djiirucll Hniucrstty library Mbaax, Ntui fflnrk WORDSWORTH COLLECTION MADE BY CYNTHIA MORGAN ST. JOHN ITHACA. N Y. THE GIFT OF VICTOR EMANUEL CLASS OF 1919 1925 y 3> '"' : ii ; Ty SZ3ft»l -r-j> ~>. ." ..>>.,. J* ■• i > ^L life £> ■■"". ">-j * * __~.' .::"j> THE POETICAL AND DRAMATIC WORKS OF S. T. COLERIDGE VOL I LONDON WILLIAM PICKERING 1844 Do /j >V ■ r^Aj'&-^ ^X^ , ' CHISWICK : PRINTED BY C. W HITTINGHAM. A f PREFACE. 1 Compositions resembling- those of the present volume are not unfrequently condemned for their querulous egotism. But egotism is to be con- demned then only when it offends against time and place, as in a history or an epic poem. To censure it in a monody or sonnet is almost as ab- surd as to dislike a circle for being round. Why then write Sonnets or Monodies ? Because they give me pleasure when perhaps nothing else could. After the more violent emotions of sor- row, the mind demands amusement, and can find it in employment alone : but full of its late suffer- ings, it can endure no employment not in some measure connected with them. Forcibly to turn away our attention to general subjects is a painful and most often an unavailing effort. " But O ! how grateful to a wounded heart The tale of misery to impart — From others' eyes bid artless sorrows flow, And raise esteem upon the base of woe !" SHAW. 1 To the first and second editions. VI PREFACE. The communicativeness of our nature leads us to describe our own sorrows ; in the endeavour to describe them, intellectual activity is exerted ; and from intellectual activity there results a plea- sure, which is gradually associated, and mingles as a c6rrective, with the painful subject of the description. " True !" (it may be answered) " but how is the Public interested in your sorrows or your description?" We are for ever attributing personal unities to imaginary aggregates. What is the Public, but a term for a number of scattered individuals ? Of whom as many will be interested in these sorrows, as have experienced the same or similar. " Holy be the lay Which mourning soothes the mourner on his way." If I could judge of others by myself, I should not hesitate to affirm, that the most interesting pas- sages in all writings are those in which the author developes his own feelings ? The sweet voice of Cona 1 never sounds so sweetly, as when it speaks of itself; and I should almost suspect that man of an unkindly heart, who could read the opening of the third book of the Paradise Lost without pe- culiar emotion. By a law of our nature, he, who 1 Ossian. PREFACE. Vll labours under a strong feeling, is impelled to seek for sympathy ; but a poet's feelings are all strong. Quicquid amet valde amat. Akenside therefore speaks with philosophical accuracy when he classes Love and Poetry, as producing the same effects : " Love and the wish of Poets when their tongue Would teach to others' bosoms, what so charms Their own." pleasures of imagination. There is one species of egotism which is truly disgusting ; not that which leads us to communi- cate our feelings to others, but that which would reduce the feelings of others to an identity with our own. The atheist, who exclaims, " pshaw !" when he glances his eye on the praises of Deity, is an egotist : an old man, when he speaks con- temptuously of Love-verses, is an egotist : and the sleek favorites of fortune are egotists, when they condemn all " melancholy, discontented" verses. Surely, it would be candid not merely to ask whether the poem pleases ourselves, but to consider whether or no there may not be others, to whom it is well calculated to give an innocent pleasure. I shall only add, that each of my readers will, I hope, remember, that these poems on various subjects, which he reads at one time and under PREFACE. the influence of one set of feelings, were written at different times and prompted by very different feelings ; and therefore that the supposed in- feriority of one poem to another may sometimes be owing to the temper of mind, in which he happens to peruse it. My poems have been rightly charged with a profusion of double-epithets, and a general turgid- ness. I have pruned the double-epithets with no sparing hand ; and used my best efforts to tame the swell and glitter both of thought and diction. 1 This latter fault however bad insinuated itself into my Religious Musings with such intricacy of union, that sometimes I have omitted to disen- 1 Without any feeling of anger, I may yet be allowed to express some degree of surprise, that after having run the critical gauntlet for a certain class of faults, which I had, viz. a too ornate, and elaborately poetic diction, and nothino- having come before the judgment-seat of the Reviewers during the long interval, I should for at least seventeen years, quarter after quarter, have been placed by them in the foremost rank of the proscribed, and made to abide the brunt of abuse and ridicule for faults directly opposite, viz. bald and prosaic language, and an affected simplicity both of matter and manner — faults which assuredly did not enter into the character of my compositions. Literary Life, i. 51. Published 1817. PREFACE. iX tangle the weed from the fear of snapping the flower. A third and heavier accusation has been brought against me, that of obscurity ; but not, I think, with equal justice. An author is obscure, when his conceptions are dim and imperfect, and his language incorrect, or inappropriate, or in- volved. A poem that abounds in allusions, like the Bard of Gray, or one that impersonates high and abstract truths, like Collins's Ode on the po- etical character, claims not to be popular — but should be acquitted of obscurity. The deficiency is in the reader. But this is a charge which every poet, whose imagination is warm and rapid, must expect from his contemporaries. Milton did not escape it ; and it was adduced with virulence against Gray and Collins. We now hear no more of it: not that their poems are better understood at present, than they were at their first publica- tion ; but their fame is established ; and a critic would accuse himself of frigidity or inattention, who should profess not to understand them. But a living writer is yet sub judice ; and if we can- not follow his conceptions or enter into his feel- ings, it is more consoling to our pride to consider him as lost beneath, than as soaring above us. If any man expect from my poems the same easiness of style which he admires in a drinking-song, for X PREFACE. him I have not written. Intelligibilia, non in- tellectum adfero. I expect neither profit nor general fame by my writings ; and I consider myself as having been amply repaid without either. Poetry has been to me its own " exceeding great reward :" it has soothed my afflictions ; it has multiplied and re- fined my enjoyments ; it has endeared solitude ; and it has given me the habit of wishing to dis- cover the Good and the Beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me. S. T. C. CONTENTS. VOLUME I. Juvenile Poems. Page Genevieve 3 Sonnet. To the Autumnal Moon 3 Anthem for the Children of Christ's Hospital 4 Time, real and imaginary 5 Monody on the Death of Chatterton 6 Songs of the Pixies 13 The Raven 18 Music 20 Devonshire Roads 21 Inside the Coach 22 Mathematical Prohlem .. 23 The Nose 27 Monody on a Tea-kettle S9 Absence, a Farewell Ode 30 .Sonnet. On Leaving School 31 To the Muse 32 With Fielding's Amelia 33 Sonnet. On hearing that his Sister's Death was inevitable S3 On Seeing a Youth affectionately welcomed by a Sister 34 The same 35 Pain 35 Life 36 Lines on an Autumnal Evening 36 The Rose 40 The Kiss 41 To a Young Ass 43 Happiness » > 44 Domestic Peace 48 TheSig-h 48 Xll CONTENTS. Juvenile Poems. age Epitaph on an Infant 4 ^ On Imitation *0 Honor *>0 Progress of Vice 53 Lines written at the King's Arms, Ross 54 Destruction of the Bastile 55 Lines to a beautiful Spring in a Village 57 On a Friend who died of a Frenzy Fever induced by calumnious reports 58 To a Young Lady, with a Poem on the French Revolution 60 Sonnet I. " My Heart has thanked thee, Bowles" 62 II. " As late I lay in Slumber's Shadowy Vale" 63 III. " Though roused by that dark vizir Riot rude 64 IV. " When British Freedom from a happier land" 64 V. " It was some Spirit, Sheridan !" 65 VI. " what a loud and fearful shriek'' 66 VII. " As when far off" 66 — VIII. "Thou gentle look" 67 IX. " Pale Roamer through the Night !" 68 X. " Sweet Mercy I" 68 XI. " Thou Bleedest, my Poor Heart" ... 69 . XII. To the Author of the Robbers 70 Lines, composed while climbing Brockley Coomb 70 Lines in the Manner of Spenser 71 Imitated from Ossian 73 The Complaint of Ninathoma 74 Imitated from the Welsh 75 To an Infant 75 Lines in Answer to a Letter from Bristol 76 To a Friend in Answer to a melancholy Letter... 80 Religious Musings 82 The Destiny of Nations, a Vision 98 CONTENTS. Xlll Siuylline Leaves. Page Ode to the Departing Year 121 France, an Ode 128 Fears in Solitude 132 Fire, Famine, and Slaughter 141 Love 145 The Ballad of the Dark Ladie. A Fragment.... 150 Lewti, or the Circassian Love Chaunt 152 The Picture, or the Lover's Resolution 155 The Night Scene, a Dramatic Fragment 162 To an Unfortunate Woman 166 To an Unfortunate Woman at the Theatre 167 Lines composed in a Concert Room 168 The Keepsake 170 To a Lady, with Falconer's Shipwreck 172 To a Young Lady on her recovery from a Fever 173 Something Childish, but very Natural 174 Home-sick: written in Germany 175 Answer to a Child's Question 176 A Child's Evening Prayer 176 The Visionary Hope 177 The Happy Husband 178 Recollections of Love 179 On revisiting the Sea-shore 181 Hymn before Sunrise, in the Vale of Chamouni 183 Lines written in the Album at Elbingerode in the Hartz Forest 187 On observing a Blossom on the First of Feb- ruary 189 The ^Eolian Harp 190 Reflections on having left a place of Retirement 193 To the Rev. George Coleridge 196 Inscription for a Fountain on a Heath 199 A Tombless Epitaph 200 This Lime-Tree Bower my Prison 201 To a Friend, who had declared his intention of writing no more Poetry 20o XIV CONTENTS. Sibylline Leaves. Page To William Wordsworth, composed on the night after his recitation of a Poem on the growth of an individual mind 206 The Nightingale 211 Frost at Midnight 216 The Three Graves 219 — Dejection, an Ode 235 Ode to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire 241 Ode to Tranquillity 244 To a Young Friend, on his proposing to domes- ticate with the Author 246 Lines to W. L. while he sang a song to Purcell's Music 249 Addressed to a Young Man of Fortune 249 Sonnet. To the River Otter 250 Composed on a journey homeward after hearing of the birth of a Son 251 To a Friend 252 The Virgin's Cradle Hymn 252 Epitaph on an Infant 253 Melancholy, a Fragment 253 Tell's Birth Place 254 A Christmas Carol 256 Human Life 258 Moles 259 The Visit of the Gods 259 Elegy, imitated from Akenside 261 Separation 262 On taking leave of 263 The Pang more sharp than all 263 Kubla Khan 266 The Pains of Sleep 270 Limbo 272 Ne plus ultra 273 Apologetic Preface to Fire, Famine, and Slaughter 274 JUVENILE POEMS VOL. I. GENEVIEVE. Maid of my Love, sweet Genevieve ! In Beauty's light you glide along : Your eye is like the star of eve, And sweet your Voice, as Seraph's song. Yet not your heavenly Beauty gives This heart with passion soft to glow : Within your soul a Voice there lives I It bids you hear the tale of Woe. When sinking low the Sufferer wan Beholds no hand outstretcht to save, Fair, as the bosom of the Swan That rises graceful o'er the wave, I've seen your breast with pity heave,. And therefore love I you, sweet Genevieve ! SONNET. TO THE AUTUMNAL MOON. Mild Splendour of the various-vested Night ! Mother of wildly- working visions ! hail ! I watch thy gliding, while with watery light Thy weak eye glimmers through a fleecy veil ; 4 JUVENILE POEMS And when thou lovest thy pale orb to shroud Behind the gathered blackness lost on high ; And when thou dartest from the wind-rent cloud Thy placid lightning o'er the awakened sky. Ah such is Hope ! as changeful and as fair ! Now dimly peering on the wistful sight ; Now hid behind the dragon-winged Despair : But soon emerging in her radiant might She o'er the sorrow-clouded breast of Care Sails, like a meteor kindling in its flight. ANTHEM FOR THE CHILDREN OF CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. Seraphs ! around th' Eternal's seat who throng With tuneful extacies of praise : O ! teach our feeble tongues like yours the song Of fervent gratitude to raise — Like you, inspir'd with holy flame To dwell on that Almighty name Who bade the child of woe no longer sisrh. And Joy in tears o'erspread the Widow's eye. Th' all-gracious Parent hears the wretch's prayer ; The meek tear strongly pleads on high ; Wan Resignation struggling with despair The Lord beholds with pitying eye ; Sees cheerless want unpitied pine, Disease an earth its head recline, JUVENILE POEMS. O And bids compassion seek the realms of woe To heal the wounded, and to raise the low. She comes ! she comes ! the meek ey'd power I see With liberal hand that loves to bless ; The clouds of sorrow at her presence flee ; Rejoice ! rejoice '. ye children of distress ! The beams that play around her head Thro' want's dark vale their radiance spread : The young uncultur'd mind imbibes the ray, And vice reluctant quits th' expected prey. Cease, thou lorn mother ! cease thy wailings drear ; Ye babes ! the unconscious sob forego ; Or let full gratitude now prompt the tear Which erst did sorrow force to flow. Unkindly cold and tempest shrill In life's morn oft the traveller chill, But soon his path the sun of Love shall warm ; And each glad scene look brighter for the storm ! 1789. TIME, REAL AND IMAGINARY. AN ALLEGORY. On the wide level of a mountain's head, (I knew not where, but 'twas some faery place) Their pinions, ostrich-like, for sails outspread, Two lovely children run an endless race, 6 JUVENILE POEMS. A sister and a brother ! That far outstripp'd the other ; Yet ever runs she with reverted face, And looks and listens for the boy behind : For he, alas ! is blind ! O'er rough and smooth with even step he passed, And knows not whether he be first or last. MONODY ON THE DEATH OF CHATTERTOT*. O what a wonder seems the fear of death, Seeing how gladly we all sink to sleep, Babes, Children, Youths, and Men, Night following night for threescore years and ten ! But doubly strange, where life is but a breath To sigh and pant with, up Want's rugged steep. Away, Grim Phantom ! Scorpion King, away ! Reserve thy terrors and thy stings display For coward Wealth and Guilt in robes of State ! Lo ! by the grave I stand of one, for whom A prodigal Nature and a niggard Doom (That all bestowing, this withholding all,) Made each chance knell from distant spire or dome Sound like a seeking Mother's anxious call, Return, poor Child ! Home, weary Truant, home ! Thee, Chatterton ! these unblest stones protect JUVENILE POEMS. 7 From want, and the bleak freezings of neglect. Too long before the vexing Storm-blast driven Here hast thou found repose ! beneath this sod ! Thou ! O vain word ! thou dwell'st not with the clod ! Amid the shining Host of the Forgiven Thou at the throne of Mercy and thy God The triumph of redeeming Love dost hymn (Believe it, O my Soul !) to harps of Seraphim. Yet oft, perforce, ('tis suffering Nature's call) I weep, that heaven-born Genius so should fall ; And oft, in Fancy's saddest hour, my soul Averted shudders at the poisoned bowl. Now groans my sickening heart, as still I view Thy corse of livid hue ; Now indignation checks the feeble sigh, [eye ! Or flashes through the tear that glistens in mine Is this the land of song-ennobled line ? Is this the land, where Genius ne'er in vain Poured forth his lofty strain ? Ah me ! yet Spenser, gentlest bard divine, Beneath chill Disappointment's shade, His weary limbs in lonely anguish laid ; And o'er her darling dead Pity hopeless hung her head, While " mid the pelting of that merciless storm," Sunk to the cold earth Otway's famished form ! Sublime of thought, and confident of fame, 8 JUVENILE POEMS. From vales where Avon winds the Minstrel 1 came. Light-hearted youth ! aye, as he hastes along, He meditates the future song, How dauntless jElla fray'd the Dacyan foe ; And while the numbers flowing strong In eddies whirl, in surges throng, Exulting in the spirits' genial throe In tides of power his life-blood seems to flow. And now his cheeks with deeper ardors flame, His eyes have glorious meanings, that declare More than the light of outward day shines there, A holier triumph and a sterner aim ! Wings grow within him ; and he soars above Or Bard's or Minstrel's lay of war or love. Friend to the friendless, to the Sufferer health, He hears the widow's prayer, the good man's praise ; To scenes of bliss transmutes his fancied wealth, And young - and old shall now see happy days. On many a waste he bids trim Gardens rise, Gives the blue sky to many a prisoner's eyes ; And now in wrath he grasps the patriot steel, And her own iron rod he makes Oppression feel. Sweet Flower of Hope ! free Nature's genial child ! That didst so fair disclose thy early bloom, Filling the wide air with a rich perfume ! For thee in vain all heavenly aspects smil'd ; • 1 Avon, a river near Bristol ; the birth-place of Chatterton. JUVENILE POEMS. 9 From the hard world brief respite could they win — The frost nipp'd sharp without, the canker prey'd within ! Ah ! where are fled the charms of vernal Grace, And Joy's wild gleams that lighten'd o'er thy face I Youth of tumultuous soul, and haggard eye ! Thy wasted form, thy hurried steps I view, On thy wan forehead starts the lethal dew, And oh ! the anguish of that shuddering sigh ! Such were the struggles of the gloomy hour, When Care, of withered brow, Prepared the poison's death-cold power : Already to thy lips was raised the bowl, When near thee stood Affection meek (Her bosom bare, and wildly pale her cheek) Thy sullen gaze she bade thee roll On scenes that well might melt thy soul ; Thy native cot she flashed upon thy view, Thy native cot, where still, at close of day, Peace smiling sate, and listened to thy lay ; Thy Sister's shrieks she bade thee hear, And mark thy mother's thrilling tear ; See, see her breast's convulsive throe, Her silent agony of woe ! Ah ! dash the poisoned chalice from thy hand ! And thou had'st dashed it, at her soft command, But that Despair and Indignation rose, And told again the story of thy woes ; 10 JUVENILE POEMS. Told the keen insult of the unfeeling 1 heart ; The dread dependence on the low-born mind ; Told every pang, with which thy soul must smart, Neglect, and grinning Scorn, and Want combined ! Recoiling quick, thou bad'st the friend of pain Roll the black tide of Death through every freez-*- ing vein ! O Spirit blest ! Whether the Eternal's throne around, Amidst the blaze of Seraphim, Thou pourest forth the grateful hymn ; Or soaring thro' the blest domain Enrapturest Angels with thy strain, — Grant me, like thee, the lyre to sound, Like thee with fire divine to glow ; — But ah ! when rage the waves of woe, Grant me with firmer breast to meet their hate, And soar beyond the storm with upright eye elate ! Ye woods ! that wave o'er Avon's rocky steep, To Fancy's ear sweet is your murmuring deep ! For here she loves the cypress wreath to weave Watching, with wistful eye, the saddening tints of eve. Here, far from men, amid this pathless grove, In solemn thought the Minstrel wont to rove Like star-beam on the slow sequestered tide Lone-glittering, through the high tree branching wide. JUVENILE POEMS. 1 1 And here, in Inspiration's eager hour, When most the big soul feels the mastering power, These wilds, these caverns roaming o'er, Round which the screaming sea-gulls soar, With wild unequal steps he passed along, Oft pouring on the winds a broken song : Anon, upon some rough rock's fearful brow Would pause abrupt — and gaze upon the waves below. Poor Chatterton ! he sorrows for thy fate Who would have praised and loved thee, ere too late. Poor Chatterton ! farewell ! of darkest hues This chaplet cast I on thy unshaped tomb ; But dare no longer on the sad theme muse, Lest kindred woes persuade a kindred doom : For oh ! big gall-drops, shook from Folly's wing, Have blackened the fair promise of my spring ; And the stern Fate transpierced with viewless dart The last pale Hope that shivered at my heart ! Hence, gloomy thoughts ! no more my soul shall dwell On joys that were ! No more endure to weigh The shame and anguish of the evil day, Wisely forgetful ! O'er the ocean swell Sublime of Hope I seek the cottaged dell Where Virtue calm with careless step may stray; And, dancing to the moon-light roundelay, The wizard passions weave a holy spell ! 12 JUVENILE POEMS. O Chatterton ! that thou wert yet alive ! Sure thou would'st spread the canvass to the gale, And love with us the tinkling team to drive O'er peaceful Freedom's undivided dale ; And we, at sober eve, would round thee throng, Would hang, enraptured, on thy stately song, And greet with smiles the young-eyed Poesy All deftly masked, as hoar Antiquity. Alas, vain Phantasies ! the fleeting brood Of Woe self-solaced in her dreamy mood ! Yet will I love to follow the sweet dream, Where Susquehana pours his untamed stream ; And on some hill, whose forest- frowning side Waves o'er the murmurs of his calmer tide, Will raise a solemn Cenotaph to thee, Sweet Harper of time-shrouded Minstrelsy ! And there, soothed sadly by the dirgeful wind, Muse on the sore ills I had left behind. r JUVENILE POEMS. 13 SONGS OF THE PIXIES. The Pixies, in the superstition of Devonshire, are a race of being's invisibly small, and harmless or friendly to man. At a small distance from a village in that county, half way up a wood-covered hill, is an excavation called the Pixies' Parlour. The roots of old trees form its ceiling ; and on its sides are innumerable cyphers, among which the author discovered his own and those of his brothers, cut by the hand of their childhood. At the foot of the hill flows the river Otter. To this place the Author, during the Summer months of the year 1 793, conducted a party of young ladies ; one of whom, of stature elegantly small, and of complexion colourless yet clear, was proclaimed the Faery Queen. On which occasion the following Irregular Ode was written. I. Whom the untaught Shepherds call Pixies in their madrigal, Fancy's children, here we dwell : Welcome, Ladies ! to our cell. Here the wren of softest note Builds its nest and warbles well; Here the blackbird strains his throat ; Welcome, Ladies ! to our cell. When fades the moon to shadowy-pale, And scuds the cloud before the gale, Ere the Morn, all gem-bedight, I 1 4 JUVENILE POEMS. Hath streak'd the East with rosy light, We sip the furze-flower's fragrant dews Clad in robes of rainbow hues : Or sport amid the shooting gleams To the tune of distant-tinkling teams, While lusty Labour scouting sorrow Bids the Dame a glad good-morrow, Who jogs the accustomed road along, And paces cheery to her cheering song. But not our filmy pinion We scorch amid the blaze of day, When Noontide's fiery-tressed minion Flashes the fervid ray. Aye from the sultry heat We to the cave retreat O'ercanopied by huge roots intertwined With wildest texture, blackened o'er with age : Round them their mantle green the ivies bind, Beneath whose foliage pale Fanned by the unfrequent gale We shield us from the Tyrant's mid-day rage. Thither, while the murmuring throng Of wild-bees hum their drowsy song, By Indolence and Fancy brought, A youthful Bard, " unknown to Fame," Wooes the Queen of Solemn Thought, JUVENILE POEMS. 15 And heaves the gentle misery of a sigh Gazing with tearful eye, As round our sandy grot appear Many a rudely sculptured name To pensive Memory dear ! Weaving gay dreams of sunny-tinctured hue We glance before his view : O'er his hush'd soul our soothing witcheries shed And twine the future garland round his head. v. When Evening's dusky car Crowned with her dewy star Steals o'er the fading sky in shadowy flight ; On leaves of aspen trees We tremble to the breeze Veiled from the grosser ken of mortal sight. Or, haply, at the visionary hour, Along our wildly-bowered sequestered walk, We listen to the enamoured rustic's talk ; Heave with the heavings of the maiden's breast, Where young-eyed Loves have hid their turtle nest ; Or guide of soul-subduing power The glance, that from the half-confessing eye Darts the fond question or the soft reply. Or through the mystic ringlets of the vale We flash our faery feet in gamesome prank ; Or, silent-sandal'd, pay our defter court, 16 JUVENILE POEMS. Circling the Spirit of the Western Gale, Where wearied with his flower-caressing sport, Supine he slumbers on a violet bank ; Then with quaint music hymn the parting- gleam By lonely Otter's sleep-persuading stream ; Or where his wave with loud unquiet song Dashed o'er the rocky channel froths along ; Or where, his silver waters smoothed to rest, The tall tree's shadow sleeps upon his breast. Hence thou lingerer, Light ! Eve saddens into Night. Mother of wildly- working dreams ! we view The sombre hours, that round thee stand With down-cast eyes (a duteous band) ! Their dark robes dripping with the heavy dew. Sorceress of the ebon throne ! Thy power the Pixies own, When round thy raven brow Heaven's lucent roses glow, And clouds in watery colours drest Float in light drapeiy o'er thy sable vest : What time the pale moon sheds a softer day Mellowing the woods beneath its pensive beam : For mid the quivering light 'tis ours to play, Aye dancing to the cadence of the stream. VIII. Welcome, Ladies ! to the cell Where the blameless Pixies dwell : JUVENILE POEMS. 17 But thou, sweet Nymph ! proclaimed our Faeiy Queen, With what obeisance meet Thy presence shall we greet ? For lo ! attendant on thy steps are seen Graceful Ease in artless stole, And white-robed Purity of soul, With Honour's softer mien ; Mirth of the loosely-flowing hair, And meek-eyed Pity eloquently fair, Whose tearful cheeks are lovely to the view. As snow-drop wet with dew. IX. Unboastful Maid ! though now the Lily pale Transparent grace thy beauties meek ; Yet ere again along the impurpling vale, The purpling vale and elfin-haunted grove, Young Zephyr his fresh flowers profusely throws, We'll tinge with livelier hues thy cheek ; And, haply, from the nectar-breathing Rose Extract a Blush for Love ! VOL. I. 18 JUVENILE VOEMS. THE RAVEN. A CHRISTMAS TALE, TOLD BY A SCHOOL-BO Y TO HIS LITTLE BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Underneath an old oak tree There was of swine a huge company That grunted as they crunched the mast : For that was ripe, and fell full fast. Then they trotted away, for the wind grew high : One acorn they left, and no more might you spy. Next came a Raven, that liked not such folly : He belonged, they did say, to the witch Melancholy ! Blacker was he than blackest jet, Flew low in the rain, and his feathers not wet. He picked up the acorn and buried it straight By the side of a river both deep and great. Where then did the Raven go ? He went high and low, Over hill, over dale, did the black Raven go. Many Autumns, many Springs Travelled he with wandering wings : Many Summers, many Winters — 1 can't tell half his adventures. At length he came back, and with him a She, And the acorn was grown to a tall oak tree. They built them a nest in the topmost bough, And young ones they had. and were happy enow JUVENILE POEMS. 19 But soon came a woodman in leathern guise, His brow, like a pent-house, hung 1 over his eyes. He'd an axe in his hand, not a word he spoke, But with many a hem ! and a sturdy stroke, At length he brought down the poor Raven's own oak . His young ones were killed ; for they could not depart, And their mother did die of a broken heart. The boughs from the trunk the woodman did sever ; And they floated it down on the course of the river. They sawed it in planks, and its bark they did strip, And with this tree and others they made a good ship. The ship, it was launched ; but in sight of the land Such a storm there did rise as no ship could withstand . It bulged on a rock^ and the waves rushed in fast : Round and round flew the Raven, and cawed to the blast. He heard the last shriek of the perishing souls — See ! See ! o'er the topmast the mad water rolls ! Right glad was the Raven, and off he went fleet, And Death riding home on a cloud he did meet, And he thank'd him again and again for this treat: They had taken his all, and Revenge it was sweet ! 20 JUVENILE POEMS. MUSIC. Hence, soul-dissolving Harmony That lead'st th' oblivious soul astray— Though thou sphere descended be — Hence away ! — Thou mightier Goddess, thou demand'st my lay, Born when earth was seiz'd with cholic ; Or as more sapient sages say, What time the Legion diabolic Compelled their beings to enshrine In bodies vile of herded swine, Precipitate adown the steep With hideous rout were plunging in the deep, And hog and devil mingling grunt and yell Seiz'd on the ear with horrible obtrusion ; — Then if aright old legendaries tell, Wert tbou begot by Discord on Confusion ! What tho' no name's sonorous power Was given thee at thy natal hour ! — Yet oft I feel thy sacred might, While concords wing their distant fligbt. Such power inspires thy holy son Sable clerk of Tiverton. And oft where Otter sports his stream, I hear thy banded offspring scream. Thou Goddess ! thou inspir'st each throat ; 'Tis thou who pour'st the scritch owl note ! JUVENILE POEMS. 21 Transported hear'st thy children all Scrape and blow and squeak and squall, And while old Otter's steeple rings, Clappest hoarse thy raven wings ! 1790. DEVONSHIRE ROADS. The indignant Bard compos'd this furious ode, As tir'd he dragg'd his way thro' Plimtree road ! Crusted with filth and stuck in mire Dull sounds the Bard's bemudded lyre ; Nathless Revenge and Ire the Poet goad To pour his imprecations on the road. Curst road ! whose execrable way Was darkly shadow'd out in Milton's lay, When the sad fiends thro' Hell's sulphureous roads Took the first survey of their new abodes ; Or when the fall'n Archangel fierce Dar'd through the realms of Night to pierce, What time the Blood Hound lur'd by Human scent Thro' all Confusion's quagmires floundering went. •Nor cheering pipe, nor Bird's shrill note Around thy dreary paths shall float ; Their boding songs shall scritch owls pour To fright the guilty shepherds sore, Led by the wandering fires astray Thro' the dank horrors of thy way ! 22 JUVENILE POEMS. While they their mud-lost sandals hunt May all the curses, which they grunt In raging moan like goaded hog, Alight upon thee, damned Bog ! 1790. INSIDE THE COACH. Tis hard on Bagshot Heath to try Unclos'd to keep the weary eye ; But ah ! Oblivion's nod to get In rattling coach is harder yet. Slumbrous God of half shut eye ! Who lov'st with Limbs supine to lie ; Soother sweet of toil and care Listen, listen to my prayer ; And to thy votary dispense Thy soporific influence ! What tho' around thy drowsy head The seven-fold cap of night be spread, Yet lift that drowsy head awhile And yawn propitiously a smile ; In drizzly rains poppean dews O'er the tir'd inmates of the Coach diffuse And when thou'st charm 'd our eyes to rest Pillowing the chin upon the breast, Bid many a dream from thy dominions Wave its various-painted pinions, Till ere the splendid visions close JUVENILE POEMS. 23 We snore quartettes in extacy of nose. While thus we urge our airy course, Oh may no jolt's electric force Our fancies from their steeds unhorse, And call us from thy fairy reign To dreary Bagshot Heath again ! 1790. If Pegasus will let thee only ride him, Spurning my clumsy efforts to o'erstride him, Some fresh expedient the Muse will try, And walk on stilts, although she cannot fly. DEAR BROTHER, I have often been surprised that Mathematics, the quintessence of Truth, should have found admirers so few and so languid. Frequent con- sideration and minute scrutiny have at length un- ravelled the case ; viz. that though Reason is feasted, Imagination is starved ; whilst Reason is luxuriating in its proper Paradise, Imagination is wearily travelling on a dreary desart. To assist Reason by the stimulus of Imagination is the de- sign of the following production. In the execu- tion of it much may be objectionable. The verse (particularly in the introduction of the ode) may be accused of unwarran table liberties, but they are liberties equally homogeneal with the exact- ness of Mathematical disquisition, and the bold- ness of Pindaric daring. I have three strong 24 JUVENILE POEMS. champions to defend me against the attacks of Criticism ; the Novelty, the Difficulty, and the Utility of the work. I may justly plume myself, that I first have drawn the nymph Mathesis from the visionary caves of abstracted Idea, and caused her to unite with Harmony. The first-born of this Union I now present to you ; with interested motives indeed — as I expect to receive in return the more valuable offspring 1 of your Muse. March 31, 1791. Thine ever, To the Rev. G. C. Q T P This is now — this was erst, Proposition the first — and Problem the first. On a given finite line Which must no way incline ; To describe an equi — — lateral Tri — — A, N, G, E, L, E. Now let A. B. Be the given line Which must no way incline ; The great Mathematician Makes this Requisition, That we describe an Equi — — lateral Tri — — angle on it : Aid us Reason — aid us Wit ! JUVENILE POEMS. 2.5 From the centre A. at the distance A. B. Describe the circle B. C. D. At the distance B. A. from B. the centre The round A. C. E. to describe boldly venture. (Third postulate see.) And from the point C. In which the circles make a potber Cutting and slashing one another, Bid the straight lines a journeying go. C. A. C. B. those lines will show To the points, which by A. B . are reckon'd, And postulate the second For Authority ye know. A. B. C. Triumphant shall be An Equilateral Triangle, Not Peter Pindar carp, nor Zoilus can wrangle. in. Because the point A. is the centre Of the circular B. CD. And because the point B. is the centre Of the circular A. C. E. A. C. to A. B. and B. C. to B. A. Harmoniously equal for ever must stay ; Then C. A. and B. C. Both extend the kind hand To the basis A. B, 26 JUVENILE POEMS. Unambitiously join'd in Equality's Band. But to the same powers, when two powers are equal, My mind forebodes the sequel ; My mind does some celestial impulse teach, And equalizes each to each. Thus C. A. with B. C. strikes the same sure al- liance, That C. A. and B. C. had with A. B. before ; And in mutual affiance None attempting to soar Above another, The unanimous three C. A. and B. C. and A. B. All are equal, each to his brother, Preserving the balance of power so true : Ah ! the like would the proud Autocratix 1 do ! At taxes impending not Britain would tremble, Nor Prussia struggle her fear to dissemble ; Nor the Mah'met-sprung wight The great Mussulman Would stain his Divan With Urine the soft-flowing daughter of Fright. But rein your stallion in, too daring Nine ! Should Empires bloat the scientific line ? Or with dishevell'd hair all madly do ye run For transport that your task is done 1 1 Empress of Russia. JUVENILE POEMS. 27 For done it is — the cause is tried ! And Proposition, gentle maid, Who soothly ask'd stern Demonstration's aid, Has prov'd her right, and A. B. C. Of Angles three Is shown to be of equal side ; And now our weary steed to rest in fine, Tis raised upon A. B. the straight, the given line. THE NOSE Ye souls unus'd to lofty verse, Who sweep the earth with lowly wing, Like sand before the blast disperse — A Nose ! a mighty Nose I sing ! As erst Prometheus stole from heaven the fire To animate the wonder of his hand ; Thus with unhallow'd hands, O muse, aspire, And from my subject snatch a burning brand ! So like the Nose I sing — my verse shall glow — Like Phlegethon my verse in waves of fire shall flow! Light of this once all darksome spot Where now their glad course mortals run, First-born of Sirius begot Upon the focus of the sun — I'll call thee ! for such thy earthly name — What name so high, but what too low must be? 28 JUVENILE POEMS. Comets, when most they drink the solar flame Are but faint types and images of thee ! Burn madly Fire ! o'er earth in ravage run, Then blush for shame more red by fiercer outdone ! I saw when from the turtle feast The thick dark smoke in volumes rose ! I saw the darkness of the mist Encircle thee, O Nose! Shorn of thy rays thou shott'st a fearful gleam (The turtle quiver'd with prophetic fright) Gloomy and sullen thro' the night of steam : — So Satan's Nose when Dunstan urg'd to flight, Glowing from gripe of red hot pincers dread Athwart the smokes of H ell disastrous twilight shed ! The furies to madness my brain devote — In robes of ice my body wrap ! On billowy flames of fire I float, Hear ye, my entrails how they snap ? Some power unseen forbids my lungs to breathe ! What fire-clad meteors round me whizzing fly! I vitrify thy torrid zone beneath Proboscis fierce ! I am calcin'd ! I die ! Thus, like great Pliny, in Vesuvius' fire, I perish in the blaze while I the blaze admire. 1789. JUVENILE POEMS. 29 MONODY ON A TEA-KETTLE. O muse who sangest late another's pain, To griefs domestic turn thy coal-black steed ! With slowest steps thy funeral steed must go, Nodding his head in all the pomp of woe : Wide scatter round each dark and deadly weed, And let the melancholy dirge complain, [run) (While Bats shall shriek and Dogs shall howling The tea-kettle is spoilt and Coleridge is undone ! Your cheerful songs, ye unseen crickets cease ! Let songs of grief your alter'd minds engage ! For he who sang responsive to your lay, What time the joyous bubbles 'gan to play, The sooty swain has felt the fire's fierce rage ; — Yes he is gone, and all my woes increase ; I heard the Water issuing from the Wound — No more the Tea shall pour its flagrant steams around ! O Goddess best beloved, delightful Tea ! [vine ? With thee compar'd what yields the madd'ning Sweet power ! who know'st to spread the calm delight, And the pure joy prolong to midmost night ! Ah ! must I all thy varied sweets resign ? Enfolded close in grief thy form I see No more wilt thou extend thy willing arms, Receive the fervent Jove and yield him all thy charm? i 30 JUVENILE POEMS. How sink the mighty low by Fate opprest ! — Perhaps O Kettle ! thou by scornful toe Rude urg'd t' ignoble place with plaintive din, May'st rust obscure midst heaps of vulgar tin ; — As if no joy had ever seiz'd my breast [fly, — When from thy spout the streams did arching As if infus'd thou ne'er hadst known t' inspire All the warm raptures of poetic fire ! But hark ! or do I fancy the glad voice — " What tho' the swain did wondrous charms dis- close — (Not such did Memnon's sister sable drest) Take these bright arms with royal face imprest, A better Kettle shall thy soul rejoice, And with Oblivion's wings o'erspread thy woes !" Thus Fairy Hope can soothe distress and toil ; On empty Trivets she bids fancied Kettles boil ! 1790. ABSENCE. A FAREWELL ODE ON QUITTING SCHOOL FOR JESUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Where graced with many a classic spoil Cam rolls his reverend stream alono - , I haste to urge the learned toil That sternly chides my love-lorn sono- : Ah me ! too mindful of the days Illumed by Passion's orient rays, JUVENILE POEMS. 31 When peace, and Cheerfulness, and Health Enriched me with the best of wealth. Ah fair Delights ! that o'er my soul On Memory's wing, like shadows fly ! Ah Flowers ! which Joy from Eden stole While Innocence stood smiling by ! — But cease, fond Heart ! this bootless moan : Those Hours on rapid Pinions flown Shall yet return, by Absence crowned, And scatter livelier roses round. The Sun who ne'er remits his fires On heedless eyes may pour the day : The Moon, that oft from Heaven retires, Endears her renovated ray. What though she leave the sky unblest To mourn awhile in murky vest ? When she relumes her lovely Light, We bless the Wanderer of the Night/ SONNET. ON THE SAME. Farewell parental scenes ! a sad farewell ! To you my grateful heart still fondly clings, Tho' fluttering round on Fancy's burnish'd wings Her tales of future Joy Hope loves to tell. Adieu, adieu ! ye much lov'd cloisters pale ! 32 JUVENILE POEMS. Ah ! would those happy days return again, When 'neath your arches, free from every stain, I heard of guilt and wonder'd at the tale ! Dear haunts ! where oft my simple lays I sang, ^ Listening meanwhile the echoings of my feet, Lingering I quit you, with as great a pang, As when ere while, my weeping childhood, torn By early sorrow from my native seat, Mingled its tears with hers — my widow'd Parent lorn. TO THE MUSE. Tho' no hold flights to thee belong; And tho' thy lays with conscious fear, Shrink from Judgment's eye severe, Yet much I thank thee, Spirit of my song ! For, lovely Muse ! thy sweet employ Exalts my soul, refines my breast, Gives each pure pleasure keener zest, And softens sorrow into pensive Joy. From thee I learn'd the wish to bless, From thee to commune with my heart ; From thee, dear Muse ! the gayer part, To laugh with Pity at the crowds, that press Where Fashion flaunts her robes by Folly spun, Whose hues gay varying wanton in the sun. 1789. JUVENILE POEMS. 33 WITH FIELDING'S AMELIA. Virtues and Woes alike too great for man In the soft tale oft claim the useless sigh ; For vain the attempt to realize the plan, On folly's wings must imitation fly. With other aim has Fielding here display'd Each social duty and each social care ; With just yet vivid coloring portray' d What every wife should he, what many are And sure the Parent of a race so sweet With douhle pleasure on the page shall dwell, Each scene with sympathizing breast shall meet> While Reason still with smiles delights to tell Maternal hope, that her lov'd Progeny In all but Sorrows shall Amelias be ! ON RECEIVING AN ACCOUNT THAT HIS ONLY SISTER'S DEATH WAS INEVITABLE. THEtearwhichmourn'd a brother's fate scarce dry— Pain after pain, and woe succeeding woe- Is my heart destin'd for another blow ? my sweet sister ! and must thou too die ? Ah ! how has Disappointment pour'd the tear O'er infant Hope destroy 'd by early frost ! VOL. I. D 34 JUVENILE POEMS. How are ye gone, whom most my soul held dear ! Scarce had I lov'd you, ere I mourn'd you lost ; Say, is this hollow eye — this heartless pain Fated to rove thro' Life's wide cheerless plain — Nor father, brother, sister meets its ken — My woes, my joys unshar'd ! Ah ! long ere then On me thy icy dart, stern Death, be prov'd ; — Better to die, than live and not be lov'd ! ON SEEING A YOUTH AFFECTIONATELY WELCOMED BY A SISTER. I too a sister had ! too cruel Death ! How sad remembrance bids my bosom heave ! Tranquil her soul, as sleeping- Infant's breath ; Meek were her manners as a vernal Eve. Knowledge, that frequent lifts the bloated mind, Gave her the treasure of a lowly breast, And Wit to venom'd Malice oft assign'd, Dwelt in her bosom in a Turtle's nest. Cease, busy Memoiy ! cease to urge the dart ; Nor on my soul her love to me impress ! For oh I mourn in anguish — and my heart Feels the keen pang, th' unutterable distress. Yet wherefore grieve I that her sorrows cease, For Life was misery, and the Grave is Peace ! JUVENILE POEMS. 35 THE SAME. I too a sister had, an only sister; — She lov'd me dearly and I doted on her ; To her I pour'd forth all my puny sorrows, (As a sick patient in a nurse's arms) And of the heart those hidden maladies That e'en from Friendship's eye will shrink asham'd. O '. I have wak'd at midnight and have wept Because she was not. PAIN. Once could the Morn's first beams, the healthful breeze, All nature charm, and gay was eveiy hour : — But ah ! not Music's self, nor fragrant bower Can glad the trembling sense of wan disease. Now that the frequent pangs my frame assail, Now that my sleepless eyes are sunk and dim, And seas of pain seem waving through each limb — Ah what can all Life's gilded scenes avail? I view the crowd, whom youth and health inspire, Hear the loud laugh, and catch the sportive lay, Then sigh and think — I too could laugh and play And gaily sport it on the Muse's lyre, Ere Tyrant Pain had chas'd away delight, Ere the wild pulse throbb'd anguish thro' the night ' 36 JUVENILE POEMS. LIFE. As late I journied o'er the extensive plain Where native Otter sports his scanty stream, Musing in torpid woe a sister's pain, The glorious prospect woke me from the dream. At every step it widen'd to my sight, Wood, Meadow, verdant Hill, and dreary Steep. Following in quick succession of delight, Till all — at once — did my eye ravish'd sweep ! May this (I cried) my course through Life portray ! New scenes of wisdom may each step display, And knowledge open as my days advance ! Till what time Death shall pour the undarken'd ray, My eye shall dart thro' infinite expanse, And thought suspended lie in rapture's blissful Trance. LINES ON AN AUTUMNAL EVENING. O thou wild Fancy, check thy wing 1 No more Those thin white flakes, those purple clouds explore ! Nor there with happy spirits speed thy flight Bathed in rich amber-glowing floods of light ; JUVENILE POEMS. 37 Nor in yon gleam, where slow descends the day, With western peasants hail the morning' ray ! Ah ! rather bid the perished pleasures move, A shadowy train, across the soul of Love ! O'er Disappointment's wintry desert fling Each flower that wreathed the dewy locks of Spring, When blushing, like a bride, from Hope's trim bower She leapt, awakened by the pattering shower. Now sheds the sinking Sun a deeper gleam, Aid, lovely Sorceress ! aid thy Poet's dream ! With faery wand O bid the Maid arise, Chaste Joyance dancing in her bright-blue eyes ; As erst when from the Muses' calm abode I came, with Learning's meed not unbestowed ; When as she twined a laurel round my brow, And met my kiss, and half returned my vow, O'er all my frame shot rapid my thrilled heart, And every nerve confessed the electric dart. dear Deceit ! I see the Maiden rise, Chaste Joyance dancing in her bright-blue eyes ! When first the lark high soaring swells his throat, ' Mocks the tired eye, and scatters the loud note, 1 trace her footsteps on the accustomed lawn, I mark her glancing mid the gleam of dawn. When the bent flower beneath the night dew weeps And on the lake the silver lustre sleeps, Amid the paly radiance soft and sad, She meets my lonely path in moon-beams clad. With her along the streamlet's brink I rove ; 38 JUVENILE POEMS. With her I list the warblirigs of the grove ; And seems in each low wind her voice to float, Lone whispering Pity in each soothing note ! Spirits of Love ! ye heard her name ! Obey The powerful spell, and to my haunt repair. Whether on clustering pinions ye are there, Where rich snows blossom on the Myrtle trees, Or with fond languishment around my fair Sigh in the loose luxuriance of her hair ; O heed the spell, and hither wing your way, Like far-off music, voyaging the breeze! Spirits ! to you the infant Maid was given Formed by the wonderous Alchemy of Heaven ! No fairer Maid does Love's wide empire know, No fairer Maid e'er heaved the bosom's snow. A thousand Loves around her forehead fly ; A thousand Loves sit melting in her eye ; Love lights her smile— in Joy's red nectar dips His myrtle flower, and plants it on her lips. She speaks ! and hark that passion- warbled song — Still, Fancy! still that voice, those notes prolong. As sweet as when that voice with rapturous falls Shall wake the softened echoes of Heaven's Halls! O (have I sighed) were mine the wizard's rod, Or mine the power of Proteus, changeful God ! A flower-entangled Arbour I would seem To shield my Love from Noontide's sultry beam : JUVENILE POEMS. 39 Or bloom a Myrtle, from whose odorous boughs My Love might weave gay garlands for her brows. When Twilight stole across the fading vale, To fan my Love I'd be the Evening Gale ; Mourn in the soft folds of her swelling vest, And flutter my faint pinions on her breast ! On Seraph wing I'd float a Dream by night, To soothe my Love with shadows of delight : — Or soar aloft to be the Spangled Skies, And gaze upon her with a thousand eyes ! As when the savage, who his drowsy frame Had basked beneath the Sun's unclouded flame, Awakes amid the troubles of the air, The skiey deluge, and white lightning's glare — Aghast he scours before the tempest's sweep, And sad recalls the sunny hour of sleep : — So tossed by storms along Life's wildering way, Mine eye reverted views that cloudless day, When by my native brook I wont to rove, While Hope with kisses nursed the Infant Love. Dear native brook ! like Peace, so placidly Smoothing through fertile fields thy current meek ! Dear native brook ! where first young Poesy Stared wildly-eager in her noontide dream ! Where blameless pleasures dimple Quiet's cheek, As water-lilies ripple thy slow stream ! Dear native haunts ! where Virtue still is gay, Where Friendship's fix'd star sheds a mellowed ray, 40 JUVENILE POEMS. Where Love a crown of thornless Roses wears, Where softened Sorrow smiles within her tears ; And Memory, with a Vestal's chaste employ, Unceasing feeds the lambent flame of joy ! No more your sky-larks melting from the sight Shall thrill the attuned heart-string with delight- No more shall deck your pensive Pleasures sweet With wreaths of sober hue my evening seat. Yet dear to Fancy's eye your varied scene Of wood, hill, dale, and sparkling brook between ! Yet sweet to Fancy's ear the warbled song, That soars on Morning's wing your vales among. Scenes of my Hope ! the aching eye ye leave Like yon bright hues that paint the clouds of eve ! Tearful and saddening with the saddened blaze Mine eye the gleam pursues with wistful gaze : Sees shades on shades with deeper tint impend, Till chill and damp the moonless night descend. THE ROSE. As late each flower that sweetest blows I plucked, the Garden's pride ! Within the petals of a Rose A sleeping Love I spied. JUVENILE POEMS. 41 Around his brows a beamy wreath Of many a lucent hue ; All purple glowed his cheek, beneath, Inebriate with dew. I softly seized the unguarded Power, Nor scared his balmy rest : And placed him, caged within the flower, On spotless Sara's breast. But when unweeting of the guile Awoke the prisoner sweet, He struggled to escape awhile And stamped his faery feet. Ah ! soon the soul-entrancing sight Subdued the impatient boy ! He gazed ! he thrilled with deep delight '. Then clapped his wings for joy. " And O !" he cried — " of magic kind What charms this Throne endear ! Some other Love let Venus find — I'll fix my empire here." THE KISS. One kiss, dear maid ! I said and sighed — Your scorn the little boon denied. Ah why refuse the blameless bliss ? Can danger lurk within a kiss ? 42 JUVENILE POEMS. Yon viewless Wanderer of the vale, The Spirit of the Western Gale, At Morning's break, at Evening's close Inhales the sweetness of the R,ose, And hovers o'er the uninjured Bloom Sighing back the soft perfume. Vigour to the Zephyr's wing Her nectar-breathing- Kisses fling ; And He the glitter of the Dew . Scatters on the Rose's hue. Bashful lo ! she bends her head, And darts a blush of deeper Red ! Too well those lovely lips disclose The triumphs of the opening Rose ; O fair ! O graceful ! bid them prove As passive to the breath of Love. In tender accents, faint and low, Well-pleased I hear the whispered "No!" The whispered " No" — how little meant ! Sweet Falsehood that endears Consent ! For on those lovely lips the while Dawns the soft relenting smile, And tempts with feigned dissuasion coy The gentle violence of Jov. JUVENILE POEMS. 43 TO A YOUNG ASS. ITS MOTHER BEING TETHERED NEAR IT. Poor little Foal of an oppressed Race ! I love the languid Patience of thy face : And oft with gentle hand I give thee bread, And clap thy ragged Coat, and pat thy head. But what thy dulled Spirits hath dismayed, That never thou dost sport along the glade ? And (most unlike the nature of things young) That earthward still thy moveless head is hung ? Do thy prophetic Fears anticipate, Meek Child of Misery ! thy future fate ? The starving meal, and all the thousand aches " Which patient Merit of the Unworthy takes ?" Or is thy sad heart thrilled with filial pain To see thy wretched Mother's shortened Chain ? And, truly very piteous is her Lot — Chained to a Log within a narrow spot, Where the close-eaten Grass is scarcely seen, While sweet around her waves the tempting Green .' Poor Ass ! thy master should have learnt to show Pity — best taught by fellowship of Woe ! For much I fear me that He lives like thee, Half famished in a land of Luxury ! How askingly its footsteps hither bend, it seems to say, "And have I then one Friend?" Innocent Foal ! thou poor despised Forlorn ! 44 JUVENILE POEMS. I hail thee Brother — spite of the fool's scorn ! And fain would take thee with me, in the Dell Of Peace and mild Equality to dwell, Where Toil shall call the charmer Health his bride, And Laughter tickle Plenty's ribless side ! How thou wouldst toss thy heels in gamesome play, And frisk about, as lamb or kitten gay ! Yea ! and more musically sweet to me Thy dissonant harsh bray of joy would be, Than warbled melodies that soothe to rest The aching of pale Fashion's vacant breast ! HAPPINESS. On wide, or narrow scale shall Man Most happily describe life's plan ? Say, shall he bloom and wither there, Where first his infant buds appear ; Or upwards dart with soaring force, And tempt some more ambitious course ? Obedient now to Hope's command, I bid each humble wish expand, And fair and bright Life's prospects seem, While Hope displays her cheering beam, And Fancy's vivid colorings stream, While Emulation stands me nigh The Goddess of the eager eye. JUVENILE POEMS. 45 With foot advanc'd and anxious heart Now for the fancied goal I start : — Ah ! why will Reason intervene Me and my promised joys between ! She stops my course, she chains my speed, While thus her forceful words proceed. " Ah ! listen, youth, ere yet too late, What evils on thy course may wait ! To bow the head, to bend the knee A minion of Servility, At low Pride's frequent frowns to sigh, And watch the glance in Folly's eye ; To toil intense, yet toil in vain, And feel with what a hollow pain Pale Disappointment hangs her head O'er darling Expectation dead ! " The scene is changed and Fortune's gale Shall belly out each prosperous sail. Yet sudden wealth full well I know Did never Happiness bestow. That wealth, to which we were not born Dooms us to sorrow or to scorn. Behold yon flock which long had trod O'er the short grass of Devon's sod, To Lincoln's rank rich meads transferr'd, And in their fate thy own be fear'd ; Through every limb contagions fly, Deform 'd and chok'd they burst and die. " When Luxury opens wide her arms, And smiling wooes thee to those charms, 40 JUVENILE POEMS. Whose fascination thousands own, Shall thy brows wear the stoic frown ? And when her goblet she extends Which madd'ning myriads press around, What power divine thy soul befriends That thou shouldst dash it to the ground ? — No, thou shalt drink, and thou shalt know Her transient bliss, her lasting woe, Her maniac joys, that know no measure, And riot rude and painted pleasure ; — Till (sad reverse !) the Enchantress vile To frowns converts her magic smile ; Her train impatient to destroy, Observe her frown with gloomy joy ; On thee with harpy fangs they seize The hideous offspring of Disease, Swoll'n Dropsy ignorant of Rest, And Fever garb'd in scarlet vest, Consumption driving the quick hearse, And Gout that howls the frequent curse, With Apoplex of heavy head That surely aims his dart of lead. " But say, Life's joys unmix'd were given To thee some favorite of Heaven : Within, without, tho' all were health — Yet what e'en thus are Fame, Power, Wealth, But sounds that variously express, What's thine already— Happiness ! 'Tis thine the converse deep to hold With all the famous sons of old ; And thine the happy waking dream JUVENILE POEMS. 47 While Hope pursues some favorite theme, As oft when Night o'er Heaven is spread, Round this maternal seat you tread, Where far from splendour, far from riot, In silence wrapt sleeps careless quiet. Tis thine with fancy oft to talk, And thine the peaceful evening walk ; And what to thee the sweetest are — The setting sun, the evening star — The tints, which live along the sky, And Moon that meets thy raptur'd eye, Where oft the tear shall grateful start, Dear silent pleasures of the Heart ! Ah ! Being blest, for Heaven shall lend To share thy simple joys a friend ! Ah ! doubly blest, if Love supply His influence to complete thy joy, If chance some lovely maid thou find To read thy visage in thy mind. " One blessing more demands thy care : — Once more to Heaven address the prayer : For humble independence pray The guardian genius of thy way ; Whom (sages say) in days of yore Meek competence to wisdom bore, So shall thy little vessel glide With a fair breeze adown the tide, And Hope, if e'er thou 'ginst to sorrow Remind thee of some fair to-morrow, Till death shall close thy tranquil eye While Faith proclaims " thou shalt not die !" 48 JUVENILE POEMS. DOMESTIC PEACE. Tell me, on what holy ground May Domestic Peace be found — Halcyon Daughter of the skies ! Far on fearful wings she flies, From the pomp of sceptered State, From the Rebel's noisy hate, In a cottaged vale She dwells Listening to the Sabbath bells ! Still around her steps are seen Spotless Honour's meeker mien, Love, the sire of pleasing fears, Sorrow smiling through her tears, And conscious of the past employ Memory, bosom-spring of joy. THE SIGH. When Youth his faery reign began Ere sorrow had proclaimed me man ; While Peace the present hour beguiled, And all the lovely Prospect smiled ; Then Mary ! 'mid my lightsome glee I heav'd the painless Sigh for thee. JUVENILE POEMS. 49 And when, along the waves of woe, My harassed Heart was doomed to know The frantic burst of Outrage keen, And the slow Pang that gnaws unseen ; Then shipwrecked on Life's stormy sea I heaved an anguished Sigh for thee ! But soon Reflection's power imprest A stiller sadness on my breast ; And sickly hope with waning eye Was well content to droop and die : I yielded to the stern decree, Yet heaved a languid Sigh for thee ! And though in distant climes to roam, A wanderer from my native home, I fain would soothe the sense of Care, And lull to sleep the Joys that were, Thy Image may not banished be — Still, Maiy ! still I sigh for thee. June, 1794. EPITAPH ON AN INFANT. Ere Sin could blight or Sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care ; The opening bud to Heaven conveyed, And bade it blossom there. u,. r. E 50 JUVENILE POEMS. ON IMITATION. All are not born to soar — and ah ! how few In tracks, where Wisdom leads, their paths pursue ! Contagious when to wit or wealth allied, Folly and Vice diffuse their venom wide. On Folly every fool his talent tries ; It asks some toil to imitate the wise ; Tho' few like Fox can speak — like Pitt can think — Yet all like Fox can game— like Pitt can drink. O, Curas hominum ! O, quantum est in rebus inane ! The fervid Sun had more than halv'd the day, When gloomy on his couch Philedon lay ; His feeble frame consumptive as his purse, His aching head did wine and women curse ; His fortune ruin'd and his wealth decay'd, Clamorous his Duns, his gaming debts unpaid, The youth indignant seiz'd his tailor's bill, And on its back thus wrote with moral quill: " Various as colors in the rainbow shown, Or similar in emptiness alone, How false, how vain are Man's pursuits below ! JUVENILE POEMS. 51 Wealth, Honor, Pleasure— what can ye bestow ? Yet see, how high and low, and young and old Pursue the all delusive power of Gold. Fond man ! should all Peru thy empire own, For thee tho' all Golconda's jewels shone, What greater bliss could all this wealth supply ? What, but to eat and drink and sleep and die ? Go, tempt the stormy sea, the burning soil — Go, waste the night in thought, the day in toil, Dark frowns the rock, and fierce the tempests rave- Thy ingots go the unconscious deep to pave ! Or thunder at thy door the midnight train, Or death shall knock that never knocks in vain. Next Honor's sons come bustling on amain ; I laugh with pity at the idle train. Infirm of soul ! who think'st to lift thy name Upon the waxen wings of human fame, — Who for a sound, articulated breath — Gazest undaunted in the face of death ! What art thou but a Meteor's glaring light^ — Blazing a moment and then sunk in night ? Caprice which rais'd tbee high shall hurl tbee low Or envy blast the laurels on thy brow. To such poor joys could ancient Honor lead When empty fame was toiling Merit's mead ; To Modern Honor other lays belong ; Profuse of joy and Lord of right and wrong, Honor can game, drink, riot in the stew, Cut a friend's throat ; — what cannot Honor do ? Ah me — the storm within can Honor still 52 JUVENILE K>EMS. For Julio's death, whom Honor made me kill ? Or will this lordly Honor tell the way To pay those debts, which Honor makes me pay? Or if with pistol and terrific threats I make some traveller pay my Honor's debts, A med'cine for this wound can Honor give ? Ah, no ! my Honor dies to make my Honor live^ But see ! young Pleasure, and her train advance, And joy and laughter wake the inebriate dance '; Around my neck she throws her fair white arms, I meet her loves, and madden at her charms. For the gay grape can joys celestial move, And what so sweet below as Woman's love ? With such high transport every moment flies, I curse experience, that he makes me wise; For at his frown the dear deliriums flew, And the chang'd scene now wears a gloomy hue. A hideous hag th' Enchantress Pleasure seems, And all her joys appear but feverous dreams. The vain Resolve still broken and still made, Disease and loathing- and remorse invade ; The charm is vanish'd and the bubble's broke,— A slave to pleasure is a slave to smoke !" Such lays repentant did the Muse supply; When as the Sun was hastening down the sky, In glittering state twice fifty guineas come, — His Mother's plate antique had rais'd the sum. Forth leap'd Philedon of new life possest : — 'Twas Brookes's all tiH two, — 'twas Hackett's ali the rest ! JUVENILE POEMS. 53 PROGRESS OF VICE. Deep in the gulph of Vice and Woe Leaps man at once with headlong 1 throw ? Him inborn Truth and Virtue guide, Whose guards are shame and conscious pride ; In some gay hour Vice steals into the breast ; Perchance she wears some softer Virtue's vest. By unperceiv'd degrees she tempts to stray, Till far from Virtue's path she leads the feet away. Then swift the soul to disenthrall Will Memory the past recall, And fear before the Victim's eyes Bid future ills and dangers rise. [bine — But hark ! the voice, the lyre, their charms corn- Gay sparkles in the cup the generous wine ; Th' inebriate dance — -the fair frail nymph inspires, And Virtue vanquish'd — scorn'd — with hasty flight retires. But soon to tempt the pleasures cease ; Yet shame forbids return to peace, And stern necessity will force Still to urge on the desperate course. The drear black paths of Vice the wretch must try, Where Conscience flashes horror on each eye, Where Hate — where Murder scowl — where starts Affright ! Ah ! close the scene, — ah ! close — for dreadful is the sig-ht. 54 JUVEJN1LE POEMS. LINES AVRITTEN AT THE KING'S ARMS, ROSS, FORMERLY THE HOUSE OF THE " MAN OF ROSS." Richer than Miser o'er his countless hoards, Nobler than Kings, or king-polluted Lords, Here dwelt the Man of Ross ! O Traveller, hear! Departed Merit claims a reverent tear. Friend to the friendless, to the sick man health, With generous joy he viewed his modest wealth ; He heard the widow's heaven-breathed prayer of praise, He marked the sheltered orphan's tearful gaze, Or where the sorrow shrivelled captive lay, Pour'd the bright blaze of Freedom's noon-tide ray. Beneath this roof if thy cheered moments pass, Fill to the good man's name one grateful glass ; To higher zest shall Memory wake thy soul, And Virtue mingle in the ennobled bowl. But if, like me, through life's distressful scene Lonely and sad thy pilgrimage hath been ; And if thy breast with heart-sick anguish fraught, Thou journeyest onward tempest- tossed in thought; Here cheat thy cares ! in generous visions melt, And dream of Goodness, thou hast never felt ! JUVENILE POEMS, 55 DESTRUCTION OF THE BASTILE. I. Heard'st thou yon universal cry, And dost thou linger still on Gallia's shore ? Go, Tyranny! beneath some barbarous sky Thy terrors lost, and ruin'd power deplore ! What tho' through many a groaning age Was felt thy keen suspicious rage, Yet Freedom rous'd by fierce Disdain Has wildly broke thy triple chain, And like the storm which earth's deep entrails hide, At length has burst its way and spread the ruins wide. In sighs their sickly breath was spent ; each gleam Of Hope had ceas'd the long long day to cheer ; Or if delusive, in some flitting dream, It gave them to their friends and children dear — Awak'd by lordly Insult's sound To all the doubled horrors round, Oft shrunk they from Oppression's band While anguish rais'd the desperate hand For silent death ; or lost the mind's control, Thro' every burning vein would tides of Frenzy roll. 56 JUVENILE POEMS. But cease, ye pitying bosoms, cease to bleed ! Such scenes no more demand the tear humane I see, I see ! glad Liberty succeed With every patriot virtue in her train ! And mark yon peasant's raptured eyes ; Secure he views his harvests rise ; No fetter vile the mind shall know, And Eloquence shall fearless glow. Yes ! Liberty the soul of Life shall reign, Shall throb in eveiy pulse, shall flow thro' every vein ! Shall France alone a Despot spurn ? Shall she alone, O Freedom, boast thy care ? Lo, round thy standard Belgia's heroes burn, Tho' Power's blood-stain'd streamers fire the air, And wider yet thy influence spread, Nor e'er recline thy weary head, Till every land from pole to pole Shall boast one independent soul ! And still, as erst, let favor'd Britain be First ever of the first and freest of the free ! JUVENILE POEMS, 57 LINES TO A BEAUTIFUL SPRING IN A VILLAGE. Once more, sweet Stream! with slow foot wandering I bless thy milky waters cold and clear. [near, Escaped the flashing of the noontide hours, With one fresh garland of Pierian flowers (Ere from thy zephyr-haunted brink I turn) My languid hand shall wreath thy mossy urn. For not through pathless grove with murmur rude Thou soothest the sad wood-nymph, Solitude j Nor thine unseen in cavern depths to well, The hermit-fountain of some dripping cell ! Pride of the Vale ! thy useful streams supply The scattered cots and peaceful hamlet nigh. The elfin tribe around thy friendly banks With infant uproar and soul-soothing pranks, Released from school, their little hearts at rest, Launch paper navies on thy waveless breast. The rustic here at eve with pensive look Whistling lorn ditties leans upon his crook, Or starting pauses with hope-mingled dread To* list the much-loved maid's accustomed tread : She, vainly mindful of her dame's command, Loiters, the long-filled pitcher in her hand. Unboastful Stream ! thy fount with pebbled falls The faded form of past delight recalls, bii JUVENILE POEMS. What time the morning' sun of Hope arose, And all was joy ; save when another's woes A transient gloom upon my soul imprest, Like passing clouds impictured on thy breast. Life's current then ran sparkling to the noon, Or silvery stole beneath the pensive Moon : Ah ! now it works rude brakes and thorns among 5 Or o'er the rough rock bursts and foams along ! LINES ON A FRIEND WHO DIED OF A FRENZY FEVER INDUCED BY CALUMNIOUS REPORTS. Edmund ! thy grave with aching eye I scan, And inly groan for Heaven's poor outcast — Man ! 'Tis tempest all or gloom : in early youth If gifted with the Ithuriel lance of Truth We force to start amid her feigned caress Vice, siren-hag ! in native ugliness ; A Brother's fate will haply rouse the tear, And on we go in heaviness and fear ! But if our fond hearts call to Pleasure's bower Some pigmy Folly in a careless hour, [ground, The faithless guest shall stamp the enchanted And mingled forms of Misery rise around : Heart-fretting Fear, with pallid look aghast, That courts the future woe to hide the past ; Remorse, the poisoned arrow in his side, JUVENILE POEMS. 59 And loud lewd Mirth, to Anguish close allied : Till Frenzy, fierce-eyed child of moping* pain, Darts her hot lightning-flash athwart the brain. Rest, injur'd shade ! Shall Slander squatting near Spit her cold venom in a dead Man's ear ? 'Twas" thine to feel the sympathetic glow In Merit's joy, and Poverty's meek woe ; Thine all, that cheer the moment as it flies, The zoneless Cares, and smiling Courtesies. Nursed in thy heart the firmer Virtues grew, And in thy heart they withered ! Such chill dew Wan Indolence on each young blossom shed ; And Vanity her filmy net-work spread, With eye that rolled around in asking gaze, And tongue that trafficked in the trade of praise. Thy follies such ! the hard world marked them well ! Were they more wise, the proud who never fell ? Rest, injured shade ! the poor man's. grateful prayer On heaven-ward wing thy wounded soul shall bear. As oft at twilight gloom thy grave I pass, And sit me down upon its recent grass, With introverted eye I contemplate Similitude of soul, perhaps of — fate ; To me hath Heaven with bounteous hand assigned Energic Reason and a shaping mind, The daring ken of Truth, the Patriot's part, And Pity's sigh, that breathes the gentle heart. Sloth-jaundiced all ! and from my graspless hand Drop Friendship's precious pearls, like hour-glass sand. 60 JUVENILE POEMS. I weep, yet stoop not! the faint anguish flows, A dreamy pang in Morning's feverous doze. Is this piled earth our Being's passless mound ? Tell me, cold grave ! is death with poppies crowned ? Tired Sentinel ! mid fitful starts I nod, And fain would sleep, though pillowed on a clod ! TO A YOUNG LADY, WITH A POEM ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Much on my early youth I love to dwell, Ere yet I bade that friendly dome farewell, Where first, beneath the echoing cloisters pale, I heard of guilt and wondered at the tale ! Yet though the hours flew by on careless wing, Full heavily of Sorrow would I sing. Aye as the star of evening flung its beam In broken radiance on the wavy stream, My soul amid the pensive twilight gloom Mourned with the breeze, O Lee Boo ! 1 o'er thy tomb. Where'er I wandered, Pity still was near, Breathed from the heart and glistened in the tear : 1 Lee Boo, the son of Abba Thule, Prince of the Pelew Islands, came over to England with Captain Wilson, died of the small-pox, and is buried in Greenwich church-yard. See Keate's Account. JUVENILE POEMS, 61 No knell that tolled, but filled my anxious eye, And suffering Nature wept that one should die ! * Thus to sad sympathies I soothed my breast, Calm, as the rainbow in the weeping West : When slumbering Freedom roused by high Disdain With giant fury burst her triple chain ! Fierce on her front the blasting Dog-star glowed ; Her banners, like a midnight meteor, flowed; Amid the yelling of the storm-rent skies She came, and scattered battles from her eyes ! Then Exultation waked the patriot fire And swept with wild hand the Tyrtaean lyre : Red from the Tyrant's wound I shook the lance, And strode in joy the reeking plains of France ! Fallen is the oppressor, friendless, ghastly, low, And my heart aches, though Mercy struck the blow. With wearied thought once more I seek the Shade, Where peaceful Virtue weaves the myrtle braid. And O ! if Eyes whose holy glances roll, Swift messengers, and eloquent of soul ; If Smiles more winning, and a gentler Mien Than the love-wildered Maniac's brain hath seen Shaping celestial forms in vacant air, If these demand the impassioned Poet's care — If Mirth and softened Sense and Wit refined, The blameless features of a lovely mind ; 1 Southey's Retrospects 62 JUVENILE POEMS. Then haply shall my trembling hand assign No fading wreath to Beauty's saintly shrine. Nor, Sara! thou these early flowers refuse — Ne'er lurked the snake beneath their simple hues ; No purple bloom the Child of Nature brings From Flattery's night-shade : as he feels he sings. September, 1792. SONNET I. " Content, as random Fancies might inspire, If his weak harp at times or lonely lvre He struck with desultory hand, and drew Some softened tones to Nature not untrue." My heart has thanked thee, Bowles ! for those soft strains Whose sadness soothes me, like the murmurino- Of wild-bees in the sunny showers of spring ! For hence not callous to the mourner's pains Through Youth's gay prime and thornless paths I went : And when the mightier throes of mind began, And drove me forth, a thought-bewildered man, Their mild and manliest melancholy lent A mingled charm, such as the pang consigned To slumber, though the big tear it renewed ; JtTVENILE POEMS. 63 Bidding a strange mysterious Pleasure brood Over the wavy and tumultuous mind, As the great Spirit erst with plastic sweep Moved on the darkness of the unformed deep. SONNET II. As late I lay in slumber's shadowy vale, With wetted cheek and in a mourner's guise, I saw the sainted form of Freedom rise : She spake ! not sadder moans the autumnal g-ale- " Great Son of Genius ! sweet to me thy name, Ere in an evil hour with altered voice Thou bad'st Oppression's hireling crew rejoice Blasting with wizard spell my laurelled fame. Yet never, Burke ! thou drank'st Corruption's bowl ! Thee stormy Pity and the cherished lure Of Pomp, and proud Precipitance of soul Wildered with meteor fires. Ah Spirit pure ! That error's mist had left thy purged eye : So might I clasp thee with a Mother's joy !" 64 JUVENILE POEMS. SONNET III. Though roused by that dark Vizir Riot rude Have driven our Priestly o'er the ocean swell; Though Superstition and her wolfish brood Bay his mild radiance, impotent and fell ; Calm in his halls of brightness he shall dwell ! For lo ! Religion at his strong behest Starts with mild anger from the Papal spell, And flings to earth her tinsel-glittering vest, Her mitred state and cumbrous pomp unholy ; And Justice wakes to bid the Oppressor wail Insulting aye the wrongs of patient Folly : And from her dark retreat by Wisdom won Meek Nature slowly lifts her matron veil To smile with fondness on her grazing 1 son ! SONNET IV. When British Freedom for a happier land Spread her broad wings, that fluttered with affright, Erskine ! thy voice she heard, and paused her flight Sublime of hope ! For dreadless thou didst stand (Thy censer glowing with the hallowed flame) A hireless Priest before the insulted shrine, JUVENILE POEMS. 65 And at her altar pour the stream divine Of unmatched eloquence. Therefore thy name Her sons shall venerate, and cheer thy breast With blessings heaven-ward breathed. And when the doom Of Nature bids thee die, beyond the tomb Thy light shall shine : as sunk beneath the West Though the great Summer Sun eludes our gaze, Still burns wide Heaven with his distended blaze. SONNET V. It was some Spirit, Sheridan ! that breathed O'er thy young mind such wildly various power ! My soul hath marked thee in her shaping hour, Thy temples with Hymmettian flow 'rets wreathed : And sweet thy voice, as when o'er Laura's bier Sad music trembled through Vauclusa's glade ; Sweet, as at dawn the love-lorn Serenade That wafts soft dreams to Slumber's listening ear. Now patriot rage and indignation high Swell the full tones ! And now thine eye-beams dance Meanings of Scorn and Wit's quaint revelry ! Writhes inly from the bosom-probing glance The Apostate by the brainless rout adored, As erst that elder Fiend beneath great Michael's sword. VOL. I. F 66 JUVENILE POEMS. SONNET VI. O what a loud and fearful shriek was there, A s though a thousand souls one death-groan poured ! Ah me ! they saw beneath a hireling's sword Their Kosciusko fall ! Through the swart air (As pauses the tired Cossac's barbarous yell Of triumph) on the chill and midnight gale Rises with frantic burst or sadder swell The dirge of murdered Hope ! while Freedom pale Bends in such anguish o'er her destined bier, As if from eldest time some Spirit meek Had gathered in a mystic urn each tear That ever on a Patriot's furrowed cheek Fit channel found, and she had drained the bowl In the mere wilfulness, and sick despair of soul ! SONNET VII. As when far off the warbled strains are heard That soar on Morning's wing the vales among, Within his cage the imprisoned matin bird Swells the full chorus with a g-enerous song : He bathes no pinion in the dewy light, No Father's joy, no Lover's bliss he shares, JUVENILE POEMS. 67 Yet still the rising radiance cheers his sight ; His fellows' freedom soothes the captive's cares ! Thou, Fayette ! who didst wake with startling voice Life's better sun from that long wintry night, Thus in thy Country's triumphs shalt rejoice, And mock with raptures high the dungeon's might: For lo ! the morning struggles into day, And Slavery's spectres shriek and vanish from the ray! SONNET VIII. Thou gentle Look, that didst my soul beguile, Why hast thou left me ? Still in some fond dream Revisit my sad heart, auspicious Smile ! As falls on closing flowers the lunar beam : What time, in sickly mood, at parting day I lay me down and think of happier years ; Of Joys, that glimmered in Hope's twilight ray, Then left me darkling in a vale of tears. pleasant days of hope — for ever gone ! — Could I recall you ! — But that thought is vain. Availeth not Persuasion's sweetest tone To lure the fleet-winged Travellers back again : Yet fair, though faint, their images shall gleam Like the bright Rainbow on a willowy stream. (38 JUVENILE POEMS. SONNET IX. Pale Roamer through the night ! thou poor For- lorn ! Remorse that man on his death-hed possess, Who in the credulous hour of tenderness Betrayed, then cast thee forth to want and scorn The world is pitiless : the chaste one's pride Mimic of Virtue scowls on thy distress : Thy Loves and they, that envied thee, deride : And Vice alone will shelter wretchedness ! O ! I could weep to think, that there should be Cold-bosomed lewd ones, who endure to place Foul offerings on the shrine of misery, And force from famine the caress of Love ; May He shed healing on the sore disgrace, He, the great Comforter that rules above ! SONNET X. Sweet Mercy ! how my very heart has bled To see thee, poor Old Man ! and thy gray hairs Hoar with the snowy blast : while no one cares To clothe thy shrivelled limbs and palsied head. My Father ! throw away this tattered vest That mocks thy shivering ! take my garment — use JUVENILE POEMS. 69 A young man's arm ! I'll melt these frozen dews That hang from thy white beard and numb thy breast. My Sara too shall tend thee, like a Child : And thou shalt talk, in our fire-side's recess, Of purple pride, that scowls on wretchedness. He did not so, the Galilean mild. Who met the Lazars turned from rich men's doors, And called them Friends, and healed their noisome SONNET XI. Thou bleedest, my poor Heart ! and thy distress Reasoning I ponder with a scornful smile, And probe thy sore wound sternly, though the while Swoln be mine eye and dim with heaviness. Why didst thou listen to Hope's whisper bland ? Or, listening, why forget the healing tale, When Jealousy with feverous fancies pale Jarred thy fine fibres with a maniac's hand ? Faint was that Hope, and rayless ! — Yet 'twas fair, And soothed with many a dream the hour of rest : Thou shouldst have loved it most, when most op- prest, And nursed it with an agony of care, Even as a Mother her sweet infant heir That wan and sickly droops upon her breast \ JUVENILE POEMS. SONNET XII. TO THE AUTHOR OF THE " ROBBERS." Schiller ! that hour I would have wished to die, If through the shuddering midnight I had sent From the dark dungeon of the tower time-rent That fearful voice, a famished Father's cry — Lest in some after moment aught more mean Might stamp me mortal ! A triumphant shout Black Horror screamed, and all her goblin rout Diminished shrunk from the more withering scene ! Ah ! Bard tremendous in sublimity ! Could I behold thee in thy loftier mood Wandering at eve with finely frenzied eye Beneath some vast old tempest-swinging wood ! Awhile with mute awe gazing I would brood : Then weep aloud in a wild ecstasy ! LINES COMPOSED WHILE CLIMBING THE LEFT ASCENT OF BROCKLEY COOMB, SOMERSETSHIRE, MAY, 1795, With many a pause and oft reverted eye 1 climb the Coomb's ascent : sweet songsters near Warble in shade their wild-wood melody : Far off the unvarying Cuckoo soothes my ear. JUVENILE POEMS. 7 1 Up scour the startling 1 stragglers of the Flock That on green plots o'er precipices browse : From the deep fissures of the naked rock The Yew tree bursts ! Beneath its dark green boughs (Mid which the May-thorn blends its blossoms white) Where broad smooth stones jut out in mossy seats, I rest: — and now have gained the topmost site. Ah ! what a luxury of landscape meets My gaze ! Proud towers, and cots more dear to me, Elm-shadow'd fields, and prospect-bounding sea ! Deep sighs my lonely heart : I drop the tear : Enchanting spot ! O were my Sara here ! LINES IN THE MANNER, OF SPENSER. Peace, that on a lilied bank dost love To rest thine head beneath an olive tree, 1 would, that from the pinions of thy dove One quill withouten pain yplucked might be ! For O ! I wish my Sara's frowns to flee, And fain to her some soothing song would write, Lest she resent my rude discourtesy, Who vowed to meet her ere the morning light, But broke my plighted word — ah ! false and re- creant wi°:ht ! 72 JUVENILE POEMS. Last night as I my weary head did pillow With thoughts of my dissevered Fair engrost, Chill Fancy drooped wreathing herself with willow, As though my breast entombed a pining ghost. " From some blest couch, young Rapture's bridal boast, Rejected Slumber ! hither wing thy way ; But leave me with the matin hour, at most ! As night-closed floweret to the orient ray, My sad heart will expand, when I the Maid survey . " But Love, who heard the silence of my thought, Contrived a too successful wile, I ween : And whispered to himself, with malice fraught — " Too long our Slave the Damsel's smiles hath seen : To-morrow shall he ken her altered mien !" He spake, and ambushed lay, till on my bed The morning shot her dewy glances keen, When as I 'gan to lift my drowsy head — " Now, Bard ! I'll work thee woe !" the laughing Elfin said. Sleep, softly-breathing God ! his downy wing Was fluttering now, as quickly to depart ; When twanged an arrow from Love's mystic string, With pathless wound it pierced him to the heart. Was there some magic in the Elfin's dart ? Or did he strike my couch with wizard lance ? For straight so fair a Form did upwards start (No fairer decked the bowers of old Romance) JUVENILE POEMS. 73 That Sleep enamoured grew, nor moved from his sweet trance ! My Sara came, with gentlest look divine ; Bright shone her eye, yet tender was its beam : I felt the pressure of her lip to mine ! Whispering we went, and Love was all our theme — Love pure and spotless, as at first, I deem, He sprang from Heaven ! Such joys with Sleep did That I the living image of my dream ['bide Fondly forgot. Too late I woke, and sigh'd — " O ! how shall I behold my Love at even-tide !" IMITATED FROM OSSIAN The stream with languid murmur creeps, In Lumin's flowery vale : Beneath the dew the Lily weeps Slow- waving to the gale. " Cease, restless gale ! it seems to say, Nor wake me with thy sighing ! The honours of my vernal day On rapid wing are flying. " To-morrow shall the Traveller come Who late beheld me blooming : His searching eye shall vainly roam The dreary vale of Lumin." 74 JUVENILE POEMS With eager gaze and wetted cheek My wonted haunts along, Thus, faithful Maiden ! thou shalt seek The Youth of simplest song. But I along the breeze shall roll The voice of feeble power ; And dwell, the Moon-beam of thy soul, In Slumber's nightly hour. THE COMPLAINT OF NINATHOMA. How long will ye round me be swelling, O ye blue-tumbling waves of the sea ? Not always in caves was my dwelling, Nor beneath the cold blast of the tree. Through the high-sounding halls of Cathloma In the steps of my beauty I strayed ; The warriors beheld Ninathoma, And they blessed the white-bosomed Maid ! A Ghost ! by my cavern it darted ! In moon-beams the Spirit was drest — For lovely appear the departed When they visit the dreams of my rest ! But disturbed by the tempest's commotion Fleet the shadowy forms of delight — Ah cease, thou shrill blast of the Ocean ! To howl through my cavern by night. JUVENILE POEMS. IMITATED FROM THE WELSH. If, while my passion I impart, You deem my words untrue, O place your hand upon my heart — Feel how it throbs for you ! Ah no ! reject the thoughtless claim In pity to your Lover ! That thrilling touch would aid the flame, It wishes to discover. TO AN INFANT. Ah ! cease thy tears and sobs, my little Life ! I did but snatch away the unclasped knife : Some safer toy will soon arrest thine eye, And to quick laughter change this peevish cry ! Poor stumbler on the rocky coast of woe, Tutored by pain each source of pain to know ! Alike the foodful fruit and scorching fire Awake thy eager grasp and young desire ; Alike the Good, the 111 offend thy sight, And rouse the stormy sense of shrill affright '. Untaught, yet wise ! mid all thy brief alarms Thou closely clingest to thy Mother's arms, Nestling thy little face in that fond breast Whose anxious heavings lull thee to thy rest ! 76 JUVENILE POEMS. Man's breathing Miniature ! thou mak'st me sigh— A Babe art thou — and such a Thing- am I ! To anger rapid and as soon appeased, For trifles mourning- and by trifles pleased, Break Friendship's mirror with a tetchy blow, Yet snatch what coals of fire on Pleasure's altar glow ! O thou that rearest with celestial aim The future Seraph in my mortal frame, Thrice holy Faith ! whatever thorns I meet As on I totter with unpractised feet, Still let me stretch my arms and cling to thee, Meek nurse of souls through their long infancy ! LINES WRITTEN AT SHURTON BARS, NEAR BRIDGEWATER, SEPTEMBER, 1795, IN ANSWER TO A LETTER FROM BRISTOL. Good verse most good, and bad verse then seems better Received from absent friend by way of Letter. For what so sweet can laboured lays impart As one rude rhyme warm from a friendly heart 1 — anon. Nor travels my meandering eye The starry wilderness on high ; Nor now with curious sight I mark the glow-worm, as I pass, Move with " green radiance" through the grass, An emerald of lis'ht. JUVENILE POEMS. 77 ever present to my view ! My wafted spirit is with you, And soothes your boding fears : 1 see you all oppressed with gloom Sit lonely in that cheerless room — Ah me ! You are in tears ! Beloved Woman ! did you fly Chilled Friendship's dark disliking eye, Or Mirth's untimely din ? With cruel weight these trifles press A temper sore with tenderness, When aches the Void withm But why with sable wand unblest Should Fancy rouse within my breast Dim-visaged shapes of Dread ? Untenanting its beauteous clay My Sara's soul has winged its way, And hovers round my head ! I felt it prompt the tender dream, When slowly sank the day's last gleam ; You roused each gentler sense, As sighing o'er the blossom's bloom Meek Evening wakes its soft perfume With viewless influence. And hark, my Love ! The sea-breeze moans Through yon reft house ! O'er rolling stones 78 JUVENJXE POEMS. In bold ambitious sweep, The onward-surging tides supply The silence of the cloudless sky With mimic thunders deep. Dark reddening from the channelled Isle 1 (Where stands one solitary pile Unslated by the blast) The watchfire, like a sullen star Twinkles to many a dozing tar Rude cradled on the mast. Even there — beneath that light-house tower- In the tumultuous evil hour Ere Peace with Sara came, Time was, I should have thought it sweet To count the echoings of my feet, And watch the storm-vexed flame. And there in black soul -jaundiced fit A sad gloom-pampered Man to sit, And listen to the roar : When mountain surges bellowing deep With an uncouth monster leap Plunged foaming on the shore. Then by the lightning's blaze to mark Some toiling tempest-shattered bark ; 1 The Plolmes, in the Bristol Channel. JUVENILE POEMS. 79 Her vain distress-guns hear ; And when a second sheet of light Flashed o'er the blackness of the night — To see no vessel there ! But Fancy now more gaily sings ; Or if awhile she droop her wings, As sky-larks 'mid the corn, On summer fields she grounds her breast : The oblivious poppy o'er her nest Nods, till returning morn. mark those smiling tears, that swell The opened rose ! From heaven they fell, And with the sun-beam blend. Blest visitations from above, Such are the tender woes of Love Fostering the heart they bend ! When stormy Midnight howling round Beats on our roof with clattering sound, To me your arms you'll stretch : Great God ! you'll say — To us so kind, O shelter from this loud bleak wind The houseless, friendless wretch ! The tears that tremble down your cheek, Shall bathe my kisses chaste and meek In Pity's dew divine ; And from your heart the sighs that steal 80 JUVENILE POEMS. Shall make your rising bosom feel The answering swell of mine ! How oft, my Love ! with shapings sweet I paint the moment, we shall meet ! With eager speed I dart — I seize you in the vacant air, And fancy, with a husband's care I press you to my heart ! Tis said, in Summer's evening hour Flashes the golden-coloured flower A fair electric flame : And so shall flash my love-charged eye When all the heart's big ecstasy Shoots rapid through the frame ! LINES TO A FRIEND IN ANSWER TO A MELANCHOLY LETTER. Away, those cloudy looks, that labouring sigh, The peevish offspring of a sickly hour ! Nor meanly thus complain of Fortune's power, When the blind gamester throws a luckless die. Yon setting sun flashes a mournful gleam Behind those broken clouds, his stormy train : JUVENILE POEMS. 81 To-morrow shall the many-coloured main In brightness roll beneath his orient beam ! Wild, as the autumnal gust, the hand of Time Flies o'er his mystic lyre : in shadowy dance The alternate groups of Joy and Grief advance Responsive to his varying strains sublime ! Bears on its wing each hour a load of Fate ; The swain, who, lulled by Seine's mild murmurs, led His weary oxen to their nightly shed, To-day may rule a tempest-troubled State. Nor shall not Fortune with a vengeful smile Survey the sanguinary despot's might, And haply hurl the pageant from his height Unwept to wander in some savage isle. There shiv'ring sad beneath the tempest's frown Round his tired limbs to wrap the purple vest ; And mixed with nails and beads, an equal jest ! Barter for food the jewels of his crown. VOL. I. 82 JUVENILE POEMS. RELIGIOUS MUSINGS; A DESULTORY POEM, WRITTEN ON THE CHRISTMAS EVE OF 1794. This is the time, when most divine to hear, The voice of adoration rouses me, As with a Cherub's trump : and high upborne, Yea, mingling with the choir, I seem to view The vision of the heavenly multitude, Who hymned the song of peace o'er Bethlehem's fields ! Yet thou more bright than all the angel blaze, That harbingered thy birth. Thou, Man of Woes ! Despised Galilean ! For the great Invisible (by symbols only seen) With a peculiar and surpassing light Shines from the visage of the oppressed good man, When heedless of himself the scourged Saint Mourns for the oppressor. Fair the vernal mead, Fair the high grove, the sea, the sun, the stars; True impress each of their creating Sire ! Yet nor high grove, nor many-coloured mead, Nor the green Ocean with his thousand isles, Nor the starred azure, nor the sovran sun, E'er with such majesty of portraiture Imaged the supreme beauty uncreate, JUVENILE POEMS. 83 As thou, meek Saviour ! at the fearful hour When thy insulted anguish winged the prayer Harped by Archangels, when they sing of mercy! Which when the Almighty heard from forth his throne Diviner light filled Heaven with ecstasy ! Heaven's hymnings paused : and Hell her yawnr ing mouth Closed a brief moment. Lovely was the death Of Him whose life was Love ! Holy with power He on the thought-benighted Sceptic beamed Manifest Godhead, melting into day What floating mists of dark idolatry Broke and misshaped the omnipresent Sire : And first by Fear uncharmed the drowsed Soul. Till of its nobler nature it 'gan feel Dim recollections ; and thence soared to Hope, Strong to believe whate'er of mystic good The Eternal dooms for his immortal sons. From Hope and firmer Faith to perfect Love Attracted and absorbed : and centred there God only to behold, and know, and feel, Till by exclusive consciousness of God All self-annihilated it shall make God its identity : God all in all ! We and our Father one ! And blest are they, 84 JUVENILE POEMS. Who in this fleshly World, the elect of Heaven, Their strong eye darting through the deeds of men, Adore with steadfast unpresuming gaze Him Nature's essence, mind, and energy ! And gazing, trembling, patiently ascend Treading beneath their feet all visible things As steps, that upward to their Father's throne Lead gradual — else nor glorified nor loved. They nor contempt embosom nor revenge : For they dare know of what may seem deform, The Supreme Fair sole operant : in whose sight All things are pure, his strong controlling Love Alike from all educing perfect good. Their's too celestial courage, inly armed- Dwarfing Earth's giant brood, what time they muse On their great Father, great beyond compare ! And marching onwards view high o'er their heads His waving banners of Omnipotence. Who the Creator love, created might Dread not : within their tents no terrors walk. For they are holy things before the Lord Aye unprofaned, though Earth should league with Hell ; God's altar grasping with an eager hand Fear, the wild-visaged, pale, eye-starting wretch, Sure-refuged hears his hot pursuing fiends Yell at vain distance. Soon refreshed from Heaven He calms the throb and tempest of his heart. His countenance settles ; a soft solemn bliss JUVENILE POEMS. 85 Swims in his eye — his swimming eye upraised : And Faith's whole armour glitters on his limbs ! And thus transfigured with a dreadless awe, A solemn hush of soul, meek he beholds All things of terrible seeming : yea, unmoved Views e'en the immitigable ministers That shower down vengeance on these latter days. For kindling with intenser Deity From the celestial Mercy-seat they come, And at the renovating wells of Love Have filled their vials with salutary wrath, To sickly Nature more medicinal Than what soft balm the weeping good man pours Into the lone despoiled traveller's wounds ! Thus from the Elect, regenerate through faith, Pass the dark Passions and what thirsty Cares Drink up the Spirit, and the dim regards Self-centre. Lo they vanish ! or acquire New names, new features— -by supernal grace Enrobed with Light, and naturalized in Heaven. As when a shepherd on a vernal morn Through some thick fog creeps timorous with slow foot, Darkling he fixes on the immediate road His downward eye : all else of fairest kind Hid or deformed. But lo ! the bursting Sun ! Touched by the enchantment of that sudden beam Straight the black vapour melteth, and in globes Of dewy glitter gems each plant and tree ; 00 JUVENILE POEMS. On every leaf, on every blade it hangs ! Dance glad the new-born intermingling rays, And wide around the landscape streams with glory! There is one Mind, one omnipresent Mind, Omnific. His most holy name is Love. Truth of subliming import ! with the which Who feeds and saturates his constant soul, He from his small particular orbit flies With blest outstarting ! From Himself he flies, Stands in the sun, and with no partial gaze Views all creation ; and he loves it all, And blesses it, and calls it very good ! This is indeed to dwell with the most High ! Cherubs and rapture-trembling Seraphim Can press no nearer to the Almighty's Throne. But that we roam unconscious, or with hearts Unfeeling of our universal Sire, And that in his vast family no Cain Injures uninjured (in her best-aimed blow Victorious murder a blind suicide) Haply for this some younger Angel now Looks down on human nature : and, behold ! A sea of blood bestrewed with wrecks, where mad Embattling interests on each other rush With unhelmed rage ! Tis the sublime of man, Our noontide majesty, to know ourselves Parts and proportions of one wondrous whole ! JUVENILE POEMS. 87 This fraternizes man, this constitutes Our charities and bearings. But 'tis God Diffused through all, that doth make all one whole ; This the worst superstition, him except Aught to desire, Supreme Reality ! The plenitude and permanence of bliss ! Fiends of Superstition ! not that oft The erring priest hath stained with brother's blood Your grisly idols, not for this may wrath Thunder against you from the Holy One ! But o'er some plain that steameth to the sun, Peopled with death ; or where more hideous Trade Loud-laughing packs his bales of human anguish ; 1 v/ill raise up a mourning, O ye Fiends ! And curse your spells, that film the eye of Faith, Hiding the present God ; whose presence lost, The moral world's cohesion, we become An anarchy of Spirits ! Toy-bewitched, Made blind by lusts, disherited of soul, No common centre Man, no common sire Knoweth ! A sordid solitary thing, Mid countless brethren with a lonely heart Through courts and cities the smooth savage roams Feeling himself, his own low self the whole ; When he by sacred sympathy might make The whole one self ! self, that no alien knows ! Self, far diffused as Fancy's wing can travel ! Self, spreading still ! Oblivious of its own, Yet all of all possessing ! This is Faith ! This the Messiah's destined victory ! «8 JUVENILE POEMS. But first offences needs must come ! Even now 1 (Black Hell laughs horrible — to hear the scoff!) Thee to defend, meek Galilean ! Thee And thy mild laws of Love unutterable, Mistrust and enmity have burst the bands Of social peace ; and listening treachery lurks With pious fraud to snare a brother's life ; And childless widows o'er the groaning- land Wail numberless ; and orphans weep for bread Thee to defend, dear Saviour of mankind ! Thee, Lamb of God ! Thee, blameless Prince of peace ! From all sides rush the thirsty brood of War,— Austria, and that foul Woman of the North, The lustful murderess of her wedded lord ! And he, connatural mind ! whom (in their songs 1 January 21st, 1794, in the debate on the address to his Majesty, on the speech from the Throne, the Earl of Guildford moved an amendment to the following effect : — " That the House hoped his Majesty would seize the earliest opportunity to conclude a peace with France," &c. This motion was opposed by the Duke of Portland, who " con- sidered the war to be merely grounded on one principle— the preservation of the Christian Religion." May 30th, 1794, the Duke of Bedford moved a number of resolutions, with a view to the establishment of a peace with France. He was opposed (among others) by Lord Abingdon in these remarkable words : " The best road to Peace, my Lords, is War ! and War carried on in the same manner in which we are taught to worship our Creator, namely, with all our souls, and with all our minds, and with all our hearts, and with all our strength." JUVENILE POEMS. 89 So bards of elder time had haply feigned) Some Fury fondled in her hate to man, Bidding her serpent hair in mazy surge Lick his young face, and at his mouth imbreathe Horrible sympathy ! And leagued with these Each petty German princeling, nursed in gore ! Soul-hardened barterers of human blood ! Death's prime slave-merchants ! Scorpion-whips of Fate ! Nor least in savagery of holy zeal, Apt for the yoke, the race degenerate, Whom Britain erst had blushed to call her sons ! Thee to defend the Moloch priest prefers The prayer of hate, and bellows to the herd That Deity, accomplice Deity In the fierce jealousy of wakened wrath Will go forth with our armies and our fleets To scatter the red ruin on their foes ! blasphemy ! to mingle fiendish deeds With blessedness ! Lord of unsleeping Love, 1 From everlasting Thou ! We shall not die. These, even these, in mercy didst thou form, Teachers of Good through Evil, by brief wrong Making Truth lovely, and her future might Magnetic o'er the fixed untrembling heart. 1 Art thou not from everlasting-, O Lord, my God, mine Holy One ? Wg shall not die. O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment, &c. Habakkuk. 90 JUVENILE POEMS. In the primeval age a dateless while The vacant Shepherd wandered with his flock, Pitching his tent where'er the green grass waved. But soon Imagination conjured up A host of new desires : with busy aim, Each for himself, Earth's eager children toiled. So Property began, twy-streaming fount, Whence Vice and Virtue flow, honey and gall. Hence the soft couch, and many-coloured robe, The timbrel, and arch'd dome and costly feast, With all the inventive arts, that nursed the soul To forms of beauty, and by sensual wants Unsensualized the mind, which in the means Learnt to forget the grossness of the end, Best pleasured with its own activity. And hence Disease that withers manhood's arm, The daggered Envy, spirit-quenching Want, Warriors, and Lords, and Priests — all the sore ills That vex and desolate our mortal life. Wide-wasting ills ! yet each the immediate source Of mightier good. Their keen necessities To ceaseless action goading human thought Have made Earth's reasoning animal her Lord ; And the pale-featured Sage's trembling hand Strong as a host of armed Deities, Such as the blind Ionian fabled erst. From avarice thus, from luxury and war Sprang heavenly science; and from science freedom. O'er wakened realms Philosophers and Bards JUVENILE POEMS. 91 Spread in concentric circles : they whose souls, Conscious of their high dignities from God, Brook not wealth's rivalry ! and they who long Enamoured with the charms of order hate The unseemly disproportion : and whoe'er Turn with mild sorrow from the victor's car And the low puppetry of thrones, to muse On that hlest triumph, when the patriot Sage Called the red lightnings from the o'er-rushing cloud And dashed the beauteous terrors on the earth Smiling majestic. Such a phalanx ne'er Measured firm paces to the calming sound Of Spartan flute ! These on the fated day, When, stung to rage by pity, eloquent men Have roused with pealing voice the unnumbered tribes That toil and groan and bleed, hungiy and blind, — These hushed awhile with patient eye serene Shall watch the mad careering of the storm ; Then o'er the wild and wavy chaos rush And tame the outrageous mass, with plastic might Moulding confusion to such perfect forms, As erst were wont, — bright visions of the day ! — To float before them, when, the summer noon, Beneath some arch'd romantic rock reclined They felt the sea breeze lift their youthful locks ; Or in the month of blossoms, at mild eve, Wandering with desultory feet inhaled The wafted perfumes, and the flocks and woods And many-tinted streams and setting sun ya JUVENILE POEMS. With all his gorgeous company of clouds Ecstatic gazed ! then homeward as they strayed" Cast the sad eye to earth, and inly mused Why there was misery in a world so fair. Ah ! far removed from all that glads the sense, From all that softens or ennohles Man, The wretched Many ! Bent beneath their loads They gape at pageant Power, nor recognise Their cots' transmuted plunder ! From the tree Of Knowledge, ere the vernal sap had risen Rudely disbranched ! Blest Society ! Fitliest depictured by some sun-scorched waste, Where oft majestic through the tainted noon The Simoom sails, before whose purple pomp Who falls not prostrate dies ! And where by nigbt, Fast by each precious fountain on green herbs The lion couches ; or hy?ena dips Deep in the lucid stream his bloody jaws ; Or serpent plants his vast moon-glittering bulk, Caught in whose monstrous twine Behemoth 1 yells, His bones loud-crashing ! O ye numberless, Whom foul oppression's ruffian g-luttony Drives from life's plenteous feast ! O thou poor wretch Who nursed in darkness and made wild by want, 1 Behemoth, in Hebrew, signifies wild beasts in general. Some believe it is the elephant, some the hippopotamus ; some affirm it is the wild bull. Poetically, it designates any large quadruped. JUVENILE POEMS. 93 Roamest for prey, yea thy unnatural hand Dost lift to deeds of blood ! O pale-eyed form, The victim of seduction, doomed to know Polluted nights and days of blasphemy ; Who in loathed orgies with lewd wassailers Must gaily laugh, while thy remembered home Gnaws like a viper at thy secret heart ! aged women ! ye who weekly catch The morsel tossed by law-forced charity, And die so slowly, that none call it murder! O loathly suppliants ! ye, that unreceived Totter heart-broken from the closing gates Of the full Lazar-house : or, gazing, stand Sick with despair ! O ye to glory's field Forced or ensnared, who, as ye gasp in death, Bleed with new wounds beneath the vulture's beak ! O thou poor widow, who in dreams dost view Thy husband's mangled corse, and from short doze Start'st with a shriek ; or in thy half-thatched cot Waked by the wintry night-storm, wet and cold Cow'rst o'er thy screaming baby ! Rest awhile Children of wretchedness! More groans must rise, More blood must stream, or ere your wrongs be full. Yet is the day of retribution nigh : The Lamb of God hath opened the fifth seal : And upward rush on swiftest wing of fire The innumerable multitude of Wrongs By man on man inflicted ! Rest awhile, Children of wretchedness ! The hour is nigh ; And lo ! the great, the rich, the mighty Men, 94 JUVENILE POEMS. The Kings and the chief Captains of the World 1 , With all that fixed on high like stars of Heaven Shot baleful influence, shall be cast to earth, Vile and down- trodden, as the untimely fruit Shook from the fig-tree by a sudden storm. Even now the storm begins : ' each gentle name, Faith and meek Piety, with fearful joy Tremble far-off — for lo ! the giant Frenzy Uprooting empires with his whirlwind arm Mocketh high Heaven; burst hideous from the cell Where the old Hag, unconquerable, huge, Creation's eyeless drudge, black ruin, sits Nursing the impatient earthquake. O return ! Pure Faith ! meek Piety ! The abhorred Form Whose scarlet robe was stiff with earthly pomp, Who drank iniquity in cups of gold, Whose names were many and all blasphemous, Hath met the horrible judgment ! Whence that cry ? The mighty army of foul Spirits shrieked Disherited of earth ! For she hath fallen On whose black front was written Mystery ; She that reeled heavily, whose wine was blood ; She that worked whoredom with the Demon Power, And from the dark embrace all evil things Brought forth and nurtured : mitred atheism ! And patient Folly who on bended knee Gives back the steel that stabbed him; and pale Fear 1 Alluding to the French Revolution. JUVENILE POEMS. 95 Haunted by ghastlier shapings than surround Moon-blasted Madness when he yells at midnight ! Return pure Faith ! return meek Piety ! The kingdoms of the world are yours : each heart Self-governed, the vast family of Love Raised from the common earth by common toil Enjoy the equal produce. Such delights As float to earth, permitted visitants ! When in some hour of solemn jubilee The massy gates of Paradise are thrown Wide open, and forth come in fragments wild Sweet echoes of unearthly melodies, And odours snatched from beds of amaranth, And they, that from the crystal river of life Spring up on freshened wing, ambrosial gales ! The favoured good man in his lonely walk Perceives them, and his silent spirit drinks Strange bliss which he shall recognise in heaven. And such delights, such strange beatitudes Seize on my young anticipating heart When that blest future rushes on my view ! For in his own and in his Father's might The Saviour comes ! While as the Thousand Years Lead up their mystic dance, the Desert shouts ! Old Ocean claps his hands ! The mighty Dead Rise to new life, whoe'er from earliest time With conscious zeal had urged Love's wondrous plan, Coadjutors of God. To Milton's trump The high groves of the renovated Earth Unbosom their glad echoes: inly hushed, 96 JUVETSTILE POEMS. Adoring- Newton his serener eye Raises to heaven : and he of mortal kind Wisest, he 1 first who marked the ideal tribes Up the fine fibres through the sentient brain. Lo ! Priestley there, patriot, and saint, and sage, Him, full of years, from his loved native land Statesmen blood stained and priests idolatrous By dark lies maddening the blind multitude Drove with vain bate. Calm, pitying he retired, And mused expectant on these promised years. O Years ! the blest pre-eminence of Saints ! Ye sweep athwart my gaze, so heavenly bright, The wings that veil the adoring Seraphs' eyes, What time they bend before the Jasper Throne 2 Reflect no lovelier hues ! Yet ye depart, And all beyond is darkness ! Heights most strange, Whence Fancy falls, fluttering her idle wing. For who of woman born may paint the hour, When seized in his mid course, the Sun shall wane Making noon ghastly ! Who of woman born May image in the workings of his thought, How the black-visaged, red-eyed Fiend out- stretched 3 1 David Hartley. s Rev. chap. iv. v. 52 and 3. — And immediately I was in the Spirit : and behold, a Throne was set in Heaven and one sat on the Throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone, &c. 3 The final destruction impersonated. JUVENILE POEMS. 97 Beneath the unsteady feet of Nature groans, In feverous slumbers — destined then to wake, When fiery whirlwinds thunder his dread name And Angels shout, Destruction ! How his arm The last great Spirit lifting high in air Shall swear by Him, the ever-living One, Time is no more ! Believe thou, O my soul, Life is a vision shadowy of Truth ; And vice, and anguish, and the wormy grave, Shapes of a dream ! The veiling clouds retire, And lo ! the Throne of the redeeming God Forth flashing unimaginable day Wraps in one blaze earth, heaven, and deepest hell. Contemplant Spirits ! ye that hover o'er With untired gaze the immeasurable fount Ebullient with creative Deity ! And ye of plastic power, that interfused Roll through the grosser and material mass In organizing surge ! Holies of God ! (And what if Monads of the infinite mind) I haply journeying my immortal course Shall sometime join your mystic choir. Till then I discipline my young and novice thought In ministeries of heart-stirring song, And aye on Meditation's heaven-ward wing Soaring aloft I breathe the empyreal air Of Love, omnific, omnipresent Love, VOL. I. II 98 JUVENILE POEMS. Whose day-spring rises glorious in my soul As the great Sun, when he his influence Sheds on the frost-bound waters — The glad stream Flows to the ray and warbles as it flows. THE DESTINY OF NATIONS. A VISION. Auspicious Reverence ! Hush all meaner song, Ere we the deep preluding strain have poured To the Great Father, only Rightful King, Eternal Father ! King Omnipotent ! To the Will Absolute, the One, the Good ! The I AM, the Word, the Life, the Living God ! Such symphony requires best instrument. Seize, then, my soul ! from Freedom's trophied dome The harp which hangeth high between the shields Of Brutus and Leonidas ! With that Strong music, that soliciting spell, force back Man's free and stirring spirit that lies entranced. For what is freedom, but the unfettered use Of all the powers which God for use had given ? But chiefly this, him first, him last to view Through meaner powers and secondary things Effulgent, as through clouds that veil his blaze. For all that meets the bodily sense I deem Symbolical, one mighty alphabet JUVENILE POEMS. 99 For infant minds ; and we in this low world Placed with our backs to bright reality, That we may learn with young unwounded ken The substance from its shadow. Infinite Love, Whose latence is the plenitude of all, Thou with retracted beams, and self-eclipse Veiling, revealest thine eternal Sun. But some there are who deem themselves most free When they within this gross and visible sphere Chain down the winged thought, scoffing ascent, Proud in their meanness : and themselves they cheat With noisy emptiness of learned phrase, Their subtle fluids, impacts, essences, Self-working tools, uncaused effects, and all Those blind omniscients, those almighty slaves, Untenanting creation of its God. But properties are God : the naked mass (If mass there be, fantastic guess or ghost) Acts only by its inactivity. Here we pause humbly. Others boldlier think That as one body seems the aggregate Of atoms numberless, each organized ; So by a strange and dim similitude Infinite myriads of self-conscious minds Are one all-conscious Spirit, which informs With absolute ubiquity of thought (His one eternal self-affirming act !) All his involved Monads, that yet seem 100 JUVENILE POEMS. With various province and apt agency Each to pursue its own self-centring- end. Some nurse the infant diamond in the mine ; Some roll the genial juices through the oak ; Some drive the mutinous clouds to clash in air, And rushing on the storm with whirlwind speed, Yoke the red lightnings to their volleying car. Thus these pursue their never- varying course, No eddy in their stream. Others, more wild, With complex interests weaving human fates, Duteous or proud, alike obedient all, Evolve the process of eternal good. And what if some rebellious o'er dark realms Arrogate power ? yet these train up to God, And on the rude eye, unconfirmed for day, Flash meteor-lights better than total gloom. As ere from Lieule-Oaive's vapoury head The Laplander beholds the far-off sun Dart his slant beam on unobeying snows, While yet the stern and solitary night Brooks no alternate sway, the Boreal Mom With mimic lustre substitutes its gleam, Guiding his course or by Niemi lake Or Balda Zhiok, 1 or the mossy stone Of Solfar-kapper, 2 while the snowy blast 1 Balda Zhiok ; i. e. mons altitudinis, the highest moun tain in Lapland. 2 Solfar Kapper ; capitium Solfar, hie locus omnium quotquot veterum Lapponum superstitio sacrifices religi- JUVENILE POEMS. 101 Drifts arrowy hj y or eddies round his sledge, Making the poor babe at its mother's back ' Scream in its scanty cradle : he the while Wins gentle solace as with upward eye He marks the streamy banners of the North, Thinking himself those happy spirits shall join Who there in floating robes of rosy light Dance sportively. For Fancy is the power That first unsensualizes the dark mind, Giving it new delights ; and bids it swell With wild activity ; and peopling air, By obscure fears of beings invisible, Emancipates it from the grosser thrall Of the present impulse, teaching self-control, osoque cultui dedicavit, celebratissimus erat, in parte sinus australis situs semimilliaris spatio a mari distans. Ipse locus, quern curiositatis gratia aliquando me invisisse me- mini, duabus prealtis lapidibus, sibi invicem oppositis, quorum alter musco circumdatus erat, constabat. — Leemius de Lapponibus. 1 The Lapland women carry their infants at their back in a piece of excavated wood, which serves them for a cradle. Opposite to the infant's mouth there is a hole for it to breathe through. — Mirandum prorsus est et vix credibile nisi cui vidisse contigit. Lappones hyeme iter facientes pervastos montes.perque horridaet inviatesqua, eo presertim tempore quo omnia perpetuis nivibus obtecta sunt et nives ventis agitantur et in gyros aguntur, viam ad destinata loca absque errore invenire posse, lactantem autem infantem si quern habeat, ipsa mater in dorso bajulat, in excavato ligno (Gieed'k ipsi vocant) quod pro cunis utuntur : in hoc infans pannis et pellibus convolutus colli- gatus jacet. — Leemius de Lapponibus. 102 JUVENILE POEMS. Till Superstition with unconscious hand Seat Reason on her throne. Wherefore not vain, Nor yet without permitted power impressed, I deem those legends terrible, with which The polar ancient thrills his uncouth throng 1 : Whether of pitying Spirits that make their moan O'er slaughtered infants, or that giant bird Vuokho, of whose rushing wings the noise Is tempest, when the unutterable 1 shape Speeds from the mother of Death, and utters once That shriek, which never murderer heard, and lived. Or if the Greenland Wizard in strange trance Pierces the untravelled realms of Ocean's bed Over the abysm, even to that uttermost cave By mis-shaped prodigies beleaguered, such As earth ne'er bred, nor air, nor the upper sea : Where dwells the Fury Form, whose unheard name With eager eye, pale cheek, suspended breath, And lips half-opening with the dread of sound, Unsleeping Silence guards, worn out with fear Lest haply 'scaping on some treacherous blast The fateful word let slip the elements And frenzy Nature. Yet the wizard her, Armed with Torng-arsuck's 2 power, the Spirit of Good, 1 Jaibme Aibmo. 2 They call the Good Spirit Torngarsuck. The other great but malignant spirit is a nameless Female ; she dwells under the sea in a great house, where she can detain JUVENILE POEMS. 103 Forces to unchain the foodful progeny Of the Ocean stream; thence thro' the realm of Souls, Where live the Innocent, as far from cares As from the storms and overwhelming 1 waves That tumble on the surface of the Deep, Returns with far-heard pant, hotly pursued By the fierce Warders of the Sea, once more, Ere by the frost foreclosed, to repossess His fleshly mansion, that had staid the while In the dark tent within a cow'ring group Untenanted.— Wild phantasies ! yet wise, On the victorious goodness of high God Teaching reliance, and medicinal hope, Till from Bethabra northward, heavenly Truth With gradual steps, winning her difficult way, Transfer their rude Faith perfected and pure. If there be beings of higher class than Man, I deem no nobler province they possess, Than by disposal of apt circumstance To rear up kingdoms : and the deeds they prompt, in captivity all the animals of the ocean by her magic power. When a dearth befalls the Greenlanders, an An- gekok or magician must undertake a journey thither. He passes through the kingdom of souls, over a horrible abyss into the Palace of this phantom, and by his enchant- ments causes the captive creatures to ascend directly to the surface of the ocean. — See Crantz's History of Greenland, vol. i. 206. 104 JUVENILE POEMS. Distinguishing from mortal agency, They choose their human ministers from such states As still the Epic song half fears to name, Repelled from all the minstrelsies that strike The palace-roof and soothe the monarch's pride. And such, perhaps, the Spirit, who (if words Witnessed by answering deeds may claim our faith) Held commune with that warrior-maid of France Who scourged the Invader. From her infant days, With Wisdom, mother of retired thoughts, Her soul had dwelt ; and she was quick to mark The good and evil thing, in human lore Undisciplined. For lowly was her birth, And Heaven had doomed her early years to toil That pure from tyranny's least deed, herself Unfeared by fellow-natures, she might wait On the poor labouring man with kindly looks, And minister refreshment to the tired Way-wanderer, when along the rough hewn bench The sweltry man had stretched him, and aloft Vacantly watched the rudely pictured board Which on the mulberry-bough with welcome creak Swung to the pleasant breeze. Here, too, the Maid Learnt more than schools could teach : Man's shifting mind, His vices and his sorrows ! And full oft At tales of cruel wrong and strange distress Had wept and shivered. To the tottering eld Still as a daughter would she run : she placed JUVENILE POEMS. 105 His cold limbs at the sunny door, and loved To hear him story, in his garrulous sort, Of his eventful years, all come and gone. So twenty seasons past. The Virgin's form, Active and tall, nor sloth nor luxury Had shrunk or paled. Her front sublime and broad, Her flexile eye-brows wildly haired and low, And her full eye, now bright, now unillumed, Spake more than Woman's thought ; and all her face Was moulded to such features as declared That pity there had oft and strongly worked, And sometimes indignation. Bold her mien, And like a haughty huntress of the woods She moved : yet sure she was a gentle maid ! And in each motion her most innocent soul Beamed forth so brightly, that who saw would say Guilt was a thing impossible in her ! Nor idly would have said— for she had lived In this bad World, as in a place of tombs, And touched not the pollutions of the dead. 'Twas the cold season when the rustic's eye From the drear desolate whiteness of his fields Rolls for relief to watch the skiey tints And clouds slow varying their huge imagery ; When now, as she was wont, the healthful Maid Had left her pallet ere one beam of day Slanted the fos:-smoke. She went forth alone 1 06 JUVENILE POEMS. Urged by the indwelling angel-guide, that oft, With dim inexplicable sympathies Disquieting the heart, shapes out Man's course To the predoomed adventure. Now the ascent She climbs of that steep upland, on whose top The Pilgrim-man, who long since eve had watched The alien shine of unconcerning stars, Shouts to himself, there first the Abbey-lights Seen in Neufchatel's vale ; now slopes adown The winding sheep-track vale-ward : when, behold In the first entrance of the level road An unattended team ! The foremost horse Lay with stretched limbs ; the others, yet alive But stiff and cold, stood motionless, their manes Hoar with the frozen night dews. Dismally The dark-red dawn now glimmered ; but its gleams Disclosed no face of man. The maiden paused, Then hailed who might be near. No voice replied. From the thwart wain at length there reached her ear A sound so feeble that it almost seemed Distant : and feebly, with slow effort pushed, A miserable man crept forth : his limbs The silent frost had eat, scathing like fire. Faint on the shafts he rested. She, mean time, Saw crowded close beneath the coverture A mother and her children — lifeless all, Yet lovely ! not a lineament was marred — Death had put on so slumber-like a form ! It was a piteous sight ; and one, a babe, JUVENILE POEMS. 107 The crisp milk frozen on its innocent lips, Lay on the woman's arm, its little hand Stretched on her bosom. Mutely questioning, The Maid gazed wildly at the living wretch. He, his head feebly turning, on the group Looked with a vacant stare, and his eye spoke The drowsy calm that steals on worn-out anguish. She shuddered; but, each vainer pang subdued, Quick disentangling from the foremost horse The rustic bands, with difficulty and toil [rived, The stiff cramped team forced homeward. There ar- Anxiously tends him she with healing herbs, And weeps and prays — but the numb power of Death Spreads o'er his limbs ; and ere the noontide hour, The hovering spirits of his wife and babes Hail him immortal ! Yet amid his pangs, With interruptions long from ghastly throes, His voice had faltered out this simple tale. The village, where he dwelt a husbandman, By sudden inroad had been seized and fired Late on the yester-evening. With his wife And little ones he hurried his escape. [heard They saw the neighbouring hamlets flame, they Uproar and shrieks ! and terror-struck drove on Through unfrequented roads, a weary way ! But saw nor house nor cottage. All had quenched Their evening hearth-fire : for the alarm had spread. 108 JUVENILE POEMS. The air clippedkeen, the night was fanged with frost, And they provisionless ! The weeping wife 111 hushed her children's moans ; and still they moaned, Till fright and cold and hunger drank their life. They closed their eyes in sleep, nor knew 'twas death. He only, lashing his o'er-wearied team, Gained a sad respite, till beside the base Of the high hill his foremost horse dropped dead. Then hopeless, strengthless, sick for lack of food, He crept beneath the coverture, entranced, Till wakened by the maiden. — Such his tale. Ah ! suffering to the height of what was suffered; Stung with too keen a sympathy, the Maid Brooded with moving lips, mute, startful, dark ! And now her flushed tumultuous features shot Such strange vivacity, as fires the eye Of misery fancy-crazed ! and now once more Naked, and void, and fixed, and all within The unquiet silence of confused thought And shapeless feelings. For a mighty hand Was strong upon her, till in the heat of soul To the high hill-top tracing back her steps, Aside the beacon, up whose smouldered stones The tender ivy-trails crept thinly, there, Unconscious of the driving element, Yea, swallowed up in the ominous dream, she sate Ghastly as broad-eyed Slumber ! a dim anguish JUVENILE POEMS. ] 09 Breathed from her look ! and still with pant and sob, Inly she toil'd to flee, and still subdued, Felt an inevitable Presence near. Thus as she toiled in troublous ecstasy, A horror of great darkness wrapt her round, And a voice uttered forth unearthly tones, Calming; her soul,—" O Thou of the Most High Chosen, whom all the perfected in Heaven Behold expectant ■ < - [The following fragments were intended to form part of the poem when finished.] " Maid beloved of Heaven ! (To her the tutelary Power exclaimed) Of Chaos the adventurous progeny Thou seest ; foul missionaries of foul sire, Fierce to regain the losses of that hour When Love rose glittering, and his gorgeous wings Over the abyss fluttered with such glad noise, As what time after long and pestful calms, With slimy shapes and miscreated life Poisoning the vast Pacific, the fresh breeze Wakens the merchant-sail uprising. Night A heavy unimaginable moan Sent forth, when she the Protoplast beheld Stand beauteous on confusion's charmed wave. Moaning she fled, and entered the Profound That leads with downward windings to the cave 1 ] JUVENILE POEMS. Of darkness palpable, desert of Death Sunk deep beneath Gehenna's massy roots. There many a dateless age the beldam lurked And trembled ; till engendered by fierce Hate, Fierce Hate and gloomy Hope, a Dream arose, Shaped like a black cloud marked with streaks of fire. It roused the Hell-Hag: she the dew damp wiped From off her brow, and through the uncouth maze Retraced her steps ; but ere she reached the mouth Of that drear labyrinth, shuddering she paused, Nor dared re-enter the diminished Gulf. As through the dark vaults of some mouldered tower (Which, fearful to approach, the evening hind Circles at distance in his homeward way) The winds breathe hollow, deemed the plaining groan Of prisoned spirits ; with such fearful voice Night murmured, and the sound thro' Chaos went. Leaped at her call her hideous-fronted brood ! A dark behest they heard, and rushed on earth ; Since that sad hour, in camps and courts adored, Rebels from God, and tyrants o'er Mankind !" From his obscure haunt Shrieked Fear, of Cruelty the ghastly dam, Feverous yet freezing, eager-paced yet slow, As she that creeps from forth her swampy reeds, Ague, the biform hag ! when early Spring Beams on the marsh-bred vapours. JUVENILE POEMS. 1 1 1 " Even so (the exulting Maiden said) The sainted heralds of good tidings fell, And thus they witnessed God ! But now the clouds Treading, and storms beneath their feet, they soar Higher, and higher soar, and soaring sing Loud songs of triumph! O ye spirits of God, Hover around my mortal agonies !" She spake, and instantly faint melody Melts on her ear, soothing and sad, and slow, Such measures, as at calmest midnight heard By aged hermit in his holy dream, Foretell and solace death ; and now they rise Louder, as when with harp and mingled voice The white-robed 1 multitude of slaughtered saints At Heaven's wide-opened portals gratulant Receive some martyr'd patriot. The harmony Entranced the Maid, till each suspended sense Brief slumber seized, and confused ecstasy. At length awakening slow, she gazed around : And through a mist, the relique of that trance Still thinning as she gazed, an Isle appeared, Its high, o'er-hanging, white, broad-breasted cliffs, 1 Revelations, vi. 9, 11. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held. And white robes were given unto every one of them, and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. 112 JUVENILE POEMS. Glassed on the subject ocean. A vast plain Stretched opposite, where ever and anon The plough-man following sad his meagre team Turned up fresh sculls unstartled, and the bones Of fierce hate-breathing combatants, who there All mingled lay beneath the common earth, Death's gloomy reconcilement ! O'er the fields Stept a fair Form, repairing all she might, Her temples olive-wreatbed ; and where she trod, Fresh flowerets rose, and many a foodful herb. But wan her cheek, her footsteps insecure, And anxious pleasure beamed in her faint eye, As she had newly left a couch of pain, Pale convalescent ! (yet some time to rule With power exclusive o'er the willing world, That blest prophetic mandate then fulfilled — Peace be on Earth !) A happy while, but brief, She seemed to wander with assiduous feet, And healed the recent harm of chill and blight, And nursed each plant that fair and virtuous grew. But soon a deepprecursive sound moaned hollow : Black rose the clouds, and now, (as in a dream) Their reddening shapes, transformed to warrior- hosts, Coursed o'er the sky, and battled in mid-air. Nor did not the large blood-drops fall from heaven Portentous ! while aloft were seen to float, Like hideous features booming on the mist, Wan stains of ominous light ! Resigned, yet sad, JUVENILE POEMS. 113 The fair Form bowed her olive-crowned brow, Then o'er the plain with oft reverted eye Fled till a place of tombs she reached, and there Within a ruined sepulchre obscure Found hiding-place. The delegated Maid Gazed through her tears, then in sad tones ex- claimed ;— *■ " Thou mild-eyed Form ! wherefore, ah ! where- fore fled ? The power of Justice like a name all light, Shone from thy brow ; but all they, who unblamed Dwelt in thy dwellings, call thee Happiness. Ah ! why, uninjured and unprofited, Should multitudes against their brethren rush ? Why sow they guilt, still reaping misery ? Lenient of care, thy songs, O Peace ! are sweet, As after showers the perfumed gale of eve, That flings the cool drops on a feverous cheek ; And gay thy grassy altar piled with fruits. But boasts the shrine of demon War one charm, Save that with many an orgie strange and foul, Dancing around with interwoven arms, The maniac Suicide and giant Murder Exult in their fierce union ! I am sad, And know not why the simple peasants crowd Beneath the Chieftains' standard !" Thus the Maid. To her the tutelary Spirit said : VOL. I. I 114 JUVENILE POEMS. "When luxury and lust's exhausted stores No more can rouse the appetites of kings ; When the low flattery of their reptile lords Falls flat and heavy on the accustomed ear ; When eunuchs sing, and fools buffoonery make, And dancers writhe their harlot-limbs in vain ; Then War and all its dread vicissitudes Pleasingly agitate their stagnant hearts ; Its hopes, its fears, its victories, its defeats, Insipid royalty's keen condiment ! Therefore uninjured and unprofited, (Victims at once and executioners) The congregated husbandmen lay waste The vineyard and the harvest. As along The Bothnic coast, or southward of the Line, Though hushed the winds and cloudless the high noon, Yet if Leviathan, weary of ease, In sports unwieldy toss his island-bulk, Ocean behind him billows, and before A storm of waves breaks foamy on the strand. And hence, for times and seasons bloody and dark, Short Peace shall skin the wounds of causeless War, And War, his strained sinews knit anew, Still violate the unfinished works of Peace. But yonder look ! for more demands thy view '." He said : and straightway from the opposite Isle A vapour sailed, as when a cloud, exhaled From Egypt's fields that steam hot pestilence, Travels the sky for many a trackless league, JUVENILE POEMS. 115 Till o'er some death-doomed land, distant in vain, It broods incumbent. Forthwith from the plain, Facing the Isle, a brighter cloud arose, And steered its course which way the vapour went. The Maiden paused, musing what this might mean. But long time passed not, ere that brighter cloud Returned more bright ; along the plain it swept ; And soon from forth its bursting sides emerged A dazzling form, broad-bosomed, bold of eye, And wild her hair, save where with laurels bound. Not more majestic stood the healing God, When from his bow the arrow sped that slew Huge Python. Shriek'd Ambition's giant throng, And with them hissed the locust-fiends that crawled And glittered in Corruption's slimy track. Great was their wrath, for short they knew their reign ; And such commotion made they, and uproar, As when the mad tornado bellows through The guilty islands of the western main, What time departing from their native shores, Eboe, or 1 Koromantyn's plain of palms, The infuriate spirits of the murdered make Fierce merriment, and vengeance ask of Heaven. 1 The Slaves in the West-Indies consider death as a passport to their native country This sentiment is thus expressed in the introduction to a Greek Prize-Ode on the 116 JUVENILE POEMS. Warmed with new influence, the unwholesome plain Sent up its foulest fogs to meet the morn : The Sun that rose on Freedom, rose in blood ! " Maiden beloved, and Delegate of Heaven ! (To her the tutelary Spirit said) Slave-Trade, of which the thoughts are better than the lan- o-uao-e in which they are conveyed. ''il ctkotou TrvXag Qdvars, Trpdkt'nrwv 'Eg ysVof (nrtvSoig v-ko£,ev)(%ev 'Arte Oil Z,tvicr6r)Gy yevvuv (nrapayfiois, OiiS' oXoXvyfitp, 'AXXd /ecu kiikXokti x poiTvrroicn, K.'dcfia.TOJV X a P$' tyo&ipoQ \"- tv iaiJl 'AXX' 6[iH)Q 'EXevQtply avvouceTg, 'SiTvyvi Tvpavvs ! AaOKioig sttI TTTSpvysaffi cryai T A ! SraXacnnov tcaQopwvTEQ oTS/ia AiOepoTrXdyicTOiQ vtto ttoco avtioi HarpiB' ett' alav. "EvOa p.dv "Epatrai 'Epwfievyaiv 'Afupl TVf]yij(Jiv KirpivoJv vtt' aXowv, "Ocrcr' vtvo fipoTolg tiraQov /3poroi, rd Aeivd Xeyovri. LITERAL TRANSLATION. Leaving- the gates of darkness, O Death ! hasten thou to a race yoked with misery ! Thou wilt not he received with lacerations of cheeks, nor with funeral ululation — but with circling dances and the joy of songs. Thou art terri- ble indeed, yet thou dwellest with Liberty, stern Genius ! Borne on thy dark pinions over the swelling of Ocean, they return to their native country. There, by the side of foun- tains beneath citron-groves, the lovers tell to their beloved what horrors, being men, they had endured from men. JUVENILE POEMS. 117 Soon shall the morning struggle into day, The stormy morning into cloudless noon. Much hast thou seen, nor all canst understand — But this be thy best omen — Save thy Country !" Thus saying, from the answering Maid he passed, And with him disappeared the heavenly Vision. " Glory to Thee, Father of Earth and Heaven! All conscious presence of the Universe ! Nature's vast ever-acting energy ! In will, in deed, impulse of All to All ! Whether thy Love with unrefracted ray Beam on the Prophet's purged eye, or if Diseasing realms the enthusiast, wild of thought, Scatter new frenzies on the infected throng, Thou both inspiring and predooming both, Fit instruments and best, of perfect end : Glory to Thee, Father of Earth and Heaven ! " And first a landscape rose More wild and waste and desolate than where The white bear, drifting on a field of ice, Howls to her sundered cubs with piteous rage And savage agony. SIBYLLINE LEAVES. I. POEMS OCCASIONED BY POLITICAL EVENTS OR FEELINGS CONNECTED WITH THEM. When I have borne in memory what has tamed Great nations, how ennobling thoughts depart When men change swords for ledgers, and desert The student's bower for gold, some fears unnamed I had, my country ! Am I to be blamed ! But, when I think of Thee, and what thou art, Verily, in the bottom of my heart, Of those unfilial fears I am ashamed. But dearly must we prize thee ; we who find In thee a bulwark of the cause of men ; And I by my affection was beguiled. What wonder if a poet, now and then, Among the many movements of his mind, Felt for thee as a Lover or a Child. ■WORDSWORTH. ODE TO THE DEPARTING YEAR.* 'Iov, lOtl, S) (I» KCLKa. Yx' av fie Seivbg dp&ofiavrelag tcovoq 2rpo£sZ, rapaoffiov