G.p\ Columbia TUnfoersity ^eacbers College Contributions > to JEbucation .Ho, 8 r The Educational Significance of Sixteenth Century Arithmetic FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE PRESENT TIME Lambert Lincoln Jackson, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Mathsmatica State Normal School, 3:a:k;;::, If. Y. Published iy TEACHERS COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY New Yokk : ;V H ±\3 fyxmll Vhuxmty ptatg BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF JHetirg W< Sage 1891 MATHEMATICS m*W ^ 3- J 3 3£ty** /f six- teenth century arithmetic from an international point of view. Peacock's article is the most extensive exposition of the sub- 1 Kastner, " Gesdiichte der Mathematik " (1796-1800). 2 Suter, "Gesohichte der math. Wissenschaften " (1873-75). 3 Hankel, "Zur Gesichiohte d. Math, in Alterthum u. Mittelalter" (1874). 4 Giinther, " Vermischte Untersuohttngen z. Gesohichte d. math. Wissen- schaften" (1876). 5 Gerhardt, "Gesohichte der Mathematik in Deutschland" (1877). 6 Unger, " Die Metholdik der praktischen Arithmetik in historisoher Ent- wickelung vom Ausgange des Mittelalters bis auf die Gegenwart" (1888). 7 Peacock, " History of Arithmetic " in Encyclopedia Metropolitana, vol. 1, pp. 369-476 (London, 1829). PREFACE 5 ject, but, besides emphasizing the Italian works in undue proportion, it omits an important link in the French contribu- tion and ignores the Dutch arithmetic altogether. Had Pea- cock been able to supply these important departments, and had he, like Unger, added a history of the teaching of the sub- ject, the historical research on which the present dissertation is based would have been unnecessary. Besides the histories of Unger and Peacock there are several important works which contain matter germane to this subject, but they deal either with a small portion of the history of the period in question or with some particular phase of it. Thus : Giinther, 1 who probably is second only to Cantor as an authority on the early history of arithmetic, closed his work with the critical date, 1525. Sterner 2 covers practically the same ground as Unger, but draws the bulk of his illustrative material from the arithmetics of Kobel, 3 Boschenstein, and Riese only, and gives a much inferior treatment of the teaching of the sub- ject. Heinrich Stoy * gives very little concerning six- teenth century arithmetic and confines his investigation to the development of the number concept and to the various modes of its expression. Grosse, 5 as indicated by the title of his book, discusses those arithmetics which apply the rules and processes to quantitative data which have a historical setting; for example, the periods of reigning dynasties or the size of armies that participated in the great battles of the past. There were only a half-dozen such arithmetics of which Suevus's and Meichsner's are the best types. Treutlein, 6 Villicus, 7 and 1 Giinther, " Geschichte des math. Unterrichts im deutsichen Mittelalter bis 1525 (in Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica, 1887). bis 1525 (in Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica, 1887). 3 See bibliographical list, page I of Sterner' s work. * Stoy, H., "Zur Geschichte des Rechenunterrichts " (Diss., 1876). B Grosse, "Historische Rechenbiicher des 16 und 17 Jahrfaunderts (1901). 6 Treutlen^ "Das Rechnen im 16. Jahrhundert " (1877). 7 Villicus, " Das Zahleruwesen der Volker im Altherthum u. die Entwick- elung d. Ziff errechnens " (1880). "Geschichte der Rechenkunst" (a slight revision of the former work) (1897). 6 PREFACE Kuckuck * are other German writers who touch this period, but their works are earlier and briefer than that of Unger. Treutlein's work is a standard, but it treats of a limited num- ber of authors, mostly German, emphasizes a few special sub- jects, and neglects close comparative study. Leslie 2 deals with the theory of calculation in its historical development. For example, he pays much attention to the reasons for the origin of the various scales of notation, and to the systems of objective representation! of numbers, called Palpable arithme- tic. The subject-matter of sixteenth century arithmetic found in this work is very limited. It is unnecessary to mention more recent philosophical treatises, like Brooks's, 5 because they contain no history of value, with which this article is con- cerned, not found in Peacock or Leslie. Thus, in order to accomplish the purpose of this disserta- tion, it was necessary to make a more extended and systema- tic research into the arithmetic of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries than has hitherto been made. It was imperative first of all to supply those departments of French and Dutch arithmetic missing from the best historical treatises. Then, it was necessary to consult the original sources already ex- amined by others in order to find matter of educational signi- ficance, much of which had not been' noted by other inves- tigators, as well as to obtain a broader basis for detailed comparisons. The dissertation is divided into two chapters. Chapter I contains the result of the research into' the subject-matter and teaching of arithmetic in the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- turies. Chapter II contains an exposition of the bearing of the arithmetic of that period upon the present teaching of the subject. It is a great satisfaction to the author to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor David Eugene Smith of Teachers 1 Kuckuck, "Die Rechenkunist im 16. Jabrhundert " (1874). 2 Leslie, "Philosophy of Arithmetic," Edinburgh (1820). 3 Brooks, " Philosophy of Arithmetic " (1901). PREFACE 7 College, Columbia University, for directing the research, to George A. Plimpton, Esq., of New York City, for access to his extensive collection of rare mathematical works, a privilege which alone made this research unique, and to Professor Frank M. McMurry of Teachers College, Columbia Univers- ity, for his help in making the article of practical value. L. L. Jackson. Brockport, New York, 1905. BIBLIOGRAPHY Original Sources on Which This Research is Based Anonymous, " Thaumaturgus Mathematicus, Id est Admirabilium effec- torum e mathematicarum disciplinarum Fontibus Profluentium Sylloge." Munich, 1651. Anonymous. Treviso Book. (So called from the place of printing. This is the earliest printed Arithmetic known to exist.) " Incommincio vna practica molto bona et vtile a ciafchaduno chi vuole vxare larte dela merchadantia chiamata vulgarmente larte de labbacho." Colophon: "A Triuifo :: A di. 10. Deceb 4 :: .1478." It contains 123 pages, not numbered. Size of page, 14.5x20.6 cm. 32 lines to the page. Baker, Humphrey, " The Well spring of sciences which teacheth the per- feot worke and practife of Arithmeticke, both in whole Numbers and Fractions : set forthe by Humphrey Baker, Londoner, 1562. And now once agayne perused augmented and amended in all the three parts, by the sayde Aucthour : whereunto he hath also added certain tables of the agree- ment of measures and waightes of divers places in Europe, the one with the other, as by the table following it may appeare." London, 1580; 1st ed., 1562. " In spite of the date 1562 on the title page, I find no edition before 1568, Indeed in the 1580 edition Baker says : ' Having fometime now twelve yeres fithence (gentle reader) publifhed in print one Englifhe boke o£ Arithmetick ... I have been . . requefted . . to adde fomething more thereunto.'" D. E. Smith. Belli, Silvio, " Qvattro Libri Geometrici Di Silvio Belli Vicen- tino. II Primo del Mifurare con la vifta. Nel Qvale S'Insegna, Senza Travagliar con numeri, a mifurar faciliffinramente le diftantie, l'altezza, e le profondita con il Quadrato Geometrico, e con altri ftromenti, de' quali facilmente fi pu6 prouedere con le Figure. Si mostra ancora vna belliffima via di retrouare la profondita di qual fi voglia mare, & vn modo induf- triofo di -mifurar il circuito di tutta la Terra. Gli Altri Tre Sono Delia Proportione & Proportionality communi paffioni de Quanta. " Vtili, & neceffarij alia vera, & facile intelligentia dell' Arithmetica, della Geometria, & di tutte le fcientie & arti." Venice, 1595. 9 IO BIBLIOGRAPHY Belli, Silvio, " Silvio Belli Vicentino Delia Proportione, et Proportion- alita communi Paffioni del quanto libri Tre." Venice, 1573. Boetius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Seuerinus, "Opera." Venice, 1491. Boetius, " Boetii Arithmetica." Augusfcae, E. Rotdolt, 1488. Borgi, Piero, " Qui comeza la nobel opera de arithmeticha ne laquel se tracta tute cosse amercantia pertinente facta t corcipilata per Piero borgi da Venesia." Venice, 1488; 1st ed, 1484. Brucaeus, Henricus, " Henrici Brucaei Belgae Mathematicarum exer- citationum Libri Duo." „ Rostock, 1575. Buteo, Joan., " Logistica. Quae & Arithmetica vulgo dicitur in libros quinque digesta : quorum index -summatim habetur in tergo." Leyden, 1559. Calanderi, Philipi, " Philippi Calandri ad nobilem et studiosum Julianum Laurentdi Medicem de Aritrtwnethrica opuscu'lum." Florence, 1491. Cardanus, Hieronymus, " Hieronimi C. Cardani Medici Mediolanensis, Practica Arithmetke, & Mensurandi singularis. In quaque preter alias cotinentur, versa pagina demonstrabit." Milan, 1539. Cataneo, Girolamo, " Dell' Arte Del Misvrare Libri Dve, Nel Primo De' Qvale S'Insegna a mifurare, & partir i Gampi. " Nel Secondo A' Misvrar le Muraglie imbottar Grani, Vini, Fieni, & Strami ; col linellar dell' Acque, & altre cose necessarie a gli Agrimenfori." Brescia (no date). Cataneo, Pietro, " Le Pratiche Delle Dve Prime Matematiche Di Pietro Cataneo Senese." ; Venice, 1567; 1st ed., Venice, 1546. Champenois, Jacques Chavvet, " Les 1 Itistitvtions De L'Arithmetique De Jacques Chavvet Champenois, Professeur es Matihematiques en quatre par- ties : auec vn petit Traicte des fractions Astronomiques." Paris, 1578. There is no evidence of an edition earlier than 1578. Chiarini, Giorgio, " Qvesta e ellibro che tracta de Mercatantie et vsamze de paesi." Florence, 1481. Colophon: " Finito ellibro di tvcti ichostvmi: cambi: monete: . Per BIBLIOGRAPHY n me Francifco di Dina di Iacopo Kartolaio Fioretino adi x di Decembre MCCCCXXXI.'' " I Firenze Apreffo almuniftero di Fuligno.'' Ciacahi, Givseppe, " Regole Genarali D'Abbaco Con Le Sve Dichiara- zioni, E Prove Secondo L'Vso praticato da' piu periti Arimmetici ; Con Vn Breve Trattato Di Geometris, E Modi del mifurare le superficie de' terreni, e corpi solidi. Descritte Da P. Givseppe Ciacchi Fiorentino.'' Florence, 1675. Cirvelo, Petro Sanchez, " Tractatus Arithmeticae practice qui dicitur al- gorifmus. Venundantur Parrhilijs a johane Laberto eiufdem ciuitatis bib- liopola in stemate diui claudij manente iuxta gymnafium coquereti." Paris, 1513; isted., 1495 (Treutlein). Clavius, Christopher, " Christophori Clavii Bambergensis E Societate IESV Epitome Arithmeticae practica*.'' 1621 ; 1st ed., Rome, 1583. Clicbtoveus, " Infaoductio Jacobi fabri Stapuleris in Arithmeticam Diui seuerini Boetii pariter Jordani. "Ars fupputaditam per calculos qs p notas arithmeticas fuis quidem reg- ulis elegaiter expreffa Iudoci Clichtouei Neoportuenris. " Queftio haud indigna de numeroru -, Aurelio Augustino. " Epitome rerum geometricarum ex Geometrico introductorio Carolio Bouilli, De quadratura circuli Demonstratio ex Campano." Paris, c. 1506; 1st ed., Paris, 1503. de Muris, John, 'Arithmeticae Speculativae Libri duo Joannis de Muris ab innumeris erroribus quibus hactenus corrupti, & vetustate per me peri- erant diligenter emendati. " Pulcherrimis quoque exeimplis. Formisqj nouiis declarati & in usum studiosae iuuentutis Moguntin&e iam recens excusi." Moguntiae, 1538. di Pasi, Bartholomeo, " Tariffa de i Pesi e Misure corrispondenti dal Levante al Ponente e da una Terra a Luogo all' altro, quasi per tutte le Parti del Monde Qvi comicia la utilissima opera chiamata taripha laq val tracta de ogni sorte de pexi e misure conrispondenti per tuto il mondo fata e composta per lo excelente et eximo Miser Bartholomeo di Paxi da Venetia." Venice, 1557; 1st ed., 1503. Finaeus, Orontius, " De AritJimetica Practica libri quatuor : Ab ipsa authore vigilanter recogniti multisque accessionibus recens locupletati." Paris, ISSS ; the 1st ed. was probably printed under the title "Arithmetica Practica libris quatuor absoluta" in 1525. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY Gemma Frisius, "Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus Facilis, per Gemmam Frisium Medicum ac Mathematicum, in quatuor partes divisa." Leipsic, 1558; Leipsic, 1575; 1st ed., Antwerp, 1540. Ghaligai, Francesco, " Pratica D' Arithmetica." Florence, 1552. " This is a reprint of his Suma De Arithmetica. Fireze m.cccccxxi." DeMorgan, (n.) p. 102. The title of the 1521 edition is given in the Boncompagni Bulletino, 13 : 249. Gio, Padre, " Elernenti Arithmetici Nelle scvole Pie." Rome, 1689. Grammateus, H., " Ein neu kunstlich Rechenbuchlein uff alle kauffmann- schafft nach gemeinen Regeln de tre, Welschenpractic." Frankfort, 1535. Heer, Johann, " Compendium Arithmeticae das ist : Ein neues kurtzes vfi wolgegrundtes Schul Rechenbuchlein/ von allerley Hauss: vnnd Kauff- mansrechnung/ wie die taglich furfallen mogen/ so per Regulam Detri vnd Practicam lieblich zu Resolvirn vnd auff zulosen sein? " Meinen lieben Discipulis, bene=:ben alien anfahenden Rechenschulern/ auoh sonsten Manniglich zu nutz/ also auffs fleissigste (So wol fur Jung- fraukin als Knaben) auss rechtem grund gestellet vnd inn Druck gegeben/ Dtirch Johann Heern Seniorem, Rechenmeistern vnd verordneten Visita- torn der Teutschen Schreib vnd Rechenschulen inn Nurmberg." Nuremberg, 1617. Huswirt, Johannes, " Enchiridion Novus Algorismi." Cologne, 1501. Jacob, Simon, " Rechenbuch auf den Linien und mit Ziffern/ sampt aller- ley vortheilen/ fragweise/ Jetzt von neuem und zum neuntenmal mit vielen grundtlichen anweisungen/ oder Demonstration/ sampt derselben Vnder- richtung gemehret." Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1599; 1st ed., Frankfurt, 1560. Jean, Alexander, "Arithmetique Av Miroir Par lequelle on peut (en quatre vacations de demie heure chacune) pratiquer les plus belles regies d'icelle. Mise en lumiere, Par Alexandre lean, Arithmeticien." Paris, 1637. Jordanus Nemorarius, "Jordani Nemorarii Arithmetica -cum Demon- strationibus Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis - - - episdem epitome in Libros Arith- meticos D. Seuerini Boetii, Rithminachia (edidit David Lauxius Brytannus Edinburgensis).'' „ , s ' Paris, 1496. Kobel, Jacob, " Zwey rechenbuchlin, uff der Linien vnd Zipher/ Mit eym BIBLIOGRAPHY j, angebenckten Visirbuoh/ so verstendlich fiir geben/ das iedem hieraus on ein lerer wol zulernen. "1 Durch den Achtbaren und wol erf amen H. Jacoben Kobel Stat- schreiber zu Oppenheym.'' Oppenheim, 1537; 1st ed., 1514. Masterson, Thomas, " His first book of Arithmeticke." London, 1592. Masterson, Thomas, "His second book of Arithmeticke." London, 1594. Masterson, Thomas, " His Thirde booke of Arithmeticke." London, 1595. Maurolycus, Franciscus, "D. Francisci Mavrolyci Abbatis Messanensis, Mathematici celeberrimi, Arithmeticorum Libri Duo, Nunc Primum In Lucem Editi, Cum rerum omnium notabilium. Indice copiosissimo." Venice, 1575. Noviomagus, Joan, " De Numeris Libri II. Quorum prior Logisticen, & veterum numerandi consuetudinem : posterior Theoremata numerorum complectitur, ad doctissimum virum Andream Eggerdem professorem Rostocbiensem." Qslogne, 1544; 1st ed., Cologne, 1539. Pugliesi, "Arithmetica di Onofrio Pvgliesi Sbernia Palermitano." Palermo, 1670; 1st ed., 1654. Paciuolo, Lucas, " Suma de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Pro- portionalita -." Tusculano, 1323 ; 1st ed., Venice, 1494. Peurbaoh, Georg von, " Elementa Arithmetices." Wittenberg, 1536. Perez de Moya, Jvan, "Arithmetica practica." Barcelona, 1703; 1st ed., Madrid, 1562. Raets, Willem, "Arithmetica Oft Een niew Cijfferboeck/ van Willem Raets/ Maesterichter. VVaer in die Fondamenten feer grondelijck ver- claert efi met veel schoone queftien gheillultreert vvorden, tot mit ende oorbaer van alle Coopliede ende leefhebbers der feluer Consten. " Met noch een Tractaet van de VViffelroede, met Annotatien verciert, door Michiel Coignet." Antwerp, 1580 (probably istt ed.). (Original privilege dated May 22, 1576.) Ramus, Peter, " Petri Rami Professoris Regii, Arithmeticae Libri Duo." Paris, 1577; 1st ed., Paris, 1555. I4 BIBLIOGRAPHY Records, Robert, "The Ground of Artes: Teaching the woorke and practife of Arithmetike, both in whole numbres and Fractions, after a more easyer and exaoter sorte, than anye lyke hath hytherto beene set forth : with divers new additions. Made by M. Roberte Recorde, Doctor of Phvsike " London, 1558; 1st ed., c. 1540 (DeMorgan, p. 22). Riese, Adam, "Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ auff allerley Handtierung/ Gemacht durch Adam Risen (auffs newe durchlesen/ und zu recht bracht)." Leipsic, 1571 ; 1st ed., Erfurt, 1522. Rudolff, Christopher, " Kunstliche rechnung mit der Ziffer und mit den zal pfennige/ sampt der Wellisehen Practica/ und allerley vorteil auf die Regel de Tri. Item vergleighug manoherley Land ufi Stet/ gewicht/ Em- mas/ Muntz ec Alles durch Christoffen Rudolff zu Wien verfertiget." Wien, 1534; 1st ed., 1526. Sacrobosco, Johann von, "Algorismus." Venice, 1523; 1st ed., 1488. Schonerus, Ioannes (Editor), "Algorithmus Demonstrate. " Nuremberg, 1534. Stevinus, Simon, " Les Oeuvres Mathematiques de Simon Stevin de Bruges, Ou font inferees les memoires mathematiques. Le tout, correge & augmente Par Albert Girard Samielois, Mathematicien." Leyden, 1634. Scheubel, Johann, " De numeris et diiversis rationibus." Argent., 1540. Suevus, Sigismund, "Arithmetica Historica. Die Lobliche Rechenkunst. Durch alle Species vnd furnembste Regeln/ mit schonen gedenckwirdigen Historien vnd Exempeln/ Auoh mit Hebraischer/ Grichischer/ vnd Romischer Muntze/ Gewicht vnd Mass/ deren in Heiliger Schrifft vnd gutten Gesohichte = Buchern gedacht wird/ Der lieben Jugend zu gutte er- kleret Auch denen die nicht rechnen konnen/ wegen vieler schonen His- torien vnd derselbigen bedeutungen lustig vnd lieblioh zu lesen. " Aus viel gutten Buchern vnd Schrifften mit fleis zusammen getragen. Durch Sigismundum Sueuum Freystadiensem, Diener der H. Gottlichen Worts der Kirchen Christi zu Breslaw/ Probst zum H. Geiste/ vnd Pfarr- herr zu S. Bernardin in der Newstadt." Breslau, 1593. Tagliente, Giovanni Antonio and Girolamo, " LiBro DABACO Che in Segna a fare ogni ragione mercadantile, & pertegare le terre co l'arte dj la Geometris, & altre nobilifsime ragione ftra ordinarie co la Tariffa come BIBLIOGRAPHY T e respondeno li pefi & monede de molte terre del mondo con la inclita citta di Venegia. El qual libra fe chiama Thefavro vniuersale." Venice, 1515. Tartaglia, Nicolo, " La Prima Parte del General Trattato di Numeri, et Misure, di Nicolo Tartaglia, Nellaquale in Diecisebte Libri si Dichiara Tutti Gli Atti Operativi, Pratiche, et Regole Necessarie non Solamente in tutta l'arte negotiaria & mercantile, ma anchor in ogni altra arte, scientia, ouer disciplina, doue interuenghi il calculo." Venice, 1556. Tartaglia, Nicolo, "La Seconda Parte del General Trattato Di Numeri, et Misure Nella quale in Vndici Libri Si Notifica La piv Ellevata, et Specvlativa Parte Delia Pratica Arithmetica, la qual e tutte regole, & oper- ationi praticali delle progressioni, radici, proportioni, & quantita irrationali." Venice, 1556. Tartaglia, Nicolo, " Tvitte L'Opera D'Arithmetica del fatnosissimo Nicolo Tartaglia." Venice, 1592; 1st ed., Venice, 1556-1560. Therfeldern, Caspar, "Arithmetica Oder Rechenbuch Auff den Linien vnd Ziflfem/ mit Vortheyl vnd Behendigkeit/ auf allerley gebrauchliche Hauss/ vnd Kauffmans Rechnung/ Muntzschlag/ Beschickung des 3 Thigels/ Kunstrechnung/ grundlich beschrieben/ inn Frag und Antwort gestellet Duroh Caspar Thierfeldern Schul und Rechenmeyster zu Steyer." Nuremberg, 1587. Tonstall, Cuthbert, " De Arte Supputandi. Libri Quattuor Cutheberti Tcmstalli." London> ^ Trenchant, Jan, " L'Arithmetique de Ian Trenchant, Departie en trois liures. Ensemble un petit discours des Changes. Avec L'Art de calculer aux Getons. Reueiie & augmentee pour la quatrieme edition, de plusiers regies & articles, par L'Autheur." Lyons, 1578; 1st ed., Lyons, 1566. Unicorn, Giuseppe, " De L' Arithmetica vniuersale, del Sig. Ioseppo Uni- corno, matihematico excellentissimo. Trattata, & amplificata con somma eruditione, e connoui, &• isquisiti :modi di cihiarezza." Venice, 1598. Van Ceulen, Ludolf, " De Arithmetische en Geometrische fondamenten, van Mr. Ludolf Van Ceulen, Met het ghebruyck van dien In veele ver- scheydene constighe questien, soo Geometrice door linien, als Arithmetice door irrationale ghetallen, oock door den regel Coss, ende de tafeln sinuum ghesolveert." Leyden, 1615. 1 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY Van der Schuere, Jaques, "Arithmetica, Oft Reken^const/ Verchiert met veel schoone Exempelen/ seer init voor alle Cooplieden/ Facteurs/ Cassiers/ Ontfanghers/ etc. Gehmaeckt/ Door Jaques van der Schvere Van Meenen. Nu ter tij-dt Francoysche School-meester tot Haerlem." Haarlem, 1600. In the voor-Reden of the 1625 edition written by his son, Denys van der Schuere, it is stated that the book was published by the father " eerft in't Iaer 1600. Ende dit is al de vierde mael dat het gedrukt is." Wencelaus, Martin, T'Fondament Van Arithmetica: mette Italiaensch Practijck/ midtsgaders d'aller nootwendichste stucken van den Reghel van Interest. " Beydes in Nederduyts ende in Franchois/ met redelicke ouereenstem- minghe ofte Concordantien. Alles Door Martinvm VVenceslaum." Middelburg, 1599. Signs preface in Dutch, Marthin Wentfel; in French, Marthin Wentfle. Widman, Johann, "Befriend und hupsch Rechnung uff alien Kauffman- schafften. Johannes Widman von Eger." Pforzheim, 1508; 1st ed., Leipsic, 1489 (Unger, p. 40). Although there was a 1500 edition, the 1508 edition was set up anew. CONTENTS CHAPTER I ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC I . Productive activity of writers of that period i. Number of works and editions .... 2. Causes of this awakening a. Revival of scientific interest . . . ... b. Commercial activity c. Invention of printing II. Transitions through which the subject passed i. From the use of Roman symbols and methods to the use of Hindu symbols and methods 2. From arithmetic in Latin to arithmetic in the vernacular . 3. From arithmetic in Mss. to arithmetic in printed books . 4. From arithmetic for the learned to arithmetic for the people. 5. From arithmetic theoretic to arithmetic practical 6. From the use of counters to the use of figures . . III. Nature of the subject matter of sixteenth century arithmetic. 1. Definitions a. Of numbers, unity, and zero b. Of classes of numbers c. Of processes . . • 2. Processes with integers a. Notation and numeration b. Addition ... c. Subtraction d. Multiplication. e. Division f. Doubling and Halving 3. Denominate numbers . . . 4. Fractions . . . ... a. Definitions . . . . Order of processes Reduction. b. c. d. e. f. g- Addition . Subtraction . Multiplication. Division . . • PAGE 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24-29 2O-168 29-36 29-32 32-35 35-36 36-77 37-41 41-49 49-57 57-69 69-76 76-77 77-85 85-110 85-93 93-95 95-98 98-102 102-104 104-107 1 07-1 10 17 !8 CONTENTS 5. Progressions 110-117 6. Ratio and Proportion 117-121 7. Involution and Evolution 121-127 8. Applied arithmetic 127-168 a. Number of writers of practical arithmetic compared with the number of writers of theoretic arithmetic . 127-128 b. Examples of exceptional writers — Champenois, Suevus. 128-131 c. List of business rules .... 131-132 Rule of Three (Two and Five) 132-135 Welsch Practice 135-138 Inverse Rule of Three 138-139 Partnership (with and without time) I39~i4i Factor Reckoning 142 Profit and Loss 142-143 Interest, Simple and Compound 143-145 Equation of Payments 145-146 Exchange and Banking 146-148 Chain Rule 148-150 Barter ■ • 150-151 Alligation 151-152 Regula Fusti 152-153 Virgin's Rule . . 153 Rule of False Assumption, or False Position . . . 153-156 Voyage 156 Mintage 156-157 Salaries of Servants 157 Rents 157 Assize of Bread 157 Overland Reckoning 157-158 d. Puzzles 159-163 e. Mensuration 163-168 IV. Summary 168-170 1. This was an important period in perfecting the processes of arithmetic 168 a. The four fundamental processes with integers perfected. 168 b. The four fundamental processes with fractions perfected. 168 c. Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic series (finite) fully treated ... . 168 d. Involution and evolution practically complete . . . . 168 e. Tables for shortening computation were not unknown. 168 f . Decimal fractions and logarithms were the only subjects not matured ... ... . . . . 168 2. Constructive period for applied arithmetic 168-169 a. Subject matter of applied arithmetic 169 (1) Extent 169 (2) Rich in types . . . . : 169 b. Methods of solution of applied problems 169 CONTENTS I9 PAGE (1) Unitary analysis . . 169 (2) Rule of Three 169 3. A comparison of the status of arithmetic at the beginning of this period with that at the close 169-170 The place of arithmetic in the schools of that period 170-184 A. In the Latin Schools 170-178 1. The function of the Latin Schools 170 a. To teach the Latin language ... 170 b. To contribute to general culture 170 2. Courses of study in the Latin schools 170-172 a. Language — Latin 170-171 b. Music 172 c. Arithmetic . . . 172 d. Astronomy 172 e. Geometry 172 3. Writers of Latin School Arithmetics 172-174 a. Profession — vocation 174 b. Scholarship . . 174 4. Character of the contents of Latin School Arithmetics. 174-177 a. Prominence of pure arithmetic 174-175 (1) Definitions I74-I7S (2) Classifications 175 (3) Plans of organization . 175 b. Applications — chiefly artificial or traditional problems 176 c. Absence of commercial arithmetic 176 5. Reasons for teaching arithmetic in the Latin Schools. 176-178 a. It was part of the classical inheritance 178 b. It was supposed to contribute to general culture or to mental efficiency. 178 B. In the Reckoning Schools 178-184 1. The rise of the Reckoning Master . 178-179 a. General duties. 179 b. Relation to schools and education 179 2. The function of the Reckoning Schools 180 a. To teach business methods . ... . . 180 b. To teach commercial arithmetic 180 3. Courses of study in the Reckoning Schools . . . . 180 a. Practice in reading and writing the mother tongue. 180 b. Business customs and forms 180 c. Arithmetic • 180 4. Writers of Reckoning School Arithmetics 180-183 a. Profession — vocation 183 b. Scholarship 183 5. Character of the contents of the Reckoning School Arithmetic 183-184 a. Meagre treatment of pure arithmetic 183 (1) Little emphasis on definitions 183 20 CONTENTS PAGE (2) Little emphasis on classifications 183 (3) Processes confined to comparatively small num- bers — those used in practical applications . 184 b. Prominence of applied arithmetic 184 (1) Applications followed closely upon the pre- 184 sentation of processes 184 (2) Concrete problems often proposed before the required process had been developed . . 184 (3) Commercial problems and problems in men- suration were the chief applications . . 184 6. Reasons for teaching arithmetic in the Reckoning Schools . 184 a. Because of its use to artisans . . . . .... 184 b. Because of its use in commercial pursuits .... 184 CHAPTER II EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC I. Introduction 185 II. Subject Matter 186-201 A. Kinds 186 1. Reckoning with counters and figures 186 2. Properties of numbers ... .... . . . 186 3. Denominate numbers 186 4. Business problems 186 5. Amenity and puzzle problems 186 B. Bases of selection 186-199 1. Needs of the trader 186-190 a. Commercial development tends to vitalize arithmetic 187 b. Modern conditions will not revive the Reckoning Book 188 c. The needs of the trader lead to improved methods of calculation 189 d. Business needs condition the selection of denomi- nate number tables 190 2. Needs of the scholar 190-196 a. The modern disciplinary ideal demands concrete subject matter 191-193 b. The culture ideal encourages the selection of subject matter with a many-sided interest 194-196 c. The propaedeutics of arithmetic demand the reten- tion of certain theoretic matter 196 3. Tradition 196-199 This tends to perpetuate obsolete material 197-199 C. Plans of arrangement ... . 199-201 1. By kinds of numbers 199 2. By kinds of processes . 199 3. Modern needs are met by a combination of (1) and (2) 200-201 CONTENTS 21 PAGE III. Method 201-222 A. Meaning 201 B . Suggestiveness of sixteenth century arithmetic 201 C. General principles of treatment of subject matter 201-202 1 . The synthetic method not adapted to elementary arith- metic 202 2. The analytic method may improve books,[but cannot sup- plant the' teacher 203 3. The psychological method produces the best books in all particulars 203-204 D. Details of development 204-222 1. Definitions 204-205 2. Notation . ... 205-206 a. The use of improved notations may be hastened . . 205 b. Roman notation to thousands should be retained . 205 c. Notation for large numbers is necessary and belongs to grammar school arithmetic 206 3. Processes with integers 207-211 a. In general, there is no best method for performing processes .... 207-208 b. Artificial means for making number work interest- ing should not be abandoned . 208 c. Incorrect language not an inheritance from six- teenth century arithmetic . ... ... 208 d. Methods of testing work are derived from the early arithmetics 208-209 e. Number combinations are not all equally important. 209-210 f. Explanations of processes should not be neglected. 210 g. Books should explain mathematical conventions . 210 h. Unabridged processes should precede abridged ones. 211 4. Processes with fractions . . . . 211-214 a. Common fractions are still necessary 211 b. There are three ideas necessary to the concept of fractions . . 211-212 c. Formal multiplication should precede formal addi- tion and subtraction 212 d. The use of the word "times " in multiplication . . 212-213 e. The two customary methods of division of fractions are related 213 f. Fractions should be correlated with denominate numbers . 213-214 5. Denominate numbers . 214-215 a. Operations with compound numbers should be lim- ited to two or three denominations ... . . 214 b. There is no good reason for continuing the practice of reduction from one table of denominate num- bers to another • . ... 214-215 c. Denominate numbers should be presented under each process with integers and with fractions . . 215 22 CONTENTS PAGE 6. Applications . . . 216-222 a. Applications may be proposed as incentives for learning the processes ... 216-218 b. Applications should be appropriate to the different school years . . . .... . 218-219 c. Mensuration work should be graded . . . . 219 d. Factitious problems have no place in elementary arithmetic .... ... 219-220 e. Unitary Analysis, Rule of Three, and the Equation are related processes of solution 220-221 f. The simple equation will become the leading method of solution .... 221 g. Arithmetic has an interpretative function 221-222 IV. Mode 223-225 A. The heuristic mode suggests that oral work should develop new ideas 223 B. The individual mode is apt to result in dogmatic teaching. 224 C. The recitation mode finds no precedent in sixteenth cen- tury arithmetic 224 D. The lecture mode has no place in elementary arithmetic . 224-225 E. The spirit of the laboratory mode may be helpful in teach- ing arithmetic 225 V. Summary . . 226-228 CHAPTER I The Essential Features of Sixteenth Century Arithmetic The arithmetic of the last quarter of the fifteenth century and that of the sixteenth century show that great productive activity possessed the arithmeticians of that period. 1 Ap- proximately three hundred works were printed on this sub- ject, some of which ran through many editions. 2 This awak- ening was part of the great Renaissance and was due to the same causes; those influencing arithmetic most directly were the revival of scientific interest, commercial activity, and the invention of printing. The first cause was the incentive which led scholars to develop the science of figure reckoning; the second made a knowledge of casting accounts and of reckon- 1 De Morgan (Arithmetical Books, pp. v-vi) says that from 1500 to 1750 probably three thousand works on arithmetic were printed in all languages. He mentions fifteen hundred of them, but only seventy of the number printed before 1600 had been seen by him. It is probable, according to De Morgan, and by reference to Peacock's article in the Encyclopedia Metropolitana, that Peacock was familiar with a still smaller number. According to Kuckuck (Die Rechenkunst im sechTThnten Jahrhundert, p. 16) over two hundred works on arithmetic were published in this period. He quotes Michel Stifel (1544) as saying that a new one came out everyday. Riccardi (Bibliotica Mathematka Italiana, Vol. II, pp. 20-22), the great authority on the bibliography of Italian mathematics, gives one hundred and twelve Italian works under the title : " Trattati e Compendi di Arim- metica.'' Of the extant works the number in German is about equal to the number in Italian. There are one-fourth as many Dutch, one-fourth as many French, one-fifth as many English, and one-tenth as many Spanish. Assuming that Riccardi's list is complete, and that the books lost bear a constant ratio to the number extant in all languages, one may conclude that there were approximately three hundred arithmetics printed before 1600. 2 Professor Smith has found that Gemma Frisius's "Arithmeticae Prac- ticae Methodus Facilis " saw fifty-six editions before 1600, although Treut- lein (Abhandlungen, 1 : 18) found only twenty-five. Adam Riese's books in various combinations saw at least twelve editions before 1600. Unger, pp. 49-51- Recorde's and Baker's works in England enjoyed a similar popularity. 23 24 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC ing exchange indispensable; and the third made the dissemin- ation of this knowledge possible. Another circumstance which encouraged both the development and the use of arith- metic was the expression of the subject in the vernacular, for hitherto a knowledge of theoretical arithmetic had been poss- ible to scholars only. In the sixteenth century arithmetics ap- peared in nearly all European languages, especially in Italian, French, German, Dutch, and English. Thus, the first century of printed arithmetics marks sev- eral important transitions : The transition from the use of the '■■ Roman symbols and methods to the use of the Hindu symbols and methods; * from arithmetic expressed in Latin to arith- ; metic expressed in the language of the reader ; 2 from arith- metic in manuscript to arithmetic in the printed book; 3 from arithmetic for the learned to arithmetic for the people; 4 from arithmetic theoretic to arithmetic practical ; 5 and from the use of counters to the use of figures. 6 Although the Hindu numerals had been generally known to European mathema- ticians after the twelfth century, 7 the devotion to classical 1 E. g., compare Jacob Kobel, Zwey rechenbuchlin uff der Linien und Zipher/ (i537) with Robert Recorde, The Ground of Artes (c. 1540). 2 E. g., compare Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus Facilis (1558) with Ian Trenchant, L'Arithmetique, Departie en trois livres (1578). 8 The Treyiso Arithmetic (1478), so called' from the place of printing, is the earliest printed arithmetic known to exist. i E. g., compare Hieronimus Cardanus, Practica Arithmetice & Mensur- andi singularis (iS39) with Willem Raets, Ein niew Cijfferboeck - - (1580). 5 E. g., compare Joannis de Muris, Arithmeticae Speculativae Libri duo (1538) with Adam Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (i57i). s Adam Riese (1522) and Robert Recorde (1557) show this transition by treating 'both systems of reckoning in their books. 7 M. F. Woepcke, Propogation des chiffres indiens, Journal Asiatique, 6 ser, t. 1, pp. 27, 234, 442. Ch. Henry, Sur les deux plus anciens traites Francais d'Algorisme et de' Geometrie, Bone. Bull., 15 :4a. Freidlein, on John of Seville and Leonardo of Pisa, Zeitschrift der Mathematik und Physik, Band 12, 1867. A. Kuckuck, Die Rechenkunst im sechzehnten Jahrhundert (1874). "In THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 25 study and the neglect of science tended to perpetuate the Ro- man numerals. Not until the introduction of printing did a full comparison of the Roman and Hindu arithmetics find ex- pression, and a working knowledge of the latter sift down to the common people. Owing to the Romans' lack of appreciation of pure science and to the awkwardness of their system of notation, their contribution to arithmetic was small. Arithmetic, in the form of the ancient Logistic, was of use to them chiefly in making monetary calculation, for which they used some form of the abacus. The nations of Europe received as a legacy from the Romans the Roman numerals and the art of reckoning with counters. This art, also called line reckoning, was wide- spread in the fifteenth century, excepting in Italy. The cal- culations were effected by means of parallel lines drawn on a board or table, and by movable counters or disks placed upon them. The lines taken in order from the bottom upward rep- resented units, tens, hundreds, thousands and so on. The spaces taken in the same order represented fives, fifties, five hundreds, and so on, the space below units being used for halves. The table on the next page shows Riese's explanation of the lines and spaces : * einer Regensburger Chronik von 1167 befinden sich die Zahlen von 1-68, aber nur wie zur Uebung geschreiben. In Schlesien komtnen sie erst im Jahre 1340 vor. In einem Notatenbuch des Dithmar von Meckelbach aus der Zeit Kaiser Carls IV stehen die Ziffern 1-10." Pp. 4-5. See also the following general references : Treutlein, Geschichte unserer Zahlzeiohen (1875— Program Gymn. Karls- ruhe), Bd. 12, 1867. Gerhardt, Geschichte der Math, in Deutscbland (1877). Freidlein, Die Zahlzeichen und das elementare Rechnen der Griechen, Romer u. des christl. Abendlandes vom 7. bis 13. Jahrhundert, 1869. Wildermuth, Rechnen, in Sohmids Encyklopadie, Bd. 6. 1 Adam Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.), fol. Aiij recto. 26 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC 1 00000 50000 10000 5000 1000 500 100 So 10 5 1 ji ■ Hundert tausent. Funfftzig tausent. Zehen tausent. Funf tausent. Tausent. Funf hundert. Hundert. Funfftzig. Zehen. Funff. Eins. Ein halbs. Cross lines were drawn dividing the board into sections, which could be used for different de- nominations of numbers, for the addends in a problem of addition, for the minuend and the subtra- hend in subtraction, or for any other sets of numbers. The illustration * shows four compound numbers arranged for addition and the result expressed in floren, groschen, and denarii. Addition and subtraction with counters are evidently quite easy. In fact, line reckoning was often recommended as preferable to the processes with Hindu numerals. 2 TtVniTrotominora-uopKorTiaBmarno&jrflaerr&romfw tit IDincvtricBCuptentfcoadmfnrpt'aoneq addition! con rulcre licet 3Tain numcriaddcntoretreliiltabir. Sumnu. «««*• *-•*♦ -®r8M»- Aft: •• • • eve H-friotieampiTimm3 radon ttintptterpitmtndt $ Uqaent fubtOiae compos . ft «f ft •♦•» 4T3rtin\t0l*tddditione'nontnaria0in0erpcrufiecoIIfCt{* one m q quicqd mill* neuenano Tupril pba trpeilerar.0,0 tff 'ta(ntc(Iigereopoitet*SNi nunr:ri8addendie.9.rparrun colic etc rocicno abicidrur quociene repetca.^llo erpedito qutc QDfdnnmerifabq vlnmorCTnaTcntidod,pboin[>ruierc'ne/ CcfIccflaucnaddcdotain / pba.rociuBrumn!crimib9crlCA' beminne q talicngento erlincis ?fpac$0 tcducte. arte oddV mitt ©in our.isnaaie tenens Sed vt [bmnte erplTt credarar vnfqlcudiRBCflmbij'piobeadicianrur' All that is necessary, after 1 From Balthazar Licht's Algorismus Linealis (1501 ed.). 2 Rudolff, Kuns'tliche rechnung mit der Ziffer und mit den zal pfennige/ (1526), "Das die vier spezies/ auff den linien d'urch viel ringere ybung auff der Ziffer gelernit werde/ mag ein yeder aus obenanzeigter vnter- weisung bey jm selbst ermessen. Warlich was Fiirsten vnd Herrn Rentkamer/ vrbarbiicher/ register/ aussgab/ empfang/ vnd ander gemeine hausrechnung belangt/ dahin ist sie am bequemisten/ zu subtilen rech- nungen zum dickermal seumlich." See also: Sterner, Geachichte der Rechenkunst, I Teil, pp. 218, 219. Kastner, Geschichte der Mathematik, Bd. I, p. 42. Knott, C. G., The Abacus in its Historic and Scientific Aspects, Trans- THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES o? having expressed the numbers, is to shift or set them so as to express the sum or difference of the numbers found on each line. The processes of multiplication and division are more complex; so much so, that, when the multiplier or divisor contains more than one figure, the Hindu algorisms are far superior. Several modern authorities give detailed explana- tions of these processes. 1 The transition frotm line reckoning to reckoning with the Hindu numerals, or pen reckoning, as it was often called, was slow. So difficult was it to> abandon the old line and space idea and the Romani symbols, that writers mixed the old and the new symbols in calculation. This is plainly shown in Toilet reckoning 2 (tabular calculation), a process used in a few early works, as in the Bamberg Arithmetic and in the arithmetics of Widman and Apianus. For example, the prob- lem : " What is the cost of 4,367 lb. 29 lot 3 quintl of ginger at 16 shillings a pound?" is solved thus by Widman : 3 actions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. xiv, part i, pp. 19, 34 (Yoko- hama, 1886). 1 Knott, C. G., The Abacus in its Historic and Scientific Aspects, pp. 18, 45-67. See preceding note. Ku'ckuck, A., Die Rechenkunst im sechzehnten Jahrhundert, pp. 10-13 (Berlin, 1874)- Villicus, Geschichte der Rechenkunst, pp. 68-76 (Wien, 1897). Leslie, Philosophy of Arithmetic, under "Palpable Arithmetic" (Edin- burgh, 1820). A more accessible work to many is : Brooks, Philosophy of Arithmetic, pp. lis, 160 (Lancaster, Pa., 1901). For the historical development of the abacus see : Cantor, M., Vorlesungen iiber Geschichte der Mathematik, Vol. I (Leip- sic, 2d ed., 1894). Also articles by Boncompagni in Atti 'dell' Accademia pontificia de nuovi Lincei. 2 P. Treutlein, Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte Der Mathematik, vol. 1, p. 98 (Leipsic, 1877). 3 Johann Widman, Behend und hupsch Redrawing (1508 ed.). " Es hat einer kaufft 4367 lb' Ingwer 29 lot 3 qufiobl/ ye 1 lb' fur 16 /> in gold- setz also.'' Fol. Ei verso, Bii recto. (A mistake was evidently made in this edition, sfince the problem reads " 13 shillings a pound " in the early editions.) 28 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC 4M 13000 p 4M 52000 2600 3C 1300,* 3C 3900 195 6 X 130^ 6X 780 39 floren 7 lb' 13/* 7 lb' 91 p facit 4./? 11 ,* 2X 130/32 p 2X 260/32 8 4/32 9 lot 13/32 /» 9 lot 117/32 3 21/S2 3 quintn 13/128 / 3 quitl 39/128 39/128 The first column at the left is the multiplicand, 4 thousand, 3 hundred, 6 tens and 7 lb. ; 20 lot and 9 lot and 3 quintl. The lot and the quintl are first expressed as fractional parts of a pound. The Roman symbols, M, C, X, at the right of this column are superfluous, since the figures, 4, 3, 6, placed above one another designate by their positions the orders for which they stand. The columns beginning 1 3000 p form the multi- plier, 13, set down for each order. In modern work the 4000 would be multiplied by 13, but here 4 is multiplied by 13,000. The fourth group represents the results of the multiplications. The numbers in the last column at the right express these re- sults in florins and shillings. More than half a century after Widman, Robert Recorde, in the later editions of his " Ground of Artes," says that before studying arithmetic proper the Roman numerals must be learned. 1 A method of calculating, or a mnemonic to assist in abacus work, called Finger Reckoning, was explained by a few writ- ers of this period. 2 But as the method was then obsolete in 1 Robert Recorde, The Ground of Artes (1594 ed'.). "Before the intro- duction of Arithmeticke, it were very good to have fome vnderftandimg and knowledge of thefe figures and notes :'' This is followed by a table of Roman numerals with the corresponding Hindu numerals and the corresponding words, as : one two three Fol. Bviii verso. 2 Noviomagus, De Numeris' Libri II, Cap. XIII. Paciuolo, Suma de Arithmetica Geometria Proportioni et Proportionalita (1494 ed.), fol. 36 verso, or Eiiij verso. (He does not explain, but gives a page of pictures.) Andres, Sumario breve de la practica de la arithmetica, Valencia (1515). Tagliente, Libro de Abaco, Venetia, M. D. XV (1541 ed.), fol. Aiii verso. Apianus, Ein newe vnd wolgegrundte vnderweysung aller Kauffmans- rechnung, Ingolstadt (1527). Aventinus, Abacvs at qve vetvstissima, vetervm latinorum per digitos i 1 ii 2 iii 3 THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 2 Q Western Europe, it has no significance here. Accounts of this method are given in standard authorities. 1 In order to exhibit the essentials of the arithmetic of this period briefly and systematically, it is best to treat it by topics, as was the common practice of its authors. DEFINITIONS It was the common practice among Latin School writers, especially among those who were influenced by the works of the Greeks on theoretic arithmetic, to begin with a formidable list of definitions. Definitions of Number, Unity, and Zero Number was generally defined thus : " Number is a collection of units." The following is Paeiuolo's definition: 2 "Num- ber is a multitude composed of units. Aristotle says, if any- thing is infinite, number is, and Euclid in the third postulate of the seventh book says that its series can proceed to infinity, and that it can be made greater than any given number by add- ing one." The meaning of unity caused writers much concern and was variously defined, as appears from the following : i. Unity is the beginning of all number and measure, for as we measure things by number, we measure number by unity. 8 manusq) mumerandi (quin etiam loquendi) cofuetudo, Ex >beda cu picturis et imaginibus - Ratispone ( T 532). Moya, Traitado de Matematiaas, Aloaba, 1573 (1703 ed., chap. ix). "Trata dela orden que los antiquos timiero en catar con los dedos de las manos, y otras partes del cuerpo." 1 Leslie, Philosophy of Arithmetic (Edinburgh, 1820), p. 101. Villicus, Geschichte der Rechenkunst (1897), pp. 10-14. Stoy, H., Zur GesehicMe des Reohenunterrichts, I. Teil, § 9, p. 47. See plates at end of volume. Sterner, Geschichte der Rechenkunst, I. Teil, p. 77. Cantor, Vorlesungen fiber Geschichte der Mathematik (1900 ed.), Bd. I, see index. 2 Paciuolo, Suma de Arithtnetica Geometria Proportioni et Proportion- «iita (1523 ed.). "Numero: e (fecondo ciafchuno philofophante) vna moltitudioe de vnita copofta : Arif totile dace : oioe. Si quid infinitum eft : nuinerus eft. E per la terza petitione del f eptimo de Euclide : la fua ferie in infinito potere procedere: a quocuq? numero dato: dari poteft maior: vnitatem addendo." Fol. A i recto. 3 Joan Noviomagus, De Numeris Libri II (i544)- 30 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC 2. Unity is not a number, but the source of number. 1 3. Unity is the basis of all number, constituting the first in itself. 2 4. Unity is the origin of everything. 3 This difference of opinion as to the nature of unity was not new in the sixteenth century. The definition had puzzled the wise men of antiquity.* Many Greek, Arabian, and Hindu writers had excluded unity from the list of numbers. But, perhaps, the chief reason for the general rejection of unity as a number by the arithmeticians of the Renaissance was the misinterpretation of Boethius's arithmetic. Nicomachus (c. 100 A. D.) in his ApcB/iTjTMyc pipfaa a™ ha.d said that unity was not a polygonal number and Boethius's translation was sup- posed to say that unity was not a number. 5 Even as late as 1634 Stevinus found it necessary to correct this popular error and explained it thus : 3 — 1=2, hence 1 is a number. 6 1 Gemma Frisius, Arittometlcae Practicae Melfchodus Facilis (1575 ed.). " Numerum autem vocant multitudinem ex unitatibus conflatam. Itaque unitas ipsa nuimerus no.n erit, sed numerorum omnium principium." Fol. A, verso. Jacques Chavvet Champenois, Institvtions De L'Arittometique (1578 ed.). " Vn, qui n'est pas nombre, mais comeneement de nombre, & origine de toutes chofes, - -." Page 3. Humphrey Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.). "'And' Hherfore am vnitie is no number, 'but the begining and originall of number, as if you doe rnultiplie or deuide a vnite by it felfe, it is refolued ikito itfelfe without any inereafe. But it is in number otherwife, for there can be no number, how great foeuer it bee, but that it may continually bee encreafed by adding euermore one vnitie vnto the fame." Fol. Bi recto. 2 Frameiscus Mavrolycus, ArMimjeticorum Libri Duo (1575). "Unitas est prmoipium & constitutrix omnium numeroriurn, .constituens autem im- primis seipsaim." Page 2. 3 See definition by Champenois in note 1 above. 4 In Plato's Republic /we find : " To which class do unity and number be- long?" Monroe's Source Book, p. 203. 5 Weissenbom, H., Gerbert, Beitrage zur Kenntoiss der Mathemaitik des Mittelalters, p. 219 (Berlin, 18 6 After reviewing the various arguments which history has handed down, Stevinus says : " Que l'unitie est nombre. II est notoire que Ton diet vul- gairement que 1'unite ne soit point nombre, ains seulement son prineipe, ou THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 3I Zero was referred to merely as a symbol used in connection with the digits to express number. When taken alone it was said to have no meaning. The prevalence of nulla, nulle and rein in the terms used to express it is suggestive of this meaning. 1 So far were the mathematicians of that period from the conception of number as a continuum; that they emphasized the difference between continuous and discrete quantity and limited arithmetic to the latter domain. 2 So long as they commencement & tel en nombre come le point en la ligne; ce que nous nions, & en pouvons argumenter enter en cefte forte : La partie eft de mefme matiere qu'est fon entie/r, Vnite eft partie de multitude d'unitez; Ergo I'unitiS eft de mefme matiere qu'eft la multitude d'unitez; Mais la matiere des multitude d'unitez est nombre, , Doncques la matiere d'unite eft nombre. Et qui le nie, faict comme celuy, qui nie qu' une piece de pain foit du pain. Nous pourrions auffi dire ainfi : Si du nombre donne I'on ne foubftraict mil nombre, le nombre donni demeure, Soit trois le nombre donne, & du mefme foubftrayons un, qui n'est point nombre comme tu veux. Doncques le nombre donne demeure, c'eft a dire qu'il y reftera en- core trois, ce qui eft abfurd. Fol. A recto. 1 The various names for the symbol o An this period were : Zefiro and nulla, Piero Borgi (1488 ed.) ; cero and nulla by Paciuolo (1523 ed.) ; nulla, Rudolff (1534 ed.) ; cyphar, Recorde (1540) ; circolo, cifra, zerro, nulla, Tantagiia (1556) ; cyphram, Gerruma Frisius (1558 ed.) ; circulus, Ramus (1577 ed.) ; nulle or zero, Trenchant (1578 ed.) ; nul and rein, Champenois (1578) ; ciphar, Baker (1580 ed.) ; and nullo, Raets (1580). Buteo (1559) says that the zero could be called omicron because of its form. The oldest manuscript actually known to have the zero bears the date 738 A. D., by J&ika Rashtrakuta. 2 Unicorn, De L'Arithmetioa vn.iuersale (1598 ed.). "Quantity is divided into two 'Classes : continua and discreta. La quantita continua is for- mally dlefinied to be that of which the terminus of every part joins the terminus of another part, a c b As, for example, in the line ab, the point c is the terminus of the part ac, and this is also a terminus of the part be, and a common terminus. Or in the surface abed, the line ef is the common ter- minus which divides it into two parts. Of this division of quantity there are five kinds : lines, surfaces, solids, place and time. The treatment of these belong to geometry. Quantita discreta is defined to be such that no part is joined to another 32 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC held to this limitation, they could never think of the one-to- one correspondence of numbers to points on a line. 1 The Greek method of representing surds by lines was well known, and it would have been, easy to arrive at the conception of filling in the points of a line with numbers, had not continuity been excluded. Definitions of Classifications The definition of number was followed by definitions of the various classifications of numbers. The following taken from Paciuolo will illustrate : 2 A number is prime when it is not divisible by any other in- tegral number but one and the number itself. Otherwise it is composite. Examples of primes: 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, etc. Examples of composites : 4, 8, which is 2 X 4, 12, 14, 18, etc. Lateral or linear numbers. Different numbers which may be multiplied together, as 3 and 4, 6 and 8, compared to the sides of a rectangle. common part of another quantity, as a number. For example, in numbers with periods containing three orders (the usual method of numeration), the last number is the last of that group, and is not the beginning of the next group. Another difference between quantita discreta and quantita continua is that the continua is divisible ad infinitum and the discreta is increasable ad infinitum. The quantita continua is divided into mobile and immobile, and by im- mobile is meant the earth, and by mobile the heavens. Under the immobile is included geometry, and under mobile, astrology. Two other kinds of quantity: that which has position, as the solid, con- tinuous thing; the other which has not position, as time, which is constantly passing, and water and other liquids, which have not position but which are limited' by other things, as by the vessel containing the water. _ . f .mobile — cielo. TT „ . .„ (1. Contmua j immobil e-terra. ^ Hauete P° sitl0e - Quantita ■< ; I t^. \ numero. , T _ , _ ^ 2. Discreta -j orat : one 4- No hauete positione. Fol. A 2 recto. 1 Dedekind, R., Essays on the Theory of Numbers (Beman's translationy Chicago, 1901). 2 Paciuolo, Summa (1523 ed.), fol. Ai recto, Aij verso et seq. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 33 Superficial (plane) number. The product of two linear numbers, as 12 from 3 X 4, 48 from 6X8. Square number. The product of two similar numbers, as 9 from 3 X 3. l6 from 4 X 4, 25 from- 5 X 5> etc - Solid number. The product of three linear numbers, as 12 from 2X3X2. Cubic number. The product of three equal numbers, as 8 from 2 X 2 X 2, 27 from 3 X 3 X 3, 64 from 4X4 X 4, etc. Triangular numbers. Those which commence with unity, and which increase upward in the form of a triangle by add- ing a unit, always keeping the sides equal. 1 Besides this there are pentagonal numbers, etc. Circular numbers, as 5 and 6 ; so called because each multi- plied by itself to infinity always gives a product ending in itself, as s X 5 = 25 X 5 = 125 X 5 = 625 -; 6 X 6 = 36 X 6 = 216 x 6 = 1296 - -. Defective numbers are those the sum of whose factors is less than the number itself, as 8 and 10. 8 = 4X2X154 + 2 + 1 = 7; io=5X2Xi;5 + 2 +i=8. Superfluous numbers. Those the sum of whose factors is more than the number itself, as 12, 24, etc. The factors of 12 are 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 ; 6 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 16: factors of 24 are 12, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 ; the sum of these is 36. Perfect numbers are those the sum of whose factors equals the number itself; e. g., the factors of 6 are 3, 2, 1, and their sum is 6; the factors of 28 are 14, 7, 4, 2, 1, and their sum is 28. The manner of designating various ratios was also peculiar and elaborate. For example, the relation of any two num- bers whose ratio is 1 J4 to 1 was called sesquialteral, meaning that the antecedent contains the consequent once and one-half 1 See marginal illustrations in Paciuolo. 2 The sesqudaltera stop of an organ which furnishes the perfect fifth in- terval, 1 : l l A, isr named from this old Greek ratio. 34 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Similarly the ratio iY : i, or 4 : 3 was called sesquitertiai. 1% : 1, or 5 : 4 was called sesquiquartal, and so on. Of all the pairs of numbers that can result in sesqui ratios, the antecedents were called superparticularis and the conse- quents subsuperparticularis. 1 When the integral part of the ratio is greater than 1 the above ratios were preceded by the corresponding adjectives, thus the ratio 2.Y2 : 1 was called duplex sesquialteral. 2.Y2 : 1 was called duplex sesquitertiai. 3% •" 1 was called triplex sesquiquartal, and so on. When the fraction in the ratio exceeds a unit fraction, the ratio was named according to the numerator, thus the ratio 1% : 1 was called superbipartiens. 1 Y\ : 1 was called supertripartiens, and so on, meaning ex- cess by two parts, by three parts, and so on. The prefix sub was used to designate the inverse of the above ratios, thus the ratio 1:1% was called subsuperbipartiens. 1 : 1 24 was called subsupertripartiens. 2 The reason for emphasizing these peculiar classifications of number is not manifest. Legendre 3 explained the prominence given to the subject on the ground that its study becomes a sort of passion with those who take it up. This phase of 1 A discussion of the classifications of Nicomachus may be found in Gow, History of Greek Mathematics (Cambridge, 1884), page 90. 2 After so much of explanation, a characteristic remark of DeMorgan will be appreciated : " For some specimens of the laborious manner by which the Pythagorean Greeks, in the first instance, and' afterwards Boe- thius in Latin, had. endeavored to systematize the expression of numerical ratios, I may refer the reader to the article Numbers, old appelations of, ira the Supplement to the Penny Cyclopedia (London, 1833-43). If I were to give any account of the whole system, on a scale commensurate with the magnitude of the iworks written 00 it, the reader's patience would not be subquatuor decupla subsuperbipartiens septimas, or, as we should now say, seven per cent of what he would find wanted for the occasion." DeMor- gan, Arithmetical Books, p. xx. 3 Legendre, Theories des Nombres (1798), preface. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 35 arithmetic had its origin in the products of the Pythagorean School, was expounded by Nicomachus, 1 and was communi- cated to the scholars of the Renaissance by Boethius's trans- lation 2 of Nicomachus. Among the works of the sixteenth •century which treated this subject, that of Maurolycus 3 is noteworthy both for its exposition of the Greek classifications 4 and for its doctrine of incommensurables. Writers on commercial arithmetic in the sixteenth century introduced their works by definitions of arithmetic, quantity, and number, but discarded the fanciful theory of numbers so attractive to theoretic writers. Definitions of Processes Each process was defined when first introduced, which was in connection with integers, since most of the writers treated the four fundamental processes with integers before doing so with fractions and denominate numbers. These definitions related to integers only, and often failed to have meaning when applied to fractions. Addition was generally defined as the collection of several numbers into one sum, 5 and subtraction as taking a smaller number front a larger one.* Certain writ- ers 7 improved on this, and even recognized subtraction to be the inverse of addition. 8 Multiplication was generally defined 1 See page 34, note 1. - See page 34, note 2. 3 Mavrolycus, Franciseus, Arithmeticorum LAbri Duo (1575), p. 3. 4 Jordanus (1496 ed) also is noted for its extensive treatment of the Creek properties oif numbers. 5 E. g., Trenchant, UAriithme'tique (1578), "Aiouter, eft affembler plu- fieur nomfores en une fomme," 'fol. B 4 recto; and Clichtoveus, Ars fuppu- tadi (Paris, c. 1507). "Additio eft mrultorum numeroj fiigillatim fuimptaruim in unam fumrnaim ooliectio." Fol. b iiij recto. 6 E. g., Tartaglia, General Trattato di N.umeri (1556). " Sottare non e altro, che duoi proposti numeri, inequali saper trouare la loro differentia, ■cioe quanto che il maggiore eccelde il menore." Fol. Bvi verso. 7 E. g., Ton'stall, De Arte Supputand'i (1522). " Subd-ucto numerorvm est minoris numeri a maiore ; uel aequalis ab equale fub'tractio." Fol. E 2 recto. 8 Clichtoveus, Ars fupputadii (c. 1507). " Subftractio est numeri minoris a majori subduotio. Et additioni ex opposito respondet." Fol. biiii verso. 36 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC as repeating one number as an addend as many times as there are units in another, 1 a definition not directly applicable to fractions without modification. Division was generally defined as finding how many times one number is contained in another* the partitive phrase being often included. Its relation to sub- traction was also recognized. 3 PROCESSES WITH INTEGERS The writers of that period did mathematics a service in re- ducing the number of processes in arithmetic. The processes were commonly called Species, 4 due to the influence of the Latin manuscripts. In 1370 Magistro Jacoba de Florentia gave 9 Species, the number common in mediaeval times, viz. : numeratio, additio, subtratio, duplatio, mediatio, multiplicatio, divisio, progressio, et radicum extractio. The Hindus, ac- cording to the Lilavati, 5 had eight processes, which were in- creased to ten by the Arabs, who added Mediatio and Duplatio. These latter are found in El Hassar (c. 1200), and probably, according to Suter, are of Egyptian origin. Their presence in mediaeval Latin manuscripts is due to the influence of Al Khowarazmi. 6 ; In the sixteenth century the number ranged 1 Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Praoticae Methodus Facilis (1575 ed.)- " Multiplicare est ex ductu vnius numeri in alterum numerum producere, qui toties habeat in se vnum multiplicantium, quoties alter vnitatem, Hoc est, Multiplicare est numerum quemcumqj aliquoties aut mul-toties, exag- gerate." Fol. B 2 verso. 2 Trenchant, L'Arithmefrique (1578). " Parti r, eft chercher quantes foys vn nombre, contient 1'autre." Fol. D 2 recto. 8 Ramus, Arithmeticae Libri Duo (1577 ed.). "Divisio est, qua divisor subduotitur a dividendo quoties in eo continetur & habetur quotus." Fol. A vii verso. An interesting comparison of definitions current in the seventeenth cen- tury is found in DeMorgan, Arithmetical Books, pp. 50-61. 4 The origin of the word " species " has been traced to the Greek word liiog, meaning member of an equation. This word appeared in rules for adding to and subtracting from the members of an equation, and was translated into Latin as species, which later came to be used to designate all of the fundamental processes of arithmetic. Cantor, Vorlesungen iiber Geschichte der Mathematik (3d ed., 1900), Bd. I, p. 442. 6 The work of Bhaskara, a Hindu writer (c. 1200 A. D.). 6 An Arabian mathematician (c. 800 A. D.). THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 37 from nine to five. Some writers excluded extraction of roots, others progressions also. Piero di Borgi argued that the number should be reduced to seven in order that it might cor- respond to the number of gifts of the Holy Spirit. 1 Later in the century duplatio (multiplying by 2) and mediatio (divid- ing by 2) were excluded, reducing the processes to numera- tion and the four fundamental operations recognized to-day. 2 It is probable that numeration was not always included, in which case the number would be four. " The lack of agree- ment with reference to the number of Species finds its ex- planation in the circumstance that they fail to define the idea of Species. Gemma Frisius is the only one who attempted a definition : ' Moreover, we call certain kinds of operations with numbers Species.' " s But this is too indefinite to give any basis of selection.* Notation and Numeration The object of numeration was to teach the reading of num- bers written in the Hindu notation. For a hundred years after the first printed arithmetic many writers began their works with the line-reckoning and the Roman numerals, and fol- lowed these by the Hindu arithmetic. 5 The teaching of 1 Cardan, Practica Arithmetice (1539), Chapter II, gives seven: numer- ation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, progression, and the extraction of roots. 2 Sigismund Suevus, Arithmetice Historica (1593), fol. aii recto. Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus Facilis (1575 ed.). " Solent nonnulli Duplationem & Mediationem assignare species distinctas a Multiplicatione & Divisione. Quid vero mouerit stupidos illos nescio, cu & finitio & operatio eadem sit." Fol. B 6 verso. 3 Unger, Die Methodik, page 72, § 41. 4 A few writers included the Rule of Threes — Riese for example. 5 Kobel, Z-wey reohenbuchlin (1537 ed.). After teaching the Roman symbols, I, V, X, L, C, D, M, and the digits, 1, 2, 3, 9, Kobel gives a comparative table entitled : " Tafel zu erkennen vnd vergleichen die zal der Biichstabn aufi dem A. b. c genomen/ vnd der Figuren/ die man ziferen nennet/ Underrichtung." Fol. B 6 recto and verso, or 14 recto and verso. In the table Kobel uses small letters for all numbers except ten and multiples of ten, as i, ij, iij, iiij, v, - - X, xj, xij, XX -. For 500 he uses D c ; for 1000, j M ; 2000, ijM; for 100 he gives both C and j c ; 38 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC numeration was a formidable task, since the new notation was so unfamiliar to the people generally. The feeling was prev- alent that one must learn the Roman system and then graft on the new system. Numbers in the Hindu system were divided into three classes: (i) digits (digiti), i, 2, — ,9; (2) articles (articuli), '; ten and multiples of ten, 10, 20, 30, — ; (3) composites (com- positi), combinations of digits and articles, as 25, 37. Most writers stated the idea of place-value simply and directly, but some, owing to its novelty, gave it an elaborate treatment. 1 The names of the orders and the device used as a separatrix I varied extensively. The names to hundred thousands were ! the same as now used, but the period now called millions was usually called thousand thousand. 2 The word million dates 200, cc and ij c ; 1100, MC, also Mjc; 1200, Mec, also Mijc; for 1300, Mccc, also Miij c . 1 W'i'ckoan, Behemd und hiipsch Rechnung (1508 edl), fol. 6 recto. Robert Recorde, The Ground of Antes (1594 e&). Record*, whose book is in dialogue form, thus quaintly develops the idea of place value : " But here must you rnarke that everie figure hath two values : One alwayes certaine that it fignifietb properly, which it bath of his forme: and the other vncertaine, which he taketh of his place." Fol. Cvi verso. "M. (Master). Now then take heede, thefe certaine values euery figure reprefenteth, when it is alone written without other figures joyned to him. And alio when it is in the firfte place, though manie other do follow ; as for example : This figure 9 is ix. standing noiw alone. " Sc. (Scholar). How: is he alone and ftandeth in the middle of To- many letters ? " M. The letters are none of his felowes. For if you were in France in the middle of a M. Frenchman, if there were none Englifh man with you, you would reckon your felfe to bee alone. " Sc. I perceiue that. And doeth not 7 that standeth in the second place betaken vii? and 6 in the third place betoken vi? And so 3 in the fourth place betoken three ? " M. Their places be as you haue faid 1 , but their values are not fo. For, as in the first place, euery figure betokeneth his owne value certaine onely, fo in the second place euerie figure betokeneth his owne value a hundretlh Dimes, fo that 6 in that place betokeneth vi. C. - -." Fol. Cvii verso. 2 Raets, Een niew Cijfferboeck/ (1580). " Duyfentich duyfent 1000000." Fol. Aidj recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 39. back to the thirteenth century; x but the sixteenth century records the struggle of the word for its place in numeration. Borgi 2 (1484) has it in "Million de million de million," Chuquet ( 1484) used it in reading numbers on the six-figure basis. 3 Paciuolo * (1494) used " mili one." Cirvelo 5 (1495) used million for 1,000,000,000,000. La Roche (1520), like Chuquet, used it on the six-figure plan. After 1 540 the word appeared in many standard works. 6 The present names for higher periods, though much slower to come into use, were known to fifteenth century scholars. Chuquet (1484) gave the remarkable list : " byllion, tryllion, quadrillion, quyllion, sixlion, septyllion, ottyllion, nonyllion," using them on the six-figure basis. La Roche (1520) gave billion and trillion. Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522). Tonstall reads in Latin the num- ber 3210987654321 as Ter millies millena millia millies, ducenties decies millies anillena millia, naningienties octvagies septies millena millia, sexcenta quinquinta quattuor millia, trecenta viginti unum. Fol. C„ verso. 1 The word "million " is first found in Marco Polo (1254-1324). 2 The 1540 edition of Borgi's work gives the following names of high periods : " Miar de million, million de million, miar de millio de million, million de million de million." Foil. 5 verso. The word) is also used in the Treviso arithmetic (1478). 3 By the six-figure basis is meant the use of million's to cover six orders beyond hundred thousands, billions to cover the next six orders, and so on. Thus, 18,432,750,198,246,115 would be read eighteen thousand four hundred thirty-two billion, seven hundred fifty thousand one hundred ninety-eight million, two hundred forty-six thousand one hundred fifteen; instead of eighteen quadrillion, four hundred thirty-two trillion, seven hundred fifty billion, and so on, on the three-figure plan. The six-figure grouping of Chuquet and La Roche entered Germany in 1681, according to Unger (Die Methodik . p. 71) and came into general use there in the eighteenth century. France early adopted the three-figure system. England used the old terminology at the opening of the sixteenth century, for Tonstall (1522) says that millena millia (thousand thousand) is .commonly called "mil- lion " by foreigners. But before the middle of the century we find Recorde using million. * Paciuolo, Sfima (1494 ed.), fol. 9 verso. 5 Cirvelo, Tractatus Ardthmetice practice (1505), uses the same notation. 6 Records, The Ground of Artes (1540) ; Gemma Fnisius (1552, Antwerp. «d.) ; Cataldi (1602 ed.). 4 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Van der Schuere (1600) gave a very large number field. He used millioen for million, duyset mill, (thousand million) for billion, bimillioen for trillion, duyset bimill. for quadrillion, and so on up to duyset quadrimill. for octillion. Trenchant (1578) gave millions for million, miliar for billion, and milier de miliars for trillion. The following devices were used for separating the periods : 678935784105296 * 5678900000000000000 2 3210987654321 s bacbacba 4 .. :: 44559886 3l554l56o 5 23456007846000305321 « 1 . 234 . 567 . 890 t 36236365463643656765656568 » Recorde (1540) called the numbers in each period ternaries and the periods denominations to assist in reading. Thus, as in 222 pounds, pounds is the denomination, so in every period (620,000) the last place (thousand) is the denomination. 1 Leonardo of Pisa, Liber Abaci (1202, or 1228), p. 1. 2 Borgi, Qui comeza la nobel opera (1540 ed.), fol. Av verso; Paciuolo, Suma (1523 ed.), fol. 19 verso, ciii verso. 3 Tonstalll, De Arte Sivpputandd (1522), fol. C 2 verso; Kobel, Zwey Rechenbuchlin (1537 ed.), fol. B 4 verso; Rudolff, Kunstliche rechnung (1534 ed.), Aiij recto; Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.), fol. Aij verso; Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Biiii recto. 4 Kobel, Zwey Rechenlbuchlin (1537 ed.), fol. B recto. 5 Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus (1581 ed.), fol. Aiv. 6 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte (1556). 7 Ramus, Arithmeticae Libri Duo (1577 ed.), fol. Aii verso. 8 Unicorn, De L'Arithmetfca vniversale (1598), reads this number thus: 36. millioni quatro volte, &■ ducento trenta sei millia, &■ trecen- tosessanta cinque millioni tre volte, et quatro cento e sessanta tre millia & sei cento e quaranta tre millioni due volte, &■ sei cento cinquanta sei millia e settecento sessanta cinque millioni vna volta, & sei cento e cinquata sei millia, e cinquecento sessanta otto. Fol. A^ recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 4I The number in the period he called the numerator. Thus, in .203,000,000, 203 is the numerator. 1 Addition The treatment of addition presents much diversity, but the general characteristics are the absence of tables of sums, full explanations of column-adding, and tests of the work. It would seem that the sums corresponding to the modern addition' table would necessarily have received first attention at a time when the Hindu numerals were so unfamiliar. But the writers who used these were the exception. 2 The explanation of the processes of column-adding usually 1 Recorde, The Ground of Artes (1540). Scholar. What call you Denominations ? Matter. It is the lafte value or name added to any fumme. As when I fay : GCxxAi. poundes : poundes is the Denomination. And likewif e in faying: 25 men, men is the Denomination, and fo of other. But in this place (that I fpake of before) the laft number of euery Ternarie, is the Denomination of it. As of the firft Ternarie, the Denomination is Unites, and of the feconde Ternarie, the Denomination is thoufandes: and of the third Ternaries, thoufande thoufandes, or Millions: of the iiii, thou- fande thoufande, thoufandes, or thoufande Millions : and fo foorth. Scholer. And what fhall I call the value of the three figures that may be pronounced before the Denominators : as in faying 203000000, that is CCiii. millions. I perceyue by your wordes, that millions is the denomina- tion: but what fhal I call the CCiii. joyned before the millions. Mafter. That is called the Numerator ot valuer, and the whole fumme that refulteth of them both, is called the fumme, value or number. Fol. Dii recto (1594 ed.). 2 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte Del General Trartato (1556). Tartaglia gives the addition tables as follows : o. e 0. fa o (0 + = 0) o. e 1. fa 1 (0 + 1 = 1) o. e 2. fa 2 (0 + 2 = 2) e 10. fa 10 1. e 1. fa 2 1. e 10. fa 11 and so on with all the tables to 10. e 10. fa 20 2. e 2. fa 4 2. e 10. fa 12 Fol. B i verso. That these tables were regarded as fundamental to further progress is •shown by the follolwing remark from the siame folio : " Imparate adnmque li soprascritti sumari necessarij di saper a menti." (Therefore to learn to add, it is necessary to commit the tables written above to memory.) 42 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC received first attention. Two abstract numbers were proposed for addition, such that the sum of one column of figures, at least, would equal or exceed ten. The first example in Een mew Cijfrerboeck, by Willem Raets (1580) is: 354 898 1252 Cardan's (1539) first example is: 73942 4068 273 52759 131042 Noviomagus (1539) first shows the arrangement by columns, as in (1) ; then adds without carrying, as in (2) ; then adds with carrying, as in (3) : (1) (2) (3) 321, not 321 321 2354 124 124 421 * 620 530 530 530 76 975 3050 Tonstall (1522) gives: (I) (2) (3) (4) 4 309 59 389 3 204 34 204 7 513 93 93 He points out in example (2) that the ten- in the sum of the first column falls under the second column, because the second column is composed of zeros. Examples (3) and (4) are ex- plained in order, although it would seem that (4) should pre- cede (3) . The student is advised by Tonstall to learn the ele- 1 Typographical error in the original for 124. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 43 mentary sums, and is encouraged by the remark that it will require only an hour. It was usual in addition to arrange the addends in order of size, placing the largest at the top. It is easy to state a reason for this, although none is given 1 ; for by this plan the columns were more easily preserved — a real difficulty for beginners, especially for those to whom the Hindu system was unfamiliar. It also prepared for subtraction, but this was probably not the reason for using it, as is shown by by the following examples : * The 3456 4602 56789 first is the only one that corresponds 9 ° 54 34 ° s 234S . . . . . 2300 12345 to an example in subtraction, since it 6 7 g 9 has only two addends, but here the 10307 3239 smaller is written at the top. 4 1327 234 In the other examples, which do not corres- g6 345 pond to those of subtraction, the numbers 349 Zg are in the order of their size from the top 228 763 down. The illustration at the left shows 832 bow arrangement according to size was 3 s 3450 occasionally disregarded. 2 100 J ^> 108^2 5 63 The sums of the several columns in a J 13 problem' of addition were commonly added as at present, by writing the first right-hand figure of 1000 ' *^ e sum °f an y column and adding the rest to the next i column. When the columns are long, how- T 8 ^ ever, this is not the easiest way, and occa- 3 ;r 3 sionally a writer of that period wrote the 97 gg partial sums and added them to obtain the result. 3 A slight modification of this was the placing of the I 4 2 9° 211 numbers to be added to the next column below that column to be added to its sum.* r 6« A feature that is written large in arithmetic of the six- 1 Rudolff, Kunstliche redlining (1534 ed.), fol. Aidij recto. 2 Taglienite, Libro Dabaco (1541 ed.), fol. Ci recto. 3 Gemma Frisiius, Arithtneticae Practrcae Methodus facilis (1575 ed.), fol. Aviii verso. * Buteo, Logistica (1559), fol. a 7 verso. 5 Error in the original. 44 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC teenth century is the matter of the so-called proofs of opera- tions. These were generally not proofs, but tests more or less reliable. The most common form' was that of casting out nines. Thus, in the annexed case of addition, the remainder arising from divid- ing 354 by 9 is 3, and from dividing 898 by 1252 9 is 7. The excess of nines in 7 + 3 is 1 ; this is the 1 above the line in \. The excess of nines in 1252 is 1 ; this is the 1 below the line. \ shows that the excesses agree and that the work 'checks, or proves, as it was called. It was customary to give a long explanation of the proof, and a few writers gave a table of remainders arising from divid- ing numbers from o to 90 by 9, and showed how to find the remainders for large numbers. 2 That tests were given exaggerated importance is shown by the fact that several writers extended them to the case of add- ing denominate numbers. The excess of nines was found for the highest denomination; this was expressed in terms of the next lower denomination and combined with it. Then the process of finding the excess was repeated. Each addend and the result were similarly treated, the work of testing becoming more difficult and complicated than the solution of the problem. The test by casting out sevens was also common, but being 1 Raets, Een mew Cijfferboeck: (1580), fol. Aiiij recto. 2 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte (1556), fol. Bij verso and fol. Biij recto. Li termini della proua del. 9. De o. la proua e o De 10. la proua e 1 De 9. la proua e — — o De 11. la proua e 2 De 18. la proua e o De 12. la proua e 3 De 90. la proua e o De 19. la proua e 1 De o. la proua e o De 21. la proua e 3 De 1. da proua e 1 De 22. la proua e 4 De 2. la proua e 2 De 30. la proua e De 9. la proua e o, and so on to : De 81. la proua e De 90. la proua e o. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 45 more difficult, it was placed second. Several authors mention the fact that it is more accurate than that by casting out nines. 1 The proof by elevens was sometimes used. In addition, an author occasionally used the method of adding the columns of figures both upward and downward. 2 A few used subtrac- tion, 3 in the case of two addends taking one addend from the sum to see if the result is the other. The use of subtraction' in the case of more than two addends was rare.* The reason 1 Unicorn, De LArMiimetica vniuersale (1598), " Ohe la proua del 7. sia men fall&oe, che la proua del g," fol. B 2 verso. 2 Plaoiuolo, Suma (1523 ed.), fol. 20 recto, or Ciiij recto. 3 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte (1556), gives this example: 8756 a 678 b 9434 and says. : " Perdhe inuero il sommare e proprio in atto contrario al sot- tare, & similmente il sottrare e in atto contrario al sommare,' 7 fol. Bij recto (because, indeed, addition is properly the inverse of subtraction, and similarly subtraction is properly the inverse of addition). 4 Ghampenois, Les Institutions De L'Ari'thmetique (1578). 4325 Preuue. 132 4878 Tome de l'Addition. 421 4325 premier* fomme. Addition 4878 0553 premier refte. 132 feconde fomme. Page 15, or fol. Bviii recto. 421 fecond refte. 421 troifiefme fomme. 000 Also Simon Jacob, Rechenbuch auf den Linden undimiitZiffern/ (1599 ed.). 597-a 786.b 978.C Summa 2361 597-a 1764 Fol. Cv recto. 786.b 978 978.C 000 46 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC for the prominence of these tests is undoubtedly due to the use of the various forms of the abacus. When the beads were once shifted, or the counters displaced, or the symbols in the sand effaced, there was no record to retrace, no possibility of reviewing the work. 1 It was, therefore, very advantageous to have means of testing the result by some comparison with the original numbers. These means were supplied by the proofs of nines and sevens. It was natural, then, that these tests should appear with due emphasis in most of the first printed books. Besides the general characteristics of sixteenth century ad- dition there were a few special features that have educational significance; namely, the order of adding, certain short meth- jods, and the use of concrete problems to introduce the process. We have noted that Paciuolo added upward and then added downward as a test of the work, but only one writer among those examined confined his addition to the downward pro- cess. 2 Thus, whatever virtue there may be in precedent is in favor of adding upward instead of downward. 1 For some time after arithtnetioians formed the habit of writing num- bers in the Hindu notation, they used line-reckoning to perforin the pro- cesses, and to watch their progress they crossed the figures as they were used. The influence of this is seen in the following example from Kobel (Zwey Rechenbuchlin (1537 ed.), fol. m verso, 112 recto), in which he crossed the figures of the addends, although using the Hindu algorism : Zum erften wil ich zufammen thun 103 zu 966. Ich fprich/ 6. vnd 3. ist 9. vnd fetz die 9 vnder das ftrichlin vff die 10? erft ftat/ vnd durchftrekh die 6. vnd 3. fo fteht es alio. 6 ''" ftetz ich vnd den ftrich/ vff die zweyte ftat neben die 9. zu der 9 lincke hand vnder die 6. vnnd durcfastreiehs o. vnd 6. m m 69 2 Trenchant, L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.). "Je veux aiouter ces nombres, 581, 192, & 264. Commencant a main droite, i'aioute toutes les figures du denier reng enfemble, diftant, 1 & 2 font 3, & 4 font 7. ie pofe 7 fous celuy reng an 581 deffous du tret, & vien femblablement cueillir e precedent reng, 192 diftant 8 & 9 font 17, & 6 font 23, ie pofe le digite 3 fous ca 264 reng, & retien le nombre des dizeines qui eft 2, que i'adioute auec 1 1037 1'autre reng, diftant, 2 que te tien & 5 font 7, & 1 font 8, & 2 font 10, ie pofe o & retien 1, que ie pofe deuant o, & e'eft fet. Ainfi ces troys nombres aioutez montent 1037. Fol. Biv verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 47 Another feature of sixteenth century calculation that one would not expect so early in the history of European figure- reckoning was the use of short methods. They were not com- monly used, but there is a fair sprinkling of them through the various operations. A few writers showed how equal num- bers are combined while adding a column. 1 A few cases occur in which the associative law is used to break up a long prob- lem into shorter ones. 2 1 Recorde, The Ground of Artes (1594 ed.) : "I would) adde thefe xiii fumes into one, which I let after this manner: 4599 then doe I begin and gather the fumme of the firft rowe of fig- 2299 ures which comimeth to 107, for I take 9 there x. times and that 3699 is 90, then 9 and 8 is 17, that is in all 107, of which fumme I 2399 write the 7 under the firft rowe of figures, and then for that 4090 100 is x. tens, I keepe x. in mind: which ten I muft adde vnto 1099 the nexte rowe of figures when they are added together with the 3198 x. that I had in my minde, make in all 125, of which fumme, I 299 write the digit 5 vnder the fecond rowe, t . Then for that 120 699 conteineth xii tens. Fol. Cii recto. 899 Cirvelo, Traotatus Arithmetice practice (1513 ed.). 499 " Et nota qj ad iftam fpeciem reducitur alia fpecies minus 389 principalis que dioitur iduplatio aut triplatio nam fi eundem numerum bis fcripferis et addideris in vnam fummam habebis 29057 duplum illius : vnde pro re tam facili no oportehat dare fpeciale capitulum. Exemplum." Fol. aiiij verso. 496 2 496 3 496 2 Exemplu 496 496 3 992 duplum 1488 triplu An application of doubling and tripling to addition. 2 E. g., Clavius, Arithmetica Prattica (1626 ed.), fol. a 4 recto. 6008 5009 4009 308 108 3009 239 309 209 108 4128 308 655 4545 3526 The top row furnishes partial sums of the column at the right. 6008 5009 4009 308 239 108 108 309 4128 3009 209 308 15026 15026 655 4545 3526 23752 48 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC The plan of proposing a concrete problem in addition as a motive for explaining the process occurs in several works. The following will serve to illustrate : " As if there were due to any man 223 pounds by some one body, and 334 pounds by another, and 431 by another, and you would know how many pounds is due to the same man in all." 1 " A merchant has three purses in which there is a certain number of ecus. There are known; to be 3,231 ecus in the first, 2,312 in the second, and 1,213 m ^ e third. The mer- chant put the contents of these purses into one. It is required to know how many ecus there are in this purse." 2 " For example, if it is asked how long ago Homer lived, and Gellius replies: 160 years 'before the founding of Rome, which was founded 752 years before the birth of Christ. Christ was born, however, 1,567 years ago. These three num- bers are .added. The sum showing that Homer nourished 2,479 years ago will be as follows " : 3 160 752 1567 2479 It is somewhat remarkable that the idea of introducing a process through concrete examples should have taken root in so many countries within a period of fifty years at a time when communication of ideas was so slow. Kobel in Ger- 1 Baker, The Well Spiring of Sciences (1580 ed.), foil. Bvi recto. 2 Ghamnpenois, Institutions De L'Arithimetique (1578). "Vm nrarobant a trois bourfes ou il y a certaines fommes d'efcus,. fcauoir en la premiere 3231 efcus, en la feconde 2312 efcus, & en la troi- fiefme 1213 efcus. Ce marchat vuide fes trois bourses en vne. Lon demande combien. il y a d'efcus en cefte bourfe." Fol. Biiij recto, or page 7. 3 Ramus, Arithmeticae libri Duo (1577 edl). " Ut fi quaeratur quampridem vixerit Horaerus, & respondeatur e Gellio,, 160 annis ante conditam Roman, quae condka fit ante natum Chriftum. annis 752. Ohriftum vero natum anno abhinc 1567. addantur hi tres numeri : Samma anductionis indicans Homerum annos abhinc 2479 floruif f e,. erit hoc modo." Fol. Aiiij recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 4 q many (1531), Recorde (1540) and Baker (1562) in Eng- land, Ramus (1567), Trenchant (1571) and Champenois (1578) in France were the pioneers in their respective coun- tries. Many who began with abstract numbers introduced de- nominate numbers after the first two or three problems. Subtraction 1 Another evidence that this was the formative period in ele- mentary arithmetic is seen in the treatment of the subtraction of integers, for these writers were in possession of all the methods of subtraction that are taught or discussed at the present time. There was little variation in their treatment where the fig- ures of the minuend had greater value than the corresponding ones of the subtrahend. In fact, all the writers included in this investigation, with one exception, subtracted from right to left the figures of the subtrahend from the figures of the min- uend written above, and placed the differences below the cor- responding columns. 1 A knowledge of the elementary differences required for this was pre- supposed, although the tables were given in the more elaborate works only. Ramus (1586 ed.) recommended learning the "alphabetum" both for addi- tion and subtraction. By alphabetum he meant all the possible sums and differences of the digits, I 9. " Subductionis mediatio in primis novem notis eadem hie effe debet, quae fuit in additione. " Tolle 3 de 7 manent 4, tolle 4 de 9 manent 5, & fimiliter totu alpha- betum 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Omni genere verfandiim est. Hie Pytha- goreus fubductionis abacus eft." Fol. a 4 verso. Tonstall (1522), after explaining how to subtract numbers of several figures, states in words the differences from 1 9 and recommends that they be learned. " Quod f i quis ignorat : unius horae labor ; Modo intentus fit animus ; if suppeditabit." Fol. F recto. 5° SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Ramus began at the left and proceeded to the right. 1 This is his first example, where the influence of line- reckoning is again seen in the crossing of the figures. Ramus was not the first to subtract from left to right, for The following is Tonstall's table : 111 m IB 18 1? 16 3.5 14 13 .JUL. XI 19 , 18 17 16 15 14 IS is 12 i 3 ia _& _a _a _£ _a _a 9 9 o a 7 ft s 4 _a__ . ■■• 17 13 15 14 13 la ll 8 _a _a _a _a _& _a _§ , p, v « n 4, •3 16 IV, 14 IS is 11 7 7 7 _2. JL _z -2 ft S i « . H, * IS 14 13 12 11 6 _fi _& _& _B- _S _£L_ « 7 « F 14 13 12 11 6 _6 -a 13 12 11 4 -4 7 12 11 _a _s 3 o R 11 e _s 9 Folio F, recto. The following is Taxtaglia's (1556 ed.) table: De 0. a cauarne o. resta o De 2. a cauarne 2. resta — De 1. a cauarne o. resta 1 De 3. a cauarne 2. resta — De 10. a cauarne o. resta • 10 De 10. a cauarne 2. resta - De 1. a cauarne 1. resta ■ De 2. a cauarne 1. resta ■ De 3. a cauarne 3. resta ■ De 4. a cauarne 3. resta ■ De 10. a cauarne 1. resta ■ and so on to the table 10 - — 9 De 10. a cauarne 3. resta 7, ■10 = 0, which contains this one fact only. Fol. C x recto. 1 Ramus, Arithmeticae Li'bri Duo (1586 ed'.). "Si dati lint plurium nota- rum fubducendo infra alteram pofito, fubductio fit a finiftra dextrorfum, reliquoqs ; fupernotato delentur dati, ut f i die futnma aeris lillius alieni 345 fubduceda fit 234 : Dispofitis ordine numeris hoc modo : 345 fubducendo infra, fupra autem a quo fubdiuctio facienda, incipiam a 234 finiftra dextrorfum, contra qua in additione, tollo 2 de 3 manet fupernoto 1 deletis 3 & 2. Deinde fubducam 3 de 4 manet 1, & fupernoto 1 deletis 46-3. Deniqj fubductis 4 de 5 manet 1, & fupernotabo 1 deletis 5 & 4. Vnde inveniam reliquu effe ill. cum fubduxero 234 a 345. Inductio tota fie erit. Fol. A 4 verso. 1, & 111 w m THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 5I the same thing was done in the Lilivati, and possibly in older works. 1 Many calculators to-day recommend working from left to right in both addition and subtraction, usually confining the addition to two addends. But Ramus added from right to left in all cases and subtracted from: left to right. He was unique in his century, also, in placing the difference above the minuend, as shown in the example. The case of subtraction in which the subtrahend figure ex- ceeds in value the minuend figure, received a diversity of treat- ment. The three distinct methods usually taught were : ( i ) Ten is added to the minuend figure before the subtrahend figure is subtracted ; one is then added to the next subtrahend figure. (2) The arithmetic complement of the subtrahend figure is added to the minuend figure, and one is added to the next subtrahend figure. (3) Ten is added to' the minuend figure, and the subtrahend figure is subtracted from this sum ; one is then subtracted from the next minuend figure. The last is the form of solution most prevalent to-day. Lists of authors who used these respective methods are given below ; 2 from these lists it will be noticed that the first and second methods were equally popular, while the third method was used very little. Ramus, subtracting from left to right, used the third method, for which he gave the following example 1 See H. Siiter, Bibliotheca mathematica, VII 3 15. Gerhardt, " Etudes," page 5- 2 Those who used the first kind were: Piero Borgi (1484), Tonstall (1522), Paciuolo (1494), Rudolff (1526), Cardan (iS39), Noviomagus (iS39), Tartaglia (1556), Van der Scheure (1600). Ton- stall also gave this process in the following form : 2 9 10 10 Those who used the second ford were: Widman (1489), ** f- $ Tonstall (1522), Paciuolo (1494), Tartaglia (1556), Gemma 1111 Frisius (1540), Riese (1522), Trenchant (157O, Baker 18 9 9 (1562), Unicorn (1598), Huswirt (1501), and Finaeus (1525). This .method goes back to the Hindu arithmeticians. Fink, Geschichte der Eleroentar-Math. (Beman and Smith's translation, Chicago, 1900), p. 28. Those who used the third kind were: Paciuolo (l494)» Kobel (1531)1 Tartaglia (1556), Champenois (1578), Buteo (iSS9), and Raets (1580). 5 2 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC and explanation : " When I take 3 from 4, I shall not 87 write 1, because the following subtrahend figure, 4, is W% greater than the 3 placed above, but I shall keep this in ^ mind and take the next figure below, which is 4, from 13. This leaves 9, which for the same reason I shall not write down, but shall take 1 from it and write 8 above, and keep 1 in mind, because the following figure to be subtracted is greater; then 5 from 12 leaves 7, which will be written above." 1 The proofs in subtraction, as in the case of all operations, were very prominent. The three standard method's were cast- ing out nines, casting out sevens, and adding the subtrahend /and difference. 2 About three times as many writers used the , additive method as used either of the others, which was nat- ural on account of its ease and effectiveness. 3 Tartaglia, who gave each of the proofs above, also subtracted the remainder 1 Ramus, Arithlmeticae Libra Duo (1586 ©d.). "Vt fi fubducenda Tint 345 de 432, aim fubdiicani 3 de 4 nOn fttpemofabo 1, quia 4 fequens fubducenida note major est fuperapofita 3, fed il'lud mente refervabo, 4 fubductis a 13 rnaneret 9, quae nequaquam propter eandem caufam notabo, fed uno minus 8 tentum fupernotabo, & unttm mente refervabo, quia fequens fubdueeda nota major est. Jfcaqj 5 fubductis a 12 reliqua 7 fuper- notabo. Vnde inveniam fubductis 34s de 432 relinqui 87. Tota inductio fie erit : 87 m w " Trium fociorum pecunia in unum acervum congefta fit 432 : primiqj fumma fit incerta, eonftet tamen focios capere 345 : ergo fuam partem is per hac fubdlictionem cognofcet." Pol. A recto. 2 Piero Borgi, Aritihrnetica (1540 ed.), fol. C 6 verso. Example. Proof. 456 333 123 123 333 456 3 The proof by casting out nines was used by Rudolff ^1526), Widman (1489), Cardan (1539), Tartaglia (1556), Gemma Frisius (1540), Suevus (1593)- The proof by casting out sevens was used by Widman (1489), Cardan (IS39), Tartaglia (1556), Unicorn (1598). The addition proof was used by Borgi (1484), Widman (1489), Cardan (IS39), Tartaglia (1556), Riese (1522), Champenois (1578), Raets (1580), Unicorn (1598), Jacob (1599), Van der Scheure (1600). THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 53 from the minuend to find the subtrahend, as in addition he subtracted the sum of all the addends but one from the result to find the other addend. The terminology and symbolism used have several points of interest. In those works which used the plan of supplying 10 from the next order of the minuend to make subtraction pos- sible, one naturally seeks to find a trace of the modern vulgarism *' to borrow," and recognizes it in the word " entlehen " used by Kobel. 1 This is suggestive, be- cause Kobel was primarily an aba- cist, and he would probably em- ploy the same word in the algor- ism that was employed to describe the actual borrowing process in abacus reckoning. In the tables and examples of subtraction there is suggested the word " rest " in the sense of difference, or re- mainder. 2 The book material of addition and subtraction presents 4 1> |cn«t>ert}e|;glc;« 3 + Jo tfom/Sttfumier 4 1 p bt'egmetiKronb 3 + 44 Itonnft reaeaug 3 + » — i(J/6«oi(Jmi< 8ottner 3 1 ' K> nu6bjfeg6c(on» 3 + ?o fcerennb »er&«i 4 1 6 4TJ9& (.&« 3+44 6u 6ie jenbtncr 3 + 1 9 5ft It gemacfcetc 3 — •— i a £«fl»nnbt>r, > f minus, trim f»U buftfr §»!g ai>fd)!.il;i:it allw«g fdc 0inlegdi4li. Vnosasid i 3 m«ti4. mbmaditj 1 1 ttUarjusobicrftao — 6a«i(l>Ta ) »n6mcr6oijs> 0?cfu6» tracer o»n49} p.Vnb BMbcn 41 fx tt.tTiinfpnci) 1 00 H'»a6i(?eiri3ciiriKt ps»4 ff i twte fnmm4 1 f k tt enft f umj ' * * ff T i4H«*X)»i{lt«t)can!«iJjC WW* 1 Kobel, Zwey Rechenbuchilin (1537 ed.), fol. P 4 recto et seq. For discussion see Brooks, Philosophy of Arithmetic (1901 ed.), pp. 45, 46 ; 219, 220. Unger, Die Methoidik, pp. 73, 74. 2 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte (1556). " Sottrare nor* e altro che duoi proposti Humeri, inequali saper trouare la loro differentia, cioe quanto che il maggiore eccede il menore, come saria a sottrare. .4. de .9. restaria .5." Fol. Bvi verso. 79374 5024 743SO II numero restante. Unicom, De L'Aritihmetioa vndversale (1598), calls the remainder numero ■restante, or resta dare, or residue. Trenchant, L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.), calls the remainder restc. Fol. B g recto. Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), does not use the terms minuend and subtrahend, but says, in taking 6 and 9, "there resteth 3." Fol. Ciii verso. 54 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC a much different appearance from that of the modern treat- ment, because of the lack of symbols of operation. Although ' the symbols + and — were in existence in the fifteenth cen- tury, 1 and appeared for the first time in print in Widman 2 ( 1489) , as shown in the illustration (p. 53) , they do not appear ij in the arithmetics as signs of operation until the latter part of * the sixteenth century. In fact, they did not pass from algebra to general use in arithmetic until the nineteenth century. They were used in the sixteenth century to express excess and deficit in weight, 3 as shown in note 3, where the first column is sent- ners and the second pounds. These early printed examples substantiate the theory that the symbols +, — , originated 1 Miiller, Historisch-Etymo'logische Studien iiber mathematische Termdn- ologie. 2 Widman, Behend und hiipsch Rechnung uff alien Kauffmanschafften (1508 ed.), fol. h 5 recto. 3 Wencelaus, T'Fondament Van Arithmetica (1599 ed.). " Pijpen Olie van Oliven/ weghende alsoo hier naer volcht/ Tara op elcke pijpe/ 140. tb.i. lauther 100. cost 50. ft. 6. . & couste 1. cent netto 50 ft. 6 d. Combien monte le tout en argent "Facit L. 186. ft. 4. d. io 14 /^- " Cecy -)- signifie plus, cecy — moins." Page 59. The problem is the same in each case, the book being printed 1 in two languages in parallel columns. The translation of the problem is : " Nine casks of olive oil have the weights given below, the tare for each cask is 140 lb., and 1 centner net costs 50 florins 6 denarii. What is the- entire cost?" Weight. cent. lb. cent. lb. cent. lb. No. 1. 9 + 38. No. 4. 9 + 50. No. 7- 10 — 25. No. 2. 9 -f 44. No. 5. 9 + 55. No. 8. 9 + 68. No. 3. 10 — 20. No. 6. 9 + 56. No. 9- 9 + 70. Ans. L. 186, ft. 4, d. i ° 1 v 2B . -f- means more, — means less. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 55 from the marks placed on packages to designate excess and deficit with respect to listed weight. . Van' der Scheure, in his Arithmetica (1600), fol. z x verso, defines the symbol + and — as signs of operation thus : + Plus Soubstraheert 1 — Minus Addeert. He lapses, however, into using -=-, an old form of the minus sign, in the solution of his problems. 2 The use of these signs is to indicate operation, and their algebraic meaning, when em- ployed in equations, is seen in Thierfeldern. 3 The lack of these symbols made tabulation in sentence form impossible without the use of words. Hence, the tabular facts of addition, subtraction', and also of multiplication were ex- 1 This spelling for subtract is not an accident. The title of the chapter is Substractio, fol. B verso. It was quite common in the Dutch books of ■that time to spell subtraction " substraction," a spelling not unheard of to-day and declared -erroneous by lexicographers. 2 Van der Scheure, Arithmetica (1600), fol. z t verso, "-f- Plus Soustraheert. " — {Minus Addeert. " Soo 9. Eyers + 2. blancken soo veel weert zijn als 12. blancken -f- 21. Eyers/ Hoe veel Eyers coopt men dan om een blancke." If 9 eyers and 2 blancken are worth as much as 12 blancken minus 21 eyers, how many eyers are worth as much as one blancke ? 12 -4- 21 9 + 2 : 1 2 21 10 30 Facit 3 Eyers. 3 Thierfeldern, Arithmetica (1587), page no. "Item/ 18 ft. weniger 85 gr. machen gleioh so vil als 25 ft. -f- 232 gr: wie vil hat 1 ft. groschen ? facit 21 gr." 18 florins minus 85 groschens are equal to 25 florins minus 232 groschens, how many groschens are there in 1 florin ? Ans. 21 gr. In disen beydera Exempeln (he has given another example)/ addir das Minus/ und subtrahir das Plus/ wie hie : 18 fl. -f- ?? gr. gleich 25/. -v- 232 gr. + 85 18 fl. gleich 25/. H- 147 gr. l?fl. + 147 gr. gleich 25/. 18 147 gr. gleich 7 fl. 1 fl. 147 gr. lfl. lfl. facit 21 gr. Page 110. ^6 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC pressed in words or in ruled tables according to a chosen device. 1 This condition of affairs in the formative period of arithmetic is responsible for the ruled tables still found in modern' arithmetics, 300 years after the necessity for them has disappeared. Some of them should be retained, doubtless, be- cause of their suggestiveness in showing number relations, but many of them might be omitted to advantage. As in the case of addition, there are many instances of be- ginning with a concrete problem. 2 Some writers who began addition with abstract problems began subtraction with the concrete ones. The following will illustrate: 3 "A 800347 man owed 800,347 livres, of which he has paid 409,- 409653 653 livres : I wish to know how much he still owes." These problems are usually real situations, not con- 39 ° 94 crete merely in the sense of being subtraction of denominate numbers. The problems given below from Champenois illus- trate this tendency and also the care taken in grading the steps in the process : 4 1 See page 50, of this article. 2 See page 48, of this article. 3 Trenchant, L'Aritbmetique (1578 ed.). "Vn homme doit 800347 l'fur quoy il en paye 409653 Kures : fi de veux fcauair combien il doit de refte." Fol. B g Tecto. Dette 800347 Paye 409653 Refte 390694 4 'Champenois, "Les Institutions De L' Anithrnetique " (1578). " Vn marobant a 58786 liures pefant de merchandife, & en vendu 35040 liures. On demande combien il a de refte." Page 17, or fol. C recto. " Le 'Cotmmis general des viures a 478759 pains, & en diftribue 27000 pains. On demande ,comlbien 51 en de refte." Page 18, fol. C verso. " Vn Architect a marchande faire vne murailfe qui contiet 876 toifes, en a faict 374 toifes. On dlemande combien il en a enoor a faire." Page 19, fol. Cij recto. " Le Commis des viures du camp du Roy a 548 muids de ble, defquels il «n a diftribue 273 muidis. On demande cobien dl en a encor' de refte." Page 20, fol. Cij verso. 4 ?48 273 275 THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 57 " A merchant had 58,786 livres weight of merchandise and sold 35,040 livres. It is required to find how much he had left." " The commissary-general had 478,759 loaves of bread and distributed 27,000 loaves. It is required to find how much he had left." " An architect had bargained to make a wall which should contain 876 toises, of which he had made 374 toises. It is re- quired to know how much he had still to make." " The steward of a royal camp had 548 measures of grain, of which he had distributed 273 measures. It is required to find how much still remains." Multiplication Two classes of writers may be distinguished easily by com- paring their methods of treating multiplication. There were those who emphasized the formal processes themselves, and those who considered chiefly the applications of the processes. The former class of writers made much of tabular forms and devices, the latter made much of simple rules and commercial problems. Both gave the multiplication tables at the outset, which may be classified into three kinds : tabula per colonne, 1 1 Rudolff, " Kunstlicbe redlining mit der Ziffer und mit den zal pfen- nige/ (1534 ed.), fol. Av verso. 1 1 22 24 3 3 36 3 9 44 48 4 12 1 mal 5 ist 5 2 mal 5 ist 10 3 mal 5 ist 15 and so on to 9 6 6 6 12 6 18 mal 9 ist 81. 7 7 7 14 7 21 8 8 8 16 8 24 99 9 18 9 27 Borgi, Arithmetica (154° ed.), fol. A 6 verso. 1 via 1 'sa 1 2 via 3 sa 6 3 via 4 sa 12 8 via 9 sa 72 2 via 2 sa 4 2 via 4 sa 8 3 via 5 sa 15 8 via 10 sa 80 3 via 3 sa 9 2 via 5 sa 10 3 via 6 sa 18 9 via 10 sa 90 10 via 10 sa 100 2 via 10 sa 20 3 via 10 sa 30 In the same way he gave tables of 16s, 20s, 24s, 32s, 36s. 58 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC or column tables; the tables ruled in squares, 1 or square tables ; and the tables arranged in triangles, 2 or triangular tables. Tartaglia gave the tables — o. fia o. fa o i. fia o. fa o o. fia i. fa o i. fia i. fa I o. fia 2. fa o i. fia 2. fa 2 and so on to 10. fia 10. fa 100 0. fia. 10. fa o 1. fia 10 fa 10 These tables were set apart to be learned. Then followed the tables of ns, 12s, 13s, 40s for reference, and the first set of tables with the- middle numbers ten times as large; that is, from o. fia o. fa to 10. fia 100. fa 1000. These latter were next combined thus : 11. fia 20. fa 220 20. fia 10. fa 200 11. fia 30. fa 330 and so on to 20. fia 20. fa 400 11. fia 100. fa 1100 20. fia 100. fa 2000 Finally he completed the tables from 11. fia 11. fa 121 to 20. fia 20. fa 400. Thus, 11. fia 11. fa 121 12. fia 12. fa 144 11. fia 12. fa 132 12. fia 13. fa 156 and so on to 11. fia 20. fa 220 12. fia 20. fa 240 20. fia 20. fa 400 The tables of 12s, 20s, 24s, 25s, 32s, and 36s of this list he called " Per Venetia," because they were used in reckoning with Venetian money. 1 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522), fol. G„ recto. -x _JJ SI 41 S! B -AL& p 1(1 ■4_j_a_l e 1'J IIS .1.41 16 1* 20 3 6 | 8|1S!15!18 21124 27 30 .'* Biiaijp,jsc'!«.j.aa l 38 Sfi 40 5 10J15 : 20 20 SO 1 35: 40 45 50 6 IS 18iK« SO ! 36 i 42; 48 54 no 7 14 21 28IS5 42149,58 63 70 8 le 24 '32 '40 48 66164 72 80 J# so S0TW50lf5OI7OTn0 i81_ 80 _ao_ 100 2 CirveJo, Tractates Arithmetice practice (1513 ed.), fol. Avi recto. 5 .1 7 6 1 6 ^S~ T 3 2 V 1 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 I 3 18 16114 12 3.0 ' 8 6 4 3 27 24 21 "28" IB 12 9 4 sa 32 28 24 20 16 5 46 40 3fi "So 25 ■ 6 54 48 42 36 7 63 66 , 49, 8 6 72| 81 641 *R * Typographical errors in the original. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 59 The column tables were used by the best commercial writers, and occasionally by the theoretic writers. The square arrange- ment, called the Pythagorean table, was used generally by authors of Latin School arithmetics. The triangular arrange- ment, constructed by some from left to right and by others from right to left, as shown in the notes, was the one in gen- eral favor. It will be noticed in the triangular table of p. 58, that the products 2 times 3 = 6, 3 times 4 = 12, and so on, appear, but that 3 times 2 = 6, 4 times 3 = 12, and so on, do not. Since any product, as 2 times 3, in one of these sets was deemed sufficient to represent itself and the corresponding product, as 3 times 2, in the other set, it is plain that writers recognized the commutative law of multiplication. The rows in the triangular table begin with square numbers. Gemma Frisius, 1 a famous Latin School writer, called attention to this, and Ramus 2 said that the pupil should first learn to multiply 1 Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus FaciMs, foil. B 1 verso. Qua- dra ti- nu- me- 11 S |S 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 4 1 6 a 10 12 14 18 18 2 1 9 12 IB 16 21 24 27 3 16 20 24 28 32 36 4 2 5 30 3b 40 45 b at) 42 48 K4 rt 4« 56 63 i ft 84 72 81 3 2 Ramus, Arithmeticae Libri Duo (1586 ed.), fol. A 7 verso, says that the pupil should first learn to multiply single numbers by themselves, as twice 2 are 4, 3 times 3 are 9, 4 times 4 are 16, and so on, then the multiplica- tion of each single number with other single numbers as twice 3 are 6, twice 4 are 8, twice 5 are 10, and so on, but more attention should be given to larger numbers, as 9 eights are 72, 9 sevens, sixes, fives are 63, S4, 45. ,8 sevens, sixes, fives are 56, 48, 40. " E notis autem multitudinis perdif cat primis fAngulas per fe multiplioare : Bis 2 funt 4 Ter 3 funt 9 Quater 4 funt 16 Quinquies quina funt 25 Sexies 6 funt 36 Septies 7 Tunt 49 Octies 8 funt 64 Novies 9 funt Si Huiusmodb mukiplicatio quadratura dividitur, & numero factus hoc modo quadratus, factor autem latus quadrati. Fitq, ut nurnerus fecundum fuas unitates pofitus & additus tantundem faciat, quantum per fe multiplicatus, ut 2 & 2 faciunt 4: & bis 2 faciunt item 4. Sic 3 & 3 & 3 faciunt 9. & ter 3 faciunt item 9. Analogia efciam in talibus est continua, ut 1 ad factorem five latus, fie latus ad quadratum, ut in primo exemplo, ut 1 ad 60 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC the single numbers by themselves, as twice 2 are 4, 3 times 3 are 9, and so on. This shows what the disciplinary teachers of that time regarded as important. The utilitarian writers, like Riese, Rudolff, and Kobel lim- ited the elementary products to 9 X 9 or 10 X 10, occasion- ally including the tables of twelves. It was more definitely stated that these facts should be learned 1 than in the case of the elementary sums. Tables given beyond 10 X 10, as the 12s, 15s, 20s, 24s, usually related to the reduction of denom- inate numbers. 2 Thus, there were 12 denarii in 1 soldus, 20 2, fie 2 ad 4. Turn fingularum notarum cum fingulis multiplicatione fciat quid efficiatur. Bis 3 funt 6 : & ter 2 funt item 6. Bis 4 funt 8: & quater 2 tantundem. Octies 9 funt 72; & novies 8 tantundem." Fol. A„ verso. 1 Riese, Redlining auff der Linden und Federn/ (1571 ed.). " Vndi du mult vor alien dingen das Ein imal eins wol wif fen/ und aus- wendig lernen/ wie hie." Fol. Avi verso. Kobel, Z use at that time for beginning with the highest order of the multiplier. But, after the decimal fraction was introduced, this plan found a useful application in making ap- proximations. For example, in the work in the 1.26 margin the part at the right of the vertical line need not be calculated if the result is needed to tenths only. Tests were prominent in multiplication, as in other operations, the proof by nines and the proof by seven being preferred. The example from Tartaglia at the top of p. 67 illustrates the proof by casting out sevens. Divi- 2-35 2.5 1 2 .3I08 .0I630 2.9J610 viel machen/ Muft auch forne anheben/ Vnd fur alien dingen das Ein imal eins/ auswendig lernen/ wie vorhin angezeiget/ oder mache es nach fol- genden zweyen Regulen.'' Fol. Bv recto and verso. 8.2. 9.1. 7-3- 8.2. 6.4. 8.2. 6.4. 7-3- 7.2. 5-6. 4.8. 4.2. The rule here suggested was known as the sluggard's rule. Noviomagus (1544), Gemma Frisius (1540), Baker (1580), gave the second method. 1 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522 ed.). "Et fi numeri lint in- aequales : maior Temper supra pro multiplicado ponatur : minor infra pro multiplicand." Fol. G s verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 67 sion was occasionally used to prove multiplication, S04 although the explanation of division constituted a 24 3 later chapter. 1 I20 9 6 ° The short methods, although common, were con- fined to three classes : (a) the use of factors in the multiplier, (b) multiplication by multipliers ending in zero, and (c) cross-multiplication. (a) Multiplication by using factors of the multi- 87 plier. 3 This plan has been illustrated already in Paciuolo's 261 method, called repiego, number 7, page 63. The fol- 3 lowing occurs in Trenchant : 2 To multiply 87 by 9. 783 (b) Multiplication by numbers ending in zeros. Piero Borgi, in multiplying 3456 by 20, gave the following explanation: 3 6 X 20 = 120, then 5 X 20 = 100, 3456 100 -4-12 = 1 12, of which the 2 belongs to tens' place; 20 4 X 20 = 80, 80 -f- 11 = 91, of which the 1 belongs to hundreds' place; 3 X 20 = 60, 60 + 9 = 69, the whole result is 69120. In his second method of multiplying by 20 he first multiplied by 2 and then by 10. Philip Calandri (1491) took up multiplication by 100 as a special case, giv- ing problems about 100 oranges, 100 chickens, 100 calves, and various things. Tonstall directed placing at the right of the multiplicand as many zeros as there are in the multiplier. 1 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.), fol. Bvii recto. 2 Trenchant, L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.), fol. C 4 recto. 3 Borgi, Qui comeza la nobel opera de arithmeticfaa (1540 ed.). " E fe hauefti a moltiplicar .3456. per .20. prima metterai le due figure in forma, poi cominciando dalle vnita dirai .6. via .20. fa .120. che fono apunto .12. defene fenza foprauanzo de vnita, & pero in 3456 luogo delle vnita metterai .0. e dirai nulla e tien .12. defene, poi 20 alle defene .5. via .20. fa .100. e .12. che tenefti fa .112. che fono .11. centenara e .2. defene e metterai le defene a fuo luogo. e dirai 69120 .2. e tien .11. cetenara poi alii cetenara dirai .4. via .20. fa .80. e 11. che tenefti fa .91. che fono 9. rniara e vn centenaro, e metterai il centenar a fuo luogo, e dirai .1. e tie .9. miara, poi alii miara dirai .3. via 20. fa .60. e .9 ohe tenefti fa .69. ilql metterai a fuo luogo appreffo il. 1. fara 69120 adoque moltiplicato .3456. p. .20. fa 69120." Fol. B 2 recto. 68 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC This method was also used by Rudolff and Car- 36 dan. 1 Gemma Frisius, 2 in multiplying two num- 7? bers, as 3600 by 7200, rejected the zeros, multi- 72 plied as usual, and then annexed the: zeros to the 2 s2 result. This method was also used by Baker. 3 2592IOO00[ (c) Cross-multiplication, known as per cro- cetta, or per crosetta. l X l X l The following example is taken from Tar- 456 3 taglia. 4 This method was also used by Paci- 1 48200 — 3 3 3 uolo, Unicorn, Borgi, and several others who followed the Italian School. 6 Cardan gave the following methods for aiding the memory in multiplication: 1. To multiply 27 by 33 : 2 7 + 33 = 60 60 -=- 2 = 30 30 2 = 900 30 — 27 = 3. 3 2 = 9 900 — 9 = 891=27X33- 2. To multiply 27 by 63 : 27X6=162 27X3 = 81 1620 -J- 81 = 1701 =27 X 63. 3. To multiply 37 by 49 : 40X50 = 2000 40—37 = 3 50 — 49=1 2000 + 3 = 2003 1 X 40 = 40 3 X 50=150 + 40=190 2003 — 190 = *28i3 = 37 X 49- 4. To multiply multiples of 10: 30 X 70 = 2 1 hundreds 700 X 800 = 56 ten thousands = 560000 17 X 70 =119 tens = 1 190. Many writers of commercial arithmetic, and even some Latin School writers, as Gemma Frisius, proposed a concrete 1 Cardan, Practica Arithmetice (1539 ed.), fol. Bvi verso. 2 Gemma Frisius, Arithmebicae Practicae Methodus (1581 ed.), fol. B s recto. 3 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 eld.), fol. Dvi verso. 4 TartagLia, Tvtte L'Opere D'Arithmetica (1592 ed.), fol. E 6 recto. 5 Cross multiplication is one of the six methods given by Bhaskara in the Lilivati. * Error in original. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 69 example in multiplication before explaining the process. Calandri 1 gave as his first example : " Multiplica 9 vie 7389 tf 11 )8 8 d. (Multiply 9 by 7389 y 11 p 8 <£)" Gemma Frisius, for his first example with a multiplier of two figures, gave this example: " I wish to reduce 267 days to hours." 2 The following are from Champenois: "A squadron has 312 men in rank and 232 in file; how many men are there in the squadron?" "A wall is 1212 toises in length and 4 toises high; how many toises are there in the wall ?" 3 Division The methods of division used at that time have a peculiar interest. Most of the methods of adding, subtracting, and multiplying that were in general use in the sixteenth century are used to some extent at the present time, but the method of division most commonly used then is entirely obsolete now. This was known as the scratch, or galley method. 4 A simple example from Baker will give the principles of the method : G To divide 860 by 4. The devidend. 860 Dividend Deuisor. Divisor f (2 quotient $=(4X2) subtracting 8 from 8 leaves nothing to be placed above. 1 Calandri, Arithmetica (1491 ed.), fol. 18 recto, or Cvi recto. - Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodius Facilis (1581 ed.). J ' Exainipli gratia, 267 dies valo redigere ad hoiras." 3 Ghaimpenois, Les Instiitvtions De L'Ardtbmetique (1578 ed). " Vn efcadron comtient en front 312 hommes, & en flanc 232. Lon de- mande combien LI y a d'hammes en l'ef cadron." Page 27, or fol. Cvi recto. " Vne muraille contient en longueur 1212 toifes, & en hauteur 4 toifes. On demande combien de toifes contiet la muraille." Page 29, or Cvii recto. 4 The galley, or .scratch., method of division is doubtless an inheritance, having its origin in 'the sand-table calculation of the Hindus. Treutlein, Abhandlungen, 1 : 55. Maximus Planudes (c. 1330) also explains its origin in this way. Jour- nal Asiatique, Series 6, vol. 1, p. 240. 5 Baker, The Welt Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Dviii recto and verso, Ei recto. 7 o SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC In the next step the divisor is moved one place to the right. 2 subtracting 4 (= W(21 4X1) from 6) 4 4 is contained in 6 once, so 1 is written in the quotient 2 The 2 placed above is the remainder after having subtracted $S0(215 4 from 6. This 2 in tens' place with the o still left in units' 4 place forms 20. 20 divided by 4 leaves 5, the last figure of $> the quotient. The following is an example of the scratch method from Tartaglia showing a remarkable form of galley : x o 9 , 6 s i o 6 i) 5 .\ 9 9 s 9 9 6 O i-6 0048 6 6 6 > S S 0990 9 9 9 9 4 « 09 » 9 9 O I" © S 6 08^6 0SS3- 000000*9948000000019994 000000S6ff60po0o000S66666 000000SSSSPOO00O00SXSSSS18S 00000009^900000000099 90 9 I 00000000999000000000999 Delterzo modo dipartirc decto a danda. 4* I! rcrro modo di partire da nofiri antidii prarici t dcrto a danda < qual e" purgcneralc , fi come 3 parrirc per l\ucllo,oucr galca.cioe chc per cal modo fi puo partire perogni numcro ,rna in que* fto non fi depe nna mai alcuna figura nd operate .come fi fa ncl parcir perbatelto , ouerg2lea, & acao incglio lo apprcndi.poniamo chc ru vo^Ua partire quel medefimo 91214;. per 1 987. che The downward method of the present day appeared among those used in the earliest printed arithmetics. This example is from Tartaglia : 2 hTJ- partitore 1987 (Divisor) I auenimento (Quotient) 9I234S I 459 ^ M % 9123 7948 "754 9935 18195 17883 (Remainder) auanzo 312 1 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte del general Trattato (1592 ed.), fol. Gv recto. 2 Tartaglia, Tvtte L'Opere D'Arithmetica (1592 ed.), fol. G 8 verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 71 Paciuolo also gave it as one of his methods, called division " a danda." — --—u 23. JT4?>per si , \\ l^arri Uicnne *T*9> — oot44-|f ?>> 312L, o 8? 8? + r "ST f>am Is a oicnne •J-So Uicnne 1 1 ££ This illustra- tion is from Cal- andri, 1 in whose book appears so far as known, the first downward division ever printed, although it is found occa- sionally in manu- scripts of the fif- teenth century. The lists of writers given be- low show rela- tively the extent to which the gal- ley method 2 and the downward method 3 were used. Nearly all who used the downward meth- od also used the galley method, while many treated the galley method who did not explain the downward form. Besides these general processes there were several other forms. The method a tavoletta, variously called per colona, di testa, per discorso, and per toletta, was used by Paciuolo 1 Calandri, Arithmetics (1491 ed.), fol. 33 recto. 2 Among those who used the galley methods were: Borgi (1484) ; Wid- man (1489) ; Cirvelo (1513) ; Tonstall (1522) ; Paciuolo (1494) ; Rudolff (1526) ; Kobel (1531) ; Cardan (1539) ; Noviomagus (1539) ; Tartaglia (1556) ; Gemma Frisius (1540) ; Riese (1522) ; Ramus (1567) ; Trenchant (1571) ; Champenois (1578) ; Baker (1580) ; Raets (1580) ; Unicorn (1598) ; Van -der Scheure (1600). 3 The dov/nward method was used by Calandri (1491) ; Paciuolo (1523. ed.) ; Tartaglia (1556) ; Trenchant (1571) ; Unicorn (1598). 1 to "Parti Co p Go—* 4So w'cnuc 1 Co i? Parti r E 3. l> Uteimc o ■ ft 7^ SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC (1494), Tartaglia (1556), and Unicorn (1598). This is short division where the result of each part can be taken from the table. Tartaglia gave as examples : Divisor 2) 1 7953 Divisor 12) - 7630 Quotient 3976 Remainder I. Quotient 635 Remainder 10. The method a repiego (per repiego) was used by Paciuolo * (1494), Tartaglia, and Unicorn. In this method the divisor was separated into factors, as in the example : * To divide 5867 by 48. 5867 -=- 6 = 733 with a remainder 3. 733 -=- 6 = 122 with a remainder 1. Wencelaus gave a form called by him Italian division, of which the following is an example : 5 To divide 11664 by 48. He first divided the divisor, 48, „. . into halves, fourths, eighths and six- „ .. . Divisor & Quotient o teenths, the second group representing 24 -05 1, h 41 h iV (The first zero evidently 00625 12 °2S shows the lack of units, and the 05 x ^^^ °J^ S figures beginning at its right repre- sent respectively tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and ten thousandths. It is a decimal system without the use of the decimal point, a device which did not appear until about 1600.) Beginning at the left of the dividend, 11,664, 11 is the first number that contains any one of the parts of the divisor as tabu- lated. The largest part which it contains is 6. The fraction which corresponds to it, 0125, is entered as part of the quo- tient, as tabulated at the right. 6 is then subtracted from 11 and the remainder, 5, is treated similarly. Since 5 contains 1 Tartaglia, Tvtte L'Opere D'Arithmetica (1592 ed.), fol. F d recto, a partir 27/7953 ne vien — 3976 — e auanza 1 2 Tartaglia, Tvtte L'Opere D'Arithmetica (1592 ed.), fol. F 7 verso, a partir per 12// 7630 ne vien 635 auanza 10 * Paciuolo gave 'four methods of division : first, a Regola, or a tavoletta (by table) ; second, per repiego (in parts) ; third, a danda (downward) ; fourth, a Galea or per galea (galley .method). 4 Tartaglia (1592 ed.), fol. G 6 verso. 5 Wencelaus, T'Fondament Van Arithmetica (1599 ed.). THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 73 m 012 5 0062 05 05 243 3, the next part of the quotient is the corresponding fraction, tV, or 00625. 3 from.' 5 leaves 2, which is not in the list of parts of the divisor, hence the next figure of the dividend, 6, is annexed, making 26. This contains 24, so the corresponding 05 is written in the quo- tient, one place farther to the right, and so on. Whenever a new order of the dividend is used the partial quotient is set one place farther to the right. He gives as the complete form the example at the Tight. In the matter of detailed processes, Champenois was to French arithmeticians what Tonstall was to English writers, though less verbose. In his treatment of division Champe- nois gave twelve cases : 1 1. To divide a digit by a digit. 2 (Exact division.) 1 Champenois, Les Institvtions De L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.), Diij rector, ■or page 37 et seq. 2 The division tables were not so common as the tables of multiplication. The inverse relation of division .to multiplication was generally recognized, on which account one set of tables sufficed. A few writers who aimed at ••completeness gave tables of division. E. g., Tartaglia, La Prima Parte (1556), fol. Eiiij recto. 1 in o intra o e auanza (1 is contained in o, o times with remainder o.) 1 in 1 intra 1 e auanza o 1 in 2 intra 2 e auanza o 1 in 9 intra 9 e auanza o 2 in o intra o e auanza o 2 in 1 intra o e auanza 1 9 in o intra o e auanza o 9 in 3 intra o e auanza 3 2 in 19 intra 9 e auanza 1 9 in 89 intra 9 e auanza 8 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522 ed.), used this inverted form of the Pythagorean table, fol. Y recto. 100 1 90 1 80 1 70 1 60 1 50 1 40 1 .10 1 20 1 10 90 | 81 | 72 1 63 1 54 1 45 1 36 1 27 1 18 1 9 8 80 1 72 1 64 1 56 1 48 1 40 1 32 1 24 1 16 1 70 1 63 1 56 1 49 1 42 1 35 1 28 1 21 | 14 | 7 6 60 1 54 1 48 1 42 1 36 1 30 1 24 1 18 | 12 1 50 1 45 1 40 1 35 1 30 1 25 1 30 1 15 | 10 1 _5 4 40 1 36 1 32 1 28 | 24 | 20 | 16 1 12 | 8| 30 | 27 1 24 1 21 1 18 1 IS 1 12 1 9 1 61 .3 2 I 20 1 18 1 16 1 14 1 12 1 10 1 81 6 | 4 1 10 1 9l 81 7I 61 5I 4l 3l 2I 74 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC 2. To divide a dig-it by a digit with remainder. 3. To divide an article (a number ending in o) by a digit. 4. To divide a number whose first figure is smaller than the divisor. 5. To divide an article by an article. 6. To divide a composite number (a number formed by com- bining an article and a digit) by an article. 7. To divide a composite number by a composite number. 8. To divide a number when the number left after any sub- traction is too small to be divided by the divisor, as 13 1328- -*- 43 2 = 3°4- 9. Inexact division. 10. When the remainder is greater than the divisor it proves that the division is incorrectly performed. 11. When the amount to be divided is less than the divisor,, then fractions result. 12. To divide a number by 2. Such development was not characteristic of the writers of that period. It was customary to begin with a dividend of several figures, but the methods of division were so radically different from our present ones that it is not safe to say that long division in the modern sense generally preceded short division. It is possible, however, to find indisputable cases of this plan. 1 The proofs for division were casting out nines, casting out sevens, and the inverse operation. As has already been stated in this article, the prevalence of proofs was due to the influ- ence of abacus reckoning, and not so much to a sense of the need for verification. Kobel in Germany and Baker in Eng- land seemed to realize the uselessness of appending several proofs to each operation, for they gave no proofs until all the operations with integers had been presented. Kobel then gave the proof of nines for all operations, and Baker gave the inverse operations. It would be a decided improvement on present teaching to introduce both the proofs by nines and by the inverse operations where practicable. 1 Trenchant, L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.), fol. D 3 recto et seq. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 75 A few short methods were -used in division, the most com- mon being those for dividing a number by 10, ioo, and iooo. This example from Champenois will serve to illustrate : 1 " 54736 livres are to be divided among 10 men." The quo- tient was formed by removing the last figure of the dividend and making it the remainder. Baker also explained in the same way the division by 100, 1000, and 10,000. Tagliente, after his explanation of division by 10, also explained divi- sion by 100 and iooo. 2 "And if you wish to divide 3497 by 100, do the same as above, taking off as many figures for a remainder as there are zeros in the divisor, as seen in the following division: 34I97." Similarly 749,745 by iooo, 749I745. A list of practical problems was given by Calandri in which the cost of 100 things was known and the cost of one required. 3 A more general case is the division of numbers by multi- ples of 10. For example, 4 to divide 5,732 by 573(2 20, cut off the last figure of the dividend; 2 86 with divide the part at the left by 2. Change this remainder 12 remainder 1 to 10 and add the 2 cut off. Then 5732 divided by 20 gives 286 and the remainder, 12. Finaeus ° wrote down the multiples of the divisor before performing the division. 1 Champenois, "Les Institutions De L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.). "Come f'il falloit diuifer 54736 liures a 10 hommes, fault trancher le dernier nombre de la fomme a diuifer 6. Le refte 5473. donnera le Quo- tient. Parquoy 54736. a partir a 10. hommes, c'eft a chacun 5473. liures, & 6. liures qui reftent a partir a 10 hommes." 5473(6 Fol. Eiij verso. I (o 2 Tagliente, Libro Dabaco (1515 ed.). "Et fe volefti partire 3497 per 100 farai nel modo ditto difopra itaglia tante figuare quanti .0. li a el tuo parti doc come tu vedi qui fotto e fata partito. 34.I97." Similarly 749745 per iooo. 749 1 745. Note the bar used as a decimal point. 3 Calandri, Arithtnetica (1491 ed.). "Cento melarance choftorono 53 /3 4 d. che uiene luna." 100 oranges cost 53 jS 4 d., what is the cost of one? "Cento pollaftre (chickens) coftorono 26 - Cardan treated under each operation all phases : e. g., under addi- tion he treated addition of integers, denominate numbers, fractions, surds, powers, roots, similarly under the other operations. The expression "denominate numbers" was used by Cardan to denote powers and roots of numbers. Thus, cosa. census. cubus. census census. Relatum primum. 248 16 32 or the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, powers of 2 are given under the last section of Chapter I on Arithmetic, fol. Avi recto. 78 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC seldom were fractions and denominate numbers wholly separ- ated from each other. A thorough treatment of denominate numbers was import- ant, not only because of their relation to commercial arith- metic, but because the variety and complexity of the systems of weights and measures then in use laid a heavy burden on methods of calculation'. This is well illustrated in a work by Cataneo. 1 In order to make his application of denominate numbers clear, it is necessary to explain a few tables : Measures of Length. 12 momementi make one minuto 12 minuti make one atomo 12 atomi make one punto 12 punti make one oncia 12 oncie make one braccia (6 braccie make one cauezza). The braccia was equivalent to 31 inches. Measures of Surface. I cauezza by I cauezza is an area of Y% tauole, or 3 piedi 1 cauezza by 1 braccia is an area of Yz piede 1 cauezza by 1 oncia is an area of Yz oncia 1 cauezza by 1 punto is an area of Yi punto 1 braccia by 1 braccia is an area of 1 oncia 1 braccia by 1 oncia is an area of 1 punto 1 braccia by 1 punto is an area of 1 atomo 1 'Cataneo, Dell' arte Del Misvrare Libri Dve. 12, mlomementi fanno vn minuto. 12, minuti, fanno vn atomo. 12, atomi, fanno vn punto. 12, punti, fanno vn oncia. 12, oncie, fanno vn piede, in fuperficie, & vn braccia in linea, Fol. C verso. Cauezzi fia cauezzi, fanno quarti di tauole, ouero piede 3 fuperficiali. Cauezzi fia braccie, fanno mezi piedi fuperficiali. Cauezzi fia oncie, fanno meze oncie fuperficiali. Cauezzi fia punti, fanno mezi punti fuperficiali. Braccia fia braccia, fanno oncie fuperficiali. Braccia fia oncie, fanno punti fuperficiali. Braccia fia punti, fanno atomi fuperficiali. Oncie fia oncie, fanno atomi fuperficiali. Oncie fia punti, fanno minuti fuperficiali. Punti fia punti, fanno momenti fuperficiali. Fol. C, recto and verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES yg i oncia by i oncia is an area of I atomo I oncia by I punto is an area of I minuto i punto by I punto is an area of I momento The ratio between the consecutive square units is 12. That is, 12 mom. ■= 1 min., 12 imin. = 1 atom, 12 at. = 1 punti, etc The following is Cataneo's method of computing the area of the trapezoid whose dimensions are given in the figure : Test a cauezzi 17, : " Settima Ragione, Delia (The seventh solution of the) quinta Figvra (fifth figure = one above) ■(Upper base) Tefta cau. 17, bra. 2, on. 9. 1 (Lengths of bases as given (Lower base) Tefta cau. 19, bra. 5, on. 8. f in the figure.) \ (Sum) Sornma ■ cau. 37, bra. 2, on. 5. (See linear table.) 1 Larghezza cau. 18, bra. 4, on, 2, pun. 6. (Half sum of bases.) Lunghezza cau. 22, bra . 4, on. 9. (Altitude.) 2 Doppi cauezzi 9, bra. 4 , on. 2, pun. 6. Doppi cauezzi 11, bra. 4, on. 9. Tauole 99- Tauole 3, pie 8. Tauole 0, pie 1, on. 10. Tauole 0, pie 0, on. S, pun- 6. Tauole 3, pie 0. Tauole 0, pie 1, on. 4- Tauole 0, pie 0, on. 0, pun. 8. Tauole °> pie 0, on. 0, pun. 2. Tauole O; pie 6, on. 9- Tauole 0, pie 0, on. 3- Tauote 0, pie 0, on. 0, pun. 1, at. 6. Tauole 0, pie 0, on. 0, pun. 0, at. 4, m. 6. Tauole 106. pie 6. on. 8. pun. 5. at. 10. m. 6. pun 2 :|6 min. Proua oncie 3 16 min. Fol. G, recto. 4 1 Larghezza is width and Lunghezza is length. The area of the trape- zoid equals that of a rectangle whose .dimensions are J /i the sum of the lases of the trapezoid and its altitude. 2 Since I cau. X 1 cau. = % Tauole (see tables), y 2 of 18 and x / 2 of 80 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC The vigorous commercial activity of that time demanded a knowledge of weights and measures used in all the trading centers of Europe. A comparison of these reveals not only a great number of denominations, but also a lack of uniform- ity in each denomination. An idea of what a " hundred- weight " might mean in the fifteenth century may be obtained from this excerpt from Chiarini : 1 " The ioo lb. of Florence is 103 lb. in Siena, 102 to 104 in Perugia; in Lucca 102 lb. equals 105 lb. in Pisa, and at present is the same as Floren- tine weight." A comparison of this list with corresponding data given by Raets a century later shows the persistency of a condition which finally led to the establishment of the International System. The following is a typical problem from Raets : 2 " If a centner of Niirnberg weighs as much as 108 lb. at Antwerp, how many centners do 11,682 lb. at Antwerp- weigh?" In these problems the value of the centner of Genoa, Venice, and Antwerp is compared with that of Nuremberg, Aquila, Augsburg, England, Bruges, Lisbon,, Sicily, and other cities and countries. An idea of the field covered by the tables of denominate numbers required in the practical arithmetic of that time may be had from the following summary of Kobel's treatment : 1. A list of abbreviations of weight and money denom- inations. 2. Tables of money : Rhenish, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Aus- 22 are written down before multiplying. Then the result is 99 whole- tauole. The next step is to find 22 cau. X 4 bra. This is done by finding" 11 cau. X 4. bra. = 3 tau. 8 pie. (See tables.) The result is 1 placed as the second partial product. When all of the terms of the multiplicand have- been multiplied by each term of the multiplier, all the results are added as shown. 1 Giorgio Chiarini, Qvesta e ellibro che tracta de Mercatantie et vsanze- de paesi (1481 ed.). " I IBBRE cento Di Firenze fanma in Siena lib 6 ceto tire i pugiia lib^ cii.I. ciiij. In Lucca lib. c. ii. I Pifa lib. c.v. & hora e tucto uno conquel di Firenze -." Fol. 5. 2 Raets, Een niew Cijfferboeck (1580 ed.), "So den Centner Nuren- burghs weecht tot Antwerpen 108 lb. hoe veel Centners doe 11682 lb. Ant- werps?" Fol. Hiiii recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 8 1 trian, Hungarian, Meissen, Augsburg, Strassburg, Wirten- berg, Venetian, Parisian, with comparisons. 1 3. Tables of common weight. 2 4. The value of a centner in Venice, Nuremberg, Frank- furt, Genoa, Prussia. 5. Table of gold and silver weight. ) Worms, Oppenheim, 6. Table of wine measure. | Mainz. 7. The number of Omen in a Fuder in Heidelberg, Speier, Wachenheim, Durckerm. 8. Table of grain and fruit measure. 9. Table of time: minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years. He divided the minutes into 18 Puncten instead of into 60 seconds, and gave 364 days for a year. 10. Table of cloth measure. 11. Table of measure of Fustian. 12. Measure of salt fish. Aliquot parts were commonly treated by commercial writ- ers. Their importance has never waned, although they have often been neglected, and their character changed. Baker gave this definition of aliquot parts : 3 "An aliquot part 1 Kdbel, Zwey rechenbuchlin (1537 ed.). " Der Churfurften Miintz am Rihein, fol. B T verso; Miintz Pranckfurter Wehrung, fol. B g recto; Miintz zu Nurenbergk, fol. B g recto; Ofterreiohifch Miintz, fol. B g verso; Vngerifch Miintz, fol. B g verso; Meifiwifoh Miintz, fol. B g verso; Miintz zu Augfiburgk, fol. B g v«rso ; Miintz zu Strafiburgk, fol. B g verso ; Miintz, in Wirtenberger land, fol. C recto; Der Venediger Miintz, fol. C recto; Miintz, zu Parifi." Fol. C verso. 2 Kobel, Zwey rechenbuchlin (1537 ed.). " Von gemeynen Gewichten. Centner Cz 100. lb. Pfundt lb 32. lot. Ein Lot It hat 4. quintr/ad' ein halbe vntz. Quint qui 4. ^9| Mark mar *26. lot. " ♦26 should be 16. Fol. C 2 verso. One centner = 100 lb. " ipfund = 32 lot " lot = 4 quintal, or yi ounce " Quintal = 4 pfennige " Mark = 16 lot 8 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Mvii verso. 82 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC is an eue part of a shiling or of a pound or of any- other thing, as %, %, %, Ys, &c, are called aliquot parts." He then discussed the aliquot parts of a shilling so that in the reduction the fractions of a shilling may easily be replaced by- pence. Besides the tables of weights and measures there were tables to assist in the solution of problems containing denominate numbers. An excellent specimen is a work compiled by Jean, 1 in which the author showed how to work problems in multiplication, Rule of Three, In- verse Rule of Three, and interest. His first table com- posed of multiples of monetary units occupies forty-six octavo pages. The numbers at the top of the col- umn begin at i and proceed to 200,- 000. The numbers in the first column begin with 1 and proceed to 25. Un- der each of the column headings there are three divisions for the livre, sou, and denier respectively. He gave a problem and explained its solution thus : " Sup- pose that 29 aunes of merchandise have been bought at 7 livres 1 1 sous 9 deniers an aune, to obtain the cost it is necessary to find column 29 and go down the column containing lira until you are opposite to the 7 of the small tree. Here you will 1 Alexander Jean, Arithmetique Av Miroir (1637 ed.), fol. Aij verso. «., 2t ~**p '■ 2. 6 I a S& :,6. 4- 8 iS :y8. :4 . 10 00 5: •?• 3 84 4'4- :7. 87 4' 7 - ■7.3 »» 4:10. :7. * _i_ II 2 r.ii. '*■ 4 llrf y.-.dT. ■9.8 12a 6: :io. 1 J ( 4 7: :n. a '4? 7: ». :ia. 1 iy« 7:10 :,z.6 1 6 t68 fl:R. .14. ■74 8:14. .■14.6" ■-So ?'■ ■IS- [ 7 „6 9-16. :,6.4 "I •<" T- :l6-.» 2 10 10:10 ■M.6 8 224 11:4. 38. 8 2.32 Mill. .1.J.4 240 (2: :ifi. i 9 j.;» 12:11. 3.1. 2tf, r 3 :i. ■"■9 270 13:10 ;12./f 10 ififl >4-' 127.4 Ago .4:10. 34.2 300 'j: ■.2$. i n 3°e K.-8. :ij. 8 f'9 1 JVl^. 3-. '■W-8J453 24:15. 141, i| y 10 2f.-|0 :42.1ft] if 9°4 2S-.-4. :42. JJ5-22. 2.6:1.. 'j3- 9 y?» 26:12. f*.»| 5? • 27:11. ay.!! 5 7" z?:!0 J47. 6 10 $60 2.8: ■46. 8 ye.° 2j>: HQ.i 6"/] 3» : ■f- 21 5-83 20:3. 45- 60, V:?- ->-.-. p\u-c V" :$t..6 J±. 616. ,0,6. illl± 633 31:18. :y3. 2(^60 73 : ■■*?■ ^ M±_ 52.:^. :T3- 8 6 6-/ 3-f-T- : ?f-7\6s"> 3£i£ ■y 7- "1 14 6-ri T7 .,2 :,£ 6 g6 34 : " f :y8. J7*" -£r 3: 1 Li£ ■job 1 ' ) J?: ^ \7*S ? *.y. :6"o. yl7 yo 57:10 3:2. 6j I n "" V HrVlB l' "SBfa 1 l&wfo THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 83 find 203, the number of livres for the result." 1 He finds the other products in the same way and combines them to find the result. If one were to pass from the field of arithmetical text-books and aim at completeness in describing the denominate number systems, the result would be voluminous. An excellent idea of the arithmetic of the custom-houses of that time is given by Bartholomeo di Pasi. His work 2 of 200 octavo pages is a compilation of tables mostly of this kind: (The values of the lira in various cities.) Bolzano L 239 Melano L 239 Firenza 227 Genoa 247 Bologna 2i6y 2 Roma 217 Napoli 244 Piafenza 239 Mantoa 239 Ferrara 226 Parma 140 Nolimbergo 156 Geneura 164 Auignone 185 Parife 179 Lione 182 Marfiglia 193 Valenza 215 Fol. D s verso. The values of the lira, the pezza (measure of length) and others are given for over a hundred cities. Writers of commercial arithmetic, on account of their ten- dency to emphasize the utility of the processes, generally placed denominate-number problems under each operation with integers instead of deferring the whole subject to a separate chapter. Baker, after having explained the addition of in- 1 Jean, Arithmetique Av Miroir (1637 ed.). " Suppofez avoir aehepte 29 aunes de marchandife a 7 liures 11 fols. 9 deniers l'aune, il faut trouuer la Colomne 29. & defcendre dans les liures d'icelle iufques vis a vis du 7 du petit arbre, vous y trouuerez 203. qui sorat liures. Pour ks 11. fols, il fault defcendre dans les fols de la dite Colomne iufques vis a vis de n. dudit petit arbre, ou vous trouuerez 15 liures 19 fols. Et pour les 9 denier, il faut defcendre dans les deniers d'icelle colomne iufques vis a vis du 9. du petit arbre, ou vous trouuerez 21 fol 9 deniers. Lesquelfes trois fommes fcauoir pour Jes liures' 203 liures, pour les fols 15 liures 19 fols, & pour les deniers 21 fols 9 deniers, il faut assembler & vous trouuerez que 29 a.ulnes a 7 liures 11 fols 9 deniers, valient 220 liures 9 deniers." Fol. Aij verso. 2 Bartholomeo Di Pasi da Vinetia (1557 ed.) Tariffa de i pesi, e misure corrispondenti dal Leuante al Ponente, e da una terra, e luogo all' altro, quafi per tutte le parti del mondo. 132 13 8 3456 16 5 789 A. 17 gr. 7 d. 67 9 6 2S2 20 3 84 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC tegers, passed at once to the addition of pounds, shilling's and pence. Adam Riese, by common consent the greatest reckon- ing master of his time, in his book on line-reckoning began addition and subtraction with examples of denominate num- bers. Thus, in addition he used the an- nexed problem. 1 Even writers who were chiefly concerned with traditional arith- metic felt the demand for work in de- nominate numbers. For instance, under division Cirvelo says that division is ,_„„ ■> 4729 14 5 used to reduce money of smaller denom- ination to larger^ just as multiplication is used to re- duce money of larger denomination to smaller. 2 Monetary systems generally took precedence over all others in order of treatment, as indicated by the examples above. In excep- tional cases weight was placed first. The plan of introducing denominate numbers under addition of integers leads at once to a difficulty in sequence of processes. The reductions from one denomination to another in simplifying the result occa- sionally required a knowledge of division, as in these examples : 340 flo. yp 25 d 3 lib 7974 />I3 7* 124 7 20 lib 879 fil2 6 98 6 27 lib 9400 P 5 7 49 12 lib 794 / 8 9 58 6 18 Suma lib 19049 P 5 672 flo. S 12 d As to the general character of the exercises given under the subject of denominate numbers, it is worthy of note that they 1 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.), fol. Aiiij. recto. 2 Cirvelo, Tractatus Arithmetice (1513 ed.). "C Finis diuifionis eft vt fciamus quo mo pluribus debet diftribui aliqua pecunia fecundu partes equales quantu debet habere e quisqj eorum, et qri hafoemus aliqua. magna copia. denariorum et voluerimus videre quot folidi vel quot aurei aut argentei fierent ex illis et ad plura alia valet, vnde ficut multiplioationem poflutnus groffiorem reducere ad fubtiliorem : ita per diuilionem poffumus ex minore moneta conftatuere maiorem." Fol. a yii recto. 3 Rudolff, Kunstliche rechnung (1534 ed.), fol. Bvi verso. 4 Cardan, Practica Arithmetice (1539 ed.), fol. Avi recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 85 ■did not contain long lists of numbers to be manipulated merely for practice in figuring. Concrete applications were plenti- fully supplied, and ability on the part of the learner to solve these practical problems was evidently the goal of instruction. FRACTIONS Definitions Two conceptions of the fraction were prevalent among the writers of that period : ( 1 ) A fraction is one or more of the equal parts of a unit. (2) A fraction is the indicated quotient of two integers. Among the examples of the former is the treatment by Kobel, which reminds us how long the worthy apple has done educational service. 1 He divides the apple into twenty parts, each part of which is called a twentieth. Ten of these parts make half the apple, and five of the twenty parts taken together make a quarter of the apple, and so on. Kobel is unique in opening the subject of fractions with a statement of their utility : 2 " Since it happens that commercial questions concerning measure, weight, and exchange are not always asked and reckoned with in whole numbers, I shall instruct you in the following pages, so that you may understand how to arrange, interpret, and reckon questions involving calcula- tion with fractions occurring in measure and weight. I prom- 1 Kobel, Zwey rechenbuchlin (1537 ed.). "So du ein gantzen apffel hast/ vnd zerfchneideft oder tfaeyleft den felben/ in zwentzig teyl oder ftuck/ so ift >der felben zwentzig theyl odder ftuck/ ieglichs ein zwentzigft theyl des gantzenn .apffels genant/ rand wart inn der rechenfchafft iedes ftuck ein bruch geteutfcht/ der felben zwentzigtheyl/ zahen/ fo man die widerumb zufamen fetzt/ zeygen fie ein balben apffel an/ vnnd fo du der zweanitzigtheyl fiinff zufamen Legft/ fiheftu ein viertheil des apffels jc. vnd alfo fur vnd fur zu rechnen fein die theyl oder briich zuuenftehn." Fol. H 3 verso. 2 Kobel, Zwey rechenbuchlin (1537 ed.). " Dieweil fich nit allweg begibt/ das die handel/ kauff und fragen/ in gantzen zalen/ inaffen/ gewichten/ oder verwechfilungenn gefchehen/ gefragt vnnd gerechnet wer- den/ wil ich dich hernach leren/ fo dir in fragenn/ oder rechnungen gebrocbne zalen/ ungerade gelt/ tnafi oder gewicht fiirkumpt/ wie du das ordnen/ verftehn und rechnen folt/ fo vil zu difem gmeyneim heufilichem gebraucih und Rechnen/ ich dir verheyffen un einem angenden Rechner am erften zu wiffen not ift offenbaren." Fol. H recto. 86 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC ise to teach you as much as is evidently necessary for every- day use for a beginner in the art of calculation." Another example of the first definition, and one in which the measured units of denominate numbers serve to define the fraction, -is given by Champenois as follows : * "A fraction is part of an integral whole. As a livre is an integral whole, and its parts are 20 sous; and one sou is an integral whole whose parts are 12 deniers; an aune is an integral whole, and its parts are three tiers, four quarts, and other parts, a c d e b " If the aune ab be divided into four equal parts at the points c, d, and e, acde will be the three-fourths, which the purchaser took, and the other fourth, eb, will be kept by the merchant." 2 The graphical method of explaining fractions was very rare in that period. The definition of Gemma Frisius is of the same kind and contains an explanation of the terms numerator and denomi- nator. 3 " We call the numbers showing the parts of an in- tegral thing fractions,, or parts, as J4 signifies one-half; Ya, a 1 Champenois, Les Institutions De L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.). "Frac- tion eft partie d'vn entier. Comme vne liure eft vn entier, & fes par- ties .font 20. fols. & vn fols eft vn entier, & fes parties font 12 deniers, vne aulne eft vn entier, & fes parties fot trois tiers, quatre quarts, & autres parties." Page 85, fol. Giij reoto. 2 Champenois, Les Institutions De L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.). " Soit l'aulne .a.h. diuifee en quatre parties egales, au poinct .c.d.e. les trois quarts feront a.e.d.e. que 1'achepteur predra, & reftera l'autre quart au marchant .e.b." Page 86, Giij verso. 3 Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus Facilis (1581 ed.). " Fractiones, rninutias, aut partes, appellamus numeros integrae rei par- tes significantes, vt -| semissem significat, A quadrantem siue quartam partem, | dodrantem, aut tres quadrantes. Scribuntur duobus numeris, superiorem numeratorem, inferiorem denominatorem appellant : hunc quod denotet, quot in partes integrum secari oporteat : ilium, quia quot huius- rnodi sumendae sint particulae, numeret. Veluti -|, hie inferior denotat integrum dividendum in 7, sumendas tamen tantu itres septimas innuit superior. Cum igitur duo hi fuerint aequales, semper integrum fcawtum de- notatur, vt ^. Cum superior maior est, plus integro: cum minor est, minus integro significat." Fol. C verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 87 fourth; and $4, three-fourths. They are written with two numbers ; the upper one is called 1 the numerator, the lower one the denominator, the latter of which denotes into how many parts the integer must be divided, the former shows how many of these parts are to be taken. For example, in f the lower number denotes that the integer is to be divided into seven parts ; the upper one shows, however, that only three-sevenths are to be taken. Therefore, when these two numbers arc equal, a whole number is designated, as 11- When the upper number is greater, it signifies more than a whole number; when it is less, it signifies less than a whole number." The second conception of the; fraction is well illustrated from Trenchant : 1 " The teaching of fractions, of which we have given the definition in Chapter 2, should follow division, so as to follow the proper source from which it originates. For this will happen most often when a smaller number is to be divided by a larger ; or when it results from a division, as 24 divided by 60 makes f-f; or when it results from a divi- sion, as 24 resulting from a division by 60 makes f^. The 24 is the numerator and 60 the denominator, and the fraction is called twenty-four sixtieths." The second form- of definition was used by Raets : 2 " Frac- tions arise (as has been explained) from division of a number by a greater number. For instance, when 2 is divided by 3, then § results," and also by Tartaglia, who gave this illus- tration : 3 " To divide 15 by 2. It will be impossible to divide 15 into two equal parts. After dividing there will be one 1 Trenchant, L'Arifchmetique (1578 ed.). "La doctrine ion, come fuyuant sa .propre fourfe dont il prent origine. Car iceluy auient le plus fouuent quand Ion diuife vn moindre nombre, par vn maieur : icomme 24 par 60, fet 2-i: ou quand il relte d'vne partition: comme 24 reftant d'vne partition par 60 fet |.£: le 24 eft numerateur: & le 60, denominateur : & s'exprkne vint & quatre foixantiemes." Fol. G recto. 2 Raets, Arithmetica Oft Een niew cijfferboeck/ (1580). "Die ghebroken ghetalen spruyten (als verclart is) wuter Diuision/ alsmen een ghetal divideert met een grooter. Ghrlijck alsmen divideert 2. met 3. foo comen- der %." Fol. Biiij verso. 3 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte Del General Trattato (1556 ed.). 88 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC part left, which is still to be divided by the divisor. Then i is taken for the numerator and 2 for the denominator of the fraction." Thus, the proper relation of the fraction to the process of division was recognized, and the fraction was taught as a necessary step in the growth of the number system. The second method of approach to the fraction, though less common than the first, persisted for two centuries. It is in- teresting to compare Tartaglia's treatment quoted above with the following from Gio (1689) more than a century and a quarter later : 1 " When a divisor is greater than a dividend. When it is necessary to divide a smaller dividend by a divisor, place the divisor under the dividend, and, as no quotient is obtained, a fraction is formed. Thus, if the divisor is 40 and the dividend 20, place 40 below the 20, then the quotient |$ results." The degree to which these conceptions of the fraction were held to be incompatible by some is exemplified in the work of Unicorn, 2 who began with the first definition and ended a long treatment with these cases of division, the last and least of which is the second definition. Division of fractions : A fraction by a fraction. An integer by a fraction. A mixed number by a fraction. A mixed number by a mixed number. A fraction by an integer. An integer by a mixed number. A fraction by a mixed number. A mixed number by an integer. 1 Gio, Padre, Elementi Arithmetic! (1689 ed.). Quando un Partitore foffe moggiore de composto. Quanto s'haueffe da partire vn Compofto minore del Partitore ; si mette il Partitore lotto il compolto, e ne viene di Quotiente quel rotto che fi forma. Gome se foffe Partitore 40, Composto 20. Perche il 40. non puo entrare in 20., percio neffo 40. fotto il 20, resta di Quotiente |^. 4o)|~g- Quotiente." Fol. Cviij verso. 2 Unicorn, De L'Arithmetica universale (1598 ed.). THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 89 One integer by another; that is, in case the dividend is smaller than' the divisor, as 48 by 64 gives $f . A curious mixture of the two definitions is found in Ramus : x " If 8 is divided by 3, the quotient is 2, and % are left. 2 is the number of parts, 3 the name. If I wish to divide 11 asses by 3, this division ty (3I) will indicate 3 asses and % of 1 ass. If the numerator and the denominator are equal, as ff£ the number is an integer; if larger, as J-ff , it will be more than an integer." Both were happily combined by Tonstall, whose definition is : 2 "Any integer may be divided into as many parts as one wishes from 1 1 to infinity." Although Tonstall often goes to extremes in details, his treatment of the relative size of frac- tions should have a mission. One of the chief reasons why ■children have difficulty in mastering fractions is that they do not make a sufficient number of comparisons. They do not ■observe the change in the fraction by varying its terms. Ton- stall's comparisons are suggestive of good method : 3 " The greater the denominator and the fewer of these parts there are, the farther is the fraction removed from the integer; the smaller the denominator and the more of these parts there are, 1 Ramus, Arifchmeticae Libri duo (1586 ed.). "Ut efto 8. dividendus per 3. quotus integer est 2, 6* fuperfunt 2, que interpofita linea fupernotata divisori, tandem ipfa quoqj divifa flint, inventaqi fraotio % quoto priori 2 ad h f > f is an integer and J /& over, and so on. Third. By as many parts as the numerator is less than the denominator in units, by so much is the fraction less than an integer, J4 is one-fourth less than an integer." Classes of Fractions Two classes of fractions were recognized : Common fractions, variously called numeri rotti, fragmenta,. nombres rouptz, fractiones, 1 minutiae vulgares seu mercatoriae. Sexagesimal fractions, called fractiones astronomicae, or minutae phisicae. 2 Cirvelo, in the third part of his Practica Arithmetica (1555. ed.), explained the operations with the sexagesimal fractions by reference to those with denominations of weight and value. The following shows his method of associating the addition of signs, degrees, minutes, etc., by reference to the addition of ducats, soldi, denarii, etc. signa gradus minuta secunda tertia 5 47 39 S3 15 3 26 54 18 34 2 17 23 45 45 11 31 57 57 45 fua 1 The word "fractio" is as old as Hispalensis (c. 1150). Treutlein, Ab- handlungen, 3 : 112. a Planudes introduced sexagesimal fractions under the title " Zodiac " and showed how to use them in the four operations. According to Sayce and Bosanquet, the origin of these fractions is sometimes incorrectly attrib- uted to the Assyrians. Publications of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1880, vol. xl, no. 3. Auri argenti den. ducati solidi 12 23 9 8 16 7 23 14 11 THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 91 Practica in Monetis. oboli 4 3 5 53 25 40 fua Fol. b alj recto. 6 oboli = 1 denarius. 12 denarii = 1 solidus. 30 solidi = 1 ducatum. A double entry multiplication table is also given by Cirvelo, page 38, but it was not an invention of the sixteenth century, for the Arabs had used this means of calculation 1 much earlier. In German works that treated of line-reckoning, Roman notation was occasionally used to express fractions. An ex- cellent illustration showing the struggle of the Hindu and Roman systems is the following from Kobel : 1 " The numerator 1 This symbol is one-oneth, The separatrix — that is, the integer 1. The denominator 1 " Then, whatever equal numbers are found in the numerator and denominator, they always mean in such a symbol the in- teger 1 ; for example, 4 fourths are 1 and written j-ja i n th e German numerals and £ in figures. Similarly, 6 sixths is also 1 and written ^j- or f . " The illustration on the next page shows a part of a page from Kobel's arithmetic (1544). 1 Kobel, Zwey rechenbuchlin (1537 ed.). " Der zeler I Difi figur ift vnd bedeut ein eintheyl/ das Das ftrichlin — ift ein gantzs. Der Nenner I Damn in welcher zal du den Zeler vnd Nener gleioh findeft/ fo bedeutten die felbigen figuren alwegen. ein gantze zal/ als vier viertheil/ die tnaohen ein gantz/ vnd werden alio mit teutfoher zal gefiOhriben j^/ aber mit den ziffern alio £ Dergleicheni ift 6. fechfteil audi ein gantzs/ vfi fctorei'b es alio fj/ vnd mit den ziffem |.." Fol. H 4 recto. For examples from other of Kobel's works see linger, pp. 15-16. 9 2 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC fce&eifc bi$fw* fccr felbett ttyl aim • I fcteffe fi'gur tfl vn bebetft Oit tint* iflT B<*«0en/rtlfo mag itiait and) aftt fififfffofl/ffpt fcd)(|rtO/rt(rt ftbcitwil CDerjtvat fcd}jftu'l2c- jwb «U* VF 5D# few ©cd;6 aM/tae few fedjetoil tar VHT «d;t ain qm% mcvfym . IX fci£ #g»r bc^atgt rciffig£ attt g multiplicare ehe non e k> f ummare. E nelli fani la piu difficile parte fo ed partire. E qui nelli rotti e la piu facile : che quella intendi di THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 95 planation of reckoning with fractions, multiplication precedes addition, for fractions and whole numbers are so different that in whole numbers addition is more easily .treated, while in fractions it is more difficult than multiplication and should follow." Reduction The reduction 1 of fractions to lowest terms was effected in simple cases by inspection'. Ini other cases it was necessary to apply tests of divisibility to find the common factors of the numerator and the denominator. Reduction to lowest terms was the only method of simplifying fractions, since the decimal fractions had not yet come into use ; consequently, the tests of ■divisibility, and occasionally the Euclidean method of Great- est Common Divisor, were given by theoretic writers before fractions. For example, Ramus preceded his treatment of fractions by five chapters, as follows : 1 Chapter VI. Concerning odd and even numbers. From division arise different kinds of num- bers : odd and even', prime and composite. Chapter VII. Concerning prime and composite numbers, in which the sieve of Eratosthenes is used. Chapter VIII. Concerning numbers prime to one another. Chapter IX. Concerning composite numbers and their Greatest Common Divisor. Chapter X. Concerning the Least Common Denomin- ator. fani. El fotrare in quelli ene asfai piu facile: .che non e el fotrare in li rotti. E pero dal multiplicare me pare ben comenzare." Fol. 50 recto, Gij xecto. Reconde (1558 ed.) makes the same explanation. Fol. Riiij verso. 1 Ramus, Arithmeticae Libri duo (1586 ed.). " Caput VI De Numero Impari et Pari. E divilione oritur numeri differentia duplex, imparis & paris, primis & agregare J, ■|, -J, -J agrego p modu dictu Prima duo & fatiut i-| & reliq duo & fatiut ||, deinde agrego .11 & ♦» & fifit 1 a ° | S 9 8 - & sut integri tres & -^ & hoc eft facile.'' Fol. Bii recto. 2 It was not customary, however, to use the least common -denominator. 3 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522 ed.). "Si vero plura fuerunt fffagrneta: uti duae tertie. tres quartae. quatuor quintae. poft duo priora fragmemta, ficuti diximus, redticta, iterum denominator comunis prius in- ueftigatus per tertij fragmenti denominaforem multiplicetur : et f urgent fexaginta, omnium denominator communis. % i i *TT * 6 * Should be 17 in the original, which shows that the fractions were added. "Qj si fcire oupis : quot partes fexagefirnae Tint in quouis fragmento- numeratoram ipfius fragmenti in denoaninatorem comunemi multiplies: nempe fexaginta: numerumoj iprocrea'tu diuide per eiufdem fragmenti de- nominatorem. Ita deprehendes in duabus tertij s quadraginta fexagefimas Q |_o et in tribus quartis quadraginta quinq; . fexagefimas | M- et in quatuor quitis quadraginta octo fexigefimas." Fol. P 3 verso. * Raets, Arithmetica Oft Een niew Cijfferboeck (1380 ed.), fol. Bvi verso, to Bviii reoto. W(40 & 3 W(20 W 7 W(82 «» 4 120 5 8 140 4 5 128 4 8 40 3 20 7 32 4 THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES ioi Therefore, the 'fractions become f£#, ££■$, f|f • 2. 3. 120 140 128 This problem has an additional interest on account of its three solutions. In the first the common denominator is multiplied by each numerator, and the result is divided by the correspond- ing denominator. This is evidently the longest method. In the second the common denominator is divided by each de- nominator, and the results multiplied by the corresponding nu- merators. In the third the product of two denominators is multiplied by the numerator of the third fraction; this is the shortest process. Mixed numbers were added in two ways : ( i ) By adding the integers and fractions separately and combining the results. (2) By reducing the mixed numbers to improper fractions and adding. The following example from Rudolff * shows a com- mon form for arranging the work in adding by the first method : 13J 3 8 10 6 n 12? iif* 19} 53£ 12 12 The following shows the work of adding mixed numbers by the use of the second method : 2 1 Rudolff, Kunstliche reohnung (1534 ed.), fol. Dii recto. 2 Ciaccihi, Regole Generali D'Abbaco (1675 ed.). " Del secondo modo di sommare interi, e rotti. Supponga fi per efempio, ohe vno fi trouaffe debi- tx>re d'vn altro di diuerfe fomme di danari, cioe di lire 16=-, di lir. 4^, di lir. Us-, di lir. 25^, di lir. 6£-, di lir. 15.7.12 firm, e di lir. 4.5.12 fimi, si domando di quanta f i douera afcriuere in vna fola partita ; Si ponghino 102 iixian^in cc/Vi uki ' AKlit iM2.UL 16* 4| Hi 25f 6$ IS* ^ il 1 2 9. 4 A A £ ¥ ¥ ¥ Somma prima seconda terza quarta quinta seJJta settima 594 168 405 930 232 561 159 ¥ W H 3049 36] 84.13.10.% The top row contains the numbers to be added. The third row is composed of the same numbers reduced to improper fractions. The middle row contains numbers of which the numerator of each fraction is to be multiplied to give an equal fraction with the denominator 36. The column which fol- lows is the sum of these numerators. The result is expressed in lira, soldi, and denarii. Under addition and other processes with fractions there generally were included problems in denominate numbers. 1 Subtraction The order in subtraction was naturally the same as that in addition. That is, the subtraction of fractions ( 1 ) with the le fomme per ordine, e fi reduehino gl' interi a quella parte, con la quale fi trouano copulati, e s'offerui il modo notato nell' antecedente." Fol. D recto. 1 This problem from Trenchant (L'Arithmetique, 1578 ed.) will illus- trate: The fractions represent parts of a lira, a money denomination, the second col- umn contains the equivalent amounts expressed- in the lower denominations, soldi and denarii. }, 10 f s § 13 4 i 5 * 16 8 ft 7 6 & 11 8 3& 3 1. 4 r. 2 s THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 103. like denominators, (2) with different denominators. Baker, 1 Gemma Frisius, 2 and Tonstall 3 emphasized the subtraction of a fraction' from an integer, performing the process in two ways : By detaching one from the integer and subtracting the fraction from that, and by reducing the integer to an improper fraction of the same denominator as the given fraction and then subtracting. The subtraction of mixed numbers was accomplished in two ways : by subtracting the fractions separately, adding one to the minuend when necessary, and by reducing both minuend and subtrahend to improper fractions. Theorists like Ton- stall * who were fond of extreme classification gave three cases under mixed numbers : 1. Subtraction of a fraction from a mixed number. 2. Subtraction of an integer from a mixed number. • 3. Subtraction of a mixed number from a mixed number. The placing of ( 1 ) before (2) in this list is an example of the illogical order that characterized even the work of careful writers of this period. 1 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Ki recto, Kii recto. 2 Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus Facilis (1581 ed.), fol. Cv verso. » Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522 ed.). To subtract f from 12, take 1 from 12 which leaves 11. 1 = -f and fy — A = f. Hence, 12 — * = "f Or, 12 may be reduced to sevenths, making 4*.. 3*. — * = ^ lit. " Quando minutiae fubducentur ab irategris : f uffecerit eas ab uno integ.ro, in minutias foluto, fubducere. et quod tarn de integris q de minutijs ref- tabit: totius fubductionis erit reliquum. Veluti fi | fubtrahendae funt a 12. fumamus .1. de .12. et reftabunt .11. ab illo autem uno demptis £, reliquentur |. que copulatae cum. 11. reftare faciunt .nf. tantum fupereft: fi A a. 12. fubducimus. Alij integra minutiarum more, fupra lineam notant: cui unitatem subijciunt, ad integra defignanda. Deinde quafi minutiae a minutijs subducendae ef f ent : pofit obliquam numeratorum in denominatores multiplkaitionem, minoram productum a maiore fub- doicunt: et fupra. lineami notant. cui denotninatorem fubdunt. ita. 7. in 12. ducta creant .84. et. 4 in .1. ducta faciunt .4. que fubduota ab .84. reliquunt 80 Ea, fi reducas ad integra: fient .11$. ita res ad idem recidet. | X 8. 8 0" Fol. S recto. Riese (1571 ed.) used this plan, fol. Dii verso. * Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522), fol. S 2 recto. 104 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Among the works which correlate fractions and denominate numbers, it would be difficult to find a better specimen than that of Wencelaus. This is an example under subtraction of frac- tions : 1 "A silversmith had an amount of silver weighing 1 5 marc if once, he wished to make from it an article weighing 8 marc 5$ once. The question is: How much silver is left?" Multiplication The multiplication of fractions was generally based upon the definition of a fraction'. This statement, often included in the general definition of a fraction, gave the common rule for forming the product of two fractions. That the multiplication of one fraction by another does not require special emphasis was observed by Champenois : 2 " Fractions of fractions occur more rarely than the others (simple fractions), as two-thirds of three-fourths is written thus: f of |. Likewise, three- fifths of a half, f of I. Also, a half of two-thirds is \ of f . Two-thirds of three-fourths of five-sevenths is f of f of f." Calandri, who placed multiplication of fractions before addi- tion, introduced the subject by finding the product of an in- teger and a fraction. 3 Though complicated by the use of 1 Wencelaus, T'Fondament Van Arithmetica (1599 ed.). Item >eenen Silversmit faeeft een Item vn Orsebure a vn masse Masse Silvers van 15. Marc/ inde dargent de 15. marc. & IJ|. d'once, 1. &. once/ daer wt wil hy een il en veut faire vn ouurage de 8. ■weeck toerichten van 8. marc, ende marc. 5%. once, la demande est, 5. i. oncen. De vraghe is : Hoe marc. Sj. once, la demande est, veel Silvers restar nooh? P. 82. 82. 2 Champenois, Les Institvtions De L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.). "Les Fractions de Fractions aduinnet plus xarement que les autres, & f efcriuent par plufieurs fimples minutes, comme deux tiers de troisi quarts ainfi fig- ure, |- de £. Item trois einquiefmes d'vn demy, -| de A. Plus vn demy de deux tiers ^ de %. Dauantage deux tiers de trois quarts de cinq feptiemes f de I de f " P. 88, fol. Giiij verso. 3l Calandri, Arithmetica (1491 ed.). The problem is: "A man gained 45 y IS P 4 6 in one year, what will he gain in 23 years 3-| months ?" Original. "Lhuomo guadagna lanno 45 ^ 15 /8 4 $ che ghuadagnera in 23 anni 3 mefi £." (See next page for the solution.) THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES I05 denominate numbers it amounts to finding 3 /i of 45, 15, and 4. This is the appropriate phase with which to begin the multipli- cation of fractions and, as such, should precede formal work in addition and subtraction. Such a plan would be an im- provement in modern arithmetic. The directions for forming the products of two fractions were the same as those in present use : Take the product of the numerators for a new numerator and the product of the denominators for a new denomina- tor. 1 Thus, f met f comt ■&. Mixed numbers were usu- ally reduced to improper fractions, as in : 2 3* 6 i met 19 55 A rare representation of the product of three fractions was given by Champenois : 3 I wish to reduce a half of two-thirds 23 3f He solves the prob lern thus : T r* 1 45 ■ *5 4 3 16 3i IS 3 920 | 12 "5 1 5 17 5 7 8 9 2 8 9 1 2 s — 9 1066 y. 70 3d He •will gain in the time stated above if 1066 P 7 s 3- "Guadagnera nel fopra decto tempo difopra if. 1066 P > d 3 a pl'd." Pol. dvi recto, fol. 26 r. Another example from Calandri is: "El cogno de uino vale 37 if 15 P 8 t X 5 = tV> tV X tV = ts, and so on. It is evident that the products of other fractions may be found from similar dia- grams. The applications of multiplication involving denomin- ate numbers were of the type, — the product of an integer and a fraction, — as illustrated by this problem from Kobel. 1 " 76 persons have 4698 gulden to be divided among them. The question is: 'How much belongs to each?' Solving by the Rule of Three, one finds that the share of each is 71 If guldens. Reduce further this fraction and all resulting frac- tions according to the method described in the rule above and according to the example which follows, until the lowest de- nomination and the lowest fraction: of that denomination is reached." Division The prevalent order in the treatment of the division of frac- tions was ( 1 ) to divide the numerators of fractions having a common denominator, (2) to reduce to a common denomin- ator and divide the numerators, (3) to multiply crosswise the numerator of each fraction by the denominator of the other, (4) to invert the divisor and multiply. The third method is not so frequently used as the first and second, and the fourth is very rare. An excellent example of the fourth method is From Thierf eldern : 2 " When the denominators are different, rae fet que le quarreau E : qui n'eft que le -^ du total & enltier quarre A, B, qui en contient 25 femblables. Parquoy apert que 1 par A multi- plie, ne fet que -fo d'entier : comme auffi § par £ ne fet que -^ ; & § par I font TS- " Semblablemeot fe peut .demontrer par vne autre fuperfice, ayant 4 de long, & 3 de large: que £ par \, fet ^; & § par f, fet ^: & ainfi des autres, ce qui nous a femble bon de declarer en paffant" Fol. H 3 recto. 1 Kobel, Zwey rechenbuchlin (iS37 ed.). "Auff das nim difi Exempel. 76. perfonen haben vnder ficb zu teylen 4698. gulden. 1st die frag/ ■was vfi wie vil geburt jr jeglichem. Machs nach der Regel de Tri/ fo findet rich das einem geburt 71. guide/ und -|-| eines guldens. Dife vnd 1 all ander ibriich reducier/ minder/ und bring fie alfo nach aufi weifung obgefchribner regel vnd Exempel/ wie naohuolgt/ in den kleyneren bruch Oder in das kleyner theyl." Fol. H g verso. 2 Thierfeldern, Arithmetica Oder Rechenbuch Auff den Linien vnd Ziffer/ 108 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC invert the divisor (which you are to place at the right) and multiply the numbers above (new numerators) together and the numbers below (new denominators) together, then you have the correct result. As, to divide f by f, invert thus I X f = If = ii" Thierfeldern used cancellation to simplify the work, as shown in the ex- 1 3 7 go ample x at the right. This was rarely ^ mit Ti facit lf done in the works of that time. (4) (2) Teachers often complain that their pupils do not readily pass to the multiplication 1 by the reciprocal of the divisor after they have begun by using the common denominator method. The crosswise method of the sixteenth century forms a connecting link between these two plans, and it is possible that it could be used to advantage in making the transition in teaching. The relation is shown in this example from Baker. 2 The divisor was generally written first (which would 9 not be done now) and the terms of the result above ixf and below. If these fractions were changed to fractions with a common denominator, 12, the numerator would be found by multiplying the same numbers that are multiplied in the above work ; and, since the result is the quo- tient of these numerators, Baker's process is the same as the one in which the common denominator is used, only the changed fractions are not in evidence. The denominate number problems following division were of this type : 3 "At Breslau a man buys 3 sacks of wool weigh- ing 14 stein, 12 stein, and 15 stein. How many centners is this, if one centner is equal to 5^4 stein, and a stein is equal to 24 lb. ? Ans. 7 ceh 2. stein 2 lb. (1578 ed.). "Da aber die Nenner vngleich/ £o kehre allzeit den Theyler (welchen :du zur rechten Hand fetzen folt) vmb/ vnd multiplicir darnacb die obern vnd vndern mit einander/ fo haft du es verricht/ Als : 4 in 4. stehet vmb gekehrt also : 24 I 4. in -| r il das Facit." Pages 64 and 65. 1 Thierfeldern, Arithmetica (1578 ed.), page 63. 2 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Kviii recto. 3 Rudolff, Kunstliche rechnung mit der Ziffern und mit den Zalpfennige/ (1534 ed.). THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES IOO " 12 Nuremberg pfennings equal what part of a pound? Ans. f ." " i A f 6 is what part of i L ? Ans. -^ L." Doubling and halving were often included under fractions with the same meaning as under integers and with as little use for independent existence. Baker, whose work is char- acterized by minute classification, devotes the eighth chapter in his book to duplation (doubling), triplation, and quadrupla- tion of fractions. He gives these examples : 1 (i) Duplation. To double any fraction, divide by 4. 6 To double f . | X f . 8 (2) Triplation. To triple |, divide £ by $=■§■. Proofs for the operations with fractions were far less nu- merous than for those with integers. One would expect this to be so. The work with fractions, having to do with small numbers, had usually been done mentally, without the use of the abacus, and so without proofs. Hence there were no proofs to carry over into figure reckoning, as there were in the case of integers. Only one-eighth of the writers gave proofs in fractions and commonly placed them at the close of the treatment of each operation, or in a list at the end of the chapter. This table from Van der Scheure shows that each operation may be proved by applying the inverse operation. 2 Soubstractio Additio Divisio Multiplicatio f Additio De proeve J Substractio van I Multiplicatio (_ Divisio Commercial arithmetics, especially those which did not have denominate numbers under each operation with fractions, con- tained a section following the operations called the " Rule of Three with Fractions." Van der Scheure opens this section 1 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Liii verso, Liiii verso. 2 Van 'der Scheure, Arithmetica (1600 ed.), fol. E 8 recto. HO SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC containing forty-one problems thus : * Having learned to use the species understandingly, do not fail to heed the advice to turn your thoughts quickly to the Rule of Three with Fractions. The following serve to illustrate (the application of this rule : 2 " If a centner of anything costs 9% florins, how much does a pound cost?" " If 45 ells of cloth cost 13 H 17 gr., how much do 7 ells cost ?" Ans. 2 U 3 gr. 1 s o % hi'. " 4^2 braza are worth 17 sol., what will 8 braza be worth? 3 " If a centner of wax is worth 13% florins, how much are I7J4 ft. worth?" PROGRESSIONS Among those arithmeticians on whom tradition worked its spell, none failed to give progressions (Arithmetic, Geometric and often Harmonic) a place. This subject appealed to both the classical and the modern scholars of that time, since it was persistent in the few classical works that survived and in the more recent acquisitions from the Hindus. Theoretical writ- ers did not attempt to justify the presence of Progressions in their text-books. That they were in existence was deemed sufficient reason why all educated persons should know of them. Although their position in the list of species was variable, the favorite place for them was after the division of whole 1 Van der Scheure, Arithmetica (1600 ed.). " Die Special gheleert. Zijn nu met claer bediea, Das laet den moet niet v&llen, Maer snel u sinnen keert Toto den Reghel van Drien, Ghebroken in ghetallen." Fol. E 8 verso. 2 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.). "Item/ Ein Centener fur. 9 floren/ vnd 1 orth/ Wie kom.pt ein pfund?" Fol. Dv recto. "Item/ 45 Ella tuchs fur 13 H/ 17 gr/ "Wis kommen 7 elln? Facit 2 A/ 3 gr/ 1 8/ o hi'/ y 3 ." Fol. Dvi recto. 3 Borgi, Arithmetica (1540 ed.). C E Xel te fuffe detto fe braza .4^. de tela val. fol. 17. che vaJera braza .8. Fol. E. recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEA TURES t z j numbers. 1 In some cases they followed proportion, in others roots. 2 Kobel and Van der Scheure reserved the subject for the latter part of their works, after practical arithmetic had been completed, and Noviomagus deferred it to his second book, entitled Liber Secundus Arithmeticae, qui est de numer- orurn Theorematis. 3 The usual treatment consists in defining the series and in giving the rules for the last term and for the sum of a specific series. No proofs for these rules were attempted in arithmetic. This treatment of arithmetical progression from Tonstall * is more elaborate than those commonly given: "Arithmetic progression is the collection, into one whole, of 1 Riese, Baker, Tonstall, and Buteo. 2 Finaeus. 3 Noviomagus, De Numeris Lrbri II. 4 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522 ed.). " Progressio Arithmetica ■eft numeroru inter fe equoliter difbantium in unain fummam collectio: - Eius autem duae funt fpecies. Altera eft: in qua naturali numer- orum ferie feruata, numerus quilibet fequens Tola unitaite praecedentem fuperat: ficut in 1 hoc exemplo. Altera in qua numeros •quoflibet omittenjtes, et pari'a feruantes interuialla, longam numeroruim feriemi connectimus. velutei. -." Fol. M ± verso. " Ita net : vt numerus ex hoc productus fummam omnifi commonftret. veluti in hoc exemplo . primus numerus .1. ad poftremum .8. addatur at fleet .9. Cumqj in tota ferie lint .8. loca. ducamus .9. in 4, corum dimidiu. et prodibunt .36. quae omnium eft f unima. -." Fol. M. x recto. "Q7 -fi numeroru a fe equaliter diftantium atqj ordine continuo difpofi- torum feries erit impair: tunc numerus indicans, quot loca funt in ferie, non in eum numerum ducatur : qui indicat quotus locus eft in ferie medius, fed in eum numerum qui in ferie medius reperitur: atqj ab utroqj extremo aequaliter diftat Ita numerus procreatus omnium fumma patefaciet. ficuti in hoc exemplo . quia loca feriei funt .7. et medius numerus eft .4.7. in .4. duoamus: et fient .28. quae fuma eft uniuerforum. Itidem fi exempli caufa fumantur. quia loci ferie funt .5. et medius niuimer' eft .7. 5. in .7. ducamus: et fient 35. quae fumma eft omnium." Fol. M s recto. " In omini progref fione Arithmetica, fine feries par., f iue impar fuerit : numerus ab extremorum additione collectus in numerfi indicatem, quot loca funt in ferie, imultiplicetur. numerusq) productus postea dimidietur. et fumma progreffionis' habebitur. Exemplum in ferie pari. pri- mus numerus additus ad postremu facit .12. et quia .6. loca feriei funt .12. per .6. multiplicemus. et f urgent .72. quae fi dknidientur : fient. 36. quae fumma eft progreffionis." Fol. M 2 verso. 112 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC numbers equally distant from one another. There are two kinds, one is the natural number series, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, where the numbers differ only by 1 . The other in which any number of terms of natural series is regularly omitted, as x > 3. 5. 7, 9> l x > x 3- The sum of the serie s T , 2, 3, 4, 5> 6, 7, 8 is found by adding 1 and 8, the first and last terms, and mul- tiplying this result by half the number of terms, ■§, or 4. It gives 36, which is the sum of the series. Similarly in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11; (1 + 11) f = 123 = 36. In the case of an odd number in the series, the sum of the series is equal to the middle term of the series multiplied by the number of terms. Thus, in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; 74 = 28, the sum of the series: and in 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, there are 5 terms and 7 is the middle one. Then 7-5 = 35, the sum of the series. " In all cases of arithmetic progression, whether the num- ber of terms be odd or even, the sum of the series may be found by adding the first and last terms, multiplying the result by the number of terms and dividing this result by 2. Thus, !. 3> 5> 7. 9, IJ ; ( IX + 1) 6= 126 = 72. 72 -r-2 = 36, the sum of the series." The following treatment of geometric progression from Adam Riese is a typical one from commercial arithmetic : 1 " When numbers follow each other in twofold, threefold, or fourfold ratio, and so on, and you wish to find the sum; multiply the last number by the rate of progression, subtract,, the first term and divide this result by the rate of progression minus 1. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048. 2048 X 2 = 4096 4096 — 2 = 4094. -|4i*_ = 4094, sum." 1 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.). " So aber eine zal die an der vbertrit/ zweyfeltig/ dreyfeltig/ vierfeltig/" vc. vnd wolteft die Summa wiffen/ To multiplicire die letzte zal mit der vbertrettung/ nim von folchen die erfte/ was bleibt/ theil ab mit der Vber treittung/ weniger 1/ Als hie in folgenden Exempeln. " Item/ duplir 2048/ komen 4096/ nim ab 2/ bleiben 4094/ die teil ab mit 2/ weniger 1/ als/ 1/ bleibt die zal an jr felbs.'' Fol. Cij recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES j 13 Thierfeldern combines geometric progression with the ex- traction of roots. 1 " Hiernacht folget die Tafel/ dadurch ausgezogen werden alle Wurtzeln Geometrischer Progres." tf X } 2 i Cf 3 3 t in 4 6 4 t (3 5 10 10 6 i ft 8 IE 20 15 8 t 66 7 21 36 36 21 7 t w 8 28 68 70 56 28 8 y cq 9 36 84 128 128 84 36 9 % The characters in the left hand column represent the succes- sive powers of a number from the first to the ninth ; that is, these were algebraic symbols for x, x 2 , and so on. The vari- ous lines are seen to be the binomial coefficients, and the form is essentially that of Pascal's triangle. The traditional applications of the progressions were com- monly given, but when an attempt was made to supply vital applications, the results were curious. The following are from Baker : 2 "A marchant hath sold ioo kerfies after this manner fol- lowing, that is to fay, the first peece for i s, the second peece for 2 s, the thirde for 3 s, and so foorth, rifing 1 s in every peece of kerfey unto the 100 peeces. The queftion is to know how much he fhall receiue for the fayd 100 peeces of kerfeys." This is evidently an attempt at giving a practical problem. " I woulde laye 100 f tones or other thinges in a right line, of every of the fayde f tones to be a juft pace one from an other, and one pace of from the firft ftone, there ftandeth a bafket. I demaunde howe manye paces a man fhall goe in gathering up the fayde ftones, and bearing them unto the 1 Thierfeldern, Arithmetica Oder Rechenfouch Auff den Linien vnd Zif- ferm/ (1587 «*•), page 331. 2 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed). Fol. Fiii recto. ii4 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC bafket, the [tone after the other." This was a puzzle prob- lem of long standing. " There is one man departeth from London to Chefter, and fo to Carnaruan, the diftaunce beeing about 200 myles : He goeth the fyrfte day 1 mile, the fecond day 2 myles, the thirde day 3 : and so orderlye by natural progreffion. An other man departeth at the fame inftante from Carnaruan to London, and goeth the fyrfte day 2 myles: the fecond day 4 myles, the thyrde day 6 miles, and so encreafing every day 2 miles. The queftyon is to know in howe manye dayes they two per- sons shall meete togither." This is a courier problem. The following, though an artificial business problem, seems more plausible: "A man oweth me 400 l'i, to be payd in 10 yeares, by progref fyon Arithmeticall, that is to fay 40 l'i at the end of the fyrfte yeare, and euery yeare following 40 l'i, to> the end of 10 yeares, hee offereth to pay me the fayd 400 pound al at one paiment. The question is to know at what time hee ought to paye mee the fame at one paimente, that I be not intereffed in the time." Only one problem in geometric progression was given. It is this : "A marchante hath folde 15 yeardes of Satten, the firfte yarde for 1 s, the fecond 2 s, the thyrde 4 s, the fourth 8 s, and so increafing by double progreffion Geometricall. The queftyon is to know, how muche the fayde marchant fhal re- ceiue for y fayd 15 yardes of fatten." Although the French writers were chiefly '-theorists, Cham- penois wrote to meet business needs, and his introduction to this chapter reads :* " Progression is a series of numbers in which there is a certain excess between the numbers, and the first is always exceeded by the second as much as the second 1 Qhampenois, Les Institutions De L'Arithmetique (1578 ©d.). " Pirogreffion eft vne Irate de notnbre, qui out vn certain excez les vns entre les auitres, & toufiours le premier eft autant excede du fecond, que le fecond du troifiefme, & ainfi des autres. L'vfage de la Progreffion eft vn compendium d' Addition, & eft fort vtile, tant en diuerfes questios d'Aritlimetique, Geometrie, Mufique, qu' Aftrologie, la ou plufieurs regies font faiotes par la nature de la Progreffion." Fol. Eviij verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEA TURES I x 5 is by the third, and so on with the others. The practice of progression is a summary of addition and is very useful in questions of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astrology, where many rules are made in the nature of progression." Among his problems in progression are the following : "A merchant has 60 horses and sells them to another mer- chant; he is to have 4 ecus for the first, 8 for the second, 12 for the third, and so on for the others. The question is : ' How- much should he receive for the last, and how much should he receive for all ?' " x "A man about to die gives all his money to his relatives on the condition that the first should have 4 ecus, the second 6 more than the first, and the amount for the third and the others should increase at the same rate to the last. After the distribution was made, it was found that the last had 118 ecus for his part. The question is: 'How many rela- tives had he and how many ecus ?' " 2 "A merchant sells a piece of velvet containing 16 aunes to another merchant for which he shall give 2 sous for the first aune, 6 sous for the second, and for the others he shall give at the same rate up to the sixteenth aune. The question is : * How much should he give for the 16 aunes?' " 3 "A gentleman has 12 horses, which he wishes to sell, and 1 " Vm marchant a 60 eheuailx, & le's vend a vn autre tnarcbant, par tel fa qu'il doit auoir 4 efcus du premier, 8 du fecond, 12 du troifiefme, & ' ainfi 'dies autres. On. demande combien il doit Teceuoir du dernier, & com- bien il doit reoeuoAr du tout." Page 63, fol. Eviii recto. 2 " Vn. foomime allamt de vie a trefpas, donne tous- fes efcus a fes parents, par telle icoditiom que le premier doit auoir 4 efcus : le fecond 6. plus que le premier, & ainfi du troifiefme, & autres iusques au dernier. Et apres le paittage faict Ion a trouue que le dernier a eu 118. efcus pour fa part. Lon demande combien il auoit de parents, & combien d'efcus." Page 64, Eviij verso. 3 " Vn marchant vend vne piece de velours, qui comtient 16. autoes, a vn autre marchant, par tel fi qu'il donnera 2. fols pour la premiere aulne, & 6. fols de la feconde, & ainfi pourfuiuant la Progreffio >des autres iufques a la feiziefme aulrae. Lon demande combien il doit des 16. aulnes." Page 66, fol. F verso. n6 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC gives the first for 3 sous, the second for 12, the third for 48, and so on with the others up to the last." 1 "A dealer wishes to sell a robe to a Master of Arts, who has little money. The Master of Arts, however, seeing him- self without a robe, and that this one for which he was bar- gaining, seems to be well made, says to the dealer that he will give 4888 livres for it, reduced twenty times by half. The dealer is well satisfied and gives the robe to the Master of Arts, who does not refuse it, but joyfully putting it on his shoulders makes his reckoning with the dealer. At the end of the calculation he finds due to the dealer 2^1^ deniers, which is worth f of a quarter of a pite, and ffths of yg- of a pite. To pay this large sum he takes from his purse a piece worth 3 deniers, gives it to the dealer, and demands his change. The dealer driven to despair asks if he will put it at stake. The Master of Arts agrees. The dealer loses, the Master of Arts gains, and taking his 3 deniers he joyfully takes leave of the dealer. The dealer thanks him, saying that he is at his service. Thus, the Master finds himself well dressed at little expense by means of the cunning of an arith- metical rule." 2 1 " Vn Seigneur a 12 cheuaux, qu'il veut vedre, & donne le premier pour 3. fols, le fecod pour 12. le troifiefine pour 48. & ainfi des autres iufques au dernier." Page 67, Fii recto. 2 Champenois, Les Institutions (1578 ed.). "Vn frippier veut vendre vne robbe 58. lires a vn maiftre es arts, qui n'auoit pas beaucoup de pecune. Toutefois fe voyant fans robbe, & que cellef qu'il marchadoit, luy fembloit bien faicte, diet au frippier qu'il en doneroit 4888 liures, en rabatant de moitie iufques a 20 fois. Le frippier fut content, & dona la robbe au maiftre es arts : lequel ne la refufa pas, tnais d'vne gayete de coeur la mit deffus fes efpauks, & fit copte auec le frippier. Et a la fin du copte fe trouua redeuable au frippier de 2. deniers & ?l?, ieme d'vn denier qui vallet Y$ d'vn quart de pite, & -||.ieme d'vn quart de quart de pite. Et pour faire le payement de cefte grande fonime, preden fa bourfe vne grande piece de trois deniers, & la done au frippier, & demande fon refte. Le frippier tout defefpere luy demanda f'il vouloit iouer fon refte a fa grande piece de trois deniers. Le maiftre es arts diet qu'il eftoit cotet. Le frip- pier perd : le maiftre es arts gaigne, & pred fa piece de trois deniers, & ioyeufemet prend conge du frippier. Et le frippier le remercia, & luy diet que luy & fon bie eftoiet a fon comarudemen't. Monfieur le Maiftre se trouua bien pare a peu de frais, par le Tnoyen de la fubtilite d'vne regie d'Arithmetique." P. 70, fol. Fiij verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES uj RATIO AND PROPORTION The treatment of this subject, more than that of progres- sions, followed the traditional lines of Greek and Hindu works x and occurred less often in the practical arithmetics of the period. The most useful tool in the solution of commer- cial problems, the Rule of Three, was, of course, proportion, but it was seldom connected with that subject. It was the universal custom borrowed from' the Greeks to use the terms, proportion and proportionality, for ratio and proportion until the latter part of the sixteenth century. Ton- stall stated the Greek meaning of proportion in such a way as to enable one to recognize at once the corresponding modern ideas of Ratio and Proportion and gave an explanation that is more than a mere category. His treatment was as follows : 2 " Proportion is nothing else than a comparison of things 1 Unicorn, De L'Arithmetica vinversale (1598 ed.). " Che contien li altri 4. Algorismi della prattica di Arithmetics, cioe de radici, del piu, & men, de binomii, & recisi, & de proportioni, de radice uniuersali, & estrattioni de radici delli 'binomii, & recisi, quali sono il neruo del decimo libro de Euclide, & della proportione hauente il mezzo, & doi estremi, della qual il decimoterzo libro di Euclide.'' Fol. Fi recto. (Besides the four algorisms of practical arithmetic, this contains roots, positive and negative number, binomials, surds, proportion, roots in general, the extraction of roots of binomials and surds, which are contained in the tenth book of Euclid, and the extremes and means of proportion from the thirteenth book of Euclid) 2 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522 ed.). "Ilia itaqj habitudo, qua fefe uel aequaliter, quando funt equales : -mutuo refpiciunt. uel inequaliter, quando earum altera maior reliqua, aut minor eft : appellatur proportio. que nihil aliud eft : q earum inter fe comparatio eiuf dem quoqj generis quan- titates effe deibent: inter quas cadit proportio. Veluti duo numeri, duae lineae, due fuperficies, duo corpora duo loca, duo tempora. neqj enim linea maior aut minor f uperficie eft, aut corpora : nee tempus loco maius eft, aut minus, fed linea linea: fuperficies fuperficie: corpus corpore. fola enim, quae unius funt generis: inter fe comparabilia funt." Fol. ij verso. " Quippe proportio apud ueteres in tria fecatur genera, quorum unum eft difcretorum, uidelicet numerorum: quod uocant Arithmeticum. Alterum oontinuorum: quod geometricum appellant. Tertium fonorum et concen- tuum: quod armonicu nuncupant, ex illoru utroq) mixtu: qj mufica in pauf is extracting square root : for let us take the same number, 2209 (which is the square on the whole line AB), to find the square root, the extraction of which we shall demonstrate from the figure and maintain the logic. First having separated the number into two periods (according to Article 4 of this chap- ter), I seek, according to Article 5, the root of the first period, 22 : this is 4, which (because there is another root figure, or because it is of the tens' period) must be 40 and denotes the longer segment of the line, i.e., AC, and consequently, each of the sides of the square, EF, and also the longer sides of the supplementary rectangles, AF and DF. From 22 I subtract the square of 4, which is 16, and because 4 denotes 40, then its square 16 denotes 1600. This is the square EF. Then the remainder from 22 is 6, or from 2209 will leave 609, Which is the area of the two rectangles, AF, DF, and of the small square, BF. But, if I divide the area of a rectangle by one of its sides, I obtain the other. That is, if I divide the product of two numbers by one of them, I obtain the other. So if I divide 280 (the product of 7 by 40) by 40, or 560 (the product of 7 by 80) by 80, I shall get 7. Therefore, knowing that 609 is the area of the two rectangles, AF, DF, and of the small square BF, and that 40 is the side of one of these rectangles, I double 40 making 80, denoting the side of the rectangles joined. Then I divide 609 by 80, so that I can also take away the square of the quotient, and obtain 7, which denotes the shorter sides of the rectangles, AF, DF, and con- sequently the side of the small square BF, which is BC. Fin- ally, I multiply 80 by 7, and then 7 by 7, producing 560 and 49, which make 609; then I subtract the 609, and the re- mainder is zero. Thus, the square root of 2209 is 47." 2 1 It is well known that the Western Arabs used the sand-board in ex- tracting roots-; hence it is reasonable to suppose that they used the scratch method, whence the Italians obtained it. Cantor, Bd. I, p. 767 (igoo ed.). 2 Trenchant, L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.), Book 3. "Par ce que deffus fe peut clerement veoir, & demontrer la raifon des extractions quarees : pourquoy fere prendrons ce meme nombre 2209 (qui eft le quarre de la totale ligne A, B) pour en tirer la racine quanree: a 1' extraction da laquelle -monftrerons fur la figure la raifon pretendue. " Premierement ayant coupe iceluy nombre en deux lections (felon le 4 124 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC The accompanying diagrams from Trenchant's pages, for extracting the cube root of 103,823, show that he used the modern block method. Fol. Q 2 verso. The scratch method was the common algorism for this pro- cess. The following examples from Tonstall will illustrate it : * " The extraction of the square root is nothing else than the finding of a number which multiplied by itself will pro- duce the proposed number, if it be a square, or the greatest square number contained in it, if it be not a square." " Example in square root : antic, de ce chap.). Ie ohercfae, felon le 5 art. la ratine de la premiere fecitiom 22 : c'eft 4, lequel (a caufe de la figure radicale future, ou qu'il eft de la fections des dizeines) vaut 40 dieniotat la maieure fection de la ligne A, C, & par confequent, chacun des cotez du quarre E, F, & auffi les plus grans cotez des fupplemens A, F, & D, F. En apres de 22, ie leue le quarre de 4, c'eft 16, lequel comme 4 denote 40, auffi fon quarre 16 deno- tera 1600, c'eft le quarre E, F. Par ainfi de 22 refte 6: ou de 2209, ref- tera 609 qui eft la fuperficie de 2 fupleimens A, F, & D, F, & du petit quarre B, F. Or qui diuife la fuperfice d'vn rectangle, par l'vn de fes cotez vient l'autre : cef t a dire, qui diuife le produit de deux nombres par ■l'vn d'iceux, vient l'autre : comme fi ie diuife 280 (prooienu de 7 foys 40) par 40, ou 560 (prouenu de foys 80) par 80 viendra 7. Parquoy fachant que 609 eft la fuperficie des deux fuplemens A, F, & D, F, & du petit quarre B, F, & que 40 eft le cote de l'vn dfaceux fuplemens, ie double 40 fet 80, denotant le cote des deux fuplemens affemblez. Donques ie diuife 609 par 80, de forte que i'en puif fe auffi leuer le quarre du quotient, vient 7 qui denote les moindres cotez d'iceux fuplemens A, F, & D, F, & par confequent ceux du petit quarre B, F, dont la fection B, C, en eft l'vn. Finalblement ie multiplie 80 par 7, & encores 7 par 7, pirouient 560, & 49, qui font 609, que ie leue de 609, & n'y refte rien. Ainfi la racine quarree de 2209 eft 47." Fol. P e recto. 1 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522), fol. N, recto et seq. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES I2 c " The number given, 57836029, should 2 be properly pointed off. Beginning at ? * the left, we should search for the first •*■'■ 4 Re]i< l uum ' number which multiplied by itself will Ve 5 Eadix give the first number marked off at the. Ifflffl left, or, if it is not a perfect square, the . W number which multiplied by itself will give the nearest square which it can contain. The number is 7, and its square is 49, which subtracted from 57 leaves 8, and so 7 is placed between the parallel lines first made, 8 is put above the first „ point and crossed out. Then the 7 between the . . . parallel lines is doubled, which makes 14, of ^7836029 which 4 is placed below and at the right, and the 10 left should be placed below the lines directly below the 8, which was the result of the former subtraction. Then again another number is to be found which, multiplied by 14, will give the number nearest to 88 (the 8 left .4. . from subtracting and the next figure of the given 57836029 number.) This figure is 6, which multiplied by -r 14 gives 84; this taken from 88 leaves 4; then this number 6 multiplied by itself gives 36, which subtracted from 43 (the 4 left from the last subtraction and the next figure in the given number) leaves the num- ber 7, which is written above the next point in .$. . . the number given. The 6 is placed between the 57836029 parallel lines as the next figure of the root, and -= so on." " If one wishes to find out whether the number found is right, multiply the number found by itself and add the remainder, if there is one. If the work is cor- rect, this result will be the given number." x The example in cube root shown in the illustration is a re- production from Tonstall's arith- metic : 2 exempla auncaffuamus : quffinguUmaniMlrt. At^cxduecjitiesqm'nquagi'cs milli'esmillcim miUibm, quingenuuutautamfllenfsmi1bbus,qm'ngentisoAcM £int;iduobusmfl!ibus,quadringtntis focaginu quatU o^iadieemcubicametuanuis. .*■ ii a 9 . .#* • . y X M Jt * r X \* * # & # Nutna'cnb' s ) o 4 Radixtubl * jr. M * m jt * * Xjf * ft Jirjtfi # * # * STATIHQ.VE poft^Rumcrfftioordinepnferfpri; du&xq} fubtus parallel x : u miUcnarionun fedcs puit 11 cnint fi'gnatc : Tub poftrano ad (uu'ftram m illenar io pum {to oouionumenis aliqu f s prfmarius exqui'ratur : quifo tncl in fe.etucrum in DUBicriJ produftum muldplicaou. iToostall, De Arte Supputandi (1522), fol. N 2 verso. 2 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522), N 4 verso. 126 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC A peculiar form in which the process is the same as the scratch method, only the numbers are not crossed out, is found in Cirvelo : x (a) oo 1 i6| (b) 00 1 25 1 (c) o oo| i 1 44 (d) 03 1 oo 67I24 | 12 (e) 1 28 5! 47 56 4l Si I | 22 8 162 | 2 1 43 1 94 1 4| Radix. s | Ra. *i | Ra. 8|2| U 1 2 I 3 I 4 |Ra. * The 2 is missing in the original. Problem (a) is the process of finding the square root of 16, (b) of 25, (c) of 144, in this, however, the root is incom- plete, (d) of 6724, and (e) of 54, 74, 756. The powers are written above the double lines and the roots below them. A downward process resembling in many respects our pres- ent form is found in Widman : 2 To extract the square root of 207936 : (a) (b) (c) 47936 47936 5436 8 8 90 4 45 45 The figures in the top row are the successive remainders with all periods brought down at each step. The last row is the root, the numbers in the root being repeated each time. The middle row is the trial divisor, not always having the zero added. Step (b) is really step (a) with the next figure, 5, of the root written down. An interesting plan is given by Paciuolo, which has the principle common to all the other methods, but which differs from them in arrangement of calculation : 3 1 Cirvelo, Arithmetice practice seu Algorismi (1513 ed.), fol. b; recto. 2 Widman, Behend und hiipsch Rechnung (1508 ed.), fol. di recto. 3 Paciuolo, Suma de Arithmetica (1523 ed.). "De aproximatione .R. in furdis." "Apresfo per le. R . forde : cioe qlle che no fonno dif crcta : qui f equente mettaro vna re", p laquale f emp tu piu ohel copagno te porrai aproximare : vnde a voler trouare ditt?. R . fempre troua prima la fua. R . derita de poto: conio fai laltre d fopra. E qn tu hai itrouato la prima. R. fanne pua. e vedi quanto la pasfa el detto n°. Alora torrai quel piu: cioe la dria e ptirala per lo doppia de qfta prime. R. che te la data: e quello dhe virra de ditto ptimento cauaralo de ditta pma . R . el remanente f era la THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES I2 - To find the square root of 6 : ^= ' (^6- -W^-iV 5 = %¥irV» and so on. 4liT This agrees with the general formula : a - A ~ a ' _ , , A - a\ d ^ — a i> aH — — = aj, and so on. It is easy to recognize in every method the plan of dividing the remainder by twice the part of the root found and adding the result to the root for the next figure. Square and cube roots of fractions were common. Wid- man gives these examples : Find the square root of ff and the cube root of ^." " Give a number, i of i of i of £ of which is its own quare root." Ans. AVAV 1 APPLIED ARITHMETIC The authors of arithmetic of the sixteenth century may be classified into three groups : writers of theoretic arithmetic, 2 .R. fcda. de ditto n . afai piu p fimana che la p*. .poi p aproximarte piu: farai la pua ancora di qfta. e vederai quato e la fupchia ditto n°. E anche quel piu che te dara qfta feconda. R. ptiralo pure per lo dopio de esfa .R. 2*. che te la dato : e qllo auenimento caualo de ditta .2". R. el remanete fia. . 3"- piu pximana de ditto ai°. Poi a mo ditto: farane proua. e vederai quanto la pasfi ditto n°. e pigliarai anche quella dria e ptira la per lo doppio pure di quefta. R. 3". che tal dria te dette: e lauenimento de lei: caua el rimanente fera. R. quarta piu pfimana de ditto n°. E cofi fempre in infinitu andarai facedo: e guarda fempre de cauare li ditti auenimeti de le R. fchiette: e no delle duplate verbi gra. R. p a . di 6. ene. 2 z /i. E qfta pasfa de. %. pche. 2]/ 2 . via. 2 l / 2 . fa. 6J4- parti quel. J4. quale e la dria p lo doppio di la R . prima che la dato : cioe p .5. neue J_ . qual caua de .2j4. Che e la. R fohietta resta -2-^ e quefto di co die. 2". R. di 6 piu pximana che la prima, cioe. 2}A. E cofi andarai fequitando a modo ditto e trouerai che qfta 2*. R.- pasfa .6. de • T ^ Tr la terza R fera .2^^. E quefta pafsara .6. de iti | i()|> . la quarta .R. fera fecondo che vedi q de fcripto in margine. e cofi la quinta al medifimo modo trouato. E quefto fin qua e detto fe habia intendere de li numeri fani. Fol. 45 recto, F T xecto. r Widman, Behend und hupsch Rechnung (1508 ed.). "Gyb ein zal welch mit irm £, }, \, 7 sey ir selbst qdrata radix. Ans. recto. 2 De Muris (1538), Maurolycus (lS7S)- 128 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC writers of arithmetic primarily theoretic and secondarily prac- tical, 1 and writers of arithmetic primarily practical and sec- ondarily theoretic. 2 The first class is the smallest, and the second is the largest. Taking the three classes in order of their size, their numbers are approximately proportional to i , 4, 6, as the lists given below suggest. It was common usage to divide arithmetic into theoretic and practical. For example, Trenchant, in the beginning of his arithmetic, denned these divisions thus : 3 " Theory is the speculation through which one becomes acquainted with the property of numbers. Prac- tice is the performing of the operations which arise from such knowledge and speculation." As would be expected, practical arithmetic was about the same in its general features wherever found. The exceptions are due to local influence or to eccentricity of authorship. For example, Champenois drew his problems mainly from military affairs. Thus : "The Commissary-General had four stewards; the first had 7,836 loaves of bread, the second 6,342 loaves, the third 5,424 loaves, and the fourth 6,398 loaves. The question is : How much bread did they have altogether ?' " 4 "A squadron contains on the front 312 men and on the side 232. The question is : ' How many men are there in a squadron ?' " B 1 Tonstall (1522), Paciuolo (1494), Cardan (1539), Noviomagus (1539),. Tartaglia (1556), Gemma Frisius (1540), Riese (1522), Ramus (1567), Trenchant (1571), Champenois (1578), Undcom (1598). 2 Borgi (1484), Calandri (1491), Widman (1489), Cirvelo (1505), Ru- dolf! (1526), Kobel (1531), Baker (1562), Raets (1580), Van der Schuere (1600). 3 Trenchant, L'Arithmetique (1578). "La Theoreque eft la f peculation par laquelle l'on vient a connoetre la propriete de leur fuget. Et la pra- tique, eft l'operatJon & effet qui prouient de telle connoefanoe & fpecnv lation.'' Fol. A^ verso. * Champenois, Les Institvtions De L'Arithmetique (1578). "La Commis general des viures a quatre prouifeurs de pain. Le premier a 7838 pains : le f econd, 6342 : le troif iefine, 5424 : & le quatriefme, 6398. Lorn demand* comhien il y de pain en tout." Page 10, fol. Bv verso. Champenois, Les Institvtions De L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.). "Vn efca- THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES I2 o, "A captain with 4,000 soldiers is besieged in a fortress by the enemy for seven months ; they have food for five months and are without hope of obtaining any during the period of the siege, which is seven months. The question is : ' How much should the captain diminish the rations of the soldiers that the food may last through the time of the siege, which is 7 months ?' " Another writer who used peculiar problems was Suevus. His interest inclined to history. In the dedication of his arithmetic he named the following applications : x "To reckon feast days of the church, also many mysteries and secrets of the church. For use in schools, which Cicero, that learned pagan, called the foundation of the whole republic, as all other arts are learned so much better through arithmetic. Also in the army; among merchants; among manual workers, as artists, goldsmiths, mint masters, watchmakers, painters,, builders, masons and others ; and in housekeeping." The subject-matter of the book presents a most remark- able collection of historical material. Some of the problems illustrate a tendency not uncommon at that time to correlate religious teaching with school instruction. Under Numera- tion the first example is : " The number of years from the be- ginning of the world to the birth of Christ, our Saviour, and the Incarnation was : 3970. " That is, Three thousand nine hundred seventy years. " That was the time decided upon when God promised to send his Son. This promise he had fulfilled (Galat. 3), by which we may know his truth and uprightness, and putting aside all sorrow and doubt, we may sing cheerfully with the dear David from the 33d Psalm, and we may say : ' The dron contient en front 312 homines, & en flanc 232. Lon deman.de combdcn il y a d'hommes en l'ercadron." Page 27, fol. Ovi recto. "Vn Captaine auec 4000. foldats eft affiege en vne fortereffe, de l'ennemy pour 7. mois, & n'ont de viures que pour 5. mois, & sans efper- atiee d'en pouuoir Tecouuir durant le temps de 1'affiegement qui eft 7. mois? Lon demande combien le Captaine doit apetiffer la penfion du foldat, afin que le viure puiffe durer le temps de l'affiegement, qui eft 7- mois." Page 83, fol. Gij recto. 1 Suevus, Arithmetica Historica (1593 ed.). 130 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC word of the Lord is true, and that he hath promised will he surely fulfil." x Other examples under Numeration are : "According to the statements of Theodore Bibliander, the cost of building Solomon's temple was 13,695,380,050 crowns." 2 " The yearly cost of maintaining the wars of the Emperor Augustus, especially in holding the Roman borders, was 12,- 000,000 crowns." " The annual income of King Ptolemy Auletes was 7,500,- 000 crowns." 3 Addition finds application in determining the age of Methu- selah: "Methuselah was 187 years old when he begot Lamech; after that he lived 782 years. What was his age? Ans. 969 years." * Division is applied thus : " In his thirty-fourth Book, Livy informs us that 1,200 Gallic prisoners were released with 100 talents. The question is : ' How much should each receive?' " 6 1 Suevus, Arithmetica Historica (1593). "Die Jarzal von anfang dex Welt/ hiss auff C'hristi vnsers Heylandes Geburth vnd Menschwerdung. 3970. " Das sind : Drey tausend/ neun hundert vnd siebentzig Jar. " Das ist die bestimpte zeit/ darin Gott seinen Son zu senden verheissen/ auch seine zusage kreffigerfullet hat/ Galat. 3. daraus wir seine Trew vnd Wartieit kennen lernen/ vnd wir alien kurnmer vnd' zweiffel/ mit dem lieben David aus dem 33. Psalm getrost singen und sagen mugen : Des Herrn Wort ist warhafftig/ vnd was er zusagt/ das helt er gewiss." Fol. Aij verso. 2 " Des Tempels Salomonis vnkosten zu bawen/ nach des Theodori Bib- liandri verzeichrtis. 13695380050 Cronen." Fol. Aij verso. " Des Keysers Augusti Jarlich Kriegs vnkosten/ sonderMch des Rom- ischen Reichs Gretzen zu halten. 12006000 Cronen." Fol. Aiij recto. 3 " Des Konigs Ptolomei Auletis Jahrliohs Einkommen. 7500000 Cro- nen." Fol. Aiij recto. 4 Methusalem war hundert vnd sieben vnd achtzig Jahr alt/ vnd zeugete Lamech/ vnd lebete darnach sieben hundert vnd zwey vnd achtzig Jahr. Wie gros ist denn sein gantzes Alter geworden? Antwort, neun hundert und neun vnd sechzig Jahr." Page 22. 5 "Liuius Lib. 34 meldet: 'Das zwolff hundert Welche gefangene Kriegs- leute mit hundert Talentis sind aiusgeloset ,worden.' " " Ist die Frage : ' Wie viel fur eine Person gegeben sey ?' " THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES I3I The following problems occur under the Rule of Three : " In the 7th Chapter of his 12th Book, Pliny tells us that a pound of black pepper was bought for 4 denarii— that is, for a half Taler. Here is the question : ' If 3I pounds cost 12! denarii, what will 14I pounds cost ?' " 1 " Martial (the poet) informs us that an amphora of wine was sold for 20 asses, that is, for 2 denarii, which is as much as a quarter of a Taler. The question is : 'At this rate how much should a Roman sextarius cost, if it takes 64 sextarii to fill a Greek amphora?' " 2 In the early printed arithmetics, as in those of Borgi 3 and Calandri,* the number of problems is meagre, each problem usually being followed by its solution. In the arithmetics of a date later than 1525 problems for practice are numerous.. The explanation is probably to be found in the fact that the cost of paper and printer's composition rapidly decreased. Although, as we have said, applied arithmetic was gener- ally thought of as a department by itself, certain applications were distributed among the simple operations. The most im- portant of these are the problems of denominate numbers (pp. 77-85 of this article), which were real applications and not mere exercises in manipulating symbols often found in modern arithmetics. But, passing to that department commonly called practical arithmetic by sixteenth century authors, we find that it was generally composed of a list of rules of operations under 1 Suevus, Arithmetica Historica (1593). " Plinius Lib. 12. Cap. 7. mel- det: Das man ein Pfund sehwartzen Pfeffer v-mb vier Denarios gekaufft habe/ das ist vmb einen halben Taler. " Hier ist die Frage : Wenn drey Pfundt/ vnd drey viertel eines Pfundes vmb zwolff Denar/ vnd vier Funmel eines Denarij gekaufft wurden : Wie tewr vierzehen Pfund vnd zwey Drittel eines Pfundes im Kauff sein wur- den?" Page 250. 2 Suevus, " Martialis meldet, Das ein Amphora Wein sey vmb 20. Asses verkaufft worden/ das ist vmb 2 Denar/ so viel als ein Ort eines Talers. Ist die Frage : Wie thewr ein Romisch Sextarius oder Nossel/ deren vier vnd sechtzig auff ein Griechische Ampihoram gehen/ zu .rechnen sey?" Page 256. s Borgi, Arithmetica (1488 ed.). •*Calandri, Arithmetica (1491), 132 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC which are grouped the corresponding problems of business concern. The following may be taken as a typical category : Rule of Three (Two and Five). Exchange and Banking. Welsch Practice. Chain Rule. Inverse Rule of Three. Barter. Partnership (with and without time). Alligation. Factor Reckoning. Regula Fusti. Profit and Loss. Virgin's Rule. Interest, Simple and Compound. Rule of False Assumption, or False Equation of Payments. Position. Besides these more general rules, the following were often added : Voyage. Rents. Mintage. Assize of Bread. Salaries of Servants. Overland Reckoning. Gemma Frisius recognized the dependence of most of the rules given in the above list upon the Rule of Three : 1 " From this one rule, which in fact may be called ' The Golden Rule,' - grow many different rules or methods of work, as the branches of a tree grow from its trunk, so much so that it has place in nearly all questions, and all canons lean upon it as a foundation, or base, one of which is the Double Rule, which you will understand from the following example." The Rule of Three 3 was the method of simple proportion. 1 Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus Facilis (1575 «&)■ De Regulis vulgaribus. " Ex una hac regula (quam vere auream licet appellane) multae diuer- saeqs regulae, siue Canones operandi tanquam rami ex trunco oriuntur, adeo vt in omnibus fere quaestionibus locum habeat ac omnes Canones hinc innitantur, tanquam fundarnento seu basi, quarum vna est regula duplex, quam ex tali exemplo intelliges.'' Fol. D g recto. 2 Jacob, Rechembuch auf den Ldnien und mit Zififern/ (1599 ed.). "So viel hat ich von den progreffionen erzehlen und fetzen wollen/ Folgt/ ferrner die Regel De tri/ von etlichen/ Proportionum, aiuoh fonften Aurea Mercatorum genannt." Fol. D 6 recto. 3 Aryabhatta (c. 500 A. D.) used Rule of Three. See Rodet's Lecpns de Calcul d'Aryabhata. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 133 Its explanation was sometimes expressed in general terms by the writers of arithmetic, as in Heer's Arithmetic : * " I am composed of three parts ; always place the question last; whatever number is like the question put in the first place. Multiply together the last and middle numbers and divide the result by the first number. The quotient will be of the same kind, or denomination, as the middle number. Thus is the question solved." 2 Such generality, however, was un- usual, the solution of a typical example ordinarily served as a guide without the aid of a general theory or formula. This statement of the rule was given by Borgi : 3 "A Rule Pertaining to Trading." " Three quantities are known to find the other. Multiply the second by the third and divide the result by the first." " Example. The three numbers are 2, 3, 4. 3 X 4=12 12 -j- 2 = 6." 1 Heer, Compendium Arithmeticae (1617 ed.). " Von dreyen bin ich zufamni gefetz Die Frag fetz alle mal zu letzt Vnd was die Frag fur Namen hat Das ordne an die voider ftatt Das hinder vnd rrmtler Multiplioir. Was komt durchs vorder Dividir Der Quotient bringt dir zur frift Den Nam/ fo mitten geftanden aft Damit if t der Frag auff gelof t du wift ?" Fol. Avii verso and Aviii recto. 2 It is clear from this rule that, if the unknown term had been written, it would have taken the fourth place in. the proportion, whereas in 1 the modern form it takes ithe first place. 3 Borgi, Arithmetica (1540 ed.). "■Como fi procede in tutte rafon merchadantefche per ditta regola." " Altro non ci refta fe non a ueder in die modo per la precedete regola fe die prooeder in el far delle rafon merchadantefche, cominciando in quefto modo, fel te fuffe detto, fe .2. val .3. che valera .4. prima metti quefte tre cofe vna drieto a laltra, cioe 2. val .3. che valera .4. prima metti quefte tre cofe vna dnieto a laltra, cioe .2. 3. & .4. fi come tu vedi, poi moltiplica la feconda in la terza, cioe .3. via .4. e fara .12. el qual .12. parti per ia prima, cioe per .2. & in fira .6. e tanta> val el .4. adonque achi ti diceffe fe .2. val. 3. clue valera 4. tu hai a rifponder che 1 val. 6. "Se braza .3. de tela val fol .15. ohe valera el brazo. " Se braza .41. de tela val fol. 17. che valera braza. 8." Fol. E 5 recto. I3 4 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Problems: i. If 3 braza cost i$p. what does 1 braza cost? 6|3 PIS H 1 2. If 4>4 braza are worth /> 15, what will 8 braza be worth? b I 4 J / 2 pij 6 | 8 Problem 1, of course, is a direct case of division. Problem 2 is the usual type of proportion. It was not unusual to pre- face problems like the second by some like the first. It has been explained on pp. 1 19-120 of this chapter that proportion came to have its present meaning- in the sixteenth century. Consequently one would expect to find some use of proportion in solving problems and its relation to the Rule of Three. This connection is supplied by Buteo in the following treatment : " Three numbers being given, to find a fourth proportional number; called the Rule of Three." " By many, indeed, it is called the Regula trium, or, as a certain contemporary foreigner wrote it, regula de tri. By others it is called ' The Rule of Four Proportional Num- bers.' " 1 Ramus also combines the rule with proportion, for after applying it to problems involving integers and fractions in the usual way, he gives the following chapters : Chap. VII. Golden Rule requiring Antecedent Proportion. A typical problem is : " The lion on a fountain had 4 pipes, of which the first fills the pool below in 24 hours, the second in 36 hours, the third in 48 hours, and the fourth in 6 hours. If they flow simultaneously, in how many hours will they fill it? Add in turn the four ratios, 1 pool to the 4 periods of time, and the total will be 37 pools and 144 hours, antece- dents of the proposition. Since 37 pools are filled in 144 hours, therefore 1 pool is filled in 3-fr hours." 2 1 Buteo, Logistica, Quae & Arithmetica vulgo dicitur (1559). "A multis fiquidem dicitur regula trium, vel ficut quidam Barbarus Icripfit tempore no-ftro, regula de tri. Ab aliis regula quatuor proportionalium." Fol. g 4 recto, p. 104. 2 Ramus, Arithrneticae Libri duo. Liber II, Cap. VII. "Leo fontis 4 fistulas 'habet, quarum prima knplet fubjectum lacum 24 horis, fecunda 36, tertia 48 quarta 6: fi fimul fluant, quot horis implebuntr THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 1 ^e ) Chapter VIII. Concerning Reciprocation. A typical problem is : " When a measure of wheat is sold for 5 aurei, a loaf of bread weighs 4 unciae; when, however, it is sold for 3 aurei, a loaf of bread will weigh 6f unciae." 1 Chapter IX. Composite Proportion through Addition. Chapter X. Alligation. Chapter XL Composite Proportion through Multiplica- tion only. "A piece of tapestry 2\ ells long and 2 ells wide was sold for 50 libelli, therefore a piece of tapestry of the same quality 1 ell long and f of an ell wide will sell for 1. 8 s. 6 d. 8." 2 Chapter XII. Composite Proportion through Multiplica- tion and Addition. Chapter XIII. Continuous Proportion for Finding the Smallest Term in a Given Series. In the fifteenth century the Italians originated a modifica- tion of the Rule of Three for certain problems involving de- nominate numbers. This method was first published in Ger- many by Schreiber (Grammateus) in 15 18 3 under the name of Welsch Practice. At that time the people of southern France and northern Italy were often called Welsch by the Germans, whence the name given to the process. Italian writers refined the processes in arithmetic in many ways, Adde rurfum quatuor rationes 1. lacus ad quadruplex tempus, tota ratio erit 37 lacuum 144 horas antecedent proposition's. Die igitur 37 lacus ira- plenitur 144 lioris, ergo 1. lacus impletur horis 344- -Tie: 1. 24 1. 36 1. 48 1. 6 37. 144. 1. 3ff" 1 Ramus, Arithmeticae Libri duo (1577 ed.). " Cum modiius tritici vaenit 5 aureis, turn panis est 4 unciarum : ergo cum vaenit 3, panis erit unciarum 6y 3 ." Page 59. 2 Ramus, "Aulaeum longum ulnas 2 & £, latu 2 emitur 50 libellis : ergo tapetum ejusdem generis alteram longum ulnam 1, latum % emetur 1. 8. s. 6. d. 8." Page 73. 3 Schreiber, Ayn new Kiinstlich Buch welcher gar gewifs vnd behend/ lernet nach gemadnen regel Detre/ welschen practic/ (1518 ed.), fol. D x verso. 136 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC which led to the custom of designating- any ingenious opera- tion originating with them as Welsch Practice. Thus, the name became widely used in the broader sense, occurring in the titles of many arithmetics of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The technical difference between the Rule of Three and Welsch Practice in the original narrow sense may be seen from two examples from Riese. 1. Problem. " If 1 pound costs 3 groschen 9 denarii, how much will 3 centner 2 stein 7 pounds cost ?" 1 Solution by the Rule of Three : 1 : 3 groschen 9 denarii = 3 centner 2 steins 7 pounds : ( ). Since 1 centner = no lb., 1 stein = 22 lb., then 3 cent. 2 stein 7 lb. = 381 lb. Reduce the 3 gr. 9 d. to denarii. The result is 45 d. Then 1 145 = 381 lb. : ( ) Reduce 381 X 45 d. to florins, groschen, and denarii. 2. Problem. If 5! lb. cost 32 fl. 13 gr. 12 d., what will 47 lb. 25 lot cost? Then 5I- : 32 fl. 13 gr. 12 d. = 47 lb. 15 lot: ( ). He now has to multiply the means together as in the Rule of Three, but instead of reducing each compound number to one denomination he performs the work as follows : Sf lb. kosten 32 fl. 13 n gr. 12 T 4 03 3!«T 252 I4H» 3i8 i8ftV 1 4 2 SIXTEENTH CENT CRY ARITHMETIC 17480 Factor Reckoning corresponds to the modern topic of com- mission, as shown by the following problems from Baker : "A marchant hath delivered to his Factor 1200 li. to gouerne them in the trade of marchandife, upon fuch condition, that he for his feruice fhall have the i of the gaine, yf anything be gained, and he fhall beare the i of the loss if any thinge be loste : I demaunde for how much his person was esteemed." * "A marchante hath delivered unto his Factor 1200 l'i and the Factor layeth 500 l'i and his person. Nowe, because hee layeth in 500 li. and his person, it is agreed between them y he shall take § of the gaine : I demaunde, for how much his person was esteemed ?" 2 Profit and Loss Problems of this kind were often unclassified and used as applications of the Rule of Three. But some writers grouped them under a separate title, thus setting the precedent fol- lowed until the present time. 3 A type example and the plan of solution is seen in the fol- lowing from Riese: "A man bought a centner of wax for i6| florins. How many pounds will he sell for 1 /?. if he wishes to make 7 H. on 100 florins? Answer, 5 pfund 29 loth 3 quintle 2 pf. gewicht otfif- heller." 4 (Reckon^ first how much wax. was bought for 100 florins, 1 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Wii recto. 2 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Wv recto. 3 Sfortunati's Arithmetic (1545 ed.), fol. 47 recto, has "di guadagni e perdite.'' 4 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.). "Item/ Ein Centner Wachs fur 16 floren/ 3 ort/ Wie viel pfund komen fur 1 fl/ fo man an 100 gewinnen wil 7 floren? Facit 5 pfund/ 29 loth/ 3 quintle/ 2 gewicht/ o heller/ vnd •g-S-f-j- teil. Machs alfo rechne zum erften wie viel Wachs fur 100 floren kompt/ Als denn addir die 7 floren zu 100/ vnd fprich/ 107 floren geben fo viel Wachs/ als hierin 63444 lb/ Was gibt 1 fl? Brichs/ ftehet alfo." 6741 40000 lb 1 fl. Fol. Evii verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES I43 then add 7 florins to 100, for which he will sell the same amount of wax, or 634 £f lb.) How much does he sell for 1 A? 6741 — 40,000 lb. — 1 a. It was common to speak of the gain per hundred, or per cent, as it is now, for per cent always meant a rate in that period. Thus, in Rudolff: "A piece of velvet cost 36 no. ; it contained 15$ ells, for how much should 6 ells be sold so as to gain 10 florins on a hundred ? Gain was also reckoned with time. The first example in Tonstall is : "A merchant gained 5 aurei in 3 months from. 70 aurei. At this rate what would he gain from 70 aurei in 13 months?" 1 The other cases treated by Tonstall were : To find the time when the gain is given. To find the gain from a larger amount when the gain on a small amount is given. To find the time in which a gain greater than: the money invested can be found. Simple- Interest Van der Schuere began the subject thus: 2 Simple interest is much like gain and loss with time, so that if you can work one subject, you can easily understand the other. "A man placed 100 L at simple interest for 4 years at 6%%; how much did he have at the end of the time?" 3 The rates varied from 6 per cent to 12 per cent, although there were exceptional extremes. 4 1 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1522). "Mercator ex avreis septva- ginta per menfes tres lucri fecit quincfc. quatum lucri tredecim menfibus ex aureis feptuaginta obueniet?" Fol. a 1 verso. 2 Van der Schuere, Arithmetica, Oft Reken = const/ (1624 ed.). "Den simp'len Int'rest, is, Winst end Verlies met Tijdt, ■Ghelij ckend' een groot deel, dus van het werck subijt Suldy veel haest verstant ghecrdjgh'en door u vlijt." Fol. Pv recto. 3 Van der Schuere, Arithmetica (1624 ed.). "Eenen gheeft op Interest 100 L voor 4. Jaer/ om daer voor te hebben simpeleln Interest/ teghen 6% ten 100 t's Jaers/ Hoe veel ontfang hy dan ten eynde des tijdts." Fol. Pv recto. * Raets mentions 14%, and Trenchant 10% (1578 ed.), p. 300. 144 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Jean solved problems of interest from a table. This ex- ample will illustrate: " I wish to find the interest on 720 livres at 16 deniers per livre. On line 16 I search for the sum, and when I find it I refer to the number at the top of the column, where I find 45 which is the interest on 720 livres." * Trenchant gives the following- interest table with interest at 12 .per cent on sums from 10,000 livres to 1 sou. 2 Interest. I V. Principal. Interest. Principal. 10000 V. 1200 1'. 9 1'. 9000 1080 8 8000 960 7 7000 840 6 6000 720 5 5000 600 4 4000 480 3 3000 360 2 2000 240 1 r 1000 120 19 900 108 18 800 96 17 700 84 16 600 72 15 500 60 14 400 48 13 300 36 12 200 24 11 100 12 1'. r. 10 90 10 — 16 9 80 9 — 12 8 70 8 — 8 7 60 7 — 4 6 So 6 — 5 40 4 — 16 4 30 3 — 12 3 20 2 — 8 2 10 1 — 4 1 1 r. H d - 19 — 2 t 16 — 9f 14 — 4* 12 — 9 — n 7 — H 4 — 9* 2 — 4* 2 — 1 9 3"5T 2 — *n 2 — °ii — "A — 9f — 8 A — 6 it •>21 2 § — °tt — "it — I0 ^5- — m — 7i cl 9 5 T7 — A 8 — 2 M The following is an example worked from the above table : " To find the interest on 16,097 livres 8 sous." 1 Jean, Arithmetique (1637 ed.). " Ie veux tirer l'interest au denier 16 de la somme de 720 liures : le cherche done" ladite somme dans la ligne 16, & l'ayant trouuee, ie regarde directement au dessus en la ligne capitale, ou ie tro-uue 45, qui est 45 liures de rente que donnent lesdites 720 liures.'" Fol. Aiiij recto. 2 Trenchant, L' Arithmetique (1578 ed.), fol. M recto. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES I4 g (Soit maintenant qu'il faille feauoir les interests de 16097 liures, 8 fouz de principal.) 10000 1' 1200 1' of den. 6000 720 go 10 16 7 16 9f 0-8 J "M 1931 1' 13 f 9^3- 6 Compound Interest Compound interest was commonly called Jewish interest, or profit, as is shown by the following from Van der Schuere : x " When one wishes to gain money more quickly than can be gained in the usual time, then one must learn to reckon well what is his just due according to the Jewish profit." The same tendency to associate compound interest with Jewish practice is seen in Riese : 2 "A Jew lent a man 20 florins for 4 years, every half-year he added the interest to the principal. Now I ask, how much will the 20 florins amount to in 4 years, if every week the interest on 1 floren is 2 denarii? Answer, 69 florins 15 gr. ,-. 81256480 •>. 8 4 5 . " 9 39388806 86167 <>■ Equation of Payments This topic was not commonly given, A few authors gave it separate treatment, but most of them condensed it into a few problems and placed them under other rules, as that of interest. Trenchant states the object of the process thus : To 1 Van der Scheure, Arithmetica, Oft Reken=const/ (1600 ed.). "Soo yemandt van t'ghevvin oock vvinst vvil faeben snel, Als vvinste niet ibetaelt en vvordt ter rechter tijdt, So moet hy leeren hier berekenen seer vvel, Wat hem met recht toecomt, al ist een Ioodtsch profijt." Fol. Q 8 recto. 2 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.). "Item/ ein Jude leihet einem 20 floren 4 Jar/ vnd alle halbe Jar rechent er den gewin zum hauptgut/ Nu frage ich/ wie viel die 20 floren angezeigte vier Jar bringen mugen/ fo alle wochen 2^ von einem A gegeben werden? Facit — gewin vnd gewins/ t z 69 floren/ 14 gr/ 9 <;/ vnd |i ||6480 2||45 te ;i » Fol. Gv verso. 146 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC reduce to a single payment at one time several items payable at different times. 1 Exchange and Banking Exchange as a business custom existed among the Greeks, from whom it was communicated to the Romans. It is known with certainty that Bills of Exchange existed about 309 B. C. and were introduced into Italy from Greece. In Rome private bankers were known as "Argentarii," and the practice of Ex- change as " Permuta.tio." 2 The subject as it has appeared in arithmetics was developed by the Italians in the sixteenth cen- tury. According to Unger(Die Methodik, p. 90) the earliest appearance of a bill of exchange was in Borgo's (Paciuolo's) Summa (1494), fol. 167. The earliest Italian bank was a kind of subtreasury of the Mint and was located at Venice. Public banking took its rise in that city in 1587. 3 Tartaglia gave four kinds of Exchange 4 and explained the conditions for acceptance, protestation, and return. The problems of ex- change are chiefly concerned with the translation of money units, weights and other denominate number tables from one system to another, as shown in Adam Riese : 5 " 894 Hungarian florins are equal to how many Rhenish florins, when 100 Hungarian florins equal 129 Rhenish? Ans. 11 S3 ^- 5 P 2 t heller. Proceed thus: Add the exchange to 100 Rhenish and say that 100 Hungarian florins make 129 1 Trenchant, Arithmetique (1578 ed.). " Remettre a vn iour de payment vne ©u plufieurs parties payables a diuers termes." Page 316. 2 See " Exchange, Roman," in Harper's Diet. Classical Lit. and Antiq. (N. Y., 1897), 2:1597. 3 C. A. Conant, A History of Modern Banks of Issue (N. Y., 1896). 4 Tartaglia, Tvtte l'Opera (1592 ed.), II, fol. 174 recto. Catnbio (Exchange). 1. Minuto = common, meant changing money from one system to another. 2. Reale = chief, meant expressing the value of a sum of money in dif- ferent places and covered remittances. 3. Secco=:dry, treated of drafts drawn on the maker. 4. Fittitio = special kind of secco, meant bills drawn with various de- vices to prevent fraud. K Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.). "Item/ 894 Vngerifch fioren/ wie viel machen die Reinifch/ 29 auff? Facit 1153 Reinifch/ 5/82 heller/ und | teil. Thue jm alfo/ Addir den Auffwechffel zu 100 Reinifch/ und fprich/ 100 Vngerifch thun 129 Reinifch/ wie viel 894 Vngerifch ? Facit wie oben." Fol. F verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 147 Rhenish. Haw many Rhenish florins will 894 Hungarian florins make? Ans. Same as above." The questions often included the matter of remittances also. Thus, a person in Paris wishes to order the payment of 1200 crowns in Augsburg;, how many florins must be paid in Augsburg ? Since in the sixteenth century nearly every principality had its own mint and its own system of coinage, a treatment of exchange required a statement of the equivalents of many systems. Thus, Tartaglia treats of exchange between these places : Rome Venice Naples Pisa Lyons Siena Antwerp Naples London Bologna Paris Milan Venice Milan Barcelona and Pisa Provence Perugia Aquila Bologna Florence Sicily Genoa and Perugia Florence Rome Valencia Geta Palermo Avignon London Barcelona Genoa Avignon Paris Flanders and Florence Majolica Apulia Venice Rhodes Pisa Perugia Constantinople and Rome Barcelona Venice Genoa Venice Milan Avignon Milan and Pisa Genoa Paris Paris Bologna Pisa Venice and Rome Pisa Perugia Genoa Rome Ferrara and Palermo Siena Barcelona Paris Paris Bruges and Pisa 148 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC It is easy to note from the problems of exchange the various articles of trade. A few are : saffron, wax, wool, soap, tin, sable, tallow, pepper, skins, furs, grain, ginger, cloves, camlet, caps, fustian, tapestry, taffeta, worsteds, musk, linen, satin, velvet, lead, iron, steel. The following is a partial list of articles which were items of exchange between the cities named : 1 Place sent from. Article. Place sent to. Breslau garments Vienna Bohemia wool Breslau Prague cloth Ofen Venice cloves Nuremberg Eger tin Nuremberg Venice saffron Nuremberg Nuremberg pepper Vienna Nuremberg pepper Breslau Basel paper Nuremberg Breslau wax Nuremberg Posen wax Nuremberg Augsburg almonds Vienna Nuremberg tin Augsburg Venice soap Augsburg Venice cloves Vienna) Vienna wine Nuremberg Augsburg silver Vienna No adequate idea of the subject of Exchange can be given in a brief general article, for when the equivalents for weights, measures, and moneys of different systems are considered the matter increases to volumes. For a work of two hundred pages on this subject see Pasi, page 83 of this monograph. Chain Rule Although the name of this rule had a curious origin, 2 the 1 Rudoiff, Kiinstliche rechnung mit der Ziffer und mit den zalpfennige/ (1534 ed.). Under Chapter on Wechfel. See also Exempel Buchlin (1530 ed.), fol. d 8 recto. 2 According to Cantor this term has its origin thus : In Menelaus's pro- position in whioh a line divides the sides of a triangle into six segments, the transversal was called sector (cutter). The Arabs translated this THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 149 meaning given to it in the sixteenth century was peculiarly appropriate. In the Arithmetics of that period it meant a rule to find the relation between two' denominate numbers meas- ured in different units by means of a series of intermediate de- nominate numbers. The following example from Riese will illustrate: 7 pounds at Padua make 5 pounds at Venice, 10 lb. at Venice make 6 lb. at Nuremberg, and 100 lb. at Nuremberg make 73 lb. at Cologne; how many pounds at Cologne do 1000 lb. at Padua make? The work is arranged thus : 7 lb. Padua = 5 lb. Venice 10 lb. Venice — 6 " Nuremberg 1000 Padua 100 lb. Nuremberg = 73 " Cologne Then, 7,000 lb. Padua = 2190 lb. Cologne, multiplying in columns. Therefore, 1000 lb. Padua = 1000 lb. X rrir = 3 I2 # lb. Cologne. The Italian plan of arranging the work brought out more clearly the significance of the name, Chain Rule. By their method the above problem would be solved thus : 7 ^«u(t**_ j~YZnice. J 00 touutAiU > <73 C^k^. /0 lrtAA**jL 6 UuA€**+t*ULlf "* (/CV-Q^r>r/<.cttJ Divide the product of the numbers on the broken line from Padua to Padua by the product of the numbers on the line from Cologne to Venice. Then 1000 lb. Padua= ^-^".fF— lb. Cologne = 312! lb. Examples of this nature were given by Brahmagupta 1 (c. 700 A. D.) and by Leonardo of Pisa 2 (1202). In Ger- many they were usually solved until 1550 by repeated ap- plication of the Rule of Three. Widman, 3 however, gave the al-katta, which appeared in the Latin of Leonardo of Pisa's Liber Abaci, as ifigua cata. Cantor, Geschichte der Mathematik, 2 : 15. 1 Unger, Die Methodik der praktischen Arithmetik, p. 91. 2 Scritti di Leonardo Pisano, I, pp. 126, 127. 8 Widman, Behede Rechnung (1489 ed.), fol. 152. 15° SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Italian form, Apianus (1527) explained the difference be- tween the Chain Rule and the Rule of Three, Rudolff ( 1 540) gives some examples, and Stifel (1544) made a clear and formal explanation. The method reached England in the seventeenth century, for it appears in Wingate's Arithmetic 1 (1668). The rule has several names, " Vom Wechsel," because of its connection with exchange, " Vergleichung von Mass und Gewicht," "Verwechselung von Mass und Gewicht," 2 " figua cata," s " regula del chatain," 4 " Regula pagamenti, 6 and " Kettensatz," the name that became general in Germany in the eighteenth century. Barter 6 Although Barter was an extensive custom among primitive peoples, 7 it may seem strange that it should find place as a subject of instruction up to the last century. 8 There are two reasons why the subject was of sufficient importance in the sixteenth century to have given rise to a chapter in the arithmetics. 9 First, the scarcity of coined money, 10 and second, the custom of holding interstate fairs. 11 Not until the dis- covery of large quantities of gold in the New World was there a suitable metal in sufficient quantities to supply the de- mands of trade; hence, the direct exchange of goods was 1 Villicus, Geschichte der Rechenkunst, p. 101. 2 Widman. 8 Leonardo of Pisa. * Ghaligai, Practica D'Arithmetica. " Widman. 8 Often called Stich Rechnung. Heer, Compendium Arithmeticae (1617 ed.). Fol. Giij recto. 7 W. Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce (Lon- don, 1896), p. 114. " It persisted in holding a place in the Arithmetics of the nineteenth century. See Pike's Arithmetic, 8th ed. (N. Y., 1816), p. 221. 9 Ciacchi, Regole generali d'abbaco (Florence, 1675), p. 114. 10 See "Barter," New International Encyclopedia (New York, 1901-4). Cunningham, Cambridge Modern History, I, Chap. XV (London, 1902). 11 Cataneo, Le Pratiche (1567 ed.), fol. 49 verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES ISI essential to commercial progress. The great fairs which cor- responded to the International Expositions of the present time served to encourage this form of trade. Thus, the many technical questions about the expressions of values of goods in different systems and the methods of calculating the amount of one product to be exchanged for another necessitated a treatment of the subject in the arithmetics of that time. In barter the prices of articles were usually placed higher than in selling for cash. An example in barter from Baker reads : * " Two marchants will change their marcadise, the one with the, other. The one of them hath cloth of 7 s 1 d. the yard to sell for readye money, but in banter he will sell it for 8 s 4 d. The other hath Sinamon of 4 s 7 d' the li. to sell for readye moneye. I demaunde how he shall sell it in barter that he be no loser." Alligation In the sixteenth century alligation found application chiefly in problems of the mint. Among others Rudolff gave these two problems : 2 "A man has refined silver containing 14^ lot per marck and coins containing 4i lot per marck. How much of each will he need to make 40 marcks in which each marck will be 9 lot fine? Ans. 18 m of silver and 22 m of coins." "A mint-master has some refined silver containing 14^ lot per marck. How much silver and how much copper must he take in order to have 45 fh, each marck being 9 lot fine? Ans. Pure silver, 27 fh 14 lot 3 qh 2 ^ ', copper, 17 in 1 lot o qn 1 9 a The following is from Thierf eldern : 3 1 Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Wv verso. 2 Rudolff, Kiinstliche rechnung mit der Ziffer und mit den zalpfennige/ (1534 ed.). Similar problems are found in Rudolff 's Exempel Buchlein (1530), fol. F g verso and G recto. 3 Thierfeldern, Arithmetica (1587 ed.). "Item/ ein Herr hat dreyerley Gold/ wegen/ das erste 15 marck/ helt ein marck 15 karat/ 3 gran/ das ander 21 marck/ helt die marck 17 karat 2 gran/ das dritte 48 marck 152 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC "A man had three qualities of gold, the first contained 15 marcks, each marck containing 15 karats 3 grains, the second contained 21 marcks, each marck containing 17 karats 2 grains, the third contained 48 marcks, each marck containing 12 karats 1 grain. What is the greatest weight the metal resulting from a mixture of these can have so that each marck may contain 14 karats 3 grains? Ans. The resulting metal will weigh 56^ marcks, for which he takes the first two and from the third takes 29^5- marcks." Regula Fusti The Regula Fusti is an application of the Rule of Three to problems involving a reduction for impure or damaged goods. The problems refer to such commodities as spices, gold, silver, honey, and oil. Thus : x "A sack of pepper weighs 3 centners 50 lb. The tare for the sack is 3I lb., each centner contains 11 lb. of fusti. One pound of fusti cost 4 gr. and a centner of pure pepper 724 fl. The question is : What is the pepper worth ?" Another example is from Simon Jacob : 2 "A merchant bought at Frankfurt a sack of cloves weighing 2 centners 45^ lb. The tare was 8i lb., and each centner con- tained 16 pounds of fusti. A pound of pure cloves cost 21 /?, and a pound of fusti 6 /3. He then went to Nuremberg. His expenses were 5! fl. For how much must he sell the cloves helt 1 marck 12 karat/ 1 gran/ wie vil mag er von difen am meyften ■befchicken/ das ein marck hake 14 karat/ 3 gran? facit/ das Werck wird 56-jij. ms. dar zu nimpt er die erften zwey/ vnd von dritten 29 1 marck." Page 193. 1 Thierfeldern, Arithmetiica (1587 ed.). "Item/ ein Sack Pfeffer .wigt 3 cr. 50 lb. Thara fur den Sack/ 3| lb. helt der cr. 11 lb. Fufti/ kost 1 lb. Fufti 4 gr. vnd ein cr. lauter 72^ fl. Ift die Frag/ was der Pfeffer geftehe? Fa. 231 ft. o gr. 8 8 o|| hr." Page 119. 2 Jacob, Reohenbuch auf den Linden und mit Ziffern (1599 ed.). "Item/ einer kaufft zu Franckfurt einen Sack mit Naglin/ der wigt 2 centner 454 lb. tara 8-J pfundt/ helt der centner 16 pfund Fusti/ .das lb. lauter vmb 21 /3. das lb. Fusti vmb 6. /3. die bringet er gehn Nurnberg/ gestehen mit vnkosten dahin s-J fl. wie soil er da selbst 1 lb. durch einander verkauffen/ das er vber alien kosten 30 gulden gewine. Vnd ich «etze das Frankforter gewicht gleich dem Nurntoerger ?" Fol. Mv verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 153 a pound that he may gain 30 guldens above all costs? And I reckon the Frankfurt weight equal to that of Nuremberg." Virgin's Rule, also called Rule of Drinks. This rule (Regula Virginum, or Regula Cecis) 1 grew out of the custom of charging men, women and maidens different prices for their drinks. Riese explains it thus : 2 "At times it chances that many people of different kinds are included in one bill and the reckoning is obscure as when men, women, and maidens are included in a reckoning for money spent in drink- ing and they are not to pay equally. To make such a reckon- ing you must study industriously this excellent rule, called the Rule of Drinks." Thierfeldern gives this example: 3 " 47 people, men, women, and maidens together spent 47 gr., each man gave 5 gr., each woman 3 gr., and each maiden 1 hr. How many persons of each kind were there? Ans. 3 men, 4 women, and 40 maidens." Rule of False Position (Single; Double) The Rule of False Position (Regula Falsi), essentially an algebraic process, is as old as Egyptian mathematics. It was used to solve various indeterminate problems. 4 Gemma Frisius explains the name thus : 5 " This rule which we are 1 This name is derived from the Arabic cintu Sekes, according to Zeu- then in L'Interm., 1896, p. 152 (quoted by Enestrom B. M., 10(2) : 96). 2 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ed.). " Es begeben fich zu zeiten viel und mancherley rede unter den Leyen/ und unverften- digen der Rechnung/ Als wenn Menner/ Frawen/ und Jungfrawen in einer Zeche verfamlet/ ein anzal gelds vertrincken/ und nicht zu gleich bezahlen/ Solches zu machen/ foltu mit fleis diefe hiibfche Regel mercken/ welche Cecis genant wird." Fol. Lvii recto. 3 Thierfeldern, Arithmetica Oder Rechenbuch (1587 ed.). "Item/ 47 Perfonen/ Mann/ Frawen und Jungfrawen/ haben verzehrt 47 gr. ein Mann gibt s gr. ein Fraw 3 gr. ein Jungfraw 1 hr. Wie vil find jeder Perfon dn fonderheit. facit/ 3 Man/ 4 Frauwen/ vnd 40 Jungfrawen." Page 215. * The Arabs called it the operation with scales, because of the figure, ZZXZZ, used in the method. Steinschneider, Abhandlungen, 3:120. 6 Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae Practicae Methodus Facilis (1575 ed.). " Vocatur autem regula quam iam docemus, Falsi, non quod falsum doceat, sed ex falso verum elicere, fit qj in hunc modum." Fol. F recto. 154 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC now teaching is called the Regula Falsi, not because it teaches what is false, but because it teaches to find the true through the false." Tonstall * says of the name that the Arabs and Phoenicians, celebrated merchants, from whom arithmetic is thought to have originated, called this method of finding the truth by the foreign word, cathaym. The Latin races called it either the Rule of False Position or the Rule of False Assumption. Variations of this word are Kataim used by Cardan 2 and Helcataym used by Tartaglia. 3 Baker 4 speaks of this rule as the " Rule of Falsehoode, or false positions." Under applications of this rule Widman gives many number puzzles, as : 5 " You are to find for me a number to which if I add | of itself and divide the result by 4^, the answer will be 12." "Divide for me 15 into two unequal parts SO' that if I divide the larger by the smaller, the result will be 19." The following example from Onofrio will illustrate the method of working : 8 " This principle is illustrated by several 1 Tonstall, De Arte Supputandi (1322 ed.). "Arabes et Phoenices mer- catura celebres, et a quibus Arithmetica profecta primum putatur : artem illam ueritatis inueniende barbaro uocabulo Cathaym appelant. Latini fiue falfaru pofitionu, fiue falfaru coiecturaru regulas uocat. Fol. r recto. 2 Cardan, Practica Arithmetica (1539 ed.), Chap. 47, Lii verso. 3 Tartaglia, La Prima Parte Del General Trattato (1556 ed.), Book 16. * Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Zv verso. "Widman, Behend und hupsch Rechnung (1508 ed.). " Du solt mir sflche ein zal wen ich J der selben zal dar zu addir/ vn darnach das aggre- gat in 4-J. partir/ das mir 12 kumen." Fol. e 3 recto. "Diuidir mir 15 in 2 teil die vngleich sein/ vnd we ich dz grost diuidir durch dz kleinst das 19 kume/. Onofrio, Arithmetica (1670 ed.). "E per dar principio a gl' effempij f ia quefto il primo. Ottauiano Semproni compro tre diamanti ; il fecondo li cofto on. 4. piu del primo, & il terzo quanto il primo, e fecondo, & on. 5 piu; in tutto fpefe on. 81. quanto dunque li cofto ciafcun diamante? Per folutione della prefente domanda, fupponi il primo diamante efferli coftato on. 24. il fecondo, perche dice la domanda, che li cofto on. 4. piu del primo; li fara coftato on. 28. & il terzo, perche cofto quanto il primo, e fecondo, & on. 5. piu, dunque cofto on. 57. la fomma delli quali tre numeri s'e on. 109. & eglino coftarono on. 81. dunque la noftra pofitione THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 155 examples, of which this is the first : Ottaviano Semproni bought three jewels, the second of which cost 4 on. more than the first, the third cost 5 on. more than the first, and the third cost 5 on. more than the first and second together, and all three cost 81 on. Required the cost of each. In order to solve, suppose for the present that the first jewel cost 24 on., the second, because it was to cost 4 on. more, cost 28 on., the third, because it was to cost as much as the first and second together and 5 more, cost 57 on. The sum of these make 109, and since they are to cost 81 on., then our position is false by excess; this excess (since 28 is the result of taking 81 from 109) will be designated by the letter, P, in this man- ner 24 P. 28. fu falfa per ecceffo, quale ecceffo (che fono on. 28. perdhe tanto auanza il numero 109. al numero 81.) fi notera con la lettera P, in quefta maniera. 24. P. 28. " Faccifi vn' altra nuoua pof itione e fuppongafi il primo diamante hauer coftato on. 20. il fecondo, perche cofto onze 4. piu, fara conftato on. 24. & il terzo, perche cofto quanto il primo, e fecondo, e 5 piu, hauera coftato on. 49. fommati quefti tre numeri fanno on. 93. & eglino doueano fare on. 81. dunque habbiamo di nuouo auanzato dalla 24. P. 28 verita per on. 12. e pero noteremo quest' errore parimente con 20. P. 12 la lettera P, cosi dunque ftara l'effempio. " Hor per trouare la verita mediante la proportionalita della pofitioni con quella degl' errori, cosi s'operira. Perche l'vna, e l'altra pofitioni haue auanzato la verita, fi fottrarra il minore errore dal maggiore, cioe 12. da 28. e rimarra 16. quale fi notera fotto per partitore : doppo fi moltiplice in croce la prima pofitione, cioe 24. per il fecondo errore 12. & il prodotto 288. fi fcriuera alia parte deftra del medefimo errore 12. come in queft' ef fempio appare : parimente f i moltiplichera la f econda pofitione 20. per il primo 24. P. 28 560 >< 20. P. 12 288 Partitore 16. 272 Partitione Quotiente 17. 1 12 — o errore 28. & il prodotto 560. fi fcriuera dalla parte deftra del medefimo errore 28. delli quali due prodotti fottraito il minore dal maggiore, cioe 288. da 560. reftera 272. da partirfi al partitore 16. fi che partendo 272. a 16. il quotiente fara 17. & onze 17. cofto il primo diamente, il fecondo on. 21. cioe on. 4. piu, che il primo, & il terzo on. 43. cioe quanto il primo, e fecondo, e 5 piu, quali tre numeri infieme vniti fanno on. 81. come nella domanda fi cercaua." Fol. Ee verso. 156 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC " Take a new position and suppose that the first cost 20 on., the second, since it cost 4 on. more, would cost 24, and the third, because it was to cost 5 more than the first and second together, would cost 49 on. The sum of these would then be Q3, where it should be 81, then we have yj 24. P. 28 the new variation from the truth, 12, which error 20 p I2 we designate by the letter, P, as in the example. " The truth is found by finding the mean proportionals be- tween these positions together with their errors. " Since the former and the latter positions vary from the truth, if the smaller group is subtracted from the larger, as 12 from 28, there remains 16, which we place below for a divisor. Then we multiply crosswise the first position, 24, by the second error, 12, which gives the product, 288, which we place at the right of the error, 12, as shown in this example: 24. P. 28 560 >< 20. P. 12 288 Partitore 16. 272 Partitione Quotiente 17. 112 — o " Then multiply the second assumption, 20, by the first error, 28, and the product is 560, which is placed at the right of the error, 28, then the difference between these pro- ducts is found which is 272. When this remainder is divided by 16, the quotient will be 17, therefore the first jewel cost 17 on., the second 21,4 on. more than the first, and the third, 43, equal to 5 more than the first and second; the three to- gether make 81, as the problem required." Most of the minor rules, mentioned p. 132, are special cases of other rules. That is, they designate more minute divisions used by a few authors for particular problems and included by most writers under more general rules. Thus, voyage J was commonly used to stand for courier problems. Problems of the mint were very important at that time, be- 1 Van der Schuere, Arithmetica, Oft Reken = const (1600 ed.), fol. Ziiii recto, gives the Hound and Hare problem, the Mule problem, and other courier problems. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 1 ry cause the coinage of money was delegated to local autl. rities and on account of the multiplicity of standards. Although these questions were often treated under Alligation, many authors grouped them under the title Mintage. 1 Certain practical arithmetics emphasized solutions of ques- tions of householders and landlords and designated the prob- lems by such titles as Salaries of Servants and Rents. 2 Among the many safeguards which European nations have thrown about general public interests for centuries is the legal standardizing of bread. The weight of a loaf of bread which sold for a fixed price was regulated according to the price of the grain from which it was made. The earliest regulation yet found is the Frankfurt Capitulare (794 A. D.). London regulations are found as early as the twelfth century. An- other good specimen is the "Assize of Bread " of the time of Henry II. The general law which was practically followed was : The weight of the loaf varies inversely as the price of wheat. 3 The following from Finaeus is a typical bread prob- lem, as found in the arithmetics of the sixteenth century : * "When a bushel of wheat is sold for 34 shillings (for ex- ample), and the bread made from it is sold at 6 denarii per loaf, one observes that the weight is 12 ounces; if the same bushel of wheat is sold at 28 shillings, how many ounces must be put into each loaf to sell for 6 denarii?" Overland Reckoning The title, Rechnung Uber Land, really a synonym for Ex- 1 Van der Schuere, Arithmetica Oft Reken = const (1600 ed.), fol. Yiiii recto. 2 Unicorn, De L' Arithmetica universali (1558 ed.), fol. Ccccc 4 verso. a W. Cunningham, The Growth of Industry and Commerce during the Early Middle Ages (London, 1896), p. 68. An excellent explanation of the English Law in 1800 is found in Nasmith, An Examination of the Statutes now in Force Relating to the Assize of Bread (Wisbech, 1800). 4 Finaeus, De Arithmetica Practica (1555 ed.). "Cum medimnus tritici, uaenit (exempli gratia) duodenis 34, & confectus ex illo panis 6 denarioru turonen obferuat podus 12. unciarum: fi idem medimnus tritici, uenerit ad pretium 28 duodenorum, queritur quot unciaru formandus erit idem panis 6 denorioru?" Fol. Sij recto. 158 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC change, was used by some writers in a broader sense, namely, to include problems concerning the purchase of foreign goods as well as the methods of remitting money. Trenchant * gave twenty-three pages to the subject as well as several ap- pendices and included in it the treatment of Exchange, explain- ing four cases similar to those of Tartaglia. See page 146, note 4 of this monograph. Because problems on gain and loss, interest and discount were abundant, one naturally seeks for a treatment of per- centage. But percentage as a separate subject did not appear until the end of the sixteenth century. There appeared, how- ever, under the various subjects, problems of that nature. The symbol, %, although not in the text-books of that period, originated about the beginning of the fifteenth century. 2 The following are among the various expressions used for per cent: p cr. 3 von 100 * pour ioo D ten 100 ° mt hundert 7 int hundert s met 100 ° .mit IOO 10 per cento 11 pro 100 12 p 100 13 uppon the 100 1 * an ioo 15 P 2 1G auff 100 17 per C. 18 1 Trenchant, L'Arithmetique (1578 ed.), p. 340. 2 The origin of the present sign, %, as an abbreviation for per cento has recently been traced by Dr. David Eugene Smith, Columbia Univer- sity, New York, to a manuscript of the first half of the fifteenth century. 3 E. g., Heer, Compendium Arithmeticae (1617), fol. F recto et al. i E. g., Heer, fol. Fv verso. Jacob, Rechenbuch auf den Linien und mit Ziffern (1599 ed.), fol. Mv recto. 6 E. g., Wencelaus, T'Fondament Van Arithmetica (1599 ed.), under In- terest. c Ibid. 7 E. g., Van der Schuere, Arithmetica (1600 ed.), under Gain and Loss. 8 Ibid. "Ibid. 10 E. g., Jacob, under Gain and Loss. 11 E. g., Chiarini and Jacob, under Gain and Loss. 12 E. g., Finaeus, De Arithmetica Practica (1555 ed.), fol. Si verso. 13 E. g., Unicorn, De L' Arithmetica vniuersali (1598 ed.), under Interest. 14 E. g., Baker, The Well Spring of Sciences (1580 ed.), fol. Riiii verso. 16 E. g., Heer, fol. Fiij recto. 10 E. g., Giocomo Filippi Biordi, Arithmetica et Prattica (MS.) (1684). He uses "12 p |-|- i'' for I2i%. 17 Jacob, " Setz 93 fl. Iosung (verftehe aufi 100 fl.) gehen 3 J fl. wie viel 117 fl." Fol. Mv recto. 18 Chiarini, Qvesta e ellibro che tracta de Mercatanti et vsage de paesi." THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES 159 Puzzles Besides the practical problems which were classified under the general rules, there were many problems famous as puzzles or amenities. The work of Bachet de Meziriac 1 (1624), a book now generally accessible through modern editors, is a collection of such problems known in his time. The following list is incomplete, but it contains the most in- teresting of those contained in the arithmetics consulted in preparing this monograph ; the writers mentioned are those in whose arithmetics the problems appeared, but not the origin- ators of the problems. Only the essential feature of each problem is stated : Potato Race. One hundred stones (or potatoes) are placed in a row, the adjacent stones being 1 yard apart; how many yards will one have to travel in starting with the first and bringing each stone separately to the position of the first? (Trenchant). Snail in the Well. There is a well 20 fathoms deep. Every day a snail climbs 7 fathoms and at night falls back two fathoms. In how many days will he come from the well? Ans. 3f days. (Rudolff, Riese, and others). Chess-board Problem. Required the number of kernels of wheat needed in order to place 1 kernel on the first square of a chess-board, 2 on the second, 4 on the third, and so on for the 64 squares. Given by Masudi, (Cairo, 950) in " Meadows of Gold." See Bone. Bull., 13 :274. Eating and Drinking Problems. Some hunters with loaves of bread and bottles of wine meet at a spring; they seek to divide the refreshments so that each shall share ac- cording to what he brought. (Ghaligai, fol. 66 recto). Similar problems about drinking wine were given by Re- corde. In the Dutch arithmetics this problem takes the form of a dispute between a lion, a wolf, and a dog over their prey. Horseshoe Problem. A man agrees to pay one penny for the first nail, 2 pence for the second, 4 for the third and so on 1 Claude Gaspard Bachet de Mezeriac, Problemes plaisants (1624). 160 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC for all the nails used in shoeing his horse; how much does he pay? This is similar to the Chessboard problem. Courier Problems. The name is now used to represent the whole class of problems that concern the movement of bodies at given rates in which some position of these bodies is given and the time required before they will assume another given position. The name originated with the French to designate problems about messengers delivering despatches in connection with military service. The problems of the clock hands and the times of conjunc- tion of the planets fall into this general class. Courier problems appear in the Bamberg Arithmetic (1483) under the title, "Van Wandern." They are found in Calandri, Tonstall, Kobel, Cardan, and Trenchant. Three Casks. Three casks together con- tain 79 gal. ; the second contains 3 gallons more than § as much as the first, and the third contains 7 gallons less than the second ; how many gallons are there in each ? three jugs. 1 (Trenchant, Baker, Kobel.) God Greet You Problem. God greet you with your 100 scholars! We are not 100 scholars; but our number and the number again and its half and its fourth are 100; how many are we? (Rabbi Ben Ezra, Alcuin, Leonardo, Gram- mateus, Riese, Kobel and Van der Schuere.) Thief Problem. A thief having robbed a castle met a guard in trying to escape whom he bribed with i of his plunder; at the next gate he met a guard whom he bribed with i of what he has left; he escaped with 15 lb. How much did the owner of the castle lose? (Tonstall and Kobel.) This problem ran through many variations as the plunder- ing of gardens and the stealing of apples. Reed Problem. A reed standing in the center of a circu- lar pond 12 feet deep projects 3 ft. out of water; when the wind blows it over to the side of the pond, it just reaches the surface; what is the distance across the pond? 1 This illustration is from a fourteenth century manuscript. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES x 6i Tree Problem. A tree 50 ft. high was broken so that its top touched the ground 30 ft. away from its base. How much was broken off and how much remained standing? (Calandri). Mill- Wheel Problem. A mill has 5 wheels, the first wheel grinds 7 staria of wheat in 1 hour, the second 5 staria, the third 3 staria, the fourth 2, and the other 1. In how many- hours will they altogether grind 50 staria? Jealous Husband Problem. A boatman has his wife, two strangers, and their wives to ferry across a stream. His boat will carry only two persons. Being jealous of his wife he is not willing to leave her boat and dock. 1 with either of the strangers. How many trips must he make to ferry the party across and not leave his wife with a stranger? A familiar form of this problem is that of the boatman with a fox, a goose and some corn, or with a wolf, a goat and some cabbage. Cistern Problem. See page 134. Many variations of this problem are still found in text-books concerning the building of walls, digging of trenches, and the famous " If A can do a piece of work in 5 days, and B can do it in 8 days, how long will it take both working together to do it?" Market Problem. A woman going to market with a basket of eggs found that when she counted them by twos there was one over, but when she counted them by threes there were two over. The whole number was between 50 and 60; how many were there in the basket? (Baker.) Mule and Ass Problem. A mule asked an ass whether his load was heavy; the ass replied: "My load is thrice as heavy as yours, but, if I had yours and mine together, it would be only half a ton; find the result yourself." (Gemma Frisius.) Servant Problem. A master bargained with a servant to give him 10 guldens a year and a coat. The servant re- mained only 7 months. At that time the master said : " Leave my house and take the coat that I gave you ; I owe you noth- 1 This illustration is from a fourteenth century manuscript. 162 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC ing more. How many guldens was the coat worth ?" (Uni- corn and Kobel.) Casket Problem. A jewel casket and lid weigh 27 oz. ; the lid is I as heavy as the casket; what is the weight of the lid?" Striking of Clock. Venetian clocks strike from 1 to 24; how many days and nights go by for 300 strokes of the clock ? Tower Problem. One-third of a tower is hidden under the earth, a fourth is submerged under water. 60 cubits rise above the water. It is desired to know how many cubits are under the earth and how many are submerged under water. (Tonstall.) Garrison Problem. A captain with 4000 soldiers was be- sieged in a fortress by the enemy for 7 months. They had only provisions for 5 months and were without hope of re- ceiving any during the siege of 7 months. It is required to know how the captain shall apportion the rations that they may last during the siege. (Champenois.) Will Problem. A man on his death-bed made his will thus : If his wife (about to be confined) should bear a son, he should receive \ of the property valued at 3600 aurei, if she should bear a daughter, the daughter should receive a third. She gave birth to a son and a daughter; it is required to know how much each should receive. This question was also known as the Widow Problem and the Problem of Inheritance and dates back to the Greeks and Romans. It was stated by Salvianus Julianus in the reign of Hadrian. (Given by Gemma Frisius, Tartaglia, Rudolff, Trenchant, Widman.) Hiero's Crown. Vitruvius relates in Book 9, Chapter 3, that when Hiero, the king, had decided to make an offering to the gods of a crown of pure gold, he entrusted it to a work- man, who (as they are always wont to do) mixed a portion of silver with the gold. A fraud was suspected when the crown was finished and Archimedes of Syracuse detected it thus : He obtained a mass of pure gold of the same weight as the finished crown and another mass of pure silver of the same weight. He placed each separately into a vessel filled with water saving the water which flowed out each time from THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES ^3 the vessel and thus found the amount of gold and silver. Let us suppose the weight of the crown and the two pieces of metal to have been 5 lb. each; 3 lb. of water overflowed from the immersion of the gold, 3^ lb. from that of the crown, and \\ from that of the silver. Therefore the question is : how much gold and how much silver were there in the crown ? (Gemma Frisius.) Statue of Minerva Problem. I am the statue of Minerva; my gold, however, is the gift of the youthful poets. Charisius furnished £, Thespis -J; Solon, ■£$, Themison, ^V ; the re- mainder, nine talents, was the gift of Aristodicus. (Ramus.) Herds of Alcides. To one asking the number in the herds of Alcides it was replied that $ were near the gently flowing Alpheus, $ grazed on the hill of Saturn, ^ on the mountain of Tarixippus, ^V near the divine Elides, and £$ in Arcadia. The rest of the herd is 50. Beggar Problem. Three mendicants approached a priest holding a purse of money to be distributed among the poor. Having compassion for their poverty he gave to the first one- half of what he had in the purse and 2 nummi ; to the second he gave half of what was left and 3 nummi besides; to the third he gave 4 nummi more than half of what was left. Only one nummus remained in the purse. It is required to find how many nummi were in the purse at first. (Tonstall.) Ring problem. To find who has a ring in a company. If one person in a company standing in line has a ring on a cer- tain finger and you wish to know which one has it and on which finger it is, have one of the company silently double the number denoting the order of the one who has the ring, add 5, multiply this by 5, add the number of the finger on which the person has the ring, and tell the result. Take away 25 and the tens' digit will be the number of the person and the units' digit the number of the finger. (Trenchant.) Mensuration Besides the commercial applications, arithmetic of the six- 164 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC teenth century was very serviceable in the field of mensura- tion. Practical arithmetics commonly contained a section de- voted to mensuration. The combination of the Reckoning Book (Rechenbuch) and the Mensuration book (Visirbiich) by Kobel * represents the two forms of arithmetic at that time. The Visirbiich was better illustrated than any of its contem- poraries. The name, Visir, means gauge and Visirbiich, technically gauge book, means a book to teach gauging of casks. Its contents, however, were concerned with all forms of practical mensuration. The following list given by Cataneo furnishes an idea of the extent of the subject of mensuration: 2 The Measurement of Wood. 3 The Measurement of Solid Bodies.* The Measurement of Triangular Prisms. 5 The Measurement of Square Prisms. The Measurement of Square Pyramids. 7 The Measurement of Parallelepipeds. 8 The Measurement of Walls. Another Method of Measuring Walls, Floors, Surface to be Whitewashed. l ° The Measurement of Casements. J 1 The Measurement of the Scarp of a Wall. 12 'Kobel, Zwey rechenbuchlin. " Uff der Linien vnd Zipher/ Mit eym angehenckten Visirbiich/ so verstendlich fur geben/ das iedem hierauS on ein lerer wol zulernen " (1531). 2 Cataneo, Le Pratiche Delle Due Prime Matematiche (1567 ed.). s Del Misvrar De I Boschi, fol. W. verso. *■ Del Qvadrar Le Cose Corporee, fol. Xi recto. 5 Del Qvadrar Le Colonne Triangulari, fol. Xi recto. Del Qvadrar Le Colonne Qvadrangulari, fol. Xi verso. T Del Qvadrar Le Piramide Qvadrangulari, fol. Xi verso. " Del Riqvadrar I Vasi Qvadrangulari, fol. Xi verso. Del Riqvadrar Le Muraglie, fol. Xij recto. 10 Altro Modo Di Riquadrar Muraglie, palchi, sciabli, e legnami, fol. Xij recto. 11 Del Misvrar I Casamenti, fol. Xij verso. "Del Riqvadrar Le Scarpe De I muri, fol. Xij verso. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES ^5 Further subjects are: The Measurement of Bodies with Square Surfaces. The Measurement of Floors and the Number of Bricks Necessary for a Square Surface. The Method of Finding the Number of Bricks in a Wall. The Measurement of Round Bodies, first the Measurement of a Ball. The Measurement of a Cistern. The Measurement of a Cylinder. The Measurement of a Cone. The Measurement of a Pile of Grain. Another Method of Finding the Contents of a Pile of Grain. A still different Method of Finding the Contents of a Pile of Grain. The Method of Finding the Capacity of a Cask. The Method of Finding the Capacity of a Barrel. Another Method of Finding the Capacity of a Barrel. The Method of Finding the Capacity of a Bin of Grain. The Measurement of a Small Cylinder. The Measurement of Cylindrical Walls. Besides the guage which served to measure the capacities of castes and small receptacles, another instrument, called the quadrans, or quadrant, was used to measure cisterns, walls, and distances. There were two forms of the latter instrument, one a square with graduated sides and the other a quarter of a circle with a graduated arc. Although the proportionality of the corresponding sides of similar triangles was the chief prin- ciple used in the solution of problems, the graduated arc in connection with the plumb-line made possible the measurement of angles. In this form of the quadrant we recognize the be- ginnings of the modern theodolite. The following page from Finaeus (1532) illustrates the method of finding heights and distances by use of each form of the Quadrans. 1 66 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC tiaasd m . SaonAn m ORO NT XI PINEI DEL FH. „* orimi dementorumEudidis facile maniWhtur.&angulus ABklan- ^ AG F cftxquaKs(jumucer(^re&is)ig£turper 4 i«ti auTdrra Eudidis, icffcnt k b ad s a, ica * C putd laurudoad C A corapoGtam aGB&iSA lon£i. tudincm.due prcfijiditsccm. tt ^«.» - Sic exempli gratia BH20 partnrm/jualiuci fetus quadrati eft 6o:b E aute me* tiitur,& fit in exeroplum 6* cubiconinvot etiara cnbicorum erit G Fdunt enira la cent prralldogranfcm BEPC oppoGa,qux per J4 dsf&cm primi funt inuicem aec]uaIia,Duc igicur 6m 6Q&nt }6o:(px diuidepcr 20, &iabehis pro quoded tciS-Totigirur cubitojfc crii A G: & quaG dempferis A b mum uer* hi gratia cubiiorum, rdfnqtrrtnr BGdefyderata & in profundom depfla patcHogimdoif cubitoR:. IDEM Q_V O CLV 5 SIC OB* tinebis. Metire H e : Gtcp exempli; caufa 5 cub i :cr lj . Deindc inula* plica y per 6o,Sent joojiarc diul per zOjproducentur ly.udnt an* tea.Binanancjrtriangula A BH et HEf funt rurfum equiangular^ quoniam angulus ahb angulo E H f ad ucrricem pcfito , per ic primi Eudidis. eft scquaji5.]t5 re* crus qui ad B, reSoqui ad e pari ter acquac. rcliquus igicur BAH reliquo H F E per J2 eiufdem pri* nueftarqualis. Vndc per fupc* rius allcgara quarca propoGcionc fexri,Gcuc hb ad e A,ira h E ad E F.eidem B G per aypotbefim aequalem. Cum autem accident puceum rotundam habere figuram,habenda eric cofy dc* ratio diamem putcalis oriGcij J & reliqua omnia ueluri prius aifoluenda, $fl* B.ELIQ.VVUETS,VT eandemrerumin profundi! dc* pnaTarum, per uulgatu qusdra* tem mean doceamus alticudine. Ei't icacp puteus circularis efg H^uius diamerer Gc e F,aut illi scqualis G H. Adplica igicur qua* dratem ipG pucei orifioo: in Hijc mod^ut finis lateris A D ad datu punctumEconfticuatur. Leua poftmodu,aut deprime quadra* tern(Itbero femperdemiflb per pendiculo)donec radius uifualis per ambo foramina pinnacidioRE ad inferiorem & e diametroG- |™u termini! Hperdueac.Quo faf large numbers not readily factored. There is scarcely any excuse for teaching the general process of extracting cube root in the grammar school, or, in fact, square root, although the latter is sometimes met in practical measurement. The elementary school pupil seldom understands the reasoning involved in the process and there- fore loses even' the supposed mental training. Progressions. These subjects have no vital applications, and their theory belongs to algebraic analysis. Concerning Fractions: Complex fractions. Drill work in fractions above thousandths. All fractions not common in business practice, as 39ths, 47ths, 6ists, and the like. In such matters the ques- tion is not so much one of omission as of emphasis. The presence of such fractions in arithmetic may even be desirable, but continuous drill work with them is deadening. Concerning Decimals: Decimals beyond thousandths should not receive emphasis. 198 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC All practice in circulating decimals. Reduction of decimals to common fractions should re- ceive little emphasis. Concerning Denominate Numbers : Troy zv eight. Apothecary's zveight. Surveyor's measure. Duodecimals. Not only should all obsolete tables be eliminated, but also those which are oi use to specialists only. Gill, perch, mill, and rod. The last is still spoken of in rural districts, but is seldom met in practical calculation. There is no defence for its great promi- nence in text-book exercises. Tables of English Money should receive less attention than the exchange value of the pound sterling, the mark, and the franc. Compound numbers of more than tzvo or three de- nominations are not justifiable in operations. Concerning the applications of arithmetic : Profit and Loss as a separate subject. A few prob- lems to illustrate percentage of gain and loss are sufficient. True discount. Bank discount has taken its place en- tirely. Partial payments in the form O'f state rules and irre- gular indorsements. Promissory notes which provide for payment before maturity are drawn with the privi- lege of paying stated amounts on interest days. Annual interest, except in the form of bond coupons. Equation of payments. Partnership zvith time. Partnership without time may serve as an introduction to the explanation of the mod- ern Stock Company. Alligation. Compound Proportion. Simple proportion is import- ant, but the old form and the traditional processes of EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE Ig9 inversion, alternation, composition, and so on, are be- ing replaced by the simple equation. Besides these whole topics there are many types of problems which have become obsolete. The chief ones are: Problems in commission that represent the agent as re- ceiving money from his principal after deducting his commission. Problems in stocks that represent the purchase and sale of fractional shares of stock. Problems in exchange that represent all rates of ex- change at par and that do not conform to modern banking customs. Problems in compound interest, apart from some bank or life insurance reckoning in which tables are employed. Then there are the objectionable inverse problems found everywhere, as : Given the proceeds, rate, and time to find the face. Given the rate and amount to find the base. Given the rate, time, and interest to find the principal. Such problems may occasionally be per- mitted for the purpose of jogging the intellect, but seldom on the ground of utility. Having discussed the bases of selection of subject-matter, the organization of materials may next be considered. Al- though any arrangement of subject-matter must have a bear- ing upon method, it may be made for logical rather than for educational reasons. In the making of sixteenth century arith- metics there were three plans of construction. The first and most common was the prevailing nineteenth century type. The whole realm of numbers was presented at the outset (pp. 36-77) and was represented under each operation. The four processes were repeated with fractions and often with de- nominate numbers. Another plan, best illustrated by Cardan, 1 was based upon the idea of teaching all the operations with each kind of number. The following outline of the first few chapters will illustrate: 1 Cardan Practica Arithmetice (1539). 200 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Chapter I On the Subjects of Arithmetic. The subjects defined are: integral numbers, fractions, surds, and denominate numbers. Chapter II On Operations. There are seven operations : numeration, ad- dition, subtraction, multiplication, progres- sion, division, and the extraction of roots. Chapter III Numeration of .Integers. Chapter IV Numeration of Fractions. Chapter VI Numeration of Denominate Numbers. Chapter VII Addition of Integers, including denomin- ate numbers. Chapter VIII Addition of Fractions. Chapter IX Addition of Surds. Chapter X Addition of Powers. Chapter XI Subtraction of Integers and Denominate Numbers. The third plan was a modification of these two in which a sub- ject like denominate numbers occurred under two or three operations. Although these schemes of arrangement were not based on avowed educational principles, they are none the less sugges- tive ait the present time. Educators are generally agreed that the extreme topical plan of nineteenth century arithmetics is defective, and are seriously questioning the so called spiral plan, hence it may be useful to know by reference to six- teenth century arithmetic that there is no practical arrange- ment except a combination of the first and second plans de- scribed above. The scheme of grading the subject according to the size of the numbers and complexity of processes, instead of by kinds of numbers or kinds of processes seems to be an essential for primary teaching, but its value depends upon the size of the groups and upon the systematic treatment within each group. Some writers have chosen a group of topics, reproducing them every ten pages and adding slowly to the content presented. Some have chosen a group to represent a term's or a year's work, reproducing and extending the con- EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 20I tent in each succeeding period. Others have reduced the amount of repetition to a minimum by giving only two cycles, one for the primary school and one for the grammar school. The proper number of periods lies between these extremes and probably approaches the larger rather than the smaller cycle. The minimum cycle leads to confusion and scrappiness, while the larger cycle makes possible the systematic treatment of ad- dition, subtraction, multiplication, and division separately un- der each kind of number within each group. It not only makes possible the appearance of these processes, but it in- sures to each an extent of application sufficient to leave an impression of its importance upon the pupil. Method Method as used in this article relates to an author's manner of treatment of subject-matter and not to the teacher's mode of presentation of it in the class room. It is by considering method in this aspect that one obtains most light from sixteenth century sources on the teaching of arithmetic, because the text- books constitute the chief source o>f information concerning the mathematical instruction o-f that time. Even from this narrower point of view one cannot expect to gain informa- tion on all present questions of method, since the text-books of that time were written before much of modern educational doctrine saw the light. But there is enough of suggestion to justify a comparison of the methods of development of subject- matter at that time with those prevalent to-day, and for this purpose we may consider three plans, the synthetic, the analy- tic, and the psychologic. The synthetic method is the form in which the mathema- tician casts the finished product of his reasoning. It rarely is the way by which he reaches the truth, but having reached it, the synthetic development of the steps in the process makes an elegant .and direct exposition. The analytic method is the process of experimentation and discovery. It is the pulling to pieces and comparison of parts which show on what principles the system may be built up. 202 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC The psychologic method seeks to develop the subject along the path of least resistance by taking into account all accepted educational principles. This method is not wholly separate from the other two any more than logic is separate from psy- chology. In general, it conforms now to one and now to the other; but its characteristic feature consists in this, that it fol- lows psychological principles, whereas the other methods fol- low the canons of logic. All of these types of development are represented among sixteenth century arithmetics. The synthetic type, however, was the common method, the others being exceptional. Al- though its use was not confined to one school of writers, it pre- vailed almost exclusively among those of the Latin School. It was the traditional method of the ancient mathematicians, and the great classical scholars of the sixteenth century, as Paciuolo, Cardan, Ramus, Tartaglia, and Unicorn, preferred its elegant form of expression. Of course, arithmetic does not furnish opportunities for demonstrations to the same ex- tent that geometry does ; there is more of definition and me- chanical process; but the spirit of the synthetic method is basal in all dogmatic treatments and in all topical arithmetics in which abstract theory precedes the concrete matter. This is the type represented by the old style books in use to-day. It is a relic of the old education in which adult psychology stood in lieu of child psychology and information giving in place of self-realization. The sixteenth century arithmetics which may be called analytic were cast in the catechetical form,, a style somewhat prevalent for half a century. Among the first of these books was one by Willichius ( 1 540) , but it was not a very success- ful arithmetic. Perhaps the best extant example of this method is Recorde's Ground of Artes. The following is an illustration taken from his clear method of teaching the signi- ficance of place value in notation : " M. (Master) Now then take heede, these certayne values every figure representeth, when it is alone written without other figures joyned to him. And also when it is in the first EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 203 place though many others doo follow : as for example. This figure 9 is IX. standing now alone. " Sc. (Scholar) How, is he alone and standeth in themydle of so many letters ? " M. The letters are none of his felowes. And if you were in Fraunce in the middle of M. Frenchmen, if there were none Englysh man with you, you wolde recken your selfe to be alone. " Sc. I perce'aue that." fol. Bvii verso. The catechetical method is one of those extreme forms of pre- senting arithmetic which has been tried and found wanting. But the lesson for present purposes is not that arithmetics should not be analytic in form, but that in making them analytic, there should be no attempt to usurp the function of the teacher. The ideal arithmetic must be inductive and must suggest ways of presenting subjects in the class-room, but all arithmetics which may be designed to serve both as text-book and teacher will prove unsuccessful as were the catechetical ones of the sixteenth century. Among the sixteenth century writers who were less en- slaved to the classical tradition, that is, the authors of the practical arithmetics of that period, are found those whose works represent the third or psychological method of develop- ment. For, although these writers were practically bound by prevailing conditions to dogmatic instruction, and, although they lived before the time of genetic pschology, they were not without educational sense. A noted example is that of Riese (p. 181) who recognized the following principles: 1. From the concrete to the abstract — by placing reckoning with counters before reckoning with figures. 2. From the simple to the complex — by presenting the full form of processes before the abridged form. 3. Repetition, practice makes perfect — by working over the same material in different forms. It is significant that the authors who possessed this psycho- logical insight belonged to the practical school rather than to 204 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC the disciplinary school, and that the most useful and popular books of that century were those conforming to their method. The man with the greatest educational grasp, Adam' Riese, was the greatest reckoning master and wrote the greatest reck- oning book of his time. This is exactly in accord with what promises to be true in the twentieth century, namely, that the ideal text-book will be the utilitarian arithmetic constructed according to the psychological method. Besides the results of these general comparisons relating to the organization of subject-matter, sixteenth century arithmetic set various precedents and is suggestive in respect to many de- tails. The educational significance of these particulars will best be expressed by grouping them in four classes : those pertaining to definitions, to> symbolism,, to processes, and to applications. We have already noted that formal definitions, although not abandoned by any class of writers, were especially emphasized by the Latin School men. It was their text-book that set the practice, -characteristic of all disciplinary arithmetics, of defin- ing terms and processes at the outset. But the style of the definition is significant. Thus, addition was generally defined as the collection of several numbers into one sum (pp. 35-36) in place of the process of finding the sum of tzvo numbers. Subtraction was generally defined as taking a smaller number from a larger one, which is more suggestive than the defini- tion, the process of finding the difference between two numbers. Certain writers improved on this and even recognized sub- traction to be the inverse of addition. Multiplication was generally defined as repeating one number as an addend as many times as there are units in another, a better definition than the process of finding the product of two numbers, al- though it is not generally applicable to fractions without modi- fication. Division was generally defined as finding how many times one number was contained in another, the partitive phase often being included, a more definite form than the process of finding the quotient. It is true that sixteenth century definitions were not general, EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 205 nor can such definitions be used in elementary work. A statement which tells nothing and one which states an im- portant truth unintelligibly are equally useless. It is this fact which has led modern teachers to the extreme of wholly ne- glecting definitions. But the power of expressing thought is too significant to be crippled. Descriptions of a process or of the characteristic property of a term leads to clearness and efficiency. Sixteenth century arithmetic points to the conclu- sion that all definitions used in teaching should be working de- finitions, that is, they should state how the process is per- formed. It is possible to formulate statements of this kind that are not beyond the experience of the elementary school pupil, and which are sufficiently general to admit of extension as new fields of mathematics are entered. Any phase of the growth of mathematical notation is an in- teresting study, but the chief educational lesson to be derived is that notation always grows too slowly. Older and in- ferior forms possess remarkable longevity, and the newer and superior forms appear feeble and backward. We have noted the state of transition in the sixteenth century from the Ro* man to the Hindu system of characters (pp. 24-26), the intro- duction of the symbols of operation, +, — , (pp. 53-55) and the slow growth toward the decimal notation (pp. 72, 75). The moral which this points for twentieth century teachers is that they should not encourage history to repeat itself, but should assist in hastening new improvements. For example, the use of x for (?) in equations, singular abbreviations, as lb. for lbs. ; and the use of %o for per thousand; 2 /z for f; $ for %; and a convenient abbreviation of denominations of the metric system. No mention of Roman notation can pass without reference to the question, Why are we teaching it to-day ? Less than a decade ago, it appeared that the traditional clock-face and the numbering of introductory pages and chapters with Roman numerals were doomed. But the recent craving for antiques and its influence on certain crafts are making a knowledge of Roman notation to thousands still desirable. 206 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC The practice in sixteenth century arithmetics of treating very large numbers under the natation of integers was a prominent feature (pp. 34-40). Tonstall, for example, taught the reading of integers to five periods and remarked that scarcely ever in human experience do larger numbers occur. The treatment of large numbers so early was chiefly due to the topical system which required the explanation of reading and writing num- bers, as large as the wisest might ever encounter, to be placed in the first chapter. Then too, for the purpose of exhibiting the idea of periods, a number less than one million was scarcely ettective. Pestalozzi and his precursors changed all this by grading arithmetic, and we might say that large numbers have properly disappeared were it not for the gigantic enterprises of our 'century. Let no one endeavor to confine arithmetic to thousands when the daily press, in describing the improve- ments in our own metropolis, deals with numbers like the fol- lowing : " Plans accepted and plans that are certain of accept- ance provide for an expenditure of five hundred million, dol- lars within the next few years." " Two separate plans for the extension of the subway system of New York City rep- resenting a cost of two hundred thirty million dollars are now under consideration by the rapid-transit commission." " In improving the Grand Central Station one million five hundred thousand cubic yards of earth will be removed, and thirty thousand tons of structural steel be Used." '" In all two million cubic yards of earth and rock will be carted away before the work of building the Pennsylvania Station can be begun." Let no one attempt to limit arithmetic to millions when our statistical reports contain data like these : " The annual num- ber of letters transmitted through our post-offices is 20,000,- 000,000 and of newspapers 12,000,000,000." " The amount of deposits in the savings banks of the United States in one year was $2,769,839,546." " The total amount of life in- surance policies in force is $9,593,846,155, and the value of our railroads and equipment is $10,717,752,155." We cannot deny the necessity for these numbers, but we can defer them to the higher grades of the grammar school. EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 2 OJ It is only in connection with the larger interests that these numbers are met, hence they should be reserved for those pupils who are able to appreciate their uses. Another feature of the arithmetic of the Renaissance was the variety of ways used to perform the processes. E. g., there were three methods of subtraction (p. 51), eight methods of multiplication (p. 62), and seven methods of division (pp. 69-72). This excess of variety was characteristic of the en- cyclopedic and Latin School writers, and probably was due to the tendency to follow Boethius and Hindu-Arabian classics. It is quite impossible by reference to sixteenth century arith- metic to prove any method to be the preferred one. There is precedent for almost every form-. Some writers added up- ward, and others added downward, (pp. 45-46) ; some added, I subtracted, and multiplied from left to right and others from right to left (pp. 51, 66) ; some placed the difference above the minuend and others below the subtrahend (p. 52). But the practical and commercial arithmetics generally presented one or two methods, although not always the same ones. The lat- ter custom is followed to-day in most cases; but there are exceptions, as in the case of subtraction and division. Teach- ers are asking : " Shall we teach the plan of taking a unit from the next higher order of the subtrahend, or increase the minu- end by ten and add one to the next order of the subtrahend ?" The following from a New York educational journal shows the importance attached to this subject by a superintendent of schools : 1 " Letters received by the committee appointed at the Teachers' Institute show that the educators do not agree ; upon any best method, and I feel that it is criminal thus to j: lead the millions of school children into ways that are not the best and most practical at an annual expense of millions of dollars to the taxpayers." After investigating the subject by soliciting opinions from school men and business men his , conclusion was: "What shall be done when 1 doctors dis- i agree?" It is safe to say that it is not the author's business to determine the only method, but to explain the advantages 1 Educational Gazette, Vol. 22. No. 5, p. 186. 208 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC of the leading ones and to present one thoroughly, preferably the one personally believed in. This conclusion applies to division in the matter of making the divisor a whole number, or of writing the quotient above the dividend or at the right or under the divisor. Something of educational significance attaches itself to the old galley method of division (p. 70), for the Italian, or down- ward method, to-day recognized to be by far the best of the half-dozen ways then in use, scarcely gained a foothold in the sixteenth century, although it was known at that time. The significance lies in the reason for the persistence of the galley method. I It possessed the pictorial feature, it aroused curios- ity, and it held interest by association with the fascinating concept of the ship. 1 There is now a tendency to abandon artificial means such as numbers arranged in squares, triangles, and fanciful forms for the purposes of drill on their combin- ations. But history tells us that the mind clings to such de- vices, and that they are a valuable element in teaching number when properly chosen and not used to excess. Much is said in discussions of the details of grade work » about the proper use of language, especially about such words las "borrow" and "carry." It would be difficult to estab- lish general usage for these in sixteenth century arithmetic, because a translation of a foreign word is seldom unique. But there is no mistaking such a statement as Recorde's " keepe in mind " (p. 47, n. 1 ) for carry. Probably no teacher of arithmetic would advocate the total neglect of short processes, but some prefer to regard them as a high polish to be added to the basal attainments of the ele- mentary school, while others believe that the shorter forms of ' calculation should be taught in immediate sequence to the cor- responding unabridged forms. Sixteenth century custom was in accord with the latter plan (p. 75). jThe origin of proofs, or tests of the work of calculation, 1 The old copy-books contain examples solved by pupils in order to shape an attractive form of galley. The same tendency is seen in the old cro- cetta and gelosia methods of multiplication (p. 63). EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 2 oa has 'been explained (pp. 44, 66, 75). It was seen that the original reason for their use vanished with the transition from the abacus reckoning to figure reckoning and that their use in the latter practice decreased through the century. This neg- lect increased with the spread of the Hindu system until, with the exception of the schools in certain European states, proofs of operations practically disappeared from arithmetic. In the latter half of the nineteenth century it is safe to say that in general the rank and file of the teaching body in America had no knowledge of the existence of such proofs. The answer book, or the teacher's results,, or the answer found by the ma- jority of the class under instruction constituted the only court of appeal in determining the correctness of a solution, j But the methods of testing operations in the form of casting out nines or by reverse processes or by substitution begin to ap- pear in recent arithmetics, not because they are an inheritance, but because they supply an educational need. For it is now generally held that convenient tests are a valuable means of developing the self-confidence and independence of the pupil in the matter of calculation. Thus, we may not derive our present reasons for teaching proofs from sixteenth century arithmetic but rather the methods themselves. Faith in the Grube plan for teaching the elementary number facts is rapidly waning, 1 and sixteenth century arithmetic throws some light on this movement. The chief claim for the Grube method is the thoroughness secured by successively treating each integer in relation to all the integers preceding it. But this does not take into account that some combina- tions of integers are less useful than others and, therefore, should receive less emphasis. This is now recognized as a vital defect and one which is not inherited from the masters, for, although the early printed arithmetics often contained mul- tiplication tables to 36x36 (p. 58), their authors took pains to designate the most useful ones. E. g., Tartaglia called the 1 David Eugene Smith, The Teaching of Elementary Mathematics, p. 118. McLellan and Dewey, Psychology of Number, pp. 85-92. McMuriry, Special Method in Arithmetic, p. 46 et seq. 2io SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC tables of 12s, 15s, 20s, 24s, — Venetian, because they were of special use in computing with Venetian denominations (p. 61). Then the Reckoning Books or practical arith- metics of that time devoted little attention to drill on all com- binations of numbers in a given field; the products of 10 x 10 were usually recommended (p. 60, n. 1), but formal lists of all these facts were often omitted (pp. 65, n. 3, 66, Sluggard's Rule). We are now passing through a period of neglect of detailed explanation of processes with abstract numbers. Writers have reached the extreme in this particular, and fuller treatments are again appearing in recent books. No doubt this feature of arithmetic was exaggerated in the old style books of the nineteenth century, but even in them the practice was not com- parable with that of the sixteenth century. The early text- books cannot be taken as a guide in this matter, because the prominence given to processes by them was largely due to the novelty of the Hindu algorism. Teachers sometimes fail to distinguish practices which are merely conventional from those which should be followed for the sake of logic or for educational reasons. This failure is sufficiently prevalent to command attention at state institutes for teachers. Among these practices is the one relating to the performing of processes in a series. E. g, 2 + 3 X 5 — 6-7-2. This has the value 14 and not g$ or some other value, because mathematicians have established this convention for a series of operations : the processes of multiplication and division take precedence of addition and subtraction. The convention might have been to perform the operations in order from left to right, and some teachers proceed as if that were the case. The trouble with these teachers is that they are not aware that it is a matter of convention, consequently they do not seek to know what the custom is. There is precedent in sixteenth century for the present order (p. 99, n. 4), and when such ex- pressions occur in text-books the customary method of sim- plification should be given. Another question which receives some attention in discussions on the teaching of arithmetic is : EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 2 I1 Which shall be taught first, long division or short division r This is not an arbitrary matter, like the one above referred to, but depends upon the educational axiom: Proceed from the simple to the complex. In the early printed arithmetics the unabridged processes usually preceded the abridged (p. 74). The first printed arithmetics also throw some light on the teaching of fractions. The fraction from the earliest times has been much more difficult to master than the integer. The Egyptian tables- of unit fractions found in the papyrus of A'hmes * exhibit the meagre knowledge of fractions which the early civilizations possessed. The Greeks and Romans made little progress; e. g., the Greeks 2 wrote «5' w Xe'' for if, and the Romans used a still more clumsy notation. Even the in- troduction of the Hindu numerals did not sufficiently simplify the work with fractions. The decimal form is the only one in which the operations are practically as simple as those with integers, but we still have large use for the common frac- tions, and their teaching gives rise to several educational ques- tions. Since the spread of Pestalozzian ideas, the method of pre- senting fractions has been through sectioned objects and dia- grams. In this plan the unit is made prominent. A plan re- cently recommended is that of representing the fraction as a ratio, which, in the concrete aspect, depends upon the act of measuring, and which emphasizes the collection or group of units in place o>f the absolute s unit. A third plan suggested by the evolution of our number system is to define the frac- tion as an indicated quotient as soon as inexact division is en- countered, for the disposition of the remainder gives the logical opportunity for introducing the fractional notation. Of course, if this were done in primary teaching, concrete illustra- tions for the purpose of giving content to the fractional sym- bol would not be excluded. It is quite probable that no one of 1 Eisenlohr, Ein mathematisches Handbuch der alten .^Egypter (Leipzig, 1877). 2 Gow, History of Greek Mathematics, pp. 42, 48. 8 McLellan and Dewey, Psychology of Number, pp. 157-162. 2I2 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC these methods is best, and that all three should find place in the teaching of fractions. The partition of the single thing, the partition of the group, or measured unit, and the quotient of two integers all appear to be essential to a general concept of the fraction. Furthermore, this is in accord with the treat- ments in sixteenth century arithmetics, for Kobel used the first plan 1 and called into service the now illustrious apple (p. 85). Writers who combined fractions and denominate numbers used the second plan, and others, as Ramus and Raets, used the third plan (p. 87). Tonstall suggested an exercise which, if used in connection with the last form would assist in clarify- ing the pupil's notion of the fraction, namely, the consideration of the effect upon the value of the fraction produced by vary- ing its terms (p. 89). No one seriously questions the logical order of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in the field of integers (the Grube simultaneous plan being a misnomer), but in the case of fractions this order may well be violated, even to &. greater degree than at present. The teaching of fractions by sectioning objects leads early to such products as 2 X s = i and i of f = f , not necessarily before the presentation of sums like \ + f = f , but generally before those like i + s = TT- In other words, teachers of primary arithmetic recognize that certain products in the field of fractions are more easily found than the sums of fractions having different denominators. But writers of text-books, es- pecially in their formal treatments, have given little heed to this fact, although much was made of this feature during the first century of printed books. The Bamberg Arithmetic (1483) (p. 181) placed the processes with fractions in the following order: multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division. Calandri (p. 94) and Paciuolo adopted the same order, and the latter explained his position on educational grounds (p. 94). The multiplication of a fraction by a fraction gives rise to a special difficulty, namely, the explanation of " times " in cases 1 See also 'Champenois, p. 81 of this monograph. EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 213 likeiX£ = 1 T5- For lack of effective means of illustration 1 * most writers banish the usual symbol, X, and substitute the word " of." It would seem to be a dangerous practice to set aside the general notation whenever a difficulty is encountered; and one may reasonably claim Tren- chant's plan (1571) to be prefer- able, for he showed that, since the area of the whole square here shown is 1 X 1, or 1, the area of the small square should be J X i or -jrV (p. 106). There are two methods in com- mon use for dividing one fraction by another. First, reduce the frac- 1 tions to a common denominator and divide the numerators. Second, invert the divisor and multiply the fractions. The first method is commonly taught to beginners, because it is more easily explained; but, since the second method is simpler in practice, a transition from the first to the second is necessary. It is not the custom of mod- ern arithmetics to show the connection between these two plans, but sixteenth century arithmetic suggests that we might well make the connection in the following way : Divide f by f . By the first plan Iff ■ . 1 ^ 1 = 3x3 _J_ 4X2 _ 3X3 4'3 3X44X3 4X2 By the second plan x 3 = 3x3 2 4x2 The second plan is the same as the first only the fractions with the common denominators are not written. Before writers began to invert the divisor they multiplied crosswise (p. 108) which is the very thing done in finding the fractions with a common denominator, and thus the connection between the two methods is made apparent. In the problems arising from actual experience, fractions 2i 4 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC usually occur in connection with denominate numbers, and in business problems the aliquot parts of one hundred furnish the fractions commonly met. This suggests that writers of text-books should place emphasis mainly on fractions whose denominators are not greater than one hundred and that little attention be paid to fractions whose denominators are prime numbers greater than five. This would be in accord with the custom of early arithmeticians, for, although they often in- dulged in large fractions, the decimal form not having been in- vented, they correlated denominate numbers with fractions (p. 102) and emphasized the aliquot parts of one hundred (p. 81). We have already mentioned the importance of denominate numbers and the prominent place given to them in the first practical arithmetics, but there remain a few points of inter- est in relation to the method of presenting them for teach- ing purposes. The money system of a nation enters so largely into the data of its arithmetic that this system becomes a controlling factor both in the matter of material and of method. The money systems of Europe in the sixteenth century were not decimal systems, consequently operations involving them were comparatively complex. This circumstance coupled with the fact that the variety of weights and measures was great (p. 83) necessarily led to much adding, subtracting, mul- tiplying, and dividing with compound numbers having several denominations (p. 84). This practice encouraged by the sur- vival of many awkward systems has tended to perpetuate the processes with compound numbers to the present time. But the increasing popularity of the decimal system and the prac- tice of expressing compound numbers in terms of the larger units or fractions of the same are sufficient reasons for limit- ing the operations with compound numbers to those having only two or three denominations. Another form of exercise that has not wholly disappeared from arithmetic is the reduction from one table of denominate numbers to another. E. g.„ find how many pounds Troy there EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 215 are in 17J lb. avoirdupois. This unquestionably is a type de- rived from sixteenth century problems of reduction made necessary at that time by the lack of uniformity in the value of current units. An example of this diversity may be seen in the following from Riese : x 10 pounds at Venice = 6 pounds at Nuremberg 3 centner at Eger = 4 centner at Nuremberg 10 pounds at Nuremberg = 11 pounds at Leipzig 100 pounds at Nuremberg = 128 pounds at Breslau 7 pounds at Padua = 5 pounds at Venice 10 pounds at Venice = 6 pounds at Nuremberg 100 pounds at Nuremberg = 73 pounds at Cologne But the day of diversities of this kind having passed so far as practical calculation is concerned, it is difficult to find a reason for continuing the practice in our arithmetic of reduction from one table of denominate numbers to another. Another matter in connection with the presentation of de- nominate numbers is worthy of notice. The careful grading of primary arithmetic and especially the spiral plan (p. 200) have tended to distribute the subject-matter of weights and measures throughout the whole course in arithmetic. Some educators scent danger here, fearing that the subordination of so important a subject as denominate numbers may lead to a scrappy presentation and unsystematic knowledge. A recent remedy is found in the plan of placing a thoroughly organized review chapter in grammar school arithmetic. Sixteenth cen- tury arithmetic suggests another solution, which consists of placing a section on denominate numbers under each process with integers and fractions and a final treatment under applica- tions. For example, under addition of integers would be placed the addition of compound numbers, only such numbers and reductions being chosen as could be manipulated by pupils at that stage; and similarly for other processes. This plan is imperfectly shown in the Bamberg Arithmetic which presents the topics thus : Addition, Subtraction of Integers ; Addition and Subtraction of Denominate Numbers. Mention has been made of more detailed examples (p. 94). 1 Riese, Rechnung auff der Linien und Federn/ (1571 ied.). 216 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC Besides the questions concerning the proper selection of ap- plications of arithmetic (pp. 187-199), there are several im- portant considerations that relate to their form of presenta- tion. The greatest question of method in this connection is : Shall the applications precede or follow the process to be ap- plied ? This query seems to imply the absurdity that the effect may precede the cause, until one determines which is the cause and which the effect. Since every unit of instruction should have its aim, and since the consciousness of this aim on the part of the pupil is a factor in his interest in the subject, a know- ledge of the end for which he studies may well be outlined before he is set to acquire the means. In this sense the ap- plication may precede the arithmetical process. That is, the use to which the process is to be put may be proposed as an incentive for learning the process. For ex- ample, formal multiplication may be intro- duced in this way. A bushel of oats weighs 32 lb. Find the weight of 5 bu. by a shorter process than addition. The pupil who knows only formal addition uses the first process. But when his attention is called to the fact that his knowledge of the mul- tiplication tables furnishes the sums of the l6o lb l6o Ib columns he is ready to appreciate the second, or shorter form. This is not a new theory for it had a large number of adherents in the sixteenth century (pp. 48, 56, 76) . Although arithmetical writers of that time were not concerned with primary instruction or method in the modern sense, nevertheless they often proposed concrete problems be- fore explaining the processes which entered into their solu- tion. For example, Champenois introduced the subjects of addition and subtraction by proposing military problems (p. 128), Baker took commercial problems for his method of approach, and Suevus employed facts of ancient history and fancies quite his own for his center of interest 1 (pp. 1 That the attempt to stimulate interest through concrete situations may (1) (2) 32 lb. 32 32 32 32 lb. 32 5 10 10 IS IS EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 2 j 7 129-130. There was one writer, Robert Recorde, who employed the motive of utility in a masterly way. His plan was the precursor of the modern principle of appealing to the pupil's vital interests. It would be difficult to find a better type of instruction than his method of approach to the subject of addition by reference to his Oxford pupil's expense account : " S. (Scholar) Then wyll I caste the whole charge of one monethes comons at Oxford with battelyng also. " Master. Go to, let me see how you can doo. " S. One wekes comons was 11 d. ob, q. and my battelyng that weke was 2 d. q. q. The seconde weekes comens was 12 d. and my batlyng 3d. The third wekes cornos 10 d. ob. & my batling 1 d. ob, c. The fourth wekes comos 11 d, q, & my batling 1 d, ob, c. These 8 sumes wold I adde into one whole summe." But this method has fallen into complete neglect with the passing of the centuries between that time and the present. The customary practice is not sufficiently inductive. It pre- sents the processes in the fields of integers, of fractions, and of denominate numbers as ends in themselves, and treats the ap- also lead to artificial means is illustrated 'by the ingenuity of Suevus, who introduced Roman notation by the story of a famine. ON THE GREAT FAMINE IN POLAND AND SILESIA. "That the time of the famine may not be concealed, behold cvcvllvm. That is, in order that the time of the famine and distress, which long ago took place in Poland and Silesia, shall remain concealed from no one, but shall be known by all, the year is to be reckoned from the little word cvcvllvm, which here means a cap of sorrow.' - m = 1000 ll = 100 cc = 200 vw = 15 CVCLLVM = 1315 Sigismund Sueuus, Arithmetica Historica. Die Lobliche Rechenkunst (page 64). "Vt lateat nullum tempus famis Ecce cvcvllvm. Das ist: Auff das die grosse Thewrung vnd Hungersnot/ die vor zeiten in Polen vnd Schlesien gewesen ist/ niemande verborgen bleibe/ sondern von men- niglichen wol in acht genommen werde/ so sol man durch das Wortlein cvcvllvm, welches hier eine Trawerkappe heist/ die Jahrrechnung machen." Page 64. 218 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC . plications as convenient drill work for fixing the methods oi calculation. Applications, when valued for their own sake, are set apart from, the processes so as to form an independent center of interest. 1 The true course doubtless lies between the usage of the present and that of the past. The present custom of process worship has led to poverty of ideas, and to approach every variety of calculation through a problem in- volving its use might lead to a confusion of ideas. Another question of method is this : Is the great prom- inence now given to commercial arithmetic in all grades justifiable on educational grounds? The present place of the subject in instruction is indirectly due to sixteenth century teaching; for, when Pes'talozzi founded primary arithmetic, he naturally drew his material from the books of the Reckoning Schools which had up to that time monop- olized instruction in arithmetic. These schools had little to offer except commercial arithmetic plus some mensura- tion, the two phases of applied arithmetic united by Kobel (p. 164). Thus, the arithmetics of the nineteenth century became saturated with commercial arithmetic in a narrow sense. Money value was emphasized everywhere,. " bought at " and " sold at " being the usual data. Subjects like part- nership were introduced before the pupil had any feeling of interest in them, but modern educational research is finding more appropriate material for the applications of arithmetic in the lower grades, — things which come within the pupil's experience and for which he is willing to study the subject. For example, his games,, purchases, and possessions. There is a quantitative side also to manual training, domestic art, geography, nature study, and drawing. If a boy is making a box, a model, or an iron ornament in his manual training work, there are related problems about size, amount, and cost of materials. If a girl is making an apron, or a book-bag, or cooking in domestic art, there are related problems about amount and cost of materials. Likewise, the geography reci- 1 McMurry, Special Method in Arithmetic, p. 113 (New York, 1905). EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 219 tation suggests problems about distances, areas, population, and production. Nature study suggests problems about weight, time, and motion, and drawing is full of scale meas- urements and proportion. If the concrete material of the arith- metic hour is drawn in part from recitations in other subjects, not only is time saved and review secured, but the ideas of arithmetic are enriched by association with varied and vital interests. Consequently, although sixteenth century arithmetic may have led writers to put too much commercial arithmetic into the primary course, it set a step in the direction of making arithmetic concrete and paved the way for a better and more teachable system of subject matter. In the early arithmetics mensuration was presented in a separate chapter usually placed at the end of the book, which place it has since occupied. But we are now coming to a more efficient use of this subject in the teaching of arithmetic. Fractions are given concreteness by the handling of graduated rulers, scale relations are learned by drawing lines and figures, decimal fractions are illustrated and made familiar to the stu- dent by the use of the meter stick, and so on. 1 That is, the facts of measurement and related properties of geometric fig- ures are being graded and correlated with number work from the fourth year to the eighth. This plan has the further ad- vantage of preparing for the geometry of the high school, and of offering the opportunity for practical field mathematics, through determining heights, distances, and areas. There is a class of problems that may be called factitious or artificial. For example, 100 potatoes are placed in a row at intervals of 10 yd. A basket is placed at one end of the row, how long will it take a person, who can walk 20 yd. a minute, to bring all the potatoes to the basket ? In the sixteenth cen- tury such problems served as applications to the progressions (p. no), and similar ones to proportion and evolution. The 1 F. T. Jones, in School Science and Mathematics (Chicago), Vol. 5, No. 6, p. 408 (190s). 2 W. T. Campbell, Observational Geometry, Boston (1901). 220 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC early writers understood the function of these exercises to be drill in processes which had no real applications, but which were valuable because of their importance in other branches of mathematics. But now, since the processes themselves have been promoted to more advanced mathematics, there is no good reason for retaining these artificial problems in elementary arithmetic. Although there is no single rule that will solve all of the problems of arithmetic, there are two general methods which have wide application, unitary analysis and the equation. All grades of problems from " If one orange costs 3 cents what would 5 oranges cost?" to " If 5 men working 8 hours a day can dig a trench 3 ft. wide, 12 ft. deep and 300 ft. long in ro days., how many men will it take working 10 hours a day to dig a trench 3^ ft. wide, 18 ft. deep, and 450 ft. long?" may be solved by either method. Unitary analysis, although known in the sixteenth century (p. 137) was commonly modi- fied into the Rule of Three (p. 132). This rule, a great favorite for centuries, is still preserved in the subject of Pro- portion (p. 134), a method now yielding to the equation. The last method, too, should not be thought of as a modern in- vention, but rather as a modern form of the sixteenth cen- tury Rule of Three. The solution of the following example from Thierfeldern by the Rule of Three shows a marked similarity to the present method by the simple equation : " If 18 florins minus 85 groschens are equal to 25 florins minus 232 groschens, how many groschens are there in 1 florin ?" * 1 Caspar Thierfeldern, Arithmetica Oder Rechenbuch Auff den Linien vnd Ziffern/ (1587). " Item/ 18 A. weniger 85 gr. machen gleich so vil gr. als 25 A. -~- 232 gr. wie vil hat 1 A. groschen? Facit 21 gr." " In disem beyden Exempeln/ addir das Minus/ und subtrahir das Plus/ wie hie." Page no. I. 18 A. -h 85 gr. gleich 25 A. -e- 232 gr. 85 gr. 18 A. gleich 25 A. -H 147 gr. 18 A. -H 147 gr. gleich 25 A. 18 147 gr. gleich 7 A. EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 2 2I These solutions I and II depend upon the laws of transpo- sition and are the same except that the unknown quantity, x, is missing from the first. But the ease with which the second form can be followed shows the advantage of the modern plan with x. Thus, although changed to a more convenient form by improved symbollism, the great method of the sixteenth century will become the favorite one of the twentieth. Undoubtedly, one of the chief reasons why the equation did not take its place in arithmetic much earlier is the prominence given to the Rule of False Position (p. 153). The use of this method of approximation having been introduced from algebra delayed the more definite process of the equation. In considering the form of presentation best suited to the more advanced applications of arithmetic one must take into account that arithmetic is an important factor in interpreting the world about us. " It is a standpoint from which the bet- ter to see through and around a great many important topics. Without the illumination from mathematics a great many important facts and bodies of knowledge in geography, his- tory, natural science, and practical life remain hazy and not clearly intelligible." 1 Thus, the concrete material from which the processes of arithmetic may be taught should do more than furnish the center of interest. It should furnish types of quantitative experience of use in appreciating the larger inter- ests of life. " It is now thought proper to take a class to a saw-mill, a stone quarry, a cotton factory, or a foundry as to a laboratory or a recitation room. The industries of the 7 ft. 147 gr. 1 «. facit 21 II. 1. Let x = the number of groschens in 1 florin 2. Then i8x — 85 = 25X — 232 3. Therefore, i8x = 25X — 147 4. " i8x + 147 = 25X 5- " 147 = 7x 6. " 7x = 147, and x = 21. 1 McMurry, Special Method in Arithmetic (New York, 1905), pp. 113- 114. 222 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC neighborhood become standards by which the world's work of various sorts is estimated and judged." 1 Arithmeticians have been very slow to grasp this inter- pretative function of arithmetic while writers of text-books in other subjects have made marked progress in this direction. Geography, for example, no longer consists merely of unre- lated facts about the political divisions and physical features of the earth, but treats of the influence of heat, moisture, soil, climate, and other factors on resources and industries together with the significance of the latter in determining national con- ditions and peculiarities. One cause which has helped to keep arithmetic in this backward condition is the disciplinary ideal inherited from the Latin Schools of the sixteenth century (pp. 174-178). This ideal has led writers and teachers to look upon the applications of arithmetic as an instrument of discipline to the exclusion of its larger function of informa- tion giving. For example, the chapter on percentage was given over by some to the consideration of the mechanics of its nine cases : Base X rate = percentage Percentage -=- rate =base Base X (1 + rate) = amount Amount-:- (1 + rate) =base Base X (1 — rate) = difference Difference h- (1 — rate) = base Percentage ■+■ base = rate Amount -*- base = 1 + rate Difference -s- base = 1 — rate instead of to its use in answering the quantitative ques- tions of commerce and of the crafts and sciences. Another cause is the recent reaction against the topical plan. Six- teenth century arithmetic presented all its subject-matter both theoretic and applied arranged by topics (pp. 29-170), which remained the standard form until the closing decade of the nineteenth century when a school of writers favoring ex- treme gradation reduced the applications of arithmetic to a mass of unrelated questions. It is now necessary to reorgan- ize the problems of arithmetic into groups and vitalize them so that they may shed light upon the various topics which school subjects should illuminate. 2 1 Dutton, School Supervision, p. 208 (New York, 1905). 2 Smith and McMurry, Mathematics in the Elementary School (New York, 1903), pp. 58, 59. EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 223 Mode In addition to the questions which relate to the selection of subject-matter and to its organization for teaching purposes, there are questions concerning the mode of class-room in- struction. By mode is here meant the form of class exercise. Although, directly, sixteenth century arithmetic throws little light upon this department of teaching, indirectly it has im- portant bearings. For, among the modes in use to a greater or less extent at the present time, the early printed arithmetics touch in a significant way the heuristic, the individual, the lec- ture, the recitation, and the laboratory modes. The bearing is an indirect one, because it is largely through the method of the subject-matter that one must determine the mode of teach- ing at that time. This plan of investigation, which would, in general, be misleading, is quite safe in the present instance, because the authors of many of the most significant arithmetics were prominent teachers; and besides formulating the subject- matter in harmony with their favorite mode, they often named in the prefaces or introductions to the works the kind of teach- ing for which their arithmetics were adapted (pp. 178, 186). The heuristic mode finds its prototype in the catechetical books (p. 202). There can be no mistaking the form which teaching assumed that drew its material from these books. The purely catechetical mode, of course, was not heuristic, but sudh a treatment as Recorde's (p. 202) contains the de- veloping process, the real unfolding of new ideas by means of suggestion and skillful questioning. Perhaps the most im- ) portant lesson to be drawn from this is that the heuristic mode ! of teaching should not be carried to an extreme, that is, should \ not reduce all instruction to a system of interrogations lest it I suffer the fate of the purely catechetical form (p. 203). A lesson of secondary importance concerns the function of oral arithmetic. If the historical precedent be followed, we may infer from Fischer, Suevus, and Recorde that the oral work of the recitation should be given more to the development of new ideas than to drill upon those already taught. Although on account of the vastness of public education in 224 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC this country, mass instruction! will be inevitable for a long time to come, much is said about the advantages of individual in- struction, and many devices are being employed to obviate the defects of the class system. Among these is the laboratory mode discussed on page 225. The common plan of teaching in the sixteenth century was the individual one (p. 180), and many arithmetics were written in conformity with this practice. It was often stated in the prefaces of these books that they were also adapted to self-instruction. This was true, for ex- ample, of the Bamberg Arithmetic, of Kobel's Zwey Rechen- buchlin, and of Recorde's The Ground of Artes. The char- acteristic feature of these books, excluding an occasional work like Recorde's, was the direct presentation of processes. The formal rule, the "Thue ihm also" of Riese, was the sign- board over every new path. Thus, history suggests that the present danger to arithmetic in individual instruction may , consist iru this, that the teacher who attempts to instruct even 1 a small class on this plan is liable to fall into the error of dic- 1 tating method instead of directing it. The practice of merely assigning lessons to be learned out- side of school hours and recited at the next meeting of the class, commonly called the recitation mode, is an outgrowth of modern machine teaching. There is no evidence that arith- metic was taught in this fashion in the sixteenth century; on the contrary, the contents of the text-books and the use of the separate problem book 1 indicate that the time spent in school was given to instruction, and that the work assigned was in the form of applications. It is safe to say that sixteenth century teaching of arithmetic with all its faults was better than the so-called recitation mode. There is still an occasional educator who believes in the lecture mode of instruction, who holds that text-books have disadavantages which outweigh their usefulness; but, since there is no likelihood of this mode's becoming common in our elementary schools,, it may be passed over briefly. In the six- 1 As Rudolff's Exempel Buchlin (p. 182, this monograph). EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE . :25 teenth century arithmetic was taught in the universities. In fact, several authors, as Ramus, Widman, and Apianus were university professors. It is undoubtedly true that arithmetic, like other university subjects, was often taught by lecture, but there is nothing in the early teaching of arithmetic that sug- gests the advisability of using the lecture mode in the modern elementary school. Among the ways most discussed at present for presenting subject matter in the class room is one known as the laboratory mode. The characteristic feature of this mode consists in the teacher directing the pupil in discovering and verifying im- portant truths by the aid of some form of laboratory equip- ment. In mathematics the equipment consists of books, maps, charts, blanks, legal forms, drawing materials, physical appar- atus, and other materials suited to the subject in hand. So far, the experiments in the use of this plan have practically been confined to secondary schools, but there is room for at least an adaptation of it in the elementary school. The his- tory of the formative period of commercial arithmetic shows that its teaching began with this mode (p. 178 et seq.). The precursor of the Reckoning School was a system of apprentice- ship. A knowledge of arithmetic was obtained by working in the ledgers of the counting-house, by keeping the public records of the municipality, by listing, weighing, and measur- ing in the warehouse and by serving the surveyor in the field. The modern business college mathematics in which nominal sales, shipping, and banking departments lend a semblance of reality to the work are in harmony with the historical de- velopment of business arithmetic. And one may reasonably ask, in view of the present movement toward the vitalization of arithmetic, toward its application to manual and domestic arts, and toward the recognition of its interpretative function in the economic questions of our people, if the spirit of the labor- atory mode may not be a needed element in teaching element- ary arithmetic in our public schools? 226 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC SUMMARY From the foregoing we may conclude that the teaching of arithmetic in the sixteenth century supports the following general theses : Concerning Subject-Matter i . Rapid commercial and industrial development has a vital- izing effect upon the subject-matter of arithmetic. It tends to enrich its problems; it encourages improved methods of calculation and conditions the selection of denominate num- bers. Commercial development had this controlling tendency in the sixteenth century, and it is exerting the same influence in the twentieth century. 2. The disciplinary function of arithmetic reaches its great- est efficiency through the uses of number rather than through the properties of numbers, a principle not generally recognized in the Latin School books. The culture ideal has always led to the selection of subject-matter having a many-sided inter- est, and the propaedeutics of arithmetic at present, as in the past, require the retention of certain theoretic matter. 3. Traditional custom is not a safe guide in the selection of subject-matter, since it tends to perpetuate obsolete material. Present commercial, industrial, and educational needs are the true basis of such selection. 4. The two sixteenth century schemes of arranging subject- matter, namely, by kinds of numbers and by kinds of processes have proved failures in modern graded curricula. Present needs can be met only by a combination of the two plans. Concerning Method 1. The psychologic method produces ideal modern books. The arithmetic of the Renaissance furnishes excellent speci- mens oi the synthetic and analytic methods, and marks the birth of the psychologic. The last method is eclectic, taking the best features from the other two, and, besides, pursues the path of least resistance in accord with modern educational principles. EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE 22? The following details of method find support in the first century of printed arithmetics : 1. Artificial means for making number work interesting should not be abandoned. 2. Number combinations are not equally important. 3. Unabridged processes should precede abridged ones. 4. Methods of testing the work of calculation should be given. 5. Definitions are desirable in arithmetic. In cases of pro- cesses they should tell how the operations are performed. They should also admit of easy extension to cover the processes when new fields of numbers are entered. Sixteenth century- definitions are superior to most modern ones in this respect. 6. In regard to notation we may learn from the results of conservatism in the past how necessary it is to welcome im- proved symbolism. 7. Our books should explain the processes by the generally preferred methods. The best text-books among the early arithmetics did this. Encyclopedic works, now as well as then, are valuable only for reference. 8. The partitive idea, the measuring idea, and the ratio 1 idea are necessary to the concept of the fraction. All of these ideas were recognized in sixteenth century arithmetic. 9. In the formal treatment of fractions the logical order, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division should be replaced by the psychological order, multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division. 10. Fractions should be correlated with denominate num- bers, 11. The presentation of denominate numbers should be dis- tributed under the processes with integers and fractions. In compound numbers only those of two 1 or three denominations require emphasis, and reductions from one table to another are no longer necessary. 12. The applications of arithmetic may be proposed as in- centives for learning the processes. They should be classified in accordance with the aims and motives of the different 228 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARITHMETIC periods of school instruction and should perform an inter- pretative function. 13. The simple equation is an improved form of sixteenth century analysis and promises to become the favorite method for solving the problems of arithmetic. Concerning Mode 1 . The heuristic mode as used in the sixteenth century sug- gests that oral work should be used chiefly to develop new ideas. 2. The individual mode is apt to result in dogmatic in- struction. 3. The recitation mode finds no precedent in early teaching. 4. The lecture mode has no place in elementary arithmetic. 5. Renaissance arithmetic suggests the use of the laboratory mode. Thus, we conclude that the history of the formative period of arithmetic supplements in many ways the conclusions of educational theory in regard to the subject-matter, method, and mode of modern arithmetic. INDEX Abacist, 53 Abacus, 25, 46, 74, 209 Abstract Problems, 56, 192 Addends, 51 Addition, 26, 35, 201 of integers, 41, 61, 175 of fractions, 98 Ahmes, 211 Alcuin, 160 Algorism, 27, 61, 168 Al Khowarazmi, 36 Aliquot parts, 81, 82 Alligation, 132, 151, 157, 198 Amenities, 194 Andres, 28 Apianus (Bienewitz), 27, 28, 150, 181, 182, 225 Applications, 216, 218, 220, 222, 227 Applied Arithmetic, 97, 127, 129, 131, 169, 176, 198 Approximations, 66 Arabs, 36 Archimedes, 177 Area, 79 Aristotle, 29 Arithmetic, 35 Articles, 38 Aryabhatta, 132 Ascham, 171 Assize of Bread, 132, 157 Associative Law, 47, 100 Aventinus, 28 Bachet de Mezeriac, 159 Baker, 23, 30, 48, S3, 69, 74, 75, 81, 97, 99, 103, 108, 109, 113, 121, 138, 142, 151, 183, 186, 188, 216 Bamberg Arithmetic, 27, 76, 212, 215, 224 Banking, 146 Barter, 132, 150 Bhaskara, 36 Binomial Coefficients, 113 Biordi, 158 Bocher, 191, 192 Boethius, 30, 35, 187, 207 Bookkeeping, 183 Borgi, 37, 39, 52, 57, 61, 67, 94, 110, 133 Borgo. See Paciuolo. Bosanquet, 90 Brahmagupta, 149 Brooks, 27, 53 Business Applications, 186 Buteo, 31, 119, 134 Calandri, 67, 69, 71, 75, 94, 104, 131, 137, 160, 169, 183, 187, 212 Calculation, 66, 78, 85, 85 Campbell, 219 Cantor, 27, 29, 36, 65, 76, 123, 148 Cardanus, 37, 42, 84, 100, 154, 173, 186, 196, 199, 202 Casting Accounts, 23 Casting out Nines, 45, 52, 74 Casting out Sevens, 66, 74 Cataldi, 39 Cataneo, Girolamo, 78, 79 Cataneo, Pietro, 60, 150, 164 Catechetical Arithmetic, 202 Chain Rule, 132, 148 Champenois, 30, 45, 48, 49, 56, 69, 73, 75, 86, 104, 105, 106, 114, 116, 121, 128, 216 Chiarini, 80, 158 Chuquet, 39 Ciacchi, 101, 150 Cicero, 129, 172 Circular Numbers, 33 Cirvelo, 39, 47, 58,65,84, 90, 91, 126 Classification, 32-34, 187 Clavius, 47, 173 Clichtoveus, 35 Commercial Arithmetic, 35, 83, 179, 187, 207, 219 Commercial Problems, 57, 169, 178, 184, 191 Commission, 199 Common Denominator, 97, 98, ioi, 108 Compayre, 171 Complementary Multiplication, 65 Complex Fractions, 197 Composite Numbers, 32 Conant, 146 Concrete Problems, 46, 48, 56, 68, 76, 216 Correlation, 194 Counters, 24, 46 Courses of Study: in Latin Schools, 172 in Reckoning Schools, 180 229 230 INDEX Cube Root, 125, 197 Cubic Numbers, 33 Culture Value, 178 Cunningham, 141, 150, 157 Custom House, 83 Decimals, 66, 95, 197, 198, 214 Dedekind, 32 Defective Numbers, 33 Definitions, 191, 204, 227 of numbers, 29 of processes, 35 of fractions, 85 De Morgan, 23, 34, 36 De Moya, 183 De Muris, 127 Denominate Numbers, 49, 56, 60, 77-85. 97. 135. 184, 186, 190, 198, 214, 215, 217, 226 Dewey, 211 Diagrams, 106, 124 Digits, 38 Diophantus, 177 Di Pasi, 83, 148 Discount, 169, 198 Division, 27, 36, 201 of integers, 69-76 downward method, 70, 71 twelve cases, 73 of fractions, 107 Doubling, 36, 47, 76, 109 Duplatio. See Doubling. Duties, 169 Dutton, 222 Eisenlohr, 211 El Hassar, 36 Equation of Payments, 132, 145 Equations, 55 Euclidean Method of G. C. D., 96 Evolution, 121-127 Exchange, 24, 132, 146, 158, 199 Bills of, 146 Factor Reckoning, 132, 142 Finasus, 75, 119, 157, 165 Finger Reckoning, 28 Fischer, 172, 174, 180, 223 Fractions, 85-110, 227 Classes of, 90-92 Definitions of, 85-90 Order of processes in, 93-95 Reduction of, 95-98 Teaching of, 212-214 Freidlein, 24 Galley Method, 69, 70, 208 Gauge, 145, 165, 184 Gemma Frisius, 30, 36, 37, 59, 69, 76, 77, 86, 94, 103, 132, 138, 153, 173, 176, 177 Gerhardt, 51 Ghaligai, 94, 122, 150, 159 Gio, 88 Girard, 174 Golden Rule, 132 Gow, 34, 211 Grammateus. See Schreiber. Graphical Methods, 106, 213 Greatest Common Divisor, 95,96, 197 Grube, 209, 212 Halving, 36, 76 Hanseatic League, 178, 179 Heer, 133, 150, 180 Henry, 24 Herbartian Preparation, 139 Hindu Numerals, Symbols, 24-26, 37, 41, 186, 209 Hispalensis, 90 Incommensurables, 35 Integers, 197 Interest, 132 Annual, 198 Compound, 145, 199 Simple, 143 Tables of, 144 International System, 80 Inverse Operations, 74, 199 Inverse Rule of Three, 132, 138 Involution, 121-127 Jacob, 45, 132, 152, 158, 181, 183 Jacoba, 36 Jean, 82, 83, 144, 168 Jewish Profit, 145 Jones, 219 Jordanus, 35, 76, 119 Kastner, 26 Kettensatz. See Chain Rule. Knott, 26, 27 Kobel, 37, 46, 48, 53, 60, 74, 76,81, 85, 91, 107, i2i, 164, 181, 184, 186, 212, 218, 224 Kuckuck, 23, 24, 27 Lamy, 171 La Roche, 39 Latin Schools, 170, 178, 179, 190, 204, 222 Least Common Multiple, 197 Legendre, 34 Leonardo, 76, I4g, 150 Leslie, 27, 29 Licht, 26 Lilivati, 36, 51 Linear Numbers, 32 Logarithms, 168 Luther, 171, 173 Magic Squares, 195 Masudi, 159 Maurolycus, 30, 35, 177 McLellan, 211 McMurry, C, 218, 221 McMurry, F., 222 Mediatio. See Halving. Melancthon, 171 INDEX 231 Mensuration, 163, 184, 218 Method, 185, 201 Analytic, 226 Psychologic, 226 Synthetic, 226 Million, 38, 39 Mint and Mintage, 132, 147, 151 Mixed Numbers, 101, 103, 105 Mode, 185, 223, 228 Heuristic, 223, 228 Individual, 224, 228 Laboratory, 225, 228 Lecture, 224, 228 Recitation, 224, 228 Monroe, 30 Moya, 29 Muller, 54 Multiplication, 27, 35, 201 of integers, 57-69 Eight methods of, 62-65 of fractions, 104 Nasmith, 157 Neander, 171 Nicomachus, 30, 35, 187 Notation, 37, 205, 206 Noviomagus, 28, 29, 42, 98, 111 Numeration, 37, 129 One-to-one Correspondence, 32 Onofrio, 154 Operations, 76, 77, 191 Order of Processes, 212 Orders, 38 Ortega, 141, 183 Overland Reckoning, 132, 157 Paciuolo, 28, 29, 32, 39, 45, 61, 64, 71, 72, 94, 126, 146, 169, 186, 187, 195, 202 Partial Payments, 198 Partnership, 132, 139, 140, 198 Peacock, 23 Peirce, 191 Percentage, 158, 212 Per cent Sign, 158 Perfect Numbers, 33 Pestalozzi, 206, 218 Piscator. See Fischer. Place Value, 38 Planudes, 69, 90 Plato, 30, 178 Polygonal Numbers, 30 Powers, 121 Practical Arithmetic, 24, 80, 117, 128 Primary Arithmetic, 218 Processes, 27, 73, 175, 184, 207, 226, 227 with fractions, 93 with integers, 36, 83 Profit and Loss, 132, 198 Progressions, 110-116, 186, 219 Proofs, or Tests, 44-46, 52, 66, 74, 109, in, 208 Proportion, 117-120, 132, 134-135, 18S, 220 Ptolemy, 177 Puzzles, 159-163, 186 Quadrans, or Quadrant, 165 Quadrivium, 190 Rabelais, 171 Raets, 38, 44, 80, 87, 97, 100, 143, 183, 187, 212 Ramsey, 141 Ramus, 36, 48, 50, 52, 59, 89, 95, 58, 120, 134, 172, 173, 174, 176, 186, 202, 225 Rashtrakuta, 31 Ratio, 1 1 7-1 20 Reckoning. See Abacus, Finger, Hindu, Counters. Reckoning Book, 164, 174, 181, 187-9, 210 Reckoning Master, 178, 179, 180, 184 Reckoning Schools, 178, 179, 180, 218, 225 Recorde, 22, 28, 38, 39-41, 47, 49, 183, 188, 202, 208, 217, 223, 224 Regula del chatain, 150 Regula Fusti, 132, 152 Reichelstain, 184 Renaissance, 23, 30, 170, 190,207, 226 Rents, 132, 157 Riccardi, 23 Riese, 23, 60, 65, 67, 77, 84, 97, 99, no, 112, 136, 140, 142, 145, 146, 149, 153, 169, 173, 181, 182, 187, 203, 204, 215, 224 Rodet, 132 Roman Symbols, 24, 27, 28, 37, 91, 205 Roots, 37, in, 113, 121-127, 186 Rouse, 172 Rudolff, 26, 57, 60, 84, 94, 96, 99, 101, 108, 143, 148, 150, 151, 169, 181, 182, 184, 187, 196, 224 Rule of Drinks. See Virgin's Rule. of False Position, 132, 153, 221 of Three, 109, 131, 132, 137-139, 142, 149, 220 Rule of Two, 138 Rules, Minor, 156 in verse, 184 Salaries of Servants, 132, 157 Sayce, 90 Savonne, 183 Schools of Teaching Orders, 170 Schreiber (Grammateus), 183 Scratch Method, 69, 122 Seeley, 171 Series, no, in Arithmetic, no Geometric, no Harmonic, no Sfortunati, 142 232 INDEX Short Division, 72, 74 Short Methods, 46, 47, 67, 75 Sluggard's Rule, 65, 66 Smith, D. E., 23, 158, 194, 209 Solid Numbers, 33 Species, 36, 77, no Square Numbers, 33 Steinschneider, 153 Sterner, 26, 29 Stevinus (Stevin), 30, 96, 120, 172 Stifel, 23, 150, 172, 173, 174 Stocks, 199 Stoy, 29 Sturm, 171, 184 Subject-Matter, 185, 186-201, 226 Subtraction, 26, 35, 45 of fractions, 102 of integers, 49, 53, 55, 61 Suevus, 37, 129, 130, 131, 139, 217, 223 Superficial Numbers, 33 Superfluous Numbers, 33 Suter, 36, 51 Syllogism, 191 Symbolism, 53-55 Tables, 41, 44, 50, 56, 57. 59. 82, 92, 144 Tagliente, 28, 75 Tare, 169 Tartaglia, 35- 41, 44, 45. 5°. S3, 58, 61, 65, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75, 87, 88, 93, 99, 119, 121, 146, 147, 154, 168, 169, 186, 187, 196, 202, 209 Taxes, 169 Terence, 172 Theoretic Arithmetic, 24, 128, 196 Thierfeldern, 55, 107, 108, 113, 121, 151, 153, 170, 220 Toilet Reckoning, 27 Tonstall, 35, 39, 42, 49, 50, 58, 65, 73, 89, 100, 103, in, 117, 118, 124. 125. 141, 143, 154, 175, 206, 212 Trenchant, 35, 36, 46, 49, 53, 56, 67, 74, 87, 98, 102, 106, 122, 123, 124, 128, 142, 146, 158, 183, 213 Treutlein, 23, 27, 69, 90 Treviso Arithmetic, 24, 39, 138, 183, 187 Triangular Numbers, 33 Trotzendorf, 170 Unger, 37, 39, 53, 146, 149, 170, 171, 172, 179, 180 Unicorn, 31, 45, 53, 65, 72, 88, 117, 121, 186, 195, 202 Unitary Analysis, 137, 138, 169, 220 Unity, 29, 30 Usury, 141 Van Ceulen, 120, 183 Van der Scheure, 55, 92, 105, 109, no, in, 143, 145, 156, 186, 187 Villicus, 27, 29, 150 Vincentino, 119 Virgin's Rule, Regula Cecis, 132, 153 Visirbiich, 164 Voyage, 132 Wagner, 181, 187 Weights and Measures, 80, 85, 120 Weissenborn, 30, 65 Welsch Practice, 132, 135-137 Wencelaus, 54, 72, 104, 158, 183 Widman, 27, 28, 38, 54, 77, 126, 127, 149, 150, 154, 162, 181, 225 Willichius, 202 Woepcke, 24 Wolf, 184 Zero, 29, 31, 42 y