fyxmll Uttivmitg ^itotg -S^mgkHiNG L/BPA^v Cornell University Library TN 455.G7W19 The laws which regulate the deposition o 3 1924 004 682 104 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924004682104 THE LAWS WHICH EEGULATE THE DEPOSITION OF LEAD ORE. LONDON : PRIKTED UY 'W. CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STKEET AND CHARING CROSS. I'LATE V. fJrmvrv A/- H:Tii'-U£iJ--f.-. NENT FORCE. THE LAWS WHICH EEGULATE THE DEPOSITION OF LEAD ORE m VEINS; ILLUSTRATED BY AK EXAMINATION OP THE GEOLOGICAL STRTJCTXtRE OF THE MINING DISTRICTS of ALSTON MOOR. BY WILLIAM WALLACE. " Quid sit prius actum, vespicere oetas Nosti-a nequit, nisi qua ratio vestigia monstrat." — LcrOE. LONDON: -EDWAKD STANFORD, 6, CHARING CROSS. 1861. UNIVEBSITYil \UeRARV "Nature executes all her ideas with unnumbered variations, and in works whose production occupies an immeasurable space of time. The complete idea is expressed in the totality of all things. As a philosopher brings out one idea in the most varied forms, or 33 a musician does so when he makes variations to a theme, so does Nature, though with still greater variety. Each individual is thus a peculiar realization of the funda- mental Idea of the thing. But fertile Nature does not limit herself to exhibit per- formances of which the ideas are isolated ; she appears to us in innumerable alternations of finite relations, which a prejudiced observer would designate as the most manifest im- perfection, but which must appear to one who follows out the course of Nature to the highest point to wliich it should be developed in the human race, as separate acts by which the ideas of objects are revealed in their whole force to a powerful and penetrating understanding." — Oersted's Sml in Nature, p. 24. TO E. HUNT, Esq., F.E.S., ' keeper of the mining eeooeds, jeemyn street, london. My dear Sir, With gratitude and pleasure I dedicate to you this humble attempt to simplify inquiries into the complicated nature of metalliferous deposits, and to lessen the hazard of mining spe- culations ; for it is owing to your disinterested kindness, advice, and assistance that my labours are now published. I am con- scious of their defects; but, if they should induce more able investigators to enter this new field of research, the object in view wiU at least be promoted. Whatever may be the result, let me express my sincere thanks to you, and remain with the deepest feelings of respect, Yours, Most truly, W. WALLACE. PREFACE. To collect, arrange, and harmonize the experience of many generations on snbjects relating to the knowledge of external nature is a difficult task, but more especially when the phe- nomena are removed from ordinary observation and seen only by few individuals, and at various periods of time. This is peculiarly the case with everything relating to veins and the metallic deposits they contain. It is often difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to obtain information, and when obtained, it is not unfrequently mixed with error, the result of defective or bad observations. Men's ideas of a rich mine vary much, and generally fluctuate with the marketable value of the metal produced. Large profits might be obtained from mines of lead, when lead sells at twenty-five pounds per ton; but should it realize only twelve pounds per ton, the same mines might be considered as utterly worthless. Again, they vary according as the veias happen to be hard or soft, for it is manifest, that large profits might accrue from lead ore scattered in the rider of a soft vein, which would not repay the cost of extraction from that of a hard one ; and vmless such conditions be properly allowed for, in the investigation, it must necessarily viu PREFACE. affect our ideas of the constancy of Nature's laws, or rather the connexion between the cause and the amount of effect pro- duced. For inquiries relating to this connexion the comparative richness of a vein may be indicated by two methods, either by registering the quantity of lead ore produced per square fathom of the vein irrespective of its width, or by the quantity produced per solid fathom of vein mineral worked out in order to obtain the ore exclusive of the rocky portions of pure limestone, sand- stone, &c., whether comprehended in the middle of the vein or worked from its sides. In a new mining field perhaps both should be carried out in practice. I am not aware that either of these methods has ever been attempted in Alston Moor, con- sequently the colours upon the map which accompanies this work relate more to the comparative mercantile value of the veins than to the amount of lead ore actually deposited in them. Could the veins have been coloured so as to denote the exact quantities of lead extracted, and those in proportion to the space excavated, my impressions are that the connexion between the cause assigned in the following pages, and the effect would have been exhibited in a still more striking manner. The map is formed by the reduction and combination of a number of general plans of mines, made by various individuals and at different periods of time. Some portions of it are very correct, while others are not so, more especially Mr. Fydell's portion of the Priorsdale Manor, and those based upon the survey of Alston Moor, completed in 1777. Eespecting the mines in Kilhope I have not been able to obtaia either correct plans or much information. Most of the map has, however, been carefully collated with recent surveys, and the most defective PEBFACE. ix portion is sufficiently accurate to illustrate the laws relating to the distribution of lead ore in veins, and the theory of causation which comprehends the whole. For the lines denoting the outcropping of the strata I alone am responsible ; they were carefully sketched upon pocket maps during my geological rambles over the district. While prosecuting this inquiry I have experienced the greatest kindness from the proprietors and agents of the mines in Alston Moor. The manorial plans belonging to the Green- wich Hospital were kindly placed at my service by Mr. Paull and his late father. Loans of maps have been granted me by various parties, and valuable information has invariably been given me with the greatest willingness and kindly feeling. I avail myself of this opportunity of tendering my most grateful acknowledgments to all these parties, and more especially to Mr. Walton of Greenends House, Mr. Cain, Newhouse, Weardale, and Mr. Nevin, Carshield House, West AUendale. Had it not been for the information furnished me by these three gentlemen a great portion of the map could not have been constructed. CONTENTS. PAGE Tntrodi'ction .. .. .. .. .. I BOOK I. OF THE FOKMATION AND GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE MINING DISTRICTS OP ALSTON MOOR. CHAPTER I. OP THE LAWS WmOH HAVE REGULATED THE UEPOSITION OF THE MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE IN GREAT BRITAIN. The analogy of causea now in operations — Key to past events . . . . . . 13 Of the sedimentary rocka situated below the Mountain Limestone . . 14 Of the change in the constituent parts of the Mountain Limestone . . Of the correspondence of its thickness in Derbyshire and Alston Moor The law of ita deposition . . Its great development in South Wales Its character in Scotland Probable position of the Continent from the waste of whioli the materiala were derived . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CHAPTER II. OF THE ELEVATION OF THE ROOKS OF ALSTON MOOR TO THE POSITION THEY NOW OCCUPY, ASO THE LAWS WHIOH HAVE REGULATED THE DENUDATION OP THE COUNTRY. The equable subsidence of the sea-bottom at the time of the deposition of the Carboniferous system . . . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . 26 This system brought to a close by the elevation of the land . . . . . . 27 The laws of elevation and the formation of anticlinal axes . . . . . . 28 The effect of these upon the denudation of the couutiy . . . . 30 xu CONTENTS. Of the general dip of the strata . . Two denudation hypotheses — Oataclysmal one not tenable Of the laws of denudation by oceanic and fluvial agency Of the effects produced during the glacial epoch The formation of the valleys chiefly due to breaker action PAGE 30 36 37 47 48 CHAPTER III. OP THE LAWS WHICH EEGTILATE THE FOBMATION AND DIBECTION OF VEINS. The minor streams of the country do not flow on the line of the strong cross veins— nor upon that of the Great Sulphur vein .. .. .. ..49 The form and outline of the hills seldom affected by veins . . . . . . 50 Two tlieories on the formation of veins .. .. .. .. .. ■■ „ No veins of Alston Moor formed by the shrinking of the enclosing rocks . . 51 Veins quite distinct from joints . . . . . . . . . . • ■ . . 52 Hypothesis respecting the formation of joints .. •• .. .. ..53 Three distinct kinds of mineral veins . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 The Great Sulphur vein and the Whin Dyke, each mi generis ■■ ■■ „ Period of formation of the former in relation to the cross veins .. .. 56 Law of its formation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..58 CHAPTER IV. OF THE LAWS REGULATING THE FORMATION AND DIBECTION OF THE EAST AND WEST VEINS. Brief description of the principal veins . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Law of their formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Connected in causation with the anticlinal axes . . . . . . . . . . 69 Must have been in existence before the formation of the valleys . . . . „ And before the elevation of the land to its present position . , . . . . „ No indications of violent volcanic agency since their formation . . . . 71 Reflections . . . . . . . . . • . . . • ■ . „ CHAPTER V. OF THE FORMATION OF ALSTON MOOR AND COAL CLECGH CROSS VEINS. Found of all degrees of magnitude Brief description of the principal cross veins Of the law and relative date of theil formation . . Werner's doctrine of intersections Supposed to be later formed than the east and west veins 72 73 76 it 78 CONTENTS. xiii PAGE Eeasona why they cannot be SO .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 Must have been formed contemporaneously with or anterior to the east and west veins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . 81 Their non-relation to axes of elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Effect upon the position of the stiata , Changes supposed to have been effected at the time of the formation of the east and west veins . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . 85 CHAPTER VI. OF THE QUAETEB POINT VEINS OP ALSTON MOOB. In the upper part of the district these veins are weak Were probably in existence at the time of the formation of the east and west veins Later formed than the cross veins . . Concluding Aphorisms BOOK II. OF THE LAWS WHICH REGULATE METALLIFEROUS DEPOSITS, ILLUSTRATED BY AN EXAMINATION OF THE LEAD VEINS OR LODES OF ALSTON MOOR. CHAPTER I. OP THE MODE OP PKOSEOTJTING THE INQUIKY. Brief resume of the last book . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Lead ore not deposited throughout the whole extent of the veins . . . . „ As the veins have not always been filled with minerals and metaUic sub- stances, their deposition must be the result of certain antecedents . . . . 96 The laws which have regulated the distribution of metallic ores may be dif- ferent from those relating to its origination . . • . . . ■ ■ • ■ >, Two theories . . . . . . . . . . • . . . ■ • • • - ■ » A knowledge of the distribution of metallic ores might prove more useful than a knowledge of its origination . . - . . . . . ■ • ■ ■ .. The experiments of Becqueral and others throw no light on the art of mining, nor upon the source from whence the ores of metals are derived . . 97 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE The amount of lead ore in the same vein and strata varies more than that of any other mineral . . . . . . . . . . . . • ■ • ■ . . 98 Veins in Alston Moor are richest at the greatest distance from Plutonic rocks . . . . . . . • . . . . • • - • ■ • . . 99 Lead and other ores found in situations where there could be no sublimation from beneath . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • ■ .. Instances in shells, nodules, &c. . • • • • . . • • ■ • ■ „ May be regarded as instantiss cmeie . . . . . . . . • • . . 100 The cause of its deposition must be proportional to the effect produced . • 101 CHAPTER II. OP THE CONDITIONS COimECTEU \V1TH BAMPGILL VEIN. Laws of succession best studied where the phenomenon exists in the greatest intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 102 The phenomenon, lead ore exists in Rampgill vein in the greatest intensity . . 103 Description of the piano-section . . . . . . . . . . . • „ General view of the conditions of the dip of beds in the rich and poor por- tions of this vein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 The largest quantities of lead ore found at the intersections of quarter point veins • • . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 A circulation promoted by these to and in the vein, the unproductive portion unfavourable to a circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ A circulation prevented in great depths by thick beds of shale, in the upper strata by the dislocations of the strong cross veins . . . . . . . . 106 The functions of the conditions differ from each other ; those connected with the rich portion being favourable to a circulation, the other not so . . 107 Analogy of the former to the functions of life in vegetables and animals . . „ CHAPTBE III. OF THE LAWS BEGULATINfi THE DESCENT OF WATER BELOW THE SUBPAOE OP THE EABTH. Two theories ; the one supposes that water rises from the interior of the earth ; the other, that it is precipitated from the atmosphere — the former not tenable . • . . . • . • • ■ • . . . . . . . 109 The heat of the sun and gravity cause a compound circulation on the earth's surface . . . . • • • . • • . . • . . . . . . . 110 Its effects upon animal and vegetable life . . . . . . . . . . Ill The quantity of water precipitated on the hills of Alston Moor . . . . 113 The ^ret g(e^^era^a^« regulating its descent into the earth .. .. ..114 The second ditto ditto . . . . • . „ The third ditto ditto 115 The /owft ditto ditto H7 T:\iefifth ditto ditto 119 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER IV. OP THE DECOMPOSITION AND CHANGE EFFECTED ON THE BOOKS FORMING THE SIDES OF VEINS. PAGE Difference between the action of water upon the surface and in the interior of the earth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12I Composition of the atmosphere, its impurities combine with rain water . . 122 Change produced upon living organisms by these impurities . . . . . . 123 The action of water upon roolrs at the surface always detersive . . . . 124 Contents of veins equally subject to decomposition as the enclosing rocks . . „ Limestone under certain conditions especially subject to change . . . . 125 The action of water below the earth's surface reproductive as well as de- structive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Kain water holds carbonic acid in solution ; the latter plentifully found in mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 129 Connected by some law with the state of the atmosphere . . . . . . 131 The important part it plays in disintegrating rocks . . . . . . . . 133 Instances of its effects — limestone at Clermont, Small Cleugh, Long Cleugh, Tyne Bottom, Ashgill Field, Eampgill, Holey Field, Coal Cleugh, &c. Mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ CHAPTER V. OF THE DEPOSITION OF VEIN-MINEBALS, AS CABBONATE OF LIME, BAETTES, ETC. IN THE OPEN SPACES IN VEINS. Resume of the preceding chapters.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 141 Question whether vein-minerals are related in kind to the enclosing rock . . 142 Fluor-spar found in veins whose sides are formed of Slate SUls, Firestone, &c. „ Less of it found in the Little Limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 The greatest variety of minerals found in veins in the Great Limestone . . „ In the strata below the Great Limestone quartzose minerals predominate . . 144 But the veins occasionally contain much carbonate of lime . . . . • • „ Carbonate of lime, barytes apparently less orderly arranged and less depen- dent upon the enclosing rock than might have been expected . . . . 146 CHAPTER VL OP THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS BEGOLATING THE DESCENT AND dBCHLATION OF FLUIDS, AND THE DEPOSITION OF LEAD ORE IN THE VEINS OF ALSTON MOOK. Difference in the metalliferous character of the upper and lower part of the Mountain Limestone .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■. 150 The inquiry, in the first instance, restricted to the upper part . . . . 151 If the deposition of lead ore is dependent upon circulating fluids, there must be a connexion between the laws regulating their descent and the amount of lead ore deposited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ XVI CONTENTS. PAGB Notwithstanding that deposits of lead ore appear irregularly distributed in patches, they must be subject to law and order . . . . . . ..152 Necessary to divide the district into portions comprising groups of veins . . „ Of the connexion between laws of hydrous agency and the ore deposits in Mid- dle Oleugh veins . . ■ . . • . . • • . . • • 153 And in the cross veins of the same district .. .. .. .. .. 154 Correspondence found to exist . . ■ • • . - • . . . • . • 156 The same veins on the east side of Carrs vein . . . . . . . . • . „ Lead ore has been removed from Long Oleugh and Middle Cleugh second sun veins in the Firestone stratum by oxygenous fluids . . 158 Connexion between the laws of hydrous agency and the ore deposits in the east and west veins on the west side of Carrs vein . . . . . . . . 159 These east and west veins cease to contain lead ore in the Great Limestone as they pass under the summit of Middle Fell . . . . . . . . 160 Conditions connected with the cross veins bringing them under the same laws of hydrous agency as the east and west veins . . . . . . • • ,, Of the deposition of lead ore in flats .. .. .. ..165 Exemplifications of the ^/6A Zaw .. .._ .. .. .. .. .. 166 General views depending upon the configuration of the district . . . . 167 CHAPTEE VIL OP THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OE HYDROUS AGENOT AND THE DEPOSITION OE LEAD OBE IN VEINS ON THE EAST SIDE OE THE KENT BIVEE. Non-correspondence between position of anticlinal axis and the heaven's water division . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Modifies the effect of the first law . . . . . . . . . . . . „ On the east side of Bridge Cleugh this modifying condition does not exist . . 169 The lead ore deposits in EampgiU and High Coal Cleugh vein vary as the conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 EampgiU sun veins favourably situated for mineralization with lead ore under the fourth law .. .. .. .. .. . . 171 Correspondence between absence of lead ore in all the veins and the unfavour- able position for circulation of fluids under the fifth law . . . . . . 172 Lead ore deposits in Scalebum vein and flats depend upon the same condi- tions as EampgiU vein, except in the upper strata of Slate Sills and Firestone 173 Of the unfavourable position of the cross veins on the north side of Scale- bum vein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Connexion between the laws of hydrous agency and the deposits of blende and lead ore in Guddamgill vein .. .. .. .. .. .. 175 Connexion, &c., and the lead ore deposits in Brownley Hill veins Ditto ditto Foreshield veins Ditto ditto Blaygill and Thomgill veins Ditto ditto Clargill and Aleburn veins Eesults 178 182 183 185 CONTENTS. XVll CHAPTER Vm. OP THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OF HYDROUS AGENCY AND THE DEPOSITION MIDDLE FELL. OF LEAD ORE IN VEINS TRAVERSING THE MOUNTAIN This district not much affected under the fifth law Middle Fell isolated from the east and west range of mountains by Caple Cleugh and Ashgill Burn. The fluids circulating in it entirely dependent upon those which fall directly from the atmosphere . . Laws of hydrous agency, and correspondence of the lead-ore deposits in the two Caple Cleugh veins . . Ditto Hangingshaw, Cowslitts, and Peatstack Hill veins Ditto Longholehead and Black Ashgill veins Ditto Dowgang veins ; modification ot first law Ditto Nenthead Fields and Greengill East-end veins . • Ditto Grass-field veins Ditto GaUygill Syke and Gallygill WeU veins - . Ditto HudgiU Bum veins and veins lying to the north of these Ditto Holeyfield, Famberry, and Natti'ass veins Ditto Flough Edge and Dowpot Syke veins Ditto Craig Green veins . . Ditto Black Syke and Pletoheras veins . . Ditto Cowper Dyke Heads veins • . Ditto Benty Field and the Browngill veins Ditto Wellhope Knot vein . . Form of the amolybdic groimd as affected by the different laws And lastly, by the removal of the lead ore from the veins by atmospheric agency - 187 188 189 191 193 194 196 197 n 199 200 201 203 205 CHAPTER IX. OF THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OF HYDROUS AGENCY AND THE DEPOSITION OF LEAD ORE IN THE OTHER PORTIONS OF THE UPPER STRATA SHOWN UPON THE MAP. Decomposed and broken state of the Great Limestone near the surface, in the ground between Nagg's Head and the Great Sulphur vein 206 Weak character of the veins which cross LittlegiU Bum 207 Of Windy Brae vein . . . . • • • ■ • • • ■ ,, Of Broad Mea and Comrigga veins Of veins traversing the Great Limestone on the north side of the Great Sul- phur vein . . • . • ■ • • • • • • • ■ • • ■ • ■■ ,1 Of Cross Fell veins 208 Two theories . . . . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ ■ • ■ • • ■ • 209 Variation in the amount of lead ore in different parts of the Great Limestone stratum . . • . ■ • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • .. Inferences .. ■• •• •• •• ■• ■ • -• 210 C xvill CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. OP THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OP IIYDK0T3S AGENCT, AND THE GEE DEPOSITS IN THE VEINS TKAVEESING THE " LOWER BEDS." PAGE Greater variation in position of lower than upper beds places the veins under two conditions .. .. .. .. .• •. .. .. .. 211 The greatest number of trials made in the veins near the surface . . „ Of the Dowgang veins in lower strata near the surface . . . . . . 212 Of the Brownley Hill and Grass Field vein .... . . . . . . • • „ Of the Neutsberry Haggs vein . . - - . . . . . . . . 213 Of the Gallygill Well vems General unproductiveness of veins in Middle FeU . . . . . . . . 214 Ditto ditto Tyneliead Manors 215 Of Providence or Tees-aide vein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ Of Sir John's vein — Copper ore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 216 General poverty of the veins in this district , Of Kodderup Fell veins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Of the veins crossing Cashbum, Doukbum vein . . .. .. .. .. 221 Poor character of the ore deposits due to the absence of some ore-producing principle in the enclosing rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ Of lead ores being found in the lower beds situated at great depths below the surface — hopeless except under very peculiar conditions . . . . 222 Of the High Coal Cleugh vein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ Scaleburn vein, contrasted with Grassfield veins . . . . . . . . 223 Of the Caple Cleugh and Middle Cleugh veins . . . . . . . . . . 224 Of the Black Ashgill cross vein . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 225 Of the Guddamgill Burn cross vein Of the Blaygill veins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Of the Browngill sun vein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 That lead ore be deposited in the lower beds, it is necessary that the condi- tions of hydrous agency be intensified . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Nothing resulting from the inquiry to support the theory of the sublimation of the metals Variation in the richness of lead-ore deposits depending upon the character of the enclosing rocks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. __ 229 CHAPTER XI. OP THE DEPOSITION OP METALLIC OBES IN VEINS THAVEESING CLAY-SLATE AND GBANITE HOOKS. No exception to the uniformity of Nature's laws.— Veins in granite and clay- slate must be cquaUy subject to hydrous agency as those in the Mountain Limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . _ „„„ Eiohest mines in decomposed granite . . . . . . . , oqi Metallic ores sometimes found in the joints of the granite . . . , 232 CONTENTS. xix PAGE Probable conditiona of its deposition . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Association of dissimilar rocks . . . . ■ • . . . , . . . . „ Gold, where found 236 Its formation connected with a closer relation fo the atmosphere than that oflead,&c 237 Silver mines of Potosi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • „ The intruded rock may in some instances have been the source from which the metallic ore was derived .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 238 And the junction a passage for percolating fluids . . . . . . • • „ Depth below the sea of some metallic ore deposits in the south. — How effected 240 CHAPTER XH. CONOLUDING EEMARKfi. Lead or its elements must form a component part of the rocks of Alston Moor 242 The inquiry would be simplified should lead be detected in the rooks . . „ Possibility of metals being formed by chemical combination . . . . ■ . „ Hypothesis of Sir H. Davy 243 Ammonia detected in the waters of the English Channel . . . . • ■ ,, Lead may exist in sea-water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Silver and copper detected in sea-water . . . . . . . . . . • . ,, Analyses of the different parts of the Great Limestone, &c. desirable . . . . „ Not likely to throw additional light upon the composition of metals . . . . 245 Sulphide of lead probably never deposited very near the surface . . . . „ Probably now in the course of deposition in the veins of Alston Moor . . 246 If due to hydrous agency, the upper parts of the veins must have been first subjected to this law . . . . . . . . . . • ■ • • . ■ 247 Supposed recent deposition of lead ore in Tyne Bottom flats . . . . . . „ Glossary .. : 249 Index.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 251 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. '" I. Section of the Mountain Limestone To face Pa^ 17 '-' n. Section of the Strata at Tees-side Mine .. .. „ 18 " ni. Section of the Strata at Fallow Field Mine . . . . „ 19 ^ rV. Section on the Penine range of mountains . • . • „ 21 ti^ V. Nentforce .. .. .. •■ •• ■• ■• ■• Frontispiece t- VI. Ashgill Force To face Page 41 I— VII. Sections across the Vale of the Nent .. .. .. „ 74 L~ Vni. Plan of the Middle Oleugh veins „ 81 ^ IX. Piano-section of Eampgill Vein . . . . „ 103 •— X. Sections of Bast and West Veios .. .. .. „ 116 ■— XI. Section of a cross vein . . .. .. .. .. „ 118 1— XTT. Section of a mountain, showing a position of strata unfavour- able to the percolation of fluids . . . . . . „ 119 i-XIII. Section on the line A. B., Plate XIV „ 135 i- XIV. Piano-section of SmaU Oleugh Flats „ 136 I- XV. Ashgill Field Flats „ 137 ■--XVI. Sketch of a portion of Handsome Mea Cross vein, and sec- tion of Cowper DJke Heads vein . . . . . . „ 144 '— XVn. Section across Carrs and small Cleugh veins . . .. „ 166 — XVin. Section showing dislocations of the strata by cross veins on the north side ;of GiUgill Burn .. .. .. „ 175 t- XIX. Section showing ditto near Guddamgill Burn . . „ 180 ■- XX. Section of Nentsberiy Haggs Sun vein . . . . „ 182 1- XXI. Cross Section of Browngill vein . . . . . . „ 202 ^ Map of the Mining districts of Alston Moor . . At the end of the Volume. INTRODUCTION. It is mainly owing to the vast stores of coal and iron, and the hardy industry and mechanical ingenuity of her sons, that Great Britain has attained such an exalted position among the nations. Her greatness is more especially dependent upon the production of coal, as a motive power, and also as an agent in the reduction of the yarious ores of iron and other metals : for however rich and abundant these may be, they are useless until reduced to a pure metallic state, which is now almost entirely effected by the heat derived from the combustion of coal. Without a plentiful supply of iron for tools, machinery, railroads, and implements of war, it is scarcely probable, that the ingenuity and industry of the inhabitants could support the high position she now occu- pies, or prevent her from sinking to a second or even to a third rate power. It has been well remarked, that it can only be after the exhaustion of the last coal-field of our country that the apocalyptic New Zealander will sketch the ruins of St. Paul's. The tin, copper, and lead mines of the country are secondary in importance only to those of coal and iron. The investiga- tions of geologists during the last fifty, years, have, by assigning limits to the various coal-fields in different parts of the country, 2 INTRODQCTION. taught the miner to search only in certain localities and among strata occupying a certain position, and thereby the hazard of mining for coal has been lessened. It was probably the art of mining for tin, copper, &c., that gave birth to the science of geology : so little has geology, however, yet effected towards esta- bKshing a science of mining for these metals, that it was lately stated by an eminent mining engineer, " That there were no greater facilities for ascertaining the productive character of a mine now thap formerly. The difference was simply in improved machinery. Our knowledge was not greater than that of our fore- fathers." * This, doubtless, is substantially correct ; indeed my impressions are, that mining for lead in Alston Moor is a more hazardous undertaking now than formerly. Without funda- mental principles, one mining agent recommends a trial to be made, which another rejects as unworthy. Consequently, should there be fands at command, and a sufficient period of time allowed to elapse, no portions of the veins or lodes are left untried, and practically, the art of mining has degenerated into a mere trial-all system. If such is the tendency of the present system of mining, it would appear that undue importance has been attached to the opinions of experienced men. The business of the mining engineer includes two very dis- tinct agenda ; namely, the selection of suitable trials, and the construction of mining works to effect the proposed object. In the North of England, the mining agents are chiefly selected from among the workmen, on the supposition that their expe- rience will enable them, not only to propose suitable trials, but also to plan and direct the mining operations in the most effective and economical manner. Now, the experience of the * Evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons on the Mines' Eating Bill, by John Taylor, Esq., June 28th, 1856. INTRODUCTION. y common miner relates chiefly to the latter; and is concerned with the sinking of shafts, making of rises, levels, &c. By long- continued and daily exercise he attains a degree of skill, in pene- trating the hardest rocks, in working and timbering safely, those of a soft and loose character, truly surprising. As might reason- ably be expected from the appointment of men trained in such a school, the art of mining, so far as it relates to the construc- tion of works, for proof of the veins, has been brought to a high degree of perfection. But it is manifest, that employment in such labours affords no suitable training for those whose province it is to investigate the most difficult problems of geology and mineralogy. It is only in the school of Bacon that the mind can be properly dis- ciplined for such inquiries. Habits of close observation must be combined with the intellectual power of conducting rigorous processes of inductive and deductive reasoning ; and this power is only attained by profound study and reflection — by a long coui'se of philosophic cultivation and logical habits of thinking. It may be safely affirmed, that few working miners possess the requisite time and means for prosecuting such studies. Hence whUe the art of mining has attained great perfection, the science of mining scarcely exists, and the opinions of practical men on the subject are based upon an empiricism of the very lowest order. Should any one doubt the correctness of this statement, let him coUect into a series of aphorisms all the exact knowledge we possess on the subject of metallic deposits in veins, and he will doubtless find the discordance in Nature to be most remark- able, and that scarcely a smgle proposition has yet been esta- blished which is not subject to numerous and unaccountable excep- tions. That the deposition of metalUc substances in veins, is an exeeption to that law and order which regulate the succession of 4 INTRODUCTION. all natural phenomena properly understood, cannot for one moment be entertained, by any one thoroughly convinced of the universality and uniformity of Nature's laws. An intermix- ture of effects, or a phenomenon the resultant of many concur- ring causes, may, to the superficial observer, appear fortuitous, discordant, and mysterious ; but this mysteriousness should not prevent it becoming the subject of earnest inquiry. Mystery haunts not the domain of philosophy — " Where science begins there mystery ends." * The impossibility of arriving at any knowledge of practical value, respecting ore deposits in veins, is avowed by those who with singular inconsistency attach the greatest importance to individual experience. Even some, occupying high distinction as directors or proprietors of mines, affirm, without qualification, that it is impossible to see through solid rocks ; or they summa- rily dismiss further consideration on the subject, by remarking, that the old adage current among miners expresses an important truth, namely — " It is only by cutting the ground That the metal is found." The Cornish miners express their doubts by a similar phrase : — " Where it is, there it is." If these are not the apology of indolence and ignorance they certainly are the utterances of despair. When such are the Adews pf those, who have it more especially in their power to generalize the experience of the past, it is no wonder that our knowledge of the laws of formation and filling of veins with metallic substances does not exceed that of our forefathers ; for as Bacon remarks : " Sed longe maximiim progressibus scientiarum, et novis pensis ac provinciis in iisdem suscipiendis, obstaculum * Powell's Essays ' On the Unity of Worlds ' (second edition), p. 62. INTRODUCTION. 5 deprehenditur in desperatione hominum et suppositione impossi- bilis." * It is the province of reason to lay open things which are under a veil, no matter how thick and opaque the material of that veil may be ; or according to an ancient definition, it leads one from facts perceived to that which was not per- ceived. -j- The finality in the progress of the science of mining is dis- astrous to the interests of practical mining. Advantage is taken in seasons of prosperity to make numerous trials, few of which are attended with successful results. Doubtless many of these would be considered worthless, after investigations based upon general laws, even of an empirical character, — ^but care- fully eliminated from a wide range of facts. The consequence is, that a great part of the large profits which ought to result from the working of rich veins is wasted ; or, if the mines are poor, the expense of these worthless speculations proves ruinous to the proprietors, often terminates in their embarrassment, and ultimately leads to the abandonment of the mines. It may be well to remind those who are not satisfied unless every object suggested is proved by mining works, that mining is one of the dearest departments of the school of experience ; and, as now conducted, Mr. Taylor is convinced, that, on a large scale, as much is paid for dead work as for raising the ore. Not- withstanding that this fact is well known to mine agents and proprietors of mines, no attempt has been made to classify and arrange the phenomena, ascertained to exist in Alston Moor and the adjacent districts, by the extensive explorations which have been made in the veins during the last hundred and twenty years. Had this been done forty or fifty years ago, the risk of mining * ' Novum Organum,' Lib. i. Ap. 92. t " Ratio, quEC ex rebus perceptis, adid quodnon peroipiebatur, adducit." — Cic. Acad. Qwsstiones, lib. iv., 8. 26. 6 INTRODUCTION. operations, in these districts at least, would have been much di- minished, and large sums spent abortively would have been saved. So expensive are mining explorations, that it is absolutely necessary, for all who aspire to project and conduct such works, " to determine not to conjecture and divine, but to find out and know ;" and they may rest assured that " neither genius, thought, nor argument can be, substituted for this labour, search, and inspection {mundan(Bperamhulatiom)." Their fii?st step must be to obtain a knowledge as perfect as possible of the geological struc- ture of the district, and, as there is a natural antipathy to descend below the Earth's surface, should this prevent them making the necessary observations, they certainly are unfit to discharge the duties they are expected to perform ; and their interference must prove prejudicial, if not ruinous, to the interests of the pro- prietors of the mines.*' This labour of personal observation should be pursued unre- mittingly, as it is the nature of mining works to efface the * The passage — from which the extracts in this paragraph are taken — was, when written, applicable to the state of science in general. It is, however, so peculiarly appropriate to the science of mining at the present time, that I can- not forbear giving it and the two short succeeding paragraphs entire. " Verum iis, quibus non oonjicere et hariolari, sed invenire et scire propositum est ; quique Don simiolas et fabulas mundorum comminisci, sed hujus ipsius veri mundi natu- rum introspicere et velut dissecare iu aninio habent ; omnia a rebus ipsis petenda sunt. Neque huic labori, et inquisitioni, ac mundanse perambulationi, ulla inge- nii, aut meditationis, aut argumentationis substitutio, aut compensatio sufBcere potest ; non si omnia omnium ingenia coiemit, Itaque aut hoc prorsus haben- dum, aut negotium in perpetuum deserendum. Ad hunc vero usque diem ita cum hominibus actum est, ut minime mirum sit, si natura sui copiam non faciat. " Nam primo, sensus ipsius informatio, et deserens et fallens : ohservatio, indili- gens et infequalis, et tanquam fortuita ; traditio, vana et ex rumore : practioa operi intenta et servilis : vis experimentalis, cseca, stupida, vaga, et prserupta : denique historia naturaUs, levis et inops : vitiosissemam materiam iutellectui ad philosophiam et scieutias congesserunt. " Deinde, prrepostera argumentandi subtUitas et ventilatio, serum rebus plane desperatis tentat remedium : nee negotium uUo modo restituit, aut errores aeparat. Itaque nulla spes majoris augmenti ac progressus sita est, nisi in restauratione c[uadam scientianim." — Bacon's Inst. Magna. INTRODUCTION. 7 phenomena tliey bring to light. The works frequently close up soon after they are made, or are abandoned ; and even when adits and other openings are preserved by walls, &o. the very means of keeping them open prevent further inspection. When walls or timber do not intervene, deposits of dirt, lime, or oxide of iron conceal everytliing from view almost as effectually. Hence, everything should be carefully observed and recorded when the openings are made. Impressed with the importance of research, and careful in- vestigations in preventing an undue expenditure in mining works, about the latter part of the year 1847 I commenced copying numerous plans of the Alston Manor, and the adjacent ones, and resurveyed carefully the whole of the Nenthead dis- trict both internally and externally. My principal object was, if possible, ]to find out some particular condition, or rather pheno- menon, which as the cause of ore deposits invariably co-existed with them ; and thus throw some light on the distribution of lead ore in veins. I need hardly inform the student of Nature that these investigations proved a total failure. They convinced me, however, of the foUy of pursuing such inquiries in the mazes of experience, without any theory, or guiding principle of causation. A few years later, I had some reasons for concluding that increased responsibilities in connexion with the Nenthead mines devolved upon me. I then began to investigate the matter still more carefully, and endeavoured to look upon the phenomena connected with the rich portion, and those connected with the poor portion of the same vein, as two distinct machines, each having separate functions to perform. What these were, was the problem attempted to be solved. Whether this is done correctly or not will remain for the scientific reader to determine. The subject, however, has cost me much labour and thought ; 8 INTRODUCTION. and should I not succeed in unfolding a principle of causation, and that, one the most important to mining interests^ I may be allowed at least the credit of collecting and arranging a large number of facts illustrating some other principle that is true. It may however be observed, that the principle of causation, ■which the following pages, but more particularly those of the second book, are intended to unfold, has enabled me, in most instances, to anticipate the results of trials, made in the Nenthead veins in the upper beds. This principle of causation appears also to sustain the various characters of truth, " an agreement with facts such as will stand the most patient and rigid inquiry ; a provision for predicting truly the results of untried cases; a consilience of induction from various classes of facts ; and a progressive tendency of the scheme to simplicity and unity."* Mistakes may however occur, without affecting its truth, for careful inductions must often be made in order to bring some particular case under the general law. Eclipses of the sun and moon may be calculated with great exactness from necessary laws ; the truth of which is altogether independent of the falhbUity of those who make the calculations. The first book of this work wiU relate to the geology of the district, and the laws of the formation and direction of veins. It is not designed to instruct those deeply versed in the science of physical geology ; but a far more numerous class engaged with practical mining. That portion, which wiU be devoted to veins, may serve to dispel the common error, that veins may exist any- where, and that no principle can be discovered to guide the miner in searching for them, or lessen the hazard of his expen- sive explorations. " Dr. WhewelVs 'N6vum Organon Keuovatum,' page 128. INTRODUCTION. 9 Tbe second book will relate chiefly to the filling up of veins with lead ore. As the most natural arrangement, I intend to follow the order and succession of ideas, as gradually unfolded in my own mind. I can hardly hope that the foundation of facts, on which the reasoning (as well as the .construction of the ac- companying map) will depend, is in all cases free from error.- These must necessarily occur, in a first attempt of this kind ; and can only be removed by the suggestions of those interested in the investigations. I have however taken much pains to ascertain their correctness, and not unfrequently has theory, which the facts are intended to support, led to farther inquiry and the correction of the latter. To delay the publication of a work of this kind until perfected, would prevent its publication altogether. Perhaps I may be permitted to adopt the apology of an eastern writer, though somewhat modified : " What cannot be known with perfect precision, ought not to be totally neg- lected, for a knowledge somewhat imperfect is better than the ignorance of the whole,"* As to the execution of the work, I beg the indulgence of the highly educated reader, as it has not been my lot to obtain the inestimable boon of a careful literary training, without which, few ever attain the art of writing purely and perspicuously. Besides, had I possessed this advantage, the distraction of thought unavoidably caused by the performance of official duties, neces- sarily tends to render the style unequal, and the chain of ideas somewhat broken and disconnected, especially upon a difficult subject depending upon long and intricate investigations, carried on in a locality where there is no assistance to be ob- tained from scientific libraries, or intercourse with scientific men. The apology of Sir Thomas Browne is likely to be more * Oaokley's 'IDstory of the Saracens.' 10 INTRODUCTION. applicable to the pages which have to follow, than to the work to which they were originally prefixed. " And first we crave exceeding pardon in the audacity of the attempt ; humbly acknowledging a work of such concernment unto truth, and difficulty in itself, did well deserve the conjunc- tion of many heads. And surely more advantageous had it been unto truth, to have fallen into the endeavours of some co- operating advancers, that might have performed it to the life, and added authority thereto ; which the privacy of our condition, and unequal abilities cannot expect. Whereby notwithstanding we have not been diverted ; nor have our soKtary attempts been so discouraged, as to despair the favourable book of learning upon our single and unsupported endeavours. " Nor have we let fall our pen upon discouragement of contra- diction, unbelief, and difficulty of dissuasion from radicated behefs, and points of high prescription ; although we are very sensible how hardly teaching years do learn, what roots old age contracteth into errors, and how such as are but acorns in our younger brows grow oaks in our elder heads, and become in- flexible into the powerfuUest arm of reason. Although we have beheld, what cold requitals others have found in their several redemptions of truth ; and how their ingenuous enquiries have been dismissed with censure, and obloquy of singularities."* ' Pseudodoxia Bpidemica.' BOOK I. THE FORMATION AND GEOLOGICAL STEUCTURE OF THE MINING DISTRICTS OF ALSTON MOOR. CHAPTER I. ON THE LAWS WHICH HAVE REGULATED THE DEPOSITION OF THE MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE IN GEEAT BEITAIN. When we endeavour to trace the causes by which the present state of things, upon the surface and in the interior of the Earth, has been evolved, we only proceed a short distance until the twilight of uncertainties shrouds many of them from our view ; and though all of them extend in linked succession through an incalculable antiquity, yet it is only some that have recorded their effects in "Nature's infinite book of secrecy." The analogy of past events to those effected on the surface and interior of the Earth, by causes now in operation, forms the key by which the stony records are deciphered. Of many events that have transpired, no records exist, or, as they extend into the past, are dimmed by the effacing touches of ceaseless mu- tation or perpetual change. The greater portion of the knowledge we possess respecting the interior of the Earth is the result of the labours of many eminent geologists during the l3,st fifty or sixty years ; and the least disputed portions of that knowledge, are those relating to the chemical composition of all kiads of rocks, and the order of succession of the sedimentary ones — from the lowest point where they are metamorphosed, or their distinctive charac- teristics obliterated by Plutonic agency, to the latest deposits, now being effected, ia the oceans and seas which surround the dry land. These rocks they have classified and separated into D 14 THE DEPOSITION OF THE certain groups, the exact relative position of each being well defined, at least as they are found to exist in the British islands. The lowest of these groups is termed the Cambrian. This group of sedimentary beds rests upon Granite, and contains few organic remains. They were formerly known by the names of Lower Greywacke, Mica-Schist, and Quartz rocks ; and are well developed in North Wales, and the lake district of Cumber- land. Sir E. Murchison, relying on the measurements of the government surveyors, made at Longmynd, estimates the total thickness of these azoic rocks at not less than 26,000 feet. The veins traversing them often contain copper ores, near the junction of intrusive trap rocks. Upon these metamorphic rocks rests the older Palaeozoic group. It is composed of two divisions, respectively termed Upper and Lower Silurian. The former consists of the Ludlow and Wenlock beds ; the latter of Caradoc and Llandillo flags. All these rocks are formed of alternating sandstones, limestones, and shale; the greater portion, however, is composed of the last ; and they all contain fossils which are of a marine charac- ter.* Their thickness is estimated by the same authority at 30,000 feet, making a total with the imderlying Cambrians, which bear a somewhat similar, though more crystaUine aspect, of 56,000 feet — or a pile of subaqueous deposits reaching to the stupendous height of upwards of ten miles ! f * " The strata comprised in the Silurian system present all the usual charac- ters of marine sedimentary deposits. The fossils comprise immense numbers of extinct crustaceana, and of brachlopodous mollusca, some marine woi-ms, and many cephalopoda, crinoidea, and corals ; a few placoid fishes, are the only ves- tiges of vertebrated animals ; and fucoid plants the sole indications of the vegetar ble kingdom ; not a vestige of any terrestrial animal or plant has been discovered. These organic remains belong for the most part to peculiar types, some of which extend into the upper Palseozoic formations, hut none occur in the secondary deposits." — Dr. Mantell's 'Wonders of Geology,' p. 803. t 'Siluria' (first edition), p. 175. MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. 15 Eemembering that this vast thickness of rocks is -widely dis- seminated, not only in the British Isles, but also in the conti- nents of Europe, Asia, America, and Australia, and that the greatest part of them is composed of finely comminuted par- ticles of rocks which must have had a prior existence, and which, being elevated above the level of the sea, formed shores to be washed and disintegrated by the breakers ; while at the same time, their whole elevated surface miist have been subjected to gradual degradation by pluvial and fluvial forces, and the par- ticles of disintegrated matter, transported by the latter to the ocean, upon whose subsiding bed, they were spread out and consoKdated ; and remembering, also, the slowness of operations identical in character with those now being effected upon the surface of the earth by the same forces ; the mind grows giddy, not only with the contemplation of the ." abyss of time," but also of space iUled with these groups of rocks. The next strata, in the order of upward succession, are the Devonian, forming the lowest portion of the upper Palssozoic rocks, and so well known as the Old Eed Sandstone, from the description of their physical development and zoological contents in Scotland, by the lamented Hugh Miller. In the Lake district of Cumberland they exist as beds of coarse conglomerate, resting unconformably on the slates. A bed of conglomerate alter- nating regularly with the other strata, bassets to the surface on the western escarpment of Cross Fell. If this conglomerate is identical with those similar beds on the west side of the valley of the Eden, there is reason to suppose that the Old Ked Sand- stone is more developed under the base of Cross Fell, or on the east side of the Penine fault, than in the Lake district ; but whether in the former district the Old. Eed Sandstone rests conformably or unconformably upon the slates, is not known ; their junction being below the base of the mountain. d2 16 THE DEPOSITION OF THE The other groups of the newer Palseozoio rocks, consisting of the Mountain Limestone, Millstone Grit, Coal-measures, and New Eed Sandstone, repose conformably upon the Old Eed Sandstone ; and in the north of England, excepting the last, they all pass iato each other by regular alternation, and are well developed in the tract of country, about sixty miles broad, lying on the west side of a line drawn from Nottingham to Berwick-upon-Tweed, a distance of about two hundred miles. The New Eed Sandstone is also widely developed on the east side of the island, and as we have observed, its beds are not con- formable to those of the Coal-measures. The line separating these two groups of rocks extends from Nottingham to Tyne- mouth, and slightly curves to the west opposite the Lake district of Cumberland. Mr. Page, in his advanced ' Text-Book of Geology,' observes " that the Mountain or Carboniferous Limestone is one of the most distinct and unmistakable in the whole crust of the earth. Whether consisting of one thick, reef-like bed of limestone, or of many beds with alternating shales and gritty sandstones, its peculiar corals, encrinites, and shells distinguish it at once from all other series of strata. In fact, it foims in the rocky crust a zone, so marked and peculiar, that it becomes a guiding-post, not only to the miner in the Carboniferous system, but to the geo- logist in his researches among other strata." In the district whose boundaries we have roughly indicated, the Mountain Limestone is well developed, and constitutes the principal portion of these rocks in England, They are, however, more widely developed in Ireland, where, in connection with the Devonian group, they cover four-fifths of the island.* They are also widely developed in Eussia, North America, and many other parts of the world. * Johnstone's ' Physical Atlas.' MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. 17 In the north of England its total thickness is about 2800 feet, and consists of a series of alternating strata of limestone, sand- stone, and shale, and one layer of trap rock. The upper por- tion of this series bassets on the sides of the valleys of the higher parts of the South Tyne, Wear, and Tees, forming the rocks of the lead mining districts. In Alston Moor, the aggregate thickness of these rocks is 1037 feet, and they are composed of 183 feet of limestone, 349 of sandstone, and 505 feet of shale. The bed or layer of basaltic rock may be considered as forming the base of the Alston Moor mineral strata, and it only out-crops in two or three places. The lower portion of the Mountain Limestone bassets on the western escarpment of Cross Fell. The section Plate I., drawn to a scale of 200 feet in an inch, shows the total thickness of the Mountain Limestone, as weU as the comparative thickness of each stratum. These, however, vary much in diiferent localities : the section can therefore only be considered as a general representation. In the Alston Moor district, it is rarely that any particular stratum is altogether wanting. In the Tees- side and Troutbeck mines, the strata above the Whin vary con- siderably in order and thickness from those which out-crop near the Tyne river at Garrigill, as may be observed ^by comparing the section Plate II. with the general section Plate I., which may considered a faithful representation of the strata in the latter district. In the Tees-side district, a greater thickness intervenes between the top of the Whin and the bottom of the Scar Lime- stone, than in the Garrigill district ; but in the latter, the Whin is very considerably thicker than in the former, and the distance in each case between the bottom of the Whin and the bottom of the Scar Limestone is very nearly equal. The Copper hazles are also better developed in the Tees-side than in the Garrigill dis- trict. At Long Cleugh mine, the Firestone stratum is 54 feet in thickness, but not more than half a mUe in a north-west direction. 18 THE DEPOSITION OF THE it only exists as a thin bed of famp, while the Ironstone in the same district increases from a few inches to a stratum of very hard sandstone 12 or 14 feet thick. The limestone strata vary the least, being of a uniform thickness throughout wide areas. The beds of shale vary to some extent more than the limestone strata, and the sandstones vary to a stiU greater extent, especially those of a coarse description. The limestones generally repose upon a bed of sandstone ; if a bed of shale intervenes, it is rarely more than a few inches thick. In addition to the minor variations which occur in all locali- ties, this group of rocks, in the district under consideration, is subjected to a general modification of its constituent parts by the substitution of limestone for sandstone and shale, in a direc- tion from north to south. Accordiag to Mr. Forster, who quotes from Mr. Farey's Derbyshire report, its lower part in this dis- trict is formed of 870 feet thick of limestone, with three beds of igneous rock interspersed, whose aggregate thickness is 240 feet, surmounted, as Mr. PhilKps observes, " by shale with their alter- nations of sandstone, limestone, ironstone, &c., 500 feet, and the hills are crowned by bold ranges of MiUstone Grit, and its accompanying sandstones 360 feet in thickness."* The Great Limestone of Alston Moor can be traced to Lune- dale in Yorkshire, and from thence to Wensleydale, and at each place the variation in thickness is not great. In the Long Cleugh mine, Nenthead district, it is nearly twelve fathoms thick ; in Wensleydale it is called the " Twelve fathoms lime- stone." Its thickness is also imiform in an east and west direc- tion ; from the furthest point it has been traced eastward in the Derwent mines to the western side of Cross Fell. From Coal Cleugh it can be traced to Cupola Bridge in Whitfield, where it ' Manual of Geology,' p. 167. J>vBvm/i)ryf.Wa2Za£e^. SECTION ofOie Stratcua / Me,f PZAIE II. Zjrne^ttme ..- Slabfrlfa^U Saxj- Zimeattnu. I*. ajicL JlJa/^ .... 219 ,— ^ -^=^ BoAle/ m^nJ^ Postf Xjme^Ftont' . - JJix/^^ Mccte Whctstem S. WHIN f^^~ Zxmegtcm' Rate, iTeH^Zime = ^ SCALE, 200 FEE! r PER NCH . SECTION of r/iC' Strata/ at FaUowKeM, lA'ertfuanberland' ■ PLATE m. . LOCAL KiMES STRATA S. STOKE PLATE LIME. 1 / 2 3 S 6 1 8 a w 11 n K Ill- is K n !S 10 21 22 2S TU- % Soil OayM. Mate ajid' 200 Belt. I Shales, sandstones, and coal underset limestone. I 20 THE DEPOSITION OF THE Feet. I Alternations of flagstones, of various quality, in great abund- ^ anoe, with shales, coal, hard gritstones, and three or four I g^Q strata of limestone from 6 to 30 feet thick. The hiack | marble of Dent is nearly at the bottom of this group. .' Scar ( Limestones of great thickness, with partings prmcipally of 1 jqq Limestones, t shale; ' The exact position of the "Twelve fathoms limestone" is not given in the above section ; but it appears from the order to be comprehended in the central part of the Upper limestone belt ; consequently, the distance from the bottom of the Scar Limestone to the top of this limestone does not differ materially from that intervening between the bottom of the Melmerby Scar Lime- stone and the Great Limestone, "as developed in Alston Moor ; and probably if very accurate measurements were taken at each place the agreement would be found still more close. This thick- ness also corresponds with that of the mineral limestones and toadstones of Derbyshire. We may therefore conclude that the deposition of the Melmerby Scar Limestone, and the "Scar Lime- stone of Yorkshire and Derbyshire, took place at the same period, and upon a sea-bottom nearly horizontal ; and also, that during the long period intervening between the commencement of the deposition of the Melmerby Scar Limestone and the termination of that of the Great Limestone, the rate of subsidence was nearly uniform throughout the wide area occupied by the Mountain Limestone in the central part of England. If these views are admitted to be correct, then the series of beds comprehended between the top of the Great Limestone and Grindstone Sill in Alston Moor will correspond with the lime- stone shale of Derbyshire, the thickness in each case being 480 feet ; and the Millstone Grit, which is fully developed in Alston Moor, will correspond to the grits of Derbyshire and Wensley- dale, with some little variation in thickness. It is not impro- bable, however, that the MiUstone Grit on the tops of the moun- DEBBYSmRE o > T— CO o 00 o o ■o m 71 z o X INGLEBOURGH JRMSGXONDALE GAKRIGILI,. MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE (3 OF OERBY' v^. From this simple diagram it is easily seen how the Great Sulphur vein has been formed by the fracture of the strata, resulting from the tension to which it was subjected when thrown out of its original horizontal position. DIRECTION OP VEINS. 59 It will be perceived that on the east side of Damgill Bridge, instead of being parallel, its course is nearly at right angles to the anticlinal axis. No sooner does this take place, than the character of the vein is modified to suit the altered condi- tions ; and this is effected by its ramification into different portions, thos^ thrown off on the north side throw up the north cheek, thus neutralizing that of the other or south portion, and clearly proving that its formation and that of the anticlinal axis are connected in one law of causation. This great vein cannot be traced on the contrary side of the hill, and doubtless ceases to exist as it approaches the anticlinal axis. The remarks on the Great Sulphur vein apply also to the Whin dyke, the only difference being in the amount of displacement of the strata, which in the latter is scarcely perceptible. No trace of this dyke can be found in Crook Burn. It may be supposed that it gradually closes and ceases to exist, before it reaches the anticlinal axis. If this can be proved to be the case, its formation is evidently due to the same law of causation as the Great Sulphur vein. The strata dip rapidly from the anticlinal axis on each side of this Whin dyke to the Great Sulphur vein, the dyke slightly modifying the rate of in- clination, which is more rapid on the north side. Sir C Lyell observes that ramifying dykes of trap pass through the fossili- ferous strata at Markernd, near Christiania, in Norway, without deranging their strike or dip.* If the formation of this dyke is connected in causation with the anticlinal axis — a supposition which seems to be highly pro- bable — it is evident that it cannot be connected with the stratum of basalt, which occupies a certain and unvarying position, among the rocks of the district ; and, consequently, is subjected ' * Elements of Geology ' (fourth edition), p. 446. 60 THE FORMAT [ON OP DYKES. to all the dislocations and inclinations undergone by these. And further, the basaltic dyke must cut through the stratum of basalt, descending to vast depths, through its narrow passage, into which it was originally suddenly propelled and sustained by subterranean forces — a liquid, fiery mass, filling up the smallest interstices of the fissure, " et presm gravitate sui " with all the force that an elevation of many miles could give ; yet too light in the Plutonic balance, it solidified into the hardest stone, and remained in its narrow prison — a memento of forces, compared with which man's mightiest engines are mere toys and playthings. CHAPTEE IV. OF THE LAWS EEGULATING THE FOEMATION AND DIRECTION OF EAST AND WEST VEINS. At Tynehead, the group of veins comprehended between Dosey and the Tees-side mines are mostly of small magnitude, dis- locating the strata very little. With the exception of Providence veins, they all cease to exist as they approach the anticlinal axis in their course westward ; and also in their eastward course several of them dwindle to nothing near the summit of Bel Beaver. None of the veins between Calvert and Littlegill veins, in- cluding both, are remarkably strong. Some of them contain much sparry matter in the strata below the Great Limestone. In their direction eastward they all cease to exist, before reaching the anticlinal axis. Calvert veins forming Swarth Beck vein may be traced to the west side of the Penine range of mountains. Littlegill vein has also been traced, at several points, through the vale of the Tyne to the Cross FeU mines. The next group are comprehended between Longman Hill and Hound Hill. On the west side of Eodderup Fell cross vein, none of the veins forming this group are strong. In their direction eastward they converge, and though most of them are G 62 FORMATION AND DIRECTION OF in existence at the Tyne river, further east they dwindle to nothing. The most important east and west yeins of Alston Moor are Browngill and Benty Field veins, including those which branch from the former. It will be observed upon the map, that Benty Field vein is ramified into weak strings, on the south side of Eodderup Fell vera. AtDryburn these strings are collected, and a vein of con- siderable width is formed, which dislocates the strata perhaps not less than 60 feet. This vein continues strong, until it crosses Garrigill Bum, but from this point to Old Groves cross vein its width and throw gradually decrease. From this cross vein to the east boundary of the Alston Manor, it is a vein of uniform and moderate size. On the west side of the Tyne river, and on the south side of Benty Field vein, two or three weak veins are found, which scarcely dislocate the strata to the extent of a few inches ; though extensive flats are connected with them in the Tyne-bottom Limestone. On the east side of the Tyne, these veins combine, forming Browngill vein, which, in its course eastward, increases in both width and throw in proportion as those of Benty Field vein decrease. At the intersection with Garrigill Burn Old Groves cross vein, Browngill vein throws up the sun cheek not less than 60 feet. Still further! east its throw is about 84 feet. At the intersection with Nunnery cross vein, the greater portion of this east and west vera takes the direction of the latter ; but in its direction southward it rapidly decreases in magnitude, and is also apparently much broken into strings before it intersects Black Ashgill cross veia. The north portion also splits up, form- ing the Gaple Cleugh and Middle Cleugh veins. Long Cleugh vein traverses the district in the direction of BrowngUl vein, but its throw at Carrs vein is only 10 feet. With the exception of EAST AND WEST VEINS. 63 Middle Cleugh second sun vein, all the Caple Cleugh and Middle Cleugh veins cease to exist before reaching the east boundary of the Alston Manor. It will be observed upon the map that several other veins besides those just noticed are thrown off Browngill vein. Briggle Burn is by far the strongest of these ; this vein increases its width and throw as it approaches Carrs vein. After its intersec- tion with this cross vein it is divided into two parts, respectively termed Eampgill and Scalebum veins. After this separation, the former takes the dii-ection of a quarter point vein, for about 180 fathoms, and then resumes its general bearing, in which it continues to the east boundary of the Alston Manor. At this point it ramifies ; the principal portion being deflected to the south combines with EampgiU high sim vein. On the west side of this combiaation the latter is a weak vein, possessing only a few inches of throw. The direction of the Coal Cleugh east and west vein is nearly parallel to the anticlinal axis. In the Nent- head mines Eampgill vein displaces the strata about 18 feet ; in the Coal Cleugh district about 36 feet, but after its intersec- tions with the powerful Coal Cleugh cross veins, its throw is diminished to 15 feet, and this is counteracted by a north portion whose throw is about 8 feet north side up. On the north side of Benty Field vein, the Cowper Dyke heads and Fletcheras veins are also formed from weak strings ; and, on the west side of the Tyne river, traverse the district in a parallel direction. On the east side of the Tyne aU these veins are deflected into a more northerly direction. Except- ing Brownley hiU vein the rest cease to exist before reaching the east boundary of the Alston Manor. Near GarrigiU Burn cross vein. Black Syke vein comes into existence and traverses the district near to and parallel with Fletcheras vein. Both of these veins are of very considerable G 2 64 FORMATION AND DIRECTION OF magnitude. Blact Syke vein, however, throws np the north cheek nearly as much as Fletcheras vein does the south cheek, thus neutralizing each other's effects, and, as the hade of a vein in a downward direction is opposite to that of its throw, it is evident, that in such instances the two veins must become one, at no great depth below the surface. Eodderup Fell vein throws up the north cheek about 15 feet. It is displaced in a longitudinal direction at the West cross vein ; with this exception, its bearing between Shield Waters and Black Ashgill cross vein is very direct. At How Hill on the east side of the Tyne river, a strong portion bears off in a more northerly direction and wastes into very small portions or leads as it approaches Elough edge vein. Flough edge and Nattrass Eedgrove veins traverse the district in a direction parallel to Browngill vein, and from Eedgrove vein a number of east and west veins split off the north side in a somewhat similar manner; with one or two exceptions all these dwindle to nothing in their course eastward. The direction of Bayle HjII and Fistas Eake vein is nearly parallel to Eodderup Fell vein ; both are of small magnitude. In the Blaygill mine the latter is moderately wide, but only dislocates the strata about three feet, Thomgill veins traverse the district in the same direction as Browngill veins. These veins possess considerable strength. They enter into combination, and, as Lough vein in the Blay- gill mine dislocates the strata not less than 24 feet. The direc- tion of the Slote vein does not vary greatly from that of the Thomgill veins. It will be observed, that this group of veins differs from the Browngill and Nattrass Eedgrove veins, in not being connected with a series of veins falling off on the north side. In Alston Moor, the east and west veins generally throw up EAST AND WEST VEINS. 65 the south cheek, and hade, dip, or strike from the surface in a contrary direction. In the following pages, whenever their throw is given, this fact will be understood, unless the contrary is ex- pressly stated. Such is a brief description of the principal east and west veins in the district. We shall now endeavour to prove, that their existence and direction are due to the tension to which the strata were subjected when thrown out of their horizontal position. In tracing this connexion, we shall begin with the Browngill fissures : excepting the Great Sulphur vein, these are of much greater magnitude than any other east and west veins in the district. To whatever phenomena veins may be related in causation, the coimexion will be most clearly seen where the greatest amount of effect is produced. At the point where the two anticlinal axes join in Kilhope, and at the point where Eodderup Fell vein is intersected by the West cross vein, near Shield Waters, the beds are elevated to the same horizontal position. Between these two points is the general bearing of the great BrowngiU line of fissures ; conse- quently this series of veins traverses the district on the level line of the strata, or in other words, it traverses the district nearly at right angles to the general strike of the beds on the south side of the fissure. We have already pointed out, that between Black Burn and the higher part of Gilderdale Burn, the strata must be lying nearly horizontal, if the dip is not indeed in an opposite direc- tion to that on the south side of the former stream. As this great fissure approaches the point where this change of inclina- tion takes place, it suddenly breaks up into portions^ so weak, that they have scarcely been noticed in the Eodderup Fell mine. Now in connexion with this circumstance, it is neces- 66 POEMATION AND DIEECTION OF sary to observe that, had this powerful vein been produced westward, in the same direction, its relation to the dip of the strata would have been changed, and, instead of corresponding with the level line, there must have been a considerable accli- vity of the beds in its direction towards the heights of Hartside. At the east end of the course of this great fissure, its depen- dence upon the tension undergone by the enclosing rocks is equally remarkable. As it approaches the anticlinal axis, it breaks up into a number of veins which are deflected to the north. We may consider its full termination to take place at Carrs vein, where it is represented by Long Cleugh vein, which, as before observed, only dislocates the strata ten feet. Had this vein or fissure been prolonged into the Weardale district, there must have occurred a considerable declivity of the beds in the line of its direction. From the conditions con- nected with its terminations, a presumption arises that this vein is simply a fracture or opening in the rocks, and a dislocation effected by subterranean forces of elevation or depression, and is consequently dependent upon the unequal position to which the beds are raised. Again, from the intersection of the axes of elevation in the Kilhope district, the beds rise in the direction of the east and west axis, and culminate between Burnhope Seat and Dow- green, or the source of the Tyne river: from thence in its north-westward direction to Cross Fell Smelt mill they incline considerably. Now in their direction from the east to the west, the magnitude and throw of the Browngill fissures vary in the same or a corresponding manner. This vein or fissure exists in its greatest magnitude precisely opposite the point where the strata are most elevated on the line of the axis ; and in propor- tion as the strata incline in each direction from this highest point of elevation, so do the magnitude and throw of BrowngOl EAST AND WEST VEINS. 67 vein dimmish ; thus establishing a real correlation between the two kinds of phenomena, and proving that they are dependent upon the same laws of causation. Mr. Mill lays down as the fifth canon of his experimental method, " Whatever phenomenon varies in any manner, whenever another phenomenon varies in some particular manner, is either a cause or an effect of that phenomenon, or is connected with it through some fact of causa- tion."* The Browngill fissures are not only the greatest in magni- tude, but also in extent, of those having a similar direction in Alston Moor. Now it may be pointed out, in connexion with these circumstances, that their position corresponds with a line which would form one of the diagonals of the trapezoidal-shaped district, bounded by the two antichnal axes and the Birchy Bank vein on the north side of Black Burn, and precisely where the longest fissure could be formed without being prolonged into strata dipping in different directions from those on the south side of the vein. But if the strata were subjected to the greatest amount of tension in the direction of the east and west diagonal of the trapezoid, it is evident that, subject to no other disturbing force, they would be subjected to the least tension in the direction of the other diagonal — a conclusion which corresponds with the facts of the case ; for there are no veins of the slightest impor- tance traversing the district in this direction. Again, the Caple Cleugh and Middle Cleugh veins thrown off on the north side of the BrowngiU fissure, traverse the district on the level Kne of the strata ; but they aU terminate in their direction eastward. The east end of the Browngill fissure is deflected a little to the south ; and it is remarkable, that a line ' Logic,' vol. i., p. 435. 68 FORMATION AND DIRECTION OP drawn on the general bearing of that portion where it exists in the greatest magnitude, coincides in a general way with the various points of termination. The existence of the north por- tions (in a part of the district, in which the strata dip in a dif- ferent angle to that on the south side of the main fissure, and to which they conform in their direction), is dependent upon the same cause as the formation of the principal fissure. In the Nenthead district, the Briggle burn veins traverse on the level line of the strata. In the Coal Cleugh district the beds incline a little in the direction of the veins eastward ; and as they approach the Swinhope district their direction is not parallel to the axis : in this case they either terminate abruptly, or their throw is diminished, and in a great measure counter- acted, by the formation of another vein on the north side, which dislocates the strata in a contrary direction. Next to Browngill, Fletcheras vein is the strongest of its class in Alston Moor. It traverses the district on the level line of the strata. On the south side of the vein, and at the point where it crosses the Tyne river, and near to Carrs vein where it terminates, the beds are elevated to exactly the same horizontal position. Like the Browngill fissures, it wastes to nothing in its direction westward; it also dislocates the strata to the greatest extent opposite that point on the axis of elevation where the strata are the most elevated. Except Crag Green sun vein, which terminates at Old Groves vein, no veins are thrown off on the north side of Fletcheras vein. In its direction eastward, where, as we have shown in connexion with Browngill vein, a dislocation of the strata is less necessary on account of the lower position, the strata are ele- vated on the anticHnal axis — it maintains its throw, which however, is counteracted by, that of Black Syke vein. In the Gallygill Syke mine, the latter vein throws up the north cheek EAST AND "WEST VEINS. 69 to nearly the extent that Fletcheras vein does the south cheek, thus producing an effect of the same kind on the strata as would have resulted from its breaking up into a series of weak veins, ultimately dwindling to nothing. It is unnecessary to pursue the subject further. The other east and west veins of Alston Moor are related to the same phe- nomena as BrowngiU and Fletcheras veins — are dependent upon the same laws of causation, and were formed contemporaneously with them. Their magnitude is proportional to the intensity of the elevatory forces, as denoted by the effect upon the strata ; and their direction varies as the dip, or, to speak more forcibly, ihdr magnitude and direction are proportional to the amount of twisting, or wrenching, undergone by the strata, when their horizon- tality was disturbed by subterranean forces, either of elevation or depression. We have shown in a previous chapter, that the denudation of the rocks in the district and the formation of the valleys were regulated by the axes of elevation, which form the boundary of this portion of the hydrographical basin of the South Tyne rivei:. In this chapter I trust we have satisfactorily shown, that the formation and direction of the east and west veins are con- nected in causation with the formation of this axis — are, in fact, correlated phenomena — consequently, the veins must have been in existence before the removal by denudation of the rocks which once filled up the valleys. But there appears to be grounds for concluding, that they were reaUy formed at a period of time long antecedent to that of the formation of the valleys of Alston Moor. The Ninety- fathoms dyke traverses the country in a somewhat parallel direc- tion, and is related to an unequal elevation of the strata in a manner similar to that of the metalliferous east and west veins of Alston Moor. It seems, therefore, probable that these veins 70 FORMATION AND DIRECTION OP and the Ninety-fathoms dyke were formed contemporaneously. Professor Phillips observes that the Penine " fault is cut off to the north by the Ninety-fathoms dyke, and to the south by the Craven fault ; and there is every probability that it is actually continued along the lines of these faults to a direction right- angled, or nearly so, to its ov?n course. If this be so, and the whole is one complex dislocation, we may surely conclude that the middle portion, even if not of the same age as the extremes, was produced in the same manner."* There is one circumstance which is not connected with both faults. On the north side of the Ninety-fathoms dyke the beds of the Newcastle Coal-mea- sures are found, but on the west side of the Penine fault there is no reason to support a conclusion, that across the valley of the Eden these coal-beds are reposing beneath the New Eed Sand- stone. The fact of the Coal-measures being found on the north side of the Ninety-fathoms dyke is sufficient to prove that at the time of its formation this series of beds was reposing upon the Millstone Grit and Mountain Limestone of Alston Moor. If the Coal-measures were deposited across the vale of the Eden, they were probably removed by denudation before the connexion of the Penine fault with upward movements of the strata lying on the east side. Such are the facts, on which we may base the hypothesis of the formation of the east and west veins taking place before the removal of the Coal-measures by the currents of the sea or by breaker action, and which enable us to conclude, with great probability, that the east and west veins were in existence when the strata were lying at a depth of at least 5000 feet below the highest point of their present elevation. In conclusion, it may be observed, that with the exception of ' Manual,' p. 571. EAST AND WEST VEINS. 71 a single basaltic dyke, there are no indications that the district under consideration has_ ever been subjected to volcanic agency of a violent or spasmodic character. It seems probable that the removal of the Coal-measures and the denudation of the valleys are due to causes much of the same kind as those now in opera- tion on the earth's surface. K this is the case, the period of the formation of the east and west veins is separated from the Glacial epoch by immeasurable periods of time. We vainly attempt to lift the curtain and unveil the innumerable colloca- tion of things and succession of events, which must have oc- curred upon the surface and in the interior of the earth from that remote period to the present time. Yet this vast series of changes was ordained and controlled by an infinite Intelligencej a Being who existed from everlasting, and who must regard the longest cycle which geology compels us to assume as but " a point of time, a moment's space," when contrasted with those vaster periods which have transpired since His fiat called matter into existence, and impressed it with laws which cannot be broken ; — since He began to evolve the phenomena of the universe by a linked succession of causative events. The contemplation of these affords us the most sublime en- joyment, and brings us into closer communion with their great Author. " A presence that diaturbs me -with the joy, Of elevated thoughts ; a sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused, Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns. And the round ocean and the living air, And the blue sky, and in the mind of man : A motion and a spirit, that impels All thinking things, all objects of all thought. And rolls through all things." Wordsworth. CHAPTEE V. OF THE LAWS CONNECTED WITH THE FORMATION OF THE CROSS VEINS OP ALSTON MOOE. The cross veins are the next class which conies under considera- tion. They traverse the district in a direction about 30° east of south, true meridian, and their general bearing is more imiform than that of the east and west veins. Veins traversing the lead-mining district in this direction are found of all degrees of magnitude. A displacement of the strata to the amount of 260 feet is found connected with Carrs vein in some parts of its course, while CowhiU cross vein dislocates the strata only a few inches ; but the throw of each particular vein varies greatly. In the strata above the Great Limestone few of them contain sparry vein minerals ; it is more especially when tliis limestone forms their sides that they are found to contain such kind of minerals. In this respect they differ very much from the east and west veins ; but in the Great Limestone the width of the veins varies much. In some parts of any particular vein large quantities of mineral are found, while in others, little removed from the former, they contain scarcely any, being chiefly filled with douky matter. The mineral contents of the east and west veins are generally harder and more compact than those of the cross veins. These simple facts are sufficient OP CROSS VEINS. 73 grounds for placing the cross veins in a separate class, and the propriety of so doing will appear during the inTestigation.* In the first instance we shall attempt to give a short descrip- tion of the principal veins of this class traversing the miaing dis- tricts of Alston Moor and Coal Cleugh, commencing with those found in the latter district. The Coal Cleugh east cross vein is the one situated furthest east in the district represented upon the map. This cross vein throws up the east cheek about 96 feet. Another vein is found at a short distance further west, which throws up the west cheek about 88 feet. The throws of these two veins in a great measure neutralize each other, and at no great depth below the surface the two must hade to each other and become one vein. Their direction is nearly parallel through the whole extent of the Coal Cleugh and Kilhope districts, but in their course southward the West cross vein becomes much stronger, and in the latter district dislocates the strata not less than 120 feet. About 220 fathoms further west, another vein is found, called Pump Sump cross vein. It is a vein of less magnitude than the last, and throws up the west cheek about 36 feet. I think it not improbable, that this vein is identical with the Longhole head vein of the Kilhope district. About 80 fathoms west another weak vein is foimd, which throws up the west cheek about 4 feet. The Bounder end cross vein is the next in order of succession. It dislocates the strata very little. But for the extensive flats of lead ore which have been found on each side near its inter- section with Rampgill vein it would have been considered as of no importance whatever. * Where a certain apparent difference between things (though perhaps in itself of little moment) answers to we know not what number of other differences', per- vading not only their known properties, but properties yet undiscovered, it is not optional but imperative to recognise this difference as the foundation of a special distinction.— Mill's ' Logic' vol. i., p. 137 (fourth edition). 74 THE FORMATION OP Proceeding further west into the Nenthead district, the first vein of importance is Kampgill and Scaleburn cross vein, whose throw is only 4 feet east side up. It is, therefore, a vein of small magnitude, although very considerable quantities of lead ore have been produced from it, especially on the south side of Eampgill, and on the north side of Scaleburn veins. In its course northward, this cross vein enters into combination with the east portion of the group of powerful cross veins which tra- verse the rocks of Alston Moor on the east side of the Nent river. In the Haggs mine, all these cross veins are comprehended in two — Carrs vein and Wellgill cross vein ; the former throws up the west cheek, the latter the east cheek ; in consequence they must hade into each other, and become one vein at no great depth from the surface. In their direction southward through the Nenthead mining district, these veins are ramified ; the east and west portions dislocating the strata in opposite directions, and hading to each other in a downward direction ; but as the different portions approach the anticlinal axis they nearly aU throw up the west cheek and hade in the usual manner to the east. The dislocations of the strata at these cross veins may be seen on Plate VII. On the west side of Carrs vein, and situated no great distance from it, two cross veins are found, neither of which possesses much throw. In its direction northward, Cowslitts cross vein dwindles to nothing. On the south side of Long Cleugh vein, Cowhill cross vein, is found considerably stronger than on the north side of that vein. It throws up the east cheek from 12 to 18 feet ; and probably continues to do so, in its direction southward. The next vein, in the order of succession, is Black Ashgill vein. On the north side of the Caple Cleugh veins, it is of great magnitude, dislocating the strata not less than 60 feet ; the east cheek being thrown up. On the north side of the I 'I. A IE VI! . DiUiun Liti£. 1C('l> Fc€t above, tfte- Sen. \ '' D.,tum- L:nv IrCV hWi ,t/vi,' the -S'm L V . 1 fh,/j,m U/itvKW Frt'L fJ^n-e- tht.Sm. V- A — V= / ■J Datinnluu JOOC Peet a4u-iv. iJif Scm, 1 ' Datu^n LcM ]IVr Fr^i uJvrf .'/■y .(>« rnactf'i U„( IWC l'ei-4, „f'CYetJu: Sin VHINNIE CROSS VEIN. i^NENT, ai]([ also. the DISLOCATIONS (^flectecl al the CROSS VEINS. 75 Dowgang veins it is found ramified into several portions ; their throws, however, scarcely displace the strata 30 feet. Between the Grassfield and Hudgill Burn mines, it is a vein of moderate strength, and exists in two portions situated at no great distance from each other. Northward from Hudgill Burn, it gradually diminishes both in width and throw. In the Foreshield mine, it is found in two portions, neither of which possesses much magnitude. On the north side of Blaygill Burn it diminishes to a mere string, with little or no throw. On the south side of the Caple Cleugh veins its throw does not exceed 40 feet. It diminishes rapidly, on the south side of its inter- section with Black AshgUl east cross vein. In Priorsdale, its throw does not exceed 6 feet ; and it does not at aU seem improbable, that, in its direction further south, it dwindles to nothing. Black Ashgill east cross vein, however, increases both in magnitude and throw. It throws up the west side, and near the anticlinal axis its throw is considerably more than in the Black Ashgill lead mine. Near the intersection of Black Ashgill vein with the Dowgang veins, two weak veins are formed on each side of the former vein ; the one passes through the Hudgill Burn lead mine, the other crosses the Nent river ; both cease to exist in their direction north- ward. The next cross vein of importance is Garrigill burn or Old Groves vein. On the south side of Browngill vein, it is found in two portions, both of which are weak, and like Black AshgiU cross vein, probably dwindle to nothing, in their direction south- ward. Northward from the Browngill veins, it gradually in- creases in magnitude, until it intersects with Pletcheras vein. From this point it gradually diminishes, and ceases entirely to exist before reaching Nattrass Gill. Windshaw Bridge is another cross vein, whose direction for a considerable distance corresponds with that of the Tyne river. 76 THE FORMATION OP This is a very weak vein, its throw being not more than 18 or 24 inches east side up. On the south side of the Great Sulphur vein Sir John's cross vein exists, and is ramified into two portions which rapidly sepa- rate from each other. It is also split into two portions on the north side of CrossgUl. It is a very wide vein at the point of intersection with Eodderup FeU vein in the Slaggy Bum mine. At Gilderdale and Thornup Bums, both portions of this vein are strong, and dislocate the strata very much, but in opposite direc- tions. Like some of the Nenthead cross veins, by hading to each other, they must become one vein, at no very great depth below the surface. Eodderup Fell cross vein has not been found on the south- west side of the Great Sulphur vein. This vein is moderately strong, and throws up the west side about 12 feet. One or two weak cross veins intersect Cross FeU vein near the Smelt Mill. They are probably identical with the Nether Hearth cross vein, which may divide into two portions in its direction northward. Such is a brief description of the principal cross veins which traverse the Alston Moor miaing district. Two questions na- turally arise — Is their formation due to the same laws of causation as the east and west veins ; and what is the date of their forma- tion in relation to the latter kind of veins ? Werner was the first to point out the importance of inter- sections ia determining the relative period of the formation of veins. He laid down the general law, " that every vein which intersects another, is newer than the one traversed, and is of later formation than those which it traverses ; of course, the oldest vein is traversed by all those that are of a posterior formation, and the newer veins always cross those that are older."* This appears ' New Theory of the Formation of Veins,' chap, iii., sec. 31. CROSS VEINS. 77 unexceptionable so far as it goes. In its application to any particular case, it is necessary, however, to determine the inter- sected and intersecting veins. The Saxon Professor takes it for granted that this can easily be done. My impression is that to make such observations correctly, is in the majority of cases a very difficult undertaking, requiring not only careful examina- tion in the mine, but also all the aid that can be derived from a profound analysis of the facts. For instance, let us suppose a district like Alston Moor traversed by a strong cross vein A b, which dislocates the strata some 10 or 20 fathoms. After some indefinite period, let us suppose another weaker vein, c d, formed. Now; if the strong cross vein is filled with douk, as is almost invariably the case in the upper beds, it is evident that a fissure formed in such soft clayey matter must almost immediately close, leaving no room for the deposition of various kinds of sparry mineral or metallic substances, which may afterwards be deposited in the vein, c d. Let us suppose further that mining operations are extending from c to e, or from c? to e ; when e, the point of intersection, is reached, the sparry minerals and metallic sub- stances are abruptly cut off, and it may be, all trace of the vein is lost : especially if the posterior formed vein occurs a few feet or fathoms out of its direct line of bearing. In such instances, an ordinary observer would consider the vein o d H 78 THE FORMATION OP as the intersected vein, and the older formed vein the in- tersecting one; and he would be justified in doing so from Werner's definition of the phenomena presented at the point of intersection, namely : " When two veins cross, one of them, without suffering any derangement or interruption, traverses the other ; this last is interrupted and cut across, through its whole thickness, by the former. The first of these is said to traverse the other, and the latter to be traversed by the former."* For this supposititious case, real instances of bad observation might be substituted. Mr. Forster observes " that, in Alston Moor the veins, bearing north and south, called cross veins, generally traverse those that are termed right running veins, which pursue a point nearly east and west. If Werner's doctrines are correct, we may, therefore, infer that cross veins are of a more recent formation.f With this conclusion Professor Phillips seems to concur. Speaking of the connexion between the metalliferous veins, and the great lines of disturbance, as the Penine fault, &c. ; he observes, that the numerous faults of an ordinary character which cross the country in all directions between those great lines of convulsion, seem evidently related to and dependent upon them ; — a remark which receives corroboration from many parallel inquiries. Amongst these faults it is possible, perhaps, to distinguish two periods of disturbance, — the older one marked by a direction nearly east and west, which is that of most of the metalliferous veins, the other by a direction from north to south, which is that of several whin dykes, and some few lead veins. Perhaps these different directions may have taken their rise from * ' Ne* Tlieory of the Formation of Veins,' chap, iii., sec. 31. t ' Treatise on a Section of the Strata,' p. 209. CROSS VEINS. 79 the two directions of the axis of convulsion which bound the district.* Excepting the few instances given by Mr. Forster, which could not be easily explained by Werner's doctrine of intersec- tions, I am not aware that these opinions have ever been very seriously questioned. By the miners in Alston Moor, the cross veins are always considered as later formed, and on that account produced certain effects, well known to them, upon the prior formed east and west veins. K it is granted that the east and west veins were formed before the cross veins — that Crag Green sun vein, for instance, was formed before GrarrigiU Bum cross vein — then, from the facts respecting the former vein, it foUows; that, this moderately wide east and west vein, dislocating the strata a number of feet, terminated at one point, without leaving the least vestige of its existence on the strata in its general line of bearing ; and also that, at some future indefinite period, Garrigill Burn cross vein was formed, and traversed the district in such a direction, that it coincided exactly with the point where the east and west vein terminated. In this case every individual, who understands the subject, must admit a reduetio ad impossibile — must admit that the two conclusions are incompatible with each other. Crag Green sun vein forms part of Fletcheras vein, and splits from it, on the west side of the Tyne river. Now, Fletcheras vein is found on each side of Garrigill Bum cross vein ; it also passes through Black Ashgill cross vein ; and at the points of these crossings, I have no doubt, presents all the appearance of an intersected vein ; but at Oarrs vein both it and most of the other Nentsberry Green veins terminate in the same manner as Crag Green sun vein. Thus supplying an instance of a vein split * ' Manual of Geology,' p, 571. h2 80 THE FORMATION OF up into two parts (in connection with several others), both termi- nating when possessing their full magnitude and throw precisely at points where two cross veins were afterwards to be formed ! In the same manner, it is probable that several of the Hud- gill Bm-n veins terminate at Black Ashgill cross vein. These veins have not been worked at the point of their intersection with this cross vein : the direct proof that such is the case is therefore wanting ; but as there are no east and west veins found traversing the district in their line of bearing, the indirect proof is almost equally conclusive. The Nenthead Fields veins also terminate abruptly at Carrs vein. Several of the veins composing a part of the Browngill vein, either terminate in the same manner at some of the cross veins? or undergo some considerable modification both in width and throw. Hangingshaw vein and Middle Cleugh vein both termi- nate at Carrs vein. The Whitewood portion of Eampgill vein terminates at one of the Coal Cleugh cross veins, and Scaleburn or Low Coal Cleugh vein terminates at the west portion of Whetstone Mea cross vein. Middle Cleugh vein is of consider- able width and throw, but on the east side of its intersection with Carrs vein, it exists as a mere string, with only a few inches throw. Middle Cleugh second sun vein, in its direction east- ward from the point of intersection with Carrs vein, gradually changes its throw and hade ; but, at the point of its intersection with Handsome Mea great cross vein, these are reversed. On the east side of this cross vein, it throws up the south side about 11 feet, and on the west side, it throws up the north side 11 feet. On account of the vein hading in opposite directions there is an apparent shift of 180 feet or more in the Firestone and Slate Sills, while at the point of intersection in the Great Limestone the shift amounts only to a few feet. (See Plate VIII.) It will be evident. I'LAn: Mil. ■D r— > O r-> s = O ^ 2 ri 33 O W t3 '^ 3 fd *T ^ ^. :? < ^ •:^ C/l m k5 « ^ ::^ SS Co t- :;f: CROSS VEIJSS. 81 to every one who clearly compreliends these facts, that such phenomena could not be produced by any longitudinal shifting of the strata, at the time of the formation of the cross reins, on the supposition that the latter were formed after the east and west veins. It is unnecessary to pursue the subject further. Notwithstanding in all the instances we have adduced, the cross veins are apfa- rently the intersecting and the east and west veins the inter- sected ones, — the facts pointed out are sufficient to establish the foUowiug proposition, namely, the cross veins in the mining dis- trict of Alston Moor were formed either anterior to, or contempo- raneously/ with, the veins which traverse the district in an east and west direction. The question now arises — Are there any phenomena, or class of facts known, sufficient to establish the prior existence of the cross veins ? We have shown that the existence, magnitude, and direction of the east and west veins are dependent upon a certain line or axis of unequal elevation of the enclosing rocks. Like all other operations of Nature upon inorganic matter, the produc- tion of mineral veins is doubtlessly due to causes whose effects are uniform. If the two classes of veins were produced con- temporaneously we might reasonably expect that their exist- ence would be connected in causation with the same phenomena — would be dependent upon the same axis of unequal elevation^ It wUl be observed upon the map that the cross veins pass through the axis of elevation situated at the head of the Tyne and Nent rivers, without any apparent modifications of their bearings and throws as they approach it. In this respect they differ from the east and west veins. It is true that in the Kilhope district the Coal Cleugh East cross vein decreases in magnitude while that of the West cross vein is ,eonsiderably increased ; 82 THE FORMATION OF the strata being elevated much higher on the west than on the east side of these cross veins. Changes, however, similar to those take place, in connexion with some of the cross veins, in the Nenthead district, without passing through an axis of eleva- tion. But as there is a rise of the strata south-west, or in the direction of the axis from Long Cleugh head to Burnhope Seat, at the first glance it seems probable, that the existence of the cross veias may be connected with the rise of the beds in this direction, and consequently connected in causation with the formation of the east and west veins. Plate VII. Section No. 1 is made on the line of a portion of this axis extending from Patterdale vein to Burnhope Seat (between A and B upon the general map). It will be perceived that all the strongest veins throw up the west cheek, or in the direction of the acclivity of the strata on the line of the axis. The incli- nation of the beds between the different veius is, however, chiefly to the west ; thus tending to neutralize the effect of their throws. From Black Ashgill east cross vein to Burnhope Seat there are no veins of any kind to disturb the uniform inclination of the strata. Now, if in that portion traversed by strong cross veins, there is a greater amount of effect produced towards elevating the strata than in the undisturbed portion, we might be justified in concluding, that, at the time of the elevation of the axis, the strata were subjected to a greater amount of ten- sion in the former than in the latter case. This, however, has not been the case ; for, when the line of inclination in the south- west portion, is continued through the disturbed portion to the east side of Patterdale vein, it is found to coincide with the thrown-down cheek of this vein. Or, in other words, if these veins had no existence, the horizontal position of the strata on the east side of Patterdale vein would not have been different from what it is at present. CROSS VEINS. 83 Here, then, where there are no east and west veins to com- plicate the inquiry, there is no evidence to establish a connexion in causation between the formation of cross veins and this axis of elevation which is intersected by them. Nor, in consequence, any proof of the contemporaneous formation of the two classes of veins. We have already stated that the east and west veins traverse the district on the level line of the beds. Variations from this law occur when the veins are dwindling to nothing, or in some limited portions which are due to some local conditions. Sec- tion No. 2 is drawn in the direction of Long Cleugh vein, on the east side of Carrs vein. This section exhibits the throws of the cross veins, &c., and their effect upon the strata does not appear to differ much from No. 1. It will be observed that the beds are less elevated at the east than at the west end of the section, and in connexion with this circumstance Long Cleugh vein gra- dually becomes of less magnitude, if it does not altogether cease to exist on the west side of the point where it should intersect Middle Cleugh second sun vein. A section drawn on the line of the latter vera exhibits the beds on the east side of Patter- dale vein and the west side of Black AshgiU vein lying in the same horizontal plane. Section No. 3 is drawn on the line of Eampgill vein. When compared with the two last sections, it will be perceived, that the throws of these veins and the inclination of the strata are considerably modified. The strata are displaced by Black Ash- giU vein not less than 60 feet, and, between this vein and Carrs vein, no other vein exists to displace the strata in a contrary direction, as in sections Nos. 1 and 2 ; since Oowhill and Cow- slitts are both weak veins and produce scarcely any effect upon the beds. The throws of the veins on the east side of Carrs are diminished, only one or two displacing the whole thickness of 84 THE FORMATION OF the Great Limestone. Between Black Ashgill vein and Kamp- gill cross vein the strata are lying at various degrees of inclina- tion and in opposite directions ; but on the opposite sides of these veins they are found nearly in the same plane of elevation. Section No. 4 is drawn on the line of Guddamgill vein. On the east side of the Nent river the cross veins shown on No. 3 have combined with each other in such a manner as to form two strong veins, namely Carrs and Guddamgill Burn veins. The former throws up the west side 240 feet, the latter the east side about 46 feet. Black Ashgill cross vein is split into three por- tions, and the throw of this vein is considerably diminished ; but, as in the last section, on the opposite sides of all the cross veins, the strata are found in the same plane of elevation. Section No. 5 is drawn on the line of the Brownley Hill and Grassfield yeins, and also shows the throws of the strong cross veins as well as the inclination of the strata from them. At this point Guddamgill Burn vein is reduced to a mere string, and is not shown upon the section. Another, called WellgiU cross vein, has formed on the west side, which displaces the strata to the same amount. The throw of Carrs vein is nearly the same as in Section No. 4. On the west side of the west portion of Black Ashgill cross vein, and on the east side of Guddamgill Bum cross veins, the beds are found placed in an equal position of elevation. Section No. 6 is drawn on the line of Hagg's or Fletcheras vein. It varies very little from the section on the line of Brownley Hill vein. Section No. 7 is drawn on the line c D upon the map. It does not correspond with the direction of any east and west vein, but, as might be expected from the angle it makes with the Holyfield and High Eaise veins, the beds are found lower on the east than on the west side of the cross veins. It will be CROSS VEINS. 85 perceived that Carrs vein is ramified or split into two portions. The throw of the west portion is much less than that of the other. It is called Blaygill cross vein, and in its direction northward gradually increases in magnitude and throw. Few mining works have been made in these cross veins further north. In consequence, cross sections could only be made somewhat indirectly, after long and careful investigations, by levelling, &c., upon the surface. Those given are, however, suiEcient to render doubtful the hypothesis of the formation of the cross veins being connected in causation with the formation of the east and west axis of elevation. That the strata were subjected to much tension, before they were fractured and dislocated so much as is represented upon this series of cross sections, is a conclusion that hardly admits of question. Now, in Alston Moor at least, all evidence of their being connected with an axis of elevation is wanting ; it does not therefore appear an improbable hypothesis, that, at the time of the formation of the east and west veins, the axes of elevation con- nected with the cross veins were obliterated, and the dip of the strata changed to nearly at right angles. If we adopt this hypothesis, we may infer, that at the time of the formation of the east and west veins, several cross veins might come into existence, and combine Avith the prior-formed ones, in such a manner, that it is now no easy matter to dis- tinguish the one set from the other. As most of the cross veins hade to each other so rapidly in a downward direction, they must become one vein at no great depth below the surface ; it is not unlikely, but that the formation of some of them is connected with subsequent movements in the strata (facilitated by the prior-formed cross veins as lines of weakness), the effect of which was, in a great measure, to level former axes of eleva- tion ; thus rendering it very difficult, if not impossible, to de- 86 THE FORMATION OF termine what was the relative position and inclination of the strata prior to the formation of the east and west veins. From the uniform direction of Carrs vein through many miles of country, not only in Alston Moor but also in Weardale, I am led to infer, that the axes of elevation connected with these cross veins must have traversed the mining districts iu a parallel direction: and it also seems probable to me, that when the strata were moved by forces of elevation, in an east and west direction, the effect in the first instance might be to raise the depressed portions lying between such axes or ridges into an equal position, and this more particularly near the line of greatest intensity of force, and likewise form at the same time the east portions of the cross veins ; and that afterwards the beds were again wrenched into unequal positions of elevation, and the formation of the east and west veins effected. From facts of a more particular kind, but which are difBcult to describe clearly, I am led to conclude that Carrs vein, at least, must have been in existence prior to the formation of the cast and west veins. Some of the latter, which terminate at Carrs vein, for some distance on the west side, throw up the north cheek although the acclivity of the beds is in a contrary direction. Before the strata gave way, it would appear a con- siderable amount of force was pent up, sufficient to prolong some of the east and west fissures to this cross vein ; or, be- yond the point necessary for the rocks to be fractured and displaced, to allow of portions being raised to higher positions, and in different planes of inclination. We are now in a position to affirm, that the cross veins, as well as the east and west veins, were in existence soon after the close of the Coal-Measure period, and before the formation of the lower Permian rocks. The Magnesian Limestone rests uncon- formably upon the former, and the Ninety-fathoms dyke passes CROSS VEINS. 87 underneath the latter without dislocating its beds. It is owing to the movements effected at the time of the formation of the metalliferous veins of Alston Moor and the adjacent districts, that the rocks were subjected to denudatory forces, from which they had been exempted ever since the commencement of the Old Eed Sandstone formation. CHAPTEE VI. OF THE QUARTER POINT VEINS OF ALSTON MOOR. In the upper part of the district, this class of veins is generally of very small magnitude, their throws not exceeding a few inches. The strongest in the Nenthead mines is Kampgill second sun vein, which dislocates the strata about sis feet. For about 180 fathoms Eampgill veia traverses the district in the direction of this quarter point vein. It would appear, therefore, that it had formed a line of least resistance, and may have been in existence at the time of the formation of the east and west veins. In the lower part of the district, veins of this class appear to be much stronger. There is one in the Kodderup Fell mine, bearing in a north-east or south-west direction, which throws the north-west side up not less than 40 feet. This vein is parallel with several veins or dykes of still greater magnitude, that are found in the old collieries situated at Gilderdale head. We have stated above, that one of these quarter point veins has formed a line of least resistance for Eampgill vein, and that for some considerable distance. In connexion with the east and west veins, a few instances of this kind occur in other parts of the district. I am not aware, however, of any cross CONCLUDING APHOMSMS. 89 veins being diverted from their line of bearing in a similar manner ; and in consequence I am led to suppose, that the quarter point veins were formed posterior to the cross veins, and either contemporaneously with, or anterior to, those of the east and west veins. With respect to this alternative, it may be observed, that the relation of veins to each other with reference to their period of formation can only be safely determined by careful observations of their connexion with the inclination and position of the strata. It is only in the upper part of this district that I have had opportunities of studying this connexion where, as just observed, the veins are comparatively weak. In conse- quence of which I have not been able to arrive at a more de- finite conclusion. Having now brought the inquiry to a close, we shall state, in a few aphorisms, the conclusions arrived at. I. The strata were originally thrown down in nearly a hori- zontal position. This could only be effected by an equal sub- sidence of sea-bottom throughout wide areas, and that during the whole period occupied in the deposition of the Old Eed Sand- stone, Mountain Limestone, and Coal-Measures. II. That at the close of this period, and before the Per- mian rocks were deposited, this vast thickness of rocks was thrown out of its horizontal position by forces of subsidence or elevation, probably the latter, and the cross veins formed, these being simply fractures parallel to lines of greatest effect produced. III. Afterwards the great axis of elevation, which commences at Cross Fell and extends eastward, was formed, and with it a series of east and west veins, the formation and direction of which evidently depend upon the tension the strata were sub- jected to by unequal elevation and the irregular bendings of this line of greatest intensity of force, as indicated by its effects. 90 CONCLUDING APHORISMS. When this took place the Coal-Measures had not been removed from the Millstone Grit. IV. The denudation of the Coal-Measures now took place, and also the formation of the Permian rocks, the action of the denuda- tory forces being regulated by the lines of greatest elevation of the rocks, the Coal-Measures being entirely swept from off broad areas of country. During the period in which this immense mass of matter was removed the whole series of sedimentary strata comprised be- tween the Permian and the Pleiocene, inclusively, were depo- sited in the bottoms of the surrounding seas. At its termination the tops of the Penine mountains, and those extending eastward from Cross Fell to beyond Kilhope Law, were islands dotting the surface of the ocean, their summits being at least 1800 feet lower than at present. From these ice-bound islands masses of ice were floated off during the summer to be dashed and broken on tempestuous coasts. What a contrast to the mild atmo- spheres and splendid vegetation of the Carboniferous period ! Numerous races of animals had flourished and passed away, and the majority of species now inhabiting the earth had come into existence. At the termination of the Glacial period the whole of the dis- trict between the Penine fault and the German Ocean was slowly elevated, in a manner analogous to the slow and equal subsidences throughout wide areas, which took place when the strata were deposited, the effect of the elevatory force being inversely proportional to the distance from the Penine fault. My convictions are, that the axis of elevation and associated mineral veins were scarcely if at all affected by this last great upward movement. There is some reason to conclude that the Great Sulphur vein is later formed than the east and west veins. Numbers of the latter, even of a weak character, are found on CONCLUDING APHORISMS. 91 each side of the former ; on account of the acute angle made by the intersections of these veins this could hardly have oc- curred had they all been formed contemporaneously ; yet at the close of the Glacial period the Great Sulphur vein contained the same quartz minerals it does at the present time. Again, had this vein been reopened and further dislocations been effected after this epoch, lines of precipitous cliifs must have been formed at several places where hard rocks are lying near the surface. Such is not the case ; the surface, with the exception of a few conical hills, is smoothed off without being modified in the least degree by the existence of this powerful vein in the rocks below. Nor is it at all probable, that a line of cliffs on the summits of the mountains could be worn and eroded by pluvial and hyemal agencies, since the ribs of quartz contained in this vein and the hard sandstones composing its walls or sides are nearly as indestructible as the granite boulders, which must have been exposed to the action of these agents on the opposite side of the mountain. V. If, since the glacial epoch, the district of Alston Moor has been raised some 1800 feet, it is evident that this must have been effected by a more wide-spread or deep-seated force than that which produced the axes of elevation then in existence. It appears also, that during this upward movement the dislocations occurred chiefly, if not entirely, at the great lines of fault as lines of least resistance; wide tracts of country being uniformly raised, the axes of elevation which traversed it were not modified, nor further dislocations effected on the lines of the correlated mineral veins. It will be observed, that the antecedent, or cause of aU these changes and resulting phenomena, is simply the subsidence and elevation of a portion of the earth's crust. But what is the cause of this oscillation, and what are the laws of its action ? 92 CONCLUDING APHORISMS. To these questions science has as yet furnished no satisfactory reply. Attempts have been made to estabKsh a relation in time between parallel mountain chains or axes of elevation. But the grouping of effects based on this relationship throws no light on the laws of causation, and until this is determined by induction, it seems probable that the subject will continue to be shrouded in much obscurity.* Whatever law regulates the action of these forces, we may rest assured that, like all the rest in Nature, it must be uniform and eternal, the mandate of a Supreme Being with whom there is neither variableness rwr shadow of turning. Or, as it has been well expressed by a profound thinker, " The searching eye of man, whether he regards his own inward being or the creation surrounding and encompassing him, is always led to the Eternal Source of aU things. In all inquiry the ultimate aim is to discover that which really exists, and to contemplate it in its pure light, apart from all that deceives the careless observer by only a seeming existence. The philosopher will then comprehend what, amidst ceaseless change, is the Constant, the Uncreated, which is hidden behiud unnumbered creations ; the bond of union which causes things not to fall apart in spite of their manifold divisions and separations. He must soon acknowledge that the independent can only be the con- stant, and the constant the independent, and that true unity is inseparable from either of these. And thus it is in the nature of thought that it finds no quiet resting-place, no pause, except in the Invariable, Eternal, Uncaused, All-causing, All-compre- hensive Omniscience, "t * Seo Johnstone's 'Physical Atlas.' t Oersted's ' Soul in Nature,' p. 136. BOOK II. THE LAWS WHICH EEGULATB METALLIFEROUS DEPOSITS ILLUSTEATED BY AN EXAMINATION OP THE GEOLOGICAL STEXJOTUKE, AND OF THE LEAD VEINS OK LODES OF ALSTON MOOE. " Whosoever understandeth the fructifying quality of water ■will quickly appre- hend the congruity of that invention which made the cornucopia to be filled with flowers by the Naiades or Water Nymphs." — Sir Thomas Browne's Miscellanies. CHAPTER I. OF THE MODE OF PROSECUTING THE INQUIBT, We have slio\m that the district of Alston Moor is diversified by hill and dale, formed by the erosion of vast quantities of stratified rocks ; that the eastern part of the district is traversed by powerful north and south veins, locally termed cross veins, which dislocate the rocks, often, to a very considerable extent ; and that these veins are intersected with two other classes of veins, respectively termed weak quarter poiut and §ast and west veins. It is from the east and west veias that the greatest quan- tities of lead ore have been produced for many generations. We have also shown that in connexion with these veins the stratified beds are lying at various angles of iaclination. It is now necessary to observe, that the lead ore has not been deposited uniformly in any of the veins, but, on the contrary, that large portions of the richest veins contained very little, and that those portions which have been worked or cut out for the ore they origrually contained varied very much in their productive character, probably in each extreme not less than 100 to 1 bing (8 cwt.) per fathom. The minimum quantity per fathom that will repay the cost of mining is necessarily dependent upon the softness of the accompanying vein-miueral, and also of the enclosing rocks. I 2 96 MODE OF PEOSBCUTINa We have also sliowii that these veins have not always been in existence, that they are not contemporaneous with the enclos- ing rocks ; but that when first formed they were only simple fissures containing no vein-minerals. The accumulation of lead ore in certain portions of the vein must be a resultant from cer- tain antecedents regulating such deposition. If the uniformity of Nature's laws, whether chemical or mechanical, be admitted, it follows that a certain class of antecedents or causes must have invariably preceded the deposition of lead ore in all cases. To ascertain these is an inquiry the most important to practical mining. Two theories have been proposed to assign the source from which the ore has been derived or its elements have been sup- plied ; the one supposes it to be a segregation from the enclosing rocks, the other a sublimation from great depths and connected with volcanic influences. It is necessary to observe, that the laws which have regulated the distribution of the ore in the veins may be of a different character from those connected with its origination; the for- mer may be mechanical, the latter, if the metals are substances compounded from certain elements unknown in a separate state, must be chemical. If, however, they are simple substances, which have risen to the surface as gaseous emanations from the interior of the earth, then the distribution or accumulation of the ore into certain portions of the veins may have taken place after its deposition sparsely throughout the whole extent of the fractures in the rocks. If they are derived from rocks, in which their existence cannot be detected then the compounding and localization of the ore may have been contemporaneously effected. If metals are compound substances, as some of the most able and ingenious chemists have supposed, then a knowledge of the THE INQUIRY. 97 process or processes by which Nature has manufactured such large quantities of valuable metals would be exceedingly inte- resting, even in a scientific point of view alone, though it seems improbable that its use would be altogether restricted to chemical experiments or to abstract speculations, and that it should not in some form or other ultimately prove practi- cally beneficial to the interests of man ; but were we in posses- sion of this knowledge, and had the requisite skill to produce such substances so essential to civilized life, it is questionable whether we could do so economically ; it is not improbable, but that we should be under the necessity of searching for them as at pre- sent by mining operations. Should this be the case, a know- ledge of the laws, which have regulated the distribution of the ores in the veins, would even prove more valuable to the prac- tical wants of man than the knowledge of the laws of their com- bination from elements, whether these are derived by sublima- tion from beneath or segregation from the rocks. The experiments of Becquerel and others have shown that metals in solution may be crystallized and combined with other substances by electro-chemical agency, forming minerals exactly similar to those found in Nature. Interesting as those experi- ments are, in a scientific point of view, they render no assistance to the practical miner in guiding him to the deposits of metallic ores so irregularly distributed in the veins. Their experiments relate more to crystallography and mineralogy than to prac- tical mining ; and it should be borne in mind that crystals of various kinds are foimd where none of the ores of the useful metals exist. Nor do these experiments throw any light on the source whence the metals have been derived. They only show that electro-chemical forces map have been feebly exerted throughout the long periods of time necessary to the accumula- tion of the ores in certain localities. The practical miner has 98 MODE OF PROSECUTING still to depend upon expensive explorations, — frequently long and tedious, — before he meets with the valuable ores, the only reward for all his toil and anxiety ; and even after making the most extensive explorations, he is often doomed to disappointment and the loss of all the capital expended. No kind of mineral contained in the veins of Alston Moor varies so much in quantity, in different parts of the same vein, and in the same stratum, as lead ore. It is found plenti- fully deposited with quartz, carbonates and sulphides of lime and iron, fluorspar, barytes, oxides of iron. Black Jack, &c., and it is frequently absent in the same stratum, when the veins contain large quantities of some one or other of these minerals. Hence, its deposition is not dependent upon the presence or absence of any one of these minerals ; and whatever may have caused the deposition of the latter, it is evident that it has not interfered to prevent the operation of those causes which regulated the de- position of lead ore. If the variation in amount of lead ore, in the same vein, and in the same stratum or kind of rock, is greater than that of any other mineral, the law of such variation is more likely to be ascertainable. If, however, ores in veins are due to sublimations from be- neath, and are found plentifully anly in those places where the exhalations effected a free passage upwards, the causes or con- ditions might be of a deep-seated character far removed from observation. Then the apparent discordance of the phenomena, observed to be connected with deposits of ore, in the veins, would not be at aU likely to be cleared up, by even the most careful generalization and elimination of particulars, nor, consequently, the risk of mining speculation at all lessened, by the most ela- borate statements of facts. Deep-seated causes are the least likely to be ascertained : indeed, it does not seem at all im- probable but that even all trace of them might vanish as soon THE INQUIBY. 99 as the deposits were made, and this more especially, if comiected with melted matter in a state of Tolcanic activity. But even in such cases, where we would fail to perceive orderly arrange- ment, the laws of deposition would be uniform; although in seeking for them we should wander in the dark mazes of ex- perience, out of which the most orderly methods of investiga- tion would fail to lead us to the open daylight of axiomatic truth.* In Alston Moor, the veins have been the most productive in situations furthest removed from Plutonic action; the richest deposits having been effected in the upper part of the Mountain Limestone, where no igneous rocks are found, either in the form of dykes, or sheets intermingled horizontally, with the stratified rocks. The lower part of the strata, ia this district, comprehends a stratum of Basaltic Greenstone, and also a Basaltic dyke, but the veias generally have contained very little lead ore when these rocks form their sides, or walls. Doukeburn east and west vein, has been proved to contain scarcely any ore, for a considerable distance, on each side of the Basaltic dyke. So far as this district is concerned, there is nothing to support the theory that lead is due to exhalations from beneath, or to matter injected in a fluid state among the consolidated sedimentary rocks. The nodules of carbonate of iron, so often found arranged in layers in beds of shale, have generally undergone some degree of contraction in the interior ; after the exterior has been con- solidated to a degree sufficient to Hmit the shrinking of the central part of the mass. Into these cracks, sulphides of lead, zinc, and iron, copper pyrites, and certain other minerals of a different class, have not unfrequently been introduced. In such * Bacon's ' Novum Org.' I., 82. 100 MODE OP PBOSECUTING cases it seems exceedingly improbable tbat those substances could be derived from exhalations from beneath. There can be httle doubt that their component parts have come by infiltra- tion from -without, through their exterior pores, and through those and the laminse of the surrounding argillaceous shales. It also is evident that these bodies or their component parts were in a soluble state when they entered the cavities formed by the cracks of the nodules.* Such infiltrations are not limited to the nodules of argillaceous shales, but have often been introduced into the cavities left by the decomposition of mollusc-shells, in various kinds of rocks. At St. Agnes, Cornwall, ciystals of Felspar have been removed from Elvan and replaced by peroxide of tin. Instances of this kind are of a deeply important character, and are almost conclu- sive that metals or the elements of metals are diffused, perhaps in varying proportions, throughout the whole mass of all kinds of rocks. They indicate, probably, 'that the existence of metals in veins is the result of combinations and changes, which can- not be always, if indeed ever directly connected with volcanic influences ; and although the quantities of metal infiltrated are infinitesimally small, when compared with the deposits in veins, they may be regarded as in^tantice crucis, indicating at least the direction which the inquiry ought to take. Lord Bacon observes, " that mean and small things discover great, better than great can discover small, and therefore Aristotle noteth well that the nature of everything is best seen in its smallest portions."t The same sentiment is also more forcibly expressed by the poet : — " Duntaxat rerum magnarium parva potest res Exemplare dare et vestigia notitiai." — Imct. * Sir H. T, De la Beche's ' Geological Observer,' p. 764. + ' De Augracntis,' Lib. II. 2. THE INQUIRY. 101 Assuming therefore, as the more probable view of the case, that the deposition of lead ore ia the veins of Alston Moor is due to segregation from, or decomposition of the rocks, which form the walls of the veins where such deposits are found ; then, the re- gulating causes must be sought for in the phenomena connected with the rich portions of the veins and enclosing rocks, and equally so in the phenomena connected with the unproductive portions. The former should be carefully studied, in order to discover if possible the functions they are adapted to perform, or the natural forces they would call into action as eflfecting the deposition of lead ore ; the latter, in order to discover their in- adaptation to produce the same results. Viewing the subject in this light, it is evident that the action of the regulating causes must have varied in intensity, propor- tional to the effect produced, providing there was no modifica- tion of such effects by the interference of other causes ; for instance, such modification would result from a variation in the amount of space left open, when the fracture was produced. The width or the original open space in veios is generally pro- portional to the amount of throw they possess ; but this is not invariably the case ; the same generally very wide vein is some- times straight in hard rock even where no diminution of its throw has taken place. Occasionally, the wide open spaces in a vein have been completely filled with shale, shortly after the forma- tion of the fissure, thus preventing entirely the deposition of metallic substances. CHAPTEE II. OF THE CONDITIONS CONNECTED WITH EAMPGILL VEIN. The laws of succession are best studied in those places where the greatest amount of effect has been produced, or where such effect exists in its greatest intensity. For it is there that the antecedents, conditions, or causes, must exist, or have existed, in a state the best adapted to produce such results; and as a consequence the dependence or relation of the two classes of phenomena, as cause and effect, are more likely to be ascer- tained, as well as their relation to each other, under different circumstances, which have obscured the laws of their action, and where their direct study would lead to no favourable result.* It is also necessary in aU cases to reduce the inquiry to the simplest form possible, in order to diminish the risk of connect- ing the effect with causes or antecedents which have no relation to it. In the inquiry respecting the distribution of lead ore in the veins of Alston Moor, we shall endeavour to act in accordance with this obvious truth. As the deposits of lead ore in the veins of Alston Moor are divided horizontally, and are generally kept distinct from each other, by beds of plate or shale, in which the veins very rarely con- tain much lead ore, the investigation may be limited, in the first instance, to a uniformly wide vein in a peculiar stratum, in which the veins are generally the most productive, where it is the en- * See Mill's ' Logic,' vol. ii„ p. 279. OF RAMPGILL VEIN. 103 closing rock, or where it constitutes the sides or walls of the vein. And probably such conditions are found to be the most clearly connected with a portion of Rampgill veui, extending westward from the boundary between the Coal Cleugh and Nenthead mining districts to the Nent river ; for through the whole extent of this ground it is uniformly wide and generally well filled with vein miuerals. The very rich deposits of lead ore are, however, in a great measure limited to the east portion, which is included in a length of 300 fathoms. From_,this portion vast quantities have been produced, in all, probably, not less than 300,000 bings.* The remaining portion has not contained much ore : indeed, so far as deposits in the Great Limestone are concerned, it may be considered as an unproductive or barren vein. If the inquiry is restricted to the vein in the Great Limestone, it is pro- bably reduced to the simplest form the subject will admit of. We shall endeavour to point out the dissimilarity of the conditions connected with the rich portion of this vein and the enclosing rock, and those connected with the poor or unproductive portion. The sketch Plate IX., may be called a piano-section of Rampgill vein. The ground on the south side of the section is intended to represent the Great Limestone, as it would appear if denuded of the super- incumbent strata, which at the boundary between Northumber^ land and Durham comprise a series of beds not less than 600 feet thick. The drawing combines a section on the line of Eampgill vein, extending from the Nent river to Swinhope- head, clearly denoting the inclination and various dislocations of the strata, with a plan of the ground to the south, which as clearly shows the boundaries or Heaven's-^vater divisions, as well as the supposed position of the anticlinal axis on the A bing is 8 cwt. 104 CONDITIONS CONNECTED Durham side of the boundary. It also shows the direction of the quarter point and cross veins, which form intersections with Eampgill vein ; the throws of the latter being denoted upon the section. It will be observed, from this piano-section, that the Great Limestone stratum on the west side of Carrs vein (No. 1) is almost entirely wasted away by the abrasive forces connected with the formation of the valley of the Nent. It is necessary therefore to eliminate this portion from the inquiry. Commencing at Carrs vein, the first circumstance to be observed is that this cross vein dislocates the strata not less than 84 feet, the east cheek being thrown down. Another disloca- tion takes place a short distance further east by Small Cleugh cross vein (No. 2) ; the strata are thrown up about 48 feet or more on the east side. These two cross veins combine a little north of their intersection with Eampgill vein. On the east side of Small Cleugh vein the strata dip to the east, till they reach Low Fairhill cross vein (No. 3) ; they are then thrown up a few feet: their position, however, is almost immediately changed by the throw of High Fairhill cross vein (No. 4), which throws the strata down on the east side not less than 24 feet. The strata continue to dip rapidly to the west portion of Handsome Mea great cross vein (No. 5), where they are dis- located some 24 feet, the east side being thrown down. The East portion (No. 7) throws up the strata some 73 feet, or brings the Great Limestone nearly into the position it occupies on the west side of High Fairhill cross vein. From the east portion of Handsome Mea cross vein the strata continue to dip in the direction of Eampgill vein until Patterdale vein is reached, where they are again thrown down very considerably. From this point the beds commence to rise and continue to do so with- out interruption to KampgiU cross vein, where they are thrown up only four feet ; from this cross vein they continue to rise to WITH RAMPGILL VEIN. 105 the summit of the hill which divides the vales of the Nent and the Allen. Taking a general view of these conditions, in relation to the inclination of the beds, it is observable, that in the rich portion of the vein they incline in a direction from the east to the west, or towards the valley, which the vein crosses at nearly right angles. In the unproductive ground, the inclination is towards the summit of the hill, or in a contrary direction. It may also be observed that no lead ore of any importance has been deposited below the dotted line a b; it is not until the bottom of the stratum has risen from Patterdale vein to the position repre- sented by this line, that the vein is filled with lead ore through- out its whole thickness. In the productive portion of the vein, the largest quantities of lead ore are invariably found where it is intersected with quarter point veins, which are well shown upon the piano-section ; at such points of intersection, the effect towards the deposition of lead ore is intensified to a high degree, beyond the ordinary large quantity found in this productive vein. We have already observed, that these quarter point veins are very straight, and contain no vein mineral of importance ; indeed they have a greater correspondence to simple fissures than mineral veins. The strata rise gently in their direction south-eastward to the anticlinal axis, which is represented upon the piano-section with uncoloured space. It is evident that all the water which might descend into these fissures would flow in the open spaces con- tained between hard strata towards Eampgill vein ; and that the open spaces in this vein would contiuue the circulation westward to the point of its intersection with Patterdale vein. In this respect Eampgill vein would naturally form a kind of main drain or channel, into which all these small veins would dis- charge the whole of the water or fluids circulating in them. 106 CONDITIONS CONNECTED The dip of the strata, as we have seen, being to the west, the circulation of the fluids must have been in that direction. The unproductive portion is also much intersected by cross veins and north and south strings or leads connected with them. But it should be especially observed, that these veins seldom contain any lead ore or other kinds of vein-mineral in the strata above the Great Limestone. They are usually filled with a pasty clay called by the miners douk. This clayey matter is evidently composed of argillaceous shale either decomposed by percolating fluids or pounded by the friction occasioned by the formation of the vein. And a dyke of pounded clay pressed firmly iu the interior of the vein is very unfavourable to a free circulation of water, be the inclination of the beds ever so favourable, although it may slowly percolate it. The beds rise southward in the direction of these veins, and in this respect do not differ from the very productive portion to the east. It is probable that the east and west veins in the plate beds would be nearly fiUed with this pasty clay, or douk, at the time of their formation : we shall, however, shortly recur to this sub- ject in connexion with the laws regulatiag the descent of water into the interior of the earth. It may be assumed for the pre- sent that such was the case : as a consequence, a circulation in Eampgill vein in such kind of rock would be prevented by this circumstance. Bearing this in mind, it wiU be found, upon a simple iaspection of the section, that the greater portion of the, strata below the Great Limestone in this locality is chiefly com- posed of shale, and from the elevated position of the thick plate bed below the Nattrass-gill Hazle on the west of Carrs vein, a free circulation of fluids or water in a longitudinal direction in RampgOl vein, was probably prevented ia all the ground below the dotted line to the east side of Eampgill cross vein. In reference to that portion of the Great Limestone elevated above WITH RAMPaiLL VEIN. 107 the dotted line west from Patterdale vein, it may be observed that the dislocations of the strong cross veins would be a suffi- cient preventive to the circulation of water; the cheeks or sides of the vein composed of Great Limestone, being placed on opposite sides— against beds of plate, which are situated above or below this stratum; thus forming a constant interruption even in a direction by no means favourable to a free circulation. We are now in a position to affirm, that the conditions con- nected with the very rich portion of EampgiU vein, in the Great Limestone, differ from those connected with the portion which has been very poor in this most important particular ; that they would promote a free circulation of water or fluids in a longitu- dinal direction, to and likewise in the vein. The analogy of this circumstance with other great operations of nature towards the production of physical phenomena is very striking, and hardly needs be pointed out to the intelligent reader.* We have already observed that the variation in amount of lead ore in the same vein and in the same stratum is greater than that of any other mineral found in veins. The assumption is therefore warrantable, that such a variation is due in all cases to certainlaws regulating the circulation of fluids, the effect of such circulation being modified by various conditions. Under such circumstances, a certain analogy may be traced in the deposition and crystallisa- tion of metallic matter, with the circulation of sap in vegetable growths, and of fluids or blood in animal forms. And although the mechanical circulation of fluids in veins certainly differs * Humboldt observes that every being considered apart is impressed with a par- ticular type, so, in like manner, we find the same distinctive impression in the arrangement of brute matter organized in rocks, and also in the distribution and mutual relations of plants and animals. The great problem of the physical description of the globe, is the determination of the form of these types, the laws of their relations with each other, and the eternal ties which link the phenomena of life, and those of inanimate nature.—' Travels in South America.' 108 ANALOGIES. very essentially from the vis d tergo which impels the sap up- wards to the terminal point of every branch, or in animals, from the vital farce concerned in assimilation and secretion, which probably not only changes the nature, but also produces the movement in a stream of which the flow is development ;* still the circulation of fluids in veins may so far resemble that of sap in vegetables and blood in animals, as to promote certain chemical changes and combinations, to which not only the dis- tribution, but also the origination of metallic substances in veins may be due. Dr. Whewell's ' History of Scientific Ideas,' vol. ii., p. 215. CHAPTER III. OF THE LAWS REGULATING THE DESCENT OP WATER BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH. No extensive explorations can be made by mining in the interior of the Earth, without coming in contact with consider- able quantities of water. In the mines of Alston Moor, the adits or levels are generally drains for the water to flow to the surface; and such adits are often planned with considerable care and skill, to accomplish this object the most effectively and economically. Two theories have been proposed, to assign the source whence the water found in the interior of the earth is derived. One of them, now exploded, supposes that the veins are channels in which water has risen from great depths to the surface, at some former period ; and that metallic ores have originally been held in solution by the water of these ascending springs, and deposited upon the sides of the veins. Many even suppose that the springs now issuing at the surface, not only in the valleys, but also near the summits of the mountains, are due to water ascending from the interior of the earth. So far, however, as a district like Alston Moor, formed of stratified rocks, is concerned, such a supposition is of a very unphilosophical character. For what is the force which must sustain and propel a column of water of several K 110 THE DESCENT OF WATER thousand feet against gravity ?* Nor does such a supposition appear the less strange when we bear in mind that the stratified rocks, through which it must ascend to elevated situations, are deeply cut into by valleys, as weU as rendered porous by fissui-es traversing them in various directions. We may therefore exclude all consideration of ascending springs as a source of the water's flowing in the veins and fissures of stratified rocks ; and so limit the investigation to the other theory which supposes that the water found among the rocks of this district descends from the surface. The Sun is the great source from which the earth derives its heat. To the action of this heat the diffusion and suspension of water, in the form of vapour, in the atmosphere is due. This vapour is condensed and precipitated upon the earth as dew, rain, or snow. Hence by the influence of this heat a large quantity of water is kept in perpetual motion ; for what is evaporated from the surface of the land or sea returns to it again in showers. This constant and compound circulation of the most universal solvent produces a series of never-ceasing changes upon inor- ganic matter, exposed to its action on the surface of the Earth, disintegrating the hardest substances, and, in some cases, carry- ing them unobserved by mankind generally, in springs of purest crystal, to some other locality, where, Proteus-like, they may assume other conditions of existence. But its effects are not confined to things inanimate ; it enters abundantly into the composition of animal and vegetable matter. * Ko agency known of, excepting heat, could sustain and raise water to the surface against gravity. Occasionally it may have been forced up similarly to that of volcanoes ejecting melted matter ; but the cause producing such effects would, in aU probability, be spasmodic, and restricted to local conditions, and I think fails to account for the diffusion of those mineral substances, which have been attributed to such causes, so universally, and in the manner they are found in veins. BELOW THE EARTH'S SURFACE. Ill in each of which, while they are in a state of living organism, it is kept in a constant state of circulation, promoting important changes essential to their very existence. We cannot cast our eyes abroad without being forcibly reminded of the part which this substance plays in adorning the landscape with " The pomp of grovee, and gamituie of fields." In the dry countries of the East — the cradle of civilization — its effect towards causing the Earth to bring forth food for man and beast must have been forced on the observation of men ia the very earliest times. AUusions are made in the ancient book of Job to such effects : " For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die ia the ground, yet through the scent of water it will bud and bring forth boughs like a plant." And simUar allusions are frequently made in other parts of the sacred writings. Its effects have also formed a theme for poets, and a subject of the deepest thought to the philosopher. In a passage of great beauty, Lucretiu?, ^lule proving that things cannot lapse into a state of non-existence, observes, that showers of rain which Father Ether precipitates into the lap of Mother Earth, though supposed by some to be lost, are not so, but that from them the shining fruits are produced, and the branches of the trees clothed with leafy green ; the trees themselves are enlarged and burdened with produce; not only men but the race of beasts are nourished ; joyful cities abound with youth ; and the leafy woods resound in all directions with the songs of new-fledged birds ; the weary herds, plump with browsing upon the rich pastures, repose their bodies, and the white milky liquor flows from their distended udders; their new-born offspring sports unrestrained with tottering limbs over the tender grass, their spirits exhilarated with the rich draughts of pure K 2 112 THE DESCENT OP WATER milt.* Thales, the most ancient of the Grecian philosophers, maintained that eyerything arises or is originated out of water^ and that into water aU will again return or be resolved. Nature peoples this wonderful fluid with innumerable beiags too smaU for the unaided eye of man to perceive. Its vast re- servoirs are also the abodes of life and enjoyment — the habita- tions of myriads of creatures from beings less than the tiniest shrimp, up to others whose gigantic proportions far exceed in bulk the largest terrestrial animals. Man economises the force which water produces in passing from a higher to a lower level ; and as a motive power it grinds his corn, saws his timber, or crushes up the hardest stones to slime, and afterwards, by its action, the precious ore is separated from the worthless earthy matter with which it has been blended. It would be a hopeless task to enumerate all the useful effects produced by water in a fluid state. When it is converted into an elastic vapour a motive power is generated, which transcends all others in its adaptability to produce useful effects. It carries man and his merchandise across seas and con- tiaents with an imtiring speed, which exceeds that of any other mode of locomotion, and almost that of the swiftest of the winged inhabitants of the air. ' pereunt imbres, ubi eos pater aether In gremium matris terraa prsecipitavit : At nitidse surgunt fruges, ramique virescunt Arboribus ; crescunt ipsse, fcetuque gravantur. Hino alitur porro nostrum genus atque ferarum : Hinc Isetas urbes pueris florere videmus, Frondiferasque novis avibus canere undique silvas ; Hinc fesBse pecudes pingues per pabula Iseta Corpora deponunt, et eandens lacteus humor Uberibus manat diatentis ; hino nova proles Artubus infirmis teneras lasciva per herbas Ludit, lacte mero mentes percuasa novellas. Haud'igitur penitus pereunt quteovmique videntur : Quando alld ex alio refioit natura, nee ullam Kern gigni patitur, nisi morte adjuta aliena." Lucr. lib. i., 251—265. BELOW THE EARTH'S SUEPACE. 113 The quantity of water which annually falls upon the hills, or rather elevated district, of Alston Moor, is probably not less than 55 or even 60 inches upon the highest parts of the coun- try — a quantity nearly corresponding to the average amount of precipitation over the whole surface of the earth during one year.* A portion of this large amount of water is evaporated : the amount of evaporation, however, is probably much below the average of other districts, seeing that during a great portion of the year the sky is enveloped in clouds, collected by the attrac- tion of the hills, and these clouds are only partially dispelled even by the heat of the summer months. The remaining por- tion must either flow upon, or sink beneath the surface. Now, of the quantity which falls upon the summit of the mountains a portion must flow to a lower level, and this quantity must gra- dually be augmented in some proportion to the distance from the water-shed of the mountain. Hence it is evident that the surface of a country must be more subjected to the influence of aqueous agency, when it is situated near the bottom of the val- leys than upon or near to the summit of the hills. Again, the quantity of water which sinks beneath the surface must bear some proportion to that which falls upon and flows over it, all other circumstances for promoting its descent being equal. Excluding for the present aU consideration respecting veins and fissures in promoting the descent of water, we may observe that at the present time the water chiefly sinks into, or percolates, the joints of the harder rocks ; open joints being rarely found in the beds of plate, the greater portion of it flows in the joints of such hard strata until it issues to the surface in the form of springs ; and of the smaller quantity that per colates the beds of shale below, a portion circulates in the joints * Johnstone's ' Physical Atlas.' 114 THE DESCENT OP WATER of the next hard stratum and issues to the surface. Hence the FIRST GENERAL LAW regulating the circulation of water in the interior of the Earth is that, cceteris paribus, the quantity in cir- culation beneath the summit of the mountains must be in inverse proportion to the depth from the surface, and in direct proportion to the distance from the water-shed of the mountain. We have already shown that joints gradually close and become fewer, and in many of the mines are not found to exist at eren a moderate depth. This circumstance must therefore tend to lessen the quantity which would otherwise find a passage to great depths, were the strata at such depths equally broken with joints. The real amount circulating below the surface would probably be more truly represented by a series rapidly converging to zero. It is also evident that under those lateral ridges, extending from the summit of the mountain, towards the bottom of the valley, the circulation of water must be effected m a similar manner but in a lesser degree. The quantity of water which descends is also affected by the declivity of the mountain sides. A great portion of the water precipitated upon the sides of steep mountains is gathered into rills in which — " Aslant the hollow channel rapid darts, And faUing fast &om gradual slope to slope, With wild in&aoted course, and lessened roar It gains a safer bed, and steals at last Along the mazes of the quiet vale."* Under such circumstances the water quickly flows to the bottom of the valley, and in consequence there is less time for its per- colating than when the sides of the mountains are gentle slopes covered with deep alluvial soil and herbage. Hence the second LAW Thai the quantity of water sinking beneath the surface in * Thomson's ' Seasons.' BELOW THE EARTH'S SURFACE. 115 any locality must bear an inverse proportion to the steepness or in- clination of the mountain sides. In accordance with this law, the quantity which sinks on the western side of Cross Fell, and into the steep sides of the mountains of the Cumbrian Lake district, must be very small compared with the quantity which sinks in the gentle slopes on the eastern side of Cross Fell or Penine range of mountains. We have hitherto considered the conditions regulating the descent of water through strata lying horizontally, a case which seldom occurs in Natm-e. More generally the beds are lying at various angles of inclination. Now it is evident that water will circulate more freely in joints of strata having an inclination to the side of the hill, or towards the line of its out-cropping, than when the inclination is towards the interior of the mountain ; a case resembling a drain or conduit with an inclination opposite to the direction in which the water is intended to flow. The former case will promote a freer circulation of water n£ar the surface, the latter a less free but one more favourable to its per- colation to greater depths. Hence we deduce the thied law — That thefreeness of the circulation of water near the surface is directly proportional to the amount of inclination of the beds towards the sides of the hill, and vice versa ; but that the series which severally denotes the quantity that sinks into each of the strata below, must more rapidly converge to zero than when the inclination of the strata is towards the summit. Veins and fissures at the time of their formation would some- what resemble the joints now found in the strata, and the three laws which we have deduced relating to the descent of water in the latter must equally apply to the former, so far as the two classes of phenomena are in accordance with each other. Veins, however, differ essentially in some respects from joints, and those differences are of such a character as to modify the descent 116 THE DESCENT OP WATER and circulation of water in the interior of the earth. Unlike joints, veins even of the weakest kind extend to unknown depths, and invariably fracture and dislocate the rocks to a greater or less extent. As east and west veins descend they almost inva- riably have a hading in a direction contrary to that of the side thrown up, and this hade chiefly takes place in the beds of plate. Plate X., Fig. 1, represents a cross section of one of the east and west veins of Alston Moor, and the black line a vein with very little throw : the open spaces between the sides of such veins are generally very straight, and therefore called weak veins. Should however a further displacement occur, say to the extent of six or eight feet, the spaces would be much widened in that portion of the vein comprehended perpendicularly by the sides of hard rock, as shown in Fig. 2. And it should be observed that the pressure exerted against the sides of the vein in the plate beds would generally prevent the softer material of the plate from falling in and filling up the spaces formed in the harder rock.* This latter section (Fig. 2) very faithfully represents a cross section of one of the east and west veins from which a large quantity of ore has been raised. Now it is evident that these open spaces agree so far with joints as to promote the descent and circidation of water in a longitudinal direction in the vein ; and the laws regulating such * If the reader make a section upon a piece of cardboard, similaT to Fig. 1, and divide it with a sharp knife along the line representing the vein, by sliding the two pieces upon a table, in such a manner that the out edges of the oaidpaper touch each other, it will be clearly seen how the more open spaces in Fig. 2 are formed. It rarely happens that the cheeks of hard rock forming the walls of the vein are not more or less fractured, and form what miners call strings or leads. It is not, however, necessary to notice these, as they are simply a portion of the vein. In some instances these strings or leads have evidently promoted the flow or descent of water. BELOW THE EARTH'S SUEFACE. 117 circulation in the former apply equally to the latter. They differ however in this important particular, that the fracture in the plate bed, although unfavourable to a circulation in a longi- tudinal direction, allows the water to percolate it more freely than it can do through the unbroken sheets of plate which un- derlie the joints in hard strata. Hence, it not unfrequently hap- pens, that levels and other miniag works made in" such plate beds are often quite dry even at moderate depths beneath the surface. When water begins to ooze out in the forehead of such levels or advanced works, it is generally considered by miners as an indication that they are approaching a vein. And when the veins were newly formed, and before mineral matter was de- posited in them, the percolation of water to great depths would be less obstructed than at present. In a district much broken with quarter point veins or fissures, the quantity of water which sinks below the surface must be considerably more than in a district where veins of a similar character do not exist ; and when the inclination of the beds in connexion with them is favourable towards promotiag a cir- culation to another class of veins traversing the coimtry in a different direction, and containing wider spaces between the cheeks of hard rock, it is evident that the quantity circulating in the latter must be proportionally increased with the number of these intersecting veins or fissures above that which would simply descend in them had such intersections not taken place. Hence it may be stated in general terms as a fourth law — That the quantity of water circulating to and in the wide spaces of the stronger veins will be in proportion to the number of weak veins or fissures traversing in a somewhat different direction the rocks of a country. We have already observed that the cross veins of Alston Moor rarely contain lead ore, or even much of any other kind 118 THE DESCENT OP WATER of vein-mineral, in strata above the Great Limestone. Because of their general unproductiveness few exploratory works have been made, and consequently less of their character in the upper strata is known. Their hade in such strata is more regu- lar, and appears to be little influenced by the harder kind of rocks, excepting when they are of considerable thickness. The following section, Plate XI., the whole of which has been con- structed from measurements very carefully taken, represents very accurately the hade and throw of one of these veins which contained a rich deposit of ore in the Great Limestone. It differs strikingly from the sections Plate X., where the open spaces represented in the strata above the Great Limestone are much better adapted by their form for remaining open than the long uniform space represented on Plate XI., now filled with douk, mixed confusedly with stony matter which has fallen from the sides of the vein. The cause of the hade in the cross veins beiQg more uniform in such strata than that of the east and west veins is not easily assignable, imless we suppose that they were formed when the strata were less consolidated and of a more uniform consistency. If this supposition be correct, it will fur- nish an additional argument in favour of the priority of their formation to that of the east and west veins. Below the Great Limestone the cross veins have less hade in the hard strata of limestone and sandstone, and their other appearances likewise conform more to those of the east and west veins. The intersections of veins of this douky and impervious cha- racter with east and west veins, can only be considered as un- favourable to a free circulation of water in the open spaces of the latter as shown in Plate X. But when the cross veins are weak, the obstruction would probably be very slight, especially if the east and west veins are of later date. The inclination of the strata varies more near strong cross veins than when near east and ^Icf^Je. Seii^ PLATE a. Mfe.stcnc mqhaalSili\ lai'CocdSili lyreat l,\me.! I i t| ^ BELOW THE EAETH'S SURFACE. 119 west veins ; and, in accordance with the third law, such incli- nation would either promote a free circulation of water near the surface, or otherwise retard it, and cause it to penetrate to greater depths. The throws of the cross veins are often very considerable, and this circumstance must necessarily have great influence towards promoting as well as preventing, — as the case may be, — the descent of water into any particular stratum. It is evident that the Great Limestone, or any other stratum of hard rock, lying at moderate depths from the surface, and having an inclination to its outcroppiag, is placed in a more favourable position for water percolating, and also for circulat- ing ia a longitudinal direction, than the same stratum thrown down 100 or 200 feet, on that side nearest the water shed of the mountain, as shown in Plate XII. The dyke of clayey matter contained in the cross vera a b must render this portion of the dislocated strata still more unfavourable to the circulation of water in a longitudinal direction. Having shown that the circulation of water in the interior of the Earth is promoted and regulated by certain causes which have a correlation to other causes preventing its descent and circulation, we are now in a position to affirm the FIFTH LAW, — namely, that in all localities those reciprocating causes must exist — the intensity of the effect produced by the one set is continually diminishing, as that of the other is continually increasing, and vice versa; but that in a district traversed by powerful cross veins, the variations and counter-changes must necessarily be the greatest and most abrupt. The descent of fluids below the earth's surface in any parti- cular district is also dependent upon the character of the allu- vium which covers up the rocks. Some of the thick beds of sandy clay are certainly more adapted than thin loose soils to 120 THE DESCENT OP WATER. prevent the water from flowing over the surface, and to allow it slowly to percolate in greater quantities the rocks below. It is obvious that such conditions cannot be reduced to definite laws. It is scarcely necessary to point out to the careful reader that the last jour laws are simply conditions modifying the effect of the first law. CHAPTER IV. OP THE DECOMPOSITION AND CHANGE EFFECTED ON THE BOCKS FOEMING THE SIDES OF VEINS. The descent of water — the most umversal of all solvents — into rocks, and its circulation in them, during long periods of geo- logical time, must necessarily produce a series of changes upon the sides of its channels. Lord Bacon observes " that the great winding sheets that bury all things in oblivion are two : deluges and earthquakes." * Waters in deluges leave monuments of their ravages to be contemplated by many generations; but even these are ultimately obliterated by the gentler touches of its " efifaciug fingers." Nor have we any reason to suppose, that by the still more gentle contact of immersion, the hardest sub- stances would remain unaffected by its action in. those dark chasms, where it must unremittingly and in silence have carried on its Laethean operations of oblivion and change, ever since the mountains emerged from the deep. The quantity, however, which sinks under ordinary circumstances is small, compared with that which flows over the surface. In the latter case, the freeness of its action and consequent amount of effect, in dis- * Of Vicissitude of Things. 122 DECOMPOSITION integrating the same class of rocks, far exceed that of the former ; besides, the rocks are not only submitted to chemical influences, assisted by great variations of heat, but are also ground down by its mechanical action ; in the former case, the rocks are subjected to 'chemical influences only, and in a uni- form temperature are softened, dissolved, and ultimately carried away in springs of purest crystal, and other substances brought to supply in some measure the place of that which has been removed, and to blend with that which has been softened and permeated with water. The air we breathe contains oxygen and nitrogen in the pro- portion of 20 • 8 of the former to 79 • 2 of the latter, and in addition a portion of watery vapour and carbonic acid gas. The carbonic acid in elevated districts, where it is found, probably amounts to about -^^-^ of the whole. "This small portion of carbonic acid in the atmosphere affords an important part of the food of plants, and the watery vapour aids in keeping the surfaces of animals and plants in a moist and pliant state ; while in due season, it descends also in refreshiag showers, or studs the evening leaf with spai-kling d«w. "* The atmosphere also contains other substances. Nitric acid is formed in it by electricity, and certainly some ammonia as weU. Humboldt observes that " the admixture of car- bonate of ammonia in the atmosphere may probably be con- sidered as older than the existence of organic beings on the surface of the earth."! Many other substances must exhale from the surface of the earth, to return to it again, after. having mingled with the condensed particles of water floating in the atmosphere. The consequence is that rain water is never found in a state of purity. " The purest water which can be found as * Johnston's ' Agricultural Chemistry,' p. 34. t 'Cosmos,' vol. i., p. 317.— Bohn's edition. OF THE ROCKS. 123 a natural product, is procured by melting freshly fallen snow, or by receiving rain in clean vessels at a distance from houses. But this water is not absolutely pure ; for if placed imder the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, or boiled briskly for a few minutes, bubbles of gas escape from it. The air obtained in this way from snow water is much richer than atmospheric air in oxygen gas. According to Gay-Lussac and Humboldt, it contains 34 • 8 per cent, of oxygen, and the air separated by ebullition from rain water 32 per cent.* Under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, carbonic acid gas enters into combination with water in about equal volumes ; all rain water therefore contains a portion, "and after heavy rains the moist state of the ground diminishes the quantity of the gas, apparently by direct absorption." -f Indeed all the dif- ferent substances floating in the atmosphere must be precipitated in rain upon the surface of the earth, or absorbed directly by the living organisms of plants and animals and other chemical products forming there. If water in the atmosphere contains impurities they must be increased after its precipitation on the earth's surface. Prom decaying vegetation and putrid animal matter an extra quantity of carbonic acid as well as ammonia must be derived. A large portion of each is absorbed by the roots of growing plants, and thus from the ashes of living organisms Nature ever produces new Ufe. Coleridge observes that " the metal at its height of being seems a mute prophecy of the coming vegetation, into a mimic semblance of which it crystallizes." The relation of vegetables and minerals may not consist in a mimic semblance only ; it may be that the same kind of particles in different combinations enters into the composition of both. It is certain * Turner's 'Chemistry' (sixth edition), p. 256. t Ibid., p. 268. 124 DECOMPOSITION that in each case the substances of which they are composed are derived from the crude and heterogeneous masses of inorganic matter constituting the crust of the globe. It would appear, therefore, that their various properties or attributes, which enable us to become cognizant of their existence, are the result of the organization of a few simple substances according to chemical and in the case of vegetables to semi-vital laws regulating the formation and ascent of sap. Minerals, like vegetables, are also subject to decay ; and could we watch, through indefinite periods of time, the processes of formation and corrosion, we might apply to them the beautiful language of Spenser : — " For all that from her springs, and is ybredde, However fayre it flourish for a time, Yet see we soone decay ; and, being dead. To turn again into their earthly BUme : Yet, out of their decay and mortal crime. We daily see new creatures to arize. And of their Winter spring another Prime, Unlike in forme, and chang'd by strange disguise : So turn they still about, and change in restlesse wise." * The action of water upon inorganized matter at the surface of the earth is perhaps in aU cases detersive, but as it sinks to greater depths its action appears to be modified, probably by some chemical change upon the various substances it holds in solution. Its detersive effect also extends below the surface to varying depths, the extent of wfiich is regulated by circum- stances, its action being chiefly restricted to the decomposition of all lands of rocks as well as all other mineral substances.| At greater depths its action appears to be not only detersive but also reproductive, other substances being often brought by it to * ' The Faerie Queen.' t It was somewhat fancifully supposed by the mystical school of Biologists, "that all things are alive, eat, drink, and excrete; even minerals and fluids."— Whewell's ' Histoiy of Scientific Ideas,' vol, ii., p. 175. OF THE EOCKS. 125 supply to some extent the place of those that have been removed. It is no doubt owing to the wasting of the limestone rocks by the percolation of water through them that the wide spaces in the joints are due ; certainly not to any contraction of the lime- stone by a consolidating process taking place after its exposure to the surface, since, as before observed, the limestone at great depths, where no joints are found, is equally hard and conso- lidated, and even more so than that near the surface. If the hypothesis previously hazarded respecting the formation of joints be admitted — namely, that they are due to the expansion of the hard limestone and sandstone rocks vertically, after the denudation of the superincumbent rocks and the consequent withdrawal of their particles laterally, corresponding to some lines of least resistance previously affected on the rocks by crys- talline action, when they were sunk far below the surface — then there can be no doubt entertained, but that water and the other substances it holds in solution entering into these small frac- tures would, by their solvent properties, decompose the hard rocks forming their sides, and during a long course of geological time, being slowly enlarged, they would assume the appearance of wide joints, as seen in precipices and scars, and which are so well known to every observer and admirer of rocky scenery. We have observed above, that the effect of water on the sur- face is always wasting, never reproductive. The formation of sheets of tufa, or travertine, by springs holding bicarbonate of lime in solution, may seem to be an exception ; but it can hardly be considered so. It simply proves, that concentrated solutions flowing to the surface in springs of mineral waters, may be precipitated in quantities greater than can be removed in the same time by the wasting effects of atmospheric agency. Eocks formed in this manner only occur where such springs L 126 DECOMPOSITION issue to the surface. No broad extent of country like Alston Moor could ever be covered by sheets of tufa or travertine, although minor patches of these are by no means uncommon. Such rocks, like all others, are equally subject to decomposition after the springs cease to flow, or, changing their direction, issue to the surface in some other locality. Sir Charles Lyell, however, observes that "those persons who have merely seen the action of petrifying waters in England wUl not easily form an adequate conception of the scale on which the same process is exhibited in those regions which lie nearer to the active centres of volcanic disturbance." * But from this author, we are led to infer, that the extended sheets of travertine in the volcanic dis- tricts of Italy have been deposited in the bottom of extensive lakes only ; similar to the depositions that must be .going on at the present time in the lake of Solfatara. In the volcanic dis- tricts of Central France the matter deposited by the calcariferous springs appears to be limited even to small portions of the gorge in which they flow ; the more uniform and extended sheets of limestone, which resemble the Italian travertine, having origin- ally been deposited in the ancient lakes, fed by waters derived from springs of this character. On the 22nd page of Mr. Powlett Scrope's second edition of his geology of this district there is a description of a deposit from a petrifyiug spring 240 feet in length, and also a beautiful illustration of its termination as a natural bridge, 16 feet high and 12 feet wide, thrown across one of the streams near Clermont, To the decomposing effects of meteoric agents at and a little below the surface, the contents of veins are equally subject as the enclosing rocks, and in many cases even more so. The sul- phides of lead and zinc are changed into carbonates. The * ' Principles of Geology ' (ninth edition), p. 240. OF THE ROCKS. 127 sulpliur oxidizes and passes away as sulphuric acid. The oxides of lead and zinc are then attacked by carbonic acid, and car- bonates are formed. Ultimately, however, both are dissolved and carried to the surface by the circulating water. The time necessary to effect the transformation of sulphide of lead iiito carbonate does not appear to be long where carbonic acid exists plentifully. In peat moss where lead ore has occasionally been accidentally placed, a period of fifty or sixty years, or even less, is sufficient to produce a coating of carbonate of a very percep- tible thickness. Sir H. De la Beche states that in the very old workings of the Derbyshire mines, some of which may reach back 1700 years, the small pieces of sulphide of lead, found in the old refuse, are wholly changed into the carbonate, and the larger pieces are thickly coated with the same substance. The water in which this change has been effected usually contains much bicarbonate of lime in solution.* In some of the very old mines in Alston Moor the same effects have been observed. We shall not at present take into consideration the particular cases where metallic matter may have been wholly or par- tially decomposed and removed from the veins of Alston Moor, but endeavour briefly to point out the general conditions which have modified the action of the decomposing agents. Limestone strata, when lying in broad plateaus with other strata thinly superimposed, and their basset forming precipitous cliffs along the sides of the valleys, are placed in a situation favourable to decomposition by atmospheric agency, and, as already pointed out, are much broken with joiuts. In such a position, it is evident that the metallic substances, deposited in the veins, would be gradually removed by the percolation of water contaioing common air and other substances held in * 'The Geological Observer,' p. 794. L 2 128 DECOMPOSITION solution, after the denudation of the sides of the valleys had brought the rocks and the veins formed in them under the influence of such decomposing agencies. The consequence is that veins in such localities are generally destitute of rich depo- sits of metals, or, in the language of the Alston Moor miners, termed " broken," and the " strata imsound," and such grotmds are considered unfavourable to successful mining operations. The broken and unsound character of the veins and rocks is not, however, the cause of the absence of metallic substances, as the miners suppose, but only a condition favourable to the wasting operations of meteoric causes, as rich deposits of lead ore have been found in such situations, but then, almost invariably under thick beds of clay, or where the decomposition has been ar- rested by the filling up of the interstices of the veins and rocks with clay, or iron oxides, or some conditions tending to preserve the sulphide of lead from meteoric influences. As water descends to greater depths, its decomposing cha- racter is modified : so much so that, while one kind of substance subjected to its influence is decomposed, another is not prevented from being deposited, or the materials of the former are remo- delled under different conditions of existence. To attempt to demonstrate synthetically the cause of this modification, in the effects of water as it descends below the surface, is certaioly not my province. I wish to call the attention of thp chemist to the fact that water, as it falls upon the surface of the earth, contains something promoting changes which end in sulphides of lead, zinc, or iron, being converted into carbonates, but after it has descended to some depth, these sulphides are not effected in the sHghtest degree. Dr. Daubeny has drawn attention to the small quantity of oxygen that is intermixed with the waters of thermal springs.* I apprehend that this * ' On Volcanoes,' p. 561. OP THE BOOKS. 129 equally applies to the waters, . whether thermal or not, which circulate in the fissures of stratified rocks at even moderate depths below the surface. Nor does the supposition of Professor Rogers seem at all improbable, that the absorption of the oxygen is due chiefly to protoxide of iron, since iron exists plentifully in all beds of shale. Can therefore the difference between^ the effects of water at the surface and the interior of the earth be owing to the greater quantity of oxygen intermixed with it in the former case, which in the latter is absorbed by the rocks, as it descends through the fissures ? We have already stated that rain water, when precipitated upon the earth, contains a portion of carbonic acid which in- creases its solvent properties, and promotes the decomposition of the rocks at or near the surface. The part it plays, however, is not confined to the production of chemical effects near the surface ; it appears as one of the great agents of change at very considerable depths, certainly as far into the interior of the earth as mining works have been extended, and probably as far as water ever penetrated when the fissures through which it descends were first formed. Dr. Daubeny, while allowing that common springs often give off carbonic acid gas, seems to limit its existence in large quantities chiefly to volcanic districts, or to those lines of upheaval or fractures which, extending to great depths, allow it to ascend.* It, however, exists only too plenti- fully for the health and comfort of the miner, in the veins of Alston Moor, where the conditions are of such a character as to preclude all idea of its ascending from great depths. In levels, driven in solid plate, perfectly compact and free from open spaces, the air becomes highly charged with this gas, so that it becomes imperatively necessary to supply the work- * ' On Volcanoes,' p. 563. 130 DECOMPOSITION men -with pure air, forced ttrougli wooden boxes, or cast iron pipes, in order to neutralize its noxious effects. It is not only levels ia plate beds, but all advanced works, that need to be suppKed in this manner with pure air. Nor is it an uncommon occurrence, for the intermediate space between the point where the pure air enters the pipes, and that to which it is conducted, to be filled with this gas to such an extent that candles will not burn ; while at the level foreheads, &c., the workmen carry on operations of blasting, &c., without difficulty. A few years ago, an attempt was made to form a communi- cation with the surface, in order to ventilate a portion of Long Cleugh mine at Nenthead. The total thickness of the strata between the highest level and the surface amounted to 336 feet. To effect this object, it was determined, in the first instance, to make a Rise from the level, as high as it could be conveniently extended, and afterwards to sink a Shaft from the surface to communicate with it. The Eise, after ascending 90 feet, reached the Firestone stratum (Plate I., No. 20), and drained from it a very considerable quantity of water, which continued to flow regularly in connexion with a large quantity of carbonic acid gas. Much pure air was forced up the Rise by a powerful ventilator; but it availed little in counteracting the noxious effects of the gas. The operation of rising could, therefore, only be carried on under great difficulties and much loss of time, and bad ultimately to be suspended. The operation of sinking from the surface was even less success- ful than that of rising. After attaining a depth of 54 feet, the quantity of water which flowed into the Shaft was so great that it prevented further operations. It was then determined to commu- nicate with the Eise-top by boring through the remaining portion. The boring had to be made through the Slate Sills and several beds of plate. After it reached the High Slate Sill the water OP THE ROOKS. 131 flowed from the Shaft and borehole into the joints of that stratum. Ultimately the Firestone stratum was reached, when, with great violence, the water ran out of the borehole, and flowed down the rise. The quantity which continued to flow for a few weeks was sufficiently large to turn a moderately-sized over-shot wheel. Water still continues to flow, though in a much less quantity than formerly. The quantity of carbonic acid gas is, however, so much increased that it is only occasionally, in some peculiar state of the weather, that a lighted candle can be car- ried to the bottom of the Eise, which is situated only a few feet from a circulation of pure air. At the present time, the quantity of water dashed down the Eise amounts to 24 gallons per minute ; it must, therefore, carry off a large portion of the latter in solution. From the higher specific gravity of carbonic acid gas over that of common air, a portion probably settles into the lower parts of the mine, or mingles with the moist ah, and is ultimately borne by the cir- culation of the latter to the surface. It is not easy to point out the source of such a large supply of carbonic acid gas, but assuredly it is not due to exhalations from great depths. There exist, at the surface, widely extended beds of peat, which in some places are 10 feet thick : it is perhaps from the decomposition of these that a portion of the carbonic acid gas is derived. In another part of the same mine, situated 420 feet below the surface, and about one mile from the entrance, a Sump was in the course of being made into the Great Limestone, in order to find deposits of lead ore in Long Cleugh vein ; when several small caverns connected with the vein were broken into, from which carbonic acid gas issued, accompanied with a hissing noise. The miners filled up the caverns with stiff clay to pre- vent the gas from flowing out, but in vain, for it made an opening through the clay ; and in one place threw up the water 132 DECOMPOSITION with considerable force. In order to explode a blast, one of the workmen was let down the Sump to relight a match which the gas had extinguished, when he nearly lost his life, so large was the quantity of gas which had flowed into the Sump in the course of a few minutes. It is remarkable that much rain fell afterwards from a very murky atmosphere. Generally there is a close connexion between certain states of the atmosphere and the supply of this gas in the mines. It frequently flows out of the caverns and other small openings in the veins in a manner very similar to water. There is, however, this difference, — water can be heard and seen trickling down the sides, whereas car- bonic acid gas is generally noiseless and always invisible. A lighted candle placed within one inch of the gas as it flows from the crevices often burns brilliantly, but when removed this short distance into the stream, it is instantly extinguished. Before levels and other horizontal openings were made, the open spaces in the veins were doubtless filled with water, hold- ing carbonic acid in solution, since it is evident that the latter can only assume the gaseous form after the veins are drained. Occasionally the same results would be effected by natural openings to the surface, through which the water would issue in the form of springs. But in Alston Moor it is only portions of the veins near the surface, that have been drained naturally, and in most instances this is due to joints in the limestone strata. The quantity of carbonic acid gas absorbed by water is in exact ratio to the compressing force ; that is, water dissolves twice its volume when the pressure is doubled, and three times its volume when the pressure is trebled.* It does seem probable that in many places below the earth's surface, compound pro- * 'lurnor's ' Chemistry,' p. 294. OP THE ROCKS. 133 portions of tMs gas must be absorbed by the water. In conse- quence, the disintegrating effects produced by such combinations of these corroding substances, upon all kinds of rock, but more especially upon limestone, are materially increased. Sir Charles LyeU observes " that many springs hold so much carbonic acid in solution that they are enabled to dissolve a much larger quantity of calcareous matter than rain water."* AU rocks in which fel- spar enters as a constituent part are liable to be decomposed by a combination of carbonic acid and water ; and by their joint action, the oxides of iron are rendered soluble, and entering into combination with them flow to the surface, where they issue as springs of chalybeate water. The eminent author just quoted states that " in the environs of Pont Gibaud, not far from Clermont, a rock belongiug to the gneiss formation, in which lead mines are worked, has been found to be quite saturated with carbonic acid gas, which is constantly disengaged. The carbonates of of iron, lime, and manganese are so dissolved, that the rock is rendered soft, and the quartz alone remains unat- tacked."t In veins, specimens of pure quartz crystallized are often found lying quite detached in the crevices and smaller caverns, and especially when their walls are formed of limestone rock. I have now in my possession a nest of quartz beautifully crystallized in the interior. It was found lying quite loose in a small cavern in a vein ; at one period the quartz had evidently been attached to the limestone, and was probably disunited from it by the disintegrating effects of water holding much car- bonic acid in solution. The action of water and carbonic acid upon the rocks forming the sides of veins in Alston Moor, is no less remarkable than that undergone by the gneiss rocks in the lead mines of Cler- * ' Principles of Geology,' p. 239. t On the authority of Ana. Scient. de 1' Auvorgne, tome ii., June 1829. 134 DECOMPOSITION mont. Near the veins, limestone rock has evidently been subjected to some rearrangement of its particles, giving it a crystalline structure, which it originally does not possess. In many instances, it evidently contains a proportion of carbonic acid greater than is found in pure limestone, and which could only enter into combination with it when in a softened state. In this case, it is more indurated than common limestone ; but from the disengagement of the carbonic acid, it decomposes more rapidly in the open air. The limestone is also often impregnated with iron, diffused throughout the whole mass, in such a manner as could only occur when the limestone was in a soft or porous condition. On the south side of EampgiU vein, in the Fell-top Limestone, to such an extent has this re- arrangement and substitution of particles taken place, that it is now converted into a rich ironstone, which has been carted a distance of upwards of five miles to Alston, and afterwards con- veyed to Newcastle by rail. Such changes and rearrangement of particles in limestone rocks are well worthy of being sub- mitted to chemical investigation. The limestone strata are divided horizontally by thin beds of argillaceous shale. Some of the layers are more susceptible of decomposition and change than others; and from this cir- cumstance they are termed flat posts. The Great Limestone contains three posts of this character, respectively termed the High, Middle, and Low flat. In the Scar and Tyne bottom Lime- stones, posts more susceptible of decomposition than the rest are also found to exist. When near to veins, the latter limestone has undergone a greater degree of change and decomposition, throughout its entire thickness, than any other in Alston Moor. Near veins, large caverns are frequently met with in limestone strata, more particularly in these flat posts. They are often beautifully lined with crystals of various kinds of spar, but occa- 5« In 3 ^^^H f ^^/i ' ^IJJJi'ptUTff' ^1 t .« N «: a ' > ^ ^ 'i \ 5 * X o 1 2 5 § 's V -^ z o ^< .< ^ ^ 1 II z 1- UJ " ?5 r IS (9 o CO s o to . ^J'-W/ yhf^rf) ^2?^ut^ OF THE ROCKS. 135 sionally they present a jagged or corroded surface, with no lining of spars. A few years ago one was found between two portions of Long Cleugh vein, in the High and Middle flat posts, that contained twenty cubic fathoms of open space, all lined with galena. Black Jack, and carbonate of lime. Caverns of lesser dimensions than this are by no means uncommon ; they are, however, seldom found larger. Where they occur in the Nenthead mines, the limestone is a compact mass entirely free from joints or any fissures except veins. . It is not an uncommon circumstance to find a sandy residue left in the bottom of these caverns, which is sometimes slightly cemented into a porous mass, not unfrequently containing perfect crystals of galena. The caverns are, however, generally small, and had no mineral matter been deposited in them, the limestone had presented a very honey-combed appearance. Most of the caverns are elongated in a horizontal direction, and the very thin seams of argillaceous shale, which may occasionally form their roof, remain undisturbed. Upon the section, Plate XIII., showing the position of the strata between Small Cleugh and Handsome Mea Great Cross vein it is attempted to delineate a flat on the west side of the latter vein ; the black lines represent the beds of shale dividing the limestone into horizontal layers, or posts. It shows the flats as they are usually met with in the Great Limestone stratum. In this instance the west side gradually merges into pure limestone, and the portion most corroded lies near the cross vein. Occasionally flats terminate abruptly at strings or even very weak leads connected with some of the veins. When lead ore occurs in flats, it is found deposited in these caverns, and sometimes gives the flat a seamy appearance, especially when the caverns are almost fiUed with pure sulphide of lead. In the formation of flats the quantity of limestone changed or transported from many places is very great. The Small Cleugh 136 ' DECOMPOSITION flats are represented on the Piano-section, Plate XIV., and do not occupy an area less than eight acres, three of which have probably been worked for the lead ore deposited ui them. They are chiefly situated in the low flat post, which is fifteen or six- teen feet thick ; consequently m this post alone not less than 5,000,000 cubic feet of limestone have undergone decomposition and rearrangement of its particles, besides the large quantities which have undergone similar changes in the middle and high flats. The decomposing agents have originally entered the lime- stone through very weak north and south running leads. These leads are connected with the cross veins, and their width scarcely equals that of a penny piece. The east and west leads shown upon the sketch are simple openings or cracks often unfilled with mineral matter. They cut through the galena, spar, &c., deposited in the cavernous parts of the flat ; and a proof of their recent formation is derived from the fact that they have not modified the action of the decomposing forces in the slightest degree. The greatest amount of change and decomposition has been effected near to Handsome Mea Cross vein, where also carbonate of iron enters more abundantly iato the composi- tion of the limestone remaining in situ. Near to this vein, car- bonate of iron is also more plentifully deposited iu the caverns. In the Tyne bottom mines more of the Tyne bottom Lime- stone has been affected by decomposition than that of the Great Limestone described in the instance above ; but in the Tyne bottom mines larger portions of the flatted limestone are unworked, the lead ore not being so plentifully diffused through the mass as to repay the cost of mining. Flats are also found in this lime- stone in various other localities, but none as yet have been discovered in Alston Moor as extensive as those in the Tyne bottom mines. Those which have been worked in the Ashgill Field mines are represented upon the sketch Plate XV. No Missing Page OF THE ROCKS. 137 very large quantities of lead ore have been at any time produced from them. The Scar Limestone, when removed from the surface, has per- haps suffered less change from aqueous and other decomposing agents than either the Great Limestone or the Tyne bottom Lime- stone : at all events, ilats containing ore in sufficient quantities to repay the cost of mining are not so often found. In Alston Moor the principal flats which have been worked for lead ore occur in the Ashgill Field mines, and are represented on the sketch Plate XV. by three or four patches of shaded space, a, h, c, d. In connexion with these flats there are considerably more inter- secting strings and leads than in the Small Cleugh flats. The flat a was cut off abruptly at the east end by a weak quarter-point vera. No doubt can be entertained but that these weak veins and leads have afforded a passage for the decomposing fluids into the heart of the limestone at a period long anterior to the formation of the joints which now exist ; since joints have not influenced the action of the decomposing agents in the slightest degree, although in consequence of the flats occurring so near the surface many of them are foimd in the limestone. Veins and flats iu this stratum near its outcropping often contain brown oxide of iron ; for instance, in the neighbourhood of the Nest and Manor House, Lowbyer, it occurs sufficiently rich to repay the cost of working and carriage by rail to Newcastle. Flats of considerable extent are found in the Great Limestone in Dowgang mines at Nenthead. At one particular place they are connected with a strong vein, which dislocates the strata considerably. This vein leaves the principal Dowgang vein in a north-west direction, and shortly afterwards begins to divide into separate portions, to such an extent, that before intersecting Dowgang East Cross vein (see Map) it exists only as a widely diffused group of strings and leads. In these mines a very 138 DECOMPOSITION great quantity of limestone has been subjected to decomposition and change. In the Holey Field mines, in the same stratum of limestone, extensive flats are found in the walls or sides of the veins. In these flats some large caverns were found which contained rich deposits of lead ore. Flats of considerable extent are connected with the veins in Eampgill mine, particularly in the group of sun veins on the west side of Eampgill cross vein, and on both sides of the latter vein about the places of intersection with the sun veins. In connection with Eampgill vein large quantities of limestone have undergone decomposition and change where no lead ore has subsequently been deposited. In the east portion of the mine, and on the south side of Eampgill vein, the flats which have been worked for the ore they contained are chiefly con- nected with quarter-point veins. Much change has been produced upon the Great Limestone forming the sides of Scaleburn vein. The decomposition in many places extends to a considerable distance on each side. Extensive mining works have been made in these flats to pro- cure the lead ore deposited in them, but on account of their very hard character much flatted ground remains unworked, the lead ore deposited in them being too small to repay the cost. In the Coal Cleugh mining district the limestone strata have undergone similar changes, and the quantity so acted upon is indeed very great. The mining works made in these flats are extensive, and very large quantities of lead ore must have been produced from them, as scarcely any doubt exists of their having been worked, to a greater or less extent, for the last hun- dred and thirty years. It is unnecessary to notice further a phenomenon found to be connected, in some degree, with all the veins of Alston Moor. OF THE KOCKS. 139 Even where flats are not formed, limestone cheeks of reins have in all cases undergone change and rearrangement of their par- ticles. Indeed, no mineralogist or geologist could view the corroded and hardened state of the limestone near to veins in the mines of Alston Moor without being deeply interested. Such observations, however, are best made as the mining works ad- vance, since they frequently remain open for a short time only, and are then closed up for ever. Sometimes the phenomena remain open to inspection, more particularly where the levels or open drifts happen to be made in some of the flat posts of the limestone strata. In sandstone strata the effect of the decomposing agents is less striking. Occasionally, however, in such strata small caverns are found on the sides of veins, which are evidently formed by the disintegration and dissolution of the rock. In these caverns sandy residue often remains at the bottom. In the vicinity and interior of veins sandstones as well as lime- stones have suffered considerable change in their constituent parts, the former, however, not to the same extent as the latter. Under such circumstances the sandstones are more indurated than the same kind of rock situated at some distance from veins. Sometimes strings of pure sulphide of lead are found in sandstone, which in appearance at least has undergone no change or transformation of its particles. Such is ^the nature of the effects produced by erosive fluids upon rocks, not only at the earth's surface, but far down in its silent depths. Substances so hard that they can only be pene- trated by the art of man, and at a great cost of labour, are slowly disintegrated, the tombs of myriads of zoophytes and moUusca are ruthlessly opened, and by the unremitting action of subtle fluids, their marble monuments vanish as surely as the snows of April. Even these exist not as the invari- 140 TRANSFORMATIONS OP IRON. able. Metals of aU kinds are equally if not even more sub- ject to change. After their deposition in one place they are dissolved and transported to other localities, it may be to assume the same conditions of existence, or perhaps to enter into other combinations in which there are no indications of the changes previously undergone by them. The transformations of iron are better known than any of those of the other metals, and they have been pointed out in such a forcible manner by the late Hugh Miller that I cannot forbear giving the passage entire, as a proper conclusion to this chapter and an introduction to the next. " How strange, if the steel axe of the woodman should have once formed part of an ancient forest ! — if after first exist- ing as a solid mass in a primary rock, it should next have come to be diffused as a red pigment ia a transition conglomerate, — then as a brown oxide in a chalybeate spring, — then as a yellow ochre in a secondary sandstone, — then as a component part in the stems and twigs of a thick forest of arboraceous plants, — then again as an iron carbonate slowly accumulating at the bottom of a morass of the coal-measures, — then as a layer of indurated bands and nodules of brown ore underlying a seam of coal, — and then, finally, that it should have been dug out, and smelted, and fashioned, and employed for the purpose of handi- craft, and yet occupy, even at this stage, merely a middle place between the transmigrations which have passed and the changes which are yet to come."* ' The Old Red Sandstone,' p. 251 (seventh edition). CHAPTEK V. OF THE DEPOSITION OF VEIN MINERALS AS CAEBONATE OF LIME, BAEYTES, ETC., IN THE OPEN SPACES OF VEINS. In fhe preceding chapters of this book, we have attempted to point out the conditions regulating the descent of water into the interior of the Earth, in mountainous districts and through stratified rocks. It has also been stated that it must carry with it carbonic acid, and probably other substances, which in com- bination are calculated to dissolve some of the hardest rocks, and that, in the fissures or channels through which water and its contained substances descend at the present time, certain phenomena of decomposition and transformation are found, which can only be effected by erosive fluids. We have also shown that the quantity of rock transformed or borne away bears some proportion to the solubility of the rock itself, and to the number of channels through which the erosive fluids descend, or by means of which they permeate the rocks. In sandstone, as might be expected, the phenomenon of change, &c., is much less strikingly exhibited than in limestones ; the former being less soluble in carbonic acid than the latter. We have also pointed out the improbability, if not the impossibility of erosive fluids ascending from great depths. We are therefore M 142 THE DEPOSITION justified, from this circumstance in connexion with the effects produced, to conclude that the decomposing agents are entirely derived from the atmosphere and the earth's surface. We previously pointed out the proportions of limestone, sandstone, and shale, whose aggregate thickness forms the Lead- measures of the Mountain Limestone strata of Alston Moor and the adjacent mining districts. We shall now proceed briefly to inquire into the connexion (if any exist) between the different kinds of rock and the deposition of ordinary vein minerals. As these rocks have all undergone decomposition, particularly the limestones, it will naturally be supposed that deposits from such solutions, in different combinations, ought to be found lining the sides of the cavities or fissures : in short, that quartz- ose substances and the various kinds of carbonates of lime and iron ought at least to be found in the veins. We have already shown, that on account of the hade of the east and west veins taking place chiefly in the beds of shale, the sides of the veins in such soft strata approach each other, and the little space is often filled with a soft clayey matter. It has also been stated that water percolates the veins, in a down- ward direction, when filled with this clayey substance, but that the circulation horizontally must take place chiefly in the open spaces comprehended between the cheeks or sides of sandstone and limestone. Now, as the water which circulates in such open spaces holds a quantity of decomposed matter in solution, derived from the sides of its channels, the question arises, does the mineral matter deposited on the sides of the veins in any particular stratum, bear any relation in kind to the enclosing rock? In the strata, included between the Grindstone Sill and the top of the Little Limestone (see Plate I.), the quartzose substances deposited in the veins are much less than might OF VEIN MINERALS. 143 be expected from the silicious nature of the rocks. Indeed, fluor spar (fluoride of calcium), carbonate of lime, and some- times the oxides of iron are the prevailing minerals. The carbonates of lime occur crystallized in various forms, and gene- rally, the crystals of all these minerals are found in the greatest perfection where the largest quantities of lead ore are deposited. It seems probable, that the lime is separated from the sandstone, in which it exists as a cement, holding together the small particles or grains of quartz. But it is not so easy to point out the source of the fluorine with which it has entered into combination. It has however been proved by Dr. Geprge Wilson that fluoride of calcium may almost always be found in those waters which contain bicarbonate of lime, and also in most sedimentary rocks and alluvial soils. The waters which issue in springs from the base of the Slate Sills and other thick beds of hazle, almost invariably contain bicarbonate of lime, and also some iron in solution. In the Nenthead district, and in the Little Limestone stratum, veins frequently contain much blende and iron, and also a greater proportion of quartz than in the sandstone strata above. Fluoride of calcium and carbonates of lime are by no means uncommon in this stratum of limestone, and in the Coal SiUs below. Generally some considerable amount of quartz is found in connexion with the sulphide of zinc. The converse, how- ever, does not follow; since veins almost entirely fiUed with quartz often contain no sulphide of zinc. In the Great Limestone stratum, a greater variety of minerals is mingled together in the veins than in any of the strata above. In the Nenthead mines, however, fluoride of calcium is rarely met with in considerable quantities. At some former period it must have been plentifully deposited in the veins of this district, since casts of its crystals in quartz are by no means uncommon, even in veins where not the smallest particle of the substance M 2 144 THE DEPOSITION can now be found. At Grarrigill, in the Cowper-dyke-liead's mines, carbonate of lime and fluoride of calcium exist plenti- fully in the Great Limestone, the veins being almost fiUed with these substances. A narrow stripe of ore generally Kes against the limestone, and the rest of the open space originally formed in the veins is filled with these sparry substances, containing nodules of sulphide of lead. Sometimes the centre of the sparry mass is cavernous, with crystals of fluor spar lining the sides of the open space ; the filling of the vein is then repre- sented by the section Figure 1, Plate XVI. In the Weardale and Allenheads districts the veins in aU the strata are chiefly filled with lead ore, carbonate of lime, and fluor spar : in this respect they difl^er very materially, from the veins in the Nent- head and Coal Cleugh mining districts. From the circumstance of the veins in the latter districts having once contained this mineral, where none of it now exists, it may be inferred, that the vein deposits have undergone some great change, from which those in the Weardale and Allenheads mines have been exempt. The veins in the last-named districts difier also from those in Alston Moor in not containing much sulpliide of zinc. In the sandstones below the Great Limestone, the east and west veins generally contain more quartzose minerals than in the Slate Sills, Firestone, &c., or even in any of the veins in the Great Limestone. In the Nenthead district, so far as the veins have been proved in such strata, the sulphide of zinc dis- appears, at least it rarely occurs in masses as the principal mineral in the veins, though crystals of it, deposited upon the carbonates of lime ' and iron, when such occur, are not unfre- quent. Quartz, however, is not the predominating mineral in all the strata below the Great Limestone, since both the east and west, and north and south veins, occasionally contain so much carbonate of Hme, in the limestone strata, as to be almost jfZATjrXVl. Sh/c/i ■■i/. Dularl, 1. iv. See Wright's Dictionary. 154 CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS at great depths below the surface. The conditions connected with the inclinations of the beds and the throws of the veins, as affecting the circulation of fluids, are more particulaj-ly shown upon Plate YIII, In this ground, the principal ore-producing stratum, the Great Limestone, is placed at a considerable depth below the surface, and by the first and fifth laws, in a position very unfaTourable to the free percolation and circulation of fluids, especially near the east side of Handsome Mea cross vein, in which the douky clay, and the impervious strata of plate thrown up on the west cheek would prevent a circulation in all the veins in a longitudinal direction. If, therefore, a connexion exist between the deposi- tion of lead ore, and a circulation of fluids iu the open spaces of the veins, none ought to be found in the veins in this locality, as has indeed been proved to be the case, since scarcely the smallest particle of ore has been seen in any of them, in the ground extending one himdred fathoms on the east side of Handsome Mea cross vein, — east and west, north and south veins, being alike characterized by the total absence of this substance. By the rise of the strata to the east on the line of Middle Cleugh second sun vein, the upper part of the Great Limestone on the east side of the cross vein, a a, is level with the lower part of the same stratum on the west side of Handsome Mea cross vein. As the Great Limestone rises into this position, lead ore is deposited in the Second sun vein, so sparsely, how- ever, that hitherto it has not defrayed the cost of extraction. The small quantity, found in this east and west vein, is probably due to the veins and leads which intersect and place it under the influence of the fourth law. I am not aware, that any ore was found in the cross vein a a, at its intersection with the east and west vein. Under Handsome Mea, where (as pointed out) the conditions AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 155 are favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids near the surface, lead ore has been deposited in the east and west veins in the upper stratum, comprising the Slate Sills, Firestone, and Little Limestone, and even as low as the High Coal Sill, which, by the dislocation of Handsome Mea cross vein, is placed opposite the Great Limestone in the thrown-up or west cheek. It occurs so low in the Second sun vein only, and prin- cipally where it is intersected by weak quarter point veins and leads, or where the circulation to the vein has been promoted by the fourth law. About 120 fathoms from the countj' boimdary, Long Cleugh vein exists only as weak leads, that in all probability combine with the Second sun vein a little farther to the east. The inclination of the beds is unfavourable to the circulation of fluids in the weak portions of the former to the latter vein ; and where these intersections take place no lead ore has been deposited in Middle Cleugh second sun vein. Lead ore has, how- ever, been extracted in considerable quantities from Long Cleugh vein in the Firestone stratum, at least, at a point near the cross vein a a, and is probably due to the fluids circu- lating' from the east in the detached portions of the vein. From the point of intersection of Long Cleugh vein with the Second sun vein, to the east boundary, the percolation of fluids is regulated by the first and second laws, and the quantity in cir- culation must have been small. Here also the correspondence between the conditions of circulation and deposition of lead ore is perfect ; for, notwithstanding the considerable width and throw of Middle Cleugh second sun vein, lead ore has not been found deposited in it, in quantities sufficient to defray the cost of mining operations. On the south side of Long Cleugh vein, an east and west vein remains unproved ; at the surface it is apparently a weak vein. 156 CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS From what has been stated respecting the mineralization of veins in this locality no hope can reasonably be entertained that lead ore will be found deposited in it so low as the Great Lime- stone stratum. If by future trials ore is found it must be in the Slate Sills, Firestone and Little Limestone. Should the vein prove a wide one, and be subjected to the influence of the fourth law, it is barely possible that the deposition of lead ore may be effected as low as the High Coal Sill. After a careftd inspection of the general map, and the sections connected with this portion of mining-ground, the attentive reader cannot fail of being struck with the exact correspondence between the laws regulating the descent and circulation of fluids and the deposits of lead ore in the veins. In the Great Lime- stone stratum — the most plumbiferous in the district of Alston Moor — ^lead ore is almost entirely absent from all the veins : but then, as we have shown, this stratum is lying in a position unfavourable to the action of ore-depositing fluids, while in the higher strata of sandstones, which are lying in a position more favourable to a circulation, comparatively rich deposits of ore have been lodged in the open spaces of the east and west veins. Most of the veins in the Great Limestone have recently been proved, and the result of these trials corresponds exactly with the conclusions based on the principle of circulation, — conclusions arrived at before the trials were commenced. Further west, on the line of the same east and west veins, and in ground included by Handsome Mea cross vein on the east and Carrs vein on the west, the conditions for promoting a circulation of fluids vary considerably. It will be observed upon the general map, that the circulation over the surface in this por- tion of the district is nearly at right angles to the direction of the east and west veins, or a direction right across the head of the vale of the Nent. The surface has a gentle inclination in AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 157 the ground traversed by the east and west veins, but rises rapidly near the south boundary. The position and incliaation of the beds vary considerably, as shown upon the section No. 2, Plate VII., made from measurements taken on the line of Long Cleugh vein. The beds also rise southward in the direction of the cross veins — a general rise to the anticliual axis, which is not affected by the dislocations of the powerful cross veins. The position and direction of Carrs and Small Cleugh cross veins, would promote a circulation from Middle (Jleugh east and west veius to the outcropping of the Great Limestone stratum — a circulation, which would also be promoted by the inclination of the beds. In this respect the functions these cross veins per- form contrast strikingly with that of Handsome Mea cross vein, which, as already shown, proves a barrier to a free circulation in all the ground situated on the east side. In the ground under consideration all the east and west veins are straight and weak, except Middle Cleugh second sun vein, which is the only one that contained a very rich deposit of ore in the G-reat Lime- stone. This deposit took place where the strata are most elevated near Handsome Mea and SmaU Cleugh cross veins, and extended about sixty fathoms on the west side of the latter vein. It is evident that fluids would enter first the more ele- vated portion of the stratum, and flow from thence iu the open spaces of the vein to the west. In this case it might even be supposed that metallic particles were first thrown down, and that the lighter, or non-metalUferous, were carried further west to be deposited near Oarrs vein, which, by its throw and douky cha- racter, would prevent further free circulation westward at this depth. The deposits of ore in the other east and west veins have been very poor in the Great Limestone, except in a few places, where a circulation would be promoted by the fourth law. Elliot's string, lying on the south side of Middle Cleugh N 158 CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS second sun vein, might be expected to contain ore deposits of a similar kind ; itis, however, a very straight vein, containing little space either for ore deposits or any other vein minerals. In this vein, small quantities of ore were formerly produced, but only in the elevated portion of the Great Limestone near Handsome Mea cross vein. In this ground the Firestone stratum is lying at no great depth below the surface, in a position favourable to the percola- tion and circulation of fluids in the east and west veins. In this stratum, however, Middle Cleugh second sun vein and Long Oleugh vein have both been proved to contain no lead ore. The matter contained in these veins is often broken and loose, mixed with a sandy sediment or residue, and may be considered as an indication, that after the deposition of the ore was effected, it has been removed by some change La the compo- sition of the circulating fluids.* Near Handsome Mea cross vein, Middle Cleugh second sun vein contained some lead ore in the Girdle beds, which are situated a little below the Firestone. In this case, the lead ore might be protected from the erosive action of the fluids, circulating in the more porous part of the vein in the harder stratum above, by the platy or shaly matter which gene- rally surrounds vein-stuff in these beds. Although the Middle Cleugh veins are scattered and weak, some lead ore has been pro- duced from them in the Firestone stratum. The ore is often found loose and detached from the rock, upon which it had originally been deposited, and not unfrequently partially changed into a carbonate of lead. The old works, made in these veins upwards of a hundred years ago, were lately opened out and partially re- worked. I recollect in one place, a vein had been worked some * Pliny supposes the contents of veins to be subject to decomposition. "Ut plane intelligatur nihil aliud chrysocoUa quam vena putris." Nat. Eist. lib. 33, 5, 26. AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 159 ten or twelve feet above the roof of an opening drift, and not more than six or eight inches wide, lead ore had been found mixed with a loose sediment, the result of decomposition after the deposition of the ore had been effected. The contents of the vein had been abstracted by the miners by means of iron prongs. Some~pieces of ory vein-stuff, which they had been unable to bring down, remained suspended in the open space of the vein, attesting their mode of operation. Setting aside, for the present, the consideration of the condi- tions connected with deposits of lead ore in the cross veins, we shaU endeavour to point out those connected with the Middle Cleugh group of east and west veins, on the west side of Carrs vein. We have already attempted to show why these east and west veins are stronger and wider on the west than on the east side of Carrs vein ;* and the elevated position of the strata on the west side of this vein is shown upon the series of sections, Plate Vn. It will also be observed that in the direction of these east and west veins westward, the strata gradually sink into a lower position. The Firestone may be considered as the highest stratum of hard rock ; the Great Limestone is therefore situated at a moderate depth below the surface. The veias traverse the mountain side, at a considerable distance from its water shed, and in accordance with the first law, a large quantity of water must flow over and sink below the surface. The surface, thickly covered with alluvium, iaclines gently, which, by the second law, is favourable to the percolation of water below the earth's surface ; while, by the inclination of the strata, this portion of mining ground is equally favourable to a circulation in the direction of the veins, from the east to the west. AU these * See Book I., Ch. iv. n2 160 CIBCULATION OF FLUIDS favourable conditions prevail until the veins begin to pass under the summit of Middle Fell. The connexion between these conditions regulating the per- colation and circulation of fluids, and the deposition of lead ore, is very stxildng. All of them have contained very rich deposits of lead ore in aU the hard strata, but particularly so where they are most elevated near to Carrs vein, and where they are sub- jected to the influences of the fourth law by intersections with CowsUtts and Cowhill weak cross veins. As these east and west veins pass under the summit of Middle Fell, they are subjected almost entirely to the first law regulating the descent of fluids. Here, the agreement between the laws effecting the percolation of water and the deposition of lead ore, is no less striking ; for the veins cease to contain this substance, first in the lower part of the Great Limestone, and then in its upper part, while, in the strata lying nearer to the surface, the quantity of ore deposited in them is much diminished, and in many places is too small to defray the cost of extraction. Under such conditions, the most metalliferous limestone is unproductive of lead ore, while near to Carrs vein, considerable quantities have been deposited even in the plate beds. In the two portions of ground we have had under considera- tion, it is evident that the mineralization of the cross veins with metallic substances should be connected in the same way, to the laws of percolation and circulation of fluids as the east and west veins. It has already been pointed out, in the third chapter of this book, that their hade is less favourable to the formation of open spaces in the upper strata than that of the east and west veins ; but whether this is the only cause that has prevented the deposition of lead ore in these cross veins in such strata, is perhaps somewhat doubtful. It may however be stated as a law of experience, that up to the present time, no AND LEAD OEE DEPOSITS. 161 important deposits of ore have been found in them in such strata, and that the trifling exceptions only occur, where the conditions approximate to those of the east and west veins. Our remarks are therefore restricted to deposits of lead ore found in them in the Great Limestone. The east portions of Handsome Mea cross vein are generally wide and sparry when both sides of the veins are formed by the Great Limestone ; but, as already pointed out, by the throw of the west portion of the vein this stratum is placed in a position very unfavourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids The connexion between these conditions and the non-deposition of lead ore is perfect : notwithstanding that extensive trials have been made, wo lead ore has as yet been found in them. Upon inspection of Section No. 2, Plate VII., the careful reader will note, not only the very different' position of the Great Limestone, but likewise, how well the inclination of the beds is adapted to promote a free circulation from the west cheek of this powerful vein. It should however be remembered, that on account of the throw of this west portion of the vein ex- ceeding the thickness of the Great Limestone, this stratum is placed in the thrown up cheek, opposite beds of plate, and, the Coal Sills. Under such conditions, after the formation of the vein, spaces could not long remain open, but would soon be filled with broken strata and poimded or decomposed shale, and, in consequence, no deposition of lead ore could take place. On the north side of the Middle Cleugh veins, where the east por- tions fall into and combine with the west portion, the throw of the latter is so much diminished that its cheeks in the Great Limestone are not thrown past each other. (See Fig. 2,PlateXVI.) In this ground of about 55 or 60 fathoms in length, or from a to 5 upon the same Fig. 2, a large quantity of ore was found i62 CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS^ deposited, and has lately been abstracted. It is evident, there- fore, that lead ore found in Handsome Mea great cross vein, is the result of the same laws of causation as effected its deposi- tion ia east and west veins ; the essential antecedents in each case being conditions favourable to the formation of open spaces ia hard rock, and those necessary to the circulation of fluids. Lead ore is absent where one or both of these ante- cedents are wanting ; as in the east portions of this cross vein where extensive spaces have been formed, but through which fluids circulated sluggishly or not -at all ; or as in the west portion, where the conditions for promoting a circulation exist, but where no open spaces have been formed: in the former instance the veins are filled with carbonates of lime and iron or quartz, in the latter chiefly with broken strata and douk. No cross vein, hitherto discovered in Alston Moor, has con- tained such rich deposits of lead ore as Small Cleugh cross veia, in the ground northward from the Middle Cleugh veins. Like Handsome Mea cross vein, the ore is only found iu it where its opposite sides, or cheeks, are both formed of Great Limestone. Where these rich deposits occur, the vein is situ- ated in a trough or hollow, occasioned by the strata inclining from Handsome Mea cross veiu, and also from Carrs vein, to- wards it. Consequently the fluids would circulate to this vein through the numerous small leads and strings connected with the east and west veins. Upon a careful inspection of the general map, and Plate XVII., it seems highly probable, that in the ground lying between Handsome Mea and Carrs cross veins, SmaU Cleugh cross vein has formed the main drain iu which the fluids were collected to circulate to the surface — a circula- tion which woidd be promoted, as previously observed, by the general inclination of the beds to the north. SmaU quantities of ore have been produced from the strings AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 163 and flats of the thrown-down cheek of this vein; in this respect proving an exception to the other cross veins, which have very seldom contained ore in such a position : but from the general view we have taken of the functions of the vein in promoting a circulation in a longitudinal direction to the sur- face, the conditions do not appear very unfavourable to the de- position of lead ore. The deposits have, however, been very poor, and are only found where the vein is much subjected to the fourth law. As this vein approaches the thrown-down cheek of Carrs vein, it ceases to contain much lead ore, being chiefly filled with carbonates of lime and iron. On the south side of Long Cleugh vein, a combination of Handsome Mea and Small Cleugh cross veins takes place. No lead ore has been found at the point where this combination occurs ; but in the west cheek, where the Great Limestone is much elevated, and lying at a considerable inclination, some ore has been deposited in the west strings. The trials for proof of these veins have not as yet been extended further south than a series of east and west leads which intersect the cross veins about 50 or 60 fathoms on the south side of Long Cleugh vein : it is probable, however, that the deposition of lead ore in them has been prevented by the first law regulating the perco- lation of fluids. Indeed it is questionable whether these cross veins would have contained any ore in the locality of Long Cleugh vein, but for the numerous intersecting strings and leads which bring them in a peculiar manner under the influ- ence of the fourth law. Carrs vein, on the south side of Long Cleugh vein, contains richer deposits of lead ore than have as yet been found in the Small Cleugh cross veins, south of the same east and west vein. The ore was found chiefly in the west or thrown-up cheek, and the largest quantity, at the point where a combination takes place, at a very acute angle between it and Cowslitts cross vein. ^^ CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS Hence the west cheek is much fractured with numerous cross strings as well as east and west leads, as may be observed upon the map. Like Small Gleugh cross veins, in the ground further south, its mineralization with metallic matter has probably been prevented by the first law regulating the descent of fluids. In this unproved ground the vein probably exists in two portions, each of which throws the cheeks of the Great Limestone nearly past each other, a condition unfavourable to the formation of open spaces in the veins. Similar conditions also prevail on the north side of the Middle Cleugh second sun vein, where the vein is not ramified, and its throw places the bottom of the Great Limestone in the thrown-up cheek opposite the plate bed below the Coal Sills. In consequence, the vera is fiUed with douk. Cowhill cross vein has also contained a very rich deposit of lead ore in parallel ground, and of about equal extent to that in Carrs vein. The open spaces in which the ore was lodged and in connexion with sparry substances, nearly fiUed up, ai'e re- ])resented upon Plate XI. It was found lodged chiefly between a and h, but in both portions of the vein. The fluids which circu- lated in this vein would descend chiefly through the numerous east and west leads and two or three weak quarter point veins. There is one circumstance, too remarkable to be passed over, connected with ore deposits in these cross veins — namely, that where proper spaces have been formed in the vein itself, and the other conditions for promoting a percolation and circulation of fluids are favourable, the deposition of lead ore has been effected most abundantly in ground opposite to a point where an east and west vein is broken up. In the instance of Cowhill cross vein, Wellhope knot vein breaks up in the neighbourhood of the Black Ashgill cross veins ; it 'is, however, highly probable that portions not wider than a boot lace extend to Cowhill cross vein ; and it may be, pass thi-ough it and exert an influence upon the mineralization of Carrs vein. AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 165 From the fact of the ore deposits in the cross veins heing so much influenced by the leads connected with the east and west veins, it may be inferred that the mineralization of the former with lead ore has taken place either contemporaneously with the latter, or subsequently. This inference derives some con- firmation from the fact, that on the north side of Long Cleugh vein, Cowhill cross vein is much straighter and weaker than' where the ore deposit occurs on the south side. It may be pointed out that the throws of these two veins are affected at their intersec- tion in an equal degree, the one losing and the other gaining about seven feet. It seems therefore highly probable, that the open spaces in Cowhill cross vein, on the south side of Long Cleugh vein, were formed after its mineraHzation with carbonate of iron, and that the deposition of this substance took place under conditions different from those which subsequently effected the rich deposits of ore in the Middle Cleugh veins.* It would also appear tliat, on the north side of Long Cleugh vein, and at the time of the formation of the open spaces in the east and west veins now filled with lead ore, Cowhill cross vein was not sub- jected to the same changes, or subjected in a less degree, for it still contains the original deposit of carbonates of iron and lime, and has not been subjected to the ore-depositing influences that enriched the east and west veins. In the portion of the Nenthead district we have had under consideration, several extensive flats have been formed, and their cavernous parts enriched with much lead ore. These ore * While working the rich ground in Cowhill 'cross vein, the miners holed into a large cavern, the lower part of which was filled with vein stuff, chiefly com- posed of carbonates of lime and iron, all of which was fractured and broken in a manner similar to the lumps of veinstone left in mines as refuse. When the miners entered the cavern, they felt assured that they had holed into some old works. It is remarkable that none of the fractured vein stuif contained the least particle of lead ore. 166 CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS deposits occur only where the Great Limestone is mnch elevated above its regular position, or inclines considerably from the cross veins. The conditions connected with Handsome Mea or Small Cleugh flats, the most extensive ever found in Nenthead, or even in Alston Moor, are represented upon the large map and the sections Plates XIII. and XIV. These illustrations need no further explanation ; for the attentive reader cannot fail being impressed with their adaptation to promote a circulation of fluids. We have already pointed out the large quantity of lime- stone which has undergone decomposition and change where these rich ore deposits in flats occur. Such changes have taken place, and similar open spaces (but less extensive) have been formed in other parts of the district, where no lead ore is deposited in them. Some of these will be noticed, but it can in- variably be shown that in the latter case conditions prevail which are unfavourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids. Upon the general map the comparative richness of the pro- ductive ground is distinguished by the colours blue, red, and yellow. The whole amount of variation can scarcely, however, be represented upon any map to its full extent. The conditions connected with the circulation of fluids suffer the most abrupt changes by the throws of the powerful cross veins. A careful inspection and study of the portion of the map representing the district we have had under consideration, will lead to the conviction that the deposition of lead ore is equally dependent on those changes. This variation, corresponding as it does so generally with the fifth law regulating the percolation and circulation of fluids below the earth's surface, furnishes a strik- ing proof that the former is a sequence of the latter, or con- nected with it by some law of causation. Again, looking at the subject from a still more general point of view, it becomes evident that the percolation and circulation Tllandsoiiie Jfeti lOreat G'o.iv Ian Cn m o o d n 3' Z (f> XI m ■X) o ^ Cress Vein OARRS VEIN fe SI AND LEAD ORB DEPOSITS. 167 of fluids in the interior of the mountains stretching eastward from Burnhope Seat to Kilhope Law, must be promoted by the erosion of the valleys of the Tyne, the Nent, and the Aliens on the north, and the tributaries of the Tees and Wear on the south. At the head of these valleys, a free circulation must be promoted to greater depths than can take place at the junctions between the more elevated east and west range of mountains and those which separate these valleys from each other. Hence it follows, that if the deposition of lead ore is dependent upon a circulation of fluids, all veins traversing the east and west range should con- tain richer deposits at the head of the valleys than at the points where the two opposite ranges intersect or unite with each other. We have already shown that in the veins situated at the head of the Nent, this connexion exists ; that, subject to modifying cir- cumstances, the veins have contaiaed the richest deposits at the head of the Nent river ; and that, as they approach the ranges of mountains, situated on each side of the valley of the Nent, they cease to contain lead ore even in the most metalliferous stratum of limestone rock. This exact correspondence of facts to theory in its particular and most general aspects, tends to esta- blish the doctriae of a circulation of fluids as a law of causation essential to the deposition of lead ore, and as a truth of the deepest importance to practical mining. For the present, leaving the inquiry respecting the Middle Cleugh veins, at the point on the west side of the Nent valley, where they cease to contain lead ore in the Great Lime- stone, we shall endeavour to trace a connection between the conditions effecting the percolation and circulation of fluids in the veins lying further north, and on the east side of the Nent river. This portion of the district comprises Hangingshaw east and west veins, Eampgill and Scaleburn veins, and their continuation as the principal veins in the Coal Cleugh district. CHAPTER VII. OF THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OF HTDEODS AGENCY AST) THE DEPOSITION OP LEAD OEE IN VEINS ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE NENT EIVEE. Bt referring to the general map, the reader will perceive that on the east and west range of mountains between Long Cleugh Head and Ealhope Law the Kne denoting the heaven's water division bends to the north in the form of a triangle. The anti- clinal axis also bends in the same direction, but the extreme north point of the curve scarcely extends further than the out- cropping of the Little Limestone or Coal Sills in the upper part of the Kilhope valley; in consequence, the strata above these continue to rise from the Coal Cleugh and Alston Moor Districts, until they basset on the contrary side of the mountain. This circumstance necessarily modifies the effect of the first law regulating the descent of fluids, since it is evident, that water which percolates the cross veins and quarter point fissures on the south side of the mountain, must be carried by the inclina- tion of the beds, and issue as springs on the north side, either in the Alston Moor or Coal Cleugh district. The whole of the ground comprehended between EampgiU cross vein and Coal Cleugh east cross vein is traversed by veins of this character, as may be seen upon an inspection of the map and piano-section. VEINS ON THE EAST SIDE OP NENT RIVER. 169 Plate IX., where these veins are carefully represented, espe- cially upon the latter. It will be observed that the quarter point fissures run between Kilhope and the Alston Moor district, while the veins and strings running in a north and south direction intersect the east and west veins in the Coal Cleugh district. It is probable, that more of these intersecting veins and fissures exist than are denoted upon the maps. We are therefore justi- fied in concluding, that a considerable quantity of fluids must have circulated in strata situated at great depths below the sum- mit of this mountain. This circulation would also be pro- moted by a broad surface on the Kilhope side being compara- tively smooth and unbroken with glens, and also, by its being thickly covered with alluvium, which, like a sponge, would hold the water and allow it slowly to settle into the fissures travers- ing the rocks. On the east side of a tributary of West Allen river, called Bridge Cleugh, the laws regulating the percolation of fluids are not subjected to the modifying conditions we have just de- scribed. The range of mountains separating the two Aliens joins the east and west range, and at the point of junction the latter takes a direction nearly south, separating the vale of Kilhope from the upper part of East Allendale. Here, in a plot of ground of considerable extent, surrounding Kilhope Law, the conditions are unfavourable for promoting the free descent of fluids into strata situated at a great depth from the surface. Nor does it appear that their unfavourable character is much modified by ike fourth law. If the percolation and circulation of fluids are essential to the deposition of lead ore, it is manifest that the conditions just noticed must be accompanied with corresponding variations in the quantity of lead ore deposited in Eampgill vein, and in its continuation as High Coal Cleugh vein. We might reasonably 170 ORE DEPOSITS ON THE expect that lead ore would be deposited, even where the posi- tion of the vein is near the watershed of the mountain, or one generally unfavourable to the deposition of lead ore at great depths below the surface, and such has really been the case. In the whole extent of ground comprehended on the piano-sec- tion between c and d the vein has contained very large quanti- ties of lead ore in all the hard strata from near the surface to the bottom of the Quarry hazle ; the richest portions being situated near the thrown-up cheek of the cross veins, where the strata have generally the greatest amount of inclination, which promotes a longitudinal circulation in the vein. In the short length of ground between the two powerful Coal Cleugh cross veins, this east and west vein contained no lead ore in the Great Limestone stratum. This accords with the position of the strata, which is very unfavourable to a circulation in a longitudinal direction, and according to the theory, unfavourable to the depo- sition of lead ore. That the deposition of lead ore, in such large quantities in Eampgill and Coal Cleugh veins, is due to a circulation of fluids from the opposite side of the mountain, receives confirmation from the fact, that the other portion of the vein, situated below the summit of the mountain which separates the vales of the two Aliens, and where, we have shown, the modifying causes do not exist, the ore deposits have been poor, and directly below the summit of the hill have not been effected so low as the Great Limestone stratum ; notwithstanding the vein is farther removed from the summit of the east and west range of moun- tains. To this latter circumstance, it is probably due, that a sufficiency of fluids has descended to effect the deposition of lead ore in the strata above the Great Limestone. No large quantity of lead ore has, hitherto, been raised from any of the Coal Cleugh cross veins. The throws of the two most EAST SIDE OF KENT BIVER. 171 powerful ones place the cheeks of the Great Limestone stratum opposite beds of plate and thin sandstones. Like the Nenthead cross veins under similar circumstances, they contain little else than douk. The throw of the Pump-sump cross vein is not more than 36 feet, and some ore has been produced from it. The places most likely to contain ore deposits in these cross veins are the strings lying off the principal portions of the veins in the thrown-up cheeks, and where conditions exist moat favourable for promoting a circulation of fluids. In connexion with the Coal Cleugh veins, extensive flats have been formed which have been enriched with much lead ore. These flats are chiefly found in the upper flat post, and the richest deposits occur near the cross veins, and in all cases they are accompanied with numerous intersecting leads or strings connected with the east and west as well as the north and south veins. The deposition of lead ore, in the weak east and west veins on the south side of Eampgill vein, is due to conditions promotive of the descent and circulation of fluids from the surface, the locality being peculiarly placed under the influence of the fourth law, or law of intersections. At the intersection of Eampgill second sun vein and Eampgill cross vein the Great Limestone has under- gone much decomposition and change ; and from some fifteen to twenty fathoms in length of the former vein, on the west side of the latter, an exceedingly large quantity of lead ore has been extracted. Large quantities of lead ore have also been procured from Eampgill cross vein and the flats formed on each side ; but northward from EampgUl sun vein to Scaleburn vein the ore deposits in it were very poor. About 100 fathoms Jsouth of its intersection with Eampgill second sun vein, this cross vein ceased to produce lead ore, and in a long tract of ground extend- ing through the summit of the hill no trial of it has been made ; i72 CIBCULATION OF FLUIDS and if the law of circulation is admitted to be essential to the deposition of lead ore, then it seems probable that none will be found in this unproved portion of the Tein, unless effected by a circulation from the Kilhope side of the mountain, which seems unlikely, its course being too near the summit of the hiU sepa- rating the vaUeys of Kilhope and Welhope, and in accordance with the first law, a free circulation of fluids could scarcely be effected in this district so low as the Great Limestone stratum. Patterdale cross vein is situated west from RampgiU cross vein, and traverses the mountain in a parallel direction. The conditions connected with the percolation and circulation of fluids are also very similar. Extensive trials have been made in this vein, but with the exception of a short length of ground between Rampgill and Rampgill sun veins, where it is placed in a peculiar manner under the influence of the fourth law, no lead ore has yet been found in it. Hangingshaw east end veins have also been found quite unproductive of lead ore in the Great Limestone stratum. The situation of these veins on the thrown- down cheek of Handsome Mea great cross vein is one very un- favourable to a free circulation of fluids. Some lead ore was pro- cured from one of these east and west veins in the upper strata of Firestone and Little Limestone, but the length of productive ground was very limited. The fluids percolating the Kilhope side of the mountain, and flowing in the weak fissures to the north, would gradually dimi- nish in quantity, first in the strata lying nearest the surface ; for like a semi-fluid mass poured upon a level surface they would become diffused as they settled to lower levels, and this more particularly in the Great Limestone, which is placed hori- zontally in a position most nearly corresponding to the bottom of the valleys, and consequently, may be considered as the AND LEAD ORB DEPOSITS. 173 lowest draining stratum. In the upper strata, the fluids would be drawn off by entering channels communicating with the sur- face, from which they would issue as springs. The same quarter point fissures, which intersect Eampgill vein, have also brought Scaleburn vein under the productive influences of the fourth law. With the exception of the modification pointed out in the preceding paragraph, it has been subjected to the same conditions of circulation as Eampgill vein, for these fissures have evidently been the channels in which the fluids circulated to the vein. The deposits of lead ore, in Scaleburn vein, occur chiefly in strata comprehended inclusively between the Pattinson and the Tuft ; and similar to Eampgill vein, the deposition of lead ore has been effected through the summit of the lull separating the valleys of the Nent and West Allen. In the Firestone and Slate Sills the vein contains very little lead ore, in the Alston Moor side of the boundary. These are the strata in which a circulation would be dependent upon the percolation of fluids in the immediate locality, under the preventive in- fluences of the fiV'St law, and also modified, unfavourably to its permeation, by the sec o CARRS VEIN J^au-ltiH' ^cate Gteat' 0^i\^^- Vfirt I East- pta^ j Pa iici tht'lc I «>// \ \J^roi^^ Cf('6^ fart'. (yx)SS fat} m O t^ ^ AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 175 ore has been produced from them, the whole amounting to some four or five hundred bings. This small quantity was found in Fairhill cross veins, and close to the north side of Scaleburn north vein. It will be observed on the piano-section Plate IX., that the Great Limestone is elevated considerably above its gene- ral position on the thrown-down cheek of Handsome Mea great cross vein. On the north side of Gillgill Burn, as these veins approach Carrs vein, they cease to contain even the smallest quantity of lead ore. The conditions of position as verifying the fifth law are also shown upon Plate XVIII. In the ground situated between Gillgill and Guddamgill Burns, and on the east side of the Nenthead cross veins, the supply of fluids has probably been restricted to their percolation from the surface ; and in accordance with ^e first law, under the summit of the mountain and under the lateral ridge separating Grillgill and Guddamgill Burns, the quantity circulating must have been small. The strata in this tract of ground are not much broken by veins of any description, the only one of importance being GuddamgiU vein. This vein is of a similar character to Scaleburn and Eampgill veins ; it is wide, and contains much vein mineral. In the direc- tion of its course eastward, the strata, after being thrown down by Carrs vein, do not rise so rapidly into an elevated position as they do on the line of the east and west veins just named, in which, as previously pointed out, no lead ore of importance has been deposited in the Great Limestone when depressed below a certain level. It is owing to a similar reason, and also to its proximity to the lateral ridge, that a free percolation and circu- lation have not been effected in Guddamgill vein, and conse- quently no rich deposits of ore lodged in the Great Limestone west of its intersection with the Black Jack vein. Where this inter- section occurs, the vein contained much ore in all the strata, 2 176 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS with the exception of the Firestone, which lies close to the sur- face. It is to be observed, that where this deposit occurs, all the fluids, collected in a long tract of ground stretching to the east boundary, pass over the vein, and percolate under the favourable influences of the fourth law. It is not a little remarkable, that Guddamgill vein, so poor generally in deposits of lead ore, should contaia richer deposits of sulphide of ziac than any other vein in Alston Moor. It is found plentifully deposited in all the strata between the Pattin- son and the Tuft ; but the richest deposits occur in the two lime- stone strata. Generally in the Nenthead mining district, at the bottom of a stratum, the east and west veins are filled with a great quantity of sulphide of zinc, which gradually becomes less in the upper part where the veins contain the most lead ore. It is also found plentifully deposited in many veins where the strata are placed in a somewhat unfavourable position for the deposition of lead ore ; but when the strata are placed in a very unfavourable position, it is never plentifully deposited, although it may occur sparsely mixed with the carbonates of lime and iron. From these facts, one might almost conclude, that a less amount of circulation has effected the deposition of sulphide of zinc than lead ore, and that the presence of the former in Gud- damgill vein, in such large quantities, is an indication that the circulation iu the vein has not been sufficiently free to eifect the deposition of the latter more valuable metal. Sir H. De la Beche observes : " In veins of mixed ores of different metals, where some of each are found disseminated through them, the relative abun- dance of the ores is sometimes found most materially modified at different depths, and this occasionally even to a certain ex- tent irrespective of the kinds of rock forming the walls of the veins, though this influence requires always to be steadUy borne in mind. Thus with some ores of ziac, lead, and copper, as, for AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 177 example, in the well-kno-wn Ecton mine, Staffordshire, the sul- phide of zinc was foimd most abundant in the depth, the sul- phide of copper occupied a central position, and sulphide of lead was found in the higher parts. In the Spital vein at Schemnitz, according to Mr. Warrington Smyth, where the sul- phides of silver and lead are raised, though the latter is argen- tiferous beneath, the ores towards the higher portions of the vein are chiefly sulphides and other ores of silver, in which either lead is scarce or absent."* It may be questionable whether a difference in the freeness of a circulation is simply the only cause why, in these instances, different kinds of metal- lic ores are separately deposited more plentiftdly in one part of the vein than in another. In the Nenthead veins, however, it is evident that so far as the deposition of the ores of lead and zinc is concerned, the laws of causation in each case are very inti- mately connected. Speaking generally, the ores of lead occur much more plentifully in the veins of Alston Moor, and in larger and purer masses than the ores of zinc. The vertical range of zinc ore is also more limited than lead ore ; scarcely any has been deposited in the strata above the Little Limestone, and so far as the veins are proved, very little of it below the Great Limestone. In the Coal Sills and Little Limestone, the oxides of iron and it are so intimately blended together, that it is almost impossible to separate them by washing processes, there being little difference in their specific gravities. In consequence of this blending together, the ore of zinc produced from such strata is rendered valueless, and cannot be smelted to profit. In the small patch of Great Lunestone, which constitutes the surface stratum on the west side of Carrs vein and south from ' Geological Observer,' p. 791. i78 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS Guddamgill vein, lead ore has been found in detached lumps of rider lying near the surface. The vein stuff containing much car- bonate of iron, deposited in limestone strata so near the surface, must be subjected to the decomposing effects of atmospheric agency ; and if the west strings of Carrs vein ever contained ribs of lead ore they have been long ago removed from their places of deposit, which are now filled with rich oxides of iron. The next plot of ground Hes to the north of Guddamgill Burn, and comprehends Brownley Hill veins and the continuation of the principal vein into Wellhope. The quantity of fluids which flow over a great portion of this ground is modified to a considerable extent by the Dod, which is a peaked elevation rising above the regular summit of the mountain, and that to a considerable height. In consequence, a long tract of siirface unbroken with cleughs or glens, is formed on the east side of Brownley Hill cross veins, which is favourable to the percolation of fluids. The formation of the surface on the line of Brownley Hill old vein is also not un- favourable to the percolation of fluids under the first and third laws, although, on account of the steepness of tlie hill on the south side of the vein, the conditions for promoting the descent of fluids is somewhat unfavourable under the second. Brownley Hill vein is about the same magnitude as Scaleburn and Guddamgill veins. It has contained much larger quantities of lead ore than the latter, though it has been less rich than the former. On the east side of Carrs vein, the ground is very favourable to the percolation of fluids ; but, by the throw of Carrs vein, the strata are placed in a position very unfavour- able to their circulation, and as in the case of the veins pre- viously noticed, no lead ore of importance has been deposited so low as the Great Limestone stratum ; and, corresponding with the laws of circulation, it is not until this stratum attains a AND LEAD OEE DEPOSITS. 179 higher position, on the east side of Guddamgill Bnrn cross vein, that the vein contained in it rich deposits of lead ore. From the last-mentioned cross vein, the strata rise somewhat rapidly to the east on the line of Brownley Hill vein, thus promoting a circulation similar to what has taken place in Eampgill and Scaleburn veins. Directly below the anticlinal axis, the vein ceased to contain lead ore in all the strata ; but the ground so affected is comparatively short, for in Mr. Beaumont's Manor, rich deposits occurred in all the strata from the top of the Slate Sills to the bottom of the Great Limestone. The portion of the vein in which these deposits were found is situated at the head of Wellhope Burn and directly opposite to the Dod. The strata, which are said to be much fissured, rise rapidly from the south side of Wellhope vein, and continue to do so through the summit of the Dod. It is evident, that all the fluids circulating in these fissures, to the outcropping of the various strata in Wellhope Burn, must flow over or circulate in this rich portion of Wellhope vein. In the ground under the summit of the hill separating Wellhope Burn from West Allen, the percolation of fluids in large quantities would be prevented by the first law. Accordingly no lead ore is deposited in WeUhope head vein. Indeed in aU the ground traversed by Brownley hiU vein, the cor- respondence between the conditions of percolation and circulation of fluids, and the deposition of lead ore is close and well defined. Brownley Hill high cross vein traverses the district in a direc- tion nearly at right angles to the circulation of fluids, over the long tract of surface extending to the Dod ; and which perco- lating the numerous quarter point fissures must promote their descent to great depths below the surface, under the influence of the fmrth law. Brownley Hill sun veins, which exist on the east side of Guddamgill Bum cross vein, break up altogether before they reach these High cross veins. It is in the ground 180 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS where intersections with them should have taken place, that the richest deposits of ore were found in the cross reins. In this respect, they resemble Cowhill cross rein on the south side of Long Cleugh vein, which, as pointed out, contained the richest deposit of lead ore, where it should have been intersected with Woodmerwell or Wellhope knot vein. In their direction south- ward, Brownley Hill high cross veins all become exceedingly weak, and, with the exception of the Jug vein, ultimately waste away. Under such circumstances, notwithstanding the favour- able locality, for the promotion of the percolation and circulation of fluids, no lead ore has hitherto been found in them. Connected with the group of powerful veins traversing the west portion of Brownley Hill mining plot, very favourable condi- tions exist for promoting the percolation of fluids. This portion of the ground is also very much fissured and broken with weak veins and strings running in an east and west direction, par- ticularly on the east side of Guddamgill Burn cross vein. The throw of Carrs vein places the Great Limestone on the east side opposite to the Four-fathoms Limestone and Nattrassgill hazle ; but, on account of the denudation at the surface in GuddamgiU Bum, it is lying veiy little below the surface. The conditions for promoting a circulation are, however, best shown by the cross section, Plate XIX., in the direction of GuddamgiU Burn, where it will be perceived that in the ground between the two portions of Carrs vein, the Great Limestone is lying in a very unfavourable position for promoting the circulation of fluids. In this ground, the east cross vein has been proved to contain no lead ore. From this east portion of Carrs vein the strata rise to the east, and at Wellgill cross vein have attained a position above the bed of the .Nent river below its jvmction with Guddamgill Burn. And it is a remarkable exemplification of the law of cir- culation as being essential to the deposition of lead ore, that o > iC/IRRS VEIN GtiT.s Veifi E poT-tiuriy. m o rs3 o o m m H m ?3 Z o K WeUgili Ovss T&n.'. Brcorrbtbefij-' (jvss Vein/. h s « AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 181 below Guddamgm Burn, where the greatest amount of denuda- tion has been effected, this vein should contain a rich deposit of lead ore. For, further south, veins of the same character, situ- ated about the same distance from Carrs vein, and connected with which are conditions in all respects similar, excepting those relating to the circulation of fluids, are found to contain none. As a result of our investigations, we have endeavoured to esta- blish the general empirical law, that the thrown-down cheeks of the Nenthead strong cross veins do not contain deposits of lead ore, and that all veins lying near them on that side are also barren. This exception, and that of Carrs sun veins, agree in being connected with conditions promotive of a circulation, and in consequence confirm the higher law of causation. In the same stripe of depressed strata, WellgiU cross vein in its course northward, under- the sides of a steep mountain, becomes very poor, notwithstanding the many intersections promotive of a circulation under the influence of the fourth law. On the north side of Brownley Hill vein it ceased altogether to contain lead ore. Guddamgill Burn cross vein contained much ore in all the ground between Guddamgill and Brownley Hill veins. On the east side of the vein, so numerous are the intersecting veins and leads, chiefly running in an east and west direction, that, at some places near the surface, the Little Limestone is, by decom- position and change, converted into a stratum of carbonate of iron. On account of the rise of the strata to the east, the fluids would flow to the upper cheek of the vein and settle from thence into the lower. The general conditions promoting .their perco- lation and circulation are manifestly the same as those connected with WeUgill cross vein. The plot of ground lying to the north of Brownley Hill veins, and the south side of Lovelady Shield Burn, differs from that we 182 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS have just had under consideration ia not heiag broken into by- deep glens or burns. It will also be perceived upon the map, that the heaven's-vrater division is less removed from the east portion of the powerful cross veins. On the west side of Carrs vein the Great Limestone is the surface stratum, and is much broken by joints, and lying iu a position very susceptible of atmospheric decomposition. If the Nentsberry Greens veins ever contained rich deposits of lead ore, which is not unlikely, it must long ago have been almost entirely removed by these agencies. The position of the Great Limestone on the east side of Carrs vein is shown upon the section Plate XX. In this ground no lead ore has been found. The Great Limestone is tilted into a some- what higher position by WellgiQ cross rein, in which, a rich de- posit of lead ore occurred at a poiat where the east cheek is much broken with quarter point fissures, and also, where an intersec- tion with Nentsberry Haggs veins would have taken place had these veins not ceased to exist on the west side of Carrs vein.* The few east and west veins found to exist on the east side of Carrs vein are all weak. On account of the ground beiag con- tiguous to the summit of the mountain a plentiful percolation of fluids would be prevented under the first law. None of the veins have contained lead ore except High Eaise vein in the Slate SUls and Firestone, and in a short length of ground in the upper part of the Great Limestone. In the ground between Lovelady Shield and Foreshield Burns only a small patch of Great Limestone exists on the west side of * This section (Plate XX.), was copied from one made by the late Mr. Broadwood, and is drawn on the line of Nentsberry Haggs sun vein. The red lines represent the Old Haggs levels. The rich deposit of lead ore in Wellgill cross vein was found at the point o. I apprehend that Wellgill and Old Carrs cross veins will hade to eacli other more rapidly than drawn upon the section indeed it is pro- bable they are one vein in the Whin. Missing Page Missing Page AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 183 Carrs vein. It is much broken with joints, and lying close to the surface. In accordance with the fifth law the throw of Carrs vein, being not less than 220 feet, places the Great Lime- stone stratum in a position unfavourable to a circulation of fluids in the east cross veins. Extensive trials were made, but no lead ore of importance found in them. At Foreshield the Nent river bends to the west. In con- sequence, on the west side of Blaygill cross vein, a considerable tract of ground is occupied by the Great Limestone and strata above, all lying in a position more favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids than the same series of beds on the east side of these strong cross veins. In the ridge separating Blaygill and Foreshield Burns the conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids do not appear favourable under the second law, the sides of the hni having a considerable inclination. It is, however, very much fractured and broken by veins and fissures traversing it in various directions, and in consequence very much brought under the influence of the fourth law. The rise of the strata from the Blaygill side right through this ridge of hill would also promote a circulation of fluids from the south side to the Blaygill veins, under the third law. On the west side of Blaygill cross vein, where the conditions are favourable to a free circulation of fluids, Blaygill east and west veins have all contained rich deposits of lead ore, particu- larly Fistas Kake vein, where it is intersected with the Sunny- side veins : but on the east side of that cross vein none of any importance. The Sunny side veins traverse the district nearly in a quarter point direction. On the south side of Fistas Kake vein, Blaygill cross vein throws the east side down only three fathoms. In this ground, extending about ninety fathoms south, the vein contained much lead ore. About thirty fathoms of ground on the 184 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS north side also produced some lead ore ; the throw of the vein, however, rapidly increases until it exceeds the thickness of the Great Limestone ; under this condition, as might be expected, no lead ore has been deposited in it. Considerable quantities of ore have been raised from the ThorngiU veins. The position of these veins is favourable to the deposition of lead ore on the principle of a circulation of fluids. Skirting as they do the sides of the mountain in a direction nearly at right angles to its greatest rate of inclination, they must have intercepted the course of the fluids as they flowed to the surface. On account of the breaking up of Black Ashgill cross vein, these east and west veins are subjected to an increased percolation and circulation of fluids under the fcmrth law. Under the ridge forming a kind of water-shed between Blaygill Burn and the Tyne river, the ThorngUl veins have contained no lead ore. On the west side of this ridge, ThorngiU vein con- tained a rich deposit of lead ore, restricted, however, to the strata above the Great Limestone. In this ground the Sun vein was only poor. Still further west, in the Great Limestone near the surface, these veins, as well as the numerous weak veins which intersect or combine with them, must have suffered much change by the decomposing influence of atmospheric agency. Slote vein has also contained ore only where its situation is favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids. Under the summit of Newshield Moss it contains none. Still further east, near to Blaygill cross vein, where it is called Goangill vein, it has been proved to some extent, but the lead ore it con- tained was too poor to repay the cost of extraction. I do not possess much information respecting the width and throw of Taylor's Grove vein. The conditions for pro- moting the percolation of fluids are modified by the second laiv ; in other respects they do not appear to be very unfavourable. AND LEAD OKE DEPOSITS. 185 Their circulation, however, is parallel to the direction of the vein, which, as already observed, appears to be less promotive of the deposition of lead ore, than when the direction of the vein, and that in which the fluids flow over the surface make some considerable angle. The lead ore deposits in Taylor's Grove vein have been very poor, and so far as proved have not repaid the cost of extraction. Clargill and Aleburn veins are proved to a considerable extent, and found to contain very little lead ore. The conditions do not appear to be unfavourable for promoting a free percola- tion and circulation of fluids in the district traversed by Clargill veins. I am informed, however, that the strata are much broken with joints, and consequently their contents will have been subjected to the decomposing effects of atmospheric agents, and this remark more especially applies to Aleburn vera. It was for proof of this vein that a level was made by the Lead Company some seventy or eighty years ago. In the level an opening was first made into Aleburn cavern, described in Mr, Sopwith's account of the mining district of Alston Moor. We have now pointed out the connection between the laws regulating the percolation and circulation of fluids, and the lead ore deposits found in the veins of the Coal Cleugh mining dis- trict, and those traversing the mountain situated on the east side of the Nent river. In relation to the first law, the modi- fying condition of position of the strong cross veins is not much varied on account of their direction being nearly parallel to the river. The varied vertical positions into which the strata are placed by their great throws, as well as the combination of these powerful veins with each other, and the denudation of the lead ore-producing strata from the west side of Carrs vein complicate the inquiry. On the whole, as an illus- tration of the ffth law, it is probably all that can be expected. 186 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS. Throughout the whole extent of these veins, in the depressed strata on the east side of Carrs vein, no ore has been found of any importance in them, no matter whether their direction be east and west, or north and south, except at two or three points where the denudation of the strata on the west side of this vein has been effected so low as to allow of a circulation of fluids under the proper conditions, and especially promoted by the fourth law. Again, the peculiar conditions connected with the Middle Cleugh veins, EampgiU and Scaleburn veins and their continuation in the Coal Cleugh district — the great number of east and west veins which terminate at Carrs vein — the throws of the cross veins and their contiguity to the water- shed of the mountain — ^render the connection between the first law regulatiag the percolation of fluids and the deposition of lead ore less obvious than may be desired. It will, however, be observed upon the general map, that none of the veins on the north side of Scaleburn vein contaia lead ore under the summit of the mountain. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OF HYDROUS AGENCY, AND THE DEPOSITION OP LEAD ORE IN THE VEINS TRAVER- SING THE MOUNTAIN MIDDLE FELL. We shall now endeavour to point out tlie connexion between the laws regulating the percolation and circulation of fluids, and the ore deposits which have been found in the veins traversing the mountain of Middle Fell, which separates the Tyne from the Nent river. The east and west veins are numerous, and in most cases can be identified on each side of the mountain. In this district only two important cross veins exist ; G-arrigill Bum old Groves vein on the west side and Black Ashgill cross vein on the east side of the mountain. Compared with the great cross veins, which traverse the country on the east side of the Nent river, these two veins may be considered as possessing only a moderate width and throw ; and with the exception of one or two places, the strata have not been placed by them in a position unfavourable to a circulation of fluids. It may be observed upon the general map, that at the head of Black Ashgill and Caple Cleugh Burns, the Firestone is the highest stratum ; and at this point, the lines denoting its out. cropping on each side of the mountain curve in so much, that only a small distance intervenes. Now, it is evident that the 188 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS water which flows over the broad slopes of the higher east and west range must fall into Caple Cleugh and Black Ashgill Burns to be carried off in a different direction ; and also, that the supply of fluids maintaining the increased percolation (in accord- ance with theirs* law) at the bottom of the mountain must be abruptly cut oE. The consequence is, that the supply of fluids, flowing over the surface, and circulating in the interior of Middle Fell is dependent upon, or derived entirely from, the precipitation upon its surface ; thus forming conditions less com- plicated, and of a more simple character than is generally found in other mining districts. We left off investigating the connexion between the laws effecting the percolation and circulation of fluids and the lead ore deposits in veins, at the point where the Middle Cleugh veins cease to contain lead ore in the Great Limestone ; we shall now resume the investigation at the same point, and commence with a portion of ground which comprehends Caple Cleugh north and sun veins on the west side of Carrs vein. This portion of ground has already been partially described; these two veins traverse the hollow or gap, which isolates Middle Fell from the east and west range of mountains, the water flowing over the surface in opposite directions towards them. Altogether the conditions are favourable for promoting the percolation of fluids, and also their free circiilation in the interior of the earth. These two Caple Cleugh veins are very weak near their in- tersections with Cowslitts cross vein, and the north vein is altogether broken into weak leads before reaching Carrs vein. Under such conditions, no lead ore of importance could be de- posited in them ; although, in accordance with the fourth law, they have evidently caused much lead ore to be deposited in flats formed in the Great Limestone on the west side of Carrs vein. On the west side of Cowslitts cross vein, the north vein AND LEAD ORB DEPOSITS. 189 contained mucli lead ore, in all the strata, from the surface to the bottom of the Great Limestone. Near Caple Cleugh Burn, the Sun vein also contained lead ore deposits to the same depth. As these veins approach the water shed of Middle Fell mountain they cease to contain lead ore in the Great Limestone, and thus verify the connexion between the first law and the deposition of lead ore. The ground, lying on the north side of Caple Cleugh north vein, traversed by Cowslitts cross vein, is connected with con- ditions favourable to the percolation of fluids : and also, by the inclination of the beds, to their circulation in the direction of the vein northward. The Great Limestone bassets to the surface at no great distance from the east and west vein. It is also thrown up by Carrs vein above its average horizontal position, and lies at no great depth below the surface, which is covered with a thick bed of clayey alluvium. The vein also skirts the bottom of a steep hill, and must be subjected to the numerous intersections of weak east and west leads, which are said to have enriched Carrs vein. Taking all these favourable circumstances into consideration, it is not surprising that this rather weak cross vein should contain considerable quantities of lead ore. The ground traversed by Cowhill vein and lying opposite and parallel to the rich ground in Cowslitts cross vein, just noticed, is however connected with conditions very different for promot- ing the percolation of fluids, passing as it does through the sum- mit of Cowhill. This vein is unproved in this locality ; it is supposed to be very weak, and under these circumstances, it seems probable that, when tried, it will be found to contain no lead ore. To the north of Cowhill, the surface of the country sinks with no very rapid inchnation to the junction of Dowgang Burn with the Nent river. This portion of the Nenthead district, p 190 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS known as Shaw side, is on the whole favourably situated for promoting the percolation of fluids under the first and second laws. The conditions for promoting a circulation are likewise equally favourable. For a short distance on the west side of Carrs vein, Hanging- shaw vein contained a very rich deposit of lead ore in the Great Limestone ; but the portion situated below the summit of CowhiU contains none in any stratum, thus supporting the doctrine that a free supply of fluids from the surface is essential to its deposi- tion. In accordance with the laws of percolation of fluids, Cow- hUl and CowsHtts east and west veins contained lead ore deposits in the Great Limestone in ground extending further to the west than that in which the lead ore deposits are found in Hangingshaw vein. As these two east and west veins approach the ground where the supply of fluids passing over them from the summit of Middle Fell is cut off by Collier Burn, they cease to contain deposits of lead ore. Cowslitts and CowhiU cross veins traverse the portion of ground most favourably situated for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids ; and notwithstanding, that in this locality both are weak veins, considerable quantities of lead ore have been extracted from them. Peat Stack HiU vein, lying opposite and parallel to the pro- ductive portions of CowhUl and Cowslitts east and west veins, contained much lead ore in the Great Limestone ; and also, like them, it contained almost none under the ridge situated on the east side of Collier Burn. In the portion of ground bounded by Peat Stack Hill or Briggle Burn vein on the north, and extending southward to Black AshgiU Burn, the conditions for promoting the percola- tion and circulation of fluids, are subjected to greater variation than those in the ground we have just had under consideration. AND LEAD QBE DEPOSITS. 191 Upon inspection of the map, it will be perceived that the veins, in no case, are far removed from the water-shed of the mountain ; below which the Great Limestone stratum is placed at a great depth. At Longhole head the Fell top Limestone is the highest stratum. By theirs* law, it is evident that the Great Limestone is lying in a position very unfavourable to the percolation of fluids from the surface, and this has been sufficient to prevent the deposition of lead ore ; for although, in some parts of this plot of ground, the veins are much subjected to the influence of the fourth law, and in other respects favourably circumstanced for promoting a circulation of fluids, yet, with only one exception, in this stratum they are all alike unpro- ductive. The exception to which we have called attention occurs in Black Ashgill cross vein, and tends to confirm the laws of per- colation and circulation of fluids as essential to effect lead ore deposits in veins. For this very rich lead deposit was found at no great distance from the outcropping of the Great Limestone, iu Black Ashgill Burn, and where the Firestone and all the strata above are removed by denudation. In the third chapter of this book it was attempted to prove, that when veins throw the strata down on the side next the water- shed of the mountain they are placed in a position unfavourable to the circulation of fluids. It would also appear that, except under some very peculiar conditions, connected with intersecting veins, such kinds of throws, when of some considerable extent, are also less favourable to the deposition of lead ore in the vein itself than when the throw is in a contrary direction. Black Ashgill vein throws up the east cheek, and on the Nenthead side of Middle Fell places the deep strata in the thrown-down cheek into an unfavourable position ; on the contrary, at Black Ash- gill head, the side of the vein, next the outcropping of the strata p2 192 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS is thrown down, and consequently not placed in a position un- favourable to the circulation of fluids. Black Ashgill east cross veins throw up the west cheek ; and it is remarkable that in the ground under consideration where the veins are not much subjected to the influences oi the fourth law, they have not con- tained much lead ore. It is only under conditions favourable to the percolation of fluids, and where, in their circulation in the Great Limestone, they must settle over the thrown-up cheek of the latter vein, that rich deposits of lead ore have been effected. The strata on the south side of Caple Cleugh and Longhole head veins, and on the west side of Black Ashgill cross vein, rise rapidly in a direction nearly at right angles to that of the veins. In this ground, the Slate Sills are the uppermost strata. In accordance with the third law, all the fluids that percolate the broad summit of Flinty Fell must circulate to these veins. In a portion of Longhole head vein, where it is ramified, large quantities of lead ore were found deposited in these strata ; but for 130 fathoms in length directly below the summit of the moun- tain, the lead ore deposits have not been effected lower than the Firestone stratum. Further east they occur as low as the High Coal SUl. As the broad extent of level surface diminishes, the veins contain less lead ore in the Slate SiUs ; although moderately- rich deposits have been extracted from them in the Little Lime- stone and High Coal SiU on the east side of Black Ashgill cross vein. It will be perceived upon the general map, that in this locality, the conditions promoting the percolation of fluids are somewhat similar to those connected with the east part of Rampgill and High Coal Cleugh veins. The ground, triangular-shaped, enclosed by Longhole head. Black AshgiU and Dowgang veins, occupies a position under the summit of the mountain unfavourable to the direct percolation of fluids from the surface. By the throws of the two former AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 193 veins, and in accordance with i\i.Q fifth law, the strata are placed in a position unfaTourable to their circulation in any direction ; and this unfavourable position is not modified under the third law, as the strata are lying in a position very nearly horizontal. The connexion between these unfavourable conditions and the non-deposition of lead ore is complete. No quantities of the latter of the least importance have been procured from thence. In the ground traversed by Dowgang veins on the east side of Black AshgiU. cross veia, there is a depression of the summit of the mountain, Nunnery rising to some considerable elevation on the north side and Longhole head on the south. Black Ash- giU cross vein is ramified, and there are also numerous leads and strings running in various directions. These conditions neces- sarily modify the first law regulating the descent of fiuids, causing an iacreased quantity to percolate near the water-shed of the mountain. Corresponding to these conditions for promoting the percola- tion of fluids, the Dowgang veius have contained very rich deposits of lead ore in the Slate Sill, Firestone, Little Limestone and Coal Sills, and even as low as the upper part of the Great Limestone, but, except on the east side of Black AshgiU cross vein, the quantity is so small that it scarcely repays the cost of ex- traction. On the north side of Dowgang veins, a long tract of surface, unbroken by deep cleughs or bums, stretches from the Nent river to the top of Nunnery. The principal portion of the water that falls upon Nunnery flows to the north, and this is shown upon the map by the direction of the minor streams, A portion however, circulates over the surface in the direction of Pity Mea and Nenthead Field veins. Before reaching the outcropping of the Firestone stratum, this stream is broken into three parts, one 194 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS of which, deflected to the south-east, falls into Dowgang Burn, another continues its course in a straightforward direction, and the last falls to the north ; forming a lateral ridge in the imme- diate neighbourhood of Greengill east end vein. In this ground two portions of Black Ashgill cross veins con- tained rich deposits of lead ore. In accordance with the fifth law, the throw of the principal one is unfavourable to a circula- tion of fluids. It will be observed on the map, that this law is modified by numerous intersecting quarter point leads, which would promote a circulation under i)i& fourth law. Many of these veins or leads are of considerable strength, and where they are partially collected near their intersection, or combination with Dowgang veins, dislocate the strata three or four fathoms. It is probable, that the quarter point veins do not extend in their north-west direction further than the cross vein, which occasions the greatest dislocation. In the strata depressed by the throw, two west portions of Black Ashgill cross vein are situ- ated ; but as yet no lead ore has been produced from them. Nenthead Fields veins have not been traced further west than Dowgang east cross vein. Between this point and the outcrop- ping of the Great Limestone the sides of the mountain are very steep, and consequently, under the second law, unfavourable to the percolation of fluids. These two veins are not strong, and the lead ore deposits they contained were comparatively poor. Greengill east end vein traverses the lateral ridge, which extends from the outcropping of the Firestone to the Nent river. Under the first law, the conditions are certainly not favour- able to the deposition of lead ore. This vein was proved in the Great Limestone upwards of a century ago, and little is now known respecting its contents, except that no lead ore was raised, and that the extensive works made in it incurred a very con- siderable, loss of capital. AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 195 On the east side of Black Ashgill cross vein, G-reengill east end vein traverses a district favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids, under the first and fourth laws. It contained rich deposits of lead ore in the Low Slate Sill, and Ironstone ; but in the Firestone below, lead ore was only found in patches ; I believe that little or none has been produced from strata below these. A short length of this vein, on the very summit of the hill, is much subjected to the influence of the fourth law. The intersecting veins and leads are favourably situated as channels to convey fluids northwards down the sides of the peaked ele- vation of Nunnery. Here, at the very summit of Middle Fell, a rich deposit of lead ore was lodged in the Slate Sills. Before it was extracted, it had suffered considerably from decomposition. Large quantities of sulphide of lead were found in thick clay beds, rounded and the outsides of the detached lumps converted into a carbonate of lead ; in the vein itself beautifully crystallized specimens of the carbonate were obtained. Impure earthy car- bonates of lead were also found, the lead and iron apparently cementing the particles of decomposed sandstone into a solid mass. The lead ore deposits in this ground are not found lower than the Slate SiUs ; even in the Firestone, which is placed at no great depth from the surface, the little lead ore it contained would not repay the cost of extraction. Altogether this case of a lead ore deposit upon the summit of the mountain, which in a simple empirical law would have constituted an exception not easily explained, furnishes a striking exemplification of the connexion between the laws of percolation and circulation of fluids and the deposition of lead ore. In connexion with the same conditions, promoting the de- scent of fluids, but on the north side of Greengill east end vein, and from about the point where the Firestone bassets to the 196 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS surface northward to Grassfield vein, the Greeugill cross veins, which are a continuation of Black Ashgill vein, contained very rich deposits of lead ore in the G-reat Limestone. Where these veins are most subjected to the percolation of fluids under the fourth law, the richest deposits of lead ore were found. It will be observed upon the map, that from Grassfield vein the line denoting the outcropping of the Great Limestone bends to the west. For some distance, its direction will not vary much from one at right angles to the greatest inclination of the strata. In this locality, a broad extent of surface is formed of a thick bed of clayey alluvium, and the water, precipitated on the north side of Nunnery, must flow over that portion of the Grass- field veins situated between the outcropping of the Firestone and the Nent river. It is unnecessary to point out how peculiarly favourable these conditions are for promoting the percolation of fluids under the jirst law. This portion of the district is also much traversed by veins, as well as by weak leads, running in various directions, con- stituting conditions under the fourth law as favom-able to the percolation of fluids as those relating to \hB first law. On the hne of Grassfield veins, the Great Limestone is for a considerable distance lying at no great depth below the surface. This and the somewhat rapid incKnation of the beds on the north side of the vein are favourable to a free circulation. Grassfield veiu, from the outcropping of the Great Limestone to within some twenty fathoms of Grassfield west cross vein, has contained very rich deposits of lead ore, even as low as the Four fathoms Limestone. Between the two east cross veins the strata are elevated by their throws above their general position ; and in accordance with the ffth law both the east and west veins contained much lead ore. On the north side of Grassfield veins, and the next in the AND LEAD ORB DEPOSITS. 197 order of succession, are the two G-allygill Syke veins. The con- ditions, however, for promoting the percolation of fluids are very difierent. In the case of the two latter veins it wiU be seen upon the map that the outcropping of the Great Limestone approaches that of the Firestone stratum. Hence in the direc- tion of Grallygill Syke veins the hill is much steeper than in the direction of Grassfleld veias ; conditions which bring the perco- lation of fluids under the second law. The circulation of fluids over the surface more nearly corresponds to the direction of the veiQS in the former than m the latter case. The correspondence, however, between the conditions affectiag the percolation and circulation of fluids and the deposition of lead ore ia GaUygiU Syke veins is equally striking as in the case of the Grassfleld veins, for in the former instance a much less quantity has been deposited, and the length of productive groimd far shorter. Though in both instances, westward from about the point where the Firestone bassets to the surface, no lead ore has been de- posited ia the Great Limestone. The GaUygill Well and HudgUl Burn veins form a remarkable group, from which — consideriag the extent of ground and limited vertical depth of the deposits — vast quantities of lead ore have been abstracted. Where the richest deposits were found in the Great Limestone, very thick clay beds form the surface of the country ; and near the jimction of the outcrop- ping of this stratum of limestone with these clay beds, by driving levels on the line of the veias, detached masses of rock were found, contaiaing much sulphide of lead, which was found changed into a carbonate of lead, where placed in actual contact with the clay : the central parts of the masses, however, remained a sulphide. Had these clay beds not been reposing on the surface, or had the Great Limestone, instead of being covered up by them, formed a line of precipitous clififi, fissured and broken with 198 THE CIECULATION OP FLUIDS joints, as it assuredly would have been, it is certain that by the percolation of water and atmospheric air nearly the whole of the sulphide of lead would have been converted into a carbo- nate, and ultimately dissolved and carried off in solution by the circulating fluids. The conserving tendency of these clay beds to prevent the decomposition of the ore, after it has once been de- posited, may be illustrated by the fact that a piece of unfossihzed wood of about six iuches long and four laches broad was found in one of the veins iu Hudgill Burn mine. It was surrounded with galena, and situated fifty fathoms below the surface. Mr. Forster states that Mr. WUson, when relatiag the circumstance, showed him the specimen. The percolation of fluids in this district is regulated chiefly by the first and fourth laws ; but peculiarly so under the latter : for the strata are almost entirely broken up with intersecting veins, strings, and leads. Like most of the east and west veins traversing the east side of Middle Fell, this group has contained very little lead ore in the Great Limestone west from the out- cropping of the Firestone stratum. North of the Hudgill Bum veins, the outcropping of the Great Limestone and the water-shed of the mountain approach each other, and consequently the district is less favourably con- ditioned for the percolation of fluids under the first law. For some distance from the line of its basset the Great Limestone is much broken into detached masses, the intervening spaces being filled with clay, and the whole covered by a very thick bed of the same material. In this district numbers of east and west veins exist, all of which are found to contain no lead ore in the Great Limestone. They are said to be generally straight and weak, and filled chiefly with clay and carbonate of lime. By the laws of percolation and circulation of fluids, it is evident, that if they ever contained AND LEAD OEE DEPOSITS. 199 lead ore, it must have been near the present outcropping of the Great Limestone : we may however safely conclude, that the greatest portion if not the whole was abstracted long ago by atmospheric agency, and its place supplied by amorphous masses of carbonate of lime intermixed with clay. In the ground comprehended inclusively between Bayle HiU and Flough edge veins, the percolation of fluids is chiefly regu- lated by the first and fourth laws, and the freeness of the cir- culation modified by the third law. With the exception of Holey Field and Fair Hill veins, which have lately been worked, the richest portions of their contents were extracted long ago, and no records of these are now ex- tant. Calamine is deposited in considerable quantities in these veins : it has probably resulted from the decomposition of sul- phide of zinc, and in some instances has flowed in solution from the veins, and is now found deposited in the joints of the Great Limestone. The metallic contents of this group of veins have in each case undergone, in a greater or less degree, atmo- spheric decomposition and change. Nattrass vein is peculiarly placed under the fourth law, and it seems probable that it is owing to the laws of decomposition that less rich deposits of lead ore were found in it than might otherwise have been expected. Dowpot Syke veins have only contained small quantities of lead ore, and those chiefly in the upper strata. The Great Limestone is lying below the bed of Nattrass burn, and this cir- cumstance may have prevented a circulation in the vein suf- ficiently free to effect the deposition of lead ore. From Flough edge vein the line of outcropping of the Great Limestone is nearly due west, and the course of Nattrass Gill Bum is nearly parallel to that of the Tyne. Here a broad extent of surface is found, which rises gently to the south, forming a 200 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS lateral ridge near to Black Syke and Fleteheras veins, while the water precipitated upon Middle Fell must flow into Nattrass Gill Burn, thus isolating a tract of comparatively flat country traversed by the Craig Green veins, and not unfavourably situated for promoting the percolation of fluids under theirs* and f mirth laws. In accordance with the fifth law the strata on the east side of Garrigill Burn Old Groves vein are placed in a position unfavourable for promoting a circulation of fluids. All the veins in this district have contained rich deposits of lead ore in the Great Limestone ; but on the west side of Gutter- gill cross vein, a great portion of these had evidently been de- composed and carried away by atmospheric agency. Craig Green middle vein has produced some lead ore on the east side of Nattrass Gfll Burn, which was found on the west side of Newberry cross vein, and at a point where the vein is placed under the influence of the fourth law by munerous quarter point leads. The ridge formed between Nattrass Gill Bum and the Tyne, traversed by Black Syke and Fleteheras veins, must modify the first law regulating the percolation of fluids. Nattrass Gill Burn cuts deeply into the mountain, and must effect not only the percolation of fluids to deeper randoms than in that portion of ground under the ridge, but also a circulation northwards, or at right angles to the direction of the veins. Black Syke vein throws up the north cheek very considerably, and in accordance with the fifth law is unfavourable to a circulation of fluids. Fleteheras vein throws the strata in a contrary direction, and exceeds in amount that of Black Syke vein. As might be expected from these conditions. Black Syke vein has contained very little lead ore ; the little, however, it does contain is found as low as the Great Limestone. In the ridge on the west side of Nattrass GUI Bum this vein is weak, a condition unfavourable to the deposition of lead ore. At the higher part AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 201 of Nattrass Gill Burn, Fletcheras vein contained much lead ore in the Slate Sills and Firestone, and some smaU quantities are found as low as the Great Limestone. Notwithstanding the favourable position in which the strata are placed by the throw of Garrigill Bum cross vein, under the ridge, Fletcheras vein contains very- poor deposits of lead ore, especially in the Great Limestone. The district comprehended between Cross Bum and Garrigill burn, the first law regulating the descent of fluids is modified by the second. In the upper part of its course Cross Burn cuts very little below the surface, or into the strata. Hundy Bridge and Cowper Dyke heads are the two strongest east and west veins traversing this district ; the former near the outcropping of the Great Limestone is ramified, but collected into one vein on the east side of Garrigill Burn cross vein : it has contained much ore in a short length of ground in the Great Limestone. In the upper strata it contains very little vein mineral of any kind. The lead ore deposits in Cowper Dyke heads vein, on the west side of GarrigiU Bum vein, have been very poor, as might have been expected from the laws of percolation of fluids. On the east side of this cross vein it contained some little lead ore, but not a sufficient quantity to repay the cost of extraction. In this ground the vein is very weak, not more than a few inches in width. The rest of the Cowper Dyke head veins are too weak to contain much lead ore ; the little that has been produced from them was found at their intersection with Garrigill Burn cross vein. GarrigiU Bum cuts deeply into the strata, and, in conse- quence, the line of outcropping of the Great Limestone is deflected to the east. In the ground traversed by the Benty Field veins, the con- ditions are favourable for promoting the percolation of fluids under the first law; and where an increased supply has been ore were 202 THE CmCULATION OP FLUIDS effected under the fmHh law, laxge quantities of lead . found deposited in the veins on both sides of GarrigiU Bm-n. On the south side of, GarrigiU Burn, several east and west veins are found connected with conditions favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids. The ThoughtergiU Syke veins contained lead ore, the chief portions of which were abstracted long ago, and their productive character is now in a great measure unknown. About the outcropping of the Fii-estone stratum most of these veins are weak, and on the east side of this line of rock none of them has as yet produced lead ore. Browngdl vein has contained rich deposits of lead ore in the Coal Sills and Little Limestone ; it also contained considerable quan- tities in the Slate Sills. In the strata above the Great Limestone this powerful vein is ramified, and its throw places broken pieces of Coal Sills and Little Limestone in a series of steps, similar to whatfiis shown upon the foUowmg cross section. (Plate XXI.) From the sides of these masses of rock large quantities of lead ore were formerly obtained. On the east side of its intersection with Old Groves vein the aggregate thickness of the ribs of pure sulphide of lead lodged between the detached portions of Little Limestone amounted to from eighteen to twenty-one feet. In the portion of Browngill vein, comprehended between the outcropping of the Great Limestone and Firestone strata, there can be no doubt but that the conditions are favom-able to the per- colation and circulation of fluids as low as the Great Limestone. The quantity of lead ore, however, obtaiaed from the vein in this stratum is comparatively small, and sufficient to repay the cost of working only in the neighbourhood of its intersection with Old Groves cross vein, and directly below the very productive ground in the Little Limestone. The throw of the vein places the opposite sides of the Great Limestone past each other. Open spaces have been formed, now filled with quartz and other vein CROSS SECTION OF BROMVNGILL VEIN. riATE XM. AND LEAD OBE DEPOSITS. 203 minerals. In tMs respect, it differs from the Nenthead powerful cross veins, which, as pointed out, seldom contain much vein mineral when they dislocate the strata very much. Either the lead ore has been abstracted from the vein by some natural cause, or its non-deposition is the result of the interference of some causes at present unknown, but which seem connected with the great amount of dislocation of the vein ; for Browngill sun vein, a comparatively weak one, not dislocating the strata more than twelve feet, under precisely similar conditions for pro- moting the percolation and circulation of fluids, and running in a parallel direction, has contained much lead ore, not only in the Great Limestone, but even as low as the Four-fathoms Limestone. It may, however, be remarked that the lead ore in Browngill vein in the Great Limestone is found precisely where extraordi- nary deposits might have been expected, had not the effects of ore-producing conditions been counteracted by other unknown causes. BrowngiU sun vein, near its intersection with Old Groves cross veins, is straight and weak, and the deposits of lead ore it contained poor. Southward from Browngill sun vein, no east and west veins of importance traverse Middle FeU, except Wellhope Knot. There is only a short portion of this vein in the Great Lime- stone, situated very near its outcropping. Under such unfa- vourable conditions, as might be expected, the vein contained very little lead ore. We have now shown the connexion between the lead ore de- posits found in the veins traversing Middle Fell and the laws re- gulating the percolation of fluids. The Great Limestone being elevated above the bottom of the valleys is not placed, except in a few instances, in a position unfavourable to their circulation. The tract of amolybdic ground in the Great Limestone, so 204 THE CIBCULATION OP FLUIDS clearly shown upon the general map, exemplifies in a remark- able manner the connexion between the first law and the depo- sition of lead ore, and also points out clearly that it is necessary for fluids to be plentifully supplied, as well as to circulate freely in the veins, in order to effect deposits of lead ore. In aU cases, such deposits are found only where fluids must freely percolate the surface, and circulate in the veins, and that these conditions only occur where the strata are situated at a moderate depth from the surface, and at some considerable distance from the water-shed of the mountain. The direction of the dip of the strata in Middle Fell is shown upon the map by means of short arrows. In accordance with the third law, it is evident that fluids circulating in the veins would more readily find their way to the surface on the east than on the west side of this mountain, and also the quantity penetrating to great depths must be less in the former than in the latter case. The correspondence between this law regulat- ing the percolation of fluids and the deposition of lead ore is very remarkable, since the greatest portion of amolybdic ground is lying on the east side of the mountain. Except in limited tracts caused by deep cleughs or bums, the variation in the amount of inclination of the surface above the outcropping of the Great Limestone in Middle Fell is not great : the form of the amolybdic ground is not, therefore, much affected under the second law ; and perhaps very striking illustrations of this law are not to be found in Alston Moor. We have, how- ever, pointed out a connexion in the case of Hangingshaw vein on the west side of Carrsvein, the two GaUygill Syke veins, and to these might perhaps be added the Dowpot Syke veins. In accordance with theirs* law, the lateral ridges situated on the sides of the mountain have affected the form of the amo- lybdic gi-ound in the Great Limestone, the lead ore deposits having AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 205 extended further into the interior of the mountain, where the strata above the Great Limestone have suffered the greatest amount of denudation. On the east side of the mountain few of the veins contain much lead ore in the Great Limestone on the west side of the outcropping of the Firestone stratum, and the few exceptions occur only when the veins are peculiarly subjected to the percolation of fluids under the f mirth law. The form of this ground has also been modified by the cha- racter of the veins. It is an acknowledged empirical law that weak veins are less regularly lead ore producing than stronger ones, and are also worked to a less distance from the outcrop- ping' of the strata. The Cowper Dykehead veins furnish the best example of this condition. Of these the sun veins are the weakest, and have contained less lead ore than Hundy Bridge vein, which is the strongest of this group. Those portions of the veins which are coloured blue have un- doubtedly varied considerably in their productive character. Of the portions so coloured, the richest deposits have been effected where from some form of the mountain, the direction of the veins is nearly at right angles to the flow or descent of the water over the surface, and this is more particularly the case where the percolation of fluids is promoted by the fourth law. We have abeady pointed out' the Middle Cleugh, Grass- field, and HudgUl Burn veins as exemplifications. Lastly, its form has been affected by the removal of lead ore by atmospheric agencies ; and more particularly so at the north end of the mountain, where the line of amolybdic ground bends to the very outcropping of the stratum. Undoubtedly, many of those portions of the veins denoted upon the map with red and yellow, contained, at some former geological period, much richer deposits of lead ore than when first laid open by mining operations. CHAPTER IX. OF THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OF HTDEOUS AGENCY AND THE DEPOSITION OF LEAD OEE IN THE OTHEK POETIONS OF THE UPPER STRATA SHOWN UPON THE MAP. In the district comprelieiided between Naggshead and the Great Sulphur vein, the Great Limestone, for some considerable extent from its outcropping, is very much broken with joints, and de- composed to such an extent that large " swallow holes," caused by the falling in of the roofs of large caverns, are formed at the surface. Many of these have broken through the two hard sand- stones above, which in this locality are of very considerable thickness. The veins which cross Littlegill Burn are weak, and dislocate the strata very little. Of these Littlegill vein is the strongest, and has contained lead ore chiefly in the Little Limestone and strata above. In the ground traversed by this vein on the east side of Littlegill Bum, the conditions for promoting the percolation of fluids are on the whole favourable ; but between the outcropping of the Firestone and Great Limestone, their descent into the latter stratum has been prevented by the second law. The Great Limestone, for some distance from its outcropping, is in a broken state, and should the vein ever have contained lead ore LEAD OEE DEPOSITS. 207 deposits, these must have long ago been decomposed and removed by atmospheric agencies. In the ground traversed by this and the other Hole pasture veins, on the west side of LittlegiU Burn, the Great Limestone is also very much broken with wide joints. Trials in these veins have been made of considerable extent, but no lead ore of any consequence was foimd in them. Windy Brae vein is very much stronger than any of the east and west veins which cross LittlegiU Bum. Near the outcrop- ping of the Great Limestone it dislocates the strata not less than twenty-four feet. For a short distance on the west side of the outcropping of the Firestone stratum, and where there are many leads promoting the percolation of fluids under the fourth law, rich deposits of lead ore were found in the veia, chiefly in the Great Limestone stratum. Eastward this vein became weaker and ceased to contain lead ore in any stratum. In the ground between Windy Brae and the Great Sulphur vein. Whetstone Mea appears to be the only vein worthy of notice. I have been unable, however, to obtain information respecting it further than that no lead ore has hitherto been produced from it. On the west side of the Tyne, three patches of Great Lime- stone are found capping the summit of the hills. Of these two are very small ones. In the one at Looking Law, very short portions of the broad Mea veins have been moderately produc- tive. The small patch at the head of Dufi'ergiLl Bum is evidently much decomposed, and broken with joints. It is traversed by the Cornriggs veins ; but here they contain no lead or copper ores. The other patch of Great Limestone is much larger ; it lies on the north-east side of the Great Sulphur vein, and extends to Cashburn Force : in it are several veins running in various directions. It is divided by Eodderup Fell west cross vein into q2 20« THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS two portions, in each of wliicli the conditions for promoting the percolation of fluids are very different. In the east portion, the strata rise rapidly in the direction of Drybnrn towards the Great Sulphur vein. AU the east and west veins that traverse this portion are said to be very weak. Some trials have been made, but no lead ore of any importance has as yet been foimd in them. In the other portion the strata dip rapidly in a contrary direction; so much so that, as previously pointed out, the Great Limestone is lying opposite the lower part of the Whin. In this ground the percolation of fluids under theirs* law is (according to the second and third laws) much modified by the steepness of the mountain sides and the inclination of the beds. The veins traversing this ground are apparently very strong ; but no extensive trials have been made in them, and, so far, have produced very little lead ore. It will be perceived upon the map, that the ore deposits in Cross Fell veins are found at about the same relative position to the outcropping of the Great Limestone, as those in the veins which traverse Middle Fell. These veins, in their direction westward, become very weak, and hence only give positive instances of the connexion between the laws regulating the per- colation and circulation of fluids, and the deposition of lead ore. Had they, however, contiaued to be strong veins under the summit of Cross Fell, there is every reason to conclude, that they would have contained no lead ore in the Great Limestone. In the last three chapters we have endeavoured to establish a relation, or sequence, between the percolation and circulation of water below the earth's surface, and the deposition of lead ore in the veins traversing the upper beds. If we have been successful, the original inquiry is modified and presented in the two following aspects : — AND LEAD OEB DEPOSITS. 209 1. If the lead ore was originally derived from ascending va- pours, and sparsely deposited throughout the whole extent of the veins, then, as the surface of the country became degraded by pluvial and fluvial agencies, the contents of the veins were sub- jected to decomposition and re-arrangement by the waters circulating below the earth's surface. 2. If the lead ore is derived from the rocks which form the walls of the veins, then the necessary decomposition and re- arrangement in the veins are effected by the circulating waters ; the metallic particles being derived from the rocks, or formed from substances set free by their decomposition, and in con- nexion with unknown laws of chemical combination. Now if the former theory |be correct, it is evident that the metallic ores in veins in the strata below the Great Limestone, must be subjected to decomposition and re-arrangement in the same manner as in the upper beds. We have previously stated as a law of experience, that the veins are less metalliferous in the lower than in the upper beds. This however might arise from the conditions being less favourable to the percolation and cir- culation of fluids. Before inquiring into the conditions con- nected with ore deposits in the lower beds, we may observe, that — 1. The Great Limestone throughout its whole thickness is not uniformly metalliferous. It is remarkable, that the most metal- liferous parts are certain posts which have undergone the greatest amount of decomposition and change. Eich deposits of lead ore are not often found in the Tumbler beds ; these beds, even very near the veins, are seldom much changed by chemical agency. The high flat post may be considered as the most productive part of the limestone, and, as previously pointed out, the amount of decomposition effected in it is truly surprising. Below the high flat post are situated two or three others less 210 THE CIECULATION OF FLUIDS. metalliferous ; and these are rarely found to be much decom- posed. The middle flat post is less metaUiferous than the high flat : it is also less decomposable. Similar alternations take place about the low flat post, the bottom of the stratum being the least metaUiferous. 2. If the lead ore be derived from the enclosing rock, then pither this metal or some lead ore producing principles, whatever they may be, must have existed both in sandstones and lime- stones. 3. As the veins in the sandstones often contain v&ry rich deposits of lead ore, although this kind of rock is Jess decom- posable than the limestones ; it is probable, therefore, that they contain a greater amount of lead or of some lead ore pro- ducing principles from which this metal is formed by unknown laws of chemical combination. CHAPTER X. OF THE CONNEXION BETWEEN THE LAWS OF HYDEOUS AGENCY, AND THE ORE "DEPOSITS IN THE VEINS TBAVEESING THE " LOWEE BEDS." In Alston Moor, the position of the series of beds called the "lower strata," is more varied than the group forming the "upper strata^ In some places, they are considerably elevated above the bottom of the valleys, or even basset at the summit of the mountains ; in others, they lie buried at great depths, the whole of the upper portion of the Mountain Limestone and part of the MiUstone Grit reposing upon them. In the former case, the conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of iluids in the veins, vary in a manner similar to those connected with the veins in the upper strata; in the latter, because of their being so far removed from the surface, very little variation can occur. The subject may therefore be viewed under two aspects: the conditions connected with the deposition of lead ore in the veins near the surface, and those connected with its deposition at great depths below. It is in the former case, that the greatest number of trials for proof of the veins in Alston Moor has been made. A glance at the general map will show that the lower strata, in those portions of Northumberland and Durham represented upon it, do not basset to the surface. We shall therefore commence 212 THE CIECULATION OF FLUIDS with an examination of the results of the trials made in the ground comprehended between the outcropping of the Great Limestone on each side of the Nent river. The Dowgang veins, near the west side of the Nent river, were worked many years ago in the Quarry hazle, but the pro- ductive character of the veins is not known. There are, how- ever, no indications at the surface that they contained rich deposits of lead ore. The conditions connected with them for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids are very favourable. On the east side of the Nent river, these veins have also been proved in the Quarry hazle ; and by means of Nentforce level, as low as the Slaty hazle. In some places they contain very small quantities of ore, but not sufficient to repay the cost of extraction. It is evident that, at a great depth below the Nent river, the conditions are very unfavourable for promoting a circulation of fluids in a longitudinal direction. Similar trials have also been made in the Nenthead field and Guddamgill veins, all of which contained lead ore, but quite insufficient to repay costs. The rapid inclination of the strata would promote a circulation in the Grassfleld and Brownley Hill vein ; but on the east side of the river tiie percolation of fluids is regulated by the second law. Considerable trial of this portion of the vein has been made, but no lead ore of importance found in it. On the west side of the river the conditions for promoting the percolation of fluids are very favourable .The Four-fathoms Limestone, which is the surface stratum, reposes under a very thick bed of clay. Jn this ground the vein contained very rich deposits of lead ore, which, however, did not descend so low as the Nattrass Gill hazle. Below this rich ground, in the Four-fathoms Limestone, a Else was made from Nentforce level into the Slaty hazle ; the vein was found to be strait, and contained small pieces of lead ore. AND LEAD ORB DEPOSITS. 213 The conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids in each of the Nentsberry Haggs and Nentsberry Greens veias are apparently similar. Nentsberry Haggs sun vein is, however, the only one that has contained much lead ore, and that chiefly in the Four-fathoms Limestone and Nattrass GUI hazle ; near the Alston and Nenthead road the deposits were found as low as the Three-yards Limestone. It is not easy to point out the conditions connected with this vein, which are different from the north veins, and might promote an increased circulation in order to effect the lead ore deposits. Perhaps it has formed the principal channel in which the fluids circulating in Carrs vein found an egress to the surface. On the west side of the Nent, Nentsberry Haggs veins have produced small quantities of lead ore, chiefly in the Four-fathoms Limestone, and in connexion with conditions very favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids. Under similar con- ditions GaUygill Well vein also produced some lead ore in the same stratum. Northward from GaUygill Well vera, some lead ore has lately been produced from the west portion of Black AshgiU cross vein in the Four-fathoms Limestone. The conditions for promoting the percolation of fluids under the first and fourth laws are exceed- ingly favourable. This lead ore deposit has, however, been com- paratively poor. StiQ further north, and under similar conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids, this cross vein contained considerable quantities of lead ore in the strata lying near the surface. In a few places these lead ore deposits descended as low as the Slaty hazle ; but in the Scar Limestone the vein is filled with little else than calc spar. In Middle Fell no other veins have produced lead ore of importance in the lower strata, excepting the Tyne bottom veins, 214 THE CIECULATION OF FLUIDS and these chiefly in flats. The flats occur where the veins are very much ramified, and much subjected to an increased perco- lation of fluids under the fmrth law. On the north side the strata dip very rapidly from these veins, a condition very favourable towards promoting a circulation of fluids ; and but for this circumstance, these veins in the Tyne bottom Limestone would in aU probability have contained little of any other kind of vein mineral besides calc spar. In the Whin they are almost filled with this mineral. Benty Field vein has produced no lead ore in the Tyne bottom Limestone, and it is owing to the conditions for promoting the cu-culation of fluids being less favourable. Certainly the conditions for promoting their per- colation in each case do not appear to be much different. Taking a general view of these results, and remembering that they are the same veins which have produced such enormous quantities of lead ore in the upper strata, that are so very poor in the lower ; and also bearing in mind, that the conditions of mineralization in each case must be very similar, it is difficult to arrive at any other conclusion than that the difference arises from a greater proportion of metallic particles or of ore-producing substance (or substances) entering as a constituent part into the strata composing the wpp&r heds than must enter into those com- posing the " lower." To particularize one case, the BrowngHl veins on the west side of the outcropping of the Great Limestone are connected with conditions very favourable for promoting the per- colation and circulation of fluids. Had these veins traversed the upper series of strata, and the Great Limestone occupied the position of the Scar Limestone, there can be no doubt whatever but that they would have contained very rich deposits of lead ore instead of the few poor ones which, with one or two excep- tions, have not repaid the cost of extraction. In the district comprehended between Ashgill Burn and Crook AND LEAD OEE DEPOSITS. 215 Burn, many trials of the veins in the lower beds have been made, and the poor deposits found in them occur only where the conditions are very favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids. The Ashgill Field veins produced lead ore chiefly in flats in the Tyne bottom and Scar Limestones, and an inspection of the enlarged map (Plate XV.) will show, that where these deposits occur, how very much the veins are subjected to the fourth, law. Ashgill Field vein contained some ore in the Six- fathoms hazle. Below the bed of Ashgill Bum the quantity of lead ore extracted was, however, very small. Most of the veins in the Tynehead district are connected with conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids very similar to those connected with the veins traversing the upper strata in Middle Fell : indeed, on the south side of the Great Sulphur vein, the rapid inclination of the strata forms a condition for promoting the circulation of fluids more favourable than occurs anywhere in Middle Fell ; and, in many instances, so favourable are the conditions for promoting their percolation under the fourth law that it is difficult to resist the conclusion, that had the Great Limestone occupied the position of the Scar Limestone, with the rest of the upper strata occupying their relative position above, most of these veins must have contained very rich deposits of lead ore, and this more especially in that portion of the district traversed by the Clargill head veins. On the west side of Bel Beaver most of the east and west veins have contained poor deposits of lead ore, and these chiefly near the outcropping of the strata towards the bottom of the hill, and precisely where on the principle of a free percolation and circulation of fluids such deposits might be expected to be found. Providence or Tees-side vein is said to have been rich in the Tyne bottom Limestone, which is lying near the surface thickly 216 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS covered with alluTitun. At one place wliere the vein is sub- jected to increased percolation under the fourth law, lead ore has been deposited as low as the Whin and Jew limestone, which are situated at a considerable depth below the bed of the river Tees. The strata dip rapidly in the direction ef the Tees, and this circumstance has perhaps been sufficient to promote a cir- culation, without which, it is probable, that this vein ia these strata would have been filled with calc spar, like the Tyne bottom Teins in the same beds. On the west side of the Tjme, and on the south of Looking Law, the conditions for promoting the percolation of fluids into Calvert vein are favourable, and in some places peculiarly so under the fourth law. Not having a good plan of this mine many of these intersections are not represented upon the ge- neral map. In this veia the lead ore deposits are found near the surface, and, I am informed, seldom effected so low as the Scar Limestone, Possibly more lead has been produced from Calvert vein in the lower beds, than from any other in Mr, FydeU's portion of Priorsdale Manor. Li the Stow Crag and Lee House Well mines Sir John's veia has contained both lead and copper ores ; but these are small compared with the quantities of lead ore produced from the Nenthead cross veios. The total quantity of copper ore produced from Sir John's vein in the Stow Crag mine since 1823 amounts to 895^ tons, and of lead ore since 1811, 1766^ tons. From the same vein in the Lee House Well mine 639JJ tons of copper ore have been raised since 1823, and 326^ tons of lead ore. The conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids in this vein, where these deposits occur, are similar to those connected with the deposits of lead ore in the veins in the upper strata, though a much less amount of effect has been pro- duced in the former than in the latter case. The lead ore deposits AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 217 in Sir John's vein occur in strata situated at a moderate depth from the surface, and where an increased percolation of fluids would he promoted hy numerous intersections. Its direction is nearly at right angles to the dip of the strata, which from this vein rise rapidly to the Great Sulphur vein. And its situation on the side of the mountain is very favom-able to the percola- tion of fluids under the first law. We may therefore conclude, that a principle of circulation of fluids is as essential to the de- position of copper as of lead ore. Indeed, both were found blended together in a manner very similar to that of the lead and zinc ores in the Nenthead veins. Some copper ore was raised from Sir John's vein on the north side of Crossgill Burn, and many years ago a small quantity at Drybm-n. It is remarkable that the richest deposit of copper was found in the vein when its walls or cheeks were formed of sandstone containing much crystallized iron pyrites. Are cupriferous veins often found in rocks in the composition of which sulphide of iron enters abundantly ? Between Calvert and Eodderup Fell veins the east and west veins have contained scarcely any lead ore. Trials have been made to prove them in locahties, where the conditions for promoting a free percolation and circulation of fluids, are as favourable as those connected with veins in the upper beds, which have contained rich deposits of lead ore ; thus tending to support the hypothesis, that the poor deposits of lead ore in the veins in the lower beds are due to the paucity of metallic parti- cles^or to some unknown lead ore producing substance not enter- ing so abundantly as a component part of the enclosing rocks. To the general poverty of the veins in the lower strata Eodderup Fell vein presents a remarkable exception. Large quantities of lead ore have been produced from it since first opened into in 1831. 218 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS This vein is a combination of Craig-Green-Middle and How Hill veiQS, and is wide and well mineralized ; it throws up the north cheek about fifteen feet, a throw nearly equal to that of Kampgill vein in the Nenthead district. In its direction westward from Slaggy Bum, the surface of the country is so thickly covered with clay and other alluvium, that the outcropping of the strata cannot be traced, except close to the banks of the Black Burn. The situation of the vein is considerably to the south of the steep banks of this stream, and under such thick deposits of clay, &c., as must have in a great measure prevented the decomposing action of atmospheric agents upon the lead ore it contained near the surface. The course of the vein is at a considerable distance from the summit of the hUl, and the elevation of the surface is not very rapid. Its situation, according to the first and second laws, is therefore peculiarly favourable to the percolation of fluids. The direction of the vein makes an angle of about 55° with that of the water-flow over the surface of the country, a circumstance connected with some of the richest veins in the upper beds, and apparently much more favourable to the deposition of lead ore than when the veins traverse the country in a parallel direction. The strata in this locality have a very rapid inclination, and the dip must be nearly at right angles to the direction of the Great Sulphur vein ; consequently, on the line of Eodderup Fell vein, the strata rise in a direction from the east to the west. The circulation longitudinally in the open spaces of the vein in hard strata must therefore have been to the east. It will be seen upon the map, that the strata on the south side of Eodderup Fell vein must be much fractured or broken by inter- secting veins and leads. Indeed, the whole of the east and west veins, which traverse Middle FeU and cross the vale of the Kent between Long Cleugh and Gallygill Syke veins inclu- AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 219 sively, fall into those portions of Rodderup Fell vein contain- ing the richest deposits of lead ore. Nor can there be any doubt, but that the numerous small leads into which these veins are ramified have been channels in which fluids have been col- lected and conveyed to Rodderup Fell vein ; thus placing this vein peculiarly under the influence of the jmirth law. It is re- markable, that such fluids after flowing in the leads in a north, west direction would be forced to flow in a direction opposite, or nearly due east. We have already shown, in the case of some of the cross veins in the upper strata, that an abrupt change from a higher to a lower level appeared favourable to the deposition of lead ore ; in this case an abrupt change in a horizontal direction appears to be no less so. Rodderup Fell vein is intersected by two cross veins, both of which throw up the west cheek ; and like the east and west veins in the Nenthead district on the west side of Carrs vein, it has contained very rich deposits of lead ore in the strata elevated by the throws of these cross veins. All the conditions favourable to the percolation and circula- tion of fluids are found connected with Rodderup Fell vein, and so combined with each other, that they must have performed their functions in a peculiarly effective manner. We are there- fore justified in concluding, that the laws regulating the percola- tion and circulation of fluids in the wpper beds are also essential to the deposition of lead ore in the lower, but that, on account of the strata forming the lower beds containing either less of metallic particles or of some unknown ore-producing substance, or that entering into the composition of the rock in some less soluble form, it is necessary, in order that equally rich deposits of lead be lodged in the veins in the lower beds, that all the various conditions connected with rich deposits of this metal in the upper strata be combined and intensified in degree. 220 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS Victoria vein has contained a small quantity of lead ore, which as a whole hardly repaid the cost of extraction. It is of less magnitude than Eodderup FeU vein, dislocating the strata only three feet, north cheek up. Veins of Kke magnitude, and connected with conditions very similar, have contained rich de- posits of lead ore in the upper strata ; for instance, Middle Oleugh north veiu. Victoria vein is less connected with the percola- tion of fluids under the fourth law than Eodderup FeU vein, although all the other conditions for promoting the percolation of fluids are nearly the same. It does not seem improbable, therefore, that the deposition of lead ore in such large quantities in the latter vein is due in a great measure to this law. A number of east and west veins cross Shield Waters, aU of which have been proved to some considerable extent. The quantities of lead produced from them during the last eighty years and upwards are very small. They appear to be well- mineraHzed veins, containing much quartz. Indeed it is impos- sible for any person interested in such matters, to travel over this district without being struck with the large quantity of quartz veinstones scattered in all directions upon the surface. These may however be the debris of the Great Sulphur veia left during the glacial period. The conditions for promoting the percolation of fluids in this portion of the district are not very favourable, and had the veins traversed the upper strata instead of the lower there are no reasons for supposing they would have contained rich deposits of lead ore. Some of the veins on the south-west side of the Great Sul- phur vein contain, or are almost entirely filled with, iron pyrites mixed with sulphuretted ores of copper and antimony. No large quantity of copper ore has been produced from any of them. It may also be observed that iron pyrites is deposited most abundantly when the walls of the vein are formed of the AND LEAD OEE DEPOSITS. 221 Copper hazles, or sandstones (as previously pointed out), which contain much crystallized iron pyrites disseminated throughout their mass. Near the source of Cashbum, Doukburn vein contained lead ore chiefly in the Three-yards Limestone and strata below to the bottom of the Scar Limestone. This ore deposit scarcely de- scended so low as the Copper hazles ; and it will be seen, upon in- spection of the general map, that it is situated in that portion of the vein connected with conditions most favourable to the per- colation and circulation of fluids. K the principle of percolation and circulation of fluids is admitted to be a law of causation essential to the deposition of lead ore, then from the survey of the results of trials made to prove the veins in the " lower beds " where such strata occupy a position near the surface, it is evident that the poor character of the lead deposits in the veias is due to some cause connected with the enclosing rocks ; and whatever that cause may be, it is equally connected with limestone and sandstone strata. The formation of limestone and sandstone strata has been effected under very different con- ditions and with very different materials. Both, however, agree in being oceanic sedimentary deposits, both being non-metallifer- ous in the lower beds, and in the upper beds both are highly me- talliferous : is there not, therefore, some reason for the supposition or hypothesis, that the lead or lead ore producing principle or substance they contain has been held in solution by the waters of the sea, and precipitated at the time when the strata were formed ? Li this case it is necessary to suppose further, that at the time when the " upper beds " were formed the water was more highly charged with this substance and more of it thrown down to enter into their composition. " In Derbyshire, beds of limestone vary in their mineral constitution, some being of a light yellowish dun, or cream colour (hence called Dunfitone)and 222 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS containiag magnesia ; in these strata traces of fossil plants are occasionally found. These magnesian limestones are of granular texture, and extremely hard ; they are said to be very rich in lead and calamine, and have been extensively worked." * Tlie appearance of the different beds of limestones in Alston Moor is very similar ; that their component parts are different may however be suspected, from the fact that when in a state of de- composition they differ in appearance, and some are less liable to be pulverized and borne away by pluvial agency. Of late years, the probability of lead ores being plentifully de- posited in the veins in the lower beds directly below the ground in which the same veins have contained very large quantities of ore in the upper beds, has been a subject of much consideration. If the deposition of lead ore is dependent upon the laws re- gulating the descent and circulation of fluids, it is evident, that in proportion to their depth is the probability of the veins traver- sing them not containing lead ore ; and had the lower beds been equally metalliferous as the upper, the circumstance of position alone would be sufficient to prevent its deposition : but when their non-metalliferous character is also taken into considera- tion, the probability of finding ore in them, when lying at a great depth below the surface, seems to be hopeless ; except in some rare cases, where the conditions for promoting the neces- sary percolation and circulation of fluids exist. Some trials have been made of the Alston Moor veins, under such conditions ; we shall now show how far the results agree with this conclusion. The Coal Cleugh high sun vein has been proved as low as the Eour-fathoms Limestone, in which the richest portion of this * ManteU'a ' Medals of Creation,' p. 948. Sir H. De la Beohe, however, observes, that among the limestone beds themselves, some are considered as more favour- able, as walls to the vein, than others, and certain of them in which much carbonate of magnesia occurs, are disliked, and looked upon as somewhat unfavourable. — ' Geological Observer," p. 782. AND LEAD ORB DEPOSITS. 22S vein contains no lead ore of importance. And as Mr. Nevin informed me, the vein was filled with minerals, rarely associated with rich deposits of lead ore. In the Quarry hazle stratum it contained considerable quantities of lead ore. In this case there does not appear to be any improbability in the supposition, that the fluids, which circulated in this stratum, may have derived their lead ore producing substances from the Great Limestone above ; but which were abstracted while circulating in the Quarry hazle, or, a circulation sufficient to effect a separation was prevented by the increased depth. Sir H. De la Beche observes of the veins of Derbyshire that "in cases where a fair proportion of galena has been found in fissures through the toadstones, it has usually happened that the vein traversing the limestones above or beneath, and sometimes both, contained much ore ; it thus appearing as if a super- abundance of the ore found its way amid the toadstone, the effects due to the limestone being sufficiently powerful for the purpose."* This vein on the Alston Moor side of the boimdary has not been much worked in the Quarry hazle. Some trials have however been made, and the lead ore deposits in it appear to be poor. It has also been proved in the Four-fathoms Lime- stone, the appearance of the vein and the results were similar to those in the Coal Cleugh district. Two patches of lead ore were found deposited in Scaleburn vein in the Quarry hazle, where it is much subjected to the influence of the fourth law, by the intersection of quarter point leads forming a condition favourable to a circulation of fluids to the vein. Above these deposits in the Quarry hazle, in the Great Limestone and strata above to the top of the Pattinson, the vein was filled in each case with very rich deposits of lead ore ; even * ' Geological Observer,' p. 782 (note.) k2 224 THE CIRCULATION OF FLUIDS from the vein in the plate beds considerable quantities were extracted. As in the case of Coal Cleugh and EampgiU vein, this vein in the Four-fathoms Limestone, immediately below the rich ground, contained no lead ore. Contrasting these two or three instances of veins producing lead ore in the Quarry hazle, and none in the Four-fathoms Lime- stone with the Grassfield veins, in which rich deposits occur not only in the Quarry hazle, but also in the Four-fathoms Limestone, it will appear that the conditions in the latter case differ from those in the former, in little, except that they are more favourable to the percolation and circulation of fluids. The Four-fathoms Limestone bassets to the surface, at no great distance, on the north side of the Grassfield veins, and the in- clination of the beds from the veins to this outcropping is very considerable. Where the deposits of lead ore were found in the Grass field veins in the Four-fathoms Limestone — for the ore was not so imiformly deposited in this stratum as in the Great Limestone or even in the Quarry hazle — the veins are very much subjected to the percolation of fluids under the fourth law. The lead ore deposits have not been efiected so low as the Nattras Gill hazle, which in this district is only separated from the Four-fathoms Limestone by a plate bed six feet thick. We have previously observed that Grassfield vein was proved in the Slaty hazle from Nentforoe level, the result being unsuccessful. Caple Cleugh and Middle Cleugh veins have produced enor- mous quantities of lead ore, on the west side of Carrs vein, and have only produced it in the Quarry hazle immediately below this rich ground in the upper strata. The quantities, however, raised from them in this stratum are comparatively very trifling, and hitherto, in no instance, has lead ore been found to extend so low as the Four-fathoms Limestone. When the conditions connected with these veins, in this very productive ground in AND LEAD OEB DEPOSITS. 225 the upper beds, are contrasted with those connected with the Grrassfield veins, where lead deposits occurred in the Four-fathoms Limestone, they differ only in the simple circumstance, that the latter is more favourable for promoting the percolation and cir- culation of fluids. In Caple Cleugh mine an extensive trial has been made of Black Ashgill cross vein in the Four-fathoms Limestone, and directly below iiery rich ore deposits in j^the Great Limestone. Instead of lead ore, the vein contains little else than calc-spar. The conditions connected with this portion of the vein are not unfavourable to the percolation of fluids. The circulation, however, would probably be towards AshgiU Burn, or contrary to the incliaation of the strata ; and it may be owing to this cir- cumstance, in connexion with a greater depth from the surface than the Great Limestone, that the vein is simply filled with car- bonate of lime : the circulation not being sufficiently free to carry this light substancej^to the surface. From the cross veins contain- ing less rider and more douk in the plate beds than the east and west veins, the effect of lead ore producing properties of one stratum upon another is in a great measure prevented. When the east and west veias contain lead ore in the Quarry hazle and Four-fathoms Limestone, it is also often found in the plate beds, perhaps poorer, but still in quantities sufficient to repay the cost of extraction, thus showing a connexion between the richer deposits in the Great Limestone and those below. Had the Four- fathoms Limestone been equally metalliferous as the Great Lime- stone and the sandstones composing the upper beds, it does not seem improbable, but that Black AshgiU cross vein would have contained deposits of lead ore in the ground under consideration. Some lead ore has been produced from Guddamgill Burn cross vein in the Quarry hazle. It was found chiefly connected with the limestone post which lies on the top of this sandstone, and 226 THE CIRCULATION OP FLUIDS beneath a portion of very rich ground in the Great Limestone. The Quarry hazle, where these deposits occur, is lying at no great depth from the surface. Some lead ore has been raised from Brownley Hill High west cross vein ia the Quarry hazle and Four-fathoms Limestone. These ore deposits occur directly below the very rich ground in the Great Limestone ; but are very poor when compared with the latter. Blaygill old vein (Fistas Eake) produced much lead ore in the Quarry hazle and Four-fathoms Limestone, in a short length of ground on the west side of Blaygill cross vein. The outcrop- ping of the Four-fathoms Limestone takes place at no great distance westward from the place where these deposits occur ; and the vein is much intersected with quarter point leads. These conditions have evidently promoted the percolation and circulation of fluids, and the latter have perhaps afforded channels for the fluids impregnated with metallic matter derived from the more metalliferous strata above. In this vein, how- ever, the deposition of lead ore has not been effected lower than the Four-fathoms Limestone. About the year 1730 a trial was made to prove it in the Three-yard^ Limestone and Six- fathoms hazle. A. memorandum of this trial still exists, which states, that the " low siUs have not answered expectation, as they were expected to be rich, but they may be yet so." Another trial of this vein in these strata has been made more recently, by means of a level driven from Blaygill Burn ; the result how- ever was quite unsuccessful. In this case, if a superabundance of lead or lead ore producing matter derived from the upper strata percolated so low as the Four-fathoms Limestone, it was effectually prevented from descending lower by the thick plate beds which lie below the latter stratum. On the south side of Fistas Eake \ ein, a portion of Blay- AND LEAD ORE DEPOSITS. 227 gill cross vein, about forty fathoms in length, contained a rich deposit of lead ore in the Quarry hazle. The conditions, for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids into Browngill sun vein, are somewhat similar to those connected with Pistas Eake vein. By the tlirow of Browngill vein, the Four-fathoms Limestone is placed in an elevated posi- tion, or one in the same plane as the thrown-down cheek of the Great Limestone. Had the throw bf this vein been in an opposite direction, no lead ore could have been deposited in Browngill sun vein so low as the Four-fathoms Limestone. Where the lead ore deposits occur in Browngill sun vein in this stratum, the vein is much subjected to an increased percolation of fluids under the fourth law. The intersecting leads run chiefly in a quarter point direction. Excepting a sump or two into the Nattrass Gill hazle no trial has been made of the strata below. Admitting the laws of percolation and circulation of fluids as essential to the deposition of lead ore, little hope can be entertained that Browngill sun vein will contain ore deposits in the strata below the thick plate bed under the Nattrass Gill hazle. The condi- tions are more favourable for promoting the percolation and cir- culation of fluids to great depths in the district traversed by Fistas Eake vein, in which, as pointed out, no lead ore deposits occur, than in that traversed by Browngill vein. The proba- bility is, that the trial of the latter which is now in progress, will prove a total failure. Such are the results of mining in the beds below the Great Limestone in Alston Moor. This series of beds occupies the whole of the area of this mining district, the upper strata being left by denudation reposing upon it in patches. The lower beds are traversed by the same veins under precisely similar conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids, and, under the^r-st law, often more favourably situated than any that are found 228 - THE CIBCULATION OF FLUIDS connected with the upper ; and if Eoddemp Fell vein is excepted it is perhaps not too much to affirm, that several of the best veins in the upper strata have singly contained more lead ore than the aggregate of the whole produced from the lower strata. And the greater part of this small quantity has been found iq the veins near the surface, showing that its deposition, as depending upon the laws of percolation and circulation of fluids, is more easily prevented by increased depth, than it is in the upper strata, and, as previously shown, in order that lead ore may be deposited in the veins, in such strata, it is necessary that all the conditions of hydrous agency be intensified in degree. From this inquiry into the conditions connected with lead ore deposits in veins traversing the lower beds, nothing has arisen to support the theory of sublimation of metallic particles from great depths, and their subsequent cumulation in patches by hydrous agency. The conditions for promoting the percolation and circulation of fluids connected with some portion of the veins traversing the lower beds, are ia a few instances even more favourable than those connected with any of the veins in the upper beds. Yet how very different is the result in each case, notwithstanding the similarity of the circumstances and condi- tions. I am fully aware that phenomena may be related in causation in modes inconceivable to the intellect, no matter how vast may be its stores of knowledge ; for " subtilitas naturm sub- tilitatem sensus et intellectus multis partibus mperat," otherwise, one might have doubted even the possibility of any substance entering into the composition of hard rocks of limestone and sandstone, in such small quantities as to elude the searching in- vestigations of the chemist, and yet vary the intensity of then- attraction for metallic particles, whether suspended in vapour or fluids : " the accumulated evidence from all parts of _the mineral world," however, " proves that the contents of the veins depend on AND LEAD QRE DEPOSITS. 229 the peculiar character of the rocks they traverse. Although this is an acknowledged truth amongst geologists and miners, yet the ignorance or neglect of it has led to numerous practical mistakes. It has been supposed that because veins were rich in one place, the continuation of the same veins must be a con- tinuation of the same riches. But if the veins intersect unpro- ductive rocks, the riches come to an end. The pubhc are often deceived by a plausible project which is brought forward on the strength of the ground being near a prosperous mine. Works have been carried on at great expense in unproductive ground without a chance of success, simply because the lode happened to be in the same direction as in a neighbouring rich mine."* The rich mining district of Alston Moor is no exception to this empirical law. Notwithstanding such facts, trials of the veins in unproductive strata are often proposed by persons professing to be miners. When once begun, it is not easy to divine where or when they will end, the extent and cost being limited only by the pecuniary resources of the proprietors of the mines : and thus in the end they prove ruinous to their interests, and, by destroying confidence, extremely prejudicial to mining interests generally. By the theory of lead or of some lead ore producing substance entering into the composition of rocks in varied proportions, variations in the amount of lead ore contained in veins under the same conditions are easily accounted for. The decomposition of the limestone and sandstone rocks by fluids circulating in them near the surface, may be effected to as great an extent in the lawer as in the upper strata : but in the latter case, it may be that a less quantity of some unknown substance is set free to enter into those combinations necessary to form lead ore. * ' Encyclopaedia Britaunica' (eighth edition), vol. xv., p. 221. CHAPTEK XL OF THE DEPOSITION OF METALLIC OEES IN VEINS TKAVEKSING CLAY SLATE AND GRANITE EOCKS. With the phenomena connected with veins in the granite and clay slate rocks I am practically unacquainted, and conse- quently not in a position to prove satisfactorily a connexion between hydrous agency, and the deposition of the different kiuds of metaUic ores, which are found in veins traversing these rocks. In all mining districts, before the subject can be con- templated from this peculiar point of view, it is probable that additional observations must be made, and the whole body of facts colligated and generalized. To the uniformity of Nature's laws there can be no exceptions. If the deposition of lead ore in the veins of Alston Moor is due to the percolation and circulation of fluids, it is evident that no land elevated above the sea can be exempt from the action of tliese agents. They must regulate the deposition of the ores of lead, zinc, copper, tin, silver, and perhaps gold, in other loca- lities and in various kinds of rocks. The laws may be modified by conditions, which in some instances produce a greater com- plication of effects than those found connected with the veins of Alston Moor. CLAY, SLATF., AND GEANITE ROCKS. 231 In the district we have liad under consideration, the lead ore has been lodged in the veins chiefly since the Glacial epoch. In other districts the laws of hydrous agency may have been in operation during periods long antecedent to the formation of the sedimentary rocks of Alston Moor. In some of the metalli- ferous districts in the south of England the inquiry may be much complicated by the repeated submergence and elevation of the rocks, and the consequent denudation effected during these changes by oceanic agency. In this chapter, nothing more will be attempted, than to point out generally the phenomena connected with veins in other mining districts, which appear to be similar to those described in the preceding chapters of this book. We have shown that a connexion exists between the decom- posable character of the limestone rocks, and the richness of the lead deposits in the veins, where such kind of rocks forms their walls. The same phenomenon appears to be connected with the veins of Cornwall and Devon. Sir H. De la Beche observes : " By carefuUy comparing the metalliferous localities with each other, where granite and the porphyry, or elvan occur together, we soon see reason to beHeve that there is much iu the struc- ture of these rocks which may have influenced the results ob- served. In Cornwall and Devon the miner prefers a plumb granite or elvan ; in other words, granites or elvans which are in a greater or less state of decomposition, and are consequently porous. The china-clay districts of St. Austell are the most marked examples of decomposed granite, and the plumb elvans occur in so many places, and are so spread, that they cannot be said to be confined to any particular district. In some cases the elvans are sufficiently soft to be worked for cracible clay, and in others the felspathic matter has been so removed as to give the elvan the appearance of a coarse sandy rook. 232 METALLIC DEPOSITS IN " These decomposable granites and elvans seem to contain, or rather to have been once partly formed of, potash felspars. The extent to which some granites are decomposed in the depths has often been observed, and the fact that hard granite is often intermingled with the soft is also well known. Indeed, decomposed granite seems to have been found at all depths in the mines of Cornwall."* Sir H. De la Beche endeavours to ac- count for the decomposition by the action of the water under pressure and a high degree of temperature. It should be re- membered, however, that similar effects have been produced upon the rocks of Alston Moor by water, perhaps under consi- derable pressure, but certainly not in a high degree of tempera- ture. The same author states, in another work, that at Penstruthal copper mine the lode had been tried unsuccessfully at various times in parts where the granite was hard ; but trial being made where that rock was soft, it became one of the most profitable mines in Cornwall.t And in another part of the same work it is observed that the granite at St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, is traversed by joints which are well exposed by the insular position of the Mount, and from the united action of the sea and atmosphere, give the granite the false appearance of being regularly divided into vertical beds, ranging about E 10° N and W 10° S. A change in the structure of the granite is clearly per- ceptible towards the joints, and in them are found quartz, mica, topaz, apatite (phosphate of lime), peroxide of tm, wolfram (tungstate of iron), tin pyrites (sulphide of tin and copper), schorl, and occasionaUy other mmerals. What resemblance the joints in the granite may bear to those in the Mountain * 'Geological Eeport of Ooruwall and Deyon," p. 386. j t ' Geological Observer,' p. 781 ; ibid., p. 786. CLAY, SLATE, AND GEANITE ROCKS. 233 Limestone I am unable to determine. Certainly, no metallic matter was ever found deposited in the joints, traversing the rocks of Alston Moor. Such substances are only found in veins or what originally were fissures, formed by the unequal elevation of the strata. We have already shown that the formation of joiats is due to a different cause. " The long-celebrated Carclase tin mine, near St. Austell, Cornwall, also shows joints filled with mineral matter, in- cluding peroxide of tin. Many of these have been worked profitably, the granite in which tJiey occur heing soft from de- composition. The granite being also white, these joint veins, composed of black schorl and peroxide of tin, mingled with quartz, have a marked appearance, as represented in the annexed sketch. A large portion of these Hnes wiU be found dipping beneath the adjoining slates, as is usual with joint lines bounding the masses of Devonian and Cornish granite, and they are crossed by other joint lines, also in the usual manner. A large proportion of the granite country on the north of St. Austell, particularly in the vicinity of Hensborough, exhibits similar strings in which schorl and peroxide of tin are intermixed, and so agree with lines, 234 METALLIC DEPOSITS IN representing joints, that they appear little else also than the filliag of spaces among such divisional planes by mine- ral substances finally much harder than the granite amid which they were deposited, the latter having became to a consi- derable extent decomposed. And it is added in a foot-note : " The works upon these small joint veins, and upon the fissure veins also traversiag the country, the channels it may have been through which part, at least, of the contents of the former have been derived, are very extensive in that part of Cornwall, the tin ore having been of excellent quality, and the granite of the district being easily worked, from its state of decomposition."* So far as I understand this last sentence. Sir Henry has supposed the contents of the joints in the granite to have been derived from the fissure veins. With all deference to such an authority, I cannot help concluding that it was derived from the granite at the time of its decomposition, the conditions being favourable in the locality for calling into action some unknown chemical laws of combination of the substances set free, and of a kind necessary to produce tin ore. The corre- spondence between the more decomposable parts of the Great Limestone in Alston Moor and the decomposable granite in this instance, in being associated in the former case with pure and rich deposits of lead ore, and in the latter with tin ore of ex- cellent quality, is certainly very striking. Under present conditions it is evidently impossible for lead ore to be deposited in. the joints traversing the rocks of Alston Moor. Indeed, wherever the strata are much broken with joints the sulphide of lead in the veins is always more or less converted into a carbonate, or otherwise decomposed. The ' Geological Observer,' p. 787. CLAY, SLATE, AND GRANITE BOOKS. 235 question arises whether, at the time of the deposition of the tin ore, the conditions for promoting the descent of fluids into the granite joints were not different from what they are at present. The joints in the granite may have been in existence before the formation of clay slate, — a supposition deriving some support from the fact of the joints dipping beneath these sedimentary rocks. If the joints, now found to contain tin ore, were formerly covered up with clay slate (since removed by denudation), I see no reason why they may not have formed open spaces, into which fluids percolated through the clay slate, to circulate under con- ditions similar to those found connected with the productive portions of the veins of Alston Moor. K, in the course of future geological changes, the district of Alston Moor should be sub- merged, and other rocks formed upon it ; and if these newly formed rocks were elevated and denuded in such a manner as to promote the percolation and circulation of fluids into the joints now in existence, it is probable that the sides of the joints would undergo decomposition and change ; and also that metallic ores would be deposited in their open spaces, as has been effected in the joints of the granite of St. Michael's Mount. There is another circumstance connected with metal- liferous deposits in various parts of the world, which is not at aU connected with the lead ore deposits of Alston Moor ; I mean the association of dissimilar rocks, one or more of them being of igneous origin. "In Scandinavia the crys- talline schists are very rich in metallic ores and other minerals, especially near the intrusive igneous masses, as silver at Kongsberg, cobalt at Modum, copper at Fahlun, Tunaberg, Eoras, and Alten; iron chiefly magnetic at Arendale, Utoe, Dannemora and Sala ; and in these mines, and also in Finland, 236 METALLIC DEPOSITS IN are contained many rare and beautiful minerals."* Humboldt evidently attaches considerable importance to the presence of dissimilar rocks, for he associates the absence of metals from the eastern portion of the American continent with the non-exist- ence of pre-emitting openings, trachytic masses, and perhaps no basalt containing ohvinct It may be observed that gold is found chiefly in the older Palaeozoic rocks, sometimes diffused through the body of such rocks as well as in the intrusive masses of igneous origin. More frequently gold is found in quartzose veinstones that traverse slates more or less metamorphosed. Generally the richest localities for this metal are near the junction of such slates with the igneous rock. Sir R. Murchison supposes that the gold which occurs in quartz veins in the solid slate rocks resulted from an interior agency, in which heat and electricity were com- bined with water or vapour. He also supposes that the preva- lent matrix of quartz, whether ejected from beneath, or poured in from above, was in a soft and gelatinous state when it filled the cavities, resembling the silicious " sinter " which now rises in a fluid spout from Hecla, and falling coagulates into a modern quartz rock around the volcanic orifice. He seems to think, however, that other causes may have modified the effects of heat and electricity. The paragraphs in which this admission is made seem to me so impoiiant that I shall transcribe them entire. " In viewing the widely attested fact of the dispersion of auriferous debris derived from the surface of certain rocks during some of their last great denudations, we are naturally led to fayour the suggestion of Humboldt, that the formation of gold had some closer relation to or dependence upon the atmosphere than * Johnstone's ' Physical Atlas.' f 'Aspects of Natui-e,' p. 360. CLAY, SLATE, AND GRANITE ROCKS. 237 that of the baser metals, lead, copper, and iron. An eminent metal- lurgist, Dr. Percy, who has detected minute quantities of gold in almost all lead ores, is, indeed, disposed to believe, that it may have been thrown down by deposition from an aqueous medium. " Whatever may be the correct hypothesis as to the original mode of formation, the fact is undeniable, that wherever the veinstones in the solid rock have not been ground down by former, powerful denudation, but remain as partial testimonials of the origin of gold, the portions which have as yet proved to he the richest are those which are at or near the surface. Experience too, dearly bought in numberless instances, has taught the miner, throughout long ages, that in his efforts to follow the veinstones downwards by deep shafts into the body of the rock, he has either found the gold diminish in volume, or so difficult to obtain that the cost of extraction has usually been greater than, the value of the metal."* We have, I trust, demonstrated the dependence of lead and copper ore deposits upon atmospheric agents. It appears, from the observations of these eminent men, that the formation of gold is equally if not more dependent upon this agency, and that the richest veinstones containing gold, as in those contain- ing lead, copper, zinc, &c. (where no decomposition of these has taken place) are found near the surface. It would appear, however, that the presence of dissimilar rocks may be a condition favourable" to the deposition of the precious metals without being absolutely necessary ; for the cele- brated silver mines of Potosi are situated in an insulated moun- tain which rises to an immense height, in the form of a sugar loaf, and about six miles in diameter. The mountain is com- posed of a yellowish, firm, argillaceous clay, and is traversed in * ' Siluria,' pp. 447, 448. 238 METALLIC DEPOSITS IN all directions by numerous veins which are filled with ferru- ginous quartz forming the mati-ix of the silver ores. These consist of native silver and vitreous silver ore, the latter having yielded on the first discovery of the mine about half its weight of pm-e silver. The veifis are extremely rich near the surface, hut become poorer as they descend, and in the deepest part are scarcely one-eighth part so rich as at the top. All the richer veins have been wrought out and exhausted* From such facts, it is evident that the formation of the ores of silver, as well as these of the baser metals, is dependent upon atmospheric agency, and that the presence of dissimilar rocks is not absolutely necessary. That the presence of dissimilar rocks may have formed the essential condition to the deposition or formation of metallic ores in some localities must, however, be admitted. At the time of the formation of the elvans, &c., the rocks would be fractured in various directions, and these fractures would be fa- vourable to the percolation of fluids. Besides, the temperature of the rocks, which form the sides or mould, would be much lower than the intruding molten mass ; consequently, the cooling down of the latter would leave open spaces into which fluids would percolate to circulate in the intersecting veins. As soon as fluids penetrated these openings, the decomposition of both kinds of rock would be effected, and various metallic ores thrown down from the solution. In some instances, the metallic par- ticles or the ore-producing substance might be entirely derived from the intrusive or igneous rock, and this hypothesis derives some support from an instance, adduced by Sir H. De la Bfeche as an illustration of the accumulation of either tin or copper ores, when a fissure traversing schistose and porphyritic dykes (elvans) passes through the latter. " The following is a cross ' Lonilon Quarterly Review,' Oct. 1857. CLAY, SLATE, AND GRANITE HOCKS. 239 section of the lode at Wheal Alfred, Gwinear. The elvan dyke, ab, is about 300ft. in mdth, having a direction about N.E. and S. W., and dipping at about an angle of 45° northerly. The lode c d dip- ping at an angle of 72° to the north, traverses the elvan, a b, obliquely in its descent at ef. While the fissure traversed the upper and adjoining slate, on the north, no great amount of ore was obtained, but upon enter- ing the elvan it became more rich, and while passing through that rock the ore was found to be so abundant as to afford a considerable profit (140,000Z.). After quitting the elvan at /in its descent, and entering the slate beneath, on the south, the lode became poor, and eventually the mine was abandoned from the scarcity of ore, the amount of it in the depths not repaying the costs of raising."* In this in- stance, but for the condition connected with the formation of the elvan the lode would probably have contained no metallic substance of the least value. ■[• It appears, that in mining districts in metalliferous rocks differ- ent in character from the Mountain Limestone, no matter ia what part of the world they may be situated, when two veins com- bine or intersect at acute angles, very rich deposits of metallic substances not unfrequently occur. We have endeavoured to account for this phenomenon on the principle of an increased quantity of metallic particles or some ore-producing substances * ' Greological Observer,' p. 777. t This mine has been again worked with an expenditure of 171,330Z., " without any one connected with the undertaking hamjig received one farthing benefit."— See Eeport of meetiAg, at which it was resolved to abandon the mine, in the 'Mining Journal,' August 24tli, 1861. s2 240 METALLIC DEPOSITS IN being chemically combined- and thrown down at the point where two metalliferous streams (if we may use the term) com- bine. We have shown, however, that a circulation must be effected, or no metallic ore will be deposited even at the point of such intersections. If due to chemical combinations it seems probable that the disturbance of the particles held in solution, by the meeting of the two streams, may have occasioned a more energetic action of the chemical laws of combination necessary to the formation of metallic substances ; for it may be observed, that when the vein is divided into two or more portions, by the isolation of large masses of rock similar to that which may compose the sides of the vein, it not unfrequently happens that rich deposits occuj at one or both ends of the isolated mass. In some mining districts various kinds of metallic ores are found plentifully iq veins at a great depth below the sea-level. It is stated in the last edition of the ' Encyclopsedia Britan- nica,' on the authority of R. W. Fox, Esq., that Tresavean mine has gradually attained to the extraordinary depth of 2112 feet below the surface, or about 1700 feet below the level of the sea.* The Consolidated Mines and several others in Corn- wall have also attained a very great depth below the sea level. Professor Phillips observes that there appears to be no limit either to height above or depth below the sea which defines the productiveness of veins, though in some countries the higher and in others the lower situations are most favourable.t In- stances of. metallic substances being found at great depths below the sea level militate against the law of causation ad- vocated in the preceding chapters. Certainly a free circulation cannot be effected under conditions of this kind. Sir C. Lyell supposes a twofold circulation of terrestrial waters, — one caused Vol. XV., p. 223. + ' Manual of Geology,' p. 541. CLAY, SLATE, AND QEANITE EOCKS. 241 by solar heat, and the other by heat generated in the interior of the earth.* It is to the former that the metallic deposits in the veins of Alston Moor are connected in causation. If the cir- culation from the interior of our planet could reaUy be proved to exist, it might be inquired whether or not it may have affected the deposition of metallic substances in other districts and in rocks of more uniform hardness. As before observed, the hypothesis of the water's ascending from the interior of our planet appears unphilosophical, and except in the case of volcanic agency has not been satisfactorily proved. Tlie fact of the ores of various metals being found below the sea level, is best explained by the hypothesis of the land at some former period being raised to a position above the sea sufSeiently high to allow of a free circulation to the required depths. In this case, the depths of the metallic deposits become a measure of the height to which the land was elevated above the sea. The period when such deposits were effected in the veias of Corn- wall, in relation to the formation of the different groups of sedi- mentary rocks, may be determinable from facts of a different character. Into this subject it is not my intention to enter, for had I the ability certainly I have not the opportimity of prosecuting the inquiry to a satisfactory result. I will only observe, that on the southern coasts of England, the fact of a change of the relative level of land and water is acknowledged by those who have investigated the subject, to have taken place during very recent geological epochs. It also seems probable, that since the deposition of metallic substances in the veins of Cornwall, the land must have been submerged to a greater ex- tent than at the present time. * ' Principles of Geology,' p. 238 (ninth edition). CHAPTER XII. CONCLUDING EEMAEKS. From the inquiry respecting the lead-ore deposits in the veins of Alston Moor, now brought to a close, it would appear that either lead in connexion with some basifying principle must enter, in varying proportions, as a component part of the rocks of this district, or some still more elementary substances fi-om which it is formed by laws of chemical combination as yet unknown. I am not aware that the limestones and sandstones of Alston Moor have ever been subjected to careful chemical investiga- ,tion. If from their analyses it is proved that lead is diffused throughout their whole mass, then the inquiry would be much simplified, and chemists would be able to demonstrate the changes which must be effected in order that sulphide of lead may be deposited in the veins by the agency of circulating waters. Should the most searching investigations fail to discover lead in the rocks, in this case I should feel inclined to adopt the other hypothesis, that this metal is formed from still more elementary substances as yet unknown in a separate state, but set free by the decomposition of the rocks, and held in solution by the circulating waters. As yet chemists have not been able to analyze pure metallic substances into simpler elements, but we CONCLUDING HEMAKKS. 243 are assured- in the history of chemistry and by the opinion of some of the best thinkers and experimentalists, that their sup- posed elementary character is " a mere passing idea."* Should this hypothesis be correct, then the comparative non-productive character of the veins in the lower beds would be due to the smaU quantity of these substances entering into the composition of both limestone and sandstone rocks. What these unknown substances may be is certainly not my province to inquire ; I may observe, however, that after Sir H. Davy had formed the amalgam from ammonia and mercury, he was led to regard the former as a kind of type of the composi- tion of the metals. He also observes, that by supposing them, and the inflammable bodies different combinations of hydrogen and another principle as yet unknown in a separate form, aU the phenomena may be easily accounted for, and will be found in harmony with the theory of definite proportions.f According to the veiy careful analysis of the waters of the English Channel by Schweider, they were found to contain a distinct trace of ammonia. This alkali is also found in many rocks forming the earth's crust. A perceptible quantity of it combined with acids is found in mineral springs. Water falling from the atmosphere upon decaying vegetation, &c., must take up a portion of it in solution, and in this way it may be carried to great depths below the earth's surface by the percolating waters. Should Davy's conjecture respecting ammonia forming a definite part of what are now considered as simple substances be verified, it would strengthen the analogy which already to some extent exists, between the production of at least some kinds of vegetable matter and crystallized mineral substances. * Oersted's 'Soul in Nuhirp,' p, 88. t Works, vol. iv., p. S!>9. ^^'l CONCLUDING REMARKS. Should the former hypothesis be the correct one, then it is probable that lead will be, found in sea-water, and the highly metalliferous character of the upper beds would be due to its precipitation in greater abundance at the time of the deposition of the upper part of the Mountain Limestone. Eecently the presence of silver and copper has been detected in sea-water by Malagute, Field, and Piesse. It is calculated that in the course of six years the copper sheathing of the vessels of England, France, and America acquires from the sea nine tons of silver. Probably the motion of the vessel in the sea-water is a condition accelerating the combination of copper and chlorine ; hence a greater quantity of the metal silver must be deposited than if the vessel remained stationary in still water. The conditions of motion and decomposition are similar to what takes place in veins where the metal lead is deposited ; for even on the supposition (which I conceive to be improbable) that neither lead nor the elements of lead are contained ia the rocks of Alston Moor ; so different are their metalliferous cha- racter that it is evident, from their decomposition by corroding fluids circulating in them, some substances are set fi'ee in vary- ing proportions, which promote chemical changes ending in the deposition of sulphide of lead. It is very desirable that careful chemical analyses of the dif- ferent parts or beds of the Great Limestone be made, in order to find out what occasions a greater susceptibility of decomposition in those portions or layers in which flats occur. It seems very probable, that a greater proportion of some substance may be found in the more metalliferous layers than in those which are less so. The limestones forming part of the lower beds should also be subjected to analyses, and the results compared with those of the Great Limestone. The sandstones possess a varied degree of metalliferous properties ; the limestones, ' however. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 245 being cliemically formed rocks, I think the results of their analyses could be more depended on. It is also desirable that the limestone in flats, which is meta- morphosed, but which remains in situ, should' be analyzed, and the result compared with that of the same layers which have not been affected by decomposing and other chemical agencies. Limestone of this kind is much harder than pure limestone ; its analysis would show what it has lost, and what substituted. It is upon limestone of this kind, which has evidently been at one time in a softened or semi-plastic state, that the lead ore found in flats is deposited. On the supposition that these analyses fail to detect lead in the rocks, it can scarcely be expected that they will throw additional light upon the composition of pure metallic sub- stances. Dr. Whewell observes : "As to the possibility of a further analysis of our supposed simple bodies as compose a well characterized class, no such step can be made, except through some great change in chemical theory, which gives us a new view of all the general relations which chemistry has yet discovered. The proper evidence of the reality of any sup- posed new analysis is, that it is more consistent with the known analogies of chemistry, to suppose the process analytical than synthetical."* In the analysis of metalliferous rocks, should any substance be discovered, which is not so abundantly disseminated in those which are less so, it might ultimately prove a step leading to the great change in chemical theory that Dr. Whe- well supposes must take place when the simple bodies are re- solved into others of a more elementary character. In connexion with this subject we may be permitted to observe, that except under some peculiar conditions it seems * ' His. luduclivci Sc' vol. iii., p. 15S 246 CONCLUDING REMAEKS. probable that sulpbide of lead is not deposited very near the surface, though by the degradation of the latter by pluvial agency, &c., the former is sometimes found in the veins at no great depths ; but in such cases, as might be expected, it is gene- rally found more or less changed into a carbonate. From this it would appear, that when sulphide of lead is deposited in veins, the circulating water contains less oxygen than that which falls from the atmosphere, and a considerably increased quantity of car- bonic acid in solution. I see no reason why ores of lead aad zinc may not at the present time be in the course of deposition, wherever the conditions are favourable. It is certain, that not only portions of the enclosing rocks, but also many minerals, are now in the course of being removed from the veins by the waters circula- ting in them. The deposition of metallic substances may take place very slowly, even under the most favourable circumstances. From facts connected with the extremities of some rich lead ore deposits, one might be led to infer that galena is deposited in small crystals, called by the Alston Moor miners, " buttons of ore." These crystals dot the sides of caverns ; and it is pro- bable that, but for the interference of mining works, all the open space might be ultimately filled by a continued increase in the size of the crystals, and the formation of new ones. In some instances, lead and zinc ores may directly fill up the vacancy formed by the decomposition and removal of other mineral sub- stances by the circulating waters, thus forming that intimate mixture of ore and earthy matter which is termed by the Alston Moor miners " brangled rider." If the deposition of lead ore is due to a circulation of mineral waters, it is evident, that the veins in the upper part of the mountains would be first subjected to this law, and conse- quently, it would be in such positions that the first deposits CONCLUDING REMARKS. 247 would be effected. These would gradually be extended to deeper parts of the vein as the land emerged from beneath the sea ; their comparative richness depending upon the metalli- ferous character of the strata, and other conditions connected with the percolation and circulation of fluids. It seems pro- bable, that, in many localities, particularly in the Great Lime- stone in elevated positions, the earlier lead ore deposits have since been removed by atmospheric agency. The lead ore deposits in flats in the Tyne bottom Limestone scarcely ever extend beyond the outcropping of the Scar Limestone ; the thickness of rocks intervening between these two limestones being sufHcient to prevent the deposition of lead ore in the former. In Ashgill Field lead mine, a large quantity of lead ore was found in the flats in the Scar Limestone ; but directly below, the flats in the Tyne bottom Limestone contained no lead ore of any value, although, near the veins, the flat posts of this limestone were rendered extremely flinty and hard, and the open spaces contained various kinds of vein minerals, chiefly, however, pure lime and quartz. In the Tyne bottom mines, there is reason to suppose, that the lead ore has been deposited in the flats at a comparatively recent period, and one long posterior to the glacial epoch ; for, it is very probable, that a great thickness of rocks, lying above this limestone has been eroded and carried away by the Tyne river since that time ; and until this was effected to some con- siderable extent, it does not appear that much lead ore could be deposited in the flats. After a careful perusal of the preceding pages it will be un- necessary to inform those interested in mining speculations in Alston Moor that the productive character of the veins, as denoted upon the map, relates to the discoveries already made. It has not been my object to give opinions, or draw conclusions ^^8 CONCLUDING EEMAEKS. from the laws unfolded in this work, respecting the discovery of new lead ore deposits. This, however, has unavoidably been done to some considerable extent. More careful investigations than I could possibly make may ultimately lead to some modi- fication of those conclusions, especially in the beds above the Great Limestone. In this stratum generally very considerable portions of the best veins are proved in the amolybdic grounds. But wherever new lead ore deposits may be found, I feel con- fident they wiU be connected with conditions promotive of a free hydrous agency. It was my intention to add a third book, on the history of mining in Alston Moor, embodying a critical application of the principles laid down in the preceding pages. For this purpose I had collected numerous working plans of mines, and much information bearing on the subject. Prudential considerations have however prevented me from carrying this into effect. Mining works are of themselves a record indelibly impressed upon the rocks with a pen of iron ; and it is only by the study of these that we can make the experience of the past our own, and this more especially when connected with principles of causation relating to the distribution of metallic ores in veins. All that now remains is simply to request of the earnest students of Nature, and more especially those of them upon whom devolves the serious responsibility of searching out objects for trial, and also of planning mining works for the attaining of those objects, — " Si quid novisti reotiuB istia Oandidus imperti ; si non, his utere mecum." GLOSSAEY OF A PEW LOCAL TEEMS. Douh or DoM^e.— Probably derived from the Saxon deagan, to knead or mix with water. It is a soft substance, often found in veins, especially in the strong cross veins, and chiefly where their walls or sides are formed of shale. It is evidently pounded or decomposed shale, though not unfrequently almost as compact as the rock from which it is derived, but differs from the latter in exhibiting no traces of bedding. Exposed to the atmosphere it rapidly decom- poses into a blue kind of clay, Famp. — Is a siliceous bed, composed of very fine particles. It possesses little cohesion, and when exposed to the action of the' atmosphere it crumbles into a sandy kind of clay. Beds of famp often separate the hard posts of sandstone ; they also contain more mica than the sandstone rocks among which they are interspersed. Flats- — Are the decomposed parts of limestone strata, and often contain de- posits of lead ore and other minerals, all of which are spread out horizontally. The following is the definition of a Flat or Flot, as given by WiUiam Hooson, a Derbyshire miner in 1747 : — "It is neither Vein, Pipe, Rake, nor Serin" (the least or smallest kind of vein), " but a place that hath both Length, Breadth, and Thickness, but all ujicertain, till we are very well acquainted with them ; some of these Flots carry good ore where never Vein was yet Discovered, tho' such are very rare ; the other most commonly lies on the Top of the Lime, and are in some Places very Good ; these tye to the Vein and run a great way with it ; the Dip of the Plot Discovers the Side that the vein lies on, which proves mostly the Hading Side of the Vein ; and 'tis ob- serv'd by the Old Miners, that the Flat always lies on that side of the Vein which Paces the Water : this answers in Wales, where the mountains lie Bor- dering near the Sea for the most Part ; and it holds good in all inland Coun- tries that do afford Veins, with respect to the Rivers." Orey Beds. — A stratum formed of a mixture of shale and sand. They often possess a considerable amount of cohesion, and decompose less rapidly in the open air than famp. Girdle Beds. — Generally very thin beds of a hard and compact kind of Sandstone, which are separated from each other by thin beds of shale. Hdzle. — Probably a Saxon word, which, when used as a mining term, de,- notes a sandstone that is mined with much difSculty. 250 GLOSSARY OP A FEW LOCAL TERMS. Leads.— Yexy small fractures in the rock, often of no greater width than a bootlace. Leads are often, though not invariably, connected with veins; and in the limestone strata they are frequently connected with flats. Where the fractures in the rocks are sufficiently wide to contain deposits of lead ore that will repay the cost of mining, and are situated near a vein bearing in a some- what parallel direction, they are called strings. Opening Drifts. — Are horizontal openings or adits made in veins. They commence either at a Shaft or Rise, and do not communicate directly with the surface. Plate. — Synonymous with sbale. It is of varied degrees of compactness, and when exposed to the atmosphere it splits up into small thin plates. Hence its designation in Alston Moor. Post. — The limestone strata are divided horizontally by very thin beds of shale. These are termed posts. Some of these posts are well known, and have their appropriate names ; such as the High, Middle, and Low flat posts of the Great Limestone, the Limestone post of the Quarry Hazle. Sandstone strata are also divided into horizontal layers by thin beds of shale or famp. Eise. — An opening made in the rocks perpendicularly or nearly so is called a Rise. Rises are generally made in the veins, and hade accordingly. "When the workmen are employed in making these vertical openings they are said to be rising. Sill. — Denotes a stratum of any kind of sandstone rook ; it is rarely applied to limestones. This word is probably derived from the Saxon Syl, a threshold or any flat substance placed in a horizontal position. Sun. — Synonymous with South. In Alston Moor veins are generally de- signated by the names of the localities where they are first discovered. When other veins are found near the same place they are often called Sun-veins, — First Sun vein, Second Sun vein, &c.,— or North Veins, — First North vein. Second North Vein, &o., — as the case may be. Or if the vein first discovered traverses the country in a north and south direction, then the parallel veins are called East cross veins, or West cross veins. Sump. — A sump difl:er3 in no respect from a shaft, except in being com- menced from a level or opening drift. Workmen employed in making Sumps or Shafts are said to be sinking. INDEX. This Index refers to names of places, &c., for which space could not he found upon the map. The map is divided by fine lines into square-mile divisions. The large Arabic numerals and letters of the Alphabet correspond to those upon the border of the map. The small Arabic numerals refer to the jjarticular places in the corresponding square-mile divisions upon the map. 1 G 1 Bassetting of the Great Limestone. 1 H 1 An old Hush. 2 A cross vein found near the Great Sulphur vein, and which bears in this direction. 3 Supposed continuation of Allenhills old vein, but more probably a vein which crosses the Tyne river a little above the Smelt Mill, as shown upon the map. 4 East portion of Sir John's vein. Ill Metal Band Sun vein. 2 Do. vein 3 Supposed Tees-side Sun vein. 4 Great Vein or Eough Hill vein. 5 Supposed continuation of Hardshins vein. 2 1 Hiudmarsh's vein. 2 Hazley Hill vein. 3 Bell's vein. 4 Middle Grove vein. 5 Vein. 6 Old Moss vein. 7 Tweed vein. 8 Longholehead vein. 9^ Trent vein. 2 H l' Clargill head vein. 2 Sir John's vein. 3 Baxter's vein. 4 Supposed continuation of Tyne-bogs and Pedder Syke vein. 5 John's Burn head veins. 6 Hush made by the London Lead Company in 1761. 7 Clargill Burn. 252 INDEX, 2 H 8 Darngill Burn. 2 J 1 Dowgreen or Powder-house vein. 2 Mark Groves vein. 3 1 Level Grove vein. 2 T. Gibson's vein. 3 Silver sides vein. 4 Henrake vein. 5 Vein. 6 Bum Grove vein. 7 Kilhope vein. 8 Whitfield's vein. 9 Vein (weak). 10 Vein (weak) 11 Longhole head vein. 12 Cross vein. 13 Do. 14 Do. 15 Do. 3 D 1 Eampgill and Scaleburn cross vein. 2 Patterdale vein. 3 East part of Handsome Mea great cross vein. 4 West part of do. do. 5 Weak quarter point vein. 6 Do. do. 7 East portions of Handsome Mea great cross vein, 8 Small Oleugh west string. 9 Do. do. 10 Long Cleugh east Sun vein. 11 Do. vein. 12 Elliot's string. 13 Middle Cleugh, second Sun vein. 14 Do. first do. 15 Do. vein 16 Gullyback string. 3 E 1 East part of Carrs vein. 2 West do. do. 3 Junction of Cowslitts and the west portion of Carrs vein. 4 Long Cleugh cross vein. 5 Long Cleugh vein. 6 Middle Cleugh second Sun vein. 7 Do, vein. 8 Do. North vein. 9 Priorsdale Dam. 3 H 1 Tynehead Farm-house. 2 Dortgill cottage. 3 Farm House. INDEX. 3 H 4 Cocklake Farm-house. 5 Shellwell Parm-liouse. 3 I 1 Calvert fold Farm-liotise. 40 1 HardsHn portion of Eampgill vein, 2 Hudson's string. 3 North string. 4 Bampgill high Sun vein. 5 Bounder-end cross vein. 4d 1 Eampgill and Scalebum cross vein, 2 Patterdale vein. 3 East part of Great cross vein. 4 West part of do. 5 Small Cleugh cross vein. 6 Carrs vein. 7 Cowslitts cross vein. 8 Oowhill cross vein. 9 Eampgill low Sun vein. 10 Eampgill vein. 11 Woodhouse quarter point vein. 12 Scaleburn vein. 13 Do. North vein. 14 Kilhope head veins (weak). 15 Hangingshaw, east end veins. 16 Hangingshaw vein. 17 Wallace's Sun veins. 18 Carrs Sun veins. 19 Cowhill vein. 20 Old Cowslitts vein. 21 Peatstack hill vein. 22 High Eairhill cross vein. 23 Low do. do. 24 Small Cleugh. 25 Long Cleugh. 26 Middle Cleugh. 27 Caple Cleugh. 28 Eampgill second Sun vein. 29 Eampgill. 80 GiUgiU. 31 Dowgang Burn. 32 Smelt Mill chimney. 33 Cottages at Hill-top. 34 Cherry-tree Hill. 35 Nenthead House. 36 Timber Yards, &o. 37 West Nenthead. 38 Primitive Methodist Chapel. 254 INDEX. 41) 39 Shaw Syke. 4 E 1 Caple Cleugh Sun vein. 2 Do. North vein. 3 Priorsdale House. 4 Woodmerwell vein. 5 Archer's vein. 6 Longholehead veins. 4g 1 High Lee House. 2 School House. 3 Low Lee House. 4 Howgiil Syke. 5 Crossgill vein. 6 Stow Crag cross vein. 7 J. Elliott's Holme-foot vein. 8 Nursery Nook vein. 9 Ashgill Field vein. 10 Potato-garth vein. 5 1 Guddamgill vein. 2 Guddamgill Farm-house. 3 Brownley Hill high cross vein. 4 Do. west high do. 5 Moss Cross vein. 6 Brownley Hill old vein. 7 Do. North vein (weak). 8 Sun vein. 9 Blueback string. 10 Middle vein. 11 North vein. 12 Guddamgill Burn cross vein. 13 Do. North or Black Jack veiu 14 Do. Moss cross vein. 5 D 1 Dykeheads Cottages. 2 Wellgill Syke. 3 Do. Cottages. 4 Nenthead Church. 5 Hillersdon Terrace. 6 Holmesfoot Cottages. 7 Piper Eow. 8 Moorcock Hall. 9 Donks Hall. 10 Donks ViUa. 11 CowhiU cross vein. 12 Grassfield vein. 13 Do. North vein. 14 Do. Farm-house. 15 Do. Cottages. INDEX. 5D 16 Greengill Syke cross vein. 17 Greengill cross vein. 5 E 1 Dowgang east cross vein. 2 Do. cross vein. 3 Briggleburn vein. 4 Pinkey vein. 5 Browngill vein. 6 Dowgang vein. 7 Do. North vein. 8 Greengill west end vein. 5 P 1 Garrigill Burn Old Groves vein (east portion). 2 Do. (west portion) 3 Thoughtergill Syke vein. 4 Thoughtergill Syke north vein. 5 Hill-close vein. 6 Blinker's Hill Farm-house. 7 Loaninghead Cottages. 8 Windy Hall. 9 High Snappergill. 10 Low Snappergill. 11 Bridge End Cottages. 12 Crooks. 5 G 1 Howgill Syke Farm-house. 2 High Crossgill Farm-house. 3 Primitive Methodist Chapel. 6 D 1 Gallygill Syke vein. 2 Do. North vein. 3 Do. Well vein. 4 Hudgill Burn fourth Sun vein. 5 Wailes' string. 6 Hudgill Bum second Sun vein. 7 Strings. 8 Hudgill Burn Sua vein. 9 Do. vein. 10 Black Ashgill or Hudgill cross vein. 11 Eden braes level. 12 NenthaU. 13 Browngill House. 14 High Loveladyshield Farm-house. 15 Nentsberry Haggs Sun vein. 16 Do. do. North vein. 6E 1 Hudgill Burn cross vein. 2 Do. third Sun vein. 6 P 1 Dodberry Farm-house. 2 Beldy Cottages. 3 The Gin. 256 INDEX. 6 F 4 Red Brow House. 5 Wesleyan Chapel. 7 Middle Houses. 8 Shield Hill. 9 High Shield Hill. 10 Cowper dyke heads Sun veins. 11 Garrigill Burn cross vein. 12 High Pewsteads Farm-house. 13 Pewsteads Farm-houses. 14 Hundy Bridge Farm-house. 15 High Craig Farm-house. 16 Crops Hall do. 17 Middle Craig do. 18 Craig Shield do. 6 G 1 High Eed Wing do. 2 Red Wing Farm-house. 3 High Skides do. 4 Middle Skides do. 5 Low Skides do. 6 High Drybum do. 7 C 1 Foreshield Grains farm-house. 2 Cocklake Farm-house. 7 D 1 Loveladyshield House. 2 Foreshield Farm-house. 3 Whightelty vein. 4 Blaygill Burnfoot cross vein. 5 Low Cocklake farm-house. 7 E 1 Nattrass or Eedgroves vein. 2 Andrew's String. 3 Nattrass middle vein. 4 Do. North vein. 5 Do. second North vein. 6 Holey Field Svm vein. 8 Do. North vein. 9 Farnberry vein. 10 Do. North vein. 7 P 1 Low Craig Farm-house. 2 How Hill do. 3 Guttergill veins. 4 Nether Craig Farm-house. 5 High Silly Hole do. 6 Flat Farm-house. 7 Low Silly Hole do. 8 High Flat do. 7 G 1 Drybum do. 2 High Rodderup do. INDEX. 7 Gr 3 Slaggyljurn do. 4 Lowhouse do. 5 Littlegill do. 6 Low Eodderup do. 8 C 1 Lough vein. 2 Hugh Pattinson'a vein. 3 Lough Slitts vein. 4 Blaygill Head Fann-house. 5 Do cross vein. 8 D 1 Sunnyside veins. 2 Thomgill Sun vein, east end. 3 Do. vein, east end. 4 Blaygill Cottages. 5 Blaygill Hilltop Farm-house. 6 Do, do. 7 Corby Gates Farm-house. 8 Four Dargue do. 9 Binka do. 10 Greenends vein. 11 Upper Skelgill Farm-house. 8 B 1 Do. do. 2 JSTether Skelgill do. 3 Do. do. 4 Nent Leas do. 5 Low Skelgill do. 6 Cottages. 7 Physio HaU. 8 Work House or Low Fairhill. 9 High Fairhill Farm-house. 10 Bridge-end Corn-mill. 8 F 1 Bleagate Farm-house. 2 High Cowgap. 3 Wesleyan Chapel. 4 High Kest. 5 Low Cowgap. 6 The Nest. 7 High and Low Annatwalls. 8 Forth House. 9 Crosslands. 10 Bridge-end Farm-house. 8 G 1 Howbum Farm-house. 2 Blackburn Old Corn-mill. 3 Leadgate. 5 J Ameshaugh Hamlet. •6 ) 258 INDEX. 8 G 7 Wesleyan Chapel. 8 High Brownside. 9 Do. 10 Low Brownside. 9 C 1 Brewery allotment Farm-house. 2 Moscow Farm-hoTise. 3 Whitelee Farm-house. 4 Clargill do. 9 D 1 Cottage. 2 Clarghyll Hall. 3 New Shield Farm-house. 4 Clargill Tumpike-gate cottage. 5 Loaninghead Turnpike-gate cottage. 6 Mount Holey. 7 Clargill Turnpike-gate cottage, &o. 9 E 1 Alston "Woollen factory. 2 Do. Brewery 3 Lowbyer House. 4 Spency croft. 5 Lowbyer Old Manor House. 6 Loaning House. 7 Cotlith Hill. 8 Lowbyer Gardens. 9 Mark Close Turnpike-gates cottages. 10 Low Park Farm-house. 11 Foul Loaning. 12 Sheep riggs. 13 High Harbut Law. 14 Wanwood Egypt. 15 Do. Well. 16 Harbut Lodge. 10 D 1 Leases House. 2 Ale Hamlet. 3 Pasture House. 4 Lowfield House. 10 E 1 Eandal Holme. 2 Wanwood hill. 3 Wanwood. 4 Low Wanwood. 5 Maiden or old Roman way. 6 Howgill Rig. LONDON: PMNTED BY W, OlOWES AND SONS, STAMFOBD STREET ArfD OHARDta 0K0S8. GEOLOGICAL BOOKS, MAPS, & SECTIONS, Published by Authority of Her Majesty's Oovemment, Under the Superintendence of Sir Roderick I. Murcliison, Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the Uuited Kingdom, ANU SOLD Br BDWAED STANFORD, 6, OHAEING CROSS, S.W., AGEBT BY APPOIMTMENT FOR THE SALE OF ORDNANCE MAPS. REPORT on CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET. By Sir H. T. De La Beohe, F.R.S. &c. 8vo., 14s. 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Beekshike, Maps, 12, 13, 34, 46, SW. published (7 and 8 nearly ready). Bkecknookshiue, 36, 41, 42, 66 (NW.,S.W.), 57 (NE., SE.), published. BucKiNGHAMSHiEE, 13, published, 7, 46 (NE., SE.), 46 (SW.) in progress. 46 (NW.), 62 (SW.) nnsurveyed. Cakdigakshiee, 40, 41, 66 (NW., S.W.), 67, 68, 69 (SE.), 60 (SWJpnbllahed. Carmaethenshiee, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 (NW., SW.). 56 (SW.), 67 (SW, SE.), published. CAKNAKTONSHtEE and AsGl.ESEA, 74 (NW.), 76, 76, 77, 78, 79 (NW.,SW.), published. Cheshibe, 73 (NW., SE., NE.), 79 (NE., SE.), 80, published. 81 ,(NW., SW.), 88 (SE., SW.), in progress. COKNWALL, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, published. Denbiqhshike, 73 (NW.), 74, 75 (NE.), 78 (NE., SE.), 79 (NW., SW., SE.), SO^W.), published. Deebtshirb, 62 (NE.), 63 (NWO, 71 (NW.. SW., SE.), 72 (NE., SE.), 81 (NE., SE,), 62 published. 81 (NW.,SW.), 88 (SE. SW.) in progress. Devonshire, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 26, 27, 28, 29, published. DoRSETSHiRB, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, published. FuuTSHiRE, 73 (NW.,S.W.), 74 (NE.), 79, published. GLAMOEOANsmRE, 20, 36, 37, 41, 42, (SB., SW.), published. GLOtrcESTEESHntE, 19, 34, 35, 43 (NE., S E., SW.), 44, 54 (SE.), published. Haitpshieb, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, published. 8, 9 surveying. Heeefoedshike, 42 (NE., SE.), 43, 55, 56 (NE., SE.) Lancashiee, 79 (NE.), 80 (NW., NE.), 89 (SW.), published. 81 (NW.), 88 (NW., SW.), 89 (NE., NW., SEo, 90 unsurveyed or in progress Ijeioesteeshiee, 53 (NE.), 62 (NE.), 63. 71 (SE., SW.), published. 64—70, unsurveyed. Merionethshiee. 69 (NE., SE.), 60 (NW.), 74, 75 (NE.. SE.), published. MoNMODTHSHiEE, 36, 36, 42 (SE., NE.), 43 (NW., SW.), published. MONTGOMEETSHiEE, 56 (NW.), 69 (NE., SEO, 60, 74 (SW., SE.), published. NoETHAMPTOHSmRE, 45 (NW.), 53 (NE., SE., SW.), 63 (SE.), published. 45 (NE.), 46 (NW.), 62 (NE.,NW., SW.), 64, in progress. Nottinghamshire, 71, 82 (SE., SW., NE.), published. 70. 83, 86, 87, (SE.), unsurveyed or in progress. OxEOHDSHiSE, 13, 34, 44, 45 (NW., SW.), 63 (SE., SW.), published. 7, 46 (NE., SE.), surveying. Fembroeeshire, 38, 39, 40, 41, 58, published. Radnorshire, 42 (NW., NE.), 56, 60 (SW., SE.),jiublished. Sheopshiee, 56 (NE., NW.), 56 (NE.), 60 (NE., SE.), 61, 62 (NW.), 73, 74 (NE., SE.), pnbUshed. Someesej^shiee, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 36, published. „_ „„ , SrAEEOEDSHlRE, 54 (NW.), 56 (NE.), 61 (NE., SE.), 62, 63 (NW.), 71 (SW.), 72, 73 (NE., SE.) 81 (SB.), published. 81 (SW.), in progress. Sussex, 11, published. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 In progress. Wartviokshiee, 44, 45, (NW.), 63, 64, 62 (NE., SE., SW.), 63 (NW., SW., SE,), published. WiLTSHlEE, 12, 13. 14, 16, 18, 19, 34, 36, published. WORCESTEESHIRE, 43 (NE.), 44, 64, 66, 61 (SB.), 62 (SE., SW.). ,„_..„ HORIZONTAL SECTIONS, drawn to a scale of six inches to a mile, Horizontally and VerticaUy. describing in detail (he Geology of the Country over which they are drawn. Descriptions are engraved in each Plate, thus rendering each Section a concise Report of the District it traverses, Sheets 1 to 61. 65. eadl. " . , . „ .. =„ i„ VERTICAL SECTIONS, on a Scale of forty feet to an inch, to illustrate such details as it is nn- possible to give in the Horizontal Sections. Sheets 1 to 26. Price 3s. 6d. each. SCOTLAND.— Scale one inch to a mile. Map 33, Haddington. Map 32, Edinburgh. Map 41, Fifeshire. 6s. each. lEBLAND.— ScaZe me inch to a mile. Nob. 100, 101. 102, 110, 111, 112, 119, 120, 121, 128 to 205. Price, 25. 6d. each. Except Nob. 160, 170 180 181 189. 190, 196, 197, 202 to 205. Price 15. each. VertS &on 1, ss! 6d. Horizontal Sections, 1. 2, 3, 4. 6, 6, 7.8, price 6s. each. Sections Fo "mX'f^rSIL^rit^oi^'s&'JcVoUance Catalopie, to be had upon appUcatlon. or per Post for one stamp. LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD, 6, CHARING CROSS.