€i^vmll Winivmii^ Jitet^g THE GIFT OF ~i^- cn.:.. JiC^ irrui^ .. jrOi^h^:.. A. 1 1 sins' M^H^- arW3775 *^°™°" ""'™""y Library 'l?.I?.'Sffi,?,.,9J.,t!!?...valuable private librar olJn,anx 3 1924 031 351 780 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31 924031 351 780 Auction Sale: tuesday, wednesday and thursday. March 8tfi, 9th and 10th, 1898. ^^_ EACH DAY AT 10 AND 2 5'CLOCK. PART I. A TO J. CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE gHARI.ES DEANE, LL D. , 'CATALOGUE, BOTH PARTS, PRICE, $1.00. C. F. LIBBIE & GO., Auctioneers and Appraisers, 606 WASHINGTON Street, BOSTON, MASS. J.A.J.WiUM:>o,,Bazbo: CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE FEW ATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE CHARLES DEAfiE. LL. D., TicB-PresUent oi tie lass^ciiusetts Historical society, and lemiier ol lany otler Historical Societies, COMPRISING A FINE COLLECTION of RARE AMERICANA INCLUDING EARLY V0TAQE5 AMb til5C10VEKIE5. THE INDIANS, THEIR HISTORY AND WARS, 1630-1750, INCLUDING THE ELIOT TRACTS FOR PROPAGATING THE GOSPEL AMONG THE INDIANS ; TRACTS RELATING TO THE PURITAN, THE 'NON-CONFORMIST AND SEPARATIST MOVEMENTS, 1 582-1675; THE QUAKERS IN AMERICA, 1658-1700; WORKS OF THE EARLY NEW ENGLAND DIVINES, 1630-170O; HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICA- TIONS; COLONIAL RECORDS; CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS ; TOWN, STATE 'AND CHURCH HISTORY; RARE 5NGLISH BOOKS; FIRST EDITIONS; CHARLES I. AND CROM- WELLIAN LITERATURE; IRELAND'S SHAKESPEARE FORGERIES AND HALLIWELL'S PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS; DIBDIN'S AND OTHER BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS; STANDARD SETS AND LIBRARY EDITIONS, ETC, ETC. TO BE SOLD BY AXJCTION TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MD THURSDAY, MARCH 1 9 AND 10, mi, In the Library Salesroom, 666 Washington St., SALE TO COMMENCE EACH DAY AT 10 AND 2 O'CLOCK. TEniv/is c^^siac. C. F. LIBBIE & CO., Auctioneers and Appraisers, BOSTON. /\. 115 145 M^^^ ^■4-t^ PRESS OF THE LIBBIE SHOW PRINT, 6-lS BEACH ST., BOSTON. K^ EXTRACTS FROM THE MEMOIR OF CHARLES DEANE, LL. D. By JUSTIN WINSOR. In February, 1865, just after he had retired from busi- ness and when he was fifty-two years old, Mr. Deane wrote a brief sketch of the earlier part of his life, and brought the narrative down to a time when he had already formed those acquaintances which caused a good part of the enjoyments at- tending his less active but riper years. " I was born in Biddeford, in the State of Maine, on the Saco River, Nov. 10, 1813. My father, Dr. Ezra Deane, was descended from Walter Deane, who with his brother John came from Chard, near Taunton in England, and settled in Taunton, Massachusetts, then in Plymouth Colony. My father was born in Connecticut, and after getting his profession of a physician, he re- moved to INJaine, and lived in different places before he settled in Biddeford. When old enough I went to the public school at Biddeford. For a few quar- ters I went to the Saco Academy. I also attended a classical school kept by Phineas Pratt, formerly preceptor of the academy. When not yet sixteen years of age I went to Kennebunkport to live with my mother's brother, Silas Moody, who kept there a shop, with such variety of merchandise as is usual in ' Country Stores.' It was my duty to open the store in the morning, sweep it out, make the fire when needed, and attend on customers, as I was able. The (iii) preaching on Sunday was during my stay there a part of the time at the old meeting-house where my grandfather once preached, and a part of the time at the meeting-house in the village. They were two miles apart. The preach- ing was orthodox, and my uncle and aunts were of that persuasion. I remained in Kennebunkport about a year and a half, and then I went into the store of Mr. Joseph M. Hayes, of Saco (on Cutts or Factory Island). I was expected to sleep in the store with the older clerk, and to take my meals at Mr. Hayes's house very near the store. I had duties to perform similar to those in my uncle's store, but I had harder work. Saco was a flourishing place, and the York Company's establishment there gave us a good deal of business. I had the privilege of spending Sundays at my father's house and of going to church with the family. I served Mr. Hayes two years, and with letters of introduc- tion from my employer, I visited Boston and New York, in the spring of 1833, with a view to finding a situation. I had a letter to Messrs. Waterston, Pray, & Co. of Boston, into whose employ I finally agreed to go ; and entered their store, August 23, 1833, as a salesman. I was then over nineteen years of age. My situation was a pleasant one, and I believe I commended myself to my employers. My agreement for salary was two hundred dollars a year until I should be twenty-one. On arriving at that age I agreed again with them for three years. In 1840 I was advertised a partner in the house of Waterston, Pray & Co., and the next year was married to Mr. Waterston's eldest daughter. " Soon after this I began to add to my slender stock of books. I date my love and taste for books and reading, in American history especially, from a summer spent in 184.3 ^-t Hingham. I found I did not know the dis- tinction between the Old Colony and the Massachusetts Colony, and I desired to inform myself; and soon after I began reading about our early history. I found at Burnham's book-shop a copy of Morton's ' New England's Mem- orial,' edition of 1721. I bought it and read it. I also bought Young's ' Chronicles of the Pilgrims,' which was published a few years before (1841). I also read Allen's ' American Biography,' the first edition, rSo6. I soon after became acquainted with Dr. Alexander Young and Edward A. Crowninshield, who were much interested in these early books, and their acquaintance gave me new zest for the buying of books. I also became acquainted with Mr. Henry Stevens of Vermont, who soon afterwards went to London, where he has acted as agent for American book-buyers. He has sent me a great many volumes, though few compared with what he has sent to other purchasers, like Mr. Brown of Providence, and Mr. Lenox of New York. My acquaintance also with my friend George Livermore has formed a pleasant circumstance in my life. " Before becoming so much interested in New England history, I had been a good deal occupied with the study of mental philosophy, or that part of it which relates to the freedom of the will, and I had bought and read a good many books on the subject. I had felt deeply that the necessitarians had the best of the arguments. I used as I had the opportunity to converse with my father on these themes. He was a believer in philosophical necessity. (iv) " I wrote occasionally for tlie newspapers, and intended to preserve such communications for future reference, and indeed have for the most part done so. " For the past ten years (now February, 1865) I have had considerable to do in connection with the volumes of the Historical Society." Here the brief sketch ends. Mr. Deane's business career was a successful one; and when he left his mercantile connections, he did so with the satisfaction of having passed through his commercial experi- ence with credit and an untarnished name. Mr. Deane's studies early made him familiar with the as- pects of those beginnings of our American history which are associated with the banks of the James, in Virginia, and im- parted also so much of interest to the diversified shores of New England; and his love of this history never ceased. It is not easy to say whether, in the estimation of scholars, he identified himself more with the problems of the opening years of the Plymouth than of the Virginia Colony. He naturally turned in the first instance to the oldest of the New England settlements; and the scrap-book which contains his early news- paper communications shows a great preponderance of interest in the Pilgrim story. The reputation which Mr. Deane has left behind him is that of an historical scholar almost peerless among his Ameri- can contemporaries, if we separate this condition from that of a writer. He has not associated his name with any great, long-sustained piece of historical writing, but he has raised as a monument of his labors the image of an untiring investi- gator, a conscientious painstaker in research, and an exemplar for judicial fairness. Harvard College conferred upon Mr. Deane the degree of Master of Arts in 1856; and when the University cele- brated its two hundred and fiftieth anniversary in 1886, and (V) representative men from all parts of the country were called to her festival to receive honor at her hands, Mr. Deane stood up before the assembly, and received from President Eliot the designation of "antiquary and historian, a master among students of American history," while he was made a Doctor of Laws. Bowdoin had conferred the same degree upon him in 1871. He died on the 13th of November, 1889, having just com- pleted his seventy-sixth year. He was elected member of the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1849, also of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1845; Rhode Island Historical Society, 1847; New York Historical Society, 1852; Newport Historical Society, 1854; Wisconsin Historical Society, 1856; Historical Society of Delaware; Long Island Historical Society, 1868; Maine Historical Society, 1870; Virginia Historical Society, 1881; Essex Institute, 1887; American Historical Association, 1884; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1866; London So- ciety of Antiquaries, 1878; American Antiquarian Society, 1851; Northwestern Literary and Historical Society, Webster Historical Society, Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, Harvard Historical Association, etc. ORDER OF SALE. Mornirig Sessioris at 10 o'clocK. flfternoori Sessions at 2 o'clocK, Tuesday Morning, March 8 Tuesday Afternoon, " 8 Wednesday Morning, " 9 Wednesday Afternoon, " 9 Thursday Morning, " lo Thursday Afternoon, " lo 1-334 335-662 663-990 991-1320 1321-I654 1655-19SS (viii) CJLT^LOailJE]. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 'T^BJiMS CilSS. Sills must be paid before delivery of J- ffoods, on orders by mail upon receipt of goods; no credit given under any circum,stances , Deposits must be made when requested, Sooks are sold per volume, pamphlets per part or piece^ and bids by mail, or otherwise, must be made accordingly. JVo charges made for buying when parties are unable to attend the sale. To purchasers present at sales, books are sold as they are, without recourse for imperfections . On orders sent to us, books are guaranteed as catalogued, in good, sound, second-hand condition, imperfect books (not so described) may be returned. Claims for errors or allowance must be made within three days of receipt of goods. In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be resold. 1 2[\ BBOTT, Edward. A Paragraph History of the Amer- /~\ ican Revolution, pp. iii. i6° morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. Boston, 1876 2 [Abbott, Jacob.] New England and her Institutions. By- one of her Sons. 12° half calf. Boston, 1835 3 [Abbott.] The same. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1835 4 Abington, Mass. Historical Sketch of, with an appen- dix. By Aaron Hobart. pp. 176. 8° cloth. Boston, 1839 5 Acosta, Joseph. The Natvrall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies. Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants and Beasts which are proper to that country: Together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians, pp. 604. Small 4° vellum. Val. Sims for Edward Blount: London, 1604 6 x\cTON, Me. History of. By Joseph Fullonton. pp. 36. 12° boards. Dover, 1847 7 Adair, James. History of the American Indians; particu- larly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, ^nd Virginia, pp. 464. Map. Royal a^° calf, (cracked). London, 1775 2 CATALOGUE. 8 Adams, Amos. Thanksgiving Sermon at Roxbury, Dec. 3, 1767, pp. 58; — Two (historical) Discourses at Roxbury on the General Fast, April 6, 1769, pp. 66. 2 vols. 8° morocco. Boston, 1768-69 9 Adams, Brooks. Emancipation of Massachusetts. 12° cloth; uncut. Boston, 1887 10 Adams, Charles Francis. Address at Quincy, Mass. July 4^ 1856; — Address at the opening of the new Town Hall, Braintree, July 29, 1858; — Struggle for Neutral- ity in America, Dec. 13, 1870; — Phi Beta Kappa Ad- dress, Cambridge, June 26, 1873; — Address at Amherst, July 7, 1875; — Progress of Liberty, July 4, 1876. 6 vols. 8° paper and half roan. 11 Adams. Address in Commemoration of the Life and Services of Charles Francis Adams, delivered in the Stone Temple at Quincy, July 4, 1887. By William Everett. Portrait. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1887 12 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. Old Planters about Boston Harbor, pp. 194-206, (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc); — Individuality in Politics, 1880; — A College Fetich; — Sir Christopher Gardiner;- — Address and Proceedings at Crane Memorial Hall, 1883. 4 pamphlets. 13 Adams, C. F. Jr. and Henry. Chapters of Erie, and other Essays. 12° cloth. Boston, 1871 14 Adams, C. K. A Manual of Historical Literature, pp. 665. 8° cloth. New York, 1882 15 Adams, Hannah. A Summary History of New England, from the first settlement at Plymouth to the Acceptance of the Federal Constitution, pp. 513. 8° half morocco. Dedham, 1799 16 Adams. Dictionary of all Religions and Religious Denom- inations. Fourth edition, pp. 376. 8° sheep. Boston, 181 7 Autograph " Edward Rutledge, 1819." 17 Adams, John. The Works of John Adams, Second Presi- dent of the United States; with a Life of the Author, notes and illustrations, by his grandson C. F. Adams. Portraits. 10 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Little, Brown & Co. : Boston, 1856 Large Paper ; 250 copies printed. 18 Adams. A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, pp. 394. 12° half morocco, gilt, (title mended). New York, 1787 19 Adams. The same. pp. 392. 8° calf. London, 1787 CATALOGUE. 20 [Adams.] Discourses on Davila; a Series of Papers on Political History, written in the year 1790. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1805 21 Adams. Correspondence of the late President Adams, originally published in the Boston Patriot in a Series of Letters, pp. 572. 8° half sheep. Boston, i8og Autograph of Josiah Quincy. 22 Adams and Cunningham. Correspondence between John Adams and Wm. Cunningham beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1823 23 Adams, John and Leonard, Daniel. Novanglusand Massa- chusettensis; or Political Essays, published in 1774 and 1775, on the Principal Points of Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1819 " Daniel Leonard, and not Jonathan Sewall, was the author of the Massachusettensis papers." — Note by Mr. Deane. 24 Adams and Jefferson. A Selection of Eulogies pronounced in the several States in Honor of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 8° half calf, gilt. Hartford, 1826 25 Adams. Journal and Correspondence of Miss Adams, daughter of John Adams; — Letters of Mrs. Adams, i» the wife of John Adams; — Letters of John Adams, addressed to his wife. Portraits. 5 vols. 12° cloth and half morocco. New York and Boston, 1841 26 Adams, J. Q. The Jubilee of the Constitution, a Dis- course delivered in New York, April 30, 1839. 8° calf, red edges. New York, 1839 With curious lithograph plate of Inauguration, 1789 and signature on wrapper, inserted. 27 Adams. Poems of Religion and Society, pp. 108. 18° cloth. New York, 1848 28 Adams. Inaugural Oration, 1806; — Letter to J. Q. Adams, by "Alfred," 1808; — Deeds and Documents relatingto the Library at Quincy, 1823; — Correspondence, 1829; — ■ Dermont MacMorrough, 1832; — Oration on La- fayette, 1835; — Eulogy on James Madison, 1836; — Argument before the U. S. Supreme Court on the Armis- tad Captives, 1841; — Social Compact Exemplified, 1842; — Letter to Harrison Gray Otis, 1808; — The sanie, 1824; — Discourse, May 29, 1843 ; — Oration at Cincin- nati, Nov. 10, 1843; — Eulogy on the Life of, by Ever- ett, 1848; — Discourse at Interment of Adams, by W. P. Lunt, 1848; — Tribute to Adams, by Daniel Sharp, 1858. 16 vols. 8° half roan and paper. Boston. 29 Adams. Memoir of the Life of. By Josiah Quincy. pp. 429. 2 portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1858 4 CATALOGUE. 30 Adams, Josiah. Letter to Lemuel Shattuck, in Vindica' tion of the Claims of Capt. Isaac Davis of Acton, to his just Share in the Honors of the Concord Fight, pp. 24. Map. 8° boards. Boston, 1850 31 [Adams, J. T.j The Knight of the Golden Melice, an (American) Historical Romance, pp. 473. 12° cloth. New York, 1857 , 32 Adams, Samuel. The Life and Public Services of. By William V. Wells. Portraits on India paper. 3 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. 33 Adams. An Oration delivered at the State House, in Phila- delphia, ist of August, 1776. pp. 42. 8° half roan. Philadelphia, printed: London, re-printed, 1776 " No such oration it is believed was ever delivered. See Proceed- ings Mass. Hist. Society, for March, 1875." 34 Addison, Joseph. Works; with a Complete Index. Por- trait by Miller, after Kneller, and plates by Grignion, after Hayman, etc. 4 vols, royal 4° marbled calf, gilt, yellow edges. Baskerville: Birmingham, 1761 35 Addison. Works of. A new edition, with notes by Rich- ard Hurd. Portrait. 6 vols, royal 8° tree calf extra, marbled edges. London, 181 1 36 Adlard, George. The Sutton-Dudleys of England, and the Dudleys of Massachusetts. 8° cloth. Only 250 copies printed. New York, 1862 37 [Adolphus, J. L.] Letters to Richard Heber, containing critical remarks on the series of novels, beginning with "Waverley," and an attempt to ascertain their author. Second ed. pp. 317. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1822 38 Adventures of Uncle Sam in Search after his lost Honor. By Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy. 12° half calf. Middletown, 1816 39 ^sop. The Fables of -^Esop, paraphras'd in Verse; adorn'd with sculptures and illustrated with annotations. By John Ogilby. pp. 239. (Some leaves at the end wanting.) Numerous fine plates, proofs before letters. Large folio, old calf. Thomas Roycraft: Lond., 1665 40 ^sop. The Fables of .(Esop, with Life of the Author. With ti2 fine copper plates, pp. 191, 248. 2 vols, r royal 8° calf. John Stockdale: London, 1793 41 AiKiN, Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First, third ed., 1823; — Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, sixth ed., 1826; — Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First, second ed., 1833. Portraits. 6 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London. l/ CATALOGUE. S 42 A'Kempis, Thomas. Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Translated from the Latin original ascribed to Thomas A'Kempis. By T. F. Dibdin. pp. 248. Frontispiece. 8° marbled calf, gilt. W. Pickering: London, 185 1 43 Atkins, T. B. A Brief Account of the Origin, Endow- ment and Progress of the University of King's College, Windsor, N. S. pp. 84. 8° half roan. Halifax, 1865 4 Albany, N. Y. The Settlement and Early History of Albany. By William Barnes. pp. 100. Plates. 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1864 45 Alden, Rev. Timothy. Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with occasional notes. Portraits. 5 vols. 16° morocco, gilt. New York, 1814 46 Alexander, A. Biographical Sketches of the Founder and Principal Alumni of the Log College, pp. 279. 12° cloth. Phila. 47 [Alexander, W.J Conduct of Major Gen. Shirley, late General and Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's forces in North America. Briefly stated, pp. (8) 130. 8° half calf. London, 1758 48 Alexander's Charters. Copies and Translations of the Royal Charters, by which the Territories of Nova Scotia and Canada, and the Islands and Seas adjacent, were granted in 1621, 1625 and 1628 to Sir William.^ Alexander. pp. 34, 23, 5. Folio, half morocco, un^ cut, (corners of leaves mended). London, 183 1 49 Allen, Ethan. Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity, from the time of his being taken by the British, near Montreal, in 1775, to the time of his exchange in 1778. Containing his Voyages and Travels, with the most re- markable occurrences respecting himself, and many other continental Prisoners, of different ranks and Characters, pp. 80. 16° morocco. Newbury, 1780 50 Allen. The same. pp. 158. 16° boards. Walpole, N. H., 1807 51 Allen. Reason the only Oracle of Man, or a Compen- duous System of Natural Religion, pp. 21, 477. 8° half morocco, gilt. Bennington, 1784 An autograph note signed by the author inserted. 52 Allen. Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen. By Hugh Moore. pp. 252. 12° calf, red edges. Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1834 53 Allen, Ira. Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, pp. 300. Map. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1798 6 CATALOGUE. 54 Allen, John. Modern Judaism; or a Brief Account of the Opinions, Traditions, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Jews in Modern Times, pp. 434. Plate. 8° half calf. London, 1816 55 Allen, Jolley. An Account of a Part of the Sufferings and Losses of Jolley Allen, a Native of London. With a preface and notes, by Mrs. F. M. Stoddard, pp. 52. 8° cloth. Boston, 1883 56 Allen, Paul. Original Poems, serious and entertaining. pp. 141. 16° sheep. Salem, 1801 57 Allen. History of the American Revolution, pp. 592, 510. 2 vols. 8° sheep, (rebacked). Baltimore, 1819 58 Allen, William. American Biographical and Historical Dictionary, pp. 632. Portrait of Washington by D. Edwin. 8° sheep. Cambridge, 1809 59 Allen. The same. Second ed. pp. 800. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1832 60 Allen. The same. Third ed. pp. 905. Royal 8° sheep. Boston, 1857 61 Allen. A Decade of Addresses delivered from 1820 to 1829, to the Senior Classes at Bowdoin College. Por- trait. 12° cloth, uncut. Concord, 1830 62 Allen. Wunnissoo, or the Vale of Hoosatunnuk, a Poem, with notes, pp. 237. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1856 63 Allen, Zachariah. Philosophy of the Mechanics of Na- ture, and the Source and Modes of Action of Natural Motive-Power. pp. 797. Illustrations. Royal 8° / cloth. New York, 1852 64 Allen. Defence of the Rhode Island System of Treat- ment of the Indians, and of Civil and Religious Liberty, pp. 34. 8° cloth. Providence, 1876 65 Allibone, S. Austin. Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. 3 vols, imperial 8° cloth. Phila., 1858-71 66 Allin and Shepard. A Defence of the Answer made unto the Nine Questions or Positions sent from New- England, against the Reply thereto by that Reverend Servant of Christ, Mr. John Ball; entitled, A Tryall of the New Church-way in New England and in Old. By John Allin and Thomas Shepard. pp. 211. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, 1648 67 Allston, W. The Sylphs of the Seasons, with other Poems. First American edition, pp. 168. 16° calf. Boston, 1813 CATALOGUE. 7 68 Amboyna. Tracts relating to the Dutch Settlements at Amboyna: A True Relation of the uniust cruell and barbarous Proceedings against the English at Amboyna; — Answer to the Dutch Relation; ^ Second Part of Amboyna; — Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands; —A Further Justification; — The Dutch Usurpation. Illustrated with copper cuts. Bound in i vol. 4° calf. London, 1624-1673 69 America; or an Exact Description of the West-Indies, more especially of those Provinces which are under the Dominion of the King of Spain. By N. N. pp. 484. 16° old calf. (Small portion of second title neatly re- paired.) London, 1655 70 American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. 31 vols. 12° paper. Boston, 1830-61 71 American and British Chronicle of War and Politics, being an accurate and comprehensive Register of the most memorable Occurences from 1773 to 1783. 8° half mo- rocco, gilt edges. London. 72 American Antiquarian Society. Transactions and Collec- tions. With catalogue of Books, 1837. Together 8 vols. 8° cloth and boards, uncut. Worcester, 1820-85 73 American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings at the An- nual Meetings from the beginning in 1813 to 1889 com- plete. First series, 1813-1880 with index. 10 yols. New Series, vols, i to 5. 14 vols, cloth and one vol. in parts. Together 15 vols. 8°. Worcester and Boston, 1813-89 74 American Archives. Fourth and Fifth Series. Contain- ing a Documentary History of the English Colonies in North America, from March 7, 1774 to December, 1776. 9 vols, folio, half russia. Washington, 1837-53 75 American Biography. Dictionary of Biography, by R. A. Davenport, 1831; — Memoir of Hannah Adams, by her- self, 1832; — Boston Merchant of 1745, or incidents in the life of James Gibson, 1847;- — Girard College and its Founder, by H. W. Arey, 1856; — Tribute to Thomas Starr King, by Richard Frothingham, 1865; — Life of Henry Dunster, by J. Chaplin, 1872; — John Quincy Adams, edited by J. T. Morse, Jr., 1882; — James Madison, by Sydney H. Gay, 1884; — Margaret Fuller Ossoli, by T. W. Higginson, 1884. 9 vols. 12° cloth. Boston and Phila. 76 American Chronicles. The first Book of the American Chronicles of the Times. (Fragment of 8 pages.) 8° half calf. V 8 CATALOGUE. 77 American Gazette, being a collection of all the authentic addresses, memorials, petitions and other papers, which have been published from 1768 to the present time. Including a journal of American Transactions, and in- teresting correspondence between Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, etc., and the Ministry. 6 parts, complete, with index, pp. 454. 8° calf, '(broken). London, 1770 78 American Historical Association. Papers. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. 3 vols. 8° in parts, uncut. New York, 1885-89 79 American Historical Record and Repertory of Notes and Queries, concerning the history and antiquities of America and biography of Americans. Edited by Ben- l\ son J. Lossing. Vols, i, 2 and 3. Illustrations. 3 vols, small 4° in parts, uncut. Phila. , 1872-74 r 80 American Pioneer (The), a Monthly Periodical devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society. Plates. 2 vols, royal 8° half crimson morocco, gilt. Cincinnati, 1844-5 81 American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science, 1806-1810. Edited by C. , i. Brockden Brown. 7 vols. 8° half roan, uncut. Phila., 1806-10 . 82 American Remembrancer; or an Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, etc., relative, or having affinity, to the Treaty with Great Britain. 3 vols. 8° sheep. Phila., 1795 83 American Trade. That the trade to Affrica, is only Man- ageable by an Incorporated Company and a Joynt Stock, demonstrated in a Letter to a Member of the present House of Commons, by a Gentleman in the City, pp. 7. Folio, half calf. (London, 1690) 84 American Weekly Messenger, or Register of State Papers, History and Politics, 1813-15. 2 vols, royal 8° half sheep. Phila., 1814-16 85 Ames, Fisher. Works of; with Notices of his Life and Character. Portrait. 8° diamond russia. Boston, 1809 86 Amory, Thomas C. William Blackstone, Boston's first in- habitant, n. p. n. d. ; — William Blaxton, 1595-1675; — General Sullivan not a Pensioner of Luzerne, 1815; The same, second ed. ;— Memoir of Hon. William Sulli- van, 1879; — Daniel Sullivan's Visits to Gen. John Sulli- van, 1884. 5 pamphlets. 87 Amos, Andrew. The Great Oyer of Poisoning; the Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, in the Tower of London, pp. 551. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 CATALOGUE. 9 88 Amyraldus, Mayses. A Treatise concerning Religions. pp. 539. 16° calf, (broken). London, 1660 89 Anburey, Thomas. Travels through the Interior Parts of America in a Series of Letters. By an Officer. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1789 90 Anburey. The same. New ed. pp. 414, 492. Plates. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1791 91 Anderson, Christopher. The Annals of the English Bible. pp. 592, 684. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1845 92 Anderson, James S. M. The History of the Church of England in the Colonies and foreign Dependencies of the British Empire. Second ed. Maps. 3 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 93 Anderson, Rufus. History of the Sandwich Islands Mis- sion, pp. 408. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1870 94 Andover, Mass. History of, from its Settlement to 1829. By Abiel Abbot, pp. 204. 12° boards. Andover, 1829 95 Andr6. The Life and Career of Major John Andrd, Ad- j, j.^jutant-General of the British Army in America. By 'T Winthrop Sargent, pp 471. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1861 Large Paper; Only 75 copies printed. 96 Andr£. An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which lead to the Death of Major Andrd. By Joshua Hett Smith. \ Portrait, plate and map. 8° morocco, extra. London, 1808 97 Andr^. Monody on Major Andrd, and Elegy on Captain Cook. By Anna Seward. Also Mr. Pratt's Sympathy, a Poem. Frontispiece. 16" calf, (broken). London, 1817 98 AndriS. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, Held by order of His Excellency Gen. Washington, Com- ^''•'^'^ander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America Respecting Major John Andre, Adjutant Gen- eral of the British Army. Sept. 29, 1780. pp. 5-13. Small 4° calf. (Title-page and first leaf wanting). Printed by Francis Baileyin Market-St: (Phila., 1780) 99 Andre. Record of the Trial of Joshua Hett Smith, Esq. for alleged Complicity in the Treason of Benedict Arnold, 1780. By H. B. Dawson, pp. 116. 8° paper, uncut. Morrisania, i86§ Only 50 copies printed, lo CATALOGUE. 100 Andr£, a tragedy in five acts as now performing at the Theatre in New York, (by William Dunlap), to which is added the Cow-Chace, a satirical poem by Major Andr6, with the proceedings of the Court-Martial and authentic documents concerning him. pp. no. 8° cloth. London, 1799 loi Andrew, John A. Address to Mass. Legislature, Jan. 9, 1863;— Valedictory Address, Jan. 4, 1866;— Eulogy on J. A. Andrew, by E. P. Whipple, 1867;— Memoir of J. A. Andrew, by P. W. Chandler, April 1880; — Cor- respondence between Andrew and Butler, 1862. 5 pamphlets. 102 Andrews, C. C. Minnesota and Decotah; in Letters de- scriptive of a Tour through the North West, in the Autumnof 1856. pp.215. 12° cloth. Washington, 1857 103 Andrews, John. History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland, commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783. 24 fine portraits and maps. 4 vols. 8° calf, (cracked). London, 1785 104 Andrews. Letters of. 1772-1776. Compiled and edi- ted from the original MSS. By Winthrop Sargent. (Corrected in ink). 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1866 105 Andros, Sir Edmund. A Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmond Androsse and his Complices, who acted by an illegal and arbitrary Commission from the late K. James, during his Government in New England, pp. 12. Small 4° half calf. Printed in the year 1691 106 Andros. The Revolution in New-England justified, and the People there vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer, etc. pp. 59. 8° half morocco, gilt. (Title mended). Boston, 1773 107 Andros. Memoir of. By W. H. Whitmore. Portrait. Royal 4° paper, uncut. rj Boston, 1868 Reprinted from AndregJTracts. • 108 ^ngliora, Soljann tJon. Die Schiffung mitt dem Lanndt der Gulden Insel gefunde durch Hern Johan vo Angliara, Hauptman des cristenlichen Kiinigs vo Hispania. JBittck Cetter. pp. 6. Small 4° half roan. Circa, 1520 " Voyage to the land of the Golden Island." With a full trans- lation and notes, in manuscript, by F. B. Perkins. 109 Annapolis, Md. Annals of, from 1649 to 1812. By David Ridgely. pp. 283. Plate. 12° cloth. Baltimore, 1841 no [Annesley]. Memoirs of an unfortunate young Noble- man, return'd from a Thirteen Years Slavery in Am- erica, etc. pp.277. 16° half morocco, London, 1743 CATALOGUE. ii 111 Anson, George. A Voyage round the World, in the years 1740-44. Compiled by Richard Walter, pp. 536. Maps. 15th ed. 8° tree calf, gilt. London, 1780 112 Antiquitates Americanae, sive Scriptores Septentrionales rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America. Edid. Societas P.egia Antiq. Septentrion. pp. 479. With 17 plates, fac-similes of ancient MSS. antiquities and maps. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Hafniae, (Copenhagen), 1837 113 Apes, William. A Son of the Forest, experience of William Apes, portrait, N. ¥.,^1831; — Eulogy on King Philip as pronounced at the Odeon in Federal St., Bost., frontispiece, Bost., 1836. 2 vols. 16° sheep. 114 Apiani, Petrus. Cosmographia Petri Apiani, per Gem- mam Frisiumaucta. Additis eiusdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemmae Frisii. With map-monde, wood-cuts, movable diagrams and an inserted portrait. Small folio, calf. Antuerpiae, 1545 I [5 Apology for the Parliament, humbly representing to Mr. John Gailhard some Reasons, etc. In two letters by different hands, pp.43. Small 4° half calf. Lond., 1697 116 Appleton, Nathaniel. Funeral Sermon on Spencer Phips, Esq., late Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts Bay, April 14, 1757. pp. 43. 8° calf, gilt. Boston, 1757 117 Appleton, Samuel. Memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass., with Genealogical Notices of some of his Descendants. By I. A. Jewett. Plates. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1850 118 Appleton, W. S. Ancestry of Priscilla Baker, who lived 1674-1731, and was wife of Isaac Appleton, of Ipswich. Small 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1870 119 Appleton. Monumental Memorials of the Appleton Family. 4° paper. Boston, 1867 Only i 50 copies privately printed. 120 Appleton's American CyclopBedia, and Register of impor- tant Events, 1861, 2, 3, 4. 4 vols, royal 8° half russia, gilt. New York, 1864-5 121 Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Biography. American ed., edi- ted by F. L. Hawks, pp. 1058. Royal 8° half morocco, (covers broken). New York, 1856 122 Arber's English Reprints. 7 vols. 16° paper, uncut. London, 1869 Comprises: — Sir Thomas More, Utopia 1516; — Stephen Gos- son, The Schoole of Muse, 1579; — Edward Webb, His Trauailes, 1590; — James Howell, Instructions for foreign Travell, 1642; — Geo. Villiers, The Rehearsal, 1671;— 'James I, Essays in Poesie, 1585. A Counterblaste to Tobacco, 1604; — John Earles, Micro- cosmographie, 1628. 12 CATALOGUE. 123 Archaeological Institute of America. First, second, third and fifth Reports of the Executive Committee, 1879-82. 4 pamphlets. Cambridge, 1880-84 124 Argyll, Duke of. The Reign of Law, London, 1867; — The Science of Law, by Sheldon Amos, N. Y., 1872. 3 vols. 8° and 12° cloth. 125 Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. Translated with notes, by John Hoole. Plates after Angelica Kauffman and Stothard, engraved by Bartolozzi. 5 vols. 8° calf, gilt. .'r London, 1799 126 Aristeus. The Ancient History of | the Septuagint. Written in Greeke, by Aristeus 1900 years since. New- ly done into English. By J. Done. pp. 219. 16° sheep. London, 1633 127 Arnold, Benedict. Life of. By Isaac N. Arnold, pp. 444. 8° cloth. Chicago, 1880 128 Arnold, Isaac N. Benedict Arnold at Saratoga, 1879; — William B. Ogden and Early Days in Chicago, 1881; — Abraham Lincoln, 1881; — Reminiscences of the Illi- nois Bar, forty years ago, i88r ; — The Layman's Faith, 1882;- — ^ Recollections of the Early Chicago and Illi- nois Bar; — Memoriam of Isaac N. Arnold and Arthur ^ M. Arnold, 1885. 7 pamphlets. 129 Arnold, S. G. History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1790. pp. 574, 592, 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1859 130 Arnold, Thomas. Introductory Lectures on Modern History, pp. 315. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 131 i^0Cl)atn, Ko0«r. The Schoolmaster, or Play ne and perfite way of teaching children, to understande, write, and speake the Latin toong, etc. fol. 60. JSiatk Cetter. Printed by Abell Jeffes: London, 1589 In the same Volume: A Report and Discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his Court, duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there, fol. 33. JBlark £,eUev. Small 4° calf, red edges. At London, printed by John Daye, n. d. 132 Ash, Thomas. Carolina; or, a Description of the Pres- ent State of that Country, pp. 40. Small 4° vellum, gilt. London, 1682 " Contains the first account of the English settlers at Port Royal." 133 [Ashe, Thomas.] Travels in America, performed in 1806, for the Purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi. pp. 366. 12° boards, uncut, (name cut from title.) New York, 181 1 Catalogue. t^ 134 AsHER, A. Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels, edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and his successors at Nuremberg and Franc- fort, from 1598 to 1660. pp. 118. 4° boards. London, 1839 135 AspiNWALL, Thomas. Catalogue of books relating to America, pp. 66. 8° half calf. 1858 136 AspiNWALL, William. An Explication and Application of the Seventh Chapter of Daniel, etc. pp. 44. Small 4° calf, yellow edges by Bedford. London, 1654 137 Assembly's Catechism. The Confession of Faith, the larger and shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture Proofs at large, pp. 546, 22. ib° morocco. Glasgow, 1757 138 AssiENTO (The); or. Contract for allowing to the Subjects of Great Britain the Liberty of Importing Negroes in- to the Spanish America, signed by the King at Madrid, March 26, 17 13. In Spanish and English, pp. 48. No title, the heading on page i. Small 4° half roan. (1713) 139 AsTLE, Thomas. Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary. Illustrated by engravings taken from marbles, manuscripts and charters, ancient and modern, also some account of the origin and pro- gress of printing, pp- (25) 235. 4° calf. London, 1734 140 AsTOR Library. Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. 5 vols, royal 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1857 141 Atkinson, N. H. Memoirs of a New England Village Choir; with Occasional Reflections. By Mrs. Oilman. 16° morocco, gilt, (title mounted). Boston, 1829 142 Attleborough, Mass. Sketch of the History of Attle- borough, from its settlement to the present time. By John Daggett, pp. 136. 8° boards. Dedham, 1834 143 Atwater, Caleb. Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City, in 1829. 12° half sheep. Columbus, O., 1831 144 Aubrey, John. Letters written by Eminent Persons in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1813; — Miscellanies upon the following subjects: Fatality, Omens, Voices, Apparitions, etc. London, 1721. I vol. Together 4 vols. 8° full morocco, extra. 145 Austin, Benjamin, Jr. Constitutional Republicanism in Opposition to Fallacious Federalism. With a prepara- r'trSy i^^tory address by B. Austin, jun. 8° half calf, gilt. ' Boston, 1803 14 CATALOGUE. 146 Autographic Souvenir. A collection of Autographic Letters, Interesting Documents, etc., executed in fac- simile, by F. G. Nethercliff, with transcriptions by Richard Sims, ist series. Royal 4° cloth. London. J47 Autograph Leaves of our Country's Authors. Royal 4° cloth. Baltimore, 1864 148 C^ACKUS, Isaac. A History of New England, with r J particular Reference to the Denomination of Chris- tians called Baptists. Vol. i. Boston, 1777. Vol. 2. Providence, 1784. 2 vols. 8° sheep. 149 Backus. An Abridgement of the Church History of New England, from 1602 to 1804. pp. 271. 8° sheep. Boston, 1804 150 Bacon, Francis. Works, collected and edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas D. Heath. Portraits on India paper; the arms of Bacon in gold and colors on each title. 15 vols. 8° half morocco, (rox- burghe), gilt tops, uncut. Riverside Press: Cambridge, 1863 Large Paper; only 100 copies printed. 151 Bacon. The Essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon. His Reli- gious Meditations. Places of Perswasion and Disswa- sion. 24° calf extra, gilt edges. Printed at London for John Jaggard, 1613 152 Bacon. Essays and Colours of Good and Evil. With Notes and Glossary Index, by W. A. Wright, pp. 464. 16° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1863 153 Bacon. The Two Books of the Proficience and Advance- ment of Learning, pp. 402. 12° cloth, uncut. Pickering: London, 1825 154 Bacon. Personal History of, from unpublished Papers. By W. H. Dixon, pp. 424. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1861 Large Paper; only 75 copies printed. 15s Bacon, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. With a Preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne, pp. 582. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1857 156 Baillie, Robert. A Disuasive from the Errours of the Time, wherein the Tenets of the principall Sects, espec- ally of the Independents, are drawn together, etc. By RobertBaylie. pp. 252. Small 4° old calf. London, 1645 157 Baillie. Anabaptism, the true Fountaine of Indepen- dency, Brownisme, and the most of the other Errours, in a Second Part of " The Dissuasive, etc. pp. (ij 30, 191. 4° calf. London, 1647 CATALOGUE. 15 T58 Baillie, Robert. Letters and Journals, containing an impartial Account of Public Transactions, Civil, Ec- clesiastical, and Military, in England and Scotland, from 1637 to 1662. 2 vols. 8° calf. Edinburgh, 1775 159 Baker, Sir Richard. A Chronicle of the Kings of Eng-. land, from the Time of the Romans Government, unto the Death of King James, whereunto is added the Reign of King Charles the First, and the first Thirteen Years of King Charles the Second. Fifth impression, pp. , 771 and Index. Folio, calf, gilt. London, 1670 160 Baker, W. S. The Engraved Portraits of Washington. 4° cloth, uncut. Phila. , 1880 Only 500 copies printed. 161 Baker, Reed, and Jones. Biographia Dramatica; or a Companion to the Play House, with Historical Memoirs and Anecdotes, Dramatic Writers, Introductory Ac- count of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage. 4 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1812 162 Bakewell, F. C. Natural Evidence of a Future Life. pp. 372. 8° half calf. London, 1835 163 Baltimore, Md. Picture of Baltimore, containing a De- scription of all Objects of Interest in the City. pp. 249. Map and plates. 18° morocco. Baltimore, 1832 164 Bancroft, George. History of the United States. Por- traits on India paper. 10 vols, imperial 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1861, etc. Large Paper ; only 50 copies printed. 165 Bancroft. The same. First editions Portraits. 10 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1834-66 166 Bancroft. The same. Vols. 1-7. Various editions. Portraits. 7 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1843-58 167 Bancroft. The same. pp. 573. Map and portraits. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1843 168 Bancroft. General Index to Bancroft's History of the United States. 8° paper. Boston, 1875 169 Bancroft. Poems. First ed. pp. 77. 12° boards, un- cut edges. Cambridge, 1823 170 Bancroft-Reed Controversy. Joseph Reed, an histori- cal essay, by George Bancroft, pp. 64, 1869; — Rejoinder to Bancroft's Historical Essay on President Reed, by W. B. Reed, pp. 114, 1867; — President Reed of Penn- sylvania, a reply to Mr. Bancroft and others, pp. 132, 1867. 3 vols. 8° cloth and paper. New York and Phila. 171 Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific States of North America. Vol. I. pp. 704. Map. 8° paper, uncut. San Francisco, 1882 i6, CATALOGUE. /172 Bandinel, James. Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa as connected with Europe and America. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1842 173 Banks, Dr. C. E. Colonel Alexander Rigby, a Sketch of his Career and connection with Maine as Proprietor of the Plough Patent and President of the Province of Lygonia. Portrait. Small 4° paper, uncut. Only 50 copies privately printed. Portland, 1885 174 Barbados. Short History of Barbados, from its first Discovery and Settlement, to the present time. pp. 132. 16° calf. London, 1768 175 Barbary. a Complete History of the Piratical States of Barbary, viz. : Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco, pp. 368. Map. 8° old calf. London, 1750 176 Barbauld, Anna L. Works of. With a Memoir by Lucy Aiken. 2 vols, sheep and i vol. boards. 3 vols. 12°. Boston, 1826 '177 Barbe-Marbois. Histoire de la Louisiane. pp. 485. Map. 8° half calf. Paris, 1829 178 Barbe-Marbois. History of Louisiana. Translated from the French, pp. 455. 8° morocco, gilt, red edges. Phila., 1830 179 [Barber, J. W.] Historical Scenes in the United States. Map and 48 engravings. 16° cloth. New Haven, 1827 180 [Barber.] New England Scenes; or, a selection of im- portant and interesting events which have taken place since the first settlement of New England. Il- lustrated. 18° half morocco. New Haven, 1833 ^i Barber. Historical Collections of Connecticut, pp. 560. Map and illustrations. 8° sheep. New Haven, 1838 182 Barber. Historical Collections of Massachusetts, pp. 624. Map and illustrations. 8° half morocco. Worcester, 1839 183 Barber. Historical, Poetical and Pictorial American Scenes, pp. 120. Map and illustrations. Small- 8° cloth, uncut. New Haven, (1850) 184 Barber. The same. Improved edition. Small 8° boards, uncut. New Haven, 1852 185 Barber. Historical Collections of the State of New York. pp. 409, (8). Map and illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 185 1 186 [Barclay, Robert]. Catechism and Confession of Faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the General Assembly of the Patriarchs, pp. 159. 16° sheep. James Franklin: Newport, 1752 CATALOGUE. 17 187 Barclay. The Anarchy of the Ranters, and other Liber- tines; the Hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pre- tended Churches equally refuted, in a two-fold Apology for the Church and People called Quakers, pp. 112. (Also) An Epistle to the National Meeting of Friends ■ in Dublin. By Joseph Pike. pp. 23. 16° antique calf, red edges. (Small piece at bottom of title men- ded). B. Franklin & D. Hall: Phila., 1757 188 Barclay. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity; being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the People called Quakers. Eighth ed. pp. 574. 4° sheep. London, 1780 Large Paper. 189 Barker, Jacob. Incidents in the Life of Jacob Barker of New Orleans, La., from 1800 to 1855. pp. 285. 8° cloth. Privately printed: Washington, 1855 190 Barlow, Joel. The Vision of Columbus, a Poem. Fifth ed. pp. 304. Fine portrait. 8° half morocco, (title 7 mended). Paris, 1793 191 Barlow. The Columbiad, a Poem. pp. 427. 8° half calf. London, 1809 192 Barlow. The Columbiad, a Poem. pp. 454. Illustrated with a portrait and fine plates after Smirke. Royal 4° boards, uncut edges. Phila., 1807 The quarto edition was printed at the expense of Robert Fulton, to whom it was dedicated. It is " a new edition, with great altera- tions of the ' Visions of Columbus,' beautifully printed, and illustrated with fine engravings." — Rich. A magnificent copy, presented to Gov. Eustis by the author, with his letter of presentation, and his autograph on the fly leaf. 193 Barlow, S. L. M. A Rough List designed as the basis of a more complete catalogue of the library of S. L. M. Barlow. Americana, 1477-1799. Compiled by J. O. Wright. Imperial 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1885 Large Paper : only 100 copies printed. 194 Barnard, Edward. Election Sermon, preached May 28, 1766. pp. 39. 8° half roan. Boston, 1766 19s Barnard, John. New Version of the Psalms of David, pp. 278. 16° sheep. Boston, 1752 With 16 pp. of engraved music by James Turner. 196 Barnstable, Mass. Cape Cod Centennial Celebration, Sept. 3, 1889, pp. 92; — Description of the Eastern Coast of the County of Barnstable, from Cape Cod to Cape Malebarre, or the sandy point of Chatham, pp. 15. 2 vols. 8° boards and_half roan. Boston andjBarnstable. i8 CATALOGUE. 197 Barnum, H. L. The Spy Unmasked; or memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the hero of Mr. Cooper's Tale of the Neutral Ground. Portrait and plates. First ed. 8° half calf, uncut. New York, 1828 198 Barnum. The same. Portrait. Seconded. 12° boards, uncut, (loose in binding, stitching removed). Cincinnati, 183 1 With 1 5 illustrations laid in. 199 Barnum. The same. First English ed. 2 vols. 16° half red morocco, gilt backs, yellow edges. London, 1829 200 Barnum, P. T. Struggles and Triumphs; or Forty Years' Recollections. Illustrations. 8° sheep. Hartford, 1869 201 Barrett, William. History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol, pp. 704. Numerous copper plates. Royal 4° calf. Bristol, 1789 With bookplate of Joseph Goodale. 202 Barrow, Sir John. Auto-Biographical Memoir of, in- cluding Reflections, Observations, and Reminiscences at Home and Abroad, pp- 515. Portrait. 8° half calf. London, 1847 203 Barry, J. S. History of Massachusetts. 3 vols. 8° cloth, Boston, 185s 204 Bartlett, John R. Dictionary of Americanisms. A glossary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States, pp. 412. 8° half mo- rocco. New York, 1848 205 Bartlett. A History of the Destruction of the Schooner Gaspee in Narraganset Bay on the loth of June, 1772. pp. 140. Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Providence, 1861 Large Paper: Only 125 copies printed. 206 Bartlett. Bibliography of Rhode Island. A Catalogue of Books and other Publications relating to the State of Rhode Island. Imperial 8° boards. Providence, 1864 Large Paper : only 1 50 copies printed. 207 Bartlett, Joseph. Physiognomy, a Poem; delivered at Harvard University, July 18, 1799. pp. 16. 4° half calf, gilt, (stained). Boston, 1799 208 Bartlett. Aphorisms on Men, Manners, Principles and Things. 12° half sheep. Boston, 1828 209 Bartlett, W. H. The Pilgrim Fathers; or the Foun- ders of New England in the Reign of James the First, pp. 240. 28 steel plates and numerous wood engrav- ings. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1853 CATALOGUE. 19 210 Bartlett, W. L. The Frontier Missionary; a memoir of the Life of the Rev. Jacob Bailey. With a Preface by Rt. Rev. George Burgess, pp. 365. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1853 211 Bartolozzi, Francesco. Ricerche istorico-critiche circa alle Scoperte d'Amerigo Vespucci. 4° paper, uncut. Firenze, 1789 212 Bartram, John. Observations on the Inhabitants, Cli- mate, Soil, Rivers, Productions, Animals and other matters worthy of notice. Made by Mr. John Bartram, in his travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Oswego and the Lake Ontario, in Canada. To which is an- nexed, a curious account of the cataracts at Niagara, by Mr. Peter Kalm. Folded plan. 8° stitched. London, 1751 213 Battle Abbey, descriptive catalogue of the original Charters, Royal Grants, Monastic Chartulary, etc., constituting the monuments of Battle Abbey, pp. 22; — Chronicle of Battle Abbey, from 1066 to 1176, now first translated with notes and an abstract of the subsequent history of the establishment, by M. A. Lower, pp. 227. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1835-51 214 Baxter, J. P. The Trelawny Papers. Edited and il- lustrated with notes and an appendix, pp. 520. Maps and facsimiles. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Portland, 1884 ^- De Luxe Editio'n : only 20 copies. 215 Baxter. The Great Seal of the Council for New Eng- land. 2 plates, pp. 20. Small 4° paper. Cambridge, 1884 Only 50 copies printed. 216 Baxter, Richard. The Life of Faith, in three parts, pp. 607, 5. Engraved title and portrait. Small 4° calf. London, 1670 217 Baxter. The Certainty of the Worlds of Spirits, fully evinced by unquestionable Histories of Apparitions and Witchcrafts, Operations, Voices, etc. pp. 252. i6° crimson crushed levant morocco, uncut edges. London, 1691 218 Bayle, P. A General Dictionary, Historical and Critical: in which a New and Accurate Translation of that of the Celebrated Mr. Bayle, with the corrections printed in the late Paris edition is included, interspersed with sev- eral thousand Lives never before published. By the Rev. J. Peter Bernan, Thomas Birch, John Lockman, and others. 10 vols, folio, old calf. London, 1734-41 20 CATALOGUE. ''219 Baylies, Francis. Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth. The five parts complete, with the ad- ditions by S. G. Drake. 2 vols, full morocco and i vol. in boards. Together 3 vols. 8° Boston, 1830 220 Bay Psalm Book. The Whole Book of Psalms faithfully Translated into English Metre, Whereunto is prefixed a discourse declaring not only the lawfullness, but also the necessity of the Heavenly Ordinance of Singing Scripture Psalms in the Churches of God. Imprinted 1640. A literal reprint of the Bay Psalm Book, being the earliest New England version of the Psalms, and the first book printed in America. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1862 Only 50 copies printed tor subscribers. 221 Beamish, N. L. The Discovery of America by the North- men in the tenth century. Maps. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 222 Beard, Rev. J. R. Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro Patriot of Hayti. pp. 335. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1853 223 Beard, Thomas. The Theatre of God's Judgements; or a Collection of Histories out of Sacred, Ecclesiasticall, and prophane Authors, pp. 1-469, (incomplete). 4° half calf, (title mended). Adam Islip: London, 1597 " The Author is said to have been Cromwell's School Master." 224 Beckwith, H. T. History of Block Island, (pp. 8, no title.) 4" half roan. (Boston, 1858) 225 Beecher, H. W. Life Thoughts, gathered from the ex- temporaneous Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher. pp. 299. 8° calf extra, gilt edges. New York, i860 226 Belcher, Joseph. Historical Sketches of Hymns, their Writers, and their Influence. 12° cloth. Phila., 1859 227 [Belknap, Jeremy.] The Foresters, an American Tale. Frontispiece. First ed. 16° antique calf, red edges. Boston, 1792 228 [Belknap.] The same. Second ed. 18° antique calf, red edges. Boston, 1798 229 Belknap. A Discourse intended to commemorate the Discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus, de- livered in Boston, Oct. 23, 1792. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1792 230 Belknap. American Biography. Portrait inserted. 2 vols. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1794 231 Belknap. The same, with additions and notes, by F. M. Hubbard. 3 vols. 16° half sheep. New York, 1841 CATALOGUE. 21 232 Belknap. History of New Hampshire. Map. 3 vols. 8° half calf. Dover, 1812 233 Belknap. The same. New edition, with notes by John Farmer. Portrait. Vol. i, (all published). 8° half morocco. Dover, 1831 Manuscript notes on margins. 234 Belknap. Journal of a Tour to the White Mountains in July, 1784. Map. With preface by Charles Deane. pp. 21. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1876 235 Belknap. Two Sermons on the Institution and Observa- tion of the Sabbath, April 27, 1788; — Fast Sermon, May 9, 1798; — Sermon at the Interment of Jeremy Belknap, by J. T. Kirkland, June 22, 1798. 3 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 236 Belknap. Life of, with selections from his correspon- dence and other writings. Portrait. i6° calf, gilt. New York, 1847 237 Bell, Sir Charles. The Anatomy and Philosophy of Ex- pression, as connected with the Fine Arts. Third ed. pp. 265. Plates. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Lond., 1844 238 Bell, Luther V. Eulogy on Gen. Zachary Taylor, Aug. 13, 1850; — Discourse on the Life and Character of, by I. Ray, 1863; — Memoir of, by George E. Ellis, 1863. 3 pamphlets. 239 Beltz, George Frederick. Memorials of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, from its Foundation to the Present Time; including the History of the Order; Biographi- cal Notices of the Knights in the Reigns of Edward III. and Richard II. pp. 438. Royal 8° half roan, un- cut. W. Pickering: London, 1841 240 Benedict, David. A Poem delivered in Taunton, Sept. 16, 1807. pp. 19. 8° half roan, gilt. Boston, 1807 241 Benedict. General History of the Baptist Denomina- tion in America and other parts of the World, pp. 606, 553. 2 vols, in I, 8° sheep. Boston, 1813 242 Benedict. General History of the Baptist Denomina- tion in America and other parts of the World, pp. 970. , Portrait. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1849 /'243 Benezet, Anthony. Historical Account of Guinea; — / -Extract from a Representation of the Injustice and ^r^» '/Dangerous Tendency of tolerating Slavery, pp. 144, 53. Bound together. 12° half morocco. Phila., 177 1 244 [Benezet.] The Potent Enemies of America laid open, being some account of the baneful effects attending the use of distilled Spirituous Liquors, and the Slavery of the Negroes, pp.83. 12° stitched. Phila., (1775) 22 CATALOGUE. 24s Benger, Miss. Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. pp. 401. 8° half calf. Phila., 1822 246 Bentham, Jeremy. Principles of Legislation. Edited by John Neal. pp. 310. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1830 247 Benton, T. H. Thirty Years' View; or, the History of the Workings of the American Government for. Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850. pp. 739, 788. 2 vols. 8° sheep, (broken). New York, 1862 248 Benzoni, Girolamo. Novae Novi Orbis Historic, id est Rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus ges- tarum: Urbani Calvetonis Opera, ex Italicis, Commen- tariis descripti, Latini facti; adjuncta est, De Gallorum in Floridam Expeditione. 12° vellum. Apud Eustathium Vignon: Genevse, 1578 Benzoni was the first regular European Traveller in the New World, who published his travels. His journeys occupied him 14 years, 1541 to 1555. 249 [Berkeley, George.] Alciphron; or, the Minute Philoso- pher. Second ed. pp. 356, 351. 2 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1732 250 Berkeley. Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, pp. 355. 8° half calf. London, 1734 251 Berkeley. Memoirs of. Second ed. pp. 186. 8° half y calf. London, 1784 ■a 5 2 Berkshire Country, Mass. History of the County of Berkshire. By Gentlemen in the County, pp. 468. Maps and plates. 12° sheep, (broken). Pittsfield, 1829 253 Bernard, Francis. Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America; and the principles of law and polity applied to the American Colonies, pp. 130. 8° half roan. London, 1774 254 Bernard, John. Retrospections of the Stage, pp. 335, 215. 2 vols, in I, 12° half calf. Boston, 1832 255 [Berington, S.j The Adventures of Signer Gaudentio di Luca, being the substance of his examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition, at Bologna, pp. 234. 16° sheep. Wilmington, 1800 256 Berrow, Capel. A Lapse of Human Souls in a State of Pre-Existence, the only Original Sin. pp. 188, 48. 12° half calf. London, 1766 257 Betterton, Thomas. Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late eminent Tragedian. To which is added. The Amorous Widow. pp. 176, 87. Portrait. Small 8° half morocco. London, 1710 CATALOGUE. 23 258 Beverly, Mass. History of Beverly, civil and ecclesias- tical, from 1630 to 1842. By Edwin M. Stone, pp. 324. Plate. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1843 259 Beverly, Robert. History and Present State of Virginia in four parts. By a native and inhabitant of the place. First ed. 8 plates. 8° calf. London, 1705 Bookplate of John Hughes, 1745, engraved by I. Skinner. 260 Beverly. Histoire de la V.irginie. Traduite de I'Anglois. Plates, pp. 1,4, 433, 16. 12° vellum. Amsterdam, 1707 261 Beverly. History of Virginia in four parts By a native and inhabitant of the place. Second ed. 8 plates, pp. 284. 8° crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, inside borders by Matthews. London, 1722 262 Beverly. History of Virginia. Reprinted, with an in- troduction by Charles Campbell, pp. 264. Plates 8° cloth. Richmond, 1855 263 Bewick. Looking-Glass for the Mind. pp. 271. Fifteenth ed., with 74 wood-cuts by Bewick. 12° mottled sheep. London, 1821 264 Bible. The Bible, that is the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament, translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke. 4° russia. Printed at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1599 The " Breeches Bible," a good copy, but without the Apocrypha. 265 Bible. Christian Soldiers Penny Bible, London, printed by R. Smith for Sam. Wade, 1693. Reproduced in fac- simile, with an introductory note, by Francis Fry. 16° half morocco. London, 1862 266 Bible. The Souldiers Pocket Bible, pp. 16. 16° sheets folded. London, 1643 Only 100 copies privately printed by Geo. Livermore. (This copy does not contain the prefatory note.) 267 Bible. Soldier's Pocket Bible; issued for the use of the Army of Oliver Cromwell, pp. 24. 16° paper. Am. Tract Soc. ; New York. 268 Bible. Illustrations of the Bible; consisting of News of the most remarkable Places and Objects mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. 46 plates. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1835 269 BiBLiA Pauperum. Reproduced in Fac-simile, from one of the Copies in the British Museum, with an Historical and Bibliographical Introduction, by J. P. Berjeau. Folio, half roan. London, 1859 270 Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany, pp. 160. 12° boards, uncut. London, 1830 24 CATALOGUE. 271 BiGELOw, Timothy. Reminiscences of the Military Life and Sufferings of Col. Timothy Bigelow. By Charles Hersey. 8° half roan, gilt. Worcester, i860 272 Bigelow. Journal of a Tour to Niagara Falls in the year, 1805, Bost., 1876; — Diary of a Visit to Newport, New York and Philadelphia during the Summer of 1815, privately printed, Bost., 1880. 2 vols. 8° cloth. 273 BiLLERiCA, Mass. History of, with a Genealogical Reg- ister. By Rev. H. A. Hazen. pp. 510. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1883 274 BiLLERiCA. Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Incorporation of Billerica, May 29, 1855. pp. 152. 8° half roan. Lowell, 1855 275 Bingham, Hiram. A Residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands. Third ed. pp. 616. Map and plates. 8° half sheep. Hartford, 1849 276 Biographies, American George B. McClellan, by G. S. HiUard; — Samuel Phillips, by Rev. John L. Taylor; — Hon. Jeremiah Smith, by John H. Morison; — Samuel Dexter, by (L. M. Sargent); — William T. Porter, by Francis Brinley; — John Bromfield, (privately printed); — Elder John Peak; — William Penn, by W. H. Dixon; — Samuel Breck, by H. E. Scudder; — Rev. Sylvester Judd ; — William W. Seaton ; — William Vans ; — Theo- dosia Dean; — Nicholas Ferrar. 14 vols. 8° and 12° cloth and boards. 277 Biographies, English. Public and Domestic Life of Edmund Burke; — Extraordinary Men, by William Rus- sell; — Bayne's Lessons from my Masters, Carlyle, Ten- nyson and Ruskin; — Samuel Rogers, by Clayden; — Life and Land of Burns, by Allen Cunningham; — William Lord Russell; ■ — Sir Walter Scott;" — John Wy- cliffe ; — William Caxton ; — John Sterling ; — Matthew Hale. II vols. 12° cloth. 278 Biographies, Foreign. Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo de Medici; — Beaumarchais and His Times, — Life and Campaigns of Victor Moreau; — Jean Marteilbe, the Huguenot Slave; — Journal of Maurice de Guerin; — Memoirs of Empress Catherine II; — A. von Kotzebue. 7 vols. 12° cloth and half roan. 279 Birch, Thomas. An Inquiry into the Share, which King Charles I. had in the Transactions of the Earl of Glam- organ, for bringing over a Body of Irish Rebels, to assist the King, in 1645 and 1646. pp. 343. 8° calf. London, 1747 CATALOGUE. 25 280 Birch, Thomas. The Court and Times of James the First. 2 vols. ; — Charles the First. 2 vols. Together 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1848-49 281 BisHOPE, George. New England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. In two parts. First, containing a Brief Re- lation of the Suffering of the People called Quakers in New England, from the time of their first Arrival there, in the Year 1656 to the Year 1660, etc. 3 tracts in one vol. pp. I, 6, I, 498, 212, 22. Small 8° calf. (Title page mended on top margin). London, 1702-3 282 BissELius, Joannis. Argonauticon Americanorum, sive Historiae Periculorum Petri de Victoria. Thick 16° vellum. Gedani, 1698 283 Blackstone, Sir William. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Edited by John L. Wendell. 4 vols. 8° sheep. New York, 1859 284 Bladensburg Races; written shortly after the Capture of Washington City, August 24, 1814. Printed in 1816. pp. 16. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Brooklyn, 1865 Only 75 copies reprinted. 285 Blake, Rev. Mortimer. A Centurial History of the Mendon Association of Congregational Ministers, pp. 348. 12° cloth. Boston, 1853 286 Bland, Francis. The Souldiers March to Salvation, pp. 50. Small 4° calf. London, 1647 287 Bland Papers. Being a Selefction from the Manuscripts of Colonel Theodore Bland, Jr., of Prince George County, Virginia. Edited by Charles Campbell, pp. 130, 160. /r 2 vols, in I. 8° half morocco. Petersburg, 1840 288 Bleeker, Leonard. The Order Book of Capt. Leonard _ .,, ^jpBleeker, in the early part of the Expedition under Gen. ^ James Clinton, against the Indian Settlement of West- ern New York, in the Campaign of 1779. pp. 138. / Small 4° boards. New York, 1865 289 Blennerhassett Papers, embodying the Private Journal ca 'n'7 <^ °^ Harman Blennerhassett, and the hitherto unpublished I ' correspondence of Burr, Alston, Comfort Tyler, Dever- eaux, Dayton, Adair, Moir, Emmett, Theodosia Burr Alston, Mrs. Blennerhassett and others, their Contem- poraries. By W. H. Safford. pp. 665. 8° cloth. Cincinnati, 1864 290 Bligh, William. A Narrative of the Mutiny on Board His Majesty's Ship Bounty, and the subsequent voyage of the crew in the ship's boat, from Tofa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch settlement in the East Indies. Maps. Royal 4° calf. London, 1790 a6 CATALOGUE. 291 Blome, Richard. Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are related, together with the pres- ent state of Algiers. Fine portrait by Vaughan, and maps. 8° calf. London, 1678 Contains description of Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York, New England, New Foundland, pp. 56-88. With 2 maps. 292 Blome. The Present State of his Majesties Isles and Territories in America. Portrait and maps. 12° mo- rocco. London, 1687 One leaf in MSS. Portrait of James II. inserted, the original por- trait is missing. 293 Bloody Assizes. A New Martyrology; or, the Bloody Assizes, comprehending a compleat History of the Lives, Sufferings, etc., of all those Eminent Martyrs, who fell in the West of England and elsewhere from 1678 to 1689. Portraits. 12° sheep. London, 1689 Bookplate of Sir Robert Burton. 294 Bloom, Rev. J. H. Pulpit Oratory in the Time of James the First considered, and principally illustrated by Original Examples, A. D. 1620-21-22. pp. 243. 8° half calf. London, 1831 295 [Blount, Thomas.] Boscobel; or, the History of His Sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the Battle of Worcester, Sept. 3, 1651. pp. 91. Portrait. 16° boards, uncut. London, 1822 296 IBInnbemilc, ill. His Exercises, contayning eight Treat- ises, the Titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which Treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all Young Gentlemen that have not beene exercised in such Disciplenes, and yet are desir- ous to have knowledge as well as Cosmographie. pp. 799. Black Cetter. Seventh ed. 4° half morocco, uncut edges. London, 1636 Description of Peter Plancin's his universall map, pp. 521. — De- scription of Molinaxe's Globe, p. 31. — A verie briefe and most plaine description of Mr. Blagrave his Astrolabe, p. 593. — A briefe description of Universall Maps and Cards, and of their use, p. 756. These essays have separate title-pages. 297 Blunt, E. M. American Coast Pilot. 21st ed., by G. Blunt, pp. 821. 8° sheep. New York, 1867 298 BoADEN, James. An Inquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints, which have been offered to the public as portraits of Shakespeare, pp. 143. 4° half morocco, gilt, uncut edges. London, 1824 JL,ARGE Paper : Portraits on India Paper. CATALOGUE. 27 299 Bobbin, Tim. Miscellaneous Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq., containing his View of the Lancashire Dialect, with large additions, pp. 203, 33. 10 copper plates. 16° half morocco. London, 1806 300 Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron, or Ten Day's En- tertainment, pp. 358, 329. Portrait. 2 vols, in i. 12° calf. London, 1835 301 Bocket, John. The Poor Mechanick's Plea against the Rich Clergy's Oppression, pp. 48. 18° boards, (corner of title mended.) London, 1700 302 BoETius, A. M. S. Of the Consolation of Philosophy. Made English by Richard Lord Preston, pp. 247. Portrait. 12° calf. London, 1695 303 Bohn's Library. 15 vols. 12" cloth. London, 1846-70 Comprises: Life of Wolsey; — Life of Luther; — Life of Col. Hutch- inson; — Flaxman's Lectures on Sculpture; — Schiller's Thirty Years' War; — Sismondi's Historical View of Literature; — Beckman's History of Inventions; — Riley's Greek and Latin Quotations; — ^Travels of Marco Polo; — Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of History; — Table Talk, or familiar discourse of Martin Luther. 304 BoLEYN, Anne. The Life and Death of Anne Bullen, Queen Consort of England, pp. 50. Portrait. Small 4° paper, uncut. London, 1820 305 BoLiNGBROKE, Viscount. Letters on the Spirit of Pat- riotism, pp. 251. 8° half calf. London, 1749 306 BoLiNGBROKE. Life of Henry St. John, Viscount Boling- broke, Secretary of State in the Reign of Queen Anne. By Thomas Macknight. pp. 728. 8° cloth. London, 1863 307 BoLLiNG, Robert. A Memoir of a Portion of the Boiling Family in England and Virginia, pp. 68. Photo- graphic portraits. 4° cloth, uncut. Richmond, 1868 Only 50 copies privately printed. 308 [BoNDO, C.J Scutum Regale, the Royal Buckler; or, Vox Legis, a Lecture to Traitors, who most wickedly murdered Charles I. pp. 394, 14. 2 plates. 18° sheep. London, 1660 309 BoNNEY, Mrs. C. V. R. A Legacy of Historical Glean- ings. Second ed. pp. 512, 544. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Albany, 1875 310 Book of Common Prayer, with the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies, and the Psalter, every page sur- rounded by beautiful wood-cut borders, including the Dance of Death, etc. By Holbein and Albert Durer. 8° half roan, red top. Pickering: London, 1853 311 Book of Common Prayer. 12" morocco. London, 1807 Book plate of James South, F. R. S. 28 CATALOGUE. 312 Book of Common Prayer. Pickering's Splendid Reprints of the Seven various Editions from Edward VI. to the present time. Printed in large black letter type, in red and black inks, by C. Wittingham. 7 vols, folio, boards, uncut edges. [London:] Pickering, 1844 This choice set comprises: I. First Prayer-Book of Edward ^VI, Witchurch, 1 549; ir. Second Prayer-Book of Edward VI, Witchurch, 1552; III. First Prayer-Book of Queen Elizabeth, Grafton, 1559; IV. King James's Prayer-Book, Barker, 1604; V. Scotch Prayer-Book of Charles I, (Laud's), 1637; VI. King Charles II Prayer-Book, (Sealed Book), 1662; VII. Edition of 1662 adapted to the present Reign, 1844. 313 Book of Common Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer noted. By John Merbecke, 1550. Black letter re- print. 4° half roan, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1844 314 Book of Costume; or. Annals of Fashion, from the ear- liest period to the present time. By a Lady of Rank, pp. 482. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1847 315 Book (The) of Table-Talk. pp. 319, 319. Illustrations. 2 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1836 316 Boston, England. The History and Antiquities of Bos- ton, and the ViNages of Shirbeck, Fishtoft, etc., com- prising the Hundred of Shirbeck in the County of Lin- coln. By Pishey Thompson. Illustrated with 100 en- gravings, pp. 824. Folio, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1856 Large Paper: Subscription edition. 317 Boston. Collections for a Topographical and Histori- cal Account of Boston and the Hundred of Shirbeck in the County of Lincoln. By Pishey Thompson, pp. 382, 84. Plates. Royal 8° half morocco. Lond., 1820 318 Boston, Mass. Bowen's Picture of Boston. Plates. First ed. 16° boards. Boston 1829 319 Boston. The same. Third ed. 16° roan. Boston, 1838 320 Boston. Drake, S. G. The History and Antiquities of Boston, Capital of Massachusetts, and Metropolis of New England, from its Settlement in 1630-1770. Also, an Introductory History of the Discovery and Settle- ment of New England, with notes, critical and illus- trative. Numerous portraits, plates, fac-similes, and wood-cuts. Small folio, morocco, gilt. Boston, 1857 Large paper; only 100 copies printed with additional plates. 321 Boston. Drake. Same. Small paper. Imperial 8° morocco. Boston, 1856 322 Boston. Hales, John G. A Survey of Boston and its ^ [Vicinity. Plates. 12° boards, uncut, (name cut from title). Boston, 1821 CATALOGUE. ig \/i2^ Boston. Quincy, Josiah. Municipal History of the <-(5<^(^jfTown and City of Boston, from 1630 to 1830. pp. 444. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1852 324 Boston. Shaw, Charles. A Topographical and Histori- cal Description of Boston. Plates. 16° russia. gilt. Boston, 1817 325 Boston. Shurtleff, N. B. A Topographical and His- -'I'Viy torical Description of Boston, pp. 720. 2 maps. Im- ^ perial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1871 326 Boston. Snow, C. H. History of Boston, from its Ori- ^/jjpO^gin to the present period, with some account of the Environs. Seconded. Plates. 8° half calf, gilt, front cover bound in. Boston, 1828 327 Boston. A Geography of Boston, and adjacent Towns, with historical notes. Maps and engravings. 16° half roan. Boston, 1830 328 Boston. Webster, Dr. Redford. Selections from the Chronicles of Boston and from the Book of Retrospec- tions and Anticipations. 8° half calf. Boston, 1822 329 Boston. Past and Present, being an Outline of the His- tory of the City, as exhibited in the Lives of its Promi- nent Citizens, pp. 537. 61 steel portraits. Folio, full morocco extra, gilt edges. Boston, 1874 330 Boston. Sketches and Business Directory of Boston and its Vicinity, for i860 and 1861. 4° half roan. Boston, 1861 331 Boston. Sketches of Boston, past and present. Maps and engravings. 12° cloth. Boston, 1851 332 Boston. Vade Mecum, for America, or a Companion for Traders and Travellers, to which is added, the Names of the Streets in Boston, pp. 206. Narrow 8° sheep. Boston, 1732 333 Boston. An Appeal to the World, or a Vindication of the Town of Boston, from many false and malicious Aspersions contain'd in certain Letters, written by Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and others, transmitted to the British Ministry, pp. 37 ; — Letters to the Ministry from Governor Bernard, General Gage and Commodore Hood, etc. pp. 108. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Boston, 1769 334 Boston. Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston by the British Army, March 17, 1776. pp. 199. Numerous illustrations. Large 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1876 Large Paper. 30 CATALOGUE. 335 Boston. Centennial Celebration of the Wednesday Even- ing Club, June 21, 1877; — Constitution and By Laws of the Charitable Society, 1878; — Gleanings from the Re- cords of the Marine Society, 1742 to 1842, by Nathaniel Spooner, 1879; — Constitution and By-Laws of the Marine Society. 4 vols. 8° and 12° cloth and paper. Boston. 336 Boston. Extracts from a Journal of Travels in North America, consisting of an account of Boston and its Vicinity. By Ali Bey (S. L. Knapp), 1818; — A Trip to Boston, (by E. C. Wines), 1838; — Stranger's Guide to Boston. By J. H. Stark, 1882. 3 vols. 12° cloth and boards. 337 Boston. Fourth of July Orations, 1854, by A. L. Stone; — 1855, by A. A. Miner; — 1856, by E. G. Parker; — 1859, by George Sumner; — -1860, by Edward Everett; — 1864, by T. Russell;— 1865, by J. M. Manning;— 1867, by G. H. Hepworth; — 1868, by Samuel Eliot; — 1870, by William Everett; — 1871, by H. B. Sargent; — 1872, by C. F. Adams, Jr. ;— 1873, by J. F. W. Ware;— 1874, by R. Frothingham; — 1875, by J. F. Clarke; — 1879, by H. C. Lodge. 16 pamphlets. 338 Boston. Memorials of Edward Everett; — -Charles Sum- ner; — -Joshua Bates; — Abraham Lincoln; — Dedication of Soldier's Monument: — Visit of Carl Schurz; — Recep- tion of Chinese Embassy; — ^Proceedings on death of Lincoln. 8 vols, royal 8° and 4° cloth. Boston, 1865-81 339 Boston. Re-Dedication of the Old State House, July II, 1882. pp. 175. Plates. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1882 340 Boston. Old State House. Prytaneum Bostoniense, Notes on the history of the Old State House, pp. 31, 1885; — -Same, Second Paper, pp. 80, 1886; — Same, Examination of Mr. W. H. Whitmore's Old State House Memorial, pp. 40, 1887. By George H. Moore; — Old State House Defended. A reply to Geo. H. Moore. By W. H. Whitmore, pp. 8, 1886; — Rededication of Old State House, 1882. 5 pamphlets 8° paper. 341 Boston. " Our First Men," a Calendar of Wealth, Fash- ion and Gentility; containing a List of those Persons taxed in the City of Boston, credibly reported to be worth one Hundred Thousand Dollars, pp. 48; — The Rich Men of Massachusetts. By A. Forbes and J. W. Greene, pp. 208. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Boston, 1846-51 342 Boston. Reports of the Record Commissioners. First to 19th reports and special report of the Commissioners on the condition of the Records, 1885. 20 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Boston, 1876-87 CATALOGUE. 31 343 Boston. Suffolk Deeds, Liber i, 2, 3. 3 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Boston, 1880-85 344 Boston. Historical Pamphlets relating to. Catalogue of Revolutionary Relics, 1875; — Recollections of the Private Centennial Celebration of the Overthrow of Tea, 1873; — Ceremony of Sealing the Century Box of the Hon. and Ancient Artillery Co.; — Bostonian Society Proceedings, Jan. 1887; — Defence of the Merchants of Boston, 1866; — Pamphlets relating to the Introduction of Pure Water, etc. 29 pamphlets. 345 Boston Sermons. Ebenezer Gay on Jonathan Mayhew, July 27, 1766; — Fast Sermon, by David Tappan, April II, 1793; — Peter Thacher's Sermon, Dec 29, 1799; — Discourse on the Execution of H. P. S. Davis, by Charles Lovell, March 16, 1817; — Discourse by C. Lowell, Dec. 31, 1820; — Palfrey's Sermon, July 18, 1824; — Case of Federal St. Meeting House, etc. 12 vols. 8° half roan. 346 Boston. First Church. Historical Sketch, by W. M. Emerson, 1812; — Discourse by the Rector, 1823; — History of, 1630-1880, by A. B. Ellis, 1881; — Com- memoration at the 200th Anniversary, Nov. 18, 1888. 4 vols. 8° and 12° paper. Boston. 347 Boston. Historical Notices of the New North Religious Society, 1822; — Historical Account of Christ Church, by H. Burroughs, 1874;- — Memorial of the Federal St. Meeting House, by E. S. Gannett, i860; — Consecra- tion Services of Trinity Church, 1877. 4 pamphlets. 348 Boston. History of the Church in Brattle St., by S. K. Lothrop, pp. 218, 1851; — West Church and its Minis- ters, soth anniversary of the ordination of Charles Lowell, pp. 242, 1856. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston. 349 Boston. Old South Church. History of, by B. B. Wis- ner; — Address to the Members of the City Council, by H. G. Otis, 1830; — Consecration of the Flag of the Union, May i, 1861; — Memorial Discourse, by G. W. Blagden, May 23, 1869; — Opinion of Hon. B. R. Curtis, April, 1874; — Speech of Francis B. Hayes, April 16, 1874; — History of the Old South Church, 1876; ■ — History of, by E. W. Burdett, 1877; — Old South Leaf- lets, etc. 12 vols. 8° paper and half roan. Boston. 350 Boston. Second Church. History of, by Chandler Rob- bins, 1852; — Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone, May 30, 1844, by C. R. Robbins. 2 vols. 8° gloth and half roan, Boston. 32 CATALOGUE. 351 Boston. Hollis St. Church. Sermon by John Pierpont, Dec. 8, 1833; — Letter from the Hollis St. Society to their Unitarian Brethren, 1849; — Sermon by J. T. Sar- gent, Dec. 8, 1844; — Discourse on Samuel West, by Lathrop, 1808, etc. 7 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 352 Boston Almanac from 1836 to 1864, 1867, '69 and '74, (lacking 1847 and '49). 28 vols. 18° cloth. Boston, r 353 Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue of the Library of the Boston Athenaeum, 1807-1871. Complete. 4 vols, im- perial 8° half russia, uncut. Boston, 1874-80 354 Boston Book. Being Specimens of Metropolitan Litera- ture for 1836, 1837 and 1850. 3 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1836-50 355 Boston Massacre. A Short Narrative of the horrid Mas- sacre in Boston, perpetrated in the Evening of the iC.t-l^. Fifth Day of March, 1770, etc., with some Observations on the State of Things prior to that Catastrophe. Fold- ^ ing plate inserted, pp. 88. 8° calf, gilt. Boston, 1770 ,/ Title page reprinted and two leaves in MSS. 356 Boston Massacre. Trial of William Wemms, James Hartegan, and others. Soldiers in His Majesty's 29th "0/ F/4. Regin^ent of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick and others, on Monday l'i-6 evening, the 5th of March, 1770. Taken in Shorthand by John Hodgson, pp. 217. 8° calf, gilt.. Boston, 1770 357 Boston Massacre. A Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the Evening of the fifth of March, 1770. pp. 122. Map and plate. 8° cloth. New York, 1849 358 Boston Massacre. History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770; comprising the Narrative of the Town, ^ I ^(S the Trial of the Soldiers, and a Historical Introduction. By Frederic Kidder, pp. 291. Portrait, plate and map. 8° cloth. Albany, 1870 359 Boston Massacre. Orations, delivered at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to commem- orate the Evening of the Fifth of March, 1770. Second ed. 8° calf. Boston, 1807 360 Boston Massacre. Trial of the British Soldiers, etc. 12° sheep. Boston, 1824 361 Botta, Charles. History of the War of the Indepen- dence of the United States of America. Translated by G; A. Otis. Second ed. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Boston, 1826 362 BoTTA. The same. Eighth ed. Frontispieces, pp.472, 468. 2 vols. 8° sheep. New Haven, 1842 363 Boucher, Jonathan. A Few of the Causes and Conse- quences of the American Revolution, pp. 596. 8° half calf. London, 1797 364 BoucHETTE, Joseph. British Dominions in North Am- erica; or, a Topographical and Statistical Description of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, etc. Portrait and numerous plates. 2 vols. 4° half morocco. London, 1832 365 BouDiNOT, Elias. The Age of Revelation; or, the Age of Reason shewn to be an Age of Infidelity, pp. 232. Portrait inserted. 8° boards, uncut. Phila., 1801 366 BouTELL, Charles. Heraldry, Historical and Popular. Third ed. enlarged, pp. 547. 975 illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1864 367 BowDiTCH, N. I. Suffolk Surnames. Third ed. pp. 757. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1861 368 BowDiTCH. History of the Massachusetts General Hos- pital. Second ed., with a Continuation to 1872. pp. 732. Plates. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1872 369 BowDiTCH. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch. Second ed. pp. 172. Portrait. Royal 4° cloth. Boston, 1840.^ 370 BowEN, C. W. The Boundary Disputes of Connecticut. pp. 90. Maps and portrait. Large 4° cloth. Boston. 1882 371 BowEN, Francis. Lowell Lectures on the Application of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion, pp. 465. 8° cloth. Boston, 1849 372 BowEN. Documents of the Constitution of England and America, from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitu- tion of 1789. pp. 142. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1854 373 Bowen's Boston News-Letter and City Record, J. V. C. Smith, Editor. From January 1826 to January 1827. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1826 374 BowYER, William. Origin of Printing, pp. 154, 1774; Short Comment on Sir I. Newton's Principia, by W. Emerson, pp. 158, 1770 — Essay on Weighing Gold, by William Symons, pp. 60, 1766; — Directions for Im- pregnating Water with Fixed Air, by Joseph Priestly, pp. 22, 1772. Bound in i vol. 8° half calf. London. 375 BoYNTON, E. C. History of West Point, and its Military Importance during the American Revolution; and the Q1 \ Origin and Progress of the United States Military Acad- ia 1 emy. pp. 407. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. '' ' New York: D. Van Nostrand,. 1864 Large Paper: Only 100 copies printed. 34 CATALOGUE. 376 BozMAN, J. L. A Sketch of the History of Maryland during the first year after its settlement. Portrait of George Calvert, by Edwin. 8° mottled calf. Baltimore, 181 1 377 BozMAN. History of Maryland, from 1633 to 1660. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Baltimore, 1837 378 Bradbury, John. Travels in the Interior of America in the years 1809-11, including a description of upper Louisiana. Second ed. pp. 346. Map. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1819 379 [Bradford, Alden.J Massachusetts State Papers. Speeches of the Governors of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1775, and the Answers of the House of Repre- sentatives to the same. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1818 380 Bradford. History of Massachusetts, from 1764 to 1820. 3 vols. 8° half calf. Boston, 1822-29 381 Bradford. History of Massachusetts. Vol. i. From 1764 to July,i775. pp. 414. Boston, 1822. Vol. 2. From July 1775 to 1789. pp. 376. Boston, 1825. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. 382 Bradford. History of Massachusetts for two hundred years, from 1620 to 1820. 8° cloth. Boston, 1835 383 Bradford. History of the Federal Government for Fifty Years, from March 1789 to March 1839. 8° cloth. Boston, 1840 384 Bradford. Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New England, pp. 464. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1842 385 Bradford. New England Chronology, from 1497 to 1820. 12° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1843 386 Bradford, A. W. American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. pp. 435. 8° cloth. New York, 1843 387 Bradford, William. History of Plymouth Plantation. Edited, with notes, by Charles Deane. pp. 476. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1856 388 Bradford. A Dialogue, or third Conference between some young men born in New England, and some an- cient men who came out of Holland and Old England. Edited, with notes, by Charles Deane. pp. 78. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1870 389 Bradford. A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of William Bradford, Second Governor of New Ply- mouth. By G. M. Fessenden. pp. 27. 8° half calf gilt- Boston, 1850 CATALOGUE. 35 390 Bradford Club. A complete set of the Publications of "The Club," and the "Bradford Club". Illustrated with portraits and plates on India paper, fac-similes, etc. 9 vols, half morocco and i vol. cloth. Together ro vols, royal 8°. New York. This set is complete, and consists of Washington's "Dairy,"' Mel- vin's "Journal," published by "The Club," and Nos. i to 7 of the "Bradford Club," viz.: I. Papers concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield, 1859. II. The Croakers, i860. III. The Operations of the French Fleet under Count de Grasse, 1864. IV. Anthology of New Netherland, 1865. V. Narrative of the Career of De Soto in Florida, 1866. VI. Northern Invasion, 1866. VII. The Laurens Cor- respondence, and the Allan Memorial, (by E. A. Duyckinck.) Of the earlier numbers seventy-five copies only were printed, and a com- plete series cannot easily be procured. 391 Bradley, Mrs. Eliza. An Authentic Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley, on the coast of Barbary, in June 1818. pp. 108. Frontis- pieee. 12° half sheep. Boston, 1820 392 [Bradshaw, William.] The Unreasonablenesse of the Separation, made apparent, by an Examination of Mr. Johnson's pretended Reasons, 1608; — (also) A Manu- diction for Mr. Robinson, and such as consent with him in privat communion. Small 4° calf, gilt edges. Dort, 1614 See the Answer to the " Manuduction " by John Robinson, pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers. 393 Bradstreet, Anne. Works of, in Prose and Verse. Edited by J. H. Ellis, pp. 434. Frontispiece. Impe- rial 8° paper, uncut. Charlestown, 1867 Only 25c copies printed. 394 Brainerd. Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd, Mis- sionary to the Indians. By Rev. Jonathan Edwards. 8° sheep. New Haven, 1822 395 [Braithwait, Richard.] Drunken Barnaby's Four Jour- neys to the North of England. Second ed. pp. 151, 8. Frontispiece. 18° calf, (cracked). London, 1716 396 [Braithwaite.] Barnabae Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal. The seventh ed. To which are prefixed an account of the Author, now first discovered ; a Biblio- graphical History of the former editions of the work, and illustrative notes, pp. 204. Frontispiece and en- graved title. 12° calf. London, 1818 397 Brattleboro, Vt. Early History, with Biographical Sketches of some of its Citizens. By Henry Burnham. Edited by Abby M. Hemenway. pp. 191. Portraits. 8° cloth. Brattleboro, 1880 36 CATALOGUE. 398 Brayley, E. W. An Enquiry into the Genuineness of Prynne's "Defence of Stage Plays," etc., together with a Reprint of the said Tract, and also of Prynne's "Vindication." pp. 16. 8° paper. London, 1825 ^ Only 50 copies printed. 399 Breck, Samuel. Historical Sketch of Continental Paper Money. 4° boards. Phila., 1863 Only 50 copies printed. 400 Brevoort, J. C. Verrazano the Navigator, or Notes on Giovanni da Verrazano and on a Planisphere of 1529 il- lustrating his American Voyage in 1524. pp. 161. Map and India proof portrait of the author. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1874 Only 250 copies printed. 401 Brewster, William. Chief of the Pilgrims; or, the Life and Times of William Brewster. By Rev. Ashbel Steele. Plates. 8° cloth. PTiila., 1857 402 Brickell, John. Natural History of North Carolina, with an Account of the Trade, Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants, pp. 408. Map and plates. 8° half morocco, gilt, uncut edges. (Stamp on title and title mended.) Dublin, 1737 403 Bridgewater, Mass. History of the early Settlement of Bridgewater, including an extensive Family Register. By Nahum Mitchell, pp. 402. Portrait. 8° boards. Boston, 1840 404 Bridgewater. Epitaphs in Old Bridgewater, Mass. By William Latham, pp. 253. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Bridgewater, 1882 405 Bridgman, Thomas. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground, Boston. With notes, pp. 252. 12° cloth. Boston, 1851 406 Bridgman. Memorials of the Dead in Boston; contain- ing Exact Transcripts of Inscriptions on the Sepulchral Monuments in the King's Chapel Burial Ground, in the City of Boston; with copious historical and biographical notices of many of the early settlers of the Metropolis of New England. Plates and woodcuts. pp. 339. 12° cloth. Boston, 1853 407 Bridgman. The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descen- dants, pp. 406. Portraits and illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1856 408 Briefe (A) Methode of Catechizing. 26th ed. pp. 53. 18° russia, gilt. London, 1617 CATALOGUE. 37 409 Brief (A) Relation of the Discovery and Plantation of New England, and of sundry Accidents therein occur- ring, for the yeere of our Lord, 1607, to this present 1622. Together with the state thereof as it now stan- deth; the general forme of gouernment intended, and the division of the whole Territorie into countries, baronies, etc. 18 leaves, not paged. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Printed by John Haviland, and are to be sold by William Bladen: London, 1622 Dedicated to " The Prince his Highness " by the President and Council of New England. A few leaves are very skilfully mended in the upper corners, but the above copy must nevertheless be considered a very fine copy, the tract is of exceeding rarity. 410 Brigham, W. T. Historical Notes on the Earthquakes of New England, 1638-1869, pp. 28; — Notes on the Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a history of their various eruptions, pp. 342-472. 2 vols, royal 4° paper. Boston, 1868 411 Bright Genealogy. The Brights of Suffolk, England; represented in America by the Descendants of Henry Bright, Jr., who settled in Watertown, Mass. in 1630. By J. B. Bright. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1858 412 Brinley, George. Catalogue of his American Library. Parts I, 2, 3 and 4 sold by auction in New York in 1878, '81. Part I priced in ink, and price lists to parts i and 2. 4 vols. 8° boards. Hartford, 1878-86 413 Bristol, England. Descent among Writers on Bristol History and Biography, by George Bryce; — Centenary Services of Bristol Tabernacle, Nov. 25, 1853. 2 vols. 16° cloth and boards. London. 414 Bristol and Bremen, Me. History of the Towns of Bristol and Bremen, Me., including the Pemaquid Set- tlement. By John Johnson, pp. 524. Map and por- trait. 8° cloth. Albany, 1873 415 Britannia Triumphant; or, an Account of the Sea-Fights and Victories of the English Nation, from the earliest Times, down to the conclusion of the late War. New edition, pp.276. Portraits of Francis Drake, Raleigh, Commodore Howe, Hawke, Boscawen. 8° sheep. London, 1777 416 British Historical Intelligencer; containing a Catalogue of English, Scotish, Irish and Welsh Historians, an ac- count of authors, etc. pp. 216. 8° half roan, uncut. Westminster, 1829 38 CATALOGUE. 417 British Museum. Catalogue of Printed Books. (Titles under "America" and "American.") 28pp. Folio, boards. London, 1883 418 British Poets. A Complete Collection of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth; embracing the whole works of the most distinguished authors, accom- panied with biographical, historical and critical notices. Edited by F. J. Child. 130 vols, crown 8° cloth, un- cut. Little, Brown & Co. : Boston, 1864-7 Large Paper : only 100 copies printed. The above series includes Akenside, Beattie, Burns, Butler, Byron, Campbell, Chatterton, Churchill, Coleridge, Collins, Cowper, Donne, Dryden, Falconer, Gay, Goldsmith, Gray, Herbert, Herrick, Hood, Keats, Marvell, Milton, Montgomery, Moore, Parnell, Tickell, Pope, Prior, Scott, Shakespeare, Shelley, Skelton, Southey, Spencer, Sur- rey, Swift, Thomson, Vaughan, Watts, Kirke White, Wordsworth, Wyatt, Young, and eight volumes of English and Scottish Ballads. 419 Britton, John. The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated; including a Memoir of Lieut. -Col. Isaac Barrd. pp. 96. Portraits. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 420 Brock, R. A. Vestry Book of Henrico Parish, Virginia, 1730-73, comprising a history of the erection of, and other interesting facts connected with the venerable St. John's Church, Richmond, Va., with notes and an in- troduction by R. A. Brock. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. Richmond, 1874 421 [Brodhead, J. R.] Calendar to the Holland Documents in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, pp. 374. 8° half calf, gilt. Albany, 1845 422 Brodhead. History of the State of New York, 1609- 1691. Map. pp. 801, 680. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1853-71 423 Brodie, Walter. Pitcairn's Island, and the Islanders, in 1850. pp. 260. Portrait. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1851 424 Brodribb, W. J. and Besant, W. Constantinople, a Sketch of its History, from its Foundation to 1453. pp. 270. 12° cloth. London, 1879 425 Brooke, Henry. Fool of Quality. 5 vols. 16° sheep, (worn). London, 1792 426 Brookfield, Mass. Sermon preached on the last day of the year, 1775, together with some marginal notes, etc., giving an account of the first settling of the Town in the year 1660, its desolation by the Indians in Philip's War, in 1675, its distresse in Queen Anne's War, and its increase and improvements to the present time. pp. 315. 8° calf. Boston, 1776 CATALOGUE. 39 427 Brookfield. Sermon preached at Brookfield, Mar. 6, 1778, on the Day of the Interment of Mr. Joshua Spooner, who was most barbarously murdered, pp. 19, 4. Small 8° calf. Boston, 1778 428 Brookfield. Historical Discourse, Nov. 27, 1828. By Joseph I. Foot. pp. 64. 8° calf. Brookfield, 1829 429 Brookfield. Historical Discourse at West Brookfield, Nov. 27, 1828. With Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Narra- tive, (1676). pp.96. 8° boards. West Brookfield, 1843 430 Brookfield. Discourse at the South Parish^ by Micah Stone, July 23, 1812; — Communication from the Brook- field Association to the Ecclesiastical Council who or- dained Rev. Loammi I. Hoadly, 1824; — Sermon at the Dedication of the Meeting House of the Evangelical Society, Aug. 13, 1828, by M. Stone; — Sermon by Dr. Snell, June 1838; — Stone's Semi-Centennial Discourse, March 11, 1851. 5 pamphlets. 431 Brookline, Mass. Proceedings at the Dedication of the Town Hall, Feb. 22, 1873, pp. 64, 1873; — Muddy River and Brookline Records, 1634-1838, pp. 703, 1875. 2 vols. 8° cloth and half morocco. Boston. 432 Brooks, Benjamin. The Lives of the Puritans. 3 vols. 8° calf. London, 1813 With ex-libris of George Phillips Parker. 433 Brooks, Charles. Laws of Reproduction, considered with Reference to the Intermarriage of near Blood- Relations. 8° half calf, gilt. Cambridge, 1856 434 Brooks, Rev. Charles. The Tornado of 1851, in Med- ford. West Cambridge and Waltham, Mass. pp. 72. 18° cloth. Boston, 1852 435 Brotherhead, William. American Notes and Queries. Nos. I to 4, (all published). 8° cloth, with original wrappers bound in. Philadelphia, 1857 436 Brotherhead. The Book of the Signers, containing fac- simile letters of the Signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, illustrated also with 68 engravings of their residences, portraits, etc. pp. 113. Large folio, half morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1861 Large Paper. 437 Brougham, Lord Henry. Historical Sketches of States" men who flourished in the Time of George III,; to which are added, Remarks on the French Revolution. First, second and third series. Numerous portraits. 3 vols, royal 8" half morocco, gilt. London, 1843 40 CATALOGUE. 438 Brougham. Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the Time of George III. With portraits engraved on steel. 2 vols, royal 8° half morocco, un- cut, gilt tops. London, 1845-1847 439 Brown, Alexander. The Genesis of the United States. A series of historical manuscripts now first printed, to- gether with a reissue of rare contemporaneous tracts accompanied by bibliographical memoranda, notes and brief biographies. 100 portraits, maps and plans. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1892 440 Brown, Charles Brockden. Novels, comprising: Wieland, Arthur Mervyn, Ormond, Edgar Huntley, Jane Talbot and Clara Howard. 5 vols. 12° half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1827 441 Brown, H. A. Oration delivered in Carpenter's Hall on the looth anniversary of the Meeting of the Congress of 1774. pp. 52. Royal 8^ boards. Philadelphia, 1875 Privately printed. 442 Brown, James. The Procedure, Extent and Limits of Human Understanding, pp. 477. 8° sheep. London, 1728 443 Brown. Life and Letters of John Brown, Liberator of Kansas and Martyr of Virginia. Edited by F. B. San- born. Portrait and plate. 8° cloth. Boston, 1885 444 Brown, John. A Compendious History of the British Churches in England, Scotland, Ireland and America, pp. 418,489, (95). 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1823 445 Brown, John Carter. Bibliotheca Americana. A cata- logue of books relating to North and South America in the library of the late John Carter Brown, of Provi- dence, R. I. With notes by John Russell Bartlett. 4 vols, imperial 8° cloth. Providence, 1865-1882 Fifty copies only of the four volumes, privately printed. All were given away, and the complete work is out of print. Vol. I. comprises titles of 600 works printed between the years 1482 and 1600. Vol. II. comprises 1642 works printed between the years 1600 and 1700. Vols. III. and IV. comprise 4173 works, printed between the years 1700 and 1800. Altogether, the Catalogue is descriptive 6415 works, printed before the present century. Vol. I. contains 121 plates and and wood-cuts, consisting of fac-similes of title pages of rare books, maps, portraits, devices of early printers and vignettes. Vol. II. con- tains illustrations of the same character. Vols. III. and IV. are without pictorial illustrations. The set also contains the first editions of Vols. I. and II., which were re-issued, with large additions, as above. CATALOGUE. 41 446 Brown, Rev. John. (Pastor in Haverhill.) Sermon preached at Arundel, Nov. 4, 1730, at the ordination of Rev. Thomas Prentice, pp. 30. 12° morocco. T. Fleet: Boston, 1731 447 Brown, Thomas. Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 3 vols. 8° half russia. Andover, 1822 448 Brown, William. Antiquities of the Jews. pp. 631, 526. Plates. 2 vols. 8° half calf. Philadelphia, 1823 449 Brown, W. H. History of the First Locomotives in America, pp. 242. Plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1871 450 Brown. Genealogy of a Portion of the Brown Family. 12° half roan, (broken). Providence, 185 1 451 Browne, Robert. A Booke which sheweth the Life and Manner of all true Christians, etc. Small 4° morocco, gilt edges. Imprinted by Richarde Painter: Middelburgh, 1582 By Robert Browne, founder of the " Brownists." 452 Browne, Thomas. Pseudodoxia Epidemica; or, En- quiries into very many received Tenents and commonly presumed Truths, together with the Religio Medici. Sixth ed. pp. 440,12; — Religio Medici. The seventh ed., also Observation by Sir Kenelm Digby. pp. 144. 4° calf. London, 1672 453 Browne. Certain Miscellany Tracts, pp. 215, 6. 12° half calf. London, 1684 454 Browne. The Lives of all the Princes of Orange, from William the Great. Portraits, pp. 305. 8° calf. London, 1693 455 Browne. Christian Morals. First ed. pp. 128. 18° calf. Cambridge, 17 16 456 Browne. Works, including his Life and Correspondence; edited by Simon Wilkin, F. L. S. Portrait, pedigree, and plates. 4 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1835-36 Best Edition. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. 457 Browne. Religio Medici; a Letter to a Friend ; Christian morals; Urn-Burial, and other Papers, pp. 440. Por- trait on India paper. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1862 Large paper: only 25 copies printed. 458 Browning, Robert. Strafford; an Historical Tragedy.. First ed. pp.131. 8° half calf, uncut. London, 1837 459 Brownists. An Apologie or Defence of such true Chris- tians as are commonly (but unjustly) called Brownists pp. 118. Small 4° panelled calf. (Title rebacked, also some leaves rpended). n. p., 1604 42 CATALOGUE. 460 Brunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres. With the Supplement. 7 vols, bound in 14 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Paris, 1860-80 461 Brunswick, Me. History of Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Me. By G. A. and H. W. Wheeler, pp. 959. Portraits and map. 8° cloth. Boston, 1878 462 Bryant and Gay. Popular History of the United States. pp. 583. Numerous illustrations. Vol. i. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1876 463 Bryant, W. C. Poems. First ed. Fine uncut copy. 12° boards. Cambridge, 1821 With a. /.J. of the author inserted. 464 Brydges, Samuel Egerton. Sonnets and other Poems. New edition, pp. 113. 16° half calf. London, 1795 465 Brydges. Restituta; or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature revived. 4 vols. 8° calf, gilt edges, (broken). London, 1814 466 Brydges. Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Abstracts. and Opinions on old English Books. Second ed. 10 vols, in 5. 8° half russia, gilt, uncut edges, gilt tops. London, 1815 467 Brydges. Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Con- temporaries of. pp. 424, 431. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° tree calf, gilt. London, 1834 468 BucANiERS. History of the Bucaniers of America, con- taining, I: The Exploits of the Grand, Lolonois, Roche ^ _ Brasiliano, etc. II: The dangerous Voyage of Capt. 60 -J Sharp, Watlin, Sandlims, and others. Ill: Journal of a Voyage into the South Sea by the Freebooters of America, from 1684 to 1689, etc. 25 maps and plates. 8° calf. London, 1704 469 Buchanan, Georgio. Rerum Scoticarum Historia, Libris XX. — De Jure Regni apud Scotos. pp.721. 12° sheep. Francofurti, 1584 With autographs " Joseph Dudley, his booke." Wm. Dudley's booke. 470 Buchanan, James. Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians, pp. 371. 8° half morocco, extra, uncut edges, gilt top. London, 1824 471 Buck, Edward. Massachusetts Ecclesiastical Law. pp. 310. 12° cloth. Boston, 1866 472 Buckingham, Duke of. The Chances, a comedy, pp. m. Frontispiece J 6° calf, London, 1735 CATALOGUE. 43 473 Buckingham. Letters of the Duke and Duchess of Buck- ingham, chiefly addressed to King James I of England, pp. 39. 16° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1834 Only 40 copies printed. 474 Buckingham, J. T. Miscellanies. 2 vols, in i; — Speci- mens of ISTewspaper Literature. 2 vols. ; — Personal Memoirs. 2 vols. Portrait. Together 5 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1822-1852 475 BuGG, Francis. The Picture of Quakerism drawn to the Life; — Brief History of the Rise, Growth, and Pro- gress of Quakerism, pp. 124, 196. Bound together. 16° sheep, (shaken). London, 1697 The author deserted the Friends Society about 1684. 476 BuGG. The Pilgrim's Progress, from Quakerism to Christianity. Second ed. Portrait and plate, pp. 352. 12° half morocco, red edges. London, 1700 477 BuLKELEY, Peter. The Gospel Covenant; or the Coven- ant of Grace opened. Preached in Concord in New England, pp. 381, 4. Small 4° calf. London, 1646 478 Bullock, A. H. Addresses before Alumni of Amherst College, July 8, 1863; — Address at Williams College, Aug. I, 1864; — Valedictory Address, Jan. 7, 1869; — Intellectual Leadership in American History, 1875; — Centennial Situation of Woman, 1876. 5 pamphlets. 479 Bunker Hill. Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. pp. 174. Plates. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1875 480 Bunker Hill. Particular Account of the Battle of Bun- ker or Breed's Hill, by Alden Bradford, pp. 26, 1825; — History of the Battle, by Charles Coffin, pp. 36, 1835 ! — Account of the Battle, by H. Dearborn, pp. 12, 1818; — Oration in Commemoration of the Battle, by G. E. Ellis, pp. 72, 1841; — History of the Battle, by G. E. Ellis, pp. 69, 1875; — The Battle, by William Emmons, pp. 144, 1859; — Battle-Field of Bunker Hill, by Froth- ingham, pp. 46, 1876; — The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill, pp. 56, 1850; — Battle of Bunker Hill, pp. 136, 1875, by Frothingham; — Doubts Concerning the Battle, by Hudson, pp. 41, 1857; — Swett's History of Bunker Hill Battle, pp. 58, Notes to his Sketch, pp. 34, 1825-7; — Who was Commander, by S. Swett, pp. 39, 1850; — Col. William Prescott, the Commander, by F. J. Parker, pp. 21, 1875; — Stories about Gen. Warren, etc., 1835; — New History of the Battle, by W. W. Wheildon, pp. 56, 1875; — Magazine Article on Battle of Bunker Hill. Together 17 vols. 8° and 12° cloth and boards. 44 CATALOGUE. 481 Bunker Hill. A Collection of the Proceedings of the Bunker Hill Monument Association at the Annual Meetings, held on the seventeenth of June, from 1871 to 1889, inclusive. Bound in 10 vols. 8° half morocco, cloth and paper. Cambridge, 1871-89 482 Bunker Hill. Celebrations by the Bunker Hill Monu- ment Association of the Anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1850 and 1857; — Inauguration of the Statue of Warren, June 17, 1857. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston. 483 Bunker Hill. Original Planing and Construction of Bun- ker Hill Monument, pp. 11, 1863; — History of the Bunker Hill Monument, pp. 33, 1853. 2 vols. 8° boards. 484 BuNN, Alfred. Old England and New England, in a Se- ries of Views taken on the Spot. pp. 315. 12° half roan. Philadelphia, 1853 485 BuNYAN, John. The Barren Fig-Tree. pp. 143. Wood- cut portrait. 18° sheep. London, 1762 486 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come. Sixteenth ed. pp. 205. Wood-cuts. 18° half morocco, uncut. London, 1707 487 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. The second part. Seventeenth ed. pp. 166. Wood-cuts. 18° cloth. Boston, 1744 488 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. With a Life of the Author, by Robert Southey. pp. 411. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 489 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come. pp. 354. Portrait and rubricated title. 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1849 490 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. A New Edition, with a Memoir by J. M. Hare. pp. 336. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1853 491 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. A Fac-simile Repro- duction of the First Ed. pp. 205. Wood-cuts. Small 8° cloth. London, 1875 492 BuNYAN. Profitable Meditations; a Poem. Now first reprinted from a unique Copy, and edited with intro- duction and notes by George Offor. pp. 21, 47. Small 4° half roan. London, i860 493 BuRDiCK, William. Oration on the Nature and Effects of the Art of Printing, July 5, 1802. pp. 31. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1801 CATALOGUE. 45 494 BuRDiCK. Massachusetts Manual, or Political and His- torical Register for 1814-15. pp. 219. 12° boards. Boston, 1814 495 [Burgess, George.] Pages from the Ecclesiastical His- tory of New England, 1740-1840. 12° paper. Boston, 1847 496 BuRGOYNE, General. Substance of his Speeches, on May 26 and 28, 1778; with an Appendix containing General Washington's Letter to General Burgoyne, etc. pp. 42, 6. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1778 With numerous notes in the handwriting of John Wilkes. 497 Burgoyne. A Letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his Constituents upon his late Resignation; with the Cor- respondence between the Secretaries of War and Him, relative to his return to America. Fourth ed. pp. 37. 8° half roan. London, 1779 498 Burgoyne. A Statement of the Expedition from Canada as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieutenant Gen- eral Burgoyne, and verified by evidence; with a Collec- tion of Authentic Documents, and an addition of many circumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House. . . . Written and collected by himself, pp. 140, 62. Maps and plates. 4° calf. Bookplate of Sir Henry Mainwaring, Esq. London, 1780 499 Burgoyne. A Supplement to the State of the Expedition from Canada, containing General Burgoyne's orders, re- specting the Principal Movements, and Operations of the Army to the Raising of the Siege of Ticonderoga. London, 1780. pp. 26. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Only 75 copies reprinted. New York, 1865 500 Burgoyne. Dramatic and Poetical Works of, to which are prefixed. Memoirs of the Author, pp. 248, 235. Plates. 2 vols. 8° russia, gilt. London, 1808 Large paper. 501 BuRiLLViLLE, R. I. Burillville, as it Was, and as it Is. By Horace A. Keach. pp. 167. (2 copies.) 16° cloth. Providence, 1856 502 BuRK, John D. History of Virginia from the first Settle- ment to the present day. 4 vols. 8° half crimson mo- rocco, gilt. Petersburg, 1804-05-16 The fourth volume is rarely found, as nearly all the copies were de- stroyed by fire. 503 BuRK. Some Materials to serve for a brief Memoir of John Daly Burk, Author of a History of Virginia. Ed- ited by Charles Campbell, pp. 123. 8° cloth. Albany, 1868 Two autograph letters of the author inserted. 46 CATALOGUE. 504 Burke, Edmund. Works of. Revised edition. Portrait on India paper. 12 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. 505 Burke. An Account of the European Settlements in America. 2 vols. 8° calf. Second ed. London, 1758 506 Burke. An Account of the European Settlements in America. First American ed. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1835 507 Burlamaqui, J. J. The Principles of Natural and Poli- tic Law. Translated by Mr. Nugent, pp. 424. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1792 508 BuRLiNGAME, Anson. Defence of Massachusetts, Speech in the House of Representatives, June 21, 1856. pp. 33. Portrait. 8° cloth. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1856 509 Burn, J. L. The Fleet Registers; comprising the His- tory of Fleet Marriages, and some Account of the Par- sons and Marriage-House Keepers, pp. 123. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1833 510 Burnaby, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in the Years 1759 and 1760. pp. 206. 16° sheep, (broken). Dublin, 1775 511 Burnaby. The same, with observations upon the state of the colonies, pp. (8), 106. 4° half roan, uncut. London, 1775 512 Burnaby. The same. pp. 199. 8° stitched. London, 1775 /^3 Burnaby. The same. Map and plate. Third ed. 4° calf. London, 1798 514 Burnet, Gilbert. History of his own Time, from the Restoration of Charles II to the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht. New edition, with notes and 51 portraits, pp. 949, 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 515 Burnet. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. New edition, with notes and 47 portraits, pp. 864, 508. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 516 Burnet. Some Passages in the Life and Death of John Earl of Rochester, pp. 182. Portrait. 12° cloth. London, 1875 Facsimile of original edition of i68o. 517 BuRNEY, James. A Chronological History of North- Eastern Voyages of Discovery, and of the early Eastern Navigations of the Russians, pp. 310. 8° calf. London, 1819 CATALOGUE. 47 518 Burns. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Kil- marnock: Printed by John Wilson, 1786. pp. 240. Fac-simile reprint of the original edition. 8° boards, uncut. (J. McKie: Kilmarnock, 1867) Only 600 copies printed. 519 Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. The third ed. pp. 372. Portrait. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1787 520 Burns. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. New edition, considerably enlarged, pp. 237, 287. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1798 521 Burns. Select Scotish Songs, ancient and modern. Edi- ted by R. H. Cromek. pp. 230, 270. 2 vols. 12° cloth. London, 1810 522 Burns. Poetical Works of. With notes illustrative of his Poems, and an account of his life. By Gilbert Burns, pp. 631. Portrait. 8° sheep. Phila. . 1823 523 Burns. Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny, a Poem. Illustrated by Thomas Landseer. pp. 16. 12° boards. London, 1830 524 Burns. Works of, with Life by Allan Cunningham, pp. 807. Portrait and plates. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 525 Burns. Poems and Songs. With life by James Currie. pp. 575. Frontispiece. 18° cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 526 Burns. Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns, by the Boston Burns' Club, January 25, 1859. pp. 84. 12° cloth. Boston, 1859 '527 Burr. Reports of the Trials of Colonel Aaron Burr (late Vice-President of the United States), for Treason and for a Misdemeanor, in preparing the means of a ' military expedition against Mexico, a territory of the King of Spain, with whom the United States were at peace, etc., etc. By David Robertson, pp. 596, 539. , Z' 2 vols. 8° half morocco, red tops. Phila., i8o8 V 528 Burr. Life of Harman Blennerhassett, comprising an -^ authentic narrative of the Burr Expedition. By W. H. Safford, plate, pp. 239, Chillicothe, 1850; — Margaret^ Moncrieffe, the first love of Aaron Burr, by Charlesivt Burdett, plate, pp. 437, N. Y., i860. 2 vols. 12° cloth. 529 [Burroughs, Edward.] A Declaration of the sad and great Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, called Quakers, in New-England, for the worshipping of God, etc. pp. 32. Small 4° claret morocco, extra, j gilt top. London, (1661) 1/^ 48 CATALOGUE. 530 Burroughs, Stephen. Memoirs of. First ed. 8° calf, uncut edges. Hanover, N. H., 1798 531 Burroughs. The same, (with additions). 18° cloth. New York, 1852 532 Burton, John. The Genuineness of L^ Clarendon's His- tory of the Rebellion vindicated, pp. 173. 8° calf. Oxford, 1744 With other tracts bound in. 533 Burton, John Hill. Narratives from Criminal Trials in Scotland, pp. 310, 319. 2 vols. 12" cloth. London, 1852 534 [Burton, R. ] The English Empire in America, or a Prospect of His Majesties' Dominions in the West In- dies. Map and plate, pp. 209. 18° sheep (broken.) London, 1685 535 Burton, Richard. The History of the House of Orange, or, a brief Relation of the Glorious and Magnanimous Achievements of His Majesty's renowned Predecessors, together with the History of William and Mary, etc. New ed. pp. 144. Frontispiece. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Westminster, 1814 Large Paper. Only 50 copies printed. 536 [Burton, Robert.] The Anatomy of Melancholy. En- graved titles, pp. 461, 612. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1826 537 Burton. The Anatomy of Melancholy. By Democritus Junior. New ed., corrected, with an Account of the Author, pp. 583, 612. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1837 538 [Burton, Rev. Warren.] The District School as it was. 18° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1833 539 Bush, G. G. Harvard the first American University. Plates. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1886 540 Butler, Charles. Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics, since the Reformation. Third ed. 4 vols. 8° tree calf, extra, by Riviere. London, 1822 541 Butler. Reminiscences. Fourth ed. pp. 404, 291. 2 vols, in 1. 8° morocco, gilt. London, 1824 542 Butler, Rev. Joseph. Works of, with a Preface, giving some Account of the Character and Writings of the Author, by Samuel Halifax, pp. 340, 357. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. Oxford, 1849 CATALOGUE. 49 543 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras, written in the Time of the late Wars. Parts i and 2. pp. 268, 216. 2 vols, in i. Small 8° full crushed levant morocco extra, inside tool- ing, gilt edges, by Riviere. Printed by F. G. for Richard Harriot, 1663. Printed by T. R. for John Martyn, 1664 This is the genuine Author's first Edition. 544 Butler. Hudibras. The second Part 1664. pp. 216. The third and last Part, 1678. pp. 285. 2 vols, small 8° morocco, gilt edges. London. Genuine first editions. 545 Butler. Hudibras. The first Part. 1663. pp. 128. The second Part. 1664. pp. 125. 2 vols. 16° morocco, gilt edges. London, 1663-4 First editions, published at the same time with the author's edition, but in a cheaper form, probably to compete in cheapness with the spurious edition. 546 Butler. Hudibras. The first Part. pp. 125. 16° mo- rocco, gilt edges. London, printed in the year 1663 The earliest edition of Hudibras, printed (surreptitiously) before the author's edition was published by Marriot in the same year. 547 Butler. Posthumous Works in Prose and Verse, pp. 243, 18. Portrait after Sir Peter Lilly. 18° calf. London, 1715 548 Butterfield, C. W. Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart on the March with his Company from Connecticut, to Fort '^'^ni Pitt, Sept. to October, 1785. pp. 94. Small 4" paper, uncut. Albany, 1885 Only i 50 copies printed. 549 Buxton, Me. Address at the First Centennial Celebra- tion, by N. W. Williams, pp. 34, 1850; — Records of the Church of Christ during the pastorate of Paul Cofifin, pp. 88, 1868; — Records of the Proprietors of Narraganset Township, No. i, now the town of Buxton from Aug. i, 1733 to Jan. 4, 1811, by W. F. Goodwin, pp. 400, 187 1, (privately printed); — -Report of the Proceedings at the Celebration of the First Centennial Anniversary of the town of Buxton, Aug. 14, 1872, by J. W. Marshall, pp. 288, 1874; — Semi Centennial of York County Confer- ence, June 4-5, 1872, pp. 119, 1876. 5 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Portland. 550 Byfield, Nathaniel. An Account of the late Revolution ani.CCU '" •'^^^ England, together with the Declaration of the "' Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston, April 18, 1689. pp. 20, Small 4° blue morocco, gilt edges by Hayday, London, 1689 so CATALOGUE. 551 Byfield, Nicholas. The Principall Grounds of Christian Religion, pp. 22. London 1625; — Byfield, Richard. A Candle lighted at the Lamp of Sacred Scriptures. In one volume. 18° russia, gilt. London, 1627 552 Byles, Mather. The Character of the Perfect and Up- right Man, etc. pp. 27. Portrait inserted. 8° calf. S. Gerrish: Boston, 1729 553 Byles. God Glorious in the Scenes of the Winter. Ser- mon preached in Boston, Dec. 23, 1744. pp. 14. 16° calf. B. Green & Co.: Boston, 1744 554 Byrd, William. The Westover Manuscripts, containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina, etc. pp. 143. Royal 8° boards. Petersburg, 1841 555 Byrd. The History of the Dividing Line between Vir- ginia and North Carolina, as run in 1728-29. pp. 233, 276. 2 vols, royal 4° boards. Richmond, 1866 Large Paper. Only 40 copies privately printed. 556 Byron, John. Narrative of. Containing an Account of the great Distresses suffered by himself and Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-46. pp. 257. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1768 557 Byron, Lord. Poems, original and translated. Second ed. pp. 174. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. Newark, (Eng.), 1808 558 Byron. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. First American Edition, pp. 86. 8° half roan. Phila, 1811 559 Byron. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a Satire. pp. 126. Imperial 4° boards, uncut. New York, 1865 Large Paper. Only 75 copies. 560 Byron. Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with No- tices of his Life. By Thomas Moore. Third ed. Por- traits and plates. 3 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1833 561 Byron. Conversations on Religion with Lord Bryon and Others. By James Kennedy, pp.461. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1830 563 J^ ABECAde Vaca. Relacion of Alvar Nunez Cabeca \^ de Vaca. Translated by Buckingham Smith. Por- '.hs-j trait. Imperial 8° cloth. New York, 1871 Only 100 copies privately printed. A new edition, with many im- portant additions. 564 Cabot. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery. 8° sheep. Phila., 1831 565 Cabot. The same. 8° boards, uncut, London, 1832 CATALOGUE. 51 566 Cabot. The Remarkable Life, Adventures and Discover- ies of Sebastian Cabot, of Bristol. By J. F. Nichols. Portrait. Small 4° cloth, unc^t. London, 1869 .567 Cabot. La Vera Patria di Nicolo de' Conti edi Giovanni Caboto, di C. Bullo. pp. 91. Chioggia, 1880, {2 copies); — Giovanni E. Sebastiano Cabota, notizie, di Augusto • Zeri. pp. II. Roma, 1881; — Intorno a Giovanni Caboto Genovese, Scopritore del Labrodor e di altre region! dell' Alta America settentrionale, di Carnelio •Desimoni. pp.63. Genova, 1881. 4 pamphlets. 568 Cadets. Divisionary Corps of Cadets First Division M. V. M. Roll, — Constitution, — Bill of Dress, pp.60, printed on one side only. 8° half morocco, uncut. Boston, i860 Only 30 copies privately printed. /S69 Cairnes, J. E. The Slave-Power; its character, career and probable designs, pp. 171. 8° cloth. New York, 1862 570 Calamy, Edmund. The Nonconformist's Memorial, be-r ing an Account of the Ministers, who were ejected or silenced after the Restoration, particularly by the Act of Uniformity, Aug. 24, 1662. New edition by Samuel Palmer. Numerous brilliant portraits, pp. 551 (30,) 648(36.) 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt (rebacked). London, 1775 571 Calamy. Historical Account of my own Life, with some Reflections on the Times I have lived in, 1671-1731. Edited, with notes, by J. T. Rutt. pp. 501, 561. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8° half russia. London, 1829 572 Calef, Robert. More Wonders of the Invisible World; or, The Wonders of the Invisible World, Displayed in Five Parts. Part I. An Account of the Sufferings of Margaret Rule, Written by the Reverend Mr. C. M. Part II. Several Letters to the Author, etc. And his Reply relating to Witchcraft. Part III. The Differ- ences between the Inhabitants of Salem- Village, and Mr. Parris, their Minister in New England. Part IV. Let- ters of a Gentleman uninterested. Endeavoring to prove the received Opinions about Witchcraft to be Orthodox. With short Essays to their Answers, etc. pp. 156, with the scarce errata (mounted) and a fac-simile of an au- tograph note of the Author. Also a fac-simile title in- serted. Small 4° antique morocco. London, 1700 "This writer deserves unbounded praise for having withstood the delusion of his time. In his discussion with Cotton Mather, he is as superior to him in reasoning as he was in good sense and courage. This book was burnt at Harvard College by order of the President, Increase Mather." 52 CATALOGUE. 573 Calef. More Wonders of the Invisible World, etc. 12'' calf. (2 leaves slightly damaged and neatly mended.) Reprinted: Salem, 1796 574 Calef. The same. 12° half morocco. Salem, 1823 575 Calef. The same. 18° sheep. Boston, 1828 576 Calcoen. a Dutch Narrative of the Second Voyage of of Vasco de Gama to Calicut, printed at Antwerp circa 1504. With introduction and translation by J. P. Ber- jeau. Black letter reprint, with fac-simile map. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1874 577 Calhoun, John C. Works of. 6 vols. 8° half calf. New York, 1853 578 Callendar, John. Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England and America, from 1638 to the End of the first Century, pp. 120. 12° morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1736 579 Calmet, a. Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Eighth ed. Revised by Edward Robinson, pp. 1003. Maps and engravings. Royal 8° sheep. Boston, 1837 580 Cambridge, Mass. Two Hundred Years Ago; or, a brief history of Cambridgeport and East Cambridge, with no- tices of some of the early settlers. By (Mrs.) S. S. S(impson). Plate. 16° cloth. Boston, 1859 Suppressed by her family and relatives. With a. I. s. of Lucius R. Paige, historian of Cambridge, relating to the book, inserted. 581 Cambridge. Atlas of the City of Cambridge, Mass. By G. M. Hopkins. 18 maps. Atlas folio, half roan. Phila, 1886 582 Cambridge. Memorial to the Men of Cambridge who fell in the First Battle of the Revolutionary War; — Pro- ceedings, July 3, 1875, in Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of Washington's taking command of the Continental Army; — Proceedings at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument, June [869; — Exercises in Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Settlement of Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1880. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1870-81 583 Cambridge. Lectures on the History of the First Church in Cambridge. By A. McKenzie, pp. 289, 1873; — An Account of the Controversy in the First Parish in Cam- > bridge, 1827-29. pp. 58, 1829. 2 vols. 12° cloth and boards. . Boston. 584 Cambridge, Mass. Historical and Miscellaneous Pamph- lets, relating to. (19). CATALOGUE. 53 /S85 Cambridge. Farewell Sermon, Dec. 8, 1833, by W. Newell; — Discourse on the Cambridge Church Gath- ering, Feb. 22, 1846, by W. Newell; — Account of some of the Bridges over Charles River, by William Newell. 3 vols. 8° half roan. Cambridge. 586 Cambridge Platform. A Platform of Church-Discipline, gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled , in the Synod at Cambridge in New England, etc. pp. 30. Small 4° blue morocco, beveled sides, gilt edges. Printed in New England: Reprinted in London, 1653 . 587 Cambridge Platform. A Platform of Church-Discipline, gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New England, pp. 2, 10, 33, I. (A few leaves somewhat closely trimmed at the top.) Small 4° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. Cambridge: Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 167 1 Fine copy of the rare Second (American) edition. 588 Cambridge Platform. A Platform of Church Discipline, etc. pp. I, 22, 64. 18° calf. John Foster, Boston, 1680 Lacks the table of contents at the end. .589 Cambridge Platform. The Results of three Synods held by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches of Massa- chusetts Province, New England, pp. 118; — Confes- sion of Faith aloued and consented unto at the second session of the Synod, May 12, 1680. pp. 50. 16° half calf. Boston, 1725 , 590 Cambridge and Saybrook Platforms of Church Discipline. 12° half sheep. Boston, 1829 591 Camden, Me. Sketches of the History of. By John L Locke, pp. 267. 12° cloth. Hallowell, 1859 592 Camden, William. Britannia, sive florentissimorum Regnorum, Anglise, Scotiase, Hibernise, et Insularum adiacentium. First ed. pp. 556, 12. Square 16° an- tique calf, red edges. Londini, 1586 593 Camden. Remaines concerning Britaine. The fifth im- pression, with many rare antiquities never before im- printed, by the industry and care of John Philipot. pp. 422. Fine portrait, bright impression. Sm^l 4° calf, gilt. London, 1637 594 Camden. The History of the most renowned and vic- torious Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of England, pp. 661 and table. Portrait by R. White. Folio, half morocco, uncut. London, 1688 54 CATALOGUE. 595 Campaigns of the Civil>Var. Outbreak of the Rebellion, by J. G. Nicolay;-VlFrom Fort Henry to Corinth, by M. F. Force. Maps. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1881 596 Campbell, Charles. Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, pp. 200. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Richmond, 1847 597 Campbell. History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, pp. 765. 8° cloth. Phila. , i860 .^98 Campbell, J. W. History of Virginia, from its Discovery rjs till the year 1781. pp. 310. 12° sheep. Phila., 1813 599 Campbell, Lord John. The Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest till the death of Lord Mansfield, pp. 588, 584. 2 vols. 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1850 600 Canada. An Account of the French Settlements in North America, shewing from the latest authors, the towns, ports, islands, lakes, etc., of Canada. By a Gen- tleman. With an appendix, giving an account of Que- bec, by P. Charlevoix, pp. 26. 12° morocco, red edges. Rogers & Fowle: Boston, 1746 601 Canada. A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, in England, descriptive of the different settlements in the Province of Upper Canada, pp. 30. 12° boards, un- cut. Phila., 1795 602 Canada. Summary of Canadian History, by J. A. Boyd; ( — • Map of Canada; — Northern Traveller; — Guide to - j Niagara Falls, by Johnson. 4 vols. 16° cloth. ^ Phila., 1864 603 Canada. Report on Canadian Archives, by Douglas Brymner,^i888; — Tables of the Trade and Navigation, 1868; — Emigration to Canada. The Province of Que- bec, 1869. 3 vols, royal 8° paper. Ottawa and Toronto. 604 Caner, Henry. Sermon preached at King's Chapel, Bos- ton, January i, 1761, upon occasion of the death of King George 11. pp. 31. 8° half morocco. Boston, (1761) 605 Canning, George. Select Speeches of. Edited by Robert Walsh, pp.583. 8° cloth. Phila., 1843 606 Capell, Edward. Prolusions; or, select Pieces of ancient PQetry. 8° calf. London, 1760 607 Capell. MSS. Catalogue of Mr. Capell's Shakespeariana, presented by him to Trinity College, Cambridge, and printed from Mr. Hazlewood's copy, by Hartshorne, 1829. Transcribed from Hartshorne's Reprint, 1842. Portrait, pp. 30. Royal 4° sheep. Of the Reprint only 20 copies were printed. CATALOGUE. 55 608 Carey, Mathew. Miscellaneous Trifles in Prose, pp. 176. 24° calf, gilt. Phila., 1796 609 Carey. A Plumb Pudding for the Humane, Chaste, Valliant, Enlightened Peter Porcupine, pp. 48. 8° half calf, gilt. Phila., 1798 610 Carey. The Olive Branch; or. Faults on both Sides, Federal and Democratic. Fourth ed. pp. 241, 276. 2 vols. 12" sheep, (foxed). Phila., 1815 611 Carey. A Short Account of the Malignant Fever which prevailed in Philadelphia in the year 1793, with other writings by the same author, pp. 472. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Phila., 1830 612 Carleton. Letters from and to Sir Dudley Carleton, during his Embassy in Holland, from January, 1615 to December, 1620. pp. 510. 4° half calf. London, 1757 613 Carleton. State Letters of, during his Embassy at the Hague, A. D. 1627, now first edited by T. P. (Thomas Phillips), pp. 76. Royal 4° full morocco, extra. Midde Hill, 1841 614 Carleton, George. A Thankful Remembrance of God's Mercie, etc. pp. 292. Plates by Hulsius. (Title- page wanting). 4° half sheep, "(broken). (London, 1624) 615 Carleton. A Thankfull Remembrance of God's Mercy, in an Historicall Collection of the Deliverances of the Church and State of England. Third ed. revised and enlarged. With portrait, engraved title and numerous plates by Hulsius. pp. 291. Small 4° calf, gilt edges, (one leaf mended). London, 1627 616 Carlisle, Earl of. A Relation 6i three Embasies from Charles II to the Great Duke of Muscovie, the King of Sweden, and the King of Denmark, performed in the years 1663 and 1664. Portraits. 12° calf. London, 1669 617 Carlton, Robert. The New Purchase; or, seven and a half years in the Far West. pp. 300, 316. 2 vols. 12° boards. New York, 1843 618 Carlyle, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations, 2 vols. ; — Critical and Miscellaneous Essays; — Past and Present. 4 vols. 12° half morocco and clorh. Boston and New York, 1839-45 ' 619 Carter, James G. Geography of New Hampshire. 18° boards. Portsmouth, 1831 ' 620 Cartier. Voyage de Jaqves Cartier au Canada en 1534. Nouvelle Edition, publiee d'apr^s I'edition de 1598 et d'apres Ramusio. Par M. H. Michellant. Avec deux cartes. Documents in^dits sur Jaques Cartier et le Canada, pp. 71, 53. 12° paper, uncut. Paris, 1865 S6 CATALOGUE. . 621 Cartier. Bref Recit et Succincte Narration de la Navi- gation faite en 1535 et 1536 par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux iles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres. Reimpression. Fr6c6d6e d'une introduction historique. Par M. Davezac. pp. 69. 12° paper, un- cut. Paris, 1863 622 Carver, J. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Third edi- tion, pp. 543. Fine mezzotint portrait, maps and colored plates. 8° half sheep. London, 1781 623 Cary, Henry. Memorials of the Great Civil War in England, from 1646 to 1652. pp. 445, 464. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1842 624 Cary, Robert. Memoirs of Robert Cary, Earl of Mon- mouth. Written by himself, and Fragmenta Regalia. By Sir Robert Naunton With explanatory annotations. 2 portraits. Royal 8° russia. Edinburgh, 1808 625 Casaubon, Meric. A Treatise concerning Enthusiasme, as It is an Effect of Nature. Second ed., revised, pp. 297. 12° half morocco. London, 1656 626 Case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, in February, 1793, in which is discussed the Question "Whether a State be liable to be sued by a Private Citizen of another State? " pp. 120. 8° half sheep. Phila., 1793 Autograph of " Jno. Pickering." . 627 Castine, Me. History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooks- ville, including the ancient Settlement of Pentagoet. By G. A. Wheeler, pp. 401. Plates. 8° cloth. Bangor, 1875 • 628 Caswall, Rev. Henry. America and the American Church. Frontispiece. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 629 Catalogue of Books added to the Library of Congress, from Dec. i, 1866 to Dec. 11, 1868. pp. 323. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth. Washington, 1868-69 630 Catalogues of the Mass. State Library, 1858; — Boston Public Library, Lower Hall, 1873; — Bowdoin College Library, 1863; — Cincinnati Public Library, 1871. To- gether 4 vols. 8° and royal 8° half morocco. 631 Catalogue of the Library of George Offor, sold in Lon- don, 1865; — Catalogue of a very curious collection of Prints of W. Shropshire, sold in London, 1770. (Con- tains the whole works of that celebrated master, Mr. John Smith, mezzotinto scraper.) 2 vols. 8° half mo- rocco and boards, London. CATALOGUE. 57 632 Catalogues published by Bernard Quaritch, London, 1873-90. 73 parts 8° paper. London. 633 Catalogues. Catalogues of Americana, for sale by E. Dufoss^, Paris. 43 parts 8° paper. 634 Catalogues of the Auction Sales of the Libraries of Wil- kinson, Stevens, E. A. Crowningshield, Corwin, Davis, Guild, Choate and Pickering. 9 vols. 8° half roan. New York and Boston, 1846-59 63s Catalogues of Auction Sales of Libraries in New York and Boston, comprising catalogues of the more important sales for the last 20 years. 81 parts 8° paper. 636 Cattermole, Rev. Richard. The Great Civil War of Charles I and the Parliament, pp. 287, 311. Portraits and fine plates from drawings by George Cattermole. 2 vols, square 8° cloth. London, 1842-5 637 Caulfield, James. Calcographiana; the Printseller's Chronicle and Collector's Guide to the Knowledge and Value of engraved British portraits, pp. 163. Por- trait. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1814 638 Caulfield. Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Re- markable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the Reign of George II, collected from the most authentic accounts extant. With upwards of i6o por- traits. 4 vols, royal 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1819-20 Large Paper. 639 Cavendish, George. The Negotiations of Thomas Wool- sey, the great Cardinall of England, containing his life and death, pp. ir8. Fine portrait. Small 4° calf, red edges. London, 1641 640 Cavendish, Sir Henry. Debates in the House of Com- mons on the Quebec Bill, 1774, now first published by J. Wright, pp. 303. Maps. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 ■641 Caverly, R. B. Heroism of Hannah Duston, together with the Indian Wars of New England, pp. 408. Il- lustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1875 642 Caxton, William. Ars Moriendi. Here begynneth a lytyel treatyse schortely compyled and called ars mor- iendi, that is to saye the craft for to dye for the helthe of mannes sowle. Folio, calf. [Reprinted: Tyondon, 1849] One of fifty copies reprinted from the unique copy in the Bodleian Library. 643 Caxton. The Game of the Chesse by William Caxton. Folio, half morocco. [Reprinted: London, 1855] Fac-simile reprint of the rare^original. 58 C,ATALOGUE. 644 Caxton. The Statutes of Henry VII in exact fac-simile from the very rare original, printed by Caxton in 1489. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by John Rae. Royal 4° half morocco, uncut. London, 1869 645 Caxton. The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, of the Weald of Kent, the first Printer in England. By John Lewis, pp. 156. Portrait and plates. 8° blue morocco, gilt edges. London, 1737 Only 150 copies printed. 646 Centlivre, Mrs. Dramatic Works of, with a new account of her Life. 3 vols, small 8° boards, uncut. London, 1872 . 647 Chahert, M. de. Voyage en 1750 et 1751 dans I'Ameri- que Septentrionale, pour rectifier les Cartes des cotes de I'Acadie, de I'lsle Royale, et de I'lsle de Terre neuve. pp. 288. Maps. Royal 4° half morocco. Paris, 1753 648 Chalmers, George. Political Annals of the present United Colonies from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. Book I. (All published.) Royal 4° calf, gilt. London, 1780 Large Paper Copy. With Chalmers' Ex-Libis inserted. 649 Chalmers. An Introduction to the History of the Re- volt of the American Colonies. Vol. I. (all published.) pp. 496. (No title page ever printed for this book.) 8° calf. (1782) 650 Chalmers. Same. New edition, with a continuation. pp. 414, 376. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1845 651 Chalmers. An Estimate of the comparative Strength of Great Britain, during the present and four preced- ing Reigns. New edition, pp. 289, 17. London, 1794; — Opinions on Interesting Subjects arising from American Independence. New edition, pp. 200. In one vol. 8° calf. London, 1785 652 Chalmers. Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on various Points of English Jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fisheries and Commerce of Great Britain, pp. 787. Royal 8° sheep. Burlington, 1858 653 Chambers, Robert. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. 2 vols, royal 8° half calf, gilt. London, i860 654 Chambers. Traditions of Edinburgh. New edition. pp. 389. 12° cloth. London, 1899 655 Chamberlain, J. L. Maine, her place in history. Map. 8° cloth. Augusta, 1877 CATALOGUE. 59 656 Chamberlain, Mellen. John Adams, the Statesman of the American Revolution; — Samuel Maverick's Pali- sade House of 1630; — Authenticity of the Declara- tion of Independence, July 4, 1776; — History of the People of the United States, a review of McMaster's History; — Address at the Dedication of Wilson Hall (Dartmouth College); — Address at the Dedication of the Brooks Library Building, Brattleboro, Vt. ; — Con- stitutional Relations of the American Colonies to the English Government at the Commencement of the American Revolution.. 7 pamphlets. 1884-8 657 Champlain, Samuel de. CEuvres de Champlain, pub- li^es sous le Patronage de I'Universitd Laval par I'Abbd C. H. Laverdi^re. Second ed. Numerous plates and maps. 6 vols, royal 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt edges. Quebec, 1870 ' 6^8 Chandler, P. W. American Criminal Trials. 2 por- B-l traits. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1841-4 659 Chandler, Richard. The Life of William Waynfiete, Bishop of Winchester, Lord High Chancellor of Eng- land in the Reign of Henry VI., and Founder of Magadalen College, Oxford: collected from records, registers, manuscripts, and other authentic evidences. Portrait, plates and index, pp. 428. Imperial 8° mo- rocco, gilt edges. London, 181 1 Large Paper : Only 50 copies printed. 660 Channing, William E. Works of. Second complete edition. 6 vols.; — Memoirs of. 3 vols. Together 9 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1843-48 661 Channing, W. E. Sermon at Dorchester, Dec. 7, 1808; ■ — Infidelity, 1813; — Discourse, June 15, 1814; — Ser- mon at Baltimore, May s, 1819; — Letters to Channing, by Moses Stuart, 1819; — Evidences of Revealed Re- ligion, 1821; — Sermon at the Ordination of Jared Sparks, May 5, 1819; — Sermon at the Ordination of E. S. Gannett, June 30, 1824; — Tribute to Noah Wor- cester, 1837; — Address at Lenox, Aug. i, 1842; — Ad- dress at the Funeral of W. E. Channing, by E. L. Gan- nett, 1842; — Channing's Character, by R. G. Hazard, 1845. II vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 662 Chap Books. Cynthia, with the Tragical Account of the Unfortunate Loves of Almerin and Desdemona, Lon- don, 1726; — The Famous History of Montellion, Knight of the Oracle, London, 1720; — Honour of Chivalry, or the Famous and Delectable History of Don Bellianis of Greece. Curious wood-cuts. Bound in one vol. 18° calf. 6o CATALOGUE. 663 Chap Book. The Picture Exhibition, containing original drawings of eighteen Disciples. Wood engravings. 24° paper. I. Thomas: Worcester, 1788 664 Chap Books. Snow Storm, pp. 26, N. Y., 1823; — Ad- ventures of Don Quixote, pp. 28, Exeter, 1825; — Sleeping Beauty, pp. 24, Nottingham ; — History of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw, pp. 24, n. p. n. d. ; — Sketch of the Character and Manners of All Nations, pp. 35, Concord, 1830, (2 copies); — Lady's Polite Valentine Writer, London, pp. 40; — Doleful Death of Poor Old Robin, pp. 15, London. 7 pamphlets 16° paper. 665 [Chaplin,_ Ebenezer.j Congregationalism, as contained in the Scriptures, explained by the Cambridge Platform, and byapproved authors, pp. 86. 8° calf. Boston, 1794 666 Charles I. A Discourse or Dialogue between the two now potent Enemies, the Lord General M'litia, and his Illegall opposite Commission of Array, pp. 8. Small 4° paper. London, 1642 667 Charles I. The Kings Cabinet Opened; or, certain packets of secret letters and papers, written with the King's own hand, and taken in his Cabinet at Nasby- Field, June 14, 1645. pp. 56. Small 4° calf. London, 1645 668 Charles I. Reliquiae Sacras Carolinse. The Works of that Great Monarch and Glorious Martyr King Charles the ist. 2 portraits. Small 8° calf. Hague, 1648 669 Charles I. Reliquiae Sacrs Carolinae, or the works of that great monarch and glorious martyr, King Charles I, collected together and digested in order according to their severall subjects, civil and sacred. Portrait, pp. (16), 324. 12° mottled calf, gilt, yellow edges. Hague, 1 65 1 670 Charles I. Reliquiae Sacrae Carolinae. The Works of that great monarch and glorious martyr. King Charles I, both civil and sacred. Thick 12° half morocco. Printed by Sam. Browne: Hague, n. d. Title page in MSS. and frontispiece wanting. Portrait inserted. 671 Charles I. King Charls his Tryal, or a perfect Narra- tive of the whole Proceedings of the High Court of Justice in the Tryal of the King. pp. 48. Small 4° stitched. London, 1649 672 Charles L King Charls, his Speech made upon the Scaffold, at Whitehall Gate, Jan. 30, 1648. pp. 8. Small 4° paper. London, 1649 673 Charles I. Majestas Intemerata, or the Immortality of the King. pp. 148. 18° sheep. Printed in the year, 1649 CATALOGUE. 6i 674 Charles I. The Princely Pellican. Royall Resolves presented in sundry choice Observations extracted from His Majesties Divine Meditations, pp. 48. Wood-cut. Small 4° paper. Printed in the year, 1649 675 Charles I. The Full Proceedings of the High Court of Justice against King Charles, in Westminster Hall, 20th of January, 1648. Portrait. 18° sheep. London, 1654 676 Charles L The Royall Martyr, or King Charles the First, no Man of Blood but a Martyr for his People; — An exact List of the Names of those pretended Judges who sate, and sentenced our late Sovereigne King Charles the First; — Short History of Charles H. Fine portrait. In i vol. 16° sheep. London, 1660 677 Charles I. King Charles the First's Declaration to his Subjects concerning Lawful Sports to be used on Sun- days, 1633. pp. 17. 8° half roan, uncut. Reprinted at the Chiswick Press: 1862 Only 100 copies issued. 678 Charles I. Eikon Basilike. Reprint of the Edition of 1648 with an introduction by Edward J. L. Scott. Plate. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1880 679 Charles II. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty King Charles II. pp. 308. 12° calf, (lacking pp. 309- 316). Printed in the year, 1694 680 Charleston, S. C. Special Services held at St. Philip's Church, May 12 and 13, 1875, in Commemoration of the Planting of the Church of England in the Province of Carolina, pp. 172. 8° paper. Charleston, 1876 . 681 Charlestown, Mass. History of. By Richard Froth- ingham. pp. 368. Map and plates. 8° half morocco, covers bound in. Boston, 1845 682 Charlestown. A Century of Town Life. A history of Charlestown, Mass., 1775-1887. By J. F. Hunnewell. Plates. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1888 • 683 Charlestown. History of the Harvard Church in Char- lestown, i8i5-i879;-VHistory of First Church. By W. I. Budington. 2 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Boston, 1845-1879 1^84 Charlevois, F. X. de. Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal Historique d'un Voyage fait dans I'Amerique septentrionale. Nu- merous maps. 7 vols. 12° calf. Paris, 1744 ''685 Charlevoix. Journal of a Voyage to North America, containing the geographical description and natural his- tory of that country, particularly Canada. Map. 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1761 62 CATALOGUE. / 686 Charlevoix. History and General Description of New France. Translated, with notes, by John Gilmary Shea. 6 vols, imperial 4° boards. New York, 1866-70 Large Paper. 687 Chastellux. Travels in North America, in the years 1780, 1 781 and 1782. By the Marquis de Chastellux, one of the forty members of the French Academy, and Major General in the French Army, serving under the Count de Rochambeau. Translated from the French by an English gentleman, who resided in America at that period. With notes by the translator, pp. 462, 432. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1787 688 Chastellux. Travels in North America in the years ' 1780-82. pp 416. 8° morocco, gilt. New York, 1827 689 Chateaubriand, Viscount de. Sketches of English Liter- ature, pp. 356, 361. Seconded. 2 vols. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1837 690 Chatham. Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chat- ham. Edited by W. S. Taylor and J. H. Pringle. 4 vols.' 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 691 Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical Works of, with notices of his life, history of the Rowley controversy, etc. pp. 728. Plate. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1842 692 Chaucer, Goeffrey. Canterbury Tales. A new Text, with illustrative notes, by Thomas Wright, pp. 226. Portrait. 8° cloth. (London.) 693 Chauncy, Charles. Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. (Title repaired.) Boston, 1 743 ; — The Salvation of All Men. London 1 784 ; — A Compleat View of Episcopacy. Boston 1771; — Twelve Sermons. Boston 1765; — The Benevolence of the Deity. Boston 1784; — Five Dissertations on the Fall. London 1785. 6 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt. 694 Chauncy. Thanksgiving Sermon for the Reduction of Cape Breton, under the command of the Hon. William Pepperrell, July 18, 1745. pp. 23. 8° half roan. Boston, 1745 69s Chauncy. Discourse on a Day of Thanksgiving for the Repeal of the Stamp-Act, July 24, 1766. pp. 32. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1766 696 Chauncy. Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Bowman, Aug. 31, 1762. pp. 50.; — Discourse occasioned by the death of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, 1766. pp.40. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Boston.' CATALOGUE. 63 697 Chauncy. a Letter to a Friend, containing remarks on certain passages in a sermon, by the Bishop of Landaff, Feb. 20, 1767, in which the highest reproach is unde- servedly cast upon the American colonies, pp. 56. 8° stitched. Boston, 1767 1^98 Cheever, G. B. American Common-Place Book of Poetry, pp. 405. 16° half calf. Boston, 1831 699 Cheever. The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, in i6jo. Second ed. pp. 369. Small 8° cloth. New York, 1848 700 Cheever. The Dream; or true history of Deacon 'Giles' distillery, and Deacon Jones' brewery, pp. 16. Illus- trations. Royal 8° half morocco. New York, 1859 -701 Chelmsford, Mass. History of, from 1653 to 1820. To which is added a Memoir of the Pawtucket Tribe of Indians. By Wilkes Allen, pp. 192. 8° half roan. Haverhill, 1820 ' 702 [Cheney, Harriet V.] A Peep at the Pilgrims in sixteen hundred and thirty-six. 2 vols, in i. 8° calf. Boston, 1824 703 Chester, J. L. The Marriage, Baptismal and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church or Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster, pp. 631. Imperial 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1876 Private Edition. 704 Chesterfield. The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. Edited with notes, by Lord Mahon. Portraits. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 705 [Child, Francis J.] Childe Harvard, a Romance of Cam- bridge. By Senor Alguno. New edition, pp. 186. 12° boards, (title damaged). Boston, 185 1 706 Child. English and Scottish Ballads. 8 vols. 8° full blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Boston, i860 Large Paper. 707 Child, John. New England's Jonas cast up at London, 1647. With an introduction and notes by W. T. R. Marvin, pp. 52, 40. 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1869 Only 150 copies printed. Nearly all the copies of this book were burned in the fire of 1872. 708 Child, Sir Josiah. A N£W Discourse of Trade, pp. 238. 12° sheep. ^JlJ^-S.?dj^ London, 1698 709 Child. The same. Fourth ed. pp.232. 12° calf. London, n. d. 710 Child. The same. New ed. pp. 224. 12° calf. London, 1775 /, 64 CATALOGUE. .711 Child, Mrs. L. M. Hobomok, a tale of early times; — Philothea, a romance; —!--ffistory of the Condition of Women in various Ages and Nations. 4 vols. 12° half calf and half morocco. ' ' '■^\(ii<-- Boston, 1824-40 712 Chittenden, L. E. Report of the Debates and Proceed- ings in the secret Sessions of the Peace Convention of 1861. 8° cloth. New York, 1864 713 Choate, Rufus. Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. By Edward G. Parker. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, i860 714 Christian, Bolivar. The Scotch-Irish Sellers in the Val- ley of Virginia, pp. 38. 8*^ boards. Richmond, i860 715 Christian Examiner and Theological Review. Vols, i to 71. 1824-1862. 35 vols, half calf and 37 vols, in parts. Together 72 vols. 8° (Lacks Mar. 1852.) Boston, 1824-62 716 Christian Examiner, 1881 to 1897, irregular. 671 num- bers 8° paper. 717 Christian Examiner. Index to the Christian Examiner, volumes 1-87. 1824-1869. By W. Gushing. 8° cloth. Boston, 1879 718 Christian Plea (A) for Christians Baptisme, raised from the grave of Apostasie. By L. C. pp. 31. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1643 719 Christina of Denmark. Memories of Leonora Chris- tina, daughter of Christian IV of Denmark. Written during her imprisonment in the Blue Tower at Copen- hagen, 1663-1685. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Por- trait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1872 720 Chronological Abridgement of the History of England, its constitution and laws, from the Norman Conquest to the Revolution in 1688. 8° half morocco. London, 1815 721 Chubb, Thomas. A Collection of Tracts on various Sub- jects, pp. 474. Royal 4° calf. London, 1730 722 Church, Dr. Benjamin. An Oration delivered March 5, 1773, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. pp. 20. 4° half morocco. Boston, 1773 723 Church, Benjamin. The History of King Philip's War; - — The History of the Eastern Expeditions of 1689, '90, '92, '96 and 1704 against the Indians and French. With an introduction and notes, by H, M, 'Dexter. 2 maps. Small 4° half morocco. Boston, 1867 Only 250 copies printed, 'ii^'^ fl2. CATALOGUE. 65 .724 Church, Thomas. Entertaining Passages Relating to Philip's War whicli began in the Month of June, 1675, as also of Expeditions more lately made against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, in the Eastern parts of New England; with some account of the Divine Providence towards Benj. Church, Esq. Second ed. pp. 198, (i). With rare original portrait of Philip King engraved by Paul Revere. Small 4° sheep. Newport, 1772 '-Jt.«/t»\<» '^^^ portrait of Col. Benj. Church, by Paul Revere, is of a later im- . ~»^T^ pression. \/725 Church. History of King Philip's War. With an index, Hy^C F'1- notes, and an appendix by S. G. Drake, pp. 304. Por- /v3i trait, (mended.) 12° sheep. Boston, 1825 ./" 726 Church. The same. Second ed. pp. 360. Plates. 12° Vi^fc F'^ ^''■^^- Boston, 1827 ' 727 Church. The same. pp. 360. Revised edition. 12° sheep. Cooperstown, 1846 728 Chyttraeus, Nathane. Variorum in Europo itinerum Deliciae; seu et variis Manuscriptis selectiora tantum Inscriptionum maxime recentium Monumenta. pp. 846. 12° vellum. Herbornse, 1594 Contains, on pp. 773-795 the Latin text of the Cabot map of 1544. 729 Chyttraeus. The same. Editio Tertia. pp.655. 12° vel- lum. Apud Christophorum Corvinum, 1606 730 CiBBER, Colley. Plays, 2 vols.; — Apology for the Life of, I vol. Portrait. 3 vols, royal 4° half calf. London, 1721-40 731 Cibber. An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, come- dian, with an historical view of the stage during his own time. Fourth ed. pp. 324, 303. Portrait. 2 vols. 16° half morocco. (Name cut from titles.) London, 1756 732 Cibber. Apology for the Life of. Written by Himself, and interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. New edition, by Edmund Belchambers. pp. 514, 7. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1822 733 Cicnro. Marcus Tulius Ciceroe's three books of dueties, to Marcus his sonne, turned out of latine into English, by Nicolas Grimalde, whereunto the latine is adioyned. Fol. 169. iSlock fiettjer. Square 18° russia. Rychard Tottill: London, 1558 734 Cicero. Political Works of. Translated by Francis Bar- ham, pp. 322, 281. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 66 CATALOGUE. 735 Cicero. Cato Major; or, a Treatise on Old Age. Trans- lated by Mr. Logan. i6° half calf. Glasgow, 1751 ''736 Cincinnati, Ohio. Natural and Statistical View, or Pic- ture of Cincinnati. By Daniel Drake, pp. 251. Map. 12° sheep. Cincinnati, 1815 737 Cincinnati in 1826. By B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. pp. 100. Plates. 12° half morocco, uncut. Cincinnati, 1827 738 Cincinnati in 1841. By Charles Cist. pp. 300. Plate. ^ 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1841 • 739 Cincinnati. Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 185 1. By Charles Cist. pp. 363. Plates. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1851 . 740 Cincinnati. Directory for 1829. Map. 16° boards, Cincinnati, 1829 ■ 741 Cincinnati., Record of the Distribution and sale of Lots in the Town of Losantiville (now Cincinnati), 1789. 8° boards, uncut. n. p. . 742 Cist, Charles. Cincinnati Miscellany, or Antiquities of the West. Vol. i, from Oct. i, 1844 to April i, 1845. pp. 272. 8° boards. Cincinnati, 1845 .743 Clap, Capt. Roger. Memoirs of, relating some of God's remarkable providence to him, in bringing him into New England, etc. ; with a short account of the author and his family, pp. 34, 10. 18° russia, gilt. B. Green: Boston, 1731 -744 Clap. Memoirs of. pp. 39. 8° stitched. Boston, 1807 ■ 745 Clap, Thomas. The Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially of Yale College in New Haven in the Colony of Connecticut, pp. 20. Small 4° calf. T. Green: New London, 1754 Autograph of John Lathrop on title. 746 Clarendon. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. New edition, illustrated with 56 portraits, pp. 1364. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1843 747 Clarendon. Life and Administration of Edward, First Earl of Clarendon. By T. H. Lister. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1837 748 Claridge, John. The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules, to judge of the Changes of the Weather. Second ed. pp. 54.' 12° half sheep, (cracked.) London, 1748 749 Clark, Daniel. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connection with Aaron Burr. pp. J99. 8° morocco, gilt, Phila., 1809 CATALOGUE. 67 750 Clark., John. Ill Newes from New England. London, 1652. pp. 113. 8° cloth. (Reprint): Boston. 751 Clark, Jonas. A Sermon preached at Lexington, April 19, 1776, to commemorate the Concord Fight, April 19, 1775. pp. 32, 7. 8° boards. (Reprint): Boston, 1776 '752 Clark, J. V. H. Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier _.o I j)$-|-wnd Later Times; being a series of historical sketches "^ relative to Onondaga, with notes on the several towns in the county and Oswego, pp. 402, 393. Portraits and map. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. Syracuse, 1849 753 Clarke, Mrs. Cowden. The Complete Concordance to Shakspere. Imperial 8° morocco. New York, 1846 754 Clarke, James Freeman. Events and Epochs in Relig- ious History, pp. 402. Illustrations. 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1881 • 755 Clarke, John. Letters to a Student in the University of Cambridge, Mass. (Written to John Pickering) ; — Occasional Sermons. 2 vols. 12° and 16° sheep and morocco. Boston, 1 796-1804 756 Clarke. Services at the Funeral of Martha, Wife of Hovey K. Clarke, Detroit, June 3, 1869. Portrait. 4° cloth. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1869 757 Clarke, Mary Anne. The Rival Princes; or, a faithful narrative of Facts relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke's politi- cal acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Mayor Dodd, etc. pp. 180. 12° boards, uncut. New York, 1810 758 Clarke, Samuel. ^Discourses, being 16 sermons preached at St. Pauls, 1704-5. pp. 142, '35. 8° calf. London, 1711 759 Clarke. A Collection of Papers, which passed between the late Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke, in the years 1715 and 1 7 16, relating to the principles of natural philos- ophy and religion, pp. 416, 46. 8° old calf. London, 1717 760 Clarke. A Letter to Mr. Dodwell, etc. Fifth ed. pp. 279. 8° calf. London, 1718 With book label of Samuel Parr. 761 Clarke. A Paraphrase on the Four Evangelists, pp. 360, 502. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1741 With Chippendale bookplate of Dr. Blackett. 762 [Clarke, William.] Repertorium Bibliographicum; or some account of the most celebrated British Libraries. Portraits and plates. Royal 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1819 Contains the scarce appendix, " The Dialogue In the Shades." 68 CATALOGUE. 763 Clarkson, Thomas. An Essay on the Slavery and Com- merce of the Human Species, particularly the African, pp. 167. 8° half morocco. London, 1788 ^764 Clarkson. History of the Rise, Progress and Accom- plishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament, pp. 592, 572. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1808 With autograph of the author. 765 Classic CuUings and Fugitive Gatherings. By an ex- perienced Editor, pp. 304. 8° half morocco. London, 1831 766 Classics. Comedies of Terence, 1841; — Plato's Divine Dialogues, together with Apology of Socrates, 1845; — Csesar's Commentaries, 1837; — Whole Works of Xenophon, 1843, etc. 5 vols. 12° and 8° cloth. 767 Clay, Rev. J. C. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. Portrait. 16° calf. Phila., 1835 768 Cleaveland, N. History of Bowdoin College, with biographical sketches of its graduates, from 1806 to 1879. Edited and compiled by A. S. Packard. Por- traits and plate, pp. 903. Large 8° cloth. / Boston, 1882 769 Cleveland, Henry R. Selections from the Writings of. With a Memoir by George S. Hillard. 12° boards, un- cut. Privately printed: Boston, 1844 770 Cleveland, Richard J. Voyages of a Merchant Navi- gator of the days that are past. Compiled from jour- nals and letters, by H. W. S. Cleveland. Portrait. 12° cloth. . New York, 1886 771 Clinton, Sir Henry. Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, relative to his Conduct, during part of his Command of the King's Troops in North Am- erica; particularly to that which respects the unfor- tunate issue of the Campaign in 1781, with an appen- dix containing copies and extracts of those parts of his correspondence with Lord George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves, etc. pp. 115. 8° half roan. London. 772 [Cluny, Alexander.] TheAmerican Traveller; or obser- vations on the present state, culture and commerce of the^British Colonies in America, pp. 122. Map and plate. Large 4° half morocco. London, 1769 773 Coad, John. A Memorandum of the Wonderful Provi- dences of God to a poor unworthy Creature, during the time of the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion and to the Revolution in 1688. pp. 141. 16° cloth. London, 1849 V 7 CATALOGUE. 69 774 CoBBETT, William. History of the Protestant Reforma- tion in England and Ireland. 2 vols. 8° boards. London, 1829 775 CoBURN, F. W. Centennial History of the Battle of Ben- nington, pp. 72. Portrait and plan. 8° boards. Boston, 1877 776 CoDDiNGTON, William. A Demonstration of True Love unto you the Rulers of the Colony of the Massachusetts in New-England. By William Coddington of Rhode Island, pp. 20. Small 4° half calf. n. p., 1674 William Coddington was a merchant of Boston, he came over with Winthrop and is said to have built the first brick house erected in Boston. He was one of the prominent adherents of Mrs. Hutchinson in the Antinominian controversy ; he removed to Aquidneck (Newport) after his banishment from Boston, and founded the Colony of Rhode Island. 777 CoDMAN, John. Memoir of. By William Allen, with Reminiscences by Joshua Bates, pp. 408. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1853 778 Coffin, Charles. Lives and Services of Major Gen. John ^%'^'! )^S"l Thomas, Col. Thomas Knowlton, Col. Alex. Scammell, Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn. 12° cloth. New York, 1845 • 779 Coffin, Paul. Memoir and Journals of. By Cyrus Woodman. Portrait. 8° cloth. Portland, 1855 780 CoGGESHALL, Gcofge. Thirty-six Voyages to various Parts of the World, made between the years 1799 and 1841. pp. 583. Portrait and plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1858 781 CoGHLAN, Mrs. Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan, (daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe). Written by herself, and dedicated to the British Nation; being interspersed with anecdotes of the late American and present French War, with remarks, moral and political. 2 vols, in i. 12° half russia. London, 1794 782 Coghlan. The same. 8° half morocco, uncut. Only 100 copies. Privately printed: New York, 1864 . 783 CoLBURN, Jeremiah. Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts, pp. 119. Imperials" half crimson morocco. Boston, 187 1 784 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria. pp. 352. 8° half morocco. New York, 1834 785 Coleridge. Specimens of his Table Talk. Fourth ed. pp. 350. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1851 786 [Coleridge and Southey.J The Devil's Walk. pp. 31. Edited by H. W. Montague. Illustrations by R. Cruik- shank. 16° paper. London, 1830 70 CATALOGUE. 787 Golden, Cadwallader. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are depending on the Province of New York, and are the barrier between the English and French, in that part of the world. With accounts of their religion, manners, customs, laws and forms of Government; their several battles and treaties with the European Nations; . . their several wars with the other Indians, and a true account of the present state of our trade with them. Second ed. pp. 204, 283. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. John Whiston: London, 1750 788 CoLDEN. The same. Map. Third ed. pp. 260, 251. 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 1755 •'789 CoLDEN. The same. With an introduction and notes by J. G. Shea. pp. 141. Portrait. 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1866 Only 125 copies printed. 790 Coles. Sketch of Edward Coles, second Governor of Illinois, and of the Slavery Struggle of 1823-4. By E. , B. Washburne. pp. 253. Portrait. 8° cloth. Chicago, 1882 791 CoLESwoRTHY, D. C. The Year, pp. 122, 1873; — School is Out, pp. 508, 1876; — John Tileston's School, 1778- 1789, also his diary from 1761-1766. 1887 3 vols. 8° and 16° cloth. 792 Collection of Papers printed by order of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, pp. 45. 4° boards. London, 1706 _ 793 Collections of the American Statistical Association. Vol. I. (all published.) 8° cloth. Boston, 1847 Contains much historical matter relating^ to Massachusetts towns. 794 Collet, Stephen. Relics of Literature, pp. 400. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1823 795 Colliber, Samuel. Columna Rostrata; or a critical his- tory of the English sea-affairs, pp. 320. 8° half mo- rocco extra, uncut edges. (Top of title mended). London, 1727 796 Collier. Jeremy. A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, pp. 288; — -A Defence of the Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, pp. 139. 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 1698-9 797 Collier. Essays upon several Moral Subjects. 3 vols. 12° calf, gilt. London, 1703-9 CATALOGUE. 71 798 Collier, John Payne. The Poetical Decameron, or ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. pp. 336, 353. 2 vols, small 8° half morocco, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1820 799 Collier. History of English Dramatic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare, and annals of the stage to the Restoration. 3 vols, small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1831 800 Collier. Shakespeare's Library; a collection of the romances, novels, poems and histories used by Shakes- peare as the foundation of his dramas. Now first col- lected, and accurately reprinted from the original edi- tions, with introductory notices, pp. 312, etc. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. T. Rodd: London, (1843) 8oi Collier. A Book of Roxburghe Ballads, pp. 340. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1847 802 Collier. A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alphabetically arranged, which during the last fifty years have come under the observation of J. Payne Collier, f.s.a. pp. 555. 593- 2 vols. 8° half roan, uncut. London, 1865 803 Collins, Anthony. Discourse of Free Thinking, occa- sion'd by the rise and growth of a Sect call'd Free- Thinkers, 1713; — A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty, 1717; — Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion, with a letter to the author of the Discourse of the Grounds and Reason, etc. Together 3 vols. 8° and 12° calf. London, 1713-37 804 CoLLiNSON, Peter. Some Account of the late Peter Col- linson, F. R. S. pp. 18. Portrait. Royal 4° half mo- rocco. London, 1770 805 CoLMAN, Benjamin. The Honour and Happiness of the Vertuous Woman; a funeral discourse on Mrs. Elizabeth Hirst, pp. 33. 16° polished calf, by Bedford. B. Green: Boston, 17 16 806 CoLMAN. The Case of Satan's fiery Darts in Blasphemous Suggestions and Hellish Annoyances, pp. 90. 8° half roan, (broken). Boston, 1744 807 CoLMAN. Practical Discourses on the Parable of the Ten Virgins, pp. 344- 8° morocco extra, red edges. Boston, 1747 808 CoLMAN. Sermons preached in Boston, Oct. 15, 1730 at the Funeral of Simeon Stoddard; — Satan's Fiery Darts, etc.. May, 171 1 and March, 1743; May 21, 1746 at the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Cooper. Bound together. 8° half morocco extra, uncut edges. Boston, 1730-46 72 CATALOGUE. 809 CoLMAN, Benjamin. The Life and Character of. By Ebenezer Turell. pp. 238. 8° calf, red edges. Boston, 1749 810 CoLTON, George H. Tecumseh; or, the West Thirty Years since; a Poem. pp. 312. 12'^ boards. New York, 1842 811 Columbus. De Insulis inuentis Epistola Cristoferi Colom (cui etas nostra miiltQ debet: de Insulis in mari Indico nuper inuentis. Tercio kl's, Maij, 1493. 10 leaves, 5 wood cuts. Small 4° half morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, (1858) [Letter of Columbus to Raphael Sanxis, 3d of the Calens of May 1493]- In fac-simile of the Libri Lenox copy, the only perfect one known,, without the repetition of the wood-cut on the back of the first leaf of the vessel found on the recto of the fifth leaf. '812 Columbus. La Premiere Relation de Christopher Colomb (1493). Lettre sur une Edition de " I'Epistola Christo- fori Colon. " Appartenant a la Bibliotheque de Bruxelles. Par Ch. Ruelens. pp. 50, 10. 8° paper, uncut. Bruxelles, 1885 With a fac-simile of [the letter on Holland paper; only 38 copies printed. 813 Columbus. Memorials of Columbus; or, a collection of authentic documents of that celebrated navigator. Pre- nyl C S") ceded by a memoir of his life and discoveries, pp. 255. Map and portraits. 8° half calf. London, 1823 Translated from the Italian of D. G. B. Spotorno. 814 Columbus. Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus to America. From a manuscript recently discovered in Spain. (Translated by Samuel Kettell.) pp. 303. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1827 '815 Columbus. The Landfall of Columbus on his first Voy- age to America; with a translation of the Baron Bonne- foux's History of his previous life. By A. B. Belcher, pp. 376. Map and plate. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 816 Columbus. Life of Christopher Columbus. By H. R. St. John. Portrait, pp. 196. 16° cloth. London, 1850 817 Columbus. Life of Christopher Columbus. By Rode Lorgues. Translated by J. J. Barry, pp. 620. Por- trait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1870 818 Columbus. Anne'e veritable de la Naissance de Christo- phe Colomb, et Revue chronologique des principales .,Epoques de sa Vie. Par M. de Avezac, pp. 64; — Re- lation authentique du Voyage du Capitaine de Gonne- ville es Nouvelles Terres des Indes, pp. 115. Par M. de Avezac. 2 pamphlets 8° uncut, Paris, 1869-73 CATALOGUE. 73 ■819 CuLUMBUs. Laureles de la Patria, par Antonio de San Martin, pp. 112; — Los Restos de Don Cristoval Colon, pp. 97, Sevilla; — Christopher Columbus, by Travers Twiss, pp. 22, 1873; ■ — • Restos de Colon, informe pres- entado a la Sociedad Literaria Amigos del Pais, pp. 40. 1882; — Attempt to solve the Problem of the first land- ing place of Columbus in the New World,. by G. V. Fox, pp. 68, 1882; — An Inquiry into the Variation of the Compass off the Bahama Islands, at the time of the Landfall of Columbus, in 1492, by C. A. Schott, pp. 8. 1882. 6 pamphlets. - 820 Comestor, |J«trtia. Historia Scolastica. JBlack Cctter, printed in double columns, fol. 280. Small 4° boards. Jehan Petit: Parisiis, 1513 r 821 Concord, Mass. History of Concord, and of the adjoin- ing Towns of Bedford, Acton, Lincoln and Carlisle. By Lemuel Shattuck. pp. 392. Map. 8° cloth, _^ , (, Boston, 183s 822 Concord Fight. History of the Fight at Concord, on the 19th of Aprilj/1775, by Rev. Ezra Ripley, pp. 60, Con- 'Yf'i\ cord, 1827 — Concord Fight, by Rev. G. Reynolds, pp. 16. Boston; — Concord Fight (Harper's Mag. May, 1875) by Frederick Hudson. 3 vols. 8° half roan and boards. • 823 Concord, N. H. History of Concord, from its Grant in 1725 to 1853, with a History of Ancient Penacooks.- By Nathaniel Bouton. pp. 786. Maps and portrait. 8° cloth. Concord, 1856 • 824 Confederate Publications. Ahn, Dr. F. French Com- mercial Letter-Writer, pp. 227. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1861 ■ 825 Confederate. Book of Common Prayer. 16° morocco, gilt edges. J. W. Randolph: Richmond, 1863 826 Confederate. Branson, L. First Book in Composition. / pp. 139. 12° boards. Raleigh, 1863 '''827 Confederate. Constitution of the Confederate States in America, pp. 16. 8° boards. Richmond, 1861 828 Confederate. Holy Bible. 8° full morocco. London, 1862 From the cargo of the Anglo-Rebel Blockade Runner, Minna, cap- tured Dec. 6, 1863, off Wilmington, by the government Dispatch ship, Circassian. 829 Confederate. The Jack Morgan Songster, compiled by a Capt. in Gen. Lee's Army. pp. 64. 8° paper. ^ Raleigh, N. C, 186^ t 74 CATALOGUE. 830 Confederate. Jamison, D. F. The Life and Times of Bertrand du Guesclin, a history of the fourteenth cen- tury, pp. 286, 314. 'Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Charleston, 1864 831 Confederate. Johnson's Common School Arithmetic. pp. 154. 16° boards. Raleigh, N. C, 1864 832 Confederate. Moore, M. B. Primary Geography, pp. 48. Maps. Second ed. Small 4° boards. Raleigh, 1864 833 Confederate. New Testament. 2 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1861 From the cargo of the Anglo-Rebel Blockade Runner, Minna, captured Dec. 6, 1863. 834 Confederate. Palmetto Dictionary. (Walker's.) Por- trait. 16° cloth. Richmond, Va. , 1864 83s Confederate. Pollard, E. A. The First Year of the War. Second ed. pp. 406. 8° half roan. Richmond, 1862 836 Confederate. Prisoner of War, or five months among the yankees. ,By A. Rifleman, Esq. Gent. pp. 120. 8° paper. ^^ W"- « ^ j2. (^'-^ « ^^ Richmond, 1865 837 Confederate. Smythe, C. W. Our Own Elementary Grammar, pp. 148. 12° boards. Greensboro, N. C, 1863 838 Confederate. Stewart, Rev. K. J. Geography for Be- ginners, pp. 223. Map and illustrations. 16° cloth. Richmond, 1864 839 Confederate. Warder, T. B. and Cattlett, J. M. Bat- tle of Young's Branch; or, Manassa's Plain, fought July 21, 1861. pp. 156. 18° paper. Richmond, 1862 840 Congregational Convention. Proceedings of the Con- vention of Congregational Ministers in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, 1795. pp. 18. 4° half mo- rocco, (title mended.) Boston. 841 Congr^s International desAm^ricanistes. Compte Rendu de la seconde Session, Luxembourg, 1877. pp. 539, 471. Maps. 2 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Luxembourg, 1877 842 Congress. Reminiscences of Congress. By C. W. March. Portrait of Webster; — Lanman's Dictionary of Congress. 2 vols. 8° and 12" cloth. 4,' New York and Phila., 1851-9 843 Congreve, William. Works of. Portrait and plates. Baskerville's fine edition. 3 vols, royal 8° calf, gilt. Birmingham, 1761 844 Congreve. Works of. New edition. pp. 260, 299. Portrait and plates. 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 178S CATALOGUE. 75 845 CoNGREVE. Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Amours of William Congreve. By Charles Wilson, pp. 156, ^ 38. Portrait. 8° calf. London, 1730 846 Connecticut. Records of the Colony and Plantation of •" N^ Haven, from 1638 to the Union. Edited by C. J. ^Hoadly. 2 vols. ; -t^ublic Records of the Colony of ' Connecticut, prior to the Union with New Haven Col- ony, 1636 to 1689. Edited by J. H. Trumbull. 3 vols. , Together 5 vols. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1852-58 847 Connecticut. Collections of the Connecticut His. Soc. "- Vols. I and 2. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1860-70 848 Connecticut. New Haven's settling in New England, ) fe C^ J and some Lawes for Government, published for the Use of that Colony. London 1656, (not paged.) Royal 4° , half morocco. Reprint. 20 copies, (1858.) 849 Connecticut Blue Laws. The Code of 1650. Frontis- piece. 16° sheep. Hartford, 1828 850 Connecticut. The same. Frontispiece. 16° boards. Hartford, 1836 851 Constable. Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, R. A. composed chiefly of his Letters. By C. R. Leslie. Second ed. pp. 363. Portrait and plates. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 852 Constitution and Government of the Germanic Body. pp. 293. 8° sheep. London, 1745 853 Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, pp. 215, 1789; — Same, pp. 470, 1806; — Con- stitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America, pp. 354, 1793. 3 vols. 12° and 16° sheep. Phila. and New York, 1789-1806 854 Constitution of the United States of America; Rules of the House of Representatives; Jefferson's Manual, etc. 8° calf. Washington, 1837 855 Constitutional Law; comprising the Declaration of In- dependence, the Articles of Confederation, the Consti- tution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several states comprising the Union, pp. 409. 12° boards, uncut. Washington, 1820 856 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America; the Declaration of Independence; the Arti- cles of Confederation between the said States; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America. Published by order of Con- gress, pp. 226. 12° sheep. F. Bailey; Phila., 1781 The first authoritative and original printed text. With autograph, "J. Brooks, 1781." 76 CATALOGUE. 857 Constitutions of the several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, and the Ar- ticles of Confederation. With preface by Rev. William Jackson, pp. 473. Portrait of Washington, by Sharp, 8° calf. London, 1783 ,858 Constitutions of the United States, with the Declara- tion of Independence, and the Federal Constitution, pp. 176. 16° sheep. Phila., 1791 859 Continental Congress. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. pp. 144. 8° boards. Printed by William and Thomas Bradford: Phila., 1774 ■^860 Continental Congress. Journals of the American Con- gress, from 1774 to 1788. 4 vols. 8° sheep. Washington, 1823 861 Continental Congress. Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress. 4 vols. 8° sheep. Boston, 182 1 •862 Continental Congress. Address and Recommendations to the States by the United States in Congress assem- bled, pp. 62, Boston, 1783; — A Circular Letter from the Congress of the United States to their Constituents, pp. 15. Boston, 1779; — A Defence of the Revolutions and Address of American Congress in Reply to Taxa- tion no Tyranny, by the author of Regulus. pp. 96. London. 3 vols. 8° half roan. 863 CoNYBEARE, W. J. and Howson, J. S. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. pp. 551, 692. Maps and illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1857 864 Cook, Ebenezer. The Sot-weed Factor, or a Voyage to Maryland, a Satyr, pp. 27. London 1708. Small 4° boards. (Reprint): Baltimore, 1865 865 Cook, George. History of the Reformation in Scotland. 3 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt. Edinburgh, 181 1 866 Cook, John. King Charls his Case; or, an appeal to all rational men, concerning his tryal. pp. 43. Small 4° half calf. London, 1649 •867 Cooke, Joseph J. Catalogue of his Library, Part third, Americana, sold by auction, in New York, Dec. 1883. pp. 401. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1883 868 Cooke, William. The Elements of Dramatic Criticism, pp. 216. 8° calf, gilt, (cracked.) London, 1775 ' 869 CooLiDGE, A. J. and Mansfield, J. B. History and De- oLlO.',\ scription of New England. Vol. i. Maine, New Hamp- shire and Vermont. pp.1023. Numerous illustrations. Thick 8° cloth. Boston, 1859 CATALOGUE. 77 870 Cooper, C. H. and T. Athens Cantabrigienses. 1500- 1609. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1858-61 871 Cooper, George. Letters on the Irish Nation written during a Visit to that Kingdom, in an Autumn of the Year 1799. Second ed. pp. 354. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1801 '872 Cooper, J. F. The Battle of Lake Erie; or, answers to poS'l^lvMessrs. Burgas, Duer and Mackenzie, pp. 117. First ed. 16° boards. Cooperstown, 1843 873 QToopcr, 6ri)omO0. Coopers Chronicle, contenynge the whole discourse of the histories as well of hys realme, as all other countreis, etc. Fol. 379. jBlttck £etter. 4° calf, gilt edges, (broken.) Imprinted at London, in the house of the late Thomas Berthelettes, Anno, 1560 This work was begun by Thomas Langnet, as tar as fol. 92, and . continued by Cooper. 874 Cooper, Thomas. Some Information respecting America. pp. 240. Map. 8° boards, uncut. Dublin, 1794 875 Cooper, Rev. W. M. Flagellation and the Flagellants. A history of the rod in all countries, from the earliest period to the present time. pp. 544. Numerous illus- trations. 1 2° cloth, uncut. London. 876 Cooper, W. History of South America. Plates, pp. 168. 18° boards. London, 1789 877 Copley. A Sketch of the Life and a List of some of the Works of John Singleton Copley; (with 2 supplements laid in.) By A. F. Perkins. 4° cloth, uncut. Privately printed: Boston, 1873 878 Copley. The Domestic and Artistic Life of John Single- ton Copley, with notices of his works. By Martha B. Amory. pp. 478. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1882 879 CopwAY, G. The Life, Letters and Speeches of Kah-Ge- Ga-Gah-Bowh, or, G. Copway. pp. 224. 12° paper. New York, 1850 880 CoRDNER, Rev. John. The Vision of the Pilgrim Fathers, an Oration before the New England Society of Montreal, Dec. 22, 1856. pp. 54. 8° half roan, (broken.) Montreal, 1857 881 Cornwall, Vt. History of. By Lyman Matthews, pp. 356. Portraits. 8° cloth. Middlebury, 1862 882 Cornwallis, Earl. An Answer to that Part of the Narra- tive of Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the Conduct of General Cornwallis during the Campaign in North America, in the year 1781. pp. 260. 8° half roan, (re-covered.) London, 1783 78 CATALOGUE. 883 CoRRY, John. History of Bristol, (England.) Civil and ecclesiastical, including biographical notices, pp. 479, 445. Plates. 2 vols. 8° half sheep. Bristol, 1816 884 CoRTEZ, Hernando. Despatches of Hernando Cortez, the Conquerer of Mexico, addressed to the Emperor Charles V, written during the conquest. Translated, with notes, by George Folsom. pp.431. 8° boards. New York, 1843 885 CoRYAT, Thomas. The Odcombian Banquet; deshed foorth by Thomas the Coriat, and served in by a num- ber of noble Wits, in prayse of his crudities and crambe too. Small. 4° calf, (leaf wanting at end and top of title mended.) Imprinted for Thomas Thorp: London, 161 1 886 Coryat's Crudities; reprinted from the edition of 1611. To which are now added his Letters from India, etc., and extracts relating to him, from various authors, etc. : together with his orations, character, death, etc., with copper-plates. 3 vols. 8° calf. London, 1776 887 CosTELLO, Louisa L. Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen. Portraits. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 888 Cottle, Joseph. Early Recollections, chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, pp. 325, 346. Por- traits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1837 889 Cotton. A Practical Detail of the Cotton Manufacture of the United States. By James Montgomery. Plates. Glasgow, 1840;-^ Introduction and early Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in the United States. By Sam- uel Batchelder. Boston, 1863; — Introduction of the Power Loom and origin of Lowell. By Nathan Apple- ton. Lowell, 1858; — History of the Cotton Manufac- ture of Great Britain.V^By Edward Baines. London, 1835. Plates. 4 vols. 8° and 12° cloth and boards, uncut. 890 Cotton, John. God's Promise to His Plantation. . . . As it was delivered in a sermon by John Cotton, B. D., and preacher of God's word in Boston, pp. (4), 20. Small 4° morocco extra, gilt. Wm. Jones for F. Bellamy: London, 1630 Title cropped at the bottom, but supplied in manuscript. "The first printed work by Cotton of which we have any record." "Cotton's sermon holds the same place in relation to the Massa- chusetts Colony which Robinson's famous sermon at Delfthaven holds in relation to the Plymouth Colony." "It was the farewell sermon to Winthrop's company, as Robinson's was the farewell to the Pilgrim Fathers." " To the Christian Reader," (4 pp.) signed I. H. (John Humphrey) is omitted in the Boston edition of i686. CATALOGUE. 79 891 [Cotton. J An Abstract or [«V] the Lawes of New Eng- land, as they are now established, pp. (2), 15, (3.) Small 4° cloth, uncut. For F. Coules & W. Ley: London, 1641 These "Laws" were never "established," or in force, in New Eng- land. The code was drawn up by Mr. Cotton, for Massachusetts, and "presented to the General Court," but was not adopted. With bookplate of "James Bengough of ye Inner Temple, London, Gent. 1702." 892 Cotton. An Abstract of Laws and Government, etc., collected and digested by Mr. John Cotton, and now published after his death, by William Aspinwall. pp. 37. Small 4° calf, gilt. ' London, 1655 893 Cotton. A Copy of a Letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston in New England, sent in answer of certaine objections, etc. pp. 6. Small 4° calf, gilt. Printed in the year, 1641 894 Cotton. Gods Mercie mixed with His Ivstice, or. His Peoples Deliverance in times of danger, laid open in severall Sermons, pp. (8), 135. Small 4° yellow calf, extra. London, 1641 895 Cotton. The Way of Life; or, God's Way and Course, in bringing the Soule unto, keeping it in, and carrying it on, in the wayes of life and peace, etc. pp. (8), 481. Small 4° old calf. London, 1641 Prefatory epistle "To the Reader," 6 pp., by William Morton. • 896 Cotton. The Churches Resurrection, or the Opening of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th Chap, of the Revela- tion, pp. 30. Small 4° calf, gilt, (corners neatly mended.) London, 1642 897 Cotton. A Modest and Cleare Answer to Mr. Ball's Dis- course of Set Formes of Prayer, pp. (4), 49, (t). Small 4° calf, extra. R. O. and G. D. for H. Overton: London, 1642 • 898 Cotton. The Pouring out of the Seven Vials. Preached in sundry sermons at Boston in New England. 4° half morocco, gilt. London, 1642 -899 Cotton. The True Constitution of a particular visible Church, proved by Scripture, pp. (2), 13. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, 1642 900 Cotton. A Letter of Mr. John Cotton's, (Teacher of the Church in Boston, in New England), to Mr. Williams, a teacher there, pp. 13- Small 4° polished calf. London, 1643 • 901 Cotton. The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof, according to the Word of God. Second ed. pp. 59. Small 4° calf, extra. London. 1644 " The most complete [and influential statement of the actual early New England Congregationalism." 8o CATALOGUE. ■ 902 Cotton. Sixteene Questions of Serious and Necessary Consequence, propounded unto Mr. John Cotton of Boston, together with his Answers to each Question, pp. 14. Small 4° yellow calf, gilt. London, 1644 . 903 Cotton. The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England, pp. 116,4. Small 4° half roan. London, 1645 An answer to Baillie's Dissuasive, No. 156. " This book furnished to the present writer the clew to the fact that John Winthrop was the author of the principal part of the contents of Weld's Short Story. ..." Charles Deane's Narrative and Crit- ical History. . 904 Cotton. A Conference between Mr. John Cotton and the Elders of New England. pp. 48. 18° polished calf, by Bedford. London, 1646 Without a title ; the title-page ; " Description of the Spiritual Tem- ple by Francis Cornwel," bound up with the above, does not belong to it. 905 Cotton. Milk for Babes, drawn out of the Breasts of both Testaments, pp. 13. 18° calf gilt, yellow edges, by Pratt. London, 1646 Title inlaid, and 2 leaves at the end, are in contemporary manuscript. This is the earliest edition, of which only two copies are known ; not included in the John Carter Brown catalogue. 906 Cotton. The Bloudy Tenent, Washed, And made white in the bloud of the Lambe: . whereunto is added a Reply to Mr. Williams Answer, to Mr. Cotton's Letter. PP- (2). 19s, (i), 144- 4° old calf. Matthew Symmons, for Hannah Allen: London, 1647 907 Cotton. The Grounds and Ends of the Baptisme of the Children of the Faithful, pp. 196. Small 4° half roan, gilt. London, 1647 908 Cotton. Severall Questions of serious and necessary consequence profounded by the Teaching Elders, unto Mr. John Cotton of Boston in New England, pp. 10. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, 1647 909 Cotton. The Way of Congregational Churches cleared in two treatises, pp. 104, 44. Small 4° half roan. London, 1648 910 Cotton. The Controversie concerning Liberty of Con- science in Matters of Religion, pp. 14. Small 4° yel- low calf, gilt. London, 1649 This is Mr. Cotton's letter to Roger Williams, in reply to the " Scriptures and Reasons written by a . . . prisoner in Newgate," etc. It was first printed by Williams in " The Bloudy Tenent." •911 Cotton. Of the Holiness of Church-Members, pp. (4), 95. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, 1650 Dedicated by the author to his " honered, worshipfull, and worthy Friends, the Major, and Justices, etc., together with the whole Congregation and Church at Boston " in England. CATALOGUE. 8i 912 Cotton. Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-Ordinance, pp. (2), 72. Small 4° half morocco. M. S. for Hannah Allen: London, 1650 913 Cotton. The Covenant of Grace: discovering the Great Work of a Sinner's Reconciliation to God; where- unto are added, Certain Queries tending to Accommo- dation (sic) between the Presbyterian and Congrega- tional Churches, by the same author; Also, A Discus- sion of the Civil Magistrates Power in the matters of Religion, by some Elders of divers Churches in N. E. 18° calf, gilt. F. Allen; London: 1655-4 These three tracts have separate title-pages and pagination, and were separately published, in 1654. In this collection they are pre- ceded by a general title-page, (as above,) an Epistle dedicatory by Wra. Retchforde, and "To the Reader" by Thos. Allen; pp. (34), 198; (2), 23; (2), 75, (i). The third tract is "The Result of a Synod at Cambridge in New England, Anno. 1646. Concerning the Power of Magistrates in matters of the First Table, [and] the Nature and Power of Synods," etc. 914 Cotton. A Brief Exposition, with practical Observa- tions upon the whole Book of Canticles, pp. 238. ia° sheep. London, 1655 915 Cotton. The Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Revelations, pp. 262, 8. Small 4° old calf. London, 1656 916 Cotton. A Briefe Exposition with Practicall Observa- tions upon the whole Book of Ecclesiastes; published by Anthony Tuckney, D.D., Master of St. John's Col- ledge in Cambridge, pp. (8), 278. 12° original calf. T. C. for Ralph Smith: London, 1657 917 Cotton. Memoir of. By John Norton, with a preface - It Lvby Enoch Pond. 18° half roan. Boston, 1834 918 Cotton, Rev. Henry. Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from the year 1505 to 1850. pp. 420. 8° cloth. Oxford, 1852 919 Cotton, Josiah. Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick Indian Language.) pp. 12. 8° sheets folded, (mildewed). Cambridge, 1829 920 Cotton, Sir Robert. Cottoni Posthuma; divers choice pieces, wherein are discussed several important ques- tions concerning the right and power of the Lords and 'Commons in Parliament, pp. 353. 12° morocco. London, 1679 921 Cousin, Victor. Elements of Psychology. Translated by C. S. Henry, pp. 355. 8° half morocco. Hartford, 1834 82 CATALOGUE. 922 CovERDALE. Memorials of Myles Coverdale, who first translated the whole Bible into English, pp. 260. Por- trait. 8° cloth. London, 1838 923 CowpER, William. Works of, comprising his poems, cor- respondence and translations, with a life of the author. By Robert Southey. Frontispieces and vignette titles from designs by W. Harvey. 15 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1837 924 Cox, Rev. F. A. History of the English Baptist Mis- sionary Society, from 1792 to 1842. 8° cloth. Boston, 1844 925 Cox, Robert. Sabbath Laws and Sabbath Duties con- sidered in relation to their natural and Scriptural grounds and the principles of religious liberty, pp. 598. 8° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1853 926 CoxE, Daniel. A Description of the English Province, by the Spaniards called Florida and by the French, La ■^'*=' Louisiana. Map. pp. 122. 8° stitched. London, 1741 927 CoxE, Tench. A View of the United States of America, 1787-1794. pp. 512. 8° calf, (cracked). London, 1795 928 Cranmer. Life of Archbishop Cranmer. By Rev. H. J. Todd. pp. 394, 541. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1831 -929 Crantz, David. History of Greenland, containing a de- scription of the country and its inhabitants. Translated from the high Dutch. Maps and copper plates, pp. 405, 497. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1767 930 Crawford, Lucy. History of the White Mountains, from the first Settlement of Upper Coos and Pequaket. pp. 205. 18° cloth. White Hills, 1846 'q?,i Cresap. Biographical Sketch of the Life of the late Captain Michael Cresap. By J. J. Jacob. Reprinted from the edition of 1826; — Journal of Wayne's Cam- paign. By Lieut. Bayer, pp. 158, 23. Large 4° paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1866 932 Critical and Historical Account of all the Celebrated Libraries in Foreign Countries, as well as ancient and modern, pp. 206. 18° crimson morocco, gilt. ^ London, 1739 933 Crocker, U. H.'*^ Excessive Saving a Cause of Commer- cial Distress, 1884; — The Depression of Trade, 1886; — • .Over Production and Commercial Distress, 1887; — Tariff Policy of England and the United States, by E. B. Bigelow, r877. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, Presentation copies from the authors. C A T A L O G U E . 83 f 934 Crittenden, John J. Life of, with selections from his correspondence and speeches. Edited by Mrs. Chap- man Coleman, pp. 389, 392. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° cioth. Phila., 1871 935 Crockett, David. Col. Crockett's Exploits and Adven- tures in Texas; together with a topographical, historical, and political view of Texas. Written by Himself, pp. 152. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1837 ' 936 Crockett. Sketches and Eccentricities of Col. David Crockett, of West Tennessee. New edition, pp. 209. 12° half roan. New York, T833 937 Cromwell, Oliver. Killing, no Murder; with some ad- ditions briefly discourst. By William Allen, pp. 16. 4° calf. London, 1659 The real author of this pamphlet, according to Lowndes, was Col- Silas Titus, according to Mangin, (in the Parlour Window) it was Col. Edward Sexby. 938 Cromwell. Killing is Murder, and no Murder; or an Exercitation concerning a scurrilous pamphlet of one William Allen, intituled Killing no Murder. By Mich. Hawke. pp. 56. 4° boards. London, 1657 939 Cromwelliana; a Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, from 1642 to his death, 1658, with a continuation of other transactions to the Restoration, with engravings of Cromwell's auto- graphs, house, lying-in-state, declaration of Faixfax and others, with their autographs, pp. 196. Imperial 8° straight grained morocco, extra, gilt edges. Westminster, 1810 Extra Illustrated ; with portraits and plates. 940 Cruden, Alexander. Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. Portrait. Royal 8° cloth. London, 1841 941 Cullum, G. W. Historical Sketch of the Fortification Defenses of Narraganset Bay, since the founding in 1638 of the Colony of Rhode Island. 8° paper. Washington, 1884 942 Culverwell, Nathaniel. An Elegant and Learned Dis- course on the Light of Nature, pp. 207. Small 4° half morocco. (Stained and corner of title and last leaf mended). London, 1652 943 Cundall, Joseph. On Ornamental Art, applied to ancient and modern bookbinding, pp. 15. 12 plates. 4° boards, (shaken). London, 1848 944 Cunningham, G. G. History of England in the Lives of Englishmen. Portraits. 8 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1853 84 CATALOGUE. 945 Cunningham, Peter. Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. pp. 228. 8° cloth, uncut. Shakespeare Society: London, 1842 946 Curtis, George T. History of the Origin, Formation, ■}rfeo3j-y and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. pp. 518, 653. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1854 947 CuRWEN, Samuel. Journal and Letters of the late Samuel Curwen, an American Refugee in England, from 1775 to 1784. By G. A. Ward. pp. 578. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1842 q48 CusHiNG, Abel. Historical Letters on the First Charter of Massachusetts Government, pp. 204. 18° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1839 '949 CusHiNG, Caleb. The Treaty of Washington, pp. 280. 8° cloth. New York, 1873 950 CusHiNG. Extracts from the Minutes of Daniel Gushing of Hingham. With a photograph of his manuscript, entitled a list of the names of such persons as came out of the town of Hingham, and town adjacent, in the county of Norfolk, in the Kingdom of England, into New England and settled in Hingham in New England. Folio, paper, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 24 copies privately printed. 951 CusHMAN, Robert. A Sermon preached at Plimouth in New England, Dec. 9, 1621. pp. 19. Small 4° crim- son levant morocco extra, by Bedford. London, 1622 Crowninshield's copy. The first edition of Cushman's sermon, and tlie earliest printed Sermon preached in New England. One of the rarest of books. 952 CusHMAN. The Sin and Danger of Self-Love described in a Sermon preached at Plymouth, in New England. pp. 30. 8° crimson morocco, uncut, leaf mended and some leaves re- Plymouth, 1788 Fourth ed. 1621. Third ed. (bottom of one margined). 953 CusHMAN. The same. 954 CusHMAN. The same. Fifth ed. 8^ 955 CusHMAN. The same. Seventh ed. 956 CusHMAN. The same. 957 CusHMAN. The same. Another copy Eighth ed. i ° half morocco. Boston, 1815 half calf. Stockbridge, 1822 Plate. 8° paper. Boston, 1846 8° half calf. Boston, 1846 2° boards. Boston, 1846 CATALOGUE. 85 ^ 958 CusHMAN. The same. Ninth ed. 12° boards. New York, 1847 . 959 CusHMAN. The same. Eleventh ed. 12° boards. New York, 1858 960 CusHMAN. The same. Twelfth ed. (With notes by" Charles Deane.) 4° half morocco. Boston, 1870 Only 60 copies privately printed. • 961 CusHMAN. The same. Another copy. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1870 One of a few copies printed on Holland paper. . 962 CusHMAN. The same. Another copy on India paper. 4° boards, uncut. Boston, 1870 One of a few copies printed on India paper, i 963 CusHMAN Genealogy. Historical and Biographical Gene- alogy of the Cushmans; the descendants of Robert Cushman, the Puritan, from 1617 to 1855. By H. W. Cushman. Portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 964 Cutter, Charles A. A Bibliographical Description of the Collection of " Grands Voyages " of De Bry. pp. 61. Royal 8° boards. New York, 1869 Only 25 copies privately printed. 965 Cyrus. The Travels of Cyrus; to which is annex'd a Discourse upon the theology and mythology of the ancients. By the Chevalier Ramsay, pp. 139, 91, 69. 8° calf. Dublin, 1728 966 I AAGLEY, R. Death's Doings; consisting of numer- P J ous original compositions in verse and prose, prin- pally intended as illustrations of thirty copper plates, designed and etched by R. Dagley. pp. 472. 2 vols. 8° calf. Boston, 1828 967 Dahlmann, F. E. History of the English Revolution. Translated by E. Lloyd, pp. 340. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 968 Dall, Mrs. The Romance of the Association; or, one last glimpse of Charlotte Temple and Eliza Wharton. 12° paper. Cambridge, 1875 Autograph letter of the author, relating to the book inserted. ■ 969 [Dalrymple, Sir John.] The Rights of Great Britain as- serted against the Claims of America, being an answer ^Tj.cAI''' to the Declaration of the General Congress. Eighth 16/^0 ed. pp. 123. 8° half roan. London, 1776 970 Dalton, Michael. The Countrey Justice, conteyning the Practise of the Justices of the Peace out of their Session. First ed. pp. 370 and table. Folio, vellum. London, i6i8 86 CATALOGUE. 971 Dalton. The Countrey Justice, (etc), pp. 535 and ad- denda. Folio, boards, uncut, (stained). London, 1682 972 Dampier, Captain William. A Collection of Voyages. 4 vols. 8° calf. London, 1729 Complete copy of the best edition, comprising the entire voyages of Dampier and his associates among the Buccaneers, and Voyages of Wafer, Funnel), Sharpe, etc. 973 [Dana, R. H.j The Idle Man. Fir.st ed. 6 parts com- plete. 8° half russia. New York, 1821 974 Dana. Poems. First ed. pp. 113. 16° boards, uncut. Boston, 1827 975 Dane, John. A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of my Life, 1682; to which is added a Pedigree of the Dane Family, and a few notes, pp. 16. 8° half roan. Boston, 1854 • 976 Danforth, Samuel. Piety encouraged; brief notes of a discourse delivered unto the People of Taunton, pp. t, 4, 25. 16° morocco. B. Green: Boston, 1705 977 Daniel, Samuel. The Collection of the History of Eng- land, pp. 263. London, 1634; — A Continuation of the Collection of the History of England, beginning where Samuel Daniell ended, with the Reigne of Edward the Third, and ending where the Viscount Saint Albones began with the life of Henry VII. By J. Trussell. pp. 260. Folio, calf, gilt, red edges. London, 1636 • 978 Danvers, Mass. History of, from its Early Settlement to 1848. By J. W. Hanson, pp. 304. Plates. 12° cloth. Danvers, 1848 / 979 Danvers. Account of the Centennial Celebration, June ^"!)fw<^' 16, 1852, together with the Proceedings of the Town in relation to the donation of George Peabody. Portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1852 ■J 980 Darby, William. A Geographical Description of the :%S\ j^U State of Louisiana, the Southern part of the State of Mississippi, and Territory of Alabama. Map. 8° half roan. New York, 1817 981 Darby. Memoir on the Geography and Natural and Civil History of Florida, pp. 96. Map. 8° boards, uncut. Phila., 1821 . 982 Darnell, Elias. A Journal containing an account of the hardships, sufferings, captivity of those heroic Kentucky Volunteers and Regulars, commanded by General Win- chester in 1812-13. pp. 99. 18° half roan. Phila., 1854 CATALOGUE. 87 983 Darcie, Abraham. Annales. The True and Royall His- tory of the famous Empresse Elizabeth, Queene of Englai^, France and Ireland, etc.. True Faith's De- fendresse of divine renowne and happy memory; where- in all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne, with such acts and treaties as past be- twixt hir Ma''° and Scotland, France, Spaine, Italy, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Russia and the Netherlands are exactly described. Engraved title by Vaughan, and portrait (both cut close.) 4° polished calf, extra, gilt edges. B. Fisher: London, 1625 984 Dartmouth College. A Plain and Faithful Narrative of 5"(s763Z'9 the original designs, rise, progress, and present state of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon, in Connecticut, by Eleazar Wheelock. pp. 55. 4° paper, uncut edges. Boston, 1763 '' 985 Dartmouth College. A Continuation of the Narrative of the state, etc., of the Indian Charity-School, from Nov. 27th, 1762, to Sept. 3d, 1765, and appendix, by Eleazar Wheelock. pp. 25. 4° paper, uncut. Bost., 1765 986 Dartmouth College. Appendix to the former narrative of the Indian Charity-School in Lebanon, Connecticut, New England, etc. By Eleazar Wheelock, pp. 49-64. 8° paper. Probably an appendix to a second ed. of a London reprint of 1766. 987 Dartmouth College. A Continuation of the Narrative, etc., with an appendix, 79-145, containing the Declara- tion of the Trustees of that charity; a list of the names of the subscribers; an account of monies received and paid, etc. By Eleazar Wheelock. pp. 73 and appendix, together 145 pp. 8° boards. London, 1769 988 Dartmouth College. A Continuation of the Narrative, etc., from the year 1768 to the incorporation of it with Dartmouth College, and removal and settlement in Hanover, in the Province of New Hampshire, 1771, by Eleazar Wheelock. pp. 61. 8° paper, uncut. Hartford, 177 1 989 Dartmouth College. A Continuation of the Narrative, etc., (from May 6, 1771, to Sept. 10, 1772), by Eleazar Wheelock. pp. 40. 8° paper, uncut. New Hampshire, 1773 >/ 990 Dartmouth College. A Continuation of the Narrative, etc. (from Sept. 26, 1772, to Sept. 26, 1773); by Eleazar Wheelock. Appendix containing an abstract of a mis- sion to the Delaware Indians, west of Ohio, by Rev. D. McClure and L. Frisbie. pp. 68. 8° paper, uncut. Hartford, 1773 / CATALOGUE. / 991 Dartmouth College. A Continuation of the Narrative, etc., from Sept. 26, 1773 to Feb. 20, 1775, with a dedi- cation to the Honorable Trust in LondoA Added, an account of missions the last year, etc., by Eleazar Wheelock. 4° paper, uncut edges. Hartford, 1775 \' 992 Dartmouth College. Sketches of the History of, and of , -Moors' Charity School, with a particular account of 'some late remarkable proceedings of the Board of Trus- tees from the year 1779 to 1815. pp. 88. N. p. n. d. 993 Daubigiste, J. H. M. History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. Portrait, 5 vols. 12° cloth. New York. 994 Davenport, A. B. History and Genealogy of the Daven- port Family in England and America, from 1086 to 1850. pp. 398. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1851 995 [Davenport, Daniel, j The Sexton's Monitor, and Dor- chester Cemetery Memorial, pp. 36. Second ed. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1838 996 Davenport, John. (Pastor at New Haven.) Profession of the Faith of that Reverend and worthy Divine, Mr. J. D. made publiquely before the congregation at his admission into one of the churches of God in New England. pp. 80. Small 4° half crimson morocco. (Lower edge mended.) London, 1642 997 Davenport. The Power of Congregational Churches as- serted and vindicated, in answer to a treatise of Mr. J. Paget, pp. 163. 16° calf, gilt. London, 1672 7998 Davidson and Stuvd. A Complete History of Illinois, from 1673 to 1873. pp. 944, 9. Royal 8° half roan, uncut, gilt top. Springfield, 1876 999 Davidson. Life of William Davidson, Secretary of State and Privy Counsellor to Queen Elizabeth. By N. H. Nicolas. Fac-similes. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1823 1000 [Davies, James. J The History of his Sacred Majesty Charles the II. pp. 236. Portrait. 18° sheep. London, 1660 1001 Davies, John. The History of the Caribby Islands, viz., Barbados, St. Christophers, St. Vincents, Martinico, Dominico, etc., with a Caribbian Vocabulary. Ren- dered into English by John Davies. Plates. ' pp. 351. Folio, full light sprinkled calf, gilt, extra, yellow edges. London,- 1666 1002 Davis, A. Lecture on the Antiquities of Central Amer- ica and on the Discovery of New England by the North- men, Sixth ed. pp. 24. 8° half roan. New York, 1840 CATALOGUE. 89 • 1003 Davis, Andrew McFarland. Indian Games, 1886; — Few Additional Notes concerning Indian Games, 1887; — Historical Study of Law's-System, 1887; — First Scholarship at Harvard College, 1888; — The Cam- bridge Press, 1888; — Site of the First College Build- ing at Cambridge, 1889; — Colony of Nox. 7 pam- phlets. 1004 [JIDame, loljn.] The Seaman's Secrets, divided into two parts, wherein is taught the three kinds of Sayling, Horizontall, Paradoxall and Sayling upon a great Cir- cle. IBlttck Cettcr, with movable diagrams. 4° half morocco, gilt. London, 1626 . 1005 Davis, John. Travels of Four Years and a Half in the United States of America, during 1 798-1802. pp. 454. 8° half sheep. London, 1803 ioo6 Davis. The First Settlers of Virginia, an Historical Novel, exhibiting a View of the Rise and Progress of the Colony at James Town. Second ed. pp. 284. Cuts by Tanner. 12° crimson levant morocco extra, uncut edges. New York, 1806 1007 Davis, William. An Olio of Bibliographical and Lit- erary Anecdotes and Memoranda, pp. 126. 12° half roan. London, 1814 1008 Dawes, Thomas, Jun. An Oration delivered March 5, 1781, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. pp. 23. 4° half morocco, (stained). Boston, 1781 1009 Dawkins, W. B. Cave Hunting: Researches on the Evidence of Caves respecting the early Inhabitants of Europe, pp. 455. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. yr. London, 1874 Y loio Dawson, Henry B. Major-General Israel Putnam. A correspondence on this subject, with the editor of the " Hartford Daily Post." pp. 169, i860 ; — i/f he Assault on Stony Point, pp. 156, 1863; -^Westchester County, ■■ New York, during the American Revolution. Portrait and map. pp. 281. 3 vols, imperial 8° paper, uncut. Morrisania and New York. loii Dawson. Correspondence between John Jay and Henry ; B. Dawson concerning the Federalist, pp. 48, 1864; — Mr. Jay's Second Letter on Dawson's Introduction to the Federalist, pp. 62, 1864. 2 pamphlets. IOI2 [Dayrell, John.] A Treatise of the Church, written against them of the Separation, commonly called Brownists. pp. 266. Small 4° parchment. London, 1617 9° CATALOGUE. 1013 Dean, John Ward. The New England Bibliopolist, con- taining the "Book Notices" in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register. Nos. i to 12, old series, and volumes 1 to 4, new series. 5 vols. 8° parts, uncut, (lacks last number). Boston, 1876-87 1014 Dean. Story of the Embarkation of Cromwell and his Friends for New England, 1866; — Brief Memoir of Rev. Giles Firmin, 1866; — Sketch of the Life of John H. Sheppard, 1873; — Brief History of the New Eng- land Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-76; — Descendants of Thomas Deane of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1883; — Memoir of Col. Joseph L. Chester, 1884. 6 pamphlets privately printed. Boston. • 1015 Deane, Charles. The First Plymouth Patent. Printed on Antique Paper. Royal 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1854 Only i copy so issued. 1016 Deane. The same. Printed on Parchment. Royal 4° cloth. , Cambridge, 1854 Only 4 copies so issued. This volume is one of an edition of four copies of the First Work printed on Vellum in the United States. See Menzies Cat. No. 1606. • 1017 Deane. A Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchin- son's Historical Publications. Small 4° cloth. Boston, 1857 Only 50 copies privately printed. .1018 Deane. Bibliographical Tracts, Number One. Spurious Reprints of Early Books, pp. 19. Imperial 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 India Paper copy, only 4 printed. .1019 Deane, The same. Vellum Paper copy. Imperial 8° half morocco. Boston, 1865 Only 8 so issued. ■1020 Deane. The same. Another copy. 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 Edition of 131 copies. 102 1 Deane. Spurious Reprints of Early Books. By Delta. pp. 12. Imperial 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 Only 30 copies printed. Surreptitious edition, privately printed. 1022 Deane. The Last Will and Testament of Captain John Smith, with some additional memoranda relating to him. pp. 7. Small 4° paper. Cambridge, 1867 Only 50 copies printed. • 1023 Deane. Memoir of George Livermore. pp. 60. Large Paper, with photographic Portrait. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. . Cambridge, 1869 yh-JMAJ CATALOGUE. 91 1024 Deane. a Discourse of Virginia, by Edward Maria Wingfield. Edited, witii notes and an introduction, by Ciiarles Deane. pp 44. 1859. (Cancelled edition); — The same. pp. 45, i860 — Letters of Phillis Wheat- ley, the negro-slave poet of Boston, 1864-9; — Records of the Council for New England, pp. 83, 1867; — His- tory of Bacon's and Ingram's Rebellion in Virginia in 1675-6, pp. 50; — Remarks on Sebastian Cabot's Mappe- Monde, pp. 8, 1867; — Contributions to the North American Review, 1868; — Memoir of George Liver- more, pp. 60, 1869; — A Brief Memoir of Robert Waterston, pp. 11, 1869; — Report of the Council of the Am. Antiq. Soc. 1868; — Forms in Issuing Letters-Pat- ent by the Crown of England, pp. 24, 1870; — Life of Mr Thomas Dudley, several times Governor of the Mass. Colony. Written, as is supposed by Cotton Mather, pp. 20, 1870; — Letter of Sir John Stanhope to Secretary Davison concerning Elder Brewster, pp. 8, 187 1 ; — Death of Matthew Cradock, pp. 3, 1871; — Roger Williams and the Massachusetts Charter, pp. 19, 1873; — Gen'l Washington's Head-Quarters in Cam- bridge, pp. 9, 1873; — Judge Lowell and the Massachu- setts Declaration of Rights, pp. 9, 1874; — Brief Me- moir of James Savage, pp. 12, 1874; — Notes on a re- cently discovered Indenture relating to David Thomp- son of Piscataqua, pp. 34, 1876; — Journal of a Tour to the White Mountains, in July, 1784. By Jeremy Belk- nap. Map. pp. 21, 1876; ^ Letters and Documents relating to Slavery in Massachusetts, 1867 ; J— Memoir of John Appleton, M. D., pp. 3, 1877; — Lieut-Gen'l. John Burgoyne and the Convention of Saratoga, 100 years ago, pp. 71, 1878; — Tutor Henry Flynt's Jour- ney from Cambridge to Portsmouth in 1754, 1878; — Letter of Paul Revere's, pp. 7 ; — Records of the Presi- dent and Council of New Hampshire, 1679-80, pp. 26, 1878; — Memoir of Dr. Woods; — Rules, Orders and Statutes of Harvard College, 1686, pp. 9, 1876; — White Kennett Library, pp. 8, 1883; — Memoir of Richard Frothingham, pp. 17, 1885; — Memoir of S. F. Haven, pp. 16, 1885; — John and Sebastian Cabot, a study. Maps, 1886; — A Summary History of New England, 1886; — Connection of Mass. with Slavery, pp. 34, 1886; — Remarks on Hubbard's map of New England, pp. 12, 1888; — Memoir of Edward Augustus Crowninshield, pp. 4; — Remarks on Dr. John G. Kohl, pp. 5 ; — Prefatory Note to the recently recovered pages of Hubbard's History, pp. 16. Together 38 vols. 8° cloth, boards and paper. Cambridge and Boston. All privately printed in limited editions. The above is a nearly complete set of Mr. Deane's publications. 91 CATALOGUE. 1025 Deane. Memoir of Samuel F. Haven, port. pp. 16, 1885; — Memoir of Geo. Livermore, pp. 60, 1869; — Brief Memoir of Robert Waterston, pp. 11, 1869; — Death of Matthew Cradock, pp. 3, 1871; — Brief Me- moir of James Savage, pp. 12, 1874; — Judge Lowell and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, pp. 9, 1874; — Notes on a recently discovered indenture re- lating to David Thompson, pp. 34, 1876; — Memoir of John Appleton, pp. 3, 1877; — Memoir of Dr. J. G. Kohl, pp. 5, 1878; — Memoir of Richard Frothingham, pp. 17, 1885; — Memoir of E. A. Crowninshield, pp. 3; — Summary of the History of New England, to the time of Andros, pp. 295-384. (From Narrative and Critical History of America, only 12 copies privately printed.) 1886; — Remarks on Hubbard's Map of New England, pp. 12, 1888; — Prefatory note to Hubbard's History, pp. 10. Together 14 vols. 8° paper and cloth. Boston and Cambridge. 1026 Deane. Memoir of George Livermore. pp. 60. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1869 Thick paper copy, only a few so printed. 1027 Deane. Death of Matthew Cradock. pp. 3. 8° cloth. With Cradock Pedigree inserted. (Boston, 187 1) 1028 Deane. Notes on a recently discovered Indenture re- lating to David Thompson of Piscataqua and Massachu- setts Bay in New England, pp. 35. 8° cloth, uncut. Only 100 copies printed. Cambridge, 1876 1029 Deane. The Struggle to Maintain the Charter of King Charles the First, and its final Loss in 1684. Imperial 8° half morocco. Boston. Written for the Memorial Hist, of Boston. Vol. I. pp. 329-382. 2 photographic plates laid in. • 1030 Deane, Capt. John. A Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Nottingham Galley, in her Voyage from England to Boston. Fifth ed. pp. 28. 8° half roan. London, 1762 See ShurtlefE's Sermon. Boston 1727. ' 103 1 Deane. A True Account of the Voyage of the Notting- ham-Galley of London, John Deane, Commander, from River Thames to New England, near which place she was cast away on Boon Island, Dec. 11, 1710. pp. 36, London, 171 1; — Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth, Sharp and others in the South Sea, pp. 172. London, 1684; — History of Bavaria, from the First Ages to this present year, 1706. By Capt. John Stevens. Bound together. 8° calf. London, 1706 "The first tract was an answer by three of the crew to Capt. Ueane's Narrative, published in 171 1." / CATALOGUE. 9.1 1032 Deane, John G. Biographical Slietch of, and brief men- tion of his connection with the northeastern boundary of Maine, also family and other memoranda. Plate, pp. 70. 8° paper. Washington, 1887 Privately printed. i°3^ tteANE, Silas. An Address to the Free and Independent f^^Citizens of the United States of North America, pp. 30. 8° half calf. Hartford, 1784 1034 Deane. The same. Portrait inserted, pp. 95. 8° calf. Hartford, 1784 1035 Deane. Memorial of the Heirs of Silas Deane, to the ^"^ Congress of the United States. 8° half roan. n. p., 1835 1036 Debates in the Senate of the United States on the Judi- ciary, during the first Session of the seventh Congress, pp. 324. 8° calf. Phila., 1802 1037 De Bry. Great Voyages in Latin. Part I — Admiranda Narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginias, nuper admodum ab Anglis, qui k Dn. Richardo Greinvile equestris ordinis viro eo in coloniam anno MDLXXXV deduct! sunt inventse, sumtus faciente Dn. Waltero Raleigh equestris ordinis viro fodinaru stanni prsefecto ex auctoritate serenissimae Reginse Anglias. An- glico scripta sermone a Thoma Hariot eiusdem Walteri domesti-co, in earn coloniam misso ut regionis si-tum diligenter observaret. Nunc autem primum latio donata a C. C. A. Francofortii ad Moenum typis loannis Wech- eli, sumtibus vero Theodor de Bry anno MDXC. Venales reperiuntur in ofificina Sigismundi Feirabendi. Part HI. — Americse Tertia Pars Memorabile provinciae Brasi- liae Historiam contines, germanico primum sermone scriptam a loane Stadio Homburgensi Hesso, nunc au- tem latinitate donatam a Teucrio Annaeo Priuato Col chanthe Po: & Med: Addita est Narratio profectionis loannis Lerij in eamdem Provinciam, qua ille initio gallice conscripsit, postea ver6 Latinam fecit. His ac- cessit Descriptio Morum & Ferocitatis incolarum illius Regionis, atque Colloquium ipsorum idiomate conscrip- tum. Omnia recens evulgata, & eiconibus in aes incisis acad vivum expressis illustrata, ad normam exem plaris praedictorum Autorum: studio & diligentia Theodori de Brij Leodiensis, atque civis Francofurtensis anno MDXCII. Venales reperiutur in officiana Sigismundi Feirabendii. Folio, vellum. Frankfort, 1590-92 1038 De Bry. Narrative of Le Moyne, an Artist who accom- panied the French Expedition to Florida under Laudon- niere, 1564. Translated from the Latin of De Bry. pp. 15. 44 heliotype fac-similes. Royal 4° half morocco. Boston, 187s 94 CATALOGUE. 1039 De Bury, Richard. Philobiblon, a Treatise on the Love of Books. Written in 1344 and translated from the first edition, 1473, with some collations, pp. 151. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1832 1040 Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in General Con- gress at Philadelphia, pp. 13. 8° paper, uncut. (Reprint): Phila., 1775 1041 Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, 1776; and Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States, 1796. pp. 57. Plate and fac-simile. Royal 4° cloth. Boston, 1876 1042 Declaration of the Parliament of England, expressing the grounds of their late proceedings, and of setling the present Government in the way of a Free State, pp. 87. Small 4° half calf. London, 1648 1043 De Costa, B. F. The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen. Illustrated by translations ( from the Icelandic Sagas. Edited with notes and a general introduction, pp. 118. 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1868 1044 De Costa. Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson, pre- pared for his own use in i6o8, from the Old Danish of Ivar Barden. With an introduction and notes; also A Dissertation on the Discovery of the Hudson River, pp. 102. 8° cloth. Albany, 1869 1045 De Costa. The Northmen in Maine: a critical examina- tion of Views expressed in connection with the subject, by Dr. Kohl, in Vol. i, of the new series of the Maine Historical Society, with criticisms on other portions of the work, and a chapter on the Discovery of Massachu- setts Bay. pp. 146. 8° cloth, top gilt. Albany, 1870 1046 De Costa. Verrazzano, 1876 ;-!-Soldier and Sage, a me- morial of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, 1876; — The Lost City of New England, 1876; — Globe of Ulpius 1542, 1878; — William Blackstone in his rela- tion to Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1880; — Rela- tion of a Voyage to Sagadahoc, 1880;- — Inventio For- tunata, arctic exploration, with an account of Nicholas of Lynn, 1881;^ — Cavo de Baxos, or the place of Cape Cod in the old Cartology, 1881; — Notes of the Anni- versary Sermon at New York, May 15, 1881; — Notes of a Discourse and a Service in New York, Jan. 8, 1882, by S. Osgood and J. A. Smith; — Few Observations on the Prince Society's edition of the New English Canaan. II pamphlets. Reprinted: New York. CATALOGUE. 95 1047 De Costa. Rambles in Mount Desert, with sketches of travel on the New England coast, from the Isle of Shoals to Grand Menan. pp. 280. Frontispiece. 16° cloth. New York, 1871 . 1048 De Costa. Verrazano the Explorer; being a vindication of his letter and voyage, with an examination of the map of Hieronimo da Verrazano, and a Dissertation upon the Globe of Ulpius. pp. 82. Maps and portraits. Royal 4° paper, uncut. New York, 1880 V 1049 Dedham, Mass. Historical Address at the Second Cen- ■it^(;,V A/ tennial Anniversary of the Town of Dedham, Sept. 21, ^^1836, by S. F. Haven, pp. 79; — History of the First -j:,,^!.. - Church and Parish, by Alvan Lamson, pp. 104, 1839. -^ 2 vols. 8° cloth and boards. Dedham. 1050 Dedham. History of, from 1635 to 1827. By Erastus Worthington. pp. 146. 8° morocco, gilt, red edges. Boston, 1827 . 1051 Dedham. Historical Annals of, from 1635 'o 1847. By Herman Mann. pp. 136. 8° sheets, folded, uncut. Dedham, 1847 1052 Dee, Dr. John. Private Diary of, and Catalogue of his Library of Manuscripts. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 4° cloth. London, 1842 ~ 1053 Deerfield, Mass. Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of Deerfield, (By E. Hoyt.) 16° paper. Reprint: Greenfield, 1833 1054 [De Foe, Daniel. J Life and Actions of Moll Flanders, containing her birth and education in Newgate, her ambition to be a gentlewoman, her being taken into a gentleman's family, her being debauched by her master's eldest son, and married to the younger, her marriage to her own brother, her going over with him to, and set- tling in Virginia, etc. Portrait and cuts. pp. 184, (lacks last leaf). London 1055 Defoe. The Life and strange, surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Upwards of 100 illustrations. Royal 8° half calf, gilt. London. 1056 Defoe. History of the Great Plague in London, in the year 1665. With an introduction by Rev. H. Stebbing. pp. 304. Portrait. 18° cloth, uncut. London. 1057 Defoe. Daniel Defoe; his Life, and recently discovered Writings extending from 1716 to 1729. By William Lee. Illustrations. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1869 96 CATALOGUE. 1058 De Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of Connecti- cut, from the earliest known period to 1850. pp. 509. Map. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1853 1059 D'Hauteville Case. Report of the D'Hauteville Case; — Review of the Case. (8° paper, laid in.) 8° half sheep. Phila. and Boston, 1840-41 1060 Delancy. Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, pp. 80. Second ed. 8° half roan. London, 1766 1 06 1 Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. 18 fine portraits. Complete set. 2 vols, royal 4° calf extra, yellow edges. Phila., 1815 1062 De Laune, Thomas. A Plea for Non-Conformists. (With preface by Daniel Defoe.) pp. 144. 12° half morocco. London, 17 j 2 J 063 De-La-Warre, Lord. The Relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, Lord Gouvernour and Captaine Generall of the Colonic, planted in Vir- ginea. 4° half morocco. London, 161 1 Heliotype fac-simile. Only 20 copies privately printed. Presentation copy. 1064 Delepierre, Octave. Analyse des Travaux de la Society des Philobiblon de Londres. pp. 134. 8° half roan. Londres, 186 Only 300 copies printed. 1065 De Lolme. The Rise and Progress of the English Con- stitution; with an historical and legal introduction and notes by A. J. Stephens. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1838 1066 Demonologia; or Natural Knowledge revealed. By J. S. F., pp. 438, Lond., 1831; — Fallacy of Ghosts, Dreams and Omens, with stories of witchcraft, life-in- death and monomania. By Charles Oilier, pp. 251. Lond., 1848; — Mysteries; or glimpses of the super- natural, pp. 273. N. Y., 1852. 3 vols. 12° cloth. 1067 Dennis, J. The Usefulness of the Stage, occasioned by a late book written by Mr. Jeremy Collier, pp. 143. 12° half calf, gilt. London, 1698 1068 Denton, Daniel. A Brief Description of New York formerly called New Netherlands. New edition with notes, by G. Furman. 8° cloth. New York, 1845 J069 De Peyster, J. Watts, , .History of the Life of Leonard ( Torstenson; ^'The HlstClry of Carausius; -^ Battle of the Sound or Baltic. 3 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Poughkeepsie, 1855-8 CATALOGUE. 97 1070 De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. pp.190. 16° boards. Boston, 1841 107 1 Deux-Ponts, Count William de. My Campaigns in America, 1780-81. Translated, with an introduction and notes, by S. A. Green, pp. 176. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Boston, 1868 Large Paper ; only 25 copies printed, 1072 De Vinne, T. L. Invention of Printing, a collection of facts and opinions descriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the 15th century, the legends of Lourens J. Coster of Haarlem and the works of John Gutenberg and his associates. Illustrated with fac-similes of early types and wood-cuts. Royal 8° ^ cloth. New York, 1876 '1073 Dexter, F. B. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates )f Yale College, with Annals of the College History, 1701-1745. pp. 788. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1885 • 1074 Dexter. Sketch of the Life and Writings of John Davenport, Feb. i, 1875; — Memoranda concerning Edward Whalley and William Goffe, 1876; — Governor Elihu Yale, 1882; — FoujKling of Yale College, 1882;- — New Haven in 1784; -X^Estimates of Population in the American Colonies, 1887; — Report of the Trial of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson. 7 pamphlets. 1075 Dexter, George. Argument of Tutor Nicholas Sever, 1878; — Letters of Columbus and Vespuccius, 1878; — Journal gf Thomas Wallcut, in 1790, 1879; — -Influence of the English Universities in the Development of New England, x88o; — First Voyage under Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Patent of 1578, 1881; — Letters of Henry Wheaton, 1805-6; — ■ Journal of a Tour from Boston to Oneida, June 1796, by Jeremy Belknap, 1882; — Suffolk County Bar Book, 1770-1805; — Tributes to the Memory of George Dexter, June 10, 1884; — Memoir of George Dexter, by C. C. Smith, 1885; — Letters of Gov. Andrew Eliot to his sons Samuel and John. 11 pamphlets. '^1076 Dexter, H. M. As to Roger Williams and his Banish- 5-10^ l:"rfient from the Massachusetts Plantation, pp.146. Im- perial 8° cloth. Boston, 1876 1077 Dexter. The True Story of John Smyth, the Se Bap- tist, as told by Himself and his Contemporaries; with an inquiry whether dipping were a new mode of JBap- tism in England, in or about 1641. pp. 106. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1881 1078 [Dexter.] Common Sense as to Woman Suffrage, pp. 33. Small 4° boards, Boston, 1885 98 CATALOGUE. 1079 Dexter, H. M. Pilgrim Memoranda, pp. 39, 1870; — Glance at the Ecclesiastical Councils of New England, pp. 68. 2 pamphles.t Boston. 1080 Dexter, Lord Timothy. A Pickle for the Knowing Ones. 16° half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1838 1081 Dexter. The same. Small 4° half calf. Newburyport, 1848 1082 Dexter. Life of. By S. L. Knapp. 18° cloth. Boston, 1838 1083 Dexter. The same. 18° cloth. Boston, 1848 1084 Dialogue between the Ghost of General Montgomery and an American Delegate. Phila., 1776. pp. 16. 8° paper, uncut. Privately reprinted: New York, 1865 1085 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva Espafia. pp. 257. Folio, calf. Madrid, (1632) " The true history of the conquest of Mexico is, indeed, a delight- ful work, and the only account of that transaction on which we can rely." — Southey. 1086 Diaz del Castillo. The True History of the Conquest •of Mexico. Translated by Maurice Keatinge. pp.514. Map. 4'^ half morocco. London, 1800 1087 Diaz del Castillo. The True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Translated by Maurice Keatinge. pp. 333, 440. Map. 2 vols. 8° sheep, (broken and worn). ^ Salem, 1803 1088 Diaz del Castillo. Memoirs of, written by Himself, con- taining a true and full account of the discovery and conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by J. T. Lockhart. pp. 399, 416. 2 vols. 8° cloth; uncut. London, 1844 1089 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Bibliomania, or Book-madness. First ed. pp. 87. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1809 1090 DiBDiN. Bibliomania; or Book-madness. First ed., pri- vately reprinted for the Club of Odd Sticks, pp. 87. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Club of Odd Sticks: New York, 1864 Only 57 copies printed. 1091 DiBDiN. Bibliomania; or, Book-madness; a biblio- graphical romance. Illustrated with cuts. New and improved edition, to which are now added preliminary observations and a supplement, including a key to the assumed characters in the drama. Plates. Royal 8° half morocco, gilt edges, London, 1842 CATALOGUE. 99 1092 DiBDiN. Typographical Antiquities; or the history of printing in England, Scotland and Ireland; containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by then. Begun by the late Joseph Ames. Considerably augmented by William Herbert, of Cheshunt, Herts; and now greatly enlarged, with copious notes and illustrated with appropriate engrav- ings; comprehending the History of English Literature, and a view of the progress of the art of engraving in Great Britain. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Numerous portraits and fac-similes. 4 vols. 4° half morocco. Wm. Miller and Longman: Lond., 1810-19 1093 Dibdin. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Portraits and numerous beautiful plates, many upon India paper, including a full set of Lewis's etchings (India proofs), illustrating the physiognomy, manners, etc., of the people of France and Germany. 3 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. London, 1821 1094 Dibdin. A Series of Etchings pourtraying the physi- ognomy, manners and character of the people of France and Germany. By George Lewis. 60 plates on India paper. 3 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. London. 1095 Dibdin. Descriptive Catalogue of Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, lately forming part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Serra. pp. 395. Imperial 8° half roan, uncut. London, 1823 1096 Dibdin. The Library Companion, or the young man's guide and the old man's comfort in the choice of a li- brary. Second ed. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1825 1097 Dibdin. An Introduction to the Knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics; to- gether with an account of Polyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles and Greek Tes- taments, the Greek Fathers and the Latin Fathers." Fourth ed., greatly enlarged and corrected. Fac-simile plate of the " Complutensian Polyglot." pp. 562, 580. 2 vols, imperial 8° tree calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1827 Best Edition : entirely rewritten. Large Paper ; only 250 copies printed. 1098 [Dibdin.] Bibliophobia. Remarks on the present lan- guid and depressed state of literature and the book trade. In a letter addressed to the author of the Bibliomania. By Mercurius Rusticus. With notes by Cato Parvus, pp. 102. Royal 8° boards, uncut. Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. London, 1832 loo CATALOGUE. 1099 DiBDiN. Reminiscences of a Literary Life; with anec- dotes of books and of book-collectors, with the index, pp. 982, 44. Portrait and plate. 2 vols. 8° boards, un- cut. London, 1836 HOC Dickenson, Jonathan. God's Protecting Providence, Man's surest Help and Defence, in the Remarkable De- liverance of Robert Barnard and others, from Ship- wreck, and also from the devouring jaws of the inhu- man Canibals of Florida, pp. 12, 126. 16° calf. London, 1759 .1101 DiEREViLLE. Relation du voyage du Port Royal de L'Acadie. Plate, pp. 236. 16° half sheep. Amsterdam, 1710 1 102 Dies Irse. Coles, Abraham. Dies Irse in thirteen orig- inal Versions, pp. 69. Frontispiece. 12° cloth. New York, 1859 1103 Dies Irse. (Dix, John A.) pp. 15. 16° boards, uncut. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1863 1 104 DiGBY, Sir Kenelme. A Late Discourse made in a sol- emne Assembly of Nobles and learned Men, at Mont- pelier, in France, touching the Cure of Wounds, by the Powder of Sympathy. Rendered into English, by R. White, pp. 152, 6. 18° sheep, (broken). London, 1660 1105 DiGBY. Observations upon Religio Medici, pp. 124. 18° sheep. London, 1643 1 106 DiGBY. Private Memoirs of. Written by Himself, pp. 328. Portrait. 8° calf. London, 1827 1 107 DiGBY, K. H. The Broad Stone of Honour, or the true Sense and Practice of Chivalry, pp.289. Frontispiece. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 1 108 DiGGES, Sir Dudley. The Compleat Ambassador; or Two Treaties of the intended Marriage of Qu: Eliza- beth, etc. pp. 441, 6. Frontispiece by Faithorne, (Cut down and mounted.) Folio, calf, gilt. London, 1655 1 109 Disraeli, Isaac. An Inquiry into the Literary and Political Character of James the First. pp. 228. Small 8° calf, gilt. London, 1816 Autograph signature of the Author inserted. mo Disraeli. Amenities of Literature. pp. 372, 431. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1842 iiii Disraeli. Curiosities of Literature; with a View of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his Son. Portrait. 4 vols, large 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1859 y. CATALOGUE. loi 1112 DiuRNALL Occurrences, or Daily Proceedings of both Houses, in this great and happy Parliament, from the third of November, 1640, to the third of November, 1641. Small 4° sheep, (rebacked). London, 1641 " Wednesday, 26th Day, Jan. It was reported in the House of Commons, that there were 52- Families of Norwich that went to New England, by Bishop Wrens preying their conscience with illegal oaths, ceremonies, observations and many strange innova- tions." 1 1 13 DoBBS, Arthur, Esq. An Account of the Countries ad- joining to Hudson's Bay in the North West part of America. Map. 4° half calf, uncut. London, 1744 1 114 DoDD, Rev. Stephen. Revolutionary Memorials, em- bracing Poems by the Rev. Wheeler Case, published in 1778, with an Appendix. i6° cloth. New York, 1852 1 1 15 DoDiNGTON, George Bubb. The Diary of the last George Bubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis, from March 8, 1748-9, to Feb. 6, 1761. Now first pub- lished by H. P. Wyndham. First ed. pp. 502. 8° crimson straight grained morocco, gilt edges. Salisbury, 1784 1 1 16 DoDWELL, Henry. An Epistolary Discourse, proving, from the Scriptures and the first Fathers, that the Soul is a principle naturally mortal, etc. pp. 313. 8° old calf. London, 1706 1 1 17 Domesday Book or the Great Survey of England of Wil- liam the Conqueror, A. D. , 1536. Fac-simile of the Part relating to Dorsetshire, pp. 20. Folio, cloth. Southampton, 1862 1 1 18 Donne, W. B. The Correspondence of King George the Third with Lord North, from 1768 to 1783. pp. 307, 452. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1867 IT 19 Dorchester, Mass. History of Dorchester. By a Com- mittee of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, pp. 672. 8° cloth. Boston, 1859 1 1 20 Dorchester. Recovery of some Materials for the Early History of Dorchester, general and particular. By S. G. Drake. Plate, pp. 20. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 185 1 Dorchester. Dorchester in 1630, 1776 and 1855, An Oration by Edward Everett, 1855; — Proceedings of the Second Church and Parish, 1812; — Discourse at Dorchester to commemorate the completion of the Second Century from its settlement by our Pilgrim Fathers. By 'John Pierce. 1830. 3 vols. 8° cloth, half roan and paper. /. 102 CATALOGUE. ,1122 Dorchester. Hall, Nathaniel. Sermons preached in First Church, Dorchester, 1851-70. 5 pamphlets. - 1123 Dorchester Antiquarian Society. Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1630; — Annals of the Town of Dorchester. By- James Blake, 1750; — Journal and Life of Richard Mather, 1506-1669. 3 vols. 12° boards. Boston, 1844-50 1124 Douglass, William. A Summary, Historical and Politi- cal of the First Planting, progressive improvements, and present State of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols. 8° sheep, (name cut from titles). Boston, 1749-51 Autograph signature of Rufus Choate on fly leaves. With an auto- graph Document : Deposition of the printers, Gamaliel Rogers and Daniel Fowle, that Dr. Douglas wrote " State of the British Settle- ments in North America," 1748. 2 pp. 4 ° . 1125 Douglass. The same. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1760 1 126 Douglass. Memoir of William Douglass, M. D. By Timothy L. Jennison, M. D. (From Medical Commu- nications of the Mass. Med. Society, Boston 1831. 8° cloth. With MSS. by Mr. Deane laid in. 1127 Dover, N. H. The First Parish in Dover, 20th anni- versary, including the Memorial Address by Rev. A. H. Quint. 8° cloth. Dover, 1884 1 128 DowcET, Abraham. A Declaration delivered into the House of Lords, July 3, 1648 against Major Edward Ralph, whom hee charges to have laine in waite three houres to have pistold the King. pp.6. Small 4° paper. London, 1648 1129 Downing, Sir George. A Reply of Sir George Downing Envoy Extraordinary from His Majesty of Great Britain, etc., to the Remarks of the Deputies of the Estates- General, upon his Memorial of Dec. 20, 1664. pp. 104. Small 4° polished calf, extra, by Pratt. (Title page in fac-simile.) London, 1665 Relates to New Netherlands and Long Island. 1 1 30 Dowse, Thomas. Catalogue of his Library presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society, July 30, 1856. 8° cloth. Privately printed: Boston, 1856 1131 Dowse. The Will of Thomas Dowse, of Cambridgeport. pp. 7. Portrait. 8° paper. Cambridge, 1856 Only 25 copies printed. 1 132 Dowse. The same. Copy on Parchment. Only 5 copies privately printed. CATALOGUE. 103 1 1 33 Doyle, J. A. The English in America, Virginia, Mary- tjc^ tt--y land and the Carolinas. pp. 556. Map. 8° cloth. London, 1882 ' ii34 Drake, Daniel. Memoirs of the Life and Services of, with notices of the early settlement of Cincinnati, and some of its pioneer citizens. By E. D. Mansfield. Por- trait. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1855 . 1135 Drake. Sir Francis Drake Reuiued: Calling vpon this Dull or Effeminate Age, to follow his ' Noble steps for Gold and Siluir. By this memorable relation of the rare occurrences (neuer yet declared to the World) in a third voyage made by him into the West Indies, in the yeares 72 & 73. pp. 80. Portrait on title and portrait inserted, by Philip Nichols. 8° polished calf, extra, by Pratt. Nicholas Bourne: London, 1628 Title and many leaves cropped, but neatly remargined and restored in fac-simile. ■ 1 1 36 Drake. Sir Francis Drake Revived. Who is, or may be a pattern to stirre up all heroicke and active spirits of these times to benefit their countrey and eternize their names by like noble attempts. Being a summary and true relation of foure severall voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indes, viz. : His dangerous adventuring for gold and silver with the gain- ing thereof. . . His Encompass the World, etc. Portrait, (mounted). Small 4° calf. Nicholas Bourne: London, 1653 ■ 1 137 Drake. The World Encompassed, by Sir Francis Drakfi, being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios formerly imprinted. Portrait, (inlaid), pp 108. 4° maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zahnsdorf. (Title and corners of a few leaves mended.) London, 1628 ' 1138 Drake. Life and Death of the Valiant and Renowned Sir Francis Drake, his voyages and discoveries in the West Indies, and about the World. By Samuel Clark, pp. 75. Small 4° olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. London, 1671 The title page and the last two leaves in fac-simile. • 1 1 39 Drake, F. S. List of Members of the Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati, including a complete roll of the original members. 8° sheets folded. Boston, 1872 1 140 Drake, James R. The Culprit Fay, and other Poems. pp.92. First ed. Portrait and engraved title. 8° cloth. New York, 1836 104 CATALOGUE. 1141 Drake, S. A. Bunker Hill; the story told from the battle-field, by British ofificers engaged; — General Israel Putnam, the Commander at Bunker Hill. pp. 76, 24. Plate. 8° cloth. Boston, 1875 1 142 Drake, S. G. Indian Biography, containing the lives of more than two hundred Indian Chiefs, pp. 348. 12° sheep. Boston, 1832 '1143 Drake. Book of the Indians of North America. First ed. Early portrait of the author and other plates. 8° sheep. *-' ii'.'i Boston, 1833 1144 Drake. Old Indian Chronicle. Map and illustrations. 16° cloth. Boston, 1836 1145 Drake. Old Indian Chronicle, a collection of irare tracts, with introduction and dates by S. G. Drake. Map. Small 4° half morocco. Boston, 1867 1 1 46 Drake. Genealogical and Biographical Account of the H-C & Family of Drake in America. Small 8° calf. Privately printed : Boston, 1845 1147 Drake. Tragedies of the Wilderness. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1846 Presentation copy from the author. , 1 148 Drake. Indian Captivities, or. Life in the Wigwam. Frontispiece. 12° cloth. Auburn, 1850 1 149 Drake. Biography and History of the Indians of North America, from its first discovery. Eleventh ed. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 185 1 Special edition on larger paper, and with additional portraits and views. ■1150 Drake. A Memoir of the Rev. Cotton Mather, with a genealogy of the family of Mather. Portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 185 1 Presentation copy. 1 15 1 Drake. A Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh. Por- trait. 4° cloth. Privately printed: Boston, 1862 1 152 Drake. Result of some Researches among the British lc^.'»' Archives for Information relative to the Founders of New England, 1858-60. Map and portrait. Small 4° cloth. Boston, i860 1 153 Drake. The same. Third ed. pp. 148. Portraits. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper: Only 7 5 copies printed. 1154 [Drake.] Narrative Remarks, expository notes, and historical criticisms on the New England Historical and Genealogical Society. 4° paper, uncut. Albany, 1874 CATALOGUE. 105 1155 Drake. Catalogue of his Private Library, chiefly relat- ing to the antiquities, history and biography of America. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1845 1 1 56 Dreadful Visitation in a short account of the progress and effects of the Plague, in London, 1665, pp. 16; — Sermons or Declarations made by Stephen Crisp, one of the antient preachers amongst the people called Quakers, pp. 60. 2 pamphlets 18° paper. Joseph Crukshank: Phila., 1773-4 1 157 Du Bartas. Bartas his Deuine Weekes and Workes. Translated and dedicated to the King's most excellent Maiestie, by Josuah Sylvester, pp. 715. Engraved title. Second ed. 4° calf. (1605) 1158 Dublin, N. H. History of, containing the address by Charles Mason, and the proceedings at the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1852, with a register of families, pp. 433. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 1 159 DucH:fi, Jacob. Discourses on various Subjects. Fron- tispieces by B. West. Third ed. pp. 403, 430. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1779 1 1 60 Dudley, Dean. History of the Council of Nice; a World's Christian Convention, A. D. 325. pp. 86. 8° cloth. Boston, i860 1 161 [Dudley, Thomas.] Massachusetts, or the first Planters of New England, the end and manner of their coming thither, and abode there, in several epistles, pp. 56. 18° half russia. B. Green & J. Allen: Boston, 1696 These epistles are from John AUin, Thomas Shepard and John Cotton. The dedication to the Countess of Lincoln is signed T. D. (Thomas Dudley.) 1 162 DuRER, Albert. The Humiliation and Exaltation of our Redeemer, in 32 prints, representing the original wood blocks of Albert Durer. Edited by John Allen, pp. 64. 12° cloth. London, 1856 116.^ DuMMER, Jer. A Defence of the New England Char- ters. First ed. pp. 1,6,80. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1721 Autograph of "Thos. Fitch" on title. 1 1 64 DuMMER. A Defence of the New England Charters, pp. 44. 8° calf, gilt. Boston, 1765 1165 DuNBARTON, N. H. History of, from 1751 to i860. By Caleb Stark, pp. 272. 8° cloth. Concord, i860 1 166 DuNLAP, William. History of the American Theatre. pp. 420. 8° calf, gilt. New York, 1832 1 1 67 DuNLAP. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States, pp. 435, 480. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut, (name cut from titles). New York, 1834 Bookplate of George P. Parker. io6 CATALOGUE. 1168 DuNLOP, John. History of Fiction, pp. 452, 443. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Phila., 1842 1 169 Dunstable, Mass. History of the Old Township of Dunstable, including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield and Merrimac, N. H., Dunstable and Tyngs- borough, Mass. By Charles J. Fox. pp. 278, Plate. 12° cloth. Nashua, 1846 1 1 70 DuNSTER, Charles. Considerations on Milton's early Reading, and the Prima Stamina of his Paradise Lost; together with extracts from a poet of the sixteenth cen- tury, pp. 249. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1800 1 17 1 [DuNTON, John.] The Compleat Library; or. News for Ingenious. Containing several original piece's, an his- torical account of the choicest books printed in Eng- land, and in the foreign Journals, etc. (Vols I and II.) From 1692 to December 1693. pp. 480, 458. 2 vols. 4° calf. John Dunton: London, 1692-93 Three autograph letters of Geo. H. Moore relating to the rarity of these volumes, laid in. 1172 [DuNTON.J The Dublin Scuffle; being a challenge sent by John Dunton, citizen of London, to Patrick Camp- bell, bookseller in Dublin, to which is added the Billet Doux, sent him by a citizen's wife in Dublin, tempting him to lewdness, with his answer to her. pp. 544. 8° half calf. London, 1699' 1173 Dunton. The Life and Errors of John Dunton, Late Citizen of London. Written by himself in solitvde. With an Idea of a New Life; Wherein is Shewn How he'd Think, Speak, and Act, might he Live over his Days again; Intermix'd with the New Discoveries The Author has made In his Travels Abroad, ■ — And in his Private Conversation at Home. Together with the Lives and Characters of a Thousand Persons now Liv- ing in London, &c. Digested into Seven Stages with their Respective Ideas, pp. 251. Small 8° half calf, (foxed.) Printed for S. Malthus: London, 1705 "This curious work abounds with interesting literary history, anec- dotes of Bostonians, etc." Eighty-four pages are occupied with the account of his visit to New England, his opening a bookstore in Boston ; intercourse with the Mathers, Cotton, Eliot, Hubbard, and several ladies of Boston, of some of whom he relates very curious particulars. 1174 Dunton. The Life and Errors of John Dunton, with the Lives and Characters of more than a Thousand contemporary Divines and other Persons of Literary Eminence. Portrait, « vols, in one. 8° calf, gilt. London, i8i8 CATALOGUE. 107 117s [DuNTON.] Athenian Oracle; being an entire collec- tion of all the valuable Questions and Answers in the old Athenian Mercuries. 4 vols, small 8° half calf. . London, 1728 1 176 DuRFEE, Job. Complete Works of. With a Memoir of the Author, pp 523. 8° cloth. Providence, 1849 ■1177 DuRRiE, D. S. Bibliographia Genealogica Americana; an alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees. Third ed., enlarged, pp. 245. 8° cloth. , Albany, 1886 1 178 DuxBURY, Mass. History of, with Genealogical Regis- folfeJ)// ter. By Justin Winsor. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1849 ^179 DuYCKiNCK, E. A. Cyclopaedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings, complete with the Supplement. Portraits and fac-simile autographs. 3 vols, imperial 8° cloth. New York, 1866 1180 DwiGHT, Theodore. History of the Hartford Conven- ''''' ""'' tion. pp. 447. 8° morocco, gilt. New York, 1833 1 181 D WIGHT, Timothy. The Conquest of Canaan, a Poem. pp. 304. First ed. 12° sheep. Hartford, 1785 1 182 DwiGHT. Travels in New England and New York. Portrait and maps. 4 vols. 8° morocco. London, 1823 1183 I— ^ ARTHQUAKES. An Essay on the Agitations of f f the Sea, and some other Remarkables attending- the Earthquakes of the Year 1755. pp 40. Small 8° half roan. Boston, 1761 ^1184 East Boston, Mass. History of, with Biographical .^Sketches of its Early Proprietors. By W. H. Sumner. pp. 801. Map and portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1858 ■ 1185 Eastburn, Rev. J. W. Yamoyden, a Tale of the Wars of King Philip, in six Cantos. First ed. 8° morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1820 • I 186 Eastham, Mass. Comprehensive History of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans, from 1644 to 1844. By Rev. Enoch Pratt, pp. 180. 8° cloth. Yarmouth, 1844 1 187 East Haven, Conn. The East Haven Register. Part I containing a History of the Town from 1644 to 1800; Part II containing an Account of the Names, Marriages and Births; Part III containing an Account of the Deaths of the Families which first Settled in East Haven, from 1644 to 1823. By Stephen Dodd. pp. 200, 24. Portrait. 12° sheep. New Haven, 1824 io8 CATALOGUE. 1188 Easton, James. Human Longevity, recording the Name, Age, Place of Residence, and Year of the De- cease of 17 12 Persons who attained a Century and up- wards from A. D. 66 to 1799. pp. 292. 8° half calf, r gilt. Salisbury, 1799 ii8q Eaton, Gen. William. Life of. (By Charles Prentiss.) pp. 448. Portrait inserted. 8° sheep. Brookfield, 1813 1 1 90 EcKLEY, Joseph. Sermon delivered at the Installation of the Rev. Israel Evans, at Concord, N. H., July i. 1789. pp. 32. Small 4° calf. George Hough: Concord, 1789 The first book printed in Concord. With autograph of the Author. 1 191 Eddis, William. Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive, comprising Occurences from 1769 to 1777. pp. 455. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top, (cracked). London, 1792 1 192 ®ben, lSicl)flr6. The Decades of the Newe Worlde, or West India. Conteyning the nauigations and con- questes of the Spaniardes, with a particular description of the most ryche and large landes and ilandes lately founde in the west ocean, etc. . . . Translated into Englyssche by Rycharde Eden. Small 4° russia, gilt edges. William Powell: London, 1555 1 1 93 ®b«n. The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes. As Moscouia, Per- sia, Arabia, Syria, .^gypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan. With a discourse of the North- west passage. Gathered in parte, and done into Eng- lyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, aug- mented and finished by Richard Willes. pp. r, 16, i, 479. Small 4° polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Bed- ford. Richard lugge: London, 1577 The following are the contents of this volume, two-fifths being oc- cupied by the Decades. 1. The three Decades of the New World, by Peter Martyr. 2. Oviedo's History of the West Indies and New Spain. 3. Notable things of the forin land of the West Indies, including Peru, Florida, and Labrador. 1 194 Eden. The First Three English Books on America. (? 1511) — 1555, A. D. Being chiefly Translations, Com- pilations, etc., by Richard Eden, from the Writings of Pietro Martire, of Anghiera (1455-1526), Sebastian Mtinster, the Cosmographer (1489-1552), Sebastian Cabot of Bristol (1474-1557). With Extracts, etc., from the works of other Spanish, Italian, and Ger- man Writers of the Time. Edited by Edward Arber. pp. 408. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Birmingham, 1885 CATALOGUE. 159 1195 Edes, H. H. a Memorial of Josiah Barker, of Charles- town, Mass. pp. 25. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 187 1 Only 100 copies privately printed. '1196 Edwards, Bryan. History, Civil and Commercial, of - the British Colonies in the West Indies. Maps and ^4'2>'' '^7 '"plates, including a good impression of the "Sable Venus " by Stothard, and a fine frontispiece by West, engraved by Bartolozzi. 2 vols. 4° calf. London, 1794 "^1197 Edwards. History, Civil and Commercial, of the ^bi(. ^li^f British West Indies. Fifth ed. Portrait, maps and Cff-atj plates, s vols. 8° of text, and 4° Atlas of plates and pM.- map. Together 6 vols, half morocco. London, 1819 /1198 Edwards. Historical Survey of the French Colony in t-tlo^j^ the Island of St. Domingo, pp. 247. 4° half calf. London, 1797 1 199 Edwards, Edward. Memoirs of Libraries, including a handbook of library economy, pp. 841, 1184. Plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1859 - 1200 Edwards, Jonathan. A Faithful Narrative of the sur- prizing Works of God in the conversion of many hundred souls in Northampton, and the neighboring towns and villages of New Hampshire in N. E. pp. 132. 16° morocco. London, 1737 " First ed., written in form of a letter to Dr. Colman of Boston, and sent by him to England and there published by Dr. Isaac Watts and Dr. John Guyse, with a long preface by them." .1201 Edwards. Works of; with a memoir by Sereno E. Dwight. Revised by Edward Hickman. Portrait, pp. 691, 969. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, unCut. London, 1835 1202 Edwards. Life and Character of, together with a num- ber of his sermons, pp. 98, 279. 12° morocco, red edges. Boston, 1765 1203 Edwards, Thomas. Antapologia; or a full answer to the Apologeticall narration of Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, and other members of the assembly of divines. 4° calf, (corner of title mended). London, 1644 1204 Edwin, John. The Eccentricities of John Edwin, come- dian. Arranged and digested by Anthony Pasquin, Esq. pp. 326, 349. 2 vols. 12° half calf. London, (1791) • 1205 Eliot, John. The Indian Primer; or the way of training up our Indian youth in the knowledge of God, 1669. To which is prefixed the Indian Covenanting Confession. Reprinted from the originals in the Library of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. With an introduction by John Small. 12° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1880 no CATALOGUE. ■t2o6 Eliot, John. The Christian Commonwealth; or the civil policy of the rising kingdom of Jesus Christ. Written before the interruption of the government, by Mr. John Eliot, teacher, etc., at Roxbury in New- England. And now published (after his consent given) by a Server of the Season, pp. (22), 35. Small 4° crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. For Livewell Chapman, n. d. : London, (1659) On the i8th of March, 1660, the Governor and Council of Massa- chusetts passed a formal judgment of condemnation against this book, as they found it " full of seditious principles and notions." It was most rigorously suppressed, and Eliot was forced by the General Court, in the following May, to hand in a humiliating written recantation, which was posted in the public places of all the chief towns of the Colony. — Sparks' Life of Eliot. 1207 Eliot. A Sketch of the Life of the Apostle Eliot. By H. A. S. Dearborn. 2 plates. 8° half calf. Roxbury, 1850 1208 Eliot. Life and Labors of John Eliot, the Apostle among the Indian nations of New England, together with an account of the Eliots in England. By R. B. Caverly. Illustrations, pp. 98. 12° boards, uncut. Lowell, 1881 1209 Eliot Indian Tracts. New England's First Fruits; in respect, first, of the (conversion of some, conviction of divers, preparation of sundry) of the Indians. 2. Of the progresse of learning in the colledge at Cambridge in Massachusetts Bay, with divers other speciall matters concerning that countrey. pp. 26. 4° calf. London, 1643 " The oldest extant document which in type clearly recognizes the existence of Harvard College, is a precious pamphlet with this title, " New England's First Fruits," etc. It is a letter dated " Boston, Sept. 26, 1642." It was published in London in 1643. The letter gives a graphic and vigorous account of the first Commencement." — Rev. George E. Ellis's Address at the Dedication of the Harvard Statue at Cambridge, 1884. 1210 Eliot Indian Tracts. Day-Breaking if not the Sun- Rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New England. [By Thomas Shepard.j pp. 25. 4° calf. London, 1647 1 21 1 Eliot Indian Tracts. Clear Sunshine of the Gospel 'breaking forth upon the Indians of New England; or, an historicall narrative of God's wonderfull workings upon sundry of the Indians, both chief governours and common people, in bringing them to a willing and de- sired submission to the ordinances of the gospel, pp. 38. 4° calf. London, 1648 Contains a long letter from J. Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. CATALOGUE. iii 1 21 2 EnoT Indian Tracts. The Glorious Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, mani- fested by three letters, under the hand of that famous instrument of the Lord, Mr. John Eliot and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Jr., both preachers of the word', as well to the English as Indians in New-England. pp. 28. 4° calf. London, 1649 With a dedication to the Parliament of England. 121.-? Eliot Indian Tracts. The Light Appearing more and more towards the Perfect Day, or, a farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progresse of the gospel amongst them. Manifested by letters from such as preacht to them there. Published by Henry Whitfield, late pastor of the Church of Christ at Gilford in New-England, who came late thence, pp. 46. 4° calf. London, 1651 ■ 1214 Eliot Indian Tracts. Strength out of Weakness, or a glorious manifestation of the further progresse of the gospel amongst the Indians in New England. Held forth in sundry letters from divers ministers and others to the Corporation established by Parliament for pro- moting the gospel among the heathen in New-England and to particular members thereof, since the late treatise to the effect, formerly set forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield, late pastor of Gilford in New England, pp. 40. 4° calf. London, 1652 The first tract issued by the Corporation. 1 2 15 Eliot Indian Tracts. Tears of Repentence, or, a further narrative of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in New England: Setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry confes- sions of sin by diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon by the saving power of the gospel, together with the manifestation of their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and the work of Grace upon their hearts. Re- lated by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two faithful labourers in that work of the Lord. Published by the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel there, for the satisfaction and comfort of such as wish well therunto. pp. 47. 4° calf. London, 1653 The second tract issued by the Corporation, dedicated to the Pro- tector, Cromwell. 12 16 Eliot Indian Tracts. A Late and Further Manifesta- tion of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians of New England, pp. 23. 4° morocco. London, 1655 Caryl's Address, pp. 4, in fac-simile. 112 CATALOGUE. 1217 Eliot Indian Tracts. A Further Accompt of the Pro- ' gresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New Eng- land, etc. Small 4° half morocco. (Reprint): London, 1659 1218 Eliot Indian Tracts. A Further Account of the Pro- gresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New Eng- land and of the means used effectually to advance the same. Set forth in certaine letters sent from thence, declaring a purpose of printing the Scriptures in the Indian tongue, into which they are already translated, pp. (10), 76, (2). Small 4° half morocco. London, 1660 1219 Eliot Indian Tracts. A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians of New England, 1670. With introductory notes by W. T. R. Marvin, pp. 36. Small 4° half roan. Boston, 1868 Only 150 copies printed. Large part of the edition was burned in fire of 1872. 1220 Eliot, John. Biographical Dictionary, containing a brief account of the first settlers and other eminent characters in New England. 8° calf, extra. Salem, 1809 1 22 1 Eliot, Samuel. History of Liberty. Part II. The Early Christians, pp. 413, 431. ^ vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1853 1222 Eliot, Samuel A. A Sketch of the History of Harvard College and of its present State, pp. 190. 16° boards. Boston, 1848 1223 Eliot, W. H., Jr. Genealogy of the Eliot Family. Re- vised and enlarged by W. S. Porter. Plate inserted. 8° half roan. New Haven, 1854 1224 Elliott, C. W. New England History, from 986 to 1776. pp. 479, 491. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1857 1225 Ellis, George. Specimens of the Early English Poets. Third ed. 3 vols. 12° calf. London, 1803 1226 Ellis, George E. A Half-Century of the Unitarian Controversy, pp. 511. 8° cloth. Boston, 1857 1227 Ellis. Memoir of Jared Sparks, pp. 102. Portraits and photograph inserted. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1869 Large Paper. 1228 Ellis. The Red Man and the White Man in North ?'/>t^ America, from its Discovery to the present Time. pp. 642. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1882 1229 Ellis. The Puritan Age and Rule in the Colony of ^Massachusetts, 1 629-1684. pp. 576. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1888 CATALOGUE. 113 1230 Ellis. Introductiop/to the History of First Church in Boston, pp. 74; — Memorial of John Harvard, pp. 19, 1884; — j^^ermons preached at Harvard Church, Charles- town, 1842-^9; — Discourse before Ancient and Hon- orable Artillery Company, 1846; -V'Commemorative Discourse in New South Church, 1864; — Memoir of Charles W. Upham, 1875 ; —Address at Dedham, 1888, etc. 1 1 pamphlets. 1231 Ellis, Henry. A Voyage to Hudson's Bay by the Dobbs Galley and California, in the Years 1746 and 1747, for Discovering a North West Passage, pp. 336. Maps and plates. 8° calf (broken). London, 1748 1232 Ellis. Voyage ^ la Baye de Hudson, fait en 1746-1747. pp. 413. Map and plates. 8° half morocco, uncut Paris, 1750 1233 Ellis, Sir Henry. Original Letters illustrative of Eng- lish History, including numerous Royal Letters, from 'irDSr'^iiiutographs in the British Museum. Engravings and fac-similes. 11 vols. 8°. London, 1824-46 The three Series complete. First and Second Series, 7 vols, in half morocco ; the Third Series, 4 vols., cloth. 1234 Emerson, Joseph. Thanksgiving Sermon, preached at Pepperell, Januarys, 1760. pp. 25. 8° half roan. Boston, 1760 1235 Emerson, R. W. Oration delivered before the P. B. K. Society at Cambridge, Aug. 31, 1837. First ed. pp. 36. 8° paper. Boston, 1837 1236 Emerson. A Historical Discourse delivered at Concord, Sept. 12, 1835, on the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. pp. 48. 8° boards. Boston. 1237 Emerson. English Traits. First ed. 1856; — Essays. First ed. 1841. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston. 1238 [Emerson. J Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. First ed. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1852 1239 Emerson. His Maternal Ancestors. By Daniel Green Haskins. Portrait. 16° boards. Boston, 1887 1240 Emery, S. H. The Ministry of Taunton, with inci- _.^ental Notices of other Professions, pp. 394, 360. ■Portraits. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1853 [241 Encyclopedia Britanica, or a Dictionary of Arts, Science and Miscellaneous Literature. Third ed. 20 vols, large 4° sheep. Edinburgh, 1797 114 CATALOGUE. 1242 Endicott, Charles M. Memoir of John Endicott, first governor of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay; being also a succinct account of the rise and progress of the Colony, from 1628 to 1665. pp. 116. Portrait. Royal 4° cloth. Salem, 1847 1243 Endicott. Account of Leslie's Retreat at the North Bridge, in Salem, Feb. 26, 1775. pp. 47. 8° half roan. Salem, 1856 1244 English Constitution and other political essays by Wal- ter Bagehot, 1877; — Our Constitution, by A. C. Ewald, 1867; — British Constitution, by Lord Brougham, 1844; — Passages from the History of Liberty, by Samuel Eliot, 1847; — On Liberty, by J. S. Mill, 1865;— De Lolme's Constitution of England, iSro. 6 vols. 12° and 8° cloth and boards. 1245 Episcopal Historical Club. Fac-similes of important documents connected with the early history of the American Church. By VV. S. Perry. 2 vols. 8° paper. New York, 1874 1246 EsQUEMELiNG. Bucaniers of America: or, a true Ac- count of the Most remarkable Assaults Committed of late years upon the Coasts of The West-Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French. Wherein are contained more especially, the unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who sack'd Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, &c. Written originally in Dutch, by John Esquemeling, one of the Bucaniers, who was present at those Trage- dies: and thence translated into Spanish by Alonso de Bonne-Maison. Second ed. Maps and plates, includ- ing the portrait of Morgan, often missing. 2 vols. 4° old calf. London, 1684-85 1247 English, G. B. The Grounds of Christianity examined. pp. 183; — A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Gary, containing Remarks upon his Review of the Grounds of Christian- ity examined, pp. 143; — A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Channing. pp. 41. 12° calf. Boston, 1813 1248 English. Narrative of the Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar, under the command of Ismael Pasha, pp. 177, 48. Map. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1823 1249 Erasmus, Desiderius. Moriae Encomium; or a Panegy- rick upon Folly. Done into English, and illustrated with above fifty curious cuts, design'd and drawn by Hans Holbeine. pp. 171. 8° calf. London, 1709 1250 Erasmus. The Life of. (By John Jortin.) Mezzotint portrait by Houston, pp. 628. Royal 4° calf. London, 1758 CATALOGUE. 115 1251 Essays and Reviewi, by Rev. F. H. Hedge, 1862; — Whence, What, Where? by J. R. Nichols, 1885; — Handbook of the History of Philosophy, by Schwegler, 1868; — A Physician's Problems, by C. Elam, 1869; — Short Studies on Great Subjects, by J. A. Froude, 1871; — Out of the Past, by Parke Godwin, 1870; — Essays, by H. T. Buckle, 1869. 7 vols. 12° cloth. 1252 Essex, Mass. History of, from 1634 to 1700. By Rob- ert Crowell. pp. 166. Map and plate. 12° cloth. Boston, 1853 1253 Essex Institute. Historical Collections of the Essex In- stitute. 23 vols., half morocco and 2 vols, in parts. Together 25 vols. 8° and 4°. (Lacks vol. 24, part 4). Salem, 1859-86 1254 European Life and Manners. By Henry Colman, 1849; Manners and Customs of the English Nation. By John Brookes; — Thirty Years in the Harem, 1872; — Men and Things. By James L. Baker, 1858. 5 vols. 12° cloth. 1255 EusTis, Henry L. The Tornado of Aug. 22., 1851, in Waltham, West Cambridge and Medford, Middlesex County, Mass. Folding map. (From Memoirs of Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences, pp. 169-178). 4° pa- per, uncut. Cambridge, 1853 1256 Evelyn, John. Memoirs illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, Esq., comprising his diary, from the year 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his Familiar Letters, (etc.) The whole now first published from the Original MSS. ; Edited by William Bray. Sec- ond ed. pp. 671, 336. Portraits, views, plans, pedi- gree, etc. 2 vols, royal 4° half calf. London, 1819 1257 Evelyn. The Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Now first pub- lished and edited by Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford, pp. 265. Portrait. 16° antique calf, by Riviere. W. Pickering: London, 1847 1258 EvERARDUs, Dr. Aegidius. Panacea; or the Universal Medicine, being a discovery of the wonderfull vertues of tobacco taken in a pipe. Portrait, pp. 16, 79, 55, 8. 16° calf. London, 1659 1259 Everett, A. H. New Ideas on Population; with re- marks on the theories of Malthus and Godwin, pp. 125. 8" half roan, uncut. Boston, 1823 1260 Everett, David.. Common Sense in Deshabille; or the Farmer's Monitor. 16° calf. I. Thomas Jr. : Worcester, 1799 ii6 CATALOGUE. 1 261 Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on various Occasions, pp. 637. 8° cloth. Boston, 1836 ^262 Everett. The same. Second ed. Large paper except vol. 3. Portraits. 4 vols, imperial 8° and 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1850-59 1263 Everett. American Poets. (Phi Beta Kappa Poem, delivered at Harvard in 1814). 8° half morocco. Privately printed. Presentation copy from Geo. Ticknor. 1264 Everett. A Defence of Christianity against the Work of George B. English, entitled, the Grounds of Christ- ianity examined, pp. 484. 12° calf. Boston, 1814 1265 Everett. Sermon at New York, Jan. 20, i82i;-^Ora- tion before the Citizens of Charlestown, on the soth an- niversary of the Declaration of Independence; — Ad- dresses at the Inauguration of Everett as President of the University of Cambridge; — Eulogy on Thomas Dowse, 1859. Steel portrait. 4 vols. 8° half roan. •1266 Everett. An Address upon the Life and Services of Edward Everett, Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1865. By R. H. Dana, Jr. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Cambridge, 1865 Large paper : only 50 copies privately printed. • 1267 Everett. Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, to the memory of Edward Everett, January 30, 1865. pp. 90. Portrait. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 1268 Exeter, N. H. Men and Things of Exeter, Sketches from the History of an old New Hampshire Town. (By Charles H. Bell). 8° cloth, uncut. Exeter, (1871) Only 100 copies printed. 1269 1-* AIRBANKS, Jason. Report of the Trial of Jason \ Fairbanks for the Murder of Miss Elizabeth Fales. pp. 87. 8° half roan. Boston, 1801 1270 Fairfax, Sir Thomas. A Particular Charge or Impeach- ment, in the name of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, against Daniel Hollis, and other members of the House of Commons, pp. 29. Small 4° half calf. London, 1647 127 1 Fairfax. A Remonstrance of Thomas Lord Fairfax, Lord Generall of the Parliaments Forces, and of the Generall Councell of Officers, held at St. Albans, i6th of November, 1648. pp. 71. Small 4° half calf. London, 1648 1272 Fair France, impressions of a traveller, by Miss Muloch; — Ramsay's Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Char- acter; — Gleanings from Pontresina, by H. P. Arnold; — Sketches of the State of the useful Arts, etc., in Great Britain, France and Holland. 5 vols. 12" cloth. CATALOGUE. 117 1273 Fairholt, F. W. Tobacco, its History and Associa- tions. Illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1859 1274 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck, a Poem. Edited by J. S. Clarke. Plates by Pocock. pp. 220. Royal 8° full russia, gilt. London, 1804. 1275 Fall River, Mass. Historical Sketch of, from 1620 to the present time, with notices of Freetown and Tiver- ton. By Orin Fowler, pp. 64. 8° half roan, gilt. Fall River, 1841 1276 Fall River, an authentic narrative, pp. 198. Frontis- piece. 18° boards. Providence, 1834 1277 Familiar Words, by J. H. Friswell, 1866; — Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 1855; — Handbook of Familiar Quotations, 1853; — Hall's Collection of College Words and Customs, 1856; — Dictionary of select and popular Quotations, (by John Grigg), 185 1. 5 vols. 12° cloth and sheep. 1278 Fanning, David. Narrative of Colonel David Fanning, giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina from 1775 to 1785, with notes, pp. 86. 8° cloth, un- cut. New York, 1865 Only 200 copies printed. 1279 Farmer, Hugh. Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament; — On Temptation; — On Miracles; — Letter to the Rev. Dr. Worthington; — Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Hugh Farmer, by Michael Dodson. 5 vols. 12° and 8° half morocco. London, 1778-1818 1280 Farmer, John. Genealogical Register of the First > ^ ''Tf- Setlers of New England. 8° half morocco. Lancaster, 1829 1281 Farmer. A Memorial, with reminiscences, historical, personal and characteristic of. By J. Le Bosquet. 12° cloth. Boston, 1884 1282 Farmer, John and Moore, Jacob B. Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire, pp. 276. Map. 12° sheep. Concord, 1823 /1283 Farmer and Moore. Collections, topographical, his- torical and biographical, relating principally to New b7^#^/'?jjampshire. Vols, i and 2, half morocco, and vol. 3 boards, uncut. Together 3 vols. 8°. Concord, 1824-31 1284 Farnham, Luther. A Glance at Private Libraries, pp. 79. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 1285 Farquhar, George. Works of, containing all his poems, letters, essays and comedies. Eighth ed. 2 vols. 16° calf. London, 1742 ii8 CATALOGUE. 1286 Farrar, a. S. a Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Religion, pp. 487. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1863 1287 Faux, W. Memorable Days in America; being a journal of a tour to the United States, including accounts of Mr. Birkbeck's settlement in the Illinois, etc. Fron- tispiece. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1823 1288 Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America. A narrative of ,ii='/'4 a journey of five thousand miles through the Eastern and Western States of America. Third ed. pp. 454. 8° half calf. London, 1819 1289 Featley, Daniel. The Dippers Dipt. A description of the severall sorts of Anabaptists, with their manner of rebaptizing. Fine portrait and engraved title by William Marshall, pp. 258. Small 4° calf. London, 1660 1290 Federalist (The), on the New Constitution, written in 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison and Mr. Jay. New edition, pp. 484. 8° sheep. Hallowell, 1842 1291 Fcederalist. a Collection of Essays, written in favor of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Foederal Convention, Sept. 17, 1787. Reprinted from the orig- inal text, with an historical introduction and notes by H. B. Dawson, pp. 659. Portrait on India paper. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1864 Volume I, all published ; but the entire text is included in this volume. Large Paper. Only 200 copies printed. 1292 Federalist. The same. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Morrisania, 1864 1293 Federalist (The), a Commentary on the Constitution of the United States; a collection of essays by Hamil- ton, Jay and Madison, also the Continentalist and other papers by Hamilton. Edited by John C. Hamilton, pp. 659. Portrait. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1865 Large Paper : only 100 copies printed. 1294 Fellows, John. The Veil removed; or reflections on E"1 David Humphreys' Essay on the life of Israel Putnam. ' 12° cloth. New York, 1843 1295 Fellows, W. D. Historical Sketches of Charles the First, Cromwell, Charles the Second, and the principal personages of that period, including the King's trial and execution, pp. 432, 86. 50 plates. Royal 4° half morocco, gilt top. London, 1828 CATALOGUE. 119 ■1296 Pelt, J. B. The Customs of New England, 1853; — Who was the First Governor of Massachusetts, 1853. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. Jiigj Felt. Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. '(,'o%i, £14 Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1839 1298 Felt. Ecclesiastical History of New England. Portrait laid in. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 1299 Fenelon, S. de la Mothe. Characters and Criticisms upon the ancient and modern orators, poets, painters, musicians and other arts and sciences, pp. 211, 13. Frontispiece. 8° calf. London, 1714 1300 Fenelon. The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. Translated by John Hawkesworth, corrected by G. Gregory, pp. 436, 10. Plates by Stothard. Royal 4° calf. London, 1795 1301 Fenelon. Life of. By Chevalier Ramsay, pp. 340. Portrait. 1723; — Dialogues of the Dead, 2 vols. 1756; — Adventures of Telemachus. pp. 436. 1839. 4 vols. 16° calf, morocco and cloth. 1302 Fenn, Sir John. Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV and V, Richard III, and Henry VII by various persons of rank and conse- quence. Portraits showing the costumes, coloured, and numerous fac-similes. 5 vols. 4° calf, yellow edges. London, 1787-1823 1303 Fenn. Paston Letters; original letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV and Richard III by various persons of rank and consequence. 1435- 1483. New edition, by A. Ramsay, pp. 200, 168. Illustrations. 2 vols, in i. Small 4° morocco, gauffered edges. London, 1840 1304 [Fessenden, T. G.] The Modern Philosopher; or ter- rible tractoration, by Christopher Caustic. Second American ed. pp. 271. 8° sheep. Phila., 1806 1305 Feurbach, Anselm von. Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials. Translated by Lady Duff Gordon, pp. 368. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 1306 Feyjoo. Eight Essays or Discourses on various sub- jects. Translated from the Spanish, pp.367. 8° calf. London, 1779 I/1307 Field, Thomas S. An Essay towards an Indian Biblio- graphy, being a catalogue of books relating to the his- Ifl'^ Ky tory, antiquities, languages, etc., of the American Indians, with bibliographical and historical notes. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1873 I20 CATALOGUE. 1308 Fielding, Henry. Works of; with an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy. Portrait. Best edi- tion. 10 vols. 8° diamond russia. London, 1821 1309 FiLMER, Sir Robert. Works of, comprising: Free-Hold- er's Grand Inquest; — Patriarcha; or, the natural power of kings, pp. 346, 141. Portrait. 8° calf. London, 1680-84 Treats of witchcraft. r 1310 FiLSON Club Publications. Portraits and maps. 4 - vols, royal 4° paper, uncut. Filson Club: Louisville, 1884-6 Comprises : Life and Writings of John Filson, the First Historian of Kentucky, by R. T. Durrett ; — The Wilderness Road, by Thomas Speed ; — The Pioneer Press of Kentucky, by W. H. Periin; — Life and Times of Judge Caleb Wallace, by W. H. Whitsitt. 1311 [Finch, Sir Heneage.] An Exact and Most Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgment, of nine and twenty Regicides, the murtherers of his late Sacred Majesty, began October 9, 1660. pp. 287. Portrait inserted. Small 4° calf. London, 1660 1312 [Finch.] The same. Portrait. 8° calf London, 1724 1313 FiRMiN, Giles. The Real Christian; or a treatise of effectual calling. 4° calf. London, 1670 The Rev. Firmin Giles, was a son-in-law of Rev. Nathaniel Ward, of Ipswich. 1314 Firmin. The same. pp. 328. 12° sheep. Boston, 1742 1315 [Fish, Phineas.] Memorial on his Mission to the Marshpee Indians, pp. 11. 8° half morocco. Marshpee, 1834 1316 Fisher, Elijah. Journal of, while in the War for Inde- pendence, and continued two years after he came to Maine, 1775-1784. pp. 29. 8° paper. Augusta, 1880 • 1317 Fisher, E. T. Report of a French Protestant Refugee in Boston, 1687. Translated from the French, pp. 42. Small 4° boards. Brooklyn, 1868 Only 125 copies printed. 1318 Fisher, R. S. New and Complete Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America. Not paged. Royal 8° sheep. New York, 1853 1319 Fisher, Walter M. The Californians. pp. 236. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1876 1320 Fitzgerald, Percy. Charles Lamb; his friends, his haunts, and his books. Second ed. pp. 229. Por- traits. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, i866 /= / , CATALOGUE. 121 1 32 1 Fishery Question, by Charles Isham; — Mackerel Fish- ery of North America, by S. Rich; — Relation of the Fisheries to the Discovery and Settlement of North America, by C. L. Woodbury;— Letter to J. Q. Adams, relating to the Fisheries of the Mississippi, by Amos Kendall;— Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas, by Lorenzo Sabine, (Senate Report, 1853-) 5 vols. 8° cloth and half roan. 1322 FiTZwiLLiAM, G. W. Pleasures of Love; being amatory poems, original and translated from Asiatic and Euro- pean languages. Frontispiece by Edwin. 12° half calf. Boston, 1808 1323 Flags of the Maritime Nations. Prepared by the Bureau of Navigation. Fifth ed. Colored plates. 4° paper. Washington, 1882 1324 Fletcher, Rev. J. C. and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the . „- grjprazilians, portrayed in historical and descriptive ^ ^ sketches. Ninth ed. pp. 646. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1879 ' 1325 [Flint, Timothy.] Francis Berrian, or the Mexican Patriot, pp. 299, 285. 2 vols. 12° half calf, gilt, un- cut edges. Boston, 1826 • 1326 Flint. Recollections of the last ten years passed in occasional residences and journeyings in the valley of the Mississippi, pp. 395. 8° morocco, gilt. y^^l^H-L 13 &r Boston, 1826 • 1327 Florida. Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto, by Theodore Irving, 1851; — Exiles of Florida, by J R. Giddings, 1858. 2 vols. 12° cloth. .1328 Fogg, Major Jeremiah. Journal of, during the Expedi- tion of Gen. Sullivan in 1779 against the Western Indians. 8° paper, uncut. Exeter, 1879 Only i 50 copies printed. 1329 Folsom, Charles. The Choice of Hercules, a poem by Prodicus. pp. 16. 4° paper. Published in honor of the marriage of Loyall Farragut and Gertrude Metcalfe, March 29, 1869. '1330 Folsom, George. Catalogue of Original Documents in the English Archives, relating to the early history of the State of Maine, pp. 137. Royal 8° boards. Only 50 copies privately printed. New York, 1858 1331 FoNBLANQUE, E. B. dc. Political and Military Episodes in the latter half of the eighteenth Century, derived from the life and correspondence of John Burgoyne, General, Statesman, Dramatist, pp 500. Maps and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. Londop, 1876 122 CATALOGUE. 1332 FoNTANEDA, Hernando de. Memoir respecting Florida, written in Spain about the year 1575; — Letter from Hernando de Soto, in Florida, July 9, 1539. Translated by Buckingham Smith, pp. 67. Map. Folio, cloth, uncut. Washington, 1854 Only ico copies printed. 1333 FooTE, Samuel. Dramatic Works of. pp. 366, 434. 2 vols. 16° half calf. London, 1797 1334 FooTE. Life of Andrew Hull Foote, Rear-admiral United States Navy. By J. M. Hoppin. pp. 411. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1874 1335 Foote, H. W. Annals of King's Chapel, from the Puri- tan age of New England to the present day. Vol. L pp. 551. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1882 1336 Foote. James Freeman and King's Chapel, 1782-87, pp. 29; — Sermon preached at King's Chapel, pp. 48, 1875; — King's Chapel and the Evacuation of Boston, pp. 23, 1876; — Sermon at King's Chapel, Dec. 28, 1879. 4 pamphlets. 1337 Foote, Rev. W. H. Sketches of Virginia, historical 'lC8t> ^""-^ biographical. First and second series, pp. 568, 596. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Phila., 1850-55 1338 Foote, T. E. Five Years in China, from 1842 to 1847; with an account of the occupation of the Islands of Lahuan and Borneo, pp. 405. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 1339 Forbes, Robert B. * Personal Reminiscences, pp. 382. Small 8° cloth. Boston, 1878 1340 Force, Peter. Tracts and other Papers, relating princi- pally to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776. 4 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Washington, 1836 1341 Force. Grinnell Land. Remarks on the English Maps of Arctic Discoveries, in 1850 and 1851; — Supplement to Grinnell Land. pp. 22, 52. Maps. 8° half calf. Privately printed: Washington, 1853 1342 Force. The Declaration of Independence, or Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the American Declaration of Independence, pp. 66. 8° boards, uncut. Privately printed: London, 1855 1343 [Ford, E.] The Most Famous Delectable and Pleasant History of Parisraus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. Portrait. The fifteenth Impression, pp. 181. Small 4° vellum. London, 1704 CATALOGUE. 123 1344 FoRMAN, Simon. The Autobiography and Personal Diary of Dr. Simon Forman, the celebrated Astrologer, from A. D. 1552 to A. D. 1602. Edited by J. O. Hal- liwell. pp. 32. 4° half roan. Privately printed : London, 1849 1345 FoRSTER, J. R. History of the Voyages and Discov- eries made in the North, pp. 489, 20. Maps. 4° half sheep. London, 1786 1346 FoRSTER, T. Original Letters of Locke, Algernon Sid- ney, and Anthony Lord Shaftesbury, pp. 279. 12° half calf, gilt. London, 1830 1347 [Foster, Hannah.] The Coquette; or the History of Eliza Wharton; a Novel founded on Fact. Third ed. 16° sheep. Newburyport, 181 1 1348 Foster. The same. New edition, with a Memoir of the Author. Plate. 12° cloth. Boston, 1855 1349 FoucH^, Joseph. Memoirs of Joseph Fouchd, Duke of Otranto, Minister of the General Police of France, pp. 474. 8° half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1825 1350 [FouLis, Henry.] History of the Feuds and Conflicts among the Clans in the Northern Parts of Scotland and in the Western Isles, from 1031 to 1619. pp. 148. 18° calf. Glasgow, 1764 • 1351 Fowler, George. History of the English Settlement in Edwards County, Illinois, founded in 1817 and 1818 by Morris Birkbeck and George Fowler. With Preface and Footnotes, by E. B. Washburne. pp. 402. 2 por- traits. 8° cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1882 1352 Fox, C. A Portrait of George Washington, from an Original Drawing, as he appeared while reviewing the Continental Array on Boston Common, in 1776; A His- tory of the Portrait and Documentary Evidence in proof of the Correctness of the Likeness, pp. 37. Por- trait. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1851 1353 Fox, George. An Answer to Several New Laws and Orders made by the Rulers of Boston in New England, the Tenth Day of the Eighth Month, 1677; — Some- thing of an Answer to a Letter of John Leverat, Gov- ernor of Boston, to Governor W. Coddington of Rhode Island, pp. 7, II. Small 4° half calf. n. p., 1678 1354 Fox, George, and Rous, J. The Secret Workes of a Cruel People made manifest; whose little finger is become heavier than their persecutors the Bishops Loyns, who have set up an Image amongst them in New England, etc. pp. 26. Small 4° crimson crushed levant morocco, inside tooling,uncut edges, by Bedford. London, 1659 124 CATALOGUE. 1355 Fox, George, and John Burnyeat. A New-England Fire Brand Quenched, Being an answer unto a Slanderous Book, Entituled: George P'ox digged out of his Bur- rowes, &c. Printed at Boston in 1676, by Roger Wil- liams, of Providence, in New-England, which he Dedi- cateth to the King, with Desires, That if the Most- High please. Old and New-England may flourish, when the Pope and Mahomet, Rome & Constantinople are in their Ashes. Of a Dispute upon XIV of his Proposals held and debated betwixt him, and said Roger Williams, on the one part, and John Stubs, William Edmundson and John Burnyeat on the other. At Providence and Newport in Rode Island, in the Year 1672, etc. pp. 233, 256. Small 4° sheep. Printed in the Year 1678 " It was on the occasion of this " Dispute," that Roger Williams paddled his own log canoe to Newport." 1356 Fox. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love in the Work of the Ministry of that Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. pp. 679, 28. Third ed. Folio, half morocco. London, 1765 1357 Fox. Instructions for Right Spelling and Plain Direc- tions for Reading and Writing true English, pp. 120. 18° calf. Rogers & Fowle: Boston, 1743 1358 Fox, John. An Abridgement of the Booke of Acts and Monumentes of the Church. Abridged by Timothe Bright, pp. 504, 288 and table. 8° old calf. Lond,, 1589 1359 Fox. An Universal History of Christian Martyrdom. Edited by Rev. J. Milner. pp. 1015. Numerous illus- trations. 8° half morocco. London, 1837 1360 Fox. Actes and Monuments. A new and complete Edition; with a preliminary Dissertation by Rev. George Townsend. Edited by Rev. S. R. Cattley. Portrait. 8 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 1361 Fox, Sir Stephen. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen Fox, from his first Entrance upon the Stage of Action, under the Lord Piercy, till his Decease, pp. 119. Mezzotint portrait by Earlom. 8'^ morocco, gilt. London, 17 17 1362 FoxBOROUGH, Mass. Foxborough's Official Centennial Record, June 29, 1878. pp. 248. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Foxborough, 1879 1363 FoxcROFT, Thomas. Observations; Historical and Prac- tical, on the Rise and Primitive State of New England, with a special Reference to the Old or first gather'd Church in Boston, pp. 46. 8° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1730 CATALOGUE. 125 . 1364 FoxcROFT. A Sermon preached at the Old Church Lec- ture in Boston, January i, 1746-7. pp. 76. 8° antique calf, gilt. Boston, 1747 •1365 FoxE, Luke. Northwest Fox, or Fox from the North- west passage. Beginning with King Arthvr, Malgar, Octhvr, the two Zenis of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dor- gia; Following with briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Knight, Hudson, BafiSn, etc. Mr. James Hall's three Voyages to Green- land With the author's owne Voyage being the XVIth, with the opinions and Collections of the most fa- mous Mathematicians and Cosmographers; . . . pp. 272. 4° calf. London, 1635 The Crowninshield copy, with bookplates. The map and 2 leaves after pp. 168 are in fac-simile. The author's own narrative is of his Voyage for the discovery of a Northwest Passage made in 1631 in the pinnace, the Charles, of seventy tons burden, manned by twenty men and two boys, with pro- visions for eighteen months. He passed through Hudson's Strait, and followed the whole western coast of Hudson's Bay, but made no new discoveries. ■1366 Framingham, Mass. History of Framingham, Mass., fo'^fr'^ ;- including the plantation, from 1640 to the present time. By William Barry, pp. 456. 8° cloth. Boston, 1847 1367 ifrankforb ^XonbleB. A Brieff Discourse off the Troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany, Anno 1554, abawte the Booke off Common Prayer and Ceremonies, pp 226. Small 4° calf. n. p., 1575 1368 Frankford Troubles. The same. pp. (8) 184. 4° half calf, gilt. London, 1642 1369 Frankford Troubles. The same. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 /^ '1370 Franklin, Benjamin. Works of, with notes and a Life of the Author, by Jared Sparks. Portraits. 10 vols. ijf.rS'/firi-fmperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1840 Large paper. ■1371 Franklin. Works, consisting of his Life, written by himself, together with Essays. Second American edi- tion, pp. 206, 142. Portrait by Tanner. 2 vols, in i. 12° calf. New York, 1794 . 1372 Franklin. The same. pp. 300. 12° sheep. Charlestown, 1798 / 1373 Franklin. Works of, consisting of his Life written by i/IMi'.' > himself, together with his Essays, chiefly in the manner I'^j^ of the spectator. Third ed. pp. 317, 290. 2 vols in i. 12° half calf. London. [nnj 126 CATALOGUE. 1374 Franklin. Work.? of. pp. 303. Portrait, (curious). 8° calf. Dublin, 1793 '1375 Franklin. Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Rzt-? Morals. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1806 '1376 Franklin. Political, Miscellaneous and Philosophical 12 .^2 Pieces. (Edited by Benjamin Vaughan). pp. 574. 8° calf, (cracked). London, 1779 Autograph letters of Franklin and Vaughan inserted, also portrait of Franklin from European Magazine. 1377 Franklin. Posthumous and other Writings of. Pub- lished from the originals by W. T. Franklin. Third ed. pp. 493, 522. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1819 ■ 1378 Franklin. Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 1751-1790. pp. 195. Portraits on India paper. Royal 4° paper, uncut. New York, 1859 Large Paper. Only 10 copies printed. 1379 Franklin. The Private Life of, originally written by himself, and now translated from the French, pp. 324. 8° calf. London, 1793 1380 Franklin. Life of, including a sketch of the War of Independence, pp. 407. Portrait by Landseer. 12° half roan. London, 1826 1381 Franklin. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, written by himself to a late period, and continued to the time of his death, by W. T. Franklin. New edition. 'Portrait by Chas. Pye. 6 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1833 1382 Franklin. A Lecture on the Life of Dr. Franklin, de- fjyj livered at Liverpool, Nov. 17, 1841. By Rev. Hugh McNeile. With a prefatory note by J. B. Murray, pp. 47. Fac-similes. 8° half roan. New York, 1841 1383 Franklin. Life and Times of. By James Parton. Portraits on India paper. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, un- cut. New York, 1865 Large Paper : only 100 copies printed. 1384 Franklin. Life of, written by himself; now first edited from original manuscripts and from his other writings. By John Bigelow. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Phila., 1875 1385 Franklin. Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin. Plate. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Large paper. Boston, 1857 1386 Franklin before the Privy Council, White Hall Chapel, London 1774 on behalf of the Province of Massachu- setts, to advocate the removal of Hutchinson and Oliver, pp. 134. Plate. 8° cloth. Phila., i860 / CATALOGUE. 127 1387 Franklin in France. From original documents most of which are now published for the first time. By Ed- ward E. Hale and E. E. Hale, Jr. Portraits. Large 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887 1388 Franklin Family Primer. Eighth ed. Wood-cut por- trait. 18° boards. Boston, 1807 1389 Franklin Imprint. Philadelphia Library Com-pany. Charter, Law and Catalogue of Books. 8° half mo- rocco. Printed by B. Franklin and Hall: Phila., 1764 1390 Franklin Papers. A Report of Theodore F. Dwight on the papers of Benjamin Franklin, offered for sale by Mr. Henry Stevens, and recommending their purchase by Congress, pp. 99. 8° boards. Washington, 1881 1391 Franklin, Sir John. Arctic Expedition of 1845. Re- ports to House of Commons. Maps. 2 vols, small folio, paper, uncut. London, 1848-50 1392 Fraser, James. Second Bishop of Manchester. A Me- moir, 1818-1885. By Thomas Hughes. Portrait. 8° cloth. London, 1887 1393 Freeman, Frederick. History of Cape Cod: the annals of the thirteen towns of Barnstable County, pp. 803, J803. Portraits. 2 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1858-65 1394 Freeman. Civilization and Barbarism, illustrated by es- pecial reference to Metacomet and the extinction of his race. pp. 186. 8° cloth. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1878 139s French Revolution. Tracts relating to: Desmoulins. History of the Brissotins, 1794; — Short Account of the Revolt and Massacre in Paris, Aug. 10, 1792; — Oration of Deseze in Defence of Louis XVIth at tne Bar of the National Convention, Dec. 26, 1792; — Genuine Trial of Marie Antoinette; — Trial of Louis XVIth. Portraits. 8° calf. London, 1792-3 1396 French, B. F. Historical Collections af Louisiana. Part 2. pp.301. Map. Phila., 1850; — ^^istorical Me- moirs of Louisiana, pp. 291. Portrait. New York, 1853; — Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida. New series, pp. 362. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1869 1397 French, Jonathan. The True Republican, containing the Inaugural Addresses, together with the first annual addresses of each President, from 1789 to 1841. pp. 468. Portraits. 12° cloth. Phila, 1842 1398 Frost, John. Pictorial History of the United States of America. 4 vols, royal 8° morocco, gilt, uncut edges, gilt tops. Phila., 1843 vfC, 128 CATALOGUE. 1399 Frobisher, Martin. De Martini Forbisseri Angli Navi- g.^! gatione in Regiones Occidentis et Septentrionis. Narra- tio iiistorica, ex Gallico sermone in Latinum translate per D. Joan, T. Freigium. Plate, pp. i, t, 43 un- numbered leaves. 18° calf. Norimbergae, 1580 The first Latin edition of Frobisher's Voyages. 1400 Frothingham, Richard. History of the Siege of Bos- I ton, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bun- ker Hill. pp. 420. Maps. 8° cloth. Boston, 1849 1401 Frothingham. The same. Fourth ed. pp. 422. 8° cloth. Boston, 1873 1402 Frothingham. Illustrations of the Siege of Boston. pp. 40. 8° boards. Privately printed: Boston, 1876 1403 Frothingham. Rise of the Republic of the United States, pp. 640. Portrait on India paper inserted. 8° cloth. Boston, 1872 1404 Froude, James A. Oceana, or England and her Colo- nies. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1886 1405 Fry, Edmund. Pantographia; containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world, together with an English explanation of the peculiar force or power of each letter, pp. 318. Royal 8° half calf. London, 1799 1406 Fry, Francis. The Bible by Coverdale, 1535. Remarks on the titles; the year of publication; the preliminary, the water-marks, etc. pp. 40. 15 plates. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1867 1407 [Fry, John.] Bibliographical Memoranda, in illustra- tion of Early English Literature, pp. 403. 4° half calf. Bristol, i8i6 Only ico copies printed. 1408 Fry. Memoir of Col. Joshua Fry, sometime Professor in William and Mary College, Va. and Washington's Senior in command of Virginia Forces, 1754. By Rev. P. Slaughter, pp. 112. 8° cloth. Richmond. 1409 ifrgtl), Jol)n. A Boke made by John Fryth, Prysoner in the Tower of London, answering unto M. More's letter which he wrote agayst the fyrst lytle treatyse that John Fryth made concerning the sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ. JBIotk Ccttet. fol. 108. 18° morocco, extra, gilt edges. Now newly revised, corrected and printed in the year 1548. 1410 Fuller, Thomas. The Historic of the Hojy Warre. Second ed. pp. 286, 26. Map and engraved title. Cambridge 1640; — The Holy State, and the Profane State, pp. 441. Portraits. In one volume. Folio, calf. Cambridge, 1642 CATALOGUE. 129 141 1 Fuller. The Church History of Britain, from the Birth of Jesus Christ until the year 1648. Third ed. With a preface and notes, by James Nichols. Plates. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1842 141 2 Fulton, A. R. The Red Men of Iowa; being a history of the various aboriginal tribes whose homes were in Iowa. pp. 567. Illustrations. 8° half morocco. Des Moines, 1882 1X413 Fulton, Robert. Life of. By Cadwallader D. Colden. 8° sheep. New York, 1817 1414 Funnell, William. Voyage round the World, contain- ing an account of Captain Dampier's expedition into the South Seas, in 1703-4. Maps and plates, pp. 300. 8° calf. London, 1707 1415 Funeral Sermons. Discourse on Eliot, by Lathrop, Feb. 21, 1813;- — Freeman, on Eliot, Feb. 14, 1813; — Upham, on Pickering, 1829;^ — Bellows, on Channing, 1842; — Greenleaf, on Story, 1845;- — ^Knapp, on Pierce, 1849; — Ware, on Livermore, 1856; — Wayland, on Granger, 1857. 8 vols. 8° half roan. 1416 FuRMAN, Gabriel. Notes, Geographical and Historical, relating to the Town of Brooklyn, Long Island, pp. '/117, 39. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Faust Club: Brooklyn, 1865 Only 120 copies printed. 141 7 FusELi, Henry. Life and Writings of. Edited by John Knowles. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1831 1418 /^ADBURY, John. The Nativity of the late King vJ Charles, astrologically and faithfully performed. pp. 128. Fine portrait of the author, by T. Cross, and of Charles I, by W. Marshall. 12° sheep. London, 1659 1419 [Gade, Helen.] The Ancient Vessel found in the Parish of Tune, Norway. Illustrations, pp. 6. 4° paper. Privately printed: Christiania, 1872 ' 1420 Gage, Thomas. A New Survey of the West Indies, or the English American, his Travail by Sea and Land. '<|Second ed., enlarged by the Author and beautified with maps. pp. 220, 6. Folio, crimson morocco, extra, uncut edges. London, 1655 "In the later editions, after expurging from the dedication certain passages in honor of Fairfax, the remainder was dexterously con- verted into a preface ; and the 226. chapter, as containing particulars relative to the artifices used by the " Pafulins " to convert the writer, totally omitted. It was afterwards printed separately." — Wranghavi, I30 CATALOGUE. 1421 Gage. Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige Reyse door de Spaensche West-Indian, pp. 450 and Index. Maps and plates. Small 4° half morocco, uncut. Utrecht, 1682 1422 Galileo. The Private Life of Galileo; compiled princi- pally from his Correspondence and that of his eldest daughter. Sister Maria Celeste, pp. 307. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1870 1423 Gallagher, W. D. Facts and Conditions of Progress in the North- West, being the Annual Discourse for 1850 before the Ohio Historical Society, pp. 88. 8° paper. Cincinnati, 1850 1424 Galloway, Joseph. Speech, in answer to the Speech of John Dickinson, Esq., delivered in the House of As- sembly of the Province of Penn., May 24, 1764, pp. (20), 45, Phila., 1764; — Examination of Joseph Gal- loway, late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pa., before the House of Commons in a Committee on the American Papers, pp. 85, 1780; — Letters to a Noble- man, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colo- nies, pp. loi, 1780; — Cool Thoughts on the Conse- quences to Great Britain of American Independence, pp. 70, 1780; — Plain Truth; or, a letter to the Author of Dispassionate Thoughts on the American War, pp. 76, 1780; — A Reply to the Observations of Sir Wm. Howe, pp. 157, 1781. Together 6 vols. 8° half roan. 1425 Gannett, Ezra S. Sermons and Discourses at Arling- ton St. Church, etc., 1845-1871. 5 pamphlets. 1426 Ganong, W. F. Jacques Cartier's First Voyages. (From Trans. Roy. Soc, Canada, pp. 121-136.) Plate. 4° paper. 1887 1427 Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, pp. 459. 8° half calf. Charleston, 1822 1428 Garden. Anecdotes of the American Revolution. Second series, pp. 240. 12° boards, uncut. Charleston, 1828 1429 Garden. Anecdotes of the American Revolution. 3 vols, large 4° boards, uncut. Reprinted: Brooklyn, 1865 1 50 copies printed. 1430 Gardiner, C. C. The PapeYs and Biography of Lion Gardiner, 1599-1663. pp. 106. Royal 4° paper. St. Louis, 1883 1431 Gardiner. Life of Colonel Gardiner, who was slain in the Battle of Prestonpans, with an appendix relating to the ancient family of the Munroes of Fowlis. By P. Doddridge, Portrait and 7 plates, pp. 284. 8° half calf. London, CATALOGUE. 131 1432 Gardiner, Me. History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, with a Sketch of the Kennebec Indians, and New Plymouth Purchase, 1602-1852. By J. W. Han- son, pp. 343. Plates. 12° cloth. Gardiner, 1852 1433 Gardiner, Richard. An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies, against Martinico, with the Reduction of Guadelupe, 1759. Third ed. With English and French text. pp. 91, 91. Plates. 4° half calf. Baskerville: Birmingham, 1762 1434 Garrick, David. Private Correspondence of David Garrick with the most celebrated Persons of his Time, pp. 660, 636. Portrait. 2 vols, imperial 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1831 1435 Gauden, John. The Religious and Loyal Protestation of John Gauden, against the present declared Purposes and Proceedings of the Army and others, about the trying and destroying our Sovereign Lord the King, pp. 12. Small 4° calf. London, 1648 1436 Gauden. Discourse concerning Publick Oaths, and the Lawfulness of Swearing in Judicial Proceedings, pp. 47. Small 4° half roan. London, 1662 1437 Gaule, John. Select Cases of Conscience touching Witches and Witchcraft, pp. 208. (Title page missing and corners worn.) 18° calf, gilt. London, 1646 1438 Gaule. The Mag-Astro-Mancer; or, the Magicall-As- trologicall-Diviner posed and puzzled, pp. 377. 4° half morocco, gilt, uncut edges. London, 1652 1439 Gay, Ebenezer. The Old Man's Calendar, a Discourse delivered in the first Parish of Hingham, Aug. 26, 1781. pp. 24. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1781 MSS. notes added by Mr. Deane. 1440 Gay, John. Plays, to which is prefixed an account of the Life and Writings of the Author, pp. 359. Por- trait. 16° calf. London, 1772 1441 Gay. The Beggar's Opera. Eleventh ed. pp. 60. 12" paper. London. 1442 Gee, Joshua. A Sermon preached on the Lord's Day after the Death of the Rev. Cotton Mather, pp. 34. 8° half morocco, uncut. S. Gerrish: Boston, 1728 1443 Gee. The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain con- sidered. Third ed. 16° mottled calf. Glasgow, 1750 1444 Gee. The same. New edition, pp. 288. 12° calf. London, 1767 132 CATALOGUE. 1445 Genealogical Pamphlets. History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families of Amherst, Mass. pp. 66. (priv. printed,) 1880; — Genealogical Memoir of the Chase Family of Chesham, Bucks and of Hamp- ton and Newbury, in New England, pp. 19, 1869; — Descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623-1697. pp. 43, 1869; — Descendants of Peter Cooper of Row- ley, Mass. pp. II, 1885; — English Ancestry of Rev. John Cotton of Boston, pp. 12, 1868; — New England Ancestors of Katharine-Brattle and William-Cary Har- ris, pp. 32. (priv. printed,) 1887; — Descendants of Capt. William Leighton of Kittery, Me. pp. 127, 1885; — Genealogy of the Leonard Family, pp. 20, 1851; — Genealogy of the McKinstry Family, pp. 46,' 1866; — Memoirs of the Marstons of Salem, pp. 48, 1873; — The Oxen-bridges of Brede Place, Sussex and Boston, Mass. pp. 20, (Lond.), i860; — Name of Perkins as found on Essex County Record, pp. 16;- — Salem Press Hist, and Gen. Record, Jan. 1892; — Account of the Temple Family, pp. 15; — Genealogical and Biographical Ac- count of the Descendants of Elder William Wentworth, of Dover, N. H. pp. 20, 1850; — Wentworth Family of England, by J. L. Chester, pp. 16, 1868. Together 16 pamphlets. /1446 General Repository and Review. 4 vols. 8° half calf, uncut edges, gilt tops, the covers laid in. Cambridge, 1812-13 1447 Geneva Testament. New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; a fac-simile reprint of the cele- brated Genevan Testament 1557. pp. 455. 12° vellum. Bagster: London. 1448 Genlis, Comtesse de. Sacred Dramas. Translated into English. By Thomas Holcroft. pp. 347. 8° sheep. London, 1786 1449 Gent, Thomas. Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, Printer, of York. Written by himself, pp. 208. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1832 1450 Geography. Thesaurus Geographicus; a New Body of Geography; or, a compleat description of the earth, pp. 506, 14. Maps. Folio, calf. London, 1695 145 1 George the Third, his Court and Family. New edition. pp. 477, 468. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1824 1452 Georgia. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. PP- 3°7, 336. Vols. I and 2. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Savannah, 1840-42 CATALOGUE. 133 1453 Georgia. Reason for Establishing the Colony of Geor- gia, with some account of the country and the design of the trustees. (By Benj. Martin.) Map and plate, pp. 48. Small 4° stitched. London, 1733 The second tract issued by the Trustees. The map is generally missing. 1454 Georgia. Memorial (to the President of the United States.) Relates to Georgia and New England Mississ- ippi Land Co.) pp. 19. 16° boards, uncut. n. p. n. d. 1455 German Theatre (The). Translated by Benjamin Thompson. Portrait and plates. 6 vols. 16° calf. London, i8oi 1456 Gerry, Elbridge. Life of, with contemporary letters to the close of the American Revolution. By J. T. Austin. ■*'*'''^ pp. 520, 408. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half sheep. Boston, 1828-9 1457 Gessner, Salomon. The Death of Abel in five Books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. pp. 275. Portrait and plates by Stothard. 8° half morocco. (Por- trait and frontispiece mended). London, 1797 1458 Gesta Romanorum; or, entertaining moral stories; in- vented by the monks as a fire-side recreation, and com- monly applied in their discourses from the pulpit, whence the most celebrated of our own poets and others, from the earliest times, have extracted their plots. Trans- lated from the Latin with preliminary observations and copious notes. 'By the Rev. Charles Swan. New edi- tion, with an introduction by Thomas Wright, pp. 388, 545. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1872 Limited edition. 1459 Ghillany. Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim, nach den altesten vorhaadenen Urkunden bearbeitet von Dr. F. W. Ghillany. . . Eingeleitet durch eine Abhandlung: Ueber die altesten Karten des neuen Continents und den Namen Amerika, von Alex- ander von Humboldt, etc. pp. 122. 3 maps and portrait. Imperial 4° boards. Niirnberg, 1853 From the Emperor Maximilian's Collection. 1460 Gibbes, R. W. Documentary History of the American Revolution. 1764-82. pp. 288, 293, 292. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Columbia, S. C, 1853; New York, 1857 '1461 Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. Edited with additional notes by William Smith. Portrait and maps. 8 vols. 8° calf extra, marbled edges. Boston, 1854 134 CATALOGUE. /: 1462 GiBBS, George. Memoirs of the Administrations of Iy.g4t nW'l'^ Wasliington and John Adams. Edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott. pp. 574, 555. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1846 1463 GiDDiNGS, Joshua R. History of the Rebellion; its Authors and Causes, pp.498. 8° cloth. New York, 1864 • 1464 Gilbert Family. A Genealogical Memoir of the Gil- bert Family, in both Old and New England. By J. W. Thornton. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1850 Only 50 copies privately printed. 1465 Giles. Memoirs of Odd Adventures, Strange Deliver- ances, etc., in the captivity of John Giles, commander of the Garrison on Saint George River, Maine. Written by himself. Originally published at Boston, 1736. pp. 64. 8° paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869 With an extra copy containing corrections by Mr. Deane from the original edition. 1466 Gillies, John. History of Ancient Greece; its Colo- nies and Conquests. Map. 4 vols. 8° sheep. Philadelphia, 1822 1467 GiLMAN Family traced in the line of Hon. John Oilman, of Exeter, N. H., with an account of many other Gil- mans in England and America. By Arthur Oilman. Portrait. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1869 Presentation Copy, with autograph letter of the Author. •1468 Gilmanton, N. H. History of Gilmanton, including what is now Gilford, to the Time it was disannexed. By Daniel Lancaster, pp. 304. 8° boards. Gilmanton, 1845 1469 Gilpin, William. The Lives of Hugh Latimer and of Bernard Gilpin. Third ed. pp. 368. 8° calf, (broken). London, 1780 1470 Gladstone, W. E. Juventus Mundi; the Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. pp. 554. 8° cloth. Boston, 1869 1471 Glanvil, Joseph. Saducismus Triumphatus; or. Full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Appari- tions. Third ed. pp. 598. 8° old calf. London, 1689 1472 Glas, George. History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands, pp. 368. Map. 4° half sheep (broken). London, 1764 ■ 1473 [Gleig, G. R.] a Subaltern in America; comprising his Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army, at Baltimore, Washington, etc. pp. 206. 12" boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1833 1474 Gleig. Story of the Battle of Waterloo, pp. 305. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1847 CATALOGUE. 135 147s Gloucester, Mass. History of the Town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, including the Town of Rockport. By John J. Babson. pp. 610. Map. 8° cloth. Gloucester, i860 1476 Gloucester. Notes and Additions to the History of Gloucester. By J. J. Babson. pp. 94. 4° paper. Gloucester, 1876 1477 GoDWYN, Thomas. Moses and Aaron. Civil and Ec- clesiastical Rites, used by the ancient Hebrews, pp. 332. 4° calf. (Title mounted.) London, 1625 With autograph, " Nath'l Rogers his Book given by Mr. John Pal- frey." With inscription giving a history of the book, by J. G. Cotton. 1478 GoDDARD, Delano A. Newspapers and Newspaper Writers in New England, 1787-1815. pp. 39. 8° boards. Boston, 1880 T479 Godwin, William. Enquiry concerning Political Jus- tice, pp. 464, 545. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1795 1480 Godwin. Fleetwood; or, the New Man of Feeling, pp. 246, 234. 2 vols. 16° sheep. Alexandria, 1805 1481 Godwin. Lives of the Necromancers, pp. 465. 8° morocco. London, 1834 1482 Gomara, F. L. de. Historia de Mexico, con el Descu- brimiento de la nueua Espana, conquistada por el my illustre y valeroco Principe Don Fernando Cortes. Thick r6° old calf. Anvers, 1554 Ex-libris of Emperor Maximilian. 1483 GOMARA. La Historia General de las Indias, con todos los Descubrimientos. 287 leaves. 16° half sheep. Anvers, 1554 1484 OotnatO. The Pleasant History of the Conquest of the \Veast-India, now called New Spayne, atchieued by the worthy Prince Hernando Cortes, Marques of the valley of Huexacac, most delectable to reade. Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by T. N. [Thomas Nicholas.] Slack £ctter. Small 4° calf. (Title mounted). London, by Henry Bynneman, (Anno, 1578) 1485 GooDELL, A. C. , Jr. Trial and Execution for Petit Treason of Mark and Phillis, slaves of Capt. John Cod- man, pp. 39, 1883; — Seals of the Colonial and Provin- cial Courts of Mass., pp. 14; — Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts, with a helio- type plate of the Act of 171 1, pp. 52, 1884. 3 paraph- lets 8" paper, uncut. Boston and Cambridge, 1882-3 Only zoo copies printed, 136 CATALOGUE. i486 Good Society; — Library of Anecdote and Information; — Lift for the Lazy; ■ — Scientific Dialogues for tfie In- struction and Entertainment of Young People; — Cham- bers's Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. 6 vols. 12° cloth. 1487 Goodman, Dr. Godfrey. The Court of King James the First. Now first published from the original manu- script. By J. S. Brewer, pp. 421, 424. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 '1488 Goodrich, C. B. The Science of Government as ex- iCSl hibited in the Institutions of the United States, pp. 343. 8° cloth. Boston, 1853 1489 Goodwin, Nathaniel. Genealogical Notes, or contri- butions to the family history of some of the first set- tlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1856 •1490 GooLD, William. Col. Arthur Noble, of Georgetown, Fort Halifax; — Col. William Vaughan, of Matinicus and Damariscotta. Portrait. 8° cloth. Portland, 1881 Presentation copy. 1491 GooLD. Burning of Falmouth, pp. 16, 1873; — Early Papermills of New England, pp. 8, 1875. 2 pamphlets. 1492 Gordon, Mrs. The Home Life of David Brewster, pp. 482. 12° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1870 1493 Gordon, John and William. Full Report of the Trial for the murder of Amasa Sprague; — Full Report of Arguments of the Council. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Providence, 1844 1494 Gordon, William, A Sermon preached before the Gen- eral Court, July 4, 1777. 8° half roan. Boston, 1777 1495 Gordon. History of the Rise, Progress, and Establish- ment of the Independence of the United States of America. Map. 4 vols. 8° mottled calf. London, 1788 1496 Gore, Mrs. Paris in 1841. With 21 highly finished en- gravings, from drawings by Thomas Allom. pp. 268. Royal 8° cloth. London, 1842 1497 Gorges Society Publications. Portraits and plates. 3 01 OL ^'°'^' ^™^" 4° paper, uncut. Portland, 1884-87 Limited edition. Comprises: I. New England's Vindication, by Henry Gardiner, London, 1660. Edited with notes by C. E. Banks. II. George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-1667. With collateral documents, by J. P. Baxter. III. Rosier's Relation of Waymouth's Voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605. With introduction and notes, by H. S. Burrage. CATALOGUE. 137 1498 Gorges, Ferdinando. America Painted to the Life. The true history of the Spaniards proceedings in the conquests of the Indians and of their civil wars among themselves, from Columbus his first discovery to these later times. As also, of the original undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts. With a perfect relation of our English discoveries, shewing their beginning, progress and continuance from the year 1628 to 1658. Part IL Brief narration of the original undertakings of the advancement of the plan- tations in America. Part IIL The Manners, Customs, Wars, etc., of the Indians. Part IV. The History of the Spanish proceedings in America. With photographs of the 2 folding plates and a map from Hondy's Mercator, 1606. Small 4° antique calf, gilt. London, 1659 " Containing a good deal of important information relative to the early history of New England, particularly the District of Maine, which was granted originally to the author's grandfather." — RicVs Cat. ■ 1499 Gorges. Pedigree of. By Rev. Frederick Brown, pp. 10. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1875 Only 100 copies privately printed. 1500 GoRHAM, Me. History of. By Josiah Pierce, pp. 239. 8° cloth. Portland, 1862 1501 Gorton, Samuel. Simplicities Defence against seven- headed Policy, etc. pp. iii. 4° morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1646 The titlepage and 3 first leaves in manuscript. " Master Gorton having abused high and low at Aquidneck, is now bewitching and bemadding Providence, both with his meleane and foule censures of all the ministers of this countrie." — Winslow's Hypocrisie Unmasked. See Part II of this catalogue. " A historical narrative of the difficulties between the first settlers of Warwick, (R. I.), and the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, growing out of the attempt of the government of the latter to extend its juris- diction over the persons and lands of the former." — Mackie. 1502 Gorton. An Antidote against the Common Plague of the World, etc. pp. i, 20, 296. Small 4° calf. London, 1657 1503 Gorton. An Account of Samuel Gorton, one of the Early Settlers of Rhode Island. 16° claret morocco. A MS. of 26 pages. Printed in the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Reg- ister, for July, 1850. 1504 Goss, E. H. Early Bells of Massachusetts, pp. 34, 1874; Historical Address, Melrose, 1876. 2 vols. 8° boards and paper. Boston and Melrose, 1874-$ 138 CATALOGUE. 1505 Gottfried, J. L. Newe Archontologia Cosraica, das ist Beschreibung aller Kayserthumben, Konigreichen und Republicken der gantzen Welt. pp. 760, (24). Num- erous maps and plates. Folio, vellum. Franckfurt, 1646 1506 Gould, S. B. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. pp. 660. 12° half roan. Philadelphia, 1869 1507 Gowan's Bibliotheca Americana. 3 vols, royal 4° cloth, uncut. New York, 1845-62 '^^ I Large Paper: only 50 copies printed. Comprises; I. Denton's Brief Description of New York; — Wooley's Two Year's Journal in New York ; — Miller's Description of the Province of New York. 1508 Grafton, Mass. Address before the Inhabitants of Grafton, on the first Centennial Anniversary of that Town, April 29, 1835. -By William Brigham. pp. 40. 8° boards (stained). Boston, 1835 1509 Graham, James. History of the United States of North America. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1836 1510 Graham. History of the United States of North Amer- ica. Second ed. Portrait. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1845 1511 Granger, Rev. James. Letters between the Rev. James Granger and many of the most eminent Literary Men of his Time, composing a copious History and Illustration of his Biographical History of England. Edited by J. P. Malcolm. Plates, pp. 419, 114. 8° russia. London, 1805 15 1 2 [Grant, Mrs.] Letters from the Mountains. First American edition, pp. 275, 268. 2 vols. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1809 '1513 [Grant. J Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches (lt% of Manners and Scenery in America. Second ed. pp. f, 7O ^^^' ^^^' ^ ^°^^- 16° half calf. London, 1809 1514 Grantham, Sir Thomas. An Historical Account of ^j-<^ some memorable Actions, particularly in Virginia, 1716. ^ With an Introduction by R. A. Brock, pp. 71. 8° paper, uncut. Richmond, 1882 Only 250 copies printed. 1515 Grattan, T. C. History of the Netherlands, pp. 358. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1830 •1516 Grattan. Civilized America, pp. 444, 517. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, J859 1517 Graves, R. H. The Arguments for Predestination and Necessity contrasted with the established Principles of Philosophical Inquiry. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1829 CATALOGUE. 139 1518 Graves, W. Two Letters from W. Graves, Esq., Re- specting the Conduct of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves in North America, during his Accidental Command there for Four Months in 1781. pp. 39. Royal 4"^ paper, uncut. London, 1782, Reprint: Morrisania, 1865 Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. 1519 Gray, Francis C. Poem spoken at Cambridge before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Aug. 27, 1840. pp. 36. 8° half roan. Boston, 1840 I 1520 Gray. Remarks on the Early Laws of Massachusetts Bay, with the Code adopted in the year 1641 and called the Body of Liberties, now first printed, pp. 49. 8° / paper. Boston, 1843 /iS2i [Gray, Harrison.] The Huguenots in France and Amer- ica. Second ed. pp. 236, 302. 2 vols. 12° cloth. 3-]^ Cambridge, 1843 • 1522 Gray, Horace. The Case of the Roxbury Flats. From Ninth Vol. of Gray's Reports. 8° boards. Cambridge. ^ Only a few copies privately printed. 1523 Green, S. A. Centennial Address delivered in the San- ders Theatre, Cambridge, June 7, 1881, before the t)S(i«yj" Massachusetts Medical Society, pp. 112. 8° boards, uncut. Groton, 1881 Presentation copy. 1524 Green. Story of a Famous Book, 1871; — School His- tories, 1872;- — Bibliography of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 187 1; — Paul Lunt's Diary, 1872; — Notice of M. Jean Frdddric de Waldeck, 1876;- — Copy of the Laws of Harvard College; — Percival and Ellen Green and their descendants, 1876; — Historical Ad- dress at Groton, July 4, 1876; — Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Groton, 1878; — Early Land Grants of Groton, 1879; — Early Records of Groton, 1662- 1678, 1879; — Historical Address at Groton, Feb. 20, 1880 ; — Address at Centennial Anniversary of the Mass. Medical School, 1781-1881; — Two Chapters in the Early History of Groton, 1882; — Groton during the In- dian Wars, 1883; — Groton in the Witchcraft Times, J883; — Remarks on the early appearance of the North- ern Lights in New England, 1885; — Boundary Lines of Old Groton, 1885; — Geography of Groton, 1886; — Population of Groton, 1888; — Congregational Churches in Nova Scotia, 1888; — Bathsheba Spooner, 1888; — Note Book of Robert Keayne, 1889. 22 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Boston. Presentation copies. 140 CATALOGUE. 1525 Gray, William. Historical Sketch of the Origin of English Prose Literature, and of its Progress till the Reign of James I. pp. 103. 8° cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1835 1526 Graydon, Alexander. Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the last sixty years, pp. 378. 12° boards, uncut, (broken). Harrisburgh, 1811 1527 [Graydon. J The same. 8° boards. Edinburgh, 1822 1528 Green, G. S. Oliver Cromwell, an Historical Play. Portrait. 8° half calf. London, 1752 Among the "Dramatis Personae" of this play, is Hugh Peters, Oliver's Chaplain, a pulpit buffoon. 1529 Greene, G. W. A Short History of Rhode Island, pp. 356. Frontispiece. 12° cloth. Providence, 1877 1530 Greene. Historical View of the American Revolution, pp. 460, 1872; -W- German Element in the War of the- American Independence, pp. 211, 1876. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York. 1531 Greene. Nathanael Greene ; an examination of some statements concerning Major Gen. Greene, in the ninth volume of Bancroft's History. 8° paper. n. p. 1532 Greene. Life of Nathanael Greene, Major-General in ■ the Army of the Revolution. By G. W. Greene. Vol- ume I. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 "1533 Greene, Nathanael. Sketches of the Life and Corre- spondence of Nathanael Greene, Major-General of the Armies of the United States in the War of the Revolu- tion. By William Johnson, pp. 515, 476. Portrait and map. 2 vols, in one. Royal 4° half morocco. Charleston, 1822 1534 Greenfield, Mass. History of. By D. Willard. pp. 180. 16° half roan. Greenfield, 1838 1535 Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California 51. PiS'and the other Territories on the North-West Coast of North America. Second ed. pp. 497, 7. Map. 8° cloth. Boston, 1845 1536 Greenleaf, Jonathan. Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of the State of Maine, pp. 293, 78. i6° mo- rocco, gilt, (name cut from title.) Portsmouth, 182 1 1537 Greenleaf, Moses. A Survey of the State of Maine. pp. 468. 8° sheep. (Map missing.) Portland, 1829 1538 Greenwood, F. W. P. History of King's Chapel, in Boston, the First Episcopal Church in New England. Plate. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1833 CATALOGUE. 141 1539 Grey, Lady Jane. The Literary Remains of Lady Jane Grey, with a Memoir of her Life. By N. H. Nichols. pp. 148,59. Portrait. Small 8° half calf. London, 1825 1540 Grey. The Life, Death and Actions of the most chast, learned and Religious Lady, the Lady Jane Gray. pp. 38. 8° boards, uncut. (Reprint): London, 1615 '1541 Griffin, A. P. C. The Discovery of the Mississippi, a Bibliographical Account, pp. 20. With a fac-simile of the map of Louis Juliet, 1674. Folio, paper. New York, 1883 1542 Griffiths, A. F. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica; or, a De- scriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich Collection of Early English Poetry. Illustrated by occasional Ex- tracts and Remarks, Critical and Biographical. 18 wood-cut portraits, pp.481. Royal 8° half russia, un- cut. London, 1815 Only 150 copies printed. 1543 Griffith, Thomas W. Sketches of the early History of Maryland, pp. 77. Portrait. 8° half roan. Baltimore, 1821 Early lithographic portrait, by Penniman, Balto. 1544 Grigsby, H. B. The Virginia Convention of 1776. pp. '206. 8° cloth. Richmond, 1855 1545 Griswold, R. W. The Poets and Poetry of America, to the middle of the nineteenth century. pp. 550. Plates. 8° cloth. Phila., 1851 1546 Griswold. The Prose Writers of America. Fourth ed. pp. 552. Portraits. 8° cloth. Phila., 1852 1547 [Groom, S.] A Glass for the People of New England, in which they may see themselves and Spirits, and if not too late repent, etc. pp. 43. Small 4° half morocco. n. p., 1676 Relates to the Antinomian controversy. 1548 Grose, Francis. A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, pp. 182. 12° half roan, uncut. (Reprint): London, 1785 1549 [Grose.J The same. Second ed. 8° sheep. Lond., 1788 1550 Grose. The Olio, being a Collection of Essays, Dia- logues, Anecdotes, Bon Mots, Epigrams, etc. Second ed. pp. 321. Portrait. 8° half calf. London, 1796 1551 Grotius, Hugo. The Truth of Christian Religion. Translated by Simon Patrick. ' Fourth ed. pp. 242. Frontispiece. 12° half morocco. London, 1694 1552 Groton, Mass. History of the Town of Groton, includ- ing Pepperell and Shirley. By Caleb Butler, pp. 497. Map and plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1848 T4i CATALOGUE. 1553 Groton, Results of an Ecclesiastical Council con- vened at Groton, July 17, 1826; — -Jubilee of the Law- rence Academy, July 12, 1854; — Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration, July 4, 1876; — Historical Ad- dress at the Bi-Centennial Celebration, by S. A. Green, July 4, 1876; — Groton Historical Series, No. i, 2 and 3, 1884; — Proceedings of the 90th Anniversary Cele- bration of Lawrence Academy, July 21, 1883; — Old Highways and Landmarks of Groton, by F. M. Bout- well, 1884; — -Old Homesteads of Groton, by Boutwell, 1883. II pamphlets. 1554 Guild, Reuben A. The Librarian's Manual; a Treatise on Bibliography, pp. 304. 4° boards, uncut. Only 500 copies printed. New York, 1858 1555 Guild. History of Brown University, with illustrative Documents, pp. 443. 12 portraits and plates. Small 4° paper, uncut. Providence, 1867 Only 300 copies printed. 1556 GuiLLERMiN, Gilbert. Precis Historique des derniers Evenements de la Partie de 1' Est de Saint-Domingo, py. 494. Map and plates. 8° half morocco, uncut. Paris, 181 1 1557 GuizoT, F. P. On the Causes of the Success of the English Revolution, 1640-1688. pp. 138. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1850 1558 GuTCH, J. M. Robin Hood Garlands and Ballads. A collection of all the poems, songs and ballads relating to this celebrated yoeman. Cuts by Fairholt. 2 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1850 1559 GuTTENBERG. John Guttcnbcrg, First Master Printer, his Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death. From the German, by C. W. pp. 141. 8° half roan, uncut. London, i860 Only 100 copies printed. 1560 p^ACKE, Capt. William. Collection of Original i i Voyages, containing: I, Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the Globe; II, Capt. Sharp's Expedition into the South Seas; III, Capt. Wood's Voyage into the Straights of Magellan, etc.- Maps and plates, pp. 45, 100, 53. 8° calf. London, 1699 1561 Hackelton, Mrs. M. W. Jamestown of Pemaquid, a Poem, read on the Site of Fort Frederick, August 26, 1869. 12° cloth. New York, 1869 CATALOGUE. 143 1562 Hadley, Mass. History of Hadley, including the early History of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst, and Granby. By Sylvester Judd. pp. 636. 8° cloth. Northampton, 1863 1563 Hadley. Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Settlement of Hadley, June 8, 1859, pp. 98; — Gene- alogies of Hadley Families, embracing the early settlers of the Towns of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby. pp. 168. 2 vols. 8° half roan and paper. Northampton, 1859-62 1564 [Haines, Z. T.] Letters from the Forty-fourth Regi- ment, M. V. M. By "Corporal." pp. 121. 8° boards. Boston, 1863 1565 ^aklngt, Hicl)0r5. Divers voyages touching the dis- couerie of America and the Hands adjacent unto the same, made first of all by our Englishmen, and after- wards by the Frenchmen and Britons. And certaine notes of aduertisements for obseruations, necessarie for such as shall hereafter make the like attempt. With two Mappes annexed heereunto for the plainer under- standing of the whole matter. (Maps in fac-simile.) Small 4° morocco extra, gilt edges. Imprinted at London for Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling in paules Church-yard, at the signe of the black beare, 1582 This volume contains fourteen pieces, of which the following are notable : 3. A verie late and great probabilitie of a passage by the North- west part of America in fifty-eight degrees of northerly latitude. 5. Letters Patentes of King Henrie the Seventh, granted vnto lohn Gabote (Cabot) and his three sonnes, Lewes, Sebastian and Santius, for the discouering of newe and vnknowen landes. 6. A note of Sebastian Gabotes voyage of Discouerie, taken out of an old Chronicle, written by Robert Fabian, sometime Alderman of London, which is in the custodie of John Stowe, Citizen, a dili- gent searcher and preserver of Antiquities. 9. The discouerie of the Isles of Frisland, Iseland, Engroueland, Estotiland, Drogeo, and Icaria, made by M. Nicolas Zeno, Knight, and M. Antonio his brother. 10. To the most Christian king of Fraunce, Fraunces the First. The Relation of lohn Verarzanus, a Florentine, of the lande by him discouered in the name of his Maiestie, written at Diepe the eighth July 1524. 11. IT The true and last discouerie of Florida, made by Captain John Ribault in the yeere 1 562. Dedicated to a great noble man of Fraunce, and translated into Englishe by one Thomas Hackit. The most important piece is the relation of Verazzano, describing his voyage along the coast of North America, which is accompanied by a folding map bearing date of 1582, dedicated to Sir Philip Sid- ney. This early navigator was the first to enter the harbor, now known as New York, and Narragansett Bay. It is a volume of excessive rarity. 144 CATALOGUE. 1566 i^aklngt, Kul)arb. Principall Navigations, Voiages, and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or over Land, to the most Remote and Farthest Distant Quar- ters of the Earth, at any time within the Compasse of these 1500 Yeeres: Divided into three se%'erall parts, according to the Positions of the Regions weereunto they were directed. First ed. Slack CettCT- Folio, full antique calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1589 A very good copy with the exception of the title page, which is in a perfect fac-simile. The copy contains Sir Francis Drake's Voyage on six leaves, between pages 643 and 644, and a copy of the Ortilius map of 1570. On page 776 is an Autograph signature of Thomas Candish (Cav- endish), the first English Circumnavigator. 1567 i^ttklugt. The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traf- fiques, and Discoueries of the English Nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quar- ters of the Earth, etc. Second ed. Slatk iE-cttcr. 3 vols, folio, calf. Imprinted at London, by George Bishop, 1599-1600 The first volume contains the Voyage to Cadiz reprinted in fac- simile, (see folio 607), and Vol. Ill an admirable autotype fac-simile of the very rare map which belongs to copies of this edition, but which is rarely found in them. It is spoken of by Hakluyt in the preface to his first edition as being then preparing by Mr. Molyneau. Vol. I. was first issued with a title page dated 1598, and containing on it a mention of the voyage to Cadiz, which was published with the book. The title page was reprinted with date of 1 599, (as in this copy,) and no mention of the voyage to Cadiz, and the voyage itself castrated. See Oldy's British Librarian copied in Evans' ed. of Hak- luyt, Vol. I. 1568 Hakluyt. The Historic of the West Indies, containing the acts and adventures of the Spaniards, which have conquered and peopled those countries. Written in Latin by R. Hakluyt, translated into English by M. Lock. Inserted fac-simile map from the Peter Martyr of 1587. 4° old calf. London, n. d. (1612) 1569 Hakluyt's Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries of the English Nation. Volume 5. Royal 4° half morocco, uncut. London, 1812 1570 Hakluyt. Discourse concerning Western Planting, written in the year 1584. With a preface and an intro- duction by Leonard Woods. Edited, with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deane. pp. 241. 8° cloth, un- cut. Cambridge, 1877 157 1 Hakluyt Society's Publications, consisting of rare and valuable voyages, travels, and geographical records. Complete set, from beginning of the publications in 1846 to 1889. 79 vols, and 2 maps, 8° in the original blue cloth, uncut. London, 1846-89 CATALOGUE. 145 1572 Hakluyt. a Particular Discourse concerning the grate necessitie and manifolde comodyties that are like to growe to this Realme of Englande by the western dis- coveries lately attempted, written in the year 1584 by Richard Hakluyt. (Manuscript copy of the original manuscript, printed in the Maine Historical Society Collections, Second series, vol. 2.) Folio, boards. . 1573 Hale, John, (Pastor in Beverly.) Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, pp. 158. 16° half sheep. Boston, 1771 Presentation copy from George Livermore with name on title. 1574 Hale, Nathan. Life of Captain Nathan Hale, the Mar- tyr-Spy of the American Revolution. By'I W. Stuart. *'^'7c^^ Second ed. pp. 271. Illustrations. 12'' cloth. Hartford, 1856 1575 Hales, John. Several Tracts on Religion, pp. 228. Portrait. 16° calf. Printed in the year 1721 i/fsi^ Haliburton, Thomas C. Historical and Statistical Ac- count of Nova Scotia, pp. 340, 453. Map and plates. "5 vols. 8° morocco, extra, red edges. Halifax, 1829 1577 Haliburton. Judge Haliburton's Yankee Stories, pp. 192. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Phila., 1844 1578 [Haliburton.] Traits of American Humour, by Native Authors. 3 vols, small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1852 1579 Halifax, Lord. Miscellanies. 12° calf, gilt. London, 1700 1580 Hall, Captain Basil. Patchwork. Second ed. 3 vols. 18° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 ' 1581 Hall, Francis. Travels in Canada, and the United States, in 1816 and 1817. Map. 8° half calf. (i'^>i) London, 1819 1582 Hall, Joseph. Satires and other Poems, pp. 166. 8° calf. London, 1838 1583 Hall, James. Letters from the West, containing sketches of scenery, manners and customs of the first settlements of the Western Sections of the United States, pp. 385. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1828 1584 Halliwell, J. O. The Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham, pp. 24. 12° paper. London, 1840 1585 Halliwell. The Harrowing of Hell, a Miracle-Play, written in the Reign of Edward the Second, now first published, with an introduction, translation and notes. PP- 3.?- 8° half roan. London, 1840. 1586 Halliwell. An Account of the only known Manuscript of Shakespeare's Plays, pp. 24. 8° half roan. London, 1843 146 CATALOGUE. 1587 Halliwell. The History of John Winchcomb, usually called Jack of Newbury, the famous clothier, 1597. By Thomas Deloney. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. pp. 125. 4° half roan, uncut. London, 1859 Only 26 copies printed. 1588 Halliwell. Shakesperiana. A Catalogue of the early editions of Shakespeare's Plays, and of the com- mentaries and other publications illustrative of his Works, pp.46. 8° half roan. London, 1841 1589 Halliwell. The Autobiography and Correspondence of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, during the reigns of James I. and Charles I. pp. 458, 439. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 1590 Halliwell. Letters of the Kings of England, now first collected. With an historical introduction and notes, pp. 403, 477. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 1591 Halliwell. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient cus- toms, from the fourteenth Century. Second ed. pp. 960. 2 vols, in I. 8° morocco, (shaken). London, 1850 1592 Halliwell. A lyttle Boke geving a true and brief ac- counte of some reliques and curiosities added of late to Mr. Halliwell's Shakespeare collection, pp. 18. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 Only 25 copies privately printed. 1593 Halliwell. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimzies; a jest-book of the seventeenth century, reprinted from the unique copy of 1639. pp. 48. 4° half roan, un- cut. London, i860 1594 Halliwell. Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. Second ed. pp. 703. Thick 8° cloth, uncut. Only 26 copies printed. London, 1882 1595 Hallowell, R. p. The Pioneer Quakers; — Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1883-7 1596 [Hamilton, Alexander.] The History of the United States for 1796; including a variety of interesting par- ticulars relative to the federal government previous to that period. (By J. T. Callender.) pp. 312. 8° calf, (foxed and title neatly mended). Phila., 1797 1597 Hamilton. Observations on certain Documents con- tained in No. V and VI of " The History of the United States for the year 1796," in which the charge of specu- lation against A. Hamilton is fully refuted. 8° calf, gilt, uncut, red top. Phila., 1797 CATALOGUE. 147 1598 Hamilton. '^ Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Ciiaracter of John Adams, written in the year 1800. pp. 56. 1809; — No. I, of a Collection of Facts and Documents relative to the death of Major General Alexander Hamilton, (by William Coleman.) V^p. 46, 1804; — ^A Letter from Phocion to the consider- ate citizens of New York, on the politics of the day. pp. 19, 1784; — The Hamiltoniad; or, an extinguisher for the royal faction of New England. By Anthony Pasquin. pp. 104. 1804. 4 vols. 8° boards and half roan. Boston and New York. 1599 Hamilton, Anthony. Memoirs of Colint Grammont. New edition. Illustrated with 64 portraits engraved by Scriven. pp 262, 356. 2 vols, large 4° full russta, extra, gilt edges, by Lewis. London, 181 1 Large Paper, with proof impressions of the portraits.^ 1600 [Hamilton.] Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second, by Count Gramm'ont. With numerous addi- tions and illustrations, as edited by Sir Walter Scott, pp. 546. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. Bohn's extra vol. London, 1846 1601 Hamilton, S. History of the National Flag of the United States of America. Colored plates. 12° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1853 1602 [Hamilton, T. C] Men and Manners in America. 2 -*vols. 8° half roan, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1833 • 1003 Hammett, Charles E., Jr. A Contribution to the Bibli- ography of Newport, R. I. 4° paper, uncut. Newport, 1887 1604 Hamor, Raphe. A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 of June, 1614. Together with a relation of the severall English townes and forts, the assured hopes of that countrie and the peace concluded with the Indians. The christening of Powhatan's daughter and her mar- riage with an Englishman, pp. (8), 70. Small 4° polished calf extra, gilt edges. For John Beale for Wm. Welby: London, 1615 Original Edition of the " Contemporaneous account of Pocahontas." 1605 Hamor, A Trve Discovrse of the Present Estate of Virginia; and the successe of the affaires there till the [8th of June, 16 14. . . Written by Raphe Hamor :he yonger, late Secretarie in that colony, pp. 70. Folio, paper, uncut. [Reprinted: Albany, i860] Only 200 copies privately printed. 148 CATALOGUE. 1606 Hamor. Dreyzehnte Schiffahrt darinnen ein Warhaff- tiger und Grilndlicher Bericht von dem jtzigen Zustandt der Landschaft Virginen; auch wie nun mehr Friede mit den Indianern beschlossen, etc. Plates, pp. 76. 4° crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. (Title mended). Hanau, 1617 1607 [Hampden, John.] The Arguments of Sir Richard Hut- ton and Sir George Coke, together with the certificate of Sir John Denham, upon a Scire facias brought by the King against John Hampden, etc. pp. 112, 64, 17. Small 4° morocco. London, 1641 1608 Hampden Pulpit. Sketches of the Churches and Pastors in Hampden County, Mass. pp. 144. 12° cloth. Westfield, 1854 • 1609 Hampton, N. H. Historical Address, by Joseph Dow, in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the set- tlement of the town, Dec. 25, 1838. pp. 44. 8° boards. Concord, 1839 1610 Hanbury, Benjamin. Historical Memorials relating to the Independents, or Congregationalist, from their rise to 1660. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 Includes an historical account of the Pilgrims. 161 1 Hancock, Rev. John, (of Lexington.) The Prophet Jeremiah's Resolution, etc. (Thursday Lecture, Nov. 21, 1734 ) pp. 26. 8° half calf. Boston, 1734 ,1612 Hancock, John. An Oration delivered March 5, 1774 to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March, 1770. pp. 20. 4° half morocco. Boston, 1774 1613 Hancock. Discours de son Excellence Monsieur Jean Hancock, President du Congres de Philadelphie. pp. 32. 8° paper. Phila., 1776 1614 Hancock. Ten Chapters in the Life of. Now first published since 1789. (By S. Higginson.) 8° cloth. New York, 1857 / 161 5 Hannay, James. History of Acadia, from its first dis- P^O / _.^covery to its surrender to England by the treaty of f1£^ «.{' I^'i^aris. pp.440- 8° cloth. London, 1880 lfondon, 1771 1629 Harrington, Sir John. Nugae Antiquas; being a Mis- cellaneous Collection of Original Papers in Prose and Verse. With illustrative notes, by Thomas Park. pp. 397, 416. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1804 1630 Harriott, Lieut. John. Struggles through Life, exem- plified in the various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, pp. 304, 257. 2 vols. 12° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1809 1631 Harris, C. F. Index to American Poetry and Plays, in the Collection of C. Flske Harris, pp. 171. 12° paper, uncut. Privately printed: Providence, 1874 ^1632 Harris. Anthony Memorial. A catalogue of the Har- ris Collection of American Poetry, with biographical and bibliographical notes, by John C. Stockbridge. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Providence, 1886 - 1633 Harris, E. D. A Copy of the Old Epitaphs in the Burying Ground of Block-Island, R. I. pp. 66. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1883 Only ioo copies printed. 1634 Harris, T. M. Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains, made in 1803; with a Geographical and Historical Account of the State of Ohio. Maps and views. 8° half calf, gilt, un- cut edges. Boston, 1805 CATALOGUE. 151 163s Harris, J. A Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of above six hundred of the most Authentic Works [from] Hackluit, Purchass, Ramusio, Labat, De Brye, Gryneus, Herrara, Oviedo, Coreal, &c. Originally Published by Dr. John Harris, with Large Additions, pp. 984, 1056. 2 vols, large folio, half calf, uncut edges. London, 1744 Contains many translations from the early voyages to America not to be found elsewhere. 1636 Harris, T. W. Treatise on some of the Insects Inju- rious to Vegetation. Third ed. 8 colored plates and numerous other illustrations, pp. 640. 8° cloth. Boston, 1862 1637 Harris, W. T. Epitaphs from the Old Burying-Ground in Cambridge, pp. 192. 12° boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1845 1638 Harris. Epitaphs from the Old Burying-Ground in Watertown. With notes by E. D. Harris, pp. 70. Small 4° cloth. Boston, 1869 1639 Harris, William. Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of James I and Charles I and of the Lives of Oliver Cromwell and Charles II. New edition. 5 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 18 14 1640 Harrison, Gabriel. The Stratford Bust of William Shakspeare, and a critical Inquiry into its Authenticity and Artistic Merits, pp. 13. Photograph. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Brooklyn, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. 1641 Harrison, James. The Biographical Cabinet; contain- ing a collection of portraits of eminent and distinguished persons of every age and nation, with memoirs. Up- wards of 250 portraits. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1823 1642 Harrisse, H. Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. A Description of Works relating to America published be- tween the Years 1492 and 1551. pp. 519. Imperial 8° half morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. New York, 1866 Only 400 copies printed. 1643 Harrisse. Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. Addi- 't^tQ.T^Uons. pp. 199. Imperial 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1872 V/1644 Harrisse. Notes pour servir a I'Histoire, a la Biblio- naa-in graphie, et a la Cartographic de la Nouvelle France et ^'pes Pays adjacents, 1 545-1 700. pp.367. Small 8° pa- per, uncut. Paris, 1872 /. 152 CATALOGUE. 1645 Harrisse. Notes on Columbus, pp. 227. Photogra- phic portrait and fac-similes. Small folio, cloth, uncut. Privately printed: New York, 1866 Only 99 copies privately printed for S. L. M. Barlow. 1646 Harrisse. \ Fernand Colomb, sa Vie, ses Oeuvres; Essai critique, pp. 231. Imperial 8° half morocco, gilt top, Paris, 1872 Holland Paper Copy; only 200 copies issued. 1647 Hart, C. H. Memoir of the Life and Services of Col. John Dixon, 1877; — Mary White-Mrs. Robert Morris, an address delivered June 7, 1877 on the occasion of the reinterment of the remains of Col. Thomas White, 1878. 2 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. Phila. 1648 Hart. Memoir of Lewis H. Morgan; — Richard S. Field; — Stephen S. Haldeman; — William Willis; — Robert Morris; — George Ticknor; — Remarks on Ta- basco, Mexico, etc. 8 pamphlets. 1649 Hartford, Conn. Hartford in the Olden Time, its first Thirty Years. By "Scaeba." Edited by W. M. B. Hartley, pp. 316. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1853 i6i;o Harvard College, 1636-1886. A record of the Com- ■ memoration, Nov. 5-8, i886, on the 250th Anniversary of the founding of Harvard College. Plate. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. ' Cambridge, 1887 1651 Harvard College. Sibley, J. L. Father Abbey's Will; to which is added a letter of courtship to his virtuous and amiable widow; with historical and biographical notes. 8° half calf. Cambridge, 1854 Only 50 copies privately printed. One of 2 copies on tinted paper. 1652 Harvard College. Speech by Josiah Quincy, Feb. 25, 1845; — Memorial concerning the history and constitu- tional rights of Harvard College, 1851;- — Plea for Har- vard, by an ''Alumnus," 1849; — ^ Letter to the Presi- dent, by a member of the Corporation, 1849; — Pro- ceedings of the Overseers, Aug. 25, 1834; — Documents relating to Harvard College, 1820; — Facts and Docu- ments, by HoUis, 1829; — Report on the Rights and duties of the President of Harvard College, 1856, etc. 9 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 1653 Harvard College. Phi Beta Kappa Poem, by George S. Hillard, 1843; — Oration by George Putnam, 1844; / Oration by A. P. Peabody, 1845. 3 vols. 8° half roan. 1654 Harvard College. Catalogue of the Library of Har- vard University, with the first supplement, and the catalogue of maps and charts. 5 vols. 8° boards, un- cut, Cambridge, 1830-34 CATALOGUE. 153 165s Harvard College Catalogues, Reports, etc. (100) ' 1656 Harvard. The Collegian, in six numbers, pp. 290. 8° half calf. Cambridge, 1830 Contains 24 anonymous poems , by O. W. Holmes, also the first printed composition of John Lothrop Motley. .1657 Harvard Lyceum, published in 1810 and 181 1. pp. 432. 8° half calf. Cambridge, 181 1 "Edited and largely contributed to by Edward Everett, the other editors were N. L. Frothingham, J. F. Cooper, D. Damon, J. H. Far- nam, H. H. Fuller, S. Oilman all of the class of 181 1." 1658 Harvard Register, 1827-28. pp. 384. 8° half calf. Cambridge, 1828 "Edited largely by Pres. Felton, G. S. Hillard, F. H. Hedge, R. W. Emerson, R. C. Winthrop, James Freeman Clarke, B. R. Curtis, etc. With the names of contributors added in pencil." . 1659 Harvard Register, an illustrated monthly. Vols, i, 2 and 3. 3 vols, bound in 2 vols. 4° and 8° boards. Cambridge, 1880-81 1660 Harvard Memorial Biographies. pp. 477, 512. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut, gilt tops. Cambridge, 1866 ' 1661 Hassam, John T. Ezekiel Cheever and some of his de- scendants, pp. 64; — Bartholomew and Richard Cheever and some of their descendants, pp. 11; — Boston Tav- erns, with some suggestions on the proper mode of in- dexing the Public Records; — Dover Settlement and the Hiltons; — Descendants of William Hilton. 5 pam- phlets. 1662 Hastings, Warren. Memoirs relative to the State of India. New edition. pp. 196. Fine portrait. 8° calf. London, 1786 1663 Haven, N. A. The Remains of Nathaniel Appleton Haven, with a Memoir of his Life. By George Tick- nor. pp. 351. 8° morocco, gilt, red edges. (Cambridge,) 1827 1664 Haven, Samuel F. Archaeology of the United States. pp. 168. Royal 4° cloth. Washington, 1855 From Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 1665 Haven. Narrative of a Voyage to Spitzbergen in the Year 1613, with an introduction and notes, by S. F. Haven. Inserted portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, i860 Only 50 copies privately printed. 1666 Haverhill, Mass. History of, from 1640 to i860. By G. W. Chase, pp. 66^1, 20. Map. 8° cloth, JIaverhill, 186; 154 CATALOGUE. 1667 Haverhill. Fast Sermon, preached at Haverhill and Bradford, Apr, 12, 1764 by Edw. Barnard, pp. 22. Portsmouth, 1764; — Sermon preached at the Ordina- tion of Mr. Benj. Parker, Haverhill, Nov. 28, 1744. pp. 30. Boston, 1744. 2 vols. 8° half roan. 1668 Hawaiian Hymn Book. Ex Bue Raa Himene. pp. 43. 12° half roan, uncut. Tahiti, 1287 (1827) -1669 Hawes, Joel. A Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and a vindication of the Congregational Churches of New England. Second ed. 12° cloth. Hartford, 1836 1670 Hawkins, J. S. History of the Origin and Establish- ment of Gothic Architecture, pp. 251. Plates. 8° morocco, gilt. London, 1813 167 1 Hawkins, Joseph. History of a Voyage to the Coast of Africa, and travels into the interior of that country. Second ed. pp. 180. 16° sheep. Troy, 1797 1672 Hawkins, Sir Richard. The Observations of Sir Rich- ard Hawkins, in his voyage into the South Sea, Anno Domini 1593. Small folio, calf, gilt edges. London, 1622 Reprinted in Vol. I of Hakluyt Society Publications. '1673 Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States. 2 vols. 8° cloth and , boards. New York, 1836-9 1674 Hawks. History of North Carolina, pp. 254, 591. Portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Fayetteville, 1857-58 Nathaniel. Liberty Tree. First ed. 16° Boston, 1842 Grandfather's Chair. Second ed. 16° Boston, 1842 Famous Old People. Second ed. 16° Boston, 1842 Vindication of the Rights and Titles, Political and Territorial, of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan. pp. 52, 76. Fac-similes. 8° half mo- rocco. Washington, 1853 1679 Hayes. The Fleece and the Loom; an address before the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, Phila- delphia, Sept. 6, 1865. pp. 80. Royal 4° paper, un- cut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper ; Only 50 copies printed. 1680 Hayes. Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, from 1869 to 1873. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1869-73 1675 Hawthorne, cloth. N 1676 Hawthorne. cloth. 1077 Hawthorne. cloth. 1678 Hayes, John L. CATALOGUE. 155 1681 [Hays, A. L.] The Generations of a New England Family. Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1885 1682 Hazard, Ebenezer. Historical Collections; consisting ~Joi state papers and other authentic documents, intended as materials for a history ,of the United States of America. 2 vols. 4° half morocco, uncut. Phila., 1792 1683 Hazlitt, William. The Spirit of the Age, or contem- porary Portraits. Second ed. pp. 408. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1825 1684 Hazlitt. Lectures on Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, 1840; — Criticisms on Art, 1843; — Lec- tures on the English Poets, 1841; — The Round Table, 1841; — Lectures on the English Comic Writers, 1841; — Sketches and Essays, 1839;- — Characters of Shak- speare's Plays, 1838. 7 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London. 1685 Hazlitt. Literary Remains of; with a notice of his life, by his son, and thoughts on his genius and writ- ings, by E. L. Bulwer and Mr. Sergeant Talfourd. pp. 362, 468. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half roan. London, 1836 1686 Head, Sir Francis B. A Narrative. (Relates to ^'Canadian Affairs, 1836-38.) 8° half morocco. London, 1839 1687 [Head.] Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. By an Old Man. pp. 363. Sixth ed. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 1688 Heath, James. A Chronicle of the late Intestine War in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ire- land, with a continuation to this present year, 1675, by J. P. pp. 604. Portraits. Folio, calf. London, 1676 1689 Heath, Major-General William. Memoirs of, contain- ing anecdotes, details of skirmishes, battles, and other military events, during the American War. Written by Himself. Portrait inserted. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1798 i6go, Heckewelder, John. Life of. By John Rondthaler. Edited by B. H. Coates. pp. 149. Portrait. 12° cloth. Phila., 1847 1691 Heeren, A. H. L. Historical Treatises, pp. 441. 8° cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1836 1692 Helper, H. R. The Impending Crisis of the South, how to meet it. pp. 420; — Compendium of the Im- pending Crisis of the South pp. 214. 2 vols. 12° cloth and paper. ' New York, i860 /, 1^6 CATALOGUE. i6g.^ Helps, Arthur. The Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen; being a narrative of the principal events which led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and America. Vols, i and 2. pp 264, 300. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1848-52 1694 [Helps.] Friends in Council; a series of readings and discourse thereon, pp. 228, 370. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1849 1695 Helps. The Spanish Conquest in America, and its re- lation to the history of slavery and to the govei-nment of colonies. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1855 1696 Helps. Life of Las Casas, the ^Apostle of the Indies; — Life of Pizarro, with some account of his associates in the Conquest of Peru; — Life of Columbus, the dis- coverer of America. 3 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London and Phila., 1868-9 1697 Hennepin, Louis. Description de la Louisiane, nouvelle- ment ddcouverte au Sud Quest de la Nouvelle France, par ordre du Roy. Avec la Carte du Pays: Les Moeurs & la Maniere de vivre des Sauvages. Dedide a sa Majestd. With the map in fac-simile. 12° old calf. ^ Chez la veuve Sebastien Hure: Paris, 1683 1698 Hennepin. A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extending above four thousand miles, between New France and New Mexico; with description of the great lakes, cataracts, rivers, plants, and animals. Also the manners, customs, and languages of the sev- eral native Indians; with a continuation giving an ac- count of the attempts of the Sieur de la Salle upon the mines of St. Barbe, etc. The taking of Quebec by the English, etc. 2 vols, in one. 2 maps and 5 plates. 8° calf, gilt, (rebacked). London, 1698 1699 Hennepin. The same, (i map and 2 plates wanting.) 2 vols, in one. 8° calf, (cracked). London, 1699 1700 Hennepin. A Description of Louisiana. Translated by John G. Shea. pp. 407. Map. 8° paper, uncut. New York, i88o Only 250 copies printed. 1 701 Henry IV Interesting Anecdotes of Henry IV. of France, containing sublime traits and lively sallies of the wit of that monarch. Translated from the French, pp. 279. 16° calf. Dublin, 1792 1702 Henry VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum; or, an Assertion of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Lu- ther. Seconded, pp. 118. Portrait. Small 8° calf. London, i688 /. CATALOGUE. IS) 1703 Henry, John Joseph. An Accurate and Interesting Ac- ^^ count of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of ^ ' Heroes, who traversed the wilderness in the campaign against Quebec in 1775. pp. 225. 16° sheep. / Lancaster, 181 2 \' 1704 Henry, Patrick. Sketches of the Life and Character of if «31 C;S^ Patrick Henry. By William Wirt. Ninth ed. pp. 468. Portrait. 8° half calf. Phila., 1838 1705 Herbert, George. Works of, in Prose and Verse, pp. 414, 384. Portrait and view. 2 vols. 8° antique calf, red edges. W. Pickering: London, 1846 1706 Herbert. Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury; written by himself, and continued to his death. (By Horace Walpole.) pp. 360. Portrait. 8° half roan, uncut. London, 1826 1707 Herbert, William. History of the worshipful Company of Fishmongers of London, pp.120. 8° half morocco. London, 1837 1708 Herrera, Antonio de. Novis Orbis, sive Descriptio In- dse Occidentalis, Auctore Antonio de Herrera. Meta- phraste C. Barlaso. Accesserunt et aliorum Indiae Occi- dentalis Descriptiones et Navigationis nuper ac Austra- lis Jacobi le Maire, Historia uti, et navigationum per Fretum Magellanicum succincta narratio. Fol. 82, 11. Maps. Folio, vellum. Amstelodami, 1622 1709 Herring, Richard. Paper and Paper Making, ancient and modern, pp. 125. 8° cloth. London, 1855 With specimens of different kinds of paper. 17 10 Hetherington, Rev. W. M. History of the Westmin- ster Assembly of Divines, pp. 390. 16° morocco, gilt. Edinburgh, 1843 1711 Heylyn, Peter. Microcosmus, or, a Little Description of the Great World. First ed. London 162 1; — A Briefe DeScriptionof the whole World. Fifth ed. London 1620; — ■ A G.eographicall and Antologicall Description of all the Empires, etc. London 1618; — The Commonwealth of England, and the Manner of Government thereof. London, 1621. Bound in i vol. 4° old calf. Autograph of Carew Raleigh. 1 7 12 Heylyn. Mikrokosmos, a little description of the Great World. Fourth ed. revised, pp. 809. 4° boards. Oxford, 1629 Contains 40 pp. relating to America. 1 7 13 Heylyn. The same. Seventh ed. pp. 820. 4° half morocco, gilt, uncut edges. (Title cut down and mounted.) Oxford, 1636 is8 CATALOGUE. 1714 Heylyn. The same. Eighth ed. pp. 809, 13. 4° calf, (broken). Oxford, 19,39 (1639.) 1715 Heylyn. Aerius Redivivus; or, the History of the Presbyterians, from the year 153.6 to the year 1647. PP- 482. Folio, calf. Oxford, 1670 1716 Heylyn. Cosmography in four Books, containing the Chorography and History of the whole World. Numer- ous maps. Folio, half morocco, uncut. London, 1674 1 7 17 HiBBERT, George. Catalogue of his Library, sold by auction in London, March 1829. pp. 484. Fac-similes. 8° half morocco, gilt top. London, 1829 1718 Highborn, Benjamin. An Oration delivered March 5, 1777, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. pp. 18. 4° half morocco. Boston, 1777 1719 HiCKOX, John H. Historical Account of American Coinage, pp. 151. 5 plates. Royal 8° boards. Large paper. Albany, 1858 1720 HiGGiNSON, T. W. A Larger History of the United States of America, to the close of President Jackson's Administration. pp. 470. Maps and illustrations. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1886 Presentation copy from the author. 1721 HiGGiNSON, Waldo. Memorials of the Class of 1833 of Harvard College, pp. 164. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1883 1722 [HiLDRETH, Richard.] The Slave; or Memoirs of Archy Moore, pp. 123, 115. 2 vols, in i. 12° boards. Boston, 1840 1723 HiLDRETH. History of the United States of America. Vols. I and 4. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1849-51 1724 Hill. The Trial of Jeremiah Hill, Esq. for Heresy, be- fore the Church of Christ in Biddeford, Me., May 2, 1793. pp. 24. 8° half morocco. n. p. n. d. 1725 HiLLER, Rev. O. P. Pocahontas; or the Founding of Virginia, a poem. 12° cloth. London, 1865 '1726 HiNGHAM, Mass. History of. By Solomon Lincoln, Jr. View inserted. 16° half calf. Hingham, 1827 , 1727 HiNGHAM. Commemorative Services of the First Parish, on the 200th anniversary of the building of its Meeting House, August 8, 1881. pp. 169;- — Discourse by E. A. Horton, on the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Meeting House of the First Parish, January 8, 1882. pp. 57. Plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Hingham, 1882 1728 Hingham. Cohasset and Duxbury. Historical pamph- lets relating to. (17). CATALOGUE. 159 1720 HiNMAN, R. R. Letters from the English Kings and Queens to the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, together with the answers thereto, from 1635 to 1749. Portrait and plates, pp.372. 12° cloth. Hartford, 1836 1730 [HiNMAN.J The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usu- ally called Blue Laws of Connecticut, Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts, etc. pp. 336. 12° cloth. Hartford, 1838 / Note on fly leaf by the author. 1731 Hinman's Catalogue of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut. Nos. i, 2, 4, 5 and 6. Por- traits. 5 parts 8° paper. Hartford, 1852-56 1732 Hillhouse, James A. Dramas, Discourses, and other pieces, pp. 296, 248. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1839 1733 Hinsdale, B. A. The Old Northwest, with a view of -I Y\ !<- ^^^ thirteen colonies as constituted by the Royal char- ^'"'^•^^ ters. Map. 8° cloth, uncut. ■ New York, 1888 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 1734 Historical Magazine, and notes and queries concerning '-' h-i-l, the antiquities, history and biography of America. Complete set, with all the extra numbers. 23 vols. 4° half roan, uncut edges, red tops. Boston and Morrisania, 1857-74 1735 Historical Pamphlets. Merian's Sermon at Falmouth, Oct. 17, 1764; — Pemberton's Sermon at Marblehead, May I, 1771; — Cunningham's Oration at Fltchburg, July 4, 1803; — Hancock's Sermons at Braintree, Sept. 16, 1739; — Upham's Lecture on the First Church, Salem, 1829; — Reid's Historical Address at Salisbury, Nov. 20, 1844, etc. 14 vols. 8° half roan. 1736 History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Anderson, containing his strange varieties of fortune in Europe and America, pp. 243. 16" half calf, gilt. Berwick, 1782 The scenes of his adventures are mostly laid in Maryland and Virginia. 1737 History of Congress; exhibiting a classification of the , f,2i proceedings of the Senate and the House of Represen- tatives, from March 4, 1789 to March 3, 1793. pp. 736. Royal 8° half calf, gilt. Phila., 1843 1738 History of North America; comprising a geographical and statistical view of the United States and of the British Canadian possessions, pp. 498, 454. Maps and plates, portrait of Washington by S. Topham. 2 vols. 8° half calf. Leeds, 1820 i6o CATALOGUE. 1739 History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1830 • 1740 History of the British Dominions in North America, from the first discovery of that vast continent, by Sebastian Cabot in 1497 to 1763. pp. 275. Royal 4° sheep. London, 1773 . 1 741 History of the War between the United States and Tripoli, and other barbarous powers, pp. 144. 16° half sheep. Salem, 1806 1742 History. Epitome of Ancient, Medieval and Modern History, by Carl Ploetz; — Studies in General History, by M. D. Sheldon; — Higginson's Young Folk's History of the United States; — Voyages and Adventures of Vasco de Gama, by G. M. Towle; — Paragraph History of the U. S., by E. Abbott; — American's Own Book, by J. R. Bigelow; — New America, by W. H. Dixon; — Prophetic Voices concerning America; — Great Events, by Francis Lieber; — Historical and Classical Diction- ary. 10 vols. 12° cloth and sheep. 1743 Hoar, George F. Historical Pamphlets, Orations and Speeches. 11 pamphlets. 1744 HoBBS, Thomas. Of Liberty and Necessity. 12° calf. London, 1684 1745 HoBBS. The same. New edition. 12° paper, uncut. Manchester, 1839 1746 HoDDER, James. Arithmetick, or that necessary art made most easy. pp. 1-2 12. 16° calf, gilt. Printed by J. Franklin: Boston, 1719 • Portion of the portrait and some pages at the end, are wanting. / 1747 Hodgson, Adam. Remarks during a Journey through North America in the years 1819-21. With an appendix '^'' ' '^1 containing an account of several of the Indian Tribes, etc. pp. 335. 8° boards, uncut. New York, [823 1748 Hodgson, Rev. J. T. Memoir of the Rev. Francis Hodgson, scholar, poet and divine, pp. 297, 347. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1878 1749 Hogarth, William. Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, from pictures, drawings, and scarce prints in the pos- session of Samuel Ireland, pp. 183, 150. Numerous plates. 2 vols, royal 8° half calf. London, 1799 1750 Hogarth. Anecdotes of William Hogarth, written by Himself, with essays on his life and genius, and criti- cisms on his works, pp. 416. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1833 CATALOGUE. i6i 1751 Hogg, James. The Jacobite Relics of Scotland, being the songs, airs, and legends of the adherents to the House of Stuart. Second series, pp. 480. 8° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1821 1752 Hole, Richard. Remarks on the Arabian Nights' En- tertainments, pp. 258. 12° boards, uncut. London, 1797 1753 Holland, H. W. William Dawes and his Ride with Paul Revere; to which is appended a genealogy of the Dawes Family, pp. 128. Portraits. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1878 Only 100 copies privately printed. 1754 Holland, J. G. History of Western Massachusetts, the counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire, pp. 520, 619. Map. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Springfield, 1855 1755 HoLLiSTON, Mass. View of Holliston in its First Cen- tury; a century sermon delivered, Dec. 4, 1826. By Charles Fitch, pp. 36. 8° half roan, gilt. Dedham, 1827 1756 HoLLis. Memoirs of Thomas Hollis, Esq. (By Francis Blackburne.) pp. 839, 24. 2 vols, imperial 4° half russia, gilt. London, 1770 Large Paper copy. The plates are by Bartolozzi, Cipriani, and others. Between pp. 532 and 533 come pp. 5331-576*, 577t-s84, S79»*-58o. These pages are sometimes deficient. The subject of this memoir was a liberal benefactor to Harvard College. 1757 Holmes, Abiel. Annals of America, from the Discovery by Columbus in the year 1492 to the year 1826. Second ed. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. Cambridge, 1829 1758 [Holmes, O.W.J The Harbinger; a May-gift. First ed. pp. 96. 8° cloth. Boston, 1833 1759 Holmes. Homoeopathy and its kindred Delusion. First ed. pp. 72. 12° boards. Boston, 1842 1760 Holmes. Poems, pp. 175. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 1761 [Home, Henry.] Essays upon several Subjects concern- ing British Antiquities. Third ed. pp. 216. 16° half calf. Edinburgh, 1763 1762 Homes of American Statesmen, with anecdotical, per- sonal and descriptive sketches. By various writers. Il- lustrated with engravings on wood from drawings by Dopier and daguerreotypes. 8° cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1854 i62 CATALOGUE. 1763 Homer. The Iliad and Odyssey. Translated by Alex- ander Pope. pp. 549, 415. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 18° cloth, uncut. London, 1840-41 1764 Hone, William. The Three Trials of William Hone, for publishing three Parodies, viz., the late John Wilkes's Catechism, the Political Litany, and the Sinecurist's Creed. 8° half sheep. London, 1818 1765 Hone. The Apocryphal New Testament. Fourth ed. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1821 1766 Hone. The same. 8° morocco, gilt. New York. 1767 Hone. Ancient Mysteries described, especially the English Miracle Plays, founded on the Apocryphal New Testament Story, pp. 298. Engravings. 8° morocco, gilt. London, 1823 1768 Hood, George. History of Music in New England, with Biographical Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists, pp. 252. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1846 1769 Hood, Thomas. Hood's Own; or. Laughter from Year to Year. pp. 568. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 1770 HoOKE, William. (Minister at Taunton.) New Englands Teares, for Old Englands Feares; preached in a Ser- mon July 23, 1640. pp. 23. Small 4° blue morocco, gilt edges. London, 1641 The author removed from Taunton to New Haven, and returned to England in 1656, to become one of the domestic chaplains of Cromwell. 177 1 Hooker, Thomas. The Danger of Desertion; or a Farewell Sermon, preached immediately before his De- parture out of Old England, pp. 20. Small 4° half morocco. (Name or words erased from middle of title page.) London, 1641 1772 Hooker, Thomas, and John Cotton. A Survey of the Summe of Church-Discipline, wherein the Way of the Congregationall Churches of Christ in New Eng- land, is warranted and cleared. 4° antique calf, red edges. London, 1648 1773 Hopkins, Mark. Lectures on the Evidences of Chris- tianity, before the Lowell Institute, January, 1844. pp. 383. 8° cloth. Boston, 1856 1774 [Hopkins, P. R.J Prisoners' Memoirs; or, Dartmoor Prison, containing a complete History of the entire Captivity of the Americans in England. Plan. 12° calf. New York, 1815 CATALOGUE. 163 f 1775 [Hopkins, Dr. Samuel.] A Dialogue concerning tlie Slavery of the Africans; showing it to be the Duty and Interest of the American Colonies to emancipate all their African Slaves. 8° half calf. Norwich, 1776 1776 Hopkins, Samuel. The Puritans; or, the Church, Court and Parliament of England during the Reigns of Ed- ward VI and Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols, royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1859 1777 HoPKiNSON, Francis. The Old Farm and the New Farm, a Political Allegory. With notes by B. J. Lossing. pp. 76. 16" cloth. New York, 1857 1778 HoRNE, T. H. Manual of Biblical Bibliography, pp. 431. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 1779 HoRNE. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Ninth ed. 5 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 • 1780 HoRNius, Georgi. De Originibus Americanis, Libri quatuor. 16° paper. Hagae Comitis, 1652 1781 HoRSFORD, E. N. John Cabot's Landfall in 1497 and the site of Nurembega, pp. 42, t886; — Problem of the" Northmen, a letter to Judge Daly on the opinion of Justin Winsor. That "though Scandinavians may have reached the shores of Labrador, the soil of the United States has not one vestige of their presence." 1889. Maps. 2 vols. 4° paper, uncut. Cambridge. 1 1782 HoRSFORD. The Indian Names of Boston, and their Meaning, pp. 26. Maps. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Cambridge, 1886 1783 HoRSFORD. Discovery of America by the Northmen, address at the unveiling of the statue of Leif Eriksen, delivered in Faneuil Hall, Oct. 29, 1887. Maps, col- ored plate and fac-similes. pp.113. 4° cloth, uncut. Large Paper. Boston, 1S88 1784 HoRSMANDEN, Daniel. The New York Conspiracy; or, igyg, a History of the Negro Plot, with the Journal of the Proceedings against the Conspirators at New York in the Years 1741-2. pp. 385. 8° sheep. New York, 1810 1785 HosMER, Zelotes. Catalogue of his Choice Collection of Books, sold at Auction, Boston, May 7, 1861. pp. 116, 3. Priced in ink. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1861 '1786 HoTTEN, John Camden. Our Early Emigrant Ances- tors. The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, Emi- grants, Religious Exiles, Political Rebels, etc., who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. Second ed. pp. 580. 4° cloth. New York, 1808 i64 CATALOGUE. 1787 Hough, Franklin B. History of St. Laurence and Frank- lin Counties, New York. pp. 719. Maps. 8° cloth. Albany, 1853 1788 Hough. Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts adja- V^^ cent in the present State of Maine, known as Cornwall County, when under the Col6ny of New York. pp. 136. 8° half calf, gilt. Albany, 1856 Only 150 copies printed. 1789 Hough. History of Dury6e's Brigade, during the Catn- paign in Virginia under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland under Gen. McClelland, pp. 200. Portrait. 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1864 Only 300 copies printed. 1790 Hough. Bibliographical List of Books and Pamphlets containing Eulogies, Orations, Poems or other Papers, relating to the Death of General Washington, pp. 59. Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1865 Only 24 copies privately printed. 1791 Hough. Notices of Peter Penet, and of his Operations among the Oneida Indians, including a Plan prepared by him for the Government of that Tribe, pp. 36. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Lowville, N. Y., 1866 1792 How. Diary of David How, a Private in Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's Regiment of the Massachusetts Line in the Army of the American Revolution. Notes by Henry B. Dawson, pp. 51. Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y. , 1865 Only 250 copies printed. 1793 Howard, B. C. Report of the Decision of the U. S. 1-- Supreme Court in the Case of Dred Scott vs. John F. A. Sandford. pp. 633. 8° half roan. New York, 1857 1794 Howe. Henry. Historical Collections of Virginia, pp. 544. Map and illustrations. 8° cloth. Charleston, S. C, 1852 1795 Howe, Nathaniel. A Century Sermon, delivered in Hopkinton, Mass., Dec. 24, 1815. Third ed. pp. 32. 8° boards. Boston, 1825 1796 Howe. The same. Fourth ed., with notes by Elias Nason. pp. 56. 8° boards. Boston, 1851 1797 Howe, W. The Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe, in a Committee of the House of Commons, on the 29th of April, 1779, relative to his conduct during his late command of the King's Troops in North Amer- ica: To which are added, some observations upon a pamphlet, entitled. Letters to a Nobleman, &c. pp. no. 4° half morocco, gilt. London, 1780 CATALOGUE. 165 1798 [Howell, James. J Englands Teares for the present Wars, which for the Nature of the Quarrell, the Diver- sity of Battailes, etc., cannot be paralleled by any pre- cedent Age. pp. 18. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1644 1799 [Howell.] Some Sober Inspections made into the Car- riage and Consults of the late Long Parliament, pp. 184. 18° sheep. London, 1656 1800 Howell. Divers Historicall Discourses of the late Popular Insurrections in Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 411. The first Tome. 16° half calf, rebacked. London, 1661 1801 Howell. Epistolae Ho-Elianae; Familiar Letters Do- mestick and Foreign, upon emergent Occasions. Tenth ed. pp. 418, 10. Frontispiece. 8° calf. London, 1737 . 1802 Howgill, Francis. The Popish Inquisition newly erected in New-England, whereby their Church is manifested to be a Daughter of Mysterie, etc. pp. 72. Small 4° half calf. London, 1659 Contains an account of the reception which the Quakers met with in Boston. .1803 Howgill. The Deceiver of the Nations discovered and his Cruelty made manifest, etC:, more especially his cruel works of Darkness in Maryland and Virginia, pp. 29. Small 4° calf, gilt. (One leaf remargined.) London, 1660 j/i8o4 HoYT, E. Antiquarian Researches, comprising a His- ij.^l'f^ory of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering Con- necticut River and Parts adjacent, pp. 312. Engraved title. 8° morocco, gilt. Greenfield, 1824 .1805 HoYT Genealogy. Genealogical History of John Hoyt of Salisbury, and David Hoyt of Deerfield, and their Descendants. By D. W. Hoyt. pp. 144. Portrait and plate. 8° paper. Boston, 1857 • 1806 Hubbard, William. The Present State of New England, being a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year, 1677: But chiefly of the late troubles in the two last years, 1675 ^"^1 1676. To which is added a discourse about the War with the Pequods in the year 1637. 4° calf, gilt. Tho. Parkhurst: London, 1677 License, one leaf, Title, one leaf, 5 prel. leaves. Text, pp. 131, "Ta- ble of Towns in New England," 7 pp. "A Postscript," pp. 6, "Narra- tive of Troubles," pp. 88. Lacks the original map, but has Harris' fac-similes of both the Wine Hills and White Hill's maps. i66 CATALOGUE. • T807 Hubbard, Rev. William. The Happiness of a People in the Wisdorae of their Rulers Directing and in the Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ought to do. Election sermon at Boston, May 3, 1675. pp. 63. Small 4° full morocco, red edges. /' Printed by John Foster, Boston, 1676 1808 Hubbard. A Narrative of the Troubles with the In- dians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1677. But chiefly of the late troubles in the last two years, 1675 and 1676. To which is added a discourse about Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. Printed by John Foster: Boston, 1677 Fine, clean, perfect copy, with the rare "Wine Hills" map. Also a fac-simile "White Hills" map inserted, both mounted on linen. Book- plate of Henry Stevens of Vermont and London. License, one leaf. Title, one leaf, "Epistle dedicatory," signed Wil- liam Hubbard, pp. 4. "An Advertisement to the Reader," pp. 2. "To the Reverend Mr. William Hubbard," etc., signed J. S. pp. i. "Upon the elaborate Survey," signed B. T. pp. 2. "The Printer to the Reader" pp. i. "A map of New England, Being the first that ever was cut here," etc. Text, "A Narrative," etc. pp. 132. "A Table of Towns in New England," pp. 7. "A Postscript," pp. i, 7-12. "A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England from Pascataqua to Pemmaquid," pp. 88. "The Happiness of a People," etc. 1676. Title, one leaf, to the Hon. John Leverett, 3 leaves. Text, / pp. 63. ,1809 Hubbard. Narrative of the Indian Wars in New Eng- ''-J land, from 1607 to 1677. Fac-simile map. 16° calf, gilt. Boston, 1775 An abridgment of the Boston ed. of 1677. 1810 Hubbard. The same. 16° half blue morocco, gilt edges. Printed by Stiles Nichols: Danbury, 1803 A reprint, somewhat abridged, of the Boston ed. of 1775. 181 1 Hubbard. The same. 16° mottled sheep. Brattleboro, 1814 A reprint of the Boston ed. of 1775. 1812 Hubbard. History of the Indian Wars in New Eng- land, from the first settlement to the termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. Edited, with notes, by S. G. Drake, pp. 292, 303. Fac-simile Wine Hills map. 2 vols, royal 4° boards. Roxbury, 1865 Large Paper : only 50 copies printed. 1813 Hubbard. General History of New England, from the discovery to 1680. pp. 676. 8° sheep. Cambridge, 1815 I 814 Hubbard. General History of New England, from the discovery to 1680. Second ed. pp. 768. 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1848 With 3 autograph letters of Peter Orlando Hutchinson laid in. NARRATIVE OF THE TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS \nN Eiv-ENG L ^ ND, from the firfl: planting thereof in the year 1607. to this prefentyear 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two laS years, 1675. and 1676. To which is added a Diicourfc about the Wam with the P E Q U O D S In the year 1 6 J7. 'By Wo Hubbard, A^/«//?fr of Ipfwich. Ani the Urd{ aid unto Mofes-,writtthisfbr a Hmonallh a Buok., i^d rilaarfe it U the curs »[ Jofhiit; for 1 viUitttnly phtont-tbi Rsmcmkaiiet of Ain.,ile\ from Ur.da heavtn. Esgrf. 17 'if. Ji'bcrcf.re it » /.; id i/i the koli ef the imrs of the Lord, rth.tt he did »«■ the red fea, and ts, the 'Bnotii »f A-f/i.m. Nu!Trb;j.v ^4 As coldwaters to a tbirfljfod, fois isod nevus from a fur CoMry. Prov. if. if. '1 1 — - . ■ ■ ■ - ■ I I — ■■ , "- fc_i ^ Exprefli Imag-o, e<- quafi fprculura quodiim vix hi.ifni»« ert fiiftirii, q lU tali'^ vei fi-nilia ienip«r polTuiuinmvmdoatcitiere. SfAafj^i. flifloria tradirqu^fiftj fiBt, ecqu-efcmptrfiric fucika, donee caiiem manec homr nurn narura idm- riiftori*cognicteiu;iffimaiiin»ario, etprparatioeftad afiiones politicii, ec i'Uu- ftrisMagiftra ad perftrendasfortunx vices. Volyb. Pnhlifhed by /iittberiry. BOSTON; Printed by fohfi Fofter, in the. year 1077, Fac-simile of the Title Page or "[Iui!Bard's Nakrative. Boston, 1677." No. CATALOGUE. 167 1815 Hubbard's Map of New England, engraved probably by John Foster, the first printer of Boston; remarks made before the Mass. Hist. Society, Nov. 8, 1888, with a fac-simile of the map. By S. A. Green, .pp. 10, 1888; — Remarks on Hubbard's Map of New England. By Charles Deane. pp. 12. 1888. 2 pamphlets. 1816 [HuBER, Madame.] The World Unmasked; or the Philosopher the greatest cheat. Translated from the French. Second ed. pp. 359, 300. 2 vols. 16° half gilt. London, 1743 1817 HuDiBRAS continued, in two cantos; written in the time of the unhappy contest between Great Britain and America, in 1777 and 1778. 16° calf. London, 1778 1818 Hudson. A Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hud- son, his Friends, Relatives and early Life. By J. M. Read, Jr. pp. 209. Frontispiece. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1866 '1819 Hudson. Sketch of Henry Hudson, the Navigator. By Dr. G. M. Asher. pp. 23. 8° sheets folded in original • wrapper. Brooklyn, 1867 '1820 Hughes, Griffith. The Natural History of Barbados. pp. 314 and appendix. Illustrated with copper plates. Folio, cal£, (rebacked). London, 1750 182 1 Hull, Brig. General William. Trial of, by a Court (^ /S C I ^SLTt'ial held at Albany, January 1814; — Memoirs of the Campaign of the Northern Western Army, A. D. 1812. In one volume. 8° half calf. New York and Boston, 1812-14 ''1822 Hull. Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of; pre- pared from his Manuscripts by his Daughter, Mrs. Ma- ria Campbell. 8° cloth. ' New York, 1848 With "Wheeler's Speech, Feb. 18, 1883 in House of Rep." in rela- tion to Hull's Surrender, laid in. 1823 Humboldt, Alexander von. Cosmos, a sketch of a physi- cal description of the Universe. Translated by E. C. Ott^. Portrait. 5 vols. 12° cloth. Bohn : London, 1849 1824 Humboldt. Letters to Varnhagen von Ense, written between the years 1827 and 1858; together with Varn- hagen's Diaries and Letters from Varnhagen and others to Humboldt, pp. 334. 8° cloth, uncut. London, i860 1825 Humboldt. Life of. By Karl Bruhns. Translated by Jane and Caroline Lassell. pp. 412, 447. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1873 1826 Hume, Rev. A. The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom, pp. 294, 72. 12° cloth. .London, 1853 i68 CATALOGUE. 1827 Hume, David. History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. New edi- tion. Portrait. 6 vols. 8° polished calf, extra, mar- bled edges, by Riviere. Boston, 1854 1828 Hume. Philosophical Works of. 4 vols. 8° polished calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. Boston, 1854 1829 Humphreys, David. An Historical Account of the in- corporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, pp. 356. 8° calf. T.,ondon, 1730 1830 Humphreys. Miscellaneous Works. Portrait. 8" mot- tled calf. New York, 1804 Autograph letter of the Author and 2 portraits inserted. 183 1 PIuMPHREYS. Essay on the Life of Major Gen. Israel Putnam; with a sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, by S. Swett. Portrait, pp. 276. 12° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1818 1832 HuNNEWELL, James. Journal of the Voyage of the " Missionary Packet" Boston to Honolulu, 1826, With maps and plates and a memoir, pp. 77. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Charlestown, 1880 Only 100 copies privately printed. Presentation copy. ■1833 HuNNEWELL, Jamcs F. An American Shrine, pp. 13, 1870; — ■ Commemoration of 250th Anniversary of First Church, Charlestown, Mass. pp. 60, 1882. 2 pamphlets. 1834 [Hunt, Freeman.] American Anecdotes; original and select. 2 vols. 12° half calf, uncut, gilt tops. Boston, 1830 1835 Hunt Genealogy. Genealogy of the Name and Family of Hunt. By T. B. Wyman, Jr. 4° cloth. Boston, 1862 1836 Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and some of his Contem- poraries; with recollections of the author's life and of his visit to Italy, pp. 450, 450. Second ed. 2 por- traits. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut, (shaken). London, 1828 1837 Hunt, William. Historic Towns. Bristol. Maps. 12° cloth. London, 1887 1838 Hunter, John D. Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes, located west of the Mississippi, pp. 402. 8° sheep. Phila., 1823 1839 [Hunter, Joseph.] Who wrote Cavendish's Life of Wolsey? pp. 56. Small 4° half russia. London, 1815 With bookplate of Thomas Bell, 1797. 1840 Hunter. The Hallamshire Glossary. pp. 164. 12° calf, gilt edges, W. Pickering: London, 1829 CATALOGUE. 169 1 84 1 Hunter. English Monastic Libraries. I. A Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton; IL Notices of the Libraries belonging to other Religious Houses, pp. 30. Small 4° paper. London, 183 r 1842 Hunter. New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakespeare, supplementary to all the Editions, pp. 425, 373. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 1843 Hunter. Critical and Historical Tracts. I. Agin- court. n. Collections concerning the early history of the founders of New Plymouth. HI. Milton. IV. Robin Hood. 4 vols. 12° paper. London, 1849-52 1844 Hunter. Collections concerning the Church or Con- gregation of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby, in the time of King James I, the Founders of New Plymouth, pp. 205. Second ed. Frontispiece. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1854 1845 Hunter. A Brief Memoir of the late Joseph Hunter, with a descriptive catalogue of his principal separate publications and contributions to the " Archaeologia. " pp. 48. 8° boards. Privately printed: London, 1861 1846 Hunter. Alienation and Recovery of the Offley Estates, 1841; — Roll of Battle Abbey, 1853; — King Henry the VIII in Yorkshire; — Nature, Purpose and Resources of Topography; — Henry the Eighth in Lincolnshire; — Book of Devotions. 6 pamphlets. ;847 Hurd, John C. The Law of Freedom and Bondage in "?the United States. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1862 1848 Hutchinson, Francis. Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft. Second ed. pp. 336. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1720 1849 Hutchinson, Thomas, History of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay, from 1628 to 1750. First ed. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1764-7 'iSqo Hutchinson. The same. Second ed. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1760-68 1851 Hutchinson. The same. Third ed. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Boston, 1795 1852 Hutchinson. History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from 1750 to 1774. Vol. 3. Portrait. 8° morocco. London, 1828 1853 Hutchinson. The same, with following title: History, etc., from 1749-1774, comprising a detailed narrative of the origin and stages of the American Revolution. With preface 16 pp. inserted, also a plate. 8° morocco^, uncut, London, 1828 170 CATALOGUE. 1854 Hutchinson. History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Third ed. Fragment of 128 pp. published in the " Royal American Magazine," January, 1774 to April, 177s and discontinued on that date. 8° half mo- rocco. I. Thomas: Boston, (1774) 185s Hutchinson. Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. pp. 576. 8° morocco, (corner of title mended). Boston, 1769 1856 Hutchinson. Diary and Letters of. Compiled from the original documents, by P. O. Hutchinson. Portrait and fac-sirailes. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1884-6 1857 Hutchinson and Oliver. Copy of Letters sent to Great Britain, by Thomas Hutchinson, Andrew Oliver, and several other persons, born and educated among us. pp. 94. 8° cloth, (last leaf mended). Boston, 1773 1858 Hutchinson. The same. Second ed. 8° half calf. London, 1774 1859 ImLAY, Gilbert. The Emigrants, etc., or the His- 1 tory of an Expatriated Family, being a Delineation of English Manners, drawn from real Characters. 3 vols. 12° sheep, (broken). London, 1793 i860 Imlay. a Topographical Description of the Western /Territory of North America. Maps. Third ed. 8° half morocco. London, 1797 1861 Inchiquin's Letters. Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters during a late Residence in the United States. By C. J. Ingersoll, New York, 1810; — The United States and England; being a Reply to the Criticism on Inchi- quin's Letters, contained in the Quarterly Review, Jan., 1814, New York, 1815 ; -t^^emarks on the Review of Inchiquin's Letters. By Timothy Dwight. 3 vols. 8° '^ boards. Boston, 1815 1862 Impartial History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commence- ment to the Year 1779. . . Illustrated with a variety of beautiful copper-plates, representing real and ani- mated Likenesses of those celebrated Generals who have distinguished themselves in the important contest, pp. 608, 44. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1780 Map and 13 full-length Portraits of American and British Gen- erals. 1863 Indian War, 1655. A Brief and true Narrative of the Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Natives towards the Dutch Nation. Translated by E. B. O'Callaghan. pp. 48. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1863 CATALOGUE. 171 1864 Indians. A Voice from the Marshpee Indians, Jan., 1834. pp. 14. 8° half morocco. (Boston.) 1865 Indians. Laws of the Colonial and State Governments relating to Indians and Indian Affairs, from 1633 to 1831. pp. 250, 72. 8° half calf, gilt. Washington, 1832 1866 Indians. Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, delivered in the U. S. Con- gress, April and May, 1830. pp. 299. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1830 1867 Indians. Buk of Djenesis in Mikmak. pp. 213. 16° sheep. Eizak Pitman: Bath, 1857 1868 Indians. Comparative Vocabulary of Algonquin Dia- lects, from Heckewelder's Manuscripts, pp. 7; • — Vo- cabularies, by Zeisberger. pp. 20. 2 vols. 4° paper. Cambridge, 1887 1869 Indians. Dakota and English Service Book. pp. 135. 12° cloth. New York, 1875 1870 Ingersoll, Ernest. History of the Oyster Industry. Plates. 4° paper. Washington, 188 1 ''1871 [Ingraham, E. D.] a Sketch of the Events which pre- ceded the Capture of Washington by the British, on the 24th of August, 1814. pp. 66. Map. 8° boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1849 1872 Inquiry (An) respecting the Original Copies and An- cient Versions of the New Testament, pp. 31. 8° half roan. Liverpool, 1820 1873 Instructions by the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs in America, to . . who is appointed . . . of the Customs at the Port of . . . in America, pp. 35. (No title.) 8° half calf. ' (1771) 1874 Instructions to the Envoys Extraordinary and Minis- ters Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the French Republic, June 22, 1798. .pp. 131. 8° half roan. Philadelphia. 1875 Ipswich, Mass. History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamil- ton. By Joseph B. Felt. 8° full morocco, gilt. Cambridge, 1834 1876 Irish Eloquence. The Speeches of the celebrated Irish Orators, Philips, Curran and Grattan. pp. 370. 8° sheep. Philadelphia, 1843 1877 Ireland, W. H. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) Miscellan- eous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare in the Possession of Samuel Ireland, pp. 156, 7- Fac-simile. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1796 J72 CATALOGUfE. 1878 Ireland, W. H. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) [Melton, John.] A Sixe-Folde Politician. Together with a Sixe- Folde Precept of Policy, pp. 241. Small 4° morocco. London, 1609 Large Paper : only 3 copies believed to be in existence. This is one of the books, which Ireland, the author of Shakes- peare's Forgeries, pretended to have found among Shakespeare's Library, with Shakespeare's signatures on title and MSS. notes in the text. This book contains the signature in three different places. George Steevens ascribes this work (noted by him as " so uncom- mon as to have escaped the researches of our most industrious col- lectors of ancient publications ") to the father of John Milton, the poet. Isaac Reed, however, and Dr. Farmer both consider it the production of John Melton, author of the Astrologaster. 1879 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) Miscellaneous Pa- pers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare, including the Tragedy of King Lear, and a small Fragment of Hamlet, from the origi- nal MSS. in the Possession of Samuel Ireland, of Nor- folk Street. pp. 107, 7. Fac-similes. Large folio boards, uncut. London, 1796 1880 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) An Authentic Ac- count of the Shaksperian manuscripts, etc. By W. H. Ireland, pp. 43. 8° calf. London, 1796 1881 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) Shakspeare's manuscripts, in the possession of Mr. Ireland examined. By Philalethes. pp. 34. 8° half calf. London, 1796 1882 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) An Inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal documents, published Dec. 24, 1795 and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton. By Edmond Malone. pp. 424. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1796 1883 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) An Investigation of Mr. Malone's claim to the character of scholar or critic, being ah examination of his Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Shakespeare manuscripts. By Samuel Ireland, pp. 154. 8° calf. London, (1797) 1884 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) Vortigern, an Historical Tragedy, and Henry the Second, an Histori- cal Drama, supposed to be written by the author of Vortigern. pp. 76, 78. 8° calf. London, 1799 1885 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) Vortigern under Consideration; with general remarks on Mr. James Boaden's letter to George Steevens relative to the manuscripts, etc., ascribed to Shakespeare, pp. 67. 8° calf. London, 1796 CATALOGUE. 173 1886 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) Vortigern; an historical play, with an original preface. By W. H. Ireland, pp. 58. 8° calf. London, 1832 1887 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) Passages selected by distinguished personages on the great Literary Trial of Vortigern and Rowena, a comi-tragedy. Eighth ed. pp. 104, 128. 2 vols, in one. 16° calf, gilt. London. 1888 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) A Comparative Review of the opinions of Mr. James Boaden, in 1795 and of James Boaden, Esq., in February, 1796, relative to the Shakspeare MSS. pp. 59. 8° calf. London, n. d. 1889 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) An Apology for the Believers in the Shakspeare Papers, which were exhibited in Norfolk Street. (By Geo. Chalmers.) pp. 628. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1797 1890 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) A Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare Papers, being a reply to Mr. Malone's answer. By George Chalmers, pp. 656. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1799 189 1 Ireland. (Shakespeare Forgeries.) The Confessions of William Henry Ireland, containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakespeare Manuscripts, pp. 317, 18. Frontispiece. 8° half calf. London, 1805 1892 Ireland. Stultifera Navis, the Modern Ship of Fools. pp. 295. Plate, colored. 16° half calf. London, 1807 ■ 1893 Irving, Washington. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. pp. 326, 343. 2 vols. 8° half calf, un- cut. London, 1821 ■ 1894 Irving. The Sketch Book. pp. 296, 316. Frontis- pieces. 2 vols. 18° cloth. Murray: London, 1845 1895 Irving. History of New York. By Diedrich Knicker-v bocker. pp. 452. 12° cloth. New York, 1848 1896 Irvingiana; a memorial of Washington Irving. No paging. Portraits on India paper. Royal 4° boards, uncut. New York, i860 Large Paper : only no copies printed. . 1897 Jackson, Andrew. Brief and Impartial History of \^ the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson. By a Free Man. pp. 216. Portrait. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1831 /1898 Jackson. Life of. By James Parton. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, i860 174 CATALOGUE. 1899 [Jackson, Jonathan.] Thoughts upon the Political Sit- uation of the United States of America, in which that of Massachusetts is more particularly considered, with some observations on the Constitution for a Federal Government addressed to the people of the Union, pp. 209. 8° half calf, uncut. Worcester, 1788 1900 Jamaica. The Laws of Jamaica, pass'd by the Gover- nour's Council and Assembly in that Island, pp. 457. 8° calf. London, 1716 ■1901 Jamaica. A New History of Jamaica, from the Earliest Accounts, to the Taking of Porto Bello by Vice Ad- miral Vernon. pp. 340. Maps. 8° calf, (cracked.) London, 1740 1902 James, G. P. R. History of the Life of Edward, the Black Prince, pp. 416, 371. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Fhila. , 1842 1903 James. Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1847 1904 James I. God and the King: or, a dialogue shewing that our Soveraign Lord, the King of England, being immediate under God within his Dominions, doth rightly claim whatsoever is required by the Oath of Allegiance. Portrait, pp. 40. Small 4'^ stitched. London, 1663 1905 James I. The Connexion; being choice collections of some principal matters in King James his Reign, pp. 175. 18° half morocco. London, 1681 1906 James I. Truth brought to Light; or, the History of the First 14 years of King James I. Portrait. 12° calf. London, 1692 1907 James, Capt. Thomas. The Strange and Dangerovs Voyage of Captaine Thomas lames, in his intended Dis- couery of the Northwest Passage to the South Sea. Wherein the miseries indvred both Going, Wintering, Returning: and the Rarities obserued, both philosophi- call and mathematicall, are related in this lournall of it. pp. 120, 22. With a fac-simile map. Small 4° light polished calf, extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. (Neatly re- paired on inner margins.) London, 1633 "James's expedition was fitted out with tlie aid of merchants of Bristol, under the patronage of King Charles I., to whom the book is dedicated. He left Bristol on the 3d of May, 1631, and returned on the 23d of October, of the following year. 1908 James. The same. Second ed. Map. pp. i, 8, 142. 8° half morocco. London, 1740 CATALOGUE. 175 1909 Jameson, Anna. Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second, with their Portraits. Second ed., enlarged. 21 fine portraits, pp. 183, 243. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1838 1910 Jameson. Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad. 2 vols; — Characteristics of Women, moral, poetical and historical. Together 3 vols. 12° doth. London and Boston, 1839-46 1911 Janeway, James. A Token for Children; to which is added, a Token for the Children of New England, pp. 156. 16° antique calf. Z. Fowle: Boston, 1771 1912 Janson, William. A View of the present Condition of the States of Barbary. pp. 206. Maps. Second ed. 12° sheep. London, 1816 1913 Jay, John. Life of, with selections from his corres- Dondence and miscellaneous papers. By William Jay. ^Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. New York, 1833 1914 [Jebb, Dr. Samuel] Life of Robert Earl of Leicester, the Favourite of Queen Elizabeth, pp. 277 and appen- dix. 8° calf. London, 1727 1915 Jefferson, Thomas. Writings of, being his autobiogra- phy, correspondence, reports and other writings. Edited by H. A. Washington. 9 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1861 ' 1916 Jefferson. Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies from the Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by '"t. J. Randolph. Second ed. Portrait. 4 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1830 191 7 Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia, written in the year 1781, somewhat corrected and enlarged in the winter of 1782. pp. 391, 14, 4. 8° sheep. (Fac-simile title page.) Paris, (1784) This is the first edition of JefEerson's Notes privately printed in Paris, in 1784. Only 200 copies printed. '^igi8 Jefferson. Observations sur la Virginie. Traduites de Anglois. Map. pp. 290, 4. 8° half sheep. Paris, 1786 The first published edition. 1919 Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia, pp. 382. Maps. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1787 1920 Jefferson. The same. First American edition, pp. 244. 8° sheep. Phila., 1788 1 92 1 Jefferson. The same. Second American edition, pp. 336. Map. 8° sheep. Phila., 1794 J022 Jefferson. The same. With appendix relative to the murder of the Logan family, pp. 336, 58. 8° sheep. Phila., 1794 176 CATALOGUE. 1923 ■1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 f 1929 1930 1931 1932 Jefferson. Notes on the Sale of Virginia. pp. 194, 53, 21. 8° siieep. Baltimore, 1800 Jefferson. The same. Third American edition, pp. 392. Map and portrait by Scoles. 8° half russia, (broken). New York, 1801 Jefferson. The same. pp. 364. Map and portrait. 8° half calf, (name on title). Boston, 1801 Jefferson. The same. pp. 436, 56. Map and por- trait by Harrison, Jr. 8° sheep. Phila., 1801 Jefferson. The same. pp. 363. Portrait by B. Tan- ner. 12° sheep, (cracked). Jefferson. The same. pp. 368. / t6° sheep. Jefferson. Jefferson. Jefferson. Jefferson. cloth. The same. pp. 344. The same. pp. 280. The same. pp. 280. The same. pp. 275. 1933 '1934 1 ■'193s 1936 1937 Trenton, 1803 Portrait by Gridley. Boston, 1802 12° sheep. Phila., 1825 16° sheep. Boston, 1829 16° sheep. Boston, 1832 Maps and plates. 8° Richmond, 1853 Jefferson. Life of. By Henry S. Randall. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1858 Jefferson. Life of. By George Tucker. Portrait. pp. 545, 525. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1837 Jefferson at Monticello. The private life of Thomas Jefferson. By Rev. H. W. Pierson. pp. 138. Plate and fac-similes. 8° cloth. New York, 1862 Jefferys, Thomas. The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America, pp. 168, 246. Maps and plans. 2 vols, in one. Folio, half russia. London, 1760 Jefferys. The American Atlas; or a geographical de- scription of the whole continent of America; wherein are delineated at large its several regions, countries, states and island; and chiefly the British colonies, com- posed from numerous surveys, several of which were made by order of government, etc. Engraved on forty-nine copperplates. Folio, half calf. London, 1776 This valuable collection is composed of separate maps mostly executed by the surveyors of the various states on a large scale. New England, 1774, by Hazzen, etc. ; New York and New Jersey, by Major Holland, 1776; Pennsylvania, by Wm. Scull, 1770; Virginia and Maryland, by Fry and Jefferson, 1775; North and South Carolina, by Henry Mouzon, 1775 ; Lake Champlain, by Wm. Braasier, 1762, etc. CATALOGUE. 177 / '1918 Jefferys. West-India Atlas, or a correct description of the West Indies. 40 maps. Large folio, half calf. London, 1775 1939 [Jenks, William.] Memoir of the Northern Kingdom, written a.d. 1872. By Williamson Jahnsensykes. pp. 48. 8° stitched. Quebeck, a.d., 1901. (1808) 1940 Jenks, William. An Eulogy illustrative of the Life of the late James Bowdoin, with notices of his family, pro- nounced in Brunswick, Me., Sept. 2, 1812. pp. 40. Royal 4° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1812 1941 Jenks. Explanatory Bible Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer. pp. 157. Plates. Royal 4° half roan. Boston, 1850 1942 Jenness, J. S. The Isles of Shoals, an historical sketch. Second ed. Maps and illustrations, pp. 214. 12° cloth. New York, 1875 1943 Jenness. Transcripts of Original Documents in the English Archives relating to the early history of the State of New Hampshire. Map; — Notes on the First Planting of New Hampshire and on the Piscataqua Patent. Map. 2 vols, royal 8° boards and paper. Privately printed: New York and Portsmouth, 1876-8 1944 Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the Court of England, during the Reign of the Stuarts, 4 vols., 1840; — George Selwyn and his Contemporaries, 4 vols., 1843; — Memoirs of the Court of England to the Death of George the Second, 3 vols., 1843; — Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents, 2 vols., 1845; — Literary and Historical Memorials of London, 2 vols., 1847. Portraits and plates. Together 15 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London. 1945 Jewitt. Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of John R. Jewitt, only Survivor of the Crew of the Ship Boston, during a Captivity of nearly three Years among the Savages of Noatka Sound. Plate. 12° sheep. Middletown, 1815 1946 Jogues, Rev. Isaac. Novum Belgium; an account of - ---, ^ New Netherland in 1643-4. With a fac-simile of his " ^*' Original Manuscript, his portrait, a map and notes by J. G. Shea. pp. SS- Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Large Paper. Privately printed: New York, 1862 1947 Johnson, Captain Charles. General History of the Rob- beries and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates, from 1717 to 1724. Plates, pp. 320. 8° calf. London, 1724 1948 Johnson. The same. Second ed. pp. 427. 8° calf. London, 172/^ 178 CATALOGUE. 1949 Jesuit Relations. Cramoisy Series of Jesuit Memoirs, Relations, etc., relating to the French Colonies in North America. Edited by J. G. Shea. 13 vols, half calf, 8 vols, cloth and one vol. in sheets. Together 22 vols. 8° and royal 8°. Nouvelle York, 1857-66 Only 100 copies printed, and sets seldom occur for sale. Comprises: — I. Bigot, Jacques. Copie d'une Lettre escrite I'An 1684. Man- ate, 1858. II. Bigot. The same. Cancelled edition. Manate, 1858. III. Bigot. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans la Mission Abnaquise, I'Annee, 1685. Manate, 1858. IV. Bigot, Vincent. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus re- marquable dans la Mission des Abnaquis a I'Acadie, I'Annee 1701. V. Cavelier, M. Relation du Voyage entrepris par feu M. Robert Cavelier, pour decouvrir dans le golfe du Mexique I'embauchure du Fleuve di Mississippi. Manate, 1858. VI. Chaumonot, P. J. M. La Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph Chaumo- not, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Missionaire dans la Nouvelle France ecrite par lui-m^me, I'An 1688. Nou-selle York, 1858. VII. Chaumonot. Suite de sa Vie, avec la maniere d'orasion du venerable p^re, ecrit par lui-meme. Nouvelle York, 1858. VIII. Franchepain, Rev. Mere. Relation du Voyage des premieres Ursulines a la Nouvelle Orleans et de leur etablissement en cette Ville. Nouvelle York, 1859. IX. Duquesne. Registres des Baptesmes et Sepultures qui se sontfaitsau Fort Duquesne pendant les annees 17 53-1 7 56. X. Journal de la Guerre du Micissippi centre les Chicachas en 1739 et finie en 1740. Par un officier de I'Armee de M. de Nouaille. XI. Gravier, R. P. Jacques. Relation ou Journal du Voyage, en 1700 depuis de pays des Illinois jusqu'a I'embouchure du Mississippi. XII. Dablon, Claude. Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ de plus re- marquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, 1672 et 1673. Nouvelle York, i85i. XIII. Dablon. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarqua- ble aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, 1673 ^t i679- Map. Quebec, i860. XIV. Shea, J. G. Relations diverses sur la Bataille du Malan- gueule, gagne le 9 Juillet, 1755 par les Fran9ois sous M. de Beaujeu, sur les Anglois, sous M. Braddock. Portrait. Nouvelle York, i860. XV. Montigny, St. Cosne et de la Source. Relation de la Mission du Mississippi en 1700. Nouvelle York, 1861. XVI. Jogues, Isaac. Novum Belgium. Description de Nieuw Netherland et Notice sur Rene Goupil. Large Paper. XVII. Sagean, Mathieu. Extrait de la Relation des Avantures et Voyage de M. Sagean. Nouvelle York, 1863. XVIII. Milet, Pierre. Relation de sa Captivite parmi les Onnei- outs en 1690-1. Large Paper. Nouvelle York, 1864. XIX. Shea, J. G. Recueil de Pieces sur la Negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre, es annees 1648 et suivantes. Nouvelle York, 1866. XX. Gravier, Jacques. Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la Mis- sion de rimmaculate Conception ou Pays des Illinois, 1 693-1 697. XXI. Dreuillettes, Rev. Gabrieles. Epistola ad Dominum lUust. Joannem Wintrop. Neo Eboraci, 1869. XXII. Bigot, Jacques. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus re- marquable dans la Mission Abnaquise de Sainct Joseph de Sillery, I'annee 1684. Manate, 1857. CATALOGUE. 179 195° Johnson, Edward. A History of New England from the English planting in the Yeere 1628 until the Yeere 1652. Declaring the form of their Government, Civill, Military and Ecclesiastique. Their Wars with the In- dians, their Troubles with the Gortonists, and other Heretiques. Their manner of gathering Churches, the Commodities of the Country, and description of the principall Towns and Havens, etc. pp. 236, (2). Small 4° antique calf, red edges. Nath. Brooke: London, 1654 Generally known as Johnson's " Wonder Working Providence," which is the running-title of the book. The author came in the fleet with Governor Winthrop in 1630. In 1643, ^^ went with Captain Cooke and forty men to Rhode Island, to take Samuel Gorton, who had become obnoxious to the Massachusetts government. For twenty-eight years he was a member of the General Court of Massa- chusetts, and at one time Speaker. 1951 Johnson. Wonder-working Providence of Sions Saviour in New England, London, 1654. With an Historical Introduction and an Index, by W. F. Poole, pp. 154, 265. 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Andover, 1867 Only 200 copies printed. 1952 Johnson, Francis. Hitopadesa, or the Counsels of Vishnu Sarman in a Series of connected Fables. Trans- lated literally, from the Sanscrit, pp. 121. Imperial 8° boards. London, 1848 1953 Johnson, John. Typographia; or the Printers' Instruc- tor; including an account of the origin of printing, with biographical notices of the printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century: A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets and Domesday Char- acters, etc. 2 vols. 12° boards, uncut. London, 1824 Large Paper. 1954 Johnson, L. D. Memoir of Mrs. Thomazin Johnson, of Braintree, Mass., with an account of her lineage from John Alden. 18° cloth. Boston, 1835 1955 Johnson, Mrs. Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. John- son, containing an account of her sufferings, during four years with the Indians and French. First ed. 16° calf, red edges. Walpole, N. H., 1796 1956 Johnson. The same. Fourth ed. 18° calf. Lowell, 1834 1957 Johnson, Samuel. Dictionary of the English Language. First ed. 3 vols, large folio, calf, (cracked). London, 1755 1958 Johnson. English Dictionary. 8° sheep. Phila., 1834 1959 Johnson. Life of Samuel Johnson, including a Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides. By James Boswell. New edition, with notes and additions, by J. W. Croker. 50 plates. 10 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 t§o CATALOGUE. i960 Johnson, W. S. Life and Times of William Samuel ' Johnson, first Senator in Congress from Connecticut, and President of Columbia College, New York. By E. W. Beardsley. pp. 218. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1876 1961 Johnson, Charles. A Narrative of the Incidents attend- ing the Capture, Detention and Ransom of Charles Johnson , who was made prisoner by the Indians on the River Ohio, in 1790. pp. 264. 12° boards, uncut. New York, 1827 1962 Jones, Charles C. Jr. Historical Sketch of Tomo-Chi- Chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. pp. 133. 8° boards, un- cut. Albany, 1868 A. L. S. of the author inserted. 1963 Jones. Hernando de Soto. The adventures encountered and the route pursued by the Adelantado during his march through the territory embraced within the pres- ent limits of the State of Georgia, pp. 43. Portrait. 8° boards. Privately printed: Savannah, 1880 1964 Jones. Addresses before the Confederate Survivors Association, 1885-9. 5 pamphlets. Augusta, Ga. 1965 Jones. Sepulture of Major Gen. Nathanael Greene and of Brig-Gen. Count Casimir Pulaski, pp. 14; — Life and Services of Ex-Gov. C. J. Jenkins, a memoriaiaddress, July 23, 1883; — Biographical Sketch of Major John Habersham of Georgia, pp. 30, 1886; — Life and Ser- vices of Major Gen. Samuel Elbert of Georgia, 1887. 4 vols. 8° paper. 1966 Jones. Letters of Joseph Jones of Virginia, 1771-1787. (By W. C. Ford.) pp. 157. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Washington, 1889 Only 250 copies printed. Presentation copy. 1967 Jones, George. History of Ancient America, anterior to the Time of Columbus. Vol. i. The Tyrian Era. Third ed. pp. 461. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1843 /1968 Jones, Paul. Life of Paul Jones, from Original Docu- "' i ments in the Possession of John Henry Sherburne, pp. 320. 8° half russia, uncut, gilt top. London, 1825 1969 Jones. Memoirs of, compiled from his Original Jour- nals and Correspondence, pp. 331, 341. 2 vols, in i. 12° cloth. London, 1843 1970 Jones, Thomas. History of New York during the Revo- lutionary War, and the leading events in the other Colonies at that period. Edited by E. F. DeLancy. Maps and portraits on India paper. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1879 CATALOGUE. i8i 1971 JONSON, Ben. The Works of Beniamin Jonson. pp. 1015. Engraved title and 2 inserted portraits. Small folio, half russia, (broken). William Stansby: London, 1616 Jonson's own edition. With bookplates of Richard Morgan Graves, engraved by M. Dar- ling, and of E. D. Ingraham. 1972 Jordan Memorial. Family Records of the Rev. Robert Jordan, and his Descendants in America. By T. F. Jordan, pp. 488. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1882 1973 JossELYN, John. New England's Rarities Discovered in , Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents and Plants of that Coun- try, pp. (1), I, 114, list of books, pp. 2, and dragon, pp. I. 16° calf, by Hayday. London, 1672 Many wood cuts, with cut of lavender plant inserted. "The earliest work on the Natural History of New England, and deserves credit for its originality." "^1974 JossELYN. New England's Rarities. With an introduc- tion and notes by E. Tuckerman. pp. 169. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. 1975 JossELYN. An Account of Two Voyages to New England . . . A Description of the Countrey, Natives and Creatures, with their Mercantil and Physical use; the government of the countrey as it is now possessed by the English, pp. (i), 4, 279. 16° sheep. London, 1674 / With the Dragon opposite the title. 1976 JossELYN. An Account of two Voyages to New Eng- land, made during the years 1638, 1663. pp. 211. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. 1977 Journal of American Folk-Lore. Vols, i and 2. 2 > vols. 8° in parts, uncut. Boston, 1888-9 ^978 Journal, Acts and Proceedings of the Convention, assembled at Philadelphia, September 1787, which formed the constitution of the United States, pp. 510. 8° sheep, (broken.) Boston, 1819 1979 Juan and Ulloa. A Voyage to South America, describ- ing the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, etc., on that continent. Translated by John Adams, pp. 479, 420, (28). Map and plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1806 Autograph of Robert Southey, the binding by his daughters, with bookplate on reverse of first title. / i82 CATALOGUE. / 1980 JouTEL. Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage que M ' de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver rembouchure & le cours de la Rivifere de Missicipi nom- mde \ present la Rivifere de Saint Louis, qui traverse la Louisiane. Map. pp. 386. 12° old calf. Paris, 1713 1981 JouTEL. A Journal of the last Voyage perform'd by Mons. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Mississippi River. Written in French by Monsieur Joutel. Map. pp. 210. 8° calf. London, 1714 First English edition. 1/1982 JUARROS, Don Domingo. Statistical and Commercial History of the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America. Translated by J. Baily. pp. 520. 2 maps. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1823 1983 JUDD, Rev. Sylvester. A Moral View of the Revolii- " '^ tionary War, a discourse delivered in Augusta, March 13, 1842. pp. 48. 8° half roan. Hallowell, 1842 1984 Junius. The Genuine Letters of Junius. To which are prefixed anecdotes of the author.' pp. 366. 8° calf, (rebacked). London, 1771 First collected edition, issued the year before the first authorized edition. 1985 Junius. (The first authorized Edition.) pp. 208, 356. 2 vols. 16° calf. Printed for H. S. Woodfall: London, 1772 1986 Junius; including letters by the same writers under other signatures. New and enlarged edition, by John Wade. pp. 476, 458. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Bohn: London, 1850 1987 Junius. The History of Junius and his Works, and a review of the controversy respecting the identity of Junius, with appendix. By John Jaques. Portraits; 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1843 1988 Justice over Unjust Judges, pp. 27. 4° half roan, (name cut from title). Re-printed in the year 1732 WB^TSSSSf^WmSSISSi^^^ISSSi^ 1878. C. F, LIBBIE & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 666 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. s J 898; . Auction Sale?^ TuEsbAY, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 29th, to April ijst, f898v TUESDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK, bTHER jtJAYS AT 10 AND 2 O'CLOCK. PART H. K TO END. CATALOGtJE OF THE VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE CHARLES DEANE, LIJ. D. CATALOGUE, BOTH PARTS, PRICE, $1.00. e. f . UBBi^ & co^; AucTio^ERs AND Appraisers, $66 WASfflN^TON STREET, B€BTO^;*lASS. T R V E RE lation of fuch occur rences and accidents of noateas haih hapned in Virginia fincc the firft pla nting of that CoUony , which is now rcfident in the South partthercof,tiU thelaftrcturncfiom thence. Writtit* hy Cap f aim Smith Corenellofthe faid Cellmy, te /» wor/^;^// friend of his in England* L ?i^DO ^ Printed for John Tappe^ and are co bee loldc at the Greys hound in Piulcs-Cbnrch yardj bj IV. IV. 1 5 o 8 Fac-simile of the Title Page ok "Smith's True Relation, i6o8.' No. 3271. CATALOGUE, part ii OF THE VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE CHARLES DEA/NE, LL D.. COMPRISING A FINE COLLECTION of RARE AMERICANA INCLUDING EARLY VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES, Linschoten, 1596 and 1598; Peter Martyr, 1516, 1533_, 1574, 1612; Pomponius Mela, 1512 and 151S; Ptolemy, 1542; Purchas Pilgrimes, a beautiful set of all editions, Vespucius Cosmograpliia, 1507, etc., etc. A COMPLETE SET OF THE ORIGINAL WORKS OF CAPT. JOHN SMITH. ORIGINAL WORKS OF THE EARLY NEW ENGLAND HISTORIANS AND DIVINES, Tiie Mathers, John Norton, Thomas Prince, Thomas Shepard, Thomas Lech- ford, Nathaniel Morton, Thomas Morton, George Mourt, Thomas Pyrchon. John Robinson, John Underhill, William Vaughan, P. Vincent, Nathaniel Ward, John White, Richard Whitbourne, Thomas Welde and John Winthrop, Michael Wigglesworth, Roger Williams, Edward Winslow, William Wood, Arthur Woodnoth, etc., etc. RARE BOOKS relating to the Indians, Quakers, Puritans, Pilgrims, Roundheads, Witchcraft, Shakespearana, Town Histories, Genealogies, Revolutionary Tracts, New England Primers, etc. Complete Set of Publications of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Prince Society, 19 vols., N. E. and Gen. Register, 42 vols., Sabin's, Munsell's and other Histori- cal Reprints. RARE ENGLISH BOOKS AND FIRST EDITIONS. PORTRAITS, MAPS AND AUTOGRAPHS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUES., WED., THUR8. AND FRIDIIY. MARCH 29 TO APRIL 1, Wl, . TUESDRY AT 2 O'CLOCK, OTHER DAYS RT 10 AND 2 O'CLOCK, In the Library Salesroom, 666 Washington St., TER,3Sd:S CA-SIi. C. F. LIBBIE h CO., Auctioneers and Appraisers. BOSTON, PRESS OF THE LiBBtE SHOW PRINT, 6-12 BEACH ST.. BOSTON. /NOTICE. Printed Lists of prices realized at tliis sale will be furnislned sliortly after eacli sale. PRICE, BOTH PARTS - - $1.00. MAILED UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE. C. F. LIBBIE & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS, g66 WASHINGTON STREET, eOSTON, ORDER OF SALE. Morning Sessions at 10 o'clock. Afternoon Sessions at 2 o'clock. Tuesday Afternoon, March 29 Wednesday Morning, " 30 Wednesday Afternoon, " 30 Thursday Morning, " 31 Thursday Afternoon, " 31 Friday Morning, April i Friday Afternoon, " 1 Nos 1989 to 2291 " 2292 ' ' 2601 " 2602 ' ' 2914 " 2915 ' ' 3222 " 3223 ' ' ^527 " 3528 ' ' 3843 " ^844 ' End CA^T^LOaiTM CONDITIONS OF SALE. "T^BSiMS CASS. Sitls must be paid before delivery of J- goods, on orders by mail upon receipt offfoods; no credit given under any cit'cumstances. Deposits must be made when requested. Sooks are sold per volume, pamphlets per part or piece, and bids by tnail, or otherwise, must be made accordingly. JVo charges made for buying when parties are unable to attend the sale. To purchasers present at sales, books are sold as they are, without recourse for imperfections. On orders sent to us, books are guaranteed as catalogued, in good, sound, second-hand condition, imperfect books (not so described) may be returned. Claims for errors or allowance must be made within three days of receipt of goods. In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be resold. P^RT II. '/, 1989 l^ALM, PiETER. Reis door Noord Amerika. pp. ■'-■ »^W 223, 240, (8). Map and plates. 2 vols, in one. ufo\ 'i"^''^ Large 4° half calf. Utrecht, 1772 1990 Kant, Emmanuel. Logic. Translated by John Rich- ardson, pp. 243. Portraits. 8° half calf, (broken). London, 1819 1991 Keach, Benjamin. Distressed Sion Relieved, a poem, wherein are discovered the grand causes of the churches trouble and misery under the late dismal dispensation, with a complete history of and lamentation for those renowned worthies that fell in England for Popish rage and cruelty from the year 1680-1688. pp. (14), 154, 12. 12° half morocco, uncut. London, 1689 1992 Keach. War with the Devil; or, the young man's con- flict with the powers of darkness. Plate. The eighth impression, pp. 208. 18° half morocco. London, 1684 1993 Keach. The same. Twenty-second edition, pp. 156. Cuts. 18° sheep. London, 177^ (185) i86 CATALOGUE. 1994 Keach. The Travels of True Godliness, from the be- ginning of the world to the present day. Sixth ed. pp. 168. Portrait and cuts. 18° morocco. London, 1760 199s Kean, Edmund. Life of Edmund Kean. pp. 216, 219. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° boards, uncut. London, 1835 1996 Keate, George. A Short Account of the Ancient His- tory, present Government and Laws of the Republic of Geneva, pp. 218. Map. 12° sheep. London, 1761 1997 Keene, N. H. Annals of the Town of Keene, from 1734 to 1790, with corrections, additions and a con- tinuation, from 1790 to 1815. By Salma Hale. pp. 120. Map. 8° half roan. Keene, 1851 1998 Keightley, Thomas. The Fairy Mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of various countries, pp. 560. Frontispiece by Cruikshank. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1850 1999 Keith, George. The Presbytarian and Independent visible Churches in New England and elsewhere, brought to the test and examined, etc. pp. 230. 16° calf, gilt, uncut. London, 1691 2000 Keith. A Journal of Travels from New-Hampshire to Caratuck, on the continent of North-America, pp. 92. Small 4° calf. London, 1706 2001 Keith, William. The History of the British Plantations in America, with a chronological account of the most remarkable things, which happen'd to the first adven- turers in their several discoveries of that new world. Part I. Containing the History of Virginia, etc. (all published.) 2 maps. 4° old calf. London, 1738 2002 Keith. Collection of Papers and other Tracts, written occasionally on various subjects. 12° sheep. London, 1740 This work contains " A Discourse on the present state of the British Plantations in America, with respect to the interest of Great Britain. Sir William Keith was Governor of Pennsylvania from 1717 to 1726. 2003 Kelty, Mary Ann. Memoirs of the Lives and Persecu- tions of the Primitive Quakers. Second ed. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 2004 Kendall, E. A. Travels through the Northern Parts ,i„of the United States, in the years 1807 and 1808. 3 vols. 8° sheep. New York, 1809 2005 Kent, James. Commentaries on American Law. Tenth ed. 4 vols. 8° sheep (broken). Boston, i860 CATALOGUE. 187 2006 [Kennett, White.] iiibliotheca Americanae Primordia. An Attempt towards laying the Foundation of an Amer- ican Library, in several Books, Papers and Writings, humbly given to the Society for Propagation of the Gos- pel in Foreign Parts, for the perpetual Use and Benefit of their Members, their Missionaries, Friends, Corre- spondents and Others concern'd in the Good Design of Planting and promoting Christianity within her Maj- esty's Colonies and Plantations in the West-Indies. 4° half morocco. Printed for J. Churchill: London, 1713 " This, as far as it goes, is the best Catalogue of Books relating to America extant, the titles being copied at full length with the greatest exactness, together with name of the printer, and the number of pages in each volume. It is rich in English tracts relating to New Eng- land." — J?icA. 2007 Kettell, Samuel. Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices. 3 vols. 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Boston, 1829 2008 [Kettell.] Yankee Notions. A Medley. By Timo. Titterwell, Esq. pp. 255. 16° cloth. Boston, 1838 .2009 Keyser, C. S. Penn's Treaty with the Indians, pp. 99. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Philadelphia, 1882 2010 KiDD, Captain. A Full Account of the Proceedings in ?(;. A ly Relation to Capt. Kidd. pp. 51. Small 4° half mo- rocco. London, 1701 201 1 Kidder, Frederic. The Expeditions of Capt. John .Lovewell, and his Encounters with the Indians, pp. 134. Map. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper: only 25 copies printed. 2012 Kidder. Military Operations in Eastern Maine and 2-^ Nova Scotia during the Revolution, pp. 336. Map '^^ and portrait inserted. 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1867 2013 Kidder. History of the First New Hampshire Regi- ment in the War of the Revolution, pp. 184. 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, t868 2014 Kidder. Adventures of Capt. Lovewell, pp. 10; — The Abenaki Indians; their treaties of 1713 and 1717, and a vocabulary, with a historical introduction, pp. 25, 1859;- — ^ The Swedes on the Delaware and their inter- course with New England, pp. 13, 1874; — Discovery of North America, by John Cabot, pp. 15, 1878. 4 pamphlets. 2015 Kimball, D. T. The Fruits of Congregationalism; a Centennial Discourse, delivered before the First Church and Religious Society in Ipswich, Aug. 10, 1834. 8° half roan, gilt. Boston, 1834 i88 CATALOGUE. 2016 KiNGSBOROUGH, Lord. Antiquities of Mexico: compris- ing Fac-similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hier- oglyphics, preserved in tlie Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin and Dresden, in the Imperial Library of Vienna; the Vatican Library,, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, etc. Together with the Monuments of New Spain. By M. Dupaix. The whole illustrated with inedited manu- scripts. The drawings on stone by A. Aglio. 9 vols, imperial folio, half green morocco, uncut edges, gilt tops. London, 1831-1848 '2017 KiNGSLEY, Charles. Hypatia; or. New foes with an old face, 2 vols., 1854; — Lectures delivered in America, i874;-l^Westward Ho (Works, Vol. 6), 1881; — Plays and Puritans, and other historical essays (Works, Vol. 16). 5 vols. 12° cloth. 2018 Kingston, Mass. Report of the Proceedings and Exer- cises at the isoth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Kingston, June 27, 1876. pp. 151. Maps. 4° paper. Boston, 1876 2019 Kingston, W. H. G. John Deane of Nothingham, his Adventures and Exploits, pp. 416. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London. 2020 Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit Missions in North America. Plate. 2 vols, in one. 12° full morocco, gilt, red edges. New York, 1846 2021 Kirke, Henry. The First English Conquest of Canada; with some Account of the earliest Settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, pp. 227. Map. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1871 2022 [Kirkland, Mrs. C. .M.] Forest Life. pp. 250, 234. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1842 2023 Knapp, S. L. Biographical Sketches of eminent Law- yers, Statesmen and Men of Letters, pp. 360. 8° blue morocco, red edges. Boston, 1821 2024 [Knapp. J Sketches of Public Characters, drawn from the Living and the dead. pp. 259. 12° boards, uncut. New York, 1830 2025 Knapp and Crowinshield. Trial of John F. Knapp for the murder of Joseph White, pp. 74. Salem, 1830; ■ — Second Trial of J. F. Knapp, pp. 72. Salem, 1830; — Trials of J. J. Knapp, Jr. and George Crowninshield for the Murder of Joseph White, pp. 31. Boston, 1830; — Biographical Sketch of the celebrated Salem Mur- derer, pp. 24. Boston, 1830. Bound in one volume. 8° boards. CATALOGUE. 189 ■ 2026 Kneeland, Abner. Trial of, for Blasphemy. Argu- ments of the Attorney of the Commonwealth; — Speech by Andrew Dunlap; — Review of the Prosecution against Kneeland; — Speech in his own Behalf. (With auto- graph of Rufus Choate.) 4 pamphlets. Boston, 1834-5 2^1 Knight, Charles. Pictorial History of England, being the history of the people as well as a history of England, from B.C. 55 to 1820, by C. Knight, Prof. Craik, C. Macfarlane, etc. 8 vols. ; also, Martineau's History of England during the Peace, 1800-46, 2 vols. Standard edition. Illustrated with upwards of 2000 engravings and numerous portraits on steel, with the index. To- gether II vols, thick imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1847-50 2028 Knight's Gallery of Portraits, with memoirs. 168 fine portraits, original impressions. 7 vols, imperial 8° r. half morocco, gilt edges. C. Knight: London, 1833-8 2029 "KniCht, Madam. The Private Journal of a Journey from Boston to New York, in the year 1704, kept by Madam Knight, pp. 92. Small 4° half morocco, uncut. Albany, 1865 Only 300 copies printed. 2030 Knight and Buckingham. Private Journal kept by Madam Knight in a journey from Boston to New York, in the year 1704; — Private Journals kept by Rev. John Buckingham of the expedition against Canada, in the years 17 10 and 1711. 12° calf, gilt. New York, 1825 2031 Knox, John. Life of; containing illustrations of the history of the Reformation in Scotland. By Thomas M'Crie. New edition. PP- 539- 2 portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1861 ''2032 Knox, John Jay. United States Notes; a history of the , parlous issues of paper money by the government of ORhe United States. Second ed. revised, pp. 247. Plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1885 2033 Knox, Robert. The Races of Men; a philosophical enquiry into the influence of race over the destinies of nations. Second ed. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1862 /2034 [Knox, William.] The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed, pp. 207, 55. 8° half calf. London, 1769 ■ 2035 Koops, Matthias. Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to describe events and to convey ideas from the earliest date, to the invention of paper. PP 273. Second ed. 8° calf. London, i8or Printed on straw paper. 190 CATALOGUE. 2036 Kohl, J. G. Popular History of the Discovery of Am- erica from Coiumbus to Franlilin. pp. 284. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1865 2037 Kohl. Descriptive Catalogue of those maps, charts and surveys relating to America which are mentioned in vol. 3 of Hakluyt's Great Work, pp. 86, Wash., 1857; — Lecture on the Plan of a Chartographic Depot for the history and geography of the American Continent, pp. 146. 2 vols. 8° half roan. /2038 I ABAT, Pere. Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de I f I'Amerique. Numerous maps and plates. 2 vols. 4° calf. La Haye, 1724 2039 CftCt, Joanne de. Nieuwe Wereldt ofte Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, wt veelderhande Schriften ende Aen-teeckeninghen van verscheyden Natien by een versamelt. jBiock iLetter. pp. 510, (16). First ed. Folio, vellum. Leyden: Isaack Elzevier, Anno 1625 " This work," says Charlevoix, " which was ere long translated into French and published by the same Elzevirs in 1 640, is full of ex- cellent research, as well in regard to the European settlements in America, as in regard to the natural history and the character and manners of the Americans. The author has followed the best sources." 2040 C-oet. Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien. (Second ed.) Slack Cetter. pp. 622, (18). Engraved title and maps. Folio, vellum. Tot Leyden, bij de Elzeviers: 1630 ^041 Laet. Novvs Orbis, seu descriptionibus Indae occiden- talis libri XVIII. pp. 690, (18). Folio, vellum Lugd. Batav., 1633 2042 Lafayette. Memoirs of General Lafayette, with an account of his present visit to this country, and a de- scription of his tour through the United States, pp. 24. Portrait. 8° half roan. Boston, 1825 2043 Lafayette. Recollections of the Private Life of Gen- eral Lafayette. By Jules Cloquet. Embellished with numerous engravings, as in the original Paris edition. PP- (3°)- 339- 8° half calf, gilt, uncut. London, 1835 2044 La Fontaine, Jean de. Fables. Translated by Elizur Wright, Jr. Illustrated by J. J. Granville. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1841 Large Paper. 2045 [Lamb.] A Fresh Suit against Independency; or the National Church-way vindicated, the Independent Church-way condemned, pp. 304. 12° old calf. London, 6771 CATALOGUE. 191 2046 [Lamb, Charles and White, James.] Original Letters, etc., of Sir John Falstaff selected from genuine MSS. Second ed. pp. 123. Plate. 16° calf. London, 1797 ■2047 Lamb, R. An Original and Authentic Journal of Occur- ^, . rences during the late American War from its Com- mencement to the year 1783. pp. 438. 8° boards, un- cut. Dublin, 1809 2048 Lamb. Another copy. 8° sheep. Dublin, 1809 • 2049 Lamb. Memoir of his own Life. pp. 296. 8° half roan, uncut. Dublin, 181 1 ' 2050 Lambert, John. Travels Through Lower Canada and the United States of North America, in the years 1806- 1808. Numerous colored plates and maps. 3 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, i8io 1/2051 Lancaster, Mass. ('entennial Celebration, Willard's i'ofbpS'l Address, 1853; -^Dedication of Lancaster Memorial Hall, 1868; — Address at Lancaster, July 4, 1876, and Memorial Address, May 29, 1880, by John D. Wash- burn. 4 pamphlets. •2052 Lancaster, N. H. Centennial Celebration of the Settle- ment of the Town of Lancaster, July 14, 1864. pp. 72. 8° boards. Lancaster. 2053 Lane, S. Joanna Southcott, M. A. detected, her Prophecies disected, etc. pp. loi. 8° calf. Yeovill, (1811) 2054 Langbaine, Gerard. An Account of the English Dra- matick Poets, pp. 556, 29. 12° calf. Oxford, 1691 2055 Language. Essay on Language, by Hazard, 1857; — An Essay on the Source and Constitution of the Eng- lish Language, by Clarke; — On the Study of Words, by Trench, 1882; — Treatise on English Punctuation, 1855. 4 vols. 16° cloth. . 2056 Lapham, J. A. Wisconsin, its Geography and Topo- graphy, History, Geology and Mineralogy. Second ed. pp. 208. 12° cloth. Milwaukee, 1846 ■/ 2057 La Rochefoucault-Liancourt. Due de. Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years i795i 17961 '^'^^ 1797; with an Authentic Account of Lower Canada. (Translated by H. Newman.) pp. 642, 686. Maps. 2 vols. 4° half russia. London, 1799 2058 Larwood, J. and Hotten, J. C. History of Signboards, from the earliest Times to the present Day. pp. 536- 100 illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1868 192 CATALOGUE. ■ 2059 La Salle. An Account of Monsieur de la Salle's last Expedition and Discoveries in North America. Pre- sented to the French King, and published by the Cheva- lier Tonti, Governour of Fort St. Louis, in the province of the Illinois. Also, the adventures of the Sieur de Montauban, Captain of the French Buccaneers on the Coast of Guinea, in the year 1695. pp. 211, 44. 12° calf, gilt, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. J. Tonson: London, 1698 2060 Las Casas, B. de. Histoire.des Indes Accidentales ou Ton reconnoit la bontd de ces Pais, et de leurs Peuples, et les Cruautez Tyranniques des Espagnoles. pp. 8, 299. 12° vellum, uncut. Lyon, 1642 2061 Las Casas. The Tears of the Indians; being an historical and true account of the cruel massacres and slaughters of above twenty millions of innocent people committed by the Spaniards in the Islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, etc., as also in the Continent of Mexico, Peru, and other places of the West Indies, to the total destruction of those countries. Written in Spanish by Casaus, an eye witness of those things, and made En- glish by T. C. Printed by T. C. for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill. pp. (28), 134. 16° calf. London, 1656 With four curious plates from the 1699 edition inserted. 2062 Las Casas. Life of. Compiled from the French of Touron and Charlevoix. 12° cloth. New York, 1871 2063 Lathrop, John. A Discourse preached on March the Fifth, 1778. pp. 24. 8° half calf. Boston, 1778 2064 Laud, Dr. William, (Archbishop.) Autobiography of. 16° cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1839 '2065 Laurens. Correspondence of Henry Laurens of South Carolina. (Materials for History, edited by Frank Moore.) pp. 1-232. Portrait. 2 vols. 4° paper, un- cut. New York, 1861 Only 250 copies printed. 2066 Law Quibbles; or, a treatise of the evasions, tricks, turns and quibbles commonly used in the profession of law. Second ed. pp. 125, 76. 8° calf. London, 1726 2067 Lawne, Fowler, Sanders and Bulward. The Profane Schisme of the Brownistes or Separatists, with the impietie, dissensions, lewd and abhominable vices of that impure sect. pp. 88. Small 4° morocco, red edges. N. p., 1612 CATALOGUE. 193 2068 Lawrence. Memoir of Abbott Lawrence, by H. A. Hill, portrait, privately printed; -l^Diary and Corres- pondence of Amos Lawrence, portrait; — Memorials of T. Bigelow Lawrence, portrait, privately printed. 3 vols. 8° cloth and morocco. "2069 Lawrence, R. T. New Hampshire Churches; compris- ing histories of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches in the state, with notices of other denomina- tions, pp. 624. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. Clareraont, 1856 2070 Lawson, Deodat. Christ's Fidelity the only Shield against Satan's Malignity, asserted in a sermon de- liver'd at Salem Village, the 24th March, 1692, being a time of publick examination of some suspected for witchcraft. Second ed. pp. 120. 18° half calf, (top of title mended). Boston: Reprinted, London, 1704 This second edition contains an appendix, pp. 93-120, not in the Boston edition. .2071 Lawson, John. History of Carolina, pp.390. 12° cloth. Raleigh, i860 2072 Lechford, Thomas. Plain Dealing, Or, News from New-England. A short view of New-England's present Government, both Ecclesiastical! and Civil, compared with the anciently received and established Government of England, in some materiall points; fit for the gravest consideration in these times, pp. 80. Small 4° red calf, gilt edges, by Bedford. Nathaniel Butler: London, 1642 Thomas Lechford was the first lawyer in Boston. " One of the most interesting and authentic of the narratives re- lating to the Colonies." — Charles Deane in the Narrative and Criti- cal History of America. '2073 Lechford. Plain Dealing, or News from New England. With an Introduction and Notes by J. H. Trumbull, pp. 211. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1867 Only 285 copies printed. 2074 Lecky, W. E. H. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, pp. 405, 386. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1866 '2075 Le Clercq, Christian. First Establishment of the Faith uKlHv in New France. Now first translated, with Notes, by J. G. Shea. pp. 410, 354. Map and portraits. 2 vols. 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1881 Only 250 copies printed. 2076 Le Clerc, John. Five Letters concerning the Inspira- tion of the Holy Scriptures. Translated out of French. (By John Locke.) pp. 239. 16° calf, (broken). Printed in the Year 1699 194 CATALOGUE. 2077 Le Clerc. a Treatise of the Causes of Incredulity, pp. 327. 16° calf. London, 1697 '^2078 Lee, Charles. Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, second in Command in the Service of the United States during the Revolution; to which are added his Political and Military Essays, Letters, etc. pp. 439. 8° half roan, uncut, gilt top. London, 1792 2079 Lee. The Life and Memoirs of the late Major-General Lee, second in Command to General Washington, dur- ^.) ing the American Revolution, pp. 352. 8° half roan. New York, 1813 2080 Lee. Proceedings of a General Court- Martial held at Brunswick, N. J., for the Trial of Major-General Lee, July 4, 1778. pp. 239. 8° paper, uncut. Privately printed : New York, 1864 Only 100 copies printed. 2081 [Lee, Mrs. E.] Sketches of a New-England Village, in the last Century. 18° cloth. Boston, 1838 /2082 Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern De- iEi?-? partment of the United States, pp. 466. 8° boards, uncut. Washington, 1827 2083 Lee. Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jeffer- . son, with particular Reference to the Attack they con- tain on the Memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. 8'' half roan, gilt. New York, 1832 '2084 Lee. The same. 8° cloth. Philadelphia, 1839 2085 Lee, Mass. History of. By Rev. Amory Gale. pp. 48. 8° half roan. Lee, 1854 . 2086 Leicester, Mass. Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, during the first Century from its Settlement. By Emory Washburn, pp. 467. Map and plates. 8° half morocco (broken). Boston, i860 2087 Leicester. Sermon at 50th Anniversary of the Rev, John Nelson as Pastor of the First Church, pp. 116, 1862 ; — MJelebration of the 150th Anniversary of the organization of the town of Leicester, 187 1. 2 vols. 12" and 8° cloth and paper. 2088 Leominster, Mass. History of Leominster, or the Northern Half of the Lancaster New or Additional Grant, from 1701 to 1852. By David Wilder, pp. 264. 12° cloth. Fitchburg, 1853 2089 Leominster. Centennial Discourse delivered to the First Congregational Church in Leominster, Sept. 24, 1843. By R. P. Stebbins. pp.112. 8'' half roan. Boston, 1843 CATALOGUE. 195 2090 Le Sage. Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. A New Translation by T. Smollett. Plates. 4 vols. 12° calf. London, 1782 2091 Lescarbot, Marc. Histoire de la Nouvelle France, con- \ tenant les Navigations, D^couvertes et Habitations faits par les Fran9ois es Indes occidentales et Nouvelle France. Nouvelle Edition. Maps. 3 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Paris, 1866 2092 Lenox, James. The early Editions of King James' Bible in Folio, pp. 12. Royal 4° half calf, gilt. Privately printed: (New York, 1861) 2093 Lenox. Shakespeare's Plays in Folio pp. 5. Royal 4° half calf, gilt. Privately printed: (New York, 1861) ^ Presentation Copy. 2094 Lenox Library. Contributions to a Calalogue of the £c,-j-2_ Lenox Library. I. Voyages of Hulsius, etc. II. The Jesuit Relations, etc. III. The Voyages of Th^venot. IV. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. V. Works of Shakes- peare, etc. 5 vols, small 4° paper, uncut. New York, 1877-80 2095 Leslie, Charles. The Snake in the Grass; or, Satan transformed into an Angel of Light, discovering the deep and unsuspected Subtility which is couched under the pretended Simplicity of many of the principal Lead- ers of those People called Quakers, pp. 342, 271. 8° calf. London, 1696 " Gives a long acccount of the "Fourth or New Quakers" who reside mostly in Long Island and East Jersey in America, one of which was Mary Ross, who went to meeting stark naked carrying a fiddle." — Sabin's Dictionary. 2096 Leslie and Checkley. A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, by Charles Leslie, (followed by) Checkley's Discourse concerning Episcopacy, pp. 132. (Also) A Discourse showing who is a true Pastor of the Church of Christ, pp. 16. Speech of Mr. John Checkley, upon his Tryal at Boston, pp. 40. Specimen of a True Dis- senting Catechism. Bound together. 8° sheep. London, 1723-38 2097 Lester, C. E. The Glory and Shame of England, pp. 253, 293. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1842 . 2098 Leverett. Memoir, Biographical and Genealogical of Sir John Leverett, Governor of Massachusetts, 1673-9, of Hon. John Leverett, Judge of the Supreme Court, and of the Family generally, pp. 203. Portraits. 1856; — Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Elder Thomas Leverett, of Boston. By N. B. Shurtleff. pp. 20. 1850. 2 vols. 8° cloth and paper. 196 CATALOGUE. 2099 Letters of the Martyrs, cciUected and published in 1564. With a Preface by Miles Coverdale, and with Introductory Remarks, by Rev. E. Bickersteth. pp. 531. Portrait. 12° cloth. London, 1837 2100 Lewis, Alonzo. Poems. pp. 208. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1831 2roi Lewis, J. H. Historical Account of the Rise and Pro- gress of Short Hand. pp. 214. Small 8° calf, gilt. London. 2102 Lewis, John. A complete History of the several Trans- lations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into Eng- lish. Third ed. pp. 415. 8° half calf. London, 1818 2103 Lewis. History of the Life and Sufferings of John W'i- clif, pp. 389; — Life of the Learned and Right Rever- end Reynold Pecock, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, pp. 235. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. Oxford, 1820 2104 Lexington, Mass. History of the Battle at Lexington, April 19, 177s, pp. 40, 1825; — The Battle of Lexington with personal recollections, 1877 ; — • Sermon preached at Lexington, April 19, 1783, by Zabdial Adams. 3 vols. 8° boards and half roan. 2105 Leycester's Commonwealth; conceived, spoken, and published with most earnest protestation of all dutifuU good will and affection towards this realm; — Leyces- ter's Ghost, pp. 182, 35. Small 4° morocco, gauffered edges. Printed, 1641 2106 Library of New England History. Maps. 4 vols, royal 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1865-7 Large Paper: Only 35 copies printed. Vol. I. Mourt's Relation, or Journal of the Plantation at Plymouth, with Introduction and Notes, by Henry Martyn Dexter. Vol. II, III. History of King Philip's War, by Benjamin Church, with Introduction and Notes, by H. M. Dexter. Vol. IV. Lechford's Plain Dealing, or News from New England, ^ with an Introduction and Notes, by J. H. Trumbull. 2107 LiEBER, Francis. Encyclopaedia Americana; a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, politics and biography. 13 vols, sheep and i vol. cloth. To- gether 14 vols. 8° Phila., 1840 2108 Lilly, William. True History of King James the First and King Charles the First, pp. 108. 16° sheep. London, 1715 2109 Lilly. History of his Life and Times, from the year 1602 to 1681. Written by himself, pp. 260. 11 por- traits. Royal 8° russia, gilt. Reprinted for Charles Baldwin: London, 1822 Large paper. CATALOGUE. 197 2 1 10 Lincoln, Noah. A Sermon preached after the Funeral of Noah Lincoln, July 1856, with genealogical and bio- graphical notes. By Chandler Robbins. 8° cloth. Boston, 1856 21 1 1 Lincoln, Abraham. Eulogies on. 8 pamphlets. ' 2112 Lincoln and Douglas. Political Debates between Abra- .<^i p ■ ham Lincoln, and Stephen A. Douglas, in the Campaign -of 1858, in Illinois, pp.268. 8° cloth. Columbus, i86o /2113 LiNDSEY. Memoirs of the late Rev. Theophilus Lindsey; ^^^ 5/fe also a General View of the Progress of the Unitarian Doctrine in England and America. By Thomas Bel- sham. Second ed. pp. 423. 8° half calf. London, 1820 ,2114 £inscl)Oten, Jan I^Uggen ban. Itinerario, Voyage ofte Schipvaert naer Oost afte Portugaels Indien, etc. Part II. Reys-gheschrift Vande Navigatien der Portugal oysers in Orienten, etc. Part III. Beschryvinghe van de gantsche Custe van Guinea, etc. pp. 160, 149, 82. JBIack Cettcr. 35 plates and 8 maps, all colored. Folio, vellum. Amstelredam, by Cornells Claesz, 1596 The scarce first edition. 2115 CinBrl)Oten. lohn Hvighen Van Linschoten, his Dis- cours of Voyages into y° Easte & West Indies. Deuided into foure Bookes. Translated out of the Spanish into Low Dutch, and out of Dutch into English, by W. P. iBlttck Cctter. With 10 maps only, (the maps of China and Molusca wanting.) Folio, full crimson morocco, extra, uncut edges. (Margin of title repaired.) John Wolfe: London, [1598] "This inestimable book, a treasure of all the learning respecting the East and West-Indies and the navigation thither, at the end of the sixteenth century, has been in the highest esteem for nearly a cen- tury, and was given to each ship sailing to India, as a log-book. Hence the many editions (6 in Dutch, 3 in French and i in Latin), which is also the cause why fine copies, especially with all the plates and maps, are so very rare. A large part of the book is occupied by translations of original Spanish and Portuguese documents on geog- raphy, ethnography, statistics and navigation, etc., and in these re- spects it is of the highest importance and authority. The description of America occupies pp. 17-82, of the third part." — F. Muller. 2 116 CinstljCiten. The same. pp. 462. Engraved title. iBlttck Cetter. i map. (n maps wanting.) Folio, calf. John Wolfe: London, (1598) 2117 Linschoten. Navigatio ac Itinerarium Johnannies Hu- gonis Linscotani, in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum In- diam Descriptiones, etc. Maps and plates. Folio, vel- lum. Hagae-Comitis, 1599 2 1 18 Lippincott's Complete Pronouncing Gazeteer of the World. Edited by J. Thomas and T. Baldwin. Thick royal 8° sheep. Phila., 1864 198 CATALOGUE. 2119 [Lisle, Henry M.] Milton Hill, a Poem. pp. 15. 4° half roan. Boston, 1803 2120 List (A) of the Names of the Long Parliament Anno 1640, likewise of the Parliament holden at Oxford, as also of the three ensuing Parliaments holden at West- minster in the years, 1653, 1654, 1656. pp. 70. 12° calf. London, 1659 2121 Litchfield County, Conn. Centennial Celebration, held at Litchfield, Conn., 13th and 14th of August, 1851. pp. 212. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1851 2122 Literature. Lectures on American Literature, by S. L. Knapp, 1829;- — Pleasures, Objects and Advantages of Literature, by R. A. Willmott, 1857; — History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, by Isaac Taylor, 1859; — The Parlor Window, or anecdotes and original remarks on books, by Edward Mangin, 1841. 4 vols. 12° and 16° cloth and half roan. 2123 LiVERMORE, George. An Historical Research respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. First ed. pp. 236. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1862 2124 LiVERMORE. The same. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1862 Large Paper. Only 50 copies printed. 2125 LiVERMORE. The same. Fifth ed. Large paper. Royal ' 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1863 2126 LiVERMORE. The same. Fourth ed. • 8° cloth, (2 copies). Boston, 1862 2127 LiVERMORE. Remarks on the Publication and Circula- tion of the Scriptures, pp. 31. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1849 2128 [LiVERMORE.] The Origin, History and Character of the New England Primer: being a series of articles contributed to the Cambridge Chronicle, by " The Antiquary." pp. 44. 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1849 Presentation copy. Only 12 copies privately printed. 2129 LiVERMORE. Remarks on Public Libraries, 1850; — Memoir by Charles Deane. (Large paper) pp. 60, 1869; — Funeral Sermon on the death of, by E. E. Hale, Sept. 3, 1865; — Same, by Rev. H. C. Badger, Sept. 3, 1865; — Tribute of the Mass. Hist. Soc. ; — Newspaper Notices of the late George Livermore, (collected by Mr. Deane.) 6 pamphlets. 2130 Lives of Distinguished Shoemakers, pp. 340. 12° cloth. Portland, 1849 CATALOGUE. 199 2131 Lives of the Chief Fathers of New England. 6 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1870 Library edition : only 100 copies printed. Comprises : Lives of John Cotton, John Wilson, John Norton, John Davenport, John Eliot, Thomas Shepard, Increase Mather, William Phipps, Thomas Hooker. 2132 Lives (The) of those Eminent Antiquaries John Leland, Thomas Hearne and Anthony A Wood; with an au- thentick account of their respective writings and pub- lications, from original papers, in which are occasionally inserted memoirs relating to many eminent persons and various parts of literature; also several engravings of antiquity never before published. (Edited by T. War- ton and W. Huddesford.) Fine impressions of the portraits and plates, engraved by Vertue, Grignion, etc. 2 vols. 8° calf. Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1772 2133 Livingston, Edward. Life of. By C. H. Hunt. With an introduction by George Bancroft, pp. 447. Portrait on India paper. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Large paper. New York, 1864 2134 Livingston. The same. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. ' New York, 1864 2135 Livingston, William. Memoir of. By T. Sedgwick, Jr. pp. 449, 7. Portrait. 8° half morocco, gilt. New York, 1833 2136 Livius, Titus. History of Rome. Translated, with notes and illustrations by George Baker. Second ed. 6 vols. 8° polished calf, gilt. London, 1814 2137 [Lloyd, David. j Never Faile; or, that sure Way of striving under all revolutions in an eminent instance from 1639 to 1661. pp. 64, 48. 18° calf. London, 1663 2138 Lloyd, Thomas. The Trials of William S. Smith and Samuel G. Ogden, for misdemeanours, in July 1806. pp 287. 8° half morocco. New York, 1807 Autographs of A. Burr and Rufus Choate. 2139 Locke, John. An Essay concerning Human Under- standing. Thirteenth ed. pp. 372, 340, (28). Portrait. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1748 2140 Locke, J. S. Shores of Saco Bay, an historical guide. pp. 105, 1880; — Old Orchard, Maine, pen and pencil sketches, pp. 48, 1879. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 12° boards. Boston. 2141 Locke, R. A. The Moon Hoax; or, a discovery that the moon has a vast population of human beings. Frontis- piece. 8° half roan. New York, 1859 2O0 CATALOGUE. 2142 Lodge, Edmund. Life of Sir Julius Caesar, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and a Privy Councellor to King James and Charles the First; with memoirs of his family and descendants. By Edmund Lodge. Eighteen portraits and other engrav- ings, original impressions, with India proof of the por- trait of Eliza Aberdein, which is usually wanting, pp. 116. Imperial 4° cloth, rough edges. London, 1827 Large Paper. 2143 Lodge. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, engraved from authentic pictures in the galleries of the nobility, and the public collections of the country; with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions. 240 portraits. 12 vols, large 4° half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1823-24 Large paper ; superb India proof impressions. ''2144 Lodge, H. C. A Short History of the English Colonies ,> in America, pp. 560. 8° half roan. New York, 1881 2145 London. New Remarks of London; or, a survey of the cities of London and Westminster. Collected by a Company of Parish Clerks. Plates, pp. 410. 12° russia. London, 1732 2146 London. Fifty Years of London Life, by Edmund Yates, 1885; — Hand-book of London, by Peter Cun- ningham, 1850; — Greater Britain, by C. W. Dilke, 1869; — Handbook for Readers at the British Mu- seum, by Thomas Nichols, i866; — Handbook to the Library of the British Museum, by Richard Sims, 1854; — Dodd's Manual of Dignities, 1844; — Scottish Tour- / ist, 1852. 7 vols. 12° cloth. 2147 Londonderry, N. H. History of Londonderry, com- prising the towns of Derry and Londonderry. By Rev. E. L. Parker, pp. 358. Portraits and plate. 12° cloth. Boston, 1851 2148 Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the manners and customs of the North American Indians; with an account of the posts situated on the river St. Laurence, Lake Ontario, etc. To which is added a vocabulary of the Chippeway lan- guage, pp. 295. Map. Royal 4° half morocco. London, 1791 2149 Longfellow, H. W. Kavanagh, a tale. First ed. pp. Hf) 188. 12° cloth. Boston, 1851 2150 Longfellow. Voices of the Night and other poems. Illustrated with si.xty-four engravings on wood, from designs by Jane E, Benham, Birket Foster, etc. 12° morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1852 CATALOGUE. 201 ■ 2151 Longfellow. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Seventy- fifth Birthday. Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Feb. 27, 1882. pp. 171. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. Portland, 1882 2152 Lord, Joseph. Reason Why, not Anabaptist Plunging, but Infant-Believer's Baptism ought to be approved, pp. (2), 8, 170. 18° boards (lacks upper half of title). Boston, 1 7 19 .2153 LoRiNG, J. S. The Hundred Boston Orators appointed by the Municipal Authorities and other Public Bodies, from 1770 to 1852. pp. 694. 8° cloth. Boston, 1852 2154 LoRiNG. The same. Fourth ed. pp. 730. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 / 2155 LosKiEL, G. H. History of the Missions of the United lf■^pgi, P II, Brethren among the Indians in North America. Trans- '^ lated by C. J. La Trobe. Map. 8° half calf. London, 1794 .-"iisd LossiNG, B. J. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. ;ip VI ijj./-'2. Several hundred illustrations on wood. 2 vols, royal 8° full morocco, red edges. New York, 185 1 .2157 LossiNG. History of the United States. pp. 672. "i'ioi irX^ Numerous illustrations. Royal 8° embossed morocco, (broken). New York, 1857 2158 Loudon, Archibald. Selection of some of the most in- teresting narratives of outrages, committed by the In- dians in their wars with the white people, also an account of their manners, customs, traditions, etc. pp. (10), 301, 357. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Carlisle, 1808; reprinted, 1888 Only 100 copies reprinted. . 2159 Louisiana Treaty. Debates in the House of Represen- tatives on the Bills for Carrying into Effect the Louisi- ana Treaty. pp.171. 8° half morocco, gilt. Philadelphia, 1804 v'^2i6o LovEjOY. The Martyrdom of Lovejoy. An Account of 4SiH'i>"''the Life, Trials and Perils of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was killed by a pro-slavery mob at Alton, 111., Nov. 7, 1837. 8° cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1881 -2161 LovELL, John. A Funeral Oration deliver'd in Faneuil Hall in Boston, March 14, 1742, occasion'd by the Death of the Founder, Peter Faneuil, Esqr. pp. 14. 4° half morocco. Boston, 1743 2162 Loves (The) of Mirtil, Son of Adonis, a Pastoral, pp. 139. Fine copper plates. 16° sheep. London, 1770 Witli pictorial bookplate of Rev. H. S. Cotton. 202 CATALOGUE. f 2163 Lowell, J. R. A Fable for Critics. First ed. pp. 80. 12° boards. New York, (1848) 2164 Lowell. The Biglow Papers. First ed. pp. 163. 12° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1848 '2165 Lowell. Democracy and other Addresses. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887 2166 Lowell, Rev. John. Review of Morse's Appeal; — Peace Without Dishonour, 1807; — -Thoughts upon the Conduct of Our Administration, 1808; — • New Eng- land Patriot, i8ro; — Constitution of Congregational Churches in Mass. , i8i6; — Hanover St. Church Trust Deeds, 1828; — Memoir of J. Lowell, Jr., by Everett, 1840. 8 vols. 8° half roan. 2167 Lowell, Mass. Lowell, as It was, and as It is. By Rev. H. A. Miles. Map. pp. 234. 18° cloth. Lowell, 1845 2168 Lower, M. A. English Surnames; Essays on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological and Humorous. Second ed. pp. 292. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 2169 Lower. The same. Third ed. 2 vols. 12^ cloth, uncut. London, 1849 2170 Lowndes of South Carolina, an Historical and Geneal- ogical Memoir. By George B. Chase, pp. 81. Por- trait. 8° boards. Boston, 1876 2 1 71 Lowndes, William Thomas. The Bibliographer's Man- ual of English Literature, containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books published in, or relating to. Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt tops. W. Pickering: London, 1834 2172 Lowndes. The same. New edition by H. G. Bohn. 10 parts in 5 vols. 12° half calf and i vol. cloth. To- gether 6 vols. London, 1863 2173 Lucas, Samuel. Charters of the Old English Colonies in America; with an introduction and notes. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1850 2174 LuDEWTG, H. E. The Literature of American Local .f History, pp. 180. 8° half roan. New York, 1846 2175 LuNT, W. P. Two Discourses at Quincy, Sept. 29, 1839; V^-^ Discourse at Quincy, Sept. 15, 1850; — Memoir, by N. L. Frothingham, 1858; — Discourse on W. P. Lunt, by Chandler Robbins, June 7, 1857. 4 vols. 8° cloth and half roan. Boston. 2176 Cutljer, iftlartin. A Right Comfortable Treatise contain- ing sundrye pointes of consolation for them that labour and are laden. Englished by W. Gace. pp. 84. Slack fetter. 18° half calf. Printed by Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1580 CATALOGUE. 203 2177 Luther. A Commentary on the Psalms, called Psalms of Degrees, pp. 450. Frontispiece. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1819 2178 Luther. The Way to Prayer, pp. 68. Portrait. 16° boards. W. Pickering: London, 1846 2179 Luther. The Life of Martin Luther, the German Re- former, in Fifty Pictures, from designs by Gustav Konig. pp. 207. Royal 8° cloth, (loose in binding). London, 1853 2180 Lyell, Sir Charles. Manual of Elementary Geology. Third ed. entirely revised. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. Murray: London, 1851 2 181 Lyman, Theodore, Jr. The Diplomacy of the United States. Second ed. 2 vols. 8° blue morocco, gilt. Boston, 1828 2182 Lynde. The Diaries of Benjamin Lynde and of Benja- min Lynde, Jr,. with an appendix, pp. 251. Portrait. 8'^ half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Privately printed : Boston, 1880 Lynn, Mass. History of Lynn, including Nahant. By Alonzo Lewis. Second ed. pp. 278. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1844 "2184 Lynn. Centennial Memorial of Lynn, embracing an historical sketch, 1629-1876. By James R. Newhall, and notices of the mayors, pp. 204. Portraits. 8° half morocco. Lynn, 1876 2185 [Lyttelton, Lord George. J Dialogues of the Dead. pp. 321. 8° calf. London, 1760 2186 7y\ ABLY, Abb£ de. Remarks concerning the Gov- / \\ ernment and the Laws of the United States of America, in four Letters addressed to Mr. Adams, pp. 280. 8° calf. London, 1784 2187 Macaulay, Catharine. History of England, from the Accession of James I to the Elevation of the House of Hanover. Portrait. 5 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1769 2188 Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 5 vols. 12° cloth. Philadelphia, 1843 2188* Macaulay. History of England from the Accession of James the Second. Fourth ed. 5 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1849 2189 M'CuLLOCH, J. R. Universal Gazetteer. Maps. No paging. 2 vols, royal 8° sheep. New York, 1849 204 CATALOGUE. 2190 McClellan, G. B. Army of the, Potomac. Report of Maj. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, August 4, 1863. With an Account of the Campaign in Western Virginia, pp. 484. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1864 Large Paper : only 250 copies printed. 2191 Macdiarmid, John. Lives of British Statesmen. New edition, pp. 514. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1838 2192 Machias, Me. Memorial of the Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Machias. pp. 177. 8° cloth. Machias, 1863 2193 Machiavel, Nicolas. Works of. Translated into Eng- lish, pp. 529, 16. Folio, calf, with coat of arms on side. London, 1675 2194 Mackay, Charles. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Second ed. PP- 3°3i 322. Illustrations. 2 vols. 12° cloth. London, 1852 2195 Mackay. Life and Liberty in America; or, Sketches of a Tour in the United States and Canada, in 1857-8. Plates. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1859 2196 M'Keen, Rev. Joseph. Inaugural Address delivered at Bowdoin College, Sept. 9, 1802; with an Eulogy pro- nounced at his Funeral, by the Rev. William Jenks. 8° half roan, gilt. Portland, 1807 2197 M'Kenney, 'fhomas L. Memoirs, Official and Personal, with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and Southern Indians. Second ed. pp. 340, 136. Plates. 2 vols, in one. 8° cloth. New York, 1846 2198 Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1793. pp. 414. Portrait and maps. Royal 4° calf. London, 1801 2199 Mackenzie. The same. pp. 392. Map. 8° boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1802 2200 Mackintosh, Sir James. Miscellaneous Works of. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 2201 Maclean, John. History of the College of New Jersey, 1 from 1746 to 1854. pp. 414, 415. 2 vols. 8° half mo- rocco, uncut, gilt tops. Philadelphia, 1877 2202 [Macray, W. D.] Manual of British Historians to A. D. 1600, containing a Chronological Account of the early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers, their printed Works and unpublished MSS. pp. 109. 8° half roan, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1845 CATALOGUE. 205 2203 Macray. Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A. D. 1598-A. D. 1867. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1868 2204 Macy, B. F. Lecture on Mysterious Knockings, Mes- merism, etc., with a brief History of the Old Stone Mill, and a Prediction of its Fall. pp. 8. Royal 8° half morocco. Newport, R. I., 1851 /220s Madison, James. The Papers of James Madison, pur- ;chased by Order of Congress, being his Correspondence and Reports of Debates during the Congress of the Confederation, etc. 3 vols. 8° sheep. Washington, 1840 '2206 Madison. History of the Life and Times of. By W. D^z-'S C. Rives. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1859 2207 Maffitt, John N. Tears of Contrition; or, Sketches of the Life of John N. Mafifitt, with Religious and Moral Reflections. Written by Himself, pp. 260, 40. 12° sheep. New London, 1821 2208 Magazine of American History, with Notes and Queries. Maps and illustrations. Vols, i to 22. 17 vols, bound in 20 vols, half red morocco and 5 vols, in parts. Together 25 vols, small 4°. New York, 1877-86 2209 Mahon, Lord. Historical Essays, pp. 311. 12° cloth. London, 1849 2210 Mahon. History of England; from 1713 to 1783. 5 vols. 16° half roan. Leipzig, 1853-54 22 1 1 Maillet, M. Telliamed; or Diseourses between an Indian Philosopher and a French Missionary on Sub- jects relating to Natural History, pp. 284. 8° calf. ■ Bookplate of Henry Dawkins, Esq. London, 1750 2212 Maine Historical Society. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. First Series 9 vols. Second Se- '^' ' ries Vols, i, 2, 3, with a Duplicate of Vol. i. (Reprint, '- 1865, with corrections and additions.) 13 vols. 8° cloth. Portland, 1831-84 2213 Maine. Historical Society Address, by George Folsom, 1846; Memoir of Nathan Clifford, by James Ware Brad- bury, 1881; — Complimentary Dinner to James Ware Bradbury, 1887; — Ordination Sermon of Rev. Jona- than Gould, by Enos Hitchcock, Port,, 1793; — List of Persons ordained Deacons, 1785-1857. By Bishop Burgess, etc. 8 pamphlets. 2214 Maine Sermons. Coffin's Sermon, May 7, 1783; — Tappan's Sermon, Sept. 3, 1800; — Faith, Hope and Love, by Coffin, Oct. 24, 1810; — Fletcher's Sermon on the Death of Coffin, June 8, 1821; — Emery's Oration at Saco, July 4, 1839; — Nichols's Sermon at Saco, May 16, 1852. 6 vols. 8° half roan. 2o6 CATALOGUE. 2215 Maitland, R. S. R. The Dark Ages; a Series of Es- says intended to illustrate the State of Religion and Literature in the 9-i2th Centuries, pp. 498. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 2216 Major, R. H. Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, sur- named the Navigator; and its Results, comprising the Discovery vi'ithin one Century, of Half the World, pp. 487. Portraits, maps, etc. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1868 2217 Major. The True Date of the English Discovery of the American Continent under John and Sebastian Cabot, pp. 26. Royal 4" boards. London, 1870 2218 Malcolm, Howard. Travels in South-Eastern Asia. PP- 273, 321. Plates. 2 vols. 12" cloth. Boston, 1839 2219 Malcolm, J. P. Anecdotes of the Manners and Cus- toms of London during the eighteenth Century, pp. 490, 6. 50 engravings. Royal 4° calf. London, 1808 2220 Malden, Mass. Oration by James D. Green, on the I 200th anniversary of the incorporation of the town, '' May 23, 1849. By James D. Green, pp. 53. 8° boards. Boston, 1850 2221 Malden. Bi-Centennial Book of Maiden, containing the oration and poem delivered on the 200th anniver- sary of the incorporation of the town, May 23, 1849 pp. 251. 12° cloth. I3oston, 1850 2222 Malebranch, Father. Search after Truth; or a Treatise of the Nature of the Human Mind. 2 vols. 8° old calf. London, 1695 Autograph, "Thomas Welde, 1703." 2223 Malone. Life of Edmond Malone. Editor of Shakes- peare, with selections from his manuscript anecdotes. By James Prior, pp. 476. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, i860 2224 Malthus, Rev. T. R. Principles of Political Economy. pp. 472. 8° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1821 2225 Manchester, N. H. History of Manchester, formerly Derryfield, in New Hampshire. By C. E. Potter, pp. 763, Illustrations. 8° cloth. Manchester, 1856 2226 [Mandeville, B.] Free Thoughts on Religion, the Church, and National Happiness, pp. 364, 12. 8° calf. London, 1720 2227 [Mandeville.] The Fable of the Bees; or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits, pp. 477, 432. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1733 CATAI.OGUE. 207 2228 [Manley, T ] Veni, Vidi, Vici: the Triumphs of the most excellent Oliver Cromwell, set forth in a Panegy- ricke. pp. 93, 20. 18° sheep. London, 1652 2229 Mammoth Cave. Rambles in the Mammoth Cave, dur- ing the year 1844. 12° cloth. Louisville, Ky., 1845 2230 Mann, Horace. Kllemarks on the Seventh Annual Report of Horace Mann; -^Observations on the same;*^eply to the Remarks; -(^Rejoinder to the Reply; — Speech on Slavery, 1850; — Dangers to Freedom, 1850; — Fourth of July Oration, 1842; — Correspondence be- tween Mann and Smith; — Lectures on Popular Educa- tion, by Combe, etc. 9 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 2231 Manypenny, G. VV. Our Indian Wards, pp. 436. 8° half blue morocco, gilt top. Cincinnati, 1880 2232 Marblehead, Mass. History and Traditions of. By Samuel Roads, Jr. pp. 423. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1880 2233 Marchant and Curtis. The Trials of J. D. White alias Charles Marchant, and W. Curtis, alias Sylvester Col- son for the Murder on the High Seas of Edward Sel- fridge, and Thomas P. Jenkins, of the Schooner Fairy, of Boston, pp. 176. 8" boards. Boston, 1827 ' 2234 Marcou, Jules. Origin of the Name America, pp. 8, 1875; — Notes upon the First Discoveries of California and the origin of its Name, pp. 6, 1878; — Nouvelles Recherches sur I'origine du nom d'Amerique, pp. 85, 1888; — Derivation of the Name America, 1890. 4 pamphlets. 2235 Margaret, Queen of Navarre. The Heptameron. Il- lustrations by Leopold Flameng. pp. 384. Square 12° cloth, uncut. " Phila. 2236 MARKHAir, A. H. The Great Frozen Sea; a personal narrative of the voyage of the "Alert" during the Arctic expedition of 1875-6. Fourth ed. pp. 384. 12° cloth. London, 1880 2237 Markham, Francis. The booke of Honour; or, Five Decades of Epistles of Honour, pp. 200. Small folio, half morocco. London, 1625 2238 Marlborough. An Account of the Conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough from her first coming to court to the year 1710, pp. 316. Portrait inserted; — The Other Side of the Question; or, an attempt to rescue the characters of the two Royal Sisters, Q. Mary and Q. Anne, out of Hands of the D s D of . By a Woman of Quality, pp. 467. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1742 2o8 CATALOGUE. 2239 Marryat, Capt. Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions. Botli series complete. 2 maps. 6 vols. 8° half crimson morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1839 2240 Marsden, J. B. History of the early Puritans, from the Reformation, to 1642; — History of the later Puritans, from 1642 to 1662. pp. 426, 474. 2 vols. 8° panelled calf, red edges. London, 1850-52 2241 Marsden, William. History of Sumatra. Second ed. PP- 373. 6. Map. 4° calf. London, 1784 2242 [Marsh, A. C.J The Protestant Reformation in France, or History of the Hugonots. pp.471, 459. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1847 2243 Marshall, H. History of Kentucky. pp. 465, (9), 524. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Frankfort, 1824 2244 Marshall, John. History of the colonies planted by V6 the English on the Continent of North America, pp. 486. 8° sheep. Phila, 1824 2245 Marshall. Writings of, upon the Federal Constitution. pp. 728. 8° cloth. Boston, 1839 2246 Marshall, Orsamus H. Historical Writings of, relat- ing to the early history of the west. With an introduc- tion by W. L. Stone. Portrait and map. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1887 2247 Marshfield, Mass. Memorials of Marshfield and Guide Book to its Localities at Green Harbor. By Marcia A. Thomas, pp. 108. Plates. 12° boards. Boston, 1854 2248 Martin, B. L. H. History of France, from the most remote period to 1789. Authorized translation; from the Fourth Paris ed., by Mary L. Booth. Map, por- traits, etc. 4 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut edges. Large Paper: Only 75 copies printed. Boston, 1865—66 2249 Martin, M. Voyage to St. Kilda. Map. pp. 79. 8° stitched. London, 1773 With name of "Edmund Burke, Beaconsfield" on title. 2250 Martyr, Peter. loannes ruff us foroliuiensis Archiepus Cosentin': legata': apo. ad lectore de orbe nouo. Accipe non noti prseclara uolumina mundi Oceani; is: magnas noscito lector opes. Plurima debetur typhis tibi gratia: gentes Ignotas: & aues qui uehis orbe nouo. Folio, full light polished calf, extra, gilt edges, by Bed- ford. Alcala, Arnold! Guillelmi, 15 16 "This edition of the first three Decades of Peter Martyr is little known even to the most diligent bibliographers. Brunei mentions an edition of Madrid, 1 516, as being noticed in the catalogue of the Col- lege of Clermont, which is probably the same book as this, the dedi- cation to Charles V. being dated from Madrid, October, 151 6." — Bibliothcca Grenvilliana. CATALOGUE. 209 2251 Martyr. Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanen. Oratoris clarissimi Fernandi & Helisabeth . . de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe novo decades tres: quibus quiequid de inventis nuper terris traditum, novarum rerum cupidum lectorem retinere possit, copiose, fideli- ter, eruditeque docetur. Eivsdem praeterea legationig Babylonicae libri tres Folio, vellum. Basileae, loannem Bebelium, 1533 Large Paper. This edition of Peter Martyr contains but the first three decades, and an abridgment of the fourth. 2252 Martyr. De Rebus Oceanis et Novo Orbe, Decades tres, Item eivsdem, de Babylonica legatione, libri III. pp. 655. 12° half morocco. Colonic, 1574 With autograph " Robert Southey, Keswick, 11 June, 1836." 2253 Martyr. De Nouo Orbe; or the histories of the West Indies contayning the actes and aduentures of the Spanyards, which haue conquered and peopled those countries, inriched with a varietie of pleasant relation of the manners, ceremonies, lawes, gouernments, and warres of the Indians. Comprised in eight decades. Whereof three haue beene formerly translated into' English, by R. Eden, whereunto the other fiue, are newly added by the Industrie and paineful trauaile of M. Lok, Gent. 4° russia, (worn). Thomas Adams: London, 1612 2254 Martyr. Petrus Martyr, der Geschichtschreiber des Weltmeeres Eine Studie von Hermann A. Schumach- er. Map. Small 4° half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1879 2255 Martineau, Harriet. Society in America. 3 vols. 12° boards, uncut. .^r .London, 1837 Bookplates of Edward Press A* '-] » t' '^ , /' 7 .(/ . 2256 Martineau. Retrospect of Western Travel, pp. 276, 239. 2 vols, in I. 12° half morocco. New York, 1838 2257 Mary, (Queen). A Brief History of the-Pious and Glori- ous Life and Actions of Mary, Queen of England, etc. Faithfully done by J. S. Second ed. pp. 136. Portrait. 18° half roan. London, 1695 '2258 Maryland. A Relation of Maryland; together with a , map of the country, the condition of plantation, his HAa Majestie's charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English, pp. (i), 56, 25. Small 4° calf. N. p., 1635 The map and 4 pp. in fac-simile. 2259 Maryland. A Relation of the successefull beginnings of the Lord Baltemore's plantation • in Maryland. Anno Domini 1634. pp. 23. Small 4° boards. Only 150 copies printed. Baltimore, 186^ 210 CATALOGUE. 2260 Maskell, Rev. William. History of the Martin Marpre- late Controversy in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, pp. 224. 12° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1845 2261 Mason, Jeremiah. Memoir and Correspondence of. (By G. S. Hillard.) pp. 467. Portrait. 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1873 Only 200 copies privately printed. 2262 Mason, Major John. Brief History of the Pequot War, especially of the memorable taking of their Fort at Mistick in Connecticut in 1637. pp. 22. 8° morocco. Boston, 1736 Edited by Thomas Prince, from the original MS. of Major Mason. One of the rarest books connected with New England history. 2263 [Mason, John M.] The Voice of Warning to Christians, on the ensuing election of a President of the United States, pp. 40. 8° half roan. New York, 1800 2264 Masonic. Lodge of Saint Andrew and the Massachu- setts Grand Lodge; Centennial memorial, 5756-5769. pp. 292. Illustrations. 4° cloth. Boston, 1870 2265 Massachusetts. Acts and Resolves, public and private of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, 1692-1780. Vols. I to 5. 5 vols, royal 8° sheep. Boston, 1869-86 2266 Massachusetts. Colonial Laws. Reprinted from the i edition of 1672, etc., under the supervision of W. H. Whitmore. Small folio, half morocco. Boston, 1887 2267 Massachusetts. The Charter granted by their majesties King William and Queen Mary to the inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, pp. 14. Folio, half sheep. Boston, 1759 2268 Massachusetts. The Charters and General Laws of the •_,.'•'' Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay. pp. 830 and index. Royal 8° half morocco. Boston, 1814 '2269 Massachusetts Records. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1686. Edited by N. B. Shurtleff. 6 vols, small folio, cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1853 The first and second volumes are of the second issue, with addi- tions from Col. Aspinwall's manuscript. 2270 Massachusetts. The same. Vols, i and 2 of the first issue. 2 vols, small folio, cloth. Boston, 1853 2271 Massachusetts. The Case of the Provinces of Massa- chusetts Bay and New York, respecting the boundary line between the two provinces, pp. 31. Small folio, boards.' Boston, 1764 The last two leaves in fac-simile. CATALOGUE. 211 ''^2272 Massachusetts. The Proceedings of the Council and , .^ the House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay relative to the holding the General Assembly at Harvard College in Cambridge, pp. 83. 8° half roan. Boston, 1770 2273 Massachusetts. Proceedings of the Council, etc. Another copy. pp. 83. -/With the continuation of the proceedings, pp. 66. In one vol. 8° half roan. Boston, 1770 " Ebenezer W yeth, his Book, being a gift from Mr. Samuel Adams of Boston." v' 2274 Massachusetts. A Speech intended to have been ur-i-(ff-'^ spoken on the bill for altering the charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Third ed. pp.36. 8° half roan. London, 1774 V2275 Massachusetts. Journals of each Provincial Congress iro^i'f'C- o^ Massachusetts, in 1774 and 1775, and of the Com- mittee of Safety, pp. 778. 8° sheep, (rebacked). Boston, 1838 2276 Massachusetts. A Constitution and Form of Govern- ment for the State of Massachusetts Bay, agreed upon by the Convention, Feb. 28, 1778. pp. 23. 8° half roan. Boston, 1778 This constitution was not adopted by the people, and a new con- vention was called. 2277 Massachusetts. A Constitution or Frame of Govern- ment agreed upon in Convention held in Cambridge in September, 1779 and March 1780, to be submitted to the revision of their constituents. pp. 53. 8° boards. Boston, 1780 This constitution was adopted by the people. 2278 Massachusetts. The Constitution or Frame of Govern- ment for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, pp. 24. Small folio, boards. Boston, 1781 2279 Massachusetts. An Address of the Convention for Framing a new Constitution of Government for the State of Massachusetts Bay to their constituents, pp. 18. 8° half roan. Boston, 1780 2280 Massachusetts. Result of the Convention of Delegates holden at Ipswich, who were deputed to take into con- sideration the Constitution and form of government proposed by the Convention of the State of Massa- chusetts Bay. pp. t68. 8° half calf, uncut. Newburyport, 1778 2281 Massachusetts. Debates, Resolutions and other Pro- ceedings of the Convention convened at Boston, Jan. 9. 1788. 12° half calf. Boston, 1808 S-oVU ^1 212 CATALOGUE. 2282 Massachusetts. Journal of the Convention for Framing l5(,f)o a Constitution of Government for the State of Massa- chusetts Bay, Sept. 1779-June, 1780. pp. 264. 8° sheep. IBoston, 1832 Bookplate of W. H. Prescott. 2283 Massachusetts. Manuscript. An accurate copy of many documents of historic value and much rarity, ap- pertaining to the formation and establishment of the State Government of Massachusetts. Written by Israel Warren, pp. 242. 8° half roan. 1792 2284 Massachusetts. Journal of Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of 1820. 8° cloth. Boston, 1853 2285 Massachusetts. Discussions on the Constitution pro- posed to the people of Massachusetts by the convention of 1853. pp. 306. 8° cloth. Boston, 1854 2286 Massachusetts. The Patriotick Proceedings of the Legislature of Massachusetts, during their session from . Jan. 26 to March 4, 1809. 8° half calf. Boston, 1809 2287 Massachusetts. Lectures delivered in a Course before jthe Lowell Institute, by members of the Massachusetts Historical Society, on subjects relating to the early history of Massachusetts, pp. 498. 8° cloth. Boston, 1869 2288 Massaphusetts Election Sermons for 1777, '83, '88, i^'99, 1826 and'^849. 6 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 2289 Massachusetts Historical Society. The American Apollo. Vol. I. January to Sept., 1792 in the original 8° wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1792 The extra signatures containing the historical collections in this set have been removed and added to the next title. " The first publication of the Massachusetts Historical Society ap- peared on Jan. 6, 1792, in The American Apollo, a weekly magazine beginning at that time. Successive numbers were printed in connec- tion with the periodical during thirty-nine weeks, and comprised usually a signature of eight pages, which could be separated from the rest of the pamphlet, and was called Part I. of each number." — S. A. Green. 2290 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. Vols. 1-5, as issued in the original numbers, uncut, in blue covers. Boston, 1792-96 Volume I consists of pp. i to 208, taken from the American Apollo, and vols, i to 4 of the Collections in numbers. 2291 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. First to fifth series, and vols, i, 2 and 3 of sixth series. Com- plete set of first editions throughout. 30 vols, of ist, 2d, and 3d series, bound in 15 vols, half morocco, extra, 21 vols, in cloth, uncut and 2 vols, boards, uncut. To- gether 38 vols. 8°. Boston, 1792-1889 CATALOGUE. 213 • 2292 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. Re- prints of vols. I, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10. First series. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10. Second series. 13 vols. 8° boards, un- cut Boston, 1806-43 2293 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. Second reprint of vol. i. First series. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1806 2394 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. Reprint of vols. 5, 6. Second series. (Hubbard's Nevv^ Eng- land, with title page and preface laid in.) 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1848 2295 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. Sec- ond ed. of vols. 2 and 3. Fifth series. (Belknap Papers.) Vols. 5 and 6. Fifth series. (Sewall Papers.) 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1877-79 The Nos. 2289 to 2295 comprise an absolutely perfect and complete set of the collections, including the original volumes as well as the va- rious reprints and reissues. 2296 Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, from 1791 to 1894. First series, 20 vols, with index, and Second series, vols, i to 8. Illustrated with portraits, fac-similes, etc. 29 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1879-94 With many notices of meetings, newspaper clippings, autograph letters, etc., laid in. 2297 Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings. Vols. I, 2 and 3, 1791 to 1858. Steel portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1859-80 ■^^ 2298 Massachusetts Historical Society. Proceedings in ^'""V'fcR'^^emory of W. H. Prescott, Feb. i, i8s9;-i4leport of a Committee on Exchanges of Prisoners during the Am- erican Revolutionary War, Dec. 19, 1861; — Memoir of Abbott Lawrence, 1856. 3 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. ■ 2299 Massachusetts Historical Society. Act of Incorpora- tion, with the by-laws, list of resident members, etc. 1857 and 1873. 2 vols. 8° cloth. . 2300 Massachusetts Historical Society. Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, etc. (By Rev. Timothy Alden.) 8° half roan. Boston, 181 1 2301 Massachusetts Historical Society. Catalogue of Books in the Massachusetts Historical Society Library. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston 1796 "^302 Massachusetts Historical Society. Catalogue of the 2'rj/FCT-S' Library. PP- 73^' ^5'- ^ '^°'^- ^° '^^°^^- Boston, i860 2303 Massie, J. W. Continental India, pp. 477> 478. Map. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 2r4 CATALOGUE. 2304 Massinger, Philip. A New Way to pay Old Debts, a comedie. First ed. Small 4° half russia, (worn). London, 1633 2305 Mather, Cotton. Late Memorable Providences relating I to witchcrafts and possessions. The second impression, f' pp. 144. 16° sheep. London, 1691 2306 Mather. The Wonders of the Invisible World, being )f an account of the tryals of several witches lately exe- cuted in New England, etc. pp. 98. 4° calf, extra. London, 1693 Half title inlaid and restored, also top of title mended. " Mather was the principal mover of the prosecutions against the unfortunate persons condemned as witches in New England." 2307 Mather. The Wonders of the Invisible World: Being an Account of the Tryals of Several Witches Lately Executed in New England: And of several Remarkable Curiosities therein Occurring. Published by the Special Command of his Excellency the Governour of the Prov- ince of Massachusetts Bay in New England. The Sec- ond ed. pp. 62. 4° full red morocco. (4 leaves crop- ped at bottom, but restored in manuscript.) Printed first, at Boston in New Eng- land, and reprinted at London, for John Dunton, 1693 This second edition is exceedingly rare, and omits much that is found in the first edition. The paging is very irregular, jumping from 24 to 43 — then following p. 50 is 41. 2K08 Mather. The Wonders of the Invisible World, being J*- an account of the Trials of several Witches lately exe- cuted in New England, with a farther account, by In- crease Mather. Portrait. i6°cloth, uncut. London, 1862 2309 Mather. The Life and Death of the Rev. Mr. John Eliot, who was the first preacher of the gospel to the Indians in America, pp. 168, 4. Third ed., carefully revised. 16° calf, gilt edges. John Dunton: London, 1694 2310 Mather. Johannes in Eremo. Memoirs Relating to the Lives of the Ever-Memorable Mr. John Cotton, Mr. John Norton, Mr. John Wilson, Mr. John Davenport and Mr. Thomas Hooker. 16° crimson morocco, gilt, uncut. Printed for Michael Perry: Boston, 1695 The lives are separately paged: pp. 32, 80, 39, 46, 30. Preface by Increase Mather (pp. 3-12). "To the Reader," 10 pp., by Increase Mather. After the Introduction, is the Advertisement of the au- thor's projected "Church History of New England" (The Magnalia), with "A Schasme of the Whole Work" (pp. 28-32). The Memoir of Thomas Hooker is wanting. 231 1 Mather. A Good Man making a Good End. The Life and Death of the Rev. Mr. John Baily. pp. 88. 16° original sheep, uncut. B. Green & J. Allen: Boston, 1698 CATALOGUE. 215 2312 Mather, Cotton. Ecclesiastes. The Life of the Rev- erend and Excellent Jonathan Mitchel; a pastor of the church, and a Glory of the College in Cambridge, New England, pp. 112. 16° claret morocco, red edges. B. Green & J. Allen: Boston, 1697 "Edward Langdon's. Book, 1722" "Elizabeth Sumner, 1766." ^"^2313 Mather. Magnalia Christi Americana: or, the Eccle- ' / 1 T \\ siastical History of New England from its Planting in '' the year 1620 unto the year 1698. In Seven Books. I. Antiquities. II. The Lives of the Governours. III. The Lives of sixty famous Divines. IV. An account the University at Cambridge. VI. A Faithful Record of Illustrious Providences. VII. The Wars [with the Indians], etc., etc. AVith the original map, also inserted fac-simile of portrait of Increase Mather by I. Sturt, (only 25 printed), and a portrait of Cotton Mather, (both inlaid). Folio, calf, (rebacked). London, printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, 1702 Large Paper. Size 14^x8^ (The Brinley copy measuring 13^ x8j^ was called by Mr. Trumbull a very large copy). The above has the original map, the list of books, and a fac-simile of the Errata. 2314 Mather. Reprint of the Errata to the Magnalia. pp. 2. Small folio. (2 copies). /2315 Mather. Magnalia Christi Americana. First American S-o<'l eii'^ition. pp. 573, 595. 2 vols. 8° sheep, (worn). Hartford, 1820 ■ 2316 [Mather.] A Good Evening for the best of Dayes; An Essay to manage an Action of Trespass against those who mispend the Lord's Day Evening, pp. 26. 16° morocco. B. Green: Boston, 1708 2317 [Mather.] Things to be more thought upon; a Brief Treatise on the Injuries offered unto the Glorious and only Saviour of the \\orld. pp. 108. 18° sheep. T. Fleet: Boston, 1713 Autograph: "Samuel Sewall, his book, July 23, 1713, Brooklin. The gift of Mr. William Dummer." 2318 Mather. Nuncia Bona e Terra Longinqua; a Brief Ac- count of some Good and Great Things a doing for the Kingdom of God, in the midst of Europe, pp. 14. 16° calf. B. Green: Boston, 1715 2319 Mather. Psalterium Americanum. The Book of Psalms, in a translation exactly conformable unto the original; but all in blank verse, fitted unto the tunes commonly used in our churches; . Added, some other portions of the Sacred Scriptures, to enrich the can- tional. pp. (2), 36, 426. 16° sheep. Boston, 1718 2i6 CATALOGUE. 2320 Mather, Cotton. India Christiana. A Discourse Delivered unto the Commissioners for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians, etc. pp. 4), 88 [92].) 18° morocco, with a rare slip of corrigenda pasted inside of cover. B. Green, 1721 "That the more Curious may have a Taste of the Language where- in, the Indians are instructed in Religion, Mather prints (pp. 52- 55 doubled,) ' The Religion which all good men are united in,' in In- dian, with English translation opposite." j/232i Mather. The Christian Philosopher; a Collection of the best discoveries in nature, with religious improve- ments, pp. 304. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1721 • 2322 Mather. Parentator; Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and Death of the ever-memorable Dr. Increase Mather, who expired August 23, 1723. pp. 245. 12° sheep. B. Green: Boston, 1724 • 2323 Mather. Parentator. Another copy. Portrait by R. White, pp. 245. 12° full crimson morocco, extra, un- cut. (Top of title and of portrait mended.) B. Green: Boston, 1724 • 2324 Mather. Ratio Disciplinae Fratrum Nov-Anglorum; a faithful account of the discipline professed and prac- ticed in the churches of New England, pp. 207, 3. Portrait inserted. 16° calf, gilt, yellow edges, by Bed- ford. S. Gerrish: Boston, 1726 2325 Mather. Essays to do Good; addressed to all Christ- ians. New edition. 12° half sheep. Boston, 1808 • 2326 Mather. The Life of Mr. Thomas Dudley. Edited by Charles Deane. pp. 20. 8° cloth, uncut. Only 100 copies printed. Cambridge, 1870 •2327 Mather. The Discipline practised in the Churches of New England. From Magnalia Christi Americana. 12° ^ half calf. London, n. d. Y 2^28 Mather. Life of. By Samuel Mather, pp. 186. 8° ~o^U^ K '• calf. S. Gerri.sh: Boston, 1729 2329 Mather. Abridgment of the Life of. Taken from the account of him, by Rev. Samuel Mather, pp. 143. 16° calf. London, 1744 2330 Mather, Increase. The First Principles of New Eng- land, concerning the Subject of Baptisme and Com- munion of Churches, pp. 40, 7. Small 4° half calf, uncut. (Corner of title neatly repaired.) S. Green: Cambridge, 1673 .2331 Mather. An Earnest Exhortation to the Inhabitants of New England, etc. (Title, preface and pp. i to 16 only.) John Foster: Boston, 1676 CATALOGUE. 217 ■2332 Mather, Increase. A Brief History of the War with the Indians ^in New-England. From June 24, 1675 (when the first Englishman was Murdered by the (Indians to August 12, 1676, when Philip, alias Meta- comet, the principal Author and Beginner of the War, was slain. . Together with a serious Exhortation to the Inhabitants of that Land. 4 preliminary leaves, pp. 51, (i), 8. Small 4° smooth calf extra. Printed for Richard Chiswell: London, 1676 This copy has the leaf preceding the title page, with half title, in large type : " The Wars of New-England," (The " Serious Exhorta- tions," though named in the Title, is not given in this edition.) Inserted is a fac-simile of the map published with Hubbard's In- dian Wars, no map was issued with this book. " No epithet can be too strong to characterize the scarcity of the one introuvable which so long escaped the search of American collectors; so rare, that Prince did not secure it for his New England Library." — Brinley Catalogue. 2333 Mather. A Relation of the Troubles which have hapned in New-England, by reason of the Indians there. From the year 1614 to the year 1675. Wherein the fre- quent Conspiracyes of the Indians to cutt off the Eng- lish, and the wonderful providence of God, in disap- pointing their devices, is declared, etc. pp. 76, ig. Small 4° calf, uncut. (Corners of few leaves mended.) John Foster: Boston, 1677 With the Autograph of Increase Mather on the title page, also of Jorusha Mather, his daughter. 2334 Mather. An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences. Wherein an account is given of many re- markable and very memorable events, which have hap- pened in this last age; especially in New-England, pp. (22), 372. 16° sheep. Printed by Samuel Green for Joseph Browning: Boston, 1684 The Crowninshield copy. " This book is extremely rare, and is not to be found in the library of the Antiquarian Society at Worcester, nor in the library at Cam- bridge." — E. A. Crowninshield. The table of contents at the end is missing. 2335 Mather. Pray for the Rising Generation. Last Ser- mon, preached the third day of the 5th moneth, 1678. The third Impression, pp. (i), 2, 165-198. 16° mo- rocco. Printed by R[ichard] P[ierce]: (Boston), 1685 This is the third part of Mather's " A Call from Heaven," etc., first printed by Foster in 1679. 2336 Mather. The Mystery of Christ opened and applyed. pp. 214. 18° polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Bed- FORp. Boston, 1686 2j8 catalogue. ,2337 [Mather, Increase.] A Sixth Collection of Papers re- lating to the present juncture of Affairs in England, contains: A Narrative of the Miseries of New England by reason of an arbitrary Government errected there. (By Increase Mather.) pp. 34. 4° half morocco. London, 1689 ^2338 Mather. A Further Account of the Tryals of the New- England Witches. With the observations of a person who was upon the place several days when the suspected Witches were first taken into examination. To which is added, Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcrafts and evil spirits personating Man, written at the request of the ministers of New England. Written by Increase Mather, President of Harvard College, pp. 2, 10, 4, 39, 8. Small 4° full polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Printed for John Dunton: London, 1693 • 2339 Mather. A Further Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches, pp. 10. Small 4°. London, 1693 These are the title page and 10 pp. of text "collected by Deodat Lawson," prefixed to the English edition of Mather's Cases of Con- science, etc. . 2340 Mather. Cases of Conscience concerning evil Spirits, r personating Men, Witchcrafts, infallible Proofs of Guilt in such as are accused with that Crime, pp. 67, 7. 16° sheep. B. Harris: Boston, 1693 2341 [Mather.] Gospel Order revived, being an Answer to a Book lately set forth by the Rev. Mr. Increase jMather, entituled. The Order of the Gospel, etc. By sundry ministers of the Gospel in New England, pp. 40. Small 4° polished calf, uncut, by Bedford. Printed in the Year 1700 Advertisement and last leaf in fac-simile. 2342 [Mather.] A Collection of some of the many offensive Matters contained in a Pamphlet, entituled. The Order of the Gospel revived, pp. 24. 18° calf. Boston, 1701 The preface " To the Reader " is by Increase Mather, and the body of the book is by Cotton Mather. .2343 Mather. A Discourse concerning the Maintenance due to those that preach the Gospel, etc. pp. 60. 16° inlaid to 4°, the last leaf in MSS. 4° half morocco. B. Green: Boston, 1706 2344 Mather. A Discourse concerning the Grace of Cour- age, pp. 44. 16° morocco. B. Green: Boston, 1710 Artillery Sermon preached at Boston, June 5, 1710. 2345 Mather. Remarkable Providences illustrative of the earlier days of American Colonization. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 CATALOGUE. 219 ■2346 Mather, Increase. A Disquisition Concerning Ecclesi- astical Councils. Proving, that not only Pastors, but Brethren delegated by the Churches, have equally a Right to a decisive Vote in such Assemblies. To which is added, Proposals concerning Consociation of Churches, pp. (2), 20, 47, (i). 18° calf. Printed for Nicholas Boone, 1716 The Preface is dated Oct. 30, 17 16. In the preface to "Two Discourses," published in (July) 1716, Mather says: "Some years ago, I wrote a Disquisition concerning Ecclesiastical Councils. . . . In suppressing the Publication of it so long, I have attended the Old Advice, In nonum prematur ad Annum ... I have designed that Discourse as my Last and Dying Advice to the Churches in New-England, (p. ix.) /2347 Mather. History of King Philip's War, also a history ^,.-^6.^ i oi the same war by Rev. Cotton Mather. With an in- troduction and notes, by S. G. Drake, pp. 281. Por- traits. Royal 4° boards. Boston, 1862 , Large paper. 1/2348 Mather. Early History of New England. With an ^0^^ ^^ introduction and notes, by S. G. Drake, pp. 309. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1864 2349 Mather. The same. Large Paper. Royal 4° boards. Boston, 1864 2350 Mather. Memoirs of the Life of. With a preface by the Rev. Edmund Calamy. Portraits of Mather, R. White and Edward Calamy inserted, pp. 88. 8° polished calf, extra, red edges, by Bedford. London, 1725 ■2351 Mather. Increase Mather, the Agent of Massachusetts Colony in England for the concession of a charter. By William H. Whitmore. Small 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1869 ■2352 Mather, Nathaniel. A Sermon wherein is shewed that it is the duty and should be the care of believers in Christ, to live in the constant exercise of grace, pp. 28. 16° calf. Printed by R. P.: Boston, 1684 2353 Mather, Richard. A Modest and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle, his book against the independence of churches, pp. 58. Small 4° half roan. London, 1644 2354 Mather. The Life and Death of that Reverend Man of God, Mr. Richard Mather, teacher of the church in Dorchester in New England. Inserted portrait, pp. 38. Square 16° light calf, yellow edges. Printed by S. G. and M. J.: Cambridge, 1670 Title in fac-simile by Harris. 220 CATALOGUE. 2355 [Mather, Richard.] Church-Government and Church Covenant discvssed, in an answer of the Elders of the severall churches in New England to two and thirty questions sent over to them by divers minis- ters in England. . Together with an apologie of the said Elders in New-England for Church-Covenant. . . As also in an answer (by John Davenport) to nine positions about Church Government (Address to the reader, by Hugh Peters.) pp. (4), 84, (2), 78. Small 4° old calf. (Bottom of title and margin of leaf of preface mended). London, 1643 " The 32 Questions, the Answer whereof was Mr. Richard Mather, and not any other Elder or Elders in New England ; who is likewise the author of the discourse concerning Church Covenant printed therewith ... as he writes in a letter to a son of his now in England." — Preface to a Disputation concerning Church-Members, etc., London, 1659. " The 9 Positions (though written by Mr. Davenport) had the approbation of the rest of the Elders in New England." — /. Mather's Discourse concerning the Unlawfulness of Common Prayer, p. 14. " An Apologie " and " An Answer . . . unto Nine Positions " have separate title-pages, but continuous paging. •2356 Mather, Samuel. A Sermon after the Decease of the very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, who ex- pired Feb. 13, 1727-8. pp. 26. Small 8° calf, gilt. G. Rogers: Boston, 1728 2357 Mather. An Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New England, pp. 216. 8° half calf, gilt. T. Fleet: Boston, 1738 With autograph of Edmund Quincy. 2358 [Mather.] An Attempt to Shew that America must be known to the Ancients, made at the request and to gratify the curiosity of an inquisitive gentleman, to which is added an appendix concerning the American Colonies and some modern managements against them, pp. 35. 8° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1773 2359 [Mather.] (Reply to.) Diana's Shrines turned into Ready Money by Priestly Magic; or, virtue given up. Being remarks on remarks in the northern Priest's Pamphlet, entitled A-^ — a known to the a— ts. pp. 23. 8° half morocco, (title mended). New York, 1773 2360 Mather. The Mather Family. By Enoch Pond. Por- trait. 16° cloth. Boston, 1844 2361 [Mauduit, Israel.] A Short View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, with respect to their original Charter and Constitution, pp. 71. 8° half calf. London, 1769 CATALOGUE. 221 ■ 2362 Mauduit. a Short View of the History of the New England Colonies, with respect to their Charters and Constitution, pp. 100. Fourth ed. 8° half roan. London, 1776 2363 Mauduit. The same. Third ed. pp. 93. 8° half mo- rocco. London, 1774 2364 Maundeville, Sir John. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville, which treateth of the way to Hierusalem ; and of Marvayles of Inde. pp. 391. 8° diamond calf. London, 1725 -2365 Maverick, Samuel. A Briefe Description of New Eng- land and the severall towns therein, 1660. Small 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1885 ' 2366 Maxwell, William. Virginia Historical Register and ^Literary Note Book. Vols. 1-6. 6 vols, in 3 vols. 8° - half roan. Richmond, 1848-53 -^2367 May, Col. John. Journal and Letters of Col. John May UJA of Boston, relative to two journeys to the Ohio country, in 1788 and '89. With a biographical sketch by Rev. R. S. Edes, and notes by \V. M. Darlington, pp. 160. 8° cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1873 2368 May, T. E. Constitutional History of England, since the accession of George Third, 1760-1860. pp. 484, , 596. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1863 2369 Mayer, Brantz. Taji-gah-jute, or Logan and Captain Af'V Michell Cresap; — ^Calvert and Penn, or the Growth of Civil and Religious Liberty in America, as disclosed in the planting of Maryland and Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8° boards and half roan. Baltimore, 1851-2 •2370 Mayer. Tah-gah-jute; or Logan and Cresap, an his- torical essay, pp. 204. 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1867 ^^237 1 Mayer. Captain Canot; or, twenty years of an African slaver. Plates. 12° cloth. New York, 1856 .2372 Mayhew, Experience. Indian Converts; or, some ac- count of the lives and dying speeches of a considerable number of the christianized Indians of Martha's Vine- yard in New England, pp. 310, 16. 8° calf. London, 1727 2373 Mayhew. Grace defended, in a Modest Plea for an Important Truth, pp. 208. 8° straight grained mo- rocco, red edges. Boston, 1744 2374 Mayhew. Observations on the Indian Language. Pub- lished from the original MS. by J. S. H. Fogg. Small 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1884 Only 100 copies printed. 222 CATALOGUE. 2375 Mayhew, Jonathan. A Discourse wherein the Mystery of King Charles' Saintship and Martyrdom is unriddled, preached Jan. 30, 1749-50. pp. 55. 8° half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1750 2376 Mayhew. Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, pp. 176. 8° calf. Boston, 1763 2377 Mayhew. Defence of the Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the gospel in Foreign Parts, pp. 144; — Remarks on an Anonymous Tract entitled An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations, pp. 87. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1763-64 2378 Mayhew. Verses on Dr. Mayhew's Book of Observa- tions. By a Gentleman of Rhode Island Colony, pp. 19. 8° paper, uncut. Providence, 1763 2379 Mayhew. A Letter of Reproof to Mr. John Cleaveland of Ipswich, occasioned by a defamatory Libel published under his Name. pp. 49. 8° half roan. Boston, 1764 '2380 Mayhew. Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew. By Alden Bradford. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1838 2381 Mead, Matthew. The Almost Christian Discovered, Seven Sermons preached at London, 1661. Eighth ed. pp. i8o. i8° sheep. London, 1684 2382 Meade, William. Old Churches, Ministers and Fami- lies of Virginia, pp. 490, 496. Plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Phila., 1861 '2383 Medfield, Mass. Exercises at the Bi-Centennial Com- f& Rj meraoration of the Burning of Medfield by Indians in King Philips War, Feb. 21, 1876. pp. 56. 8° boards. Medfield, 1876 2384 Medford, Mass. History of, from 1630 to 1855. By Charles Brooks, pp. 576. Portraits and plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 2385 Medford. Register of Families settled at the Town of Medford, ass. By W. H. Whitmore. Portraits and plates. 8° half roan. Boston, 1855 Private edition. 2386 Meier, G. F. The Merry Philosopher; or. Thoughts on Jesting, pp. 213. 16° calf, gilt. London, 1764 2387 ilteltt, JJomjlonius. Cosmographia Pomponii Mele: tribus libris digesta parvo quodam compendio Joannius Coelii adaucta etc. iBlttck Cetter. 4° boards. No place or date. Probably Norimberga, 15 12 CATALOGUE. . 223. 2388 Mela. Libri de situ orbis tres, adiectis loachimi Va- diani in eosdem Scholiis. 135 folios. First ed. Folio, boards. Viennae Panonise, 1518 "The first place in which we find the name of America, used a little further a-field is in a letter dated Vienna, 1512, from Joachim Va- dianos to Rudolphus Agricola, and inserted in the Pomponius Mela of 1 518, edited by the former. The expression used is "America dis- covered by Vespucius." — R. H. Major, Prince Henry the Navigator, P- 3^7- See Vespucius, for the first occurrence of the name " America." ^^389 Melish, John. Geographical Description of the United "^ ' States. Maps. 8° half roan. Phila., 1822 •2390 Melvin, James. A Journal to the Expedition to Quebec uj-T.) ij-^'*" the year 1775, under the command of Col. Benedict . r,^-nj Arnold, pp. 34. 8° sheets, folded. u- , Franklin Club: Phila., 1864 2391 Memoirs of a certain Island adjacent to the Kingdom of Utopia. Written by a celebrated Author of that Country, pp. 294, 278. Second ed. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1726 2392 Memoir of William Sturgis, by Loring; — Charles W. Upham, by Geo. E. Ellis; — Everett's Eulogy on Dowse; — Memoir of Nathaniel Thayer; — Memoir of John Bigelow; — Memoir of James Savage, by Geo. S. Hillard; — Daveis Memoirs; — Life and Character of Lafayette; — Memoir of T. M. Harris; — Memorial of Caleb Gushing; — William Smith Shaw, by J. B. Felt; — James Brown, by G. S. Hillard. 12 vols. 12 and 8° cloth. 2393 Memoirs of C. G. Loring; — Charles Sprague, by Quin- cy; — Joseph Willard; — Nathan Appleton; — N. L. Frothingham, by Hedge; — James Savage, by Hillard; — Jared Sparks; — Edward Tuckerman; — Leonard Woods, by Park; — Levi Lincoln; — T. B. Chandler and others. 39 pamphlets. 2394 Memorial Biographies. James Deane, by H. L Bow- ditch; — Nicholas Brown, by W. Gammell; — Notice of W. T. Harris, by (S. G. Drake); — John Bromfield, by JosiahQuincy; — Parker Cleveland, by Woods; — Char- lotte A. H. Brooks; — James Johnson, etc. 9 vols. 8° half roan and paper. 2395 Memorials of S. F. B. Morse, Ezra Abbott, George Al- len, Garrett Davis, J. Q. Adams, W. H. Seward, F. W. Hackett, George Livermore, Gardner Colby and others. 10 vols. 8° and royal 8° cloth. 2396 Mendham, Rev. Joseph. An Index of Prohibited Books by Command of the present Pope Gregory XVI, in 1835. pp. i3°i 12. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 224 CATALOGUE. 2397 Menzies. Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts form- ing the Private Library of William Menzies of New York. pp. 469. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1875 2398 Mercator and Hondius. Historia Mundi; or Merca- tor's Atlas, containing his Cosmographicall Description of the Fabricke and Figure of the World. Thick folio, calf. London, 1637 Second Edition, with the scarce map of Virginia, by Ralph Hall) 1 636 ; themapofNew England is in fac-simile. 2399 Merchant's Dayly Companion, pp. 396. 16° morocco, extra, red edges, (few leaves stained.) London, 1684 2400 Merivale, Rev. Charles. History of Rome under the Emperors. The Augustan Age. pp. 172. 8° half roan (broken). London, 1854 2401 Merrill, Rev. G. E. The Story of the Manuscripts. pp. 205. 12° cloth. Boston, 1881 2402 Merryweather, F. S. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, 1849 ; — Glimmerings in the Dark, or Lights and Shadows of the Olden Time, 1850; — Lives and Anecdotes of Misers, 1850. 3 vols. 8° and 12° cloth. London. '2403 Mexican War. War with Mexico, by A. A. Livermore, 1850; — A Review of the Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War, by William Jay, 1849; — Last Leaves of American History, comprising Histories of the Mex- ican War and California, 1849. 3 vols. 12° cloth. 2404 Meyrick, Sir Samuel Rush. A Critical Inquiry into An- tient Armour, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles H. ; with a Glossary of Military Terms of the Middle Ages. Second edition, corrected and en- larged. Contains 81 large plates, including the new plate of the Battle of the Locks and Keys; 71 of which, and the initial letters, are highly illuminated in gold, silver and colors, 3 vols. ; — Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arras and Armour, from the Collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire; after the Drawings, and with the Descriptions of Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, By Joseph Skelton. Portrait of Meyrick, engraved titles, and 154 plates of arms and armour in detail. 2 vols. Together 5 vols, imperial 4° half crimson morocco, extra, gilt edges. London, 1842-54 2405 MiDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. Book of the First Church in Middleborough, with Notices of other Churches in that Town. pp. 55. 8° cloth, Boston, 1852 CATALOGUE. 225 2406 MiDDLEBURY, Vt. History of the Town of Middlebury, Vt. By Samuel Swift, pp. 444. Portraits. 8° cloth. Middlebury, 1859 2407 MiDDLETOWN, Conn. Centennial Address, by David D. Field; with Historical Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle-Haddam, Middletown and its Parishes, pp. 295. Plates. 12° cloth. Middletown, 1853 2408 Miller, Thomas. History of the Anglo-Saxons, from the earliest Period to the Norman Conquest, pp. 363. Plates. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 2409 [MiLLiGAN, Jacob.] Short Description of the Province of South Carolina, with an account of the air, weather and diseases at Charlestown. Written in the year 1763. pp. 96. 8° stitched. London, 1770 2410 [Milton, John.] The Judgement of Martin Bucer, con- cerning Divorce, pp. 26. Small 4° calf. London, 1644 241 1 Milton. Poems of Mr. John Milton, both English and Latin, compos'd at several Times. Printed by his true Copies, pp. 120, 87. Portrait by Marshall, with the Greek inscription by Milton (cut down and mounted). 16° sprinkled calf extra. Printed by Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Moseley :, London, 1645 First collective Edition, and the first work bearing Milton's name. 2412 Milton. Poems, etc., upon several Occasions; both English and Latin, etc., with a small Tractate of Edu- cation to Mr. Hartlib. pp. 117. 16° blue calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1673 Second Edition" of the " Collective Works." 2413 Milton. Tetrachordon ; Expositions upon the foure chief places in Scripture, which treat of Marriage, or nullities in Marriage. First ed. pp. 98. Small 4° calf. London, 1645 2414 Milton. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton. Small 4° calf, gilt edges. Printed by S. Simmons: London, 1668 First Edition, with the sixth title page ; the address to the reader, and the Arguments. 2415 Milton. Paradise Lost. Second ed., revised and augmented by the same Author, pp. 333. Portrait by W. Dolle. 12° calf. S. Simmons: London, 1674 2416 Milton. Paradise Lost. Third ed. pp. 331. Portrait by W. Dolle. 16° morocco, gilt edges. London, 1678 2417 Milton. Paradise Lost. Fourteenth ed., to which is prefix'd an Account of his Life (by Elijah Fenton). pp. 350 and index. Plates by Foudrinier. 16° calf. J. Tonson: London, 1730 / S-K,> ^1% 226 CATALOGUE. 2418 Milton. Paradise Lost, a Poem. From the Text of Thomas Newton, pp. 416. Portrait. 4° russia, extra, gilt edges. Printed by John Baskerville: Birmingham, 1759 2419 Milton. Paradise Lost. pp. 248. Frontispiece. 48° cloth, uncut. London, 1835 Pickering's miniature edition. 2420 Milton. Paradise Lost, in Ten Books. The Text ex- actly reproduced from the first ed. of 1667, with an Appendix, containing the Additions made in later Is- sues, etc. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Pickering: London, 1873 2421 Milton. Paradise Regain'd, a Poem in Four Books; to which is added Samson Agonistes. First ed. pp. 102, III. 8° calf. (Title neatly mended.) London, 1671 2422 Milton. Works of. pp. 568. Folio, calf (rebacked). Printed in the Year 1697 '2423 Milton. The Works of John Milton in Verse and Prose, printed from the Original editions with a Life of the Author, by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait. 8 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London (Boston), 1851 2424 Milton. The State of Innocence and Fall of Man, de- scribed in Milton's Paradise Lost, render'd into Prose, with notes. By a Gentleman of Oxford, pp. 436. 8° old calf (shaken). London, 1745 2425 Milton. A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone. Translated from the Original by Charles R. Sumner, pp. 714. Royal 4° boards. London, 1825 2426 Milton. Life of. By J. Toland. pp. 165. 8° mo- rocco, gilt. London, 1699 2427 Milton. Life of John Milton, pp. 165; — Amyntor; or, a Defence of Milton's Life, pp. 172. By (J. Toland). '8° half calf, gilt. London, 1699 2428 Milton. New Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of John Milton. By Francis Peck. Fine mezzotint portrait by F'aber. 4"^ half sheep. London, 1740 2429 MiNADOi, John Thomas. The History of the Warres betweene the Turkes and the Persians. Translated into English by A. Hartwell. pp. 500, 18. Small 4° calf. John Wolfe: London, 1595 ?43o Miner, Charles. History of Wyoming, Pa. pp. 488, 104. Maps. 8° cloth. Phila., US45 CATALOGUE. 227 2431 Minnesota Historical Society. Transactions of the Department of American History. 8° paper. Minneapolis, 1879 2432 Minnesota. Pamphlets relating to. (7) 2433 MiNOT, G. R. Continuation of the History of the .Province of Massachusetts Bay, from the year 1748 to 1765. 2 vols, in one. pp. 304, 222. 8° calf, (cracked), Boston, 1 798-1803 > With an autograph of the author. 2434 MiNOT. History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts, in 1786 and the Rebellion consequent thereon. Second ed. 8° half roan. Boston, 1810 243s MiRABEAU. Recollections of Mirabeau, and of the two first legislative assemblies of France. By E. Dumont. pp. 399. 8° half morocco. Phila., 1833 2436 Miscellanea Curiosa. Containing a Collection of some of the principal phenomena in Nature, accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this age. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 8° calf. London, 1726 Vols. I and II consists wholly of scientific papers. Vol. Ill con- tains extracts from voyages and travels in various parts of the world. Also, John Clayton's Letters, giving an account of observations in Virginia, and of his voyage thither. Also a journal of a voyage from Scotland to New Caledonia by Dr. Wallace. 2437 Miscellaneous Pamphlets. Speech of Mr. Burges, Feb. 3, 1831; — Ballantyne on Lockhart's Life of Scott, 1838; — Peters's Guide to the Chinese Museum in the Marlboro Chapel, Boston, 1845; — Howe on Prison Discipline, 1846; — Gray on Prison Discipline, 1847; — Trial of Thomas Sims, April 7-11, 1851; — Hudson River and the Hudson River Railroad, with map, 185 1, etc. 19 vols. 8° half roan. .2438 [Mitchell, Jonathan.] A Defence of the Answer and Arguments of the Synod met at Boston in the year 1662, against the reply made thereto, by the Rev. John Davenport. W^ith an answer (by Richard Mather) to the apologetical preface, set before that essay, pp. (2), 46, 102. Small 4° half roan. S. Green and M. Johnson, for Hez. Usher: Cambridge, 1664 2439 Mitchell, J. and Dickie, J. The Philosophy of Witch- craft, pp. 424. Frontispiece. 16° cloth, uncut. Paisley, 1839 2440 Moliere, J. B. de. Works of. Portrait. 6 vols, in 3 vols. 16° half morocco. London, 1714 2441 MoLLOY, J. Fitzgerald. Famous Plays. 12" cloth, un- cut. , London, 1886 228 CATALOGUE. ■ 2442 iHonarbfiS, Nkolo. Joyfull Newes out of the newfound World, wherein are declared the rare and singular ver- tues of diuers herbs, trees, oyles, plants and stones, etc. Englished by John Frampton. jBlatk iL«tt«r, with illustrations, pp. 181. Small 4"^ antique calf, gilt. W. Norton: London, 1580 Title and one or two leaves slightly mended at the top. 2443 MoNETTE, John W. History of the Discovery and Settle- ment of the Valley of the Mississippi, pp. 567, 595. Maps. 2 vols. 8° sheep, (broken). New York, 1848 2444 Money. History of Banks, by (R. Hildreth); — Age of Greenbacks; — Opinions of the Judges of the Court of Appeals on Treasury Notes; — Currency and Banking, by Appleton; — Money, by A. Walker; — Twenty Years of the Boston Stock Market, by J. G. Martin, etc. 9 vols. 8° cloth and half roan. 2445 Monmouth. Life, Progress and Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth, to his capture and execution. By George Roberts, pp. 338, 346. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 2446 Monroe, James. A View of the Conduct of the Execu- tive, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, con- nected with the mission to the French Republic during the years 1794, 5, 6. pp. 407. 8° half roan, uncut. Phila., 1797 2447 Monroe. Letters Between James Monroe, Secretary of War of the U. S. and Augustus J. Foster, British Minis- ter in relation to the orders in council, and the affair of the Little Belt. pp. 59. 16° half morocco. New York, 1812 2448 Monroe. A Narrative of a Tour of Observations made during the summer of 1817 by James Monroe, through the North-Eastern and North-Western Departments of the Union, pp. 228, 36. 12° boards, uncut. (Stamp on title). Phila., i8i8 2449 Monroe. The Tour of James Monroe through the Northern and Eastern States in 1817, his Tour in the year 1818, together with a sketch of his life. By S. P Waldo, pp.348. Portrait. 12° sheep. Hartford, 1819 2450 Montagu, Mrs. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare, compared with the Greek and B'rench dramatic poets, pp. 296. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1810 2451 Montague, Lady Mary Wortley. Letters and Works of. Edited by Lord Wharncliffe. Second ed. revised. 3 vols. 8° tree calf, gilt. London, 1837 CATALOGUE. 229 2452 MoNTES. Commissions du Roy et de Monseigneur I'Admirai, au Sieur de Montes pour I'habitation es terres de Lacadie Canada, et autres endroits en la Novelle France, pp.39. 16° calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. Par Philippes Patisson: Paris, 1605 2453 Montesquieu, Baron de. Miscellaneous Pieces, pp. 334. 8° mottled calf. London, 1759 With bookplate of Benjamin Vaughan. 2454 Montgomery, James. Lectures on Poetry and General ^ Literature, pp. 394. 12° half calf. London, 1833 2455 Monthly Anthology and Boston Review. Vols, i to 10 bound in 9 vols. 8° half sheep. Boston, 1804-11 " James Savage's copy, with the names of tlie writers in the Antho- logy, by him." — Note by Mr. Deane. 2456 Montpelier, Vt. History of, from 1781 to i860. By ■•i\.x)3,^T). P. Thompson, pp. 312. Portrait. 8° cloth. Montpelier, i860 2457 Montreal. Hochelaga Depicta; the early history and liTt present state of the City and Island of Montreal. Edited by N. Bosworth. Numerous engravings and map. 12° calf, red edges. Montreal, 1839 2458 Moodey, Joshua. The Great Sin of Formality in God's Worship. (Boston Lecture.) pp. 42. 12° morocco. B. Harris: Boston, 1691 2459 Moodey Practical Discourse concerning the choice benefit of communion with God. (Thursday Lecture.) pp. 88. 16° morocco. Boston, 1746 2460 Moodey, Samuel. The Doleful State of the Damned, etc. being Sermons preached at York, Me. pp. 182. 16° half morocco. (The last leaf in MSS., also a portion of 2 other leaves.) T. Green: Boston, 1710 2461 Moodey. The Vain Youth summoned to appear at Christ's Bar. Sermon preached at York, June 25, 1701. pp. 90. 24° sheep. T. Green: Boston, 1713 2462 Moodey. Judas the Traitor hung up in Chains. Ser- mon preached at York, Me. pp. 84. 18° calf. B. Green: Boston, 17 14 2463 Moodey. The same. pp. 39. 8° stitched, uncut. New Haven, 1761 2464 Moodey. Dialogue, containing Questions and Answers, from Judas' Fall, improved. 12° half calf. pp. 19. Por- trait. 12° half calf, (title mended). New London, 1768 2465 Moodey. The Gospel Way of escaping the Doleful State of the Damned, (pp. S^-iSS wanting), pp. 172. 12° sheep. Boston, 1739 230 CATALOGUE. 2466 MooDEY. The Debtor's Monitor, Directory and Com- fort. 18° calf. Newburyport, 1804 2467 MooDEY. Sketch of a Sermon preached in York, Me. July 25, 1721. Wood-cut on back of title. 16° calf. Nathaniel Willis: Boston, 1813 2468 Moody, C. C. P. Biographical Sketches of the Moody Family, embracing notices of ten ministers and several laymen, from 1633 to 1842. t8° cloth, (2 copies). Boston, 1847 2469 Moody, Silas. Sermon preached at Arundel, Jan. 12, 1800, on the death of George Washington, Portsmouth, 1800; — Sermon at Arundel, Me., Boston, 1856; — An Attempt to point out the fatal and pernicious conse- quences of Joseph Bellamy's Doctrines. By Samuel Moodey, Boston, 1759. 3 vols. 8° half roan. 2470 Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield. The Warden's Tale, San Moritz, the Magdalene and other poems, new and old. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1883 2471 Moore, Frank. Songs and Ballads of the American -o Revolution, pp. 394. 12° cloth. New York, 1856 '2472 Moore, Diary of the American Revolution, pp. 528, 559. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, i860 2473 Moore. Heroes and Martyrs; Notable Men of the Time. Biographical Sketches of the Military and Na- val Heroes, Statesmen and Orators, distinguished in the American Crisis of 1861-62. pp. 253. Numerous / portraits. Royal 4° cloth. New York. 2474 Moore, George H. The Treason of Charles Lee, Major General, Second in Command in the American Army of the Revolution, pp. 115. Portraits and fac-similes. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, i860 2475 Moore. Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachu- setts, pp. 256. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1866 "2476 Moore, J. B. Memoirs of American Governors. Vol. ;3i I. (all published.) Portrait, pp. 439. 8° cloth. New York, 1846 2477 Moore, Mark. Memoirs and Adventures of Mark Moore, late an Officer in the British Navy. Written by Himself, pp. 267. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1795 2478 [MooRE, Thomas.] Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq. Eleventh ed. pp. 172. 16° half roan. London, 1812 2479 Moore. Lalla Rookh, an Oriental Romance. Ninth ed. pp. 397. Plates by Westall. 8° wrinkled calf, gilt. London, 1818 a tmtttnl/ mn pleaEaunt faoiU of t^^ be&e Sate ota publpque Ineafe, anb of ttje netoe pie calfea fctopiajtojittea in Ratine bp ^pi C^otnas ^02e fanpg^t, anb tcandateO into i?ng{p(^e' bpjRap^e *{obpnfon ititijcm an& (ffiro(armpt(;e of Jf oaDon , at t^e p20cucement,anti eaine&ts« qued of dB^eozge Cablotoe jCit^etn f i^abeitiafl^ec oftjjriatne^ttje^ C3mpHttteDatEottDoti ip 4l)2at)am &eIr,i>tDe(Iin3,tnpaul9 c^\xtcf)tpatQe at t\}c fpgne of t^e^ambe.^KoQo. » J 5 I. Fac-simile of Title Tage of '• Mork's Utopia, 1551." No. 2484. CATALOGUE. 231 2480 Moore. Irish Melodies. New edition. Witli orna- mental border and illustrations by D. Maclise. 4° cloth. London, 1853 2481 More, Hannah. Poetical Works of. With a memoir of the Author, pp. 504. Frontispiece. 18° cloth, un- cut. London, 1839 2482 More, Henry. The Immortality of the Soul, so farre forth as it is demonstrable from the Knowledge of Na- ture and the Light of Reason, pp. 549. 12° old calf. London, 1659 2483 More. Collection of the Philosophical Writings of. Folio, half sheep, (broken and stained). London, 1722 From the library of Charles Lamb, with notes in his handwriting. Also catalogue of Charles Lamb's Library and letter from Bartlett & Welford, referring to this book, etc. 2484 iSlor*, Sir @[t]Otnas. A fruteful and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale. and of the newe yle called Utopia, written in Latine by Syr Thomas More, Knyght and translated into Englyshe by Raphe Robynson, etc. i3Iatk Cettcr, not paged, in single col- umns. 16° full morocco, gilt edges. Imprinted at London by Abraham Vele, 1551 The first English Edition, exceedingly scarce. This is a remarkably fine copy with full margins, without a stain or defect whatever. 2485 More. A most pleasant, fruitful and witty Work, called Utopia; translated into English by Raphe Robinson, A. D. 1551. A new edition with notes by Rev. T. F. Dibdin. pp. 180, (141), 320. Portrait and fac-similes. 2 vols. 8° half levant morocco, uncut. London, 1808 2486 More. Utopia, or the Happy Republic. To which is added, The New Atlantis. By Lord Bacon. With a Preliminary Discourse by J. A. St. John. pp. 271. i6° calf. London, 1838 2487 More. Life of, by William Roper, with Notes and an Appendix of Letters. New edition, by S. W. Singer, pp. 195. Portrait. 16° cloth. Chiswick, 1822 2488 More, The Life of Sir Thomas More. By C. More, with a Biographical Preface, Notes and other Illustra- tions by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, pp. 376. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1828 2489 More. Sir Thomas More, his Life and Times. By W. J.Walter. 18° half morocco. Philadelphia, 1839 /2490 Morehead, James T. An Address in Commemoration 5-Ji>fc/ariof the first Settlement of Kentucky, delivered at Boones- borough. May 25, 1840. pp. 181. 8° half morocco. Frankfort, 1840 232 CATALOGUE. 2491 MoRELL, J. D. An Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century. Second ed. pp. 591, 666. 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. New York, 1847 2492 Morgan, Appleton. The Shakespearean Myth; William Shakespeare and Circumstantial Evidence, pp. 342. 8° cloth. Cincinnati, 1881 2493 Morgan, Lewis H. League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois, pp. 477. Map and plates. 8° cloth. ^ Rochester, 1851 '2494 Mormon Bible. The Book of Mormon. Translated by Joseph Smith, Jun. 16° half morocco. Liverpool, 1841 249s MoRMONiSM and the Mormons, by D. P. Kidder, 1842; — The Mormons, their history, by J. W. Gunnison, 1852; — Adventures in the Far West and lifearmong the Mor- mons, by Mrs. C. V. Waite, 1882 ; -v^Origin, Rise and Progress of Mormonism, by Tucker, 1867; -VThe Mor- mons; or Latter Day Saints, with Memoirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith, 1852. 5 vols. 16° cloth and sheep. 2496 Morris, Gouverneur. Life of, with Selections from his rt,_f-/ Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. By Jared Sparks. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° half calf. Boston, 1832 2497 Morse, Jedidiah. American Geography; or, a View of the Present Situation of the United States of America. Fine copy, with numerous maps of States. 4° half morocco. London, 1794 24q8 Morse. Report on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narra- tive of a Tour performed in 1820, for the Purpose of Ascertaining the Actual State of the Indian Tribes in Our Country. Map and plate. 8° boards, uncut. New Haven, 1822 2499 Morse. Annals of the American Revolution, pp. 399, 50. Plates. 8" sheep. Hartford, 1824 2500 Morse, Jedidiah, and Parish, E. Compendious History of New England, pp. 388. Map. 12° half morocco. Charlestown, 1804 2501 Morse. The same. pp. 336. Map. 12° sheep. Newburyport, 1809 2502 Morse's American/Gazetteer, 1797; — American Geog- raphy, 1792 ; -\/Hayward's New England Gazetteer, 1857; — Freeman's Remarks on the .American Universal Geography, 1793; — Compendium of Ancient Geogra- phy, 1810; — Coleman's Historical Text Book and Atlas of Biblical Geography, 1854. 7 vols. 8° half calf, sheep and cloth, CATALOGUE. 233 2503 Morton, Nathaniel. New England's Memorial; or, a Brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New England, in America; With special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called New Pli- mouth. As also a Nomination of divers of the most Eminent Instruments deceased, both of Church and Commonwealth, improved in the first beginning and after-progress of sundry of the respective Jurisdictions in those Parts; in reference unto sundry Exemplary Passages of their Lives, and the time of their Death, pp. (12), 198, (10.) Small 4° calf, gilt, red edges. Cambridge. Printed by S(amuel) G(reen) and M(ar- maduke J(ohnson), for John Usher of Boston, 1669 First edition, with autograph of John Farmer. This book is one of those commonly referred to as " the corner stone " of the early history of New England. " Concerning the extreme rarity of this first edition of this im- portant writ, it will be sufficient to remark, that we know of but three perfect copies in the United States." — Sabin's Dictionary. 2504 Morton. New England's Memorial. Small 4° sheets folded. Boston, i66g Imperfect copy of the first edition, comprises, text, pp. 1-198, (last leaf and pp. 39-40 imperfect.) 2505 Morton. The same. Second ed. pp. 249. 16° calf, (foxed.) Reprinted for Nicholas Boone: Boston, 1721 2507 Morton. The same. Third ed. pp. 208, (8.) Small 4° sheep. Reprinted: Newport, 1772 2508 Morton. The same. Fourth ed. 12° half morocco. Plymouth, 1826 /2509 Morton. The same. Fifth ed., with notes by John i.O p'TDavis. Fac-simile map inserted and manuscript notes by the Editor. 8° mor. , extra, uncut edges. Boston, 1826 2510 Morton. The same. Sixth ed. pp. 515. Portrait and plate. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 25 1 1 Morton, Thomas. New English Canaan, containing an Abstract of New England, composed in three Bookes. The first Booke setting forth the originall of the Na- tives, their Manners and Customes, together with their tractable Nature and Love towards the English. The second Booke setting forth the naturall Indowments of the Country, and what staple Commodities it yealdeth. The third Booke setting forth what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable accidents have happened since the first planting of it. pp. 192. 4° half calf. Printed at Amsterdam. 1637 A book of such rarity that Mr. MuUer, the Amsterdam book- seller, remarks : " Although this book is printed in my native place, Amsterdam, I have never seen or heard of it here," / 234 CATALOGUE. 2512 Morton, Mrs. S. W. The Power of Sympathy; or, the Triumph of Nature, founded on Truth, pp. 138, 158. Frontispiece. 2 vols, in i. 12° sheep, (broken). Boston, 1789 Rare first edition, suppressed. 2513 [MouRT, G.] A Relation or Journal of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English Aduen- turers both Merchants and others. With their difficult passage, their safe arriuall, their ioyfull building of, and comfortable planting themselves in the now well de- fended Towne of New Plimoth. As also a Relation of Fovre seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English Planters there resident, I. In a iourney to Pvckanokick the habitation of the Indians greatest King Massasoyt. II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the Kingdome of Nawset, to seeke a boy that had lost himselfe in the woods. III. In their iourney to the Kingdome of Namaschet, in defence of their greatest King Massasoyt, against the Narrohiggonsets. IV. Their voyage to the Massachusets, etc. pp. 72. Small 4° morocco, extra, gilt edges, (title and some leaves remargined). Printed for John Bellamie, London, 1622 Another " corner stone " and almost unobtainable in as good condition as this copy. " A daily journal of the first twelve months, (Sept., 1620 to Dec. II, 1621), doubtless written by Bradford and Winslow. — H. M. Dexter. 2514 Mourt's Relation; or. Journal of the Plantation at Ply- mouth. With an introduction and notes, by H. M. Dexter. Map. pp. 176. Small 4° cloth,- uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 250 copies printed. 2515 Mosheim, J. L. Ecclesiastical History, from the Birth of Christ to the Beginning of the eighteenth Century. Translated by A. Maclaine. pp. 822. Imperial 8° sheep. London, 1833 2516 [Motley, J. L.J Merry-Mount; a Romance of the Massachusetts Colony. First ed. pp. 222,249. 2 vols, in I. 12° cloth. Boston, 1849 2517 Motley. John Lothrop Motley, a Memoir. By O. W. Holmes. First ed. pp. 278. Portrait. Small 4° cloth. Boston, 1879 / Presentation copy with autograph of the author. 2518 MouLTON, J. W. and Gates, J. V. N. History of the State of New York, including Aboriginal and Colonial Annals, pp. 428. Plate. 2 vols, in one. 8° morocco, gilt. New York, 1824-6 /. CATALOGUE. 235 2519 [MuTTLEV, Juhii.j Joe Miller's Jests; or, the Wits Vade-Mecum, London 1739. pp. 70. 8° half roan, uncut. (Reprint:) London, 1862 2520 MuLLER, F. Catalogue of Books relating to America, including a large number of rare works printed before 1700. pp. 104. 12° half roan. Amsterdam, 1850 2521 MuNOZ, Don J. B. History of the New World, with notes by the translator. Vol. i. (all published.) pp. 552. Portrait and map. 8° sheep, (cracked). London, 1797 2522 MuNSELL, J. A Chronology of Paper and Paper-Making, pp. no. 8° half roan. Albany, 1857 2523 Munsell's Historical Series. 8 vols, small 4° cloth, pa- per and boardg, uncut. Albany, 1857-87 Comprises: I. Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book. A''II. Or- derly Reok of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, edited by E. B. O'Calla- han. ^III. Early Voyages up and down the^^Mississippi, with an introduction, notes and index by J. G. Shea. XI. Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson, 1776-7. Annotated by W. L. Stone.*''^XII. Had- den's Journal and Orderly Books, kept in Canada and upon Bur- goyne's Campaign, 1776-1777. With notes by H. Rogers. XIII. Account of Red Jacket and his People, 1750-1830, by J. N. Hubbard. Of IV. Journal of Captain Pausch, 177^7, during the Burgoyne Cam- paign. Translated by W. L. Stone. ^"XVI. Digby's Journal of the British Invasion, 1776-7. With historical notes by J. P. Baxter. 2524 Murphy, Henry C. The Voyage of Verrazano; a Chap- II E>'i ter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America. Maps. 8° half morocco. New York, 1875 '2525 Murphy. Catalogue of his Library, Books relating to (Hew America, sold by auction. New York, March 1884. pp. 434. With addenda and list of prices. Royal 8° paper. New York, 1884 '21; 26 Murray, A. M. Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. Map. 2 vols, in i. 8° cloth. London, 1856 2527 Murray, H. A. Lands of the Slave and the Free; or, Cuba, the United States and Canada. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12° half roan. London, 1855 2528 Murray, Rev. James. An Impartial History of the present War in America, pp. 573, 576. Numerous scarce portraits. 2 vols. 8° half calf. Newcastle, (1779) 2529 Murray, Rev. John. Records of the Life of. Written by Himself. Portrait by A. Bowen. 12° morocco, crjlt. Boston, 1827 2530 Murray's Family Library, comprising: British Painters, Sculptors and Architects, by Allan Cunningham; — Trials of Charles the First; -VSalmagundi, by Irving; \/^ — History of New York, by Irving. Steel portraits and plates. 9 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1830-39 236 CATALOGUE. <( 2531 MuzzEY, A. B. Reminiscences of Men of the Revolu- ^ fi-i-j_ tion, and their Families, pp. 424. Illustrations. 8° '^^' cloth. Boston, 1883 2532 Mynshul, Geffray. Essayes and Characters of a Prison and Prisoners. London 1618. pp. 91. 12° half calf, uncut, (broken). Reprinted: Edinburgh, 1821 2533 Mystery (The) of Money explained, and illustrated by the Monetary History of England, from the Norman Conquest to the present time. pp. 272. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1862 2534 NJaLSON, J. A True Copy of the Journal of the 1 1 High Court of Justice for the Tryal of K. Charles I. pp. 128, 6. Fine portrait of Charles I, by R. White. Folio, calf. London, 1684 2535 Nantes, (Edict of.) Nouember the 29. The true origi- nall Edict of Nants as it was enacted by Henry the Third, and conformed by the last French King Henry the Fourth, pp. 53. Small 4° half morocco. , London, 1622 ' 2536 Nantucket, Mass. History of Nantucket, together k-fso.. f^tgi — with the rise and progress of the whale fishery. By /I, P^J obed Macy. pp. 300. Map. 12° cloth. Boston, 1835 2537 Napoleon. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a continuation, embracing an account of the Hundred Days, and of his residence and death at St. Helena. By M. de Bourrienne. pp. 796, 819. Maps and plates. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Glasgow. 2538 Napoleon. Memoirsof Napoleon, his Court and Family. By Duchess D'Abrantes. pp. 548, 520. 16 plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1836 2539 Napoleon. Las Cases, Count de. Journal of the Pri- vate Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena. 4 vols. 8° half sheep. Boston, 1823 y/2540 Nason, Elias. Sir Charles Henry Frankland, Baronet; CftO)iA3) "-"^ Boston in the colonial times, pp. 129. 8° paper, ^" " "^ uncut. Albany, 1865 - 2541 Nason. A Monogram on our National Song. pp. 69. ' 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1869 •2542 Natick, Mass. History of, from 1650 to 1830. By William Biglow. pp. 87. S"" half roan. Boston, 1830 • 2543 Natick. History of, from its first settlement in 165 1, to the present time. By Oliver M. Bacon, pp. 261. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1856 ■ 2544 Natick. Nonantum and Natick. By Sarah S. Jacobs. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1853 , CATALOGUE. 237 / / 254s Narragansett Club Publications. 6 vols. 4° cloth, un- cut. Subscriber's Copy. Providence, 1866-74 'Oti j\\-C Only 200 copies printed. I. A Key into the Language of America, or a help to the lan- guage of the natives in that part of America called New England, etc., by Roger Williams, 1643. II. A Reply to Roger Williams. His Examination by John Cotton, edited by Rev. John L. Diman ; Queries of the Highest Con- sideration, edited by R. A. Guild. III. The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, for Cause of Conscience, discussed in a Conference between Truth and Peace, etc., edited by S. L. Caldwell. IV. The Bloudy Tenent, yet More Bloudy, by Mr. Cotton's endeavor to wash it white in the Blood of the Lambe ; of the blood of Millions spilt in former and late Wars, for Conscience's Sake, etc., etc., by Roger Williams, edited by S. L. Caldwell. V. George Fox digg'd out of his Burrowes, edited by Rev. J. Lewis Diman. VI. Letters to Roger Williams, 1632-1682, edited by J. R. Bartlett. Y 2546 National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans; r'J'y6Cr/Plain Truth, addressed to the In- habitants of America, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled Common Sense, pp. 84; — Observa- tions on 'the Reconciliation of Great Britain and the Colonies, pp. 40. In i vol. 8° half calf, gilt. Philadelphia, 1776 2713 Paine. Rights of Man; being an Answer to Mr. Burke's , . Attack on the French Revolution. Fourth ed. pp. 171. 8° calf. London, 1791 2714 Paine. The Trial of Thomas Paine, for a Libel, con- tained in the second Part of Rights of Man, Dec. 18, 1792. pp. 43. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1793 2715 Paine. Tom Paine's Jests; being an entirely new and select Collection of Patriotic Bon Mots, Repartees, etc., on Political Subjects, pp. 72. 16° cloth. Philadelphia, 1796 2716 Paine. The Ruling Passion; Phi Beta Kappa Poem at Harvard, July 20, 1797. pp. 32. Small 4° half calf. Boston, 1797 ^^717 Paine. A Letter to George Washington, pp. 53, Lond., 1797; — A Letter to Thomas Paine, in Answer to his scurilous Epistle addressed to our late worthy President Washington. By an American Citizen, pp. 24, N. Y., 1797. 2 vols. 8° half calf and paper. CATALOGUE. 253 2718 Paine. The Decline and Fall of the English System of Vi'^F'll Finance, pp. 33, 1796; — Thoughts on the Increasing Wealth and National Economy of the United States of America, pp. 40, 1801; — Some Account of Thomas Paine in his last sickness, pp. 8. 1820. 3 vols. 8° half roan and paper. 2719 Paley, William. Principles of Moral and Political Phil- osophy, 1825; — Sermons on various Subjects, 1827; — Memoirs of William Paley, 1810. 3 vols. 8° half calf and russia. 2720 Palfrey, John G. Academical Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities, pp. 511, 435. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1840 2721 Palfrey. History of New England. Maps. Vols. 1 to 4. 4 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1858-75 Palfrey. The samg. Vols, i, 2, 3. 3 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. ' 2722 Palfrey. Compendious History of" New England, from _, (, 1689 to 1765. pp. 469, 439. 2 vols. 12° cloth. • ''*' ^ Boston, 1872-73 ■ 2723 Palgrave, W. G. Dutch Guiana. pp. 264. Map. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1876 . 2724 Palmer, Joseph. Necrology of Alumni of Harvard College, 185 1 to 1863. pp. 536. 8° cloth. Boston, 1864 2725 Pamphlets. President's Messages to Congress, April 3, 1798; — Adams and Morse Controversy, 1814; — Belsham on Unitarianisra, 18 15; — Wheaton's Address,/ Dec. 14, 1824; — Rives's Discourse on John Hampden,^ 1845; — Bennett's Sermon in Woburn, Jan. 4, 1846; — Bushnell's Speech for Connecticut, June 4, 1851; — Dean on Teaching History, 1857. 8 vols. 8° half roan. 2726 Paper Money. An Historical Sketch of the Paper Money issued by Pennsylvania, together with a com- plete list of all the dates, issues, amounts, denomina- tions and signers, pp. 40, 1862 ; — History of the Issues of Paper-Money in the American Colonies anterior to the Revolution, pp. 20, 1851. 2 pamphlets. 2727 Pardoe, Julia. The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France, pp. 530, 640. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1849 2728 Pardoe. Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century. Third ed. Por- traits. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1849 254 CATALOGUE. Y 2729 Parish, Sir W. Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of the -/"ll jA'i^ -^'o ^^ ^^ Plata. Second ed., enlarged, pp. 434. ^ Map and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1852 \/ 2730 Park, Mungo. Travels in the Interior Districts of ,-71 I^ Africa, in the Years 1795, '96 and '97;^ — -Journal of a ^ ^ I, J Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805. Portrait and maps. 2 vols-, royal 4° russia. London, 1799-1815 2731 Park. Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805. pp. 302. Map.' 8° half sheep. y^ Philadelphia, 1815 2732 Parker, Joel. Daniel Webster as a Jurist; — Habeas Corpus; — International Law; — Character of the Re- bellion, etc. 15 pamphlets bound in one vol. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1853-76 • 2733 Parker. A Biographical Memoir of the late Sir Peter Parker, Captain of H. M. Stiip Menelaus, killed in Ac- tion while storming the American Camp at Bel-lair, near Baltimore, Aug. 31, 1814. pp. iii. Portrait. Royal 4° boards, uncut. London, 1815 2734 Parker, Samuel. Bishop Parker's History of his own Time. Translated from the Latin, by Thomas Newlin. pp. 425 and index. 8° calf. London, 1727 ■ 273s Parker, Theodore. Discourses and Sermons, 1841 to 1850. 24 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 2736 Parliamentary Debates on the Dissenters' Chapels Bill, A. D. 1844. pp. 492. 8° cloth. London, 1844 2737 Parnell, Thomas. Poems on several Occasions, pp. 222. 8° calf. London, 1737 2738 Parr, Samuel. Bibliotheca Parriana; a Catalogue of the late Rev. Samuel Parr. pp. 708, 8. Portrait. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1827 With autograph of Wm. Hone. On pp. 522 is a note by Dr. Parr referring to the Ireland forgeries. '2739 Parsons, Theophilus. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, S't>fU PC- Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa- chusetts, pp. 476. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1859 V 2740 Parton, James. General Butler in New Orleans. His- ^^ifc tory of the Administration of the Department of the c< Gulf in the Year 1862. pp. 649. Portrait and map. 8° cloth. New York, 1864 2741 Passavant, M. Tour of a German Artist in England, with Notices of Private Galleries, and Remarks on the State of Art. pp. 334, 323. Plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1836 CATALOGUE. 255 2742 Pascal, Blaise. Provincial Letters, containing an Ex- posure pi the Reasoning and Morals of the Jesuits, pp. 296. 8° cloth. ■ Philadelphia, 1843 1/^2743 Patterson, Robert. A Narrative of the Campaign in f?^ MS" the Valley of the Shenandoah, in 1861. Map. 8° cloth. Philadelphia, 1865 . 2744 Pattie, James O. Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St. ]jOuis, through the vast Regions between that Place and the Pacific Ocean, to Mexico, etc. Edited by Timothy Flint, pp 300. Plates. 8° mottled sheep. Cincinnati, 1833 • 2745 Pauw, C. de. Selections from M. Pauw; with Addi- tions by Daniel Webb. 8° calf. Bath, 1795 Contains much material relating to America. _ 2746 Payne, E. J. Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America; thirteen Original Narratives from the Collec- tion of Hakluyt. pp. 396. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1880 1^ 2747 Peabody, George. An Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner given by Mr. George Peabody to the Amer- 5 * "t 4«7j^ icans connected with the Great Exhibition at the Lon- don Coffee House, 27th October, 1851. pp. 114. Im- perial 8° cloth. Privately printed. Large Paper. W. Pickering: London, 1851 ^^2748 Peabody Education Fund. Proceedings of the Trustees Cn°l(^(it '^^ '•'^^ Peabody Education Fund, from 1867 to 1887. "'^Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1875-88 - 2749 Peabody Museum. 1st, and 6th to 22nd reports of the Trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archae- ology and Ethnology, 1870-88. 18 pamphlets. 2750 Peacham, Henry. The Compleat Gentleman; fashion- ing him absolute in the most necessary and commenda- ble Qualities, etc., to which is added the Gentleman's exercise, pp. 455. Engraved title. Small 4° calf. London, 1661 /2751 Pease, J. C, and Niles, J. M. Gazetteer of the States 5"/ot fl/; of Connecticut and Rhode Island, pp. 389. Maps and 2 portraits. 8° sheep. Hartford, 1819 2752 [Pegge, Samuel.] Anonymiana; or, ten Centuries of Observations on various Authors and Subjects, pp. 527. 8° half calf, gilt. • London, 1809 2753 [Peirce, Augustus.] The Rebelliad; or Terrible Tran.'- actions at the Seat of the Muses; a Poem. pp. 77. Frontispiece. 16° boards. Cambridge, 1863 256 CATALOGUE. V 2754 Peirce, .Benjamin. History of Harvard University, / _ ^ ng^ from its Foundation in the Year 1636 to the Period of foK'71 5 5 ^j^g American Revolution, ppf. 314, 159. Plate. 8° morocco, gilt. Cambridge, 1833 -2755 Peirce, E. W. Indian History, Biography and Geneal- ogy, pertaining to the good Sachem Massasoit of the Wampanoag Tribe, and his Descendants, pp. 261. 12° cloth. North Abington, Mass., 1878 2756 Peirce, James. A Vindication of the Dissenters, in An- swer to Dr. William Nichols' Defense of the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, pp. 287. 8° old calf. London, 1717 2757 Pemberton, E. A Sermon preach'd in New-Ark, June 12, 1744 at the Ordination of Mr. David Brainerd, a Missionary among the Indians, pp. 39. 8° calf, gilt. Boston, 1744 2758 Penhallow, Samuel. History of the Wars of New Eng- land with the Eastern Indians.' With notes by W. Dodge, pp. 138, 36. 4° cloth. Cincinnati, 1859 2759 [Penn, William.] An Epistle, containing a Salutation to all faithful Friends, a Reproof to the Unfaithful, and a Visitation to the Enquiring, in a solomn Farewell to them all in the Land of my Nativity, pp. 7. Small 4° calf. (1682) ■2760 Penn. A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers. Portrait by Edwin, inserted, pp. 158. 18° calf. London, 1695 2761 Pennsylvania. Remarks on the Address of sixteen Members of the Assembly of Pennsylvania to their Con- stituents, dated Sept. 29, 1788, with some Strictures on their Objections to the Constitution, etc pp. 28. 12° half morocco. Phila., 1787 2762 Pennsylvania Historical Society Publications. 3 vols. royal 8° cloth. Phila., 1855-60 Comprises: History of Braddock's Expedition, in 1755, by W. Sargent. Some Account of the Society of tlie Cincinnati, by A. Johnson. History of the Western Insurrection, by T. Ward. Re- cord of the Court at Upland, 1 676-1 68 i.v Denny's Military Journal, 2763 Penrose, John. A Treatise on the Evidence of the Scripture Miracles, pp. 356. 8° half calf. London, 1826 2764 Pepperrell, Sir William. The Life of. By Usher Par- sons, pp. 352. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 2765 Pepys, Samuel. Memoirs of, comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, and a Selection from his Correspondence. Edited by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Portraits and plates. 2 vols, royal 4° half calf. London, 1S25 CATALOGUE. 257 2766 Pepys. Diary and Correspondence of. With a life and notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Fourth ed. Por- traits. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1854 2767 Percy, Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our earlier Poets. New edition. 3 vols, small 8° half roan, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1839 ^2768 Percy Society Publications. Scottish Traditional Ver- sions of Ancient Ballads, by J. H. Dixon; — Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Beket; — Pastime of Pleasure, by S. Hawes; — The Civic Garland; — Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England, by J. H. Dixon; — Romance of Syr Tryamoure; — Introduc- tion to the Seven Ages, by T. Wright ; — Popular Songs, illustrative of the French Invasions of Ireland, Part 2; — Canterbury Tales, by Chaucer; — Dialogue on Wit and Folly, by Heywood. 10 vols. 12° paper, uncut. London, 1845-46 2769 Perkins, Samuel. History of the Political and Military -(j,^-/(yy Events of the late War between the States and Great Britain, pp. 512. 8° half morocco. New Haven, 1825 2770 Perley, Jeremiah. Debates, Resolutions, and other Proceedings of the Maine Convention, 1819. pp. 300. 16° boards. Portland, 1820 2771 Perry, Com. M. C. Narrative of the Expedition of an .American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in the years 1852-54. Compiled by F. L. Hawks. Numerous maps and plates, (with the suppressed plate). 3 vols. 4° cloth. Washington, 1856 t- 2772 Perry, Rev. W. S. A Sketch of the History of the Episcopal Church in Portland, Me., from 1763 to 1863. 8° paper. Portland, 1863 2773 Perry. Papers relating to History of the Church in Virginia, A. D. 1650-1766. pp. 585. Royal 4° cloth, un- cut. Privately printed, 1870 Only 200 copies printed. 2774 Perry. Journals of General Conventions of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church in the United States, 1785-1835. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Claremont, N. H., 1874 2775 Persian and Turkish Tales. Translated formerly from those Languages into French, by M. Petis de la Croix, and now into English, by Dr. King. pp. 434i 404- 2 vols. 16° calf. London, 1739 With bookplate of Lord Hawke. 2s8 CATALOGUE. 2776 Peters, Hugh. A Dying Father's last Legacy to an Onely Child; or, Mr. Hugh Peters's Advice to his Daughter. Portrait, pp. 122. 18° old calf. London, 1661 2777 Peters. The Tales and Jests of Mr. Hugh Peters, to- gether with his Sentence, and the Manner of his Execu- tion; with a short Account of his Life. Frontispiece, pp., 51. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1807 2778 Peters. History of. By Rev. Samuel Peters. Portrait. 8° half roan. New York, 1807 2779 Peters. Memoir and Defence of. By J. B. Felt. Por- trait. 8° half roan. Boston, 1851 2780 Peters. Historical and Critical Account of. Portrait. London, 1751. 4° boards. Reprinted: London, 1818 y278i Peters, Samuel. General History of Connecticut, from its first Settlement under George Fenwick, to its latest , f^^ Period of Amity with Great Britain. Second ed. pp. ^"^ ' 436. 8° half calf, gilt. • London, 1782 One of the author's extraordinary statements is the following won- derful account of the Upper Cohoes Falls, " where water is consolidat- ed without frost, the pressure, by swiftness, between the sturdy rocks, to such a degree of induration that no iron crow can be forced into it." 2782 Peters. General History of Connecticut; to which is added a Supplement verifying many important State- ments made by the Author. 8 engravings. 12° mauve crushed levant, morocco, extra. New Haven, 1829 y 2783 Peters. The same. With additions by S. J. McCor- y/D(>Ci''J mick. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1877 1^2784 Peterson, Rev. Edward. History of Rhode Island, pp. 370. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. New York, 1853 Petty, Sir William. Political Arithmetic. 16° calf. Glasgow, 1751 Phelps, Matthew. Memoirs and Adventures of Capt. j^Phelps, formerly of Harwington in Connecticut, now resident in New Haven in Vermont, particularly in two Voyages, from Connecticut to the River Mississippi, from Dec. 1773 to Oct. 1780. By A. Haswell. pp. 210, 64, 12. 16° calf. Bennington, 1802 2787 Phenix (The) ; or, a Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces from the remotest Antiquity to the present Times, pp. 570, 552. 2 vols. 8° old calf. London, 1707-8 2788 Phenix (The). A Collection of Old and Rare Frag ments. pp. 298. 12° half calf. New York, 1835 J-/0I CI) 2785 /. !786 4i. ■Ah"^- CATALOGUE. 259 2789 Philadelphia, Pa. Annals of Philadelphia, being a ^' ^ '"Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and its Inhabitants. By John F. Watson, pp. 740, 78. Portraits and plates. 8° boards, uncut. Phila., 1830 2790 Philadelphia. Proceedings on the looth Anniversary of the Introduction and Adoption of the "Resolution respecting Independency" held in Philadelphia, June 7, 1876. pp. 89. Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Phila., 1876 2791 Philobiblion. a Monthly Bibliographical Journal, con- taining critical notices of, and extracts from rare, cu- rious and valuable old books. Vols, i and 2, with the extra number. Printed entirely on India paper, pp. 288, 290. 2 vols. 4° paper, uncut. New York, 1862-63 2792 Phipps. Journal of a Voyage undertaken by order of his present Majesty for making discoveries towards the North Pole by Commodore Phipps and Captain Lut- widge in His Majesty's sloops Racehorse and Carcase, to which is prefixed an account of the several voyages undertaken for the discovery of a Northwest passage to /^ China and Japan. Maps. 8' stitched. London, 1774 2793 Pickering, John. A Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America, pp. 206. 8° half calf. Boston, 1816 2794 Pickering, Timothy. A Review of the Correspondence VfcCic; between John Adams and Wm. Cunningham. 8° mo- rocco, gilt. Salem, 1824 2795 PiDGEON, William. Traditions of De-Coo-Dah, and An- tiquarian Researches. pp. 334. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1858 2796 Piers Ploughman's Vision and Creed. Edited with notes and a Glossary by Thomas Wright. Second ed. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 2797 Pietas et Congratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novanglos. pp. 106. 4° calf. Bostoni-Mas- sachusettensium: Typis J. Green & J. Russell, 1761 " The Harvard College elegiac and complimentary volume, in Latin, Greek and English, celebrating the death of George II. and the glorious accession of George III. These poems were the result of an invitation set up in the college inviting competition, and foa which prizes were awarded." 2798 PiGAFETTA, A. Primo Viaggio intorno al Globe Terrac- queo ossia Ragguaglio della Navigazione alle Indie Orientali per la via d'Occidente, 1519-22. Maps and plates. 4° half vellum, pp. 237. Milano, 1800 This is the fullest account we have of the voyage round the world of Magellan in 1519-22. 26o CATALOGUE. 2799 PiGAFETTA, Filippo, A Report of the Kingdom of Congo and of the surroundings. Newly translated b}' M. Hutchinson. With fac- similes of the original maps and a preface by Sir T. F. Buxton. 8° cloth. London, 1881 2800 Pike, James L. The New Puritan; New England two hundred years ago, some Account of the Life of Robert Pike. pp. 237. 12° cloth. New York, 1879 /2801 Pike, Z. M. An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi; and through the Western Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun Rivers. Portraits and maps. 8° half roan, uncut. Phila., 1810 2802 PiNKNEY. Life of William Pinkney. By Rev. William Pinkney. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1853 . 2803 PiOMiNGO. The Savage. By Piomingo, a headman and warrior of the Muscogulgee Nation. 12° morocco, gilt. Phila., 1810 2804 Piozzi, Mrs. Autobiography, Letters and Literary Re- mains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale.) Edited by A. Hay- ward, pp. 531. Small 8° cloth. Boston, 1861 y^So^ Pitkin, Timothy. Political and Civil History of the United States of America, from 1763 to 1797. pp. V'''' '^ 528, 539. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° mottled calf. New Haven, 1828 V^28o6 Pitman, Benn. The Trials for Treason at Indianapolis, 4S|i>i^''-l disclosing the plans for establishing a north-western confederacy, pp. 389. Portraits. Royal 8° cloth. Cincinnati, 1865 .2807 PiTTSFiELD, Mass. History of. By Rev. David D. Field, pp. 80. Map. 8° half roan. Hartford, 1844 2808 Pius VI. Historical and Philosophical Memoirs of Pius the Sixth, and of his Pontificate. Translated from the French, pp. 340, 391. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1799 From the library of Robert Southey, with his autograph, and with the muslin covers, done by his daughters, and bookplate on fly leaf. 2809 Plans for Gentlemen's Libraries, with remarks on their formation and arrangement, book-binding, catalogues, etc. pp. 54. 12° cloth. London. 2810 Pliny. The Letters of Pliny the Consul. With occa- sional remarks by William Melmoth. pp. 388, 342. Portrait inserted. 2 vols. 16° calf. Edinburgh, 1807 With Chippendale bookplates of P^. D. Ingraham. CATALOGUE. 261 2811 Plumer, William, Jr. Life of William Plumer. Edited, with a sketch of the author's life, by A. P. Peabody. Portrait. 8° cloth, (shaken). Boston, 1857 2812 Plutarch's Lives. The Translation called Dryden's. Corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clough. S vols. 8° sprinkled calf, gilt, extra, by Riviere. Boston, 1859 . 2813 Plymouth Colony. The Book of the General Laws of the Inhabitants of the Jurisdiction of New Plimouth collected out of the Records of the General Court, pp. 56. Small folio, calf. (Title page and last leaf in fac- simile, some leaves remargined.) S. Green: Cambridge, 1672 2814 Plymouth Colony. The Compact with the Charter and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth; together with the Charter of the Council at Plymouth, pp. 357. , Royal 8° sheep, (broken). Boston, 1836 '^^28x5 Plymouth Colony. Records of the Colony of New Ply- f°^'(fi7-i£ mouth in New England, 1633-1697. Edited by N. B. Shurtleff. 10 vols, small folio, cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1857 ■ 2816 Plymouth Colony. A Declaration of the warrantable Grounds and Proceedings of the First Associates of the Government of New Plymouth; together with the general fundamentals of their laws. pp. 24. Small 8 morocco Boston, 1773 2817 Plymouth, Mass. History of, from 1620 to 1832. By James Thacher. First ed. Map and plate. 12° boards. Boston, 1832 2818 Plymouth. The same. Second ed. Map. 12° cloth. Boston, 1835 • 2819 Plymouth. History of, with a sketch of the origin and growth of separatism. By William T. Davis. * Illustra- tions. 4° cloth. Phila., 1885 . 2820 Plymouth. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth. By William T. Davis, pp. 350, 312. 8° cloth. Boston, 1883 ■ 2821 Plymouth. Guide to Plymouth, and recollections of the Pilgrims. By W. L. Russell. Map and plates. 16° cloth. Boston, 1846 2822 Plymouth. Pilgrim Memorials and Gujde to Plymouth. By W. L. Russell. First ed. Map and plates. 12° half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1851 2823 Plymouth. The same. Second ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 185s 2824 Plymouth. The same. Third ed. Map and plates. 12° cloth. Boston, i860 262 CATALOGUE. 2825 Plymouth. Plymouth and the Pilgrims; or, incidents of adventure in the history of the first settlers. By J. Barnard, pp 288. Illustrations. 16° cloth, (water stained). Boston, 185 1 2826 Plymouth. Proceedings at the Cushman Celebration, Aug. 15, 1855; — Proceedings at the Consecration of the Cushman Monument, Sept. 16, 1858. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855-9 2827 Plymouth. Speech on the death of Col. Isaac Lothrop, by Nicholas Sever, pp. 2; — Speech on same by Peter Oliver, pp. 12. 8° paper. Boston, 1750 2828 Plymouth. Oration at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1802, by John Q. Adams, pp. 31; — Sermon at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1802, in memory of the landing of our ancestors, by Adoniram Judson, pp. 23. 1803; — Semicentennial Discourse, Oct. i, 185 1, at the Third Church, by Charles S. Porter, pp. 47. 3 vols. 8' half roan. Boston. 2829 Pocahontas, alias Natoaka, and her descendants through her marriage at Jamestown, Virginia, in April, 161.4, with John Rolfe, Gentleman. With biographical sketches by Wyndham Robertson, and illustrative notes by R. A. Brock. Photographic portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. Richmond, 1887 2830 Poetry. Calvary, or the Death of Christ, a poem, by Richard Cumberland, 1796; — Festus, a poem, by P. J. Bailey, 1845; — Ossian's Poems, 1840, etc. 4 vols. 12° cloth and sheep. 2831 Poetry. Miscellaneous, English and American Poetry. 28 pamphlets. 8° and 12° paper. 2832 PoiNTis, Sieur. A Genuine and Particular Account of the Taking of Cathagena by the French and Buccaniers, 1697. Map. 8° stitched. London, 1740 2833 Polack, J. Manners and Customs of the New Zealand- ers. pp. 288, 304. Map and illustrations. 2 vols, small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 2834 Political Tracts. Letter from a Clergy-man, vindica- ting the Bill for preventing the Translation of Bishops, 1702; — Letter sent from beyond the Seas to one of the Chief Ministers of the non-conforming party, 1674; — Lay-Man's Opinion, sent in a private letter, 1687; — Lay-Man's Answer to the Lay-Man's Opinion, 1687; — Rebels Doom; or, an historical account of the most remarkable rebellions, 1684; — No Protestant Plot. 2 parts. 168 1-2; — New Test of the Church of England's Loyalty, 1687, etc. 4° half calf. London, 1674-1702 CATALOGUE. 263 2835 Political. Harper's Observations, 1798; — Address to the People of Massachusetts: — Rufus King on the Missouri Bill, 1819; — Principles of the Revolution, by J. P. Blanchard; — Letters on the Hartford Convention, by H. G. Otis; — Debate in the Senate on Martin Van Buren; — Curtis on the Supremacy of Congress over the Territories, 1859; — Nebraska Question, 1854, etc. 9 vols. 8° half roan. 2836 Political. History of American Politics, by Alexander Johnston, 1884; — Protection of Majorities, by J. P. Quincy, 1876; — Manual of Political Economy, by J. E. T. Rogers, 1869; — American Political Ideas, by John Fiske, 1885; — History and Analysis of the Constitution of the United States, i860; — Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States, by Joseph Story, /■ 1847. 6 vols. 12° cloth. 2837 Pollard, Edward A. The First Year of the War. pp. 368. Portraits. 8° cloth. Richmond, 1862 '2838 Pollard. Observations in the North, Eight months in Prison, and on Parole. By E. A. Pollard, pp. 142. 8° paper. Richmond, 1865 2839 PoLYANTHOS. The Polyanthos enlarged. Portraits and plates. 4 vols. 8° half sheep. Boston, 1812-14 Complete with all the portraits and plates, which are generally missing. 2840 [PoMEY, Francis.] The Pantheon, representing the Fab- ulous Histories of the Heathen Gods, and most illustri- ous Heroes. (Translated) by Andrew Tooke. pp. 360, 34. Copperplates. 12° half morocco. London, 1784 2841 Pond Genealogy. A Genealogical Record of Daniel Pond and his Descendants. By E. D. Harris. 8° cloth. Boston, 1873 2842 Poole, W. F. Index to Periodical Literature. 8° cloth. m. New York, 1853 2843 Poole. The Ordinance of 1787 and Dr. Manasseh Cut- ler as an agent in its formation, pp. 38, 1876; — Re- marks on Library Construction, pp. 34, 1884; — The Early Northwest, pp. 26, 1889; — Who Owns Spot Pond? (newspaper clippings. 4 pamphlets. 2844 [Poole, John.] Hamlet Travestie; with Annotations by Dr. Johnson and Geo. Steevens. pp. 94. 16° calf. London, 1810 2845 Pope, John. A Tour through the Southern and Western Territories of the United States of North America. 8° r?2./f^' cloth, uncut. Richmond, 1792 Reprinted, with Index by C. L. Woodward, New York, 1888. 264 CATALOGUE. 2846 PopHAM, Sir John. Reports and Cases collected by Sir John Popham, late Lord Chief Justice of England, pp. 212, 8. Folio, calf. London, 1656 2847 Popham Colony. Memorial Volume of the Popham Cel- ebration, August 29, 1862, commemorative of the Plant- ing of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino, August 19, -1607. Map. 8° cloth'. Portland, 1863 Only 700 copies printed. 2848 Popham Colony. A Discussion of its Historical Claims, with a bibliography of the subject, 1866 ; — j/Colonial Schemes of Popham and Gorges. Speech by J. W. Thornton, Aug. 29, 1862;^ Hist. Address by J. W. Patterson at 258th Anni. of Popham Colony, 1865; — Remarks on the Popham Celebration, by S. F. Haven, 1865; — Hist. Address by E. C. Benedict before N Y. Hist. Soc, 1864; -V'An Address on the Character of the Colony founded by George Popham, by E. E. Bourne. 1864. 6 pamphlets. 2849 PoRCACCHi, Thomaso. L' Isole piu famose del Mondo descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi e intagliate da Giro- lamo Porro. pp. 201. Numerous maps of all the Is- lands of the World. Folio, vellum. Venetia, 1576 The third part treats upon the West Indies, and besides the spe- cial maps of the American islands, includes a mappemonde as well as a general map of the Western continent. 28i;o Portland, Me. History of. By William Willis. Map and plate. 2 vols, in one. 8° half morocco. Portland, 1833 2851 Portland. History of, from 1632 to 1864. By Wil- liam Willis. Second ed. pp. 928. Map and illustra- tions. 8° cloth. Portland, 1865 2852 Portland. Extracts from the Journals kept by the Rev. Thomas Smith, late Pastor of the First Church in Falmouth, from 1720 to 1788. By Rev. Thomas Smith. With an Appendix by S. Freeman. Portrait of Smith and portions of his original Journal, 1741, and letter of Wm. Willis inserted. 12° canary calf, red top. Portland, 1821 2853 Portland. Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith, and I1 the Rev. Samuel Deane, Pastors of the First Church in Portland, with a Summary History of Portland. By W.Willis. Portrait. 8° cloth, (one page letter inserted.) Portland, 1849 2854 Portland in the Past, with historical notes of Old Fal- mouth. By William Goold. Portraits and illustrations. 8° cloth. Portland, 1886 CATALOGUE. 265 285s Portland Convention. Address of a ('onvention of Delegates, met at Portland, Jan. 28, 1795, on the Sub- ject of Separation from Massachusetts, pp. 31. 8° ^ half morocco. Portland, (1795) 2856 Portsmouth, N. H. Annals of Portsmouth, comprising a Period of two Hundred Years from the first Settle- ment of the Town. By Nathaniel Adams, pp. 400. 8° morocco, gilt. Portsmouth, 1825 2857 Portsmouth. Rambles about Portsmouth; Sketches of ', e-ti^ Persons, Localities and Incidents of two Centuries. By C. W. Brewster, pp. 376, 375. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Portsmouth, 1859-69 2858 Portsmouth. The Portsmouth Jubilee. Reception of the Sons of Portsmouth, resident abroad, July 4, 1853. pp. 80. 8° half roan. Portsmouth, 1853 2859 Portsmouth Records, 1645-1656. A transcript of the first 35 pp. of the earliest Town Book, Portsmouth, N. /H., with notes by Frank W. Hackett. 8° half roan. Privately printed: Portsmouth, 1886 Presentation Copy with inscription on title. 2860 Potter, I. R. Life and Remarkable Adventures of Israel R. Potter, who was a Soldier in the American Revolution, pp. 108. Frontispiece. 16° half sheep. Providence, 1824 2861 Potts, Thomas. The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster, with the Arraignment and Triall of nineteen notorious Witches, August 17, 1612, the Triall of Jennet Preston, etc. Not paged. Small 4° half calf (title mended). London, 1613 ■^862 Powers, Rev. Grant. Historical Sketches of the Dis- covery, Settlement and Progress of Events in the Coos Country and Vicinity, 1754-1785. 12° sheep. Haverhill, N. H., 1841 2863 Powers. The same. 12° cloth. Haverhill, 1880 2864 PowNALL, Thomas. The Administration of the Colonies. Third ed. London, 1766; — Same. Sepopd fifit T.nn- 1 don, 1765; — A Review of Mr. Pitt's Administration, London, 1762. 8° half sheep. ^^865 PowNALL. The Administration of the British Colonies. Fifth ed. 2 vols. 8° calf. ' London, 1774 *'6/Cr?-V Autographs of Rufus Choate and ex-libris of Jas. Stewart, Esqr., Killymoon. 2866 PowNALL. The Speech of Th-m-s P-wn-U, Esq., late G-v-rn-r of this Province in the H-se of C-m-ns, in Favor of America, pp. 16. 4° half calf. \Pith note by J. S. Harry. (December, 1768) 266 CATALOGUE. •2867 Pratt, Phinehas. A Declaration of the Affairs of the English People that first inhabited New England. Ed- ited, with notes, by R. Frothingham. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1858 " Tinted Paper " Copy, only 4 so issued. 2868 Pray, J. C, Jr. Prose and Verse, from the Port Folio of an Editor, pp. 186. 12" cloth. Boston, 1836 2869 Pray, Lewis G. History of Sunday Schools, and of Re- ligious Education, from the earliest Times, pp. 262. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1847 2870 Preble, G. H. A Chronological History of the Origin and Development of Steam Navigation, 1543-1882. pp. 483. 8° cloth. Phila., 1883 2871 Prentice, Thomas. Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Cape Breton, preached at Charlestown, July 18,1745. pp. 39. 8° half roan. Boston, 1745 2872 Prenties, S. W. Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Island of Cape Breton, in a Voyage from Quebec, 1780. pp. 108. Fourth ed. 16° sheep. London, 1783 2873 Presbyterian Doctrine. Some short Observations made on the Presbyterian Doctrine of Election and Reproba- tion, pp. 38. 18° half roan. Andrew Bradford: Phila., 1721 2874 Prescott, Benjamin. Letter to the Rev. Mr. Joshua Gee, in Answer to his of June 3, 1743, addressed to the Rev. Mr. Ells. pp. 28. 8° half roan, (title stained). Boston, 1743 2875 Prescott, James. Report of the Trial of James Pres- cott, Judge of the Probate of Wills, for Middlesex County, for Misconduct and Maladministration in Office, pp. 225. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1821 2876 Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Mexico. First ed. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1843 2877 Prescutt. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isa- bella the Catholic. Tenth ed. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1844 2878 Prescott. The same. First ed. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1838 2879 Prescott. History of the Conquest of Peru. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 2880 Prescott. Memoir of Abbott Lawrence, (prepared for the National Portrait Gallery), pp. 51. Portrait. Royal /- 4° cloth. Privately printed, 1856 2881 Prescott. Life of. By George Ticknor. pp. 491. Portrait. 4° cloth, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1864 Large Paper . CATALOGUE. 267 2882 Price, Richard. State of the Public Debts and Finance at Signing the preliminary articles of Peace, Jan. 1783; — Reflections on the Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, 1786. 2 vols. 8° half calf. London and Phila. \/"2883 Price. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. H-llAhl^ London 1776; — An Appeal to the Justice and Interests * of the People of Great Britain, in the present Dispute with America, London 1775; — Declaration by the Rep- resentatives of the United Colonies of North America, (bound together). 8° sheep. London, 1775 2884 Prichard, J. C. An Analysis of the Egyptian Mythol- ogy, in which the Philosophy and the Superstitions of the Ancient Egyptians is compared with those of the Indians and other Nations of Antiquity, pp. 427, 16, 128. Plates. 8° half calf. London, 1838 With notes by Henry Thomas Buckle. 2885 Priest, Josiah. American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West. pp. 400. Plates. 8° half roan, uncut. Albany, 1838 2886 Priestley, Joseph. Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit, 2 vols., 1782;- — Examination of Dr. Reid's In- quiry into the Human Mind, 1775; — Letters to a Phil- osophical Unbeliever, 1787; — Letter to the Rev. John Palmer, 1779; — Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos, 1799; — Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy, 1804; — History of the Corrup- tions of Christianity, 1797; — Remarks on Fourth Vol- ume of Blackstone's Commentaries, 1773; — An Appeal to the Public on the subject of Riots in Birmingham, 1792; Tracts in Controversy with Bishop Horsley, 1815; — Letters to a Young Man, 1792; — Lectures on His- tory and General Policy, 1803; — Priestley-Linn Con- troversy, 1803; — Memoirs of, to the year 1795. 18 vols. 8° calf and half calf. 2887 Prince, Thomas. A Sermon occasioned by the Great and Publick Loss in the Decease of the Rev. Cotton Mather, pp. 26. Small 8° calf, gilt, (corner of title mended). Boston, 1728 2888 Prince. Chronological History of New England, in the Form of Annals. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° morocco, bevelled sides, red edges. Boston, 1736-55 The two numbers of vol. 2 are very scarce, having been printed 19 years after volume ist, (1755). Most of the copies of the first vol- ume were bound, and are usually found in that form. Autograph of "Fra. Foxcroft, July i, 1737" on title page. 268 CATALOGUE. 2889 Prince. Annals of New England. Vol. 2. Numbers i and 2 (all published), pp. 98. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1818 2890 Prince. A Fragment of the Original Manuscript of Prince's Annals of New England. 16° crimson morocco, extra. Nine leaves of MSS. in the author's handwriting, containing some , matter not found in the published work. ^2891 Prince. Chronological History of New England in the cTV Form of Annals. New edition, pp. 439. Portrait. 8° ■^"^^ morocco, gilt. Boston, 1826 2892 Prince. The same. Third edition. With Additions by S. G. Drake, pp. 429, 26. Numerous portraits, and a manuscript Index prepared for this copy. 8° half mo- rocco. Boston, 1852 2893 Prince. Christ abolishing death. ... A Sermon occa- sioned by the death of the Honorable Mary Belcher. . . delivered at Boston, Oct. 17, 1736. pp. 42. Small 4' stitched. Boston, 1736 Autograph : " For the Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, D. D., presented by T. Prince. " • 2894 Prince. Thanksgiving Sermons at Boston, Aug. 14 and Nov. 27, 1746. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. . 2895 Prince. The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, being the New England Psalm-Book revised and improved. pp. 360. 16° original morocco binding, gilt edges. Boston, 1758 2896 Prince. Some Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Thomas Prince, together with a Pedigree of his Family. By S. G. Drake. Portrait and plate. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1851 2897 Prince. Catalogue of Books presented by Him to the Old South Church and Society, pp. 112. 8° half roan. Boston, 1846 . 2898 Prince. The same. With a Memoir by W. H. Whit- more. Portrait, pp. 166. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1868 2899 Prince. Account of the New England Library. Ac- count of the Books and Manuscripts lately deposited by the Old South Church and Society in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society: (pp. 7 from Mass. Hist. Soc. Col. Second series, vol. 7, 1818. pp. 179- i8s). Presentation copy to Lieut.-Gov. William Phillips. 2900 Prince. The American Part of the Collection which formerly belonged to the Rev. Thomas Prince, pp. 70. Royal 8° paper. Boston, 1868 CATALOGUE. 269 •2901 Prince, Thomas, Jr. Christian History, containing Ac- counts of the Revival and Propagation of Religion in Great Britain and America, for the year 1743 and 1744. Portrait inserted. 2 vols. 8° full crimson morocco. Boston, 1744-45 2902 Prince Society's Publications. 17 vols, small 4° half red morocco, uncut, and 2 vols, in paper, uncut. Together 19 vols. Boston, Printed for the Prince Society, 1868-88 Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. I. & II. The Hutchinson Papers. A New Edition. Collated with and Collected from the Original Manuscript, and Edited, with Illus- trative Notes. 2 vols. Albany, i866. III. New England's Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England. ... By William Wood. [Edited by Charles Deane.] Boston, 1865. IV. Dunton's Letters; Written from New England, A. D., i686. In which are described his Voyages by Sea, his Travels on Land, and the Characters of his Friends and Acquaintances. With Notes and an Appendix, by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1867. v., VI. & VII. The Andros Tracts : being a Collection of Pamph- lets and Official Papers issued during the Period between the Over- throw of the Andros Government and the Establishment of the Sec- ond Charter of Massachusetts. With Notes and a Memoir of Sir Ed- mund Andros, by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1868-69. 3 vols. VIII. William Alexander and American Colonization. Including Three Royal Charters ; a Tract on Colonization; a Patent of the County of Canada and of Long Island ; and the Roll of the Knights Baronets of New Scotland ; with Annotations and a Memoir by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A. M. Boston, 1873. IX., X. & XI. Voyages of Samuel de Champlain. Translated from the French by Charles Pomeroy Otis. With Historical Illustra- tions by the Rev. E. F. Slafter. 3 vols. Boston, 1880-82. XII. John Wheelwright. His writings, including his Fast-Day Sermon, 1637. His Mercurius Anglicanus, 1645. ^'^ paper on the Indian dead of 1629. With a memoir by C. H. Bell. Boston, 1876. XIII. Voyages of the Northmen to North America. With Intro- duction by E. F. Slafter. 1877. ''"Nt XIV. Sir Walter Raleigh and his Colony in America. XV. Morton's New English Canaan, with Notes by C. F. Adams. ■*•- XVI. Radisson's Voyages, with Notes, by G. D. Scull. --— • XVII. Capt. John Mason, i vol. ■»«« XVIII. Antinomianism, i vol. Extra. Genealogies of the Payne and Gore Families by V/. H. Whitmore. . 2903 Princeton, Mass. History of Princeton, from its first Settlement; with a Sketch of the present Religious Con- troversy in that Place. By C. T. Russell, pp. 130. 8° half roan. Boston, 1838 ,2904 Princeton. History of Princeton, from 1739 to 1852. By J. L. Hanaford. pp. 204. i2°cloth. Worcester, 1852 2905 Princeton. Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Princeton, October 20, 1859. pp. 119. 8° cloth. Worcester, i860 270 CATALOGUE, 2906 Prior Documents. A Collection of Interesting, Authen- tic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America, shewing the Causes and Progress of that Misunderstanding from 1764 to 1775. pp. 280. 8° half sheep. J. Almon: London, 1777 2907 Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations, pp. 706. 8° cloth. Boston, 1840 2908 Proclamations for Thanksgiving, issued by the Conti- nental Congress, President Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, and by the Governors of New York. pp. 183. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1858 2909 Proud, Robert. History of Pennsylvania, in North '. i'-l ^"America, from 1681 till after the Year 1742; to which is added a brief Description of the said Province. Por- trait and map. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1797 2910 Prynne, William. A Looking Glasse for all Lordly Prelates, pp. 104. 4° half calf. (London, 1636) (Title page wanting.) 2911 Prynne. Histrio-Mastix; the Players Scourge, or Ac- tors Tragaedie, divided into two Parts, pp. 1006, 40. Thick small 4° calf. London, 1633 For writing this book the Author was fined ;f 5000, stood twice in the pillory, lost both his ears, etc. 2912 Prynne. A New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny, etc. pp. 227. Portrait of William Lord, Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Small 4° half calf. London, 1641 2913 Prynne. The Popish Royall Favourite; or a full Dis- covery of His Majesties, Extraordinary Favours to Papists, Priests, Jesuits, etc., pp. 76, London, 1643; — A Fresh Discovery of some prodigous New Wandring- Blasing- Stars and Firebrands, stiling themselves New Lights, etc., pp. 88. London, 1646. In i volume, 4° half morocco. 2914 Prynne. The Signal Loyalty of Gods true Saints and Pious Christians towards their Kings, London, 1660; — Seasonable, Legal and Historical Indication of the Laws of England, London, 1655 ; — The Levellers levelled to the very Ground, London, 1647; — Vindication of the Liberties of England against Illegal Taxes, London, 1649; — Speech in the House of Commons, Dec. 4, 1648, London, 1649; — A Breife Memento to the pres- ent unparliamentary junto, London, 1649; — Prynne, the Member reconciled to Prynne, the Barrester, Lon- don, 1649; — Historical Collection of Ancient Parlia- ments, London, 1649; — A Gospel plea for Tythes, Lon- don, 1660. Bound in 4 vols, small 4° half morocco. CATALOGUE. 271 2915 Prynne. a Breviate of the Life of William Laud, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, pp. 35; — Canterburie's Doome, or a Compleat History of the Tryali, Condemnation, Execution of William Laud, pp. 565; — Hidden Workes of Darkness, brought to Publike Light, or a Necessary Introduction to the History of the Archbishop of Can- terburie's Tryali, pp. 255. Frontispieces by W. Hollar. Bound in one volume. Folio, calf. London, 1645-46 2916 [PsALMANAAZAAR, George. ] An Historical and Geo- graphical Description of Formosa. Second ed. pp. 296. Map and plates. 8° calf. London, 1705 2917 PsALMANAZAR. Memoirs of . . commonly known by the Name of George Psalmanazar, a reputed Native of Formosa, written ■ by Himself. Second ed. pp. 307. Portrait. 8° calf, London, 1765 2918 Psalms and Hymns. Belknap's Psalms, 1818; — The Same, 1820; — Willard's Sacred Poetry, 1830; — Watts's Psalms, 1808; — Hymns for Private Worship, 1827 (3 copies); — Ellis's Collection of Psalms, 1845. 8 vols. 12° and 16° sheep. Boston. 2919 Ptolemy. Geographia Vniversalis, vetus et nova. Li- bros viii. Quorum primus nova translatione Pirckheim- heri & accessione commentarioli illustrior quam hacte- nus fuerit, redditus est. . . pp. 155. Maps. Folio, calf. Basileae, apud Henricum Petrum: Mense Martio, Anno, 1540 The first edition of Ptolemy, by Sebastian Munster, which was re- printed in 1541, 1545 and 1552. The first map, " Typhus Univer- salis," contains the western continent, the southern portion of which bears the name, " America seu insula Brasilij," with a description on the reverse. 2920 PucKLE, James. The Club; in a Dialogue between Father and Son. In Vino Veritas. London, Printed for the Author, James Puckle, 1711. New edition, with an Epistle to the Reader. Portrait by Bragg, and numerous fine wood-cuts by Thurston. Imperial 8° half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1817 Large paper : with the Portrait and all the wood-cuts, proofs upon India Paper. 2921 PuLSZKY, Francis and Theresa. White, Red, Black. Sketches of Society in the United States. 3 vols. 12° half calf, gilt. London, 1853 2922 PuLTENEY, William. Thoughts on the present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. Fourth ed. pp. 102. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1778 272 CATALOGUE. 2Q2.^ PuRCHAS, Samuel. Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes. Contayning a history of the world, in sea voyages and lande-travells, by Englishmen and others. Wherein God's wonders in nature and Provi- dence, the actes, arts, varieties and vanities of men w"" a world of the worlds-rarities, are by a world of ey- witnesse authors, related to the world. Some left written by Mr. Hakluyt at his death. More since added, his also perused, and perfected. All examined, abre- viated, illustrated with notes, enlarged with discourses, adorned with pictures and expressed in mapps. In fower parts, each containing five books. By Samuel Purchas. Engraved title, and numerous maps and plates, including the Hondius map inserted at page 65 of Vol. I, and a fac-simile map of the world in Part i. 5 vols, folio, superbly bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges. William Stansby: London, 1625-26 2924 Purchas. Purchas his Pilgrimes. The fourth Part. Folio, bound uniform with the " Pilgrimes." London, 1625 This is a duplicate of Volume IV, the volume which relates chiefly to America. It was once in the possession of Thomas Prince, and contains numerous MS. notes by him, and was used by him in the compilation of the Chronological History. 2925 Purchas. Purchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages and Places discouered, from the Creation unto this present Time. First ed. pp. 752, 18. Folio, bound uniform with the "Pilgrimes." Printed by William Stansby: London, 1613 2926 Purchas. Purchas his Pilgrimage. Second ed., much enlarged with Additions through the whole work. pp. 918, 36. Folio, bound uniform with the "Pilgrimes." William Stansby: London, 1614 '2927 Purchas. Purchas his Pilgrimage. Third ed. pp. 1102, 40. Folio, bound uniform with the "Pilgrimes." ^''^IQ'I'^ Large paper. William Stansby: London, 1617 The above 9 vols, of Purchas, form a remarkable set of all the edi- tions, fine tall copies in perfect condition. 2928 Purchas. Purchas his Pilgrim. Microcosmus, or the Historie of Man. pp. 818. 12° full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, inside borders. London, 1619 2929 Purchas. Spiritual Honey from Natural Hives; or. Meditations and Observations on the Natural History and Habits of Bees. 16° cloth, London, n. d, 1/29 CATALOGUE. 273 2930 PuRCHAS. Pelgrimagie, Gedeylt in twintich Boecken. Waer van het eerste Boeck begrijpt de Voyagien en Reysen ghedaen door de oude Coninghen Patriarchen, Apostelen en Philosophen. . . . Engraved and printed title, pp. 303. Small 4° vellum. Jacob Benjamin: Amsterdam, 1655 2931 PuRRY, J. C. Memorial presented to the Duke of New- castle, Chamberlain of H. M. King George, upon the present condition of Carolina, 1724. pp. 24. Small 4° paper. Augusta, 1880 Only 250 copies privately printed. 2932 PuTLiTZ, Gustave. Forest Voices. Translated from the German. Edited by Rev. C. A. Smith, pp. 102. Il- lustrations. 4° cloth. Albany, 1866 '2933 Putnam, F. W. Reports upon Archsological and Eth- nological Collections from Vicinity of Santa Barbara, Cal., and from ruined Pueblos of Arizona and New Mexico; with appendix of, Indian vocabularies, pp. 497. Maps and plates. Large 4° cloth. (Wheeler's Survey, Vol. 7.) Washington, 1879 2934 Putnam, G. P. American Facts, pp. 292. Map and ' portraits. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 ''2935 Putnam, Israel. Life of. By Increase N. Tarbox. pp. 389. Map and illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, T876 '2936 Putnam, Gen. Rufus. Journal of, kept in northern New York during four campaigns of the old French ''^''* and Indian War, 1757-1760. With notes by E. C. Dawes, pp. 115. Small 4° paper, uncut. Albany, 1886 Only ioo copies printed. ^2937 Putnam's Monthly Magazine. Vol. I. 8° cloth. i C New York, 1853 2938 Pynchon, William. The Meritorious Price of Man's Redemption; or, Christ's satisfaction discussed and ex- plained. 4° calf. ■ London, 1655 An Answer to Norton's " A Discussion of that Great Point, etc., 1653," written by Norton by order of General Court, in answer to Pynchon's " Tlie Meritorious Price of our Redemption," 1650, ^ (an entirely different work from this,) which was ordered to be burned. 2939 Pynchon. The Covenant of Nature made with Adam, described and cleared from sundry great mistakes, pp. 531. 4° sheep. London, 1662 This is a continuation or supplement to the above, and is a fuller answer to Norton's " Discussion." -94° ^^UAERE (A) concerning the Church-Government VV practised in the separate congregations, pp. 14. ^ Small 4° half morocco, London, 1645 274 CATALOGUE. 2941 Quaker Tracts. A Declaration and an Information from us tlie Quakers, to the present Governors, the King, etc., London, 1660; — Christian Tolleration, 1664; — Conscientious Cause of Sufferers, called Quakers, (1664); — Persecution inconsistent with Christianity, (1670); — Christian Testimony born by the Quakers in London, (1679), etc. Bound in one vol. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1660-1679 2942 Quakers. Something in Answer to a Book printed in 1678, called the Hidden Things brought to Light, with Robert Rice of Barbadoes his name to it. pp. 43. Small 4° calf. n. p., 1679 2943 Quakers. Remarks on the Quaker unmask'd; or plain truth found to be plain falshood. pp. 8°. t6° half calf. John Morris: Phila., 1764 2944 QuARLES, John. Regale Lectum Miserise; or a kingly bed of miserie; in which is contained a dreame with an elegie upon the martyrdome of Charls, late King of England. Second ed. pp. 104. 2 plates. 18° calf. Printed in the yeare 1649 /2945 Quebec. Hawkins' Picture of Quebec; with historical recollections. Numerous plates. 12° calf, red edges. Quebec, 1834 2946 QuEVEDO y Villegas, D. Francisco. The Visions of. Made English by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Eighth ed. pp. 344. 8° calf. London, 1696 2947 QuiNCY, Edmund. Treatise of Hemp-Husbandry, being a collection of approved instruction as to the choice and preparation of the soils most proper to the growth of that useful and valuable material and also as to the subsequent management thereof, agreeable to the experi- ence of several countries wherein it has been produced, both in Europe and America. Plate, pp. 33. Small 4° half calf. Boston, 1765 /2948 QuiNCV, Josiah, Jr. Reports of Cases argued and ad judged in the Superior Court of Judicature of the Prov- ince of Massachusetts Bay, between 1761 and 1772/ pp. 606. 8° sheep, (rebacked). Boston, 1865 1/2949 QuiNCY. Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jr., of Massachusetts, pp. 498. Portrait and two autograph letters inserted. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1825 2950 QuiNCY. The same. Second ed. pp. 431. 8° cloth. / Boston, 1874 ,2951 Quincy, Josiah. Speeches delivered in the Congress of the United States, 1805-1813. pp. 412. 8° cloth, un- cut, Boston, 1874 CATALOGUE. 275 V^ 2952 QuiNCY. History of Harvard University, pp. 612, 728. i'!^/*/WJ-Portrait and plates. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1840 2953 QuiNCY. History of the Boston Athenaeum, with bio- ^''?'J)i"5" graphical notices of its deceased founders, pp. 104. Portrait inserted. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1851 2954 QuiNCY. Orations, Speeches, Addresses, etc., 1830- 1867. (19) 2955 QuiNCY. Tribute from the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, 1864; — Memoir, by James Walker, 1867; — Essay on Soiling of Cattle, 1859; — Manuscript Corrections of Shakespeare's Plays, 1854; — Observations on the Act of Parliament, 1774, (lacks title page); — Address to Boston Aldermen, 1829; — Speech in Music Hall, Aug. 16, 1854, etc. 8 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 2956 QuiNCY. A Brief Account of the Quincy Family of Boston, pp. 7. 8° paper. Boston, 1857 2957 Quincy, Mass. Some Account of the Early History of, by George Whitney. Plate. 1827; — Two (historical) Discourses at the 200th Anniversary of the First Cong. Church, by W. P. Lunt, 1839; — Commemorative Dis- course at the 200th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, by G. Whitney; — Lunt's Funeral Dis- course on John Quincy Adams, 1848,; — Everett's Eulogy of J. Q. Adams, in Faneuil Hall, Boston, 1848. Bound in one vol. 8° boards. ' 2958 Quincy. History of Braintree, Mass., 1639-1708, the North Precinct of Braintree, 1708-1792, and the town of Quincy, 1792-1889. By Charles Francis Adams. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1891 Only 50 copies privately printed. Presentation copy. 2959 QuiNTANA, Don M. J. Memoirs of Gonzalo Fernandez de Cardova, styled the Great Captain. Translated by Joseph Russell, pp. 226. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1851 2960 I J ABELAIS, Francis. Works of. Translated by y^ Sir Thomas Urquhart and Motteaux. 4 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 2961 Rae, John. Statement of some New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy, pp. 414. 8° half calf. Boston, 1834 2962 Raine, Rev. John. History and Antiquities of the Par- ish of Blyth, in the Counties of Nottingham and York, pp. 191. Plates. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Westminster, i860 276 CATALOGUE. 2963 Raleigh, Sir Walter. The Discoverie of the Large, rich and bewtiful Empire of Guinea, with a Relation of the Great and Golden Citie of Manoa, and the Provinces of Emeria, etc.. Performed in the years 1595. pp. 112. Small 4° red crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Robert Robinson: London, 1596 " This book very seldom occurs for sale. This results from the double demand, on one side, in the market for early works of dis- covery in America, and on the other, from collectors of Elizabethan literature. The great name of Raleigh lends a treble value to his English text as compared with the Latin translation, although the latter is adorned with plates, and very rare. The " Discoverie " is also interesting as having been read by Shakespeare, and as having afforded him matter for illusion. Indeed, the influence of Raleigh's Guiana is found throughout English Literature in the entire seven- teenth century. " — Quaritch Cat. 2964 Raleigh. Newes of Sir Walter Rauleigh with the true Description of Guiana; and also a Relation of the excel- lent Government, and much hope of the Prosperity of the Voyage, pp. 46. Portraits of Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth inserted. Small 4° morocco, gilt edges. (Ti- tle mounted.) London, 1618 2965 Raleigh. A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, as well in his Voyages, as in, and sithence his Returne. pp.63. Small 4° sprinkled calf. London, 1618 2966 Raleigh. Another [copy. Small 4° boards, uncut, (corners of last 10 leaves repaired). London, 1618 2967 Raleigh. The Prerogative of Parliaments in England. pp. 66. Small 4° half morocco. Midelburge, 1628 2968 Raleigh. The Life and Death of Mahomet, the Con- questor of Spaine, etc. Portrait, (mounted). 16° sheep. London, 1637 2969 Raleigh. The Prince, or Maxims of State, pp. 46. Small 4° half morocco, uncut. London, 1642 2970 Raleigh. Judicious and Select Essays and Observa- tions; — Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana;- — The Royall Navy and Sea Service, etc. Fine portrait by Ro. Vaughan. 16° half calf. London, 1650 2971 Raleigh. The Marrow of Historic, or an Epitome of all Historicall Passages from the Creation, to the End of the last Macedonian War. Abreviated by A. R. (Alexander Ross), pp. 574. Fine portrait by John Whittaker. 16° calf. London, 1650 2972 Raleigh. The Arts of Empire, and Mysteries of State discabinated in Political and Polemical Aphorisms. Published by John Milton, Esq. pp. 238, 2. 12° calf. London, 1692 CATALOGUE. 277 2973 Raleigh. Three Discourses of Sir Walter Raleigh. Published by Phillip Raleigh. Portrait by Van Hove, pp. 204. 12° half calf, uncut. London, 1702 2974 Raleigh. Works of, now first collected; to which are prefixed the Lives of the Author, by Oldys and Birch. 8 vols. 8° polished calf, extra, marbled edges. Oxford, 1829 297s Raleigh. Life of the Valiant and Learned Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, with his Tryal at Winchester, pp. 243. 12° half calf, gilt, uncut. London, 1677 2976 Raleigh. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, with some Account of the Period in which he lived. By Mrs. A. T. Thompson, pp. 496. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1830 • 2977 Raleigh. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1552-1618. By J. A. St. John. New edition, pp. 481. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1869 2978 Ramsay, Allan. The Gentle Shepherd, a Scotch Pas- toral. Attempted in English, by Margaret Turner, pp. 103, 6. Portrait. 8° morocco, gilt. London, 1790 2979 Ramsay. The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy; with illustrations of the scenery, pp. 772. Portrait and plates. Second ed. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. Edinburgh, 1814 2980 Ramsay. Poems. A new edition, corrected and en- larged, with a Glossary, pp. 380, 608. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1800 2981 Ramsay, David. Military Memoirs of Great Britain; or, a History of the War, 1755-1763. pp. 473. Por- traits (lacks one plate). 8° half calf. Edinburgh, 1779 V 2982 Ramsay. History of the Revolution of South Carolina, S'X'i-i'Cl y^frora a British Province to an Independent State. Maps. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Trenton, 1785 V 2983 Ramsay. History of the American Revolution. New , . , ,. ,- edition. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, a:ilt tops. London, 1793 V 2984 Ramsay. History of South Carolina, from 1670 to 1808. C']-1fcCi'»'^"Portrait and 2 maps. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. Charleston, 1809 / 2985 Ramsay. History of the United States, from 1607 to tf-jl,^ H'& I S08; continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith. Second ed. 3 vols. 8° sheep. Philadelphia, 1818 2986 Ramsay, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee, to the End of the eighteenth Century, pp. 744. 8° cloth. Philadelphia, 1853 278 CATALOGUE. 2987 Ranke, Leopold. Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome. Translated by Sarah Austin. PP- 5°3. S°7- 2 vols. 8° cloth. Philadelphia, 1841 2988 [Raspe, R. E.] Gulliver revived; or the Vice of Lying properly exposed, containing singular Travels, Cam- paigns, Voyages and Adventures, by Baron Munchau- sen. Seventh ed, pp. 263, 239. Plates. 2 vols. 16° half sheep. London, 1793 2989 [Raspe.] The Travels by Sea and Land of the renowned Baron Munchausen, pp. 108. 18° cloth. New York. 2990 Raspe. The same. pp. 87. Frontispiece. 16° half morocco, uncut. Glasgow, 1804 2991 Raumer, Frederick von. The Political History of Eng- land, during the i6th, 17th and 18th Centuries, pp. 550, 514. 2 vols. 8° morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1837 2992 Raymond, N. H. History of. By Joseph FuUonton. pp. 407. Portraits. 8° cloth. Dover, 1875 2993 Raynal, Abbd. The Revolution of America: -VXetter addressed to the Abb^ Raynal on the Affairs of North America. By Thomas Paine. In i volume, pp. 181, 76. 8° calf. London, 1781-82 2994 Raynal. A Philosophical and Political History of the I p. |,y ^Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Translated by J. O. Justamond. Maps and portraits. 8 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1783 With bookplates of Gorham Parsons. 2995 Rebellion and Slavery. Pamphlets relating to. (57) 2996 [Redding, Cyrus.] Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea; or Historical Narratives of the most noted Calamities and Providential Deliverances, which have resulted from Maritime Enterprise. Map. 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1812 2997 Reed, Joseph. Life and Correspondence of. By W. B. ii, Reed. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Philadelphia, 1847 2998 Reed, Rebecca T. Six Months in a Convent, 1835; — Supplement to "Six Months in a Convent," 1835 ; — Six Months in a House of Correction, or the Narrative of Dorah Mahony, 1835; — Awful Disclosures of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery of Montreal, by Maria Monk, 1836; — Further Disclosures, by Maria Monk, 1837; — Awful Exposures of the Atrocious Plot against the Clergy and Nuns of Lower Canada, 1836; — The Nun, by Mrs. Sherwood, 1834. 7 vols. 16° cloth. Boston and New York. CATALOGUE. 279 . . 2999 Reeve, John and Muggleton, Lodowick. Joyful News from Heaven; or the last Intelligence from our glorified Jesus above the Stars, pp. 78. Small 4° calf. London, 1658 The Massachusetts Colony passed a law against the books of Reeve and Muggleton, in 1654, two years before the Quakers made their appearance in Boston. • 3000 Reeve, John and Lodowick Muggleton. A Divine Look- ing-Glass; or, the third and last Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Third ed., 1719, pp. 200; — An Answer to Isaac Pennington, 1719, pp. 24; — A Discourse be- tween John Reeve and Richard Leader, pp. 16; — An Epistle of the Prophet Reeve, 1656, pp. 24; — True In- terpretation of the Witch of Endoz, 1724, pp. 50. Small 4° half morocco. London. 3001 Reeves, John. History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland. 8° calf. London, 1793 .. 3002 Rehoboth, Mass. History of Rehoboth, Mass., com- prising a History of the present Towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk and Pawtucket. By Leonard Bliss, Jr. pp. 294. 8° cloth. Boston, 1836 3003 Rehoboth in the Past; an Historical Oration delivered on July 4, i860. By S. C. Newman, pp. 112. 8° cloth. Pawtucket, i860 3004 Reinhard, F. V. Memoirs and Confessions. Trans- lated by O. A. Taylor, pp. 359. Portrait. 12° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1832 3005 Rengger and Longchamps. The Reign of Doctor Jo- seph Gaspard Roderick de Francia in Paraguay; being an Account of a six Years' Residence in that Republic, from 1819-1825. pp. 208. 8° half calf. London, 1827 3006 Report from the Select Committee on Public Libraries. pp. 317. Small folio, paper. London, 1849 3007 Reports of the Prison Discipline Society, Boston, 1826- 1857. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Boston. 3008 Retrospective Review, and Historical and Antiquarian -'• Magazine, consisting of Criticisms upon, Analysis of, /^ and Extracts from Curious, Valuable and Scarce Old Books. The three series complete. 16 vols, half calf, gilt, and 2 vols, in cloth. Together j8 vols. 8°. London, 1820-26, 1828, 1853-54 " An excellent Review of early English Literature. The Criticisms in the first series were written by George Robinson, Esq., W. Gray, Esq., Mr. Sergt. Talfourd, Joseph Parkes, Esq., etc., the whole being under the superintendence of H. Southern, Esq. The second series was edited by Henry Southern and Nicholas Harris Nicolas. The papers in the third series were chiefly written by Thomas Wight, Esq., J. O. Halliwell, Esq., and M. A. Lower, Esq." — Lowndes. V 28o CATALOGUE. 3009 Revolutionary. Detail and Conduct of the American War under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne and Vice Admiral Lord Howe, 1780; — Taxation no Tyran- ny, by Samuel Johnson, 1775; — Remarks on the Re- view of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, 1769; — ^An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal to the landed Interest respecting the American Colonies, by Josiah Tucker, 1775; — Remarks on Lord Sheffield's Observations on the Commerce of the United States, 1784, etc. 6 vols. 8° half roan and calf, 3010 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary Works of. \Vith a memoir of the author, by H. W. Beechey. pp. 463, 493. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 301 1 Rhode Island. Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England, 1636-1792. Edited by John Russell Bartlett. 10 vols, small folio, half roan, uncut. Providence, 1856-65 Large Paper : only 50 copies printed. 3012 Rhode Island. Indian Names of Places in Rhode Island, 1861; — Discourse by Henry Jackson, 1854; — Hunter's Oration at Newport, July 4, 1801; — Discourse bv Henry Wheaton, 1849; — Addresses to Rhode Island Hist. Soc, by W. Gammell, 1883, 1886, 1887, 1888; — By G. W. Greene, 1849;— By E. B. Hall, 1855; — Con- cise History of the Public Schools, Providence, 1876; — Historical Sketch of the Redwood Library and Athen- asum, by David King, i860; — Remarks on the Narra- gansett Patent, 1863; — Canonicus Memorial, 1883. 17 pamphlets. 3013 Rhode Island. A Concise History of the Efforts to obtain an Extension of Suffrage in Rhode Island from 181 1 to 1842, by Jacob Freeze; — Life and Recollections of John Howland, by E. M. Stone, 1857; — Life and Times of Thomas Wilson Dow, with outlines of the political history of Rhode Island, 1859; — Discourse de- livered at Providence, 1836 in commemoration of the first settlement of Rhode Island; — Proceedings of the First General Assembly of "The Incorporation of Providence Plantations " and the Code of Laws adopted by that Assembly, 1647. By W. R. Staples, 1847; — A Brief Account of Emissions of Paper Money made by the Colony of Rhode Island, 1837. 6 vols. 8° and 12° half roan, cloth and boards. 3014 Rhode Island Historical Society Collections. 7 vols. bound in 5 vols. 8° half sheep and cloth. Providence, 1827-85 CATALOGUE. 281 3015 Rhode Island Historical Society Proceedings, 1872-1878. 6 vols. 8° paper. Providence, 187J-78 3016 Rhode Island Historical Society. Gammell's Address, Nov. 20, 1844; — Durfee's Discourse, Jan. 13, 1847; — •Hazard's Discourse, Jan. 18, 1848; — Greene's Dis- course, Feb. I, 1849 ;-«^Potter's Address, Feb.^, 1851; — 'Larsons' Discourse, Feb. 16, 1852; — Arnold's Discourse, Jan. 17, 1853. 7 vols. 8° half roan. Providence. 3017 Rhode Island Historical Society. Annual Reports, ist, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 19th, 1864-82; — The Dutch and the Iroquois, a paper by C. H. Hall, read Feb. 21, 1882. 7 pamphlets. New York. 3018 Rhode Island Historical Tracts. Nos. i, 4, 6 to 19, (parts I and 2.) Illustrations. 18 vols, small 4° paper, uncut. Providence, 1877-84 Only 250 copies printed. 3019 Rich, O. Bibliotheca Americana. Complete set. 6 vols. 8° cloth and half calf. London, 1832-46 l^^I. Catalogue of Books. 1 500-1 700. ^■ II. Bibliotheca Americana Vetus, and Supplement. 1493-1700. pp. 16, 8. ^^^W. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Vol. I. 1701-1800. l^^IV. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Additions ajid corrections. (1701-1800). '•'^V. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Vol. 2. 1801-1844 in 2 vols. 3020 Rich. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Part 2 of Vol. 2, .-.^j, printed on one side of the leaf only. 8° cloth. London, 1846 3021 Rich. Books relating to America. 1493-1700. pp. 4. 4° paper. 3022 [Rich, Robert.] Hidden Jhings brought to Light; or the discord of the Grand Quakers among themselves, discovered in some letters written to and from George Fox, James Nayler and John Perrott. pp. 44, 7. Small 4° half roan. Printed in the year 1678 3023 Richard II. The Life and Reign of King Richard the Second. By a Person of Quality, pp. 240. Portrait. 16° calf, gilt, (cracked). London, 1681 3024 Richardson, Charles. New Dictionary of the English Language. 4 vols, royal 4° boards. W. Pickering: London, 1836 3025 Richardson, Samuel. Clarissa, or the history of' a young lady. Comprehending the most important con- cerns of private life. Copper plate frontispieces. 8 vols. 12° calf, (worn). London, 176? 282- CATALOGUE. 3026 Richmond, J. W. Rhode Island Repudiation; or tiie ; ',,'' history of the Revolutionary Debt of Rhode Island. Second ed. 8° cloth. Providence, 1855 3027 RiCRAFT, Josiah. A Survey of England's Champions and Truths faithfuU Patriots. London, 1647. pp. 174. Numerous portraits. 8° morocco. Reprint: London. Only 50 copies printed. 3028 Rider, S. S. Book Notes. Vols. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, (lacks a few nos.) 5 vols. 8° half roan and paper. Providence, 1885-9 3029 RiDGLEY, Thomas. A Body of Divinity, wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are explained and defended. Third ed. pp. 729. Folio, half sheep. Glasgow, 1770 3030 RiEDESEL, Madame de. Letters and Memoirs relating I to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the German troops at Saratoga. 12° antique calf, gilt, red edges. New York, 1827 3031 RiEDESEL. Letters and Journals relating to the War of the American Revolution, and the capture of the Ger- man troops at Saratoga. Translated by W. L. Stone, pp. 235. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1867 .3032 RiGGb, L. R. Tah-Koo-Wah-Kan; or, the Gospel among the Dakotas. Portrait, pp.491. 12° cloth. Boston, 1869 3033 Ringgold, C. A Series of Charts, with Sailing Direc- (^ tions of California. Imperial 8° cloth. Washington, 1851 3034 Rittenhouse. Memoirs of the Life of David Ritten- ,^ CTI-house. By William Barton. Portrait. 8° calf. Phila., 1813 3035 [RiTSON, Joseph.] Bibliographia Poetica; a catalogue of English poets of the i2th-i6th Centuries, with a short account of their works, pp. 402. 12° calf. London, 1802 3036 Rivers, W. J. A Sketch of the History of South Caro- lina to the close of the Proprietary Government by the Revolution of 1 7 19. pp.470. 8° cloth. Charleston, 1856 3037 ROBBINS, Rev. P. Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Chandler Robbins, in Plymouth, January 30, 1760; with an appendix containing an account of the Church of Christ in Plymouth, pp. 22, 35. 12° morocco, gilt edges. (Last leaf has new top margin, note in ink on back of title). Boston, 1760 3038 Robbins, Thomas. Historical View of the First Plan- . ^ly-*? ters of New England, pp. 300. 16° sheep. '' Hartford, 1815 CATALOGUE. 283 -3039 RoBBiNS. Diary of, 1796-1854. Edited by Increase '"r7i"-^' ^^'^^°^- PP- i°S2, 1131. Portrait. 2 vols, royal ^° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1886 3040 Roberts, A. The Adventures of (Mr. T. S.), an English Merchant, taken Prisoner by the Turks of Algiers, and carried into the Inland Countries of Africa, pp. 252. 18° calf. London, 1670 3041 Robertson. An Attempt to explain the Words Reason, Substance, Orthodoxy, etc. Third ed. pp. 252. 16° calf. London, 1767 3042 Robertson, William. Works of. Portrait. 6 vols. 8° calf, extra. London, 1851 Comprises : History of Scotland, 2 vols; — History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V., 2 vols.; — History of America, 2 vols. 3043 Robin, Abb^. Nouveau Voyage dans I'Am^rique, Sep- tentrionale en I'Ann^e 1781, et Campagne de I'Armde de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. 8° mottled sheep, gilt. Phila., 1782 / V 3044 Robinson, Conway. An Account of Discoveries in the '■' West until 1519 and of Voyages to and along the Atlan- tic Coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573. pp. 491. 8° cloth. Richmond, 1848 .3045 Robinson, John. A Defence of the Doctrine propounded by the Synode at Dort, against John Murton and his Associates, pp. 203. Small 4° calf, gilt edges, (cor- ners of title and 4 leaves mended, slightly stained). (London), 1624 John Robinson was Pastor to the Pilgrims. -3046 Robinson. Essayes; or, Observations, Divine and Morall. The second ed. pp. 566. 18° calf, (binding cracked). London, 1638 . 3047 Robinson. A Justification of Separation from the Church of England, against Mr. Richard Bernard, his invective intituled: The Separatists Schisme. pp.388. 4° old calf. Printed in the yeere 1639 • 3048 Robinson. A Manvmission to a manvduction, or an- swer to a letter inferring publique communion in the parish assemblies upon private godly persons there, pp. 24. Small 4° antique calf, gilt edges. n. p., 1615 3049 Robinson. (Ames, W.) A Second Manvduction for Mr. Robinson. Or a confirmation of the former in an an- swer to his Manumission, etc. pp. 35. Small 4° an- tique calf, gilt edges. "• P-, 1615 For " Manvduction for Mr. Robinson. (By W. Ames). See under Bradshaw, William. No. 392, Part I. of this catalogue. 284 CATALOGUE. 3050 Robinson. Works of John Robinson, Pastor of the Pil- grim Fathers. With a Memoir and Annotations by Robert Ashton. 3 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 185 1 3051 Robinson, Edward. Memoir of the Rev. Wm. Robin- son, of Southington, Conn., with some account of his Ancesters in this Country. 8° cloth. Privately printed: New York, 1859 1^3052 [Robinson, Matthew.] Considerations on the measures 1^1 >(, i carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in tlorth America, 1774; -i^ Further Examination of Our L^ -) J, i6 'Present American Measures and of the reasons and the principles on which they are founded. Bath, 1776. pp. 256. 2 vols. 8° half sheep. 3053 Robinson, William and William Leddra. Several Epis- tles given forth by two of the Lord's faithful Servants whom he sent to New England, to bear Witness to his everlasting Truth. And where there (by the Priests, Rulers and Professors) after cruel and long Imprison- ment and inhuman Whippings and Banishment, put to death, (etc.) pp. n. Small 4° polished calf. London, Printed in the year, 1669 " One of the rarest tracts relating to the persecution of the New England Quakers." — Sabin. 3054 Robinson, W. D. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, 1 including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina. pp. 396. 8° sheep. Phila., 1820 .3055 RoBSON, Joseph. An Account of six Years Residence in Hudson's Bay from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747. pp. 84, 95. Maps. 8° half roan. London, 1752 3056 Rochester, Earl John. Works of. pp. 314. Portrait. 18° calf. London, 1714 3057 Rochester. Some Passages in the Life and Death of John, Earl of Rochester. Written by Gilbert Burnet. Portrait, pp. 141. 12° half calf, (broken). London, 1820 3058 Rogers, Richard. Seven Treatises, containing such Di- rection as is gathered out of the Holy Scriptures, pp. 834 and table. Small 4° calf. London, 1630 3059 Rogers, Samuel. Poems. Vignette illustrations, pp. 311. 12° morocco, gilt edges. London, 1839 3060 Rogers, Capt. Woodes. A Cruising Voyage round the World, first to the South Seas thence to the East-Indies, and homeward by the Cape of Good Hope, 1708-1711; with an account of Alexander Selkirk's adventures, etc. Maps. 8° calf. London, 17 12 CATALOGUE. 285 K 3061 Rogers, Robert. A Concise Account of North America; Containing a Description of the several British Colo- i{%0\ ft i-,jgs^ gtQ Also, of the Interior or Westerly Parts of Country, upon the Rivers St. Lawrence, Mississippi, Christino and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined an Account of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians residing in those Parts. London: Printed for the Au- thor. 1765; — Journals of Major Robert Rogers: Containing An Account of the several Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North America, during the Late War. 2 vols, in I. 8° sheep, (cover broken). London: Printed for the Author, 7765 " Major Rogers headed, with much reputation, the provincial troops called Rangers, during the whole course of what were called the French wars in America. " • 3062 [Rogers.] Ponteach; or the Savages of America, a Tragedy, pp. no. 8° calf, (3 leaves stained). London, 1766 . 3063 Rollins, John R. Records of Families of the Name Rawlins or Rollins, in the United States, pp. 345. Plates. 8° cloth. Lawrence, 1874 3064 Rome Rhym'd to Death; being a collection of choice poems. Written Jpy the E. of R., Dr. Wild, and others of the best modern wits. pp. 130. Frontispiece. 16° calf. London, 1683 x/3o65 Rosier's Narrative of Waymouth's Voyage to the Coast of Maine in 1605, complete; with remarks by George S:n|Cs-l Prince. Map. 8° paper. Bath, i860 3066 Roundheads. The Master-piece of Roundheads, or an explanation and declaration of the right Round-heads indeed. And such as are and shall be the true Round- heads by all consent and act of Parliament. AVritten by a well-wisher to King, Parliament, Religion and State, pp. 8. Small 4° stitched. n. p., n. d. 3067 Roundheads. Answer to the Rattle-Heads concerning their fictionate Resolution of the Round-Heads. 4 leaves. Small 4° paper. London, 1641 3068 Roundheads. A Sad Warning to all prophane, malig- nant spirits, who reproach true Protestants with the name of Roundheads, pp. 6. Small 4° paper. London, 1642 3069 Roundheads. A Description of the Roundhead and Rattlehead. pp. 6. 4° paper. London, 1642 3070 Rousseau, J. J. A Discourse upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind, pp. 260. 8" calf. London, 1761 286 CATALOGUE. 3071 RowE, Nicholas. Works of, consisting of his plays and poems, pp. 415, 360. Portrait. 2 vols. 16° half calf. London, 1756 •5072 RowLANDSON, Mary. A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, a minister's wife in New England, wherein is set forth the cruel usage she underwent among the heathens for eleven weeks' time, and her deliverence from them. pp. 46. 4° sprinkled calf. First printed at New England and Re-printed at London, 1682 " One of the earliest narratives of Indian Captivities, and possibly one of the most authentic. The relation of the manners and pecu- liarities of the Indians of New England in 1675, by one so observant and scrupulous in her statements, has more than ordinary interest and value." — Field's Indian Bibliography. 3073 Rowlandson. The same. Sixth ed. 16° calf. Lancaster, 1828 ■ 3074 Rowley, Mass. History of Rowley, anciently including Bradford, Boxford, and Georgetown. By Thomas Gage. pp. 483. Plate. 12° cloth. Boston, 1840 3075 RowLY, Samuel. When you see me, you know me; or the famous Chronicle History of King Henrie the Eighth, with the birth and vertuous life of Edward Prince of Wales. 43 leaves. Small 4° half roan. London, 1632 3076 RowsoN, Susannah. Meutoria, or the Young Ladies Friend, 1794; — Miscellaneous Poems, 1804; — Charlotte Temple, 1843; — Lucy Temple, a sequel to Charlotte Temple; — Memoir of Susannah Rowson, by Elias Nason, 1870. 5 vols. 8° and 16° cloth and sheep. 3077 RoxBtFRGHE, John, Duke of. Catalogue of the Library with Supplement (and prices.) pp. 284, 73. 8° calf. London, 1812 No. 6292. II Decamerone . di Boccaccio, folio, Ed. Princeps, Venet, 1471, was bought at this sale by the Marquis of Blandford, at ;£'226o, and was the occasion of the formation of the Roxburghe Club. 3078 RoxBURY, Mass. History of Roxbury Town. By Charles M. Ellis, pp. 146. 8° half roan. Boston, 1847 3079 Royal American Magazine, or Universal Repository of Instruction and Amusement. Vol. I (six numbers) in half calf, and the numbers for Jan. and Feb., 1775- Boston, 1774-5 Lacks the last number (March, 1775), and ^^^ copperplates to complete the set. This set contains the rare copper portraits of Hon. John Hancock, Mr. Samuel Adams and Sir Wilbraham Wentworth and eleven other copper plates engraved by Paul Revere and two plates by Callender. CATALOGUE. 287 ■3080 [RoYALL, Mrs. Anne. J Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the United States. By a Traveller, pp. 392. 12° half morocco. New Haven, 1826 .3081 Royal Genealogy. The New-England Royalls. By E. D. Harris, pp. 27. 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1885 , 3082 RuGGLES, C. L. The Great American Scout and Spy, " General Bunker. " pp.400. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1870 3083 Rupp, J. D. An Original History of the Religious Denominations at present existing in the United States, pp. 734. 8° sheep. Phila., 1844 3084 Rush, Richard. Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London. Second ed. pp. 501. 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1833 3085 Rush. The same. pp. 640. 8° cloth. Phila., 1845 3086 Russell, William. History of Modern Europe. With a continuation of the history to the present time, by William Jones. 3 vols. 8° sheep. New York, 1859 3087 Russell. Some Account of the Life of Rachel Wrioth- esley Lady Russell, followed by a series of letters from Lady Russell to her husband, from 1672 to 1682. pp. 387. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1820 3088 Rutherford, Samuel. The Due right of Presbyteries, or, a peaceable plea for the Government of the Church of Scotland, wherein is examined, 1. The Way of the Church of Christ in New England. 2. Their Apology for the said Government. 3. A Treatise for a Church Covenant. 4. The Arguments of Mr. Robinson. 5. His Treatise called The People's Plea for the exercise of Prophecy. 6. Divers late arguments against pres- byteriall Government, etc. Small 4° old calf. E. Griffin for R. Whittaker: London, 1644 "A large proportion of this volume of nearly 800 pages is taken up with a refutation of the "various arguments and tenets of John Robinson, chief of the Pilgrim Fathers. ' Robinson's arguments for separation found light and empty," etc. Indeed nearly all the books of the New England men published prior to 1644, and quoted and commented upon, especially those referring to the Way of the Churches in New England, and the power of Civil Magistrates in Church matters." 3089 Rutherford. A Survey of the Spirituall Antichrist; opening the secrets of familisme and antinomiasme. 4° old calf, (broken). London, 1648 3090 Rutherford. A Survey of the Survey of that Summe of Church Discipline, penned by Mr. Thomas Hooker, late Pastor of the Church at Hartford upon Connecticut in New England, pp. 521. Small 4° calf. London, 1658 288 CATALOGUE. 3091 Rye, William B. England as seen by Foreigners, in the Days of Elizabeth and Jannes the First, comprising translations of the journals of the two Dukes of Wirtem- bergin 1592 and 1610, both illustrative of Shakespeare. Illustrations. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1865 3092 Rymer, Thomas. The Tragedies of the last Age con- sider'd and examin'd by the Practice of the Ancients, pp. 144. 12° half calf, gilt. London, 1678 3093 Rymer. A Short View of Tragedy; its Original, Excel- lency and Corruption; with some Reflections on Shake- speare and other Practitioners for the Stage, pp. 182. 12° half calf, gilt. London, 1693 Bookplate of Newburgh Hamilton on reverse of title. 3094 [Ryves, Bruno.] Mercurius Rusticus; or the Countries Complaint of the barbarous Outrages committed by the Sectaries of this late flourishing' Kingdom. Frontis- piece. 12° calf, gilt, red edges. London, 1685 3095 ^. ABBATH at Home, an Illustrated Religious Maga- A,J zine. Vol. i. 8° boards. Boston, 1867 Contains articles on the Pilgrims in England, Holland and in New England, by Rev. H. M. Dexter. 3096 Sabin, Joseph. A Dictionary of Books relating to Amer- ica. Parts 2-16, (Allen-Casas.) 13 vols. 8° paper, "" uncut. New York, 1867-70 3097 Sabin. A List of the printed Editions of the Works of the Fray Bartolomd de las Casas. pp. 27. 8° boards. New York, 1870 3098 Sabin's Reprints of Rare Historical Tracts. Q.uarto Size. Complete set. 10 vols, small 4° boards. Only 50 copies printed. New York, 1865 I. Byfield, Nathaniel. An Account of the late Revolution in New England, 1689. II. A Relation of Maryland, (reprinted from the London edition of 1635), with Notes and an Appendix, by F. L. Hawkes. Map. III. Whitfield, Henry. A Further Discovery of the Present State of the Indians in New England, 1650. IV. Certain Inducements to Well Minded People, 1643. V. Whitfield, Henry. Strength out of Weakness, or a Glorious Manifestation of the Further Progress of the Gospel among the In- dians in New England, 1652. v' VI. A Further Manifestation of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England, 1659. VII. New England's First Fruits, 1643. VIII. Further Queries upon the Present State of New England Affairs, 1689-90. IX. Day-Breaking, if not the Sun-Rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New England, 1648. X. Shepard, Thomas. The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel break- ing forth upon the Indians in New England, 1648, CATALOGUE. 289 3099 Sabin's Reprints. Octavo Series. 6 vols. 8° paper and cloth, uncut. New York, 1865-69 Only 200 copies printed. I. Journal of Major George Washington. Map. London, 1754. II. Journal of two Visits made to some Nations of Indians, by Rev. David Jones, Burlington, 1774. v-' III. Vindication of the Captors of Major Andr^. New York, 1817. IV. A brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, by William Smith, London, 1755. \/V. Present State of Virginia, by Hugh Jones, London, 1724. VI. History of the first Discovery and Settlement of Virginia, by William Stith, Williamsburg, 1747. 3100 Sabin. a Bibliography of Bibliography, or a handy book about books which relate to books. 8° paper, un- cut. New York, 1877 /^loi Sabine, Lorenzo. American Loyalists, or Biographical Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution, pp. 733. 8° cloth. Boston, 1847 \/3io2 Sabine. Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the , e7S"<} American Revolution, with an Historical Essay, pp. / 608, 600. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1864 ■^103 Sabine. Notes on Duels and Duelling, alphabetically 6C3i)£3y arranged, pp. 394. 8° cloth. London, 1855 v'^3104 Saco and Biddeford, Me. History of Saco and Bidde- ford, with Notices of other early Settlements, and of Solt^'^j jjjg Proprietary Governments in Maine. By George Folsom. pp. 331. Map and plates (and plan inserted). 12° half calf, gilt. Saco, 1830 3105 [Sadler, John.] Rights of the Kingdom; or, Customs of our Ancestors, touching the Duty, Power, Election or Succession of our Kings and Parliaments, pp. 319. Small 4° calf. London, 1682 3106 Sagard, Gabriel. Histoire de Canada et Voyages que les Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la Con- uersion des Infidelles. Paris, 1636. 4 vols. 12" paper, uncut. (Reprint): Paris, 1865 . 3107 Sagard. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, situd en I'Amerique vers la Mer douce, es derniers confins de la Nouvelle France dite Canada. Nouvelle Edition par E. Chevalier. (Avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne.) 2 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Paris, 1865 3108 Sainsbury, VV. N. Original unpublished Papers illustra- tive of the Life of Sir Peter Paul Rubens, as an Artist and a Diplomatist, pp. 391. Colored plate. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1859 3109 Sainsbury. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1574-1660. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, i86g 290 CATALOGUE. 3 1 10 St. Amand, George. An Historical Essay on the Legis- lative Power of England. 12° calf. London, 1725 3111 St. Augustine. Pious Breathings; being the Medita- tions of St. Augustine, his Treatise of the Love of God,' Soliloquis and Manual. Made English by G. Stanhope. Fifth ed. pp. 414. Frontispiece. Small 8° half morocco. London, 1720 ■3112 St. Augustine, Fla. Sketches of St. Augustine, with a View of its History and Advantages as a Resort for In- valids. By R. K. Sewall. pp. 69. Plate. 12° cloth. New York, 1848 3 1 13 St. Augustine. History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, founded A. D. 1565. By G. R. Fairbanks, pp. 200. Plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1858 • 31 14 St. Clair, Arthur. A Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in the Year 1791, was conducted, under the command of Major General St. Clair, pp. 273. 8° boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1812 ''31 1 5 St. Domingo. History of the Island of St. Domingo, * from its first Discovery by Columbus, to the present Time. pp. 446. 8° half calf. London, 1818 3116 Saint-Mery, L. E. M. de. Topographical and Political Description of the Spanish Part of Saint-Domingo. Translated from the French, by William Cobbett. 2 vols, in one. 8° sheep. Philadelphia, 1796 3117 Saint-Pierre, B. The Indian Cottage, pp. 87. 16° sheep. London, 1791 Bookplate of Eliza Andrews. 31 18 Salem, Mass. Annals of Salem. By J. B. Felt. First ed. Portrait. 8° morocco, gilt. Salem, 1827 3119 Salem. The same. Second ed. Volume i. Salem, 1845. Volume 2, Salem, 1849. Together 2 vols. 12° calf and cloth, uncut. .3120 Salem. Old Naumkeag; an Historical Sketch of the City of Salem, and the Towns of Marblehead, Peabody, Beverly, Danvers, Wenham, Manchester, Topsfield and Middleton. By C. H. Webber and W. S. Nevins. pp. 312. 12° cloth. Salem, 1877 31 2 1 Salem Witchcraft; comprising more Wonders of the In- visible World, collected by Robert Calef; and Wonders ^^ of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather. With Notes and Explanations, by S. P. Fowler. 12° cloth. Salem, 1861 3122 Salem Witchcraft. The same. pp. 450. 4° cloth, un- cut. Wm. Veazie: Boston, 1865 Only 250 copies printed. CATALOGUE. 29r .3123 Salem Witchcraft. The same. Portrait of Mather on India Paper. Large 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. i/'3i24 Salem Witchcraft. Records of Salem Witchcraft, copied from the Original Documents, pp. 279, 287. 2 vols. 4° paper, uncut. Roxbury, 1864 Only 215 copies printed. 3125 Salem Witchcraft. The Mather Papers, Cotton Mather \ and Salem Witchcraft. By W. F. Poole, pp. 23, 1868; — Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. By W. F. Poole, pp. 63, 1869; — Some Miscellany Observations on our present Debates respecting Witchcraft, pp. 24, 1869; —"^ Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather, a reply^ By C. W. Upham, pp. 90, 1869; — The Witchcraft De- lusion, by Thomas Hutchinson. With notes by W. F. Poole, pp. 43, 1870. 5 vols. 8° and small 4° paper, uncut. Boston and Morrisania. Only 100 copies printed of each. 3126 Salem Witchcraft. Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts, with illustrative documents, 1883; — 'Supplementary Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts, 1884;— ^Final Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts, 1885, by George H. Moore; — *^easons for concluding that the Act of 17 11, reversing the Attainders of the persons convicted of Witchcraft in Massachusetts, in the year 1692, became a law, 1884; —'further notes, (on the same) plate, 1884. By Abner C. Goodell, Jr. 5 pamphlets. 3127 Salisbury, Stephen. Essay on the Star Spangled Ban- ner, 1873; — The same, with additional notes and songs, 1873; — Memorial of Governor Endicott, 1874; — Troy and Homer, 1875; — The Mayas, the source of their his- tory; Dr. Le Plongeon in Yucatan, his account of dis- coveries, 1877; — Antiquarian Papers, memorial of John Endecott, etc., 1879; — Mexican Calendar Stone, etc., 1879; — Mexican Copper Tools, etc., 1880; — Partial Index to the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, from its foundation in 1812 to 1880, 1883; — Memorial of Stephen Salisbury, 1885; — Memoir of Stephen Salisbury, by J. D. Washburn, portrait, 1885. II vols. 8° cloth and paper. Worcester, 1873-85 Privately printed. 3128 Sampson, Deborah. The Female Review. Life of Deborah Sampson, the female soldier in the War of the Revolution, with an introduction and notes by J. A. Vinton, pp. 267. Portrait. Small 4° paper, uncut. Only 250 copies printed. Boston, 1866 292 CATALOGUE. 3129 Salisbury, Vt. History of. By John M. Weeks, pp. 362. Portraits. 12° cloth. Middlebury, i860 3130 Sanderson, John. Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Portraits. 9 vols. 8° sprinkled sheep. Phila. , 1823 31 31 Sands, Robert C. Writings of, in prose and verse, pp. 395, 408. (Portrait wanting.) 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1834 3132 [Sandys, Edward.] A Relation of the State of Religion and with what hopes and Pollicies it hath been framed, and is maintained, etc. fol. 341. Small 4° blue mo- rocco. London, 1605 This is the first edition of the Europae Speculum — issued sur- reptiously. With two autographs of John Robinson on the titlepage. " I do not entertain the shadow of a doubt that you are the owner of two genuine autographs of one of the greatest and best men of his time." — Letter from Rev. H. M. Dexter to Mr. Deane, London, Dec. 23, i8yi. 3133 [Sandys.] Europae Speculum; or a view or survey of the state of religion in the westerne parts of the world, pp. 248. Small 4° vellum. Hague-Comitis, 1629 First authorized edition. 3134 San Francisco, Cal. Annals of San Francisco. By F. Soule, J. H. Gihon, and J. Nisbet. pp. 824. Map and illustrations. 8° morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1855 3135 Sansom, Joseph. Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and descriptive, pp. 301, 16. Frontispiece. 12° boards, uncut. New York, 1817 3136 Sanson, Nicholas. L'Amerique en plusieurs Cartes, en divers Traites de Geographic et d'Histoire. Maps, ^ (some missing.) 4° old calf. Paris, 1657 3137 Santarem, Viscount. Researches respecting Americus 1 Vespucius and his Voyages. Translated by E. V. Childe.' pp. 221. 12° cloth. Boston, 1850 3138 Sarcastic Notices of the Long Parliament; a list of the " Members that held places, both civil and military, contrary to the self-denying ordinance of April 3, 1645," stc. pp. 49. Small 4° half roan. London, 1863 Only a few copies reprinted. 3139 Sargent, L. M. Hubert and Ellen and other Poems. First ed. pp. 135. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1813 3140 Saugrain's Diary of a Journey from the Falls of the Ohio to Philadelphia, in May, June and July, 1788. Manuscript, written by E. F. Bliss of Cincinnati. 16° roan. Cincinnati, 1875 Translated from the original French manuscript. A RELATION OF THE STATE OF ^Relioiontandmth \y>hat Hopes and Pollieicsit hath bcene framed, and is maintai- ned in thefnerdl^atei. of thefe wefterne pans of the world, 'd ^ j^ f LONDON, Printed for Simon Water/on dwel- Hng in l^aules Churchyard at the fignc of the Crownc. 1605 Fac-simile of Title Page of "Sandy's Relation of the State of Religion, 1605." No. 3132. /„ CATALOGUE. 193 3T41 Saunders, Daniel. A Journal of the Travels and Suf- ferings of Daniel Saunders, Jr., a mariner on board the ship Commerce of Boston, which was cast away on the coast of Arabia, July lo, 1792. pp. 128, 15. 18° mo- rocco. Salem, 1794 142 Savage, E. H. A Chronological History of the Boston Watch and Police from 1631 to 1865. Second ed. pp. 408, Portrait. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1865 ,3143 Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the first settlers of New England. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, i860 With genealogical notes and errata, by Mrs. C. H. Dall, and index by O. P. Dexter. ^^3144 Savannah, Ga. Historical Record of the City of Savannah. By F. D. Lee and J. L. Agnew. pp. 212. Maps. 12'' cloth. Savannah, 1869 3145 Sawyer, George S. Southern Institutes; or an inquiry eoi- into the origin and early prevalence of slavery and the slave trade. 8° cloth. Phila., 1858 • 3146 Saybrook Confession and Platform. A Confession of faith owned and consented to by the elders and messen- gers of the churches in the colony of Connecticut in New England, assembled by delegation at Say-Brook, September 9th, 1708. New London in N. E. Printed by Thomas Short, 1710. To which is appended: The heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational, and also articles for the administrati-on of church discipline, etc. pp. (2), 116. 16° calf, gilt. Thomas Short: New London, 17 10 A fine copy of the first edition of the Saybrook Platform, and the first book printed in Connecticut. -3147 Saybrook Confession and Platform. The same. pp. 144. 18° blue crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges. Reprinted: Bridgeport, 1810 . 3148 Scheffer, John. History of Lapland, shewing the ori- ginal manners, habits, religion and trade of that people, with a particular account of their gods and sacrifices, marriage ceremonies, conjurations, diabolical rites, etc. pp. 90. 8° stitched. London, 1751 3149 SCHONER, Johann. A reproduction of his Globe of 1523 1 1 K]i long lost With new translations and notes on the globe, by Henry Stevens of Vermont. Edited with an introduction and bibliography by C. H. Coote. Por- trait, plates and three folded maps. 8° cloth, uncut. Large paper. London, i888 294 CATALOGUE. 3150 School Books. Webster's Grammatical Institute, Patt II, 1794;— Enfield's Speaker, 1795; — Murray's English Reader, 1799; — Webster's Prompter, 1803; — Webster's Compendious Dictionary, 1806; — Bingham's American Preceptor, 1809; — Bingham's Columbian Orator, i8io; — Scott's Lessons in Elocution, 1820; — Lowe's Colum- bian Class Book, 1825; — Murray's Introduction to the English Reader, 1827; — Webster's American Spelling Book, 1828; — r Hale's History of the U. S. 1830. 12 vols. 315 1 Schoolcraft, Henry R. Notes on the Iroquois, pp. f)l ^ 498. Portrait, colored. 8° cloth. Albany, 1847 '3152 Schoolcraft. The Myth of Hiawatha, and other oral '2'!^ legends of the North American Indians, pp. 343. 12° cloth. Phila., 1856 3153 ScHOUTEN, Guillaume. Journal ou Description du Mer- veilleux Voyage de Guillaume Schouten, fait es annees 1615, 1616 et 1617, comme (en circum-navigeant le Globe terrestre) il a decouverte vers le Zud du destroit de Magellan un nouveau passage, jusques i la grande Mer de Zud. With all the maps and plates, pp. 88. Small 4° vellum. Amsterdam, 1619 A perfect copy of the celebrated voyage of Le Maire and Schou- ten, in which the Straits of Lemaire were discovered, and Cape Horn doubled. 3154 SciTUATE, Mass. History of Scituate, from its first settlement to 1831. pp. 408. By Samuel Deane. 8° morocco, gilt. • Boston, 1831 3 '55 Scoresby-Jackson, B. E. The Life of William Scoresby. pp. 406. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1861 3156 ScoTT, Benjamin. Pilgrim Fathers neither Puritan nor persecutors, a lecture at the Friend's Institute, Jan. 18, 1866. pp. 39. 8° cloth. London, 1866 3157 ScoTT, John. A Visit to Paris in 18 14. Third ed. ; — Paris revisited in 1815, by way of Brussels, pp. 343, 405. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1815-16 3158 ScoTT, Sir Walter. Memoirs of the Life of. By J. G. Lockhart. 2 vols. 8^ half calf, gilt. Phila., 1838 3159 ScoTT, Lieut-General Winfield. Memoirs of. Written '7T"g^ by Himself, pp. 653. Portrait. Royal 8° cloth, un- cut. New York, 1864 3160 [ScouGEL. Henry.] The Life of God in the Soul of Man. With a preface by Gilbert Burnet. Seventh ed. pp. 153. i6° half calf. London, 1739 CATALOGUE. 295 ■- 3161 [ScoTTOw, Joshua.J Old Men's Tears for their own Declensions, mixed with Tears of their Posterities fur- ther falling off from New England's Primitive Constitu- tion, pp. 1-18. 18° crimson levant morocco. (Title mounted and restored, and edges of leaves repaired.) Boston, 1733 With a reprint of the preface to the first edition, 1691. . 3162 Sears Genealogy. Genealogies and Biographical Sketches of the Ancestry and Descendants of Richard Sears, the Pilgrim, pp. 64. 8° cloth. Boston, 1857 y^ 3163 Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention . assembled at Philadelphia, in 1787 for the Purpose of fT L» C/^ forming the Constitution of the United States of Amer- ica, pp. 335. 12° cloth. Richmond, 1839 3164 [Seeley, J. R.J Ecce Homo, a Survey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ. Sixth ed. pp. 330. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1866 3165 Segur, Count Philip de. History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812. 2 vols. 16° half calf. London, 1825 3166 Selden, John. The Table-Talk of. With a Biographi- cal Preface and notes, by S. W. Singer. Second ed. pp. 170. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 3167 Selden. Table-Talk, with a Biographical Preface and notes, by S. W. Singer, pp. 270. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. London, i860 3168 Selden. Memoirs of, and Notices of the Political Con- test during his Time. By G. W. Johnson, pp. 374. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1835 3169 Select Views of American and European Scenery, by W. H. Bartlett, Tombleson, T. AUom and others, en- graved on steel by E. Finden and others. 80 full page plates, some with descriptive text. Bound in one vol. 4° half morocco. 3170 SelfridgS, Thomas O. Trial of, for killing Charles Austin on the Public Exchange in Boston, Aug. 4, 1806; — Correct Statement of the whole preliminary contro- versy, 2 vols.; — Sermon by Rev. William Emerson on the Lord's Day after the Calamitous Death of Mr. Charles Austin, 1806. 4 vols. 8° half calf. . 3171 Semple, Robert B. History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia, pp. 446. 8° sheep, (few leaves slightly stained.) Richmond, 1810 3172 Sergeant, John. Select Speeches of John Sergeant of Pennsylvania, pp. 367. 8° morocco, gilt, red edges. Phila., 1832 / 296 CATALOGUE. 3173 Sergeant, Rev. John, (of Stockbridge.) Letter to Dr. Colman of Boston, containing Mr. Sergeant's proposal of a more effectual metfiod for the education of Indian children, pp. 16. 8° half morocco, (name on title,) Boston, 1743 3174 Serials. Odd numbers of Congregational Quarterly; — Continental Monthly ; — Old Dominion ; ■ — ■ Science. (28) 3175 Sermons. D. Andrewes. April 6, 1604; — Bishop of Chichester. Sept. 28, 1606; — Bishop of Elie.- Au- gust s, i6io; and other Sermons preached between 1604 and 1611. Small 4° vellum. London, 1604-11 With autograph of Henry, Duke of Newcastle, 1696. 3176 Sermons. Thanksgiving Sermon, July i8, 1745, at Charlestown, for the reduction of Cape Breton by an army of New England Volunteers under the command of William Pepperrell, by Thomas Prentice; — Sermon at Charlestown, Jan. 28, 1747, on a Publick Fast after the destruction of the Province Court House, by fire, by Thomas Prentice; — Sermon at Newbury, May 22, 1755, ^t the desire and in the audience of Col. Moses Titcomb and many others inlisted under him and going with him in an expedition against the French, by John Lowell; — Sermon at Ipswich, Nov. 7, 1765, by Moses Parsons, etc. 6 pamphlets bound in one vol. 8° half morocco, gilt. 3177 Sermons, Orations and Addresses. 18 pamphlets bound in one vol. 8° half roan. Boston, 1822-37 3178 Servetus. An impartial History of Michael Servetus, burnt alive at Geneva, for Heresie. pp. 216. London, 1724; — Life of Servetus, by J. G. de Chauffpie. Trans- lated from the French, by James Yair. pp. 212. 2 vols. 8° sheep. , London, 1771 3179 Settle, Dionyse. A True Reporte of the laste voyage into the West and Northwest regions, etc. 1577, worthily achieued by Capteine Frobisher of the sa:yde voyage the first finder and Generall. With a descrip- tion of the people there inhabiting, and other circum- stances notable. Written by Dionyse Settle, one of the companie in the sayde voyage, pp. 63. 4° cloth, un- cut. London, by Henrie Middleton : Anno, 1577 Only 50 copies reprinted for John Carter Brown. 3180 Seventy Six Society. Publications of. 4 vols. 8° sheets, folded, uncut. Phila., 1855-7 Only 250 copies printed. Comprises : Papers in relation to the Case of Silas Deane; — Ex- amination of Joseph Galloway; — Papers relating to Public Events in Massachusetts preceding the American Revolution; — Papers relat- ing chiefly to the Maryland Line during the Revolution. CATALOGUE. 297 3181 Seventy Six Society. Vols, i and 2, Bound in one vol. 8° half roan. Phila., 1855 ' 3182 Sewall, David. Tutor Henry Flynt's Journey from Cambridge to Portsmouth in 1754. Edited by Charles Deane. pp. 9. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1878 Only 50 copies reprinted. - 3183 Sewall, Joseph. Sermon preached at Cambridge, upon the Death of Mr. Benjamin Wadsworth, President of Harvard College, March, 1736, 7. pp. 32. 8° half roan (broken). Boston, 1737 3184 Sewall, J. M. Miscellaneous Poems, pp. 304. 16° sheep (broken). Portsmouth, 1801 . 3185 Sewall, R. K. Ancient Dominions of Maine. Plates. pp. 366. 8" cloth. Bath, 1859 3186 Sewall, Samuel. Phasnomena qusedam Apocalyptica Ad Aspectum Novi Orbis configurata, Or, some few lines towards a description of the New Heaven. Second ed. pp. 64, 24. Small 4° stitched. B. Green: Boston, 1727 ^3187 Seward, William. Journal of a Voyage from Savannah 7fcn;^;« to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to England, 1740. pp. 87. 8° half roan. London, 1740 3188 Sewel, William. History of the Rise, Increase and 74 TS" /i 5" Progress of the Christian People called Quakers. 2 Id'^ll) ^o's. 8° mottled calf. London, 1795 3189 Sever, Rev. Samuel. Memoirs, Historical and Topo- graphical of Bristol and its Neighbourhood, from the earliest Period down to the present Time. pp. 535, 601. Numerous plates. 2 vols, royal 4° half morocco, extra, gilt edges. Bristol, 1821 3190 Shadwell, Thomas. Dramatick Works of. Portrait by Gribelin. 4 vols. 16° calf. London, 1720 3191 Shaftesbury, Earl Anthony. Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. Fifth ed. Portrait and vignettes by Gribelin. 3 vols, royal 8° russia. Baskerville: Birmingham, 1773 • 3192 Shakers. The Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing, containing a General Statement of all Things pertaining to the Faith and Practice of the Church of God in this Latter-Day. Second ed. pp. 622. 12° morocco, gilt. Albany, 1810 3193 Shakers. A Portraiture of Shakerism. Drawn up by Mary M, Dyer. pp. 446. t6° half calf, gilt. Printed for the Author, 182a 298 CATALOGUE. 3194 Shakers. Reply to the Shakers' Statements, called "A Review of the Portraiture of Shakerism." By Mary M. Dyer. pp. 112. 16° half calf (corner stained). Concord, 1824 3195 Shakespeare, William. The First Collected Edition of the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. A repro- duction in exact fac-simile of the famous First Folio, 1623, by the newly-discovered process of photo-lith- ography, executed under the superintendence of H. Staunton. Large folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 3196 Shakespeare. The Plays of Shakespeare. 9 vols. 48° cloth, uncut. London, 1825 Pickering's miniature edition. 3197 Shakespeare. A Reprint of his Collected Works, as put forth in 1623. Portrait and view. 3 vols. 4° limp cloth, uncut. London, 1863-4 3198 Shakespeare's Will, copied from the original in the Pre- rogative Court, preserving the interlineations and fac- similes of the true autographs of the poet, with a few preliminary observations. By J. O. Halliwell. pp. 4. 4° paper. London, 1851 3199 Shakespeare. Collier Folio. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, from early manu- script corrections in a copy of the Folio, 1632, pp. 512, 1853;^ — Few notes on Shakespeare, with occasional re- marks on the emendations of the manuscript correc- tions in Mr. Collier's Copy of Folio, 1632, pp. 156, 1853, by Rev. Alex. Dyce; — New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare, pp. 55, 1835;- — New Particulars regarding the Works of Shakespeare, pp. 68, i><36; — An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript in Mr. J. Payne Collier's annotated Shakespeare Folio, 1623. By N. E. S. A. Hamilton, pp. 155, i860; — Re- ply to Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton "Inquiry," pp. 72, 1860;- — Strictures on Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton's "In- quiry," pp. 28, 1860;^ — -Observations on some of the manuscript Emendations of the Text of Shakespeare. By J. O. Halliwell, pp. 16, 1853; — A Few Remarks on the Emendations, etc., pp. 15, 1852; — Curiosities of Modern Shaksperean Criticism, pp. 32, 1853; — A Complete View of the Shakspeare Controversy, pp. 351, 1861, by C. M. Ingleby; — The Shakspeare Fabrications, by C. M. Ingleby, pp. 116, 1859; — A Few Words in reply to the animadversions of Mr. Dyce, pp. 23, 1853; — A Review of "An Inquiry," by C. W. Frederickson, pp. 32, i860. 14 vols. 8° cloth and paper. CATALOGUE. 299 3?oo Shakespeare. The Devonshire "Hamlets." Hamlet by William Shake-speare, 1603; Hamlet by William Shakespeare, 1604: being exact reprints of the first and second editions of Shakespeare's great drama, from the very rare originals in the possession of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire; with the two texts printed on opposite pages, and so arranged that the parallel passages face each other. And a bibliograph- ical preface, by Samuel Timmins. pp. 100. 8° cloth, uncut. London, i860 3201 Shakespeare's Sonnets. Reproduced in Fac-simile, from the unrivalled Original in the Library of Bridge- water House. Square 8° half roan. London, 1862 3202 Shakespeare. Notes upon some of the obscure Pas- sages in Shakespeare's Plays, pp. 375. 8' calf. London, 1805 3203 Shakespeare. The Authorship of Shakespeare. By Nathaniel Holmes. Third ed. pp. 696. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1875 3204 Shakspeare. William Shakspere, a Biography. By Charles Knight, pp. 329. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1851 3205 Shakspeare. Studies of Shakspere. By Charles Knight. pp. 560. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 185 1 3206 Shakspeare's Scholar; being Historical and Critical Studies of his Text, Characters and Commentators, with an Examination of Mr. Collier's Folio of 1632. pp. 504. By Richard Grant White. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1854 3207 Shakespeare. Reasons for a new edition of Shakes- peare's Works, by J. P. Collier, 1842; — Home of Shakspere, by F. W^ Fairholt, 1847; — Proposed Emen- dations of the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, by S. Jervis, 1861; — Lowell Shakspeare Memorial, 1864; — Shakes- pearian Pronounciation, by Noyes and Peirce, 1864; — Notes and Emendations on the Plays of Shakspere, by J. Grimaldi, 1853, etc. 7 pamphlets. 3208 Shakespeare. A Collection of Pamphlets relating to Shakespeare, bound in i vol. 8° half calf. Comprises : Observations on an Autograph of Shakspere, and the Orthography of his Name. By Sir F. Madden. London, 1838; — An Historical Account of the Monument Bust of William Shaks- peare. By A. Wivell. London, 1827 ; — Account of the Second Com- memoration of Shakspeare, April, 1830; — Account of the Second Royal Gala Festival at Stratford, 1830 ; — Catalogue of all the Books, etc., relating to Shakspeare. 300 CATALOGUE. 3209 Shakespeare and his Friends. By R. F. Williams, pp. 484. 8° half calf. Paris, 1838 3210 Shakespeare Proverbs. By Mary Cowden Clarke; — The Shakspeare Calendar. By W. C. Richards. 2 vols. 16° cloth. New York, 1848-50 3211 Shakspeare. Tercentenary Celebration of the Cirth of Shakspeare, by the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, at Boston, April 23, 1864. pp. 71. Folio, pa- per, uncut. Boston, 1864 Large Paper : only 25 copies privately printed. 32T2 Shakespeare. The same. 8° cloth. Boston, 1864 Only 275 copies printed. 3213 Shaler, William. Sketches of Algiers, Political, His- torical and Civil, pp. 310. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1826 3214 Shapleigh, Me. History of. By Rev. Amasa Loring. pp. 40. 12° half roan (worn). Portland, 1854 ■ 3215 Shattuck, Lemuel. Memorials of the Descendants of William Shattuck. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 3216 Shaw, Rev. Samuel. Works of. pp. 440, 456. Por- trait. 2 vols. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1821 3217 Shaw, Samuel. Journals of Major Samuel Shaw, the First American Consul at Canton. With a Life of the author, by Josiah Quincy. pp. 360. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1847 y 3218 Shea, J. G. Discovery and Exploration of the Missis- 'i'i' ccy sippi Valley, pp. 268. Map. 8° cloth. New York, 1852 3219 Shea. The Bursting of Pierre Margrys La Salle Bub- ble, pp. 24 (Privately reprinted), 1879, with a. I. s. of author; — The Commodities of the Hand called Manati Ore Long He, which is in the Continent of Virginia, pp. 16. n. p., n. d. (Printed by Joel Munsell, Albany.) 2 pamphlets. -3220 Shea. Expedition of Don Diego Dionisio de Penalosa, Governor of New Mexico, from Santa F^ to the river Mischipi and Quivira in 1662, as described by Father Nicholas de Freytas. pp. loi. 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1882 V 3221 Sheffield, Lord John. Observations on the Commerce of the American States. 8° calf, (cracked and name t>ClDM\ cut from title). London, 1784 With bookplate of Duncan Campbell. \/ 3222 Sheldon, E. M. Early History of Michigan, from its ^-1<^V^ first Settlement to 1815. pp.409. Portrait. 8'' cloth. New York, 1856 CATALOGUE. 301 ^3223 Sheepscott and Newcastle, Me. History of Ancient Sheepscott and Newcastle, including Early Pemaquid, Damariscotta, and other contiguous Places, with Gen- ealogies. By Rev. D. O. Cushman. pp. 458. Map /■ 10 1'^"'^ portraits. 8° cloth. Bath, 1882 3224 Shepherd, Rev. Dr. History of the American Revolu- (.cf'VlP'^'l^^'J- tion. pp.64. 8° cloth. London. ^i^jj^/^ 3225 Shepard, Thomas. Works of, comprising: The Sin- cere Convert and The Saints Jewell, 1655, pp. 247; — The Sound Believer, 1653, pp. 317; — The Doctrine of the Sabbath, 1655, pp.320; — Select Cases resolved, 1655. PP- 32; — The First Principles, 1655, pp. 17; — Subjection to Christ, 1657, pp. no. Thick i2°old calf. London, 1652-55 3226 Shepard. The Sincere Convert, discovering the small number of true Believers, etc. pp. 216. 12° calf. London, 1664 '3227 Shepard. Autobiography of ; with additional notices of his Life, by N. Adams, pp. 129. 16° antique calf, red edges. Boston, 1832 >/ 3228 Sherburne. Memoirs of Andrew Sherburne, a Pen- nc/'>^ ^''^ sioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Written by Him- C'*"^ / ^^'^- Second ed. 12° sheep. Providence, 1831 3229 Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic Works of; with a Biographi- cal and Critical Sketch, by Leigh Hunt. pp. 153. Royal 8° cloth. Moxon: London, 1840 3230 Sheridan. Memoirs of the Life of. By Thomas Moore. 8° half calf. Paris, 1835 3231 Sheridan. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of. By John Watkins. Second ed. pp. 485, 543. Por- traits. 2 vols. 8° marbled calf, (cracked). London, 1817 • 3232 Shillibeer, Lieut. J. Narrative of the Briton's Voyage to Pitcairn's Island, including an interesting sketch of the present state of the Brazils and of Spanish South America. Plates, pp.180. Seconded. 8° half calf, gilt, uncut. London, 1817 3233 Sharp, Granville. Law of Retribution. 12° boards, uncut. London, 1776 . 3234 Shoreham, Vt. History of the Town of Shoreham, Vt., from 1761 to the present Time. By Rev. J, F. Good- hue. Together with a Statistical and Historical Ac- count of the County of Addison. By Samuel Swift, pp. 198, 132. 2 portraits. 8° cloth. Middlebury, 1861 3235 Shrewsbury, Mass. History of, from its Settlement in 1717 to 1829. By Andrew H. Ward. Portrait. 8° half sheep, (worn). Boston, 1847 302 CATALOGUE. 3236 Short, (A) Account of the Lives and Sufferings of several Godly Persons, who dy'd in England for the Sake of the Gospel under the Reign of King Henry VIII, and Queen Mary. pp. 126. 16° morocco. London, 1727 . 3237 Shurtleff, N. B. The Passengers of the May Flower in 1620. 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1849 Only 100 copies privately printed. Inserted photograpliic portrait. 3238 Shurtleff. Thunder and Lightning and Death at Marshfield in 1658 and 1666. 8° half morocco. Presentation copy. Boston, 1850 3239 Shurtleff. Another copy. 8° boards Boston, 1850 Only 100 copies privately printed. 3240 Shurtleff. A Perpetual Calendar for Old and New Style. Second ed. Royal 4° cloth. Boston, 185 1 Only i 50 copies privately printed. , 3241 Shurtleff. A Decimal System for the Arrangement and Administration of Libraries, pp. 80. 4° cloth. Large PAPER. Privately printed : Boston, 1856 . 3242 Shurtleff. A Perpetual Calender for Old and New Style, prepared for the use of those engaged in antiqua- rian and historical investigation; — Calendar for the Hebrew Years 5622-5660, being also for the years of Our Lord, 1861-1900. 2 vols, small 4° cloth and 12° paper. Boston, 1848-63 3243 Shurtleff, William. Sermon preach'd at New-Castle in New Hampshire, January i, 1726, 7, in Commemora- tion of the Sufferings, etc., of a Company of Mariners, ship-wreck'd upon Boon Island Rock, to which is added a Narrative of the Same. pp. 50. 16° morocco. B. Green: Boston, 1727 See Deane's Narrative. London 1762, (No. 1030), also, Account of the Voyage of the Nottingham Galley, etc. London, 171 1. No. 1031. v 3244 Sibley, John L. Biographical Sketches of Graduates of L 6\ C '^l-'l/^ Harvard University. 1642-1689. 3 vols, royal 8° ^i'T^" cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1873-85 "3^3245 SiDDONS, Mrs. Life of. By Thomas Campbell, pp. 299, 394. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1834 . 3246 SiDDONS, J. H. Familiar History of the United States of America, pp. 243. 16° cloth. London, 3247 Sidney, Sir Philip. Miscellaneous Works of. With a Life of the Author and illustrative notes, by William Gray. pp. 380. Portrait. 8° half roan, uncut, gilt top. Boston, i860 Large Paper. CATALOGUE. 303 3248 Silk. An Historical Review of the Rise and Progress of the Sillc Culture, Manufacture and Trade, in Europe and America. 8° half calf, gilt. Phila., 1831 Presentation copy to John Pickering, with autograph of Peter L. Du Ponceau of Phila. He was a native of France and came to this country to aid Steuben in 1778. 3249 SiLLiMAN, Benjamin. Remarks made on a short Tour between Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn of 1819. Second ed. Plates. 12° morocco, gilt. , New Haven, 1824 ^ 325° Simcoe's Military Journal. History of the Operations of t^^T-l r7V a Partisan Corps called the Queen's Rangers, com- manded by Lieut. Col. J. G. Simcoe, during the War of the American Revolution, pp. 328. Maps. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1844 V 3251 SiMMS, J. R. Trappers of New York, or a Biography of -1 fti^/ M- Stoner. and M. Foster, with Anecdotes of the cele- 5^' brated Hunters. Portrait. 12° cloth. Albany, 1857 I' 3252 SiMMS. The American Spy, or Freedom's Early Sacri- V^T-lf^f fice; a Tale of the Revolution, pp. 63. 8° half roan. ' Albany, 1857 3253 SiMMS, Richard. A Manual for the Genealogist, Topo- grapher, Antiquary and Legal Professor, pp. 526. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 '3254 SiMMS, W. G. History of South Carolina. New and re- S^T-tc+'^n^ifcvised edition, pp.437. 12° cloth. New York, 1866 •3255 SiMPKiNSON, J. N. The Washingtons; a Tale of a Country Parish in the 17th Century. pp. 326, 89. Frontispiece. 12° cloth, uncut. London, i860 3256 [Singer, S. W.] Some Account of the Book printed at Oxford in 1468, under the title " Exposicio Sancti Jero- nimi in Simbolo Apostolorum"; in which is examined its claim to be considered the first book printed in England, pp.44. 8° half calf. Privately printed: London, 1812 3257 Sketche of Popular Tumults; illustrative of the evils of social ignorance. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1837 3258 Slater, Samuel. Memoir of Samuel Slater, connected with a history of the rise and progress of the cotton manufacture in England and America. By George S. White. Second ed. pp. 448. Portraits. 8° cloth. Phila., 1836 3259 Slafter, E. F. Assassination Plot in New York in 1776. pp.6. 1869;-^ Pre-Historic Copper Implements, pp. 15, 1879; -V- Incorrect Latitudes, 1535-1740. pp. 20. J882; — Royal Memorials, pp.28. 1889. 4 pamphlets. \/ 22 304 CATALOGUE. 3260 Slaughter, Rev. Philip. History of St. Marls's Parish Va., with notes of old churches and families, pp. 200. 12° cloth. Baltimore, 1877 3261 Slaughter. Memoir of William Green, LL.D. pp 131. 1883; — Memoir of the Life of the Rt. Rev. William Meade, D.D. pp. 51, 1885; — Colonial Church of Vir- ginia, pp. 43. 1885. 3 pamphlets. 3262 Slavery. Anthony Burns, a history. By C. E. Stevens, 1856; — The Black Man, his antecedents, his genius and his achievements. By W. W. Brown, 1863; — The Sable Cloud. By N. Adams, 1861; — The Rejected Stone. By M. D. Conway, 1862; — Letters to William Jay. By D. M. Reese, 1835; — ^ An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American colonization and Anti- Slavery Societies, 1837; — A View of the Action of the Federal Government in Behalf of Slavery, 1839; — Secession, or prose in rhyme. 1864; — Slavery, letters and speeches, by Horace Mann, 1851. 9 vols. 12° cloth and boards. 3263 Slavery. Lectures before the Chelmsford Ladies' Anti- Slavery Association, April 17, 1832, by Joseph Ivimey; — Remarks on Channing's Slavery, 1835; — Correspond- ence between Appleton and Palfrey, 1846; — Papers on the Slave Power, by J. G. Palfrey, 1847; — Review of Stuart's Pamphlet, by R. W. Clark, 1850; — Review of Webster's Speech, by Wendell Phillips, 1850; — Pro- ceedings in thelJ. S. Senate on the Fugitive Slave Bill, 1850; — Admission of California, by W. H. Seward, 1850; — Slavery among the Puritans, 1850; — Clay's Speech, 1850; — Slavery in the United States, 1851; — Boston Slave Riot and Trial of Anthony Burns, 1854; — Obser- vations on Dr. Gannet's Sermon, 1854; — Letter to the President of the United States, 1855; — Struggle for Slavery Extension, by Greeley, 1856; — Responsibility of the North, 1856; — Argument of G. T. Curtis on the Dred Scott Decision, 1856; — Review of the Dred Scott Decision, etc. 21 vols. 8° half roan. Boston and Washington. ^3264 Smiles, Samuel. Lives of Boulton and Watt, compris- .Q,o ing also a history of the invention and introduction of ^'^ the steam engine, pp.521. Portraits and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1865 ■J 3265 Smith, Buckingham. An Inquiry into the Authenticity L^^\ (5-vl of Documents concerning a Discovery in North America claimed to have been made by Verrazzano. pp. 31. Folio, boards. New York, 1864 /32 CATALOGUE. 305 3266 Smith, Charles John. Historical and Literary Curiosi- ties, consisting of fac-similes of original documents; scenes of remarkable events and interesting localities, and the birth-places, residences, portraits, and monu- ments of eminent literary characters, with a variety of reliques and antiquities connected with the same sub- ject. Numerous fine plates, some illuminated. 4° half olive morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. London, 1852 3267 Smith, Elias L. Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travels and Sufferings of. Written by Himself. Vol. L Por- trait. t6° sheep, (recovered). Boston, 1840 3268 Smith, James. The Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul. Second ed. pp. 276. Map and plate. 8° calf, extra. London, 1856 3269 Smith, Horace. Memoirs, Letters and Comic Miscel- lanies in Prose and Verse. Edited by Horace Smith, pp. 359, 367. Portraits. 2 vols, small 8° half mo- rocco, uncut edges, gilt tops. London, 1840 3270 Smith, J. P. Four Discourses on the Sacrifice and Priesthood of Jesus Christ, pp. 316. 8° half calf. London, 1828 3271 Smith, Captain John. A True Relation of such Occur- ences and Accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that Collony, etc. Written by Captaine Smith, Coronell of the said Colony. Title I leaf. To the corteous reader 3 pp. Text, 18 un- numbered leaves. Small 4° boards, uncut. London, 1608 The earliest published work relating to the colony at Jamestown Virginia (the first permanent settlement in North America.) It is also the first printed work of Capt. Smith. . '272 Smith. A True Relation of Virginia. With an intro- duction and notes by Charles Deane. pp. 88. Map. 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 No. 5 of only six copies printed on India paper. Portrait in- serted. • •227^ Smith. The same. Map. Royal 4° paper, uncut. ^ '^ Boston, 1866 Large Paper: Only 35 copies printed. , •i;'74 Smith. The same. Map. 4° crushed levant morocco, ' ' gilt, extra inside borders, uncut edges, gilt top, by Matthews. Boston, i86f No. I of the edition of 280 copies. •727S Smith. The same. Map. Small 4° cloth, uncut. , Only 280 copies printed, Boston, 1866 3o6 CATALOGUE. 3276 Smith. A Map of Virginia. With a description of the covntrey, the commodities, people, government and J ' religion. Written by Captaine Smith, sometimes Gov- ernour of the countrey. Wherevnto is annexed the proceedings of those Colonies, since their first depar- ture from England, etc. Title "To the hand," i page, vocabulary 2 leaves. Text, pp. 39, no. With the map, containing a picture of Powhatan holding a council; in fac-simile. Small 4° half calf. Joseph Barnes: Oxford, 161 2 The first portion of this tract was written by Smith, as he states in his " Generall Historie," " with his owne hand." It consists of a description of the country, its soil, and productions, with a full ac- count of its native inhabitants. This part ends at page 39. The second part has a separate title, beginning as follows : The Proceedings of the English colonie in Virginia since their first beginning from England in the yeare of our Lord 1606, till this pres- ent 161 2, with all their accidents that befell them in their iourneys and discoveries, etc. pp. no. 3277 Smith. Description of New England; or, the observa- tions and discoveries of Captain John Smith (Admirall of that country) in the north of America in the year of Our Lord 1614; with the success of sixe ships that went the next yeare 1615; . . with the proofe of the present benefit this country affoords; whither this pres- ent yeare 1616 eight voluntary ships are gone to make further tryall. Small 4° full crushed crimson levant morocco extra, by Bedford. Humphrey Lownes: London, 1616 First edition of Smith's New England, with the original engraving of the first map of New England, containing Smith's portrait in the upper left hand corner. Title, Dedication to Prince Charles, one leaf. To his Majesties Councell, one leaf. History of old and new names, one page, (fac-simile.) To the Adventurers, 3 pp. Poems 7 pp. Text, 61 pp. Poems 2 pp. Also a fac-simile engraved map inserted. This is the first book published, which speaks of New England, previously called North Virginia. — Rich. 3278 Smith. Viertzehende Schiffart, Oder Griindliche vnd warhaifte Beschreibung desz Neuwen Engellandts, einer Landschafft in Nordt Indien, eines Theils in America, vnter dem Capitein Johann Schmidt, Rittern, Admiral derselben Landtschafft, auch dem gliicklichen Fortgang so er mit Sechs Schiffen deren Orts gehabt, etc. pp. 62. Original map with portrait of Smith in upper corner, with slight variations from the map in the English edition of 1616. Small 4° boards. Franckfurt am Mayn. In verlegung der Hiilsischen, 1617 The fourteenth part of the collection of Hulsius, containing a map of New England. [A True Description of New England, a country in Northern India, a part of America, by Captain John Smith, Knight, Admiral of that country ; also, of the success with six ships]. CATALOGUE. 307 3279 Smith. A Description of New England, pp.89. Fac- simile map. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 No. I of only six copies printed on India paper. 3280 Smith. The same. pp. 89. 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. 3281 Smith. New England's Trials; declaring the successe of 80 ships employed thither within these eight years, and the benefit of that countrey by sea and land. Second ed. 16 leaves. Title, Dedication to Prince Charles, one leaf. To the worthy adventurers, one leaf. Text, 13 unnumbered leaves. Small 4° calf. Printed by William Jones: London, 1622 Five leaves at the end in fac-simile, and fac-simile map of the first issue of Smith's map inserted. " The interest connected with all the writings of Captain John Smith, has induced the owner of the present tract, one of the rarest and least known productions, to print a few copies. " No copy of the first edition has fallen under the notice of the possessor of the present copy." — Preface to John Carter Brown's reprint. 3282 Smith. New England's Trials. Folio, half morocco. London, 1620 This is a transcript from the original tract in the Kodleian Li- brary, which was reprinted in the Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. So- ciety, Feb., 1873. 3283 Smith. New England's Trials. A reprint of the rare first edition of 1620. With a prefatory note by Charles Deane. Small 4° paper, uncut. Cambridge, 1873 Reprint on antique paper, only i copy so printed, laid into one of the edition on ordinary paper of 50 copies. 3284 Smith. The same. Small 4° paper, uncut. Cambridge, 1873 Only 50 copies printed. 3285 Smith. New England's Trials. Second ed. London 1622. Fac-simile reprint with map. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1867 Only 60 copies privately printed. 3286 Smith. A Sea Grammar, with the Plaine Exposition of Smiths Accidence for young Sea-men, enlarged. Di- uided into fifteene Chapters: what they are you may partly conceiue by the Contents. Written by Captaine lohn Smith, sometimes Gouernour of Virginia, and Ad- mirall of New England. Title, dedication to the Coun- cil, I leaf. Dedication to the Adventurers, i leaf. Poems, 2 leaves. Contents, i leaf. Text, pp. 86. Small 4° calf. London, lohn Haviland: 1627 %JU^ i^r^J 308 CATALOGUE. 3287 Smith. The General Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours from their first beginning An°: 1584 to this present 1624. With p -^ the Proceedings of those Severall Colonies and the Ac- S'^ cidents that befell them in all their Journeys and Dis- coveries. Also the Maps and Descriptions of all those ifV Countryes, their Commodities, people. Government, ^„,^Y^ 1 . /'(Customes, and Religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe v-V- \jJ^' Bookes. By Captaine lohn Smith sometymes Governour ''^' " in those Countryes & Admirall of New England. En- graved title, pp. (12), 96, 105-248. 4 maps. Size 7^x II. Folio, full morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Haydav. (With portrait of Smith, Duchess of Richmond and 2 portraits of Matoaka inserted). London, Printed by I. D. and I. H. for Michael Sparkes, 1624 3288 Smith. The Trve Travels, Adventvres, and Observa- tions of Captaine lohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno Domini 1593, to 1629. His Accidents and Sea-fights in the Straights; his Service and Stratagems of warre in Hungaria, Transilvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia against the Turks, and Tar- tars; his three single combats betwixt the Christian Armie and the Turkes. After how he was taken prisoner by the Turks, sold for a Slave, sent into Tar- taria; his description of the Tartars, their strange man- ners and customes of Religions, Diets, Buildings, Warres, Feasts, Ceremonies, and Living; how hee slew the Bashaw of Nalbrits in Gambia, and escaped from the Turkes and Tartars. Together with a continuation of his generall History of Virginia, Summer lies, New England, and their proceedings, since 1624, to this present 1629; as also of the new Plantations of the great River of the Amazons, the lies of St. Christopher, Mevis, and Barbados in the West Indies. All written by actuall Authours, whose names you shall finde along the History. Title, Dedication, i leaf, Contents, i leaf. Poems, 3 leaves. Text, pp. 1-60. 9 plates. Folio, full morocco, extra, red edges. London, Printed by F. H. for Thomas Slater, and are to bee sold at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbour, 1630 Inserted Portrait. The large folding plate published with this book, and also a fac-simile of it have been cut up and each division inserted in the proper places throughout the book. 3289 Smith. True Travels, Adventures and Observations; — and General Historie of Virginia, etc. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Richmond, 1819 CATALOGUE. 309 /■ 3290 Smith. True Travels, Adventures and Observations in n-xh Europe, Asia, Africke and America. — General Historie "Vf of Virginia, New England and the Summer lies. Maps and plates, also reprint of map laid in. 2 vols, in one. 8° green morocco, extra. Richmond, 1819 3291 Smith. Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of New England, or any where. Or, The Path-way to experience to erect a Plantation. With the yearely proceedings of this Country in Fishing and Planting, since the yeare 16 14 to 1630 and their present estate. 'Also how to prevent the greatest incoriveniences, by their proceedings in Virginia, and other Plantations, by approved examples. Map of the Coast of New Eng- land, with portrait of Captain Smith in an upper cor- ner. Title, Dedication, i leaf, to the Reader, i page. Sea Marke, i page. Contents, i leaf. Text, 40 pp. Small 4° calf, gilt. lohn Haviland: London, 1631 Contains two chapters (xi and xii) on the settlement of Salem and Charlton (Charlestown) and an account of the sad conditions of the colony for months after the Winthrop emigration. 3292 Smith. Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of New England, or anywhere, pp. 72. (With preface by Charles Deane.) Fac-simile map. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 No. I of only 6 copies printed on India paper. 3293 Smith. The same. Map. 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper : only 75 copies printed. 3294 Smith. The same. Map. 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 250 copies printed. 3295 Smith. Adventures and Discourses of Capt. John Smith, sometime President of Virginia and Admiral of New England. Newly ordered by John Ashton, with illustrations taken by him from original sources. Por- trait and fac-similes. pp. (20) 309. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1883 ^3296 Smith. Works of, 1608-1631. Edited by Edward Ar- ber. pp. 984. Maps. 8° boards, uncut. 57.(, ) 13-3.3- Birmingham, 1884 Presentation copy from the editor, " The first copy sent to New England." ^297 Smith. Captain John Smith (1579-1631), a Study of his Life and Writings. By C. D. Warner, pp. 307. 16° i ^61 1^3 ^j^^jj New York, 1881 ■ 3298 Smith, John Russell. Bibliotheca Americana, a Cata- logue of Books relating to America, pp. 308. 8° half morocco. London, 1865 / 310 CATALOGUE. 3299 Smith, J. T. Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century. Maps and plates. 8° calf, red edges. • London, 1842 3300 Smith. An Antiquarian Ramble in the Streets of Lon- don, with Anecdotes of their more celebrated Resi- dents. Edited by Charles Mackay. pp. 414, 465. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 3301 Smith, John J., and Watson, J. F. American Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of Fac-similes of ^■>li;'J> Original Documents relating to the American Revolu- n"^ tion, etc. Second ed. 69 plates. Folio, cloth. Philadelphia, 1861 3302 Smith, John Jay. American and Literary Curiosities, consisting of Fac-similes of some Plates, etc., relating to Columbus, and Original Documents of the Revolu- tion. 64 plates. Large folio, half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Nev7 York, i860 Large Paper : Second Series, complete in itself. ^(,r>y^^2>°i Smith, P. H. Acadia; a lost Chapter in American His- ''^^/ tory. pp.381. 8° cloth. Pawling, N. Y., 1884 V' '3304 Smith, S. The History of the Colony of Nova-Caesaria, or New-Jersey; Containing, an Account of its First ^ C3S' Settlement, Progressive Improvements, the Original i '" and Present Constitution, and other Events, to the iQiKirJJ^^ Year 1721. With some Particulars Since; and a Short ' I ?77 View of its present state. 8° sheep. Burlington, in New-Jersey, 1765 1/3305 [Smith, Seba.] Life and Writings of Major Jack Down- \'V'\if' Ifing, of Downingville, away down in the State of Maine. pp. 260. Second ed. Frontispiece. 12° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1834 3306 Smith, Rev. S. S. An Essay on the Causes of the Va- riety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species, pp. Ill, 31. 8° half morocco. Philadelphia, 1787 3307 [Smollett, Tobias.] Expedition of Humphry Clinker. 2 vols. 16° sheep, (worn). London, 1788 3308 Smollett. Adventures of Peregrine Pickle; — Rod- erick Random; — Humphry Clinker. 4 vols. 16° pa- per, uncut. Leipzig, 1845 V6(/l h33°9 Smyth, J. F. D. A Tour in the United States of Amer- 'i-' ica. pp. 400, 456. 2 vols. 8° half russia, gilt. London, 1784 ^ 3310 Smyth, William. Lectures on Modern History. Sec- 3^M(, li^-lg' 0"^^ American Edition, by Jared Sparks, pp. 433, 518. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1843 CATALOGUE. 311 3311 [Snelling, W. J.] Truth; a New Year's Gift for Scrib- blers; — The Rat-Trap; or cogitations of a convict in the House of Correction. 2 vols. 18° boards and sheets. Boston, 1831-7 V 3312 Snowden, Richard. History of Annerica, from its Dis- (fy'iltij covery to the Death of General Washington. 2 maps f'^'lj 2 vols, in one. 12° sheep. Philadelphia, 1805 •3313 Snowden. The American Revolution; written in Scrip- tural, or Ancient Historical Style; — The Columbiad, a Poem on the American Revolution, by R. Snowden. Bound together. 16° half calf, gilt. Baltimore, n. d. 3314 Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians. Discourse, by T. M. Harris, Nov. 6, 1823, pp. 50; — Report of the Select Committee, May 31, 1855, by (S. K. Lothrop), pp. 13s; — Sermon, by Alden Bradford, Nov. 4, 1830, pp. 51. 3 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 3315 Soldier's Pocket Bible. An exact Reprint of the Orig- inal Edition of 1643, with a preparatory note by George Livermore. pp. 16. 16° morocco. Cambridge, 1861 Only 100 copies printed. 3316 Soldier's Pocket Bible. The same. 16° sheets. Cambridge, 1861 Parchment copy. Only 10 copies printed. 3317 Soldier's Pocket Bible. The same. 8° boards. Cambridge, 1861 Vellum copy. Only 3 copies printed. 3318 Soldier's Pocket Bible, issued for the Use of the Army of Oliver Cromwell, pp. 24. 18° paper. New York. 3319 Soldier's Pocket Bible. The same. pp. 32. 24° cloth. New York. 3320 SoLEMNE, (A) League and Covenant for Reformation and Defence of Religion, the Honour and Happynesse of the King, etc., London, 1643. pp. 6. 8° half roan. Reprint: Boston, 1852 .3321 SoLis, Antonio de. History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated by Thomas Townsend. pp. 252, 152. Portrait and plates. Folio, calf. ■ London, 1724 ' 3322 SoLis. History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Span- <56o I c- c-s'iards. Done into English, by Thomas Townsend. pp. ,,,:';-) 970. Map and plates. 2 vols. 12° calf. Dublin, 1727 3323 SoMERS, Lord. The Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations, concerning the Rights, Power and Preroga- tive of Kings, and the Rights of the People. 12th ed. pp. 156. 8° half roan. Newport, 1774 3324 SoMERS. The same. S° paper, uncut. Newport, 1774 312 CATALOGUE. . 3325 SouTHACK, John. Life of, written by Himself; to which is added a History of the State Prison in Charlestown. 12° half morocco. Printed forthe Author, 1806 .3326 South Boston, Mass. History of South Boston, for- merly Dorchester Neck. By Thomas C. Simonds. pp. 331. Portraits. 12° cloth. Boston, 1857 3327 SoMERViLLE, W. C. Letters from Paris, on the Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution, pp. 391. 8° half calf. Baltimore, 1822 3328 South Carolina. Collections of the South Carolina His- torical Society. Volume i. pp. 307. 8° cloth. Charleston, 1857 3329 SouTHEY, Robert. Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Let- ters to Charles Butler, comprising Essays on the Romish Religion and Vindicating the Book of the Church, pp. 526. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1826 3330 SouTHEY. Poetical Works of. pp. 810. Portrait. Royal 8° half morocco. New York, 1839 3331 SouTHEY. The Doctor, etc. Edited by John Wood Warter. pp. 694. 2 portraits. Square 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1848 3332 SouTHEY. The Book of the Church. Sixth ed. pp. 542. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1848 3333 Southwell, Robert. Marie Magdalen's Funerall Teares. London 1634. pp. 204. Portrait. Square 16° morocco, gilt edges. Reprinted: London. Large Paper. • 3334 Spanish America. Observations on the Instructions given by the President of the United States to the Representative of that Republic at the Congress held at Panama in 1826, etc. pp. 68. 8° half roan. /London, 1829 3335 Sparks, Jared. A Collection of Essays and Tracts in ■^unatnC'Zl Theology. 6 vols. 12° half calf. Boston, 1823 3336 Sparks. An Inquiry into the comparative moral Ten- dency of Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines, pp. 418. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 18^3 3337 Sparks. Life of John Ledyard, the American Traveller. 8° morocco, gilt. Cambridge, 1828 \ 3338 Sparks. The same. pp. 419. 12° half morocco. giioOf"?! Presentation copy from the author. Boston, 1864 3339 Sparks. ^ Letter to Lord Mahon, 1 85 2 ;-y Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, 1852; — VHemarks on a Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, 1853. 3 vols, 8° half roan, Boston, CATALOGUE. 313 ^ 3340 Sparks. Correspondence of the American Revolution; being Letters of Eminent Men to Washington, from the fsil ijl s'Ktime of his taking Command of the Army to the end of his Presidency. Edited from the Original Manuscripts by Jared Sparks. 4 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Large paper. Boston, 1853 3341 Sparks. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the Ameri- f73i i^\-\'^ can Revolution. 12 vols. 8° sheep. Boston, 1829-30 \/3342 Sparks. Library of American Biography. Both series J- complete. Portrait. 25 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. j-oftK'''^ Boston, 1838-44 • 3343 SpARROW-Hawk. The Ancient Wreck. Loss of the Sparrow-Hawk in 1626, remarkable Preservation and recent Discovery of the Wreck. Three different edi- tions bound in i volume. 12° cloth. Boston, 1865 With clippings and tickets inserted. 3344 Spelman, Henry. Relation of Virginia, 1609. Plate. 18° paper, uncut. London, 1872 Only 100 copies printed for J. F. Hunnewell at the Chiswick Press. Presentation copy. 3345 Spence, Rev. Joseph. Polymetis; or an inquiry con- cerning the agreement between the works of the Roman poets and the remains of the antient artists, pp. 361. Portrait and 41 plates. Large folio, russia, gilt. London, 1755 3346 Spence. A Parallel; in the manner of Plutarch, between a most celebrated man of Florence and one scarce ever heard of in England, pp. 104. 16° calf. Strawberry Hill, 1758 3347 Spence. Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books and Men, with notes and a life of the author, by S. W. Singer, pp. 396. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1858 - 3348 Spencer, Mass. History of Spencer, to the year i860, including a brief sketch of Leicester, to 1753. By James Draper. Second ed. pp. 276. Portrait. 8° boards, uncut. Worcester, i860 3349 Spenser, Edmund. Works of; with the principal illus- trations of various commentators. To which are added notes, some account of the life of Spenser, and a glos- sarial and other indexes, by the Rev. Henry John Todd, etc. Portrait. 8 vols, imperial 8° boards, uncut. London, 1805 3350 Spenser. The Faerie Queene. With a glossary, pp. 352, 10. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut, London, 1841 3r4 CATALOGUE. 3351 Spotswood. Genealogy of the Spotswood Family. By Charles Campbell, pp. 44. 8° paper, uncut. Privately printed: Albany, 1868 3352 Sprague, Charles. Writings of, now first collected. pp. 124, 58. 8° cloth, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1841 3353 Sprecher, F. Rhetia. pp. 414. 24° vellum. Ex officina Elzeviriana Lugd. Batavorum, 1633 3354 Stamp Act. The General Opposition of the Colonies to the Payment of the Stamp Duty, and the consequence of enforcing obedience by military measures impartially considered, pp. 40;— vThe Necessity of Repealing the American Stamp Act demonstrated, pp. 46; — The Grievances of the American Colonies candidly ex- amined; — •''Tolitical Debates (on the Stamp Act.) pp. 18. 4 vols. 8° half roan. London and Paris. 3355 Stanhope, Lady Hester. Memoirs of, as related by Herself in conversations with her physician. Portrait. 3 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 3356 Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. Part I. Abraham to Samuel, pp. 572. Maps / and plans. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1863 V 3357 Staples, VV. R. Documentary History of the Destruc- 4-8 31 AS^ tvoxi of the Gaspee, compiled for the Providence Jour- nal, pp. 56. Small 4° half roan. Providence, 1845 l/ 335^ Staples. Rhode Island in the Continental Congress, j'/oi^Q,/ with the Journal of the Convention that adopted the Constitution, 1765-1790. Edited by R. A. Guild, pp. 725. 8° cloth. Providence, 1870 ■^3359 Stark, John. Memoir and Official Correspondence of ^55-5-, .g^j. Gen. John Stark, with notices of several other officers of the Revolution. By Caleb Stark, pp. 495. Por- trait. 8° cloth. Concord, i860 3360 Stearns, Samuel. The American Oracle, comprehend- ing an account of recent discoveries in the arts and sciences. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1791 3361 Stearns, William. Fast Sermon preached in Marl- borough, Mass., May 11, 1775. pp. 33. 8° morocco. Watertown, 1775 3362 Stedman, Capt. J. G. Narrative of a five years' ex- pedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772 to 1777, elucidating the history of that coun- try, and describing its productions, viz., quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, trees, shrubs, fruits and roots; with an account of the Indians of Guiana, pp. 415, 413. 80 plates. 2 vols. 4° calf, London, 1796 CATALOGUE. 315 ■2-2.m33^3 Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. 12° cloth, uncut. '''^" ' ^^V Boston, 1885 • 3364 Stkel, David. Naval Remembrancer; or the gentle- man's maritime chronology of the various transactions of the late war, from its commencement to 1783. Square 16° sheep, (broken). London, 1784 3365 Stephen, Thomas. History of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the present time. Portraits. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1843 /^3366 Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Central rGl)i ^;g-/America, Chiapas and Yucatan, pp. 424, 474. Num- ,'' I ^y-uj erous plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1841 3367 Stephens. Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia, Petraea and the Holy Land; — Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. Map and plates. 4 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1839 3368 Stephenson, Marmaduke. A Call from Death to Life and out of the Dark Wayes and Worships of the World where the Seed is held in Bondage under the Merchants of Babylon. Written by Marmaduke Stephenson, who (together with another dear servant of the Lord called William Robinson) hath (since the writing hereof) suf- fered death for bearing witnesse to the same truth amongst the professors of Boston's jurisdiction in New England, pp. 32. Small 4° full polished calf, by Bedford. London, 1660 . See Robinson, William, No. 3045, etc. 3369 Stephenson. A Call from Death to Life, being an ac- count of the sufferings of Marmaduke Stephenson, William Robinson and Mary Dyer, in New England, in the year 1659. London, 1660. 4° cloth, uncut. Providence, 1865 Only 100 copies privately printed. Presentation copy, with letter of the editor. 3370 Sterne, Laurence. Works of, with a Life of the Au- thor, written by Himself. pp. 791. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 3371 Stetson Genealogy. Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the Name and Family of Stetson, from 1634 to 1847. By J. S. Barry, pp. 116. 8° paper. ^ Boston, 1847 /3372 Steuben. Life of Frederick William von Steuben, Ma- ''^ ^ 37 E s 3 jor General in the Revolutionary Army. By Frederick Kapp. Second ed. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1859 3373 Stevens, A. de Grasse. Old Boston, a Romance. 3 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1884 3i6 CATALOGUE. 3374 Stevens, Henry. Catalogue of my English Library. pp. 107. 16° cloth, uncut. Privately printed: London, 1853 3375 Stevens. American Bibliographer. Vol. i. Nos. i and 2. (All published.) 2 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Chiswick, 1854 Only 100 copies printed. 3376 Stevens. Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana, or a descriptive Account of my Collection of rare Books relating to America, pp. 804. 1 vols. 16° cloth, un- cut. London, 1862 3377 Stevens. The same. Vol. 3. Parts i and 2. 2 vols. 16° paper, uncut. London, 1885 3378 Stevens. Historical and Geographical Notes. 1453- 1869. pp. 40. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1869 •^3379 Stevens. Historical and Geographical Notes, 1453- ijc-\\\V' 1530. pp. 54. Maps. 8° cloth, uncut. New Haven, 1869 Only 75 copies printed. 3380 Stevens. The same, in the American Journal of Science and Arts, for Nov. 1869. 8° paper, uncut. New Haven, 1869 3381 Stevens. The Tehauntepec Railway, its Location, Feat- ures and Advantages under the La Sere Grant of 1869. Maps and plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1869 With a copy of " Historical and Geographical Notes, 1453-1869 By Henry Stevens " inserted. , , 3382 Stevens. Schedule of two Thousand American Histori- cal Nuggets, taken from the Stevens Diggings in Sep- tember 1870 and set down in chronological order of Printing from 1490 to 1800. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Privately printed: Chiswick Press, 1870 3383 Stevens. Bibliotheca Historica, or a Catalogue of 5000 volumes of books and manuscripts relating chiefly to the history of North and South America, pp. 234. 8° boards. Boston, 1870 / 338^ Stevens. Sebastian Cabot; — John Cabot, pp. 32. 16° S'TI"*^^ cloth, uncut. London, 1870 3385 Stevens. Historical Collections, Part I, sold by auction, in London, 1881. pp. 229. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1881 3386 Stevens. Who spoils our New English Books? 18° cloth, uncut. London, 1884 3387 Stevens. Catalogue of Rare Books relating to America. Part I. A-Cot. pp. 48. 12° paper. London, 1885 CATALOGUE. 317 3388 Stevens. Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New t-'?t C6i,York, and the Formation of his Library, pp. 211. Portrait on India paper. Square 8° boards, uncut. Large paper. London, (Chiswick Press), 1886 • 3389 Stevens. The Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies as recorded in the. Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603. Containing an account of the formation of the Company, the first adventure and Waymouth's Voyage in search of the North-West Pas- sage. With an introduction by Geo. Birdwood. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1886 Large paper : only 50 copies printed. 3390 [Stevens, John.] A New Collection of Voyages and Travels, containing: I. A Description of the Molucco and Phillipine Islands, by Argensola. II. A New Ac- count of Carolina, by Mr. Lawson. III. The Travels of P. de Cieza, in Peru. IV. The Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia, pp. 244, 264. Maps and plates. 2 vols, small 4° calf, (worn). London, 171 1 y 3391 Stevens, Rev. W. B. History of Georgia, from its first ri.5 • :.L.\ '•Discovery by Europeans, to 1798. pp. 503, 524. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1847 3392 Sternhold and Hopkins. The Whole Book of Psalms, collected into English metre. 8° sheep. London, 1754 3393 Sternhold and Hopkins. The Whole Book of Psalms collected into English metre. 18° calf. John Baskerville: Birmingham, 1762 3394 Stickney, Charles E. History of the Minisink Region, which includes the present towns of Minisink, Deer- park, Mount Hope, Greenville and Wawayanda, N. Y. By Charles E. Stickney. pp. 211. 8° boards, uncut. Middletown, 1867 V^395 Stiles, Rev. Ezra. History of three of the Judges of 1^ , King Charles I. Whalley, Goffe, and Dixwell, who at '^ the Restoration, 1660, fled to America, pp. 355. Por- trait and 9 plates. 16° sheep. Hartford, 1794 3396 Stiles. Discourse on the Christian Union, delivered before the convention of the Cong. Clergy in the Colony of Rhode Island, 1761; — Election Sermon, preached at Hartford, 1783. 2 vols. 8° and 16° morocco. Boston and Worcester. / 3397 Stiles. Life of. By Abiel Holmes, pp. 404. Por- ^'*i 'Si trait by S. Hill. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1798 \/ 3398 Stiles, H. R. Bundling; its origin, progress and de- t^lo'^tX^ cline in America, pp. 139. Square 16° cloth, uncut. ^ I Albany, 1869 3i8 CATALOGUE. 3399 Still^, Charles J. V How a Free People Conduct a Long War, i863;-l^Corate der^roglie, the proposed Stadtholder of America, 1888; — Life and Services of J. R. Poin- sett, 1888; — Religious Tests in Provincial Pennsyl- vania, 1885; — Beaumarchais and " The Lost Million," a chapter of the secret history of the American Revo- lution, s pamphlets. Phila. v 3400 Stith, William. The History of the First Discovery r-]^ \ f and Settlement of Virginia. With the appendix to the first part, etc. pp. (8), 331, (5), 134. 8° half mo- rocco, gilt. Williamsburg: Printed by William Parks, 1747 • 3401 Stith. The History of the First Discovery and Settle- ment of Virginia. With appendix to the first part, etc. (Old map inserted.) pp. (8), 331, (5), 134. 8° crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges, inside borders, by Matthews. , Virginia printed: London, reprinted, 1753 ^ ' 3402 Stobo. Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the '^^\^\.'\ Virginia Regiment. Map. 18° cloth. Pittsburgh, 1854 3403 Stockbridge, Mass. Stockbridge, Past and Present; or records of an old mission station. By Miss E. F. Jones, pp. 275. 12° cloth. Springfield, 1854 3404 Stoddard, Solomon. A Guide to Christ; with an epistle prefixed, by the Rev. Increase Mather, pp. 85. t6° sheep. F. Draper: Boston, 1735 3405 Stockdale, John. A Geographical, Historical and Political Description of the Empire of Germany, Hol- land, Italy, etc., compiled and translated from the German, pp. 390, 87. Maps. Large 4° half russia, (broken). London, 1800 3406 Stolberg, Count F. L. Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. Translated by Thomas Holcraft. Second ed. 4 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. Autograph and bookplate of Robert Southey- London, 1797 3407 Stone, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant-Thayendanegea; y^s45r)54_'i including the border wars of the American Revolution. \ Map and portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1838 .^3408 Stone. Life and Times of Red-Jacket, or Sa-Go-Ye- i^$-fr4,: / Wat-Ha. pp. 484. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1841 ,3409 Stone. Uncas and Miantonomoh; or historical dis- course delivered at Nojrwich, Conn., July 4, 1842. 18° cloth. New York, 1842 3410 Stone. The Campaign of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, a-T (^Cjuand the Expedition of Lieut. Col. Barry St. Leger. pp.461. Map and illustrations. 12° cloth. Albany, 1877 V, CATALOGUE. 319 1/341 1 Stone. Memoir of the Centennial Celebration of Bur- ye-T-it CfT goyne's Surrender, held at Schuylerville, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1877. pp. 189. 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1878 .3412 Stoneham, Mass. A Brief History of the Town of Stoneham, Mass. By Silas Dean. pp. 36. 16° boards. Boston, 1843 .3413 Stonington, Conn. The Defence of Stonington against a British Squadron, August 9th to 12th, 1814. pp. 54. 4° paper, uncut. Hartford, 1864 Only 124 copies privately printed. 3414 Story, Joseph. Eulogy on General George Wash- ington, Marblehead, January 2, 1800. pp. 24. 8° calf. Salem, 1800 3415 Story. The Power of Solitude, a poem in two parts. First ed. pp. 100. 12° boards, uncut. Printed by John Russell: Boston, n. d. 3416 Story. The same. New and improved edition, pp. 260. Frontispiece. 16° calf. Salem, 1804 3417 Story. Commentaries of the Constitution of the United States. Abridged by the author, pp. 736. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1833 '3418 Story. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United ^c/p,, States. Third ed. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Boston, 1858 V^34i9 Story. Life and Letters of. Edited by his son William ,^„(-£u.^. Story; — Miscellaneous Writings of. Portrait. 3 '^1.-3.] S>Cy ^ ^ vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1835-51 3420 Stoughton, John. Our English Bible, its translations and translators; — Dissent in its relation to the Church of England, by Curteis. 2 vols. 12° cloth. 3421 [Stour, James.] The Antiquarian Itinerary, comprising Specimens of Architecture, Monastic, Castellated and Domestic, with other Vestiges of Antiquity in Great Britain. Numerous plates. 7 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Large Paper. London, 1816 • 3422 Stratton, C. S. Sketch of the Life of Charles S. Strat- ton, the Man in Miniature, known as General Tom Thumb. 12° half roan (broken). New York, 1847 3423 StOtD, 3ol)n. The Annales, or General Chronicle of England, augmented by Edmond Hawes. pp. 988 and table, ©lock letter. Folio, calf. Thomas Adams: London, 1615 3424 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the seven Bishops com- mitted to the Tower in 1688. pp. 393. 12° cloth, ijncpt, London, 1866 320 CATALOGUE. /3 3425 Streeter, S. F. Maryland two Hundred Years ago. 8° 5-171. j\r^ half morocco, gilt edges. Baltimore, 1852 3426 Strutt, Joseph. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. Second ed. pp. 357. Illustrated by 39 . plates, selected from Ancient Paintings. Royal 4° halj calf. London, 1810 3427 Strutt. Sports and Pastimes of the People of Eng- land. New edition by William Hone. pp. 420. 140 engravings. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1838 3428 Stuart. Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart (Count of Albany), commonly called the Young Pretender; with Notices of the Rebellion in 1745. By C. L. Klose. Second ed. pp. 410, 383. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 3429 Suckling, George. Historical Account of the Virgin Islands in the West Indies, from their being settled by the English near a century past, to their obtaining a Legislature of their own in 1773 and the lawless state in which his Majesty's subjects in these islands have re- mained since that time to the present, pp. 116. 8° stitched. London, 1780 3430 Sullivan, James. Observations upon the Government of the United States of America, pp. 55. 8° calf. Boston, 1791 f Inscription on title, " Theophilus Parsons, Esqr., from the Autlior." ^ 3431 Sullivan. History of the District of Maine. Map. 8° ''C'''^ '] half morocco (name on title). Boston, 1795 Copy of two Deeds, 1643, inserted. 3432 Sullivan. History of Land Titles in Massachusetts. pp. 392. 8° sheep (broken). Boston, 1801 1/^3433 Sullivan, John. The Military Services and Public Life of Major-General John Sullivan, of the American Revo- o,v n, lutionary Army. By T. C. Amory. pp. 320. Portrait. l?fcV ^'^^'1^ 8° cloth. Boston, 1868 3434 Sullivan, William. Historical Causes and Effects, from 476 to 1517. pp. 615. 12° cloth. Boston, 1838 ■ 3435 [Sullivan.] Familiar Letffers on Public Characters, ^ and Public Events, from 1783 to 1815. pp. 468. 12° f"?'*^ftS'^ half calf. Boston, 1834 3436 Sumner, Charles. Fourth of July Oration, 18^5; — Re- marks on the same, by a citizen, 1845 ;-y Phi Beta Kappa Address, Aug. 27, 1846; -Y White Slavery in the Barbary States, i847;-i/Fame and Glory, 1847; — Speech on the Fugitive Slave Bill, Aug. 26, 1852; — Sumner Outrage, 1856. 7 vols. 8° half roan. Boston, CATALOGUE. 321 3437 Summer Cruise; — Ingham Papers; — Ninety Days worth of Europe; — Country Living; — Country Think- ing; — Gentle Life. 8 vols. 12° cloth. . 3438 SwETT Genealogy. Mementos of the Swett Family. By J. W. Thornton. 8° cloth. Roxbury, 1851 Only 100 copies privately printed. 3439 Swift, Jonathan. A Tale of a Tub, written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which is added, an Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. With the Author's Apology; and Explanatory Notes, by W. W[o]tt[o]n, B. D., and others. Fifth ed. pp. 344. Plates. 8° calf. London, 1710 3440 Swift, Samuel. Statistical and Historical Account of the County of Addison, Vermont, pp. 132. Portrait. 8° paper. Middlebury, 1859 3441 Sydney, Algernon. Memoirs of. By G. W. Meadley, with Appendix, pp. 400. Portrait. 8° half calf. London, 1813 3442 Syllacius, Nicolaus. De Insulis Meridiani Indici Maris nuper inventis. With a translation in English, by Rev. John Mulligan. Royal 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1859 Only 100 copies printed. ■ 3443 Symmes, Rev. Thomas. The Original Account of Capt. John Lovewell's "Great Fight" with the Indians at Pequawket, May 8, 1725. New edition, with notes, by N. Bouton. pp. 48. Map. 4° half calf. Concord, N! H., 1861 3444 I "ABLET (The), or Picture of Real Life; justly rep- l resenting, as in a Looking-Glass, the Virtues and Vices, Fopperies and Fooleries of the Age. pp. 371. 8° calf. London, 1762 3445 Tales of the Fireside. By a Lady of Boston, pp. 225. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1827 3446 Talfourd, T. N. Ion, a Tragedy in five Acts. Fourth ed., to which are added Sonnets, pp. 128. 8° half morocco. Moxon: London, 1837 3447 Tallmadge, Col. Benjamin. Memoir of. Prepared by j(^ ^ "V Himself. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1858 ^ ^ ^ 3448 Tanner, H. S. Description of the Canals and Rail Roads of the United States, pp. 272. Map. 8° cloth. New York, 1840 322 CATALOGUE. 3449 Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem delivered, an Heroic Poem. Translated by John Hoole. First American edition, pp. 339, 368. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Newburyport, 1810 3450 Tasso. Jerusalem Delivered. Translated into English Spenserian Verse, with a Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiffen. Third ed. pp. 560. Portrait. 2 vols. 16'' half calf. London, 1830 3451 Tate and Brady. New Version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the Tunes used in Churches. First ed. pp. 318. 18° calf, gilt, yellow edges. London, 1696 3452 Tate and Brady. The same. Second ed. pp. 314. 18° calf, gilt, yellow edges. London, 1698 3453 Tate and Brady. New Version of the Psalms of David. pp. 232. 8° morocco. London, 1770 3454 Tatham, J. The Rump; or the Memoir of the late Times. A New Comedy, pp. 68. Small 4° half russia. London, 1660 3455 Taylor, Isaac. Natural History of Enthusiasm; — Spiritual Despotism; — Fanaticism. 3 vols. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1830-34 3456 Tayler, J. J. A Retrospect of the Religious Life of England, or the Church, Puritanism, and Free Inquiry, pp. 563. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 3457 Taylor, Jeremy. A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophe- sying. First ed. pp. 267. Engraved title by W. Mar- shall, (mounted.) Small 4° half morocco, gilt. Printed for R. Royston: London, 1647 3458 Taylor. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living; — Holy Dying, pp. 424, 327. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° an- tique calf, red edges. W. Pickering: London, 1847 3459 Taylor, John. A Paraphrase with Notes on the Epistle to the Romans, pp. 460. 8° morocco, gilt. Dublin, 1746 3460 Taylor, W. C. Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth, pp. 420, 392. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1842 3461 Ternaux, H. Bibliotheque Americaine, au Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a I'Amdrique, qui ont paru depuis sa d^couverte jusqu'a J'An 1700. pp. 191. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Paris, 1837 3462 Terneaux. Notice sur les Imprimeries qui existent ou ont existe en Europe, pp. 146. 8° half roan. Paris, 1843 CATALOGUE. 323 3463 Terry, G. W. The Alphabet annotated for Youth and Adults, in Doggerel Verse, by an Old Etonian. Royal 4° cloth. London. (^464 Thacher, B. B. Indian Biography, pp. 324, 319. Por- ^»V6 r>i,-3rait. 2 vols. 16° boards, uncut. New York, 1832 ^3465 [Thacher. J Traits of the Tea Party; being a Memoir V&-X-; P7?^ George R. T. Hewes, one of the last Survivors. Por- '' Arait. 16° morocco. New York, 1835 3466 Thacher, James, Military Journal, during the Ameri- can Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783; describing the events and transactions of this period, with nu- merous historical facts and anecdotes. To which is added an appendix, containing biographical sketches of several general officers, pp. 487. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1827 ..3467 Thacher. American Medical Biography; or Memoirs of Eminent Physicians who have flourished in America, pp. 436, 280. Portraits. 2 vols, in i. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1828 • 3468 Thacher. An Essay on Demonology, Ghosts, and Ap- paritions; also an Account of the Witchcraft Delusion at Salem, in 1692. 16° morocco. Boston, 1831 3469 Thacher, Peter. An Oration delivered at Watertown, March 5, 1776, to commemorate the Bloody Massacre at Boston, March 5, 1770. pp. 15. 4° half morocco. Watertown, 1776 .3470 Thacher. Sermon preached October 20, 1793, occa- sioned by the Death of Governor John Hancock. 8° half calf. Boston, 1793 3471 Thackeray, Rev. Francis. Researches into the Eccle- siastical and Political State of Ancient Britain under the Roman Emperors, pp. 335, 290. 2 vols in i. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1843 3472 Thane, J. British Autography; a Collection of Fac- similes of the Hand Writing of Royal and Illustrious Personages, with their authentic Portraits. 3 vols, royal 4° claret straight grained morocco, extra, gilt edges. J Thane: London. 248 fine portraits : Original issue. 3473 Thane. Supplement to the British Autography, com- prising 27 portraits, 3 plates of fac-similes, and private plate of the late Mr. J. Thane. Published by Edward Daniel. Royal 4° half morocco. London. Only 100 copies printed. 324 CATALOGUE. '3474 Thayer, Elisha. Family Memorial. Parti. Genealogy of Fourteen Families of the Early Settlers of New Eng- land, of the Names of Alden, Adams, Arnold, Bass, Billings, Capen, etc. Part II. Genealogy of Ephraim and Sarah Thayer, with their fourteen children, pp. i8o, loo; 8° cloth. Hingham, 1835 3475 Theological. The Educational Systems of the Puri- tans and Jesuits compared. By N. Porter, 185 1; — Puritanism; or, a Churchman's Defence against its Aspersions, 1845; — History of the Protestant Episco- pal Church in America. By S. Wilberforce, 1844; — American Unitarianism. By Thomas Belsham, 1815; — Christian Politics. By Ely Bates, 1806; — History of Moral Science. By Robert Blakey, 1836; — Devotional Letters. By Philip Doddridge, 1832; — Smith's Ser- mons, 1866. 10 vols. 12° and 8° cloth and boards. 3476 Theological. Sermons and Discourses by P. Dod- dridge, J. P. Blanchard, W. H. Furness, W. R. Wil- liams, James Mackintosh, . N. L. Frothingham, T. Dwight, John Jay, Henry Ware, C. P. Cooper, etc. 19 vols. 8° half roan and cloth. . 3477 Thevet, Andrea. Historia dell' India America detta al- tramente Francia Antarctica. Tradotta di Francese in Lingua Italiana, da Guiseppe Herologgi. 12° vellum, gilt. In Vinegia, 1561 3478 Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences of the last sixty-five 7 '^^ for Circulation in the Southern States, but afterwards suppressed, pp. 392. 2 vols, 12° boards. New York, i86i CATALOGUE. 331 35 Sa Tucker, St. George. A Dissertation on Slavery; with qHi a Proposal for the Gradual Abolition of it, in the State I "71^ of Virginia. Philadelphia printed, 1796. 8° half mo- — - rocco, gilt edges. New York reprinted, 1861 3551 Tucker, William W. The Valley of Andorra. (By J. F. Blade.) pp.66. Map; — The Neutral Territory of Moresnet. (By Charles Hoch.) pp. 18. Map. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1882 >^3SS2 TucKERMAN, H. T. America and her Commentators. i^bfel P5 CONTAINING. A TRVE RELATION OF THEIR War-like proQeedings thcfetwo yearcslaft paft, with a Figure of the Indian Fort, or Palizado*^ Alfo adiftovery ofchefe places, that as yet have very few or no Inhabi- tantswhich would yeeld j^eciall accommodation to fuch as will Plant there. Hudfons River. Long Jjtand, NahnnticHU fJlfartiHsyiHjiitrd. NarAHfett'Say, ilix^betb Jjlandf, Pufeat^jvay. < Cfis^g with about a hun- dred Ifland;. nccrc to By Gaptainc I o h n U n d e r H i fc t , a Commandct intheWanesihere: ~ "" LONDON, ' Prioiedby ^.D.for?ft*»'C*/«',andareto befoIdacthcCgpe of the Glove in Corne-htU neae the RoyaU E^hahge, z^^S. Fac-simile of Title Page of "Underhill's Newes from America, 1638." No. 3573. / CATALOGUE. 333 3574 Union, Me. History of, with a Family Register. By ,-. p J. L. Sibley, pp. 540. Portrait. 12° morocco. ^"/'^^^ Boston, 1851 3575 United States. Return of the whole Number of Persons within the several Districts of the United States, pp 56. 8° half calf. Phila., 1791 The first Census of the United States. Autograph of Thomai y Jefferson. 1/^3576 Updike, Wilkins. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar. 5"/tijF|/ pp.311- 8° cloth. Boston, 1842 3577 Updike. History of the Episcopal Church in Narra- ganset, R. 1., including a history of other Episcopal Churches in the State, pp. 533. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1847 3578 Upham, C. W. Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a -^ ' - -■ PT^History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. i6° half russia. Boston, 1831 '3579 Upham. Salem Witchcraft; with an account of Salem village, and a history of opinions on witchcraft and kindred subjects, pp. 469, 553. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1867 • 3580 Upham, Thomas C. American Sketches, pp. 120. 18° half morocco, uncut, gilt top, (foxed). New York, 1819 .3581 Upham. A Philosophical and Practical Treatise on the Will. pp. 400. 8° boards. Portland, 1834 3582 Uring, M. a History of the Voyages and Travels of Capt. Nathaniel Uring. pp. 384; — A Relation of the late intended Settlement of the Islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, in America, pp. 135. Maps. 8° calf. London, 1726-27 3583 Usher, James, Bishop of Armagh. The Rights of Primogeniture; or, the excellency of royall authority in a sermon preached before His Majesty in the Isle of Wight, upon the anniversary of his birth day. pp. 12. Small 4° calf. London, 1648 3584 "V /aNBRUGH, Sir John. Plays written by Sir John \l Vanbrugh. pp. 372, 341. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 1776 3585 Vane, Sir Henry. Tryal of Sir Henry Vane, Kt., at the Kings Bench, Westminister, June 2nd and 6th, 1662, with his speeches and other papers written by him. pp. 135. Small 4° blue morocco, gilt edges, by Hayday. (London), 1662 334 CATALOGUE. 3586 Vane, Sir Henry. A MS. volume containing 45 folio documents, 1619-1652, warrants drawn on the Receiver General by the Committee for the Revenue, and signed by Sir Henry Vane, the elder, (spelled ffane), Sir Henry Vane the younger, the Regicides Valentine Wanton, Sir Henry Mildmay, Cornelius Holland, James Temple, Sir Thomas Gray, Humphrey Edwards, Richard Deane, Lords Salisbury, Pembrokes, Day and Seale, etc., Denis Bond, the favorite of Cromwell, Edward and Alex. Popham, and many others. Beautiful sepia portrait, stipple, of the elder Vane, engraved portrait of Gover- nor Vane, woodcut of Raby Castle, and letter of John Waller of London, explaining how the papers came into his hands. Bound in small folio, half morocco. \^35^1 Varnhagen, F. A. de. Amerigo Vespucci, son Caractere, VS''7l<^lfr s^s Ecrits, sa Vie et ses Navigations. Map. Small folio, cloth, uncut. Lima, 1865 -3588 Varnum, J. M. The Case, Trevett against Weeden; on information and complaint for refusing paper bills in payment for butcher's meat, in market at par with species, tried before the Superior Court of R. I., Sep- tember term 1786. pp. 4, 60. 4° half morocco. Providence, 1787 3589 Vassall Genealogy. The Vassalls of New England and their immediate descendants. By E. D. Harris, pp. 26. 8° paper. Albany, 1862 3590 [Vaughan, Dr. Benjamin.] The Rural Socrates; or, an account of a celebrated philosophical farmer, pp. 203, 13. 8° sheep. Hallowell, 1800 3591 Vaughan, Samuel, of London. Manuscript Journal, 76 pages, 8°, of a tour made in America in 1787, from June 18, to Sept. 4; including seven water-color plans and views, " Minutes made by S. V. from stage to stage on a Tour from Fort Pitt or Pittsbourg in com- pany with W. Michael Morgan O'Brien, from thence by S. V. only — through Virginia, Maryland and Pennsyl- vania." Interesting account of Bethlehem and the community there, of Yorighagony Falls, with a colored view of Warm Springs, Berkly County, (Va.), with colored view of Yorktown battle field, of Mount Ver- non, with colored plan and account of his visit to Gen. Washington, etc. In Sparks's Washington, vol. 9, pp. 281, is a letter from Washington to Vaughan, Nov. 12, 1787, as Vaughan was about returning home. It speaks- of a plan of the house sent by Vaughan to the Gen., probably a copy of this one. Bound in 8° light polished calf, extra, yellow edges, by Pratt. CATALOGUE. 335 3592 Vaughan, Rev. Robert. History of England under the House of Stuart, including the Commonwealth. 1603- 1688. pp. 935. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London. 3593 Vaughan. Religious Parties in England, their princi- ples, history and present duty. pp. 180. 8° cloth, uncut. London. 3594 Vaughan, William. The Golden Fleece. Diuided into three parts, vnder which are discouered the errours of religion, the vices and decayes of the kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchis, out of the Southernmost part of the iland, commonly called the Newfovndland. By Orpheus Junior, pp. (i), 13, 149, 105, 96. Map of New- foundland. Small 4° boards, uncut. Francis Williams: London, 1626 Purchas, in his list of " names of divers honourable persons who have undertalien to aduance his Majesties Plantation in the New- foundland," says, " the Worshipful William Vaughan, Doctor of Ciuill Law, hath also vndertaken to plant a circuit in the New- foundland, and hath In two yeeres sent thither diuers men and women and hee is willing to entertaine such as will be Aduenturers with him vpon fit conditions." — Purchas his Pilgrimes, Lond., 1625, Vol. IV, page 1888. 3595 Venegas, Miguel. Noticia de la California, y de su Conquista temporal, y espiritual, hasta et Tiempo presente. Maps and plates. 3 vols, small 4° vellum. Madrid, 1757 Bookplates of George W. Pratt. 3596 Venegas. Natural and Civil History of California, pp. •}6oi E 455' 3^7- ■'^^P ^"^^ plates. 2 vols. 8° calf. '"Jfc7^^'"'^7 London, 1759 ?'^«'V'4X With bookplates of James Stevens. 3597 Verburg, Isaak. Reis Beschryving door de Zuid-Zee, langs de Kusten van Chili, Peru en Brazil, 1712-1714, pp. 406, 16. Numerous maps and plates. Small 4° vellum. Amsterdam, 1718 V 3598 Vermont State Papers, being a collection of records and documents, connected with the assumption and estab- t'O^ICi, lishment of government by the people of Vermont, pp. '^S^l- 8° sheep. Middlebury, 1823 • 3599 [Verstegan, R.J A Restitution of decayed Intelligence in antiquities concerning the most noble and renowned English nation, pp. 338, 12. Engraved title. 4° calf. London, 1634 3600 Vetromile, Rev. Eugene. The Abnakis and their His- tory, pp. 171. 12° cloth. New York, i866 'V 336 CATALOGUE. 3601 [Vespucius-Hylacomylus.] Cosmographiae Iritrodvc- tio cvm qvibvsdam Geometriae ac astronomiae prin- cipiis ad earn rem necessariis Insuper quatuor Am- erici Vespucij nauigationes. Vniuersalis Cosmo- graphiae descriptio tam in solido quam piano, eis etiam insertis quae Ptholomso ignota a nuperis reperta sunt, 52 leaves. Small 4° olive morocco, gilt edges, very fine tall copy. [St. Did,] Septembris, 1507 This rare tract by Waldsee-Miiller contains the Latin version of Vespucius' epistle to Soderini, giving a brief account of his four voyages. " The idea of calling the newly discovered world America origin- ated with the compiler of the work before us. The suggestion to which we owe our national name will be found on the reverse of the fifteenth leaf. " See reproduction. [Translation. — But now that these parts have been more exten- sively examined, and another fourth part has been discovered by Americas Vespucius (as will be seen in the sequel), I do not see why we should rightly refuse to name it America, namely the land of Amerigen or America, after its discoverer Americus, a man of saga- cious mind, since both Europe and Asia took their names from women : — John Carter Brown Catalogue^ \^/ 3602 Vespucius. The Life and Voyages of Americus Ves- . pucius; with illustrations concerning the navigator and ;'. '' \ the discovery of the new world. By E. E. Lester and A. Foster. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1846 3603 Vicars, John. England's Worthies; under whom all the civill and bloudy warres since Anno 1642, to Anno 1647, are related. London, 1647. pp. 108. Numerous portraits. 12° half roan, uncut. Reprint: London, 1845 / 3604 Vincent, Francis. History of the State of Delaware. '^'' pp. 478. 8° half crimson morocco. Phila. , 1870 3605 Vincent, Rev. H. History of the Wesleyan Grove, Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting, from 1835 to 1858. 16" cloth. Boston, 1858 .3606 [Vincent, P.] A True Relation of the Late Battell fought in New England between the English and the Pequot Salvages. With the present state of things there, pp. 24. Small 4° half calf. London, M. P. for Nathanael Butter, 1637 " The authorship of this exceedingly rare pamphlet, has been at- tributed to Vincent by the Publishing Committee of the Massachu- setts Historical Society, in their note to the reprint of the Relation, in the third volume of their collections." " It is a narrative of the battle with the Pequods, fought by Cap- tains Mason and Underbill, an account of which was written by the last doughty commander and printed in 1638 under the title of News from America (No. 3573) Vincent's Relation is of even greater rarity than Underbill's. This is attested by the fact that the reprint named was made from a mutilated copy, the imperfections of which were uncorrected in the reprint, from the impossibility of finding a perfect copy for comparison." — Field's Indian Piiliografhy. (Colophon on recto of the 52d or last leaf, surroundhig the printer's mark.) n3 3 ct n "O H cu 2 ^ 2 o » »^ 3 £5n Finif Eiiij* kE Septe bris Anno fuprafef quunilleiimUtVii*^ /. d- co <3 .2 Oi (fO p> & ^ 3 S 5 o 3 D» s- 2» » ^ 1 ft' CfS ft) 3 3 w i 1 (Paragraph on reverse of the 15th leaf, as follows:) Nunc vero 6c heg partes funt latius luftratae/ 8C alia quarta pars per Americu Vejputium< vt in (e# quentibus auclietur)inuentaen:quanon video cur Ame^ quis iure vctct ab Americo inuentore fagacis ingc lico ntj viro Amerigen quafi Amend terram/fiue Ame ricam dicendamtcum 8£ Europa 8c Afia a mulieri^ bus {uafbrdtannt nomina.Eius (itu & gentis mof res ex bis binis Amend nauigadonibus qug fequii tur f iquide intetligi datur* [Translation. — But now that these parts have been more extensively examined, and another fourth part has been discovered by Americus Vespucius (as will be seen in the sequel), I do not see why we should rightly refuse to name it America, namely the land of Amerigen or America, after its discoverer Americus, a man of sagacious mind, since both Europe and Asia took their names from women. — Jo/in Carter Bmuii Catalogue?^ Fac-simile of Colophon, and Paragraph from "Cosmographia, 1507." No. 3601. CATALOGUE. 337 3607 ViLVAiN, Robert. Enchiridium Epigrammatum Latino- Anglicum; an Epitome of Essais, Englished out of Latin. 16° half sheep. London, 1654 The identical copy described by Lowndes, with autograph of the author and an epigram to " Mr. J. Row " inserted. 3608 Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel in and about London, from the unjust aspersions cast upon their former actings for the Parliament, as if they had pro- moted the bringing of the King to capital! punishment, pp. II. Small 4° half calf. London, 1648 3609 Vinton, J. A. The Giles Memorial. Genealogical memoirs of the families bearing the names of Giles, Gould, Holmes, Jennison, Leonard, and other families. By J. A. Vinton. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1864 3610 Virgil. The Works of Virgil, translated into English verse, by Mr. Dryden. A new edition by Jphn Carey. Plates. 3 vols. 8° calf. London, 1806 36 1 1 Virginia. True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonic in Virginia, with a confutation of such scandalous re- ports as have tended to disgrace of so worthy an en- terprise. Published by the Councell of Virginia, pp. 60. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1610 " This tract is an earnest defence of the design of colonizing Vir- ginia. It was composed at a time when many urged its abandon- ment." Priced by Quaritch at £120. 3612 Virginia. Nova Britannia. Offering most excellent fruits by planting in Virginia, exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. London, 1609. Edited by F. L. Hawks. Not paged. Royal 4° boards, uncut. New York, 1867 Large paper Reprint ; only 50 copies. •^613 Virginia. The same. 4° boards. New York, 1867 Only 250 copies printed. 3614 Virginia. Publick Good without Private Interest; or, a compendious remonstrance of the present sad state and condition of the English Colonie in Virginia. Small 4° paper, uncut. (Reprint), London, 1657 3615 Virginia. Abridgement of the Publick Laws of Vir- ginia, etc. (No titlepage and imperfect at the end.) 16° half calf. (London, 1728) With bookplate of Josiah Quincy. \/36i6 Virginia. The Statutes at Large; being a collection of jj., .y. I<,all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of the ""Legislature in 16x9 to 1808. By W. W. Hening. 13 vols. 8° sheep. New York, 1823 V 3617 Virginia. Colonial Records of Virginia. pp. 106. S'%o]cLl\ Large 4° paper, uncut. Richmond, 1874 338 CATALOGUE. 3618 Virginia. Report and accompanying Documents of the Virginia Commission appointed to ascertain the boun- dary line between Maryland and Virginia, pp. 314, 22. 8° boards. Richmond, 1873 3619 Virginia. Letters of Thomas Nelson, Jr., Governor of Virginia, pp. 71. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Only 500 copies printed. Richmond, 1874 Virginia Hist. Society Publication. New series No. i . 3620 Virginia. Views of the Constitution of Virginia, con- tained in the essays of " One of the People," etc. pp. 66. 8° half calf. Richmond, 1850 V 3621 Virginia Historical Society Collections. New series. - Vols. 1-8. 6 vols, cloth, and 2 vols, paper, uncut. 5>oV Together 8 vols. 8°. Richmond, 1882-89 Comprises : Spotswood Letters, 2 vols. ; — Dinwiddie Papers, 2 vols. ; — Huguenot Emigration to Virginia ; — Miscellaneous Papers, 1672-1865; — Virginia Company, 1619-1624, 2 vols. 3622 Virginia Historical Society. Discourses at the Annual Meetings of the Society. By H. A. Washington, 1852; — By W. H. Macfarland, 1851; — By H. B. Grigsby, 1853; — By R. M. T. Hunter, 1854; — By J. P, Hol- combe, 1856. Bound together. 8° half morocco. 3623 Virginia. Proceedings of the Va. Hist. Soc, with the address of W. W. Henry, on the early settlement of Virginia, 1882; — ^ Discourse on the Life and Character of Gov. Tazewell, i860; — Oration by H. B. Grigsby, Norfolk, 1831; — Final Report of the Virginia Commis- sioners on the Maryland and Virginia boundary, etc. 12 pamphlets. 3624 VoLNEY, C. F. View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America, pp. 503. Maps and plates. 8° calf. London, 1804 3625 VoLNEY. The Ruins; or, a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires, pp. 392. Plates. 8° half morocco. London, 1807 3626 Voltaire, M. de. The Metaphysics of Sir Isaac New- ton; or, a Comparison between the Opinions of Sir Isaac Newton and Mr. Leibnitz. Translated by D. E. Baker, pp. 72. 8° calf. London, 1747 3627 Voltaire. The Maid of Orleans, or, La Pucelle. Trans- lated into English Verse, with Notes, by W. H. Ireland, pp. 288, 279. 2 vols, in one. 8° half calf. London, 1822 / 3628 Vries, David Peterson de. Voyages from Holland to , _,,r^^ America, A. D. 1632 to 1644. Translated from the ' '^ Dutch by Henry C. Murphy, pp. 199. Portrait. Royal 4° cloth, uncut, New York, 1853 CATALOGUE, 339 3629 \Y/aCE. Master Wace, his Chronicle of the Norman W Conquest, from the Roman de Rou. Translated with notes and illustrations, by Edgar Taylor, pp. (29), 314. 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1837 3630 Wachsmuth, William. Historical Antiquities of the Greeks, with Reference to their Political Institutions. Translated by E. Woolrych. pp. 472, S74- 2 vols. 8° half roan, uncut. Oxford, 1837 3631 Waddington, John. Survey of Congregational History. pp. 368. 12° cloth. London, 1866 .3632 Wafer, Lionel. A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. Second ed. Copper plates, pp. 283. 8° calf. London, 1704 3633 [Wagstaff, Thomas. J A Vindication of K. Charles the Martyr; proving that His Majesty was the Author of Eikon Basilike, against a Memorandum, said to be written by the Earl of Anglesey; — A Defence of the Vindication, etc. Third ed. pp. 162, 96. Small 4° calf. London, 1711 ^ 3634 Waite, Mrs. C. V. The Mormon Prophet and his Ha- rem. Fifth ed. pp. 318. Square 12° half morocco. Chicago, 1867 ■ 363s Walcot, James. The New Pilgrim's Progress, or, the Pious Indian Convert, pp. 316. 16° sheep. London, 1748 -3636 Walcott, Charles F. History of the Twenty-first Regi- ment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865. pp. 502. Portraits and maps. 8° cloth. Boston, 1882 3637 Waldron, F. G. The Shakespearean Miscellany, con- taining a collection of scarce and valuable Tracts, Bio- graphical Anecdotes of Theatrical Performers, with por- traits of Ancient and Modern Actors, etc. Large 4° / russia. London, 1802 3638 Walker, Charles M. History of Athens County, Ohio, *'^76j/.. and incidentally of the Ohio Land Company, and the '' first Settlement of the State at Marietta, pp. 600. Map and portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869 3639 [Walker, Clement.] Relations and Observations, His- torical and Politick, upon the Parliament, begun Anno Dom. 1640. The four parts complete. Folding plate ySS-^A^/ of the Royal Oak and portrait of Cromwell. Small 4° %i^ calf. Printed in the year 1649-50 3640 Walker, Sir Edward. Historical Discourses upon sev- eral Occassions. (Relating to the Reign of Charles I.) pp. 369, 98. 5 portraits inserted. Folio, calf. London, 1705 340 CATALOGUE. 3641 Walker, Sir Hovenden. A Journal; or full Account of the late Expedition to Canada, pp. 304. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1720 Sir Hovenden Walker was the naval commander of the Great Ex- pedition against Canada which sailed from Boston in 1710, but which proved a complete failure. 3642 Walker, Thomas. Journal of an Exploration in the Spring of the year 1750, with a preface by William C. Rives. Frontispiece, pp. 69. Small 4° boards, uncut. Reprint: Boston, 1888 .3643 Wallabout Prison Ships. Martyrs to the Revolution in the British Prison-Ships in the Wallabout Bay. pp. 64. Map. 8° half roan, gilt. New York, 1855 3644 Wallace, J. W. An Address Delivered at the Celebra- tion of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of William Brad- ford, who Introduced the Art of Printing into the Mid- dle Colonies of British America, pp. 114. Fac-similes. 8° boards, uncut. Albany, 1863 3645 Walpole, Horace. Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with Lists of their Works. Enlarged and continued to the present Time, by Thomas Park. Numerous portraits. 5 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1806 3646 Walpole. Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third. Edited with notes, by Sir Denis Le Merchand. Portraits. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 3647 Walpole. Letters of, including numerous letters, now first published from the original manuscript, 1735-1797, 6 vols. 1840; — Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory, from 1769 to 1797. Edited with notes by R. V. Smith, 2 vols. 1848; — Letters to Sir Horace Mann. 4 vols. 1843. Portraits. Together 12 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London. 'v/3648 Walsh, Robert, Jr. An Appeal from the Judgements of •j (rh\ A' Great Britain respecting the United States of America. Second ed. pp. 512. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Phila., 1819 3649 Walter, T. The Sweet Psalmist of Israel, a Sermon Preach'd at the Lecture held in Boston, by the Society for promoting Regular and Good Singing, and for Re- forming the Depravations and Debasements our Psalm- ody labours under. In order to introduce the proper and true Old Way of Singing. By Thomas Walter, M. A., Minister of a Church in Roxbury. . . . pp. 28. 16° half morocco. Boston: Printed by J. Franklin for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill, 1722 Autograph of "Samuel Holyoke, 1722." CATALOGUE. 341 3650 WalthaM, Mass. Past and Present, and its Industries. By C. A. Nelson, pp. 152. 55 pliotographs. Small 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1882 3651 Walton, Izaak. The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. pp. 442. Portraits. 48° cloth, uncut. London, 1827 Pickering's miniature edition. 3652 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler. Frontis- piece, pp. 314, 8. 48° cloth, uncut. London, 1825 Pickering's miniature edition. 3653 Waltzemuller. Martin Hylacomylus WaltzemuUer, ses Ouvrages, et ses Collaborateurs. (By Avezac.) pp. 176. 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1867 ■ 3654 Wansey, Henry. An Excursion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. pp. 270. Por- trait of VVashington. 16° half calf. Salisbury, 1798 3655 Wansey. The same. pp. 290, 24. Portrait of Washing- ton. 8° half roan, uncut. Salisbury, 1796 3656 War of 1812. Essex Junto and the British Spy, 1812 ; — Report of the Committee on the Impressed Seamen, 1813; — Speech of Gov. Strong, 1813; — Speech of R. G. Harper, Jan 20, 1814; — Messages from the Presi- dent of the U. S. on the negotiations of Peace with Great Britain, 1814; — Important State Papers, by James Madison. 6 vols. 8° half roan. Salem and Boston. 3657 [Warburton, George.] The Conquest of Canada. ¥4/ 1 c.r~/ Second ed. pp. 432, 508. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, (lihH "'■incut. London, 1850 '7^(4 3658 Ward, Edward. A Collection of the Writings, hitherto ^ " extant, of Mr. Edward Ward. Folio, half calf. London, 1700-1 Contains: Part VIII, A Trip to Jamaica, and Part XIX, A Trip to New England ; witli a character of the Country and People, both English and Indians. Part XIII, London Spy. " Ned Ward was a graceless scamp. His Trip to New England fairly matches the Rev. Sam Peters' History of Connecticut. " 3659 Ward, Rev. Nathaniel. The Simple Cobler of Agavvam in America. Willing to help 'mend his Native Country, ^^1 ^ n% lamentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. And as willing never to bee paid for his work by Old English wonted pay. It is his Trade to patch ail the year long. pp. 72. Second ed. Small 4° sheets, (a few leaves wanting at the end, corner of title neatly restored in fac-simile and two leaves remargined.) J. Dever&R. Ibbitson for Stephen Bowtell: Lond., 1647 "/., 342 CATALOGUE. 3660 Ward. The Simple Cobler of Agavvam, etc. pp. 80. Third ed. 4° calf. London, 1647 3661 Ward. The same. Fourth ed. 4° half morocco. (Ti- tle mounted and corner of i leaf mended.) London, 1647 f^A/ 3663 Ward. The same. Fifth ed. 16° sheep. London, 1713 3663 Ward. The same. Edited by D. Pulsifer. 8° cloth. Boston, 1843 3664 Ward. Memoir of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward, Author of the Simple Cobbler of Agawam in America, with .notices of his Family. By John Ward Dean. pp. 213. 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1868 3665 [Ward.] A Word to Mr. Peters and two Words for the Parliament and Kingdom ; or, an Answer to a scandalous Pamphlet, entitled: A Word for the Armie, and two Words to the Kingdom, Subscribed by Hugh Peters, pp. 38. Small 4° half calf. London, 1647 3666 Ward. A Sermon preached before the honorable House of Commons at their late Monethly Fast, June 30, 1657. pp. 27. Small 4° calf. London, 1647 3667 Ward, R. P. An Historical Essay on the real Charac- ter and Amount of the Precedent of the Revolution of 1688. pp. 298, 334. 2 vols, in I. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1838 3668 Warden, D. B. On the Origin, Nature, Progress and Influence of Consular Establishments, pp. 331. 8° mottled sheep. Paris, 1813 • 3669 Warden. Statistical, Political and Historical Account of the United States of North America. Map. 3 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1819 3670 Warren, J. C. The Great Tree on Boston Common. pp. 20. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 V'3671 Warren, John. Eulogy on the Honorable Thomas Rus- sell, delivered May 4, 1796. pp. 31, 3. 4° morocco. Boston, 1796 3672 Warren, John. Life of John Warren, Surgeon-General during the War of the Revolution. By Edward Warren, pp. 568. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1874 3673 Warren, Jonathan Mason, M.D. Memoir of. By H. P. Arnold. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Privately printed: Boston, 1886 V 3674 Warren, Joseph. Life and Times of. By Richard 4^'^lT'^^ Frothingham. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 3675 Warren, Mrs. Mercy. Poems, Dramatic and Miscel- laneous, pp. 252. 12° sheep. Boston, 1790 Bookplate of Williams. V\e CATALOGUE. 343 3676 Warren. History of the Rise, Progress and Termina- Y^'^&'J/-3 tion of the American Revolution. 3 vols. 8° half mo- X rocco. Boston, 1805 ^3677 Warren, Me. Annals of the Town of Warren, with the ^. -,,,:-, early history of St. George's, Broad Bay, and the - / neighboring settlements on the Waldo patent. By Cyrus Eaton, pp. 437. 12° cloth. Hallowell, 185 1 3678 Warren, R. I. Discourse, by J. P. Tustin, at the Dedication of the New Baptist Church, May 8, 1845, with a history of Warren, R. I., by G. M. Fessenden. 18° cloth. Providence, 1845 3679 Warton, Thomas. History of English Poetry, from the close of the eleventh century to the commencement of the eighteenth century. From the edition of 1824, superintended by Richard Price. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 ■ 3680 Warville, J. P. de. New Travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. pp. 483, 6. 8'^ half roan, uncut. London, 1792 3681 Warwick, R. I. History of, from 1642 to the present time. By O. P. Fuller, pp. 380. Illustrations. 8° / cloth. Providence, 1875 ^, 3682 Washburn, Emory. Sketches of the Judicial History 5 '' ' C i ^of Massachusetts, from 1630 to 1775. pp- 407. 8° cloth. Boston, 1840 3683 Washington, George. The Writings of George Wash- ington; being his correspondence, addresses, messages, ^31 ft l^'^and other papers, official and private, selected and pub- ,^rS ''shed from the original manuscripts, with a life of the ' ° author, notes and illustrations by Jared Sparks. Por- traits. 12 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1837 Large Paper. 3684 Washington. A Political Epistle to his Excellency George Washington, Esq., Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, from an in- habitant of the State of Maryland. To which is an- nexed a short sketch of General Washington's life and character, pp. 24. Portrait by Sharp. 4° half calf, gilt, (remargined). Annapolis: Printed, 1779. London: Reprinted, 1780 3685 Washington. A Poetical Epistle to his ExceUency George Washington, from an Inhabitant of the State of Maryland. Annapolis, 1779. pp. 24. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Repript; Albany, 1865 Large Paper : only 25 copies printed, / 344 CATALOGUE. a4" 3686 Washington. Official Letters to the American Con- 'itz\ TyrOi'toS^^^^' written during the war between the United Colo- nies and Great Britain, pp. 364, 384. 2 vols. 8° sheep. ^ London, 1795 '/ 3687 Washington. Epistles, Domestic, Confidential, and •-ft3\ D"' Official, pp. 303. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1796 3688 Washington. The same. Portrait by Rollinson after Savage. 8° morocco, gilt. New York, 1796 3689 Washington. Address of, to his Fellow Citizens on Declining being considered a candidate for their future Suffrages. 16° half morocco. Boston, 1796 ■(/3690 Washington. Letters from His Excellency George Washington, President of the United States of America '^^^ t'lX^ to Sir John Sinclair on Agricultural and other interest- 'V x^ ing subjects, pp. 57. 4° half morocco. London, 1800 ^ 3691 Washington. Letters to Arthur Young and Sir John a Sinclair, containing an account of his husbandry, pp. ^t^-^H'^'^^ 128. 8° half roan, (foxed). Alexandria, 1803 v^3692 Washington. Reprint of the Original Letters from ^ Washington to Joseph Reed, during the American i^if'iVD (7 Revolution, referred to in the pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Jared Sparks. By W. B. Reed. pp. 155. 8° half roan. Phila., 1852 , 3693 Washington. Diary of George Washington, from 1789 w New York, i860 Thick paper copy. 346 CATALOGUE. » ^/ 3713 Washington. Memorials of Washington and of Mary, ^K^'iw his mother, and Martha, his wife. By James Walter. Portraits. 4° half morocco, uncut. N. Y., 1887 3714 Washington. Life of. By John Corry, London, 1800; — Will of Gen. Washington, to which is annexed a schedule of his property, London, 180O. Bound to gether. 16° half sheep. / 3715 Washington. Life of. By M. L. Weems. pp. 228. xJiX^ e— Portrait and cuts. 12° sheep. Phila., 1832 3716 Washington. Washington in Domestic Life. By Rich- ard Rush. pp. 85. 8° cloth. Phila., 1857 3717 Washington. Life of. By J. T. Headley. pp. 477. Plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1856 3718 Washington. Life of. Written by Himself. Edited by C. W. Upham. pp. 443, 423. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1851 3719 Washington. Memory of Washington, comprising a Sketch of his Life and Character and the National Tes- timonials of Respect, pp. 246. Portrait by Hamlin after E. Savage. 12° sheep. Newport, R. I., 1800 3720 Washington. An Historical Biography. By Thomas E. Scudder. Portrait and illustrations. 16° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1889 1/3721 Washington. Recollections and Private Memoirs of ,;^3\t^ Washington. By G. W. P. Custis. Edited by B. J. "^ Lossing. pp. 644. Portraits. 8° cloth. New York, i860 V 3722 WASHINGTON-Crawford Letters. Being the Corres- U-ysl^^' pondence between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, concerning Western Lands. Arranged and annotated by C. W. Butterfield. pp. 103. 8° cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1877 3723 Washington Benevolent Society of Mass. Directory containing Names, Places of Business, and Residence of Members. 12° paper. Boston, 1813 • 3724 Waters, Henry F. Genealogical Gleanings in England. Parts 1-13. 13 parts 8° paper. Boston. 3725 Waterston, R. C.V Address on the Life of Thomas Sherwin, Nov. 16, 1870; -^ Letter to the Massachusetts Historical Society from San Francisco, 1870; — Semi- centennial Anniversary of the English High School, May 2, 1871, with poem; —Remarks on the Life and Writings of Charles Sprague, 1875; — Tribute to W. C. Bryant, June 13, 1878; — Memoir of George Sumner, 1880; — Educational Principle, 1881; — Address at a Meeting, Jan. 29, 1882; — English High School Asso- ciation, its origin and purpose, 1882 ; — Brief Memoir of R. C. Waterston, 1869. 10 pamphlets. Boston. CATALOGUE. 347 •3726 Watertown, Mass. Historical Sketch of Watertown, from its first Settlement to the close of the Second Cen- tury. By Convers Francis, pp. 151. 8° half morocco. Cambridge, 1830 3727 Watertown. Genealogies of the Families and Descend- ants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, including Wal- tham and Weston; to which is appended the early His- tory of the Town. By Henry Bond. pp. 1094. Maps and portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 \/3728 Watson, Elkanah. History and Rise, Progress, and j-| ^ A A^fixisting Condition of the Western Canals in the State j' ^ /of New York, from 1788 to 1819. pp. 212. Fine por- trait and map. 8° half morocco, uncut, red top. Albany, 1820 1/3729 Watson. Men and Times of the Revolution; or Me- ^^^^oirs of Elkanah Watson, including his Journals of i^ Travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842. By W. C. Watson. Second ed. Portrait. Large 12° cloth. New York, 1857 3730 Watson. Pioneer History of the Champlain Valley. pp. 231. 8° paper, uncut. Albany, 1863 • 3731 Watson, J. F. Memoir of John Fanning Watson, the Annalist of Philadelphia and New York. By Benj. Dorr. Portrait. 8° cloth. (Library stamp.) Phila., i86i V'3732 Watson, Rev. John Lee. Paul Revere's Signal; the y true Story of the Signal Lanterns in Christ Church, Bos- |H '■ ton. (With Remarks by Charles Deane.) pp. 16. 8° ^ cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1877 3733 Watt, R. Bibliotheca Brittanica; or a General Index of British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4° half morocco. Edinburgh, 1824 3734 Watts, Isaac. Hymns and Spiritual Songs in three Books, pp. 264, 84. 40th ed. 16° morocco, (broken). Newburyport, 1784 3735 Watts. The Psalms of David imitated in the Language of the New Testament. First Worcester edition, pp. 224. 12° sheep. Isaiah Thomas: Worcester, 1786 Autograph of Josiah Quincy. 3736 Watts. The Psalms of David imitated. New edition. pp. 256, table. 18° morocco. Boston, 1787 3737 Watts. Psalms and Hymns. New edition, illustrated with 20 designs by Martin and Westall. pp. 640. 8° y cloth, uncut. London, 1845 3738 Webster, Daniel. Works of, with Biographical Memoir i-12.1 p- rt of his Public Life, by Edward Everett. Portraits and en- gravings. 6 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1851 Large Paper : Subscriber's copy. 348 CATALOGUE. 1/3739 Webster. The Private Correspondence of, edited by nA j,FIetcher Webster. Portraits. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, •>i^lt;l uncut. Boston, 1857 Large Paper. . 3740 Webster. Life and Memorials of. From the New York Daily Times, pp. 261, 300. 2 vols. 16° cloth. New York, 1853 3741 Webster. Memoir of. By S. L. Knapp. pp. 234. Portrait. m° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1831 3742 Webster. Address at the Laying of the Conner Stone of Bunker Hill Monument, fifth ed., 1825 ; ^Discourse on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Aug. 2, 1826; — V Discourse at Plymouth, Dec. 22, X820; — Letter to Webster, by a traveller, 1840; A/Address at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1843; — Defence of the Christian Reli- gion, Feb. 10, 1844; — Speech at Marshfield, Sept. i, 1848; — ^ Speeches of Hayne and Webster on the Foot Resolution, 1849; — The same, 1850; — Speech on Clay's Resolutions, March 7, 1850; — Letter from the Citizens of Newport, to Webster, 1850; — Conscience and the Constitution, 1850. 12 vols. 8° half roan and boards. Boston, 1825-50 3743 Webster. Speech on Slavery, March 7, i85o;--VAddress at Washington, July 4, 1851; — Speeches at Buffalo, Syracuse and Albany, May, 1851;- — Address to the N. Y. Historical Society, Feb. 23, 1852;^ — Review of a Discourse on the Death of Webster, 1853; — Whipple's Life and Services of Webster, 1852; — Personal Memoirs of, 185 1 ; — Last years of, by G. T. Curtis, 1878; — -In- auguration of the Statute of Webster, Sept. 17, 1859; — Address and Proceedings of the Friends of Webster in Faneuil Hall, Sept. 15, 1852; — Catalogue of his Libra- ry. Sold by auction, Boston, 1870. 12 pamphlets. Boston. 3744 Webster, J. W. Description of the Island of St. Michael. pp. 244. Map and plates. 8° boards. Boston, 1821 3745 Webster Trial. Illegality of the Trial, by L. Spooner, 1850; — Statement of Reasons showing the illegality of the verdict, 1850; — Webster Trial, (Monthly Law Re- porter); — Review of the Webster Case, by a member of the New York Bar, 1850; — Extraordinary Confession of J. W. Webster, 1850. 5 vols. 8° half roan and paper. New York and Boston. 3746 Webster, Mrs. M. M. Pocahontas; a legend. With historical and traditionary notes. Frontispiece. 12° original boards. Phila., 1840 CATALOGUE. 349 .3747 Webster, Noah. Letters to a Young Gentleman com- mencing his Education; to which is subjoined a brief history of the United States. 8° sheep. New Haven, 1823 3748 Webster. Elementary Primer, pp. 36. 18° paper. John Wilcox: Newport, N. H., 1834 3749 Webster. American Dictionary of the English Lan- guage, thoroughly revised and greatly improved, by C. A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. 2 portraits on India paper. 2 vols, folio, half morocco. Riverside Press: Cambridge, 1865 Large paper; only 250 copies printed. 3750 Weems, M. L. The Philanthropist; or a good twenty- five cent's worth of political love powder for honest Adamites and Jeffersonians. pp. 30. 8° half roan, gilt, uncut. Dumfries, (1798) ■ 37SI Weems. God's Revenge against Adultery; — The Drunk- ard's Looking Glass; — God's Revenge against Duelling; — God's Revenge against Gambling; — God's Revenge against Murder. Bound in one vol. Illustrations. 8° half sheep. Phila., 1818-23 3752 Weever, John. Ancient Funerall Monuments within the United Monarchic of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Islands adiacent, with the dissolued monasteries therein contained, etc. Engraved title and portrait. Folio, sprinkled calf, extra, by Cecil & Larkins. London, 1631 - 1^3753 Weise, a. J. The Discoveries of America to the year if^iiRii '525- PP- 380. Maps. 8° cloth, uncut, gilt top. ^^ ' ■**" New York, 1884 •3754 Welde, Thomas and Winthrop, John. Antinomians and Familists condemned by the Synod of Elders in New Eng- land. With the Proceedings of the magistrates against them, and their apology for the same. Together with a memorable example of God's judgments upon some of those persons so proceeded against. Title, To the Reader (in MS.) i page. Preface (in M.S.) pp. 21. Text pp. 66. Small 4° crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. (The titlepage skilfully mended in the margin). Printed for Ralph Smith: London, 1644 This is the original edition of the " Short Story," with the Preface by Welde and one page " To the Reader " as it appeared in the latter copied in an early hand, inserted after the title page. On the reverse of the title is the following note in a contempora- neous hand : " True copy as I learned from M. T. W. that was there, etc." 350 CATALOGUE. / 3755 Welde, Thomas and VVinthrop, John. A Short Story of the Rise, Reign and Ruine of the Antinomians, Fami- 1 list and Libertines, that infected the churches of New ^).i\> '^ England. Title, to the Reader, i p. Preface i6 pp. co^^ Text i6 pp. Small 4° calf. <^t^} Printed for Ralph Smith: London, 1644 \ I ^ ,1^ Mr. Deane was the earliest to discover (in February 185 1) Win- --^ throp's authorsliip to tiiis book, and the above copy contains five letters from James Savage and other memoranda relating to the con- troversy about the authorship. For a spicy account of this controversy see Adams' Antinomianism, Prince Society, No. 2902. Vol. 18 3756 [Welde, Thomas.] A Brief Narration of the Practices of the Churches in New England, pp. 18. 4° half roan. London, 1645 3757 [Weldon, Sir Anthony.] The Court and Character of King James, pp. 198. Portrait. 18° calf. London, 1650 3758 Wellington. The Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington. By G. R. Gleig. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1865 3759 Wells and Kennebunk, Me. History of, from the earli- est settlement to the year 1820, with biographical sketches. By Edward E. Bourne. Portraits and illus- trations. 8° cloth. Portland, 1875 3760 Wenham, Mass. History of, from 1639 to i860. By M. O. Allen, pp. 229. 12° cloth. Boston, i860 3761 West, Benjamin. The Life and Studies of Benjamin West, prior to his arrival in England. By John Gait. 2 portraits, (one inserted.) 8° morocco, gilt. Phila., 1816 3762 Western Martyrology; or, bloody assizes. New edi- tion, pp. 336. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1873 3763 Westminster Catechism. The Shorter Catechism agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at West- minster, pp. 24. 18° morocco. Boston, 1765 3764 Weston, E. P. The Bowdoin Poets. Second ed. pp. 180, View of Bowdoin College. 12° cloth. Brunswick, 1849 3765 Weymouth, Mass. Proceedings on the 250th Anniver- sary of the permanent Settlement of Weymouth, with an historical address by Charles Francis Adams, Jr., July 4, 1874. pp. 107. 8° cloth. Boston, 1874 Presentation copy with autograph of the author. /3766 Wharton, Francis. Digest of the International Law 4-0 (ii-3 of the United States. 3 vols. 8° sheep. ,j5,(, Washington, 1887 CATALOGUE. 351 Z' 3767 Wheatley, Phillis. Poems on various subjects, pp. 1^X10 '^'^''12%. First ed. Portrait. 12° calf. London, 1773 Autograph of Phillis Wheatley on the fly leaf. 3768 Wheatley. The same. pp. 92. 16° vellum. Albany, 1793 3769 Wheatley. The same. pp. 86. 18° sheep. Walpole, N. H., 1802 3770 Wheatley. The same. pp. 94. 8° half roan. Hartford, 1804 3771 Wheatley. Memoir and Poems, pp. 103. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1834 3772 Wheatley. The same. pp. 114. Portrait. 18° cloth. Boston, 1835 I '3773 Wheatley. Thesame. pp. 155. Portrait. 16° cloth. //^a; 4, n')S' y Boston, 1838 3774 Wheatley. The Negro equalled by few Europeans, „_. translated from the French. To which are added, ^''*~ Poems on various Subjects, by Phillis Wheatley. pp. 259, 244. 2 vols. 12° sheep, (cracked.) Phiia., 1801 ■^ 3775 Wheatley. Letters of Phillis Wheatley, the Negro- '^nu-tf' Slave Poet of Boston, pp.19. 8° cloth, uncut. Only 100 copies privately printed. Boston, 1864 3776 Wheatley. Memoir of Phillis Wheatley, a Native Afri- can and a Slave. By B. B. Thatcher, pp. 36. Portrait. 18° boards. Boston, 1834 3777 Wheaton, Menry. History of the Northmen, or Danes ^'^D^ and Normans. 8° boards, uncut, (foxed). Phila., 1831 3778 Wheaton. Elements of International Law. Eighth ed. by R. H. Dana, Jr. pp. 551. 8° sheep. Boston, 1866 3779 Wheaton. The same. Second annotated edition by W. B. Lawrence, pp. 1095, 47. 8° sheep. Boston, 1863 ^3780 Wheeler, John H. Historical Sketches of North Caro- i~'2'l d 2>3rrina, from 1584 to 1851. pp. 138, 480. Frontispiece. 2 vols, in one. 8° cloth. Phila., 1851 • 3781 Wheelock, Rev. Eleazar. Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazar (ro7t P»i Wheelock, Founder and President of Dartmouth Col- lege. By David McClureand Elizah Parish. Portrait. 8° sheep. Newburyport, 181 1 3782 Wheelwright, John. A Sermon preached at Boston in New England, upon a Fast Day, the i6th of January, 1636. pp. 28. 8° boards. Morrisania, 1867 3783 Wheildon, W. W. History of Paul Revere's Signal Lan- terns, April 18, 1775, in the Steeple of the North Church, pp. 63. Plate. 8° boards. Privately printed: Concord, 1878 352 CATALOGUE. 3784 Wheildon. Siege and Evacuation of Boston and Char- lestown, with a brief account of pre-revolutionary pub- lic buildings, pp. 64. Map, 1876; — -Curiosities of His- tory, Boston, Sept. 17, 1630-1880. pp. 141, 1880; — New Chapter in the History of the Concord Fight, pp. 32, 1885. 3 pamphlets. 3785 Whincop, Thomas. Scanderberg, a Tragedy. With a List of all the Dramatic Authors, and of all Dramatic Pieces ever published in the English Language to the year 1747. Plates. 8° calf. London, 1747 3786 Whitaker, Nathaniel. An Antidote against Toryism, or the Course of Meroz, a Discourse, pp. 34. 8° half morocco. Newburyport, 1777 3787 Whitbourne, Captain Richard. A Discovrse and Dis- covery of New-found-land, with many reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made, after a far better manner than now it is. Together with the laying open of certaine enormities and abuses committed by some that trade to that Countrey, and the meanes laide downe for reformation thereof. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1620-1622 First edition, reprinted in 1622 and 1623, with additions. Trans- lated into Latin and German and included in Hulsius' " Collection of Voyages, " Part XX. One of the most successful in directing the attention of the people of England to Newfoundland, was Captain Richard Whitbourne. He states that he became an adventurer into foreign countries at fifteen years of age, was captain of a vessel of his own in 1 588, and rendered good service at the time of the Spanish invasion. The above contains the First edition of Whitboume's " A Dis- course and Discovery," 1620, and " A Discourse containing a loving invitation both honourable and profitable, etc. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne. pp. i, 6, 46. London, 1622. It also cbntains the following letters which were printed in the second edition of the " Discourse," and are here inserted. " A Letter from Captaine Wynne, Governor of the Colony at Ferry- land, to the Rt. Hon. Sir George Calvert, Kt. " " Another Letter to Secretary Calvert from Captain Daniel Powell, 28 July, 1622." Captain Wynne to Secretary Calvert with "the names that stay with me this yeere. " "Letter from N. H., a Gentleman living in Newfoundland, to a worthy friend W. P. " ^/ 3788 Whitbourne. Westward hoe for Avalon in the New- 1 vr' ^ found-land, as described by Captain Richard Whit- bourne, of Exmouth, 1622. Edited and illustrated by T. Whitburn, 1870. 12° cloth. London. ^3790 White, Rev. George. Historical Collections of Georgia. : ; }f Third ed. pp. 688, 41. Map and illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1855 3791 White, R. G. National Hymns, how they are written and how they are not written, pp. 152. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. New York, 1861 CATALOGUE. 353 r 3792 [White, Rev. John.] The Planter's Plea, or the grounds of plantations examined and usuall Objections answered. r~i ^ Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving jo , ■ . such as have lately undertaken a plantation in New X^ England, pp. (2), 84. Small 4° full polished calf. ' ^^^ London, 1630 " An original contemporaneous history of the highest value, as it contains facts relating to the earliest attempts at settlement in Massa- chusetts Bay, which can be found nowhere else. — Young's Chroni- cles of the Pilgrims." 3793 White, Rev. William. Memoirs of the Protestant Epis- '7 /!'""';'* j^^p 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 3824 WiLBRAHAM, Mass. Historical Address delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of the Town of Wilbraham, June 15, 1863. By R. P. Stebbins. pp. 317. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1864 3s6 CATALOGUE. 3825 Wilde, Richard Henry. Conjectures and Researches concerning the Love, Madness and Imprisonment of Torquato Tasso. pp. 270, 2, 34. 2 vols. 1842; — Wilde's Summer Rose, or the Lament of the Captive, an authentic account of the origin, mystery and ex- planation of R. H. Wilde's alleged Plagiarism. By Anthony Barclay, pp. 70, 1871; — Life, Literary Labors and Neglected Grave of Richard Henry Wilde. By C. C. Jones, Jr. pp. 21. 1885. 4 vols. 8° and 12° cloth and paper. / 3826 Wilkes, John. A Complete Collection of the Genuine ^ Papers, Letters, etc., in the case of John Wilkes, Esq. t^YttM'^ pp.272. 16° calf. Paris, 1767 ■ '" 3827 WiLKiNS, John. Of the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion, pp. 410, 55. Portrait. 12° calf. London, 1678 V3828 Wilkinson, General James. Memoirs of My Own Times. ^^..poj-'With an atlas of diagrams and plans, illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in the memoirs. 3 vols, royal 8° half calf, gilt, uncut edges, and one vol. of plates and maps, 4° boards, uncut. Together 4 vols. Phila., i8i6 \/^ 3829 Wilkinson, Jemima. History of Jemima Wilkinson, a ~llX^iCS^ Preacheress of the eighteenth century. By David Hudson, pp. 208, 20. 12° half morocco, uncut, red top. Geneva, N.Y., 1821 3830 WiLLARD, Joseph. An Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, Massachusetts, Oct 2, 1829. (With historical and biographical notes ) pp. 144. 8° boards. Lancaster, 1830 3831 WiLLARD, Rev. Joseph. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Lathrop, and Eulogy by Prof. Webber, at the Funeral of Rev. Joseph Willard with a Sermon, the next Lord's Day, by the Rev. Mr. Holmes, pp. 41. 8° half roan, gilt. Cambridge, 1804 3832 WiLLARD, Samuel. The Sinfulness of Worshipping with Men's Institutions, pp. 29. 18° calf, (date torn off.) Boston, (1693) Rev. Samuel Willard was pastor of the Old South Church. He opposed the proceedings of the magistrates at the time of the Witch- craft delusion, although three of the judges were members of his church. 3833 WiLLARD. Sermon preached at the Ordination of John Hovey, at Arundel. With a Funeral Sermon on Wil- lard, by W. Thompson, preached at Biddeford, and a Preface by Rev. Mr. Prince, pp. 60, 35. 18° calf, (title and corners of 2 leaves repaired.) Boston, 1743 CATALOGUE. 357 3834 WiLLAUD. A Complete Body of Divinity, pp.915. (Por- trait missing.) Folio, calf, (binding cracked.) Boston, 1726 383s W'lLLARD, Sidney. Memories of Youth and Manhood. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Cambridge, 1855 . 3836 WiLLARp Memoir; or, Life and Times of Major Simon Willard, with notices of three Generations of his De- scendants. By Joseph Willard. 3 plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1858 • 3837 WiLLEY, B. G. Incidents in White Mountain History. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1856 3838 Williams, Mrs. Catharine. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes, containing the Life of Brigadier Gen, William Barton and also of Capt. Stephen Olney; — The Neu- tral French, or, the Exiles of Novia Scotia. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Providence, 1839-41 3839 Williams, C. V. Life and Administration of Rt. Hon. Spencer Percival, with details of his Assassination, etc. pp. 328. 12° morocco, gilt. Phila., 1813 3840 Williams, Rev. Daniel. Catalogue of the Library in Red Cross Street, Cripplegate, founded pursuant to the Will of the Rev. Daniel Williams, who died in the year 1716. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1841-54 " The most comprehensive and extensive collection of pamphlets, volumes, and original papers for illustrating the whole history of Puritanism and Dissent, is in what is known as Dr. Williams' Library, in London. " — Rev. Geo. E. Ellis in Narrative and Critical History. 1/3841 Williams, Rev. E. Life of Te-ho-ra-gwa-ne-gen, alias „, .^Thomas 'Williams, a Chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe of ir-:i2Sg, 289. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Phila., 1812 1/3858 Williamson, William D. History of the State of Maine, yj,i-j I -^1^. from its first Discovery, A. D. 1602 to the Separation, A. D. 1820. pp. 696, 729. Portrait, map and plate. 2 vols, royal 8° half crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Hallowell, 1832 • 3859 Williamson. History of the State of Maine, from 1602 to 1820. pp. 696, 729. Portrait and plate. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Hallowell, 1839 . 3860 Willis, William. History of the Law, the Courts and the Lawyers of Maine, pp. 712. Portraits. 8° cloth. Portland, 1863 3861 Willis' Current Notes. A series of articles on antiqui- ties, biography, heraldry, etc., for 1850-57. 7 vols, small 4° cloth. London. 3862 Willoughby. Some further Portions of the Diary of Lady Willoughby which do relate to her Domestic His- tory and to the stirring events of the latter years of the Reign of King Charles I, the Protectorate and the Res- toration, pp. 178. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 3863 Wilson, Henry. Wonderful Characters, comprising memoirs and anecdotes of the most remarkable persons of every age and nation. Numerous portraits. 3 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1830 3864 Wilson, Joshua. Historical Inquiry concerning the Principles, Opinions, and Usages of the English Presby- terians, pp. 260. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1835 36o CATALOGUE. { 3865 Wilson, R. A. New History of the Conquest of Mexico, . '-f in which Las Casas' Denunciations of the PopuJar His- 5 " torians of that war are fully vindicated, pp. 539. 8° cloth. Phila., 1859 3866 [Wilson, Thomas.] The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities; or, an essay towards an instruction for the Indians, pp. 257. 16° sheep, (binding broken). London, 1741 3867 Winchester, Elhanan. Course of Lectures on the Prophecies that remain to be fulfilled, 4 vols. 1790; — Dialogues and Poems, 1793; — Sermons at London and Phila., 1782-1793; — Ten Sermons on Various Subjects, 1799; — Sketch of the Life of Elhanan Winchester, by W. Kidder, 1797; — Biography of Rev. Elhanan Win- chester, by E. M. Stone, 1836. 8 vols. 8° calf and half roan. 3868 Windham, Conn. Histoiry of Ancient Windham. Gene- alogy, Part I, A-Bil. By W. L. Weaver, pp. 112. 8° paper, uncut. Willimantic, 1864 i( 3869 Windsor, Conn. History of Ancient Windsor, includ- .(. ing East Windsor, South Windsor, and Ellington, prior ^..■jff^ to 1768, and Windsor, Bloomfield and Windsor Locks to the present time. By H. R. Stiles, pp. 922, 144. Il- lustrations. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Albany, 1863 J 3870 Wingfield, Edward Maria. A Discourse of Virginia. ^ Now first printed from the original manuscript in the j^'Vo'V "^ Lambeth Library. Edited with notes and an introduc- tion by Charles Deane. pp. 45. Royal 8" beautifully bound by Matthews in full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back and sides, inside borders. Boston, i860 Only 100 copies privately printed. 3871 Wingfield. " A Discourse of Virginia." Edited with notes and an introduction, by Charles Deane. Royal 8° half crimson morocco. Boston, 1859 Cancelled edition. Only 200 copies privately printed. 3872 Wingfield. A Discourse of Virginia. 20 pp. of MSS. Folio, half morocco. This is a transcript made by H. G. Somerby from the original manuscript in the Lambeth library. It was printed in a volume of the American Antiquarian Society, i860. 3873 WiNSLOW Memorial, family records of Winslows and their descendants in America, with the English ancestry as far as known. Kenelm Winslow, vol. i. By D. P. Holton. Portraits and genealogical plates, pp. 656. 8° cloth. New York, 1877 CATALOGUE. 361 .3874 WiNSLow, Edward. Good Newes from New England; or, a true relation of things very remarkable at the plantation of Plimoth in New England. Shewing the wondrous providence and Goodness of God, in their preservation and continuance, being delivered from many apparent deaths and dangers, pp. 66, (2). Small 4° half morocco. London, 1624 " The book," writes Professor Tyler, " is a story of the griefs and perils and escapes of the young settlement, of their various encoun- ters, in amity and in enmity with mean red men and meaner white ones ; of the interior administration of the little commonwealth, and of its steady advancement through all obstructions into solid security ; above all else, it is a description of the country with reference to its desirableness as the seat of a new English community." — Hist. American Lit., Vol. I. With a reprint of the leaf contained in a later issue, inserted. ■ 387s WiNSLOw. Hypocrisie Unmasked, by a true relation of the proceedings of the Gouvernour and Company of the Massachusetts against Samuel Gorton and his accomplices, a notorious disturber of the peace and quiet of the severall governments wherein he lived, with the grounds and reasons thereof, examined and allowed by their Generall Court holden at Boston in New England in November last, 1646. pp. (i), 6, 103. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, inside borders, gilt edges, by Pratt. London, 1646 See Gorton's Simplicities Defence, No. 1501. " Winslow, the diplomatist of Plymouth and Massachusetts, was sent to England to defend the Bay Colony against Gorton's Appeal." The appendix contains the first connected account in print of the life of the Pilgrims in Holland and the preparations for removal to America ; it also gives a report of Robinson's farewell sermon to the departing portion of his flock." ^ The Epistle Dedicatory of 6 pp. printed in fac-simile. ,3876 WiNSOR, Justin. Narrative and Critical History of Am- erica. Numerous illustrations. 8 vols, folio, boards, ^■i^ji^ ■ uncut. Boston, 1885-6 Large paper; only 550 copies printed. 3877 WiNSOR. Columbus; a bibliographical note from the catalogue of the Ticknor Collection, pp.12. Royal 8° sheets, folded. Boston, 1876 Only 30 copies printed. 3878 WiNSOR. Library of Harvard University Bulletins. 4 if7/j5j^„ vols. 8° half roan. Cambridge, 1879-86 / t ^'^'■^"^^5>J879 WiNSOR. Library of Harvard University, Bibliographi- cal Contributions. Nos. i to 21 inclusive (complete.) ., „ ig parts 8°. ' Cambridge, 1879-86 362 CATALOGUE. ■ 3880 WiNSOR. Governor Bradford's Manuscript History of Plymouth Plantation, pp. 18, 1881; — Two Brief Papers, pp. 10, 1886; — Arnold's Expedition against Quebec, 1775-6, pp. 12, 1886; — Elder William Brewster and other notes, pp. 17, 1887; — Note on the Spurious Letters of Montcalm, 1759, pp. 6, 1887 ;-y Cartographi- cal History of the Northeastern boundary Controversy, pp. 24, 1887. 6 pamphlets. Only 75 copies printed of each. - 3881 WiNTERBOTHAM, W. Historical, Geographical, Com- mercial and Philosophical View of the United States of America. First American edition. Portraits of Wash- ington, Franklin, etc. 4 vols. 8° sheep. New York, 1796 3882 WiNTHROP, John. Journal of the Transactions and Oc- currences in the Settlement of Massachusetts and the other New England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644. pp. 364. 8° antique calf, gilt. Hartford, 1790 /* 3883 WiNTHROP. History of New England, from 1630 to "6^ I irf .-,1649. Edited by James Savage. Portrait, pp. 424, 429. 2 vols. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1825-26 • 3884 WiNTHROP. The' same. New edition. Portrait, pp. 514, 504. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1853 3885 WiNTHROP. A Review of Winthrop's Journal, as edited 5-jij;4-£., and published by James Savage, under the Title of "The History of New England," etc. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1854 "Y 3886 WiNTHROP. Life and Letters of John Winthrop, 1630- ^"09 '.\r' 1649. Edited by R. C. Winthrop. pp. 452, 483. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1864-67 3X87 WiNTHROP. The same. 1630. pp.452. 8° boards, un- cut. Boston, 1864 ,3888 Winthrop, Robert C. Addresses and Speeches on va- ro")! t rious Occasions, 1835-1886. Portraits. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1852-86 3889 Winthrop. Introductory Lecture to the Course on the Early History of Massachusetts, at the Lowell Institute. Boston, Jan 25, 1869, pp. 27. 8° cloth. Privately printed: Boston, 1869 Presentation copy from the author. 3890 Winthrop Washington, Bowdoin, and Franklin, as portrayed in Occasional Addresses, pp. 186. Frontis- piece. 8° cloth. Boston, 1876 ,^891 Winthrop. Historical Addres^e?. 5 vols. 8° half roan. Boston, 1839-59 CATALOGUE. 363 3892 WiNTHROP. Address before the Maine Historical So- ciety, Sept. 5, 1849; — Address at Harvard College, July 22, 1852; — Lecture at the Boston Library Asso- ciation, Dec. 21, 1853; — Address at Boston, Sept. 17, 1855; — Oration, on the Statue of Franklin, Sept. 17, 1856; — Address at Boston, May 21, 1857; — Speech at New York, Sept. 19, 1864; — Tributes to Edward Ever- ett, 1865; — Remarks on Prof. Agassiz, Oct. i, 1866; — Address at Boston, May 19, 1869; — Eulogy on George Peabody, Feb. 8, 1870; — Oration on the 250th anni- versary of the landing of the Pilgrim fathers at Ply- mouth, Dec. 21, 1870; — Fourth of July Oration, Boston, 1876; — Memoir of J. H. Clifford, 1877; — Correspond- ence of Hartlib, Hoak, Oldenberg and others with Gov. Winthrop of Connecticut, 1661-1672, (878; — Pedigree of the Winthrop Family, 1874; — Memoir of Nathan Appleton, 1861; — -Centennial Oration, July 4, 1876; — Address on Webster Statue, Nov. 25, 1876; — Letters of Mrs. Lucy Downing, 1626-1674, 1871; — Life and Ser- vices of James Bowdoin, 1726-1790, 1876; — Memoir of Henry Clay, 1880; — Address on the Prescotf Statue, June 17, 1881; — Centennial Oration at Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1 881; — Portrait of John Hampden and Lafayette, 1881; — Addresses Dec. 14, 1882 and Feb. 8, 1883, at the Mass. Hist. Society; — Address June 18, 1883; — Dedication of the Washington National Monument, Feb. 21, 1885; — Words in Defence of an Elderly Lady, 1885; — Memoir of David Sears, 1886; — Tributes to John P. Kennedy; — Notice of M. Mignet; — Memoir of W. Minot; — Sir Walter Raleigh. 45 pamphlets. Presentation copies. 3893 Winthrop, Me. Brief History of Winthrop, from 1764 to 1855. By David Thurston, pp. 247. 12° cloth. Portland, 1855 3894 Wirt, William. The British Spy. 16° calf. Newburyport, 1804 389s Wirt. Letters of the British Spy. Eighth ed. Por- trait and view of Richmond. 16° calf. Baltimore. 3896 Wirt. Letters of the British Spy. Tenth ed. Portrait. Small 8° light calf, uncut. New York, 1832 3897 Wise, John, (Pastor in Ipswich.) The Churches Quar- rel espoused, pp. 96. 12° polished calf, extra, gilt edges. Boston, 1772 ; '3898 Wise. A Vindication of the Government of New Eng- , (,\ ^ !.!> land Churches, pp. 283. 16° half crimson morocco, ^ '^ ^- extra, uncut edges. Boston, 1772 / 364 CATALOGUE. 3899 Wisconsin. Reports and Collections of the State His- j, o torical Society of Wisconsin, from 1854 to 1882. Vols. I to 9. 6 vols, cloth, 2 vols, paper, i vol. half roan. Together 9 vols. 8°. Madison, 1855-82 3900 Witchcraft. The Wonderfull Discoverie of the Witch- crafts of Margaret and Phillip Flower, executed at Lin- colne, March 11, i6t8. pp. 26. 8° half roan. (Reprint,) London, 1619 Only 250 copies reprinted. 3901 Witchcraft. A Short Treatise touching Sheriffs Ac- compts. Written by Sir Matthew Hale. To which is added, A Tryal of Witches, at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, for the County of Suffolk, Mar. 10, 1664. pp. no, 59. Small 8° calf. London, 1682-3 3902 Witchcraft. A Full and Impartial Account of the Dis- covery of Sorcery and Witchcraft, practis'd by Jane Wenham of Walkern in Hertfordshire, also her Tryal, etc. pp. 36. Fourth ed. 8° half morocco. E. Curll: London, 1712 3903 Witchcraft. The Case of the Hertfordshire Witchcraft considered, being an Examination of a Book entitled, A Full and Impartial Account of the Discovery of Sor- cery and Witchcraft, practis'd by Jane Wenham, etc. pp. 86. 8° half morocco. London, 1712 3904 Witchcraft. The Impossibility of Witchcraft further demonstrated. (A Fragment of, pp. 1-6, and 11-15.) 12° half morocco. London, 1712 3905 Witchcraft. A Discourse on Witchcraft, pp. 47. 8" half morocco. London, 1736 3906 [Withington, Leonard.] The Puritan; a series of essays, critical, moral and miscellaneous. By John Oldbug, Esq. pp. 248, 268. 2 vols. 16° cloth. Boston, 1836 3907 WoBURN, Mass. History of, from the grant of its Ter- ritory to Charlestown, in 1640 to i86o. By Samuel Sewall. pp. 677. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1868 3908 Wolcott, Roger. Poetical Meditations, being the im- provement of some vacant hours; with a preface by Rev. Mr. Bulkley of Colchester, pp.82. 16° morocco. T. Green: New London, 1725 Autograph of " John Imlay, I7S3-" 3909 Wolfe, Gen. James. Instructions to Young Ofificers, also his orders for a battalion and an army, a Placart to the Canadians, etc. Second ed. pp. io6. 16° crimson morocco, gilt, uncut edges. London, 1780 CATALOGUE. . 365 3910 WoLLASTON, William. The Religion of Nature Delinea- ted. Seventh ed. pp. 413, 12. Portrait. 8° half morocco. London, 1750 391 1 WoLSEY. The Life of Cardinal Wolsey. By George Cavendish. With notes and other illustrations, by S. W. Singer, pp. 542. Portraits and plates. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1827 3912 Wood, J. P. Memoirs of the Life of John Law of Lauriston, including a detailed account of the rise, progress, and termination of the Mississippi system, pp. 234. Portrait. 16° half calf. Edinburgh, 1824 ^3913 Wood, John. History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., late President of the United States. 8° '-''<-! -cif half roan, gilt, uncut edges. New York, 1802 Nearly all this edition were destroyed. .3914 Wood. The Suppressed History of the Administration of John Adams. Republished with notes and an ap- pendix, by J. H. Sherburne, pp. 392. Portrait. 12° cloth. Phila., 1846 /3915 Wood, Silas. A Sketch of the First Settlement of the . ^.^•-j'^/l several Towns on Long Island. New edition, pp. 184. 8° boards, uncut. Brooklyn, 1828 .3916 Wood, William. New England's Prospect. A true, lively and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England; discovering the state of that countrie, both as it stands to our new- come English planters, and to the old native inhabi- tants, laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind-travelling reader or benefit the future voyager. Map of the south part of New Eng- land, pp. I, 6, 98, 6. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, Thomas Cotes for John Bellamie, 1634 First edition. Wood's New England's Prospect is the earliest topographical account of the Massachusetts Colony, so far as the settlement then extended. It also has a full description of its fauna and flora, and of the natives. — Charles Deane in Narrative History. Copies with the map are exceedingly rare. This copy has also a fac-simile map bound in at the end. Pictorial ex-libis of William Tyson, Bristol. .3917 Wood. New England's Prospect; being a true, lively and experimental description of that part of Am- erica commonly called New England. Third ed. pp. I, 17, 128. 8° paper, uncut. London, printed, 1639. Boston: reprinted, 1764 This is really the 4th ed., with autographs of Cotton Tufts who has inscribed on the title-page : " The Gift of Nath. Rogers, Esq. (to Cotton Tufts), 1767, by whom the Introductory Essay was written." —See Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc. VI. 334-337- 366 . CATALOGUE. 3918 Wood, Anthony A. Athenae Oxonienses: an exact his- tory of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford; to which are added the Fasti, or annals of the said University. New edition with a continuation by Philip Bliss. 4 vols, royal 4° calf. London, 18 13 3919 Woodbury, Conn. History of Ancient Woodbury, from 1659 to 1854. By William Cothren. pp. 833, 5. Por- trait. 8° cloth. Waterbury, 1854 • 3920 Woodbury. Second Centennial Celebration of the Ex- ploration of Ancient Woodbury, and the reception of the first Indian Deed, held at Woodbury, July 4, 1859. Edited by William Cothren. pp. 105. 8° half roan. Woodbury, 1859 ■3921 Woodman. List of the Descendants of Mr. Joshua Woodman, who settled at Kingston, N. H., 1736. By J. H. Woodman, pp. 54, 1856; — List of some of the Descendants of Mr. Edward Woodman, who settled at Newbury, Mass., 1635. By Joshua Coffin, pp. 16, 1865. 2 vols. 12° and 8° half roan. 3922 [WooDNOTH, Arthur.] A Short Collection of the most Remarkable Passages from the Originall to the dissolu- tion of the Virginia Company. Title, pp. (i), 20. Small 4° half blue morocco. London, 1651 " In the Dedicatory Epistle, the work is stated to have been written by Arthur Woodnoth, a member and sometimes Deputy of the Virginia Company. An ancient adventurer and deligent prosecutor of the best ends for the advancement of the Virginia Plantation." 3923 Woodstock, Conn. An Historical Sketch. By C. W. Bowen. pp. 62. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1886 3924 Woodstock, Me. History of Woodstock, with family sketches and an appendix. By W. B. Lapham. pp. 315. Portraits. 8° cloth. Portland, 1882 3925 WooDWORTH, Samuel. Melodies, Duets, Trios, Songs and Ballads. Second ed. pp. 288. Frontispiece. 18° half russia. New York, 1830 3926 Wool. Hayes, J. L. Address in Phila., Sept. 6, 1865; — Protection a Boon, 1867; — The Angora Goat, 1868; — The Protective Policy, 1868; — American Textile Machinery, 1879; — Custom Duties on the Necessaries of Life, 1884; — Fires in Woolen Mills. 12 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Boston. / 3927 WooLEY, Charles. A Two Years Journal in New York, 5'|\1ctC. and part of its territories in America. New edition, with notes by E. B. O'Callaghan. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, i860 / CATALOGUE. 367 3928 WooLMAN, John. Journal of the Life, Gospel Labors , >?,'.•''■ and Christian Experiences of. 12° boards. New York, 1845 3929 WooLRYCH, H. W. Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jeffreys, sometime Lord High Chancellor of England, pp. 442. Portrait. 8° half calf. London, 1827 3930 Worcester, Marquis. Life, Times, and Scientific La- bours of the second Marquis of Worcester, to which is added a reprint of his Century of Inventions, 1663. By H. Dircks. pp. 625. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1865 - 3931 Worcester, Mass. History of Worcester, from its ear- liest Settlement to September, 1836. By W. Lincoln, pp. 384. 8° morocco, gilt. Worcester, 1837 3932 Worcester. History of Worcester, from its earliest .Settlement, to 1861. By William Lincoln and Charles Hersey. pp. 448. Portraits. 8° boards, uncut. Worcester, 1862 3933 Worcester. Notes, Historical and Chronological, on the Town of Worcester, Mass. By Nathaniel Paine. Plates. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Worcester, 1876 Only 35 copies privately printed. 3934 Worcester. Addresses of Inauguration of the Free In- stitute of Industrial Science, Nov. 11, 1868; ■ — Remi- niscences of the Fire Society, 1870; — Remonstrance against the Division of Worcester County, 1874; — Cen- tennial Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1876; — Thomas's Address July 4, 1876; — Sen- sational Literature in Public Libraries, by S. S. Green, 1879; — Relation of the Public Library to the Public Schools, 1880; — Gleanings from the Second Parish, by S. S. Green, 1883. 7 pamphlets. 3935 Worcester Magazine and Histerical Journal, containing Topographical and Historical Sketches of Worcester County. Edited by W. Lincoln and C. C. Baldwin. ■Portrait. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Worcester, 1826 3936 Wordsworth, Christopher. "Who wrote Eikon Bazil- ike?" considered and answered, pp. 413; — Documen- tary Supplement to "Who wrote Eikon Bazilike?" pp. 50;- — King Charles the First, the Author of Icon Ba- silike, further proved, pp. 256. In i vol. 8° morocco, gilt. London and Cambridge, 1824-28 3937 Wordsworth. Ecclesiastical Biography; or. Lives of Eminent Men, connected with the History of Religion in England. Third ed, 4 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1839 368 CATALOGUE. 3938 WoTTON, Sir Henry. Letters to Sir Edmund Bacon. pp. 166. 18° half morocco, (writing on title.) London, 1661 3939 WoTTON. The Characters of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, com- pared and contrasted. Edited by Sir Edgerton Brydges. pp. 37. 8° calf, gilt. Lee Priory Press, 1814 Only 100 copies privately printed. 3940 Wrangham, Rev. Francis. The British Plutarch. New edition, with additional Lives. 6 vols. 8° dark calf, gilt. London, 1816 Only 3 copies printed on blue paper. 3941 [Wright, Frances.] Views of Society and Manners in America, pp. 387. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1821 3942 Wright, H. C. Six Months at Graefenberg, with con- versations in the saloon on non-resistance and other subjects. Portrait. 12° morocco, red edges. London, 1845 3943 Wright, Thomas. A Collection of Old English Pieces. Edited with prefaces, notes and glossary. 4 vols., square 18° half morocco, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1836 3944 WycLiFFE, John. The New Testament in English trans- lated by John Wycliffe, circa 1380. Now first printed* from a contemporary Manuscript. 4° half roan, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1858 3945 Wynne, James. Private Libraries of New York. pp. 472. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. New York, i860 Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. 3946 N^ONGE, William. England's Shame; or the Un- \ masking of a Politick Atheist, being a full and faithful Relation "of the Life and Death of that grand Impostor Hugh Peters. Portrait, (mounted), pp. 88. 18° sheep. London, 1663 The author testified against Peters at his trial, 1660. . 3947 York, Me. Ancient City of Gorgeana, and Modern Town of York, from its earliest Settlement to the pres- ent time. By G. A. Emery, pp. 256. Illustrations. 16° cloth. Boston, 1874 3948 Young, Alexander. Library of the Old English Prose Writers. 9 vols. 16° russia, (bindings broken). Cambridge, 1831 Contents : Fuller's Holy State. — Sidney's Defence of Poesie. — Selden's Table Talk. — Sir T. Browne's Works. — Felltham's Re- solves. — Walton's Lives. — Latimer's Sermons. — Selections from J. Taylor. — Sir T. More's Works. CATALOGUE. 369 •■■3949 Young. Chronicles of the Pilgrim P"athers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. Portraits, (photograph 5"i;?Cjj//^jjjj jnemoir of the author inserted.) 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1841 With fac-simile of Blaskowitz's map of Plymouth and of Peregrine White's Will inserted. 3950 Young. The same. Second ed. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1844 A951 Young. Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony ' of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. 5 inserted ^"tk"/" PO''t''^i'^s ^"'^ MSS. notes by Mr Deane. 8° morocco, ' red edges. Boston, 1846 3952 Young. Another copy. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1846 3953 Young. Evangelical Unitarianism, 1830; — Discourse at the Ordination of James W. Thompson, Feb. 17, 1830; — Discourse on Nathaniel Bowditch, 1840; — Dis- course at the Ordination of George E. Ellis, March 11, 1840; — Discourse on William Prescott, Dec. 15, 1844; — Sins of the Tongue, 1845; — Discourse on William Parsons, March 26, 1837; — Discourse on the 20th An- niversary of his Ordination, Jan. 19, 1845; — Discourse at Harvard, May 13, 1846; — Discourse on Benjamin Rich, Jan. 8, 1851; — Discourse on Mrs. C. G. Pres- cott, May 23, 1852. II vols. 8° half roan. Boston, 1830-52 3954 Young, Edward. Night Thoughts. With the Life of the author, and notes, portraits and fine plates after designs by Stothard. pp. 364. Royal 8° calf, gilt. London, 1798 3955 Young, Thomas. Hopes Incouragement; a Fast Ser- mon, preached in Westminster, February 28, 1643. pp. 38. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1644 3956 Young and Minns. The Defence of Young and Minns, Printers to the State, before the Committee of the House of Representatives, pp. 68. 8° half roan, gilt. Boston, 1805 3957 Young Mans Calling, or the Whole Duty of Youth. pp. 425. Curious plates. 18° calf, gilt. London, 1678 V^3958 ^EISBERGER, David. Diary of David Zeisberger, f , a Moravian Missionary among the Indians of Ohio. r2'7iT),u ,i-3.>anslated and edited by Eugene F. Bliss, pp.464, 532. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1885 .3959 Zeisberger's Indian Dictionary. English, German, Iro- quois — the Onondga — and Algonquin — the Delaware. Printed from the original Manuscript in Harvard Col- lege Library. 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1887 Presentation_copy. 37° CATALOGUE. un^) , 3960 Zenger, John Peter. The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, who was lately try'd and acquited >^\\°IQ. f i for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Govern- ment. Fourth ed. pp. 32. 4° half calf, uncut. London, 1738 3961 Zenger. Trial of J. P. Zenger, of New York, Printer, who was charged with having printed and published a Libel against the Government, and acquitted, also. Trial of Mr. William Owen, Bookseller, pp. 59. 8° half roan. London, 1765 3962 ZiEGLER, J. Qvae intvs continentvr. Syria, ad Ptolo- maici operis rationem, Prasterea Strabone, Plinio, & An- tonio auctoribus locupletata. Palestina, iisdem auctori- bus Schondia, tradita ab auctoribus, qui in eius operis prologo memorantur. pp. no. Folio, half vel- lum. Argentorati, Petrum Opilionem, 1532 " The last map in the volume relating to the northern regions, con- tains Greenland and Terra Bacallaos. In the work is a division re- lating to the northern regions under the general name of Schondia, in which are separate chapters on Greenland, Iceland, Lapland, etc. " Zeigler lived in Rome, where, from two Bishops who had lived in Greenland and Iceland, he obtained the facts given in his work. 3963 ZuRLA, Placido. Sulle Antiche Mappe Idro-Geografiche lavorate in Venezia Commentario. pp. 96. Maps. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Venezia, 1818 PORTRAITS AND PLATES. 3964 Caricature. A New Drop Scene for D. L. T. Lon- don, 1808. Thomas Scrutiny, del. et sculp. 7x13 inches. Colored caricature. 3965 Dean, Nicholas, President of Croton Acqueduct Dept. Oval lithographic portrait. 3966 Franklin, Benjamin. The Politician, painted by S. Elmer, engraved by T. Ryder, London, 1824. 11^ x 15% inches, (cut close.) 3967 Franklin. Photographs of Paintings. (2) 3968 Portraits. Heliotypes. Wm. Tudor; J. Davis; Jas. Savage; Geo. R. Minot; Thos. L. Winthrop; Christo- pher Gore; Thomas Wallcutt. (16) 3969 Portraits. Wood-cuts. (8) 3970 Portraits. Phillis Wheatley; Edward Everett, (2); and 3 other unsigned proofs. (6) 3971 Portraits. Mr. C. Churchill, and Col. Benjamin Church, by P. Revere (the same likeness) ; Theodore Sedgwick, by St. Memin; James Otis; Thos. Smith; George Thacher; Thos. Prince; Josiah Winslow, etc. (-S) CATALOGUE. 371 3972 Portraits. Sir Edmund Andros; — Samuel Sewall, India proofs. (2) 3973 Portraits. Charles V; — Geo. Cruikshank; — R. B. Sheridan; — Mrs. Siddons, etc. (12) 3974 Revere, Paul. North Battery in Boston. Engraved by Paul Revere. 6 x j^ inches. Reprint from the origi- nal copper. 3975 Shakspeare. Portrait of Shakspeare, engraved by Martin Droeshout. London, (for first folio.) Evident- ly a contemporary copy of the original copper plate. 7)^ x6^ inches, narrow margins. 3976 WiLLARD. The Reverend Mr. Saml Willard. Engraved by Van der Gucht. 7 x 10)^ inches. Reprint from original copper. 3977 VViNTHROP. Portraits of Gov. John Winthrop; — Adam Winthrop; — R. C. Winthrop; — View of Groton Church, with tomb of Adam Winthrop; — Photographs of tombs and fac-similes of documents, etc., all relating to the Winthrop family. (15) MAPS. 3978 America noviter delineata. M. Meriam, fecit. Map II X 14 inches. 3979 Boston. Plan of the Town of Boston and the circum- jacent country shewing the present situation of the King's Troops and the Rebels Intrenchments, asth July, 1775- A water color map, 17x17 inches, mounted on linen. 3980 Boston. The same. Lithographic fac-simile. (6 copies.) 3981 Boston. A New Plan of y' Great Town of Boston in New England in America, with the many additional buildings and new streets, to the year 1769. By William Price. Folio, 17 x 24 inches. 3982 Boston. A Plan of the Town of Boston, with the In- • trenchments, etc., of His Majesty's Forces in 1775, from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers and from the plans of other gentle- men. Engraved and printed for Wm. Faden, 1777. 17^^ X 21 inches. 3983 Boston. Plan of the Town and Harbor of Boston, 1774, (plate engraved in England) from an accurate survey by British authority just previous to the Revolutionary war and was used by them as a guide and campaign map. 15 X 18 in. Heliotype fac-simile. Boston. %n Catalogue. 3984 Boston. The Town of Boston in New England, by Capt John Bonner, 1722. Re-engraved by George C. Smith, 1835. Folio, mounted with rollers. 3985 Boston and its Vicinity. By John G. Hales. Engraved by Edward Dillingham. Mounted on linen and folded in case. 3986 Boston. Plan of Boston, by William Burgess. Origi- nally engraved by Thos. Johnson in 1728, reproduced in 1869. 10^ X 14)^ in. Heliotype. 3987 Boston, Old and New. Heliotype in colors, showing the old town limits with the new, with references. 9x11^ in. Presentation copy from Justin Winsor. 3988 Boston. Carte de la Ville, Baye, et Environs de Baston. Par Jean Baptiste Louis Franquelin. 11x15 in. Heliotype. 3989 Boston. Bartlett's Illustrated Map of Boston. Tinted lithograph. 22 x 31 in. New York, 1871 3990 Boston. Plan of Boston, corrected under the direction of Committee on Printing of City of Boston, 1866. Folio, 27 x 39 in. 3991 Boston. Plan of Fort Hill, showing improvements as proposed, 1866. Large folio. 3992 Boston. A New Survey of the Harbour of Boston in New England. 16 x 21 in. Old copper plate, very badly damaged. Dublin. 3993 Bunker Hill. Sketch of the Battle of Bunker Hill. By a British officer. Published by George G. Smith. Bos- ton, 1843. 12 x 19 in. 3994 Carta da Navegar de Nicolo et Antonie Zeni Furono ni, tramonta I'ano 1380. ri x 14^ in. Heliotype. (4 copies). 3995 Centennial Map of Concord, by H. W. Blaisdell, 1875; — Centennial Map of the City of Charlestown, 1875. 2 pieces. 3996 Chart. Remarques sur la Navigation de Terre-Neuve a New York afin d'^viter les Courrants et les bas-fonds au Sud de Nantuckett et du Banc de George. 13 x 14^^ in. Paris, n. d. 3997 Hennepin. A Map of a New World between New Mexico and the Frozen Sea, newly discovered by Father Lewis Hennepin. loj^ x 17 in.;- — A Map of a Large Country newly (liscfivered in tiie Northern America, situated bclwccn New McnIco and the Frozen Sea. By Father Lewis Hennepin. 14/^ x 17 in. 2 original maps. CATALOGUE. 373 3998 Hennepin. Carte de la Nouvelle France et de la Louisi- ane, 1683. Par le Rev. Pare Louis Hennepin. 11 ^ x 19 in. Fac-simile map mounted on linen. 3999 Hubbard's Map of New England, 1677. Fac-simile of the Wine Hills map, published by W. B. Fowle, 1846. Boston. 4000 Kentucky. A Map of Kentucky, from actual survey, by Elihu Barker. Engraved for, and sold by Mathew Carey, Phila. 17^ x 39 in. 4001 Map of the Battle Ground of Greenbrier River, drawn and published by A. T. McRae, C. S. A. Quitman Guards, First Regt. Ga. Vols. Engraved by J. Baum- garten, Richmond, Va. Curious wood-cut map. 10^ X 16^ in. 4002 Map of the country between Albemarle Sound and Lake Erie, comprehending the whole of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. Engraved for the " Notes on Virginia." Folio, 24 x 24 in. Lithographic fac-simile. London. 4003 Map of North Sea and Lands, delineated upon a chart in the 14th century by Antonio Zeno. Reproduced by G. E. Emery. 3 heliotypes. 4004 Map of St. Helena Sound and the Coast between Char- lestown and Savannah. Boston, 1861. 9x12 in. 4005 Map of the State of Maine, with the Province of New Brunswick, by Moses Greenleaf, 1828. Large folio, with rollers 4006 Map of the World, on Mercator's Projection. By David H. Burr. .Folio, 19 x 23 in. 4007 Maps. Heliotypes of Old Maps, etc., reproduced for " Narrative and Critical History," etc. (27) 4008 Narragansett Bay. Plan of the battle of Newport in the Revolution. Lithograph from the original in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 4009 New England. Fac-simile by S. G. Drake for his edition of Hubbard's History, 1865. "Wine Hills" map, on bond paper. 4010 New England. The South Part of New-England, as it is Planted this yeare, 1634. 7^ x io>^ in. Heliotype. 401 1 New Englands and New France. Heliotype reproduc- tion of early map. g'^A x 12,'-^ in. (3 copies). 4012 North America. An Accurate Map of North America. By Eman Bovven and John Gibson, engraver. Photo- lithographic reproduction. 20>^ x 23 in. 374 CATALOGUE. 4013 North Carolina. A Compleat Map, from an actual sur- vey, by John Collet. 13x19^ in. Photo-lithographic fac-simile. 4014 Plan of the Entrance of Chesapeak Bay with James and York Rivers, wherein are shewn the respective posi- tions, in the beginning of October. By an Officer. r6 X 20 in. London, 1781 4015 PowNALL, T. A Map of the Middle British Colonies in North America. First published by Mr. Lewis Evans of Phila., in 1755, and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New England and bordering parts of Canada. Engraved by Jas. Turner, Phila. 19% x 23^ in. 4016 Rhode Island. Map of the State of Rhode Island, taken mostly from surveys, by Caleb Harris. Engraved for Carter & Wilkinson, Providence, 1795. Reprint from old copper. 16 x 22 in. 4017 Rhode Island. A Topographical Map of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Surveyed by James Stevens, 1846. Folio, with rollers. 4018 Sketch Map of Pascataway, Maine and New Hampshire; — Map of the Lakes and Head Quarters of the Andros- coggin River. 2 pieces. 4019 Sketch Map of a portion of Plymouth Colony, to illustrate Church's Annals of Philip's War. Lithograph, 1865. Folio. 4020 Smith. The Summer lis. Reproduction of the map from the first edition of Smith's " Generall Historie of Virginia." 13 J^ x 10^ in. (3 copies). 4021 Stevens, Henry. Maps issued with the Geographical Notes and Tehuantepec Railway. Photo-lithographic reproductions. Folio. (8) 4022 Telegraph Chart showing the track of the great sub- marine Atlantic Telegraph, and the depthsbf the ocean. With an account of the invention and operation of the magnetic telegraph. Folio. New York, 1858 4023 Trelawny Patent (heliotype) and Pemaquid Map, (a tracing.) (2 pieces). 4024 United States of North America; with the British Terri- tories and those of Spain. Engraved by W. Faden, 1793. Folio, 20 X 23 in. Lithographic fac-simile. London. 4025 United States. General Map of the United States. New York, 1861. Folio, mounted with rollers. CATALOGUE. 375 4026 Virginia. Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland. Par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy, 1755. Folio, 18 x 23 in. Lithographic fac-simile. London. 4027 Virginia and Maryland, as it is planted and inhabited this present year 1670, surveyed and exactly drawne by Augustin Herrman. Folio, 20 x 24 in. Lithographic fac-simile. London. 4028 Virginia. Smith's Map of Virginia, with picture of Powhatan in the left hand corner. (2 variations); — Map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole of the Province of Maryland. Drawn by Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson. 14 x 19 in. 3 re- productions. 4029 York County, Me., from actual survey by J. Chase, Jr., published by J. L. Smith & Co., Boston, 1856. Large folio, mounted with rollers. AUTOGRAPHS. ABBREVIATIONS. a. I. s. autograph letter signed ; /. 0. letter signed; d. j. document signed ; a n. s. autograph note signed. 4030 Adams, John Quincy, President of the United States, a. d. s. I page 8°, "Oct. 22, 1814"; — Daniel Webster, Statesman, a. I. s. i page 8° and address, "Boston, Oct. 12, 1844," to N. D. Hubbard, making a business appointment. Secretaries of State. (2) 4031 Allen, Col. Ira, Revolutionary officer, brother of Ethan Allen, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, "Fortfradreck, October 14, 1774," to Col. Ethan Allen, on business connected with the Land Grants; — Levi Allen, another brother of Ethan, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, "Quebec, July 7, 1787," to Col. Ira Allen, on business. (2) 4032 Amherst, Sir Jeffrey, Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in America, Colonial Governor of Va. , a. I. s. I page 4°, "Camp of Tionderoga, Aug. 1, 1759," to Col. Bradstreet. "... .pray be so good to forward the brewing apparatus as fast as possible, the Army is be- ginning to grow sickly and I believe from no other reason but drinking water wherever they find it, which sickness will, I hope, be got the better of by spruce beer. . . . The shoes will be of great use to us . ." Autograph letters of Gen. Amherst are rare. 376 CATALOGUE. 4033 Anne, Queen of England, d. s. portion of, 1-2 page 4°. Sign manual, at the head of a document. 4034 Belcher, Jonathan, Colonial Governor of Massachusetts, 1730, and of New Jersey, 1747, a. d. s. portion of, 1-2 page 4°, "Boston, June 2, 1720"; — Thomas Gushing, Governor of Mass., 1785, M. O. C. etc., a. I. s. i page oblong 8°, "Boston, Jan. 9, 1764." Written and signed as selectman of Boston, and signed also by Samuel Sewall, and Henderson Inches. (2) 4035 Belknap, Rev. Jeremy, Historian, Minister of Federal St. Church, founder of the Mass. Hist. Soc, a. I. s. i page 4° and address to Mrs. Leach in regard to her joining his Church; • — • Judge Mellen Chamberlain, a. I. s. I page 8°, 1878, sending the same to Mr. Deane. (2) 4036 BowRiNG, Sir John, Author, linguist and statesman, Gov. of Hong Kong, a. I. s. i page 8°, "London, Oct. 4, 1841," to Richard Allanby, regarding a petition to abolish the Slave trade, which he intended to offer in the House of Commons. 4037 Bradford, William, Second Governor of Plymouth Col- ony, 162,1, and one of the "Mayflower" Pilgrims, author of the "History of Plymouth Colony, 1602-1647," lately given to Massachusetts by the Bishop of London, a. I. s. I page 4° and address, "Plimouth, Dec. 11, 1645," to "his much honoured friend, Mr. John Winthrop, deputie Gou'. of Ye Massachusets these be d. d.," and bearing Winthrop's endorsement. " . . I am re- quested to write these few lines unto you in the behalfe of some Indeans of Yarmoth, who complaine that Mr. AfHey owes them 6 coats of trading cloath, and a pair of small briches, for service they did him, in taking of sturgion. Some of them affirme that they were loath to have loast their hunting when he Importuned them to help him, and now not to repay them for their laboure they take it very ill, and take occasion therby to scan- dalice all Ye English " This letter is the one sent to London for comparison with the MS. in the Ful- ham Library to determine if the latter was the long miss- ing Bradford History. See " Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc. April 12, 1855." In perfect condition and very rare. 4038 Bradstreet, Col. John, In Pepperrell's regiment at Louisburg, with Amherst at Ticonderoga, captured Fort Frontenac, etc., a. I. s. i page 4°, "Albany, Dec. 24, 1759," to Capt. Abraham Dow. An order for the payment of money for "the Publick Service." Rare. CATALOGUE. 377 4039 Broadside. — "Boston, Dec. i, 1773. At a Meeting of the People of Boston and the neighbouring Towns, at Faneuil Hall in said Boston, on Monday the 29th of November, 1773, ti'ns o'clock, a. m., and continued by Adjournment to the next Day; for the Purpose of con- sulting, advising and determining upon the most proper and effectual Method to prevent the unloading, receiv- ing or vending the detestable Tea, sent out by the East India Company, Part of which being just arrived in this Harbour. . . ." Heliotype reproduction. 4040 Broadside, — "The First Great Western Empire, or The United States of America, January 15, 1812." Pub- lished to inspire the Patriots to enlist in the War of 1812. Reprint. 4041 Brooks, Dr. John, Revolutionary officer. Governor of Massachusetts, etc., a. I. s. i page folio, "Medford, May 22, 1801," to Jonathan Jackson. 4042 Burleigh, William Cecil, Lord, Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth, Lord High Treasurer, 1572, etc., d. s. I page folio, endorsement for the payment of the bill of William Robinson "for ryding with letters from the Rt. Hon. my Lord Burleigh, Lord High Treasurer of Eng- land to Mr. William Sands, Esquire, one of the Com- missioners appointed for the repair of the forts and Castles, etc." 4043 Burns, Robert, Scotch poet, a. d. 2 pages 8°, (1793- 94). A copy of his famous impromptu, written when Gen. Dumouriez deserted the Army of the French Re- public. "You're welcome to Despots, Dumourier, You're welcome to "Despots, Dumourier, How does Dampiere do ? Ay, and Beurnonville too ? Why did they not come along with you, Dumourier? . . ." Very rare. 4044 Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, Prime Minister of England, d. s. portion of, 1-2 page 8°, "Whitehall, Sept., 1762," signed also by T. Dashwood, and James Oswald; — two other portions of Treasury documents, signed by Charles Townshend, Duke of Newcastle, Grenville, Legge and others, each 1-2 page 8°. (3) 4045 Carlos, Don, King of Spain, grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella, and of Maximilian of Germany, /. s. i page oblong folio, and address, "Burgos, June 17, 1524." To the Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, appointing Pedro de Peaztagni to a commandery in the Order, and bearing the official signature "Yo el Rey. " Very rare, and in very good condition. 378 CATALOGUE. 4046 Gary, Sir Robert, Officer of the Household of King James I., of England, d. s. i page folio, "Aug. 17, 1619," warrant for a treasury payment, to one of the officers "of his highness" wardrobe." 4047 Chalmers, George, Scotch historian. Secretary of the Board of Trade, a. I. in 3d person, i page 4°, and wrap- per franked, "Whitehall, 16 June, 1789"; — and a. d. I page 4°, an extract from the Charter of the Colony of Rhode Island. (2) 4048 Charles I., King of England, /. s. 2 pages folio and address, "our Court att Oxford, December 21, 1642," to "Our trusty and Welbeioued Our high Sheriffe of Our County of Montgomery Wee are very much moued and afflicted with the Sence Wee haue of the Pressures_^and Sufferings of Our good subjects of that our County in so high a measure from the forces of the Rebells, and in some Degree from such forces of Our Own w""" Wee were constrained by this Rebellion to rays there for the necessary Defence of Ourselfe and of that our County . . . Wee are afflicted for the Difficulties and Dammages they have sustayned by occasion of this Desperate Rebellion .... nothing but the necessity of Warre . should euer in Our Raigne haue brought upon them . . ." Most interesting letter written just at the beginning of the war. In perfect condition, and very rare in this form. 4049 Charles V., Emperor of Germany (Charles I. of Spain), /. s. I page folio and address, "Oct. 7, 1529," to the Prince of Orange, to retain and treat well Don Diego Somiento. Stained, and margin injured, but signature intact. Rare. 4050 Clap, Rev. Thomas, President of Yale College, 1740, a. I. s. I page folio and address, "New Haven, June 25, 1762," to the Rev. Jared Eliot. A notification for a meeting of the Corporation of the College, before Commencement. Rare. 4051 Clay, Henry, Statesman and orator, Secretary of State, etc., a. I. s. I page 4°, "Washington, Oct. 10, 1828, (Confidential)," to Mr. Madison. In regard to the quali- fications of Mr. Trist, a member of Mr. Jefferson's fam- ily, for a position in the State Department. 4052 Confederate States. Bonds and Certificates, issued by the Confederate States Government, during the Civil War, and authorized by Acts of Dec. 24, 1861, Feb. 20, 1863, and Feb. 17, 1864, all in blank. Also a blank Pommission for a Privateer. "Montgomery," 1861. (7) CATALOGUE. 379 4053 CuNFEDERATE States Fractional Currency. Specimens of the currency issued by several of the states during the Civil War, 1861-1863. North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, etc., in sums of five to fifty cents; — also a |i note of the Castine Bank, 1819. (10) 4054 Confederate States Paper Currency. Specimens of the currency issued by the Confederate States Govern- ment during the Civil War, 1861-1864, in sums of one to fifty dollars, and various issues; — also a one dollar note, issued by the State of Virginia, May 15, 1862. All in fairly good condition. (14) 4055 Connecticut Lottery Ticket, "for the Benefit of the Ferry-Point-Wharff in New Haven, 1754," signed by Jared Ingersoll; — Loan office Certificate, "Jan. 11, 1782," signed by M. Hillegas, Moses Brown, and others; — and three checks of the Bank of the United States, 1799, 1800, 1801. (5) 4056 Continental Money. Currency issued by the Conti- nental Congress, 1775-76-77-78, in sums of three, five, seven and eight dollars, and one-sixth of a dollar; — also specimens of the issues of the Colonies of New Jer- sey, 1776, Maryland, 1774, Pennsylvania, 1775-1777, and Massachusetts, 1780, and one rare bill of Nov., 1776. (14) 4057 Cotton, Rev. Seaborn, Minister to Hampton, son of Rev. John Cotton of Boston, a. I. s. i page 4° and ad- dress, "Hampton, Aug. 3, 1682," to his brother John. 4058 Cotton, William, d. s. double folio, "Boston, Feb. 9, 1668." A deed of land in Boston, to Jonathan Shrimp- ton, and signed also by Edward Rawson, Secretary, ffrancis Robinson and William Pearseson. Two good impressions of Cotton's seal. On vellum. 4059 Cruikshank, George, English artist and caricaturist, autograph signature, 1 page oblong 8°, "Oct. 3, 1866. " 4060 Davis, Judge John, Comptroller U. S. Treasury, the youngest member, and last survivor of the Convention to adopt the U. S. Constitution, a profound antiqua- rian, Pres. of the Mass. Hist. Soc, 1818-1843, a. I. s. I page 4° and address, " April 26, 1834, " to Thomas L. Winthrop. 4061 Deane, Rev. Samuel, Minister of Falmouth, (Portland), Poet, gained for the best English ode on the death of George IL , and the accession of George IIL , one of the six prizes awarded by Harv. Coll., MS. Sermon. 16 pages 8°, "Dec. 26, 1874." 38o CATALOGUE. 4062 Deane, Silas, Diplomatist, agent for America in Europe during the Revolution, M. O. C, etc., a. I. s. i page 4°, " Wethersfield, Feb, 5, 1770." Describes the in- dignation and the efforts " . . .to make a stand here and if possible break thro, the nonimportation agreement " Also copy of a most indignant letter to John Hancock, upon the way in which he was being treated by the Congress. 4063 Dickinson, John, Member of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765, signer of the Articles of Confederation, member of the Annapolis and Constitutional Conventions, M. O. C, etc., a.l.s. 2 pages 4°, "Philadelphia, June 22, 1769." 4064 Doddridge, Dr. Philip, English nonconformist clergy- man and theologian. Auto. MS. 3 pages 8°, "North- ampton, Feb. 21, 1747-8." A Sermon in short-hand " Of being brought into Ye Covnt under the Rod.'' 4065 Downing, Emanuel, Representative to the General Court from Salem, 1638-43, married Lucy, sister of Gov. John Winthrop, a. I. s. i page 4°, and address, " Salem, 5th day morning, (endorsed,) 1641," to "his verie loving cosen Mr. Peter at Boston." Wishing him a safe journey to England, etc. Presented to Mr. Deane by Mr. R. C. Winthrop, and printed in the Col- lections of the Mass. Hist. Soc, Vol. 6, (4th series), page 58. Very rare. 4066 Dyer, Eliphalet, Member of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765, M. O. C, etc., a. I. s. 2 pages folio and address, "York-Town, Feb. 17, 1778," to William Williams, the Signer, and endorsed by him. ". . the distresses of our diminished array, the little prospects of Magazines being laid up sufficient for an Increase equal to our de- mands, fill me with much anxiety, the South States say you must not depend upon us, when we turn our eyes eastward they say we must not depend upon them. You doubtless before this will hear various rumours of a Canada Expedition and may wonder among our many wants, we should undertake thiswild plan. The Truth is Genl. Gates had laid the plan and made every prepara- tion for Genl. Stark with a party under him . . . to make an irruption into Canada, as his accounts were the Garrison at St. John and Chamble were very weak. .... We have just received a letter from Genl. Washington that a cartel is settled between him and Genl. How for a full exchange of Prisoners which will redeem all our privates and a great part of our Officers. ..." A very fine letter. CATALOGUE. 381 4067 DwiGHT, Theodore, Jr., Author and journalist, a. l. s. 3 pages 4° and address, " New York, Dec. 26, 1846," to Mr. Charles Deane, in regard to the authenticity of "Madame Knight's Journal." See Pro. Mass. Hist. Soc, Dec. [877, pp. 386-8, where this letter is printed. 4068 Elizabeth, Queen of England, d. s. i page oblong folio, n. d. Sign Manual to an Act of Parliament. On vellum. Rare. 4069 Endecott, John, First Governor of Mass. -Bay, 1629, a. d. s. double folio, " the sixteenth day of the ffourth moneth, 1656," an acknowledgement before him as Governor. Indenture, given and signed by Edward Tyng, Jr., Elder William Colburn, and Elder James Penn, to the Company of the Waterworks to lay and maintain a conduit " in the street now called orknowne by the name of Conduit Street," (Dock Square). Signed also by Edward Rawson, secretary, and others. On vellum. 4070 Franklin, Benjamin, Signer of the Declaration, Member of the Congress at Albany, 1754, and of the Constitu- tional Convention, M. O. C. , etc., a. I. s. \ page folio, "Philadelphia, Dec. 19, 1763," to Mr. Ingersoll. Writ- ing as Postmaster General of America with Mr. Fox- croft, in regard to Mr. Holt, a local Postmaster who had fallen in debt to the office. 4071 Free Church of Scotland. Fac-simile of " Act of Sepa- ration and Deed of Demission executed at the meeting of the Assembly of The Free Church of Scotland, Held at Edinburgh, on the 23d of May, 1843." Signed by all the Protesting Ministers and Elders. A roll 8 feet X 15 inches; — Other fac-similes of Increase Mather, Lord Byron, Bishop Samuel Seabury and others. (7) 4072 Gage, Thomas, Commander in Chief of the British forces in America, Governor of Mass., etc., a. I. s. i page folio, " New York, May 8, 1769," to Col. Brad- street. 4073 George I., King of England, d. s. 2 pages folio, " Court of St. James, May 9, 1719." Permission to the Duke of Bolton and Earl Stanhope to be absent from the realm. Signed also by James Craggs, Secretary of State. In fine condition, and rare. Beautiful impres- sion of the great seal. 4074 George II., King of England, d. s. 2 pages folio, "Court of St. James, Feb. 27, 1758." A warrant for the payment of money to a contractor, for supplying the army with bread, wood, etc. Signed also by the Duke of New- castle, and other officials. 382 CATALOGUE. 4075 GiBBS, Rev. Henry, Minister of Watertown, a. d. 4 pages 8°, n. d., MS. Sermon, " Beliold now is the accepted time." Written in an almost microscopic iiand, but perfectly legible. 4076 Goodrich, Chauncey, Jurist and Statesman, member of the Hartford Convention, a. I. s. 2 pages 4°, "New Haven, April 11, 1780," to Stephen R. Bradley, con- gratulating him upon the successful work which he had done, for the benefit of the future state of Vermont. 4077 Gordon, Lord George, Member of Parliament, leader in the " No Popery Riots," June, 1780, tried for high treason, etc., a. d. s. i page folio, "June 18, 1785." A declaration before a Justice of the Peace that he con- siders his life in danger, in consequence of threatening letters which he has received from Ireland. Signed also by Robert Abington, the magistrate. The Gordon riots form much of the plot of Dickens' Barnaby Rudge. Rare. 4078 Hallam, Henry, English historian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8", " Tunbridge Wells, Oct. 4, 1842," to the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, regarding his son's enter- ing the college. Rare. 4079 Hancock, John, President of Congress, Signer of the Declaration, and of the Articles of Confederation, Governor of Mass., etc., a. I. s. i page 4° and address franked, "Boston, Dec. 19, 1770," to James Ahearn, on business. 4080 Hazard, Ebenezer, United States Postmaster [General, 1782-89, a. I. s. I page 4°, "New York, June 11, 1789." A personal letter to Rev. Dr. Jedediah Morse. Scarce. 4081 Hazen, Moses, Brigadier General in the Revolution, a. I. s. 3 pages 4° and address, " Fishkills, Feb. 5, 1781," to Col. Timothy Bedel. ". . . . I hear noth- ing more of the Expedition which we wish to have undertaken. The Commotions in the army and that in the Pennsylvania line and the Jersey Troops are at length settled, the latter to the Hon' of our arms, I wish I could say as much for the former. The Com- mander in Chief is a going to Rhode Island in a few days, which is a good symptom — as the Marquis is to accompany him. . . . We have lately made a suc- cessful excursion on our Enemies Cantonments at New York. Taken near sixty prisoners, killed a number without much loss, we are Impatient to hear from Europe in order to Determine whether it will be peace or War many politicians Depend on the former." CATALOGUE. 383 4082 Henry VII., King of England, d. s. oblong folio, " Given at our Manour of Holymount, March 6, 1506", signed also by Edmond Dudley. On vellum. 4083 Henry VIII., King of England, /. s. i page oblong folio, and address, "Nov. 17, 1533," to Sir William Breton, appointing William Davenport, as Sheriff of Chester. Upon paper bearing watermark of a crowned hand, (1468). See " Historical Documents, Scott & Davy," page 5, of Watermarks. Rare. 4084 Houston, William Churchill, Member of the Annapolis and Constitutional Conventions, M. O. C, etc., /. s. 2 pages 4°, "In Committee of Foreign Affairs, Phila., July II, 1780," to John Jay, inclosing a Resolve of Congress, appointing Henry Laurens to solicit a Loan from the Low Countries. Signed also by James Lovell, M. O. C. 4085 Hutchinson, Thomas, Colonial Governor of Mass., 1769, et seq., member of the Congress at Albany, 1754, d. s. double folio, " Boston, Oct. 2, 1772, "signed also by John Cotton, Secretary, and Clerk of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765. Rare engraved military Commission to Edward Dean of Taunton. Backed. 4086 James I., King of England, (James VI. of Scotland), /. s. I page folio and address, " June 8, 1616," to Thomas Egerton, (Lord Ellesmere), Lord Chancellor of Eng- land. Appointing Sir John Dachombe as Chancellor of Lancaster. In perfect condition, with beautiful im- pression of the seal, and fine watermark. Rare. 4087 Jay, John, President of Congress, one of the Signers of the Treaty of Peace, Sept. 3, 1783, first Chief Justice of the U. S., etc., /. .f. i page folio, "March 31, 1785," to the Governor of Massachusetts. ". Your Excellency will perceive from these papers that the Bishops of Denmark will confer holy Orders on American Candidates without any Tests, which, (like those insisted on in England), would be improper for Americans to comply with " 4088 Jay, John, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, "Bedford, April 28, 1805," to Goldsborow Baneyar. A personal and familiar letter. 4089 Johnson, Sir William, Commander of the Crown Point expedition, Superintendent of Indian affairs, member of the Albany Congress, 1754, etc., a. L s. 2 pages 4°, "Johnson Hall, Oct. 27, i773-" ^ business letter. 384 CATALOGUE. 4090 Jefferson, Thomas, Signer of the Declaration, M. O. C, President of the United States, etc., a. I. s. i page 4°, " Monticello, June 15, 1815," to President James Madison, asking for the appointment of an Indian agent. " . . . Monroe is with us, and his daughter Mrs. Hay extremely ill Bonaparte, unprincipled as he is, is at length placed in a situation to claim all our prayers against the enterprises meditated on the in- dependence of his nation. . . . " 4091 Lafayette, Gilbert Motier, Marquis de. Major General in the American Revolution, etc., a. I. in 3rd person, i page 4° and address, "August i, 1828," to Mr. Petit de Villes, inclosing him a ticket for the meeting on the following day. 4092 Lincoln, Levi, Jr., Governor of Massachusetts, 1825, et seq. , a. I. s. i page 4° and address, " Worcester, Feb. 14, 1820," on legal matters. 4093 Livingston, Philip, Member of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765, Signer of the Declaration, M. O. C. , etc., a. I. s. I page folio, " New York, Sept. 2, 1751," a business letter. " . . Mr. Bryan is dead and did during his Life act the part of an honest man with me as far as he was able. But I cannot say so much for Mr. Clarke who makes no bones to make promises without any design to perform. I desire you to see him with- out delay. . . . " Very rare. 4094 Louis XIV., King of France, d. s. i page large folio, " Fontainebleau, Sept. 25, 1694." Military route for some soldier from Hasnault to Paris. 4095 Louis XVI., King of France, d. s. 1 page large folio, "Paris, May i, 1791." An order to the Treasurer General of the civil list, to pay to the Abbe Caussin, his salary as Chaplain of Marley. Signed also by the Minister Laporte, who was afterwards guillotined. 4096 Lyon, Col. Matthew, Politician, founder of Fairhaven, Vt., M. C, opponent of Roger Griswold, gave the vote which made Jefferson president, etc., a. I. s. i page folio and address, "Fairhaven, Maya, 1789," to Col. Ira Allen, on business. 4097 Mackenzie, Henry, Scotch lawyer and novelist, author of " The Man of Feeling, " etc., a. l. s. 2 pages 4° and address, "Edinburgh, Jan. 11, 1783, " to Cadell the publisher, regarding Mrs. Yates's acting of a new play, and the chance of Mr. Harris producing it at Covent Garden Theatre. Torn, but repaired. CATALOGUE. 385 4098 Malone, Edmund, Irish critic and Shakesperian writer, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, •' Aug. 20, 1810, " in relation to his Essay on Ford. ". . . . I took much pains on this sub- ject about a year ago, and conceive that I am quite im- pregnable. I defy even Buonaparte and all his Myrmi- dons to make the least impression on my fortification. . . . "; — Dr. Nathan Drake, English physician and essayist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Hadleigh, Dec. 31, 1825. " (2) 4099 Mather, Rev. Dr. Increase, President of Harvard Col- lege, Minister of the North Church, Boston, the first person to receive the degree of D. D. in America, a. d. s. I page 8°, "Aug. 13, 1713. " A list of marriages; also a. d. 1-2 page oblong 8° Memo. Rare. (2) 4100 Miscellaneous Letters, 4° and folio, 1813-1840, some of them written to W. Deane; and three documents, 1733-1799- (u) 4101 Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of, Son of Charles II. of England, leader of "Monmouth's rebellion," 1685, executed July 15, of the same year, /. s. i page folio and address, " Whitehall, Oct. 18, " with seal. To Sir Richard Bulstrode. ". . . I have acquainted his maj'sty with yours, who is pleased to promise that you shall deliver his compliments to the Governor there upon the peace . . . As to the Bread it was Pereira's agree- ment with me att Bruxelles that he would aske no more for what hee should furnish, than what should bee con- tracted for here. . " Written probably while Com- mander-in-Chief, and before the Peace of Nimeguen. In perfect condition, and very rare. 4102 Moody, Rev. Silas, Minister of the Congregational Church at Arundel, Maine, 1771-1816. MS. Sermons, 8°, 1770-1815. (6) 4103 Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of. Lord High Ad- miral of England, commanded the fleet against the Armada, /. .f. i page folio and address, "Richmond, Jan. 13, 1599. The Privie Councell for allowance of His petition to Arthur Gregory as Engineer for ye for- tifications at Ventnor Castle. " Signed also by Sir John Popham, Thomas Egerton, (Lord Ellesmere), Lord Buckhurst, Robert Cecil, (Lord Salisbury), and others, members of the Council. 4104 Oliver, Andrew, Secretary of the Province of Mass., Lieut. Governor, and Stamp master, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, "Boston, July 20, 1767, to Jared Inger^ soil, on law business. 386 CATALOGUE. 4105 Oath of Allegiance, Small broadside, i page 4°, " Feb. 1685, on solemn oath, before Almighty God, did abjure and renounce the late Traiterous Apologeti- cal Declaration, in so far as it declares War against His Majesty, and assert.s that it is lawful to kill such as serve His Majesty in Church, State, Army, or Countrey, conform to His Majesties late Proclamation of the thir- tieth day of December last The ink in which the names were written has entirely faded out. 4106 Oliver, Robert Dudley, English naval officer in the war of 1812, /. s. I page folio, " H. M. .Ship Valiant, Off New London, Dec. 2, 1813, " to Henry Gahm, Swedish Consul at New York. Announcing that by order of Sir John Borlase Warren, Long Island Sound is in a state of Blockade. 4107 Parsons, Theophilus, Chief Justice of Massachusetts, Attorney General of the U. S., a. d. i page 4°, authen- ticated by a note from his son. Judge Parsons. The MS. is upon the reverse of a. I. s. 3 pages 4° , " Mar- blehead, Jan. 10, 1804, " of Chief Justice Samuel Sewall, in regard to the drafting of a new bill on the descent, etc., of Intestate estates; Ch. Justice Parsons' MS. re- ferring to the same subject. 4108 Perkins, James, Loyalist, addresser of Hutchinson, and of Gage, and a protester against the Whigs, arrested, April, 1776, by order of the Council; his residence was on the ground where the Tremont Building now stands. a. I. s. 6 pages 4° and address, ''Halifax, Aug. 2, 1776, " to Gardiner Greene. Most interesting letter giving details of the movements of the British troops, the loyalists, etc. ". . . . every day may bring forth something new where War rages. You undoubtedly en- quire how I came here, I will tell you. About the mid- dle of March past, Genl. Howe with his army consisting of about 7 or 8000 men with women and children, In- habitants of Boston, Refugees from the Country, etc., quitted the Town of Boston. ... & came down to this Hole. . . .1 blame no one, for the Devil himself couldn't think to see the present unhappy War increase to so great a Height in so short a Time Half of Boston is now in England, and they tell me that the Bostonians are so thick about the streets of London that it is imagined Selectmen, Wardens, etc., will be chosen there according to the old Bostonian method. . . . . " Printed in the Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Soc, for June, 1873. CATALOGUE. 387 4109 Peale, Rembrandt, Artist, son of Charles W. Peale, painted from life a portrait of Washington, 1795, <'^- ^- ^■ I page 8°, " Best., Dec. 4, 1859, " to Frederick Kidder. 4110 Peters, Rev. Samuel, D. D., Celebrated clergyman, and loyalist, elected Bishop of Vermont, but not consecrated, author of " History of Conn., " 1781, a. I. s. 3 pages 4° and address, " London, June 28, 1795, " to Col. Ira Allen, on business matters. 41 11 Plymouth, England. Impression of the Seal of the Corporation of Plymouth; given Mr. Deane by James P. Baxter, of Portland, Maine, 1882. 4112 PoPHAM, Sir John, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, England, 1591, et seq., /. j-. i page folio, " Court at Richmonde, Oct. 9, 1601. " Signed also by Lords Not- tingham, EUesmere, Buckhurst, Salisbury and Stanhope, and others, members of the Privy Council. An order to the Lord Treasurer to pay for the provisioning of the army, etc. 41 13 PowNALL, Thomas, Colonial Governor of Massachusetts, 1757, and of South Carolina, 1760, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, " Richmond, Jan. 17, 1781, " to Joseph Sharpe, on legal business. 41 14 Prince, Rev. Thomas, Minister of the Old South Church, Boston, 1718, etseq., author of "Annals," etc., a. I. s. I page 4°, Jan. 30, 1744-5, " '^o Rev. Charles Chauncy, Minister of the First Church, Boston. The paper con- tains also an (/. /. s. of Chauncy to Prince, and a second letter of Prince in reply. The correspondence, all re- ferring to Mr. Whitefield's preaching in Boston, Mr. Chauncy being bitterly opposed to him, having in 1742, published " Discourse on Enthusiasm," directed against him. This correspondence, (three letters on one sheet), is printed in the Mass. Hist. Soc, Collections, Vol. 2, 4th Series, pp. 238-9. Very interesting and very rare. 41 15 Prospectuses, of the publication of " Hubbard's His- tory of New England, " of " Historical Collections," and of "Hutchinson's History, " each a printed broadside of I page folio, 1814-1827. (3) 41 16 Quick, Rev. John, English clergyman, and friend of Dr. Benjamin Colman, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, " Sydenham, in Kent, July 11, 1701, " to Dr. Colman. See N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, Vol. III. pp. 109-115. 41 17 QuiNCY, Josiah, Jr., Orator and patriot of the Revolu- tion, a. d. I page 4°. Aut. address of letter; authenti- cated by Robert Gilmor, to whom it was sent by Miss Quincy. 388 CATALOGUE. 4118 Rees, Rev. Abraham, D. D., English Unitarian minister, editor of '• Cyclopaedia, " 1803-19, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, " Clifton Wood, June 28, 1823, " to Rev. Mr. Lowell. 41 19 Robinson, Col. Beverley, Major under Wolfe at the storming of Quebec, Col. of the Loyal American Regi- ment, his house was Arnold's Headquarters at the time of the treason, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, " New York, Sept. 29, 1766, " to Jared Ingersoll, on law busi- ness. 4120 Rush, Richard, Statesman and diplomatist, Cabinet offi- cer, a. I. s. 3 pages 4°, "Washington, Aug. 12, 1815, " to President Madison. A personal letter, sending him the " last Edinburgh Review. " 4121 St. Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de, French novel- ist, author of "Paul and Virginia, " a. d. 2 pages fo- lio, "Notes on Natural History. " Authenticated by the celebrated Louis Aimd Martin, French educational writer. 4122 Scott, Sir Walter, British novelist and poet, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, " Edinburgh, Feb. 2, 1826, " in regard to accounts owed. " .... I should wish the smaller debts and poorer people settled with if possible. ... I am happy to say Woodstock advances so well that if God Grant me life, health and spirits it will be on the counters even in the end of February. Lady Scott has agreed to make no more accompts. ..." 4123 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, English statesman, orator and dramatist, a. I. s. (initials), i page 4° and address franked, 1806, to Richard Wilson; — also/, j. i page 4° and address, " Nov. 25, 1806. " An election circular. 4124 Sherman, Roger, Signer of the Declaration, and of the articles of Confederation, M. O. C, etc., a. d. 2 pages 4°, " Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1775. " James Dean's In- formation "; — Robert Morris, Signer of the Declara- tion, and of the Articles of Confederation, member of the Annapolis and Constitutional Conventions, M. 0. C, etc., /. s. portion of, 1-2 page 4°, "Sept. 15, 1783, " signed also by Thomas Willing, ]NL O. C. An official notice of the admission of a new member to the firm of "Willing and Morris." (2) 4125 Sherman, Roger, a. d. 5 pages 4", "June 13, 1787, Report of the Committee. " The Report consists of nineteen Articles upon the establishment of the legisla- tive branch of the U. S. Government. See Madison Papers, pp. 73I-3S, and 858-61. CATALOGUE. 389 4126 SiDDONS, Harriet, English writer, a. I. s. 5 pages 8° and address, " Edinburgh, July 23, 1833, " to the Duchess of St. Albans, asking aid for a worthy object of charity. 4127 Smith, William, Jr., Chief Justice of New York, loyalist in the Revolution, Chief Justice of Canada, 1786. Au- thor of "Hist, of New York," a. I. s. 2 pages4°, " New York, Aug. 29, 1767," to Jared Ingersoll. ". . . . England is in great wrath, our Legislature to be sus- pended, a Board of Revenues established for this country, and an independent support to be provided for the Government and administration of Justice. I am not afraid of their Principles, (the affairs of Taxation excepted) but I am of their Passion, and that our mu- tual Bickerings will teach us to hate each other, and so hasten a Day which neither you nor I wish to see. 4128 Stiles, Rev. Ezra, D. D., Clergyman and scholar. Presi- dent of Yale College, 1778, et seq., a. I. s. 1 page folio and address, " Newport, June 23, 1756," to Jared In- gersoll, on the subject of Free Masonry. Rare. 4129 Stilson, James, d. s. double folio, " Newcastle, March 27, 1733." A deed of land on the Muscongus River near Pemaquid, to Samuel Waldo. Signed also by Philip Carteret, Stephen Minot, Joseph Moody, and John Bal- lantine. On vellum. 4130 Thacher, George, Judge, M. O. C, etc., a. I. s. 3 pages folio and address, " Biddeford, Aug. 24, 1817, " to Messrs. Waterston and Pray, on business matters. Rare. 4131 Thoms, William John, English antiquary and author founder and editor of "Notes and Queries," I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, "Westminster, April 22, 1839," to T. Crofton Croker. 4132 Trumbull, Jonathan, d. s. i page folio, "Lebanon, Jan. 18, 1776." A Proclamation. ". . . Whereas I have authentic Intelligence that the army under the command of the late Gen. Montgomery has been re- pulsed in attempting to dispossess the Enemies of Am- erican Liberty, of the City of Quebeck, the General slain, with several of the ofificers and soldiers, and a number taken Prisoners, whereby re-inforcements are become indispensibly necessary in order to maintain the advantages already -gained in that country. . . . I have thought it necessary that at least one Regiment of Foot Sh'od be raised by voluntary inlistment in this Colony, etc " The whole document in the hand writing of William Williams, the Signer. 390 CATALOGUE. 4133 Trumbull, Jonathan, Colonial Governor of Connecticut, and the one who espoused the cause of the people, a. I. s. 2 pages folio, " Lebanon, April 14, 1757," to the " Com- mittee of the Pay Table, at Hartford," giving an ac- count of arms for the nth Company in Col. Phinehas Lyman's Regiment, for the next campaign. 4134 Vernon, James, English officer, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, "Whitehall, Feb. 20," circa 1678-9, to the Chevalier Bulstrode, British Minister at Brussels. ". . . . I have spoke to my Lord Duke (Monmouth) about some consideration for the paines you have taken about the forces, which no doubt hath been extraordin- ary and expensive too, and his Grace hath promised to speak to the King upon that point. 413s Walpole, Sir Robert, afterwards Earl of Orford, Eng- lish Statesman, Chancellor of the exchequer, etc., d. s. portion of, i page 4°, "Whitehall Treasury Chambers, June 5, 1710." Signed also by Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox and others. 4136 Walsingham, Sir Francis, English statesman and diplo- matist. Secretary of State, 1573, etc., d. s. portion of, 1-2 page 4°. Rare. 4137 Warren, James, President of the Provincial Congress of Mass. Bay, 1775. Military Commission to William Henshaw, signed also by Sam'l Freeman; — Benjamin Banneker, Negro astronomer, a. I. s. 3 pages folio, "Aug. 19, 1791," to Thomas Jefferson ; — Diploma from the University of Edinburgh, Oct. 17, 1785," to Gover- nor James Bowdoin. Fac-similes. (3) 4138 Washington, Gen. George, First President of the U. S. , etc., a. I. s. I page 4°, " New York, June 4, 1790." Very good signature. 4139 Washington, Gen. George, a. d. s. 1-2 page oblong 8°, "Mount Vernon, Oct. 17, 1798." Autograph check for $129.60, on the United States Bank; with two letters from Robert Spring, of Baltimore, giving its history. 4140 Washington, Mrs. Martha, Wife of Gen. Washington, a. 1. in 3rd person 1-2 page oblong 8°, (a slip), and ad- dress, n. d., to Mr. Foster, a store keeper in Alexandria. Wishing to know "the price of needles by the thou- sand," etc., with a note of Mr. Deane in regard to it. Rare. 4141 Webster, Noah, Lexicographer, a. I. s. i page 4° and address, "Philadelphia, Nov. 25, 1803," to Isaac Beers, on business. CATALOGUE. 391 4142 Webster, Daniel, Statesman and orator, a. I. s. 3 pages 4° and address, franked, "Washington, March 2, 1825, to James Madison. ". . . . You will be pleased to ' learn that the Bill for re-funding to Va., the sums paid by her for interest on money borrowed for the use of the U. S. having passed the H. R., passed the Senate also last evening. I concurred in this measure very cheerfully regarding the claim as just in itself, and ap- proving the wise and generous use to which the fund is destined " 4143 Wheatley, 'Nathaniel, Son of Mr. John Wheatley, the master of Phillis Wheatley, /. s. i page 4° and ad- dress, "Boston, Nov. 12, 1770," to Mr. William Chan- ning of Providence. The letter is in the hand writing of Phillis Wheatley. 4144 Wheatley, Phillis, Negro poetess, her poems published' in London, 1773, a. I. s. 2 pages folio, " Boston, May 19, 1772," to Arbour Tanner of Newport. ". . . . let us rejoice in and adore the wonders of God's infinite Love in bringing us from a land semblant of darkness itself, and where the divine light of revelation (being obscured) is as darkness. Here the knowledge of the true God and eternal life are made manifest. But there profound ignorance over shadows the Land. Printed in Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, Nov. 1863, pp. 273-4. Very rare. 4145 Wheelock, Rev. Eleazer, Founder and first President of Dartmouth College, a. I. s. 3 pages 4°, " Lebanon, Aug. I, 1766," to Jared Ingersoll. " . I need not inform you that the school yet continues, and is flourishing under the smiles of Heaven and that four Missionaries, and seven School Masters, are at present imployed in the Indian Country, and they as well as the school, supported only by the charitable Donations which have been put into my Hands for that Purpose and without any settled Fund. And a wider Door than ever is opened, and seems still to be opening for the Progress of the grand Design in view. . . " Printed in Geneal. Register, July, 1848. 4146 Wheelock, John, Second President of Dartmouth Col- lege, and son of Rev. Eleazer a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, "Dartmouth College, July 7, 1791," to Col. Ira Allen. Concerning three students of the College, who have left without leave, and are therefore to be suspended. 392 CATALOGUE. 4147 Wheelwright, Rev. John, Minister of the Church at Braintree, but banished from the Colony, founder of the town of Exeter, and later of Wells, Maine, etc., a. d. s. I page 4°, " Salisbury, April 15, i668." A de- position in regard to the lands purchased frona the Indians, "when I with others first came to sit downe at Exeter, etc. . . . " Signed also by Edward Colcord, Samuel Dudley, and Thomas Bradbury. Very rare. 4148 Williams, William, Signer of the Declaration, M. O. C, etc., a. /. 3 pages folio, "Lebanon, June 12, 1759," to Dr. Porter. Draft of a very curious and confidential letter, in which he requests Dr. Porter to tell him, or to discover for him, the character of a young lady in whom he is very much interested; — also an a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, of J. Hammond Trumbull to Mr. Deane in re- gard to the letter. 4149 WiNSLOW, Edward, Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1633, et seq. , one of the passengers of the "Mayflower," a. I. s. 1 page 4°, "Cambridge, this last of Aug., 1644," to Mr. Bradford and Mr. Prence, in regard to the treaty and contract with Mr. Latour, for recompense for loss and wrong Mat achabignatus, by M. D'Alney, etc. Printed in Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, March, 1878. p. III. Very rare. 4150 WiNTHROP, John, Colonial Governor of Mass. Bay, 1629, et seq., a. I. s. i page 4°, and address, "Feb. ir, 1629, " to " my very loving wife . . at Groton. " Printed in Life and Letters, Vol. i, p. 374; very rare, particularly in this form; — -also a. /. s. i page 8°, 1880, of Robert C. Winthrop, presenting the letter to Mr. Deane. 415 1 Winthrop, John, a. d. s. i page oblong 8°, " May 26, 1647, " signed also by Edward Rawson, Secretary. Au order of the General Court. See Mass. Col., Rec. Vol. II. p. 194. Very rare. 4152 Winchester, William Paulet, Marquis of, Distinguished English statesman, Lord High Treasurer, 1551, et seq., d. s. I page folio, "July i, 1560" ; — -signed also by Sir Walter Mildmay, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir Richard Sackville, father of Lord Buckhurst. 4153 Witherspoon, Rev. John, D. D. , Signer of the Declara- tion, President, of Princeton College, M. O. C. , etc., a. I. s. I page 4°, " Princeton, Dec. 26, 1774, " to Jared Ingersoll, on business. — END.— 1S78- C. F. LIBBIE & CO., AUCi'lONEERS, 666 WASHINGTON STRF.F.T, BOSTON, MASS. J898- C. F. LIBBIE & CO., Auctioneefs and Appratsei-s, (>(>(> WASHINGTON STREET, ^ ^ BOSTON. PRICES REALIZED AT THE SALE , . OF THE . , VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY . OF THE LATE . CHABLES DEANE, LL. D. Part I, Sold March 8th, 9th and 10th, 1898. I^ItlCES FER LOT. 1 75 51 21 00 101 4 37 151 17 00 201 8 00 261 62 2 60 52 3 00 102 62 152 40 202 62 252 3 25 3 65 53 10 26 103 14 00 153 1 38 203 3 00 263 3 26 4 2 00 64 75 104 87 154 2 37 -204 1 60 264 87 5 30 00 66 75 405 26 00 155 1 50 206 1 50 266 1 26 6 6 00 56 40 106 4 50 156 7 60 206 1 50 256 62 7 16 00 57 2 00 107 1 25 157 25 00 207 7 00 267 1 75 8 3 50 58 50 108 70 00 168 6 00 208 75 258 2 00 9 87 59 40 109 2 55 159 1 75 209 8 50 259 19 00 10 60 60 40 110 1 05 160 11 26 210 1 75 260 2 75 n 30 61 1 25 111 2 00 161 6 00 211 1 75 261 27 00 12 12 62 20 112 5 60 162 62 212 12 00 262 5 00 13 1 00 63 62 113 1 60 163 2 25 213 7 75 263 1 60 14 60 64 60 114 4 25 164 30 00 214 3 00 264 6 00 15 4 75 65 9 75 116 1 25 105 17 50 215 1 60 265 1 25 16 10 66 14 50 116 1 00 166 2 10 216 1 60 266 1 10 17 11 25 67 1 00 117 5 00 167 75 217 6 50 267 62 18 87 68 5 00 118 13 00 168 75 218 22 50 268 35 19 1 12 69 5 00 119 7 00 169 9 00 219 8 26 269 6 60 20 1 00 70 3 10 120 1 60 170 1 50 220 30 00 270 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1603 1064 1 26 1746 10 1826 75 1907 9 25 1988 10 1 00 I'otal $13,241.87 C. F. LIBBIE & CO., Auctioneers and Appraisers, 666 WASHINGTON STREET, J^ ^ BOSTON. PRICES REALIZED AT THE SALE OF THE VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY , . . OF THE LATE . . . CHARLES DEANE, LL. D. Part II, Sold March SQth. to April 1st, 1898. 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