(fiotuell ^lttiv^i;siit| J ihtm^ BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF 1891 fi.l9n93 ft The date shows when this v^iume was taken. To renew this book copy the call No. and give to the librarian "■n^ HOME USE RULES, 21 '-24t . 1 m> mi All Books subject to Recall All books must be re- turned at end of college year for inspection and repairs. Students must re- " turn all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence from'town. Books needed by- more than one person are held on the reserve *A^ • list. " _«- — Volumes of periodi- cals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special purposes they are given out for ^^'^^^T^R^TTr-rc^i^we^^- should not use their library privileges for the bene- fit of other persons. Books of special value and gift books, when the giver wishes it, are not allowed to circulate. Readers are asked to report all cases of books marked or mutilated. Do not deface books by marks and writing. -^9^^ Cornell University Library PR2459.C6G7 1614a Greenes Tu-quoque; or, The city gallant 3 1924 013 128 651 >» "'• Zbc XTubor ^Facsimile ^eyts (Bxnms ^xi=qmqnz ax mt City Olalknt by lo. Cooke 1614 Date of earliest known original edition . . . . 1614 {B.M. C. 34, c. 19) Reproduced in Facsimile IQIS A.-2.'S\']'?3. Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER dmn^s ®tt=poiju« or Wat €itg dallant by lo. Cooke 1614 Issued for Sttbscnbers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIII 3 by lo. Cooke 1614 This facsimile is from an original in the British Museum. There is another copy in Bodley. Another edition appeared in 1622 and another undated (? 1640^. Mr. Bullen supplied all that is known of the author in his article in " The Dictionary of National Biography." JOHN S. FARMER. Greenes Tu quoQuc, OR, The Citdc Gallant. a^/ it hath beene diners times aEied hj the ^jteCftis (J^taitf{ies Sirnants. Written by I o. CoojiE Gene. ommm r;;n£;4 nt Loiu'^.n for lolm Trundk. \(l\- Ta the Reader. PxranUtethe Icue/tnd memory of my tftr- \thy friend the Authry And my entirely hgle- fted F*/6b», the J^cr^ JUuldnctthuJc being ifithewayiuji rvtiett thfsfUy was to beftth- It^i in Priut ,y_ hut to prefxefotnettken ^'my gffetfitn t§ either in the frtnttffire tfthe S«oki» For tie Gentleman that wr*teft,his F oem it fe If e cm bet- ter fpetke his prtife^ th en gny Ontoryfrom me . N«r can I tellyffhether this vfttke was diuttlgtd VftthhiscQnfent fr nc: but hrffteuir Jince it hathfaji the 7 efl oftheftage with fo gentrall an affUufe ^fitfy it were but it Jhettld Itl^sfy-^hime the hneur ef the freffe, M f«r Mttftet Crcene, all that Iwilljpeake »fhm (and that without fiaftery) is this (tfJwere worthy to eenfure) there was not ,An ASltr of bts nature i/rinrs time^o/ better ability in per- formante tfwhat bevnderttoke-^more applaudent by the Attdiente^ef greater grace attheCeurt^ or of more general hue in the Cttty, and ft with this brief e eharaHer of hit titem»ry,I commit him to bis reflf - « i^ r T homas ^^Y^^lfk^ A 2 Vpon the death of Thomas Greene. Hoti^fa^ bleal^e Antumne shangeth floraes dye, Whatjejltr^ay W4s{Greene)noyif'f/eAre (^ drjf. A '■■■■-■ /£? M ■•,-i ji ■i A ■ ^ Greenes T« Qupque^.. . A Mercers Shop difcouercd , Gartred\\'ox\^\\^%\n it, ^/--fWi// walking by the Shop : M bdUnce walking ouer the Stage : after him LongfieU zn^Gerddme. Fravcit. HacIaoUeyoiifir? faireftufFcs.orvcluets ? BaU. Good morrow fr«»^^ Fran. GoodmorTOwmiflcr54//<*w#. gerkld. SiiVieyr 9Femh, Miftrts Tlcklematt has fent you a Letter,, and expefts your company at Dtght » atid inircats you to fend her an angell^ whether you can come, or whether you caa not. , . ,, ., ( \ .Hei-f^dft, '.'s' ''\ Sfeuci. Sweet rafcalU^^ your lM£. Nay,^ and yoMn thpn^bti.bceoa wencluDglle leaucypu. - -.- \- ■ gcrM. You (liflU not-be fo vnfriendly,pray aflifti^Kc; Wee'l CO the (hop and cheapen fttt^et or iattins. 5/m/. What lacke you Gentlemen? fine ftuffea, »el- 'ucts.orfattinsf pray come neare, ^ * &F. Letmefeeagoodfattin. vfmi. You (hall Hr, whatcolpur? gW. Faith I aq» indiffcr cut j what colour rooft afifcAt youL^dy?- " ■ j gari. Sirl , i^ ger. Without offcncr(fakc cxcature)^! dentuAd it.. W^ i r-t (jretnes^u QmqHLji gtirt. Str,Ibele«ue:c, btnilneuerdid Tic my afiTedtion vnto any c6iour. gtr. ButroyafFcfiion(fairefl)ijfaftttcd j Vnto the crimfon colour of your cheekc. i Cart, YourellifhtoomuthCourtier^nr. I , ^ Z«»^. What's the price of this ? I Sfetid. Fifteeneindeedcfir. Ltng. You fet a high rate onV,' it had neede be good. j ^^nnl. Goad! if ysuiinda better i'thclowne. He giue you . | nine for nothing : tf'you weremy owne brother,rde put it in- ' to your hands , loekc vponfc , t'is pe«)'better plcafc you. ' Zmg, .Tius fellow has an excellent tongue , fure bee vras brougfatYp in the Exchange. . J ' 5jW«! - More titen the tongue of man can attribute. * ^4rr. This is pretty Poetry, good fi^ion this : Sir, I muft . / leaueyou. ^ ' ' yer, LeauewtthmefufiOMnecMtfort. - ^j' G(r»^ What would you eiaue? - • ■ ^T . ^«n4l,' That wbichlfcaceyouwlU not lltttichauc. — ■ ~ — - -■ ■ ' • • '■ ,■* (^reenes T(t Quofm^i Cjarl, You doe notknow my bounty; Say what t'i's, Cjer, No more (faire creature) then a modcftkifle. GArt. Ifl/houldgiucyou one, vyouldyou refrains, on that conclition,ne r to beege again?. Gtr, I dare not grant to that. GAYt, Then'cfecmesyou haue. Though yoit get nothing,a delight tocraue, One will not hurtmy lippe, which you may tate, NotforyoHrloue,but for your abfence fake. So farewell fir. Ger. O fart thee well (faire regent of my foule) Nciierlctillficneercthee, vnlcffe it come To purge it felfe 5 be as thou euer feemft, An Angel! ofthy Sex, borne to^nake happy The man that fhall poiTcfTe thee for his Bride. Enter SftudallMndLetigfUld. Spen. Wil you haue it for thirteene (billings and fi^pence ? lie fdl to as lowe a price as lean, becaufc He buy your cu- ftome. Zfl«*. How nowman .' what ! intranced? g«ir. Good fir, ha you done? Lon^. Yes faith , I thinke as much as you , and tis iuft noi thing: where^ the wench? gerald. SheeV heere fir, heere. Zw. Vdspitty! vnbuttonman, thou'ltflifleherelie, (7r this quarter dweltjthe next at F»/&*» If He that haiK choice, may {hift, the tvhilftnialttbou' ' Bemalfterofthtshoufe, andrentitfree. . ' SfmJi, Ithankeyoufi^r. Str LUm. To day He go dine with nvy Lord Maior : to mor^ row with the Sherifcs, and nest day with the Aldermen, Iwill ipread the En(^e ofmyktiighthoodoucrthe faceof the Cit- ty, which {hall ftrike as greatacerrour to my enemies , as euer -Tamier/ahittotiicTutltes.. CoiDefr*»i^^, come in with me,9nd fee the meate, Vpon^hfrwnich my khighthood firftfliall cate. . £x: omnes^- Sitter Stainei. Stdnet, There is a diuell has haunted rncthefc three yearcs, inlikeneffeofanVfurer, a fellow that in all his life neucrcat three groat 'loaues out ofhis ownc purfc , nor ncuer warmed himbueatothermensHreSjneuerfawaioyntofmuttonin his owne houfe thcfc fourc and twenty yeares , but alwaycs cofo- jmlcbepooreprironers, forhealwayes bought his vi^alls ■ :;V--^ R 3,, , out: rremisS^^&^HtX euK^fdiealtncr-basket, and y«tiht» rogue fMi^feed^lifpoa cipons whkh ir^ienanis" fchthiwout of thcCoiiimrcji'jJteli- h Landlord fo.r/oothoucr all my pofltifionsi -well, lata J|>i«)t," ttnd this rogue has conrumed me V I d^r-c not waUce ftbroade to fee myfricods, for fejrcthc'Serirahtfr ftjould takeKeqUaift- tanceofine: niy refuge is /r«/W, or fi'r^/M4; nr<;t(ntieicries 'OiitjandlwillprefcmlytoWVjff^^^tfri ; Ent&'Stiblfh. Howndw! ;ff iD^^/tf hall thou pack'dvp«l,l-thytbiDgs/eui: par- ting time is come: nay pre thee doe not weep«. , ;V ' J^^. ^fFe6tion(trwill burflout. : StAuies. Thou haft becne^ faithfull fematK.te m«, go t« thy vnclcj hee'lgiuetheeentertainement, tell him vpontheftoo qic rocke of his mercilcfle hart my foriUw* fufitt flli pwf «cke. Hub, I willtcU hire he>is ^ftnvfttrijngit'arcaUi and, bae^tluc w , would do the Commea-'wealtb geddi ifbevverehang«d«.' StMnet, Which thou haft caufe to vVifiii»r;^tbp«\Vis *^>.'^, beire, royaffe<^iopatef«^^/r. ;. :^. ' ;oI Biik. B ut Matter, wherefore fliould we b<|>»rted?j;(ifHlt StMuei. Becaufemyibrtuiies^r^edklperaiCt^bin^Arf h<9{Mt- i;»^. Why but vv hitlier Jite y oil tnoMA^Q g«^ }' . Staints. "why toSei.. ll _ ;•', ,^ '.. - ■'. ' ';' •. ■:' ;.-:''■ S«^. Tofca! LordbtefleTS, me.thiakfrlheaifr9fsitn(^eft already., biitwhatvViUyou'doeatSca? - ; . i^PJl??'*^ : Stainet, Why as other GailantixtorthKa^lpeAt^tUKfie .7 ^«i&. O Maifter / rhaui; tbe'gi^cbfrWapf^' ^drf 'yoKr eyes, remetbbtr a high ride, giH«.«otyoBr ^!;■■■'' fri-i: , - cJIftr/. Ho iattitth doc I not. ' r-""-^ y "^ ,' .nwr^ • S«ii Wbatis youibufineflie vtUhM»fl^tt SifkkUi V > l.-i;^ : -'.■-'^' ■■ --■■ ^ ' " ' <^^*^ <*-c mk r-^A)- .^.^LA^-a:- :^' U%r Matty fifj Icom«-wi«hW«l««menewes to hini. . T 5*^« Tell itjinyfriendjlafntheman. t^if. May I b« afiTurcd fir, thw ybwr name is maftcr ,y«^^/*r Bub. I tell thccjhoncft friend, my nanieismafter7i»^^/^j:; ' IS/lzRerBarthaUmew'Bubbk. , UWij^. Why then fif,yo«are^heireio a million, for j«ourviv. cle the rich vfurer is dead. . .->« ; : *»^ P^aythce-honeflfiricftid^j'gwtbthenextHabordafli. «■», and bid him fend tne a new melancholy hat, and Cake'tbbii I ' / ; ..■) ^/4. Godfauctherigbt worftiipfuJlmflA - -^ v;V,.'.,"\. t:\.;2?^^ jVcs «idcjodiv;f<>fl50»ng,fhi^.n)W i^V*; W cheapen meate , hcc feUdowne fta|4ccjdead , bevaufe a ^atdhct ask'd him fourefljJUiiiig's for fyhwilderpfMMttbift i; , if«f, 'Hqw ftark dcjid?^ cQuldaoi 4yf<»;t'»?4tii4b hi*n again? . M/a. N<5,fir, nox Rofaf^oiU ricitbcr , and yet til^ere Wa«iKifl Iffiadt ^Ijotfei ■. v ; : . •■; V.' ; f, rf'.-r b r .; .': I ' /r qi -n I •■; f! - f n* ••■ : :'? " i?«. Ifltanioue><9iMv«r*!i8fc»^^/ii/ftrtijebpettf*X^^ : V^^^^; W«Uiti>lie?ftyoufW<>fftiipj«oac€cptol:^ri^^^ Vice, y«u IfiWwiny HEafeii dprpetate, rlbefccch ybttjfflat I iM fc^d ypot) your brf;tbi)^Tni5U?ft j> for I am hunrblfelrifeSdy, and^eic^€d jnwind^, fpd V9i4l do y<»ur.wotfltipas,^dd^^i^^^^ uice forforty killings a>ycare, a«.an<»thcVlhall/of 3 . ppundsi hace jieiny mi^vr, but otiiisfvvife,! will etkmaine ndrtialii ■witiboHtr fomc K4Ugbt?-ot t«dife«4:^f t^^^ tfeKtlr li<3»a*^oW, Gehtafil fake it js your cha fieii iJ?n»e!| : , I ■ ■ i '.^^ .V:^!> ^ * :5/-i!. ,Ycuritplcft(?:yQU.rW0r(hip. H'yls /:'A:.'0, .r-i". '/ S»*/ Well Geru4ethc a gOQ4/c*Oatit»j8lldy«0 fliall^mde rpe ^ dutifull raaRer randbccaure youb^iiffbeebera Gchtlc- oiati , I will ertt?rtiMnc you ftwniy TM^oritii*fl\a«ioflr.; GcB.- . ;, : {^^ c ::J^nt'irGfraJJiHfMwkk/^ ^l • i fm^ W' I r ■ :^. 'it-'' ill I And wjll not leauetill thiy thcmfcjires doe burne,' VfltUlLoucs flames grew bote, I could not tuf ne, N^or well auoyde ; but fish and rob,and mburne 'v As children do&, whenasthey^ feele the paine, Tilltendermotherkifl^theniwholevigaine. r: 'i Fie,whatTpfaueryftuffeisihis/ butflie«{,, ; . ^ - Whofe mature iu4^erDent can di(}ingui(ihthmgc, WiU thus conceit; tafes that arc batmcA^ld^ Hauefmootheft meinings, and tofpeafee arebdld:; It i« the fiift-borne Spflet of mybf aihe^ . ; ; We fuck'd a white ictfefrom'my bUtke-Iipp'd p , ,; ';, . - As,iifitflowcd fi:om/^#ft-4i^/ cunning QijilU i - ; ; , ■ 7 ^i^B^^ Ho\nf now,' what haucwclwere* aSonCtaodaSotlce ««i^c:d tbg!«hi«tUJ»iBy; tidies Dftggc and; Srcr^uhkie; ^a , CriW pre thee away,by the deef^dn oath thateanbe fworne^' d^ufiialtnotfcadeitf !byiOUiftiendfiiip I.€onij(i« thee, pre jl^e^tgoe., ■■..■-.; •■^:;'7;~i ■-■:■•. r\'v -;.-\' ■,- , V ■•. 4 ^4^* ^<>w.inthe!fuu!ne,or^W«: wh»tv»api'ft tboU^ 4{^ii|^ eeony adoue, amate, atuttle^ doAtoof fdyvle^ha/ V^V; - ; Qt\p^ fteels fairer thiiicet^nl* the C^ettCi^^'^^^^y^ ^l mI. whom beaufcous Tww called is ^y nanie ^ |>rie tijee lct.:^™M> ]b»w what (^e is thou loue({»thac I enajAunBe bf ij^iflfiiauld cfaanceto.mecteKcr..r ' ':■ v^;' "■' -:'-,/T.> „ • .■':V;v,y '/i^'^- ::-,i»0£* Why lie tel^iifiifyris* (feieir, Ifyottdp nqi'kn|^W. - )J^<^. Nonoil/lDPoieft,: Z**|. Why t'ij yofutrfifteir., ■^ JRafi Howlmyfiftcr? lfing^^ts,y(^t^ldifiC^^^ 1, gRi^.,|si>wi50d'Wftff^ fhs^n>SB,^p hwibec^Hhiifr » v^ that has been borne and bred in an aljey^ her tcfngu^is/a pef|)e,a «u«^ moti<>n,Thoi|igh-l < ' - . ; >' - r^f, \:' : L ' ' ger. Thou haft a Prluilerfge to Titer thi*j .: ; v utUv,? . 'I Blir by mylifexny ownc bloua could not fcapt. >•:(« -lorlV ' A chalHcemenc for thus prophaiiing her, ! ^ri-i'?/]". Whofe vcrf ues fits aboue mens^alaqoi^ies, » ; fei ':i-sll Had mine ownc brother fpoke thusHbietalfy, - Ivtlisjhsi it My fury fHouIdhaue taught hrm'ibacter'matiAteSi: i^T.'iD.Jl sV/ Long. No more words as yotrfcsre a cb'allenei^ ^ " ' - < > "^ i?4/J. I may tell thee inthioe e«r« , I am gladto h]B«rrx*h£t I do J I pray God fend bernoivorfehusbiod, nor be hS wori*e wife : do you heart loue, will jou take yourCtoak^rid It^pier* and walk e abroad imofome wholetimae^ire:/ IdomuchKare thyinfef^ioa, good counceil I fee will do no good on thee>toc pflrfue the end,ahd to thy thought»,l?e prpue a faitlifkifl ftiend. i-^fimit' fIrire^i a rpiciou«TQtometo.Wke'ifly{irta{^ the candle,and fc'tch VB vpa <|uart bfipecpas,and fo Ttte\pm^ Sweat. Nay faith SiEHWCj^wiJe^ Kane kpottie, lecVort'bie toUetousi"npuryopgday<^>^ 'i ' J. . * o r;;i.;.y " - ' SftiH^ A'pottle (kfa;, d«c ybir heacel ? ' ^ ; "i ^flfi/r v3^;;!.-a«' ' Sfend. Hownow We«Kh^li6wrd©ft?i? 'I Y-i'- " ' !vA- Tiikle. Fakh 1 am fom^bitficfcej yet^^ iBiouWlie.welle- noijghiflhail'a'ncvvfiowvte* ' ' ' >.-.'. Spend. Why hdnrti s my haadjiwk%it\tbere three daycs^'u flialthauebtie. ' ' '- ;i ^' > ' ^ ' JSwett. Andwiity<)u(r0bnt}remetMb«riMJR>raiiewf'iii«<^ pattj^ljy^y troth^myo1doa«1s wofAC^loMftQ^i'i MRtJlbifii'il .*nyb^fe^ldfte»».-';^--' ^■ 'Iroj ^cni ^^r;ioa,Li Jf^^iawby^dl|«etr4aedf iH^jsroin^ ^ : ' ■ -'^ >^' .i Sv/ifMt. No in finceritie didft thou not. SnUvVrAWr, Dra. Hecre's a cup of rich Ipocras. "^ ! S^md, Here fiftcr, mother, and mafterPurfnet; nay good j; fir,bc not fodeicftcd, for by this wine, tb morrow I will fend \^ you(lufieferanewfuite,andasmuchas(halllineyouacloake f cleane through. U Twr/*. Ithankcyou.andfliallfludytodcferue. y .y^w*/. Hecrc boy, fill,and hang that furmogiiuliai's good \ forno body but himfelfe. [ fwrft Heroickly fpoken by this Candle, t'is pity thou were 1 not made a Lord. ^ tf^ _ i^rW. A Lord! by this Light I doe not thinke but to bee fj^ Lord Maior of Lendotl before I die, and hauethree Pageants \ ' tarried before me , bcfides a Shippe and an Vnicornc ; prenci> [ ^esmayprayforthattimcjforwhcnfoeuerithappcns, I will make aaotherShrouetuefday Tor them. &iter Drawer* (■'< IDra. Yong mafter Bjifh has feiit you a quart of Maligoe. ' .f/W. M.' ^4^/ zowndshowdoesheknowlamhcrc.' Drs. Nay, I know not fir. > Sfend. Know not.' it comes through you and yourrafcally gUb-tongu'd companions, t'is my Matters fonne,a fine gcntlc- nianfaet5,&abooncompanIon,ImuAgofeehim. ExitSfend, . » Swat. Boy,fiU vsacu)^ofyourmaligo,wee'ldrinketo M. SpeiftUU in his abfence , there's not a finer fpirit of a Cittizen - within the wallcs, here mafter Pwf/w* you {hall pledge him, 7»«r|^ lie not refufc it were it puddle : by 5/i* hs is a boiin- ' ttfoUCrentleman, and lihall report htm [o : beere M. Tick/f- «M», (hall I charge y^u ? • ^ Tkk/f. Doc your worft Sergeant, lie pledge my yoong , ^ i]p!'««ii//awhole fea, astheyfay, falalalala, wouldtheMu- ^'icke were heiire againe , T doe beginnc to be wanton, Ipocras £tra, and a drt« biskrt ; here bawd, a carowfe. -'■ ^»i»M/'. Bawd/Ifaithyoubcginneto grow light ith head, I - ^ay, no more fuch words, for if you doe, Ifhallgroyvinrodi- V*^ Aempers. TKi^. Diftetnperst' hang your diftempert^ be angry with ■-■ ">- ■ - . . ' C » ■ - 0^' ^.Sia^ ''9- •■ :j friieilftd tWu dar'ft, I^rayi wfeb fccdcs you,bueI)' vvItolce^pcB, the feathcr-bcddcs (rom the Erolkers, butil? tisioodyowfawi- jf^gehcty thicfceiloWttfl crcame r»mpaUi^hM''hoimfev'chsrt: fouffles id the tjofelifte-a decayed Biggc-pjjjei I •' , ' "* Fttrf. Nay, fwette Millrh 7itri^^«M», bcicoaedrdadt^ Mi. uerenceAnuquitJt.. , ' , .•;;:;:,;•:?..;< /?47?i. .Saueyou, rwee«cteatU(e«ofbcauiyj&«ey6v{. 'i^ , . Hovv npwpIdei5W*»fe»^,, h»W doftS ^- SwAt, BelzeMlSth^thli iothy fact,' .'.. .Tn i./; > ; , : 5]&ff»rf.^N6y^ goodvwotHsMit&ifSweatffltiy^ ^ Gallant, you miifttj^t'^ivdghwfaaibiBftyesf Uo^'lr ? 1 b;^ J i?i(;/%i I would my l«mennBUicoinptayn1|ig l}^ had be«tte hc^Ci heefe hadbeenea Superfedeas for his mehu*. '^^ J '/chQly^^ndy faith i>4«NrJ^Imm glad my father 1ia»'turn'd..oua his (hop t0 thee , I hope I, or *By fnciidioftaine , ihaU muchcredi«e^i«ith thtfe,' at to fla^dfl^ithyLlidbkes&r afuite of - Jjprwrf. FbriwhtrfepjB s ■; Q><'ifj; • ifrf/J, Why God tmerey W|;<«c4?, ^dnt^ gait's to diccf i 4]p;Wv Dtceordfinelce^'hc9^ ' - tbatwitl1afl,aoy'khin|j,^>-^: v'\;H<;t -.v. ■;: ';.;-:,■ '."fij V''.: A^e" taPririterp. -; " .■ "i. '■.' f' '.. .•■ "^ :; •:■■':'>■> i i^n.-i', .• v:/?; £4/S&. Primer'o! wliy ithpu|gbtkliottha^A«tbeenfojmach - Speiul. Cimfter ^tofaytruth^ Pkiwatw j fctetwfertMtf wili not^e in good company ?I willfitn^lii4fe«*i^^utDor|. 1 will giimew;thaGamfter J idiinkcwi^i*^h»i*«tid,,bevdoi^^ with 1 cittiS£en> fighc vtUhiiWJJm§i^«xitj^tiAyiKA^ '■whoof c-Biaftcr*.: : .'■ ■:,■" .■•■i ' 'f'V ".?v;y,;>!:.ir a\ Rafh. Anexccllcnthutnouryfiithiisrr.' n;jrn,33i.' ■■-" liangi Zownds what hauc vve.hecrfr?;r.' ;^i'. tii'lr Spend, AlandP'orpoifc, ItViihkci d: ''" Af'/ . Raflt^ This is jjo angry,nor no roaring btoyibut a bluftering ^boy; now gB/rtrdefendvs^whatpuffes areibcfc?- .' Svag. IdocTmclla^hoore. , ■. . ; :•■ *Dra,i 0,Gcntlemeh,gta£bim-goodiw6rds,h«c'5t>neofthc roaring boy^s.. ■.' ■ ':i!>;.;i;i ; v,.,",-, ,v ;i; . Swag.'Koguc. ■ , ,Dn».. -Heerc fir.- '':>:V\"'. ■■- W." ;.■/,■■ ■ fterrworfcef pufFtfjjWiffer'''! 'jJ^'X''.'' .v.trl •■■■: y\ -^rt— .ti ' J/>W. Puffe, pjrflw, J ' r, li ■^^ / ^w4j-. DoftthouTetBrtfiiibppofitionffand. " Sftni. Otityotifwa|geiingRagtte, 2,owndsIlekickehim :,:/, ; Yet I will flriue CO bridle and conceale, .■ 1 The hid afFeftion which myhearf doth feeJc. liiyce Now the boy with the Bird-bolt be praifdc : nay faith fifler forward , iVas ahcxccHcnc paflionj comelct's heare, whacishee? if hce be a proper man, andhaucablackeeye, a ;finooch chinne, and a curldpatc, talfe him wench , Lfmy father will not confent, runne away with him, I'lchclpcto conuey you. G■rfr^ You talkeftrangely filter. -.^Icye^ Sifter, fifter, diffeitobienpt with mc, tlioiighyoudoe . meane to diflcmblewith your loueri 'ihotigh youhauepro- tcfied to conceale your afFe(ftion5 by this tongue you {ball not, forl'ledifcouerallasfooneasIkaowthcGcntlertian. (F^jyr. Difcoucr, what will you difcoucr? loyee Mary, enough He warrant thee, firftandformoftjlc tell him thou readftiiouc-paflioas in printj and fpcakeft euerie morning without boofce to thy looking-glaflcj next, that thou ncuct«J. A prudent Gentleman they fay he is, Aud(asltakeit)calledmaiftcr5«i^^/f. ' Icjc* BhUW. -\ LjtHcU Yes nimble-chappes,what fay you to that ? Itjce hjtt Nothing, but that I v«ifti hie Chvifteis name were (74r^ Sir, I'm at y«ur dirpofing, *iM tny-Tiinde Stands not as yet towards marriage. Were you foplcafdel wouldalittU losiger Enioy the quiet of a fingle bed. LyBptU Hsere'iihcrighttsfifkffofthemall, ktaman* Be motion'dtorm, thcycouldbe«oni«ns To leauc a finglelife forfooth,whtDihe harlowies Doe pine and runnc into difeafei, EStc chaike and oate-meale, cry and eree p in cornew. Which arc manifcft token* of their longings, '.-'^v. Afid yet they will diffemblc. HskGtutred, '•'''[ As you doe owe mc reoerence, and will pay it. Prepare your felfe to like this Gentleman, Who can maintalnc thee in thy choice ofGownes, Of tyres, of feruants, and of coftly lewelU } Kay for a neede, aut of his eaiie nature, Mai'ft draw him to the keeping of a Coach ■ ForGountrey, and Carroach for Imhccoarfe, ^. ,m9 1 Yet ftay, I will goe talke with him my felft:f . ' ' ■ •"'■ 9*rfr* Inalhhc ritejiofloue IS faithfully, . , > i Has woo'd me oft wirh Sonets, and with tearej, ' Yet I feeme ftill to flight him ; Experience tells. The lewell that's enioy'd is tiotcfleem'd. Things hardly got,are alwiyes higheftdeem'd. ! Icjtc Youfayweinder, butitisnot^oodtoIiogerouttO0 long, continuance of time will take aWay any mans ftomacke i'thworld ; I hope the next time that he comestoyou, I (hall feehim. <7/«r;. YoufliaUr > '■ ', lejte Why goetothen, jroO fliallhaue rayppinidn.of htm. If he deferuc thee , thou {halt delay bim no longer ; I'le figh it cut for you; come, we Jittle creatures tQoft helpe oneaoothcr^ ' Extant. .Enttr-GtrltNiiff»i:r:.f''\'^l':'.:^>.l' Ger. How cheerefully things JjSok© in this place^ Til alwayes Spring-time heejre,ifuchis the grage > ••.^ Andpotcncieofherwhohasthe bliffe, . " oh.-jv , To maka it ftill Eliaemm where flieis ;," 1 -■ ::':. d T Vmi \ Nor doth the King offlamosin's golden nrevri lit/.' I/rjifl 'lA" After a terapeft anfA^rer mens dtfires, .' ' ;) >n •; Hi .. I v ■ f' ■;- ' "Wheh as he cafts hi » comfortable beanies, '■: Ouerthe flowrie fields and (ituer ftrcaxnes, [, As her illuftratc Beautic ftrikes in me, And wrappes my foulc vp to felicitie. f SHUrGnrtredtuiilojctMlift. /#;« Doeyouhearefir? Gdrt, Why fitter, what will you doe? i '. %« By my mayden-hcad , an oath whJfch I BeVt0oke in taine, cither gee that might fpcnd the Ipiricof his youth vpon jour iclie, 6u into • confumptioa/oroiaihc fitter. Gkrf. Ylirc the ftrangeft creatuie^what would you haue me 4oe? Jit. ]Marry,1 vrouI4 haueyou goe to hin>, taltc him by the haniytnd grype him, (ay y'are welcome,! loue you with all ray heart, you are themaamuftiloe the feat, and take him abou« the Dec1ce,and kiffe vp.on the bargaine. 0Mi, Fiehowyotitalkf/tismeereimmodenie, The cemmon'ft ftrumpet would not doc To much. /»/. Mary the belter, for fuch at arc honcft. Should Aili doe what the KilI not: :. Speate,witIyoad6e ic^ G!*//* lie loofc hit cflmpaiw foreuerfirft. Siti Doc you heare m? Keefe'i a Gentlewotnan vroDld ^ ewkhyoth CWrK. Why fifter, pray fitter, /«;<». Oneihatlouet you with all her heart, yectiaiham'd toeonfeflelt. Gri. GoodiitterhoCl jour tongue, I will goedowne to Utn, ... : ,. -^ - : ' b^, DocnotleaftwUKme, for by this hand De eythet Set him Tp, or goedowne my felfe, andreade the whole Hi« oryofyourlouetohiiifc p; Gitrt, Ifyoyteforbeare to call, I will goedowne. ' V J«jef. let me ieeyowrbacke then, and heare you? dot iiot vfc blm feuruiry you were bettjVnfet all your tyrannical lool^ and bid himtouingfy welcome, or as I Hue, Ilcttretch oucmy voice againe ; vds foot, Imutt take fotne paines I fee, or wee {hall neucr haue this geare cotton t but to fay truth, the fault is iti my melancholy Montteur , for 4f he« bad but halfe fo much fpirir* ashehasficO*, hcemighthaboorded^erbythts. Bue fee, yonder (he muches; nowapallion of,his (ide of halfe an hourelong, htshattiisotf^alreadyi as ifhcwcre begging one foore peany* worth of ktadncfiTc* ^ Ester Gart. IX Cer, Qreenes Tu QuoqueJ. ger', Shalllpierumc {faircMiftris)onyourhandtbIav«iF vnworthylip? ^ ' leyee. FicvponliimjTamafliam'dtohearchini, ybu{]iall haucsCoiinrrytellowataMaic pole, go better to hij workc: he hadnccdetobeconftant , forhccis able to ipoiJc as many Maides ashcfliallfallinlouewithalJ, ^ j g^rt. Sir, you profeflTe louc vnto mc, let mc intreate you it mayappearebutinfomcfmailrcqucft. I ger. Letmeknowit(Lady)3ndIfiialirooncfffc»ajr. gan. But for this prefent to forbcarc ibis place, Becaufe my father is expcfted hecrc. ger. lam gone Lady, i Joyce. Doeyouhtarefir? ' <7rr. Did you call? I' Jejee. Lookevp to the window. <7"'. What fay you Gentlewoman > , g^rt. Nay pray fir goe, it is my fiftercall's tobaflenyou. I ■''';'^'' IcaUtoipeakewithjrou.prayftayaJittlc. ], Ger. The Gentlewoman has fsmfthing to fay tome. gart. She has nothing, I doe coniure you , as you louc ms I Ger. Thep«wcrofMagicIcecannetfaftenme, lamgone. Gatt. Good fir, looke backe no more, what voice ere call I y"- { ^•"'giop.going from me, you were comming. And vfe the fame fpeede, aj you loae my Afcty. . Exit Ger. Wildc wittrd fitfer, I haue preuented you, f - Jwillnothaucmyloueyetopen'dtohim' [ , Byhowmuchlongcr nsereitbeknowneV Enter lejce^ \ - Byfomuchdearcr'twillbewhen'tispurcl-aflj . BurJniuflvfemyftrengthtoftophtriourney, For 0»c will after him: and fee, flie comes- ' ^ Nayfifter,youarcatfui-defl. - ' Joyce. Let me goeyou were befi,for ifyou wraftle with me I Ih.il throw you, pnATim, come backe, foolc, louer, turne a. gajne,andkilIcyourb«-llylulI|: ' . Foar '^ «•«•«•••••«•«•••«••«•••••• (jreenes Tu QmqucJ. For hcere ffie Is will ftanfl you, d«c your worft i Willyou'«t™^g°^^ ' , Qart. Y«,ifyouleftay. jcjse. If I flirrc a foote, hang me, you fliall come together ofy our fcluc$,and be naught, doe yyhat you will , for if 'ere I trouble my felfeapaine, let mc want help In fuch a cafe when I need. G But fee, 1 am preucnted in my Encomium, 1 could hanc maintair/d this theame thefc twoh6ure$. . Lyon, Wcll,God ted hisfoule, hecS gone, and wc oiuft all fuUow him. Enb. 1, 1, hee 's gone fir Litnelt, hee*» gone, Z7»of//. Why tho he be gone, what then? 'f is not you that can fetch him againe, vvith all your cunning, itmuft bee your comfort, that he died well. "Bub. Truly and fo it is, I would to God I had cene another vnckle that would die no worfc j furely I (hall weepe againCf if I fhould findtny handkercher. Long. How now! what.arethcfe onions? Bht. I, I, fir Li»nell, they are my onions, I thought to haue had them roaftedthis morning for my cold : Gtrn^fe you h«ue not wept today, pray take your onions Gentlemen, there- membrarice of death is flrarpc, therefore there is a banquet vvithin to fwccten your conceit J : IpraywalkeinGentlemenj walke you in, you know I muft nccdes be melancholic, and Jtccpc my Chamber , Qtrnt^t , vflicr them into the banquet. SU. IftialIfir,plearcyoufir£7»i»#tf. Gentlemen and Gertmfegtt tnt, . LjttuU Well Mailer 2fwW/!f, wee'ie g.oe in and tafte of yout bountic* Ih the mearte time, you- muftbe ofgoodcheere. 'Bmb. Ifgricfe take not awaymyftomacke, I vvill haue g Cfreenss TuQuo^fieJl the world will a Utile the better excufc mce , whathiivnckle criftsly got from tnc, T will knauifhly rccoucr of him „ to come by it, I muft vary ftiapcs , and tr^firtt (hift fliali be infattia : yw**w^propitioU4betoniydjfguife, , AndIfli?llprofpcrinmy cntifrptife. Exit, Enttr Sfend*ll, Purjtntt, tinda htj with Riekfti, Sfend. A Rubber firra. • / B»r. Youfliallfir, Spend. And bid thofe two men you faid would (peak v^ith me, come in. B»f- I V ill fir. Exit Bay. ■ 5jpf»V. Did I not play tMs Sett well ? EH:tr'Bl*Mckf4ttdaHether. Turf, Excellent well by /»/;.»««, by£r;^/«, h^went as if it kad cut the Line. ' , Tla, God bleffe you fir. Sffnd. lAifitt BUnkti welcome. -^ \' BU. Hr re's the Gcntlemans roan fir has brought the mony, Str. Wilt pleafeyoH tell fir? Sftud. Haucyou the Bond ready maftei BUnkfi ^ Bla. Yes fir. Spend. Tts well, Tor/Jw/, help to tell •——■ lo, ii.xs. What time haueyou giuen ? Bh. The thiiteenthofthe next Month.. ? Spend. Tis well, here's light goide. iSfr. T'will be the leffc treublefome to carry. Spend. You fay well fir, how much hatt thou tolde? fitrf. In goldeandfiluer here is twenty pounds. Bit. Tis right M.5'^*»«/.j//,I'le warrant you. impend. I'lc take your warrantfir,and tell no further, come let me fee the Condition of this OBJigstion. Pi4t[. a man may winne from him that cares not for't. This royall^yir dothregard noCafli, Hjsthrowneaway asmuchinDuikesandDVakes, As viould haite bought fome 50000^ Capons* i^pnxi, Tj5 very well j fo,. end me yourpennet Turf,. 4 : » '1 ^] ^reenesTu Quo^ucj^^ Pf/rf. This is the Captaine of braue Citizen*, The ty^^MiemttoH of all merry Gveekcf, j A Stttkelj'pt a Sherlej for his fpirif. Bounty and Royalty CO men at armef. Sla* Yougiue this as your deed. Sjreud, Mary do I fir. Bia. Plcafeih this Gentleman to be a witnefle,' Sf'tid. Yes Mary fliall he, Twr/cwirr, your hand, Purf. My hand is at thy fernicc. Noble Brtitm, 5]p-W. There's for your kindncflc mafter 5/<»«i^. "Bla, Ithankeyoufir. * Spend. For your paine*. _ Ser. I'lctakemylcaueofyou. Spend. Whar, muft you be gone ti»r/5r«*/, Take that twenty poupds,and giue it m&x\i SwetitmMi Bid her pay her Landlord and Apothecaric/ And let her Butcher and her B»kcrftay, ^ They're honeft men, and rie take order with them. 'Purf. The Butcher and the Baker then (hall ftay, Spe>id. They mutt till lam fome what ftrongerpurft, Purf. Ifthisbeall,Ihaucmycrrandperfc6i. Exit Purr. ' Sfmd. Hcere fitra, hcerc's for balls, there's for yourfelfc, Bej I thanke your worfliip« Spend. Commend me to your miftris. Exit Spetid, Boy I will fir; in good faith 'tis the liberall'tt Gentleman that comes into our Coiirt,why he cares no more for a fhilling then I doe for a box o'lh earc^God blcffc him. txis. Enter StMntJ Gullatit, Leng-fieldMia SerHunt, 5/4. Sirra, what a clocke i'ft ? Jer. Part tenne fir. Sta. Hecrc will not be a Gallant fcenc this houre. Set. Wichin this quarter fir, and Icflc, they meetc hcere as foone as at any Ordinary v'ltitownc. St4in$t Sf4. Haft any Tobacco? Ser, Yes.fif. StA. TxVl LcHg. Why thou report'ftmiracles,things nottobebclee^ ued 1 1 proteft to thee, had'ft thou not vnrip'c thy felfc to art, I fhould neuer ha^?]f:qowne thee. Su. I tell you true fir, I was To farre gone, thatdefperati- onknBckcdai mine elbow, andwhifpcredncwcsto mecout ofBarbarie. L»u. Well.I'm glad (o good an eccafion ftaid thee at homei And maj'ft thou pjofpc;! is thy proiedl,and goton, Wi^li beft fucceflftpf thy inuemion. St4. Falfc dice fay Ainen, for that's my induflion,- Ido meanctochefttod^ without refpcdtofpfrfons: Wlw!qJfavyfiftthoH^7//J,anthaiiw;ii!ne.8.Ins neney; all the while his money isloofiog, hefyveares by the croflc of this GIUiC'*? ^^ vvhcnit is goiie, hee chatigethit to th« hilts of his fwo)r4 ^ StA. H.^q^'le.be aji; exsejletitcoach-horfe formy captaipie. 5'tf ,. - . , : ^ lane. PlcafcycHifir. Cjreenes Tu Qnoejue^, Seat* H^irr^. fetch fir Cardcs, mcthii(kes*tisan vnTeeme- ly fifihi to fee Gentlemen fland idlci pleaic you to impart your fmf-ak^. £oK^. Very willingly fir. Smi. In good faith a pipe ofexcellcnt vapour, Zong. Thcbfrt the houfcyeeldes. Sc<:it. Hidyouitinthehoufc ? I had thought h had bcene yoiirowne: 'lis not fo good now as 1 tooke ictobc : Come Gentlemen, whai's your game? Sta. *Wiiy Gleeke, that's youronety game. Sctit. Gleckc let it be, fori am perfwadcd Ifiiall gleeke fomeofyoii; cut fir. Long. Whatplaywe, twelue pence glcekc. Scat. Twelue pence, a crownc 5 vds foote I will not fpoiic jny memory for twelue pence. LtH^. With all my heart. Sra. Honnor. ;rf4r. Whatift, Harts.' St4t The King, what fay you. ^ Zot7£. Youniufi fpeakefir. 'ScHt. Why Ibid thirtcene. .Jm. Fbureteenc. Scat. Fiftccne. Sia, Sixtoene. Long. Sixteene, fcuentflene. Sim. Youflial ha'tforme. ■Scrff. Eighteen e. Zm/. Take it to you fir. Scat, Viifltd rienotbeout.brau'd. Stti. Ivicir. JicMg, I'lc none ofir. Scat. Nor J. Sta. Giue nie a moumauall ofaces, and a gleek of queens. ZoKg. Andmeagleckcofknaues. / . Scat. Vuflid, I am gleek't this^ time. Muter Pf Hi i?«j/J, St.r], Pi ay. Kafib, Equal! fortunes befall you Gallants* Scdt. /^»// yf<,^>wtll,I pray fee what a vile ganiclhaue j?th;ydoe aiGod raueme.bvthccrortcofthit filucrhefayeitrue. Enttr Sptndji//, St4. Pray, play fir; Lrtig. Honnor. , - R^lh. HowgoctheftockeiGenilemen,what*iwonor!ofl; r Std. This is the firft game. ^' ScMt. Yfs thi hand, how dotl lad/ ' Sf* J, And how does thy wench yfaich. Rdjh, Why fat and plump Like thy geldings s thou giu'ft them both good prouendcr It fcemei, goto.thouattone ot'ihentadu'ft wagges, Of aCittizen'iih towne, the whole cooipany talkesoftbee already. , Si^end. Taike, why let vm talke, ydsfoot I pay fcot and lor, andallmannerofduetiesclfe, as wellas thebtftofvm : iim»y be they Todcrftand I keepe a whoorc, a horfc, and a kcnnell of hownds, what's that to them ? no mans put fc opens for'tbuc mine owne ; and fo long, my hownds AiiU catc flcfii.nny hotfe bread, and my whoore weare vcluet. R*fli. WHy there fpoke a courageous Boy. ■' Sfsnd. Vd ^footCi fliall I be confin'd all the dayes ofmy life to walke vnder a pent-houfc f no,ric take my plcafurc whiles iiiy youth afFoords ir. Scat. By the crofle ofthcfc hilts , Tic neuer phy at Glecke againe, wiiilft I haue a nofeon my face, Ifnell theknaucryotfthegame.' . Sp'tiL Wny what's the matter? who has loft? ^ S»^. Fromwhiehfiner? 'f^.Vw^' f' 2t4A. From the mad-cap, I linow by the handi i = Spend, For me, fix. Omnes. And fix that. ;•: Sm. Nine; 1,2, 3,4,y,^,7,and8 :cighteenefliillings, •■ Spnd. What's yours fir.' Swr. Mine's a Bakers dozen: mafter S**^/*tel your mony, Ehb. IngoodfaithlambutafimpleGamftcr.aHddocnoc Know what to doc. Stat. Whyyoumufttelfyotirmoney , andhce'lcpayyou. Bith. My mony! Ido know how much my nrony n, but he ^ flVall ootpayitie ^ Ihaue a better confciencc then fo : what for throwing the dice twice, yfahhhc^fliould hauc but a hard bax- • -gaineofit. ^5>ov.^-ov : Rafh. Wittyrafcall, Imuft need«a\^a7. I^B^. Why what's the matter? • ' ^ Rajh. Why theioucts can riot agree ,' thoti {halt along with ine,and know 'all. *** £j»jj.Butfirftletmccinflru*W.>.A pox.ypon thcfe dice^ giue's afftfli bale; yi}-.>A j^^^,' Haha>thtdiccairenoct6beblamc" Ruth. Farewell. Exeunt R*^ d- ''Long, S»«. Cry you mercy fir , I .im chanc'J with you all Gentkt ^ct):hcereThaue7,heere7, andhecrc lo. Spend. T'is right fir, and ten that. Bub. And nine that. . /, Sf(f. Two fiaes at .11. 'Drtintt all. " .^ - 'Bub. Oic and fiuc that. Sottti. Vmh,andcana fuiteofSaitincheatcrogrcffcIy? J Byt'his light thcreS nought on one die butfiucs and fixes, Iirwrtnotbethusgu'l'd. , [r „ i^9 Pub. Comi M.iitterS^ « • ScMt. Wnj the* let v» all Ic4uc, for I thinkc dinner's nc»e ready, - (jreenes Tti QuG(ft:c^» Dr4. Your meaiSvpon the Tabic. S« ihjou thinkft, thy tongue and thy heart are Relatiu^s, andchou wert not my fifter, I mould at this time Tall ia loue with thee. lejee. You fliould notneed , for and you were not i»y bro*- thcr, I (hould fall in loucwichyou, for I loue a proper man with my hcart,and fo does all chcSexofvs, let m^- ilftcr diffem- blc neucr fo much,I am out ofchatity with thcfe nice and fqu*. miflitncki, we were borne for men, and men-for V5, anij wcc muft together. RaJh. This fame plaine dealing 1$ a IcwcUin thee. lojee. And let mec cnioy that Icwcll , for I loue plaine dea- ling with my heart. RAjh. Tka'rt a good wench yfaith, Tfiiould neucr b»afha- mcd to call thee fitter, though thou (houldft marry a Broome- man:butyourloucrmethinTci con ' cell : lamnoChri- rJMi if Dice doe not fiph, whine, and orow fickeforthcc: 1 'okcyoufir, I will bring you in good witncfleagainfther. lo)fce. Sir, y'are my brothers friend, andl'le beplaine with yon, you doenot takcthc courfeto winncmy firtcr, but indi- rectly goe about the biifli '. you come and fiddle hcerc, and kcepcacoilc in verfe : holde offyourhattc, and begtokifle her hand, which'makeshcrpiowd. Butto bee fliort, in two ]i-ic?thui it is : Who moft doth !oue,miift feeme troft to ncglcft it. For thofe that fhew moft louc, arc Icaft rcfpeftcd. L'mg. A gooo ooieruationby my faith. Rfijfj. Well this inftruftioncomcj too late now. Stand you clofe, and let me profccute my imiention. Sifter, O fifter, wake, arife fiftcr. Enter Gartredabtue. . Cart. How new brother, why call you with fuch tcrrowr? Rajh, How can youfleepcfo found, and bcarefuchgroanej, Sohorride and fo t«dioustothccare, ThatI was frighted hither by the found ? ' Ofificr, heerc lies a Gentleman that lou'd you too dcerely. And himfelfe too ill, as by his death appcarcs, I can report no further without tearcsj A(Ti(imenow. Long, V.'hcn he cam^firft, death fiartlcd in his ey«; Hii hand had not forfooke the daggerhilt. But flil! he gaue it fircngth,as if he feard He had not fent it home vnto his heart. ^ (/rf^-;. Enough, enough. If you willhauemcliuc, giuchimHO name^ Sulpition tells me 'cis my Geraldtne: But be it whom it will, I'lecoipetohim, J (jreenes T« Quo^fttLji Tofufferdcathas reroliueashe. £xitGarf. Ra/h, Did not I tel! you 'twould take, downc fir tjo wne. ^. YonderVieiGerM/Mfiff. Cfort. O let me fee him with his hce of death ! Why doe you ftay me from my (jeraldine f R4(h, Becaufe,vnworthyasthouart, thoufhaltnotfee The man now dead, whom liuing thou didft fcorne. The worft part that he had, deferu'd thy beft, But yet ,:i O fee the colour ofhiscoralllippe! Iffl^ Which in defpightofdeathliues full and freffi,: As when he was the beauty of his Sex : T'werefinne worthy the worft of plagues tolcauethee* Not all the ftrength and pollicie of man Shall fnatch me from thy bofome^ Zc«^,' Looke, looke, Ithinkefliee'l rauifiihim. Rajh. Whyhownowfifter? Gart. Shallwehauebothonegrauc? here lam chain'dy Thunder nor Earthquakeis (ball fliak« me oS, Rojh. No?rie try that.come dead man, twakCjVp with your bag and baggage, and let's haue no more foolingt - Cz-irf. Andliue'smy(?ifr<«/<^? Rttjh. Liue? faith I, Why fliould he not? he w«s lutttr dead;- That I know oiv. Girr. It i s no wond er GVrrfWi'w ffiould liu«^- Tho ho had emptied all his Titallfpirites, The Luteof Or^Atfw fpake not halfc fo fwecte, , When he dcfccndcd to tVrtnfernaH Vaults, To fetch againe his fairc £Wr»(A«, As did thy fwcctc Yoyceto<7*r, For looke fir, I'le be open breafted to you, Sfend. Shame lighten hioj that thiflkes bis fafetylieth in a,. French doublet. Nay I Vvould ftrippc tny fclfe, would comelinefle , . F 3 G'lMt-: r _ __ ' ■• ;--p-; '—■■;-■-■-.■- t~ — ■ _.™™_ Giue fufF^ranee to the (Jeediaed fight with-tbce. As n3kcdasaMaurtta&v,anMopre. , 5/<>». And bid e^/«rA(7»*> put on his white fuftian doublet, for hee muft wait to day : It doth mec fo much pood to ftirrc /"- and talke.to'placc this, and difplace that, thatKhall needeno Apothecaries pTefcriptions,Ihauefentiny daughter this mor- ning as farre as Pimliko to fetch a draught of Darby ale, that it may fetch a colour in her cheekci, thepuling harlotrie looks fo pale, and it is all for want of 4 man, for fo their njother would fayi Qod reft her foule, before {he died. Exit Seruaut, ■ ■ ... ■ _ , ■ / ^ ■ V Etiter'BMbhle,Scatttrg09d,AndSt'*imi, 4 5(fr. Sir, the Gentlemen are come already. . C Ljo». How knaue, the Gentlemen ! ' < Ser. Yes fir, yonder they arc. " ; Ljonell. Godypretious, wearc too tardte , let onebefcHC ^ prefchtly to meete the geties, and haften their comming heme J; qiiickely : how doft thou ftand dreaming ? Gentlemen, 1 fee t you loue me , you are'carefull ofyour hourc j ybu may be dc- , i ceiued in your cheare, but not in yout( welcome. ■ i ■ .J Bnb. Thankcs, andT»5'«o^«tf isavvordforalL ^^ ■ | ScAtterg. A pretty concife roome : fir £;*>«//; where are >. yourdanghters? ;,, L^on. They are atyourfcruicc fir, and forth commlng. \BHh. Gods will germjel how fliall I bchaue my fclfc to u ihcGcntlcvvomcn? - ' ' Jvf ' . ■ st*ii- - ; ^ 1 • 1 '' (jreenesTu ^oefutJl S/4. Why aduance yourfelfciowardthrm, witliacomely flcppc, andinyourfalutc, bccarcrullyouftrikenottoohigh nortoolowc, and afterward for your difcourfc, your TV ««»' .^«; will bearc you out. 'Buh. Nay,andthatbeall,Icarcnot,forricfctagood face on t, thai'i flat : and for my iieathcr parts, let them fpcakc for themfelues : here's a leggc, and cucr a Baker in England fliew mc a better, I'lc giue him mine for nothing. St4. O that's a fpcciall thing that I muft caution you of. Buh. What fwcete Qerutfef St4, Why for commending yourfelfcj neuer wbileflyou liue commend yourfelfc: and then you fhall hauc the Ladic5 themfelues commend you. JSnk I would they would elfe. Sta. Why they will I'le aflure you fir, and the more vilely you fpcakc of your fclfe, thcmorc wiU theyftriue tocollaud you. StiterGartredandlejce. ^ Sub. Letmealopctodifpraifcrttyfclfe, ' rie make my felfe the artantcft Cockcf-combe Witbirj a whole Countrey. ' £;»»?//. Heere come the Gipfies, theSunne-burn'dgerlei,- ' Whofcbcautics will not vtter them alone, - J They mufthauebagges although my creditccrackefor'e. ' *i ^K^, Isthisthecldeftfir? ' ! Ly»»tU, Yes marry is flie fir. Btth. riekurcthcyongcftfirft.bccaufeffielikeimebeft. • ' 5«f. Marryfir.and whiIcftyou«rcthere,l'lcbcheere: O delicious touch! I thinke in confcience Her lippes are lined quite through with Orenee Tawny yel- uer.t Bhb. Thrykiflc exceeding well, I doe not thinke but they haue beenc brought vp too't, I will beginne to her like a Gen- tleman in a ff t fpcech : Fairc Ladic, (hall I fpeake a word with you? /ff7«. Withmefir? . , Qreenes ^u^uojue, Bui. WithyouLady,— thiiway,— alitlemore, . Sonow tiswell, vnih r- EucB as a Druininer,__ or a Pewterer. le^. Which of the two no matter. For one bcatcs on a Druoime,tother a Platter . Tul'. IngoodfaythfwectLady you fay true: But pray marke me further,! will begin againc . /ty. I pray Sir doe. Sttk Luen as a Druoimer, as I fayd before,i— i- Oras aPewterer. Ity. Very good Sir. B«i. Doc — .doo-'^doo. ' I(y. What doe they doo/ Btti. By my tr«th Lady,I doe not kii9w : for to fay tritth, I am a kind of an AHe. lojf. HowSir.aaAile; ^«^i ; Yes indeed Lady. j»ii i^fk J(y> Nay that you are not. ; 0. u'-j 'f Bm^. SoGod/ia mee,I am Lady : you neuer bvr '7/* ". r.i an arrantcrAiTein your life. . :,-. . Joy. Whys beer's a Gentleman your friend, will not fay foi ^M^jvY&ythbutheAialhHowfayyoufir, i / AmnotlanAiTcf . .17 ScMt. Yes by my troth Lady if he : Why He fay any thing my brother ^M^^i^r faycs. gart. Is this the man my Father choofe for mec, tomakca.Hu$bandof?OGod,how blind: - {l .i:v..Z are parents in ourloues i fo they haue weatfa> : ': tl; u so-^ oi they care not to what thinges they marry vs. jnS .<(»' Bfti. Pray lookcvponmee Lady. mT \ .. .^ /ojf. Soldoeflr. Bm^. I but lookcvponmee well, and tell Biee if you ems fawanymanl6okefafcuruily,a«rdoc? : .,, i /(jy. Thefcllowfureis frantiquc. - Ci.oati 3i#^. Y6udocnotm«kcmceJ' p.f uyri -;■:!:' tl t;:, --/<3f. VctiBdeedfir.; '• ^ n.; r,tii;:.i,int 4 •. v. k G. r f Greenes Tu Quf^que, "7^ 1 Buh. IjbutlookevponmecwcU: Did you cuer fee a worfc dmberd Lcggc? loj. BymyfaythtisaprettyfourefquareLcgge.' ■B«^. 1 but your fourc fquare Lcggcs are none of the beO. Oh !lar»itylarttis. Sta. Excellent well fir. ^t. WhatfayyoiiaowtoineeLaciy, can you find «re a good inch about mee? I^. Yes that 1 can fir. . Bub. Find it, and take it fweetc Lady: There 1 thinkcl bobd her, /. No,l want the ^Mw /tfwr^j anathe7««MUfM/J Which yonder Gentleman has ; Ther's a bobforhim too i There's a Gentlctnan^and you talke of a Gentleman? .lay. Who hee? hcc's a Coxcombe indeed. Bnlf, Wcarefworne Brothers in good fay th Lady. Snter SeruMtt^ St4tt. Yes in truth wee are fworne Brothers^ and do tneane to goe both alike,and to haue Horfes alike. ley. And they Ihall be fwornc Brothers too? Jf/«^. Ifitpleafethcro.Lady. Ser. M.5*i///ww,thcGoldTnnithdcfireJtofpcakev«ithyoti. Ly. Bid him coimc.kuauc. Scatt, 1 vvoonder (Sir Lyotull) your fonne WtWR^ is not hceic? > Xjf«. Is heeofyour acquaintancc.firt .^ Scm. O v«r/familiar j h«c ftrookc mcc a boxe on the eare /' L once, w«W», 1 (jrmt9f^U(]U6ifw^r •ace,lii To take feme order yvhilftthere*S fomething left. The better part of his beft Wire's cbafumdi Zj-tr Spcake foftly Maifter "F^iiKiWff. But is there DO hope of hit recotierief :?rf//. Nonearall(ir*,forhees akeadylaydtobeartftddb)^ &tncthatTkndw. -;'-•■-'-; ■■ - -■■ ■'■- ^- ^■'^:'i ■"'^'';^' -Ljo. WelUdoefufierfcrhim.andan^loaife.''^^ 'i '• • > Indecdtd tf6e,'vl'1^atl atn ConRraind to doe i- Wclifir,lBiea.netoceaze6nwhatijlef6!. ' i ' Ainiiharkc yoQ'one vvord>ntore.. i /tf;). What haynousHnne has yonder man cammittc^';* ToJiau-efogreatapuniflimcn'tyWvvaitc ' -i vpon ijic humors ofan idle Foolt J ■ ' AvcryprtfperFclloWig6odLeg^e,goodFaGe, ■ "'S'^-^''- i ABody wellproportiondtbuthisrainde '*•■» .Y; ^, BcwrayesheneucrcameofGenerouskinde'. »^'' -^^ j Z^0. Goe to, no moreof this at this tinao.' What fir, arc you comi J >. ' Atfjt^. Yes fir.and haue mad^bold^toWing aGuift'aloog'. 'I^(f.'M3A^ctGetddmts(onTiioiE{[exi \ Ccr, 'thcfamefjir. Ljo. YeVeweUomfir,wh?nwH•yourFath«^bei^tbwne^ Qer. T'willnotbclong, fir. Ljo. I f^alibe glad to lee him when he corns. GtTi Ithankeyoiifiir. Ga Ijw, Greenes Tu Qu^que. Lyo. In thcmcanc timeyou'rc wclconie;pray bcnotflrange, Ik Icauc my Sonne amongft you Gentlemen, I hauc foriie bufincs : harkc you ^.Ballance, Dinner will foonc be rcaditioncvvcrd more. Exit Lyo. c^ B a!, \ Rajh. Andhow docsmylittlev^««j-anclliisZ« g'«<'f«^hercJ j Oh you pretty fwect-fac'd rouucs.thatforycur tountenancef j might be Alexander AViA Lodwtcke: What layes the old man CO you ? wil't bca match; fhall wet ca'l Brothers? ^f/jf/^. Ifayth with allmy iicartjuMiftusiy^jrrrf^/wiil, \ wee will be married tomorrow. \ Bub. Sfotf^ifMiHris/'^'c^ will, wccle be married to night. ' E.ap]. Why you coura^iousBoycs, and worthy Wenches, madeoutofVVaxe. Butwhat fliall's doc when wcc hauc dmde, fliall's goefecaPlay? Scatt. Yes 1-ay th Brother : if it pleafe you, let's gee fee a Play at the Gloabe. BHb. 1 care not', any whithcr.fo the Clow nch'aue a parts ' For Ifaythl am no body without a Foolc. p Ger. Why then wcc'le goc to the Red Bullj tlicy fay ^reetfr agoodClowne. Bub. qreene I Greened an Aflc. ScAtt. Wherefore doc you fay fo> 'Bnb. Indeed I ha no rcafon : for they fay.hee is as likcmcc as cucrhcccanlookc. ^Mtr. Well then.to the Bull. Bap}. Agoodre(olution,continueit:nayon? Bub. Not before the Gcntlcwomcnj not Ineucr. BApj. O while you liue.mcn before women : Cufiomehathplac'd itfo. Bub. WhythenCunomcisnotfomannerly.asIwouldbe. %ijh Farewell M. Scatur-goed: Come Loucr, you rcto© bufieheerej mufl tutor y cc : Cafi not your eye at thptablcon each othcr^my Father will fpie you without Speftacles, , Hec is a fhrcwd obferucr : doc y ou heare race } Ger. Very well fir. Kafb. Come then e,o wee togcather, let the Wenches alone. Doe Doe you fee yonder fellow? s'lu-i.ta^ito ^ Ger. Ycs:ptetbecwhatishee? . '?-''-, . . Hafb. lie giue you him within,hc muft net now be thouglit on : but you (hall know him. ExU '^^.& Gerald, Gart. Ihaucobfcru'djny fifter,andhcreyc' j 1 ; ! Is much inquifitiue after yond fellow} < yjiTi v.»l:i.,^A.,> Shce has examined himfrota bead tpfpott.^;; I ^'i^ic^Jc- v> ' lIcHay andfeetheiflue. ; i' i \;.;.'t n,;! f ' loj. To wraftlcgaiprtthcflreameofourAffeftioii, ; IstoftrikeAyre.orbHffetwiththeWinde, ^^, , ,: ,, ., , Thatplayesvponvs: ibiii>qft|^u'dto'cift ,-;-j;,„^^Y y,.' This fellow from my thoughts.but ftill he g^cwei : Morccomclyininylightiyetaflaup, .\ Vnto oncworfecondition'dthcnaSIaue; Theyareallgone,heer'snonebuthee,aQdI^, .i>;- ,,,.;. Nowiwill(peakQtohin):^dyetI,willoQt'.;: -t^rrCj Oh / 1 wrong my fclfe, I will fupprcfle That infurre Aion Lone hath traind in mee, ^, , , ^ And Icaue him as he is : once my bold fpirits „ | ^;. f, ,• Had vowed to vtter all nay thoughts to him ,,. j {^\ , y Oi^wbomlfetlcdmy^ftcAionf ,_ ,..{}.■ 'jA Anowhyr«tyresitppw| . ■ _• StA. Fight Loue on both fides? for on inee thou fl;;ilc'ft -^ * Strokes that hath beat my heart into a flame:. . ., ^, -^ ^ She hath fenc amorous elaunfcsfroii;! her eye :'. ,,n-l ' ,^^,( -u » Whichlhauebackereturndasfaythfully. ^, .v^jj^vv i,-** 1 would make to her, but thefefcruilcRoabci, -, v.7, , ^ Curbcs that fuggeftion,tilirome fitter tunc ., ; !j, , / ,^^^ Shall bring mee more fKrfwadii)gly vnto l^cr. . ' t,p^j^ -^ q /«;. Ivyondcrwhybenayesiife^rchecnoteJB^ec^^j^^ v^ ;^ For Ihaiicpubliquely betray dc my felfe, , ,...<.> By too much gazing on him: 1 will Icaue him.., ,.. !,i^._ - *y/»ri. Bu(you(Lallnot}ilemakcyoufpeaketohiin ; "' Befoieyougoe. Docyouhearefir/ , m ^ loy. Whatmeaneyouiift^r.' ., , .,'. ; j,- ' . ',; ^ ,,';^ , j: , , ^''W'A. To|it y ou m your kind, fifter j doey bu rcK|c^Dcr •i-- How you once tyranizdouermcc? ' ' :^ loy. Nay picthcelcaue this icflmg, T amoutoftncvainc. ffart. l,hut I am in : goe fpealrc to yourLouer. lojf. He firft be buried quickc. Gart. How,ailiaind? S'fottltro, if I had fet mf aflfeftion on a Collier, Ids ncre fall backe/vnlefl'e it were iff the right kind : if I did, let mcc betyedto aStake, and burnt to death with Charcoal* loj. Nay the^ wee fliall hate. gart. Yes marry (hail you. Sitter, willy ouflycafctfto him: ; loy. No. ■■ ■ ) Gart. Doc you hearcfir sheet's a Gcatlewomaa VfOuW' fpcake with you. ley. Why Sifter.I pray Sifter. ,' v-':.^'?.-" gart. One thatloues you with-att her heart, '■ "r "Ij" Vf ■ ■ Yetisa/hamdtoconfeflcit. :v!v?i.a.- Sta. Did you call, Ladyes? - ' . ' ii'^/UJsn - I^j. No Hr, hccr's no one cald. - ^'^^- » ' ^'"^^ ^^' ':. Cmrt. Yes ftr twar I, I«ald to fpcakc with you. - ^ ; loy. My Sifter'sfemcwhatfrarinqticj'Aere'KnOrtgardfo' be had vnto her clamors: Will you yctleauei ■ In faythyoti'lc anger me«. ' ^ Giirt. Paaion : Come backe fooleioticr.turnc a^axnew* tiffe y our belly full.hcer'i one will ffand ycc- ■ : ;! ; ;J Sta. What does this mcanctrde?' ' •■'•; -■ -; '^ ..(,-,.,... .av ^ loy. Ycs.isvour humor fpent;' g^rt. Come let mc goe, Birds that want the vft©f Rc?.f jn and of Speech, can couple together in one day; And yet you that hauc both.cannorconclude in t weniic: "^ nowSirtcrIamciicnwithyou,myvcnomcisfpit, (mine: As much happinclTc may you eniov with your louer « 1 with And (iroope not wench, not ncuerbealhamdoflum, The mail will fcruc the turnc,though he be wrapt In a blew CoatP, lie warrant him, come. hy. You rt nierrclj difpofcd, Sifter. Exit fTeHcfJe,. M St4. I needs muff prb|per;Foruiac & Loue workc for race: Be modctatcAiy loyei j for as you grow to your full h«ght, SoBuWbJeswaxethlow. £xif. Enter Sf »Ml,Sv>c bu t lie be hccnfi^r {upper: ThereforeMiftrisi'»'*4#»ft«w,prouidc v$ fom^fteod tfie^rc. Jto-if***. The beft the Market will ycelfil.^# Sfe^. Heer'stwcntieihillingsjiproteffljiaueleftray fclfe T>ut a Crowne, for my iTpcpding mpny i for indeed I intend to bcfrugall,and^rn^oodjmsband< . :, . Ttfk: I marry will you,you'le to play againc,& loofe your . Monieand fall to fighting { Sfen. Come,come,noinoreoft!iis;thoodo{l&atdi(rcmblc< Tick, Diflcmble (xio not you fay fo $ for if you do», ~ Godsmyiudgellcgiueoiyfclfcagaili. 'S'^n'c^. Away,away,prcthec no more : farewell. ?«rjt Nay buflefirft: Well, Jhere'jjoo aducrfitiein the world /ball part VI. Enter Sergianti. Spend. Thou area louingRafcall} farewell.. .?»?wP«rj3(»rt,Why com'ftiafucbhafte? ^^' Pwrjf^ Shut vp your doorcs, and barrcyoilagi'pw^/out. And let him be cafhieard your companie, HeisturndBanqueroutjhis.wrarMarcceazdon, "^^^ 'o Andhis/hopfhutvp. " Ttck' How, hftwrartKcaid on? thou doll bat icft.I hope. - M>j[fr?'^at'«hij tongue doth r*pijrt,tbefe eyes Haue fccne, ItifflOcicyj^if^blcthatltcH, ■ i Butitistrue.as larafeythfuU'Paiwkt/' ''-• f^^'-^'>« V ^^^-r?. j •Jbw*; Nayl'^fidettcrthinkethejprodigittsWiAdi^^ * ABahqucroutjbuthahg'Hiiiijlcfhirirtblt *•-' ^''' ,7' ", '° , j In prifon.hc comes nomorc^>nttei1thefeioOr*^:''^,''»?.=' 'ij^?^ :\j Iwartahthiiriv--'-*""--^^^ -•■•'■•'■•'•"'''■ ' ' '' ^:)- '^ Ttek, C«meftttli«=lwO«l1dhtfW6ulii1>ut6fifelriV- 5" o^- ^ j Wiefeil»hirotfai=vwiha j>63fctohutt.'- - * • f * : •';>«':? '"' J ; j J>^. Will you doc itj ..Hir,,-/ t>r.5t.t3iic«>;fi«5f5I j TkJ^?geihi««oVM&ft,'b\it^d'«>-\^ (Hogs. I. i'4r..'«What&yy.^b»l- a, JVr. Yes fay th.we QiSiHliiiltliimagailii; wiftiifirthij wcclcc. J, ^^. WeU'«iwott'r4d?^HJiig»?'and v>«afhWd(i^^^ palsiononyou. •"^*. •; ;;• . ^ - \,^ Sptnd. WiU't^ttbttf vwftlee witlf nfc'lrntothiatBefafci -J -*- * And there you ftallrcccauc it. ^ i>-. What,wherethewonrtfl=a?«f-"^'*^' -^ ^ j:wf-tf ; Loolce y ondcr^iftftfe'^radoas ^if(Bdl% ii6t com- -minghithtr, •:- ■: .iJ^'««^r'.;*yj«^"P^'^^^..,i^ n Betwixt tvioSarjuimet'. hethinkes-MiKir-^^^^'tf V „ That weelcrcUcuchim-,lcft?*#|* . %«rivi^^i^com^ - ^ ■ h'^'i^;'^^^**^'^ ^^-^ Btfftiia the Minute that thou didftptofcfle i^ ^ greenes Tuquoque^ JCindneffe vnto mcc, to make tryall 9f it, v Aduerfitic thou Sees lay^s h^nds vpoo BiW> . ,, ButForticfhillingswilldcliucrince,. , I T^ki Whyyou ImpudentRpguc, do yow coioc tonw fw r " Mooy i Or do I know you.'what acquaintance pray, j Hath euer part betwixt your fclfoacjj wee J » .y^r. Zounds do youjino«kpra,w bringrMo tfiefcwowen that do not know you? . :Swe4t. Yes in good S<»oth,(Off«er$ Itake'tyoB r«) Hee's a meere ftianga.hwe • 9P«ly in f b*?'t»e» ; . j; SoBictimcswchauerclieucdhiinw«Kftin??)e.,; aif O .. V J;rt»rf; ThisunQtcvwftitvyou^CpwcijIlfmW \ Myguiftesandbounaeonoofoe fopiv.buri^fj: ,,ijt i ;l*i GoepretheefetthfQ«rUeft>«J]i9gi? , * .,.. '^ Tfeit TaIk«B<*tj^ro?«(ywmuc)9l5Fpurt^J*Mlf?fi?f - For by thislight tliat fliii»«J,)Mjc!f « a^^jn^; ; ^auj , ! » lO Ilefendmy Knife ofw«rrtp4JftypM^«tWlt>3^3!iv iO AflwunelefleRpg^teWW jP.»i?«f«Fiy|»W»^!£ .tij^ai 5 1 .^^-tf Uhc.yiw?|*i^H«ii»«r,GiwU.^inspri / f/ . V i"**?^. Pr4y i»?«y H«*lbov«» BwfeoiJet hwOnStl^JPi l^hJip«twjllt*nildi»V*U4n«(T*oftl«.J9»rf^i;Mia I '^ Apd teach-lM|BfcowiBt»l«ad?4b«(tcr)»feJi; ■ c ?-nv r - j^^ - ..-f Heehadgoodceuhftttbw«rejii;a^aflS«r«y<>Ubfr; a:c .i .o^f;^ Pwrjr. It(dd^himflsittifiyifcJfi^wt)9{!vy<»uMififci«i>. iv ' ;. T J^flTfi.. Furiesi^«i^ lopfc insEKe : $atgeanFs,lct.itt«£Oje,Ut giite y9u>iiU I-huiCj Me ^ixfaai« frccdotnf but fova iigbpiing while, to teafeyowfcWbprc, B^»4,Paodfi? s and in,t^nB, the DiucU : for there's h» HeUihiS:J«>3HtAti■ ©t^erlbeaUplace: .0; . J ;".' .., u .i7if^tS^iS^\Clo4^r : .£»'. NabrjWeelfttakeno&ilyes. [ ^ .S|p«r'fl>fMori .?'. Vnto thy ^^«/« vite Bottles that's thelaft ' « 1»>jj '>5>,^:i:i ABawdwiirpartAivithatlj^andliueropbore, ■•■•''■ -v-Z^ That being turBdf6t^th/houfe,inayftdie«iloW«*i^ ^^^''1 j-irr. Come fir, ha^toudoncl >;: . ..:. nu • -Mfiu;tn-.2 J>«*/. Alitrlefurtiher|iuemeekatte,Ipt9y," i '^'>,, IhaucacharitiMePrtyertoefldvyitb. ' i tt ; i>.'hi<3 ,;> a^ May the f>-(fwJ!> Cannibal! eatetoto thy flefti' ^ - 5 '"^r- ^ Arirfi>>elfc3 5rh filivJ t3^j^. WyUthiiLouc4^-atr9ub^Co^ci{hH)g/ii5''>oc olelTq mee outofhis fingeri : jhcic's n<^ «ftat^ can fcj(l for hira: ' ,/ Hce runnes through all Countrics,ryy jj.) traucjl, tbriQitgh the; , , - // r- . '1 , . . - R»fi>. AndiBakenicecry,Oey«no^y'es,bMttVfVO celefli- allStarres / A pox ont, Idc as leiiie beare a fellow fiag tbrongh thenofe. HownowWcn'e)>?;. ,. , ,■/' iiooii :ilv:,'j s»Vi, ■ : €^trt. Keepeyourftation*,youlu^raf,W!ieUforthe:iqcei>fi>^ ter as may be : Shee^is cotoming op j but as, ,i|Qtlanchely ^as a Bare-vyollinConfort. ;, . . ' , . , .' ' ' - ; v Rajb. Which makes ihccas Sprightly as the Trcbble, , _ Now dofl thou pUy thy, prize,: hc^c'sthf ho^prable SjCiepie one againft another : Doe you heacc Iloucir,. the thing iHlohe' you yvot ofFj you fliall haue your. Wench alon? vyithou t any- aifturbance ^now if you can doe any good,why jfe^jcheSilucr Game be yours,,vireclc ftand,;bj; and gi^e ayra/ej^jipd Ijaljow il ypftbjit the Clout. ;•; ., •'Jn.Vy .•-■/:! /y-;,,'} ,, ^,i,.V-r'.'^ ',Jm. Ti»alltheafsi(ianceI,rp'quefto,fypu^j , , ,. "[jC. Briinomcebutpppprtunatly tohcrprefence, , , ,./ AndidefirenomorciandiflcannotyvinherV : ^^jC Letmccloofeherv -^.,,.. ; ■■ >,r;.,j:, ;^ ;,,, , ,,"_ . ,:„^->- ■.,'■", Gart. Well fir, let me tell you, perhaps you yndertake Ahuiicrtaskethenyctyoudoeimagine. Sta. A taske,what to win a Woman, &hauc opportiinitie? Ivyouldthatwere ataslccifaytn,forany man that wcaresbis ifyittcsabouthim :£iue03ebuthalfeanhoure$ ' Ha Coafe-^ Greenes Tu Qu^ue, ConFcrcncc with the coldcA creature of them all, Andifl bringhcrnotintoa foolciParadice, IIepuloutm)rtongue,&hangitatherc[oorefora<{faw4atch. Vdsfoot, rdencrc ftand throrninmgofCapsforthcmattcr, He quickly make tryall of hcrif /hcc loue: To haue her Beautie prayPd, He prayfe it : ifher Wittc, . Ite commende it :ifher good parts, lie pxaltthem^^ : ^ No courfc /hall fcapc me^ for to vrhat focucr I faw her iadihd' too, to that would 1 fit her» Rajh. fiutyoumuft not doe thus to her, fbrftteeVafiihtile flouting rogue,|that will laugh you out of countenancc.if yoU folicit her cerioufly : No, talke me to her wantoaly,fligbtly 5c carclcny, and perhaps fo youmay preuaile as mtich with ber, as wind dues with a Saylc,carry her whither thou wilt. Bully. Entirlojee* Ju. WelltJr, He follow your inftru ftion. I-aPt. Dofo./VndfeeflieappearciifaliyoutwooflrfroniySf^ LetYstwowalketogeather. ^ ' liy. Why did my enquiring eye take in this feOoyr, ' : And let him downe fo eafic to my heart ; WhereHkc a Conquerour he ceafes on it, Andbeates all other men outofmy BofToMC! RuPi. Sifter,yotj're well met, Hcer's a Gentleman dcfircs to be acquainted with you. /^. See, the Seruingman is turnd a Gentleman, That villaaous Wench my Sifter.has no mercy, Shee and my Brother has confpired together to play vpon me; Eutllcprcuent their fport: for rather then my tongue fliall haue fcope to fpcakc matter to giue them mirth,my facs^rt (hall breake. ■ ;: r;..., .i,. .■.■'.:..% RaP). You haue your dcfire fir, He leaue ybUj ' - ' 3 iff; n^. Grapple with her as you can. . " ; j , Sm. Lady,Godfaueyou.Sheturn$backcvp6ntfi(eiBOti5, Ther's no good to be done by braying for hcr.Ifetf tKi.t j I muft plunge into apafsion : now for a peccc of flirr* and ' Lennier : t'werc excellent ; and prayfe be to flljy miemorief,' " It FfT ^reeues 7*« Quotfue^ It has feachthalfe a dozen lines for tWpurpoi^ ; Well,/hecihal!haucthcni. ' One isno Number ( May des are nothing the^ Without the fwectc focictic of Men. Wilt thou Hue (ingle ftill? one ihalt thou bee. Though neucr finglingi^wf/fcouplethce. Wild Sauages that drinke of running Springj,"' TbinkesWaterftirrepxccHs all other thing. They thatdaylytafle neat Wine,defpifeit. ' VirginitJe albeit fcitie highly prize it, CoRipard with Marriage) had you tryde them both. Differs a$inuch,i< Wine and Water doth. No? Why then hau* at yoil ill another kind. , By the fayth of a Souldier f^Lady) I doe rcuerencs the Sroundtharyottwalire vpon: I will fight with him that ares fay you arCBbt faire: Stabbe him that will not pledge yourheal%andwithaDa-ggcrpierceaVaine.todnnkca full health to vou \ butit /hall be on this condition,that you fliallfpeakefirft. ' '' Vdl-foot, If 1 could but get her to titke once, halfc my labour wereoucr:butIletryherinanothervaine. WhatanextdlerttcreatureisaWomanwithoutatoaeue> But what a more excellent creature is a Woman that has a tongue,and can hold her peace? But how much more ex- ec lent and fortunate a creature is that roan, that has that Woman to his wife i This cannot choofe but madde her j And If any thin|makca Woman talke,tis this. ItwiUnotdoe thoyet. IprayGodtheyhauenotguldmee: Butlletryonceagainc; ^ When will that tongue take libcrtie to talke.' Spcake but one word,and I am fatisiied : Or doc but fay but (Jl4«w,and I am anfwerd? NofoundJnoacccnt^IsthcrenonoyfeinWoniaa? Nay then without direftionrhadoii. Imuftgoccallfbrhclpe. ,';!:•:'' i" f^^ I .. 'i Sm. NotafiUabe,ni£lien^fle^e,i«notnaoire^lent:. Shee's as [f:K; ; llctry roy cunni^foryou: Seev»katlcan,doc. ., ,; , : T . HowdocyouSi(wrJain(orycohearcyouarenotw«U, if This G cnt. trfs nice ypu h?.ue loft vpifr tongue, I dltay l^i-f^e? If you canWii^ pklcefi^a^ci whsrca^ucyc^ Wedc goc &: Idolce fort'^c in goo^layih Siftf K,y€!ttl#pkf T't;-_ffittii»$ , , ^ ; , ,, „si ,ib"/ / - Af<;ilbwpfyoo!'fa[hbh-,h4saCr6w|ic , ,^, .^vfL-'il .'A Purchatt that rtij-nittg Ssttin of the Brokpr* ? y,, ;,,, ^ t, , o:;5< Or ift a caft Suite Pf your goodly Maifteri. •,;...j%nr?M ?^U Sta. ACaafuitc.Lady? •_.. , .,„ ..,!«;;; J-'A-iJ.'*' ' loj. YouthiHlccitdoieibecprae ypo !fayth,«dpMn«[»,'. A Blew Coat wixh a Ba%i!,c!ocs bettcr'-wuh ypu-^, J ,i. > .• ) .. Goc vntruffe yout'MamcW Foynt$,aod doenotdaff .-j^jS ^A To ftopyourNbfcwhcn'asbi»Wori[liipilijake>»,; ;, ;., iw ■•'! Ta's been your breeding.' ~ ' ' r . ; , \ -Uj -,..'- OhjiiI' i'M. Vds'Ufe, tbij i» excellent : npwflif ^|^«... c. < i , S^^v' •■- ' '-^ ■ 19- ..■ .^ , * > ■ :'l ■:« lov. Nay,weirey©waG«Btleasatt:andwhicbJitnorej "^ WellLandcd.lfliouWhardly loueyw : t'^^'^r:* '-^^^ %•; For,foryoiirFace,Inct«crfavwa?w<»rfej /■ ■-' ■ ' ' ■ •• Itlookcs as if't wercdrawne with yellow Oackcr v Vpon blacke Buckram; and that Haire ; .si. -<./;; • Thais on your Chiti,lookesHotlikeBcardy •' i' ^'''^ ^ But as lit hadbeen fteeAd with Shoomakers Wax. ' ' ; Sta. Vdjf»"^'' You tor/ooth^cockerdWitH your owne fuggtfliorti *♦■ 'f?\ i Take heat t vpon^t, and' itfiiike ntee; (that ani meate^ ' •»< ■■ ^ '> ''^ ' Andfctvpfory I' . M. Oi'.«a*ffe,foindtnf»€«a$'rh^epaftalong, ' -hi ,•,;!'.> AndhaucreturDdaCuttcicforyour'Hatti ' -o.i.x'A You^as thecommbn tr»ckerij)ftraightfoppofc," ^'"^'■■'' »> f Tis Loiie. (fitteuerenc, whichmakes th« word imorcbeafily;)' '.}fya.:Why,'tis worieJtheftftilence. ; ■> T; i' <.. .' a r--. (e • 's , ; <^' ' ' i> ! '' 1 VVe find the Traarton't: ' t<^ fiJiiv •:?!'] Ilr;^ ^imJ Kindnc{rcji$«arnicdLiglitneflc,iB«iirf«j ■?** vv f r^w > A'ndwhenwcgiueaFauo«ir,of aKiffe, ' . v^'iti'-'yc \Wecgmeour.Gpbdnanieit(Jb. ; ^'i •' ' ;n3ri?v ,ntai^m.t^^^^^ .yM. "VVillyoubedumbeagainei^vT ' . r '.■, -^^''--i /«)'. Men you are cald, but you're a viperous bro9(!f !>:. ' Whom we in charitie take into our bofeves, - aqp'..'/'^ I • - And cherilli with oinr heart :forwhich,you {ling vs. .'« Ajv "; • 'i'f^, :Vidsfoot;Ileiltfih him tharwaked your toage^ol./? i-: ToJayitdowneagainc. ;■■; ^- • vi: r.-irwM.j.'v-ji .■•..■■!.;«{{.■.■ ^A [>. ,j _ .iK^;-VYhy.hownowJtian>'-/v!;--^tv':^;*; i:^^"''c,'iiin ./Vt ;', /ikiij DrehucineCjOrlihallloBremy heariiig. > r.ri :<^«r;1 YoahauerayfdeaFBricvpintohertanguc, V .. ..'i'f'JJnrilr; AParlianicntofwbaieacaHldaiptmakoj ■ ; viijjjv/ ,wi, .t^ - :*:■ - \ ' - ■ -■ ' • Such S«chaCoiifufe(Jnoyreastftat(Jip^ttjcWi .' 1{afi,. Well, what wouJayowh»jKflnctdj»? V .>• i.-^r ; '/ 7 Silt. Whymake^herhoWhcrtpngiife . /l^,ro*(/i.y,.ioJ - I ^4/%. And w.hatthcn? .v:^v> vf': "??!:;; -.i;^ J"?*!. WHy then let ine^loneag«iH9, '■ /?*5/&,. Thissi very gcxrd lfayth,6ragiupthcebyt#ppertu- niue.and let thee alow ;th(joiBakf few feHtSp/4:c, and J«r-: Thee alone : naw make h«ri)9ld htfr tpjigm, and thftn Let her aloncj By my torth Iihiaksl WiCrc b«ft to tet - Thee aloric indeed :butcofBc,f<>l{9wine$« , The wild Cat* (hall not Carry it (0«wf(y. . i . ■ . i ro / i. u < ..-. T • Walke,walke,;aiwcdid. „ •: ,-.i;.::->„ .;■'■.: ;c,.'-i n/i'i-jf^nV/ /«r. What,hMueyoHfetchtypwCftanipionMi*l«»heibr Not haueyou>aQr JbimfelfefrQtqomihetlQriBC^' ; : , ; 5.;.; 'i Of my incenred ragq I will tkimder^faitis yfH}r«wci, - a h sj A Thewrongtthaty6uiiaae(bne«nkiiio«^A)bM;^ide&;i .,v. Oh you*reac\ippIeQffw««: WiiatfliiiliftllLyittJ^O .^^l , Mcnyouarenotvforifyouiivcvc, ; i ■ rpin >. ii jr.^ You would not Q0«r . ! * . r, b iT . ^herein hatte rdfifcrncd ie«t yAurhandM^HtwrirftOt liMiii^ aiwayes a kind Sifler to .yotiv&k%^i8s t«k^r Ajv^edjtf pidlnotfend Mot»y tPsYonMCm^rklge vhxn jM w«rc but a Frc/hman, wrought yoH Puirfes 0ad> Bind^^ iod fiofcuf you came toth'Inn'i a Court, a fi)ir.ci>jiyreo^iiai^Mi? Haue >. you nottaken Rings fr9mnwe,whiCftIibtu«b!«efi£!^etoiayi- I haueloft, when you had pagodthfliDsfliBdryitiwaa iic;«ieKlKV holdingtoyouforapayreofiSIoacirti badi , '/ / v;/, , !^<(/&. A Wi>miBs tongue lice, tsJik«aBdI» .\^V Thatoncebeingfetagoihgjgociitlclfffk ;.i n'r/ /«/. Aodyetyoutoioyhc/withinyJfiftcragainftnee;!; :A i Send oi\ehe«rje to pliay !vponfl!iefi>Whilfi:you laugh aid leeire. And mak«a paftime en mee : it this Brotherly doncf . 1 ^^ r No iti(Barbereu$,&a7»r)^wouldbltt(htoe£[cr i<^t*aChriii 'fiian: buti willthinke oa't, and haucttwrittmiocqrlicac^ when it hath flipt your memories. > ■ . . : . ; . «'- i ' *rf/5. When will your tonguebewaiie.' -.li'-HU A, |;.:;«; ;,., ;' ■ ... t% . l^ ••>r-.i-..i —'-:-~l, (jreenes T^^uojue. Joy. Ncucr. . RaJ&. How,neucr .' Come talke,ant! lie talke with you,, lie try the ninbiefootniaiiiliip of your tongnc} And if you can out-talkemce,yours be the viftorie. Heere they nvotalkf/mdrAyle what they lijf] * thenK^fiJpeakettsStajntr. AlljpeAkg. Vds'foot, doR thoufland by,aad doe nothing} Come talke,aHd drowne her clamors! Heeritheyallthree talke, (mdlojeegiuet ttterweefmfyOndExit, Gerald. Alas,<)ieesrpeat yray th : now the Aormerbuer; Ea/o. Vds'foot, He follow her as long as I haue any breath . Garf. NaynomorenowBrothcr.youhaucnocomparsion, You feeihee cryes. (lainc» Sta. If I do not wonder /he could talke fo long, I am a vil- Shecats no Nuts I warrant her: sfoot, I am almofl out of breatk With that little I talkt : well Gent. Brothers I might fay^ Foriheeandl mudclap hands vpon't:aaiatch for all this. Praygoe inland Sifter,faluc tbematter,collogue widi hct Againe,atrd all fhall be well : I haue a little buhneffe That muft be thoughtvpon, and tispartlie for your mirth^. Therefore let inee not (tho abfent) be forgotten : Farewell. . 7(ftfi. VV* will be mindfull of you fir,fare you wett; (ftK Hownowman,whattycrdjtyerd? Rafli. Zeunds, and you had talkt as much as I did, yois would be ryrd I warrant: What, is fhccgonein? He to her a- faine whilft my tonguc'is warme : and if I thought I Hiould e vfde to this exercilc Iwould eatc eoery morning an ounce ofLJckorifli. Exit, Enter L»dget^*mtaJier«>ftht'Ptip)nt_ ' MtdLeck^fafihifmtot. Z»4:r. Haue you fumdvpthefcRcckoainesr \ ' ^ Hi/d. YesSiR ; ;■ ---i< 'K *^' ■» Xe<^. Andwhatisowin^Biee? BM, TJuruc-fitucapeuod eddnu^e.. ^ ■ ■ ^ Greenes Tti^m^M^ todS' Htyw much owes the Fr^wAiw^? .iff34>* Ji. jEfa/(/. AfbtH^ightsCoEnnom./^ -»i ;n.At^»^lv» Hfid, Not any fir : and he ha« ioM aU liis Qoatbl. . , : , , \ \: Enter SfendalL ... X«<^. That fellow wouM waft MilliQnMfhehadtheni) • V^hilit hehas Mome.oottjanfpendsapfsaiicV . j k ^ .v^ AskchJnii»onie,andifhejrayhchas|iQ9«^:* . . .j t .3 Be plaine with him,andturn.«bii!lictttt9*th Ward* SxitLtdg. MyMaiftechiisjrenttoyoufpcnoQsie, -v"^. 'A ' ^r> r '^«»/. .M-,; , .<" .B'/t^ £ay«li fir, hit cM9C.a0onf , «ce Xb gr^a^, d}^ fiee fnuft .|B«»e»oni«,w4fcb,«»i/. WhatW««l4M>Ml4X'emoi«?»'»» if j,»*i v .. ^' Hold. Why to the Two-peanie War4,l$ lik^eft to h»Id eat nivith your meanes : er ifyou will, you may gpe ihcothe H(^» and tW«yw«ayfced fornoAMSvi;; 5 i ^y -;'/ .V Spefid. I,out of thftAlraeM»a»J«t, w|»fff jqi^«;jtiwpp^e» JfeUkene0e^fap««c ,; Scruc and make fafiq^taJ^coii^PHIptiHy^ij,^ and of the fficdcrsjfurcly |rq0iB<^ .. 4 j^yi„«^ Hold. W<^^jo«r«allap«^eiwiU'je)tXflifiotl^ V''«i. .1- . , , i r. Httd. A prifoner to the lioll, take chai-ge of him, and vf« him as fcuruily as tboitcanfl': y dU ihsill be taught yeiirduetic fir, I wdrrant you. Sfettd'. Hence niuiflityrantSjinftriifnents of tortur^- Thcrc is more kindncfFc yet in Whoxct, then y ou, Forwhcn anianhathfpentalljhccmaygoe , ' Andfeckchisway,thcylckickchiinoutfl»doresj: ^ Not keepe him in as you doe.and inforce him To be the fubicft of their crueltic. You haue no mercie J but be this you; comfort, Theputiiihment and torturswhich you doe lufii A on men, the Diucls Ihall on you. H«ld. Well fir,yoii tnay talke, but you fhall fee the end, Andwhoihalihauetheworftofir. ExaLnthi Spend. Why villaine.I fliall baue the woift, I know it» And am prepard to fuflfer Ukc a Stoickf, Or elfc (to fpcake more properly) like a Stoekej For I haue no fence left : do(l thou thinke I haue? Fm'. Zounds,! thinkehee's maddcJ Sjsend. Why,thouart i'th right; for I am raaddeindc<^ . , And hauc been maddc this two yeare. Dofl thouthioke Icouldhauefpentfomuchaslhauedonc , . ^. , Inwarejafadcrcdite^adlnotbeenmadder.jj, ^,ij^*^ ...»t WhythoumufUcnow.Ihadafairceflatc, ' ' ^,..^1, Ci Which through,myryot,lhauctorncinpeecer,»-,^'^ , ^-| V? /nd fcattcred amongfl Bawdcs,BufFoons,and Whorcs^, ^s Thatfawndonmcc.and by their flatteries, -^'^ Rockt all ray vndcrftanding/aculties Into a pleafant flumberj where I dreampe OFnoHght butioy and pleafure: ncuer felt How I was luld infenfualitic, ' VntiU at laft.Afflidion waked mee s And lighting vp the Taper of my foul^ E,ed mee vnto my felfe 5 where I might fee Amitidc and body rent with Mifsric. A?rifina"mikm, Frtf. HanjFex,HarrfB«x,. Toss, WhesalUsi / Greenes Tu Qmque, Enter Pr^ontrt. fnyr Heer's the Bread and Mcate-Dian come. Fofc. Well, the Bread and Mcate-man.mayftay a little. . 1 Pr*/! Yei indeed Hi»77,the Bread and Mcat-njan^mayftayr ' ] But you know our (lomacks cannot ftay. 1 Enter Gatherfir^ with the 'Basket. ■ \ FoA^. Indeed your Stotoacke is alwayes fird vp. "Brif. And therefore by right, fiiould be fire (ierued : I hauc a ^ a ftomacke like Jtjua forth, it will eate any thing : O father G(tft(f>y«r,^, here arc excellent bits in the Basket. a Fox. Wilt you hold your Chops further j by and by youle driuell into the Basket; Prif. Perhaps it may doe fome good f for there may be a peece of powderd Beefe that wants watering. Fex. Heerefir, beer's your Hiare. Prif. Heer's a bitindeea:whats this toAGargMana ftomack/ Fex. Thou art eucr grumbling. Prif. Z6unds,it would make a Doggegrumble,to want hit . Visuals : I pray giue SpemUOiXoac, hce caiae into'tltJlbllbur yeftrr-oight. Fox. Whatjdoeyourefufelt? Spend. I cannot eate,Ithanke you. c ' ■ Prif. No,no,giue it mcc) hec'i not yet ftafoad for ow> . cotopanie. '■ ■ ^' ;'-.■.' i":-. ■■--iv-? -J Fox. Deuideitthenamongdyou. Exit^ift^Prifom-t,.^ i J'^m/. To fuch a one as thefcare.muft I comCjf ! Hunger will draw mee into their fcUowHiip, To fight and fcramble for vnfauerie Scraps, That come from vnkHOWBeband$,perhapsvnwa(Iit: ' And would that were the worft ) for I haue noted. That nouehtgaes to thcPrifoners,but fuch food As either by the weather has been tainted, Or Children,nay fometimes full paunchcd Doggcs, Haue oucrlickt.as if men had determind That the worft SBftenance,wbich is Gods Creatures^ How cuer they're abu£dc,«rc good enough • .For ■ V '8 I^ .-f r ( cf (jreenes 7*« Quoque, For fitch vild Creatures as abufc themfcluet. O what a Slaue was I vnto ray Pleafurcs? Hew drownd ia Sinne.and ouerwhclmd in LuH? That I could write my repentance to the world. And force th'iraprcfsion of it in the hearts Of youjand my acquaintance,! might teach them By niy exaniple,to looke home to Thrift, Andaot to range abroad to feek* out Ruine: Experience Jhewes, his Purfe fhall foone grow light, Whom Dice wades in the day, Drabs in the night: Let all auoydcfaireStrumpets,Dice,and Drinke ) For hce that leaps in Mudde,(hall quickly lioke. Enter Fox Mid Lwi^eid. Fox. Tonder's the man. Lang. Itfaankeyou. How IS it with you.Hr .' What on thegrouacfe Looke vp, there's comfort towards you. Spend. Belike fome charitable Frieod has fent a Shillings What is your BuHne^Te? Long. Libertie. Spend. There's vertucin that word \ He rife vp t© yow. ' Pray let meeheare that chearefull word againe. * Long. The able.and wel-minded Widdow ^<^<^, ^ Whole hand is flill vpon the poore nans Box, Hath in her Charitie remembred you : And beeing by your Maimer feconded. Hath taken order w ith your Creditors For day.and payment { and freely from her Puife, By meeherDeputie. fliee hath difchargd All Duties in the Houfe : Befides,to your necfHsittes, i This is bequeathditofurnidt you with Cloaths. \ Spend. Speake you this ferioufly? J Long. TisndtmypraAifctoQiockcMiferie. ii, ^ J]pm/. BeeuerprayfedthatDeuinitie, )' ThathactomyopprcflcdftaTerayfdFricadt: I 1 3 Slil A' \4:- (jreenu^u Quo fie. '.•■Hi'.,*? fiiM be his b!ef$ings.powi:«clyf>ontheu£«ads> Your liand.T pray, . ^.'jTnW-i,'. ••'T'. v '''^ 1 hat haiic to fay^thfallypBvrortntr their wtffe» t Ifcremj indkiftric/ioyail-wttlitheirloucs, '■ i^^- . Shallrayfemeetoacompetenteftatc, .j..*l>aai yuurnameniaUcuerbctomecafrieiid ^'> »rfe.t' !.<< y, > Xiwjf. In your good wi{hest7oarc<]4iitieiaeeaiB^y!t'' v/' /ti %W. AllFecs,youray,aTeip^yd^there>£kyourloae. ^A /^w. IthaJnkeyoufiTiWjdigUiidfotiiMcroIeaa. £;ate ' ■u f . ■^(--4 ^ft^. How Apparell makes atnanrefpe^d^ the very chili. -' drcn in the ftrcete do adore mee { for if a Boy that is throwing at his lacke-alent chaunce teLhttmec ob the /hinnes : Why I iay nothing h\n,Ti*^f(eq(te, fmiIc,aadforgiae the. Child witfe a bcckjf of m^ hand, or fome fuch like token: fo by that Bicades,! do ral^inegoe without brok«n.fltiiuieSi. ■ a'vH Snter Smut Hkc an Italian: .- » >;ih?l; .^sr-ii^t -'Sta. TheblefsJngsofyourMiftrcjftllvpon-yoifli? •:iij6fl^ Andmay thehcatandfpiritofHce4ip, ■ ;.-;««> EncUic her with matter abouehervnderlllandin^ Thatlhe may only Hue taadmircyoJB^oras the/jM^O^et^ dnb: I doe wonder what lamgtiagelNifpea^,, Doe you heareiByfnend,arcHotyou,aCoiiiurcr? Jt>t. I am rir.aperfe^rraueiler,thathaue trampled OUCK Theface ofthis viicueriT.and can fpeakeCri?i;%and £atj»fai pr omptly!,(^eBian;giuemeywir hands How doe yec : in good fayth I thidce lhauehc«d^>f yo* i'ta. Hq Hr jo dmettcc hcaid ofsice^.Iiatbss (^^ footing i* (jreenes T'u Quoque, Vpon the WharfFc,! came in withthfKrinhisfalute} ifM. Yeshr,foritisan/Mftworda$ wellasaXdt^fW, \ And infoldes a double fence : for one way fpoken, It includes a fine Gentleman like your fclfc i And another way , it imports an Afl'c,likc whom you will. Bub, I would my man larms were heerc, for hce vndcr- Hands thefe thinges betterthen I . You will not feruci Sta. Scrue,no fir.I haue talkt with the great Sophj. Tnb. I pary fir,\yhat$ the lo weft price of being ItaliMiatedi Sta. Sir,ifitpleafeYou,Iwillflandtoyourbounty: Ana marke me, I will fct your face like aGrandfigneors, .. And you fhall march a whole day,Tntill you comcopounftly . toyoorMiftirs^ And not difrancke one hayre of your phifnomle. 7<«^. IwouldyouwoulddocitStr, ifyouwillfland tomy jBoufity^ I willpay you,as I aaan Inttmta ^uoqut. Sta. Then fir, I will lirft disburthen you of y oat Ooake, You will bethcnimblertopraftifc: Now fir,obfenic mee, Got you dire Aly (o the Lady to whom you deuote your felfe. Bnk Yes fir. St4. You ftiall fet a good ftay 'd face vpon the matta then. Yeur Band is not to your Shirt,i) it^ Sitl>. Nofir.tisloofc, Sfa. Itis the fitter for ray purpofe. Iwillfirftrcniooiic your Hatte,itha»been the fafliion (as I haue heard) ill E»gl/md,to weare your Hatte thus in your cyej|. But itis groire,naught,inconuenient, and proclaymes with a loudc voy cc \ that hee that brought h rp firft,flood in feare of Sargiants . Your Itaiian it contrarie, hee doth aduance hi« Hattc,and fcts it thus. S»l>. Excellent well: I would you would fet on my head (o. Sta. Soft, I will firft rem ouc your Band.and fet it out of the reach of your eye; itniuft lie altogeather backward : So, yoNi £andis well. "Buy, Isitatyou wouldhaueitf - Sta, It is as I would wifh { oncly Gr, this T mud comtition you ofFjin your affront or falute, neuet to tnooue your Hatte: But heere, heere is your ctirtefie. Bub. Nay I warrant you.lctmeealonej iff perceiueathing •ncc,Ilecarricitiway :Nowprayfir,reacharyCloakc, ' Sta. NeucrwhiHlyouliuc, fir. Bub. No.what doe your /// Lj». What was hce that cheated you I ^, : I,. .? r ' £ul>. Marryfir,hewasaKnauethat.cheat4(p;^< . " SeM. .And I thinke he wa$«ioheneftinan,tnat^»|sdnce, X^0. JDocyoti know himagaiAeitf y oufe^ hiaar ' SttttrStojiHt. "Buh. YesIkaowhimagainCfiflfeel; But 1 doe not know how I ihould coaie4fi^||luitl. Qjamisjanus, doe you fee vs two. Sta. Ye$fir,vcry wrll. -JW^ Bpth. No, you doe not fce VI very well i Tor wehauebccniiorriblyabufcd : Neuer wcrc£«j/i(/2'>w ' ' •'• ' < ••^- r ,, .^ptfuft// Ic0nietocr4uea{)ard6n(ir,ci»fyot}|:,^. ' ' ', '; ■ ^ [,. And with heartieanrfs:«lousthank«i ' l!!'3f' ' Vntothis worthy Lady,ihat hath' gtucnince ' ' : V'''_^""^-"'i -' MorcthenlcrecouldhopeLfdrit&eroe. ■ '^'' ■''•;'■''''' r'^ L J W^i. Be thankful! yntoHcaucO,and'yourMi»iftirs:"'!'' . Nor let y our heartgirow bigger then yourPurfe,. '; But liue within a limit, Icaft yau burftout . [ ToRyot,andtoM"iferieaeainej • • < i.tu- .;.; , ;)(.;:.;■ Forthent'wouldloofeth^eriefitt'rhicantft*;"' ■ ■ '^ ''" Zjfff.. O you doeoracioufl/jtiigoodadmcc: !L4Ctittakero»tenrra,Letittakcroote.: '".'.'.'" Eut come fftddw come, and fee your Chambtrj' ' ''■*''. Nayyour.companictbd.forlmtift [peak* with jroU, Eiek,r J/»(f» Pray a word. ..,,., . . ...^.'.j .,.„., ', ., .,. .. . loj. WhatwbuldyoUjSir? Bh^. Pray let trie fpe ypur hand : the line of your May<({ea- ' head is out. Now for your Finger|, vpon which linger wiU youweareyoBrwc^diflgRinj}, .,,^^^,^^;,,: , ,,,,„„!:i ,. , [^ /07. VponnoFmgj^rv ,7 :.;.-.;, v p -t-^f? '1 Bui'. Then I perceiue you meane to wcareit on your tKumb. Wcll.thc time is come fwect/r^c^fthe tiiqcUcoinf. , ^ , ^ .^ ^ ^ /jy. Whatto doe,fir? V ■-^'v*, \ 5w^. For meetaKidcletKy 7j«f«w^vt^ lioti the a^ forefather!: therefore prcparie.prouide, .jV ^;Y •• ■- To Riorrpw morne to XBcetcmee as siyBrde, '. ' y '!E*iBf. /07. lie Bieete thee like a Ghoft firft. '(fooler Gart. How now,wbat matter haue you $4^,QUt pf th)»^ Ity. Matter aspoyfninga*Cocruptioii, , c.,.5VjivVk,-f.^ That will without fome Antidote flrik* hoiine Like blew InfcAion to the very h^rt, . , Rajb. A«how,forGodi&ke? :•,>.■• ..-.^ Ity. To Morrow is the ap|>pyo^dW/Ed(iib5d|»r*i,-' .V,i' gart. ThedayofjIf^cvifJ';'. ''.,^^' '',p". V. .'-^ •.^U--:"-!?!"" Ger. T'wooldbeadifBijalidayWce(it<» . ., "; r^ Let v» no longer wrangle with our Wittes, ^ ■/= ' -r. Or dally with our Fortunes I lead mee hence, .' , -,- And carry race into a yVilcl?r9efff..\ i •;.;;. .rf Ucfaft with you, rather then feaflLyyit^hiniit. , '''•^l^'-,^'ji^ Sta. What can,bc w^c^fliaicr v^to tbe(carmc^ -j „.;.r. , y Notmycftatcrecouerd,i»qiqrefweetc, . .:^"" /-; Nor flrikcs more ioy in mejc,(hcn docs yeuHouC, ' • .\' K4/7^. WillyQubpth|fi(Cfth9nvponthf,bai:ga»w^ ;,. ;, ' ; Hccf:^ two poujJcion.yow i G, trudge, tradge with your backes to meC} and your bellies to them : away; (Jer. NaylpretheebenotthDSvnfe^rpnablc: . Withouttheeweearcnothihe. ,' ;., R/i/h. By my troth, and I tnittkefbtoo; youloue oocano' tfaer in th(fc way of Matriiiioiue,docyou uot) (7*r. Whatclfemao? .,,.:..:,;:, 7^. What elfc man ? wTiy ti'i a queftion'to fee ajktj For I can aflfure you,thcre is an other kind of loue : But come follow mee,I mud be your good Angellflill : Ti^ in this braine how to prcuentmy Father,and his brace Of Beagles I ypu {hallnone;of you be l>id to night : Followt)utmy(lircAion,iftbringyounot, . T»hime^iful to hfld, fir ietter fir yverfi, let mebeheld in Eunuch in wit.and one that wai ncuer Father to a good FeaKl. g^irt. Wcc'iebeinftrHftedbjryou. . %i/b. Well.ifyoti bec,itvvil^beyoui[ own* another day. Come follow nee. ,..■..,. , » ■ . •.;-■''.-.•■■•-'■■ SfnidiiUmettetthem,mithej lotkffimgeff vpm him, tmd Exit. •S]r^. How nithlcfle mt9 are to aduerlitie, My acqi^intance fcarce will know mee, when wee meet They cannot Qay to talke. they miift begone; •. ^ Andikakemei^^ythehandasif Ibumttbem: /^ Amai|j^fltruftvnto)iimfelfe,Ifec} ^ ^ Forifheeonce buthaltinhisefiate, Friendfliip will prooue but broken Crutches to him : WeII,I will leane to none of them, but ftaad Free ofmy felfc : andif I hada fpirit Daringtoa^whatlamprot^pte^tp^i ^ -''{:^ Imuftthruftoufiototheworldagaine, i4z Wi '^^ — ^ /■■■■•. ..'s-iO Full bloffemd with a fweetcandgbldenSptitig:: Itwasan arguniiemofl«uei«IihU,,'^ '-'''''' • ff^Mim,Gjrtred,l0yce,Fhia(t, ' V mi Serttant. . ' ',"' "''.'■- " Lyo. HcereVill fodgingW^flWiw:butyeu,muftkn6#, ;;^ |.'9 Ifwec hid better, wee could afFoordityou. "^'i';i^ -Wii:/. ThcIodgin?Srr,mightferuc better Gueftw. Z70 , Notbettcr,ff^;i:i/ow,noryet wdcpminer : But wee will Icauc you toft, -and.the reft.' ')'■'-. PAxZ/Vj pray let your Miftriswantnot any thing, ' _ OncemoreGood night, lie Icaue a IcitTc with you^. As earneft of a better. Guift. to-morrow, Sij-rah.aLjght., wW. Good reft to all. - > --y "Bftl/, Etrft^fu^Hf, tot lOotU . .... J'r4^ Godgiucyougood-nightjfoffoothj- ■''^* And fend you an early refurreftion.. : i- > fyid. God-night to both. . _ ■' r/' Ljo. Come,coine away.cachBfi'd vnt^liii neft^ ; -''■"■ '- ' ■ To mono w night's a time bflittle reft; ■Si0:-^"^ Mitnetff^iddmmattdpUlUti : W^.'HecreTntic: foftjlctitaloAc, , ,, , .* : i I^aue no dipofition to ficcpe yets -, ' ■" " ■'^' '^^'"1 ^""^^ <.'■' - Gius Hiec aBooke, and Icaae mcefor a wMi«5'' • ^';'"J' "' '";":;:t-j Somchairchoure hence.lookeinto mcc. ' ' ' ''•--'•"- jpw/., 1 fliall fotCoQjU. SmrphiUir. - - ♦ . i I ^reenes I'u Quoque. Enter Spmiall. 9f^td. Hovrnow.whatmakcs this bold intrufionJ Spend. Pardon mecLady.Ihaucbufines to yoir. lyid. Bufinctjfrotn whom, is it of fucli importance That it craues prefcn t hearing} Spend. It docs. Wid. Thenfpcakcit.andbcbricfc. Spend. Nay gentle fr»o(if»',, be more pty ant to taCC. My fuite is foftand courtious : full of i«ue. md. ofiouc? spend Oflou«. Wid. Whyfurctheitianismaddc?bcthinkcthyfelfe, Thou haft forgot thy errand.' Spend. I hauc indccd,faire Lady 5 formy errancl Should Hrft haue been dcliuercd on your hppes. tVtd. Why thou impudent fcHo w,vnthrift of fiiame. As well as ofthypurfc; What hasmooud thee Toprofecutethy ruincShathmv bountic. For which thy Maifter was an orator. Importune thee to pay mee w ith abufcJ Sirraretire.orl will loyour/hdmc, With clamors ray fe the houfc,and raaicc tour Maiflcs For this attcmpt^rcturnc you to thcDungion, From whence you came. Spend Nay then I mtiftbe defperate: Widdew,ho\A your Clapdidi, faftcn your Tongue Vntoyour Roofc,and do not dare to call. But giue mee audience, with feare and fikncc : ComekiO'c mee : No; This Dagger has apoyiit.doeyoufccit; And be ynto my fuite obedient. Or you Iball fcelc i t too: For I will rather totter,hang in cleancLincen, • Thenliucto fcrubitoutinlowfieLynings. psetoojkiffc : Yau will? why fo sAgwc: the third tioK'? 'G6ad„ Gttod.tis « fufFicient Charme ; Now hcarc mcc, youarcrichinMony,Lsincls,andL6rdi(liips, - ,, MannorSjimd fayr« Poffcfstoni, and I haiic hot fo much As one poorc Coppy-hold to thruft ray hca Jin. Why flioitld you not then hauecompafsion vponarcafoniblebandfomefenow, "' *.' %* ^, .'^^ " Thathas both youth and liuelihoodvpon him; ' ■''''•■■ And can at midnight quiclcenand rcfrcfh PIcafurcs decaycdin you ? You want Children, ^ And Iaroftrong,luft)^andhaueabackc Like H-frp«/«, able to get them ^'"f:^^.-^, Without the helps of Mufcadinc and Eggj: "' ' ;«^¥-'' - And will you then, that haucinough, r'^./' Tatceio your Bed a bundle of difeafes, . ','" ^'^* Wrapt vp in thrccfcore yeares^td lie a hawkl^Jg, '''■.;j"^J^% J, Spitting.andcoflping backwards and forwards ' ^•'' , ,''_'' That youfhallnocfleepc) but thrufting forth V Your face out of the Bed, be glad to draw The Curtaines, fiich a (leame fhall rceke Out of this dunghill. Now what fay yon? i.(.;o-*. Shall we without further wrangling dap it vp, <;,•;;!- And goe to Bed togeather.' fFid. Will you hcare mcc! KH»ckevithm^ Spend. Yes with all my heart, , So thcfirftwordmay bee, VntrufleyourPoynts. ' ' " Zounds one knocks : donot rtirre 1 charge you, Norfpcake,bnt what I bid you r For by thefc Lippes, which now in loue I kifTe, Ifyou but ftfuggle.orbutrayfc your voyce,. My arme fhall rife with it, and ftrike you dead. , ^ i Go too, come on with mec,and askc who's there? md. ItiimyMayde. ^ Spend. Nomattcr,doca$'lbidyou:fa}',Who'$therc> md. Who's there.? mthinPhiJ/it. T is J, fotCooth. ' ' , .f/fw^/. Ifit be you, forf«oth,then pray flay. -*■_ ' a. Tilllffial'callvpbnyou. ' , «' ^ fVid. Ifitbffyou fbrfootlj;'tlitWprtfySu'ftijr/i ' Tilll^aJlcallrponypti; ;■'' ' ' - ■' ' '. Spend. Very well, why riowTfee Thou'lt prooue an obedient wife, coine; Xtt'i Vfldrcflc. Wid. Will you put vp your naked weapon fir ? Sfend. You flwllpardon &iefr^(Widdbw} I muft haueyou £rantfirft. "' ' - JTid. You will not put it Vp.' -J ; v ' Sfend. Not till I haue feme tolceri of your I6ae. W$d. If this may be a teftimonie tak? if* ' - Kijf* him. By all my hopes I loucihee, thou art worthy ' - Of the beft widdow liuing, thou tak'ft the coui'fe ; And thofe that will win widdowes muQ dor thus. Sfen. Nay,I kncW what rdid,whenl camel with nly naked weapon in my hand; but comcivrilace. ■ '^ Wid, Nay my dcare joue, know that I will not yeeld "?■' , MybodyvntoluftivntiltthePrieft , ' Shall ioync vs in flyiwfwf Tacred nuptiall riteis. Sfend. Then fctyouf hand io*th.isViJay 'tis a contraA •' Strong and fufllcich£ ," and willliokle in liaMr c, ' Heere, hcere's pen and incke^ you fcc'l c6meprouidcd. iri•■ •• • r. , Tome,and tomybedde? ..; .7! •"•:>! Sfend. Astruetothcc, as Steele to Adamant, -^yz'-''-;'^ ■ '-'iir I. Bind 1' ji-. QreenesTu Quo^ucS. "Bindehimttthepoaff*, 'T ff^id. riebindeyoutoyourword,recthatyoubc. Orl'lecoticcalctnybagges, I hauekinsfolkes, Towhoirt ricmak'toucr.youYhall notkaueapenny. Spfndi Pufli, pre thee doe not doubc me^ How now, what rae^ncs this? Wk/. It meam R^ rengeanceY nay fir, you arc faft^ Nor doe not darelo ftruggle, I baue libcrtic. Both of my tongiic and feet, I'lc call my maid : *Phillti come in, and hclpe to triumph,. ^HttrPhiUu* OuCfthJs bolde Intruderj Vvondcrnotwcrcb, But goe vnto him,|and ranfacke ail his pockets. And take from thence a Contrad: which he focc'd, Prom my vnwilljng fingers.- Spend. Isthisaccordingto your oath.. ! '2'hiUu Comefir,Imullfcarchyou, "^ 5/»«»,And'T'htllu. fliould comcvponhimwjth Interrogatories : zownds wee are difcouercd, boy, comcvpclofe, andyfcthc.propertyofyour Lanthornc : yvhatdumbcfliewfhouldtbis be? ' fys, geral. They take their way diicilly, intend nothing gainft Sta. Canyounotdirccrqew.hoiheyiarc? . lojce, Oae is SpeMclalL ^vay with the flcfiiasthouarc, goeyoakc together, younnay beozcnoncdty, and draw all together ma plough, go march ■ :':' " '" ■;".:"'■ togctbecr '1 . t f- , I.- together ^ the Parfon flaicsforyou, pay him royally, come, fiue methe Lanthorhe , for you haue light fuffident.for night asputotfhisblackcCappc, andfalutesxhemorne, npwfare- , well my little children otCufid, that walke by two and two as if you went a fcafting : let race hcarcTio more wordsi but be ■ - gone.' . ,- -■ ., - \ ■ ■ ', Spead. (^ Sta. Farevyell, g^rt.&Iayce Farewell brother.' MtmetRafli. R«lb. i,you may criefarcwcUjbut if iny father fiiouldknowv ofray viUanie, bow ftiould Ifare then? but alW one, I h^^ohe nay fiftcrs good,my friends good, andmy felfc good, anda ge^ ncrall good is alwaies to be refpciled before a parti cular,thcr's cigl)t fcorc potinds a ycarc fatted, by the eonueyance ot this widdovy; Ihearcfootcfteps , now darkcncfft take mcintoriiy^ armcs, aiiddcliuerraefronvdifcoucry. Exit. ' '^ M*iterfirLyiiHfii. • X/oW/ Lord, lord, what a carcleffc world f« this, neylher Bride nor Bridegroome ready,time.to g6cto,Clmrch,andn6t a nian vnroofted, this age has not jTeene a yoqng Gallant rife with a candle, wc liue drowned in feath'er-bcds, and dreameof no other fcUcitic : this was not th^ life when J was a yoho^mani what makes:YS,fo weakc as weeare rtpw ? a feather-bed fwhac fo vnapt for cxercif« ? a feathsr-bed : what brcedes' fueli paincs and aches in out bones ? why a feather-bed or »wf nch , or at leaflawenchinafeirhcr-bed : isitnotafhamc, tfetanolde man as I,am /houldbe vp firft , and in a wedding day, I chinke ■ in my confcience there's more mettallin laddes°6f three fcdrc ' Sr? '"VV^ of aoe arid twenty. Enter B^( hih. ' ^5Slu>_ ScAtt. DidI eateany LetXeto fuppcrlattntght, thatlam fo flecpic, I thirkc itbedajllighc, brother !B«^^/f,i- "But^. WhatfaJ'ftthoubrother? heigh ho I Z7<7». Fie, fie, not ready yet? what fluggiftincfle Hath Tejz'd vpoi» you ? why thine eyes are clofe ftilj. "Buh. AsfaftasaKentiflioyftcr, furely I was begotfen in » Plumb-tree, I ha fuch a deale of gu mm e about mine eies. Enter Seruatit, Lyon. Lord how you ftand 1 I am afliam'd to fee The Sunne ftiould be a wimcflc of yourflouth. Now fir, your hofte. Boik.- Marry fir, there are guefis commingtoaccempany you to church. Ly. Why this is excellent, men whom it not«>ncerr« Are more rcfppf^'uethen wethataremaineAdtors. Bnlf. Father RaP>, be not fo outrageous, we will goe in and buckle our fclucs , all in good time, how now ! what's this a- boutmyfliinncs? Enter oldGeraldnt, and Long-fitieU Scart. Mc thought out (hankcs were not fcllowc$,we haue mctamorphofcd our Hockings for want offplcndor. Exit, Bnb, Pray whai's that •V^/w - TU.i-iii The time comet on vponvs.arid we runncbackcward:^' '^ We arc fo vntoward in our bufines. We thinkc not what we haue to doe,nor what we doe. PhilU Iknow not fir whether they know what to doe , but lamfure they haue beene at Church well-nie an hourc, they v»ere afraid you had got the ftart of them, which made them alike fuch haftc. _^ Lj»H. I'M pofrible,whatthinkcyou Gentlemen?'' -■ Are not thcfcwcnchci forward.' iaherc not vertue in a man ^ can make yong Virgins Icaue their beddes fo foonc* But is the widdow gone along with thomf^ Phtll. Yes fir, why flie was the ring-leader. Lyv. I thought as much,for flic knowes what bclong'sto't. Come Gentlemen, me thinkes 'tis fport to fee /, Yong wenches rumo church before their husband^: E»m Ra^4 Fiith we (hall make them blufh tor this eie night : A fiira, are you come / why that's well faid j Imarl'dindtedc that ail things were foquicr. Which made me thinkc ih'ad not vnwrapt thcii flieets; Eeter Serttant rfiib »ctot>kf. And then were they at Church I holdc my life; Maides thinkc it long vntill ech be ma ?• a wife. Enter Sf,:mi StJ.GtrMtm.fyKidtvi (^iirtred,4»idUjef> Haft rhod my cloakc knauc/ well faid,put it on, Wee'l after them; let me one hrflcn both, Boththi-. Bridegroomcs fotword, wee'l walkealittle Softly, on afore : but fee, fee, i', they be not come To fetchvj now, we come, wc come, Pidthf-mreturne, and fauethemlclue* this labour. iL»/6. Now hauc la quarcanc ague yponmc. ,_ '34- -_'• Z'^rm- i'^l^^f^fi,! ■ tjdnelt. Why how now! whjrcome you fronvJQbWi}^ ip kneclcthospubUkely, what's thctnattcr?< ' , " ;-: ""vi- .'v ' * <7«r. Wckneele fir for your blcfling,' " ' , ^ LjoH. HpWjmyblcffinglMaftertjjMAAw/if^otthatypur ^fon^c?^ ; -^ ■ ■ ■;■.' ■-'^ -■.';- rs^ ' "^ ^ Oldger. Ycsfir.andthatltakekisyotii'aauehVer.^^v^' i Lyan. I fufpc6l krtauery, what arc you? . ;':.j^!vT Why doc you knccle hand in hand with her ? ^ Sta. For a fatherly bleffing too fir. Zyw. Hoy day! 'tis palpable, lam gBird, aiiij my fonne ^ ^M;<;«r-j;9o<^aHd!3«^i^/;roo!'d, youarcmamedy. V-'^'-' r " ^jptfW. Yes fir, W€ are married. - .' ^ . i^/M. Morevillanic! eucrythlnggocsthe WrongwaVr iS^rwrf. " We fliall goe the right way anotte, I hppc. Z7»». YcJ marry fhallyoii, you fliallcenc to the CoMHttr againe, and thart the right way for you. ; ffid. O you arc wrong, - ■ ' Thcpiifonthatfliallholdhimarethefearmcs. , ' Xpw. Idocfcarcthatlflialhurn'eftinckard, Idofmellfuch A matter: you aremarried then ? .. :-: ' * Etiter SMtier-gqgdMiiw*^^lf' 5p«» LjM, You two come noi* to goeto church to be married. And they two come from Church,and are married. BMb* Havt, married ! I. would feethat man dutfl maatj lier« Ger. Why fir, what would you dpe^ Bull. ^Vhy fir I would forbid the banes* Sean. And fo would I. ' , Xyw.Doeyou know that youth 1b Sattin,hee'ithipeiiB«r that bclonet to that Inck-borne. . ^*^. How, lest me fee, are not you my man ^rtiM/if im^/S^»/Yesfn. En$ir*Sergtmt, Bub. Andhaueyoumarried^er? : rUvr-^ ^t, Yesfir. . ^»^' AnddoeyouthinkeyouhaueyfdemeweU? J/ff.(*tJ^ S*et. Yes fir, ' ^ Ai*. O intcfllcrable rafeall 1 1 will prefemly be made a fti- J . • **»«°[P"«,andhauetheewhJpp'd, goefttchaConftable. ' \^/J^i^, M. Come y'arc a flour JfliingAffrj Sergeant take him to j *"««» tie has had a long time of bh pageantry. F Z/w. Sirra let him goe,rie be his baile.forall debts whicL come agcinft him. , . **. . Which I fhalleuer pay in my obedience: Knowthatwhichmadchrirgraciouiinyoureyes, ' AndgmldcdoucrhisimperfcaioDs ' ' - WT^,^'*'^'''''<^™^"«°fhcatedifibIues; : Ahdghdcstomanyrium.fohis wcahh ■ mtfcltaprodigallband.hoteinexpenk Rahnel.keayiolemftreametoethcrmcfls, • Whatvvasmyownclcatch'dar. ^r '^ f''**' ^^2ueyouyoiirmorPagcin'' ■ " - -^^-^-arr^lS^eitS::;^^^ ^ . I'le iki^Jt ' /. (Jreeui Th Sjfo-. J'jj ;i«t h.)U(* t.Se'cricne Ijeon n^ji.Head^ To iHuiJe iTisn.JnH wife. - , ..-j ■■ .; ' ■ .,-] , liyott, VViiyyourjyvytlljmybl^fl^rtgfalljrppa^y^y^ PC^il. All' vpon vsthnfk)U,e(lri[,_^»«/'//, • Z,)!!?*?. By myri-o:hfiiiccthciubafit^nethcy.ono knau^ God giiic thee ibynfhiin, and may neprqyc A wllermaiithnihiiMafter. ., i, , Sta. Sergf/ant, why doft not carry Ijimtp-prifoft? Sera. Sn LyorutlRafhvtWWiiWcVim. Lyon. Ibatlehimknaue.' wherefore fliouldlbailc him? No.carry bim away, I'le rclieuenp,prodigalls, "Buh. Good fir £,^o«//, I bcfeech you (irtGcnUcincnJprar' niakea piirfeforme. Serir. Come fir, comc, are you begging f £»o. Why that docs you no h»rinc Gtirn*fet tnafter I (liould Tay ; fome compaflioB. Su. Sergeants , come Wackc>vtth lunt, lookeiir, hecMit your liuery, Ifyou can put off allyour former pride, And put on tbt< with that humilitie That you firft worrir, I will pay your dcbti-^ Prceyouofallincombrancei, '_ And take you againe into my feruice. Bub. Tenter-hooke let meegoe, I will take hi «7wj«ejj»,. ■^ ' FINIS. J