1 f I \ ■xzKi<''/^fi>ii»;»!(mmiKiXti/i». '■ BACTERIA OF THE sputa: MlYPTaaAMIC FLORA THBiMQUTH ■^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY. V ^5J^- THE THE GIFT OF RO SWELL P. FLOWER FOR THE USE OF THEN. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE. 1897 The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924000223481 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA AND CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF THE MOUTH. LIBRARY. BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA AND GRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF THE MOUTH. BY FILANDRO yiCENTINI, M.D. TRANSLATED BY Rev. E. J. STUTTER and Professor E. SAIEGHI, FROM THE "Aui della R. Accademia Medico- Chirurgica" of Naples. Xonfton : BAILLIERE, TINDALL, & COX, 20-21 KING WILLIAM ST., STRAND. 1897. ERRATA. — o — Page 4, line II, for "these" read "true." Page 5, line i, for "pus, corpuscles'' read "pus corpuscles.'' Page 8, line 3 from bottom, yor "micrococci" read " pneumococci." Page 10, line 4, for "per hour " read "in twenty-four hours." Page 10, last line, omit "p. 1882." Page II, line 23, for "composition" read "decomposition."' Page 14, line 8, for "k and k" read "k and k>." Page 20, line 18, /or "a mixture of nitric acid and alcohol (l : 3)," read "a mixture of nitric acid and water (i : 3), and, soon after, absolute alcohol." Pa^e 21, line 2, for "in ^" reati "in ^. '' Page 66, line 12, for "these" read "there.'' Page 95, line 27, for "hand" read "handle." Page 109, line 35, for " which, although old, is not ours," read " which is not ours, but old." Page 117, line 3, for "x and x" read "x and x'." Page 132, line i, /or "saccharine" read "saccharose." Preface. T will be readily admitted by all that great interest centres about the study of the micro-organisms of the human mouth. To the botanist, bacteriologist, and pathologist, no less than to the dental surgeon, the bacteria of the oral cavity offer a fertile field of investigation and present many questions, the solution of which has thus far been attempted in vain. Up to the present, our investigations have been most success- ful in the direction of the pathological action of the mouth-bac- teria, while, on account of the great variety of micro-organisms found in the mouth, and on account of the fact that many of them have resisted all attempts at cultivation on artificial media, no satisfactory classification of them has as yet been made or even attempted. Consequently, any communications or investigations which may increase our knowledge of the flora of the human mouth, and help to bring about a classification which may serve as a basis for future work, or even any communication which serves to excite a discussion of the question, is deserving of thorough attention on the part of dentists, physicians, and natural scientists. In this sense I recommend the Memoirs of Dr. Vicentini for a careful study. It is not the place here to enter into a critical examination of the views of the author ; I refer the reader, in this conhection, to the paper by J. Howard Mummery, of London, published in the Transactions of the Odoniological Society of Great Britain, Vol. XXVI., No. 3, JanuarJ?, 1894. Suffice it to say that the deductions of Dr. Vicentini, if confirmed, would bring about Vlli. rREFACK. a complete revolution of the views at present adopted by bacterio- logists, resulting from the immense amount of work which has been done in this field for the last ten or fifteen years. In order that my own position' may not be misunderstood, I should add that, while attaching proper importance to the valuable work done by Dr. Vicentini, I am somewhat sceptical as to the correctness of his deductions. In the summing up of the author's work, which he has, placed at my disposal in the English and French languages, I have found nothing which in my opinion jus- tifies the conclusion that not only all bacteria found in the human mouth, but that even the pneumococcus, bacillus tuberculosis, and gonococcus are simply derivations of the same normal organ- ism. If we go so far, we may with equal show of reason include the bacilli of diphtheria, typhus, cholera, etc., in fact, derive all known species of bacteria from one common parent plant. In regard to the actual microscopical observations of Dr. Vicentini, Mummery (I.e.) reports having in one case found appearances very similar to those which Dr. Vicentini compares to grape-bunches. Personally, I have had no great difficulty in find- ing masses of granular bodies (micrococci) sometimes apparently accumulated about one central thread, sometimes about a mass of threads. Very often these masses are shapeless ; in other cases they are shaped like a club or boomerang (Mummery), or bear a certain similarity to a bunch of grapes. As yet, I have not been able to devote much time to the study of these bodies, and can therefore offer no explanation whatever as to their signification. In consideration of the importance of the question at issue, it is to be hoped that the work of Dr. Vicentini will receive a careful perusal, and that the investigations incited by it may bring about a better understanding of the biology of the micro-organisms of the human mouth than we have as yet been able to obtain. W. D. Miller. Berlin, 1896. CONTENTS. — f>C* — PAQK Preface, by Prof. Miller vii. — viii. FIRST MEMOIR. Translated by Rev. E. J. Stutter. On the Sputa of Whooping Cough - 1 I. — Previous Researches on the Sputa of Whooping Cough 2 II. — A Short Account of Cases in which the Sputa have been examined 9 III.— Notes on Myelin 22 IV. — Observations and Considerations on the Bacteria - 37 V. — Observations and Considerations on the Fungi 62 VI. — Hints on the Preparation and Staining of Specimens 68 Resume 71 SECOND MEMOIR. Translated by E. Saieghi. Recent Bacteriological Researches on the Sputa : The Morpho- '' logy and Biology of the Microbes of the Mouth 75 I. — Further Remarks on the Bacteria and Bacilli found in the Sputa and in the Contents of the Mouth 76 II. — Summary of the Present Investigations and Methods of Working 86 III.— Opinions hitherto held respecting the Organisms of the Mouth, according to Miller 96 IV. — Remarks on the Morphology and Biology of Leptothrix buccalis 115 Recapitulation 137 Bibliography 142 THIRD MEMOIR. Translated by E. Saieghi. On Leptothrix roMemosa 145 I. — Introductory and Biographical Notices — Reference to the previous Memoir - 145 CONTENTS. '^otKsr PAGE II.— New Researches on the Fructification of the Normal Parasite of the Mouth (Leptothrix racernosa) - 16° Conclusion ^°^ Appendix, translated by E. Saieghi " 1°^ Reason of writing this Appendix ■ " '-''wJ- Doubts respecting the Bacterial Hypothesis 193 The Experiments of Pettenkofer on Cholera 199 Hypothesis of the Author on the Action of Bacteria 203 Further Researches on the Morphology of Leptothrix 217 Explanation of Plates - 225 ,-\- % Ba.etena. t-late '^^ h fW' J^ F,^. I. r loofj \^, ^\ 1 -^X'" i ■. T^'* ..;/■!* .-if^" •^' i» ® / -r ;'5f'(7 (ffi \ X2500 rx 250C ^ * n.- '•-^^/^^i? WP m^mm ^4/;^; / >/lcenl iriidel !'n^' J J)S^ ^'SS^gg^ ,^;[,»'xsoo :• ,*'/W(? /<■' i:-- 9 / 140 Is Bar,frr/a of Wh(')f7p/77i7 /'o/Z'/^i y. 800 /" f Phillips Bacteria of tbe Sputa anb Cri^ptogamic jflora of tbe fiDoutb. FIRST MEMOIR. ON THE SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. Plate I. On the presence of Myelin in the Sputa of Whooping-cough, and on the Bacteria and Microphytes at times found therein, with remarks on the Bacteria of Sputa in general, and hints as to the Staining and Preparing of Specimens for the microscope. Summary : § I. — Previous researches on the sputa of Whooping-cough (Cerasi, Poulet, Jansen, Ransome, Letzerich, Henke, Tschamer, Biirger, Moncorvo, Barlow, Michael, Afanasieff). § 2. — Notes on the Clinical cases, in which the sputa have been examined. Fikst case {Sputa of May lo, May 12, June 5/ sputum in Pneumonia, July 31). Second case ; Third ; Fourth ; Fifth , Sixth ; Seventh ; Eighth ; Ninth ; and other Cases. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. § 3. — Myelin. General Remarks. Myelin in the sputa IN Whooping-cough. In other sputa (i.e.. Normal sputa in acute and chronic Bronchitis, in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Phthisis, and Hcemoptysis). Importance of Myelin in Whooping-cough. Researches on the Breath. § 4. — Bacteria. Bacteria and BacilU found in Whooping- cough. Bacteria and BaciUi in normal sputa, in nasal mucus, in Bronchitis, in Pneumonia, in Pleurisy, in Phthisis. § 5 . — Fungi (Filaments found in Whooping-cough and their fructification). § 6. — Preparation and staining specimens (Gentian violet, Solution of iodine. Picric acid. Methyl violet, Fuchsin, Blue aniline. Carmine). Conclusion. § I. PREVIOUS RESEARCHES ON THE SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. T'HE epidemic of Whooping-cough which broke out in the town of Chieti, from April till July of the year 1888, afforded me an opportunity of making some few researches on the nature of the sputa in Whooping-cough. Feeling that the results of such investigations may shed some light on questions regarding the pathogenesis, phases, and peculiarities of disease, in so many respects still obscure, I venture to offer a short account of them in this memoir. It will be well, first of all, to point out briefly what has been done in this matter since 1867 up to the present time. The first account of the microscopical examination of Sputa in Whooping-cough appears in the monograph of Hagenbach, given in Gerhardt's treatise on th^ Diseases of Children and in the papers by Barlow* on the Nature of Whooping-cough, which appeared in four numbers of the Lancet in 1886. * W. H. Barlow On the Nature of Whooping-cough, Lancet, 1886, Vol. I., pp. 870, 915, 966, and 1241. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 3 111 both these works mention is made of the researches of Poulet, in 1867, who, whilst examining the breath of infants, found a form of Monas ternio or Bacterium termo, as well as another of Monas punctum, Bodo punctum, or Bacterium bacillus, which he thought to be the origin of the disease In the second and fourth sections I shall refer again to this.* In the year 1868, Jansen, in his investigations, found bacteria in the sputum of Whooping-cough, but they were not identical with those described by Poulet, and he remained in doubt whether they were specific indications of Whooping-cough or simply microbes of the mouth. + In the year 1870, Ransome % brought before the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society the first notice of the presence of a Conferva similar to Penicillium glaucum in the breath of subjects in Whooping-cough. His researches were corroborated, as regards measles, by those of Braidwood and Vacher. || These investigations were followed in 1873-74 by those of Letzerich, which are spoken of by almost all later writers. § In the work of Cornil and Babes on Bacteriology, we find on this subject only the following short notice : — " He [Letzerich] has endeavoured to find and to cultivate the microbes in the sputa of Whooping-cough ; and has described and figured some enormous micrococci, which dispose themselves in irregular chains and in zooglffia. He even professes to have produced a convulsive cough * Poulet, Comftes-rendus de PAcad. des Sciences, 1867, Lxv,, p. 254 ; Presse Mklicale Beige, 1867, No. 51. In the original Italian edition I over- looked the fact that in 1867 Dr. Cerasi, before the investigations of Poulet were made public, found in the sputa of Whooping-cough, under a power of 150 diameters, certain forms of fungi, similar to those described later by Letzerich, and which he called " Oidium pertussis." Nevertheless, these undoubtedly anterior researches escaped the notice of authors, who turned their attention to the sputa of Whooping-cough. — Cerasi, Giornale delle Scienze Mediche di Venezia, Serie III. , Tomo XII. (F. V. ) t Gerhard t, Tratt. conipleto delle Malattie dei Bambini, Versione Ital., Napoli, 1883, Vol. II., p. 474. + A. Ransome, _/o«rK. Anat. and Physiology, 1870, iv., p. 217; also Proc. Lit. and Phil. Soc. , Manchester, 1 870, Vol. ix. p. 106. II Braidwood & Vacher, Researches on Measles, Trans. Path. Soc, London, 1878, XXIX., p. 422. § Virchow's Archiv., 1873, Vol. Lvii., p. 518, and 1874, Vol. LX., p 409. 4 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. in rabbits by inoculating them, by tracheotomy, with micrococci. This work of Letzerich is absolutely contradicted by a communica- tion from Biirger,* who finds in the sputa of Whooping-cough many small, rod-like, ellipsoid bodies, with a restriction in the middle. The sputa, to the naked eye, resembles tufts of matter, whitish at first, afterwards turning slightly yellow. It is these tufts, spread upon the glass slides, dried, stained with methyl violet, and bleached by alcohol, that show the rod-like bodies. They are found in or on the cellules, chain-like bodies being entirely absent. Biirger thinks that the drawings of Letzerich do not represent these parasites. According to Biirger, these rod-like bodies, so numerous in Whooping-cough, bear an intimate relation to the disease and its stages. He never cultivated them. As these micro-organisms can so easily be accidentally present both in the mouth and pharynx, they must always be looked upon with suspicion." t Hagenbach gives a more precise account of the work of Letzerich in the monograph cited above. On the subject of the sputa in Whooping-cough, he quotes : — " During the period of convulsions we find in the mucus — fungoid filaments — sometimes in very great quantities, interwoven and ramified, and in which a vigorous formation of spores takes place. " This fungus, a specific sign of the disease, can be detected with the naked eye. It is not reproductive in the mucus mem- brane, but lodged in the corpuscles of the mucus, and not on the epithelial cells. The course, duration, as well as the intensity of the paroxysms of the cough, vary with the fructification or propa- gation of this fungus, producing spasmodic irritation in the mucus membrane. The introduction of these fungi into the larynx or tracheae of rabbits will in six to eight days bring about spasms of convulsive coughing. As a rule, the fungus of Whooping-cough invests the folds and cryptse of the epiglottis, the larynx, and the tracheae, finding its way even into the air-cells of the lungs, giving rise in its growth to catarrhal and inflammatory symptoms." % * Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, No. i, 1883. t Cornil et Babes, Les BacUries et leur rtle dans FAnat. et FHist. Path, des Malad. Infec. Paris, 1885, pp. 556, 557. + Gerhardt, loc. cit. , p. 474. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 5 Further on :— " Letzerich has found the smaller bronchi of the inoculated rabbits, and even the air-cells, blocked by them, mixed with micrococci and a slender mycelium." * In the fifth section relating to the fungi, which I have found in some specimens of sputa and their fructification, we shall have an opportunity of again referring to this. Following the investigations of Letzerich, Henke in the same year (1874) discovered in the sputa, pus, corpuscles, and other round bodies (? young epithelial cells), full of minute particles in most lively motion, and which could be paralysed by solutions of quinine. + To myself, it seems very probable that this motion was not at all due to the corpuscles themselves, but was such a vibra- tory motion as is seen in all living cells, whether of the saliva, or white corpuscles of the blood, pus, mucus, or young ' epithelium cells, wherever an osmosis takes place. Very striking examples of such motion is seen in the corpuscles of the saliva, of mucus, of normal sputa, of nasal mucus, or, better still, of the mucus of the urethra, by allowing water, pure or coloured with aniline, to run into the fresh preparations. Tschamer, of Gratz, in his many researches during the year 1870, had not observed, except in a very few cases, any microbes in the sputa of Whooping-cough ; and then only such as are found in healthy sputa, especially that expectorated in the morning. But in 1874, one or two days before the convulsions set in, he came across a reticulated mycelium, and many round or ovoid spores of different sizes. These were at first colourless, but subsequently became yellowish or of a darkish red colour. He thought these to be very similar to, if not identical with, the dark mould on decaying orange or lemon peel, and looked upon the spores of this mould as the germs, or the pathogenic cause, of Whooping-cough. The observations of Tschamer were confirmed by Oltramare and others, but contradicted by those of Rossbach of Wiirtzburg. But more of this in our fifth section. % In the year 1883, Burger of Bonn describes, as we have seen " Ibidem, p. 485. \ Arch, fur Klinische Medicin, XII., 1874, p. 630. J Barlow, loc. cit., p. 916. 6 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. in the extract from Cornil and Babes, the microbes in the sputa of Whooping-cough as sometimes linking themselves in chain-like bodies, the larger ones being constricted in the middle and others forming clusters in colonies. He took them to be quite distinct from those of the Leptothrix.* In the same year (1883) Moncorvo, of Rio de Janeiro, observed swarms of micrococci scattered about the mucus or inclosed in the pus corpuscles or in the epithelium cells, which seemed to him to gradually decrease or disappear altogether, as the disease ran out its course. Local applications of Resorcina paralysed the movements of these micrococci.t Full particulars of these researches from those of Tschamer to those of Moncorvo will be found in Barlow's -papers. In the year 1886, at the end of his investigations, Barlow pub- lished the results of his microscopical examinations of the sputa in Whooping-cough — examinations undertaken with the help of Broadbent. A i/i2th inch objective was used, magnifying to 800 diameters. The preparations were stained with methyl violet and showed numbers of nuclei of pus corpuscles, fibrinous particles, and a few epithelium cells, some covered with minute micrococci in chain-like lengths or masses (zooglaea). Though similar micro- cocci were to be seen all through the rest of the field, nevertheless it was evident that the principal nidus was in the epithelium cells. Of this remarkable fact I shall have more to say. From these observations Barlow was led to believe that the cause of Whoop- ing-cough was to be found in the disquamation of the epithelium cells of the larynx, brought about by foreign growths. J Michael of Hamburg, in the same year 1886, declared his firm opinion to be that Whooping-cough arose from a reflex and spasr modic action, partially of the pneumogastric nerves, but principally from that of the muscles of the upper part of the larynx, caused by a specific irritation of the nasal mucus membrane, produced by certain microbes. On this account he recommended nasal * Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift, 1883, No. I. t Moncorvo, De la Nature de la Coqueluche et de son traitement far la Resorcine. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. Archiv. di Patalogia Infantile. Napoli, '85. X Barlow, loc, cit., p. 967. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 7 insufflation of gum benzoin, quinine, and nitrate of silver mixed with calcined magnesia.* Hack, Schadewald, Wille, and Sonnenberger took the same view, as may be seen from an article in the above-mentioned periodical,^ and from a short notice of it by Morgagni in the same year. J But these writers do not speak of the morphology or biology of these nasal parasites, nor of the methods of staining them for observation. Nor is it clear that their opinions are derived from their own bacterioscopical examinations, or are simply hypotheses put forward to uphold particular therapeutical theories, or to explain the true or supposed virtue of certain local remedies as those above mentioned, or others, such as iodiform, salycilic acid, boracic acid, injections or inhalation of corrosive sublimate, tinc- ture of iodine, and alum, || or the use of other local or general applications of quinine, antipyrin, etc.§ Until more is known of this parasite, I think it best to leave its discussion, turning my attention more exclusively to the exami- nation of the sputa in Whooping-cough. My conclusions, as will appear, are not opposed to the idea of nervous spasmodic action, and are compatible with other researches as to the seat of its first origin. The following notice in the Lancet of December, 1887, will show results of the work of Afanasieff : — " Doctor Afanasieff has succeeded in finding and cultivating what he believes to be the true bacillus of Whooping-coiigh. This microbe differs distinctly from all other bacteria which have been described. It is somewhat like Friedlander's Pneumonia bacillus, but is shorter and thinner than the latter ; besides, in gelatine it * Michael, Deutsche Medicinische Wockenschrift, 1886, No. 5, p. 74. t Sonnenberger, same article. 1887, No. 73. ni, 1888, Part II., No. 20, p. 256, and No. 39, p. 473. II Vide, among others, Nasal Treatment of IVhooping-cough, Lancet, 1887, Vol. I., p. 136. § As, for example, Deutsche Medecinische Wochenschrift and Morgagtzi in articles cited above. 8 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. does not form nail-shaped cultures, those which are produced having no hemispherical head.* " Its potato cultures too, are quite different from those obtained from Friedlander's bacillus. Afanasieff's bacillus exhibits a re- markable degree of vitality, for jelly cultures that have become dry and have been kept for four months, appearing under the micro- scope to be more or less destroyed, are still capable of producing fresh cultures when fresh media are inoculated from the dried mass. " Dr. AfanasiefPs researches were chiefly made from the sputum of some of his own children who were affected with Whooping-cough. The mouth was well washed out with a permanganate solution, and the mucus coughed up afterthe next paroxysm or two examined. In this mucus, after staining with methyl-violet, and in the pus- corpuscles contained in it, the bacilli could be seen with a magni- fying power of from 700 to 1,000 (Zeiss's eye-piece 3 or 4, 1/12 inch oil immersion objective) as short rods, sometimes single, sometimes in twos, or even in short chains running in the direction of the mucus, sometimes again in small cultures. Their length was from o'G fi io 2-2 fi. Of course other bacteria were found. Pure cultures, however, were easily made on agar-agar, meat peptone, jelly, potato, etc. Dogs and rabbits were inoculated with a fluid culture, mixed chloride of sodium solution, some by means of injections into the trachea, others by direct injections into the lungs. All the animals were seriously affected, and many of them died. The symptoms were somewhat similar to those of Whooping- cough, including cough, dyspnoea, and redness of the eyes. Many of the cases were complicated by broncho-pneumonia. On ex- amining the bodies of those animals which died, the mucus membrane of the air passages were found much reddened, and coated with a tenacious clear mucus, in which, as well as in the pneumonic patches in the lungs, the bacilli were found. Similar appearances and the same bacilli were observed in the bodies of children who had died from Whooping-cough. As to treatment, inhalations, and spray of various antiseptic drugs would appear * Dr. Afanasieff has personaljy examined and cultivated the so called miciococcT. ( Compes Rendus hebd. SocUU de Biohgie, May 21, 1884, p. 356). As to the club-headed cultures, see among others Cornil and Babes, loc. cit., PI. xxvu., Fig. 27 (F. V.) SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 9 to afford the most ground for hope in relieving and shortening this complaint. The author points out that the quinine, benzoin, and other substances which have been used as applications to the usual mucus membrane by Michael and others, under the idea of com- bating a reflex affection, are really, perhaps, beneficial from their property of destroying bacilli." * The Medical Times of Philadelphia, of April, 1888, gives a shorter notice of AfanasiefFs discoveries.! § 11. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF CASES, IN WHICH THE SPUTA HAVE BEEN EXAMINED. The thought of examining the Sputa in cases of Whooping- cough did not occur to me till the epidemic of this year, when I came across a truly typical case of Whooping-case, typical both in its clinical symptoms and in the character of the Sputa. The principal features I have found in Sputa of Whooping-cough, as will be seen, were the presence of an extraordinary and peculiar abundance of masses, particles, filaments, and granules of myelin, and it was through observing the quantity of myelin that caused my surprise in this first case, a quantity that took up quite one half of the surface of the preparations examined. Perhaps if I liad not come across such a striking case, I should not have given so much importance to the presence of myelin nor renewed my researches in other cases. The microscopical examinations were undertaken on this occasion through a special interest in the little sufferer and the fear of some other threatening complication. First Case. A.S., a boy of 8 years, plethoric, robust, and well developed for his age, was in the latter part of March seized by attack of measles with a distinct nasal catarrh, confluent eruption, somewhat haemorrhagic. After the disquamation, he showed symptoms of * The bacillus of Whooping-cough.— Lancet, Dec. 3, 1887.— Vol. ii, p. 1131. t Philadelphia Medical Times. Aprils, iSSS.—'No. Jjo., p. 403. 10 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. bronchial catarrh, which, though slight at first, became more dis- tressing by the middle of April, and at last took the form of Whooping-cough. The boy was subject to some twelve paroxysms per hour, with facial adema, ecchymosis of conjunctive membrane, epistaxis, and a severe form of quintes, as the French call them. He had no signs of capillary bronchitis or pneumonia, nor any fever. The case was therefore truly typical in the form of the paroxysms and in the absence of other complications. Sputa of May 10. — (a) The first sputum taken for examination was after the third week of the period of convulsions of the Whooping-cough ; it was colourless. Hyaline, very viscid, and found to be free from any residuary particles of food. It contained but few pus corpuscles, the whole mass being composed almost entirely of the elements which will be described. No red blood- corpuscles were found. A fair quantity of buccal epithelium cells and pavement epithelium cells from the air-passages. I thought it would be superfluous to reproduce these in the plates, with the exception of a small particle of buccal epitheUum cell, as in f. Fig. 2. In Fig. i, >^ is a salivary corpuscle, stained with gentian violet, magnified to 1,750 diameters. Vibratile epithelium cells from the air-passages were to be seen ; a small one is shown in f. Fig. I, coloured in the same way and magnified to 2,500 diameters. Rather a moderate number of ellipsoidal cells of epithelium were present from the air-passages, called sometimes alveolar epithelium cells. This is not the place to discuss whether or lio these cells truly come from the air-passages or from the air-cells.+ One thing is certain — that they are found often covered with pigment grains and with myelin in sputa of all kinds. I have found them in those of simple hoarseness. In Fig. I, g, one of these cells will be seen, in its natural state, with the granules of myelin magnified to 400 diameters. From the very first, I was greatly surprised to find that nearly * Epistaxis — bleeding from the nose. t Senator held them to be epithelium cells from lower parts of the bronchial mucus membrane. (Bizzozero, Man. di Micr. Clinica, Milano, 1882 p. 1882, pp. 144—145.) SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 11 the half of the surface of the preparations consisted of numerous masses of myelin, in all sizes and shapes. Fig. i, d, shows one rather smaller than others, drawn in its natural state, magnified to 400 diameters. Among these masses were seen myriads of parti- cles of myelin, some isolated, some grouped together, as shown in a, a, a, a; others are shown in b, b, b, b, b (stained with gentian violet), both magnified to 1,000 diameters. Besides these, there were numberless grains of myelin smaller than the most minute bacteria and barely visible, unstained, but rendered quite distinct by gentian violet. These are shown in b on the left of the grouped particles, and magnified to 1,000 diameters, but better still in Fig. 2, i, where they are magnified to 2,500 diameters. Sorne portions and detached filament are shown in Fig. i, b (1,000 diam.), and at i are shown, for comparison, some minute particles and some of the smaller granules unstained, as given by Dr. Beale, magnified 2,800 times.* It wjas evident that the viscosity and hyaline character of the sputa was due to the great amount of myelin present, but of this more later on, as well as of the bacteria and bacilli found in the sputa. It will be enough now to say that both in the sputa of this case and subsequent ones, there were found, even when fresh, many forms of spirilli, Lepiothrix buccalis, Vibrio, Bacillus subtilis, which increase day by day with the composition of the mass. Too many plates and too much space would be required to describe singly all the forms and varieties of the bacteria and bacilli. Therefore, only the principal forms will be given in the illustrations. The different bacteria and bacilli of Whooping-cough are stained with gentian violet. Fig. 2 shows a group of minute bac- teria in a (800 diam.), some of which are reproduced in b (2,500 diam.). In c will be seen two chain-like bacteria— one shorter and twisted, the other longer (800 diam.) ; d shows a part of the longer chain, magnified to 2,500 diameters. Two dumb-bell bac-. teria are shown in e (2,500 diameters), one of which is quite cap- sular in appearance. Of such dumb-bell bacteria there was great abundance, some spread throughout the mucus mass, but most of * Beale, The Microscope in Medicine, London, 1878, PI. xxi., Fig. 6. 12 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. them swarming around buccal epithelium cells, specially around those showing signs of disintegration or corrosion. In / will be seen a portion of buccal epithelium cell invaded by both these forms of bacteria under the power of 2,500 diameters. Such dumb-bell bacteria formed the greater part of the bacteria of the sputum, seemingly identical with those discovered by Poulet in vitiated air and by Biirger in sputa. Some extremely minute bacteria and bacilli are shown in g (2,500 diameters), with two specimens of curved diplococci mor- phologically identical with the so-called gonococci of Neisser ; but these curved diplococci were only found in some few portions. In h is reproduced (2,500 diameters) a corpuscle shaped after the pneumococcus of Friedlander, but larger, and which might have been a very small pus corpuscle misshapened, as shall be men- tioned later. In the first examination but few specimens of the forms /, k, and i were observed. Few also of those interwoven, as in u and u, were seen. These last appeared afterwards in greater numbers in this same sputa and also in other sputa. Divers kinds of bacilli also were noticed. Two are shown in m, m (2,500 diameters), which seem to be more mature forms of the young bacilli, seen in n and «, which were found in other cases. These examinations of bacteria and bacilli were made with a , homogeneous immersion lens, i/i8th inch, and a Dujardin con- denser of the improved pattern, made by Messrs. Bezu, Hausser, and Co., successors to Hartnack and Prazmowski. The drawings have been faithfully made from the preparations. (b.) The day after. May n, other portions of the same sputum were examined and found to contain the above forms of microbes, in increased numbers, specially the beaded strings, as in i and k. The forms shown in / (2,500 diam.) were observed, of which some may represent smaller specimens of the forms d and If, others are bacteria, very small and globular or oval in germination. From these oval forms may be derived those of a long biscuit shape ; of these the greater part were capsular in appearance. They are seen low down and on the left in the figure, some in twos, some in chain-like lengths, generally grouped round the buccal epithelium cells or penetrating the cells themselves. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 13 Other bacteria of this group are, instead, representatives of the same forms d and e, increased in size, with their heads not yet united. Many individuals have a capsular appearance as seen on upper part and to the right of the figure, at L There seems to me every reason to believe the diplococci, though smaller, to be similar to the pneumococcus of Friedlander, of which Dr. Afanasieff gives an account. It may be here observed that I have found analogous or identical forms in sputa under other circumstances, in normal sputa and in sputa during affections of the air passages, likewise in saliva, nasal mucus, urine, and even in spermatic fluid. On the left and above the figure being described there is a curved diplococcus, similar to that in g, but somewhat larger ; in the chain (/, p. Fig. 2) there are some still larger, and the similarity naturally suggests that the drawings g, /, /, are but three degrees of development and increase of one and the same bacterium. It was, perhaps, by inadvertence, that no trace of fungi was noticed the day before, but on the eleventh I observed germinating filaments of fungi of fair size. They were, at first, all after the same type, as in Fig. 3, d, where they are shown stained with gentian violet and magnified to 800 diameters. It should be said that while the figure shows them with a regular elliptical outline, as in e,f, g, etc., they were in reality somewhat flattened at- the ends. Not to anticipate the description, given later on, of this fungus, I would merely state that these filaments became more conspicuous during the following days, and a great many vescicular gemmules, sacculi, or sporidia were noticed, some yet attached to the filaments, others already fallen off As these closely resemble those spoken of by Hagenbach as observed by Letzerich used in his inoculation, they are given in Fig. 3, b, b, stained with gentian violet, and in c, with carmine [Fig. y is printed in violet, to be uniform with Fig. T,bh\, magnified to 2,500 diameters. (c.) During the following days there appeared in the sputa (which had been kept in a tightly covered porcelain vessel), among the larger filaments described above, other smaller ones, with many small rounded spores of a light greenish colour. In the same interval the larger filaments had increased in numbers to such a point that by the i6th (the sputum was then five days old) one could count some twenty or thirty filaments both 14 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. small and large in one single preparation. It was probably due to the multiplication of the greenish spores that the mass of the sputum took the same greenish colour and gave off a musty smell, which increased till the whole dried up in about a month at a temperature of 20° or 22° C. It was during this time that I observed the fructification of both these fungi. That of the larger ones, as the filament, d, is shown in Fig. 3 k and ^ (140 diameters) ; that of the smaller ones, the filaments of which are not shown, is given in n. 0. p. (800 diameters). Spores detached in the fructification of the first fungus will be seen in / and /, those of the second in m and m (t,ooo diameters). I intend to refer later on to my observations on sputa after boiling and on the dust deposited in the room of the sick boy. These few notes will suifice for the present in regard to the sputum of May 10. Sputum of May 12. — On this day another portion of the sputum was taken and it gave the same results as that of the day before, showing the same extraordinary amount of myelin. In these were present in great quantities the chain-like or beaded bodies budding at one extremity as in Fig. 2. /, or at both ends as in k. These beaded forms have been found in other cases of Whooping-cough, in other sputa, in saliva and various other substances. On the second day large numbers of the filaments of fungi appeared in this sputum, as before described. I have not had the leisure to follow the development of the filaments, nor to ascertain whether the smaller ones made their appearance. Sputum of June 5. — It was during the seventh week of the convulsions that an attempt was made to ascertain if the same amount of myelin was still to be found, and it was observed in the same large quantity. No great notice was taken of the bacteria in this sputum, but the large filaments of fungi and their germina- tion were noticed, as in the preceding cases. Towards the end of June, the cough became less intense and less frequent, and by the end of this month might be said to have passed away ; but the boy still brought up from time to time a yellowish mucus, such as is seen in a case of very mild catarrh. But the clinical history of the case does not end here. The boy SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 15 on the 28th of July, through his profuse perspiring, was seized with an attack of tonsillitis, and was slightly feverish. Two days afterwards, on the 30th, at lo a.m., he was in a high fever, subject to shivering fits, with heavy breathing and a sharp pain on his right side. By the evening his pulse was 160 and his temperature 40-1° C. During the night some of the expectorations were tinged with red. In the following morning (the 31st July) a fresh portion of sputum was taken for examination under the micro- scope. Pneumonitic Sputum of July jist. — This sputum was somewhat tinged with red, and on being examined was found to contain a large number of red blood-corpuscles, a fair quantity of ellipsoidal epithelium cells, covered with small granules of myelin ; through- out the mass some few smaller particles of myelin were observed, which seemed ^ to have fallen away from the ellipsoidal epithelium cells. But no vestige was to be seen of the innumerable particles nor of the numerous filaments and masses of myelin which had been found in such large quantities before in the sputa during the Whooping-cough. What had become of the extraordinary abundance of myelin ? If the copious formation and elimination of this matter arose from some special condition or idiosyncrasy of the subject, there would be no reason why they should not appear in this lung attack ; all the more, as the quantity of sputum from the lungs in twenty-four hours was very moderate. So that an equal amount of myelin in this sputum would have given a much higher per centage than that shown during the Whooping-cough. But this matter will be taken up later. The bacteria found in this sputum were not in any way differ- ent from those that are usually met with in other pulmonary attacks, and, on the whole, were not unlike the bacteria of sputum in cases of Whooping-cough. The forms e, f, and /' (Fig. 2), with a capsular appearance, were rather abundant. Many forms in couples and in chains were present ; they are shown in/,/, and are met with in cases of pulmonary complaints. Many of them had a capsulated appearance, sometimes enclosing two in the same transparent envelope, as in /', or in threes and fours, and in lengths of six or more. All the forms e,f, and /', as well as the 16 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. forms /, /, and / ', were seen either covering or penetrating the buccal epithelium cells. It should be noticed that the larger bacteria, as in / and /', are found — and in great quantities, too, at times — in the sputa of whooping and other sputa. But the author never met with the forms curved after the fashion of the so-railed gonococci intermixed in the chains except in Whooping-cough ; nor observed these forms having in Whooping-cough a capsular appearance. Besides the above, the forms shown in /', to the right, and in / under the figure were plentiful ; forms which, together with that in/', may be classed with so-called pneumococci. They are cer- tainly numerous in the sputa in cases of pneumonia and pleurisy cases, and are to be found generally in other sputa and other substances. It was very easily noticed in this specimen of the sputum how the forms /' and /', with the knob-heads separated, passed into those at /' with the knobs as yet only partly joined, and into those at e and /all in one, and all the more, as these last two forms are the same as those with the knobs separated, only seen fore- shortened. Along the striae of the mucus were seen swarms of very minute bacteria; but they were similar in form to those shown in /and/, and may be thought to be only younger specimens of the same type. During the following day — August ist — a greatly increased number of these minute bacteria were found in other preparations of the same sputum, and others more minute were observed in such beaded shapes, as shown in Fig. 2, s, and in interwoven masses, as in u and u. The first are magnified to 2,500 diameters ; the second, for the sake of space, only to 600 diameters. These forms are found in other sputa and will be further described. Among the swarms of the minute bacteria, I observed some slender bacilli in their first growth (see b\ 2,500 diam.), where will also be seen some very small bodies, perhaps micrococci, which appear to be in process of being cemented together by a finely granular matter forming between them. The chain-like bodies, as in c, were present, and more than ever the forms p and / ', which appears still more evidently to force their way into the buccal epithelium cells. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 17 The forms shown in b', /, «', //, /,' on the left, /, /, lower down, and in x' are stained with methyl violet, and are from cases of mflammation of the lungs or pleurisy ; it is my experience that methyl violet in these cases renders the capsular appearance more distinct. I shall have more to say on the sputa of Pneumonia or Pleurisy ; as regards the boy the disease soon ran its course, with a morning temperature of 39°C., 39-4°C., and evening tem- perature of about 40° C. The fever abated on the fifth and the boy was well again by the twelfth of August. Naturally the results of the examination of the sputa in the case of this boy led me to further researches in other cases of Whooping-cough. In this there was a certain difficulty, for in the case of infants the expectoration is usually very limited, only small portions can be obtained, and in these the very elements sought for may easily be wanting. For myelin is not always diffused to the same,amount in sputa from different parts of the bronchial secretion. And then, again, in private and ordinary practice it is not always easy or becoming at times to seek for material for examinations or researches that do not tend to the immediate relief of the patient, _and in fact I could only in fourteen other cases find means of examining the sputa. These cases will be considered in the following pages. Second Case. On the 1 8th of May I examined the sputa of a little girl aged five years during the seventh week of the convulsions. The sputum was to all appearance a puriform mucus. Red. blood- corpuscles were to be seen, but in no great quantity ; a fair quan- tity of pus corpuscles; a few ellipsoidal epithelium cells were present, together with many buccal epithelium and pavement cells from the air-passages, but very few of the small vibratile cells from the same. Very few particles of myelin were found here and there in the mass. However, the day after, the sputa having been kept in a closed tube, the myelin, being a lighter body, came to the surface in such quantity as to form about one-tenth of the whole quantity. This habit that myelin has of rising to the surface of sputa will be alluded to again. 18 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. The bacteria were much of the same forms as in the preceding case, but in far greater quantity, being found principally upon the buccal epithelium cells. Third Case. The sputa of an infant of ten months was examined on the 19th of May, during the first week of the convulsions. Several red blood-corpuscles were observed, many pus corpuscles, very few ellipsoidal cells of epithelium, and fewer vibratile cells. Buccal and pavement cells of epithelium were present as before. Very few granules of myelin were found, and the bacteria were much the same as those observed in the first case. A good many speci- mens of the form 0, Fig. 2 on the left ( x 2,500 diara.), presented themselves. This form, as can be seen from the figure, is much the same as that in g and / ; in this case, there appears something of the nature of a cementing medium between the cocci. Some minute diplococci, with well-defined capsules feebly showing the darker cocci within, are represented in (upper part of Fig. 2). There were other more minute bacteria, but of the same form as those before described. The infant died during an attack of convulsions. Fourth Case. I was able on the 20th of May to examine the sputa of a boy two and a-half years old during the first week of the convulsions. The same morphological characters were found, and myelin was in the same small quantity. The bacteria were the same as those of the first case ; but a number of bacilli appeared, some longer, some shorter, showing internally signs of segmentation, granular masses or bacteria, or mere specks of coloured matter (see n, Fig. 2, magnified 2,500 diameters). There will be occasion for dwelling on the similarity of this form and that in m, m, referred to in the first case, as well as on the probability of the origin of the larger bacillus, n, from the mass, «, u, and that of the smaller bacillus, shown close by, from that of the beaded form, v. Among my notes there is no mention of fungi in these three last cases, but perhaps they may simply have been overlooked. Fifth Case. On May 24 the sputa were examined in the case of an infant SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 19 of five months during the third and fourth weeks of convulsions, in which the quinte was very pronounced. The sputum was dense and so thick, that in order to spread a portion on the slide it was necessary to dilute it with a drop of chloride of sodium solution. Red blood-corpuscles were absent, but a few pus-corpuscles. Many ellipsoidal epithelium cells, some few vibratile epithelium cells, with the usual pavement cells, were found. Myelin was in almost the same abundance as in the first case. The smaller par- ticles and lighter portions could be observed to collect on the edges of the preparation, enclosing within the liquid belt the thicker and viscid material. The bacteria were very similar to those in the first case. On the following day, the germinating filaments of fungi and the vesicular gemmules of the first case were again met with in another portion of the same sputum. This infant recovered from the Whooping-cough, but died three months afterwards from inflammation of the right lung. Sixth Cask. The sputum of a boy four years old was examined on the 24th ' May during the fourth week of the convulsions. The attack was of a much milder form and the cough less frequent than in the preceding case. Here, too, the sputum was dense and thick, con- taining some few red blood-corpuscles, a few pus-corpuscles, scarcely any ellipsoidal epithelium cells, but about the same amount of the pavement and vibratile epithelium cells as in the case above. Myelin was present in a fairly abundant, although not in such an- enormous quantity as seen before. The forms of bacteria,/ and/, were observed, besides those described above. One bacillus was seen slightly coloured, enclosing some darker bodies, small masses— perhaps bacteria— irregularly disposed ; it is shown in n on the right and magnified 2,500 diameters. It appeared to me to be a younger specimen of the bacillus m m, met with before. Seventh Case. {a) On May 2Sth I examined the sputum of a boy two years old during the second week of the convulsions. The cough was not so very distinct from that of an ordinary cold, but harsh, and 20 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. taking into consideration that other boys of the family were evi- dently suffering from Whooping-cough, I considered it to be of a distinctly specific character. The boy had had a fit of convulsions two days before, following a severe attack of indigestion. In the stool of the lad portions of orange-peel were found. He was teething and feverish. In the sputum examined red blood-corpuscles were abundant, as also pus-corpuscles and the ellipsoidal epithehum cells ; but of myelin little or nothing could be seen. (d) The sputa were again examined on the 5th of June during the fourth week of the attack, which was still of a rather dubious character. The fever had disappeared. I found a good number of particles and granules of myelin, many masses and many iso- lated specimens of the beaded bacteria (Fig. z, s, magnified 2,500 diameters). These bacteria, in form, size, and disposition, were very similar to the so-called Koch's bacillus or tubercular bacillus, but in a dried preparation they were completely bleached by a mixture of nitric acid and alcohol (i 13). Many bacteria were observed similar to those in p, p, which, as well as those beaded forms, s, were principally crowding about or within the buccal epithelium cells, as has been before mentioned. Here, too, were observed the larger bacilli of the form, as in m, m. Eighth Case. (a) On the 27th of May the sputum of a little girl aged seven was examined during the fifth or sixth weeks of convulsions. The girl had some slight and irregular attacks of fever, but every symptom of either capillary bronchitis or catarrhal pneumonia were altogether wanting. Red blood-corpuscles, pus-corpuscles, and ellipsoidal epithelium cells were present. Myelin was found in considerable quantity ; the particles and free granules were so numerous in proportion to the few epithehum cells, that they could not be said to be simply a diffusion of the myelin so fre- quently found clothing such cells. Among other forms of bacteria, those shown in /, p, were in extraordinary numbers, some arranged in line, others united together in twos and fours. Of those in line with one another, some seemed bent and to have a striking likeness to gonococci, as in the figure drawn from this very prepara- SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 21 tion. In Fig. 2, r, is shown a large bacillus with four articulations, and in ^ a form with one articulation. Both were observed in this sputum (magnified 2,500 diameters). (p) On the 9th of June, the eighth week of the con- vulsions, the sputum was again examined, but little or no myelin was found. In this sputum the bacteria in the largest numbers were the groups, isolated specimens, or beaded chains shown in d, e, and/ Ninth Case. On the 13th of June I examined the sputa of a little girl SIX years of age, during the fourth week of the convulsions. Some few red blood corpuscles were found, a good many pus corpuscles, only a few ellipsoidal cells of epithelium, many vibratile epithelial cells, and others as before. Myelin in this sputa was so plentiful as to rival the abundance found in the first case. The bacteria were very much the same as in the other cases, but among them were observed some diplococci, apparently capsular, similar, though smaller, to those shown in / and /'. There were also some slender tufts of leptothrix. I have no record of fungi in these last four cases. Other Cases. During the month of June I examined other sputa in six different cases of Whooping-cough, and in these I limited thy research to the observation of myelin and fungi. Myelin was found always present in large quantities in severe cases and in the height of the attack, but in more diminished quantities in doubtful cases, and during the beginning and decline of the attack. The larger germinating filaments of fungi were met with in one case only. Altogether in fifteen cases of Whooping-cough, nineteen examinations of the sputa were made, and the results may be briefly stated to have been : — (i) That myelin is not found to show any relatiori with fever or inflammatory symptoms which may accompany an attack of Whooping-cough, nor to bear any proportion to the quantity of the ellipsoidal cells of epithelium ; but to show evident relation and proportion to the intensity of the nervous excitement. 22 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. (2) That the bacteria and the baciUii in Whooping-cough sputa are of a most varied character and such as are found in other sputa and in many other substances. (3) That the large germinating filaments of fungi have been observed only in a minority of cases — in three cases out of fifteen, and in five specimens of sputa out of the nineteen examined ; they were, therefore, undoubtedly absent in the majority of cases. The following sections will be devoted to the general discussion of myelin, bacteria, and fungi in the sputum of Whooping-cough. § III. NOTES ON MYELIN. Myelin in general. DR. Beale, in ^is treatise, " The Microscope in Medicine," thus describes myelin:— "Myelin is a colourless, glistening, semi-fluid substance, prone to form drops, and capable of being drawn out into long threads, which curve and twist into the most peculiar forms. If the observer examines a portion of the white matter of the brain or spinal cord in water, he will recog- nise this substance without difficulty. The masses often exhibit double contours, and not infrequently many lines may be discerned equidistant from one another, but varying much in thickness and in intensity (PI. XXI., Fig. 6a). It is present in the liver, and may be detected in almost all the tissues. In many tissues of the adult, myelin exists in considerable quantity in the outer part of the cells (Fig. 4), and in old age a still larger proportion is present. This substance was first described by Virchow, but Beneke has shown that it may be obtained from all the tissues of the body, and that it exists even in plants. It is soluble in hot alcohol, ether, and turpentine. Cholesterine is a necessary constituent of myelin, and can always be obtained from it. Iodine tinges myelin of a reddish-brown colour. If sulphuric acid be added, a blue or violet colour is induced. This reaction probably depends upon the presence of cholesterine. Beneke showed that myelin gave the reaction characteristic of the biliary acids upon the appli- cation of Pettenkofer's test." * * Beale, loc. cit., page 189. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 23 The words gocdole, gouttelettes, drops, myelintropfchen, used by the English author and by Virchow and others,* do not seem to me to express so well the physical structure of myelin and its many forms as that more suitable one which Ranvier adopted, viz.— filamentous buttons. Ranvier, in his treatise on Histology, thus expresses himself on myelin in nerve-fibres :— " When subjected to the action of water, the axis cylinder, being laid bare, swells until the myelin surrounding it is broken up into filamentous buttons. They may be described as trans- parent threads wound up upon themselves. These threads swell little by little, the outlines becoming less and less distinct till they seem to merge into each other, and n about half-an-hour or an hour the filamentous buttons arise, as little balls of various dimen- sions, showing a very refractive outline, the concentric striae cor- responding somewhat to the original threads. These masses of myelin take the most varied shapes, from that of a cylinder to that of a sphere, the bizarr'e forms in which they present themselves defying all description. Finally, myelin, when isolated, is entirely transformed into spherical or cylindrical masses of different lengths, showing a double contour, presenting a highly refractive border of varying width. This gradual transformation of myelin does not in the least resemble coagulation. On the contrary, all_ the fibres that at first are to be seen absorbing the water seem to swell, to run together, and so produce these rounded masses with the characteristic double outline. It is only where the nervous fibres have been divided by sec- tioning or tearing that the myelin breaks away in the additional liquid and takes the various forms that we have already spoken of The natural contour of the fibre remains regular, however, during the working of the preparation, unless, by chance, there is some other lesion from which other threads of myelin may flow, as from the part operated upon."t It is true we owe to Virchow the first description arid the very name of myelin. | Nevertheless, myelin had been discovered * Jaksch, Manuel de Diagnostic des Malad. Inter., par les Methodes Bacfe- riologiques, etc. Trad. del'Allemand, Paris, 1888, p. 63. tRanvier, Traits Technique d" Histologie. Paris, 1875—82 (ending '89), p. 720. t Virchow, Archiv, 1854—6, p. 562. 24 , SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. before, for these masses, filaments, and drops which escape from the nerve-sheath are described in the middle of this century by Henle in his " General Anatomy." He speaks of them as the globules of medullary substance, which coagulate.* Under the word myelin in Selmi's Chemical Dictionary, we find the following remarks : — " Myelin may be obtained by treat- ing the yolk of a boiled egg with alcohol and subsequent evapora- tion, or in like manner from the substance of the brain, crystalline humour, and from other tissues. Beneke has found it in the snail, Helix pomatia, in other lower animals, and in the buds, flowers, and seeds of plants, together with cholesterine. Liebreich thought it to be a combination of protogon, and its products of decomposition (stearic acid, phosphoglyceric acid, and neurin). Neubauer obtained it from oleic acid by simply placing small por- tions of the acid side by side on the slide, and covering them with a drop of liquid ammonia. He likewise obtained it from a mixture of caproic and capric acids and ammonia. Hence we may con- clude that myelin is a special form derived from modifications of fatty substances." t Having repeated this experiment of Neubauer with oleic acid and ammonia, I can testify to the production of the various forms of myelin, paler in colour, and with a prevalence of fringed forms. When gentian violet is allowed to run into the preparation, some of the particles are stained to a deep blue, as occurs with sputa ; but the greater number are stained violet or brownish red, these particles having a tendency to become more liquid and run to the edge of the portion under examination. The solution of iodine in potassic iodide, allowed in like manner to flow into a prepara- tion, dissolves all masses of myelin, while it permanently stains those of the sputa. But if, instead of allowing the ammonia to • run by capillary attraction between the slide and the thin cover, a drop of it is allowed to fall on the oleic acid without the cover- glass, the whole becomes a saponaceous mass, wherein no trace of myelin can be seen, it being dense and too opaque. * Henle, Trait, di Anat. gen. edit. Levi, Venice, 1845, Vol. II., pp. 144 — 45, PI. IV., Fig. 5, in which are drawn many of the forms taken by myelin when escaping from incisions in the nerve-iibres ; magnified 300 diam. + F. Selmi, Encidopedia di Chimica, Turin, 1873, Vol. VII., pp. 883 — 84. SPUTA OP WHOOPING-COUGH. 25 Myelin in Whooping-Cough Sputa. It has been seen that myelin is not always distributed uni- formly nor to the same extent in certain sputa. If on emptying the sputa from the sputa-cup, striae of a hyaline mucus are noticed adherent to the bottom or to the walls of the vessel, it probably will be found that myelin is more abundant in them, as myelin will render such portions, where it is in larger quantities, consider- ably more viscid than the rest. But if a fresh portion of the sputa is examined in its natural state, after a very short time the parti- cles, filaments, and free granules of myelin, and, above all, the masses, will rise to the surface of the specimen, flowing at times over the lower matter to the edge of the thin cover-glass, following the currents produced in the preparation caused either by greater evaporation going on one side than the other, or by air-bubbles, or by motion imparted to the mass under the hands of the manipu- lator ; so it is clear that myelin is much lighter than the rest of the matter of the sputa-, and being once free rises to the surface. In a conical glass or in a test-tube myelin will very soon rise to the surface, as the fatty globules do in milk, of course with the exception of such particles that are in close adhesion to the epi- thelium cells or firmly embedded in the mass of the mucus. When to a dense mass of mucus some diluent — as, for example, a solution of chloride of sodium — is added, very soon we have a central mass of viscid matter surrounded by the more fluid diluent, into which the lighter particles and granules of myelin will flow, in the same manner as all the lighter and more fluid particles make their way to the edges of preparations. Such particles and granules that remain behind are those that are deeply embedded in the mucus. They may be seen princi- pally'in the striae, moving at times along the course of these till stopped by the crossing and closing up of the tiny channels formed in the viscid mass. These particles would easily escape observa- tion in the natural state, but when stained become distinctly visible, especially if gentian violet is used, for the edges of the stria take a more or less blue tinge, and the imprisoned myelin can hardly be overlooked. The granules of myelin adhering to the ellipsoidal cells of epithelium are well shown, too, by staining the mass with gentian violet on account of the colour imparted to 26 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. such cells. In fresh preparation, especially in the unstained sputum, after some little time, these granules of myelin will leave the cells of epithelium and float off into the surrounding fluid. The general appearance of the masses and particles of myelin, in its free state or in sputa, is well described in the passages given from Beale and Ranvier ; but it would be impossible to give a complete idea of all the many forms in which it may be found. In the natural state the masses and particles have the colour of oUve oil at the edge, but the central portion seems to be of a light greyish tint, but this changes under the microscope, as the focus is altered by the slow motion. These are shown in Fig. i, a, a, a, a, and c. When the mass is in repose, or is moved without distortion, it is usually marked by concentric striae. But if, as in c, an extremity, d, of a mass of myelin is caught by some foreign body, a current of the containing fluid will push forward the rest as a rounded head, as in e, leaving a narrow neck linking it to the part held firm by the obstruction. The neck becomes thinner and thinner as the progress of the moving portion of the mass con- tinues ; the striae in this portion being distorted more and more, taking at last the appearance of closely packed threads. The neck may be stretched till its length becomes some ten times that shown in the figure, and is proportionately thinner, and at last snaps in two. These broken bands, when stained by gentian violet, are quite distinct ; at times they seem to become solid, as in b, or form new smaller globules, as in b above, on the left. Near the middle of the group shown may be seen a small portion of myelin with two wings, and which in the preparation seemed endowed with a rapid vibratory motion. I'hese threads and fila- ments are, of course, hardly visible when left unstained. Besides the so-called masses, many of which are much larger than that shown in c (mag. 400 diam.), there are found aggrega- tions of particles, as in a on the right, of the most varied shapes and sizes. Such united particles rarely coalesce, but take by their mutual pressure a thousand different shapes. In the unstained state the granules of myelin are even less visible than the filaments ; in fact, are too minute to be visible. A solution of iodine, picric acid, and fuchsine are a great help, as we shall see in the sixth section ; but gentian violet is of a far SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 27 greater value, as it gives to the granules and particles of myelin a more or less blue tinge, whilst bacteria and other morphological particles become decidedly violet under its action. This is shown in Fig. I, where b, b, b, b, b should be compared with /and h in the centre and right of the same figure, and then with/ and with the stained bacteria in Fig. 2, especially with s, where the isolated bacteria and the beaded forms are tinted with violet, while the granules of myelin which interpose are stained pale blue. Without this process of staining, the granules of myelin would easily be passed over or mistaken for minute micrococci. Myelin in other Sputa. It must not be thought that myelin, as described above, is exclusively found in the sputa of Whooping-cough, for it is well known that traces of it are found in all kinds of sputa. {a) I have frequently examined the sputa of persons in the best of health, both during the day and immediately after rising in the morning. In such sputa the elUpsoidal cells of epithelium are constantly found covered with myelin, as well as some few parti- cles or free granules of myelin. Nevertheless, I have never found such profusion of masses as in typical cases of Whooping-cough. In all probability, the free granules of myelin in healthy sputa may be held to be simply proportions that have become detached from the epithelium cells, whereas in cases of Whoop- ing-cough the masses are out of all proportion with the number of cells. Again, the proportion of such sputa in healthy subjects is very small. During the whole twenty-four hours the entire quantity would hardly be altogether more than one single expectoration of sputa in Whooping-cough, so that the total amount of myelin expectorated by a person in health is but a very small fraction of that produced in Whooping-cough. {b) In acute attacks of bronchitis the ellipsoidal epithelium cells are found covered with myelin and also granular masses of the same, as Bizzozero's * note testifies, but this only in very small quantities as compared with that met with in cases of Whooping- cough. And then it must be remembered that even in cases of a severe character, when the ellipsoidal cells of epithelium are want- * Bizzozero, Manuals di Microscopia Clinica, Milan, 1882, p. 154. 28 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. ing, no myelin whatever is seen. So also in chronic bronchitis myelin diminishes and disappears altogether, as the ellipsoidal epithelium cells diminish or fail to appear. (c) In cases of inflammation of the lungs, in which sputa are so frequently examined, it is well known how small the amount of myeUn is, though in such cases the above cells are more than ever abundant. {d) In no genuine case of pleurisy has myelin ever been found. The mas's of the sputa may be said to entirely consist of mucus overrun with bacteria, which are, for the greater part, to all appearance, capsular. {e) In phthisis, where the sputum is most often examined, myelin is rarely met with, and when found is only present in minute granules, and can only be discovered by the use of gentian violet in fresh expectorations. Only one exception to my expe- rience do I know of- — that mentioned by Dr. Beale *, in which case the sputa must have contained, , according to his report, an amount of myelin approaching that which I have found in Whooping-cough. I am therefore inclined to think that, both in health and disease, there may be a continual, though very limited, flow of myelin in the air-passages, as is found in the liver and other organs according to Beale. It is a very different matter when we con- sider the sputa in cases of Whooping-cough. In these cases we have no transitory formation (as in the above case spoken of by Beale), but the production of several grammes of myelin within the twenty-four hours, and, what is much more, a daily repetition of it for some months. If we suppose some twelve paroxysms a day, and the amount of sputa at each paroxysm to be about five grammes, there would thus be sixty grammes of sputa expectorated ; and the preparations des- cribed above show that of this amount a very large proportion consists of myelin. What is the cause of this appearance ? I will here briefly say what at once came to my mind in answer to this question. First, we have a disease in which an extra- ordinary formation of myelin is produced ; and secondly, a tissue affected which is most rich in myelin, namely, the nervous tissue. * Beale, loc. cit., p. 282, and PI. XL., Fig. 8. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 29 The very character of the disease (Whooping-cough) is the intense excitement of this tissue. May it not be supposed that this rapid and intense deterioration or disintegration of this tissue gives the key to the solution of the question ? Though Beale does not consider the existence of an alveolar epithelium sufficiently proved, nevertheless, he admits that par- ticles of myelin are found in the air-passages and air-cells of the lungs. Such are shown in i in Fig. i * of the plate, so that this abundance of myelin plight well be thought to be merely the result of physiological action, the increased excitement of the nerves of the part affected bringing about a disintegration of the medullary sheath. The Importance of the Myelin in Whooping-Cough. (a) There is no doubt that the far greater part of medical authorities hold Whooping-cough to be due to either a direct or reflex nervous action. Cullen, Brouzet, Pinel, and numerous others are of opinion that Whooping-cough is caused by an irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastro-intestinal tract, and Padalme adds to these causes irritation of the lungs and diaphragm. Watt, Alcock, and Laennec consider the disease to be a spasmodic variety of bronchitis ; and Brousseais thinks, in addition, that an increased irritability of the mucous lining of the inflamed bronchial mem- brane is another cause. Trousseau and Richard de Nancy believe it to be but bronchitis grafted on a neurosis.f Giuseppe Frank quotes the cases of autopsy made by Hermann Kilian, who in the bodies of fifteen boys, victims of Whooping- cough, found the pneumogastric nerves highly inflamed. | G. Pietro Frank places Whooping-cough among the nervous diseases. § Copland, in his Dictionary of Practical Medicine, states that he has found in nearly all the bodies of those dead from Whooping- *Dr. Beale, loc. Hi., p. 389, PI. XXI., Fig. 6. t Barlow, Lancet, 1S86, Vol. I., p. 870. X G. Frank, Prax. Med. Univ. Pmcept., Lipsise, 1823, Part II., Vol. II., p. 833. § G. P. Frank, Epitome di Medicina Pratica, Chiaverini edition, Naples, 1833, Vol. XIII., pp. 153, etc. 30 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. cough severe inflammation of the cerebral membranes and of the medulla oblongata.* Hagenbach, in above-mentioned monograph, mentions many authors of the same opinion. " The seat from which spring the attacks of Whooping-cough (says Biermer) has been placed in the vagus and recurrent nerves, as well as in the phrenic or in the intercostal nerves, in the sympathetic and in the solar plexuses. Webster (London Med. and Phys. Journal, December, i8z2, p. 478) holds " that the actual seat of the complaint may be in the head, and that the affection of the respiratory organs is only to be considered as a secondary effect." Hufeland and others attribute it to excitement of the respiratory nerves. Fried- leben (Archiv. ficr Physiologische, Heilk.^ Volume XII., 1853) thinks it due to a compression of the vagus and recurrent nerves by the swelling of the glands of the bronchise and tracheae. Bouchut thought it to be a complication of catarrh and nerv- ous affections. Henoch (Beitrdge zur Kinderheilk. Neue FolgCy 1868) thinks it to be an affection stimulating in some unexplained manner the nerve-centres of the medulla oblon- gata, producing spasmodic coughing. It is true that Hagenbach, relying on the observations of Letzerich, thought Whooping- cough a mycotic catarrh, but admits the presence of a nerve stimulus given to peripheral ends of the superior nerve of the larynx. \ Rilliet and Barthez, in their treatise of Pediatrics, have placed Whooping-cough as a class of disease between the acute exanthe- mata and the neurotic diseases. The following observation of these authors are worthy of great consideration : — " Whooping- cough may show itself at any period of infancy. We have observed it in a new-born child whose mother had suffered from Whooping-cough a month before her confinement. The quintes showed itself in a most violent and distressing manner on the day of birth." I * J. Copland, Dictionary of Practical Medicine, Part V. , Art. Whooping- cough, London, 1838. + Gerhardt, loc. cit. , pp. 479 — 80. X Rilliet and Barther, TraiU Clinique et Pratique des Malad. des Enfants, Paris, 1853, Vol. II., p. 644. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 31 Bouchut has known cases where Whooping-cough developed itself in a child but two days old, but he says nothing of the quintes.* This sudden appearance of the disease distinguishes it at once from such maladies as are contracted from living germs which require for development a period of incubation. We cannot suppose any infection communicated during interuterine life, for such infection would seem impossible in a disease so local as Whooping-cough, and is only known in infections more general in their nature, as in syphilis, acute exanthemata, etc. ; whereas any disturbance of nerve excitability may well be transmitted by the law of sympathy from the nerves of the mother to the homo- logous nerves of the foetus. Henning was of opinion that even the sound of Whooping-cough may cause in another subject a stimulus of the bronchial nerves, f Niemeyer, though he held Whooping to be an infectious cough, speaks even of using the whip in this malady. J Delaberge, Monneret, and Fleury, in their compendium of Practical Medicine, mentions a case, referred to by Gendrin, in which a persistent cough, with all the characteristics of Whooping- cough, was observed by Dupuytren and Husson to result from an operation for opening the parotid gland. § " Unless we reject the evidence of well-established cases, it is impossible," these authors add, " to refuse to look upon Whooping- cough as a nervous affection, more especially if we consider— ist, That the respiratory parts present no alteration, or if any are present they are of so varying a character as not to be considered a cause of the disease ; 2nd, That the course of the symptoms is evidently remittent, but with such an absence of fever, when any complication does not exist which is not observed in inflammations of a general or specific character; 3rd, The sudden cessation and return of the spasms of coughing, brought about by emotion or by change of place, are phenomena that point to nerve excitement, * Gerhardt, loc. cit., pp. 475—76. t Ibidem, p. 480. t Niemeyer, Patologia e Ter. spec. int. Versione Cantani, Milano, 1863, Vol. I., p. 38 (in a note). § Delaberge, Monneret, and Fleury, Comfendzo di Med. Pralica, Versione it. Firenze, 1,851, Vol. VI., p. 3I4- 32 SPUTA dF WHOOPING-COUGH. and not to inflammations that require time to run out their course ; 4th (and lastly), That rapid regaining of perfect health, and the healthy condition of all functions in mild cases, the resistance of the malady to treatment, and the inefficacy of the usual remedies prescribed for inflammatory diseases, the success of narcotics and antispasmodics, are all circumstances met with in nerve affections, but not in diseases accompanied by inflammation." * GrisoUe repeats the same arguments for including the Whoop- ing-cough in the class of neurotic diseases, t Jaccoud also admits the specific excitement of the nerves in Whooping-cough. . It is proved beyond doubt by Rosenthal's researches that a centripetal stimulus given to the superior laryn- geal nerve determines a relaxation of the diaphragm, the closing of the glottis, and a convulsive expiration. That is, the pheno- mena that distinguishes a convulsive cough from others altogether catarrhal, are explained by an irritation of the superior branch of the vagus nerve, produced by a reflex action on the medulla oblongata, thus arresting inspiration and causing a spasmodic expiratory action of the glottis. I West believes Whooping-cough to be a bronchial and nervous affection. He mentions the fact that the pneumogastric nerves have been found on examination to be reddened, swollen, and softened, but only in exceptional cases. According to him, Albers of Bonn in forty-seven autopsies found in three cases only the vagus reddened on the right side, and in one case on the left, which might have been merely the result of position. Only in one case out of twenty-four, he found the nerve on both sides of a higher colour than in the normal state. Hence, he concluded that such changes were simply accidental or due to alteration after death. He does not make any allusion to the superior laryngeal nerve. § Certainly, the sudden beginning and ending of the spasms, which he describes, plainly point to a nerve affection rather than to infection by living germs. || But not to prolong this matter, I refer the reader to the respective authors. * Ibidem, p. 336. t GrisoUe, Tratt. elem. eprat. di Pat. int. vers. Del Corso, Livorno,'i853, P- 877- t Jaccoud, Tratt. di Pat. int. vers. Borrelli, Napoli, 1872, Vol.^I., p. 751. § West, Lezioni suite malattie dell' infanzia efaruiullezza, vers. Blasi, Milano, 1869, pp. 498—99. || Ibidem, pp. 476 and 493. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 33 In the first paragraph 1 mentioned Michael's and Sonnen- berger's opinions as well as that of others, who hold that Whoop- ing-cough is but a reflex nerve affection. In a treatise on the pathology and treatment of Whooping- cough during last May, Genser, without entering into any new or microscopic researches, combats the practice of nasal insufflation recommended by Michael, and advocating in their place the use of antipyrin, not as a parasiticide, but on account of its sedative action on the nerves, reducing or suppressing reflex action in them. This shows how much he considers nerve aff"ection has part in the disease.* Cohnheim and Habershon likewise consider Whooping-cough to be of the nature of a nerve derangement. Habershon, more- over, thinks it proceeds from some derangement in the function of the pneumogastric nerve, f The hypothesis of the breaking up of the medullary sheath, replete with myelin, of the nerve-fibres in the air-passages, includes the supposition of some morbid excitement of these nerves. Nerve-fibres, with the exception of the fibres of Remak, are invested with a medullary sheath, forming a layer of considerable relative thickness between Schwann's sheath and the axis-cylinder, being interrupted by the constrictions of Schwann's sheath at regular intervals ; the fibres of Remak are readily distinguished among the meduUated nerves by the absence of the medullary sheath and by their anastomosing plexuses. % Here we are confronted with a difficulty of explaining the passage of the myelin, escaping through such alterations from the. nerve-fibres into the interior of the air-passages. It would appear that myelin must be included amongst the colloid rather than the , crystalloid substances ; its power of passing through animal mem- branes would then be very little. But such a difficulty would militate chiefly against that portion * Genser, Zeitschr. f. Ther., No. 9, 1888 ; Riforma Medica, July, 1888 ; and Morgagni, Part II. , No. 39. tCohnheim, Lez. di pat. gen.. Vol. II., Naples, 1882, pp. 149, 150. Habershon, Lez. sulla pat. del n. pneumogastrico, Milan, 1879, pp. 19, 20, and p. 30. tRanvier, loc. cit, p. 772, etc. 34 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. Of the myelin which is supposed to be formed at the expense of the nerve-fibres which surround the alveoH, or the termmations of the ultimate bronchials; where the existence of a mucous mem- brane, properly so.called, cannot be demonstrated on the mternal surface of the membrana anista. It is not the same with the whole of the remaining bronchial tree, the trachea and the larynx, which are invested with a mucous membrane very rich in nerve- fibres. In the epiglottis, according to an example drawn by Beale, the network of nerves lies on the surface of the mucous membrane immediately underneath the epithehum.* In the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea it is less superficial, but in the bronchi it again comes to the surface with a thinning of the mucous membrane.f Hitherto we have only expressed a doubt as to the origin of the myelin in the sputum of Whooping-cough, and we refrain from entering into further disquisition on the subject, for which there would be no occasion, except the fact stated by us of the extraordinary abundance of myelin in such sputum, was confirmed by further and more authoritative observations. (b) The abundance of the myelin once proved will also give us the explanation of the singular character which the sputum of Whooping-cough always presents. Its viscosity, which presents an impediment to expulsion, does not depend on the condensation of the mucus, nor has it anything in common with the thick and tenacious mucus which is commonly met with. The sputum of Whooping-cough is, on the contrary, fluid, thin, and transparent. * Beale, loc. cit., p. 384, PI. LX., Fig. 2. The same in the Lectures on the Structure of Simple Tissues, etc., Borrelli, ed., Naples, 1865-, p. 284, PI. XV., Fig. 95. tKoUiker, EUm. d'histolog. hum., Vax'is, 1871, pp. 510 — 529. Sappey, Traite dAnat. Descrip., Paris, 1889, torn. IV., p. 439. Stohr, 1st. dHstolog., etc., Naples, 1887, p. 164. Concerning the degeneration and reproduction of nerve-fibres, the travelling of the myelin particles, and the very slow repro- duction of the medullary sheath, see, amongst other authors, Tizzoni, Sulla paiolog. deltessuto nervosa, etc., Arch. p. le Sc. Mediche, Turin, 1879, Vol. III., No. I ; Alonzo, Sulla degeneraz. dellef. nervose, etc.. Arch, citato. Vol. XIII., 1889, p. 229, etc. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 35 Now, these properties, combined with its viscosity, are perfectly understood if they relate to the myelin. Further, the presence of a notable quantity of myelin will furnish a critical diagnosis in certain cases. Rilliet and Barthez have established the great difficulty of a differential diagnosis in grave cases of pulmonary complications which are evolved in the early stages of the disease, and are pro- tracted in the later stages, resembling capillary bronchitis with fits of coughing (with quinies). The differential diagnosis between Whooping-cough and tuberculosis of the bronchial ganglia is yet more difficult.* Hagenbach, in order to make the diagnosis more certain in doubtful cases, considers it indispensable to be present during a paroxysm, and if required to provoke it with some stimulus, Whooping-cough being liable to be confounded with capillary bronchitis, pulmonary phthisis, tuberculosis of the bronchial glands, hysterical cough, and relaxed uvula.t Now, in all these cases or others similar, the microscopical examination of the sputum, whenever there is a great abundance of myelin, will easily solve the question. Researches on Expired Air. We shall see in the sixth section that the minutest particles of myelin — so minute that they can scarcely be observed unless stained — are animated by a lively molecular motion. Its extreme tenuity and motobility in liquid currents has already' been noticed. It cannot be thought impossible, nor even improbable, that these minute particles of myelin may be expelled with the expired air, especially during the attacks of coughing, and be diffused in and remain suspended in the surrounding atmosphere, for such parti- cles are less, both in weight and volume, than the small bacteria found in the air. For want of better apparatus, I have made use of large plates of water, to which has been added a small quantity of phenol, and * Rilliet and Barthez, loc. cit., p. 639. tGerhardt, loc. cit., pp. 495—496. 36 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. kept them some ten days in the rooms of patients. But on exa- mination of the flocculent deposit in this water, which was poured into a conical glass, I have not found either particles or granules of myehn. Many living amoeba were found ; also spores (of which the greater part was very similar to the spores of the larger fungi observed in the sputa), as well as two forms of bacteria. One of these was dumb-bell shaped, and similar to the types ^and e in the plate. Fig. 2, and most likely the same as that found by Poulet ; the other showing spotted granules very much after the manner of the supposed bacillus of typhus fever. I need not give a full Ust of other substances observed, such as pollen and starch-grains, etc. In the doubt that the particles of myehn might have remained floating on the surface of the water, this, too, was examined without any discovery of myelin. But this examination was too imperfect to enable me to draw any definite conclusion. I leave others, better equipped with suitable apparatus, to settle this point, and to enter into the ques- tion whether such a diffusion of myelin in expired air, if proved, might not be a means of spreading the disease. To ascertain, moreover, whether vapours could diffuse the granules of myelin, some sputa were diluted with distilled water and boiled in a test-tube for some two or three minutes. A glass slip was applied to the mouth of the tube and held there by a spring. The examination of the dewy film in the glass slip did not reveal any trace of myehn, but I observed some minute globules, oleaginous to all appearance, which seemed to tend to unite in larger globules, and were not at all stained with gentian violet. I cannot say that these were formed in any way by the boiling of the myelin, but of this I am sure, that the quantity of the myelin in the boiled liquid was diminished. It will not be out of place here to mention an incident which took place during one of these examinations. Having inadver- tently taken some ordinary cistern-water in place of distilled water, I found in one of the preparations a fungus as shown in its natural state in Fig. 3a, magnified 400 diameters. I have had occasion to speak of this fungus in another communication to the Society in reference to certain diplococci, similar to the gonococci SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 37 of Neisser, and observed by me in a case of cancer of the bladder.* The spores of this fungus, being light, float on the surface of liquids and are taken up by pipettes, or glass rods, and deposited on test-tubes or on glass slips for examination. Very likely the warmth from the boiling favoured the germination of the fungus, as shown in the figure, for in all the many preparations examined I have only found this fungus in germination once before, in a dried portion of sputa of a consumptive patient. The casual germination of the fungus in this sputum, diluted and boiled as it was, offers by analogy an explanation of the ger- mmation of the fungi, k and n in Fig. 3, the sole difference being that the fungus a was deposited in the sputum after expectoration, and those in k and n received internally. §4. OBSERVATIONS «& CONSIDERATIONS ON THE BACTERIA. IN the second section I have briefly described the principal forms of bacteria and bacilli observed in the sputa in Whooping-cough. It will now be well to take a more sys- tematic view of their forms, and compare them with others found in different sputa and other substances, not with the object of raising the question of their pathogenic power in engendering disease (which I do not uphold), but to show the value of their chnical importance in the diagnosis of the disease. Bacteria and Bacilli found in Whooping-Cough. All the forms of bacteria represented at a, b, c, c, d, Fig. 2, with exception of c , are very frequently met with, and can hardly be said to differ much from Bacterium termo. They are found in all kinds of sputa, and in substances of widely different character ; and it should be noticed that they do not differ from the forms e and 75 which are found covering and infesting the buccal epitheli- um cells and the salivary corpuscles, but do not in any way attack the vibratile epithelium cells, nor the pavement cells of the air passages. * Sopra un diplococco analogo al gonococco del Neisser, riiwenuto nella orina in un caso di carcinoma della vescica. See Tom. XLIII. , Atii R. Accad. Med. Chir., 1889. The discovery of such curved forms in diplococci, even in the sputa of Whooping-cough, is fatal to the supposition of their being a specific characteristic of any disease. 38 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. This was observed before by Barlow, as stated in the first section of the memoir,* who was of the opinion that the epithe- lium cells infested by these bacteria were only those of the larynx and pharynx ; but comparing my observations, on the sputa of Whooping-cough with those on other sputa, healthy or otherwise, I cannot in the least agree with the illustrious doctor of Man- chester. It is quite sufficient to compare these pavement cells, large and thick, with those of the saliva, to assure oneself that they proceed from the buccal cavity, and not from either the pharynx or larynx. Moreover, we must remember that if the epithelium cells of the larynx or pharynx become detached by a supposed specific pathogenic action of these bacteria, they could not in any possible way undergo any regeneration to allow them fully to develop, especially considering that the mucous membrane would be in a high state of irritation. How then can we account for the constant presence in the sputa of such fully developed epithelium cells, and which are always infested by swarms of these bacteria ? This fact is to me a most convincing proof of the buccal origin of these bacteria. For if they originated in the sputa, they would doubtlessly be found more frequently among the epithelium cells of the air passages than among those of the mouth, or in the salivary corpuscles, or at the very least as often among the first as among the latter. The former could hardly be attacked by the bacteria in the short period elapsing between the expectoration and the immediate examination, and such immediate examination of the sputa shows that while epithelium cells of the mouth swarm with such bacteria, the epithelium cells of the air passages are entirely free from them. We must conclude, 'therefore, that the germs of such bacteria found free in the sputa come from the mouth, having been inspired with the air, and lodge within the entrance of the air passages, after the manner in which Dante describes the fate of the souls of suicides: — " Into the wood it falls, at no fixed spot ; But where blind fortune haply shoots its bolt, There like a grain of corn it germinates." — Inferno, XIII., D. Johnson's trans., 1867. * See page 2. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 39 This simile, though it may appear to be out of place in a scientific treatise, is an apt one, not only in regard to the bacteria a, b, c, d, but to all other bacteria or bacilli found in the sputa ; .for there are none, we may safely say, that are not often found at the same time in the epithelium cells of the mouth, or in the saliva, and the germs of which may not have been introduced into the air passages by the currents of the air as it is inhaled. This view is not only in complete accordance with the observations of Barlow, but with those also of Jansen and Tschamer, and with the deductions which Cornil and Babes drew from the observations of Biirger, as was noted in the first section. As before stated, it is not my intention to enter into the pathology of the subject, but I should like to point to one fact, which I believe has not been referred to before by any one, and it is this : — (it seems to me) that there is evidently a great dispropor- tion in the power of producing disease attributed by many to bacteria on the one part, and their extreme smallness on the other. The bacteria a, b, c, and d are of medium size as compared with other bacteria ; now if we take a single grain of wheat, weighing some five centi-grammes, we shall see that it is about half as long again as one of these bacteria, on the scale of the figure ; twice as broad and twice as thick, and would be in volume equal to that of six bacteria, and in weight some eight times that of a single •bacterium. A grain of wheat if put into water sinks at once to the bottom, whilst the bacterium will float on the surface. Now the bacteria in the figure are magnified to 2,500 diameters, or 6,250,000 times superficially, or 15,625,000,000 in volume. So we must conclude that this number of bacteria would equal some eighth part of the five centigrammes, or the weight of one grain of wheat. In other words, to make up five centigrammes of bacteria, we must have 15,625,000,000 bacteria multiplied by eight; that is to say, 125,000,000,000. Hence in one centi- gramme we may say there must be some one hundred and twenty- five billions of bacteria. These calculations will not appear to be exaggerated when compared with those of Naegeli, which, as is well known, are some twelve times greater. How far such extreme smallness can be reconciled with the power of producing disease attributed to these bacteria must be 40 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. left to pathologists to decide. We hasten to reconsider the clinical and semiological questions. Enough was said about the bacteria V and d in the clinical notes of the first case. In c, above, and in d are seen the dumb- bell like bacteria in series ; while in c, below, are seen the bacte- ria, cylindrical in shape, somewhat swollen in the middle, and arranged in shorter and more sinuous threads. Now, it seems to me that from this last form may be derived the other forms, c d, which are magnified 860 diameters. I have occasionally come across this chain-like series, shown in c c, in the sputa of consumptive patients ; it is stained with gentian violet. The individual articulations or bacteria differ but little from those shown in c, below, but they are somewhat larger (in the figure they are shown too long), inclosed in a sheath with a well defined outline, and at the points of contact they seem to coalesce, for no septa, but only restrictions — such as are seen also in Fig./' — are discernible. Of the bacteria e, f, I, the forms e and / are nearly identical with those shown in b and d\ but are met with, sometimes in large numbers, enclosed in a sheath, whether they are within or without the epithelium cells. They thus have a distinctive feature in this sheath, real or apparent, in common with the bacteria of the types shown in /', /, /', 0, and / '. The sheath seems to be better defined when the specimen is stained with methyl violet, and still better when the medium is less refractive. I have been able, even in water, to detect this semblance to a containing sheath; but glycerine, when it once permeates the preparation, renders the sheath at first almost invisible, and after some hours totally so. But in air it is quite the reverse. In those parts which, by evaporation of the medium, are left dry on the slide, the sheath becomes at first quite distinct, though eventually, when quite dry, both the sheath and the bac- teria become a confused mass. Many bacteria, morphologically identical and with the same apparent sheath, are found in the saliva and in the accompanying buccal epithelium cells. I have met with them in all kinds of sputa, and believe them modified forms of the same kind. So in / and /', on the right, there is seemingly the beginning of a union ■ of the extremities, and a tendency to take the form of e and /* * See Fig. 33, p. 76, in the previously cited manual by Jaksch. SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 41 I shall have to refer to other bacteria with a similar apparent sheath. The bacteria, g, p, and/', curved and coupled together, closely resemble the so-called Gomcocci of Neisser, supposed to be the specific characteristic of virulent Blennorhoea, and are found, though m small numbers, in saliva and occasionally in the sputa of Whoop- mg-cough. In Fig. / we have a similar but larger form, inter- mediate between the curved forms seen in g and/. I fail to see why these forms, though varying in size, should be held to be distinct species. I must draw attention to the curved forms shown in /. They are linked in a chain-like thread, together with bacteria of about the same size, but straight, and, in all but their size, identical with those shown in b, d, and / Now, it seems quite inconceivable that such a chain or beaded thread of bacteria could be made up of individuals of totally different species ; in other words, that a complex organism— a truly Horatian monster, as we should have m the forms/,/, could possibly be the outcome of the fortuitous grouping of organisms of quite different species. We must, I think, come to the conclusion that thfe curved and the straight forms in p belong to the same species. That the straight forms are identical with those in b, d, and /, is established by the fact that they both are found living on the buccal epithelium cells and have the same dumb-bell shape, and take the same sheathed forms, which the curved forms do not. This shows, on one side, that the semblance of a sheath does not of itself constitute a specific differ- ence ; and on the other, that all the so-far mentioned forms, from a to /, in all probability, are but modifications or stages of deve- lopment of one and the same species. Fig. / ' shows two bacteria crosswise enclosed in a common transparent capsule ; but they are found oftentimes singly, or three or four together so enclosed. The single or isolated forms cannot be distinguished from those shown in /, above, where these are seen more or less foreshortened, for then the transparent or semi-trans- parent division is invisible until the bacteria is changed in position. Again, the bacteria shown in /' may take the appearance of diplo- cocci, after the style of /' and . /', with disjointed members, whenever they are seen, not sideways, as in the figure, but end- 42 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. ways, for their club-headed extremities have the same apparent shape as the rounded diplococci. The bacteria of the type shown in / are sometimes met with in quite large agglomerations, mingled with other very minute bacteria of the same shape. This we saw in the second section. These are very numerous in sputa in phthisis, inflammation of the lungs, and in other sputa. With methyl violet they take some- times a dense blue, sometimes a violet tint, both tints showing at times in the same preparation. I shall have occasion later to speak of some probable cause of the appearance of the sheathed or capsular forms. The form presented in h was, in linear dimensions, almost double the size of the so-called pneumococci, as will be seen if my drawing be compared with Fig. 13 of PI. XV. in the quoted work of Cornil and Babes, under a, b, and k ; bearing in mind that the drawings of these authors are on a scale of something less, viz. : 2,000 diameters. In my drawing a distinct outhne seems to show the extent of the capsule or sheath. I was sorely perplexed as to the nature of this body till, in a case of pleurisy, I met with a large number of similar bodies of about the same size as those I had found in Whooping-cough, with this difference, that those in the case of pleurisy were of various shapes, some being elongated and constricted in the middle, others ellipsoidal, rounded, or altogether irregular in outline. I was soon convinced that such bodies were but small pus or mucus corpus- cles, having a nucleus highly stained, the rest pale blue by osmosis. I had used as a dye a fresh preparation of methyl violet, and con- cluded that the body h, stained with gentian violet, was of the same nature, and had taken by mere accident the appearance of a diplococcus with a sheath, compressed in one direction and lengthened out in another by the threads of the mucus in which it was held. The beaded forms of bacteria / and k have nothing to distin- guish them from those found in urine, blood, and many other substances undergoing decomposition. In the form / germination seems to be carried on at one end only, and the larger members, which may be taken to be older bacteria, are more deeply stained. In the form k increase seems to proceed at either end, but no SPUTA OP WHOOPING-COUGH. 43 specific difference can be seen between the two types. It is easily conjectured that these beaded forms may develop into the chain- like threads in c and d. From my observations of these bacteria, or rather bacilli, of the beaded forms, and the difference of colour imparted in stain- ing to the young and to the older members, I am led to think that the germinal matter predominates in the younger ones, and this is less readily acted upon by aniline dyes ; whereas the older mem- bers become invested with some covering which takes up the stain more easily, as we often see is the case in frustules and filaments of vegetable origin. For with a parity of development I find the contrary takes place : the smaller bacteria are more readily stained than the larger forms. For the sake of brevity and clearness I will defer till later the description of the Figs, m and n. In Fig. o we have one of the curved forms of bacteria enclos- ing a pale-blue substance. It greatly resembles the curved forms g and /, and is not very unlike those contained within the bacillus n on the lower left side of the figure. I have not met with many specimens of this type, and of the type shown in o above still fewer have come under my notice. This last is a true diplococcus enclosed in a capsule, and its nature is unknown to me, for the internal matter as well as the rest is stained. The bacteria q is rarely seen in sputa of Whooping-cough, but is more frequently found in other sputa. It has no specific importance, being, as we shall see, but an undeveloped Leptothrix. The form r is of very rare occurrence, but from both these we can see that the longer forms of the bacteria, single or linked, as in q and r, do not differ substantially from the more rounded forms, as shown in / and y. At first sight, the beaded form s seemed to me to bear great resemblance to the bacillus of Koch, Bacillus tuberculosis. They are found in many various kinds of sputa. These beaded forms may be called in truth bacilli, for when magnified to some 400 or 500 diameters, they appear to be one entire, unbroken thread, as also, under the same power does the bacillus of Koch. Under higher powers, both one and the other show well their moniliform struc- ture. This is well seen if my drawing in the Plate (2,500 diam.) 44 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH, is compared with Figs. 12, 13, and 14 of Plate XXII. of Cornil and Babes, bearing in mind that these last are only drawn to 1000 diameters. Such beaded forms did not stand the test with dilute nitric acid (one part acid to three of water), and alcohol as we saw in the second section. I shall have to refer to this again in another place. These beaded forms and the bacilli of the same type, are frequently observed in saliva, and seem to predominate both in saliva and sputa around or within the buccal epithelium cells, as I observed in the seventh case of Whooping-cough. I have good reason to think that these beaded forms are substantially the same as the chain-like threads in u, u. It will appear from this short description, firstly, that all bacteria found in Whooping-cough sputa can be reduced to a very few species, identical with those found normally in the mouth and perhaps also in the nose ; secondly, that until experiments in culture and inoculation, invariably and for a long period of years, give ,us exact and conclusive results to the contrary, we are right in maintaining that none of these forms are specific causes of disease, and that Whooping-cough is not rendered contagious by bacteria.* Bacteria and Bacilli found in Healthy Sputa. In healthy sputa, collected in the manner indicated in the foregoing section, the following bacteria are found : — the dumb-bell forms, b, d, e, and f the beaded forms, i and k, and those shown in g and /, I have observed, tbo, in the sputa of healthy persons, colonies and numerous samples of the straight forms of bacteria, /,/. Even in the sputa examined at once, these bacteria were found in greatest numbers in such portions where there was * This second conclusion is entirely supported by Mackenzie, of Edin- burgh, in his monograph on sputa in general, who, by the way, makes no mention of myelin.— G. Hunter Mackenzie, Le crachat dans ses rapports avec le diagnost. ; etc., Paris, 1888, page 21. Such conclusion is thus spoken of by Sternberg:—" Dr. Vicentini very properly arrives at the conclusion that no one of the bacteria observed by himself, or by those who have preceded him in examining the sputa in cases of Whooping-cough, has been demon- strated to bear an etiological relation to this &\s,^?&e^"— Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society, July, 1893, P- '5^. [F. V.] SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 45 a mixture of the saliva ; these portions were marked by the abundance of buccal epithelium cells, salivary corpuscles, and spirilla, elsewhere scarce. Later, during the day after, and the following days, this type of bacterium became more numerous and the colonies more abundant. Both in the fresh and stale sputa the disposition in groups of two, three, and four together, sur- rounded apparently by a capsule, was frequently observed, and rendered very distinct by staining with methyl violet. _ The beaded forms, s, were observed in sputa immediately after expectoration, at times arranged side by side, sometimes inter- lacing, oftentimes longer than the specimens shown in the figure. Sometimes numerous examples were found in which the threads of the same minute articulations as form the type s run parallel. In the stale sputa, on the third to the fifth day, many of these threads took the appearance of long ribbons, by the formation of some connecting matter not only between the threads, but on all sides. This matter takes a pale violet colour, and evidently is connected with the production of the young forms of bacilli, after the style shown on the left and lower side of n. The limited space of this memoir will not permit of my giving an illustration, but the type shown in l>', Fig. 2, will give a very fair representation of it. To return to the simple chain-like forms, these oftentimes so increase in length, and mat themselves together, that they present much more intricate forms than those shown in u, u, especially in stale specimens of sputa ; the drawing was made fromi a fresh specimen, and magnified to 600 diameters. Such ' interwoven masses are found not only in whooping-cough, as we saw in the second section, but also in the sputa of phthisis, in cases of chronic laryngitis, and in inflammation of the lungs, especially a day or so after expectoration, and in warm weather. I beheve that these masses, of the type u, u, spring from the beaded forms s, for several times I have come across specimens just at the period of transition. Want of space prevents me from giving a drawing of these forms; so, too, many specimens of ribbon-like forms are not given for the same reason. These forms lead me to think that the bacilli of type n, on the right side of the plate, and below, are derived, as I have said, from the single articulations of the type u, u. There still remains the doubt 46 SPUTA OP WHOOPING-COUGH. whether the curved bacteria as at o in the lower part of the plate, coupled and surrounded by a cementing medium, can give origin to identical bacilli. Again, in healthy sputa I have found short chains of ellipsoidal bacteria, v, among such masses as are shown va.u,u; such chains should be looked upon as the origin of the bacilli of type n, as seen on the left of the drawing. These bacteria contain, in fact, a close succession of similar bacilli, and a paler surrounding medium ; it should be observed that the chain, v, is drawn on a scale of 600 diameters, whereas the bacillus, n, is magnified to 2,500 diameters. Such transition is proved by the fact that I have found specimens which clearly showed the formation of the cementing medium among the individual bacteria, and ellipsoidal articulations when the sputum was again examined the following day. Figure b' will give an idea of such' specimens, though taken from a bacillus of different character, viz., in a case of inflamma- tion of the lungs. The isolated bacilli, v\ v', are distinctly the same as those of the type q, taking into account the difference of scale under which they are drawn. In z are shown many of these bacilli in long lines (2,500 diam.), tending to form a chain-like thread ; these appeared in the same sputa on the second day. They gradually increased in size, and by the fifth day, under a temperature of 28°C., took the form of distinct threads or tufts of Leptothrix ; thus we must take the forms q, »', and z, to be but stages of one and the same bacillus, viz., Leptothrix. The beaded forms, x, and the rounded bacteria of the type y, were also found in healthy sputa, and it is evident that the rounded members of such beaded forms are the same as the cocci in group y. The upper drawing at x deserves special attention, for it shows the identity of the oblong and rounded members in the specimen. We have here, in one and the same chain, an oblong member with three rounded bodies at each extremity, in little or nothing differing from those in Figs, q and z. This, as we have argued before, proves them to be identical. The figure x' proves the same thing, showing as it does two of the rounded forms, and three oblong ones at each extremity. The lower specimen in Fig. x shows identity with the bacteria in Fig. r, by SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. 47 the similarity of the middle {"ortion. All these forms, therefore, q, r, V ', X, X ', y, and z, belong to one and the same species. We shall see that in like manner the bacilli m, n, n', and therefore those of type u, u, and the beaded forms s, belong to the same species. From this we must conclude that taking bacteria as the sole guide, the sputum of Whooping-cough does not differ from the sputum in health. In both cases the micro-organisms proceed from the many that habitually thrive in the mouth, and most probably in the nose as well. This conclusion is precisely that which Tschamer arrived at in 1870 from his first observations on Whooping-cough, as I stated in Section I. Bacteria and Bacilli found in Nasal Mucus. Leaving for the present my observations on nasal mucus in Whooping-cough, I will make a few remarks on the microbes that infest the mucus in healthy subjects, for the germs of the bacteria found in the air-passages partially come from the mouth and partially, as I have said, from the nose. The secretion from the nose in health consists principally of hyaline mucus, more or less dense, containing a number of granu- lated mucus corpuscles, which are endowed with a lively dancing motion as soon as they are subjected to any osmotic action. This motion is better observed after lightly staining, as their granules are rendered so much more distinct. But few vibratile epithelium cells are found, and these are generally of medium size, while some are very minute. They, specially at the beginning of an attack of coryza, show a rapid, persistent, vibratile motion ; a large number of pavement cells of different sizes also appear. Some few red blood corpuscles are met with, and of course many foreign particles inhaled with the air. There is no trace of myelin. Quite a large number of the dumb-bell-shaped bacteria are to be seen, as well as many of the types shown in a, b, d, and e, though larger than those figured in the plate. Above all the oblong forms, q and z are prevalent, some isolated, others m colonies or masses, many adhering to the epithelium pavement cells Some of these oblong forms have a swollen extremity, resembling the Vibrio rugula. Other minute bacteria are usually 48 SPUTA OF WHOOPING-COUGH. present, more especially on the mucus corpuscles, and from these minute bacteria are derived those of the beaded type, s. There are, in moderate numbers, bacteria after the type of those shown in / (below), but without any apparent capsule, as also various diplococci with apparent capsules, as those shown in /'. These last were first noticed by Thost* and Lowenberg, in 1886, as will be seen from the Fig. 23 in the quoted work on Microscopical Diagnosis by Jaksch.f Lastly, some few specimens of a rare bacterium, of the straight type, />, /, are found in couples, and now and then bacilli, quite small and very slender. In no single case did I notice in healthy mucus the Sirepiothrix Forsteri, but once found it in a rhinolitic concretion, having as a nucleus a cherry-stone, which had been buried in the right nasal fossa for a whole year. Bacteria and Bacilli found in the Sputa in Bronchitis. In the clear mucus, during acute attacks of bronchitis, the bacteria are very numerous, accompanied by a few mucus corpus- cles, together with some salivary corpuscles and buccal epithelia, a large number of pavement epithelium cells from the air-passages, as well as some few vibratile epithelium cells from the same, and in some instances by some red blood-corpuscles. The bacteria found are those of the types «, b, c, d, • 'x ^4i^. Fig r 1 M Ai ^1 *• « • V * . * • ■:^^- rs■ a ax 1260 \ ^ £30 g/Z500 ,-'''^#^ .A 17 so w a Fi^. 6 F^-7 7 i| § !■' Fi^ 10. '%^i ^^|^ ^i^^ /^^?% ■^^ 'f^ .^* X I2S0 9' , %A//00 ^' Sf 'M .^^' r i /,?5C ^'if/. /f a' / 2S00 \ W X8S0 Z'^^. ^ * c S (0 xsso F yincenttni oiel. F. Phillips Sc. [ 75 ] IRecent Bacterlologfcal IResearcbes on tbe Sputa ; tbe /iDorpbologs anb BIoIoqs of tbe /lOfcrobes of tbe /iDoutb. By Filandro Vicentini, M.D., Chieti, taly. Translated by Professor E. Saieghi. Further Remarks on the Bacteria and Bacilli found IN THE Sputa, and their relation to the " Lepfothrix bu'aalis ;" the result of original observations on the morphology and biology of this parasite, principally on its higher phases, now for the first time examined and described. (Continuation of the Memoir on the Sputa of Whooping-Cough, Vol. XLIII., of theJ'Atii Accademia, Medico-Chirurgica di Napoli") " The manner of reproduction and the reproductive bodies of the Lepiothrix are not known ; but, perhaps, more accurate research will discover them : this hypothesis being based on the fact that, in the interior of filaments magnified to 800 diameters, small, round bodies are seen which might be spores." — Robin. Summary : § I. — Further remarks on bacteria and bacilli found in the sputa and contents of the mouth — A rhum& of the preceding work — Some forms of bacteria not therein described — Other forms of bacilli, ut supra. § 2. — Summary of the present investigations and methods of tech- nique — Collecting and preparing the sputa and the buccal contents. § 3. — Previous opinions on the micro-organisms of the buccal cavity, according to Miller — History and general facts — Lepiothrix buccalis (Lepiothrix innominaia, M.) — Other buccal micro-organisms — Buccal pathogenic fungi. 76 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA § 4.— Observations on the morphology and biology of Leptothrix buccalis—The. four phases of Leptothrix, particularly the fruc- tification by spores— Production by points (male organs, ?) — Fructification of spores reproduced in the sputa — Dissemi- nation of microbes in the posterior organs. Recapitulation. Bibliography. §1- FURTHER REMARKS ON THE BACTERIA AND BACILLI FOUND IN THE SPUTA AND IN THE CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. AT the meeting of 2Sth November, 18S8, I had the honour of presenting to this illustrious Academy a memoir on the sputa of Pertussis, in which I incidentally touched upon sputa of another character. It is not my intention to re-open all the questions before treated, but simply to refer to the bacteriological aspects. The recent observations refer to all bacteria and bacilli found in normal sputa as well as in those of various morbid conditions, the so-called tubercular bacilli not excluded, it being understood that the many special questions belonging to the latter bacilli will be fully considered later on. Confining my remarks to the bacteriological researches in sputa, I will briefly repeat the conclusions I came to in the preceding memoir : — " The bacteria generally found in the sputa, and particularly in those of Pertussis, or Whooping-Cough, are derived, in all probability, from germs originating in the mouth and nose, so that (and until irrefutable proof to the contrary) their presence is to be taken as a natural fact, which has nothing to do with the cause of the disease. Such bacteria, although of very varied forms, can be reduced to two sole types, representing as many phases or forms of transition. One group may be identified with Bacterium iermo and the other with Leptothrix; and probably even these two groups belong to a single species." AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 77 And elsewhere :— " In summing up the feature of the different types, we may conclude that the many forms of Bacteria delineated in our plate, together with the others simply pointed out in the text, can be reduced to two species, viz. : Bacterium termo and Leptothrix. The forms a, b, c, above (Fig. 2, PI. I.), d, e,f,f, g, i, k, I, t, p, and p', apply to Bacterium termo ; the forms V, c (below), m, n, «', (left), q, r, s, u, v, if, x, x', y, and z, to Leptothrix. And it is not improbable that, in their turn, the two species, according to Cohn, Naegeli, De Bary, and others, may form only one. These authors classified the round Bacterium (monas crepusculum). Bade" rium termo and Leptothrix, as three forms or developments of one and the same species. I am rather inclined to believe that even the forms known under the names of Vibrio rugula, clostrium, and rhabdomonas may be attributed to the same species, as three simple varieties of its bacillary forms." I base these conclusions upon indirect signs, and especially upon certain morphological characters, common or transitional, on the usual habitat, etc. Now, having followed up this line of research for the last two years, I think I may be able to give a direct demonstration of my work, by indicating, so to speak, the explanation of the polymor- phism of the various microbes lodged in the sputa. Moreover, in the preceding paper, several types of Bacteria and Bacilli, for brevity's sake, were overlooked, as well as other specimens drawn from further observations.* " * Whilst again touching on Whooping-cough, and in continuation of our bibliographical notices, we may mention a late article from Mircoh on " Renal Alterations in Pertussis " (Arch. p. le Sc. Meduhe, 1890, p. 63, etc.) Mircoli inoculated, ineffectually, the cultures of bacteria, taken from the larynx of children who had died from Whooping-cough, into the larynx or under the skin of rabbits. He mentions articles from Sseurtschenho and Wendt, confirming the observations of Afanasieff. In the Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science, edited by Alfred Allen (January, 1890). there is a Lecture given by Dr. Shingleton Smith before the Microscopical Society of Bristol ( "On Some Recent Developments of the doctrine of a Contagium Vivum " ), where (at p. 32) it is said that the efficacy of special micro-organisms in most of the con- tagious diseases, and particularly in those most common to children, as Measles, Whooping-cough, and Scarlet fever, is not proved. 78 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA Some forms of Bacteria not described in the preceding Memoir (Fig. 4). All forms of Bacteria and Bacilli herein described (Figs. 4 and S) are coloured with gentian violet, excluding the filament or ser- pentine bacillus, h! (Fig. 5), which has been stained with iodine solution. {a) In the preceding Memoir I maintained that the typical curved Diplococci— ^, /, p (Fig. 2) — which are morphologically identical with the Gonococci of Neisser, never present a capsular appearance, and this proves to be so in most cases. But from further observations I have found exceptions to this rule, as is shown in Fig. 4« (magnified to 690 diameters). Here, in fact, the curved Diplococci are intermixed with straight Bacteria, on parallel cross lines, and are enclosed with the same envelope, which con- tains the whole. I found on December, 1890, similar specimens for the first time in the thick, opaque sputa of a child of seventeen months affected with Whooping-cough, and on the seventh day after the expectoration. The sputa contained, in the midst of common bacteria and bacilli, a fair number of red blood-corpuscles with a few ellipsoidal epithelia and granules of myelin. But, later' on, I accidentally met with similar specimens in urine. This is no cause for surprise, as I believe that the impregnation of microbes in the urinary and spermatic passages to be the same as that of microbes vegetating in sputa, as they proceed from the same parasite, Lep- totkrix, which vegetates both in the mouth and in the external genito-urinary passages, as I shall prove later on. In the third section I hope to show likewise the analogy between this type of Bacterium and the Jodococcus vaginatus of Miller. But, besides these curved diplococci, which are intermixed with straight bacteria in a common envelope, others are to be found coupled only and enclosed in one sheath by pairs (seldom) in the patina dentaria (white deposit upon the teeth) around the rich colonies of Diplococci. Their capsular appearance is made striking, owing to the staining with picric acid and successive saturation in glycerine. <5, v. — This specimen (magnified to 1750 diameters) is taken from \he patina dentaria, mixed with saliva ; groups of diplococci are seen in it, both large and of medium size, interwoven with AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 79 Strings of very minute cocci, morphologically identical with those of type s (Fig. 2). Such specimens, as well as diplococci with the capsular appear- ance of type / (same figure), reproduced in d' (Fig. 4), are num- berless. These diplococci are of two sizes, large or medium of type I' (Fig. 2) and others, surrounded likewise by a clear sheath, but small, as in d' (Fig. 4, right). The small cocci enclosed in i' do not differ materially from those of the beaded forms (with the exception of being surrounded by a sheath). I have observed that these minute diplococci are the heavier, because they are found mostly on the slide, whilst the large diplococci adhere to the cover-glass. Now, the specimen drawn in & shows that the beaded forms, morphologically identical with the bacilli of Koch, are found in the patina dentaria, as well as in the solid and stagnant substrata, viz., within the buccal epithelia or in the morbid secretions, either in the crypts of the larynx or the tubercular products, in so far as the inactivity of the part favours the multiplication of the lineal series of cocci, which first form strings of beads and then small rods or filaments, as I have already demonstrated. In the second place, from this specimen, I believe there exists a close afJSnity between those beads and diplococci, either of the buccal cavity or of some other habitat ; otherwise I cannot under- stand why they should be so close together as to resemble fruits fallen from the same tree. Another example of the tendency those minute cocci have to adhere to the diplococci is seen in /. (c) The couples of dumb-bell bacteria herein shown (magnified to 2,500 diameters) are taken from the nasal mucus in its normal condition. I contend that they do not differ at all from the ordi- nary dumb-bell and chain-like bacteria found in the sputa upon the types c, d, e (Fig. 2), which remind us of the form and size of Bacterium termo. On examining thick nasal mucus, I met with myriads of such bacteria. In this case the material to be examined must be taken from the dry cavities of the nose by a glass rod. We shall see that those dumb-bell bacteria are more apt to form chains ; in fact, they constitute the remarkable groups or bundles of chain-like bacteria found on the surface of the tongue. 80 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA According to my researches, each dumb-bell is the result of two cocci linked together by their heads. For this reason, it is often found, enclosed by a sheath, either inside or outside of the epithelia of the mouth, nose, or urethra. It is this adhesive ten- dency which forms them into chains or groups, from which in less moist parts will germinate the growth of Lepiothrix, as we shall see later on. I must refer to the preceding Memoir for the other forms of bacilli and bacteria, all related to Lepiothrix. With regard to the nasal mucus, its pavement epithelia are smaller than the same epi- thelia of the mouth and less softened, perhaps from not being under the dissolving action of the saliva. The bacteria which invade the pavement epithelia of the urethral mucus, taken directly from the meatus, often resemble dumb-bell forms. However, in the blenorrhcegic flow, are often found rather small diplococci, some in the pavement epithelia and others within pus corpuscles ; but curved diplococci or gonococci of Neisser are rarely found in it. Beside these common forms, I also detected very minute cocci, like those rosaries of type s (Fig. 2) or ^ (Fig- 4)1 ^nd filaments or short articulations of Lepiothrix. d, e. — I have said before that the features of pneumococci of Friedlander, or Frankel, etc., were probably derived from a degree of colouration of some points of their single articulations or from modifications of forms, as types d and e will Show. In d (Fig. 4, magnified to 2,500 diameters) are seen three sheathed diplococci, partially coloured. In certain cases of pneumonia, we found some specimens of these, intermixed in the same group or colony. In e the diplococci have no sheath and show points of varied partial colouring. Such specimens were obtained from a pulmon- ary sputa, in which, amongst other forms of bacilli and bacteria, were pneumococci of types j'j g, h, i, i'. /) /'i i- — These are specimens of the second kind, taken from the same sputum in a case of croupal pneumonia. In / (magni- fied to 1,750 diameters) the capsular appearances are so well surrounded as to resemble a capsular membrane. The single pneumococci are sometimes in groups of eight, ten, and fourteen. The internal articulations are prolonged and end in points. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 81 In/' (magnified to the same degree) the articulations are also acuminated, but have no halo, and at first are very pale. In suc- cessive days they become partially coloured in the preparation if kept artificially moist. These pale Diplococci, without sheath, appeared to be in a state of active germination, as we detected therein the more minute and proportionally paler forms, some being composed of unequal cocci, and several were moving about in the medium. The forms surrounded by sheath are firmer or less active, as if the capsule indicated the quiescent state of the microbe. In fact, if it moves, it is by a motion of simple transla- tion, without vibrating, as is the case with bacteria in active germination,* It appears that the capsule, owing to its great refraction, and also to the difficulty the near small bodies find in crossing it, resembles a fatty substance surrounding the microbe or proceed- ing from it. This is only an hypothesis. In g (magnified to 2,500 diameters) is shown a distinct diplo- coccus, but with the internal articulations nearly cylindrical, with a large and somewhat irregular capsule, resembling the mono-articu- lated bacillus of type q (Fig. 2). The sheath indicates, even here, a quiescent state of the microbe and the successive secretion of pale substance. Some analogy may be found in it to the Bacillus crassus sputigenus of Kreibhom. (See section 3.) h. — Intermixed with the diplococci e and /' we find, at times, in the pulmonitic sputum, these forms without a sheath (magnified to 2,500 diameters). In one of these forms we infer the process of increase by seeing the pointed articulation at the right part as pale as in /'. The lengthened part of the mono-articulated bacillus is strongly coloured, and, in a good light, exhibits internal punctuations of deeper colour, especially near the edges : a remark- able circumstance that makes them resemble the Leptothrix, in which are also these punctuations or future gemmules. The above forms are met with in the second period of pul- monary affections after the fever has subsided, but may also be * In a recent work, Billet states he has met in other species with this form of incapsulated diplococci, and considers it a phase of life common to various species of bacteria. He calls it the zoogloeic state. (This will be again referred to in a note at the end of Section 3.) 82 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA found in successive periods. These pneumococci retain tena- ciously the gentian violet, as I stated in the first memoir. Several of the preceding forms of pneumococci, particularly those of types d, e, f, /', and h, are analagous with those drawn by Cornil and Babes in Les Bactkries etleurrdle, PI. XV., Figs, i, 4, 6, and 13.* i, i'. — The large round diptococcus, i (magnified to 2,500 diameters), was also found in the second period of a pulmonary affection. Its articulations resemble two detached hemispheres, and round the envelope adhere very minute cocci, not one of them being able to penetrate the clear zone. This fact clearly indicates the solidity of the sheath. In /' there is a small chain-like bacterium, the articulations of which exhibit a series of similar diplococci, so connected that the hemisphere of the one adheres to that of the other, leaving a clear space between the hemispheres, of each diplococcus. Such chain-like bacteria are sometimes found grouped together, although in small number, in pneumonic sputa. Other Forms of Bacilli, ut supra (Fig. 5). Some forms of bacilli were omitted in the other memoir for want of space ; others were collected later on, and these I will now briefly describe. The new forms added to the first will better show the identity of the bacilli of the sputa with the articulations or fragments of the filaments of Leptothrix vegetating in the mouth. In the preceding Memoir the bacillus n' (Fig. 2) represented a form of transition from the young bacillary forms, n, n, n, to the mature forms, m, m. I then pointed out other forms of transition. a, b, c. — In a (Fig. 5, magnified to 1,250 diameters) is seen a bacillus that partakes of three distinct types, divided into three segments : one internally occupied by four ellipsoidal bacteria, the clear segment in the middle, slightly coloured, and the other deeply coloured and opaque. It shows that the clear bacilli inside — those containing bacteria and those entirely opaque — belong to the same species. This bacillus was taken from influ- enza sputum, but similar forms were found in other sputa and in the saliva. * Work quoted in the Bibliographical Appendix. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 83 Another analogical proof we have in b, where a bacillus, opaque for five-sixths of its length, exhibits the other one-sixth clear and slightly coloured. This specimen was taken from the saliva. In c we find four types — viz. : a short, clear segment above, and on the top of it a bacterium of elliptical form ; in the middle, a long, opaque segment ; and in the lower part a pale, granular segment like the middle feature of type n' (Fig. 2) and types e and e' (Fig. 5). This specimen was also taken from the saliva. d. — This short but large bacillus, taken from the patina den- taria (magnified to 2,500 diameters), exhibits the upper part opaque and deeply coloured ; the other part is divided into two segments. The middle segment is very short, clear, and contains a dumb-bell bacterium placed across ; the lower one is opaque, but not entirely, as there is on the right a clear space between the opaque part and the outline, and presents a kind of indentation.- Other bacilli have the same features towards the edges, or near the junctions of. their segments. As regards the enclosed bacterium, there is no doubt about its position in the envelope of the bacillus, from the look of the spe- cimen as well as from the oscillation of the preparation, in which the bacterium was seen to be always inside. In the preceding specimens we have also abundant proof of this fact. Now in the first place, it shows that not only elliptical, very minute, and linear bacteria, but also dumb-bell bacteria, may be found in the envelope of the bacilli ; from which we conclude there is no difference between the dumb-bell bacteria and the bacilli. And since the small chains, and the bundles especially, adhering to the tongue, are mostly formed of dumb-bell bacteria we must infer the analogy of those forms with the bacilli, and consequently of both to the Leptothrix. In the second place, comparing the various specimens of bacilli (as a and d), containing bacteria with the fertile filaments of Lep- tothrix, we find in the latter a variable disposition of internal granules, or buds, adhesive to the envelope. Some are alternate ; others on the same level at both sides. If we imagine that in those filaments the buds grow up towards the middle line of the stem, it will result that, when the left bud is placed higher than that on the right, the bacteria resulting from their increase will 84 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA range themselves in a longitudinal line, taking the elliptical form, as in bacillus a. On the contrary, if the two buds are on the same level, we shall have the case of bacillus <^— viz., the two cocci, resulting from the increase of the buds, will meet in the centre of the stem, and, there joining together, will produce, in a cross line, the dumb-bell bacterium. Therefore, wherever we turn our eyes, the notion of the poly- morphism of the microbes, and their probable derivation from a single species, is gaining firmer ground. e, /.—The bacillus drawn in e (Fig. 5, magnified to 1,750 diam.) was found in the sputa of a young woman in labour, who was affected with bronchitis. It was mixed with other similar granular bacilli, clear and of the same length, but more slender, as we see in / These bacilli, however, are common also in other sputa and in the contents of the mouth; they present a pale, granulated mass, similar to that of bacilli, n' (Fig. 2) and c (Fig. 5). They also show, in various places, buds or internal granules, smaller and paler than those found in the fertile filaments of Leptothrix. In e the ends are pointed, but in / they are round. The larger of "the two is faintly coloured, but exhibits near one of the heads a clear interstice, as is seen in a and d. The other specimen, smaller and paler, exhibits a younger form of the same type. These two last bacilli were found in pulmonitic sputa, and were also found in the contents of the mouth. In the uncoloured preparations of the patina dentaria there are nail-shaped bacilli, like the type e, soft, flexible, slightly veined, and having quick motion (Fig'. 14, d). These bacilli are originally lodged on some pointed productions, as was observfed by me for the first time ; their slender points form the bacilli /i h, and h'. /, g, h, H. — The very slender bacilli, / and g (magnified to 2,500 diameters) are also taken from a case of pneumonia. In / we see a mono-articulated and strongly coloured bacillus, as well as another pale and granulated. In g, a very slender one, the ends of which appear to have been recently detached from a longer filament. By comparing these specimens with the Leptothrix, no import- ant difference is noticed. In h another specimen of curved bacillus, resembling a point AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 85 of interrogation, taken from pulmonitic sputum. These bacilli are not uncommon in the patina deniaria. They have quick vital movements. They resemble the Spirillum sputigenum of Miller or the Comma bacillus of the saliva described by Lewis, as identical with the cholera bacillus of Koch, Bacillus virgola.* I have, however, found that, between these bacilli and the lesser points, which are abundant on certain filaments of Lep- tothrix, there exists a great similarity. These points vary in size, but all possess quick movements (Fig. 14). We shall consider later on if these bacilli act like the reproductory filaments (sper- matia or antherozoids) of many cryptogams, although in Leptothrix they are not originally contained in special receptacles (spermo- gones,or antherids). In a more advanced hypothesis, we shall have also to consider if these bacilli represent the spirilli, or if the spirilli proceed from such filaments, endowed with the same motile power. It appears more probable that the spirilli may generally be derived from the fragments of certain curved filaments, fertile or not, of Leptothrix. Sometimes the spirillum is thicker than the filaments of Leptothrix, as in Fig. i of Cornil and Babes.t In h' is seen a larger filament (stained with iodine), found in ihs patina dentaria, which is somewhat similar to spermatozoa. In the uncoloured preparations I have seen the very rapid movements of all these bacilli. In conclusion, all these forms of bacilli are common in the expectorations and contents of the mouth. § II. SUMMAEY OF THE PRESENT INVESTIGATIONS AND METHODS OF WORKING. Argument. In the fourth section of my Memoir on Whooping-cough, I stated that bacteriological researches on the sputa would be fruit- * Lewis, A Memorandum on the Comma-shaped Bacillus, etc. t Cornil and Babes, op. «V.— Vicentini, "Sopra un caso di febbre ricorrente ' ecc. e sul riscontro degli Spirilli nA Sungue," Jtti del. R. Accad. Med. Chir. di Napoli, 1883, t. xxxvi. 86 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA less until the natural history of the pathogenic or non-pathogenic microbes that lodge there is thoroughly known. In most cases a complete organism grows in length, breadth, and thickness. But the chain-like bacteria and the filaments only grow in one direction (in length) simply by a repetition of particles in a lineal series. We must, therefore, suppose that neither these original particles, nor the chain-like bacteria and filaments resulting from them, are complete organisms, but that they are rather rudi- ments of more perfect ones. By examining all the different forms of bacteria and bacilli, we were led to believe in a single type, to which all other forms were related. Now, we will show that the existence of this vegetation is to be found in the patina dentaria, in certain sputa, and jn the mucus of the urethra, all the forms hitherto described being only fragments of it. If somebody, for instance, not knowing all the phanerogams, should enter a wood-house, looking at the wood, heaps of branches, leaves, etc., he might at first suppose that they were different things instead of parts of a whole. Likewise, if he should see a threshing-floor upon which is spread and beaten Indian corn, he might take the stems, roots, leaves, tufts, and grains for as many different objects. But it will be sufficient to take him out into the field, to convince him of his mistake. Looking through the lines of the corn, he would see that most of the plants (the female ones) are provided with ears, and he would see also others higher than the rest (the male ones), having instead of ears only a tuft. Then he might suppose that the plants of this second type were, perhaps, of different kind from the others, not thinking that Indian corn is a dioecious plant, with distinct sexes on different individuals. This is precisely the case with the microbes of sputa. We were led to the study of the morphology and biology of Leptothrix, by considering that nothing is useless in nature ; those parts which now appear superfluous to us in living organisms, (as the nipples in man) are rare exceptions. The illustrations of Leptothrix contradict this law. Look, for instance, in Bizzozero, the figure of Leptothrix buccalis, reproduced AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 87 in our Fig. 6, and the query will be asked :— Of what use are those upright, barren shoots resembling grass, which have been eaten close by cattle ? Cannot this want of fruits be accounted for by mechanical injuries? The figures of Robin, Frey, Miller, and others do not suggest a different conclusion.* After these reflections, we were induced to investigate this parasite. Our researches will be particularly demonstrated in Section 4, only a synthesis of them being given here. From our observations Leptothrix buccalis would, therefore, live under four forms, or have four different stages of development, according to the conditions of the alimentary substratum. In the liquid secretions, as saliva and mucus, its spores— bac- teria and cocci — and its gemmiferous sprouts — real bacilli (exclud- ing the Spirilla, the nail-like, the snake-like, and the comma) — increase and multiply like moving spores and germs of fungi. This would be the immersed vegetation of Leptothrix. The bacteria, the yeasts, and the spores have generally the power of reproducing the full organism like the seeds of the phanerogams ; but, between the spores of the bacteria on one side, and the seeds of the phanerogams on the other, there is this difference : that those seeds cannot multiply by division, produc- ing fresh seeds ; whilst moving spores, yeasts, and bacteria multi- ply abundantly, by fission, even by themselves. If, however, the liquid is kept quiescent in the crypts or cavi- ties, or if the part is, as on the surface of the tongue, very firm, the second period or low vegetation begins, viz., beaded, chain-like, and bundle-like bacteria are formed, so common on the patina of the tongue. But vegetation stops here, for in the mucous parts the continual friction impedes a further formation. In the secretions and mucus there is a relative inactivity ; but if it becomes effective, a reproductive growth will be formed, as shown in Fig. 16, taken from pulmonitic sputum, which for several days had adhered in the interior of a closed tube. The third period, or growth, is when it lodges on a solid part, * Bizzozero, Manuale cit. nella Bibliografia, PI. II., Fig. 27 ; Robin, His- toire naiurelle des Vegitaitx, etc., 1853 (see Bibliography), PI. I., Figs> i and 2. Frey, figure reproduced by Perroncito, quoted in Bibl., Fig. II. Miller, figures quoted later on. 88 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA on the tongue or teeth. But, owing to the continual friction on the tongue and teeth, the growth cannot reach the fourth period, or that of fructification. Then we have bare growths apparently sterile, as represented above. The same happens with the tufts of Leptothrix, often found on the epithelium scales, on the residue of undigested food, or other corpuscles in urine, sputa, etc., forms which may be called " aerial," although incomplete, " vegetation." But in many parts of the dental surface, where there is less friction, as between tooth and tooth and near the gums, the fourth phase or fructification takes place. This fact has not been ob- served, and is not even suspected, as we gather from the most recent work of Miller.* I call it aerial vegetation, because the stems of the microphite have a tendency to rise in the air, although immersed like the algae. In our case the surrounding liquid is the saliva. This fructification by spores, first noticed and investigated by me, con- sists of comparatively long ears (Figs. lo, ii, 12, 13, 16), formed by the exudation of a viscous substance, faintly coloured, round the ends of fertile filaments. In this substance are entan- gled small round spores, often brightly coloured, placed in six longitudinal lines, as we shall see later. In the strongest speci- mens (Fig. 16,/, g) as many as 720 spores can be counted in an ear. All the cocci and minute bacteria are probably dissemina- tions from these spores. There is another form of special production, or pseudo-inflo- , rescence, which is drawn in Fig. 14, a, b, c, resembling points, round a filament or group of fertile filaments. These points having fallen off form the nail-like, snake-like, or comma bacilli. If we admit the analogy of these bacilli with the reproductive filaments of other cryptogams, Leptothrix may be compared to a fungus, or dioecious alga, with two sexes upon different fila- ments ; and such pointed productions would exhibit the male organs, the elements of which, spread about the surrounding medium, would, with their great mobility, act as antherozoids in a manner not yet known to us. In such an hypothesis, the scanty number of such inflorescences, with regard to fructifica- tion or female organs, would be fully explained. Therefore, *W. D. Miller, Die Mikro-Organismen der Mundhohle, etc., 1889. AND CONTENTS OP THE MODTH. 89 in summing up the morphological and biological series of Leptothrix, beginning with the forms of Cocci or Bacteria, we pass through the chains, the growths, and end in the fructification by spores, in order to begin again another series usque ad infini- tum. But, beside this cycle of reproduction, we must notice another — of buds and internal impregnation (that already foreseen by Robin), which is seen in the interior of the envelope of old fila- ments, articulations, and bacilli, and through which, from the same bacilli, are generated other bacteria, and this owing to the reserve buds described above. From those bacteria are, in their turn, reproduced the chains, the tendrils, and their articulations or bacilli, as we have seen in the former Memoir on the subject of bacilli b' and n (below) and in u, u (Fig. 2). Let us consider what a great cause of dissemination this is, • placed at, the entrance of the digestive and respiratory organs. According to our calculations, there would always be found present in the nose and mouth, taken together, from two hundred to three hundred trillions of bacteria, or other elements of the microphite, ready to enter the stomach at the time of deglutition, and to fall on to the respiratory passages at every breath. In comparison with that mass, what are the few germs we inhale from the atmosphere ? But if, at every breath we inhale, a propelling motion sends whole swarms of elements or germs of the microphite into the air- passages, another slower but continuous movement pushes germs or analogous elements on into the genito-urinary passages through contiguity, from one epithelium to another, and onwards along the mucous patina, passing through the urethral orifice, which Pasteur has compared, in this case, to the Thames Tunnel.* We will briefly treat these questions in Section 4, and demon- strate the identity of Leptothrix prepuiialis with Leptothrix buccalis. Now, to enable others who may be willing to repeat and to verify our observations, we will proceed to describe the modus operandi. * Schutzenberger Le fermentazioni, ecc. trad., Milano, 1876, p. 204 ; V. also Vicentini Caso di vegetazione di funghi microscopici nell' Uretra ecc, Morgagni, April, 1 880. 90 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA Collecting and the Preparation of the Sputa. In the preceding work we dealt with the collecting and the treatment of sputa, putting off to another occasion the diagnosis of derivation of the various materials expectorated, in order that the real sputa might be distinguished from the particles of food ; the sputa from the saliva or throat, and the mucus flowing from the nose, being also differentiated. Now is the moment to touch on this point again, in order to describe improved methods of preparation and colouring. The materials to be submitted to microscopic observation really do not always proceed from the 'air-passages. In the case of a boy, 7 years old, affected with Whooping-cough, we remember having received a portion of food ejected from the stomach, and, thought to be a sputum. This substance was gelatinous in appear- ance, the colour of tobacco, and contained a large amount of aljmentary residue ; but what surprised us was a very dense mycelium of conspicuous sprouts after the type drawn in former plate, Fig. 3, d, interwoven with other slender ones. The fructifica- tion of these mycelia produced forms identical with small heads (capitula) or sporangia, delineated in k and ^', very vigorous, upon as many as five fertile branches, intermixed with similar vigorous forms of Aspergillus glaucus. This would lead us to suppose that the deglutition of the relative germs with the sputa, and their secondary development, is even more easy and vigorous in the stomach. In some cases, especially with children, the. proper expector- ation is lost or swallowed ; and when the patient is asked to spit out again, he emits only a httle saliva, mixed with small flakes of mucus, from the throat and tonsils. These salivary sputa, how- ever, may be recognised generally on the following day through the clarification, after remaining undisturbed, with an upper liquid stratum (more considerable than in crude sputa, or those mixed with abundant saUva), and a scanty deposit, very rich in buccal epitheUa, and, eventually, alimentary residue. Besides, they are recognised from being wanting in ellipsoidal epithelia and granules of myelin. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 91 Another source of error, against which it is difficult to guard, is the reflux of nasal mucus, through the posterior nares, in the back of the mouth, and its successive expectoration mixed with saliva. Naturally, ellipsoidal epithelia and myelin, even in such sputa, are wanting. In any case the presence of the myeUn and the ellipsoidal epithelia induces us to regard the sputum as proceeding from the air-passages. These are two important points when, for instance, a doubt arises whether a sputum with a rusty appearance proceeds from the nose or the chest ; as, in our daily researches on sputa, we never detected ellipsoidal epithelia or myelin in spuripug sputa j whilst in the genuine expectorations they are very seldom absent, and when not found in the first, they appear in the second preparations. We come now to the manner of collecting the sputa- The act of spitting is accomplished in two different efforts : by the first, the genuine sputum, nearly entirely frel froro saliva, and that which is required is coughed up ; but soon after by a second effort, saliva is emitted with the residue of the sputum left behind. This second sputum (being nearly all saliva) is elimin- ated. In order to avoid mixing the sputum with saliva, the patient should not keep it in the mouth too long. Instead of a spittoon, it is better to use a colourless plate or saucer, perfectly clean, where the sputa can be kept separate, and then selected for examination. The sputum should be takep at the most viscid point with a bent needle or forceps, and raised so that the saUva and the more fluid part of the mucus with whiph it is mixed, may trickle down on the plate. What remains on the instrument is quite sufficient for successive investigatipns, an4 it will necessarily contain very little saliva. To preserve it, it should at once be placed in a glass tube, which has previously been cleaned with sulphuric acid, and washed out with alcohol, For the coloured preparations we have to modify the directions given in the preceding work. It is better to keep the solution of gentian violet separated from the aniline water, so as] to prevent decomposition ; but we must avoid putting the glas? rod, still wet with aniline water, into the colouring solution, and vicf versa. Two different rods must be used. With a small rod put first on 92 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA the slide a drop of aniline water, taken from the relative bottl , and soon after add a colouring solution. For, by placing the solution first and the aniline water afterwards, we obtain a greater precipitation of coloured granules in the preparation. It is necessary that the particle of sputum should be well immersed in the colouring mixture, so as to have it well coloured on its under as well as its upper surface ; because, if the particle is placed on the slide before the solution, the part adhering to the glass cannot be coloured. The particle of the sputum should not be larger than i/4th to i/srd of a grain of millet; otherwise, when pressed between the two slips, it will press out from under the cover-glass, and consequently the best specimens, which are on the edges, will be lost, or the preparation will prove too thick for investigating the most delicate parts. The particle of sputum, taken with a bent needle, should be immediately put into the colouring mixture, pressed down for a short time with the needle, then left for two hours under a watch- glass ; a drop of distilled water may be added to it, if a weaker colouring be desired ; or, in hot weather, to prevent hardening or evaporation. After the required time has passed, take the sputum with a perfectly clean needle, put it . in a watch-glass containing distilled water, and, by gentle agitation, it will be freed from the granular deposits. Meanwhile the slide must be well cleansed. Then put upon it a drop of distilled water, in which the particle is to be again immersed. By using glycerine we cannot obtain the proper thinness of the preparation, and many features would appear to be altered and colourless. Glycerine can ultimately be substituted by capillarity to preserve the preparation, the upper surface of the cover-glass, made greasy by the immersion, being washed first with benzine and then with water. In the preceding Memoir, we recommended the spreading and thinning of the particle of the sputum with needles ; but for our present investigation it would not be advisable to do so. It was, perhaps, owing to this that we then lost some details, especially ^ with regard to the fructifications of Leptothrix. In fact, spreading with needles must destroy the relations of continuity and contiguity necessary to preserve intact the said fructifications. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 93 To thin the preparation as much as possible, we must place upon it the cover-glass, well centred, and let it act by its own pressure. In this way the mucus becomes thinned, and spreads slowly without altering materially the elements involved in it. When the preparation has become partially thinned, press down lightly and gently with the rod and leave it undisturbed, and so on until the very slender film of the coloured matter has in every direction neared the edges of the cover-glass ; care being taken in these handlings to strain off the redundant liquid without wetting the upper surface of the cover-glass. The preparations so mounted, in water, are in all parts very transparent, clear, and bright ; they do not exhibit superposition of elements or corpuscles, and even in hot weather, keep well under the microscope for several days, if care be taken to wet now and then one of the edges, as we suggested in the first Memoir. Even the bacteria in the centre of the particle of sputum which, were not at first reached by the colouring medium become in time gra- dually coloured, and these weak colourings are often very useful for examining minute details. In order to obtain fructifications of Leptothrix from sputa, it is necessary to take the particle of sputum, not from the bottom, but from that side of the tube where, perhaps accidentally, a vertical streak of the mucus, slender and adhesive, has been left, as we shall see later. For researches on fructifications, powerful immersion objectives are required, so as to be able to detect all details. We have used a No. II objective (i/i8th homogeneous immersion) of Hartnack. Collection and Preparation of the Contents of the Month. We shall especially deal with \hz patina dentaria (surface of the enamel, tartar), saliva and patina of the tongue. Patina Dentaria.— The deep layers of this patina contain almost exclusively bud-growths and knots of large filaments which take a brilliant colour with the solution of iodine. The fructifications, on the contrary, are simply found on the superficial layers, so that for their investigation we must possibly remove the upper surface of the patina. By scraping the tooth with a small instrument or the 94 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA nail, too much tartar is removed, which must be disintegrated twice over j first to Select a particle, and then to thin and spread it on the slide, I have best succeeded with a bent needle, first scaling lightly the labial surface of the tooth, and carrying the very minute particle of the patina on to the slide (on which was placed a drop of aniline water), and then scraping likewise the interstice between the teeth, to place on the slide another similar particle. In order not to spoil the fructifications, the scraping should be made neatly from top to bottom. This manipulation should be done in the morning, fasting, and cannot give good results, in those subjects who habitually clean their teeth with tooth-brush and powders. Thus we get within the drop of aniline water two tiny islands of Leptothrix, but they are yet too thick to be reduced to the thin- ness required. We shall break them with the needles, so as to carry on to the slide only a kind of whitish dust, which will occupy a third of the area to be covered. Having done this, we shall add with the rod another drop of aniline water, and soon after, with a different rod, a drop of gentian violet solution. We shall speak of the other colourings in Section 4, the treatment being nearly th6 same. The preparation is kept for a little while under a glass, and when it appears to the naked eye to be sufficiently coloured, it is mounted without washing, which, in this case, would take away all the fragments, the fructifications set free, and the bacilli floating about each tiny island. When we wish to examine together the saliva and t&e patina dentaria, instead of placing a drop of aniline water previously on the slide, we will put on it a drop of saliva in the manner we shall indicate by-and-by ; the rest of the treatment is the same. How- ever, the preparations without the saliva turn out clearer and thinner ; whilst those mixed with it cannot become thin enough, owing to the resistance presented by cumuli of large buccal epi- thelia, which place themselves like supports between the slides ; still worse when one of those cumuli happens to be on a bed of Leptothrix. Naturally, in the preparations mixed with saliva, the rich cumuli of Diplococci are more abundant, whilst they are seldom found on those of the patina only. Lastly, the cover-glass is put on and gently pressed down with AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 95 the rod, until the layer of the Leptothrix, spreading in every direc- tion, reaches the edges of the cover, and the redundant liquid trickles down by its side. The preparations, stained with aniline colours, become a little hard (perhaps owing to the alcohol in it) ; but yet they get thinned enough. Those treated with the iodine, and especially those treated with picric acid, or the colourless ones, being more flexible, become more easily thinned. In order to see the fructifications in a fair quantity and dis- tinctly, it is necessary to wait some time. Naturally, those on the edges of each tiny island are seen more distinctly, but all do not show them, because rhany of the islands contain only filaments or bud-growths. Some are wasted, and others overlie one another, mixing their relative edges together. Now, in those edges with exuberant fructifications, these at first are close together ; but the preparation in time partially dries up, and on pouring on it a fresh drop of distilled water the cover-glass slightly rises, and then the tufts of ears begin to open ; the ears separate one from another, and (in preparations with picric acid) several may be counted in the visual field. Such observations can be continued for several days by adding to the preparation from time to time a drop of distilled water. To demonstrate the productions by points, the method of working must be modified, as we shall see in Section 4. Saliva. — To get the saliva as far as possible free from froth and air-bubbles, the following plan should be adopted : — Let the patient before tasting food spit on a well cleaned glass rod, held horizontally; then incline it So that the saliva shall run down towards the hand, parting, in its course, from the small air-bubbles, which, being lighter, adhere to the rod and stop the froth. When a drop of saliva has gathered on the handle, it may be taken off by the point of a second rod and carried directly on to the slide (if we wish to examine it with the patina dentaria and then mix them together); or, if we wish to examine them separately, it should be immersed in a drop of colouring mixture, already placed on the slide. As soon as the preparation is sufficiently coloured, it should be covered without washing. If the colouring is very weakj'With slight vestiges of colour, the vibrating motion in the salivary corpuscles will be better detected. 96 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA The Cuticle of the Tongue— On an empty stomach, the surface of the tongue is scraped with a spatula or tongue-scraper. We take a small particle of the product and put it in the aniline water previously deposited on the slide. Afterwards it is carefully divided and coloured like the patina dentaria. However, owing to the superposed epithelia, these preparations can never be properly thinned, and therefore are only in a few points rendered clear enough for investigation under high powers. We need not deal separately with the nasal mucus and the smegma-balano-praputialis, as the first is treated like the sputa, and the second l,ike the patina dentaria. We shall only notice that the preparations of the smegma do not become satisfactorily coloured with aniline dye, on account of the abundant precipitation, due to fats ; it is better to make use of iodine or picric acid. § HI- OPINIONS HITHEBTO HELD RESPECTING THE MICRO- ORGANISMS OF THE MOUTH, according to Miller. History and General Facts. WHEN I for the first time began to examine the fructification of Leptothrix, of which no mention had hitherto been made in the ordinary text-books of microscopy, I, of course, consulted several of the special publications quoted in the Biblio- graphical Appendix, in order to ascertain whether others had des- cribed these fructifications before; but my search was fruitless. It is true that Robin believed in their existence, as appears from the quotation at the beginning of this Memoir; but the granules mentioned by him are simply the reserve gemmules of this microphite. However, I should not have been induced to treat on this subject so early, had I not unexpectedly met with a very conspicuous specimen of such fructification in some pulmo- nitic sputum (see Fig. i6). I then wished to acquaint myself with the last work of Miller, already quoted, and on perusing it, I found that he had not even touched on that point ; but, on the AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 97 contrary, his views were, in a sense, diametrically opposed to my own. Of the specimen found in the pulmonitic sputum I shall speak in Section 4. According to Miller, the opinions hitherto acquired on the microbes of the mouth would be as follows : — In the 3rd chapter of his volume, " The Micro-Organisms of the Buccal Cavity : Local and General Complaints produced by them " (the most complete and most recent work on the subject), the illustrious Berlin Professor goes on to relate the ancient and recent scientific opinions on the microbes of the mouth, beginning with their discoverer, Leeuwenhoek, who, in 1683, discovered first on his own teeth, always kept clean, and afterwards on those of an old man, ^'magna cum admiratione" animalcules, drawn by him (Fig. 10 of Miller), some of which resemble the Comma bacilli,: — "Multa exigua admodum animakula jucundissimo modo se moventia." Lebeaume compared the tartar on the teeth to coral formations. Mandl held that the tartar proceeded from the chalky remains of the vibriones described by him, which he thought would be killed by heat, by hydrochloric acid, and alcohol. Bijhlmann was the first to observe and describe the fi.laments of Leptothrix, without, however, giving any opinion as regards their vegetable or animal nature. Henle was the first to declare that these microbes were of a vegetable nature. Erdl treated the decayed teeth with hydrochloric acid, and from the crown he obtained a kind of delicate, enveloping membrane, composed of parasites. Ficinus dealt diffusely with microbes of the buccal cavity, which he held to be of an animal nature, and gave them the generic name of dental animalcules. He described the filaments of Leeuwenhoek and of Biihlmann, the -granules, the epithelia, the corpuscles of mucus, forming the patina dentaria, as well as certain infusoria that accidentally dwelt there. He not only held • the bacteria and bacilli to be real animalcules in brisk motion, but he imagined also that they possessed a mouth. He grouped them with infusoria without cilia, probably shelled, after the types of the genera Paramecium and Colpoda. 98 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA In 1847 Robin thought that the principal micro-organism of the mouth was an alga which he called Leptothrix buccalis. Klencke, continuing the researches of Biihlmann and Ficinus, drew the 'dental animalcules, the filaments of Biihlmann (repro- duced in Fig. II of M.); and, following the opinions of Ficinus, he even drew the mouths on their ventral side, as can be seen in the quoted figure. Meanwhile, the ideas of Robin were accepted, and Leptothrix was generally held to be an alga or fungus sui generis, excepting by Frey, who, together with Hallier, thought it to be a form of Fenicillium glaucum, and by Tilbury-Fox, who restricted it indis- criminately to a form of Oidium.* After these historical hints, Miller goes on to describe his methods of investigations, from which it appears that the author and the preceding investigators have not acted with that neces- sary care and discernment, which has been demonstrated, in collecting and preparing the contents of the mouth ; nor have they instituted comparisons with the sputa. They directed their best attention to the culture of the microbes of the mouth, and, in the study of the patina dentaria, they did not avail themselves' of the immersion methods except in the special examination of certain fragments or isolated microbes and of their cultures. It is no wonder, therefore, that they should not have met with the fruc- tifications and the productions of Leptothrix by points. Miller speaks of cultures on agar or on calf's blood serum, and from thousands of specimens he gives the preference to agar pep- .tonised with broth, with an additional 0-5 — i per 100 of sugar. The cultures were made from saliva, the tartar of decayed teeth, or scrapings from the surface of the tongue or from dental ulcerations and altered pulps of teeth. The cultures from saliva in the gelatine were negative. Often the bacteria reared in agar did not succeed in gelatine, owing to the low temperature main- tained. For a general study, he considers an amplification of 20 to 300 diameters sufficient, but for the special morphology he used a homogeneous immersion lens. He speaks of fungi derived from * Frey, Bibliography. Tilbury-Fox, by Beale, Work, p. 491. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 99 external sources, as the Bacilli of tare, potatoes, lactic acid, green pus ; and also of the Micrococcus tetragenus, of Mycoderma aceti, of Staphylococcus pyogenes, aureus, and albus, to the effect of excluding them from the cultivations. But he touches again upon some of these forms in Chapter IX., as we shall see later on. Miller classifies, afterwards, the microbes really constant, or primary, of the buccal cavity, into six different species. Of these we give a list, putting our denominations to each species of Miller. Synopsis. Miller : Vicentini : I — Leptothrix buccalis (L. Leptothrix buccalis. innominata). 2 — Bacillus buccalis maximus. Fragments of stumps. 3 — Leptothrix buccalis maxima. Stumps. \—Jodococcus vaginatus. Special sheaths of bacteria pro- ceeding from some reserve gemmules. S* — Spirillum sputigenum. Pointed or virgulated Bacilli (copulatory organs ?) 6 — Spirochcete dentium. Spirillum (fragments of very slen- der filaments). The above species or types are found in every mouth. The Spirillum sputigenum is sometimes found, in almost a pure culture, in the carious cavities ; and the Spirochcete dentium near the gums. The cultures from substances mixed with saliva, acids, alkalies, product of caries, dental mucus gathered out of the ebullition of .decayed teeth, do not succeed ; some simple cultures, however, give productions of 15 or 20 articulations of certain species, but these cannot be reproduced a second time. I will now sum up the characteristics which Miller attributes to these six primary species, beginning with Leptothrix innominata. Leptothrix buccalis (Leptothrix innominata). The name of Leptothrix buccalis is attributed to Robin, who applied it in general to all buccal microbes. Hallier, Zopf, and all others who wrote on this subject conformed to his opinion, maintaining that the motile bacteria are spores of Leptothrix in 100 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA activity, and cocci and bacteria not motile are wandering spores in a quiescent state. Leber and Rottenstein found the fine violet staining with iodine and the acids to be a characteristic of buccal microbes (included by them in a single species of Leptothrix). Miller, however, considers such forms to be different species, although they show the same behaviour towards staining re-agents, for the reason that the filaments of Leptothrix are not articulated (as stated by Robin). On the contrary, the bacilli or filaments under iodine re-agents are articulated. Now, can this distinctive character be sufiScient to classify a species ? I shall show later that, besides articulations, bacilli may be found, or knotty little, rods in continuity with small chains, and the latter with fertile filaments (not articulated), as in Figs. 9 and lo. This demonstrates the fact that such filaments or bacilli, either articulated or not, or simply in beaded forms or chains, do not constitute a difference of species. Moreover, the filaments more woody and articulated, found in the lower layer of the patina, or, owing to the friction, are left exposed, so that the remaining stems become thick and hard, and their internal gemmules give rise to enclosed bacteria. Vignal was not of a different opinion in holding a fungus of the mouth, which he had reared, to be Leptothrix, although it showed transverse segmenta- tions easily discernible in aniline. Likewise, Miller, in his article on Leptothrix gigantea, as we shall see later, entertained the same opinion. Quite recently, the dumb-bell bacteria and other fungi of the mouth were identified with Bacterium termo by Stockwell, Clark, and others. In the preceding Memoir we held this identity as plausible ; but Miller positively rejects it because the title of Bac- terium termo would embrace a mass of very different forms and species. He likewise rejects the title of Leptothrix buccalis (given by Robin) and of dental filaments (by Biihlmann), names which Miller would have banished from microphitology. However, he would give the name of Leptothrix innominata to those little-known filaments which appear to constitute a group or a species differing from other fungi. It is clear that the author alludes to our fertile filaments, making of them a separate species. The Leptothrix innominata of Miller (the real Leptothrix akin AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 101 to fructifications to our knowledge) is to be found in the patina dentaria {materia alba of Leeuwenhoek) constantly, but in different quantities in every mouth. It is, of course, very scarce in well- cleaned teeth, because, lying on the top of the tufts, it is the first to be removed by friction. The patina dentaria exhibits large and small heaps of round granules, and, on the edges, slender filaftients variously bent. The granules were considered as the matrix of the fungus, having been taken for spores of Leptothrix. The author thinks them to be either micrococci foreign to Lepto- thrix, or simply linking points of its filaments. The filaments are of varied length, from o'5 to o'8 micro- millimetres, sometimes twisted, usually still, and without articula- tions (but this is not always exact). They generally have irregular contours and appear to be badly nourished or are dead, but we shall see that they contain gemmules and bear spores (ears ?). In their surroundings there are also numerous shorter filaments or small rods, which the author thinks might be simply fragments of longer filaments, or cellules of the fungus not having yet reached their full development. By using the solution of iodine, slightly acidulated with lactic acid, under a power of 350 diameters, epithelia and clusters of micrococci can be detected intermixed with them (Fig. 12 of Miller), and even various forms of little rods and filaments of Leptothrix lightly tinged with yellow. Other larger bacilli become tinged with deep violet, and these are called by the author Jodo- coccus vaginatus and Bacillus buccalis maximus. The same author again speaks of the Leptothrix innominata on page 203. He declares positively that it cannot be cultivated in every medium. This is true, if he intends to speak of the ordinary culture media, but not equally so with regard to sputa, in which are to be found not only natural cultures, but even the most vigor- ous fructifications of this parasite, as we shall see later on. Other Primary Micro-Organisms of the Mouth. Bacillus buccalis maximus.— This consists of isolated bacilh or filaments, more frequently of bundles. The filaments of the length of 30—50 micro-millimetres (Fig. 13 of Miller, stained with the acidulated solution of iodine) are distinctly articulated. 102 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA The isolated bacilli or articulations are from 2 to lo micro-milli metres; their thickness is from i to 1-3 mm. Of the primary fungi of the mouth this is the greatest ; all its parts cannot be coloured with iodine (Fig. 14 of Miller to be compared with our Fig. 2, m, m, n, n, n, q, r, and with Fig. 5, a, b, c, d). It is not detected in the dental tubuli, probably because it is too big to penetrate there. Miller holds it to be of a different species from Leptothrix innominaia, from its size, and through possessing segmentations or knots, and not bending in zig-zag ; and also on account of its very strong behaviour towards iodine re-agents. But these points, very feeble in themselves, are not even constant. Take, for example, the specimen drawn in Fig. 9, d, in which the filament of Leptothrix (fertile filament not segmented) springs from a por- tion of the chain which rose on the top of a large, knotty filament. If these large filaments appear in stumps or in separate networks it is owing to the growth of superior vegetation and the subse- quent rubbing off of the latter by friction. I shall presently show that Leptothrix living in the water is abso- lutely identical with this Bacillus maximus of Miller. I have, however, to observe that very distinct segYnentations exist sometimes, even in the most slender filaments. In Fig. 5, g, I observed an opaque segment, deeply coloured in the middle, with two clear, pale segments at the ends. This filament, com- pared with bacillus d (same figure), hardly gives the thirtieth part of its thickness. Miller himself, in his previous work of 1883 on Leptothrix gigantea, describes small rods and cocci within the sheaths of filaments of the said Leptothrix (Figs. 2, 3, and 4 of relative plate). In Fig. 5 he even drew a cumulus of small rods, sprung out of the filaments through bursting. The very slender filaments drawn in Figs. 2, 3, and 4 are also articulated. Leptothrix buccalis maxima.— The same author is not certain whether this is a really separate species or a younger form of the^ same Bacillus buccalis maximus. The only difference consists in its resisting an iodine reaction, and in the greater distance of its articulations. AND CONTENTS OP THE MOUTH. 103 Jodooocous vaginatus (Fig. 15 of Miller, reproduced in our Fig. 7) is found rather plentifully in uncleaned mouths. Miller found it only in two children. It is formed of rom four to ten cellules or nuclei, seldom more, placed obliquely in chain, and having the shape of little flat or round shields, or tetrahedrons. The chain is either bare, as in /, /, of Fig. 2, or sheathed. The sheath, large, 075 mm. (I have found some even larger) is colour- less or takes a yellowish colour, with a long iodine saturation. The nuclei are tinged with dark violet. At times the sheath is broken, the place of the nucleus is empty, or it has dropped off. I shall not repeat what 1 demonstrated in Section I. with regard to these chains — of their envelope tardily discovered, of the presence on the same of curved diplococci, morphologically identical with the gonococcus of Neisser. I shall only state that, as such forms are found, even of greater dimensions, in urine, and being intermixed with filaments and other forms of Leptothrix, their relation with this parasite, which is most widely spread, becomes still more probable. It is, perhaps, the only one which lodges simultaneously in the mouth and in the external genito- urinary mucous membrane. But, even admitting the Jodococcus vaginatus of Miller to be entirely different from the small sheathed chains described by us in Fig. 4, their entity as a distinct species still remains doubtful. The same author, in the quoted work of 1883, described and drew (annexed plate, Fig. 8) some articulations divided in two and in four small cocci, arranged, as in the Jodococcus vaginatus, by couples or tetrahedrons. He even found in the pig whole filaments of Leptothrix, made up with a series of those cocci, as we shall see later. Spirillum sputigenum (Figs. 16 and 17 of Miller and our Fig, g^ ^). — It is found in every mouth, and mostly upon unclean teeth. We should note this circumstance, as it corroborates our views. Cleaning the teeth destroys, every time, the pseudo-inflo- rescences or productions by points, from which would rise those Comma bacilli, together with the spindle-like and snake-like bacilli. We shall see, in fact, that the simple act of mastication is apt to destroy those pseudo-inflorescences, so that we must look for them 104 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA on empty stomachs. Is it to be wondered, then, if their products, and chiefly the Spirillum sputigenum, are so scanty in those persons who regularly clean their teeth ? Miller goes on to say that in unclean mouths they are numberless. These microbes are in the shape of small Comma rods, endowed with very quick, screw-like movements. When linked by twos, they form themselves into small snakes, like the letter s. Lewis, as we have already said, identified this microbe with the bacillus styled Cholerigenus. However, its presence in the mouth had been detected before, and by a few attributed to fragments of Spirochete. Clark held it to be the cause of caries, for it pene- trates the dental tubuli as shown in Fig. 17 of Miller. This author excludes every relationship between the Spirillum sputigenum and the bacillus Cholerigenus, judging from the culture which for the latter is positive whilst for the Virgula of the mouth it is always negative. However, this is a new confirmation of our views, for, if the Commas in question are real organs or copulative filaments, it is quite natural that, whilst they fecundate the articulations or the spores, they should be incapable of reproduction themselves.* In addition to the Spirillum sputigenum. Miller classifies two other types of curved filaments : one short, massive (Fig. 32), and motile, which liquifies gelatine \ the other slender, still, and more curved (Fig. 18). In growing old, it gives rise to a small * After having completed our work, we found in the Lancet of June, 1890, an important article by Dowdeswell, on the Comma bacillus of cholera. He touches on the widely-spread hypothesis that those Commas may be only frag- ments of spirilla, and then he describes three cycles in their evolution : — A, Commas or fragments of spirilla which may or may not end in sporules ; B, Active cellules, with cilia and amoeboid forms ; then round quiescent cel- lules (sporanges) ending in minute sporules ; C, Active filaments ending in sporules of the first generation. The author, however, has not succeeded in reproducing, by any method, the normal Commas, vital and reproductive for themselves. He affirms that cholera bacilli are to be found, normally, in the large intestine of the guinea pig, and that the subcutaneous inoculation of a large number of such bacilli really produces choleriform symptoms in that animal ; but it is not a true cholera infection. Considering the high temperature that accompanies it, it is a true septicaemia. The fact, then, that the author nas found forms of Leptothrix in the Comma bacillus cultures, goes still further to support our views. Dowdeswell, Note on the " Morphology of the Cholera Comma Bacillus," in the Lancet, 1890, Vol. i., page 14 19 — 23. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 105 chain of cocci. The author has not detected any spores. Although this microbe grows in the gelatine, it does so in a different manner from the cholera bacillus. SpiroohsBte dentium (Fig. 20 of Miller and our Fig. 6, c) is not found in the decayed teeth, but on the edge of the gums, together with the Spirillum sputigenum (affection of the gums). It exhibits 'spires. 8'25 mra. long, of various thicknesses. The more slender ones hardly become coloured. The author himself doubts whether the slender spires constitute a separate species, because he con- siders the largest amongst them to be akin to the Spirillum sputi- genum. Their development is probably unknown. " We know little or nothing (he says) about the vital conditions and their manifestations, such as fermentation, pathogenic action, etc." I shall observe that, amongst the materials which came under my examination, 1 have constantly found these spirilla or spiro- chata with the Leptothrix. In the former Memoir on relapsing fever, I spoke of Spirilla and Spirochseta, which, together with filaments, small rods, and other portions of Leptothrix, are pro- duced in infusions of potatoes. In a later paper upon a Dip- lococcus analogous to the Gonococcus of Neisser, in a case of Carcinoma of the bladder, I mentioned the striking Spirochceta that are found in the sediment of bottles filled with the stale water. Together with Zopf, I have retained the name Spirochceta for those spirilla which bend in the middle, and thus mark a sort of transition between the so-called Spirillum and the Spirulina. I may add that, in the sediment of the bottles, the Spirochceta surround the tiny islands or lumps of a stringy microphite, which, in its natural state, resembles the filaments of the Leptothrix gigantea from the dog, especially the more slender ones, drawn in Figures 2, 3, 4 in the already mentioned article of Miller. On the other hand, the intertwined filaments of that sedi- ment, being coloured with aniline, resemble entirely the lumps of the Bacillus buccalis maximus of Miller, after Fig. 13 in the last work of this author. According to Zopf, Leptothrix is a micro- phite that lives in the water.* * Zopf, Die Spaltpihe, Breslau, 1883, page 80.— Vicentini, On a diplo- coccus analogous to the gonococcus of Neisser, found in urine, in a case of Carcinoma of the bladder— Vol. XLin., DegK Atti Delia R. Accademia di 'Napoli, 1889. 106 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA I have already stated that, in the midst of those masses of filaments of the sediment in the bottles, there are preserves of Vorticellas. Now, it is not improbable that the Spirochmta rise there from the more slender filaments of the Leptothrix gigantea, and in the mouth from those of Leptothrix buccalis, as I shall show later ; and that the Leptothrix gigantea and the Bacillus buccalis maximus, or Leptothrix buccalis maxima of Miller, may be the same thing. I have remarked that, in the sediment from the bottles, the vorticellas and filaments are never wanting ; whilst the Spirochceta are found there only in summer, and then in brisk motion. Hence, we may infer that the temperature may greatly influence the production of the Spirilla and the Spirochaeta, as Miller had argued from the cultures, and as their abundance in the mouth would prove. I shall refer later to the Spirilla that, in certain cases, I have seen accompanying the Leptothrix of the prepuce and the urethra. Secondary Micro-Organisms. Leptothrix gigantea (Fig. 21 of Miller). — This form was found on the teeth of a dog affected with alveolar pyorrhoea. It was also found on other carnivorous and herbivorous animals. It exhibits a vigorous development ; has a bushy shape, like the Crenothrix, the stems of which deflect at the top, with cocci, small rods and filaments sometimes alternated on the same line. The stems are polymorphic of varying thickness. Some increase in size towards the top ; some are partially or wholly spiral ; and others double and twist as in Spirulina (Fig. 12 of the plate annexed to the article of 1883). In this article, published in the Berichfe der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, are to be found more particulars upon the microphite in question. The oldest filaments are articu- lated ; some are spiral and mutually twisted at the base (Fig. i, E, a). The articulations of the more slender filaments cannot be detected without colourisation. There are sheathed filaments whose internal articulations sometimes evacuate and form cumuli of little rods of different sizes (Fig. 5) ; others become compressed AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 107 or swollen, or deviate from the axis (Fig. \, A, B, C). By staining process we find, particularly in the pig, articulations subdivided into two or four cocci ; or groups of two or four, which at times occupy the whole length of the filament (Fig. 8). In the tufts can be seen straight and tortuous filaments. The bending is graceful and extended. These are styled by the author, Vibrionicox Spirochatic forms (reproduced in our Fig. 8). In the more slender filaments we can observe the transition from the vibrionic to the spirillic form upon a single filament (Figs. lo and ii). In the spirillic forms of these slender filaments, by means of a proper colouration, the articulations can be detected. In 1883, Miller suspected that the same slender spires of the Patina Dentaria would rise from the fragments of long and slen- der tortuous filaments (Figs. 13 and 17). In the dental Spirochgeta there is no trace of articulations, but in the marshy Spirochseta, through the weak colouring of Zopf, are detected several articula- tions in every filament (Fig. 20). Hence, then, the author inferred that relations existed between the Spirochseta and other microbes of the mouth. But now, in his work of 1889, he seems to have discarded his former theory of unity of forms. Miller is unable to say whether the Leptothrix, detected by him and by others in. the tame herbivora and in the pig, is identical with that which lodges in the mouth of man and of the carnivora. He says that it would be necessary to institute pure cultures. Anyhow, it is important to admit the existence of Leptothrix, even in the herbivora. Whilst before it was held that Leptothrix lodged exclusively in the mouth of carnivorg, Zopf had already admitted its existence in the herbivora.* It is true that it is less frequent in the herbivora ; but, if we are not mistaken, it must be taken into consideration that these, and especially the ruminants, are continually using their teeth, so that the parasite cannot thrive there at ease.f * Comil and Babes' quoted work, page 135 ; Zopf already quoted. This author thinks it probable that Leptothrix buccalis originated from the external world, especially through water and food. We have already mentioned the Leptothrix found by us in the sediment of a bottle of water ; but how can we explain the Leptothrix in genito-urinary passages ? t Miller, Uebereinen Zahn Spaltpih, Leptothrix gigantea (Berichte der ' Deutschen Botanischen Geselhchaft, Heft S, 1883, p. 221). 108 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA Fungi of the Mouth which may be stained blue and violet with Iodine Colours.— Besides the Bacillus buccdlis maximus and the Jodococcus vaginatus. Miller points out three others with a striking iodine reaction, viz. : — {a) Jodococcus magnus (Fig. 22), which colours violet ; (V) Jodococcus parvus also stains violet ; and {c) another Jodococcus, which takes the rose colour with iodine, and can be cultivated a first time, but it does not reproduce in a second culture. Fungi of the Mouth which can be cultivated.— Some of these are not pathogenic ; some of a doubtful pathogenic efficiency. In Fig. 23 of the author are depicted several various types of these bacteria of the mouth ; in a, c, g, screw forms ; in b, cocci ; in d, small rods ; in AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 135 It would be useful to persevere in this kind of research, and I propose to resume it on the first opportunity, in order to prove the identity of Leptothrix huccalis with praputialis, and then that of bacteria and bacilli of the air-passages with those of the genito- urinary organs. We have an argument by analogy for the arrival of the elements or germs of Leptothrix in the urethra, in the introduction of more bulky germs, like those of superior fungi, probably of the genus Penidllium, either in the urethra itself or in the bladder, of which we have already given an instance in our article upon fungi of the male urethra. Naturally, the removal, insignificant in healthy conditions, increases in the morbific ones, and that is the reason of the gonococci in blennorrhcea ; but we have observed beforehand that in blennogenous pus the most common form of bacteria is not that of gonococci or curved diplococci of type g, /, p (Fig. 2), but that of common diplococci with round heads, sometimes surrounded by a halo, either within or outside the epithelia or the corpuscles of pus. I have already treated this argument in the other paper upon a case of carcinoma of the bladder, in which the urine sho'wed a considerable number of curved diplococci or gonococci, indeperidently of any blennogenous contagion whatever. In the Memoir on Whooping-cough, and in the first section of this work, I have touched upon the presence of such curved diplococci or gonococci in the sputa or saliva ; as well as upon the singular discovery of true diplococci in a halo, morphologically identical with the so-called pneumococci, in the spermatic fluid recently discharged through illness. I think that the surprise or incredulity which at first may have been aroused from the present observations will cease, when it is considered that the incentive of all these varied disseminations is always the same, i.e., that the gonococcus as well as the pneumo- coccus or the bacillus of Koch proceed, in great probability, from small seeds of the same genus ; from the parasite that lives nor- mally at the entrance to the digestive and air passages, at the egress of the lachrymal as well as the genito-urinary passages. What wonder, then, if the pneumococcus, towed, so to speak, along the urethra, is found in the spermatic fluid ; and the gono- 136 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA COCCUS, in its turn, is found in sputa and saliva ; and that the bacillus of Koch is met with, at times, even in the buccal epithelia of a healthy man ? For the rest, anyone is in a position to verify the exactness of our observations upon these varied points.* Now from the exhibited facts we must infer that probably the same bacteria or bacilli considered pathogenic (in the affections of the genito- urinary or air passages) are, in reality, only so many disseminations of germs or elements of buccal microbes or balano-prceputialis, from which, morphologically, their varied types do not differ at all ; or, at least, that, before admitting the existence of this or that pathogenic bacterium in the above-mentioned passages, it is neces- sary to demonstrate, with clear and conclusive proofs, that such bacilli, declared pathogenic, are not derivations from the normal preserve. And this objection does hold good, not only in the hypothesis we have set up of the oneness, or duality at most, of the parasitic species of the mouth, but even in the hypothesis now prevailing of their plurality. We contend that the more species there are in the nasal crypts or the cavities of the mouth, the more difficult will it be to exclude their co-operation in generating bacteria reputed pathogenic. Everything, indeed, leads us to believe that this inexhaustible preserve of normal microbes, placed by nature at the entrance of the digestive and air passages, may have a defensive mission against the intrusion of micro-organisms from without ; may, in other words, constitute a true excluding vegetation ; a barrier to the effect of preventing foreign germs penetrating and thriving in the adjacent organs. Nature has imparted to Leptothrix buccalis such a power of tenacious resistance to foreign agents that the elements of this fungus upon the human teeth are not destroyed for ages, as it is We have lately noticed that our views are confirmed in an observation of Bordoni Uffreduzzi and of Gradenigo, who found " in the pus of the left ear (in a case of ottorhoea) numerous diplococci of biscuit shape, some isolated, others joined in tetrahedrons, partly free and partly contained in cellules, in the whole similar to gonococci. " The authors quoted maintain that the various microbes of ottorhoea (in which the lanceolatus diplococcus predominates) originate even from the saliva. SulV etiologia delfotite media. Archivio per le scienze mediche, Vol. xiv., 1890, pages 276 and 278. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 137. proved from the dental tartar of the Egyptian mummies, in which its filaments have been found intact by Zopf and Miller, by means of dissolving the calcareous salts with acids.'" We would like to make further considerations upon certain points of the present Bacteriological doctrines ; but, in order to keep as far as possible within the clinical area to which our re- searches are directed, we come to the final conclusion. RECAPITULATION, In summing up what has been exhibited in the Bacteriological part of the preceding Memoir and the present one, we may con- clude as follows : — I. — Amidst all forms or types of bacteria or bacilli to be found in the sputa, normal or pathological, there exist points of transi- tion, manifesting their polymorphism, and the gradual passage from one type to the other. II. — Of the types in question, there is not one which cannot be found even in the contents of the mouth, or in the nasal mucus, and the balano-praeputialis patina. They do not morpho- logically differ from each other; therefore, it is generally main- tained that the bacteria and bacilli found in sputa, in normal conditions, are simply secondary disseminations of the buccal or nasal microbes. III. — But when we deal with bacteria, rightly or wrongly reputed pathogenic— (as, for instance, the pneumococcus or the bacillus of Koch)— it is another matter. We cannot grant their buccal origin, setting up, instead, the hypothesis of their having a specific origin from without. Nevertheless, even these types cannot be morphologically dis- tinguished from their corresponding types of the contents of the mouth or of the nasal mucus. We should have, at least, to demonstrate, in a positive manner, that the former do not proceed from the latter, although those same microbes are (like the other buccal microbes) thrown by swarms into the air-passages. But that demonstration has not been given ; nay, the only notion upheld * Zopf, Die Spaltpilze, Breslau, 1883, page 80. Miller, Prehistoric Teeth {Independ. Practitioner, 1884). 138 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA from their resisting the decolourising process has, in some instances, been proved wrong. IV. —Consequently, there only remain, in support of the spe- cificity of such bacteria, the results, more or less controverted, of the methods of culture. and inoculation. We shall speak by-and- by about the methods of culture, having already touched on those of inoculation ; but leaving, for the present, that question on one side, we wish to deny that the hypothesis of the speciality of bacteria, found in pathological sputa, is at all supported by the general clinical facts, or even by the daily microscopical obser- vation of the sputa. V. — The congeries of the buccal and- nasal microbes, put together, may be summed up to two hundred or three hundred trillions of germs and elemAits in continual prolification. This vegetation, either through its diffusion — (at least, in many species of domestic animals) — or its constancy and abundance, assumes the character of a true excluding vegetation, placed by nature at the ingress of the digestive and air passages, to aid the former in the digestion, and to defend the latter against the micro-organisms of the external world. An identical vegetation 'adorns the egress of the genito-urinary passages. Thence, it is riot surprising if bacteria reputed specific of the air-passages are found even in the products of the genito-urinary passages, and vice versa; if, for instance, incapsulated diplococci (pneumococci) are found in the urethral mucus or in the spermatic fluid, and curved diplococci {gonococci of Neisser, reputed specific forms of blennogenous virus) are found, in their turn, in the sputa or in the middle ear. VI. — Whatever may be the physiological importance of Lep- tothrix buccalis, it results from our observations that its degree of organisation is far superior to what has been reputed hitherto. Leptothrix does not only live as bacterium, bacillus, or filament ; but it possesses real organs of reproduction by which it would" resemble fungi and dioecious algce, with distinct sexes upon different filaments or individuals. Its fertile filaments are at times engrafted, with two or three roots, upon clods or firm substrata^ and end in a fructification. The ears constituting these fructifications, as long (in pulmonitic sputum) as i/6th of a millimetre, are formed of many very minute sporules (so much so that 400 milliards of them hardly AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 139 would weigh a centigramme) ; and the small sporules, taking a bright colour with aniline, are disposed in six longitudinal series, making, 'in some instances, a total of 720 for each ear. They are linked together and fastened to the stalk by means of an amor- phous substance difficult to be coloured.* However, other fila- ments, less numerous than these, at times multiple, and lastly, branching off, bear certain productions by points, or pseudo inflo- rescences, formed of spindle-like, snake-like, or comma bacilli (Spirillum sputigenum), destined from all appearance, through their lively activity, to the function of conjugation. Finally, there are gemmules in reserve, which (together with the nmltiplication of the proper sporules) are destined to diffuse the species in the unstable substrata or in the products and in the liquid secretions. The fructification by ears can be reproduced, even in the sputa and in certain small flakes of the urethral mucus. VII. — Of the six primary species of fungi of the mouth, lately described by Miller, there would, in fact, exist only one — the Lep- tothrix buccalis of Robin {Leptothrix innominata of Miller), or, at most, a second one — the Spirillum {Spirochezte dentium of Miller). The other four types would represent, if we are not mistaken, only phases or disintegrated particles of the microphyte — viz.. Bacillus buccalis maximus and Lepiothrix buccalis maxima, fragments of the stumps that form the inferior layer of vegetation; \h& Jodococcus vaginatus series of special sheaths of bacteria proceeding from certain gemmules of reserve enclosed in the filaments ; the Spiril- lum sputigenum (comma bacilli) with our spindle-like and serpen- tine ; appendages detached from the pseudo inflorescences, and probably male organs. All these particles or articulations cut from the mother plant (except the last — viz., copulative filaments) multiply by them- selves, in various ways, according to the condition of the nutrient substratum, in the liquid menstrua or on firm soil. VIII. — The study of such vegetable forms, in the contents of the mouth as well as in sputa (especially of the fructification by ears), requires special rules and care and proper optical means, * Owing to the connecting of the sporules to the central stalk, by means of peduncles or engrafting threads, visible with a new objective (i/25th in. obec- tive), see a former Note. 140 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA without which it would be difficult to verify the facts, even for the most experienced investigators. The productions by points are fairly well detected, even with the ordinary objectives ; but special care must be taken in collecting and preparing the patina dentaria. We do not know whether the specific oneness of the above forms (by ears and by points) will be well received by competent observers, as well as all the buccal microbes reunited in a single plant. But, were even two or more of the vegetable species in question, the succes.sive dissemination of their germs and elements in the air-passages would not at all be invalidated. IX. — The most minute form of cocci, scattered or in a line, found in the contents of the mouth, in the omonimous epithelia, or in the sputa, are, in our opinion, nothing but sporules dropped from the fructifications by ears, being first disseminated in the mouth and then thrown into the respiratory passages. The baciUi of Koch (we are speaking of bead-like bacilli) might be only these same sporules disposed in series,-and thus germinating in the tubercular products and elsewhere. Undoubtedly, the sporules, still attached to the fructifications, or fallen near them, fix strongly the aniline colours ; but it remains to be seen whether, in the sputa of consumptives, their resistance to decolourising means is original or simply acquired in the fresh nutrient substratum received from the tuber- cular lesions. At any rate, that resistance is always relative, and is of doubtful value in the diagnosis, and is sometimes inferior to that of other bacteria, as we have demonstrated before. The forms of the bacilli of Koch being, on the contrary, in small rods containing granules or vacuoles, with double staining (gentian violet and solution of iodine) behave like the analogous articulations of Leptothrix. But upon these and other not less important points, about the clinical study of the tubercular sputa, we shall have to deal on another occasion. X.^However, if our observations on the morphology and biology of Leptothrix are correct ; if all, or nearly all, forms of bacteria and bacilli to be found in the sputa, are nothing \)\xX. par- ticles or various organs of a single plant, everyone can see the extent of the actual methods of culture (at least of the bacteria of the air-passages). And, to be sure, one thing it is to identify or qualify a fungus AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 141 on the ground of its fructification ; another, on the ground of the form of cultures, immersed or creeping, of its single particles, or the modifications brought about by these in the various nutrient substrata. One bacterium or bacillus will fluidify gelatine or elaborate certain principles (even poisons) in a manner totally different from another bacterium or bacillus, without, however, considering the two forms as two organisms or different species, when such forms are for us simply the result of organs or particles of the same plant, destined to attain dissimilar aims, and which may possess the most different qualities. XL — Under such conditions, the name of bacterium or bacil- lus can no longer be considered as synonymous of micro-organism. We may speak of bacteria and bacilli, if by those names we mean particles or articulations detached from the mother plant ; and in such a case the generic noun of microbes may be even applied. But the word micro-organism applies to the whole microphyte of which bacteria and bacilli are only single scattered particles, and which do not constitute by themselves complete organisms, although they mostly possess the faculty of multiplying on their own account. Such name does not suit at all the single particles, nor, of course, the single bacteria or bacilli." I cannot conclude this paper without a short statement. Perhaps some of my views will appear too bold, but my only intention was to submit them to the judgment of scientific observ- * In confirmation of our views, we shall quote the opinion of Klein, who lately presented to the Royal Society of London the photographs of a culture of the tubercular bacillus, which appeared with distinct branches like a mycelium 'fungus. He inferred that at least a few schiwphytes are really oraXy forms of development or transitory phases of stiperior organisms. The opinion of Dowdes- well is even more explicit. " It is clear " (writes the latter, on the subject of comma bacilli) "that either these microbes are not normal schirophytes, or if so they do not represent an independent group (as it has been observed by the last writers on Bacteriology), but are simple phases of evolution of some superior organisms, or perhaps they are only simple organs of other organisms {Lancet, 1890, Vol. I., loc. cit.,\:>. 1422). Lately, Sheridan Delepine, studying the development of bacteria in its cultures in interlamellar films (between the cover-glass and the slide) has come to that conclusion — viz., of the branch- ing off in many bacilli, by means of defined filaments (A New Method, Inter- lamellar Films, of studjdng the development of Micro-Organisms, etc., in the International Journal of Microscopy, Nov., 1 89 1, p. 343). 142 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA ers. I shall only notice that my opposition to certain points of the present Bacteriological doctrines is more apparent than real. I am of opinion that, by pursuing the present method of specifying, in the classification of bacteria, we must more and more multiply their species to such an extent as to hinder the further progress of these studies. On the other hand, should my observations be correct, if the forms of bacteria of the air and genito-urinary passages are reduced to a single species, or if, consequently, even the other very varied types of bacteria (either not at all patjiogenic or pathogenic of other parts) might be gradually reduced to defined species of micro-organisms, according to the natural phases of their full devel- opment ; this work upon their arrangement and simplification may aid in the researches of experimental pathology. In other words, we shall be able to recognise the difference between the botanical and the pathogenic entity of bacteria ; that two or more bacteria, totally different in their own pathogenic action, may proceed from a single micro-organism, and that a bacterium, not pathogenic, may belong, in its turn, to the same micro-organism from which a pathogenic bacterium proceeds. F. ViCENTINI, Chieti, June, i8go. Corresponding Member. Bibliography. I. — Arndt, Beobactungen an Spirochaete denticola (Arch.' fiir path. Anat. und Phys. und d. klinische Med. t. lxxiv. j 880). 2. — Baume, Odontologische Forschungen, II. Of the same, see also the " Elements of Dentistry '' (Lehrbuch der Zahn- heilkunde, 3. Auflage, Leipzig, 1890). 3. — Beale, The Microscope in Medicine, London, 1878, p. 490. 4. — Bechamp. La salive la sialozymase et les organismes buccaux chez I'homme (Archives de physiologic, 3 serie, t. I., 1883, P- 47)- 5. — Bizzozero, Manuale di Microscopia CHnica, Milan, 1882, pp. 103— 1 04 and p. 153. 6. — Chevalier. L'^tudiant micrographe. Traits theorique et pratique du microscope, etc. Paris, 1882, pp. 393 — 94. AND CONTENTS OF THE- MOtJTH. 143 7.— Cornil et Babes. Les bactdries et leur role dans I'anat. et I'hist. patholog. Paris, 1885, pp. 28 and 135. 8. Decker und Seifert. Ueber Mycosis leptothrica pharyngis , (Miinchen medicin. Wochenschrift. xxxv. 4., p. 67, 1888, and Sitz. Ber. der physik. med. Ges. zu Wiirzburg, 2, p. 26). 9.— Dowdeswell. Note on the Morphology of the Cholera com- ma bacillus (Lancet, 1890, Vol. I., pp. 1419—23). 10.— Ewart and Geddes, Life History of Spirillum (Proceedings o'f the Royal Society, xxvii., 1878, p. 484.) II.— Fliigge. I microorganism! ed etiologia delle mallattie infettive. It. trans. Naples, 1889. 12. — Forster. Arch, fiir Ophtalm., xv., p. 318. 1 3- — Frey. Manuale di Tecnica Microscopica. It. trans. Naples, 1873, p. 278. 14- — Graefe. Ueber Leptothrix in der Tranenrohrchen (Arch, fiir Ophtalm., t. XVI.). 15- — Hallier. Die pflanzlichen Parasiten, etc., Leipzig, 1866. 16. — Jacksch. Manuel de diagnostic des malad. intdr. par les methodes bactdriologiques, etc. (translated from the German), Paris, 1888, pp. 50 — 57, and p. 71. 17. — Kiitzing. Linnaea, 1883. i8.^Leber. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1874. 19. — Leber und Rottenstein. Untersuchungen iiber die Caries der Zahne, Berhn, 1867. 20. — Lewis. A Memorandum on the Comma-shaped Bacillus alleged to be the cause of Cholera (Lancet, 1884, Vol. II., P- 513)- 21. — Miller. Der Einfluss der Mikroorganismen auf die Caries der Menschlichen Zahne (Arch, fiir exp. Pathologic, xvi., 1882). 22. ■ Ueber einen Zahnspaltpilz, Leptothrix gigantea (Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Berliuj, [883, Heft 5, p. 221). 23. Zur Kenntniss der Bacterien der Mundhohle, 1884. 144 BACTKRIA IN THE SPUTA 24.— Miller. Biological Studies on the Fungi of the Human Mouth (Indep. Practitioner, 1885, pp. 227 — 83). 25. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Mundpilze (Deutsche Mediciii. Wochenschrift, xiv. 30, 1888). 26. — Die Mikroorganismen der Mundhohle. Die ortlichen und allgemeinen Erkrankungen, etc., Leipzig, 1889. 27. — Perroncito. I parassiti dell' uomo e degli animali utili. Milan, 1882, p. 56. 28. II carbonchio, 1885. 29. — Rappin. Les bactdries de la bouche a I'^tat normal et dans la fibvre typhoide. Paris, 188 1. 30. — Rasmussen. Ueber die Cultur von Mikroorganismen vom Speichel gesunder Menschen, Kopenhagen, 1883. 31. — Richter. Die Neuern Kenntnisse von den krankmachenden Schmarotzerpilzen, nebst phytophysiologischen Vorbegriffen (Schmidt's Jahrbiicher, 1867, 135, p. 81, and 140, p. loi). 32. — Robin. Des Vegdtaux qui croissent sur les animaux vivants, Paris, 1847, p. 42. 33. Histoire naturelle des v^gdtaux parassites qui croissent sur rhorame et sur les animaux vivants, Paris, 1853. 34. — Sternberg American Journal of Medic. Science, 1884 — 5. 35- — Vignal. Recherches sur les microorganismes de la bouche (Arch, de physiol. norm, et pathoL, 1886, n. 8). 36. — Zopf. Zur Morphologic der Spaltpflanzen, Leipzig, 1882. 37- Die Spaltpilze, Breslau, 1883, p. 80, etc. 38.— Zurn. Die Schmarotzer, etc., Part II., Weimar, 1887—89. For the works of David and Billet, see note at the end of 3rd paragraph. Plate 3, '' SCO ^i^> /T /eoo -ii. /ly 24. Fig. 18 XGOO , a /600 b / eoo ,\ 1600 Fig. 13. ?1^ 25 /' X320 ]f XS.'OO a : Fi^. 20 h : Vf- Fiff. 21. its / 170 i,l- Ftg. 22. t\ '1 ^7 X isoo A lOSO ^■^ % ^'/oo^'^ I IV / //70 «W? X II-/0 Tzg 2J M /JOO Fvq. 28. k Tiq.29 i ,*«€' •5 ' X I JOO % \'y/3/oo 1 I a. Fzg.30 «; / F. Yicentini de!. F.Phillips, Sc. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 146 ®n Xeptotbriy IRacemoea. By Filandro Vicentini, M.D., Chieti, Italy. THIRD MEMOIR ©n tbe Crsptogamfc jflora of tbe ^outb. Translated by Professor E. Saieghi. Summary. § I. — Introductory and Bibliographical Notices. Eeference to the previous Memoir. The Works of Pommay, David and Billet. § 2. — New observations on the fructification of the normal parasite of the mouth {Leptothrix racemosa ?). Various elements and aspects of the grape bunches. Fructifi- cation, by temporary spores {sporids}), and by persistent spores (teleutospores ?). Varied appearances and forms. Conclusion. w §1- INTRODUCTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. REFERENCE TO THE PREVIOUS MEMOIR. -"E have often lamented, in many works on Bacteriology, the deficiency of ascertained opinions upon the Natural History of micro-organisms. Without an adequate know- ledge of the evolutionary cycle of bacteria in nature, from the origin to the varied phases and their complete morphological evolution, we could not even know whether each single bacterium or bacillus, found in a determined material, is an isolated entity, a real and proper living individual, or whether the varied Bacteri- ological forms are but membra disjecta, dissevered and scattered 146 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA particles, cellules, a series of cellules, or organs of fungi or superior alga. We entertained this doubt, in regard to the microbes of the mouth and of the sputa, not through preconceived ideas, but after a series of researches ; and we were led to suppose that the com- mon progenitor of all, or nearly all, the bacterial forms of the mucous cavities was probably an alga or fungus which thrives in those parts, the Leptothrix buccalis of Eobin. But this first point of the Microphytology, namely, the natural phases of micro-organisms from the scattered or rudimentary forms to those of their complete development, is exactly the part mostly overlooked by bacteriologists, and especially by pathologists ; whilst, in our opinion, it is the most important, and, as it were, the basis of all the applications to the pathogenesis of the infectious diseases (which is not always the same as that of the experimental infections), and without which there would lack the necessary foundation ; as the endeavours to investigate the contaminating properties of different isolated bacterial forms, through the inocu- lations, without ascertaining first, or at least in part, what are, in reality, the bacteria in themselves, and which, in their natural phases of life, might be the cause of premature deductions, which a more accurate morphological research would afterwards upset. Referring to the two Memoirs on the Sputa of Whooping- cough and on the Bacteria of the Mouth and Sputa, we shall simply repeat here our conclusions on the following points : — • " (a) That the bacteria of the sputa, reputed pathogenic (e.g., the Pneumococcus and Bacillus of Koch), probably are nothing but so many disseminations, more or less modified, of the same microbes and parasitic elements which normally thrive by hundreds of tril- lions in the buccal and nasal cavities. {V) That probably the contaminating properties of bacteria in general (such as result from the inoculating experiments) are not to be held as original, but dependent upon simple modifications, occasioned, in single cases, by the nutrient substratum, more or less alterable, on which they fall ; or upon the peculiar conditions that their germs meet with in morbid points. (f) That although to a certain extent the usual experiments of culture and inoculation may be able to determine the pathologica - AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 147 entity of any forms of bacteria, they are yet quite unable to deter- mine the botanical entity ; in other words, they cannot individualise and qualify their species, as it is possible, generally speaking, to get from the simple disintegration of the same complex micro- organism, different inferior forms or living particles, scattered, eventually endowed with varied contaminating properties,, and apt,, mostly, to reproduce the original micro-organism ; but that, even remaining sterile or simply multiplying in rudimentary condition, does not constitute true distinct species. (d) That in particular, the bacteria and bacilli of sputa do not constitute complete micro-organisms or true and proper living indi- viduals ; but they are simply severed and scattered particles, or inferior forms of only one microphyte. (e) That this microphyte lives normally, not simply in the nose and mouth, but even in the external genitals, and, in given con- ditions, attains its higher phases of development (analogous to those of fungi or dioecious &\g<&), whose adult forms we have delin- eated in the preceding plate. To carry on these investigations, we have made use of a homogeneous immersion objective of i/i 8th inch {v^yava. v^2 N.A.), by means of which we have been able to detect, in the parasite in question, the existence of those superior phases of life undescribed and unforeseen by other investigators. In fact, we imagined that some productions in the shape of tufts, were male inflorescences ; whilst, in more numerous productions, we thought we recognised true fructifications or sporifications of this parasite (either fungus or alga) in the shape of so many cumuli of small spores taking a brilliant colour with aniline, placed in hne at the exterior of the fertile filaments, and disposed in six longitudinal series. This fructification by spores must be distinguished from the gemmules of reserve or production [of bacteria enclosed in the filaments. Our little spores seemed to be adhering to the stalk through an amorphous, viscid substance, or glair, which hardly becomes colourable. Although with that objective we could not succeed in seizing the further details of its structure, since then we supposed there were not wanting some real peduncles (sterigmata or engrafting threads) of the single sporules on the central stalk, so slender and trans- 148 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA parent that they could not be detected with the optical instruments employed at that time. Therefore, having left the matter unde- cided, we proposed the name of ears for those fructifications. The preceding Memoir was in the press when we kindly re- ceived from Messrs. Bezu, Hausser, and Co., a new 1/2 sth inch homogeneous immersion objective ; this objective revealed at once the existence of the predicted peduncles or engrafting threads, so that we were able to give a previous hint of it at the time, proposing then to change the first name of ears into that of bunches (as such are really the fructifications of Leptothrix buccalis). We then promised to deal more specially with the subject in a new communication. We will, therefore, relate the most saUent facts connected with the fructifications and other superior phases of our parasite, and delineate the more important types of it, making use only of two stains, gentian violet and an acidulated solution of iodine, discard- ing all other stains. It would be inopportune now to go more deeply into this morphological study, without having first con- firmed the essential points which more exactly concern those adult phases investigated and described by us for the first time. The objective adopted for these new researches, and of which we gave a hint in the note above referred to, is not included in the last catalogue (1891) of its constructors. It is a very solid objective of N.A. i'3o, the immersion fluid being vaseline oil. It has an equivalent focal distance of i mm., pro- vided with a correction collar, and possessing a proper or initial magnifying power of 180 diameters, which, with the various Huyghenian eye-pieces, magnifies from 820 to 3,100 diameters. The working distance is relatively considerable. The images are , perfect over the whole field, even with the No. 6 ocular, so that with it may be detected from forty to fifty red corpuscles of the blood (each one of them about 26 or 27 m.m. in diameter) in the same visual field and plane ; but, beside its great magnifying power, it is to be commended for its resolving power, which is not inferior to that of apochromatics. The instrument we have made use of is the No.VII. inclined stand of the same makers, with a stage one decimetre square, revolving with the superior part round the optical axis. The stand has an Abbe condenser of AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 149 1-40 N.A. (with centring and focussing motion), and is provided with an iris diaphragm and dark-ground illumination. Before proceeding to demonstrate our new observations, it is necessary to complete the Bibliographical notices briefly described in the previous Memoir. We made a point of perusing all the publications upon this subject that we could obtain, in order to ascertain whether others had anticipated us, or met with analogous results, in regard to the superior phases of Leptethrix. We will, however, only touch upon three works, published from 1890 to 1891 ; the more so as the same works (although silent on the above-mentioned phases) offer us, on the other hand, points of agreement with our various observations and views on the inferior phases of microbes in general, and in particular of those of the. mouth and sputa. Article by Pommay. * One of the most important points of the modern bacterio- logical doctrines is to know whether, in the experiments of the laboratory, the virulence of certain materials or cultures, contain- ing bacteria, is to be held as original and part of the microbes in question, or simply an accidental acquisition. Another point, not less important, is also to know whether, in certain cases, the virulence as such is not to be assigned to the material in which they thrive, or to their products of secretion, rather than to the microbes themselves. The present work by Pommay is not the result of original researches, but rather a retrospective review of many previous observations gathered from different authors. In the first part the author largely deals with certain conditions, which, although extraneous to bacteria, are nevertheless to be held as the true agents of the virulence. It has been proved that the inoculation of substances secreted by the bacteria often gives rise to nearly the same morbific phenomena attributed to the relative microbe as such. Pasteur, by inoculating the sterilised liquid cultures of chicken cholera, has reproduced the principal symptoms of that disease. As much can be said of the Bacillus pyocyaneus and the * H. Pommay, De Porigine et des conditions de la mrulence dans les maladies infeciieuses (Annales de Micrographie, III., pp. 220—74.; 150 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA cholera bacillus (Gamaleia) of the staphylococcus (Christmas), and the Bacillus anthracis (Hankin), etc. To these examples more recent ones might be added, but it is enough to point out the case of the tetanus-virus. After the experiments of Gaillard and Vincent, Kitasato in a recent article affirms that the cultures of tetanus bacilli, filtered after Chamberland's Method, produce absolutely the same tetanizing action as the cultures still containing bacilli.* " Virulence," concludes Pommay, " is not at all a necessary function of microbes ; the secretion is an essential act of life of the cellule .... but the nature of the secretion depends only upon the total of the specific conditions of each micro-organism, and follows up its variations in such a manner as to be more or less influenced by the various changes of the external agents " (pp. 221 — 22). At this point Pommay touches upon some particulars concern- ing the influence of the external agents upon the virulence, the dissolving power and other properties of bacteria, which we do not consider. "Virulence," he adds, "namely, the secretions of poison- ous matters, may be increased, reduced, and even suppressed by natural agents, or by artificial means. We can, therefore, affirm, that virulence is nothing but a contingent function of the micro- organisms, that it depends chiefly upon the external agents, and the microbes do not evolve from themselves or their own substance, but from substances on which they thrive and multiply. The soils or media of cultures may, in respect to this, be divided into indif- ferent, positive, and negative soils. The indifferent soils have no action whatever upon the functions of bacteria; if these are virulent they secrete their virus, and if not virulent, they do not become so. The positive soils do not only supply the materials of virulence, but they modify the microbes so that the virulence, occasionally lost by them in the negative soils, is revived. In the negative soils the virulent microbes lose the aptitude of secreting poisonous matters, and it is only through passing into a positive soil, that they will become virulent again. * Zeitschrift far Hygiene^ X. , page 267. We, however, begin to suspect that an eventual passage of very minute bacterial particles through the porous porcelain takes place, V. Freudenreich, De la fermMiliti des filtres Cham- berland d,VSgard des bactiries. {Annates de Micrographie, Vf . , p. 5S9) F.V. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 151 In conclusion, the virulence may, in a certain manner, virtually exist apart from the microbes; these embody it, and set it to work ; tt is an acquired and transitory function of the pathogenic micro- organisms, and not an essential function inherent to their existence, and it is subject to different external influences" (pp. 227 — 28). The author, afterwards, dwells upon the changes undergone by bacteria in the air, water, and soil. He infers that the pathogenic bacteria are found in a very small number round about man, but that it is necessary to look for them in man himself. He here gives instances of pathogenic bacteria found in the mouth, nose, and in normal sputa, in the same way already described by us in our memoirs. In the second part, Pommay begins by observing that simple saprophytes may evolve themselves in the sense of virulence, adapting themselves to new conditions of existence, and that infectious diseases, whilst partly proceeding from pathogenic germs evolved in individuals already invaded, can, on the other hand, proceed from germs originally inoffensive, having become virulent outside the economy, through the influence of the nutrient substra- tum. The adaptability of micro-organisms is so unlimited, and the time required for their metamorphoses so short, that the passage from one phase to another seems to us instantaneous; consequently we incline to make two different individuals of forms which, in reality, proceed the one from the other. It is quite probable that the bacteria considered pathogenic may not be, and have not been always, such, but may have lived previously, and may still live in process of time, as simple sapro- phytes. The author thinks that the latest researches strengthen that probability to a degree of certainty. The bacillus of Lustgarten, considered to be the bacillus of syphilis, is so like the bacillus of smegma as to be held for the same normal bacillus, modified in its action, after having long lodged in the materials of secretion heaped up and fermented upon the genitals. A normal bacterium of the urethra is probably the progenitor of the Gonococcus of Neisser (see our preceding notes and memoirs). The bacillus of diphtheria exists in the condition of a simple saprophyte in the mouths of healthy children (Eoux and Yersin). Likewise the bacillus of Eberth, the specific germ 152 BACTERIA. IN THE SPUTA of iko-typhus, is considered to originate from Bacterium coli com- mune (Rodet and Roux, of Lyons). " The bacillus of Lustgarten, the Gonococcus of Neisser, the bacillus of diphtheria, and the bacillus of Eberth, would, conse- quently, be found (concludes the author) in us and upon us, in the state of saprophytes, thriving inoffensively upon those same parts that they attack at the moment of the virulence. From such similarity of seats, we think of the relation existing between the saprophyte and pathogenic microbes, or rather of their trans- formation sur place " (p. 262). This idea is strengthened by many historical arguments. Many infectious diseases which are of more frequent occurrence nowadays, did not formerly exist ; some, which were once com- mon, have now disappeared, or tend to do so ; others show alter- natives of activity and repose. A secluded life, for instance, has favoured, in our times, the appearance of typhoidal diseases and the spreading of tuberculosis. Yellow fever is comparatively recent, having appeared since the shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Antilles have become covered with populous centres ; and, unless we presume a spontaneous generation of new species of micro-organisms, we are bound to admit that the specific microbes of yellow fever (if to this disorder a parasitical origin is to be assigned) are only a transformation of other common pre-existing microbes, consequent upon the contamination of the soil, the overcrowding population with the co-efficients of climate, misery, etc. Leprosy (formerly so common) is now confined, in European countries, to very few localities, and even where it appears does not make many victims, having nearly lost its virulence. We must, therefore, admit an attenuation, and also presume a successive disappearance of the virulent action of its bacillus, etc. Other infectious diseases alternately appeared and disappeared. A singular instance is found in the sweating disease which appeared for the first time in i486, and four times up to 1530, when it finally disappeared. We cannot imagine that the germs of the first epidemic had been preserved until the appearance of the second, and so forth ; but we must argue that the germs were always present, at every epoch, only becoming virulent at intervals. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 153 Analogous cases are exhibited by a similar disorder in Picardy. Exanthematous typhus broke out in Algiers in 1867, without being imported. We must, therefore, according to Pommay, distinguish the period of formation of an infectious disease from its period of diffusion. In the first period we have the evolution of common bacteria in the sense of virulence ; in the second, the multiplica- tion of the germs themselves, owing firstly to their transmission from one to the other affected organism, and secondly to their extraordinary multiplication in excrements and secretions, or in infected corpses. Setting aside the considerations concerning hygiene, into which the author then enters, we will simply give his final conclusions, which so nearly agree with our own views : — I. — " The virulence is not a primitive, original, and necessary condition of pathogenic microbes ; it is an acquired, contingent condition, which proceeds from the evolution of certain microbes, in certain conditions and soils. II.—" Of Culture media, some- increase or create the virulence; others attenuate or extinguish it ; others are indifferent — that is, neither modify nor produce it. III. — " The pathogenic germs proceed either from morbid points in which the virulence is acquired or maintained, or from individuals affected with the disorder due to such germs. The prophylaxis, to be called certain and complete, must, on one side, ascertain and suppress the conditions producing the virulence ; and, on the other, suppress or destroy the germs proceeding from the diseased bodies, or impede the propagation of them. IV. — " Water being only an intermediate between the organism and the pathogenic germs, the prophylaxis based upon the purifi- cation of water is uncertain and incomplete. V.—" The pathogenic germs, taking up their virulence in the soil or in the organism, must be attacked in those two fields ; the purification of the waters coming next. 154 bacteria in the sputa The Work of David.* David, late director of the Odontological School of Paris, is already known by other works. The one to which we now refer, may be properly called a work of compilation, following in the . footsteps of Miller, and, although very valuable of its kind, helps in a measure to complete Miller's work. In the first chapter he gives a historical summary upon the microbes of the mouth from Leeuwenhoek to the present time, in which he especially mentions the last works of Pasteur, Netter, Vignal, Miller, Blake, Galippe, and Biondi, quoted by Miller in various places. The observations of Netter and Vignal upon the presence of pathogenic microbes in the mouth of healthy subjects are particularly worthy of notice. Vignal found in his own mouth two staphylococci, and such re- searches agree with those of Sternberg on the presence of the pneumococcus and the tubercular bacillus of Koch in healthy subjects (Comp. with our work on the Sputa of Pertussis). Omitting the brief notices of Microphytology and Biological Chemistry, hardly touched upon by the author, we come to the second chapter (description of the common microbes), where are, in the first place, exhibited the forms of Bacillus subtilis, Bacterium termo. Bacillus amylobacter (or butyric ferment), the bacillus of potatoes and of the Vibrio rugula. In the number of common bacteria, the author even includes Spirilla and Spirochete, although he himself, further on, speaks of their infectious action upon the tissues and circumambient glands, already recognised by Verneuil and by Clado. We have elsewhere treated of the genesis of Spirilla and Spirochcete, though omitting an important question of their biology, which we now find hinted by David. That question concerns the possible affinity of the Spirochcete with the brilliant granules, their staining with aniline, and vibrating with a dancing motion, which are lodged in swarms within the salivary corpuscles (see Fig i, h). Rud and Arndt suppose that such dancing gran- ules are nothing but germs of Spirochcete, temporarily sheltered ^ Th. David, Les Microbes de la bouche, prkedS d'une lettre preface de M. L. Pasteur, Paris, 1890, 8vo, pp. xvi.— 302, with 113 figures intercalated, in colours and in black. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 155 in the salivary corpuscles, from whence, being afterwards set free, they would constitute germinating spores for producing new Spirochoete. But the affinity of those dancing granules with the so-called microzymes, and with bacteria in general, had been al- ready foreseen by other observers, as was remarked by Beale.* At present that affinity would be also connected with the fact, not less important, of the normal nesting of bacteria within the white corpuscles of the blood, ascertained by Baumgarten, which is diametrically opposed to the hypothesis of phagocytes.f David proceeds to describe, the Bacillus tremulus of Rappin, the characters of which we have studied elsewhere; in our opinion, it is one of the male elements of Leptothrix buccalis. We are surprised that David admits the presence of Lepto- thrix only in the Carnivora; whilst a nearly analogous parasite has been recognised in most domestic herbivora and in swine by Miller and other investigators. But the author is right in doubting the separate entity of B. buccalis maximus and Lepto- thrix buccalis maxima of Miller ; and this wholly agrees with our views. With regard to the pointed granules contained within the fila- ments of Leptothrix, the author entertains the same opinion as Robin, namely, that they might be spores. We, on the contrary, incline to hold them as gemmules of reserve, destined, in the sev- ered or truncated filaments, to become ellipsoidal bacteria, or even dumb-bell bacteria, according to their respective position in the envelope ; whilst the real spores should be found on the top and outside of the fertile filaments. The observation of Rappin (p. 67 of this work) is rather impor- tant respecting certain filaments of Leptothrix found near their engrafting point, in continuity with some little chains of bacteria. David only sees in it an optical effect, due to the superposition of rosaries of Streptococci with slender filaments of Leptothrix ; but, in our last memoir, we have already described and delineated an identical fact (preceding memoir. Fig. 9, d), the same unquestion- * Beale, The Microscope in Medicine^ London, 1878, p. 272. t Baumgarten, Zur Kritik der Metschnikoff'schen Phagocytentheorie (Zeitschr.f. Klin. Med. Bd. XV., 1888.^ Ueber das Experimentum Cntcis der Phagocytenlehre ^Zeigler's Beitrage 0. path. Anat. u. allg. Path. Bd. VII., 1890, p. \.) 156 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA able continuity of filament with the small chain, which will lead us to the genetic identity of the two forms ; identity at all events in harmony with the other forms or morphological phases of Leptothrix. David subsequently deals with the fungi of Biondi and of Vignal already mentioned in our last memoir. At the close of the chapter he hints at the digestive action of the buccal microbes, and then at their fermentative action upon lactic acid, mannite, dextrine, butyric acid, and other substances (see quoted Memoir). The third chapter {Pathogenic microbes found in saliva) deals, in the first place, with the forms of the pneumococci of Fraenkel and Friedlaender clearly detected in the mouth even of healthy subjects. On this point we refer to our two previous memoirs, and wish only to state that the casualty or accidentality of the pneumococcus of Friedlaender was recently demonstrated by Gamaleia*, and we may, some day, obtain the same results with the pneumococcus of Fraenkel. Probably such diplococci, incapsulated or bare, are but a condition or particular phase of certain particles or articula- tions of the same normal parasite of the mouth; a common condition of other bacterial species, which Billet calls the zobglxic state, as we shall see later on. This chapter ends with the description of the so-called microbes of suppuration {Streptococcus pyogenus, Staphylococcus pyogenus, white and golden). In the fourth chapter (Pathogenic microbes found in buccal and dental affections), the author deals, firstly, with the tubercular bacillus. That the bacillus of Koch was also liable to decolouri- sation with nitric acid (at J) and alcohol, although in a degree (generally speaking) less than other bacteria and bacilli, it was an acknowledged fact even by Jacksch and Hunter Mackenzie, as we have said before. The opinion of David is virtually nearer to that of the authors mentioned. In the first place, the solution of nitric acid, recommended by him in following the method of Ehr- lich (p. 135) for decolovirising the preparations made by dry processes, is found notably weakened ; it is no longer a J solution, but rather a J or J. Secondly, the immersion in the nitric bath * Gamaleia, Annates de VInstitut Pasteur, 1888. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 157 has been gradually shortened. For Jacksch it was only a question of reducing the violet to green ; for Hunter Mackenzie the length of thirty seconds could not be exceeded ; and now David does not allow the nitric bath (although doubly diluted) to last more than two or three seconds. Dr. Kauffman, of Cairo, has lately found that the bacilli of Koch, coloured with carbolic fuchsine, retain the tint only five minutes, if washed in hot or boiling water. He uses it instead of nitric acid and alcohol, but only for two minutes.* As we see, the opinion that the bacillus of Koch had a very special retentiveness for aniline has been gradually losing ground. At any rate, this is not the only bacillus which fixes tenaciously the aniline, and we exhibited specimens, especially of diplococci, in long envelopes. The bacillus of smegma and of leprosy have the same property. Gottstein and Bienstock thought that the re- sistance to decolourisation in those bacilli might depend upon a protecting envelope of a fatty substance ; and in fact, Grigorjew cultivating other bacilli {Bacillus anthracis, B. subttlis, Clostridi- um butyricum. Bacterium termo, and the two Staphylococci), in fatty media, affirms to having found them equally resisting. t Of the other microbes grouped by the author under this same heading, we shall only mention the Micrococcus tetragenous, Oidium albicans, Actinomyces, and then the fungi of Miller (including the Jodococcus vaginatus and the Spirillum sputigenum), and the already mentioned fungi of Biondi. At page 206, a Leptothrix pusilla is dealt with, described by Klebs as the ceiling of the dental tartar, but it is discarded by the David. The fifth and last chapter (Practical and therapeutic deduc- tions) does not concern bacteriology. The appendix on The Microbes of Influenza, preceding the last studies of Pfeiffer, arrives at unsatisfactory results. * Modern Medicine and Bacteriological World, May, 1893, p. 126. t Gottstein, Deutsch med. Wochenschr., 1886. Bienstock, Fortschr. d. Med., IV., 1886. Grigorjew, Ruskaja Medizina, 1886. 158 bacteria in the sputa The Work of Billet.* Billett, Surgeon-major in the French army, had already pub- lished other works' upon the Sporulation of Cladothrix dichotoma, upon Bacterium urea (1885), upon B. laminaria and B. Balbiani (1888). The present work, for which the Institute of France awarded the Montaigne prize for 1890 upon the report of Bornet, has been published in full in the Bulletin Scientifiqiu de la France et de la Belgique, by Prof. Giard. It is divided into an introduction and four sections (one on each of the described species), besides a rich bibliographical Appendix, comprising 662 works, mono- graphs, or groups of articles, upon that or kindred subjects. Examining the simple phases, which we call inferior, of the micro-organisms, Billet goes to demonstrate a thesis analogous to ours on the Leptothrix buccalis, and to establish a similar genetic identity amongst the varied bacterial and bacillary forms proceed- ing from four other species of micro-organisms (Cladothrix dicho- toma, Bacterium Balbiani, B. osteophilum, and Leptothrix parasitica, Kiitzing, a parasite of the superior sea-weeds), and he comes to the conclusion that such micro-organisms may even be algse analagous to CyanophycecB, and that, like those, they present themselves either under the form of a fibrous sprout, or of isolated and motile elements, as the hormogonia of the Nostocacece. The Cladothrix dichotoma resembles in the sporulation (which we call gemmula- tion) the Nostoc ellipsosporium, described by Bornet. The zooglceic state reminds us, in its turn, of analogous forms, described as the ChroococcacecE (a group of the same Cyanophycese). The absence of the chlorophyll is not sufficient to relegate such micro-organisms to the family of fungi or schizomycetes, after that Van Tieghem and Engelmann have demonstrated the pigment of certain Bacteriacese of a green and purple colour to be a chromophyll (analogous to chlorophyll), by means of which such plants decom- pose, on one side, the carbonic acid under the action of light, and on the other, produce the synthesis of the hydrates of carbon. In the introduction the author recapitulates the history of the * A. Billet, Contribution d, Vitude de la Morphologic et du diveloppement des Bactiriacees, Paris, 1 890, 8vo, pp. 288, with 19 figures and 9 plates, some coloured. AND CONTENTS OP THE MOUTH. 159 Baderiacem : a group of organisms (he says) of which the study has much interested biologists ; still, there are members of the vegetable kingdom whose history is so scantily cleared up. Under the generic name of BaderiacecB adopted by Van Tieghem, the author designates the whole of the microbic forms commonly called Schizomycetes or Schizophytes ; the morphological study of which, inaugurated by the first investigators (from Leeuwenhoek to Hoffmann) has been afterwards abruptly abandoned in order to follow, almost exclusively, the phenomena connected with their biological action on fermentations, putrefactions and infectious diseases, as investigated by Pasteur and Koch. The small number of morphologists who continued the morphological research, soon divided into two fields : one maintaining with Cohn the immobility of bacterial forms ; the other sustaining with Eay Lankester, Cienkowski, and Zopf the theory of pleomorphism or passage from one form to another, provided that this passage be not taken, nowadays, as a transmutation from one species to another, but as a series of various phases common to appurtenances of more complex species. The first investigators examining the bacterial forms in Uquid substrata, became acquainted only with their isolated condition, and they created the species of Cocci, Bacteria, Bacilli, Vih-ios, Spirilla, and Spirochete. The first modification of these absolute ideas is found in Eobin, who, in the Leptothrix buccalis, shows the affinity between the Bacilli and the uncoloured filamentous algce, purposely called Leptothrix by Kiitzing. And,- in fact, we have to admit that even other species (viz., the genera Beggiatoa, Clado- thrix, Streptothrix and Crenothrix) assume, besides the dissociated forms, the filamentous forms. Cienkowski (1877) demonstrated that the forms of bacteria were transformed into cocci, and that the cocci in their turn assumed the form of Leptothrix; he called the attention of the microphytologists to the zooglmic formations, men- tioned by Cohn in 1853. He verified this zoogloeic phase in the genera Cladothrix, Crenothrix, and Leptothrix together with the preceding phases. In 188 1 Zopf extended the like views to the genus Beggiatoa; he showed that the filamentous forms can be dissociated in Bacilli and Bacteria or assume curved, vibrionic, spirillic or spiroch^tic forms ; he explained the genetic connection 160 BACTERIA IN THE SPUTA and demonstrated that certa,in zooglxic formations held as bacterial independent forms, constitute in reality but one proper phase of the same filamentous species. The views of these authors, generally adopted for some of the highest types (Cladothrix, Crenothrix and Beggiatoa) were not extended to most of the bacterial species. The three mentioned species formed as a distinct group, whilst for the others we enter- tained the primitive views of Cohn. But later on new exceptions were introduced, which have now so far multiplied as to become the rule. The author quotes the three species of Proteus of Hauser, the Helicobacterium of Escherich, the Bacterium carotarum of A. Koch, the Bacillus brassicm of Pommer, the B. cxruleus of Smith, the B. pyocyaneus of Fliigge, the Spyrobacillus Cienkowskii, etc. Only for the ancient genus Micrococcus an absolute separa- tion is still maintained, but (adds the author) the Pneumococcus itself shows to Friedlaender, Pipping and E. Klein, gradations to the rectilineal forms. The same may be said of Micrococcus urea and of Micrococcus prodigiosus. Billet should have mentioned the last work by Miller (Die Mikroorganismm der Mundhohle), where his return to the preced- ing views appears evident, but it would appear from the bibliographical index that it was not then known to him. " The theory of the genetic relations of the different bacterial forms" (continues Billet) "is not simply based upon exceptional cases and speculative views. It has been, and is yet sustained by workers whose methods cannot be suspected, nor their talent for observation and interpretation questioned. To us the morpho- logical question of the Bacteriacese is even wider. The point is not only to know whether such and such species present a succes- sion of forms proceeding one from the other, but, above all, to know whether the Bacteriacese have an evolutionary cycle in mor- phological characters particular and constant to each species, the general development of which depends upon a law common to the greatest part of them. In fact, from data in our possession, we can easily perceive that most of them pass through various phases dur- ing their evolution, according to their conditions of life. Thus, in a first phase, the bacterial elements are found associated in a filamentous graft, more or less long ; in a second phase, these ele- AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 161 ments become free and motile ; in a third, they group themselves m gelatinous masses more or less considerable, and which, to some of them, seem characteristic. Lastly, in a fourth and last phase, it may happen that the preceding filaments intertwine one with another in coiled masses at times very voluminous. We describe these four phases more particularly as the filamentous, dissociated, interlacing {enchevUrS), and zo'dgloeic states." — pp. 21-22. We cannot follow the author in the special chapters devoted to each of the four species studied by him. We shall only show some points which may, in our opinion, clear up certain questions connected with the microbes of the mouth and sputa. And firstly, the dissociated and zoogteic states, considered as simple phases of filamentous bacteria render it possible that diplo- cocci or pneumococci may have been derived from the normal leptothrtcal filaments themselves, as we have noticed elsewhere. In fact, if we look at the relative figures of Billet, reproduced by us, we may take them, at a first glance, for true pneumococci rather than for simple disjunctions or simple zoogloeic groups of the algae studied by the author. In Figure 1 7, a represents a fragment of six articulations of Cladothrix dichotoma in disjunction, magnified to 320 diameters, which, except in its greater size, does not differ from the pneumococci. In b are noticed analogous articulations magnified to 1,600 diameters, in a more advanced stage of disjunc- tion. In c, d are seen two specimens of the Bacterium osteophilum in its passage to the zoogloeic state, magnified to 600 diameters. In e is drawn a fragment of four articulations of the same Bacterium in that particular zoogloeic form called by Billet the Scorpioidal state. In/ is reproduced a small group of the zoogloeic state of Leptothrix parasitica Kiitzing, magnified to 745 diameters, and their perfect resemblance to the sheathed diplococci, reputed specific, is not less evident. Other similar specimens are repro- duced in Figure 18, « (stained with solution of iodine and after- wards with methyl violet or fuchsine, magnified to 600 diameters^, where are detected rectilinear forms of Cladothrix dichotoma, analo- gous to the sheathed diplococci drawn by us in the preceding plates (Fig. 2, /, Fig. 4, g), in their stage of passing to the zoogloeic state. In b fstained first with vesuvine, then with methyl violet and solution of iodine) is seen the beginning of the zoogloeic 162 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA State of Bacterium osteophilum, magnified to 600 diameters ; m c thebeginningof the scorpioidal state ; and in da. larger representation - of the first state (1,600 diameters). In e (stained the same as a) is' seen a zoogloeic group of Leptothrix parasitica, magnified to 320 diameters. All those figures clearly show their analogy with the pneumococci. The other point we think worth considering is the formation (in Cladothrix dichotoma) of the so-called zoogloea terminalis pre- dicted by Cienkowski and demonstrated by Zopf, under the name of zoogloea ramigera. This form is particularly produced in the cultural liquids containing animal substances in putrefaction. A specimen oi arborescent zoogloectoi Cladothrix is seen in Fig. 19 with 2t branches upon a single peduncle (coloured like Fig. 18, ii, magnified only to 120 diameters). In a, b (Fig. 20, similarly coloured, magnified to 600 diameters) are drawn the ends of two clavaled branches, in order to show their contents, which are formed of bacteria of various sizes and shapes ; these are better observed in (Tof the same figure, magnified to 1,050. diameters. Now such forms simply heaped up must be distinguished from the fructifications by ears or clusters, already described in Leptothrix buccalis, for their arborescent disposition (in the zoogloea), for the irregularity of their outlines, their much larger size, the mixture of heteromorphic bacteria in the same mass, and finally for the want of the internal stalk which is very apparent in the ears ; and that, apart from the last fact verified by us of the peduncles or engrafting filaments of the little sporules of Lepto- thrix on the central stalk. Of such external sporulation upon cer- tain fertile filaments and of the production of tufts (probably male organs) upon other filaments, not a word or even a hint is to be found in either Miller, David, or Billet. Being obliged to pass over the brilliant researches of the author upon each of his four species, we will here give a partial summary of his conclusions. I. — The various states of the Bacteriacece correspond to a special grouping of their elements in relation to the conditions of the nutrient substratum (composition, temperature, pressure, aera- tion, &c.) Therefore nothing is fixed in the succession of those phases ; one state can rapidly evolve towards another, or fail, or AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 163 remain unchanged in the so-called pure culture, viz., in a medium of known and unvariable composition under the same conditions of temperature, pressure, and aeration. II- — 'Yh^ filamentous state is pre-eminently the vegetative state. Here the bacterial elements are disposed in small chains or articu- lated filaments (by division of a primitive element in a single direc- tion) sometimes enveloped in a real filamentous sheath, sometimes simply joined by bands of intersticial substance or glair (of the same nature as the sheath) secreted from the bacterial element itself, and which, when it is more abundant, involves the groups of the zooglaic state. Ill- — The bacterial elements of the filaments occupy the in- ternal part under the three rectilineal forms in Leptothrix, Bacillus and Bacterium ; and in the three curved forms. Vibrio, Spirillum and Spirochoete ; forms differing between themselves but all pro- ceeding from the primitive rectilineal element. It is no question of the pleomorphism of the old hypothesis nor of change from one species to another, but simply of change of state. We pass over what the author positively states about the form in Micrococcus. He only found it once in Bacterium Balbiani and he believes that it proceeds from the same elements in Bacterium, reduced to a minimum of length through a change of the culture medium. In fact, by restoring the medium to its previous condi- tions the primitive form was resumed. In Cladothrix and in Bacterium osteophilum, on the contrary, the roundish elements pro- ceeded from a retraction of the protoplasm evolving itself towards the spore. On our own part it is enough to observe that in Leptothrix buccalis the roundish forms are very common, and (in all probability) proceeding from true spores. The four species studied by Billet (for reasons which we shall not investigate), did not exhibit a true sporulation (on the exterior of the fila- ments) which, we think, would explain the total or partial absence of the micrococci. Eeturning to the filamentous state, the condition more apt to develop it properly is, according to the author, on one side the fluidity of the nutrient substratum, and on the other the nearness to the surface. It is essentially an aerobic state. Another char- acter which distinguishes it is that it generally has non-motile filaments. 164 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA \ IV.—" The dissociated state is characterised by setting free the constituent elements of the filamentous state. These elements continue to disintegrate, but instead of uniting into series or chains they separate and live isolated. At times, however, they remain united in couples or in small chains, but dissimilar from the preceding elements, they are essentially motile. Conse- quently in the dissevered state all those forms will be found which have been already described in the filamentous state. Physio- logically, the dissevered state has a very important office to fulfil, which is chiefly a phase of dissemination. Thanks to the mobility and the active segmentation of its elements, it can in a short time spread over a very extensive culture medium. Thus, it so hap- pens, that under these very forms of isolated, dissevered or motile elements the Bacteriaceae are more frequently met with, and are better known. V. — " The interlacing state constitutes a third phase of the developing cycle of the Bacteriacea. It shows itself under the form of filaments interlacing into one another like so many threads in a piece of knitting. Physiologically, this is a transitory state between the dissevered and filamentous states, or between one of those two states and the zoogloeic state. VI. — " The zoogloeic state is the last phase of the evolutionary cycle. The elements of the preceding states group themselves according to certain dispositions which, at a first glance, do not exhibit any apparent order, but in reality they follow up a definite order, which in the Bacteriacecs we have considered varies for each species. The chief phenomenon is the secretion round each •element of a viscid substance or glair, morphologically and physiologically identical with the sheath involving the filaments. By the same fact of the increase of this gelatinous envelope, which surrounds them like a capsule, the elements become motionless." The zoogloeic state afterwards behaves differently through the various stages, which we will briefly notice. In the first stage (corresponding to the form already described) each element is enveloped in a proper gelatinous capsule, and the morphological aspect of the elements entirely corresponds to that which characterises the genus Hyalococcus, created by Schroter for the Pneumococcus of Friedlaender. In a second stage of the same AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 166 zooglceic state, we have the forms of Merismopedia or Tetrads, and in a third state the form of the Sarcina. To this form we think should be related the straight and curved diplococci of types f, /, / (Fig. 2), from which the so-called Gonoccocci of Neisser would then be derived. Sometimes we have also the forms of Ascococcus or Zooglcea terminalis, of which we have made a mention before. Physiologically, the author believes that the zooglceic state con- stitutes for a large number of the Bacteriacex, z. protecting phase of the relative elements against the external agents, or of preparation for more favourable conditions in which to be able to abandon the gelatinous envelope in order to thrive again in the filamentous or dissevered state. As regards the formation of endogenous spores, we could not, without some reserve, adopt the opinion of Billet, having already elsewhere expressed the idea that such bacterial forms enclosed in the filaments, are only (at least in our parasite) a development of the gemmules of reserve. Such gem- mules are not, on the other hand, to be taken for the granulations, considered by him as products of reduction, due to a degenerative phase of the respective articulations. From these remarks the author concludes that in order to determine the bacterial species, it is no longer sufficient to describe their isolated forms in the single soils or media; but it is necessary to investigate whether any forms remain always constant, even in different media. Then many forms held for- merly as distinct species, will simply appear as accidental of the same varieties. The author lastly asks what are the probable affinities of the BacteriacecB with other vegetal groups, and, having discarded (as we saw before) the analogy with fungi, he brings them nearer to the cyanophyceous algae (Nostocacea) according to the original opinion of Cohn and the ideas of Van Tieghem and Bornet. And for the following reasons : — (1) Their filamentous development in one single direction, like the trichomes of the filamentous Nosto- chinece; (2) their motion, analogous to that of the Oscillariacece , (3) their dissevered state, similar to the Hormogones; (4) their zooglceic state, analogous to the tabular sprouts of Merismopedia and GlcEOcapsa; (5) their endogenous germination of the spores (in the Cladothrix), analogous to that of certain nostocs. 166 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA " Finally " (he adds), " we cannot do better than repeat the words of Dallinger: — The bacteria are without much question ^a botanical group, and to be thoroughly understood must be studied as such. In order to know them and to be able to catologue their species, as we have done for the other vegetal families, we have, then, to investigate closely their phases ; and when we shall be better acquainted with the true being of their species, we shall be able to study more accurately their true office, their functions, and physiological properties." — (pp. 208-18.) When, in October, 1890, we presented the preceding Memoir, we were not acquainted with the above-mentioned works. Seeing now that our views are, at least in part, shared by these and other competent investigators, we hope the opposition to the'^course we have followed in these studies will vanish or be minimised, and that the present remarks (although incomplete) will induce others to initiate further and more accurate researches. We pass now to describe our last investigations upon the fructifications by clusters and the other superior forms of the normal parasite of the mouth. § 11. NEW RESEAECHES OBT THE FRUCTIFICATION OF THE NORMAL PARASITE OF THE MOUTH (LEPTOTHRIX RACEMOSA?) I TRUST it will not appear too pretentious on my part if I propose for such an isolated form — or, better to say, for the tiny plant which thrives (and appears to germinate and fructify) — on our teeth, taken as a whole, the name oi Leptothrix racemosa, instead of that of Leptothrix buccalis ; and this solely on purpose to quaUfy it better, if it be true that the cryptogamic species must take their name and character from the fructification (if any) rather from the inferior or rudimentary appearances of their single particles, inci- dentally incomplete, scattered, or isolated. In describing the various aspects of the fructification in ques- tion, we shall endeavour to group them in such a way that, AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 167 according to our view, there may be a better connecting of the varieties ; but, in doing so, we do not wish to prevent a more matured judgment. Various Elements and Aspects of the Bunches. To understand the various aspects which the ears or bunches of Leptothrix racemosa present, we must value the different con- stitutive elements of those clusters, which, according to our observations, we consider to be four, in their natural order of development. The principal element, from which the other three proceed and upon which they are formed, is the fertile filament, generally slender, pale, ''containing internal parietal gemmules, invisible in the iodine solution (simple or acidulated), but distinct enough in gentian violet. For this kind of stalks we refer to the preceding memoir. Then is it not strange that these fertile filaments should be so slender, whilst the severed or truncated (Bacillus buccalis maximus and Leptothrix buccalis maxima of Miller) appear much thicker and with a strong iodine reaction. We attributed this thickness, or woody state, to the retrocession of the germinal matter, somewhat analogous to the action of the saps in pruning- plants. Our parasite, being a vegetable, or rather a tiny plant, and having to be studied as such, according to Dallinger,* it is natural that the form of its stem should resemble that of the cone. The stalk being, in fact, the proper organ of vegetation, destined to support the upper Organs, it is natural that the lower part should be stronger and that it should get thinner towards the top, which, finally, must bear the fruits. It is identical with the process of other plants. However, whilst this is the general rule; we shall see, as we proceed, that certain fertile filaments become rather an exception, thinning' themselves similarly on the top ; but afterwards, on reaching the base of the future fructification, they thicken in the shape of a cylindrical club, colouring brilliantly with aniline, but pale like the rest in iodine solution. We shall speak later on of the probable meaning of this swelling of the stalk, recalling only * Dallinger, The Microscopical Organisms and their Relations to Disease (Journal R.M.S., iS8j.) 168 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA on this subject the other apical swellings, already mentioned and delineated in the preceding Memoir (Fig. 9, b c). To this first- element (the internal stem) follows in order of -formation the second, of peduncles or ingrafting threads,, destined to bear the spores, like the sierigmata of many fungi. Such peduncles are very pale, invisible with less powerful objectives, but very distinctly observable (under certain conditions) with the i/25th power just mentioned. They are short, funnel-shaped, with a point on the stalk and the opening towards the spore. In the young ears, being yet deficient or scanty in the secretion of the viscid substance, the peduncles are more visible ; whilst in the older ones they remain more or less opaque. The spores constitute the third element, and are^of globular form ; pale in iodine solution, more or less coloured in the aniline. They are smaller in the younger clusters, on which, for this very reason, the peduncles or sterigmata are more discernible'; whilst, the spores becoming afterwards larger and covered with a more viscid substance, the peduncles remain hidden. Besides, the spores are not equally thick in all the fructifications ; but where thejspores are thinner, as in Fig. 23, a, there the details mentioned are more visible. The little or non-visibility of the peduncles may result, not only from the opacity produced by the abundance and density, or from the heavy colouring of the viscid substance, but even, where this is thin and transparent, from the identity of the index of refraction of the two elements. The fourth element is the viscid substance ox glair, which we hold to be the last to form. It proceeds from a sort of oozing or secretion of the stalk or of the spores themselves, for, in the younger ears, with yet small spores, it "appears thinner and indistinct. And these are the fructifications which exhibit a more striking resemblance to real clusters, either in the solution of iodine or when they are very slightly afiected by gentian violet. On the other hand, in the ears with an internal swelling of the stalk, the size of the spores, as well as the density and colouring of the viscid substance, reach the highest degree, as we shall see later on. That the viscid substance may proceed from the filament is exhibited by the cited examples, in' other species, by Billet, as well AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 169 as in our parasite, by those filaments of Leptothrix buccalis maxima and of ^a«7/w(5«c^a/wwax«wMj, which, witlnhenewi/25thobjective, appear thoroughly enveloped in a hyaline sheath. That it may proceed from the spores is shown by the example of the incapsu- lated diplococci. However, between the exudation of the old filaments and that of the ears there is this difference : that the first has greater affinity for the acidulated solution of iodine, in which it is better discerned, and the second for the gentian violet. Keeping in view, on one side, these various elements, and, on the other, the degree and different nature of the colouring, we may fully explain the varied aspects of the fructifications. Concerning the gathering and the preparation of the patina dentaria and its treatment with the aniline colours, or with the solution of iodine, there is little to add to what has been said in the previous Memoir. We gave there the precise rules, in order to obtain from the patina dentaria the greatest possible number of fructifications, taking it before a meal or early in the morning. AVe found afterwards that the fructifications are more abundant on teeth with a thin film of tartar, particularly in the superior eye- teeth. About the disintegration and colouring of the clods we refer to what has been said. For the acidulated solution of iodine, we placed on the slide, first, a small drop of lactic acid, disin- tegrating in it afterwards the patina, and lastly adding to it one or two drops of solution of iodine. It generally takes a quarter of an hour to get a proper colouring. In the preceding Memoir we suggested that the superfluous liquid should be allowed to trickle down from the sides, after applying the cover-glass ; but afterwards we discovered that it was better to let most of the liquid evaporate before applying the cover-glass, so as to avoid the wave of liquid caused by the pres- sure, which might remove many bacteria and bacilli and several isolated filaments and clusters set free from the tiny islands that often supply the most instructive specimens ; blotting paper would also take up many of the specimens. To eliminate the air-bubbles keep the cover-glass on edge (straight up) with the two first fingers of the left hand, so as to form an acute angle with the slide, at two centimetres from the preparation ; then with a straight needle, held in the right hand to support the glass, and with a bent needle 170 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA pushing it on the specimen, lower it down gently on to the edge of the preparation, when the air-bubbles will be set free. If we wish to institute a comparison between the two stains adopted in this work, we may say that gentian violet colours briskly the little spores, but at the same time attacks and obscures the viscid substance, so that, wherever it fully invests, the peduncles or sterigmata are either not seen at all, or may hardly be distin- guished. This happens even by applying very little tint. Never- theless isolated fructifications slightly affected by the tint may some- times be found in the preparation, and it is just upon one of these occasions that we first detected the peduncles in question. For this reason, the whole image, either of the single fructifications, or of their branching filaments, is better seen in the anilines (see in tlje previous Memoir the Figures lo, 12, 16); the solution of iodine would hardly give the same result. This solution has little or no action upon viscid matter ; therefore, the fructifications assume with it a granular aspect, and if the spores are not too thick it shows the peduncles better ; also because the solution of iodine acidulated with lactic acid attacks relatively better the peduncles themselves, whilst the gentian violet invades them less than other elements. Consequently it happens that the solution of iodine better exhibits the complei aspect of the clusters or the truncated sterigmata. (See Fig. 23, 1^. J It has, however, the disadvantage of not satisfactorily allowing the use of powerful eye-pieces, thus limiting the enlargements ; whilst in the fructifications stained with gentian violet, the details of structure may be (under favour- able conditions) detected even with a No. 6 eye-piece, as is shown in Fig. 24, magnified to 3,100 diameters. Now from the concourse of these various circumstances, either relative to the age of the single fructifications, and to the more or less thickening of peduncles and spores, or to the quality and degree of the colouring, we are able to obtain images conspicuous in the whole, but with peduncles only partially or not at all visible, ' or sometimes less conspicuous in the whole, but with quite dis- tinct peduncles. The necessary conditions to the clear vision of the peduncles in question may be summed up in the following series : — a, proper optical instruments ; b, clusters still , young ; c, rather thin spores ; d, a weak gentian violet ; or e, solution of AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 171 iodine. We have already said that the best images are obtained from isolated fructifications fallen from clods in a clear field, and It IS our intention in this work to consider the two colourings above mentioned, apart from the use of other tints. The fructifications in question can be observed by axial illu- mination or by oblique hght. The best images of the clustered forms and of the single sterigmata are obtained by axial illumina- tion by properly adjusting the correction collar, and by centering the iris diaphragm and the Ahh6 condenser along the optical axis. On the other hand, the general relief of the ears and the position of the spores in six longitudinal series, are better detected by oblique light, by pushing aside the diaphragm and letting it after- wards go round the optical axis, or substituting for it the dark diaphragm, pushed on one side, and making the stage rotate with the upper part of the instrument round the same axis. In the latter case, a better effect is obtained when the ear is horizontally disposed and is struck from behind by the pencil of light, almost parallel with the stalk, beginning from the root, so that the - luminous rays run along its axis. Then, focussing, the general effect of the six series of spores becomes striking, the whole ear takes a beautiful mulberry appearance, of which it is impossible to give a satisfactory representation. The figures which we have drawn are, however, sufficient to give a proper idea of the peduncles in question. In Fig. 23, a, we have represented a short and young ear, as seen stained with the acidulated solution of iodine, magnified to 1,700 diameters; in it the spores are thin, and its clustered form is most striking, as we can even perceive posterior rows of little spores. In c (same figure) is seen an older ear, thicker and longer (same staining, and magnified 1,170 diameters) in which, however, the peduncles are sufficiently distinct. In d, then (same staining and magnifica- tion), is drawn a short fragment of a fertile stalk, found by chance in one of the numerous preparations ; only two spores are seen at its base, and higher up the peduncles still thick, but without spores ; the rest of the ear is wanting.* In the above Fig. 24 (weakly stained with gentian violet, magnified to 3,100 diameters) *The attenuated appearance of this stalk probably depended upon a flowing- out of its sap or germinal matter owing to rupture. 172 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA the spores are intact, their funnel-shaped peduncles are visible through the viscid substance, moderately stained. The stalk exhibits several gemmules of reserve. The facts hitherto given (in support of the arguments expounded or simply suggested in the preceding Memoir), which everybody can verify for himself, are, in our opinion, sufficiently conclusive to warrant us in affirming the existence of a really external sporification or fructification of the normal parasite of the mouth upon six longitudinal series of peduncles and spores. But for a more evident proof, take the specimen drawn in Fig. 25. This specimen, obtained by pure chance, amongst the number- less preparations examined, represents a stalk which, emerging from the materia alba or heap, was extending horizontally, and changed abruptly for an upward direction, with the upper part bearing the cluster. It is seen much aslant, but fortunately in- tact (stained with acidulated solution of iodine, and magnified to 1,700 diameters); it has a round end, with a fine rosette of six rays, formed by six terminal sterigmata, and having the six last spores, probably yet unripe, to their tops. Fructifications by Temporary Spores (Sporidsl) and BY Persistent Spores (Teleutosporesl). The mycetologists and the algologists call temporary spores, agamic spores, sporids, and conids the spores which are formed without previous fecundation, and are intended by the multiplica- tion of the species in more favourable and immediate conditions (namely, the conids of the Peronospora, destined to diffuse the species during a part of the year) ; whilst the persistent winterly spores, oospores, or teleutospores, are produced by the act of con- jugation, and help to preserve the species from external injuries, and to strengthen their future shoots (like the hybernating spores of the Feronospora in the thickness of the hospitable parenchyma, deputed to reproduce the species in the following year).- Of the two processes of sporification, one (says De Bary) seems intent upon preserving intensively the species through conjugation, the other only to increase its extension* De Bary, Du Diveloppement des champignons parasUaires (Ann, des Scien. Nat. Sir. Bot., t. XX.). AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 173 Of the other processes of propagation through gemmules, sprouts, etc., we have already treated in the previous Memoir, and shall refer to the subject again later on. All the fructifications of our parasite, hitherto described and drawn, probably belong to the temporary series, with the excep- tion of the specimen given in Fig. 13 of the preceding Memoir, which might be included in the persistent series ; but from the last researches and other isolated cases, of which we will speak presently, it appears that the same parasite presents also a com- paratively scanty number of fructifications of another kind, which, although similar in shape or type, assume special characteristics, so that we are rather inclined to refer them to the persistent series. We have already mentioned the club-shaped stems, two of which, stained with gentian violet, are seen drawn in Fig. 26, magnified to 1700 diameters. The club is generally long enough, as in a j but sometimes we meet short ones, as in b, which might be called an incipient phase. In the first named specimen, the club, although complete, is still quite bare, and, to all appearances, represents a hardly-formed expansion, before the sterigmata and the spores have germinated. In fact, in the Fig. 2 7 (same staining and magnification) may be noticed an ear, on the whole larger and with spores proportionally more conspicuous, exhibiting an internal stem, club-shaped, and brilliantly coloured, quite dissim- ilar from the pale and slender stems of the first series, but analogous to the bare stem of Fig. 26. To our knowledge, these ears never reach the length of some others having slender stems (see Figs. 12 and 16), which may depend upon the comparatively limited length of the club-shaped expansions. The spores of such ears are, besides, more conspic- uous and pressed together, so as to form on both sides a sort of zone or violet aureola, at a Httle distance from the stem ; and, between this and the periphery, runs a clearer intermediate zone, where the viscid substance is less coloured, but yet capable of disguising the sterigmata. The light proceeding from the con- denser must, in fact, cross first the deep violet zone, which is next the slide, then the intermediate clearer substance (the index of refraction of which is identical perhaps with that of the peduncles), and finally the opaque violet zone, which overlooks 174 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA the cover-glass. At any rate, the result of this optical combination is to hide the peduncles. When in the solution of iodine we come across such ears, the zones become mixed up, and we perceive, on the whole, a triplex series of coloured granules, as is shown in Fig. 13 of the previous Memoir, incompletely represented, which would lead to the supposition that in these ears the secretion of glair is more abundant and thick.* It appears, besides, that such ears are even more compact and resisting to the mechanical agents of disintegration ; also, their fragments always exhibit a cohesion of the single particles,, and their brilliant colouring becomes more conspicuous with aniline. We remember having often found similar fragments in sputa ; but, not then knowing their nature, we overlooked them. We also remember that some sound ears, or fragments of the same, were found mixed with many minute ears in fructifications upon small flakes of urethral mucus, as we mentioned in the previous Memoir. We may, however, state that, in the preparations of the dental patina, ears of this sort are scanty in comparison with those of the preceding form. In considering now those more robust and conspicuous forms of fructification, the mind tries, through analogy, to connect them with the process of fecundation, and finds, although indirectly, its existence is confirmed. In the preceding Memoir, we have des- cribed some pseudo-inflorescences in tufts, having points varying in shape and size, which we held to be future spindle-like bacilli {^Bacillus tremulus of Rappin) and future comma, or serpentine bacilli, destined, after being dissevered from the stem-and becoming free, to perform the functions of sperraatia or antherbzoids. We gave the reason for such hypothesis, as we also pointed out the likeness of those elements (supposed male organs), with the sper-- matia of certain well-known fungi, like Sphcerella sentina, Fumago salicina, Apiosporium. citri, etc. The antherozoids or spermatozoids in sea weeds, and thejr/«'w«- tia in fungi were considered as elements of fertilisation. The first {migratory filaments, spiral filaments, seminal corpuscles^, now * After presenting this Memoir, we have made further researches (especi- ally on the presence of such ears in the sputum of pneumonia, and on the manner of detecting the peduncles), which we will soon make known. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH, 176 cylindrical, now ribbon-shaped, furnished with cilia and endowed with spiral movement in various directions, are originally contained in a cellule or male organ {antheridium). The spermatia cor- puscles, oval or in rods, straight or curved, also very motile, like the analogous forms of the mouth, were, nevertheless, held to have no cilia. They are originally sometimes contained in an appro- ■ priate cellule or male organ {spermogoniuni), sometimes they grow freely on the apex of the filaments, and get dissevered simply through disjunction. In our parasite we tho'ught, at first, that the fertilising elements belonged to this last type, and were formed in a free state on the stems ; but we shall see, by and by, that perhaps even they originate within apposite sheaths, and therefore may be referred to the first type. In general, the spermatia, unable to multiply through fission, have been seen, at times, to germinate on their own account ; one common example of this kind is exhibited in the ergot. Now, we repeat, the existence of fructifications more conspic- uous and distinct from the others (through their large club-like stem and their two zones of colouring, etc.), in the normal parasite of the mouth, would be quite explained, admitting them to possess fertilising elements constituted by spindle-like, comma, and serpen- tine bacilli, already described by us, and holding the other spores as agamous and temporary. Perhaps the persistent spores in this parasite are destined to go through the intestinal tube unin- jured, withstanding the dissolving action of the gastric juices, and emerge into the external world, maintaining in the faeces their vitality for the future diffusion of the species. ■ As regards the function of conjugation, it may be performed on the already formed filaments, as we see in many other crypto- gams, where sometimes the act takes place between two contiguous filaments, the male organ of the one penetrating the female organ of the other ; but nothing prevents us from beUeving that a ferti- lisation of another kind may have taken place between the male element (spindle-like, comma, or serpentine bacillus) and the mother spore, before the germination of the fertile filament. Against these views of ours, a quite opposite hypothesis might be produced, namely, the hypothesis of a commensalism or sym- biosis. In such hypothesis the small sporules, and especially the 176 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA productions by points, would not be proper phases of Leptothnx-, but parasites oi the parasite, or new micro-organisms of another species, come to implant themselves and thrive at the expense of the original parasite in the same way as Leptothrix parasitica, Kiitzing, which with its slender filaments lodges itself on the larger filaments of Zygnema and Cladothrix dichotoma, as we see in Fig. 2 1 (stained with vesuvine and methyl violet, then with solution of iodine, magnified to 600 diameters). But, in this way, one might object, for argument's sake, that grapes are so many para- sites of the vine on which they fructify. In fact, consulting the figure in question, anyone can see that the secondary parasitical shoots, c, c, are less thick than our points, which engraft themselves round the stem, like the hairs of a bottle brush. They are not, besides, methodically arranged, but stretch out very much, like stems des- tined to vegetate on their own account, rather than to complete the organism bearing them. The filaments of Leptothrix parasitica implant themselves also upon the stem of Zygnema, a, a, or of Cladothrix, b, b, which feeds them, by means of bulbs, or spores originated in them, s, s, as the Fig. 22 shows still better (same staining, magnified to 1,600 diameters) : spores which are not seen at all at the insertion of our points. And still less the fila- ments of Leptothrix parasitica are seen to drop at last from the central stem, and swim in the medium with the same briskness of our spindle-like, comma, or serpentine bacilli. Various Aspects and Forms. In the preceding Memoir we have spoken of various forms and appurtenances of the parasite .in question ; we specially point out the bifurcations and trifurcations towards the seat of certain fila- ments, with tiny radical swellings, like haustoria; and then the more pronounced ones, some at the knots, some at the apex : the latter like small heads. We have already mentioned the other apical swellings (fertile filaments), club-shaped. We now go on to describe a third form of apical expansions, very scarce, which, provisionally, we shall denominate sheath expansion. Such an expansion, represented in Fig. 28 (stained with gentian violet, magnified to 3,100 diameters), is very pale, has streaks in AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 177 its contour, not detected with inferior objectives. Its paleness cannot be attributed to insufificient colouring, because the examined form rose on the top of a filament (likewise pale) in the midst of a thick and very pretty tuft of ears brilliantly stained (of the kind shown at Fig. 12), and nearly surpassed them with its point. The external contour is very slender from the base of the expansion up to its point, and between the internal stem and the exterior contour are seen numerous slender, tiny, transverse threads, which are attached to the external sheath by means of more prominent small dots. At first we could not understand the probable meaning of this structure. That it was not to be taken for the club-like expansions , of Fig. 26 was evident from its paleness, being the antipodes of the bright colouring of these, as well as the presence of the inter- nal fine beams. On the contrary, after deeper reflection, we thought we might refer it to other forms already described in the previous Memoirs. One of these forms would be that of the pseudo inflorescences in tuffs (preceding Memoir, Fig. 14). Comparing the two figures, it will not appear unlikely that the slender threads of Fig. 28 in the present Plate, distended like fine beams between , the internal stem and the sheath, growing more and more in a transverse direction, may end by breaking the external envelope and become ix&e points, perfect fertilising elements (spindle-like, comma, or serpentine bacilli), at first only free from the surrounding sheath, in order to constitute the tufts of the preceding Plate, and at last becoming disjoined from the central stem, so that they may fulfil their function through that stirring motion, mentioned in the previous work. The other form, possibly analogous, would be that delineated in the first Memoir (Fig. 2, n, lower down), similar to a large bacillus, singularly veined throughout, and for a certain tract having traces of lineal bacilli. Even this is a rather rare form, and we have never found it on the top of any filament, but quite by itself. We have already hinted in the previous Memoir that ^ that veined bacillus might be a sort of receptacle for the future fertilising elements, as an antherid or a spermogone. Now, supposing that interpretation true, the transmutation from 178 BACTERIA. OF THE SPUTA one to the other of the three forms would become clear enough. We should have, in the first form (or sheath expansion) of Fig. 28 - (present Plate), an antherid or sperniogone, hardly shown, and in the second form (the tufts of Fig. 14, previous Memoir) a male organ in full development. The third form (the veined bacillus of Fig. 2, n, below, first Memoir) would be an inter- mediate form to the other two (an arrested form), or an antherid or spermogone, prematurely fallen from its stem, having been unable to attain to the adult form of tuft ; and then strayed from its destination and remained, as it were, unripe, or even returned^ to a neutral condition, which is, we think, common to the severed or truncated filaments, as, having been unable to attain the fructi- fication, they limit themselves to a reproductive function of a lower degree (fissiparous multiplication) through the increase of the granules or the lineal minute elements, contained in the interior of their sheaths. If this were confirmed by farther researches, it would lead us to rectify the first supposition about the formation of the fertilising elements. They would not form themselves freely on the top of the respective filaments, but within a receptacle or male organ properly so called (sheath expansion). These are only simple conjectures, aiming at connecting the various forms hitherto described, reconducting the appurtenances of our parasite to the general laws of the cryptogamic flora, and far from pretending to give herewith a full and exact explanation of them. We shall be quite satisfied if the features of the facts we have endeavoured to describe can be proved by further researches. But, even upon a simple descriptive ground, we should perhaps overstep the limits of a simple preliminary study if we were to dilate longer in the investigation of other particulars, before seeing confirmed and set up the points already demonstrated (such being the most important) by competent authorities. Neither is it our business to solve the question whether the discussed parasite is a fungus or an alga. We shall only say that it appears to us to partake of the characters of both families, to thrive as an alga, but to fructify similarly to certain fungi. We shall, therefore, limit our remarks about some apparent irregularities, in the aspect of the described ears, which, through inattention, might pass for true irregularities or anomalies of structure. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 179 In the first place, we refer to some gibbosities or irregular pro- jections, which are met sometimes by the side or upon some ears, which might lead to the belief that the ears themselves are perhaps constituted without any order, or that the series or longitudinal rows of the sporules are not always six in number, but at times more. Now, one of the more frequent causes of such irregular appear- ance is very simple. The breaking up of a contiguous ear, and the adherence of that extraneous fragment to the ear that we examine ; having frequently verified this occurrence, we considered it superfluous to draw a similar specimen on our plate. The other case, less frequent, is drawn in Fig. 29 (saturated with acidulated solution of iodine, magnified to 1,700 diameters). Here it is not the superposition of an extraneous fragment, but the folding up of the ear itself In the figure referred to, the third superior and the point b of the ear are turned up and pressed back upon the middle third, but in a direction somewhat oblique to its axis, so that, at first sight, or with inferior objectives, they simulate a gibbosity. But focussing with the fine adjustment, it is easily perceived that there is, in reality, a folding due to a mechan- ical cause, and accidentally rendered even more pronounced by the pressure of the cover-glass. We do not speak of a third apparent irregularity, which might deceive us only when using inadequate optical means — we mean the accidental apposition of extraneous cocci, of bacteria and comma bacilli around some ears, as shown in Fig. 23, b, b. Under lower power objectives, such cumuli or groups, especially if more con- spicuous, may, in fact, simulate real protuberances. There is, however, a special apposition of cocci and bacteria, sometimes visible on certain ears ; perhaps, those remained longer with their points in contact with the labial mucous, and there became incrusted with the above bacterial elements, through a cement of viscid mucus. Such ears, in fact, are never augmented on the opposite side, but only on the top, like a very oblong pear ; and the increase, gradually narrowing itself, seldom goes beyond the half of their length (Fig. 30, stained with gentian violet, mag- nified to 1,170 diameters). 180 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA When they reach the first colourising stage with the gentian violet, we can easily perceive there is in reality a sort of cap (at first, more pale and granular) constituted by cocci and bacteria, only slightly coloured, in various layers, towards the point a, and sloping towards the half, a', a' ; whilst the ear, b, b, with its sporules, is seen brightly coloured in the interior. In the second stage, even these adventitious cocci and bacteria become coloured, and the cap is no longer distinguished from the internal ear. CONCLUSION. We have seen how Billet describes the evolutionary cycle of the Bacteriaceae (which would constitute for our parasite only the inferior cycle), and that his remarks mostly agree with those we have made on the same parasite. His interpretations of the various phases of that cycle do not differ from ours, excepting in what affects the production of bacteria included in filaments, which Billet considers are real endogenous spores ; and we cannot positively deny that such is the case in the four species studied by him ; whilst in our parasite they ought, in our opinion, to be held as simple gemmules of reserve. But from the exposition of the facts in our previous Memoir, and confirmed in the present one, it clearly results that the evolu- tionary cycle, so nicely delineated by Billet, cannot include all the morphological phases of our Leptothrix racemosa, but only some of them. In this parasite, besides that first cycle which we call inferior, there is another — the superior, which comprises the organs of genuine reproduction and fructification. Finally, toge- ther with these two normal evolutionary cycles, there is another one- — accidental, called virulent, in which (according to laboratory experiments) it seems that certain elements, derived from the parasite itself, may, as Pommay says, develop themselves in the sense of virulence. The first two cycles would, therefore, constitute the morpholo-^ gical series, and the third, or virulent, cycle would, in modern language, constitute the biological series of our parasite. Morphological Series. — Inferior Cycle. — The inferior cycle embraces the following phases : — ' AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 181 I. — Phase of Vegetation. — The characters of this phase are those assigned by Billet to the filamentous state, only that he con- siders the intertwined state {Hat enchevUrk) as a distinct and later phase ; whilst we believe that it, in our parasite, accompanies the filamentous state, in the same manner as the mycelium or creeping vegetation in fungi. In other words, the intertwined state is even posterior to the isolated filaments which lead a wandering life in the liquid substrata, being unable to attain a more vigorous and stable one ; but it does not constitute a distinct phase, as it is quite natural that, when the passage to the superior phases is precluded /a^r/^/ vegetation) for want of a fit soil, the filaments intertwine and drop to the bottom, without being able to spread like the mycelium of fungi. However, under favourable conditions, a kind of mycelium (a more complete phase of the entangled state) may be formed, giving birth to an aerial vegetation, as may be specially observed in the patina of the tongue and in the deep strata of the patina dentaria. II. — Phase of internal gemmulation or budding and dissemina- tion. This partly corresponds to the dissociated state of Billet, through the disarticulation of the knots of the single filaments, or through setting free the included bacteria ; and it is clear that the unstable condition of the nutrient medium continuing, and conse- quently the passage to the superior phases being prevented, no other way of perpetuating the species is left to these micro-organ- isms than the inferior reproduction or simple multiplication by shoots and gemmules. Looked at in this way, this phase would even comprise that held by Billet as endogenous sporulation, but which are, at least in our parasite, gemmules of reserve, properly destined to the multiplication of the species, in a neuter state, through simple fission of the elements, when the genuine repro- duction, by means of seminules or spores, is not possible, or when the fertile filaments have been dissevered or cut by mechanical injuries. III. — Protective phase. This phase fully corresponds to the zoogloeic state and to certain conditions of the dissociated state of Billet, as we have pointed out in the first paragraph. The presence of su6h forms has been undoubtedly detected in the mouth, and 182 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA even within the relative epithelia. They would appear to be a kind of reserved fund, preserved in case of any alteration of the future conditions of pabulum and surroundings, as the author properly says. We shall speak by-and-by of the relationship of this phase with the diplococcus of pneumonia. Here Billet would end the evolutionary cycle ; for us, on the contrary, these first phases would only constitute a cycle, at times preliminary, at times succedaneous to the second or superior cycle. The varied elements of the first cycle, being taken separately and held as special beings or complete living individuals (filaments, bacilli, bacteria, and cocci), are in reality only particles, trunks, organs, series of cellules, or cellules endowed mostly with fissipa- rous multiplication, but destined to constitute a more complex organism. Superior Cycle. — This comprises the phases of the properly called life of reproduction, and these phases are three. IV. — Agamous Fructification. — Referring to the general laws of multiplication of the phanerogams by means of bulbs, tubers, shoots, or buds, and of their genuine reproduction by means of seeds, it should be borne in mind that with transplantation are transmitted the accidental modifications brought about by domes- tication, grafting, etc., which, in the long run, may end in the degeneration of the plant ; whilst with seeds, on the contrary, the species reverts to the natural vigour of the wild state. Now, we incline to believe that something similar may happen even with cryptogams. Probably in those which have, besides a fissiparous multiplication, a true reproduction through spores, the sporulation will mean that the species resumes its native vigour, in spite of the attacking or enfeebling causes which, as in our para- site, may impair its vigour. The seminule or spore may germinate without previous ferti- lisation, and (as we have already said) we believe this may happen more frequently in our parasite. In the species studied by Billet, this external sporification or fructification was wanting, and it is remarkable that the cocci, which are found abundantly in the buccal contents, were hkewise wanting. It remains to be seen whether this want of fructification is really the rule, or simply a AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 183 consequence of the nature of its pabulum and the material upon which Billet based his researches. Under other conditions, upon media not only stable, but favourable to the production of a myce- lium-like growth, a true and proper fructification mighty even in the above-named species, take place. In ^ur parasite, the conditions indispensable for the fructifica- tion are : — a, The solidity and nature of the soil; b, the protection against attrition ; and c, moisture of the saliva. V. — Organs and Fertilising Elements. — By the side of the agamous sporulation we have, in many cryptogams, that of conju- gation. This admits of male organs and fertilising elements or spermatic threads, of which we have already spoken. In our parasite, likewise, we have male organs and fertilising elements. The male organs would first show themselves in the state of young sperraogones or antheridia (or of spermogones or aborted anther- idia, not developed or reverted to the neuter state), and afterwards in the state of tufts of ripe pseudo-inflorescences, proceeding from the first type. On the other hand, the fertilising elements would be constituted by the spindle-like, comma, or serpentine bacilli, already formed in the described organs, and finally set free, through the disarticulation of the tufts already mentioned. VI. — Conjugated Fructification — i.e., that with clavated stem, a dual zone of colourisation, clusters, or more conspicuous ears, more bulky and compact spores, destined, perhaps, to cross unin- jured the alimentary canal, and to remain alive in the faeces, with- standing the dissolving action of the gastro-intestinal juices. Nature, as we see^ has been prodigal to this parasite, by its various manners of multiplication, adapting each of them to this or that condition of the nutrient substratum, in order to preserve and multiply its species, in the midst of numberless and very varied difficulties. As soon as a higher phase is precluded, or a nobler element is thrown back, by external injuries, to an inferior degree, it does not stop from disseminating everywhere particles apt to germinate and spread extensively the species when it cannot do it intensively. We are reminded that Nature has even wished to endow this tiny plant with such a tenacious life, that its elements on the human teeth cannot be destroyed for centuries, as exhibited 184 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA by the tartar on the teeth of Egyptian mummies (vide the preced- ing Memoir). If here ends, at least provisionally, the Morphological Series of our parasite, it only remains to us to say two words on the Biolo- gical Series in the modern sense, or, rather, on the pathological phenomena, assigned to some of its forms, or to specific bacteria similar to the latter. Biological Series. — Under this title we comprise but three forms : the Fneumococcus, the Bacillus of Koch, and the Gonococcus of Neisser, already demonstrated, according to our views, in the two previous Memoirs. I. — Fneumococcus. Few now hold that the pneumococcus is a specific bacterium, arising externally. It is generally considered to be either an habitual germ of the mouth (Micrococcus of salivary septicosmia), or, in common with Pommay, a saprophytic bacterium evolving itself in the sense of virulence. Perhaps it will in time be known as a simple dissemination of the zoogloeic phase of our parasite, following on the formation of the pulmonitic exudation, as its greater abundance in the last stages of pneumonia, its presence in traumatic pneumonia, and other evidences will prove it to be so. But even admitting that the evolution in the sense of virulence may take place in the mouth and not in the respiratory organs affected (as regards virulence, which may be inocdlated) ; admitting that it has preceded and not followed pneumonia, we cannot necessarily infer that the disease proceeded from this coccus. But even the colonies of these diplococci, when repeatedly transplanted in other culture media, or even the media themselves, may become contaminating through inoculation, this circumstance may also occur with other salivary bacteria , (for example. Bacillus crassus sputigenus), and might be interesting in experimental pathology ; but, botanically speaking, it does not implicitly imply a separate specific entity. We repeat that we do not impugn, but rather try to conciliate the results of the inocula- tions with those of the morphological research. II. — Bacillus of Koch. Our remarks concerning this bacillus are very similar, and we hope at a future time to devote a special Memoir to it. The reasons which induced us to believe the AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 185 bacillus in rosaries to be a dissemination of the small spores of Leptothrix spread over the tubercular spots, and the rod-shaped bacilli as proceeding from other elements of Leptothrix, have been already given in the preceding Memoirs. Their greater dissemi- nation in phthisis than under other conditions may depend upon different causes, and partly, perhaps, from the following simple reason : — Breathing through the nose, as we generally do, only a few germs of a purely buccal origin are inhaled ; but the position becomes altered when we breathe through the mouth as well, as happens in phthisis, bdcause of panting or burning heat :— " . . open'd wide his lips. Gasping as in the hectic man for drought. One towards the chin, the other upward curl'd." —Dante, Inferno, xxx., Gary's Transl. Now, the small sporules of Leptothrix exclusively originate from the patina dentaria, and without that particular form of breathing {i.e., by the mouth) they cannot gather in any great number into the air-passages. Many also, in sleeping, breathe likewise with their mouth ; but in the normal conditions, however, the ciliary action continuing unhurt through the air-passages, the inhaled leptothrical elements cannot reach the pulmonary tissue, but are instead thrown out and expectorated with the sputa, as stated in the other Memoir. Ill, — Gonococcus of Neisser. Probably, says Pommay, a normal bacterium of the urethra is the progenitor of the gonococcus of Neisser; it is useless to repeat here that reMtionship. Let it suffice to record the fact that we have detected in the urine num- berless gonococci, in a case of carcinoma of the bladder, inde- pendently from any gonorrheal contagium whatever.* According to the morphological characteristics, the gonococci in question do not differ from the ordinary arched diplococci, and therefore can be held, till proved otherwise, to be derivations from the state of sarcina (one form of the zoogloeic state). As regards the manner by which the leptothrical elements penetrate from the external genitals into the urinary passages, as well as the presence of analo- *AtH delta R. Accademia Medico-Chirurgica di Napoli, tomo XLiil., 1890. 186 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA, ETC. gous forms (curved diplococci) in the contents of the mouth, in sputa or the middle ear ; and also as regards the discovery in the urine or sperm of capsulated forms (forms analogous to pneumo- cocci), we refer to the previous Memoirs. From the morphological sketch we have just given, nothing perfectly absolute and incontroverted is to be inferred, either for or against any previously acknowledged systematic view; but perhaps few people will doubt that, in the field of modern bacte- riology, much still remains to be done, and a great deal of discus- sion, combined with careful study, will be required before any definite and satisfactory results will be arrived at concerning the pathogenesis of infectious diseases (we are, of course, now alluding to those cases which are strictly clinical). Many will, we are sure, agree with us that, with regard to bacteria, our knowledge is so limited that no method of investigation will appear superfluous in order to study aright their genesis and properties in order tho- roughly to understand and appreciate their function in our economy. F. ViCENTiNi, Corresponding Member. Chieti; May, i8g2. Fig. 31. X 400. Fi6. 33. [ 187 ] Bacteria of tbe Sputa ant) (Tri^ptoaamic flora of tbe flDoutb. APPENDIX TO THE ENGLISH EDITION Translated by E. S. Summary. Reasons for writing this Appendix. Doubts about the Bacte- rium hypothesis (the views oi Jaccoud, Middendorp, Petten- kofer, and others). Hypothesis of the author on the action of Bacteria upon the human and animal economy (in the normal state, in disease, in labdratory experiments). Some further remarks on the morphology of Leptothrix. Reasons for Writing this Appendix. IN making this translation, I was, at first, tempted to recast the preceding Memoirs into a single work, shorter and more synthetical ; but I have chosen to re-introduce them in their original form and arrangement, wishing to keep unchanged the itinerary, so to speak, in stages, which I have followed up without a preconceived plan, but simply guided by my own clinical investiga- tions. In the present Appendix I shall endeavour to answer, as briefly as possible, a few objections, and give some more particu- lars on the morphology of Leptothrix. The control exercised by other investigators upon the morpho- logical phases described by me will be confined to three distinct objects : — I. — If my observations are exact, Leptothrix buccalis possesses real organs of fructification, and probably also organs of fecunda- tion, similarly to a fungus or an alga of a more complicated structure. Consequently, the first point of control will be to ascertain the existence of such organs. From the preface, which Prof. Miller has kindly prepared for this edition, it is apparent that he has had no great difficulty in finding the " grape bunches " appearances described by me. Of such forms he drew the photo- micrograph, reproduced in Fig. 31 (magnified to 400 diameters). 188 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA Likewise, they have been detected by Mr. J. H. Mummery. In his paper before the Odontological Society he says : — " 1 certainly detected appearances very similar to those organs which Dr. Vicentini compares to grape bunches, and made drawings of them at the time. The regular lines of rounded bodies, which the author considers to be spores, were plainly seen, as well as the central stem ; but I was unable to see the minute peduncles, by which he describes the spores as attached to the central stem. The club-shaped appearances of these bodies were also very evident ; but so far I have been unable to see anything that I can identify as corresponding to two forms of the male organs, although I do not consider I have done justice to the author in my search for these, and shall renew the attempt. The forms which I saw certainly seem to be too regular in shape to be explained as an accidental accumulation of granules or micrococci around an isolated filament (an explanation which has been given by some observers)." * Of the existence of forms by ears or grape bunches there appears, then, to be no doubt ; it remains only to be seen' if, as I detected with a i/asth inch immersion lens in such ears, real peduncles or sterigmata exist, and whether the other forms, con- sidered by me as male organs or fecundating elements (not to speak of less important forms) are as I described them. 2. — Let this first question, relating to facts, be once solved, and there naturally arises that of their interpretation. Are the above-named ears true fructifications and the tufts real male organs ; or is it, in both cases, a question of commensalism or sym- biosis, or some other phenomenon ? Some correspondents have expressed to me their doubt that the ears in question might only be a particular zooglceic form grow- ing into the internal dental tubules, already described by Zopf.f But everybody can see that between the two there is not a single point of analogy in the structure. The figure of Zopf, *J. H. Mummery, Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain, Jan., 1894, p. 77, partly reprinted in the Lancet Feb. 24th, 1894, Vol. I., pp. 487—88. tZopf, of. cit.. Fig. 4, Miller, "Der Einfluss der Mikroorg. a. d. Caries," etc. (Klebs' Archiv, XVI., 1882, Fig. 7). AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 189 reproduced by Miller in KleM Archives, represents a simple heap of cocci and bacteria, mechanically modelled within the dental tubules, and not a production germinating upon \he.free surface of the teeth. It has no central stem, sterigmata, or peduncles ; its single element's are heteromorphous, having at one end bacilli, in the middle bacteria, and at the other end cocci ; whilst the ears bear round, uniform spores in six longitudinal rows. Finally, the heaped-up elements in the dental tubules are more bulky and easily discernible in their normal state. On the other hand, the spores in question are very much more minute, and cannot be distinctly detected without being properly stained. With regard to the process of eventual fecundation, which I have foreseen in the Leptothrix, it will not be inopportune to repeat what Dr. Dallinger writes on the possible conjugation of bacteria : — " Nothing like ' conjugation,' or any other form of sexual generation, has yet been witnessed in any bacteria; and until such shall have been discovered, no confidence can be felt that we know the entire life-history of any type. As it seems unquestionable that among the higher fungi ' conjugation ' often takes place at a very early stage of growth, it seems a not very improbable surmise that the 'granular spheres ' observed by Prof. E. Ray Lankester, in his Bad. Rubescens, may be a product of conjugation in the micrococcus stage of these organisms." * 3. — Having solved these two questions (namely, of the facts and their interpretation), we may with some reason enter the field of the third question, or of the deductions to be derived from the exhibited facts, concerning the single isolated bacterial forms of the buccal cavity, and see whether such forms really constitute as many independent species, or if many of them are not rather simple disseminations or rudiments of one or more superior species of micro-organisms. Now, it so happens that in looking at my researches this last part has had the first consideration, particularly in relation to pathogenic bacteria. Prof. Miller, besides, attributes to me as a firm and full conviction what I simply suggested as doubtful and ♦Carpenter, The Microscope and iU Revelations, 7th edit., by Dallinger. (London, 1891, p. 588.) 190 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA hypothetical— viz., that a great proportion of the bacteria, which is prolific in the mucous membranes, might proceed from a common stock. But I emphatically state that a definite opinion upon that subject would at the present moment be premature. Prof Miller and Mr. Mummery hint at the 'revolutionary character of my views ; but others, long before me, had advanced the problem of an eventual simplification of the bacterial species. The opinions of Hallier and others upon this subject are well known, and Mr. Mummery has opportunely recalled the opinion of Naegeli, as well as a passage in conformity with the same, from the article, " Fungi " of the Encyclopedia Britannica* Finally, we must repeat the hypothesis of Brefeld concerning a possible derivation of bacteria irom fungi of a higher order, which may have lost their organs of fructification, so that their successors could multiply by no other manner than by fission. + My reason for pointing out the problem of the classification of the species of bacteria was simply to anticipate the objections of specialists against ray experiments, and I will now endeavour to explain away some of those objections. On this point Mr. Mummery recalls the fact advanced by Prof. Miller, that " a pure culture of the micrococcus of the sputum septicaemia, one or two days old, will invariably kill a mouse or a rabbit ; whereas a pure culture of some other bacterium from the same mouth, under exactly the same conditions, may have no action at all. This (he adds) seems very extraordinary if they are all derived from one single form in the mouth." % We might admit a distinct specific entity for this or another definite form of bacteria decidedly virulent, without admitting the specific entity of all the remaining forms ; but in the second Memoir I have already referred to the insufficiency of peculiar vital action as forming a basis for the classification of the bacterial species. The distinct characteristic of the other cryptogamic species (I said) is to be found in the fructification or the completed series of the various * Mummery, loc. cit., pp. 79, 80. t Brefeld, Untersuch. U. d. Spaltpihe, Bac. Subtilis. ( Gesell. Nat. Freunde, Berlin, 1878, Schimmelpilze, Heft. 4). X Mummery, loc. cit., p. 80. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 191 morphological phases of each. No one would pretend to classify an alga and a. fungus from observation based upon experiments of the vital action of their single elements on their hosts. But, departing from the ordinary rule, if we wish to assume such a distinct crite- rium for the classification of certain species of bacteria, simply because their natural history is at the present to a great extent unknown, it does not follow that the same should be entirely overlooked. Many parasitic fungi, which in various ways infest their hosts, assume different phases and forms, at times changing upon the one or the other. These divers forms, formerly believed to be as many species, are often simple modifications or particular condi- tions of a single parasite, as happens for instance in the well-known alternation of generations. The alternation of generations (as, for example, in the Ure- dinea, ' ergot,' etc.) exhibits many examples of this kind. Thus, the Puccinia graminis, the cause of the mildew in wheat, only represents a first phase (the teleutospore generation) of an alternating fungus. The same fungus, passing afterwards from the wheat to the barberry, undergoes a second phase {Mcidium Berberidis, or the cecidiospore generation). From this a third generation is pro- duced, which returns to infest the wheat, taking up then two dis- tinct forms, one being a reversion to the primitive phase {Puccinia graininis), ahd the other, altogether different, the Uredo form. Further, the recent history of the Mycetology exhibits, at every step, a progressive working of simplification in this sense. One half, perhaps, of the old species of fungi has already disappeared ; nor would it be surprising if a similar simplification happened even for the bacteria forms. Are not bacteria even lower in the crypto- gamic scale, more slender, and more exposed to the agents of destruction ? No wonder, then, that they possess a greater faculty of adaptation and a more extended polymorphism. In the case of the micrococcus in the sputum septiccemia, in spite of the virulence of its cultures, we are inclined to deny its specific entity, and hold it to be a phase (a capsulated zoogloeic form) of the Leptothrix itself considering its close analogy with the proper capsulated forms of other and altogether different species of bacteria — viz., Cladothrix dichotoma, Bacterium Bal- 192 BACTEEIA OF THE SPUTA Hani, Bacterium osteophilum, and Leptothrix parasitica (Kiitzing), see Figs. 17 and 18. Prof. Miller has, on this point, dissociated himself from a fact apparently unimportant — viz., the change of state, a change which by itself may, in certain cases, produce bio-physical and bio-che- mical effects analogous to those of a real change of species. It is, then, by overlooking the standard of the particular morphology, that laboratory experiments may lead us erroneously to make an unlimited number of species. Consequently, the greater number, if not the whole, of the isolated bacterial forms in the mouth could be related to Leptoth- rix. If the minute cryptogamic plant which I described exists, where shall we place its various particles, detached through ripe- ness or removed by injuries (as spores, sporids, gemmules, chains, filaments, enclosed bacteria, and male elements), if none of the bacterial isolated forms belong to it ? It is, I think, easier to suppose a common derivation of these isolated forms from the above particles of the same plant (like fruits or leaves fallen from the same tree) than the special and altogether distinct origin of them from without. With regard to the experiments of culture and inoculation, far from minimising their importance, I intend to show later on that, being considered within their proper limits, although interpreted in a different way, such experiments may entirely coincide with my opinion of a possible simplification of the bacterial species. True, the bacterial science is still too modern to over-reach a whole system of etiology, and generally the systems have never thoroughly succeeded in medicine. Thinking of the limitation of our minds before the mysteries of life, we may entertain the doubt as to whether the intimate reason and essence of diseases in general, and of the infectious ones in particular, might be accessible to our knowledge, as the greater number of bacteriologists pretend. But, however, I do not presume to minimise the importance of such studies. I have already given in previous works the opinions of several authors upon the limits to which the study of bacteria in medicine may be applied. Now, I will add a few more recent extracts, advising the reader to refer to the writings of Prof. De AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 193 Giovanni of Padua upon the relations which exist between the laboratory and the clinic* Doubts respecting the Bacterial Hypothesis. /accoud's Views on the Spontaneity in Microbian Diseases. Prof. Jaccoud in 1882 concluded one of his lectures in the fol- lowing terms : — It is its source of origin, which makes the bacterium infectious, and not any eflSciency attached to it simply as a bacte- rium. The infectious properties of bacteria are properties borrowed from the soil upon which they have lived, and which they can keep up from generation to generation, even upon artificial cultures.t He observed that the traditional empirical etiology of tubercu- losis, as well as of other infectious diseases, maintains all its value confronted with the bacterial doctrines ; that pneumonia, for instance, and endocarditis are not always due to microbes coming from without, but rather to an inward infection, following upon a diminished resistance of the organism to microbes, which it bears itself : indifferent pathogenic microbes, capable of provoking affections of various seat and form. J In 1888 he resumed the argument of such auto-infection, attri- butmg it to pre-existing germs in the organism, harmless, but which, owing to external circumstances (of a corporeal or cosmical order) may become pathogenic.§ In 1892 he deplored the tendency that modern bacteriology had of suppressing medical etiology through three erroneous sup- positions : — (i) By considering the pathogenic microbes as extra- neous to a healthy organism ; (2) by considering them as the * De Giovanni, sulla tisichezza pulmonare, Naples, 1882. Uno sguardo alia batteriologia, 1886 — 87. La linfa di Koch, communicazione R. Istiluto veneto, 1891, pp. 24 — 28. Morfologia del corfo uinano, Milan, 1891, pp. 113 — 119. Commentari di Clinica Medica, Vol. I., Padua, 1888, pp. 36 — 62, Vol. II., Padua, 1893, pp. 75—177. t Jaccoud, Cours de Patholoqie, Le<;on du li Nov., 1882. Paris, 1893, p. 15. J Jaccoud, Clinique medicale de la Pitii, pour 1883, 1884, Paris, 1885, p., 23, et pour 1%%^ — 86, Paris, 1887, pp. 94 — 98. § Jaccoud, Lejon du 5 Mai, i888 (Bulletin Midical, 11 Nov., 1891, p. 1034. 194 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA originators of effects which are always identical; (3) with reference to the supposed immobiUty of the species of bacteria. The pathogenic microbes, he says, are not always extraneous to a heahhy organism ; on the contrary, a large number of them nor- mally lodge in it. The same disease, for instance, endocarditis, may be induced by various microbes, and these, likewise, are not unchangeable, but assume various forms. Thus, if certain patho- genic microbes normally exist in the healthy organism, this fact demonstrates that the diseases connected with them arise in us and through us, else the disease would be a normal condition and the healthy state a myth. The microbe, for Jaccoud, means only the instrumental cause of the disease ; the how and not the why. Nevertheless, micro-biology presents, according to the author, quite a new character ; the transmissibility to others of a disease originally autogenetic from some common injurious cause^a cold, for instance, although even this fact is, in its turn, subject to the law of a morbid spontaniety. * Amongst the microbes which in a harmless state thrive in the human organism, Jaccoud places the Pneurnococcus, Pneumobacillus, Streptococci and Staphylococci, the Bacterium coli commune, and numberless bacteria that swarm upon the skin and the mucous membranes. He affirms that there is not a single one of these microbes which may not become pathogenic in the affections of the bowels or membranes, in pyaemia, or in erysipelas, rheuma- tism, etc. The Bacterium coli commune, for instance, and its con- geners may enter into the autogenesis of the intestinal affections, causing catarrhal burning, and ulcerous affections, and even typhus or cholera infections, cholera itself being not always characterised by the presence of Bacillus virgula. Then we are in danger of having a plurality of microbes for the same disease, and a plurality of diseases for the same microbe. This is the rock, says Jaccoud, against which the sup- posed specific character of the microbic diseases is likely to be wrecked. The characters of a really specific disease (as poisonings * Jaccoud, Note d, la Traduction de Graves, first edit., Paris, 1891, p. 142, and Clinique Midicale de la Pitii, i886 — 87, Paris, 1888, pp. 52 — 55. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 195 by animal venoms, eruptive fevers, syphilis, etc.) are, accord- ing to the author, five :— Exteriority of the cause ; unity of cause for each disease ; unity of effect for each cause ; immutable relation between cause and effect; and constant reproduction under the same species. Now, he concludes, it is manifest such are not at all the characters of the microbic diseases ; whilst, on the other hand, there is the fact that the greatest part of the diseases truly specific {eruptive fevers, etc.) in any microbial cha- racter is hitherto wanting.* Jaccoud means to indicate that the diseases truly specific (eruptive fevers, etc.) present no peculiar bacilli as their bacillar characteristic, whilst the contrary -should take pjace, according to theory. Middendorp's Remarks on Tubercle. — From the time that the surprising researches of Prof. Koch upon the bacterial characters of tuberculosis were made known, there have been opponents to his theory. Prof. Spina, who was working with Prof. Strieker, opposed it by observing that if the bacilli of Koch should be the true cause of tuberculosis, they ought to precede the formation of tubercular nodules. Let this precedence be disowned, and the principal base of the new theory falls to the ground. Now, he stated that he had never met with bacilli in the young tubercular nodules, and that the bacilli found, by a further observation, in the decayed tubercles and in sputa not only were mixed up with a mass of other bacterial forms, but they did not even possess any truly distinctive characters.t Dr. Beale had already expressed a doubt respecting the exist- ence of true giant cells. He considers those forms as heaps resulting from the development and subdivision of nuclei (bio- plasts) in 2i farmed material or stroma, slightly consistent and con- tinuous in its mass ; and he adds, besides, that such cellules are often wanting in many specimens, even typical of tubercles. J * Jaccoud, De la Spontaneity dans les maladies microbiennes. Lepn d'ouverture (Bulletin Medical, i6 Nov., 1892, pp. 1407 — 10), t Spina, Studien ilber Tuberculosa, Wien, 1883. See also Wiener Med. Presse, 1883, No. 19. Concerning the Experiments of the same author upon the colouring of the bacilli in question, and the observations of Coppen Jones and others, see later on. t Beale, op. cit., pp. 330—31. 196 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA Charrin pointed out that, from the early discovery of Koch, numberless cases of acute miliary tuberculosis had taken place, in which the characteristic bacilli within the tubercular nodules were wanting; and this want was, from the beginning, attributed to imperfection in the method of investigation ; that analogous facts had happened later on to which the same explanation could not apply. He afterwards quoted a case of acute miliary tuberculosis in an adult, in which were found numerous tubercular granulations without caseous degeneration or ulceration, and likewise without the bacilli of Koch ; nor could such bacilli be discovered in any way, even in the inoculated guinea pigs.* Kuskow was also unable to find specific bacilli in the primitive acute, miliary tuberculosis, when the granulations were isolated within healthy tissues. He discovered them in cases of secondary acute miliary tuberculosis, consequent upon a chronic tuberculosis. He affirmed that the acute miliary tuberculosis does not at all proceed from the bacilli of Koch, and that such bacilli only appear there second-hand, proceeding from pre-existing tuber- cular nodules.t But the strongest opposition to the doctrine of Prof. Koch, on the ground of pathological anatomy, is actually that of Prof. Mid- dendorp, of Groningen. He has for several years maintained that the bacilli of Koch are but a simple dissemination of buccal microbes, as he had never detected them in the young tubercles, which were not yet in communication with the bronchia. When the lymph of Koch was so highly proclaimed, Middendorp thought fit to divulge his researches ; but I shall not refer here to that keen contest. Briefly, Middendorp, from the figures exhibited by Koch, shows that the latter has found bacilli in tubercles only in a retro- gressive phase, and already in communication with the air-passages, and not in tubercles which were either partially or fully developed, but still healthy and grey and isolated. The author then mentions that he has never come across any such bacilli, either in young tubercles, in yellow, caseous tubercles, or in cavities not communi- cating with the bronchia. This would prove, according to him, * Charrin, Comptes Rendus de la Sociiti de Biologic, 12 Oct., 1891. t Kuskow, St. Petersburger Med. Wochenschr., 1891, No. 36. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 197 that the relative bacterial germs, instead of preceding the evolu- tion of the tubercle, are transplanted by second hand, and a second time in the tubercular mass in decay from the nursery, existing in the mouth ; and consequently they have nothing. to do with the cause of the disease. Middendorp likewise impugned the existence of true giant cells, for which he was rebuked, although he was not the first to doubt the true or supposed origin of them.* Middendorp treated largely upon the experiments of Villemin and Waldenburg, about the inoculation of tuberculosis in animals, adding reports of numerous inoculations, practised by himself upon dogs. To the censures made to him Middendorp replies a second time, more particularly explaining the points relating to the origin of the bacilli of Koch. " Here is (he says) the quintessence of the problem concerning the doctrine of Koch on the bacillary origin of tuberculosis, on the biological properties of these microbes that he pretends to have discovered, and on the cura- tive method founded by him. I deny the existence of bacilli in sound tubercles of recent formation, yellow or caseous, as Koch and the bacteriologists of his opinion would make us believe ; and likewise I deny their presence in the same cavities, until these enter in communication with the bronchia. Then the situation changes ; but the bacilli found in such tubercular cavities, commu- nicating with the bronchia, or in the sputa, are common bacilli of buccal mucus, having, as such, reached the morbid seat, or in a state of germs. In order to place our faith in the theory of Koch, that such bacilli are in etiological relation with tuberculosis, he will have to show them to us, not in the expectorated matter nor in the tuber- cular mass taken from the walls of a cavity or cavern in communica- tion with the bronchia, but in tubercles in a state of developme7it, or in tubercles already fully developed, but still fresh, grey, raw, and healthy. \ * Middendorp, Le Remide de Koch, sa valeur, etc., Paris, 1891. Der Werth des Koch 'schen Heilverfahrens gegen Tubercolose, Emden and Borkum, 1891. t Middendorp, Nouvelks etudes concernant les bacilles tuberc, etc., Paris, 1 89 1. Weilere Mittheilungen, u. d. v. Prof. Koch Tuberkelbacillen, etc., 1891. 198 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA In 1892-93, after the bitter criticism of the followers of Prof. Koch, Middendorp wrote three pamphlets in Dutch, which were translated and appeared in La France Midicale, in which he dealt with the evolution of the tubercle, the giant cells, the so-called pure cultures, and the lymph of Koch.* Having again confirmed the absolute absence of specific bacilli in tubercles still isolated, Middendorp enlarges, in rectifying some inaccuracies in which he thinks Prof. Koch and his followers have fallen, with regard to the structure and evolution of the tubercle. Not even in the caseous and most inward part of the yellow tubercles and their conglomerates did Middendorp detect bacilli ; whilst an emulsion of 10 milligrammes of such caseous substance, although deprived of bacilli, produced, when inoculated in dogs, a miliary tuberculosis. He excludes a transmission by means of invisible spores, not apt to colour, as well as the supposed transport of tubercular bacilli (immobile) through migratory cellules. In one of his letters to me, Prof. Middendorp thus expresses himself : — " The bacilli only accompany pulmonary phthisis in caverns communicating with the bronchia. They are, on one side, immigrants just arrived there ; but for the greater part they are the descendants of bacilli which first immigrated into these cavities (which may on this account be compared to sinuous abnormal recesses of the air-passages), and have produced there numerous colonies of various generations. These microbes, therefore, cannot be called tubercular bacilli, as they are not found in tubercles as such, and have no etiological relation whatever with tuberculosis. For this reason I maintain that tubercular bacilli, in the sense of Prof. Robert Koch, do not exist at all." With regard to cultures, Middendorp thinks that their virulence is to be attributed, not to the bacilli in themselves, but to the necrosing tubercular substance, in which the bacilli- are entangled. Such substance, even free from bacilli, becomes extremely virulent. It goes to form the cultures, and transplants itself in the succes- * Middendorp, Tuberkelbacillen Bestaan Niet, Open Brief, etc., Gronin- gen, 1892. Tuberkelbacillen Bestaan Niet, Vercfere Bij'iira^en, etc, , Gionineen, 1893. £s giebt Keine Wharen Tuberkelbacillen, etc., Groningen, 1894, La cause (bacillaire ?) de la Tubet culose. Suite sur la doctrine erronie de R. Koch, etc. ( France Midicale, 1S94, pp. 113 — 35). AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 199 sive transports, which cannot eliminate it or weaken its virulence. It enters as well into the composition of the lymph proclaimed by Prof. Koch for curing tuberculosis ; also,, its presence can be proved in the cultures from which lymph is extracted. Consequently (concludes the author) I cannot attach the least value respecting the genesis of tuberculosis, to the inoculations of these cultures, almost pure, because Professor Koch has not inoculated the isolated parasite, but always conjointly with this necrosing tubercular substance, specifically infectious. So far Middendorp. But his definite conclusions leave, in my humble opinion, two questions unsolved : the first concerning the presence of peculiar bacilli resisting the decolourising agents in sputa of consumption rather than in other sputa; the second ques- tion, about their presence even in tubercular nodules of organs not communicating with air-passages (glands, brain, etc.), impugned by Middendorp, but proved by other accredited investigators. These two points deserve the greatest attention. Even admit- ting, with Prof. Middendorp, that such bacilli are not at all a species distinct from other forms of Leptothrix (and I concur in this opinion), it still remains to be explained why, in the tubercular products, they especially resist the decolourising and are capable of furnishing special cultures. Here is, in my opinion, the real point of the question. I shall speak of this again later on.* The Experiments of Pettenkofer and others on Asiatic Cholera. The first who tried the ingestion of choleraic matter seems to have been Rochefontaine, who swallowed pills of faecal matter of cholera patients without any injury to himself. Similar experi- ments were repeated by Klein at Bombay ; afterwards by Wall and others. During the epidemic at Hamburg in 1892, Prof. Pettenkofer communicated to the Medical Society of Munich Emmerich's and his own experiments with pure cultures of cholera bacilli in broth taken from a quite fresh culture from Hamburg. Of this culture * Lately the author has given a resume of his observations and views in a newspaper : La Cause de la Tuherculose, Paris, Oct., 1895. 200 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA Pettenkofer took a cubic centimeter in a solution of bicarbonate of sodium, and suffered only from a slight diarrhoea, with many comma bacilli in the dejecta. Emmerich repeated the experiment in a dietetic excess, and exposed himself to a current of cold air in the night. He suffered from a more acute diarrhoea, with bacilli in the dejecta, and other disorders. After these experiments, Pettenkofer dared not impugn, abso. lutely, the pathogenic action of the Comma Bacillus. In a letter to me, he maintains that the key of the etiological pro- blem in the infectious diseases is to be looked for in bacteriology. Therefore, he held the presence of bacilli in the dejecta to be a proof of a certain connection with the choleraic process ; but he did not acknowledge them as the only cause nor as the principal seat of the virus. An epidemic, according to Pettenkofer, is an equation of three incognitse : — x, the specific germ ; y, the local conditions ; z, the individual predisposition. He attributed chiefly to the want of these extrinsic conditions {y and z) the relative harmlessness of the ingathered bacilli, Munich being at that time free from epidemics. In order to confirm that interpretation, it would have been necessary to repeat the experiment in infected countries. Pettenkofer, referring to the experiments of Bouchard,* concluded that the specific virus of cholera does not arise from the Comma Bacillus, but is evolved in the human organism ; and, once developed, that virus, taken directly from the body of cholera patients, even when deprived of bacilli, transmits cholera to the inoculated animals. f Frsenkel objected that the disordelrs from which the two experi- menters of Munich suffered should have been at once recognised as true attacks of cholera, however slight ; but Pettenkofer had previously requested Bauer and Ziemmsen to verify the nosogra- * Bouchard, when inoculating substances secreted from the intestines or kidneys of cholera patients, had noticed in the animals under experiment symptoms of cholera ; whilst inoculating on other animals of the same species, simple cultures of the Comma Bacillus, or the product of their material change, had only obtained negative results. (Bouchard, Zes Microbes Patho- gines, pp. 119—30). t Pettenkofer, Ueher Cholera mit BerucksichtigHn^ d. jungslen Cholerapi- demie in Hamburg (Munch. Med. Wochenschr., 1892, No. 46). AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 201 phic table of the indisposition from which they suffered. Emme- rich added that the dejecta of the two experimenters, which con- tained a great number of the comma Bacillus, had been poured in a common closet without any disinfectants, and nevertheless cholera had not broken out at Munich.* These experiments were, in 1893, followed by those of Strieker at Vienna, who, together with his six pupils, swallowed with impunity large quantities of comma Bacillus. These experiments were, however, impugned by Loeffler. Lazarus, meanwhile, relates the case of an assistant who con- tracted a slight cholera infection through having handled many times choleraic cultures.f Metschnikoff shortly afterwards published new experiments on the subject.! Some considerable quantity of a culture nine years old, and harmless to animals, having been swallowed in large quantities, an attack of cholera was produced, which was followed, on the tenth day, by recovery. This experiment was opposed by Drasche ; but experienced practitioners proved the case to be a real attack of cholera.§ Metschnikoff, in a second experiment, obtained analogous results from a drop of a recent culture diluted in broth. However, in various other experiments, he could only detect slight disorders. Then he found that even large quantities 0/ choleraic cultures may be swallowed by man with impunity, the result of a certain relative impunity being due, in his opinion, to the presence in the intestinal passages of other antagonistic microbes. In September, 1894, whilst Hamburg was free from cholera, Oergel, an assistant at the Institute of Hygiene, in making experi- ments on guinea pigs, fell a victim to cholera after the seventh day. {| With this exception, all the other infectious cases which hap- pened in laboratories appear to have ended in the recovery of the patient, and did not transmit the disease to other subjects. We *Fr3enkel, Deutsche Med. Wochenschr., 1892, No. 48, Emmerich, ibid.. No. 50. t Lazarus, Berliner Klin. Wochenschr., 1893, No. 51. X Metschnikoff, Annates de Vtnstitut Pasteur, May and July, 1893 ; May and August, 1894. I Drasche, Wiener Med. Wochenschr., 1894. II Deutsche Med. Wochenschr., 1S94, No. 41. Q 202 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA notice also that other observers detected comma bacilli identical with those of cholera in persons who were simply affected by cos- tiveness ; that De Crecchio at Naples found them in a case of arsenical poisoning; and others (amongst whom Cunningham) detected, in the dejecta of cholera, ten different bacterial charac- teristics ; whilst, on the other hand, he met with cases of cholera free from any traces of Spirilla or Comma Bacillus. As we see, the facts proving the harmlessness, however acci- dental and relative this may be, of the cultures and choleraic matter, are neither few nor isolated, and we cannot pass them over, particularly in a matter of such importance. It is difficult to understand how choleraic cultures, ingested in large quantities, may be harmless, whilst a few germs or bacilli introduced, whether mixed with food, drinks, or inhaled, succeed, according to theory, in producing the ravages of cholera. The question being still sub judice, the mind naturally returns to the opinion of Lewis (see the second memoir), who identified the cholera bacilli with the normal comma bacilli of the mouth. It was objected that these cannot be reproduced on artificial soils of culture, whilst the cholera multiply there easily. But we can meet this objection, in my opinion, by saying that these two forms of bacilli represent a single bacterial element, though in two dis- tinct phases of existence. In the original phase (buccal comma bacillus) it is a question oi fertilising elements in full activity, and therefore incapable of multiplying by themselves, though this cannot prevent the same elements, when transplanted into the intestine and afterwards on the cultural media, and precluded from performing their copulative function, from falling back into a retro- gressive phase of existence, reverting to simple vegetative elements, and so multiplying by fission. In fact, some thought that the cholera bacilli had an affinity to the Spirilla and Spirochcete, through their aptitude to form articulated filaments, with short bendings.* For other arguments against the bacterial origin of cholera I refer the reader to the work of Wall.f * See on this subject the forms of cholera spirilla from broth cultures, in the drawings of Cornil and Babes (pp. cit. , third edition ). t Wall, Asiatic Cholera : Its History, Pathology, and Modern Treatment. Third edition, London, 1893. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 203 Hypothesis of the Author on the Action of the Bacteria upon the Human and Animal Economy. Let us examine now whether an eventual simplification of the bacterial' species, in the sense that I propose, may be made to agree with laboratory experiments considered within their -proper and strict confines. It is not here the place to take into consideration the action of bacteria in the external world and their destiny in the general plan of nature ; as the disintegration of rocks, the elaboration of the humus, the nitrification and other processes related to vegetal chemistry, etc. Although we have such an array of facts to prove .the great importance of Bacteriological Flora, its high destiny in the universal economy, quite different from the supposed morbific action, my task now is simply to consider bacteria in relation to human and animal economy, under three aspects — viz., the healthy state, the morbid state, and in laboratory experiments. In the Healthy State.— \}ni^ex this first aspect I have elsewhere noticed that the presence of bacteria in such a prodigious number, especially in the mouth and the external genitals, exhibits the cha- racter of a real excluding vegetation, destined to protect those natural openings, and to spread itself into other and more distant organs. The presence of bacteria or their germs in the tissues and fluids of the body had already been an argument for the considera- tion and researches of many investigators. From a Memoir on Relapsing Fever I quoted some passages from Dr. Beale, which are worth repeating :— " The presence of these living organisms in the tissues and fluids of the body is not peculiar to contagious diseases. Bacteria and their germs have been found in numbers, in cases characterised neither by fever, nor by specific symptoms, nor by blood-poisoning, nor by being propagated by contagion. Nay bacteria grow and multiply, and in all organisms and in all parts of organisms, so very soon after death, either of a part or of the whole body has occurred, as to render it almost certam that their germs must have existed in the organism before death. They live and multiply under many different conditions, and consume healthy as well as morbid matters in a state of decay. In the 204 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA internal parts of the bodies of man and animals, in their tissues and in their blood, these little germs exist and probably multiply, but very slowly, their life-changes being in abeyance as long as the bioplasm of the body, with its higher life, prevails ; but when this succumbs, the bacterium germ bursts its bonds, and its descen- dants, soon numbering millions of bacteria, assert their sway to the detriment of the part. That bacteria are not in themselves hurtful has been proved most conclusively. Many things we eat contain them in countless multitudes. In the alimentary canal of infants suffering a little derangement of the stomach, bacteria are often present in vast numbers, and in some of these cases not a particle of the contents could be found at any point between the mouth and the anus that was not teeming with bacteria. Many of the secretions may contain them without any perceptible injury to health, while hosts of them are invariably present in the fluids, and in and about the superficial cells of the mucous membrane of the mouth of all persons, even in the most vigorous health." * To-day the presence of bacteria in the interior of single histo- logical elements is so generally admitted that some wish to argue a kind of equivocal generation or derivation of bacteria from the normal granulations of the cellular protoplasm.f So B^champ thought that bacteria were derived from microzymas, or protoplas- mic granules, which were apt to transform themselves into bacteria as soon as the nutritive activity of the cellule became extirict or suspended. I An analogous hypothesis was advanced by Nuesch — viz., that bacteria and ferments were only secondary cellules produced by the normal cellules of the vegetal pulp, with this difference, that bacteria would produce themselves when the albu- menoids abound in the generating cellules (Zellsaftblaschen) ; and when, on the other hand, glucose predominates, there would be produced ferments. Sterilisation would only be an effect of the extinction of the protoplasm of the generating cellule, without * Beale, op. ctt., pp. 315—18. tThe equivocal generation of the bacteria has, however, been refuted since 1880 by Dr. Beale ('see How to Work with the Microscope, London, 1880 p. 20s). + Bechamp, Les Microzymas et les Zymases (Arch, de Physiologic, 1883). AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 205 the vitality of which the secondary cellules would be unable to produce themselves.* Even Prof, de Giovanni observed that, in the disintegration of the red and colourless corpuscles of the blood, of the epitheliaand cancerous cellules, they resolved themselves into other and more minute elements, which would constitute \\\t plastidules of Haeckel, the colonies of the bioplasts of Altmann, or the bacterial germs.f Galippe, in three notes (from 1887 to 1891) treated of the presence of micro-organisms in the vegetal healthy tissues ; and in a fourth note (1893) described a method of his own for the research of bacteria in normal living tissues, of vegetal or animal origin, and especially in the testicle, liver, and kidneys, t The researches of Escherich, Bumm, Mercit, Cohn, Neumann, and Hauigmann revealed the presence of bacteria in the milk of women in perfect health, which occasioned various conjectures about their origin.§ In the third Memoir I recorded the hypothesis of Rud and Arndt — viz., that the moving granules of the salivary corpuscles are but the germs of Spirochete lodging there, in the first phase of their life. In the already recorded Memoir on Relapsing Fever I myself described certain groups or heaps of colourless blood cor- puscles, from which, by means of the oscillations impressed on the preparation in pressing the thumbs, new Spirilla were, now and then, seen to escape. || These facts (and others which, for brevity's sake, I omit) are a convincing proof of the vast diffusion of bacteria or their germs in our economy, as if their universal presence or ubiquity were co-ordinated to the various metamorphoses and operations of the * Nuesch, Arch, des Sciences Phys. et Natu., Genfeve, 1886, No. 10. t De Giovanni, Remarks concerning the Inflammaiory Process (Gazzetta Med. Veneta, anno xxiv. e xxv. ). Altmann, Die Elementarorganismen ii. ikre Bezieungen zH d. Zellen, Leipzig, iSgo. X Galippe, Recherches et Notes Originates, Deuxifime S6rie, 1891, pp. 71 — 73, Troisi^me S^rie, 1S93, pp. 37 — 44. § Hauigmann, Zeitschr. f. Hyg. u. Inf. Krank., 1893. See also Modern Medicine and Bacteriotogicat World, Oct., 1893, pp. 252 — 54. II Vicentini, On a Case of Relapsing Fever and on the Discovery of Spirilla in the Blood, p. 23, and Fig. 2, h. 206 BACTEKIA OF THE SPUTA organism. In the second Memoir I touched on the influence of bacteria upon digestion. Now, however, I must appeal to the general law of cellular biology. Considering the assimilating activity of bacteria, on the one hand, and, on the other, their reducing activity at the expense of the histological elements in decay, I have often asked myself whether this ubiquity of the bacterial elements is not, perhaps, destined to perform some important service, as, for instance, the expurgation of the fluids to act as scavengers in relation to decayed particles or cells of the body. As is admitted, the elementary parts or cellules of the single tissues have, each one of them, a fixed cycle of evolution, in which they begin, multiply, and pass away, and other generations take their place. We must therefore presume that the products of decomposition of these extinct particles or cellulary corpses with their residue become the pabulum of bacteria, in the same way as is daily observed in the epithelia, in the corpuscles of the blood, of the pus, etc. In similar manner the bacteria and their germs, scattered in our bodies, would act as necrophagous agents, cleansing the tissues and fluids of the economy, ijot only of the eliminated substances, but even of the residue of the defunct histological elements, which otherwise would contaminate the body. The physiological destination in the organism being thus understood, we possess the teleological reason of the presence and ubiquitary circulation of their particles and germs in the various points and recesses of the economy, following the passages and . gaps of the blood and the lymph, or migrating slowly from an his- tological element in decay into another contiguous element. Such particles or germs may be so slender that, even when magnified to 2,000 diameters, they will not be detected * ; and can, therefore, cross and pass through the cellular bodies and tissues as through porcelain filters ; and more so, for they can penetrate through the intestinal villi and the chyliferous system. The origin of such circulating particles may be assigned to those internal granules of the common bacterial articulations which are drawn in Fig. 2, «'; in Fig. 4, h ; and in Fig. 5, e,e',f; * Beale, The Microscope in Medicine, edit, cit., p. 318. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. .207 as well as to the young gemmules of reserve enclosed in the fila- ments, before fully developing into new bacteria. Thus we have, so to say, a fixed capital of bacterial forms, in remarkable or full development, upon the digestive, respiratory, and genito-urinary mucous membranes ; and a circulating capital of more rudiment- ary, slender forms inside the body. In Disease. — The preceding remarks may apply equally well to the pathological conditions ; nay, we may presume that, in local and general affections, the activity of bacteria may become comparatively more intense and agitated. In a vast number of morbid processes we have a great multiplication of histological elements (phlogistic exudations, pus, etc.), and, consequently, a tumultuous succession of new cellular generations, which rapidly retrograde and disappear as the preceding ones. To this prolifi- cation'^and retrogression would ensue, therefore, a larger number of elements and bacterial germs ; and likewise a more rapid and agitated multiplication of the same in the diseased parts. The simple fact that bacteria are present in the products or morbid seats does not imply anything specific, so long as their totally'extraneous origin, and their quite independent entity, be satisfactorily proved. Losing sight of this truth, as simple as it is essential, one risks falling into strange exaggerations, and is likely to include the most varied complaints (even the ingrowing nail) in the list'of bacteriological infections.'^ In the fever complaints, without proportional local incentive, a similar thing happens. If in these cases the local processes are relatively unimportant, there is, otherwise, an increase not l^ss tumultuous, but even more general, of the cellular metamorphoses, in many provinces or in certain systems of the economy ; thence the hypertermia, with a rapid thinning and loss of weight in the body. This is the reason why, in the acute or chronic disease (for example, tuberculosis), which more severely attack certain systems, the presence of bacteria in the affected parts and other seats is more easily detected. " Chacun suit," says Charrin, ''que les mal- * On the bacterial origin of the ingrowing nail, see Regnault, Association fran^aise pour Vavancement des Sciences, Cahen, August 13, 1894. 208 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA adies ginkraks ou locales peuvent faire que nos tissues cessent d'etre privlss de germes." * Now, in my opinion, from this virulent deviation of the primi- tive activity of the bacterial elements, concurring and multiplying themselves in the affected parts, new properties which bacteria assume would be evolved, often irritating, sometimes polluting, and finally showing themselves through the inoculation of the morbid products or cultures obtained from them in the animals experimented upon. In other words, through the changes brought about, harmless bacteria or saprophytes would develop into mfec- tious or pathogenic bacteria. These contaminating properties then are to be attributed, not to anything original and intrinsic to bacteria, but to an accidental deviation of their activity. And observe that the virulence so acquired would, in its turn, remain still inactive, without any hurtful effect whatever, at least in most cases, if the will of the experimenter did not help to deviate, as far as possible, the natural course of vital phenomena by taking up these bacteria, so modified, in order intentionally to transport them, together with the relative products of decomposition, con- trarily to the ordinary course of nature, into the animals experi- mented upon. These views largely agree with those of Goldscheider, who believes that bacteria, originally harmless, become infectious or pathogenic through the simple deviation of the primitive biological properties impressed upon them by certain substances {predisposing substances). Having once got this deviation, it will be maintained from generation to generation, as the author proves in the Strepto- cocci and Staphylococci.'^ The possible affinity of saprophytic bacteria with pathogenic forms are admitted in a work by one of Prof Koch's disciples. "The distinction" (so writes K. Fraenkel) "between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria is not so absolute as it at first appears. We know that a fair number of micro-organisms which seem harmless may, in given circumstances, become pathogenic ; and we also know, on the other hand, that some pathogenic species * Charrin, Compt. Rend, de la Societe de Biologic, II Nov., 1893. t Goldscheider, Centralblatt f. klin. Med., 1893, No. 33. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 209 may lose their pathogenic properties, and form a series of harmless bacteria." And elsewhere, " Considering that all pathogenic bac- teria in a period more or less distant were lacking their pathogenic properties ; that even the parasitic micro-organisms had originally to lead a saprophytic life ; that the pathogenic action depends on a special adaptation to the nutritive conditions, we might consider the loss of this property as a reversion to their old way of existence. It is clear that the tendency of the species to lose the virulence is different, and that some keep it up longer than others. But for all, the virulence constitutes only an accessory, apt to increase or decrease, according to circumstances. Therefore the differences in the virulence cannot assist us in separating, the one from the other, identical species of bacteria."* I will, on this point, recall an important distinction between virulence and pathogenic action. When, in laboratory experiments, we speak oi pathogenic or non-pathogenic action of bacteria, we mean that we consider an exchange of ideas takes place only as we implicitly hold the action of bacterial cultures in the laboratory to be identical to that of similar bacteria, in the genesis of the spontaneous infectious diseases, as exhibited in daily practice, though the truth of this is not quite demonstrated, as the fundamental point of the question has not yet been proved — namely, the supposed aggression of bacteria from without, or by first hand (say, in the pulmonitic or tubercular diseases) ; nor is it even proved, in the affected part, their precedence on the local alteration, as it results from the obser- vations of Spina and Middendorp. On the contrary, to say virulent action is to put the question in its true terms. Thus, we only affirm the fact of certain alterations following upon the inoculation, keeping it distinct from the other fact of the preceding evolution of a spontaneous disease (from the products of which we obtained the culture), and without attribut. ing to this earlier fact what really belongs to the later one, by second-hand — viz., to the irritating or polluting action of the inoculated material. Though mostly unknown, the causes may * Karl Fraenkel, Manual of Bacteriology, Ital. translat, Turin, 1892, pp. 109 — 123. 210 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA be numberless by which a bacterial culture can prove hurtful to animals experimented upon, and often the contamination that follows has nothing in common with the original disease. We must keep in mind two actual facts in laboratory experi- ments. The first is that the bacterium inoculated in the labora- tory is not a bacterium proceeding from the external world (as is thought to be the case in spontaneous infections), but one pur- posely taken ; and from what source ? From a morbid source or from eliminated matter (sputum, pus, fceces, etc.). Now, such a product or material is, after all, but a confusion of various elimin- ated matters, either in an incipient state of decomposition or quite decayed, destinated to be eliminated by the affected organism, and not inoculated to a sound organism ; a material polluted, by the cellular decayed bodies, incongruous to life, and even dele- terious if taken from the dead body, as is often the case in such experiments. The second condition of the fact is this : — That a bacterium hardly ever becomes virulent when it is brought back to these sources, for it is originally destined by Nature, let us say, in the mouth ; but it may become so when it is introduced into seats not intended-«.ft, under the skin, in cavities, or in the circulation, but by Nature, viz. :— The inoculation, as I said elsewhere, introduces at once a huge mass (milliards) of bacterial elements into the internal organs, where Nature did not intend them to be. What wonder, then, that in a great many cases local or general alterations should result ? If, on the contrary, you deposit the bacterial culture in the mouth (a habitat destined by Nature for most of these minute beings), it will prove harmless, as is demonstrated by the experi- ments of Pettenkofer and others in reference to the Cholera bacillus and those of Stagnitta, who for several days ingested rabid matter, without any harm to himself.* The same thing happens jvith the poison of serpents. In Laboratory Experiments. But it will be objected that the bacteria inoculated in labora- tories were, for a certain time and for different generations, nursed in artificial culture media, where it is presumed they may have * Stagnitta, Bulletlmo deU'Acc. Med. di Roma, 1893, P- SZ°- AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 211 deposited every vestige of those putrid and deleterious substances in which they were previously immersed. And this is partly true. Thus, through frequent transplantations, the virulence of those bacteria may be reduced and even destroyed. Again, the virulence is an acquired property in the affected spots, and may, upon other culture media, diminish or vanish. But it is understood that such an epuration, catharsis, or complete reversion of bacteria to their primitive harmlessness, cannot be immediate ; nay, it may perhaps fail altogether. On the other hand, we cannot advocate a purification process of this kind for one property (the acquired virulence) without admitting it implicitly even for the other (the supposed original pathogenic action) ; as we cannot reasonably expect that, in the artificial cultures, the bacterium should divest itself of the polluting properties acquired in the pathological material (which are a fact) without divesting itself at all of that original, pathogenic efBciency, which is a supposition. In truth, he who considers the conditions of the artificial cul- tures must implicitly admit that, if the form, the type, or the supposed specific entity of the bacterium and its supposed patho- genic action is maintained intact, in passing from the morbid seat or from the eliminated matter into the gelatine or broth, this necessarily implies that, in those artificial culture media, are exactly reproduced and maintained the same conditions, bio-phy- sical and bio-chemical„ which existed in the product or in the morbid seat. One of two things must naturally occur, either the bacterium has degenerated from its primitive condition, or it has not. If it is always the same, it cannot have preserved in quality and quantity the same properties, but by assimilating the same principles and casting in the nutritive vehicle the same products of decomposition which first segregated (toxin, toxi-albumen, etc.). The conditions of the bacterium as such then are not substantially changed in the culture ; nay, a certain quantity of the impure or decomposed material is transplanted with it ; and the same pro- ducts of decomposition must necessarily be repeated, which, in their turn, concur to produce the pollution, if they do not consti- tute the principal cause, in the animals experimented upon. If it were not so, the nature of bacterium would not always be the 212 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA same, or, at most, the bacterium would be thoroughly modified in its biological effects. In successive transplantations an analogous transmission takes place ; a certain part of the fermentable mass, together with the relative ferment, is transmitted from one culture to another, as, for instance, happens with leaven or yeast used in baking, which is transported from one parcel of dough to another. A confirmation of this view can be obtained from the same bio-chemical properties of the ordinary culture media. Let us consider what are broth, gelatine, agar, serum, etc. Are they not organic substances taken from vegetables or animals, living or dead, which were, in both cases, destined to decay and perish after being separated from the living economy ? The sterilisation may have transitorily suspended such decomposition, but this decompo- sition must initiate or recommence, so soon as a fresh corrupted matter, as, for instance, a diseased product, any refuse or cadaver- ous product, reaches it. In other words, on account of the mixing up or dissemination of the suspected material, the culture medium, although before sterilised, soon becomes decomposed ; and from that decomposition no other than virulent and deleterious sub- stances can be produced, to which, more than to the bacterium itself, are to be attributed at last the poisonous effects and the pollution in the animals experimented upon. I have used the word pollution with good reason, because, in many cases, the disorder caused by inoculations in animals experimented upon resembles a poisoning rather than a disease in the true sense of this word. We must in fact make a distinction between the diseases which are certainly inoculable, such as cow-pox, syphilis, tuberculosis, etc., from those which are supposed to be inoculable (whooping cough, pneumonia, etc.). The first are transmissible through graft- ing the relative virus, either directly by means of the morbid product in substance, or indirectly through bacterial cultures con- taining that virus. In these cases it is really the disease which is transmitted, and not an infection of another nature. The bacteria taken from this source, having been in contact with the specific virus, may transmit it from the sick to the healthy, as clothes and linen transmit certain contagions, without constituting, however, the generating principle of the disease. AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 213 It IS not the same with cases of the second series. Here it is not a question of a communicated disease strictly speaking, but of a produced poisoning, more or less analogous to the septic or cadav- erous infection. This poisoning might partly resemble the original disease from the products of which we got the culture ; if, as often happens, the bacteria, removed from a tissue or an organ (in the patient), will tend to regain (in the mouse or guinea pig) the tissue or the homologous organ. It does not surprise us to find in those organs or tissues of the animal the same bacteria as it would not surprise a farmer (says Zeissl) to see the corn spring up where he sowed it.* Whether the animal succumbs or survives the experiment, it will be difficult, in my opinion, to establish a perfect identity between this disorder stirred up, mostly tumultuous, and the evolutionary process of a true illness identical with the original disease in man. There are numberless examples of supposed bacilli or pathogenic spores (Letzerich) to prove how often the experimenters are, on that point, led into most serious errors. We may affirm that there is not a single one of them who, with his spores or bacteria, has not pretended to have reproduced the original disease (say whooping-cough), in all its characters, con- futing one another in turn ; so easy is it to exchange the symptoms of an artificial inoculation with those of a disease sui generis, — for example, Septicoemia with hydrophobia (see second Memoir). In that Memoir we have seen that there is no comparison between the fabulous number of bacterial elements which, at once, introduce themselves in the animals experimented on, and the few homologous elements which, in the spontaneous infections, are supposed to introduce themselves, one by one, from the exter- nal world, given and not conceded, that in those spontaneous infections the corresponding bacteria be of external origin, and not simple disseminations of normal bacteria of the economy, as seems more probable to me. In fact, bacteria are most frequently to be found, and therefore considered characteristic of the disease, in the affections of the respiratory and digestive passages. In the diseases really infectious or more distinctly contagious (namely, * M. von Zeissl, Sul Diplococco di Neisser, Ital. trans., Naples, 1887, page 46. 214 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA the eruptive fevers and others mentioned by Jaccoud), a, true bacterial characteristic has not yet been found. Here I should stop at the so-called pure cultures. Apart from the consideration that we do not even now know whether the bac- teria hitherto known are true and complete beings, or simple par- ticles of more complex beings, the difficulties of the isolation of single types, or supposed bacterial species (which confusedly and in huge masses encumber most preparations), are such and so many that a culture can be called pure only in name.* I have no sufficient data to give a positive opinion upon the specification of Bad. anthracis, but fear it is nothing but B. subti- lis modified either originally or consecutively in the pustule itself. For many years it has been thought that the successful treatment of Lister should depend purely and simply on the exclusion of bacterial elements suspended in the atmospheric dust, which was reputed to be the only source of the traumatic infections. Now, this opinion is losing ground, and already many surgeons have abandoned the spray, to direct every attention to cleanliness of the hands, of the instruments, and of the medicaments applied.t Moreover, it is nearly impossible to exclude efficiently the bacteria from the parts operated upon (the same applies to many manipulations in the laboratory), as it has been remarked by Dr. Beale; for, as Galippe says, "// n'y a point de barriires pour les microbes. X *"I know nothing more humiliating than to be exposed to difficulties apparently infinitesimal, which always reappear the moment we think we have overcome them. Thus, after knowing the difficulties that the selection of bacteria present, I have become very sceptical about the purity of cultures. The methods boasted of a,s safe can, in my opinion, give only a rela- tive security." — Miguel, Etude sur la fermentation ammoniacale, etc. (Annates de Micrographie, 1891, /. 277). tSee on this subject Lawson Tait, The Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of the Ovaries, 1883, p. 268, and British Med.Journ., 1882; Ban- tock, Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, Vol. LXiv. ; Haegler, Beiirage zur Klin. Chirurgie, Bd. 9, 1892 ; Fritsch. Bericht u. d. Gincekolog. Oper., 1893 ; Doderlein, Deutsche Med. Wochenschrift , 1893, No. 21, etc. X Galippe, loc. cit., troisieme slrie, p. 37. On this subject I recall the remarks of the same author upon a fungus 'ui generis (Monilia Sputicola), which he saw germinating in filtered and sterilised saliva, attributed by him to germs pre-existing in the filtering pipe (Journ. de I'Anatomie et de la Physiolog., 1885, Planche xxvii.) AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 215 Bizzozero pointed out, also, the presence of bacteria in the same parts, carefully covered with Listerian dressings.* "The practice of Lister " (wrote Dr. Beale) "is doubtless excel- lent, but the data upon which it is based may nevertheless be faulty. It seems very probable that the favourable results of this method of treatment are due, not to the destruction of the bacteria, but to the direct influence of the carbolic acid upon the wound. Car- bolic acid interferes with the rapid growth and multiplication of bioplasm, which results after a time in the formation of pus-cor- puscles." + Briefly, the theory of the direct contagium has nowadays sup- planted that of the infection through the air-medium. Rather than to germs floating in the atmosphere, the attention is now directed to the organic residues that may be suspended there, or may settle upon and contaminate the instruments, the hands, and the dressing materials (unclean particles, incrustations of pus, exhalations, and excretions). Perhaps the anomalous bioplasts of Dr. Beale may have something to do with it. But even when the traumatic infections should only be due to bacteria, the nature, essentially, and originally pathogenic of them would not at all follow. Microbes totally inoffensive in their own natural habitat may become offensive if, either by accident or pur- posely, they are transplanted in one extraneous to it ; therefore, harmless bacteria on the mucous membranes or on the skin, etc., might, in the continuous solutions, in the serous cavities, or in the blood, become corrupting because transplanted to locaUties neither intended nor consented by Nature that they should occupy. Concerning the modifications that common bacterial elements may undergo in morbid parts {e.g., tuberculous), it is not difficult to explain, seeing the special bio-chemical and bio-physical condi- tions which on their arrival they find already established there. The special resistance of tubercular baciUi to the decolourising test and other analogous facts fall in, I think, under this heading. I thought it probable that such baciUi might in part be derived from the same sporules of Leptothrix (as they are very susceptible * Bizzozero, Man. di Microscopia dinica, ist edition, p. 50. t Beale, op. cit., p. 316. 216 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA to aniline colours), fallen in the tubercular seats, and there mul- tiplying in series, under special conditions at present unknown ; and partly (those with cancellated appearance) should be derived from other Leptothrical elements still not determined, and modi- fied in an analogous manner. But it is yet to be explained in which way both of them acquired, in the tubercular seats, a special apti- tude for retaining the aniline colours.* However, admitting the circulation of common bacterial elements in the internal economy, the presence of the bacilli of Koch would be fully explained, even in the tubercles of the brain, glands, etc., without having to admit their specific origin or their etiological value. In summing up the reasons hitherto expounded, I venture to conclude — (i) That the pathogenic efficiency! of the so-called pathogenic bacteria, in the genesis of the infectious spontaneous diseases (as exhibited by the clinic), is not at all demonstrated ; (2) That the laboratory experiments show, neverthele,ss, a very important fact — namely, certain inquinating properties of some bacterial cultures ; (3) that this order of facts, relative to the artificial infections, this power of transmissibility of a morbid quid, is worth the greatest attention, but cannot, by itself alone, be taken as a distinctive criterion of the bacterial species. * I refer here to the researches of Prof. Spina on the colourisation and decolourisation of bacteria treated with tannin and other substances. " These researches (he says) contradict the predominant rules in bacteriology. Hitherto it has been said that the Schizomycetes resisting the action of nitric acid con- stituted a definite species ; but the experiments just alluded to show, on the contrary, that this distinctive criterium to characterise the micro-organisms has no foundation, because the action of the same substance, the tannin, renders the more different species resistant to acids." From other experiments not less ingenious, the author concludes that bacteria may find even in altered tissues (as, for instance, in the tubercular seats) such chemical conditions as will fix the tint. Untersuch. u. d. Entfarbbarkeit d. m. Anilinf. ting. Bad. ( Allg. Wr. mediz. Zeitung, 1887, Nos. 15 and 16). Bacteriolog. Vers. m. gefarh. Nahrsubstanzen (Ceniralblatt f. Bakt.u. Parasitenk. , 1887, Bd. 2, Nos. 2 and 3). AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 217 Some further Researches on the Morphology of Leptothrix, After the publication of the third Italian Memoir, I had occa- sion to gather some other facts concerning the inferior phases of Leptothrix, which will be expounded later oij. I shall simply record now a few supplementary remarks upon the already des- cribed superior phases. Together with the most obvious fructifications, with a thin stem, I have drawn, in my last Memoir, other forms of ears, less frequent, with a club shaped stem, having tv^o zones of colourisa- tion, etc. (Fig. 27). In these, I was unable to detect the pedun- cles, sterigmata, or implanted filaments of the sporules in the central stem visible on the other forms. But later on, by a fortui- tous chance, I was able to discern distinctly, even in ears with a (r/«^-shaped stem, analogous peduncles, somewhat longer. It occurred in this way: — At the end of 1892, I had to examine the sputum of a youth affected with an extended basal pneumonia of the right side, and in the mass of that sputum I discovered numerous ears. I think it was on account of the gravity of his condition and the dryness of the mouth, phenomena having already intervened of a metastasis in the meninges, which brought the patient to a rg.pid end. I kept this sputum for twenty-two days, when, in examining the wet preparation, coloured with gentian violet, using a 1/9 " dry " objective and a condenser of i -30 N. A., I came across one ear with a club-shaped stem, drawn in Fig. 32, a, and magnified 820 diameters. This figure has the characteristic, which I had noticed in other sputa and in the patina dentaria, of being lightly pyriforpi in appearance. The ^//a (glair) shows a vividly coloured contour; the central stem is also club-shaped, as in Fig. 27 ; but the club, instead of being cylindrical in shape and of a uniform thickness, exhibits a somewhat conical shape, with its base turned upwards ; thence its general pyriform appearance. I noticed that such ■ conical club-shaped ears are, generally, longer than thpse with cylindrical clubs. As the colourisation had been too strong, and the preparation was full of numberless stained granulations, I clarified it with a 218 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA drop of liquor potassce through capillarity (i : lo), always keeping the ear in the visual field. As soon as the solution of potash reached that field, the coloured granules at once disappeared, and, in spite of the small enlargement, I was agreeably surprised to see, at the same time, the glia discoloured, and the thick and very distinct peduncles from the two sides of the central stem, make their appearance, as in Fig. 2,2, b. In the first place, the dissolving action of potash only acted on the glia, the peduncles and the sporules still keeping the stain ; but afterwards they also became pale, as I ascertained by using a i/2S-in. objective, although they were discernible, specially by lamp-light. The central stem kept the stain longer, only fading within four hours. I have already remarked that, even in the Patina dentaria, ears of the same form are to be found, and upon these as well as upon those with the cylindrical club (Fig. 27) I verified the fact that potash acted in the same way. . This re-agent showed me, besides, that the da^-j with club-shaped stem in both varieties are, in the dental patina, more frequent than I had thought. It prevents the drying-up of the specimen, and thus allows one to study its par- ticularities for several days through a residual sufl"usion of a light azure, which is maintained in the central stem, in the peduncles, and the spores. After decolouration with potash — viz., after four or five hours — we may obtain another satisfactory effect by letting penetrate, at intervals, under the cover, three drops of the iodurated solution of iodine, which, within another hour, reproduces again the violet colour, though not to the same extent as at first. With regard to the affinity of the spores in question for aniline colours and their analogy on this point, with the bacilli of Koch, I will give other examples. I have said in the Second Memoir that, at another time, gly- cerine may be substituted for water (in the preparations of sputum as in those of the Patina dentaria), letting it penetrate through capil- larity. I preserved some similar preparations for several months, and was enabled to remark that the common bacteria and the Pneumococci, not capsulated, are the first to decolourise (within two or three weeks), under the action of glycerine; the large Diplo- AND CONTENTS OF THE MOUTH. 219 cocci (forms of Sarcina), coloured in a darker blue tint, hardly decolourise at all. The sporules of ears resist longer and only fade within a month or two. Now, the preparations with tubercu- lar sputum, dry, coloured with carbolic fuchsine and treated with nitric acid and alcohol, when they are kept in glycerine, exhibit, likewise, an analogous decolourisation. The Bacilli of Koch gra- dually fade, and in about a month disappear altogether. The fading is even quicker in the preparations with gentian violet. The bacilli assume there a pale appearance within ten days, and they disappear in two or three weeks. My experiments with dry preparations and deep stainings continued for twelve to twenty hours, and it is to be presumed that the resistance of the bacilli of Koch would result even less in contrary conditions. Elsewhei'e, I said that water, when used very warm, if pro- tracted for a few minutes longer, becomes a good decolourising means for the bacilli in question ; but even at the ordinary tem- perature the water exerts, in the long run, the same action, as it is proved by the dry preparations, kept without balsam, and re- examined now and then, by means of a drop of water, through capillarity. The repeated application of those drops of water is sufficient to see the bacilli become pale and finally disappear. With regard to the power of resisting the decolourising effects, I remember a case in a preparation of foecal matter, proceeding from a person believed to be suffering with intestinal tuberculosis. The preparation, stained, by dry process, with carbolic fuchsine, and then decolourised with nitric acid and alcohol, did not exhibit any of the bacilli of Koch ; but in the midst of the mass of other bacterial forms, more or less decolourised, certain colonies or zooglceic groups of minute oval, pointed cocci were singularly conspicuous; they were still brightly coloured and girded by slender capsular appearances. Towards the end of the Second Memoir, I recalled (in a note) the observations of Klein and others on the forms of ramification to be found in certain cultures of tubercular bacilli, and on the probable analogy of such bacilli with higher micro-organisms or fungi. Since then various other observers have described new mor- phological particulars respecting the cultures of tubercular bacilli, especially in regard to the formation of gemmules (Knospen) of 220 BACTERIA OF THE SPUTA elements of reserve (Kemartige Reservestoffe), and of protoplasm- granules in the interior of baicUi ; in regard to the disposition of vacuoles and knots, analogous to that of filaments of many fungi ; to the development of a kind of mycelium and even of vertical fila- ments (hypha) ; and, lastly, upon certain analogies of the tuber- cular bacillus with the Actinomyces. According to these researches, the bacillus of the tuberculosis would not be a Schizomycete, but a mycelium-like fungus ; and Belfanti is inclined to classify the tetanus bacillus in the same category. These views clearly, though indirectly, agree with mine in regard to an eventual simplification of the bacterial species ; but, for the sake of brevity, I will refer the reader to two articles of Coppen Jones, where previous remarks on this argument are illustrated by new and interesting researches.* I can say little about staining the ears with other tints. Car- bolic fuchsine, with a wet process, vividly attacks the spores, but hardly stains the peduncles. If, a second time, we let a drop of lactic acid penetrate the object, the clods and the ears themselves nearly decolourise altogether ; but we get the advantage of using the preparation for a longer time, as the lactic acid keeps it wet for several days. Methyl blue gives a fine transparency to the specimens of the Patina dentaria and renders visible a larger number of ears. It attacks the internal stem to a greater extent, but has very little effect upon the peduncles. By substituting gly- cerine a second time, we obtain a beautiful effect on the ears, having a wrapping-cap at the top (Fig. 30), as glycerine promptly decolourises the wrapping-cap, though leaving for some time the internal ear coloured. We may speak later on of the advantages of the methyl blue, for the examination of the bundles or matrix of Lept[i[ 'BuapBq Xq pany '(sapsndjoo-pooiq -paj aq} azis jpqi ui SuissBdjns) sjou^j JO sjiBq XuBui q^iM 'azis ui ajoui puB ajoui pasEajoui saqouBjq aqi 'Xbp q}jnoj JO pjiqj aq) uq 'apisui jpqi ui uaas aq p|noD sapunpad jo jou uia^s ^BJiuao b jo aoBJj ou }nq ' HIP^I vo\\s JO uiBqo paqiBaqs XpqSiis '[BuipnjtSuoi b Suissojo sauiipuios puB pasodsip ^psjaAsuBj} 'inp'eq puB BuapBq jo sauas |Buipn}iSuoi aajqi jo om; Xq Xjuo pauijoj 'jaAaMoq 'ajaM 'w»p jno ';sjg 4b 'Suiiq -luasaj adBqs pu'B azis ui — saqouBjq Jiaqj, -auipoi Aq XpqSqs jCjuo }nq 'ppiA UBpuaS Xq pauiBjs X[daap ajaM Xaqx -ssBiS-pafqo -ui-^ B JO ppg IBUSIA ajoqAV aqi paidnooo 'sibjsXjo aun jo sdBaq aqj punoJB SuidnojS saqouBjq jpq; qjiM 'sym snonoidsuoo aJOui aqj^ ■auun aqi jo aSjBqosip aqj jajjB sXep oav} X[uo pajeaddB 'pajp -unq B isocuiB oj saqauBjq aAg jo aajqj uiojj SuizCjba 'syrp s}i vinds aHi JO YiHaxova ZZZ 3u„D«pi aq, JO ,Sp9 aq, qiiM ,nq \zU 'd '7." 'io 'J33m,I«a ^ £^ 'd 7?^ y iBinSoBpai -B mm gmn-'O'* "! 3,qBSU9dsipui aq pinoM ju3ui9SaB«B S!qx+ •igE -d '-tp -fo 'jaSmn^a i 6 puB g -del 'l^ggi 'uopuoq '■gfoosoAotjv 91/1 fo }/oog-fxsx ^vta^iaam ^V 'H'HJHO 'M. 'I ^SSi— t-Si -dd 'eggi 'uopuoq '"iipa pj£ 'suopvigaa^ sft puv 9ifojsoM}j\[ sifx 'J3;u3dji33 , +-iq§n JO ipuad juappui aqi oj j^inoipuadiad 'sixb ^BOi^do qjiM 'punoj gq sXbmi^ ni*^ 1! 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"JP-^K Binds jaqjo ui nipXyi l^JauaS UI uiiaXn Xiapog pDiSopiuopo sqi aiojaq jadBj s^Xiauiuinj^ aqj JO iSunji DmsSoqiBj; 'qinoj^i JO uoq -Bogipnjj 3m uo ssqojBasB-ji M3fj 'sqi jo siisbjej; jbuijojii 'qinoj^ 238 INDEX. PAGE Ramification in Tubercle Bacilli .. ••• •■• 141 and 219 Ranvier on Myelin ... ... ... • ■•■ ^3 Recapitulation of Arguments in the Second Memoir ... ■•• '37 Recognition of the Source of the Sputa, Necessity for ... ... 9° Researches, New, On the Fructification of the Normal Parasite of the Mouth ... ... ... ... ■•. ■•• '66 Researches on Expired Air ... ... ... •.• ••■ 35 Researches on the Morphology of Leptothrix, Further ... ... 217 Reasons for Writing the Appendix ... ... ... ... 187 Roots and Haustoria, Forms of, in some Filaments of Leptothrix ... 116 Saliva, Collecting and Preparation of ... ... ... ... 95 Secondary Micro-Organisms of the Mouth ... ... ... lo6 Sheath Expansion or Young Antheridium ... ... ... 176 Spermatic Fluid, Capsulated Diplococci in ... .. ... $1 Spina on Tubercle Bacilli ... ... ... ... 195 and 216 Spirillum sputigenum ... ... ... ... ... 103 Spirochaete dentium ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 Spirochsete in Salivary Corpuscles ... ... ... ... 154 . Spirochete in White Blood-Corpuscles ... ... ... 205 Spores, Fructification by ... .. ... ... ... 124 S]5ores, Temporary and Persistent, Fructification of Leptothrix race- mosa by ... ... ... ... ... ... 172 Sputa, Collecting and Preparing ... . . 68, 90, 94, 169 Sputa from Pleurisy, Bacteria and Bacilli found in ... ... 52 Sputa, Forms of Gonococci in ... ... .. 20, 4I Sputa, Further Remarks on the Bacteria and Bacilli found in ... 75 Sputa, Healthy, Bacteria and Bacilli found in ... ... 44 Sputa in Bronchitis, Bacteria and Bacilli found in ... ... 48 Sputa in Phthisis, Bacteria and Bacilli found in ... ... 54 Sputa, Pneumonitic Bacteria and Bacilli found in ... ... 49 Sputa, The Necessity for Recognising the Source of the ... ... 90 Staining and Preserving Specimens, Hints on ... ... 68, 94, 169 Staphylococcus pyogenes .,. ... ... ... ... 112 Staphylococcus pyogenes albus and aureus ... . ... 112 Sternberg's Paper before the American Microscopical Society ... 44 Summary of Investigations and Methods of Working ... ... 85 Tongue, Cuticle of the ... ... ... ... ... gg Traumatic Infection, Bacteria in ... ... ... ... 214 Tubercle, Middendorp's, Remarks on ... .. ... ... jqc INDEX. 239 PAGE Urethral Mucus, The Fructification of Leptothrix in Small Flakes of 134 Vegetation of Leptothrix racemosa. Phase of .. ... ... 181 Vignal's Fungi ... ... ... ... .. ... 108 Virulence and Pathogenic Action, The Distinction between ... 209 Whooping-cough, Bacteria and Bacilli found in ... ... ... 37 Whooping-cough, Cases in which the Sputa have been Exa- ) ,- i„ -, mined i^' '' '° ^" Whooping-cough, Myelin in ... Whooping-cough, Observations and Considerations on the Fungi of.. Whooping-cough, Previous Researches on the Sputa of Whooping-cough, The Importance of Myelin in Whooping-cough, The Sputa of Wrapping-Cap on some Ears ... ... ... ... 179) 220 25 62 2 29 I 3finis. , BATH : 0. SEEBS AND SON, PRINTERS, 2 ARGTLB 1 M mmmmpi»!jgmmit