GN776.S2'°N71 "iMfi "" "'"'' olin 3 1924 029 928 516 Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE PEIMITIVE INHABITANTS OF SCANDINAVIA. LONDON PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOO DR AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE THE PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS OK SCANDINAVIA. AN ESSAY ON COMPABATIVB ETHNOGRAPHT, AND A CONTHIBTJTION TO THE HISTORY OP THE DEYBLOPMENT OP MANKIND: CONTAINING A DESCRIPTION OP THE IMPLEMENTS, DWELLINGS, TOMBS, AND MODE OP LIVING OB" THE SAYAGES IN THE NORTH OP EUROPE DURING THE STONE AGE. BY SYEN NILSSON. THIRD EDITION, REVISED BY THE AUTHOK, AND TRANSLATED FKOM HIS OWN MANUSCEIPT. EDITED, AND WITH AN INTRODUCTION SIE JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. F.E.S. &c. LONDON : LONGMANS, GEEEN, AND CO. 1868. EDITOR'S PREFACE. Ip the Science of Prehistoric Archasology had long excited as much interest in this country as it does at present, Professor Nilsson's work on the Aborigines of Scandinavia would not now be appearing in an English translation for the first time. M. Morlot has truly observed, that the wonderful advance recently made in our knowledge of ancient men, and particularly the division of European his- tory into the three eras, the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages, is ' due chiefly to the labours of M. Thomsen, Director of the Ethnological and Archasological Museum at Copenhagen, and to those of Professor Nilsson, of the flourishing University of Lund.' Both these archteologists, however, unfortunately for us, write in languages but little understood in this country, and their labours, in consequence, have remained almost unknown. When, therefore, Messrs. Longman & Co. requested me to edit an English translation of Professor Nilsson's ' Stone Age,' I very gladly undertook to do so. \i EDITOK'S PREFACE. Had Professor Nilsson's object been to exalt "bis own reputation, he would have reprinted his book just as it stood when first published in 1838-43. In its present form, however, improved and somewhat enlarged, his work is an even more valuable con- tribution to our Ethnological literature. The present translation was made in Sweden, under the immediate superintendence of the Author. It constitutes, in fact, a new edition, differing con- siderably, not only from the original, but also from that which was published at the commencement of last year. Under these circumstances, I have not liked to introduce too many modifications, lest, in altering the style, I might perhaps change some- what the meaning also. Moreover, although in many places the English has a slightly foreign aspect, I do not think that the reader will find any practical in- convenience; and in the translation of a scientific work, accuracy is of more importance than style. As this book may be read by some who have not made a special study of Prehistoric Archaeo- logy, I have prefaced it with a short Introduction, which is substantially the same as the Address which I delivered before the Archaeological Institute at their London meeting in July 1866. This is, I think, the more desirable, because no flint EDITOR'S PREFACE. vii implements of the most ancient, or palaeolithic, types have yet been found in Scandinavia. On this point I can speak with some little confidence, having my- self visited the excellent Museums of Copenhagen, Stockholm, Lund, Flensborg, and Aarhuus, besides many private collections. It seems to me, therefore, probable that Scandinavia was not peopled until the Second Stone, or Neolithic Age, which is so well treated of in the present Work. High Elms, Faunbokough, Keni: November 10, 18G7. EDITOR'S INTEODUCTION. Prehistoric Archeology has but lately made good its right to recognition as a branch of science ; and even now, perhaps, there are some who are disposed to question the claim. We can never, it is thought by these, become wise beyond what is written : the ancient poems and histories Contain all that we can ever know about old times and bygone races of men ; by the study of antiquities we may often corroborate, and occasionally perhaps even cor- rect, the statements of old writers, but beyond this we can never hope to go. The ancient monuments and remains themselves may excite our interest, but they can teach us nothing. This opinion is as old as the time of Horace : in one of his best known Odes he tells us that — Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona Multi ; sad omnes illacrymabiles Urgentur, ignotique Tonga Nocte, carent quia vate sacro. If this apply to nations as well as to individuals — if our knowledge of the past be confined to that which X EDITOR'S INTKODUCTION. has been handed down to us in books — then ArchaBO- logy is indeed restrained within fixed and narrow limits ; it is reduced to a mere matter of criticism, and is almost unworthy to be called a science. My object in the present Introduction is to vin- dicate the claims of Archaeology ; to point out briefly the light which has, more particularly in the last few years, been thrown upon the past; and, above all, if possible, to show that the antiquaries of the present day are no visionary enthusiasts, but that the methods of archaeological investigation are as trustworthy as those of any natural science. I pur- posely say the methods, rather than the results, because while I believe that the progress recently made has been mainly due to the use of those methods which have been pursued with so much success in geology, zoology, and other kindred branches of science — and while fully persuaded that in this manner we must eventually ascertain the truth — I readily admit that there are many points on which farther evidence is required. Nor need the antiquar}' be ashamed to own that it is so. Biologists diflFer about the Darwinian theory ; until very lately the emission theory of light was maintained by some of the best authorities ; TyndaU and Magnus are at issue as to whether aqueous vapour does or does not absorb heat; astronomers have recently been obliged to admit an error of more than 4,000,000 miles in their EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xi estimate of the distance between the earth and the sun ; nor is there any single proposition in theo- logy to which an universal assent would be given. Although, therefore, there are no doubt great diver- sities of opinion among antiquaries, archaeology is in this respect only in the same condition as all other branches of knowledge. Conceding then, frankly, that from several of the following conclusions some good archaeologists would entirely dissent, I will now endeavour to state briefly the principal results of modern research, and espe- cially to give, as far as can be done within the limits of a few pages, an idea of the kind of evidence on which these conclusions are based. I must also add, that my remarks are confined, ex- cepting when it is otherwise specified, to that part of Europe which lies to the north of the Alps ; and that by the Primaeval Period I understand that which extended from the first appearance of man down to the commencement of the Christian era. This period may be divided into four epochs : — Firstly, the Palaeolithic, or First Stone Age ; secondly, the Neolithic, or Second Stone Age; thirdly, the Bronze Age ; and lastly, the Iron Age. Attempts have been made, with more or less success, to establish subdivisions of these periods, but into these I do not now propose to enter : even if we can do no more as yet than establish this succession, that wUl itself be xii EDITOR'S INTKODUOTION. sufficient to show that we are not entirely dependent on history. We will commence, then, with the Palteolithic Age, This is the most ancient period in which we have as yet any decisive proofs of the existence of man. M. Desnoyers has, indeed, called attention to some bones from the Pliocene beds of St. Prest, which appear to show the marks of knives, and M. I'Abb^ Bourgeois has since found in the same locality some flints, which he believes to have been worked by man ; Mr. Whin- copp also has in his possession a bone from the crag, which certainly looks as if it had been cut with some sharp instrument. These cases, however, are not perfectly conclusive, and as yet the implements found in the river-drift gravels are the oldest undoubted traces of man's existence — older far than any of those in Egypt or Assyria, though belonging to a period which, from a geological point of \iew, is very recent. The Palceolithic Age. As regards the Palaaolithic Age, we may, I think, regard the foUo-sving conclusions as fully borne out by the evidence : — 1. The antiquities referable to this period are usually found in beds of gravel and loam, or, as it is technically called, ' loess,' extending along our valleys, and reaching sometimes to a height of 200 feet above the present water-level. EDITOE'S INTRODUCTION. xiii 2. These beds were deposited by the existing rivers, which then ran in the same directions as at present, and drained the same areas. 3. With the exception of the coast-line, the geo- graphy of Western Europe cannot therefore have been very different at the time those gravels were deposited from what it is now. 4. The fauna of Europe at that time comprised the mammoth, the woolly-haired rhinoceros, the hippo- potamus, the urus, the musk-ox, &c., as well as most of the existing animals. 5. The climate was much colder than at present. 6. Though we have no exact measure of time, we can tit least satisfy ourselves that this period was one of veiy great antiquity. 7. Yet man already inhabited Western Europe. 8. He used rude implements of stone; 9. Which were never polished, and of which some types differ remarkably from any of those that were subsequently in use. 10. He was ignorant of pottery, and (11) of metals. I will now proceed to examine these eleven con- clusions at somewhat greater length : — 1. That these beds of gravel and loam, or, as it is technically called, ' loess,' extend along the slopes of the valleys, and reach sometimes to a height of 200 xiv EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. feet above the present water-level, is a mere state- ment of fact about which no difference of opinion has arisen. 2. That these beds of gravel and loess were not deposited by the sea, is proved by the fact that the remains which occur in them are all those of land or freshwater and not of marine species. That they were deposited by the existing rivers is evident, be- cause in each river-valley they contain fragments of those rocks only which occur in the area drained by the river itself. As, therefore, the rivers drained the same areas then as now, the geography of Western Europe cannot have been at that period very different from what it is at present. 3. The fauna, hoAvevcr, was very unhke what it is now, the existence of the annuals above men- tioned being proved by the presence and condition of their bones. 4. The greater severity of the climate is indicated by the nature of the fauna. The musk-ox, the woolly- haired rhinoceros, the mammoth, the lemming, &c., are Arctic species, and the reindeer then extended to the South of France. Another argument is derived from the presence of great sandstone blocks in the gravels of some rivers, as, for instance, of the Somme : these, it appears, must have been transported by ice. 5. The great antiquity of the period now under discussion is evident from several considerations. The EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xv extinction of the large mammalia must have been a work of time ; and neither in the earliest writings, nor in the vaguest traditions, do we find any indication of their presence in Western Europe. StiU more conclusive evidence is aflforded by the condition of our valleys. The beds of gravel and loam cannot have been deposited by any sudden cataclysm, both on account of their regularity, and also of the fact, already mentioned, that the materials of one river- system are never mixed with those of another. To take an instance. The gravel of the Somme valley is entirely formed of debris from the chalk and tertiary strata occupying that area; but at a right angle to, and within a very few miles of, the headwaters of the Somme comes the valley of the Oise. In this valley are other older strata, no fragments of which have found their way into the Somme valley, though they could not have failed to do so had the gravels in question been the result of any great cataclysm, or had the Somme then drained a larger area than at present. The beds in question are found in some cases 200 feet above the present water-level, and the bottom of the valley is occupied by a bed of peat, which in some places is as much as 30 feet in thickness. We have no means of making an accurate calculation ; but even if we allow, as we must, a good deal for the floods which would be produced by the melting of the snow, still it is evident that for the river to xvi EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. excavate its valley to a depth of more than 200 feet,* and then for the formation of so thick a bed of peat, much time must have been required. If, moreover, we consider the alteration which has taken place in the climate, as well as in the fauna, and;, finally, remember also that the last eighteen hundred years have produced scarcely any perceptible change, we cannot but come to the conclusion that many, very many, centuries have elapsed since the river ran at a level so much higher than the present^ and the coun- try was occupied by a fauna so unlike that now ia existence there. 6. The presence of man is proved by the discovery; of stone implements (figs. 1 and 2). Strictly speak- ing, these only prove the presence of reasoning beings; but this being granted, few, if any, would doubt that the beings in question were men. Human bones, moreover, have been found in cave-deposits, which, in the opinion of the best judges, belonged to this period; and M. Boucher de Perthes considers that various fragments of human bone found at Mouhn Quignon are also genuine. On this point long dis- cussions have taken place, into which I will not now enter. The question before us is, whether men existed at all, not whether they had bones. On * Many persons find a difficulty in understanding how the river could have deposited gravel at so great a height, forgetting that the valley was not then excavated to anything like its present depth. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. Fig. 1. Flint Implement from St. Acteul, near Amiens, Natural size. xviii EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. the latter point no dispute is likely to arise, and as regards the former, the works of man are as good evidence as his bones could be. Moreover, there seems to me nothing wonderful in the great scarcity of human bones. A country where the in- habitants subsist on the produce of the chase can never be otherwise than scantily peopled. If we admit that for each man there must be a thousand head of game existing at any one time — and this seems a moderate allowance ; remembering also that most mammalia are less long-lived than men, we should naturally exjoect to find human remains very rare as compared with those of other animals. Among a people who burnt their dead, of course this dis- projjortion would be immensely increased. That the flint implements found in these gravels are implements it is unnecessary to argue. Their regularity, and the care with which they have been worked to an edge, prove that th^y have been intentionally chipped into" tlieir present forms, and are not the result of accident. That they are not forgeries we may be certain : firstly, because they have been found in situ by many excel- lent observers — by all, in fact, who have looked perse- veringly for them ; and secondly, because, as the dis- coloration of their surface is quite superficial, and follows the existing outline, it has evidently been pro- duced since the flints were brought to their present forms. This is clearly shown in fig. 3 (p.xx.), which EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. Pi". 2. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. FiK. 3. represents a fractured surface of fig. 2, and shows the dark natural flint, surrounded by the altered surface. The forgeries — for there are forgeries — are of a dull lead colour, like other freshly- broken surfaces of flint. The ■ same evidence justifies us in concluding that the imple- ments are coeval with the beds of gravel in which they are found. 8. Without counting flakes, Ave shall certainly be within the mark if we estimate that three thousand flint imple- ments of the PalaBolithic Age have been discovered in Nor- thern France and Southern Section ot Fig. 2, showing discolouration of surface. England. These are all of types which differ con- siderably from those Avhich came subsequently into use, and they are none of them polished ; we may therefore, I think, infer that the art of polishing stone implements was as yet unknown. 9 and 10. In the same manner, I think, we may safely conclude that the use of metal and of pottery was then unknown, as is the case even now with many races of savages. Although flint implements were observed in the EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxi drift-gravels more than half a century ago by Mr. Frere, still his observations were forgotten until the same discovery was again made by M. Boucher de Perthes. For our knowledge of the gravel-beds in Avhich they occur, however, we are principally in- debted to Mr. Prestwich. Sir Charles Lyell has the high merit of having carefully examined the facts, and given to the antiquity of man the authority of his great name ; nor must the labours of Mr. Evans be passed unnoticed. To him we owe the first com- parison between the flint implements of this and those of the Neolithic period. In what precedes, 1 have relied principally on the researches in the river-drift gravel-beds. Much ad- ditional information has, however, been obtained by the examination of caves. Though 1 cannot here do justice to the numerous archssologists who have laboured at this branch of the science, I must take the opportunity of alluding to two of our fellow- countrymen. Dr. Falconer and Mr. Christy — who have recently, alas ! been lost to us and to science. Mr. Busk, who had been for some time engaged with Dr. Falconer in the study of the Gibraltar caves, will publish the result of the investigations which he had left in an unfinished state, and everyone will admit that the materials could not be in better hands. The researches carried on by Mr. Christy, in con- junction with M. Lartet, in the caves of the Dordogne, xxii EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. ai-e of great interest. The general facts may be .stated to be, that while thousands of implements made out of stone, bone, and horn, have been col- lected, no trace of potteiy, nor evidence of the use of metals, not even a polished stone implement, has vet been met with. The people who lived in the South of France at that period seem, in a great many respects, to have resembled the Esquimaux. Their principal food was the reindeer, and though traces of the musk-ox, mammoth, cave-lion, as well as other animals of the quaternary fauna have been met with, it is still possible that these may not belong to the same period. These cavemen were very ingenious, and excellent Avorkers in flint ; but though their bone- [)ins, &c., are beautifully polished, this is never the case with their flint weapons. The habit of allowing ofFal and bones to accumulate in their dwellings is indicative, probably, of a cold climate. Perhajjs, howcAer, the most remarkable fact of all is, that although in other respects so slightly advanced in civilisation, these ancient French cavemen, like the l<]squimaux, sho-w a wonderful genius for art. Many very spirited drawings of animals have been found represented on fragments of bone, stone, and horn, and M. Lartet has found in the rock-shelter at La jMadelaine a fragment of mammoth-tusk, on which was engraved a representation of the animal itself.* ' Seo also nolc 7. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxiii On the whole, these remains probably belong to an epoch somewhat less ancient than the implements of the St. Acheul gravels; from the preponderance of the remains of that animal, it has been called the Reindeer period. The Neolithic Age. We now pass to the later Stone or Neolithic Age, with reference to which the following pro- positions may, I think, be regarded as satisfactorily established : — 1. There was a period when polished stone axes were extensively used in Europe. 2. The objects belonging to this period do not occur in the river- drift gravel-beds ; 3. Nor in association with the great extinct mam- malia. 4. They were in use long before the discovery or introduction of metals. 5. The Danish shell-mounds, or Kjokkenmoddings, belong to this period ; 6. As do many of the Swiss lake-dwellings; 7. And of the tumuli, or burial-mounds. 8. Rude stone implements appear to have been in use longer than those more carefully worked. 9. Hand-made pottery was in use during this period. :xiv EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. 10. In Central Europe, the ox, sheeji, goat, pig, md dog were already domesticated. 11. Agriculture had also commenced. 12. Flax was cultivated and woven into tissues. 13. At least two distinct races already occupied W^estem Europe. 1 . That there wjls a period when polished axes and jther implements of stone were extensively used in Western Europe is sufficiently proved by the great numbers in which these objects occur : for instance, the Dublin Museum contains more than j2,000, that rf Copenhagen more than 10,000, and that of Stock- holm not fewer than 15,000. 2. The objects characteristic of this period do not occur in the river-drift gravels. Some of the simpler ones, indeed — as, for instance, flint flakes — were used both in the Neolitliic and Palaeolithic periods. The 3olished axes, chisels, gouges, &c. are very distinct, lowever, from the ruder implements of the Palaaohthic Age, and are never found in the river-drift gravels. Conversely, the Palgeolithic types have never yet aeen met ^\lth in association with those characteristic jf the later epoch. Again, while the Neolithic implements are re- narkabl}' numerous in Denmark and Sweden, the i'ateolithic types are absolutely unknown there. It s probable, therefore, that these northern countries vcrc IK it inlial)ited by man during the earlier period. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxv 3. Nor do the types of the Neolithic Age ever oc- cur in company with the Quaternary fauna, under circumstances which would justify us in regarding them as coeval. 4. The implements in question were in use before the introduction or discovery of metal. It is a great mistake to suppose that implements of stone were abandoned directly metal was discovered. For certain purposes, as for arrow-heads, stone would be quite as suitable as the more precious substance. Flint flakes, moreover, were so useful, and so easily obtained, that they were occasionally employed even down to a very late period. Even for axes and chisels, the in- contestable superiority of metal was for a while coun- terbalanced by its greater costliness. Captain Cook, indeed, tells us that in Tahiti the implements of stone and bone were in a very feAV years replaced by those of metal ; a stone hatchet was then, he says, ' as rare a thing as an iron one was eight years ago, and a chisel of bone or stone is not to be seen.' The rapidity with which the change from stone to metal is effected depends on the supply of the latter. In the above case, Cook had with him abundance of metal, in exchange for which the islanders supplied his vessels with great quantities of fresh meat, vegetables, and other more questionable articles of merchandise. The introduction of metal into Europe was certainly far more gradual ; stone and metal were long used side by xxvi EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. side, and archaeologists are often too hasty in referring stone implements to the Stone Age. It would be easy to quote numerous instances in which implements have been, without any sufficient reason, referred to the Stone Age, merely because they were formed of stone. The two Stone Ages are characterised not I merely by the use of stone, but by the use of stone to the exclusion of metal. I cannot therefore too strongly impress on archaeologists, that many stone implements belong to the metallic period. Why, then, it will be asked, may they not all have done so ? and this question I will now endeavour to answer. 5. The Danish shell-mounds are the refuse heaps of the ancient inhabitants, round whose dweUings the bones and shells of the animals on -which they fed gradually accumulated. Like a modern dustheap, these shell-mounds contain all kinds of household objects — some purposely thrown away as useless, but some also accidentally lost. These mounds have been examined with great care by the Danish archaeologists, and especially by Professor Steenstrup. Many thou- sand implements of stone and bone have been obtained from them ; and as, on the one hand, from the absence of extinct animals, and of implements belonging to the Palasolithic Age, Ave conclude that these shell- mounds do not belong to that period, so, on the other hand, from the absence of all trace of metal, we are justified in referring them to a jjcriod when metal was unknown. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xivii 6. The same arguments apply to some of the Swiss lake-dwellings, the discovery of which we owe to Dr. Keller, and which have been so admirably studied by Desor, Morlot, Troyon, and other Swiss archagolo- gists. A glance at the Table A. will show that, while in some of them pbjects of metal are very abundant, in others, which have been not less care- fully or thoughtfully explored, stone implements are met with to the exclusion of metalHc ones. It may occur, perhaps, to some, that the absence of metal in some of the lake-villages, and its presence in others, is to be accounted for by its scarcity — that, in fact, metal will be found when the localities shall have been sufficiently searched. But a glance at the table will show that the settlements in which metal occurs are deficient in stone implements. Take the same number of objects from Wangen and Nidau, and in the one case 90 per cent, will be of metal, while in the other the whole number are of stone or bone. This cannot be accidental — the numbers are too great to admit of such a hypothesis; nor can the fact be accounted for by contemporaneous differences of civilisation, because the localities are too close toge- ther ; neither is it an affair of wealth, because we find such articles as fishhooks, &c., made of metal. 7. We may also, I think, safely refer some of the tumuli or burial-mounds to this period. When we find a large tumulus, the erection of which must have xxviii EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. been extremely laborious, it is evident that it must have been erected in honour of some distinguished in- dividual ; and when his flint daggers, axes, &c. — which, from the labour and difficulty of making them, must have been of great value — were deposited in the tomb, it is reasonable to conclude, that if he had possessed any arms of metal, they also would have been buried with him. This we know was done in subsequent periods. In burials of the Stone Age the corpse was either deposited in a sitting posture, or burnt, but rarely, if ever, extended at full length. 8. It is an error to suppose that the rudest flint implements are necessarily the oldest. The Palaeoli- thic implements show admii'able workmanship. More- over, every flint implement is rude at first. A bronze celt is cast perfect ; but a flint implement is rudely blocked out in the first instance, and then, if any concealed flaw comes to light, or if any ill-directed blow causes an inconvenient fracture, the unfinished implement is perhaps thrown away. Moreover, the simplest flint-flake forms a capital knife, and accord- ingly we find that some simple stone implements were in use long after metal had replaced the beau- tifully-worked axes, knives, and daggers, which must always have been very difficult to make. The period immediately before the introduction of metal may reasonably be supposed to be that of the best stone implements, but the use of the simpler ones lingered EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxix long. Moreover, there are some reasons to believe that pierced stone axes are characteristic of the early- metallic period. 9. Hand-made pottery is abundant in the shell- mounds and the lake-villages, as well as in the tumuli which appear to belong to the Stone Age. No con- clusive evidence that the potter's wheel was yet in use has been discovered. 10. The dog is the only domestic animal found in the shell-mounds ; but remains of the ox, sheep, goat, and pig appear in the lake-villages. There is some doubt about the horse ; and the barn-d oor fowl, as well as th e cat, was unlinown. 11. The presence of corn-crushers, as well as of carbonised wheat, barley, and flax, in the Swiss lake- dwellings, proves that agriculture was already pur- sued ^vith success in Central Europe. Oats, rye, and hemp were unknown. 12. Tissues of woven flax have been found in some of the Swiss lake-villages. 13. At least two forms of skull, one long and one round, are found in the tumuli which appear to belong to this period. Until now, however, we have not a single human skull from the Danish shell-mounds, nor from any Swiss lake-dwelling, which can be referred with certainty to this period. XXX EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. The Bronze Age. 1. The Neolithic Age was followed by a period when bronze was extensively used for arms and implements. 2. Stone, however, was also in use, especially for certain purposes, as, for instance, for arrow-heads, and in the form of flakes for cutting. 3. Some of the bronze axes appear to be mere copies of the earlier stone ones. 4. Many of the Swiss lake-villages and of the tumuli belong to this period. 5. This is shown, not merely by the presence of metal, but also by other considerations. 6. The pottery of the Bronze Age is better than that of the earlier period. 7. Gold, amber, and glass were used for orna- mental purposes. 8. Silver, lead, and zinc appear to have been un- known . 9. This was also the case with iron. 10. Coins were not in use. 11. Skins were probably worn, but tissues of flax and wool were also in use. 12. The ornamentation of the period is charac- teristic, and consists of geometrical markings. 13. The handles of the arms, the bracelets, &c., indicate a small race. 14. Writing appears to have been unknown; 15. Yet there was a very considerable commerce. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxxi 16. It is more than probable that the knowledge of bronze was introduced into, not discovered in, Europe. 1 . It is admitted by all that there was a period when bronze was extensively used for arms and im- plements. The great number of such objects which are presei'ved in our museums places this beyond a dovibt. 2. It would, however, be a mistake to suppose that stone implements were entirely abandoned. Arrow- heads and flates of flint are found abundantly in some of those Swiss lake-villages which contain bronze. In these cases, indeed, it may be argued, that the same site had been occupied both before and after the introduction of bronze. The evidence derived from the examination of tumuli is, however, not open to the same objection, and in these objects of bronze and of stone are very frequently found together. Thus I have shown, by an analysis of the investigations re- corded by Mr. Bateman, that in three-fourths of the tumuli containing bronze (29 out of 37) stone objects also occurred. 3. Some o f the b ronze axes__app£ar _ ±Q Jae mere copies of the stone ones. Such simple axes of iron are still used in Central Africa, where no evidence of a Bronze Age has yet been found, but in Europe they are not met with. xxxii EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. 4. Many of the Swiss lake-villages belong to this period. The Table B. (very kindly drawn up, at my request, by Dr. Keller) places this beyond a doubt, and gives a good idea of the objects in use during the Bronze Age, and the state of civilisation during that period. 5. The absence of metal, though the principal, is by no means the only point which distinguishes the Stone Age villages from those of the Bronze period. If we compare Nidau, as a type of the last, with Moosseedorf, as the best representative of the former, we shall find that, while bones of wild animals pre- ponderate in the one, those of tame ones are most numerous in the latter. The vegetable remains point also to the same conclusion. Even if we kncAV no- thing about the want of metal in the older lake- villages, we should still, says Professor Heer, be com- pelled from botanical considerations to admit their greater antiquity. Moreover, so far as they have been examined, the piles themselves teU the same tale. Those of the Bronze Age settlements were evidently cut with : metal ; those of the earlier villages with stone, or at any rate with rude and blunt instruments. 6. The pottery was much better than that of the earlier period. A great deal of it was still hand- made, but some is said to show marks of the potter's wheel. EDITOE'S INTRODUCTION. xxxiii 7. Gold, amber, and glass were used for orna* mental purposes. 8. Silver, zinc, and lead, on the contrary, were apparently unknown. 9. The same appears to have been the case with iron. 10. Coins have never been found with bronze arms. To this rule I only know of three apparent exceptions. Not a single coin has been met with in any of the Swiss lake-villages^_of this period. 11. The dress of this period no doubt still con- sisted in great part of skins. Tissues of flax have been found, however, in some of the lake-villages, and a suit of woollen material (consisting of a cloak, a shirt, two shawls, a pair of leggings, and two caps) was found in a Danish tumulus which evidently belonged to the Bronze Age; as it contained a sword, a brooch, a knife, an awl, a pair of tweezers, and a large stud, all of bronze, besides a small button of tin, a javelin-head of flint, a bone comb, and a bark box. We have independent evidence of the same fact in the presence of spindle- whorls. 12. The ornamentation on the arms, implements, and pottery is peculiar. It consists of geometrical patterns — straight lines, circles, triangles, zigzags, &c. Animals and vegetables are very rarely attempted, and never -with success. 13. Another peculiarity of the bronze arms lies in b xx-viv EDITOB'S INTRODUCTION. the small size of the handles. The same observation applies to the bracelets, &c. They could not be used by the present inhabitants of Northern Europe, 14. No traces of writing have been met with in any finds of the Bronze Age. There is not an inscription on any of the arms or pottery found in the Swiss lake-villages, and I only know one instance of a bronze cutting instrument with letters on it. 15. The very existence of bronze appears to indi- cate that of a considerable and extensive commerce, inasmuch as there are only two places — namely, Corn- wall and the Island of Banca — whence tin can have been obtained in large quantities. There are, indeed, some other places where it occurs, as, for instance. Spain, Saxony, and Brittany, but only (now at least) in small quantities, though possibly it may once have been more abundant. The earliest source of tin was not, I think, any one of those now known to us, but it is probable that, for many centuries before our era, the principal supply was derived from Cornwall. The intercourse then existing between different parts of Europe is also proved by the great, not to say com- plete, similarity of the arms from very different parts of Europe. 16. Finally, as copper must have been in use before bronze, and as arms and implements of that metal are almost unknown in Western Europe, it is reasonable to conclude that the knowledge of bronze was introduced into, not discovered in, Europe. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxxv Two distinguished arch^ologists have recently ad- vocated very different views as to the race by whom these bronze weapons were made, or at least used. Mr. Wright attributes them to the Romans, Pro- fessor Nilsson to the Phoenicians. The first of these theories I beheve to be utterly untenable. In ad- dition to the facts already brought forward, there are two which by themselves are^ 1 think, almost sufficient to disprove the hypothesis. Firstly, the v/ord /e^Twm was employed in Latin as a synonym for a sword, which would scarcely have been the case if another metal had been generally used for the purpose. Secondly, the distribution of bronze weapons and implements does not favour such a theory. The Romans never entered Denmark ; it has been doubted whether they ever landed in Ireland. Yet while more than 350 bronze swords have been found in Denmark, and a very large number in Ireland also,* I have only been able to hear of one single bronze sword in Italy. The rich museums at Florence, Rome, and Naples do not appear to contain a single specimen of those typical, leaf- shaped bronze swords, which are, comparatively speaking, so common in the North. That the bronze swords should have been introduced into Denmark by a people who never * The Museum at Dublin contains 282 swords and daggers : un- luckily, the number of swords is not stated separately. b2 xxxvi EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. occupied that country, and from a part of Europe in which they are almost unknown, is, I think, a most untenable hypothesis. It is doubtless true that a few cases are on record in which bronze weapons are said to have been, and very likely were, found in association with Roman remains. Mr. Wright has pointed out three, one of which however I cannot admit. But, under any circumstances, we must ex- pect to meet with some such cases. My only wonder is that so few of them should exist. As regards Professor Nilsson's theory, according to which the Bronze Age objects are of Phoenician ori- gin, I will only say, that the Phoenicians in historical times were well acquainted with iron, and that their favourite ornamentation was of a different character from that of the Bronze Age. If, then. Professor Nilsson be correct, the bronze weapons must belong to an earlier period in Phoenician history than that with which we are partially famihar. It would now be natural that I should pass on to the Iron Age ; but the transition period between the two is illustrated by a discovery so remarkable that I cannot pass it over altogether in silence. M. Earn- sauer, for many years head of the salt-mines at Hallstadt, near Salzburg, in Austria, has opened not less than 980 graves in a country apparently belonging to an ancient colony of miners. The results are described and the objects figured in an album, of EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxxvii which Mr. Evans and I have recently procured a copy from M. Ramsauer himself. We hope soon to make this remarkable find known in a more satis- factory manner. For the moment, I will only extract the main facts which are necessary to my present argument. That the period to which these graves belonged was that of the transition between the Bronze and Iron Ages, is evident, both because we find cutting instruments of iron as well as of bronze, and also because both are of somewhat unusual, and we may almost say of intermediate, types. The same remark applies to the ornamentation. Animals are frequently represented, but are very poorly executed, while the geometrical patterns are well drawn. Coins are entirely absent. That the transition was from bronze to iron, and not from iron to bronze, is clear; because here, as elsewhere, while iron instruments with bronze handles are common, there is not a single case of a bronze blade with an iron handle. This shows that when both metals were in use, the iron was pre- ferred for blades. Another interesting point in the Hallstadt Bronze is the absence of silver, lead, and zinc (excepting, of course, as a mere impurity in the bronze). This is the more remarkable, inas- much as the presence, not only of the tin itself, but also of glass, amber, and ivory, indicates the existence of an extensive commerce. xxxviii EDIT(JR'S INTRODUCTION. The Iron Age. The Iron Age is the period when this metal was first used for weapons and cutting instruments. During this epoch we emerge into the broad, and in many respects delusive, glare of history. No one of course will deny that arms of iron were in use by our ancestors at the time of the Eoman invasion. Mr. Crawfurd considers them to be more ancient than those of bronze, while Mr. Wright maintains that the bronze weapons belong to the Roman period. I have already attempted to show, from the fre- quent occurrence of iron blades with bronze handles, and the entire absence of the reverse, that iron must have succeeded and replaced bronze. Other argu- ments might be adduced ; but it will be sufficient to state broadly that which I think no experienced archaeologist will deny — namely, that the objects . which accompany bronze weapons are much more archaic in character than those which are found with weapons of iron. That the bronze swords and daggers were not used by the Romans in Cajsar's times, I ha,ve already at- tempted to prove. That they were not used at that period by the northern races, is distinctly stated in history. I will, however, endeavour to make this also evident on purely archteological grounds. We EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xxxix have several important finds of this period, among which I will specially call your attention to the lake- village of La Tene, in the Lake of Neufch^tel. At this place no flint implements (excepting flakes) have occurred. Only fifteen objects of bronze have been found, and only one of them was an axe. Moreover, this was pierced for a handle, and belonged therefore to a form rarely, if ever, occurring in finds of the Bronze Age. On the other hand, the objects of iron are numerous, and comprise fifty swords, twenty-three lances, and five axes. Colds have also been met with at this station, while they are entirely absent in those of the Bronze Age. The only other find of the Iron Age to which I will now refer, is that of Nydam, recently described at length by M. Engelhardt, in his excellent work on ' Denmark in the Early Iron Age.' At this place have been found an immense number of the most diverse objects — clothes, brooches, tweezers, beads, helmets, shields, coats of mail, buckles, harness, boats, rakes, brooms, mallets, bows, vessels of wood and pottery, 80 knives, 30 axes, 40 awls, 160 arrow- heads, 180 swords, and nearly 600 lances. All these weapons wei'e of iron, though bronze was freely used for ornaments. That this find, as well as the very similar one at Thorsbjerg in the same neighbourhood, belonged to the Eoman period, is clearly proved by the existence of numerous coins, belonging to the xl EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. first two ceiituL'ies after Christ, although not one has occurred in any of the Bronze Age lake-villages, or in the great find at Hallstadt. It is quite clear, therefore, that neither bronze nor stone weapons were in use in Northern Europe at the commencement of our era. A closer examination would much strengthen this conclusion. For instance, at Thorsbjerg alone there are seven inscriptions, either in Runes or Roman characters; while, as I have already stated, letters are quite unknoAvn, with one exception, on any object of the Bronze Age, or in the great transition find at Hallstadt. Again, the significance of the absence of silver in the Hallstadt find is greatly increased when we see that in the true Iron Age, as in the Nydam and other similar finds, silver was used to ornament shield-bosses, shield-rims, sandals, brooches, breast- plates, sword-hilts, sword-sheaths, girdles, harness, &c. ; and also for clasps, pendants, boxes, and twee- zers, while in one case a helmet was made of this comparatively rare material. The pottery also shows much improvement, the forms of the weapons are quite diff'erent, and the character of the ornamentation is very unlike, and much more advanced than that of the Bronze Age. Moreover, the bronze used in the Iron Age differs from that of the Bronze Age, in that it frequently contains lead and zinc in considerable quantities. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xli These metals have never been found, excepting as mere impurities, in the bronzes of the true Bronze Age, nor even in those of Hallstadt. These finds, moreover, clearly show that the inha- bitants of Northern and Western Europe were by no means such mere savages as we have been apt to suppose. As far as our own ancestors are concerned, this is rendered even more evident by the discoveries of those ancient British coins which have been so well' described and figured by Mr. John Evans.* In conclusion, I would venture to suggest that the Government should be urged to appoint a Royal Conservator of National Antiquities. We cannot put Stonehenge or the Wansdyke into a museum — all the more reason why we should watch over them where they are ; and even if the destruction of our ancient monuments should, under any circumstances, become necessary, careful drawings ought first to be made, and their removal should take place under proper superintendence. We are apt to blame the Eastern peasants who use the grand old monuments of Egypt or Assyria as mere stone-quarries, but we forget that even in our own country, Avebury, the most magnificent of Druidical remains, was almost destroyed for the profit of a few pounds; while, recently, the Jockey Club has mutilated the remain- * The Coins of the Ancient Britons. xlii EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. ing portion of the Devil's Dyke on Newmarket Heath, in order to make a bank for the exclusion of scouts at trial races. In this case also, the saving, if any, must have been very small ; and I am sure that no society of English gentlemen would have sanctioned such a proceeding, if they had given the subject a moment's consideration. In this short Introduction I have purposely avoided all reference to history, all use of historical data, because I have been particularly anxious to show that in Archfeology we can arrive at definite and satisfactory conclusions, on independent grounds, without any assistance from history; consequently regarding times before writing was invented, and therefore before written history had commenced. I have endeavoured to select only those arguments which rest on well-authenticated facts. For my own part, however, I care less about the results than the method. For an infant science, as for a child, it is of small importance to make rapid strides at first : and I care comparatively little how far our present views stand the test of further investigations, if only we are satisfied that our method is one which mil eventually lead us to the truth. John Lubbock. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. xliii SKIOO oooo ooooo 83 = lis saouBi saAprg saxy BpioAvg S^UOUTBIUO ffJlOOXl-I[ST^ "* kf3 !>. O O O CO .-H .-1 r-H O CO so lO iM VC CO O tt) O O O i-H O- CO (N r-l t> a O vo CO W3 CO (M .-I O «0 O ■^JH W5 tjl ■* rH saAToa CO (M i-( t>- rH i^ ■^ : (N '-H moz O CO O -+1 i-H O CO l>- CO CO (M (N ■019 *S93[BLI O OS o t- CO CO O CO 03 «0 .-H OT saxy O --^ O CM O O O N .-I i-H O 3 !Z5 xliv EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. TABLE B. Celts and fragments . . g S 1 1 % i 1 < o 1 23 7 6 13 1 6 11 67 Swords ... ... ... ... 4 4 Hammers 4 ... 1 ... 5 Knives and fragments . 10? 19 14 22 19 8 9 193 Hair-pins 611 53 239 183 237 22 22 1,367 Small Rings .... 496 28 115 195 202 14 3 1,053 Earrings 238 42 36 116 ... 3 5 440 Bracelets and fragments 55 14 16 21 26 11 2 145 Fishhooks 109 12 43 71 9 2 1 247 Awls 95 3 49 98 17 262 Spiral wires .... ... 46 50 5 101 Lance-heads .... 27 7 4 2 5 2 47 Arrow-heads .... ... 5 1 ... 6 Buttons ... 1 28 10 10 49 Needles 20 2 3 4 1 30 Various ornaments . . 15 5 7 18 3 1 49 Saws ... 3 ... ... 3 Daggers ... ... ... ... 2 2 Sickles 18 12 1 2 7 1 4 45 Double-pointed pins . . 75 ... ... ... ... 75 Small bracelets . . . 20 11 31 Sundries 96 3 5 16 ... 4 124 Total .... 2,004 208 617 835 539 73 69 4,345 EDITOE'S INTKODUCTEON. xlv W5 oo Oi »o 1 o o 1 ^ tH >. 00 (M CO o ^ CO Oi iM o o (M Ai ? « oo „ lO CO CO s CO t^ < Sj S 3 1 a S E \n i; ^ iC o ^g ja , i f-I 1 ^ a ^ M tn 1 CO 1 -* OS w g m S ^ ^ 1 2 ^ CO ■i Oi are tolerably thin and broad, and at others again this form is even more flatly convex than fig. 151, and instead of narrow sides, there is a rounded edge. (See PL VII. fig. 152.) Occasionally also it is less tapering. These axes occur also both ground and rough-hewn, especially in the north-east part of Scania, where, however, they mostly are of diorite. Occa- sionally this form of axe is quite round (PI. VII. fig. 162) ; it resembles the former in so far that it tapers towards the upper part, sometimes almost into a point, both sides at the lower part being equal and roundly sharpened. An axe of this form is said to have been once found in a bog in Scania, still fixed in its rude shaft. Straight axes of the same general form as fig. 158, but always smaller and with a hole in the broad side near the upper part (PL VIII. fig. 165), though rather scarce, are occasionally found in the south of Sweden and in Denmark. They are never of flint, but always of a talcose material or of greenstone. As I have previously mentioned, there are never any drilled holes in flint tools. These axes have been mounted as fig. 158, and through the hole a strap or a wooden peg has been passed, in order to fasten it more firmly to the handle. (Compare ' Nord. Tidskr. for Oldkyndighet,' vol. i. page 425, Tab. II. tig. 11.) I have seen such an axe found here in Scania, with a F 2 68 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. I. projection a little above the middle, as also one with a projection, but without any hole. (PI. VIII. fig. 164.) To this division belong, probably, the edge-tools round which runs a transverse furrow (PI. VIII. figs. 166, 167), unless, indeed, they have not rather been wedges Avith which to split wood. The haft has rested in the furrow, and may have consisted of some round flexible withe (a willow-shoot, for instance), which has been twisted round the blade, foi-mlng a handle to steady the wedge while it was driven into the wood by means of a club. This form is never of flmt. Fig. 167 is of hornblende, and was found in a bog near Lund; fig. 166 is of diorite, and was found in the ground near Gaddarod, in the parish of Horrod, also in Scania. Class II. — Implements jyrovided icith a Hole for the Handle. These are never of flint, but generally of basalt or of diorite, occasionally of gneiss, potstone, or of horn. Implements of this kind are not so numerous as those above mentioned, in the ethnographical collections Avhich I have had an opportunity of examining. This may be owing either to their being rarely found amongst existing savages, or perhajjs more to their not having been preserved bj'^ travellers, because, ge- nerally, it is the war weapons of the savages rather than the implements used in daily life which have been brought to our museums. But that these arti- cles of antiquity, pierced for handles, have belonged to the aborigines of Scandinavia, is proved by their On. I.] HAMMERS AND HAMMER-AXES. 69 being found together with the implements described above, even in the gallery-tombs, which belong exclu- sively to the Stone Age. They may be divided into : — A. Those in which the Edge, or sharjyened Part, has the same Direction as the Handle. To this belong : — § 1. Rammers (Plate YIII. fig. 172) of stone, and (fig. 171) of stag-antlers, found amongst stone im- plements in a peat-bog. They have a shaft-hole close under the centre, and they end in a straight or flatly convex square bottom, the top being sharpened lilie a wedge. They are of a variety of shapes. The first, fig. 172, is of diorite, and of a very convenient shape. It was found in a bog in Scania, and fell into the hands of a carpenter, who provided it with a handle and used it a long time in his workshop as a hammer. Fig. 171 is made of a stag's antler, and has an oblong square hole for the handle, formed, no doubt, with a small straight chisel. Hammer-axes. — In these, as in the former variety, the hole for the handle is near the middle ; but they are distinguished by a diff^erent form. Among them I reckon PI. VIII. fig. 179; it is nearly boat-shaped, roundly compressed, broadest in the middle, with the side edge either sharp or rounded off, or cut straight off into a flat surface ; it ends below in a more or less distinctly marked knob, and the haft-hole in its back is surrounded with a raised edge. Hammer-axes of this form are often made of a grey diorite, and some- 70 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. I. times of black basalt. The haft-hole is small in com- parison to the weight of the hammer itself, which seems to prove that the handle must have been short. That this form belongs to the pure Stone Age we may infer from the circumstance, that one of them was found together with other things made of stone, namely, an axe of flint, one of greenstone, a narrow gouge, and a polygonal grindstone (PI. II. fig. 15). They were in a bank of gravel at Arendala, near Lund. A hammer-axe of this description was found, in 1842, at Katslosa, together with three broad gouges of flint. They were lying in a stone cist 12 feet long, 4 feet broad, and 4 feet high, constructed of boulders cemented together, each of which was a heavy load for a man. In another similar grave were lying a broad chisel and several flint-flakes. Hammer-axes of this shape are sometimes very beautifully wrought ; as PI. VIII. fig. 178, the ori- ginal of which is made of basalt, well polished, and was found in a heap of stones at Hurfva. A similar one was found in the so-called King Roe's Cairn. The specimen figured in PI. VIIF. fig. 169 is dis- tinguished by having a keel ridge along the side, and by the haft-hole, which is not surrounded by a pro- jecting edge; the top consists of a large convex knob. It is made of diorite. Specimens resembUng PL VIII. fig. 163 I also take to be hammer-axes. It is remarkable that they are, in most instances, made of porphyry, which does not occur in Scania, where, however, this form of hammer-axe is frequently met with. PL VIII. figs. Cn. I.] AMAZON AXE. 71 176, 177, which also have the shaft-hole near the centre, appear to me to have been battle-axes used during the actual Stone Age, as well as during a later period, even so recently, indeed, as the Iron Age. The former is proved by their being found in the gallery- graves; the latter, by their being found sketched amongst the war weapons from the Iron Age, on the incised rocks in the province of Bohusland. (Com- pare Nilsson, ' Bronsaldern,' page 56.) § 2. Amazon Axe (fig. 173). — Stone weapons of this kind are rather variable, and the central part is often much shorter than the figure here referred to, resembling that sbown in fig. 174. The original of this sketch is from the south of Scania, and is preserved in my collection, but is not finished, there being no hole for the handle; but this weapon is always known by both ends being much expanded and more or less sharpened. It is exactly like the axes with, which the Amazons are armed, wherever we see them represented. On a marble sarcophagus in the Museum of the Louvre, at Paris, bearing the inscription, '• Sarcophage trouve a Salonique en Macedoine,^ the warriors wield axes with one edge and a pointed sharp back ; but all the Amazons have such two-edged axes as the one here sketched. The Amazons are represented with such axes even in other places also; for instance, on some antique friezes in the British Museum. In a treatise on ' The Sword of Tiberius ' (in German, 4to., with coloured engravings), an Amazon is also represented with a similar axe. It is called ' Amazon axe.'' 72 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. I. Xenophon mentions it in the ' Anabasis,' iv. 4 ; and Horace speaks of ' Amazo7iia securis ' in the Odes, iv. 4, 20.* § 3. Helved Wedges (PI. IX. figs. 183, 184).— These are commonly very large, thick, and square, made of a heavy kind of stone, and have one end sharpened, the other forming either a rounded or a square flat surface. The shaft-hole lies nearer the butt than the cutting end. These have been called axes for throvring; it has been thought that in battle they were thrown at the enemy, and various accounts have been referred to in confirmation of this opinion. It has been alleged that Thor's hammer, Mjolner, was thrown from the hand, but it has been ovei'looked that Mjolner had the peculiar property of returning of its own accord to the hand of its owner. Reference has also been made to a sentence in Wilh. von Poitier's ' Historia Guilhelmi Conquestris,' in which he says : '■Jactant Angli cuspides * This form of axe occurs with us during the Stone Age, not only of the full size of stone (PI. VIII. figs. 173, 174), but also in the shape of small ornaments of amber for women (PI. VIII. fig. 175), found also in gallery-graves in West Gothland amongst other ornaments of amber. But Avhat appears to me to be very remarkable, in an ethnological point of view, is that exactly the same form of axe which was worn as an amber ornament by the women in the North during the Stone Age, was worn by Grecian women, being, however, in that country made of gold. In the comedy of 'Eudens' (the Shipwreck), by Plautus, Act iv. Scene 4, vv. 112-116, it is said that the girl Palcestra, from Athens, amongst the ornaments given to her as a child by her parents, had also received such an axe, in miniature, of gold (' securicula anceps'), inscribed "ivith her mother's name. This coincidence is very difficult to account for. It appears to me to be one of those circum- stances which deserve the attention of the comparative ethnographer. Ch. I.] WEDGES AND IIOES. 7:3 et diversorum generuTn tela, scevissiviasque secures et lignis imposita saxa;' but one ought to remember that the word jactare does not always signify to throw from the hand^ but that it often signifies to brandish, or swing backwards and forwards ; for instance, jac- tare ccestus, to brandish the battle-axe. Liv., '•jactare brachia,^ to throw one's arms about. Virg., ' Jineid,' V. 376 : alternaque jactat BraoHa protendens, et verberat ictibus auras. That these stone implements now in question could not have been used with a long handle is evident from their being too heavy and unwieldy, and the shaft-hole being too small. The shaft which was fastened in this little hole must therefore have been too slender to allow such a heavy axe being brandished as a weapon, or applied in daily use to wood-cutting or any similar purpose. These wedges appear to me to be most suitable for being held in the left hand by a short handle, and driven into wood by blows from a club held in the right hand. I have therefore called this form handled wedges ; that is to say, a wedge intended for a handle or shaft. I also class among the shafted wedges, PL VIII. fig. 170, made of a stag's antler. B. Those in which the Edge, or sharpened Part, lies across the Shaft. Hoes. — It is certainly possible that there may also be found axes of this form, but they must then have been cross-axes, or cooper's adzes. But I have never yet seen any of this kind with shaft-holes. The only 74 THE STONE AGE. [Off. I. implements of this shape which I have met with have evidently been hoes. I have two (PI. YIII. figs. 1^0, 181), which resemble each other in this, that the sharpening in both is more rounded on the front part, otherwise thick and convex, and that the hole is nearest to that part which is not sharpened. One of them (fig. 180), which is of basalt, has the shaft-hole lying upwards in an oblique direction, so that the person using the hoe may be able to avoid stooping while at work. In the other (fig. 181), made of the horn of an elk, the shaft-hole is straight and oval ; it has not been drilled, but scooped out with some sharp instrument, probably a flint. We see distinctly how this hoe has, by constant use, been worn quite smooth up to, and even above, the shaft- hole. Both these hoes were found in peat-bogs in Scania ; the one of stone in the Oja bog, near Ystad, and the other, of elk-horn, in a bog at Sjorup. A hoe made of a stag's antler is sketched on PI. XV. figs. 256, 257, a third of its natural size. It was found in the south of the province of Scania, and probably in a peat-moss. It is not certain that these implements have belonged to the same time and to the same people as those who built the gallery-graves, nor is it quite certain that these hoes have been used in actual agriculture. It must, nevertheless, be acknowledged, that if agriculture, as seems most probable, consisted originally in burning tracts of forest, and then somng among the ashes, these rude hoes must have been very suitable for such operations. Future discoveries will, no doubt, in time, solve this as well as other questions. Cn. I.] BATTLE-AXES. 75 PL IX. fig. 186 shows US the form of an imple- ment, of basaltic material, not unlike a hoe, but with- out a shaft-hole. It is possible that it may have been fastened by means of a strap, or by bast, to a shaft bent at the end, something like the cross-axes of the savages (for instance, PI. VII. fig. 150), and that it actually has been a hoe, notwithstanding the want of a shaft-hole. DIVISION IV. SOME TORMS OF STONE IMPLEMENTS WHICH CANNOT SATISFACTORILY BE CLASSED AMONGST ANY OF THE FOREGOING DIVISIONS. To these belong, first, the Battle-axe (PL IX. fig. 189). — This implement is provided with a shaft-hole, and has four pointed arms projecting in different direc- tions. It was found in the province of Bohusland, and is preserved in the Antiquarian Museum of Lund. It was formerly regarded as the anchor of a boat — an opinion which I also shared ; but it seems to me now more probable that it has been a battle-axe. This is, however, by no means certain. A nearly similar instrument, on which are engraved several zigzag lines, has been copied and described by Mr. G. Bruse • witz, in his beautiful work, ' Elfsyssels Historiska Minnen,' page 271. This specimen was also found in Bohusland, and is preserved in the Museum at Gothenburg. It seems also to have been a hattle- ajie, provided with a handle. I have not, however, yet found this form among weapons used by modern savages. 70 THE STONE AGE. [On. I. 2. Flint-flakes (PI. II. fig. 24).— These are long, thin, occasionally somewhat bent inwards towards the point; sharp on both sides; on the inner side flat, on the outer provided with one, two, or even several longitudinal ridges. They were obtained by a single blow on the upper end from a hard stone, as though peeled off from a flint-core or nucleus. These nuclei are not rare: one is represented in PI. II. fig. 23. For evident reasons, no two are exactly alike. They are sometimes found of considerable length. Flint- flakes are the simplest and oldest among the flint implements known. They were used as knives, and also for various other purposes. Of these flint-flakes, for instance, different weapons have been formed. The arrow-point (PI. II. fig. 38) is merely such a flake, at one end of which a shaft- point for attachment has been chipped. Fig. 39 re- presents another, the edges of which have also been chipped. The square-edged arrows (PL II. figs. 36, 37) are made of such flakes, which have been chipped crosswise, after which the edges of the flakes have been formed. 3. Scrapers (PI. IX. fig. 188). — This implement of flint occurs of various forms, though the one end is always rounded, the other elongated sometimes to a slender handle ; on one side convex, on the other flat, or even concave, being a flake struck right off by a single blow. Similar stones have been met with in use amongst the Greenlanders, for scraping the hair off skins or hides. There is, in the Museum at Copen- hagen, a similar scraper, from the most northern Ch. I.] ICE-CHISEL. 77 parts of North America, provided Avith a handle of wood, with indentations for the fingers of the person using it. 4. The stretching Implement, represented in PL IX. fig. 185, ought, I think, to stand next in order. The widened part, representing the edge, has been rounded ofi" by constant wear^ probably from being rubbed against leather or something of that kind. A person who has lived many years as a mechanic in Green- land, thinks that he has discovered a great resem- blance between this stone implement and the bone implement, provided with a handle, which is there used for stretching the skuis in order to give them the requisite softness. A somewhat similar stretchuig implement of iron is stUl used in those parts of Scania where the winter dress of the peasantry consists of sheep-skin coats. 5. The Ice-chisel (PL VI. fig. 141).— The imple- ment here sketched veiy closely resembles the ice- chisel of the Greenlanders, and I have therefore given it the same name. They occur chiefly near the coast, and are found in greatest number at Lindormabacken, on the coast of the Baltic, and below the Widskofte estate. It may possibly have been intended for an axe ; but the greater number are so rude, and of such forms, that it is impossible to guess for what purpose they were intended. 6. The rough-edged Arrov} (PL II. figs. 36, .37). — These small hewn flint articles are found in abun- dance on Lindormabacken, among the above-named ; they are of the same form, though less in size, and 78 T[1E STONE AGE. [t!H. I. like them, but are rarely found in other localities. Their purpose has long been a matter of doubt, but in a bog in Denmark a similar flint-stone has been found attached to a slender shaft, which proves it to have been an arrow. Regarding this, it may be re- marked that in the Egyptian department in the British Museum there are a great number of arrows, M^hich are provided in front or at the point of at- tachment with a metal pin, and end in an expanded transverse edge. The shafts are of wood, very long, and have m the back end an indentation for the bow- string. One of these arrows was provided with a flint-flake lying crosswise. In Rosellini's 'Monument!,' PI. XV., is the figure of a man shooting an arrow from a bow just Hke those in the British j\luseum. On PI. CXVII. many warriors are sketched with bows and rough-edged arrows. 7. Gimlet or Aiigerl (PI. 11. fig. 25). — Amongst our antiquities we find some with drilled holes, even from the pure Stone Age. The savage of that age under- stood the art of drilling holes. Implements with bored holes are, however, never of flint, generally of basalt and traj), sometimes of gneiss and potstone, even of horn. The savage did not understand boring holes in flint. We sometimes find among collections of antiquities, flint axes with shaft-holes; but if we oljserve them more carefully, Ave shall find that these holes have not been made by the hand of man, but are the traces of some natural hole in the flmt. The savage did not drill the hole, but sometimes chipped the edge of it more or less, so as to be enabled to use Ch. 1.] GIMLET. 79 it as a shaft-hole. I have seen several such flint axes, both in the Museum at Copenhagen and elsewhere. Though we have only been able to guess hitherto how the savage bored the shaft-hole in his axes, j'ct we seem near the truth, as we are even able to call experience to our help. During a visit to Oro pilot- station, on the coast, in the province of Ostro-Gotha, I saw a fisherman engaged in drilling holes in flat slate boulders, to use as plummets for his fishing-line. He worked his gimlet, or auger, with a drill-bow (spcirrborr), and the gimlet itself was of iron, not pointed, as one would suppose, but of the above-men- tioned form and with a rough edge, like a small chisel, or screwdriver. The hole made in the stone with it was not rough in the bottom, but scooj^ed out, just such as is found in those stone implements where the bored hole is more or less deeply indented from the surface, or like the indentations on hammer-stones, to place the fingers upon during use. I conclude from this, that the savage used a similar gimlet, or drill, and that his flint gimlet had the same form as that of the Oro fisherman, namely, that of a small chisel. If, as I suppose, the stone (PI. 11. fig. 25) has been a gimlet, then the pointed end has, probably, been fastened in a handle, and the rough end used for boring. We meet with stone axes now and then, made of basalt or diorite, and bored with a centre-bit ; and Avhen they have not been quite bored through, a plug is always present in the intended hole. These stone implements, which are never found in gallery- graves or in our oldest bogs, I consider as belonging 80 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. I. to the age when metals were in use, and most likely to the Iron Age. I have heard it said that such bored holes were made with a wooden pin and wet sand, but this I consider as an impossibility. I have before me now an axe of diorite, on which there is the commencement of such a hole. It consists of a circular ring, very small, and evidently made with a metal instrument. 8. Anvil. — The instrument sketched on PL IX. fig. 187 is rough, and made of a hard quartzy sand- stone. The lower half of this instrument is nar- roAver than the other, nearly square, with two broad and two narrower sides; the upper part is thicker, somewhat rounded, and finishes with a flat even sur- face. It is considered to have been a smith's anvil, but this is somewhat doubtful. The age even to which it belonged is uncertain. 9. PI. XI. fig. 214 seems to have been a hunting- whistle. It is made of an antler, and is found at the bottom of one of the bogs in Scania. It is evident that it has been a whistle^ and it does not seem impro- bable that it was used on hunting excursions, particu- larly as we know that even during the pure Stone Age dogs existed, and were probably used in the chase. 10. PL X. fig. 204. A punch, made of an antler. 11. The Saw (PL V. fig. 93).— This mstrument, which has already been mentioned, is very like a lance- point, sharpened and thin at the base, where it was fastened to the haft; but from the many teeth at regular distances from each other, I am disposed to think that it has probably been a saw. Ch. I.] SAWS AND STONE BEADS. 81 12. PI. X. fig. 205 is an implement of flint, the use of which I cannot guess. It is oblong square, very thin, chipped on both sides, and with all four edges sharpened. It is not a common type. 13. Stone Beads Generally of a porous kind of fine sandstone, and provided with a round hole in the centre. They are of various forms and sizes; from 1 to If inch in diameter, either flat on both sides, in which case the}' are generally smooth (PL IX. fig. 199), or tapering upwards, and in that case usually fluted horizontally, or also rounded on both sides with a raised border round the hole (PL IX. fig. 192). The former are the rudest, and appear to be the most ancient. They are found in the earth and in peat-bogs, and where they are met with at all they generally occur in great numbers. I suppose that they were used as plummets for drag-nets^ and con- sequently for the same purpose for which leaden balls are now employed. Some of these stone plummets are considerably larger, and appear to me to have been used as flies in a spinning-wheel. 14. (PL X. fig. 208.) This is an instrument made of hard sandstone, oblong, and with six grooves running lengthwise, between which are rounded ele- vations. Possibly this was used to keep the threads separate while bast-rope was twisted. It is out of a peat-moss in the south of Scania. 15. (PL XV. fig. 260.) An oblong round pebble of flmt. Along the one side it is evenly ground, flat convex, and seems to have been used as a rubbing- G 82 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. I. stone, for pressing down smooth seams. This form is not uncommon. DIVISION V. — ORNAMENTS. To these belong all wrought and pierced articles of amber, whether large or small. They vary in shape; sometimes they resemble stone plummets, but are more frequently smaller in size (PI. IX. figs. 194, 197), occasionally, however, as large (PI. IX. fig. 198; com- pare 199 of stone and 197 of amber); sometimes they have other forms, resembling stone implements in miniature. Thus we have those which in shape resemble axes, hammers, wedges, hammer-axes, and so on. The form shown on PL IX. fig. 195 is no doubt intended to represent on a small scale some kind of stone implement not yet discovered. That these amber ornaments have been worn round the neck is quite certain, as they have actually been found surrounding the neck of skeletons in gallery- graves.* Together with stone implements and the amber beads just described, glass beads (PL IX. figs. 201, 202) of a very rude manufacture are sometimes found in the old Scanian bogs, and in galleiy-graves. The hole in them is not diilled, but has been either blown, or made by passing some hard instrument of metal or burnt clay through the molten mass ; and there is no other trace of grinding than that the edge, pro- jecting round the hole on one side, has been gromid * Gotheborgs Handl., 1806, page 93. Monuments on Axevalla Plain. Ch. I.] ORNAMENTS. 83 away. They thus show us the infancy of the art of glass-blowing ; but yet it is scarcelj^ to be supposed that they could have been fabricated by the same people who made use of axes and chisels of stone. They must be referred, undoubtedly, to some foreign nations who had commercial intercourse with the savage aborigines of Scandinavia, and who bartered their glass beads and similar wares for amber, furs, and other produce, in the same manner as in our own days goods are exchanged between Europeans and the savages in North America and in the islands of the Pacific. The teeth of wild animals, pierced through and used as ornaments, have also been found in gallery-graves. To this series belong also some objects made of stone. Such an ornament, consisting of fine sand- stone, is shown on PL IX. fig. 196 ; they are but rarely met with. With these are probably to be classed the articles shown on PI. IX. figs. 192, 193, which are sometimes made of stone, sometimes of burnt clay. I am also of opinion that the ornamented ohject of bone represented on PI. IX. fig. 200, has belonged to this class. It was found in the earth at Bjellerup, in Scania. There is another in the Copenhagen ]\Iuseum, made of amber, and ornamented with the same figures. § 3. Buttons of Amber (PI. IX. figs. 190, 191).— It is not difficult to see how these have been used; a strap, provided with a knot at one end, has been passed through the hole, and has been attached with the other end to one side of the dress (the skin G 2 8i THE STO>!E AGE. [Ch, I. with which the savage was clothed) ; to the other side of the dress was attached a strap, forming a loop by way of button-hole. A great number of such buttons are often found lying together. It is possible that the stone objects shown on PL IX. figs. 192, 193, may have been buttons, and that they may have been used in the same way. DIVISION VI. — VESSELS OF BURNT CLAY OK STONE. The vessels of burnt clay, which are found together with stone implements and skeletons in the most an- cient graves, cannot have been placed there to hold the ashes of the dead, as in those times dead bodies were not burnt. They were evidently deposited in the grave from the same motive as other household furniture belonging to the departed; it may there- fore be assumed that they were in daily use by the aborigines : we do not know for what particular purposes, but these may have been manifold. The larger vessels have no doubt been used as kitchen utensils for boiling meat, because those who know how to burn clay for pots would also understand how to boil meat for food. Most of the existing savages understand this mode of cooking, although they more frequently broil or roast their meat, fish, and other food. The natives of the Brazils also possess burnt clay vessels, which are made by hand. After having first formed the bottom of the vessel, they roll the clay into a long thin cylinder, lay it in a circle on the bottom, and form the border out of it ; on the ('II. I.] BUILNT CLAY AND STONE VESSELS. Sr, top of this they place another similar cylinder, then paste the two together with water, and polish the vessel inside and outside with a shell. Continuing their work in this manner, they give the vessel any shape and form they please. When completed, they impress some kind of ornament on the surface. When the vessel has been finished, they burn it in fire, in the open air, as verbally described to me by Dr. Katterer. The clay vessel here represented on PI. X. fig. 20D, and which was found by the Rev. M. Bruzelius in the above-mentioned tomb, in the Asahbgen, near Quis- tofta (see ' Iduna,' vol. ix. p. 2":' 5), has evidently been made by hand, without a potter's wheel, and in the same manner as the clay vessels of the South Ame- rican savages, and the ornaments on the surface seem to have been made with a wooden peg, or something of that kind. The vessel has no ears, but the edge, which runs round the middle, is on both sides pro-\dded with two holes, and there are two smaller similar holes just below the border round the top. It is evident that a strap has passed through these holes, forming a kind of handle, and that it has been fastened in the border at the top by means of another thinner strap, which has passed through the two smaller holes. The vessel not being more than 4f inches deep, and of about the same width at the widest part, it can- not well have been used for cooking; but it has most probably been employed for raising and car- rying water for drinking. Burnt clay vessels are found among most of the existing nations, savage as well as civilised, and they 86 TUB STONE AOE. [Ch. I. are likewise found in all sepulcliral mounds, from the earliest period up to the close of paganism. Fragments of vessels from North America, exactly- like ours from the earliest ages, and ornamented in the same manner, are found together with stone imple- ments also resembling ours. I have, however, not had an opportunity of care- fully examining a sufficient number of clay vessels, out of graves from diiFei'ent ages. This subject, therefore, I must leave to the more careful researches of others. Plate X. fig. 210 represents a vessel rudely formed and scooped out of a compact limestone belonging to the chalk formation. It has been tolerably round, not deep, and provided with a thick round border. On one side is a small scooped-out ear: whether a corresponding one was found on the opposite side, where the border has been knocked off, cannot now be seen. It was discovered in a gravel-pit; it is therefore doubtful to what period it belongs. DIVISION VII. IMPLEJIENTS WHICH HAVE BECOME WOEN OUT OK BROKEN THROUGH USE. By carefully enquiring into the manner in which implements have become worn, we can frequently as- certain the way in which they have been used. We have already du-ected the reader's attention to the sloping edge of the worn and re-ground square axe, and inferred therefrom that this axe must have been provided with a long handle or haft, somewhat like that of our wood-cutter's axe. 3h. I.] WORN AND BROKEX IMPLEMENTS. 87 We have further shown that in a great number of ;he implements which are provided with a haft-hole, ;his has been very small in comparison to the size )f the implement itself; and we have from this cir- jumstance drawn the conclusion that the handle could lot have been long. It must have been tolerably- short in the hammers (PL VIII. figs. 169, 172, 178, 179), in the hammer-axes (PL VIII. figs. 176, 177), rery short in the helved wedges (PL IX. figs. 183, 184) ; Dut it may have been tolerably long in the Amazon ixe (PL VIII. fig. 173), and very long in the hoes ^Pl. VIII. figs. 180, 181, and PL XV. figs. 256, 257). We find, further, in the hammers, distinct traces of tnuch wear on the knob and on the sides, as well as 3n the sides of the wedge. If they had been used merely as weapons of war, they could not have been svorn in the same manner. We find, moreover, imongst the helved wedges some so much worn down that only a small part of them stil] remains (PL IX. fig. 184). We draw from hence the conclusion that they must have been used in every-day life, and that they could not have been worn in such a manner as they are, if they had merely been battle-axes; still less if they had been lying in pagan temples as symbols : whereas this would have been the result if they had been used for wood-splitting or some such work. This remark applies also to some of the carpenter's ixes(PL Vn.figs. 158-160, as well as figs. 151, 152). We can easily see by the sloping edge of the much- R'-orn and frequently re-ground axes (figs. 159, 160), 88 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. I. that they have been employed for working in wood. Sometimes implements with shaft-holes have been broken right across while being used at work ; after Avhich they have been provided with a new hole (PL X. figs. 206, 207). Equally illustrative of our subject is the manner in which the spear (PI. XIII. fig. 225) has been worn while being used. This spear has evidently been of the same length, size, and shape as PI. in. fig. 55. It has been inserted in the shaft to about 1^ inch of its length ; but has, while being vised, been broken straight off near the shaft ((he pin having previously been broken off"), and has then with its broader end been wedged into the shaft to a depth of about 1^ inch. Afterwards, having become blunted by frequent use, it has been repeatedly sharpened on both edges, almost down to the shaft, by means of a hammer-stone, in shape Hke PL I. figs. 6, 10, or PL I. figs. 1, 5. The broad part fixed in the shaft gould, of course, not be worn, for which reason the spear-point, when inserted in the shaft, lias got a marked indenta- tion in both edges. I have in my collection several such worn-down and broken-off^ spear-heads. This wear and tear shows that the savage was in the habit of always sharpening his pointed hunting weapons by means of a hammer-stone; and there is no doubt that he carried with him on his hunting excursions a portable instrument for this purpose. The spear-head (PL XIII. fig. 226) has evidently also been sharpened by means of such a tool, so that its blade, which originally resembled the spear-head (PL III. fig. 44), has ultimately become almost as sharp III. I.] IMPLEMENTS REMODELLED. Kf» ,s an awl. Spear-points worn in the same manner ire not uncommon in collections. All this coincides perfectly with the explanation vhich I have given already (at p. 10) of the articles )f antiquity (PI. I.) which I have called hammer- itones, i.e., chipping-stones or hones, and to which ex- planation I have been led by the unmistakable traces ivhich they show of blows against some hard stone. In several of the antiquarian museums in Europe there are knives and harpoons of flint obtained from ihodern savages, worn and sharpened in a similar man- ner ; and we know now that in such cases hammer- stones have been used very much like those of ancient times. On the upper end of broad gouges, such as PI. VI. figs. 139, 140, we often see distinct marks of blows dealt upon them by clubs while scooping out wood. DIVISION VIII.- — IMPLEMENTS WHICH HAVE BEEN TEANS- rOEMED INTO IMPLEMENTS OE ANOTHEE KIND. We meet not unfrequently with stone implements which have evidently been formed out of a broken fragment of a tool belonging to a totally different class. I will mention a few which are preserved in my former collection, now in the Academy at Lund ; but as it would be very difficult to make any intelli- gible sketches of them, I do not attempt to do so. 1. Square narrow chisels made out of a spear-shaft, as is perfectly evident at a glance. 2. Axe made out of a large broken knife-blade. 00 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. I. 3. Axe, narrow and rounded at top, formed out of a worn-out broad axe. 4. Spear-head, somewhat like PI. III. fig. 44, made out of a large knife-blade. 5. Arrow-head, like PI. III. fig. 48, made out of tlie point of a knife-blade. 6. Semilunar knife, transformed into a saw or toothed spear-head, PI. V. fig. 90. These facts show (what, however, now scarcely needs a proof) that the above-mentioned stone objects have been employed as tools in every-day use ; and that they have, while being so used, become worn, reshai'pened, and broken, and that the fragments have been made into other kinds of tools. I ought, finally, to remark that sometimes, though very rarely, we find that even the aborigines of this country, who possessed weapons and implements only of stone, bone, and similar materials, endeavoured to sketch outlines of their animals. I have figured two such sketches (PL XV. figs. 258, 259) on a hoe made of a stag's antler (PL XV. figs. 256, 257), found in a bog in the south of Scania. These are evidently first attempts in the art of drawing, and can in no wise be compared with the masterly sketches of the savages in Perigord, who have so well figured their reindeer and other animals. 11. 1.] AWLS. 01 APPENDIX. PI. XVI. figs. 263-265 are of bone, and seem to afi^e been a kind of awl for boring holes in skin, and 30 on. That they could not have been used as needles is proved by the projecting knob on the upper end : the hole at the end and sides shows that these, like the small whetstones (PI. II. figs. 18-20) were carried in a strap attached to the belt. These forms, so far as I know, were not known before their recent simulta- neous discovery in Sweden and Denmark.* They belong to the Stone Age, and have been found in Sweden in a gallery-grave at Luttra, in West Goth- land, and in Denmark, in a similar tomb on the island of Seeland;f formed of a bear's and wolfs tusks pierced through, and having served doubtless as ornaments worn round the neck. Figs. 26(', 268, belong to the variety already described on page 77, and sketched in PI. II. figs. 36, 37. They are again brought forward here to show how much this form varies. Fig. 269 is a piece of a ground axe, very roughly hewn into a chisel. Fig. 270 represents a stone disc, ornamented with circular concavities, and was probably used as a button. Figs. 271, 273, we will describe in Chapter III. * See the AntiquarisTc Tidskrift for Sverige, vol. i. page 262, fig. 17 ; Aarboger for Nordish OldJcundighet, vol. iii. page 213, PI. III. figs. 7, 9. I AntiquarisTc Tidskrift, vol. i. page 2G4, figs. 201, 2G2. i>2 THE STONE AGE. [Cii. II. CHAPTER II. EETEOSPECT OF THE "WHOLE COLLECTION, AND AN ATTEMPT TO DKAW FROM IT A POSITIVE EESULT. I WILL coramence this chapter by citing a few opinions which have been expressed about these an- tiquities, but which I cannot consider correct. As long as it was taken for granted, without any proof, that all these implements had belonged to one and the same tribe, namely, to the warlike, man- sacrificing Goths, from whom we ourselves descend, so long these antiquities were pronounced to be wea- pons of war and instruments of sacrifice, or sym- bols of worship of the Gothic heathen god, Thor. But it appears to have been forgotten that the most ancient records of this very people unmistakably in- dicate the then existence of still ruder tribes, whom they had found in the country on their arrival, and with whom they had bloody feuds ; nor does it appear to have been remembered that these more ancient, and still ruder people, in order to subsist, must necessarily have had implements, which were doubtless rude, like themselves. We must either sup- pose that no other race than the present ever lived in the country, or else we must admit that many of our ancient implements may have belonged to this more ancient people. We shall enquire in the fol- 'n. II.] IMl'LEMEXTS, NOT WEAPONS. 0.3 owing chapter whether several separate tribes did ive here ; in this, we will enumerate the usual modes )f explaining these antiquities, and state why we ;aTmot consider them to be satisfactory.* Thus, first, respecting the supposition that they ivere merely weapons of war. Let us glance over :hem, from the first to the last, to decide which of chem were exclusively made use of for that purpose. No one can suppose the fish-hooks (PL 11. figs. 28, 29, and 30) to have been ofi"ensive or defensive weapons. Fishing-weights (PL II. figs. 31-35), if they were fixed at the end of a string, might certainly be used as weapons of war in case of need ; but that they were not intended for this purpose may be inferred, partly because similar sinkers are still used by savage people, and partly from the fact that they have nowhere been met with, so employed, amongst savages, although it is to their weapons of war that the attention of Europeans has been espe- cially directed. Plate III. figs. 43, 45, 47, 48, represent harpoons, which are so similar to those still used by savage people, that their purpose cannot be questioned. The small flint arrows (PL V. figs. 94-98) resemble those which are still used in some places for shooting game ; that they have, however, in case of need, sometimes been used as weapons of war, we have also evidence. As to the curved knives (PL V. figs. K7-90), the * The reader will please remember that this was written for the first edition, upwards of twenty years ago. Now, perhaps, some of it may be considered superfluous. 04 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. II. chisel, the convex axe, the cross-axe, &c., no one, I think, can suppose that any of these instruments were manufactured expressly to be used in war. The re- maining forms are, the spear, the knife, the flint-pointed pike-shaped arrow, the straight axe, the hammer, and the hafted wedge. 1. With regard to the spear (PI. III. figs. 55, 57), it appears at first sight as if it may have been a formidable weapon of war ; but if we look into the matter a little more closely, we shall probably come to a different opinion. A man who goes to war does not go like an assassin against a defenceless victim, but in open battle against an armed foe. Thus it is evident that a warrior armed with such a thin brittle flint spear would get it broken at the first onset, and become disarmed. This long and thin flint spear could not therefore be fit for a weapon of war. It has been asserted that it would be the more fatal if it were broken in the wound; but here again the thought is of murder, not of war. I will not deny that the lance may possibly, on some occasions, have been used as a weapon of murder ; various things have been used for the same purpose. But that it was chiefly used as a hunting weapon we may learn from the savages of North America, who still use similar flint spears for the chase (PI. III. fig. 54, page 39). 2. The axe is so necessary an instrument of daily use, even amongst the rudest savages, that we can- not suppose it to have been exclusively a weapon oi' war. The savage here in the North required wood for warmth, timber for building Ids hut, a boat for ;h. II.] IMPLEMENTS, NOT WEAPONS. or, ishing, &c. For all this the axe would necessarily )e required. How this was worn down by use, was sharpened and again worn, so that the edge became lacked like that of our own wood-axes, we have ilready shown (PI. VII. figs. 159, 160). It is quite impossible that an axe, which was only used for war, could be thus worn out to the stump, and get a hacked edge: this could arise only from daily use. 3. Thehaftedwedge(Pl.VI.figs. 129, 130). This has been called the mace of war, and the hammer (PL VIII. figs. 172, 179, &c.), the hammer of war; as if in those remote times mankind did not require anything to subsist on, but only to fight with ; they are not. allowed to have had any implements, but only weapons. But, it is manifest, by the manner in which these antiquities were worn by daily use (in particular the haffced wedge), that they Avere em- ployed as wedges to be driven into wood by a mallet. We do not, however, mean to deny that the savage, in case of emergency, may have seized upon it, to defend himself against an attack. 4. The knife exactly resembles the New Zealand stone knife on PI. III. fig. 65, which certainly was used for domestic pui'poses. 5. The sharpened arrow (PI. II. figs. 39, 40) may no doubt have been used in war ; but it is likewise a suitable hunting weapon, and well adapted for killing the larger mammalia.* * That suoh sharpened arrows as PI. II. figs. 39, 40, have been found in tumuli on the plain of Marathon, where the Persian army 90 THE STONE AGE. [Cn. II. From this we can perceive that all the stone imple- ments which have been described and sketched here are perfectly suitable implements for a rude tribe, Avhich subsisted here in the North principally by hunting and fishing; that most of them could not even have been used for weapons of war, and that almost all the rest while in use were worn in such a manner as to show that they were employed for peaceable and domestic purposes.* It has likewise been asserted that all spears and knives were used as sacrificial knives in the worship of Odin. It is perhaps possible that a few may have been used for that purpose, and that the wor- shippers of Odin, who, however, evidently already had metal for implements and weapons, used flint for sacrificial knives. f was beaten by the Athenians, under the command of Miltiades, a countryman of mine, who has visited the battle-field, told me a few years since. But this kind of arrow was likewise used for hunting larger animal^, and it is probable that it was with such an aiTow that the Urus, the skeleton of which is now in the Zoological Museum at Lund, was woimded (though not killed). * I do not, however, mean to deny that some of them were ui=cd in war. 'We have reason to suppose that every tribe, when they still remained, in the lowest degree of civilisation, would use both implements and weapons of war made of flint, when this kind of stone was to be found. Even the Egyptians appear, during the most ancient times, to have made use of flint points for arrows and spears as weapons of war. Such were found by Mr. Brugsch on Mount ^inai, where, in olden times, according to tradition, an Egyptian garrison had been quartered. — Wandeningen nach den Tiirlcis-Mineii i/nd der Sinai-Halbinsel. Leipzig, 1866. (Page 71.) •]■ It is quite possible that flint knives were occasionally used at these divine services, but neither history nor even tradition, as far as I have hitherto been able to ascertain, relate anything of the sort. E. II.] RELIGIOUS IMPLEMENTS OF STONE. 97 Such was, we know, the case with several ancient ations, and many instances of it occur in history. V^hen the Jews journeyed out of Egypt, they were Iready well acquainted with iron, and yet Zipporah, be wife of Moses, circumcised her son with a sharp tone ; * and when Joshua again introduced the sacra- lent of circumcision, which had been forgotten during he wandering in the desert, he used the same instru- lent that had formerly been used for that purpose, amely, the stone knife.f As far as we know, circumci- ion was practised by the Egyptian priests — it belonged the ceremonies of reception in their order ; and ,ccording to Herodotus,^ the Egyptians used a sharp ilthiopian stone at the embalming of their corpses. This last-named statement corresponds also perfectly vith the fact that there are in the Egyptian antiquarian collections which I have seen at Berlin, and at Paris, n the Louvre, besides arrows and other weapons aade of metal, some sharp-edged implements of flint, vhich probably, therefore, were used at the embalm- ng. The Phoenicians, likewise, after they had become .cquainted with the use of metals, took sacred oaths Q Stiirloger's Saga (chap, xviii.) we are told of a house of offering 1 Bjarmaland with the images of Thor and Odin. The priestess raved in her hand a short two-edged sword — perhaps a sacrificial nifc — the two edges of which appeared to sparkle. Therefore it ras bright, and consequently of metal. Nowhere in our records is lention made of a sacrificial knife of flint ; such were, however, robably in existence nevertheless. * Ex. iv. 25. t Josh. v. 2. X Herod., book ii. chap. Ixxxvi. II 98 THE STONE AGE. [On. II. at the altar in this manner. The person about to be sworn held a lamb in the left hand and a flint knife in the right, vowing by gods and man that if he broke the promise given, the god might slay him the same way that he killed the lamb.* When the Horatii and the Curiatii were to decide the fate of Rome and Alba by single combat, the Romans were no doubt well acquainted with weapons of metal, and yet Livy re- lates (' Histor.,' chap. i. 24) that the priest, at the sacrifice, killed the victim with a flint knife ; and other instances might be mentioned. In the same manner it is possible that the worshippers of Odin (who evi- dently, until the introduction of Christianity, offered human sacrifices,! in accordance with a barbarous custom, which, no doubt, had its origin far back in ancient times) used flint knives at their sacrifices; although, if such had been the case, it appears strange that it is nowhere mentioned. But even if the prac- tice of human sacrifice be admitted, independently of historical testimony, there is no connection between it and the flint knives and flint spears which lie in the gallery-tombs ; at the most it may serve to explain those which, with metal weapons and burnt bone- splinters, are occasionally to be found in more recent * Corn. Nep. Ilainiib., edit. Kuchen. f It is singular, liowever, that human sacrifices are nowliere spoken of in the Eddas. (Comp. Finn Magmisen, Edda Sam.) This is nevertheless a proof, amongst many others, that the Eddas are not much to be depended on for historical knowledge as to the worship- pers of Odin and their devotional customs. More trustworthy information is obtained from the first missionaries and from the proceedings of the worshippers of Odin in foreign counti-ies. Cn. II. J RELIGIOUS IMPLEMENTS OF STONE. 09 heathen tombs. The former have, as already sliowii, no doubt been used chiefly for hunting. It is well known that some antiquaries have thought themselves justified in pronouncing these stone wea- pons to be symbols of a primeval fire-worship. It has been asserted, e.g., that the flint axe was a re- ligious symbol, which in its substance (the flint) con- tained the holy fire, and in its shape (the wedge) betokened the quality of lightning ; namely, to cleave. Such explanations may possibly be considered inge- nious, but they want every trace of historical as well as ethnological proof. They betray, moreover, a paucity of information which alone ought to have prevented any such rash suggestions. Any one who will but glance over an extensive collection of these antiquities, may easily convince himself that objects of exactly the same shapes occur, not only of flint, but likewise of greenstone (aphanite, diorite), basalt, slate, &c., even of bone, deer's horn, and other sub- stances, which certainly do not contain any ' holy fire ; ' and yet they had undoubtedly the same signi- fication and object, and answered the same purpose as the articles of flint, together with which they are found. By this simple observation, the hypothesis is thus thoroughly refuted. The very small specimens which are sometimes to be met with, resembling the large ones in everything but their size, and which have likewise been regarded as symbols, if they were not ornaments, were perhaps made for boys, to give them an early training in the use of arms. Thus the Greenlanders are said to provide their boys with H 2 100 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. II. suitable small ' kajaks ' and darts. Such, on the other hand, as are made of amber in the shape of axes, &c., were ornaments like those of the Greeks, which were made of gold. (See page 72.) Having, in the preceding part, described and sketched, one by one, our most ancient antiquities of stone and bone, and having, as far as possible, com- pared them with those instruments of the same mate- rials which are still made use of in some countries, let us again throw a glance over the whole collection, that we may, as it were, bring together into one single view the scattered ideas which it has given us respecting the degree of civilisation and mode of living of the people who used them. In the first place, we find similar implements among all people who still remain at a very low stage of human civilisation ; and amongst them only. We have seen that similar implements, as late as the last century, were used by the savages of New Zealand, 'J^ahcite, Easter Island, Nootka, California, Boothia, Greenland, Australia, and pai'ts of North America; but wherever civilisation has diffused her light they haA'e been thrown aside. Hence we may safely come to the conclusion, that the people who, in Scandinavia, made use of similar implements, stood in the same low degree of civilisation as these savages. Secondly, we have seen the very same kind of chisels, both of stone and of bone, from New Zealand (PI. VI. figs. 129, 130, 132, 133), and from Scania and Moen (PL VI. figs. 127, 128, 131) ; similar chisels with hafts, from Nootka (PI. VI. fig. 135), and from On. II.] MATERIALS OF EARLY IMPLEMENTS. 101 Denmark (fig. 136) ; spears of flint and bone from Scania (PI. III. figs. 55, 57, 58), and from the most northerly parts of North America (PI. III. figs. 54, 56) ; fish-hooks of flint and bone from Scania (PI. II. figs. 28-30), and of the same kind of bone and shell from Taheite (PI. 11. figs. 26, 27) ; straight axes from Tierra del Fuego (PI. VII. fig. 155), both of flint (PL VII. fig. I53) and copper (PI. VII. fig. 148), and one perfectly similar of shell, from California (PL VII. fig. 147); hammers from Scania made of diorite (PL VIII. figs. 169, 172) and of stag's horn (PL VIII. fig. 171), &c. From all this, we come to the conclusion that in Scandinavia, as in the South Sea Islands and in America, the savage did not con- fine himself to one single material for his imple- ments, but had resort to any suitable substance that he could obtain. Thirdly, we may infer the mode of living of the people who made use of them. That these people practised angling, both in the sea and the lakes, is apparent by the fish-hooks and the places where these have been found ; that they practised hunting on the water with harpoons and spears, like the savages of North America, we can tell by their per- fectly similar implements. They also, like the latter, made use of the dart or the fowling-arrow (PL VI. figs. 124-126), which could not be used except on the water. The savages of Scandinavia consequently had boats. These seem to have been excavated trunks of trees, for the broad gouge ( PL VI. figs. 189, 140) has evidently been used for excavating 102 THE STOXE AGE. [Ch. II. wood.* They knew the use of fire, for they under- stood how to burn clay into vessels, veiy much like those made by the savages both of South and North America. They also had, no doubt, like these latter, huts in which to live. These huts were probably of the same shape as the sepulchral huts (PI. XIV. figs. 243-246, or figs. 249, 250), in which latter the aborigines were deposited after their death, doubled up in their graves in the same posture as that in which they had during their lifetime been accustomed to sit in their huts. (See Chapter III.) In order to build their huts, they must have used various kinds of tools: the felling-axe (PL VII. figs. 158-160, 153) for felling the trees and chopping the logs ; the chisel (PL VI. figs. 127, 134) to cut holes in them, etc. For splitting wood, they probably used the hafted wedge (PL IX. figs. 183, 184), which they drove in with a mallet, for traces of blows are to be seen both on the plane of the mallet and on the wedge. They used buttons (PL IX. fig. 191); conse- quently, they did not merely wrap themselves up in whole hides, but had clothes which were cut out. These clothes were probably made from the skins of those animals which they killed in the chase.f For * It is remarkable that the denomination iha, which is still the name for such excavated boats, both in Scania, where they also are called eka, as well as in Norway, is derived from a Lapland word {Ui-dn,\. 3, page 27G). Christie has found a number of Lapland words in the Norwegian dialects, and a great many of those which he cites are to be found as well in the Scanian dialect. + If we carefully examine the earth roiuid the skeletons in our gallery-tomba, or tumuli, we may possibly find in them hair from the skins in which the corpses were wrapped when they were deposited Ch. II.] LIFE OF SCANDINAVIAN SAVAGES. 103 cutting these clothes they must have used a knife; perhaps chiefly the curved knife (PL V. figs. 87, 88, 91): possibly also such an instrument as PI. VII. figs. 151, 152, They possessed the dog, like almost all other savage nations; but, like them, they had hardly any other tame animals, at least we have no satisfac- tory evidence that any bones of other animals have been found in their tombs, while there are many of the dog and various wild animals, such as the "wild boar, the hedgehog, the wild cat ( ?), the stag, the elk, etc. No images are found amongst them, and they had evidently no knowledge of written language ; neither letters nor hieroglyphics ; for on their monu- ments, tombs, urns, or implements, we never meet with any sign of letters. Neither do we find amongst them any evidence of the use of metals, either ham- mered or cast. A remarkable fact in this branch of ethnography is the great resemblance that exists amongst the stone implements of nations of difi"erent tribes, during very difierent periods and in the most distant countries of the earth. If the question were asked, whether we could infer from the resemblance of the imple- ments that they had belonged to one and the same tribe, we must, after a strict examination, answer No ; they only indicate the same degree of civilisation. To give a few decisive proofs of this thesis, I have here, on PI. V. figs. 99-103, 106-111, sketched similar stone arrow-heads, with a tongue for the shaft, from various in the tomb ; and in that case we can infer whether these skins were of deer, seal, etc. 10 i THE STONE AGE. [Ch. II. distant parts of the world; also (fig. 113) a triangular arrow-head from Scania, and (fig. 114) a similar one from Pennsylvania. But above all, the small heart- shaped arrow-heads (fig. 106) of flint, fi'om Scania, and (fig. 107) of obsidian, from Tierra del Fuego, both of which are, with regard to shape and mode of construction, even in the most minute details and Avhen closely viewed with a microscope, surprisingly similar, as if they had been made by the same hand and on the same day.* And yet there is between their places of origin such a vast distance as the space between Sweden and Tierra del Fuego; and such a gulf of time, that the one was made about twenty years ago, and the other is at least from 2,000 to 3,000 years old. Indeed, it is hardly possible to explain the close resemblance between the fishing-tools and hunting weapons of the most distinct savage nations, as to time, place, and origin, without assuming that all of them, in one and the same low degree of civilisation, contrived these hunting weapons f instinctively, and in consequence of a sort of natural necessity. We are urged to this supposition, as we find even very com- plicated fishing and hunting implements of exactly * The resemblance is even gre.'Hter than is here shown on the Plate. •j" If any one objects that the difference of the implements as to materials (see page 78) proves that they were made at will, and refutes the theory of instinct, I will only remind the reader that although the beaver builds its houses, and the birds their nests, by instinct, every zoologist knows that they are modified, more or less, even in one and the same species, according to access to different materials and local circumstances. )h. II.] HUMAN AND BRUTE INSTINCT. 105 he same kind with all savage people from pole to )ole. Thus, for instance, the bow and arrow, thovtgh I very ingenious contrivance, is found amongst almost ill, even the rudest savages; and, as already shown, i'ery different races of men have instruments which u'e, not only similar, but even, so to say, identical. I lave in another place enlarged on this subject.* I see here the evidence of a higher Wisdom, which has iistributed to man natural weapons, with, however, ;he power of discarding them as he improved in civili- sation. The lion received from nature his shai^p jlaws, the bear his muscular arms, and the wolf his powerful teeth ; Ijut they received them as parts of, and inseparable from, the individual. They cannot be improved.f Every lion is still, with regard to disposi- tion and action, exactly such as lions were thousands af years ago. Man alone can make progress ; he alone 3an throw aside his first rude weapons and alter them according to his improved cultivation and more refined activity. I may here add, that man, in order that he might become the most powerful, was made at first the weakest. Through that alone he was induced to develope his higher talents ; for it was not by bodily strength, but by the power of the mind that he was to be the king and lord of the earth. * Public discourse at the meeting of the Scandinavian Naturalists at Stockholm, 1842. f See Note 5. 106 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. HI. CHAPTER III. A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE ANCIENT CEANIA POUND IN SCANDINAVIA AND THOSE BELOHGING TO THE RACES NOW LIVING THERE. With the stone implements, which were described in the first Chapter, there are not unfrequently found in our ancient tumuli, skeletons of the people who used these ancient weapons in life, and were buried with them after death. In our oldest peat-bogs we like- wise occasionally discover ancient crania associated with implements of stone. I have in another place expressed an opinion that it would be easy to decide to what particular race and tribe those people belonged who in Sweden employed implements of stone and of bones of ani- mals, etc., if we would only carefully examine the skeletons, and more especially the crania, found be- side the implements in ancient sepulchres. I now propose to undertake such an investigation, in as far as it is feasible with the assistance of the materials which I have at my command. I propose to compare the fossil crania vsdth those of the races now living amongst us. But before proceeding to my task, I ought to pre-- mise that this subject (craniology), so highly im- Ch. in.] COMPARISON OF CRANIA. 107 portant to ethnography, Avas in a very unsatisfactory condition until our illustrious countryman, Professor Anders Retzius, published his system of classification of human skulls. He first enunciated this system in his remarkable discourse at the Meeting of Naturalists at Stockholm in 1842, ' On the Form of the Crania of the Inhabitants of the North,'* when the races of man were for the first time classified, according to the shape of the skull, into gentes dolichocephalce (long- headed) and brachycephalce (short-headed), and each of these again were subdivided into orthognathce and prognathce. Since then the learned professor has com- pleted his system, with indefatigable diligence and sagacity, by unceasingly working upon the foundation which he then laid down, so that craniology has at last grown into a science resting upon a firm and solid foundation. f Before the publication of this sys- tem, which made an epoch in the craniological depart- ment of ethnology, it was generally supposed that the Laplanders and the Esquimaux, for instance, be- longed to one and the same race. J Professor Retzius has proved that they belong to entirely different * Report of the Third Meeting of the Scandinavian Naturali.sts at Stockholm, 1842, page 157. f After the lamented death of Professor Anders Retzius, his son, Dr. Gustaf Retzius, collected his father's lectures on this subject, and published them in the German language, in a very well illustrated edition, under the title of EthnograpMsche Schriften von Anders Retzius, nach dem Tode des Verfassers gesammelt. Stockholm, 1864. Filial love has thus raised an imperishable monument to an illustrious father. J Cuvier also adopted this view in Le liegne Animal. Paris, 1829. Vol. i. page 84. 108 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. III. races : that the Laplanders are bracliycefhalce ortho- gnathce ; and the Esquimaux, on the other hand, doli- chocefhalce prognathce. The two most essentially heterogeneous races, now inhabiting the Scandinavian peninsula, belong to the gentes orthognathce ; but one, the Laplanders, are, as already mentioned, brachycephalic^ while all the others are dolichocephalic. These latter being com- paratively the most numerous, we shall begin by examining them. I consider the sketches given here of a cranium of a Swede (PL XIL figs. 227-229) to represent the true type of the so-called Germano-Gothic race, now the most general in Sweden, and the more so as Pro- fessor A. Retzius himself has acknowledged it to be such in his paper at page 166 (page 6 of the German translation). The sketch given by Professor Retzius in ' Ethnologische Schriften' (PI. I. fig. 1) also agrees with this. In my first edition, 1838, 1 have described in the following manner the same cranium, of which I here reproduce the figure on a somewhat reduced scale. - Seen from above (fig. 228), the skull presents an oval, or rather, an elongated oval figure, a little broader at the back than in front, but rounded in both parts. The greatest length, measured from the most prominent part of the forehead to the most prominent part of the occiput, is, in proportion to the greatest breadth, measured across the crown of the head, as 4 to 3, or as 9 to 7 ; the line of contour at the sides of the frontal bone is directed forward, not obliquely inwards. The coronal suture, formed by n. III.] TYPICAL SWEDISH CRANIUM. 100 he frontal and parietal bones, divides the cranium ito two parts, of which the one situated behind the uture is much longer than that in front of it. Seen sideways (fig. 227), the upper contour of the lead forms an evenly curved arch, descending in front ,t the forehead almost perpendicularly, and a little nore sloping behind the vertex, with a slight depres- ion over the projecting occiput. If a line be drawn )arallel with the upper edge of the jugal arch, the lighest part of the arch formed by the contour of the (•ertex Avill generally be at, or in front of, the coronal suture. The height from the external auditory aper- ure to the crown is equal to two-thirds of the dis- tance from the arch of the eye-brows (arcus supra- jiliares) to the most projecting part of the occiput. Seen in front (fig. 229), the forehead is high and roundly arched, the jugal arches passing obliquely backward : the face appears to have been rather oval than round, which form is chiefly the efi'ect of the hio'h forehead and the more elongated upper jaw- bones. More or less projecting brow-ridges ; a more or less deep depression beneath them, above the root of the nose ; a longer or shorter, a straight or more aquiline nose, with a more or less projecting bridge, and a lai'ger or smaller nasal aperture, etc., are only in- dividual and casual varieties. The same is the case with the greater or less unevenness of the facial bones in those places where the muscles have their attach- ments; the former indicates strong, and the latter weak facial muscles, and in this respect we meet with 310 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. III. p;reat individual varieties in the existing race to which we ourselves belong. As I think that the method adopted by Professor Retzius in describing human crania is undoubtedly the right one, and as, moreover, it is the one now most generally followed, I shall here give an extract from his description of a cranium, such as I have described above. He says : * — ' The shape of the skull, seen from above, is oval ; the greatest length is in proportion to the greatest breadth as 1,000 to 773, or nearly as 9 to 7. On an average, the greatest length from the glabella to the most projecting part of the tuber occipitale is 0"190m. ; the breadth in front (between the anterior part of the temporal fossas) 0'107 m. ; the greatest breadth posteriorly (immediately behind the temples), 0"147 m. ; the greatest circumference of the skull over the glabella and the tuber occipitale, 0*540 m.; the height of the cranium, from the anterior edge of the foramen magnum to the highest part of the crown, 0-135 m. ' The contour of most skulls is somewhat straight in the front part of the forehead ; the superciliary ridges are in general strongly developed, and the skull behind its line of greatest breadth becomes narrower towards the occiput, and is produced into a strongly projecting, rounded prominence. ' The greatest breadth of the cranium falls most frequently below, and a little in front of the parietal * Keport of the Meeting of tlie Naturalists at Stockholm, 18-12, jDage 162. H. 111.] TYPICAL SWEDISH CRANIUM. Ill minences which lie in front of the commencement of he occiput and more at the side of the sliiill; these minences are, however, often wanting, or they are ounded off and project but slightly. ' The hinder part of the parietal bones and the agittal suture between them slope backwards. Tlie ipper angle of the occipital bone is situated low lown ; the lambdoidal suture is visible on the lateral lurfaces of the cranium. The margins of the attach- nents of the cervical muscles (lineaB semicirculares najores) meet together at nearly a right angle, lying jelow and in front of the very projecting occipital ipine, which generally projects, forming in adult males I considerable eminence. ' When the skull is viewed sidewaj^e, the occipital protuberance also appears very large, as a prominence bounded superiorly by an indentation above the angle Df the lambdoidal suture, or at the spot where the large fontanelle was situated, which constitutes an essential characteristic of crania of this type. ' In consequence of this considerable elongation of the occiput, the outer auditory opening comes to lie farther forward than in the skulls with short occiputs. If, for example, one imagines a plane, passing through the two outer auditory openings, intersecting the cranium at right angles, this plane will intersect the longitudinal diameter very near its middle ; fre- quently it intersects it exactly in the middle, more rarely in front, but occasionally a few millimeters behind the middle. Another consequence of the lengthened occiput is, that the temporal lines do not 113 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. III. extend so far back as in the skulls with short occi- puts, but are situated, like the inferior and posterior angle of the parietal bone, entirely upon the side of the cranium and do not encroach at all upon the occipital aspect. It should be remarked that these lines diverge posteriorly from the borders of the attachments of the temporal muscles, which pass nearer the squamous suture of the skull directly across to the zygomatic process. ' Seen from underneath also, the Swedish crania are characterised by an elongation of the occiput, which causes the outline to be elliptic. In order to define this elongation, we may imagine a straight line drawn through both the outer auditory orifices. If on this line, as a chord, an arc be drawn roimd the most convex part of the occiput, the height of the arc will be nearly equal to the chord. It is to be observed that the line referred to will intersect the anterior border of the foramen magnum, and that the arc at first coincides with the borders of the mastoid processes. The distance between these points, there- fore, easily defines the length of the chord, whilst the distance between the front edge of the occipital foramen and the most projecting part of the occiput represents the height of the arc. The surface to which the cervical muscles are attached, and which is bounded by the superior curved lines, falls entirely within this segment. This surface, corresponding to the cerebellar fosste, in which the cerebellum rests, is in the Swedes nearly horizontal, and does not ascend on the hinder part of the head, but lies in the base Dh. Ill] TYPICAL SWEDISH CRANIUM. 113 3f the cranium, and is very slightly convex. The accipital protuberance corresponding to the cerebral Ebssee, in which are lodged the posterior lobes of the brain, projects considerably behind the cerebellar por- tion. The shape of the occipital foramen is oval ; its iverage length is 0-036 m., and breadth 0-029 m. : in some crania it is pointed, both towards the front and towards the back; in others either only towards the Front, or only towards the back. The mastoid pro- cesses are in most cases large and strong, and are iivided on the inner side lengthwise by a deep narrow iigastric fossa. The pterygoid processes are almost perpendicular. ' If we now direct our attention to the framework 3f the bones of the face, we shall find that, looked at From above, it projects very little beyond the circum- Ference of the brain-case; thus the external angular Drocesses of the frontal bone are small, and the lower orbital edge nearly vertically below the upper one. The malar prominences (the tubera zygomatica) lie mmediately below the external angular processes. This formation is consequent upon the slight prolon- gation or prominence of the jaws. The jugal arches in some individuals pass backwards almost in a straight ine, and widen only near the insertion at the temporal 3ones ; in others they form nearly a regular arch, the ongest convexity of which is in the middle. The dis- ;ance between the greatest convexity of the zygomatic irches is generally from 0-130 to 0-135 m. The ygomatic bone is flattened externally, occasionally ounded and large, and has a malar prominence pro- I 114 THE STONE AGE, [Ch, III. jecting perpendicularly, whereby the whole of the lower edge of the zygomatic arch becomes strongly S-shaped, and an indentation arises frequently below the adjoining malar process of the superior maxillary. ' The circumference of the orbits varies in shape ; in some people it forms a rhomb inclining obliquely outwards and downwards, with rounded angles ; in others a parallelogram, also with rounded angles: sometimes this circumference is oval, sometimes nearly circular ; but generally it inclines obliquely outwards, so that the corner of the malar bone is, as it were, drawn downwards. ' The distance between the orbits, which is occupied by the root of the nose and the ethmoid, is in general broad, as in the other northern races. ' The palate is generally highly arched ; but in many instances it is also seen flattened in front. ' The alveolar process (processus alveolaris) of the upper jaw is high; the distance from the sjsina nasalis externa to the alveolar edge varies from 0'020 to 0"025m. Aline drawn and produced backwards in the direction of the lower edge of the alveolar process, falls a little below the point of the mastoid process, and on the centre of the ascending branch of the lower jaw. The face becomes, for the same reason, long. The average length in men, from the junction of the bones of the nose with the frontal bone to the alveolar edge of the front teeth, is 0"077 m. The canine fossa is, in the majority of skulls, tolerably deep.' With the exception of the Laplanders, who belong to the short-headed people {gentes brachycephalce), Ch. III.] SWEDES AND GOTHS. 115 all the inhabitants of Scandinavia have, from time immemorial untU the present day, belonged to the class dolicJiocephalce. These have, ever since pagan times, chiefly consisted of Swedes (Svear) and Goths (Goter), of which the latter are by far the oldest inhabitants of the country, and their arrival here dates far anterior to the commencement of history, when they were spread over the southern and western districts of the country. The Swedish colonists ha^-e immigrated at a much later period, and were at first settled in the country surrounding the Malar Lake, whence they have gradually spread themselves over the rest of the country. In dialect, as well as in idiosyncrasy, the difference between the two is still very noticeable ; but I must confess that, with respect to the shape of the skulls, they do not appear to me to offer any distinct features by which they can be certainly distinguished from one another. We find also in Gotha (Gota rike), in different districts, a marked dissimilarity in dialect and features ; for instance, in the neighbourhood of . Cimbrishamn, in Scania, in certain districts of Sma- land, and elsewhere ; all which seems to me to imply, that in ancient times settlers arrived from different parts and fixed their habitations in various places. Whether, by assiduously studying the peculiar expres- sions and words in the dialect of each, we shall ' be able to throw any light upon this subject, time must prove. I have in another place* endeavoured to show * Bronzcddern, by S. Nilsson. I 2 116 THE STONE AGE. [Cn. 111. that colonies of Semitic people, employing implements and weapons of bronze, have settled in various places in the southern and Avestern parts of the country; but their crania do not belong to the period now in question. I cannot omit mentioning here a skull of widely different shape, especially on account of the place where it was found. At the meetins: of the Scandinavian Naturalists in Christiania, in 1844 (see 'Reports,' 1847, page 101), I referred to some human skeletons which were dis- covered in the shell-beds, in the province of Bohusland. They were situated high above the level of the sea ; their position, and the undisturbed layers of shells resting upon them, seem to prove that they were not buried there, but that they accidentally perished at the time when these shell-beds were stUl the bottom of the sea. In the year 1843, two human skeletons were found in a shell-bed at Stangenas, in the parish of Bro. They were discovered lying about three feet below the surface of the bed, and the shells in the bed as well as those above the skeletons were found in horizontal layers in a perfectly undisturbed state. The skulls of the skeletons were lying about two feet distant from each other, but the skeletons themselves were lying in different directions ; the legs of one were spread out, the other one was lying straight. Everything seems to indicate that they had perished by some accident, and that part of the beds had afterwards been formed over them. This bed is now at least 100 feet above the level of the sea. :)H. III.] SKELETONS FOUND IN SHELL-BEDS. 117 Duly the two crania were preserved, and they were n a fragmentary condition; they are now in the Museum at Lund. I have here (PI. XV. figs. 253, 254, 255) sketched the larger. But it is not ascer- ;ained whether it belongs to the Stone Period. It is musually large, and appears to me to resemble most learly, though not perfectly, a plaster cast of a cra- lium sent by Sir W. R. Wilde, of Dublin, to Profes- sor Retzius, and said to have belonged to O'Connor, A^ho is called the last King of Ireland, and of whose ikull a plaster cast is preserved both in the Museum )f the Caroline Institute at Stockholm, and in the Zoological Museum at Lund. This cranium is ob- ong, and almost of equal breadth and length, with Doth sides convex and even, above the temporal fossa, 50 that the outlines of the sides form uninterruptedly I rather arched line. In other crania a depression ibove the temporal fossae, more or less perceptible, ivill be observed ; the upper outline is slightly ;onvex; the forehead low. The same form of cra- lium is occasionally met with even in persons now iving. Another cranium which was found many years iince in a niche of one of the catacombs at Malta, and s now pi'eserved in the Zoological Museum at Lund, las a strong resemblance to this form. It was much lecayed, and fell altogether to pieces while being ransported, but it has been skilfully restored. I have, for the sake of comparison, given a pho- ograph of it on PL XVL figs. 271-27 3, and will low briefly describe this cranium, notwithstanding 118 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. hi. that it does not belong to the Stone Age. The fore- head is high and prominent, sloping above and between the eye-brows, which protrude but little, and there is only a slight indentation at the root of the nose. The upper outline is rather straight across the crown of the head, more arched in front, with a small concavity above the eye-brows (glabella), but sloping backwards still more towards the protube- rance of the occiput; the pars hasilaris of the occi- pital bone almost horizontal. The teeth in the upper jaw appear rather protruding. Another form of cranium, which undoubtedly be- longs to the stone age in Scandinavia, is that which occurs in the gallery-graves in West Gothland, and of which I have given sketches on PL XIII. figs. 236, 237, 238. Some of those found in 1863, while searching a gallery-grave near Lock-Garden, in the parish of Luttra, Professor Baron G. von Diiben has measured and described in the following manner : — Length . . 19'00 centimeters Height . . 14-20 Breadth across forehead . 9-70 )J 7J crown 13-80 Zygomatic arch . 1-2-70 Circumference 52-60 Height of face . 6-90 jaw 3-20 With regard to the shape, Baron von Diiben says, in the ' Antiquarisk Tidskrift for Sverige,' vol. i. p. 2 79 : ' The crania are, with one exception, dolichocephalic. ;h. III.] SKULLS FOUND IN WEST GUTIILANP. 119 n the present Swedish race, the length in propor- ion to the breadth is as lOOO'OO to 771'87. In Avelve of those exhumed in these tumuh, and in vhich the proportions could be measured with great Lccuracy, the length in proportion to the breadth was IS 1000-00 to 731-45. Most of them also were rela- ively narrow across the forehead, but they presented n other respects the usual curvature and breadth icross the parietal protuberances, zygomatic arches, fee, and projecting occiput of the Swedish cranium. But by the size of the superciliary ridges and the proportions of the face, they are easily distinguished Tom the existing race. The superciliary arches pro- ect enormously in most of them, and are high and thick. In several of them the face is nearly pro- gnathous; the alveolar edge of the upper jaw projects strongly. If we can in any way judge of the shape jf the nose by the bones, it must have been a very prominent one. The vertical diameter of the orbits svas smaller than in the crania of the existing race ; the horizontal diameter of the usual size. The palatal irch is very high. The teeth, in tvhich caries occurs rather frequently, were for the most part so much svorn at the crown, that the edges had become sharp md cutting ; the masticating surfaces sloping in- (vards.' I have quoted from Baron Diiben this accurate ind minute description of the skulls found in the gallery-graves in West Gothland, in order that we may be able in future to discover by comparison whether the gallery-graves found in other parts of 120 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. HI. Western Europe, in Asia, and in Africa, have also been constructed by the same ancient race which constructed those found in the south and west of Sweden. We now come to the second essential shape of cra- nium, viz., the brachycephalous. It belongs to the European polar race, which we call Laplanders, and to many other races in various parts of the world. A skull of a Laplander, from Stensele parish, is figured on PI. XII. figs. 233, 234, and on PL XIII. fig. 235. If we compare these figures with figs. 227-229, we see at once how much they differ from one another. Seen from above, the head of the Lap- lander presents a much shorter and broader oval shape, which, therefore, much more approaches to the spherical form. This form is not only broader at the back, but also much more square and less protuberant. The greatest length, from the most projecting part of the forehead to the most prominent part of the occiput, is, in proportion to the greatest breadth across the vertex, about as 8 to 7, and to the breadth across the zygomatic arch about as 5 to 4. The contour lines at the sides of the frontal bone slope obliquely inwards. The coronal suture divides the calvaria into two parts, of which the hinder is much broader, but not longer than the one in front. Seen sideways (fig. 233), the upper contour of the head forms an arch rather sloping in front and de- scending rather perj)endicularly at the back, therefore just the reverse of what is the case in the cranium of the Goth. If a line be drawn parallel with the upper !h. III.] . SKULL OF THE LAPLANDER. 121 idge of the jugal arch, the highest part of the curve Lbove it will be found to lie behind the coronal suture, or nearly in the centre between it and the ambdoidal. The height from the external auditoiy jrifice to the summit of the crown is more than three- burtbs of the entire length of the head. Seen m front (fig. 235), the forehead is rather flat, ow, and sloping backwards; the jaw-bones some- what prominent. The face appears to have been much shorter, in comparison with its breadth, than in the joths, and this chiefly proceeds from the low fore- head, the protubei'ant cheek-bones, and the short ipper jaw-bones. Sometimes, but very rarely, a cranium of this kind las been found in Stone Age tumuli amongst the cra- nia of dolichocephalous shape, which is the common iype in such tombs ; the one which I have sketched lere (PI. XII. figs. 230-232) of this description was found many years ago in a gallery-grave on Moen. It 'esembles very much that of a Laplander. (Compare ags. 233, 234, and 235.) The skuU figured on PI. XIII. fig. 239 is that of 1 Lapland woman from Lyksele, preserved in the Museum at Lund; the one given on the same Plate, fig. 240, is copied from a plaster cast, the original of svhich was found in a gallery-chamber at Moen, and iescribed by Professor Eschricht in ' Dansk Folkblad,' Sept. 15, 1837, page 111. Some isolated brachycephalous crania have there- hre been occasionally found in our stone sepulchres ; 3ut it may be taken for granted that the people who 122 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. III. constructed these sepulclires belonged to one of the dolichocephalous races which still inhabit the greater part of the country. We may, however, infer that the Laplanders have been more disseminated in former times than now, partly from the fact that we occasion- ally find crania in our bogs which appear to have belonged to that race, and partly from sundry local names, said to be of Lapland origm, of which we shall treat further in another chapter. There is stUl much wanting to complete our investigations concerning the skulls of all the different races which have inhabited tlie Scandinavian peninsula; but we trust that this department of ethnological science may also reach its full development, since a desire to open and examine scientifically our numerous sepulchral monuments of different kinds has been more generally awakened. We will, in conclusion, here give a synoptical table of the dimensions of the various crania to which we have referred. Cn. III.] SYNOPTICAL VIEW OF CEANIA. 123 ■^ S OB S •S 00 S > t^ Fh o o ^ o o » o CD to '^t Oi (M 03 r^ 00 rH I— ( rH -^ r§ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 ^ ^ OS O O CO o t> o t^ lO O CO r-( y-( CO I— ( rH I— I rH rH IQ rt t- t~ 00 (M O ^ ■ CO (73 CO -^ rH o ^ ^ C3 QJ 13 5D t^ t> 1 1 ■^ 1 ^ O ^ rH o f^g t- o o C5 CO 00 1 1 (N I lO O lO rH (M t^ o tN rH rH ' ' 1 o b 10 f3 c3 t* CO O 1> iO C5 o o ■^ QO CO 05 (M O 1—i ■* o O 1 III 1 1 1 1 CiJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C3 OO 00 <£i t^ r-t C^ o M OO CO OS (N O -^ o m CO ^ C3 CO o rH Tt< CO ■I* rH r-i 1-H rH >o 1 1 1 1 1 tn 00 00 00 (^^ (M -* T H Oi 00 ^ OS ^ ^ a • m the orbit tc alar bone . nee ^.a^ssjo ^. 2 S g ^.2>lm^^^^^^ 1 "& 2 'S C3 C3 o3 'o ^t +3 +3 = cL Qi Qi (D (D -^ S i^ C O (H Si "^ ^ ^ ^H ^ QJ (X) .H 1^ omwM 1-^ 1-1 o ,i3 to P .a- o T2 S y -s +3 el ,5 sS t3 d •13 rt O fH ft CO ■U a P. C3 ri^ Cf-t ^ 01 -rt ^ H 124 THE STOXE AGE. [Ch. IV. CHAPTER IV. SEPTJLCHRAL MONUMENTS BELONGING TO THE STONE AGE COMPAEIRON BETWEEN THESE AND THE DWELLING- HOUSES OF THE ESQUIMAUX. We know scarcely more of the tombs of the primitive inhabitants of Sweden than of their dwelhngs. It is probable that they wandered about scattered in the woods, without any fixed dwellings or burial-places. The sepulchres which we shall here describe were erected of large stones, collected together by main force. They are of two kinds, which in different lan- guages have different names. The one kind we call passage-graves, or gallery -graves (gang-grifier) ; the other dosar (dolmens). We shall first describe the former. Every such tomb has evidently been erected for a whole horde, or for the family of their chief, and was intended to last a long time. These sepulchral monuments do not therefore betray the first stage of a savage state, and we observe that the people who built them had already established a certain social order, although they belonged to the proper Stone period, which preceded all use of metals. They had probably their dwellings in the vicinity of their burial-places. But as regards this distant period, when stone imple- ments only were as yet used in Scandinavia, we cannot with certainty find any traces of dwelling-liouses, inns- Ch. IV.] PIUMEVAL BURIAL-HOUSES. 125 much as these were built more or less below ground, and probably of small stones, or of earth and wood, and would therefore, by the influence of time, have been reduced long ago to dust. But if we do not meet with houses for the living, we do meet with sepulchral chambers, in which the corpses of the dead were successively deposited; and these having, as above mentioned, evidently been burial-places for whole families and generations, it is more than probable that they were built after the same model as the common family-huts, although of more solid materials, and far gi'eater durability. These primeval burial-houses, in which we find stone implements, and skeletons with crania like those already described, and sketched on PI. XIII. figs. 236-238, and on PL XIV. figs. 243, 244, 245, 249, and 250, present a peculiar style of architecture, which cannot be confounded with that of any ex- isting European nation. Nevertheless it is far from being incidental or only of occasional occurrence. On the contrary, a Avhole class of ancient tumuli are of this form, and in them are found, as above stated, implements and weapons of stone only, never of metal. They have special denominations, and are called in North Germany, Hunenhetten ; in Denmark, Jettestuer; and with us, Gang-yrifter. And with re- spect to the people who constructed and occupied them, the skulls found show that with few, perhaps incidental, exceptions, they belong to the dolicho- cephalous race. In order to give at once a diagnosis by which they 126 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. may easily be distinguished from others, I will observe that they have the following appearance and con- struction. They form, generally, an oblong square (sometimes a circle), with flat roof and a long narrow gallery, pointing either to the south or to the east, which, in the square ones, proceeds from the centre of one of the longest sides, and is lower than the sepulchral chamber itself. These tumuli vary in size, but they are all con- structed to contain a number of corpses, occasionally up to twenty or more, of diflPerent ages and of both sexes, according as the individuals of the family or horde by degrees expired. One of the tumuli of this kind which has been most completely described and most skilfully sketched, is that which was opened in 1805 on the plain of Axevalla, in West Gothland (Gotheb. Wett. o. Witt. Sam. Hand., 1.'06, page 82, with Plate; Id., 1808, page 87, with Plate, and also the annexed PI. XIV. figs. 243-5). Two tumuli of an exactly similar form as the one now mentioned were opened by Mr. Hage, in 1836, near Stege, on the island of Mijen, and these I had an opportunity of examining while on a journey there the same year. The walls of such tombs always consist of large, erect, and, at least on the inner side, flat slabs of granite, joined together as closely as possible; the crevices between them are carefully filled up with fragments of stone, to prevent animals of prey from Ch. IV.] PRIMEVAL BUIUAL-HOUSES. 127 penetrating, and attacking the corpses ; the wall inside is tolerably smooth, although we have never observed that the stones were hewn or ground.* The floor of the chamber is sometimes paved with flat stones, sometimes covered only with sand, and the roof con- sists of massive oblong and broad granite-stones, which lie with the flat side downwards across the tomb (fig. 245), the height of which, fi'om floor to ceiling, is from 5 to nearly 6 feet. In the centre of one of the long side walls is an opening from which proceeds towards the east or south (i.e. towards the sunny side, and never in any other direction) a long narrow gallery of upright granite-stones, but lower than those which form the walls of the chamber. This gallery is also covered with smaller granite-slabs, and is commonly 16 to 20 feet long, 2-^ to 3 feet wide, and 3 feet high, having the farther end closed up with a flat stone, by way of door. We find here a remark- able resemblance to the grotto at Aurignac (Haute- Garonne), discovered by Lartetf In this grotto the corpses had also been buried one by one, together with their weapons or ornaments and whatever else * The coarse wall-stones, of which these tombs are constructed, are never hewn. If they were split by the Tiand of man, which seems to have been the case occasionally, it must have been done by placing on the rock burning piles of wood to heat it, and then suddenly cooling it by pouring cold water on it, when it would split. Some of the inhabitants of our forest districts still have recourse to this mode of splitting rocks. + See Lyell, Antiquity of Man, page 182. Lubbock, Prehistoric Times, page 262. 128 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. -was considered to be of use for the life wliich they were thought to continue after death. The chamber itself is usually 24 to 32 feet long and from 7 to 9 feet broad, the breadth generally being about one- fourth of the length. In these burial-vaults the corpses are placed along the sides of the walls in a sitting or lying position ; they are less frequently placed in the centre of the cham- ber. The corpses, often very numerous, being those of men, women, and children, have evidently been buried at diflferent times, and probably during a long series of years. The vault was consequently finished and covered over before any burials took place therein; and the corpses were carried into the tomb through the entrance-door, and this was again closed after each funeral. The chamber appears to have been frequently divided round the walls into cells or stalls, and in each stall a corpse was deposited. The partitions between the stalls were sometimes, when circum- stances permitted, made of flat stone slabs- (as in the tumulus at Axevalla), and where this was the case the corpses are in such good preservation that they were found sitting in their original position, with the legs bent double under the trunk and the fore jiart of the arm raised against the chin. For the most part, however, the walls of the cells were of wood, m which case, when these became rotten and decayed, the skeletons fell to the ground. But that the bodies had originally been sitting in an upright position, we can see by the bones of each skeleton On, IV.] PIUMEVAL BUKIAL-HOUSES. 1:29 lying crosswise in a heap, on the top of which the skull was lying. All the skeletons found in the above-mentioned tumulus at Stege, on Moen, were in this position. I will not, however, deny that skele- tons may also have been found buried in an ex- tended position ; children at least seem to have been buried in that wa}-. With regard to this, it is also possible that the same tribe, in different districts and at different times, may have had a somewhat different way of burying their dead. With each skeleton we find generally one or two, sometimes several, stone implements or wrought pieces of amber ; the former are found amongst the male, and the latter most frequently amongst the female skeletons. Amongst some skeletons which were discovered sitting in a cell filled with sand, were amber beads stiU lying round the neck ; these had, therefore, evidently been worn as ornaments. (' Gotheb. Handl.,' page 93.) These tumuli are, as far as I know, never bare, but always covered, both at the top and round the sides, so that the roof or top-stones are never seen above, and at the sides scarcely ever the outermost gallery- stones. I have since seen such quite bare, and of a gigantic size, on the heath Ekorrewallen, in West Gothland. But the covering material is different in different districts ; in the isle of Moen the tombs were covered with earth forming mould-hills, but in West Gothland they were mostly covered with larger or smaller boulders, and have outwardly the appear- ance of large cairns. (See 'Gotheb. Handl.,' 1806, page 84; Id. 1808, page 87, and ' Iduna,' Part VIII. K 130 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. page 110, PL 11. fig. 1.) All cairns or tumuli, how- ever, do not contain such stone huts as are here de- scribed. It is impossible to judge from the outer form of a tumulus, or cairn, what kind of tomb may be contained therein, or whether such a monu- ment belongs to the Stone, Bronze, or Iron Age. It is only by seeing the tomb itself that we can tell with certainty to which period it belongs ; and if a side gallery be found, we may be perfectly sure that no metal will be found in the tomb. Such half-cross graves, or gallery-tombs, as those described, are mentioned and sketched in many works (' Antiquar. Annaler,' vol. iii. PL II.), and fig. 3 on the same Plate, which represents one found in the isle of i\Ioen ('Antiquar. Annaler,' vol. ii. PL II.). This latter presents this peculiarity, that the gallery is a double one, and that there is a partition-wall in the vault between the two wings. To this ancient time, and to this same people, be- longs also the tumulus which was opened in IS 19 on the Asa-hog, near Quistofta, as described and sketched in ' Iduna,' Part IX. page 285, PL I. figs. A, B, b}' the Bev. Magnus Bruzelius. This ancient sepul- chre is especially remarkable in two resjiects. That it belongs to the same class of ancient monuments as those sketched here, on PL XIV. figs. 243-245, will at once be seen by the long gallery pointing to the south (see 'Iduna,' PL I. fig. B), and we are still more fully convinced thereof by the description, which informs us that a number of flint implements and ornaments of amber were found in it, but not a trace of any metal. Oh. IV.] PKLMEVAL BURIAL-HUUSES. 131 The sepulchral chamber itself is not, like the former ones, an oblong square, but round (see sketch in ' Iduna,' and PI. XIV. fig. 250). This form is unu- sual and highly ]-eraarkable, as we shall show pre- sently. The vault seems, besides, to have been divided by a partition- wall. Another remarkable circumstance which Ave notice in the description of this sepul- chre is that an older series of corpses were interred therem, without any regard to order or regularity, forming a layer, which was covered by a bed of sand, forming a floor, upon which other corpses had in their turn been deposited. This mode of interring the dead has also been noticed in the tumuli in West Gothland. This proves also that the same sepul- chral chamber had been used as a sepulchre for a long period. We occasionally meet with tumuli, especially in cultivated districts, containing square stone graves without a side gallery, in which stone implements have been found; but if we examine them more closely, we shall see that they are mutilated, and that they constitute a wing only of the original gallery- grave; in such cases we always notice more or less distiact traces of the destroyed side gallery. The tumuli here described do not often lie singly, but there are generally several in the same district, frequently placed close together. Most of them lie on high ground, not far from where water was for- merly or is still found, on the banks of which the inmates of -the tumuli appear to have dwelt. Whether any of these tumuli were actually dwelling-houses, K 2 132 THE STOIs^E AGE. [Ch. IV. it is impossible either to prove or to deny. It is Avortli noticing, that in one of the stone huts opened at Stege, on the isle of Moen, no trace of any skele- tons was found, but instead, a great number of stone implements, clay vessels, and amber ornaments. This was also the case Avith one of the gallery-graves, which was examined on the Glanslofs hills. From what has hitherto been stated concerning the ancient tumuli, it appears to me to follow, that the gallery-graves which were constructed by one of the ancient nations here, during the Stone Age, are distinguished from all other ancient monuments by a narrow side gallery, running south or east, and by the chamber itself being sometimes an oblong square, sometimes round. This form, whether of the graves or of the dwellings for the living, we look for in vain amongst any of the German nations.* Neither amongst them, indeed, nor amongst any people of the so-called Caucasian race, so far as I know, have any counterparts to these tumuli been found ; but if we turn to the Esquimaux in Greenland and in North America, we shall find in their winter huts a most surprising similarity to our tumuli. We shall not here enlarge upon this; but so much we may venture to say without being considered as * ' The grave of Harold Harfager, described by Sturlesson, has quite a different form and construction.' (Sturlesson's Kunga Sagor, translated by Jacob Aal, vol. i. page 83.) Such tombs, surrounded by stone columns and with a higher stone at the head and feet, were still a few years since to be seen in the old churchyard at Dahlby, near Lund. The same is the case with the grave of Thyre Dancbod and others. Cn. IV.j SBLILARITY OF HOUSES AND TOMBS. l.'i-'i advocating any hypotheses, since there must be, to every intelligent reader, a great difference between a similarity founded upon comparison and a hypothesis. And whether the similarity here alluded to does in I'cality exist, the reader can easily determine by a glance at PL XIV., wherein fig. 243 represents a tumulus on Axevalla plain, in West Gothland, and fig. 246, an Esquimaux winter hut in Greenland. It is, however, not only the outer contours which are identical, but also the construction, the dimensions, and the interior arrangement. In order to show this, we shall first describe an Esquimaux winter hut in Greenland, partly according to the information which Captain Graah gives us in his ' Journey,' page 49,* in which also the sketch of a Greenland hut is given, which is copied on PL XIV. fig. 246, and partly to the verbal statements of persons who have long resided in that country. The hut forms an oblong square. The size varies according to the number of families who agree to inhabit it together. The largest huts are about 60 feet long by 14 to 16 feet in breadth, which therefore is about one-fourth of its length. The walls are 6 to 8 feet high, constructed of stone, and the crevices between them filled up with turf.f The floor is * Undersogelse-Reise till Osthysten af M. A. Graah. Kjobenh., 1822. In the sketch I have made the side gallery a little larger than in Captain Graah's sketch, because it is so in reality, both accord- ing to the verbal account of those who have seen Greenland winter huts and according to Captain Graah's own description thereof. f There are also dwellings^in Greenland, the walls of which consist of stones alone. 134 TliE STONE AGE. [Cn. IV. usually paved with flags. The roof is flat, and con- structed of drift-timber, stretching across from one wall to the other. Upon this, smaller timber, or balks, are piled crosswise, and on the top of these rafters are thrown sweet-broom and juniper- twigs, then turf and a thick layer of earth. In the centre of the longest wall, towards the sunny side, is the passage or entrance, also covered ; this is from 20 to 30 feet long, sometimes a little curved, about 2^ to 3 feet broad, and so low that one must rather crawl than walk to get in. In most cases, indeed, it is necessary to crawl on hands and knees. (PL XIV. fig. 251.) The interior of the hut is loftier, but still not more than 5 or 6 feet high from floor to ceiling. With regard to the interior arrangements, it is only along the walls that the inmates of the house can sit or lie. Benches are placed there for that purpose, and the room is occa- sionally partitioned off, along the inside of the wall, by means of hides, into separate cells, like the stalls in a stable. Each family occupies one stall, but the unmarried women have one to themselves. Tlie reader will please to compare this descrij)tion of an Esquimaux winter hut in Greenland with the description (page 110) of our ancient tombs in the south of Scandinavia. They are, in fact, identical in all essentials — the form, })roportions, height, size, and direction of the long narrow side gallery, the division of the vault into stalls along the walls, etc. I have previously mentioned that Esquimaux huts have been found in Greenland, the walls of which were constructed, like those of our tumuli, altogether Ck. IV.] ESQUIMAUX WINTER HUT. 135 of Stone. In the ' Ticlskrift for Nordisk Oldkyndio^het,' vol. ii. pages 332, 333, there is a very interesting de- scription of such ancient huts in a mountain district in Greenland. The walls of these huts were not, as in the Greenland Esquimaux huts in general, constructed of stone and turf, but only of stone ; in their form, however, they resembled the Greenlanders' ordinary winter dwellings. The stones in most of them were of moderate size, but in others the walls were con- structed of large flat stones, partly square, placed upright, and so accurately fitting one with the other, that they hardly required smaller stones to fill up the crevices. In one of the sides there was an opening leading to a gallery, consisting of a row of stones at each side of the opening. Having been abandoned long ago, these huts are now without roof, and open at the top. The place where they were situated in considerable numbers, was on three sides surrounded by a large lake. One cannot but be astonished, when reading the description of our Scandinavian gallery- graves, to find it applicable, almost word for word, to the Greenland huts. It is not difficult to see the reason why these Greenland stone huts were not roofed in with stone, like our tumuli. They were disposed in groups like ours, and, like them, in the vicinity of water.* * It is true that the Greenland guide of the traveller who has described these huts endeavoured to make him believe that they were monuments of the colonies of the ancient Norsemen in Greenland. This is easily accounted for, because, as he was bound on a voyage for discovering such monuments, his followers probably expected some reward for every such discovery which they assisted 13G THE STOXE AGE. [Ch. IV. But it is not in Greenland only that we meet with dwellings constructed as here described; we find them amongst all Esquimaux tribes, wherever they are domiciled. They are invariably and every- where characterised by the long, narrow, straight, or curved covered side gallery, pointing to the south or east, and by the chamber about 5 feet high. The latter, however, varies in circumference and building materials. The Esquimaux huts, sketched in PL XIV. figs. 247, 248, were found by Scoresby the younger on Jameson's Land, in lat. 71° N., on the east coast of Greenland. They were nine or ten in number, deserted by the inmates, and lay close to each other, near the declivity of the shore. The roofs had either fallen in or been removed. What remained of each hut was an excavation in the ground about 4 feet deep, 15 feet long, and 6 to 9 feet broad. The side walls consisted of unhewn stones, and the floor of sand and clay. The entrance, as usual in all Esquimaux huts, was a horizontal covered gallery, him to make. They were therefore so zealoiis, that they tried to make out even Esquimaux pitfalls for foxes, and natural cavities in rooks, to be monuments left by tlie Norsemen. We might, perhaps, be in- duced to credit the statement, that the said stone huts with their long narrow side gallery were of foreign origin, and that they had served as models for the Greenland winter huts, did we not know that huts constructed after this same model are met with not only amongst the Greenlanders in those districts where foreign colonists have dwelt, but everywhere throughout the whole of Greenland and North America inhabited by the Esquimaux race. This form of hut belongs, therefore, originally to this race, as we shall presently show by further evidence. Cn. IV.] ESQunrAUX wixtJ':r hut. w? which led from the hut to the south or south-east, under ground, a distance of about 15 feet, having an egress to the open air lower down and nearer the shore. This gallery was so low that an entrance to the hut could be gained only by crawling on hands and feet; the top was covered with flags, and this again with turf. The roof of such huts is very little elevated above the ground, and being covered with turf and overgrown with moss or grass, it so much resembles the surrounding ground as scarcely to be distinguish- able therefrom.* Who does not fancy he sees in this description our gallery-graves hid under an earthen mound ? What Scoresby mentions afterwards deserves likewise our attention in the hisrhest degree. He tells us that two or three huts, to all appearance of older date than the others, seemed to have been used as sepulchres, because in them were found graves con- taining human skeletons. Several graves contained, besides human bones, fragments of such implements as are used by the Esquimaux, when fishing or hunting, and which had been deposited amongst the corpses, to be employed by the dead in another world (page 236). Another proof that the Greenlanders' winter huts were occasionally used as sepulchres, is afforded by the following circumstance. A credible person, who had been domiciled a long time in Greenland, has informed me that there existed, about 1830, at Kan- garsak-Tange, two miles from Godhavn, an ancient * See Tagehucli einer Beise avf den Wallfisclifang, by W. Scoresby, Jun., page 234, PI. VIII. See also Note 6. 138 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. Greenlander's hut, in which were found a number of corpses provided with implements and ornamenis. Tliey -were placed in a sitting posture along the walls, consequently exactly in the same manner as in the tumulus on Axevalla plain. Several similar cases are mentioned by Sir John Lubbock in the 'Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year 1863,' pages 3"26, 327, in an article reprinted from the ' Natural History Review.' The Baschkiers, for instance, hurj their dead also in a sitting posture. (See Erman's 'Reise,' vol. i. page 436.)* We have seen that the sepulchral hut in the o Asahogen, near Quistofta, was quite circular, but had, as usual, its long narrow gallery towards the south. It is worth noticing that, in the most northerly parts of North America, the winter huts of the Esquimaux are, according to Sir John Ross, of a similar shape (PI. XIV. fig. 251). They are there built entirely of frozen snow, with windows of ice. These have likewise a long gallery, occasionally curved, leading to the interior of the chamber, which forms a circle of about 10 feet in diameter, when intended for only one family, but when for two f it forms an oval of about 15 feet by JO. These winter huts are constructed very rapidly; in about half an hoiu-'s time the edifice is completed. When the Esquimaux, on their travels in dog-sledges, are over- taken by a snow-storm, which stops their progress, * See also Lubbock's Prehistoric Times, page 409. ■\ Captain Sir John Ross, Ziveite Entdeckungs-Reise nacli den Gegenden cles Nordpols, 1829-1.S3;5, vol. i. pages 322-.324. Cn. IV.] SNOW-HUTS. 1.30 they immediately erect such a snow-hut. The man- ner of constructing it we leai-n from Sir John's nar- rative, page 390. They never forget, even when buikling such temporary dwellings of snow, to con- struct the long gallery. This gallery constitutes, therefore, an essential part of the Esquimaux dwel- lings, whether round or square, and whether the walls are constructed of stones, of turf, or of snow. The same is the case with our earliest tumuli, in which stone implements are found ; they also have the long narrow side gallery, whether they are round or square, large or small. What, therefore, the Esquimaux huts and the tumuli have in common with each other is that they all have flat roofs, that they contain a chamber about 5 feet high, and are provided with a long, covered side gallery, 2 or 3 feet broad and 3 feet high, always pointing to the east or south. They resemble each other also in their form, which varies, being sometimes round and sometimes an oblong square. Their interior arrangement also is in the main the same. In both the centre of the floor is unoccupied, but the chamber is divided along the walls into cells or stalls, and in these stalls the inmates — of the sepulchres as well as of the dwellings — sit in the same stooping position which all polar people afifect. It seems scarcely possible to assume that all these various important and minute similarities should be only accidental. And yet it appears impossible, with the knowledge which we noiv possess of the essential dissimilarity of the tribes, to suppose that there 140 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. IV. should be anytliiug in common, or any connection between them. There must be some other reason, for which we cannot as 3'et account. We have ah-eady seen that the Esquimaux, like the aborigines of Sweden, place the implements of the dead beside them in the grave. The missionary Cranz relates, in his ' History of Greenland,' page 301, that they place the boat (kajak) of the departed, his arrows, and every-day utensils beside his grave, 'in order that he may use them in the next world for his support.' Even in this circumstance we find a similarity between them. This same missionary, Cranz, relates in another place, that a great many Greenlanders, even in his time, used to lay the head of a dog beside the grave of a child, ' in order that the soul of the dog, which can always find its way home, may show the helpless child the road to the country of souls.' Whether this beautiful idea belongs to the Esquimaux or to the missionary, has not been ascertained ; but it is at all events certain that the skulls of dogs have been found in Esquimaux graves also in other places. Thus Scoresby informs us, on page 230, that he had found in Jameson's Land the skull of a dog 'in a small grave, which probably was that of a child.' But be this as it may, it is nevertheless a fact, that there have also occasionally been found in Sweden a few skulls of dogs amongst human skeletons in our tumuli. Continued researches will decide whether these skulls of dogs, when found thus, usually indicate the skeletons of children. ch. iy] aboriginal huts. i-ii The result of the researches communicated in this chapter is this : that the remains of tlie architecture of the aborigines which are found in Sweden do not in the least resemble the architecture of the Gothic, or of any other known tribe of the German race; but that, on the contrary, they present an unmistake- able resemblance to the architecture of the people of the polar race — the Esquimaux, who have, even to the present day, retained their ancient manners and customs. Tliis applies equally to the custom of our aborigines of interring their dead, and apparently to other re- ligious ceremonies in connection therewith ; and yet these did not belong to the same race of people. There is not the least sign of Scandinavia haAdng been inhabited by people of the Esquimaux race. The similarity must be ascribed to the fact that they were in the same grade of civilisation and in similar circumstances.* During the years which have elapsed since I first discovered and pointed out this resem- blance between our ancient graves and the houses of the Esquimaux, I have carefully examined many of the former, and found my former statement more and more confirmed. But what I now consider myself entitled to assume, if I cannot fully prove, is that some of these gallery-graves are ruins, or actual dwelling- houses, although most of them have, I admit, been sepulchres for the dead. It is evident from what I have quoted on page 116, from Scoresby's Travels and from verbal narratives, that even amongst the Esquimaux, * See Note 7. 142 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. at all events in some districts, the custom of burying the dead in tombs exactly resembling their dwelling- houses has pi-evailed up to recent times. And, in truth, if "we compare dwelling-houses more closely with se- pulchres, we shall find that they resemble each other amongst all rude nations ; and if we enquire into the cause of this curious ethnological fact, we feel con- vinced that it must be so, and cannot be otherwise. The rude child of nature has a kind of presenti- ment, although dim and confused, of a continuation of life after death. But unable to soar to a purer and nobler conception thereof, he believes that the departed are destined to continue after death the same activity which marked their life in this world. Therefore he builds the same kind of dwellings for the dead as for the living ; therefore he places them in the grave in the same position Avhich they were wont to take while alive in their hut, and therefore he hangs upon, or places beside them their implements of daily use. I shall show farther on that this is in perfect harmony with the oldest traditional history of most nations. What I have now adduced may be enough to prove that if any ruins of dwelling-houses from the period now in question and the people belonging to it are found amongst us, they must be, in respect to form and construction, exactly lUve the sepulchres of that period and of that rude tribe. The truth of this assertion must be obvious to everybody who is inclined to enquire more closely into the same. We may therefore rest assured, that before the sa- vage of the forest plains of Scania and West Gothland Cn. IV.] ANCIENT DWELLING-HOUSES. 14.3 began to build gallery-chambers for the dead, he had already constructed shnilar ones for the living. Such ruins of ancient dwelling-houses have indeed already been observed in Sweden. They are distinguished from the sepulchral chambers by never containing any skeletons, and, as far as I have been able to ascertain, by their having rarely, if ever, an^^ stone blocks as covering stones; but they stand open, which implies that they had the same kind of roof of rafter- work as the Greenland and North American Esqui- maux houses, which they completely resemble in size, form, and construction. I will here describe the ruins of a couple of such supposed ancient chambers, of which one lies to the right, close to the turnpike-road from Skifvarp to Ystad, west of the Bay of Skar, not far from the shore. It is called Holingen, lies on a low eminence, and is in shape rather an oblong square than an oblong oval, stretching from west to east. It is constructed of coarse upright granite-stones, placed with their corners side by side ; of these a few have tumbled down, but the others are still standing erect. From the centi-e of the long south side goes a gallery in an ESE. direction, consisting of smaller and lower stones than those of the chamber itself. This was 20 feet long by 8^. The coarse wall-stones were placed ujDon a pavement of small stones, in order that they might not settle down, and were about 5^ feet high. The gallerj^, which was 15 feet long, had a breadth at the opening of 2, and at the entrance of the chamber of 2^ feet. The stones of the gallery, which were lower than those of the walls, were not measured. This Ui THE STONE AGE. [Uh. IV. open hut ruin stood about half, or a little more, above the surrounding ground. Beneath the greensward, inside the ruin, the soil was found to consist of a quan- tity of small stone-splinters, nlingled with earth, and when these had been removed, and the floor, which consisted of clay mixed with sand, had been reached, we discovered several fragments of flint-flakes (PL 11. fig. 24), which no doubt were the most ancient and rudest knives, and a few pots of burnt clay of vari- ous shapes, with graven ornaments on the outside. They were all broken, and of some of them we could find only one or two fragments — a proof that they were broken already when the hut was erected ; they were all empty, and no trace was seen of burnt bone- splinters, but there were a few amber beads, scarcely recognisable from decay (see PI. IX. figs. 191-195), and a few pieces of bone, which certainly were not human. In the northern wing were found charcoal and ashes — a proof that the fireplace had stood there, and near these were lying two or three broken clay vessels : nothing was discovered in the southern wing. If we now imagine (and it must at any rate be ima- ginable to everybody) that we have here before us the ruins of a hut, which two or three thousand years ago was inhabited by savages, and that it had been covered in the same way as the Greenland Es- quimaux huts described at page 134, namely, with a flat roof, consisting of timber and trees lying cross- wise on the wall-stones, on which, probably, small stones, brushwood, heather, juniper, and, lastly, earth was lying ; then, when the wood- work had decayed Cn. IV.] PKIMEVAL DWELLINGS. 145 in the course of time, it would of course fall in and become dust, so that the ruin would have come to the exact condition in which we found it. I am of opinion that the stone fragments which are always found in great quantities in and about such ruins were placed in the chinks between the wall-stones, in order to make the wall air-tight. This is the more certain as such fragments are always found remaining in the chinks between the wall-stones of those gallery- huts which are covered by a heap of earth, and of which the walls have consequently been protected and preserved in their original condition. In the month of May, 1842, I examined two gal- lery-huts which are situated upon an eminence run- ning past the village of Glumslof, and called Glumslof Hills ; the most northern of these huts is sketched on PL XIV. fig. 249. In the same district, in Glumslof, Quistofta, Barslof, and other neighbouring parishes, ruins of this kind, more or less demolished, are fre- quently met with ; and, owing to there being still a good supply of stone, they have not been disturbed. In other districts, however, where stone is more scarce, they have been demolished, in order to make use of the stones for houses, bridges, and field enclosures. The hut here sketched is nearly oval, 15 to 16 feet in length and 8 broad, and the wall-stones nearly 5^ feet high from the floor. The gallery, which runs south, with a slight inclination towards east (ESE.), is about 16 feet long and 2 feet broad. Here also the surface of the earth inside the chamber, as well as round the outside, was mingled with a great quantity of stone L 140 THE STONE AGE. [On. IV. fragments. Amongst these, near the surface, a broken flint spear or spear-point (PI. III. fig. 57) was found. Nearer the floor — which was of sand — or on it, but in the earth, mingled with stone fragments, were found other eff'ects of the dead, consisting of several vessels of clay, all broken, of various shapes, some of which were very shallow, and widening towards the top, like small basins. Some were ornamented with graven figures on the outside, others plain. A great number of fragments were discovered, and many ornaments more or less decayed; viz., beads and buttons of am- ber; a flint knife with a handle, like that on PL III. fig. 64, and several spears, axes, and flakes, all of flint. Amongst the amber articles was lying a needle whet- stone, sketched on PI. VIII. fig. 182, and described on page 81. Here also were found in the chamber ashes and charcoal, more especially on one spot, where the fireplace probably had stood. Here likewise the ruins were uncovered to more than half their height ; but inside, as well as around them, the earth was a little raised above the sur- rounding ground, and was more than usually mixed with angular stone fragments, which, as it seems to me, must have served to fill up the chinks in the walls. I found here likewise a few broken bones, which certainly were not human. Neither here, nor in any other half-cross building, have any traces of burnt human bones ever been discovered. I repeat here what I stated above, that supposing these ruins to have been, two or three thousand years ago, dwelling-houses, provided with roofs of the same On. IV.] PRIMEVAL DWELLINGS. U7 materials and construction as those Greenland huts, which they exactly resemble in shape, they must now, after the lapse of thousands of years, and since the decay of the wood-work which fell down into and round the house, present themselves to us exactly in the same condition as the ruins which I have here described. It appears to me that the objection raised against my view, that the ruins in question are those of dwelling-houses and not of sepulchres, has been re- futed by the fact, that traces of human skeletons have never been found in them, but always a greater or less quantity of the household furniture of their former inmates, and invariably also a place which seems to have been the fireplace. Since this has been shown, we ought to observe, before proceeding farther in our investigations, that the name half -cross tombs, by which these monuments of past ages were formerly designated, is, in more than one respect, a misnomer, and gives rise to erroneous ideas ; partly because, as it now appears, they Avere not all sepulchres, and partly because the chamber only forms a half-cross with its gallery when the former is an oblong square ; whereas this is not the case when it is round (see PI. VIII. fig. 250). The form of the chamber is either an oblong square, an oval, or a circle ; the form is therefore indeterminate ; but what is never wanting in this kind of ancient dwelling is the more or less long gallery, consisting of two rows of stone running east or south. This is the most cha- racteristic feature of these monuments of antiquity, I- 2 148 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. IV- and one which at the first glance distinguishes them from all others. In order to get a clear conception of the subjects of our investigation, we ought to designate them by their peculiar and essential feature, viz., the more or less, long gallery, and as they all consist of stones raised on end, and, consequently, were built, we shall call them Gallery-Houses. And these being, as we suppose, of two kinds, namely, houses for the dead, or tombs, and houses for the living, or dwellings, we shall class them accord- ingly, and call them (1.) Gallery-huts and (2.) Gal-, lery-tombs. We have already mentioned, that these ancient buildings vary in shape, and may therefore be divided into — 1. Round Buildings. — To this class belongs the gallery-tomb on the Asahogen, near Quistofta (page 112), here represented (PI. XIV. fig. 250) in the con- dition in which it was before some portion of the side stones had tumbled down, but without the im- posts, or roof-stones, with which it was formerly pro- vided.* It derives its name from its site upon an ' ^s,' i.e. u]3on the top of a ridge of hills. Between this and another chain of hills, on which lies a tu- mulus, called Stenshogen,f is a watercourse reach- ing down to the river, which formerly was more con- siderable than now. These gallery -houses with round chambers are less common, but are nevertheless * See the periodical Jiuna, Plate III. fig. 9. I Uiiiia, Plate, fig. 6. Ch. IV.] GALLERY-HOUSES. 149 occasionally found, in Sweden, as well as in Den- mark and in other places, even down to France. In ' L'Institut, Chronique Scientifique,' for February 24, 1839, it is related that some labourers at Sau- mur found an ancient tomb, in which human skel- etons and stone implements were discovered. The wall-stones forming the tomb in which these anti- quities were discovered stood in a circle ; upon them was lying a large block of stone 6 to 7 metres in length, about the same in breadth and 1 metre in thickness. In this tomb a large quantity of human bones were lying in such a manner that thigh and arm-bones, etc., were all lying crosswise in a heap, and on the top of it the skull, which shows that here also the corpses had been interred in a sitting posture. It is indeed worth observing that here, as in the Asahogen tumulus (page 113), was discovered, un- derneath the first layer of bones, another similar one in which the bones were found in the same position as the upper ones. Amongst the bones were found flint axes, flint arrows with very sharp heads and toothed edges, besides others of a ruder shape, but also of flint. There were, moreover, found two dirks, the handles of which consisted of an oblong piece of bone, in one end of which was fixed the tusk of a wild boar by way of blade. The whole were buried under a layer of earth, 50 centimetres in thickness. This description presents an astonishing resem- blance to the one given in ' Iduna' of the Asahogen. In this were also found two or more layers of bones, as was observed in the West Gothland tombs ; loO THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. the side stones in the tomb were standing upright in a circle, and above them were lying large top- o stones, or imposts. In the Asa tomb were also found, besides axes and arrows of flint, etc., a wild boar's tusk, probably used as a dagger, the handle of which, having perhaps been of wood, was decayed. It is not recorded whether at Saumur the chamber had a gallery of two rows of stones issuing from the round chamber. Yet such a one must evidently have existed. In the periodical ' Das Ausland' for May 1840, page 579, there is also mentioned a very similar sepulchral hut lately discovered in France. A gallery led to a large grotto or chamber, consisting of nine stones, standing upright, on the top of which a flagstone of 26' 3" was resting. The interior was filled with skele- tons in a sitting posture, with their heads leaning against the wall ; behind and beside them stood ves- sels containing victuals for the dead. Nuts and acorns, contained in them, were in perfect preservation.* There were also found two axes and two knives of stone; several small sharp implements, the use of which was not known; two necklaces, one of shell and the other of burnt clay;f several boar-tusks, the bones of a dog, and a stone slab upon which traces of a rude sketch were discernible. We see at once that this was a gallery-tomb. * Nothing similar has ever been found here with us, as far as I am aware. The savage here probably for the most part subsisted on meat, as now in higher latitudes. I We often find here similar ones of burnt clay, and especially in Oland. Ch. IV.] OVAL AND OBLOXG GALLERY-HOUSES. 151 2. Oval Chambers. — This shape is more common than the former, and is that of most of the gallery- huts which I have had an opportunity of examining closely. Many of them, however, approximate to the following. One of these, lying on the Glumslof Hills, is sketched in PL VIII. fig. 249. 3. The Oblong Square This is also a very com- mon shape, both with us and in Denmark. Houses of this kind, covered with earth, and at a distance resemliling tumuli, are still used by the Esquimaux in Greenland, and were formerly found in far more southerly districts in America than now. In the ' Antiquitates Americanse,' * we are told, on page 43, that when the Icelander Thorwald and his followers arrived in Winland (east coast of the United States of North America, about 40°-42° lat. North), they saw some mounds on the shore in a bay, and they took them to be habitations, which proved to be the case, because the Icelanders were soon after- wards attacked by a number of Skralingar — the name given by them to the Greenland and American Esquimaux. Our oldest legends tell us that the houses were of old built after the same model, which indeed is indicated by our ancient ruins, so that these houses must have resembled earthen mounds. From what has been already remarked, it follows that gallery-houses may be considered either as monu- ments belonging to ancient times, or as dwellings still used in various parts of the world, far separated * Antiquitates Americance, sive Scriptores septentrionales rencm ante-Columhianarwn in America. Hafnia;, 1837. 152 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. from each other; in Boothia (the most northern part of North America), in Greenland, in the ancient Winland, in Sweden, in Denmark, in the north of Germany, even down to France; and it is highly probable that they occurred formerly in various districts where now no perceptible trace of them is left. The remarkable fact that these dwellings and tombs are so similar in countries so widely separated, and inhabited by such different races, cannot perhaps be ex- plained in more than one way : that, namely, in which we have in Chapter I. endeavoured to account for the phenomenon that we find everywhere, all over the earth, implements and weapons of stone so exactly alike. All savages which inhabit nearly the same cli- mates,* and stand upon an equally low point of civilisa- tion, must resemble each other in all outward essen- tials: they clothe themselves in fur skins, they fish, they hunt, and finally, their dwellings must be alike, namely, caves, into which they crawl, like the animals, thi'ough a low narrow entrance. (See PL VIII. fig. 251.) But with regard to the gallery -huts in ques- tion, it is easy to understand that the first habitations of man were not of this character. Let us picture to ourselves a race of savages ar- riving, fi-om some cause or other, in a climate which, * Did the same climate prevail in France as in Greenland, at the period when these buildings were constructed? This ques- tion seems to be naturally prompted by the figure of the mam- moth found in Perigord with skeletons of other arctic animals. It appears to me, however, that the gallery-graves belonged to a period comparatively much more recent. Ch. TV.] THE CAVERN-DWELLING. 153 though milder on the whole, was characterised by occasional periods of great cold. If even the nights only were cold and the days hot, still this would force the inhabitants to seek some shelter. This they would find in mountain-caverns, Avhich would pro- tect them against the cold of the night and the heat of the day.* The mountain-cavern was therefore man's first dwelling. All the oldest traditions refer to this fact. The earliest inhabitants of Greece dwelt in mountain-caverns. People in Siberia, anterior to the Samoyedes, lived in subterranean caves. f The Cyclopes of Homer, dwelling on the coast of the Black Sea, although endowed by the fancy of the poet Avith many extravagant attributes, are to sober prose nothing but nomads, living in inountain-caverns.t The country between the Black and the Caspian Sea has generally, and with every reason, been looked upon as the region of the world from which a race of human beings, endowed with great susceptibility of civilisation, has emanated, and most of the earliest traditions of existing European nations point to that region. There man dwelt in mountain-caverns, and thence the nations were disseminated over far distant lands, carrying with them their earliest memories, their native customs and manners. But a great many remained behind, and their numbers increased more and more; so much so that the * The same idea is expressed by Diodorus Siculus, lib. i. chap, viii. : ' hieme in speluncas refiagere,' &c. ■f Erman's Reise, page 710. X Odyss., b. i. vr. 113-115 ;" 182, 399, 400. 154 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. caverns formed by nature could not shelter them all any longer; they then dug out caves for themselves in the softer rocks ; the number of these increased, and thus by degrees whole villages or towns of caves * sprang into existence. The nations of the South and East also buried their dead in the same kind of habitations in which they themselves had originally dwelt (see page 119). The Hittites, a tribe in Canaan in the time of Abraham, buried their dead in mountain-caves. Abraham bought from them a double cave, in which to bury his deceased wife,f and this custom of burying the dead in that manner was kept up afterwards amongst the Jews in Jerusalem; hence the crypts, etc., found there. We may ascribe to the same origin — namely, a copy of the primitive dwellings (the mountain-caves), and afterwards of the tombs — all catacombs, crypts, temple-grottoes, etc. But when the people who dug out and dwelt in the crypts of the Caucasus were expelled by more powerful hordes, and forced to retreat to countries where either no mountains existed, or none of such soft material that they could dig out habitations in them, they found themselves compelled to buUd such dwellings by means of heaped-up stones or tim- ber. I imagine that the art of architecture arose out * We find sketches of these artificial mountain-caves in the works of several travellers. I will only mention Dubois de Montpereux's Voyage autour du Caucase, Atlas, sir. iv. PI. I., II., and III. In Ainsworth's Voyage whole villages of artificial caves are mentioned. Compare Das Ausland, 1842, No. 170. j- Genesis xxiii. Oh. IV.] THE CAVERN-SEPULCHRE. 155 of this circumstance, and was gradually developed; it emanated from the mountain-cave man's earliest dwelling, thence developing itself in two different ways, as dwellings for the living, and tombs for the dead : in the former it grew into palaces, in the latter into temples. We should here observe that as long as a people continues to dwell in mountain- caves, it will also bury its dead in such caves; and this custom, like all religious customs (less sub- ject to change than profane ones), survived long after people had commenced to inhabit proper houses. Thus it was -with the Jews in Jerusalem, and so with many other nations. This proves that religion with them is ancient — almost as ancient as their o"«m race. But if a nation changes its religion, or re- ceives it long after having possessed regular dwelling- houses, it frequently gives to its tombs the shape and appearance of its dwellings. The tombs of the Tartars in Kasan. resemble exactly, but on a small scale, their dwelling-houses, and are built in the same manner of balks attached one to the other.* A Circassian tomb resembles a Circassian house.f The tombs of the Karaite Jews in the Valley of Jehosh- aphat resemble houses and churches. J The tombs of the modern Greeks in the Crimea resemble churches. But in the hotter zones of the South, the savage sought out the mountain-cave, not so much for a shelter against the cold as for a cool retreat from the heat of the sun. ■ * Erman's Reise, vol. i. page 248. t Dubois, Atlas, s^r. iv. PI. XXX. f. 1. J Ibid. fF. 7, 9. 15C THE STONE AGE. [Oh. IV, On the other hand, if we direct our looks towards the more frigid zones of the earth, we shall find that the case is somewhat diiferent. Let us picture to ourselves savages appearing, for some reason or other, on the shores of waters in these zones and in those wild forests, where the soil during the greater part' of the year is covered with ice and snow; we shall find that their first care is to hunt and to kill wild animals, in order to procure from them flesh for food and skins for clothing, and their next to find protection in deep mountain-caves from the terrible cold of the winter. Caves were in this instance not sought out in order to afibrd cool retreats in summer, but for peace and pro- tection against snow-storms, tempests, and bitter cold. This being the object which the savage had in view, it naturally follows that he should seek out and pre- pare for himself mountain-caves with a long gallery pointing towards the sun;* and where such an entrance was wanting, it was constructed. We have ample proofs that such was the case, and that savage nations, even va the cold and temperate climate of Europe, lived in mountain-caves. I have already, in Chapter IV., stated that the Laplanders formerly lived in such caves. In several of the bone-caves in Germany and France, fiUed with bones of now extinct animals, human remains have been found, together with axes and implements of the chase, made of flint; and the most plausible explanation which has been given of this circumstance is probably this — that those * Animals have the same instinct. See Scandinavian Fauna, vol. i. page 217. Ch. IV.] GALLERY-DWELLINGS. 157 mountain-caves, in which the bones of animals occur in such large numbers (occasionally also of animals which had served for food) were inhabited by savages, who died in them, and there left behind their wea- pons and sometimes their bones. Jordanes had heard of people in Sweden (Scama) which, like the wild animals, lived in caves cut out in the rocks.* But the savage could find such dwellings only where there were mountains with caves. If he wandered out of such a district into the plains, and wanted to fix his habitation there, he was compelled to collect blocks of stone, and to form with them caves, resembling as much as possible the mountain-caves. In this manner the gallery-houses arose, where the long narrow gallery corresponds with the narrow entrance to the mountain-cave, and the chamber with the cave itself. This may, therefore, vary in shape, but the gallery is never wanting. By this definition of the gallery -buildings, that they are with several distinct nations originally an imitation of the mountain-cavern, I believe we may explain the remarkable phenomenon, that those of the same shape are to be met with in countries so widely separated, and where they were undoubtedly erected and inha- bited by diiferent nations. But if this explanation be correct, which I think we must admit, it follows also that gallery-houses constructed of stones collected for this purpose can * Jordanes, de Eeb. Geticis, cap. iii. I believe that I must thus interpret ' Hi (populi) exesis rupibus quasi castellis inhabitant, ritu belluino.' Jordanes' accounts of Sweden are, however, very confused. 158 THE STONE AGE. [Ce. W. never occui' in mountainous or rocky districts, where such caves are formed by nature. And this agrees exactly with real facts. Here in Sweden they occur only in the large plains of Scania, West Gothland, etc. ; nay, even in Scania, where in some parts of the plains they are very numerous, and where, conse- quently, a great number of the people who erected them must have lived, especially on hilly grounds near or between waters now dried up ; they are, on the other hand, completely wanting in all districts where there are mountains and rocks, containing caves and crevices. This is the general view, and, as far as I know, without exceptions. It is very remarkable also that in such mountain districts there are crevices to which tradition attaches similar stories or legends, as to certain hillocks on the plains, namely, of giants, goblins, pigmies, etc., which were said formerly to have inhabited them. Certain gallery -houses in the plains are called giants' caves, giants^ tombs, goblin caves, pigmies^ hillocks ; and exactly similar names are given to certain mountain-grottoes in the mountainous dis- tricts. Thus there is in the single district of Scania a goblin-cave, in BjornekuUa Crag, and one with the same name in Billeshall ; two giant-caves on Skarali, one in Klofvahallar and one in Rostanga village, etc. These exactly similar designations of the mountain-cave and the gallery-house, handed down to us from former ages, intimate that according to tradition they were applied to the same purpose in ancient times. This appears to me to be a ground for exjilaining the real fact, that gallery-houses occur only in plains. On. IV.] GALLERY-SEPULCHEES. loO I have already expressed my conviction that several tribes in Scandinavia have employed stone implements ; that is to say, the earliest savages, who certainly had no fixed habitations, as well as the later settlers, who built the gallery-graves; and it appears to me more than probable that several kinds- of stone implements continued to be used even long after the time when the people had ceased to build gallery-graves. Such implements are found scattered everywhere also in Central and Northern Sweden, sometimes in greater quantities, and consisting sometimes of large heavy articles, which could not have been amulets, as was once supposed. Sometimes also tools are discovered with which stone implements were manufactured (hammer- stones, PL I.). The stone implements found in Central and Northern Sweden are, besides, frequently made of those species of stone which are indigenous to the disti'ict in which they are found, which clearly proves that they have not been brought there from other parts of the country. * The other kind of sepulchral monument belonging to the Stone Age also occurs with us. They are called in Scania dos^ in Denmark dyss^ in England cromlech, and in France dolmen. They consist of three to five stones, raised in the shape of a ring, with a large block on the top of them. (PI. X. fig. 211.) They were erected in order to contain one coi'pse, which was always * This is most easily explained by assuming that stone implements were used also by people who had neither gallery-houses nor gallery- tombs, the more as these are' not always to be seen in the districts where stone implements are to be met with. 163 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. placed in a sitting posture, and beside it implements and weapons, which are always of flint. Whether these dosar and the giants' huts before described were coeval, and built by the same people, does not appear to me to be fully proved, although it is probable. They are to be seen here and there, both in Scania and West Gothland, in the same districts as the former. Sometimes we meet with several lying in a row, sur- rounded by a circle of raised stones. Whether the so-called dolmens^ which have been found in Africa, near Constantine, and are sketched in the ' Magasin Pittoresque,' 1864, page 80, belong to this category, or should be counted to the trilithic class, and consequently, to the Bronze Age, I do not venture to decide. A glance at the previous page 79 Avill show a striking resemblance with the construction of Stonehenge. To this may be added, that in them have been found objects both of bronze and iron. It cannot be supposed that the interment of the dead was the original purpose to which the gallery-tombs were applied. Some naturahsts think that they were charnel vaults, in which human bones were deposited after having been stripped of the flesh in some way or other. It has been ascertained, for instance, that human bones of people of all ages and of both sexes were deposited in these tombs, and they remain there in separate layers, in such a number and so closely packed, without order or arrangement, that one has been led to suppose that the flesh must have been by some means removed from them before they were thrown into the grave. Ch. IV.] GALLERY-TOMBS. 161 As far as I am aware, the Rev. M. Bruzelius was the first person in this country who (see page 130) made any observations bearing on this circumstance, while examming the Asagrafven in Scania, which he de- scribed in his periodical 'Iduna' for 1822, No. IX. page 285. Besides stone implements, clay urns, and a number of amber ornaments, he found therein a vast quantity of human bones, divided into two layers by a bed of sand of about six inches in thick- ness. It was the opinion of the Rev. M. Bruzelius that the bones had been stripped off the flesh before being deposited in the vault, from the circumstance that he found in one place only the bones of the ex- tremities and no vertebrEB (page 290); in another a quantity of skulls (page 293; compare page 328 and others) ; and he relates on page 312, that the natives of Otaheite and Siam have a similar manner of burying the dead. The Danish antiquary, Mr. V. Boye, who in the year 1863 examined a gallery-tomb at Hammer, in the south-east part of the island of Zeeland (Denmark), has given a detailed description thereof, and, like the Rev. M. Bruzelius, has given us sketches of the articles of antiquity found therein.* In this gallery-tomb, the * This treatise of Mr. Boye's is interesting and instructive, be- cause it shows that in one and the same gallery-tomb (PI. I.) there were found not only the rudest pieces of flint, figs. 11-19, but also some exceedingly well made, and even drilled, stone implements, on account of which fact a doubt arises as to the proposed division of the Stone Age into two series, in proportion as the antiquities are in a rude state or ground, which has been adopted by several antiquaries. We see from this and various other facts, that they may be coeval. (See Note 8.) M 162 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. bones were likewise found lying in several layers, without any order or arrangement, and as they had evidently been thrown in after being divested of the flesh. In explanation of this, Mr. Boye refers to Mr. Schoolcraft's statement in his ' Historical and Statis- tical Information respecting the History, etc., of the Indian Tribes,' vol. i. pages ' 0, 102, that when a person died, the corpse was rolled up in hides and de- posited in some high place in a cave, to protect it from the voracity of v/ild animals. There it remained until the flesh, through the influence of atmospheric air, had fallen off from the bones. When several corpses had in this manner been changed into skeletons, the bones were collected at certain times of the year and depo- sited in large common vaults together with sundry weapons, implements, and ornaments. Many such bone-graves (ossuaries) of large size have been disco- vered there. Mr. Bo}'c supposes that the gallery-tomb at Hammer Avas an ossuary of this character. In the summer of 18(:3, about the time when Mr. Boj^e opened the grave at Hammer, two gallery- tombs were opened and examined in West Gothland by Prof. Hildebrand, Baron G. von Diiben, and Mr. Retzius, M.D., the first of whom has inserted in the 'Antiquarisk Tidskrift for Sverige,' vol. i. page 265, descriptions of these tombs and of the articles of antiquity found in them. In page 256 he describes a gallery-tomb near Luttra. It was filled with closely- packed black loam, with which a few boulders were mingled. After removing this layer to the depth ol about 4 feet, a great quantity of human bones were Oh. IV.] GALLERY-TOMBS. 163 found, packed together indiscriminately in the loam and between the boulders, part of them, especially the skulls, more or less crushed and broken. All the bones were lying in the greatest confusion. Only a few implements of flint and bone were found. The greatest number were discovered in the lower part of the bone-layer and upon the lowest layer of closely packed mould. The descriptions are given in much detail, as well of the graves as of the discoveries made in them; besides which, the work contains woodcuts of some of the most remarkable articles of antiquity found in the tombs. Mr. Hildebrand says, finally, page 271: — 'As a general result of our researches, I believe I may as- sume that the two gallery-tombs which we have opened may be considered as a kind of ossuaries, rather than as tombs in the usual acceptation of the word ; because it is not possible that the bones could have been in so confused a position, packed between mould and stones, as here described, if the corpses had been carried into the grave whole, and deposited therein either in a straight or in a sitting posture. Besides, in the latter case we should, on the strength of our experience from the Axevalla tomb and some other similar gallery- tombs, have expected to find the grave divided by slabs or fragments into several smaller compartments, each enclosing one or more corpses, etc' I will not dispute the opinion given by several scientific men, ' that the gallery -tombs were ossuaries ; ' but I must candidly confess that I cannot coincide with them; and having said thus much, I consider M 2 164 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV. myself bound to state my reasons for entertaining a different view. None of the authors who consider our gallery- tombs to have been ossuaries have informed us by what process the corpses were divested of their flesh before being thrown into the tomb as skeletons. Was it done by depositing the corpse in some other place until the flesh had rotted and fallen off? But wliy should it be so, when they had the large and costly granite mausoleums, in which the dead might have been placed? Or perhaps they suppose that the flesh was cut away from the bones by means of sharp flint-knives? Those who know how much the igno- rant classes of tlie people, even at the present time, dread laying their hands upon a corpse, and that very few could be induced, even by a promise of a con- siderable reward, to cut off a hand or a foot from a dead body, cnnnot suppose that anybody could be prevailed upon to cut away the flesh from the bones, least of all during the Stone Age. here in the North, when the inhaljitants were in the hiiihest degree rude and superstitious. We know, besides, that the people here who built the gallery-tombs had the same cus- toms as tlie Greenlanders in pagan times (compare page 130), and that they placed at the side of the deceased men the weapons and implements which they were wont to use while alive, and at the side of the women their ornaments — all evidently for the purpose (of which also, as regards Greenland, the Christian missionaries were aware) that the deceased, who were supposed to carry on in the tomb the same Oh. IV.] GALLEEY-TOMBS NOT OSSUARIES. 165 occupation as when on earth, might avail themselves thereof. That the pagans, who built the gallery- graves in West Gothland, had the same religious belief, we may conclude from their depositing the corpses in the same sitting position as they had in their houses when aUve, and placing beside them their weapons and ornaments, as, for instance, in the gallery-tomb on Axevalla plain. And it follows, therefore, that they had evidently some dim presentiment of immor- tality. The belief in the immortality of the soul our Creator has deeply implanted in the human race from its very first appearance upon earth ; it is only since speculation has gained some ascendency over the still voice of conscience, that doubts have arisen here and there. But no one who had this religious behef could have been induced to lay hands upon the dead, in order to remove the flesh from the bones, either by means of fire or sharp cutting instruments. We have seen that some of the corpses in the Axevalla tombs were ornamented with necklaces. The flesh had certainly not been removed from them before they were interred. We must therefore suppose that at least some corpses were placed intact in the grave. We might at first suppose, however, that others were transformed into skeletons before the bones were laid into the tomb ; but on more mature reflection, it is easy to see that this could not have been the case, and that all must have been buried in exactly the same manner. For my part, I must assume that all the bones found in a gallery -tomb were formerly deposited there 106 TPIE STONE AGE. [Ch.IV. as whole corpses, and we shall see whether this my conviction is not confinned by the facts which the investigation of the West Gothland tombs brings to light. We should here remember that the tomb must have been in reality completed, and that the roof- stones must have been in their place, before a corpse or any bones could be deposited in it ; otherwise foxes and wolves would have run away with the bones. How anxious the aborigines were to protect the re- mains of their dead in the tomb we can see by theu' having, as before mentioned, closed up the chinks be- tween the larger stones with fragments of stone. We ought likewise to remember that every tomb had its side gallery, through which the access to the vault itself was opened whenever the owners chose, and that it was closed by an end-stone against any attempt of ravenous animals to penetrate into the grave. After these observations we shall now enquire what has been the result of the researches of Baron von Diiben in the so-caUed Luttra tomb. On page 279 the Baron says : ' When the intervening mould and larger or smaller stones had been carefully removed, we saw the broken bones lying in regular order and arrangement ; for instance, leg-bones, vertebrae, and so on, and amongst them a skull was lying.'* Here, cer- tainly, there can be no question of anything but a com- plete connected skeleton, which, as a corpse, had been buried in a lying posture on the floor. ' Occasionally * This observation could hardly have been made by anybody but an anatomist. I beg, therefore, to mention that Baron von Diiben is professor of anatomy, and perhaps the first anatomist ex professo who has investigated any gallery- tomb in our country. Oh. IV.] THE LUTTRA TOMB. 1C7 we could see the bones of the trunk and of the ex- tremities crossing each other in all directions, and on the top of the heap a skull.' It is evident that these skeletons were placed in the grave as corpses, and in a sitting, not a lying posture. The Baron says, farther on : — ' The mould in which the bones were embedded was very fat and unctuous, more so than the mould which was lying farther off.' Every- body must see, when this is pointed out, that the ' fat unctuous ' mould about the bones was the decayed flesh which had surrounded the bones, and conse- quently, that the bones had not been deposited in the tombs as skeletons, but as whole corpses, pro- vided with flesh and blood. ' But,' says the Baron, ' the bones in most cases adhered so firmly to one another, that it was impossible to say which belonged to one and the same individual.' How are we now to account, on the one hand, for the large quantity of bones which occur in the separate layers, and on the other for the utter dis- order in which they were lying — sometimes closely packed together? The ansAver does not to me appear diflB.cult, if we only from the beginning picture to ourselves the case as it most probably was. There can, it appears to me, be no doubt that these burial- vaults, constructed of colossal stones, collected from a greater or smaller distance, and then raised on end, were built in order to last for a long time, per- haps for centuries, as sepulchres for a whole tribe, or perhaps only for the chief of the tribe and for his relatives.* After such a vault had been finished, and * Aristocracy is strongly developed amongst all savage natiqns. 168 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. IV, the floor made level by means of earth, sand, or clay, the corpses were deposited in it by degrees, as some member of the tribe, or of the chiefs family, died. For this purpose the gallery was constructed. When, in course of time, the whole floor had been covered with corpses, sitting or lying, the owner of the vault, in order to prepare the necessary room for a fresh series of corpses, ordered those which had al- ready become skeletons to be levelled with the floor, and those last placed in the vault, whose bodies had not had time to become skeletons, were at the same time flattened down on the floor, and on the top of this crushed la3^er of bones was thrown a layer of earth or sand, and in some instances of stones, like a pave- ment, by which contrivance another solid floor was ob- tfiined for a new series of corpses. When this second floor, after many years, had also been fiUed up, the same process was renewed, as often as required. In tliis way we can account for the fact of the bones lying in the confused and partly broken state in which they were found by the excavators. The hypothesis that the corpses were reduced to skeletons before they were deposited in the grave, is refuted by the following considerations: — Istly, that no one is likely to deposit implements and orna- ments with skeletons ; and 2ndly, that the graves being family graves, into which one corpse at a time was deposited only every tenth, fifteenth, or twentieth year, the previous one would certainly have been changed into a skeleton before a new one would be deposited there. Ch. v.] MISSILES OF THE OHASE, 100 CHAPTER V. OP THE MANNER IN WHICH THE ABOEIGINES MADE USE OF THEIE WEAPONS IN THE CHASE AND IN WAR. Having, in the previous part, shown in what man- ner and by what means the savages of Scandinavia prepared their implements and flint and bone wea- pons, and the shape of them, we will now give a few examples of how these weapons were used — partly in the chase and partly in war. The following account may serve as a specimen of the former. § 1. Evidence of the Manner in which Missile Weapons are used in the Chase by Savages. During the summer of 1840, there was exhumed, in my presence, out of the bottom of a deep bog in the south of Scania, a complete skeleton of the gigantic wild hull with flat forehead {Bos Urus, ' Scandina- vian Fauna,' vol. i. page 537).* This ox had, some few years previous to its death, been hit in the * I have in my Fauna endeavoured to prove that this is the real Unis of Caesar, Gesner, and others, vrhich the ancient Germans called Ure. It has in much later times been called Bos primigenius by Bojanns, which denomination seems to have originated through ignorance of the fact that the former denomination (Urus) belongs to the present fossil species. 170 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. V. back by a javelin, fitted, to all appearance, with a flint point, like some of those which have been sketched on PI. III. figs. 55, 57, or 60. The javelin, which must have been thrown at the animal from in front, probably while rushing upon the hunter, struck the processus spinosus of the first vertebra lumbaris (PL XL figs. 220-222) at an angle so acute with the surface of the bone, that it ap- pears almost incredible that the spear could have penetrated ; and this would have been impossible, had it not been exceedingly shai'p-pointed and pro- pelled with great speed by some means which I shall explain hereafter. It passed, as I have already said, through the processus spinosus of the first vertebra lumbaris from front to back, and penetrated into the second, where it stuck fast (figs. 221, 222). The hole which it had made (fig. 220) became rounded in consequence of suppuration, but on the other side, where the javelin had passed out (fig. 222) we see, by the shape of the wound, that the weapon was compressed like a flint spear; and the scar left where it passed into the second processus spinosus shows that it must have been sharp-pointed. The animal, according to the opinion of Mr. Nordling, a veterinary surgeon, who saw the skeleton, was not above five years old when it was killed, probably by falling through a hole in the ice on the bog, where it was found lying with the horns embedded in the clay ; and by the bone formation (caUus), where the javelia had passed out, we see that it must have lived for some time after it was wounded. It must, therefore, have Oh. v.] MISSILES IN WAR, 171 been a very young animal when it was struck by the javelin.* Professor Japetus Steenstrup has given me other proofs of flint arrows having been used in the chase, by showing me fossil skulls of stags, in which small arrow-heads were embedded; and in the Hunters' Hall in the castle at Schwerin, several flint arrows are preserved which have been found in bogs together with skeletons of stags. § 2. The Mode of using Missile Weapons in War. These small flint arrows have likewise been used as weapons against man. Mr. Strunk, at Copenhagen, has shown me a human skull in which a flint arrow was embedded, which had penetrated through one of the eye-holes. But, in one respect, the most remarkable of all the antiquities with which I am acquainted is the follow- ing, by which we learn that the savages of our country used to attack the first settlers when they commenced to clear the woods. When, about thirty years ago, a level piece of ground near the village of Tygelsjo, in the south of Scania, was to be cultivated, there were found, close under the surface of the earth, a num- ber of skeletons of human beings who had been in- terred there, and round each skeleton was a row of stones forming an elongated square 7 feet by 3 (PI. XIV. fig. 252). This manner of interring the * I have presented this skeleton to the Zoological Museum at Lund, where it is preserved amongst other bones from the peat-bogs of Scania. 172 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. V. dead occurs only amongst those nations who used weapons of bronze, and probably only amongst the poor, never amongst people who use only stone weapons. As a further proof that these skeletons belonged to a tribe which, when settling in the south of Sweden, were in possession of bronze, I may men- tion that one of the skeletons, probably that of a woman, had round one of the arm-bones a spiral ring made of semicircular bronze wire, such as was worn by the people of the Bronze Age. The skull of one of the skeletons was pierced with a javelin of bone (PI. XL fig. 213, half-size) made from the point of the antler of an elk, which, when it came into my hands, was mutilated (fig. 213), hut, when found, had been quite perfect; about 7 inches long, round, having the smaller end pointed, the thicker cut off straight, and about an inch in dia- meter. The surface was scraped lengthwise, and made smooth with some sharpened instrument, pro- bably of flint, which had had a hacked edge, and caused the scratches along the surface. In order to show how this missile was fixed to the shaft, I have sketched it on a reduced scale on PL XL fig. 212. The string or strap, which no doubt was tied more closely, I have represented loose in the sketch, to show how well the savage understood the construc- tion of his weapons in the most approved manner. An even straight surface of the spear, resting against an even straight surface of the haft, gives the greatest possible strength to the latter to impel forward the for- mer. In the same way the stone chisels of modern Oh. v.] MISSILES IN WAE. 173 savages are helved (PI. VI. fig. 129), and so were also evidently the ancient chisels (PI. VI. figs. 127, 134) in old times. The spear- shaft now mentioned must have been both long and heavy, probably of oak, whereby great speed was given to the weapon thrown with the whole force of the arm. This missile, which had pierced the left parietal close to the angle between the sagittal suture and coronal suture (PL XI. fig. 219), had penetrated about five inches into the skull, and was so firm that it could not be wrenched out without force, having made a round hole such as would have been caused by a musket-ball. The circumstance that the bone of the skull was not cracked or splintered proves that the javelin had been thrown with extraordinary force, and not thrust in by the hand at a short distance, because in the latter case the bone would inevitably have been splintered. It must astonish everybody that the point of one bone could penetrate another like a rifle-bal], and force a round hole in it with- out even cracking the bone pierced through. We may therefore infer that the savage of ancient times understood the art of which the savages of the pre- sent day avail themselves to impart the requisite speed to their missiles. The Esquimaux in Green- land employ a narrow throwing-board, provided with a groove running lengthwise, in the middle of which is a pointed wooden peg, bent forward, and in about the middle of the spear- shaft is a hole running in the same direction, into which the peg fits. When he wants to throw his spear, he lays the throwing-board 174 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. V. along the under part of his arm, whicli he bends till it lies horizontally, throws forward the arm instanta- neously, retains the throwing-board in the hand, and allows the spear to fly out with an astonishing speed, causing it to whiz in the air. This was related to me by eye-witnesses.* By the manner in which this spear-head, made from the antler of an elk, had no doubt been fastened to the shaft (PL XL fig. 212), Ave can easily explain how it could remain unbroken in the head ; namely, the shaft must, in consequence of the sudden jerk which the flying weapon received when its point pierced the hard skull, have snapped in its weakest part, or just where it was tied at a thin part to the bone point. If the savages of Scandinavia had any implements with which they could increase the velocity of their missiles, they must have been made of a substance Avhich has been destroyed by time, and we can there- * The New-IIollander uses for the same purpose a nearly similar throwing-board ; at its lower end is a peg, bent forward, and in the lower end of the long javelin is a hole into which the peg is passed. When the spear is thrown it is therefore impelled forward with an incredible velocity. In New Caledonia, New Zealand, and other neighbouring islands, no throwing-board is used, but the savage throws his javelin by means of an implement which he calls ' sipp,' a short thong or plaited ribbon, which at one end has a loop through which he puts his forefinger ; he then lays the thong round the middle of the spear- shaft, to which he imparts a vibratory motion before throwing it out, when it flies oiF with an immense speed and hits the mark. It is remarkable that the Eomana had also such an implement, with which they imparted great speed to their javelins, namely, a throu'inij-strap, which in their language was called amenfem. (Virg., yEneid, i.x. G65.) Ch. v.] ETHIOPIAN MISSILES. 175 fore scarcely expect to meet with any such. But from the effect produced by their missiles we can, with the greatest probability, conjecture that they also pos- sessed some such implement. It is worthy of remark that we find javelins of the same kind as that described above amongst another half-savage tribe, belonging, moreover, to another part of the world than Scandinavia. Herodotus, in the seventh book of his ' History,' de- scribing the arras and accoutrements of the various nations composing the army led by Xerxes against Hellas, mentions in the sixty-ninth chapter also the Ethiopians, who were so uncivilised that their weapons, like those of the savages in Scandinavia, were made only of stone and bone. Thej^ were clothed in the skins of wild animals ; they had long bows made of the stem of the leaves of the palm-tree, and arrows made of reeds with sharp-pointed flint heads. They had, further, javelins to which they had fixed the pointed horn of the gaTielle, in the same manner as a spear. We observe that our savages were armed exactly in the same way, with the diff"erence only which different latitudes required. On the same occasion, Avhen the savages at Tygelsjo used the bone-point now sj^oken of as a javelin, they used also the flint point for the same purpose, because several spear-points made of flint, partly in good pre- servation and partly broken, were found amongst the skeletons where this skuU, pierced by the bone point, was exhumed. I have said that the bone point had hit and pene- 176 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. V. trated the skull near the angle formed by the sutura sagittalis and the sutura coronalis, consequently on the top of the head, which seems to indicate that the person who was killed with it was in a reclining posi- tion when attacked. The assault on the colonists was probably made at night-time by a horde of the savages. That they were many in number is ap- parently proved by the circumstance that several spear-heads of flint, partly whole and partly broken, were found amongst the skeletons, and had probably been used in the combat. After the assault the savages withdrew, and allowed the surviving colonists to inter their dead according to their own custom. Similar scenes of murder to this between the savage aborigines of the country and the first settlers in Scandinavia still occur between the savages of America and the European colonists who destroy their hunting-grounds. But it was formerly even more fierce here, though the passion of extir- pation in the stronger race against the weaker one is by no means extinct. We will here cite an instance which may illustrate certain passages of our legends. It will likewise prove that the savage of America at- tacks his victims when they are asleep, as was appa- rently the case at Tygelsjo. For this purpose we shall here insert some extracts from Hearne's ' Journey in North America,'* in which the tribe-hatred of the savages is depicted by an eye- witness in all its ghastly colours. * A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort to the Northern Ocean. By Samuel Hearne. 4to. London, 1795. Ch. v.] HEARNE'S NARRATIVE. 177 In order to examine the Copper-mine River down to its mouth, liearne had joined a tribe of Copper Indians, and commenced his march along the bank of the river. The Copper Indians are savages of the American, or copper-coloured race, and are generally tall powerful men. Although in language, as well as in appearance, religion, etc., they are di-^ided into diiFerent tribes, frequently waging war, pillaging, and murdering each other's women, etc., still they intermarry, and look upon each other as human beings. But their conduct towards the Esquimaux is quite different; these they consider scarcely human, or at least far inferior to themselves. They have, without the least cause, and from mere wantonness, an insatiable desire to murder these poor defenceless people. Hearne continues his narrative as follows : — 'During our stay at Clowey, a great number of Indians entered into a combination with those of my party to accompany us to the Copper-mine Eiver ; with no other intent than to murder the Esqui- maux, who are imderstood by the Copper Indians to frequent that river in considerable numbers. This scheme, notwithstanding the trouble and fatigue, as well as danger, with which it must obviously be at- tended, was nevertheless so universally approved by these people, that for some time almost every man who joined us proposed to be of the party. Accord- ingly, each volunteer, as well as those who were properly of my party, prepared a target, or shield, before we left the woods of Clowey. These targets 178 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. V. were composed of thin boards, about tbree-quarters of an inch thick, two feet broad, and three feet long, and were intended to ward off the arrows of the Esquimaux.* ' Soon after our arrival at the river-side, three Indians were sent off as spies, in order to see if any Esquimaux were inhabiting the river-side between us and the sea. On their return, it being about noon (July 16, 1771), they informed my companions that five tents of Esquimaux were on the west side of the river. The situation, they said, was very convenient for surprising them; and, according to the account, I judged it to be about twelve miles f from the place we met the spies. When the Indians received this intelligence, no further attendance or attention was paid to my survey; but their whole thoughts were immediately engaged in planning the best method of attack, and how they might steal on the poor Esquimaux the ensuing night, and kill them all while asleep. To accomplish this bloody design more ef- fectually, the Indians thought it necessary to cross the river as soon as possible ; and by the account of the spies, it appeared that no part was more con- venient for the purpose than that where we had met them, it being there very smooth, and at a consider- able distance from any fall. Accordingly, after the * In one place (page 166), Heanie tells us that the arrows of the Esquimaux were pointed either with a triangular black stone (con- sequently like ours on PL V. fig. 98), resembling slate, or with a bit of copper, but the former were the most common. f About If Swedish mile. Oh. v.] HEARNE'S NARRATIVE. 179 Indians had put all their guns, spears, targets, etc., in good order, we crossed the river, which took up some time. ' When we arrived on the west side of the river, each painted the front of his target, or shield ; some with the figure of the sun, others with that of the moon, several with different kinds of birds and beasts of prey, and many with the images of imaginary beings, wliich, according to their silly notions, are the inha- bitants of the different elements, earth, sea, air, etc. ' On enquiring the reason of their doing so, I learned that each man painted his shield with the image of that being on which he relied most for success in the intended engagement. Some were contented with a single representation ; while others, doubtful, as I suppose, of the quality and power of any single being, had their shields covered to the very margin with a group of hieroglyphics quite unintelligible to every one except the painter. Indeed, from the huriy ia which this business was necessarily done, the want of every colour but red and black, and the deficiency of skill in the artist, most of those paintings had more the appearance of a number of accidental blotches than " of anything that is on the earth, or in the water under the earth;" and though some few of them conveyed a tolerable idea of the thing intended, yet even these were many degrees worse than our country sign-paintings in England. ' When this piece of superstition was completed, we began to advance toward the Esquimaux tents ; but N 2 180 THE STONE AGE. [Cn. V. were very careful to avoid crossing any hills, or talk- ing loud, for fear of being seen or overheard by the inhabitants, by which means the distance was not only much greater than it otherwise would have been, but, for the sake of keeping ia the lowest grounds, we were obliged to walk through entire swamps of stiff marly clay, sometimes up to the knees. ' It is perhaps worth remarking, that my crew, though an undisciplined rabble, and by no means ac- customed to war or command, seemingly acted on this horrid occasion with the utmost uniformity of senti- ment. There was not among them the least altercation or separate opinion; all were united in the general cause, and as ready to follow Avhere Matonabbee led, as he appeared to be ready to lead, according to the advice of an old Copper Indian, who had jouied us on our first arrival at the river where this bloody busi- ness was first proposed. ' Never was reciprocity of interest more generally regarded among a number of people than it was on the present occasion by my crew, for not one was a moment in want of anything that another could spare ; and if ever the spirit of disinterested friendship ex- panded the heart of a northern Indian, it was here exhibited in the most extensive meaning of the word. Property of every kind that could be of general use now ceased to be private, and every one who had anything which came under that description, seemed proud of an opportunity of giving it, or lending it to those who had none, or were most in want of it. ' The number of my crew was so much greater than Oh. v.] HEARXE'S NARRATIVE. 181 that which five tents could contain, and the warlike manner in -which they were equipped so greatly superior to what could be expected of the poor Esquimaux, that no less than a total massacre of every one of them was likely to be the case, un- less Providence should work a miracle for their deliverance.* ' The land was so situated that we walked under cover of the rocks and hills till we were withm two hundred yards of the tents. There we lay in ambush for some time, watching the motions of the Esquimaux. While we lay there, the Indians performed the last ceremonies which were thought necessary before the engagement. These chiefly consisted in painting their faces ; some all black, some all red, and others with a mixture of the two ; and to prevent their hair from blowing into their eyes, it was either tied before and behind, and on both sides, or else cut short all round. The next thing they considered was to make them- selves as light as possible for running ; which they did by pulUng off their stockings, and either cutting off the sleeves of their jackets, or rolling them up close to their armpits ; and though the mosquitoes at that time were so numerous as to surpass all credibility, yet some of the Indians actually pulled off their jackets and entered the lists quite naked, except their breech-cloths and shoes. * It makes our blood freeze with horror when we see that an enlightened Christian could be prevailed upon to witness such a horribly preconcerted massacre of defenceless innocent fellow- creatures, instead of doing all in his power to prevent this crime. But see Note 9. 182 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. V. ' By the time the Indians had made themselves thus completely frightful, it was near one o'clock in the morning (July 17), when, finding all the Esquimaux quiet in their tents, they rushed forth from their ambuscade, and fell on the poor unsuspecting crea- tures, unperceived till close at the very eaves of their tents, when they soon began the bloody massacre. It was shocking beyond description; the poor unhappy victims were surprised ia the midst of their sleep, and had neither time nor power to make any resistance; men, women, and children, in all upwards of twenty, ran out of their tents stark naked, and endeavoured to make their escape ; but the Indians having possession of all the land side, to no side could they fly for shelter. One alternative only remained, that of jumping into the river; but as none of them attempted it, they all fell a sacrifice to Indian barbarity ! ' The shrieks and groans of the poor expiring wretches were truly dreadful; and my horror was much increased at seeing a young girl, seemingly about eighteen years of age, killed so near me that when the first spear was stuck into her side she fell down at my feet, and twisted round my legs so that it was with difficulty that I could disengage myself from her dying grasps. As two Indian men pursued this unfortunate victim, I solicited very hard for her life ; but the murderers made no reply till they had stuck both their sj)ears through her body, and trans- fixed her to the ground. They then looked me sternly in the face, and began to ridicule me by Ch. v.] HEARNE'S NARRATIVE. 183 asking if I wanted an Esquimaux wife ; and paid not tlie smallest regard to the shrieks and agony of the poor wretch, who was twining round their speare like an eel. Indeed, after receiving much abusive language from them on the occasion, I was at length obliged to desire that they would be more expeditious in dispatching their victim out of her misery, otherwise I should be obhged, out of pity, to assist in the friendly office of putting an end to the existence of a fellow-creature who was so cruelly wounded. On this request being made, one of the Indians hastily drew his spear from the place where it was first lodged, and pierced it through her breast near the heart. The love of life, however, even in this most miserable state, was so predominant, that, though this might justly be called the most merciful act that could be done for the poor creature, it seemed to be unwelcome, for, though much exhausted by pain and loss of blood, she made several efforts to ward off the friendly blow. ' The brutish manner in which these savages used the bodies they had so cruelly bereaved of life was so shocking that it would be indecent to describe it. ' When the Indians had completed the murder of the poor Esquimaux, seven other tents on the east side the river immediately engaged their attention : veiy luckily, however, our canoes and baggage had been left at a little distance up the river, so that they had no way of crossing to get at them. The river at this part being little more than eighty yards wide, they began firing at them from the west side. The 184 THE STONE AGE. [Oh, V. poor Esquimaux on tlie opposite shore, thougli all up in arms, did not attempt to abandon their tents ; and they were so unacquainted with the nature of fire- arms, that Avhen the bullets struck the ground, they ran in crowds to see what was sent them, and seemed anxious to examine all the pieces of lead which they found flattened against the rocks.* At length one of the Esquimaux men was shot in the calf of his leg, which put them in great confusion. They all imme- diately embarked in their little canoes, and paddled to a shoal in the middle of the river, which, being somewhat more than a gun-shot from any part of the shore, put them out of the reach of our barbaiians. ' When the savages discovered that the surviving Esquimaux had gained the shore above mentioned, the northern Indians began to plunder the tents of the deceased of all the copper utensils they could find, such as hatchets, bayonets, knives, etc. ; f after which they assembled on the top of an adjacent high hill, and standing all in a cluster, so as to form a solid circle, with their spears erect in the air, gave man}- shouts of victory, constantly clashing their spears against each other, and frequently calling out Tima ! fima ! J b}' way of derision to the poor surviving Esquimaux, who were standing in the shoal almost knee-deep in water. After parading the hill for * They behaved exactly like children. Compare Introduc- tion. f There occurred lumps of pure copper in the neighborhood, which the Esquimaux beat between stones into axes, knives, etc. J This word is, in the Esquimaux language, meant to be a friendly acclamation, signifying How are you ? It was here used as a cruel derision. Oh. v.] HEAIINE'S NARRATIVE. 185 some time, it was agreed to return up the river to the place where we had left our canoes and baggage, which was about half a mile distant, and then to cross the river again and plunder the seven tents on the east side. This resolution was immediately put in force ; and as ferrying across with only three or four canoes took a considerable time, and as we were, from the crookedness of the river and the form of the land, entirely under cover, several of the poor surviv- ing Esquimaux, thinking, probably, that we were gone about our business, and meant to trouble them no more, had returned from the shoal to their habita- tions. When we approached their tents, which we did under cover of the rocks, we found them busily employed tying up bundles. These the Indians seized with their usual ferocity ; on which, the Es- quimaux having their canoes lying ready in the water, immediately embarked, and all of them got safe to the former shoal, except one old man, who was so intent on collecting his things, that, the Indians coming upon him before he could reach his canoe, he fell a sacrifice to their fury : 1 verily believe not less than twenty had a hand in his death, as his whole body was like a cullender. ' I ought to have mentioned in its proper place, that in making our retreat up the river, after killing the Esquimaux on the west side, we saw an old woman sitting by the side of the water, killing salmon, which lay at the foot of the faU as thick as a shoal of herrings.* Whether from the noise of the fall or a * She was fishing with a leister armed with a few points. The fish were so abundant, that when the leister was thrust into the water 186 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. V. natural defect in the old woman's hearing, it is hard to determine, but certain it is she had no knowledge of the tragical scene which had been so lately trans- acted at the tents, though she was not more than two hundred yards from the place. When we first per- ceived her, she seemed perfectly at ease, and was entirely surrounded with the produce of her labour. From her manner of behaviour and the appearance of her eyes, which were as red as blood, it is more than probable that her sight was not very good ; for she scarcely discerned that the Indians were enemies till they were within twice the length of their spears of her. It was in vain that she attempted to fly, for the wretches of my crew transfixed her to the ground in a few seconds, and butchered her in the most savage manner. There was scarcely a man among them who had not a thrust at her with his spear; and many in doing this aimed at torture rather than immediate death, as they not only poked out her eyes, but stabbed her in many parts very remote from those which are vital. ' When the Indians had plundered the seven tents of all the copper utensils, which seemed the only thing worth their notice, they threw all the tents and tent- poles into the river, destroyed a vast quantity of dried salmon, much oxen-flesh, and other provisions, broke all the stone kettles, and, in fact, did all the mischief they possibly could to distress the poor creatures they could not murder, and who were standing on the shoal and drawn up, it rarely failed to transfix two or three fish. (Com- pare chap. i. page 70.) Ch. v.] ESQUIMAUX REGAEDED AS SORCERERS, 187 before mentioned, obliged to be woful spectators of their great or perhaps irreparable loss.' The author then goes on to describe the ceremonies which the Indians performed after the massacre, which show that they considered themselves unclean from having touched such despised and detested beings as the Esquimaux. In another passage (page 333), the author informs us that the main cause of these perse- cutions is that the Esquimaux are looked upon as sorcerers ; and that when any Indian chief dies, it is said generally that the Esquimaux have killed him by witchcraft. In the summer of 1756, upwards of forty Esquimaux were treacherously assailed and murdered by Indians, from no other motive than that two of their chiefs had died the preceding winter. We shall now more closely contemplate the relation here described between savage people of different races and tribes. It is evident that religious fanati- cism had a share in this tiger-Hke ire of the Indians against the Esquimaux ; they looked upon them as gobUns. That each of them painted their god, or gods, on their shields before the combat, proves that they hoped for victory from him ; and to him it was also afterwards ascribed. This is hkewise proved by the ceremony on the hill.* It is clear as daylight, that after such deeds and victories as now described, stories must arise in which the god of the Indians, whatever his name may be, * The religious ceremony after the battle reminds us of the purifi- cation of the Jews after slaying the Midianites. Num. xxxi. 19 . 188 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. V. is represented as the killer of goblins, as the de- stroyer and extirpator of the cave-dwelling people,* and so on ; and that these stories, when handed down from father to son, became more and more intermixed with marvellous additions. Let us imagine that European civilisation, or a written language, had never been introduced in America, but that the In- dians themselves had transmitted these stories by word of mouth to their posterity. What prose could not achieve, the Skalds would do, for even half-savao-e nomads have their bards; and, therefore, the recital of these occurrences would, after thousands of years, or perhaps even sooner, after the introduction of some civilisation amongst the Indians, and when tales and lays of ancient times were written down, appear no less extravagant and marvellous than the most im- probable of our own Sagas and lays of antiquity. I Eveiybody who reflects upon this, and impartially studies our ancient Sagas, in which it is related how imps, dwarfs, goblins, and other enemies of the saga- tellino- nations were either slain en masse and extir- pated by their gods, or hunted down by them and pursued into the depths of their caverns, mangled by blows from axes, and pierced with red-hot arrows, and so on, must undoubtedly recognise m these our ancient Sagas the same hostile relation between * The winter habitations of the Esquimaux are earth-caverns, see page 133. t And in the same way so ne historian might also, in the course of time, assure his contemporaries and posterity that all these tales and lays from ancient times were mere creations of fancy, mere myths and allegories, which had no foundation in reality. On. v.] HEREDITAEY HATRED BETWEEN RACES. 189 the earliest savage and semi-savage tribes of Scan- dinavia as that existing between the savage tribes of America of our own day, as related by Hearne and otlier travellers. But although this hereditary hatred is more or less intense between all savage nations, and consequently also amongst the different Indian tribes (page 164), still it manifests itself nowhere perhaps with so much bitterness and with so little apparent cause, as when the more powerful races, gifted with more suscepti- bdity and capable of a high civilisation, come into con- tact with the now so-called polar race in America and Europe.* It is evident that this race, so weak in a physical and mteUectual point of view, was formerly spread more widely over both the hemispheres ; but, probably in consequence of this hereditary hatred be- tween the races, has been extirpated in many regions. We have here already seen with what fury the Copper Indians, without any provocation, murder the poor Esquimaux. We find the same contemptuous hatred against this defenceless people amongst the Icelanders, who discovered Winland (the east coast of North America, under lat. 40°-42°). We are told (in ' Antiq. Americ' page 42) that 'when Thorwald and his followers had landed there, having seen on the beach of a small headland three mounds, they went there, and discovered three boats, made of the skins of wild animals, and three human beings (Skra- lingar f ) under each boat. They then divided and * The same has probably been the case also in Asia, f That is to say, Esquimaux. 190 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. V. pursued the natives, seizing all excepting one, who escaped in his boat. They slew the remaining eight, and then returned to the headland, whence they saw at a distance in the bay several other mounds, which they supposed were houses,' etc. We see thus, that in the tenth century the Gothic tribes of the Caucasian race were animated by the same desire as the Indian tribes of the American race, to steal upon the helpless Esquimaux and to murder them without any provocation whatever. The same deadly hatred of the dwarf people in Europe, as of the Skralingar in America, is expressed in strong and unmistakable features in our ancient Sagas. To what end has this murderous propensity been implanted, as it appears, by Nature herself ? The paragraph in the code of Creation which ordains that everything meaner, when it has fulfilled its mission here on earth, shall perish and make room for something better, does it also refer to the different races of man? This subject may deserve to be more fully considered and reflected upon by the philosopher. Ch. VI.] STONE AGE OF DIFFEKE^^T NATIONS. 191 CHAPTER VI. THE STONE AGE OF DIFFERENT NATIONS. THE SOUECB OF TRADITION. DWARFS, GIANTS, GOBLINS, ETC., "WERE ORI- GINALLY PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT TRIBES AND RELIGION. Every nation, even those most anciently ci\'ilised, has had its Stone Age, * and Avhere this has disappeared before the commencement of history, traces of it have still often been preserved in religious observances and ceremonies, as already mentioned in Chapter II. of this work. Of all the different phases of civilisation through which a nation must pass before it attains the highest grade of development, the first rude state is the most enduring and the most difficult to get over. An im- portant ethnological discovery was made by Ermaii during his travels, namely, that the Argippseans of Herodotus are the now existing Baschkirs of the Ural mountain-districts, and that their present mode of life is exactly like that described by Herodotus more than 2,300 years ago; f and this people had no doubt lived in the same wild state long before Herodotus described them. * As regards the Egyptians, see Chapter II. page 7, note. Besides this, during a visit to the British Museum in 1847, I saw, among the Egyptian rough-edged arrows, one tipped with a rough flint-flake. I Erman's Travels in Siberia, vol. i. p. 297. 102 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI, That tills first period of cultivation, the Stone Age, was of long duration, even with our forefathers, a people of the Indo-Germanic race here in the North, we may conclude from the occurrence of many facts, of which several will be mentioned in the following chapter; we would only notice here, that this first period of civilisation with us is so remote that neither our history nor our traditions mention the use of any other weapons than those of iron. The Bronze era is not even mentioned,* and in all cases when arrows of stone are mentioned, reference is invariably made to the most ancient time of the Sagas, and to an entirely different race. Certain, however, it is, that I have been unable to find, either in history or in the ancient Sagas, a single passage where any other weapons of war than those of iron are mentioned as being used by our ancestors (the people of the Gothic race). This is certainly only a negative proof, and may therefore be looked upon as indecisive, but it gains strength from the circumstance, that our ancestors, especially the more wealthy and enlightened amongst them — those, therefore, who have left records to pos- terity — were a warlike people, and occupied them- selves almost exclusively with the manufacture and management of their weapons. Ancient laws contain * Nor, indeed, is it mentioned with any other European people in the North or West. With the Eomans it was only known by tradition that the Bron?e era had preceded that of iron (' prior seris erat quam ferri cognitus usus,' Luoret.). Hesiod regretted that he lived during the Iron Age. Homer's heroes belonged to the so-called heroic age. The iron weapons of the Eomans can be traced as far back at least as Tarquinius Prisons. Ch. VI.] STONE AGE OF DIFFERENT NATIONS. 193 strict rules regarding the kind of weapons which were to be furnished and employed. In hundreds of Sagas, various weapons are described and extolled, but every epithet there found proves that reference is made to iron weapons only, and not to weapons of bronze or of stone. Swords inlaid with gold and silver, gilt helmets, and harness ' shining like ice,' are men- tioned in our Sagas from the earliest historical period.* I have visited several places in Norway which the national traditions indicate as having been battle- fields in ancient times, but the weapons which have been dug up there have all, without exception, been of ii'on. The weapons used in the battle of Stickler- stad, in 1030, were of iron and steel. Rusty pieces of such weapons found on that battle-field have been figured in several works. It may be supposed that the iron weapons found there belonged to the fallen Norsemen, and that the pagan army of peasants used stone arrows. But this is not the case, at least not generally. It is, moreover, an indubitable fact that one arrow at least shot from the hostile ranks was of iron. Thormodr Kolbrunnarskald, who, on the morning previous to the commencement of the battle, and at the king's request, sang the beautiful song : Dagr er uppkominn, dynia liana ijadrir ; Mai er vilmogum at vinna erfitlii,| etc., received during the engagement an arrow in his chest. The arrow broke ofi" in the wound, and the * John, Om Krigsvdsendet, page 192. ■f Iduna Tidskrift, vol. i. page 58. 104 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. surgeon, who, according to the custom of those times, ■was a woman, endeavoured to extract it by means of a pair of pincers, but in vain, the wound having be- gun to swell. Thormodr therefore desired her to cut into the flesh until the iron could be reached, and she having done so, he himself pulled out the arrow-point, which had become bent.* That the skald died from the operation is irrelevant, but not so the fact, that the murderous arrow, which had become bent, must have been of iron, and not of stone. In the battle on BravaUa plain, which was fought at a much more remote date, viz. about the year 700 f, and in the records of which many weapons and various kinds of armour are described, nothing is stated which will in any way justify the inference that stone weapons had been used by any of the various hordes which took a part in the battle. | As those, however, by whom records of these events have been left to posterity belonged to the more wealthy and distinguished class, who used iron weapons, they no * Fostbradra-sagan, page 215. f The time is differently stated by different authors; namely, from the year 680 to 735. J AH this, however, does not prove that the use of stone weapons was entirely abolished. We cannot suppose it possible that iron came into general use all at once, but rather gradually and by degrees, until it came down to the soldiery, and that the latter used their weapons of stone for a long time, while the chiefs and richer men had weapons of iron. We also see them together on sculptured stones. {Urinv&narne, vol. i. page 56.) The Bronze era did not succeed in rooting out the use of stone weapons (even then stone only was employed here for missile weapons) ; it was during the Iron Age that the use of stone was at first gradually, and at last altogether abolished. Ch. VI.] ANTIQUITY OF STONE WEAPONS. 196 doubt considered the weapons of stone employed only by the soldiei's as too insignificant to be mentioned. In the same way it may be explained that our Eddas and ancient Sagas, which, as regards this sub- ject, go back to the most remote antiquity, do not in any single passage speak of war weapons of stone as having been used by the people of the historical race, whereas their wai' weapons of iron are frequently mentioned, and extolled in the most exaggerated terms. Their swords would cut stone as well as cloth, and in order to test the sharpness of the edges, a lock of wool was thrown into slowly running water; the sword was held in it with the edge towards the current while the wool was driftins down upon it. If it cut the wool through, the wea- pon was considered to be sufficiently sharp.* It is also remarkable that stone weapons were, as far back as we are acquainted with their history, used neither by the Gothic race in Germany nor in Scan- dinavia. Tacitus relates ('Germ.' vii.) that the Ger- mans had war weapons of iron, and states that the reason why few of them used swords or large spears, like the Romans, but lances, which ui their language were called /ramea (ohrime, awl, a kind of pike armed with a narrow and short piece of iron) was, that iron was not abundant with them.f The only people * Didr. of Bern's Saga, chap. xxi. t It appears to me incomprehensible that notwithstanding Tacitus relates this as a fact in plain words, there are antiquaries who in later times declare that the framea of Tacitus were of bronze, and resembled the so-called paalstav of the Danes ; which is certainly neither narrow nor pointed, but broad at the edge, and like a chisel. o 2 106 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. known by Tacitus who were so poor and rude that they were not even acquainted with iron, were the Fenni. These Fenni were the same people who at a later period were throughout the North called Finns, i.e. Laplanders. For want of iron, they armed their arrows with a sharp-pointed bone, as was the custom of the Laplanders even as late as a century ago. We see by all this, that the people who have transmitted to us some account of their history from ancient times, as far back as history relates and the Sagas recount their adventures, have not, either in Scandinavia or in Germany, spoken of weapons of any other kind of material than of iron, but that, on the other hand, the Laplanders had, at any rate, their arrows tipped with hone. We also find that all na- tions who are unacquainted with the use of metals, and Avho employ arrows and other implements made of honi\ have also others of stone, and we know- that the Laplanders employed them even at a much later period. From this circumstance alone, we come to the conclusion that the dwarf people of the Saga, who clearly belonged to the race of Laplanders, must have had implements of stone and of hones of animals, but not of metal. But we have a still more positive proof in favour of this opinion. There is, at all events, one passage in the Sagas in which it is distinctly shown that the arrows of the dwarfs were of stone. This remarkable passage occurs in ' Orvar Odd's Saga,' (See Lisch Jahrbiicher, vol. ix. page 335, fig. 6, page 376.) I can see no reason why f en-urn should be translated bronze. Ch. VI.] 'ORVAR ODD'S SAGA.' 397 which, as some of our readers are perhaps aware, is a very interesting romance, and which has this in com- mon with our modern so-called historical novels, that real facts are mingled with imaginary adventures. It is there related that the Viking Orvar Odd, having in- several battles lost his bravest and most faithful followers, wandered about alone and restless, from one country to another, seeking adventures. Finally, he came to Huneland, where, in a forest, he met an old man cutting wood near a small cottage. The old man was of short stature, and his name was Jolf. Orvar, wishing to conceal his real name, called himself Yidforul, passed the night in the old man's cottage, and in the morning, on leaving, presented him with a knife. As a return present, the old man wished to give him three stone arrows, when Orvar observed: ' It is a good present, old man, but I am not aware that I need carry stone arrows about with me.' ' It may happen, Odd,' said the old man, ' that these stone arrows may help thee, where the Guse arrows cannot avail.' ' Knowest thou then that my name is Odd ? ' ' Yes,' replied the old man. ' Then,' said Odd, ' it may be that thou knowest also why thou didst now say that I shall have occasion to use thy stone arrows ; I shall therefore accept them, and I thank thee much for them ; ' and he put them into his quiver. An explanation of this passage stands in immediate connection with our subject. It is indeed not dis- tinctly mentioned here that the little old man Jolf was a dwarf (i.e. Laplander) ; but from many parallel passages in the Sagas, and from his demeanour, his 198 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. cunning, his skUl in witchcraft, and his prognosti- cations, we clearly infer that he belonged to the dwarf race. I must further remind the reader that the Guse arrows which Odd carried in his quiver, aad of which circumstance Jolf was aware, were three magic arrows taken from the Lapland chief Guse which arrows had the property of hitting everything at which they were aimed, after which they returned of their own accord to the bow-string. Odd's answer which in a romance would of course be considered as expressing the general opinion at that period, has therefore the following meaning : The present is in itself valuable, but I am not aware that I shall need these magic stone arrows, as I already carry in my quiver the Guse arrows, which have a certain magical power. But the old man, who was a sorcerer, and who could read the future, gave Odd to understand that he should one day be exposed to sorcery, against which only his own magic arrows, and not the Guse arrows, would be able to protect him. The old man's prediction was soon verified, for • Odd became the leader in a battle, in which an invisible witch, Gyda, caused him great loss of men. Odd aimed at her first with the Guse arrows. 'When Gyda heard them whistling through the air, she held up the palm of her hand to receive them, but they made no more impression thereon than upon a stone. Odd shot oflf all the Guse arrows, but they all fell amongst the grass. " Now," said Odd, " what Jolf predicted has come to pass : the Guse arrows are lost; it remains now to try his stone arrows." Thereupon Ch.VI.] superstitions. 199 Odd took one of the stone arrows and aimed at Gyda; she heard it whistling through the air, and held up her wrist; the arrow pierced her hand, entered her eye, and came out at the neck. Odd shot off the second arrow, which flew the same way. Then he let off the third arrow, and it hit Gyda in the forehead, and immediately she fell down dead.' This ancient romance shows very clearly that at the time when it was composed, neither arrows, nor other weapons of stone, were in common use as weapons, but that even then the opinion was generally cuiTent that these stone weapons, which owed their existence to the dwarf race, skilled in sorcery, were endowed with a magic power against witches and witchcraft, which no other weapons possessed. We still find, here and there, traces amongst the peasantry of the superstition that stone imple- ments possess inherent magic power. Some of the peasantry even now believe that stone wedges are a protection against lightning, and they have therefore always a few of them in their possession, which they cannot easily be prevailed upon to part with. In some districts they were formerly placed in the bed beside women near their confinement, in order to lighten the pains of labour. They are still occasion- ally used by the peasantry against a cutaneous disease in children called the ' white fire.' With the aid of a piece of steel, sparks are emitted from them which are made to fall upon the head of the child. Superstitions notions of the same kind appear to be entertained also by the peasantry in Ireland and THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. land. Mr. E. Lloyd relates, in his ' Observations ¥ales,' that during his journey in Scotland, he particularly amused with the many different kinds mulets preserved by the inhabitants. Amongst 3 he mentions stone arrows, which were believed bem to have belonged to the elves. In ' Nenia annica,' London, 1793, page 154, is the figure of )ne arrow from Ireland (like that given on Pl.V. 96), mounted in silver ; and the author states the peasants call these flint arrows 'elf-arrows,' they mount them in silver, and wear them round bhroat as amulets against ' elf-shots.'* We must remember that the elves of the Eddas and is were of two kinds, and that one of them, the k. elves, were identical with the dwarf people, Laplanders (' Snorr Edda,' pages 119, 123). Thus ' elf-shots ' of the Irish peasantry are identical the ' Lap-shots ' of the Swedish peasantry, and equently, this is a further proof that the magical e implements belonged to the dwarf people. Some le may think it strange that a person should carry .t with him ' Lap-arrows ' as a protection against )-shots,' but this is in perfect accordance with an popular superstition, and is not more strange than lereditary conviction of the same people that stone Dhese accounts are very instructive. They prove that it was le Celts themselves, but a people considered by them to be I in magic, who fabricated and used these stone arrows, jrly stones shaped like a heart were set in the same way in and worn round the throat as amulets, probably as a pre- ive against ' Lap-shots ' and other sorceries carried on in the [ have never seen them made of flint, but only of amber. Ch. VI.] ANCIENT INHABITANTS OP SWEDEN, ETC. 201 bolts, which have fallen during thunder-stprms, are a protection against lightning. This accords with an old popular belief already mentioned in the Edda, namely, that the same matter which has hurt can also cure : thus the flesh of the snake, or hair of the dog, which has bitten a person, is laid as a salve upon the wounds. We have already seen by the description, as well as the sketches of skulls in Chapter III. (both short- headed, brachy cephalic, and long-headed, dolichoce- phalic, the former resembling those of the Laplanders, the latter those of the other inhabitants), that people of different tribes inhabited this country even during the Stone Age. It may be assumed, for several reasons, that the race of people of which the Lap- landers form the remnants was spread over Sweden, Denmark, and other places ; since, on the one hand, crania, which evidently belong to this race, have been found in many places in the earth, and in bogs in the south of Sweden; and, on the other hand, because many words in the Swedish and Danish languages have a great similarity to synonymous words in the Lapland tongue. Profound investigators, as Rask, Petersen, Christie, and others, have already proved this. Those who doubt it may perhaps reply, that at any rate some of them might just as weU have origi- nally been adopted from the Swedish into the Lapland tongue, as vice versd, and though this mixture of lan- guages certainly proves an intercourse between both races, it does not prove that the Laplanders necessa- rily inhabited those places where, in the language, one THE STONE AGE. [Oh. VI. 1 with Lapland words, and therefore it has een proved that the Laplanders formerly inha- the central and south part of Sweden. But es the Lapland skulls found in ancient tombs, iresence of Lapland local names strongly sup- the above-mentioned opinion. Those who are acquainted with the Lapland tongue have re- sed several such names, not only in the central outhern parts of Sweden and Norway, but also )untries south of Sweden. The distinguished ist, Mr. Rask, assumes, in consequence of this, the Laplanders in ancient times inhabited the e of Denmark.* According to his interpretation, lame Samso is from the Lapland language. The ds of Hvidn, anciently Hoidn, owe their name to pi and word, apparently derived from voudn (bay, •ith). A great number of other names in the h, which cannot be traced to Gothic roots, seem to have been derived from the Lapland language ; nstance, Falstr, Fjon, llledra, Thotn, in Norway, Dthers. Trollhdttan is said to be derived from the aame troll (goblin) and the Lapland word hailte^ ids). On the Dovrefield, the people assert that local name Jerkin was of Lapland origin, and ice of the residence of the Laplanders in that ; the lake Jerkin, in the province of Upland, the same name. The Allvar of Oland may asily traced to the Lapland words all (high) and (hill). There is a similar locality in Scania, the mt name of which, Allvar^ seems to have been * Ovi det Nordisk Sprogs Oprindelse, page 114. Ch. VI.] THE SOURCE OP TRADITION. 203 retained for a farm in that province, AUvarstorp, pronounced Alfvastorp by the peasantry. The word all has been retained in a great number of names of hills and eminences in Scania. Thus, the Lapland words stoch (sound, inlet) and gam (lake) seem to enter into many Swedish local names. If we now consider, that besides Lapland local names peculiar to the south of Sweden there are a great many ancient Sagas, which have evidently been handed down from generation to generation, relating to dwarfs^ cavern-people^ or goblins^ who formerly lived in such or such a mountain-cave, and in such or such a crag — and many such places are still shown by the country people, especially in those districts where crags are found, but sometimes also in districts where only larger earth-mounds are met with ; and if, moreover, we remember that to these places are at- tached detailed Sagas of occurrences which are said to have happened there, and in which Sagas the student easily recognises ethnological features which cannot pos- sibly have been invented — then we are compelled to admit that these stories, still current amongst the people, must have some historical basis, and that it is impossible they can be merely creations of fancy; we are forced to assume that individuals of the Lap- land people have lived at all events near or about those places which the national Sagas indicate as their dwellings. Thus, this smaller and weaker tribe have been ex- pelled, even here in the North of Europe, by a stronger and larger race of people ; as is also the case THE STONE AGE. [Oh. VI. N^orth America, where the Esquimaux, the polar } of the New World, were the first settlers, but e by degrees expelled by a larger and stronger 5, namely, the copper-coloured Indians, ^ery nearly the same thing happened long ago e in Europe, as is now taking place in America, can thus trace a similarity between the two -Ids, inasmuch as in both the conquering and re powerful tribes believed the polar race to be led in sorcery, and for that reason expelled and secuted them. I have alluded to our Sagas and iitions. It appears to me evident, that during the g period extending, probably, over thousands of rs, when the aborigines of the country were unable ler to read or write, verbal traditions began, and 'e handed down from generation to generation; it ) appears evident, that when the more civilised iple arrived in the country, where they gradually ame settlers, and fell in with a ruder people of )ther race, with different features, and of different ; from their own, with dress, language, manner of ng, and religious ceremonies also different from irs, whom they then conquered, expelled, or extir- ;ed, just as is the case now with savage and half- age nations, the memory of these occurrences, highly important to them, must have taken deep t in their minds, and have been transmitted from ents to children through succeeding generations: torted, probably, by numerous additions, in conse- ;nce of their religious views changing with time, but 1 preserving so much of its original characteristics, t, if treated without prejudice, these may easily be Cn. VI.] THE SOURCE OF TEADITION. 205 recognised. The national traditions and Sagas, of which Scandinavia possesses so rich a store, having been here alluded to, I must beg the reader to remem- ber that they are of two kinds, secular and religious^ both resting upon historical ground. In favour of the former, we have no other evidence than that they are related by the people, but exactly alike in districts very remote from one another : this was, at least, still the case sixty or seventy years ago. He who does not remember that time, and stUl more, he who has been brought up in a large toAvn, cannot easily form an idea of the veneration with which they were told and list- ened to by the country people. Other times have suc- ceeded to these, and the enlightened man of the world, or the town-resident, if occasionally he has an op- portunity of listening to these Sagas, looks upon them as mere foolish prattle, unworthy the attention of an educated man. The religious Sagas seem to have a little more foundation than the others, because they continue to live in certain religious customs and rites among the people. By the enlightened they are called superstition. Every remnant of a religious worship subverted in the course of time through changed ideas, becomes superstition. No superstition can have arisen isolated and of itself. When it arose, and for a long time afterwards, it was & faith^ and formed part of a distinct religious worship ; but when this worship was destroyed, the external forms, which were still continued by the people, l^ecame mere super- stition. Superstition is, therefore, nothing else than the spectre of a formerly living faith ; it is the ruin of an ancient temple long overthrown. THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. 5uch remnants of pagan worship are still found Dngst the people here, and the impartial enquirer I be able, without much difficulty, to distin- eh which of them have belonged to the worship of or, Baal, or Odin. Every religious change in a pie is in fact only an intermixture of religions; ause the new religion, whether received by means jonvincing arguments, or enforced by the eloquence ire and sword, cannot at once tear up all the wide- eading roots by which its forerunner has grown in heart of the people: this must be the work of ny years, perhaps of many generations, liooked upon in this light, enquiries into national ditions and superstitions are of great interest to ethnologist, as they enable him to trace the ear- t history of the race to which they belong. In my acity of ethnographer I must contemplate the na- lal Sagas from an historical, not from an aesthetic, nt of view, although I am well aware that there are ny who consider the latter as the only right one. ^n my researches relating to this subject, I intend owing the method hitherto adopted; namely, to it the same as comparative ethnology. And in er to prove tliat our national traditions rest upon ;orical foundation, I may be permitted, first, to lind the reader of what has previously been said — k' savage tribes in America conquer and expel iker ones, even in our own days; and we sliali ti endeavour to discover, in the earliest tra- ons of our own native land, the traces of similar arrences. Cn. VI.] DWARFS, GIANTS, GOBLINS, ETC. 207 We shall begin by enquiring wliether the names in the ancient traditions, dwmfs^ giants, goblins, and elves, really refer to human beings, or whether they denote mythical and allegorical beings, which have had no historical existence. Proofs that the Dwarfs and Pigmies of the Sagas were Human Beings, that they belonged to the same Race as the Laplanders of the present Day, and that our Ancestors considered them to be skilled in Witchcraft. It has often been asserted that the dwarfs men- tioned in the ancient Sagas were not real men, but mythical and allegorical beings, meant to typify certain powers and conditions of nature. This mode of explanation is a very convenient one for fancy; since if we can only succeed in transferring any given object to the realms of fiction, we can then treat it according to our own fancy, and play with it as a child with its doll. But in the description of dwarfs as given by the Sagas we find too many and too distinct ethnological characters to admit of any such theory. The reason for supposing that the dwarfs have no historical reality is, probably, in the first instance, that they are said to have performed several supernatural and impossible feats, or, in other words, that they practised sorcery.* * Poets and inventors of Sagas in olden times were always in the habit of embellishing their stories with extravagancies, and yet these were always founded upon real events. Thus Homer describes the giant Polyphemus and the Princess Circe as sorcerers ; and yet THE STONE AGE [Ch. VI. t this does not fully entitle us to deny their :orical existence. In that case not only the Lap- lers in Europe, but also the whole Esquimaux 3 in America, ought for the same reason to be re- ded as mythical and allegorical, because it is not cheating the merchant, he would return no more. This characteristic feature we find also in the dwarfs of tlie Sagas. They are cunning, sly, deceitful, and thievish. 6. The Laplanders are skilful; they are even able to manufacture their own rifles. The skill of the dwarfs as craftsmen is spoken of in many Sagas. 7. The Laplanders delight in collecting glittering- metals, especially silver. They do not willingly re- ceive any other than silver coin. Many an old avaricious Laplander is thought to have concealed his silver in some out-of-the-way place amongst the mountains, kno^vn only to himself, Avhere he pays now and then a visit. The dwarfs are also spoken of in the Saga as beino; rich in silver. 8. It was thought that the dwarfs were skilled in sorcery ; the same was believed of the Laplanders. They were aware of this, and threatened to ' sdtta gan V (bewitch) those who did not give them what they asked for. We hear also occasionally, in the south of Sweden, Lappskott^ etc., sjjoken of. The Laplanders were, and are still, considered by many to be a weird race of sorcerers. 9. The Lapland race is considered inferior to, and is despised by, the Goths living in their neighbourhood. In consequence of this hereditary hatred between the tribes, a Swede or a Norwegian rarely marries a Lap- land woman. Mr. P. Lsestadius, although a great friend of the Laplanders, says : ' The races appear to be so distinctly divided from each other, that it seems to be repugnant even to physical nature to unite them.' 226 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. VI. 10. The Laplanders therefore marry and hold feasts only amongst themselves, as was the case with the mountain-pigmies . This comparison might be carried much farther, and even into the smallest details ; but what I have already adduced may suffice to prove that the dwarfs of ancient times and the Laplanders of our own day are identical. Having proved that the dwarfs of the ancient Saga were men, we will now endeavour to show the same of the Jotnar^ or giants, of the ancient Saga, though they belonged to a different race. All nations make their own stature the scale by which they measure the stature of others. Certain, therefore, as it is, that it must have been a race of low stature which gave the epithet of giants (Jotnar) to another race, it is equally certain that it must have been a tall race which gave to another the epi- thet of dwarfs. Consequently, the giants need not have been taller than people in general of Celtic, Germanic, or Gothic races, in order to have been called giants by a dwarf race such as the Laplanders or Esqui- maux. We can prove this by examples. In Ikare- sarsuk, in the district of Fredrikshaabs, in Greenland, an ancient Saga still exists amongst the Greenlanders, which evidently has some connection with the fall and ruin of the ancient Norwegian colony there. Thus, it is related that a Greenlander, by name Poviak, had once upon a time come up amongst the mountains, and there met accidentally with two Ch. YL] 'JOTNAR; or giants. 2-27 Avomen of supernatural stature, who lived in the interior of the country. They seized hold of him and cari'ied him along with them. After having lived with them for some time, it happened one day that they all three came down to the seashore toge- ther, at the moment when several travelling Green- landers had landed. Poviak called out to his country- men, who hastened to his assistance. The women tried to escape, but only one of them succeeded in getting away ; the other was taken, and carried off by the Greenlanders. They took her on board one of their women's boats, but she was so tall and strong, that every one of her movements threatened to upset the boat. She thenceforth resided amongst the Green- landers, until she gave birth to a child, which cost her her life.* This national Saga amongst the Greenlanders, in connection with the tale of the Esquimaux, referred to before (page 208), about the 'gigantic' English- men in -North America, proves, beyond a doubt, that the Sagas of giants have originated amongst a race of short stature. And as we know that there never has been found in Europe any other dwarfish race of people than the Laplanders, it follows that the notions about, and the epithet of, Jotnar (giants) have emanated from them ; and since wp know, be- sides, that there never has existed in Europe a race of larger stature than the Goths, Svear, and those whom we in Sweden call Finns {alias Quanes), it fol- lows that these races (either one or all of them) were * Nordish Tidskriftfor Oldkyndighet, vol. ii. page 324. a2 228 THE STONE AGE. [Ch- "VI. the Jotnar of the polar race ; and hence follows one circumstance which seems not to have been noticed hitherto, namel}^, that all our ancient Sagas about ' Jotnar' have originally emanated from the dwarf race — the Laplanders. But if such be the case, then there must still exist amongst the Laplanders Sagas about Jotnar in which the dwarf peoples have expressed their opinion of their gigantic conquerors, j ust as the notions of these latter about the Laplanders are illustrated by their Sagas about the dwarfs. According to the accounts of Mr. LaBstadius* there are still a great many giant Sagas current amongst the Laplanders. The funda- mental features are the same in them all; t\i& jotna (giant) is there described as being unwieldy, large and strong, but awkward and stupid when compai'ed with the cunning Laplander, who, of course, arrogates the epithet, the honour, and the dignity of ' human being ' (man), and who always cheats the simple giant into whose hands he happens to fall.f It does not follow, that because the giant in the Lapland Sagas is repre- sented as being a cannibal, he was one in reality, but merely that the childishly timid Laplander had a panic terror of him. J The giant in the Lapland Saga is called stallo., or jatton, and he wh.o dupes him is called 'man.' This latter is frequently a cun- ning boy, who is called ' Askovis' — an epithet which, * Fortsattniiig (if Jourii., pago 4G0. I The Greoulander also ridicules the European on the sly, and considers his manners awkward and simple. "What the opinion of the Laplander is now upon this subject I am not aw^are. \ Compare, however, Xord. foriiij. Saga, vol. ii. page 107. On. VI.l '.TOTXAR; OR OIAMS. 220 according to LfBstadius, has been imported by settlers. Such an Askovis, whom we will call simply a T^ap- lander, had once fallen into the hands of a giant. One day, when they were abroad together, the Lap- lander pretended that he saw a great many things happening at a great distance, of which he informed the giant. The giant, who of course could see nothing of all this, wondered what made the Laplander so clear-sighted. The Laplander made him believe that one became so by pouring melted lead iii one's eyes. The stupid giant believes it. After becoming blind from the cure, he endeavours to catch the Laplander, who, however, deceives him, and gets away from him in the same manner as Ulysses from the cave of Polyphemus.* It is the same in all our giant Sagas ; inferior weakness vanquishing superior physical force by cun- ning. This fundamental idea pervades all giant Sagas, amongst what people soever they may be current ; and if we consider the matter more closely, we shall find this trait of character psychologically true, founded upon human nature, and therefore common to all. The reason why such giant and dwarf Sagas, so very similar, should have been invented amongst so many races differing so materially one from the other, is no doubt this, that each of these races has occa- sionally, in the course of time, while in a state of barbarism, come into hostile contact Avith some other * The story -will be found in Lsestadius, Fortsattning af Jown., page 463. 2.^0 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI, race, either larger or smaller than itself. We may safely conclude that this must have been the case, not only in Europe, but in all quarters of the world, because races of diverse statures are found in them all, and these races were of course formerly far less mixed than they are now. And we may be sure, that where such hostile meetings did take place, Sagras more or less resemblinoj ours must also have arisen. 1 have shown, on page 217, § 1, how dwarf Sagas have been invented, and on page 208 I have shown, by historical facts, how the English in North America have given rise to giant Sagas amongst the Esqui- maux dwarf people there. Something similar has occurred in the Old World. How easily an excited imagination can create exaggerated forms, is proved by the following his- torical fact. When jMoses was wandering through the desert with the Israelites, who went out of Egypt after having lived there in a state of bondage, and when arrived in the desert of Paran, he sent spies into Canaan, in order to procure information of the fertility of the country, the number of its inhabitants, the strength of its to-wns, etc. The spies returned, after the lapse of forty days, with the report that, amongst others, there were also living ' Anakims' (the children of Anak), 'and,' added the messengers, 'we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we Avere in their sight.' Hearing this report, 'all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried ; and the people wept that night. Cn. VI.] EVIDENCE FROM SCRIPTURE HISTORY. 231 And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron;'* and they were so frightened, that they wished to return to Egyptian bondage rather than face these formidable giants. Thus much Holy Writ tells us ; but what it does not say, and what, nevertheless, we may take for granted, is that in a rude and timorous people, where such a foolish panic is created by the mere mention of a tall race, imagination must also create exaggerated and ludicrous images, and these, being handed down from generation to generation, became ultimately the giant-Sagas of ancient times. Several passages in the Bible show that the Anakims were looked upon as giants. ' And the land of the children of Ammon also was accounted a land of giants ; giants dwelt therein in old times.' They were 'a people great, and many, and tall, as the Analdms.'f In the desert of the Moabites ' the Emims dwelt in times past, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims.' I These giants, the Anakims, were the same people as the Philistines, and of Phoenician origin. Joshua vanquished them several times, and destroyed them in the interior mountain districts of Hebron, Debir, and Anab (Josh. xi. 21), and they remained only in the coast districts, in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.§ Thus, then, Joshua extirpated the giants of Canaan, as Asa Thor did those of Scandinavia. * Num. xiii. 83; xiv. 1,2. f Deut. ii. 20, 21. ' \ Deut. ii. 10. § Philistine cities. ■2:VJ THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. The same scene which took place amongst the Israelites on the borders of Canaan, out of fear of the Anakim giants, was enacted in the Roman camp, Avhen Ca3sar marched against the giant people, the Ger- mans, under Ariovistus. When Ctesar had arrived at Besangon, a report was spread by Gauls * and mer- chants throughout the Roman army of the gigantic size of the Germans. This caused such a panic amongst the officers and soldiers, that many of the former returned home, under one pretence or an- other, and those who did not dare to ask for furlough, ' wept and groaned in their tents.' They all made their wills ; terror seized even veteran soldiers and chiefs.f It is scarcely possible to read the historical account of tlicse events without feeling convinced that they would give rise, amongst the lower classes of people, to all kinds of exaggerated Sagas; and, knowing this, it is also impossible to read Sagas about giants with- out seeing that tliey are founded upon some such occurrence. From what has now been said, it is evident that the Sagas about giants and dwarfs (which epithets are relative, because the one could not exist without the other) are not a mere play of fancy, but have an historical foundation, although a frightened imagina- tion has exaggerated and clothed them in the garb of fiction. ♦ This does not prove that the Gauls were a very large people, at least, not like the Germans, although taller than the Romans. (Cses. de Bell. Gall. ii. 30.) t Ca?s. de Bell. Gall. i. 39. Ch. VI.] GIANT AXD DWARF SAGAS. 2S3 And consequentl}' : — 1. The Philistines were the giants of the Israel- ites, and these were the dwarfs of the former. 2. The Cimbrians were the giants of the Greek adventurers, and these were the dwarfs of the former.* 3. The Germans and the Celts were the giants of the Komans, and these were their dwarfs. 4. Icelanders, Normans, Englishmen, and others, were the giants of the Greenland and North American Esquimaux, and these latter were their skralingar, i.e. dwarfs, etc. We can easily see in every giant and dwarf Saga whether it has emanated from the dwarf or from the tall race: because the race amongst which it origi- nated always styles itself ' man' (human being), and considers itself only to be of the proper size; the strange race is always described, when the Saga has been invented by the large size, as being wretchedly small and weak, and when by the small people, as being enoi'mously bulky and strong. The stronger race boasts of its strength, and treats the weaker one with insolent contempt : thus Thor kicked the dwarfs into Balder's funeral pile ; the Anakims of Canaan despised the Israelites as grasshoppers ; and the Gaul looked down with contempt upon the smaller-sized Roman. •!■ * Od)/ss. ix. 105-230 ; 231-566. Dubois de Montpereux has shown that the Cyclopes, on the coast of the Bosphorus, pointed out by Homer as frightfiil giants, hurling huge pieces of rook at the Grecian ships, were a gigantic nomad race of Cimbrians, and the Greeks adventurers comparable to the Vikings of the North. + Cffis. de Bell. Gall. ii. 30. 234 THE STONE AGE. [Ce. VI. Those, on the other hand, who in physical strength are inferior to their gigantic oppressors, avenge them- selves by calling them awkward and stupid, and ar- rogate to themselves greater intellect and cunning: thus, Ulysses in the cave of Polyphemus ; thus, the Eoman smiHng at the simplicity of the Gaul, when he makes it the subject of a proverb;* thus, the Greenlander, who, behind his back, smiles at the awk- ward and simple European;! thus, 'Askovis,' and, indeed, everybody who, under the name of 'man,' appears in a giant Saga. With regard to the giants (Jotnar) of the Scandi- navian Saga, they belonged to a gigantic tribe who worshipped the god Thor. We know that the statues of the gods in the heathen temples were painted wooden images, clothed in their costumes, and provided with their attributes. Thor's figure was very large, | and he had a red beard; he was frequently called the Bed-bearded One, or Red Beard, by friend as well as by foe. As we may as- sume with certainty that the god was a representa- tive of the people amongst whom his worship first arose (because every people creates its god after its own image), we have, then, here two ethnological marks of recognition for ascertaining the origin of Thor. Thor's people were of large stature, and had red hair and beard, and consequently blue eyes. * Camd. Brit, page 2. •f According to the verbal statement of a Dane who has resided a considerable time in Greenland. I Olofthe Holy's Saga, chap, cx-yiii. and others. Ch. VI.] THOR WORSHIP. 2;W According to authentic accounts, there are still many Finnish tribes dwelling in the interior of Kussia, and these are divided into two main branches, of which one has red hair and blue eyes, and much resembles Finns (Quanes) and Esthonians,* namely, the Bjormer (Permians), Sirans, the Obi Ostiaks,f Yotiaks, and Tschuwaschers ; | and what, in connection herewith, deserves our attention, is that, at any rate amongst some of these tribes, God is even to this day called Thor. Pallas informs us, in ' Zoographia Rosso- Asiatica,' vol. i. page 529, that the swallow is called by the Beresow Ostiaks Torom sischH, which signifies God's bird, and at Irtis it is called Toromvoi, God's animal. Erman relates, in his ' Reise um die Welt,' vol. i. page 700, that the Ostiaks, which are a tall, well- built, handsome people, call God Torium (page 677) or Torum (page 699), which means with them the Su- preme Being. Also the Votiaks are tall, broad-shoul- dered, and powerful men, with hair and beard red (page 253). The TschuAvaschers call God Tora^ and the god of thunder and weather of the Esthonian Finns was Tara.\ Hence we may be induced to suppose that the name of Thor, and his worship, were introduced into Scan- dinavia, and spread amongst the inhabitants, by some * Portraits of Esthonians are given by Kruse in his Necrolivonica. t Ostiaks and Vuguls, who dwell on both sides of the Ural mountain-chain, are of the same original race, but the one is dark and the other red-haired. (Prichard, vol. iii. page 214.) X Eask, Om den nordiske Sprogs oprindelse, pages 96, 97, after Dobrowsky. § Geij. Sv. Rih. Hafd., vol. i. page 290, note 3. 230 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. Finnish tribe; but we may likewise remember that Thor was also worshipped by the Goths, and that the national tales relate that he had conflicts with the diminutive aborigines anterior to the time of Odin. To this class of prehistoric Sagas belong also all Sagas of Thor, still living on the hps of the common people in the south of Sweden, and all relating to the period preceding the introduction of the Walhalla worship in Scandinavia. In all our national Sagas about Thor, his conflicts with goblins and pigmies are therefore related, and as a remembrance thereof, thunder and lightning are still called Thordon in the whole of the south of Sweden. When a child, I often heard old people say, when there was a thunderstorm, that Thor was driving his carriage through the clouds, striking the goblins with his lightning.* "When the thunder was rolling con- tinuously, they said : ' Noav he f is in a hurry to chase the goblins ; ' and the goblins were always unagined to be pigmies dwelling in mountains, in hollow trees, earthen mounds, etc. Formerly, it was proverbial that ' if there were to be no thunderstorms, the world would be destroved by goblins.' When I was a child, I often heard old people say : ' It thunders much less now than formerly, because most of the goblins are now killed.' How small the goblins, which Thor Avas chasing, were sometimes represented to be, we can infer from the following. When a violent thunder- * I have never heard it said that he slew giants. f Without mentioning Thor's name, the people merely said ' he,' or ' he, the old one.' Ch. VI.] WALHALLA AVORSHIP. 237 storm was. raging, and the harvest-labourers were overtaken by showers of rain, the peasant-women did not venture to cover their heads with the skirts of their gowns (as they always did in rain), for fear that the goblins should hide themselves therein. 1'his did occasionally happen, but the woman had then been warned by some strange voice, and had dropped the skirt of her goA\Ti, when the goblin, falling out, rolled like a ball of thread along the field, and was instantly killed by lightning. When the Walhalla worship was introduced into Scandinavia, the Thor worship was the one most gene- rally spread, although not the only religion.* But it was politically important and prudent on the part of the Asar,f a princely priest- caste, who settled here on the borders of the Malar Lake, and who had brought with them Odin's Walhalla worship, to unite in themselves all the gods of the country, in order to be enabled to rule ,all the difi"erent tribes. J The more ancient gods of the country were therefore adopted as Odin's sons. And as the Goths, who were worship- pers of Thor, § were a numerous, probably the most * There was also a Baal-Balder worship. f Under this name I comprehend those priests who introduced the Walhalla worship of Odin, and of whom I shall say more in the treatise on the Iron Age. f The Eomans did the same ; the gods of the conquered nations were received amongst their own gods. § Demonstrable by the historically true traditions. (See below.) That the Thor worship is very ancient, and arose amongst a people who were in a low stage of civilisation, we can infer from Thor's war weapon, which was a hammer (' malleus sax.^) or club {clava 238 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI, numerous people,* Thor was pronounced, to be the first-born of Odin ; f and in order to flatter tbe power- ful tribe whose god be was, his image was placed in the cbief seat in Odin's principal temple in Upsala, where Odin| (the principal god of the race which had last immigrated) stood on one side, and the Vendian god Fricco, or Freyr, on the other. § Many passages in the ancient Sagas seem to inti- mate tbat the Asa race, immediately on its arrival in the valley of the Malar, allied itself with the powerful Jotna families. Niord, Odin, Frey, and others, were married to Jotna maidens. The Jotna women were sax.') ; because the club (the hammer is but a different kind of club) is older than the sword, and even older than the axe. It is the patoo-patoo of the savage ; it is a war weapon made of a log of a tree, thicker at one end than at the other. Hercvdes is thus represented exactly like a savage — naked, with the root of a tree as a weapon, and a wild animal's skin thrown over his shoulder. * Procopius, de Bello Got. ii, 15. •(■ According to the Edda. J Odin was the god of the Indo-Germanic race, whose name, with various pronunciations, appears amongst many ancient people of this race. The priests of the Odin worship were called Asir, Osser, Asar, etc., and the most ancient knoivn place of that worship was called Asg&rd, or Ashof. Tacitus mentions an Asburg (Aschi- burgium), in the south of Germany, dating from such a remote period, that by some it was thought to have been founded by Ulysses, who lived more than twelve hundred years before Tacitus {Germ. iii.). It is scarcely possible to refer this Asburg with any degree of probability to the Odin described by Sturleson. It may rather be assumed that the Odin worship existed, and was spread in the south of Gerrnany, many centuries earlier than it was reformed into "Walhalla worship and introduced into Scandinavia by the Herulean invasion of settlers there in the sixth century after Christ. I shall treat of this in my work on the Iron Age. § Adamus Bremens, vol. i. page 25. Cn.VL] THOR WORSHIP. 239 beauties of a fair complexion, with golden (light-red) hair and blue eyes, as, for instance, Gerda, the daugh- ter of the Jotun Gymer, and Skade, the daughter of the Jotun Thjasse, and others. Several Norwegian princes, aware, from authentic family traditions,* that they derived their descent, through father and mother, from the Jotun race, remained, therefore, always faithful to the Jotna god T/tor, and sacrificed to him, although, as princes, they did not disdain the delights and glories of Wal- halla. The Norwegian Hlade-Jarls, who, from their mo- thei"'s side, traced their descent to Skade, daughter to ' the pomp-loving Jotne Thjasse,' sacrificed there- fore mostly to Thor. The powerful Hakon Jarl, who was chiefly devoted to the Jotun worship,f had a temple in which, with other Jotna gods and god- desses (amongst which the statues of the witch- sisters Thorgerdr Haurgabruds and Yrpas),J stood * Before the art of writing was known in this country, tradition must have been far more lively, determinate, and clear than after- wards. The art of writing is the death of tradition, and we see proof of this amongst our own countiy-people. f When it is said of Hakon Jarl that the goblins made a boast of his friendship, it is evident that by goblins are meant the same as the descendants of the Jotnar, who remained in the countrj'. The name troll (goblin) is never given to any man or woman of the Saga relating to the Asa race ; it was given only to the foreign tribes who were looked upon as conquered, for troll, or troll, seems to be the same as thrall, and signifies serf, because prisoners of war were made slaves. Thus the name of Slavonians, Slavians, signifies in most European languages serf or thrall. X Her temple in Norway. See Urda, vol. iii. page 7. It was to this, his guardian-goddess, to whom Hakon Jarl offered up his 240 THE STONE AGE. [Ch.VI. also the statue of Thor, ornamented with golden rings and placed on a chariot,* consequently the ancient Ohu Thorr. Nor could the Odin doctrine gain ground amongst the bulk of the people ; because this doctrine, with its princely Walhalla, was not qualified ever to become a popular religion. f The Walhalla doctrine of Odin was therefore adopted chiefly in Svealand, and, as it appears, also by some royal courts, related to the so- called Asar^ in other provinces of Sweden, Denmark, and Noi'way. For these traced their descent up to ' the high gods ; ' but the bulk of the peoj)le, and a few princes in Norway and Gothland, continued to remain worshippers of Thor. Therefore the Thor ivornhip was at the introduction of the Christian religion more widely disseminated amongst the common people, and consequently more difficult to exterminate ; and thence it also follows, that the traces of paganism which are still to be found in Gothland and Norway are principally the remnants of Thor worship. Thurs-day (in Swedish the day of Thor) was still, about a hundred years ago, considered in certain parts of the country as a kind of holiday,^ on which no serious or heavy work was to be done. When a soil Erling, then seven years old, in order to obtain a victory over the Joms-Vikings (Olof Trj-ggva's Saga, Schoning Norg Hist. vol. iii. page 269. Compare Urda, page 8.) * Compare Geijer, pages 282-283. I It was more properly an aristocratic military religion, and the life in their heavenly kingdom (Walhalla) was that of a barrack. J This I was told by old people in my childhood. Ch. VI.] SUPERSTITIONS RESPECTING THURSDAY. 241 child, I remember having occasionally seen, in the south of Sweden, some old woman who would never churn butter or spin on a Thursday. Many ancient Sagas of warnings given by tlie old one with the heard not to desecrate Thursday-eve by any kind of work, are told. This was evidently a remnant of Thor worship. On the other hand, all kinds of pagan superstitions and sorceries were to be practised on the Thursday, in order to make them efficient. On a Thursday, people were to go to the necromancer, in order to see in a pail of water the face of the thief who had robbed them ; on a Thurs- day (Maundy-Thursday), all witches rode to ' Bla- kuUa ' on a broomstick ; on a Thursday morning, he who suffered from toothache had to walk silently into the forest, carrying with him a nail with which he had to pick his teeth, after which the nail was to be stuck into a tree, when the toothache would be cured ; he who was born on a Thursday could see spectres, and so on. All this was evidently a remnant of Thor- ism, and such was the case in Gothland. It seems to have been much the same in Norway. Finn Magnusen relates* that the peasants in certain moun- tain districts in Norway, even as late as the close of last century, used to preserve stones of a round form, and reverence them in the same manner as their pagan ancestors used to worship their idols. They washed them every Thursday evening, smeared them before the fire with butter, or some other grease, then * Annalerfor Nordisk Oldkyndighet, 1838-1839, page 133. R 242 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VI. dried them and laid them in the seat of honour upon fresh straw ; at certain times of the year, they were steeped in ale, and all this under the supposition that they would bring luck and comfort to the house.* Such a remnant of Thor worship in Norway, in those more modern times, I consider to be very remarkable and illustrative. Even in the ceremonies of our Christian Church there are still, here and there, traces which seem to imply that the Thursday has long been looked upon as a pagan day, on which no Christian religious cere- monies of any importance ought to be performed. This is still the case, at all events in the rural dis- tricts in the south of Sweden. On a Thursday no Christian funerals are held, no weddings, no baptisms celebrated, and so on, because nobody would ever think of requesting the jjerformance of these cere- monies ; but if asked_ the reason why they do not wish them to be performed, they are at a loss for an answer : they merely say that it is not customary, • Finn Magniisen, who ia perfectly correct in believing that the pagan ceremonies of the peasantry were Thor worship, is also of opinion that the Thor worship must have consisted in stone worship, because these amulets were of stone. This conclusion is evidently too hasty ; they were not worshipped because they were of stone, but because they were heathen amulets. Had they been of wood, or metal, or of bone, the peasants would have reverenced them equally. It was only accidentally that they were of stone. The Sagas mention no stone images of Thor, but of wood when of a large size, and of bone when small. Halired Vandrada- Skald was accused by Rolf before Olof Trygvardson of having, after being christened, made oiferings in secret, and of having Thor's imaqe of bone in his possession. Miiller, Saga, vol. iii. page 276. Ch. VI.l SAGAS FOUNDED ON HISTORY. 243 and nobody cares to find out the origin of this ancient prejudice. I have mentioned this to show that our Sagas are founded on history. Most of the Sagas belong, how- ever, to a less ancient period, or to that part of the subject which relates to the Iron Age, which I pur- pose to describe in a future work. B 2 2U THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VII. CHAPTER VII. ON THE PROBABLE CONDITION OP SCANDINAVIA AT THE ARRIVAL OP THE FIRST PEOPLE. To form a clear idea on this subject, let us cast a retrospective glance on the far more ancient state of this part of the earth after the glacial period, when it had been entirely covered by ice, and was in about the same condition as Greenland and Spitzbergen are at present. We meet with unmistakable traces of such a state in innumerable places in our peninsula. They consist in the granite rocks being smooth, polished, and often furrowed, the ground being in many places bestrewn with more or less colossal blocks, which usually have their origin in far distant places, and which are themselves sometimes smoothly polished and grooved, and here and there lying in heaps, so that we plainly recognise in them the re- mains of moraines. We may assume that this fearful destruction has occurred during the present organic period of creation; but we cannot with the least probability even guess at the immeasurable space of time which has since elapsed, nor do we know whether, previous to this period of destruction, there were human beings in the north of Europe. It is certain that similar changes have Ch. VII.] PROBABLE CAUSE OF PHYSICAL CHANGES. 245 likewise taken place in other countries, and indeed, apparently, all over the northern hemisphere ; but we think we have reason to suppose that they have hap- pened in different places at different times, and that no new creation was required to refurnish a part of the earth, thus depopulated, with animals and plants. The causes of the beginning, continuation, decline, and end of this period of destruction may have been manifold, and have by some been sought for in astro- nomical circumstances : for our part, we think it suf- ficiently accounted for by a phenomenon, which is still continued in our days, namely, the oscillation of the earth's crust. For if we consider it possible for the motion which is now going on (and which consists in the rising of the northern parts and the sinking of the southern of our Scandinavian peninsula) to be continued without interruption during a sufficiently long time, the same period of destruction would again indisputably return; the whole country would be changed into an ice-field, where everything that has life would perish. To prove this, we have only to call to mind that the atmosphere around our earth is cold, and that the heat which is given off from the earth diminishes as we ascend, until, at an inconsiderable distance above its surface, we arrive at what is called the snow-line, above which is perpetual snow and ice. This line has been imagined to be in the shape of a parabola round the earth, from the one pole to the other, so that its position is highest above the equator, and sinks to the surface of the sea towards the poles. 246 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VII. From this it is evident that if the rising of the country, which is now going on, were to continue constantly until a sufficiently large portion of the surface of the earth would lie above the snow-line; and if not only that portion, but likewise surrounding parts, were thus changed into ice-fields ; a state of things would arise resembling that of which we find the above-named traces belonging to an age long past. But before the motion can reach to this height it may cease, and become a return in an opposite direction, as has evidently been the case once before. For, during the latter part of the ice-period, the northern regions, which were high up, had sunk down deep below the surface of the sea, and we consider our- selves likewise authorised to suppose that, after this motion had reached to a certain extent, the opposite, which still continues, again commenced ; so that when the northern parts, which then were sunk in the deep, had again risen nearly to the surface of the sea, those shell-fish which live in shallow water collected on them. Moreover, inasmuch as the water after the ice-period must still have had a very low degree of temperature, these mollusca were of those varieties and species which now live only in the waters on the icy shores of Spitzbergen and Greenland. By degrees, after the ice on the surface of the sea had melted and the temperature of the water had become milder, other mollusca which required water less cold made their way into our seas ; at the same time the land rose more and more, until at leneth the water of the sea had the same temperature as it Ch. VII.] FOSSIL SHELLS. 247 has now, and in it were produced the same mollusca that are now living in the sea round our shores. That the circumstance here described has taken place, we shall find if we examine those shell-banks which are met with in various places of the north-western part of Sweden and NorAvay, frequently to a height of scA'eral hundred feet. We shall then discover that those species which are in the highest shell-banks belong to an icy climate, and that their fellow-species now live in the cold zone of Spitzbergen; but if we descend the sides of the mountain to shell-banks lower down, we shall find that these are composed of species which belong to a more temperate water ; and finally, we meet with those that stUl live on our coasts.* That a gulf had passed from the Arctic Ocean across Finland, which was then the bottom of the ocean, down to Gothland, or farther, we think we may conclude from the fact, that Professor Erman has met with fossil shells in the boulder-clay of the coasts of the Baltic, in the central part of Sweden, which are now seen alive only at Spitzbergen ; amongst others, for instance, Yolida pygmcea.f * This circumstance has been observed both in Scandinavia and Scotland. Professor Sven Lov^n reported it to the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm in 1839, and more fully in the Review of the same Academy, 1846, page 254. Mr. Smith has observed the same in Scotland. See Memoirs of the Wernerian Society, vol. viii. chap. i. page 49. f In the shell-banks at Uddevalla the foUovfing species have been found : Pecten islandicus, Area glacialis, Terehratula Spitzbergensis, Yolida arctica, Margareta undata, &c., defined by S. Lov^n and 0. Porell. 248 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VH. Moreover, Arctic Crustacea are still to be met with alive at the bottom of the deep lakes Wemier and Wetter, which proves that these lakes were once connected with the gulf that formerly passed down from the Arctic Ocean.* After the northern part of the peninsula had by degrees risen a little, but was still uninhabitable, and the southern part was higher than now, this latter appears then first to have become qualified to receive plants, animals, and finally mankind, from the south- ern parts which had not simultaneously been visited by a glacial period. And it is not difficult to determine with a high degree of probability in what order these immigrations took place. Plants must have first appeared, beginning with those which need for their support the least amount of black humus, and afterwards the others in pro- portion as they required more of it. Of animals, the phytivorous first presented themselves when vege- tation had so far increased as to afford them the necessary subsistence; then came the carnivorous, in order to subsist on the former; and at last, man, who at first could subsist as well on the roots and fruits as on the flesh of animals, while clothing himself mth the skins of the latter. Then, and long after man had settled in the south of Sweden, the southern part of that country was connected by land with the continent of North Ger- * S, Lov^n, Review Ac. Sc, 1861, page 285. These crustaoea ai-e Mysis relicta, Gammwus loricatus, Idothea entomon, Pontopereia qffinis. Ch. VII.] STATE OF SWEDEx\. 249 many, and those animals whose migratory habits lead them to wander from place to place, roved at large during certain seasons from the one country to the other. In this manner the reindeer, the Ure-ox, the bison, etc., wandered from Germany into Scania, and back again at will. ( If we now take a retrospective view of the state of the south of Sweden during this period, it will appear to have been as follows. The ground was as yet uncultivated, the whole country covered with forests, lakes, and marshes (bogs). In the forests wandered stately elks and stags, gigantic Ure-oxen and bisons, while each of these restricted its wanderings to its own district.* In swampy places roved herds of wild boars of large size, and from the mountain districts of the southerly continent immigrated from time to time flocks of wild reindeer. f In the rivers beavers * I Have never yet seen skeletons of Ure-oxen and bisons found in the same peat-bogs; they were deadly enemies, and there is still an unconquerable enmity between the tame cattle and the bison of Lithuania. As yet, it has not been possible to malte a bison-bull breed with a tame cow. The former will immediately gore the latter to death. I The reindeer annually makes extensive peregrinations. (See Blasius, Reise in Russland, vol. i. page 265.) The reindeer, skeletons of which are met with in the peat-bogs of Scania, belong to quite a different race from those of Lapland. They had no doubt immigrated to Scania from some more southerly part, and may possibly belong to the same race as the reindeer, which during Ca2sar's time still lived in the Hercynian forest. No zoologist who reads what Csesar states in the twenty-sixth chapter oi De Bello Gallico, lib. vi., of that animal which has ' cervi figwa,^ with horns that were longer than those of any other animal that he had seen, and from the upper endof which, as if from the palm of ahand,branches(points) extended, 250 THE STONE AGE. [Ch. VII. built their ingenious houses, and in the lakes, which abounded with fish, were river-turtles {Emys lutaria) and enormously large pike, skeletons of which are occasionally found. The first people that came to the country seem to have had their haunts in the thick forests and along the shores of lakes and water-courses, in which they practised fishing and hunting, then their only means of subsistence; here, therefore, we find the imple- ments they have left behind. That this first migration of people to the southern parts of Scandinavia took place at a period far removed from us, we find from the fact that human productions and bones of the cave-bear ( Ursus spelceus, PI. XI. figs. 253, 224) are met with together, in our oldest peat- bogs, even in those that lie under the Jara-Wall, of which we shall speak farther on, and consequently pre- vious to the phenomenon that threw up this ridge.* j and the female of which had horns like the male, etc., can indeeddoubt that Cajsar had seen at least one horn of a reindeer, and by misun- derstanding the language, believed that the animal had but one, as likewise that from the same cause he had obtained but a con- fused idea of the animal itself That the reindeer had not by degrees proceeded from Scania up towards Lapland, is also proved by there never having been found n skeleton nor even a bone of a reindeer in any of the provinces that are situated between Scania and Lapland. The Lapland reindeer have, in a comparatively much more recent period, crossed over Finland to the Norwegian mountain- ridge, where they are now mostly to be found. * That the time when man first made his appearance here in the North was far distant from the present, we can conclude from the following reasons : — Firstly. Human implements have been found with bones of the cave-bear ( Ursus spelmus), and yet this was by no means the first mammal that came to this country, it having been Oh. VII.] UNCERTAINTY AS TO TIME. 251 But "we do not know what space of time has since elapsed, and as yet we have found no means of ascer- taining it, even within thousands of years. ) We have certainly found, about one hundred feet above the present surface of the sea, a couple of human skeletons in a shell-bank which lay under the surface of the sea at the time when it was formed, and when the two persons were drowned; but we do not know what time was required to raise the shell-bank and the mountain on which it lies to their present height. For although the motion of the earth's crust is now taking place uninterruptedly, we must not take it for granted that it has always been so ; on the con- trary, we have reason to think that the motion, at the commencement of the rising, took place suddenly, and at long intervals ; and that during these long intervals it may have continued uniformly and slowly. As a reason for this supposition, I may mention that on the sides of the mountains in the district of Bohus, we meet with unmistakable marks of beaches lying horizontally one above the other, at long distances, and that barnacles and other productions of the sea remain even to the present day entire on the stones preceded by ruminants, with which came man. For he probably made his appearance before the large beasts of prey. Secondly. Human works occur in the submarine peat-bogs, and are there- fore older than the great phenomenon which separated Scania Irom Pomerania. Thirdly. Some arrows and spears have been altogether reduced to a soft white substance. I have seen several such. Compare PI. XIII. fig. 242. See also Revue des Beiix Mondes, avril 1867, page 645 : ' Ces silex dont la patine blanchatre denote I'excessive antiquity ; ' therefore still more those which are entirely reduced to a chalky substance. See Note 12. 252 THE STONE AGE. [Ch.VH. of these beaches, which would not have been the case had not the shore, on which they grew, been, with them, quickly raised to a height where the dashing of the waves could not reach them; otherwise they would have been crushed by the stones of the shore. These considerations caused me to believe that the elevations which have occurred in other places have also been sudden. Hence I am led to explain the following phenomenon . Along the coast of the Baltic, from Ystad to the part between Trelleborg and Falsterbo, there lies a ridge, in many places more or less imperfect, con- sisting of gravel and stones, called the Jara-WaU; in some places it is high and broad, in others, several such walls seem to lie behind and above each other, which proves that the cause which raised them has been several times repeated. Under the ridge there are in several places peat-bogs, which lie below the surface of the sea. How these ridges have been produced may perhaps long remain undecided. For my part, and taking into consideration several well-ascertained facts rela- ting to this subject, I can only conceive these ridges to have originated in one way, namely, by a violent momentary motion in the waters of the Baltic, caused by a simultaneous sinking of the southern and rising of the northern part of the surface of the earth under this sea.* * It will be remembered that geology, as well as history, records several sudden risings and sinkings of the earth's crust. AmongBt other instances of rising is the following : — On November 19, 1822, Cn. Vir.] GEOLOGICAL AND ZOOLOGICAL PROOFS. 2o3 It can be made manifest, both by geological and zoological proofs, that, during a very ancient period, a broad gulf passed from the Arctic Ocean at Ai-ch- angel over Finland, which then was the bottom of the sea, down to about Gothland, or Oland, and that Sweden south of this gulf was, as above mentioned, connected with the German continent. At the time of such a sudden rising in the north and sinking in the south, I imagine that a mighty mass of water must have been brought into violent motion and thrown itself impetuously over the land then existing between Pomerania and Scania, changing them into a sea, breaking out through the Sound and the Belts, raising walls on the Scanian coast and the so-called ' havstokkar ' on the Danish islands ; in a word, mo- delling the shores to their present configuration, and it was found, after a violent earthquake, that a long range of the coast of Chili had been lifted from three to four feet, so that oysters, limpets, etc., became fixed on stones above the surface of the sea. In 1819 a long range of land in the delta of the Indus was raised to the height of ten feet, etc. Proofs of a sudden sinking are given in Holland. In 1530 an inundation occurred which carried away seventeen villages, and in 1569 another occurred which deluged the Dutch coast and submerged a great portion of Friesland. By this inundation of the sea 20,000 people lost their lives. It is plain that this overflow was caused by a sinking of the land, and that a corresponding rising had taken place simultaneously in some other place. During the time of Ceesar, Flevus was a lake ; in 1225 a large portion of the country sank, and now it is the broad bay called the Zuyder Zee. The statue of Hercules which Tacitus speaks of as standing on the coast has long been sunk in the sea. The Dutch antiquaries ought not, therefore, to conclude from the absence of Phoenician monuments that such did not formerly exist there. 254 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. VII. lowering numerous peat-bogs to the bottom of the sea in the southern part of the Baltic, where they now lie at a depth of from ten to fourteen feet beneath the surface of the sea.* Likewise a peat-bog under the Jara-Wall, having a thickness of 10 feet, 2 feet 5 inches of which lay above, and 7 feet 7 inches below the sur- face of the sea. The turf under this stone wall is 8o compressed, that when dry it is almost as hard as brown coal; the trees are also, like the layers of coal, pressed together, and when a fir-chip is broken it is found to be black and shining in the cross section, all the results of great pressure and of age. The turf has here, as in the submarine peat-bogs which he out- side Falsterbo, been formed in fresh water, of which the bottom, when the turf was formed, lay above the surface of the sea ; inasmuch as in it were found the same species of shrubs as those that are found in the other Scanian peat-bogs, situated farther in the inte- rior of the country. But on the bottom of this peat- bog, on the fine blue clay itself, there have frequently, during the cutting of the turf, been found arrows^ knives^ etc., of flint, which proves that human beings * The vegetable products which are met with in these submarine peat-bogs are — stems of the fir, birch, alder, oak, etc., but never the beech ; numerous moorland plants — Equisetum palustre and fluviatile, Arundo phragmites, Polygoniwn amphibium, Calamagrostis, Ilypnum fiuitans, etc. ; the insects also belong to fresh water — Dytiscus marginalis, a Gyrinus; insects attached to moorland plants — two species of Donacia, etc., which all prove that the bog was formed in fresh water, and consequently surrounded by land. In- deed, I do not doubt that traces of human workmanship may hkewise be found here. Ch.VII.] antiquity of peat-bogs. 255 already existed in these districts at the time when the bog was an open water, and peat began to grow in it. Consequently, there were people here even before the great phenomenon which raised the ridge in question, and threw a wide sea between the south of Scandinavia and the north of Germany. How many thousands of years have passed since this event, and from the end of the glacial period until now, we do not know, but that it did happen during a very an- cient period we may safely conclude from there being found under the same ridge, in more than one place, bones of the cave-bear ; and as such have likewise been found on the bottom of other peat-bogs with bones of the reindeer^ for instance, in the peat-bog on Kulla- berg (in which flint-flakes, PL II. fig. 24, have also been found in great numbers), we may suppose that these peat-bogs are coeval with the one under the Jara-Wall, and consequently they also are more ancient than this remarkable ridge. Moreover, it should be remarked, that in these ancient peat-bogs there has never been found a vestige of metal, and therefore we can likewise conclude that the above-mentioned cataclysm took place during the Stone period, before bronze had yet been introduced into the North, and during an early part of the Stone Age, inasmuch as not a single stone axe or any other ground stone in- strument was found there, but only flint-flakes, arrows, and knives. The tribe which had then migrated to the south of Sweden came, no doubt, from more southerly coun- 256 THE STONE AGE. [Ch.VII. tries, and it appears that the northern districts of the country had not yet risen sufficiently from the con- dition of the glacial epoch, but were in such a state that they could not be inhabited by man or beast. ( But we do not positively know what tribe came first, for we have not yet found any human skeleton which can with certainty be said to have belonged to this ancient period ; that is to say, we have not found any such, under the Jara- Wall or elsewhere, with bones of the cave-bear .J They belonged, however, probabl}', to a brachy cephalic race ; for skulls of this race have been found in the old peat-bogs of Scania, and of this race the Laplanders are the last remnants on our peninsula. They were mid hunters long before they became nomads. They were by degrees exterminated and gradually driven up to the most northerly parts of the peninsula, by the stronger people belonging to a dolichocephalic race. The reindeer appears to have become extinct in Scania very soon after the separation of Scandi- navia from North Germany.'"' The people who left behind them the celebrated Kjokkenmdddings, or shell-mounds, most likely lived somewhat after thi s period, and hence we can explain why it is that bones of the reindeer have not been found in these mounds, though they occur in the peat- bogs both in Denmark and Scania. But if the reindeer, which necessarily made extensive migra- tions annually, died when such migrations were * It is not even certain that at the time wlien this catastrophe happened there were as yet any reindeer in Scania. Oh.VIL] REMAIXS op URE-OX. 257 no longer possible, the Ure-ox, on the other htincl, ap- pears to have been more enduring ; for a specimen of this colossal beast, which is preserved in the Museum at Lund, and had evidentl}" been wounded while young with a flint weapon, shows that the Urus lived in Scania durhig the Stone period* (see PL XL figs. 220, 222). This species, indeed, remained here a longer time, and was still to be found during some part of the Bronze Age, for the war-trumpet of bronze which is described in my work on the ' Bronze Age,' page 93, and sketched on PL IV. fig. 50, is evidently copied from a horn of the Ure-ox. The people who built the tumuli, and who were a strong and robust race, had already appeared before the Bronze people, and during the proper Stone period. (PL XIIL figs. 236, 238.) They knew the use of fire ; they cooked their food, and on their ves- sels soot is sometimes to be seen. They had perhaps learjied the use of fire from seeing branches in the woods ignite from being rubbed against each other. They are said to have had tame cattle, perhaps even to have practised agriculture. (Pigs. 180, 18L) It was probably during this period that people of Semitic origin founded colonies in the western coun- tries of Europe and in the south and west of Scan- dinavia, where they introduced, besides bronze,f the * Nay, it appears to have been older in tlie country than the cave- bear itself; smaller beasts of prey had probably previously made their appearance. f If we wish to understand the phenomenon of the origin of hrome in Scandinavia, it is quite necessary to realise the fact that the best made swords with spiral ornaments and short hilts, as well as S 2o8 THE STONE AGE. [Oh. VII. Phoenician worship of Baal. In the meantime, people of Cimbrian origin appear to have settled in Denmark and the southern parts of Sweden. Of them we have traces both in local names and in certain antiquities ; for instance, the Cimbrian ox, cast in copper and evi- dently worn as an amulet. We have alread}^ mentioned that the so-called Jara- Wall consists of various ridges which were raised one after the other, and which indicate inundations that had taken place at diiFerent periods. One of these is called the Cimbrian Flood, because it was after this inundation that a great number of Cim- brians emigrated from Scania and Denmark, and were beaten by Marius near Verona, 101 B.C. Ammianus Marcellinus relates (book xv. chap. 9) that it was a tradition amongst the Druids that some of their fore- fathers had come from the farthest islands on the other side of the Khine, and that frequent attacks by the neighbouring tribes and an inundation of, the sea were the first cause of their marching southwards. Even during my time there were traditions about them in Scania, ANdiere it is said they assembled before the emigration on a plain which, during my youth, was still a heath, and called the Cimber Ground, situated between the villages of Gislof, Aby, Isie, and the small armlets, are the oldest, and that the workmanship by degrees became more and more deteriorated. The supposition that the oldest are the worst and that the bronze culture here has been more and more developed and improved, is founded on ignorance, or, still worse, on an unrestrained national vanity. It is painful to no- tice that several eminent authors of classical works have expressed this erroneous opinion. Ch.VIL] immigration of swedes. i!50 the Baltic. The name of Cimbrishamn is likewise supposed to be derived from this circumstance. By degrees the Scandinavian peninsula assumed its present appearance, boundaries, and people. The last immigration consisted of the Swedes, who brought with them the worship of Odin's Walhalla ; but this period belongs to the Iron Age. NOTES BY THE EDITOE. Note ] , page 4. Sir E. Belcher, in Ms paper ' On Works of Art among the Esqui- maux ' (' Transactions of the Ethnological Society,' Ser. 2, vol. i. page 139), gives the following account of the implement with which that ingenious people make their flint tools. The handle, he says, ' is of fine fossil ivory. That would be too soft to deal with flint or chert in the manner required. But they discovered that the point of the deer-horn is harder, and also more stubborn ; therefore, in a slit, like lead in our pencils, they introduced a slip of this sub- stance, and secured it by a strong thong, put on wet, but which on diying becomes very rigid. Here we cannot fail to trace ingenuity, ability, and a view to ornament. It is the point of deer-horn which, refusing to yield, drives off the fine conchoidal splinters from the chert.' Note 2, page 40. I confess it seems to me that the difference here pointed out is a matter of age and use. As the blade wore down, it was re-sharp- ened, and thus became shorter and shorter. Note 3, page 53. See also Judges xx. 16. 'Among all this people' (the tribe of Benjamin) ' there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded ; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss.' Note 4, page 63. I have in my collection an almost exactly similar axe from Central Afi:ica ; but the blade is of iron, and has rather straighter sides. ■2(',2 THE STO>rE AGE. Note 5, page 105. I need hardly say that many of our most eminent biologists would demur to this proposition. Note 6, page 137. Very similar dwelling-places occur in Scotland. Mr. Petrie has described one examined by him in the Orkneys. See Captain Thomas, ' On Orkney Antiquities ' (' Archaeologia,' v. 34). A hollow- was scooped out of the side of a hill, and walls were built of unhewn stones, converging towards the top. On the outside, smaller stones and earth were heaped up, so that the whole building had the appearance of a conical mound, about 115 feet in length and 55 in breadth. The central chamber, which was surrounded by several smaller ones, was about 40 feet long, 5 feet broad, and 10 feet high in the centre, communicating with the outside by a long, low, narrow passage, 18 feet long and 2 feet 8 inches high. Semisubterranean huts of this character are known in Scotland as ' weems,' from uamlia, a cave. Several such, more or less subterranean, dwellings are described in the ' Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland ' (see, for instance, vol. iii. Part II. page 189), and Captain Thomas has figured {I. c. vol. iii. Part XII.) a group of ' beehive houses ' in Lewis, which are still actually inhabited. These, however, are entirely above ground. Note 1 , page 141. My friend Mr. Boyd Dawkins, in his memoir on the ' British Fossil Oxen ' (' Geological Journal,' No. XCI. page 183), boldly asserts that the cave-men of Perigord were ' a people more closely allied to the Esquimaux than any other,' and sums up as follows the evidence in favour of this assertion. ' The identity of four of the harpoons, or fowling-spears, marrow- spoons, and scrapers ; the habit of sculpturing animals on their implements; the absence of pottery; the .same method of crushing the bones of the animals shiin in hunting, and their accumulation in one spot ; the carelessness about the remains of their dead relatives ; the fact that the food consisted chiefly of reindeer, varied with their flesh of other animals, such as the musk-sheep ; and especially the small stature, as proved in the people of the NOTi'.S BY THE EDITOrj. 263 Dordogiie caverns, by the small-handled dagger figured by MM. Lai'tet and Christy in the "Revue Archeologiqvie " and in "Pre- historic Times," p. 255. This combination of characters is found, so far as I know, among no other people on the face of the earth except the Esquimaux ; and therefore I cannot help believing that this people in South Gaul occupies the same relation to the Esqui- maux as the musk-sheep and reindeer, on which they lived, hold to those now living in the northern regions.' Since this was written Mr. Bu»k has shown that the Vrsus prisons of om- caves is undistinguishable from the Grizzly bear of the Rocky mountains. There is therefore some reason for the belief that the Esquimaux once inhabited Western Europe. Note 8, page 161. If the coexistence of ground and unground flint implements suggests doubts as to the division of the Stone Age into Paleolithic and Neolithic, a fortiori the very frequent occurrence of stone imple- ments with those of bronze would compel us to give up the Stone Age altogether. The lesson, however, which such cases teach us is that of caution, not of doubt. No one knows better than Professor Nilsson that every flint implement was rudely chipped out before it was ground, and some of them, as, for instance, arrows, were never ground. Moreover, the Palffiolithic Age is not characterised only by the rudeness of the stone implements ascribed to it. The absence of pottery, the presence of extinct animals, and the nature of the strata in which the implements occur, must all be taken into consideration. I have, however, already referred to these points in my Introduction. Note 9, page 181. Hearne does not, I think, deserve this severe reproach. We must remember that he was the only white man among this band of ferocious savages; that he was completely at their mercy, being far from any settlement, and had already suffered much ill-treatment at - their hands. Any interference on his part would evidently have been useless, and the language in which he expresses his horror at the massacre is as strong even as that of Professor Nilsson : ' Even at this hour,' he conchades, ' I cannot reflect on the transactions of 204 THE ST0>;E AGE. that horrid day without shedding tears.' It is fair also to remember that Ilearne was not a man who used strong language ligbtly. When some northern Indians met him on his return to the Fort, and plundered him of almost everything he had, he remarks quietly, that his load being thereby ' materially lightened, this part of my journey was the easiest and most pleasant of any I bad experienced since my leaving the Fort.' Note 10, page 215. Professor Nilsson alludes probably to the Scotch proverb, ' Curri ml clach er do cuirn,' i. e. I will add a stone to your cairn. Note 11, page 220. The Norwegian peasants were not alone in regarding the Lap- landers as scarcely human. Eegnard, in his ' Journey to Lapland,' thus concludes his account of them: — 'Such is the description of this little animal, called a Laplander ; and it may safely be said that, after the monkey, he approaches neai-est to man.' When Frobisher's crew, in 1570, captured an old Esquimaux woman, they took ber for a witch, and pulled off her boots to see if she had cloven feet. It is not necessary, however, to go so far afield for illustrations. Down to the last century, and even now in out-of-the-way places, old women were regarded as witches, even by their own countrymen and countrywomen. Note 12, page 251. Thi.s alteration of the surface does, no doubt, indicate a certain lapse of time, and is a \ery good evidence of genuineness. I bave, however, some reason for thinking that, under certain circumstances, the process is not one requiring any great lapse of time. INDEX. AFR A FRIOA, the so-called dolmens A of, 160 Agriculture, in what it probably originally consisted, 74 Amazon axe, 71 Amber ornaments, 82 — buttons, 83 Amulets, stone, 200, 214 — life-stones and victory-stones, 215 — worship of, 242 Anakim, the, of Scripture, 230 Anvil, 80 Archieology, present condition of, x Argippaeans, the, of Herodotus, identical with the Baschkirs of the Ural mountains, 191 Arrows, long and short, 43 — arrow-points without a tang, 44 — square-edged, 76 — rough-edged, 77 — flint arrows used by the Egyp- tians, 191 note — bone- and stone-tipped arrows of the Laplanders, 196 — property of the Guse aiTows, 108 — and of other magic arrows, 199 Asa-hog, tumulus of the, 130, 148 — mode of interring the dead in this tumulus, 131 Asar, their introduction of the worship of Odin into Scandin- avia, 237 Askovis, the, 228 Augers, 78 Aurignac, primeval human remains at, 127 Awls, 91 Axes, implements, not weapons, 94 — conjectures as to the symbolical meaning of flint axes, 99 — see also Hatchets Axe vail a, tumulus of, 126 "DALEARIO islanders, their use -•-* of the sling, 53 Baschkirs, identical with the Argip- pseans of Herodotus, 191 Battle-axes, 75 Beads, stone, 81 — .glass, 82 Bison, the, its deadly enmity to tame cattle, 249 Boats of the Scandinavians, 101 BrSvalla Plain, weapons used in the battle of, 19-4 Bronze Age, conclusions respecting the, XXX — not mentioned in history, 192 Buttons, amber, 83 2C6 BUT Buttons of the aboriginal Scandi- navians, 102 /^AIRNS, pagan, in Sweden, 215 notes — practice of adding a stone to a cairn, 215, 264 Carpenter's tools, 53 — implements without a hole in the handle, 53 chisels, 53 hatchets, or axes, 60 — implements provided with ahole for the handle, 68 hammers, 69 hammer-axes, 69 Caucasus, cavern-dwellings of pri- mitive man in the, 153, 154 Cavern-dwellings of man, 151, 156 — remains of cavem-dweUings in Lapland, 212 — the ' weems ' of Scotland, 262 — the cave-men of Perigord, 262 Cavem-sepulchres, 1 54 Charnel- vaults, 160 — of Asagrafvfn, 161 Chase, manner in which weapons of the, are used by savages, 169 Chisels, 53 — narrow square, 54 stone chisels, 54 — narrow hollow chisel, or gouge, 65 — with handles, 56 ■ — broad square chisel, 58 — broad gouge, 58 — ice-chisel, 77 Cimbrian immigration — — the Cimbrian march southwards, and defeat by Marius, 268 — the Cimbrian immigration into Denmark and Southern Sweden, 258 Circassian houses and tombs, 156 IXDF.X. DWA Circumcision, stone knives used by the Jews in, 97 Clay, burnt, vessels of, 84 — of the Scandinavians, 102 Clothes of the aboriginal Scamdi- navians, 102 Crania of the ancient and modem Scandinavians compared, 106 et scg. — Retziua's classification, 107 — Swedish typical cranium, 108 — crania of Swedes and Goths, 115 — skuU discovered in shell-beds, 116 — at Malta, 117 — skulls found in AVest Gothland, 118 — skulls of the Laplanders, 120 — synoptical view of the crania described, 123 Cromlechs, the, of England, 169 Crimea, tombs of the modem Greeks in the, 155 Cyclopes of Homer, their cavern- dwellings, 153 TVEAD, modes of the Esquimaux and Baschkiers in burying the, 133, 134 Denmark, anciently inhabited by Laplanders, 201 — the Cimbrian immigration into, 258 Dog, the, of the aboriginal Scandi- navians, 103 — skulls of dogs buried with chil- dren, 140 Dolmens of France, 159 — so-called dolmens of Africa, 160 Dos, the, of Sweden, 159 Dwarfs of the Sagas, who they were, 207 — their power of rendering them- selves invisible, 217 INDEX. 207 DWA GAL Dwarfs, comparison between the dwavfs of ancient times and tlie Laplanders of the present day,2] 9 Dwelling-houses of the aborigines, their similarity to the gaUery- graves, 131—143 — description of one near the Bay of Skar, 143 — and at Glumslof, 145 — with round, oval, and oblong square chambers, 148, 151 — huts of the Skroelingar in Win- land, 151 — the mountain cavern man's first dwelling, 153 — houses of heaped-up stones or timber, 154 — dwellings of the first visitors to the frigid zones of the earth, 156 — gallery-dwellings, 157 Dyss, the, of Denmark, 159 EARTH'S crust, motion of the, taking place in Scandinavia, 245, 251 — the Jara-Wall, 252 — sudden risings and sinkings of the earth's crust, 252 Egyptians, their use of stone knives in circumcision, 97 — flint arrows used by them, 191 note Esquimaux, shape of the crania of the, 107, 108 — similarity of their winter huts to the tumuli of Scandinavia, 1S2, 133 — tbeir snow-huts, 138 — their throwing-boards for giving velocity to their spears, 173 — murder of the Esquimaux on the Copper-mine river by the Indiana, 177 — regarded as sorcerers by the In- dians, 187, 204, 208 Esquimaux, Sir E. Belcher's account of the manufacture of their flint tools, 261 — probably once inhabited Western Europe, 263 Ethiopians, arms and accoutrements of the, in the time of Xerxes, 175 T7IN"i^S (Fenni), their arms in the J- time of Tacitus, 196 — Tacitus' account of them, 221 Fire-wnrship, conjectural remains of a primeval, 99 Fish-hook of shell, 21 — of wood, with bone-point, 21 — of flint, 22 — ■ fish-hooks not weapons, but im- plements, 93 Fishing, implements for, 21 — fish-hooks, 21 — fishing-plummets, 24 — harpoons, 26 — spears, 33 — mode of, of the Scandinavians, 102 — fishing weights implements, not weapons, 93 Flint implements of the Palaeolithic age, xvii — and Neolithic period, xxv — how formed, 5 Flint-flakes, 76 Flood, the Oimbrian, 258 pALLERY-GEAVES, form of ^ skull found in the, in West Gothland, 118 — description of gallerv-graves,124, 159 — question as to their having been dwelling-houses, 181, 132 — implements found in gallery- graves, 159 — one at Hammer, 161 2(iR INDEX. lEO Gallei'y-graves,those in West Goth- land, and at Luttra, 162 — examination of the opinion that they were ossuaries, 162, 163 — huts with round chambers, 148 — with oval chambers, 151 — with oblont; square chambers, 151 — gallery-houses of Scania and V,''e3t Gothland, 158 Germans, terror of the Romans under Caesar of the giant, 222 Germany, weapons of war of iron in the time of Tacitus, 195 Giants of the ancient Saga. See Jotnar Gimlets, 78 Glass beads, 82 Glass-blowing, infancy of, 83 Glumslof, ancient dwelling-house at, 145 Gothland, West, skulls found in, 118 — gallery-tombs in, 162 Goths, crania of, 116 Gouge, the, or narrow hollow chisel, 55 — broad, .'>S Greece, cavern-dwellings of, 15.) Greeks, modern, their tombs in the Crimea, 155 Guse arrows, property of the, 108 TTALLSTADT, discoveries in the -^ grave.^ at the salt-mines of, xxxvi. Hammer, gallery-tomb at, 161 Hammer-axes, 69 Hammers, 69 Hammer-stones, or chipping-stones, 10 — found in various place.?, 12 Harpoons for iishing, 26 — with immovable points, 27 — of bone, 29 Harpoons with movable points, 31 — harpoons implements, not wea- pons, 93 Hatchets, or axes, 60 — cross-axe, 60 with a flat chipped edge only on one side, 60, 61 — — with edge ground on both sides, but more on one than on the other, 62 — straight axes, 63 — hammer axes, 69 — Amazon axe, 71 — helved wedges, 72 — battle-axes, 75 Hittites, their cavem-sepulchre8,154 Hoes, 73 Holingen, the ancient dwelling- house of, 143 Hunting, implements for, 21 — manner in which the aborigines made use of their implements, 169 Huts of the aborigines, 102. See Dwelling-houses ; GaUery-huts. TCE- CHISEL, 77 -*- Implements of stone not neces- sarily weapons, 92 — materials of early implements, 100 — resemblance between the stone implements of nations of different tribes, 103 j Indians of North America, their ossuaries, 162 — their murder of the Esquimaux on the Copper-mine river, 177 — regard the Esquimaux as sor- cerers, 187 Instincts, human and brute, 104, 105 Iron Age, observations on the, xxxviii — the, mentioned in ancient history, 192 INDEX. 2G9 JAR MIS JAKA-WALL, probable cause of the, 252 Javelins, 45 — flint, 46 — bird-javelin of the Greenlanders, 48 — mode of using the, in the chase, 169, 170 — javelin of bone in a skull, 172 — how this missile was fixed to the shaft, 172 Jews, their use of stone knives in circumcision, 97 — their tombs, 154, 165 Jotnar, or giants, of the ancient Saga, 226, 234 — origin of the notion of giants, 228 — the Anakim of Scripture, 230 — the German giants under Ario- nstus, 232 T7J0KKENM0DDINGS, or •^ shell-mounds, 256 Knives, hunting, 38 — of flint, 39 — cutting-knives, 40 — semilunar, 41 — knife and saw, 42 — knives implements, not weapons, 93,95 — stone knives used by the Jews in circumcision, 97 — and by the Egyptians in the process of embalming, 97 — flint knives in use among the Phoenicians, Romans, and Scan- dinavians, 97, 98 TAKE -DWB L L I N G S, Swiss, xxvii. Laplanders, shape of the crania of the, 107, 108 Laplanders, their weapons of war in the time of Tacitus, 196 — formerly spread over Sweden, Denmark, and other places, 201 — Lapland local names i-emaining in Sweden, 202 — proofs that the dwarfs and pig- mies of the Sagas were Lap- landers, 207 — their skill in sorcery, 209 — remains of their ancient carem- dwellings, 212 — their modern houses, 212 — their late use of stone imple- ments, 213 — their character at the present day, 218 — comparison between the Lap- landers of to-day and the dwarfs of ancient times, 219, 224 — Tacitus' account of the Fenni, 219, 220 — as shown in the Sagas, 222 — their notions as to. giants, 228 Leister, or fish-spear, 3:3 Letters, probable invention of, Ixvii. note — no evidence of their being known to the aboriginal Scandinavians, 103 Life-stones, ancient, 215 Luttra, gaUery-tomb near, 1G2 — Baron von Diiben's description, 166 MALTA, ancient cranium found at, 117 Men, the word, applied by all rude nations only to themselves, 211 Metals, no evidence of the use of, among the aboriginal Scandi- navians, 103 Missiles used by the ancients in war, 173 — of the Esquimaux, 173 — of the New Hollanders, 174, note 270 INDEX. "RATIONS, stages through which -'-' they must pass before attaining their highest social development, Ixiv Neolithic Age, conclusions respect- ing the, xxiii. Xorway, weapons used in, in 1030, 193 — remnants of Thor worship in Norway at the present day, 241, 242 OATH, Phoenician mode of taking an, 08 Odin, sacrificial knives used in the worship of, 90, 98 — human sacrifices offfered to, 98 — worship of, in Scandinavia, 2-')7 Ornaments, 82 Orvar Odd, the vikiiig, his ad- ventures in Huneland, 197 Ossuaries of the North American Indians, 162 — examination of the opinion that the gallery-tombs of Scandinavia were ossuaries, 10.') I sions respecting the, xii Peat-bogs under the surface of the sea, 2o3, 254 — their antiquity, 255 I'igmies of the Sagas, who they were, 207. See Dwarfs Plio=nicians, their use of flint knives in religious ceremonies, 97, 98 Plummets, fishing, 24 — stnue-beads for, 81 Pdttery, hand-made, of the Stone Age, xxix Punch, 80 ' "DEIXDEER, extinct in Scania -^'' soon after the separation of Scandinavia from North Ger- inanv, 255 Religious implements of stone, 97 Romans, flint knives used by the OACRIFICES, human, of the ^ worshippers of Odin, 98 Sagas, the secular and religious, 205 — view of the Sagas from an his- torical, not sesthetic, point of view, 206 — enquiry as to the dwarfs and pigmies of the Sagas, 207 — the Sagas founded in histoiy, 242, 243 Savages, relation between, of dif- ferent races and tribes, 187 — their hereditary hatred of each other, 189 Saws, 80 Scandinavia, arms and accoutre- ments of the people of, 175 — formerly peopled by the Lap- landers, 201 — Scandinavian source of tradition, 205 — remnants of pagan worship, 206 — introduction of Thor worship into, 2:)5 — and of the Walhalla worship, 237 — probable condition of Scandi- navia at the arrival of the first people, 244 — possible cause of its physical changes, 245, 251 — shell-banks and fossil shells, 247 — uncertainty as to the time of the arrival of man, 251 — implements found in the peat- bogs, 254, 255 — Phoenician and Oimhrian immi- grations, 258 Scotland, the ' weems ' of, 262 Scrapers, 76 INDEX. 2ri Shell-tanks and fossil sheila of Scandinavia, 247 Shell-beds, crania found in, 116, 117 Shell-mounds, the, xxvi. 25i} Siberia, the cavern-d-svellings of, 153 Sljar, Bay of, ancient dwelling- house in the, 145 Skrcelingar, huts of the, in Win- land, 151. See Dwarfs SUngs, 49 — wooden and ribbon, 49, 50 Sling-stones, 26, 49 Snow-huts of the Esquimaux, 138 Sorcery, the Polar tribes .believed to be skilled in, 187, 204, 207 Spears, fish, 33 — flint, 35 — of bone, 37 — of iron, 37 — not necessarily weapons of war, 94 Stege, tumuli near, 126 Stenshijgen, tumulus of, 148 Stioklerstad, weapons found on the battle-field of, 193 Stone age of different nations, 191 — great antiquity of stone weapons, 191—195 — superstitions of the peasantry as to the inherent magic power of stone implements, 199 Stone implements, not weapons, 92 Stone vessels, 84 Stretching implements, 77 Superstitions as to stone implements and weapons, 199, 200 — what superstition is, 205 Sweden, different tribes of people in, at different times, 201 — Laplanders, 201 — pagan cairns and Christian crosses in, 214, note Sweden, remnants of Thor worship in Sweden at the present day, 240, 241 — state of the country at the ar- lival of the first people, 249 — uncertainty as to the time of their arrival, 251 — the Cimbrian immigration into the South, 258 — the immigration of the Swedes, 259 Swedes, crania of the, 108 — crania of, compared with those of the Goths, 1)6 Swords, the, mentioned in the Ed- das and ancient Sagas, 195 — bronze swords, xxv. TA.RTARS, their tombs in Kasan, 155 Thor, the gigantic tribe who wor- shipped, 234 — the name still used at the pre- sent day, 235 — Thor worship, 235 — his conflicts with goblins and pigmies, 236 — remnants of the worship in Sweden and Norway at the pre- sent day, 240—224 Thormodr Kolbrunnarskald, his death, 193, 194 Thor's hammer, Mjolner, 72 Throwing-board of the Esquimaux, 173 — and of the New Hollanders, 174 note — the throwing-strap of the New Caledonians, New Zealanders, and Romans, 174 note Thiu'sday, superstitions respecting, in Sweden, 240, 241 Tombs of the stone age, 124 — passage-graves, or gallery-graves, 124 273 INDEX. WHI Tombs, architecture of these prime- val burial-houses, 125 — their names in various places, 125 — their form and size, 126 — double gallery-graves, 130 — similarity of the winter huts of the Esquimaux to the tumuli of Scandinavia, 132, 133 — half-cross tombs, 147 — cavern-sepulchres, 154 — tombs of the Jews and modem Greeks, 154, 155 — gallery-graves, 118, 124, 159 — the dos, dyss, cromlech, or dol- men, 159 — charnel-vaults, 160 Troll, meaning of the word, 239 note Tumuli of the ancient Scandi- navians. See Tombs — of the Neolithic period, xxvii. Tygelsjo, human remains and war- like missiles found at, 175, 176 TTPSALA, Odin's temple at, 238 ^ Ure-ox, skeleton of the, 169 — enmity of the Ure-ox and bison, 249 Ure-ox, period of its existence in Scania, 257 VESSELS of burnt clay, or stone, 84 Victory-stones, ancient, 215 TIT ALHALLA worship, introduc- ' ' tion of, into Scandinavia, 237 War, mode in which weapons of, are used by savages, 171 Weapons of war, iron and steel, found 8n the field of Sticklerstad, 193 — great antiquity of stone weapons, 193—195 — the iron weapons of the Gothic races of Germany and Scandi- navia, 195 Wedges, helved, 72 — the hafted wedge not necessarily a weapon, but an implement, 95 ' Weems ' of Scotland, 262 Whet-stones, 10, 16 Winland, huta of the Skrcelingar in, 151 Whistle, hunting, 80 LONDON FRIKTHD BY 8POTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE pi.m }'l lA ■irockholm Ab; LuiiiiaiuoL U; '.'A StocM-iolni jVbr Lundquisc It C? T'l .J I' clckomi Abi Lundquist 8-. 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