COINCLL^NWCIilW CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 086 712 969 Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Use of the National Forests. Frontispiece. Issued June 14, 1907. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE GIFFORD PINCHOT. Forester THE USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS 1907 5I> AST CONTENTS. Page. To the public 5 Why National Forests were first made 7 How they are made 8 What they mean 9 To the home seeker 10 To the prospector and miner 10 To the user of timber 11 To the user of the range 12 To the user of water 13 To the other users 13 To the taxpayer 14 The whole result 15 What they are for 15 In general 15 Use 15 Production 16 Homes 16 To protect and grow wood for use 17 To keep the water flow steady 20 To keep the range in good condition 21 To use well all the land 23 Playgrounds 24 Game 24 How to use them 25 Management by the people 25 Where the business is done 26 Payments 26 Complaint and appeal 27 Land for a home 27 Prospecting and mining 27 3 4 CONTENTS. How to use them — Continued. Page. The use of land 28 Timber and wood 28 Free use 28 Purchase 29 The use of the range 29 Fire 31 Improvement work 32 Forest oflScers 32 Men wanted 33 Appendix 35 ILLUSTRATIONS. A National Forest which regulates water flow, holds the soil, and furnishes timber and wood for mining. . Frontispiece. Pi,ATE I. A Forest Fire. The destruction of national wealth. Millions of dollars' worth of timber going up in smoke on unprotected public domain 8 II. Wise Use. The land logged with care and pro- tected from fire. The timber and wood keep coming 12 III. Destructive Use. The land skinned, burned over, and left a barren waste 18 IV. Cattle in a National Forest. The range is pro- tected and wisely used 22 V. Sheep in a National Forest. All the range is put to its best use 28 VI. Forest Ranger roping his saddle horse 32 TO THE PUBUC. Many people do not know what National Forests are. Others may have heard much about them, but have no idea of their true purpose and use. A little misunder- standing may cause a great deal of dissatisfaction. The National Forests very closely concern all the people of the West and, indeed, of the whole country. They affect, directly or indirectly, many great business inter- ests. It is the object of this publication to explain just what they mean, what they are for, and how to use them. 5 THE USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. WHY NATIONAL FORESTS WERE FIRST MADE. In 1 89 1 Congress authorized the President to establish forest reserves (now called National Forests), and Pres- ident Harrison created the first one — the Yellowstone — that same year. Congress took this action because the forests of the great mountain ranges in the West were being destroyed very rapidly by fire and reckless cutting. It was real- ized that Unless something were done to protect them, the timber resources of the country and the many industries dependent upon the forest would be badly crippled. So the law aimed to save the timber for the use of the peo- ple, and to hold the mountain forests as great sponges to give out steady flows of water for use in the fertile valleys below. At the start there was much opposition to the Forests. Often this opposition was just; for although Congress had set apart the lands and their resources it had made no provision for their use or their protection . The timber was simply locked up and left to burn. This mistake was remedied in 1897, when a law was passed which made it possible to use all the resources and give them suitable protection. 7 8 USE OK THE NATIONAL FORESTS. HOW THEY ARE MADE. At first a great many of the National Forests were made without knowing exactly where the boundary lines should run. This was unfortunate; because some agri- cultural lands which should have been excluded were taken in, and a good deal of timber land which should have been included was left out. This could have been avoided by making examinations on the ground, but there was no money for the work, and so the boundaries had to be drawn very roughly. Since 1900, however, men and money have been avail- able for field examinations, and rough and inaccurate work has been done away with entirely. The old and carelessly made National Forests have been surveyed and mapped, and the President has put back into the public domain those lands which should not have been included. Now, before new Forests or additions to old ones- are made, all the lands are examined on the ground. The greatest care is used in this work. Every section of land is examined, mapped, and described, and the boundaries are drawn to exclude, as far as possible, everything which does not properly belong in a National Forest. Two very detailed maps are made. One shows just what is growing on the land, the other shows who owns or claims the land. Every bit of cultivated land is located and mapped, as well as the land which is suited to cultivation but which is not cultivated at present. Men trained under western conditions are em- ployed in the work. They report very thoroughly about all matters, such as the importance of the forest to regu- late the water flow, its present and future value in sup- Use of the National Forests. Plate I. WHAT THEY MEAN. 9 plying the local demand for timber, and how the creation of a National Forest would affect all the local industries of the region; especially, how it would affect the home builder. Before any new National Forest is made it is known just why it should be made, just what effect it will have, and just where it should be located. There are now about 145,000,000 acres of National Forests in the United States and about 5,000,000 acres more in Alaska and Porto Rico. The list in the Ap- pendix shows where they are located and what they are called. WHAT THEY MEAN. One of the unfortunate things in many 01 the discus- sions about National Forests is that the facts concerning them are sometimes mistaken or misrepresented. This is because their real working is not understood. For example, a common argument used by those who oppose them is that when a National Forest is made all the resources of the region are at once locked up, industry checked, settlement prohibited, and future growth made impossible or very difficult. Since a National Forest really does none of these things, but works just the other way, it is well to have a thorough understanding of what the acttial effect is. Before a National Forest is made we have a forest- covered area of public mountain land upon which the various land laws apply. These open lands may be taken up and patented under the timber and stone act, under all the mineral laws, and possibly some of them under the homestead law, if they are suitable for culti- TO USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. vation. Under whatever law it is taken up, the land and all its resources pass out of the hands of the people forever. Consider now what happens when this open public domain is declared a National Forest. TO THE HOME SEEKER. Wkat happens to the home seeker? When a National Forest is created the home maker is not interfered with in the least. In the first place, before the Forest is created, agricultural lands are carefully excluded from the bound- aries. It often happens, however, that there are little patches of agricultural land so located within the bounda- ries that it is impossible to cut them out. Such lands are open to settlement. Congress has extended the homestead law, slightly modified, to the National For- ests. The home seeker can travel all through a Forest, pick out the agricultural land he wants for a home, apply for it, have it listed, settle upon it when listed, enter it, build his home, cultivate his fields, patent it, and spend the rest of his days there. The only thing he must be careful about is to obey the law and take the land for a home, and not for other purposes. A National Forest, then, does not in the least shut out real settlement. It encourages it. The more set- tlers, the more men on hand to fight fires, the better protection the Forest will get, and the better and fuller will be the use of all its resources. TO THE PROSPECTOR AND MINER. What happens to prospecting and mining? They go on just as if there were no National Forest there. The prospector is absolutely free to travel about and explore WHAT THEY MEAN. II just as much as he pleases and wherever he pleases, without asking anybody's permission. When he strikes mineral he can stake out, locate, record, and develop just as many claims as he thinks are worth while, pre- cisely as he would on the public domain. If he wants to get patent to any of them, he can do so. The only thing he must be careful about is to obey the law and not take up claims merely for the timber on them or to get possession of the land for purposes not connected with mining. Claims can be developed and turned into paying mines just as anywhere else. A National Forest does not affect this work in the least, except that it keeps timber in the country for the use of the mines when they need it and as long as they need it. Prospecting and mining are absolutely .unchecked. The resources of the National Forests must be used and the country opened up. Therefore the more mining and prospecting, the better. TO THE USER OF TIMBER. What happens to the timber and wood? The timber and stone act does not apply in a National Forest. The title to lands valuable chiefly for timber can not pass from the Government. But are the timber and wood locked up? Very far from it. The timber is there to be used, now and in the future. It is given away, for domestic use, to the man with a home and to the prospector developing his claim. They get it for the asking, free of charge. When wanted for commercial purposes, timber is sold to the small man and to the big man — sold promptly and at a reasonable cost. The small man can buy a few thousand feet; the 12 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. big man can buy many million feet, provided it is a good thing for all the people to let him purchase a large amount, but not otherwise. The local demand is always considered first. There is no chance for monopoly, because the Secretary of Agriculture must by law sell as much or as little as he thinks best, to whom and at whatever price he thinks will best serve the interests of all the people. Thus the timber is there, first of all, to be used. The more it is used, the better. Far from being locked up, it is, on the contrary, opened up, and opened up on fair terms to all alike. When it is on the open public domain it is often very hard and sometimes impossible for the small man to get it and hold it, because he is shoved aside by the big timber corporations with which he can not compete. On National Forests the Government holds the timber with a special view to its use by the small user. At the present time nine-tenths of the tim- ber sales on National Forests are for amounts less than $500. In 1906 75,000,000 board feet were given away and 700,000,000 board feet were sold. TO THE USER OF THE RANGE. What happens to the range ? Most of the timber land in the West is good range for live stock. This range has to be included in the National Forests, because it goes with the timber and can not be separated from it. Is it shut out from use? Quite the contrary. It is grazed by cattle, sheep, and horses just as it always has been. It is one of the resources and is there to be used. At present it is used by about i , 500,000 cattle and horses Use of the National Forests. Plate II. WHAT THEY MEAN. 1 3 and 6,000,000 sheep. The Government protects it from being burned up or from being overcrowded and over- grazed, prevents disputes between the owners of stock, and sees that each owner gets the use of that range to which he has the best right. The small man with a home in or near a National Forest always gets the first chance. TO THE USER OF WATER. What happens to the water f Nothing, except that the flow is steadier. The creation of a National Forest has no effect whatever on the laws which govern the appro- priation of water. This is a matter governed entirely by State and Territorial laws. TO THE OTHER USERS. How can the land itself be used? The land itself can be used for all purposes. The main thing is that the land, as well as what grows upon it, must be used for the purpose for which it is most valuable On it may be built stores, hotels, residences, power plants, mills, and many other things. All these are advantages to National Forests, because they help to get the fullest use out of the land and its resources. Railroads, wagon roads, trails, canals, flumes, reservoirs, and telephone and power lines may be constructed whenever and wherever they are needed, as long as they do no unnec- essary damage to the Forest. Improvements of this kind help to open up the country, and that is what is wanted. 14 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. TO THE TAXPAYER. What happens to county taxes? People who are unfa- miliar with the laws about National P'orests often argue that they work hardships on the counties in which they lie by withdrawing a great deal of land from taxation. They say that if the lands were left open to pass into private hands there would be much more taxable prop- erty for the support of school and road districts. The National Government of course pays no taxes. But it does something better. It pays those counties in which the Forests are located lo per cent of all the receipts from the sale of timber, use of the range, and various other uses, and it does this every year. It is a sure and steady income, because the resources of National Forests are used in such a way that they keep coming without a break. Congress saw that the money returns would soon be large, and it provided that the amount paid should not exceed 40 per cent of the counties' tax re- ceipts from other sources. Taxes from private timber lands, on the other hand, are ordinarily only temporary returns, because after the lands are logged they are usually left to bum up and become vacant and barren, quite valueless for purposes of taxation. Thus a county which is partly covered by a National Forest is better off than one which is not. In 1906 the National Forests paid the county school and road funds over $75,000. This amount will be almost doubled this year. WHAT THEY ARE FOR. 15 THE WHOLE RESULT. Taking it altogether, then, it will be seen that a National Forest does not act like a wall built around the public domain, which locks up its lands and resources and stops settlement and industry. What it really does is to take the public domain, with all its resources and most of its laws, and make sure that the best possible use is made of every bit of it. And more than this, it makes these vast mountain regions a great deal more valuable, and keeps them a great deal more valuable, simply by using them in a careful way, with a little thought about the future. WHAT THEY ARE FOR. IN GENERAL. Use. — National Forests are for use bj' all the people. Their resources are now used in such a common-sense way that instead of being used up they keep coming. They are for present use, for use a few years ahead, and for use a long time ahead. It is easy to draw a picture of the West, say twenty-five or fifty years from now. The picture will show a great increase in population, in the cities and in the country; it will show innumerable homes, now almost uuthought of; it will show a wonder- ful growth in agriculture and the cultivation of vast areas now unproductive; it will show great strides in manufacturing and in all kinds of industry. This means an enormous increase in the demand upon its natural resources. Without enough wood, water, and forage it would be a very poor kind of a country. If these great resources should become scarce or hard to get, future growth and prosperity would be severely handicapped. l6 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. National Forests keep these resources coming in abund- ance by using them wisely at present. Production. — The permanent wealth of a country comes from the soil. To insure permanent wealth the soil must be kept productive. Agricultural lands are managed so as to produce the most valuable crops, year after year, without a break. Forest lands also should be managed so as to produce the most valuable crops of timber and wood, year after year, without interruption. Without a plentiful, cheap, and continuous supply of wood, agriculture and all its dependent industries must suffer. And in regions of little rainfall, without a plen- tiful and steady flow of water for irrigation, agriculture is either impossible or unprofitable. National Forests from their own soil produce always the greatest possible amounts and the most valuable kinds of timber, wood, and forage; and the Forests themselves make the soil of the surrounding country produce the largest and most useful agricultural crops by supplying it with a steady flow of water for irrigation and by furnishing its settlers with an abundance of tim- ber, and wood, and forage, for home and local business use. Homes. — Homes are of vital importance to the West, and to the whole country. A land without homes is not worth living in. What the West needs is people who come to stay. The man who skins the land and moves on does the country more harm than good. He may enrich himself and a few others for a very brief time, but he kills the land. He cares nothing for this, because he does not stay in the country, but moves on to new WHAT THEY ARE FOR 17 fields and repeats the skinning process. It is he who is the greatest enemy of the home builder. National Forests are made, first of all, for the lasting benefit of the real home builder. They make it impos- sible for the land to be skinned. They benefit the man with a home and the man who seeks to build one by insuring protection and wise use of the timber and grass and by conserving the water. In considering what Na- tional Forests are for and how they affect the resources of the western mountains, the fact should never be lost sight of that they are for the home builder first, and that their resources are protected and used for his special welfare before everything else. TO PROTECT AND GROW WOOD FOR USE. The National Forests occupy high mountain lands, rough and rocky, and which will always be of value chiefly for the production of timber and wood. The first thing that is made sure is that the timber is not burnt up; the next, that it is used, though not used up. Before there were any National Forests enormous quan- tities of the people's timber on the public domain every year went up in smoke. Forests which covered districts as large as the State of Rhode Island were completely wiped out in the course of a few days. It meant losses to the people of millions and millions of dollars. Fire destroys quickly; trees grow slowly. It often takes a hundred years to make good the damage done by a single day's fire. In National Forests there is a force of men on the ground whose business it is to look out for fire. They 33484—07 2 1 8 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. have been remarkably successful in keeping it down. Since the fire patrol was started less than one-third of I per cent of the total area of the Forests has been burned over, and the money loss has been insignificant. This is a wonderful improvement over the old conditions on the open public domain, where fires were incessant and enormously destructive. Hundreds of millions of feet of timber are sold from the National Forests each year. That is why the Forest is protected. The timber is for use. The cuttings do not damage the Forest, because the lumbering operations are so carefully done that the stand is left in first-class condition for a second crop, and after that a third crop and any number of future ciops. Fire is kept out of the cut-over lands to give the young growth a fair chance. By wise use the timber crop is made perpetual, and its quality is improved by encouraging a new and better growth of the most useful kinds of trees. The actual results on private lands where the owners do not care what happens after they have skinned them, are quite different. These lands are usually cut over with the sole object of getting everything possible out of them at one stroke. They are stripped of timber, while the slashings which are left on the ground make good fire traps. Very soon the whole area bums over and the ground becomes a nonproductive waste. A glance from a car window in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Minnesota shows the now absolutely ruined lands which but a short time ago produced magnificent stands of white pine. Think of the great wealth which the people of these States might have made permanent, simply by using the Forests wisely. Use of the National Forests Plate III. WHAT THEY ARE FOR. ig Then, again, wood is so very essential in everyday life that it seems unwise to let it be monopolized by indi- viduals or corporations. Actual results show that when public timber lands pass out of the Government's hands they eventually, and often very quickly, fall into the hands of big concerns, which rarely show the slightest tendency to handle them for the greatest good of the people in the long run. On a National Forest the present and future local demand is always considered first. The Government tries to see that there shall always be enough timber and wood on hand for use by the home builder, the prospector, the miner, the small mill man, the stockman, and all kinds of local industries. If local needs promise to consume it all, nothing is allowed to be shipped out of the country. If it were in the hands of individual or corporate owners, it would very likely be shipped out, regardless of local needs. It would seek the best market. If it were sold locally, the users would have to pay whatever price the owner might demand, and this price might be very unfair. This is especially important to the mining industry. All mining operations require a great deal of timber. It must be accessible, of suitable quality, fairly cheap, and always on hand. When timber for mines has to be shipped in from a distance at great expense it often makes the operations so costly as to be unprofitable. If the local supply is burned up, the mines suffer. In min- ing districts one of the chief objects of National Forests is to protect the timber and keep it on hand ready for use in the mines at all times. 20 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. TO KEEP THE WATER FLOW STEADY. It should be clearly understood that in regions of heavy rainfall — for example, on the Pacific slopes in Washington, Oregon, northern California, and Alaska — National Forests are not made for the purpose of regu- lating the water flow for irrigation. In these localities there is plenty of water to spare. The Forests here are created and maintained to protect the timber and keep it in the people's hands for their own present and future use and to prevent the water from running off suddenly in destructive floods. In other parts of the West, however, in all the great arid regions of the Rockies and the eastern Pacific slopes, one of the most vital reasons for making and maintain- ing the National Forests is to save every drop of water and to make it do the most effective work. No one has yet proved that forests increase the rain- fall to any great extent. What they do, and this no one of experience disputes, is to nurse and conserve the rain and snow after they have fallen. Water runs down a barren, hard surface with a rush, all at once. It runs down a spongy, soft surface much more slowly, little by little. A very large part of the rain and snow of the arid regions falls upon the great mountain ranges. If these were bare of soil and vegetation, the waters would rush down to the valleys below in floods. But the for- est cover — the trees, brush, grass, weeds, and vegetable litter — acts like a big sponge. It soaks up the v/ater, checks it from rushing down all at once, and brings about an even flow during the whole season. In irrigation it is very important to have an even flow throughout the growing season, especially toward the WHAT THKY ARE FOR. 21 end. That is where the trouble usually comes. As a rule the rancher has more water than he can use at the beginning of the season and not enough at the end. The flood waters in the spring can not be used ; they run off and go to waste. In order to save these flood waters the Government is now constructing many great reservoirs and canals throughout the West, at enormous cost. These reservoirs store up the flood waters and hold them for use when most needed. That is precisely what the forests of the mountains do, although, of course, in a different way. The forest cover is also very important in preventing erosion and the washing down of silt. If the slopes were bare and the soil unprotected, the waters would carry down with them great quantities of soil, gradually filling up the reservoirs and canals and causing immense damage to the great irrigation systems. The Govern- ment engineers who are building these reservoirs and canals say that their work will be unsuccessful unless the drainage basins at the headwaters of the streams are protected by National Forests. The home builder, more than anybody else, is vitally interested in a steady flow of water for irrigation. Often his existence depends upon it. TO KEEP THE RANGE IN GOOD CONDITION. The use of the range by live stock enters unavoidably into the management of National Forests. All through the western mountains the range goes with the timber; it can not be separated from it. It is a great resource, and of course ought to be used. The way in which it is used has a great deal to do with the growth of young 22 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. timber and the flow of water. If it is not wasted or used up, but wisely used, it neither harms the forest growth nor has a bad effect on the water flow. If it is over- grazed or destroyed, the young tree growth is stamped down or eaten off, and the soil is left bare and unpro- tected, to be washed down the slopes into the canals and reservoirs below. In the use of the range National Forests work first to protect the settler and home builder. They make sure, before everything else, that he has what range he needs for his own stock. Before the Forests were made the settler was at the mercy of the big stockman, who often drove his herds in from a distance and completely grazed off the settler's range right at his own door. This can not happen in a National Forest, because the man with a home is sure of the range near by for his own use, and the big men from a distance are kept away from him. In allotting the range the small local owners are con- sidered first; then the larger local owners who have regu- larly used it; then the owners who live at a distance, but who have been regular occupants; and lastly, if there is any room left after these have been provided for, the owners of transient stock. Special effort is being made to keep down wild animals which damage stock, and the Forest oflScers, when re- quested, help to enforce the State and Territorial live- stock laws. A small fee is charged for grazing on the National Forests, because when any man gets for his own special use any property maintained for the use of the whole people, he ought to pay for it. Most people are quite willing to pay the cost of restoring the range and keep- Use of the National Fores's. Plate IV. WHAT THEY ARE FOR. 33 ing it in good condition, especially when such control does away with the old conflicts of all kinds and assures each man of getting his rights. The men who use the range are not the kind who think they ought to get some- thing for nothing. National Forests, then, are not made for the special purpose of controlling the live-stock business; they are concerned with it incidentally, and help to regulate the use of the range because the people want it regulated. TO USE WELL ALL THE LAND. There are many other incidental uses which National Forests help to bring about and greatly assist. Of course the land itself should be put to the best use. As already mentioned, it is used as sites for all kinds of commercial enterprises, and is open to improvements such as the construction of railroads, wagon roads, trails, canals, reservoirs, and telephone and power lines. All kinds of development work are benefited by National Forests, because they make sure, so far as can be, that tim- ber and wood are kept on hand ready for use instead of being burned up or shipped out of the country, and that the flow of water is kept even and steady for power and other purposes. The conservation (which means simply the wise use) of all the various resources of the Forests, especially of the water, means a great gain in dollars and cents to many commercial enterprises, the water-power companies in particular. The protection of the forest at the heads of streams means a prosper- ous life to such companies, for it assures them a steady and clear flow of water. The destruction or misuse of the Forest means failure, for it carries with it flood, silt, 24 USE OF THE NATIONAI. FORESTS. and drought. Here, again, it is considered that valuable rights which belong to all the people and are protected at Government expense should not be given away free of charge when they are sought for commercial use. It would seem doubly unwise to do this when the corpora- tions which are benefited show a tendency to form great monopolies. So a reasonable charge is made for the value received. The charge is not made for the water, but for the conservation of the water. Playgrounds. — Quite incidentally, also, the National Forests serve a good purpose as great playgrounds for the people. They are used more or less every year by campers, hunters, fishermen, and thousands of pleasure seekers from the near-by towns. They are great recrea- tion grounds for a very large part of the people of the West, and their value in this respect is well worth considering. Game. — The Forest officers are often appointed as State and Territorial game wardens, to protect the game under State and Territorial laws. As a consequence game is usually more abundant and better looked after within the National Forests than outside of them. Although the services of Forest officers in this respect are wholly incidental to their other work, because they are acting for the States and Territories and not as Federal officials, much good has been accomplished, and the ai;rangement has met with general approval. The people want the game preserved. In many cases it means a good money return to the locality concerned. HOW TO USE THEM. 25 HOW TO USE THEM. MANAGEMENT BY THE PEOPLE. National Forests are made for and owned by the people. They should also be managed by the people. They are made, not to give the officers in charge of them a chance to work out theories, but to give the people who use them, and those who are affected by their use, a chance to work out their own best profit. This means that if National Forests are going to accom- plish anything worth while the people must know all about them and must take a very active part in their management. The officers are paid by the people to act as their agents and to see that all the resources of the Forests are used in the best interest of everyone con- cerned. What the people as a whole want will be done. To do it it is necessary that the people carefully consider and plainly state just what they want and then take a very active part in seeing that they get it. There are many great interests on the National For- ests which sometimes conflict a little. They must all be made to fit into one another so that the machine runs smoothly as a whole. It is often necessary for one man to give way a little here, another a little there. But by giving way a little at present they both profit by it a great deal in the end. There must be hearty coopera- tion from everyone. ; National Forests are new in the United States, and the management of their vast re- sources is a very difficult task. Mistakes are bound to be made at first, and have been made. It is the users themselves who can be of chief assistance in doing away with bad methods. 26 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. National Forests exist to-day because the people want them. To make them accomplish the most good the people themselves must make clear how they want them run. WHERE THE BUSINESS IS DONE. The business of the National Forests is done on the ground. The local officers, the Supervisors and Rangers, attend to most of it. Some few of the more important matters go to Washington for final action, but every- thing must pass through the Supervisor's hands. He and the Rangers actually conduct the business, and users of the Forests should always deal with them directly, and should correspond with the Washington office only in cases of appeal or complaint. The Supervisor has direct charge of all the business. His office is located at some town convenient to the users. The Rangers are his field force. They live at central points throughout the Forests and carry out the business on the ground. PAYMENTS. Make payments to no one but the Fiscal Agent, Forest Service, Washington, D. C, who is bonded for that pur- pose. Do not remit to the local officers. They can not receive payments in any form. All payments to the Fiscal Agent must be by postal money order, express money order, or national-bank draft on New York . Cash, stamps, or other forms of payment can not be accepted. HOW TO USE THEM. 27 COMPLAINT AND APPEAL. Make complaints to the local officers first. If they can not settle the matter satisfactorily, write to The Forester, Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Address to him also all other correspondence which must go to Washington. LAND FOR A HOME. First, select land that is really agricultural in char- acter, then write to the Forester and ask to have the land examined and listed under the act of June 11, 1906. Be careful to describe it accurately by section, township, and range, if it is surveyed; if it is not surveyed, describe it by natural objects, such as streams, etc. It is very important to locate it just as definitely as possible. After this consult the Supervisor or nearest Ranger about how to proceed. If the applicant appears to have the best right to the land, he can get a permit from the Super- visor to occupy and cultivate it until it is opened to entry. Do not squat or settle upon the land before it is exam- ined and listed for entry. The law does not allow it. Do not apply to have valuable timber lands Usted. The law refers only to lands chiefly valuable for cultivation. Lands of chief value for the timber upon them will not be listed. (See the agricultural settlement act of June 11, 1906, on page 35 of the Appendix. ) PROSPECTING AND MINING. Proceed just as on the open public domain. National Forests do not interfere with these matters at all. Tim- ber and wood on a patented claim may of course be cut 28 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. and disposed of in any way desired. On a valid unpat- ented claim, timber and wood may be cut and used for purposes connected with the actual development of the claim, free of charge and without permit. Care should be taken, however, about the following points: Do not cut timber or wood from an unpatented claim for purposes of sale or for purposes not connected with its actual development consistent with its character. Do not use the land of an unpatented claim for improve- ment or construction work which does not tend to the actual development of the claim consistent with its character until you have secured a permit from the Supervisor. THE USE OF LAND. To get the use of land as sites for stores, hotels, resi- dences, and other similar purposes, or for the construc- tion of wagon roads, trails, tramroads, canals, reservoirs, telephone and power lines, etc., consult the Supervisor or the nearest Ranger. The Supervisor gprants permits for most of these special uses. You need not fear ^elay. Do not use any National Forest land for the above or other purposes without first getting a permit (except on a valid claim for its actual development). TIMBER AND WOOD. Free use. — To get the free use of timber and wood ask the nearest Ranger for a permit. It is given away free to settlers, farmers, prospectors, and others for domestic use, and to school and road districts. It is not given away free for any kind of commercial use. Do not cut or remove the timber or wood until a permit Use of the National Forests. Plate V. HOW TO USE THEM. 29 is obtained. In great emergencies, when you can not reach a Forest officer and when serious loss would result by waiting for one, take what is actually needed with as little damage as possible, and report to the Ranger after- wards. Purchase. — If not over $50 worth of material is wanted, consult the nearest Ranger, who will draw up the agree- ment, arrange the terms of payment, designate the tim- ber to be cut, and allow its removal as soon as payment has been made. If over $50 worth of material is wanted, arrange the sale with the Supervisor. Consult the nearest Ranger about it and do the business through him whenever it is most convenient to do so; but Rangers can not make sales of over $50 in value; the Supervisor makes them. Most Supervisors can sell up to $500 worth of material without asking advice from "Washington. Some of them can make larger sales. Under any circumstances the papers must always pass through the Supervisor's hands. He is the man to deal with. The purchaser should first locate the timber he wants to buy. After it has been cruised the Supervisor will agree with the purchaser upon the terms of sale. Cutting may begin as soon as the timber is marked for removal and payment has been made as called for. Do not begin to cut or remove timber on any sale until permission to do so has been granted by a Forest officer. THE USE OP THE RANGE. To secure a permit to graze live stock on a National Forest, apply to the Supervisor. The nearest Ranger wiU furnish an application blank. The Supervisor 30 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. grants the permit. Every year, before the grazing season opens, notice is given of the date on which all applications must be in. Be sure to send your applica- tion in on time. The Supervisor or Rangers will furnish all necessary information about the fees and other details of the business. No stock can be grazed without a permit, except the few head in actual use by campers, prospectors, and travelers; ten head of milch cows or work animals owned by settlers living in or near a Forest, and a reasonable number of saddle, pack, and work animals used for caring for stock grazed under permit. The Government limits the total number of stock to be grazed on each National Forest. The Supervisor allots the range among the various applicants, giving a preference to the small near-by owner and the men who have always used the range. To drive stock across a Forest it is necessary to get a permit from the nearest Ranger or the Supervisor, except along a public road. A permit is also necessary to drive stock across a Forest to reach private lands within it, if the stock grazes along on the way. Get a permit from the Supervisor before constructing drift and pasture fences and corrals. Remember that most of the range in the West has been overgrazed and that in National Forests it is being brought back into good condition. This means that the Supervisor is often unable to grant applicants the priv- ilege of grazing the full number of stock applied for. It should be borne in mind, too, that all the applicants are cut down proportionately, the big men the most. If FIRE. 31 an applicant has a grievance which he can not settle with the Supervisor, he may appeal directly to the Forester. On new National Forests existing conditions will not be changed suddenly. Owners of stock will be given ample notice if it is necessary to make a cut, so that they may adjust themselves to the new conditions without financial loss. Do not graze any stock on a National Forest without a permit (except as noted above) or drive stock across National Forest lands without a permit or construct fences without a permit. The law forbids it. And to guard the best interests of all the people the law will be vigorously enforced. FIRE. The people have helped the Forest ofiicers immensely in preventing and fighting fire. There are not half enough Rangers to suitably protect the Forests. The only way to keep fire down is for everyone to take a hand at it. I,ook out for small fires; they start big ones. See that camp fires are completely out before leaving them. Never burn brush or dangerous slash- ings in dry or windy weather. The time to fight fire is right at the start. When it once has a good headway it is often impossible to control it. As soon as fire is dis- covered put it out if you can, and in any case notify the nearest Forest officer at once and give him all the assist- ance possible. Both State and Federal fire laws apply in National Forests. Persons who start fires intentionally or through carelessness will be most diligently followed up, arrested, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The pen- alties are severe. 32 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. IMPROVEMENT WORK. Nothing will do more toward giving the National Forests the best kind of protection against fire, and nothing will help more to open up their resources for everybody's use than the construction of a great many well-built trails, roads, bridges, and telephone lines. Easy and quick communication to all parts of a Forest must be had if fire is to be kept down. The settlers, prospectors, miners, lumbermen, and Stockmen profit directly from all work of this kind and can be of great assistance in pushing it through. FOREST OFFICERS. Most of the Forest officers in the National Forests are Supervisors, Rangers, or Guards. The Supervisor has direct charge of a National Forest. He runs all the business upon it and is responsible for the work and the efficiency of the force under him. From training and experience he must be thoroughly familiar with western conditions. To do the work he must be sound in body, fit to endure a hard and rough outdoor life. He must be able to handle men well and deal wisely with all kinds-of people. The business re- quires him to have a good working knowledge of timber ;ind lumbering, the live-stock industry, the land laws, and ordinary office work. His position is a very respon- sible one, for he manages a public estate worth many millions of dollars. At present Supervisors are paid from $1,500 to $3,000 a year, and are reimbursed for actual living expenses when on field duty away from their headquarters. Use of the National Forests. Plate VI. MEN WANTED. 33 The Rangers are the men who carry out the work on the ground. They are directly under the Supervisor. They must thoroughly know the country, its conditions, and its people. They live in the Forests, often in locali- ties far from settlement and sources of supply. The Ranger must be able to take care of himself and his hor£2G under very trying conditions; build trails and cabins; ride all day and all night; pack, shoot, and fight fire without losing his head. He must know a good deal about the timber of the country and how to estimate it; he must be familiar with lumbering and the sawmill business, the handling of live stock, mining, and the land laws. All this requires a very vigorous constitu- tion. It means the hardest kind of physical work from beginning to end. It is not a job for those seeking health or light outdoor work. Rangers are now paid from $900 to $1,500 a year. They have to furnish and feed their own horses. The Government builds them cabins to live in and fences pastures to keep their stock in. The duties of Guards are similar to those of Rangers, but they are usually temporary men on duty during the summer only, to assist in fire patrol and construction work. They are paid at the rate of from $720 to $900 a j'ear. MEN WANTED. The National Forests need more men. While the present salaries are too low in many cases, they are con- stantly being increased as funds are available. For those who like a hard active life in the open the work is ideal. 33484—07 3 34 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. The kind of men wanted are those who will do the work because they like it and will stick to it with the inten- tion of working up in the Service. The chances to go ahead are excellent. Supervisors and Rangers are appointed only after civil- service examinations. They must be residents of the State or Territory in which the National Forest is situ- ated and between the ages of 2 1 and 40. The examina- tions are usuall}' held once a year. They are very practical examinations. The life a man has led, what is his actual training and experience in rough outdoor work in the West, counts for more than anything else, lyumbermen, stockmen, cowboys, miners, and the like are the kind wanted. Forest Guards are appointed from those who have passed the ranger examination. Information about the examinations can be obtained only from the Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. Approved: James Wilson, Secretary. Washington, D. C, May 2, ipoy. APPENDIX. AGRICULTURAL SETTLEMENT. Act of June ii, 1906. The Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, and he is hereby authorized, upon application or other- m^^U^°^todIaSI ^^^' ^° ^^^^^^^ ^nd ascertain as to the loca- for setUement. " ^ion and extent of lands within permanent or temporary forest reserves, except the follow- ing counties in the State of California: Inyo, Tulare, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Ber- nardino, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego, which are chiefly valuable for agriculture, and which, in his opinion, may be occu- pied for agricultural purposes without injury to the forest reserves, and which are not needed for public purposes, and may list and describe the same by metes and bounds, or Hetes and bounds. otherwise, and file the lists and descriptions with the Secretary of the Interior, with the request that the said lands be opened to entry in accordance with the provisions of the homestead laws and this act. Upon the filing of any such list or description the Secretary of the Interior shall declare the said lands open Secretary of the Interior tg homestead settlement and entry in tracts not seamen?. '"' *" " exceeding one hundred and sixty acres in area and not exceeding one mile in length at the expiration of sixty days from the filing of the list in the land office of the district within which the lands are located, during which period the said list or description shall be promi- Advertisement. nently posted in the land office and advertised for a period of not less than four weeks in one newspaper of general circulation published in (he county in which the lands are situated : Provided, That any set- Prcfraenceririrfsofset- tier actually occupying and in good faith claim- tlemen an entry. .^^ such lands for agricultural purposes prior to January first, nineteen hundred and six, and who shall not have abandoned the same, and the person, if qualified to make a homestead entry, upon whose application the land proposed to be entered was examined and listed, shall, each in the order named, have a preference right of settlement and entry; Provided further, 35 36 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. That any entryman desiring to obtain patent to any lands de- scribed by metes and bounds entered by him boaSr^* '^ ""''^ *°'^ under the provisions of this act shall, within five years of the date of making settlement, file, with the required proof of residence and cultivation, a plat and field notes of the lands entered, made by or under the direc- tion of the United States surveyor-general, showing accurately the boundaries of such lands, which shall be distinctly marked by monuments on the ground, and by posting Posting notices. a copy of such plat, together with a notice of the time and place of offering proof, in a con- spicuous place on the land embraced in such plat during the period prescribed by law for the publication of his notice of inten- tion to offer proof, and that a copy of such plat and field notes shall also be kept posted in the office of the register of the land office for the land district in which such lands are situated for a like period; and further, that any agricultural lands within forest reserves may, at the discretion of the Secre- bySs'Znd'boMdr'^ t^-'y- ^^ surveyed by metes and bounds, and that no lands entered under the provisions of this act shall be patented under the commuta- commuted. "*'' °°' ** ^^°° Provisions of the homestead laws, but settlers, upon final proof, shall have credit for the period of their actual residence upon the lands covered by their entries. Sec. 2. That settlers upon lands chiefly valuable for agriculture within forest reserves on January first, nineteen Additional homestead hundred and six, who have already exercised tifrs' ^orto'^lnuaiy"/," ""^ ^°^*^ ^^^" homestead privilege, but are other- J906. ' wise competent to enter lands under the home- stead laws, are hereby granted an additional homestead right of entry for the purposes of this act only, and such settlers must otherwise comply with the provisions of the homestead law, and in addition thereto must pay two dollars and fifty cents per acre for lands entered under the provisions of this section, such payment to be made at the time cf making final proof on such lands. Sec. 3. That all entries under this act in the Black Hills Forest Reserve shall be subject to the quartz or lode lawr"*^ *"'' '°^' '"'°'°*^ mining laws of the United States, and the laws and regulations permitting the location, appro- priation and use of the waters within the said forest reserves for mining, irrigation, and other purposes; and no titles acquired to agricultural land in said Black Hills Forest Reserve under this actshall vest in the patentee any riparian rights 'ehts'"'""" °° **'*' to any stream or streams of flowing water within said reserve; and that such limitation of title shall be expressed in the patents for the lands covered by such entries. APPENDIX. 37 Sec. 4. That no homestead settlements or entries shall be allowed J D . i° ^^^^ portion of the Black Hills Forest Re- loil^SS "c^te""*^" '^erve in Lawrence and Pennington counties, in South Dakota, except to persons occupying Actual settlers prior to lands therein prior to January first, nineteen «pte57 '' ' "" hundred and six, and the provisions of this act shall apply to the said counties in said re- serve only so far as is necessary to give and perfect title of such settlers or occupants to lands chiefly valuable for agriculture therein occupied or claimed by them prior to the said date, and all homestead entries under this act in said counties in said re- serve shall be described by metes and bounds survey. Sec. 5. That nothing herein contained shall be held to author- ize any future settlement on any lands within in^fteiSis'!^"" °'*°" ^°'^^^^ reserves until such lands have been opened to settlement as provided in this act, or to in any way impair the legal rights of any bona fide home- stead settler who has or shall establish residence upon public lands prior to their inclusion within a forest reserve. LOCATION, DATE OF LATEST PROCLAMATION, AND AREA OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS IN THE UNITED STATES, ALASKA, AND PORTO RICO. APRIL 1, 1907. State or Terri- tory. Forest. Date of latest proclamation. Area. Total. Nov. 5, 1906 June 30, 1906 Nov. 5, 1906 Aug. 8, 1906 Nov. 6, 1906 July 22, 1902* Mar. 20, 1905 Oct. 21, 1899 Apr. 12, 1902 July 2, 1902 Apr. TI, 1902 Oct. 3, 1905 Nov. 7, 1906 Oct. 15, 1906 May 6, 1905 June 2, 1905 Nov. 29, 1904 June 25, 1906 July 18,1906 Mar. 27, 190.5 Feb. 25, 1893* Dec. 20, 1892* Feb. 14, 1907 June 25, 1906 Oct. 3, 1906 Sept. 24, 1906 July 25, iqost Sept. 7, 1906 Feb. 6, 1907 Sept. 17, 1906 Jan. 30, 1899 Apr. 26, 1905 Nov. 29, 1904 Acres. 126, 720 2, 030, 240 287, 520 2, 257, 920 314.125 140, 860 45.760 423,680 1.975.310 155, 520 387, 300 1, 115, 200 203.550 Grand Canyon i Arizona Mount Graham Pinal Mountains San Francisco Moun- tains. Santa Catalina Tonto Diamond Mountain . . Klamath 9, 463. 725 641. 137 1.896,313 288] 21S 335. 195 14, 108 579. 520 737.120 555, 395 1. 751, 439 363, 350 1,982, 100 1. 523, 770 5,049.934 I, 296, 800 8S3, 405 1,394.772 109, 920 1, 24.-1, 042 306, 518 lyassen Peak Modoc San Bernardino California San Jacinto San I,uis Obispo Santa Barbara Sierra Tahoe 2 Trabuco Canyon Warner Mountains . . 21,849,171 ' Game preserve created in the Grand Canyon National Forest by procla- mation November 28, 1906. sTotal of Talioe in California and Nevada =1,453,887 acres. *Minor modification by Executive order since date listed. t Minor modification by act of Congress since date listed. 38 APPENDIX. 39 Locatio7i^ date of latest proclamation ^ and area of the National Forestsin the United States , Alaska^ and Porto Rico — Cont'd. state or Terri- torv. Idaho . Battlement Mesa . Cochetopah Friiita Gunnison Holy Cross La Sal » Las Animas 2 Leadville Medicine Bow 3 . . . Montezuma Ouray Park Range Pikes Peak San Isabel San Juan Uncompahgre . . . . Wet Mountains . . . IWhite River Bear River 4 Big Holes Bitter Root 6 Cabinet? Caribou 8 Cassia Coeur d'Alene.. Henrys Lake. . Kootenai 9 Lemhi Palouse Payette Port Neuf Pocatello Priest River lo, . Raft River II... Salmon River . . Sawtooth Weiser Yellowstone 12 . Garden City July 25,1905 Date of latest proclamation. June 5, June 13, Feb. 24, May 12, Mar. I, Jan. 25, Mar. I, May 12, Mar. 2, Mar. 2, Feb. 2, Mar, I, May 12, June 12, Mar. 2, Mar. I, June 12, May 21, 1905 1905 1906 1905 1907 1906 1907 1905 1907 1907 1907 1907 1905 1905 1907 1907 1905 1904 May Mar. May Mar. Jan. June Nov. May Nov. Nov. Mar. June Mar. Sept. Mar. Nov. Nov. Nov. Mar. Mar. 28, 1906 1,1907 22, 1905 2, 1907 15, ^907 12, 1905 6. 1906 23, 1905 ■ 5. 1906 5.1906 2. 1907 3i 1905 2 , 1907 5i 1903 2, 1907 5, i9°6 5, igo6 6. 1906 2. 1907 2, 1907 A cres. 797. 720 ^.133.330 7,680 901, 270 1,061,280 29, 502 196, 140 1, 219, 947 1.346,155 1,612, 146 273. 175 1,133.686 1,681,667 321, 227 2, 203, 918 619, 428 239,621 970, 880 415. 360 304, IdO 3, 860, 960 494i 560 733,000 326, 160 2, 331, 2§0 798, 720 165, 242 1,344,800 194, 404 I, 460,960 99i5o8 49. 920 815, TOO 293, 044 1,879,680 3, 340, 160 1, 126,429 303,000 97, 280 15. 7481 772 20, 336, 427 97, 280 I Total of La Sal in Colorado and Utah =158,462 acres. 2Total of Las Animas in Colorado and New Mexico =196,620 acres. 3Total of Medicine Bow in Colorado and Wyoming =1,929.519 acres. 4 Total of Bear River in Idaho and Utah=683,28o acres. 5 Total of Big Hole in Idaho and Montana=i,9i7,ioo acres. 6 Total of Bitter Root in Idaho and MoHtana=4,552,88o acres. 7 Total of Cabinet in Idaho and Montana= 2,060,960 acres. 8 Total of Caribou in Idaho and Wyoming^ 740, 740 acres. 9Total of Kootenai in Idaho and Montana=i,052,6o2 acres. 10 Total of Priest River in Idaho and Washington=i,22i,62o acres. " Total of Raft River in Idaho and Utah=4io,247 acres. 12 Total of Yellowstone in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming=8,3i7,88o acres. 40 USE OF THE NATIONAL EORESTS. Location^ date of latest proclamation^ and area of the National Forests in the United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico — Cont'd. state or Terri- tory. Nebraska . New Mexico . Date of latest proclatnation. fBigBelt Big Hole 1 Bitter Root= Cabinet 3 Crazy Mountains . . . Elkhorn Kkalaka Gallatin Helena Hell Gate Highwood Mountain; Kootenai 4 Lewis and Clark Little Belt Lolo Long Pine Little Rockies Madison Missoula Otter Pryor Mountains .... Snowy Mountains. . . Yellowstone 5 I Dismal River., Niobrara North Platte. [Charleston Independence Ruby MouTitains . Tahoe 6 [Toiyabe Big Burros Gallinas Gila Jemez Lincoln Las Animas?.. Magdalena Manzano Mount Taylor. Pecos River . . . Peloncillo San Mateo Taos Mar. Mar. May Mar. Aug. May Nov. Mar. Apr, Sept. Dec. Nov. Mar. Feb. Nov. Sept. Mar. Oct. Nov. Mar. Nov. Nov. Mar. I, 1907 I, 1907 22, 1905 2,1907 ID, 1906 12. 1905 5,1906 7,1906 12, igo6 14,1906 12, 1903 5.1906 2. 1907 15, 1907 6. 1906 24. 1906 2. 1907 3. 1905 6. 1906 2. 1907 6. 1906 5.1906 2. 1907 Apr. 16, 1902 Apr. 16, 1902 Mar. ID, 1906 Nov. 5, 1906 Nov. 5, 1906 May 3, 1906 Sept. 17, 1906 Mar. 1, 1907 Feb. 6, Nov. 5, July 21, Nov. 7, June 25, Mar. I, Nov. 5, Nov. 6, Oct. 5, May 27, Nov. 5, Nov. 5, Nov. 7, 1907 igo6 1905 1906 1906 1907 1906 1906 1906 1898* 1906 1906 igo6 A cres. 64 r, 460 1,612, 960 691,920 I, 566, 400 234,760 186, 240 33.808 888, 660 782, 160 I, 582, 400 45,080 887,360 5, 541. 180 I, 053, 160 I, 211,680 ui,445 31, 000 958, 800 194. 430 590, 720 204, 320 126, 080 1, 352, 240 85.123 123,779 347,170 149. 165 135.019 423,660 59. "5 625, 040 155. 340 38, 212 2, 823, 900 1,460,245 545.256 480 146. 240 459, 726 110.525 430, 880 178.977 424, 663 233, 200 20, 528, 263 556, 072 1. 391. 999 7, 007, 644 1 Total of Big Hole in Idaho and Montana=i,9i7,ioo acres. 2 Total of Bitter Root in Idaho and Montana =4,552,880 acres. 3 Total of Cabinet in Idaho and Montana=2,o6o,96o acres. 4 Total of Kootenai in Idaho and Montana=i,052,6o2 acres. 5 Total of Yellowstone in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming=3,3i7,88o acres. 6Total of Tahoe in Nevada and California=r,453,887 acres. 7 Total of Las Animas in New Mexico and Coloi-ado= 196,6:10 acres, * Minor modification by Executive order since date listed. APPENDIX. 41 Location, date of latest proclamation, and area of the National Forests in the UnitedStates, Alaska, and Porto Rico — Cont'd. State or Terri- tory. Forest. Date of latest proclamation. Area. TotaL Wichita i May 29, 1906 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 June 17, 1892 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 Sept. 17, 1906 Aug. 21, 1906 July 18, T906 Mar. 1,1907 Mar. 1, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. I, 1907 *Sept. 19, iSgSt Mar. 5, 1904 July 22, 1905 Mar. 5, 1904 Oct. 24, 1903 May 28, 1906 Jan. 24, 1906 Sept. 25, 1905 May 19, 1906 Jan. 22,1906 Feb. 6, 1907 May 7, 1904 Jan. 25, 1906 Jan. 18,1906 Feb. 6, 1907 July 21,1905 Nov. 5, 1906 May 26, 1904 Jan. 17, 1906 Oct. 6, 1906 Apr. 24, 1906 Aug. 16, J 906 Mar. 1, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. 2, 1907 Mar. 1,1907 Acres. 60, 800 60,800 172, 800 3, 603, 920 142, oSo 5, 886, 840 148.317 1,235,720 630, 000 292, 176 I, 750, 240 1, 132, 582 175. 518 798, 400 494. 942 Blue Mountains Cascade Oregon Heppner Imuaha Tillamook ... Wenahaa fBlackHills3 16, 463, 535 1, 163, 160 23, 360 19, 040 58, 160 ICave Hills Slim Buttes' 1,263,720 639, 000 267, 920 261,593 465, 920 399, 600 2S8, 800 173.896 68, 960 128,960 777, 920 214. 270 167, 280 117,203 95.440 710,920 2,187,550 68, 800 85.440 Beaver Dixie Fish Lake Glenwood La Sals Manti Salt Lake Sevier Uinta? Wasatch 7. 119.472 869, 520 ^,594,560 406, 520 2,565,760 6,310,740 318, 400 Washington Olympic Priest River 8 Washington Wenaha^ . . 12,065,500 I Game preserve created in the Wichita National Forest by proclamation June 2, 1905. aTotal of Wenaha in Oregon and Washineton = 813,342 acres. sTotal of Black Hills in South Dakota and Wyoming = 1,209,600 acres. 4 Total of Bear River in Utah and Idaho = 683,280 acres. 5 Total of La Sal in Utah and Colorado = 158,462 acres. 6 Total of Raft River in Utah and Idaho =410,247 acres. 7TotaI of Uinta in Utah and Wyoming= 2,192,146 acres. STotal of Priest River in Washington and Idaho = 1,221,620 acres, t Minor modification by act of Congress since date listed. 33484—07 4 42 USE OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS. Location, date of latest proclamation, and area of the National Forests in the United States, Alaska, and Porto Rtco—Cont' 6.. state or Terri- tory. Date of latest proclamation. Wyoming . Bear I/>dge Big Horn Black Hills I .... Caribou ^ Crow Creek Medicine Bow 3 . Sierra Madre — Uinta 4 Yellowstone 5 , .. Mar. Dec. *Sept. Jan. Oct. Mar. Nov. Oct. Mar. 1,1907 23, 1904 19, iSpSf 15, 1907^ 10, igoo* 2, 1907 5. """o6 6. 1906 2. 1907 Acres. 136, 784 1, 151,680 46, 440 7.740 56, 320 583. 364 370,911 4.596 6, 662, 640 9,020,475 Total of 150 National Forests in the United States Alaska . Porto Rico {Afognak Alexander Archipel- ago. I^uquillo Dec. 24, 1S92 Aug. 20, 1902 Jan. 17.1903 Grand total of 153 National Forests. 403, 640 4, 506, 240 65. 950 142,972,855 4,909,880 65. 950 147, 948, 685 1 Total of Black Hills in Wyoming and South Dakota = 1,209,600 acres. 2 Total of Caribou in Wyoming and Idaho = 740,740 acres. sTotal of Medicine Bow in Wyoming and Colorado = 1,929,519 acres. 4 Total of Uinta in Wyoming and Utah = 2,192,146 acres. 5 Total of Yellowstone in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho = 8,317,880 acres. * Minor modification by Executive order since date listed. t Minor modification by act of Congress since date listed. o