/ THE GIFT OF a.x>. ~u> rC^: Jcjt— ::::] A- "i-"L C> b '^ ^ ^fh /o r 678-2 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924096767383 INDEX OJRBGONOiyilC MAT Dlic u M^ :OT If Mb- ,: sf Ails tU 6 tW N ITlE D Sf ATfS iis'^iif^k^imk^ PREPAREp^^QF^ THE ?D^JPAI^TMENT OP |0NpjvilCS^^ SgCpL>, LIBRARIAN DEPARTM^NtbjFP^ DOCUMENTS^mEV YORK fllBLIC LIBRARY THE GIFT OF W(^.(X.ti..McJl, k..xxa.\oi%.. ■I'^U. 678-3 INDEX OF ECONOMIC MATERIAL IN DOCUMENTS OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES VERMONT 1789—1904 PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON BY ADELAIDE R. HASSE LIBRARIAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON SEPTEMBER, 1907 3) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Director KENYON L. BUTTERFIELD EMORY R. JOHNSON HENRY B. GARDNER JEREMIAH W, JENKS VICTOR S. CLARK HENRY W. FARNAM, Secretary EDWARD W. PARKER DAVIS R. DEWEY WALTER F. WILLCOX ALFRED H. STONE B. H. MEYER CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION NO. 85 (VERMONT) BALTIUORE, UD., 17. 8. A. k ll PREFATORY NOTE This index undertakes to deal only with the printed reports of administrative officers, legislative conunittees, and special commissions of the states and with gover- nors' messages for the period since 1789. It does not refer to constitutions, laws, legislative proceedings or court decisions, except in so far as they happen to be found in the class of documents above mentioned. It attempts, on the other hand, to furnish a list, as complete as possible, of all the documents and messages which fall within its scope, in whatever form they may have been published, whether separately, in collected documents, legislative journals or volumes of laws, and to indicate the volume in which they may be found. Unless otherwise indicated the material indexed is in the New York Public Library. In some cases reference is made to reports and messages prior to 1789,. and to publications other than public documents which it was felt would be helpful to those likely to use the index. Although these have been included no claim to completeness is made except in the case of the documents and messages since 1789. In addition to furnishing a list of reports and messages, the index undertakes to supply a reference by volume and page to all material of economic importance which they contain, with the exception of that contained in the reports of bureaus of labor. The reason for this exception is that these reports have already been indexed by Carroll D. Wright, late United States Commissioner of Labor,' in a volume published by his department in 1902. Although the index is confined to matter of economic bearing, the term " economic " has been given a broad interpretation. In view of this liberal interpretation it is believed that the index will constitute a useful addition to the resources of students of almost any aspect of American history. It will be seen that the present index differs both in scope and character from R. R. Bowker's " State Publications," the valuable pioneer work in this field. It is narrower in scope than " State Publications " which aims to present a list not only of reports and governors' messages but of aU state documents; but in the field which the present work covers it contains not only a more complete list of documents than has hitherto been published but also an index of their contents in so far as these have an economic bearing. Each volume is divided into two parts. Part I contains references to general sources of information and descriptive matter found in the documents. Part II con- tains references to particular series of reports, and particular topics, arranged alpha- betically by topics. The references under each topic are divided into two groups, viz., *' serial " and " non-serial." Within each of these divisions the arrangement is chro- ' Index of all reports Issued by bureaus of labor statistics In the U. S. prior to Mch. 1, 1902. Wash., 1902. 287 pp. 8°. 3 PREFATORY NOTE nological. Anyone desiring information on any particular topic will, tliereiore, for that topic in its alphabetical order in Part II. Numerous cross-references wiU, it is hoped, make it possible to discover with little difficulty aU the material bearing on that topic. Uniform entry words for subjects recurring in different states will be retained throughout the series. It wiU thus be possible to make a study not only of the historical development of an economic subject as reflected in the documents of an individual state but also to make a comparative study of that development as it has taken place m the country at large. To accomplish this purpose it has been necessary to make the selec- tion of entry words without reference to the peculiarities of local usage, such pecuh- arities being recognized in the case of each state by cross-references. The abbreviations employed are believed to be sufaciently obvious to make a table of them unnecessary. Unless otherwise stated the size of the books is octavo. The present volume has been preceded by two similar volumes, confined to the states of Maine and New Hampshire respectively. It wiU be followed by others, each devoted to a single state. The work when completed will, therefore, furnish an index to the economic material in the reports and governors' messages of all the states of the union. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS Gen. Assem. jol. 1789 Oct. Senate jo 1. 1835 Oct. House jol. 1859 Oct. Senate jol. 1876 Oct. " " 1790 " House ' 1835 " Sen. and House jol. 1860 Apr.i House " 1876 " " " 1791 Jan. Senate ' 1836 " Senate jol. 1860 Oct. 2 Legisl. docs. 1876 V. 1 " 1791 Oct. House ' 1836 " House " 1860 Oct.* ti it 1876 V. 3 ' " '• 1793 " Senate ' 1837 " Senate " 1861 " U (( 1876 V. 3 ' " " 1793 " House ' 1837 " House " 1861 " state Officers' Repts. 1875/6 " 1794 " " 1795 " " 1796 " Senate ' 1838 " Senate " 1863 " Senate jol. 1878 Oct. House ' 1838 " House " 1863 " House " 1878 " Senate ' 1839 " Senate " 1863 " State Officers' Repts. 1877/8 House ' 1839 " House " 1863 " Senate jol. 1880 Oct. " 1797 Feb. Senate 1840 " Senate " 1864 " House " 1880 " " 1797 Oct. House 1840 " House " 1864 " State Officers' Repts. 1879/80 I 11 u 1798 " Senate ' 1841 " Sen. and House jol. 1865 Mch.' Senate jol. 1883 Oct. " 1799 " House ' 1841 " Senate jol. 1865 Oct. House " 1882 " " 1800 " Senate ' 1843 " House " 1865 " State Officers' Repts. 1881/2 " 1801 " House ' 1843 " Legisl. does. 1865 Senate jol. 1884 Oct. " 1803 " Senate ' 1843 " Senate jol. 1866 " House " 1884 " " 1803 " House ' 1843 " House " 1866 " State Officers' Repts. 1883/4 ' " " 1804 Jan. Senate ' 1844 " Legial. docs. 1866 Senate jol. 1886 Oct. " 1804 Oct. House ' 1844 " Senate jol. 1867 " House " 1886 " " " 1805 " Senate ' 1845 " House " 1867 " State Officers' Repts. 1885/6 1806 " House ' 1845 << Legisl. docs. 1807 Senate jol. 1888 Oct. " " 1807 " Senate ' 1846 " State Officers' Repts . 1867 House " 1888 " " " 1808 " House ' 1846 " Senate jol. 1868 " State Officers' Repts. 1887/8 " 1809 " Senate ' 1847 " House " 1868 " Senate jol. 1890 Oct. " 1810 " House ' 1847 " Legisl. docs. 1868 House " 1890 " u 1811 ., Senate ' 1848 " State Officers' Repts 1868 State Officers' Repts. 1889/90 " 1813 " House ' 1848 " Senate jol. 1869 " Extra 1891 Aug. i 11 1. 1813 " Senate ' 1849 "' House " 1869 " Senate jol. 1893 Oct. u 1814 u House ' 1849 " Legisl. does. 1869 House " 1893 " " 1815 " Senate ' 1850 " State Officers' Repts .1869 State Officers' Repts. 1891/3 " 1816 " House ' 1850 " Senate jol. 1870 " Senate jol. 1894 Oct. " 1817 " Senate ' 1851 " House " 1870 " House " 1894 " " 1818 " House ' 1851 " Legisl. docs. 1870 State Officers' Repts. 1893/4 ' " " 1819 " Senate ' 1853 " State Officers' Repts .1870 Senate jol. 1896 Oct. " 1820 " House ' 18!53 " (( (( (( 1871/3 House " 1896 " ' " " 1831 " Senate ' 1853 " Legisl. docs. 1871 State Officers' Repts. 1895/6 " 1833 " House ' 1853 " Senate jol. 1873 Oct. Extra 1898 May " 1833 " Senate ' 1854 " House " 1873 " Senate jol. 1898 Oct. " 1834 " House ' 1854 " Legisl. docs. 1873 V. 1 House " 1898 " " 1835 " Senate ' 1855 " (( 11 1873 V. 3 State Officers' Repts. 1897/8 " 1836 " House ' 1855 " (( K 1873 V. 3 Senate jol. 1900 Oct. " 1837 " Senate ' 1856 " Senate jol. 1874 Oct. House " 1900 " " 1838 " House ' 1856 " House " 1874 " State Officers' Repts. 1899/1900 " 1839 " Sen. & H ouse jol. 1857 Feb. LegisL docs. 1874 V. 1 Senate jol. 1903 Oct. " " 1830 " Senate jo 1. 1857 Oct. (( (( 1874 V. 3 House " 1903 «• u 1831 .. House ' 1857 " (I (( 1874 V. 3 State Officers' Repts. 1901/8 " 1833 " Senate ' 1858 " (t u 1874 T. 4 Senate jol. 1904 Oct. " 1833 " House ' 1858 " state Officers' Repts . 1873/4 House " 1904 <• " 1834 " Senate ' 1859 " Special 1876 Jan. State Officers' Repts. 1903/4 ' Special session. ^ Extra session. PART I GENERAL WORKS No works of general description, such as those which have been included under this caption in the analyses of Maine and New Hampshire documents, have been published by the state of Vermont. LEGISLATIVE MANUAL The earliest printed manual of which there is a record is a broadside published in 1826. Apparently none other was published in this form. The regular publication of the manual was begun in 1832 and has been continued, with apparently only one interruption, to the present time. Up to 1870 it was an annual publication; from that time it has been published biennially. At first this manual was called " Directory and rules of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives," and continued so to be called with some minor variations until 1886, when the title " Legislative directory " was adopted. A collation of the publication up to 1877 is given in Gilman's Bibliography of Vermont, p. 306 et seq. The directory contains the usual matter, viz. the constitu- tion, electoral statistics, official biographies, lists of officers, of legislative sessions, etc., but no valuation or finance returns, sometimes found in the legislative manuals of other states. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Outside of the customary printing and circulation of pub- lic acts by newspapers of the state, no paper seems to have served as the especial repository of official matter. The " Watchman " has been published for many years during sessions of the legislature as " The Daily Journal." The " Argus and Patriot " has occasionally been published daily during sessions of the legislature. PART II TOPICAL ANALYSIS ABATTOIRS 1902-1903. Table showing no. of slaughter-houses hav- ing complied with law. (4 bienn. rept. bd. health 1902/3: 62.) ACCIDENT INSURANCE; see INSURANCE ACCIDENTS Railway; see Railroads Street Railway; see Street Railways ADJUTANT GENERAL; see MILITIA ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: MUNICIPAL 1894. Recommendation that cities be compelled to fur- nish adequate police. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 14.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE 1805-1806. Returns of state attys., showing all demands in favor of state, no. of suits, with costs by cos. In Jols. as follows : 1805 In Gen. Assem. jol. 1805 : 149-153. 1806 1806:230-232. 1880. Suggestions for legal regulation of allowance to be made by court auditors; prohibition of other allowances; all fines and costs imposed by justices of the peace in each town to be paid to town treas- urer. (Rept. auditor accts. 1878/80: 14-15.) . Fraud attaching to present system; remedy. (Govs. mess. (Proctor) 1880: 22-25.) 1881-1896. Tabulated comparative stmt, of criminal prosecutions at state expense by state's attys. as shown by bills of costs allowed justices of peace arranged by cos. (Rept. auditor accts. 1894/6: xlv-xvi.) 1892-1896. Ann. amt. paid for conviction fees, forfeit- ure of bail and one-fourth of fines in liquor cases. (Same 1894/6: xi.) 1894. Unsatisfactory nature of services of special prose- cutors; their relation to liquor traflSe. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 14.) 1898. Recommendation to have commitments to house of correction made by warden of prison; conse- quent saving to state. (Same (Grout) Oct. 1898: 12.) Attorney General 1882. Creation of ofBce of atty. gen. recommended. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 14.) 1898. Same. (Same (Grout) Oct. 1898: 27-28.) 1904. Same. (Govs. Inaugural mess. Oct. 1904: 5-6.) . Same. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 15.) Courts 1837-1842. Table summarizing ann. court and state attys. orders with total and results of supplemental audits. (Rept. auditor accts. 1842/3: 36.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE— cont'd Courts — cont'd . Tabulated abstr. of court orders, showing totals by COS. (Same 1842/3: 29.) . Tabulated proportion of court orders, showing by COS., population 1840; sum of ann. court orders; rate per capita etc. (Same 1842/3: 38.) 1842/3-1902/4. Co. clerks' acct. of receipts and dis- bursements by several co. clerks. (Same 1842/3 (pp. 59-68)— same 1902/4.) From 1854/5 to 1860/1 called Acct. of receipts and disbursements of tlie several county clerks. From 1861/2 to 1863/4 called Receipts and disburse- ments of county clerks. From 1864/5 to 1865/6 called Clerks' accts. ; 1866/7 to 1897/8 called Clerks' returns and from 1898/00 to 1902/4 Receipts and disbursements of county clerks as disbursing ofBcers. Includes salary accts. and expenses of Supreme Court and receipts and dis- bursements of county courts. 1880/1-1897/8. Summary stmt, by subjects of receipts and disbursements of co. clerks. (Rept. auditor accts. 1880/2 (p. 86)— same 1896/8.) County 1818. Bills of cost as taxed in several co. courts of Vt., in actions on note, book accts., bonds for pay- ment of money, jail bonds, etc., by cos. (Gen. assem. jol. 1818: 162-164.) 1821. Aggregate returns of clerks of supreme courts and CO. courts, showing by cos., terms of co. courts ; amt. of debt or damages; whole amt. of costs taxed, etc.; whole amt. of court and clerks' fees, etc. (Same 1821: 210-215.) 1829. Rept. showing results of examination of repts. by clerks of the several co. courts. (Same 1829: 80-81.) 1830-1842. Table exhibiting ann. amt. of all court or- ders in several cos. (Rept. auditor accts. 1842/3: 30-35.) bxpendituees foe; sco bclow, expend itxiees Peobate 1865/6-1903/4. Probate returns by districts showing judge, salary of same, amt. of fees, and recapitula- tion by districts showing excess or deficit of fees to salaries. (Rept. auditor accts. 1865/6 (pp. 102- 106)— same 1903/4.) From 1898/99 to 1903/4 called Probate courts, stmts. showing net gain or cost to state of each of pro- bate districts with ann. summary of district show- ing disbursements, receipts, net gain, and net cost. Stipbemb 1803. State attys. accts. returned to state treasurer. Stmt, of all demands in favor of state; no. of suits, costs of each, before Supreme Court. (Gen. assem. jol. 1803: 219-227.) 1806-1841. Civil and criminal causes in favor of state, entered on docket of Supreme Court, arranged by COS., showing fees reed., costs, etc. 9 10 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE— cont'd Courts — cont'd SuFBEME — cont'd In Jolg. as follows : 1806 In Gen. Agsem. ]o\. 1806 : 233-243. 180T ' 1807 : 254-266. 1808 ' " 1808 : 32-41. 1809 " " " " 1809:88-96. 1810 " " " " 1810 : 15-26. 1811 " 1811 : 8-15. 1812 " " " " 1812 : 23-31. 1813 " ■' " " 1813 : 8-16. 1814 " " " " 1814:31-40. 1815 " " " " 1815 : 191-200. 1816 " " " " 1816 : 217-225. 1817 ' 1817:202-214. 1818 " " '• " 1818 : 177-190. 1819 1819 : 221-236. 1820 " " " '• 1820 : 249-266. 1821 " 1821 : 191-198. 1822 " " " " 1822:227-283. 1823 " " " " 1823 : 197-206. 1824 " " " " 1824 : 235-243. 1825 " 1825:219-228. 1826 " " " " 1826 : 177-189. 1827 " " " " 1827 : 223-231. 1828 " " " " 1828 : 169-179. 1829 " " " " 1829 : 189-200. 1830 " " " " 1830 : 195-208. 1831 ' " 1831:181-194. 1832 " " " " 1832 : 171-182. 1833 " " " " 1833 : 195-222. 1834 1834:229-259. 1835 1835:235-257. 1836 " House jol. 1836 : 288-304. 1837 " " " 1837 : 255-280. 1838 " " " 1838 app. : 1-lxxxlil. 1839 1839 app. : Ixxiii-cxlil. 1840 1840 app. : Ixvll-cxil. 1841 " " " 1841 app. : 101-145. 1843/4. Table showing by cos., average expense of making dockets paid out of treasury for each action. (Rept. auditor in treas. dept. 1843/4: 13.) Expenditures for 1849/50. Tables of funds reed, and disbursements made by co. clerks during yr., showing amt. of clerks' orders on treasurer; cash balance reed, from treasurer and repaid; chief judges, grand jury, and witness debentures; state attys., clerks and sheriffs acct., jury entry fees, etc. (Rept. auditor accts. 1849/50: 44-45.) 1860-1884. Tabulated summary of court expenses for yrs. 1860/1, 1877/8, and 1879-1884. (House jol. 1884: 27.) 1860/1. Same. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1: xxix.) 1860/1-1877/8. Rept. upon increase in court expenses. (House jol. 1880: 523-533.) 1861. Provision for more effective regulation for offi- cial control of allowances of court auditors by state auditor of accts. (Rept. auditor accts. 1861: vii.) . Recommendation for change in law regulating payment of orders. {Same 1861: vi.) . Communication from auditor of accts, with stmt. of court orders drawn and fees of same (arranged by COS.). (House jol. 1861: 400.) 1862/3-1897/8. Abstr. of co. clerks orders drawn on state treasurer, arranged by cos. (Rept. auditor accts. 1862/3 (pp. xli-lvlli )—«ome 1896/8.) Previous to 1862/3 Included in county clerks accts. of receipts and disbursements. Prom 1888/9 to 1897/8 called Court expenses ; abstract of orders, arranged by counties. Does not appear In later repts. 1870-1890. Decennial comparison of court expense or- ders; fines and costs paid In; ann. total net ex- pense to state. (.Same 1888/90 (p. 4) — same 1890/2.) 1872-1888. Amt. of court expense orders 1872/80 and 1880/8; fines and costs collected and balance vs. state for same periods. {Same 1886/8: 7.) 1876. Expense of; change In system recommended. (Govs. mess. 1876.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures for — cont'd 1876/7-1897/8. Classification of co. clerks orders for fiscal yr. by cos. (Rept. auditor accts. 1876/8 (pp. 77-79)— some 1896/8.) From 1880/1 to 1897/8 called Classification of court expense orders for fiscal year. Does not appear In later repts. . Court expenses. Summary showing actual ex- pense to state of each co., for courts and criminal prosecutions and expenses as shown from clerks returns, with recapitulation by districts. {Same 1876/8 (pp. 87-89)— same 1896/8.) 1876/8-1880/2. Comparative table showing biennial amt. of court orders, net court expenses, and fines and costs collected. {Same 1880/2: 9.) 1877/8-1881/2. Gross court expenditures for each yr. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 8.) 1878-1884. Decrease; supported by tabular stmts {Same (Pingree) 1884: 12.) 1880. Rept. of comrs. on revision of statutes on best methods for reduction of court expenses. (House jol. 1880: 524-533.) Rept. signed by W. G. Veazey, sole comr. upon death of comr. Willard, June, 1880. 1882. Enactment of law clearly specifying dividing line between state and co. expenses In matter of providing place for holding and expense of running courts. (Rept. auditor accts. 1880/2: 12.) . Discussion of abuses in court expenditures. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 6-8.) 1882-1898. Tabular comparative stmt, of ann. debent- ures of grand jurors, petit jurors, reporters, ref- erees, CO. judges, and witnesses In criminal cases. (Rept. auditor accts. 1896/8: 15.) 1892/3-1897/8. Stmt, of expenditures. {Same 1892/4 (p. 28)— same 1896/8.) 1893/6-1893/8. Ann. amts. paid to counsel for state and for respondent. {Same 1894/6 (p. x) — same 1896/8.) 1894. Admonitory comment on increased expenditures for courts. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 4.) 1898/9-1903/4. Stmt. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (pp. 104-135)— same 1902/4.) Bepts. from 1898/9 to 1899/00 include Judges of Supreme Court, reporter of decisions, county courts, accts. of clerks, sheriffs, and jailers (ar- ranged by COS. and court terms), summaries, ex- penses to state of county courts, amts. paid the sheriffs, jailers, and for justice's bills of costs, by counties, receipts of county clerks ; recapitulation of receipts, disbursements, and net expenses ; state attorneys accounts (by counties), and sum- mary of salaries and expenses for respective coun- ties, attorney fees, assignment for state, do. assign- ment for respondents, expert evidence under Vt. statutes, sec. 1983 ; witness fees under Vt. stat- utes, sec. 1984 ; service of process (not included In sheriffs accts.) ; detective service ; city and mu- nicipal judges ; probation officers ; comrs. of jail delivery. Repts. from 1900/1 to 1903/4 include supreme court, clerks' sherifEs accts. by terms ; and summary showing amounts paid the clerk and sheriff of supreme courts, and for dockets, etc. ; autopsies under Vt statutes added; 1902/4 bd. of state paupers, a commission apptd. by Supreme Court, added. Fees See also above under Expenditures and below under Revenue from. 1859. Rept. on abolishing fees of judges, etc., and al- lowing fixed salaries. (Sen. jol. 1859: 345.) 1880/2. Recommendation that fees of co. clerks be definitely fixed by law. (Rept. auditor accts. 1880/2: 13.) 1886. Suggested regulations for govt, of fees of court officials. {Same 1884/6: 6-7.) 1888/9. Compensation of co. clerks, under no. 62, acts of 1888, showing by cos., classification of fees. {Same 1888/90: 196.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 11 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE— cont'd Fees — cont'd 1898/00. Advice that co. clerks should be paid salary; fees reed, by them to be inured for state benefit. (iSome 1898/00: 12.) Revenue from For receipts from fines and costs see also aliove Ex- penditures. 1843/4. Table, exhibiting by cos., fees paid to co. clerks at one term of co. court. (Rept. auditor accts. 1843/4: 13.) 1855. Rept. of auditor of accts. to pres. council of cen- sors on balances due state from sheriffs, co. clerks, and state attys. (Jol. council of censors 1855: 14- 15.) 1860/2. Rept. of auditor of accts. re. moneys paid by certain officers (i. e. state attys. and judges of probate). (Sen. jol. 1862 app.: 363-364.) 1877-1880. Rept. from auditor of accts. re. fees of co. clerks, showing ann. amt. and average, by cos. (/Some 1880: 520.) 1900/1-1901/2. Total ann. receipts from co. clerks- judgments and balances, tabulated by name and CO. (Rept. treas. 1900/2: 53.) 1900/1-1903/4. Tabular ann. receipts from judges of probate (fees) ; showing name; district; and total. (Same 1900/2 (p. 53)— same 1902/4.) ADULTERATION OF FOOD; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE; see AGRICULTURE. EDUCA- TION. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION serial Annual Reports 1887-1904. Ann. rept, 1-17. v. p., 1888-1904. Not included in state officers' repts. Bulletins 1887-1904. Bulletins, 1-108. v. p., 1888-1904. Not Included in state oflicers' repts. non-serial 1899/00. The Vt. experiment station and some of its work; by C. Peck. (19 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1899/00: 90-132.) 1901/2. Work of Vt. agric. exper. station during 1900; by J. L. Hills. (21 same 1901/2: 65-120.) 65-120.) Laws 1886-1887. Text of Vt. and XJ. S. experiment station laws. (1 A.R. agric. exper. station 1887 (pp. 16- 22)— some 1888.) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES 1818. Encouragement of organization recommended. (Govs. mess. 1818.) 1823. Progressive spirit excited by establishment of. (Same 1823.) 1876/7. List of agric. societies and kindred assns. (4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1876/7: 190-191; 198-200.) 1885/6. Societies for advancement of agric. pursuits in Vt. (9 same 1885/6: 386-388.) 1900/1. List of agric. assns. (20 same 1900/1: 30-33.) Bee-Keepers 1877/8. Abstr. of proceedings of Addison co. Bee- Keeper's Assn. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 287-290.) Dairymen 1869/70-1903/4. Ann. rept. Vt. dairymen's assn., 1-33. V. p. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES— cont'd Dairymen — cont'd 27-30 also included in 17-23 bienn. rept. bd. agric, 1897/8-1903/4. Before tbis time tbree repts. bad appeared irregularly in tbe bienu, repts. bd. agric. as follows ; 8 A.E. in 4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 9 A.E. in 5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 17 A.R, in 10 bienn. rept. bd. agric. Public Aid 1898/9-1903/4. Grants to Dairymen's Assn. and Maple Sugar Makers' Assn. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (p. 102)— some 1902/4.) Sheep Breeders 1876/7-1878/9. Rept. of Vt. Merino Sheep Breeders' Assn. (4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1876/7 (pp. 201- 216)— 6 same 1879/80.) Wool Growers 1877/8. Vt. State Agric. Socy. and Wool Growers' Assn. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 382-392.) AGRICULTURE serial 1 series Under act of Nov. 22, 1870 1872-1876. Bienn. rept. of Vt. bd. of agric, mnfres. and mining, 1-3. Text of organic act in 1 rept. Included in LeglsIatlYe docs, as follows : 1. 1872 in Legisl. docs. 1872, v. 3. 2. 1874 " " " 1874, v. 3. 3. 1876 1876, v. 2. 2 series Under act of Nov. 28, 1876 1877-1878. Rept. of Vt. bd. of agric, 4-5. Not Included in state officers' repts. Text of organic act in 4 rept. 3 series Under act of Nov. 26, 1878 1879/80. Rept. upon Vt. agric. by supt. of agric. af- fairs, 6. Not in state officers' repts. Text of organic act in rept. 4 series Under act of Dec. 23, 1880 1881/2-1891/2. Agric. rept. by state bd. of agric, 7-12. Not included in state officers' repts. Text of organic act in 7 and subsequent repts. 5 series Under act of Nov. 22, 1892 1893-1904. Vt. agric. rept. by state bd. of agric, 13-24. Not included in state officers' repts. Text of organic act in 13 and subsequent repts. non-serial 1800. Improved state of agric; necessity for encour- aging demand for agric produce. (Govs. mess. 1800.) 1821. Encouragement of agric. advised. {Same 1821.) 1870. Rept. of committee on agric. with draft of bill establishing bd. of agric, mining and statistics. (Sen. jol. 1870: 335-336.) 1872. Vt. as an agric. state; by T. H. Hoskins, ed. Vt. Farmer. (1 A.R. bd. of agric etc. 1872: 568-578.) 1873/4. Interests of agric. in Orange co.; by J. Lynde. (2 same 1873/4: 609-621.) . What shall the bd. of agric do? by E. Nash. (Same 1873/4: 685-734.) 1874/6. The merits of our state; by M. O. Howe. (3 same 1874/6: 533-548.) Comparative consideration of agric. produce of Vt. and other states. 1879/80. The yesterday, the to-day, and the to-morrow of Vt. agric; by H. M. Seely. (6 same 1879/80: 9-24.) 1892. Recommendation to increase apprn. for and pow- ers of bd. of agric (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1892: 10-11.) 12 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops 1789. Govs, ordinance prohibiting exportation of grain on acct. of failure of crops. (Records gov. and council iii: 182-183.) 1876. Quantity of Indian corn, wheat, rye, oats, bar- ley, buckwheat, potatoes, and hay produced; aver- age yield per acre; no. acres in each crop. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 247.) 1887/8. What crops should Vt. farmers raise? by R. C. Smith. (10 same 1887/8: 328-399.) 1890. Expediency of providing state law to operate against contagious . diseases of plants. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 141.) Apple See also telow Pests. 1873/4. What varieties of apples shall we plant in western Vt.? by A. Chapman. (2 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 311-361.) 1896. Apple growing in Grand Isle co. 81-95 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 55.) 1900/1. Commercial apple growing in Vt.; by T. L. Kinney and F. A. Waugh. (20 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1900/1: 66-97.) 1901. Apple growing in Addison co. 29-36 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 90.) . Inventory of apples grown in Grand Isle co. (14 A.R. agric. exper. station 1900/1: 277-313.) COBN 1874/6. Does it pay to raise corn In Vt.? by W. Child. (3 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1874/6: 306-311.) 1876-1877. No. of bushels raised and consumed resp. (5 same 1877/8: 245-246.) 1883/4. Raising corn in northern Vt.; by E. R. Towle. (8 same 1883/4: 348-355.) FBTHT „ u ri 1872. Fruit growing in the Champlam valley; by O. G. Pringle. (1 A.R. bd. agric. etc. 1872: 62-75.) . Difficulties of fruit raising in Vt.; by T. H. Hos- kins, ed. Vt. Farmer. (1 same 1872: 50-61.) . Pear culture in Vt.; by H. Lane. (1 same 1872: 104-122.) „ „ t. .*v ,„ 1873/4. Fruit culture in no. Vt.; by C. K. Keitn. (^ bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 269-280.) Fruit growing in no. Vt.; by O. G. Start. (Sam,e 1873/4: 281-310.) ^ ^^^ , ,„^ 1900/1. Rutland co. fruit rept.; by D. C. Hicks. (^0 same 1900/1: 98-116.) 1876/7. Must grain raising in Vt. be abandoned? by J. Lawrence. (4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1876/7: 7B-119.) . ,^ . 1885/6. Should the farmers of Vt. raise their own grain? by F. D. Douglas. (9 same 1885/6: 180- 182 ) How can the Vt. farmer raise his own grain? hy F. D. Douglas. (9 same 1885/6: 183-202.) 1887/8 Ought Vt. farmers to raise the grain they con- sume? by E. A. Fisk. (10 same 1887/8: 167-214.) f^Tl A "PIT 1898. Home-grown grapes in Vt. 33-44 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 63.) 1894-1901. Grass the principal crop of Vt.; hist, of fowl meadow grass; experiments for cultivation. (14 A.R. agric. exper. station 1900/1: 237-247.) 1902. Vt. grasses and clovers. 137-185 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 94.) Hat 1872 Production of grass for hay, value of crop; by is. R. Towle. (1 A.R. bd. agric. etc. 1872: 123- 134.) 1873/4 Our hay crop — how can we improve it? by J. Lawrence. (2 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 200-268.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd O^TS , ,_ , , 1876 Amt. raised and consumed resp. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 246-247.) Onion; see below, Pests Pests 1873. Hawkseed introduced in Vt.; map showing dis- tribution; remedy. (10 A.R. agric. exper. station 1896/7: 69-73; also Agric. exper. station bull. 66.) 1877/8. On some of the injurious insects of Vt.; by G. H. Perkins. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 250-286.) 1886/8. Expediency of legislation agst. English spar- rows urged. (Bienn. rept. fish comrs. 1886/8: 17.) 1888/90. Same. {Same 1888/90: 10.) 1889. Reference to prevalence of destructive onion disease. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 141.) 1889/90. Injurious insects; G. H. Perkins. (11 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1889/90: 199-282.) 1895. Onion mildew in Vt. (9 A.R. agric. exper. sta- tion 1895: 113-115.) 1896. Apple scald of 1896. (10 same 1896/7: 55-59.) . Onion mildew. (10 same 1896/7: 61-62.) 1897. Insects of the yr. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 60.) 1897/8. Impurities of Vt. clover seed; introduction of weeds; law for seed inspection advocated. (11 A. R. agric. exper. station 1897/8: 229-234.) . Notes upon Vt. weeds. (11 same 1897/8: 219- 228.) . Partial list of parasitic fungi of Vt. (11 same 1897/8: 201-219.) 1898/9. Second partial list of parasitic fungi of Vt. (12 same 1898/9: 164-182.) 1898/00. Damage to crops by deer. (14 bienn. rept. fish and game comrs. 1898/00: 82-83.) 1899/00. Impurities of grass and clover seeds; intro- duction of weeds; law for seed inspection advo- cated. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899/00: 287- 299.) 1900/2. Damage done by deer. (16 bienn. rept. flsh and game comrs. 1900/2: 81-84.) 1902. Private deposit of fund for settlement of claims for damage done by deer; amts. expended. (17 same 1902/4: 15-17.) 1903. Shrubby cinquefoil as a weed; its ravages; pos- sible economic value, reforestation urged as rem- edy, etc. (16 A.R. agric. exper. station 1902/3: 173-190.) . Notes on certain threatening weeds. (16 same 1902/3: 169-173.) . Occurrence of plant diseases in Vt. (16 same 1902/3: 153-155.) 1904. Same. (17 same 1903/4: 383-386.) Potato 1876. Yield of crops. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 247.) 1883/4. Our potato crop; by E. R. Towle. (8 same 1883/4: 356-361.) 1896. Potato diseases as they occurred in 1896. (10 A.R. agric. exper. station 1896/7: 45-54.) 1898. Same 1898. (12 same 1898/9: 151-156.) 1899. Same 1899. (13 same 1899/00: 268-281.) 1900. Potato blights as they occurred in 1900. (14 same 1900/1: 227-235.) 1900/1. Growing potatoes in Vt.; clover the founda- tion; by T. B. Terry. (20 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1900/1: 57-60.) 1901/2. Potato blights as they occurred in 1901 and 1902. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station 1901/2: 208- 239.) SuoAB Beet; see Industries, etc. Beet Suqab INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT 13 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Wheat 1870-1876. No. of bushels raised annually; amt. con- sumed and amt. raised. (5 blenn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 245.) Education 1872. The great want of Vt. farmers; by J. P. Poster. (1 A.R. bd. agric. etc. 1872: 505-509.) Plea for agric. education. 1879/80. What sort of an education shall we give to those of our children who are going to be farmers? by M. H. Buckham. (6 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1879/80: 240-259.) 1881/2. Education for the farmer; by A. H. Sabin. (7 same 1881/2: 140-274.) 1885/6. The education of farmers; by J. Pairman. (9 same 1885/6: 100-116.) 1890. Federal apprn. for support of college of agric. and mechanic arts. (Govs. mess. (Dillingham) 1890: 4-5.) 1904. Teaching of agric. in central schools advised. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1904: 3.) Ageichlttjeal College See also under Education. University of Vermont and Agricultural College. 1863. Provisions of state act for disposal of land scrip coming to state under federal act of 1862. (Govs, mess. 1863: 14-21.) -. Rept. of agts. to receive land scrip under federal act of 1862. (House jol. 1863: 308.) 1865. Rept. of trustees of Vt. agric. college. 21 pp. Also In House jol. 1865 : 359-363 ; Sen. jol. 1865 : 231- 236. 1878. Resolution authorizing inquiry into truth of charges that Univ. of Vt. and state agric. college has failed to comply with conditions of federal act of 1862. (House jol. 1878: 35-36.) 1882. Operations under act of Congress of July 2, 1862, granting fund to be used for agric. college. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 11-12.) 1888. Rept. of committee on agric. on visit to Vt. agric. college and experiment station. (Sen. jol. 1888: 379-383.) 1892/3. Our agric. college; by T. H. Wheatley. (13 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1892/3: 278-286.) Fund 1866/7-1877/8. Treasurer's stmt, on gen. condition of. (Rept. treasurer 1866/7 (p. 10)— same 1876/8.) 1867. Authority requested to cancel negotiable state bonds belonging to agric. college fund and to issue registered certificates; greater security. (Govs, mess. 1867: 8.) 1873/4. Rept. of joint special committee apptd. to in- quire into expenditure of fund paid by state to Univ. of Vt. and state agric. college. (2 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 785-790.) 1874. Same. (House jol. 1874: 696-701.) 1890. Treasurer's stmt, on bonds held as agric. col- lege fund due June 1, 1890, and re-issued to college In registered state bonds payable June 1, 1910. (Rept. treasurer 1888/90: 14.) Fabmers' Institutes 1885/6. Outline of farmers' institutes. (9 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1885/6: 10-63.) 1895. Institutes held. (15 same 1895: 304.) Expenditures for See also Finance. Expenditures. CItU list. 1898/9-1903/4. Stmt, of expenditures for agric. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (pp. 97-98)— some 1902/4.) From 1898/9 to 1903/4 Include td. of agric. and cattle comrs. Fairs 1885/6. List of. (9 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1885/6: 387-388.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Fairs — cont'd 1894. A list of fairs held. (14 same 1893/4: 340-380.) 1896. Vt. fairs. (16 same 1896: 84-108.) 1900/1. List of fairs. (20 same 1900/1: 33-50.) Farms See also Population. Migration for material on aban- doned farms. 1873/4. Vt. as a farming state; by W. S. Thorp. (2 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 622-650.) 1883/4. Our hill farms; by B. R. Pember. (8 same 1883/4: 362-391.) 1889/90. Vt. farmers and farms; by Wm. Chapin. (11 same 1889/90: 283-324.) . The farms of Vt.; by M. O. Howe. (11 same 1889/90: 183-188.) . Farming in Addison co.; by C. R. Smith. (11 same 1889/90: 133-182.) 1891. Vt's. progress for 1891. (12 same 1891/2: 103- 112.) Farm sold, new Industries. 1892. Vt. industrial record. (14 same 1893/4: 318- 324.) Farms sold, new Industries, summer business. 1893. Farm sales and new industries in Vt. (14 same 1893/4: 325-329.) 1894. Same. (15 same 1895: 170-182.) 1895. Statistical rept. of farm sales, new Industries, and summer travel in Vt. (16 same 1896: 202-214.) 1898/9. Statistical rept. of farm sales and new indus- tries in Vt. in 1897; by F. C. Williams. (18 same 1898/9: 147-149.) Laws 1896-1898. Texts of acts relating to agric. (20 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1900/1: 6-24.) Livestock 1877. Estimated no. and value of all kinds of farm stock. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 248.) Cattle serial 1 series Under act of 1888, no. 106 1888-1888/90. Rept. of bd. of agric. acting as cattle comrs. (House jol. 1888 (pp. 481-487)— same 1890.) 2 series Under act of 1892 1892/4-1902/4. Rept. of bd. of agric. acting as cattle comrs., 1-7. Printed in bienn. repts. of bd. of agric. as follows : 1. 1892/4 in 14 blenn. rept. bd. agric. : 470-475. 2. 1894/6 " 16 42-83 3. 1896/7 " 17 " " " " 175-190. 4. 1898/9 " 18 " 170-184. 5. 1899/00" 19 133-200. 6. 1900/1 " 20 117-135. 7. 1901/2 " 22 " " " " 109-141. Some of these repts. have also been published as sepa- rate pamphlets. 3 series Under act of Dec. 10, 1902 1902/4. Blenn. rept. of Vt. cattle comn., 1. Randolph, 1904. non-serial 1860. Sanitary provision agst. introduction of pleuro- pneumonia recommended. (Govs. mess. I860- 10- 11.) 1873/4. Jersey cattle in Vt.; by 0. M. Tinkham. (2 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 362-452.) 1894. Duties of cattle comrs. transferred to bd. of agric. in favor of compulsory care by owner of diseased cattle as opposed to eradication of dis- ease by slaughter; large expenditures to state re- sulting from latter method; tuberculosis to be added to list of infectious diseases. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 9-10.) 14 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — cont'd Cattle — cont'd non-serial — cent' d 1895. Bovine tuberculosis disease in Vt.; by J. L. Hills and F. A. Rich. 17-70 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 70.) Eeprlnted in 15 A.R. bd. agric. 1895 : 183-248. 1898. Compulsory tuberculosis test recommended. (Govs. mess. (Grant) Oct. 1898: 24-25.) 1901/2. Regulation of Vt. bd. of agric. acting as cattle comrs. re. inspection and quarantine of cattle. (21 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1901/2: 121-146.) 1904. Separation, by act of last session, of work of comn. from that of bd. of agric; enlarged powers for comn. recommended, also regulation of state's responsibility for value of diseased cattle. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1904: 6-7.) Expenditures for ; see Finance : State. Expenditures. Civil Ijist. Census 1898/9. Census of livestock of Vt. (18 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1898/9: 150-169.) HOESES 1874/6. Horses for Vt; by A. Chapman. (3 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1874/6: 122-149.) . The coming horse for Vt.; by E. S. Stowell. (3 same 1874/6: 150-166.) 1889/90. Vt. horses; by C. M. Winslow. (11 same 1889/90: 333-350.) Sheep 1863. Place of Vt. merino sheep in similar continental and American products. (Govs. mess. 1863: 13.) 1877/8. Improvement of merinos in Vt.; by A. Chap- man. (5 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1877/8: 218-243.) 1881/2. Merino sheep as bred in Vt.; by H. Lane. (7 same 1881/2: 275-405.) 1892. Rept. of statistical secy, on dairy, sheep, and maple sugar production. (14 same 1893/4: 308- 317.) Premiums 1876/7. Premium list of Vt. state agric. socy. for 1877. (4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1876/7: 192-198.) Soils 1872. Fertility of our soil — how lost, how restored. (1 A.R. bd. agric. etc. 1872: 344-356.) ALIENS Population; see that title APPLES Produce; see Agriculture. Crops APPROPRIATIONS; see FINANCE: STATE ASBESTOS Deposits; see Natural Resources. Minerals. Serpentine Production; see Industries, etc. ASSESSMENT; see TAXATION ASSESSMENT INSURANCE; see INSURANCE ASYLUMS; see MAINTENANCE ATTORNEY GENERAL; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUS- TICE: STATE AUDITOR OF ACCOUNTS Expenditures for; see Finance: State. Expenditures Reports of; see Finance: State AUTOMOBILES 1902. Statutory regulation of automobile speeding rec- ommended. (Rept. highway comr. 1901/2: 17.) License; see License BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Expenditures for; see Public Health. Expenditures BANKS serial 1 series 1809-1830. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine banks of Vt. Apptd. annually. After 1831 called Rept. of Inspector of banks. In Jols. as follows : 1809 in House jol. 1809 : 78-74. 1810 not found. 1811 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1811 : 125-126. 1812 " 1812:62-96. 1813 " ' 1813 : 56-59. 1814-1826 not found. 1827 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1827:50-52. 1828 1828:62-64. 1829 " " " " 1829 : 50-53. 1830 1830 : 55-57. 1831 1831:33-36. 1832 1832:22-25. 1833 " " " " 1833:45-53. 1834 " House jol. 1834 : 44-47. 1835 " " " 1835:98-104. 1836 " " " 1836:44-57. 1837 ' 1837:205-218. 1837 in U. S. 25 Cong., 2 sess., S. doc. 471 : 995- 1010. 1838 in V. S. 25 Cong., 3 sess., H. doc. 227:48- 51. 1839 in U. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc. 172:38- 46. 1839 in House jol. 1839 app. : Ixv-lxvlii. 2 series Under act of Nov. 9, 1831 1831/2-1841/2. Rept. of bank comrs. Included in jols. as follows : 1831/2 in House jol. 1832 : 10-11. 1832 in U. S. 22 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 105:27- 30. 1832/3 in House jol. 1833 : 50-53. 1833/4 1834:70-72. 1834/5 " " " 1835:28-30. 1835/6 1836 : 183-136. 1835/6 in U. S. 24 Cong., 2 sess., H. docs. 65 : 12- 15. 1836/7 in House jol. 1837:79-83; S. jol. 1837 app. : 116-120. 1886/7 in TJ. S. 25 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 79 : 99- 111. 1837/8 In Sen. jol. 1888 app. : xlx-xxx. 1837/8 in TJ. S. 25 Cong., 3 sess. H. doc. 227:42- 47. 1838/9 in Sen. Jol. 1839 app. : xxxi-xliv. 1838/9 in U. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc 172 : 31- 37. 1839/40 in Sen. jol. 1840 app. : vi-xix. 1840/1 in Sen. jol. 1841 app. : 1-10. 1840/1 in U. S. 26 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. Ill : 29- 1841/2' in Sen. Jol. 1842 app. : 26-32. 3 series Under act of 1842, no. 42, and amendments 1842/3-1866/7. Ann. rept. of bank comrs. Also in Jols. and rept. auditor of accts. as follows : 1842/3 in Auditor of accts. rept 1842/3:73-78; Sen. jol. 1843 : 70-75 ; House jol. app. : 113- 120. 1843/4 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1843/4:44-53; Sen. jol. 1844 : 99-105 ; House Jol. app. : 70-75. 1844/5 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1844/5:68- 87. 1845/6 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1845/6:49- 61. 1846/7 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1846/7:43- 1847/8 In Auditor of accts rept. 1847/8:27-40; Sen. jol. 1848 app. : 171 ; 176-177 ; House jol. 822-328. 1848/9 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1848/9:44-61; Sen. jol. 1869 app. : 151-156. 1849/50 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1840/50 : 46- 68. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT 15 BANKS— cont'd serial — cont'd 3 series — cont'd 1850/1 In Auditor of accts. rept. 1850/1 : 46- 1851/2 In Auditor o( accts. rept. 1851/2 : 47- 99. 1852/3 In Auditor o£ accts. rept. 1852/3:47- 103. 1853/4 In Auditor of accts. rept. 1853/4 : 62- 142. 1854/5 In Auditor of accts. rept. 1854/5 : 57- 1855/6 'in Auditor of Accts. rept. 1855/6 : 51- 167. 1856/7 In Auditor of accts. rept. 1856/7:51- 168. 1857/8 In Auditor of accts. rept. 1857/8 : 51- 202. 1858/9 In Auditor of accts. rept. 1858/9:51- 271. 1859/60 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1859/60:57- 211. 1860/1 in Auditor of accts rept. 1860/1, 163 pp. 1861/2 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1861/2, 127 pp. 1861/2 in U. S. 38 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc. 18 : 26- 27. 1862/3 in Auditor of accts. rept. 1862/3, 110 pp. 1863/4 1863/4, 126 pp. 1864/5 ' " 1864/5, 108 pp. 1865/6 " ' 1865/6, 80 pp. 1866/7 ' < 1866/7, 39 pp. 1860/1-1866/7 repts. have separate pagination in repts. of auditor of accts. Extracts from the above repts. were printed in compliance with tlie resolution noted in the following paragraph as follows : 1841 in TJ. S. 29 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc. 226:69. 1854 in U. S. 29 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 120 : 27- 30. 1857 In TJ. S. 35 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc. 107 : 31- 32 1858 in V. S. 35 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 112: 31. 1861 In U. S. 37 Cong., 3 sess., H. doc. 24 : 34- 35. In compliance with a resolution adopted in the TJ. S. House of Representatives on July 10, 1832, the Secretary of the Treasury laid before the next and each succeeding session of Congress, until 1863, such statements, or returns, showing the capital, circulation, discounts, specie, deposits, etc., of the different banks and banking companies as were submitted to the respective legislatures and governors of the several states within the year. Where these statements could not he obtained, such other information as would best supply the deficiency was required by the resolution to be presented. Such annual reports as were presented to and printed by the TJ. S. In consequence of the above resolution, have been added to the entries for the annual reports printed by the state. The deficiency information alluded to and obtained in place of the annual reports is usually in the form of a condensed statement of the returns re- quired, and may be found as follows : 1846 in U. S. 29 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 120 : 25. 1847 in TJ. S. 30 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc. 77:23- 24. 1851 in U. S. 32 Cong., 1 sess., H. doe. 122:24- 25. 1853 in U. S. 33 Cong. 1 sess.. H. doc. 102 : 16. 1854 in U. S. 33 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 82:25- 26. 1855 in TJ. S. 34 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 102 : 30- 35. 1857 In U. S. 35 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc. 107 : 29- 30. 1859 in U. S. 36 Cong., 1 sess., H. doc. 49 : 27- 29. 1860 in U. S. 36 Cong., 2 sess., H. doc. 77 : 29- 30. 1861 in U. S. 37 Cong., 3 sess., H. doc. 24 : 36- 39. 1862 In U. S. 38 Cong., 1 sess,, H. doc. 18 : 28- 34. non-serial 1808. Inquiry recommended into advantages accruing to state from several banks establislied by legisla- ture. (Govs. mess. 1808.) 1817. Deficiency of circulating medium due to western emigration. (Same 1817.) 1839. Multiplicity of incorporated banl?s injurious to community. (Same 1819.) BANKS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1819-1839. Table showing condition of banks of Vt. (U. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess.; House doc. 172: 1331.) 1822. Opposed to increase of banking facilities. (Govs. mess. 1822.) 1834. Rept. banks of Vt. from returns to legisl. (U. S. 24 Cong., 1 sess.; House doc. 42: 10-11.) 1835. Rept. committee and bank comrs. on concerns of Essex bank. (House jol. 1835: 38-40.) . List of banks in Vt. with date of resp. charters and amt. of authorized capital. (U. S. 24 Cong., 2 sess.; House doc. 65: 15.) 1836. Rept. select committee on repts. of bank in- spector and bank comrs. (House jol. 1836: 219- 220.) 1837. Unauthorized measures of late federal execu- tive primary cause of currency derangement. (Govs. mess. 1837.) . Liability to forfeiture of charter by suspension of specie payments; extended comment. (Same 1837.) 1839. Inconsistency of prevailing denunciation of banks; adoption of such additional securities as are demanded by safety of community and will not impair operation of banking system recommended. (Same 1839.) 1840. Hostility to banks and paper currency; extended comment. (Same 1840.) . Extr. from rept. of bank inspector on state banks of Vt. (U. S. 29 Cong., 1 sess.; House doc. 226: 66-87.) 1842/3-1869/70. Rept. of condition of several banks of circulation and discount, in Vt., showing resources and liabilities. (A.R. bank comr. 1842/3 (pp. 73- 78) — same 1866/7; also A. R. auditor accts. 1867/8 (pp. 149-153)— soine 1869/70.) 1843. Rept. on affairs of Essex Co. Bank. (U. S. 29 Cong., 1 sess.; House doc. 226: 70-77.) 1843/4-1863/4. Tabulated abstr. of condition of several banks in Vt. showing, by banks, detailed liabili- ties and resources. (A.R. bank comr. 1843/4 (p. 53)— same 1863/4.) From 1858/9 to 1862/3 called Abstr. of condition of several banks ; bank comrs. examination and estimate. 1844. Rept. of bank comrs. on affairs of banks of state. (U. S. 29 Cong., 1 sess.; House doc. 226: 78-87.) 1845. Rept. of bank committee on Bank of Montpeller; restriction of circulation. (Sen. jol. 1845 app.: 209.) 1850. Rept. of committee on banks directed to inquire whether banks have observed all requirements of gen. banking law of 1840. (House jol. 1850: 373- 374.) 1851/2. Proportion of circulation of each dollar of capital and amt. of circulation for each soul (sic), in N. Y. state and each of New England states. (A. R. bank comr. 1851/2: 90.) . Table showing population of N. Y. state, and each of New England states ; no. of banks in opera- tion in each; banking capital and capital to each soul (sic). (Same 1851/2: 89.) 1851/5. Stmts, of ann. amt. of discounts; specie; dis- position city banks. (Same 1854/5: 150.) . Ann. no. of banks in Vt. and total capital for each yr. (Same 1854/5: 149.) . Ann. circulation of banks. (Same 1854/5: 150.) 1856. In favor of increase of banking facilities. (Govs, mess. 1856.) 1857. Thorough examination of banks during pending crisis recommended. (Same 1857.) 1858. Rept. of committee on banks on act for relief of St. Albans Bank. (House jol. 1858 app.: xl-xH.) 16 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT BANKS— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1858. Rept. re. St. Albans Bank. Montpelier, 1858. 8 pp. 1858/9-1860/1. Tabular stmt, of loans and bills dis- counted by Vt. banks, and distribution of same by states. (A.R. bank comr. 1858/9 (p. 191) — same 1860/1.) 1858/9-1863/4. Tabular bank estimate of profit and loss; dividends; expenses; surplus and deficit. (Same 1858/9 (p. 190)— some 1863/4.) . Tabular averages of state banks for yr. showing amt. of loans; deposits in city banks; specie; cir- culation; amt. due depositors. (Same 1858/9 (p. 192)— same 1863/4.) 1859. Rept. of committee on banks on Sen. bill 108 on Bank of Poultney's claim for recovery of interest on income arising from "bank fund." (Sen. jol. 1859: 395-396.) 1859-1864. Tabular abstr. of condition of several banks in Vt. on July 1; bank estimate of resources and liabilities in detail. (A.R. bank comr. 1858/9 (p. 189)— same 1863/4.) 1859/60-1863/4. Table showing by banks, largest and smallest circulation of each bank within yr. endg. July 1, and date of each. (Same 1859/60 (p. 178) — same 1863/4.) 1860. Rept. of committee on banks on inquiry into management of Franklin Co. Bank. (Sen. jol. 1860: 230-232; 240.) 1861. Suggestions of counsel for remonstrants In mat- ter of proposed bank at Rutland, made to bank com- mittees, Oct. sess. 1861. Montpelier, 1861. 8 pp. . Rept. re. St. Albans Bank. (House jol. 1861: 413.) . Investigation of affairs of Franklin Co. Bank. (Same 1861: 389-393.) 1862. Majority and minority repts. on Sen. bill 3, Nov. 6, 1862. n. p. 4 pp. . Minority rept. of committee on banks on bills for rechartering banks. (House jol. 1862: 495-496.) 1888. Remedial measures to regulate investments. (Govs. mess. (Ormsbee) 1888.) 1894. Recommendation that provision of law allow- ing non-residents to organize state banks in Vt. be amended; citation of instance of fraud under provision. (Same (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 16-17.) Bank Fund; see below, Safety Fund Bank of the U. S.; see below, United States Bank Building and Loan Associations; see that title Commissioners 1854. Rept. of committee on ways and means on fees, etc., reed, by bank comr. (House jol. 1854: 658- 660.) 1867. Abolition of office of bank comr. recommended; transfer of duties. (Govs. mess. 1867: 9.) . By act of legislature approved Oct. 26, duties of bank comr. are cast upon auditor. (Rept. auditor accts. 1869/70: 4.) Investment Companies; see that title Laws Text 1888. Laws relating to savings banks, savings institu- tions, and trust cos. in force at close of sess. 20 pp. 1892. Text of "An act to provide for verification of savings bank books and accts.; approved Nov. 21. (A.R. finance inspector 1892/3: 11.) 1895. Gen. laws relating to banks. 2, 715-747 pp. Reprint of title 27, Vt. statutes. . Extrs. from statutes of 1894, regulating office and duties of inspector of finance, banks, savings institutions, and trust cos., etc. (A.R. finance in- spector 1894/5 (pp. 177-212)— same 1895/6.) BANKS— cont'd Laws — cont'd Text — cont'd 1896. Extrs. from statutes with amdmts. enacted in 1896, regulating organization, etc., of banks, sav- ings institutions, and trust cos., etc. (Same 1896/7 (pp. 151-191)— some 1897/8.) 1896/8. Extr. from statutes with amdmts. enacted in 1896 and 1898, regulating organization, etc., of banks, savings institutions, and trust cos. (Same 1898/9 (pp. 131-164)— some 1899/00.) 1896/00. Same with amdmts. enacted In 1896, 1898, and 1900. (Same 1900/1 (pp. 147-182)— same 1902/3.) 1896/02. Same with amdmts. enacted in 1896, 1898, 1900, and 1902. (Same 1903/4 (pp. 143-189)— some 1904/5.) Comment 1852. Rept. on Sen. bill to amend gen. banking law. (House jol. 1852: 368-369.) . On adoption of gen. banking law. (Govs. mess. 1852.) 1882. State banking law anticipated; precautionary action recommended. (Same (Barstow) 1882: 18.) National Banks 1865/6. List of banks converted into national banks; capital. (Rept. bank comr. 1865/6: 49.) 1865/6-1866/7. List of national banks in Vt; capital; total amt. of national banking capital in Vt. (Same 1865/6 (pp. 51-52)— same 1866/7.) 1866/7. List of banks converted into national banks; stmt, of circulation, redemption of which is guar- anteed by national banks. (Same 1866/7: 13.) Safety Fund 1835-1842. Rept. of treasurer on state of safety fund. In Jols. as follows : 1835 In Gen. Assem. jol. 1835 : 24. 1836 not found. 1837 in Sen. jol. 1837 app. : 115 ; H. jol. 1837 : 78. 1838 in House jol. 1838 : vl. 1839 In Sen. jol. 1839 app. : xlU ; H. jol. 1839 app. : xxxiv. 1840 not found. 1841 In Sen. Jol. 1841 app. : 14. 1842 in Sen. jol. 1842 app. : 36 ; H. jol. 1842 app. : 100-101. Also In rept. auditor In treasury dept. 1834/5 (p. 224) — same 1841/2. Savings Banks serial 1 series 1847/8-1848/9. Repts. of individual savings bank. In Jols. as follows : 1847/8 in House jol. 1848 : 322-328 ; Sen. jol. 1848 app. : 171, 176-17T. 1848/9 In Sen. jol. 1849 app. : 151-156. 2 series 1849/50-1866/7. Repts. of savings banks showing amt. of dividends declared; deposits, etc. withdrawn, and amt. on hand. (Rept. bank comrs. 1849/50 (pp. 67-68)— same 1866/7.) From 1852/3 to 1866/7 called Detailed stmt of savings banks showing resources, liabilities, dividends, and expenses. 3 series 1867/8-1873/4. Rept. of condition of savings banks. (Rept. auditor accts. 1867/8 (pp. 154-171)— same 1872/4.) After 1870 auditor's repts. are presented biennially ; stmts, appearing In same are annual for years covered by rept. 4 series 1874/5-1875/6. Repts. of inspector of finance on condi- tion of savings banks. In rept. auditor of accts. 1874/6 : 197-240. 5 series 1876/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. of inspector of finance show- ing condition of savings banks and trust cos. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT 17 BANKS— cont'd Savings Banks — cont'd serial — cont'd 5 series — cont'd In Docs, as follows : 1876/7 in blenn. rept auditor accts. 1876/8 : 93- 119. 1877/8 In blenn. rept. auditor accts. 1876/8 : 191- 224. 1878/9-1892/3 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1878/ 80-1892/4. 1893/4-1903/4 in state officers' repts. 1893/4- 1903/4. For specific references see below under Finance : State. non-s&rial 1850-1904/5. Table exhibiting summary of ann. growth of savings banlis in Vt.; no. of banks in operation; amts. due depositors; decrease in periods of 5 yrs.; and after 1874, ann. increase. (A.R. inspector fi- nance 1879/80 (p. 52)— same 1904/5.) Does not appear in rept. for 1880/1. 1854. Rept. of Wilmington Savings Bank. (House jol. 1854: 689-690.) 1854/5. Total deposits in savings banks; increase of same over previous yrs. (A.R. bank comr. 1854/5: 183.) 1858/9-1866/7. Increase and decrease of deposits in savings banks; distribution to various banks. {Bame 1858/9 (pp. 227-228)— some 1866/7.) 1861. Abstr. condition savings banks. (U. S. 37 Cong., 3 sess.; House doc. 24: 40-41.) 1862/3-1866/7. Amt. of individual capital of savings banks; total increase. (A.R. bank comr. 1862/3 (p. 129)— same 1866/7.) 1875/6-1904/5. Aggregate stmt, of resources and lia- bilities of all savings institutions and trust cos. in Vt. (A.R. finance inspector 1875/6 (p. 472) — same 1904/5.) 1876/7-1904/5. Table; names of savings institutions and trust cos. in Vt.; assets. {Same 1876/7 (pp. 116-117)— some 1904/5.) From 1888/9 to 1897/8 called Table showing classified summary of assets. From 1898/9 to 1904/5 called Table showing classified summary of resources of savings banks and trust cos. of Vt. Information In all tables is practically the same. . Table of amt. of dividends paid, expenses for yr., no. of depositors; no. and amt. of $250 de- posits and amt. of deposits by resident and non- resident depositors in each bank. (A.R. finance in- spector 1876/7 (p. 119)— some 1904/5.) From 1894/5 to 1897/8 called amt. of dividends paid, rate per cent of dividends paid, amt. of state tax paid on deposits, expenses for year, amt. of deposits by residents and non-residents in each bank. From 1898/9 to 1904/5 called Dividends, taxes, and expenses for yr. 1878. Gen. law for savings banks recommended; in- vestments; maximum direct tax on deposits, etc. (Govs. mess. 1876.) 1878/9-1904/5. Table showing no. of savings banks and trust COS. in Vt., no. depositors, total amt. of de- posits by residents and non-residents in Vt., etc. (A.R. finance inspector 1878/9 (p. 41)— some 1904/5.) . Table showing names of savings institutions and trust cos. in Vt.; liabilities. {Same 1878/9 (p. 38) —same 1904/5.) From 1888/9 to 1891/2 called classified summary of liabilities. From 1892/3 to 1897/8 called No. of depositors in each bank and classified summary of liabilities. From 1898/9 to 1904/5 called classified summary of liabilities, and No. of depositors In each bank. 1879-1892. Ann. increase in amt. of western mortgages held by savings banks in Vt. (A. R. finance in- spector 1887/8 (p. 7)— same 1891/2.) BANKS— cont'd Savings Banks — cont'd non-serial — cent' d 1879/80-1883/4. Table showing rate per cent of divi- dends paid by each bank; amt. of state tax in deposits paid by each savings bank; amt. of U. S. tax paid by each savings bank and trust co. for yr.; no. and amt. of over $2000 depositors, etc. {Same 1879/80 (p. 50)— same 1883/4.) 1880-1893. Ann. amt. invested in western mortgages by Vt. savings banks. (Some 1892/3: 8.) 1882. Greater power to inspector of finance to enfdrce laws for security of savings bank depositors recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 18.) 1882-1884. Table of amt. of deposits in each savings bank and trust co. on first day of Jan. and Apr.; increase in each for three months. (A.R. finance inspector 1881/2 (p. 64)— some 1883/4.) 1884-1892. Ann. percentage of assets in various classes of investments tabulated by classes and yrs. {Same 1886/7 (p. 5)— some 1891/2.) 1884-1894. Names and last known residence of de- positors in Vt. banks who have not made deposit or withdrawn any part thereof for a period of 10 yrs. reported in accordance with no. 70, laws of 1892. (Some 1893/4: 119-124.) 1885-1895. Ann. percentage of assets in several classes of investments held by all banks. {Same 1892/3 (p. 6)— same 1894/5.) . Ann. amt. invested in western mortgages by Vt. savings banks. {Same 1893/4 (p. 8) — same 1894/5.) 1886. Amdmt. of laws limiting and restricting invest- ment of bank deposits recommended. (Govs. mess. (Ormsbee) 1886: 8.) 1886-1896. Ann. amt. invested in western mortgages by Vt. savings banks. (A.R. finance inspector 1895/6: 8.) 1888-1898. Ann. percentage of assets in several classes of investments held by all banks in Vt. {Same 1895/6 (p. l)—same 1897/8.) 1888/9. Aggregate deposits of 26 Vt. banks for yrs. endg. Mch. 31, and Apr. 30, showing gain. {Same 1888/9: 8.) 1890. Passage of law requiring savings banks and trust COS. to carry not less than 5% of their assets in cash or in some approved depository recommended. (Govs. mess. (Page) 1890: 19.) 1890-1900. Ann. percentage of assets in several classes of investments made by banks of Vt. (A.R. finance inspector 1898/9 (p. 6)— same 1899/00.) . List of depositors in Vt. banks who have not changed their deposits during last 10 yrs. and who are not known by the officers of bank to be alive. (Some 1899/00: 133-139.) 1891-1904. Table showing ann. percentage of assets in various classes of investments made by banks of Vt. {Same 1900/1 (p. 7)— some 1904/5.) Same table appears in repts. for 1903/4 and 1904/5. 1892. Large surplus in certain banks; disapproval of present law for computing dividends. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1892: 7.) -. Recommendation to provide agst. fraud by abol- ishing copy of stmt, given by inspector of finance to various financial institutions reporting to him. {Same 1892: 7-8.) 1894. Unwise to multiply savings banks in Vt. {Same (Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 4.) . Savings banks illegally incorporating business of national banks; liability of trustees of such banks. {Same (Fuller) 1894: 16.) 1896/7. Tabulated list of resident and non-resident de- positors, and depositors having over $1500; amt. of said deposits. (A.R. finance inspector 1896/7: 120.) 18 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT BANKS— cont'd Savings Banks — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1898. Recommendations in regard to limiting divi- dends to 3%% until 15% surplus has accumulated; exemption from taxation of 5% interest-bearing Vt. mortgages; semi-ann. examinations of savings banks, etc. (Same 1897/8: 11-13.) 1898/9-1903/4. Aggregate resources of all savings banks, savings institutions, and trust cos. (Same 1898/9 (p. 6)— same 1903/4.) 1898/9-1904/5. Tabular classification of depositors and deposits; no. of resident and non-resident deposi- tors, and amt. of deposits; no. of depositors and amt. of deposits exceeding |1500. (Same 1898/9 (pp. 116-117)— some 1904/5.) 1902/3-1904/5. Table of various classes of investments showing amts. owned by savings banks and amts. owned by trust cos. (Same 1902/3 (p. 7) — same 1904/5.) Taxation; see that title Trust Companies serial 1876/7-1903/4. Ann. rept. of inspector of finance, show- ing condition of savings banks and trust cos. In Docs, as follows : 1876/7 in blenu. rept. auditor accta. 1876/8 : 93- 119. 1877/8 In tienn. rept. auditor accts. 1876/8 : 191- 224. 1878/9-1892/3 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1878/80-1892/4. 1893/4-1903/4 in state officers' repts. 1893/4- 1903/4. non-serial 1884. Failure of St. Albans Trust Co. due to fault in regard to which remedial legislation had repeatedly been asked, viz., large loans to one person; details of failure. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1884: 12-13.) 1894. Unwise to multiply trust cos. in Vt. (Same (Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 4.) United States Bank 1832. Anticipated derangement of currency by execu- tive refusal to recharter Bank of U. S. (Govs, mess. 1832.) 1834. Principles involved in controversy on subject of. (Same 1834.) 1850. Effect of failure to recharter Bank of U. S. (Same 1850: 25.) Vermont State Bank serial 1 series 1810-1816. Rept. of directors of Vt. State Bank. In Jols. as follows : 1807 In Gen. Assem. jol. 1807 : 138-139. 1810 " " " " 1810:68-71. 1811-1814 not found. 1815 In Gen. Assem. jol. 1815:46-47. 1816 ' " 1816 : 102-103. 1807 is 1st rept. 2 series 1829-1835. Rept. of agt. of Vt. State Bank. In Jols. as follows : 1829 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1829 : 89-90. 1830 1830:97-98. 1831 " " " " 1831 : 83-84. 1832-1833 not found. 1834 in House jol. 1834 : 52. 1835 " " " 1835 : 108-109. non-serial 1806-1812. The Vt. State Bank. (Records gov. and council v: 443-451.) Historical ; text of legisl. acts. 1807. Rept. on petitions praying for establishment of branches of State Bank. (Gen. assem. jol. 1807- 162-163.) . Rept. on rept. of directors of State Bank. (Same 1807: 187.) BANKS— cont'd Vermont State Bank — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1808. Rept. on accts. of State Bank. (Same 1808: 145.) 1809. Difiiculties of State Bank; rejection of state se- curities by law of neighboring state; interstate commerce embarrassed; support of state bank urged. (Govs. mess. 1809.) 1812. Rept. on situation of Vt. State Bank. Mont- pelier, 1812. 40 pp. 1813. Rept. as above, n. p. 7 pp. . Rept. of committee apptd. to settle with late di- rectors of Middlebury branch of Vt. State Bank. (House jol. 1813: 164-165.) 1816. Rept. of agts. to adjust demand agst. J. Merriam in favor of late Westminster branch of Vt. State Bank. (Gen. assem. jol. 1817: 18-19.) 1822. Stmt, of property belonging to Vt. State Bank. (House jol. 1822: 162-163.) 1824. Same. (Same 1824: 100-101.) 1858. Rept. on State Bank; with articles of assn. (Sen. jol. 1858: 391-398.) . Articles of assn. of State Bank. Montpelier, 1858. 28 pp. BEE-KEEPERS' ASSOCIATIONS; see AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES BEET-SUGAR; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS 1898. Fraternal beneficiary assns. placed under super- vision of insurance comrs. by act no. 78, laws of 1898. (Rept. insurance comrs. 1899: 4.) 1898/9-1903/4. Table of business in Vt. of foreign and domestic fraternal beneficiary assns.; no. and amt. of policies or certificates in force, issued, and ter- minated; premiums or assessments reed.; losses paid. (Same 1899 (p. 565)— same 1904.) No separate table found In repts. for 1900-1902 ; in- cluded with assessment accident cos. 1899. Table showing assets, liabilities, and surplus of all fraternal beneficiary assns. transacting business in Vt. (Same 1899: 564.) . Table of income and expenditures, of all fra- ternal beneficiary assns. transacting business in Vt. (Same 1899: 564.) 1899-1904. Abstr. from ann. stmts, of fraternal benefi- ciary assns. of other states and countries author- ized to transact business in Vt. showing condition on Dec. 31. (Same 1899 (pp. 485-513)— same 1904.) . Tabular exhibit of policies or certificates of fra- ternal beneficiary assns. showing no. and amt. in force, issued, and terminated during the yr. (Some 1899: 565.) 1900 no table found. In rept. for 1002 called Exhibit of policies or certificates of assessment accident and fraternal beneficiary assns. 1903. Abstr. from ann. stmt, of fraternal beneficiary assns. of this state, showing condition Dec. 31. (Same 1903: 573-575.) 1903-1904. Table showing income, disbursements, as- sets, liabilities, and surplus of fraternal beneficiary assns. (Same 1903 (p. 680)— some 1904.) Before 1903 Included in Stmt, of income, etc. of assessment accident assns. BIRTHS Registration; see Population BLIND Maintenance; see that title INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 19 BOUNTY Animal 1886/8. Auditor advocates removal of restrictions on granting of fox bounties. (Rept. auditor accts. 1886/8: 7-8.) 1888/9-1896/7. List of orders drawn in favor of town treasurers for fox bounties. (.Same 1888/90 (pp. 31-34)— same 1896/7.) In 1893/4 includes bounties paid for bears, lynx, and wolves. In 1894/5 includes bounties on bears, rattlesnakes, lynx, and panthers. In 1895/0- 1896/7 includes bounties on bears, lynx, and rattle- snakes. 1892/4-1896/8. Amts. paid out in bounties on noxious animals. (Bienn. rept. fish comrs. 1892/4 (p. 60) — same 1896/8.) 1897/8. Table of amts. paid to town treasurers for bounties on noxious animals. (Rept. auditor accts. 1896/8: 153.) 1902/4. Repeal of law paying bounty on noxious ani- mals recommended. (17 bienn. rept. fish and game comrs. 1902/4: 54.) 1904. Recommendation to repeal bounty for killing of noxious animals. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 6-7.) Expenditures for 1892/3-1903/4. Stmt. (Rept. auditor accts. 1892/4 (p. 28)— same 1902/4.) Fish and Game; see that title Maple Sugar; see Industries, etc. BRIDGES Highway; see Public Works BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 1890/1-1903/4. List of foreign loan and investment COS., bldg. and loan assns., and bond houses licensed to transact business in Vt. (A.R. finance inspect- ors 1890/1 (pp. 11-12)— same 1903/4.) 1890/1-1904/5. Repts. of bldg. and loan assns. of other states transacting business in Vt. {Same 1890/1 (pp. 183-207)— same 1904/5.) After 1898/9 includes repts. of investment cos, of other states. Taxation; see Taxation: State BUSINESS; see CRISES AND DEPRESSIONS BUTTER; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. DAIRY CANALS; see PUBLIC WORKS CAR COMPANIES Taxation; see that title CASUALTY INSURANCE; see INSURANCE. ACCIDENT CATTLE Feed Stuff; see Industries, etc. Produce; see Agriculture. Livestock CENSUS 1861. Rept. of committee on res. for retaking census. (House jol. 1861: 409-410.) Livestock; see Agriculture. Livestock Population; see that title School; see Education CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS; see MAINTENANCE CHEESE MANUFACTURE; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. DAIRY CLAY Deposits; see Natural Resources Production; see Industries, etc. Mineral. Kaolin (4 bienn. rept. CLIMATE 1858-1876. Table showing meteorological observations, mean mo. temperature, barometer, thermometer and humidity, total mo. amt. of precipitation and no. of days in each mo. on which precipitation oc- curred. (12 A.R. re registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1868 (pp. 88-91) — same 1876.) 1877. Meteorological tables and climatology of Vt.; by H. A. Cutting. Montpelier, 1877. 24 pp. Also in 4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1876/7 : 120-189. 1887. Vt. climate; by H. A. Cutting. (1 A.R. bd. health 1887: 67-69.) 1887-1890. Monthly meteorological records taken at Lunenburg. (Same 1887 (pp. 72-99)— same 1890.) Drought 1899. Damage from. (15 bienn. rept. fish and game comrs. 1898/00: 76-77.) Rainfall 1856-1870. Average ann. rainfall in various places in state. (4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1876/7: 122.) 1858-1876. See above. Climate, these dates. 1872-1884. Comparative precipitation by mos. (8 same 1883/4: 392-415.) Snowfall 1848-1876. Ann. fall in inches. (4 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1876/7: 126.) Temperature 1848-1876. Average mo. temperature. bd. agric. 1876/7: 126.) 1848-1887. Temperature of Lunenburgh, each yr. (1 A.R. bd. health 1887: 100-101.) 1888. First and last killing frost and first and last snows at Lunenburgh station. (2 same 1888: 77.) COLLATERAL INHERITANCE TAX; see TAXATION: STATE. INHERITANCE TAX COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION Interstate 1884. Federal regulation urged. (Govs. mess. (Bar- stow) 1884: 19.) Reciprocity 1852. Rept. of committee on res. relating to reciprocity with Canada. (House jol. 1852: 370-371.) 1874. Rept. on proposed reciprocity treaty with Can- ada. (Same 1874: 657-662.) . Rept. on effect upon agric. interests of adoption of reciprocity treaty. (Same 1874: 675-676.) COMPULSORY EDUCATION; see EDUCATION CONVICT LABOR; see LABOR CONVICTS Maintenance; see Maintenance: State. Delinquents COPPER Production; see Industries, etc. Mining CORN Produce; see Agriculture. Crops CORPORATIONS 1846. Policy of state in favor of regulation; adverse to " exclusive guardianship even of public and com- mon interests." (Gov. mess. 1846: 4.) 1849. Assignment of comrs. to draft law regulating incorporation of mnfg. cos. (Same 1849.) 1898. Protest agst. legislative charters. (Same (Grant) Oct. 1898: 25-27.) 30 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF VERMONT CORPORATIONS— cont'd Laws 1895. General laws relating to private corporations. Rutland, 1895. (2), 657-669 pp. 4°. Eeprint of title 25 Vt. statutes. Taxation; see that title CORRUPT PRACTICES; see FINANCE: STATE. MISAP- PROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS COUNTIES Jails; see Maintenance: County COURTS; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE CREAMERIES; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. DAIRY CRISES AND DEPRESSIONS 1840. Improvement measures of federal govt, cause of difficulties since 1836; extended comment. (Govs. mess. 1840.) 1895. Comment on business depression. (Same (Wood- bury) Oct. 1895: 21.) CROPS; see AGRICULTURE DAIRYING Industry; see Industries, etc. DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION; see AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETIES DEAF-MUTES Maintenance; see that title DEATHS; see POPULATION DEBENTURES OF MEMBERS; see FINANCE: STATE. EXPENDITURES. LEGISLATIVE DEBTS, PUBLIC 1797. Caution to guard agst. incurring public debt. (Govs. mess. 1797.) 1798. Recommendation to call in interest-bearing or- ders and for provision to prevent future issue. [Same 1798.) 1800. Expediency of redeeming public securities in circulation. {Same 1800.) 1801. Public debt, due on bard money orders, dis- charged; small ann. tax adequate to meet expenses of govt. (Same 1801.) 1838/9-1843/4. Treasurers' rept. showing in detail in- debtedness of state. (Rept. auditor in treasury dept. 1838/9 (p. xxxvi) — same 1843/4.) Does not appear in later repts. 1838/9 also in House iol. 1839 app. : xxxvl ; 1840/1 also in same 1841 app. : 63-64. 1858. Policy of state adverse to creation of permanent state debt. (Govs. mess. 1858: 5.) 1867. Provision for sinking fund to retire public debt. (Same 1867: 7.) 1869. Review of condition of funded debt of state. (Same 1869: 5-7.) 1872. Inexpediency of making apprns. to anticipate payment of Immature bonds. (Same 1872: 10.) 1898. Treasurer's outline of state liability on tempor- ary loans, July 1. (Rept. treasurer 1898/00: 3.) DEFALCATIONS Public Officials; see Finance: State. Misappropriation, etc. DENTISTS Registration; see License DEPRESSIONS; see CRISES AND DEPRESSIONS DIVORCES Registration; see Population DROUGHTS; see CLIMATE DRUGGISTS Registration; see License EDUCATION serial 1 series 1828. Rept. of bd. of comrs. of common schools, in obedience to " An act to provide for support of com- mon schools," passed Nov. 9, 1827. Woodstock, 1828. 12 pp. 12°. Also in House jol. 1828 : 110-114. No more published. 2 series 1846-1851. Ann. rept. of state supt. of common schools, 1-6. Not included in Jols. 1. 1846. Montpelier, n. d. 64 pp. 2. 1847. St. Albans, n. d. 52 pp. 3. 1848. St. Albans, n. d. 72 pp. 4. 1849. Montpelier, n. d. 64 pp. 5. 1850. Middlebury, n. d. 41 (7) pp. 6. 1851. Montpelier, n. d. 46 pp. Of the 1st to 3d repts. 400 copies each were ordered printed ; of the 4th to 5th rept, 3600 copies each. No order to print was found for the 6th rept. 3 series Under provisions of " Act to establish a bd. of edu- cation," approved Nov. 18, 1856. 1856/7-1857/8. Ann. rept. of secy, of bd. of education, 1-2. Not included in Jols. 1. 1856/7. Ludlow, 1857. 98, 2 pp. 2. 1857/8. Burlington, n. d. 80, 4 pp. 4 series 1858/9-1869/70. Ann. rept. of Vt. bd. of education, with rept. of secy., 3-14. In Collected docs, as follows : 3-9. 1858/9-1864/5 not In jols. or docs. 3. 1858/9 Burlington, n. d. 85, 37 pp. 4. 1859/60 " " vlii, 131, 37 pp. 5. 1860/1 " " XV, 105, 63 pp. 6. 1861/2 " " iv, 120, 24 pp. 7. 1862/3 " " xiii, 138, 87pp. 8. 1863/4 " " vii, 165 pp. 9. 1864/5 " " vlii, 142 pp. 10. 1865/6 in Legisl. docs. 1866 doc. 3. 11. 1866/7 " " " 1867 " 3. 12. 1867/8 " " " 1868 " 11. 13. 1868/9 ' 1869 " 4. 14. 1869/70" " " 1870/1" 4. 5 series 1870/2-1872/4. Bienn. rept. of Vt. bd. of education, with rept. of secy., 15-16. In Collected docs, as follows : 15. 1870/2 In Legisl. docs. 1872, v. 2. 16. 1872/4 " " " 1874, v. 1. 6 series 1874/6-1902/4. Vt. school rept. . . . Rept. of supt. of education made to legisl., 24-38. In Collected docs, as follows : 24. 1874/6 in Legisl. docs. 1876, v. 3. 25-38. 1876/8-1902/4 not included in collected docs. The numbering of these repts. presupposes a continuous numbering from 1828 to 1872/4 for the repts. issued. non-serial 1761-1787. Early action of several towns relative to schools. (Rept. supt. education 1874/6 app.: 107- 111.) 1797-1874. Outline history of state school supervision. (Same 1874/6: 20-24.) 1807. Execution of act for support of schools devolves upon towns; expediency of provision by which legisl. can be advised how far corporations carry laws into effect. (Govs. mess. 1807.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT 31 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1807. Rept. on petition for incorporation of academy in Dorset. (Gen. assem. jol. 1807: 116.) 1821. Non-execution of act of 1810 for support of schools requires legislative interference. (Govs. mess. 1821.) 1823. Reduction in cost of schooling; patronage of common schools advised. {Same 1823.) 1830. Plea for moral and ethical instruction in public schools. (Same 1830.) 1837. Rept. of secy, of bd. of education on subject of school houses, supplementary to 1 ann. rept. 24 pp. (Rept. bd. education 1861/2 app.) 1838. Rept. of committee on education. (Sen. jol. 1838 app.: xiii-xvi.) 1839. Suggestion to raise deficiency in school money by tax on all taxable property in district. (Govs, mess. 1839.) 1841. Rept. of committee on education. (House jol. 1841 app.: 65-72.) 1842. Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to education. (Sen. jol. 1842 app.: 1-16.) . Rept. of committee on education apptd. by gov. (House jol. 1842 app.: 57-72.) . Public support of common schools recommended in place of voluntary support. (Govs. mess. 1842: 8.) 1844. Communication from gov. re. statistics of com- mon schools. (Sen. jol. 1844 app.: 122.) . Greater support for common schools urged. (Govs. mess. 1844.) 1845. State supervision of schools urged. (Same 1845.) . Common school returns, showing by towns and COS., no. of families and children; and detailed ex- pense of school maintenance. (House jol. 1845: 327-332.) 1847. State supervision of schools effected. (Govs, mess. 1847.) 1850-1880. Decennial comparison of no. of school dis- tricts; no. of children in schools; no. of teachers; average wages per wk.; entire expenditures by dis- tricts and towns for schools. (School rept. 1878/ 80: 40.) 1851. Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to education and common schools. (House jol. 1851: 416-418.) 1853. Encouragement of higher schools recommended. (Govs. mess. 1853.) . Rept. on act to incorporate Norwich University. (House jol. 1853: 558-567.) 1855. Rept. of committee on education. (Sen. jol. 1855: 252-253.) . Rept. on inquiry whether neglect of legisl. to elect supt. of common schools is not violation of statute law. (Jol. council of censors 1855: 60-63.) . Rept. on that part of govs. mess. re. education. (House jol. 1855: 549-551.) 1856. Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to common schools and education. (Sen. jol. 1856: 450-454.) . Rept. of committee on education. (Same 1856: 496-500.) 1856/7. Remarks from various supts. re. statistical in- formation of various schools and school districts. (Rept. bd. education 1856/7 app.: 79-98.) 1856/7-1902/4. Estimated statistical aggregate of schools showing condition of school houses; dura- tion of schools; showing average mo. wages of teachers; cost of district schools; and amt. of pub- lic money distributed to districts. (Same 1856/7 (pp. 18-19)— same 1902/4.) EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd In 1857/8, 1858/9, 1869/70, 1870/2, 1892/4 no separate tables found. 1878/80-1890/2 called Summary of school statistics. 1872/4-1902/4 stmts, are bienn. 1894/6-1900/2 called Tabulation of school statis- tics, showing increase or decrease. In 1902/4 Tables Include stmt, of statistics of high schools and secondary instruction. 1857. On establishment of bd. of education. (Govs. mess. 1857.) 1857/8-1890/2. Bxtrs. from ann. repts. of town supts. showing condition of schools. (Rept. bd. educa- tion 1857/8 (pp. 75-80)— same 1890/92.) In 1858/9 is Extracts from repts. with special refer- ence to new school laws. Extrs. for 1859/60 have special reference to condition of school hours. In 1861/2 to 1872/4 called variously Remarks or Extracts. In 1874/6 called Special repts. of town supts, relative to advantages of town system of school administration. In 1876/8 none found. In 1878/80 called Suggestions of town supts. 1858/9. Detailed outline of cost of construction of new school houses and remarks thereon. (Same 1858/9: 66-74.) . Secy, suggests prtg. ann. repts. of town supts. as means of making educational information com- plete for state. (Same 1858/9: 79-81.) 1860. Rept. of committee on judiciary on decision of bd. of education on compulsory use of Bible in schools. (Sen. jol. 1860: 219-220.) 1866-1870. Statistical aggregates from ann. returns of town supts. showing no. of families, etc.; amt. of wages paid male and female teachers, etc. (Rept. education bd. 1869/70: 84-86.) 1867. Suppl. rept. to 11 ann. rept. bd. education. (House jol. 1867: 446-452; Sen. jol. 1867: 300-306.) 1868/9. Change from district to town system advised; means for remedying existing evils in school sys- tems. (Rept. education bd. 1868/9: 89-132.) 1869. Abolition of school districts recommended. (Govs. mess. 1869: 8.) 1869/70. Tabulated stmt, showing by cos. in detail ex- penditures for common school purposes for yr. endg. Apr. 1. (Rept. bd. education 1869/70: 92-93.) . Advantages of town system of administering school business outlined with views of town school supts. (Same 1869/70: 176-195.) 1870/1-1902/4. Tabulated statistics compiled from ann. repts. of town supts. showing by cos., no. of or- ganized school districts, no. of families, no. of children of school age, no. of terms, average daily attendance, etc., average length of school in wks., no. of teachers, no. of school houses, wages of teach- ers, etc., stmt, in detail of cost of new school houses and repair of same, etc. (Same 1870/2 (app. pp. 39-46) — same 1902/4.) From 1870/2 to 1890/2 tabular subdivisions vary. 1892/4 has tables 1-5 under following captions : 1. Schools. 2. School census. 3. School attend- ance. 4. Resources. 5. Expenditures. 1894/6 to 1900/2 have tables 1-9 under following captions : 1. Schools. 2. School census. 3. School attendance. 4. Resources. 5. Expenditures. 6. School hours and supplies. 7. Teachers. 8. Transportation. 9. Miscellaneous. 1902/4 includes table of high schools and secondary Instruction. 1871/2-1902/4. Tabular statistics compiled from repts. of town supts. showing by towns and cos., no. of organized school districts, no. of families, no. of children, no. attending school, no. school terms during yr., no. of teachers, no. of school houses, wages of male and female school teachers, cost of board, etc., amt. paid supts., cost of new school houses, repairs, amt. of public money distributed, amt. raised on Grand List, highest and lowest rate % raised on Grand List, and estimated cash value of school houses and grounds. (Same 1870/2 app. (pp. 49-152)— same 1902/4.) 23 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF VERMONT EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd Tables vary in arrangement, but general information Is similar througbout. From 1871/2 to 1893/4 sta- tistics are tabulated for ann. returns. From 1894/6 to 1900/2 tables are subdivided under following captions and numbered 1-9, viz., scbools, scbool census, school attendance, expenditures, school houses and supplies, teachers, transporta- tion and miscellaneous. In 1902/4 tables are sub- divided under following captions and numbered 1-10, viz., schools, school houses and supplies, school census, school attendance, teachers, re- sources, expenditures, transportation and union of schools, high schools and secondary instruction, miscellaneous. 1872. Kept, of committee on education on Sen. bill 52 re. division of property and assets of school dis- tricts. (Sen. jol. 1872: 418-419.) 1872/4. Change from town to senatorial districts for school inspection and apptmt. of school comrs. for such sections with suggestions for salaries of same, etc. (Rept. bd. education 1872/4: 396-397.) 1874-1882. Cause of distrust of method of oSacial super- vision of schools. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 9.) 1874/6. Apportionment of scholarships to several cos. of Cong, districts, showing amts. by cos. with acct. of additional free scholarships provided by normal school at Randolph. (Rept. bd. education 1874/6: 13-15.) . Special repts. of town supts. on advantages and disadvantages accruing from " town system " of school administration. (Same 1874/6: 93-104.) 1877/8. Rept. of Bennington Training School in con- nection with graded school there located. {Same 1876/8: 17-18.) 1878/80. Supt. suggests justice of compensating town supts. for time spent in preparing statistical repts. rather than for rept. (Same 1878/80: 40-41.) 1880. Expediency of supporting supt. of education with competent board. (Govs. mess. (Parnham) 1880: 24-25.) 1882-1894. Tabulation of summarized school statistics and expenditures, 1882, 1892, 1893, 1894. (School rept. 1892/4: 109.) 1882/4. Adoption of town system of administration of school affairs advised as immediate remedy for ex- isting evils. (Same 1882/4: 8-9.) . Suggests that accts. of town supts. be paid only when accompanied by receipt of supt. of education for statistical rept. of town, as remedy for towns making inaccurate or no returns. (Same 1882/4: 19-20.) 1884-1886. Adoption of town system of schools advised and that all public schools of whatever grade be included under its provisions. (Same 1884/6: 15.) . Repts. from towns using town system of schools in Vt. (Same 1884/6: 71-74.) . Vote of towns on adoption of town system of schools, tabulated by towns and cos. (Same 1884/6: 75-83.) 1886-1888. Change in law re. optional adoption of town system of school administration. (Same 1886/8: 18-19.) 1888. Necessity of change in school system; legisla- tive investigation of present district system ad- vised. (Govs. mess. (Dillingham) October 1888: 14-16.) 1888/90-1890/2. Rept. of supt. of Burlington giving condition of schools, etc. (School rept. 1888/90 (pp. 55-68)— sawe 1890/2.) 1888/90-1902/4. Repts. of co. supervisors, noting condition of schools, examinations, etc. (Same 1888/90 (pp. 7-54)— same 1902/4.) From 1890/2 to 1900/2 called repts of county exam- iners. In 1902/4 called repts. of examiners of teachers. From 1890/2 to 1902/4 contains detailed information re. examination of teachers for certi- ficates. EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1891-1898. Table showing ann. cost of repairs and con- struction. (Same 1896/8: 36.) 1892. Approval of town system of schools. (Govs. mess. (Page) Oct. 1892: 4.) 1900. Rept. of bd. of visitors to Norwich University. (House jol. 1900: 515-517.) 1902. Rept. of bd. of visitors to Norwich University showing detailed condition of same. (Sen. jol. 1902: 451-454.) 1902-1903. Table showing school houses in various cos. (4 bienn. rept. bd. health 1902/3: 41.) Agricultural; see Agriculture Census See aslo above under general head Education, item of date of 1870/1-1902/4. 1886/8. Necessity of some provision for ann. enumera- tion of children of school age, efficient law for compelling their attendance upon schools provided. (School rept. 1886/8: 6.) Compulsory 1882/4. Amdmt. of law relative to compulsory attend- ance suggested. (School rept. 1882/4: 19.) Expenditures for See also below Normal schools. 1859/60. Total ann. state expenditures and expendi- tures for common schools compared. (Rept. bd. education 1859/60: 91.) 1860. Rept. on Sen. bill 11 providing for equal division of public money for support of schools among all school districts regardless of size and population. (Sen. jol. 1860: 221-225.) 1860/2. Comparative stmt, of ann. expenditures in erection of school houses. (Rept. bd. education 1861/2: 68.) 1861. Communication from state treasurer transmit- ting suppl. stmt, of expenses of bd. of education since auditor's rept. 1861. (House jol. 1861: 401- 402.) . Communication from auditor of accts. showing expenses of bd. of education. (Same 1861: 386- 387.) 1861/2. Stmt. (Rept. auditor accts. 1861/2: xxxv.) 1862/3. Aggregate expense of maintenance of schools 1862/3. (Rept. bd. education 1862/3: 79-80.) 1862-1867. Total ann. expenditures for erecting and repairing school houses. (Same 1866/7: 114.) 1863/4. Possibility of junction of colleges of state, with gen. stmt, of apprn. by federal govt, of in- come arising from sale of scrip for public lands, granted to Vt. . . . July 2, 1862. (Same 1863/4 83-165.) 1863/4-1866/7. Comparative stmt, of ann. expenditures for schools. (Same 1864/5 (pp. 92-94)— same 1866/7.) 1866/7. General unfair distribution of school expenses, support of teachers, etc., described in detail. (Same 1866/7: 128.) 1870-1890. Tabular comparative statistics of U. S. and each of New England states and N. Y. showing decennial school population; total decennial ex- penditures for schools; expenditure per capita of population; expenditure per pupil per month; etc. (Same 1892/4: 267.) 1872/4. Approximate ann. cost to state for local super- vision under old provision; and cost under sug- gested new regulation of supervision by school comrs. (Same 1872/4: 403-404.) 1875-1878. Entire ann. cost of schools for yr. endg. Mch. 31; average wkly. cost of schools; average wages per wk. of male and female teachers. (Same 1876/8: 24.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 23 EDUCATION— cont'd Expenditures for — cont'd 1882-1884. Brief historical outline of U. S. deposit money; stmt, of distribution of same by state treasurer on census of 1880. (Same 1882/4: 10-15.) 1883/4. Summarized stmt, of total expenditures show- ing average for each pupil enrolled. (Same 1882/4: 15.) 1884-1886. Suggests legal provision that town supts. be paid by state treasurer on order of state auditor, such orders to be given only on presentation of receipt from state supt. for statistical rept. re- quired by law. (Same 1884/6: 15.) 1886/7. Summarized stmt, of ann. revenue and ex- penditures for school purposes; amt. paid town supts.; and ann. normal school apprns. (Same 1886/8: 8.) 1886-1896. Ann. expenditures for new bldgs. and re- pairs. (Same 1894/6: 132.) 1891/2. Statistics of reapportionment of V. S. deposit money showing distribution by towns and cos.; net loss and gain; and aggregate by cos. (Same 1890/2: 281-287.) 1891/6. Comparative ann. stmt, of new bldgs.; ex- pense; repairs, etc. (Same 1894/6: 99.) 1892-1898. Ann. expense for examination and local supervision showing distribution of same to town supts. and co. examiners, and total. (Same 1896/8: 19.) 1892/3-1903/4. Stmt. (Rept. auditor accts. 1892/4 (p. 30) — same 1902/4.) Auditors' repts. presented biennially ; stmts, appearing in same are ann. for yrs. covered by rept. 1898/0- 1903/4 include Supt. of Education, University of Vt. and State Agricultural College, Middlebury College, Norwicb University; Normal Schools, Normal School comrs.. Summer Schools, Institution for deaf, dumb, blind, and feeble-minded under acts of 1898, county examiners. 1894. Satisfactory operation of law of 1892 regulating expenditure of school moneys. (Govs. mess. (Pul- ler) Oct. 1894: 4.) 1894/6-1896/8. Tabular comparative cost of schools per town; per cent of Grand List expended by each town in state for public school purposes; cost per pupil enrolled; and cost per wk., excl. repairs or construction. (School rept. 1894/6 (pp. 136-144) — same 1896/8.) 1896/8. Comparative statistics for distribution of pub- lic money in towns having incorporated districts, showing amt. reed, per school under present divi- sion by aggregate attendance; amt. reed, per school if divided according to no. of legal schools; aver- age no. of wks. below high school; per cent cur- rent expenses below high school are of Grand List. (Same 1896/8: 44.) 1896/8-1902/4. Tabular statistics of towns having in- corporated graded school district, showing per cent of Grand List expended for school purposes; amts. reed, from 5% state tax; U. S. deposit fund, and Huntington fund; total public money reed.; ag- gregate attendance upon school; amt. of teachers' wages, etc. (Same 1896/8 (pp. 128-129)— same 1902/4.) 1900. Reapportionment of U. S. deposit money on cen- sus of 1900 showing comparative population 1890 and 1900; distribution by towns and cos.; and gain or loss. In Vt. School repts. as follows : 1900/2 : 419-425 ; 1902/4 : 500-506. 1902/4. Comparative ann. cost of schools by towns and cos. 1902/3, 1903/4. (School rept. 1902/4: 455- 469.) EDUCATION— cont'd High Schools See also above general head Education item for 1870/1- 1902/4. 1859/60. Vermont academies; essay by J. K. Colby. (A.R. bd. education 1859/60: 120-124.) 1876/8. Supt. suggests setting a portion of a state school tax aside for high school fund. (Same 1876/8: 23.) 1876/7-1878/9. Tabular statistics of incorporated acad- emies showing no. of teachers; no. of students; receipts during yr. for tuitions, and ann. school in- come from other sources. (Same 1876/8 app. (p. i)—same 1878/80.) 1902/4. Tabular stmt, of tuitions paid by several towns, for higher instruction together with tax raised; rate of rebate and amt. of rebate claimed under sec. 4, no. 27, acts of 1902. (Same 1902/4: 518.) Laws 1782. School law of 1782; act for apptg. and support- ing schools, passed Oct. 22. (Rept. supt. educa- tion 1874/6 app.: 104-107.) 1795. Act in addition to act entitled " An act for apptg. and supporting schools," passed Oct. 20. (Same 1874/6 app.: 112.) Not found in volumes of Collected Laws. 1824. Revision advised. (Govs. mess. 1824.) 1858. Act relating to common schools; approved Nov. 23. 4 pp. (A.R. bd. education 1857/8.) Also In same 1866/7 : 149-153. 1858/9. School laws remaining in force Sept. 1859, with index to same. (Same 1858/9 app.: 1-37.) 1859/60-1866/7. Abstr. of decisions of Supreme Court of Vt. of questions arising in administration of school laws of state, with index. In rept. bd. education as follows : 1859/60 in Rept. 1859/60 app. : 1-23. 1862/3 " " 1862/3 app. : 48-72. 1866/7 " " 1866/7 app. : 55-78. 1862/3. Common schools and school laws and index to same. (Rept. supt. education 1862/3 app.: 1-47.) 1866. Law authorizing revision of list of school books; approved Nov. 19, 1866. (Same 1866/7: 164-165.) . Law reconstructing bd. of education; approved Nov. 18, 1866. (Same 1866/7: 163-164.) 1866/7. Common schools and school laws with index to same. (Same 1866/7 app.: 1-54.) 1867/70. Acts of gen. assem., session laws relating to schools and education. (Same 1870/2 app.: 3-36.) 1867/72. Acts of gen. assem. 1867-1870, 1872, relating to education, etc. (Same 1872/4 app.: 3-55.) 1868/9. Acts relating to schools, etc., passed by gen. assem. at its ann. session 1868. (Same 1868/9 app.: 75-78.) 1872/4. Bd. education recommends apptmt. of comn. to codify school laws of state. (Same 1872/4: 8-9.) 1875. School laws in force at close of sess. 1875; with digest of decisions of Supreme Court of Vt. having reference to schools and school laws; compiled by G. A. Davis. Montpelier, 1875. 226 pp. 1881. Laws relating to public instruction. Rutland, 1881. 151-191 (18) pp. Repr. title 10, rev. laws 1880. 1893. The school laws of Vt. in force April 1; com- piled by W. H. Taylor. Burlington, 1893. (3), 9- 88 pp. 1895. General laws relating to public instruction. Rut- land, 1895. (2) 175-212 (4) pp. Repr. of title 11, Vt. statutes. 1903. General laws of Vt. relating to public instruc- tion in force April 1. St. Johnsbury, 1903. 58 pp. 13 11. 24 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools serial 1 series 1894/6-1896/8. Kept, of bd. of normal school exami- ners, supervisors, and comrs. St. Albans, 1898. 1894/6 In School rept. 1894/6 : 79-83. 2 series 1900/2-1902/4. Rept. of normal school comrs. (School rept. 1900/2 (pp. 107-116)— some 1902/4.) non-serial 1785-1874. Outline history of normal school work and training for teachers. (Rept. supt. education 1874/6: 33-36.) 1839. In favor of normal, or pattern schools. (Govs. mess. 1839.) 1852. Rept. on petition praying establishment of state normal school. (House jol. 1852: 332-334.) 1864/5-1865/6. General recommendations for establish- ment of one state normal school with plan for en- dowment of same. (Rept. bd. education 1864/5: 123-129; 1865/6: 100-110.) 1867. Establishment of by act of legisl. (Govs. mess. 1867: 9.) 1867/8-1902/4. Repts. of state normal schools. (Rept. bd. education 1867/8 (pp. 18-23)— same 1902/4.) Eepts. are presented biennially after 1870. 1869/70- 1878/80 are repts. of Individual normal schools, 1. e., Randolph N. S. ; Johnson N. S. ; and Castle- ton. 1868/9. Secy, of bd. of education recommends that state make normal schools at Johnson and Ran- dolph free of expense to everyone who would bind himself to teach 2 yrs. in Vt. or to refund amt. of tuition reed. (Rept. bd. education 1868/9: 48.) 1868-1896. Ann. moneys drawn from state treasury by Vt. normal schools. (Same 1894/6: 78.) 1869/70. Bd. of education suggests passage of bill pro- viding for establishment and endowing of one nor- mal school, with stmt, of estimated ann. cost. {Same 1869/70: 10-11.) . Consolidation of normal schools suggested or in- creased apprn. necessary for adequate support of same. (Same 1869/70: 124-130.) 1870. Adoption of settled policy in regard to normal schools recommended. (Govs. mess. 1870: 9.) 1870/2. Regulations for expenditure of state apprn. for normal schools, provisions for admission to same, etc. (Rept. bd. education 1870/2: 230-231.) 1872-1876. Sums paid from state treasury to several normal schools under acts of 1872 and 1876; total to each school. (Same 1876/8: 6.) 1872-1880. Sums paid from state treasury to several normal schools under acts of 1872 and 1876; bienn. total receipts 1878-1880. (Same 1878/80: 8.) 1874-1876. Ann. apprn. to normal schools; how paid. (Same 1874/6: 12.) 1876-1878. Total amt. of money drawn from state by various normal schools. (Same 1876/8: 6.) . Supt. of education advises increased apprn. for state normal schools. (Same 1876/8: 7.) 1878. Rept. of committee on education on normal schools. (Sen. jol. 1878: 326-332.) 1878-1800. Rept. of committee on normal schools, Vt. State Teachers' Assn. recommending additional state aid for support of state normal schools (School rept. 1878/80: 22-25; House jol. 1880: 551- 553.) 1880/2-1882/4. Detailed stmt, of semi-ann. ' apprns. made to three state normal schools 1880-1884, July, Dec, Jan., June, arranged by schools. (School rept. 1880/2 (pp. 11-12)— same 1882/4.) 1882. Difference of opinion as to no.. (Govs mess (Barstow) 1882: 10.) EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1882-1884. Consolidation of three existing normal schools into one large state institution suggested as most advantageous for state. (School rept 1882/4: 17.) 1888. Rept. of comrs. on normal schools. (House jol 1888: 545-551.) . Anticipating expiration of present system of maintaining normal school Instruction. (Govs, mess. (Ormsbee) 1888.) 1900. Rept. on investigation of ownership and man- agement of normal school property. (Sen. jol 1900: 459-462.) Public Aid See also below School lands, do. Univ. of Vt. 1807. Observations on facts, vindicating the rights of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School to grant made by legisl. of 1784. Windsor, 1807. Not seen. Title from Sabln and also from Oilman's Blbllogr. of Vt. No location given. 1810. Petition of president of Middlebury College to gen. assem. asking for state aid; with rept. of committee on petition. (Jol. gen. assem. 1810- 140-143; 165.) 1814. Rept. on bill granting to Middlebury College the property, rights, and credits of Vt. State Bank (Same 1814: 177-178.) 1851. Doubt as to benefit of further pecuniary aid to common schools; encouragement of higher schools recommended. (Govs. mess. 1851.) 1856/7. Detailed stmt, of expense for scholars in se- lect schools during yr. (Rept. bd. education 1856/7: 68.) School Fund See also Finance : State. Funds. Huntington Fund and Taxation. School tax. serial 1827/8-1842/3. Rept. of auditor in treasury dept. on treasurer's stmt, of condition of school fund. (Rept. auditor of treas. dept. 1827/8 (pp. 21-22)— same 1842/3.) In Jols. as follows : 1828 in House Jol. 1828 : 21-22. 1829 not found. 1830 in House jol. 1830 : 15-16. 1831 " " " 1831:37-38. 1832 " " " 1832:29-30. 1833 1833 : 40. 1834 1834:14. 1835 1835 : 23-24. 1836 1836 : 29. 1837 " " " 1837:77-78; app. : 114-115. 1838 not found. 1839 in House jol. 1839 app. : xxxv ; Sen. Jol. 1839 app. : xlv. 1840 in House Jol. 840 : xxxvl ; Sen. Jol. 1840 app. : xxii. 1841 in House Jol. 1841 app. : 37 ; app. : 15. 1842 in House Jol. 1842 app. : 99 ; app. : 26. 1843 in Sen. Jol. 1843 app. : 6. non-serial 1824. Rept. of committee on education on establish- ment of permanent fund for support of schools. (House jol. 1824: 191-192.) 1825. Creation advised. (Govs. mess. 1825.) 1825-1845. Outline history of school fund. (Rept. ed- ucation bd. 1872/4: 439-440.) . The Vt. school fund and what became of It. (Same 18&8/9: 133-140.) 1826. Provision for school fund approved; possible in- crease. (Govs. mess. 1826.) 1839. On distribution for limited term of income from school fund. (Same 1839.) Sen. Jol. 1837 Sen. Jol. 1841 Sen. Jol. 1842 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 25 EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1839. Rept. of committee to examine accts., etc., of comr. of school fund. (House jol. 1839 app.: Ixix- Lxxi.) . Present system of apportionment unsatisfactory. (Govs. mess. 1839.) 1840. Application of income of to purposes of educa- tion advised. (Same 1840.) . Rept. of committee on education on distribution of interest of school fund. (House jol. 1840: xxxix- xl.) 1843. Communication from comr. of school fund. (Same 1843 app.: 40-42.) 1845. Hist, of foundation of school fund. (Govs. mess. 1845.) 1846. Rept. on act abolishing school fund. (Sen. jol. 1846: 145-148.) 1848. Rept. of select committee on school fund. (Same 1848 app.: 186-187.) 1896/8. Reserve funds under care of and disburse- ment by state for public education. (School rept. 1896/8: 23.) School Lands 1874/6. Condition of various town lands, revenue of which is set apart for support of schools. (School rept. 1874/6: 40-42.) 1880. Rept. by supt. of education as to disposition of income from grammar school lands in various towns of state. (Same 1878/80 app.: 3-7.) 1884/6-1886/8. Rept. on revenue from grammar school lands and distribution of same to schools. (Same 1884/6 (pp. 68-70)— some 1886/8.) School Tax; see Xazaticin. Teachers 1868/9. Transfer of teachers' examinations from town to state officials, making same entirely competitive. (Rept. education bd. 1868/9: 87-89.) 1900/2. Regulations governing examination of teach- ers. (Same 1900/2: 45-46.) Wages; see Labob Teachers' Institutes 1856/7-1902/4. Proceedings of teachers' institutes. (Rept. bd. education 1856/7 (pp. 9-15) — same 1902/4.) No repts. found from 1870/2 to 1886/8. From 1888/90 to 1902/4 repts. called Proceedings of Vt. State ' Teachers, Assn., 40-54 annual meeting. 1868/9. Secy, suggests lengthening time of teachers' Institutes, noting comparative small expense to proportionate gain. (Rept. bd. education 1868/9: 27.) 1870/2. Changes in law regulating teachers' institutes suggested. (Same 1870/2: 74-77.) Text-books 1858/9. Results of law making necessary authorita- tive selections of text-books. (Rept. bd. education 1858/9: 11-21.) 1865. Approval of authoritative selection of text-books. (Govs. mess. 1865: 13.) 1867. Authorized list of school text-books selected for schools of Vt.; repts. of various teachers thereon. (Rept. bd. education 1866/7: 167-188.) 1874-1882. Return to former system of uniform text- books advised. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 9.) 1876. Uniformity in text-books recommended. (Same 1876.) 1880. Unequal operation of present text-book law; uni- formity recommended. (Same (Farnham) 1880: 25.) 1884-1886. Suggestion that towns be required to fur- nish all necessary text-books free for use of schol- ars (School rept. 1884/6: 15.) EDUCATION— cont'd Text-books — cont'd 1886-1888. Advantages of free text-books for schools; recommendation of permanent adoption of same. (Same 1886/8: 13-18.) . Total state expenditure for physiological text- books. (Same 1886/8: 12.) 1892. Free text-books recommended. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1892: 8.) 1894. Recommendation to extend free text-book sys- tern. (Same Oct. 1894: 4.) University of Vermont and State Agricultural College See also Finance : State. Funds. serial 1 series Corporation as private institution 1814-1838. Rept. of corporation of Univ. of Vt. to legisl. In Jols. as follows : 1814 in House jol. Oct. sess. 1814 : 68-70. 1815 " " " " " 1815 : 57-59. 1816 " " " " " ■ 1816:44-45. 1817 1817 : 53-55. 1818 " " " " " 1818 : 27-29. 1819 not found. 1820 in House jol. Oct. sess. 1820 : 78-79. 1821 " " " " " 1821 : 22-23. 1822 " " ' 1822:54-56. 1823 " " " " " 1823 : 19-20. 1824 ' ' " 1824 : 122-123. 1825 " " 1825:86. 1826 1826 : 17. 1827 " " 1827:90-92. 1828 " " " " " 1828 : 51. 1829 " " " " " 1829 : 14-16. 1830 " " " " " 1830 : 172. 1831 not found. 1832 in House jol. Oct. sess. 1832 : 149-150. 1833-1835 not found. 1836 in House jol. Oct. sess. 1836 : 168-171. 1837 ' 1837 app. : 124-125 ; S. jol. app. : 109-110. 1838 in House jol. Oct. sess. 1838 app. : xx-xxi. From 1820 to 1821 called Ann. rept. of trustees of Univ. of Vt. showing accts. of monies reed, and disbursed. In 1822 called Rept. showing treasurer's detailed rept. From 1825 to 1826 called Rept. of treasurer of 0uiv. of Vt. From 1829-1838 called Rept. of comrs. of Univ. of Vt. 2 series State institution 1865/6-1869/70. Ann. rept. of University of Vt. and State Agric. College, 1-5. In Jols. and Docs, as follows : 1. 1865/6 in Legisl. docs. 1866 doc. 9. S. jol. Oct. sess. 1866 : 319-324. 2. 1866/7 " Legisl. docs. 1867 doc. 9. 3. 1867/8 " Legisl. docs. 1868 doc. 10. " " " State officers' repts. 1868 doc. 10. 4. 1868/9 " Legisl. docs. 1869 doc. 9. " " " State officers' repts. 1869 doc. 9. 5. 1869/70" Legisl. docs. 1870/1 doc. 9. State officers' repts. 1870 doc. 9. 3 series 1870/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept, 6-20. In Collected docs, as follows : 5. 1870/2 in Legisl. docs. 1872, v. 1, doc. 9. " " " State officers' repts. 1873/4 doc. 10 6. 1872/4 " Legisl. docs. 1874, v. 1, doc. 9. " " " State officers' repts. 1873/4 doc. 9. 7. 1874/6 " Legisl. docs. 1876, t. 1, doc. 9. " " " State officers' repts. 1875/6 doc. 9. 8. 1876/8 1877/8 " 9. 9. 1878/80 " " " " 1879/80 " 12. 10. 1880/2 ' 1881/2 " 11. 11. 1882/4 ' 1883/4 " 12. 12. 1884/6 " " " " 1885/6 " 14. 13. 1886/8 1887/8 " 14. 14. 1888/90 ' 1889/90 " 15. 15. 1890/2 " " " " 1891/2 " 14. 16. 1892/4 ," " " " 1893/4 " 13. 16. 1894/6 " ' 1895/6 " 13. 17. 1896/8 ' 1897/8 " 13. 18. 1898/00" " " " 1899/00 " 13. 19. 1900/2 " " " " 1901/2 " 13. 20. 1902/4 " " " " 1903/4 " 13. The last rept. Is really the 22d rept. The repts. for 1869/70 and 1870/2 are hoth numbered 5, and those for 1892/4 and 1894/6 are both numbered 16. 26 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT EDUCATION— cont'd University of Vt. and State Agricultural College — cont'd non-serial 1809-1814. Additional rept. exhibiting detailed ann. re- ceipts and expenditures in treasury of corporation of Univ. of Vt. (House jol. 1814: 94-100.) 1810. Support of Univ. of Vt. urged; establishment of common schools encouraged. (Govs. mess. 1810.) 1819. Propriety of granting further aid to Univ. of Vt. (Same 1819.) 1840. Rept. on petition of Univ. of Vt. for loan. (House jol. 1840 app.: Ixii-lxv.) 1842. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to visit Univ. of Vt. (Sen. jol. 1842 app.: 57-64.) 1844. Rept. of comrs. to examine Univ. of Vt. (House jol. 1844 app.: 240-243.) 1845. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to examine condition of Univ. of Vt. (Sen. jol. 1845 app.: 167-169.) 1849. Petition of Univ. of Vt. praying for legislative aid and relief; with rept. of committee. (House jol. 1849:1311-315.) 1851. Memorial of president of Univ. of Vt. praying abatement of certain claim agst. Univ. {Same 1851: 414-415.) 1874. Rept. of joint special committee apptd. to inquire into expenditure of fund paid by state to Univ. of Vt. and state agric. college. {Same 1874: 696- 701.) 1878. Resolution authorizing inquiry into truth of charges that Univ. of Vt. and state agric. college has failed to comply with conditions of federal act of 1862. {Same 1878: 35-36.) ELECTRIC RAILWAYS; see STREET RAILWAYS EMIGRATION; see POPULATION. MIGRATION EQUALIZATION OF TAXATION; see TAXATION ESTIMATES; see FINANCE: STATE EXCISE; see LIQUOR TRAFFIC EXECUTIVE; see GOVERNOR EXPENDITURES; see FINANCE: STATE EXPRESS COMPANIES Taxation; see that title FAIRS; see AGRICULTURE FARMERS' INSTITUTES; see AGRICULTURE. EDUCA- TION FARMS; see AGRICULTURE FEEBLE-MINDED Maintenance; see that title FEED STUFF Inspection; see Industries, etc. Inspection Manufacture; see Industries, etc. FEES Civil; see Salaries, etc. Insurance Companies; see Taxation. Insurance Judicial; see Administration of Justice Revenue from 1902. Law regulating receipt and transmittal of all fees reed, by state officers into state treasury; ap- proved Dec. 12. (Rept. auditor accts. 1902/4: 4-5.) 4-5.) FERRIES 1807. Rept. on petition for ferry across Liake Cham- plain from Stoney Point in Benson. (Gen. assem. jol. 1807: 124.) . Rept. on petition for regular ferry across Mis- sisqoui Bay. {Same 1807: 116.) FERTILIZERS Inspection; see Industries, etc. Inspection Manufacture; see Industries, etc. FINANCE: FEDERAL Surplus; see Finance: State. Receipts FINANCE: STATE serial Treasurer Constitutional OflBce 1 series 1778-1848/9. Rept. of auditor in the treasury [on treasurer's receipts, disbursements, etc.] In Jols. as follows : 1778-1813 no repts. found. 1813/4 In Gen. Assem. Jol. 1814 : 28-29. 1814/5 1815/6 1816/7 ' 1817/8 ' 1818/9 ' 1819/20 ' 1820/1 ' 1821/2 ' 1822/3 ' 1823/4 ' 1824/5 ' 1825/6 ' 1826/7 ' 1827/8 ' 1828/9 ' 1829/30 ' 1830/1 ' 1831/2 ' 1832/3 1833/4 1815 : 29-30. 1816 : 11-13. 1817 : 215-216. 1818 : 29-30. 1819 : 34-35. 1820 : 80-81. 1821 : 51-52. 1822 : 25-26. 1823 ; 13-14. 1824 : 8. 1825 : 8-9. 1826 : 14-15. 1827 : 13-16. 1828 : 20-22. 1829 : 10-12. 1830 : 14-16. 1831 : 36-37. 1832 : 28-30. 1833 : 38-41. 1834 : 12-14. 1834/5 In House jol. 1835 : 22-24. 1835/6 " " " 1836 : 26-29. 1836/7 1837:104-109. 1837/8 1838 app. ili-vi. 1838/9 " " " 1839 app. xxxi-xxxvlU. 1839/40 1840 app. xxxiii-xxxvl. 1840/1 1841 app. 33-37. 1841/2 " " " 1842 app. 96-99. 1842/3 " " " 1843 app. 1-4. 1843/4 " " " 1844 app. 193-210. 1844/5 1845 app. 297-299 ; ann. rept. auditor accts. 1844/5 : 4-9. 1845/6 In ann. rept. auditor accts. 1845/6 : 14-17. 1S4fi/7 " " ^' " " 1846/7:13-16. 1847/8:9-14. Last rept. made. In 1813/4, owing to illness of auditor in treasury, auditor's regular rept. is omitted, but treasurer makes a stmt, on the finances. In 1825/6 " because he removed out of the state previous to time of settlement," auditor's rept. is again omitted, but treasurer, as before, makes a brief stmt, on the finances. 2 series 1845/6-1869/70. Treasurer's rept. on state finances. Brief stmt, of assets and liabilities not separately published, but printed in ann. rept. auditor of accts. as follows : 1845/6 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1845/6 : 17. \%'^V?o !! !! " " " 1846/7:16. 1847/8 1847/8:14. JII^'^L 1848/9:16. 5II^'^5*' ;; " " 1849/50:13. \%W,\ " 1850/1:12. J851/2 " " " 1851/2:11. 1852/3 1852/3:11. i^i¥,i " " 1853/4:11. ^tW,^ :: " 1854/5:15. Jflf'^^ 1855/6:15. 1|56A 1866/7:13. 1857/8 1857/8:15. 1858/9 ' " ■' 1858/9:17. rv^,^Ffl^V\ 1859/60:16. This is the last one of the Bates' repts., his defalcation occurring in this year. From this time the repts. contain stmts, of assets and liabilities, revenue ,*?.?„ ^JP^'^'^'*"''*' ^° *cct. of state taxes, and, after 1862/3 a rept. on the funds. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 27 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd serial— *cont'd Treasurer — cont'd Constitutional Ofllce — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1860/1 In ann. rept. auditor accts. 1860/1 : xxxix- xllx. 1861/2 In ann. rept. auditor accts. 1861/2 : lixll- 1862/3 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1862/3 : v- xiil. 1863/4 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1863/4 : t- xviii ; House jol. 1864 : 351-354 ; Sen. jol. 227- 230. 1864/5 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1864/5 : v- xix ; House jol. 1865 : 339-346 ; Sen. Jol. 219- 226. 18C5/6 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1865/6 : 11- 21 ; House jol. 1866 : 367-372 ; Sen. jol. 287- 292. 1866/7 in ann. rept. auditor acets. 1866/7 : 5- 12. 1867/8 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1867/8 : 5- 14 ; House jol. 1868 : 369-379 ; Sen. jol. 269- 279 1868/9 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1868/9 : 5- 12. 1869/70 in ann. rept. auditor accts. 1869/70 : 5- 11. It is possible that some of these later repts. were also issued as separate pamphlets. The only one so issued of which a record was found was the one for 1868/9, published in Montpelier in 1869 as a pamphlet of 11 pages. 3 series 1870/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of treasurer. In auditor's etc. repts. as follows ; 1870/2 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1870/2 : 7- 19. 1872/4 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1872/4 : 7- 16. 1874/6 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1874/6 : 5- 16. 1876/8 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1876/8 : 14- 24. 1878/80 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1878/80 : 15- 24. 1880/2 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1880/2 : 17- 23 1882/4 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1882/4 : 5- 20. 1884/6-1902/4 in State officers' repts. 1885/6- 1903/4 doc. 2. Auditor of Accounts Annual Reports 1 series 1797-1841/2. Rept. of auditor of accts. showing receipts and disbursements. In Jols. as follows : 1797-1802 no repts. found. 1803 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1803 ; 1804 no rept. found. 1805 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1805 ; 1806 " " " " 1806: 1807 ' 1807: 1808 " " " " 1808: 1809 1809: 1810 " " " " 1810: 1811 " ' 1811 : 1812 -" 1812: 1813 " " " " 1813 : 1814 " ' 1814: 1815 1815; 1816 not found. 1817 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1817 ; 1818 " " " " 1818: 1819 " " " " 1819: 1820 1820: 1821 " " " " 1821 : 1822 1822 : 1823 " " " " 1823 : 1824 1824: 1825 " " " " 1825: 1826 " " " " 1826: 1827 " " " " 1827: 1828 " " " " 1828: 1829 " " " " 1829: 1830 " " " " 1830: 1831 " " " " 1831 : 1832 1832: 1833 ' 1833: 1834 ' 1834: 38-39. 52-53. 68-60, 37-40. 13-14. 21-22. 38-40. 28-29. 60-61. 25-26. 28-29. 29-30. 215-216. 29-30. 34-35. 80-81. 51-52. 21-26. 13-14. 8. 8-9. 14-15. 13-16. 20-21. 10-12. 14-15. 36-37. 28-29. 38-40; 156-157. 12-13. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd Auditor of Accounts — cont'd Annual Reports — cont'd 1 series — cont'd 1835 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1835 : 22-23. 1836 " " " " 1836 : 26-28. 1837 in Sen. jol. 1837 app. 112-114; House jol. 1837 : 75-77 ; 194. 1838 in Sen. jol. 1838 app. lil-vi ; House jol. 1838 : iil-v. 1839 in Sen. jol. 1839 app. x-xii ; House jol. 1839 app. xxxi-xxxiii. 1840 in Sen. jol. 1840 app. xxiii-xxv ; House jol. app. xxxiii-xxxv. 1841 in Sen. jol. 1841 app. 11-13; 34-35; House jol. app. 33-35; 77-78. 1842 in Sen. jol. 1842 app. 17-19 ; 49-56 ; House jol. app. 96-98 ; 121-128. 2 series 1842/3-1869/70. Ann. rept. of auditor of accts. made to legisl. Date on t. p. is that of presentation to legislature. In Collected docs, as follows : 1842/3 in House jol. 1843 app. 39 pp. 1843/4-1864/5 not found in docs. 1843/4 Woodstock, 1844, 84 pp. 1844/5 " 1845, 93 (2) pp. 1845/6 Rutland, 1846, 96 pp. 1846/7 " 1847, 96 pp. 1847/8 " 1848, 64 pp. 1848/9 Montpelier, 1849, 88 pp. 1849/50 Rutland, 1850, 92 pp. 1850/1 Burlington, 1851, 109 pp. 1851/2 " 1852, 129 pp. 1852/3 Montpelier, 1853, 136 pp. 1853/4 '^ 1854, 180 pp. 1854/5 " 1855, 223 (1) pp. 1855/6 " 1856, 208 pp. 1856/7 " 1857, 212 pp. 1857/8 " 1858, 240 pp. 1858/9 " 1859, 271 (1) pp. 1859/60 " 1860, 255 pp. 1860/1 Burlington, 1861, Ixx, (4), 204 pp. 1861/2 " 1862, Ixxxvii, 161 pp. 1862/3 Montpelier, 1863, Ixxii, 160 pp. 1863/4 " 1864, Ixxxvi, 165 pp. 1864/5 Rutland, 1865, Ixxxiii, 144 pp. 1865/6 in Legisl. docs. 1866 doc. 2. 1866/7 1867 " 2. 1867/8 1868 " 2; State offi- cers' repts. 1868. 1868/9 In Legisl. docs. 1869 doc. 2 ; State offi- cers' repts. 1869. 1869/70 in Legisl. docs. 1870/1 doc. 1. 3 series 1870/2-1902/4. Rept. of auditor of accts. Dates on t. p. are those of concluding months fiscal yr. Repts. presented biennially. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1870/2 in Legisl. docs. 1872, v. 1:2; State repts. 1871/2 doc. 1. 1872/4 in Legisl. docs. 1874, t. 1 : 2 ; State repts. 1873/4 doc. 1. 1874/6 in Legisl. docs. 1876, repts. 1875/6 doe. 1. 1876/8 in State officers' repts. 1877/8 doc. 1. 1878/80" '^ 1879/80 " 1. 1880/2 " " " " 1881/2 " 1. 1882/4 ' ' 1883/4 " 1. 1884/6 " " " " 1885/6 " 1. 1886/8 " " " " 1887/8 " 1. 1888/90" " " " 1889/90 " 1. 1890/2 " ' 1891/2 " 1. 1892/4 " " " " 1893/4 " 1. 1894/6 " " " " 1895/6 " 1. 1896/8 " " " " 1897/8 " 1. 1898/00 ' 1899/00 " 1. 1900/2 " " " " 1901/2 " 1. 1902/4 " 1903/4 " 1. Abstract of Orders 1797-1902/4. Abstr. of auditor's orders on treasury. In Jols. as follows : X797-1814 no repts. found. 1815/6 in Gen. Assem. Jol. 1816 : 203-207. 1816/7-1835/6 no repts. found. 1836/7 in House jol. 1837 app. 104-109. 1837/8 no rept. found. 1838/9 in Sen. jol. 1839 app. xlvi-Iiv. 1839/40 " " " 1840 app. xliv-1. 1840/1 " " " 1841 app. 16-19 ; House jol. 1841 app. 38-41. of each officers' officers' 1:2; State officers' 28 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF VERMONT FINANCE: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd Auditor of Accounts — cont'd Abstract of Orders — cont'd 3 series— cont'd 1841/2 In Sen. iol. 1842 app. 23-26; House jol. 1842 app. 102-105. 1843/4-1902/4 In Rept. auditor accts. 1843/4 (pp. 17-29) — same 1902/4). From 1898/9 to 1902/4 called List of orders drawn by auditor of accts. 1902/4 covers periods from July 1 to Oct. 8, 1902, and Oct. 9 to June 30, 1902/4. In previous yrs. table is ann. Inspector of Finance 1 series Under no. 53, 1860, entitled " An act for the better protection of the Treasury." 1860/1-1873/4. Rept. on examination of treasurer's dept. and books and papers in auditor's dept. In rept. of auditor of accts. 1860/1 (p. 1) — same 1872/4. 2 series Under provision of lavr approved Nov. 24, 1874, enlarg- ing powers of inspector of finance and defining his duties. 1874/5-1875/6. Repts. on condition of savings banks. In Eept. auditor of accts. 1874/6 : 197-240. 3 series 1876/7-1892/3. Ann. rept. of inspector of finance, show- ing condition of savings banks and trust cos. In Docs, as follows : 1876/7 in blenn. rept. auditor accts. 1876/8:93- 119. 1877/8 in bienn. rept. auditor accts. 1876/8 : 191- 224. 1878/9 in State officers' repts 1879/80 ^ 1880/1 1881/2 ' 1882/3 ' 1883/4 ' 1884/5 ' 1885/6 ' 1886/7 ' 1887/8 ' 1888/9 ' 1889/90 ' 1890/1 ' 1891/2 ' 1892/3 ' 1879/80 doc. 1879/80 • 1881/2 1881/2 1883/4 1883/4 1885/6 1885/6 1887/8 1887/8 1889/90 1889/90 1891/2 1891/2 1893/4 4 series 1893/4-1903/4. Ann. rept. inspector of finance of Vt. In Collected docs, as follows : 1893/4 in State officers' 1894/5 " " 1895/6 ' 1896/7 ' 1897/8 ' 1898/9 ' 1899/00 ' 1900/1 ' 1901/2 ' 1902/3 ' 1903/4 ' repts. 1893/4 doc. 1895/6 1895/6 1897/8 1897/8 1899/00 1899/00 1901/2 1901/2 1903/4 1903/4 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. non-serial 1777-1780. Summary stmt, of financial policy of state; sources and gross amts. of revenue. (Records gov. and council ii: 64.) 1780. Apptmt. of comrs. for examining accts. agst. state. (Same ii: 57.) . Land grants of 1780 and state finances. (Same ii: 61-64.) 1781. Vt. acts of sovereignty; bills of credit; copy of act of 1781 for purpose of emitting a sum of money and directing redemption of same. (Same iii: 381-383.) With facsimiles of bills of credit. 1782. Council concurs in act of assembly for ann. set- tlement of treasurer's accts. at each Oct. sess. (Same ii: 147.) 1785-1788. Vt. acts of sovereignty; coining of money 1785-1788; summary of Vt. acts. (Same iii: 383- 384.) Examples of Vt. coinage. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1787. Table showing depreciation of continental bills of credit of date of 1777 to 1780, as fixed by act of Vt. of 1787. (Same iii: 122.) 1797-1892. Brief synopsis of legislation for raising and distributing public money. (School rept. 1896/8 40-43.) 1812. Rept. on that part of govs. mess, which relates to finances of state. (Gen. assem. jol. 1812: 147- 148.) 1813. Rept. of committee on finance on state finances, (Same 1813: 166.) 1842. Auditor's rept. on subject of public accts. accom- panying govs. mess. (House jol. 1842 app.: 33-48 Sen. jol. 1842 app.: 33-56.) . Accts. of state; pressing necessity for reform opportunities for fraud. (Govs. mess. 1842: 11.) 1842/3-1843/4. Detailed stmt, showing state capital ex- clusive of public bldgs. (Rept. auditor in treas, dept. (p. 57)— some 1843/4.) 1844. Govs. mess. re. certain undistributed moneys (Sen. jol. 1844 app.: 120.) 1849/50-1859/60. Acct. of state liabilities and re sources. (Rept. auditor accts. 1849/50 (p. 12) — same 1859/60.) 1851. Rept. on financial affairs of state, submitted Oct, 14, by committee apptd. by gov. Burlington, 1851, 29 pp. Also in House jol. 1851 app. 368-386. 1861. Communication from auditor of accts. showing detailed items of accts. allowed in his ofSce. (House jol. 1861, app.: 382-383.) 1862. Treasurer's rept. of receipts and disbursements; resources; liabilities; and statement of tax acct. (Sen. jol. 1862: 315-324.) 1862/3. Treasurer's stmt, to gov. (Govs. mess. 1863: 28-32.) . Treasurer's suppl. rept. to gov. on finances. (House jol. 1863: 297-300; Sen. jol. 181-184.) 1863/4. Treasurer's stmt, to gov. (Govs. mess. 1864 app.: 1-6.) 1864. Rept. of committee on finance re. finances of state. (Sen. jol. 1864 app.: 254-256.) . Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to finances of state. Montpelier, 1864. 9 pp. 1864/5. Treasurer's stmt, to gov. (Govs. mess. 1864 app.: 1-6.) 1865/6. Same. (Same 1865 app.: 29-36.) 1871/2-1879/80. Tabular summary of state finances by bienn. periods giving receipts and expenses. (Rept. treasurer 1900/2; folded table.) 1881/2-1889/90. Same. (Same 1900/2; folded table.) 1884. Comparison of assets and liabilities cannot be carried over 1882 with reliability on acct. of pas- sage of corporation tax law. (Govs. mess. (Pin- gree) 1884: 6.) 1891/00-1891/02. Tabular summary of state finances by bienn. periods giving receipts and expenses. (Rept. treasurer 1898/00 (folded table)— same 1900/2.) 1893/4-1903/4. Same. (Same 1902/4; folded table.) 1898/9-1901/2. Monthly totals of receipts and expendi- tures. (Same 1898/00 (p. 26)— same 1900/2.) Treasurer's repts. are presented biennially ; tables appearing in same are ann. for yrs. covered. 1898/00-1902/4. Summarized bienn. stmt, of treasur- er's receipts and disbursements. (Rept. treasurer 1898/00 (p. 3)— same 1902/4.) 1900. Extended review of auditor's duties. (Govs. mess. (Smith) 1900.) 1900/2. Inadequacy of office assistance; readjustment of laws regulating that office. (Rept. auditor accts 1900/2: 12-13.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 29 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1902/4. Condition of auditor's oflace; necessity for ad- ditional apprn. for support of same. (Same 1902/4: 8-9.) 1903-1904. History of claims vs. U. S. to their settle- ment. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 8-9.) Appropriations 1888. Distribution by subject of special apprns. (Govs, mess. (Page) Oct. 1890: 6.) 1898/9-1903/4. Expenditures for special apprns. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (pp. 96-97)— some 1902/4.) Stmts, of apprns. under acts of legislature, and soldiers' claims under act of 1898. 1900/2. Suggestion that legislative apprns. be made for fiscal yr. rather than calendar yr. to facilitate arrangement of statistics, etc. (Same 1900/2: 11.) Estimates 1851/2-1852/3. Estimated state expenditures and re- sources. (Rept. auditor in treas. dept. 1850/1 (p. 14)— same 1851/2.) Expenditures 1799. Extraordinary expenses of yr. are payment of direct tax of U. S. and sitting of council of censors. (Govs. mess. 1799.) 1818-1820. Rept. of auditor of accts. showing allow- ances to secy, of state, secy, of gov. and council, and clerk of gen. assem. with ann. recapitulation. (Gen. assem. jol. 1821: 199-207.) 1845. Communication from treasurer showing no. and amt. of orders paid during yr. (House jol. 1846: 263.) 1860/1-1861/2. Summary of expenditures and liquida- tions for fiscal yr. (Rept. treasurer 1860/1 (pp. liii-liv)— same 1861/2.) 1860/1-1903/4. Classification of auditor's orders show- ing distribution of state expenditures by subjects. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1 (pp. xxv-xxxi) — same 1902/4.) Auditor's repts. are presented bienn. after 1870 ; stmts, appearing in same are ann. for yrs. covered by rept. In 1860/1-1861/2 and 1892/3-1903/4 classification is subdivided and summarized by subject. 1870/1-1889/90. Tables of itemized ann. disbursements of state treasury with total state expenses, etc. (Rept. treasurer 1900/2; folded tables.) 1872-1882. Gross expenditures for each bienn. period. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 5.) 1876. Rept. of joint special committee on increase of state expenses. (Sen. jol. 1876: 533-548; House jol 1876: 641-654.) 1876-1884. Comparative bienn. table of disbursements showing amt. of auditor's orders; court do.; net court expenses; fines and costs collected; state prison; reform school; house of correction; mili- tia; Vt. asylum for insane; and amt. of probate fees. (Rept. auditor acct. 1882/4: 1.) 1881-1890. Table showing by state departments, bienn. Increase in state expenditures and tables. (Govs, mess. (Page) 1890: 6.) 1882. Imperfect classification; additions suggested; ef- fect on taxation of easily comprehended classifica- tion. (Same (Barstow) 1880: 7.) 1891-1902. Table of itemized ann. disbursements of treasury with total state expenses, etc. (Rept. treasurer 1898/00 (folded table)— same 1900/2.) 1892/3-1904. Table of itemized ann. disbursements of treasury with total state expenditures, etc. (Same 1902/4; folded table.) 1895. Valuation and expenses of New England states and percentage of expenses to valuation on each. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) 1895: 6.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1898. Rept. on expenses of state officers and state at- torneys. (House jol. 1898: 502-516; Sen. jol. 1898: 381-431.) 1898-1902. Abstr. of state expenses. (Rept. auditor accts. 1900/2: 202-206.) 1898/9-1902/4. Detailed abstr. of state expenses. (Same 1902/4: 266-274.) 1900/2. Table showing distribution of state expendi- tures by subjects. (Same 1900/2: 10.) 1902. Constitutional provision that no money can be drawn out of treasury unless first appropriated by act of legislation. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1902: 6.) 1902/4. Tabulated stmt, showing distribution of in- crease in auditors' orders by subject. (Rept. audi- tor accts. 1902/4: 5-6.) Administkation of Justice; see that title Agbicultuee; see that title AuDiTOB OF Accounts 1898/9-1903/4. Expenditures for office of auditor of accts. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (p. 86) — same 1902/4.) Bacteeiological Laboeatoey; see Public Health. Ex- PENDITUEES Bounties; see Bounty Civil List Specific expenditures are entered under special heads as Railroads, Public works, Insurance, etc. See also above, Auditor, and below. Treasurer, etc. 1892/3-1897/8. Expenditures for state bds. (Rept. au- ditor accts. 1892/4 (p. 29)— same 1896/8.) 1892/3 Includes bd. of health, bd. of r.r. comrs., bd. of agric, fish comrs., fish hatchery, insur- ance asylum, state prison, reform school, cattle comrs. 1893/4 has state geologist and curator added and cattle comrs. omitted. 1894/5 Includes bd. of health, bd. of agric, bd. of agric. as cattle comrs., sergeant-at-arms. 1895/6 includes fish comrs., highway comrs., bd. of agric, bd. of health, r.r. comrs., state library. 1896/7 includes fish comrs., boundary line comrs. expenses, bd. of health, state highway comrs., bd. of agric, r.r. comrs., state geologist and curator, bd. of pharmacy, cattle comrs., library comrs. 1897/8 has bd. of visitors to public institutions added and boundary line and state highway comrs. omitted. CouETs; see Administeation op Justice. Couets Education; see that title Executive Depaetment; see Goveenor Feed Stutf Inspection; see Industeies, etc. Inspection Febtilizee Inspection; see Industries, etc. Inspection Fish and Game; see that title Geological Suevey; see Natural Resources Grants; see Public Aid Health Board; see Public Health Insane; see Maintenance Inspector of Finance 1898/9-1903/4. Expenditures for inspector of finance. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (p. 87) — same 1902/4.) Insurance; see that title Laboratory of Hygiene; see Public Health. Expendi- tures Legislative serial 1854-1904. Debentures of members of House of Repre- sentatives. In Jols. as follows : 1854 in House jol. 1854 : 693-703. 1855 not found. 1856 in House jol. 1856 : 743-754. 1857 " 1857 : 510-519. 1858 " 1858 app. : Ivii-lxl. 1859 " 1859 : 414-416. 1860 " 1860 : 397-399. 1861 " 1861 : 437-441. 1862 " 1862 : 506-510. 1863 " 1863 : 331-335. 1864 " 1864 : 395-399. 30 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF VERMONT FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures — cont'd l^lij\±laijA.Ll\Cj UUIIL VA serial — cont'd 18G3 House jol 1865 : 376-380. 1866 1866 : 336-337. 1867 1867 : 399-404. 1868 1868 : 381-386. 1869 1869 : 308-314. 1870 1870 : 469-474. 1872 1872 : 541-547. 1874 1874 : 684-690. 1876 1876 : 613-620. 1878 1878 : 439-444. 1880 1880 ; 553-559. 1882 (( ( '* 1868 : 280-284. 1869 11 II " 1869 : 241-251. 1870 " " " 1870 : 329 ; House jol. 1870 app. : 476. Rept. for 1858 includes catalogue of library. • Referred to on p. 99 Sen. Jol. 1864 as liavlng been printed in the app. to that Jol. Printed instead as above noted. 2 series 1870/2-1900/2. Bienn. rept. of state libn. In Jols. as follows : 1870/2 in Sen. Jol. 1872:406-417. 1872/4 " " " 1874 : 507-520. 1874/6 ' 1876 : 561-577. 1876/8 1878 : 339-353. 1878/80 " " " 1880 : 503-515. 1880/2 " " " 1882 : 368-377. 1882/4 1884 app. B. 1884/6 " House jol. 1886 app. C. 1886/8 " " " 1888 app. L. 1888/90 " Sen. jol. 1890 : 377-395. 1890/2 1892 : 323-340. 1892/4 1894 app. C. 1894/6 " " " 1896 app. C. 1896/8 " " " 1898 app. C. 1898/00 " House Jol. 1900 app. N. 1900/2 ' 1902 app. G. non-serial 1843. Rept. of joint committee on state library. (Sen. jol. 1843 app.: 25-26.) 1854. Rept. of joint committee on library urging more spacious accommodations, etc. (House jol. 1854: 637-638.) 1857. Rept. of comr. on state library, Oct. 14. Mont- pelier, 1857. 8 pp. . Rept. on state library, Sept. 1. (Sen. jol. 1857: 284-288.) 1860. Rept. of trustees of Vt. state library, Oct. 23, 1860. Montpelier, 1860. 16 pp. 1874. Rept. of committee on public bldgs. on increased accommodations for state library, state cabinet, and Vt. Historical Socy. (House jol. 1874: 656.) 1878. Rept. of comrs. on state library, state cabinet, and collections of Vt. Historical Socy. Rutland, 1878. 12 pp. Also in House Jol. 1878 : 480-484. 1880. Rept. of joint committee on state library. (Sen. jol. 1880: 516-518; House jol. 1880: 548-550.) 1886. Rept. of library comrs. on site for state library. (House jol. 1886: 433-439.) EXPENDITTJEKS 1860/1-1861/2. stmt, of expenditures for state library. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1 (pp. xxv-xxvi) — same 1861/2.) Travelling 1900. Recommendation to continue. (Govs. mess. (Stickney) Oct. 1900: 11.) 1902. Same. (Same Oct. 1902: 21.) LICENSE Automobiles 1904. Recommended. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1904: 4.) Corporations; see Taxation. Corporations INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP VERMONT 45 LICENSE— cont'd Dentists 1884/6-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of Vt. bd. of dental exam- iners, 1-10. In Collected docs, as follows : 1-4 not In Repts. 5. 1892/4 In Repts. 1893/4. 6. 1894/6 " " 1895/6. 7. 1896/8 " " 1897/8. 8. 1898/00" " 1899/00. 9. 1900/2 " " 1901/2. 10. 1902/4 " " 1903/4. Druggists Expenditures; see below, that title Expenditures Dbuggists See also Finance : State. Expenditures. Civil List. 1894/5. Expenditures for bd. of pharmacy. (Rept. auditor of accts. 1894/6: 34.) 1900/1-1903/4. Same. (Same 1900/2 (p. 119)— some 1902/4.) Lawyers 1902/3-1903/4. Expenditures for bar examinations. (Rept. auditor of accts. 1902/4: 172.) Fishing; see Fish and Game Hawkers and Peddlers 1820. Rept. of committee of council of censors on licensing of hawkers and peddlers, etc. (Gen. assem. jol. 1820: 104.) Revenue rEOM; see below, Revenue Hunting; see Fish and Game Laws 1895. General laws of Vt. relating to peddlers, auction- eers, and itinerant vendors. Rutland, 1895. (2), 847-852 pp. 4°. Reprint of ch. 198-199 Vt. statutes. Lawyers Expenditures; see above. Expenditures Liquor Dealers; see Liquor TraflSc Revenue Hawkers and Peddlers 1807-1809. Treasurer's rept. on returns of licenses granted since Mch., 1807, showing by cos., no. granted and amt. reed. (Gen. assem. jol. 1809: 43.) 1819-1824. Treasurer's detailed stmt, of ann. receipts from peddlers' licenses, showing same by cos. in which reed. {Same 1824: 56.) 1860-1861. Tabular stmt, by cos., showing amt. of ped- dlers' licenses and tax on foreign bank stock. (Auditors rept. 1860/1: 50.) 1889/90-1903/4. Tabulated stmt., showing by cos., re- ceipts for peddlers' licenses. {Same 1888/90 (p. 196)— same 1903/4.) From 1898/9 to 1903/4 called Apportionment of pedd- lers' licenses for 1898 and 1899. 1898-1900. Total ann. receipts from peddlers' license fees. (Bienn. rept. treasurer 1898/00: 4.) LIFE INSURANCE; see INSURANCE LIGNITE Deposits; see Natural Resources LIQUOR TRAFFIC 1820. Rept. of committee of council of censors on sale of spirituous liquors, etc. (Gen. assem. Jol. 1820: 104.) LIQUOR TRAFFIC— cont'd 1829. Higher assessment on liquor license recom- mended. (Govs. mess. 1829.) 1840. Rept. of committee on traffic in ardent spirits. (House jol. 1840 app.: li-lii.) 1844. Consideration of liquor license urged. (Govs. mess. 1844.) 1845. Rept. of committee on license law. (House jol. 1845: 307-311.) . Rept. of select committee on license law. (Sen. jol. 1845: 212.) 1847. Rept. of minority of select committee on House bill relating to licenses to innkeepers and retailers. (Govs. mess. 1847.) 1849. Memorial of pres. of Vt. Temperance Socy. pro- testing agst. enactment of laws legalizing liquor traffic; with rept. of committee on memorial. (Jol. council of censors 1849: 59-63; 65-66.) 1852. Rept. of select committee on act to prevent traf- fic in intoxicating liquor, etc. (House jol. 1852: 356-360.) 1853. Rept. of committee on license question. {Same 1853: 534-554.) . Opposed to prohibition; regulation and restric- tion recommended. (Govs. mess. 1853.) 1856. In favor of prohibition. {Same 1856.) 1857. Continuance of prohibitory laws recommended. {Same 1857.) 1863. Rept. of committee on bill relative to traffic. (House jol. 1863: 328-329.) 1872. Rept. of committee on judiciary on act to pre- vent traffic in intoxicating liquors. {Same 1872: 560-561.) 1886. Rept. of committee on Sen. bill 126 regulating sale of intoxicating liquors. (Sen. jol. 1886: 161- 163.) 1888. Repeating former remarks on liquor traffic. (Govs. mess. (Ormsbee) 1888.) 1890. Violations of nuisance act, possible through too literal interpretation of same. {Same (Dilling- ham) October, 1890: 17-20.) . Rept. of minority of committee on temperance in favor of license. (House jol. 1890: 508-512.) 1892. Result of inquiry into claim that prohibitory law is a failure. (Govs. mess. (Page) Oct. 1892: 8-9.) . More rigid enforcement of prohibitory law tbc- ommended; suggestion to take bond from destitute respondents in part payment; restraining influence of such proceeding. {Same (Puller) Oct. 1892: 11- 12.) 1894. Review of criticisms of administration of liquor law. {Same ("Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 13-14.) . Comparison of commitments to house of correc- tion 1884 and 1894 resp.; increase due to rigid en- forcement of prohibitory law. {Same (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 12-14.) . Law granting moieties in fines in liquor cases and conviction fees in similar cases repealed by legisl., taking effect Dec. 1, 1894; auditor's sug- gestions for legislative provision for repayment of same. (Rept. auditor accts. 1894/6: xiii.) . Unsatisfactory nature of services of special prosecutors; their relation to liquor traffic. (Govs, mess. (Puller) Oct. 1894: 14.) 1895. Review of charges agst. prohibitory law; as benefiting enforcement of law suggests payment of salaries instead of fees to judges of municipal courts, etc. {Same ("Woodbury) Oct. 1895: 18-21.) 1896. On prohibitory law. {Same (Grant) 1896.) 1898. Violation of prohibitory law. {Same Oct. 1902: 23-24.) 46 INDEX TO D0CUME3NTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT LIQUOR TRAFFIC— cont'd 1900. Recommendation to continue prohibitory system. (Same (Stickney) Oct. 1900: 11.) . On revision of prohibitory law. {Same (How- land) 1900.) 1902. Comment on local option and high license law; on frequency of town votes, etc. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1902: 5-8.) 1902-1903. Table showing liquors examined for license comrs. under no. 90, acts of 1902. (4 bienn. rept. bd. health 1902/3: 153-154.) 1903/4. Transactions under license act no. 80, acts of 1902, for yr. endg. Feb. 29. (Rept. treasurer 1902/4: 52-58.) 1904. Towns to vote not oftener than once in three or five yrs. on local option; amdmts. to existing legis- lation for benefit of towns where trafiic is licensed. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 18.) Expenditures for 1894/5-1903/4. Expenditures for co. comrs. (Rept. auditor accts. 1894/6 (p. 34) — same 1902/4.) No stmts, appear in rept. 1896/8. 1898/9-1900/2. Moieties under liquor law. (Same 1898/00 (p. 101)— some 1900/2.) Laws 1885. Laws of Vt. relating to illegal sale and use of intoxicating liquors contained in revised laws; com- piled by C. W. Porter. Rutland, 1885. 39 pp. 1895. General laws relating to traffic in intoxicating liquors. Rutland, 1895. (2), 798-820 pp. 4°. Reprint of ch. 187-188, Vt. statutes. Revenue from 1885-1898. Ann. stmt, of bills of costs in liquor cases; fines and costs paid in; and net revenue. (Rept. auditor accts. 1888/90 (p. 5) — same 1896/8.) No stmt, found from 1892/4 to 1894/6. 1895/6-1903/4. Tabular stmt, of profits of liquor agency sales under provision of no. 72, acts of 1894, by which towns are required to pay into state treas- ury any excess of profits over 10% of total sales of liquor, including abstr. of returns of liquor agencies by towns and cos. (Rept. treasurer 1894/6 (pp. 58-59)— some 1902/4.) From 1899/00 to 1901/2 called Payments by towns on liquor agency sales. LIMESTONE Production; see Industries, etc. Mining LIVESTOCK; see AGRICULTURE LOAN ASSOCIATIONS; see BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO- CIATIONS LOTTERIES 1826. Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to lotteries. (Gen. assem. jol. 1826: 64.) . Applications for license rejected; inquiry into illegal lotteries recommended. (Govs. mess. 1826.) 1827. Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to lotteries. (Gen. assem. jol. 1827: 152.) . Disapproval of legislative recognition of lotter- ies. (Govs. mess. 1827.) Laws 1783-1804. Abstr. of acts of Vt. granting lotteries. (Gen. assem. jol. 1826: 61-63.) LUMBER INDUSTRY; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. MAINTENANCE: COUNTY 1826-1829. Rept. from committee on examination of repts. of sheriffs and comrs. of jail-delivery; table showing ann. comparative no. of persons commit- ted. (Gen. assem. jol. 1829: 94.) 1867. Rept. of committee on rebuilding Windsor co jail. (House joL 1867: 434-435.) 1870. Reorganization of jail system; legislative super- vision of internal police. (Govs. mess. 1870: 10.) 1872. Recommendation to convert a co. jail into a workhouse. (Same 1872: 13.) 1878. Rept. of comrs. to locate and build a workhouse. Rutland, 1878. 13 pp. 1894. Excessive cost of commitments; recommenda- tion to turn prisoners over to road comr. to work out fine, or to authorize incarceration in local jail. (Govs. mess. (Puller) Oct. 1894: 6.) Expenditures for 1882-1898. Tabular comparative ann. stmt, showing amt. of bills of costs allowed, etc., and accts. of jailers, sheriffs, and clerks. (Rept. auditor accts. 1896/8: 15.) 1902/3-1903/4. Tabular stmt, of payments for expenses of courts and witnesses' and sheriffs' fees in co. courts; and support of prisoners in jail, arranged by cos. (Rept. treasurer 1902/4: 5-9.) MAINTENANCE: STATE Arrangement Defectives Blind Deaf and Dumb Insane Delinquents Adults Minors Dependents Paupers Soldiers Expenditures for Defectives Delinquents Dependents 1898. Recommendation for gross apprn. for state bene- ficiaries with authority to comr. to make appor- tionment. (Same (Grout) Oct. 1898: 16.) 1904. Rept. of special committee to investigate state institutions. (House joL 1904: 546-557; Sen. jol. 1904: 373-384.) Defectives serial 1 series Under act of 1825, no. 31. 1826-1862. Rept. of comr. for deaf, dumb, and blind, 1 et seq. In Jols. as follows : 1826 In House jol. 1826 : 54-55. 1827 " " " 1827 : 49-50. 1828 1828 : 123-124. 1829 " " " 1829 : 148-149. 1830 " " " 1830 : 153. 1831-1837 not found. 1838 In Sen. Jol. 1838 app. : xii. 1839 " " " 1839 app. : xxvli-xxvlll. 1840 " " " 1840 app. :xx-xxi. 1841 not found. 1842 in House Jol. 1842 app. : 129-131 ; Sen. jol. app. : 65-67. 1843* In Sen. jol. 1848 app. : 69. 1844* 1844 app. : 118. 1845 not found. 1846 in Sen. Jol. 1846 app. : C. 1847-1861 not found. 1862 in House jol. 1862 app. : 511. * Made by governor. 2 series 1892/4. Rept. of comr. of deaf and dumb, blind and feeble-minded. Montpelier, 1894. No more issued. non-serial 1842. Rept. of committee on House res. relating to comrs. of deaf, dumb, etc. (Sen jol. 1842 app.: 91- 94.) 1886. State provision for education of deaf-mutes, blind, and feeble-minded, noted. (Govs. mess. (Ormsbee) Oct. 1886: 11.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 47 MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Defectives — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1886. Statistical and financial rept. re. state provision for education of deaf-mutes, blind, and feeble- minded. (Same (Plngree) Oct. 1886: 4-5.) Blind 1847. Communications from director of N. Y. Institu- tion of the Blind; legislative provision for educa- tion of blind. (Sen. jol. 1847: 167-168.) Deap and Dumb 1823. No action taken on rept. of 1818 of census of deaf and dumb taken under act of 1817. (Govs, mess. 1823.) 1824. Rept. from committee of American Asylum in- viting comn. from "Vt. to visit and confer with au- thorities of asylum at Hartford for education of deaf and dumb. (Gen. assem. jol. 1824: 52-53.) . Rept. of Vt. agt. apptd. by gov. to collect infor- mation on education of deaf and dumb. (Same 1824: 23-30.) 1825. Rept. from Vt. comr. apptd. for purpose of con- ferring with directors of American Asylum on providing for education of deaf and dumb. {Same 1825: 35-38.) . Rept. of committee on education on education of deaf and dumb. (Same 1825: 118-119.) Insane serial Brattleboro Retreat 1 series 1834/5-1870. Ann. rept. of state asylum for Insane, 1-30 et sea. Also in Jols. and Eepts. as follows : 1. 1834/5 not found. 2. 1835/6 In House jol. 1836 : 18-20. 1. 1836/7 not found. 2. 1837/8 in House jol. 1838 app. : vil- xx. 3. 1838/9 in House jol. 1839 app. : xxxix-lii. 4. 1839/40 in House jol. 1840 app. : xli-1. 5. 1840/1 in House jol. 1841 app. : 79-87 ; Sen. jol. app. : 20-28. 6. 1841/2 in House jol. 1842 app. : 132-144 ; Sen. jol. app. : 68-80. 7. 1842/3 in House jol. 1843 app. : 60-68 ; Sen. jol. app. : 60-68. 8. 1843/4 in Sen. jol. 1844 app. : 100-103 ; Auditor's rept. 1843/4. 9. 1844/5 In Auditor's rept 1844/5. 10. 1845/6 " " '■' 1845/6. 11. 1846/7 " " " 1846/7. 12. 1847/8 " " " 1847/8. 13. 1848/9 " " " 1848/9. 14. 1849/50 " " " 1849/50. 15.* 1850/1 " " " 1850/1. 15.* 1851/2 " " " 1851/2. 17. 1852/3 " " " 1852/3. 18. 1853/4 " " " 1853/4. 19-20. 1854/5-1855/6 not found. 21. 1856/7 In Auditor's rept. 1856/7. 22-25. 1857/8-1860/1 not found. 26. 1861/2 In Sen. jol. 1862 : 336-340. 27-29. 1862/3-1864/5 not found. 80.* 1865/6 In Legisl. docs. 1866. 30.* 1866/7 " " " 1867. unnum. 1867/8 " " " 1868. 1868/9 " " " 1869. 1869/70 " " " 1870/1. * Duplicated numbering ; numbering discon- tinued after 1866/7. 2 series 1870/2-1890/2. Bienn. rept. of Vt. Insane Asylum. Also In Collected docs, as follows : 1870/2 in State ofBcers' repts. 1871/2 doc. 6. 1872/4 " " " " 1873/4 " 5. 1874/6 " 1875/6 " 4. 1876/8 " " " " 1877/8 " 5. 1878/80 " " " " 1879/80 " 6. 1880/2 " " " " 1881/2 " 6. 1882/4 " 1883/4 " 7. 1884/6 " " " " 1885/6 " 10. 1886/8 " 1887/8 " 10. 1888/90 " 1889/90 " 10. 1890/2 " " " " 1891/2 " 10. 1895/6 1897/8 1899/00 1901/2 1903/4 8. 8. 8. 8. House jol. House jol. MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Defectives — cont'd Insane — cont'd serial — cont'd 3 series Under authority of act of 1892, no. 230, the name of this institution was changed from Vt. Asylum for Insane to Brattleboro Retreat. 1892/4-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of officers of Brattleboro Retreat. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1892/4 in State officers' repts. 1893/4 doc. 8. 1894/6 - - 1896/8 " 1898/00 " 1900/2 1902/4 " " Commissioner of Insane 1846-1861. Rept. of comr. of insane. In Jols. as follows : 1846 in Sen. jol. 1846 app. : 147-148 ; app. : 260-261. 1847 not found. 1848 in House jol. 1848 app. : 309-310. 1849-1852 not found. 1853 in House jol. 1853 : 494-496. 1854-1860 not found. 1861 in House jol. 1861 : 384-385. Committee on Insane Asylum 1876-1902. Rept. of committee. In Jos. as follows : 1876 In Sen. jol. 1876:551-557; 1876 : 658-663. 1878 in Sen. jol. 1878:332-334. 1880 ' 1880:498-503. 1882 " " " 1882:366-367. 1884 " " " 1884 : 341-344. 1886 " " " 1886 : 100-101. 1888 ' 1888 : 488-493. 1890 " House jol. 1890 : 506-507. 1892 ' 1892 : 470-474 ; Sen. jol. 1892 183-187. 1894 In House jol. 1894 : 502-503 ; Sen. jol. 1894 161-162. 1896 in House jol. 1896 : 431-432 ; Sen. jol. 1896 305-306. 1898 not found ; Sen. jol. 1898 : 431-433. 1900 in House jol. 1900 : 189-190. 1902 in House jol. 1902 : 531-533 ; Sen. jol. 1902 : 107-109. Supervisors of Insane Under act no. 60, 1878. 1879/80-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of supervisors of insane, 1-13. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1878/80 In State officers' rept. 1879/80 doc. 5. 1880/2 " " " ~ ' ~ 1882/4 " 1884/6 ' 1886/8 " " " 1888/90 " " " 1890/2 " 1892/4 " " 1894/6 1896/8 " 1898/00 1900/2 " 1902/4 " non-serial 1834-1876. Hist, of founding of Brattleboro Retreat and of its financial relation to state. (Bienn. rept. comr. insane 1874/6: 4-10.) 1844. Rept. on condition of insane who are deemed in- curable. (Sen. jol. 1844 app.: 114-117.) 1845. Rept. on condition of Vt. asylum for insane. (Same 1845 app. : 161-166.) 1852. Rept. on memorial praying for investigation of management of Vt. asylum for insane. (House jol. 1852: 372-373.) 1865. Rept. on subject of juvenile offenders; with bill to establish Vt. reform school. Montpelier, 1865. 14 pp. 1873. Rept. on Vt. Insane Asylum. Woodstock, 1873. 11 pp. Also In Vt. Legisl. docs. 1874, v. 4. 1881/2 ' 5. 1883/4 ' 6. 1885/6 ' 9. 1887/8 ' 9. 1889/90 ' 9. 1891/2 ' 9. 1893/4 ' 7. 1895/6 ' 7. 1897/8 ' 7. 1899/00 ' 7. 1901/2 ' 7. 1903/4 ' 7. 48 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Defectives — cont'd Insane — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1878. Rept. of special comrs. apptd. under joint res. 137, in relation to insane of state. Rutland, 1878. 56 pp. 5 foldg. plans Concerned almost entirely with confinement and treat- ment. Also In Vt. Legisl. docs. 1878. . Comments of officers of Brattleboro Retreat on rept. of special comrs. Brattleboro, 1878. 17 pp. 1879/80-1893/4. Table showing by town no. and char- acter of insane poor; amt. paid by town; by state. (Bienn. rept. supervisors of insane 1879/80 (pp. 7-9) — same 1893/4.) Table is continued to 1903/4, but financial statistics end with 1893/4. 1883/4. Bill for support of transient insane poor and for convict and criminal insane, n. t. p. 15 pp. In State officers' repts. 1883/4. 1886. Comment on act of 1886 placing support of in- sane poor upon state. (Bienn. rept. Brattleboro Retreat 1898/00: 5.) 1887. Vt. Asylum for Insane. Its annals for 50 yrs. Brattleboro, 1887. x, 302 pp. 1894. Completion of additional bldgs. for state asylum for insane. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 7-8.) . Recommendation for apprn. of or enlargement of Vt. Insane Asylum. (Same (Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 6-7.) . Recommendation to reduce price which state pays for care of insane in Brattleboro Retreat. {Same (Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 6.) 1895. Completion of insane asylum; review of various expenditures; estimate of per annum cost of keep- ing patients, etc. (Same (Woodbury) Oct. 1895: 12-13.) 1896. Rept. of special joint committee on management of Vt. Asylum for Insane. (Sen. jol. 1896: 291-305.) 1898. Joint rept. on condition of insane asylums. (House jol. 1898: 517-518.) 1904. Hist, of relation of Brattleboro Retreat to state; terms of Marsh bequest. (Bienn. rept. Brattle- boro Retreat 1902/4: 4-5.) Delinquents AntTLTS (both sexes) serial State Prison 1 series 1809-1843. Ann. rept. of state In ]ols. as follows : 1809 in Gen. Assem 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817/8 " Auditor's i 1818/9 " 1819/20 : 58. 1819/20 in Auditor's jol. 1820 : 51-55. 1820/1 in Gen. Assem. 1821/2 1822/3 " 1823/4 " 1824/5 1825/6 " 1826/7 •' 1827/8 1828/9 1829/30 1830/1 ' 1831/2 " 1832/3 1833/4 " 1834/5 1835/6 ' 1836/7 " House jol. 84-86. prison, 1 et seq. jol. 1809 : 10-11. " 1810 : 192-194. " 1811 : 80-82. " 1812 : 41-43. " 1813 : 34-35. " 1814 : 41-42. " 1815:27; 82-84. " 1816 : 73-80. 1817/8 : 191. 1818/9 : 37 ; same •ept. rept. 1820/1 : 43-44 ; House jol. 1821 " 1822 " 1823 " 1824 " 1826 " 1826 " 1827 " 1828 " 1829 " 1830 " 1831 " 1832 " 1833 •■ 1834 " 1835 " 1836 " 1837 : 25-28. : 50-54. : 24-25. : 35-40. : 17-19. : 18-19. : 28-29. : 46-47. : 45-47. : 49-51. : 28-29. : 47-48. : 54-56. : 42-43. : 42-45. : 62-67. app. : 121-123 ; MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Delinquents — cont'd Adults (both sexes) — cont'd serial — cont'd State Prison — cont'd 1 series — cont'd 1837/8 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1838 app. : vli-xi. 1838/9 " * 1839 app. : xv-xxiv. 1839/40 1840 app. : iil-iv. 1840/1 " House jol. 1841 app. : 42-59. 1841/2 " " " 1842 app. : 73-95. 1842/3 " " " 1843 app. : 49-59 : Aud- itor's rept. 1842/3 : 88-89 ; Sen. jol. 1843 app. : 49-59. 1843/4 in Auditor's rept. 1843/4 : 70-76. 1844/5 " " " 1845/6 " 1846/7 " 1847/8 " 1848/9 " 1849/50 " 1850/1 " 1851/2 " 1852/3 " 1853/4 " 1854/5 " 1855/6 " 1856/7 " 1857/8 " 1858/9 " 1859/60 " 1860/1 " 1861/2 " 1862/3 " 1863/4 " 1864/5 " 1865/6 " Legisl. docs. 1866. 1866/7 in Legisl. docs. 1867. 1867/8 " " " 1868; State officers' repts. 1868. 1868/9 in State officers' repts. 1869. 1869/70 " " " ^' 1870 ; Legisl. docs. 1870/1. Some of the above repts. have been issued separately. The earliest separate issue found Is that of 1854. 2 series 1844/5. 1845/6. 1846/7. 1847/8. 1848/9. 1849/50 : 69-78. 1850/1 : 78-90. 1851/2 : 100-109. 1852/3 : 104-119. 1853/4 : 144-156. 1854/5 : 185-197. 1855/6 : 171-182. 1856/7 : 171-184. 1857/8 : 203-214. 1858/9 : 229-241. 1859/60 : 213-224. 1860/1 : 165-178. 1861/2 : 151-161. 1862/3 : 151-160. 1863/4 : 147-165. 1864/5 : 129-144. 1865/6 : 101-119 ; 1870/2-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of state prison. Also in Collected docs. as follows : 1870/2 in Legisl docs. 1872, V. 1, doc. 2. '* " State officers' repts 1871/2 doc. 7. 1872/4 " Legisl docs. 1874, V. 1, doc. 2. " " State officers' repts 1873/4 doc. 6. 1874/6 " Legisl docs. 1876, V. 1, doc. 6. ** " State officers' repts 1875/6 doc. 5. 1876/8 <( 11 It 1877/8 doc. 6. 1878/80 " " 1879/80 " 8. 1880/2 <4 11 1881/2 " 7. 1882/4 11 11 1883/4 " 8. 1884/6 11 It 1885/6 " 11. 1886/8 11 11 1887/8 " 11. 1888/90 11 11 1889/90 " 12. 1890/2 11 11 1891/2 " 11. 1892/4 11 .1 1893/4 " 10. 1894/6 11 11 1895/6 " 10. 1896/8 11 11 1897/8 " 10. 1898/00 11 11 1899/00 " 10. 1900/2 11 11 1901/2 " 10. 1902/4 11 11 1903/4 " 10. Committee on State Prison 1 series 1810/1-1820/1. Rept. of committee to audit accts. of visitors and supt. of state prison. In Jols. as follows : 1810/1 In Gen. Assem. jol. 1811 1811/2 " 1812/4 1814/6 1817/8 ' 1818/9 ' 1819/20 1820/1 ' After 1814/6 called Rept. of auditor of state prison. 2 series 1820-1869. Ann. rept. of committee apptd. to Inventory and appraise personal property of state prison. In Jols. as follows : 1820 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1820 : 45. 1821 " " " " 1821:40. 1822 1822 : 29-30. 1823-1826 not found. 1811 25-27. 1812 99-101. 1814 155-157 1815 38-40. 1816 36-37. 1818 191. 1819 37; 97. 1820 58. 1821 43-44. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP VERMONT 49 MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Delinquents — cont'd Adults (both sexes) — cont'd Committee on State Prison — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1827 in Gen. Assem. 1828 '• 1829 " 1830 " 1831 ' 1832 " 1833 " 1834 ' 1835 ' 1836 " 1837-1840 not found. 1841 in House jol. 1842 1843-1844 not found. 1845 in House jol. 1846-1869 not found. 3 series Bienn. rept. jol. 1827 : 30. " 1828 : 48. " 1829 : 31-32. ■' 1830 : 49. " 1831 " 1832 " 1833 " 1834 " 1835 " 1836 30. 49. 53-54. 41. 41-42. 67-68. 1841 ; 1842: 88-100. 145-160. 1845 app. : 302-303. of committee on state 1870/2-1902/4. prison. In Jols. as follows : 1872 not found. 1874 in House jol. 1874 app. : 676-679. 1876 " " " 1876 app. C. 1878 not found. 1880 " 1882 in House Jol. 1882 app. C. 1884 not found. 1886 in House Jol. 1886 : 102-103. 1888 not found. 1890 " 1892 in House jol. 1892 app. G. 1894 " " " 1894 app. D. 1896 " " " 1896 app. D. 1898 not found. 1900 in House Jol. 1900 app. G. 1902 not found. 1904 in House Jol. 1904 app. H. non-serial 1777-1876. Brief liist. of Vt. state prison. (Records gov. and council v: 466-471.) 1807. Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to state prison. (Gen. assem. jol. 1807: 128.) 1810. Rept. of committee to audit accts. of comrs. for bldg. state prison. (Same 1810: 192-193.) 1817. Investigation of affairs of state prison recom- mended. (Govs. mess. 1817.) 1829. Enlargement of state prison. (Same 1829.) . Rept. of supt. of state prison on enlarging same. (House jol. 1829: 36-38.) . Rept. of committee on so much of govs, speech as relates to state prison. (Same 1829: 98-99.) 1831. Rept. of committee on ways and means on repts. of supt. of state prison, and committee apptd. to examine and appraise property of state prison. (Gen. assem. jol. 1831: 54.) 1845. Rept. of committee on finance re. necessary changes in laws concerning state prison. (Sen, jol. 1845 app.: 175-176.) 1847. Rept. of Mr. Harrington, from select committee on state prison. (Same 1847: app. P.) 1848. Rept. of committee on site for state prison. (House jol. 1848: 303-308.) . Rept. of committee apptd. under joint res. of 1847 relative to state prison. (Sen. jol. 1848: 198- 203.) 1867. High prices cause of deficit in income of state prison; necessary to draw on state treasury. (Govs, mess. 1867: 10.) 1868. Rept. of special committee on changing site of state prison. (Sen. jol. 1868: 286-289.) 1869. Same. (Same 1869: 225-228.) 1875. Message from gov. re. contract labor and ac- commodations for female prisoners. (Same 1874: 412-414.) MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Delinquents — cont'd Adults (both sexes) — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1876. Rept. of comrs. to locate and build state work- house. (House jol. 1878: 470-479.) 1894. Inadequacy of state prison. (Govs. mess. (Wood- bury) Oct. 1894: 5.) 1895. First time in history of state prison institution is self-supporting. (Same (Woodbury) Oct. 1895: MiNOBS serial 1 series 1865/6-1869/70. Ann. rept. of Vt. reform school, 1-5. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1865/6 in Legisl. docs. 1866 doc. 8. 2. 1866/7 1867 " 8. " House Jol. 1887 :412-417. „ ,„^ " Sen. Jol. 1867:291-297. 3. 1867/8 " State officers' repts. 1868. " " " Legisl. docs. 1868 doc. 8. 4. 1868/9 " ' 1869 " 7. '■ " " " " " 1869 " 2. 5. 1869/70 " Legisl. docs. 1870/1" 2. 2 series 1870/2-1892/4. Bienn. rept. of Vt reform school, 6-17. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 6. 1870/2 in Legisl docs. 1872, v. 1, doc. 2. " " " State officers' repts. 1871/2 doc. 8. 7. 1872/4 " Legisl. docs. 1874, v. 1, doc. 2. ' State officers' repts. 1873/4 doc. 7. 8. 1874/6 " Legisl. docs. 1876, t. 1, doc. 7. " " " State officers' repts. 1875/6 doc. 7. 9. 1876/8 " •■ " •' 1877/8 " 7. 10. 1879/80" ■■ " " 1879/80 " 10. 11. 1880/2 " " " " 1881/2 " 9. 12. 1882/4 " " •' " 1883/4 " 10. 13. 1884/6 " 1885/6 " 13. 14. 1886/8 " " " " 1887/8 " 13. 15. 1888/90 " 1889/90 " 14. 16. 1890/2 1891/2 " 13. 17. 1892/4 " " " " 1893/4 " 12. 3 series 1894/6-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of Vt. industrial school. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1894/6 in State officers' repts. 1895/6 doc. 12. 1896/8 ' " 1897/8 " 12. 1898/00 " " " " 1899/00 " 12. 1900/2 " " " " 1901/2 " 12. 1902/4 " 1903/4 " 12. House of Correction 1879/80-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of officers of house of correction, [1-13]. Also in Collected docs, as follows : [1] 1878/80 in State officers' repts. 1879/80 doc. 9 [2] 1880/2 " 1881/2 " 8 [3] 1882/4 " " " " 1883/4 " 9. [4] 1884/6 " " ■■ " 1885/6 " 12. I5r 1886/8 ■' ■' ■• " 1887/8 " 12. [6] 1888/90 " 1889/90 " 13 [7] 1890/2 " " " " 1891/2 " 12, [8] 1892/4 " 1893/4 " 1 [9] 1894/6 " " '■ " 1895/6 " 1 [10] 1896/8 " " " " 1897/8 " 1 [11] 1898/00 ■' " " " 1899/00 " 1 [12] 1900/2 " 1901/2 " 1 [13] 1902/4 " " " " 1903/4 " 1 Committee on Reform School 1 series 1867-1869. Ann. rept. of committee to visit reform school. In Jols. as follows : 1867 in Sen. jol. 1867 app. : 297-298 ; House Jol. 1867 app. : 418-419. 1868 in Sen. Jol. 1868 app. : 289-290 ; House Jol. 1868 app. : 387-388. 1869 In Sen. jol. 1869 app. : 235-236 ; House jol. 1869 app. : 314-316. 1870 in Sen. jol. 1870 app. : 327-328 ; House Jol. 1870 app. : 468-469. 2 series 1870/2-1892/4. Bienn. rept. of committee on reform school. 50 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Delinquents — cont'd MiNOES — cont'd serial — cont'd Committee on Reform School — cont'd 2 series — cont'd In Jols. as follows : 1872 in Sen. jol. 1872 app. : 425-426 ; House jol. app. : 554-556. 1874 in Sen. jol. 1874 app. : 498-500. 1876 ' 1876 app. : 549-550. 1878 1878 app. : 324. 1880 not found. 1882 in Sen. jol. 1882 app. : 363-366. 1884 " " " 1884 app. : 344-345. 1886 ' 1886 app. : 220-222. 1888 " " " 1888 app. : 384. 1890 " " " 1890 app. : 372-374. 1892 " " " 1892 app. F. 1894 " " " 1894 app. B; House jol. 1894 app. J. 3 series 1894/6-1900/2. Bienn. rapt, of committee on industrial school. In Jols. as follows : 1896 in House jol. 1896 app. C ; Sen. jol. 1896 : 180-181. 1898 in Sen. jol. 1898 : 229-230. 1900 " " " 1900 : 191-192. 1902 " House jol. 1902 app. H. Committee on House of Correction 1878/80-1900/2. Bienn. rept. of committee on house of correction. In Jols. as follows : 1878/80 in Sen. jol. 1880 app. : 496-497 ; House jol. app. B. 1880/2 ' 1882 app. : 349-350. 1882/4 not found. 1884/6 in House jol. 1886 : 241. 1886/8 " Sen. jol. 1888 : 162-163. 1888/90 ' 1890 app. : 371-372. 1890/2 " House jol. 1892 : 465-466. 1892/4 1894 app. B. 1894/6 " " " 1896 app. G ; Sen. jol. 1896 : 199-200. 1898/8 " Sen. jol. 1898 : 209-211. 1898/00 1900 : 138-139 ; House jol. 1900 app. D. 1900/2 in House jol. 1902 app. E. non-serial 1855. Rept. of select committee on so much of govs, mess, as relates to house of correction. (House jol. 1855: 665-668.) . Establishment of house of correction recom- mended. (Govs. mess. 1855.) 1858. Rept. of comrs. re. juvenile offenders and estab- lishment of reform school. Burlington, 1858. 14 pp. 12°. 1859. Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to juvenile offenders. (Sen. jol. 1859: 393-394.) 1860. Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to houses of correction or reformatory schools. (Same 1860: 233.) . Recommendation to establish reform school. (Govs. mess. 1860: 9.) 1865. Establishment of reform school; expenditures for land. (Same 1865: 13-15.) 1866. Rept. of special committee to visit Vt. reform school. Montpelier, 1866. 85 pp. 1874. Proclamation convening gen. assem. to consider ways and means to provide for reform school de- stroyed by fire. (House jol. 1874: 583-585.) . Govs. mess, on destruction by fire of Vt. reform school. (Same 1874: 593-595; Sen. jol. 1874: 395- 397.) 1875. Special rept. of trustees Vt. reform school on destruction of school by fire on Dec. 12, 1874. (House jol. 1875: 596-604; Sen. jol. 1875: 398-406.) 1875 is sped. sess. ; jols. are bd. with jola. of bienn. sess. 1874 and are paged continuously with same. MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Delinquents — cont'd Minces — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1880. Reform school extension; apprn. allowed; rea- sons for postponing approval; hist, of legislation. (Govs. mess. (Proctor) 1880: 11-17.) 1881-1890. Comparative bienn. receipts and expendi- tures at house of correction. (Same (Page) Oct. 1890: 10.) 1894. Rebuilding of house of correction; utilization of tramps; legislative provision for emergency use of jails recommended. (Same (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 5-6.) . Rept. of committee on increase of commitments to house of correction. (House jol. 1894: 524-528.) Dependents Paupees 1882. Regulation of support of insane poor advised. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 19.) 1886/8. L.apse in working of law regulating transfer of support of insane paupers from town to state noted. (Rept. auditor accts. 1886/8: 5-6.) 1892. Legislation of 1886 has shifted burden of sup- porting insane poor from town to state without ade- quate means for enforcing good faith; remedy sug- gested. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1892: 15-16.) 1900. Change in law re. distribution of expense of hearings before state attys. re. support of alleged insane paupers. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00: 11- 12.) . Overcrowding of insane hospitals by demented paupers; suggested relief. (Govs. mess. (Stlck- ney) Oct. 1900: 9-10.) SOUJIERS serial Soldiers' Home 1886/8-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of Soldiers' Home in Vt. Rutland, 1888-1904. Not included in collected docs. 2d rept. also in House jol. 1890:468-483. Report Committee on Military Affairs 1892-1904. Rept. of joint committee on military affairs re. Vt. Soldiers' Home. In Jols. as follows : 1892 In Sen. jol. 1892 : 212-215. 1894 " " " 1894 : 96-97 ; House jol. 1892 : 500-501. 1896-1898 not found. 1900 in Sen. jol. 1900 : 295-298 ; House jol. 1900 546-549. 1902 not found. 1904 in House jol. 1904 : 543-545. Expenditures for See also Finance : State. Expenditures. Civil list. 1876/8-1882/4. Gross amis, expended for each charit- able and penal state institution and for militia in each bienn. term. (Govs. mess. (Pingree) 1884: 11.) Defectives Insane 1835-1900. Hist, of various apprns. made by state to Brattleboro Retreat. (Bienn. rept. Brattleboro Re- treat 1902/4: 5.) 1894/5-1903/4. Expenditures for maintenance of in- sane. (Rept. auditor accts. 1894/6 (p. 34)— some 1902/4.) In 1894/5 called Asylums, etc. In 1895/6 called Ex- pense of state institutions. In 1896/7 called State beneficiaries. In 1897/8 called Vt. Asylum and Brattleboro Retreat, 2 captions. From 1898/9 to 1903/4 called Insane and includes Supervisors of Insane, Trustees Vt. State hospital for insane, Brattleboro Retreat, resp. Insane Paupers. See below Dependents. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 51 MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Expenditures for — cont'd Delinquents: Adults (both sexes) 1809-1846. Rept. of state librn. on sums expended for erection of prison, and ann. for maintenance. (Sen. jol. 1846: 138-139.) 1847. Rept. of secy, of state re. expense of maintaining prisoners at state prison. (Sen. jol. 1847: 103-105.) 1860/1-1861/2. Stmt, of expenditures for state prison. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1 (p. xxx)—same 1861/2.) In 1860/1 called State prison and pursuing and appre- hending felons. In 1861/2 called State prison. 1880-1890. Tabular details of cost of support of in- mates of state prison, showing by subject, bienn. distribution of same, and total. (Govs. mess. (Page) Oct. 1890: 10.) 1884. Table showing comparative expense of mainte- nance, etc., of penal institutions of Vt. (House jol. 1884: 26.) 1892/3-1903/4. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures. (Rept. auditor accts. 1892/4 (p. 29)— same 1902/4.) From 1892/3 to 1893/4 caption reads Penal institu- tions. In 1894/5 called Expense of penal institu- tions. In 1805/6 called Expense of state prison. Prom 1896/7 to 1897/8 called State Prison. From 1898/9 to 1003/4 called Penal, and includes Bd. of Visitors, Prison Comrs., Directors of State Prison and House of Correction, State Prison, House of Correction, Trustees, and Vt. Industrial School. Under each institution, as state prison, house of correction, etc. acct. shows itemized receipts and expenditures. Delinquents : Minors 1880-1889. Ann. cost per capita for maintenance at re- form school. (Govs. mess. (Page) Oct. 1890: 11.) 1894-1904. Net cost per annum to state of house of cor- rection. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 13.) 1895/6-1897/8. Stmt, of expense of house of correction. (Rept. auditor accts. 1894/6 (p. 162)— same 1896/8.) . Stmt, of expenses of industrial school. (Same 1894/6 (p. 162)— same 1896/8.) Dependents Paupers 1860/1. Expenditures for relief of poor. (Rept. audi- tor accts. 1860/1: xxx.) 1884/5-1886/7. Tabulated bill (i. e. acct.) for support of transient insane poor and for convict and crimi- nal insane, showing name, residence, no. of wks. at asylum, rate per wk. paid by state, total amt., etc. {Same 1884/6 (pp. 101-106)— same 1886/8.) 1884/5-1903/4. Tabulated bill for relief of insane poor, showing name and residence of patient, no. of wks. in asylum, rate per wk. paid by state for same, total, and town responsible for support. (Same 1884/6 (pp. 88-100)— same 1902/4.) 1897/8 bill appears in repts. for 1896/8 and 1898/00. After 1899/00 bill is presented semi-annually as follows : 1900 July 1-Dec. 31. T i9oi/2 fnnetmY^.ho. [ ^PP^^r in rept. for 1900/2. Dec. 1-May 31. J 1902 June 1-Nov. 30. "1 iigf/' ^^ri^VMo. \ appear In rept. for 1902/4. 1903/4 Dec. 1-May 31. J Soldiers 1898/9-1903/4. Expenditures for deceased veterans [i. e. funeral expenses and headstones]. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (p. 101)— same 1902/4.) . Expenditures for Soldiers' Home. (Same 1898/00 (p. 101)— same 1903/4.) Revenue from; see above, Expenditures for MANUFACTURES; see INDUSTRIES AND MANUFAC- TURES MAPLE SUGAR Produce; see Industries, etc. MARBLE Deposits; see Natural Resources Production; see Industries, etc. Mining MARRIAGE Registration; see Population MEAT INSPECTION; see INDUSTRIES. INSPECTION METEOROLOGY; see CLIMATE MIGRATION OF POPULATION; see POPULATION MILITIA serial Adjutant General 1 series 1839-1861. Ann. return of condition of Vt. militia by adj. and inspector gen. In Jols. as follows : 1839 in Sen. Jol. 1839 : 35. 1840 " " " 1840 app. : xxxiv-xliii. 1841-1842 not found. 1843 in Sen. Jol. 1843 app. : 35-48. 1844 not found. 1845 in Sen. Jol. 1845 app. : 177-184. 1846-1848 not found. 1849 in Sen. Jol. app. 162-165. 1850-1854 not found. 1855 in House Jol. 1855 : 743-744. 1856 1850 : 550-551. 1857-1860 not found. 1861 in Sen. Jol. 276-277. 2 series 1862-1869/70. Rept. [ann.] of adj. and inspector gen. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1862-1865/6 not in collected docs. 1866/7 in Legisl. docs. 1867 doc. 5. 1867/8 " '^ " 1868 " 3. " " State ofllcers' repts. 1869 doc. 2. 1868/9 " Legisl. docs. 1869 doc. 2. " State ofBcers' repts. 1869 doc. 2. 1869/70 in Legisl. docs. 1870/1 doc. 2. 3 series 1870/2-1902/4. Rept. [bienn.] of adj. and inspector gen. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1870/2 in Legisl. docs. 1872, v. 1, doc. 2. " State officers' repts. 1871/2 doc. 2. 1872/4 " Legisl. docs. 1874, v. 1, doc. 2. " State officers' repts. 1873/4 doc. 2. 1874/6 " Legisl. docs. 1876, v. 1, doc. 2. " State officers' repts. 1875/6 doc. 2. 1870/8 " " " " 1877/8 " 2. 1878/80 " " " " 1879/80 " 3. 1880/2 " " " " 1881/2 " 3. 1882/4 " " " " 1883/4 " 3. 1884/6 " " " " 1885/6 " 6. 1886/8 " " " " 1887/8 " 6. 1888/90 " 1889/90 " 6. 1890/2 " " " " 1891/2 " 5. 1892/4 " " " " 1893/4 " 5. 1894/6 " " " " 1895/6 " 5. 1896/8 " " " " 1897/8 " 5. 1898/00 " " " " 1899/00 " 5. 1900/2 " " " " 1901/2 " 5. 1902/4 " " " " 1903/4 " 5. Quartermaster General 1 series 1815-1860/1. Rept. of q. m. gen. In Jols. and Docs, as follows : 1814/5 In Gen Assem. Jol. 1815 : 91-96. 1815/6 " " " " 1816 : 129-130. 1816/7-1822/3 not found. 1823/4 in Gen. Assem. Jol. 1824 : 132. 1824/5-1826/7 not found. 1827/8 in House Jol. 1828 : 155-156. 1828/9 1829 : 13-14. 1829/30-1830/1 not found. 1831/2 in House Jol. 1832 : 69-70. 1832/3 " " " 1833 ; 57. 1833/4 " " " 1834:83-84. 1834/5 " " " 1835 : 120. 1835/6 " Sen. Jol. 1836 : 44 ; House Jol. 1836 : 108-109. 52 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT MILITIA— cont'd serial — cont'd Quartermaster General — cont'd 1 series — cont'd 1836/7 In House jol. 1837 : 64 ; Sen. jol. 1837 : 28 1837/8' In Sen. jol. 1838 app. : xvli-xix. 1838/9 " " " 1839 app. : xxix-xxx. 1839/40 " " " 1840 app. : xxvi-xxxiil. 1840/1 " " " 1841 app. : 44-54. 1841/2 " House jol. 1842 app. : 54-56. 1842/3-1843/4 not found. 1844/5 In Sen. jol. 1845 app. : 193-200. 1845/6-1854/5 not found. 1855/6 In Sen jol. 1856 app. : 471-479. 1856/7 " House jol. 1857 app. : 504-507. 1857/8 not found. 1858/9 in Sen. jol. 1859 app. : 360-361. 1859/60 " " " 1860 app. : 239. 1860/1 " " " 1861 app. : 297-310 ; House jol. app. : 397-399, 403-416, 446-448. 2 series 1861/2-1869/70. Ann. rept. of q. m. gen. Also in Jols. and Docs, as follows : 1861/2-1863/4 not found. 1864/5 In House Jol. 1865 app. : 381-383. 1865/6 " " " 1866 app. : 374-377. " Legisl. docs. 1866. 1866/7 " House jol. 1867 app. : 428-430. " Legisl. docs. 1867. " Sen. jol. 1867 app. : 280-282. 1867/8 " Legisl. does. 1868. " State officers' repts. 1868. 1868/9 " Legisl. docs. 1869. " State officers' repts. 1869. 1869/70 " Legisl. docs. 1870/1. " " State officers' repts. 1870. 3 series 1870/2-1880/2. Bienn. rept. of q. m. gen. In Collected docs, as follows : 1870/2 in Legisl. docs. 1872, v. 1, doc. 2. " " State officers' repts. 1871/2 doc. 3. 1872/4 " Legisl. docs. 1874, v. 1, doc. 2. " " State officers' repts. 1873/4 doc. 3. 1874/6 " Legisl. docs. 1876, v. 1, doc. 3. " State officers' repts. 1875/6 doc. 3. 1876/8 " " " " 1877/8 " 3. 1878/80 " " " " 1879/80 " 4. 1880/2 " 1881/2 " 4. Commissary General 1813. Ann. rept. of commissary gen. (House jol. 1813: 116-117, 171-172.) Surgeon General 1864-1866. Ann. rept. (House jol. 1864 (app.: 368- 372)— some 1866.) No rept. found in jol. for 1865. 1864 also ace. govs, mess. 1864 app. : 26-36. non-serial 1900. Recommendation for consolidation of offices of adj. gen., inspector gen., and q. m. gen. (Govs, mess. (Stickney) Oct. 1900: 7.) Expenditures for 1838. Rept. of committee on military affairs on ex- penses of state militia. (Sen. jol. 1838 app.: xvii; House jol. 1838: 120.) 1838-1841. Treasurer's rept. on expenses of military drills, 1838, Feb. 1841, Oct. 25. (House jol. 1841 app.: 73-76.) 1839-1840. Expense for military drills, showing distri- bution by regiments, and total. (Same 1840: 61.) 1842/3-1844/5. Communication from auditor of accts. re. accts. of q. m. gen. In Jols. as follows : 1842/3 in House jol. 1843 app. : 43. 1843/4 not found. 1844/5 In House jol. 1845 : 316-318. 1865. Rept. of committee on military affairs on sum- marized expenses of q. m. gen's, dept., do. adj. and inspector gen.; pay-rolls for 1865. (House jol. 1865: 81-84.) 1876/8-1882/4. Gross amt. expended for in each bienn, term. (Govs. mess. (Pingree) 1884: 11.) 1881-1890. Bienn. expense of militia. (Same (Page) Oct. 1890: 18.) MILITIA— cont'd Expenditures for — cont'd 1887-1897. Total ann. expense of state militia. (Rept. auditor accts. 1894/6 (p. xi)— same 1896/8.) 1894/5-1903/4. Stmt. (Same 1894/6 (p. 45)— same 1902/4.) Prom 1898/9 to 1903/4 caption reads Military expendi- tures, adj. and inspector gen., g. m. gen., etc. MINERALS Deposits; see Natural Resources Production; see Industries MOB VIOLENCE; see LABOR. RIOTS MONEY Coinage 1785-1788. Vt. acts of sovereignty; coining of money, 1785-1788; summary of Vt. acts. (Records of gov. and council iii: 383-384.) Interest; see that title Paper Issue 1781. Vt. acts of sovereignty; bills of credit; copy of act of 1781 for purpose of emitting sum of money, etc. (Records of gov. and council iii: 381-383.) MORTALITY; see POPULATION MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATIONS; see BENEFICLARY ORGANIZATIONS NATURAL RESOURCES serial Survey Reports 1 series Adams survey, 1844-1848 1845-1848. Ann. rept., 1-4. Burlington, 1845-1848. In 1848 apprn. for geol. survey was suspended, and no work was done again until 1853. Abstr. of 2d and 4tli repts. are printed in House and Sen. jols. as follows : 2d in House jol. 1845 app. : 300 ; 4th in Sen. jol. 1848 app. : 172-175. 2 series Thompson survey, 1853-1856 No report was published during this survey. The pamphlet published during the Young survey is an outline of the proposed final report of the Thomp- son survey. 3 series Young survey, 1853-1856 1856. Preliminary rept. on natural resources of Vt.; by A. Young, state naturalist. Burlington, 1856. 88 pp. Also in Sen. jol. 1856:364-444. 4 series Hitchcock survey, 1856-1861 1856/7-1858/9. Rept. on the geological survey of Vt, 1-3. n. p., 1857-1859. The 3d rept. is called " Preliminary rept. on the geology of Vt." and is a final rept. on the geol. survey. Also printed in Jols. as follows : 1. 1856/7 in Sen. jol. 1857:289-296. 2. 1857/8 " " " 1858 : 325-333. 3. 1858/9 ' 1859 : 346-354. 5 series Hager survey, 1861-1870 No repts. were published. 6 series Cutting survey, 1870-1886 1871/2-1877/8. Rept. of state geologist and curator of state cabinet. Repts. issued biennially in even yrs. Not separately published. In Docs, as follows : 18'ri/2 in 1 bienn. rept bd. agric. 1872 : 713-721. 1873/4 " 2 " " " " 1873/4:759-782. 1875/6 " 4 1875/6:661-686. 1877/8 " 5 " " " " 1878 : 389-392. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 63 NATURAL RESOURCES— cont'd serial — cont'd Survey Reports — cont'd 7 series Perry survey, 1886-1898 1886/8-1894/5. Bienn. rept. of state geologist and cura- to of state cabinet. In Collected docs, as follows : 1886/8 in House Jol. 1888 app. F. 1888/80 ;; " " 1890 : 431-436. 1892/4 " State officers' repts. 1893/4 doc. 14. 1894/5 " " " " 1895/6 " 14. 8 series Perltins survey, 1898-date 1. 1898. Rept. on marble, slate, and granite industries of Vt. Rutland, 1898. 68 pp. illus. 2. 1899/00. Rept. on mineral resources of Vt. Bur- lington, 1900. 83 pp. 3-4. 1901/2-1903/4. Rept. on mineral industries and geology of certain areas of Vt. v. p., 1902-1904. illus. These repts. are not Included In collected docs. Report of Committee on Survey 1836-1859. Rept. of committee on education on expe- diency of providing for general and critical geo- graphical and topographical survey of Vt. In Jols. as follows : 1836 In Sen. Jol. 1836:124-126. 1837* ' 1837 : 91-108. 1838 not found. 1839 in Sen. Jol. 1839:46; House Jol. 18.39 app. : liii-lv. 1840 in House Jol. 1840 app. : xxxvii-xxxviii. 1841 " " " 1841 app. : 60-62. 1842 " " " 1842 app. : 49-53. 1843-1847 not found. 1848 in House Jol. 1848 : 313-314. 1849 not found. 1850 in House Jol. 1850 : 372. 1851-1852 not found. 1853 in House jol. 1853 : 585-586. 1854-1858 not found. 1859 in Sen. Jol. 1859 : 363-366. * Also published separately, see below non-serial, 1838. non-serial 1838. Geological survey recommended. (Govs. mess. 1838.) . Rept. of committee on education on subject of topographical and geological survey of Vt. Mont- pelier, n. d. 20 pp. Also in Sen. Jol. 1837 app. : 91-108. 1844.- Geological survey; soil analyses, mineral and agric. development urged. (Govs. mess. 1844.) 1845. Mess, from gov. relating to geological survey. (Sen. jol. 1845 app.: 170-171.) 1846. Part of geological survey in development of nat- ural resources. (Govs. mess. 1846: 6-8.) 1849. Rept. of Z. Thompson on geological survey. (House jol. 1849: 316-317.) . Communication from Amer. Assn. for Advance- ment of Science memorializing state govts, having no geological surveys or having suspended their surveys. (Same 1849: 345-348.) 1851. Communication from Z. Thompson on competi- tion of geological survey. (Same 1851: 411.) 1853. Resumption of geological survey recommended. (Govs. mess. 1853.) 1859. Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to cabinet of natural history. (Sen. jol. 1859: 373- 375.) 1861. Rept. on geology of Vt.; descr., theoretical, eco- nomical, and scenographical; by Ed. and Chas. H. Hitchcock, Bdw. Hitchcock, jr., and A. D. Hager. Claremont, 1861. 2 v. 4°. 1862. Rept. on economical geology, physical geogr., and scenery of Vt.; by A. D. Hager. Claremont, 1862. 252 pp. 4°. Map. This is a portion of the rept. of 1861 by Hitchcock and others. I NATURAL RESOURCES— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1895. Recommendation for abolition of office of state geologist. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1895: 1901/2. The geology of Grand Isle. Diagram and illus. (Rept. state geologist on mineral resources 1901/2- 101-173.) . The terranes of Orange co.; by C. H. Richardson. diagr. (Same 1901/2: 61-101.) 1902. Correspondence re. work of federal geological survey in Vt. (House jol. 1902: 542-543.) 1904. Geology of Grand Isle co. col'd map. Illus. (Rept. state geologist 1903/4: 103-143.) Bibliography 1842-1900. List of publications on geology of Vt. (Rept. state geologist 1900/2: 19-20.) Republished with additions in rept. of 1903/4. Expenditures for development See also Finance : State. Expenditures. Civil list. 1848. Communication from treasurer on sums ex- pended by state for geological survey. (Sen. jol. 1848:161.) 1849. Amt. expended in prosecuting geological survey. (Sen. jol. 1849 app.: 161.) 1860/1. Expenditures of curator of cabinet. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1: xxvi.) . Expenditures of geologist. (Same 1860/1: xxix.) 1898/9-1903/4. Same. (Same 1898/00 (p. 88)— same 1902/4.) . Expenditures of curator of cabinet. (Same 1898/00 (p. 88)— same 1902/4.) Forests 1873/4. Forests — the necessity of their preservation and extension; by J. S. Kennedy. (2 blenn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 453-543.) 1884. Rept. of comrs. to inquire into condition of and measures of protection for forests of Vt. (House jol. 1884: 162-169.) 1885/6. Forests of Vt.; by H. A. Cutting. (9 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1885/6: 203-271.) 1887/8. Practical forestry; by W. A. Deerlng. (10 same 1887/8: 215-337.) Indirectly applying to Vt. 1892/4. Proper forest laws recommended, especially to guard against forest fires; depletion of forests connected with disappearance of food fish. (Bienn. rept. comr. fisheries 1892/4: 11.) 1893/4. Forestry; rept. of bd. of agric. to legisl., recom- mending various measures for forest protection. (14 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1893/4: 381-469.) 1894. Measures to lessen forest destruction recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 12.) 1894/6. Establishment of game and forest preserves advocated. (13 bienn. rept. fish and game comrs. 1894/6: 47.) 1895. Forestry [interests of Vt.]; by L. R. Jones. (15 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1895/6: 78-154.) 1898/00. Why forest preservation should interest fish- ermen; by F. H. Carleton. (15 bienn. rept. fish and game comrs. 1898/00: 98-110.) 1899. The trees of Vt.; by A. M. Clark. (Agric. exper. station bull. 73: 31-86.) 1900/1. Vt's. interest in forestry; by B. Hitchcock. (20 bienn. rept. bd. agri*. 1900/1: 61-65.) 1903. Reforestation urged; its relation to weed ex- termination. (16 A.R. agric. exper. station 1902/3: 187-190.) 1904. Recommendation for apptmt. of comn. to fix forestry policy of state. (Gtovs. retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 25.) 54 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT NATURAL RESOURCES— cont'd Minerals ClAYS 1904. The Brandon clays; by J. B. Woodworth. (Rept. state geologist 1903/4: 166-173.) Lignite 1904. Note on geological relations of Brandon lignite deposit; by T. Nelson Dale. (Rept. state geologist 1903/4: 163-165.) . On lignite or brown coal of Brandon and its fossils; by G. H. Perkins. (Same 1903/4: 153-162.) Mabble 1858. The marbles of Vt.; address before Vt. hist. socy.; by A. D. Hager. Burlington, 1858. 16 pp. SEEPENTIIiTE 1904. Preliminary rept. on portion of serpentine belt of Lamoille and Orleans cos. (Rept. state geologist 1903/4: 86-102.) Notes on discovery of asbestos. Map showing ser- pentine area of Vt. Water Power 1872. The hydraulic survey of Vt. (1 A.R. bd. agric. etc. 1872: 696-699.) No information ; plea to begin work on survey. 1876. The water power of Vt.; by H. Clark. (3 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1874/6: 643-654.) 1904. Recommendation for apptmt. of comn. to pro- vide plan for preservation and utilization of water power, etc. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 26.) . Hydrology; rept. of cooperation of Vt. state sur- vey with U. S. geological survey in study of under- ground waters of Vt. (Rept. state geologist 1903/4: 213-227.) NAVIGATION; see COMMERCE, ETC. NORMAL SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION OATS Produce; see Agriculture. Crops OCHRE Production; see Industries, etc. Mining OLEOMARGARINE; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. INSPECTION. FOOD PRODUCTS PANICS; see CRISES AND DEPRESSIONS PAUPERS Maintenance; see Maintenance: State. Dependents PENAL INSTITUTIONS; see MAINTENANCE PENSIONS; see WAR EXPENDITURES PHARMACY COMMISSION; see LICENSED TRADES PLATINUM Production; see Industries, etc. Mining POLICE; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: MUNICI- PAL POLLUTION OF STREAMS; see WATER SUPPLY POOR Maintenance; see Maintenance: State. Dependents POPULATION Vt. has been included among the " registration states " in the 11th (1890) and subsequent federal census. serial 1 series 1857-1896. Rept. of secy, of state relating to registry and returns of births, marriages, deaths, and di- vorces in Vt., 1-40. Montpelier, 1859-1897. Not In Collected docs. 2 series 1897-1903/4. Rept. (bienn. 1-5) of vital statistics bu- reau relating to registration and return of births, marriages, deaths, and divorces, 41-45. Not published separately ; included in ann. rept. of Health Bd. non-serial 1779-1887. Table showing average future duration (or expectation) of life in certain communities com- pared. (3 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1859: 114.) Mass. (Elliott) 1855; England and Wales (Farr) 1841 (males-females), 1838-44 (males) ; Sweden and Finland (Milne) 1801-05 ; Prussia (Elliott) 1839- 41 ; Carlisle (Milne) 1779-87. 1790-1850. Table showing growth of population of Vt. compared with the whole of U. S. (1 same 1857: 83.) 1790-1871. Table showing actual population of state at several periods of enumeration, with increase, per- centage of increase, and rank in population which Vt. held. (1 same 1857 (p. 82)— same 1872.) 1801. Rapid increase; reapportionment necessitated. (Govs. mess. 1801.) 1852. Rept. of committee on education on memorial of State Medical Socy. praying for state aid to pub- lish vital statistics of state ann. compiled by socy. (House jol. 1852: 346-347.) 1856. Rept. on act re. registration of births, deaths, and marriages. (Sen. jol. 1856: 496-500.) 1857-1864. Table showing deficiencies in several repts. (8 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1864: 80.) 1857-1867. Table showing no. of still births and deaths as recorded in registration repts. (5 same 1861 (p. 86)— same 1867.) 1857-1889. Table showing occupation, no. of persons pursuing different avocations, living in state, ac- cording to census of 1880; also no. of deaths occur- ring in each class, with ratio of same to living, and aggregate and average ages. (1 same 1857 (pp. 78-79)— some 1889.) 1857-1896. Tables showing births, marriages, and deaths of various cos. by population, sex, parent- age, and age. (1 same 1857 (pp. 2-19) — some 1896.) 1859. Instructions re. registry and return of births, marriages, and deaths. Middlebury, 1859. 18, (2) pp. 1860-1871. Table showing increase and decrease of population in several cos. compared with popula- tion of 1860. (4 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1860 (p. 90) — same 1872.) 1897-1903. Table showing births, marriages, and deaths in towns by cos. (1 bienn. some 1897 (pp. 258- 277)— some 1902/3.) Age 1850-1858. Table showing ages of population of state compared with other communities. (1 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1857 (p. 85) — same 1859.) 1850-1860. Table showing percentages of population at ages specified. (4 same 1860: 91.) 1863. Table showing population at different ages. (7 same 1863: 85.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT 65 POPULATION— cont'd Age — cont'd 1863. Table showing no. in several periods of life in different parts of U. S., and in different countries in every 100 persons compared with Vt. (7 same 1863: 85.) 1872. Table showing statistics of population with ref- erence to ages relating to children of school age betw. 18 and 45, 21 and upwards, and no. of male citizens in each co. (16 some 1872: 98.) Alien 1890. Arrival of Swedish colonists. (Rept. comr. agric. and mnfg. interests 1889/90: 25-41.) . Immigration of Irish and Swedes. (Govs. mess. (Dillingham) 1890: 5-10.) Births 1852-1868. Table showing no. of each sex born by cos. with ratio of males to females. (8 A.R. re. regis- tration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1864 (p. 84)— same 1868.) 1857. Table showing no. of births by cos. and excess of males and females. (1 same 1857: 86.) . Table showing births arranged by mos. (1 same 1857: 87.) 1857-1860. Table showing excess of births over deaths. (1 same 1857 (p. 88) — same 1860.) 1857-1862. Table showing whole no. of births. (5 same 1861 (p. 88)— same 1862.) 1857-1867. Table showing population and no. of births by COS., no. of inhabitants to a birth, parentage, and % of American and foreign births. (1 same 1857 (p. 84)— same 1867.) 1857-1880. Table showing important facts regarding parentage of births. (11 some 1867 (p. 93) — some 1880.) 1857-1881. Table showing no. of births of each quarter of yr. and aggregate of first 4 quinquennial periods. (2 same 1858 (p. 92) — same 1881.) . Table showing proportion of sexes born in state with average of 5 quinquennial periods. (11 same 1867 (p. 90)— some 1881.) : Table showing no. of plural births, their sex, and no. of all births. (11 some 1867 (p. 91) — same 1881.) 1857-1882. Table showing no. of illegitimate births and their proportion to all births. (12 same 1868 (p. 97)— same 1882.) 1857-1884. Table showing no. of births of each sex born in several cos. during each mo. of yr. (1 some 1857 (pp. 26-29) — same 1884.) 1857-1896. Table showing births by mos., sex, and whole no. of plurality cases, and by cos. (1 same 1857 (p. 24)— same 1896.) Continued below under 1897-1903. 1857-1897. Table showing whole no. of births, still- born, living births, marriages, and deaths. (16 same 1872 (p. 99) — 1 bienn. same 1897.) . Table showing whole no. of births registered in state for 40 yrs., with ann. birth rate, population to 1 birth, and no. of each sex for same period, with proportion in cos. (8 same 1863 (p. 86) — 1 bienn. some 1897.) 1857-1903. Table showing total no. of births, including still births, males, females, still-born, living births. (4 bienn. same 1902/3: 868-869.) 1858-1896. Table showing no. of illegitimate births by mos., sex, and cos. (2 ann. some 1858 (p. 23) — • same 1896.) Continued below under 1897-1903. 1860. Table showing no. of still births returned from several cos. (4 same 1860: 95.) . Table showing no. of inhabitants to one birth In various states. (7 some 1863: 87.) POPULATION— cont'd Births — cont'd 1860-1865. Table showing births by cos. with % of de- crease. (8 some 1864 (p. 83) — same 1865.) 1868-1880. Table showing births in several cos. in pro- portion to population. (12 same 1868 (p. 96) — same 1880.) 1897-1903. See above. Population; these dates. . Table showing births; no. of illegitimate births. (1 bienn. 1897 (p. 279)— some 1902/3.) . Table showing births; no. of plurality cases. (1 same 1897 (p. 278) — same 1902/3.) Census; see that title Deaths; see below, Mortality Immigration; see below, Migration Marriage and Divorce 1857-1881. Table showing no. of marriages of 4 quin- quennial periods with ratio to population and na- tivity of persons married. (1 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1857 (p. 89) — same 1881.) In 1857 table varies in showing marriages by seasons and comparing state with other places. 1857-1889. Table showing no. of marriages contracted in several cos. during each month of yr. (1 same 1857 (p. 25)— some 1889.) 1857-1896. See above, under Population; these dates. 1857-1903. See below, under Mortality; these dates. 1858-1884. Table showing persons married, distinguish- ing by ages, no. of persons of different social con- ditions married during yr. (2 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1858 (pp. 25-27) — same 1884.) 1860-1896. Table showing no. of divorces granted dur- ing yr., arranged by cos., with special reference to libellant in each case, and cause therefor. (4 some 1860 (p. 98)— some 1896.) 1863. Table showing married and unmarried men at each quinquennial period of life in Scotland, deaths at same ages, and % of deaths to living at each age. (11 same 1867: 96.) 1866-1896. Table showing no. of divorces granted by Supreme Court, with causes therefor; also no. of marriages, and ratio of divorces to marriages. (10 same 1866 (pp. 81-87)— some 1896.) 1875-1881. Table showing whole no. of persons of each sex married at different periods of life. (19 same 1875 (p. 121)— same 1881.) 1897-1903. Table showing causes of divorces by cos. and ratio of divorces to marriages. (1 bienn. same 1897 (pp. 336-337)— some 1902/3.) . See above. Population; these dates. Migration See also Railroads. Bates. 1836. Encouragement of western states to enterprises of internal improvement cause of unprecedented western movement. (House jol. 1836: 126-127.) 1837-1890. Abandoned farms; beginning of the exodus; efforts to induce immigration, etc. (Rept. comr. agric. and mnfg. interests 1889/90: 7-52.) 1844. Lack of state enterprise in developing agric. re- sources cause of western emigration. (Govs. mess. 1844.) 1860-1872. Table showing emigration from Vt. to other states, and from other states to Vt. by census of 1860 and 1870. (11 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1867 (p. 88)— same 1872.) 1869. Emigration to west of young men of Vt. in large numbers; preventive measures recommended. (Govs. mess. 1869: 11-12.) 1872. Vt. as a home; by Z. E. Jameson. (1 A.R. bd. agric. etc. 1872: 553-567.) Exodus from farms to towns, and emigration from state. 1873/4. " What can be done to keep our young men in Vt.?" by A. Dwinell. {Same 1873/4: 681-684.) 56 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT POPULATION— cont'd Migration — cont'd 1874/6. Why does education draw men from the farm? by T. H. Hoskins. (3 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1874/6: 489-504.) 1877/8. Emigration; by Rev. C. H. Huntington. (5 same 1877/8: 139-217.) . The depopulation of our rural districts; cause, and some suggestions in regard to a remedy; by J. H. Putnam. (5 same 1877/8: 132-139.) 1879/80. On keeping our boys at home; by Mrs. J. M. "Wright. (6 same 1879/80: 106-109.) ■ : Vt. as a home; by A. Dwinell. (6 same 1879/80: 263-330.) 1884. Consideration of cause for decrease in rural population. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1884: 28.) 1887/8. Inducements Vt. offers for farmers' homes; by Levi K. Fuller. (10 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1887/8: 146-166.) 1891. The resources and attractions of Vt. with a list of homes for sale. Montpelier, 1891. 109 pp. 1893. Vt.; a glimpse of its scenery and industries. Montpelier, 1893. 64 pp. obi. 24°. Publlaliea liy bd. of agric. . Good homes in Vt.; a list of desirable farms for sale. Montpelier, 1893. 47 pp. 1 map. 1894. Rept. on summer travel for 1894. Montpelier, 1894. 6 pp. 1895. List of desirable farms and summer homes in Vt. Montpelier, 1895. 109 pp. 1896. Same. Montpelier, 1897. 96 pp. 1 1. . Same; by Victor I. Spear. (16 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1896: 109-201.) 1896/8. Statistical rept. of farm sales, new industries, and summer travel In Vt. (17 same 1897/8: 191- 204.) 1903/4. The status of rural Vt.; by G. F. Wells. (23 same 1903/4: 61-111.) Mortality 1857-1867. See above, under Population; these dates. 1857-1889. See same. 1857-1896. See same. 1857-1903. Table showing total no. of deaths, includ- ing still births, sex, total marriages, total divorces. (4 bienn. rept. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1902/3: 869-870.) 1897-1903. Table showing deaths, no. of each sex, at different ages, according to age, in several towns and COS., with recapitulation of same. (1 same 1897 (pp. 282-321)— same 1902/3.) AOE 1857-1867. Table showing no. and % of deaths at speci- fied ages with rates of living at each period. (1 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1857 (pp. 91-92)— same 1867.) 1877-1881. Table showing mortality of state at differ- ent ages. (25 same 1881: 114.) Cause 1857. Table showing no. of deaths from consumption at different ages of each sex, in each mo., in sev- eral cos. (1 A.R. re. registration etc of births deaths, etc. 1857: 102%.) 1857-1861. Table showing deaths at advanced ages. (1 same 1857 (p. 95) — same 1861.) 1857-1863. Table showing no. of deaths from zymotic diseases in several cos. (1 same 1857 (p. 100) — same 1863.) 1857-1867. Table showing mortality and % of deaths from fevers. (11 same 1867: 102.) . Table showing no. of deaths reported from dysentery, with % and average. (11 same 1867: 101.) 1857-1876. Table showing mortality from old age. (20 same 1876: 123.) POPULATION— cont'd Mortality — cont'd Cause — cont'd 1857-1879. Table showing no. of decedents in eacii of 16 diseases prevalent in state, in order of their fatality since commencement of registration repts (12 same 1868 (pp. 106-107)— same 1879.) 1857-1880. Table showing no. of decedents from scaria- tina in each co. of state. (21 same 1877 (p. 120) — same 1880.) 1857-1881. Table showing mortality from consumption, with percentage of all deaths, and ratio of living to 1 death, with mortality and percentage from all tuberculous diseases during same period. (7 some 1863 (p. 96)— same 1881.) . Table showing ages of decedents from pneu- monia. (25 same 1881: 124.) . Table showing mortality from consumption by COS. (12 same 1868 (p. 116)— same 1881.) . Table showing no. of decedents from consump- tion, ann. %, sex, and no. under 40 yrs. of age, and sex. (17 same 1873 (p. 131)— same 1881.) . Table showing statistics of pneumonia by cos., % of all decedents, and no. of each sex. (14 same 1870 (p. 114)— same 1881.) . Table showing no. of decedents from typhoid fever in each co. of state, with sex, and total for each yr. (11 same 1867 (p. 102)— same 1881.) . Table showing ages of all decedents from con- sumption, with total no. of each age. (20 same 1876 (p. 129)— same 1881.) . Table showing no. of decedents from typhoid fever at different ages. (12 same 1876 (p. 133)— same 1881.) 1857-1883. Table showing aggregate of all decedents from consumption in 5 quinquennial periods at different ages. (27 same 1883: 114.) . Table showing aggregate of all decedents from pneumonia at different ages in 5 quinquennial periods. (27 same 1883: 114.) 1857-1886. Table showing aggregate and average no. of deaths from few most prevalent diseases. (30 same 1886: 101.) 1857-1896. Table showing no. of deaths from each cause in several cos., statistically classified, with percentage. (1 same 1857 (pp. 70-77) — same 1896.) . Table showing no. of deaths from different causes (arranged alphabetically) at various ages of each sex during several mos. of yr. (1 same 1857 (pp. 62-69)— same 1896.) 1858-1881. Table showing progress and mortality of diphtheria in each co. of state. (6 same 1862 (p. 99) — some 1881.) 1858-1888. Table showing zymotic diseases that are most fatal, also no. of deaths from each of those diseases. (2 same 1858 (p. 98) — same 1888.) 1869. Table showing decedents from infantile diseases and fevers of children under 5 yrs. of age. (13 same 1869: 114.) 1869-1876. Table showing mean temperature and no. of decedents from pneumonia in each of first 4 mos. of each yr. (13 same 1869 (p. 97) — same 1876.) 1869-1881. Table showing mortality by mos. and at dif- ferent ages, from 12 principal causes of death, also period of yr. in which largest mortality takes place. (13 same 1869 (p. Ill)— some 1881.) 1872. Table showing no. of decedents in each of sev- eral states with their sex and total. (16 same 1872: 137.) 1873-1876. Table showing no. of deaths from cholera infantum in mos. of June, July, Aug., Sept. of each yr., and mean temperature for each mo. (20 same 1876: 99.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF VERMONT 57 POPULATION— cont'd Mortality— cont'd Cause — cont'd 1876-1882. Table showing mortality from cholera In- fantum by cos. and sex. (12 same 1876 (p. 122) — same 1882.) 1881-1889. Table showing diseases which caused great part of mortality. (25 same 1882 (p. 115)— same 1889.) 1882. Table showing percentage of mortality in dif- ferent cos. of state from all causes of both sexes. (25 same 1881: 115.) 1886. Table showing causes of death, nativity, and so- cial relations. (30 same 1886: 82-87.) 1890-1891. Table showing recapitulation of causes of death by classes and orders, by cos. (34 same 1890 (pp. 136-137)— same 1891.) 1894-1897. Tabular stmt, of deaths from contagious diseases each yr. (8 A.R. bd. of health 1894 (pp. 149-157.)— same 1897.) 1896-1897. Table showing causes and deaths from con- tagious diseases by towns, with recapitulation of same. (1 bienn. same 1896/7: 57-66.) 1897. Table showing whole no. of deaths and causes. (1 same 1896/7: 123.) 1897-1903. See above. Population; these dates. . Table showing Bertillon classification of causes of death; in 1902 also by ages and occupation. (1 bienn. rept. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1897 (pp. 326-335)— same 1902/3.) 1902. Table showing mortality by cos. of various com- municable diseases as well as cancer. (4 same 1902/3: 511.) Rate 1857. Table showing no. of deaths to each 100 of popu- lation. (1 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1857: 90.) 1857-1862. Table showing no. of deaths, with % of each mo., and of each quarter with whole no. with monthly and quarterly percentages. (1 same 1857 (p. 100) — same 1862.) 1857-1866. Table showing deaths by quarters, no. and rates. (7 same 1863 (p. 91) — same 1866.) 1857-1880. Table showing complete r^sumS of mortal- ity of state in various classes, with % of all deaths, and average in each class. (7 same 1863 (p. 92) — same 1880.) 1857-1881. Table showing whole no. of decedents in quinquennial periods, with % ratio of deaths to living, and average age of those who died. (2 same 1858 (p. 95) — same 1881.) 1864-1865. Table showing fatality by cos., with % of death to population. (9 same 1865: 93.) 1868. Table showing comparison of no. of deaths betw. east and west portions of state as divided by Green Mt. range. (12 same 1868: 102.) Sex 1857-1867. Table showing excess of deaths in each of sexes, also % of whole population. (1 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1857 (p. 92) — same 1867.) In 1857 table shows different ages. 1857-1884. Table showing no. of deaths for each sex in several cos. during each mo. of yr. (1 same 1857 (pp. 26-29)— same 1884.) 1857-1896. Table showing deaths, no. of each sex, at different ages, according to age. In several towns and COS.; also population, with recapitulation of same. (1 same 1857 (pp. 30-61) — same 1896.) 1883-1889. Table showing percentage of decedents of both sexes by cos. (27 same (p. 107) — same 1889.) POPULATION— cont'd Nativity 1860-1870. Table showing exact no. of natives in each CO. of state with no. of foreign-born in their sev- eral relations to natives, also native and foreign population of 1860. (16 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1872: 97.) Sex 1820-1860. Tables showing ratio of sexes and excess of males and females. (1 A.R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1857 (p. 86) — same 1860.) POTATO Produce; see Agriculture. Crops PREMIUMS Agricultural; see Agriculture PRICES 1821. Comment on depression In prices on local pro- duce. (Grovs. mess. 1821.) PRISONS; see MAINTENANCE PRIVILEGE TAX; see LICENSE PROBATE COURTS; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. COURTS PUBLIC AID Agricultural Societies; see that title Education; see that title Expenditures 1860/1. Expenditures for legislative grants. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1: xxix.) 1892/3-1897/8. Expenditures for state beneficiaries. (Same 1892/4 (p. 29)— some 1896/8.) PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Asylums; see Maintenance: State Capitol serial Sergeant at Arms 1857-1867. Rept. of sergeant at arms. In Jols. as follows : 1857 In House jol. 1857 : 501-503. 1858/9 " " " 1859 : 381-.385. 1860/1 ' 1861:419-429. 1861/2 " " " 1862 : 480-486. 1862/3 " " " 1863 : 301-305. 1863/4 " " " 1864:387-391. 1864/5 " " " 1865 : 351-355. 1865/6 1866 : 378-384. 1866/7 1867 : 419-426. Superintendent of State House 1 series 1833-1837. Rept. of supt. of state house. In Jols. as follows : 1833 in Gen. Assem jol. 1835 : 59-60. 1834-1835 not found. 1836 in House jol. 1836 : 72-73. 1837 ' 1837:71-75. 2 series 1857-1858. Rept. of supt. of state house. Montpelier, 1857-1858. Also In Jols. as follows : 1857 in Sen. and House Jol. sped, session 1857. 1858 " House jol. 1858 app. : xxlx-xxxi. non-serial 1791-1859. State capitals and state houses. (Records of gov. and council v: 423-442.) Historical ; illustrated. 1833. Rept. of committee apptd. to prepare plan for state house. (House jol. 1833: 30-32.) 1838. Completion of state house. (Govs. mess. 1838.) 58 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS— cont'd Capitol — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1854. Rept. of committee on removal of state house; with proposals of citizens of Burlington on removal etc. (House jol. 1854: 662-666.) 1857. Rept. of comrs. on plan of state house. (Same 1857: 469-471; Sen. jol. 1857: 239-242.) . Rept. of supt. on rebuilding of state house. (House jol. 1857: 477-484.) . Rept. of committee on examination of work upon state house. (Sen. jol. 1857: 261-263; Records gov. and council viii: 288-290.) . On rept. of committee authorized to make exam- ination of state house. (Govs. mess. 1857.) . Jol. of Sen. and House of . . . Vt, special sess., 1857. Montpelier, 1857. 300 pp. illus. Called session, convened after destruction of state house by fire to take action for its reconstruction, etc. Copy of jol. in N. T. Public Library has inserted In it copy of no. of Walton's Daily Legislative Jol. containing illust. article on state house and broadside copy of gov. Fletcher's message con- vening the legislature. 1858. Rept. of committee on public bldgs. on new state house. (House jol. 1858 app.: Iv-lvi.) . Memorial of T. W. Silloway, architect, in re- spect to reconstruction of state house. Montpelier, 1858. 6 pp. . The Capitol of Vt. and the star chamber; testi- mony and defence of supt. of construction, Oct., 1858. Montpelier, 1858. 28, (1) pp. 1859. Mess, and repts. on state house, Oct. 27. n. t. p. 8 pp. Also In House .iol. 1859 : 386-389. Contains 3d ann. rept. of supt. of state house. . Stmt, of facts concerning management of affairs connected with rebuilding of capitol at Montpelier; by T. W. Silloway, architect. Burlington, 1859. 20, (1) pp. . Rept. of committee on public bldgs. on furniture and fixtures of state house. Montpelier, 1859. 8 pp. 1861. Rept. of minority of joint committee on claims on bills to pay architect Powers balance due as supt. construction state house. Montpelier, 1861. 10 pp. . Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to re- building of capitol. (House jol. 1861: 383-384.) . Rept. on Powers' claim as supt. of state house. (Sen. jol. 1861: 287-290.) 1863. Petition of T. B. Powers praying adjustment of claim against state for rebuilding state house. (House jol. 1863: 309.) 1896. Description of state houses of Vt. Montpelier, 1896. 34 pp. 16°. Expenditures for See also Finance : State. Expenditures. Civil List. 1836. Rept. on accts. of supt. of state house. (House jol. 1836: 179-180.) 1838/9. Auditor's rept. showing expenses of state house. (Rept. auditor accts. 1838/9 : xxxvii- xxxviii.) 1858. Rept. of committee on state house expenditures. (House jol. 1858 app.: Ivii.) 1859. Rept. of committee on accts. supt. for rebuilding state house. (Same 1859: 413.) 1860/1-1861/2. Expenditures for state house. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1 (p. xxr)—same 1861/2.) 1861. Rept. of committee on sergeant-at-arms' accts. showing details of same. (Sen. jol. 1861: 291-292.) 1898/9-1903/4. Expenditures for sergeant-at-arms. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (p. 87)— same 1902/4.) Industrial School; see Maintenance: State. Delinquents. Minors PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS— cont'd Insurance 1904. Rept. of committee to investigate insurance on state bldgs. (House jol. 1904: 559.) Reformatories; see Maintenance: State State Library; see Libraries State Prison; see Maintenance: State. Delinquents. Adults PUBLIC CHARITIES; see MAINTENANCE PUBLIC DEBT; see DEBT, PUBLIC PUBLIC HEALTH See also Population. serial 1 series 1887-1896. Ann. rept. of bd. of health, 1-10. Rutland 1887-1897. Not in Collected docs. 2 series 1896/7-1903/4. Bienn. rept. of bd. of health, 1-5. Rut- land, 1898-1905. Not in Collected docs. non-serial 1857-1882. Table showing main facts In history of scar- latina. (17 A. R. re. registration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1873 (p. 125)— some 1882.) 1868-1872. Table showing summarized results of ty- phoid fever by cos. in proportion to population. (12 same 1868 (p. 109)— same 1872.) 1871. Table showing summarizing statistics of con- sumption by cos. in proportion to population. (15 same 1871: 127.) 1888. Regulations promulgated by state bd. of health. (2 A.R. bd. health 1888: 70-73.) 1892. Executive cooperation with national govt, for promotion of federal control of quarantine at all frontiers recommended. (Govs. mess. (Puller) Oct. 1892: 21-22.) 1895. Case of Vt. vs. Wm. Speyer, testing authority of bd. of health to promulgate regulations. (9 A.R. bd. health 1895: 23-34.) 1896-1897. Table showing monthly tabulated stmt, of diseases. (1 bienn. same 1896/7: 83.) . Table showing no. of contagious diseases for yr. (1 same 1896/7: 69.) 1898-1903. Table showing examinations of sputum for tuberculosis at laboratory of hygiene, by towns, no. of specimens, no. of cases, and by sex. (2 same 1898/ (pp. 175-177)— same 1902/3.) . Table showing examinations for typhoid fever made at laboratory of hygiene, by towns, no. of cases, and no. of specimens. (2 same 1898/9 (pp. 173-174)— same 1902/3.) . Table showing diphtheria cultures examined at laboratory of hygiene, by towns, no. of cases, and no. of cultures. (2 same 1898/9 (pp. 171-172)— same 1902/3.) . Table showing total examinations in laboratory of hygiene. (2 same 1898/9 (p. 211)— same 1902/3.) 1899-1903. Table showing microscopical examinations for malaria at laboratory of hygiene, by city or town, no. of cases, and no. of specimens. (2 some 1898/9 (p. 206)— same 1902/3.) 1902-1903. Table showing tuberculosis in towns, no. of cases, sex, and no. of specimens. (4 same 1902/3: 106-112.) . Table showing nuisances abated by local bds. in various cos. (4 same 1902/3: 41.) . Table showing no. of localities in each co. re- porting small-pox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, typhoid fever, and whooping cough. (4 same 1902/3: 44.) INDEX TO DOCXIMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT 69 PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd non-serial — cont'd . Table showing cases of tuberculosis reported, by COS., parentage, age, etc. (4 bienn. rept. re regis- tration etc. of births, deaths, etc. 1902/3: 865.) 1903. Table showing contagious diseases and some special diseases. (4 same 1902/3: 862.) 1904. Rept. of tuberculosis comn. to gen. assem. Rut- land, 1904. 29 pp. pis. 4 diagr. Expenditures for See also Finance : State. Expenditures. Civil list. 1898/9-1903/4. Expenditures on acct. of public health. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (p. 98) — same 1902/4.) From 1898/9 to 1899/00 acct. contains Bd. of health, bacteriological laboratory. 1900/1 to 1903/5 Bd. of health, laboratory of hygiene. 1901-1903. Financial stmt, of bd. of health. (4 A.R. bd. health 1902/3: 871.) 1903/4. Expenditures for tuberculosis comn. (Rept. auditor accts. 1902/4: 177.) Laws 1886. Act to prevent spreading of contagious diseases and to establish state bd. of health, approved Nov. 23. (1 A.R. bd. health 1887: 5-6.) Repeated in repts. for 1888-1893 except 1892. 1892. Act defining duties and powers of state and local bds. of health, approved Nov. 22. (7 same 1893: 7-10.) 1894-1896. Laws of Vt. re. state and local bds. of health. (8 same 1894 (pp. 6-10)— 11 same 1896.) PUBLIC LANDS; see LANDS PUBLIC PRINTING 1840-1843. Rept. from clerk of House showing amt. of ann. bids for prtg. House jols. (Sen. jol. 1843 app.: 16.) 1843. Rept. of auditor of accts. in relation to public prtg. {Same 1843 app.: 17-20.) . Rept. of secy, of Sen. on state prtg. (Same 1843 app.: 12-15.) 1882. Good results of employment of clerk to revise legislation; saving in prtg. (Govs. mess. (Bar- stow) 1882: 14.) . Apptmt. of comn. to settle all business relating to state prtg. suggested by auditor. (Rept. audi- tor accts. 1880/2: 13-14.) . Auditor's suggestions for regulation of court misc. prtg. (Same 1880/2: 14-15.) 1884. Same. (Same 1882/4: 3.) 1900. Rept. of comrs. on state prtg., proposals and bids for prtg. for bienn. term endg. Aug. 1902. (House jol. 1900: 557-566.) Expenditures for 1803. Stmt, of auditor of accts. showing debit and credit on prtg. expenses. (Gen. assem. jol. 1803: 149.) 1805. Detailed estimate for prtg. laws and jols. (Same 1805: 82-83.) 1809. Treasurers' accts. of delivery and sale of Vt. state laws: (Same 1809: 55.) . Rept. of committee on prtg., showing no. of copies ordered and cost of prtg. state statutes. (Same 1809: 50.) 1813-1822. Stmt, of total amts. of ann. allowance for prtg. jols. (Same 1823: 80.) 1819-1821. Stmt, of allowances made to engrossing clerk for prtg. by auditor of accts. (Same 1822: 90-91.) 1832. Communication from secy, of state showing cost of publication and no. on hand of Vt. repts. (House jol. 1832: 134-136.) 1838-1855. Communication of auditor of accts. on amt. paid for prtg., etc., of ann. repts. (Sen. jol. 1856: 455-456.) PUBLIC PRINTING— cont'd Expenditures for — cont'd 1843-1855. Rept. of auditor of accts. showing no. of copies of judicial repts. reed, by state and ann. ex- pense of same. (House jol. 1856: 501-502.) 1860/1. Expenditures for prtg. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1: xxvi-xxx.) 1862. Rept. of auditor of accts. on expense of legisla- tive prtg. (Sen. jol. 1862: 343-348.) 1892/3-1903/4. Expenditures for prtg. (Rept. auditor accts. 1892/4 (p. 30)— same 1902/4.) PUBLIC WORKS: CITY Water Supply; see that title PUBLIC WORKS: FEDERAL [1790.] Internal improvements on land and water; commentary. (Records gov. and council iv: 446- 453.) 1830. Expediency of applying federal surplus to in- ternal improvements in states in ratio of represen- tation. (Govs. mess. 1830.) 1831. Satisfaction at federal encouragement of public improvements. (Same 1831.) PUBLIC WORKS: STATE Bridges 1896. Bridges not in charge of comrs.; general rept. on condition. (Rept. highway comn. 1896: 18.) Canals 1823. Completion of canal from Lake Champlain to Hudson's River. (Govs. mess. 1823.) 1823-1828. Surveys for canals in Vt. (Records gov. and council vil: 479-482.) 1825. Junction of Conn. River with Lake Champlain and Memphremagog; expediency of state undertak- ing other canal enterprises. (Govs. mess. 1825.) . Rept. of comrs. of Vt. on canal from Lake Cham- plain to Conn. River. (Gen. assem. jol. 1825: 146- 148.) 1868. Importance of canal route from St. Lawrence to Lake Champlain. (Govs. mess. 1868: 20.) Expenditures Commissioners See Finance : State. Expenditures. Special comns. Roads 1893/4-1903/4. Expenditures for highways and bridges. (Rept. auditor accts. 1892/4 (p. 142)— same 1902/4.) In 1894/5 and from 1898/9 to 1903/4 called Highway comr. etc. From 1895/6 to 1897/8 called State aid for highways. River Conservancy Pollution of Stkeams; see Water Supply Roads; see that title Sewerage; see that title Water Supply; see that title PURE FOOD LAW; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. INSPECTION. FOOD PRODUCTS QUARANTINE; see PUBLIC HEALTH QUARTERMASTER GENERAL; see MILITIA RAILROADS serial 1 series Under provision of act of Nov. 14, 1855. 1855/6-1869/70. Ann. rept. of r.r. comrs. to gen. assem., 1-15. Rutland, etc., 1856-1870. In Colected docs, as follows : 1. 1855/6 in House jol. 1856 : 583-708. 2-10. 1856/7-1864/5 not in Collected docs. 2. 1856/7 Rutland, 1857, 163 pp. 3. 1857/8 Burlington, 1858, 131, (1) pp. 4. 1858/9 " 1859, 159, (3) pp. 60 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT (2) pp. (4) 1861, 135, Montpeller, 1862, 132, 1863, 112 pp. St. Albans, 1864, 107 pp. 1865, 88 pp. in Leglsl. docs. 1866 doc. 4. pp. 1867 1868 State State RAILROADS— cont'd serial — cont'd 1 series — cont'd 5. 1859/60 Rutland, 1860, 127, (1) pp. 6. 1860/1 "" '"" '"' 7. 1861/2 8. 1862/3 9. 1863/4 10. 1864/5 11. 1865/6 12. 1866/7 13. 1867/8 " " officers' repts. 1868. 14. 1868/9 In Leglsl. does. 1869 doc officers' repts. 1869. 15. 1869/70 in Leglsl. docs. 1870/1. 2 series 1870/2-1884/6. Bienn. rept. of r.r. comr. In Collected docs, as follows : 1870/2 in Leglsl. docs. 1872, v. 1. " " State officers' repts. 1871/2 doc. 5. 1872/4 " Legisl. docs. 1874, v. 1, doc. 4. " " State officers' repts. 1873/4, doc. 4. 1874/6 " Legisl. docs. 1876, v. 3. 1876/8 Rutland, 1878, 67 pp. 1878/80 Montpeller, 1880, 48 pp. 1876/8-1878/80 not in Collected docs. 1880/2 in State officers' repts. 1881/2 doc. 12. 1882/4 " 1883/4 " 13. 1884/6 " " " " 1885/6 " 5. 3 series Under provision of act. 23, laws of 1886, entitled " An act to create a bd. of railroad comrs. and to define and regulate its powers and duties." 1886/8-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of bd. of r.r. comrs., 1-9. Not In Collected docs. 1. 1886/8* Boston, 2. 1888/90 Burlington 3. 1890/2 4. 1892/4 Rutland, 5. 1894/6 6. 1896/8 St. Albans, 7. 1898/00 8. 1900/2 9. 1902/4 * Covers period from Dec. 1888, 412 pp., pis., map. 1890, 696, clii pp., map. 1892, 881, xcix pp., map. 1894, 933, xcv pp., map. 1896, 166, 304 pp., map. 1898, 136, 370 pp., map. 1900, 170, 456 pp., map. 1902, 217, 69 pp., map. 1904, 258, 59 pp., pi., map. ^ 1, 1886 to June 30, 1888. Thereafter repts. are for bienn. period endg. June 30. non-serial 1826-1845. Introduction of r.rs. into Vt. (Records gov. and council vli: 482-487.) 1836. Rept. of committee on roads and canals on so much of govs. mess, as relates to internal improve- ments. (House jol. 1836: 126-129.) . Promotion by state of transportation facilities recommended. (Govs. mess. 1836.) 1843. Rept. of minority on bill placing all r.r. charters under control of next legisl. (Sen. jol. 1843 app.: 27-28.) 1846-1856. Brief historical outline of r.rs. in Vt. (Rept. r.r. comr. 1855/6: 3-5.) . Apptmt. of comr. to draft law regulating r.r. corporations. (Govs. mess. 1849.) 1850. Energy in r.r. construction; benefits to state; patronage of legisl. besought. {Same 1850.) . Effect of r.r. construction on development of re- sources of state; investments for construction yield unsatisfactory income; digest of r.r. laws. (Same 1852.) 1854. Resolution requiring ann. returns of non-resi- dent stockholders. .(House jol. 1854: 143-144.) . Rept. on bills submitted by r.r. comrs. relating to r.rs. (Same 1855: 650-654.) 1857. Investments in r.rs. remain unprofitable. (Govs, mess. 1857.) 1857/8-1858/9. Questions addressed to several r.r. cos. in Vt. by comrs. as basis of returns. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1857/8 (app.: 1-3) — same 1858/9.) . Rept. on Sen. bill 23 relating to r.rs. (Sen. Jol. 1859 392.) RAILROADS— cont'd norirserial — cont'd 1859/60-1860/1. Summary of r.r. repts., total value amt., etc., of stock and debts, equipment, character- istics of road and bridging, business for yr., ex- penses, earnings, and recpts., and summary of acci- dents. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1859/60 (pp. 27-30)— same 1860/1.) 1859/60-1870/2. Blank form of r.r. rept. sent out by comr. to various r. r. cos. in Vt. (Same 1859/60 (pp. 31-43)— same 1870/2.) 1869. Rept. on powers of constitution; council of cen- sors instructed to inquire whether legisl. in enact- ing statutes enabling towns to grant aid to r.r. corporations has exceeded constitutional authority. Montpeller, 1869. 4 pp. Also in Jol. council of Censors 1869 : 83-84. 1870. Rept. of majority on act authorizing formation of r.r. corporations. (House jol. 1870: 477-480.) 1874. Suppl. rept. on advisability of compilation of a hist, outline of Vt. r.rs. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1872/4: 77-79.) . Rept. of special committee on charges agst. cer- tain r.r. cos. (House jol. 1874: 662-675.) . Rept. on unpublished rept. of committee apptd. 1872 on legislative corruption and r.r. mismanage- ment. (Sen. jol. 1874: 504-506.) . System of running trains by telegraph used on Central Vt. R.R.; by C. A. Tinker. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1872/4: 71-74.) 1876. Outline of proc. of conv. of New England states (except N. H.) and N. Y. state re. securin,g uniform system of r.r. returns and accts. in states named, with blank forms, etc. (Same 1874/6: 8-58.) 1876-1878. Summarized stmt, of r.r. receipts and dis- bursements. (Same 1876/8: 15.) 1878-1880. Total earnings of r.r. in Vt., showing amt. reed, from passengers, freight, mails, express, and other sources. (Same 1878/80: 4.) 1880/2-1882/4. Dividends declared by r.r. cos. trans- acting business in Vt. (Same 1880/2 (p. 7)— same 1882/4.) 1880/2-1902/3. Summarized stmt, of earnings and oper- ating expenses, showing distribution of receipts among passengers, freight, mails, express, and other sources. (Same 1880/2 (pp. 6-7)— some 1902/4.) Does not appear in rept. for 1884/6. From 1887 to 1888 is 'i?able showing by cos. gross and net Income and operating expenses In'cluding taxes. In 1889 no table found. Prom 1890 to 1902/3 Is Tabulated stmt, of ann. income acct. showing earnings from operation, expenses, gross income, deductions, net income, dividends, and surplus or deficit. 1882. R.R. comrs. recommendation for provision for greater security to passengers approved. (Govs, mess. (Barstow) 1882: 26.) . Reaction on industrial progress of state of un- satisfactory r.r. facilities; legislation advised. (Same (Barstow) 1882: 26-27.) 1884. Apptmt. of paid comn. vested with general pow- ers of state over r.r. cos. recommended; comn. to inquire into discriminating rates. (Same (Bar- stow) 1884: 19.) 1886/8-1898/00. R.R. sketches and [repts. of] inspec- tions by r.r. comrs. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1886/8 (pp. 45-83)— some 1898/00.) From 1888/90 to 1892/4 called R. R. sketches, general and special inspections. From 1894/6 to 1896/8 called General Inspections. 1887-1888. Table showing by r.r. cos., ann. cost of road; capital stock; and total liabilities. (Same 1886/8: 18.) 1888/90-1898/00. Dividends declared by various r.r. cos. of Vt. (Same 1888/90 (p. 12)— same 1898/00.) INDEX TO DOCtJMBNTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 61 RAILROADS— cont'd non-serial — cont' d 1890. Tabular stmt, showing by r.r. cos. various meth- ods of heating passenger, freight, and baggage cars in answer to circular letter sent out by bd. (Same 1888/90: 35.) 1890-1892. Tabular bienn. stmt, showing by r.r. cos. distribution of various means of heating cars. (Same 1890/2: 46-47.) 1890-1894. Bienn. table showing capital stock, bonds outstanding, current liabilities, cost of road equip- ment, and totals. {Same 1888/90 (p. 13) — same 1892/4.) 1892. Review of changes in r.r. conditions since opera- tion of act of 1886 creating bd. of r.r. comrs. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1892: 17.) 1893. Table showing by r.r. cos. total cost of equip- ment, construction, and cost per mile to June 30. (Bienn. rept. r.r. comrs. 1892/4: 24-25.) 1893/5-1895/7. Table of r.r. indebtedness; name of r.r., capital stock, funded and unfunded debt, indebted- ness per mile of road. (Same 1894/6 (p. 15) — same 1896/8.) . Tabular stmt, of income, comparison of opera- tion earnings and expenses, gross income, deduc- tions, net income, and surplus or deficiency. {Same 1894/6 (p. 17)— some 1896/8.) 1894/5-1902/3. Tabular description of equipment, show- ing biennally by cos. no. of locomotives, passenger cars, freight cars, total no. of cars. (Same 1894/6 (pp. 23-25)— some 1902/4.) 1899-1903. Table of passenger and freight traffic, showing by r.r. cos. no. of passengers, tons of freight carried, revenue from each, gross earnings from operation per mile of road, expenses per mile and net earnings and loss per mile of road. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 20-21)— some 1902/4.) . Table of earnings and income, showing by cos. earnings arising from passenger and freight ser- vice, other earnings and summary. (Same 1900/2 app.: 4-5)— some 1902/4.) 1899/00-1902/3. Tabular stmt, of operating expendi- tures of steam r.rs., showing by cos. total operat- ing expenses; distribution of same in detail. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 6)— some 1902/4.) . Tabular ann. stmt, of r.r. capital, showing amt. of stocks, funded debt, and summary. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 2-3)— same 1902/4.) 1899/00-1903/4. Tabular general balance sheet of steam r.rs of Vt., showing by co. detailed stmt, of as- sets, and liabilities. (Same 1900/2 (pp. 16-17)— some 1902/4.) 1900/1-1902/3. Table of cost of steam rwy. equipment and improvements, showing by cos. total cost of road previous to June 30, 1903, and expenditures during yr. 1902/3. (Some 1900/2 (app.: 18) — same 1902/4.) 1900/2-1902/4. Descriptive stmt, of physical condition of steam r.rs. in Vt. by cos. (Same 1900/2 (pp. 176-217)— some 1902/4.) . History, officers, and directors of various steam and electric r.rs. of Vt. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 37- 58)— some 1902/4.) 1903. Tabulated stmt, of renewal of r.r. ties, showing by cos. no. of ties of chestnut, hard pine, cedar, oak, hemlock, cypress, all others, total, and no. of miles of road. (Same 1902/4: 11.) Accidents 1856. More rigid regulation to guard agst. accidents advised. (Govs. mess. 1856.) 1886/7-1898/00. Tabulated list of r.r. accidents, cause, no. of passengers, employes, others, and total RAILROADS— cont'd Accidents — cont'd killed and injured. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1886/8 (p. 23)— some 1898/00.) 1886/7-1889/90 tables are annual ; later tables are biennial. 1886/8-1892/4. Summary table of total casualties, showing no. fatal, and ratio %. (Same 1886/8 (p. 25)— some 1892/4.) 1886/8-1902/4. Special repts. on accidents and stmt. of accident inquiries. (Same 1886/8 (pp. 85-147) — some 1892/4.) From 1894/6 to 1896/8 called Public investigations of accidents and accident iuguiries. From 1898/00 to 1902/4 called Eepts. of accidents, public investi- gations and inquiries. 1888/90-1892/4. Comparative bienn. stmt, of accidents, showing no. of passengers, employes, and all other classes killed and injured, and total of each class. (Same 1890/2 (p. 18)— some 1892/4.) . Tabulated summary of accidents to trespassers, no. killed, injured, total, and % fatal. (Same 1888/90 (p. 10)— some 1892/4.) 1898/00-1902/4. Table of accidents on steam r.rs. in Vt., name of co., no. of passengers, employes, oth- ers, total killed and injured, and kind of accident. (Some 1898/00 (p. 17)— some 1902/4.) Commissioners 1855-1902. Hist, outline of bd. of r.r. comrs., its juris- diction, powers, and recommendations. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1900/2: 24-30.) 1880. Protest agst. existing law; recommendation to institute paid r.r. comn. or to abolish it altogether. (Govs. mess. (Proctor) 1880: 34.) 1886. Suggestion re. creation of r.r. comn. (Same (Ormsbee) Oct. 1886: 24-25.) 1886/8-1902/4. Petitions, complaints, and decisions. (Repts. r.r. comrs. 1886/8 (pp. 149-198)— some 1902/4.) 1896. On increase of powers of r.r. comrs. (Govs. mess. (Grout) 1896.) 1898. Recommendation to restore pay of comrs. to former sum. (Same (Grout) Oct. 1898: 15.) 1902. Recommendation to increase power and author- ity of r.r. comrs. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1902: 17.) 1904. Recommendation that comrs. be given power to adjudicate differences betw. competing lines. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1904: 7.) . Propriety of making functions of r.r. comrs. ad- visory instead of mandatory. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 17.) Consolidation See also below Railroads. Individual. 1853. Rept. of majority of committee on roads on act authorizing consolidation of certain r.r. cos. (Sen. jol. 1853: 237-242.) . Minority rept. of committee on roads on act to authorize consolidation of certain r.r. cos. (House jol. 1853: 570-572.) Expenditures for See also Finance : State. Expenditures. Civil list. 1860/1-1861/2. Expenditures for r.r. comrs. (Rept. auditor accts. 1860/1 (p. xxlx)— some 1861/2.) 1890/2-1898/00. Expense and disbursement acct. of bd. of r.r. comrs. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1890/2 (pp. 335- 336)— some 1898/00.) 1894/5-1903/4. Expenditures for r.r. comrs. (Rept. auditor accts. 1894/6 (p. 34)— some 1902/4.) In 1895/6 included in Expenses of State Boards. In 1896/7 included in OfBcial expenses. In 1897/S included in State Bds. 1900/1-1903/4. State auditor's rept. of ann. expenses of r.r. comrs. (House jol. 1904: 528-530.) Employees; see Labor. Wages 63 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP VERMONT RAILROADS— cont'd Freight Rates; see that title, below Teaffic; see that title, below Incorporation; see below, Railroads: Individual Laws 1849. Reference to digest of r.r. laws made in 1849. (Govs. mess. 1852.) 1855. Rept. of comrs. on laws relating to r.rs. (House jol. 1855: 642-649.) 1874/6. General statutes (of Vt.) ch. 28, of r.rs. and r.r. comrs. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1874/6: 125-216.) 1880-1888. General laws of Vt. re. r.rs. pp. xcv. (Same 1888/90 app.) 1880-1890. Same. Ixxxvii pp. (Same 1890/2 app.) 1880-1892. Same. Ixxxiv pp. (Same 1892/4 app.) 1882/4. Statutes of Vt. relating to railroads, etc. (Same 1882/4: 55-68.) 1886-1888. The general laws of Vt. relating to Vt. r.rs. (Same 1886/8: app.: 331-402.) 1895. General laws relating to r.rs. Rutland, 1895. 671-732 pp. Repr. title 26, Vt. statutes. Maps 1888-1902. Coffin's new r.r. map of Vt. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1885/8 (frontispiece)— same 1900/2.) 1898-1902 called E. R. map of Vt. does not appear in rept. for 1902/4. Mileage 1859/60-1860/1. Length of r.rs. in Vt, by cos., and total cost of construction for yr. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1859/60 (p. 17)— same 1860/1.) 1888/90-1900/2. R.R. mileage in Vt. by cos. and total. (Same 1888/90 (p. 11)— same 1902/4.) From 1898/00 to 1900/2 called Mileage of steam rail- roads in Vt. by cos. and total. 1900/2-1902/4. Table of steam r.r. mileage in Vt, showing name of cc, location of main line and branches, length of same, totals. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 1)— same 1902/4.) Passenger Rates; see that title, below Tbaffic; see that title, below Passes 1874. Minority rept. of committee on r.rs. on Sen. bill 5, act to prohibit passes. (Sen. jol. 1874: 491-495.) 1884. Abolition of free pass system recommended. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1884:19.) Rates Fbeight 1874. Minority rept of committee on r.rs. on Sen. bill 9, act to equalize r.r. fares and freights. (Sen. jol. 1874: 500-503.) 1884. Mnftrers. excluded from Vt. by high and dis- criminating rates on raw material. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1884: 19.) 1887-1893. Table showing by r.r. cos. ann. average rate of all freight per ton per mile, average rate per ton reed, from freight to and from other roads, and average rates of local freight. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1886/8 (p. 21)— same 1892/4.) From 1889 to 1893 table includes ann, average no. of freight carried, total freight revenue, averagp receipts per ton per mile, and estimated cost of carrying freight per ton per mile. 1887-1903. Table of ann. average freight rates per ton per mile, in Vt. only, showing rate per ton per mile in cents and mills. (Same 1894/6 (p. 20) — same 1902/4.) Tables appear biennially odd yrs. Passenger 1887-1888. Table showing by r.r. cos. ann. average rate of local passenger fare per mile, average rate of passenger fare to and from other roads, average per mile. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1886/8: 20.) RAILROADS— cont'd Passenger — cont'd 1887-1899. Table showing by cos. ann. average of pas- senger fares per mile presented biennially. (Same 1894/6 (p. 19)— same 1898/00.) . Table showing by cos. ann. average passenger fares per mile in cents. (Same 1900/2 (p. 28) — same 1902/4.) Table presented biennially in odd yrs. Street; see Street Railways Taxation; see that title Traffic Peeight 1889-1893. Table showing by cos. no. of passengers carried, total passenger revenue, average receipts per passenger per mile, estimated cost of carrying each passenger per mile. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1888/90 (p. 17)— same 1892/4.) Passengek 1900-1904. Table of classified freight traffic in tons, showing distribution in detail of products of agric, animals, and mnftres. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1900/2 (app.: 22-24)— same 1902/4.) Table appears biennially odd yrs. Wages; see Labor RAILROADS: INDIVIDUAL 1855-1899. Ann. repts. of individual r.r. corporations, showing stock and debts, cost of construction, equipment, characteristics of road, etc. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1855/6 (pp. 9-162)— same 1898/00.) From 1886/8 to 1898/00 called Iteturns of railroads to comrs. Atlantic and Pacific Railroad 1861. Rept. of committee re. Atlantic and Pacific R.R. (House jol. 1861: 400-401.) Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad 1853-1855. Ann. rept. of directors to stockholders of Atlantic and St. Lawrence R.R. (House jol. 1854 (pp. 528-544 app.) — same 1855.) Boston, Hoosac Tunnel, and Western Railroad 1878. Rept. of committee on r.rs. on Sen. bill 69 re. Boston, Hoosac Tunnel, and Western R.R., and Troy and Greenfield R.R. (Sen. jol. 1878: 336-337.) Champlaiu Railroad 1849. Remonstrance of Vt. and Canada R.R. agst. bill to incorporate Champlain R.R. (House jol. 1849: 349-364.) Essex County Railroad 1858. Rept. on Essex Co. R.R. bill. (Sen. joL 1858: 293-294.) 1863. Remonstrance agst. grant of charter to Essex Co. R.R. (House joL 1863: 315-316.) . Adverse rept. of committee on roads on bill to incorporate Essex Co. R.R. (Same 1863: 330.) Lebanon Springs and N. Y. and Bennington Railroad 1853. Minority rept. of committee on roads on act concerning Lebanon Springs and N. Y. and Ben- nington R.R. (House joL 1853: 568-569.) Rutland and Bennington Railroad 1867. Proclamation convening assem. to consider re- fusal of Troy and Boston R.R. to connect with Rut- land and Bennington R.R. (House jol. 1867: 409- 410.) . Govs. mess, on paralysis of industries of s. w. Vt. due to suspension of connection of Troy and Boston with Rutland and Bennington R.R. (Same 1867: 416-421.) 1868. Rept. on House bill 6, authorizing Bennington and Rutland R.R. to extend line to West Rutland. (Sen. jol. 1868: 292-296.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 63 RAILROADS— cont'd Rutland and Burlington Railioad 1852/3-1854-5. Ann. rept. of Rutland and Burlington R.R. corporation for fiscal yr. endg. May 31, 6-8. House jol. 1853 (pp. 526-527)— some 1855.) Repts. for 1853/4-1854/5 Includes Rept. of trustees of second mortgage. 1858. See below, Vt. Central R.R., this date. 1865. See below, Western R.R., this date. Rutland and Castleton Railroad 1862. Rept. on Sen. bill 88, act to incorporate Rutland and Castleton R.R. (Sen. jol. 1862: 370-371.) Rutland and Washington Railroad 1843. Stmt, of comrs. of Rutland and Washington R.R. in explanation of rept. on House bill 66. (Sen. jol. 1848: 180-183.) 1855. See below, Rutland and Whitehall R.R., this date. Rutland and Whitehall Railroad 1848. Rept. of committee on roads on House bill 66, to incorporate Rutland and Whitehall R.R. (House jol. 1848: 294-302.) 1852. Same, on acts amndg. act for incorporation of Rutland and Whitehall R.R. (Same 1852: 348- 852.) 1855. Same, on act amndg. act to incorporate Rutland and Whitehall R.R. (Sen. jol. 1855: 279-282; House jol. 1855: 680-686.) . Same, agst. bill to extend Rutland and White- hall R.R. from Castleton to Rutland. (House jol. 1855: 708.) . Petition for extension of Rutland and White- hall R.R. to Rutland. (Sen. jol. 1855: 283-291.) . Rept. of Rutland and Whitehall R.R. (Same 1855 app.: 268-270.) . Remonstrance of Rutland and Washington R.R. agst. charter of another r.r. from Castleton to Rut- land; with repts., etc. (House jol. 1855: 701-734; Sen. jol. 1855: 270-276.) Troy and Boston Railroad; see above, Rutland and Benning- ton Railroad Troy and Greenfield Railroad; see above, Boston, Hoosac Tunnel, etc.. Railroad Vermont and Canada Railroad 1847. Rept. of committee on roads on bill re. Vt. and Canada R.R. (Sen. jol. 1847: 91-92.) 1849. See Champlain R.R. 1855. Rept. of committee on act to consolidate bonds and stock of Vt. and Canada and Vt. Central R.R. (House jol. 1855: 670-672.) . Rept. of Vt. and Canada R.R. (Same 1855: 737-742.) 1858. Rept. of committee on act to amend charter of Vt. and Canada R.R. (Same 1858 app.: xxxvl- xxxix; Sen. jol. 1858: 333-340.) 1859. Same, on Sen. bill 20, on Vt. and Canada R.R. (Sen. jol. 1859: 367-370.) Vermont Central Railroad serial 1845-1854. Ann. rept. of directors of Central R.R. Co. 1-9. In Jols. as follows : 1. 1845 in House jol. 1845 : 326. 2. 1846 " " " 1846 : 287-288. 3 1847 " " " 1847 : 272-273. 4-7. 1848-1851/2 not found. 8. 1852/3 in House jol. 1853 : 528-529. 9. 1853/4 " " " 1854:667-688. non-serial 1858. Special rept. of r.r. comr. on connections betw. Rutland and Burlington and Vt. Central R.R. (House jol. 1858 app.: xxxii-xxxiv.) RAILROADS— cont'd Vermont Central Railroad — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1872. Rept. of committee to Investigate Vt Central R. R. with stenographic rept. of proc. before commit- tee. St. Albans, 1873. 16, 470, 56, 4 pp. Also in Vt. Legisl. docs. 1874, v. 4. Western Vermont Railroad 1865. Proc. of public mtg. in relation to hostile meas- ures of Rutland and Burlington R.R. agst. Western Vt. R.R. (House jol. 1865: 364-371.) RAINFALL; see CLIMATE REALTY Taxation; see that title RECIPROCITY; see COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION REFORM SCHOOL; see MAINTENANCE: STATE REGISTRATION Occupations; see Licensed Trades Vital Statistics; see Population RIOTS; see LABOR ROADS 1 series Under acts no. 56 and 322, laws of 1892 ; no. 79, 1894. 1894-1896. Rept. of Vt. highway comn., 1-2. v. p., 1894-1896. Not in Collected docs. 2 series Under act approved Dec. 1, 1898. 1899/00-1903/4. Bienn. rept. of state highway comr., 1-3. V. p., 1900-1904. Not in Collected docs. non-serial 1807. Execution of act for laying out highways de- volves upon towns; expediency of provision by which legisl. can be advised how far corporations carry laws into effect. (Govs. mess. 1807.) . Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to highways. (Gen. assem. jol. 1807: 225.) . Rept. on petition of Green. Mt. Turnpike Road. (Same 1807: 152-153.) . Rept. on bill granting turnpike from Manchester to Chester. (Same 1807: 52.) . Rept. on petition for improved road from Lyn- don Corner to Lake Memphramagog. {Same 1807: 124.) 1822. Improvement advised. (Govs. mess. 1822.) 1826. Evils of acts of 1810 and 1821 regulating dispo- sition of fines imposed on towns neglecting to re- pair roads. (Same 1826.) 1855. Rept. of committee on roads. (Sen. jol. 1855 app.: 279-282.) 1873/4. Highways; by A. B. Halbert. (2 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1873/4: 650-680.) 1892. Waste of money in dept. of highways; provision for superintendence recommended. (Govs. mess. (Page) Oct. 1892: 11-12.) . Attention directed to omission of law to pro- vide for suitable publication of conditions, circum- stances or localities where road money has been expended. (Some (Fuller) Oct. 1892: 16-17.) . Legislation of 1880 removing from towns respon- sibility of good roads has fostered neglect and abuse; disapproval of present system; state super- vision entails apptmt. of state comn. (Same (Ful- ler) Oct. 1892: 16-17.) 64 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT ROADS— cont'd norirserial — cont'd . Failure of road law of 1892; state supervision vs. town. (Kept, highway comr. 1901/2: 3-4.) 1893-1895. Tables, by town and co., showing money ex- pended on highways in 1893; apportionment of grand list, 209^ highway tax, 5% state tax, miles of roads, amt. expended per mile, and per capita. (Same 1894 (pp. 76-91)— same 1896.) Biennial in odd yrs. 1894. Recommendation to continue temporarily apptd. highway comrs. (Govs. mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 9.) 1895. Detailed table, by town and co., showing money expended on highways in 1895. (Rept. highway comn. 1896 table D.) 1898. Since abolition of state road comn. in 1896 funds for permanent road work expended by town road comrs.; state supervision recommended. (Govs, mess. (Grout) Oct. 1898: 22-23.) . Defects of present highway law; suggested reme- dies; proposal for state road comn. [Same (Smith) Oct. 1898: 10-14.) 1900. On worls of highway comn.; increase of high- way tax recommended. (Same (Howland) 1900.) 1901-1902. Tables, showing by town and co., state work in towns; construction; distribution of taxes. (Rept. highway comr. 1901/2.) 1902. Statutory regulation of automobile speeding rec- ommended. (/Same 1901/2: 17.) . Co. mtgs. of town road officials take form of in- stitutes. {Same 1901/2: 16.) . Increase of road tax recommended, also elimina- tion of grade crossings. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1902: 8.) 1904. In favor of national aid in state road construc- tion. (Same Oct. 1904: 3-5.) . Opposed to national aid in promoting state road systems; apptmt. of comn. to work out road scheme recommended. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1904: 28- 30.) Laws 1876-1892. Highway laws. (1 rept. highway comn. 1894: 65-68.) 1892. Copy of act relating to highways and creating comr. for each town. (13 bienn. rept. bd. agric. 1892/3: 122-277.) 1895. General statutes relating to highways. Rutland, 1895. (2), 598-635, (1) pp. 4°. Reprint title 21, cU. 150-154, Vt. statutes. 1896. Legislation recommended. (Rept. highway comn. 1896: 20-22.) 1902. Recommended road legislation. (Same 1902: 22-24.) Tax; see Taxation SAFETY FUND; see BANKS SALARIES 1892. Recommendation to uniformly dispense with sal- aries for trustees of public institutions. (Govs, mess. (Fuller) Oct. 1892: 20.) Civil 1892/3-1897/8. Stmt. of. (Rept. auditor accts. 1892/4 (p. 28)— same 1896/8.) Later included in stmts, under various office headings. Judicial 1859. Rept. on abolishing fees of judges, etc., and al- lowing fixed salaries. (Sen. jol. 1859: 345.) 1863. Rept. of committee on finance re. salaries of probate judges. (Same 1863: 197.) 1865. Recommendation to substitute salary system for state's attys. by fee system. (Govs. mess. 1865: 8.) SALARIES— cont'd Judicial — cont'd 1868. Substitution of fee for salary system recom- mended for states attys. (Same 1868: 17.) 1870-1879. Rept. from treasurer on salaries of judges of probate and amt. of fees paid by them into state treasury. (Sen. jol. 1880: 491-496.) Teachers; see Labor. Wages SAVINGS BANKS Operation; see Banks Taxation; see Taxation: State SCHOOL FUND; see EDUCATION SCHOOL LANDS; see EDUCATION SCHOOL LIBRARIES; see LIBRARIES SECRETARY OF STATE Expenditures for; see Finance: State. Expenditures SEED INSPECTION; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. INSPEC- TION SERPENTINE Deposits; see Natural Resources. Minerals SEWERAGE 1902-1903. Table showing sewerage systems in various cos. (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/3: 40.) SHEEP; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK SHEEP BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION; see AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES SLATE Production; see Industries, etc. Mining SLAUGHTER HOUSES; see ABATTOIRS SNOWFALL; see CLIMATE SOAPSTONE Production; see Industries, etc. Mining SOLDIERS' HOME; see MAINTENANCE; STATE. DE- PENDENTS STATE BENEFICIARIES; see PUBLIC AID STATE LIBRARY; see LIBRARIES STATE UNIVERSITY; see EDUCATION STEAMBOAT COMPANIES Taxation; see that title STREET RAILWAYS 1900/1-1902/3. Bienn. table of liabilities of electric rwys. of Vt., showing by cos., amt. of capital stock, funded debt, current and accrued, and total liabili- ties. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1900/2 (app.: 36) — same 1902/4.) . Bienn. table of income and operating expenses of electric rwys. in Vt. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 34) — same 1902/4.) . Tabular bienn. stmt, of assets of various elec- tric rwys. in Vt. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 35)— some 1902/4.) 1900/2-1902/4. Hist, of officers and directors of various steam and electric r.r.s. of Vt. (Same 1900/2 (app.: 37-58)— same 1902/4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 65 STREET RAILWAYS— cont'd 1901-1903. Bienn. table showing mileage, equipment, etc., of electric rwys. in Vt. (8ame 1900/2 (app.: 33)— same 1902/4.) 1902/4. Outline stmt, of physical condition of electric rwys. (Same 1902/4: 234.) Accidents 1900/2-1902/4. Table of accidents on electric rwys. in Vt, name of co., no. of passengers, employees, travelers, total killed and injured, distribution of kinds of accidents. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1900/2 (pp. 172-173)— some 1902/4.) Mileage 1898/00-1900/2. Mileage of electric rwys. in Vt. by cos. and total. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1898/00 (p. 16) — same 1900/2.) Taxation; see that title SUGAR BEET; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. BEET SUGAR SUNDAY OBSERVANCE 1898. Recommendation that r.r. comrs. be instructed to oppose running of Sunday excursion trains. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1898: 9.) SUPREME COURT; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. COURTS SURVEYS Geological; see Natural Resources Topographical; see Natural Resources SWEDES Colonies; see Population. Alien TARIFF 1831. Approval of policy of protective tariff. (Govs, mess. 1831.) 1832. Federal disruption due to opposition to existing tariff, anticipated. (Same 1832.) 1843. Extended favorable comment on protective tariff. (Same 1843.) 1844. Consideration of protective tariff. (Same 1844.) . Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to protective policy and the public lands. (House jol. 1844: 263-264.) 1846. Rept. of select committee on tariff and protective policy. (Sen. jol. 1846: 149-156; 161-170.) 1848. Rept. of select committee on tariff resolutions. (Same 1848: 157-160.) 1852. Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to tariff. (Same 1852: 129-132.) . Modification of existing tariff essential. (Govs. mess. 1852.) . Rept. of committee on mnftres. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to tariff. (House jol. 1852: 364-365.) TAXATION: FEDERAL 1861. On direct tax. (Govs. mess. 1861.) See also Finance : State. Receipts. TAXATION: STATE serial Under provisions of s.et of 1882 " Act to provide revenue for payment of state expenses." 1883/4-1903/4. Rept. of comr. of state taxes. 1883* in State officers' repts. 1883/4 doc. 5. 1884/5 " " " ^' 1885/6 " 4. 1886/7 1888/9 1890/1 1892/3 1894/5 1896/T 1885/6 1887/8 1889/90 1891/2 1893/4 1895/6 1897/8 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. TAXATION: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd 1898/OOt in state officers' repts. 1899/00 doc. 4. 1900/2 1901/2 " 4. 1902/4 1903/4 " 4. * Covers period from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1883. t Covers period of eighteen mos. ending June 30, 1900. Statistical Returns Under act of 1884, No. 2. 1884/5-1902/4. Statistical information re. rates of tax- ation in towns, cities, and gores of Vt.; compiled by secy, of state. Sec. 466, Vt. statutes, requires that these returns be Issued biennially and that they be included In the State officers' repts. A collation of those actually found is given : 1884/6 title as above. Boston, 1886. 42 pp. 1886/7 title same. n. t. p. 44 pp. (State officers' repts. 1887/8.) 1888/90 title same. n. t. p. 18 pp. (Same 1889/90 ) 1890/2-1900/2 not found. 1902/4 Bienn. rept. secy, state, n. t. p. 17 pp. Also in State officers' repts. 1903/4 doc. 16. non-serial 1794-1804. Balances due on taxes except where sheriffs are accountable. (Gen. assem. jol. 1805: 122-123.) 1795. List of arrearages of taxes due from several towns in state, Sept. 15, 1795. Rutland. 4°. Copy in Vt. state library. 1805. Detailed stmt, of tax balances due from several sheriffs. (Gen. assem. jol. 1805: 123-124.) 1820. Recent legislation to equalize tax; assessment of realty in need of regulation. (Govs. mess. 1820.) 1821. Rept. of committee of council of censors apptd. to inquire whether public taxes have been justly laid and collected in Vt. (Jol. council of censors 1821: 36-38; 1 foldg. table.) 1822. Stmt, by towns and cos. of doomed money addi- tional to sum on hand, debts due, etc. (House jol. 1822: 223-224.) . Rept. of committee on Grand List; money on hand, debts due, etc., arranged by towns and cos. (Gen. assem. jol. 1822: 166-177.) 1823. Rept. of committee on Grand List; towns which should be doomed to afiaxed additional sums to their respective lists, arranged by towns and cos. (Same 1823: 169.) 1828. List of towns not having returned their general list be doomed to pay additional taxes therein stated. (Same 1828: 162.) . Rept. of committee to make up general list of towns having made no return list. (Same 1828: 149-150.) 1830. List of taxes due at commencement of present legisl., showing by towns and cos., distribution of same. (Same 1830: 148-151.) . Taxes due state Sept. 30, 1834, assessed prior to 1830. (Same 1834: 30-31.) 1833/4. Treasurer's rept. on amt. of taxes due from several towns in Vt. for 1833 and 1834, and recapi- tulation by cos. (Same 1835: 64-66.) . Treasurer's stmt, by towns and cos. of amt. ot tax granted by legisl. of 1883, remaining unpaid, with recapitulation by cos. (Same 1834: 27-29.) 1834. Taxes due returned (by cos.) Oct. 1833. (Same 1834: 29-30.) 1835. Taxes due, assessed previous to 1833. (Same 1835: 63-64.) 1836. List of balances due treasury by towns, showing amt. of taxes in arrears, and recapitulation by cos. (House jol. 1836: 279-281.) 1837. Unpaid taxes, arranged by towns and cos., and recapitulation by cos. (Same 1837: 251-254.) 1838. Unpaid taxes, arranged by towns and cos., and totals by cos. (Sen. jol. 1838 app.: xxxi-xxxiv.) 66 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT TAXATION: STATE— cont'd non-seriat — cont'd 1842. Rept. of treasurer to president of council of cen- sors on taxes due and unsettled. (Jol. council of censors 1842: 37-38.) 1848/9-1902/4. Acct. of state taxes assessed and col- lected. (Rept. treasurer 1849/50 (pp. 19-20)— same 1902/4.) From 1849/50 to 1862/3 repts. include summary of unpaid taxes 1848/9 to 1848/63. From 1863/4 to 1865/6 they include summary of ann. tax balance 1863/4 to 1863/6. From 1866/7 to 1883 repts. called Rept. on taxes showing ann. amts. assessed and collected. No rept. found 1884. In 1885 stmt, of state tax assessed on Grand List of 1885 pursuant to act of 1884. From 1887 to 1901 stmt, of state tax assessed on Grand List bienn- ially, showing distribution by towns and counties and aggregate by counties. Does not appear in Treasurers rept. for 1902/4. 1854. Town arrearage for taxes. (House jol. 1854: 653-654.) 1855. Same. (Same 1855: 735-736.) . Statutes of state relating to Grand List, in force Jan. 1, 1855. Montpelier, 1855. 38 (1) pp. 1865. Increased tax recommended to meet funded debt. (Govs. mess. 1865: 6.) 1867. Simplified system of tax collection recommended. (Same 1867: 8.) 1869. Veto of Sen. bill 40, relating to Grand List. (Sen. jol. 1869: 237-238.) . Rept. of committee on taxes and expenditures, council of censors. (Jol. council of censors 1869: 34-39.) 1878. Reduction of tax urged to enable people to pay town debts. (Govs. mess. 1878.) 1880-1892. Burdens of direct taxation; relief afforded by inventory law of 1880 and corporation tax law of 1882; further relief needed. (Govs. mess. (Ful- ler) Oct. 1892: 6-7.) 1882. Inequality of taxation; abolition of exemptions and offsets advised; pending plans for equalization. (Same (Barstow) 1882: 24-25.) 1892/4. Comparative statistics of town and village dis- tricts, showing taxation returns in detail of such towns as have incorporated graded school district. (School rept. 1892/4: 74-75.) 1895. Valuation and expenses of New England states and percentage of expenses to valuation in each. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1895: 6.) 1896. On 5% state taxes; on double taxation. (Same (Grout) 1896.) . Govs. mess, on remedial legislation concerning existing double taxation. (Sen. jol. 1896: 271-272.) 1898. Recommendation to increase state revenue by encouraging immigration of persons of wealth by contract surety of specific ann. tax for stated term of yrs. (Govs. mess. (Smith) Oct. 1898: 6-10.) 1902. Special rept. of tax comrs. to gen. assem. re. tax- ation of corporations and individuals. Burlington, 1902. 135 pp. Reviewed in Polit. Science Quarterly xix : 710. . No tax assessed on Grand List by legisl. of 1902; tax comrs. comment thereon. (Rept. tax comr. 1903/4:3.) . Indirect taxation recommended for entire reve- nue; abolition of property tax. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1902: 8-9.) Assessment, Equalization, and Valuation serial 1803-1865. Grand List of Vt. In Jols. and Docs, as follows : 1803 in Gen. Assem. Jol. 1803 : vii pp. 1804 1804:viil pp. 1805 1805:178-184. 1806 1806:249-255. 1807 ' " 1807:306-312. 1808 not found, TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Assessment, Equalization, and Valuation — cont'd serial — cont'd 1809 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1809 : 131-136. 1810 ' 1810:208-214. 1811 1811:171-176. 1812 " " " " 1812:217-322. 1813-1817 not found. 1818 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1818 : folded leaves. 1819 " ' 1819 : same. 1820 not found. 1821 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1821 : folded leaves. 1822 ' ' 1822 : same. 1823-1826* not found. 1827 in Gen. .fssem. jol. 1827 : folded leaves. 1828-1829 not found. 1830 in Gen. Assem. jol. 1830 : folded leaves. 1831-1836 not found. 1837 in House Jol. 1837 app. : 227-250. 1838-1841 not found. 1842 in House Jol. 1842 app. : 161-174 ; Auditor's rept. 1842/8:41-54. 1843 In Auditor's rept. 1843/4:30-43. 1844 " " " 1844/5:30-43. 1845 " " " 1845/6:26-40. 1846 " " ' " 1846/7 : 28-42. 1847 " House Jol. 1847 app. : 304-322. 1848 " " " 1848 app. : 329-347. 1849 " " " 1849 app. : 356-376. 1850 " " " 1850 app. : 377-395. 1851 " " " 1851 app. : 419-437. 1852 " " " 1852 app. : 377-395. 1853 " " " 1853 app. : 595-613. 1854 " " " 1854 app. : 704-728. 1855 " " " 1855 app. : 747-772. 1856 " " " 1856 app. : 755-774. 1857 " " " 1857 app. : 523-531. 1858 " " " 1858 app. : Ixx-lxxvi. 1869 " " " 1859 app. : 424-430. 1860 not found. 1861 in House Jol. 1861 app. : 449-455. 1862 " " " 1862 app. : 519-524. 1863 " " " 1863 app. : 345-350. 1864 " " " 1864 app. : 432-437. 1865 " " " 1865 app. : 394-399. •Vt. state library has 1824 in bdslde. non-serial 1821-1827. Tabular schedule of no. of acres and valua- tion of land and bldgs. in the several cos.; aver- age value per acre as returned by cos.; rate % added to and deducted from land, etc., by commit- tee to equalize Grand List. In Jols. as follows : 1821 in Gen. Assem. Jol. 1821 : 107. 1824 ' " 1824 : 130. 1827 " " " " 1827 : 145-146. 1832. Rept. of committee to average and equalize valu- ation and appraisal of real estate and assessments under act passed Nov. 17, 1825, showing additional valuation by cos. (Gen. assem. jol. 1832: 107-108.) 1868. Assessment necessary to meet estimated liabili- ties; money reed, from V. S. to be used for reduc- tion of debt. (Govs. mess. 1868: 8.) . Equalization of assessments recommended; re- view of previous legislation; amdmt. of law taxing stock of non-residents. (Same 1868: 9-14.) 1870. Rept. of committee to equalize real estate by cos. (House jol. 1870: 383-385.) . Defects of present system for assessment of taxes; unequal valuation; abuse of privilege of offset for debts. (Govs. mess. 1870: 11.) 1872. Inquiry Into inequality of taxation suggested. (Same 1872: 10.) 1874. Proceedings of bd. of equalization. (House jol. 1874: 648-655.) 1876. On regulation of tax assessments. ((3ovs. mess. 1876.) 1878. Regulation of tax assessments urged. (Same 1878.) 1880. Unequal assessment of taxes due to town system of levying state tax; reversion of savings bank tax to state treasury. (Same (Proctor) 1880: 26-29.) 1882. Inequality of taxation; abolition of exemptions and offsets advised; pending plans for equalization. (Some (Barstow) 1882: 24-25.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF VERMONT 67 TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Assessment, Equalization, and Valuation — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1885/7. Compared ann. increase in value of real estate owned in Vt. (A.R. finance inspector 1886/7: 4.) Banks 1846. Communication from treasurer on delinquency of banks in payment of taxes on dividend of profits. (House jol. 1846 app.: 262.) Savings Banks 1879/80-1882/3. Table showing what towns partici- pated in distribution of direct tax paid by savings banks and savings institutions, and amt. reed, by each. (A.R. finance inspector 1879/80 (pp. 53-54) —same 1882/3.) 1880. Operation of act of 1876 taxing savings banks; recommendation to allow whole tax to go into gen- eral fund. (Govs. mess. (Farnham) 1880: 9-10.) 1883-1902/3. Tabular stmt, of savings banks, showing names of savings banks, average amt. of deposits accumulated, average amt. of assets invested in real estate, amt. of individual deposits, net balance subject to tax, and amt. of tax. (Rept. tax comr. 1883/4 (pp. 18-19)— same 1903/4.) 1890 has two semi-ann. stmts. Jan. to June and July to Dec. From 1896 to 1899 tables include average amt. of accumulations invested in U. S. govt. bonds. In 1900/01 table shows taxes paid by semi- annual periods endg. last day of June and Dec. 1902/3 stmt, is not tabulated. 1883-1903. Stmt. (Rept. tax comrs. 1882/4 (p. 18) — same 1902/4.) 1895. Recommendation that deposits made not less than 6 mos. to April 1st be subject to state tax. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1895: 9.) Building and Loan Associations 1891-1901. Stmt. (Rept. treasurer 1890/2 (pp. 55-56) —same 1900/2.) Stmts, for 1895-1900 include Foreign loan and invest- ment cos. 1891-1902. Stmt, of taxes assessed on bldg. and loan assns., showing name of corporation, foreign securi- ties sold and money invested without state, amt. of same sold to banks and insurance cos., amt. of balance subject to tax, and tax. (Rept. tax comr. 1891/2 (p. 21)— same 1901/2.) 1891 stmt, is for six mos. ending June 30. From 1895 to 1902 called Stmt, of investment cos., but contains same information. Car Companies See also below Corporations. 1883-1885. Stmt. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (p. 17) — same 1884/6.) Later Included under transportation cos. 1884-1902/3. Tabulated stmt, of steamboat, car, and transportation cos., showing names of cos., semi- ann. gross receipts, amt. of tax, and total ann. tax receipts. (Rept. tax comr. 1885/6 (p. 15)— same 1903/4.) Commissioners 1900. Recommendation to abolish office and transfer duties to treasurer. (Govs. mess. (Stickney) Oct. 1900: 7-8.) Corporations 1882. Consideration of various tax systems in vogue prior to passage of corporation tax act. (Govs, mess. (Pingree) 1884: 6-7.) . Execution of corporation tax law. (Same (Bar- stow) 1884: 17-19.) 1883. Detailed outline of suits at law agst. certain corporations for non-payment of taxes. (Rept. tax comr. 1883/4: 4-9.) TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Corporations — cont'd 1883-1885. Classified returns, showing by cos., ann. re- ceipts, and ann. tax receipts. (Tax comrs. rept. 1883/4 (pp. 14-15)— same 1885/6.) Includes stmts, of express, telegraph, telephone, steam- boat, car and transportation cos., home insurance COS., foreign fire Insurance cos. and life insurance cos. From 1884 to 1885 shows ann. tax receipts only. 1883-1895. Review of operation of corporation tax law. (Govs. mess. (Grout) 1896.) 1883-1903. Rept. on corporation taxes, classified by sub- ject, showing amt. of taxes paid in state treasury by several domestic and foreign corporations men- tioned, agreeably to provisions of act no. 1, laws of 1882. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (pp. 16-20) — same 1902/4.) . Table showing total ann. tax collected from cor- porations since corporation tax law went into effect. {Same 1888/90 (p. 33)— same 1902/4.) 1883-1903/4. Ann. tax receipts from corporations, by classes, and total. (Rept. tax comr. 1883/4 (p. 4) —same 1903/4.) 1883 stmt, covers period July-Dec. only. From 1901/2 to 1903/4 called Summary of state receipts ; hav- ing parallel ann. stmts. 1884. Suggested modification in laws regulating tax- ation of corporations. (Same 1883/4: 9-13.) 1889-1891. Comparison of total receipts during last yr. of operation of old tax law and first yr. of opera- tion of new law. (Govs. mess. (Page) Oct. 1891: 13-14.) 1890. Readjustment of corporation tax laws, making additional assessment on savings banks and trust COS. recommended. (Same (Page) Oct. 1890: 7-8.) 1890/00-1890/02. Total license taxes collected ann. (Rept. treasurer 1898/00 (p. 78)— same 1900/2.) 1890-1903. Brief history of corporation taxation. (Rept. tax comr. 1903/4: 5.) 1891-1899. Tabulated stmt, of taxes assessed on sleep- ing and palace cars, showing by cos., gross earn- ings and tax. (Some 1891/2 (p. 21)— same 1899/00.) From 1892 to 1899 tables show ann. receipts subject to taxation ; and amt. of tax. 1891-1904. Stmt, by cos. of ann. license tax receipts. (Same 1891/2 (pp. 23-27)— some 1903/4.) 1891-1904. Ann. total collections of license taxes for yr. endg. June 30. (Same 1902/4: 80.) 1891/2-1903/4. Schedule of license taxes paid into state treasury. (Same 1890/2 (pp. 56-61)— some 1902/4.) 1898/9-1903/4. Charter fees reed, from secy, of state under provision of sec. 2, act 19, session laws of 1898- being list of incorporations under general law. (Same 1898/00 (p. 67)— some 1902/4.) 1900/1-1903/4. Charter fees under sec. 1, no. 19, acts of 1898 reed, from corporations created by special enactment. (Same 1900/2 (p. 61)— some 1902/4.) 1902 Registration of foreign corporations applying for business suggested by tax comr. to enforce payment of license taxes. (Tax comrs. rept. 1900/^: 3-6.) Special rept. of tax comrs. to gen. assem. re. taxation of corporations and individuals. Burling- ton, 1902. 135 pp. Reviewed in Polit. Science Quarterly xix : 710. Exemptions 1882 Abolition of exemptions and offsets advised. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 24-25.) 1904. In favor of law prohibiting tax exemptions of any kind. (Govs, inaugural mess. Oct. 1904: 2-d.) 68 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Expenditures for See also Finances : State. Expenditures. Special com- missions. 1898/9-1903/4. Stmt. (Rept. auditor accts. 1898/00 (p. 87)— same 1902/4.) Express Cmpanies See also above Corporations. 1883-1903. Stmt. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (p. 17) — same 1902/4.) 1884-1902/3. Tabular stmt, of express cos., showing names of cos. semi-ann. receipts subject to taxa- tion, amt. of tax, and total ann. tax. (Rept. tax comr. 1885/6 (p. 15)— same 1903/4.) Prom 1900 to 1901 table shows ann. tax receipts only. In 1902/3 called Express, sleeping car and tele- graph COS. ; taxes paid during biennial term and covering ann. periods endg. June 30 ; has parallel ann. stmts, and is not tabulated. 1885/6. Suggestions for change in law regulating tax on express, telegraph and telephone cos. with view of increasing revenue from same. (Tax comrs. rept. 1885/6: 5.) Inheritance Tax 1897-1904. Stmt, of ann. taxes assessed upon collateral inheritances. (Tax comrs. rept. 1897/8 (p. 4) — same 1903/4.) 1898/9-1903/4. Collateral inheritance taxes under act no. 46, laws of 1896, showing name and location of estate, and amt. of tax thereon. (Rept. treasurer 1898/00 (p. 70)— same 1902/4.) Insurance Companies See also above Corporations ; also Insurance. Revenue, etc. 1868-1904. Table of insurance fees and taxes paid into state treasury for fiscal yr., showing ann. compari- son. (Rept. insurance comrs. 1902 (p. xxxvii) — same 1904.) 1883-1903. Taxation of foreign fire and life insurance cos. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (pp. 18-20) — same 1902/4.) . Taxation of domestic insurance cos. {Same 1882/4 (p. 18)— same 1902/4.) 1886/7-1902/3. Classified return of all insurance cos., showing ann. tax receipts by cos. (Rept. tax comrs. 1886/7 (pp. 4-5)— same 1903/4.) Stmts, include home life and Are Insurance cos., and foreign life and lire Insurance cos. Prom 1894/5 to 1896/7 called Insurance and guarantee cos. (showing taxes assessed by cos.). From 1901/2 to 1902/3 not classified. In 1902/3 stmt. Is for insur- ance, surety and guaranty cos. 1901/2-1903/4. Detailed stmt, of fees reed, by insur- ance comrs., showing distribution by class. (Rept. insurance comrs. 1902 (p. xxxviii) — same 1904.) Laws 1875. Compilation of the Grand List laws of Vt.; by G. Nichols, secy, of state. Montpelier, 1875. 48 pp. 1880. General laws of Vt. relating to taxation, n. p. 117-151 (23) pp. Reprint of title 9, laws of 1880. 1895. Same. Rutland, 1895. (2), 131-174 pp. 4°. Reprint of title 10, Vt. statutes. License; see that title Personalty; see below, Realty and Personalty Railroads 1878/80. Rept. on taxation of r.r. corporations with draft of law relative to same, made by committee of second conv. of bd. of r.r. comrs. of tl. S. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1878/80: 8-11.) 1878/80-1880/2. Total tax receipts from r.rs. doing business in Vt. (Same 1878/80 (p. 7) — same 1880/2.) TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Railroads — cont'd 1883-1902/3. Tabulated stmt, of r.rs. operating in Vt, showing names of corporations, roads operated, gross earnings, length in miles, earnings per mile, and tax assessed. (Rept. tax comrs. 1883/4 (pp. 16-17)— same 1903/4.) From 1900/1 to 1902/3 stmt, of taxes paid during bienn. term and semi-ann. periods endg. June 30 and Dec. 31. In 1902/3 stmt, is not tabulated. 1883-1905. Stmt. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (p. 17) — same 1902/4.) 1883/4. Detailed stmt, of tax receipts from r.r. cos. transacting business in Vt. pursuant to act of 1882. (Rept. r.r. comrs. 1882/4: 9-10.) 1902. Schedule showing appraisal of r.rs. and steam- boat COS. under act no. 20, 1902; name, mileage, appraisal prior to Dec. 31, 1902; appraisal made Dec, 1902, and ann. tax based on same. (Rept. tax comrs. 1903/4: 74-77.) Realty and Personalty 1855. Revision of law relating to taxation of mort- gaged property. (Govs. mess. 1855.) 1860-1861. Tabulated stmt, by cos., showing amt. of peddlers' licenses and tax on foreign bank stock. (Auditors rept. 1860/1: 50.) 1862. No necessity of extension of time allowed by law for payment of taxes, on non-resident and resi- dent lands. (Same 1861/2: iv.) 1865. Taxation of income of U. S. bonds; rept. of com- mittee of ways and means of House. Montpelier, 1865. 8 pp. 1878-1882. Gross assessment in each yr. on realty and personalty. (Govs. mess. (Barstow) 1882: 25.) 1900/4. Comparative stmt, for entire state, showing what per cent of property is exempt from taxation by reason of debts owing, do. of total Grand List, real and personal property resp., as appraised for yrs. 1900, 1902, 1904; also showing what per cent value of taxable polls is of entire Grand List and proportion of taxes on acct. of taxable polls, per- sonal property, and real estate. (Tax comrs. rept. 1902/4: 94-95.) 1902/4. Average appraisal per acre, by cos., of all second class real estate in state 1902 and 1904. (Same 1903/4: 96.) 1904. Property set in Grand List and property exempt therefrom on acct. of debts owing, showing by towns and cos., appraisal of all taxable real estate and personal property; amt. of taxable polls, etc., with summary by cos. (Same 1903/4: 78-93.) Road Tax 1788. Surveyor general's accts. for cutting of roads; lists of towns with amts. assessed for road taxes. (Records gov. and council iii: 162-165.) 1886. Revision of highway law to correct ambiguous meaning in clause re. highway taxes, etc., recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Pingree) 1886: 9.) 1893-1903. Tabular stmt, showing by towns and cos. of collection and disbursement of 5% state high- way tax; amts. paid by several towns, cities, and unorganized towns, sums subsequently repaid them on basis of road mileage under provisions of no. 56, laws of 1892. (Rept. treasurer 1892/4 (pp. 13-20) —same 1902/4.) 1894. Unequal distribution of state tax; co. plan rec- ommended. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1894: 12-13.) . Recommendation that use of state road tax be confined to permanent road construction. (Same (Fuller) Oct. 1894: 9.) . Rept. of expenditure of 5% tax under act of 1894. (Rept. highway comn. 1896: 8-13.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT 69 TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Road Tax— cont'd 1895. Recommendation for expenditure of revenue from state highway tax in cos. from which reed. (Govs. mess. (Woodbury) Oct. 1895: 17.) 1902. Agitation for Increase of state highway tax mostly from rural sections. (Rept. highway comr. 1901/2: 8.) School Tax See also Finance : State. Funds. Huntington Fund. 1782-1845. Outline history of state support of schools; do. expense devolving on the individual. (Rept. supt. of education 1874/6: 17-20.) 1820. Rept. of committee council of censors on assess- ment of towns for support of schools, etc. (Gen. assem. jol. 1820: 164.) 1836. Interests of education would be better promoteri by apportionment of fixed share of public money accruing in towns; present source of revenue for school purposes. (Govs. mess. 1836.) 1854. Rept. on act re. school taxes. (House jol. 1854: 137.) 1868/9. Change in law providing for assesment of towns for support of central schools, removtn.^ re- striction imposed on said tax. (Rept. education bd. 1868/9: 78-79.) 1872/4. Unequal taxation for support of school sys- tem; plan for remedy. {Same 1872/4: 441-447.) 1874/6. General outline of taxation for schools with advantages attending town system of taxation. (Same 1874/6: 36-40.) 1876/8. Desirability of a state school tax. (Same 1876/8: 20.) 1888/90. School tax on Grand List, showing by towns and COS., amt. to pay at 8%% on Grand List; amt. to receive on per capita basis. (Same 1888/90: 302-304.) 1890. Inequalities in taxation for school purposes. (Govs. mess. (Dillingham) 1890: 10-11.) 1891-1904. Tabulated stmt, of 5% state school tax under provision of no. 6, laws of 1890, showing ann. total, distribution by towns and cos., amt. of tax, no. of legal schools, apportionment per town, and recapitulation by cos. (Rept. treasurer 1890/2 (pp. 44-51)— some 1902/4.) 1895. Recommendation that distribution of state school tax be made according to no. of scholars instead of no. of schools. (Govs. mess. (Wood- burry) Oct. 1895: 16.) 1903/4. Tabular stmt, by towns and cos. of ann. dis- tribution of state school tax, under no. 30, acts of 1902. (Rept. treasurer 1902/4: 26-30.) . Distribution of $15,000 under provisions of no. 30, acts of 1902, tabulated by towns and cos., and summary by cos. (School rept. 1902/4: 514-517.) Steamboat Companies See also above Corporations. 1883-1886. Stmt. of. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (p. 17) —same 1884/6.) Later Included under caption Transportation. 1884-1902/3. Tabular stmt, of steamboat, car, and transportation cos., showing names of cos., seml- ann. gross receipts, amt. of tax, and total ann. tax receipts. (Rept. tax comr. 1885/6 (p. 15)— same 1903/4.) From 1900/1 to 1902/3 stmt, called Car and transpor- tation COS. Taxes paid for tlie semi-ann. periods endg. with last days of June and Dec. with parallel semi-ann. stmts. In 1902/3 not tabulated. 1902. Schedule showing appraisal of r.rs. and steam- boat cos. under act no. 20, 1902; name, mileage, appraisal prior to Dec. 31, 1902, appraisal made Dec 1902, and ann. tax based on same. (Rept. tax comr. 1903/4: 74-77.) TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Street Railways 1885/6. Amdmt. of tax law so as to specifically in- clude horse and street r.rs. suggested. (Tax comrs. rept. 1885/6: 5.) Telegraph and Telephone Companies See also above, Corporations. 1883-1903. Stmt. of. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (p. 17) —same 1902/4.) 1884-1902/3. Tabular stmt, of telegraph cos., showing names of cos.,' semi-ann. receipts subject to taxa- tion, amt. of tax, and total ann. tax. (Rept. tax comr. 1885/6 (p. 14)— same 1903/4.) From 1900 to 1901 tables show ann. tax receipts only. In 1902/3 stmt, shows ann. tax receipts in parallel columns. . Tabular stmt, of telephone cos., showing names of cos., semi-ann. receipts subject to taxa- tion, amt. of tax, and total ann. tax. (Same 1885/6 (p. 14)— same 1903/4.) In 1902/3 called Telephone taxes paid during bienn. term and covering ann. periods endg. Dec. 31 ; is not tabulated ; and has parallel ann. stmts. 1885/6. Tax comrs. suggestion for change in law regu- lating tax on express, telegraph, and telephone cos. with view of increasing revenue from same. (Same 1885/6: 5.) Transportation Companies See also above Car cos., express cos., Steamboat cos. 1886-1903. Stmt. of. (Rept. treas. 1886/8 (p. 6) — same 1902/4.) Trust Companies 1883-1903. Stmt. of. (Rept. treasurer 1882/4 (p. 18) same 1902/4.) 1884. Antagonism of trust cos. to corporation tax act of 1882. (Govs. mess. (Pingree) 1884: 8.) 1884-1902/3. Tabular stmt, of trust cos., showing name of CO., average amt. of deposits, average amt. of assets invested in real estate, amt. of individual de- posits, net balance subject to taxation, and amt. of tax. (Rept. tax comr. 1885/6 (p. 12) — same 1903/4.) Stmts. 1890-1891 have two semi-ann. stmts. 1890 Jan.- June. From 1896 to 1899 table called Savings and tiusf cos., showing names, average amt. of deposits and accumulations, average amt. of assessed valuation of assets invested in real estate etc. From 1900/1 to 1902/3 stmt, of taxes paid by savings banks and trust cos. for semi-annual periods endg. June and Dec. 1902/3 not tabulated. TEACHERS; see EDUCATION TEACHERS' INSTITUTES; see EDUCATION TELEGRAPH COMPANIES Taxation; see Taxation. Telegraph and Telephone Com- panies TELEPHONE COMPANIES Taxation; see Taxation. Telegraph and Telephone Com- panies TEMPERATURE; see CLIMATE TEXTBOOKS; see EDUCATION TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY; see NATURAL RESOURCES TRADE; see INDUSTRIES, ETC. TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES Taxation; see that title 70 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF VERMONT TREASURER Expenditures for; see Finance: State. Expenditures Reports; see Finance: State TRUST COMf>ANIES Operation; see Banks Taxation; see that title TRUST FUNDS; see FINANCE: STATE. FUNDS TUBERCULOSIS COMMISSION; see PUBLIC HEALTH. 1904 UNITED STATES Bank of United States; see Banks. United States Bank Distribution of Surplus; see Finance: State. Receipts Internal Improvements; see Public Works Land Grants; see Agriculture. Education. Agricultural Col- lege; Land: Federal Public Lands; see Land: Federal Public Works; see that title Tariff; see that title Taxation; see that title War Expenditures; see that title UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT; see EDUCATION VITAL STATISTICS; see POPULATION WAGES; see LABOR WAR EXPENDITURES Civil War serial Financial Agent 1861-1864. Rept. of financial agt. In Jols. as follows : 1861 in Sen. 30I. 1861:284-285. 1862 " " " 1862 : 332. 1863 not found. 1864 In Sen. jol. 1863:251. 1862, 1864 called " Kept, of inpector of finance." Agent for State Aid 1861/2-1865/6. Rept. of J. Howe, agt. of Vt. under " Act to provide for families of citizens mustered into service of U. S." In Jols. and Docs, as follows : 1861/2 In Govs. mess. 1862 app. : 29-38 : Sen. iol. 1862 ■ 325-331. 1862/3 in' Sen. joL 1863 app. : 177-180 ; House jol. 1863 app. : 293-296. 1863/4 in Sen. jol. 1864 app. : 231-235 ; House jol. 1864 app. : 355-358 ; Govs. mess. 1864 app. : 7- 10. 1864/5 in Sen. jol. 1865 app. : 227-230 ; House jol. 1865 app. : 347-350. 1865/6 in Sen. Jol. 1866 app. : 293 ; House jol. 1866 app. : 373 ; Govs. mess. 1866 app. : 37-38. non-serial 1861. Classified estimate of expenditures for current yr. (Govs. mess. 1861.) . Rept. on so much of govs. mess, as relates to comn. to adjust military accts., etc. (House jol. 1861: 388-392.) 1861-1864. Rept. under "Act to provide for soldiers' families," showing ann. and aggregate amts. {Same 1864: 400-403.) . Aggregate stmt, of war expenses. (Rept. audi- tor accts. 1865/6: 4.) 1861-1865. Amt. expended by several towns in Vt. in procuring men for army and navy; arranged by COS., with summary. (Same 1865/6: A-M.) 1862. Approval of legisl. provision for payment of ex- traordinary expenses by direct tax and bond Issue; recommendation to fund apprns. necessary to be be made for war purposes. (Govs. mess. 1862: 6.) . Classification of war expenditures, and amts. paid. (Same 1862: 6-7.) House jol. 1862 : House jol. 1863 : WAR EXPENDITURES— cont'd Civil War — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1862. Abstr. of disbursements to Oct. 1, 1862. (Same 1862: 25-28.) . Communication of gov. re. claims allowed agst. state by comrs. under act of Nov., 1861. (House jol. 1862: 497-501.) 1862-1863. Detailed abstr. of govs, expenditures for militia. In Jols. as follows : 1862 in Sen. jol. 1862 : 322-324 468-469. 1863 in Sen. jol. 1863 : 175-176 291-292. 1862-1864. Rept. of inspector of finance on examination of treasurer's vouchers for extra pay; distribution of same by regiments and cos. In Jols. as follows : 1862 in Sen. jol. 1862 : 367-369 ; House jol. 1862 504-505. 1863 in Sen. jol. 1863 : 194-196 ; House jol. 1863 324-326 1864 in Sen', jol. 1864 : 251-253 ; House jol. 1864 382-384. 1862/3-1863/4. Military orders drawn under act of Nov. 26, 1862. (Rept. auditor accts. 1862/3 (pp, xxxviii-xl) — same 1863/4.) 1864. Rept. on bounties paid to re-enlisted men. (House jol. 1864: 392-394.) . Rept. on amt. of town bounties paid to volun- teers and drafted men, arranged by towns and cos, (Same 1864: 404-415.) . Rept. of committee on military affairs on boun- ties paid to re-enlisted men. (Same 1864: 392-394.) 1865/6. Detailed accts. of state claimants agst. gen- eral govt, incurred by recent war. (Rept. auditor accts. 1865/6: 5-8.) 1866/7. Balance due state of Vt. from the U. S. on civil war claims. (Same 1866/7: 4.) 1868. Balances due state claim agst. U. S. for war ex- penses. (Same 1867/8: 4.) 1869. Settlement with U. S. claims. (Same 1868/9: 3.) 1870. Auditor's rept. on war 1870: 459-460.) 1872. Additional settlement of outstanding state war claims agst. U. S. (Rept. auditor accts. 1870/2: 4-5.) 1873. Tabular stmt, showing amt. due from state to soldiers in late war for suppression of rebellion. 140 pp. 1874. Receipts from federal govt, in satisfaction of state war claims; suggestion that accts. for extra state pay and for bounties expended during war be prepared and filed in Treasury Dept. at Washing- ton. (Rept. auditor accts. 1872/4: 4-5.) 1876/8. Disallowed war claims again presented; amt. already allowed. (Same 1876/8: 14.) 1898/9-1903/4. Expenditures for pensions. (Same 1898/00 (p. 102)— some 1902/4.) Auditor's repts. are presented biennially ; tables appear- ing In same have parallel ann. stmts. 1902. Review of claim of Vt. agst. U. S. for war ex- penses; interest claims; delay in settling claim; Vt. Congressional delegation urged to procure early adjustment. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. 1902: 6-10.) Patriot War 1838-1839. Communication from gov. re. claims on gen- eral govt, for expenses incurred by Vt. during "Patriot War." (Sen. jol. 1847: 174-175.) Revolutionary War 1842 et seq. Henry Stevens was apptd. agt. for Vt. to make certain inquiries concerning claims of Vt. upon the U. S. for expenses incurred during the of outstanding war claims. (House jol. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP VERMONT 71 WAR EXPENDITURES— cont'd Revolutionary War — cont'd revolutionary war. Mr. Stevens made several re- ports and there was considerable other correspon- dence. All the material related so much to early documents on Vt. found by Mr. Stevens in various public repositories, that it has more the character of a report on archives and is therefore omitted here. 1856. Communication from Henry Stevens on sums ex- pended by Vt. during revolutionary war and war of 1812. (Sen. jol. 1856: 457-458.t Spanish- American War See also Finance. Apprns. 1897/8. Expenses of mobilization of regiments, etc. (Rept auditor accts. 1896/8: 156.) 1903/4. Stmt, of reimbursement of expenses. (Same 1902/4: 178.) War of i8i2 1812. Rept. on compensation to troops called out at various places immediately after declaration of war. (Gen. assem. jol. 1812: 185-187.) 1813. Rept. on accts. of commissary gen. showing stmt, of ann. disbursements. {Same 1813: 103-104.) . Treasurer's rept. of orders paid, drawn by com- missary gen. of military stores, and auditor of accts. in military dept. (Same 1813: 117-118.) 1892/4. The pollution of water; some sanitary aspects of protection of public waters by law. (Bienn. rept. fish comrs. 1892/4: 103-107.) . Pollution of trout streams from mill wastes. (Same 1892/4: 9-11.) 1894/6. Pollution of streams. (Same 1894/6: 21-26.) 1889. Analyses of waters from Lake Champlain and from various proposed supplies for city of Bur- lington. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899: 40-41.) 1904. Comment on; contamination of Lake Champlain. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. sess. 1904: 26-28.) 1896. Repts. of various cities and towns in answer to questions of bd. of health re. water supply and sewerage. (10 A.R. bd. of health 1896: 46-75.) WATER POWER; see NATURAL RESOURCES WATER SUPPLY 1889. Analyses of waters from Lake Champlain and from various proposed supplies for city of Bur- lington. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899: 40-41.) WATER SUPPLY— cont'd 1896. Repts. of various cities and towns in answer to questions of bd. of health re. water supply and sewerage. (10 A.R. bd. of health 1896: 46-75.) Inspection serial Under act of 1886, no. 73, 1890. 1890-1898/9. Analyses of drinking waters. In A.R. Experiment Station as follows : 1890 In 4 A.R. Exper. Station 1890 : 32-33 1891 " 5 " " " 1891 : 47-48 1892-1894 not found. 1895 in 9 A.R. Exper. Station 1895 : 41-42 1896/7 " 10 " " " 1896/7: 31-32 1897/8 " 11 1897/8 1?7. 1898/9 " 12 1898/9 : 145-146. norirserial 1898-1899. Table showing chemical analysis of water in detail. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1898/9: 180-192.) 1899-1900. Table showing biological analysis of water in detail. (2 same 1898/9: 193-205.) 1899-1903. Table showing analysis of water — labora- tory of hygiene— by towns. (2 same 1898/9 (pp. 178-179)— some 1902/3.) 1902-1903. Table showing water supply in various cos. (4 same 1902/3: 40.) . Tables showing public analyses of water supply in various towns. (4 same 1902/3: 160-190.) Pollution 1892/4. The pollution of water; some sanitary aspects of protection of public waters by law. (Bienn. rept. fish comrs. 1892/4: 103-107.) . Pollution of trout streams from mill wastes. (Same 1892/4: 9-11.) 1894/6. Pollution of streams. (Same 1894/6: 21-26.) 1904. Comment on; contamination of Lake Champlain. (Govs, retiring mess. Oct. sess. 1904: 26-28.) WHEAT Produce; see Agriculture. Crops WOOL Manufacture; see Industries, etc. WOOL GROWERS' ASSOCIATION; see AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES K--^v » •>., ^ S-%j^i .J. "^^_ '^A>*r^ '+f -, '/ r >^- I4ix>f - t^^?^t-f V ,1, ll \ . ^V ' L^ ^V^^ ^^*J^ F J»1 '^-:!^<5?£^' -^*. V. -IX ■f^ -^ ^ --^ -/ '^ Ir-- V '^■Z" >Y n^f' .^■. ' ■ ''^ 3l¥ ' - ». >%, L^-^ v-^ J^ .^.\./. v> w ^'- ^^* -Jr' V, m ^-^-.if wr-l ■^s. M \hr \n: 'fl ^ v>i y. X"^ w. "T&^ i^J — -^r-x" :i.r 1"?*-^' \^\' t-*c f«7-VX.'/ t:*v ^rffe, 111 J .1 -tt. J^^^ ^^/ :«.'?■:■ H^ r ■J^--^ _ \^ -ft t,; Jb|^i iT *t! Z-^' ^-/ l-^. '^ t '^ .^i)1 / i •?:' **. p^'Wr r: '^\ ^, .-< &T- ^Jlis/ft^S^ f?* ?^ .M ^•, k!t.^