THE GIFT OF .S..o:^Si!!i«rva QsidsrAJYsjyjLKXrrrs, Kz.B.b.2.1..■ Extract from letter by William Gordon Stearns to Asa Famsworth Lawrence of Groton, owned by Lawrence Park, Esq. * These portraits are still owned by the Athenaeum, and are on exhibi- tion at the Museum of Fine Arts. FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 33 ough, Clevenger, Powers, Ball, Frazee, and other sculp- tors, were acquired from time to time for the " Sculpture Gallery." At the Athenaeum Audubon's engravings of birds were first seen by the public ; and here also many American works of art first became known, some to grow in fame, others to pass into utter oblivion. To record the names of generous donors of these years would be beyond our space ; but the Library correspond- ence shows how wide was the influence of the Gallery.^ Ghosts claim an important place in the history of any ancient library. The Athenaeum ghost made its appearance in 1 842 and was vouched for by Nathaniel Hawthorne, then a young bachelor who frequented the Reading-Room. His experience one April day was described long after under the title "The Ghost of Doctor Harris ; " it was reprinted in the Living Age^ February 10, 1900. From the tale I take a few sen- tences to describe the " Doctor," who was Thaddeus Mason Harris, a well-known clergyman. " That very evening a friend said to me : ♦ Did you hear that old Doctor Harris is dead ? ' " ' No,' said I, very quietly, ' and it cannot be true ; for I saw him at the Athenaeum to-day.' "'You must be mistalcen,' rejoined my friend, 'He is cer- 1 Quincy's History, page no. This Gallery (in Pearl Street) occupied a room in the third floor fifty by sixty feet, and twenty feet high. Below this story there was a lecture room capable of holding five hundred people. On the ground floor were rooms for scientific lectures and for learned societies. Emerson and many other famous men came to the Athenaeum building to give lectures. 3 34 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM tainly dead ! ' and confirmed the fact with such special circum- stances that I could no longer doubt it. • • • • • • • " The next day as I ascended the steps of the Athenaeum, I remember thinking within myself, ' Well, I shall never see old Doctor Harris again!' With this thought in my mind, as I opened the door of the reading-room, I glanced towards the spot and chair where Doctor Harris usually sat, and there, to my astonishment, sat the gray, infirm figure of the deceased Doctor, reading the newspaper as was his wont! His own death must have been recorded, that very morning, in that very newspaper ! ' • •••••• "I remember — once, at least, and I know not but oftener — a sad, wistful, disappointed gaze, which the ghost fixed upon me from beneath his spectacles ; a melancholy look of help- lessness, which, if my heart had not been as hard as a paving- stone, I could hardly have withstood. But I did withstand it; and I think I saw him no more after this last appealing look. . . ." Mr. Edward C. Guild in his "Letters, 1 832-1 899" shows that the boys of his day feared no apparitions lurking in the dark alcoves. "The Library," he writes, "was not so much used then as now. Old Mr. Bass was Librarian, and at one time a young English boy, Fisher Keeler, was employed there, with whom some of us who fre- quented the Library formed an alliance, and we used to play marbles with him on the floor of the long alcoves, where we were .rarfily interrupted by any older person." FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 35 III The Library in forty years had increased until it contained about 37,000 volumes ; the shelves were very much crowded, and the rooms afforded inade- quate space. Pearl Street was surrendering to the inroad of commerce, and a site for the Athensum more central, and at the same time quiet, became imperative. Permission to sell the Perkins house was obtained and the Trustees decided to move to a plot of land fronting on Tremont Street, and running back to Court Square. The money for a new building was to be raised by disposing of the Perkins house and other property, by subscriptions, and by the sale of new shares. Two hundred and thirty-eight shares were issued in 1844 and 1845, the land was secured, and plans were drawn by George M. Dexter for a library, art, and office build- ing. Later, sentiment developed against offices, and the Trustees were instructed to sell the land on Tre- mont Street and to purchase the Phillips estate on Bea- con Street with an outlook on the Granary Burying Ground. Three designs were submitted in March, 1846, for a building on the new site. The one by Edward C. Cabot was accepted; Messrs. Dexter and Cabot, the two architects, then joined forces for three years, and prepared working drawings. It was found necessary to obtain permission from the city to carry part of the rear wall on an arch above several ancient grave- 36 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM stones, so that the southern fa9ade might avoid an awkward indentation due to the irregular boundary line. The corner-stone of the new Athenaeum was laid April 27, 1847. Th^ accepted design represented a building one hundred and fourteen feet long, sixty feet high, and, with the exception of a grass plot in front, extending from Beacon Street to the Granary Burying Ground. The fa5ade was built of Paterson freestone, which was hard in texture. The interior of the build- ing was designed in the alcove style, then customary in university libraries. The cost exceeded the original estimate of ^59,000 about three times ; this estimate, it should be said, was not made by Mr. Cabot ; but the excess occasioned some discord and resulted in a further issue of shares. The building proved, however, to be one of the most dignified in Boston, and at once increased the influence of the library. Entering the vestibule the room at the left on Beacon Street was occupied, until 1899, by the American Academy; at the right rose the imposing "Sumner staircase," torn out in 1889; back of these and looking upon the Granary was a Reading-Room at the right, and beyond this was " the long room," called the Sculpture Gallery, now a Periodical Reading-Room. The second floor was occupied as now by the main Reading-Room, and the third floor was used as a Picture Gallery.* 1 A view of the Art Gallery on Beacon Street, painted by E. Mene- ghelli about 1875, hangs in the Library. FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 37 The library of nearly fifty thousand books was moved to Beacon Street in July, 1849. Charles Folsom consented a year or two earlier to accept the office of librarian ; it was at a time when the position began to call for ability while by custom the compensation was still meagre. Mr. Folsom was a scholar, a kindly, helpful man, whose chief service as Librarian at Harvard had been to broaden and liberalize the administration. He felt that there was work to be done at the Athenaeum, and in a letter to Samuel A. Elipt he expressed his views freely : " The office of custodian has, so far as I know, always been satisfactorily performed at the Athenaeum. Not so, I believe, the other branch of a librarian's duty. By dispensings I am far from meaning only the finding of the particular volumes asked for, or the recording of the titles of such as are borrowed. I mean quite another ability in the librarian, — an ability to ' bring forth, out of the treasure ' committed to him, ' things new and old.' " Mr. Folsom advocated a policy more liberal toward Bostonians, not shareholders, than some proprietors might approve; but his attitude toward strangers has the true ring : " Let the far-off student in the Valley of the Mississippi, who is vainly hammering at some liter- ary task for want of books, and ignorant perhaps as to the existence of the best books on his subject, understand that, when he comes North in the summer, if he will present himself at the Boston Athenaeum or Harvard University he may chance to clear off a year's docket of 38 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM doubts in a single day." At this period there was no public library in Boston, and the attitude of the Athe- naeum toward scholars was of importance. A new and larger building would have lost half its value had the power to purchase books been diminished. The year 1846 was, therefore, memorable for the gift of ^25,000 from John Bromfield, a wealthy merchant, for a permanent fund, the income in part to be spent for books, and in part to be added to the principal. This gift has yielded $194,269 for the purchase of books, and the fund now amounts to $106^4.26.* If the new rooms lacked " atmosphere " they were not long in gaining associations through the presence of famous men. Nathaniel Hawthorne, in his " Passages from American Note-Books " (Boston : 1868, volume 2, page 151), under the date May 5, 1850, writes : — " Yesterday I went to the Athenaeum, and, being received with great courtesy by Mr. Folsom, was shown all over the edifice from the very bottom to the very top, whence I looked out over Boston. It is an admirable point of view ; but, it be- ing an overcast and misty day, I did not get the full advantage of it. The library is in a noble hall, and looks splendidly with its vista of alcoves. The most remarkable sight, however, was Mr. Hildreth, writing his history of the United States. He sits at a table, at the entrance of one of the alcoves, with his books and papers before him, as quiet and absorbed as he would be in the loneliest study; now consulting an authority, now penning a sentence or a paragraph, without seeming conscious of anything but his subject. It is very curious thus to have a * No portrait of Mr. Bromfield could be found to insert here. <==^. FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 39 glimpse of a book in process of creation under one's eye. I know not how many hours he sits there ; but while I saw him he was a pattern of diligence and unwandering thought. He had taken himself out of the age, and put himself, I suppose, into that about which he was writing. Being deaf, he finds it much the easier to abstract himself. Nevertheless, it is a miracle. He is a thin, middle-aged man, in black, with an intelligent face, rather sensible than scholar-like." In a letter dated February 27, 1851, Mr. Folsom's assistant gives this picture of life at the Athenaeum : " With the exception of the noise of the hammers in y" entry, all is quiet here, and much as usual : Mr. P — 's feet grace the table as they were wont of old, — Admiral Wormeley revels in the English papers, and Dr. Eaton sits serene in his accustomed place." Scattered through books and papers are many refer- ences to the Gallery and the Library. The significant events in their early history have been artistic and lit- erary rather than administrative; and many pleasant paragraphs could be gleaned from volumes of letters and reminiscences. The artist, Mr. H. Winthrop Peirce, has spoken grateflilly of the Athenaeum Gallery, for the most part "a black and dreary collection," but relieved from time to time by Millets, Corots and other inspiring works of art.* He adds : " It aflfected Hawthorne to such a degree that in his Note-Books he speaks of ^ In 1875 many of the paintings and works of sculpture were transferred to the Museum of Fine Arts, whence the less worthy have returned one by one, their places taken by examples of art which better satisfy a more cul- tivated taste. 40 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM having made a gain in art culture when he could see that one oil painting was less disagreeable than another."^ The Gallery, which was at this time probably more widely known and more popular than the Library itself, was of course open to women ; but it rarely, if ever, occurred to the Proprietors to ask permission for their wives and daughters to go to the bookshelves. The Athenaeum was a man's institution, jealously guarded, although in a few cases great pressure or conspicuous merit served to force the barriers. In March, 1829, the Trustees voted to give free use of the Library to Miss Hannah Adams, the historian, a relative of Presi- dent Adams and also of Mr. Shaw. Said Mr. Quincy : " One solitary female ventured to claim the freedom of its alcoves, and to endure the raising of the masculine eyebrows, provoked by the unaccustomed sight." Here Miss Adams passed many hours a day in study, and was locked in while the Librarian went to lunch. Her sweet face, as portrayed by Chester Harding, has since looked down upon several generations of Athenaeum readers. A few years later Miss E. P. Peabody and Mrs. Lydia Maria Child were given permission to visit the Athe- nteum. The Trustees voted in 1832 to allow Mrs. Child to take out books until further notice without paying the customary fee, and she wrote a most ap- preciative letter in acknowledgment of this unusual courtesy. In 1833 ^^^ published an "Appeal in Behalf of that Class of Americans called Africans," an argument 1 Early Days of the Copley Society (Boston, 1903), page 9. FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 41 in favor of immediate emancipation ; it was widely read, and rendered the author extremely unpopular among a certain class in Boston. Years after the period of these events she told how the Trustees, embarrassed by her anti- slavery views, withdrew the privilege previously given ; and this story has formed an interesting paragraph in popular sketches of the Athenjeum. If Mrs. Child's memory is reliable some trustee must have said or writ- ten that her presence was no longer desired. But the privilege was to last until taken away by the Board, and the Trustees' Records contain no rescinding vote during the years immediately following that in which the "Appeal " was issued. With the opening of the building on Beacon Street some of the Trustees advocated more liberal treat- ment of women, both by admitting them to the staff and as readers. Mr. Folsom, however, was so opposed to this policy that he felt called upon to address to the Trustees a long protest, setting forth that the con- struction of the present building on Beacon Street, with its narrow galleries and steep staircases, was an insu- perable objection which should "cause a decent female to shrink." " Nor is it desirable," he writes, "that a modest young woman should have anything to do with the corrupter portions of the polite literature. A con- siderable portion of a general library should be to her a sealed book." Mr. Folsom concludes that the pro- posed concession to women " would occasion frequent embarrassment to modest men." 42 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Mrs. Harnden, the first woman employee of whom we have record, came in 1857 ; Miss Mary A. Bean and Miss Sarah E. Gill came soon after as assistants to Mr. Charles Russell Lowell, who was preparing the manu- script for the great printed catalogue. Miss Gill, a cousin of Henry Stevens, agent for American books for the British Museum, joined the Athenaeum staff in De- cember, 1859; she had previously been employed by Benjamin F. Stevens, who rented a room in the Athe- naeum basement. Mr. Folsom devoted his energy largely to developing the use of the books upon the shelves, while his suc- cessor, Mr. Poole, came much in contact with the Stevens brothers, and interested himself in the search for valuable collections of books. At about this time one third of George Washington's own library, left at Mount Ver- non, with other books collected by Judge Bushrod Wash- ington, were purchased by Henry Stevens and stored in the Merchants' Exchange building, now the Subtreasury, in Wall Street, New York. Daniel Coit Gilman, later president of Johns Hopkins University and first presi- dent of the Carnegie Institution, was then a lad, enjoy- ing his vacation ; he saw the books and offered to make a catalogue of them on cards. This catalogue was sent to Boston, where it interested several wealthy gentle- men and thus led to the purchase of the collection for the Athenaeum.^ * A Catalogue of the Washington Collection, books by and about the first President, was printed in 1897 in a handsome volume, prepared by FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 43 Several other groups of books in the Athenasum are worthy of special mention. The collection of books and newspapers printed in the South during our Civil War, formed by William F. Poole, is said to be the most extensive in the world. The great collection of rare American pamphlets, made by William S. Shaw during the early days of the Athenaeum, is unrivalled. There are also valuable sets of early American documents, an- nuals, almanacs, broadsides, as well as volumes relating to international law, Shakespeare, Byron, Gypsies, and several other subjects.^ Single volumes of interest are the Breeches Bible, Eliot's Indian Bible, a volume from Edward Gibbon's library, one from the library of William Brewster of Plymouth, and the Memoirs of Walton, a highwayman, bound in his own skin. IV The Athenaeum had already absorbed many libraries that once served the community. It had held sway for half a century at the centre of an intellectual city. Now, for the first time, it was to face a formidable rival in the new Public Library, which was backed by great financial resources. It was in some danger of absorp- tion — like the fish which, living for years upon its less fortunate fellows, may itself be devoured at the last. Appleton P. C. Griffin, the well-known bibliographer of the Library of Congress. His notes, and those which Mr. Lane appended to titles in the Inventory, form a storehouse of information. An elaborate Index to the Catalogue, made by Mr. Franklin O. Poole, appeared in 1900. 1 See Chapter IIL 44 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM The Boston Public Library had been slowly taking form since 1841. An enabling act was passed by the Legislature in 1848 and organization came in 1852. Several Proprietors of the Athenaeum were prominent in this movement, and upon its successful issue they advocated the absorption of the Athenasum by its youth- ful rival. George Ticknor, signing himself "An Old Proprietor," published in the Boston Daily Advertiser^ March 14, 1853, an appeal for consolidation, describing the crises through which the Athenaeum had passed, saved first by Mr. Lowell and Mr. Perkins, aided in 1826 by Dr. Bowditch, and in 1850 by John E. Thayer. The Athenaeum was threatened with a proposed issue of new shares, while the Public Library had the city's resources behind it and also several large gifts. Among those who followed Mr. Ticknor were many well-known proprietors.^ It certainly seemed as though the Library that had out- lived so many others was to meet its Waterloo. The "venerable Mr. Quincy," as Mr. Ticknor called him, was asked at this time by George Livermore to make an attempt to save the institution, and his ring- ing " Appeal " opens with no uncertain tone : — " The proposition is nothing less than this, — that one of the oldest monuments which patriotism and public spirit, and the love of learning, in this country, ever raised, — which has been supported and enlarged, during nearly fifty years, through a succession of difficulties of various kinds, by the unremitted ^ Ticknor's "Union of the Boston Athenaeum and the Public Library," Boston, iSjj. FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 45 labors of generous, self-sacrificing men, — should, in this palmy moment of individual and city prosperity, when wealth was never more abundant and public spirit never more active, be surrendered up by those to whom its founders entrusted it, and its property be delivered over to the care of a political body, annually shifting its members, and changing principles and policy with every turn of party or passion. Such I understand to be in effect the proposition ; and, in my judgment, it is un- just, unwise, and unprincipled. " Let us spurn the intimation, included in the very proposal of this ' Old Proprietor,' that the present proprietors of the Athenaeum have less energy, less fidelity, and less spirit, to meet the exigencies of the institution, than their predecessors. At a time when this institution possesses the most substantial and beautiful Library Building in this country, and one which will compare favorably with any in the world, — of a value not less than two hundred thousand dollars, and wholly paid for, — a Library containing more than fifty thousand volumes, — a large and most valuable collection of pamphlets, — books of the most rare, splendid, and costly character, daily augmenting by the liberality of its friends and benefactors, — the richest collection of pictures and statuary in America, — the whole property of the Athenaeum being in value not much less than half a million dollars, with the Bromfield Fund for its increase, now amounting to twenty-seven thousand dollars, — the institution wholly out of debt, and wanting nothing but a fund adequate to meet the yearly occurring expenditures, and to add to the power of the Bromfield Fund in the department of new books and periodical publications, — at a time when this institution is, in truth, in a higher state of prosperity than it was at any one of those periods when our predecessors rallied to its aid, and not only supplied its wants, but elevated its fortunes, — at such a time, are we ready to abandon its fair hopes, and give ourselves up to de- 46 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM spair ? Under such circumstances and with such examples, are we content to put our fingers in our eyes, and whine about ' difficulties ' ? Was not the Athenaeum founded in difficulty, — created with the expectation of difficulties I Has it not met difficulties during fifty years and gloriously surmounted them all ? Let us away with such unmanly fears, and nobly resolve, ' out of this nettle,' difficulty, ' to pluck the flower,' success. JosiAH QuiNcy, The Sole Survivor of the first Five Subscribers to the Athenxum. March 24, 1853." The meeting to decide the fate of the Athenaeum was held March 28th ; a parody, handed to Miss Eliza S. Quincy at the time, describes the scene : — On Beacon, when the sun was low. The young, the old, the fast, the slow. Were rang'd in many a solemn row. Throughout the Sculpture Gallery. President Cary reviewed the history of the institution while the crowd gathered. They adjourned to Freeman Place Chapel ; and Samuel A. Eliot moved to appoint a committee to report on the legality and expediency of selling the Library to the City. This was lost " by a large majority." On a motion of Hon. F. B. Crowninshield the Proprietors voted not to sell " because we believe that by so doing we should act contrary to the wishes and intentions of many of its founders and benefactors, and to the best interests of Literature and Science in this Community." The parody concludes : — ^//ZfC^^kyL o/iyU^^ ^ FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 47 The vote is taken ! On ye brave ! The Credit of your Scholars save — Wave, L[ivernior]e, thy proxies wave! Charge on the « Old Proprietor " ! Ah, few shall part where many meet, Without a laugh at that complete And unequivocal defeat, And glorious minority ! The new shares, which were authorized on account of the large amount expended in completing the Beacon Street building, were taken by subscribers during 1854- 1858, making in all 1049 shares issued. The chief purchasers, who became virtually benefactors, were: Dr. George C. Shattuck, John Amory Lowell, Nathan Appleton, Josiah Bradlee, George Williams Lyman, David Sears, Martin Brimmer, John Eliot Thayer, John Chipman Gray, William Sturgis, and the Execu- tors of Thomas H. Perkins, Samuel Appleton and Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. Mr. Poole came to the Athenaeum in 1856, from the Mercantile Library. There he had recently completed a catalogue of books. The need of a similar catalogue at the Athenaeum was evident, and Mr. Poole's experi- ence led the Trustees to make a beginning. The plan, however, contemplated little more than a title-a-line list, and the work was intrusted to young and inexperi- enced men. The result proved not wholly satisfactory to Mr. Poole, and in 1862 Charles R. Lowell was given charge of the work. For the next eight years he 48 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM steadily carried on the revision, removing defects as far as was possible without entirely recasting the scheme. After Mr. Lowell's death in 1870 Charles A. Cutter, who succeeded Mr. Poole in 1869, revised and printed the monumental work in the five volumes now so familiarly known as the Athenaeum Catalogue. Ezra Abbot and other bibliographers commended the work highly for its analytical feature, its cross references, typographical excellence and bibliographical accuracy. In all these respects the Catalogue has stood the test of time, worthy of Mr. Lowell's and Mr. Cutter's scholarship. A public library, where a large part of the demand is for current literature, would hardly have been justified in such an undertaking, since the Catalogue, completed in 1882, included no book published after January, 1872. In 1902 it represented less than half the library, and in 1903 the trustees authorized the librarian to have two copies cut up, the titles to be mounted on cards and inserted in the card catalogue of accessions, thus forming one complete index to all works in the library. The years that were passing brought many changes, due in no small measure to Mr. Cutter's active brain and generous spirit. He was a pioneer in library science, originating at the Athenaeum many devices now in general use. A writer in the Christian Union at this time commended the library and referred to the court- eous treatment of visitors, the absence of red-tape, and FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 49 freedom from surveillance. Emerson and his daughter, Sumner and his friends, all helped to give the Athe- naeum its reputation. If the place was rather public for a proprietary library, few, if any, offered objections at that time. To the reporter in search of" copy" it was a happy hunting ground ; and a writer in the Tran- script for December 22, 1870, thus describes his visit to the Athenaeum : — "Presently the librarian approached the table, bearing a number of large volumes, followed by Senator Sumner, who, sitting down, began to consult them, now and then taking copious notes. " He had been seated but a short time, when ' Tom Folio,' ^ the worshipper of Charles Lamb ; — who delights in exhuming from out the rubbish of old magazines and papers the stray writings of 'Elia,' Leigh Hunt, and other essayists, came bustling in. Conferring with the librarian for a moment, they both disappeared into one of the side rooms, from which, after a short absence, they emerged, laden with sundry old volumes which the indefatigable literary resuscitator bore away with him. Hardly had the latter disappeared when the Rev. Mr. Mount- ford, author of 'Thorpe,' and a recently published work on ' Miracles, Past and Present,' came in. Presently the polished writer of ' Six Months in Italy ' ^ entered, and while looking over a collection of new publications, was joined by E. P. Whipple, with whom he had hardly exchanged greetings, when Ralph Waldo Emerson walked in, and the literary trio had a pleasant undertoned chat together." Two names frequently come to mind in connection with the changes and progress in Athenaeum history 1 Joseph E. Babson. ^ George S. Hillard. 50 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM during the last half of the nineteenth century. In 1 846 John Amory Lowell was chosen Vice-President of the Board of Trustees and held the office for fourteen years, until he became President. During these years and throughout his presidency, i860 to 1876, he devoted his energy and his best thought to strengthening through financial and administrative improvements the various departments of the institution. The presidency of the elder Charles Francis Adams (1877-1879) was followed by that of Samuel Eliot, whose service in that office was the longest during the Athenaeum's first century. Dr. Eliot was famed for his command of felicitous English, and for his ease and grace as a presiding officer. It was not uncom- mon for persons who had no interest in the annual business of the Proprietors to ask permission to attend the meetings, simply that they might listen to Dr. Eliot. The steady accession of books led to crowded shelves, and forced frequent consideration of plans to relieve the congestion. The Trustees finally determined in 1888 to abandon the fine " Sumner staircase," ^ which ^ Senator Sumner had served on the building committee in 1845 when plans for the Beacon Street building were under consideration. His great desire was for a spacious entrance. In a letter to his brother George he said : " I am anxious to secure a large, generous, hospitable vestibule, hall and stairway. I remember die stairs (by Bernini, I think) which lead to the Vatican on the right of St. Peter's. Can you send me the measurements of these — width, height, breadth ? They were stairs of such exquisite pro- portions that you seemed to be borne aloft on wings." — Pierce's Sumner, ii. 334, FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 51 occupied nearly one-fourth of the building, and to de- vote the space to an iron stack, to the never-ending sorrow of the Proprietors. " Amid all the debris of re- pairs," said a writer in the Advertiser, " a small lantern of primitive aspect is set midway on the floor of the newly arranged narrow entrance as a beacon to the in- terior. A jog of imagination can make this lantern figuratively recall the Athenaeum's small beginnings as a literary beacon to Boston." Mr. Cutter declined reelection as librarian early in 1893, and in April William Coolidge Lane, who had been elected February 20th, came in from Harvard to take up the administrative work. Mr. Lane's first re- port chronicles many interesting changes, such as the refurnishing of the Catalogue Room, including new drawers for the catalogue, each holding a single row of cards. A date card in the pocket, indicating when a book should be returned, aided Proprietors, as did an express and mail service for out-of-town readers. The system of wood dummies for new books temporarily withdrawn from their proper places on the shelves facili- tated the tracing of current books. Of even more importance, although no reference to this phase of Mr. Lane's work appeared in print, were his plans for simplifying and systematizing the methods of work and of preserving records within the building. Improvement along these lines had become imperative, after a century's growth of the Athenaeum from a small reading-room. 52 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Mr. Lane declined reelection in 1898, as he had been appointed Librarian of Harvard University, and Charles Knowles Bolton was chosen his successor. A gradual alteration of the interior arrangement of the Athenaeum has been made necessary by the changing character of the buildings in the neighborhood. There are now (1907) tall buildings on the north, east, and west sides, forcing dependence almost wholly upon the southern exposure for sufficient light for reading and study rooms. This led to the policy of developing the Beacon Street side of the building as a stack or place for the storage of books, as distinguished from the side facing the grave-yard, which was to be made more ser- viceable to readers. There were constant drains upon the Library income for repairs ; and some form of relief for the crowded shelves, as well as adequate protection for the Athe- nseum from the increasing fire menace of neighboring tall buildings, pressed for consideration. An opportunity to sell the Athenaeum property in Tremont Place upon advantageous terms brought before the Trustees, some- what unexpectedly, consideration of the future policy to be pursued. At a meeting of Proprietors in the Periodical Read- ing-Room on May 31, 1903, the Trustees were author- ized, after discussion, to sell the Tremont Place property ; they were also given authority to purchase land on Ar- lington Street or elsewhere and to erect and equip a suitable building. In accordance with this vote the FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 53 Trustees bought the three estates on the northerly corne'r of Arlington and Newbury Streets, and the adjacent estate on Newbury Street. On November ayth, the Proprietors held a second meeting at which the Trustees were authorized to sell or make a contract for the sale of the real estate and library building on Beacon Street ; but a change in the financial conditions made it impossible at that time to make an advantageous sale of the Beacon Street prop- erty. Meanwhile a feeling developed in favor of the preservation of the building which had graced the city for half a century. Proprietors who found the Beacon Street site especially convenient joined with those who were moved by this sentiment, and together they called for a reversal of the previous policy. After many con- ferences and some discussion the Proprietors authorized the Trustees to order such improvements and repairs in the present building as they considered advisable, and to make such disposition of the Arlington Street prop- erty, either by sale or lease, as they in their judgment deemed best. The land on Arlington Street was sold in 1906. Extensive repairs were made at the Athenaeum dur- ing the summer of 1904, and in 1905. They included fireproofing the northwest section of the building, an elevator, and a new Trustees Room. The Trustees Room has an architectural dignity which must com- mend it to Proprietors and to their friends. A cabinet, containing objects of general interest, stands opposite 54 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM the fire-place. The walls of the room have been pan- elled simply and effectively. Below the panels there are shelves filled with books; and above the panels, resting on the cap of the wainscoting, there are paint- ings, portraits of Athenaeum worthies, and busts of dis- tinguished literary men and statesmen. The great teak table, made from a single board and presented to the Athenaeum many years ago by Colonel Thomas H. Perkins, occupies the centre of the room. Many faces familiar to habitues of the Athenaeum are not represented upon the canvases within its walls: Mr. Spooner of the long beard, serious face and busy pen ; Elijah Kellogg, short and affable, who read a chap- ter in the Athenaeum Bible every morning before losing himself in the land of story books ; Mr. Ballou, the urbane traveller ; Mr. Hawkes, who for years sat in the same chair at the same desk writing his magnum opus; David Balfour, a bachelor devoted to ameliorating the condition of Scottish widows; and our present Mr. Crockett, ever ready with recollections of Boston's earlier days. Memory treasures also the distinguishing traits of those whose lives have given color to the gallery of daily visitors. At the British Museum "Napoleon," with heavy boots and spurs, for many years signed call- slips and received his books, until an unfeeling realist denied him royal prerogatives and turned him away. Our annals should record Lowell's " Tommy No-nose," who holds a place in literature, and the more famous 1 ^^ / ^ \ ^4 ^^ FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS 55 " Peele," who delighted mischievous lads by his vigor- ous opposition to noises of every description ; as well as the stately image of " Queen Victoria," and the trouble- some "King of Caramels." Nor should we forget the genius who conceived a monopoly of the morning news- papers by sitting upon two and holding one under either arm, while he leisurely and placidly read a fifth ; nor those creatures of time and habit — the gentleman who retired to the hall regularly at eleven a. m. to eat a pep- permint, and that other methodical person who appeared in his nankeen suit upon a fixed day each year to the never-ending confusion of the north wind. They were all devoted to the Athenaeum and their lives are a part of its happy traditions. Visitors from other cities where Athenaeums, founded during the lifetime of William S. Shaw, have failed to succeed, ask why the forerunner of them all retains its vigor. One might answer that it lives because, like a wise statesman, it serves its generation. When there was no art gallery it provided one. After the Museum of Fine Arts was founded, the Athenaeum withdrew from the field. So it was with law, theology, and medicine. When contemporary special libraries languished, the Athenaeum absorbed their collections. As new special libraries became firmly established, it again restricted its field. When women, as a rule, read little beyond light literature, it was a scholar's retreat. To-day it is a family library. One might add, also, that it has been fortunate in its body of Proprietors. More than a thou- 56 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM sand families devoted to letters have held its shares from generation to generation, keeping the ranks complete — an achievement that Bostonians may view with pride. Its policy has been progressive, but, as far as possible, without the spirit of unrest which sometimes charac- terizes the introduction of new library methods. The best books for children now are purchased, and stand together upon the shelves. Music scores by the great composers may be taken out by Proprietors, although in the earlier days only biographies of musicians and essays on music were purchased. The gift of a printing fund has afforded an oppor- tunity to begin a series of volumes, bibliographical and historical, based upon the manuscripts and books owned by the Library. This series will, it is hoped, extend the usefulness and influence of the Athenaeum, and will be the means of suggesting to Proprietors and others its value as a depository of manuscripts and books. Through all its various changes, the Athenaeum has represented what was best in Boston. The " golden age" of New England literature grew with it and even within its walls. Its traditions are a part of its life, and are passed on from father to son. Because its ideals have been high the Athenaeum has appealed to men who lead as well as to those who follow. And with theit- continued support success in the future seems assured. Ill SPECIAL COLLECTIONS IN THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Ill SPECIAL COLLECTIONS IN THE ATHENAEUM Every large library is expected to have the writings of famous men and works of general interest in the vari- ous departments of learning. But in the accumulation of books through successive generations a library be- comes conspicuous for growth in certain directions. Special collections may be acquired by gift or by pur- chases systematically carried on for several years. The Athenaeum has several of these collections which will be noticed briefly for the benefit of students. Washingtoniana From 1848 to 1855 subscriptions were gathered in Boston for the purchase of part of the library of George Washington, then owned by Henry Stevens of London. Many of the volumes thus acquired bear the armorial book-plate of Washington and his au- tograph ; they relate chiefly to agriculture and military science. Three hundred and eighty-four volumes belonged to the President, and others came from the library of Bushrod Washington. A large coUec- 6o THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM tion of volumes and pamphlets relating to General Washington has been added in recent years, so that the student will now find practically everything of importance. With the aid of one thousand dollars from the executors of Thomas Dowse the Athenaeum was able to issue a very complete catalogue of the col- lection, with exhaustive notes by Mr. A. P. C. Griffin, the present Chief Bibliographer of the Library of Con- gress, and a scholarly study of Washington's library as recorded in the inventory of his estate prepared by Mr. William C. Lane, now Librarian of Harvard Univer- sity. An excellent Index has been prepared by Mr. Franklin O. Poole. Byroniana The collection of works of the poet Byron was bought from Mr. J. W. Bouton in 1885. It num- bered two hundred and six volumes and forty-six pam- phlets, many of them first editions. In the course of fifteen years other volumes were added, so that the collection, while not complete, is representative. Fine Arts Among the valuable paintings retained in the build- ing, the larger part of the collection being deposited in the Museum of Fine Arts, are four by Stuart, three by Harding, and others by Neagle, Marshall and All- ston. There are many rare pieces of early American sculpture by Powers, Greenough, Frazee, and Crawford. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS 6i In 1859 Mr. Thomas Dowse, seeing the need in Boston of reproductions of famous paintings by old masters in European galleries, sent an artist abroad, and he made studies in water-color of fifty-two paintings. These came to the Athenaeum in 1859. A complete set of the Arundel chromolithographs may be seen in the building ; many have been framed. The best reproductions without color now comprise over ten thousand large carbon photographs, arranged in portfolios under the names of artists. This great collection has been brought together during a long period of years, the Fine Arts Committee having given careful attention to the selection of subjects. There are also in the Art Room thousands of pictures rep- resenting sculpture and architecture, both classic and modern ; and a large collection of books on art Views of Old Houses The Thwing collection, 5600 views of old houses, has both an antiquarian and an architectural interest. Miss Thwing in 1903 presented a large number of pic- tures of houses and early views of towns. To this collection have been added the wood engravings from Gleason's and Ballou's Pictorial and from many other works which could be had in duplicate for a trifling sum. In 1907 two hundred photographs of Boston streets and buildings, taken between 1850 and 1870, were purchased from Mr. A. H. Rickards. 62 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Confederate Literature Mr. William F. Poole began many years ago to col- lect books and newspapers published in the Southern States during the Civil War to illustrate the social life and economic conditions of that period. This collec- tion has been called by Professor Ernst von Halle, an authority on the subject, the largest of its kind in the world. It includes medical and military works, school books, time-tables, novels with covers made of wall- paper, and good files of periodicals. First Editions of American Authors Recent interest in the works of our chief New England authors — Emerson, Hawthorne, Holmes, Longfellow, Lowell, Thoreau, Whittier — has called attention to the value of these writings as they first came from the press, and before revision by their authors in maturer life. It seemed best to withdraw these volumes from general circulation ; it was then found that the Athenaeum possessed an unusual col- lection. The titles wanting have been added from time to time, and a carefully prepared catalogue may be issued in the near future. Early Boston Newspapers The Athenaeum has been able to preserve in remark- ably good condition its files of early Boston newspapers. In 1903 Miss Ayer prepared a Check- list cover- SPECIAL COLLECTIONS 63 ing the period from 1690 to 1780. This list shows every copy of every Boston paper issued during these years now to be found in a dozen of the leading libraries of the United States. The list, with an historical introduction by Mr. Albert Matthews, a Trustee, is now in press, and will appear as one of the publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. The King^s Chapel Collection The library given to King's Chapel in Boston by William III. in 1698 has been in the custody of the Boston Athenaeum since 1823. It is the oldest col- lection of books in New England, and it illustrates very clearly the literature enjoyed by a scholarly man during the first century of life in the English colonies. Early United States Documents The Athenaeum has possessed for many years one of the best sets of early American Documents, based in part upon the collections of John Adams and John Quincy Adams. Following General A. W. Greely's check-list of Public documents of the first fourteen Con- gresses, 1789-18 17, our documents were rearranged and carefully catalogued. By exchange with the War De- partment and the Library of Congress many documents were added, so that our representation of the first four- teen Congresses is worthy of special mention. 64 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM International Law In 1879 Mr. George Bemis, a Proprietor, bequeathed twenty thousand dollars, one half of the income for the purchase of books, particularly works relating to inter- national law. The collection now includes complete sets of the state papers of the chief countries of the world, with series of treaties, and many monographs and memoirs relating to subjects in International Law. It is supposed to be the best collection in America outside of Washington. Constant aid in the selection of books has been given by Professors A. Lawrence Lowell of Harvard and George G. Wilson of Brown University. Gypsy Literature In May, 1901, it was announced that the trustees of the estate of Mr. Francis Hindes Groome, of Edin- burgh, offered for sale his library of books, letters, and manuscripts bearing upon the study of the Gypsies. Mr. Groome has long been known as a writer for the leading encyclopaedias and biographical dictionaries, as well as the foremost authority in England, if not in the world, on Gypsy lore. The sum required to purchase this collection was subscribed by four proprietors of the Athenaeum, Charles Pickering Bowditch, Thornton Kirkland Lothrop, Albert Matthews, Henry Francis Sears, and in October the collection was received. It comprises over one hundred volumes. Some of these SPECIAL COLLECTIONS 65 are rare, and others contain scarce tracts and magazine articles ; there are also Mr. Groome's own books with his marginal additions ; over thirty volumes of manu- script notes, lectures, etc. ; and his correspondence with M. Paul Bataillard, the eminent French student of the Gypsies, covering the years 1872 to 1880. Broadsides and Manuscripts. An account of the manuscripts in the Athenaeum has been given by Mr. A. P. C. Griffin in a sup- plement to the Librarian's Report for the year 1896. Since that time, however, many have been added, and the entire collection has been arranged and recatalogued. The titles will be found in the card catalogue under the heading " Manuscripts in the Library." The Ezekiel Price papers, including court, notarial, and shipping records, are of great antiquarian value. Aspinwall's Notarial Records from 1644 to 1657 have been pub- lished as volume thirty-two of the Boston Record Commissioners' Reports, and a Record of the County Court at Boston from 167 1 to 1680 will soon be issued in the same series. Le Forestier's Relation and TopliiF's Travels have appeared recently as publications of the Robert Charles Billings Fund. The large collection of broadsides includes many unique or rare examples of the seventeenth and eigh- teenth centuries, with perhaps the best series now exist- ing of Fast and Thanksgiving Day Proclamations issued by the governors of Massachusetts. 66 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM Roxhurghe Club Publications The very limited editions of the Roxburghe Club publications have made it difficult to obtain a complete set of these works. The volumes now on our shelves, with a few to be added, will make the series complete. The subjects treated have a wide range, including art, history, literature, biography, and archaeology. Dreyfus Affair " L' affaire Dreyfus " promised to throw so much light upon military, legal, and social conditions in France that practically every volume published there has been acquired. In the collection are also many volumes issued in England and the United States, with some from almost every country in Europe. Dutch History In the year 1900 a Dutch bookseller's advantageous terms were accepted for a carefully selected collection of over a thousand volumes illustrating the history of the Netherlands and Dutch colonization. In this col- lection there are five contemporary pamphlets by and relating to Sir George Downing, a graduate in the first class at Harvard, 1642, and a representative of Crom- well and Charles I. in the Netherlands. IV PERMANENT FUNDS OF THE ATHEN^UM IV PERMANENT FUNDS OF THE BOSTON ATHENiEUM, JANUARY i, 1907 GENERAL FUND. — Called " Unrestricted Funds (old) " until 1855. Includes bequests from : Ambrose S. Courtis (;^2,500.oo) in 1838 Matthias P. Sawyer (;^5,ooo.oo) in 1858 Edmund T. Dana (;^5,ooo.oo) in 1864-6 Sidney Homer (;^ 1,000.00) in 1871 Andrew T. Hall (;^2,ooo.oo) in 1876 Charlotte Harris (^2,000.00) in 1877 Principal i?5 8,950.43 FINE ARTS FUND. — From 1828 to 1873 »" unexpended balance under the control of the Fine Arts Committee. Now a fund, " the income to be applied only to pur- poses of Fine Arts." Bequests from Ambrose S. Courtis and others are included. Principal ;g34,68o.57 BROMFIELD FUND. — ;g25,ooo.oo given in 1846 by John Bromfield, a Proprietor, three-fourths of the income for books, and one-fourth of the income to be added to the principal each year. Principal ;gio6,426.i3 WASHINGTON FUND. — From 1848 to 1855 seventy- seven gentlemen of Boston subscribed ^3,750.00 for the purchase of part of the library of George Wash- 70 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM ington from Henry Stevens, of London ; and the Athenaeum contributed lifOO.OO. The sum remain- ing after the purchase of the books (;g 125.20) was enlarged in 1858 by the gift of ;^i,ooo.oo from the executors of Thomas Dowse, this sum to be used to preserve an^ catalogue the Library and to build up a collection of Washingtoniana. Principal IS1024.79 SUBSCRIPTION FOR SHARES IN 1853. — Voted by the Proprietors, January 19, 1852, "that the Trustees be requested, if possible, to procure subscribers for not less than Four Hundred shares at Three Hundred dollars each." " Capital to be kept invested and in- come only to be used at discretion." Principal ;^ 102,300.00 Gain 12,984.98 APPLETON FUND. — Manufacturing stocks, valued at $25,060.00, received in 1853 f™"* *^^ executors of the will of Samuel Appleton, a Proprietor, the income for the purchase of books. Principal ;^30,5i5.9i WARD FUND. — The bequest in 1858 of ^^5,000.00 by Thomas Wren Ward, Treasurer of the Athenaeum, the income for the purchase of books. Principal $5,000.00 BOWDITCH FUND. — The bequest in 1861 of $2,000.00 by Nathaniel IngersoU Bowditch, a Trustee, the in- come for the purchase of books. Principal $2,227.92 c^/^^ a^^^^ PERMANENT FUNDS 71 HARRIS FUND. — Abequest of ;^iajOOO.oo by Henry Harri& in 1867, the income for the purchase of worlcs. of art. Principal {^15,478.00 Unexpended income . . . . . .^ . . 16,318.97 BEMIS FUND. — A bequest of ;^ 20,000.00 m 1879 by George Bemis, a Proprietor. One-half the income is for the purchase of books, particularly works relating to inter- national law, and one-half for the equipment and main- tenance of the Reading Room. Principal ^^25,580.86 HOWES FUND. — ^^160,050.00 received in 1879 by will of William Burley Howes, a Proprietor, " for library purposes." Principal ^161,634.71 TREADWELL FUND. — The share of the Athenaeum in the estate of Daniel Treadwell, late Rumford Professor in Harvard College. Received in 1 885-1 889. Un- restricted. Principal ;gi2,2o8.i5 PARKER FUND. Received in 1886 by will of Francis Edward Parker, a Trustee. Unrestricted. Principal ;g5,ooo.oo SAMUEL T. MORSE FUND. — Given in 1891 by Mrs. Harriet Jackson Morse in memory of her husband, Samuel Torrey Morse, a Proprietor, the income "as far as practicable for the purchase of books of biog- raphy and travel." Principal :?2,ooo.oo 72 THE BOSTON ATHENiEUM ROBERT CHARLES BILLINGS FUND. — From Thomas Minns and Joseph S. Kendall, surviving executors of the will of Robert Charles Billings, a Boston merchant. Received in 1903. The income is for the purchase and printing of books. For the latter purpose one- half the income is available yearly, and all the income one year in every three. Principal ;^ 10,000.00 STEPHEN DAYE FUND. — Established in 1905 by the Trustees, who " set aside ;^ 1,000.00 from moneys re- ceived during the year 1905 from the sale of dupli- cate newspapers." Income for the purchase and binding of early newspapers. Principal ;^i,OOO.oo CHARLES A. CUMMINGS FUND. — The bequest in 1905 of $10,000.00 by Charles Amos Cummings, a Trustee, "the income to be expended in the pur- chase of architectural books and photographs." Re- ceived in 1906. Principal ^10,000.00 LYMAN NICHOLS FUND. — ;$io,ooo.oo received July 16, 1907, the income to be used for the purchase of books. Principal ;^ 10,000.00 V CHIEF GIFTS AND BEQUESTS TO THE ATHENAEUM, 1 807-1907 CHIEF GIFTS AND BEQUESTS TO THE BOSTON ATHENiEUM The manuscript list of donors includes almost every well-known name in Boston history since 1807. To print it entire would require a volume; and at this time such an undertaking seems impracticable. Names which appear on subscription lists are printed without change. 1807 John Lowell 18 1 2 Thomas Danforth 181 7 Benjamin Vaughan 1818 John Cheverus 1822 James Perkins, the Elder 1822 46 gentlemen 106 volumes. 22 volumes. 31 volumes. 47 volumes. ;g20,ooo.oo, being the valu- ation of his house on Pearl Street, given for a library building. ;^285.oo for a portrait of James Perkins, the Elder, by Stuart. Subscriptions obtained August 5, 1822, by Peter O. Thacher and Theodore Lyman, Jr, a Committee "to procure a portrait of the late James Perkins, Esqr., to be painted by Mr. Stewart, and to place the same in one of the apartments of the Institution." Harrison G. Otis James Lloyd David Sears P. C. Brooks William Phillips Jn T. Aptliorp N. Appleton John Hubbard Israel Thomdike Charles Thomdike Amos Lawrence Wm H. Eliot S. A. Eliot Wm Payne F. C. Gray R. D. Tucker Josiah Bradlee C. R. Codman Jonathan Amory Benjamin Wiggin Rd Sullivan John Richards Saml Appleton John Heard, Jun. Edward Tuckerman Joseph Tilden Daniel P. Parker Wm Sturgis Saml Torrey Abbott Lawrence Thomas W. Ward Saml C. Gray C. Bradbury Ebenr Francis F. Stanton • Wm Sawyer Timothy Williams Lewis Tappan [Asa] Whitney 76 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM [Pliny] Cutler & [Daniel] Hammond George W. Brimmer John D. Williams Henderson Inches John Parker J. C. Gray 1823 Augustus Thorndike 1823 52 gentlemen Casts of ancient statues. ;g4,6oo.oo, for a lecture building. The Subscribers, desirous of "furnishing the means of literary & scientific instruction, as well as of encouraging Native Artists in Sculp- ture & painting," contributed money to erect a building. John Lowell, Josiah Quincy, Wm S. Shaw, Josiah Biadlee, and Lewis Tappan were the Committee. Israel Thorndike P. C. Brooks T. H. Perkins P. T. Jackson N. Appleton Josiah Bradlee Wm Sturgis John Bryant John Richards Eben. Francis Theodore Lyman, Junr John Dorr David Henshaw Thomas Wigglesworth Rd D. Tucker Willm Pratt Saml G Perkins R. G. Shaw 1824 William Foster 1824 Henry Pickering 1824 John Cheverus 1824 104 gentlemen C. R. Codman Nath. Amory Thomas W. Ward H. A. S. Dearborn Jeffrey Richardson Joseph P. Bradlee Sam. Whitwell, Jr Josiah Quincy Lewis Tappan Amos Lawrence John Tappan Charles Tappan John Lowell Henry Rice Isaac Mansfield Israel Munson Chs Barnard T. B. Wales J. McLean Sam. Swett Henderson Inches Benj. D. Greene by Gardr Greene David Sears William Phillips George C. Shattuck John Randall William H. Prescotl Geo. Ticknor Benjn Bussey Francis C. Gray J. C. Gray Wm Prescott Edvrard J. Lowell by J. Lowell his Guardian Timothy Williams Painting: Jacob at the Well. Attributed to Mu- rillo, and also to Titian. Portrait of Benjamin West, by C. R. Leslie. 52 volumes. ;^ 1 04.00, for a bust of Washington, by R. Trenta- nove. GIFTS AND BEQUESTS 77 Subscribers to "the superb bust of Washington" executed by Trentanove for the Athenaeum, "as a testimony of their best wishes for the prosperity of that elegant repository of specimens of the Fine Arts." Wm B. Swett Jn T. Apthorp David Sears Tho. Lee, Jr Wm Wells Wm Payne E. Rollins Wm Lyman W. H. Eliot W. H. Prescott J. Richards T. H. P[erkins] W. Sawyer H. G. Rice B. Welles C. R. Codman Saml Swett Warren Dutton Nathl Appleton Isaac P Davis George Searle P. T. Jackson Henry Lunt Theodore Lyman, Jr Henry Cabot I. Sargent C. Bradbury John Belknap I. Thomdike N. Amory T. Williams Jos. Quincy J. Hubbard B.Joy G. Brooks Jos. Hall F. Dexter F. C. Head R. G. Shaw S. Parkman, Jr Jona. Amory G. Ticknor N. Hale Josiah Bradlee Is. Munson F. C. Gray J. W. Boott J. A. Lowell John Lowell B. Russell Francis J. Oliver Geo. Bond S. Whitwell, Jr B. Seaver Caleb Adams Lewis Tappan S. H. Walley Jonathan Phillips Edward Phillips Thomas Wigglesworth S. C. Gray S. D. Harris Amos Lawrence Abbott Lawrence Wm Lawrence Sam. Lawrence Edward Tuckerman Caleb Andrews J, Richardson R. D. S[hepherd] J. Putnam D. P. Parker R. D. Tucker I. Winslow Joshua Davis Joseph Tilden H. G. Otis Wm Pratt John Pickens T. L. W[inthrop] Saml Dorr John Heard, Jr John Bumstead Natl Goddard Jona. Davis J. P. Bradlee T. B. Wales Jos. Head Thomas H. Perkins, Jr Thomas Lamb Saml May Jona. Chapman Josiah Marshall John Parker Thomas W. Ward W. R. Gray H. Gray John Tappan Wm Appleton Henry Codman H. M. Hayes Eben. Appleton John Lowell, Jr Jos. Coolidge 1826 David Sears 1826 7 gentlemen 73 volumes. ;^i,650.oo, forthe purchase of scientific transactions. Subscribers to purchase " Transactions of Foreign Societies and other similar works of the first importance to the progress of knowl- edge; February 9th, i8z6." 78 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Nathl Bowditch Geo. Ticknor 1826 1826 Thomas W. Ward Francis C. Gray T. H. Perkins James Perkins Israel Thomdike for a lecture 1826 Thomas Handasyd Perkins ;^8,ooo.oo room. James Perkins, the Younger ;^8,ooo.oo, unrestricted. 76 gentlemen ;^ 10,240.00, unrestricted. The first two gentlemen each gave g 1,000, 00. « Whereas, the Honourable Thomas H. Perkins, by a letter dated March 30, i8z6, has generously declared that he 'will con- tribute the sum of Eight Thousand dollars towards the completion of the Lecture Room now contracted for, provided a like sum is sub- scribed without the circle of his family connexions for the general uses of the Corporation, before the first of November next ' : " And ixjhereas, James Perkins, Esquire, by a letter dated March 30, 1826, has offered to give the 'further sum of Eight Thousand dollars, provided the same sum is raised from individuals, besides the Eight Thousand dollars proposed to be raised to meet the offer of Mr. T. H. Perkins ' : " Now therefore, we the subscribers ... do agree to take the number of shares against our names respectively." Boston, April 5, 1826. William Phillips P. C. Brooks Ebenezer Francis John Lowell (by N. Bowditch) John Tappan Thomas Wigglesworth James Jackson P. T. Jackson Chas Jackson Amos Lawrence Abbott I,awrence Wm I.awrence W. R. Gray Wm Prescott Wm Sturgis Saml Dorr R. D. Tucker Ebenr T. Andrews Joshua Clapp (by N. Bowditch) Pliny Cutler Wm S. Shaw Lewis Tappan Josiah Bradlee Geo. C. Shattuck Josiah Quincy Daniel Hammond H. Inches Joseph P. Bradlee Horace Gray I. Thomdike, Jr E. H. Robbins, Jr Edward Tuckerman J. P. Rice Francis Parkman John Amory Joseph Head Saml Salisbury Thos Williams James T. Austin Thos Bartlett B.Joy John C. Howard Charles Taylor Joseph Coolidge Rob. G. Shaw John C. Jones David W. Child Daniel P. Parker Wm H. EUot Jonathan Mason Chs Torrey Benj. Wiggin Wm Sawyer Joseph W. Revere Saml Whitwell, Jr Geo. Bond John D. Williams John Belknap J. Putnam J. Hall W. H. Prescott I ^^^^^H>' '^^H- -T-^J ^■' ^^^Ei ^ ^^1^1 ^^B^^^' ^B^^ ^^B: ^^ £ 4 -■^B ^s i f^^ J flRHBUBBw^ ^B ^^n^l ^^^B ft-^^^l Bj^p^ "^ ^^^^H ^^B ri - I^^H' iH m p -,,- ata ^ ^H 1 ^^^H i ^^H - ^H| Z ^^H r Ni iM IP^;.^ 1 . Cambardena Pud:: GIFTS AND BEQUESTS 79 Franklin Dexter H. A. S. Dearborn Timo. Williams J. Parker Thos K. Jones Danl Webster P. O. Thacher F. C. Gray Geo. Ticknor Nathl Bowditch 1826 Massachusetts Scientific Library Association Geo. Burroughs Wm Pratt Thos W. Ward Francis Lee Edw. Cruft 1^3,715.00 in subscriptions, turned over to the Athe- At a meeting of gentlemen held in the Academy's Room in 1 8a6, Israel Thorndike, Jr, Amos Lawrence, John A. Lowell, George B. Emerson, John C. Gray, John Lowell, Jr, Wm Sturgis, Daniel Treadwell, Dr E. Hale and Edward Brooks were appointed a com- mittee to solicit subscriptions for a Scientific Library. Soon after, the Athenaeum Trustees chose a committee composed of Nathaniel Bowditch, Francis C. Gray, George Ticknor, Thoinas W. Ward and Francis J. Oliver to consider the expediency of " uniting, in the Athenaeum, the principal circulating libraries of this city ' ' that the deficiencies of the larger library might be overcome. The Medical Library property and the subscriptions for the projected Scientific Library were soon made over to the Athenasum. See Quincy's History, page 94. P. C. Brooks John Lowell Edward Everett Edwd Brooks John C. Gray John Lowell, Jr Kirk Boott William Lawrence John W. Boott Frederick Cabot Francis Lee Geo. B. Emerson Danl Treadwell Enoch Hale, Jr J. A. Lowell William Payne Nathan Hale Chas G. Loring Jas P. Higginson Geo. H. Snelling Wm Sturgis J. T. Buckingham Geo. Ticknor Jacob Bigelow Winslow Lewis Gorham Brooks Benj. D. Greene Francis C. Head Charles Jackson John Davis Nathaniel Bowditch Wm H. Prescott Patrick T. Jackson William Lyman Edward J. Lowell Francis C. Lowell Amos Lawrence S. Whitwell, Jr Israel Thorndike I. Thorndike, Junr Dr Edward Reynolds Bn Gorham Samuel L. Dana Horace Gray John Tappan Geo. W. Brimmer Rd D. Tucker Benj. Guild John H. Wilkins David Hale John Ware Samuel A. Eliot J. C. Warren George Bond John L. Gardner Joseph W. Revere Robert Rogerson Henry Lee Joseph Coolidge, Jr E. H. Robbins, Jr Edward Clarke Danl Webster Robt Waterston James G. Carter Geo. Hayward Wm Appleton George Searle Solomon Willard Solomon P. Miles 8o THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM David Moody Warren Colbum James Perkins Paul Moody Sam. Hensliaw H. A. S. Dearborn Thomas C. Amory Jos. H. Adams Samuel F. Coolidge James How Ben. Poor James Weld Saml Perkins Pliny Clap Samuel D. Harris H. Harris Wm Sawyer J. F. Flagg Ebenr A. Lester P. Dow Amasa Winchester Edmund Winchester Wm Foster Leo"" Foster Samuel Swett Wm Sullivan John P. Thorndike Wm Hill John Doggett Wm P. Mason John H. Cabot Jos. Russell S. D. Ward C. Gore Wm Goddard, Junr Chas C. Starbuck Prentiss Hobbs James Sinclair George Hall Edward Battles Richard A. Newell Ebenr Waters, Jr John Mills Brown Abraham S. Pike Solon Jenkins Geo. Darracott Daniel Adams Henry N. Hooper Benja. Darling G. Fairbanks Kilham & Mears Wm J. Loring John Brazer Davis David J. Moody Thomas Motley N. Appleton Theo. Jenks Ed. W. Payne Augustus Newman Lewis Tappan J. W. Paige Saml Batchelder Thomas Hurd Allan Pollock 1826 32 gentlemen, through the Scientific Library Asso- ciation ;^ 2,300.00, unrestricted. Part of above subscription list. From Quincy's History, page 105: Peter C. Brooks James Perkins, the Younger Edward Brooks William Sturgis Patrick T. Jackson John Lowell John A. Lowell Charles Jackson Joseph W. Revere George Ticknor 1826 31 gentlemen Israel Thorndike John Lowell, Jr John C. Gray Gorham Brooks Nathan Appleton William Appleton George Bond Amos Lawrence Samuel Whitwell, Jr William Lawrence S. L. Dana Jacob Bigelow Horace Gray Edward H. Robbins William Sullivan Richard D. Tucker Samuel A. Eliot Edward J. Lowell Henry Lee William H. Prescott John Tappan John C. Warren The Boston brary. Medical la- On May 3d, 1826, Nathaniel Bowditch, F. C. Gray, George Ticknor and Francis J. Oliver, a Committee of the Proprietors of the Athenaeum, agreed with J. G. Coffin, George Hayward, William J. Walker, Enoch Hale, Jr and John Ware, a Committee of the Pro- prietors of the zd Social or Medical Library, to turn over to the GIFTS AND BEQUESTS 8i Athenaeum all books and other property whatsoever of the Medical Library under certain conditions (See Quincy's History, page 95). The following Proprietors of the Medical Library were not benefac- tors in the ordinary sense, but their action added to the influence and size of the Athenaeum Library •■ Zabdiel B. Adams George Bates Horace Bean Jacob Bigelow Asa Bullard John G. Coffin Walter Channing Blowers Danforth John Dixwell Amos Famsworth Josiah F. Flagg Thomas Foster John Gorham Enoch Hale, Jr George Hayward Anson Hooker Wm Ingalls David Osgood George W. Otis George Parkman John Randall Chandler Robbins, Jr Edward Reynolds Samuel A. Shurtleff Woodbridge Strong Joshua H. Hayward Solomon D. Townsend William J. Walker John C. Warren John Ware and Charftss Wild Persons having the right of using the Medical Library for part of the year : — Mr. Wight (Druggist, Milk St.) Dr H. Robinson 182- Several ladies, whose names Portrait of Hannah Adams, are not given by Harding. 1831 Washington Monument Ass'n ;^8oo. 00 for Stuart's por- 22 gentlemen 700.00 traits of Wash- ington and Mrs. ^1,500.00 Washington. On May 9th, 1831, Joseph May called the attention of the Trustees to Mrs. Stuart's desire to remove to Newport, and her proposition, made some months earlier, to sell "the original portraits of Washington & his Lady . . . , painted at Philadelphia in 1796." A committee composed of T. H. Perkins and George Ticknor "easily" raised jSi, 500.00, and the portraits were purchased from Miss Jane Stuart, the legal owner, Mrs. Stuart at the same time sur- rendering "any right she might be supposed to possess." From a copy in the Trustees' Records. Mrs. Stuart appears to have lost the original list. John C. Gray Dr G. C. Shattuck Hon. T. H. Perkins Hon. P. C. Brooks Hon. L Thomdike A friend by L P Davis George Ticknor J. Coolidge F. Tudor Eben. Rollins F. C. Gray H. Sargent A. Lawrence W. H. Prescott T. H. Perkins, Jun. Chs Bradbury J. P. Bradlee Hon. Jos. Quincy R. D. Tucker T. Motley Geo. Lyman T. Wigglesworth 82 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM 1832 Joseph Grinnell and others Bust of Rev. John Thorn- ton Kirkland, by Horatio Greenough. Joseph Grinnell, B. A. Gould, and William Rollins were a Committee of the donors to present the bust to the Athenaeum, that it might have "a place among the memorials of gifted minds and benevolent hearts." 1833 Thomas L. Winthrop Portrait of Governor John Winthrop, by Beaumont. 1835 Several subscribers. Names Busts of John Lowell, not given Thomas H, Perkins, Na- thaniel Bowditch, and Jo- seph Story ; by Frazee. Mr. Perkins gave a bust of Marshall. 1836 N. I. Bowditch and others, Bust of William Prescott. who had been students in Mr. Prescott's office 1837 8 subscribers Portrait of Benjamin West, by AUston. Subscribers : Thomas Dwight Mrs. Gardiner Greene W. A. Lawrence J. S. Copley Greene Francis C. Lowell R. C. Hooper B. D. Greene R. Crafts 1837 Francis C. Gray 1838 George Watson Brimmer 1839 Francis C. Gray 1840 Shobal V. Clevenger 1842 John A. Lowell, executor of John Lowell, Jr 1842 Robert C. Waterston 184- John E. Allston Painting : Holy Family, after Murillo. Books on the Fine Arts. Two valuable paintings, af- ter Cuyp and Murillo. Casts of his busts of Web- ster, Clay, Otis, Davis, Shaw, Allston, Mason, Tilden. Statue of Venus Victrix. Parliamentary Documents relating to the Poor. 85 volumes. Painting : Casket scene, by W. Allston. c/~(-o^'>^ M ciX <>^^^et->-*^ I GIFTS AND BEQUESTS 1844 William Prescott 83 Bust of William H. Pres- cott, by Richard S. Green- ough. 1844 Subscribers. Names not Orpheus, in marble, by known. Crawford. 1847 Eben S. Coffin The Scriptures in languages of India ; 26 volumes. 1847 12 gentlemen Houdon's Washington. Subscribers to the cast of Houdon's statue of Washington, by Cicchi, May 5, 1 847. Wm Appleton David Sears Amos Lawrence Amos A. Lawrence T. G. Appleton Theodore Lyman Jonathan Phillips Abbott Lawrence Saml A. Eliot F. C. Lowell F. C. Gray F. H. Appleton 1848 Oliver Wendell Holmes 1 848 Theodore A. Neal 1848-55 77 gentlemen 45 volumes, some of them of the 15th, i6th, and 17th centuries. Valuable Oriental manu- cripts. ;g3,750.oo toward the pur- chase of part of the Library of George Washington. Subscribers : Israel Lombard J. Ingersoll Bowditch Francis Bacon Jonathan Phillips Theodore Chase Thos Wigglesvwjrth, Jr Henry Lee, Jr Charles Beck Ozias Goodwin Henry Lee Andrews Norton John P. Gushing William G. Steams Edward Everett Jared Sparks Daniel Austin Nathan Rice & John Ware George Ticknor James Davis, Jr William S. BuUard Stephen H. Bullard Henry P. Oxnard Charles H. Mills William Appleton Samuel Lawrence William H. Bordman Abbott Lawrence James K. Mills George H. Kuhn Edward H. Robbins Jonas Chickering Samuel Austin George M. Barnard William Perkins John E. Thayer Edward Austin Moses Grant Edmund Dwight, Jr John C. Gray James Lloyd John J. Dixwell Francis C. Lowell Thomas Lee James Read Nathan Appleton Amos Lawrence Thomas H. Perkins Edward N. Perkins Benjamin D. Greene George Livermore Charles Eliot Norton Samuel Batchelder John C. Warren David Sears Robert G. Shaw & Co George W. Lyman Josiah Quincy, Jr Thomas B. Wales William T. Eustis 84 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM Daniel C. Bacon Daniel P. Parker George E. Ellis Joseph lasigi & George Parkman Edmund Dwight C. Gayton Pickman Zelotes Hosmer Nathaniel Silsbee George Peabody Francis Peabody Nathan W. Neal William Pickman Samuel T. Armstrong Richard Fletcher Henry T. Parker Joseph Coolidge 1849 Charles Francis Adams John Quincy Adams's pam- phlets, nearly 7,000. 1849 Mrs. Benjamin Waterhouse Many books, engravings, paintings, and busts. 1849 Elizabeth P. Peabody Valuable Polish books. 1849 20 gentlemen H. Dexter's statue, "The Backwoodsman." Subscribers : Samuel Appleton Thomas H. Perkins Abbott Lawrence David Sears Edmund Dwight Nathan Appleton William Lawrence George W. Lyman Samuel A. Eliot George C. Shattuck George C. Shattuck, Jr Edward Brooks John D. Williams John Bryant, Jr John C. Gray John P. Gushing William Appleton Francis C. Gray Jonas Chickering Josiah Quincy, Jr 185- Thomas H. Perkins 1853 Isaac P Davis 1853 James Brown 1854 E. Price Greenleaf 1 854 9 gentlemen Teak table, for the use of the Trustees. Portrait of Stuart, by Neagle. Expensive books, valued at ;^2,ooo.oo 29 valuable volumes in manuscript, court and no- tarial records. 262 books, chiefly Spanish literature, purchased at the auction of the library of Francis Sales. Subscribers : William H. Prescott Jared Sparks Henry W. Longfellow Charles Beck Joseph E. Worcester John Steams William Whiting Edward Wigglesworth Harrison Ritchie 1854 E. W. Dana Ceres, statue in marble. GIFTS AND BEQUESTS 85 185- Family of T. H. Perkins 1858 Various persons Portrait of William Tudor, by T. Sully. ;^2,ooo.oo, for Green- ough's " Shepherd Boy and Eagle." List of subscribers, January 4, 1 85 8, to purchase the bronze group of the " Shepherd Boy and Eagle," made by Richard S. Greenough. John Eliot Thayer W. S. Bullard C. H. & J. K. Mills Chas G. Loring Thos B. Curtis Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth J. P. Gushing Nathan Appleton Miss Joy William Gray Wm P. Mason Mrs. Abbott Lawrence George W. Lyman Misses Wigglesworth David Sears Mrs. William Pratt Martin Brimmer Francis Brooks J. Davis, Jr Wm Appleton Henry Lee, Jr Edmund Dwight Arthur T. Lyman 1858 Samuel May 1859 Thomas Dowse 1 86 1 Mrs. George G. Lee 1863? Fanny Kemble 1864 Thomas Lee 1866 Uriah A. Boyden « 1869 Bequest of Miss Joy 18 — Francis J. Parker 1 87 1 Ivers J. Austin 1 87 1 Mrs. M. H. Schoolcraft 1872-3 Various citizens Bust in marble of Wendell Phillips, by J. A. Jackson. 52 pictures in water color and six in oil, "copies of the old masters then owned in England"; bequeathed in 1859. Copy in marble of Venus de Medici. Painting : Mrs. Siddons and Fanny Kemble, by Briggs. Portrait of Rev. Joseph S. Buckminster, by Stuart. ^1,800.00, to supply defi- ciencies in the series of sci- entific transactions and memoirs. Carthaginian girl, by R. S. Greenough. Blue plate, the Athenaeum in Pearl Street. 326 volumes. ^ 164 volumes in languages of the American Indians. 1(4,653.27, subscriptions for printing the Catalogue. 86 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Uriah A. Boyden John A. Lowell Henry B. Rogers' Nathan Matthews Francis E. Parker Robert W. Hooper Martin Brimmer William Perkins Chas E. Ware Geo. W. Wales Charles Deane Christopher T. Thayer Andrew T. Hall Samuel Eliot Francis Parkman Alexander H. Rice J. E. Cabot Edward Wigglesworth Elizabeth B. Inches Charlotte L. Inches Henderson Inches Misses Wigglesworth Robert C. Waterston Also subscriptions amounting to jji,i3j.27 collected by Francis E. Parker. 1873-5 T. Bigelow Lawrence 1875 Heirs of William Powell Mason 1876 George B. Emerson 1877 W, W. Morland 1877 Andrew C. Wheelwright 1882 Estate of John A. Lowell 1885 Estate of R. W. Hooper 1886 Mrs. C. Jackson 1890 James T. Swift 1894 Mrs. Waldo Higginson 1895 1901 1902 Estate of Henry W. Torrey Charles Pickering Bowditch Thornton Kirkland Lothrop Albert Matthews Henry Francis Sears Edward IngersoU Browne 1903 Mary Farwell Ayer The sum of 1^8,058.00, in- surance on the Lawrence collection of armor be- queathed to the Athenaeum and burnt in the great fire of 1872. About 300 volumes. 263 volumes of Italian lit- erature. Portrait of John Jackson. 333 volumes. 240 volumes relating to science. About 400 volumes. 95 volumes. Bust in marble of George S. Hillard, by J. A. Jackson. 481 volumes, English and French literature, from the library of her brother, George Brimmer Sohier. 85 volumes. Francis Hindes Groome collection relating to gyp- sies. Over 100 volumes. 1 2 volumes, containing 2,100 views, a " Photo- graphic Journal " of his travels. Bequest. Check-list of Boston News- papers, 1690-1780. In manuscript. GIFTS AND BEQUESTS 87 1903 Annie H. Thwing Viewsof towns and ancient buildings. ^903~5 Howard Pay son Arnold Expensive works on art, valued at about ;^ 1,500.00. 1904-5 Charles F. Atkinson Many maps and books from the library of William P. Atkinson. X905 Heirs of Edward J. Lowell Books relating to France; also nine volumes of manu- scripts on the Hessians. 1906 Caroline L. W. French Expensive and rare works on art. 1906-7 Charles P. Greenough Broadsidesand manuscripts. 1907 Mrs. Horace Gray Books and pamphlets. VI PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE ATHENAEUM VI PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM PREPARED BY CHARLES NEWCOMB BAXTER By-Laws [Rules and regulations of the Boston Athenaeum, adopted by the proprietors, August ii, 1808.] {In Quincy, J. The history of the Boston Athenaeum, pp. 48-53. 1851.) This was the first set of rules made for the government of the institution. [Rules and regulations of the Boston Athenaeum, adopted by the proprietors, February 4, 1822.J An abstract of these rules is given in Quincy's " History of the Boston Athenaeum," pages 73-78. Extracts from the by-laws and regulations of the Boston Athenaeum. [Boston: Phelps and Farnham, 1825. J 11 pp. 12°. This contains on pages 4-1 1 the " Names of the proprietors of the Boston Athenasum." By-laws of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum, estab- lished January i, 1827. {In its Catalogue of books, pp. 341-348. 1827; also in Quincy, J. The history of the Boston Athenaeum, pp. 113-117. 1851. By-laws reported by the committee of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum, January 2, 1865. [Boston: 1,865.] 4 pp. 8°. 92 THE BOSTON ATHENiEUM By-laws of the Boston Athenaeum, adopted by the proprietors, Feb. 6, 1865. [Boston: 1865.] 4 pp. 8°. By-laws of the Boston Athenaeum, adopted by the proprie- tors, Feb. 6, 1865: amended Jan. 12, 1880, and Jan. 10, 1881. [Boston: 1881.] 4 pp. 8°. By-laws of the Boston Athenaeum, adopted by the proprie- tors, Feb. 6, 1865; amended Jan. 12, 1880; Jan. 10, 1881; Feb. 8, 1892; Feb. 14, 1898; Feb. 13, 1899. [Boston: 1900.] 8 pp. 8°. This includes on pages 5-8 " Rules and regulations for the library and reading room of the Boston Athenaeum ; revised and amended by the Library Committee, and approved by the trustees in March, 1900." By-laws of the Boston Athenaeum, adopted by the proprietors, February 6, 1865; amended January 12, 1880 ; January 10, 1881; February 8, 1892; February 14, 1898; February 13,1899. [Boston: 1907.] 4 pp. 8°. Catalogues [Catalogue of the library of the Boston Athenaeum. Boston : 1810.J 267 pp. 8°. Instead of a title this catalogue has the following note on the first page: " Large additions have been made to the Library since these sheets were struck off, and therefore this Catalogue is incomplete. A few copies have been put together in this form to be used in the rooms. The Catalogue, when completed, with an appendix, index, and preface, will be published and sold." The catalogue was made by the Rev. Joseph McKean. It was never completed by "an appendix, index, and preface." It is divided into fifteen classes. Catalogue of books in the Boston Athenaeum ; to which are added the By-laws of the institution, and a List of its proprie- PUBLICATIONS 93 tors and subscribers. Boston : Printed by William L. Lewis, Congress Street. 1827. [4J, 356 pp. 8°. Catalogue of books added to the Boston Athenjeum, since the publication of the catalogue in January, 1827. [Boston: Lewis, 1830.J 64 pp. 8°. Catalogue of books added to the Boston Athenaeum, in 1830-1833. Boston: [Eastburn's Press,] January, 1834. 80 pp. 8°. Catalogue of books added to the Boston Athenaeum, since the publication of the catalogue in January, 1827. Boston: Eastburn's Press, 1840. 179 pp. 8°. List of books added to the library of the Boston Athenasum, from December i, 1862 to December 15, 1868. [Boston: 1863-1868.] 6 V. 8° 30 These volumes covered the following periods : Dec. I, i86ztoDec. i, 1863. 33 pp. Dec. I, 1863 to Dec. i, 1864. 34 pp. Dec. I, 1864 to Dec. 15, 1865. 34 PP- Dec. 15, 1865 to Dec. 15, 1866. 33 pp. Dec. 15, 1866 to Dec. 15, 1867. 35 pp. Dec. 15, 1867 to I'ec. 15, 1868. 27 pp. Lisit of books added to the library of the Boston Athenaeum December 15, 1868-1871. [Boston: 1869-1872.J i7nos. 8°- These lists of four, six, or eight pages were issued usually every two months. With No. 2 the title changes to " Boston Athenaeum. List of books lately added to the library. ' ' The list was issued as follows : 1869, No. 1-6; 1870, No. 1-5; 1 871, No. 1-6. Boston Athenaeum. List of additions. Second Series. No. 1-354. September i, 1877 to March 2, 1896. [Boston: 1877-1896.] 1472 pp. sm. 4°. 94 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM 1877, No. 1-3; 1878, No. 4-20; 1879, No. 21-40; 1880, No. 41-60; 1881, No. 61-80; i882,No. 81-100; i883,No. loi- 140; 1884, No. 141-160; 1885, No. 161-180; 1886, No. 181- 200; 1887, No. 201-ZZ0; 1888, No. 221-235; 1889, No, 236-253; 1890, No. 254-276; 1891, No. 277-295; 1892, No. 296-319; 1893, No. 320-330; 1894, No. 331-342; 1895. No. 343-352; 1896, No. 353-354- The title is abbreviated with No. 3 to the heading : " Boston Athe- nffium. Additions. 2d ser." In 1887 the following title-page was printed for a volume containing Nos. 1-200 bound together: "Boston Athenaeum. Additions to the library 1877-86. Boston: 1887." The numbers were issued at first as often as there were "tides enough to fill a sheet." In 1882 and thereafter they were published more or less regularly at intervals varying at diiferent times from a week to a month. The list contained many annotations from the literary reviews. An index to the numbers for each year was issued from 1878 to 1893 inclusive. Catalogue of the library of the Boston Athenaeum, 1807- 1871. Boston: 1874-1882. 5 vols. 3402 pp. 1.8°. Part I. A-C. 1874. pp. [4], 1-724. PP- [4], 7 25-1490- PP-[4]» 149 1-2 166. pp. [4], 2167-2908. pp. [10], 24, 2909-3402, The " Chronological list of the proprietors of the Boston Athenseum from its foundation to January 31, 1882, according to the certificate book," containing 24 pages, is bound in part V. Under the title "The editor to the proprietors," pages 3399-3402, Mr. Charles A. Cutter gives a brief account of the making of this catalogue. A catalogue of the Washington collection in the Boston Athenaeum ; compiled and annotated by Appleton P. C. Grif- fin ; in four parts : I. Books from the library of General George Washington. II. Other books from Mount Vernon. III. The writings of Washington. IV. Washingtoniana. With an appendix, The inventory of Washington's books 11- D-H. 1876. III. UN. 1878. IV. O-S. 1880. V. T-Z. 1882. PUBLICATIONS 95 drawn up by the appraisers of his estate, with notes in regard to the full titles of the several books, and the later history and present ownership of those not in the Athenaeum collection ; by William Coolidge Lane, Librarian of the Boston Athenaeum. [Boston:] The Boston Athenaeum, 1897. XI, 566 pp. front, (port.), plate, 14 facsimiles on 13 plates, sq. 8°. — Index; by Franklin Osborne Poole. [Boston:] The Boston Athenaeum. 1900. [6], 87 pp. sq. 8°. Circulars Anthology Society. Anthology reading room and library. Boston: Jan. 1, 1807. 8 pp. 8°. This circular gives the names of the trustees to whom the Anthology Society transferred its books. It also contains the rules and regulations for the government of the Anthology Reading Room and Library. It is reprinted in Quincy's " History of the Boston Athenasum," pages 12-18. Memoir of the Boston Athenaeum, with the act of incorpor- ation, and organization of the institution. Boston: Printed at the Anthology Office, Court-Street, by Munroe & Francis, May, 1807. 30 pp. 8°. This memoir was written by John T. Kirkland. It was circulated for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions by a committee consisting of John Lowell, John T. Kirkland and William S. Shaw. Without " the act of incorporation, and organization of the institu- tion," and also without a list of periodical publications regularly re- ceived, it is reprinted in "The monthly anthology for May 1807," pages ZZ5-234. It is also reprinted in Quincy's "History of the Bos- ton Athenasum," pages 24-43. [Circular to the public soliciting subscriptions to a proposed issue of 237 new shares. Boston: 1844.J 2 pp. 4°- [Circular to the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum urging an increase in the number of proprietors paying annual sub- scriptions for the right of taking out books from the library.] Boston: March 3, 1846. i p. 4°. 96 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM This circular was signed by a committee of the trustees consisting of John A. Lowell, William H. Prescott, Enoch Hale, William T. Andrews, and George S. Hillard. To the proprietors and friends of the Boston Athenseum, [a circular soliciting subscriptions to a proposed issue of 400 new shares]. Boston: April 22, 1853. 3 pp. sq. 8°. This circular is signed by Thomas G. Gary, President; John A. Lowell, Vice-President ; Samuel Hooper, Treasurer ; William T. Andrews, O. W. Holmes, George Livermore, Andrew T. Hall, William Thomas, Albert Fearing, Adam W. Thaxter, Jun., Amos A. Lawrence, Edward A. Crowningshield (sic), G. Howland Shaw, Charles E. Norton, Trustees. [Circular for subscriptions to the proposed printed catalogue. Boston: 1861.] i p. 4°. [Circular for subscriptions to the proposed printed catalogue. Boston: March, 1872]. i p. 4°. [Circular for subscriptions to the printed catalogue. Boston: March, 1874.J 2 pp. 4°. This circular contains a brief account of the printed catalogue, written by Samuel Eliot, and reprinted from the Boston Daily Advertiser, February 4, 1874. ^^ was circulated by the following committee: George Abbot James, Samuel B. Cruft, James A. Dupee, Francis A. Osborn, and Francis H. Appleton. Abbot, Ezra. [Letter to Charles A. Cutter, March 7th, 1874, in regard to the catalogue of the Boston Athenaeum Library. Boston: 1874.J i p. P- [Circular from the trustees to the proprietors of the Boston Athenasum reporting the reference of certain matters relating to the question of removal to a Conference Committee.] Boston: May 6th, 1903. 3 pp. 4°. [Circular from the trustees to the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum in regard to the question of removal.] Boston : December ist, 1903. 4 pp. 4°. PUBLICATIONS 97 This circular was agned by the following committee of the trustees : Charles P. Bowditch, John C. Gray, and Howard Stockton. It was accompanied by two reports, A and B, A was a report to the trustees of the Athenaeum from the Conference Committee, consisting of Chas. A. Cummings, Alfred Bowditch, J. R. Coolidge Jr., trustees ; and Wm. D. Sohier, Richard H. Dana, Robt. Treat Paine, proprietors. B was a Report to the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum made in 1 90 1 by the following committee of the trustees : J. Elliot Cabot, Barrett Wendell, and Charles P. Bowditch. [Circular to the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum contain- ing reasons for preserving our present building. Boston : 1 903. J 4 pp. f°. This circular was signed by the following sub-committee of proprie- tors : Richard H. Dana, William D. Sohier, and Robert Treat Paine. It was later reprinted with the heading " Shall the Athenzeum be pre- served ? " and sent to the proprietors with the Circular of the Trustees of December 21st, 1903. [Circular from the trustees to the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum in regard to the question of removal.] Boston : December 21st, 1903. 2 pp. 4°- A folio circular urging the preservation of the present Athenaeum building, signed by 137 proprietors, was issued the same year. Gallery A catalogue of the first [to thirtieth, thirty-second to fiftieth] exhibition of paintings in the Athenaeum Gallery, 1827-1848, 1850-1873. Boston: 1827-1873. 8°. (1-2,4°.) More than one edition of most of these catalogues appeared. The " American exhibition of British art" was perhaps considered the thirty-first exhibition. There was no exhibition in 1 849 on account of the removal of the library from Pearl Street to Beacon Street. The fifteenth to twenty-second, and twenty-fourth to forty-third exhibitions were exhibitions of paintings and sculpture. 7 98 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM The catalogues of the forty-eighth and forty-ninth exhibitions contain the " List of chromolithographs." [Crosby, William G.J Poetical illustrations of the Athenaeum Gallery of paintings. Boston: True and Greene, 1827. [4J) 40 pp. 8°. Sarti, Antonio. Exhibition of rare old paintings at the Athenaeum Gallety. Boston: Eastburn, 1929 [1829]. 6 pp. 8°. Descriptive catalogue of the four magnificent paintings of the most interesting monuments of ancient and modern Rome, be- ing the original pictures painted for the Duke de Choiseuil, a minister of Louis XV., by the Cavalier Giovanni Paolo Pa- nini, now exhibiting at the Athenaeum Gallery, Pearl Street, Boston: Clapp, 1834. 8 pp. 8°. Descriptive catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of oil paintings, by the ancient and modern masters, exhibiting at the Athenaeum, Pearl Street. [Boston: 183-.J 4 pp. 12°. Catalogue of the first [and second] exhibition of sculpture in the Athenaeum Gallery, 1 839-1 840. Boston: 1839-40. 8°. The catalogues of later exhibitions of sculpture are included in the catalogues of the exhibitions of paintings. Description of the Orpheus and other works of sculpture by Thomas G. Crawford of Rome, now exhibiting at the Athe- naeum, Pearl Street. Boston : Eastburn's Press, 1 844. 8 pp. 8°. Catalogue of paintings to be sold by auction at the Athenasum Gallery, Beacon Street, on Monday, 22d inst., at 11 o'clock, by Whitwells & Seaver. [Boston: 185-.] 4 pp. 8° 30 Catalogue of the American exhibition of British art, at the Athenxum Gallery, Beacon-Street, Boston. Oil pictures PUBLICATIONS 99 and water colors, 1858. Boston: Eastburn's Press, 1858. 24 pp. 8°. This was perhaps considered the thirty-first exhibition of paintings. Catalogue of pictures lent to the Sanitary Fair for exhibition ; together with catalogue of paintings and statuary of the Athe- naeum Gallery, Beacon Street, Boston, 1863. Boston: Rogers, 1863. 16 pp. 8°. Catalogue of paintings and statuary, exhibited for the benefit of the National Sailors' Fair, at the Athenaeum Gallery, Beacon Street, Boston, 1864. Boston : Rogers, 1864. 20 pp. 8'^ ?o Catalogue of the exhibition of paintings for the benefit of the French, 187 1. Boston: Rand, Avery & Frye, 1871. 4 pp. 4°. List of chromolithographs after Italian, German, and Flemish frescoes, now on exhibition at the Athenaeum Gallery, Beacon Street, Boston ; with sketches of the painters, abridged from F. M [W]. Maynard's " Descriptive sketch of the Arundel Society." Boston: Rand, Avery & Co., 1872. 16 pp. 8°. Lists of Proprietors Names of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum. [1825. J (In its Extracts from the by-laws and regulations, pp. 4-1 1. 1825.) A list of the owners of shares i to 205 in 1825. Names of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum. [1827]. (In its Catalogue of books, pp. 350-356. 1827.) An alphabetical list. Names of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum. [1830]. (/« its Catalogue of books added since the publication of the cat- alogue in January, 1827. pp. 60-64. 1830.) An alphabetical list. 100 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM Names of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum, 1834. (/« its Catalogue of books added in 1830-1833, pp. 77-80. 1834.) An alphabetical list. Names of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum, 1840. (In its Catalogue of books added since the publication of the catalogue in Januaiy, 1827, pp. 174-179. 1840.) An alphabetical list. Alphabetical list of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum on the 8th of March 1848, according to the certificate book. [Boston: 1848.] 12 pp. f° Fo List of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum on the 8th of March, 1848, according to the certificate book. [Boston : 1848.] II pp. f°. This is a chronological list. Proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum, 31 December, 1850. [Cambridge: 1851.J 24 pp. 8°. Reprinted from Quincy's "History of the Boston Athenaeum," pages 243-264. This contains two lists, chronological and alpha- betical, of the proprietors of the Boston Athenxum from its founda- tion to the end of the year 1850 according to the certificate book. It is the first historical list giving the names of all proprietors from the beginning. Alphabetical list of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum, according to the certificate book, February 8, 1855. [Boston : 1855.] II pp. 8° 30 Alphabetical list of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum, March 31, i860. [Boston: 1860.J 12 pp. 8°- Alphabetical list of the proprietors of Boston Athenaeum, June I, 1866. Boston: Privately printed at Athenaeum Press, B. W. Goldsmith, Printer, 1866. 12 pp. 8°. ^^^ /f,^2y/iJ€:Z^t::^ PUBLICATIONS loi Chronological list of the proprietors of the Boston Athe- naeum from its foundation to January 31, 1882, according to the certificate book. [Boston: 1882.] 24 pp. 1.8°. This includes also an alphabetical list, and is bound in part 5 of the "Catalogue of the library of the Boston Athenasum, 1807-1871." Register of the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum from its foundation to December 31, 1897, according to the certificate book, in two parts: i. a chronological list; 2. an alphabetical list. [Boston:] The Boston Athenaeum, 1898. 94 pp. 8°. Reports Report to the proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum in rela- tion to the issuing of new shares. Boston : John Wilson and Son, 1853. 22 pp. 8°. This was the report of a committee of three " appointed to inquire whether any illegal action has been taken by the proprietors at any pre- vious time." The committee consisted of Messrs. William H. Gardiner, Nathaniel I. Bowditch, and Francis B, Crowninshield. Treasurer. Statement [of his accounts for the year ending December 31, 1 854]-! 906. [Boston: 1855-1907.] f°. Report of the committee of the trustees of the Boston Athenaeum, appointed to consider the expediency of extending or increasing the rights of the proprietors. Boston : John Wilson and Son, 1863. 8 pp. 8°. This report is signed " For the committee, Charles Eliot Norton, 9th February, 1863." Library Committee. Reports of the Committee on the Library and of the Committee on the Fine Arts of the Boston Athenseum, submitted at the annual meeting of the proprietors, January 8, 1866; January 8, 1867. [Boston: 1866-1867.] 2 V. 8°. 102 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Library Committee. Reports of the Library Committee and of the Librarian of the Boston Athenaeum for the year 1893- 1 894 ; — continued as Boston Athenaeum. Report for the year 1895-1906. [Boston: 1894-1907.] 8°. (1893-1897. 1. 8°.) The reports for the year 1895 and later years were prepared entirely by the Librarian. The "Report for the year 1896" includes "An account of the manuscripts in the Boston Athenaeum " by A. P. C. Griffin. In the " Report for the year 1897 " is a " List of newspapers and periodical publications currently received at the Boston Athenaeum." The " Report for the year 1905*" contains lists of the " Permanent fiinds of the Boston Athenaeum " and of the " Chief bequests and gifts to the Boston Athenaeum." Rules Rules and regulations of the Boston Athenaeum. Jan. 20th, 1 8 15. Boston: 18 15. Broadside. Rules of the Athenaeum library and reading-roem. April i, 1855. [Boston: 1855.J 4 pp. 8°. Rules of the Athenaeum library and reading-room. April 9, i860. [Boston: i860.] 4pp. 8°. This was also printed as a broadside. Rules of the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- naeum. November 18, 1867. [Boston: Press of the Boston Athenaeum, 1867.J 4 pp. 8°. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- naeum, and for defining the powers of the several committees ; reported by a committee at a meeting of the trustees, March 21, 1881. [Boston: 1881.] 4 pp. 8°. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- nseum, and for defining the powers of the several committees ; PUBLICATIONS 103 reported by a committee at a meeting of the trustees, April 18, 1881. [Boston: i88x.] 4pp. 8°. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- naeum, and for defining the powers of the several committees, adopted at a meeting of the trustees, April i8, 1881. [Boston : 1881.J 4 pp. 8°. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- naeum, and for defining the powers of the several committees ; adopted at a meeting of the trustees, April 18, 1881; and amended. May 16, 1881, in articles 17 and 18. [Boston: 1881.J 4 pp. 8°. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- nasum ; adopted by the Library Committee, and approved at a meeting of the trustees, March 16, 1885. [Boston: 1885.] 6 pp. 8°. This includes " Regulations, adopted by the trustees, March i6, 1885," °^ pages 5 and 6. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- naeum ; adopted by the Library Committee, and approved at a meeting of the trustees, March 18, 1889. [Boston: 1889.J 4 pp. 8°. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- nseum; adopted by the Library Committee; approved and amended at meetings of the trustees, March 16, 1885, March 18, 1889, April 21, May 19, 1890. [Boston: 1890.J 4 pp. 8°. Rules for the library and reading-room of the Boston Athe- naeum ; revised and amended by the Library Committee, and approved by the trustees, February, 1897. [Boston: 1897.J 4 pp. 8°. 104 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Rules and regulations for the library and reading room of the Boston Athenaeum, revised and amended by the Library Com- mittee, and approved by the trustees in October and December, 1898. [Boston: 1899.] 4 pp. 8°. Rules and regulations for the library and reading room of the Boston Athenaeum; revised and amended by the Library Committee, and approved by the trustees in March, 1900. (/« its By-laws, pp. 5-8. 1900.) Rules for the library and reading room of the Boston Athe- naeum; approved by the trustees, December 17, 1906. [Bos- ton : 1907.] 4 pp. 8°. Regulations of the Boston Athenasum ; made by the trustees, January 21, 1907. [Boston: 1907.J 4 pp. 8° Miscellaneous Aspinwall, William. A volume relating to the early history of Boston containing the Aspinwall notarial records from 1644 to 1651. Boston: Municipal Printing Office, 1903. X, 455 pp. front., facsimile of first page of MS. 8°. This is a reprint of the manuscript •• Notarial records " of William Aspinwall in the Boston Athenseum. It was published by the city of Boston as volume 32 of the series formerly called "Record Commis- sioners' Reports." The Athenaeum paid for 100 copies, printed on special paper. Boston Athenaeum. Competition for a building to be erected for the Boston Athenaeum. [Boston: 1902.J 8 pp. 8°. — Circular of information supplementaty to the programme of competition for a new library building for the Boston Athe- naeum. [Boston: 1902,] 2 pp. 8°. — Second circular of information supplementary to the pro- gramme of competition for a new library building for the Boston Athenaeum. [Boston : 1902.] i p. 8°. ^ ^ 1 ^ V PUBLICATIONS 105 Boston Athenaeum. Photographs by Ad. Braun & Cie. [in the Boston Athenaeum], Sept. i, 1888. [Boston: 1888.] 8 pp. 40. Boston Athenaeum. Photographs by Ad. Braun & Cie. in the Boston Athenaeum, January i, 1890; alphabetical list, and chronological list under countries. [Boston : 1890. J 24 pp. 4°. This list was made by Mrs. E. A. Otis. Cutter, Charles Ammi. Boston Athenaeum; how to get books, with an explanation of the new way of marking books. Boston; Rockwell and Churchill, 1882. 36 pp. 8° JO Leonard and Co. Catalogue of a large collection of books, being the duplicates of the Boston Athenaeum, to be sold by auction, on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 29 and 30, 1862, in the library sales-room of Leonard & Co., 49, Tremont Street, Boston. Boston : John Wilson and Son, 1862. 28 pp. 8°. Lowell, John, Jr. Extracts from the will and codicil of John Lowell, Jr., concerning the Lecture Fund ; and opinions of Hon. Chas. G. Loring, and Hon. Benj. R. Curtis upon the duties of the trustees of the Boston Athenaeum as Visitors of the Lecture Fund. Boston : James F. Cotter & Co., 1885. 21 pp. 8"= 30 Quincy, Josiah. The history of the Boston Athenaeum, with Biographical notices of its deceased founders. Cambridge : Metcalf and Company, 1851. XII, 264, 104 pp. 8°. This contains on pages 243-263 two lists, one chronological and one alphabetical, of the proprietors of the Boston Athensum from its foundation to the end of the year 1850, according to the certificate book. The "Biographical notices" have a separate pagination. The notices are of the following men: John Sylvester John Gardiner, io6 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM William Emerson, Arthur Maynard Walter, William Smith Shaw, Peter Oxenbridge Thacher and Samuel Cooper Thacher, Joseph Stevens Buckminster, William Tudor, John Thornton Kirkland, John Bromfield. Robert Charles Billings Fund. Publications, No. I. Le Forestier, Francois. Relation; autobiography and voyages of Francois Le Forestier (1749— 1819), a refugee from Mauritius and a teacher in New England ; a recently dis- covered manuscript edited by Hasket Derby, M. D. [Boston :] The Boston Athenzeum, 1904. XII, 77 pp. front., 4 portraits, 2 facsimiles. 8°. An edition of joo copies. No. 2. ToplifF, Samuel. Travels ; letters from abroad in the years 1828 and 1829, by Samuel Topliff, proprietor of the Mer- chants News Room in Boston, from the original manuscript owned by the Boston Athenaeum ; edited with a memoir and notes by Ethel Stanwood Bolton. [Boston :] The Boston Athenaeum, 1906. 246 pp. front, (portrait of Samuel ToplifF), 4 plates, 2 maps, 3 facsimiles. 8°- An edition of 400 copies. No. 3. The Athenaeum Centenary; the influence and history of the Boston Athenaeum from 1807 to 1907, with a record of its oflicers and benefactors, and a complete list of proprietors. [Boston:] The Boston Athenaeum, 1907. 236 pp. front, (portrait of W. S. Shaw), 30 plates. 8°. An edition of 1250 copies. VII FOUNDERS OF THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM I. Members of the Anthology Society before Feb- ruary 13, 1807. II. Names given in the Act of Incorporation of the Proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum which was signed by the Governor, February 13, 1807. VII FOUNDERS OF THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM I MEMBERS OF THE ANTHOLOGY SOCIETY BEFORE FEBRUARY 13, 1807. " The fourteen original associates and founders of the Antho- logy Society, together with the five subsequently elected mem- bers, being the grantors of the books and papers transferred to the trustees in the manner before mentioned, are, of consequence, unquestionably entitled to the name of original Founders of the Boston Athenaeum." — ^incy's History, page 11. John Sylvester John Gardiner. Bom 1765; died 1830. Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, 1 805-1 830. President of the Anthology Society. William Emerson. Bom 1 769 ; died 1 8 1 1 . Minister of the First Church in Boston, 1799-1811. Editor of "The Monthly Anthology." Father of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Arthur Maynard Walter. Bom 1780; died 1807. Secretary of the Anthology Society, 1805-1807. William Smith Shaw. Born 1778; died 1826. Clerk of the United States District Court. Treasurer of the Anthology Society. Samuel Cooper Thacher. Bora 1785; died 181 8. Librarian of Harvard College, 1808- 1 8n . Minister of the New South Church, Boston, 1 8 1 i-i 8 1 8. no THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Joseph Stevens Buckminster. Born 1 784 ; died 1 8 1 2. Minister of the Church in Brattle Square, 1 805-1 8 1 2, and writer. Lecturer on Biblical Criticisni at Har- vard, 1811-1812. Joseph Tuckerman. Born 1778 ; died 1840. " Unitarian minister at large" in Bos- ton. Philanthropist and writer. William Tudor, Jr. Bom 1779; died 1830. First editor of the North American Review, and writer. Founder of the ice trade in tropical countries. Peter Oxenbridge Thacher. Born 1776 ; died 1843. Judge of the Municipal Court in Boston, 1 823-1 843. Assumed his middle name in 181 1. Thomas Gray. Born 1772; died 1847. Minister of the Third Church in Roxbury, 1 793-1 847. William Wells. Born 1773 ; died i860. Bookseller in Boston. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Also a teacher. Edmund Trowbridge Dana. Born 1779; died 1859. Justice of the Peace. Founder of the Dana library, Cambridge. John Collins Warren. Born 1778; died 1856. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery at the Harvard MedicalSchool, 1 809-1 856. James Jackson. Born 1777 ; died 1 867. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic at the Harvard Medical School, 181 2-1 836. President of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Benjamin Welles. Born 1781 ; died i860. A member of the Suffolk bar. FOUNDERS III Robert Hallowell Gardiner. Born 1782; died 1864. President of the Maine Historical Society, 1846— 1855. Honorary member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Robert Field, Born in England ; died 18 19. Active in the Anthology Society, 1805—1807. Miniature painter and engraver. James Savage. Born 1784; died 1873. President of the Provident Institution for Savings, and the Massachusetts Historical Society. Author of "A Genealogical Dictionary of the first setders of New England." John Thornton Kirkland. Born 1770; died 1840. Minister of the New South Church in Boston, 1794-1810. President of Harvard College, i8io-i8z8, II NAMES GIVEN IN THE ACT OF INCORPOR- ATION OF THE PROPRIETORS OF THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM WHICH WAS SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR, FEBRUARY 13, 1807. Theophilus Parsons. Born 1750; died 18 1 3. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, 1 806- 1 8 1 3 . John Davis. Born 1761 ; died 1847. United States district judge, 1801-1841. President of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1 81 8-1835. John Lowell. Born 1 769 ; died 1 840. Lawyer and political writer. President of the Massachusetts Agricultural Society. William Emerson. John T. Kirkland. Peter Thacher. 112 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM William S. Shaw. Robert Hallowell Gardiner. Joseph S. Buckminster. Obadiah Rich. Born 1777 ; died 1850. United States consul in Valencia, 1816- 1820. Authority on Americana. Friend of Ticknor, Prescott, Bancroft, and Irving. VIII OFFICERS Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Treasurers, Secretaries, Directors 1807, Trustees, Librarians VIII LIST OF OFFICERS Dates indicate First and Last year of Election. At the meeting of the Corporation of the Boston Athenaeum, April 7, 1807, it was voted that the officers of the Corporation should consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and five Directors, and at a meeting held July 17, 1 807, the Board of five Directors was changed to a Board of eight Trustees. At a meeting of the Proprietors held February 4, i8za, the number of Trustees was raised to nine, and at a meeting held January 5, 185Z, it was increased to fifteen. Presidents Theophilus Parsons 1807-1813 John Davis 1814-1815 John Lowell 1816-1819 Josiah Quincy 1820-1829 Thomas Handasyd Perkins .... 1830— 1832 Francis Calley Gray 1 833-1 836 George Hayward 1 837-1 845 Thomas Greaves Cary 1 846-1 859 John Amory Lowell 1860-1876 Charles Francis Adams 1877-1879 Samuel Eliot 1 880-1 898 Arthur Theodore Lyman .... 1899- Vice-Presidents John Davis 1807-1813 John Lowell 1814-1815 Josiah Quincy 1816-1819 James Perkins 1820 ii6 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM John Richards 1821-1822 Peter Oxenbridge Thacher .... 1823-1825 Francis Calley Gray 1826-1832 George Ticknor 1833 George Hayward 1 834-1 836 Thomas Greaves Cary 1837-1845 John Amory Lowell 1 846-1 859 George Livermore 1 860-1 865 Andrew Townshend Hall .... 1866-1875 Charles Francis Adams 1876 Charles Deane 1877-1884 Robert William Hooper 1885 James Elliot Cabot 1886-1898 John Chipman Gray 1899-1904 Howard Stockton 1905- Treasurers John Lowell 1807-1810 Joseph Tilden 1811-1815 Nathan Appleton 1816-1827 Thomas Wren Ward 1 828-1 836 Josiah Quincy, Jr 1837-1851 Samuel Hooper 1852-1853 Henry Bromfield Rogers 1 854-1867 Arthur Theodore Lyman 1868 Henry Bromfield Rogers 1 869-1 876 Charles Pickering Bowditch . . . . 1877-1898 Alfred Bowditch 1899- Secretaries William Smith Shaw 1807-1823I Henry Codman 1824-1827 1 Under the By-Laws of 1822 the Secretary ceased to be a Trustee ex officio. OFFICERS 117 Josiah Quincy, Jr. . . William Turell Andrews Henry Tuke Parker . . Charles Pelham Curtis, Jr. William Sohier Dexter . Henry Melville Parker . William Appleton, Jr. . Lemuel Shaw, Jr. . . Arthur Theodore Lyman Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Brooks Adams . . . Charles Herbert Williams William Reuben Richards Albert Thorndike . . 1828-1830 1831-1845 I 846-1 850 1851-1852 1853-1854 1855 1856 1857-1861 1862-1867 1868-1872 1873-1879 1880-1887 1888-1894 1895- DlRECTORS, 1807 William Emerson John Thornton Kirkland Peter Oxenbridge Thacher Robert Hallowell Gardiner Joseph Stevens Buckminster The first-named holders of each office, together with the five Directors in 1807, and Obadiah Rich, formed the first body of Proprietors referred to in the Act of Incorporation. Trustees William Emerson . . . John Thornton Kirkland . Peter Oxenbridge Thacher . Robert Hallowell Gardiner . Joseph Stevens Buckminster Harrison Gray Otis . . . 1807-1810 1807-1810 1807-1822 1807-1815 1807-1812 1807-1821 ii8 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM James Perkins 1807-1819 Samuel Eliot 1807-18 10 Samuel Dexter 1811-1815 Richard Sullivan 1811-1821 John Lowell 1811-1813 Josiah Quincy 1813-1815 John Richards 1814-1820 John Davis 1816-1821 Joseph Tilden 1816-1822 David Seat's 1819-1822 John Lowrell 1820-1821 Theodore Lyman, Jr 1821-1826 t Edward Everett 1 822-1 823 Francis Galley Gray 1 822-1 825 Amos Lawrence 1822-1825 Charles Jackson 1822 Henry Codman 1823-1827 Samuel Swett 1 823-1 827 William Sturgis 1823-1825 Thomas Wigglesworth 1823-1828 George Ticknor 1823-1832 Nathaniel Bowditch 1826-1833 Samuel Dorr 1826-1827 Edward Brooks 1826-1829 George Hay ward 1827-1833 Israel Thorndike 1828 Henderson Inches 1828-1831 Joseph Coolidge, Jr 1828-1829 Franklin Dexter 1828-1835 Charles Pelham Curtis 1829-1834 John Lowell, Jr 1829 Isaac P Davis 1830-1844 Edward Wigglesworth 1830-1850 f/r <. W^'-bty OFFICERS 119 Samuel Atkins Eliot . . William Hickling Prescott William Joseph Loring . William Turell Andrews Thomas Greaves Gary . Nathaniel IngersoU Bowditch Samuel May .... John Amory Lowell . . Samuel Lawrence . . . Thomas Buckminster Curtis Enoch Hale .... Martin Brimmer . . . Samuel Austin, Jr. . . George Stillman Hillard . Amos Binney .... Oliver Wendell Holmes . Charles Amory . . . John Lowell Gardner . Henry Bromfield Rogers George Theodore Lyman William Richards Lawrence William Phillips . . . George Livermore . . Samuel Hooper Edward Newton Perkins Jonathan IngersoU Bowditch Andrew Townshend Hall William Thomas . . . Albert Fearing . . . Adam Wallace Thaxter, Jr. Amos Adams Lawrence . Edward Augustus Crowninshield Gardiner Howland Shaw . . 1832- 1832- 1833- 1834- 1834- 183s- 1836- 1836- 1837- 1839- 1845- 1845- 1846- 1846- 1846- 1848- 1851- 1851 1852- 1852- 1852- 1852- 1852- 1852- 1852- 1852 1831 1847 1835 1854 1836 1844 1844 1845 1838 184s 1848 1845 1851 ■1852 ■1847 ■1853 1850 1848 1851 1849 1849 1850 1859 1851 1852 1854 1865 1863 1859 1855 ■1853 1859 ■1857 120 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Erastus Brigham Bigelow . . 1852-1857 Charles Eliot Norton . . . 1852-1864 James Brown • 1853-1855 Samuel Gray Ward . . . 1853-1855 Martin Brimmer .... . 1854-1861 Henry Tuke Parker . . . 1854 Charles Eliot Ware . . . 1855-1879 Robert William Hooper. . 1855-1884 Uriah Atherton Boyden . . • 1855-1856 Edward Newton Perkins 1856-1898 Francis Edward Parker . . . 1856-1876 William Appleton, Jr. . . 1856 Edward Clarke Cabot . . 1857-1875 James Elliot Cabot . . . 1857-1885 Francis Parkman .... 1858-1893 Charles Russell Codman 1858-1863 Gardiner Howland Shaw 1860-1867 Francis Boardman Crowninshield 1860-1875 George Washington Wales . . I 860-1 896 Lemuel Shaw 1862-1884 Alexander Hamilton Rice . 1864-1881 Charles Storer Storrow . 1864-1878 Christopher Toppan Thayer 1865-1880 Charles Deane .... 1866-1876 Samuel Eliot 1866-1879 Benjamin Smith Rotch . . 1868-1882 Arthur Theodore Lyman . . 1876-1898 Ephraim Whitman Gurney 1877-1886 John Chipman Gray . . . 1877-1898 Henry Cabot Lodge . . . 1879-1898 Howard Stockton . . . 1880-1904 Thomas Buckminster Curtis 1880-1881 Clement Hugh Hill . . . 1881-1889 OFFICERS 121 Russell Gray . . . Roger Wolcott . . John Torrey Morse, Jr. Stanton Blake . . . Edward Jackson Lowell George Brune Shattuck Robert Charles Winthrop, Jr. Thornton Kirkland Lothrop Charles Cabot Jackson Barrett Wendell . . Thomas Minns . Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, Abbott Lawrence Lowell Frederic Jesup Stimson . Charles Amos Cummings Charles Francis Adams, 2d James Elliot Cabot . . Joseph Randolph Coolidge, John Elbridge Hudson . James Ford Rhodes . . Henry Francis Sears . . Charles Pickering Bowditch Augustus Hemenway . . Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow John Templeman Coolidge, Jr, William Lowell Putnam Solomon Lincoln Charles Pelham Greenough Albert Matthews . . George Edward Cabot . Jr. 1882- I 882-1897 1883-1888 1885-1889 1 885-1 894 1886- 1887-1890 1889- 1890-1903 1890- 1891-1894 1894-1898 1895-1903 1895- 1897-1905 1898- 1899-1902 1899- 1899 1899- 1899-1905 1900-1905 1903 1904- 1904- 1904- 1905- 1906- 1906- 1906- 122 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Librarians William Smith Shaw 1807-1822 [Joseph Backus, Assistant Librarian 1821-1825] Seth Bass 1 825-1 846 Charles Folsom 1847-1856 William Frederick Poole .... 1856-1868 Charles Ammi Cutter 1 869-1 892 William Coolidge Lane 1893-1897 Charles Knowles Bolton . . . . 1898- IX PROPRIETORS, 1807-1907 IX CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OP THE PROPRIETORS OF THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM FROM ITS FOUNDATION TO JULY i6, 1907 The last name under each number is that of the present holder. The certificates of the shares taken by the original subscribers in 1807 were not issued until 18 15. Subscribers to shares in- 1807 to whom certificates were given in 1815 are indicated by italic capitals. Their support assured the success of the Boston Athenseum. The original subscription list is given in Quincy's History, page 43. Subscribers were required to pay the first instalment, and to give notes for the second and third, before they could vote at the meeting on July 16, 1807. I HARRISON GRAT OTIS Charles Thacher Maiy Elizabeth Holmes Faneuil Hall National Bank of Boston Maiy Elizabeth Holmes Alice Jackson William Henry Jackson » JOHN LOWELL Rebecca Amory Lowell Anna Cabot Lowell Edward Albert Kelly 3 JOHN LOWELL John Amory Lowell Anna Cabot Lowell David Howard Tribou Susan Higginson Long Frank Ashley Day 4 JOSIAH zuiNcr Joseph Brown Tilton Frank Morison 5 JOSIAH SlUINCr Josiah Quincy, Jr. Lemuel Edward Pope I8I5 Stephen Henry Williams i860 1849 Charles Vose Bemis 1864 1869 Thomas Lang 1878 George Cabot Lee 1879 1878 Annie Louise Richards 1904 1878 6 JOSIAH QUINCr 1815 1894 George Burroughs 1815 1899 Henry Burroughs, Jr. 1852 I8I5 Sarah Burroughs 1884 1842 7 SAMUEL ELIOT iSij 1874 William Havard Eliot 1821 189s Nathaniel Greene 1832 I8I5 Nathaniel Curtis, Jr. 1841 1817 Francis Alger 1842 1852 Frank Wrisley 1866 189s Helen Williams Wrisley 1876 I90I 8 JAMES PERKINS .815 1904 Samuel Cabot 1831 I8I5 Francis Skinner "839 1876 9 JOHN C. BROWN 1815 1882 John Coffin Jones 1820 I8I5 Anna P. Jones 1839 1823 Oliver Hazard Perry, Guardian 1 864 1853 George Wesley Pettes 1868 126 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Frances Ann Moseley 1874 Enoch Martin 1837 Ellen Frances Moseley 1897 Arthur Scholfield 1841 Mary Waldo Davis 1905 Otis Drury 1854 10 THOMAS PERKINS 1815 Calvin Winfield Lewis 1884 William PoweU Perkins 1829 Frank Ashley Day 1904 Nathaniel Perez Hamlen and Augustus Peabody Loring 1906 Miriam Perkins Loring, 19 PETER OXENBRIDGE Trustees 1898 THACHER 1815 II DANIEL SARGENT 1815 Charles Pelham Curtis 1828 John Higginson Cabot 1820 Margarett Stevenson Curtis 1864 Amos Binney 1833 Isabella Pelham Curtis 1888 Samuel Woodbury Swett 1840 Gustave Magnitzky 1897 Russell Sturgis 1846 20 SAMUEL TORRET 1815 Charles Russell Codman 1888 Daniel PInckney Parker 1 821 12 JOSEPH HEAD 1815 Henry Tuke Parker 1852 Moody Kent 1837 Edwin Percy Whipple 1855 New Hampshire Asylum for Charlotte Bullard Whipple 1901 the Insane 1867 Louisa Catherine Perkins 1906 Arthur Earl Jones 1869 21 SAMUEL DEXTER 1815 Ginn and Company 1899 22 CHARLES LOWELL 1815 13 THOMAS HANDASTD Charies Russell Lowell 1859 PERKINS 1815 Anna Cabot Jackson Lowell 1871 Stephen Cabot 1852 Edward Jackson, Trustee 1874 Eben Dyer Jordan 1866 Francis V. Balch, Guardian 1886 Eben Dyer Jordan, Charles Elizabeth Balch 1890 Henry Taylor, and Rich- 23 JOHN HANCOCK 1815 ard Middlecott Saltonstall, John Hancock Moriarty 1862 Trustees 1904 Clara Erskine Clement 1874 Gertrude Augusta Collier 1907 Hazen Clement 1894 14 WILLIAM PICKMAN 1815 24 CORNELIUS COOLIDGE 1815 William Manning Vaughan 1857 Samuel Gideon Williams 1821 Sidney Brooks 1864 James Allen 1822 Susan Warner Hardy 1879 Joseph M. Marsh, Guardian 1824 Susan Upham 1904 James Allen, Jr. 1826 15 URIAH COTTING 1815 Ebenezer Billings 1828 Ebenezer Francis 1815 Robert B. Allen 1830 Elizabeth Francis Fay 1859 Charles Allen 1834 Elizabeth Bowditch Hammond 1896 George Washington Warren 1836 16 BENJAMIN BUSSEr 1815 Edward Sprague Rand 1839 George Livermore 1843 Edward Sprague Rand, Jr. 1864 William Roscoe Livermore 1905 William Frederick Duff 1876 17 THOMAS COFFIN AMORT 1815 Charles Brigham 1891 Thomas Coffin Amory 1818 25 FRANCIS JOHONNOT Thomas Amory Dexter 1820 OLIVER 1815 Jeffrey Richardson 1822 26 OLIVER PUTNAM 1815 William Lambert Richardson 1879 Daniel Parkman 1827 18 THOMAS WENTWORTH Samuel A. Bemis 1827 STORROW 1815 Amos Adams Lawrence 1842 Jacob Tidd, Jr. 1817 Sarah Lawrence Brooks 1887 George Minot Dexter 1828 Ellen Frothingham 1901 Samuel Gideon Williams 1830 Leonard Daniel Ahl 1902 PROPRIETORS 127 27 NATHAN APPLETON 1815 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amoiy, and Thomas JefiEerson Coolidge, Trustee; 1862 Thomas Gold Appleton 1864 Samuel Arthur Bent 1884 28 STEPHEN HIGGINSON, Jr. liis Francis John Higginson i8z8 Howard Sargent 1831 Christiana Keadie Sargent 1834 Nathaniel IngersoU Bowditch 1834 Elizabeth Brown Bowditch 1862 Elizabeth Francis Bowditch, Guardian 1892 29 STEPHEN HIGGINSON, Jr. 1815 George Sullivan 1816 Henry Lee 1817 Francis Lee 1821 Henry Lee 1830 Samuel Torrey Morse 1867 30 JOHN RICHARDS 1815 Francis Richards 1826 George Henry Richards 1868 31 STEPHEN CODMAN 1815 Henry Codman 1818 Charles Henry Isburgh 1866 Frank Walter Boles 1897 32 SAMUEL MAT 1815 Samuel May 1871 Edward May 1904 33 JAMES LLOTD 1815 John Borland 1832 Alida Livingston Borland 1876 Gordon Abbott 1900 34 JOHN GORE 1815 Thomas Perkins, Guardian 1819 John Christopher Gore 1827 Arthur Goar 1861 John Christopher Gore 1861 Edwin Faxon 1869 Charles Edward Faxon 1898 35 ALLAN MELVILLE 18 15 Charles Russell Codman 1820 William Gardiner Prescott 1863 Francis Augustus Osbom 1866 36 JOSEPH COOLIDGE, Jr. 1815 Tasker Hazard Swett 1841 Elizabeth Boyer Swett 1842 William Bourne Swett i860 Caroline M. Jones 1888 37 EBENEZER PREBLE 1815 Ralph Randolph Wormeley 1826 James Blake 1828 John Harrison Blake 1849 Clarence John Blake 1894 38 JOHN PRINCE, Jr. iSiJ William Howard Gardiner 1831 Samuel Lothrop Thorndike 1882 Albert Thorndike 1884 39 SAMUEL PARKMAN 1815 Thomas Davis 1832 William Davis Bliss 1850 William Julian Albert Bliss and Elizabeth Bancroft Bliss 1903 40 KIRK BOOTT 1815 John Wright Boott 1817 William Boott 183 1 John Wright Boott 1834 Kirk Boott 1850 Alfred Hemenway 1879 41 EDWARD TUCKERMAN, Jr. \%ii Edward Tuckerman, Jr. 1839 42 THOMAS LINDALL WIN- THROP 1815 George Stillman Hillard 1843 MarquisFayetteDickinson,Jr. 1881 Mary Anne Ballou 1883 43 TIMOTHY WILLIAMS 1815 Joshua Huntington Wolcott 1842 Roger Wolcott 1888 Roger Wolcott 1901 44 WILLIAM SMITH SHAW 1815 Joseph Barlow Felt 1826 John Sergeant Barstow 1864 William Spooner Smith 1878 45 WILLIAM SAWYER 1815 Hannah Famham Lee 1859 Mary Gorham Palfrey 1871 46 JVDAH HAYS 1815 Boston Athenaeum 1822 Thomas Beale Wales 1823 Arthur Welland Blake 1868 Beatrice Frances Blake 1891 Beatrice Blake Nickerson 1906 47 JOHN PARKER 1815 John Parker, Jr. 1825 Charles Beck 1845 Anna L. Moring 1878 Ernest William Bowditch 1890 Margaret Swann Bowditch 1891 48 SAMUEL DEVENS HARRIS 1815 128 THE BOSTON ATHENiEUM Samuel Salisbury 1826 Alexander Parrit 1826 Stephen Codman 1847 Waiiam Sohier Dexter i86i 49 GARDINER GREENE 1815 John Singleton Copley Greene 1835 Samuel Austin, Jr. 1840 Ezra Wilkinson 1856 Harriet Gray 1884 50 EDWARD BLAKE, Jr. 1815 Samuel Parkman Blake 1851 William Sanford Rogers 1861 John E. Allston 1873 Charles William Baker 1878 Edward Russell 1880 J. Herbert Sawyer 1898 51 NATHANIEL GODDARD 18 15 Martin Gay 1843 Eleanor A. Gay 1853 Richard Hildreth 1854 George Dearborn Oxnard 1856 Gordon Bartlet 1862 Frank Parker Appleton 1868 William Channing Appleton 1905 52 SAMUEL SALISBURr 1815 Josiah Salisbury 1819 Edward Elbridge Salisbury 1833 Thomas Minns 1859 53 JOSEPH TILDEN 1815 George W. Tilden 1856 John Revere 1869 Lewis William Tappan, Jr. 1887 Pauline Revere 1887 Lucretia Watson Revere 1889 Frank Ashley Day 1904 54 PETER CHARDON BROOKS liis Peter Chardon Brooks 1849 Susan Oliver Brooks, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., and Peter Chardon Brooks, Executors 1881 Lee, Higginson and Company 1885 Denman Waldo Ross 1885 55 THOMAS K. JONES 1815 Samuel James Bridge 1832 Bradford Lincoln, Jr. 1833 Robert Treat Paine 1837 Charles Henry Drew 1887 Constantine Foundoulaki Hutchins 1904 Nathaniel Leonard Amster 1906 56 NATHANIEL RUSSELL STURGIS 181J Russell Sturgis 1818 Samual Henshaw 1845 James M. Murdock 1861 Lyman Mason 1863 Katie Mussey Mason 1895 57 WILLIAM INGALLS 1815 Caleb Stimson 1824 Caleb Morton Stimson 1841 Charles Frederick Crehore 1868 Henry Miles Snowies 1898 58 ISRAEL MUNSON 1815 Le Baron Russell 1844 Richardson, Hill Company 1890 Laura Lucretia Case 1890 59 WILLIAM RUFUS GRAT 1815 William Gray 1831 James Freeman 1833 Charles Torrey 1836 James Henry Hicks 1838 Josiah Parsons Cooke 1842 Mary Pratt Cooke Nash 1 88 1 60 EBENEZER TURELL ANDREWS 1815 WiUiam Turell Andrews 1830 Robert Codman 1881 George Tyson 1905 Edmund Dwight Codman 1905 61 THOMAS GUSHING 1815 Benjamin Marston Watson 18 18 John Parker Rice 1824 Benjamin William Crownin- shield 1832 George Caspar Crowninshield 1853 Harriet Sears Crowninshield 1859 Fanny Crowninshield Adams 1873 Robert Perkins Bass 1894 62 ISAIAH THOMAS 1815 Frederic Tudor 1831 William Tudor 1870 William Storer Eaton 1877 Georgiana Goddard Eaton 1902 63 THEODORE LYMAN 1815 Theodore Lyman, Jr. 1820 Theodore Lyman 1882 Elizabeth Russell Lyman, Trustee 1898 64 CALEB LORING 1815 Charles Greely Loring 1836 Charles Greely Loring 1872 PROPRIETORS 129 Mary Hopkins Loring, George Augustus Goddard, and Augustus Peabody Loring, Trustees 65 John Pickins Andrew Dexter, Jr., original sub- scriber, 1807. Transferred 1809 Henry Lienow Hartley Hezekiah Wright Charlotte Wright Richard Black Sewall 66 BENJAMIN PICKMAN, Jr. Clarke Gayton Fickman Peter Paul Francis Degrand Charles Torrey Ebenezer Rockvood Hoar George Marshall Preston 67 FRANCIS CABOT LOWELL John Lowell, Jr. Jacob Abbott Francis Brown Hayes Lemuel Stanwood Otis Clapp George Hayward Josiah Henry Benton, Jr. 68 NATHANIEL AMORT Joseph Linzee Cunningham Henry Bromfield Rogers Anna Perkins Rogers 69 BENJAMIN WELD Charles Barnard James Munson Barnard Lydia Augusta Barnard 70 JOHN WARREN Edward Warren Charlotte Louisa Ware and Annie Storrow Ware Charlotte Louisa Ware Thornton Marshall Ware 71 JOSHUA DAVIS Robert Farley Stephen Henry Phillips John Avery John Avery William Sewall Gardner Mary Sewall Gardner George Russell Agassiz 72 BENJAMIN RICH John Bellows Benjamin Rich, Jr. Samuel H. Rich 1827 Francis Brown Hayes 1846 Sarah A. Swan 1885 1903 Aimie Sawyer Downs 1889 I8I5 Edward Stanwood .902 73 MICAJAH SAWTER .8.5 Thomas Sawyer .824 Henry Fowle Durant .865 i8z6 74 JOSEPH HALL 18.5 1838 Charles Cunningham 1848 1852 William Parker and Francis 1875 Edward Parker, Trustees l87» .8.5 Frederic Cunningham 1874 182. Stanley Cunningham 189. 1839 Frederic Cunningham 1904 .844 75 SETH KNOWLES 1815 1850 William Taylor 1831 189s Thomas Buckminster Curtis 1837 18.5 John Albree 1850 1821 William Parsons 1850 1838 Francis Parsons .886 1844 Georgiana Brackett Parsons 1886 1846 Georgiana Parsons 1 901 1863 76 WILLIAM PRESCOTT 1815 1887 William Hickling Prescott 1827 1898 William Gardiner Prescott 1869 1815 Joshua Montgomery Sears .886 1822 Pauline Revere .886 .822 Lewis William Tappan, Jr. 1887 1887 Ellerton James 1900 1815 77 THOMAS HILL, Jr. 1815 1823 Francis Boott 18.7 1854 Mark Healey .848 1903 Horace Holley Stevens 1882 18.5 R. L. Day and Company .883 .833 John Reed .883 Heloise Edwina Hersey 1892 1879 78 GEORGE GARDNER LEE 18.5 1897 David Sears 1816 1904 David Sears 1871 1815 Leverett Saltonstall 1873 1843 Rose Lee Saltonstall, Richard 1847 Middlecott Saltonstall, and 1858 Philip Leverett Saltonstall 1873 Trustees .896 1873 79 JONATHAN DAVIS 18.5 1892 Edward Gardiner Davis 1829 1902 Pickering Dodge 1835 1815 Jonathan Ingersoll Bowditch .836 1822 Charlotte Bowditch 1889 1824 Ingersoll Bowditch 1903 130 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM Charlotte Bowditch 1904 80 JOHN HEARD, Jr. 1815 Benjamin K. Hough 1864 Elizabeth Hough 1880 James Adams 1881 Arthur Rotch 1881 Lisette de Wolf Rotch 1896 William Sohier Bryant 1897 Charles Sumner Bird 1903 81 SAMUEL SALISBURT, Jr. 1815 Nancy Salisbury 1850 William Warland Clapp 1891 Caroline Dennie Clapp, Charles Hastings Allen, and John Davis Long, Trustees 1897 Charles Hastings Allen, George Dennie Clapp, and Grenville Howland Norcross, Trustees 1903 82 STEPHEN HIGGINSON 1815 Henry Higginson 1834 Thomas Butler Pope 1839 John Stevens 1840 William Joseph Hubbard 1852 83 SAMUEL G PERKINS 1815 Thomas Handasyd Perkins 1833 Stephen Higginson Perkins 1833 Elizabeth Welles Perkins 1878 84 JOHN TRECOTHICK APTHORP 1815 George Bruce Upton 1849 Louis Antoine Felix 1906 85 TIMOTHr BIGELOW 1815 John Prescott Bigelow 1817 Prescott Bigelow 1855 Henry Augustinus Johnson i88z Laurence Henry Hitch John- son 1901 Henry Augustinus Johnson X901 86 ADAM BABCOCK 1815 William Payne 1818 William Edward Payne, Executor 1831 Edward William Payne 1831 Edward Greely Loring 1832 Richard Clarke Cabot 1835 Francis Davis 1845 Jonathan Amory Davis 1857 Ann Wainwright Davis 1865 Helen Sullivan 1892 87 ANDREW CRAIGIE 18 15 Daniel Hastings 18 16 John Davis Winslow 1820 Daniel Hastings 1824 Charles Pelham 1839 Matthew B. Hamilton 1868 Abraham Firth 1869 Jennie B. Hartley 1886 Joseph Albert Walker 1893 William Sloane Kennedy 189s 88 CHARLES DAVIS 1815 Josiah Marshall 1823 Thomas Motley 1831 Edward Motley 1865 Ellen Rodman Motley 1894 Joseph Charles Storey 1898 89 RICHARD C DERBr 1815 Charles Lyman 1855 Florence Lyman 1882 90 ISAAC P DAVIS 1815 William S. Tuckerman 1847 John B. Parker 1869 Charles Elliot Loud 1892 91 BENJAMIN JOr 1815 Daniel Austin 1855 Andrew Preston Peabody 1866 92 JONATHAN MASON 1815 Robert Bennet Forbes 1832 George Bancroft 1838 Nathaniel Henry Emmons 1850 Arthur Brewster Emmons 1878 93 JOSEPH WARREN REVERE 1815 Emily Jane Daland 1887 94 ABRAHAM TOURO 1815 Charles Taylor 1823 Teresa Beatrice Merriam 1897 95 RUSSELL STURGIS 1815 Massachusetts General Hos- pital 1817 John Belknap 1822 Edward Belknap, Trustee 1856 Henry Belknap 188 1 Ellen Neville Wheelwright 1882 Abby Steams Wheelwright 1894 96 ROBERT HALLOWELL GARDINER 1815 Robert Hallowell Gardiner, Jr- 187s William Lowell Putnam 1898 Robert Hallowell Gardiner 1898 Albert Thomdike 1903 Robert Hallowell Gardiner 1903 97 THOMAS BARTLETT 1815 PROPRIETORS 131 Thomas Bartlett Hall igjj Edward Mortimer Chapman 1901 98 JONATHAN PHILLIPS ,815 Silas Atkins Bancroft i86z Frank Everett Peabody and Edward Bancroft Bayley, Trustees , iggy Gertrude Peabody 1802 99 STEPHEN JONES, Jr. 18 15 John Richards, Jr. before 1825 Francis Richards 1850 Francis Gardiner Richards 1852 Francis Ashburner Richards 1888 Ephraim Martin Nutting 1901 100 Samuel Welles igij Peter Parker 1816 James Walker Austin 1873 loi James Lamb 1815 Robert Lamb, original sub- scriber, 1807. Transferred i8lo to James and Thomas Lamb. Thomas Lamb died before 1815 Thomas Lamb 1821 Horatio Appleton Lamb 1889 102 ISAAC PARKER i8ij Daniel Parkman 1828 Cyrus Alger 1828 John Prince Bayley 1856 William Minot and William Minot, Jr., Trustees 1884 John Kilbum ig^j Henry Whitman Kilbum 1898 103 William Smith Shaw 1815 William Ritchie, original sub- scriber in 1807. Transferred 1809 George Searle 1826 Benjamin Marston Watson 1829 Samuel Jackson Gardner 1833 Jesse Putnam Richardson 1834 Isaac Parker 1836 Richard Clarke Cabot 1849 Mary G. Loring 1868 Zenas Snow Arnold 1S83 Charles Montraville Green 1896 104 Henry Gardner Rice 1815 William Wood, original sub- scriber, 1807. Transferred 1814 Caleb Adams 1819 Benjamin Adams 1S29 James Bowen igjj Eliza Matilda Bowen 1888 John Templeton Bowen 1899 105 Ralth Inman Reed 1815 John May, Jr., paid the first instalment. Transferred 1808 Jacob Gates 1816 Boston Athenaeum 1821 Henry Alexander Scammell Dearborn 1822 Gardiner Leonard Chandler, Jr. 1832 Giles Henry Lodge 1835 Mary Elizabeth Lodge 1889 106 JOSEPH HURD, Jr. 1815 William Hurd 1842 Francis William Hurd and Joseph Hurd 1862 Francis William Hurd 1868 107 WILLIAM VINCENT HVTCHINGS 1815 James Trecothick Austin 1820 Ivers James Austin 1871 Charles Levi Woodbury 1882 Ellen Carolina de Quincy Woodbury 1501 108 NEHEMIAH PARSONS 1815 Thomas Wigglesworth 1818 Thomas Wigglesworth 1855 109 Nathaniel Greenwood Snel- LiNG 1815 David West, Jr., original sub- scriber, 1807. Transferred 1812 George Cheyne Shattuck 1815 George Cheyne Shattuck Mori- son 1854 George Shattuck Morison 1866 Maiy Morison 1904 no JAMES BOWDOIN 1815 James Bowdoin 1832 William C. Tyler 1835 Edward Blake 1835 Edward Dehon Blake 1891 Charles Head 1896 111 GEORGE HIGGINSON 1815 James Perkins Higginson 181 9 Henry Frederick Higginson 1878 John Augustus Higginson 1891 112 HENRT ANDREWS 1815 132 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Thomas G. Chase 1819 Henry Gardner Rice 1820 Samuel Buckminster Rice 1826 Hemy Gardner Rice 1827 George Middleton Barnard 1853 Susan Livingston Barnard 1891 Mary Winchester Barnard 1893 113 William Whitwell 1815 Dudley Story Bradstreet, orig- inal subscriber, 1807. Transferred 1814 John Bumstead 1817 Lloyd W. Wales, Executor 1867 William Story Bullard 1868 William Norton Bullard and Stephen Bullard, Trustees 1897 114 JOHN CLARKE HOWARD 1815 John Clarke Howard 1841 115 EBENEZER LARKIN 1815 Henry Rice 1819 Whitwell, Bond and Com- pany 1829 Henry Rice 1835 John McLean Bethune 1841 George Amory Bethune 1873 Pauline Agassiz Shaw 1887 116 WILLIAM OLIVER 1815 Boston Athenaeum 1821 Rezin Davis Shepherd 1822 Gorham Brooks 1844 Shepherd Brooks 1858 117 Benjamin Whitwell 1815 William Story paid first instal- ment. Transferred 1814, to Benjamin, administrator of William Whitwell Hemy Cabot 18 18 George Bond 1820 Benjamin Franklin White 1837 Samuel Whitwell 1845 Frederick Augustus Whitwell 1899 Caira Robbins 1904 118 Samuel Gideon Williams 1815 Charles Pelham Curtis 1819 Nathaniel Bowditch 1824 Henry Ingersoll Bowditch 1839 Olivia Yardley Bowditch 1892 119 RicHABD Sullivan 18 15 John Langdon Sullivan, original subscriber, 1807 Richard SuUivan 1879 120 Francis Johonnot Oliver 1815 David S. Eaton, original sub- scriber in 1807. Transferred 1812 John S. Capt 1817 121 JOHN CODMAN 1815 William Appleton 1820 Edwin Forbes Waters 1862 Clara Erskine Waters 1896 122 Thomas Williams 1815 Francis Henry Williams 1834 Frederick Howes 1837 Susan Burley 1841 Joseph Sebastian Cabot 1863 Susan Burley Cabot 1880 123 SAMUEL JACKSON PRES- COTT 1815 John Brown 1818 Boston Athenaeum 1821 Joseph CooUdge 1822 Joseph Coolidge, Jr. 1826 Elijah Loring 1834 Abby Matilda Loring 1861 Peter Renton, Guardian 1864 John Lowell, Guardian 1865 Abby Rand Loring 1877 124 WILLIAM PHILLIPS 1815 Gustavus Tuckerman 1827 Henry Harris Tuckerman 1837 Henry Gardner 1837 Benjamin Worcester 1870 125 WILLIAM PHILLIPS 1815 Samuel Hall Walley 1822 John Welles 1827 Arnold Francis Welles 1835 Robert Charles Winthrop 1852 George Derby Welles i86j Edward Daniel Hayden 1870 George Nathaniel Putnam 1905 George Peabody Gardner 1905 126 WILLIAM PHILLIPS 1815 Edward Phillips 1822 William Phillips 1853 Arnold William Conant 1863 Eben Denton 1867 Charles Storrow 1875 Theodore Claudius Pease 1892 George Howard Fall 1894 127 John Thornton Kirklahd 1818 James Freeman, Jr. 1828 Henry Harris Tuckerman 1831 PROPRIETORS 133 John Homans 1844 Charles Dudley Homans, George Henry Homans, and John Homans, Trustees 1870 Katharine Amory Homans 1006 128 William Cochran 1820 Caleb Andrews 1822 Charles Lowell Andrews 1854 John Jeffries, Jr. 1858 Anna Lloyd Jeflfries 1899 William Augustus Jeffries 1900 129 Samuel Appleton 1822 Franklin Darracott 1854 Francis Sumner Carruth 1863 Henry Martyn Saville 1864 Antoinette Hale Saville 1885 130 George Searle 1822 Washington Parker Gragg 1825 Martin Brimmer 1830 Martin Brimmer 1849 Marianne Brimmer 1897 Francis Clarke Welch, William Sohier Dexter, and Philip Dexter, Trustees 1907 131 Lewis Tappan 1822 Charles Bowen 1827 John Hancock, Jr. 1827 George Hancock 1870 Samuel Cabot 1885 132 Joseph Putnam Bradlee 1822 Franklin Haven 1843 Edward Belknap Haven 1875 Jane Goodwin Austin 1886 Augustus Dana Manson 1892 Florence Ballou Viaux 1897 133 Thomas Wigglesworth 1822 Edward Wigglesworth 1822 George Wigglesworth 1877 134 JosiAH Bradlee 1822 Frederic Wainwright Bradlee 1849 William HUton 1865 Augustus Howe Buck 1888 Joseph Richard Taylor 1901 Augustus Howe Buck 1903 135 Daniel Hammond 1822 George Hammond 1873 Ellen Hammond 1876 John Henry Hardy 1885 George Howland Stoddard 1887 Francis Joseph Moors 1889 136 Asa Whitney '822 Benjamin Duick Whitney 1831 Cornelius Conway Felton 1838 Benjamin Duick Whitney 1848 ■■ James H. Foster 1851 Caroline Matilda Barnard 1876 137 Pliny Cutler 1822 Charles Brown 1841 Joseph Warren Homer 1841 Sidney Homer 1852 Thomas Johnston Homer, Warren Emerson, James Homer Pierce, and William Homer, Trustees 1878 James Homer Pierce and Joseph Warren Homer, Trustees 1890 138 John Hoofer 1822 Samuel Hooper 1824 Alice Sturgis Hooper 1878 Joseph Henry Curtis 1884 139 Richard Devens Tucker 1822 William Stoiy BuUard 1840 Franklin Howard Story, Jr. 1847 Elisabeth Story Gray 1899 Susan Welles Shaw 1901 140 Francis Lee 1822 Rufus Wyman 1826 Jeffries Wyman 1843 Susan Wyman 1876 Josephine Forbush Johnson 1899 141 Thomas Lee 1822 Thomas Lee 1887 Clarence Walker Barron 1900 142 George Ticenor 1822 William Foster Otis 1854 George William Bond 1859 Lawrence Bond 1893 143 John Hubbard 1822 Caleb Reed 1845 William Prescott Hunt 1855 Margaret S. Eveleth 1858 Uriah Atherton Boyden i860 Frank Nichols Mudge 1887 John Cordner 1887 Francis Clarke Welch and Charles Pratt Coffin, Trus- tees 1897 144 John S. Ellery 1822 Samuel W. Waldron 1836 Lemuel Shattuck 1836 Sarah Baxter 1838 134 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Lemuel Shattuck Clarissa Baxter Shattuck Miriam Stedman Shattuck 145 Jonathan Amory Jonathan Amoiy Henry Grew Zelotes Hosmer Henry Roby James Frothingham Hunne- weU 146 Jesse Putnam Benjamin W. Putnam Dupee, Beck and Sayles Elbridge Gerry Cutler 147 Charles Jackson Samuel George Snelling William Fletcher Weld Ellen Homer Weld 148 Samuel Pickering Gardner Peter Thacher Homer Margaret Homer Margaret Homer Davis 149 Patrick Tracy Jackson Lydia Jackson, Trustee Elizabeth H. Webster Arthur Reed 150 Charles Bradbury Charles Browne Edward Ingersoll Browne Francis Clarke Welch and Charles Thorndike, Trus- tees Robert Breck Williams 151 Horace Gray William Story Bullard William Norton Bullard and Stephen Bullard, Trustees 152 Francis Calley Gray William Gray William Gray, Jr. Chester Guild, Jr. Francis Batcheller Susan Burley Cabot 153 John Chifman Gray James Beck Edith Doane Beck Charles Edward Wilson 154 Thomas Wren Ward Charles L. Field John Sidney Davenport Augusta Kimball Horton 1845 155 William Sturgis 1822 i860 WUliam Hurd 1866 1883 Alexander Strong Wheeler 1866 1822 156 John Bryant 1822 1830 Waldo Higginson 1868 .83. Henry Munson Spelman an Francis Kittredge Fisher 1854 Susan Cabot Sohier 1867 Walter Howard Sweet 1874 Elizabeth Putnam Sohier 1894 Fiske Warren 1891 739 John Amort Lowell 1854 75* Eliza Brimmer 1854 Arthur Theodore Lyman 1867 Martin Brimmer Inches^ i860 Ella Lyman 1891 George Brimmer Inches 1898 Ella Lyman Cabot 1896 753 Charles Stoddard 1854 740 John Amort Lowell 1854 Samuel Johnson 1893 Augustus Lowell 1867 Arthur Stoddard Johnson 1899 Percival Lowell 1882 754 Adeline Davis 1854 Kenneth Macdonald 1904 George Francis Fabyan 1885 Percival Lowell 1904 755 Moses Little Hale 1854 741 John Amort Lowell 1854 George Punchard 1862 Elizabeth Rebecca Lowell 1867 Moses Little Hale 1865 Charles Lowell and Abbott Cyrus King Hale 1868 Lawrence Lowell, Trus- Josiah Little Hale 1874 tees 1905 756 Samuel Russell Payson 1854 Arthur Lyman and William Mrs. Samuel Russell Fayson Lowell Putnam, Trustees 1906 (Hannah Gilbert Payson) 1854 742 John Amort Lowell 1854 John Carver Palfrey and Sarah Putnam Lowell 1867 Gilbert Russell Payson, John Amory Lowell Blake 1900 Trustees 1895 743 George Orrin Hovet 1854 757 Paschal Paoli Pope J854 Jacob Wendell, Jr. 1856 Isaac Danforth Farnsworth 1868 l62 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM William Frederick Jones 1888 Frederic Amory 1892 758 Rebecca W. Dearborn 1854 Samuel Worcester Bates 1868 Cbamicey Smith 1870 Caroline Marshall Smith 1895 759 Paschal Paoli Pope 1854 William Henderson Eordman 1868 Peters and Parkinson 1877 Mary Lynde Cochrane 1879 760 William Ficard 1854 Samuel Eliot 1859 Emily Marshall Morison 1906 761 Benjamin Apthorp Gould 1854 Lucretia Dana Gould 1864 Benjamin Apthorp Gould 1885 Albert Henry Davenport 1897 Frederick Albert Davenport and Wilmot Roby Evans, Trustees 1906 76Z Nathan Appleton 1854 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amory, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Trustees 1862 William Sunmer Appleton 1864 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, John Chipman Gray, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Trustees 1904 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., and Henry Wheeler, Trustees 1905 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, Henry Wheeler, and Edward Web- ster Hutchins, Trustees 1907 763 Nathan Appleton 1854 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amory, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Trustees 1862 William Sumner Appleton 1864 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, John Chipman Gray, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Trustees 1904 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., and Henry Wheeler, Trustees 1905 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, Henry Wheeler, and Edward Webster Hutchins, Trus- tees 1907 764 William Sumner Appleton 1854 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, John Chipman Gray, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Trustees 1904 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., and Henry Wheeler, Trustees 1905 Alpheus Holmes Hardy, Henry Wheeler, and Edward Webster Hutchins, Trustees 1907 765 Nathan Appleton 1854 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amory, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Trus- tees 1862 Nathan Appleton 1864 Eliza IngersoU Bowditch 1877 Jonathan Ingersoll Bowditch 1881 Lucy Bowditch Stone 1889 766 Nathan Appleton 1854 Nathan Appleton, Jr. 1857 Alfred Bowditch 1877 767 Nathan Appleton 1854 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amoty, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Trustees 1862 Nathan Appleton 1864 Henry Dorr Sullivan 1865 Thomas Russell Sullivan 1889 768 Nathan Appleton 1854 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amory, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Trustees 1862 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Guardian 1S64 Charles Appleton Longfellow 1865 Alexander Wadsworth Long- fellow, Jr., Trustee 1893 Alexander Wadsworth Long- fellow 1905 769 Nathan Appleton 1854 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amory, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Trustees 1862 Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow, Guardian 1864 Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow i866 PROPRIETORS 163 770 Nathan AfPLiTON 1854 Franklin Howard Stoty, Wil- liam Amory, and Thomas Jeff erson Coolidge, Trustees i86z Horace Holley Stevens 1865 Eben S. Stevens 1868 George Henry Appleton 1871 Robert Sedgwick Watson 1876 William Heniy Pulsifer 1890 Arthur Wendell Wood 1906 771 Nathan Appleton 1854 Franklin Howard Story, Wil- liam Amory, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Trustees i86z John Chandler Bancroft i86j William Lowell Putnam and Wilder Dwight Bancroft, Trustees 1901 Wilder Dwight Bancroft 1906 77* IDavid Sears, Jr. 1854 Emily Esther Sears 1874 Henry Francis Sears 1874 773 George Callender 1854 Timothy Bigelow i86i Amelia Sargent Bigelow 1874 Edward Farmer 1876 George Lothrop Bradley i88z Eda Adams Woolson 1895 774 George Francis Farkman 1854 775 William Warren Tucker 1854 Susan Elizabeth Tucker 1886 Lawrence Tucker 1887 776 Edmund Ernst Leopold Schlesinger Benzon 1854 George Parsons King 1869 John Phelps Taylor 1884 Josiah Henry Benton, Jr. 1886 James Ford Rhodes 1890 777 Edward Cruft 1854 Samuel Breck Cruft 1854 George Theodore Cruft 1899 778 Eben Caldwell Stanwood 1854 Samuel Hall, Jr. 1868 Mary Elizabeth Hall 1873 Prescott Famsworth Hall I907 779 James Davis, Jr. 1854 Louise Brooks 1881 Frederick Brooks 1893 780 Joshua Henshaw Hatward 1854 John Henry Jenks 1858 Henry Fitch Jenks 1882 781 Albert Fearing 1854 John Morehead Clark 1871 Mary Blanchard Linder 1898 781 Thomas Wiggleswortu 1854 Ann Wigglesworth 1855 Maiy C. Buckingham 1891 Alfred W. Cutting, Guardian 1899 Alfred W. Cutting 1900 £. H. Gay and Company 1903 Arthur Lord 1903 783 Thomas Wigglesworth 1854 Thomas Wigglesworth, Trus- tee 1855 Mary Wigglesworth 1861 Jane Norton Grew i88z 784 Thomas Wigglesworth 1854 Jane Grew 1855 Thomas Wigglesworth 1869 785 Samuel Appleton Appleton 1854 Amos William Stetson i86z William Howe McElwain 1904 786 William Amort 1854 Charles Walter Amory 1866 787 Jonathan Ellis 1854 James Clarke White 1868 788 George Richards Minot 18J4 William Minot, George Richards Minot, and Wil- liam Minot, Jr., Trustees 1885 William Minot, Trustee 1897 Charles Sedgwick Rackemann and James Jackson Minot, Trustees 1 901 789 Jacob Bigelow 1854 Herman Brimmer Liches 1854 Charles Edward Inches 1890 James Henry Whitman 1901 790 Rurus Ellis 1854 Arthur Blake Ellis 1895 Gertrude Stanton Ellis 1903 791 Edward Reynolds Hall 1854 79Z Elizabeth Gair Bradlee 1854 Elizabeth Gair Abbot 1856 Hamlin Rand Harding 1886 William Plumer Fowler 1886 Charles Anthony Morss 1887 John Wells Morss 1898 793 LucT Hall Bradlee 1854 794 Josiah Bradlee 1854 Frederic Stone 1854 Mary Ingalls Hooper 1872 164 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Eunice Hooper 1S74 Samuel Hooper Hooper 1891 795 J091AH Bradlee 1854 Randolph Marshall Clark 1855 Heniy Willard WUliams 1874 Charles Herbert Williams 1879 John Edward Addicks 1887 Stephen Norman Bond 1894 Benjamin Edward Bates 1904 796 JosiAH Bradlee 1854 John De Wolfe Smith 1854 John Gray Rogers i860 John Rogers 1879 Andrew Sigoumey Bird 1879 Edward Vanderhoof Bird 1894 797 JosiAH Bradlee 1854 Charles Torrey 18J4 Lydia E. E. Greene 1854 Benjamin Greenleaf Board- man 1859 Eliza Dennie Boardman 1887 798 JosiAH Bradlee 1854 Edward Wheelwright 1854 Isaphene Moore Wheelwright 1900 799 JosiAH Bradlee 1854 Henry Van Brunt 1855 Annie Williams Whitney 1859 Mary Whitney 1871 800 Jared Spares 1854 William Eliot Sparks 1882 Mary Crowninshield Sparks 1887 Lizzie Sparks Pickering 1887 Frederick Strong Moseley 1888 801 Mrs. William Pratt (Maty Pratt) 1854 Mary Pratt, Jr., and Sarah Pickering Pratt 1855 Mary Pratt 1865 Curtis Guild, Jr. 1882 802 Mrs. William Pratt (Mary Pratt) 1854 Mary Pratt, Jr., and Sarah Pickering Pratt 1855 Sarah Pickering Pratt 1865 Mary Pratt 1867 Reuben Sherburne i88z 803 Mrs. William Pratt (Mary Pratt) 1854 Mary Pratt, Jr., and Sarah Pickering Pratt 1855 Robert Marion Pratt 1865 Charles Henry Miller, Jr. 1878 Arthur Hazard Dakin 1906 804 George Washington Wales 1854 Gardiner Paine Gates 1854 John Parkinson 1905 805 Thomas Beale Wales 1854 Charles Theodore Carruth 1871 806 John Wiley Edmands 1854 Benjamin Gilbert Gay 1877 Matthew Clark 1883 Willam Alexander Madeod 1897 807 Thomas Jefferson Coolidge 1854 808 Charles Hook Affleton 1854 John Appleton Bumham and Franklin Gordon Dexter, Trustees 1879 Marian Alice Appleton 1884 Alice Appleton Meyer 1887 809 Franklin Gordon Dexter 1854 810 Charles Amort 1854 John Singleton Copley Greene 1854 Maiy Abby Greene 1873 Charles Albert Whittier 1873 James H. Chadwick 1874 Joseph Veazie 1877 Alice R. Veazie 1897 George Edward Cabot 1905 811 Mart Anne Wales 1854 Loren Griswold DuBois 1894 812 Elizabeth Wales Emmons 1854 George Foster 1871 Augustus Floyd Webster 1874 Edward Henry Whorf 1876 Augustus Floyd Webster 1878 813 Joseph Iasigi 1854 Eulalie Iasigi 1878 Causten Browne 1884 Thomas Wentworth Higginson 1886 Cornelia Warren 1891 814 James Leeds 1854 John Chipman Gray, Jr. 1875 815 Edward Montagu Cary 1854 816 Thomas Austin Goddard 1854 John Adams Bates Cutter 1869 William Henshaw Horton, Jr. 1875 John Templeton Bowen 1880 Robert Ralston Newell, Trus- tee 1881 Frances Boott Newell 1883 Jane Hancox Newell 1885 Jane Newell Moore 1895 -a>Aa/rtu Tta/n-cii .Ada/hh^ PROPRIETORS 165 817 Thomas Goddard 1854 John Tisdale Bradlee and Thomas Edward Chambeilin, Trustees 1896 818 Daniel Franelin Child 1854 Heray Walker Frost i860 Anna Blake Shaw 1893 819 Hugh R. Kendall 1854 Benjamin Frank Kendall 1856 Moses Bradstreet Wildes 1868 Sidney Williams Burgess 1888 George West Jackson 1899 Calvin Proctor Sampson 1907 8zo Executors op Robert Gould Skaw, Sr. 1854 Benjamin Franklin Atkins 1854 Harriet Louisa Atkins 1885 Richard Chamberlain Nichols, Attorney 1887 Sarah Hepsa Nichols 1893 Arthur Howard Nichols 1897 821 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1854 James McGregor 1855 Robert Roberts Bishop 1876 H. C. Wainwright and Com- pany 1881 Charles Smith Bradley 1881 822 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1854 George Washington Crockett 1855 William Albert Crockett i860 823 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1854 Alexander Wadsworth 1855 Adelaide Elizabeth Wadsworth 1898 824 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr, 1854 Supply Clap Thwing 1855 Edward Britton Townsend 1879 William Downes Austin 1884 Josephine S. Dorr 1890 Henrietta Niles Lockwood 1891 825 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1854 John Colby Abbott 1855 Melvin Eugene Rice 1894 826 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1845 Gardiner Howland Shaw 1855 Cora Lyman Shaw 1867 827 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1854 Arthur Webster Tufts 1855 Annie Hooker Tufts 1894 828 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1854 Jonathan Brown Bright 1855 Honora Winthrop Minot 1897 Henry William Daniell 1899 Elizabeth Fhipps Train 1907 829 Executors of Robert Gould Shaw, Sr. 1854 Charles B. Dana 1854 John Newton Turner 1863 Nathaniel Dana Turner 1868 Helen Turner 1893 Andrew McFarland Davis 1903 830 George Williams Lyman 1854 Julia Lyman 1880 831 George Williams Lyman 1854 Arthur Lyman 18&0 Arthur Theodore Lyman 1903 Arthur Lyman 1904 832 George Williams Lyman 1854 Herbert Lyman 1880 833 George Williams Lyman 1854 Sarah Fratt Sears 1880 834 George Williams Lyman 1854 Sarah Pratt Sears 1880 835 George Williams Lyman 1854 Annie Lyman Sears 1880 836 George Williams Lyman 1854 Lydia Williams Paine 1880 Robert Treat Paine 1898 Robert Treat Paine, Jr. 1900 837 George Williams Lyman 1854 Lydia Williams Paine 1880 Robert Treat Paine 1898 Lydia Lyman Cummings 1900 838 George Williams Lyman 1854 Edith Paine 1880 Edith Paine Storer 1885 839 George Williams Lyman 1854 Robert Treat Paine, Jr. 1864 840 Sidney Bartlett 1854 Francis Winthrop Palfrey 1888 Eugene Bigelow Hagar 1S90 841 George Horatio Kuhn 1854 William Putnam Kuhn 1870 George Kuhn Clarke 1897 842 Thomas Carter Smith 1854 i66 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Frances Barnard Smith 1881 Hannah Smith and Elizabeth Hall Smith 1885 Elizabeth Hall Smith 1899 843 Charles W. Cartwkight 1854 James Henry Thatcher Adams 1873 Maiy Anne Catharine Liver- more 1873 Agnes Atherton Livermore 1907 844 Ebxnezer Dale 1854 Ebenezer Dale 1872 Lucy Ejmball 1876 Lemuel Cushing Kimball 1878 David Fulsifer Kimball 1879 845 Theron Johnson Dale 1854 Edward Augustus White Hammatt 1874 Grace Meserre CooUdge 1878 846 Henrt Ufham 1854 John Appleton Bumham and George Fhinehas Upham, Trustees 1876 Heniy Upham 1881 Frances Elizabeth Jackson 1883 Jackson and Curtis 1889 Charles Cabot Jackson 1889 847 Gardner Brewer 1854 Thomas Mayo Brewer 1855 Sally Rice Brewer 1881 Lucy Stone Brewer 1904 848 George Langdon Pratt 1854 Henry David Austin i863 William Eben Stone 1880 849 James Hatward 1854 Tilly Brown Hayward 1866 George Frederick Farley 1881 Thomas Bailey Aldrich 1884 850 Seth Wyman Fowle 1854 Robert Ingalls Burbank i860 William L. Beal 1861 George Stark 1872 Daniel Augustus Patch 1880 Henry Clay Little 1882 John Francis Stark 1901 8ji Francis Skinner AND Company 1854 Thornton Kirkland Lothrop 1874 852 Charles Url\h Cotting 1854 Daniel Davies 1857 Charles Albert Whittier 1877 Murray Roberts Ballou 1885 Maturin Murray Ballou 1886 Lucy Goodwin Wadsworth 1898 853 Andrew Townshend Hall 1854 Alexander Hamilton Vinton 1856 John Cheney Potter 1859 James Edward Root 1865 Susan Tillinghast Kimball 1878 Marcus Morton Kimball and William Browne Kehew, Trustees 1900 854 William Hamett Milton 1854 Richard Sweet Milton 1880 Zenas Snow Arnold 1905 John Page Woodbury 1907 855 James Lodge 1854 Mary Greenwood Lodge, Ex- ecutrix 1870 Beck Brothers 1870 Cyrus Woodman 1870 856 Isaac Thacher 1854 George Thacher 1886 Sarah Cushing Paine 1896 The First Church in Boston 1896 857 WiLLLui Ropes 1854 Joseph Samuel Ropes 1869 WiUiam Ropes Trask, Execu- tor 1904 Alison Bixby Hill 1904 858 James Sturgis 1854 Dexter David Bowman 1878 Harriet Maria Bowman 1899 Ethel Bowman 1907 859 Adam Wallace Thaxter 1854 WiUiam Cowper Peters 1862 Josephine EUicott 1889 860 Blake, Howe and Cohpant 1854 Blake Brothers and Company 1859 861 Glidden and Williams 1854 John Murray Glidden 1872 John Henry Hardy 1891 Abner Post 1891 862 Abner Kingman 1854 Greely Stevenson Curtis 1881 Harriot Curtis 1897 863 Henrt Lawrence 1854 Frederick Almy 1872 Charles Abner Phelps 1872 864 Joseph Whitney 1854 EUerton Pratt Whitney 1871 86; William Benjamin Bacon 1854 866 Levi Benjamin Meriam 1854 Charles Greenleaf Wood 1869 PROPRIETORS 167 Benjamin Preston Clark, Trustee 1904 867 Elijah Dana Brigham 1854 Daniel Little Furber 1869 Charles Willard Turner 1888 Norwood Penrose Hallowell 1891 868 Richard Baker, Jr. 1854 Ellen Maria Baker, Charles Uriah Cotting, and Alexan- der Strong Wheeler, Trus- tees 1893 869 Francis Boardman Crown- inshield 1854 Benjamin William Crown- inshield 1857 Benjamin William Crown- inshield 1904 870 William Flagg Parrott 1854 Andrew Bigelow 1869 Edwin Wright, Trustee 1878 Edward Greely Loring 1887 Louisa Caroline Palfrey 1890 Louisa Palfrey Norman 1897 871 George Bruce Ufton 1854 George Bruce Upton, Jr. 1865 John Whittemore Farwell 1905 872 William Shimmih 1854 Charles Franklin Shimmin 1857 Maty Harriot Shimmin 1894 Blanche Shimmin 1905 873 William Goodwin Russell 1854 Thomas Russell and Marion Russell 1896 874 Isaac Livermore 1854 Silas Atkins Quincy 1861 William Franklin Dana 1887 875 Cyrus Alger 1854 Charles Hickling 1856 Edward Hickling Bradford 1878 876 Francis Alger 1854 Cyrus Augustus Bartol 1859 Elizabeth Howard Bartol 1901 877 Edward C. Bates 1854 Josiah H. Cobb 1867 Catharine Lawrence Apple- ton 1868 Anne Parker Appleton 1878 878 Charles Coffin Littli: 1854 John D. Parker 1870 Joseph Stone 1870 Oliver Ditson 188 1 Charles Healy Ditson, Reuben Edson Demmon, and Charles Francis Smith, Trustees 1 890 879 George Henry Timmins 1854 Benjamin Barnard Appleton 1875 Jane Williams Appleton 1881 Dexter N. Richards and Edward C. Brooks, Trustees 1884 Charles Brooks Appleton 1889 John Emory Hoar 1889 David Blakely Hoar 1903 880 George Barrell Emerson 1S54 881 Charles Linzee Tilden 1854 882 John Gore Torrey 1854 John Revere 1869 Micajah Pratt Clough 1900 883 Nathaniel Goddard 1854 Peters and Parkinson 1875 Joseph Cook 1878 884 George Walker Weld 1854 Isabella Melissa Weld 1907 Isabella Hazen Dana 1907 885 Richard T. Sprague 1854 George Darius Sargent 1881 Mrs. George Darius Sargent (Adelaide Joanna Sargent) 1892 886 John Lowell Gardner 1854 William Henry Slocum 1885 Sarah Elizabeth Slocum 1901 Laura Slocum and Anna Dix- well Slocum 19OZ Helen Slocum Brewer and Anna Dixwell Slocum 1 902 887 George Ticknor 1854 John Wells 1873 Mary EUot Farley 1883 888 Robert Charles Winthrof 1854 Robert Charles Winthrop, Jr. 1878 Elizabeth Winthrop 1906 889 Augustus Flagg 1854 Charles Jackson Paine 1868 890 John L. Payson 1854 891 OcTAvius Brooks Frothing- hah 1854 Caroline Elizabeth Frothing- ham' 1895 Elizabeth Frothingham Parker 1900 892 Moses Field Fovtler 1854 Hattie L. Stevens 1869 Albert Augustus Pope 1890 John Parsons 1898 i68 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM 853 Augustine Heard 1854 George Otis Shattuck 1872 Ellis Loring Dresel 1897 S94 Andrew Townshend Hall 1854 Lydia Young Hall 1877 Joshua Montgomery Sears 1881 895 Joseph Coolidge 1854 Charles John Whitmore 1880 Sarah Olcott Murdock Whit- more 1898 Emma Story White 1903 896 JosEFH Warren Revere 1854 William Ellis Eodicott 1887 897 John Welles 1854 Hollis Hunnewell 1872 Mabel Russell Sturgis 1895 898 John Welles 1854 Jane Hubbard Hunnewell 1881 899 John Welles 1854 Henry Sargent Hunnewell 1881 900 Adolfhus Davis 1854 James W. Davis 1862 Joseph Beale Glover 1863 Jennie Glover Moseley 1897 901 Calvin W. Clark 1854 902 Junius Spencer Morgan 1854 John Pierpont Morgan 1854 George Bartlett 1855 Henry Bromfield Pearson 1865 William Edward Townsend 1865 Catherine M. Bissell 1866 Benjamin Franklin Nourse 1868 Alice Helen Buck 1875 Herbert Magoun 1891 903 Benjamin Welles 1854 Benjamin Samuel Welles i860 Henry W. Wellington 1865 Charles Fairchild 1871 904 Benjamin Welles 1854 Russell Sturgis, Jr., Guardian 1871 905 Benjamin Welles 1854 John Osborne Sargent 1870 James Otis Sargent and John Duncan Bryant, Trustees 1893 John Duncan Bryant and Arthur Lincoln Howard, Trustees 1906 906 Powell Mason Parkman 1854 David West Cunningham i860 Oscar Gassett 1861 George William Baldwin 1864 907 John Phelps Putnam 1854 Frederick Dexter 1869 Charles Allen 1896 908 David Sears 1854 Frederick Sears Grand d'Hauteville 1871 909 David Sears 1854 Harriet Sears Crowninshield 1871 Caspar Crowninshield 1873 Charles Uriah Cotting and Charles Francis Adams, zd. Trustees 1897 Charles Francis Adams, 2d, and Charles Edward Cotting, Trustees 1903 Louisa Famham Cobb 1905 910 David Sears 1854 Harriet Sears Crowninshield 1871 Cora Crowninshield 1873 Cora Crowninshield Boyden 1890 911 David Sears 1854 Frederick Richard Sears 1871 Horace HoUey Stevens 1882 Ellen Maria Abbott 1883 912 David Sears 1854 Frederick Richard Sears 1871 Horace Holley Stevens 1882 R. L. Day and Company 1883 William Parsons Atkinson 1883 913 David Sears 1854 Grace Winthrop Rives 1871 Thomas Pelham Curtis and Stephen Bradford Davol 1897 914 David Sears 1854 Knyvet Winthrop Sears 1871 Mary Crowninshield Sears 1891 915 David Sears 1854 Grace Winthrop Rives 1871 Edward Clark Lunt 1897 Augustus Hemenway 1898 916 David Sears 1854 Anna Sears Amory 1871 Ellis Loring Motte 1880 Mary Sophia Walker 1893 Joseph Willard 1897 917 David Sears 1854 Anna Sears Amory 1871 John Lewis Bremer 1880 Mary Rice Bremer 1896 918 Thomas Parkman Cushing 1854 Ebenezer Francis Parker 1865 PROPRIETORS 169 Eleanor Stanley Parker 1899 919 James Savage 1855 Enuna Rogers 1883 920 OcTAvius Pickering 1855 Heniy Pickering 1864 921 Justin Winsor 1855 James Atkins Noyes 1894 922 William RooNSEviLLE Alger 1854 Grenville Howland Norcross 1905 Alice Woodward Brown 1905 Alice De Normandie 1906 923 Samuel Miller Quincy 1854 Josiah Phillips Quincy and Josiah Quincy, Administra- tors 1888 Henry Mulliken iS38 Samuel Bradford Dana 1906 924 Edmund Quincy, Jr. 1854 Clara Maria Melvin 1894 925 Henry Parker Quincy 1854 Mary Adams Quincy 1899 926 Amos Adams Lawrence 1854 Howard Stockton 1S79 927 Amos Adams Lawrence 1854 Charles Hale 1863 Amos Adams Lawrence 1868 Amory Appleton Lawrence 1869 92S Amos Adams Lawrence 1854 Charles Folsom 1856 Amos Adams Lawrence 1873 William Lawrence 1873 929 William Lincoln 1854 Benjamin Robbins Curtis 1858 Walter Curtis 1876 Benjamin Robbins Curtis 1877 Seth Carlo Chandler, Jr. 1879 Ethel Maria Hill 1894 Ethel Hill Crane 1897 930 Martin Brimmer 1855 Marianne Brimmer 1897 Francis Clarke Welch, William Sohier Dexter, and Philip Dexter, Trustees 1907 931 Martin Brimmer 1855 Emily Mary Niles 1896 932 Martin Brimmer 1855 George Saltonstall Silsbee 1896 John Melville Gould 1899 Edward Louis Osgood 1901 933 Martin Brimmer 1855 Francis Lee Higginson 1896 934 Martin Brimmer 1855 Charles Card Smith 1896 935 Martin Brimmer 1855 Andrew Belcher Almon 1864 Mary Walcott Almon 1905 936 Martin Brimmer 1855 Franklin W. Pitcher 1864 Quincy Adams Shaw 1873 937 Martin Brimmer 1855 William Gray Brooks 1858 Otis Everett Weld 1875 Catherine Elizabeth Richard- son 1899 938 Martin Brimmer 1855 Elias Hasket Derby 1858 Eloise Lloyd Derby 1882 Lucy Derby 1885 Charles Amory Williams 1898 939 Martin Brimmer 1855 Edward Deiter Sohier 1857 Charles Alfred Welch and Charles Uriah Cotting, Trustees 1889 Francis Clarke Welch and Charles Alfred Welch, Trus- tees 1903 940 Francis Bassett 1855 Elisha Bassett 1856 Francis Josiah Humphrey 1876 Louisa Conway Felton 18S3 941 John Reed Brewer 1855 Wilmon Whilldin Blackmar and Fannie Reed Brewer, Trustees 1893 Amy Lowell 1903 Elizabeth Seccombe 1904 942 Henry Weld Fuller 1855 Edmund Farwell Slafter 1857 Carlos Slafter 1907 943 Charles Gordon 1855 Frank William Hunt 1874 Charles Greenough Chase 1874 Walter Greenough Chase 1902 944 David Stoddard Greenough 1855 Edmund Sanford Clark 1869 Francis Augustus Brooks 1872 Francis Vose Parker 1875 Lydia Goodwin Russell Allen 1891 945 Isaiah B. Libbey 1855 Samuel Mitchell Child 1899 Ellen Minerva Shumway 1900 170 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM 946 Robert Means Mason 1855 Ellen Francis Mason 1879 947 Benjamin White Nichom 1855 948 Lyman Nichols 1855 Lyman Nichols 1879 949 Robert Williams 1855 Arthur Williams i86j Antoinette O. Williams 1877 Horace Hollej Stevens 1877 John Charles Phillips 1878 William Sohier Dexter and George Blagden, Trustees 1885 Robert Hallowell Gardiner and Philip Deiter, Trustees 1 905 950 John Chifman Gray 1855 Jacob Willard Pierce 1856 951 Giles Henry Lodge 1855 Isaac Osgood 1857 Edward John Biddle 1866 Josiah H. Cobb 1869 John Barber Winslow 1870 Andrew Robinson Winslow 1890 95Z William P. Pierce 1855 Samuel Hatch 1870 Samuel Baker Rindge 1875 Frederick Hastings Rindge 1885 953 Alexander Hamilton Rice 1855 Cora Lee Rice and Everett Cephas Bumpus 1902 954 Isaac Rich 1855 Trustees of Boston University 1884 955 William D. Swan 1855 John Dickinson 1861 James Henry Thatcher Adams 1873 Robert Williamson Lovett 1876 John Dyson Lovett 1889 Mary Elizabeth Lovett 1890 Elizabeth Moorfield Lovett 1895 956 Strong Benton Thompson 1855 John Heath Whitney 1867 Arthur Leslie Sweetser 1889 957 Edmund Pitt Tileston 1855 Abel Camp Martin 1866 Adela Barnes 1886 Adela Barnes Ware 1890 958 Edmund Pitt Tileston 1855 Charles Stratton Dana 1873 959 Edmund Pitt Tileston 1855 Eustace Carey Fitz 1873 Emma Jenny Fitz 1898 960 George Washington Warren 1855 George Willis Warren i860 Harriet Atwood Warren 1889 Elizabeth Birdseye Meuitt 1892 961 George Alfred Whitney 1855 James Phineas Whitney 1868 Francis Amory 1871 George Augustus Goddard and Francis Amory 1887 962 David Whiton 1855 Hugh Montgomery 1858 William Montgomery 1883 Charles Augustus Burditt 1898 963 John Hubbard Wilkins 1855 William Rogers 1864 Anna Lothrop Rodman 1870 Laurence Minot, Trustee 1905 964 John Eliot Thayer 1855 Ephraim Peabody 1855 Anna Peabody Bellows 1892 965 John Eliot Thayer 1855 George Putnam 1855 George Putnam, Jr. 1858 966 John Eliot Thayer 1855 Ebenezer Francis Thayer 1855 James Henry Blake, Jr. 1865 R. L. Day and Company 1892 Charles Frederic Farlow 1892 Elizabeth Goodridge Hough- ton 1893 967 John Eliot Thayer 1855 Nathaniel Thayer 1858 Nathaniel Thayer, Jr. 1874 968 John Eliot Thayer 1855 Nathaniel Thayer 1858 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and James Henry Blake, Trustees 1884 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer, Trustees 1890 Emily Greene Balch 1890 969 J(>HN Eliot Thayer 1855 Nathaniel Thayer 1858 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and James Henry Blake, Trustees 1884 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer, Trustees 1890 John Armitage Staunton 1893 Francis Adams White 1895 PROPRIETORS 171 William Howard White 1898 970 John Eliot Thatek 1855 Nathaniel Thayer 1858 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and James Henry Blake, Trustees 1884 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer, Trustees 1890 Nathaniel Thayer Kidder 1893 971 John Eliot Thayer 1855 Nathaniel Thayer 1858 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and James Henry Blake, Trustees 1884 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer, Trustees 1890 Alfred Lawrence Ripley 1893 972 John Eliot Thayer 1855 Nathaniel Thayer 1858 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and James Henry Blake, Trustees 1884 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer, Trustees 1890 Frederic Haines Curtiss 1894 973 John Eliot Thayer 1855 Nathaniel Thayer 1858 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and James Henry Blake, Trustees 1884 Nathaniel Thayer, Charles Merriam, and Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer, Trus- tees 1890 John Chase Randall 1894 Mary Lyon Cheney 1896 974 John Chifman Gray 1855 William Rotch Robeson 1856 Anna Rodman Robeson 1893 Charles Smith Furinton 1896 Gilbert Hawkes 1896 975 John Chifman Gray 1855 Levi Bartlett 1856 Henry Clay Angell 1865 976 John Chipman Gray 1855 Edward Henry Green 1856 Nathan Matthews, Jr. 1872 977 John Chipman Gray 1855 George Scott Winslow 1856 John Andrew Henshaw 1856 Mabel Warren Henshaw 1898 978 Edward William Hooper 1855 Mary Bryant Sprague 1901 Mary Bryant Brandegee 1904 979 William Sturgis 1855 Samuel Elwell Sawyer 1859 Thomas E. Dorr 1862 Mrs. Richard Price Hallowell (Anna Davis Hallowell) 1865 980 William Sturgis 1855 John Benjamin Hench 1864 Waldo Ogden Ross 1882 Ellen Haven Ross, John Hamilton Ross, and Henry Francis Ross, Trustees 1901 981 William Sturgis 1855 William Augustus Kimball 1864 Henry Saltonstall 1866 William Sheafe 1869 William Sheafe, Jr. 1880 982 William Sturgis 1855 Joseph Cotton Hovey 1864 Ellen Rodman Motley 1875 983 William Sturgis 1855 James Ormsbee Murray 1864 James Haughton 1871 Austin Daniel Kilham 1876 Susan Chadwick Kilham 1889 984 William Sturgis 1855 Georgiana £. Cooley 1859 William Henry Hill 1863 Edith White Hill 1888 Edith Hill Blaney 1894 985 William Sturgis 1855 Andrew Bigelow 1859 Edwin Wright, Trustee 1878 John Tucker Prince 1878 986 William Sturgis 1855 Nathan Adams Tufts 1859 Samuel Hastings 1874 George Russell Hastings 1882 Elizabeth Crocker Lawrence 1888 Harriet Smith Walker 1893 Mary Sophia Walker 1899 Robert Marion Pratt 1904 987 William Sturgis 1855 William Sturgis Hooper 1856 John Boies Tileston 1887 Mary Wilder Tileston 1898 172 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM 988 EXXCDTORS OF ThOMAS Handastd Perkins 1855 William Ferdinand Caiy 1855 Nancy Perkins Cary 1880 Grace Morris Kuhn 1889 989 ExECUTOss OF Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 William Ferdinand Caiy 1855 Nancy Perkins Cary 1880 Ellen Grey Cary 1889 William Lowell Putnam 1898 Ellen Grey Cary 1898 990 Executors of Thomas Handasyd Perkins 1855 Thomas Greaves Cary 185J Mary Perkins Cary 1866 Thomas Greaves Cary 1880 Charles Pelham Curtis, Jr. 1889 991 Executors of Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 William Howard Gardiner 1855 Edward Gardiner Gardiner 1883 992 Executors of Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 Israel Whitney 1856 Henry Whitney Lamb 1899 993 Executors of Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 Thomas Handasyd Perkins 1855 Alice Gertrude Grozier 1 898 994 Executors of Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 Thomas Greaves Cary 1855 Mary Perkins Caiy 1866 Sarah Gray Caiy 1880 Emma Forbes Cary 1898 995 Executors of Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 William Howard Gardiner 1855 Samuel Lothrop Thomdike 1876 996 Executors of Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 Samuel Cabot 1855 Walter Channing Cabot 1857 Henry Bromfield Cabot 1901 Walter Channing Cabot 1901 Elizabeth Rogers Cabot 1903 997 Executors of Thomas Handastd Perkins 1855 Charles FoUen 1855 John Higginson Cabot 1873 Frederick Pickering Cabot 1906 998 Henry Melville Parker 1855 Francis L Lee 1857 Harriet Welch Phillips 1868 Edward Clark Lunt 1891 999 Frederick Tudor 185; Elizabeth Tudor 1889 Nellie Louise Sargent 1889 1000 Frank William Andrews 1856 looi John Barnard Swett Jackson 1856 Henry Jackson 1882 1002 John Chifman Gray 1856 Russell Gray 1881 1003 John Chifman Grat 1856 George Shattuck Cushing 186 J George Marston Cushing 1898 1004 John Chifman Grat 1856 John Appleton Bumham 1857 William Appleton Bumham 1884 William Frederick Jones 1896 1005 John Chifman Grat 1856 George Brooks Bigelow 1857 Samuel Bigelow 1879 William Richardson Dupee 1879 Jeannie Ursula Dupee 1898 Ursula Dupee Burrage 1902 1006 John Chifman Grat 1856 Perkins Institution for the Blind 1864 1007 J08EFH HoBSON Phipfs 1856 Edward Sawyer 1867 1008 Algernon Coolidge 1856 1009 Edward Jackson Lowell 1856 loio George Winslow 1856 William Henry Winslow 1859 Joseph B. Morss 1863 John Coffin Jones Brown 1883 loii Georgiana Lowell 1856 1012 Executors of James Brown 1856 James Alexander Dupee 1857 John Bacon i860 Samuel Snow 1897 Constance Snow 1903 1013 Executors of James Brovtn 1856 Edward Austin 1857 Thomas Reed Wheelock i 899 Frederic Stanwood 1902 1014 Executors of James Brovtn 1856 Samuel Langley, Jr. 1857 Mary Sumner Langley 1892 ^lr>-y~^ £j^iwU ^ PROPRIETORS ^73 1015 James Perry Brown 1856 Adams Sherman Hill 1870 ioi6 Francis Edward Parker 1856 Mary Caroline Tyler i836 Edward Farmer 1893 Perkins Bass 1895 Henry Walton Swift 1901 1017 Master of the Latin School 1856 1018 Master of the English High School 1856 1019 Samuel Austin 1856 Edward Austin i860 Heniy Austin 1881 Henry Winchester Cunning- ham 1881 Thomas Andrew Watson 1883 1020 Chandler Robbins 1856 Hamlin Rand Harding 1866 Emma A. Lane 1884 Georgianna West Perry 1886 1021 William Turell Andrews 1856 John Taylor Clark 1856 Daniel Collamore Heath 1882 1022 William Turell Andrews 1856 Edward Reynolds Andrews 1856 William ScoUay Whitwell 1880 Francis Blake, William Tudor, and Joseph Pearson Oliver, Trustees 1892 Mary Hubbard Whitwell 1900 Francis Bacon Sears 1903 1023 Charles Eliot Norton 1856 Arthur George Sedgwick 1868 Eliot Norton 1880 Thomas Emerson Proctor 1881 Emma Howe Proctor 1895 1024 Charles Callahan Perkins 1857 Charles Bruen Perkins 1903 1025 Edward Newton Perkins 1857 Eliza Callahan Cleveland 1901 1026 Josiah Quincy 1857 Robert Cassie Waterston 1859 Robert Waterston Lord, Administrator 1904 Allston Burr 1904 1027 Josiah Quincy 1857 Eliza Susan Quincy 1861 Josiah Quincy 1887 Francis Abraham Gray, Jr. 1888 Helen W. Gray 1889 Jonathan Abbott Lane 1894 Lucius Page Lane 1898 Benjamin Clarke Lane 1903 1028 Josiah Quincy 1857 Helen Frances Quincy 1861 Lewis William Tappan, Jr. 1876 Olivia Buckminster James 1900 1029 Josiah Quincy 1857 Abby Phillips Quincy 1864 Mabel Quincy 1887 1030 Josiah Quincy 1857 Mary Sophia Quincy 1864 Helen Quincy 1887 1031 Edmund Quincy 1857 Sarah Rhea Bowditch 1878 1032 Edward Blake 1857 William Payne Blake 1867 1033 Thomas Motley, Jr. 1857 William Henry Greeley 1877 Moorfield Storey 1890 1034 William Hickling Prescott 1857 William Henry Greeley 1862 Francis Vergnies Balch 1874 Levi Lincoln Thaxter 1878 Roland Thaxter 1885 Eda Adams Woolson 1900 1035 William Hickling Prescott 1857 Jonathan Preston 1862 Emily West Preston 1876 William Gibbons Preston 1892 1036 Clarke Gayton Fickman 1857 George Walker i860 Charles A. Stevens 1867 George Ropes 1876 John Armitage Staunton 1896 Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr. 1898 1037 John Pickering Putnam 1857 John Pickering Putnam, Jr. 1875 Charles Ammi Cutter 1879 Anna Williams Huntington 1880 Margaret Huntington 1905 1038 William Dwight 1857 George Washington Morse 1879 Loomis and Lane 1887 John Chapin Lane 1894 George Edward Cabot 1899 Ellen Britton Townsend 1904 Edward Britton Townsend 1906 Paul Barron Watson 1906 1039 Francis Caleb Loring 1857 174 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Otis Norcross 1872 Luc; Ann Norcross 1883 Grenville Howland Norcross 1903 1040 William Gray, Executor [of Francis Calley Gray] 1857 William Gray 1858 Nathaniel IngersoU Bowditch 1859 Elizabeth Brown Bowditch 1881 Elizabeth Bowditch Ham- mond 1892 Charles Pickering Bowditch, Executor 1892 William Lowell Putnam 1894 1041 William Grat, Executor 1857 William Gray 1858 Leverett Saltonstall 1859 William Minot, Jr. i860 Abbott Lawrence Lowell 1894 1042 William Gray, Executor 1857 William Gray 1858 Francis Henry Gray 1859 Hedwiga Regina Gray i88c Francis Calley Gray 1885 Morris Gray 1904 1043 William Gray, Executor 1857 William Gray 1858 George William Webster Dove 1886 Perkins Bass 1891 Karl Adams 1901 1044 William Gray, Executor 1857 William Gray 1858 Jonathan French 1859 John Davis Williams, Arthur Lincoln, and Charles Amory Williams, Trustees 1902 1045 Andrew Eliot Belknap 1857 Robert Trueman 1859 Theodore William Snow 1859 Charles M. Delano i860 William B. Steams 1861 James Alexander Dupee 1862 Henry Dorr Dupee 1887 Mary Isabella Dupee 1888 1046 Charles Henry Mills 1857 Arthur Lithgow Devens 1859 James Clarke Davis 1873 Alice Worthington Davis 1905 1047 JOSEFH SWETT COOLIDGE 1857 John Foster 1887 Alpheus Holmes Hardy 1897 1048 Joseph Svitett Coolidge 1857 Edward Knowles Butler 1887 1049 Charles William Storey, Executor 1858 Elizabeth Brimmer Inches 1858 William Barry Wood 1875 Ellen Nichols Wood 1888 EUen Nichols HaU 1889 ALPHABETICAL LIST The asterisk (*) denotes shares notu held by the persons to whose names they are annexed ; the other numbers denote s^axes formerly so held which have now passed into other hands. Abbot, Edwin Hale 235, 362, 482 Abbot, Edwin Hale, Jr. 235*, 362*, 482* Abbot, Elizabeth Gair 792 Abbot, Francis Ellingwood 235 Abbot, Samuel Leonard 285 Abbott, Ellen Maria 911* Abbott, Gordon 33* Abbott, Jacob 67 Abbott, John Colby 685, 825 Abbott, Samuel Appleton Browne, Administrator 599 Adams, Abigail Brooks 425 Adams, Benjamin 104, 299 Adams, Brooks 425* Adams, Caleb 104 Adams, Charles Francis 255, 359, 488 Adams, Charles Francis 488* Executor 54, 426 Adams, Charles Francis, 2d 56o1< Trustee 530*, 909 Adams, Charles Frederick 422 Adams, Edward Brinley 514* Adams, Emily Matilda 422 Adams, Fanny Crowninshield 61 Adams, James 80 Adams, James Henry Thatcher 843, 955 Adams, John Quincy 255 Adams, John Quincy 255, 359 Adams, Karl 1043* Adams, Katharine Faneuil 514* Adams, Melvin Ohio 700* Adams, Sarah Longley 213 Adams, Theodore Parker 306* Adams, Zabdiel Boylston 210 Addicks, John Edward 795 Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary 215* Agassiz, George Russell 71* Ahl, Leonard Daniel 26* Albree, John 75 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey 849* Alexander, Andrew 251 Alger, Cyrus 102, 875 Alger, Francis 7,876 Alger, William Rounseville 922 Allen, Charles 24 Allen, Charles 907* Allen, Charles Hastings, Trustee 81* Allen, Freeman 190 Allen, Freeman 190* Allen, Henry Freeman 190 Allen, James 24 Allen, James, Jr. 24 Allen, Lydia Goodwin Russell 944* Allen, Robert B. 24 Alley, John Arthur 541 Allston, John £. 50 Allyn, John 682* Almon, Andrew Belcher 935 Almon, Mary Walcott 935* Almy, Frederick 608, 863 American Bell Telephone Company 337 American Telephone and Telegraph Company 337* Ames, Frederick Lothrop 688 Ames, Mary Shreve 688* Ames, Oliver 266* Ames, Oliver 524* Ames, Winthrop 552* Ammidown, Holmes 466 Amory, Anna Sears 357 Amory, Anna Sears 916, 917 Amory, Augustine Heard 273 Amory, Charles 309, 501, 502, 810 176 THE BOSTON ATHEN.EUM Amory, Charles Walter 786* Trustee 3SS Amoiy, Copley 33". 50' Amory, Edward Linzee 309*, 502* Amoiy, Elizabeth TUden 273* Amory, Francis 961 Amoiy, Francis 961* 278* Trustee 355 Amory, Frederic 757* Trustee 499 Amory, Harcourt 201* Trustee 499* Amory, James Sullivan 273 Amoiy, Jonathan '45 Amory, Jonathan '45 Amoiy, Nathaniel 68 Amory, Nathaniel 258 Amory, Rebecca Augusta 226 Amory, Robert 331 Amory, Thomas CofSn •7 Amoiy, Thomas Coffin '7 Amory, Thomas Coffin 226 Amory, William 278, 786 Trustee 27, 414, 415, 504, 762, 763. 765. 767, 768, 769> 770. 771 Amory, William, Jr. 503 Amster, Nathaniel Leonard 55* Andrews, Caleb 128 Andrews, Charles Lowell 128, 556 Andrews, Edward Reynolds 1022 Andrews, Ebenezer Turell 60 Andrews, Frank William 1000* Andrews, Henry 112 Andrews, James 254 Andrews, Walter Edward, Trustee 354* Andrews, William TurcII 60, 1021, 1022 Angell, Henry Clay 975* Appleton, Anne Parker 877* Appleton, Benjamin Barnard 879 Appleton, Catharine Lawrence 877 Appleton, Charles Brooks 879 Appleton, Charles Hook 808 Appleton, Ebenezer 165 Appleton, Eliza 410 Appleton, Francis Henry 327 Appleton, Francis Henry 327* Appleton, Frank Parker 51 Appleton, George Henry 770 Appleton, Jane Williams 879 Appleton, Marian Alice 808 Appleton, Mary 491 Appleton, Mary Ann Louisa 580 A['pleton, Nathan 27, 414, 415, 416, 504, 762, 763, 765, 766, 767. 768, 769, 770, 771 Executor 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731 Appleton, Nathan 765, 766, 767 Appleton, Nellie Shannon Blake 543''' Appleton, Robert 505 Appleton, Samuel 129, 423, 491, 492, 506, 507, 508 Appleton, Samuel Appleton 509, 785 Appleton, Thomas Gold 27, 414, 416 Appleton, William 121 Executor 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731 Appleton, William 510 Trustee 510* Appleton, William Channing 5S0 Appleton, William Channing 51* Appleton, William Greenleaf , Trustee 409, 410 Appleton, William Sumner 762, 763, 764 Apthorp, John Trecothick 84 Apthorp, Mary Sargent 303 Apthorp, William Foster 415* Trustee 415 Armstrong, Abigail 194, 51 1 Armstrong, Samuel Turell 194 Arnold, Howard Payson 307 Arnold, Samuel Swan 371 Arnold, Zenas Snow 103, 854 Aspinwall, Thomas 176 Atkins, Benjamin Franklin 820 Atkins, Harriet Louisa 820 Atkinson, Charles Follen 295* Atkinson, Edward 229* Atkinson, Mary Caroline 229 Atkinson, William Parsons 912* Austin, Catherine Downer 745 Austin, Daniel 91 Austin, Edward 417, 1013, 1019 Austin, Henry 1019 Austin, Henry David 848 Austin, Ivers James 107 Austin, James Trecothick 107, 172 Austin, James Walker 100* Austin, James Walker, Trustee 583* Austin, Jane Goodwin 133 Austin, Samuel 49, 512, 1019 Austin, William 417 PROPRIETORS 177 Austin, William Downes 74S Austin, William Downes 824 Aveiy, John 7" Avery John 71 Ayer, James Bourne 294* Aylwin, Charles Felix 405 Aylwin, William Gushing 405 B Babcock, Adam 86 Bachelder, Augustus Edwin 642 Bacon, Daniel Carpenter 427 Bacon, Daniel Gorham 427 Bacon, Ebenezer 5'4 Bacon, Francis 432 Bacon, George Andrew 456 Bacon, John 1012 Bacon, William Benjamin 865* Bailey, Charles Howard 621* Baker, Amos Frescott 411* Baker, Beth 432 Baker, Charles Morrill, Trustee 380* Baker, Charles William 5° Baker, Eleanor Jameson Williams 6.3 Baker, Ellen Maria, Trustee 708*, 868* Baker, Erastus Frank 637 Baker, Ezra Henry 394* Baker, Richard, Jr. 708, 868 Baker, Walter 613 Baker, William Wilson 61 1 Balch, Agnes Gordon 307* Balch, Anna Loring 286 Balch, Elizabeth 22* Balch, Emily Greene 968* Balch, Francis Vergnies 286, 1034 Guardian 22 Balch, Joseph 286 Balch, Lucy Rockwell 576* Baldwin, George Rumford 515 Baldwin, George William 906* Baldwin, James Fowle 515 Balfour, David Miller 645 BaU, Florence Gill 495* Ball, Stephen, Jr. 322 Ballon, Mary Anne 42* Ballou, Maturin Murray 852 Ballon, Murray Roberts 852 Bancroft, George 92 Bancroft, John Chandler 771 Bancroft, Robert Hale 197* Bancroft, Silas Atkins Bancroft, Wilder Dwight Trustee Bangs, Anna Dummer Bangs, Anne Outram Bangs, Benjamin Bangs, Edward Bangs, Frances Elmira Bangs, George Femberton Bangs, George Femberton Bangs, Mary Louisa Bangs, Outram Barnard, Caroline Matilda 771* 771 491* 492 408 492 491 170 5.6 491 492* 136* Barnard, Charles 69, 274, 721 Barnard, Charles Nathan 457 Barnard, George Middleton 112 Trustee 721 Barnard, James Munson 69 Trustee 721 Barnard, Lydia Augusta 69* Barnard, Mary W. 112* Barnard, Samuel, Trustee 721 Barnard, Susan Livingston 112 Barnes, Adela 957 Barnes, Charles Benjamin 395'*' Barnes, Isaac Orr 303 Barnes, James Henry 652 Barrell, Samuel B. 189 Barrett, Samuel 371 Barron, Clarence Walker 141* Barstow, John Sergeant 44 Bartlet, Gordon 51 Bartlett, Francis 284 Bartlett, George 902 Bartlett, Levi 975 Bartlett, Nelson Slater 176* Bartlett, Schuyler Sampson, Trustee 372* Bartlett, Sidney 284, 840 Bartlett, Thomas 97 Bartol, Cyrus Augustus 876 Bartol, Elizabeth Howard 876* Bass, Perkins 1016, 1043 Bass, Robert Perkins 61* Bass, Seth 205 Bassett, Elisha 940 Bassett, Francis 241, 940 Batchelder, Isabella 330* Batchelder, John Montgomery 330 Batchelder, Samuel 330 Batcheller, Alfred Hubbard 402 Batcheller, Francis 152 178 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Batcheller, Robert 40Z* Bates, Benjamin Edward 795* Bates, Edward C. 877 Bates, George 224 Bates, John Douglas 383 Bates, Mary 383* Bates, Mary Douglas 654* Bates, Samuel Worcester 758 Baxter, Sarah 144 Bayley, Caroline Lacoste S'7 Bayley, Edward Bancroft, Trustee 98 Bayley, Elizabeth Symmes 517* Bayley, Harriet King 517 Bayley, James 517 Bayley, John Prince loz Bazcley, Margaret Chapin 595* Beal, Boylston Adams 231* Beal, James Henry 231 Trustee 210*, 631 Beal, Thomas Prince, Trustee 210* Beal, William L. 850 Beaman, Charles Cotesworth 279 Beaman, George H. 279 Beaman, Nathaniel Parsons 279* Bean, Horace 221 Beck, Charles 47, 518, 744 Beck, Edith Doane 153, 286 Beck, Frederick 299 Beck, James 153 Beck, Lucy Doane 299 Beck, Sarah Phillips 299 Beck Brothers 855 Beebe, Edward Pierson 534* Beebe, Esther Elizabeth 534 Beebe, James Arthur 541* Beebe, James Madison 534 Belknap, Andrew Eliot 364, 1045 Belknap, Edward, Trustee 95 Belknap, Henry 95 Belknap, John 95 Bell, Helen Choate 519* Bell, Joseph 260, 519 Bell, Joseph Mills 519 Bellows, Anna Peabody g6^* Bellows, John 72, 177 Bemis, Charles Vose 5 Bemis, Frederick George 583, 723 Bemis, George 723 Bemis, John Wheeler 583 Bemis, Samuel A. 26 Bennett, Charles Henry 245, 689 Bent, Samuel Arthur 27* Benton, Josiah Henry, Jr. 6"!*, 376, 514, 64s, 776 Benzon, Edmund Ernst Leopold Schlesinger 776 Bethune, George Amoiy 115 Bethune, John McLean 115 Biddle, Edward John 951 Bigelow, Amelia Sargent 773 Bigelow, Andrew 870, 985 Bigelow, Erastus Brigham 394 Bigelow, George Brooks 1005 Bigelow, George Tyler 356 Bigelow, Henry Jacob 680 Bigelow, Horatio 666 Bigelow, Jacob 206*, 789 Bigelow, John Prescott 85 Bigelow, Joseph Smith, Trustee 666* Bigelow, Joshua Richardson 333 Bigelow, Prescott 85 Bigelow, Samuel loot; Bigelow, Timothy 85, 773 Bigelow, WiUiam Sturgis 680* Billings, Ebenezer 24 Binney, Amos 11, 430 Binney, Henry Prentiss 430 Bird, Andrew Sigoumey 796 Bird, Charles Sumner 80* Bird, Edward Vanderhoof 796* Bishop, Joel Prentiss 570 Bishop, Robert Roberts 821 Bissell, Catherine M. 902 Black, George Nixon 640''' Blackmar, Wilmon Whilldin, Trustee 941 Blagden, George, Trustee 949 Blake, Anne 286* Blake, Arthur Welland 46, 286 Blake, Beatrice Frances 46 Blake, Clarence John 37'!= Blake, Edward 50 Blake, Edward no, 1032 Blake, Edward Dehon no Blake, Francis, Trustee 1022 Blake, George Baty 281 Guardian 326 Blake, James 37 Blake, James Henry 966 Trustee 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973 Blake, John Amory Lowell 281*, 742* Blake, John Harrison 37 PROPRIETORS 179 Blake, Joshua 182 Blake, Mai7 Lee 288* Blake, Samuel Farkman 5° Blake, William 333 Blake, William Payne 1032* Trustee 324 Blake Brothers and Company 860* Blake, Howe and Company 860 Blanchard, Edward 276 Blanchard, Edward, Jr. 184 Blanchard, George Henry 520 Blanchard, John Adams 348, 520 Blanchard, Laura Smith 520 Blanchard, Sarah Harding 348* Blaney, Edith HiU 984* Blatchford, Caroline Hubbard 729 Blatchford, Mary Edgcumbe 729 Blinn, George Richard 690* Bliss, Alexander 244 Bliss, Elizabeth Bancroft 39* Bliss, William Davis 39 Bliss, William Julian Albert 39* Blodget, John W. S" Boardman, Benjamin Greenleaf 797 Boardman, Eliza Deimie 797* Boles, Frank Walter 3'* Bond, Charles Royal 180 Bond, George 117 Bond, George WiUiam 142 Bond, Lawrence 142* Bond, Stephen Norman 795 Boott, Francis 77, 186 Boott, John Wright 40 Boott, Kirk 40 Boott, Kirk 40 Boott, William 40 Boott, William, Trustee 317 Bordman, William Henderson 759 Borland, Alida Livingston 33 Borland, John 33, 27S> 747 Borland, John Nelson 275 Borland, John Nelson, Trustee 275 Borland, Melancthon Woolsey 747 Borland, William Gibson, Trustee 275 Boston Athenseum 46, 105, 116, 123, 709 7ip*, 711*, 712*, 713*, 715*, 716*, 717*, 718* Boston College 393* Boston University, Trustees of 954* Boume,EzraA.,TrusteeandGuardian 161 Bouv£, Thomas Tracy S06 Bowditch, Alfred 766111 Trustee 324*, 334 Bowditch, Charles Pickering 522*, 576, 684 Executor 1040 Trustee 334, 671*, 699* Bowditch, Charlotte 79 tee 198 Bowditch, Henry Ligersoll 118 Bowditch, Henry Pickering 744^^ Bowditch, Ingersoll 79 Bowditch, Jonathan Ingersoll 79, 522, 744, 765 Bowditch, Margaret Manning 554* Bowditch, Margaret Swann 47* Bowditch, Nathaniel 118 Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll 28, 1040 Executor 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731 Bowditch, Olivia Yardley 118* Bowditch, Sarah Rhea I03i* Cabot, Elizabeth Rogers 479*, 996* 113*, 151* Cabot, EUa Lyman 739* 53 > Cabot, Frederick Pickering 997* 644* Cabot, George Edward 810*, 1038 113*, 151* Cabot, Henry 117, 614 13. 139. '5'. Cabot, Henry Brom£eld 43»> 479. 99* 340. S3' Cabot, James Elliot 328, 618 953* Cabot, John Higginson II "3 Cabot, John Higginson 997 587 Cabot, Joseph Sebastian 122 850 Cabot, Louis 650* 962* Cabot, Louisa Sewall 681* 53* Cabot, Mary Caroline 575* 544 Cabot, Norman Winslow 276 819 Cabot, Philip 258 122 Cabot, Richard Clarke 86, 103 534 Cabot, Ruth 432 1004 Cabot, Samuel 8, 328, 996 S08, 846 Cabot, Samuel 256 Hazard Cabot, Samuel 131* 535 Cabot, Stephen '3 1004 Cabot, Susan Burley 122*, 152*, 533* 1026* Cabot, Thomas Handasyd 256 221 Cabot, Walter Channing 479. 99* 221* Callender, George 342, 773 299* Came, Alice Taylor 391 556* Campbell, George Hylands 512 221* Candler, Susan 506 536 Candler, William Latham S06 536 Capt, John S. 120* 282* Carpenter, George Oliver 473 1005* Carpenter, Henry Bernard 55° 6 Carruth, Charles Theodore 80s* 6 Carruth, Ellen 701 6* Carruth, Francis Sumner 129, 384 607 Carruth, Nathan 378 16 Carter, Henry Harrington 314* 687* Cartwright, Charles W. 843 1048* Cary, Edward Montagu 815* 684 Cary, Ellen Grey 989* 684 Cary, Emma Forbee 994* Cary, George Blankem 5*4 Cary, Helen Eugenia 500* Caiy, John Green 379 1 82 THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM Cary, Maiy Perkins Caiy, Nancy Perkins Caiy, Richard Cary, Robert Howard Caiy, Sarah Gray Cary, Thomas Greaves »'S. 990> 994 500 537 994 "S> 537i 99°. 994 Cary, Thomas Greaves 990 Caiy, William Ferdinand 988, 989 Case, Laura Lucretia 58* Cazenove, Charles John 250 Chace, Caleb 431 Chadwick, Christopher Champlin 657 Chadwick, Ebenezer 404, 538 Chadwick, Elizabeth 404, 538 Chadwick, James H. 810 Chadwick, James Read 657 Chadwick, James Read 657 Chamberlain, B. P. 541 Chamberlin, Thomas Edward, Trus- tee 817* Chandler, Abiel Z47 Chandler, Alice Daland 343* Chandler, Gardiner Leonard, Jr. 105, 181 Chandler, Horace Parker 655* Chandler, Peleg Whitman 655 Chandler, Seth Carlo, Jr. 929 Channing, Walter 539 Channing, Walter, Jr. 219 Channing, William EUery 239 Charming, William Francis 239 Chapin, Horace Dwight, Trustee 354* Chaplin, Heman White 683 Chapman, Edward Mortimer 97* Chapman, Elizabeth i83'l< Chapman, George 183 Chapman, Jonathan 183 Chapman, Jonathan 183, 432 Chase, Alice Bowdoin 369* Chase, Charles Greenough 943 Chase, George Bigelow 418 Chase, Theodore 418 Chase, Theodore 369 Chase, Thomas G. 112 Chase, Wallis Stuart, Guardian 556 Chase, Walter Greenough 9434' Cheever, David Williams 175* Cheever, John Haven 175 Cheney, Ednah Dow Littlehale 612 Cheney, Ethel M. 623* Cheney, Maty Lyon 973* Cheney, William Franklin 434* Chever, Sarah Anne 529 Chickering, Horatio 434 Chickeiing, Jonas 433 Chickering, Lucy Lee 434 Child, Addison 277 Child, Daniel Franklin 8i3 Chad, David Weld 174 Child, Samuel Guild 245 Child, Samuel Mitchell 945 Childe, Ellen Healey, Guardian 617 Childe, John Healey 617 Choate, Margaret Manning 554 Choate, Rufus 181, 540 Churchill, Florence May-Winsor 396* Clapp, Caroline Dennie, Trustee 81 Clapp, Charming 372 Clapp, George Dennie, Trustee 81* Clapp, Otis 67 Clapp, William Warland 81 Clark, Benjamin Cutler 541 Clark, Benjamin Preston 692* Trustee 866* Clark, Bernard Steams, Trustee 157* Clark, Calvin W. 901* Clark, Edmund Sanford 228, 468*, 611, / 944 Clark, Eleanor A. 514 Clark, Henry, Administrator 207 Clark, Henry Grafton 726 Clark, John 236 Clark, John Morehead 781 Clark, John Spencer 322*, 467 Clark, John Taylor 1021 Clark, Luther 467 Clark, Matthew 806 Clark, Randolph Marshall 795 Clark, Robert Farley 541 Clark, Theodore Minot 467* Clark, William Bradford 443 Clarke, Alice De Vermandois 737 Clarke, Aima Huidekoper 529 Clarke, Eliot Channing 734* Trustee 737* Clarke, George Kuhn 368*, 841* Clarke, James Freeman 529 Clarke, John James 722 Clarke, John Louis 501 Clarke, Lilian Freeman 5291* Clarke, Martha Ann 368 Clement, Clara Ersldne 23 PROPRIETORS 183 Clement, Hazen 13* Cleveland, Eliza Callahan 1025* Cleveland, Henry Russell 252 Cleveland, Sarah Paine 252 Clough, Mica j ah Pratt 882* Coale, George Oliver George 268 Coale, William Edward 268 Cobb, Frederick Augustus 186 403. 877, 95' 909* 236 640 481* 128 187* 759* 35, 542, 658 II* 60* Cobb, Josiah H. Cobb, Louisa Famham Cobb, Richard Cobb, Samuel Crocker Cobb, William Cochran, WilHam Cochrane, Alexander Cochrane, Mary Lynde Codman, Charles Russell Codman, Charles Russell Codman, Edmund Dwight Codman, Edward 434, 543 Codman, Edward Wainwright 543 Codman, Henry 31 Codman, James Macmaster 579* Codman, John 121 Codman, Katharine Bowditcb 684''' Codman, Robert 60 Codman, Stephen 31, 48 Coe, Mary Alma 194* Coffin, Charles Folsom 675 Coffin, Charles Pratt 463, 675* Trustee 143* Coffin, George Washington 304, 544 Coffin, John Gorham 216 Coffin, William Edward 545 CofSn, William Spooner 304 Cogswell, Francis 465 Colby, Gardner 314 Collamore, Helen 253* CoUamore, John 253 Collateral Loan Company of Bos- ton 442 Collier, Gertrude Augusta 13* Comer, John H. 518 Conant, Arnold William iz6, 674 Converse, Sarah Longley 213 Cook, Joseph 883* Cooke, Josiah Parsons 59 Cooley, Georgiana £. 984 Coolidge, Algernon 1008* Coolidge, Amy Lothrop 303* Coolidge, Cornelius 24 Coolidge, Grace Meserve 845* Coolidge, Horace Hopkins 244 Coolidge, John Templeman 392 Coolidge, John Templeman, Jr. 392* Coolidge, Joseph 123 Coolidge, Joseph 36, 123 Coolidge, Joseph 895 Coolidge, Joseph Randolph 628 Coolidge, Joseph Randolph, Jr. 628* CooUdge, Joseph Swett I047> 1048 Coolidge, Penelope Frances 409* Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson 807* Trustee 27, 414, 415, 504, 762, 763, 765, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771 Cooli(%ej Thomas Jefferson, Jr. 1036* Trustee, 762, 763, 764 Coolidge and Haskell 435 Cordis, Thomas 176 Cordner, John 143 Corthell, Wendell Gumey 59J Cory, Barney 51 1 Cory, Charles Barney 194 Cotting, Charles Edward 161 Trustee 47'*, 497*, 909 Cotting, Charles Uriah 387, 852 Trustee 186, 269, 275, 323, 471 497, 708*, 868*, 909, 939 Cotting, Uriah 15 Cotton, Arria 546 Cotton, Frank Barnard, Executor 546* Cotton, Joseph Hall 546 Cotton, William Coffin, Executor 546* Councilman, Isabella zc8* Courtis, Ambrose S. 216 Courtis, Thomas 216 Courtis, William 727 Covell, Robert S., Trustee 651 Cox, Josephine Nickerson 222* Cox, William Emerson 222 Cragie, Andrew 87 Crane, Anna B. 665 Crane, Ethel Hill 929* Crehore, Charles Frederick 57 Crisp, John S. 467 Crocker, Annie Bliss 399* Crocker, Samuel Leonard, Jr. 245 Crocker, Sarah Haskell 589* Crocker, Uriel 589 Crocker, Urial Haskell, Trustee 589 Crockett, George Washington 822 Crockett, William Albert 822* 1 84 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Croft, Caroline 357 Curtis, Greely Stevenson 862 Crosby, Joseph Blanchard 728 Curtis, Harriot 862* Cross, Charles Robert 310* Curtis, Helen Read 355* Cross, Virginia 205* Curtis, Henry Felham 325* Crowninshield, Benjamin William 6i, 324 Curtis, Isabella Felham '9 Crowninshield, Benjamin William 869 Curtis, Joseph Henry 138* Crowninshield, Benjamin William 869* Curtis, Louis 658* Crowninshield, Caroline Maria 324 Trustee 191. 355 Crowninshield, Caspar 909 Curtis, Margarett Stevenson '9 Crowninshield, Cora 910 Curtis, Nathaniel, Jr. 7,507 Crowninshield, Edward Augustus 324 Curtis, Thomas Buckminster 75. 550 Crowninshield, Francis Boardman 400, Curtis, Thomas Buckminster 199 869 Curtis, Thomas F. 567 Crowninshield, George Caspar 61 Curtis, Thomas Felham 9,3* Crowninshield, Harriet Sears 61, 909, 910 Curtis, Walter 929 Cruft, Aimah Fickman 193 Curtiss, Frederic Haines 972* Cruft, Edward 19; .777 Cushing, Ada Thomas 241* Cruft, George Theodore 777* Cushing, Benjamin 727 Cruft, Harriet Otis '93* Cushing, Caleb 160* Cruft, Isaac Smith 5.8 Cushing, Florence Maria 427* Cruft, Samuel Breck 777 Cushing, George Marston 1003* Cummings, Charles Amos 237 Cushing, George Shattuck 1003 Cummings, Lydia Lyman 837* Cushing, Livingston 241 Cummings, Margaret Kimball 237* Cushing, Luther Steams 261* Cunningham, Caleb Loring 547 Cushing, Thomas 61, 643 Cunningham, Charles 74 Cushing, Thomas Parkman 307, 551, 918 Cunningham, Charles West 199 . 3'3 Cushman, Charles Allerton 202* Cunningham, David West 906 Cutler, Elbridge Gerry 146* Cunningham, Edward 547 Cutler, Elisha Pomeroy 457 Cunningham, Frances Caty 547* Cutler, FUny 137 Cunningham, Frederic 74* Cutter, Charles Ammi 1037 Cunningham, Henry Winchester 449*. Cutter, John Adams Bates 534. 8i6 1019 Cutting, Alfred W., 782 Cunningham, Hester 457 Guardian 782 Cunningham, Hetty Sullivan 606* Cunningham, Joseph Linzee 68 D Cunningham, Stanley 74 Curtis, Amy 422* Dabney, Jonathan Peele 390 Curtis, Augusta Rebecca 612* Dabney, Lewis Stackpole 365* Curtis, Benjamin Bobbins 186, 54S ,929 Executor 5^5 Curtis, Benjamin Bobbins 929 Trustee 369, 525* Curtis, Caleb 30s Dakin, Arthur Hazard 803* Curtis, Caleb Agiy 422 Daland, Edward Francis 343 Curtis, Caroline Gardiner 436 Daland, Emily Jane 93* Curtis, Charles Felham 19 , 118 Dale, Ebenezer 844 Curtis, Charles Felham 436 Dale, Ebenezer 844 Curtis, Charles Felham 99U* Dale, Elise Ballou 581* Curtis, Clara 422* Dale, Lydia Jackson 35°* Curtis, Daniel Sargent 3^5 Dale, Theron Johnson S45 Curtis, Emily Matilda 422 Dall, Caroline WeUs Healey 550 Curtis, Evelyn Weston 305* Dalton, Charles Henry 634* PROPRIETORS 185 Dalton, Peter Roe 194 Dana, Caroline M. 649 Dana, Charles B. 829 Dana, Charles Stratton 958* Dana, Edmund W. 553 Dana, George N, 649 Dana, Isabella Hazen 884* Dana, Mary Elizabeth 552 Dana, Richard Henry, Trustee 378 Dana, Samuel Bradford 9^3* Dana, Samuel Turner 552 Dana, Sophie W. 625 Dana, Stephen W. 553 Dana, William Franldin 874'!' Danforth, Isaac Warren 651 Daniell, Henry William 828 Daniell, Otis 407 Daniell, Sarah Frances, Trustee 407 Darling, Cassius 581 Darracott, Franklin 129 Darracott, George 554 Davenport, Albert Henry 761 Davenport, Charles 455 Davenport, Francis Henry 374* Davenport, Frederick Albert, Trustee 761* Davenport, James Henry 748 Davenport, John Sidney 154 Davenport, Mary Pauline 748* Davies, Daniel 852 Davis, Adeline 754 Davis, Adolphus 900 Davis, Alice Worthington 1046* Davis, Andrew McFarland 829* Davis, Ann Wainwright 86 Davis, Bancroft Chandler 550* Davis, Charles 8S Davis, Edward Gardiner 79 Davis, Elizabeth Sleeper 301 Davis, Ephraim Collins 629* Davis, Francis 80 Davis, Frederick W. 555 Davis, Isaac P 90 Davis, James, Jr. 439, 779 Davis, James Clarke 744, 1046 Davis, James W. 900 Davis, John 251 Davis, John Brazer 177 Davis, Jonathan 79 Davis, Jonathan Amory 86 Davis, Joshua 71 Davis, Joshua William 557* Davis, Margaret Homer 148* Davis, Mary Waldo 9* Davis, Thomas 39 Davis, William Nye 167, 640 Davol, Stephen Bradford 913* Dawes, Henry 727 Day, Frank Ashley 3*, 18, 53*, 444* Day, John William 683 Day, R. L., and Company 77, 266, 286, S°S> 63'i 9"> 9*6 Dean, John 409 Deane, Charles 313 Deane, Helen Waterston 313 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell 105 Dearborn, Rebecca W. 758 Degen, Henry Dutton, Executor 342 Degrand, Peter P. F. 66, 396, 556, 750 Dehon, William 557 Deland, Lorin Fuller 162* Delano, Annah 167 Delano, Charles M. 1045 Demmon, Reuben Edson, Trustee 878* Dennie, George 611 Denny, Arthur Briggs 721* Deimy, Clarence Holbrook 433* Denny, Daniel 433 Dfnny, Henry Gardner 433 DeNormandie, Alice 922* Denton, Eben 126 Derby, Elias Hasket 938 Derby, Eloise Lloyd 938 Derby, Hasket 643* Derby, Lucy 938 Derby, Richard C 89 Devens, Arthur Lithgow 1046 Devens, Arthur Lithgow 302 Devens, Charles 302 Devens, Samuel 705 Devlin, Mary Eliza 561* Dewey, Kate Lillian 745 Dewson, Francis Alexander, Trustee 363 Dexter, Andrew, Jr. 65 Dexter, Franklin 558* Dexter, Franklin Gordon 809* Trustee 808 Dexter, Frederick 907 Dexter, George 629 Dexter, George 259* Dexter, George Minot 18, 247, 259 Dexter, Philip, Trustee 130*, 291, 930*, 949* i86 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Dexter, Samuel Dexter, Sarah Vincent Dexter, Thomas Amoiy Dexter, William Sohier 21* 371 17 48* Trustee 130*, 291, 317*, 930*, 949 Dickinson, John 955 Dickinson, Marquis Fayette, Jr. 42 Dillaway, Charles Knapp 230 Ditson, Charles Healy, Trustee 878* Ditson, Oliver 878 Dixon, Benjamin Homer 437 Dixon, Thomas 437 Dixwell, Arthur 505 Dixwell, Charles Sargent 335* Dixwell, Elizabeth Boardman Inger- soU Bowditch 334 Dixwell, Epes Sargent 222 Dixwell, George Basil 335 Dixwell, John 22Z Dixwell, John James 334 Dodge, Helen Augusta 554 Dodge, John Calvin 545* Dodge, Joshua Cleves 444 Dodge, Pickering 79 Dodge, Wilson Jonas 403 Dole, Charles Fletcher 331* Domett, Henry William 633 Donnelly, Charles Francis 484* Dorr, Charles Hazen 179 Dorr, George Bucknam 179* Dorr, John 202 Dorr, Josephine Swift 824 Dorr, Samuel 179 Dorr, Theodore Haskell 202 Dorr, Thomas E. 979 Dove, George William Webster 1043 Dow, John R., and Company 559 Dowley, Levi A. j6o Downer, Samuel 198 Downs, Annie Sawyer 72 Dowse, William Bradford Homer 544* Draper, Ada Augusta 561 Draper, Daniel r6l Draper, John Wait jji Dresel, Ellis Loring 893* Dresser, Jacob Albert 566 Drew, Charles Henry 55 Drury, Otis 18 Du Bois, Loren Griswold 811* Duff, William Frederick 24 Dugan, Walter Hovey Dumaresq, Herbert, Trustee Dunbar, Charles Franklin Dunbar, William Harrison Duncan, Laura Dunn, James Cutler Dunn, Sarah S. Dupee, Henry Dorr Dupee, James Alexander Dupee, Jeannie Ursula Dupee, Mary Isabella Dupee, William Richardson Dupee, Beck and Sayles i Durant, Henry Fowle Dustan, Katharine Frances Dwight, Edmund Dwight, Edmund Dwight, Thomas Dwight, William 400* 499 381, 731 73'* 520* 626 S77 1045 I0I2, 1045 749, 1005 104s* 1005 46. 4'S> 55' 73* 677* 248 57i 569 1038 Earle, John, Jr., and Company 442 Eastbum, John Henry 729 Eaton, David S. 25 Eaton, Elizabeth 403 Eaton, Georgiana Goddard 62* Eaton, Warren Everett 480* Eaton, William Storer 62 Eayrs and Fairbanks 465, 562 Eddy, Caleb 371 Eddy, Robert Henry 230 Edgerly, James Wheeler 354 Edgerly, Sophronia, Trustee 354* Edmands, Amos Lawrence, Trustee 616* Edmands, John Wiley 282, 806 Edwards and Stoddard 441 Ela, Alfred 239 Ela, Richard 239 Eldredge, Edward Henry 421 Eldredge, Oliver 421 Eliot, Charles William 635* Eliot, Christopher Rhodes 551* Eliot, Samuel 7 Eliot, Samuel 760 Eliot, Samuel Atkins 199, 440, 444 Eliot, William Havard 7 EUery, John S. 144 EUicott, Josephine 859* Elliot, Mary 416* Ellis, Arthur Blake 790 cc - < B if) C o: ^ s - 3 -^ PROPRIETORS 187 EUis, Charles Mayo 5=5 Ellis, David 189 Ellis, Gertrude Stanton 790* Ellis, Helen Thomas 5°5 Ellis, Jonathan 787 Ellis, Rufus 790 Guardian 316 EUis, Walter 630* Ellison, James 701 Ely, Alfred 465 Ely, Elizabeth Brewster 159* Ely, Harriet Elizabeth ■59 Emerson, George Barrell 389, 880* Emerson, Lincoln Fletcher 389* Emerson, Warren, Trustee 137 Emmons, Arthur Brewster 92* Emmons, Eleanor Bacon 732* Emmons, Elizabeth Wales 812 Emmons, Nathaniel Henry 92 Enmions, Nathaniel Henry, Trustee 211 Endicott, William, Jr. 490* Endicott, William Crowninshield, Trustee 644 Endicott, William Ellis 896* English High School, Master of the ioi8* Estabrook, Arthur Frederic 463 Eustis, Edith Hemenway 406* Eustis, Mary Charming 638* Eustis, William Tappan 607 Evans, Wilmot Roby, Trustee 761* Eveleth, Margaret S. 143 Everett, Edward 195, 563 Everett, Edward 195* Everett, Helen Cordis, Guardian 195 Everett, Otis 620* Everett, William 5^3* Fabyan, George Francis Fairbanks, Stephen Fairchild, Charles Fales, Samuel Fall, George Howard 7S4* 443 903 272* 126* Faneuil Hall National Bank of Boston i Farley, George Frederick 637, 849 Farley, Mary Eliot 887* Farley, Robert 7' Farlow, Charles Frederic 966 Farmer, Edward 228*, 773i '°'* Famsworth, Alice 704* Farnsworth, Amos 230 Famsworth, Ezra 704 Farnsworth, Isaac Danforth 757 Farnsworth, William, Executor 684 Farrar, Timothy 665 Farrington, Charles Frederick 2zi Farrington, Eben 221 Farwell, Abel Goodrich 706 Farwell, John Whittemore 871* Faucon, Edward Horatio 288 Faxon, Charles Edward 34* Faxon, Edwin 34 Faxon, Francis Edwin 444 Faxon, George Nathaniel 205, 564 Faxon, Mary Josephine 205 Faxon, Nathaniel 244 Fay, Elizabeth Francis 15 Fay, Harrison 565 Fay, James Harrison 565 Fay, Joseph Story 722 Fay, Joseph Story, Jr. 722* Fay, Richard Sullivan 445 Fay, Richard Sullivan, Trustee 445 Fay, Sarah Bryant 351* Fay, Sarah Smith 351 Fay, William C. 566 Fay, William Fickman, Trustee 445 Fay and Farwells 567 Fearing, Albert 568, 781 Felix, Louis Antoine 84* Felt, Joseph Barlow 44 Felton, Cornelius Conway 136 Felton, Louisa Conway 940* Fenno, John Arthur 430* Ferris, Lynde C. 199 Fessenden, Charles Bucknam 569 Fessenden, John Bumstead 728 Fessenden, Russell Green 538* Field, Benjamin Faxon 581 Field, Charles L. 154 Field, Walbridge Abner, Trustee 471 Fields, James Thomas 210 Fifield, William Cranch Bond 162 First Church in Boston 856* Firth, Abraham 87, 550 Trustee 373 Fisher, Francis 349 Fisher, Francis Kittredge 751 Fisher, James Tucker 705 Fisk, Abijah 178 Fisk, James Chaplin, Trustee 407 i88 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Fiske, Andrew 564* Fiske, Charles Heniy 439 Fiske, Charles Heniy, Jr. 439* Fiske, Esther Lathrop 304 Fitz, Eustace Carey 959 Fitz, Emma Jenny 959* Fitz, Henrietta Goddard 505* Fitz, Reginald Heber 457* Fitz, Walter Scott 505 Flagg, Augustus 889 Flagg, Josiah Foster 214 Fletcher, Alice 358* Fletcher, Elizabeth Chandler 358 Fletcher, Richard 221, 570 Follen, Charles 997 Folsom, Charles 928 Folsom, Charles FoUen z86 Folsom, Ellen Minot 289, 613 Foote, Erastus, Trustee 576 Foote, Henry Wilder 298 Foote, Henry Wilder 298* Forbes, John Murray 360, 483 Forbes, Robert Bennet 92 Forbes, Robert Bennet, Jr. 648 Ford, Daniel Sharp 256* Fosdick, William B. 571 Foster, Dwight 540* Foster, Francis Appleton 254* Foster, Francis Apthorp 566* Foster, George gl2 Foster, Harriette Story 639* Foster, James H. 136 Foster, John 228 Foster, John 1047 Foster, John Harrod 452 Foster, Thomas 2zg Fowie, Seth Wyman 850 Fowler, Moses Field 892 Fowler, Samuel Jones 705 Fowler, William Plumer 792 Fox, Gustavus Vasa 303 Francis, Ebenezer IS Francis, Fanny L. 176 Francis, James Bicheno 310 Francis, Nathaniel 539 Frazar, Kate 35' Freeman, Harriet Elizabeth 598* Freeman, James 59 Freeman, James, Jr. 127 Freeman, James Goldthwaite 435* Freeman, William Frederic 598 French, Jonas Harrod 746 French, Jonathan 315, 370, 572, 1044 Friedman, Lee Max 649* Frost, Henry Walker 818 Frothingham, Amos L. 484 Frothingham, Caroline Elizabeth 891 Frothingham, Ellen 26, 619 Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon 573 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks §91 Frothingham, Paul Revere 619'" Frothingham, Richard, Jr. 553 Frothingham, Samuel 338 Frothingham, Samuel, Jr. 338 Frothingham, Thomas Bumstead 573 Frothingham, Thomas Goddard, Administrator 553 Fuller, Henry Weld 942 Fuller, Horace Williams 581 Fuller, Robert Oliver 404* Furber, Daniel Little 867 Gaffield, Maria Wade 603* Gaffield, Thomas 603 Gage, Addison 574 Gardiner, Caroline Louisa 57J Gardiner, Charles Perkins 498* Trustee 252* Gardiner, Edward Gardiner ^1* Gardiner, Robert Hallowell 96 Gardiner, Robert Hallowell 96* Trustee 170*, i86*, 324*, 526* 949* Gardiner, William Howard 38, 575, 991, 995 Gardner, Augustus Peabody 516* Gardner, George 355 Gardner, George Augustus 366* Trustee 644 Gardner, George Peabody 125* Trustee 339 Gardner, Helen Clarissa 576 Gardner, Helen Maria 355 Gardner, Henry 124 Gardner, Henry Joseph 576 Gardner, John 446 Gardner, John D. 390 Gardner, John D., and Company 559 Gardner, John Lowell i^S' 366, 3671 577. 886 PROPRIETORS 189 Gardner, John Lowell, Jr. 339 Gardner, Joseph Peabody 365 Gardner, Joseph Peabody 365 Gardner, Mary Sewall 71 Gardner, Samuel Jackson 103 Gardner, Samuel Pickering 148 Gardner, William Amory 365* Gardner, William Sewall 71 Gassett, Oscar 906 Gates, Artemas Wiswall 705 Gates, Gardiner Paine 804 Trustee 211 Gates, Jacob 105 Gates-Fairbanks, Arthur Wiswall 705 Gavet, William Fobes 244 Gay, Benjamin Gilbert 806 Gay, Charles Merrick 172 Gay, E. H., and Company 782 Gay, Eleanor A, ji Gay, Martin 51 George, Elijah 571* Gerty, Elbridge 197 Gibbs, William 247 Gilbert, Joseph Thomas 291* Gilchrist, Daniel Swan 372 Gilchrist, Edward 431 Gilchrist, James 554 Giles, Alfred Ellingwood 652 Gilmore, Addison 326 Giim and Company 12* Glasier, Alfred Adolphus 726* GUdden, John Murray 861 Giidden and Williams 861 Glover, Joseph Beale ' 615, 900 Goar, Arthur 34 Goddard, Delano Alexander 504 Goddard, George Augustus 961* Trustee 64* Goddard, Nathaniel 51, 883 Goddard, Thomas 817 Goddard, Thomas Austin 816 Goodall, Elizabeth Salisbury Nelson 475 Goodnow, John 254 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold 178 Goodridge, James L. 415 Goodwin, Ellen Adelaide 459* Goodwin, Hersey Bradford, Trustee 447 Goodwin, Mary Evert 180 Goodwin, Ozias ^97*1 57^ Trustee 183 Goodwin, Richard Chapman 578'*^ Gordon, Charles 943 Gordon, George William 599 Gordon, Katherine Parker S99* Gore, John 34 Gore, John Christopher 34 Gorham, John 220 Gorham, Mary Thomas 391 Gould, Benjamin Apthorp 761 Gould, Benjamin Apthorp 761 Gould, John Melville 932 Gould, Lucretia Dana 761 Gowing, Clara Elizabeth 444 Gowing, Henry Augustus 444 Gragg, Washington Parker 130 Grant, Moses 579 Grant, Moses Pierce S79 Graves, John Long 570* Gray, Elisabeth Story 139 Gray, Elizabeth PhiUips 183* Gray, Francis Abraham, Jr. 1027 Gray, Francis Calley '52.413 , Gray, Francis Calley 1042 > Gray, Francis Henry 1042 Gray, Harriet 49* Gray, Hedwiga Regina 1042 Gray, Helen W. 1027 Gray, Horace 151. 447 Gray, Horace 287 Gray, John Chipman 153, 287, 288, 289, 580, 950, 974, 975, 976, 977, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006 Gray, John Chipman 814^= Trustee 287*, 339, 762, 763, 764 Gray, Joseph Henry 608* Gray, Morris 1042* Gray, Russell 1002* Trustee 287* Gray, Samuel Calley 190 Gray, Thomas 581 Gray, WilUam 59, 152, 370, 413, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044 Executor 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044 Gray, William, Jr. 152 Gray, William Rufus 59 Greeley, William Henry 1033, 1034 Green, Charles Montraville 103* Green, Edward Henry 976 Green, James Diman 216, 277, 643 Green, John Ome 158* 1 90 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Greene, Belle 258 Greene, Benjamin Daniel 311* Greene, Francis Bunker 249* Greene, Gardiner 49 Greene, Henry Copley 258* Greene, Henry Upham 258 Greene, John Singleton Copley 49. 810 Greene, Lydia E. E. 797 Greene, Malcolm D'Wolf 198 Greene, Mary Abby 810 Greene, Nathaniel 7, 37* Greene, Simon Eliot 178, 233 Greene, William Batchelder 670* Greenleaf , Ezekiel Price 411 Greenleaf, Henry Francis 463* Greenleaf, James 378 Greenleaf, Mary Longfellow 378 Greenleaf, Richard Cranch 329* Greenleaf, Simon 378 Greenleaf, Thomas 412 Triistee 409,410,411 Greenough, Alfred 212 Greenough, Alfred 212 Greenough, Charles Felham S49* Greenough, David Stoddard 339. 944 Greenough, David Stoddard 424 Greenough, Louisa Ingersoll 448* Greenough, Minnie Fenton 424 Greenough, William Whitwell 549 Grew, Edward Sturgis 695* Grew, Henry US, 695 Grew, Jane 784 Grew, Jane Norton 783* Griffith, Catharine Rumford 515* Griffith, William Rodolph 584 Grigg, William 244 Groom, Thomas 367* Grozier, Alice Gertrude 993* Guardenier, John 257, 260, 263, 438 Guild, Benjamin 163 Guild, Chester, Jr. 152 Guild, Curtis, Jr. 801* Guild, Edward Chipman 163 Guild, Eliza 163 Guild, Mary Thomas 39' Gumey, Ellen 267 Gumey, Ephraim Whitman 73> H Hagar, Eugene Bigelow 840* Hale, Cyrus King 7SS Hale, Charles Hale, Ellen Sever Hale, Enoch, Jr. Hale, George Silsbee Trustee Hale, Josiah Little Hale, Moses Little Hale, Richard Walden Hale, William Pillsbury Hall, Andrew Townshend 395, 582, 853, 894 Hall, Edward Reynolds Hall, EUen Nichols HaU, Ellen Page Hall, Elven Dean Hall, Franklin HaU, Henry HaU, James Hall, John Richardson HaU, Joseph Hall, Lewis HaU, Lydia Young HaU, Mary Elizabeth HaU, Prescott Famsworth HaU, Samuel, Jr. HaU, Thomas Bartlett HaUet, George HaUet, Henry S. HaUoweU, Charlotte Bartlett HaUoweU, EmUy HaUoweU, Norwood Penrose HaUoweU, Mrs. Richard Price (Anna Davis HaUoweU) 979* Hanulton, Matthew B. 87 Hamlen, Nathaniel Perez, Trustee 10* Hamlin, Charles Sumner 326* Hamm, Charles Henry 289 Hammatt, Edward Augustus White 845 Hammond, Daniel 135 Hammond, Elizabeth Bowditch 15*, 1040 Hammond, Ellen 135 Hammond, Esther Lathrop 304* Hammond, George 135 Hammond, John Wilkes 381* Hancock, George 131 Hancock, John 23 Hancock, John, Jr. 131 Harding, Hamhn Rand 792, 1020 Harding, Harriet MighiU 702* Hardy, Alpheus Holmes 1047* Trustee 762*, 763*, 764* 927 338 211 338 291 755* 755 338* 455* 79'* 1049* 375* 745 347 344> 583 172 443 74 347 582, 89* 778 778* 778 97 160,449 584 672* 672* 857* PROPRIETORS 191 Hardy, John Henry 13J, 508*, 86i Hardy, Susan Warner 14, 336 Harlow, Edwin Augustus Warren 676 Harlow, Jonathan Edwards 693'!' Harlow, Robert Henry 676 Harris, George James 543 Harris, Samuel Devens 48 Hart, Francis Russell 386* Hart, William Tennant 385, 641 Hartley, Jennie B. 87 Hartshorn, John 587 Harrey, Peter 585 Haskins, George Foxcroft 637 Hastings, Daniel 87 Hastings, Edmund Trowbridge 396 Hastings, George Russell 986 Hastings, Samuel 986 Hastings, Theodore 270 Hastings, Walter 648 Hatch, Samuel 952 Hathaway, Elisha 516 Hathaway, Sarah W. 516 Haughton, James 983 Hauteville, Frederick Sears Grand d" 908* Haven, Edward Belknap 132, 569 Haven, Franklin 132, 586 Haven, Franklin, Jr. 586* Hawes, Prince 448 Hawes and Henshaw 199 Hawkes, Gilbert 974* Hay, Miriam Parsons 240* Hayden, David Hyslop 588 Hayden, Edward Daniel 125 Hayden, William 587 Hayden, William Augustus 588 Hayes, Francis Brown 67, 72 Hayes, Hercules M. 178 Hayes, William Allen 313* Hays, Judah 46 Hayward, George 218, 589 Hayward, George, Jr. 67, 589 Hayward, George Partridge 618 Hayward, Harriet Stillman 626 Hayward, James 228, 849 Hayward, Joshua Henshaw 215, 780 Hayward, Mary Ann 218 Hayward, Pelham Warren 618 Hayward, Tilly Brown 849 Hazeltine, Charles Benjamin Read 364* Head, Charles no*, 618 Head, Joseph 12 Healey, Mark 77 Heard, Albert Farley 453 Heard, Augustine 453, 590, 893 Heard, George Washington 453 Heard, John, Jr. 80 Heard, John Theodore 318 Heard, John Trull 318 Heard, Rosalie Isabella 318* Heath, Charles 468 Heath, Daniel Collamore 1021I' Hemenway, Alfred 40* Hemenway, Augustus 915* Hemenway, Mary 406 Hench, John Benjamin 980 Henshaw, David 200 Henshaw, Elisabeth Lyman 647* Henshaw, Francis, and Company 176, 541 Henshaw, John Andrew 977 Henshaw, Mabel Warren 977* Henshaw, Samuel 56 Herrick, Alice Taft 289* Hersey, Heloise Edwina 77* Hesseltine, Francis Snow 239, 268* Hickling, Charles 875 Hicks, James Henry 59, 450 Hicks, Mary Dana 646* Higginson, Agnes Gordon 196 Higginson, Annie Storrow 196* Higginson, Francis John 28 Higginson, Francis Lee 371, 933* Higginson, George iii Higginson, George 288 Higginson, Henty 82 Higginson, Henry Frederick in Higginson, Henry Lee 661* Trustee 288 Higginson, Ida Agassiz 601* Higginson, James Perkins in Higginson, John Augustus in* Higginson, Stephen 82 Higginson, Stephen 28, 29 Higginson, Stephen 196 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth 813 Higginson, Waldo 156 High School, Master of the English 1018* Hildreth, Richard 51 Hill, Adams Sherman 1015* Hill, Alison Biiby 857* Hill, Arthur Dehon 729* Hill, Clement Hugh 654 HiU, Edith White 984 192 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Hill, Ethel Maria 929 HiU, George H. B. 201 Hill, Hamilton 654 Hill, James Edward Radford 234 Hill, Thomas, Jr. 77 Hill, William Hemy 984 Hillard, George Stillman 42, 225 Hilton, Gustavus Arthur 640 Hilton, William 134 Hinckley, William Howard 220 Hoague, Theodore 407* Hoar, David Blakely 879* Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood 66 Hoar, John Emory 879 Hobart, Aaron 340 Hockley, Amelia Daniell 407 Hodges, George Clarendon 301* Hodges, Mary Osgood 218 Hodges, Nathaniel Dana Carlile 218 Hodges, Richard Manning 2z8 HoSendahl, Katharine Gordon 220* Holbrook, Mary E. 512 Holbrook, Carter and Company 490 Holland, Frederic May 293 Holland, Frederic West 293 Holland, Henry Ware 648 Hollingsworth, Polly Robbins 445 Hollingsworth, Rose 445* Holmes, David W. 196 Holmes, Edward Jackson 505 Holmes, Henrietta Goddard 505 Holmes, Mary Elizabeth i Holmes, Oliver Wendell 262 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. 262* Holzapfel, Edward 415 Homans, Charles Dudley, Trustee 127 Homans, George Henry, Trustee 127 Homans, Helen Amory 345* Homans, John 127 Homans, John, Trustee 127 Homans, Katharine Amory 127* Homer, Charles 384 Homer, Joseph Warren 137 Homer, Joseph Watien, Trustee 137* Homer, Margaret 148 Homer, Peter Thacher 148, 591 Homer, Sidney 137 Homer, Thomas Johnston, Trus- tee 137 Homer, William, Trustee 137 Hooker, Anson, Jr. 226 Hooper, Adeline Denny, Trustee 317* Hooper, Alice Sturgis 138 Hooper, Edward William 978 Hooper, Ellen Sturgis 267* Hooper, Eunice 794 Hooper, Francis Aldworth 417 Hooper, John 138 Hooper, Mary Ingalls 794 Hooper, Nathaniel 289 Hooper, Robert 266 Hooper, Robert, Jr. 167 Hooper, Robert Chamblet 317 Hooper, Robert Chamblet, Trustee 317 Hooper, Robert William 267 Hooper, Samuel 138 Hooper, Samuel Hooper 794* Hooper, William Sturgis 987 Hopkins, Helen Elizabeth 574^*^ Homblower, Henry 180* Horton, Augusta Kimball 154'*' Horton, Charles Paine 637* Horton, Henry Kenney 469 Horton, William Henshaw, Jr. 816 Hosmer, Zelotes X45, 722 Hough, Benjamin K. 80 Hough, Elizabeth 80 Houghton, Clement Stevens 703* Houghton, Elizabeth Goodridge 966* Houghton, Sarah Jane 703 Houghton, William Stevens 703 Houghton, Mi fflin and Company ' 283* House of the Angel Guardian, Trustees of the 637 Hovey, Charles Fox 329 Hovey, George Orrin 405, 743 Hovey, Henry Stone 342 Hovey, Joseph Cotton 982 Hovey, William Alfred 601 Howard, Arthur Lincoln, Trustee 905* Howard, John Clarke 114 Howard, John Clarke 114* Howe, Alice Greenwood 592* Howe, Archibald Murray 177* Howe, Elmer Parker 251* Howe, Estes 532 Howe, George 257, 592 Howe, George Dudley 592 Howe, Jabez C. 379 Howe, James Murray 455 Howe, Joseph N., Jr. 380 Howe, Percival Spurr 658 PROPRIETORS 193 Howe, Samuel Gridley 197 Howes, Elizabeth 533 Howes, Frederick 112 Executor 533 Howes, William Burley 533 Hubbard, Aaron Dean, Trustee 291 Hubbard, Caroline Tracy 397 Hubbard, Charles Townsend 536 Hubbard, Charles Wells 536* Hubbard, Charlotte Caldwell 182 Hubbard, Francis Stanton 182* Hubbard, James Mascarene 238* Hubbard, John 143 Hubbard, Samuel 238 Hubbard, William Joseph 82* Hudson, John Elbridge 266 Hudson, Sumner 353 Hughes, George 702 Humphrey, Francis Josiah 940 Hunnewell, Henry Sargent 899* Hunnewell, HoUis 897 Hunnewell, Horatio HoUis 481, 594 Hunnewell, James Frothingham 145* Hunnewell, Jane Hubbard 898* Hunnewell, Jane Peele 694 Hunnewell, Walter 694* Hunt, Frank William 463, 943 Hunt, Sarah Henshaw 415 Hunt, Wilham Prescott 143 Huntington, Aima Williams 1037 Huntington, Charles Phelps 296* Huntington, Margaret 1037* Huntington, William Edwards 539* Hurd, Francis Parkman 560 Hurd, Francis Wilham 106* Hurd, Joseph io5 Hurd, Joseph 106, 167* Hurd, William 106, 155 Hutchings, William Vincent 107 Hutchins, Constantine Foundoulaki 55 Hutchins, Edward Webster, Trustee 762* 763,* 764* Hyde, Henry Dwight 225* lasigi, Eulalie lasigi, Joseph lies, Henry H. Inches, Charles 813 8.3 213 236 Inches, Charles Edward Inches, Charlotte Louise Inches, Elizabeth Brimmer Inches, George Brimmer Trustee Inches, Henderson Inches, Henderson Inches, Herman Brimmer Inches, John Chester Inches, Martin Brimmer Trustee Ingalls, William Ingersoll, James Isburgh, Charles Henry 720, 789 239 1049 752* 157* '57 '57 789 '57 I57I 75^ 239 57, 207 3'6. 595 3' Jackson, Alice r Jackson, Charles 147, 596 Jackson, Charles, Jr. 597 Jackson, Charles Cabot 846=*° Jackson, Edward 548* Trustee 22 Jackson, Frances Elizabeth 846 Jackson, George West 819 Jackson, Henry looi* Jackson, James 192 Jackson, John Barnard Swett icoi Jackson, Lydia, Trustee 149, 452 j Jackson, Marian Cabot 597 Jackson, Patrick Tracy 149, 452 Jackson, Rebecca Nelson 275* Jackson, Susan Cabot 597 Jackson, Wilham Henry i* Jackson and Curtis 232, 846 James, EUerton 76* James, George Abbot 437* James, John Warren 538 James, Julia Bradford Huntington 538 James, Olivia Buckminster 1028* Jaques, Francis, Trustee 631 Jeffries, Aima Lloyd 128 Jeffries, John, Jr. 128 Jeffries, William Augustus 128* Jenks, Henry Fitch 780* Jenks, John Henry 178, 780 Jennison, Katharine A. 622* Jennison, Samuel 622 Jewell, Harvey 471 Johnson, Arthur Stoddard 753* 13 194 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Johnson, Charles Berkley 171 Johnson, Charlotte AbigaU 593 Johnson, Enoch Stafford 556, 581 Johnson, Heniy Augustinus 85* Johnson, James 403 Johnson, Josephine Forbush 140* Johnson, Laurence Henry Hitch 85, 431 Johnson, Samuel 593 Johnson, Samuel 753 Trustee 475 Jones, Anna P. 9, 598 Guardian 598 Jones, Arthur Earl iz Jones, Augustine 541 Jones, Caroline M. 36* Jones, Charles Willis 333* Jones, Clarence William 560 Jones, Francis Richard 320* Jones, George B. 413, 599 Jones, Helen Talcott 170 Jones, John Coffin, 9, 598 Jones, Joseph Cutler 598 Jones, Stephen, Jr. 99 Jones, Thomas K. 55 Jones, William Frederick 757, 1004* Jordan, Eben Dyer 13 Jordan, Eben Dyer, Trustee 13 Joy, Benjamin 91 Joy, Marie Louise 440I' Eeep, Nathan Cooley Kehew, William Browne, Trustee Kellen, William VaU Keller, Emma Caroline Foster Kelly, Edward Albert Kendall, Abel Kendall, Ann M. Kendall, Benjamin Frank Kendall, Hugh R. 351, Kennard, Charlotte Avery Kennedy, George Golding Kennedy, Harriet White Kennedy, William Sloane Kent, Moody Kettell, George Parker Kidder, Elizabeth Huidekoper Kidder, Henry Purkitt Kidder, Jerome George Kidder, Nathaniel Thayer Kilbum, Henry Whitman Kilbum, John Kilham, Austin Daniel Kilham, Susan Chadwick Kimball, Caroline Samson Kimball, Daniel Kimball, David Pulsifer Kimball, Eliphalet Kimball, Helen Frances Kimball, Lemuel Cushing Kimball, Lucy Kimball, Marcus Morton, Trustee Kimball, Moses Kimball, Susan Tillinghast Kimball, William Augustus Kimball, Jewett and Company King, Charles Alfred King, George Parsons King, James Wilson King, Samuel Bass Kingman, Abner Kirkland, John Thornton Knapp, Philip Coombs Knowles, Henry Miles Knowles, Seth Kuhn, George Horatio Kuhn, Grace Morris Kuhn, William Putnam 102* 102 983 983* 385* 372 844* 453 204* 844 844 853* 204 8S3 981 453 381 776 303 640, 720 862 127 219* 57* 75 368, 600, 841 420, 841 , Lamb, Henry Whitney 991* 399 Lamb, Horatio Appleton lOI* 853* Lamb, James lOI 386 Lamb, Robert lOI 412 Lamb, Thomas lOI 2* Lamb, Thomas lOI 386 Lamson, Alvan 189 386 Lamson, Artemas Ward 189* 819 Lamson, Daniel Sanderson 393 819 Lamson, Edwin 321 308* Lamson, John 393 569* Lane, Benjamin Clarke 1027* 453* Lane, Emma A. 1020 87* Lane, John Chapin 1038 12 Lane, Jonathan Abbott 1027 437 Lane, Lucius Page 1027 750* Lang, Thomas S 750 Langley, Mary Sumner 1014* 516 Langley, Samuel, Jr. 1014 970* Langton, Gardner S. 403 -y-^-^uc Q PROPRIETORS 195 Larkin, Ebecezer nj Latin School, Master of the 1017* Lawrence, Abbott 167, 290, 291, 292, 601, 602, 603 Lawrence, Abbott, Jr. 292, 639 Trustee 291 Lawrence, Amory Appleton 927* Lawrence, Amos 169, 293, 294, 606 Lawrence, Amos Adams z6, 186, 606, 926, 927, 928 Lawrence, Arthur 597* Lawrence, Elizabeth Crocker 986 Lawrence, George 608 Lawrence, Harriette Story 639 Lawrence, Henry 863 Lawrence, Hetty Sullivan 606 Lawrence, James 290, 607 Lawrence, James 290* Lawrence, John 749* Lawrence, Samuel 232, 605, 608 Lawrence, Susan Coombs 169 Lawrence, Susan Mason 377 Lawrence, Timothy Bigelow 291 Lawrence, William 196,310,311 Lawrence, William 928* Lawrence, William Paige 474 Lawrence, William Richards 169, 293, 609, 750 Lea, James Henry 378* Lee, Elliot Cabot 4S4* Lee, Francis 29, 140 Lee, Francis L. 998 Lee, George Cabot 5 Lee, George Gardner 78 Lee, Georgie 17** Lee, Hannah Famham 45, 662 Lee, Henry 29 Lee, Henry, Jr. 454 Lee, James, Jr. 610 Lee, Robert I. 466 Lee, Thomas i4i> 6" Lee, Thomas 141 Lee, Thomas Joseph 236, 705 Lee, Higginson and Company 54, 197, 339> 414) 4»6 Leeds, Benjamin 283 Leeds, Benjamin, Jr. 283 Leeds, Henry M. 5*4 Leeds, James 814 Leeds, Richard 23* Leeds, Susan Huntington 236* Leeds, Timothy C. 362 Leighton, George Bridge 705* Leonard, Edwin 720 Leverett, George Vasmer 723* Lewis, Calvin Winfield 18 Lewis, Dio 343 Libbey, Isaiah B. 945 Lienow, Henry 65 Lincoln, Albert Lamb, Trustee 371* Lincoln, Arthur 320 Trustee 315*, 370*, 572*, 1044* Lincoln, Benjamin 448 Lincoln, Bradford, Jr. 55 Lincoln, Daniel Waldo 648 Lincoln, Ezra 387 Lincoln, Frederic Walker, Jr. 682 Trustee 536 Lincoln, Louis Revere 6S2 Lincoln, Solomon 234, 503'!' Lincoln, William 929 Lincoln, William Leavitt 674 Lincoln, William S. 674 Linder, Mary Bianchard 781* Lindsay, John Wesley 451* Little, Charles C, and Company 428* Little, Charles Coffin 878 Little, Henry Clay 850 Little, James Lowell 456 Little, John Mason 657* Little, Mary Robbins 685* Little, Alden and Company 456 Littlehale, Sargent Smith 612 Littleton, Selectmen of 714*, 715, 716, 717, 718 Livermore, Agnes Atherton 843* Livermore, George 16 Livermore, Isaac 347, 874 Livermore, Mary Anne Catherine 843 Livermore, William Roscoe 16* Lloyd, James 33 Lloyd, James 275 Lockwood, Henrietta Niles 824* Lodge, Anna Cabot 614 Lodge, Giles Henry 105, 613, 951 Lodge, Henry Cabot 614* Lodge, James 855 Lodge, John EUerton 258 Lodge, Maty Elizabeth 105* Lodge, Mary Greenwood, Executrix 855 Lombard, Ammi Cutter 615 Lombard, Charles Parker 628 196 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Lombard, Israel 616 Long, John Davis, Trustee 81 Long, Susan Higginson 3 Longfellow, Alexander Wadsworth 768* — Trustee 768 Longfellow, Charles Appleton 768 Longfellow, Emily 407* Trustee 407 Longfellow, Ernest Wadsworth 769* Longfellow, Heniy Wadsworth, Guar- dian 768, 769 Loomis, Elihu Goodman 166* Loomis and Lane 637, 1038 Lord, Arthur 782* Lord, George Clement 249 Lord, Robert Waterston, Adminis- trator 1026 Loring, Abby Matilda 123 Loring, Abby Rand 123* Loring, Augustus Peabody 18* Trustee 64*, 616* Loring, Benjamin 253 Loring, Caleb 64 Loring, Caleb Gould 508 Loring, Caleb William 521 Executor 219 Loring, Charles Greely 64 — Administrator 161 Loring, Charles Greely 64 Loring, Edward Greely 86, 170, 870 Loring, Elijah 123 Loring, Elisha Thacher 617 Loring, Ellen 245* Loring, Francis Caleb 397, 618, 1039 Loring, John Alden 587 Loring, John Osgood 587* Loring, Josiah 252 Loring, Katharine Peabody 521* Loring, Mary G. 103 Loring, Mary Hopkins, Trustee 64* Loring, Miriam Perkins, Trustee 10* Loring, Susan Mason 377* Loring, William Caleb 194 Loring, William Joseph 258 Lothrop, Amy Peabody 303 Lothrop, Mary Buckminster 604* Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland 604 Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland 631* 633, 851* Trustee 250* Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland, Jr. 633* Lothrop, William Sturgis Hooper 590* Loud, Charles Elliot 90* Levering, Frederic Alexander 562* Levering, Joseph Swain 441* Lovett, Elizabeth Moorfield 955* Lovett, John Dyson 955 Lovett, Mary Elizabeth 955 Lovett, Robert Williamson 955 Low, Francis 372 Lowell, Abbott Lawrence 1041"* Trustee 741 Lowell, Amy 73S*> 941 Lowell, Anna Cabot 2, 3 Lowell, Anna Cabot Jackson 22, 463 Lowell, Augustus 487, 735, 736, 740 Lowell, Charles 22 Lowell, Charles, Trustee 741 Lowell, Charles Russell 22, 463 Lowell, Edward Jackson 1009* Lowell, Elizabeth Rebecca 457, 741 Lowell, Francis Cabot 67 Lowell, Francis Cabot 279, 619, 620, 621 Lowell, Francis Cabot 280* Lowell, George Gardner 280 Lowell, Georgiana loii* Lowell, James Arnold 652* Lowell, John 2,, 3 Lowell, John 67 Lowell, John 462, 733* Guardian 123 Lowell, John Amory 3, 457, 462, 487, 622, 623, 624, 625, 733, 734, 73S> 736. 737. 738, 739> 74°. 741. 742 Lowell, Katharine Bigelow 736 Lowell, Percival 740* Lowell, Rebecca Amory 2 Lowell, Sarah Putnam 624, 742 Luce, Edith 248 Luce, John Dandridge Henley 6ic* Luce, Matthew, Trustee 248* Lunt, Edward Clark 915, 998* Lyman, Arthur 831* Trustee 741* Lyman, Arthur Theodore 6^j, 627*, 739, 831 Lyman, Charles 89, 396 Lyman, Elizabeth RufTsell, Trustee 63* Lyman, Ella 739 PROPRIETORS 197 Lyman, Florence 89* Lyman, George Hinckley 302* Lyman, George Theodore 277, 626 Lyman, George Williams 245, 513, 627, 63s. 830. 831. 83*> 833. 834, 83s. 836, 837, 838, 839 Executor 298 Lyman, Herbert 832* Lyman, John Pickering 725* Lyman, Julia 830* Lyman, Susan Bulfinch 459 Lyman, Theodore 63 Lyman, Theodore 63 Lyman, Theodore 63 Lynch, Charles Stephen 545 M McClintock, James Y. 579 McClure, Georgie 172 Macdonald, Kenneth 740 McElwain, William Howe 785* McGregor, James 821 Mackay, Frances Mary 447 Mackay, John 178 Mackay, Robert Caldwell 401 Mackay, Tristram Barnard 447 Mackintosh, Mary 415, 504 McLennan, Francis 322 Macleod, William Alexander 806* McQuesten, Emma Sawyer 342* Maffitt, Alice Taylor 391* Maffitt, Harry Strawbridge 241 MafGtt, May Elizabeth 241 Magnitzky, Gustave 19* Magoun, Herbert 902* Magoun and Son 628 Mahoney, Timothy John 701* Mann, William Harrington 703 Manning, Annie Faulkner 418* Manson, Augustus Dana 132 Marsh, Joseph Manning, Guardian 24 MarshaU, Josiah 88 Martin, Abel Camp 957 Martin, Enoch 18 Mason, Charles 406 Mason, Ellen Francis 946* Mason, Fanny Peabody 475* Mason, George Means 474 Mason, Ida Means 458* Mason, Jeremiah 406 Mason, Jonathan 92 Mason, Katie Mussey S6* Mason, Lyman 56 Mason, Robert Means 458, 946 Mason, Sarah 643 Mason, William Powell 629, 749 Mason, William Powell 475 Trustee 644 Massachusetts General Hospital 95 Master of the English High School 1018* Master of the Latin School 1017* Matchett, Sarah Amanda 431* Matchett, William Frederic 431, 466 Matthews, Albert 509* Matthews, Nathan 505, 509 Matthews, Nathan, Jr. 976* Maxwell, Noble 423 May, Edward 32* May, Eleanor Goddard 469* May, John, Jr. 105 May, John Joseph 396 May, Samuel 32 May, Samuel 32 Maynard, Edward Dearborn 159, 403 Maynard, Waldo 351 Mayo, John M. 630 Mead, Katharine Rand 163* Mead, Samuel Orlando 214 Means, James 359* Means, William Gordon 302 Meer, John Bronson 705 Melville, Allan 35 Melvin, Clara Maria 924* Mercantile Library Association 496* Merchants' Loan and Trust Company of Chicago, Trustees 576 Meredith, James Morris 226* Trustee 510* Meriam, Levi Benjamin 866 Merriam, Arthur Ware, Trustee 631 Merriam, Charles 631 Merriam, Charles 542 Trustee 631, 968, 969, 970, 971. 97», 973 Merriam, Teresa Beatrice 94* Merrick, Pliny 648 Merrill, Hannah Brovm 691* Merrill, Joseph Warren 691 Merritt, Elizabeth Birdseye 960* Metcalf, Theodore 376 Meyer, Alice Appleton 808* 198 THE BOSTON ATHENiEUM Miller, Charles Edward 356 Miller, Charles Henry, Jr. 803 Miller, Samuel A. 232 Milliken, Mabel Minot 379* Mills, Charles H. 395, 632, 633, 634, 1046 Mills, Dexter Townsend 512 Mills, James Kellogg 459, 636 Mills, Jemiie Porter 678 Mills, Sarah Harris 683 Milton, Richard Sweet 854* Milton, William Hamett 854 Mink, Oliver Willard 161* Minns, Susan 401* Minns, Thomas 52,* 191* Minot, Charles Henry 633 Minot, Christopher Weld, Trustee 388* Minot, Francis 388 Minot, George Richards 788 Minot, George Richards, Trustee 788 Minot, Honora Winthrop 828 Minot, James Jackson, Trustee 788* Minot, Laurence, Executor 525 Trustee 171, 248*, 300*, 525*, 526*, 662*, 707, 963* 388 1041 102, 530, 788 526 102, 171, 288, 707, 788 *S7 Minot, William Minot, William Trustee Minot, William Trustee Mizter, Charles Mixter, Madeleine Curtis 507* Mixter, Mary Ann 605* Mixter, William 605 Moring, Anna L. 47 Moring, Charles Henry Ferdinand 254 Montgomery, Hugh 962 Montgomery, William 962 Moore, Jane Newell 816* Moors, Francis Joseph 135* Morey, George 326 Morgan, John Pierpont 902 Morgan, Junius Spencer 207, 902 Moriarty, John Hancock 23 Morison, Emily Marshall 760^ Morison, Frank 4^: Morison, George Cheyne Shattuck 109 Morison, George Shattuck 109 Morison, Mary 109* Morong, Thomas 390 Morrill, Annie Wyman, Trustee 380* Morrill, Charles James 380 Morrill, Mary Glover, Trustee 380* Morse, Eben Rollins, Executor 166 Morse, Fanny Hovey 405* Morse, George Washington 1038 Morse, John Torrey, Jr. 405 Executor i66, 342 Morse, Samuel Torrey 29'!' Morss, Charles Anthony 792 Morss, John Wells 792* Morss, Joseph B. 1010 Moseley, Charles William 362 Moseley, Ellen Frances 9 Moseley, Frances Ann 9 Moseley, Frederick Strong 800* Moseley, Jennie Glover 900* Moseley, William Oxnard 443 Motley, Edward 88 Motley, Edward Preble 465* Motley, Ellen Rodman 88 Motley, Ellen Rodman 982* Motley, Thomas 88 Motley, Thomas, Jr. 1033 Motte, Ellis Loring 916 Mountford, William 562 Mudge, Enoch Redington 440 Mudge, Frank Nichols 143 MuUiken, Henry 923 Munroe, Edmund 551 Munroe, Emma F. 559* Munroe, Georgiana Phipps 400 Munroe, Otis 400 Munroe, Sophia 400 Munroe, William Adams, Trustee 324 Munson, Israel 58 Murdoch, Helen Messinger 58<** Murdock, James M. 56 Murphy, Anne Scott 745* Murray, James Ormsbce 983 N Nash, Mary Pratt Cooke 59* Nash, Nathaniel Cushing 506'*= National Bell Telephone Company 337 Nazro, Mary Evert 180 Nelson, Everett Monroe 397 New Hampshire Asylum for the In- sane 12 Newell, Frances Boott 816 Newell, Jane Hancox 816 Newell, Robert Ralston, Trustee 816 PROPRIETORS 199 Newhall, Charles Henry 461* Nichols, Arthur Howard 820* Nichols, Benjamin Ropes 237 Executor 298 Nichols, Benjamin White 947* Nichols, Elizabeth F. 373 Nichols, Elizabeth Louisa 184 Nichols, Elizabeth Luce 494 Nichols, Frederick, Trustee 184* Nichols, Lawrence 637 Nichols, Lyman 948 Nichols, Lyman 948* Nichols, Richard Chamberlain 494 Attorney 820 Nichols, Rose Standish 481 Nichols, Sarah Hepsa 494*, 820 Nichols, William 460 Nickerson, Andrew 437 Nickerson, Beatrice Blake 46* Nickerson, George Augustus 3»4 Nickerson, Sereno Dwight 372 Niles, Emily Mary 931* Niles, William Jenkins 730* Norcross, Grenville Howland 922, 1039* Trustee 81* Norcross, Lucy Ann 1039 Norcross, Mary Elizabeth 424* Norcross, Otis 1039 Norman, Guy 581 Norman, Louisa Palfrey 870* Norton, Charles Eliot 340, 1023 Norton, Eliot 1023 Norton, Sara 340* Nourse, Benjamin Franklin 647, 902 Noyes, James Atkins 921* Noyes, Samuel Bradley 463 Nutter, George Read 460* Nutting, Ephraim Martin 99* Odin, Anna Frances S5S* Odin, Harriet Louisa SS5* Odin, John 188 Oliver, Francis Johonnot 25*, 120 Oliver, Grace Atkinson 456 Oliver, Joseph Pearson, Trustee 1022 Oliver, William 116 Osbom, Francis Augustus 35* Osborne, George Abbott 429, 483 Osgood, David 225 Osgood, Edward Louis 932* Osgood, Gretchen 430 Osgood, Isaac 95' Osgood, Mary Alden 430 Osgood, Nathaniel H. 638 Otis, Edmund Burke 577 Otis, George Alexander 177 Otis, George Washingtouj Jr. 223 Otis, Harrison Gray I Otis, William Foster 142 Oxnard, George Dearborn 5' P Packard, Anna Maria 255* Packard, John Howard 255 Page, Edward 479 Page, Eliza Wales, Trustee 375 Page, Gordon Prince, Trustee 375 Page, Henrietta 375* Page, Henry Augustus 375 Page, John Ham Williams 669 Paige, James William 639 Paine, Charles Cushing 596 Paine, Charles Jackson 889* Paine, Charles Jackson, Jr., Trustee 300 Paine, Edith 838 Paine, Frederic William 181 Paine, George Lyman 230* Paine, Helen 596* Paine, John Bryant, Trustee 300 Paine, Lydia Williams Paine, Marianne Paine, Robert Treat Paine, Robert Treat Paine, Robert Treat, Jr, Paine, Ruth Cabot Paine, Sarah Cushing Paine, William Alfred Palfrey, Francis Winthrop Palfrey, John Carver, Trustee Palfrey, Louisa Caroline Palfrey, Mary Gorham Palmer, EfEe Wood Palmer, Julius Auboineau Parker, Alice Wentworth Parker, Annie Bartlett Parker, Charles Albert Parker, Charles Hamilton Parker, Charles Henry Trustee 836, 837 596* 55 836, 837, 839* 836* 432* 596*, 856 747* 840 756* 870 45* 623 161, 623 565* 641 641 296 272* 291 200 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Parker, Daniel Pinckney lo, 302, 640 Parker, Ebenezer Francis 918 Parker, Eleanor Stanley 918* Parker, Elizabeth Frothingham 891* Parker, Ellen Greenough 212* Parker, Francis Edward 1016 Trustee 74 Parker, Francis Jewett 476* Parker, Francis Vose 485, 568, 944 Parker, Harvey Drury 394 Parker, Heniy Melville 998 Parker, Henry Tuke 20, 302, 640 Parker, Isaac 102, 103 Parker, James 352 Parker, John 47 Parker, John 47, 267 Parker, John B. 90 Parker, John Brooks 641 Parker, John D. 878 Parker, Peter icx3 Parker, Samuel Dunn, Guardian 212 Parker, William, Trustee 74 Parkinson, John 804* Parkman, Daniel 26, 102, 197 Parkman, Ellen Twisleton 332* Parkman, Francis 671 Parkman, George 217* Parkman, George Francis 361*, 774* Parkman, Henry 489* Trustee 250* Parkman, John 197 Parkman, Powell Mason 906 Parkman, Samuel 39 Parmenter, James Parker 244* Panis, Alexander 48 Parrott, William Flagg 642, 870 , Parrott, William Pearce 442 Parrott, Mrs. William Pearce (Sophia Marion Parrott) 442 Parsons, Emma Augusta 240* Parsons, Francis 75 Parsons, Georgiana 75* Parsons, Georgiana Brackett 75 Parsons, Gorham 191 Parsons, John 892* Parsons, Nehemiah 108 Parsons, Theophilus 191 Guardian 240 Parsons, Thomas William 212 Parsons, Thomas William, Jr. 180 Parsons, William 240 Parsons, William 240 Parsons, William 240 Parsons, William 75 Patch, Daniel Augustus 455, 850 Patridge, Eugene Edgar 230 Paul, James 407 Payne, Edward William 86 Payne, William 86 Payne, William Edward, Executor 86 Payson, Arthur Lithgow 643 Fayson, Gilbert Russell, Trustee 756* Payson, John L. 890* Payson, Samuel Russell 756 Payson, Mrs. Samuel Russell 756 Peabody, Andrew Preston 91* Peabody, Ephraim 964 Peabody, Francis Howard 232, 556 Peabody, Frank Everett, Trustee 98, 250* Peabody, George 644 Peabody, George Augustus, Trustee 644 Peabody, Gertrude 98* Peabody, Oliver White 250 Peabody, Robert Swain 270* Pearmain, Alice Upton 683* Pearson, Henry Bromfield 263, 902 Pearson, John H. 645 Pease, Theodore Claudius 126 Peirce, Silas 681 Pelham, Charles 87 Pember, Thomas 409 Perkins, Augustus Thomdike 499 Trustee 478 Perkins, Charles Bruen 1024* Perkins, Charles Callahan 460, 646, 1024 Perkins, Edward Newton 461, 647, 1025 Perkins, Elizabeth Greene, Trustee 499 Perkins, Elizabeth Welles 83* Perkins, George Cabot 649 Perkins, James 8 Perkins, Louisa Catherine 20* Perkins, Robert Forbes 360* Perkins, Robert Shaw 234 Perkins, Samuel G 83 Perkins, Stephen Higginson 83 Perkins, Susan Hammond, Trustee 499 Perkins, Thomas 10 Guardian 34 Perkins, Thomas Handasyd 13, 83, 466, 498, 499, 500, 648, 649, 650 Executors of 988, 989, 990, 991, 99^. 993> 994> 995- 996, 997 PROPRIETORS 201 Perkins, Thomas Handasyd 466 Perkins, Thomas Handasyd 993 Perkins, William 345 Perkins, William Edward 234 Perkins, William Powell 10 Perkins Institution for the Blind 1006* Perrin, Willard Taylor 641* Perry, Baxter Edward, Trustee 354 Perry, Clara Greenleaf 446* Perry, Emily Gardner 446 Peny, Georgianna West lozo* Perry, Lyman 353, 651 Perry, Marshall Spring 398 Perry, Oliver Hazard, Guardian 9 Peters, Edward Dyer 652 Peters, Edward Dyer, Jr. 727* Peters, Francis Alonzo 313, 609* Peters, George Haswell, Trustee 475 Peters, William Cowper 859 Peters and Parkinson 165, 343, 421, 667, 759. 883 Pettes, George Wesley 9 Pevear, Henry Augustus 390* Phelps, Charles Abner 863* Phillips, Edward 126 Phillips, Elijah Brigham 504 Phillips, Harriet Welch 998 Phillips, Henry Ayling 504* Phillips, John Charles 949 Phillips, Jonathan 98 Phillips, Stephen Henry 71 Phillips, Willard 371 Phillips, William 124, 125, 126 PhUlips, William 126 Phipps, Joseph Hobson 1007 Phipps, Samuel 4^3 Picard, WiUiam 76° Pickens, John (>S Pickering, Henry 920* Pickering, Lizzie Sparks 800 Pickering, Octavius 920 Pickman, Benjamin, Jr. 66 Pickman, Caroline 653 Pickman, Clarke Gayton 66, 1036 Pickman, William 14 Pickman, William Dudley 653 Trustee 445 Pierce, Catharine Hatch 257 Pierce, Charles Sumner 239* Pierce, Edward Lillie ^39 Pierce, Henry Lillie 347 Pierce, James Homer, Trustee Pierce, Jacob Willard Pierce, Katharine CoUamore Pierce, Samuel Stillman Pierce, William P. Piper, WiUiam Taggard Pitcher, Franklin W. Pitman, Robert Carter Plummer, Farnham Pond, Virgil Clarence Pope, Albert Augustus Pope, Lemuel Edward ,37* 950* 257* 654 952 532* 936 512 358 219 892 5 Pope, Paschal Paoli 757, 759 Pope, Thomas Butler 82 Porter, Edward Griffin 701 Porter, George Jonathan 246* Porter, Jonathan 246 Porter, Mariana Gushing 414 Post, Abner 861* Potter, Henry Staples 652 Potter, John Cheney 853 Pratt, Edward Ellerton 464 Pratt, Emily Frances 352 Pratt, George 464 Pratt, George Langdon 848 Pratt, Herbert Gales 593 Pratt, Mary 298, 801, 802, 803 Pratt, Robert Marion 803, 986* Pratt, Sarah Pickering 298, 801, 802, 803 Executor 298 Pratt, William I?' Pratt, Mrs. William (Mary Pratt) 801, 802, 803 Preble, Ebenezer 37 Prescott, Samuel Jackson 123 Prescott, William 76 Prescott, William Gardiner 35, 76 Prescott, William Hickling 76, 655, 1034, 1035 Preston, Emily West 1035 Preston, George Marshall 66* Preston, Jonathan 1035 Preston, William Gibbons 1035* Priest, Edwin Hamilton 213* Prince, John, Jr. 38 Prince, John Tucker 985* Proctor, Emma Howe 1023* Proctor, Thomas Emerson 1023 Pulsifer, Abby W. 630 Pulsifer, William Henry 770 Punchard, George 755 202 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Furinton, Charles Smith Putnam, Amia Cabot Putnam, Benjamin W. Putnam, Elizabeth Cabot Putnam, George Putnam, George, Jr. Putnam, George Nathaniel Putnam, Georgina Lowell Putnam, Jesse Putnam, John Phelps Putnam, John Pickering Putnam, John Pickering Putnam, Mary Lowell Putnam, Oliver Putnam, Samuel R Putnam, William Edward Putnam, William Lowell ' — Trustee 974 19a* 146 192* 965 965* I2S 227* 146 907 1037 1037 227 26 227, 308 696* 96, 170,511, 989, 1040* 741,* 771 Q Quincy, Abby Phillips 1029 Quincy, Edmund 103 1 Quincy, Edmund, Jr. 924 Quincy, Eliza Susan 1027 Quincy, Helen 1030* Quincy, Helen Frances 1028 Quincy, Henry Parker 925 Quincy, Josiah 4, 5, 6, 1026, 1027, 1028 1029, 1030 Quincy, Josiah 5, 402, 700 Quincy, Josiah 1027 Administrator 923 Quincy, Josiah Phillips 656* Administrator 923 Quincy, Mabel 1029* Quincy, Mary Adams 925* Quincy, Mary Sophia 1030 Quincy, Samuel Miller 923 Quincy, Silas Atkins 874 Rackemann, Charles Sedgwick, Trus- tee Rackemann, Felix, Trustee Rand, Arnold Augustus Rand, Edward Sprague Rand, Edward Sprague, Jr. Rand, Isaac P. Rand, Jennie Lathrop 788* 388* 573 24 339 573 Randall, Elizabeth 23s Randall, John »35 .254 Randall, John Chase 973 RandaU, John Witt »35 Rea, William A. 512 Read, James 657 Redman, John 263 Reed, Arthur 149* Reed, Benjamin Tyler 438 Reed, Caleb '43 Reed, Charles Montgomery, Trustee 363 Reed, Edward •58 Reed, James 363* Trustee 363 Reed, John 77 Reed, John Hooper 438 Reed, Ralph Inman 105 Reed, Sampson 363 Reid, Harriet D. 577 Remick, Frank Woodbury 232* Renton, Peter, Guardian 123 Revere, John 53 882 Revere, Joseph Warren 93 896 Revere, Lucretia Watson 53 Revere, PauUne 53.76 Reynolds, Edward, Jr. 212 Reynolds, William Joseph 313 Rhodes, James Ford 776* Rice, Alexander Hamilton 953 Rice, Arabella 565 Rice, Cora Lee 953* Rice, Henry "5 512 Rice, Henry Allen 504 708 Rice, Henry Gardner 104 112 Rice, John Parker 61, 232 Rice, Lewis 658 Rice, Melvin Eugene 825* Rice, Samuel Buckminster 112 Rich, Benjamin 72 Rich, Benjamin, Jr. 7» Rich, Isaac 954 Rich, Samuel H. 7» Richards, Anna Mitchell 18S* Richards, Annie Louise 5* Richards, Dexter N., Trustee 879 Richards, Francis 30.99 Richards, Francis Ashbumer 99 Richards, Francis Gardiner 99 Richards, George Edward 188 Richards, George Henry 30* Trustee 300*, 662* 5 O O ""'^^^^'MmsTtmsMMnA PROPRIETORS 203 Richards, John 30 Richards, John, Jr. 99 Richards, Reuben, Jr. 188 Richards, William Bordman 567 Richards, William Reuben 567* Richardson, Catherine Elizabeth 937* Richardson, Horace 247 Richardson, Jeffrey 17, 38Z Richardson, Jesse Putnam 103 Richardson, William 247 Richardson, William Lambert 17'*' Richardson, Hill Company 58 Richmond, Rosita Lavalle 234* Riley, George W. T. 451 Rindge, Frederick Hastings 205, 952* Rindge, Samuel Baker 205, 242, 952 Ripley, Alfred Lawrence 971* Ritchie, William 103 Rives, Grace Winthrop 913, 915 Rives, Wmiam CabeU, Jr. 663* Robbins, Caira 117* Robbins, Chandler 1020 Robbins, Chandler, Jr. 227 Robbins, Edward Hutchinson 385 Robbins, James Murray 177 Robbins, Reginald Chauncey 198* Roberts, George Litch 584* Robeson, Andrew 4** Robeson, Andrew 462 Robeson, Anna Rodman 974 Robeson, Mary Arnold 462 Robeson, William Rotch 974 Robins, Elizabeth WUdes 568* Roby, Henry '45 Rodman, Aima Lothrop 963 Rodman, Samuel William 397, S4* Rogers, Anna Perkins 68* Rogers, Emma 486*, 919* Rogers, Henry Bromfield 68, 659 Rogers, James Chrystie 544 Rogers, John 2S4> 79^ Rogers, John Gray 79* Rogers, John Kimball 408* Rogers, William 9*3 Rogers, William Sanford 5° Rollins, Ebenezer I** Rollins, WiUiam 33' Roosevelt, Katharine 73** Root, James Edward 853 Ropes, George '03* Ropes, John Codman 660 Administrator 234 Trustee 53° Ropes, Joseph Samuel 857 Ropes, William 245, 660, 857 Ross, Denman Waldo 54* Ross, Ellen Haven, Trustee 980* Ross, Henry Francis, Trustee 980* Ross, John Hamilton, Trustee 980* Ross, Waldo Ogden 980 Rotch, Abbott Lawrence 321* Rotch, Arthur 80 Rotch, Benjamin Smith 321 Rotch, Lisette de Wolf 80 Rowell, Wilbur Everett, Trustee 403* Russell, Benjamin 203 Russell, Dora Walton 719* Russell, Edward 50 Russell, George Robert 341 Russell, James Savage 479 Russell, Joseph Ballister, Trustee 651 Russell, Joseph Henry, Trustee 171, 707 Russell, Le Baron 58 Russell, Louisa Parrott 442* Russell, Margaret Pelham 436* Russell, Marian 341* Russell, Marion 873* Russell, Mary Ann Palfrey 181* Russell, Mary Ellen 719 Russell, Samuel Hammond 299 Russell, Sarah Shaw 341 Russell, Thomas 873* Russell, William Goodwin 873 Trustee 373 Ruthven, Helen 249 Salisbury, Edward Elbridge 52 Salisbury, Josiah 52 Salisbury, Nancy 81 Salisbury, Samuel 52 Salisbury, Samuel 48, 81 Saltonstall, Henry 981 Saltonstall, Leverett 78, 104' Saltonstall, Philip Leverett, Trustee 78* Saltonstall, Richard Middlecott, Trustee 13, 78*, 499 Saltonstall, Robert 387* Saltonstall, Rose Lee, Trustee 78* Sampson, Calvin Proctor 819* 204 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Sampson, Charles Edward 277* Sampson, George R. 467, 661 Sargeant, Cyrus 466 Sargeant, Cyrus, Jr. 466* Sargent, Charles 335 Sargent, Charles Sprague 472* Sargent, Christiana Keadie 28 Sargent, Daniel 1 1 Sargent, George Darius 885 Sargent, Mrs. George Darius (Adelaide Joanna Sargent) 885* Sargent, Henrietta 472 Sargent, Howard 28 Sargent, Ignatius 472 Sargent, James Otis, Trustee 905 Sargent, Jane Welles 594* Sargent, John Osborne 905 Sargent, John Turner Welles 554 Sargent, Louisa Lee 665* Sargent, Lucius Manlius 377 Sargent, Nellie Louise 999* Sargent, WiUiam Arthur 251* Savage, James 4S6, 919 Saville, Antoinette Hale 129* Saville, Henry Martyn 129 Sawyer, Charles Frederic 532 Sawyer, Edward 1007* Sawyer, George Augustus 45^* Sawyer, J. Herbert 50* Sawyer, Matthias Plant 236, 474 Sawyer, Micajah 73 Sawyer, Samuel Elwell 979 Sawyer, Thomas 73 Sawyer, William 45, 662 Sayles, Henry 346* Sayles, Maria Franc<£ur 346 Sayles, Willard 346 Scholfield, Arthur 18 Scholfield, Joseph 609 Schouler, James 263* Scollay, Catherine 690 Scott, Sarah Maud 593* Searle, Charles Putnam 645* Searle, George 103, 130 Sears, Annie Lyman 835* Sears, Caroline Bartlett 284* Sears, David 78, 663, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912,913,914,915,916, 917 Sears, David 78, 493, 772 Sears, David 493* Sears, Ellen Victoria 185 Sears, Emily Esther 493, 772 Sears, Francis Bacon 1022* Sears, Frederick Richard 495, 911, 912 Sears, George Oliver 185* Sears, Henry Francis 772* Sears, Joshua 336 Sears, Joshua Montgomery 76, 554, 894* Sears, Knyvet Winthrop 497, 914 Sears, Mary Crowninshield 9^4* Sears, Philip Howes 5^3* Sears, Sarah Carlisle 33^* Sears, Sarah Pratt 833*, 834* Seaver, Benjamin 374 Seaver, Charles Milton 374 Seccombe, Elizabeth 941* Sedgwick, Arthur George 1023 Selectmen of Littleton, Massachu- setts 714*, 715, 716, 717, 718 Selectmen of Templeton, Massa- chusetts 709, 710, 711, 712, 713 Sever, Emily 470* Sewall, Lucy Ellen 207 Sewall, Richard Black 65* Sewall, Samuel Edmund 207 Shackford, Charles Chauncy 270 Shailer, William Hosmer 351 Sharp, Helen 585* Sharp, John Cauldwell 585 Shattuck, Clarissa Baxter 144 Shattuck, Frederick Cheever *93* Trustee 269* Shattuck, George Brune 169* Shattuck, George Cheyne 109 Shattuck, George Cheyne, Jr. 269 Shattuck, George Otis 893 Shattuck, Lemuel 144 Shattuck, Miriam Stedman 144'" Shaw, Anna Blake 818* Shaw, Charles Brown 332 Shaw, Cora Lyman 668*, 826* Shaw, Francis, Trustee 497* Shaw, Francis George 424 Shaw, Frank 283 Shaw, Gardiner Howland 468, 668, 826 Shaw, Hannah Buck 542 Shaw, Henry Southworth 402 Shaw, Isabella Pratt 480 Shaw, John Oakes, Jr., Executor 489 Shaw, Lemuel 489 Shaw, Lemuel 489 Shaw, Pauline Agassiz 115* PROPRIETORS 205 Shaw, Quincy Adams 671, 936* Shaw, Robert Gould 17;, 424, 451, 468, 669, 670 Executors of 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829 Shaw, Robert Gould 451, 672 Shaw, Robert Gould 480, 542* Shaw, Samuel Savage 452* Executor 4S9 Shaw, Southworth 402 Shaw, Susan Welles 139* Shaw, William Smith 44, 103 Sheaf e, William 981 Sheaf e, William, Jr. 981* Shelton, Philo Strong 471 Shepard, Edward Olcott 590 Shepherd, Rezin Davis Ii5 Sherburne, Reuben 802* Sherwin, Thomas 226 Shillaber, Katharine Brewer 709* Shimmin, Blanche 872* Shimmin, Charles Franklin 872 Shimmin, Mary Harriot 872 Shimmin, William 872 Shumway, Ellen Minerva 701, 945* Shurtleff, Augustine 208 Shurtleff, Samuel Atwood 208 Shute, Helen Winnifred 512 Shute, Nathaniel Appleton 512 Sibley, Henry Clark 617*, 646 Siedhof, Sara Hale 687 Sigoumey, Henry 243 Sigoumey, Henry 243* Silsbee, George Saltonstall 932 Simmons, John, and Son 483 Simmons Female College 171*, 707* Simpson, Frank Ernest 673* Simpson, Michael Hodge 485, 673 Sise, Albert Fleetford 625 Sise, Edith 625* Skinner, Francis 8*, 674 Skinner, Francis, and Company 469, 851 Skinner, Lucian 706 Slade, Daniel Denison 659 Slade, Denison Rogers 659* Slade, Jarvis 675 Slafter, Carlos 942* Slafter, Edmund Farwell 942 Sleeper, Jacob 301 Slocum, Anna Dixwell 886* Slocum, Laura 886 886 886 465 465 758* 934* 878* 455 758 294 842* 842 Slocum, Sarah Elizabeth Slocum, William Henry Small, Francis William Small, Frank Otis Smith, Caroline Marshall Smith, Charles Card Smith, Charles Francis, Trustee Smith, Charles Lothrop Smith, Chauncey Smith, Edward Sutton Smith, Elizabeth Hall Smith, Frances Barnard Smith, Hannah 842 Smith, Henry Barney 577 Smith, James W. 473 Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield 294 Smith, John De Wolfe 796 Smith, Joseph Cornehus 728* Smith, Thomas Carter 842 Smith, William Spooner 44* Snell, George 202 Snelling, Nathaniel Greenwood 109 Snelling, Samuel George 147 Snow, Constance 1012* Snow, Samuel 1012 Snow, Samuel Thomas 555 Snow, Theodore William 1045 Sohier, Edward Dexter 939 Trustee 239, 530 Sohier, Elizabeth Putnam 737, 738* Sohier, Susan Cabot 625, 738 Sohier, William 178 Trustee 171, 707 Sohier, William Davies 178 Sohier, William Davies 178* Trustee 737* Soule, Augustus Lord 474 Soule, Maria Goodwin 474* Soule, Richard 676 Spalding, Dora Narcissa 414* Sparks, Jared 800 Sparks, Mary Crowninshield 800 Sparks, WiUiam Eliot 800 Spaulding, Henry George 265* Spaulding, Mahlon Day 260* Speare, Alden 539 Spelman, Henry Munson, Trustee 156* Spinney, Samuel Rogers 396 Spooner, William Brown 60s Sprague, Charles 387 Sprague, Charles 352 206 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Sprague, Mary Bryant 978 Sprague, Richard T. 885 Spring, Marshall Binney 168* Stanton, Francis 182 Stanton, Horace Baxter 613* Stanwood, Arthur Grimes 462* Stanwood, Eben Caldwell 778 Stanwood, Edward 72* Stanwood, Francis Manning 165* Stanwood, Frederic 700, 1013* Stanwood, Lemuel 67 Stark, George 850 Stark, John Francis 850* Staunton, John Armitage 969, 1036 Stearns, Harris Brackett, Trustee 583* Steams, James Pierce 483* Steams, John 420 Steams, John 420 Steams, John Goddard, Jr. 423* Stearns, William B. 1045 Stebbins, Roderick 573* Stetson, Amos William 785 Stevens, Benjamin Franklin 349* Stevens, Catherine 661 Stevens, Charles A. 1036 Stevens, Eben S. 770 Stevens, Hattie L. 892 Stevens, Horace H. 77, 770, 911, 912, 949 Stevens, John 82 Stevens, Faran 677 Stevens, Virginia 205 Stevens, William Burdick 199, 440, 495 Stevens, William Burdick 199* Stevenson, Joshua Thomas 678 Stevenson, Robert Hooper 398* Stewart, Annie Adams 289 Stickney, Josiah 470 Stillman, John M. 410 Stimpson, Frederick Henry 677 Stimpson, Susan Storer 677 Stimson, Caleb 57 Stimson, Caleb Morton 57 Stimson, Frederic Jesup 247* Stockton, Howard 926* Stoddard, Charles 441, 753 Stoddard, George Howland ijj* Stone, Albert 397* Stone, Anna Blake 285* Stone, Anson Joseph 539 Stone, Frederic 794 Stone, Frederic Mather, Trustee 372* Stone, Henry Baldwin 303 Stone, Joseph 292, 878 Stone, Joshua Clapp 396 Stone, Lawson B. 504 Stone, Lincoln Ripley 218* Stone, Lucy Bowditch 765* Stone, Mary Lowell 559 Stone, Minnie Harris 292 Stone, Silas Emlyn 482 Stone, William Eben 848* Stone, William W. 312 Storer, Edith Paine 838* Storer, Robert Boyd 308 Storey, Charles William, Executor 1049 Storey, Joseph Charles 88* Storey, Moorfield 1033* Storrow, Charles 126 Storrow, Charles Storer 350 Storrow, James Jackson 726 Guardian 589 Tmstee 192, 530 Storrow, James Jackson, Trustee 288 Storrow, Thomas Wentworth 18 Story, Franklin Howard, Trustee 27, 414, 4'S. 504, 762. 763, 765, 767, 768, 769. 770, 771 Story, Franklin Howard, Jr. 139 Story, William 117 Stowell, George Leverett 207 Strong, Edward Alexander 174* Strong, Woodbridge 213 Sturgis, Henry Farkman 679 Sturgis, Mrs. Henry Parkman 679 Sturgis, James 858 Sturgis, Mabel Russell 897* Sturgis, Nathaniel Russell 56 Sturgis, Russell 56, 95 Sturgis, Russell 11 Sturgis, Russell, Jr., Guardian 904* Sturgis, William 155, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987 Sturtevant, Edward Lewis 364 Sturtevant, Joseph N. 364 Sturtevant, Thomas Leggett 364 Sullivan, George 29 Sullivan, Helen 86* Sullivan, Henry Dorr 767 Sullivan, John Langdon 119 Sullivan, Richard 119 Sullivan, Richard 119* Sullivan, Thomas Russell 767* PROPRIETORS 207 Sullivan, William 241 Sumner, Allen Melancthon 487 Sumner, Charles 295 Sumner, Ellen Frances 487* Suter, Hales Wallace 582*, 632 Suter, John Wallace 632* Swain, George Fillmore 667* Swan, Robert Thaxter 207* Swan, Sarah A. 7i Swan, William D. 95S Sweet, Henry Netdeton 191 Sweet, Walter Howard 75' Sweetser, Arthur Leslie 956* Swett, Elizabeth Boyer 36 Swett, George Woodbury 191 Swett, Samuel 201 Swett, Samuel Woodbury II ,191 Swett, Tasker Hazard 36 Swett, William Bourne 36 Swift, Henry Walton ioi6* Swift, William Henry 385 , 620 T Taft, Amariah Aulando 421 Talbot, Samuel D., Jr. 409 Talbot, Thomas Hammond 412 Tappan, Elizabeth Loring 173* Tappan, Frederick Herbert 173 Tappan, John I7J Tappan, John Gallison '73 Tappan, Lewis 131 Tappan, Lewis William 484, 681 Tappan, Lewis William, Jr. 53 ,76, 1028 Tappan, Mary Swift 173* Tappan, Sewall 404 Tarbell, John Franksford 274 Tarbell, John Parker 274 Tarbell, Katherine Amelia 274* Taylor, Charles 94 Taylor, Charles Henry, Trustee '3 Taylor, Henry 24S Taylor, John Phelps 776 Taylor, Joseph Richard 134 Taylor, William 75 Tebbetts, Caroline W. 568 Tebbetts, WUliam Carr 568 Templeton, Selectmen of 709, 710, 7", Tennev, Edward Payson 712 .713 200* Teschemacher, Henry Frederick 621 Teschemacher, Hubert Engelbert 621 Thacher, Charles i Thacher, George 856 Thacher, George Winslow 447 Thacher, Henry Charles 678 Thacher, Isaac 856 Thacher, Julia Edgar 292* Thacher, Martha Bray 678* Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge 19 Thacher, Thomas Chandler 447* Thaxter, Adam Wallace 476, 859 Thaxter, Levi Lincoln 1034 Thaxter, Roland 1034 Thayer, AdMe Grainger 511* Thayer, Charles Lowell 322 Thayer, Christopher Toppan 447 Thayer, Ebenezer Francis 966 Thayer, Ethel Randolph 477 Thayer, Eugene Van Rensselaer, Trustee 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973 Thayer, Ezra Ripley 477* Thayer, Frederick William 685 Thayer, Harriet L. 322 Thayer, John Eliot 250, 477, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973 Thayer, Maria Wilder 685 Thayer, Nathaniel 477, 683, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973 Thayer, Nathaniel 967* Trustee 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973 Thayer, William Roscoe 685 Thomas, Alexander 316 Thomas, Isaiah 62 Thomas, James Francis 233* Thomas, Mary Sarah 303 Thomas, Rufus Kimball 316* Thomas, Seth James 667 Thomas, Washington Butcher 376 Thomas, William 391, 684 Thompson, Strong Benton 956 Thompson, William H. 601 Thomson, James D. 167, 245 Thomdike, Albert 38*, 96, 170, 511 Thomdike, Augustus 162 Thomdike, Augustus 426* Thomdike, Charles 161 Thomdike, Charles 426 Trastee 150 Thorndike, Cora Nickerson 391* Thomdike, George Quincy 323 208 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Thomdike, Israel 170, 258 Thorndike, John Larkin 421* Thomdike, John Prince 323 Thorndike, Samuel Lothrop 38, 995* Trustee 252* Thwing, Supply Clap 824 Ticknor, George 124, 887 Tidd, Jacob 18 Tilden, Charles Linzee 881* TUden, George W. 53 Tilden, Joseph 53 Tileston. Edmund Pitt 957, 958, 959 Tileston, John Boies 987 Tileston, Mary Wilder 987* Tilton, Joseph Brown 4 Timmins, George Henry 879 Trustee 478 Timmins, Henry 478 Tobey, Gerard Curtis 59^* Tobey, Rufus Babcock, Conservator 676* Tolman, Thomas 559 Torr, George Henry 209* Torrey, Charles 59, 66, 186, 207, 312, 602, 685, 705, 797 Torrey, Henry Warren 386 Torrey, John Gore 882 Torrey, Joseph A. 728 Torrey, Samuel 20, 187 Touro, Abraham 94 Tower, David B. 181 Townsend, Edward Britton 824, 1038 Townsend, Ellen Britton 1038 Townsend, Solomon Davis 234 Townsend, WiUiam Edward 902 Tracy, Frederick Uriah 397 Train, Charles Russell 254 Train, Elizabeth Phipps 828* Train, Enoch 682 Tirask, William Ropes 660* Executor 857 Treadwell, Daniel Hearll 602 Treadwell, Emily Marshall 602* Treadwell, John Pearse 602 Tribou, David Howard 3, 223* Trueman, Robert 1045 Trull, John Wyman 318 Tuck, Caroline 432 Tuck, Elizabeth Jane 432 Tucker, Alanson 412 Tucker, John L. 475 Tucker, Lawrence 775* Tucker, Richard Devens Tucker, Susan Elizabeth Tucker, William Warren Tuckerman, Edward, Jr. Tuckerman, Edward, Jr. Tuckerman, Gustavus Tuckerman, Henry Harris Tuckerman, William S. Tudor, Elizabeth Tudor, Fanny Hortense Tudor, Frederic Tudor, Henry James Tudor, William Trustee Tufts, Annie Hooker Tufts, Arthur Webster Tufts, Nathan Adams Tufts, Quincy Turner, Alfred Thomas Turner, Charles Willard Turner, Edward Clarence Turner, Helen Turner, John Newton Turner, Nathaniel Dana Turner, Otis Tuttle, James Tyler, Charles Hitchcock Tyler, John Eugene Tyler, John Steele Tyler, Mary Caroline Tyler, William C. Tyson, George U Underwood, Ida Gushing Underwood, William Upham, George Phinehas, Trustee Upham, Henry Upham, Henry Upham, Jabez Baxter Upham, Phineas Upham, Susan Upton, George Bruce Upton, George Bruce, Jr. 139 775 775 41 41* 124 124, 127 90 999 686 62, 686, 999 686 62 1022 827* 827 986 609 867 443* 829 829 829 556 353 334* 237 431 1016 no 60 Vaillant, Alice Clapp Van Brunt, Henry 347* 687 846 846 846 260 283 14* 84, 871 871 720* 799 PROPRIETORS 209 Van Derlip, Willard C. 354 Vaughan, William Manning 14 Vaughan, William Warren, Trustee 25Z* Veazie, Alice R. 810 Veazie, Joseph 810 Viaux, Florence Ballou 13a* Vinton, Alexander Hamilton 853 Vose, Josiah Thomas, Trustee 289 W Wadleigh, Horace Wayland 180 Wadsworth, Adelaide Elizabeth 823* Wadsworth, Alexander 823 Wadsworth, Edwin Dexter 679* Wadsworth, Elizabeth Greene, Trus- tee 499* Wadsworth, Lucy Goodwin 852* Wainwright, Benjamin Greene 358 Wainwright, H. C, and Company 485, 673, 821 Wainwright, Henry 748 Walcott, Charles 636* Walcott, Charles Folsom 636 Walcott, Henry Pickering 501* Walcott, Martha Pickman 636 Walcott, Samuel Baker 636 Waldo, Henry Sidney 306 Waldron, Samuel W. 144 Wales, George Washington 211,804 Wales, Henry Ware 732 Wales, Lloyd W., Executor 113 Wales, Mary Anne 811 Wales, Thomas Beale 46, 265, 668, 805 Wales, Thomas Crane 618 Walker, George 1036 Walker, Grant 473* Walker, Harriet Smith 986 Walker, Joseph Albert 87 Walker, Mary Sophia 916, 986 Walker, William Johnson 232 Walley, Samuel HaU 125 Walley, Samuel Hurd 70» Wallis, Robert Norcross 645 Ward, Anita Saltonstall 518* Ward, Artemas 174 Ward, Caroline Elizabeth 518* Ward, George Cabot 271 Ward, Henry Artemas 174 Ward, John Gallison 170 Ward, Samuel Gray Ward, Thomas Wren 689, 746 154, 270, 271, 690, 745 Ward, Thomas Wren 270 Wardwell, William Henry 608 Wardwell, William Theodore 608 Ware, Adela Barnes 957* Ware, Annie Storrow 70 Ware, Charles Eliot 450 Ware, Charlotte Louisa 70 Ware, John 209 Ware, Mary Lee 45c* Ware, Thornton Marshall 70* Warner, Henry Elbridge 412* Warner, Hermann Jackson 224* Warner, Joseph Bangs 429* Warren, Cornelia 813* Warren, Cyrus Moors 478 Warren, Edward 70 Warren, Fiske 430, 751* Warren, George Washington 24, 170, 691, 960 Warren, George Willis 960 Warren, Gretchen Osgood 430 Warren, Harriet Atwood 691, 960 Warren, John 70 Warren, John Collins 231, 479 Warren, Jonathan Mason 479 Warren, Samuel Dennis 1 706 Warren, Samuel Dennis 706* Warren, Susan Cornelia 706 Warren, William Ross 478* Washburn, Francis Tucker 622 Washburn, William 664* Waters, Clara Erskine 121* Waters, Edwin Forbes 121 Waterston, Robert 249 Waterston, Robert Cassie 1026 Watson, Benjamin Marston 61, 103 Watson, Paul Barron 194, 1038* Watson, Robert Sedgwick 770 Watson, Thomas Andrew 1019* Webster, Andrew Gerrish 624 Webster, Augustus Floyd 812* Webster, Daniel 204 Webster, David Locke, Trustee 363 Webster, Elizabeth H. 149 Webster, Joseph Rowe 413 Webster, Mary Phillips 413* Weeks, James Hubbard 364 Weiss, John 461 14 210 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Welch, Charles Alfred 523 Trustee 324, 384*, 939* Welch, Edith 560 Welch, Francis Clarke 523* Trustee 130*, 143*, 150, 156*, 157*, 184*, 264, 300*, 317*, 323*. 371*, 419*, 471*, 499*, 510*, 530*, 662*, 671*, 930*, 939* Welch, Francis William 464* Welch, John Hunt 318 Weld, Aaron Davis 692 Weld, Benjamin 69 Weld, Caroline Langdon 693 Weld, Charles Goddard 689* Weld, Christopher Minot, Trustee 388* Weld, Ellen Homer 147* Weld, Francis Minot 669* Weld, George Francis 357* Weld, George Walker 884 Weld, Isabella Melissa 884 Weld, Otis Everett 937 Weld, Waiiam Fletcher 693 Weld, William Fletcher 147 Welles, Arnold Francis uj Welles, Benjamin 903, 904, 905 Welles, Benjamin Samuel 903 Welles, George Derby 125 Welles, Jane 480, 694 Welles, John 125, 480, 481, 694, 897, 898, 899 Welles, Laura Derby, Executrix 455 Welles, Samuel 100 Welles, Susan Jones 694 Wellington, Henry W. 903 Wells, John 887 Wendell, Barrett 280, 743* Wendell, Jacob, Jr. 743 Wesson, Caroline Lucretia 495 West, David, Jr. 109 Weston, Alden Bradford 165, 695 Weston, Ezra 695 Weston, Henry Clay 305 Wetherell, George Homans 410* Wetmore, Thomas 313 Wharton, William Fisher 653* Wheeler, Alexander Strong '55* Trustee 708*, 868* Wheeler, Henry, Trustee 762*, 763*, 764* Wheelock, Thomas Reed 1013 Wheelwright, Abby Stearns 95* Wheelwright, Andrew Cunningham 276* Wheelwright, Charles H. 506 Wheelwright, Charles Henry 184 Wheelwright, Edmund March 164* Wheelwright, Edward 798 Wheelwright, Ellen Neville 95 Wheelwright, Isaphene Moore 798* Wheelwright, Lot 184 Wheelwright, William Wilson 184 Wheildon, WiUiam WUder 615 Whipple, Charlotte Bullard 20 Whipple, Edwin Percy 20 White, Benjamin Franklin 117, 180, 669 White, Charies Tallman 382 White, Emma Story 895* White, Francis Adams 969 White, James Clarke 787* White, Sarah Brackett 382* White, William Howard 969* White, William Ome 485* Whiteside, Alexander, Trustee 269* Whiting, Harold 373 Whiting, Nathaniel 419 Whiting, Rose Standish 373* Whiting, William 373 Whitman, James Henry 624*, 789* Whitman, Sarah Wyman 723 Whitmore, Charles John 696, 895 Whitmore, Charles Octavius 696 Whitmore, Sarah Olcott Murdock 696, 89s Whitney, Annie Williams 799 Whitney, Asa 136 Whitney, Benjamin Duick 136 Whitney, Benjamin White 648 Whitney, Charles 239 Whitney, David Rice 697* Whitney, Ellerton Pratt 864* Whitney, George Alfred 381, 961 Whitney, George Alfred 381 Whitney, Harriet Adelaide 746* Whitney, Henry Melville 611* Whitney, Israel 992 Whitney, James Phineas 381, 961 Whjtn0, John Heath 956 Whitney,' Joseph 337, 864 Whitney, Joseph Cutler 337 Whitney, Josiah Dwight 196, 201 Whitney, Mary 799* Whitney, Moses 198 Whitney, Sullivan 690 Whitney, Warren Jacob 198 -l^r t,?2^<■ trus- tee, 120 Appleton Fund, 70 Apthorp, John Trecothick, a donor, 75, 77 Archambeau, George, a janitor, 221 Arlington Street property bought, 52,53; sold, 53 Armstrong, Samuel Turell, a donor, 84 Arnold, George, Jr., an assistant, 218 Howard Payson, a donor, 87 Art Gallery, Pearl Street, 32 ; dimensions, 33: — Beacon Street, 36, 39; catalogues, published, 97-99 i catalogues of the Braun photographs, 105 Art loan exhibition, first, 31 Arundel chromolithographs, 61 Aspinwall, William, his Notarial records, 55, 104 Athenaeums in other cities, 55 Atkinson, Charles FoUen, a donor, 87 Audubon, John James, his engravings of birds, 33 Austin, Daniel, a donor, 83 Edward, a donor, 83 Ivers James, a don *«r, 85 Tames Trecothick, a donor, 78 Samuel, a donor, 83 ; a trustee, 119 Ayer, Mary Farwell, her Check-list of Boston Newspapers, 62, 86 B Babcock, Gertrude Lydia, an assistant, 222 Babson, Joseph E., a reader, 49 Backus, Joseph, an assistant hbrarian, 122, 217 Bacon, Daniel Carpenter, a donor, 84 Francis, a donor, 83 Balfour, David Miller, a reader, 54 IS 226 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Ballou, Matuiin Murray, a reader, 54 Bancroft, George, character of his reading, 9 Barker, Flora C, an assistant, 219 Barnard, Charles, a donor, 76 George Middleton, a donor, 83 Barnes, Annette E., an assistant, 222 Barrel!, Walter Lewis, an assistant, 222 Bartlett, Thomas, a donor, 78 Bass, Seth, librarian, 34, 122, 217 ; an as- sistant librarian, 217 Batchelder,, Samuel, a donor, 80, 83 Bates, George, mentioned, 81 Battles, Edward, a donor, 80 Baxter, Charles Newcomb, his list of pub- lications issued by the Athenaeum, 91- 106; an assistant, 222 Beacon Street building, 35, 36; occupied, 37; alterations, 1889, 50; removal to a new building considered, 53; repairs, 1904. 53 Beacon Street property purchased, 35; trustees authorized to sell, 53 Bean, Emma Jane, an assistant, 218 Horace, mentioned, 81 Mary Abbie, an early assistant, 42, 218 Beck, Charles, a donor, 83, 84 Belknap, John, a donor, 77, 78 Bemis, George, his gift for international law, 64, 71 Bemis Fund, 71 Bigelow, Erastus Brigham, a trustee, 120 Jacob, a donor, 79, 80; mentioned, 81 ; a subscriber, 213 Billings (Robert Charles) Fund, 65, 72; publications of, 106 Binney, Amos, a trustee, ir9 Blake, Stanton, a trustee, 121 William Pinson, bookseller, 21 Blatt, William Moses, an assistant, 221 Bolton, Charles Knowles, his paper on the history of the Athensum, 13-56; libra- rian, 52, 122, 222 Ethel Stanwood, editor of Topliff's Travels, 106 Bond, George, a donor, 77, 78, 79, 80 Books classified, 28 Books first lent to proprietors, 30 Books taken out, records of, 6 Booksellers in Boston, number of, i5 Boott, John Wright, a donor, 77, 79 Kirk, a donor, 79; a subscriber, 213 Bordman, William Henderson, a donor, 83 Boston Athenaeum, incorporated, 24; ob- jects, 26; removal to Tremont Street, 26 ; absorption of other libraries, 28 ; removal to Pearl Street, 28; lecture hall, 29; Art Gallery, 32; Beacon Street building, 35, 36; special collections, 43, 59-66; ab- sorption by Boston Public Library threatened, 43-46; removal to a new building considered, 53 ; publications, 9t-ro6 Boston Athenaeum described, in 1826, 30; in 1845, 34: in 1850, 38; in 1870, 49 Boston Library Society, 21 Boston Medical Library, 28, 80,81 Boston newspapers, early, 62 Boston Public Library organized, 43,44; threatens to absorb the Athenaeum, 43-46 Bowditch, Alfred, mentioned, 97; treas- urer, 116 Charles Pickering, a donor, 64, 86 ; mentioned, 97; treasurer, 116; a trustee, 121 Jonathan Ingersoll, a donor, S^ J ^ trustee, 119 Nathaniel, mentioned, vii, 44, 79, 80; a donor, 78, 79; bust by Frazee, 82; a trustee, 118 Nathaniel Ingersoll, a donor, 70, 82; mentioned, loi; a trustee, 119 Bowditch Fund, 70 Bowker, Sarah Peters, an assistant, 219 Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 Boyden, Uriah Atherton, a donor, 85, 86; a trustee, 120 Bradbury Charles, a donor, 75, 77, 81 Mrs. Louise Appleton, an assistant, 221 Bradford, Ellen, an assistant, 220 Bradlee, Josiah, a benefactor, 47 ; a donor, 75i 76, 77, 78 ; mentioned, 76 Joseph Putnam, a donor, 76, 77, 78, SI Brady, Thomas F., an assistant, 22a Breeches Bible, 4-; Breen, John Frederick, an assistant, 222 Brewster, William, a book from his li- brary, 43 Brimmer, George Watson, a donor, 76, 79, 82 ; a subscriber, 213 Martin, a trustee, 119 Martin, a benefactor, 47 ; a donor, 85, 86 ; a trustee, 120 Broadsides, 65 Bromfield, John, no portrait found, viii, 38 ; his gift, 38, 69; biographical notice mentioned, 106 Bromfield Fund, 69 Brooks, Edward, a donor, 79, 80, 84 ; mentioned, 79 ; a trustee, 118 Francis, a donor, 85 Gorham, a donor, 77, 79, 80 Peter Chardon, a donor, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80,81 Brown, Annie Brooks, an assistant, 222 Edward Benjamin, an assistant, 221 Eliza Watts, an assistant, 219 James, a donor, 84; a trustee, 120 John Mills, a donor, 80 Lillie Frances, an assistant, 219 Raymond Newell, an assistant, 223 Browne, Edward Ingersoll, a donor, 86 Bryant, John, a donor, 76 John, Jr., a donor, 84 Buchanan, William, a janitor, 220 Buckingham, Joseph Tinker, a donor, 79 Buckminster, Rev. Joseph Stevens, men- tioned, vii; a founder, 24, no, 112 ; his work in England, 2^ ; portrait by Stuart, given, 85 ; biographical notice mentioned, 106; a trustee, 117 J a subscriber, 213 INDEX 227 BuUard, Asa, mentioned, 81 • Stephen Hopkins, a donor, 8; ■ William Story, a donor, Bumstead, Jolin, a donor, 77 1.^5 Burke, Mary Frances, an assistant, 223 Burnell, Kittie K., an assistant, 220 Burrougiis, Charles, a subscriber, 213 George, a donor, 79 Bussey, Benjamin, a donor, 76 By-Laws published, 91-92 Byroniana, 60 Cabot, Edward Clarke, architect of Beacon Street building, 35; a trustee, 120 Frederick, a donor, 79; a subscriber, 213 George Edward, a trustee, 121 Henry, a donor, 77 James ElUot, mentioned, vii, 97 ; a donor, 86; vice-president, 116; a trus- tee, 120, 121 John Higginson, a donor, So Calkin, Annie Olivia, an assistant, 219 Canning, George, miniature lent by Daniel Webster, 32 Carter, James Gordon, a donor, 79 Cary, Thomas Greaves, mentioned, 46, 96; president, 115; vice-president, 116; a trustee, 119 Casteels, Charles, an assistant, 222 Catalogue printed, 47, 48 Catalogues published, 92-95 Cate, Albion, an assistant, 218 Channing, Walter, mentioned. Si William EUery, a reader, 10 ; a sub- scriber, 213 Chapman, Jonathan, a donor, 77 Chase, Edith Elizabeth, an assistant, 221 Theodore, a donor, 83 Cheverus, John, a donor, 75, 76 Chickering, Jonas, a donor, 83, 84 Child, David Weld, a donor, 78 Lydia Maria, a reader, 10; allowed to take out books, 40 ; her " Appeal " published, 40 Children, books for, 56 Choate, Rufus, books read by, 7 Christophe, T. B., an assistant, 220 Circulars published, 95-97 Clap, Elisha, a subscriber, 213 Pliny, a donor, 80 Clapp, Joshua, a donor, 78 Clarke, Edward, a donor, 79 Emma Leonore, an assistant, 219 Isabel, an assistant, 219 James Freeman, a reader, 10 Clay, Henry, bust by Clevenger given, 82 Clevenger, Shobal Vail, a donor, 82 Codman, Charles Russell, a donor, 75, 76, 77; a trustee, 120 Henry, a donor, 77 ; secretary, 116; a trustee, 118 John, a subscriber, 213 Coffin, Ebenezer S., a donor, 83 CofBn, Henry Spaulding, an assistant, 222 John Gorham, mentioned, 80, Si Colburn, Warren, a donor, 80 Collections, special, 43, 59-66 Colman, Henry, a subscriber, 213 Confederate literature, 62 Consolidation of libraries in Boston, 28 Consolidation with Boston Public Library threatened, 43-46 Coolidge, John Templeman, Jr., a trustee, 121 Joseph, a donor, 77, 78 Joseph, mentioned, viii ; a donor, 79, 81; a trustee, 118 Joseph, a donor, 84 Joseph Randolph, Jr., mentioned, 97 ; a trustee, 121 Samuel F., a donor, 80 Costello, Raymond Lawrence, an assistant, 221 Courtis, Ambrose S., a donor, 69 Crafts, R., a donor, 82 Crawford, Thomas [G.], his works of sculp- ture, 98 Criticism of the Athenseum, 30 Crockett, William Albert, a reader, 54 Crosby, William G., his Poetical illustra- tions, 98 Crowninshield, Edward Augustus, men- tioned, 96; a trustee, 119 Francis Boardman, mentioned, vii, 101 ; his motion not to sell the Athe- nxum, 46; a trustee, 120 Cruft, Edward, a donor, 79 Samuel Breck, mentioned, 96 Cummings, Charles Amos, mentioned, vii, 97; a trustee, 121 Cummings (Charles Amos) Fund, 72 Currier, Thomas Franklin, an assistant, 222 Curtis, Charles Pelham, a trustee, 118 Charles Pelham, Jr., secretary, 117 Thomas Buckminster, a donor, 85 ; a trustee, 119 Thomas Buckminster, a trustee, 120 Cushing, John P., a donor, 83, 84, 85 Cutler, Pliny, a donor, 76, 78 Cutter, Charles Ammi, librarian, 48, 122, 219; prints the catalogue, 48; his in- fluence, 48, 49; declines re-election, 51; mentioned, 94; his pamphlet mentioned, 105 D Dabney, Jonathan Peele, mentioned, 54, Dana, Edmund Trowbridge, a donor, 69 j a founder, ijo; a subscriber, 213 Edmund W., a donor, 84 Richard Henry, mentioned, 97 Samuel Luther, a donor, 79, 80; a subscriber, 213 Danforth, Blowers, mentioned, Si; a sub" scriber, 213 Thomas, a donor, 75 228 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Darling, Benjamin, a donor, 80 Darracott, George, a donor, So Davis, Isaac P, and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 ; a donor, 77, 81, 84 ; a trustee, 118 Tames, Jr., a donor, 83, 85 John, a founder, 24, iii; Bowyer's historic lottery. 25 ; a donor, 79 ; bust by Clevenger given, 82; president, 115; vice-president, 115; a trustee, 118 John Brazer, a donor, 80 Jonathan, a donor, 77 Joshua, a donor, 77 Daye (Stephen) Fund, 72 Dean^ Charles, mentioned, vii; a donor, 86; vice-president, 116; a trustee, 120 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell, a donor, 76, 79, 80 De Meritt, Jennie Mabel, an assistant, 221 Derby, Hasket, editor of Le Forestier's Relation, 106 Dexter, Franklin, a donor, 77, 79 ; a trus- tee, 118 George M., architect, 35 Henry, his statue of "The Back- woodsman," 84 Samuel, a trustee, 118 William Sohier, secretary, 117 Dixwell, John, mentioned, 81 John James, a donor, Sj Doe, Warren W., a janitor, 220 Doggett, John, a donor, 80 Dorr, John, a donor, 76 Samuel, a donor, 77, 78 ; a trustee, 118 Douglass, Jessie May, an assistant, 222 Dow, Phineas, a donor, 80 Downing, Sir George, mentioned, 66 Dowse, Thomas, gift from his executors, 60, 70; his gift of water-colors, 61, 85 Dreyfus affair, books on, 66 Dues, annual, 29 Duncan, Charles, an assistant, 219 Dupee, James Alexander, mentioned, 96 Dutch history collection, 66 Dutton, Warren, a donor, 77 Dwight, Edmund, a donor, 84 Edmund, Jr., a donor, 83, 85 Thomas, a donor, 82 Eaton, Rev. Asa, a reader, 39; a sub- scriber, 213 Eliot, Rev. John, writer for Monthly An- thology, 23 Samuel, and Bowyer's historic lot- tery, 25; a trustee, 118 Samuel, LL.D., president, 50, 115; a donor, 86; mentioned, 96; a trustee, 120 Samuel Atkins, his motion in meeting to decide consolidation, 46; a donor, 75, 79) 80| 83, 84; a trustee, 119 William Havard, a donor, 75, 77, 78 Eliot's Indian Bible, 43 Ellis, Rev. George Edward, a donor, 84 Emerson, George Barrel!, a reader, 8; a donor, 79, 86; mentioned, 79 Ralph Waldo, a reader, 10, 49 ; his lectures, 33 ; his first editions, 62 ; a sub- scriber, 213 Samuel J., an assistant, 217 Rev. William, editor of Monthly An- thology, 23; a founder, 23, 24, 109, 11 1; a trustee, 24, Z17; biographical notice mentioned, 106; a subscriber, 213 Eustis, William Tappan, a donor, 83 Evans, Charles [T.], an assistant, 218 Everett, Alexander Hill, a subscriber, 2x3 Edward, a reader, 8 ; a donor, 79, 83; a trustee, 118 Elizabeth Lowell, an assistant, 221 Fairbanks, Charles Bullard, an assistant librarian, 217 Gerry, a donor, 80 Farnsworth, Amos, mentioned, 81 Fast Day proclamations, 65 Fearing, Albert, mentioned, 96 ; a trustee, 119 Felton, Cornelius Conway, a reader, 10 Field, Robert, a founder, iii; a subscriber, "3 Fine Arts Department, 60, 6i Fine Arts Fund, 69 First editions of American authors, 62 Fisher, Caroline Ellis, an assistant, 220 Fix, William Andrew, an assistant, 222 P'^ggi Josiah Foster, a donor, 80; men- tioned, 81 Fletcher, Reuben H., an assistant, 218 Richard, a donor, 84 William Isaac, an assistant, 218 Flint, Sarita Gore, an assistant, 222 Folsom, Charles, librarian, 37, 122, 217; letter on duties of a librarian, 37; his views on women as members of staff, 41 ; his policy as librarian, 42 Foster, Leonard, a donor, So; a subscriber, "3 Thomas, mentioned, 81 William, a donor, 76, 80 Founders, 107-112 Francis, Ebenezer, a donor, 75, 76, 78 Frazee, John, his busts of John Lowell, T. H. Perkins, Nathaniel Bowditch, and Joseph Story, 82 Freeman, James, a subscriber, 213 French, Caroline L. W., a donor, 87 Frothingham, Rev. Nathaniel Langdon, a reader, 8; a subscriber, 213 Funds, 69-72 Gardiner, Rev. John Sylvester John, writer for Monthly Anthology, 23 ; biographical INDEX 229 notice mentioned, 105; a founder, 109; a subscriber, 213 Robert Hallowell, a founder, 24, n i , 112; a trustee, 117; a subscriber, 213 William Howard, mentioned, loi Gardner, John Lowell, a donor, 79 ; a trus- tee, 119 Gentlemen adventurers in Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 Ghost, The Athensum, 33, 34 Gibbon, Edward, a book from his library, 43 Gifford, Frances Crocker, an assistant, 223 Gilkey, Malina Anvers, an assistant, 221 Gill, Sarah E., an early assistant, 42, 218 Gilman, Daniel Coit, his catalogue of Washington's Library, 42 Goddaid, Nathaniel, a donor, 77 William, Jr., a donor, 80 Goetz, Eva Maria, an assistant, 220 Goodwin, Ozias, a donor, 83 Gore, Christopher, a donor, 80; a sub- scriber, 213 Gorham, Benjamin, a donor, 79 John, mentioned, 81 ; a subscriber, 213 Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, mentioned, 82 Grant, Moses, a donor, 83 Gray, Francis Calley, a donor, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84; mentioned, 79, 80; president, 115; vice-president, 116; a trustee, 118 Horace, a donor, 77, 78, 79, 80 Mrs. Horace, a donor, 87 John Chipman, (a benefactor, 47 ; a donor, 76, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84; mentioned, ?9 John Chipman, mentioned, 97; vice- president, 116; a trustee, 120 Russell, a trustee, 121 Samuel Calley, a donor, 75, 77 Thomas, a founder, iioj a subscriber, William, a donor, 85 William Rufus, a donor, 77, 78 Green, Harriet Eliza, an assistant, 221 Katharine Laura, an assistant, 221 Greene, Benjamin Daniel, a donor, 76, 79, 82, 83 ; a subscriber, 213 Mrs. Gardiner, a donor, 82 John Singleton Copley, a donor, 82 Greenleaf, Ezdciel Price, a donor, 84 Greenough, Charles Pelham, a donor, 87; a trustee, 121 Horatio, his bust of J. T. Kirkland, 82 Richard Saltonstall, his bust of W. H. Prescott, 83; his "Shepherd Boy and Eagle," 85 ; his Carthaginian girl, 85 Greenwood, Francis William Pitt, a sub- scriber, 213 Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark, his Cata- logue of the Washington collection, 42, 43, 60, 94; his account of the manu- scripts, 65, 102 William Robinson, an assistant, 222 Grinnell, Joseph, a donor, 82 Groome, Francis Hindes, his collection of Gypsy literature purchased, 64, 86 Guild, Benjamin, bookseller, 21 ; a donor, 79 Edward Chipman, recollections of the Athensum, ^4 Gumey, Ephraim Whitman, a trustee, 120 Guthrie, Archibald, an assistant, 217 Gypsy literature, 64 H Habitues, ^4, 5; Hale, David, a donor, 79 Enoch, Jr., a donor, 79; mentioned, 79, 80, 81, 96; a trustee, 119 Nathan, a donor, 77, 79 Hall, Andrew Townshend, a donor, 69, 86 ; mentioned, 96; vice-president, 116; a trustee, 119 George, a donor, 80 Joseph, a donor, 77, 78 Halle, Ernst von, mentioned, 62 Hammond, Daniel, a donor, 76, 78 Hand, Edwin T., an assistant, 221 Harding, Chester, his portrait of Miss Adams, 40, 81 ; his paintings, 60 Hamden, Mrs. A. B., first woman assistant, 42, 218 Harris, C, an assistant, 218 Charlotte, a donor, 69 Henry, a donor, 71, 80 Samuel Devens, a donor, 77, 80 Thaddeus Mason, his ghost, 33, 34; a subscriber, 213 William Thaddeus, an assistant, 218 Harris Fund, 71 Haven, Sophia Elizabeth, an assistant, 220 Hawkes, Gilbert, a reader, 54 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, his notes on Read- ing-Room, 7; "The Ghost of Dr. Har- "^t" 33> 34! his description of the Athenaeum and Richard Hildreth, 38, 39 ; mentioned by H. W. Peirce, 39 ; his m*st editions, 62 Hayes, Arthur Clarence, an assistant, 220 Hercules M., a donor, 77 Hayward, George, a donor, 79 ; mentioned, 80, 81; president, 115 ; vice-president, 116; a trustee, 118 Joshua Henshaw, mentioned, 81 Head, Francis C, a donor, 77, 79 Joseph, a donor, 77, 78 ; a subscriber, 213 Heard, John, Jr., a donor, 75, 77 Hemenway, Augustus, a trustee, 121 Henchman, Elizabeth Dana, an assistant, 219 Henshaw, David, a donor, 76 Samuel, a donor, 80 Hessian manuscripts, 87 Hewins, Caroline Maria, an assistant, 219 Higglnson, James Perkins, a donor, 79 Stephen, and Bowyer's historic lot- tery, 25 230 THE BOSTON ATHENiEUM Higginson, Mrs. Waldo, a donor, 86 Hildreth, C. F. P., an assistant, 217 Richard, a reader, 10; described by Hawthorne, 38, 39 Hill, Clement Hugh, a trustee, 120 Micah W., an assistant librarian, 217 William, a donor, 80 Hillard, George Stillman, a reader, 10, 49; bust by J. A. Jackson given, 86; men- tioned, 96; a trustee, 119 Hobbs, Prentiss, a donor. So Holmes, Abiel, a subscriber, 213 Oliver Wendell, a reader, 10; his first editions, 62 ; a donor, 83 ; mentioned, 96; a trustee, 119 Oliver Wendell, Jr., a trustee, 121 Holton, Joseph L., an assistant, 2x8 Homer, Sidney, a donor, 69 Hooker, Anson, mentioned, 8x Hooper, Henry N., a donor, 80 Robert Chamblet, a donor, 82 Robert William, mentioned, vii; a donor, 86 ; gift from his estate, 86 ; vice- president, 116; a trustee, 120 Samuel, mentioned, 69 ; treasurer, 116; a trustee, 119 Hosmer, Zelotes, a donor, 84 Houdon, Jean Antoine, subscribers to cast of his statue of Washington, 83 Hours when open, 1826, 30 Houses, collection of views of old, 61 How, James, a donor, 80 Howard, John Clarke, a donor, jS Howe, Miss, the Boston Beauty, 31 Samuel Gridley, a reader, 8 Howes, William Burley, a donor, 71 Howes Fund, 71 Hubbard, John, a donor, 75, 77 Hudson, John Elbridge, a trustee, 121 Humphrys, David, and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 Hurd, Thomas, a donor, 80 I lasigi, Joseph, a donor, 84 Inches, Charlotte Louise, a donor, 86 : Elizabeth Brimmer, a donor, 86 Henderson, a donor, 76, 78, 86 ; a trustee, 118 Ingalls, William, mentioned, 81 International law collection, 64 J Jackson, Charles, a donor, 78, 79, 80; a trustee, 118; a subscriber, 213 Mrs. Charles, a donor, 86 Charles Cabot, a trustee, 121 James, a donor, 78; a founder, no; a subscriber, 213 John, portrait given, 86 John Adams, his bust of Wendell Phillips, 85 ; his bust of G. S. Hillard, 86 Jackson, Patrick Tracy, a donor, 76, 77, 78, 79,80 James, George Abbot, mentioned, 96 Janitor's duties, 1821-2, 27 Jenkins, Solon, a donor, 80 Jenks, Joseph William, an assistant, 218 Theodore, a donor, So Johnson, William P., an assistant, 217 Jones, John Coffin, a donor, 78 Thomas K., a donor, 79 Joy, Miss, a donor, 85 Benjamin, a donor, 77, 78 Joy's buildings, 24 K Keayne, Robert, his will, 16 Keeler, Fisher M. T., an assistant, 217 Keen, Mrs. Anna Carter (Dudley), an assistant, 219 Kellogg, Elijah, a reader, 54 Kemble, Fanny, a donor, 85 Kennedy, Susan Clark, an assistant, 221 Kerr, Frank John, an assistant, 223 Keyes, Mary A. H., an assistant, 220 Rebecca Frances, an assistant, 220 Keyser, Frederick A., an assistant, 222 Kilham and Mears, donors, So King's Chapel Libary, 18, 28, 63 Kirkland, Rev. John Thornton, a founder, 24, in; a trustee, 24, 117; bust by Greenough given, 82; pamphlet pub- lished, 9; ; biographical notice men- tioned, 106; a subscriber, 213 Knowles, Arthur Jacob, an assistant, 220 Ellen Frances, an assistant, 220 Kueffner, Cecilia Wanda, an assistant, 232 Kuhn, George Horatio, a donor, 83 Lamb, Thomas, a donor, 77 Lane, William Coolidge, librarian, 51, 122, 221 ; his Appendix to the Washington Catalogue, 43, 60, 95 ; introduces chang- es, 51; declmes re-election, 52 Lawrence, Abbott, a donor, 75, 77, 78, 83, 84 Mrs. Abbott, a donor, 85 — — Amos, a donor, 75, 76, 77, 78. 79. 8°. 81, 83; mentioned, 79; a trustee, 118 Amos Adams, a donor, 83 ; mentioned, 96; a trustee, 119 Asa Farnsworth, mentioned, 32 Samuel, a donor, 77, 83 ; a trustee, 119 Timothy Bigelow, his collection of armor, 86 W. A., a donor, 82 William, a donor, 77, 78, 79, 80, 84 William Richard, a trustee, iig Le Forestier, Frangois, his Relation, 65, 106 Lecture Hall, 29, 30, 76, 78 INDEX 231 Lee, Francis, a donor, 79 Mrs. George Gardner, a donor, 85 Henry, a donor, 79, 80, 83 Henry, Jr., a donor, 83, 85 Joseph, Jr., and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 Thomas, Jr., and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 ; donor, 77, 83, 85 LesliBj Charles Robert, his portrait of Ben- jamin West given, 76 Lester, Ebenezer A., a donor, 80 Lewis, Winslow, a donor, 79 Librarian, his duties, 37 Librarians, list of, 122 Lincoln, Charles Sprague, an assistant, 218 Solomon, a trustee, 121 Livermore, George, mentioned, vii, 44, 47, 96; a donor, 83; vice-president, 116; a trustee, 119 Lloyd, James, Jr., and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 ; a donor, 75 James, a donor, 83 Lodge, Henry Cabot, a trustee, 120 Lombard, Israel, a donor, 83 Longfellow, Alexander Wadsworth, a trus- tee, Z2I Henry Wadsworth, his first editions, 62 ; a donor, 84 Loring, Charles Greely, a donor, 79, 85 William Joseph, a donor, 80 ; a trus- tee, iig Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland, a donor, 64, 86; a trustee, 121 Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, his aid in choosing law tiooks, 64; a trustee, 121 Charles Russell, mentioned, vii ; his work on the catalogue, 42, 47, 48; an assistant, 218 Edward Jackson, a donor, 76, 79, 80 ; a subscriber, 213 Edward Jackson, mentioned, vii ; his heirs give books, 87 ; a trustee, 121 Francis Cabot, a donor, 79, 82, 83 ; a subscriber, 213 James Russell, mentioned, 54 ; his first editions, 62 John, a founder, 24, 1 1 t ; president, 28, 115; interest in lecture hall, 29; men- tioned, 44, 76, 95 ; a donor, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 ; bust by Frazee given, 82 ; vice-president, 115; treasurer, 116; a trustee, 118 John, Jr., a donor, 77, 79, 80; gift from his estate, 82 ; mentioned, 79 ; his will mentioned, 105 ; a trustee, 118 John Amory, a benefactor, 47 ; pres- ident, 50, 115; vice-president, 50, 116; adonor,77, 79,80,81; gift from his estate, 86; mentioned, 79, 96; a trustee, 119 Lunt, Henry, a donor, 77 Lyman, Arthur Theodore, a donor, 83; president, 115; treasurer, 116; secretary, 117; a trustee, 120 George, a donor, 81 George Theodore, a trustee, 119 Lyman, George Williams, a benefactor, 47 ; a donor, 83, 84, 85 Theodore, Jr., mentioned, 75 ; a donor, 76, 77, 83; a trustee, 118 William, a donor, 77, 79; a subscri- ber, 213 Lyons, Timothy, a janitor, 218 M McElroy, Marietta G., an assistant, 220 McGonagle, Elizabeth A., an assistant, 221 McKean, Rev. Joseph, his catalogue of 1810,92; a subscriber, 213; an assistant, 217 Joseph William, a subscriber, 213 McKendry, Agnes Howard, an assistant, 220 McLean, John, a donor, 76 Mansfield, Isaac, a donor, 76 ; a subscriber, 213 Manuscripts, 65, 102 Marble, Manton Malone, an assistant libra- rian, 218 Marshall, Emily, mentioned, 31 John, bust given, 82 Josiah, a donor, 77 Martin, William, his booksliop, 21 Mason, Jeremiah, bust by Clevenger given, 82 Jonathan, and Bowyer's historic lot- tery, 25 ; a donor, 78 William Powell, a donor. So, 85, 86 Massachusetts Bay Company, order for books, 1629, 15 Massachusetts Scientific Library Associa- tion, 28, 79, So Mather family's library, iS, 19 Matthews, Albert, editor of Check-list of Boston newspapers, 63 ; a donor, 64, 86 ; a trustee, 121 Nathan, a donor, 86 May, Joseph, mentioned, 81 Samuel, a donor, 77, 85; atrustee, 119 Mein, John, his bookstore and library, 20 Merrill, Bertha Hortense, an assistant, 221 Louise, an assistant, 222 Miles, Solomon Pearson, a donor, 79 Mills, Charles Henry, a donor, 83, 85 James Kellogg, a donor, 83, 85 Minns, Thomas, mentioned, 72 ; a trustee, 121 Monthly Anthology, 22, 23 Moody, David, a donor, 80 ; a subscriber, 213 David J., a donor, 80; a subscriber, Paul, a donor, 80 ; a subscriber, 213 Morland, William Wallace, a donor, 86 Morris, Mrs. Marian Longfellow, an assist- ant, 220 Morse, Mrs. Harriet Jackson, a donor, 71 Jedidiah, a subscriber, 213 John Torrey, Jr., a trustee, 121 Morse (Samuel Torrey) Fund, 71 232 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Motley, Thomas, a donor, 80, 81 Mountford, Rev. William, a reader, 49 MunsoD, Israel, a donor, 76, 77 Museum of Fine Arts, 32, 39, 55 Music scores, 56 Mutz, William Gustave Ernest, an assist- ant, 223 N " Napoleon" of the British Museum, 54 Neagle, John, his portrait of Stuart given, 84 Neal, Nathan Ward, a donor, 84 Theodore Augustus, a donor, 83 New-England-Library, 19 Newell, Richard A., a donor, 80 Newman, Augustus, a donor, 80 Newspapers, early Boston, 62 Nichols Lyman, a donor, 72 Nichols (Lyman) Fund, 72 Norton, Andrews, a donor, 83 ; a subscriber, 213 Charles Eliot, mentioned, vii, 96, loi ; a donor, 83 ; a trustee, 120 Noyes, Stephen Buttrick, an assistant, 218 O O'Leary, James Aloysius, an assistant, 222 Oliver, Francis Johonnot, a donor, 77; mentioned, 79, 80 Open shelves, 5 Osborn, Emily Bouv£, an assistant, 222 Francis Augustus, mentioned, 96 Osgood, David, mentioned, 81 Otis, Mrs. Emma Angeanett, an assistant, 220 George Washington, mentioned, 81 Harrison Gray, a donor, 75, 77 ; bust by Clevenger given, 82; a trustee, 117 Oxenbridge, Rev. John, his books, 17 Oxnard, Henry P., a donor, 83 Faige, James William, a donor, 80 P , Mr., a reader, 39 Paine, Robert Treat, mentioned, 97 Palfrey, John Gorham, character of his reading, 9 Panini, Giovanni Paolo, his pictures, 98 Park, Lawrence, mentioned, 32 Parker, Daniel Pinckney, a donor, 75, 77, 78,84 Francis Edward, mentioned, vii ; a donor, 71, 86; a trustee, 120 Francis Jewett, a donor, 85 Henry Melville, secretary, 117 Henry Tuke, a donor, 84 ; secretary, 117; a trustee, 120 John, a donor, 76, 77, 79 Parker Fund, 71 Parkman, Rev. Francis, a donor, 78; a subscriber, 215 Parkman, Francis, mentioned, vii ; character of his reading, 9 ; a donor, 86 ; a trustee, 120 George, mentioned, 81 ; a donor, 84 Samuel, Jr., a donor, 77 Parody, meeting to decide consolidation, 46,47 Parsons, Theophilus, a founder, 24, 11 1; president, 115 Thomas William, Jr., a reader, 8 Payne, Edward William, a donor, 80; a subscriber, 213 William, a donor, 75, 77, 79 Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, a reader, 10, 40 ; a donor, 84 Francis, a donor, 84 George, a donor, 84 Pearl Street house, 28 ; sold, 35 Peirce, Heman Winthrop, his reference to the Athenaeum Gallery, 39 Pelbam, William, bookseller, 21 Perkins, Edward Newton, mentioned, vii ; a donor, 83; a trustee, 119, 120 James, the elder, gift of house, 28, 75 ; mentioned, 44 ; subscribers for his portrait, 75; vice-president, 115 ; a trus- tee, iiS James, the younger, a donor, 29, 78, 80 Samuel, a donor, 80 Samuel G, and Bowyer's historic lot- tery, 25 ; a donor, 76 Thomas Handasyd, and Bowyer's his- toric lottery, 25; chairman of building committee, 29; bis executors purchase shares, 47; gives a table, 54, 84 ; a donor, s?) 761 77i 78, 81, 82, 83, 84 ; his family give portrait of Tudor, 85 ; mentioned, 81 ; bust by Frazee given, 82 ; president, "5 Thomas Handasyd, Jr., a donor, 77, 81 William, a donor, 83, 86 Phillips, Edward, a donor, 77 Jonathan, a donor, 77, 83 Wendell, portrait by Jackson given, 85 William, a donor, 75, 76, 78 William, a trustee, 119 Pickens, John, a donor, 77 Pickering, Henry, a donor, 76 Octavius, a subscriber, 213 Pickman, Clarke Gayton, a donor, 84 William, a donor, 84 Pierce, John, a subscriber, 213 Pike, Aoraham S., a donor, 80 Pollock, Allan, a donor, 80 Poole, Franklin Osborne, his Index to the Washington Catalogue, 43, 60, 95 ; an assistant, 222 Henry Ward, an assistant, 218 William Frederick, his policy as libra- rian, 42 ; his collection of Confederate literature, 43,62; librarian, 47, 122,218; his plan for a catalogue, 47 ; an assistant librarian, 2x8 Poor, Benjamin, a donor, 80 Porter, EUphalet, a subscriber, 213 INDEX 233 Pratt, William, a donor, 76, 7?, 79 Mrs. William, a donor, 85 Prescott, William, a donor, 76, 78, 83; bust given, 82 William Hickling, mentioned, vii, g6 ; character of his reamng, 9 ; a donor, 76, 77) 78) 79, 80, 81, 84 ; bust by Greenough given, 83; a trustee, 119 Presidents, list of, 115 Preston, John A., an assistant, 217 Price, Ezekiel, his papers, 65 John H., an assistant, 220 William, a janitor, 219 Prince, John, Jr., and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 Rev, Thomas, his library, 19 Proprietors, lists of, published, 99-101 Publications, 91-106 Putnam, Jesse, a donor, 77, 78 William Lowell, a trustee, 121 Q Quincy, Edmund, a reader, 11 Eliza Susan, mentioned, 46 Josiah, books read by, 8 ; president, 28, 115; quoted, 40; his "Appeal'* to save the Athenseum, 44.-46 ; a donor, 76, 77, 78, 81 ; mentioned, 76, 105 ; vice- president, 115; a trustee, 118 Josiah, Jr., a donor, 83, 84 ; treas- urer, 116; secretary, 117 R Rabardy, Etta Lebreton, an assistant, 222 Randall, John, a donor, 76 ; mentioned, 81 Read, James, a donor, 83 Reading-Room, 36 Regan, Mary Jane, an assistant, 219 Reports published, 101-102 Revere, Joseph Warren, a donor, 78, 79, 80 Reynolds, Edward, a donor, 79; men- tioned, 81 Rhodes, James Ford, a trustee, 121 Rice, Alexander Hamilton, a donor, 86; a trustee, 120 Helen Ware, an assistant, 221 Henry, a donor, 76 Henry Gardner, a donor, 77 John Parker, a donor, 78 Nathan, a donor, 83 Rich, Obadiah, a founder, 24, 112 Richards, John, a donor, 75, 76, 77; vice- president, 116; a trustee, 118 William Reuben, secretary, 117 Richardson, Jeffrey, a donor, 76, 77 Ripley, George, a reader, 10 Ritchie, Andrew, a subscriber, 213 Harrison, a donor, 84 Robbins, Chandler, Jr., mentioned, Si Edward Hutchinson, Jr., a donor, 78, 79, 80, 83 Robertson, Mary^ an assistant, 219 Robinson, Horatio, mentioned, 81 M. Angellne B., an assistant, 219 Rogers, Henry Bromlield, mentioned, vii ; a donor, 86; treasurer, 116; a trustee, 119 Rogerson, Robert, a donor, 79 Rollins, Ebenezer, a donor, 77, 81 William, mentioned, 82 Rotch, Benjamin Smithy a trustee, 120 Rowe, Sherburn, an assistant, 21^ Rowland, Francis Henry, an assistant, 217 William B., an assistant, 218 Roxburghe Club publications, 66 Rules and regulations published, 102-104 Russell, Benjamin, a donor, 77 Joseph, a donor, 80 Sales, Francis, his books purchased, 84 ; a subscriber, 213 Salisbury, Samuel, a donor, 78 Sanborn, Kate Emery, an assistant, 221 Sargent, Daniel, and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 Henry, and Bowyer's historic lottery, Howard, a donor. Si Ignatius, a donor, 77 John Turner, and Bowyer's historic lottery, 25 Tappan, an assistant, 217 Winthrop, writer for Monthly Anthol- ogy, 23; a subscriber, 213 Sarti, Antonio, his exhibition, 98 Savage, James, a founder, in; a sub- striber, 213 Sawyer, Matthias Plant, a donor, 69 William, a donor, 75, 77, 78, 80 Schneider, Charles Frederick, an assistant, 217 Scholars, attitude of Athenseum toward, 37 Schoolcraft, Mrs. Mary Howard, a donor, Scollay's buildings, 25 Sculpture Gallery, Pearl Street, 33; Bea- con Street, 36 Searle, George, a donor, 77, 79 Sears, David, a benefactor, 47; a donor, 75, 76, 77, 83, 84, 85; a trustee, 118 Henry Francis, a donor, 64, 86 ; a trustee, 121 Seaver, Benjamin, a donor, 77 Secretaries, Hst of, 116, 117 Seidensticker, Jerome, an assistant, 217 Sever, Martha, an assistant, 222 Sewall, Samuel, mentions Boston Library, 17; comments on a lending library, 19 Shares issued in 1821, 1826,30; in 1844, 35; in 1854-1858, 47 Shattuck, George Brune, a trustee, 121 George Cheyne, a benefactor, 47 ; a donor, 76, 78, 81, 84 George Cheyne, Jr., a donor, 84 234 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Shaw, Gardiner Rowland, mentioned, 96; a trustee, 1x9, 120 Lemuel, bust by Clevenger given, 82 Lemuel, Jr., mentioned, vii ; secre- tary, 117; a trustee, 120 Robert G., and Co., donors, 83 Robert Gould, a donor, 76, 77, 78 ; his executors purchase shares, 47 Samuel Savage, his historical sketch cited, 2Z William Smith, a founder of the Athenaeum, 23-24, 1 09, 1 1 2 ; a trustee, 24 ; librarian, 26, 122, 217; his portrait, 26; his collection of American pamphlets, 43 ; mentioned, 76, 95 ; a donor, 78 ; bio- graphical notice mentioned, 106; secre- tary, ii6; a subscriber, 213 Sheehan, William, a janitor, 218 Shepherd, Rezin Davis, a donor, 77 Shurtleff, Samuel Atwood, mentioned, 81 Siddons, Mrs. Sarah Kemble, mentioned, 85 Silsbee, Nathaniel, a donor, 84 Sinclair, James, a donor, 80 Smith, Isaac, a subscriber, 213 Susan Catherine, an assistant, 221 Snelling, George Henry, a donor, 79 Society for cultivating philosophical knowl- edge, apparatus purchased of, 28 Sohier, George Brimmer, his books given, 86 William Davies, mentioned, 97 Soule, Anna Grey, an assistant, 220 Florence, an assistant, 221 Sparks, Jared, a reader, 9; a donor, 83, Spalding, Clara A., an assistant, 219 Spaulding, G. B., an assistant, 217 Spooner, Lysander, a reader, 54 Staircase, 36, 50 Stanton, Francis, a donor, 75 Staples, Harriet Webster, an assistant, 222 Starbuck, Charles C, a donor, 80 Stearns, John, a donor, 84 William Gordon, letter quoted, 31 ; a donor, 83 Stevens, Benjamin Franklin, mentioned, Henry, and Washmgton's library, 42, 59. 70 Stewart, Lomse Greenwood, an assistant, 222 Stickney, John, a subscriber, 213 Stimson, Frederic Jesup, a trustee, 121 Stockton, Howard, mentioned, 97 ; vice- president, 116; a trustee, 120 Storrow, Charles Storer, a trustee, 120 Story, Joseph, bust by Frazee given, 82 Strong, Woodbridge, mentioned, 81 Stuart, Gilbert, made life member, 29 ; his portraits of George and Martha Wash- ington purchased, 32, 81; his paintings, 60; portrait by Neagle given, 84; his portrait of J. S. Buckminster, 85 ; a sub- scriber, 213 Sturgis, William, a benefactor, 47; a donor, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80 J mentioned, 79; a trustee, 118 Subscription for shares in 1853, a fund, 70 Sullivan, Richard, a donor, 75 ; a trustee, 118 William, a donor, 80 Sully, Thomas, his portrait of William Tudor, 85 Sumner, Charles, a reader, 10, 49 ; Sumner staircase, 36, 50 Sutton, Thomas, an assistant, 221 Sweeney, Edward an assistant, 218 Swett, Samuel, a donor, 76, 77, 80; a trus- tee, 118 William Bourne, a donor, 77 Swift, James T., a donor, 86 Tappan, Charles, a donor, 76; a subscriber, 213 John, a donor, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 Lewis, mentioned, 76; a donor, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80 Taylor, Charles, a donor, 78 Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge, writer for Monthly Anthology, 23 ; a founder, 24, no. III ; a trustee, 24, 117; mentioned, 75 ; a donor, 79 ; biographical notice mentioned, 106; vice-president, 116; a subscriber, 213 Samuel Cooper, biographical notice mentioned, 106 ; a founder, 109 ; a sub- scriber, 213 Thanksgiving Day proclamations, 65 Thaxter, Adam Wallace, Jr., mentioned, 96; a trustee, 119 Thayer, Christopher Toppan, a donor, 86 ; a trustee, 120 John Eliot, mentioned, 44; a bene- factor, 47; a donor, 83, 8; Theological Library, 28 Thomas, George C, an assistant, 220 William, mentioned, 96 ; a trustee, 119 Thompson, Rebecca Ingrabam, an assist- ant, 219 Thoreau, Henry, bis first editions, 62 Thorndike, Albert, secretary, 117 Augustus, a donor, 76 Charles, a donor, 75 Israel, a donor, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81; a trustee, iiS ; a subscriber, 213 ——Israel, Jr., a donor, 78, 79; men- tioned, 79 John Prince, a donor, 80 Thwing, Annie Haven, her gift of pictures, 61, 87 Ticknor, George, a reader, 8,9; his appeal for consolidation between the Athen^um and Boston Public Library, 44 ; a donor, 76, 77. 78, 79. 80, 81, 83 ; mentioned, 79, 80, 81; vice-president, 116; a trustee, 118; a subscriber, 213 Tilden, Bryant P., bust by Clevenger given, 82 INDEX 235 Tilden, Joseph, a donor, 75, 77; treasurer, 116; a trustee, 118 Timmermann, Sara A., an assistant, 219 Topliff, Samuel, his Travels, 65, 106 Torrey, Charles, a donor, 78 — ^ Henry Warren, gift from his estate, 86 Samuel, a donor, 75 Town House, library in, 1 7 Town Library, subscription for, 18 Townsend, Solomon Davis, mentioned, 81 Treadwell, Daniel, a donor, 71, 79; men- tioned, 79 Treadwell Fund, 71 Treasurers, list of, n6 Tremont Place property sold, 52 Tremont Street, house there, 26 j plans for building on, 35 Trentanove, Raimondo, his bust of Wash- ington, 76, 77 Trustees, list of, 117-121 Trustees' Room, 53, 54 Tucker, Richard Devens, a donor, 75, 76, 77, 7«, 79, 80, 8r Tuckerman, Edward, a donor, 75, 77, 78 Rev. Joseph, writer for Monthly An- thology, 23 ; a founder, 1 10 ; a subscriber, 213 Tudor, Frederic, a donor, 81 William, portrdt by Sully given, 85 ; biographical notice mentioned, 106; a founder, no; a subscriber, 213 U United States Documents, 63 V Vaughan, Benjamin, a donor, 75 Vice-Presidents, list of, 11;, 116 Vinal, Marion Gates, an assistant, 222 W Wadsworth, Mrs. W. W., a donor, 85 Wales, George Washington, mentioned, vii ; a donor, 86 ; a trustee, 120 Thomas Beale, a donor, 76, 77, 83 Walker, William Johnson, mentioned, 8a, 81 Wall, Miss, an assistant, 220 Mary Honoria, an assistant, 221 Walley, Samuel Hall, a donor, 77 Theresa Bates, an assistant, 223 Walter, Arthur Maynard, a founder, 24, 109; a trustee, 24; biographical notice mentioned, 106 Ward, Samuel Dexter, a donor, 80 Samuel Gray, a trustee, 120 Thomas Wren, mentioned, vii, 79 : a donor, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79; treasurer, 116 Ward Fund, 70 Ware, Charles Eliot, mentioned, vii; a donor, 86; a trustee, 120 John, a donor, 79, 83 ; mentioned, 80, 81 Warren, John Collins, a donor, 79, 80, 87 ; mentioned, 81; a founder, no; a sub- scriber, 213. Washington, Bushrod, his books purchased, 59 George, portrait by Stuart purchased, 32, Si ; his library purchased, 59, 69, 83; bust by Trentanove subscribed for, 77 ; cast of Houdon's statue subscribed for, 83 Martha, portrait by Stuart purchased, 32.8' Washington Collection purchased for the Athenaeum, 42, 59, 60; catalogue, 42, 94 Washington Fund, 69 Washingtoniana, 59, 60 Waterhouse, Benjamin, writer for Monthly Anthology, 23 Mrs. Benjamin, a donor, 84 Waters, Ebenezer, Jr., a donor, 80 John D., an assistant, 217 Waterston, Robert, a donor, 79 Robert Cassie, a donor, 82, 86 Webster, Daniel, mentioned, viii; books read by, 8 ; lends miniature of Georste Canning, 32 ; a donor, 79 ; bust by Clevenger given, 82 Hortense, an assistant, 222 Weeks, Laura Field, an assistant, 221 Weld, James, a donor, 80 Welles, Benjamin, a donor, 77 ; a founder, no ; a subscriber, 213 Wellman, Hiller Crowell, an assistant, 222 Wells, William, a donor, 77 ; a founder, no; a subscriber, 213 Wendell, Barrett, his paper on the influence of the Athenzeum, 3-12; mentioned, 97 ; a trustee, 121 West, Benjamin, portrait by Leslie given, 76 ; portrait by Allston given, 82 Wheelwright, Andrew Cunningham, a do- nor, 86 Whipple, Edwin Percy, a reader, 10, 49 White, Annie Holbrook, an assistant, 221 Winnifred Faxon, an assistant, 221 Whiting, William, a donor, 84 Whitney, Asa, a donor, 75 Eli M., an assistant, 218 — - Lottie Louise, an assistant, 221 Whittier, John Greenleaf, liis first editions, 62 Whitwell, Samuel, Jr., a donor, 76, 77, 78, 79,80 Wiggin, Benjamin, a donor, 75, 78 Wigglesworth, Misses, donors, 85, 86 Edward, mentioned, vii ; a donor, 84, 86; a trustee, 118 Thomas, a donor, 76, 77, 78, 81 ; a trustee, 118 Thomas, Jr., a donor, 83 Wight, Ebenezer, mentioned, 81 Wilcox, Mary Elizabeth, an assistant, 219 236 THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM Wild, Charles, mentioned, 81 Wilder, Mary Ellen, an assistant, 220 Wildman, Linda Frobisher, an assistant, 221 Wllkins, John Hubbard, a donor, 79 Willard, Sidney, a subscriber, 213 Solomon, a donor, 79; a subscriber, Williams, Charles Herbert, secretary, 117 Jeannie Mary, an assistant, 221 John Davis, a donor, 76, 78, 84 Thomas, a donor, 78 Timothy, and Bowyer's historic lot- tery, 25 ; a donor, 75, 76, 77, 79 Wilson, George Grafton, his aid in choosing law books, 64 Pleasantine, an assistant, 222 Susan Mary, an assistant, 222 Winchester, Araasa, a donor, 80 Edmund, a donor, 80 Winslow, Isaac, a donor, 77 Winsor, Florence May-, an assistant, 221 Winthrop, John, portrait by Beaumont given, 82 Robert Charles, Jr., a trustee, 121 Thomas Lindall, and Bowyer's his- toric lottery, 25 ; a donor, 77, 82 Withington, James Clapp, a janitor, 220 John Clapp, an assistant, 220 Wolcott, Roger, a trustee, 121 Women as readers in Library, 40 ; as mem- bers of staff, 41, 42 Worcester, Joseph Emerson, a donor, 84 Wormley, Ralph Randolph, a reader, 39 Wright, Lewis, a janitor, 222 Rebecca Whitney, an assistant, 223 Wyman, Alice Sarah, an assistant, 221 Young, Alexander, a reader, 9 The University Press, Cambridge, U. S. A.