the French language, is word for word as follows : [Translation.] Third Protocol. troisi^me protocole. Protocol concerning the dotation Protocole concernant la dotation of the International Bureau of the du Bureau International de 1' Union Union for the protection of Industrial pour la Protection de la Propri6t6 Property between Belgium, Brazil, Industrielle conclu entre la Belgique, Spain, The United States of America, le Bresil, I'Espagne, les Etats-Unis France, Great Britain, Guatemala, d'Amerique, la France, la Grande Italy, Norway, The Netherlands, Bretagne, le Guatemala, I'ltalie, la Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and Norvege, les Pays-Bas, le Portugal, Tunis. la Su6de, la Suisse et la Tunisie. The undersigned Plenipotentiaries of the Governments above named, In view of the declaration adopted March 12, 1883, by the International Conference for the Protection of In- dustrial Property convened at Paris, Have, with one accord and sub- ject to ratification, concluded the following Protocol : Article i. The first paragraph of No. 6 of the final Protocol annexed to the Inter- national Convention of March 20, 1883, for the Protection of Industrial Property is annulled and replaced by the following provision. "The expenses of the International Bureau instituted by Article 13 shall be supported by the contracting States in common. They cannot in any event exceed the sum of sixty thousand francs per annum." Articlk 2. The present Protocol shall be rati- fied, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Madrid within a period of six months at the latest. It shall take effect one month after the exchange of ratifications, and shall have the same force and dura- tion as the Convention of March 20, 1883, of which it shall be considered as forming an integral part. In testimony whereof, the Pleni- potentiaries of the States above named have signed the present Pro- tocol at Madrid, the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. For Belgium, Th. de Bounder de Melsbroeck. For Brazil, Luis F. d'Abreu. Les soussign6s PlSnipotentiaires des Gouvernements ci-dessus 6nu- meres, Vu la Declaration adoptee le 12 Mars 1883 par la Conference inter- nationale pour la protection de la propriety industrielle r^unie a Paris, Ont, d'un commun accord, etsous reserve de ratification, arrSte le Pro- tocole suivant : Article Premier. Le premier alin6a du chiffre 6 du Protocole de cloture annexe a la Convention Internationale du 20 Mars 1883 pour la protection de la propriety industrielle est abroge et remplace par la disposition suivante: "Les depenses du Bureau inter- national institue par I'article 13 seront supportees en commun par les Etats conttactants. EUes ne pour- ront, en aucun cas, d^passer la somme de soixante mille francs par annee." Article 2. Le present Protocole sera ratifie, et les ratifications en seront echangees a Madrid dans le delai de six mois au plus tard. II entrera en vigueur un mois a partir de I'echange des ratifications, et aura la ragme force et dur^e que la Convention de 20 Mars 1883 dont il sera considere comme faisant partie integrante. En foi de quoi, les Pldnipoten- tiaires des Etats ci-dessus enumeres ont signe le present Protocole a Madrid le quinze Avril mil huit cent- quatre-vingt-onze. Pour la Belgique, Th. de Bounder DE Melsbroeck. Pour le Bresil, Luis F. d'Abreu. For Spaing S. Moret, Marquis de Pour I'Espagne, S. Moret. Mar- Aguilar, Enrique Calleja, Luis ques de Aguilar, Enrique Cal- Mariano de Larra. leja, Luis Mariano de Larra. For The United States of America, Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, E. E. BuRD Grubb. Burd Grubb. For France and Tunis, P. Cambon. Pour la France et la Tunisie, P. C AMBON. For Great, Britain, Francis Clare Pour la Grande Bretagne, Francis Ford. Clare Ford. For Guatemala, J. Carrera. Pour le Guatemala, J. Carrera. For Italy, Maffei. Pour I'ltalie, Maffei. For Norway, Arild Huitfeldt. Pour la Norv^ge, Arild Huitfeldt. For The Netherlands, Gericke. Pour les Pays-Bas, Gericke. For Portugal, Count de Casal Pour le Portugal, Comte de Casal RiBEIRO. RiBEIRO. For Sweden, Arild Huitfeldt. Pour la Suede, Arild Huitfeldt. For Switzerland, Ch. E. Lardet. Pour la Suisse, Ch. E. Lardet. " " Morel. " " Morel. And whereas the said Protocol 3 has been duly ratified by the signatory Powecs, and the ratifications thereof were ex- changed at the City of Madrid, on the fifteenth day of June, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Protocol 3 to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and ful- filled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 22nd day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred [seal] and ninety-two and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and sixteenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : WILLIAM F WHARTON Acting Secretary of State. [Note. — Ratifications of Protocol 4 were not exchanged. The Protocol was referred to the next Conference to be held at Brussels. See telegram from United States Charg6 at Madrid, June 15, 1892.J GREAT BRITAIN AND PORTUGAL— DELAGOA BAY. PROTOCOL. Signed at Berne, June ij, i8gi. The President of the Swiss Con- federation having notified the Gov- ernments of Great Britain, the United States of North America and Portugal that the Swiss Federal Council had taken into consideration the request made by those Governments that it be pleased to appoint three lawyers, selected among those of the greatest distinction, to constitute an Arbitra- tion Tribunal charged with fixing the amount of the indemnity due by Por- tugal to the claimants of the other two countries on account of the rescission of the concession of the Louren^o Marques Railroad, and of the taking possession of that railroad by the Portuguese Government, the Under- signed, Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, the United States of North America, and Portugal, accredited near the Swiss Confederation, duly authorized by their respective Gov- ernments, have agreed to the follow- ing: Article I. The mandate which the three Governments have agreed to refer to the Arbitration Tribunal is, to fix, as it shall deem most just, the amount of the compensation due by the Por- tuguese Government to the claimants of the other two countries, in conse- quence of the rescission of the conces- sion of the Lourengo Marques Rail- road, and the taking possession of that Le President de la Confederation Suisse ayant fait connitre aux Gouv- ernements de la Grande Bretagne, des Etats Unis de I'Amerique du Nord, et du Portugal que le Conseil F6d6ral Suisse avait pris en consider- ation la demande que ces Gouverne- ments lui ont faite de bien vouloir nommer trois Jurisconsultes, choisis parmi les plus distingu6s, pour com- poser un Tribunal arbitral charge de fixer le montant de 1' indemnity due par le Portugal aux ayant-droit des deux autres pays a raison de la rescis- sion de la concession du Chemin de fer de Louren^o Marques et de la prise de possession de ce chemin de fer par le Gouvernement Portugais, les Soussignes, Envoyes Extraordi- naires et Ministres Plenipotentiaires de la Grande Bretagne, des Etats Unis de I'Amerique du Nord et du Portugal accredites aupres de la Con- federation Suisse, dCiment autorises par leurs Gouvernements respectifs, sont convenus de ce qui suit : Articlk I Le Mandat que les trois Gouverne- ments sont convenus de confier au Tribunal arbitral est de Fixer, comme il jugera le plus juste, le montant de la compensation due par le Gouvern- ement Portugais aux ayant-droit des deux autres pays par suite de la res- cission de la concession du Chemin de fer de Lourengo Marques et de la prise de possession de ce chemin de railroad by the Portuguese Govern- ment, and thereby to settle the con- troversy existing between the three Governments on the subject. Article II. The Arbitration Tribunal will set the Governments of Great Britain and the United States of North America the term within which they must deliver to it the memoranda, conclusions and documents in sup- port of the claims of their citizens. These documents shall be trans- mitted in duplicate to the Portuguese Government, -with the invitation to present its reply, its conclusions and the documents in support of them, likewise in duplicate, within the term which shall be set for it. The Arbitration Tribunal shall itself, after hearing the parties or their representatives, and with their con- sent, fix the mode of procedure, es- pecially the terms above-mentioned, and those to be set for the putting in of the replication and the rejoinder, the rules to be followed in hearing the parties or their representatives, the production of documents, the delib- eration in its own bosom, the render- ing of the judgment and the drawing up of the protocol. Each of the three Governments undertakes to do all in its power to have the documents and information demanded by the Arbitration Tribu- nal, furnished to it in due form and within the terms fixed by it. Article III. The Arbitration Tribunal shall have full authority to take cognizance of the conclusions presented to it by fer par le Gouvernment Portugais et de trancher ainsi le diff6rend existant entre les trois Gouvernements a cet 6gard. Article II Le Tribunal arbitral fixera aux Gouvernments de la Grande Bretagne et des Etats Unis de I'Am^rique du Nord le d61ai dans lequel ceux-ci devront lui remettre les m^moires, conclusions et documents a I'appui des reclamations de leurs ressortis- sants. Ces pieces seront transmises en deux doubles au Gouvernement Por- tugais avec invitation de produire 6galement en deux doubles sa r& ponse, ses conclusions et les docu- ments a I'appui dans le d6lai qui lui sera fix6. Le Tribunal arbitral fixera lui- mgme, aprSs avoir entendu les parties ou leurs Repr6sentants et d'accord avec elles, le mode de procedure, no- tamment les d6lais ci-dessus men- tionn^s et ceux a fixer pour la remise de la replique et de la duplique les regies a sui vre pour I'audition des par- ties ou de leurs Repr6sentants, la pro- duction des documents, la d(5lib6ra- tion dans son sein, le prononc6 du jugement et la redaction du proto- cole. Chacun des trois Gouvernements s' engage a faire tout ce que d^pendra de lui pour que les pieces et renseigne- ments demand^s par le Tribunal ar- bitral lui soient fournis en due forme et dans les ddais fix^s par lui. Article III Le Tribunal arbitral aura pleine competence pour connaitre des con- clusions presentees par chacune des each of the parties, in their whole extent and in all their appurtenances or incidents; it shall render its judg- ment upon the substance of the cause, and shall pronounce, as it shall deem most just, upon the amount of the indemnity due by Portugal to the claimants of the other two countries, in consequence of the rescission of the concession of the LoureuQO Mar- ques Railroad, and of the taking possession of that railroad by that Government. Article IV. The judgment shall be final and without appeal. The President of the Arbitration Tribunal shall deliver a certified copy of the decision to the Representa- tives of each of the three Govern- ments. The three Governments bind them- selves beforehand, for themselves and for their respective citizens, to accept and carry out the decision, as a final settlement of all their differences upon this question. It is understood that, although it appertains to the Arbitration Tribunal to designate the private persons or the moral persons who are entitled to the indemnity, the amount of that indemnity shall be paid by the Portuguese Govern- ment to the other two Governments, in order that they may make distri- bution of it to the claimants. The receipt given by those two Govern- ments shall constitute a complete and valid discharge of the Portuguese Government. The amount of the indemnity shall be paid by the' Portuguese Govern- ment to the other two Governments within the term of six months, count- ing from the rendering of the award. parties dans toute leur 6tendue et dans toutes leurs d^pendances ou incidents, il rendra son jugement sur le fond de la cause et prononcera, comme il jugera le plus juste, sur le montant de I'indemnite due par le Portugal aux ayant-droit des deux autres pays par suite de la rescission de la concession du chemin de fer de Louren^o Marques et de la prise de possession de ce chemin de fer par le mSme Gouvernement. Article IV Le jugement sera definitif et sans appel. Le President du Tribunal arbitral d^livrera aux Representants de cha- cun des trois Gouvernemen ts une ex- pedition authentique de la Sentence. Les trois Gouvernements s'enga- gent d'avance pour leur propre part et pour la part de leurs ressortissants respectifs a accepter et executer la sentence comme r^glement final de tous leurs differends sur cette ques- tion. II est entendu que bien qu'il appartienne au Tribunal arbitral de designer les personnes privies ou les personnes morales ayant droit a I'in- demnite, le montant de cette indem- nite sera remis par le Gouvernement Portugais aux deux autres Gouverne- ments pour qu'ils en passent la distri- bution aux ayant droit. La quittance d^livree par ces deux Gouvernements constituera pour le Gouvernement Portugais une decharge complete et valable. Le montant de I'indemnite sera remis par le Gouvernement Portu- gais aux deux autres Gouvernements dans le delai de six mois a compter du prononce du jugement. Article V. Article V The President of the Arbitration Tribunal shall be requested to present an account of all the expenses occa- sioned by the arbitration, and the three Governments bind themselves to have them paid at such time as the President shall fix. In testimony whereof, the under- signed have drawn up this protocol, and have affixed their signatures and their seals. Done in triplicate at Berne, June 13, 1891. Charles S. Scott. [seal.] John D. Washburn. [seal.] D. G. Nogueira Scares, [seal.] Le President du Tribunal arbitral sera prie de presenter le compte de tous las frais occasiones par I'arbi- trage et les trois Gouvernements s'engagent a les faire payer a I'epoque que le President designera. En foi de quoi les Soussignes ont dresse ce protocole et ont appos6 leurs signatures et leurs sceaux. Fait a Berne en triple expedition le 13 Juin 1891. Charles S. Scott. [l.s.] John D. Washburn. [l.s.] D. G. Nogueira Soares. [l.s.] GREAT BRITAIN— PUR-SEAL FISHERIES. MODUS VIVENDI RESPECTING THE FUR-SEAL FISHERIES IN BEHRING SEA. Signed at Washington June IJ, i8gi. Proclaimed June 75", i8gi. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas an agreement for a modus vivendi between the Government of the United States and the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, in relation to the Fur Seal Fisheries in Behring Sea, was concluded on the fifteenth day of June in the /year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, word for word as follows : AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE GOVERNMENT OF HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY FOR A MODUS VIVENDI IN RELATION TO THE FUR SEAL FISHERIES IN BEHRING SEA. For. the purpose of avoiding irritating differences and with a view to . promote the friendly settlement of the questions pending between the two Governments touching their respective rights in Behring Sea, and for the preservation of the seal species, the following agreement is made without prejudice to the rights or claims of either party. I. Her Majesty's Government will prohibit, until May next, seal killing in that part of Behring Sea lying eastward of the line of demarcation de- scribed in Article No. i of the Treaty of 1867 between the United States and Russia, and will promptly use its best efforts to ensure the observance of this prohibition by British subjects and vessels. II. The United States Government will prohibit seal killing for the same period in the same part of Behring Sea and on the shores and islands thereof, the property of the United States (in excess of 7,500 to be taken on the islands for the subsistence and care of the natives) and will promptly use its best efforts to ensure the observance of this prohibition by United States citizens and vessels. III. Every vessel or person offending against this prohibition in the said waters of Behring Sea outside of the ordinary territorial limits of the United States, may be seized and detained by the naval or other duly commissioned officers of either of the High Contracting Parties, but they shall be handed over as soon as practicable to the authorities of the nation to which they re- spectivdy belong, who shall alone have jurisdiction to try the offense and impose the penalties for the same. The witnesses and proofs necessary to establish the offense shall also be sent with them. IV. In order to facilitate such proper inquiries as Her Majesty's Govern- ment may desire to make, with a view to the presentation of the case of that government before arbitrators, and in expectation that an agreement for arbitration may be arrived at, it is agreed that suitable persons designated by Great Britain will be permitted at any time, upon application, to visit or to remain upon the seal islands during the present sealing season for that purpose. Signed and sealed in duplicate at Washington, this fifteenth day of June 1 89 1, on behalf of their respective Governments, by William F. Wharton, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, and Sir Julian Pauncefote, G. C. M. G., K. C. B., H. B. M. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen- ipotentiary. William F. Wharton [seal.] Julian Pauncefote [seal.] Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said agreement to be made public, to the end that the same and every part thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this fifteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred [seal.] and ninety-one, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : WILLIAM F. WHARTON Acting Secretary of State FREE STATE— SENATE RATIFICATION. In Executive Session, Senate of the .United States, January ii, i8g2. Resolved, (two thirds of the Senators present concurring therein,') That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the General Act signed at Brussels, July 2, 1890, by the plenipotentiaries of the United States and other powers, for the suppression of the African Slave-trade, and for other purposes. Resolved further. That the Senate advise and consent to the acceptance of the partial ratification of the said General Act on the part of the French Republic, and to the stipulations relative thereto, as set forth in the protocol signed at Brussels, January 2, 1892. Resolved further, as a part of this act of ratification. That the United States of America, having neither possessions nor protectorates in Africa, hereby disclaims any intention, in ratifying this treaty, to indicate any inter- est whatsoever in the possessions or protectorates established or claimed on that Continent by the other powers, or any approval of the wisdom, expedi- ency or lawfulness thereof, and does not join in any expressions in the said General Act which might be construed as such a declaration or acknowledg- ment ; and, for this reason, that it is desirable that a copy of this resolution be inserted in the protocol to be drawn up at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty on the part of the United States. Attest: Anson G McCook Secretary. , By Chas W Johnson, Chief Clerk. VENEZUELA— VENEZUELA STEAM TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. CONVENTION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA, PROVIDING FOR A REFERENCE TO ARBITRATION OF THE CLAIM OF THE VENEZUELA STEAM TRANSPORTATION COMPANY AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT OF VENEZUELA. Signed at Caracas January ig, i8g2. Ratification advised by the Senate March 17, i8p2. Ratified by the President of Venezuela June 20, i8g4. Ratified by the President of the United States July 2, i8g4. Ratifications exchanged at Washington July 28, iSg^.. Proclaimed July jo, l8g4. By THE President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Venezuela, providing for a reference to arbitration of the claim of the Venezuela Steam Transportation Company against the Government of Vene- zuela,^ was concluded and signed by their respective plenipo- tentiaries at the city of Caracas on the 19th day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word, as follows : — The Governments of the United Mutuamente deseosos de remover States of America and the United toda causa de desavenencia entre si, States of Venezuela, being mutually de una manera honorlfica para ambas desirous of removing all causes of partes yaccorde con susderechos 6 in- diiference between them in a manner tereses, los Gobiernos de los Estados honorable to both parties and in con- Unidos de America y de las Estados sonance with their just rights and Unidos de Venezuela han resuelto interests, have resolved to submit to someter a arbitramento la reclama- arbitration the claim of the "Vene- cion de la Compania de Trasporte zuela Steam Transportation Com- pany", and have respectively named as their plenipotentiaries to conclude a Convention for that purpose : — The President of the United States of America, William L. Scruggs, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Caracas; And the President of the United States of Venezuela, Doctor Rafael Seijas, legal adviser for the Depart- ment of Foreign Relations; Who, after having exhibited their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles : — Article I., The high contracting parties agree to submit to arbitration the question whether any, and, if any, what in- demnity shall be paid by the Gov- ernment of the United States of Venezuela to the Government of the United States of America for the al- leged wrongful seizure, detention and employment in war or otherwise of the Steamships Hero, Nutrias and San Fernando, the property of the ' ' Venezuela Steam Transportation Company", a corporation existing under the laws of the State of New York, and a citizen of the United States, and the imprisonment of its officers, citizens of the United States. Article II., The question stated in Article I, shall be submitted to a board of three Commissioners, one to be appointed by the President of the United States of America, one by the President of the United States of Venezuela, and the third who shall not be either an por vapor de Venezuela, y nombrado respectivamente como sus Plenipo- tenciarios para concluir a ese fin un convenio : El Presidente de los Estados Uni- dos de America, al Senor William L. Scruggs, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de ellos en Caracas; Y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, al ciudadano Doctor Rafael Seijas, Consultor del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ; Los cuales, despufe de haberse- ex- hibido sus respectivos plenos poderes, hallados en buena y debida forma, han convenido en los articulos siguentes : Articulo I°. Las Altes Partes contratantes con- vienen en someter a arbitramento la cuesti6n de si el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela debe pagar al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America alguna indemni- zaci6n, y, en caso afirmativo, el quantum de ella por alegado injusto embargo, detencion y empleo en ' guerra 6 en otra cosa de los vapores H6roe, Nutrias y San Fernando, de la propriedad de la " Compania de Trasporte por vapor de Venezuela," corporaci6n establecida con arreglo a las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, y ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, y por la prisi6n de sus empleados, ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. ArtIculo 2°. La cuestion expresada en el articulo 1° lo sera sometida a una Junta de tres comisionados, elegidos uno por «1 Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, otro por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, y el tercero, que no debe ser ciuda- American or a Venezuelan citizen, to be chosen by the two appointed as aforesaid; but if, within ten days from the time of their first meeting as hereinafter provided, they cannot agree upon the third Commissioner, the Secretary of State of the United States and the Venezuelan Minister at Washington shall forthwith request either the Diplomatic representative of Belgium or that of Sweden and Norway at that capital to name him subject to the restriction aforesaid. The Commissioners to be chosen by the President of the United States of America and the President of the United States of Venezuela shall be appointed within a month from the date of the exchange of the ratifica- tions of this Convention. In case of the death, resignation or incapacity of any of the Commis- sioners, or in the event of any of them ceasing or omitting to act, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as is herein provided for the original appointment. Article III., The Commissioners appointed by the President of the United States of America and the President of the United States of Venezuela shall meet in the city of Washington at the ear- liest convenient moment within three months from the date of the exchange ofthe ratifications of this Convention, and shall proceed to the selection of a third Commissioner. When such Commissioner shall have been chosen, either by agree- ment between the two first named ; or in the alternate manner hereinbefore provided, the three Commissioners shaU meet in the city of Washington dano Americano ni Venezolano, por los dos asi nombrados ; mas, si d^n- tro de diez dias contados desde el de su primera reunion, segiin lo dispuesto en adelante, no pudieren convenir en el tercer comisionado, entonces el Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos y el Ministro de Venezuela en Washington pediran inmediatamente que lo nombre, con la restriccion dicha, al Representante Diplomatico de B^lgica 6 al de Suecia y Noruega en aquella capital. Los Comisionados elegibles por el Presi- dente de los Estados Unidos de America y el Presidente de los Esta- dos Unidos de Venezuela, seran nom- brados dentro de un mes, contando desde la fecha del canje de lais ratifi- caciones de este convenio. En caso de muerte, renuncia 6 incapacidad de alguno de los comisionados y en el de cesar 6 no entrar en sus funciones, se Uenara la vacante del mismo modo que se dispone aqu6 respecto del primer nombramiento. ARTfCULO 3°. Los Comisionados nombrados por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela se re- uniran en la ciudad de Washington, cuanto antes les sea posible, dentro de tres meses contados desde la fecha del canje de las ratificaciones de este convenio, y procederan a elegir el tercero. Elegido tal comisionado 6 por acu- erdo entre los dos primeramente nombrados 6 del modo alternativo aqui antes dispuesto, los tres comisi- onados se reuniran en la ciudad de Washington lo mas pronto que les at the earliest practicable moment within five months from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, and shall subscribe, as their first act, a solemn declaration to examine and decide the claim sub- mitted to them in accordance with justice and equity and the principles of international law. The concurrent judgment of any two of the Commissioners shall be adequate for the decision of any ques- tion that may come before them, and for the final award. Article IV., The Commissioners shall decide the claim on the Diplomatic corre- spondence between the two Govern- ments relative thereto, and on such legal evidence as may be submitted to them by the high contracting par- ties within two months from the date of the first meeting of the full Com- mission. Their decision shall be rendered within three months at farthest from the date of such first meeting, and shall be final and conclusive. They shall hear one person as Agent in behalf of each Government and consider such arguments as either of such persons may present; and may, in their discretion, hear other counsel either in support of or in op- position to the claim. Article V., If the award shall be in favor of the United States of America, the amount of the indemnity, which shall be expressed in American gold, shall be paid in cash at the city of Wash- ington, in equal, annual sums, with- out interest, within five years from fuere dable, dentro de cinco meses contaderos desde la fecha del canje de las ratificaciones de este conve- nio, y su primer acto sera suscribir la solemne declaracion de examinar y decidir la reclamacion a ellos some- tida conforme a justicia y equidad y a los principios del derecho interna- cional. El juicio acorde de dos cualesqui- era de los comisionados, bastara para la decision de toda cuestion que se les presume, y para el fallo defini- tivo. Articulo 4°. Los comisionados decidiran de la reclamacion el mdrito de la corre- spondencia diplomatica que sobre ella ha mediado entre los dos Gobi- ernos, y de las pruebas legales que podran someterles las Altas Partes contratantes dentro de dos meses contados desde la fecha de la primera junta de la Comision plena. Su de- cision sera dada, cuando mas tarde, dentro de tres meses de la fecha de su primera reuni6n, y tendra el caracter de definitiva y concluyente. Debe- ran oir a una persona que sirva de Agente a cada Gobierno y considerar los argumentos que ella presente, y a su discrecion podran oir otro abogado en pro 6 en contra de la reclamacion. ARTfcULO 5°. Si la sentencia fuere a favor de los Estados Unidos de America, el im- porte de la indemnizacion, que ha de expresarse en oro Americano, sera pagado en efectivo en la ciudad de Washington en porciones anuales igu- ales sin interests, dentro de cinco the date of the award, the first of the five payments to be made within eight months from that date. Each Gov- ernment shall pay its own commis- sioner and agent, and all other ex- penses including clerk hire shall be borne by the two Governments in equal moieties. Article VI., This Convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof; and by the President of the United States of Venezuela, with the ap- proval of the Congress thereof; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed the present Convention in du- plicate, in the English and Spanish languages. Done at Caracas this nineteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. [sEAL.J William L. Scruggs [seal.] Rafael Seijas. afios contados desde la fecha de la sentencia, debiendo efectuarse el pri- mero de los cinco pagos dentro de ocho meses de aquella fecha. Cada Gobierno pagara su proprio comisionado ; y la mitad de todos los demas gastos, inclusive el sueldo de secretario. Articulo 6°. Este convenio sera ratificado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, con el consejo y consen- timiento de Senado de los mismos, y por el Presidente de los Estados Uni- dos de Venezuela con la aprobacion del Congreso de ellos, y las ratifica- ciones se canjearan en Washington cuanto antes sea posible. En testimonio de lo cual los respectivos plenipotenciarios han firmadq y sellado por duplicado el presente convenio en ingles y en espanol. Hecho en Caracas, a diez y nueve de Enero del ano del Senor mil ocho- cientos noventa dos. [seal. J William L. Scruggs, [seal.] Rafael Seijas And whereas the said Convention has been duly rati- fied on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Gov- ernments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the 28th day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- four; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and ful- filled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 30th day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred [seal.] and ninety-four, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and nineteenth. GROVER CLEVELAND By the President : W. Q. GRESHAM Secretary of State. GREAT BRITAIN— BEHRING SEA TREATIES. A CONVENTION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED' STATES AND HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY. SUBMITTING TO ARBITRATION THE QUESTIONS WHICH HAVE ARISEN BETWEEN THOSE GOVERNMENTS CONCERNING THE JURISDICTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE WATERS OF BEHRING SEA. Signed at Washington February 2g, i8g2. Ratification advised by the Senate March 2g, i8g2. Ratified by the President April 22, i8g2. Ratifications exchanged May 7, i8g2. Proclaimed May g, i8g2. By the President of the United States of America. a proclamajion. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Great Britain providing for an amicable settle- ment of the questions which have arisen between those Gov- ernments concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in the waters of the Behring Sea, and concerning also the preservation of the fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said Sea, and the rights of the citizens and subjects of either couhtry as regards the taking of fur-seal in, or ha- bitually resorting to, the said waters, was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington, on the twenty-ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, the original of which Convention, being in the • English language and as amended by the Senate of the United States, is word for word as follows : The United States of America aiid Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being desirous to provide for an amicable settlement of the questions which have arisen between their respec- tive governments concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in'the waters of Behring's Sea, and concerning also the preservation of the fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said Sea, kad the rights of the citi- zens and subjects of either country as regards the taking of fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said waters, have resolved to submit to arbitration the questions involved, and to the end of concluding a convention for that purpose have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries : The President of the United States of America, James G. Blaine, Secre- tary of State of the United States ; and , Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Julian Pauncefote, G. C. M. G., K. C. B., Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full pow- ers which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and con- cluded the following articles. Article I. The questions which have arisen between the Government of the United States and the Government of Her Britannic Majesty concerning the juris- dictional rights of the Uriited States in the waters of Behring's Sea, and con- cerning also the preservation of the fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said Sea, and the rights of the citizens and subjects of either country as regards the taking of fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said waters, shall be submitted to a tribunal of Arbitration, to be composed of seven Arbitrators, who shall be appointed in the following manner, that is to say: Two shall be named by the President of. the United States; two shall be named by Her Britannic Majesty; His Excellency the President of the French Republic shall be jointly requested by the High Contracting Parties to name one; His Majesty the King of Italy shall be so requested to name one ; and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway shall be so requested to name one. The seven Arbitrators to be so named shall be jurists of dis- tinguished reputation in their respective countries ; and the selecting Powers shall be requested to choose, if possible, jurists who are acquainted with the English language. • In case of the death, absence or incapacity to serve of any. or either of the said Arbitrators, or in the event of any or either of the said Arbi- trators omitting or declining or ceasing to act as such, the President of the United States, or Her Britannic Majesty, or His Excellency the President of the French Republic, or His Majesty the King of Italy, or His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, as the case may be, shall name, or shall be requested to name forthwith another person to act as Arbitrator in the place and stead of the Arbitrator originally named by such head of a State. And in the event of the refusal or omission for two months after receipt of the joint request from the High Contracting Parties of His Excellency the President of the French Republic, or His Majesty the King of Italy, or His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, to name an Arbitrator, either to fill the original appointment or to fill a vacancy as above provided, then in such case the appointment shall be made or the vacancy shall be filled in such manner as the High Contracting Parties shall agree. Article II. The Arbitrators shall meet at Paris within twenty days after the delivery of the counter cases mentioned in Article IV, and shall proceed impartially and carefully to examine and decide the questions that have been or shall be laid before them as herein provided on the part of the Governments of the United States and Her Britannic Majesty respectively. All questions con- sidered by the tribunal, including the final decision, shall be determined by a majority of all the Arbitrators. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall also name one person to attend the tribunal as its Agent to represent it generally in all matters con- nected with the arbitration. Article III. The printed case of each of the two parties, accompanied by the docu- ments, the official correspondence, and other evidence on which each relies, shall be delivered in duplicate to each of the Arbitrators and to the Agent of the other party as soon as may be after the appointment of the members of the tribunal, but within a period not exceeding four months from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty. Article IV. Within three months after the delivery on both sides of the printed case, either party may, in like manner deliver in duplicate to each of the said Arbitrators, and to the Agent of the other party, a counter case, and addi- tional documents, correspondence, and evidence, in reply to the case, docu- ments, correspondence, and. evidence so presented by the other party. If, however, in consequence of the distance of the place from which the evidence to be presented is to be procured, either party shall, within thirty days after the receipt by its agent of the case of the other party, give notice to the other party that' it requires additional time for the delivery of such counter case, documents, correspondence and evidence, such additional time so indicated, but not exceeding sixty days beyond the three months in this Article provided, shall be allowed.' If in the case siibmitted to the Arbitrators either party shall have speci- fied or alluded to any report or document in its own exclusive possession, without annexing a copy, such party shall be bound, if the other party thinks proper to apply for it, to furnish that party with a copy thereof; and either party may call upon the other, through the Arbitrators, to produce the orig- inals or certified copies of any papers adduced as evidence, giving in each instance notice thereof within thirty days after delivery of the case; and the original or copy so requested shall be delivered as soon as may be and within a period not exceeding forty days after receipt of notice. Article V. It shall be the duty of the Agent of each party, within one month after the expiration of the time limited for the delivery of the counter case on both sides, to deliver in duplicate to each of the said Arbitrators and to the Agent of the other party a printed argument showing the points and referring to the evidence upon which his Government relies, and either party may also support the same before the Arbitrators by oral argument of counsel; and the Arbitrators may, if they desire further elucidation with regard to any point, require a written or printed statement or argument, or oral argu- ment by counsel, upon it ; but in such case the other party shall be entitled to reply either orally or in writing, as the case may be. Article VI. In deciding the matters submitted to the. Arbitrators, it is agreed that the following five points shall be submitted to them, in order that their award shall embrace a distinct decision upon each of said five points, to wit : 1. What exclusive jurisdiction in' the sea now known as the Behring's Sea, and what exclusive rights in the seal fisheries therein, did Russia assert and exercise prior and up to the time of the cession of Alaska to the United States? 2. How far were these claims of jurisdiction as to the seal fisheries recog- nized and conceded by Great Britain ? 3. Was the body of water now known as the Behring's Sea included in the phrase "Pacific Ocean," as used in the Treaty of 1825 between Great . Britain and Russia ; and what rights, if any, in the Behring's Sea were held and exclusively exercised by Russia after said Treaty ? 4. Did not all the rights of Russia as to jurisdiction, and as to the seal fisheries in Behring's Sea east of the water boundary, in the Treaty between the United States and Russia of the 30th. March, 1867, .pass unimpaired to the United States under that Treaty ? 5. Has the United States any right, and if so, what right of protection or property in the fur-seals frequenting the islands of the United States in Behring Sea when such seals are found outside the ordinary three-mile limit? .Article VII. If the determination of the foregoing questions as to the exclusive juris- diction of the United States shall leave the subject in such position that the concurrence of Great Britain is necessary to the establishment of Regulations for the proper protection and preservation of the fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the Behring Sea, the Arbitrators shall then determine what concurrent Regulations outside the jurisdictional limits of the respective Governments are necessary, and over what waters such Regulations should 5 extend, and to aid them in that determination the report of a Joint Com- mission to be appointed by the respective Governments shall be laid before them, with such other evidence as either Government may submit. The High Contracting Parties furthermore agree to cooperate in securing the adhesion of other Powers to such Regulations. "Article VIII. The High Contracting Parties having found themselves unable to agree upon a reference which shall include the question of the liability of each for the injuries alleged to have been sustained by the other, or by its citizens, in connection with the claims presented and urged by it ; and, being solicit- ous that this subordinate question should not interrupt or longer delay the submission and determination of the main questions, do agree that either may submit to the Arbitrators any question of fact involved in said claim and ask for a finding thereon, the question of the liability of either Govern- ment upon the facts found to be the subject of further negotiation. Article IX. The High Contracting Parties having agreed to appoint two Commis- sioners on the part of each Government to make the joint investigation and report contemplated in the preceding Article VII, and to include the terms of the said Agreement in the present Convention, to the end that the joint and several reports and recommendations of said Commissioners may be in due form submitted to the Arbitrators should the contingency therefor arise, the said Agreement is accordingly herein included as follows : Each Government shall appoint two Commissioners to investigate con- jointly with the ■Commissioners of the other Government all the facts having relation to seal life in Behring's Sea, and the measures necessary for its proper protection and preservation. The four Commissioners shall, so far as they may be able, to agree, make a joint report to each of the two Governments, and they shall also report, either jointly or severally, to each Government on any points upon which they may be unable to agree. These reports shall not be made public until they shall be submitted to the Arbitrators, or it shall appear that the contingency of their being used by the Arbitrators can not arise. Article X. Each Government shall pay the expenses of its members of the Joint Commission in the investigation referred to in the preceding Article. Article XI. The decision of the tribunal shall, if possible, be made within three months from the close of the argument on both sides. It shall be made in writing and dated, and shall be signed by the Arbi- trators who may assent to it. The decision shall be in duplicate, one copy whereof shall be delivered to the Agent of the United States for his Government, and the other copy shall be delivered to the Agent of Great Britain for his Government. Article XII. • Each Government shall pay its own Agent and provide for the proper remuneration of the counsel employed by it and of the Arbitrators appointed by it, and for the expense of preparing and submitting its case to the tribunal. All other expenses connected with the Arbitration shall be defrayed by the two Governments in equal moieties. Article XIII. The Arbitrators shall keep an accurate record of their proceedings and may appoint and employ the necessary officers to assist them. Article XIV. The High Contracting Parties engage to consider the result of the pro- ceedings of the tribunal of arbitration, as a full, perfect, and final settlement of all the questions referred to the Arbitrators. Article XV. The present treaty shall be duly ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof^ and by Her Britannic Majesty; and the ratification shall be exchanged either at Washington or at London within six months from the date hereof, or earlier if possible. In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this treaty and have hereunto affixed our seals. Done in dtiplicate at Washington the twenty-ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. ' James G. Blaine [seal.] Julian Pauncefote [seal.] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of London, on the seventh day of May, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, as amended, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hun- [sEAL.] dred and ninety-two, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and sixteenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : James G. Blaine Secretary of State. CONVENTION THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY. RENEWAL OF THE EXISTING MODUS VIVENDI IN BEHRING SEA. Signed, at Wdshingion April i8, i8g2. , Ratification advised by the Senate April ig, i8g2. Ratified by the President April 22, i8g2. ■ Ratifications exchanged May 7, i8g2. Proclaimed May g, i8g2. By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Great Britain for the renewal of the existing modus vivendi in Behring's Sea was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington, on the eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and niriety-two, the original of which Convention, being in the English language, is word for word as follows : CONVENTION between the United States of America and Great Britain for the renewal of the existing " modus vivendi" in Behring's Sea. Whereas by a Convention concluded between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the twenty-ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, the High Contracting Parties have agreed to submit to Arbitration, as therein stated, the questions which have arisen between them concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in the waters of Behring's Sea and concerning also the preservation of the fur-seal, in, or habitually resorting to, the said sea, and the rights of the citizens and subjects of either country as regards the taking of the fur-seal in, or habitu- ally resorting to, the said waters; and whereas the High Contracting Parties, having differed as to what restrictive Regulations for seal-hunting are neces- sary, during the pendency of such Arbitration, have agreed to adjust such difference in manner hereinstfter mentioned, and without prejudice to the rights of either party : The said High Contracting Parties have appointed as their Plenipoten- tiaries to conclude a Convention for this purpose, that is to say : The President of the United States of America, James G. Blaine, Secre- retary of State of the United States ; And Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty to the United States ; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in due. and good form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles: Article I. Her Majesty's Government will prohibit, during the pendency of the Arbitration, seal killing in that part of Behring Sea lying eastward of the line of demarcation described in Article No. I of the Treaty of 1867 between the United States and Russia, and will promptly use its best efforts to ensure the observance of this prohibition by British subjects and vessels. Article II The United States Government will prohibit seal-killing for the same period in the same part of Behring's Sea, and on the shores and islands thereof; the property of the United States (in excess of seven thousand five hundred to be taken on the islands for the subsistence of the" natives), and will promptly use its best efforts to ensure the observance of this prohibi- tion by United States citizens and vessels. Article III Every vessel' or person offending against this prohibition in the said waters of Behring Sea outside of the ordinary territorial limits of the United States, may be seized and detained by the naval or other duly commissioned officers of either of the High Contracting Parties, but they shall be handed over as soon as practicable to the authorities of the Nation to which they respectively belong, who alone shall have jurisdiction to try the offence and impose the penalties for the same. The witnesses and proof necessary to establish the offence shall also be sent with them. Article lY. In order to facilitate such proper inquiries as Her. Majesty's Government may desire to make with a view to the presentation of the case and argu- lO ments of that Government before the Arbitrators, it is agreed that suitable persons designated by Great Britain will be permitted at any time, upon ap- plication, to visit or remain upon the Seal Islands during the sealing season for that purpose. Article V. If the result of the Arbitration be to affirm the right of British Sealers to take seals in Behring Sea within the bounds claimed by the United States, under its purchase from Russia, then compensation shall be made by the United States to Great Britain (for the use of her subjects) for abstaining from the exercise of that right during the pendency of the Arbitration upon the basis of such a regulated and limited catch or catches as in the opinion of the Arbitrators might have been taken without an undue diminution of the seal-herds; and, on the other hand, if the result of the Arbitration shall be to deny the right of British sealers to take seals within the said waters, then compensation shall be made by Great Britain to the United States (for itself, its citizens and lessees) for this agrefement to limit the island catch to seven thousand five hundred a season, upon the basis of the difference be- tween this number and such larger Catch as in the opinion of the Arbitrators might have been taken without an undue diminution of the seal-herds. The amount awarded, if any, in either case shall be such as under all the circumstances is just and equitable, and shall be promptly paid. Article VI. This Convention may be denounced by either of the High Contracting Parties at any time after the thirty-first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, on giving to the other Party two months notice, of its termination ; and at the expiration of such notice the Convention shall cease to be in force. Article VII. The present Convention shall be duly ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Britannic Majesty; and the ratifications shall be exchanged • either at Washington or at London as early as possible. In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention and have hereunto affixed our Seals. Done in duplicate at Washington, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. James G. Blaine [seal.J Julian Pauncefote. [seal.] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of London, on the seventh day of May, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two ; II Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof may be observed in go,od faith by the United States and the citizens thereof In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred [seal.] and ninety-two, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and sixteenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : James G. BlAine Secretary of State. GREAT BRITAIN— DESERTERS FROM MERCHANT VESSELS. TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED KING- DOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND FOR THE RECOVERY OF PERSONS WHO MAY DESERT FROM THE MERCHANT VESSELS OF EITHER COUNTRY WHILE IN THE PORTS OF THE OTHER. Concluded at Washington June j, i8g2. Ratification advised by the Senate June jo, i8g2. Ratified by the President of the United States July 14, i8g2. Ratified by the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland July g, i8g2. Ratifications exchanged at Washington August i, i8g2. Proclaimed August i, i8g2. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the recovery of persons who may desert from the merchant vessels of either country while in the ports of the Other, was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries on the 3rd of June, 1892, the original of which Treaty, being in the English language, is word for word as follows : Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the recovery of persons who may desert from the merchant vessels of either country while in the ports of the other. Whereas the Governments of the United States of America and of Great Britain are desirous to make provision for the apprehension, recovery and restoration of persons who may desert from merchant vessels of their respec- tive countries while in the ports of the other country, and to conclude a treaty for the above purpose, the High Contracting Parties have accordingly appointed as their Plenipotentiaries to conclude the said treaty, that is to say : The President of the United States of America, James G. Blaine, Secre- tary of State of the United States ; and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Julian Pauncefote, G. C. M. G., K. C. B., Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers found in due and good form, have agreed upon the following arti- cles. Article I. The Consuls General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Consular Agents of either of the High Contracting Parties, residing in the dominions, posses- sions or colonies of the other, shall have power to require from the proper authorities the assistance provided by law for the apprehension, recovery and restoration of seamen who may desert from any ship belonging to a citizen or subject of their respective countries, while in the ports of the other country. If, however, any such deserter shall have committed any crime or offence in the country where he is found, his surrender or restoration may be delayed until the proper tribunal before which the case shall be pending or may be cognizable, shall have pronounced its sentence and the sentence shall have been carried into effect. It is understood that the preceding stipulations shall not apply to the citizens or subjects of the country where the desertion shall take place. Article II. The present Treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be ex- changed at Washington or at London without delay. Article III. The present Treaty shall come into operation at the expiration of thirty days from the date of the exchange of ratifications. It shall remain in force for five years after that date and thereafter until terminated by a twelve months' notice to be given by either High Contracting Party to the other. In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and have hereunto affixed our Seals. Done in duplicate at Washington, this third day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. JAMES G. BLAINE [seal.] JULIAN PAUNCEFOTE [seal.] And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the city of Washington, on the first day of Au- gust, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand [seal.] eight hundred and ninety-two, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : JOHN W. FOSTER, Secretary of State. DENMARK— TRADE-MARKS. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND DENMARK FOR THE RECIPROCAL PROTECTION OF TRADE-MARKS AND TRADE LABELS. Concluded at Copenhagen June 15, i8g2. Ratification advised by the Senate July 21, i8g2. Ratified by the President of the United States July 2g, i8g2. Ratified by the King of Denmark September 23, i8g2. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen September 28, i8g2. Proclaimed October 12, i8g2. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Denmark for the reciprocal protection of Trade-Marks and Trade Labels was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Copenhagen, on the fifteenth day of June, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Danish languages, is word for word as fol- lows: CONVENTION. KONVENTION. With a view to secure for the man- For at sikkre Industridrivende i de ufacturers in the United States of Forenede Stater afAmerikaog i Dan- America, and those in Denmark, the mark gjensidig Beskyttelse af deres reciprocal protection of their Trade Fabrik- og Varemaerker, have under- Marks and Trade Labels, the Under- tegnede, efter dertil at have erholdt signed, duly authorised to that effect, behorig Bemyndigelse, vedtaget fol- have agreed on the following dis- gende Bestemmelser. positions. Article I. Artikel I. The subjects or citizens of each of the High Contracting Parties shall in the Dominions and Possessions of the other have the same rights as be- long to native subjects or citizens, in everything relating to Trade Marks and Trade Labels of every kind. Provided, always, that in the United States the subjects of Den- mark, and in Denmark, the citizens of the United States of America, cannot enjoy these rights to a greater extent or for a longer period of time than in their native country. Article II. Any person in either country de- siring protection of his Trade Mark in the Dominions of the other must fulfil the formalities required by the law of the latter; but no person, be- ing a subject or citizen of one of the contracting States, shall be entitled to claim protection in the other by virtue of the provisions of this con- vention, unless he shall have first secured protection in his own coun- try in accordance with the laws thereof. Article III. This arrangement shall go into effect immediately on or after the exchange of the ratifications and shall be in force until a year after it has been recalled by the one or the other of the two High Parties. Article IV. The present convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof and by His Majesty Enhver af de hoje kontraherende Parters Undersaater eller Borgere skuUe paa den anden Parts Terri- torier og Besiddelser nyde samme Rettigheder som Landets egne Un- dersaatter eller Borgere med Hensyn til Alt, hvad der vedrorer Fabrik- eller Varemjerker. Dog kunne Danske Undersaatter i de Forende Stater og bemeldte Sta- ters Borgere i Danmark ikke nyde disse Rettigheder i et storre Omfang eller i et Ijengere Tidsrum end i deres eget Land. Artikel II. En Person i et af de to Lande, der maatte onske Beskyttelse for sit Vare- maerke paa det andets Territoriiim maa opfylde de lovbestemte Formal- iteter i dette sidste ; men ingen Per- son, som er Undersaat eller Borger i en af de kontraherende Stater skal have Ret til al fordre Beskyttelse i den anden Stat i Kraft af denne Kon- ventions Bestemmelser, medmindre han forst har sikkret sig Beskyttelse i sit eget Land i Overensstemmelse med dettes Love. Artikel III. Denne Overenskomst traeder i Virksomhed umiddelbart ved Udvex- lingen af Ratifikationerne og for- bliver i Kraft indtil i Aar efter at den er opsagt af en af de h6je kontra- herende Parter. Artikel IV. Nservserende Konvention skal rati- ficeres af Praesidenten for de Forenede Stater af Amerika med Senatets Raad og Samtykke og af Hans Majestst Kongen af Danmark og the King of Denmark, and the rati- Ratifikationerne skulle udvexles i fications shall be exchanged at Co- Kjobenhavn, saasnart som muligt, penhagen as soon as may be within i Lobet af lo Maaneder fra Dags ten monts from the date hereof. Dato at regne. In witness whereof the Under- Til Bekserftelse heraf have de Un- signed have signed the present con- dertegnede underskrevet naervaerende vention and have affixed thereto the Konvention og paatrykt samme deres seal of their arms. Vaabensegl. Done at Copenhagen in double Skeet i Kjobenhavn i dobbelt Ud- expedition the 15. June 1892. fgerdigelse den 15. Juni 1892. Clark E. Carr. [seal.] Reedtz Thott. [seal.J And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and tHe ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Copenhagen, on the twenty- eighth day of September, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said-Convention to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause .thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this 12th day of Octo- ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight r 1 hundred and ninety-two and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seven- teenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : JOHN W. FOSTER, Secretary of State GREAT BRITAIN— ALASKAN BOUNDARY AND PASSAMAQUODDY BAY. CONVENTION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED KING- DOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND FOR A JOINT SURVEY OF THE TERRITORY ADJACENT TO THE BOUNUARY LINE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA DIVIDING THE TERRITORY OF ALASKA FROM THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY OF CANADA. Concluded at Washington July 22, i8g2. Ratification advised by the Senate July 2^, iSg2. Ratified by the President of the United States July 2g, i8g2. Ratified by the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland August ^, i8g2. Ratifications exchanged at Washington August 23, iSg2. Proclaimed August 26, i8g2. By THE President of the United States of America A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Great Britain providing for the delimitation of the existing boundary between the United States and Her Majesty's possessions in North America in respect to such portions of said boundary as may not in fact have been per- manently marked in virtue of treaties heretofore concluded, was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington, on the twenty-second day of July, one thou- sand eight hundred and ninety-two, the original of which Convention, being in the English language, is word for word as follows: The United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being equally desirous to provide for the removal of all possible cause of difference between their respective governments hereafter in regard to the delimitation of the existing boundary between the United States and Her Majesty's possessions in North America in respect to such portions of said boundary as may^not in fact have been permanently marked in virtue of treaties heretofore concluded ; have resolved to conclude a Convention in furtherance of these ends, and for that purpose have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries; The President of the United States, John W. Foster, Secretary of State of the United States, and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, The Honorable Michael H. Herbert, Charge d' Affaires ad interim of Great Britain, » Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following Articles : Article I. The High Contracting Parties agree that a coincident or joint survey (as may be found in practice most convenient) shall be made of the territory adjacent to that part of the boundary line of the United States of America and the Dominion of Canada dividing the Territory of A,laska from the Province of British Columbia and the Northwest Territory of Canada, from the latitude of 54° 40' North to the point where the said boundary line en- counters the 141st degree of longitude westward from the meridian of Green- wich, by Commissions to be appointed severally by the High Contracting Parties, with a view to the ascertainment of the facts and data necessary to the permanent delimitation of said boundary line in accordance with the spirit and intent of the existing treaties in regard to it between Great Britain and Russia and between the United States and Russia. Application will be made without delay to the respective legislative bodies for the appropriations necessary for the prosecution of the survey, and the Commissions to be appointed by the two governments shall meet at Ottawa within two months after said appropriation shall have been made, and shall proceed as soon as practicable thereafter to the active discharge of their duties. The respective Commissions shall complete the survey and submit their final reports thereof within two years from the date of their first meeting. The Commissions shall, so far as they may be able to agree, make a joint report to each of the two governments, and they shall also report, either jointly or severally, to each government on any points upon which they may be unable to agree. Each government shall pay the expenses of the Commission appointed by it. Each government engages to facilitate in every possible way any opera- tions which, in pursuance of the plan to be agreed upon by the Commissions, may be conducted within its territory by the Commission of the other. The High Contracting Parties agree that, as soon as practicable after the report or reports of the Commissions shall have been received, they will proceed to consider and establish the boundary line in question. Article II. The High Contracting Parties agree that the Governments of the United States and of Her Britannic Majesty in behalf of the Dominion of Canada shall, with as little delay as possible, appoint two Commissioners, one to be named by each party, to determine upon a method of more accurately mark- ing the boundary line between the two countries in the waters of Passama- quoddy Bay in front of and adjacent to Eastport, in the State of Maine, and to place buoys or fix such other boundary marks as they may determine to be necessary. Each government shall pay the expenses of its own Commissioner, and cost of marking the boundary in such manner as shall be determined upon shall be defrayed by the High Contracting Parties in equal moieties. Article III. The present Convention shall be duly ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Britannic Majesty ; and the ratifications shall be ex- changed at Washington within twelve months from the date hereof, or earlier if possible. In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this Convention and have hereunto affixed our seals. » Done in duplicate at Washington the 2 2d day of July one thousand eight hundr-ed and ninety-two. JOHN W. FOSTER. [seal.] MICHAEL H HERBERT [seal.] And Whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the twenty- third day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- two; ' Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made pubhc, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this twenty-sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight [seal.] hilndred and ninety-two and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : JOHN W. FOSTER, Secretary of State. CHILE— CLAIMS. CONVKNTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE, FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF CERTAIN CLAIMS OF THE CITIZENS OF EITHER COUNTRY AGAINST THE OTHER. Signed at Santiago August 7, i8g2. Ratification advised by the Senate December 8, ■i8g2. Ratified by the President of the United States December 16, i8g2. Ratifications exchanged January 26, i8gj. Proclaimed January 28, i8gj. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and the RepubHc of Chile, for the settlement of cer- tain claims of the citizens of either country against the other, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentia- ries, at the city of Santiago, on the seventh day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, which Convention is word for word as follows : The United States of America and Los Estados Unidos de America the Republic of Chile, animated by i la Repiiblica de Chile animados the desire to settle and adjust amipa,- , del deseo de arreglar i concluir ami- bly the claims made by the citizens g9.blemente los reclames hechos por of either country against the govern- ciudadanos de cualquiera de los dos ment of the other, growing out of pg.ises contra el Gobierno del otro, acts committed by the civil or mil- provenientes de actos cometidos por itary authorities of either country, las autoridades civiles o militars de have agreed to make arrangements cualquiera de los dos paises, han con- fer that purpose, by means of a. Conr yenido en hacer un arreglo con ese vention, and have named as their fin, por medio de una Convencion i Plenipotentiaries to confer and agree han nombrado sus Plenipotenciarios thereupon as follows : para tratar i convenir sobre lo espu- esto, a saber : The President of the United States of America, Patrick Egan, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary of the United States at Santiago, and the President of the Republic of Chile, Isidore Errazuriz, Minister of Foreign Relations of Chile ; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and true form, have agreed upon the following arti- cles: — Article I. All claims on the part of corpora- tions, companies or private individ- uals, citizens of the United States, upon the Government of Chile, aris- ing out of acts committed against the persons or property of citizens of the United States not in the service of the enemies of Chile, or volunta- rily giving aid and comfort to the same, by the civil or military author- ities of Chile; and on the other hand, all claims on the part of corporations, companies or private individuals, citizens of Chile, upon the Govern- ment of the United States, arising out of acts committed against the persons or property of citizens of Chile, not in the service of the ene- mies of the United States, or volun- tarily giving aid and comfort to the same, by the civil or military authori- ties of the Government of the United States, shall be referred to three Com- missioners, one of whom shall be named by the President of the United States, and one by the President of the Republic of Chile, and the third to be selected by mutual accord be- tween the President of the United States and the President of Chile. In case the President of the United El Presidente de los Estados Unidos al Sefior don Patricio Egan, Enviado Estraordinario i Ministro Plenipo- tenciario de los Estados Unidos en Santiago; i el Presidente de la Reptiblica de Chile al Senor don Isidoro Errazuriz, Ministro de Re- laciones Esteriores de Chile. Quienes, despues de haberse com- unicado reciprocamente sus respec- tivos Plenos Poderes, i encontradolos en buena i debida forma, han con- venido en los articulos siguientes : Articulo I. Todos los reclamos entablados por corporaciones, companias o indivi- duos privados, ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, contra el Gobierno de Chile, derivados de actos cometi- dos por las autoridades civiles o militares de Chile contra las personas o propiedad de ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos que no esten al servi- cio de los enemigos de Chile, ni hayan prestado a estos voluntari- amente ayuda i auxilio, i por la otra parte, todos los reclamos de corpora- ciones, companias o individuos pri- vados, ciudadanos de Chile, contra el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, derivados de actos cometidos por las autoridades civiles o militares de los Estados Unidos contra las personas o propiedad de ciudadanos de Chile, que no esten al servicio de los ene- migos de los Estados Unidos ni hayan prestado a estos voluntariamente ayuda i auxilio, seran sometidos a tres Comisionados, de los cuales uno sera nombrado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, otro por el Presidente de la Republica de Chile i el tercero sera elejido por mutuo acuerdo entre el Presidente de los Estados Unidos i el Presidente States and the President of Chile shall not agree within three months from the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention to nominate such third Commissioner then said nomi- nation of said third Commissioner shall be made by the President of the Swiss Confederation. Article II. The said Commission, thus consti- tuted, shall be competent and obliged to examine and decide upon all claims of the aforesaid character pre- sented to them by the citizens of either country. Article III. In case of the death, prolonged absence or incapacity to serve of one of the said Commissioners, or in the event of one Commissioner omit- ting, or declining, or ceasing to act as such, then the President of the United States, or the President of the Republic of Chile, or the Presi- dent of the Swiss Confederation, as the case may be, shall forthwith pro- ceed to fill the vacancy so occasioned by naming another Commissioner within three months from the occur- rence of the vacancy. Article IV. The Commissioners named as here- inbefore provided shall meet in the City of Washington at the earliest convenient time within six months after the exchange of ratifications of this Convention, and shall, as their first act in so meeting, make and sub- scribe a solemn declaration that they will impartially and carefully examine and decide, to the best of their judg- de Chile. En caso de que el Presi- dente de los Estados Unidos i el Presidente de Chile no se pusieren de acuerdo, dentro de los tres meses sub- siguientes al canje de las ratificaciones de esta Convencion, acerca del nom- bramiento del tercer Comisionado, el nombramiento de este tercer Comis- ionado sera hecho por el Presidente de la Confederacion Suiza. ARTfcULO II. La espresada Comision formada asi, tendra facultad i obligacion de examinar i decidir todos los recla- mos de la naturaleza antes indicada que le fueren presentados por los ciudadanos de uno i otro pais. Articulo III. En caso de muerte, ausencia pro- longada 6 incapacidad para servir, de uno de los referidos Comisionados, 6 en el evento de que un Comisionado rehuse 6 cese de obrar como tal, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos o el Presidente de Chile o el Presi- dente de la Confederacion Suiza, segun fuere el caso, procedera sin demora a llenar la vacante asi oca- sionada, nombrando otro Comision- ado dentro de los tres meses contados desde que ocurrio la vacante. ArtIculo IV. I/OS Comisionados nombrados en la forma antes establecida se reuniran en la ciudad de Washington a la mayor brevedad posible i dentro de los seis meses posteriores al canje de las ratificaciones de esta Convencion i como primer acto en esa reunion formularan i subscribiran una sol- emne declaracion de que ellos exam- inaran imparcial i cuidadosamente, ment and according to public law, justice and equity, without fear, fa- vor or affection, all claims within the description and true meaning of Ar- ticles I and II., which shall be laid before them on the part of the Gov- ernments of the United States and of Chile respectively ; and such declara- tion shall be entered on the record of their proceedings ; Provided, how- ever, that the concurring judgment of any two Commissioners shall be adequate for every intermediate de- cision arising in the execution of their duty and for every final award. Article V. The Commissioners shall, without delay, after the organization of the Commission, proceed to examine and determine the claims specified in the preceding articles, and notice shall be given to the respective Govern- ments of the day of their organiza- tion and readiness to proceed to the transaction of the business of the Commission. They shall investigate and decide said claims in such order and in such manner as they may think proper, but upon such evidence or information only as shall be fur- nished by or on behalf of the re- spective Governments. They shall be bound to receive and consider all written documents or statements which may be presented to them by or on behalf of the respective Gov- ernments in support of, or in answer to, any claim, and to hear, if required, one person on each side whom it shall be competent for each Government to name as its Counsel or Agent to present and support claims on its behalf, on each and every separate claim. Each Government shall fur- segun su major entender, i, de acu- erdo con el derecho publico, la jus- ticia i la equidad, sin temor, favor,, ni afeccion, todos los reclamos com- prendidos en la enumeracion i verda- dero significado de los articulos I i II,, que les fueren presentados de parte de los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos i de Chile, respectivamente ; i tal declaracion sera anotada en el acta; entendi^ndose sin embargo que el juicio uniforme de dos Comision- ados bastara para tomar cualquiera resolucion interlocutoria que se pro- duzca en el ejercicio de sus funciones i para cualquiera sentencia definitiva. ArtIculo v. Los Comisionados procederan sin tardanza, una vez organizada la Comision a examinar i ordenar los reclamos especificados en los articulos precedentes i daran aviso a sus Go- biernos respectivos del dia de su organizacion i de hallarse prontos para iniciar los trabajos de la Com- ision. Ellos investigaran i decidiran los indicados reclamos en el orden i forma que juzguen propios, pero solo en vista de las pruebas 6 informa- ciones que les seran suministradas por 6 de la parte de los Gobiernos respectivos. Estaran obligados a recibir i tomar en cuenta todo docu- mento 6 esposicion escritos que se les presentare por 6 de parte de los re- spectivos Gobiernos en apoyo 6 en contestacion a algun reclamo, i a oir, si se creyese necesario en todos 6 en cada uno de los reclamos separada- mente, a una persona de cada lado que cada Gobierno esta facultado para nombrar como su abogado 6 ajente para presentar i sostener re- clamos de su parte. Cada uno de los Gobiernos suministrara, a peticion nish at the request of the Commis- sioners, or of any two of them, the papers in its possession which may be ittipoptant to the just determina- tion of any of the claims laid before the Commission. Article VI. The concurring decisions of the Commissioners, or of any two of them, shall be conclusive and final. Said decisions shall in every case be given upon each individual claim, in writing, stating in the event of a pecuniary award being made, the amount or equivalent value of the same in gold coin, of the United States; and in the event of interest being allowed on such award, the rate thereof and the period for which it is to be computed shall be fixed, which period shall not extend beyond the close of the Commission; and said decision shall be signed by the Commissioners concurring therein. Article VII. The High Contracting Parties hereby engage to consider the de- cision of the Commissioners, or of any two of them, as absolutely final and conclusive upon each claim de- cided upon by them, and to give full effect to such decisions without any objections, 'Evasions, or delay what- ever. Article VIII. Every claim ^hall be presented to the Con^missioners within a period of two months reckoned from the day of thefr first meeting for business, after notice to the respective Gov- ernments as prescribed in Article V of this Convention. Nevertheless, de los Comisionados, 6 de cuales- quiera dos de ellos, los papeles que posea i que sean de importancia para la justa apreciacion de algunos de los reclamos presentados a la Comi- sion. Articulo VI. Las resoluciones unanimes de los Comisionados 6 de cialquiera dos de ellos seran concluyentes i defini- tivas. Tales decisiones seran pro- nuncianadas en cada caso sobre cada reclamo en particular, por escrito, estableciendo, en el caso de que se de una sentencia que importe un pago, el monto 6 valor equivalente de la suma en moneda de oro de los Estados Unidos, i en el caso de que eo tal sentencia se concedan intereses debera fijarse el tipo de estos i el periodo durante el cual deban ser computados, periodo que no debera estenderse mas alia de la clausura de la Comision, i el referido fallo sera suscrito por los Comisionados que hubieren tornado parte en 61. Articulo VII. Las Altas Partes Contratantes se comprometen a considerar la de- cision de los Comisionados 6 de cualesquiera dos de ellos, como ab- solutamente final i concluyente sobre cada reclamo resuelto por ellos i a dar cumplido efecto a cada sentencia sin objeciones, evasivas 6 dilatorias de cualquiera clase. ARTfCULO VIIl. Cada reclamo sera presentado a los Comisionados dentro del periodo de dos meses contados desde el dia de su primera sesion de trabajo, des- pues de haber comunicado el hecho a los respectivos Gobiernos, como lo prescribe el articulo V de esta con- where reasons for delay shall be es- tablished to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, or of any two of them, the period for presenting the claim may be extended by them to any time not exceeding two months longer. The Commissioners shall be bound to examine and decide upon every claim within six months from the day of their first meeting for business as aforesaid ; which period shall not be extended except only in case of the proceedings of the Commission shall be interrupted by the death, incapacity, retirement or cessation of the functions of any one of the Commissioners, in which event the period of six months herein pre- scribed shall not be held to include the time during which such inter- ruption may actually exist. It shall be competent in each case for the said Commissioners to decide whether any claim has, or has not, been duly made, preferred, and laid before them, either wholly, or to any and what extent, according, to the true intent and meaning of this Con- vention. Article IX. All sums of money which may be awarded by the Commissioners as aforesaid, shall be paid by the one Government to the other, as the case may be, at the capital of the Govern- ment to receive §uch payment, within six months after thedate of the final award, without interest,, and without any deduction save as specified in Article X. Article X. The Commissioners shall keep an accurate record and correct minutes vencion. Sin embargo, sise alegaren, en favor del retardo, razones satisfac- torias para los Comisionados 6 para cualesquiera dos de alios,' el plazO' para presentar el reclamo puede ser estendido por ellos dentro de un periodo que no exceda de dos meses. Los Comisionados estaran obli- gados a examinar i resolver cada reclamo dentro de los seis meses contados desde el dia de su primera reunion de trabajo, como antes se ha dicho, cuyo perjodo no sera ampliado escepto solamente en el caso de que los trabajps de la Comision fueran interrumpidos por la muerte, inca- pacidad, retiro 6 cesacion de func- iones de algunos de los Comisionados, i, en este caso, el periodo de seis meses aqui prescrito no Se entendera que abraza el tiempo durante el cual tal interrupcion pueda durar. Los referidos Comisionados estan facultados para decidir en cada caso si un reclamo ha sido 6 no debida- mente hecho, espuesto, presentado i sostenido ante ellos, ya fuese en el todo 6 en alguna parte, de acuerdo con el verdadero proposito e inteli- jencia de esta Con vencion. ARTfCULO IX. Todas las sumas en dinero que los Comisionados ordenaren pagar, en la forma anterior, seran cubiertas por un Gobierho al otro, segun fuere el caso, de manera que el Gobierno pueda recibir en su capital dicho pago, den- tro de los seis meses posteriores a la fecha de la sentencia definitiva, sin intereses i sin otra deduccion que la especificada en el articulo X. Articulo X. Los Comisionados llevaran un pro- lijo rejistro i correctas actas 6 notas or notes of all their proceedings, with the dates therof; and the Govern- ments of the United States and of Chile may each appoint and employ a Secretary versed in the languages of both countries, and the Commission- ers may appoint any other necessary officer or officers to assist them in the transaction of the business which may come before them. Each Government shall pay its own Commissioner, Secretary and Agent or Counsel, and at the same or equiv- alent rates of compensation, as near as may be, for like officers on the one side as on the other. All other ex- penses, including the compensation of the third Commissioner, which latter shall be equal or equivalent to that of the other Commissioners shall be defrayed by the two Governments in equal moieties. The whole expenses of the Commis- sion, including contingent expenses, shall be defrayed by a ratable deduc- tion on the amount of the sums awarded by the Commissioners,, pro- vided always that such deduction shall not exceed the rate of five per- centum on the sum so awarded. If the whole expenses shall exceed this rate, then the excess of expense shall be defrayed jointly by the two Gov- ernments in equal moieties. Article XI. The High Contracting Parties agree to consider the result of the proceedings of the Commission pro- vided for by this Convention as a full, perfect and final settlement of any and every claim upon either Gov- ernment within the description and true meaning of Articles I and II; and that every such claim, whether or not the same may have been de todos los procedimientos con sus respectivas fechas, i los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos i de Chile pueden cada cual nombrar i ocupar un Sec- retario versado en el idioraa de ambos paises, i los Comisionados pueden nombrar algun otro empleado 6 em- pleados necesarios que les ayuden en el despacho de los asuntos que pendi- eran ante ellos. Cada Gobierno pagara su propio Comisionado, Secretario y Ajente 6 abogado, i la rerauneracion sera tan equivalente cuanto fuere posible para los empleados de una u otra parte. Todos los demas gastos, incluyendo la remuneracion del tercer Comisi- onado, la cual sera igual 6 equivalente a la de los otros Comisionados, sera pagado por los dos Gobiernos por mitad. Todos los gastos de la Comision, incluyendo, desembolsos imprevistos, seran pagados con una deduccion a prorrata del monto de las sumas falla- das por la Comision, con tal que dicha deduccion no exceda la couta del cinco por ciento de las sumas falla- das. Si el valor total de los gastos excediere esta cantidad, el exceso de gastos sera pagado juntamente i por mitad por los dos Gobiernos. Arti'culo XI. Las Altas Partes Contratanies con- vienen en considerar el resultado de los trabajos de la Comision estable- cida por esta Convencion como un arreglo completo, perfecto i final de todos i de cada uno de los reclamos contra uno i otro Gobierno, dentro de la prescripcion i verdadera inteli- jencia de los articulos I i II; i que cada reclamo, ya sea que se haya 6 presented to the notice of, made, preferred or laid before the said Commission, shall, from and after the conclusion of the proceedings of the said Commission, be treated and considered as finally settled, con- cluded and barred. Article XII. The present Convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate thereof and by the President of the Republic of Chile, with the consent and appro- bation of the Congress of the same, and the ratifications shall be ex- changed at Washington, at as early a day as may be possible within six months from the date hereof. In testimony whereof the respec- tive Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention, in the Eng- lish and Spanish languages, in dupli- cate, and hereunto affixed their respective seals. Done at the city of Santiago the seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. [seal. J Patrick Egan. [seal.] Isidoro Errazuriz. no elevado a conocimiento, formu- lado, sometido i sostenido ante la referida Comision, sera desde la con- clusion de los trabajos de la Comision, considerado i tenido comofinalmente resuelto, concluido i finiquitado. ARTfCULO XII. La presente Convencion sera rati- ficada por el Presidente de los Esta- dos Unidos, con el consejo i acuerdo del Senado, i por el Presidente de la Reptiblica de Chile, con el consenti- miento i aprobacion del Congreso de la misma, i las ratificaciones seran canjeadas en Washington en el mas breve plazo posible dentro de los seis meses contados desde esta fecha. En testimonio de lo cual los re- spectivos Plenipotenciarios han fir- mado la presente Convencion en los idiomas ingles i espafiol, por dupli- cado i le han puesto aqui sus sellos respectivos. Hecha en la ciudad de Santiago el dia siete de Agosto de 1892. Patrick Egan. [seal.] Isidoro Errazuriz. [seal.] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the twenty-sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-eighth day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand T- -1 eight hundred and ninety-three, and of the Inde- I ^ ^f " ' 'u I pendence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. BENJ HARRISON By the President : JOHN W. FOSTER, Secretary of State. MEXICO: RECIPROCAL RIGHT TO PURSUE SAVAGE INDIANS ACROSS BOUNDARY LINE.— RENEWAL. AQRKKM KNT A. DOUGHERTY, CHARGE D'AFFAIRES AD INTERIM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND IGNACIO MARISCAL, SECRETARY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Signed at Mexico November 25, i8g2. Renewal of Agreement. The undersigned, duly authorized thereto by their respective Govern- ments, In view of the wish of the Govern- ment of the United States of Amer- ica, manifested by its Honorable Sec- retary of State, under date of the 1 7th of the current month, through its Le- gation, to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, for a renewal of the agreement signed at Washington on the 25th of June 1890, to allow fed- eral troops of each of the two coun- tries to cross over to the territory of the other in pursuit of savage hos- tile indians, such renewal having be- come necessary by reason of the raids which, according to advices from the War Department of the United States, are being committed by some Apaches headed by the indian called "KID" along the dividing line be- tween Arizona and New Mexico, it being feared that they seek to evade pursuit made by troops of the United States, by crossing the frontier of Mexico. Los infrascritos, con la necesaria autorizacion de sus respectivos Go- biernos, Visto el deseo del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, mani- festado por su honorable Secretario de Estado con fecha 17 del presente mes, por conducto de su Legacion, al Seicretario deRelaciones Exteriores de Mexico, de que se renueve el con- venio firmado en Washington el 25 de Junio de 1890, para que se per- mita a las tropas federales de cada urio de los dos paises pasar al territorio del otro en persecucion de indios salvajes sublevados, porque hacen necesaria dicha renovacion las depredaciones que, segiin informes del Departa- mento de Guerra de los Estados Uni- dos, estan cometiendo unos apaches encabezados por el indio Uamado "Kid," a lo largo de lalineadiviso- ria entre Arizona y Nuevo Mexico, siendo de temerse que traten de esca- par a la persecucion que les hacen tropas de los Estados Unidos, atra- vesando la frontera de Mexico j And, considering that the under- standing between the two interested Governments to avoid the continua- tion of the evils consequent upon the -uprising of the said indians is urgent, They have agreed, in name and representation of their respective Governments, to renew the aforesaid agreement pf June 25, 1890, of which a printed copy in English and Span- ish is hereto attached, to the end that its effects may prevail for all such time as said uprising may last on the part of the Apache indians led by the ring-leader "KID," and the necessity may exist for their pur- suit by an armed force, provided that, in no case, may the duration of the agreement thus hereby renewed, be extended beyond one year from this date. Done in two copies, signed and sealed in the city of Mexico, this twenty-fifth day of November, the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. [seal.] C. a. DOUGHERTY [seal.] IGNO MARISCAL Y considerando que es urgente el acuerdo entre los dos Gobiernos in- teresados para evitar }a continuaciort de los males ocasionados por la sub- levacion de dichos indios, Han convenido, en nombre y re- presentacion de sus respectivos' Go- biernos, en restablecer el citado arreglo del 25 de Junio de 1890, del cual se agrega un ejemplar impreso en ingl6s y castellano, para que surta sus efectos por todo el tiempo que dure la repetida sublevacion de los indios apaches que dirige el cabe- cilla Kid, y la necesidad de perse- guirlos con fuerza armada, sin que, en ningiln caso, pueda extenderse la duracion del convenio que al pre- sente se renueva, a mas de un afio contado desde estafecha. Hecho en dos ejemplares, iirmado y sellado en la ciudad de Mexico, hoy, veinticinco de Noviembre de mil ochocientos noventa y dos. [SELLO.] IGNO MARISCAL. [SELLO.J C. A. DOUGHERTY. Agreement, Signed at Washington, June 25, 1890. Agreement entered into in behalf of their respective Governments, by James G. Blaine, Secretary of State of the United States of Amer- ica,- and Matias Edmero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen- ipotentiary of the United Mexican States, providing for the reciprocal crossing of the international bound- ary line by the troops of their re- spective governments, in pursuit of savage hostile Indians, under the conditions hereinafter stated. Article I. It is agreed that the regular fed- eral troops of the two Republics may reciprocally cross the boundary line of the two countries, when they are in close pursuit of a band of hos- tile savage Indians, upon the condi- tions stated in the following articles : Article II. It is understood for the purpose of this agreement, that no Indian scouts, of the Government of the United States of America shall be allowed to cross the boundary line, unless they go as guides and trailers, un- armed, and not exceeding in any case, two scouts for each Company or each" separate command. Article III The reciprocal crossing agreed upon in Article I, shall only occur in the unpopulated or desert parts of said boundary line. For the pur- pose of. this agreement the unpopu- Convenio celebrado en nombre de sus respectivos Gobiernos, por James G. Blaine, Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de Ameriea, y Matias Romero, Enviado Extra- ordinario y Ministro Plenipoten- ciario de los Estados Unidos Mexi- canos, autorizando el paso reciproco provisional de la linea divisoria in- ternacional, de tropas de sus res- pectivos Gobiei^os, en persecucioH de indios salvajes sublevados, bajo las restricciones que en seguida se expresan : Articulo I. Se conviene en que las tropas fede- rales regulares de las dos Republicas pasen reciprocamente la linea divisor ria entre los dos paises cuando vayan persiguiendo de cerca una partida de indios salvajes sublevados, con arre- glo a las cqndiciones que se expresan en los articulos siguientes : ARTiCULO II. Para los efectos de este convenio queda entendido que no se permitira a ningun explorador indio (scout) del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, cruzar la linea divisoria, a no ser que vaya sin armas y como guia y practice en las huellas, y en el concepto de que en ningun caso acompanaran mas de dos indios ex- ploradores (scouts) a cada Compania 6 cada mando separadp. -ARTfCULO III. , El paso reciproco convenido en el articulo I no podra hacerse sino por la parte despoblada y desierta de dicha linea divisoria. Para los efec- tos de este convenio se entienden por lated or desert parts are defined to be all those points which are at least ten kilometers distant from any en- campment or town of either country. Article IV. No crossing of troops of either country shall take place from Capitan Leal, a town on the Mexican side of the Rio Bravo, eighty-four kilome- ters (52 English miles) above Piedras Negr^s, to the mouth of the Rio Grande. Article V. The Commander of the troops which cross the frontier in pursuit of Indians, shall, at the time of cross- ing, or before if possible, give notice of his march to the nearest military commander, or civil authority, of the country whose territory he enters. Article VI. The pursuing force shall retire to its own territory as soon as it shall have fought the band of which it is in pursuit, or have lost its trail. In no case shall the forces of the two countries, respectively, establish themselves or remain in the foreign territory, for any time longer than is necessary to make the pursuit of the band whose trail they follow. Article VII The abuses which may be commit- ted by the forces which cross into the territory of the other nation, shall be punished by the government to which the forces belong, according to the gravity of the offence and in con- formity with its laws, as if the abuses had been committed in its own terri- partes despobladas 6 desiertas todos aquellospuntosdistantes por lo menos diez kilometros de cualquier campa- mento 6 poblacion de ambos paises. ArtIculo IV. El paso de tropas de uno h otro pals no podra tener lugar desde Capi- tan Leal, poblacion en el lado mexi- cano del Rio Bravo a ochenta y cua- tro kilometros (5^ millasinglesas), rio arriba de Piedras Negras hasta la em- bocadura del Rio Bravo del Norte. ARXfCULO V. El Jefe de las fuerzas que pasen la frontera en persecucion de indios, debera, al cruzar la linea divisoria 6 antes si fuere posible, dar aviso de su marcha al Jefe militar 6 a la autori- dad' civil mas inmediata del pais a cuyo territorio va a entrar. Articulo VI. La fuerza perseguidora se retirara a su pals tan luego como haya batido la partida pereeguida 6 perdido su huella. En ningun caso podran las fuerzas de los dos paises, respectiva- mente, establecerse en el territorio extranjero, ni permanecer en 61 mas tiempo que el necesario para hacer la persecucion de la partida cuya huella sigan. ARTfCULO VII. Los abusos que cometan las fuerzas que pasen al territorio de la otra nacion, seran castigados, segun la gravedad de la ofensa y con arreglo a sus leyes, por el Gobierno de quien dependan, como si fuesen cometidos en su propio territorio, quedando siempre obligado el mismo Gobierno tory, the said government being further under obligation to withdraw the guilty parties from the frontier. Article VIII. In the case of offences which may be committed by the inhabitant^ of the one country against the foreign forces which may be within its lim- its, the government of said country ■ shall only be responsible to the gov- ernment of the other "for denial of justice in the punishment of the guilty. Article IX. This being a provisional agree- ment it shall remain in force until both governments negotiate a defi- nite one, and may be terminated by either government upon four months notice to the other to that effect; but in no case shall this agreement remain in force for more than one year from this date. Article X. The Senate of the United Mexican States, having authorized the Presi- dent to conclude the present agree- ment, it shall have its effect from this date. In testimony whereof we have in- terchangeably signed this agreement this 2Sth day of June, 1890. JAIVPES G: BLAINE [l. s.J M. ROMERO [l. s.] a retirar de la frontera a los culpa- bles. Articulo VIII. En los casos de delitos cometidos por los habitantes de un pais contra la fuerza del otro, que est6 dentro de los limites del primero, el Qobierno de este pais solo es responsable para con el otro Gobierno por denegacion de justicia en el castigo de los Cul- pables. Articulo IX. Siendo este convenio provisional, permanecera en vigor mientrasam- bos Gobiernos celebran uno defini- tivo y podra terminarse por cual- quiera de los dos Gobiernos niediante la notificacion respectiva hecha al otro ' Gobierno, dada con cuatro meses de anticipacion ; pero en nin- gun caso permanecera vigente por mas de un ano contado desde esta fecha. ARTfCULO X. Habiendo el Senado de los Esta- dos Unidos Mexicanos autorizado al Presidente para celebrar este conve- nio, comenzara a tener efecto desde esta fecha. En testimonio de lo cual hemos firmado este convenio el 25 de Junio de 1890. JAMES G. BLAINE [seal.] M. ROMERO. [seal.] SWEDEN— EXTRADITION. TRKATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN FOR THE EXTRADITION OF CRIMINALS. Signed at Washington January 14, iSgj. Ratification advised by the Senate February 2, i8gj. Ratified by the President February 8, i8gj. Ratified by the King February 10, iSgj. Ratifications exchanged at Washington March 18, i8gj. Proclaimed March 18, iSgs- ' By the President of the United States of America. a proclamation Whereas, a Treaty between the United States and Sweden for the extradition of criminals was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Washington, on the fourteenth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, which Treaty is word for word as follows : Treaty between the United States of America and Sweden for the extradition of criminals. The United States of America and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, being desirous to confirm their friendly relations and to promote the cause of justice, have resolved to conclude a new treaty for the extradi- tion of fugitives from justice between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Sweden, and have appointed for that purpose the following Plenipotentiaries : The President of the United States of America, John W. Foster, Secre- tary of State of the United States ; and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, J. A. W. Grip, His Majesty's Enyoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to ft? Vnited States J Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles : Article I. The Government of the United States and the Governinent of Sweden mutually agree to deliver up persons who, having been charged with or con- victed of any of the crimes and offenses specified in the following article, committed within the jurisdiction of one of the contracting parties, shall seek an asylum or be found within the territories of the other: Provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence of criminality as, accord- ing to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his or her apprehension and commitment for trial, if the crime or offense had been there committed. Article II. Extradition shall be granted for the following crimes and offenses: 1 . Murder, comprehending assassination, parricide, infanticide and poi- soning; attempt to commit murder; the killing of a human being, when such act is punishable in the United States as voluntary manslaughter, and in Sweden as manslaughter.. 2. Arson. 3. Robbery, defined to be the act of feloniously and forcibly taking from the person of another money or goods, by violence or putting him in fear ; burglary; also house-breaking or shop-breaking. 4. Forgery, or the utterance of forged papers; the forgery or falsification of official acts of government, of public authorities, or of courts of justice, or the utterance of the thing forged or falsified. 5. The counterfeiting, falsifying or altering of money, whether coin or paper, or of instruments of debt created by national, state, provincial, or municipal governments, or of coupons thereof, or of bank-notes, or the ut- terance or circulation of the same; or the counterfeiting, falsifying or alter- ing of seals of state. 6. Embezzlement by public officers; embezzlement by persons hired or salaried, to the detriment of their employers; larceny; obtaining money, val- uable securities or other property by false pretenses, or receiving money, valuable securities or other property knowing the same to have been embez- zled, stolen or fraudulently obtained, when such act is made criminal by the laws of both countries and the amount of money or the value of the prop- erty fraudulently obtained or received is not less than $200 or kronor 740. 7. Fraud or breach of trust by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee or other person acting in a fiduciary capacity, or director or member or officer of any company, when such act is made criminal by the laws of both coun- tries and the amount of money or the value of the property misappropriated is not less than ^200 or kronor 740. 8. Perjury; subornation of perjury. 9- Rape; abduction; kidnapping. 10. Willful and unlawful destruction or obstruction of railroads which endangers human life. 11. Crimes committed at sea: a. Piracy, by statute or by the law of nations ; b. Revolt, or conspiracy to revolt,- by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas, against the authority of the master ; c. Wrongfully sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting to do so; d. Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with intent to do grievous bodily harm. 12. Crimes and offenses against the laws of both countries for the sup- pression of slavery and slave trading. Extradition is also to take place for participation in any of the crimes' and offenses mentioned in this treaty, provided such participation may be punished, in the United States as a felony, and in Sweden by imprisonment at hard labor. Article III. Requisitions for the surrender of fugitives from justice shall be made by the diplomatic agents of the contracting parties, or in the absence of these from the Country or its seat of government, may be made by the superior consular officers. If the person whose extradition is requested shall have been convicted of a crime or offense, a duly authenticated copy of the sentence of the court in which he was convicted, or if the fugitive is merely charged with crime, a duly authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest-in the country where the crime has been committed, and of the depositions or other evidence upon which such warrant was issued, shall be produced. The extradition of fugitives under the .provisions of this Treaty shall be carried out in the United States and- Sweden, respectively, in conformity with the laws regulating extradition for the time being in force in the state on which the demand for surrender is made. Article IV. Where the arrest and "detention of a fugitive are desired on telegraphic or other information in advance of the presentation of formal proofs, the proper course in the United States shall be to apply to the judge or other magistrate authorized to issue warrants of arrest in ej^tradition cases, and pre- sent a complaint on oath, as provided by the statutes of the United States. In the Kingdom of Svveden the proper course shall be to apply to the Foreign Office, which will immediately cause the necessary steps to be taken in order to secure the provisional arrest and detention of the fugitive. The provisional detention of a fugitive shall cease and the prisoner be released, if a formal requisition for his surrender, accompanied by the neces- sary evidence of his criminality, has not been produced, under the stipula- tions of this Treaty, within two' months from the date of his provisional arrest or detention. Article V. Neither of the contracting parties shall be bound to deliver up its own citizens or subjects under the stipulations of this Treaty. Article VI. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offense in respect of which his surrender is demanded be of a political character, or if he proves that the requisition for his surrender has, in fact, been made with a view to try or punish him for an offense of a political character. No person surrendered by either of the high contracting parties to the other shall be triable or tried or be punished for any political crime or offense, or for any act connected therewith, committed previously to his extradition. If any question ^hall arise as to whether a case comes within the provi- sions of this article, the decision of the authorities of the government on which the demand for surrender is made, or which may have granted the extradition shall be final. Article VII. Extradition shall not be granted, in pursuance of the provisions of this Treaty, if legal proceedings or the enforcement of the penalty for the act committed by the person claimed has become barred by limitation, ac- cording to the laws of the country to which the requisition is addressed. Article VI II. No person surrendered by either of the high contracting parties to the other shall, without his consent, freely granted and publicly declared by him, be triable or tried or be punished for any crime or offense committed prior to his extradition, other than that for which he was delivered up, until he shall have had. an opportunity of returning to the country from which he was surrendered. Article IX. All articles seized which are in the possession pf the person to be surren- dered at the time of his apprehension, whether being the proceeds of the crime or offense charged, or being material as evidence in making proof of the crime or offense, shall, so far as practicable and in conformity with the laws of the respective countries, be given up when the extradition takes place. Nevertheless, the rights of third parties, with regard to such articles shall be duly respected. < Article X. If the individual claimed by one of the high contracting parties, in pur- suance of the present Treaty, shall also be claimed by one or several other powers on account of crimes or offenses committed within their respective jurisdictions, his extradition shall be granted to the state whose demand is first received: Provided, that the government from which extradition is sought is not bound by Treaty to give preference otherwise. Article XI. The expenses incurred in the arrest, detention, exatnination and delivery of fugitives under this Treaty shall be borne by the state in whose name the extradition is sought : Provided, that the demanding government shall not be compelled to bear any expense for the services of such public officers of the government from which extradition is sought as receive a fixed salary; and. Provided, that the charge for the services of such public officers as re- ceive only fees or perquisites shall not exceed their customary fees for the acts or services performed by them had such acts or services been performed in ordinary criminal proceedings under the laws of the country of which they are officers. Article XII. The present treaty shall take effect on the thirtieth day after the date of the exchange of ratifications, and shall not operate retroactively. On the day on which it takes effect the convention of March 21st i860, shall, as be- tween the Governments of the United States and of Sweden cease to be in force except as to crimes therein enumerated and committed prior to that day. The ratifications of the present Treaty shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible, and it shall remain in force for a period of six months after either of the contfactipg Governments shall have given notice of a pur- pose to terminate it. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles and have hereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at the city of Washington this fourteenth day of Jan- uary, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. • JOHN W. FOSTER. [seal.J J. A. W. GRIP. [seal,] And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of Washington on the i8th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof 6 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this i8th. day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- [sEAL.J dred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. GROVER CLEVELAND By the President : W. Q. GRESHAM Secretary of State. ECUADOR— JULIO R. SANTOS. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR. PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO ARBITRATION OF THE CLAIM OF JULIO R. SANTOS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT OP ECUADOR. ■Signed at Quito, I'ebruary 28, 1893. ■Ratification advised by the Seriate, September 11, 1893. Ratified by the President of Ecuador, August 26, 1894. Ratified by the President of the United States, September 16, 1893. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, November 6, 1894. Procladmed, November 7, 18^4. By the President op the United States of America. a proclamation Whereas, a Oonrention between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador providing for the submission to arbitration of the claim of Julio E. Santos against the Government of Ecuador was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Quito on the 28th day of February, in the year one tliousand eight hundred and ninety- three, which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows: The United States of America, Los Estados Unidos de America and the Eepublic of Ecuador, being y la Eepublica del Ecuador, de- desirous of removing all questions seando alejar todo niotivo de desa- of difference between them, and of venencia entre si y mantener sus maintaining their good relations, bnenas relaciones, de acuerdo con inamanner consonant to their just susjustos intereses y dignidad, interests and dignity, have decided ban decidido celebrar una Oonven- to conclude a convention, and for ci6n, y, con tal objeto, han nom- that purpose have named as their brado sus respectivos Plenipoten- respective Plenipotentiaries, to ciarios, d saber: wit: The President of the United .El Presidente de los Estados States; Eowland Blennerhasset Unidos k Eowland Blennerhasset Mahany, Envoy Extraordinary and Mahany, Enviado Extraordinario Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to Ecuador ; and The President of Ecuador; Ho- norato Vasquez, Plenipotentiary ad feoc, of that Republic; who, having -communicated to each other their respective Pull Powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: y Ministro Plenipotenoiario de los Estados Unidos en el Ecuador, y El Presidente del Ecuador d Honorato Vasquez, Plenipotenoia- rio ad hoc de dicha Rep6blica, quienes, habi^ndose manifestado BUS respectivos Plenos Poderes, y, hall^ndolos en buena y debida forma, han acordado los siguientes arti'culos : Akticlb I. The two governments agree to refer to the decision of an arbitra- tor, to be designated in the man- ner hereinafter provided, the claim presented by the Government of the United States against that of the Republic of Ecuador, in behalf of Julio R. Santos, a native of Ecuador, and naturalized as a citizen of the United States in the year 1874; the said claim being for injuries to his person and prop- erty, growing out of his arrest and imprisonment by the authori- ties of Ecuador, and other acts of the said authorities in the years 1884 and 1885. Article II. 1. In order to secure the services of a competent and impartial arbi- trator, it is agreed that the Govern- ment of Her Britannic Majesty be requested to authorize its diplo- matic representative in Quito, to act in that capacity; or in case of his absence from the country, that this permission be given his suc- cessor. 2. In case of the failure of the diplomatic representative of Her Britannic Majesty's Government, or of the successor of the said rep- resentative, to act as such arbiter, then the said representative, or his successor, be requested to name an arbitrator who shall not be a citizen either of the United States or of Ecuador. 3. Any vacaiicy in the office of Arbitrator, to be filled in the same manner as the original ap- pointment. Akti'oulo I. L6s dos Gobiernos acuerdan so- meter a la decisi6n de un Arbitro, designado de la manera que luego se indicard, la reclamaci6u presen- tada por al Gobierno de los Esta- dos Unidos contra el de la Repu- blica del Ecuador respecto de Julio R. Santos, native del Ecua- dor y ciudadano naturalizado en los Estados Unidos en el ano de 1874, reclamacion por danos & su persona y bienes & causa de su arresto y prisi6n por las autori- dades del Ecuador y otros actos de las mismas autoridades en los anos de 1884 y 1885. ABTfOTJLO II. 1. Para asegurar los servicios de un Arbitro imparcial y compe- tente, se ha convenido que se su- plique al Gobierno de Su Majestad Brit^nica, autorice h su represen- tante diplomdtico en ■ Quito para que actue con ese' cdracter, y en el caso de ausencia de 6ste, d6 igual permiso d su sucesor. 2. En caso de impedimento del representante diplomdtico del Go- bierno de Su Majestad Britdnica 6 del sucesor de dicho representante para actuar como Arbitro, se solicitarA del mismo representante 6 su sucesor uombre un Arbitro, que no sea ciudadano de los Esta- dos Unidos ni del Ecuador. 3. Cualquiera vacante que ocu- rriere en el cargo de Arbitro, se Uenard de la misma manera Article III. Abtioxjlo III. 1. As soon as may be after the designation of the Arbitrator, not to exceed the period of ninety days, the written or printed case of each of the contracting parties, accompanied by the documents, the official correspondence and other evidence on which each relies, shall be delivered to the Arbitrator, and to the agent of the other party; and within ninety days after such delivery and ex- change of the cases of the two parties, either party may, in like manner, deliver to the Arbitrator, and to the agent of the other side, a counter-case to the documents and evidence presented by the other party, with such written or printed argument as may, byeach, be deemed proper. And each government shall furnish upon the request of the other, or its agent, such papers in its posses- sion as may be deemed important to the just determination of the claim. 2. Within the last named period of ninety days, the Arbitrator may also call for such evidence as he may deem proper, to be furnished within the same period; and shall also receive such oral and docu- mentary evidence as each govern- ment may offer. Each government shall also furnish, upon the requi- sition of the Arbitrator, all docu- ments in its possession, which may be deemed by him as material to the just determination of the claim. 3. Within sixty days after the last mentioned period of ninety days, the Arbitrator shall render his opinions and decisions in writ- ing, and certify the same to the two Governments. These deci- sions and opinions shall embrace the following points, to-wit: (a) Whether, according to the evidence adduced, Julio E. Santos, by his return to and residence in Ecuador, did or did not, under the provisions of theTreaty of Natural- 1. Tan pronto como se queda, despu<5s de designado el Arbitro, y dentro delperiodo de noventa dias, se entregardn al Artritro y al agen- te de la otra Parte, el memorialim- preso 6 escrito de las Partes con- tratantes, acompanado de los do- cumentos,lacorrespondenciaoflcial y dem^s pruebas que lo apoyen; y dentro de noventa dias despu^s de tal entrega y cambio de los alegatos de ambas Partes, puede cada una de ellas entregar de la misma ma- nera, al Arbitro y al agente de la otra Parte una r6plica I los docu- mentos y pruebas presentados por la otra Parte, asi como cualquier otraalegacion escrita 6 impresa, del modo que cada una juzgue conve- niente. Cada Gobierno, A peticidn de uno A otro, 6 de su agente, su- ministrard los documeutos que po- seyese y que se juzgaren importan- tes para la justa decisi6u del re- clame. 2. Dentro del dicho periodo de noventa dias puede tambi^n el Ar- bitro pedir las pruebas que juzgaf 6 necesarias, las que se le suministra- r^ii dentro del mismo periodO: re- cibird tambi6n las pruebas orales 6 documentados que cada uno de los Gobiernos quisiere presentar. Cada Gobierno proporcionard tambi^n, & peticion del Arbitro, to- dos los dooumentos que poseyese, que A juicio de 6ste fueren perti- nentes para la justa determinacion del reclamo. 3. Dentro de sesenta dias des^ pu^s del ultimo periodo mencio- nado de noventa dias, el Arbitro dar^ por escrito sus opinione's y decisiones, notiflcAndolas 4 los dos Gobiernos. Estas opiniones y de- cisiones coihprender^n los siguien- tes puntos, & saber : (a) Si conforme A laprueba adu- cida, Julio B.Santos, por su regret al Ecuador y residencia en 61, ha perdido 6 n6, al tenor de lo con- venido en el tratado de naturaliza- ization between the two Goveru- ments, concluded May 6, 1872, for- feit his United States citizenship as to Ecuador, and resume the ob- ligations of the latter country. (6) If he did not so forfeit his United States citizenship, whether or not it was shown by the evi- dence adduced, that Julio R. San- tos has been guilty of such acts of unfriendliness and hostility to the Government of Ecuador, as, under the Law of Nations, deprived him of the consideration and protection due a neutral citizen of a friendly Nation. Article IV. cion entre los dos Gobiemos, ajus- tado el 6 de Mayo del872, respecto del Ecuador su' cindadania de los Estados Unidos y reasumido sus obligaciones para con el Ecuador. (b) Si fen caso cie no haber per- dido su ciudadania de los Estados Unidos, se ha comprobado 6 n6 que Julio K. Santos lu6 culpable de tales actos de enemistad y hostili- dad h^cia el Gobierno del Ecuador que, segun el derecho intern acional, le han privado de la consideracion y proteccion debidas 4 un ciuda- damo neutral de unaNacionamiga. Articxjlo IV. 1. In case either one or the other of the points recited in clauses {a) and (6) of the last preceding arti- cle, should be decided in favor of the contention of the Government of Ecuador, said Government shall be held to no further responsibility to that of the United States for arrest, . imprisonment, and . other acts of the authorities of Ecuador towards Julio K. Santos, during the years 1884 and 1885. 2. On the other hand, should the Arbitrator decide the above recited points against tlje conten- tion of Ecuador, he shall, after a , careful examination of the evidence touching the injuries and losses to the person and property of the said Santos, which shall have been laid before him concerning the arrest and imprisonment of said Santos, and other acts of tne authorities of Ecuador towards him, during the yeais 1884 and 1885, award such damages for said injuries and losses as may be just and equita- ble; which shall be certified to the two Governments and shall be final and conclusive. Aktiolb V. 1. Encasodequeunouotrodelos puntos expresados en las cl^nsulas (a) y (b) deli articulo anterior, se decidieren en favor de lo que sos- tiene el Gobierno del Ecuador, dicho Gobierno quedard para en adelante libre de toda responsabi- lidad para con el de los Estados Unidos, por el arresto, prision y otros actos de las autoridades del Ecuador respecto de Julio E. San- tos, durante los anos de 1884 y 1885. 2. En caso coutratio, si el Arbi- tro decidiere los i)unto8 arriba in- dicados, contra lo que sostiene el Ecuador, despu6s de cuidadoso examen de las pruebas. que se hu- bieren presentado sobre los per- juicios y p6rdidas en la persona y bien«s de dicho Santos por el ar- resto y prisi6n del expresado San- tos y otros actos de las autoridades del Ecuador, respecto de 61, du- rante los anos de 1884 y 1885,; — de- terminar^ el resarcimiento de los expresados perjuicios y p^rdidas, de la manera m^s justa y equita- tiva, lo cual se comunicarA A los dos Gobiemos y serd definitive y Goncluyente. ABTfOULO V 1. Both Governments agree to treat the decisions of the Arbitra- tor and his award as final and con- clusive. 1. Los dos Gobiernos convienen en tener las decisiones y sentencia del Arbitro como finales y con- cluyentea. 2. Should a pecuniary indemnity be awarded, it shall be specified in the gold coin of the United States, and shall be paid to the Govern- ment thereof within sixty days after the beginning of the first ses- sioa of the Congress of Ecuador, held subsequent to the rendition of the award, and the said award shall bear interest at six per centum from the date of its rendition. 3. The Government of Ecuador, however, reserves the right to pay, before the expiration of the above stated time, the whole amount to the Government of the United States, with interest at six per centum from the date of the an- nouncement of the award till the date of the payment thereof. Aeticlb YI. 2. Si se sentenciare indemniza- ci6n peouniaria, se especificar^ que ha de ser en moneda de oro de los Estados Unidos, y se pagar^ 4 ese Gobierno dentro de sesenta dias, contados desde la primera sesion del Oon^eso del Ecuador, subsi- guiente & la notificacion de la scn- tencia, sentencia que determinard el interns del seis por ciento desde la fecha de su promulgacioD. 3. Sin embargo, el Gobierno del Ecuador se reserva el derecho de pagar al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, antes de la espiraci6n del tiempo arriba indicado, el total de la cantidad con el interns del seis por ciento desde la fecha de la no- tificacion de la sentencia hasta la fecha del pago. ABTfOTJLO VI 1. Bach government shall pay its own agent and counsel, if any, for the expenses of preparing and submitting its case to -the Arbi- trator. 2. All other expenses, including reasonable compensation to the Secretary, if any, of the Arbitra- tor, shall be paid upon the certifi- cates of the Arbitrator, by the two Governments in equal moieties. Aetiolb VII. 1. Cada Gobierno pagar4 & su agente y epnsejero, si lo hubiere, los gastos de preparaci6n y curso de este asunto ante el Arbitro. 2. Todos los dem&s, gastos,- in- clusa una razonable gratiflcacion al Secretario del Arbitro, si lo hu- biere, se pagar^n conform e al cer- tiflcado del Arbitro por los dos Gobiernos y por partes iguales. AEXfOULO VII The present convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate thereof; by the Congress of Ecua- dor and by the President thereof; and the ratifications exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. In faith whereof, the Plenipoten- tiaries have signed and sealed this Convention in duplicate, in the City of Quito, this twenty eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three. La presente Convenci6n ser^ ratificada por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, por y con autori- zaci6n y consentimiento del Sena- do de dichos Estados Unidos; por el Presidente del Ecuador, previa la aprobaci6n del Congreso de di- cha Eepublica, y las ratiflcaciones se canjeardn en Washington, d la brevedad posible. En fe de lo cual, los Plenipoten- ciarios han firmado V sellado esta Convenci6n por duplicado, en la ciudad de Quito' 4 veintiocho de Pebrero del ano de Nuestro Senor de mil ochocientos noventa y tres. [SEAL] EOWLAND BlENNBKHASSET MAHANT [seal] Honokato Vasqtjez And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the 6th day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four; > l^ow, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 7th day of November, in the rsEAL 1 ^®^'' ^^"^ ^ ^"^^ thousand eight hundred and ninety- ^ 'J four and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and nineteenth. GEOVEE CLEVELAND By the President: W. Q. GEESHAM Secretary of State NORWAY— EXTRADITION. TTREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY FOR THE EXTRADITION OF CRIMINALS. Concluded at Washington June 7, 18^3. Ratification advised by the Senate November ij iSgj. Ratified by the President November j, i8gj. Ratified by the King July 10, i8gj. Ratifications exchanged at Washington November 6, i8gj. Proclaimed November g, i8gj. By the President of the United .States of America. A proclamation. Wherfeas, a Treaty between the United States of America, and the Kingdom of Norwa.y for the extraditiori of criminals was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Washington on the seventh day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety three, whicl^ Treaty is word for word as follows : — The United States of America and Amerikas Forenede Stater og Hans His Majesty the King of Sweden Majestset Kongen af Sverige og and Norway, beiiig desirous to con- Norge, der onsker at bestyrke sit ,firm tiieir friendly relations an^ to venskabelige' Forhold og at befordre promote the cause of justice, have Justitspleien, har besluttet at'indgaa resolved to conclude a new treaty en ny Traktat angaaende Udleveri^J for tfie extradition of fugitives from af undvegn? Forbrydere mellpm' justice between the United States of Amerikas Forenede Stater og Konge- America and the Kingdom of Nor- way, and have appointed for, that purpose the following Plenipoten- tiaries : The President of the United States of America^ W. Q. Gresham, Secre- tary of State of the United States, and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, J. A. W. Grip, His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States, who, after having communicated to each other their respective full pow- ers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles : Article I. The Government of the United States and the Government of Nor- way mutually agree to deliver up persons who, having been charged with oi^convicted of any of the crimes arid offenses specified in the following article, committed within the juris- diction of one of the contracting parties, shall seek an asylum or be found within the territories of the ■other: Provided, that this shall only ■ be done upon such evidence of crim- inality as, according to the laws of ' .fhe place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his or her apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime or offense had been there committed. Article II. Extradition shall be granted for the following crimes and offenses : I. Murder, comprehending assas- sination, parricide, infanticide^ and riget Nofge og har i det Oiemed ud- nsevnt folgeride Befuldmaegtigede : Amerikas Forenede Staters Presi- dent, W. Q. Gresham, Amerikas Forenede Staters Statssecretair, og Hans Majestset Kongen af Sverige og Norge, J. A. W. Grip, Hans Maj- estsets Envoy6 extraordinaire og Ministre Plenipotentiaire i Amerikas - Forenede Stater, der, efter at have meddelt hinanden sine respektive Fuldmagter, som befandtes i god og tilborlig Orden, er blevne enige om og har afsluttet folgende Artikler : Artikel I. De Forenede Staters\Regjering og Nqrges Regjering er enige om gjensi- dig at udlevere Personer, som e;: sigtede for eller kjendte skyjdige i nogen ,af de i den folgende Artikel opregnede Forbrydelser og Forseel- ser, begaaede inden den ene af de kontraherende Parters Jurisdiction, og som soger Tilflugt eller bliver antrufne inden den anden Parts Ter- ritorier, forudsat at der fremskaffes et saadant Bevis for Strafskyld, som overensstemmende med det Lands Love, hvor den Undvegne eller Sig- tede antrseffes, vilde retfaerdiggjore hans eller hendes Paagribelse og Fremstillelse for Retten, saa fremt Forbrydelsen eller Forseelsen der var bleven begaaet. Artikel II. Udlevering skal tilstaaes for fol- gende Forbrydelser og Forseelser : - I. Mord, derunder indbefattet Snigmdrd, Mord paa Forgeldre, -poisoning; attempt to commit jnur- der; nianslaughter, when voluntary. '■. 2. Arson. 3. Robbery, defined to be the act - of feloniously and forcibly taking from the person of another money or goods, by violence or putting him in fear; burglary. 4. Forgery, or the utterance of forged papers ; the forgery or falsifi- cation of official acts of government, - of public authorities, or of courts of justice, or the utterance of the thing forged or falsified. 5. The -counterfeiting, falsifying or aiteriiig of money, whether coin or paper, or of instruments of debt created by national, state, provincial, or municipal governments, or of cou- pons thereof, or of bank notes, or I the utterance or circulation of the same ; or the counterfeiting, falsify- ' ing or altering of seals of ^tate. 6. Embezzlement by public offi- cers; embezzlement- by persons hired or salaried, to the detriment of their employers; larceny. 7. Fraud or breach of trust by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or other person acting in a fiduciary capacity, or director or member or ofiScer of any company, when such act is riiade criminal by the laws of both countries and the amount of money or the value of the property ' misappropriated is not less than ~;Ji 200 or Kroner 740. 8. Perjury ; subornation of per- jury. Barnemord og Giftmord; Forsog , paa Mord, forsaetligt Drab. 2. Mortbrand. 3. Roveri, hvorved skar forstaaes ulovlig Bemagtigelse af Penge eller , Gods fra en anden Person ved Anven- delse af Void ellfer Trudsler; Ind- brud. 4. Forfalskning eller Udgivelse af forfalskede Papirer ; Eftergjorelse eller Forfalskning af Regjeringens, offentlige Myndigheders eller Ret- , ternes embedsmaessige Aktstykker eller Udgivelse af den eftergjorte eller forfalskede Gjenstand; 5 . Eftergjorelse, Forfalskning eller Forandring af Penge, det vaere sig Mynt eller Papjrpenge, eller af Gjseldsbeviser, udstedte af Regjerin- gen, af en Stat, af en Provinds- eller Kommune-bestyrelse, eller af dertil horfende Kupons, eller af Banknote^,' eller Udgivelse eller Bringen i Qmlob af samme ; eller Eftergjorelse;* For- falskning eller Forandring af Statens Segl. 6. Underslag, begaaet af offentlige Funktionaerer eller af leiede eller lonnede Personer til Skadefor deres Principaler; Tyveri. 7. Bedrageri eller Brut^ paa Tillid-, forovet af en Depositaf, Bankier, Agent, Faktor, Bestyrer eller anderi Person, der handler i Egenskab. af Tillidsmand, eller af en Direktor for eller et Medlem af eller en Betjefit ved et IntereSsentskab, naar saadan Handling er strafbar efter begge Landes Love, og Belobet af de Penge eller Vasrdien af de Gjeiistand,e, der er svigagtig erhvervede eller mod- tagne, ikke er mindre end 200 Dol- lars eller Kroner 740. 8. Mened ; Anstiftelse af Mened. 9- Rape; abduction; kidnapping. ^ lo. Willtul and unlawful destruc- tion or olastruction of railroads which endangers human life. II.' Crimes committed at sea: 1 (a) Piracy, by statute or by the law of nations. (b) Revolt, or conspiracy to re- volt, by two or ■ more persons on board a ship on the high seas against . the Authority of the master. (/) Wrongfully sinking or destroy- ing a vessel at sea, or attempting to do so. ((/) Assaults on board a ship on the hjgh seas with intent to do griev- ous bodily harm. 1/ ' 12. Crimes and offenses against tlje laws of both countries for the suppression of slavery and slave- trading. ' Extradition is also to take place for participation in any of the crimes and offenses mentioned in this Treaty, provided such participation may be punished, in the United States as a felony, and in Norway by imprison- ment at hard labor. Article III. f Requisitions for the surrender of fugitives from justice shall be made by the diplomatic agents of the con- tracting parties, or in the absence of these from, the country Or its seat of government, may be made by the superior consular officers. , If the person whose extradition is requested shall have been convicted of a crime or offense, a duly authen- 9. Voldtsegt; Bortforelse af Kvinde mod hendes yilje;. Berp- velse af andres Frihed. 10. Forssetlig og ulovlig bevirket Odelseggelse eller Hindring af Jem- bane, naar samme er forbundet med Fare for Menneskeliv. ; 11. Forbrydelser begaaede paa Soen: (a) Sorovefi ifolge Lov eller ifSlge Folkeretten. (J>) Mytteri eller Sammenrottelse af to eller flerePetsoner for at gjore Mytteri ombord paa Skib i aaben So mod Skipperens Myndighed. (/) Uretm^ssig Saenkning eller Odelseggelse af Fartoi i Soen eller Forsog paa saadant. (rf) Angreb paa Person ombord paa, Skib i aaben So i Hensigt at til- foie betydlig legemlig Skade. 12. Forbrydelser ogForseelser mod ' begge Landes Love til Undertrykkelse af Slaveri og Slavehandel. Udlevering skal ligeledes finde Sted for Delagtighed i nogen af de i denne Traktat, naevnte Forbrydel- ser og Forseelser, forsaavidt saadan Delagtighed bliver at straffe i de Forenede Stater som "felony" og i Norge rtied strengere Straf end Faengsel. Artikel III. Forlangende om Udlevering af undvegne Folrbrydere skal fremssettes gjenhem de kontraherende Parters diplomatiske Agenter eller i disses': Fravseer fra tandet eller den By, hvori Regjeringen har sit Ssede, gjen- nem de overste Konsulartjeneste- msend. Dersom den Person, hvis Udleve- ring er forlangt, er kjendt skyldig i en Forbrydelse eller Forseelse, skal ticated copy of the sentence of the court in which he was convicted, or if the fugitive is merely charged with crime, a duly authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest in the country where the crime has been conimitted, ahd of the depositions or other evi- dence upon which such warrant was issued, shall be produced. The extradition of fugitives under the provisions of this Treaty shall be carried out in the United States and in Norway, respectively, in conform- ity with the laws regulating extradi- tion for the time being in force in the state on which the demand for surrender is made. Article IV. ' Where the arrest and detention of a fugitive are desired on telegraphic or other information in advance of the presentation of formal .proofs,' the proper course in the United States shall be to apply tp a judge or other magistrate authorized to issue war- rants of arrest in extradition cases and present a complaint on oath, as provided by the statutes of the United States. When, under the provisions of this article, the arrest and detention of a fugitive are desired in the K,ingdbm of Norway, the proper course shall be to apply to the Foreign Office, which will immediately cause the necessary steps to be taken in order to secure the provisional arrest or de- tention of the fugitive. ■The provisional detention pf a fu- gitive shall cease and the prisoner be der fremlsegges en tilborlig bekraeftet Udskrift af den Dom, ved hvilken- \ han er kjendt skyldig, eller, dersom den Undvegne alene er sigtet for en Forbrydelse, skal der fremlaegges en tilborlig bpkraeftet Gjenpart af det Arrestdekret, som er udstedt i det/ lyand, i hvilket Forbrydelsen er be- gaaet, samt af de retslige, Forklarin- ger eller andre Bevisligheder, i Hen- hold til hvilke saadant Dekret er udstedt. Udlevering af undvegne Forbry- dere i Henhold til denne Traktats Bestemmelser skal ske respektivei de Forenede Stater og i Norge over- ensstemniende med de Love, anga- aende Udleveriijg, som paa den Tid er gjaeldende i den Stat, hos hvilken Udlevering bliver begjasrt. , Artikel IV. Hvis en undvegen Forbryders Paa^ gjibelse og Faengsling begj seres en ten J telegrafisk eller gjennem anden Med- delelse, forinden de formelige Bevi- ser fremlsegges, skal, den rigtige Frem- gangsmaade i de Foreijede Stater vaere at henvende sig til en Dommer eller anden Erabedsmand, der er bemyndiget til at udstede Arrestprdre i Udleveringstilfaelde, og for ham at fremlsegge en edelig Klage, saaledes som det er bestemt i de Forenede Staters Love. For undvegen Forbryders Paagri- belse og Faengsling i Kongeriget Norge i Medfor af denne Artikel skal den rigtige Fremgangsmaade vsere at henvende sig til Udenrigsdeparte- mentet, der ufortovet vil foranledige, at der tages de novendige Skridt for at sikre sig den Uhdvegnes forel5bige Paagribelse eller Faengsling. , Den forelobige Fsengsling af en undvegen Forbryder skal ophore og released if a formal requisition for his surrender, accompanied by the necessary evidenceof his criminality, has not been produced under the stip- ulations of this Treaty, within two months from the date of his provi- sional arrest or detention. Article V. Neither of the contracting parties shall be bound ^o deliver up its own citizens or subjects under the stipu- lations of this Treaty. Article VI. A fugitive criminal Shall not be surrendered if the offense in respect of which his surrender is demanded be of a political character, or if he proves that the requisition for his'i surrender has, in fact, been niade with a view to try or punish him for an offense of a political cljaracter. No person surrendered by either of the high contracting parties to the other shall be triable or tried, or be punished, for any political crime or offense, or for any a.c\ connected therewith, committed previously to his extradition. I If any question shall arise as to whether a case comes within the pro- visions of this article, the decision of the authorities/ of the government on which the demand for Surrender is made, or which may have granted the extradition, shall be final. Article VII. Extradition shall not be granted, in pursuance of the provisions of this den Faengslede loslades, dersom der ikke indeii 2 Maaneder fra, Dagen for hans forelobige Paagribelse eller ■ Fasngsling overerisstemmende med denne'Traktats Bestemnjelser er til- veiebragt en formelig Begjaering om hang Udlevering, ledsaget af det nodvendige Bevis for hans Skyld. , Artikel V. Ingen af de kontraherende Parter skal vaere forpligtet til i Henhold til ' denne Traktats Bestemmelser at ud- levere sine egne Borgere eller Under- saatter. Artikel VI. En undvegen Forbryder skal ikke udleveres, hvis den Overtrsedelse, for hvis Skyld hans Udlevering er begjaert, er af politisk Art, eller hvis han godtgjor, at Begjaeringen om hans Udlevering i Virkeligheden er frem- sat i Hensigt at tiltale eller straffe ham for en Overtrsedelse af politisk Art. Ingen, der er udleveret fra den ene af de hole kontraherende Parter til den anden,. skal kunne tiltales eller straffes for en politisk Forbry- delse eller Overtradelse eller for en med en saadan forbunden Handling, naar denne er begaaet for hans Udle- vering. Hvis de(r opstaar Sporgsmaal om, hvorvidt en Sag indgaar under Best- . emmelserne i denne Artikel, skal den Regjerihgs Afgjorelse, for hvilken Begjaeringen om Udlevfering er frem- sat, eller som maatte have indrommet Udleveringen, vaere endelig. Artikel VII. Udlevering skal ikke tilstaaes- i Medfor af denne Traktats Bestem- Treaty^ if legal proceedings or the enforcement of the penalty for the act committed by the person claimed has become barred by limitation, ac- cording to the laws of the country to which the requisition is addressed. Article VIII. No person surrendered by either of the high contracting parties to the other shall, without his consent, freely granted and publicly declared by him, be triable or tried or be pun- ished for any crime or offense com- mitted prior to his extradition, other than that for which he was delivered up, tintil he shall have had an oppor- tunity of returning' to the country from yirljich he was surrendered. Article IX. All articles seized which are in the possession of the person to be sur- rendered at the time of his apprehen- sion, whether, being the proceeds of the crime or offense charged, or be- ing material as evidence in making proof of the crime or offense, shall, so far as practicable and in conform- ity with the laws of the respective countries, be given up when the ex- tradition takes place. Nevertheless, the rights of third parties with re- gard to such articles shall be, duly respected. » ' 'Alticle X. If the individual claimed by one of ithe high contracting parties, in pursuance of the present Treaty, shall also be claimed by one or several other powers on account of crimes or offenses committed within their re- spective jurisdictions, his extradition shall be granted to the state whose melser, saafremt der med Hensyn til Paatale af eller Straf for den Handr ling, der er begaaet vaf den reklamer- ede Person, er indtraadt Prsescrip- tion overensstemmende med Lovene i det Land, til hvilket Begjseringen rettes. Artikel VIII. Ingen, der er udleveret fra den ene af de hole kontraherende Parter til den anden, maa uden hans eget friv- illig og offentlig afgivne Samtykk? tiltales eller straffes for nogen anden Forbrydelsd eller Forseelse, der er begaaet for hans Udlevering, end, den, for hvilken han er bleyen ud- leverety forinden han har havt Lei- lighed til at vende tilbage til det Land, fra hvilket han blev udleveiiet. ,i Artikel IX. . , Alle i Forvaring tagne Gjenstahde, sora var i den Persons ' Besiddelse, som skal udleveres, paa den. Tid, da han blev paagreben, hvad enten de testaar i Udby tte af den Forbrydelse eller Forseelse, hvorfor han er ank- laget, eller det er Bevismateriale for dens Forovelse, skal saavidt miiligt og overensstemmende med de respek- tive Landes Love, udleveres samtidig med Angjseldende. ' Dog skal Tre- diemands Rettigheder med Hensyn til saadanne Gjenstande tilborlig res- pektfires. Artikel X. Hvis en Person, der er forlangt lid- leveret af en af de hole kontraherende Parter i Henhold til naerv8ei;ende Traktat, ligeledes skulde blive for- langt udleveret af en eller flere andre Magter paa Grund af Forbrydelser eller Forseelser, begjaaede i deres respektive Jurisdiktioner, skal hans 8 demand is first 'received : Provided, that the government from which ex- tradition is souglit is not bound by treaty to give preference otherwise. Article XI. The expenses incurred in the ar- rest, detention, examination, and de- livery .of fugitives under this Treaty shall be borne by the state in whose name the extradition is sought : Pro- vided, that the demanding govern- ment shall not be cornpelled to bear any expense for the services of such public officers of the government from which extradition is sought as receive a fixed salary; And, ■pro- vided, that the charge for the services of such public officers as receive only fees or perquisites shall not exceed their customary fees for the acts or services performed by them had such a-cts or services been performed in ordinary criminal proceedings under the laws of the country of which they are, officers. Article XII. The present Treaty shall take ef- fect on the thirtieth day after the date of the exchange of ratifications, and shall not operate retroactively. ' On the day on which it takes effect the Convention of March 21, i860, shall, as betwefen the governments of the the United States and of Norway, cease to be in force except as to crimes therein enumerated and com- mitted prior to that day. The ratifications of the present Treaty shall be exchanged at Wash- ington as soon as possible, and it„ shall remain in force for a period of six months after either of the con- Udlevering indrommes den Stat, hvis Begjaerihg herom forst indlober, forudsat at ikke den Regjering, hos hvem Udlevering er forlangt, ved Traktat er forpligtet til paa anden Maade at give nogen Fortrinet. Artikel XI. Udgifter bevirkede ved undvegne Forbryderes Paag^ribelse, Arrest, Af- horelse og Udlevering i Henhold til denne Traktat skal baeres af den Stat, i hvis Navn Udleveringen er begjsert; dog skal den reklamerende Regjer- ing ikke vasre forpligtet til at yde Betaling for Bistand, ydet af saadanne offentlige Tjenestemsend under den Regjering, hos hvilken Udlevering begjseres, som oppebserer fast I/on; heller ikke skal Betalingen for Bist- and, ydet af saadanne offentlige Tjenestemsend, der alene oppebserer Salaer eller Sportier, overstige deres saedvanlige Godtgjorelsei for de af dem udforte Tjenestehandlinger, saa- fremt disse havde vseret, udforte under en almindelig kriminel Retsforfolg- ning efter Lovene i deres eget Land. Artikel XII. Naervserende Traktat trseder i Kraft den 3ote Dag efter Ratifikationernes Udvexling Og skal ikke have tilbage- virkende Kraft. Fra den Dag, den traeder i Kraft, skal Konventionen af 2ide Marts i860 ophore at vsere gjseldende mellem de Forenede Stat- ers og Norges Regjeringer, undtagen forsaavidt angaar de i den opregnede Forbrydelser, der er begaaede for naevnte Dag. Ratifikationerne vedkommende denne Traktat skal udvexles i Wash- ington saa snart som muligt, og den skal forblive i Kraft i et Tidsrum af 6 Maaneder efterat en af de kontra- '9 ■ trading governments shall'have given herende Regjeringer haj givet tilk- notice of a purpose to terminate it. jende sin Hensigt at ophseve samme. In witness whereof, the respective Til Bekrseftelse herpaa h?br de re- Plenipotentiaries have signed the spektive Befuldmsegtigede under- above articles, both in the English skrevet ovennffivnte Artikler, affat- and the Norwegian languages, and tede baade i det engelske og i det have hereunto affixed their seals. norske Sprog, samt herunder fsestet f sine Segl. Done in duplicate, at the city of Givet in duplo i Washington paa WashingtonWisseventhday of June, den syvende Dag i Juni.Et Xusinde one thousand eight hundred and Otte Hundrede og Tre og Nitti. ninety-three. ' ' ' ' Walter Q. Gresham [seaj..] Walter Q. Gresham [seal.] ; J.' A. W. Grip " [seal.] J. A. W. Grip [seal!] And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on bbth parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments wdre ex- changed in the city of Washington on the eighth day of No- vember, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-thfee : Now, therefore, be it known that I, Gro,ver Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made pubhc, to the end that the same and every, article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good,, faith by the United States and the citizens thereof: In witness whereof I have hereunto sejt my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this ninth day of No- vember, in the year of ourLord, one thousand eight [seal.] hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and eighteenth. GROVER CLEVELAND By. the President.: W. Q. GRESHAM ■ ' Secfetary of State. GREAT BRITAIN— BOUNDARY. SUPPIvEMEENTAIv CONVKNTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED KING- DOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, EXTENDING UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1895, THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE I, OF THE CONVENTION OF JULY 22, 1892, RELA- TIVE TO BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. Signed at Washington February 3, i8g4. Ratification advised by the Senate February 12, i8g4. Ratified by the President February 13, i8g4. Ratified by Her Majesty the Queen March g, i8g4. Ratifications exchanged at Washington March 28, i8g4. Proclaimed March 28, i8g4. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Supplemental Convention between the United States of America and Great Britain, extending, until De- cember 31, 1895, the provisions of Article I of the Conven- tion of July 22, 1892 relative to British possessions in North America, was concluded and signed by their respective plen- ipotentiaries at the city of Washington on the 3d day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety- four, which Supplemental Convention is word for word as follows : The Governments of the United States of America and of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being credibly advised that the labors of the Commission organized pursuant to the Convention which was concluded between the High Contracting Parties at Washington, July 22, 1892, providing for the delimitation of the existing boundary between the United States and Her Majesty's possessions in North America in respect to such portions of said boundary line as may not in fact have been permanently marked in virtue of treaties heretofore con- eluded, can not be accomplished within the period of two years from the first meeting of the Commission as fixed by that Convention, have deemed it expedient to conclude a supplementary convention extending the term for a further period and for this purpose have named as their respective pleni- potentiaries : The President of the United States, Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State of the United States, and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, His Excellency Sir Julian Pauncefote, G. C. B., G. C. M. G., Am- bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Great Britain ; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles : Article I. The third paragraph of Article I of the Convention of July 22, 1892, states that the respective Commissions shall complete the survey and submit their final reports thereof within two years from the date of their first meet- ing. The Joint Commissioners held their first meeting November 28, 1892 ; hence the time allowed by that Convention expires November 28, 1894. Believing it impossible to complete the required work within the specified period, the two Governments hereby mutually agree to extend the time to December 31, 1895. Article II. The present Convention shall be duly ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Britannic Majesty; and the ratifications shall be ex- changed at Washington at the earliest practicable date. In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this Convention and have hereunto affixed our seals. Done in duplicate at Washington, the 3d day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. [seal.] W. Q. Gresham. [seal.] Julian Pauncefote. And whereas the said Supplemental Convention has been ■duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the 28th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four : Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Supplemental Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this twenty-eighth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand P -l eight hundred and ninety-four, and of the Independ- *- ence of the United States the one hundred and eighteenth. GROVER CLEVELAND By the President : WALTER Q GRESHAM Secretary of State. CHINA— EMIGRATION. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE EMPIRE OF CHINA. EMIGRATION BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES. Signed at Washington March 17, i8g4. Ratification advised by the Senate August ij, i8g4. Ratified by the President August 22, i8g4. Ratified by the Emperor of China in due form. Ratifications exchanged at Washington December 7, i8g4. Proclaimed December 8, i8g4. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and China, concerning the subject of emigration between those two countries, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington on the 17th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, which Convention is word for word as follows : Whereas, on the 17th day of November A. D. 1880, and of Kwanghsij, the sixth year, tenth moon, fifteenth day, a Treaty was concluded between the United States and China for the purpose of regulating, limiting, or sus- pending the coming of Chinese laborers to, and their residence in, the United States ; And whereas the Government of China, in view of the antagonism and much deprecated and serious disorders to which the presence of Chinese laborers has given rise in certain parts of the United States, desires to pro- hibit the emigration of such laborers from China to the United States ; And whereas the two Governments desire to cooperate in prohibiting such emigration, and to strengthen in other ways the bonds of friendship between the two countries ; And whereas the two Governments are desirous of adopting reciprocal measures for the better protection of the citizens or subjects of each within the jurisdiction of the other ; Now, therefore, the President of the United States has appointed Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State of the United States, as his Plenipotentiary, and His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of China has appointed Yang Yii, Officer of the second rank, Sub-Director of the Court of Sacrificial Worship, and Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States of America, as his Plenipotentiary ; and the said Plenipotentiaries having exhibited their respective Full Powers found to be in due and good form, have agreed upon the following articles : Article I. The High Contracting Parties agree that for a period of ten years, begin- ning with the date of the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, the coming, except under the conditions hereinafter specified, of Chinese laborers to the United States shall be absolutely prohibited. Article II. The preceding Article shall not apply to the return to the United States of any registered Chinese laborer who has a lawful wife, child, or parent in the United States, or property therein of the value of one thousand dollars, or debts of like amount due him and pending settlement. Nevertheless every such Chinese laborer shall, before leaving the United States, deposit, as a condition of his return, with the collector of customs of the district from which he departs, a full description in writing of his family, or property, or debts, as aforesaid, and shall be furnished by said collector with such certifi- cate of his right to return under this Treaty as the laws of the United States may now or hereafter prescribe and not inconsistent with the. provisions of this Treaty; and should the written description aforesaid be proved to be false, the right of return thereunder, or of continued residence after return, shall in each case be forfeited. And such right of return to the United States shall be exercised within one year from the date of leaving the United States ; but such right of return to the United States may be extended for an additional period, not to exceed one year, in cases where by reason of sickness or other cause of disability beyond his control, such Chinese laborer shall be rendered unable sooner to return — which facts shall be fully reported to the Chinese consul at the port of departure, and by him certified, to the satisfaction of the collector of the port at which such Chinese subject shall land in the United States. And no such Chinese laborer shall be per- mitted to enter the United States by land or sea without producing to the proper officer of the customs the return certificate herein required. Article III. The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the right at present enjoyed of Chinese subjects, being officials, teachers, students, merchants or travellers for curiosity or pleasure, Tant not laiborers, of coming to the United States and residing therein. To entitle such Chinese subjects as are above described to admission into the United States, they may produce a certificate from their Government or the Government where they last resided vis6d by the diplomatic or consular representative of the United States in the country or port whence they depart. It is also agreed that Chinese laborers shall continue to enjoy the privi- lege of transit across the territory of the United States in the course of their journey to or from other countries, subject to such regulations by the Gov- ernment of the United States as may be necessary to prevent said privilege of transit from being abused. Article IV. In pursuance of Article III of the Immigration Treaty between th^ United States and China, signed at Peking on the 17th .day of November, 1880, (the 15th day of the tenth month of KwanghsU, sixth year) it is hereby understood and agreed that Chinese laborers or Chinese of any other class, either permanently or temporarily residing in the United States, shall have for the protection of their persons and property all rights that are given by the laws of the United States to citizens of the most favored nation, except- ing the right to become naturalized citizens. And the Government of the United States reaffirms its obligation, as stated in said Article III, to exert all its power to secure protection, to the persons and property of all Chinese subjects in the United States. Article V. The Government of the United States, having by an Act of the Congress, approved May 5, 1892, as amended by an Act ajbproved November 3, 1893, requit-ed all Chinese laborers lawfully within the limits of the United States before the passage of the first named Act to be registered as in said Acts provided, with a view of affording them better protection, the Chinese Government will not object to the enforcement of such acts, and recipro- cally the Government of the United States recognizes the right of the Gov- ernment of China to enact and enforce similar laws or regulations for the registration, free of charge, of all laborers, skilled or unskilled, (not mer- chants as defined by said Acts of Congress), citizens of "the United States in China, whether residing within or without the treaty ports. And the Government of the United States agrees that within twelve months from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, and annually, thereafter, it will furnish to the Government of China regis- ters or reports showing the full name, age, occupation and number or place of residence of all other citizens of the United States, including missionaries, residing both within and without the treaty ports of China, not including, however, diplomatic and other officers of the United States residing or travelling in China upon official business, together with their body and household servants. Article "VI. This Convention shall remain in force for a period of ten years begin- ning with the date of the exchange of ratifications, and, if six months before the expiration of the said period of ten years, neither Government shall have formally given notice of its final termination to the other, it shall remain in full force for another like period of ten years. In faith whereof, we, the respective plenipotentiaries, have signed this Convention and have hereunto affixed our seals. Done, in duplicate, at Washington, the 17th day of March, A. D. 1894. WALTER Q. GRESHAM [seal.] (Chinese Signature) [seal.] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the 7th day of December one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Clevj^land, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made pubHc to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 8th day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thou- sand eight hundred and ninety-four, and of the L "J Independence of the United States the one hun- dred and nineteenth. GROVER CLEVELAND By the President : W. Q. GRESHAM Secretary of State.. -RUSSIA -FTJR-SEi^L FISHERIES. AQREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA FOR A MODUS VIVENDI IN RELATION TO THE FUR-SEAL FISHERIES IN BEHRING SEA AND THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. Signed at Washington, a ^n oo ^^94. Ratification advised by the Senate, May 9, 1894. Proclaimed, May 12, 1894. By thk President of the United States op America. A PEOCLAMATION. "Whereas an agreement for a modus vivendi between the Government of the United States and the Imperial Government of Eussia, in rela- tion to the fur-seal fisheries in Behring Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, was concluded on the.4th. day of May, one thousand eight hun- dred and ninety -four, which agreement being in the English and French languages is word for word as follows : Agreement betioeen the Government Arrangement entre le Gouvernement of the United States and the Im- des Mats- Uni^ et le Gouvernement ■ perial Government of Russia for Imperial de la Russie pour un a modus vivendi in relation to the modus vivendi eoncernant la pSche Fur- Seal Fisheries in Behring Sea des phoques h fourrure dans la and the North Pacific Ocean. mer de Bering et P Ocean Pad- '• fique du Nord. For the purpose of avoiding dif- Afin d'^viter toutes contentions Acuities and disputes in regard to et controverses au sujet de la p6che the taking of fur-seal in the waters des phoqufis k fourrure dans les of Behring Sea and the North Pa- eaux de la mer de Bering et de ciflc Ocean, and to aid in the pres- I'Ocean Pacifique du Ford, et pour ervation of seal life, the Govern- aider k la preservation de I'espfece, ^ ment of the United States and the le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis Imperial Government of Eussia et le Gouvernement Imperial de have entered into the following Eussie ont conclu I'arrangement temporary agreement, with the understanding that it is not to create a precedent for the future, and tliat the contracting parties mutually reserve entire liberty to make choice hereafter of such meas- ures as may bedeemed best adapted for the protection of the fur-seal species, whether by means of pro- hibitive zones, or by the complete prohibition of pelagic sealing, or by appropriate regulation of seal- hunting in the high seas. 1 . The Grovernment of the United States will prohibit citizens of the United States from hunting fur- seal within a zone of ten nautical miles along the Kussiaii coasts of Behring Sea, and of the North Pa- citic Ocean, as well as within a zone of thirty nautical miles around the Komandorsky (Commander) Islands and Tullenew (Robben) Island, and will promptly use its best efforts to ensure the observ- ance of this prohibition by citizens and vessels of the United States. 2. Vessels of the United States engaged in hunting fur-seal in the above-mentioned zones outside of the territorial waters of Eussia may be seized and detained by the naval or other duly commissioned ofBcers of Russia; but they shall be handed over as soon as practi- cable to the naval or other commis- sioned officers of the United States or to the nearest authorities there- of. In case of impediment or dif- ficulty in so doing, the commander of the Russian cruiser may confine his action to seizing the ship's papers of the offending vessels in order to deliver them to a naval or other commissioned officer of the United States, or to communicate them to the nearest authorities of the United States as soon as pos- sible. 3. TheG-overnmentof the United States agrees to cause to be tried by the ordinary courts, with all due guarantees of defense, such provisoire suivant, sans la reserve qu'^ aucun titre il ne puisse servir de pr6c6dent, et que les parties contractantes conserveiit leur eu- ti^re liberty dans I'avenir quant aux choix des moyens qu'elles juge- ront le plus propres 4 la preser- vation des phoques h fourrure, soit au moyen^de z6nes prohibdes, soit au moyen del'interdiction complete de la chasse p61agique du phoque ou de sa reglementation en i)leine mer. 1. Le Grouvernement des Etats- Unis d(5fendra aux oitoyens des Etats-Unis de chasser le phoque k fourrure dans une zdue de dix milles maritimes le long de la c6te russede la mer Bering et del'Ocean Pacifique du Nord, ainsi que dans une z6ne detrente milles maritimes au tour des Isles Kommandorsky (Commander Islands) et de I'ile Tulienew (Robben Island), et pren- dra sans retard les mesures neqes- saires pour faire respecter cette interdiction par les citoyens et les navires des Etats-Unis. 2. Les navires appartenant aux Etats-Unis se livrant k la chasse aux phoques k fourrure dans les zdnes susmentionndes en dehors des eaux territoriales de la Russie, pourront 6tre aaisis et detenus par les officiers russes de la marine ou tout autre officier dftment autori- s6s k cet eff6t, mais ils devront 6tre remis aussitdt que faire se pourra, aux officiers de la marine f6d6rale ou k tout autre officier autoris6 k cet effet ou aux autorit6s des Etats- Unis, les plus proches. En cas d'empfechement ou de difficult^, le Commandant du croiseur russe pourra se borner k saisir les papiers de bord des navires en contraven- tion afin de les remettre k un offi- cier de la marine ou a tout autre officier autorisd k cet effet des Etats-Unis, ou pour les transmet- tre le plus t6t possible aux autori- t6s des Etats-Unis les plus proches. 3. Le G-ouvernement des Etats- Unis s'engage k faire juger paries tribunaux ordin aires et offrant toutes les gar an ties necessaires, vessels of the United States as may be seized, or the ship's papers of which may be taken, as herein prescribed, by reason of their en- gaging in the hunting of fur-seal within the prohibited zones out- side of the territorial waters of Eussia aforesaid. 4. The Imperial Eussiau Grov- ernment will limit to 30,000 head the number of fu-r-seal to be taken during the year 1894, on the coasts of the Komandprsky (Commander) and Tulienew (Eobben) Islands. 5. The present agreement shall have no retroactive force as re- gards the seizure of any seal-hunt- ing vessel of the United States by the naval or other commissioned olflcers of Eussia prior to the con- clusion hereof. 6. The present agreement being intended to serve the purpose of a mere provisional expedient to meet existing circumstances, may be terminated at will by either party upon giving notice to the other. In witness whereof, we, Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State of the United States, and Prince Crregoire Cantacuzene, Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipo- teutiaty of His Majesty the Em- peror of all the Eussias, have, on behalf of our respective Grovern- ments, signed and sealed this Agreement in duplicate, and in the English and French languages, in the (Jity of Washington, this 4 May 22 April 1894. les navires des Btats-Unis arr6t6s on ceux dont les -papiers de bord seraient saisis de la manifere pres- crite dans le present arrangement, comme s'^tant livr6s h la chasse aux phoques k fourrure dans la z6ne prohib6e en dehors des eaux territoriales Eusses. 4. Le Grouvernement Imperial limitera ^ trente mille le nombre des phoques a fourrure qui pour- rontttre tu6s pendant I'ann^e 1894 sur les cdtes des iles Komman- dorsky et Tulienew (Commander and Eobben's Islands. 5. L'arrangement actuel n'aura pas de force retrospective quant d. la saisie de navires des Etats-Unis employes k la chasse aux phoques, par les offlciers de la marine ou par tout autre officier rusge ant6- rieurement d, la conclusion du pre- sent arrangement. 6. Le present arrangement n'6- tant qu'un expedient esseutielle- ment provisoire, pourra §tre ter- mini par Pane ou I'autre des deux parties en le d^nongant. En foi de quoi nous Walter Q. Gpesham, Secretaire d'Etat des Etats-Unig, et Prince Gr6goire Cantacuzfene, envoy6 Extraordi- naire et Ministre P16nipoteutiaire de Sa Majest6 1'Empereur de toutes les Eussies prfes' les Etats-Unis, avons, au nom de nos Gouverne- ments respectifs, sign6s le present arrangemenb en dujplicata dans les langues anglaise et frangaise, et y avons apposd nos sceaux, h Wash- . , ^Mai ,„„, i°?*«'i «^ 22Avril ^^^*- Walter Q. Geesham Peince Oawtaotjzbne [SEALj [SEAL] And whereas the Senate by their resolution of May 9, 1894, (two- thirds of the Senators present concurring therein,) did advise and con- sent to the ratification of the same Fow, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Agreement to be made public to the end that the same and every part thereof may bei observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afilxed. Done at the City of "Washington this twelfth day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and eighteenth, Geoveb Cleveland By the President: W. Q, Gresham Secretary of State. [seal] M EXICO— BOUNDARY. CONVENXliON BETlVEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED STATES'- OF MEXICO. TO EXTEND FURTHER FOR TWO YEARS FROM OCTOBER ii, 1.894, THE PERIOD FIXED BY ARTICLE VIII OF THE CONVENTION OF JULY 29, 1882, PROVIDING, FOR AN INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY , SURVEY TO RELOCAT- '"' OF .THE RIO GRANDE; Concluded at Washington, August 24, 1894. Ratification advised by the Senate, August 27, 1894. Ratified by the President of the United States, September t, 189'ij Ratified by the President of Mex'pco, October 3, 1894. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, October 11, 1894. Proclaiined, October 18, 1894. By THE President of the United States of' America' A PROCLAMATION. Wbereas, a Convention between the United States of America and'' the United States of Mexico, further extending. for two years frofh October 11, 1894, the period fixed by Article VIII of the GonventiOBof ■ July 29, 1882, between those two countries, providing for an inter- national boundary survey to relocate the existing frontier liue between them west of the Eio Gr£[nde, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Washington on the 24th day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety foul?, which' Convention is word fir word as follows: — 1. "Whereas the United States of Deseando los Estados Unidos de America and the United States of America y los Estados Unidos Me- Mexico desire to comply fully with xic^nos dar pleno cumplimiento ^ ' the provisions of the Convention lasestipulacionesdelaConvencidu concluded and signed at Washing- concluida y flrmacja en Washing- irigton, July 29, 1882, providing ton el 29 de Julio de 1882 que pro-, for an international boundary sur- vey6 ^ un reconocimiento de la 2 vey to relocate the existing fron- tier line between the two countries west of the Eio Grrande; And whereas the time fixed by Article VIII of that Convention for the termination of the labors of the International Boundary Commission, as extended by Arti- cle II of the Convention concluded and signed between the two high contracting parties February 18, 1889, will expire October 11, 1894; And whereas the two high con- tracting parties deem it expedient to agree upon a further extension of the time stipulated in Article II of the Convention aforesaid, to the end that the International Boun- dary Commission may be enabled to finish all its work and so render a report accompanied by a final map of the topography on both sides of the line, they have appointed for this purpose their respective Pleni- potentiaries., to wit : Tljie President of the ' United States, of America, Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and The President of the United States of Mexico, Matias Eomero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary of the United States of Mexico in Washington, Who, after having communi- cated to each other their respec- tive full powers, found in good and due f6rm , h ave agreed upon and con - concluded the following article : Aeticle I. The period fixed by Article VIII of the aforesaid Convention of July 29,1882, between the United States of America and the United States of, Mexico, which was extended for five years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the Convention of February 18, 18S9, between the same high contracting parties and which will terminate frontera internacionaV^ fin de mar- car de nuevo la linea divisoria en- tre los dos paises al Oeste del Eio Bravo del Norte; Y expirando el 11 de Octubre de 1894 el plazo fijado por el Ar- ticulo VIII de esa Convencion para el t6rmino de los trabajos de la Comision Intemacional de Li- mites, con la pr6rroga convenida por el Articulo II de la Oonvencidn concluida y firmada entre las dos Altas Partes Contratantes el 18 de Febrero de 1889, T oonsiderando convenieute las dos Altas Partes Contratantes prorrogar de nuevo el plazo esti- pulado en el Articulo II de la Convencion citada, A fin de que la Comision Intemacional de Limites pueda terminar sus trabajos y ren- dir up informe acompaiiado de un piano final de la topografia de ambos lados de la linea, han nom- brado, con este objeto, sus respec- tivos Plenipotencionarios, d saber : El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America k Walter Q. Gresham, Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America, y El Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos k Matias Eo- mero, Enviado Extraferdinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en Washington, Quienes, despues de haberse cambiado sus respectivos plenos poderes, encontrdndolos en buena y debida forma, y puestos, de acner- do entre si, han convenido- en el articulo siguiente: * ArtIoulo I. El plazo fijado por el Articulo VIII de la Convenci6n citada de 29 de Julio de 1882, firmada entre los Estados Unidos de America y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, que fu6 prorrogado por cinco anos con- tados desde la fecha del cange de ratiflcaciones de la Convenci6n de 18 de Febrero de 1889, celebrada entre las mismas Altas Partes October 11, 1894, is hereby further extended for a period of two years from that date. This Oonvention shall be ratified by the high contracting parties in conformity with their respective constitutions and its ratifications shall be exchanged in Washing- ton, as soon as possible. In faith whereof, we, the under- signed, in virtue ai our respective full powers, have signed this con- vention, in duplicate, in theEnglish and Spanish languages and have thereunto affixed our respective seals. Done at the City of Washing- ton, the 24th day of August in the year one thousand eight, hundred and ninety-four. Walter Q. Gebsham M. EoMEBO. [seal] Oontratantes, y que terminard el 11 de Octubre de 1894, se prorroga por la presente por un periodo de dos anos contados desde esta ulti- ma fecha. Esta Oonvenci6n ser^ ratificada por las dos Altas Partes Oontra- tantes de acuerdo con sus respec- tivas Oonstituoiones, y las ratiflca- ciones se cangear4n en Washing- ton, tan pronto como sea posible. En f§ de lo cual nosotros, los in- frascritos, en virtud de nuestroa pilenos poderes, hemos firmado esta Gonvencion por duplicado en las lenguas Inglesa y Espaiiola, y he- mos puesto nuestros respcctivos sellos. Dada en la Oiudad de Washings ton, k 24 de Agosto del ano de mil ochocientos noventa y cuatro [seal] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the 11th day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this eighteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- LSEAL] fQ^y,^ and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and nineteenth. GEOVER CLEVELAND By the President : W. Q. GEESHAM Secretary of State. JAPAN-COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, AND PROTOCOL. THEATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN. COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. Concluded at Washington, November 22, 1894. Ratification advised by the Senate February 5, 1895. Ratified by the President February 15, 1895. Ratified by the Emperor February 27, 1895. ^Ratifications exchanged at Washington March 21, 1895* Prodaimed March 21, 1895. ' Bt the President of the United StItes of Ahebioa. A PEOOLAMATION, Whereas, a Treaty of Commerce and Tifavigation between the United States of America, and the Empire of Japan was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the city of Washington on the 22d day of Kovpmber 1894, which treaty, being amended by the Sen- ate of the United States, and being in the English language, is word for word as follows: — . ,„.„..,, The President of the United States of America and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, being equally desirous of maintaining the relation^ of good understanding which happily exist between them, by extend- ing and increasing the intercourse between their respective States, and being convinced that this object cannot better be accomplished than by revising the Treaties hitherto existing between the two countries, have resolved to complete such a revision, based upon principles of equity and mutual benefit, and, for that purpose, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: -wi^-rw/^t.^ The President of the United States of America, Walter Q. Gresham, Secretarv of State of the United States, and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Jushii Shinichiro Kurino, of the Order of the Sacred Treasure, and nd to put to sea again, without; paying any dues other than such as would be pay- able by national vessels. In case, however, the master of a merchant vessel should be under the necessity of disposing of a part of his cargo in order to defray the expenses, he shall be bound to conform to the regulations and tariffs of the place to which he may have come. If any ship-of-war or merehajp-t-vessel of one of the High Contract- ing Parties should run aground or be wrecked upon the coasts of the other, the local authorities shall inform the Consul General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agenit of the district, of the occurrence, or ii there be no such consular officers, they shall inform the Consul Gen- eral, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of the nearest dislrict. All proceedings relative to the salvage of Japanese vessels, wrecked or cast on shore in the territorial waters of the United States, shall take place in accordance with the laws of the United States, and, recip- rocally, all measures of salvage relative to vessels of the United Statesj wrecked or cast on shore in the territorial waters of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, shall take place in accordance with the laws, ordi- nances, and regulations of Japan. ^uch stranded or wrecked ship or vessel, and all parts thereof, and all furnitures and appurtenances belonging thereunto, and all goods and merchandize saved therefrom, including those which may have been cast into the sea, or the proceeds thereof, if sold, as well as all papers found on board such stranded or wrecked ship or vessel, shall be given up to the owners or their agents, when claimed by them. If such owners or agents are not on the spot, the same shall be delivered to the respective Consuls General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, or Consular Agents upon being claimed by them within the period fixed by the laws, ordi- nances and regulations of the country, and such Consular officers, owners, or agents shall pay only the expenses incurred in the preserva- tion of the property, together with the salvage or other expenses which would have been payable in the case of the wreck of a national vessel. The goods and merchandize saved from the wreck shall be exempt from air the duties of the Customs unless cleared for consumption, in which case they shall pay the ordinary duties. When a vessel belonging to the citizens or subjects of one of the High Contracting Parties is strailded or wrecked In the territories of the other, the respective Consuls General, Consuls, Yice-Consuls, and Consular Agents shall be authorized, in case the owner or master, or other agent of the owner, is not present, to lend their official assistance in order to afford the necessary assistance to the citizens or subjects of the respective States. The same rule shall apply in case the owner, master, or other agent is present, but requires such assistance to be given. Article XII. All vessels Which, according to United States law, are to be deemed vesselsof the United States, and all vessels which, according to Japanese law, are to be deemed Japanese vessels, shall, for the purposes of this Treaty, be deemed vessels of the United States and Japanese vessels, respectively. Article XIII. The Consuls General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents of each of the High Contyacting Parties, residing in the territories of the other, shall receive from the local authorities such assistance as can by law be given to them for the recovery of deserters from the vessels of their respective countries. It is understood that this stipulation shall not apply to the citizens or subjects of the country where the desertioa takes place. Article XIV, The High Contracting Parties agree that, in all that concerns com- merce audf navigation, any privilege, favor or immunity which either , High Contracting Party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant, to the Government, ships, citizens or subjects of any other State, shall be extended to the Government, ships, citizens, or subjects of the other High Con tracting~ Party, gratuitously, if the concessionin favor of that other State shall have been gratuitous, and on the same or equivalent conditions if the concession shall have been conditional; it being their jntention that the trade and navigation of each country shall be placed, in all respects, by the other upon the footing of the most favored nation. Article XV. Each of the High Contracting Parties may appoint Consuls General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, Pro-Consuls, and Consular Agents, in all the ports, cities, and places of the other, except in those where it may not be convenient to recognize! such officers. This exception, however, shall not be made in regard to one of the High Contracting Parties without being made likewise in regard to every other Power. The Consuls General, Consuls, Vioe-Consuls, Pro-Consuls, and Con- sular Agents may exercise all functions, and shall enjoy all privileges; exemptions, and immunities which are, or may hereafter be, granted to Consular offlcers-of the most favored, nation. Article XVI. The citizens or Subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy in th6 territories of the other the same protection as native citizens or subjects in regard to patents, trade-marks and designs, upon fulfilment of the formalities prescribed by law. Article XVII. The High Contracting Parties agree to the following arrangement:; — The several Foreign Settlements in Japan shall,, from the date this Treaty comes into force, be incorporated with the respective Japanese Communes, and shall thenceforth form part of the general municipal system of Jai)an. The competent Japanese Authorities shall there- upon assume all municipal obligations and duties in respect thereof, and the common funds and property, if any, belonging to such Settle- ments shall at the same time be transferred to the said Japanese Authorities. When such incorporation takes place existing leases in perpetuity upon which property, is now held in the said Settlements shall be con- firmed, and no conditions whatsoever other than "those contained in such existing leases shall be imposed in respect of such property. It is, however, understood that the Consular Authorities mentioned in the same are in all cases to be replaced by the Japanese Authorities. Alllands which may previously have been granted by the Japanese Government free of rent for the public purposes of the said Settlements shall, subject to the right of eminent domain, be permanently reserved free of all taxes and charges for the public purposes fpr which they were originally set apart. Article XVIII. This Treaty shall, from the date it comes into force, be substituted in place of the Treaty of Peace and Amity concluded on the 3d day of the 3d month of the 7th year of Kayei, corresponding to the 31st day of ]|Harch, 1854; the Treaty of Amity and Commerce concluded on the 19th day of the 6th month of the 5th year of Ansei, correspondiiig to the 29th day of July, 1858.; the Tariff Convention concluded on the 13th day of the 5th mt)nth of the 2nd year of Keio, corresponding to the 25th day of June, 1866; the Convention concluded on the 25th day of the 7th month of the 11th year of Meiji, corresponding to the 25th day of July, 1878, and all Arrangements and Agreements subsidiary thereto concluded or existing between the High Contracting Parties ; and from the same date, such Treaties, Conventions, Arrangements and Agree- ments shall cease to be binding, and, in consequence, the jurisdiction then exercised by Courts of the United States in Japan and all the exceptional privileges, exemptions and immunities then enjoyed by. citizens of the United States as a part of, or appurtenant to such juris- 8 •diction, shall absolutely aud without notice cease and determine, and thereafter all such jurisdiction shall be assumed and exercised by Japanese Courts. ' Article XIX. This Treaty shall go into operation on the 17th day of July, 1899, and shall remain in force for the period of twelve years from that date. Either High Contracting Party shall have the right, at any time there- after to give notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same, and at the expiration of twelve months after such notice is given this Treaty shall wholly cease and determine. Articlb! XX. This Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged, either at Washington or Tokio, as soon as possible and not later than six months after its signature. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty in duplicate and have thereunto affixed theii* seals. Done at the City of Washington the 22d day of November in the eighteen hundred and ninety -fourth year of the Christian era, corre-, sponding to the 22d day of the 11th month of the 27th year of Meiji: Walter Q. Gresham Shjnichiro Kurino. SEAL SEAL And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified, as amended, on both parts and the ratifications of the two Goverjiments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the twenty- first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty, as amended, to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof In witness whereof, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, [seal] and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and nineteenth. Grover Cleveland By the President : W. Q. Gresham Secretary of State. JAPAI^-PROTOCOL. PROTOCOL BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN TO KBGULATE OBETAIN SPECIAL MATTERS OP MUTUAL CONCERN, APART FROM THE TREATY OF COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION OF NOVEMBER 22, 1894, BETWEEN THE TWO GOVERNMENTS. Concluded at Washington November 22, 1894. Proclaimed March 21, 1895. fi,Y THE President op the TlNiTBD States* op Amerio^, A PEOOLAMATIOK W&ereas, a Protocol between the United States of America and the Empire of Japa,n to regulate certain special matters of mutual concern, apart from the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of Kovember 22, 1894, between the same Etigh Contracting Parties, was conclude^ and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, on the 22d day of Novem- ber, 1894, which Protocol, beiilg in the English language, is word for word as follows : PEOTQCOL. The Government of the United States of America and the Gov- ernment of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, deeming it advisable in the interests of both countries to regulate certain special matters of mutual concern, apart from the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation signed this day, have, through their respective Plenipotentiaries, agreed upon the following stipulations : — I. It is agreed .by the Contracting Parties that one month after the exchange of the ratifications of the Treaty of Commerce and Naviga- tion signed this day the Import Tariff now in operation in Japan in respect of goods and nlerchandise imported into Japan by citizens of the United States shall cease to be binding. From the same date the General Statutory Tariff of -Japan shall, subject to the provisions of Article IX of the Treaty of March 31, 1854, at present subsisting between the Contracting Parties, so long as said Treaty remains in 9 10 force, and, thereafter, subject to the provisions of Article IV and Article XIV of the Treaty signed this day, be applicable to goods and mer- chandise being the growth, produce or manufacture of the Territories of the United States upon importation into Japan. But nothing contained in this Protocol shall be held to limit or qualify the right of the Japanese Government to restrict or to prohibit the importation of adulterated drugs, medicines, food or beverages ; indecent or obscene prints, paintings, books, cards, lithographic or other engrav- ings, photographs or any other indecent or obscene articles; articles in violation of the patent, trade-mark or copy-right laws of Japan; or any other article which for sanitary reasons, or in view of public security or morals, might offer any danger. 2. The Japanese Government, pending the opening of the country to citizens of the United States, agrees to extend the existing passport system in such a manner as to allow citizens of the United States, on the production of a certificate of recommendation from the Representa- tive of the United States at Tokio, or from any of the Consuls of the United States at the open ports of Japan, to obtain upon application passports available for any part of the country and for any period not exceeding twelve months, from the Imperial Japanese Foreign Ofllce in Tokio, or from the Chief Authotities in the Prefecture in which an open port is situated, it being understood that the existing Rules and Regulations governing citizens of the United States who visit the inte- rior of the Empire are to be maintained, 3, The undersigned Plenipotentiaries have agreed that this Protocol shall be submitted to the two High Contracting Parties at the same time as the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation signed this day, and that when the said Treaty is ratified the agreements contained in the Protocol shall also equally be considered as approved, without the necessity of a further formal ratification. It is agreed that this Protocol shall terminate at the same time the said Treaty ceases to be binding. in witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and have affixed thereto their seals. Done at Washington the 22d day of November in the eighteen hun- dred and ninety-fourth year of the Christian era, corresponding to the 22d day of the 11th month of the 27th year of Meiji. Walter Q. Gbbsham Shiniohieo Kueino SEAL seal' And whereas, it was stipulated in the said Protocol that it should be submitted to the two High Contracting Parties at the same time as the said Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, and that when the said Treaty should be ratified, the agreements contained in the Protocol, should also equally be considered as approved, without the necessity of a further formal ratification ; And, whereas, the said Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, as amended, has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications thereof were exchanged at the City of Washington on the 21st day of March 1895; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Protocol to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof 11 may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done in the City of Washington this twenty-first day March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ntuety-five^ [SEAii] and of the Independence of the United States of Anlerica the one hundred and nineteenth. Gbotek Oletelakd By the President: W4LTEK Q. GKESHAM Secretary of State. SPAIN— MODUS VIVENDI-MOST-FAVORED-NATION CLAUSE. AGREEMENT BY EXCHANGE OF NOTES BETWEEN THE ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENI- POTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES AT MAD- RID AND THE MINISTER OF STATE OF SPAIN<. MODUS VIVENDI PROVIDING RECIPROCAL OBSERVANCE OP THE MOST. FAVORED-NATION PRIVILEGES RESPECTING CUSTOMS DUTIES IN THE PORTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND IN THOSE OF CUBA AND PUERTO RICO, WITH EXECUTORY DECREE. Note of the Minister of State, January 10, 1895. Note of the United States Minister, January 11, 1895. Executory Decree, February 4, 1895. MlNISTEEIO DE ESTApO, Palacio 10 de Enero de 1895. ExcMO. Senor :^He tenido la honra de recibir la nota de V. E., fecha 7 del actual, en que se sirve couianicarme la'favorable acogida que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha dispensado k las proposiciones del de S. M. para la celebracion de un Modus-vivendi que regule las rela- cioues comerciales entre las Islas de Cuba y Puerto iiico y los Estados Unidos hasta tanto que pueda Uegarse k la conclusion de un Tratado deflnitivo de coinercio. De acuerdo, pues, con las declaraciones heclias ^ V. E. y aceptadas por su Gobierno, tengo el honor de manifestarle que el de S. M. est^ dispuesto k aplicar & los productos de los Estados Unidos en las Islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico los derechos de la segunda coluinna de los Aranceles vigentes siempre que el Gobierno de la Union conceda i los productos de di(!has islas el trato de la ISTacion mas favorecida ; quedando ademas entendido que en niugun caso los productos ainericauos en Cuba y Puerto Eico 6 los espanoles en los Estados de la Union podr4n estar ■ sujetos 4 un r^giinen diferencial respecto 4 los delos otros paises. Este modus-vivendi regira hasta la conclusion de un Tratado deflni- tivo entre ambas Partes iuteresadas 6 hasta que una de ellas notiflque k la otra con tres meses de anticipacion la fecha en que desee darlo por tertninado. 2 El gobierno cle S. M. solicitard, de las Cortes la autorlzacioii legisla- tiva necesaria para poner en vigor -deutro del mas breve plazo i>osible el ■ r6gimen provisional que queda estipulado. Aprovecho esta oportuuidad para reiterar k Y. E. las seguridades de, mi mas distinguida coiisideraoion. Alejandro Groizard. , Seiior Ministro de los Estados Unidos. [Tranelation,] Ministry of State, Palace, January 10, 1895. Exoellen(;y:: — I have had the honor to receive your note of the 7th instant, in which you were pleased to communicate to me the favorable reception which the Government of the United States has given to the propositions of that of His Majesty for the execution of a modus vivendi which may regulate the commercial relations between the Islands of Cuba and Puerto Eico and the United States until Sjich time as a defin- itive treaty of commerce may be concluded. In accordance therefore with the declarations made to you and accepted by your Government, I have the honor to inform you that that of His Majesty is disposed to apply to the products of the United States in the Islands of Cuba and Puerto Eico, the duties of the second column of the tariff now in force as long as the Government of the Union concedes to the products of said Islands the most favored nation treatment, it being understood that in no case shall American products in Cuba and Puerto Eico or Spanish products in the United States, be subjected to a differential treatment in respect to those of other countries. This modus vivendi shall remain in force until the . conclusion of a definitive treaty between the parties interested or until one of them shall give to the other three months notice of the date upon which it is desired to terminate it. The Government of His Majesty will ask of the Cortes the legisla- tive authority necessary to piit in vigor in the shortest time possible the provisional arrangement agreed upon. I approve this opportunity to reiterate to Tour Excellency theassur- ances of my most distinguished consideration. Alejandro Groizard. The Minister of the United States. Legation of the United States of America, Madrid,' January 11, 1895. Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 10th instant, in reply to mine of the 7th instant, in which I took occasion to present to you a telegram from my Government say- ing that the President, appreciating the friendly disposition manifested by your proposals, will refrain from exercising the power of discrimina- tion or exclusion against the products of Cuba and Puerto Eico so long as Spain accords most favored nation treatment to American products in those islands. In reply to my note you are now good enough to reas- sure me that in consideration of such treatment by my Government that of His Majesty will apply to American products only the duties imposed by the second column of the tariff in force in Cuba and Puerto EicOj^that column being applied, as you have assured me, to all nations which now receive from Spain in those islands the most favored nation treatment. The necessary meaning of this agreement, as you have correctly expressed it not only in your note but in your conversations with me, is that both nations may make subsequent tariff changes without preju- dice to the agreement, provided by such changes neither discriminates against the other. In the event that either party desires to determine the agreement three months notice of such intention is to' be given beforehand. Hoping to be informed by you at a very early day of the consumma- tion of the necessary acts upon the part of the Cortes, I seize this opportunity to renew to Yout Excellency the assurance of my most dis- tinguished consideration. Hannis Taylor. His Excellency, Alejandro Groizard, ' etc., etc., etc. [Extract from the " Graceta de Madrid," of I'ebraary 6th, 1895.] MIlSriSTBRIO DE ESTADO. LEY. DON ALFONSO XIII, por la gracia de Dios y la Constitucion Rey de Espana, y en su nombre y durante su menor edad la Eeina Eegente del Eeino ; A todos los que la presente vieren y entendieren, sabed : que las Cortes han decretado y Nos sancionado lo siguiente : Artioulo tJNico. Se autoriza al Gobierno para aplicar h los pro- ductos y mannfacturas d6 los Estados' Unidos que, procedentes de los puertos de dichos Estados, sean admitidos en los de Cuba y Puerto Eico, la tarifa segunda de los Aranceles vigentes en ellas, a cambio de que los Estados Unidos apliquen sus tarifas m^s reducidas 4 los pro- ductos del suelo y de la industria de Cuba y Puerto Eico. Este modus vivendi regird mien tr as no se celebre un Tratado deflnitivo entre ambas partes interesadas, 6 hasta que una de ellas anuncie con tres meses de anticipacion el dia en que desea ponerle t^rmino. Por tanto : Mandamos 4 todos los Tribunales, Justicias, Jefes, Gobernadores y dem4s Autoridades, asi civiles como militares y eclesi^sticas, de cualquier clase y dignidad, que gnarden y hagan guardar, cumplir y ejecutar la presente ley en todas sus partes. Dado en Palacio d cuatro de Febrero de mil ochocientos noventa y cinco. TO LA EEINA EEGENTE. El Ministro de Estado, Alejandro Groizard, [TraEslation.] MINISTRi" OF STATE. LAW Don Alfonso XIII, by the grace of God and the Constitution King of Spain, and in his name and during his minority the Queen Eegent of the Kingdom ; To all whom these presents shall come or, may concern, take notice that the Cortes have decreed and We have sanctioned the following: Akticlb 1. The Government is authorized to apply to the products and manufactures of the United States, which proceeding from the ports of said States may be admitted into those of Cuba and Puerto Eico, — the second column of the Tariff in force in those Islands, in exchange for which the United States will apply its lowest tariff rates to the products of the soil and to those of the industry of Cuba and Puerto Eico. This modus vivendi shall prevail until the execution of a definitive Treaty between the two parties interested, or until one of them gives notice, three mouths in advance, of the day upon which it desires to put,an end to it. Therefore : We command all Tribunals, Justices, Chiefs, Governors, and all other Authorities, civil as weir as military and ecclesiastical, of every class and rank, to keep and make the present law to be kept, fulfilled and obeyed in all its parts. Given in the Palace on the 4th of February, 1895. I THE QUEEIST EEGENT. The Minister of State : Alejandbo Geoizakd. MEXICO— WATER BOUNDARY. CONVKNTION THE UNITED STATESOF AMERICA AND THE UNITED STATES OF MEXICO EXTENDING FOR ONE YEAR FROM DECEMBER 24, 1895, THE DURATION OF THE CONVENTION OF MARCH i, i88g. Signed at Washington Ottober i, i8gj. Ratification advised by the Senate December if, i8pj. Ratified by the President December 20, i8gj. Ratified by the President of Mexico November 5, i8g^. Ratifications exchanged ai Washington December 21, iS^S- Proclaimed December 21, i8g^. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico extending for a period of one year from December 24, 1895, the duration of the Convention between the two high Contractirig Parties of March i, 1889 concerning the water boundary between the two countries, was concluded and signed by their re- spective plenipotentiaries at the city of Washington on the first day of October 1895, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages is word, for word as follows : Whereas the United States of Deseando los Estados Unidos de America and the United States of America y los Estados Unidos Mex- Mexico desire to comply fully with icanos dar pleno cumplimiento a las the provisions of the Convention estipulaciones de la Convencion con- concluded and signed at Washing- cluida y firmada en Washington el ton, March i, 1889, to facilitate the 1° de Marzo de 1 889 para facilitar la carrying out of the principles con- ejecucion de los principios conteni- tained in the Convention of Novem- dos en el Tratado de 12 de Noviem- ber 12, 1884, between the two High bre de 1884, firmado entre las dos Contracting Parties, and to avoid the Altas Partes contratantes, y evitar las difficulties occasioned by reason of tlie changes which take place in the beds of the Rio Grande and Col- orado River in that portion thereof where they serve as a boundary line between the two Republics; And whereas the time fixed by Article IX of the Convention of March i, 1889, will expire Decem- ber 24, 1895; And whereas the two High Con- tracting Parties deem it expedient to agree upon an extension of the time stipulated in Article IX afore- said, to the end that the International Boundary Commission may conclude the examination and decision of the cases submitted to it, they have ap- pointed for this purpose their re- spective plenipotentiaries, to wit : The President of the United States of America, Richard Olney, Secre- tary of State of the United States of America ; and The President of the United States of Mexico, Matias Romero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary of the United States of Mex- ico at Washington, Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and true form, have agreed upon and concluded the following article : ARTICLE. The duration of the Convention of March i, 1889, between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, which, in virtue of the provisions of Article IX thereof, was to continue in force for a period of five years from the date of the exchange of its ratifica- tions, and which will terminate De- dificultades ocasionadas con motive de los cambios que tienen lugar en el cance de los rios Bravo del Norte y Colorado en aquellas de sus partes que sirven de limite a las dos Repib- licas ; Y debiendo expirar el 24 de Di- ciembre de 1895 el plazo fijado por el articulo IX de la Convencion de 1° de Marzo de 1889; Y considerando conveniente las dos Altas Partes Contratantes pro- rogar el plazo estipulado en el Ar- ticulo IX de dicha Convencion, a fin de que la Comision Internacional de Limites pueda concluir el examen y decision de los casos que se le han sometido, han nombrado con ese objeto sus respectivos Plenipoten- ciarios, a saber : El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America a Richard Ol- ney, Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America ; y El Presidente de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos a Matias Romero, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de Ids Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos en Washington, Quienes, despues de haberse com- unicado sus respectivos plenos po- deres, encontrandolos en buena y debida forma, y puestos de acuerdo entre si, han convenido en el articulo siguiente : art/culo tJnico. La duracion de la Convencion de • 1° de Marzo de 1889, firmada entre los Estados Unidos de America y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, que, conforme a las estipulaciones de su Articulo IX, deberia permanecer vigente por el plazo de cinco afios contados desde la fecha del cange de sus ratificaciones y que terminara cember 24, 1895, 's hereby extended el 24 Diciembre de 1895, se proroga for the period of one year from that por la presente por el perlodo de un date. , ano contado desde esta nltima fecha. This Convention shall be ratified Esta Convencion sera ratificada by the High Contracting Parties in por las dos Atlas Partes Contratantes conformity with their respective de acuerdo con sus respectivas Con- Constitutions, and its ratifications stituciones, y las ratificaciones se shall be exchanged at Washington cangearan en Washington tan pronto as soon as possible. como sea posible. In faith whereof, we, the under- En fe de lo cual, nos, los infras- signed, in virtue of our respective critos, en virtud de nuestros respec- full powers, have signed this con- tivos plenos poderes, hemos firmado vention, in duplicate, in the English esta Convencion por duplicado, en las and Spanish languages, and have lenguas Inglesa e Espanola, y hemos thereunto affixed our respective seals, puesto nuestros respectivos sellos. Done at the City of Washington, Hecho en la Ciudad de Washing- this first day of October in the year ton, el dia primero de Octubre del of our Lord one thousand eight afio de Nuestro Senor mil ocho- hundred and ninety-five. cientos noventa y cinco. Richard Olney [seal.] M. Romero [seal.] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington, on the twenty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made pubHc, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and of the Independ- [SEAL.J gj^^^ ^|- ^^ United States the one hundred and twentieth. GROVER CLEVELAND By the President : RICHARD OLNEY Secretary of State. GREAT BRITAIN-CLATMS CONVENTION. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GEEAT BEITAIN, SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS PRESENTED BY GEEAT BRITAIN AGAINST THE UNITED STATES IN VIRTUE OF THE CON- VENTION OF FEBRUARY 29, 1892. Concluded February 8, 1896. Ratification advised by the Senate, with amendments, \April 15, 1896. Ratified, by the President April 23, 1896. Ratified by Her Britannic Majesty May 14, 1896. Ratifications exchanged June 3, 1896. Proclaimed June 11, 1896. By the President of the United States op America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the Governments of the United States of America and Great Britain, providing for the settlement of claims presented by Great Britain against the United States in virtue of the Convention of February 29, 1892, between the same High Con- tracting Parties, was concluded and signed by their respective Pleni- potentiaries at the City of Washington, on the eighth day of February, 1896, which Convention, being in the English language, and as amended by the Senate of the United States, is word for word as follows : Whereas by a Treaty between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, signed at Washington on February 29, 1892, the ques- tions which had arisen between their respective Governments concern- ing the jurisdictional rights of the United States in the waters of Behring Sea, and concerning also the preservation of the fur-seaJ in, or habitually resorting to, the said Sea, and the rights of the citizens and subjects of either country as regards the taking: of fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said waters, were submitted to a Tribunal of Arbitration as therein constituted ; And whereas the High Contracting Parties having found themselves unable to agree upon a reference which should include the question of the liability of each for the injuries alleged to have been sustained by the other, or by its citizens, in connection with the claims pre- sented and urged by it, did, by Article VIII of the said Treaty, agree that either party might submit to the Arbitrators any questions of fact involved in said claims and ask for a finding thereon, the question of the liability of either Government on the facts found to be the sub- ject of further negotiation; And whereas the Agent of Great Britain did, in accordance with the provisions of said Article VIII, submit to the Tribunal of Arbitra- tion certain findings of fact which were agreed to as proved by the Agent of the United States, and the Arbitrators did unanimously find the facts so set forth to be true, as appears by the Award of the Tribunal rendered on the 15th day of August, 1893 ; And whereas in view of the said findings of fact and of the decision of the Tribunal of Arbitration concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in Behring Sea and the right of protection or prop- erty of the United States in the fur-seals frequenting the islands of the United States in Behring Sea, the Government of the United States is desirous that in so far as its liability is not already fixed and determined by the findings of fact and the decision of said Tribunal of Arbitration, the question of such liability should be definitely and fully settled and determined, and compensation made, for any injuries for which, in the contemplation of the Treaty aforesaid, and the award and findings of the Tribunal of Arbitration compensation may be due to Great Britain from the United States; And whereas it is claimed by Great Britain, though not adnjitted by the United States, that prior to the said award certain other claims against the United States accrued in favor of Great Britain on account of seizures of or interference with the following named British sealing vessels, — to wit, the " Wanderer^" the _" Winifred," the "Henrietta" and the "Oscar and Hattie," and it is for the mutual interest and con- venience of both the High Contracting Parties that the liability of the United States, if any, and the amount of compensation to be paid, if any, in respect of such claims and each of them should also be deter- mined under tbe provisions of this Convention — all claims by Great Britain under Article V of the Modus Vivendi of April 18, 1892 for the abstention from fishing of British sealers during tlie pendency of said arbitration having been definitely waived before the Tribunal of Arbitration : The United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of conclud- ing a Convention for that purpose, have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries : The President of the United States, the Honorable Eichard Olney, Secretary of State; and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honorable Sir Julian Paunce- fote, G. O. B., G. C. M. G., fler Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, which were found in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following Articles : Article I. The High Contracting Parties agree that all claims on account of injuries sustained by persons in whose behalf Great Britain is entitled to claim compensation from the United States and arising by virtue of the Treaty aforesaid, the award and the findings of the said Tribunal of Arbitration, as also the additional claims specified in the 5th para- graph of the preamble hereto, shall be referred to two Commissioners, one of whom shall be appointed by the PresidPTit nf th« TTnif-oH Sfatno and the other by Her Br'ul^^ic Majesty, and each of whom shall be learned in the law. Appended to this Convention is a list of the claims intended to be referred. Article II. The two Commissioners shall meet at Victoria, in the Province Of British Columbia, Canada, as soon as practicable after the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, and, after taking an oath that they will fairly and impartially investigate the claims referred to them and render a just decision thereon, they shall proceed jointly to the discbarge of their duties. The Oominission shall also sit at San Francisco, California, as well as Victoria, provided either Commissioner shall so request if he shall be of opinion that the interests of justice shall so require, for reasons to be recorded on the minutes. Article III. The said Cpmmissioners shall determine the liability of the United States, if any, in respect of each claim and assess the amount of com- pensation, if any, to be paid on account thereof — so far as they shall be able to agree thereon — and their decision shall be accepted by the two Governments as final. They shall Ije authorized to hear and examine, on oath or affirmation, which each of said Commissioners is hereby empowered to administer or receive, ev^ry question of fact not found by the Tribunal ot Arbitra- tion, and to receive all suitable authentic testimony concerning the same; and the Government of the United States shall have the right to raise the question of its liability before the Commissioners in any case where it shall be proved that the vessel was wholly or in part the actual properly of a citizen of the United States. The said Commission, when sitting at San Francisco or Victoria, shall have and exercise all such powers for the procurement or enforce- ment of testimony as may hereafter be provided by appropriate legis- lation. Article IV. The Commissioners may appoint a Secretary and a clerk or clerks to assist them in the transaction of tlie business of the Commission. Article V. In the cases, if any, in which the Commissioners shall fail to agree,, they shall transmit to each Government a joint report stating in detail the points on which they differ, and the grounds on which their opinions have been formed; and any such difference shall be referred for final adjustment to an Umpire to be appointed by the two Goverments jointly, or, in case of disagreement, to be nominatied by the President of the Swiss Confederation at the request of the two Governments. Article VI. In case of the death, qr incapacity to serve, from sickness or any other cause, of either of the two Commissioners, or of the Umpire, if any, his place shall be filled in the manner herein provided for the original appointment. Abtiole y^i' Each Government shall provide for the remuneration of the Com- missioner appointed by it. The remuneration of the Umpire, if one should be appointed, and all contingent and incidental expenses of the Commission, or of the Umpire, shall be defrayed by the two Governments in equal moieties. Article VIH. The amount awarded to Great Britain under this Convention on account of any claimant shall be paid by the Government of the United States to the Government of Her Britannic Majesty within six months after the amount thereof shall have been finally ascertained. Article IX, The present Convention shall be duly ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Britannic Majesty; and the ratifications shall be exchanged either at Washington or at London within six months from the date hereof, or earlier, if possible. In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this Convention and have hereunto affixed our seals. Done in duplicate at Washington, the eighth day of February, 1896. Richard Olnby Julian Pauncefotb appendix of claims. Claims tubmitted to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Paris. SEAL SEAL Name of vesaol. Carolina.. Thornton. Onward .. ravorite . Anna Book W. P. Sayward. Dolphin Grace Alfred Adams.. Ada Triumph Juanita Pathfinder Triumph Black Diamond . Lily Arjel Eate Ulnnie Pathfinder Date of seiz- ure. Aug. 1.1880, Aug. 1.1886 Aug. 2.1886 Aug. 2.1886. July 2,1887, July 9,1887, July 12, 1887, July 17, 1887, Aug.'^lO, 1887, Aug. 25, 1887, Aug. 4,1887, July 31, 1889, July 29, 1880, July 11, 1889, July 11,1889. Aug. 6. 1889. July 80, 1889. Aug. 18, 1889. July la, 1889. Uar. 27, 1890. I Ajiproximate distance from land when seized. United States ves- sel making seizure. 76 miles Corwln. 70 miles Corwln. 115 miles Corwln. Warned by Corwln in about same position i Onward. 66 miles liush. 69 miles Kush. 40 miles Rush. 96 miles Hush. 62 miles i Kush. 15 miles Bear. Warned by Rush not to enter Behring Sea, 66 miles ITJush. 60 miles .1 Bush. Ordisred out of Behring Sea by Bush— Query i to positton when warned. miles 66 miles Ordered oat of Behring Sea by Bush, , ditto fl6milps Seized in Keah Bay Bush. Bush. Rush. Bush. Corwln. Personal ClainiB 1888. 1887. Costs in Sayward Case. WaDderer ADDITIONAL CLAIMS. 1887-89. "Winifred 1891. 1892. Oscar and Hattie 1892. And Whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of London on the third day of June, one thousand eight hun- dred and ninety-six; Now, Therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, as amended, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be af&xed. Done at the City of Washington this 11th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six and [SEAL.] of the Independence of the United States the one hun- dred and twentieth. Geover Cleveland By the President: EiOHABD Olney Secretary of State a-' MEXICO : UECIPllOCAL RI&HT TO PURSUE SAVAGE INDIANS ACROSS BOUNDARY LINE. AG-REEMEjSTT BETWEEN EIOHARD OLISTBY, SEOEBTABY OF STATE OP THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, AND MATIAS ROMERO, ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Signed at Washington, Jime 4, 1896. Agreement entered into in behalf of their respective Grovernments by Richard Olney, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and Matias Romero, Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary of the United Mexican States, providing for the reciprocal crossing of the international boun- dary line by the troops of their re- spective governments, in pursuit of Kid's band of hostile Indians, on the conditions hereinafter stated. Article I. It is agreed that the regular fed- eral troops of the two Republics may reciprocally cross the boun- dary line of the two countries when they are in close pursuit of Kid's band of hostile Indians on the con- ditions stated in the following ar- ticles. Aetiole II. It is understood for the purpose of this agreement, that no Indian scout of the Government of the United States of America shall be allowed to cross the boundary line, unless he goes as a guide and trail- er, unarmed and with the proviso Convenio celebrado en nombre de sus respectivos Gobiernos por el Seiior Richard Olney, Secretario de Estado de los Estados u nidos de America, y el Senor Don Matias Romero, Bnviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenoiario de los Estados Unidos Mexioanos, au- torizando el paso reciproco provi- sional de la linea divisoria iuterna- cional, de tropas de sus respectivos Gobiernos, en persecuci6n de la banda de Indies sublevados de Kid, bajo las restricciones que en se- guida se expresan : Aeticulo I. Se conviene en que las tropas federales regulares de las dos Re- publicas pasen reciprocamente la linea divisoria entre los dos paises cuando vayan persiguiendo de cerca la banda de Indies subleva- dos de Kid con arreglo a las con- diciones que se expresan en los articulos siguientes: Aeticulo II. Para los efectos de este conve- nio queda entendido que no se permitirA 4 ningun explorador in- dio (scout) del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America cru- zar la linea divisoria, 4 no ser que vaya sin armas y como guia y pr4c- that, in no case, more than two scouts shall attend each Company or detachment. Abticle III. The reciprocal crossing agreed upon in Article I shall only take place in the uninhabited or desert parts of said boundary line. For the purposes of this agreement the uninhabited or desert parts are de- fined to be all points that are at least ten kilometers distant from any encampment or town of either country. Article IV. No crossing of troops of either country shall take place from Oa- pitdn Leal, a town on the Mexican side of the Rio G-rande, eighty-four kilometers (52 English miles) above Piedras Negras, to the mouth of the Eio Grande. Article V. The Commander of troops cross- ing the frontier in pursuit of In- dians, shall, at the time of crossing, or before if possible, give notice of his march to the nearest military commander, or civil authority, of the country whose territory he is about to enter. Article YI. The pursuing force shall retire to its own territory as soon as it shall have chastised Bad's band of hos- tile Indians, or have lost its trail; but if, during the pursuit of that band, it shall meet with other hos- tile Indians, it may chastise them as if those first named were con- cerned. In no case shall the forces of the two countries, respectively, establish themselves or remain in the foreign territory for any time longer than is necessary to enable them to pursue the band whose trail they are following. tico en las huellas, y en el concepto de que en ningun caso acompaaa- r^n mds de dos indios explorado- res (scouts) ^ cada compania 6 cada destacamento. ARTfCULO III. El paso reciproco convenido en el articulo I no podra hacerse sino por la parte despoblada y desierta de dicha Imea divlsoria. Para los efectos de este Convenio se entien- den por partes despobladas 6 de- siertas todos aquellos puntos dis- tantes por lo menos diez kilome- tros de cualquier campamento 6 poblacion de ambos paises. ARTfCULO lY. El paso de tropas de uno u otro pais no podrd tener lugar desde Capitdn Leal, poblacion en el lado mexicano del Rio Bravo A ochenta y cuatro kilometros (52 millas in- glesas) rio arriba de Piedras Ne- gras hasta la embocadura del Eio Bravo del Norte. Artictjlo Y. El Jefe de las faerzas que pasen la frontera en persecucion de In- dies, deberft, al crusar la linea di- visoria 6 antes si fuere posible, dar aviso de su marcha al Jefe militar 6 4 la autoridad civil m^s proxima del pais 4 cuyo territorio va & en- trar. ARTfCULO YI. La fuerza perseguidora se reti- rard & su pais tan luego como haya batido & la banda de indios suble- vados de Kid 6 perdido su huella; pero si durante la persecuci6n de esta banda encontrare otros indios sublevados, podr4 batirlos como si se tratara de aquellos. En ningun caso podr4n las faerzas de los dos pafses, respectivamente, estable- cerse en territorio extrangero, ni permanecer en 61 mas tiempo que el necesario para hacer la perse- cucion de la partida cuya huella sigan. The temporary loss of the trail, owing to rain or any other accident, shall not be deemed suiHcient cause for abandoning the pursuit or for withdrawing the pursuing force, when there is a reasonable prospect of soon finding the trail again by means of a continued movement. Article VII. Any abuses that may be commit- ted by the forces crossing into the territory of the other nation, shall be punished by the Government to which such forces belong, accord- ing to the gravity of the offence and in conformity with its laws, as if the abuses had been committed in its own territory, the said gov- ernment being further under obli- gation to withdraw the guilty par- ties from the frontier. Article VIII. In the case of offences commit- by the inhabitants of one country against the force of the other that may be within the limits of the former, the Government of said country shall only be responsible to the Government of the other for denial of justice in the punishment •of the guilty parties. Article IX. This provisional agreement shall remain in force until Kid's band of hostile Indians shall be wholly ex- terminated or rendered obedient to one of the two Governments. Article X. The Senate of the United Mexican States having authorized the Pres- ident to conclude this agreement, it shall take effect immediately. In testimony whereof we have signed this agreement this 4th day of June, 1896. La interrupci6n temporal de la huella, por la Uuvia u otro acci- dente, no debe ser motive para abandonar la persecucidn ni jjara retirar la fuerza perseguidora, cuando haya una perspectiva ra- cional de volver 4 encontrar pronto esa huella por medio de un movi- miento continuado. ARTfCULO VII. Los abusos que cometan las fuerzas que pasen al territorio de la otra nacion, serAn castigados, segun la gravedad de la ofensa y con arreglo A sus leyes, por el Gobierno de quien dependan, como si fuesen cometidos en su propio territorio, quedando siempre obli- gado el mismo Gobierno 4 retirar de la frontera 4 los culpables. Artictjlo VIII. En los casos de delitos cometi- dos por los habitantes de un pais contra la fuerza del otro, que est6 dentro de los limites del primero, el Gobierno de este pals solo es responsable para con el otro Go- bierno por denegacion de justicia en el castigo de los culpables. ARTfOULO IX. Este Oonvenio provisional per- manecer4 en vigor mientras la banda de indios sublevados de Kid no fuere completamente exter- minada 6 reducida & la obediencia de uno de los dos Gobiernos. ARTfCTJLO X. Habiendo el Senado. de los Es- tados Unidos Mexicanos autoriza- do al Presidente para celebrar este Oonvenio, comenzard d tener efecto desde esta fecha. En testimonio de lo cual hemos firmado este Oonvenio el 4 de Junio, de 1896 ElCHARD OLNEY M. EOMERO MEXIOO-WATER BOUI^TDAEY. COlSrVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED STATES OF MEXICO, EXTENDING THE DUEATION OF THE CONVENTION OP MAECH 1, 1889, CONCERNING THE WATEB BOUND AE"2 BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTEIES. Signed at Washington November 6, 1896. Ratification advised by the Senate December 10, 1896. Ratified by the President of Mexico December 3, 1896. Ratified by the President of the United States December 15, 1896. Ratifications exchanged at Washington December 23, 1896. Proclaimed December 23, 1896. By the President of the United States op America A PEOOLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico extending for a period of one year from December 24, 1896, the duration of the Convention between the two High Contracting Parties of March 1, 1889, concerning the water boundary between the two countries, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington on the sixth day of November, 1896, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Whereas the United States of Deseando los Estados Unidos de America and the United States of America y los Estados Unidos de Mexico desire to give full effect Mexican os dar pleno cumplimiento to the provisions of the Oonven- A las estipulaciones de la Conven- tion concluded and signed in Wash- cion concluida y flrmada en Wash- ington March 1, 1889, to facilitate ington el 1° de Marzo de 1889, para the execution of the provisions con- facilitar la ejecucidn de los prin- tained in the Treaty signed by the cipios contenidos en el Tratado two High Contracting Parties on flrmado entre las dos Altas Partes the 12th of IvTovember, 1884, and to Contratantes el 12 ISToviembre de avoid the difficulties arising from 1884, y evitar las diflcultades oca- the changes which are taking place sionadas con motivo de los cambios in the beds of the Bravo delKorte que tienen lugar en los cauces de MEXICO WATER BOUNDARY. and Colorado Eivers in those parts which serve as a boundary between the two Eepublics; And whereas the period fixed by Article IX of the Convention of March 1, 1889, extended by that of October 1, 1895, expires on the 24th of December, 1896; And whereas the two High Con- tracting Parties deem it expedient to extend the period iixed by Arti- cle IX of the Convention of March 1, 1889, and by the sole Article of the Convention of October 1, 1895, in order that the International Boundary Commission may be able to conclude the examination and decision of the cases which have been submitted to it, they have, for that purpose, appointed their respective plenipotentiaries, to wit : The President of the United States of America, Eichard Olney, Secretary of State of the United States of America; and The President of the United States of Mexico, Matias Eomero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of Mexico in Washington; Who, after having communi- cated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and con- cluded the following Article : ARTICLE. The duration of the Convention of March 1, 1889, signed by the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, which, according to the provisions of Arti- cle IX thereof, was to remain in force for five years, counting from the date of the exchange of its ratifications, which period was ex- tended by the Convention of Oc- tober 1, 1895, to December 24, 1896, is extended by the present Con- vention for the period of one year counting from this latter date. This Convention shall be ratified by the two High Contracting Par- ies rios Bravo del Norte y Colo- rado, en las partes que sirven de Ifmite d las dos Eepiiblicas; Y debiendo expirar el 24 de Di- ciembre de 1896 el plazo fljado por el Articulo IX de la Convencion de 1° de Marzo de 1889, ampliado por la de 1° de Octubre de 1895; T considerando conveniente las dos Altas Partes Contratantes pror- rogar el plazo estipulado en el Arti- culo IX de la Convencion de 1° de Marzo de 1889 y en el Articulo Unico de la de 1° de Octubre de 1895, k fin de que la Comision Internacio- nal de LImites pueda concluir el examen y decisidn de los casos que se le han sometido, han nombrado con ese objeto sus respectivos ple- nipotenciarios, d. saber : El Presidente de los Bstados Unidos de Am6rica, & Eichard Olney, Secretario de Bstado de los Bstados Unidos de America; y El Presidente de los Bstados Unidos Mexicanos, 4 Matias Eo- mero, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Pleuipotenciario de los Bstados Unidos Mexicanos en Washington ; Quienes, despues de haberse communicado sus respectivos ple- nos poderes, encontr^ndolos en buena y debida forma, y puestos de acuerdo entre si, han convenido en el Articulo siguiente : ARTfOULO tJNICO. La duracion de la Convencion de 1° de Marzo de 1889, firmada entre los Bstados Unidos de Ame- rica y los Bstados Unidos Mexi canos, conforme d las estipulaciones de su Articulo IX, deberia perma- necer vigente por cinco anos con- tados desde la fecha del canje de sus ratificaciones, cuyo plazo se ampli6 por la Convenci6n de .1° de Octubre de 1895 hasta el 24 do Diciembre de 1896, se prorroga por la presente Convencidu, por el periodo de un ano contado desde esta tiltima fecha. Esta Convencidn sera ratifloada por las dos Altas Partes Contra- MEXICO — WATER BOUNDARY. 3 ties in conformity with their re- tantes de acuerdo con sus respec- spective Constitutions, and the tivas Oonstituciones, y las ratifl- ratiflcations shall be exchanged in caciones se canjeardn en Washing- Washington as soon as possible. ton tan pronto como sea posible. In Testimony Whereof, we, En fe de lo cual, los infrascritos, the undersigned, by virtue of our en virtud de nuestros respectivos respective powers, have signed this poderes hemes flrmado esta Con- Convention in duplicate, in the vencion por duplicado, en las len- English and Spanish languages, guas Inglesa 6 Espanola, y les and have afiixed our respective hemos puesto nuestros respectivos seals. sellos. Done in the City of Washington Hecho en la ciudad de Washing- on the 6th day of November of the ton el dia 6th de Noviembre del year one thousand eight hundred ano de mil ochocientos noventa y and ninety-six. seis. ElOHARD OlNET [seal] M. EOMERO [seal] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the twenty-third day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-third day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-first. [SEAL.] Grover Cleveland. By the President : ElOHARD Olney, Secretary of State. 9mi^^. 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