F /OS? CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT PUND GIVEN IN 189I BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE _te Due • Lv.<^^bw ^^^l~ npiP^^Hv Cornell University Library F 10595S22 N33 + Township of Sandwich (past and present) 3 1924 028 901 359 olin Overs Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924028901359 Th, Township of Sandwich (Past and settled In Toronto In 1841. For t'hirty-two years ne was a teacher, twenty-live of which were spent in Es- sex County. He was appointed town cleric oi Sandwich on December 14, 1804. and Clerk o£ the First Division Court of Essex. Died October 19. 1903. EDWIN R. NORTH, B. A., The present Town Clerk, was born Januacy 13, 1863. He is a B. A. of the Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, Ont, and has been prin- cipal of the Sandwich Public Schools for thir- teen years. Mr. North was appointed Town Clerk in January, 1907. His services in both the capacity of teacher and Town Clerk gives general satisfaction. 23 The gentlemen who have held the responsible position of Town Clerk for the Corporation of the Town of Sandwich from 1858 to the present time (1909) are James Woodbridge, Jr., 1858 to 1866 ; Frank E. Maroon, 1867 to and part of 1869 ; Louis J. Fluett, part of 1869 to May 13, 1881 ; Victor Ouellette, the remainder of 1881; Thomas McKee, 1882; James JAMES ALEXANDER STUART Was born in Mullaghfutherland, Ireland, September 15, 1829. He received part of his educa- tion at Dublin University, land coming to the United States, he took a two years' course at Prince- ton, New Jersey. In 1854 he taught school at London, Ont., and in 1857 he settled in Sandwich and was at once appointed principal of the public school, which positio nhe held with much credit for twelve years. Many of the men and women of middle life today, of Sandwich, Windsor, Walkerville and the City of Detroit, including the writer, were pupils of Mr. Stuart's. Mr, Stuart bought the "Great Western Hotel," familiarly known as "The Dobson House," one of the historic landmarks of the town. In 1875 he built a large new brick hotel, which he called "The Stuart . .ouse," and which he moved into in 1876, where he remained until his death. He held the position of Clerk of the First Division Court, and also of Town Clerk from 1883 to 1894 (with the exception of the year 1892). He was closely iedntified with the local history of Sandwich, and was lately a valued member of the Board of Education and a recognized authority on municipal law. He died December 10, 1894, at the age of 66 years. A. Stuart, 18883 to 1891 ; Maxfield'Sheppard, 1892 ; James A. Stuart, 1893 to December 10, 1894; Cornelius H. Ashdown, from December, 1894 to October 19, 1903 ; George E. Smeaton, October 23, 1903 to 1906 ; Edwin R. North, the present efificient Town Clerk, was appointed in January, 1907. 24 / n t^ 3 r n W S, w 2-1 GLUNNS' TANNERY A portion of which is shown in this picture. Established by R. Gluns in 1861, on the corner of Park and Russell Streets. This landmark was torn dbwn and removed about two years ago. From a water color painting by the late Miss I'da E. Gluns. EUGENE BREAULT, The present Police Magistrate of S^dwich, was born at St. Jean de Malka, Jolliette Co., Quebec, Sept. 20, 1869. Came to Essex at the age of 18. Served ten years in the Sandwich fire department. Was elected Reeve for the year 1907 and returned by acclamation for the year 1908. Appointed Justice of the Peace in March, 1908, and Police -Magistrate of the Town of Sandwich in January, 1909. ALLOIS MASTER, SR., The present Chief of Police, was born in Germany in 1844, settled In Sandwich in 1857. In 1882 he was appointed by the Provincial Government a Bailiff of the First Division Court of the County of Essex. For upwards of thirty years he has served as County Con- stable and High Constable for Essex and for the past fifteen years as Chief of Police for the Town of Sandwich. . 26 The present town of Sandwich and judicial seat of the County of Essex is beautifully situated in the midst of a fine and well settled agricultural country on the Detroit River. There are many beautiful private resi- dences and well kept lawns, the long rows of magnificent shade trees lin- SANDWICH BOARD OF EDUCATION— 1906. Row Standing — Wm. G. Wells, W. J. Beasley, M. D.', David Tucker (secretary-treasurer), C. E. Wadge. Row Sitting — Wm. J. Sparks, Francis Hurt (Chairman), and John C. Hehn. ing the principal streets. It being an historical town many people visit the place each year from all parts of the American continent. The public improvements include one public school and one Roman Catholic separate school, the new postoffice and customs building. 27 Assumption College, referred to elsewhere in this volume, is located here and is one of the chief educational institutions of the place. There are four churches, Catholic, Episcopalean, Methodist and Bap- tist. There is also a canning factory, a branch of the Canadian Canners ; the Sandwich Branch of the Pittsburg Coal Co. ; the salt-wells conducted by the Saginaw Salt & Lumber Co., and last but not least the Sandwich ^?''- .y ^>;,;^ ""%"^ (^. * EDWARD H. DONNELLY, The present Mayor of Sandwich, was born at Hamilton, Ont, January 22, 1869. He has served three years as Town Councillor and >vas elected Mayor for the first time in 1907; elected by acclamation and had the honor of being the town's chief magistrate oh the 50th anniversary of its incorporation in 1908. He was again elected for a third time for the present year, 1909. JOSEPH BOISMIBB, A son of Edward Boisrnier, the first Mayor ot Sandwich. He was an Ensign ill Sandwich Infantry Co. No. 1 during the Fenian troubles in 1866 and 1B70, and has servad as Town Councillor on several occasions. Branch of the J. H. Bishop Fur Company. There is also an extensive brick manufacturing plant conducted by Wm. G. Curry, of Windsor. The citizens have all the luxuries enjoyed, by their neighbors who live in the neighboring cities — Detroit and Windsor — as the town is supplied with water from the Windsor works ; the streets are lighted with electricity, and nearly twenty miles of silex walks, and a complete sys- tem of sewers is now being constructed through the whole town. It has also an efficient fire department and the hotel accommodation is excellent. 28 CALIXTK LeBOElUP, Is a native of Sandwich and was elected to the Town Council in 1908, and was again re-elected for the "present year (1909). He is the Sandwich representa- tive of tne Metropolitan Insurance Ccm- pony of New York. JAMES L. SMITH, One of the Town Councillors for the year 1909. He is a native of Essex County, held several offices of trust in connection with the county. For many years he successfully con- ducted the Royal Oak Hotel, which he sold to Fred Laforet in 1908. ^«OS^S?*n. CLAUDE F. PEQUENOT, The present Town Treasurer. He also holds the oiBce of collector of water taxes and is the resident customs officer in H. M. service at Sandwich. He was formerly engaged in the mercantile business in Sandwich. GEORGE W. GRAY, The present Tax Collector of the Town of Sandwich, was born in Sandwich, March 6, 1873. He was chief of the Sandwich Fire Department for several years and is at pres- ent Chairman of the Sandwich Board of Edu- cation. 29 ALBERT F. HEALEY, The present Town Solicitor, is a member of the law firm of Davis & Healey. He has held the position of Town Solicitor for Sandwich for the past six years; Is legal advisor of several other corporations and local indus- tries lately established in this vicinity. JAMES JESSOP, Who has acted as Chief of Police and County Constable at various periods from 1858 to 1875, or thereabout, and was also caretaker of St. John's graveyard for many years. Al- though only a young lad at the time, he took an active part in the rebellion, of 1837-8, and was also . a member of Sandwich Infantry Company during the Fenian troubles of 1865 and 1870. He died Oct. 25. 1897, aged 78 years. DAVID CHENAY, M. A. Was born in April, -1847, spent several years as a teacher in the ublic, high and model s^chools of Ontario. In June, 1900, was ap- pointed public school inspector for North Essex. He is also inspector of Vilingual separate schools for Western Ontario. WILLIAM B. HAGGART Is a native of Sandwich, and has served three years in the Town Council and three years on the Board of Education, being its chair- man for one year. 30 3 W •O- H tJ a =■ 1 a, " " tn g » - > P- "^ 3 O ■ ffl S o •-< o — •— ' 2. rt SI 'I &" CD q n g. n en n » o o 5"H ■I g-g P- o n 31 R. C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD FOR 1909. Peter Cadarette, Chaiiman ; Victor Ouellette, Secretary; Albert Maicotte, Treasurer ; Jules Robinct, Calixte Seguin, Zacharlab Segnin and Joseph Bondy. ST. FRANCIS R. C. SEPARATE SCHOOL, PETER ST., SANDWICH, BUILT IN 1901. 32 The Members of the Sandwich Board of Education for 1909 are George W. Gray, Chairman ; David Tusker, Secretary-Treasurer ; John C. Hehn, Allois Master, Francis Hurt, WilHam J. Beasley, M. D., and WiHiam G. Wells. The members of the Fire Department for 1909 are James Pillon, Chief ; William Piche, Assistant Chief; Emile Seguin, Second, Assistant; Harry e ^^ m , 15. --,f 1 *?¥*'' ■ ^ #: f i '1^ %;%>■' . ' /■ ' '"^'C -■ ■ . ■ -'•>■ 11 in 'Wl m"' ^H I. 1 ,^:^^^ r- "•-">,. S:|i^<^, .r SANDWICH FIRE DEPARTMENT, JANUARY 1, 1906. Row Standing — Chas. Montagtie, F. Neal, Douglas Splitlog, James Pillon, and Judson McLean. md Row Sitting — ^Jos. Robinet, Geo. Sparks, A. E. Bondy, Sec, W. J. Murphy, Chief, Wm. Piche. Front Row — Harry Gignac, Dav Trombley, and Emile Seguin. Gigttac', Secretary ; Arthur Beeman, Treasurer ; Albert Reaiime, Gilbfert Duchaine, Cezaire Duchaine, John McLeod, Emile Laforet, Jerry Char- bonnet, Samuel Dehaitre and Fred Neal. 33 THE J. H. BISHOP FUR COMPANY'S BUILDINGS, RUSSELL ST., SANDWICH. W. J. Burns, resident manager. (Scene on Detroit River) — The Sandwich Plant of the Pittsburg Coal Co., Sandwich, Ont 34 SANDWICH BRANCH, NO. 20, 0£ the Canadian Canneries (Limited). Established in 1899 by Malcomson & Son. Head Office Hamilton, Ont. Gooige -V. Malcomson, resiaent manager. WILLIAM N. GATFIELD, Resident manager of the Sandwich Branch of the Pittsburg Coal Company. HUGH MALCOMSON, Who established the Sandwich Branch of the Canadian Canneries in 1899. 35 n M w o w w o o o H W w w a n B C 2 z H a w M > z » O r w O Z H a w w o z w 36 AN ANCIENT HOTEL. In' the year 1810 the Western Hotel shown in the accompanying pic- ture, was originally built as a private residence for his own use by James Woods, father of the late Judge, Robert Stuart Woods, of Kent .County, and up to 1852 was known as the "Woods Homestead," where it was purchased by Cyrus Dobson, and as the sign indicates, was called the Western Hotel. It was speedily made the headquarters for High Court Judges attending the Assizes. The accompanying picture was taken in the year 1863 by Mr. Henry, of the Royal Scott's Regiment of Mon- treal, stationed in Sandwich during the Fenian troubles. A few years later the building was purchased by James A. Stuart, the Town Clerk, and he changed the name to the Stuart House. Mr. Stuart moved the present building away and built a modern brick structure, now familiarly "known as "The Vendome," owned and conducted by Ignace Langlois. In the picture is shown the Western Hotel, New Jail and Court House, Old Brick Jail and Court House, Registry Office and St. John's Church. POSTMASTERS OF SANDWICH FROM 1800 to 1909. For the past 109 years this important office has been held by six dif- ferent gentlemen. The first, William Hands, enjoyed the honor of being THE WILLIAM HANDS HOMESTEAD, And home of the first Sandwich postofEce, is situate on Main Street at the northern part of the town. Near the -street at the gate was a small building or sort of "sentry box," where the mail was received and delivered to the citizens of Sandwich and vicinity from 1800 to 1834. Sheriff, District Treasurer, Customs Officer, Judge of Surrogate, Regis- trar of Surrogate and Postmaster. Mr. Hands held the position of Post- master from 1800 to 1834. He died February 30, 1836. 37 THE HANDS HOMESTEAD, As it appears at present, after being rebuilt by its present owner and occupant, Mr. Fleming. It is now familiarly known as the Fleming Homestead. HOME OF THE SANDWICH POSTOFFICE, _ During the administration of Capt. John Gentle, from 1834 to 1838, and again during tht regime of Calixte, St. Louis, from the years 1865 to 1881. ■in The land on which the building stands was a part of the Indian Reserve. After the death of Mr. Hands the property passed into the possfession of Mrs. James H. Wilkinson and again after the death of Mr. and Mrs. James H .Wilkinson, Harwood O. Fleming, druggist of Windsor, became the owner. This house was built in the year lYSO. It was partially destroyed by fire January 1, 1900, and rebuilt by Mr. Fleming the same year. George Gentle was appointed in 1834. He conducted a general store and kept the postoffice in the same building. It is situated on lot 7, West Bedford Street, opposite the County Court House, is at present used as a barber shop and residence and is owned by James L. Srnith. EDWARD HOLLAND was appointed in 1838 and continued in office until his death, February 7, 1843. He kept the postoffice at his residence, lot 7, on the northeast corner, of Mill and Peter Streets. It was an old- fashipned two-story building. A few years ago this old landmark came into the possession of the late County Clerk, Thomas McKee, who had THE WILLIAM G. HALL RESIDENCE, Which was the home of the postoiBce for a short time during Mr. Morin's administration. It was afterwards owned and occupied by the late John Paul Salter, and in later years by the late ArtEiir C. Verner. it removed and biiilt a modern two-story residence in its place. After thjftt death of Mr. McKee, Richfird McKee purcha.sed it and occupies it with his family at the present time. Pierre Hector Morin was appointed in 1843. During Mr. Morin's administration he kept the office in the William G. Hall building, lot 5, East Bedford Street — at present occupied by Mr. Victor Ouellette), and afterwards in another building — long since removed — on lot 2, West Bedford Street. Calixte St. Louis took charge of the office in 1865 and continued in 39 the position until he resigned in 1881. He conducted a general store and had the office in the George Gentle building. THE GIRARDOT BUILDING. _ Northwest corner of Mill and Bedford Streets. For a shirt time the home of the postoffice during Mr. Ouellette's administration. THE McKEE BLOCK. Lot 3, East Bedford Street, the home of the postoffice in 1886. Victor Ouellette was appointed in 1881 and resigned in 1885. During the regime of Mr. Oullette the location of the office was changed several 40 times. The Clark Brothers' shoe store, the Miller building, the Girardot \ ' y^^'i] ^^■- y - J hh^^^ JP V -• *■ "■** ■ •'- THE GENERAL STORE OF JOHN SPIERS. Northeast corner of Mill and Bedford Streets. The home of the postoffice from 1885 to June a, 1907. ^'^^'^'rim!^pmup^'' jjH.. lumattm THE McKBK HOMESTEAD An old landmark removed to make room for the new government building, southeast corner of Bedford and Mill Streets. It was purchased by Miss Jane McKee. building and McKee block, east side of Bedford Street were among the places occupied. 41 John Spiers, the present incumbent of the office received his appoint- ment August 8, 1885. From the time of his appointment until June 1, 1907, he kept the office in his general store, northeast corner of Mill and Bedford Streets. After one hundred and nine years of weary travelling around the town the Sandwich postoffice found a permanent home in a handsome new brick building built by the Dominion Government. From a "sentry box"' THE NEW POSTOFFICE AND CUSTOM HOUSE, Southeast corner Bedford and Mill Streets. in_ 1800 to a handsome structure, costing over $15,000 in 1907, is cer- tainly an improvement which our citizens welcome and heartily appre- ciate. The office was opened for business June 1, 1907, with Mr. Spiers in charge and Miss Jessie Spiers as assistant postmistress. The citizens of Sandwich are proud of the building which is one of the finest and best equipped postoffices in the Dominion, and are thankful to the Hon. R. F. Sutherland, K. C, M. P., for North Essex, for his untiring and faithful efforts in securing the construction of the same. 42 JOHN SPIERS, The present Postmaster, appointed August 8, 18&5. He was educated in the public and gram- mar schools of Sandwich and Windsor; speaks both the French and English languages fluently and is a most efficient cificer. .... PIERRE HECTOR MORIN, Postmaster from 1848 to 1865. He was Col- lector of Customs at Sandwich at the same time. He was also one of the County and District Auditors for twelve years. Mr. Morin died February 19, 1871, at the age of sixty- two years. CALIXTE ST. LOUIS, Postmaster from 1885 to 1881. Died Jan. 1909. 43 The second floor are apartments for Inland Revenue and Customs Offices. John McLeod, has been appointed janitor and himself and family oc- cupy the third story. George Proctor, of Sarnia, was the contractor and John McLean, of Sandwich, the inspector. WILLIAM p. LEECH President of the Evening American Publishing Company and publishers of the Chicago American. He is a formev well-known Sandwich resident and on [he occasion of the Old Boys' Reunion, August 2 to 7, 1909, generously donated a large and handsome water fountain to his native town, a ^if t that will ever be held in kind remembrance by his many friends and citizens of Sandwich. This hand- some fountain adorns the front of the new PostoiHoe and Customs building. THE OLDEST FREE MASON. 1 From Ross-Robinson's History of Free Masonry. Of the many men who took an interest in the work of Masonry in early days, probably no man was more enthusiastic than the late Bro. John B. Laughton, of Sandwich. He it was who in 1820 visited England, one of his special objects being to have matters regarding the organizai- tion of the craft settled, for, as we already know the craft in Canada was at a great disadvantage after the death of R. W. Bro. Wm. Jarvis. 44 Bro. Laugh ton first saw the light of day in the latter part of the eighteenth century. An old record signed by Wm. Park, a minister of the Gospel, and witnessed by Ann Roe and W. Roe, gives the day of his birth and that of his christening. Mr. Wm. Roe will be remembered by many Mason's at Newmarket, Ontario, as the postmaster at that place. The certificate reads : "I do hereby certify to have christened a male child six weelcs old, son of Mr. Peter and Catherine Laughton, born the twenty-ninth day /of July last. The asid child, named John Betton Laughton, born the 20th day of July last. The said child named John B. Laughton, and Walter Roe, of Detroit, Esq., and Mrs. Ann Roe, his god-father and god-mother. "Done at Detroit this sixteenth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety (1790). ,„ ^ WILLIAM PARK, D. H. W. ROE ANN ROE THE HEADSTONE Which marks the resting place of the oldest ■ member of the Masonic f raterity in this vicinity. At the time of the birth of Bro. Laughton, Detroit was under British government. When quite a youth he removed with his father to Strom- ness, an island on the river St. Clair, to which his grandfather had some claim under a lease from the Indians. This island was also called Thompson's Island, but was usually called Stromness' Island until changed to Dickinson's Island. When 13 years of age his father died, and the youth was apprenticed to a trade at Amherstburg, but in 1810, being thus in his eighteenth year, he returned to Stromness, with a stock for a farm, all of which he lost in the war of 1813. He then joined the Canadian militia and engaged in the tarnsport between Burlington Heights and York. He was present at some of the frontier battles, in- cluding Lundy's Lane, at which he was taken prisoner, and afterwards retired on a small pension from the government. No man was better known to the people of Essex from 1810 until 1879 than Bro. Laughton. * * * He was an interesting speaker, and with ■45 great glee -recounted his experiences during the war of 1812-15 at Stoney Creek, Grimsby and Burlington Heights. He visited England in 1820, armed with documents from Bro. John Dean, the Secretary of the King- ston Convention, and visiting the Masonic authorities in London laid the case of the Canadian Masons before them with such vigor that it had its material eflfect in the action of the English Grand Lodge. In 1841 he wrote to the Secretary of St. Andrews' Lodge, Toronto, in order to ascertain the proper method of securing a warrant that he de- sired for a lodge at Sandwich. This lodge was afterwards formed and was known as Rose Lodge No. 30. Mr. Laughton at one time took a deep interest in the welfare of St. John's Church, having filled the office of Church Warden with Abraham Unsworth for four years — from 1837 to 1840. He, with his wife, after- wards became affiliated with the Methodist denomination in Sandwich and both Mr. and Mrs. Laughton were valued and consistent members of that religious body until their death. Bro. Laughton died at the family residence of Capt. Edwin Watson, at Sandwich, on the 26th day of December, 1879, aged 89. He was buried in the cemetery of St. John's Church, Sandwich, and his grave is situated opposite the Essex County Registry Office. It is marked with a small marble stone inscribed "John B. Laughton, Died Dec. 26, 1879, aged 90 years." The christening record- shows that this date is in error. THE WAR OF 1812. Sandwich was the first place to feel the effects of the war of 1812. The United States Congress declared war against Great Britain on June 18, 1812, and on July 12, General Hull crossed from Detroit with 2,300 men and took possession of Sandwich. He at once issued a bombastic proclamation from his headquarters, the Baby Mansion, in forming the Canadians that he did not ask their aid, because he came with a force that must overpower all opposition, and which was only the vanguard of a greater one. From Fort George, Gen. Brock issued a counter proclamation, remind- ing the people of the prosperity of the colony under British rule, and assuring them that the mother country would defend Canada to the utmost and impressing upon them the sacred duty of keeping their oath of allegiance to the British government. How the Essex militia, fighting in the ranks by the side of the regular soldierly of Britain, covered themselves with glory in the campaigns that followed, is a matter of common history. Fortunately the military in Essex had a faithful ally in Tecumseh and his followers and the assistance which they gave had much to do in the preservation of the Western Peninsular. At Maiden the British had erected a fort and garrison and kept sta- tioned there a force of regular troops. This was the military head- quarters of the Western Frontier, but Sandwich had also grown to a thriving town and was the metropolis of the border. After a short delay at Sandwich Gen. Hull with his whole force started down the military road against Fort Maiden. Col. Proctor who was in 46 •command at Maiden, nothing daunted, advanced with a force of about 400 regulars, militiamen and Ipdians to the Canard river and there taking, up a position on the lower side of the marsh awaited for the Americans to attempt a crossing. In sileiice they waited and as the column reached the bridge a volley thundered from the reeds on the further side. The Ameri€an force was staggered and under the deadly rain of volley after volley broke into disorderly retreat. They retired beyond Turkey Creek and rallied near the present site of Chappel's hostelry. Major Semandre -of the militia followed the invaders beyond the creek and then, care- fully concealing his followers and a band of Tecumseh's braves, he walked on almost to the American Camp. Drawing his pistol he fired point blank into the throng of soldiers and dashed away with a large number in pursuit. He led them right to the muzzles of the muskets of his men when a volley was poured into the pursuers. Half of them were laid low and the balance withdrew in confusion to their camp. After this reception Hull gave up any idea of attacking Maiden and withdrew and on learning that Gen. Brock had arrived at Fort Maiden with reinforcements Gen. Hull recrossed to Detroit on August 7. As the last of the force left Sandwich orders were given to fire the town, but ■Capt. John Collins of the American force, strongly objected to this bar- abrity with such good effect that the town was spared. The gallant Brock, who was in command of the force of Upper Canada very shortly arrived at Amherstburg, and following up Proctor's advan- tage, led the entire force, consisting of seven hundred regulars and militiamen and six hundred Indians, to Sandwich. Two small war ves- sels, the "Queen Charlotte" and the "Hunter," ascending the river at the same time. Brock placed his guns on the Canadian bank of the river and sent a demand to Hull to surrender Fort Detroit, which was refused. That night the Indians were sent across the river and in the morning made the forest surrounding the pallisades hideous with their unearthly yell- ing, until the garrison imagined there was a very large force at hand. The guns on the Canadian shore and from the vessels threatened the fort, while all morning long, the red coated soldiers of Britain could be seen swarming around the Baby house at Sandwich, where Brock had adopted the ruse of marching the force through the back door and out ■of the front, which was in plain view of the fort, and leading the head of the column again to the back, kept a stream of men apparently num- bering many hundred marching from the house. The guns outside the Fort enclosure had also been spiked by-Maj. Semandre, who distin- guished himself all through the War by his reckless daring, with a small force, during the night. So that upon the second demand for surrender sent to Hull that afternoon, the fort with its garrison of 2,500, its arms and its stores, involving as it did the surrender of the whole State of Michigan, was given over to the British. The chagrin of the commander when he found Brock's command to number less than 1,500 soldiers and Indians will well be imagined. Proctor was placed in command of the Fort and Brock withdrew to lead in the grand defense of the Niagara frontier which culminated in -the glorious victory of Queenstown heights, where unfortunately he fell. 47 THE BABY MANSION. It was built for the northwest fur trade about the year 1790 by the Hon. James Baby. The house is about 40x50 in size, two and one- half stories in height, with a three-foot stone wall cellar the size of the house. The frame work of the building was filled with bricks and mortar; the beams and the sheating were of walnut and the sills ot doors and windows of walnut. In the hall was hung an iron hook, from which were suspended massive scales capable of weighing 3,000 pounds of furs. (Dr. Beasley says this hook still adorns the ceiling in the large hallway.) This ancient homestead stands about half way up the hill on the corner of Russell and Mill Streets. From the front verandah one has a fine view of the Detroit River, as the hill slopes to the river bank. Upon its porches Indians traded their pelts when Detroit was but a log settle- ment. Through its halls have walked such men as Generals Hull, Brock, Harrison, Col. Proctor and the brave forest heros Chief Tecumseh and SpHt log. After the battle of the River Thames (Oct. 5, 1813), where Tecumseh was killed. Col. James Baby, while in command of the Kent militia, was taken prisoner and returned to Sandwich with Gen. Harri- son, who occupied this house as his headquarters. Although over a century has passed since it was built the house is nearly as good today as when it was first erected. The large hall was the trading room. The Indians for miles around brought their furs and traded them with the Baby's for small merchan- dise which the Northwest Company used as money. 48 HON. JAMES BABY Was born in Detroit, 1762, built the Baby Mansion, at Sandwich, about the year 1780. He was a member of the Legislative Council of Hesse and Western District from 1792 to 1833; appointed Judge of Surrogate Court in 1794; at the close of the War of 1812-13 he was appointed to the very responsible office of InspectorGeneral of Upper Canada. This later office was offered him because his 'merits had been so conspicuous during the war, his services so disinterested, his losses so great] that the Government tendered him the position as a mark of approbation. He died at Little York (Toronto), February 19, 1833, in his 71st year. His remains were brought to Sandwich and re-interred in Assumption Church Graveyard. GEN. WILLIAM HULL Was born in Connecticut in 1763. He rose to the rank of Major in the Continental Army, arid was distinguished for his bravery. He was appointed Governor of the Michigan Territory in 1805. On June 18th, 1812, the United States Congress passed a bill empowering the President to declare war against Great Britain. On the 12th of July, 1812, he crossed to Sandwich with 2,500 men, took possession of the town, making the Baby Mansion his headquarters, his army camping ■J9 ■on the land now occupied by the public school, Bedford street, Sandwich, on the bank -of the Detroit River. On the approach of Gen. Brock, the British commander-in-chief, Gen. Hull re-crossed with his army to Detroit, August 7, 1812. Gen, Brock ^followed with 700 regulars and BiiHtiamen and 600 Indians and demanded Hull to surrender, which he did on August 16, 1819, induding the army fort, stores, Detroit and adjacent territory. Gen. Hull was then taken to Mon- treatl a prisoner of war, and was afterwards exchanged for thirty British captives. He wsa tried by court-martial for treason and cowadic'e at Albany, New York, during the year 1814. He was found guilty of cowardice and ordered to be shot, but was afterwards pardoned by the President on account of previous valuable services. He died near Boston in 1848. In 1848 his grandson published a full and thorough vindication of the character of Gen. Hull. Hull's thorough knowledge of the character of the foe who menaced him, and a humane desire to spare his troops, was doubt- less his sole reason for surrendering his post at Detroit to Gen. Brock. Dr. W. J. Beasley purchased the property in March, 1905, and has since put the building in an excellent state of repair without destroying in any way its original appearance. The interior of the house has been altered to suit the requirements of modern life, such as bath rooms, electric light, etc. MAJOR GENERAL SIR ISAAC BROCK ^",„5-!i" '.".^'kHI^""* i''t.'^"""=*?n?" ?'='■ ^*' "^9- He saw active service in Holland, was wounded at the battle of Egmont-of-Tee m 1798, and was second in command of the land forces at^ Lord Nelson s attack on Copenhagen in 1802. On August 16, 1812, in comoanv with of Queenstown Heights, Oct. 1, 1812. quantity battle During the month of September, 1908, the Essex County Historical Society has, with the consent of the present owner, caused to be placed on the building a bronze tablet which may be seen when passing the end of the building on Mill Street. 50 TECUMSEH, The brave and celebrated Shawneese Indian chief, born 1770; killed at the battle of Mora- vin Town, Oct. 6, 1813, aged 43 years. He was with Gen. Brock, together with Splitlog, his trother-in-law, and other celebrated Indian chiefs, who assisted in the capture of Detroit, August 16, 1812. GEN. WM. H. HARRISON, Who once occupied the Baby Mansion, and whose troops (the Kentucky Horse), burned St. John's Church in 181S. He afterwards became President of the United States. He served one month after taking the oath of office and died April i, 1841, at the age of sixty-eight years. 51 WILLIAM LEWIS BABY. Born in the Baby Mansion April 13, 1812; was first lieutenant of the Kent Volunteers dunngi the Rebellion of 1837-8: took part in the. capture of the schooner Ann at Amherstburg, January », 1838; was appointed to H. M. Customs at Windsor October 30, 1873; superanuated Jul:; 1«. l|»5i was author of "Souvenirs of the PMt;" died at Windsor, December 9, 1897, and interred at Assumption Church Grayeyard, Sandwich. CHARLES T. BABY, The, second son of the Hon. James Baby, was born in the Baby Mansion Decebmer 21, 1807. Was appointed Clerk of the Peace in 1835 and held the oifice until the year 1871. He was elected Mayor of the Town of Sandwich in January, 1859, and re-elected to the same office continuously up to and including the year 1866. He was also a member o f the' Sandwich Board of Educaiton from the year 1868 to 1867, and occupied the position of Chairman of that body for the entire period of his membership of eight years. He died November 13, 1871, in the old Baby Mansion, in which he was born and died, he having occupied it with his family until his death and the death of Mrs. Baby, his wife. His family consisted of two sons, Charles T. and Eugene (both dead)), and three daughters (Mary), now Mrs. Wm. J. McKee; (Eliza), Mrs. J. Wallcae Askin; and (Josephine), Mrs. A. Phi E. Janet. After the death of Mr. and Mrs. Baby, and the death of the sons, and marriage of the daughters, the old homestead passed into other hands. 62 WILLIAM J. BEASI,EY, M. D., The owner of the Baby Mansion, and who occupies it wi^^ his family at the present time* besides attending to the many duties of his profession as a physician in the community, has taken a deep interest in the welfare of the town. He is a member of the Board of Education and was elected chairman of that body for the year 1907. He is also a member of the Essex County Histori- cal Society. He is a most worthy gentleman and a valuable acquisition to the old county town. OLD CANADIAN WINDMILLS ON THE DETROIT RIVER. (From extracts from a paper written by Miss Jean Barr, with important additions by the writer.) Previous to the war of 1812, while yet the country was but thinly settled, the Detroit River presented a very different appearance from what it does today. True, time could not mar the beauty of the broad stream itself, but its shores have been completely transformed by progress. This wind mill was built during the year 1808, on the McGregor Farm, Petite Cote. ^The property was afterwards owned by the late Judge Charles Eliot, and » now known as Shore Acres." This picture is from a water color painting by Capt. James Van Cleve in 1881, and pub- lished through kindness of Miss McKee, Sandwich. 53 The Canadian shore in 1812 was a beautiful land of primitative farms and uncut trees where the 'easy-going French habitant lived blissfully content without progress. One of the most auspicious features of the Detroit River in early days of the last century, were the wind mills, with their sweeping arms and flapping sails on the Canadian shore alone might have been counted eighteen mills grinding wheat at the same time. One of the largest and most thriving mills on the Canadian shore was built by "Jock" Baby some time in the year 1796. It was situated on the edge of the river on Lot 2, West Russell Street, Sandwich, between De- troit and Mill Streets. Mr. Baby was a prominent man in the vicinity beirjg one who possessed THE MONTREUIL WINDMILL. considerable influence over the Indians who were then very numerous along the frontier. In the opfening years of the nineteenth century this windmill was purchased by Mr. Hypolite Lassaline, a miller of considerable skill. The mill was circular in form and built of masonry for the first nirve or ten feet. Above that were double walls of timber filled in with stone and mortar, sided with clap-boards and surrounded by a conical shingled roof. A rush of prosperity came to Miller Lassaline during the war of 1813, when General Hull, the American commander of Fort Detroit, crossed 54 . into Canada with a large body of soldiers and took up his headquarters in Sandwich. . The general at once set about planning to secure supplies for his men, and to be certain to have enough flour he made arrange- ments with Lassaline to grind exclusively for the American Army. He paid the miller $100 per week and told him to grind night and day. An American sentry was stationed in front of the mill to see that the orders were carried out. Lassaline made a lot of money during the stay of the soldiers. This mill ground from 30 to 50 bushels of wheat in the day and during the war sold for 25 cents a pound. The old round mill tower stood for many years after its usefulness was gone. A small mill stood on the church property near the river above what is now known as Taylor's Point, Sandwich. It was said to have been built by Father Crevier about 1820. This had an exclusive history. In early days most of the inhabitants thereabouts were Roman CathoHcs, and belonged to Assumption Parish. Money was then almost unknown and tithes were paid to the church in wheat. To make the most of their perquisites the good fathers built this little mill and ground their tithes into fiour which was consumed or sold as the urgency of the case re- quired. About the year 1815 Mr. Montrejiil, father of ex-Warden Luke Mon- treuil, built a windmill on his farm near his residence on the river bank. Lot 97, Sandwich East, above now the thriving town of Walkerville. Mr. Montreuil was a miller by trade and when his mill was completed made some of the best flour on the Detroit River. When the wind was steady it ground 100 bushels of wheat every 24 hours. Montreuil's mill was in operation until 1852, and its round bulk was a land mark for many years afterwards. THE MISSION PEAR TREES. Planted by Jesuit missionairies over two hundred years ago, there are a number of pear trees in Sandwich and vicinity which have defied the ravages of time, and with a few exceptions, escaped the woodman's axe. There are really no positive means of ascertaining the age of these his- toric arboreal links to the past. Some antiquarians have claimed they are three hundred years old, but all authorities agree they have passed two centuries. These trees are found planted on the shores of Lake St. Clair, Detroit River and Lake Erie, which clearly defines the ground traversed by the first missionaries to this part of the country. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, ex-M. P., of Kemptville, Ont., who for many years represented the United Counties of Leeds and Greenville in the Dominion Parliament, fixes the age of the trees at 226 years. It was during the year 1906 when the doctor visited Sandwich, and that was the age he figured them at that time, which would make them 229 years old at the present time (1909). As a further proof of the age of these trees the attention of the reader is called to a laughable incident during the war of 1812, in which an old mission pear tree took a prominent part. 55 GEN. BROCK'S BATTERIES. General Brock, commander of the British forces, arrived at Fort Mai- den on the 13th of August, 1813, and acting on the advice of the intrepid Indian chief Tecumseh, marched with his men to Sandwich. Gen. Hull had returned to Detroit by that- time, so Brock pushed on to the present This engraving is from o photo of a pear tree in blossom on the Cowan property. site of Windsor, where he erected a temporary fort and placed his bat- teries to play on Detroit. He took for a target a large French pear tree which stood near the corner of Woodbridge and Griswold streets, and so telling were the shots that a man named Miller offered to chop the tree down at all hazard. Just as he was speaking two-thirds of it was carried away by a cannon-ball. "Good for you, John Bull," shouted the man ; "you chop a deal quicker than I can." The trees were said to have been propagated by seed brought from France by the Jesuit Fathers, and for that reason were named "The Mission Pear Trees." 56 Two gentlemen who were lovers of trees and flowers, and who had Spent much of their time and acquired a wide experience in the art of the cultivation of trees and flowers during their lives were the late James Dougall, proprietor of the Windsor nurseries, and the late Wm. Cowan, of Sandwich. These yentlemen, each in their own way, spent many years of work and worry in an endeavor to propagate the mission pear tree, but MISSION PEAR TREK Loaded with fruit, on rear of lot 10 East Bedford Street, Sandwich. without success. Other gentlemen of this vicinity have tried to raise these trees by every art known to the nurserymen and horticulturists of this age, with the same futile results. Many of these trees haye attained great size — some seventy feet high and nine feet in circumference. The one at the Baby Mansion at the present time measures nine feet around the trunk. 57 On mammoth tree, said to be the largest on the American continent, was cut down in March, 1906. It stood on the Lewis estate, Sandwich (I refer to the family of ex-Mayor Lewis, now of the City of Detroit) and now owned by Herbert Searle, meat merchant. This tree measured twelve feet around and sixty-two feet high. The tree showed slight signs of decay, and as Mr. Searle required the space it occupied, he cut it down and sold it to th writer for souvenir purposes. These old trees have yielded thousands of bushels of the most luscious pears. From thirty-five to fifty bushels have been picked in the harvest time from each tree. "Many a thrifty mission pear Yet overlooks the blue St. Clair, Like a veteran faithful warden, And their, branches ^.-gnarled and olden. Still each year their blossoms dance Scent and bloom of sunny France." JOHN B. GAUTHIER. Died February 15, 1900, aged 76 years. THE. SANDWICH PETROLEUM OIL COMPANY. During the year 1864-5 the oil craze struck Sandwich. Many citizens on different occasions observed surface indications of both oil and salt on the low lands around what is now known as Lagoon Park, at the south- erly limits of the town. Probably the most enthusiastic citizen at that time was John B. Gauthier. He conducted a general store, brick yard, manufactured potash, and was interested in other enterprises in town. He strongly advocated the forming of an oil company and sinking of a 58 well, but no definite action was taken in this respect until the early part of 1866. It was at this time that the oil fever was at its height, and the chief topic of "conversation by the citizens generally. Miles Cowan took the initiative, called upon the Mayor, Charles Baby, and laid the matter before him with a view of obtaining his aid and influ- ence. Mr. Baby expressed his approval and entered enthusiastically into the project, believing that should the venture be successful, it would be a bnefit to the town. Mr. Cowan continued to use his influence amony other leading men, and as a result a meeting of the citizens was held at the Western Hotel, next the Court House. The hotel was then conducted by Cyrus Dobson. The meeting was a large and enthusiastic one. After speeches had been made by many of those present a company was formed and called "The Sandwich Petroleum Oil Company." The officers were : George Fellers, MINERAL SPRINGS CANAL, SANDWICH. President; H. C. Guillott, Vice-President; Charles Baby, Secretary; Thos. H. Wright, Treasurer, with five additional directors. The capital stock was placed at $10,000, in shares of $100 each. The stock was all taken up, with 40 per cent, paid in. The majority. of the business and professional men, as well as many private citizens, became members of the company. Arrangements were made with Mr. Gauthier by the company to sink the well on the proprty owned by him. An engine and well-boring machinery were purchased in Montreal. Peter Seeman, an experienced miner and well-driller, was placed in charge of the work, and th sinking of the well proceeded with. Operations were continued from day to day until a depth of over 900 feet was reached. There was no indication of 59 the much-coveted oil, but to the astonishment of all, a fine flowing well of mineral water was struck. The water shot up in the air with terrific force for about thirty feet. The news of the discovery soon spread through town and vicinity, and in a few days thousands of people from the United States and Canada flocked to see this new discovery. From this time and for many years after it was called the Sandwich Mineral Springs. Then followed a boom for that portion of the town. A large brick hotel was erected by Mr. Gauthier near the premises. The company erected a commodious bath house, and lady and gentlemen attendants were engaged and many other improvements made. Through judicious adver- tising and the publicity given it by the public press, people came from all parts of the American continent to visit and some to take baths. The services of professional experts were engaged to analyze the water, who pronounced it the best and most valuable water of the kind in the world. The owners of omnibuses and hacks did a thriving business, conveying passengers from the Windsor ferry landing to and from the springs; the minimum rate of fare was ten cents each way. A canal was dug from the Detroit River through the low land to Russell street, a few yards from the springs, and a line of boats estab- lished; the iare for the round trip from Woodward avenue, Detroit, to Sandwich and return was 35 cents. For a time Sandwich became quite a resort for visitors. It was a common occurrence to see from twenty tq twenty-five thousand people here of a Sunday and on holidays. The reader will remember that the people of the neighboring city of Detroit, Windsor arid Walkerville had no parks to go to. Belle Isle Park and Bois Blanc Island were not dreamed of as pleasure resorts in those days. Among the visitors were many afflicted who found the sulphur water most beneficial for the elimination from the system of such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia and asthma, scrofula, and liver complications, ner- vous prostration and allied diseases. This class of visitors took the baths regularly and with such good results that many were completely cured, returning home without their sticks and crutches. After a year or two of unusual prosperity differences commenced to arise amony the principal members of the company. The main factors in the dispute were John B. Gauthier, of Sandwich, and John P. Clark, of Springwells. Mr. Clark, being the heaviest stockholder and possessed of large means, wished to run the business on an elaborate plan in his own way. He endeavored to buy up all the stock and get full control, with the above end in view. In this he was partially successful, his friend, Mr. Gauthier, declining to sell his interests in the company. Matters continued in an unsettled condition for some time until an inci- dent happened which resulted in a law suit. It appears that during a certain night eight large boulders found their way into the entrance of the canal. On the following day the first boat that came from Detroit and entered the canal with a load of passengers got fast on these rocks and was with some difficulty released. Shortly afterwards Mr. Gauthier brought action against Mr. Clark in the High Court of Justice for $1,000 damages. It was brought out in evidence that the eight boulders had 60 been loaded on two boats belonying to Mr. Clark, known as the "Twin Scows," on the American side, and that the crew had placed them in the canal under the instructions of Mr. Clark. The case terminated in the jury giving a verdict in favor of Mr. Gauthier for one York shiUing, Mr. Clark to remove the boulders from the canal. The boulders were afterwards removed by Mr. Clark's men, according to the instructions of the court and to the satisfaction of Mr. Gauthier. The Sandwich Mineral Springs continued for some years to draw large crowds of visitors until the close of the 80's, when the boats were discon- tinued and the number gradually diminished. The hotel has had several changes in proprietors in the past forty-one years. The name of this historical resort has also been changed several times. It was called Manhattan Park for some years, but latterly, during the time when it was conducted by B. H. Rothwell and Gilbert Graham, it was changed to Lagoon Park, and bears this name at the present time. The bath- house has been removed but the hotel and the beautiful shade trees that adorn the park and canal are still patronized by a large number of visitors during the summer season. The original company wound up its affairs as a company and the present mineral springs property was sold back to John H. Gauthier in 1891 and is a part of the Gauthier estate at the present time. THE DOMINION FISH HATCHERY. Samuel Wilmot, o fNewcastle, Ont., was the first man in Canada who conceived the idea of hatching fish by artificial means. He first built a little reception house, where he cought his first salmon, and the first hatchery was done in his cellar at his own home. On finding that his experiments were successful he brought the matter before the Fisheries Department at Ottawa. So impressed were the officials, after hearing Mr. Wilmot's earnest and clever explanation of his discovery, that they established a hatchery at Newcastle in 1868, which proved so successful that the Department decided to build a second one at Tadousac and Gaspe, Quebec. During the year 1875, through the efiforts of James McKee, Reeve of Sandwich, and Wm. McGregor, M. P. for Essex County, a fourth hatchery was established at the McKee Road, near the Detroit River, in the Town of Sandwich, with James Nevin as its first superin- tendent. Mr. Nevin resigned June 30, 1882, and Mr. Parker, of Newcastle, was appointed superintendent, and has been in charge of the Sandwich hatchery ever since. Previous to coming to Sandwich Mr. Parker had been in charge of the Newcastle hatchery for five years. Since the hatchery was established in Sandwich, similar institutions have from time to time been put in operation by the Government in various parts of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Counting the hatch- ery just completed at Point Edward, Ont., there are at present thirty 'fish- breeding establishments distributed throughout the various provinces of the Dominion. 61 The establishment at Sandwich is devoted to the hatching of whitefish and pickerel eggs. It is one of the best equipped and most important institutions of the kind in Canada. Mr. Parker, the officer in charge, has been in the service since fish- hatching was first inaugurated at Newcastle and had charge of the hatchery there for five years before his appointment to Sandwich. He has been in the employ of the Government for thirty-seven years, and is an acknowledyed authority on fish culture. Albert McCoombs is another employee associated with Mr. Parker. He has been constantly in the service of the department since the Sandwich hatchery was established, and has made himself familiar with all the THE DOMINION FISH HTACHERY. Located on the McKee Road and near the bank of the Detroit River, Sandwich, Ont. details of the proper running of the institution. He is always at his post and does all work assigned to him faithfully and well. Associated with Mr. Parker at Sandwich is William Hill, who is also a veteran in the service and was with Mr. Wilmot when the first fish hatchery was built at Newcastle. The fishermen and residents of this locality, as well as the many vis- itors, are loud in their praises of the work that is being done by the Dominion Fish Hatchery at Sandwich. Much credit is due Prof. Edward E. Prince, Dominion Commissioner of Fisheries, and his staff of able and experienced officers, for the good work that is being accomplished in this branch of the public service, for it is very largely due to their great energy and zeal that successful'fish culture throughout Canada is made possible. 62 CAPT. WILLIAM PARKER, The Superintendent of the Dominion Fish Hatchery at Sandwich, Ont. ALBERT McCOMBS, A faithful employee of the Sandwich Hatch* ery for the past 20 years. WILLIAM HILL, One of the Government staff in charge of the Siindwich Hatchery. He has been in the em- ploy of the Government at different times for SI years. SAMUEL ADAMSON, An employee of the Hatchery for 21 years. Resigned his position in 1906. 63 THE REBELLION OF 1837-8. The Peace of 1815 found Canada in the same position as before the war — she had lost nothing, had shown that she was not as defenseless as was supposed, and secured the confidence and attention of Great Britain. From 1815 to 1837 a strong bond of friendship prevailed amongst the peaceable inhabitants generally, engendered and fostered, no doubt, by the difficulties, hardships and privations surrounding them in the new country. Those were the days when every man's word was as good as his bond and crimes were seldom heard of. There were those, however, who, rightly or wrongly, kept up a con- stant agitation ayainst the administration of the "Family Compact," and led by Papineau in the East and Wm. Lyon Mackenzie in the West, they broke into open revolt and were quickly forced to fly into the United States. Here all sorts of adventurers joined their banners until in 1837-8 the Militia was called upon to defend the country and the Essex frontier was once more the scene of hostilities. A "Dr." Theller made his appearance in Detroit and with a few dis- THE FORTIFIED BARRACKS, SANDWICH, IN 1837-38. Showing the covered enclosure of hewn square timber which surrounded the present school grounds, lot 9, southwest corner of Huron and Bedford streets. Inside of this enclosure ^was a large stone barracks and other buildings for the sheltering of the troops and the storing of munitions of war. The stone barracks itself (not shown in picture) was built in 1814 and removed about the year 1868. affected ones and the off-scourings of Detroit succeeded in robbing the arsenal at Dearborn, Mich., of some five hundred stands of arms and two or three pieces of cannon, enabling him to make it lively for the frontier for two years. Early in November, 1838, it was reported, and generally believed, that large bodies of brigands, from all parts of the United States, were wend- ing their way to the State of Michigan for the purpose of invading our country. The point of attack was variously stated to be Maiden, Sand- wich and Windsor. The inhabitants of the two larger places were kept in a constant state of excitement and alarm by their proximity to Detroit, the reputed headquarters of the enemy, and the want of sufficient means to repel any serious invasion. To add to their anxiety and alarm, Major Reid of the 33nd Regulars, who held the command at Sandwich, was ' 64 called to the London District, and that important trust devolved on Col. John Prince. The effective force at that time consisted of Company No. 1 and 11 men of Company No. 2, Provincial Volunteer Militia, com- manded by Capt. Sparke, and four Companies of Col. Prince's Battalion, commanded respectively by Captains Fox, Lewis and Thebo and Elliott. To Captain Lewis was committed the charge of the important post of Windsor. With so small a force it was necessary to maintain the greatest watch- fulness against any sudden attack ; and to ensure that vigilance so essen- DR. JOHN JAMES HUME TABLET in St. John's Churchyard,' Sandwich, Ont. tial to our safety, nearly all the inhabitants of Sandwich, not connected with any of the above Companies, acted as voluntary night patrol. As more definite and certain information of the strength and intentions of the brigands was received, our situation became the more alarminy. ! During these trying times the women and children on several occasions had to retire to the concessions on the threatened approach of the pirates. The Battle of Windsor, on December 4, 1838, was the crowning event of the frontier troubles. At one o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, 65 December 4, 1838, the steamer Champlain, lying at Detroit, was seized by about 250 "Patriots." After raising steam the boat was cast off and landed the invaders at three o'clock on the farm of Alex. Pelette, about a mile above the present town of Walkerville. Then they marched down the road to Windsor, where they fired the barracks and burnt the steamer "Thames," belonging to Duncan McGregor, and murdered Dr. Hume, the staff assistant surgeon of the forces here. The rebels and Col. Prince's Battalion of Essex Militia, under command of Captains Fox, Tebo and Elliott, Capt. Bell of the 2d Company, Pro- vincial Volunteers, Capt. Sparke and others, from Sandwich, met, and the battle was fought in the Baby orchard in Windsor ; the Patriots were defeated and several of them shot by Col. Prince's orders. COL. JOHN PRINCE. Judge R. S. Woods, in his work entitled "Harrison Hall and Its Asso- ciations," says : "Talking of Col. Prince, I cannot omit a fuller reference COL. JOHN PRINCE. to him, for his advent in the Western District marked an epoch in its history. He came to Sandwich in August, 1833, with his wife, family and servants, and was the first man of fortune who had settled in the 3istrict. He was a man of fine presence and most genial manners, and one of the most eloquent speakers in the Province ; a great sportsman and lover of agriculture, and took to farming with much zeal, importiny thorough- bred stock and keeping the finest dogs, which he brought from England. In the general election of 1836, under Sir Francis Bond Head's appeal to the country, he was returned for Essex with Mr. Francis Caldwell and his impression upon the Legislature was most favorable. The rebel- lion broke out the following year, and the Colonel (for he was at once appointed such) really became not only the Prince but the King of the Western District, if not of Upper Canada, so popular was he during and after the rebellion. His journey through from Sandwich to Toronto was a continual ovation. He was admitted to the bar and enrolled as an attorney in 1838, made a Queen's Counsel and occupied a proud position at the bar and in the Province, and continued to represent Essex till he became a candidate for the Legislative Council in 1856, when he con- tested the Western District against Col. Rankin, and was returned and sat in the Council till his appointment to the Judgeship of the District of Algoma in I860, and where he continuously lived and died in 1870. THE PRINCE HOMESTEAD, Park Fork Farm, Sandwich. Photo by Murdock in 1906. "Then there is no doubt that his summary shooting of the prisoners taken at the battle of Windsor, 4th December, 1838, in connection with Sir Allen McNab's order of the previous December to cut out the Caro- line, did more to put an end to the invasion of the western portion of the Province by the Patriots and sympathizers of that day than anything done by the Government or the regular forces. The act led to an im- portant debate in the House of Lords, with Lord Brougham criticizing, and the Duke of Wellington justifying the measure, in which he was supported by the House ; and there was also the commission of enquiry in Canada, whose report wholly acquitted the Colonel from the charges ALBERT PRINCE, A son of the late Col. Prince, who represent- ed the County of Essex in the Second Pro- vincial Parliment from 1871 to 1876. He died July 8, 1875. GORDON STE.1SD. Mr. Steed is a musician and voiln manufacturer o£ Gosficld North. The violin which Mv. Steed holds In his hand is a handsome hand-^carved one made from a piece of curly cherry he secured in 1874 from the Park Farm in Sand- wich. CHARLES E. ANDERSON, Who took an active part in the Rebellion of 1837-38. He was a son-in-law of the late Col. Charles Eliot. "WAITING AND WATCHING." One of the old stile gates at the Park Farm, Sandwich. Photo by Harry C, McKee. 68 made against him, founding their report upon the fact that the act was the determination of the inhabitants expressed at a public meeting when it was determined that no prisoners should be taken. To show the state of feeling at that time against the Colonel, placards were posted up along the public streets in Detroit, ofifering a reward of $800 for his dead body and $1,000 for his living body, and to protect himself after dark, he had to have an advertisement in the public papers warning all persons against coming to 'the Park Farm' after night, as he had spring guns and man traps set for his protection." THE COL. ARTHUR RANKIN HOMESTEAD. This house was built about the year 1843 by W. R. Wood, who was '-.,% y.:'//-'^' ^■■- ^ HmjjM 1 i&'^lii ^• ^mm- 3p5^;,/f^i^n|^^^£^j-wMfc THE COL. RANKIN HOMESTEAD then Deputy District Treasurer. The outbuildinys of the residence were made from the hewed square' timber which was a part of the fortified barracks at Sandwich, corner of Huron and Bedford streets. During the year 1848 Mr. Wood became a defaulter to the District, and left the country. The sale of this beautiful property on the Detroit River, to- gether with all his personal eflfects, were sold to pay his indebtedness to the district (which then comprised the counties of Essex, Kent and Lambton), and was purchased by Col. Rankin and used by himself and family until the year 1893. 69 COL. ARTHUR RANKIN Was born at sea (Atlantic) in the year 1824; joined the Queen's Light Infantry at Toronto when it was sent to the Detroit Frontier inl838. He took a conspicuous' part in the Battle of Windsor and captured the flag of the so-called Patriots.'\ He was a .member of Parliament for Essex from 1864, to 1857, and was again returned as membei; for Es^ex from 186 3to 1867. When the two provinces, Upper and Lower Canada, were each divided -igtcx^mae military districts, Mr. Kankin was placed in command of the Ninth Upper Canadian "District ,with the title of colonel. He died March 13, 1893. "THE TRENT AFFAIR." 1839 saw the last of the filibustering raids of the "Patriots." The engagement at Windsor had taught those in the west that the militia were prepared to receive them in a manner they would not relish and they deemed it advisable to remain at home. In reviewing the events of the Rebellion of 1837 and '38 the' fact is established that by its suppression this Canada of ours has been, pre- served to the British Crown, its brightest gem. All praise to the de- scendants of the U. E. Loyalists — those hearts of oak — tlie Corinthian pillars of Canada today. After the "Patriot" War peace once more smiled upon the people of the frontier. A "Sedentary" Militia was established throughout the western penin- sula, and four companies had their headquarters in Sandwich and vicin- ity. The companies were composed of veterans who had served in 1837 and in 1812, but for nearly twenty-five years no call to arms diverted the energies of the Essex settlers from the task of converting their fair heri- tage into the "Garden of Canada." 70 The great event of the year in those good old days was the celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi. People from far and near thronged to Sandwich to take part in the ceremonies or to watch them. The proces- sion was always formed at L'Assumption Church and paraded to stands erected in different parts of the town, from which the Host was exposed, and drawn up arpund each stand the old militiamen were to be found at each celebration, ready to fire the customary salute. Uniforms were not provided them, but they had been entrusted with the arms and equipment which they had used in 1837. Nothing, how- ever, could dampen the ardor of rnen who had fought for home and country, as they and their fathers had fought, and well did they earn and hand down as a heritage the motto which now appears in the crest of our present regiment of Essex Militia — "Semper Paratus." The last inspection of the companies was held at Sandwich on the twenty-fourth of May, 1856, when they paraded, with many of their num- ber, togged out in blanket or buckskin coats, scarfs tied tightly around the waists, and feet encased in shoepacks or moccasins. They were reviewed by Col. Askin (the grandfather of the present County Regis- trar) who appeared mounted, wearing the regulation blue frock coat, sash, sword and belt — and a silk hat ! The company from Sandwich was commanded by Constant Gauthier, one of the oldest pioneers, that from Petite Cote by Maj. Semandre, who had spiked the outlying guns before the surrender of Detroit to Brock, and had taken a daring part in the defeat of the Americans at Turkey Creek, in the war of 1812; the company from "The Marais" was com- manded by Jerome Dumouchelle, but the writer is unable to ascertain who commanded the fourth company, which came from the vicinity of Sandwich East. No doubt, during the long winter evenings in those days, many a tale was told about the cheerful fireplaces of old Sandwich, many a tradition was recalled, of the deeds of our sturdy forefathers in the early, days of the frontier ; no doubt, too, many a heart among the descendants of those same brave frontiersmen thrilled at the news of the success of the Moth- erland in the Crimea, of the suppression of the Indian mutiny, the charge of the Light Brigade, the relief of Lucknow, and the stories of the other grand deeds of their kin across the seas which were takiny place while peace was favoring the colonies in America. In November, 1861, Messrs. Mason and Siddell, Commissioners of the Southern Confederacy, were taken from the British Steamer "Trent" on the High Seas, in spite of the protests of her captain, by an armed body of marines sent from the United States man-of-war, "San Jacinto." There was much ill-feeling between the two countries before this incident. After this wanton outrage on the British flag, war appeared inevitable. Large numbers of troops, including some of the Regiments of the Guards, were dispatched from England to Canada. Descended as were the people of Essex, they would never lack in military ardor, and all were aroused to arms at once. Late in the fall, No. 1 Independent Company, was organized at Sand- wich, and W. D. Baby was appointed Captain. Many of the members lived several miles from town, but throughout the winter, night after night they drilled in the old abandoned grammar school. The enthu- siasm was not confined to the new company, but as might be expected, the remnants of the old sedentary militia companies paraded ready to do their utmost should their services be required ; and some years after this, during the Fenian excitement, these old men voluntered and were ac- cepted to assist the night patrols and piquets along the river front. The command of No. 1 Co. fell to Alex. Winkinson, P. L. S., in 1863, to Dennis Moynahan in 1864, and to Thos. H. Wright, County Treas- urer, in '65. In June, 1863, No. 3 Independent Company was organized at Sandwich also, and the late Senator Casgrain received the command. A mili- tary school had been established at London and several members of the companies took a course of instruction there and at La Prairie, Quebec, in anticipation of the events which were to follow. The same enthusiasm existed, and companies were organized throughout the county. In Leamington and in Amherstburg the staunch United Empire Loyalists blood asserted itself and equipments could not be obtained for the great numbers who volunteered. Windsor and North Ridge also sprang to arms and other Companies were formed in the more thinly populated districts. All these companies drilled constantly, soon became remark- ably efficient, and Essex was prepared to give a good account of Itself. Happily the compliance of the United States with Britain's demands averted a conflict, but hardly had the threatened trouble blown over before the Fenian Raids again threatened the county with invasion. THE FENIAN RAIDS. The first Fenian Raid, in 1866, was doubtless an outcome of the Civil War in the United States. The collapse of the Confederacy and the dis- bandment of the great armies which had been maintained on both sides threw a large number or more or less well drilled soldiers out of employ- ment. The Trent affair, the Alabama matter and several other incidents in connection with the late war had left an anti-British feeling among certain elements of the population of the United States, and a few Irish agitators found it safe enough to organize a force of adventurers to invade Canada under the pretense of striking at Britain through her loyal and presumably defenceless Colony. The excitement in Canada was naturally great, for rumor magnified the strength of the Fenians, and it was realized that in their ranks were many of the war-trained and battle-hardened veterans of the American Rebellion. In the winter of 1865^ the two Sandwich companies united to form one strong company for active service. A meeihg for the purpose was held in the old Goal building, which No. 1 had been using for some time as an armory, and Thomas H. Wright was elected Captain, F. X. Meloche, for many years Paymaster of the 31st Regt., Lieutenant, and Miles Cowan, Ensign. Throughout the winter Lieut. Meloche was drill instructor, and every- body stood ready to call to arms. The several independent companies It 160 IS* %^ §(i o » fls cf sis® B B EO B"^ aura tg ,»a!»e. k! OS- 5 k"^" C 1^5 ^ — fo 5 e+K' as- S"5' 73 organized throughout the county had become very efficient by this time, and others from the interior of the provinces were garrisoned at Windsor and Sandwich in the Spring of '66. The Sandwich Company was called out for active service in March. Col. Haines commanded the troop at Windsor, and at Sandwich were stationed a detachment composed of No. 1 Co., the Oxford Co., Rifles, the Embro Co., Rifles, and an Infantry Co. from Port Hope. Lieut.-Col. Smith, of the 2oth Kent Battalion, com- manded the detachment, and lieut. Meloche was Adjutant. Later Maj. Service was placed in command of the Sandwich detachment, and Lieut. Gauthier was appointed Adjutant. At Windsor there were stationed twelve companies of infantry, also under Col. Smith's command, and at Amherstburg was another force of Regulars and Militia. There were barracks at Windsor and Amherstburg, and at Sandwich the old brick college on the Huron Line was used at different times by the Port Hope ■■ mi»mJmSSS!mm\imm luStSSj THIS GROUP OF OFFICERS Was photographed by a Mr. Henry, of the Royal Scotts Infantry of Montreal, in 1863, on the steps of th<* old college. Standing, on themiddle step with hand on sword is Capl. (afterward* beneral Arthur Williams), of ^he Port Hope Volunteers; Lieut. James McLeod Port Hpoe Volun- teers. IS sitting on the front raised portion of the step, while Ensign Johnson, attached to the same «giment sits higher up on the raised portion near the wall. Standing alone on the ground IS Capt. Charles E. Casgrain of No. 8, Independent Sandwich Infantry Company. Dr. Casgrain was also the chief surgeon of the -troops stationed at Sandwich until the close of the Fenian trou- bles, and for many years afterwards was one of the leading politicians of the County of Essex and at bis decease was a Dominion Senator. * Infantry with Regimental Band ; a detachment of the 60th Rifles (many of the two last named were veterans pf the Crimea War). The old jail was used at different periods by the Royal Scot's Light Infantry and Prince of Wales Rifles, Montreal ; the Sandwich Infantry Company, the Oxford and Embro Rifles and latterly by the Quebec Rifles. While the last-named detachments were billeted here, the officers and men of the Sandwich Infantry were quartered at the different inns and households throughout the town. As might be imagined excitement was at fever heat, every civilian was prepared and armed to assist the mihtia upon the appearance of the Fenians; the only topic of conversation was the threatening force and speculation as to when their invasion might be expected. The news re- ceived was, of course, of the most exaggerated kind, but all were filled with determination and confidence of being able to withstand all the Fenians that ever existed, should they attempt to enter the country in their vicinity. At night from Sandwich, picquets were posted both up and down the river front until they met the patrols from Amherstburg and Windsor. The old members of the veteran companies patrolled the concessions and roads surrounding the towns, and the remainder of the volunteers and civilians stood ready to turn out upon a moment's notice. CAPT. STEPHEN T. REEVES Late Quartermaster 2l3t Beeiment, was a native of Sandwich and served as Corporal in the Sandwich Infantry Company during the Fenian Troubles. Report after feport came to the anxious people that our frontier was to be the point of invasion, that a large force was near Detroit and ready to attempt a crossing near Sandwich or Windsor, and so the Spring wore on until Corpus Christi Sunday. News of the movements of the invaders had reached headquarters, and the military of the old eWstern District had been warned to expect an attack that day, with the result that everyone was in readiness. In the morning a ferry boat, loaded to her utmost capacity with people from Detroit desiring to witness the usual ceremonies of Corpus Christi, started for Sandwich, but these, of course, had been postponed. As the boat left Detroit, a message was received at Sandwich that she was really loaded with Fenians, intending by this subterfuye to efifect a landing. 75 The churches were dismissed and the whole town stood ready. The militia took up positions to withstand a landing, and a detachment pro- ceeded to the Queen's Wharf to ascertain the true character of her pas- sengers, and warn them off. The boat was not allowed to land, and after the excursionists had returned to Detroit, the inhabitants once more drew a sigh of relief. Nothing to relieve the monotony of expectancy happened until during the first week of June, when the news that a force of Fenians had crossed the Niagara frontier, and at the battle of Ridgeway had been defeated by a force of the militia under Col. Booker, and that another body was shortly expected to attempt an entrance into the Province. here, threw the inhabitants once more into a state of intense excitemnt. Before the week was out, and all were on the qui vive, one of the CORPORAL WILLIAM MOORE Who served with the. Sandwich Infantry Company during the Fenian Raids. sentries of the patrol posted near the old distillery, about the foot of Campbell avenue in Windsor today, observed the ferry "Union" run much farther down the river and nearer the Canadian' shore than she usually did in making her trip across the river. Expecting that she was in possession of the Fenians and intended making a landing, the sentry at once gave an alarm by firing his rifle ; at once bugles could be heard in both Windsor and Sandwich, sounding the "Assembly," and every member of the garrison was satisfied that the foe had landed, and their opportunity to meet him was at hand. In Sandwich the volunteers fell in with splendid steadiness, there was 76 no talking, no confusion, on their part, and in almost less time than it takes to relate it they were in line and ready for the command to advance. In almost as short a time another force was marshalled, whicIT no doubt would have been of great assistance in the event of a clash witR the enemy, but at the same time must have appeared rather ludicrous to anyone who could take time to look them over. The good townspeople had turned out partially clad, and had armed themselves with the most formidable weapons they could find. Shot-guns, pistols, axes, pitch-forks, scythes and even clubs had been pressed into service. The force formed up with a little more confusion and less discipline than the volunteers had done, but they were ready to defend their homes against any num- bers which might come against them. As this array prepared to advance, word came that the alarm had been given by mistake, and after some difficulty quiet was restored. The Government of the United States finally took active measures to SERGT. WILLIAM LEES. .\s one of the 23d Light Dragoons he served at the battle of Telavera, in 1809, and at the battle of Waterloo, under the Duke of Wellington, June 18, 1815, He died Oct. 30, 1868 and his remains are interred in St. John's graveyard. suppress the organization of further zlibustering expeditions in the West, and in July all danger of invasion was over. The troops, which had been called out on active service, were withdrawn, loud were the manifesta- tions of joy on the part of the Canadian people, and from the Motherland came many expressions of admiration for the conduct of the militia through the nerve-trying period. In 1870 small forces of Fenians were formed and invaded Quebec from Maine to Vermont, but they were easily repulsed by the militia and sup- pressed in the United States. Immediately after the withdrawal of the militia in 1866 the Indepen- dent Companies which had been organized throughout Essex County, and had become very efficient during the Fenian excitement, were organ- ized into the 23rd Battalion, known as the "Essex" Volunteer Light Infantry. Col. Arthur Rankin of Sandwich was given the command of this corps and on October 13th, 1866, the regiment entered camp on the old Wilkinson farm in Sandwich, near the present site of the "residence of the late Theo. Girardot, Esq., south side of Mill street. The first order issued by Col. Rankin is as follows : "BATTALION ORDERS." By Lieut.-Col. Rankin, 23rd Battalion, E. L. I.: No. 1. Lieut.-Col. Rankin avails himself of the earliest possible oppor- tunity after the assembling together of the several volunteer companies of this county, to conyratulate them on their having been formed into one bodyj^ and of stating that, while he pledges himself to use every effort towards bringing the Battalion to as high a state of discipline and efficiency as possible, he looks with confidence to the hearty co-operation of every individual under his command for promoting this most desirable object. No. 2. The undermentioned appointments and promotions effecting the Battalion having appeared in the Canada Gazette, are published for general information : To be Lieut.-Col. — A. Rankin, Esq., M. P. To be Maj.-Capt.— D. Doherty, H.-P. H. M. S. To be Jr. Maj.-Capt.— -M. E. Wagstaff, M. S., temporarily. To be Paymaster — Frank E. Marcon, Esq. To be Adjutant — James C. Guilot, Temp., M. S. To be Quartermaster — Patrick McEwan, Temp., M. S. To be Surgeon— C. E. Casgrain, E. sq., M. D. To be Assistant Surgeon — Robert Lambert, Esq., M. B. By order, (Sgd.) JAMES C. GUILLOT, Ensign, Adjt. 23d Battalion, V. L. I. The following were the company officers : No. 1 Co., Windsor, Capt. Worthington, Lt. Wynn. No. 2 Co., Windsor, Capt. Shiel, Lt. C. R. Home, Ensign Mark Rich^ ards. No. 3 Co., Sandwich, Capt. F. X. Meloche, Lt. J. M. Askin, Ensign C. W. Gauthier. No. 4 Co.-, Leaminyton, Capt. Fox, Lt. Stockwell. No. 5 Co., Amherstburg, Capt. Wilkinson, Lt. Fleming, Ensign Parke. No. 6 Co., Northbridge, Capt. Billing, Lt. Thornton, Ensign Wigle. No. 7 Co., Kingsville, Capt. King, Lt. Davis. The first camp of the regiment proved very successful and the follow- ing appeared in the orders of the day of breaking camp : "The Commanding Officer feels much pleasure in communicating to the officers, non-commissioned officers and men under his command the pleasing fact that the D. A. G. of this District, has in addition to which he said on the parade ground, expressed to him his entire satisfaction at everything pertaining to the Battalion that came under his observation during his inspection this day." In the spring of '67 there was still some anticipation of trouble from the Fenians and Nos. 1, 2 and 3 companies were authorized to drill two days a week throughout the summer, and in the fall their old rifles were 78 returned to stores, breach loading Snider's having been substituted. In February, 1868, there seemed to be immediate prospect of another raid from across the border and the Captains of the frontier companies were ordered to issue arms to all members of their respective companies and supply each man v^^ith twenty rounds of ammunition. Preparations were made for a call to active service and on the 23nd day of June the regiment was again encamped for instruction at Windsor, which was extended until July 7th. Unfortunately for the Battalion political issues had been allowed to creep into the affairs of the corps. As was to be expected the regiment, which had but a year or two before been organized with a splendid mem- bership and an efficient staff of officers, and which promised to develop into an unusually smart corps, was rent asunder with internal discord imrqediately after the prospect of trouble from the Fenians had ceased. CAPT. GEORGE CHEYNE Who served with Windsor Infantry Co. No. 1 during the Fenian Raids. This proved to be the last camp of the Battalion. All of the companies except the two from Windsor and that from Lemington were disbanded and the two Windsor Companies were attached to "outside" Battalions as follows: No. 1 Windsor Co. to 24th Kent Batt. as No. 7 Co. No. 2 Windsor Co. to 25th Kent Batt. as No. 7 Co. . And No. 4 Leamington became an Independent Co. and was attached to different Battalions for the annual camps of training which followed. For several years these companies were kept up to quite a satisfactory state of efficiency in spite of the disadvantage of being attached to dif- ferent Battalions. They were fortunate in possessing officers who were 79 enthusiastic military men and the rank and file were quite as anxious as their officers to show the corps from other Counties with which they came in contact, the stuff the men of Essex were made of. PAST AND PRESENT. Modes of travel between Sandwich and Windsor. The early mode of public conveyance between Sandwich and Windsor was by stage and omnibus. The customary points of starting and getting off were from the Court House, Sandwich, and at the head of Brock street, Windsor. It was at the bottom of this street the ferries Argo, Gem,. Essex and Detroit crossed to Detroit. The route traveled was by the one and only road — the river bank. This road was then controlled by the Sandwich & Windsor Gravel Road Company. The Company maintained a toll gate near the McEwen estate, midway between the two towns. The stage represented in this picture was owned and driven by our old townsman, Jos. F. Ouellette, Mill street. Sandwich. The names of the two horses, which were familiarly known by the traveling public in those days, were White Dick and Black Mag. The reader will observe in the picture that Black Mag has a distinct white spot in the middle of her forhead. It will also be observed that Mr. Ouellette has just arrived from Sandwich and a little group of passengers are settling for their trip (the customary fare at that time being 13 cents each way). There were also other stages owned and driven on this route, among them being Henry Askew (mail carrier), and Henry Keys, S. Jackson, Sr., and Geo. 'V\'ashington. When the sulphur springs opened in Sandwich, other stages were added from time to time by Frank and Geo. Baby, Geo. and Jos. Lazerus, Chas. Pratt, Zachariah Jackson, Jr., and Charles Jackson. The first street railway built from Sandwich to Windsor in 1873-4, replaced this mode of conveyance, and the old way of traveling by stage coach passed into history. This picture was taken in 1863. It shows Sandwich street, Windsor, looking east from near the present Davis block. Among the names that appear on the business places are Ashley & Gilkes, Ouellette & Langlois, and Cameron & Thorburn. The Exchange office was kept by William Holton, father of Fred J. Holton. The Windsor saloon was kept by Charles Devlin, and the British Commercial Hotel, by T. N. Johnson. In the bcakyround is the tower of the old City Hall, which still remains as a landmark. With the exception of the old Town Hall and a few other buildings, the entire block was destroyed by fire in 1871. Through the successful efforts of Albert Prince, member for Essex in the Ontario Legislature, an act was passed and assented to March 2, 1872, and a charter obtained for a passenger railway between Sandwich and Windsor. The first directors named in the Act were James Fraser, Henry Ken- nedy, John B. Gauthier, Thos. H. Wright, Henry McAfee, Wm. B. Hirons and Wm. McGregor. SANDWICH STREET, WINDSOR, IN 1863. Standing on the street is Joseph F. Ouellette's bus and his faithful horses, White Dick and Black Mag. This was the mode of travel between Sandwich and Windsor before the introduction of the horse car. n The capital stock of the company was fixed at fifty thousand dollars. Another Act was passed and assented to March 24, 1874, granting an extension of time of two years to complete the road and to extend the road to Walkerville. When the directors of the proposed Sandwich & Windsor Passenger Railway were ready for the construction of the road they purchased the right of way from Bruce avenue, Windsor, through the fields and orch- ards, 100 feet wide to the Huron Church Line, near the Catholic Church in Sandwich, thus opening up an entirely new street for general traffic between the two towns. This is in reality the continuation of and is now commonly known as London street. The erection of substantial schools and churches and residences, and the planting of shade trees on both sides of the entire street has made it the most beautiful thoroughfare in this part of the country. The first rates of fare charged for the privilege of ridiny in a horse car between the two towns were six cents from any point in Sandwich to HENRY KENNEDY, The first President of the first street railway between Sandwich and Windsor. Died Oct. 87 1886, aged 76 years. ' Assumption Catholic Church ; seven cents to Campbell avenue, and eight cents to Windsor; six tickets for twenty-five cents. By the introduction of this new and novel way of traveling on cars run by electrical motive power gave the people of Sandwich and Windsor the proud distinction of having the first up-to-date electric railway in Canada, if not in America. Hundreds of people came from the neigh- boring city of Detroit daily to avail themselves of the novelty of riding on an electric street car. 82 It was during Mr. McGregor's administration that a medium-sized locomotive was put into service, and for some weeljs the citizens of Sand- wich and Windsor were accorded the privilege of riding through the streets and avenues on a real steam railway train. The locomotive proved too small for the work required of it and it was finally sold to some lumber firm for use in the lumber woods, and the patrons of the road were obliged to go back to their former traveling — their old friend, the horse car. In the beginning of the year 1891 the Sandwich & Windsor Passenger Railway was sold by Mr. McGregor to capitalists from the United States and a new company was formed, with the name changed to the Sandwich, Windsor and Amherstburg Railway. The road was rebuilt and "T" rails replaced the flat rails. A power house and other necessary buildings were built on London street near the M. C. R. R. bridge and the road was equipped as an electris street railway. On Saturday, August 15, 1891, precisely at five o'clock, the first electric cars on S., W. & A. Ry. pulled out from Windsor, loaded with invited guests, and made a trial trip to Sandwich and return. It was a magnifi- cent success, and as the cars pulled into Sandwich the citizens gave three hearty cheers to see their most ardent hopes of many a day realized. Mr. A. McVittie was the superintendent of the road during President Kennedy's administration, and for a short time the writer enjoyed the distinction of being a full-fledged street car conductor. In 1876 Alfred Kennedy, a nephew of the former president, took the control and management of the road. He continued the management THE HORSE CAR. The mode of travel between Sandwich and Windsor from 1873 to Aug. 16, 1881. until the year 1887, when he sold out to Wm. McGregor, M. P. The Town of Sandwich assisted the road by subscribing for $5,000 in^stock when the road was first started. The town, like President Ken- nedy, spent its money and got the experience. The street car barns and offices were built on a lot purchased by the company from John A. Asken on the east side of Bedford street, opposite the present Lagoon Park Hotel, Sandwich, where the horses were also kept. This property is now used for turning and switch purposes by the electric cars at the present time. The railway in its early days did not prove a very great money-make for the stockholders. In a few years the track gradually got in very bad shape, and for cars to run off the track was a daily occurrence. It became 83 the custom when such misfortunes did occur for the male portion of the passengers to get off in the mud and help to lift the cars back on the track and the journey was continued. The one man most prominent among the stockholders who sacrificed his energies and means to a very large extent in an endeavor to make the road a success was its first President, Henry Kennedy, at one time a prominent liquor merchant and influential business man in the then Town of Windsor. Various changes took place from time to time in the make-up of the company. Mr. Kennedy being the heaviest investor and stockholder, and, in order to save what he had already put into the road, continued to put his money into it to keep the road running, and when he retired in 1876 he was $60,000 poorer than when he went into the venture in 1872. Horse cars continued to be used in the city of Detroit for a year or CAR NO. 104. One of the elegantly equipped electric motor cars of the Sandwich, Windsor & Amherstburg Railway of to-day. It is one of the 130-horse-power variety, with smoker attached. The half-tone is from a snapshot taken, at the Court House switch while the car was on its way with a load of passengers, bound for Amherstburg and intermediate points. Conductor Paul Major and Motor- man Joseph Sullivan were in charge. more after the Sandwich & Windsor Electric Street Railway had been put in operation. The Walkerville electric road, owned by Mr. Wm. Boomer, was pur- chased and became a pa'rt of the S., W. & A. Ry. system. In April, 1893, a new company was formed comprising the following gentlemen: Dr. John Coventry, John Davis, Geo. M. Hendrie, W. J. Pulling, W. J. McKee and Thompson, with Dr. John Coventry as president, who purchased the road. It was also during the same year that the Ouellette avenue or Driving Park extension was opened. 84 It was while the road was under the control and management df this gentlemen that a right of way was obtained and the road extended to Amherstburg. This extension was officially opened May 37, 1903, the first trial trip of the cars being made on that date. During the year 1902, when the company was conferring with the Sandwich Town Council for an extension of their franchise to the limits of the corporation, it was mainly through the efforts of Councillors C. E. Mason, Thomas Leboeuf and James Laidlaw, Sr., that universal trans- fers and other privileges were requested by the council and granted by the company. These privileges are being enjoyed by the patrons of the road at the present time. The Detroit United Railway purchased the road August 31, 1901, and iiow controls the whole S., W. & A. Ry. system, as well as the new Tecumseh line, which was put in operation in 1907. The reader will thus see that rapid strides have been made the past few years in the mode of travel between all important points on the frontier from Tecumseh to Amherstburg. Cars connecting with all rail- ways and ferries pass the Court House door every fifteen minutes every day in the year. In addition to this the beautiful and finely equipped cars of the Amherstburg line pass over the same route every two hours in the winter season and every hour during the summer months. Kind and courteous treatment by the employees is accorded to all patrons of the road, and especially does this apply to the large number of strangers and visitors who patronize these cars during the summer season. Mr. James Anderson is the present manager of the entire Canadian system, while Moses Brockelbank is the superintendent. THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. The county lies north of latitude 42, and is the most westerly as well as the most southerly in Canada. It is bounded as follows, namely : On the north of Lake S t.Clair, on the west by the River Detroit, on the south by Lake Erie and on the east by Lake Erie and the County of Kent. Essex County contains 420,376 acres of land, or 656 2-3 square miles, and is equalized at $20,826,560, exclusive of Windsor, Walkerville and Pelee Island. The debenture debt is $41,249.20, with permanent assets consisting of Court House, Jail, Reyistry office. Treasurer's office and House of Refuge, valued at $111,000. The county as at present constituted consists of the City of Windsor, the Towns of Sandwich, Essex, Amherstburg, Leamington and Walker- ville, the incorporated Villages of Belle River and Kingsville, and the Townships of Anderson, Colchester North, Colchester South, Gosfield North, Gosfield South, Maiden, Mersea, Maidstone, Pelee Island, Roches- ter, Sandwich East, Sandwich West, Sandwich South, Tilbury North and Tilbury West. The City of Windsor and the Town of Walkerville are independent of the county for strictly municipal purposes, having withdrawn about the year 1881. They still retain their connection for purposes of parlia- 85 mentary representation and administration of justice; and Pelee (which consists of the island of the same name) never belonged to theh pounty, except as at present, since its independent municipal organization in 1867. The Illustrated Atlas of the Dominion of Canada of 1881 says in regard to Essex : "The productions of the county include everything known to the latitude, the character of the soil and climate combining to render almost its entire area as fertile as the Valley of the Nile. The peach and the grape here flourish to an extent unrivalled in more southern localities, while it goes without saying that a country can nowhere be found where- in all fruits indigenous to the Temperate Zone can be produced in greater perfection or abundance. And nowhere on earth do the rich fields repay more generously the efforts of the husbandman. Indian corn is grown in all the perfection attained in the Great Mississippi Valley, its traditional home, while the results of the wheat, pea, oat, barley and tobacco are unsurpassed and unsurpassable. Vegetables of all known THE FIRST BRICK COURT HOUSE AND JAIl.. Erected about the year 1800. During the Fenian troubles of 1868 and 1870 it was used part of the time for a barracks for the militia. The soldiers in the pacture are some of the Quebec Rifles, stationed at Sandwich at that time. varieties here rival the finest productions of the world-famed Missouri and Sacramento "bottoms" ; and to say too much of the general agricul- tural capabilities of the frontier country would seem impossible." Sandwich was made the county seat in 1796. The Act of June 3, 1796, called the Exodus Act, provided for the departure of British authority from Detroit to Sandwich. A similar provision is made as to the County Court which, with the Sessions by the Act just referred to, had been held in Detroit in 1794, and it was to be held where the Quarter Sessions were held, (as above provided. The last Court of Quarter Sessions was held in Detroit in January, 1796, and the removal took place to Sandwich 86 that summer and has become the permanent seat of the courts and continued so until the present day. The authorities of the Western District allowed the Sandwich officials to bring an old block house from Chatham, which was converted into their first jail. The building was afterwards destroyed by fire and the Chairman of the Board of Justices at once applied to the Government for assistance to rebuild it, in the meantime requesting the commanding officer at Fort Maiden to loan the Sheriff one of the unemployed vessels in the river, to be used as a temporary jail; a safe prison for one not a good swimmer. A portion of land was reserved in the heart of the village for Court House and Jail purposes, which accounts for the fact that all the different county buildings have stood on the same spot in Sandwich. THE OLD COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, BEDFORD AND SANDWICH STREETS. This little Brick building was used as a District and County Treasurer's office during the administration of Geo. Bullock, from 1851 to 1857. It did service as a saloon during the American ■War. Later it was used as a harness and saddlery shop by ex-Councillor Abner C. Ellis. The old gentleman at the door is Gilbert Besbois, 83 years old, and standing on the sidewalk is James Allen. Both gentlemen have at one time held the position of Chie fof Police of the Town of Amherstburg. The first brick Court House and Jail stood on the ground now occupied by the present prison and jail yards. It was a square red building sur- rounded by a pallisade of cedar posts, which served a double purpose of keeping the prisoners in and the enemy out. The present stone Court House was built during the years 1854 and 1855. J. A. Jordan, Detroit, was the architect, and the Mackenzie Brothers of Port Sarna were the contractors. The contract price being £6,325, and it was completed September 1, 1855. Alexander Mackenzie, one of the builders, afterwards became Prime Minister of Canada. During the years 1870 and 1871, the old brick Jail and Court House 87 was taken down and the present large block stone prison, surrounded by a stone wall, was built, which, with all the modern equipments that have been made to it from time to time, the county has now one of the most modern and up-to-date prisons in Canada. HON. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, Who, with his brother, built the present County Court House at Sandwich, in 1855. Prime Minister of Canada from 1873 to 1878. He died April 17, 1898. Was ESSEX COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND JAIL, SANDWICH, ONT. The court house was built by the MacKenzie Bros., Sarnia, in 185S. THE COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Corner Huron and Bedford Streets. Standing at the entrance in doorway: G. A. Winte- mule, County Treasurer, and his two daughters. Miss Mintha, assistant treasurer, and Miss Bertha; standing on the corner is John Davis, an ex-soldier of the British army. ESSEX COUNTY REGISTRY OFFICE, SANDWICH, ONT. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT F. HURST, The present superintendent and matron of the County House of Refuge and Industrial Home at Leamington. WILLIAM J. SPARKS. Born in Coventry, Warwickshire, Eng., during the year 1845, came to Canada in 1863; jonied , the Belleville Riiies and was with them doing frontier duty at Amherstburg during the Feniatfc troubles of 1865; was appointed Chief of Police of Amherstburg in 1867 and continued in that position until April 1, ■ 1884, when he was appointed to the responsible oiHce of governor of the Essex County jail at Sandwich. He resigned February 1, 1907, having held the position for twenty- three years. ' 90 JOHN HARMAN, The present governor of the Sandwich Jail, was born at the Town of Bothwell in the year 1858; came to Windsor in 1882. He served seven years as Alderman in the Windsor City Council, and two years as a Water Commissioner. He was appointed by the Whitney Government to his present position, February 1, 1907. EZRA ILER Was born at Colchester, September 5, 1865; was appointed turnkey of the Sandwich Jail in 1884, and hai faithfully served the County of Essex for 86 years. GEORGE ELLIOTT Is a son of the late AUansion Elliott of Col- chester; born January 10, 1859. He was ap- pointed turnkey February 1, 1889. He has already given 80 years of faithful service to the county. 91 COUNTY HOUSE OF REFUGE AND INDUSTRIAL HOME AT LEAMINGTON. Completed in 1901. The building committee were George F. Cronk, chairman; Napoleon A. Coste, J. D. F. Deziel. Harry J. Powell was the architect; John A. Maycock, superintendent of works; Messrs. Carswell, Stephens and Moore were the builders. WARDENS OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT AND COUNTY OF ESSEX, FROM 1842 to 1909. 1842-1846- —John Dolson. 1884 —Charles C. Fox. 1847-1849- —George Bullock. 1885 Henry Morand. 1850-1851- —George Hyde. 1880 — N. A. Cost-. 1852- — Thomas Fisher. 1887 — Israel Desjaidins. 1853-1854- —John Sloan. 1888 — Peter Wright. 1855-1856- —Samuel S. Macdonell 1889 ■ — Geo. A. \\'irtemute. 1857- —Theodore Malott. 1690 — John A. AuM. 1858-1859- —Joseph Mercer. 1891 —Frederick P. Bouteiller. 1860- — John O'Connor. 1892 — James S, Laird. 1861- — Solomon Wigle. 1893 — Elisha McKee. 1862-1863 — John O'Connor. 1894 — Alfred Hairsine. 1864-1866 — Solomon Wigle. 1895 — Marwood Barrett. 1867 —George Shipley. 1896 — Abraham Cole. 1868 — Gore Atkin. 1897 — N. A. Coste. 1869 —William McGregor. 1898 — Joseph Durocher. 1874 —Theodore Wigle. 1899 • — J. A. Buchanan. 1875 — Luke Montreuil. 1900 —J. D. A. Deziel. 1876 — Thos. B. White. 1901 —John F. Millen. 1877 — James McKee. 1902 — Wm. Price. 1878 —J. C. Pattersoa. 1903 — W. T. Wilkinson. 1879 —John C. Her. 1904 —Richard R. Brett. 1880 — Wm. McCain. 1905 —Albert L. Lafferty. 1881 — George Russell. 1906 — ^James Selkirk. 1883 —Thos. Plant. 1883 - — Geo. A. Morse. James Selkirk resigned as Warden and County Chancellor at a special session on April 20, 1906, and John E. Stone was elected Warden for the balance of 1906. 1907 — ^James E. Brown. 1908 —Edward J. O'Neil. 1909 — James A. Coulter. 92 JAMES McKEE Was born in Sandwich in 1S29, he hell th^ office of Reeve of Sandwich for upward.-, of twenty years. He was Warden of Essex during the year 1877 and for many years was the most influential politician in Essex County. He died during the year 1899 a few days before he reached the 60th year of his age. LUKE MONTREUIL. The history of the Montreuil family is, a long one and dates back to the landing of the French upon this northern hemisphere. Mr. Montreuil always took a prominent part in all matters pertaining to the public wel- fare of his country. In 1861 he was elected Deputy Reeve and in 1862 Reeve of the Township of Sandwich East, and in 1875 was elected Warden of Essex County. He was born March 20, 1830, in the Township of Sandwich East, upon the same farm where he now resides. MARWOOD BBrRETT Warden of Essex in 1895. 93 JOHN A. AULD, EX-M. L. A. Was born June 33, 1853 at Warwick, Lambton Co. He is the present proprietor and pub- lisher of the Amherstburg Echo; was a member of the County Council twelve years and Warden -of the county in 1890. He was elected a member for South Essex to the Ontario Legislature in 1896, 1898, 1903. He was defeated by the Geremandor -.£ the- S' .nth Riding in .lure, iao». He was a Liberal in politics and his record while in Parliament was that of a judicious and able states- man and was held in highest esteem. NAPOL.EON A. CASTE, Warden of Essex In' 1886 ariij again in 1897. J. A. BUCHANAN, Warden of Esse:? in 1899. 94 J. D. A. DBIZIBL Warden of Essex in 190U. EDWARD J. OTJEILi, Warden ci Essex in 1908. CHARLES ELIOT . Was born in the East Indies in 1803, his father being the British Embassador there at the time. He served through the Peninsular War as a lieutenant in the 76th Regiment and afterwards came to Amherstburg, where he took up the practice of law, and married Miss McGregor. He was appointed Judge in 1832, and died on the Eliot farm. Petite Cole, in 1860. ALEXANDER CHEWETT was born in Canada in 1800 and while only a lad of tender years, he carried powder to the British troops serving in the war of 1812. He also served as captain of an artillery com- pany at Sandwich during the rebellion of 1837- 38, and was appointed Judge of the Western District comprising the counties of Essex, Kent and Lanmtbon, May 20, 1854. He died at Sandwich, August 2, 1872, and his widow in 1878. Both rfrc interred in St. John's graveyard. 95 JUDGES OF DISTRICT COURT. (Western District.) ' July 9, 1794 — Thomas Harffy. ' January 1, 1800 — Thomas Hari?y. January 1, 1800 — Prideaux Selby. June 13, 1807 — Robert Richardson. April 5, 1836 — Robert Richardson and William Berczy. November 30, 1832 — William Berczy and Charles Eliot. March 9, 1833— Charles Eliot. May 20, 1846 — Alexander Chewett. Essex County. 1860 — Gordon Watts Leggatt. 1883 — Charles R. Home. 1907 — Michael A. McHugh. 1'908 — George Smith. GORDON WATTS LEGGATT was born in Sorel, near Quebec. He suc- ceeded Judge Chewett and was Judge of the County of Essex from the year 1860 to Sept. 19, 1883, the date of his death. Judge Leggatt was a man of great ability, and his long term of service on the bench made him favorably known. One of the mem- bers of bis family who survive him is a son, G. J. Leggatt, the present police magistrate of the City of Windsor. His remains were in- terred in the family plot of St. John's grave- yard. CHARLES E. HORNE was born on the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies, January 22, 1836; elected mayor of Windsor in 1877 and held the office for three years. He was a member of the Windsor Board of Education for 21 years and appointed Judge of the County of Essex in 1883. For many years Judge Home was promi- nently identified with All Saints Episcopal Church, Windsor, and was the organizer of the first vested choir and the first choirmaster of that church. He died February 2, 1907, at his home, Bruce avenue, Windsor, aged 72 years. 96 MICHAEL A. McHUGH was born at the Township of Maidstone, Essex County, February 10, 1853. He re- ceived his education in the schools of his township and St. Michael's College, Toronto. He was called to the bar in 1879 and entered into partnership with the Hon. J. C. Patterson at Windsor. He was elevated to the bench as Junior Judge in 1891. Ater the death of the Senior Judge, C. E, Home, February 2, 1907, he was elevated to the position of Senior Judge of the County of Essex. 97 GEORGE; SMITH The present Junior Judge of the County of Essex. SHERIFFS FROM 1792 TO 1908. On the 10th of July, 1792, Richard Pollard was appointed sheriif of Essex and Kent counties and on January 1, 1800, he was confirmed in his appointment to the same position for the Western District. On the 7th day of June, 1803, William Hands assumed the duties of the office and continued to do so until the 10th of September, 1833, when Ebenezer Reynolds was appointed. Mr. Reynolds was followed by- Robert Lachlan who received the appointment August 7, 1837. He continued as sheriff during the Rebellion to its close when on the first day of August, 1839, Raymond Baby was chosen for the position. Mr. Baby only retained the office for a little over a year. On October 23, 1840, George Wade was sworn in and held the position for a little over eight years. The last gentleman to fill the position of sheriff for the Western District was John Waddell. In 1851 Wm. Duphron Baby was made sheriff of the counties of Essex and Lambton, and on the 11th day of January, 1851, John Wad- dell was appointed for Kent County. Mr. Baby died August 19, 1864, aged 45 years. 98 On the 6th of May, 1856, John McEwan was appointed sheriff of Essex County and held the position until the year 1883. John Coatsworth Her was appointed in December, 1883, and held the office until he died, which was on Friday afternoon, November 13, 1908. J. Eugene D'Avignon, the present occupant of the office, was ap- pointed November 20, 1908. JOHN McEWAN "Was born at Saratoga in the year 181S, and was clerk of the Essex County Court from 1849 to 1853. In 1853 he embarked 'in the lumber business at Windsor and had the honor of being the first G. W. R.- station agent at Windsor. He was appointed Sheriff of Essex in 1856 and resigned the office in 1883. He died March 2, 1898. JOHN COATSWORTH ILER Was born in the Township of Colchester in 1828. He served for ten years as clerk of his native township and nine years as its Reeve, and in 1879 was chosen Warden of Essex County. He was appointed Sheriff of the county in December, 1883. He died at Sandwich, November 13, 1908. 99 J. EUGENE D'AVIGNON, The pi/esent Sheriff of Essex, was born June 14, 1845, and served in the Victoria Volunteer Rifles/ of Montreal during the Fenian Troubles of 18,66 and '70, for which he received a grant and inedal. About 25 years ago he came to Windsor and purchased the large drug store of George H. Leslie. £)uring his residence in Winidsor he has always taken a deep interest in the welfare of the city. He served seven years on the Board of Education, three -years in the City Council, and seven years on the Library Board, of which he is. still a member. He has also served 13 years as a member of the council of Ontario v^olleee of Phar- macy and seven years as Examiner for the college. Ui\ D' Avignon was appointed Sheriff November 20, 1908, and assumed the duties of office December 1, 1908. The ap- pointment was one of the most popular in the history of Essex County and met with the most hearty approval of all citizens, both Re- form and Conservative. JAMES P. McEWAN,-^ The present Court Crier, is the youngest son of the late Sheriff John McEwan, has faith- fully filled the ofiice for nearly forty years, and is therefore the oldest court official among those in active service at the present time. CLERKS OF THE PEACE FROM 1796 TO 1909. Walter Roe was the first Clerk of the Peace for the Western Dis- trict. On the 9th day of September, 1794, he received his first appoint- ment and on January 1, 1800, he was reappointed and retained the ciffiice a little over a year. Wm. Hands was appointed the 39th of August, 1801, and on the 5th day of June, 1803, James Allan was ap- pointed. Geo. F. Ireland served from 1817 to 1824, when Charles Askin was appointed to the office. In 1835 Charles Baby assumed it and faithfully filled the duties of the office for over 30 years. Mr. Baby died November 13, 1877, aged 65 years. In 1871 Samuel Smith Macdonell was appointed Clerk of the Peace and the office of Crown Attorney was added to that of Clerk of the Peace. W. H. Clarke took the office in 1891 and was shortly afterwards made a King's Counsel. He resigned the office in 1904 in order to run for member of the Dominion Parliament for the South Riding of 100 Essex which took place November 3, 1904. In this he was successful and was again re-elected Oct. 26, 1908. With the added honors his name now reads A. H. Clarke, K. C, M. P. Mr. Clarke also holds the tjosition as solicitor for Essex County. JOHN H. RODD John H. Rodd, the present occupant of the office of Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney, was appointed November 38, 1904. REGISTRARS OF SURROGATE COURT. Richard Pollard was the first gintleman to fill this most high and responsible position. Judge Woods says that Mr. Pollard was an Englishman and came as a young man from England to the United States and when our people left Detroit for this side Mr. Pollard came too, and as we see, continued to fill different civil offices. In 1793 he was made Sheriff of Essex and Kent; in 1793 he was appointed reg- istrar of the counties of Essex and Kent, and in 1794 he was appointed Registrar of Surrogate Court. In 1800 he again held the same office. During the year 1800 he was also appointed Sheriff of the Western District and on August 29th, 1801, he was appointed a Judge of Sur- rogate. In 1802 he was made a Deacon and was ordained a priest of the Anglican Church in 1804 by Bishop Mountain of Quebec, to which place he went for his deaconate and ordination. When Mr. Pollard was elevated to the judgeship he resigned as Registrar of Surrogate and Wm. Hands was immediately appointed to that office which he held until 1831. Mr. Hands was followed by James Askin, who held the office until his death, which occurred Dec. 4, 1863. The last letters cf probate signed by him are dated Sept. 13, 1863. 101 The next letters of probate issued bear date of Dec. 22, 1862, are- signed by Duncan A. McMullen. Mr. McMullen held the office until the year 1870. Frank E. Marcon was appointed County Solicitor Sept. 6, 1870; also- pppointed DeputyC lerk of the Cro-wn and County Court Clerk at the- FRANK E. MARCON Was born in Norwich, Eng., Dec. 23, 1832. Came to Canada when a young man. Was paymaster of the 23rd Essex Volunteer Light Infantry in 1866. Appointed by the late Sand- field Macdonald to the combined offices of Cleric of the County Court and Registrar of Surrogate in 1870. Died Dec. 3, 1901. same time and held the same until Dec. 5, 1901, when he died. Francis Cleary was appointed his successor Dec. 11, 1901, and is- faithfully filling the duties of this very responsible office at the present time. REGISTRARS OF DISTRICT AND COUNTY. Richard Pollard was the first Registrar for the Counties of Essex and Kent froni 1793 to 1825, when Wm. Hands was appointed and continued in office until 1831. On the 12th of November, 1829, John Beverly Robinson was ap- pointed Registrar for Kent. Col. James Askin held the office for Essex from 1831 to 1846 when his son, John A. Askin, received the appoint- ment and continued to fill the duties until 1873 when he resigned and lived a retired life. He sold the old homestead, corner of Bedford and Chippewa Streets and moved to Windsor in May, 1898. He died De- cember 29, 1904. 102 J. Wallace, the eldest son of the late John A. Askin, had acted as Deputy Registrar under his father and during his long service in that capacity by careful attention and applying himself industriously to the duties of the office, became a most valuable and efficient official. He was therefore appointed as Registrar in his father's stead im- mediately after his father's resignation had been accepted by the Ontario Government and is occupying this important position at the present time (1909). COL. TAMES ASKIN Was born in Detroit in 1788. He was a colonel of militia stationed in Sandwich some years previous and up to 1858. Was Regis- trar of Deeds for Essex from 1831 to 1846. He died in 1«63. JOHN A. ASKIN Was born March 7, 1817, at Pike Creek, Essex County, on the lake shore, where his family resided, and elected Reeve of Sand- wich Township in 1855, which then included all territory which is now the city of Wind- sor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich East, Sandwich West, Sandwich South and Sand- wich Town ; was a Justice of the Peace for many years and held several municipal offices. He was appointed Registrar of Deeds in 18SS and held the position until 1878. He died December 29, 1904. 103 J. WALLACE ASKIN Was born in Sandwich, May 25, 1848. Was a member of the Sandwich Infantry Company during the Fenian troubles, and when he re- tired from the service he held the position of captain. For his services he received from the Government a medal and a grant of landi He was appointed Deputy Registrar of Essex in 1869 and Registrar in 1878. DISTRICT AND COUNTY CLERKS. 1847 — 1849 — James M. Cowan. 1854 — 1857 — Jas. H. 'Wilkinson 1863 — 1864^ — Dennis Moynahan 1842 — 1846 — John Cowan. 1850 — 1853 — Samuel S. Macdonell. 1858— 1862— Duncan A. McMullen. 1865 — 1902 — Thomas McKee. Thomas McKee. died July 31, 1902, and John F. Millen, the present incumbent, was appointed in August, 1902. 104 p JAMES H. WILKINSON Was a son of the late Hon. John A. Wilkin- son, and was County Clerk from 1854 to 1857; he was also editor and publisher of a newspaper published in an office on Lot 2, East Bedford street, Sandwich, from 1856 to uary, 1858. He also took a great interest in military affairs and was a lieutenant in the lst_ Essex Battlion, 1856, ard continued in active service in various branches of the ser- vice until the close of the Fenian troubles. He also served manv years in the Board of Edu- cation and Sandwich Town Council. THOMAS McKEE, J. P., Was born in Sandwich on Lot 59, Con. 1, May 16, 1826. He was appointed to the office of County Clerk in 1865, and was also appoint- ed Customs Officer in 1880, and a member of the Board of Criminal Audit for Essex, all of which offices he filled until the day of his death, July 31, 1903. JOHN F. MILLEN, The present County Clerk, was born in Gos- field North, January 5, 1864. He served as Township Councillor, Deputy Reeve, Reeve and other offices of importance in the- Gosfield North Council and County Council. He was a member of the County Council five years. Was elected Warden of the Council, 1901, and appointed County Clerk in June of 1902. 105 DISTRICT AND COUNTY TREASURER'S. William Hands was appointed Treasurer in the year 1808 and held the office until 1833. In November, 1833, Jean Baptists Baby was ap- pointed. When the County Councils Act of 1842 was passed Mr. Baby was re-appointed and continued in office till the year 1850. In 1850 George Bullock was appointed. In 1853 when Essex, Kent and Lambton ceased doing business as a district Mr. Bullock was- PAUL JOHN SALTER Was County Auditor from 1863 to 1858; County Treasurer from 1859 to 1863, and was also District School Inspector of the county in 1863. He lost his lift by a railway acci- dent on the Great Western Railway, near Chatham, October 6, 1868. THOMAS H. WRIGHT Was County Treasurer from 1863 to 1889 in all twenty-six years. He served with distinc- tion in the Essex Militia on the Frontier dur- ing the Rebellion of 1837-8, and was for a time captain of the Sandwich Infantry Com- pany during the Fenian troubles of 1865-70. continued in office as Treasurer for the County of Essex, resigning the office in 1858. John Paul Salter was appointed in 1859 and continued in the posi- tion until his death, October 6, 1862. Thomas H. Wright was appointed in 1863 and retained the position until the year 1889. Mr. Wright was succeeded in office by Henry Morand, who held the office until 1901, when the present occupant, George A. Wintemute, was appointed to the position. 106 leader, was heM a prisoner by Mr. Winte- mute's father in his own house, but he es- caped while Mr. Wintemute was temporarily absent. GEORGE A. WINTEMUTE, The present County Treasurer, was born at Humberston, Welland County. Ont., Decem- ber 28, 1838, his ancestors all being United Empire Loyalists. Moved to Essex County and settled in the Township nf Maidstone in 1872; served with credit as Reeve of the Township of Maidstone for elnven years. He held the position of Warden of Essex County during the year 1889 and wa-^ appointed Coun- ty Treasurer, March 6, 1902. During the Re- bellion of 1837-8 William Lyon Mackenzie, the HENRY MORAND Was born in the Township of Sandwich East, Sept. 5, 1846. He held the office of Township Clerk for that township and was afterwards elected Reeve of the same municipality for the years 1880, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886 ana 1888. He was Warden of the county in 1885 and was appointed County Treasurer. Dtcem- ber 24, 1889, a-^d after holding this important office for twelve years, he resigred in ]\T? ch, 1902. Mr. Morand was also a member of the Sandwich Board of Education for several years. He died December 1, 1903. THOMAS B. WHITE Warden of Essex for the year 1876. RICHARD R. BRETT Warden of Essex for the year 1S04. 107 WILLIAM PRICE. Was born in Kings Co., New Brunswick, June 27, 1846, of U. E. L. stock. Served in the Maidstone township council from 1892 to 1896; Deputy-Reeve, 1897 to 1899, and also county councellor for the sixthh district from 1899 to 1904. Elected Warden of Essex in 1903. ALBERT L. LAFFERTY Was born in Sandwich West, June 6, 1874. He represented No. 7 District in the county coiincil during the years 1903, 1904, 1905 and 1906. Elected Warden of Essex, for the year 1905. He was again elected Reeve of Sand- wich West for 1909 and is therefore at pres- ent a member of the county council. also an excellent military record. He was recently unanimously elected President of the Ontario Medical Association. HENRY RAMOND CASGRAIN, M. D. The present jail surgeon, was born in Sand- wich, July 7, 1857, of one of the oldest and most prominent Canadian families, and is the son of the late Senator Charles E. Cas- grain, M. D. He is also serior surgeon of th 21st Essex Fusiliers and has had wide ex- perience in medicine and surgery and has J;- , ■* JOHN K. STONE Warden of Essex from April 20th to the end of the year 1906. 108 WILLIAM McGregor was born June 24, 1836. He came to Windsor in 1861, ard for many years Mr. McGregor was one of the important factors in business life. He was also well known on account of his prominence in public affairs. From 1868 to 1870 he was Warden of the County of Es- sex and for eight years was one of the Reeves of Windsor. In 1874 he was elected to Parliament and re-elected in 1876, 1890 and 1896. At the time of his death he was presidert of the Walkerville Wagon Works and Collector of Customs at Windsor. He died May 14, 190S. HON. J. C. PATTERSON Represented Kssex in the Ontario Legislature in 1875; was warden of Essex in 1878 and was also first elected to the Dominion Parliament ■the same year. He was Minister of Militia during the regeme of John A. Macdonald. THE CASGRAIN HOMESTEAD, Near Taylor Point, Sandwich, and birthplace of the present jail surgeon. Dr. H. R. Casgrain. 109 w H O Z I— ( P Pi 5 •'-' as O - -1 o ?5 C M^ !^ ta s rt C *> p- d " B «J ^lUX § B •S " a ^ _• s MgPS . .* g I a" *i "i U R O . o m rt ** in<4-.'5 3 dS, « SuS-BBOCiS.S ° .0 « « „ .'~>o . o ■■ I^^^^^^Bkw^^BhBks;^:^'^' -> .■■,■■■' ALEXANDER BARTLET Windsor's ?rand old man. who retired at the end of 1908. after rounding out half a century of public service. His sterling In- teurity and moral probity have made him one of the principal figures in Windsor's jqistory. water plants. The banking facilities are excellent. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Merchants Bank of Canada, Dominion Bank and the Traders' Bank all have branches here. As before stated Alex. Bartlet was appointed town clerk in Feb- ruary, 1858, and served in that capacity until 1878 when he resigned to 138 s .a CO o ». I' S £ Ba ." J= o bo. I CO ■^1 .3 S .15 -^ ^ 0) S:S S c ■5 o CD .^ 9 =3 O D c^ ca 0> u 139 i 3 W A o a o O a O > o a a o a 140 accept the more important office of Police Magistrate for the Town of Windsor and North Riding of Essex. He ^succeeded the late Francis Caron who died March 4, 1878, aged 78 years. Charles Scadden was appointed Town Clerk to succeed Mr. Bartlet and held the office during the year 1879. Stephen Lusted, the present City Clerk, was appointed in 1880. The work of the clerk's office has increased so rapidly of late years that the Mr. Fleming was again honored by being elected Mayor, and has therefore the record of being the last Mayor of the town and the first Mayor of the City of Windsor. OSCAR E. FLEMING Was born March 17,. 1862, and educated in the public schools of Windsor. Mr. Fleming has always taken a prominent part in both political and educational affairs. He served in the Windsor school board and three years as Alderman of Windsor. In 1891 he was elect- ed Mayor of the Towh of Windsor and in 1892 was re-elected, and during that year the town was incorporated into a city. In 1893 SOLOMON WHITE, EX-M. P. P., Was born in Anderdon and received his ed- ucation in the schools of that township and in the Town of Amherstburg. He studied law and was elevated to the bar in 1878, was elected Mayor of Windsor for the year 1890, and was also a member of the Ontario Legislature for fourteen years. He is at present one of the leading and most pros- perous business men of the Town of Cobalt. City Council found it necessary to provide Mr. Lusted with an a,s- sistarit. Miss Martha Dickinson was appointed and holds the position at the present time. The following gentlemen have filled the office of Reeve arid Mayor from the year 1854 to the present time — 1909 : Reeve, Samuel Smith Macdonell, 1854 to 1857; as Mayor, Samuel Smith Macdonell, 1858; James Dougall, 1859 and 1861; Mark Richards, 1863 and 1863; Samuel 141 _^^.p^.^..j^^,j^ WLu Tui h.L uuiibLLLiLi.c ^L-ais iiLlJ U-- hon- orable position of Mayor of Windsor, was born in 1836 in Prescott, Ont. In 1863 he was apDointed excise officer, and was advanced in 1867 to assistant inspector of distilleries for ■Canada. He was again promoted to Inspector in 1872, and in 1888 to Chief Inspector of the Dominion until 1895 when, at his own request, was placed on the superannuaiea list. STEPHEN LUSTED. The present City Clerk of the City of Wind- sor, was born in 1834. Re-established the Windsor Record after the great fire in Wind- sor in 1871 and conducted it for ten years, when he sold it in the year 1880 to accept the position of Clerk. After filling the office a short time he was appointed a Justice of the Peace. LIEUT.-COL. JOSEPH BEATTIE. Commanding Essex Fusiliers from 1892 to 1897. He was also Mayor of the City of Windsor from 1886 to 1888 and again in 1894. He died June 17, 1906, in his 76th year, and was buried with full military honors in St. John's graveyard. DRAKE Was Mayor of the City of Windsor for the years 1903 and 1904, and is at present one of Windsor's enterprising business men. 142 CAPT. J. F. SMYTH. "Water Commissioner for the City of Windsor. In 1901 he was elected Alderman, and in 1908 he became Mayor of the City of Wind- sor, and in March, 1898, he was appointed paymaster of the 81st Fusiliers, with the hon- ■orary rank of Captain. SAMUEL K. PECK Water Commissioner for the City of Windsor. He is also a member of the License Board for Windsor, Walkerville and Sandwich. JOSEPH HALL Superintendent of the City Water Works. GEO. K. PROVVSE One of the City Auditors. 143 o ■4 02 o H 144 Smith Macdonell, 1864 to 186?'; James Dougall, 1868 to 1869; Donald Cameron, 1870 to 1874; William Scott, 1875; Robert L. McGregor, 1876; Charles R. Home, 1877 to 1879; John Coventry, M.. D., 1880 to 1882; Francis Cleary, 1883 to 1885 ; Joseph H. Beattie, 1886 to 1883 ; Michael Twomey, 1889 ; Solomon White, 1890 ; Oscar E.. Fleming, 1891 to 1893 ; Joseph H. Beattie, 1894; Daniel W. Mason, 1895 and 1896; John Davis, 1897 to 1901; James F. Smyth, 1903; J. W. Drake, 1903 and 1904; Ernest S. Wigle, 1905 to the present — 1909. 2 en" !? SS 3 3 WW < Oh O U W "^ W -g Ex] ^ u W la H S3 tn CO 3 g ^, g DO o « rtfr. ^^ ■a? ^« pi ALFRED WIGLE. The present postmaster of the City of Windsor. JMr. Wigle has been in acfive ser- vice for over 25 years. ADOLPH RUTHMN. Assistant postmaster of the City of Windsor and leader of the famous band of the 21st Regiment, Essex Fusiliers. THE AMHERSTBURG STAGE. Ready to start from the Windsor Postoffice with mail for Sandwich and Amherstburg and intermediate points. Wm. Fox, the veteran stage driver, stands at the rear of his horse, near the seat. This mode of carrying the mails was discontinued June 3, 1907, The Sandvflch, Windsor & Amherstburg Railway now carries the -mail between these points. 146 of Denmark on JIa''-h 10, 1863, Ascended the throne January 22, 1£»01. HIS MAJESTY, KING EDWARD, VII. Born November 9, 1841. Visited Windsor, ■Ont, September 27. 1860. Married to Prin- ■^ess Alexandria Caroline Mary Charlotte JLouise Julia, the eldest daughter . of the King EARL GRAY. The Governor-General of the Dominion of Canada. He visited Windsor, Walkerville and Sandwich August 24, 1908. The Regimental Band of the 21at Regiment, Essex Fusiliers. 147 W. H. ALLEN A former member for South Essex in the Dominion Paillamcnt. In January, 1902, he was appointed Inspector of Dominion Customs. DR. JAMES A. SMITH. The present Collector o£ Customs of the City of Windsor. FREDERICK J. HOLTON City Auditor. TAMES R. THOMSON. The present treasurer of the City of Wind- sor. 148 MAJOR ERNEST S. WIGLE, The present Mayor of Windsor, has held the office sirce 1905. He was born March 5, 1859, ard at the age of seventeen he entered the Collegiate Institute at Gait, and was ■called to the bar- in 1887. He was for many years Captain of No. 1 Co., Essex Fusiliares, and during the present year was promoted to the rank of Major. JOHN COVENTRY, M. D. Mayor of Windsor for the years 1880, 1881 and 1883. He was Medical Health Officer, had been a member of the Windsor Board of Education for eight years, and was at one time president of S. W. & A. Ry. It was during the doctor's administration that the debenture debt of Windsor was consolidated and the town's affairs placed in an excellent financial condition. He died February 23, 1903. J. A. ASHBAUGH, M. D. 3Icdical Health Officer of the City of Windsor. RICHARD CARNEY, M. D. City Physigiun of Windsor and a long and es- teemed resident of that city. 149 LIEUT.- COL. FREDERICK H. LAING. At present commanding the 31st Regiment/ Essex Fusiliers. He received his commission July 18, 1908. He enlisted in No. 1 Com- pany in 1873 and in 1882 was appointed En- sign. On the retirement of Capt. Cheyne in 1898, Ensign Laing was appointed Captain; in 1901 he was gazetted Junior Major. Col. Laing has been awarded a long service medal. LIEUT. COL. NOBLE A. BARTLETT. Commanding the Elst Regiment, Essexi Fusiliers, from July 18, 1903, to July 18» 1908, and on his retirement he was suc- ceeded by Major Frederick li. Laing. Col. Bartlett is at present an alderman of the City of Windsor. J. 8. LABELLE, M. D. Aldei-man of the City of Windsor and a Cor- oner for the Coiinty of Essex. R. S. FOSTER W^io was a member, of the vvindsor Council for three year-^ and candidate for the mayor- alty election of 1909. 150 K ^ 1 ^^K^^' .'y^^ w ^m m j a^KmM^Ld ^ I^HS. jt' " . ,i^ Windsor Col- EUCLID JACQUES, Alderman of the City of ' Windsor. 163 NELSON J. CLINTON, Alderman for th- City of Windsor. He 'is fi'^tht u^""^", °^' ,^%'^ '^•'^ => deep interest in, the HortrcultiM-al Sor ety and the Farmer.^ Institute of North Essex. ' " " "^ i'armers' GASPARD PACAUD, License Inspector for the City of Windsor and the Towns of Walkerville and Sandwich. GEORGE E. WHITE, a prominent business man of Windsor and a member of the License Commission for Wind- sor, Wallcerville and Sandwich. PAUL MORAND, License Inspector for North Essex. Mr. Mor- and's jurisdiction embraces all the townships in the North Riding. Alderma- of the City of Windsor and former License Commissioner. 154 JOHN CURRY. Wlio has been prominent in financial and real est,ate circles in Windsor, taking rank as a public-spirited citizen and enjoying con- spicuous success in his business career. He was born in Windsor in 1854, the same year that it was incorporated as a village. " P. M. KEOGH, former Alderman of Windsor and member of the staff of the Inland ■ Revenue Depart- ment. THOMAS BROOKE Alderman of the City of Windsor. GEO. M. BLACK. A former Windsorite who has achieved con- spicuous success in commercial and banking circles of Detroit. He was formerly private secretary for the late Senator McMillan, senior senator for Micliigan, and is closely- allied with the McMillan interests at present. 155 THOMAS J. LANMlk Alderman ot the City of Windsor. ROBERT TIMMS, former member of the Windsor Council and one of the old residents of Windsor. THE EARL OF ABELIDEEN. Governor General of the Dominion of Can- ada, who visited Windsor. Waikerviile and Sandwich, Friday, Sept. U. 1896. .JOHN MOORE. Ex-Councillor of the Town of S:indwlch. 156. LIEUT.-COL. JAMES C. GUILLOT, Commanding 21st Regiment, Esecx Fusiliers, from July 17, 1897, to July 18, 1902, was born in Sandwich October 26, 1845, and educated there. He joined the 3d Infantry Company of his native town in 1862. In 1864 he attended the military school at iiamilton. During the Fenian Raids he waX in active service with his company at Sandwich and later became sergeant-major of the Windsor Garrison Artillery under Capt. Worthington. Upon the ' organization of the old 33d Essex Battalion under the late Col. Rankin he was appointed adjutant. On July 17, 1897, he was appointed to the command of the regiment. Col. Guillot earned the reputation of being one of the most enthusiastic ard capable officers in the Canadian militia. He was Treasurer of the City of Windsor for several years, which office he held until the time of his death, January 28, 1905. He was buried with military and Masonic honors in St. John's graveyard, Sandwich. REV. L. S. HUGHSON. Pastor of the V.^y-c^ Avenue Baptist Church, Windsor, Ont, RICHARD BANGHAM. Manager of Ontario Asphalt BloclJ Co. 157 MGR. J. K. E. MEUNIER, Pastor in charge of St. Alplionsus Church, -corner Park and Goyeau, Windsor, Ont. REV. I). J. DOWNEY. In charge of the Church of the Immaculate Conception. This new parish in Windsor East was inaugurated December 11, 1904. It was formed from the parishes of St. Alphonsus, Windsor, and Our Lady of the Lake, Walker- ville. The corner-stone of this new church was laid July Z, 1904; dedicated December 11 y 1904, by the Right Rev. Bishop McEvay and Monsignor Sbarretti, the Apostolic Delegate to Canada. The approximate cost of the church was $42,500. In 1907, a new presbytery was built, costing about $8,000. ^***^if REV. E. A. P. CHADWICK. Rural Dean of Essex "and present Rector of All Saints' Church, ^^'indsor Ave., Wind- sor. Ele was appointed in 1903. This parish was originally a part of St. John's, Sandwich, REV. CANON J. P. HINCKS. For seventeen years the Rector of All Saints' Church (Anglican), 158 REV. W. H. SNELGROVE, B. A. Rector of the Church of the Ascension (Anglican), London Street West, Windsor. This new parish was constituted a separate one from All Saints in 1905 and Rev. W. H. :Snelgrove was appointed the tirst rector. Both All Saints and the Ascension are outgrowths of -the mother church, St. John's, Sandwich. The Church of the Ascension is a handsome new brick building, completed in 1908, at a cost of upwards of $30,000. The corner-stone was laid August 8, '1907, by the Most Worshipful, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of Canada, A. T. Freed. The church was dedicated for divine worship by the Right Rev David Williams, D. D., bishop -of the diocese of, Huron, on May 31, 1908 The church is situated in .a tapidly growing portion of the city and its usefulness is fast extending REV. JAMES C. TOLMIE. , Pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, '^^'i^dsor, and chaplain of the' 21st regiment, £:ssex Fusiliers. REV. JOHN GRAY Former Pastor Presbyterian Church Wlndsbr IHQ HOLLINRAKE. The present pastor of the Central Methodist Church, Ouellette avenue, Windsor, Ont. FITZ BRIDGES, Alderman of the City of Windsor. When a resident of Sandwich some years since he was a member of the ^ Town Council of that mimici- pality. REV. THOMAS MANNING. The former pastor of the Central Methodist Church, Windsor. ERNEST GIRARDOT, SR., is a native of Sandwich, and a son of the late Thodule Girardot, Inspector of Schools for North Essex. . He was for many years principal teacher of No. 2 Public School, Sandwich, and also served in the Town council for several years and also elected as mayor of Sandwich for eleven years. He is now the Commissioner of the exhibition branch of the Department of Agriculture. 160 THE FIRST FERRY BOATS. Previous to the year 1825 the canoe was popular as a ferry for con- veying passengers to and fro over the Detroit River and in 1835 Santi- THE STEAMER .GEM. Which ran between Windsor and Detroit, and was the first steam ferry that plyed between Sandwich, C. W., and Springwells, Mich., in 1865, James R. Inres was tlien the master. This photo was taken when the "Gem" was lying at the foor of Brock Street, Windsor, and also shows plainly the only waterworks the town ofWindsor then possessed — "The old town pump." From this pump the citizens of Windsor were supplied through the water carriers at one shilling per barrel. At the present day Windsor has one of the finest equipped and best waterworks systems in America with Joseph Hall as the chief engineer. THE FERRY ARGO (James Forbes, faster). more's horseboat was put into service. In 1830 and after the steamers Argo, "Gem," "Essex," "Detroit," "Gen. Grant" and others followed 161 THE FERRY ESSEX, Sliadrach and Henry Jenking owners. Among the gentlemen represented in this picture are: Capt. Henry Jenking, Capt. George Jenking, Capt. Weston and Michael Manning. The two gentle- nen sitting in the buggy on the main deck are the late Hiram Walker, the founder of the Town of Walkerville, and his son, E. C. Walker. * CAPT. JAMES INNES Is well known in marine circles around Detroit and Windsor vicinity, is of Scotch ancestry and was born in Chatham, May 1,1844. He was master of the first steam ferry engaged to establish a ferry betweenSandwich, Ont., and Snringwells, Mich., and ^ has served in various capacities on differentsteamers and sailing vessels for nearly 60 years. In 1888 he was made superintendentby the Michigan Central Railroad, of thifi"'' Windsor ferries and there are few men inthis locality so popular or valued at ,tt*/ present tine. c<^'- 162 / and did service as ferries between Windsor and Detroit. For a shor time after the year 1830 we had ; the canoe sailboat, horseboat and f:teamer all at work. The favorite ferry landing in those days was where the present C. P. R. station is now built in Windsor and later -when the steamers came into general use it was for a long time at the foot of Brock Street, Windsor. The pictures which follow are of "boats which are still familiar to and have been considered "familiar friends" of many of our present citizens on both sides of the river on this frontier. 4, 1838. He was then living in the immediate vicinity of where the battle took place and witnessed the fight from a window In his home. He died Sept. 14, 1909. CAPT. JOHN D. SUlLIVAN Was born August 14, 1835, at Cape Vincent, N. Y. In September, 1837, he came to Wind- sor and for many years made his home there. He had a wide experience in marine affhirs and was in command of the steamer "Lands- downe" of the G. T. Ry., and was latterly superintendent of the car ferries. He recently retired, and is at oresent living in London, Ont. He is, as far as known, the only man Tivirjr today who was an eye-witness of the Battle of Windsor, which occurred December WM. T. WILKINSON represented Amherstburg as Deputy ReeVe, Reeve and as County Councillor for No. 1 District in the Essex County Council for twelvfc years and was Warden of the County in 1903. 163 HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF ASSUMPTION, SANDWICH. (By Rev. J. J. M. Aboulin.) A paper under the above heading was read by Francis Cleary, Presi- dent of the Essex County Historical Society, at a meeting in the audi- torium of the PubHc Library in the City of Windsor, on the evening of the 24th November, 1905. Before reading the paper Mr. Cleary stated that the credit for it was due to Rev. J. J. M. Aboulin, for many years acting parish priest THE OLD MISSION HOUSE. Built in 1747; now 163 years old. Part of the building is standing at the present time. From an old photo by A. Phil E. Panet, Windsor. of the church of the Assumption and now at St. Basil's Novitiate, Deer Park, Toronto, and that the same had come into his hands quite recently through the kindness of the present parish priest. Rev. Fr. Semande. Mr. Cleary made some introductory remarks before and during the reading of the paper regarding the subject matter, among others, stat- ing it was evident from a close perusal of its contents that Rev. Mr. Aboulin had commenced his interesting history over twenty years ago and had written portions from time to time and finished it at 164 Toronto some years after his removal there in 1893. In one paragraph he refers to Joseph White, chief of the Wyandottes, as if Hving, while the chief died at Windsor early in 1885. Again, the Indian reserve in Anderdon township ceased to exist as a reserve over twenty years ago. ASSUMPTION CHURCH. (Founded 1788.) The present building was erected in 1843, and opened for divine service in the beginning ■of January, 1846. The history of this parish is certainly unique, dating back, as we iind, to 1767, and being in its earliest days under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Quebec. Cadillac built his fort on the present site of 165 Detroit in 1701, so that the parish of St. Anne, frequently mentioned^ came into existence shortly after and had a long start of Assumption parish. Until the year 1803 the parish was called the Assomption of Point de- Montreal, or L'Assomption du Detroit. On September 1, 1907, Father Seamndre was appointed Treasurer of Assumption College, when Father A. J. Cote, late of St. Anne's- Church, Detroit, became the parish priest. Father Peter Challander, who has been assistant to Father Semandre for the past eight years,. INTERIOR VIEW OF ASSUMPTION CHURCH, Showing the elegantly carved pulpit with winding stairs, whichh was placed in the church i» 1792 by the Rev. Father Du Faux. It is a superb piece of wood carving by the French sculptor, Mr. Ferot. will continue to assist Father Cote in the work of the church and parish. The present church is the third church erected on the historic spot. Fr. Hubert built the- second one, a log church, in 1782, and the present church was commenced during the pastorate of the Rev. Angus McDonell in or about 1843 and finished a few years afterward. Fr. Aboulia refers to the land now owned by the church. This is, or rather, was, lo tNo. 63, in First Seconct and Third concession of the Township of Sardwich, containing 350 acres, and 'the patent subse- 2uently issued from the Crown in 1830 to Right Rev. Alexander McDonell, Rev. William John ('Grady, of the Towrfhip of York, vicar-general; Hon. James Baby, also of the Township of Yorlc^ Francois Baby, Jean Baptiste Baby and Chrystome Pajot, of the Town of Sandwich County of Essex. It is stated that Bishop Pinsonneault, the first bishop of the new diocese of London, no doube believing that he would find things more congenial at Sandwich among his own countrymen, had the episcopal see removed to the latter place in 1869. He is described by many of the old rtiidents as a particularly handsome man, nearly sixfeet tall. /Coming froi» Montreal,, he was no doubt accustomed ' to considerable pomp and ceremony. He is charged, with being, thev cause of the removal of the Jesuit fathers, who had so long administered the affairs of the parish endeared them- selves to the parishioners. The bishop, commenced to make improvements. He found the cemetery partly in front of the church on the southwest side. This, he caused to be removed quite a distance behind the church on the Huron line. This, as may be imagined, was not viewed with much favor by many who had relatives interred in the old cemetery, as the bodies had to be removed to the new one. The building of the bishop's palace, which it is said cost about $30,000, was considered a piece of extravagance .on his part, and in yearsafter was referred to by many as "Pinsonneault's Folly." He had a boat built for his use on the river, which it is said cost $1,,500, and was never a fuccess. The old residents speak also of a frame windmill with stone foundation, and the miller's resi- dence, which were built during Rev. Fr. Crevier's time on the chufch property between the King's highway and the river front. THE BISHOP'S PALACE, When the Diocese of Toronto was divided in 1856, Bishop Pinsonneault obtained the removal of the Episcopal See from London to Sandwich. After his arrival in' Sandwich in 1859 he built an Episcopal Pslace. On October 3, 1869, the Episcopal See of the diocese was removed to London. The palace ^fas removed about the year 1896, and a handsome brick parish priest's residence built in its place. From a photo by A. Phil Panet, Windsor. The presbytery referred to as being still extant is no doubt the frame structure which stood originally on the site of the present Girardot Wine Co.'s building, and was removed a little to the southwest of it, where it now stands. Of Rev. Denis O'Connor, spoken of so fittingly in co/inection with the parish and college, it is hardly necessary to speak further. He was well and favorably known throughout the county. He was consecrated bishop of London in October, 1890, and archbishop of Toronto in April, 1S99. On both occasions he received the congratulations of bis many friends, bofh Catholicand Protestant. Extracts are also given from two other papers read by Mr. Cleary, photographic copies having come into his possession in 1897. These are. the deed of gift from the Wyandotte nation to James Rankin, dated June 20, 1775, and the will of the said James Rankin, dated April 19, 1794. This parish is situated on the left bank" of the Detroit river, in the extreme western section of the county of Essex. It has formed part , successively of the diocese of Quebec, Kingstoa and Toronto, and is now one of the most Koiirishing parishes of the diocese of London. For a time. Sandwich was the See of the last-named diocese. Jiy the second quarter of the 17th century, Fome French colonists came over from Detroit to settle- in that place, to which they gave the rane of La Pointe-de-Montreal. Until its division in 1803 the parish was called the Assumption cf La Fointe-de- Montreal, or L' Assumption du Detroit. 167 Its origin IS connected with a mission of Hurons or Wyandottes, which was founded in 1728 by Father Armand de la Richardie, a Jesuit. Where was the first seat of that mission' In Detroit or at Point of Montreal? Although certain men well versed in the history of the cuuntry pretend that It was in the latter place, all documentary evidence is in favor of Detroit, as we will show presently. In 1721 Father Charlevoix visited Detroit, which he reached by way of Lake Erie He says in his Journal: "Before arriving at the fort, which is at the left hand, one league below the island of Ste. Claire (so he calle Belle Isle) there are to be found on the same side two villages the first IS inhabited by the Hurons Tionnontatex. On the right, a little farther up, there is a third one of Outaouais." A map published in 1874 to accompany his journal, shows the villages in the same places. In 1727 the Hurons of Detroit asked for a missionary. In a letter of Father Nau to Father Bonin, Oct. 18th, 1735, we read the following passage, which, while it bears witness to the zeal and success of the missionary, informs us with precision of the locality where he labored: "I said there were no other Christian Hurons than those of Lorette — seven years ago effectually there were no others — but Father de la Richardie found the means of bringing together in Detriot all those scattered Hurons, all of whom he has converted. The mission numbers six hundred Christians. Another valuable document is a letter in Latin, of Father de la Richardie himself, addressed to his general. In it the father says that the sacred edifice is hardly large enough for the multitude REV. FATHER POINT Parish priest of Assumption from 1843 to 1859. He spent the remainder of his life, about 25 years, in Montreal, and died Sep- tember, 1896, in the 95th year of his age. RT. REV. P. A. PINSONEAULT, D. D. consecrated ■ May First Bishop of London, 13, 1856. Died at Montreal, January SO, of the Christians (meaning the savages), although it is seventy cubits long. Seventy cubits make 105 feet. The letter is dated June 23, 1741. Whoever pretended that there was at that date a church, of that size at Point of Montreal? Indeed, there are no proofs that there was a church then and there. Lastly, there is on record an agreement entered into in 1733, between Father de la Richardie and a certain Jean Cecile, a 'gunsmith, by which the latter was to do all the work in iron necessary for the church and the mission described as being situated in Detroit. Surely the town of Detroit and the neighborhood offered more advantages to . a. gunsmith than the embryo settlement of Point of Montreal. But let us resume our little narrative. In 1742 the Huron village was removed to Bois Blanc Island, opposite the present .town of Amfierstburg, and in September, 1744, an assistant came to Father de la Richardie in, the person of Father Pierre Potier. This help was indeed opportune, for in the spring of 1746 Father de la Richardie was attacked with paralysis and in consequence he had to retire to Montreal in July o^ the same year. He had scarcely left when, great troubles arose,, wiiich threatened both the.., mission and the colony with complete ruin. At the instigation of- the English, the Hurons, who had till then lived in friendship with the French, rose in revolt against them. Chief Nicholas was at the head of the malcontent savages, who committed many outrages. On the 20th of May, 1747, they killed 169 five Frenchmen at Sandoske, or Sandusky, and contemplated nothing less '^an a massacre of ^ the French soldiers and colonists of Detroit. An Indian woman having ' ""^'""^'^'Z .."J'^"^" Thil secret purposes of the rebels, revealed it to the Sieur of Longeuil, commander of the post. ini» revelation proved the salvation of the colony. Father Potier however m .°/d" to save h.s lite^ was obliged to leave the village of Bois Blanc and to seek shelter in D'tr°it. Longeuil was alter . time enabled to send to Quebec a deputation from different tribes under ^^ B-i'dan ce of the Sieur de Bellestre, to confer with the governor, de la Gal>|=0">"=- ^ Great must have been the influence of Fafhe; de la Eichardie ovr the Hurons, for we find the depuation pleading earnestly for his return, on the ground that he alone was able to pacify the ^=''="!°"%tribes The venerable missionary, nitwithstanding his infirmities, left by order of his superior t? follow BellesUe t» Detroit, where the party arrii^ed on Oct. 20, 1747. The governor, '" .^is instructions to M^ de Longeuil, urged on him to procure as speedily as possible the re-establishment of Father de» Eichardie's mission; but, for greater safety, it was fixed at Point of Montreal, as was also the ^""Fatler'de la Eichardie remained at Point of Mcntreal until Sept. 7 1750. He then followed a detachment of Hurons who had left the place and wertt as far as the Vermillion River On July 21, 1751, he signed a contract with Nicholas Francois Jams, a mason in Detroit, bhortly alter he left for Quebec, where he was a witness of the first vows of a scholastic^ and neevr relurned to Detroit. However, Mr. John Gilmary Shea says that in 1757 he led a party of Hurons to San- dusky, and closed his honored and laborious career among the Illinois m 17S8. At Point of Montreal the Hurons made him a gift of a parcel, of land forty arpeiits in le^i?th» and of considerable width, but without any written title. Nineteen years later, 1767, Father Pctier REV. FATHER BEUYERE. Vicar-General to Bishop Pinsonnault and to Bishop Wilsh. REV. FATHER FAURE Parish priest from 1870 to 1886. was forced to sell the greater part of this land to meet the debts of the mission. This he did on the authorization of, Father de Glapion, superior at Quebec, In 1780 he sold the remainder, retain- ing only two small lots, which stretched from the river to the coulee. On the front lot were the house and garden of the missionary, as well as the church and cemetery of the mission ; on the rear lot were the house and garden of the sexton. The land now owned by the church was donated by the Indian chiefs to Father Hubert, successor to Father Potier. This 'fat we have spoken of the Huron' village. Let us now- speak of the French parish. The French settlers of the Point of Montreal continued after the removal of the Huron village to belong to St. Anne's in Detroit. Nevertheless, they were allowed to attend the Huron chapel, and to receive the sacraments in it. In proof of this there is a list kept year by year by the mis- sionary of the French, who performed their Easter duty there. In 1760 they appear to have been put in charge of the missionary. But in 1767 the mission, including both French and Indians, was erected into a parish, under the name as we have said before, of L'Assomption de la Pointe de Montreal, or L'Assomption du Detroit. Father Potier remained in charge of it until his death, which occurred on. July 16, 1781. This sad event was the result of a fall by which his skull was broken. He was '7B years of age, of which time he had spent 37 years in the service of the mission. He had won among his people the reputation of a saint, and so great was his influence over the Hurons that he prevented them from joining ranks with the other Indian tribes in the rebellion of the famous Chief Portiac in 1763. Some days after the death of Father Potier, the church wardens deputized two of their mem- bers to wait on the Bishop of Quebec and ask for the appointment of a successor to their deceased pastor. The bishop accordingly sent Rev. M. Jean Francois Hubert, who had at first the care 170 cf tlie two parishes, that of St. Anne's having just become vacant. The next year he devoted himself to the task of building a new church. Of this good work he was himself the principal benefactor, contributing of his own means the princely sum of six hundred pounds. This church subsisted until the present one. It was built en pieces sur pieces, according to the style of building then used. It was situated to the south of the old church, on the land given to Father Hubert At the right of the new church was built the presbytery, which is still extant. It was occuiped for a few years by the ladies of the Sacred Heart, and is now the ordinary residence of the sexton To this room was attached a large room wherein the parishioners gathered to warm them=;clves in the cold season before the beginning of the divine offices. At the left was erected a short time after, the chapel of the dead, at the very entrance of the new cemetery. Herein was laid the bodies of the dead brought from a distance, a great relief to the sexton, in whose house thev had till then been kept. ..^ ^^^- ^\- Hubert, however, was at Point of Montreal. He had been named coadjutor of Mgr d Esghs, Bishop of Quebec, and succeeded that prelate in 1788. He died in 1797. After his departure the parish of the Assumption was for a year under the care of Rev. M Frechette parish priest of St. Anne's. He was succeeded by Rev, F. M. X. Dufaux, who was pastor for ten years The present church is yet in possession of a handsome pulpit, the work of a French sculptor named Frerot. It was erected in 1792. Nothing more need be said of the administration by Father Dufaux, except that on Sept. 9, 1787, he entered into an arrangement with the Huron chiefs where- by a portion of the church was to be set aside exclusively for the Indians. This was but a just acknowledgement of their genrous contributions towards its erection. REV. FATHER BAYARD Secretary of the Diocese when the Episcopal See was in Sandwich in 1866, and afterwards was parish priest of Assomption Church until 16«5. REV. FATHER GERARD Parish priest from 1861 to 1864. Where are now the six hundred Hurons, Catholics of Father de la Richardie? The nation has been dismembered. Some have moved to distant places, some will occupy for some time the reserve of Anderdon, 14 miles below Sandwich, along the river. Deprived of special attendance, since there are no more Jesuits, little by little they fall away. For many years they will yet con- gregate at Sandwich to celebrate with great pomp the feast of the Assumption and hold their leg- endary picnic on the church grounds. But in less than a century scarcely any remnant of the Huron race will be found in Canada or elsewhere, and good old Chief White will end his days saying with sorrow, "Am I the last ?" The name of Father Dufaux is signed for the la<'t time in the records on Sept. 8, and next his burial is recorded over the signature of Father Levadoux. a Sulpician, parish priest of St. Anne's, This fact leads to the conclusion thathis death was unexpected and perhaps sudden. Rev. Edmund Burke, vicar-general, who resided at the Riviere apx Raisins, now Monroe, attended the mission until the following Christmas. On that auspicious festival the faithful of the Assumption had the joy of welcoming to their midst a zealous and distinguished priest, who for over 28 years was to exercise the holy ministry among them. This was the Rev. Jean Baptiste Marchand, priest of St. Sulpice and director of the college of Montreal. The year 1801 was rendered memorable by the visit of Mgr. Denaut, bishop of Quebec, who confirmed in the Church of the Assumption no fewer than five hundred persons. The largeness of this number is not surprising when we consider that this was the first episcopal visitation since that of Mgr. de Pontriband in 1755. Besides, the population was increasing. When in 1773, according to a census found in the Dominion archives, when it hardly reached 350, another census 171 taken in 1790 gives 861. What it was at the opening of the present century no document enables us to tell. The parish of the Assumption was the only one in a territory now forming several dioceses. The settlers were scattered all along the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, and a few on the River Trenche, called since, by the English, the Thames. In 1803 two new stations were estab- lished, one at St. Pierre on the Thames, andthe other at Maiden or Amherstburg. The mother church, the Assumption of Sandwich, as we will hereafter call it, was the place of residence of the pastor, who for many years had to attend either in person or through his curate, whenever he could obtain one, the two new stations. However, St. Pierre was visited but twice in the year. REV. FATHER COTE The present parish priest of Assomption Church. He was born in Anderdon, received his education at Assomption College, and wajiordained June 16, 1881,.. by the late Bishop Walsh. THE PAROCHIAL RESIDENCE. The first curate given to Father Marchand was Father Gatien, of Quebec. He came to Sandwich jn 1801 and remained five years. Father Joseph Crevier arrived in 1816, a few months after the visit of Mgr. Plessis. Here we may be allowed to relate a painful incident of Father Marchand's pastorate. The facts are. nearly a century old and we shall suppress the names. Besides, the property has passed into 172 other hands. It has been said above that when Father Potier sold the remnant of the mission land he reserved two lots on which were the church, priest's garden and house. By an oversight the reservation was not mentioned in the deed; however, the buyer signed a renunciation to those lots» which is to be seen in the registers of the city of Detroit. Father Marchand had been a few years in Sandwich when the purchaser of the land, . a man whose . administration as church warden had provoked serious complaints, fenced the lots with the rest of his property. Father Marchand and the church wardens sued him, and the case was pleaded in Toronto. But none of them likely knew of the renunciation, as about 25 years had elapsed since the sale of the land; anyhow, the renuncia- tion was not opposed to the usurper, so that being with a legal title, he won his suit and was con- H ■ tj 3 o as a oi hi m c5.Sg " Of fl ai in •a ~ 3 o P. \ \ \ \ V \''yy''^s:i:^\;''Y ' ; . i R a8L£ ALEXANDER . CRA WT. . o in ^734-. CJed Mayi3,lSl3. :i ; ninofl or s'Ct'rBin't wasilie ianrik spn ehht: SCOT1..ANB.. ■ ■, ,; ,,;;: y, ■>.»•: .^^.„ .fjf ^}^^ ?jj-5J G»verBrtie!ito1 ' I . ExecuiJvs aralLegisIative , M+oi' u'f fKt' Pro vincc ji) ; .::■ ■-- Hi 71 ■5. ' "" "^^vOOBS Si;BaTrist«r. jxW MtM ^V. i fe wassftg^aJglBiigfir^''-^^ "■ THE COMMODORE GRANT MURAL TABLET, Which, among others, adorn the interior of St. John's Episcopal Church, Sandwich. rebuilt in 1872 the comer stone was well and truly laid with Masonic honors by the Most Worshipful Master Justice William Mercer Wilson, assisted by the officers and members of Great Western Lodge No. 4?', 182 A. F. & A. M., Windsor. The officers of the lodge on this important occasion being James Gibson, W. M. ; Stephen Lusted, Chaplain ; Archi- bald Whittaker, Senior Warden ; James Buriiie, Junior Warden, and Geo. W. Mason, Sword Bearer. The first baptism that took place after the church was rebuilt in 1873 was our respected townsman, George William Gray, and the first marriage solemnized was that of Miss Harriet Bowers to Robert T. Birdseye, both of the Town of Sandwich. The land on which the church stands was conveyed to the Right Rev. Dr. Stewart, Bishop of Quebec in 1834, by the Crown. Again referring to the first rector, Mr. Pollard, Mr. Hind has found an entry in the parish records which is as follows : "The Rev. Richard ST. JOHN'S CHURCH HOUSE, Northwest corner of Huron and Bedford Streets. Built in 190«. Pollard of Sandwich was absent from that place from February, 1814, to June, 1815, on account of the war, and was appointed and sent to Earnestown, on the Bay of Quinte, during that period." Mr. Pollard says that each visit to the garrison at Amherstburg from Sandwich cost him ^6 and three days time, and he received for his services as chaplain to the forces ^100 per year. Mr. Pollard was followed by the Rev. Robert Short in 1814, who continued rector of St. John's till 1827. He was unmarried, but later married Miss Maria Forsythe of this town( Sandwich). He went to Lower Canada when, after serving in several missions, he died in 1879 at Montmorenci. 183 Then came the Rev. Edward Jukes Boswell from 1827 to 1828, when he was transferred to London and became the first missionary sta- tioned in that now Cathedral City, preceding immediately the Rev. Benjamin Cronin, who became the first bishop of the Diocese of Huron on its separation in 1857. The Rev. Wm. Johnson came from the West Indies to Amherst- ST. JOHN'S RECTORY. The house was built during the '30's by a German named George Lawbucker, who afterwards •old it to the Rev. Earl Welby. Mr. Welby occupied it as a rectory until he was called home to England in 1842, when he left it to the parish of St. John's Church. The land on which the rectory stands was legally conveyed to the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron by the Ven- erable Archdeacon Welby in 1862. burg, and then to Sandwich as the teacher of the grammam school, 1828, and later was ordained to the ministry, and continued rector till his death, which took place September 5, 1840. It was during his in- cumbency and in August, 183?, that Col. Prince and family came to Sandwich, and this was followed by the first square pew put in the church. The family consisted of six members and there was not a 184 -vacant pew or place to put one, except the space between the pulpit and the front pew, and it was arranged that Mr. Prince might have his pew built there, and this was done; quite an addition in every way to the little church. The family was most exemplary in its attendance at church, and its influence was felt far and wide. Mr. Prince was one of the wardens from 1834 to 1836, when he became the member of Parliament for Essex. The Rev. Thomas Earl Welby came as the successor to Mr. John- son ; he was a major in the Army, and had been an officer of the 13th Light Dragoons in India. He was an officer during the rebellion of 1837 at Brantford and had a fine estate and large private means. Mr. Welby was the finest type of an English officer and gentleman and belonged to one of the oldest families in England, antedating the Con- THE RT. REV. THOMAS EARL WELBY Bishop of the Island of St. Helena, who was rector of St. John's from 1840 to 1842. REV. JOHN HURST Rector from 1559 to 1863. quest. With his sense of duty as a soldier, and his great regard for his high office as a clergyman of the Church of England, he was soon an active, zealous and much-beloved pastor. Owing to circumstances he was called home to England, and left us in 1842, but he left to the church the rectory he had provided for himself on the bank of the Detroit River and which has been used by the different rectors who have since succeeded him. Not contented with the work he could do about town. Dr. Welby extended his efforts into the country and with the assistance of his late friend. Col. Sparke, he founded what after- church was first built on the Talbot Road, known at that time as the wards became the mission of St. Stephen's, Sandwich West. This Irish Settlement, and among those who took part in its erection were 185 George Vollans, Edmund Taylor, Robert Nicholson, Richard Walker, John Jessop and Messrs. Robinson and Bennett. . In 1850 Rev. Thomas Earl Welby was appointed Archdeacon of George in the diocese of Capetown. On Ascension Day, 1862, he was consecrated at Lambath Palace Chapel, Second Bishop of St. Helena. He was 37 years Bishop of St. Helena and died on the feast of the Epiphany 1899, being killed by a fall from his carriage, in the 89th year of his age. His diocese included the islands of St. Helana, Ascen- sion and Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean, and formed part of the ecclesistical Province of South Africa. In 1843 came the Rev. Wm. Ritchie, who remained till 1851, when he went to West Guilliambury, County of Simcoe; he with the Rev. Mr. Leitch, came from the Presbyterian Church to our Communion, REV. FRANCIS GORE ELLIOTT Rector from 1863 to 1879. REV. RICHARD W. JOHNSTONE Rector from 1879 to 1887. and was ordained by Bishop Strachan, the first Bishop of Toronto, in 1843, and appointed at once to Sandwich. The Rev. E. H. Dewar came in 1853. While rector of St. John's, he succeeded in founding a church in Windsor — All Saints — which has now a large and influential congregation, fine church buildings and a well-trained surplus choir, the present rector being the Rev. Rural Dean Chadwick. Mr. Dewar's ministry ceased at Sandwich in 1857 and devoted all his energies to the building up the parish of All Saints. In 1859 he resigned and became rector of Thornhill, which parish he faithfully served until his death in the autumn of 1862. In addition to his other duties in 1856 the Rev. Mr. Dewar pub- lished a monthly paper called "The Churchmans' Friend." 1S6 The Point," below Amherstburg, one of the most prominent men in His Majesty's service in the early days. He studied for the church in Montreal and was ordained by Bishop Strachan. His first care was in the Township of Colchester. He was rector of St. John's from 1863 to 1879. It is told of his father that he was the means of saving Gen. Proctor from being shot by Tecumseh at Moraviantown by throwine up his rifle. ^ The Rev. Richard W. Johnstone followed from 1879 to 1887. He was born at Tulah, Ireland, in 1835, entered Trinity College, Dublin, RT. REV. DAVID WILLIAMS The present Bishop of the Diocese of Huron, REV. DUNCAN H. HIND The present rector of St. John's. The Rev. John Hurst succeeded Mr. Dewar from 1859 to 1863. He also conducted services in All Saints, Windsor, in addition to his work here and in 1863 he resigned his charge at St. John's and continued as rector of All Saints until 1873 when he ceased his ministry in that im- portant parish and went to England where he became secretary of the Colonial and Continental Church Society. He became Vicar of St. Marks, Tollington Park, London, in 1881, and was appointed rector of St. Swithin's Church in 1892. He died February 26th, 1903. The Rev. Francis Gore Elliott succeeded Mr. Hurst. He was a native of the County of Essex, eldest son of Col. Matthew Elliott, of 187 as a divinity student and ordained a deacon by Bishop Cronyn, in London, Ont., in 1859, and a priest in 1862. Serving in various parishes he became rector of Sandwich where he served eight years. He was superanuated in 1893. He was a man of most scholarly attainments and genial disposition. He died at Fort Gratiot, Mich., February 24, 1906, aged 71 years. His remains were interred in St. John's grave- yard. Rev. Duncan H. Hind, the present rector, succeeded Mr. Johnstone MR. 'A. G. McWHINNEY Wlio rendered valuable services as secretary- treasurer of the building committee when St. John's Churchh was rebuilt in 1872. Some years after he was promoted and was ap- pointed Superintendent of the Government Mail Service for this district, with head- quarters at London, Ont., to which city he moved and took up his residence with his family. During the year 1905 he visited Ire- land for his health, but unfortunately his health failed him and he died at Belfast, Ireland, July 10, 1905. MILES R. B. COWAN Also a member of the building committee when the church was rebuilt in 1873; was born in Sandwich, March 5, 1833; appointed to Her Majesty's customs in 1855 and filled the duties of that office for 41 years. Held a commission as ensign in No. 1 militia com* pany at Safndwich, organized during 'the Fenian raids in 1865 and 1870 and received a medal for services rendered at that time. He at present resides with his family in Windsor and conducts a custom's brokerage office and insurance office on Ouellette ave- nue, Windsor, at the present time. and entered upon his appointed duties August 10, 1887. Mr. Hind was born in Toronto June 24:, 1853, and educated in King's College, Nova Scotia. He passed several years in the Northwest on the C. P. R. survey, and returning to Nova Scotia was ordained by the late Bishop Burney in 1879. Mr. Hind is a son of the late Professor Henry Y. Hind. Since assuming the rectorship of St. John's Parish he has suc- ceeded in making many improvements, being very ably assisted in all his undertakings by his parishioners. Among the improvements above mentioned beino- the new brick Church House erected in 1906. 188 On Sunday, September 20, 1903, was celebrated the one hundredth anniversary — or the centenary — of St. John's Church, Sandwich. For one hundred years the Episcopalians of Sandwich have been loyal to their little church, and well they might be, for it was established by heroes and supported from the affections of the people when money was scarce and ministerial talent difficult to secure. A large number from Windsor, Sandwich and vicinity were present to hear the address of Judge Robt. S. Woods, of Chatham, which ad- 189 dress was a clear and succinc htistory of the Essex frontier, as well as the story of the early struggles and later triumphs of St. John's church. The old church abounds in historic interest. The church yard, which forms a fitting background for the sacred edifice, is as worthy of commemoration. Among those who sleep, "each i^i his narrow cell," are makers of history, as well as the "rude forefathers" who struggled with foes of flesh and blood in addition to the giants of the forest, for the land along the Detroit river is historic ground, the scene of the war of 1812. Inside the quaint old church are marble tablets which serve to refresh the names of men and women of past generations in ST. JOHN'S GRAVEYARD— OLD PORTION. Looking from the southeast corner, near Bedford Street. It is one of the oldest Protestant Parish Graveyards in the Niagara District. the memories of the present. The church has recently been renovated and provided with a new pipe Organ, the latter being dedicated to the memory of the late Richard Pollard, the first rector of the church. It may be fittingly mentioned here that the mural decorations, the tinting of the walls, is the work of James Rosier, who gave his services free. Some changes have been made, notably in the position occupied by the choir. The new organ is rich in tone and is an instrument that is a credit to the venerable surroundings. 190 The following is a list of the gentlemen who have filled the position of Church Wardens from 1821 to the present— 1909 : nf?^'^?''.?''*'?,^*'^'''' """* James Little. ilo5 fe McGregor and Joseph Hamilton. 1823— Wm. Elliott and J. W. Little 1824 — Wm. Hands and J. W. Little 1825— James Woods and J. W. Little 1826— George Jacob and Cliarles Eliot. }!2I~S''°''^'' J*'""" *" But Heaven forbid they should be required. May the harmony exist- ing between the two shores never be disturbed for the sake of a few worthless beings, but who supply a space in the world that might be better filled were they out of it." The Fight at Bois Blanc, These were certainly stirring times. Tuesday, January 33, 1838, was the second issue of The Herald and editorially it said: "Since our last issue we have been in a state of excitement never before equalled in consequence of the thratening attitude assumed by the rebel blood hounds and their associates the loafers of Detroit." A further extract from the same issue says: "On the morning of January 6th, between nine and ten o'clock the steamer Erie was seen to leave the dock at Detroit, crowded with people, with the ostensible intention of proceeding to Cleveland, but which we afterwatds ascer- tained, only went to land a cargo of rebels and American Volunteers at Gibralter on the American side, she was immediately followed by a schooner rigged vessel called the Ann, filled with armed men and mount- 21 :^ ing three pieces of cannon and other munitions and appointments, with the expressed intention of commencing an attack on our shores. We obtained the information that the rebels had stolen "the cannon, powder and balls from a United States arsenal, and 500 or 600 small arms chey had feloneously extracted from the City Hall, when the mhabitants were all 'asleep,' we presume." That same night about twelve o'clock about 150 volunteers headed by John Prince, left Sandwich in the United for Bois Blanc, where the rebels it seems, proposed to establish a post. At three o'clock on the afternoon of Monday the 8th, just as the militia had been dismissed from their parade in the garrison, an alarm was given by the sentries at Bois Blanc that the brigands and pirates, about 400 in number, were leaving Sugar Island in schooner, scows and boats, with a view of in- vading Bois Blanc instanter, and they would reach the shore in half an hour. As soon as the alarm was given the militia hurried to the boats at Amherstburg and expeditiously as possible the island was invested with 300 well armed men. The brigand forces were arrayed as follows: The schooner Geo. Strong with a sloop, hovered at the lower end of the island a mile below the Hghthouse, sometimes lying to and sometimes hugging the shore off Elliot's Point, as is inclined to land her men there. Their main body was being towed in scows up the river towards Grosse Isle, taking care not to come within musket shot of Bois Blanc. They fired two cannon of grape and cannister at US' which did no injury. This was the first hostile shot fired on this frontier, and after that there was no mistake in their intentions. After waiting for the pirates for about two hours and perceiving that so far from attempting to attack us, they pulled in their scows far above Bois Blanc and the schooner and her tender triade sail for Elliot's Point. The officers held a consultation and it was deemed not improbable that 1he brigands object was to effect a landing and to force Amherstburg, which had not 100 effective men left to defend it. Orders were given to return to Amherstburg. The men were all landed in an hour, leav- ing the island undefended. Everything was removed from the house of the lighthouse keeper, Capt. Hackett, except some trunks and clothes of his and Mrs. Hackett's. An hour afterwards the pirate schooner sailed up the channel between Bois Blanc and the town. Her consort lay under Bois Blanc Island. The militia kept up a consent firing at her with their rifles, but as the distance was not less than 400 yards, it had but little eftect. It was, however, afterwards ascertained that upon this occasion one man was killed and several slightly wounded ; she fired and occasional cannon shot and she was fairly beaten off and sailed as was supposed, for the scows and boats, which had disappeared and were conjectured to have returned to Sugar Island." "On the following morning the sloop was made to come to without a shot being fired and she was made a prisoner. The schooner hovered about the island and occasionally fired cannister and grape into the town. They carried off the whole of Capt. Hackett's wearing apparel. Our men followed her and as she neared Elliott's Point a rifle ball killed the helmsman and the wind blowing very strong the schooner came ashore. They were called on to surrender and take their colors down, but they declined and several shots being exchanged, two of the pirates 214 being killed after she had stranded. Our men then plunged into the water and boarded her and a jolly little man of the name of Leighton climbed vip the mast and hauled the colors down. "The prisoners were brought to shore and treated with every kind- ness, humanity and consideration. The capture consisted of a schooner. The Ann, of Detroit, 21 prisoners, most of them Americans, three pieces of cannon and upwards of 800 stands of arms and a large quantity of ammunition, besides stores and provisions. The militia engaged in this capture were all volunteers and behaved most galantly." Thomas Sutherland was Brigadier General of the Patriot army at this time. BEDFORD STREET, LOOKING NORTH, From in front of the Cowan Homestead. From a photo by Mr. Hamilton. Presentation of Regimental Colors. The Herald had some room for news, besides the war reports, and the volume contains many interesting items. On January 23, 1838, a splendid Regimenal color was presented to the 2d Regt. Essex Militia by the ladies of Sandwich. The regiment on the occasion was attired in "a neat and becoming uniform." Miss Mary Findlay presented the colors. Attacked by a Wolf. "On Thursday last as a man was on his way to town he was beset by a large wolf, who very unceremoniously and evidently with maHgn intention, jumped into the man's sleigh and would undoubtedly have ■2\f, destroyed him, had he not most fortunately been provided with an axe with which he managed to overcome the ferocious monster." Robbery of Military Supplies. In the issue of February 17, 1838, it is noted that the commissarit department at Amherstburg had been robbed of ninety barrels of flour. Van Renselaer, the commander of a "thousand highwaymen scoundrels" camping in Michigan, gets the credit for it. Killed by a Sentinel. "A son of James Askin was killed by a colored sentinel on duty at Amherstburg." y 1 v^ ig I^HHHI ^jk^ 1 •t^^M w-_^^^H^BHI ^KB^^.':t^-'^w^K^^^BBSSSSk 1 1 ^_ P|aE^'^'i=--'lJn0HiliBH I^^^^B ■EHI HHH^^^^^^^^R IhI "' '''ST'^Sk 1 ^B THE McGregor homestead. North side of Mill street, Sandwich, Ont. Parts of this building is said to be much older than the Baby Mansion, It was originally the McGregor Homstead, and for many years after the home of Col. Wm. Elliott. Albert P. Salter, P. L. S., and family, occupied it in the '70's, and it is now known as the Reid Homestead. Mr. George E. Smeaton resides there at the present time. The Rebels Invade Fighting Island. In the issue of February 38, 1838, the paper contains an account of the attempt of the rebels to come over by way of Fighting Island. Three hundred of- them spent the night on the island but were driven off next day by the men of Essex and Kent and much of their stores confiscated. This was the second attack on this frontier. Sentenced to be Hanged. The issue of March 28, 1838, reports that Chief Justice Robinson had sentenced to death Samuel Lount and Peter Mathews for high treason. 216 Burned in Effigy. A report is published from Kingston of the burning in effigy of the alleged traitors, McKenzie, Papineau, Molesworth, Grote, Lerder and Uncle Sam. The editor also expresses his indignation at the notorious Geijis. Montgomery and Theller, who were sentenced to be hanged for high treason being reprieved. Postal Arrangements Bad. Under date of June 19th, 1838, the Herald says: "Lord Durham has made a demand on the British Government for 13,000 more troops." It also appears at this time that there was no post route direct to T. D. NIVEN Editor of The Evening Record CHARLES L. BARKER News Editor of The Evening Record. this Province from Michigan. A letter posted in Detroit for Sand- wich had to go around by Lewiston, thence via Toronto, which took two weeks, making a tour of 700 miles. The Editor Had His Troubles. The editor apparently had troubles of his own. In his issue of Oc- tober 16, 1838, he made the following appeal: "We have toiled unceas- ingly ever since we had the misfortune to cast our lot among a com- munity of idlers, under the most trying and discouraging circumstances in the hope that our assiduity, economy and perseverance would, at no 217 distant period, meet with their accustomed reward, viz., patronage and suitable remuneration, but, alas ! We have reckoned "without our hosts." Tell it not in Gath — publish it not in the streets of Askalon "that we have printed the Western Herald for 33 months for barely 150 subscribers. Can it be supposed that we can or will be fool enough to waste our time, health, peace of mind and bodily labor for another year in the manner we have done for so contemptible a number of sub- scribers." The writer then digs into the Treasurer of the Western District, from whom he has warrants to the amount of £32 but for which he can get no pay. He advertised these for sale at a discount of twelve and grandfather, in Sandwich East, the pres- ent residence having been erected by his father in 1840. He is much known and re- spected. ALEXANDER H. ASKIN, an old-time civil engineer, who was one of the surveyors for the route of the Great West- em Railroad, is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of the County of Essex. He was born at Sandwich, March 35, 1831. Mr. Askin was an officer of the 13th Battalion, Hamilton, and was present at the affair of Ridgeway, June 2, 1866. He still resides at the old home (called Strabane) of his father ^^^^^Kssi'-i^^^ ' : ' .. ^^^w-^-r-'"^ f^ ^^^^^^^^H /yfl i i ^^^Bl JSSi ^bkI^ 1 1 Wm^^^m 1 wB^^^i^^^l ■ '^^^^^^IL. ^ ' ' 'M ^^^^^^H^^^^ 'JSS^^^^^ ^^^^h— "'"l-^M ALEXANDER LUCIER. Councillor for the Town of Sandwich in 1907 and the present year — 1909, per cent. He says he needs the money for wood, paper and ink. "This very day," he says, "the postmaster brought in a bill for postage of £10. Where shall we find the means to pay it? Echo answers where." The Battle of Windsor. The battle of Windsor took place on December 4, 1838, and The Herald contains a full account of it, the editor himself, being in the thick of the fray. "Of the brigands and pirates," writes Col. Prince, 218 the officers in command, "21 were killed and four taken prisoners, all of whom 1 ordered to be shot upon the spot and which was done accord- ingly." Two Canadian volunteers were burned to death in a house the "Patriots" set fire to, one volunteer was shot and Dr. Hume was foully- murdered. This was our total loss. Subsequently 26 more prisoners were taken in and jailed at Sandwich, most of whom, the report says, were citizens of the United States. The "Patriot's" general, Col. Prince" said, was a Yankee, and their second in command, a man named Pul- man, from London. The invaders, 450 in number, crossed the river opposite Belle Isle, and immediately upon landing burned the steam barge Thames. THE HISTORIC ASKIN HOMESTEAD. In Sandwich East (above Walkerville), now the home of Alexander H. Askin, the grandson of John Askin, who did heroic service during the Pontiac War in 1762. In 1796, when Detroit was formally made a part of the Union, John Askin, thro^gh his steadfast loyalty to Great Britain, lost his property in Detroit, now worth nearly six million dollars, and moved to the site o* the present homestead. In 184S the original building was removed and the present home erected. Gen. Theler's Fierce Declaration. Gen. Theller of the Patriots is said to have declared at a meeting in Detroit, his intention of raising 2,000 men and to lay waste to our towns and villages along the frontier, that he hoped to have the satisfaction of washing his hands in the blood of Col. John Prince. A premium of 219 $2,000, the paper says, was subscribed by merchants of Detroit for the party who would take Col. Prince alive to Detroit or $1,500 for his dead body. The Herald Stands by Col. Prince. Col. Prince's action in having the four prisoners shot did not wholly meet with the approval of all- the citizens of Sandwich The Herald vigorously defended him, however, and for so doing lost nine of its 150 subscribers. These gentlemen were: Capt. Bell, Charles Askin, James Dougall, Charles Baby, Col. Wm. Elliott, W. R. Wood, Francis Baby, Robert Mercer and J. G. Watson. duty while in charge of the Colchester Light- ship, when it foundered at he anchorage in Lake Erie during a terrific storm November 11, 1883. CAPT. JAMES FORREST. For many years a resident of Sandwich. He lost his life while in discharge of his JAMES H. KENNING, Inspector of Inland Revenue, Windsor, Ont. Fought a Duel. The Western Herald of February 14, 1839, refers to the duel which took place between Col. Prince and the Assistant District Treasurer, W. R. Wood. "A hostile meeting took place at an early hour Monday morning in a field about two miles back of the town, between Col. Prince and W. R. Wood, Esq. Col. Prince was attended by H. Rud- yard, Esq., and Mr. Wood by Lieut. Cameron of the Provincial Volun- teer Militia. At the first shot Col. Prince's pistol missed fire, Mr. Wood fired without effect; at the second Mr. Wood received the Colonel's 220 ball in his right jaw, and we have been informed, discharged his pistol in the air. The parties then left the ground, the wounded gentleman being conveyed home in Col. Prince's sleigh." SOMETHING ABOUT WINDSOR'S FIRST NEWSPAPER. Mr. James P. McEwan has two years of the Windsor Herald, founded and edited by his father, the late John McEwan, who was afterwards sheriff of the county. The Herald was established in January, 1855, and was a well printed and well edited seven column, four page paper. The editor appeared to have a splendid grasp of the political situation of the time and while he gave his support to the Reform party, there was an independent vein to be seen in many of his articles. He was an ardent friend and supporter of Col. Arthur Rankin, who was mem- ber for the 'county in the Legislature which then met in Quebec. The heading of the paper contained the words The Herald and a cut of a dog in his kennel on the watch, together with an engraving of a ship at sea and a cow and the words, "Ever Watchful Over Com- merce and Agriculture." In his prospectus the editor said "that the village after many years of inactivity and dullness had become a place of considerable importance." "The terminus of the Great Western Railway is permanently located here ; at this place also telegraphic communication ends, etc., etc., there- fore the establishing of a newspaper was an absolute necessity, par- ticularly when the fact is taken into consideration that the entire country is unrepresented by the press." Six columns in the second edition are devoted to a speech by Wm. Lyon McKenzie on the voting of a parting address to Lord Elgin, in which, Mr. McKenzie severely critizises His Excellency. Were Patriotic Then, Too. In the second edition is also published a letter from Col. Arthur Rankin, member of the county, to His Excellency, Lord Elgin, offering to raise a regiment of Canadian Volunteers to proceed to the Crimea. Mr. Rankin said he would be proud to devote his life and energy to the noble cause, and it would be, he thought, "the best proof of the fact that a strong feeling of attachment to the mother country still exists in this portion of Her Majesty's Dominion." The same offer, the paper notes, was previously made by Col. Prince, the late member for the county. A school board was in evidence at the time and was composed of John O'Connor, Jr., Francis Caron, Joseph Strong, Mark Richards, Dennis Ouellette and John McEwan. The steamer Mohawk was plying between Windsor and Detroit. A notice appeared announcing that the governor-general. Sir Edmund Head, had issued a proclamation changing the "Port of Sandwich" to the "Port of Windsor." 221 John David Askin was appointed landing waiter and searcher in Her Majesty's Customs. A Congregational Church was opeijed. Alexander Bartlet was Secretary of the Agricultural Society. A Mechanics Institute was formed February 33d The Canada Southern Railway was being projected and Engineer Scott was advocating the tunnelling of .the Detroit and Niagara Rivers. Laying of the Corner Stone of the Court House. The issue of May 26, 18.55, contained an account of the laying of the corner stone of the new jail and court house at Sandwich. Justice E. W. B. ARNOLD. Governor of the Sandwich Jail from 1858 to 1863. GEORGE O'CALLIGAN LEECH. Governor of the county jail from 1862 to the time of his death which was March 16, 1884. McLean laid the stone, and besides a history of the county, coins, etc. the names of the persons holding offices were put in. These were : Col. John Prince, ex-member ; Arthur Rankin, member ; Alexander Chewett, Judge County Court ; Samuel S. Macdonell, Warden ; Wm. D. Baby, Sheriff; Col. JameS Askin, Registrar; John A. Wilkinson, Judge of the Surrogate Court; George Bullock, County Treasurer; Charles Baby, Clerk of the Peace; P. H. Morin, Deputy Clerk of the Crown ; Paul John Salter and Pierre H. Morin, Auditors ; James H. Wilkinson, County Clerk. 222 WHEN HULL SURRENDERED DETROIT TO GEN. BROCK. (From The Montreal Standard. ) "It was on one of the attacks on Amberstburg," writes Walter R. Mursey in "The Story of Isaac Brock," that the first scalp in the war of 1813 was taken — not by one of Brock's terrible Indians, but by a captain of Hull's spies. This officer — one hates to describe him as a white man — wrote his wife, he 'had the pleasure of tearing a scalp from the head of a British redskin,' and related at length the brutal details of the method." A few days later Tecumseh and his Indians cut off one of Hull's provision trains and captured a batch of despatches. In that fight Hull's captain of spies met the fate he had inflicted on "the British redskin." GEN. BROCK'S BATTERY. At the head of Brock Street, Windsor, Ont., firing on Fort Shelby, Detroit, Mich. Shortly after Brock's arrival at Amherstburg, Tecumseh was pre- sented to him. "The contrast presented by the two men was striking," writes Brock's biographer, Mursey. "The old world and the new, face to face — a scene for the brush of an impressionist Brock, tall, fair, big- limbed, a blue-eyed giant, imposing in scarlet coat and blue-white riding trousers, tasselled Hessian boots and cocked-hat in hand. On his bene- volent face was an irresistible smile. •"The Indian, though of middle height, was of most perfect pro- portions ; an athlete in bronze, lithe and supple as a panther." The Chief promised that he and his braves would follow Brock and "maintain an honorable warfare." Taking a roll of elm-bark, Tecumseh, with the point of his scalping-knife, traced on its white inner surface a map of the district. 223 That night a council was held. Brock seems to have gone to it with his course pretty well decided upon. He knew that "now or never*' was the time to strike. Almost 400 United States mounted troops were pressing close iipon his rear ; before him was a superior force and he was in danger of being out-flanked or cut off from the interior of Canada. And that would mean disaster to the entire Province whose safety depended on the destruction or defeat of Hull's force. The difficulties and dangers of an offensive movement were pointed out at the council. Finally, Brock spoke. "Gentlemen," said he, "I have definitely decided on crossing the river and attacking Fort Detroit. Instead of further advice, I must beg of you to give me your hearty support." Hull had withdrawn from Sandwich, and Brock now moved up and occupied the place, sending from there a written demand for the sur- render of Detroit, to which Hull replied that he was "prepared to meet any force brought againts him." Upon receipt of this reply Brock ordered his batteries to fire upon the fort. "Through the irony of fate, the first shot fired under Brock's personal orders killed a United States officer, an intimate friend of the British artilleryman who had trained the gun." On the following morning, August 16, Brock's little force in bciteaux and canops crossed over to the Michigan shore, the movement being covered by the fire of the batteries and of the guns of two vessels anchored above the little village that has- since grown into 'the town of Windsor. Brock's entire force consisted of 330 regulars 400 militia, and about 600 Indians, supported by six pieces of artillery. A number of the militia wore discarded uniforms of the 41st Regiment in order to make the regular force appear stronger than it really was. The landing effected, Brock drew up his men in battle array, ready to attack Hull's army of 3,000 men occuping the rising ground before the fort, and across which ran a road commended by artillery, around which gunners stood with burning fuses. But the fuses were not applied to the guns, although Brock's column was now coming on in battle array. The sight strutk fear into the heart of Hull, and ordering his men right-about-face, he marched them back within the walls of the fort. Approaching, Brock ordered up his artillery, the battery at Sandwich in the meantime throwing shells into the United States fortifications. Brock had given the order to "prepare for assault" when an officer bearing a fiag of truce amerged from the fort. The message he bore asked for a cessation of hostilities for an hour in order that negotiations might be entered into for the surrender of Detroit. Before the hour had expired Brock was in possession of the place. Hull surrendered 2,500 men of all ranks, an equal number of muskets, 33 pieces of cannon, a brig-of-war, a large quantity of stores and munitions valued at 239,000, besides the fort, the town of Detroit, and 59,700 square miles of United States territory. The almost bloodless victory was complete, but in less than two months the victor lay dead on Queenston Heights and Canada had lost her best soldier. 224 THE ISLANDS OF THE DETROIT RIVER. Peach Island or (Isle aux Peches) used to be prominent in early- days as the summer home of the great chief and conspirator, Pontiac. It is a Canadian Island and until recently was owned by Mr. Hiram Walker, whose fine residence added much to its beauty. It is now owned by the Detroit, Belle Isle and Windsor Ferry Company who are making extensive improvements upon it. Belle Isle has changed its name four times. First, it was called Isle Ste. Claire; second, Rattlesnake Island from the number of snakes which invested it ; third, Hog Island — Isle Aux Cochous — by the French from the number of animals put there to destroy the snakes; fourthly, on July 4, 1845, the name was changed to Belle Isle, after Miss Bella Cass, daughter of General Cass, afterwards the wife of Baron Yon Limburg. The island contains 704 acres. On the first day of August, 1768, it was purchased from the Indians of the Ottawa and Chippewa nations in council (under direction of His Majesty's commander-in- chief) and conveyed to St. George McDougall, Lieutenant of the Six- tieth Regiment British troops for a sum amounting to £190 ten shill- ings York money. A few years ago the City of Detroit, at an expense of over $2,000,000, has converted it into a park and for splendar and beauty is without a rival on the American continent at the present time. It was surveyed by Mr. Boyd in 1771. Grosse Isle was granted by Governor Simcoe to William Macomb on July 5, 1793, who was one of the two first members elected to the Upper Canada Parliament for this country. He had previously been allowed by Lieutenant-Governor Hamilton to occupy it. Mr. Macomb changed his allegiance and remained on his island home. It is an American Island. Mr. Macomb's granddaughter was married to the late Hon. W. D. Balfour, who represented South Essex in the Ontario Legislature. Bois Blanc Island, the seat of the Huron Mission in 1773 and for some years thereafter, was ceded to the British. It contains 320 acres and was patented to the late Col. Arthur Rankin in 1874. It is now used as a park by the Detroit, Windsor and Belle Isle Ferry Company. Wa-we-a-tu-nong — Indian name for Detroit River. Erie in the Huron language signifies cat. DETROIT RIVER NAVIGATION. (By Robert Stuart Woods.) Having had our chat about the islands of the river let us ask when we first heard of the navigation of it. As to vessels, the Grifin must be first named and for the following particulars I am indebted to Farmer's valuable history of Detroit. Her tonnage is variously stated at forty-five to sixty tons. She carried five cannon and was built by LaSalle at the mouth of the Cayuga Creek near Niagara in the spring of 1679. After several short trial trips on the 7th August with Cheva- lier LaSalle, Father Louis Hennepin and some others, thirty-two in 225 all, she started on her first real voyage, arriving at the mouth of the Detroit on August 10, 1679. Two days after, on the festival of Sainte Claire, she entered the little lake which was christened Lake Ste. Clair, in honor of the founder of the Franciscan nuns. Two centuries later a gathering at Grosse Pointe rechristened the lake with various exercises, including poems by D. B. Duffield and Judge Campbell, and an address by Belle Hubbard. On her return trip the Griffin left Washington Island in Lake Michigan on the 18th September, 1679. Two days after a storm arose and she was lost. Prior to this in 1669, Joliet was the first Frenchman to descend Lake Erie from Detroit. In 1731 Charlevoix, the great pioneer came up Lake Erie on his way to the Mississippi. After this no sailing vessels are known to have passed- Detroit for nearly half a century. The first we hear of were those engaged in con- veying troops, provisions and furs between Detroit and Niagara. In 1763 and 1764 the schooners Beaver, Gladwin and Charlotte went to and fro constantly, the trip varying from six to nine days. The first vessel known to have been built at Detroit was the Enter- prise. She was launched in 1769. In 1778 the British brig of war, General Gage, arrived, making a trip from Buffalo in four days. On accuont of the Revolutionary war, none but government vessels were then allowed upon the lakes. In 1780 the captains and crews of nine vessels were under pay at Detroit and a large dock-yard was maintained. The names of the ves- sels were the Gage, Dunmore, Faith, Angelica, Hope, Welcome, Felicity and Wyandotte. On August ;lst, 1782, the following named vessels all in good orde» and all built in Detroit — were on duty in Lake Erie, Huron and Michi- gan : Brig Gage, 27 men on board with 14 guns, built in 1772 ; Schooner Hope, 11 men, built in 1772 ; Sloop Anglican, 7 men, built in 1771 ; Sloop Felicity, 6 men, built in 1774 ; Schooner Faith, 48 men, 10 guns, built in 1774 ; Schooner Wyandotte, 7 men, built in 1779 ; Sloop Adventure, 8 men, built in 1776 ; Gun Boat, 11 men, 1 gun. In the spring of 1793, four government vessels were lying in front of the town. Of these the Chippewa and the Ottawa were new brigs of about 300 tons each and carrying eight guns ; another was the Dun- more, an old brig of the same size with six guns ; the fourth was the sloop Felicity armed with two swivels. All of these were under com- mand of Commodore Grant. There were also several sloops and schooners owned by trading firms. Three years later in 1796, twelve merchant vessels were owned in Detroit; also several brigs, sloops and schoones from fifty to one hun- dred tons each. After the surrender to the United States (July, 1796), the schooner Swan, then owned by James May, was hired to convey the first United States troops to Detroit, and was the first vessel on the lakes to bear the United States flag. The second to convey tha United States flag was probably the Detroit, she was purchased by the Government of the Northwest Fur Company. The first steamboat that sailed Lake Erie, the Walk-in-the-Water, after the chief ef the Wyandotte Indians reached Detroit from Buf- falo, August 17, 1818, leaving those on the 23d and taking in sailing 226 about 44 hours and 10 minutes. In 1835 there was still but one steamer on the lakes. The first steamer that we had on the lakes was built here (Chatham) by Duncan McGregor called the "Western," a vessel of some fifty tons and ^twenty-five horse power which McGregor had con- verted out of the Rob Ray, on the river flats immediately below Judge Bell's residence, about the year 1830-1, and which was put on the route between Chatham and Amherstburg. The next year was built at the same place the steamer Thamas of about 300 tons and fifty horse power, and was run as a leading boat between Port Stanley and BuflEalo until burned by the rebels and Patriots at Windsor, on the 4th December, 1838. At the same time was also built the "Cynthia McGregor," called after the wife of the late Duncan McGregor, who with Henry Van Allen, his brother-in-law, built her and she ran between Chatham and Detroit. She was a 100-ton vessel and forty-horse power and ran on the Chat- ham route till she was unfortunately burned; and then came the Brothers by the Eberts' brothers, the first of their long line of steam and sailing vessels. THE DETROIT RIVER. Volume 5 of The Anercana describes the Detroit River as "a river or strait which connects Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie, and forms part of the boundry between the United States and Canada. Detroit is the French word for strait ; and the name was given by the French, the first white men who settled here. Its course is nearly south, with slow current, and sufficient depth of water for the navigation of large vessels. It is 25 miles long and three-fourths of a mile wide opposite the city of Detroit, where it forms an excellent harbor. The tonnage passing through this river exceeds in volume that passing through any other river in the world." The Detroit News-Tribune of a recent date says: By an ingenious mathematical formula it has been ascertained by the government engi- neers that the volume of water discharged by the river is 300,374 gal- lons every second. This means 12,016,440 gallons every minute, 730,- 986,400 gallons every hour, and the vast volume of 17,303,773,600 gal- lons every 34 hours. More tonage passes Detroit than any other city in the world; more ships carrying greater cargoes pass through the Detroit river than ply any other river on the globe. In 1907 the season opened on April 9 and closed Dec. 9, a duration of 345 days. In this length of time 36,890 boats steamed or sailed through the waters of the river, which gives an average of one vessel every 13 minutes. Suppose each of these vessels was no more than 350 feet in length, which is a conservative average, and the entire number, if placed end to end, would reach one-third of the distance around the world, or would form an axis for the earth. When deduction has been made for the pleasure craft, which carry little freight, it has been determined by the Lake Carriers' association that 75,000,000 tons of freight passed through the river last season. This gives an average tonnage of 3,500 tons per vessel, and shows that 227 an kveirige of 3l0 tons passed Detroit every minute in every one of the 24 hours in every day of the season of navigation. When one stops to consider the value of this freight, and how many hundreds of millions of dollars it must amount to, he can gleam some idea of what the com- merce of the great lakes means. But, leaving behind the value of the river to commerce and to tha city from a commercial standpoint, and considering it from a stand- point of the pleasure that may be had on its surface, its value is at least doubled. Think of the hundreds of tiny pleasure craft that con- stantly dot its surface in summer; think of thousands of persons who avail themselves of the delights of sailing, of launching, of rowing, of canoeing that are afforded. Everything that any other river possesses the Detroit river has. It lacks nothing. It is the finest stream in exist- ence. THE WRECK OF THE JULIE PLANTE. Dr. W. H. Drummond, the noted writer of French-Canadian dialect poems, who died in Cobalt April 6, 1907. One of his most popular poems was "The Wreck of the Julie Plante." Believing that it will prove both amusing and interesting to the reader we publish it in full : 'Twas one dark night on Lac St. Clair, De wind was "blow," "blow," "blow," When de crew on de wood skow "Julie Plante" Got scare and run below. For de wind she blow like hurricane, Bineby she blow some more When de skow buss up just off Grosee Pointe Ten acres from the shore. The captain she's walk on the front deck. She's walk on the hind deck, too, She's call the crew from up the hole. She's call the cook also. De cook his name was Rosa He come from Montreal, Was a chambermaid on a lumber barge On dat big Lachine Canal. De wind he's blow from nor' eass' wess' De sou' wind he's blow too, When Rosa say, "Oh, Captain, Whatever shall I do." De captain she's throw the hank, But still that skow she drif. And de crew he can't pass on dat shore Because he loose dat skiff. 228 t>e night was dark like one black cat, De wave ran high and fass When the Captain took poor Rosa And lash her to the mass. When the Captain put on de life preserve And he jump into the lac, And he say, "Grood-by, my Rosa dear, I go down for your sak. Next morning vary hearly, About half-past two, three, four, De Captain, cook and wood skow Lay corpses on dat shore. For the wind she blow like hurricane, Bimeby she blow some more, For dat skow buss up just hoff Grosee Pointe Ten hacres from de shore. Moral. Now all good wood skow sailor mans, Take lesson by that storm And go and marry nice French gal And live on Grosee Pointe farm. Den the wind may blow like hurricane And spose she's blow some more, You can't get drowned on Lac St. Clair So long you stop on shore. ^m THE FIRST MEMBERS OF THE LAND BOARD FOR THE DISTRICT OF HESSE. Major Farnham Close, of the 65th Foot, was the Commandant of the Garrison at Detroit, and held office by virture of his military position. William Dummer Powell, was of Welsh descent, born at Boston in 1755. His grandfather came from England as Secretary to Lieutenant- Governor Dummer. The future Chief Justice of Upper Canada was MRS. ANTOINB BONDY Knitting in the old-fashioned way, in an old-fasKtioned kitchen, sitting by an old-fashioned stove. She is about 82 years old. sent to England to be educatad and he returned to Boston in 1772. After a brief residence in Lower Canada he settled in Detroit in 1789. The journey occupied a long time, taking ten days from Montreal to Kingstone, four, from Kingston to Niagara. Mr. Powell was the first judge whp presided over the Court in the District of Hesse, and was a member of the Land Board. Subsequently he settled in Toronto and 230 retired from the bench in 1825. He had a high reputation as a judge, and bore a conspicuous part in the civil life of his time. It is generally accepted that M. Duperon Baby was the M. Babee who in 1760 negotiated for Bellestre with Roger's representative, as to the surrender of Detroit to the British. He was of an old French family, "grandson of Jacques Baby de Rainville who came to Canada from Guinne with the Carignau regiment." Duperon Baby was born in 1738, was made a justice of the Court of Common Pleas in 1788, and died at Sandwich in 1796. (James). Col. Alexander McKee was Indian Agent at Pittsburg before the Revolutionary War, after the outbreak of which he was imprisoned by the revolutionists at Pittsburg. He effected his escape and co- operated with Sir John Johnson among the Indians, becoming Deputy Superintendent-General. In 1778 he travelled through the Indian territory to Detroit, and greatly assisted in maintaining friendly relations between the tribes and the British Crown, He was a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas at Detroit. His services were greatly appre- ciated by Lord Dorchester, and in his death on the 14th January, 1799, the service lost an able and devoted officer. Alexander Grant was the fourth son of Grant of Glenmoriston, In- vernessshire. He served in the Royal Navy as a midshipman. He was present with Amherst in the Lake Champlain expedition and was after- wards placed in command of the lake vessels from Niagara to Mackinaw with headquarters at Detroit. Hence his title of commodore. He was a member of the Land Board of Hesse, of Simcoe's Executive Council, and Administrator of Upper Canada in 1805, during the interval" be- tween Lt.-Governor Hunter and Lti-Governor Gore. He died in 1813. The late Judge Woods, of Chatham, Ont., was a grandson. William Robertson was one of the most active members of the Land Board. He settled at Detroit in 1782, engaging in general business as a merchant. He was appointed one of the Justices of the Court of Com- mon Pleas in 1788. He appeared before the Council in Quebec in that year on behalf of the inhabitants of Detroit who memorialized the Governor-General on matters touching the administration of justice. He was appointed a member of Simcoe's first Executive Council, but had by that time settled in England and does not appear to have re- turned to Canada again. The name of Lieut. Adhemar St. Martin is among those of the Justices of the Peace for Hesse on the list for 1788, and in the year following he appears as a member of the Land Board of Hesse, hieing then a resident at St. Vincent. He had been for many years prominent in the affairs of the Western settlement, gave valuable service as Commissary' and interpreter in the Pontiac affair, and suffered severe loss of property. His name is associated with the famous Cass House which came into his possession about 1750, and was the birthplace of Major-General Macomb and at one time the home of the Anthons of whom Charles was the distinguished classical author and Editor. Changes began son to take place in the personell of the Board and one of the most prominent of the new members was Col. John Askin. 231 The Askin family attained influence in the Detroit district at an early period. The name was originally the Scottish "Erskine" and was changed to conceal identity after the Jacobite defeat in 1715. One of the old family removed to Ireland and had a son, John Askin who settled in America and at the time of .the Conquest of Canada was a merchant at Albany. In the Pontiac outbreak he transported the supplies from Albany by Lake Erie to Detroit and received, as a reward, grants of land at Detroit. In 1764 he went as Commissary to Michilimackinac, returning in 1780 to Detroit as a trader. He was successful in business and amassed much property, which he abandoned to the States at the close ' of the Revolutionary War. He then settled in Canada on the east side of the Detroit river. He was appointed a Captain of Militia in 1787 by Lord Dorchester and in 1796 was promoted to be Lieut- Colonel and Colonel in 1801. 232 INDEX. PAGES Askin Family 104 — 232 Askin, Alexander H 218 Assumption Parish 164 — 178 Athletic Sports , . . . . 11 5 — 1 1 8 Baby Mansion 48 — 52 Bartlet, Alexander 138 Battle of Windsor 218 — 220 Beeman House 137 Brock's Battery 56^57 Cameron, Donald 138 Casgrain Homestead 109 Clerks of Peace 100 County of Essex 85 — 97 Court House 86 — 222 Cowan Homestead 128 Detroit River 227 — 22S Detroit in 1 820 i b Detroit River Navigation 225 — 227 District and County Clerks 104 District and County Treasurers 106 — 107 District of Hesse 230 — 232 Dougall, James 13S Essex Historical Society 196 — 198 Executions in Sandwich 11 1 — 1 1 5 Fellers, George 17 Fellers Homestead 131 Fenian Raids. . 72 — 80' Ferry Boats 161 — 163 First Baptist Church 195 — 196 First Locomotive 134 Fish Hatchery 61 — 63 Fort Maiden 206 — 207 French Period 6 — 1 1 INDEX— Continued. Gignac, Mrs. Pierre .... lo Girardot, Ernest i6o Girardot, Theodule , . . . . 17 Grist Mill \'.f', i34 Guillot, Lt.-Col. J. C 157 Hands' Homestead 37 — 38 Harrison, Gen. W. H '. 5 ' "Historial Landmarks 127 — 131 Houge of Refuge.. . 92 Indian History i — 5 Islands of Detroit River 225 Judges of Essex . 96 — 98 MacDonell, S. S 135 'McGregor Homestead 216 McKee Homestead 41 Marentette Family 125 — 127 Methodist Church 191 — 194 'Mission House 164 Mission Pear Trees ;'.' . 55 Moy House 8 Newspapers 207 — 2 18, 22 r 'Oldest Free Mason ■. . . . 44 — ^46 Parliamentary Representaties 109 — iii, 203 — 205 Past and Present 80 — 85 Prince, Col. John 66 — 69 Rankin, Col 69 — 70 Hebellion of 1837-8 64 — ^66 Registrars of County loi — 104 St. John's Church 179 — 191 St. Joseph's Church , i Sandwich Township 12 Hotels 119 — 123 Infantry 73 Petroleum Oil Co 58 — 61 Postmasters 37 Stage Notables 124 — 125 Town 13 — 44 IN D EX — Continued , Sheriffs of the County 98 — 100 Sullivan, Capt. John D 163 Surrender of Detroit 233 — 234 Tecumseh 51 Trent Affair 70 — 72 Walker, Hiram 200 Walkerville 198 — 203 War of 1 8 1 2 46 — 47 Wardens of Essex 92 — 95 White, Chief Joseph 2 Wilkinson Homestead 127 Windsor 81, 135 — 160 Windsor Barracks 139 Windsor Castle 1 37 Woods, Judge 198