Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. II University Library Union Hydraulic Works, established 1837. 3 1924 031 307 709 olin,anx Isaac S. Cassin. Josiali Thompson. UNION HYDRAULIC WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1837. I. S. CASSIN & CO. "'*"t (Successors to R. T. H. Stileraan,) J{gtottlitattri€^$ SECOND STREET & aEEMANTOWN AVE., PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OP Stop-Valves, for Water and Gas Works, Fire Hydrants, Water Columns, Station Plugs, &c,, for Railroads, PUMPING ENGINES, PUMPS, BOILERS, TURBINE AND OTHER WATER WHEELS, WATER ENGINES, WATER METERS, HYDRAULIC RAMS, ETC. Valves and Cocks of every variety and description, Water, Gas and Steam Gauges, Cast Iron Water and Gas Pipe, Branches, Bends, &c., Cast Iron Flange Pipe, Branches, Bends, &c., Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron and Brass Work and Castings of all kinds, Machine Work, Blacksmithing and Pattern Making. L'nioii Hytli'aulic Works, Second Street and Germantown Avenue. Philadelphia, 18TT. This is the oldest works of its kind in ths United States, having beSn established in its present location, as far back as 1837, by the late Richard Stileraan, Sr., who was a pioneer in the construction of Valves for Water and Gas Works, Fire Hydrants, Station Plugs, Water Columns for Railroads, &c.. Pumps and Pumping Machinery and other supplies of this description. Its work may be found in a majority of the Water and Gas Works of the country, and its repu- tation for superior workmanship is second to none. We have Patterns for all kinds of Valves and Cocks, and for Fire Hydrants, to meet all requirements. Pumping Engines of a superior character, and of any capacity, can be furnished at the shortest notice. Steam Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Water Meters, Water Engines, Turbine Water Wheels, Hy- draulic Rams, Gauges for Water, Steam and Gas, and all descrip- tions of Hydraulic and Gas apparatus and supplies. We are the sole manufacturers of the celebrated "Stileman Valves," which have been so long in successful use in Water and Gas Works, and which have only increased in popularity and repu- tation for thorough efficiency and durability with the increased length of time which they have been in service. We are the owners of all the valuable Patents of the late Richard T. H. Stileman, and are the only manufacturers of the various devices covered by these Patents. I. S. CASSIN & CO. INDEX. PAi.E BraQches, for Cast Iron Gas aDd Water Pipes 11 Bends " " " " H Brackets, for Gas Lights 1^ Branch Tees IS Branches, Bends, (fee. for Drain and Smoke Pipes 02^:66 Back Pressure Regulator 47 Boilers, Steam 50-59 Wrought Iron Bath 69 Boiler Stands, for Bath Boilers 69-70 Bath Tubs, Iron 75 with Patent Overflow 75 Connections 79 Caulking Tools 12 Chisels 12 Crow, for Drilling and Tapping Pipes 12 Coil Slats 18 Stays 18 Cocks, Iron 27 Steam 27 Double Flange 27 Hose 27 Packed Plug, Steam 28 Air 28 Cylinder 28 Gauge 28 Locomotive Heater 28 Steam Bibb 29 Steam Stop 30 Plumber's, Brass 30 Hose Bibb 31 Rough Stop 31A33 Curb Stop 31 Roundway Stop 32 Hose Stop 32 Plain Stop 33 Finished Stop 33 Hydrant 31 Ferrule .34 . Corporation 34 Compression 35 '■ Hose Bibb 36-.37 s- " Ball 37 " Hydrant 37 Ball 37 for Steam Gauges ;i7 Service 38 INDJ^X. PAOE Cocks, Piain Meter 38 Union Meter ^^8 Street Lamp . .■■ -iS Pillar 38 Couplings, Plain, Brass 39 Valve 39 Water Back 39 Bath Boiler 39 Hose 40-41 "Cassin's Improved" Fire Protection 44 Cesspools 79 Plates 80 Drilling Machine, for Drilling and Tapping Street Mains Vl Expansion Plates 38 Joints 19 Engines, Steam Pumping...; 42-43 Water 45 Hydraulic Ram 49 "Bigelow" Steam 50-59 Fire Hydrants 6 Furnaces for Melting Lead 12 Fittings, Iron, for Wrought Iron Pipe 15 Galvanized Iron 16 Malleable Iron 16 " ■' with Tin Lining 20 Flanges, Screwed, for Wrought Iron Pipe 17 Ferrules, Tinned, Brass 20 for Street Mains 20 Filters 40 Fittings, for Leather or Gum Hose Pipe 41 Fire Protection, "Cassin's Improved" 44 Fittings, Green-House - 'o'o Gas Works 14 Gauges, Steam 60 Vacuum 60 Hydraulic 60&62 "Allen's" Pattern 61 " Pyro" Steam 61 Cheap 61 Small Steam ... 62 Glass Water 62 Hammers 12 liook Plates , 18 Huse Caps, with Chain 27 Sprinklers 41 Nipples 41 Caps 41 Hydrant Nozzli^s 42 INDEX. vu. PAGE Hydrant, Fire 6 Hydraulic Earns 49 Ram Engine 49 Hoppers 67,68-78 Hooks, for Iron Soil Pipe 68 Joint, O'Neill's Patent, for Water and Gas Pipe 80-83 Lead Ladles 12 Lamp Posts 14 Low Water Detector, "Ashcroft's" 62 Melting Pots 12 Manifolds 18 Meters, Water 46 Moulds, Bar Solder 68 Nipples, Soldering 41 O'Neill's Patent Pipe Joint, for Gas and Water Pipes 80-83 Pipes, Cast Iron Water 11 " ** Gas 11 Pipe Cutter, Wood's Patent 12 Cast Iron Flange 13 Branches, Bends and Special Castings for 11 Pipe, Wrought Iron i 14 Lead 19 Tin-lined, Lead 19 " Iron 19 Cast Iron Drain, Water and Smoke 62-66 Green-House : 66 Leader 68 Pumps, Iron and Brass , 44 Steam ^8 A 45 Fire 43^.45 Regulator, Back Pressure 47 ■ Water Pressiire 47 Station Plug and Water Column 8 Special Castings, for Cast Iron, Gas and Water Pipes 11 Stop Cock Box, Frame and T'over 20 Street Washer Box, " " 20 Stop Bock Box, Long 20 Street Washer, with Long Box 21 and Hitching Post Combined 21 Strainers 26 <*; 39 Street Washer and Stop Combined 37 Suction Baskets 40 Solder Pots 68 Moulds, Bar 68 Stands for Boilers 69-70 Sinks 70-75 I^ 1 fc t^ 03 !2i m r- 1^ CN ■^ in j>- m- _>1 CD t*-, J3 t4 '^^ '^ ha C3 be a; <]> 0) fc ?? ^ ^ ^ fl a H ^ H ^ yA (Hi XT -j: UNION HYDRA ULIC WORKS. /. s. CASsiJsr ^ CO. UNION HYDRA ULIG WORKS. For Water Works, Gas Works, Railroads, Manufactories, &c. All Valves guaranteed. Absolutely tight on both faces. For efficiency and durability are not equalled by any other valve. Have been in use in a, majority of the Water Works and Gas Works in the United States for over forty years. A great variety of patterns. Hydrants to suit all purposes and requirements. Plush Hydrants ; Hydrants for Steam Fire Engines ; for ordinary fire service; for Railroads, Manufacturing Establish- ments and Public and Private Buildings and Grounds. The most efficient and durable and of handsome designs. We will guarantee the "Cassin Hydrants" positively non-freezing. Any information cheerfully given, by addressing I. S. CASSIN &. CO., UNION HYDRAULIC WORKS, Second Street and Germanloivn Avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. /. S. CASSIN ^ CO. No. I Three 2J inch noz No 2 Two 2i " " No 3 One 2j u .< No 4 One H " " No 5 One H " " No 6 One 2J " " No 1 One H " " No 8 Indoor Hydrant, v, Case same design as No. 1, Philadelpliia Pattern, Price each $50 00 45 00 40 00 33 00 38 00 30 00 25 00 10 00 Subway, ut attachment, All these Hydrants have brass valve seats and fittings, and square threads on the opening screws. The wastes or drains on our Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, are of a new and superior character, and of much greater area, with less movement in opening and closing than usual, and arranged so the waste openings cannot become clogged up, or the Hydrant freeze. Nozzles of any size or description as may be ordered or required. Ordinary length 5 feet 3 inches between cen- tres of inlet pipe and nozzle, but they are made to order of any length, or for any depth of line required. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have long cases, extending down to the bottom of the stand-pipes. All are furnished complete, and ready to attach to the supply main, and are fitted up in a superior manner, and Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are acknowledged to he the handsomest Fire Hydrants now manu- factured. UNION HYDRA ULIC WORKS. /. ^S', OASSI/^ ^ CO. FOR RAILROAD WATER STATIONS. Size. Nos. Brass Working Surfaces. Price each. 4 inch. 1. With Opening Wheel and Wrench, $70 00 5 " 2. " ■' " " 75 00 6 " 3. " " " " 85 00 8 " 5. ' " '• ■' i- relief valve, 125 00 10 " 6. " " " " 145 00 Stand Pipes extra, according to length, etc. teif Oiliai, te liiljeaii. Complete. Xo. 7, $450 00. Improved Station Plug and Water Column, for Railroads. 10 L S. CASSIJV ^ CO. mm lAiim. Sizes, 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 8 in. Price, each, $18 00. $21 00. $25 00. $32 00. Swivel and Swing Joint, for Water Column, - $50 00 Brass Valve Stem and Valve, with Nut and Key, for Supply Valves, - 25 00 Valve and Valve Stem, for Stand Pipe, 18 00 Brass Nut, for Stand Pipe Valve 3 00 Valve Rod and Valve for Fire Hydrant, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 1 50 " " " No. 4, 6 75 " " " Nos. 5, 6, and 7, 5 00 Yoke or Monkey and Screw, " " '' " 7 50 Opening Wheel and Wrench, for Station Plug, 10 00 Stands for Stop Valves, per set, according to size and kind of Valve. Wfiielgi if lep fe ©f eilig SliggI itaig-¥alTig, Wrenches for opening 3 in. to 8 in., price, each, $5 50 " 10 in. to 16 in., " 7 00 " " 16 in. to 24 in., " 10 00 These Wrenches are made for either Inside or Outside Screw Stop-Valves, as required. They are strongly made, with one end of the handle steeled and pointed, for picking away the ice or earth, and for lifting the street cover. UNION HYDRA ULIC WORKS. 11 CO CO CO 1 O CO o 00 CD ^ IM O 00 ZO ^ CO (M rHjN pi Ed t- H IS. ■< Q Weight per foot, " " length, Price per foot, " " lb., " ton lbs. r~ ^ ^ ^^ m r-- oj r^ V, ^=: ^ ^- M a> Cq y ^^ TO ■"" „ E- CD cr^ Qj fe 0-, z:) m O •^ 83 _C3 5- '^ £. t, ^ " 5 5 Q 12 T. S. CASSIN ^ CO. Caulking Tools. Hammers, Chisels, Furnaces for melting lead, Melting Pots, Lead Ladles, and all kinds of Tools for Pipe Laying, Fitting, &c. BiaWs fw ii?lllli,g mi f igpfeg Mfm-. No. 1. For IJ to 3 inch Pipe, $10 00 No. 2. For IJ to 6 " 13 00 No. 3. For IJ to 12 " 16 00 Prices of Drills, Reamers, Taps, and other like tools, according to sizes, etc. iirllliag laebiiae for Dirilliiig & f appiig itiset lains. Machine complete, for any size pipe, $30 00 Drills, Reamers, Taps, &c., extra. For Culling Cast Iron Pipe. The only Machine made for Ihis purpose. Sizes. Price each. No. 1 Cuts 3, 4 and 6 in. Cast Iron Pipe and Wrought Iron Pipe and Flues, $100 00 No. 2 Cuts 8, 10 and 12 in. Cast Iron Pipe and Wrought Iron Pipe and Flues, 125 00 No. 1 A, Differing from Nos. 1 and 2 in adjusting parts ; a more finished and complete machine, 125 00 No. 2 A, Differing from Nos. 1 and 2 in adjusting parts ; a more finished and complete machine, 150 00 No. 3 Cuts 14, 16, 18 and 20 in. Cast Iron pipe, 250 00 No. 4 Cuts 24 and 30 in. " " " 300 00 These Machines will cut pipe in a trench or building, as well as loose Cast or Wrought Iron Pipe, Shafts, Columns, &c., of any size, leaving the ends clean, smooth and square. There is no risk of breaking or cracking the Pipe, nor danger of injuring or loosening the contiguous joints, as is the case in cutting in the old way, with hammer and chisel. The machine is simple in construction, easy to work, and not liable to get out of order. It is in fact a hand lathe, operated with a gearing or ratchet, the tool traveling around the pipe instead of, as in the ordinary lathe, the work revolving. Any ordinary cutting-oflf tool is used, and cuts the pipe entirely through, leaving the ends smooth, true and sound. [ K "1 UNION HYDRA ULIG WORKS m 13 m > ^' O CC * ! 11 'X^ i li 1=1 O 1 1 -! .-1 CM o o o o o o O O O O O CO Ir- CD cq in CO "^ jjTj ooo o o ooooo o oincT' o oi cooot-o lo co D COCDt- O ■— 1 COCOCMCOiC '^ OlOO O O ooooo lO €1 lO lO-c-co o m in.— 1-^cocM -t- i ^T^lC t- I— 1 cqc^ ^,—1-^ w omioooinoiDinooomoo o <3 CO ■^'*00OiD(NiOOCqOi:-iOJ>-Oir3 CO 1^ .-H.-(i— icocMcgirq .-1.-1 ^co CDOOOOOmOiOOiOiOOOO ■HtN OOCTSCanHCOCDir-TTl— I:--^COiCiIr-l— lO & irq ^-1 (M 1— 1 .— i i-H cq COCMOOOOOTPinCOOC^lOOOiOO m ■^iriJ^-i— lOioii— icM^cococsfo-^cDCOco g ^ ^ nH ^ cDOooinocDOinocMOcoGOOoeqo 1^ r*t co-^-*i'-j:-inJr-i-iroc"ac^i— irHcoc^>— 'CM ^ ^ rH cooioiriiomo-— 1 asiocsi-tooir-m Hv cMcocoinTTTrm^cM.-^— ..-HrH-rqoi.- — ^ 1^ OOOrHiOiOOiOOOCDTtfCQCOOmOCDO ■"* f-lCMCMCOCOCOCO ,— ii-(.— 1 r-'.-Hlr-lOi— i ES ^ wl-* Cq-ciiCO T^O-^Jr-CMCOO-t-COCOOt-QO ,_l^,-( C-J(M(M ^,_,._. .-iCDCO m - ■t* >-«M CDoco oomcocoooooococoocooot- .-<.—' ,_,,-,,—( ,—1 .— i-^CM 1^1 m «. QO mooir-ir-inmosr-i a: .-< CO .-+* coco -^co-^^cooou:: CM ^D r^» 10 CD in -^ t- CO CM i^l ...cDc---.-a)_;-K) . M (V) m w ; r^ jo" : £, — .0 OS :o : Q K a 2 CD fe f- 0; a 0) J3 OJ 02 m w Branc ross Br eturn : educer ouplinj ushing ock Nu ipples, " Ion ong Sc 'rough H H H>HOPi3 fiHKOeqjIz; J IS c 16 /. S. GASSIN ^ CO. m 1^ o o in in CXI —. CO ^J- o o o o o O ^ CO o »o in CO (M CO eg ^ in (M (M <-t o in o O CO O in cq tro ^ ^ ^ ■— < ^ ,— I u I (M .— I 1^ m ^ M ^ ^ O X 00 ^ -. a c 3 -; aj .- o ce UNION HTDRA ULIC WORKS. 17 Ml m CO ift o ir- in lO CD i:- iTi O O (M Oi lO Tt< ^ in CD O O lO O XO CO C^ -t- Cq i- Tq CO CO ^ ^ lO o o o o o -^ O lO O CD M CO CO '* Tt< o in o o m CO Jr- CO c:i in Oq C^ CO CO ':*< '* cmo-t-co ^^_,^C<1C-1COCO-* CO (rq 00 lO cs o o o CO Tt< CO 00 O -t^ GO .-1 .-H —1 t-H cq (M C-] CO ocqcqoooinmoin OnHcq"^ini>-aico-t- ^^,_H,_l,_(,-l,— IC<1(M C5 (1) d) O -- 00 31 O CI Tt^ - CD (M CO CD in Cq CO CO -^ in 00 o o mi CO 00 CJ: O e^^ CO -^ O CO CO CQ cq cvi CO CO ^ in in CO oo CO ir- OO >-*N oo o cq 00 in o 00 .-H oq cq cq CO Tf< rj^ O CO «|00 in 00 o CO cq CO in .— ' — ( c>5 oq CO CO T}i O Q a •^ r--<(-q iijN i-4rq COir-i.-COOOOlClO-HdCO'* 18 /. S. CASSIN Sj- CO. PRICE EACH. NoMBEE OF Outlets. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 % in. Outlet, 2]4 in. Centres Hn. " 2Vlin. '• 1 in. " 2I4 in. 2 in. run 60 70 72 88 1 35 88 1 10 1 60 1 00 1 40 2 00 1 25 1 70 2 60 1 60 2 00 2 95 1 80 2 30 S 30 2 10 2 60 3 80 2 40 2 95 4 10 3 70 6 30 Back or Side Outlets, of same size as Front Outlets, will be charged as additional Front Outlet; other sizes proportionally. PRICE EACH. Number of Hooks. 1 i 2 3 j 4 5 6 i V I 50,60, 8 70 1014 20i28 40 12 16 26i36 46 56 61\ 76 I6I2I 3C 40 50 64 76 88 20,26 34 44:55 TO 8511 00 10 i 12 80 86 90 OO'l 20 mm g£4fe. NnMEEK of Pipes Wide. 3 4 5, 67, 8. 9. 10 Slats, each Bottom and Top Plates, and Feet, per pair 20 60 25 30' 35' 40 45, 55 60 |1 10. 1 20. 1 50 1 601 80:2 00 2 25 mm mkm. Number of Pipes High. 10 For f inch Pipes, IP pair For 1 " " 12 14 i 16 18 20 60 ! 85 90jl.20ll 40 1 60 85 jl 05il 45 1 70'l 90 2 00 2 25 2 50 1 II SIZE. 1 i- it 8 i f 36 1 46 64 80 2 H Price, each. 16 22 28 1 20 2 10 UNION HYDRA ULIC WORKS. 19 Price, each H 16|1 25|1 45|1 70|2 00|2 40|3 00|3 70|4 75(6 60J7 00|11 00|15 00 PRICE EACH. S[ZE. Brass Finished " Rough SIZE. Iron Flanged i 1 n 6 50 5 50 2 ^ 2 75 2 00 • 3 50 2 Y5 4 50 3 50 9 00 8 00 16 00 14 50 24 00 22 00 2 n 3 ^ 4 5 6 8 7 00 12 00 18 00 20 00 2G 00 28 00 30 00 32 00 46 00 60 00 96 00 o 1 & f li=LlIll WEIGHTS PER FOOT. i!'jMo > c« > Ol o o o o CO i:- CO CO r*) ^ <=> A a <: •-^ •rf \a lo in O I ir:) o 09 1 ^ c^ o o CO -* L-. TjH 72fe ;Ci Q , HI - •a OS , 1 eo i « I- CO lO QQ I ^ = ! < CO oa CO r+l- eg > Iron Body Cross Valves.— Brass Mounted. CD 60 00 65 00 12 in. Cross Valves. All Brass.— Screwed Ends. ; g V HI o o CO -^ i L. CO 5 CO > cd > 1 -a 7X/(7 1 o o in o ,-H CO Tf* Double Flange Valves. All Brass. Steam Metal. ^ 5. Angle Flange Valves. All Brass. Steam Metal. 23 i 1 1 in in ■^co o o '-' CD ^ o o o o i O 1 in 44 00 50 00 11 in. in in o CO - m ■* 30 00 36 00 10 in. O CO cq in in o CO 00 o in CO 22 00 25 no 9 in. o o CO CO o O CO CO m 16 00 18 00 8 in. in o o o O oc ^g in i 1 o . c8 ' S3 _ B S 11 50 13 V5 1 in. in o C^ CD o ^1 .p o f-i '^ CO M O IC5 ci in ir- .-- .^ Ht) I— 00 ^ " o o HN o in in tM in CD CI in o c^ in ' 11 Screwed ends. Flanged ends. Diana of Flanges. o ■"^ CM in O Size. 1; Price, each. 9 C Size. Price, each. Nickel Plated. . » 24 /. S. CASSIN ^ CO. o o o CQ in C~l ^1 ea 09 ■o UJ o o Id ir- lO O c« CS > " i o > en > ^ '--(tlO o o Cl 09 oo c: u >1 i'-: (8 > J3 (U O T) M OJ X lS§^ ix i a. ■^ 6 .a "1^ ol H dj 'tS , CQ C3 ce Oh fe UmON HYDRA ULIC WORKS. 25 o o CO® CO o CO in CO O o o CO CO o CXI o CM o o o in o ^° o iTi CO o CO CM C<1 ■d o o V CO ■d _ o CXI CM o OS c O CO CO ■d o CO® ■d E CO 3 o 09 CO O Z CM CO o r+KO o QQ r^M . ^ I- o 1. > r- CO CO o CO 1 c« o s > 1- 1 (» > CO i o o > CO (/) c^ 1 in CO o 03 xH s CO CO cd >, in u. o o GO = r*. o o £ ^ CD c H.S -*,° '"' o CO ^ "* o o CO o 1— 1 ,ri ^ o o ■ 1 o o o CO > > r^^ o o in ^ -* (M > o o in o ■-4E4 in jr- m o o o in Lu __, O O Jr- a. oq CO -^ E 1 CO CO ^ 3 Q. 1 o o in u rtrft in in jr- OJ J2 . i cq cq -H i| i So ti N M 03 - - a; !2 for Iron Pipe. " Lead or Co for Iron Pipe. Ph CO pT s= 1 « a — _^____ .m^ . ^^rst. : UNION HYDRA VLIG WORKS. 21 IRON COCKS. SIZE. 1 llJi IH, 2>^ SH 7 00 11 dO 15 00 9 00, 13 00 17 00 Screwed ends, each... 73 95 1 25 1 65 2 40 3 6U 5 00 Flanged ends , i4 50 6 dO Brass Plug 1 30 1 70 2 20 3 00i4 OO 7 no 12 00 IS 00 30 00 40 00 Three-way ; 1 ll 90|2 60|3 26 5 On S 00 14 OO 2100:32 00 " Brass Plug; | i2 70l3 50;4 60 S 00 13 olJ 23 00 36 00' 63 00 Steam Cocks, all Brass.— Screwed Ends. SQUARE OR FLAT HEADS. Size. Price, each Ex. Heavy 3 way ' Flanged. Diam. of Fl, 1 25 1 75 2 00 % 1 1% IH 2 % 3 3M 4 1 7.5 2 50 4 00 6 25 7 50 15 00 21 00 32 00 44 00 2 50 3 60 5 60 7 35 10 50 20 00 30 00 3 00 4 00 6 60 8 00 12 60 26 00 36 00 12 00 15 00 22 00 44 00 60 00 4i<;in 6 in. 6 in. 7 in. 7^in. Double Flange Cocks.— Steam Metal. SIZE, i 1 1114 I 11^ 1%\ 2 ! iH I 3 I 3H Price, each, 6 OO Diam. of Fl. 4 in Dist. bet. Fls|4i^ 8 00 10 00 12 00 6in. S]4 6in. i 6J.J 14 00 6in. 21 00 7in. Sin. 32 00 9in. 48 00 9in. gi^in 74 00 lOin. llin. lO^inl 12 in. 12 in. 13Jin. Hose Cocks. Steam Metal.— Single Flange. Price each. 23 inch, $16 00. Price each. 2J inch, $20 00. Size. Hose Caps, with Chain. Price, each. Rough, without Chain or Swivel. 1 1 n H 2 1 00 1 50 1 75 2 25 2 75 50 75 90 1 25 1 50 Thread for Fire Hose, or other thread to order. n 3 50 2 00 28 /. 5'. CASSIJV ^ CO. Packed Plug Steam Cocks.— Steam Metal. Size. Screwed ends, each "With Flanges. Diam. of " 4 00 1 H H 2 2J 5 50 8 00 6 75 n 00 8 00 12 00 5 in. 13 00 20 00 6 in. 20 00 30 00 7 in. 33 00 48 00 7Jin. Air Cocks and Valves. — All Brass. From $6 00 to $16 50 per dozen, according to style and finish. Cylinder Cocks.— All Brass. From $8 00 to $18 00 per dozen, according to style and finish. Gauge Cocks. Of all patterns and styles, from $10 00 to $130 00 per dozen. Locomotive Heater Valve and Cock. All Brass finished. Valves, each, $7 00. Cocks, each, Packed plug, $9 00. UNION HYDRA ULIC 29 1 CO Tj4 't CO CO CO lO r*! C^ 2S CO fl -S 00 CO ® -*-*'"' eq CO CO ■-< • 00^ m HN tO C <7i CO CO -*» f4:4 ca 00." CD 10 •a a» s CO (M ^ p 0000 .-1 IC5 N 1— 1 00 Ed 8 00 6 00 7 in. T •^ --H \Ci ^ 1. CO 000000 CD 000000 w r-i 1-1 2 «l»c'5' 't; : « • 03 _ l-a a; finish rougl ng, fin rou ^ & bo T3 - a:: M s-=s E3 7 -T ^ TS a> •0 0) Finishe Rough . Screw With C Finishe Rough, Diamet 30 /. s. uASsm ^ CO. E a CO 00 d CO 1— 1 »0 CO ,-( ^ ^ .-H in — «hf o o o o in 00 — 0:1 -+* CM --." 0. CO -* '^ 00 00 T3 Hn 00 00 ^ 3 1^ w ir^ Q- 0000000000000 .ft(» i>^.S 1 o nirj- 0000000000000 TtiCN coTt<(T:ir:iJr-^-*cD^c7i^cocD ■0 s O r-l^COT-l.-H.— iCOCSCli-HC^l-^O^ ea m X X Mix 00 Oi • : D (U rH : '^ 09 • • P-i -d .N 00 : • "^ : a> eo lO '^ t^ ^ -<■* ■plated el-plated... boulder, fin ■plated el-plated., w Shank, s -1 u CO IS a X a. n. 35 a s 3 rn :§ g= £ -3 ■" ^ £ -3 £ ^3 o> ^ ^£SS§SSSraS.§. . m Id .a cc K QJ d H s; - rS m 0:1 03 IS p •« S=-- 0; = .;:::: j> d g £, ts '^ OJ .£■3 £ S rtfe:; hJ ^ 1 32 /. S. CASSIN ^ CO. •^ o o o CO CO o o o o CO o o lO CQ cq o o 00 o o o CD o o cq CD 1 oi O 1 Jr- O -< O 1 »n r+1- o o o - : C*J« o o CO -*< o o 1— 1 mll» o o o Ed' 6S1 o p o Ph -- O o «<^ o o 00 1— 1 .n|ao o o CD i-H H(N O o Mjeo o o c^ CO d O ft 5* "—I r*q O O O O iM 1C5 It- t- r+f O O o o O CO CO CO rH o o o o CO Tt< «** o o O lO (M cq u*0 o o O iTi 00 Oi Hn o o O CD Ed as O) CJ „ fiC I CO o o o o CO o o o o o o ■ 00 C^ o o CD CO kH< § in 1-H ->tN o o H* o o o CD - o o CO CO c^>* o o -■^ ea d OJ SI o ft V ca o ■E Ph UNION HYDRA ULIC WORKS. 33 o o o O o o o o o c^ o j:— CO T}* in pq — 1 O CD O rH c: O O C' o o Hw o CO CJ^ -^ o O L- CO rirf •-' o o o c o o o o -4n , o o o o o -r ^^ c; O Tt< CD CO CO U-: -tJi in CD CD -*< o o 09 ooooooooo ooooooooo in o o 0. '"' OJ^-coln'omGOGO— ' cocsico-t^-H^^^o r-W< o '£> ^ ooooooooo o CO OOOOOOOOO' = ' '- o " ^ -"-OO-rhO— -COCOCDOO s o in 03 n. CM.— ItMCOCOCOCOCOCO o o c o o c ■a 09 •OfXl o o o o Q. o o o i£ 09 -^ CO o o o o 'Tt< <:£ L. cq iTsi 1 — i c -^ CO ir U 1 CD O lO o e/) , ooooooooo 03 ^ ^ 1 1 ooooooooo "^^ CO-^OO-— ^ cr> 1. K|rf< O ■— ' cv OS z 09 09 o o o o o o o o o o -J 1- cq -^ CO to a CO in Tj =fl|co -^ CQ in CO g: o o o o o o 1 t™ o o 1 o o o L. o o l_ .fl^ n. o o c O ^ 09 CD CO J;- o o o c ^ ro iM ^ r*q C^ CO o- 1. 09 > ^ '-' o O O O ^3 09 09 -1 o Hn in o lo 1 fJ CD 1 l_ 1- CO O Cd c W a> CO 1-H CO C^ iZ mjQo o o c o o c 00 CO J> o o 'rt 1— 1 CQ Cv o oT flj r^ Q- tdoo o o o o o o (M ir- O f-( o o o O o o o o t— en CD fM cn lO ^ 1— CO CM CO CO •^ CO "^ in iC, CO c-i o o o o o ro|rf o o O O o o o o v> nn ^ 1— M^ 1— CO CD r-{ CM cq CM CM CO CO CM o o O o o o o O O .fiteD rr. ■^ cH CM CM CM CM CM o o C5 o o O o O o rHlCN o o o o o o o o o ;:: CO lO i- CO 05 CM CM CM m cc dH ■ to H^ i § ° ^: a"* 5.5- .« a fL, 5 a a o § ■ T3 i^5^ «^ i^ S B '" s - ■O te - 0)1^ pq IS Js ^ ^ ~ a oj „~ o q Ph OJ « oj 00 OJ 00 OJ 03 t^ ^ — ^ O O S r-f-a- o o o CD - o o r^-V o o CM U*D o o 00 rH(M o o r-H <^» O o pa a N o p QJ CU O 'C UNION HYDRA VLIC WORKS. 35 o o o o H4> o o o o o in Th o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i-H o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O i^- O lO — 1 ai '* -H CO GO cq tJ^ ir- as CD jr- »n CO ^ CO (M CO Tj< CO c^ CO CO CD Th Tt< oo in CO CO CO cr CO CTi O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o 3 Ml* O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o Tt< -t X CD CO CD -t 00 CO CO o CO -^ OS CQ o 00 CO 1. CO CQ r-. CO tM cq -* CO CO CO '^ cd 1— 1 cq c^ .-( —1 Q. 1 o - o o o c .~. O c: c: o o o o CO ?lfM O c: 3 o o c ^ O ^ ■z: O O c: ^ CO - CD ^ c: -t^ ~ J^- o cc 'O '^ o c^ ca 1— .— ( cq .— o o : T3 4> M CD c .2 '« CO Q. E o c It 'c c 43 CO Q CO le, Finished Fire-plat Nickel " 1=1 o O o3 ^ a X 'c 4: b := c 1 c 3 u qT Ep: f3 O 42 ■« m T3 cS t: "5H 'O 03 a N o ^ o b c 4 •J ^ lis " '7i if OD Ph fs i^iS fe ft o P^ - - - o K TS - CO o o3 - & Vh m* Xi ^ 4i) Xi X) o m M o C" _ „ „ c - S ~ ■* ' " "* " " o." " a *3 o 4-> pT Ck 3 3 36 /. ^. OASsm i CO. o o ," H*>< o o k •-* O CD s Od 2 lO -"t N O 3 Q O C/3 o o o o ^ r+H 09 Q. 1 ^ o o o o ■a B o o o o 1 —1 CO e« 0^ o. ^ o o o o ^ CZ CQ CC CO eg E '£. CO CO CD -rJH e« o o 3 o o O CO •o 00 IT) CO m ^ CO CO o o o 09 -J o z ed^f o o I- ^ o o o o lO CO C/3 o 1. ml* o o o o CM CM lO -^ cq CM 09 o o o o GO '£ a. K<* CO C<1 u s o o s u ^ o o o «i|a5 o o .s c: o O O ^ CI i:- O O O O' o o o ^ O O ffl ' -H ,00 C71 M 1 o u. .i:fn tJ< w CD c^ -^ ro cv^ 1 CO 1. CM CM o ^ CO X ^ s/ o u E o o o o O r^M o o u o o .a o o CO ^j s'sgg ' CO u- r-: J— ^ -^ .a IE -tr. 1— . CO •-< ^ re CM s o 03 09 CO u z o X G ** i-H I-l o jg lis to SIS'* J° "So ™f^ r- 1- m .2.2 d o i 2g III to 12.2 p S toSS S „to i-Kxir- i m o in s to "^22 CO "Mg^ I'd - ^ a p .S d '-' -a ■'- vj.— o ,-.0 lO to r-l t- p' a g 'o i "g -is 11 . P . S P'" i- &p p p '-' tJ -^ - -^ c O) tot-oi ~ iD^ 00 rt . . . S .2 .2 .2 ira""" CO jg lis Sg --is m m m _p p _p* § o o p' p' p c^t-o .2 -2 .2 OeOO 2 2 a g O o i § sis gig Jr 3|^ ;gii| H oTo'lg .gils o i pep ^ o — ■■' "^ 5 -is iig ... ® ".2.2 d " "K :-|| p d P co-^es 1 j= g3!o 5= ".mo oi ■ • ■ S . d d c " »g sis .2.2 a r^g IBs rH d' fl . ^ -g 5»-i Id j CC|S^ a a^ 3 g d (SSij , ^1 : . . • 1 . ^ Single Strokes per mmute varying witli kinds of work and pressure Displacement in gallons, per single Stroke Mean pumping cap. y hoi Prices Numbers designating sizes Diam. of Steam Cylinders. Diam. of Water Plungers.. Length of Stroke Single Strokes per minute^ varying with kinds of work and pressure Displacement in gallons, per single Stroke Mean pumping cap. 'g hou Prices ^ . 1 44 L S. CASSIN ^ CO. ^mmwt iifiof li nil fiof lOfiOE FOR WATER WORKS. This is a variable pressure appliance, for changing the worlcs from ordinary service to fire service. It can be adjusted in less than one minute, to give any pressure upon the mains, and the excess of pressure will be relieved by discharge into the reservoir, stand pipe, tanks or pumping well. By this device, works having a low head can be made to give any head or pressure required for fire purposes, and the reservoir and direct pumping systems are effectively com- bined, by the application of this apparatus. It is simple, durable, and inexpensive, and combines the check, safety discharge, etc., in one valve, and in one chamber. The register is graduated to head in feet, and to pounds pressure per square inch. Furnished of any size, from 2 inches to 48 inches diameter. Prices and information given upon application. i:roiN' km beass, pimfs., A full line of Iron and Brass Cistern, Well, Force and Lift Pumps, Yard, Drive Well, Garden Engine and Steam Boiler Pumps. Price, each Iron Cistern Pumps, 2J4 to 3% in. Bore $3 60 to $8 00 Molasses, or Hot Liquid Pump, 2% to iyi in. Bore, Iron 12 00 to 25 00 " " " " " Brass 20 00 to 42 00 Pitcher Spout Pump, Spring Valve, 2)4 to i\i in Bore, Iron 4 25 to C 25 Fountain Cistern Pump, Brass Valve Seat, 2% to 3 in. Bore, Iron... 4 25 to 5 50 Anti-Freezing Cistern and Well Pump, 2}^ to Z% in. '' " 7 75 to 9 00 Drive Well Pumps, 2}^ to SJ^in. Bore, Iron 8 25 to 9 00 Yard Well Pumps, Anti-Freezing, 2)4, to 4 in. Bore, Iron 8 00 to 15 00 Open Top Stock, Anti-Freezing Lift Pumps, 5 in. Bore, Iron 16 00 Close " " " " '■ •' 18 00 Anti-FreezingShallow Well Force Pumps, 2^.ito3i4 in. Bore, Iron, 13 00 to 14 00 Deep Well Lift Pumps. IK to 4 in. Bore, Iron 14 00 to 20 00 " Force Pumps, 2^1 to 8 in. " " ]700tol860 House Force Pumps, various desighs, 2 to 4 in. Bore, Iron 8 00 to 25 00 Double Acting Force Pumps, Tight and Loose Pulleys, for Power, 2 to 4 in. Bore, Iron 39 oo to 63 00 Double Acting House Force Pumps, 2 to 4J^ in. Bore, Iron IS 00 to 50 00 Kailroad Force Pumps, for Hand use, 4 to 5 in. " " 26 00 to 45 00 for Power. 4 to 5 in. " '• 26 00 to 50 00 Double Acting Force Pumps, for Steamboats, Factories, Ac, 3 to 6 in. Bore, 2 Iron Cylinders 35 00 to 75 00 Double Acting Force Pumps, for Steamboats, Factories, Ac, 3 to 6 in. Bore, 2 Brass Cylinders 46 oo to 105 00 UNION BYDRAVLW WORKS. 45 Column Force Pumps, Single, T. & L. Pulleys, 2i to 4^ in. Bore 75 00 to 140 00 " *' " Double, " " " " 95 00 to 205 00 " " " Geared, 3 to 4}^ in. Bore, Iron 130 00 to 230 00 Steam Boiler Force " Hand and Power, 1J4 to 6 in. " " 10 00 to 90 00 Hydraulic Pressure Pumps, for Testing Pipes, Boilers, Hose, &c., 11^ in. Plungers, Iron 25 00 Brass Air Pumps, 2 in. Bore, 6 in. Stroke 15 00 Brass Cylinder Cistern Pumps, ?X to 3J4 in. Bore 6 00 to 10 00 " " Force " 1 to 4 in. Bore 14 00 to 110 00 '' Ale Pumps, for Counter use 7 00 to 8 00 Plumber's Force or Pressure Pumps 14 00 to 20 00 Gas Drip Pumps, for Gas Works and Plumbers'. Brass 12 00 to 15 00 Hand and Power Rotary Oil Pumps 26 00 to 55 00 " Rotary Force Pumps, for Cisterns and Shallow Wells 19 00 to 45 00 Rotary Power Pumps, Iron or Brass, for Mills, Railroads, &c 60 00 to 650 00 " Fire Pumps, for Manufactories. &c., various capacities... 170 00 to 275 00 Centrifugal Pumps, Iron or Brass, various styles and sizes 24 00 to 240 00 Windmill Pumps, " " 9 50 to 55 00 Portable Force Pumps and Fire Extinguishers, 2 Iron Cylinders 165 00 " " " " " 2 Brass " 200 00 Green-house and Garden Engines and Pumps, all styles 8 00 to 40 00 Any information anl details .of capacities, sizes, styles, prices, etc., given upon application. Parties wishing to purchase, will please state the purposa for which they intend to use a Pump, with such particulars as may appear to suit the circumstances. Pumps of all kinds and for every conceivable purpose, and all the parts and repairs furnished and made. wifii iiraie. To be driven by Wafer Pressure. These Engines are simple in their construction, economical and durable ; require no skill in their management, but only the opening and closing of a valve. Being a Cylinder and Piston Engine, they run with great economy of water, and light pressures. The small Engines are well adapted to driving Sewing Machines, Small Lathesi Jig Saws, Printing Presses, Organs, Elevators, Washing Machines' Wringers, Coffee Mills, Meat Cutters, and work of like character. 1 inch Piston, 3J inch stroke Price, $40 00 IJ " " 6 " " " 100 00 If " " 6 '■ " " 100 00 2 " " 6 " " " 100 00 2J " " 6 " " " 110 00 3 " " 8 " •' " 125 00 3J " " 8 " " " 135 00 4 " " 8 " " " 150 00 4J " " 8 " " " 175 00 4| '• " 15 " " " 200 00 5 " " 12 " " " 225 00 6 " " 12 " " " 250 00 46 /. S. OASSIN' 4- CO. Union Wafer Meier. Size. Vb % 1 iH No. of Meter. Galls, deliv'd per 10 hours. Price 1 2000 25 00 2 4000 37 60 3 8000 4 17,000 5 34,000 160 00 6 64,000 300 00 7 150,000 600 00 300,000 750 00 9 600,000 ICOO 00 Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are Brass, the other sizes are Iron, Brass-lined. The gallons of water given per day is the amount of actual work as an average, which is considered the most economical use for the life of the Meter, although under emergencies and under high heads, the Meters will double this amount of delivery. Boxing, extra. gll Wlfll lifil. Size. Weight of Meter, lbs. Dischge fi min. cubic ft. " *' galls. Price 'A M 1 l'/2 2 3 4 6 6 6 7 11 16 40 80 125 2 6 8 18 32 96 128 288 15 46 60 136 240 720 960 2160 15 00 20 00 26 00 60 00 76 00 160 OO ■275 00 600 00 Quantity of water discharged under 60 lbs. pressure. Greater pressures will give greater discharges. Larger sizes to order. Connections for Setting, furnished with- out additional charge. Boxing, extra. fll "ligfll W'4fil llfll,"" Size. Pipe. Cap. '^ miDute. Weight, complete. Price. No. 1. 1 inch. 8 gallons. 18 pounds. $20 00 No. 2. f " 16 " 30 (( 28 00 No. 3. 1 " 35 " 50 a 40 00 No. 4. li " 60 " 90 It 65 00 No. 5. 2 " 100 " 150 it 115 00 Nos. 1 and 2 are entirely of Composition Metal. Nos. 3, 4 and 5, are all Composition Metal except the Cylinder Heads. The above are the ordinary capacities of the Meter, which are warranted, when working under usual circumstances, but they will UNION HYDRA ULIC WORKS. 47 deliver double the amounts under high pressurss. Will stand a pressure of 250 lbs. per square inch. Simple and durable ia con- struction, and has been subjected to the most rigorous tests, with entire success. To Water Companies wishing to test the merits of this Meter, we will send a No. 1 on trial, for three months, to be returned at our expense, if not satisfactory. Boxing extra. W4fll FlliSfll 11111.4111= The object of this apparatus is to reduce a high pressure to any lower pressure, so as to relieve distributing and service pipes and fixtures from extraordinary strain. Prices according to require- ments, sizes, etc. This Regulator is for controlling steam in Heating Pipe, where exhaust from an engine is used to keep the back pressure on the engine uniform, at any pressure desired, and will control the live steam as well as the exhaust. Size. 2 125 06 3 150 00 4 200 00 6 Price, each. 100 00 250 00 Turbine Wheels of all sizes and powers furnished to order. Small Turbine Weeels for driving small machines, or anything requiring light power, as low as $20 each. Some of the small sizes can be attached to a common hydrant or water spigot. Prices and full information, upon application. We ask the special attention of the public to the Risdon Tur- bine Water Wheel, believing that for economy in the use of water, ease of management, and accessibility and simplicity of its parts, and also for its durability, it is unsurpassed by any other. These Wheels are economical of water at both full and partial gate. Risdon's Improved Turbine Water Wheel for the last few years has yielded the highest per centage of any wheel tested. All wheels are guaranteed to give the per centage of power, the number of horse-power represented, and to be well built, and in complete order when shipped. 48 /. S. CASSIN (f- 00. llAi' i Igglste iite f iflli© Wite Wlii, PRICE LrST OF WHEELS. DiAMETEH. Price. Inches Vented. 2'f DiAM. OP Holes for Draft Tube. 4 inches. $175 00 6i 6 " 200 00 3i 8i 8 " 225 00 5 io| 12 " 175 00 8 15 12 " 190 00 14 15 16 " 210 00 21 21 20 " 250 00 36 25 25 " 310 00 54 29 30 380 00 90 37 36 " 450 00 125 43 40 " 525 00 170 43 43 575 00 220 49 50 " 675 00 280 55 54 850 00 350 61 60 " 925 00 425 67 72 " 1300 00 650 79 llsie I'i lapivygi Tifliii Wite WtoL PRICE LIST OF WHEELS. Diameter. Price. Inches Vented. DiAM. OF Holes for 4 inches. Draft Tube. $220 00 n H 6 250 00 H H 8 275 00 5 io| 12 " 215 00 8 15 12 235 00 14 15 16 265 00 21 21 20 ■' 320 00 36 25 25 '■ 390 00 54 29 30 490 00 90 37 36 " 575 00 125 43 40 " 665 00 170 43 43 " 740 00 220 49 50 " 900 00 280 55 54 1100 00 350 61 60 " 1300 00 425 67 66 1550 00 520 73 12 " 1850 00 650 79 84 " 2400 00 850 91 96 " 3200 00 1100 101 UNION HYDRA ULIG WORKS. 49 The first three sizes — from 4 to 8 inches inclusive — in both the lists, Page 48, have gates, guides, and chutes of brass. On that account the prices of these sizes are higher in proportion than the prices of the other sizes. In the tests made at the CentenniHl Exhibition, Risdon's Tur- bine Water Wheels stood highest, and gave results above all others exhibited. Size of Kam No. 2. For a Spr No. 3. " No. 4. " ' No. 6. " ' No. 6. ' No. 7. " ' No. 10. " Price, each ng or Brook which furnishes from 3 qts. to 2 galls. ^ min. 89 00 IH to 4 " 11 00 3 to 7 " 14 00 6 to 14 ■' 22 00 12 to 25 " 40 00 20 to 40 • 60 00 25 to 76 ■' 150 00 These Bams are composed of Iron and Brass, and are durable, neat and com- pact. Other sizes to order. Small sizes of Glass, if desired. All information of sizes of drive and discharge pipes, capacities, etc., fur_ nished on application. This Machine is designed for applying to a small stream or run, where there is some 3 or 4 feet fall, or more, by which it may be ope- rated to force up another kind of water from that which drives it. Thus it may be applied to a brook, and be operated by that to force up pure well or spring water, from another fountain. Being driven by one kind, and at the same time forcing up another kind of water, rendering it of value where there is a running stream, with some fall, near a fine spring or well, as by the application of this machine all the water from the spring or well may be forced up to any point required for use. With 5 feet fall applied as driving power from the brook or run, it will raise through the suction pipe some 10 to 15 feet high, and force the pure water up an elevation of some 25 or 30 feet above the Pump, about Ij pints per minute. It will force greater heights in less proportion, and less heights in greater proportion. Price, adapted for IJ inch Drive Pipe, 1 inch Suction Pipe to Pump, and Ij inch discharge to same, each $40 00. ■ 50 /. s. CASsm ^ 00. tH O O O O j° O O O O ^ o o in o -*5 :; lO CO o "" c^ c^i c:) -^ a> £ ^ "^ o (1h w mi ■£ tJJCf 1 C O O O 1 mi "Sj S tO o o o M .. '-' c^ 1^ 5 ^ '^ -■ Revolutions per Minute. 230 190 125 to 150 150 11 1 lows, and -Plate No ^ § £ ' m Ul CU . Engines, a HOUT BOIL ja iJ a CD r- CX> O a O d r— 1 ^ ^ = "7 m s^ 2 si XI IB J a ^s "3 z CD CO 00 00 C^ C-1 CO T^ fl4 these ( Y ENGI S ES ^ 5 o . , LOW furnish ; STATION SS5 t- 00 tM C<1 ll ' II 1^3 ' 1 es £ o . 1 f-Nl « St) ^ ' ra s^ 0) a-c o -^ 00 oi &. .25*-, ! OJ q ; o3 1 ■ ^ i 1 2 6 --2S Si ^1 ! O ' r-. . n i 52 m m m m ^1 S3 HI m 1^^ O Pi ■ ii-il m m c3i /. S. CASSIN ^ CO. d z v n 0. 1 Q bl Z S £ O o K U o a a z < u z 5 z M o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O lO o o CO (M 00 t- lO 00 Tt iC tO J^- 00 ai 1 = II oj :^ 03 e*-, .2 ° ja « ■fe 5 S3 > 5 oT !>£ t-l = 1 o g: 1: ■*± "S ho •" 'S ■= ^^:- d o, Jl 6 « £ 'S A ^ .^ c o •bo^^ a OJ- H S. =2 1 o necessary for connecting the same, and if parties purchasing will give the exact position of Engine and Boiler, we will cut and fit the pipe, so that they can be set up and connected by any ordinary mechanic, without difficulty. Price of Engine and Boiler complete, with all the fittings, as per above : 6 Horse Power, $430 00. 8J $580 00. 12 $775 00. 15 $830 00. 20 $980 00. II in o o o o o tM CO O O ITi O O TjH CD "* ■-< O (m" (m' (m" tJT icT (xT 00 -^ tH O O CD -T lO m CO CO CD 11 CM (M irq N (M (M li CO GO Tf4 »0 00 o CO CO -^ CO i:- Oi g n § s « ^ -t Ttl T}< O O ■ra oi (M csi CO CO 25 CO vO 00 O '^ o CS C^ (M CO CO ■^ i^ o ■r^ CD o -^ 05 CO CO CO -^ -^ •A la II o o o in o o CO "j3 o^) c^ o in ! CO CO Tt* til t- 00 00 Oa IM 7. II g dj " B H »0 CD CD 00 GO O M „ &3 Q ^ a 25 bi < « s CO 00 00 00 00 00 J is irq iM c^ CO CO Tf ^ ■a AS 5 B a ' ai • % til ir- 00 CO cq CJ (M w K" 1— ( ^- f-H 2 S^ Ml iCa CO CO 00 00 C35 Q O^ a (^ p** |i CD Jr- 00 Cq lO O ^ i-H cq Bl|£ MOUNTED VERTICAL ENGINE.-Plate 3. 56 /. s. CASSiisr 4- CO. V Si = g o o o o o in o o o o CD CO O 1— 1 CO Si i o o o o o in in iTi o o CD CO CO O O Co" '^ ^ 1 n il ,3a o o CD irq cq CD CD CD t- Jr- 1"' .2 ^ CO CO CO CO CO 1 in o GO o oi ^ C^ CJ CO CO i K N J M M II CO 00 O -^ CO cq CSl CO CO CO m m '^^ (M in CO CD CO CN Cq (M eq CO ^1 ^.2 CO CD CI (M CO CO CO CO ^ ^ -flBqcni t- O ':f< CO o cq CO CO CO ^ 1^1 •aitn jad O O lO o o CO c:^ (M in in CM I— 1 .— ( .-H r-l pa !^fl in CD 00 00 o Si il 5" CO CO 00 00 CO CM cq CO CO Tfi saqoai ■sjioais JO i— CO cq cq o-i •eaqoni a9paj[AD ja?9aiEm in CD 00 OD Ol US 3S iiOJ OH rHfr, CO 00 CI in o .— 1 ^ CM g g^ .2 f^ bo iS s ^ o B SO I*, a 2 OS rfl C .a "— ' -4^ UH * -c S S "oJ P *"• "3, 5 ^ B S = 050 CJ CO o S B o u - 03 S .H = S-S t« ^^ ? 5 .5 Q) OJ CJ O s - s O t o bo u .5 J2 ^ § g ° -^ w Q O (U c3 O nzl P-c .S oj m 3 "tJ a> (u a >^ o3 ^: i-s CD "^ -.^ :2 a ,fl f^ OS Ph k ; rrr OJ o PL, ^ ft jd" .S a f3 OJ J3 O O D «> 5. c 3 s Ph o- aj =2 -B B, « a I to O a bo ft S .S « •^ +j j3 ^ o 73 S "^ g § « OQ g -= O O S a; S . Cli bo P40 a> ai o a bo°°S St- gPn ° ;^ ^ oooooooo 03 OOOiOOiOOO t> "S COO-^COtMt-COO o .— ic^cq^coco-^m >^ _o -»-> <2 S3 m « t3 a> a bn 3 3 P oooooooo 03 Ph loinomoioom O o>*J>-a3CDro-— iir: '^ r-HrH^rHCgCO^-* tH bD J es ^ d ■^ J ^ coco-^T^oocDcq g O bO Ti<'^ioiO':DCDCDi:- Q 1 "" iJ] bo . '.-, 3 J4 SSI ^ § 1^1 Sfe Pi (rqcX:~CDiCi ■s cqcoco-^cD-t-OiOs :^ §-g 6 llifflf ff 1 Smoke Bonnet Gauge Co tzi d 1 Q0tJ<^-^"^OOO i-Hc^cvicqcarofOm t^ '3 w to if: Base, S ooeqmcoiMcooo .— iC-lC^tMCOCO-^-^ d ^ o CO c3 s s ^ O ^ CJ '^jr-o ^ 11) 'ft N (£ Tf '73 m bo Id JD :^i -iiS J^ d W ^1 S3 i3i CD o fe ^1 o o EQ ^1 fl a "^ a o -^ , dj o3 m > r •n (U rtl Ol ^ fi .rH <^ bO ^ 5" 84 /. S. CASS/N ^ CO. I. S. CASSIN & CO. M IJ WILL CONSTRX'CT Water Works and Gas Works; furnish Drawings, Specifi- cations and Estimates for Works, make preliminary and all other surveys, examinations and investi- gations; Waters analyzed and reports made on their fitness for domestic, manufac- turing and other uses. Mr. Isaac S. Cassin, of our firm, formerly Chief Engineer of the Water Works, and also formerly an Engineer of the Gas Works of Philadelphia, has had an extensive experience in the construction of Works of this character, and will refer to Works constructed by him at Chester, Oxford, Pottstown, Coatesville, West Chester, Louella, Phoenixville, Media, Conshohocken and Swarthmore, Pa., Wilming- ton and New Castle, Del., Ithaca, N. Y., and to many other places where Works have been enlarged and extended, or partially con- structed by him. We are prepared to do any description of work connected with either the construction of Gas or Water Works, and to send expe- rienced Engineers or workmen to any part of the country. Will contract for the whole or any portion of works, and for repairs, additions and alterations. Repairs to Pumping Engines and Pumps, Pipe Laying, Setting Fire Hydrants, Stop Valves, &c., specially exe- cuted, and all descriptions of materials and supplies for both Gas and Water Works, furnished at the shortest notice. Communications promptly answered.