\c^u ^r^'- :'^,<^-^i "^.P- 'V-j J , s>: CU A.<. <"-.-. ^ U , -N^ ^"^. , '-.: . r^^ ■■^.>; /*?%■ r ;^ .^ >*^. 'V / ^1-^ ^- A aiornell UttiOEtaitg Sitbrarg Jti(aca. Nm fork FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library arY120 The book-plates ot Ulrick duke of Meckl 3 1924 032 192 316 olin,anx Jacnh Lwuiis Sicbmbiirger (Ti'ans8ylvanu.s). 1575. €. Woodcut in the style of Lncas Cranach by Jacah Lucius Siehenbiirger (Transsylvanus). 1579. 7. Portrait-Es libri.s. Woodcut. Cornelius Cromency del., Jacob Lucius Siehen- hiirger sc. 1582. S. 9. Woodcut of the coat of arms taken out of the Portrait-Ex libri.-i. 1585. 1586. 10. Woodcut copied from Lucas Cranach' s original of 1559. 1590. 11. Bookplate of John Albert the Second Duke of MerMenburgh (b. 1590, t 1636). Brass-plate. r2. Bookplate of Frederick Diilce of Mecklenburgh (b. 1717, t 1785). Cut after an etching. 13. Bookplate ofLuise Friederike Duclies.f of Mecldenburgh, wife of the former, n6e Princess of Wnrteraberg (b. 1722, f 1791). Cut after an etching. H Bookplate of Frederick Francis the First Orarul Dtike of MecJtlenbUrgh (b. 175C, f 1837). Cut after an etelungf l»y Rostnasler. iilf^ Berlin. J. A. Stargardt. 1894. I.ondon Agents : Messrs, H, Grevel & Co., 33 King Street, Covent Garden, W. C. ^= \\<\ ^^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924032192316 \Sx^;. The Book- Plates of Ulrick Duke of Mecklenburgh, woodcuts by Lucas Cranach and other artists, besides several Ex lib r is of some other members of the Mecklenburgh Dynasty. r Collected and edited. by Charles Teske. CONTENTS: Boohplates of IJlrick Duke of MeeUenburyh (b. 1527, f lft03): 1. Woodeut by jMeas Cranach. 1559. 2. Woodcut by Imms Cranach. 1573. 5. Woodcut by Lticas Crantch. 1579. 4. Woodcut in the style, of Lucas Cranacji by Jacob Luciug SiebenbUrger (Ti'ansBylvanuB). 1573. •5. Woodcut in the style of Lucas -Cranach by Jacob Litems SiebenbUrger (Ti-anssylvanus). 1575. 6. Woodcut in the style of Lucas Cranach by Jacob Lucius SiebenbUrger (Ti-anssyivanus). 1579. 7,. Portrait- Ex libris. Woodcut. Cornelius Cromeney del., Jacob Lucius Sieben- \ burger sc. 1582. ■8. 9. Woodcut of the coat of arms taken out of the Portrait-Ex libris. 1585.. 1586. 10. Woodcut copied from Lucas Cranach's original of 1559. 1690. 11. Bookplate of John Albert the Second Dulse of Mecklenburgh (b. 1590, t 1636). Brass-plate. 12. Bookplate of Frederick Duk« of Mecklenburgh (b. 1717, f 1785). Cut after an etching. 13. Bookplate ofLuise Friederike DucJi^ss of Meclderiburgh, wife of the former, n^e Princess of Wurtemberg (b. 1722, f 1791). Cut after an etching. 14. Bookplate of Frederick Francis the First Grand Duke of Mecklenburgh (b. 1756, f 1837). Cut after an etching by Bosmdskr. Berlin. J. A. Stargardt. 1894. I^ondon Agents: Mes$rs, H, Grevel & Co., 33 King Street, Covent Garden, W.C. Nr. 1. V V >t ^ H ' G • V • V • G •VLRICH ' H MEC ^«S)'KELBVRG ®«^ Nr. 2. 15 £7-5 H. G. V. V. G VLRICH HZ. ME CKELNBVRG Nr. 3. mm\ B G V* V- G. VLRICH HZ-M& CKELNBVRa ii ' iji in 2 Nr. 6. H. G- V. V. G CKELNBVB.G- on ^ottee ^mbm Uitit^ $ 2. 00 Nr. 10. Nr. 11. Nr. 12. Non efl mortak quod opio. JOANNESALBERTUS D.G.Coadiu: Episs Ratceb; DuxMcgapoIitanus. iMr. 1^. Nr. 14. ^i^' '^:^.'mk^ -^^^'^' " - .i,j3^^ ^^«i^ n f^' -^ ie '.^^ li«?^!^:^,-*;> ^J- .-.f^ A"< ■y^' ^^^^^■^^■>^ *y /H|CF.Ti ,>^. ^ :-^^ '~^>4*«^'